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  1. Tranquilos, no voy a abandonar la otra historia, sino que el cuerpo me pedía una historia así para ayer xb. Está historia no va a tener encuesta aunque se agradece si dejan comentarios. Espero que les guste porque yo estaba urgente de una historia de cambio de rol más aya de músculos que si habrá (;3) solo esperen. Seguiré con esta historia cuando acabé [El resurgir de una leyenda] con poco tiempo de espera entre cada nuevo capítulo, espero ver bastantes comentarios de como se desarrollará está historia. Capitulo 1: una nueva vida Un 7 de noviembre del 2022, la pandemia se está controlando y ya muchos no se preocupan del virus, los negocios van abriendo y lss compañías vuelven a necesitar contratar mano de obra. Una de esas compañías era Dyhigh-tech una empresa que se dedica al desarrollo, diseño y construcción de nuevas tegnologias; ahí trabaja uno de nuestros protagonistas, Luis Javier García, o solo Javier para abreviar. Él era un hombre de finanzas, siempre sentado en el computador registrando las ganancias y perdida de la empresa, a dónde se dirige el dinero y así, pero no era de importancia ahora y menos en un puesto tan abajo en gestionar los sueldos de los empleados del almacén, la vida de Javier era aburrida y en decadencia, sus años de gloria como deportista acabaron cuando la futura esposa y madre de su hijo toca su puerta con un test de embarazo a sus 17 años de ambos, desde ahí hasta sus ya 35 años su vida se está yendo al desagüe, su hijo adolecente no le respeta y siempre se reviere a su padre como cerdo fracasado, aunque su esposa Nancy siempre está corrigiendo a su hijo Gabriel, ella no podía justificarlo mucho pues era verdad que a Javier lo podías disfrazar de cerdo y le quedaría el papel, siendo un hombre de pocos modales, peludo, algo descuidado y sobretodo con sobrepeso que mantenía comiendo como un cerdo. A Javier no le preocupaba mucho su futuro, estaba cómodo en un empleo que no requiere tanto esfuerzo y tener una esposa que se a conservado muy bien le sube un poco el ego, pero eso cambio con la pandemia y ahora descubrió lo alejado que estaba de si familia y que ya no se entendían como antes, antes de terminar el 2021 su esposa Nancy le dió el m documento y le pido directo sin dudar que quiere el divorcio, él extendió todo lo posible pero tenía un ultimátum para antes de la primavera del 2022. Para el colmo la compañía dónde trabaja aún siguen recortando personal y él está casi en la mira así que tiene que salir de su zona de confort y empezar a trabajar de más. Lo de su hijo ya era un caso perdido, casi que él prefería pasar el tiempo con el padre de su mejor amigo que con él. Pero las cosas iban a cambiar con la llegada de un pariente que busca una oportunidad en la ciudad, su sobrino Alexander hijo de su hermana mayor, venía a la ciudad a buscar empleo, Alexander no pudo estudiar en la universidad por falta de dinero aunque sabía que podría sacarle provecho, no aplicó para una beca por su historial académico y de mala conducta, si el chico era alguien intenso que no querías molestar, podrá parecer un alto flacucho pero sabía dar una buena pelea sin importar que le superes por varios centímetros y peso, él era rápido y no dudaba en lo que hacía. Pero ya esos tiempos de institutos quedaron atrás y el joven está dispuesto a conseguir empleo, su madre convenció a su tío Javier para que le consiga algún trabajo y también hospitalidad en la gran ciudad, Alexander no estaba cómodo con la idea, no por su tío sino por su primo Gabriel que desde niños el pequeño Gabriel era el más fastidioso e inquieto de la familia. Alexander llegó un 10 de enero a la casa de Javier quien ya lo esperaba con una habitación de huéspedes lista para él aunque demasiado cerca de la habitación de Gabriel, para suerte de Alexander el pequeño Gabriel ya se había calmado un poco y tenía videojuegos para entretenerse el mismo. Nuestro Alexander aceptó la oferta de empleo que pudo darle su tío Javier, no es que fuera realmente algo que le daría una independencia económica pero gracias al alojamiento puede ahorrar para algo más y mientras gana experiencias buscar un mejor empleo, ¿Que cuál fue el empleo? Boguedista de la misma compañía de Javier, así también se ahorra el viaje. Paso una semana y se podría decir que Alexander se está empezando a adaptar a su nueva vida en la ciudad, el trabajo era pesado si pero le daba el tiempo para al menos también intentar hacer vida, conocer sus alrededores, no era mala la experiencia fuera del trabajo y la casa de Javier, la cosa cambia dentro. Pasando una semana con la familia de su tío es imposible no enterarse de los problemas más evidentes, trató de no involucrar se pero el viaje al trabajo casi atrapado en el tráfico, dos hombres en un auto y claramente la incomodidad del silencio, era preferible hablar de algo aunque sea de los problemas en casa y del fútbol que la verdad ninguno de los dos veía pero nunca se lo dijeron al otro. Parecía que iba a ser otro viernes más en la vida de ambos pero estaban completamente equivocados, hoy tocaba unas horas extra, ambos claramente no estaban felices con ello pero ¿qué podían hacer realmente? Alexander estaba moviendo equipo de la bodega a uno de los laboratorios de las plantas bajas, algo ya parte de la rutina de mover aparatos y cosas que no entendía bien del todo, la cosa es que tuvo un pequeño descuido con una caja la cual se cayó de sus manos en un tropiezo y las piezas salieron volando por todas las direcciones, una de esas piezas llegó a impactar contra una máquina extraña la cual ahora estaba dañada por una pieza que llegó a atravesar el tablero de control de alguna manera. El joven pudo limpiar el desastre pero no sabía que hacer con esa máquina, algo apanicado por pensar que iba a perder su empleo y tener que volver al pequeño pueblo con su madre, una idea se pasó por su mente, Javier, él posiblemente sabrá que hacer tenía la esperanza que así fuera. Javier llegó con Alexander y vió claramente cuál era el problema desde que entró al laboratorio, estuvieron discutiendo que hacer unos minutos hasta que simplemente llegaron a la conclusión de que al menos no dejen ese fierro clavado ahí y que ya alguien más se de cuenta del daño. Los dos empezaron a hacer fuerza para sacar la pieza de metal que estaba más atascada ee lo que pensaban, fue en un descuido que activaron la máquina y no solo eso sino que estaban en la mira del rayo que salió antes de que lograrán quitar la pieza. Ellos solo vieron casi que un flash de luz azul que los cegó momentáneamente, la cosa es que no sabían es que esa máquina no era una cámara muy costosa, sino un cambiador de mentes y que sin querer ellos dos cambiaron de cuerpo. Alexander fue el primero en despertarse, se sentía pesado, cansado y curiosamente con hambre, estaba algo sudado y sus pies lo estaban matando, él pudo reconocer a alguien más en el suelo, fue rápido pero un escalofrío recorrió su cuerpo cuando se dió cuenta de qué era su cuerpo ahí tirado, levanto lentamente sus manos las cuales ya no eran esas manos que vieron varias peleas y con unas pocas venas marcadas, ahora eran manos grandes y gruesas pero más que nada gordas y con mucho vello que recorría desde laano hasta casi sus hombros. Corrió a un tanque metálico que funcionaba como espejo y ahí se vio mejor, tenía el pelo negro, una barba descuidada pero abundante, un casi inexistente cuello, hombros flácidos y brazos regordetes, pechos de hombre un poco colgantes, una gran barriga semi cervecera, una cadera y piernas demasiado anchas que no cabría bien en un asiento, además de llevar unos zapatos que se sentían 2 tallas más pequeños de lo que deberían, era su Tío Javier, mejor dicho él tenía el cuerpo de su tío Javier. El siguiente en despertarse fue el mismo Javier quién se extraño de verse a si mismo de espaldas, hizo caso lo mismo, miro sus manos flacas de dedos largos, venas marcadas y parecia que tenía los nudillos endurecidos, se levantó y fue al lado de su cuerpo y se vio a si mismo también, un joven alto para su anterior estatura de 1.75 m ahora tiene 1.85 m, era flaco pero no sé sentía para nada débil, su pelo ahora era castaño y no tenía mi un pelo más aya de su cabeza, podía ver si piel un poco más bronceada por dónde se asomaban de la ropa ajustada que hacía notar un poco su pecho y su cintura pequeña, unas piernas largas que terminaban en tenis sin plataforma algo grandes pero de la talla adecuada. — ¿Que fue lo que pasó? ¿Por qué estoy en tu cuerpo? — Dijo Javier a Alexander que aún estaba aturdido e incrédulo por lo que veía. — No… no lo sé. ¿Que vamos hacer ahora? ¡¿Que le diremos a tu familia?! — Expresó con preocupación y enojo Alexander. — Mira, no tengo ni la más remota idea que pasó, pero no debemos decirle a nadie, si se enteran de ésto sólo va a empeorar las cosas, ya tengo demasiadas preocupaciones como para lidiar con esto. — ¡¿Qué?! ¿Acaso quieres callarte y pretender que nada paso? — Toma de la camisa de Javier que sería su antigua camisa y lo pone contra ese mismo tanque. — ¿Se te ocurre forma de justificar ésto a alguien? Si es así te escucho, sino, no nos queda de otra que estar así y averiguar cómo volver a cambiar. Alex se queda callado un momento pensando, luego recuerda la máquina pero para su desgracia y por más que intentara, ya no encendía, al fin ese daño del fierro cobro factura y quemó los circuitos internos al usar la máquina. — No… ¡No! No puedes hacerme esto… ¡No!.... — Empieza a golpear un poco la máquina. — Hey ¡Hey! Para, no la destroces más de lo que ya está, tenemos que irnos de aquí. Aún enojado pero claramente aún cuerdo solo es un último golpe y cierra su puño con fuerza antes de sólo acentir e ir con Javier al auto. Ya en el auto se sentaron ambos adelante, solo que Javier en el cuerpo de Alex se fue al lado del conductor y Alex en el cuerpo de Javier en el del copiloto. — Mira, tanto tú cómo yo está claro que no queremos esto, ya tengo problemas en mi matrimonio, mi hijo me odia, mi empelo está en riesgo y no quiero preocuparme ahora por ésto. Pero no podemos hacer nada por ahora… — Dijo Javier apoyándose contra el respaldo y mirando al techo del coche. — Se que no se puede hacer nada… pero ¡Mierda! No quiero esta vida, lo siento pero realmente tenía planes, quería un trabajo que pagara bien pero me deje tiempo para… cosas. ¿Cómo voy a manejar tu vida? — preguntó Alexander. — Te ayudaré con éso, a manejar mi empleo y no te preocupes por mi familia, mi esposa se quiere divorciarse y mi hijo no me obedece por más que le digo que haga las cosas, por lo menos céntrate en el trabajo, porque si me corren no sé cómo podré mantenerte en casa. — más bien, que no me corran para mantenerte a ti en casa… maldición, esto va a ser un desastre. — Nos empezaremos a llamar con el nombre del otro, tú serás Javier y yo seré Alexander, trataremos de usarlos incluso cuando hablemos sobre este asunto de cambio de cuerpos, ¿Qué dices? Javier.— le extiende su mano como si se fueran a conocer por primera vez. — Pues… no hay realmente otra alternativa, Alex. — le da un apretón de manos y ambos aceptan de momento intentar vivir la vida del otro. Pero mi momento como narrador a terminado, es hora de que ellos mismos describan sus experiencias en los próximos capitulos, la nueva situación que vino a cambiar sus vidas literalmente.
  2. Previous chapters: Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 In the final chapter of the series, Austin lets Jon take control and do whatever the big muscle bullpup wants to his smaller stepson. Jon is all too eager to exert his full strength and size to get what he wants. Thanks to everyone who has been along for the ride, and sorry for the long delay in posting this last chapter. I guess in some ways I didn't want this story to end, and it didn't feel like it would if I didn't post the last chapter! Even though this story has generated less traction than some of my older stories, I'm really proud of it and I think it's some of my best work. When Austin was finished, he pulled out, leaving behind a streak of cum dripping out of Jon’s huge furry hole. He stepped back and gave Jon’s rump a firm, satisfied smack, causing the big man to gasp and chuckle as he looked back at his diminutive Sir. “That’s my bull, mmm felt so good, pup,” Austin said as Jon turned around, still on his knees, still taller than Austin. Jon raised his hands up to his chest and put his fists together, muscles bulging and tensing as he did, and he cocked his head to one side, seeking his master’s praise. “Arrooooo?” he grunted. His jock-bound cock pressed against the side of the deck, leaking pre, hard as a rock. “Oooh yeah pup, we need to drain those big balls of yours too,” Austin said, stepping closer. He reached his hands out and rubbed Jon’s huge pecs in wide circles, spreading the rain and sweat over the chest hair, flicking across his sensitive nipples. Jon gasped and grunted as Austin teased him. “I want to try something that we haven’t done yet, pup,” Austin said conspiratorially. He reached up and tugged his thick chain necklace to make him look down. They locked eyes, Austin’s green staring into Jon’s intense blue. “Borrrk?” Jon grunted, still fully in pup mode. He was locked in to pup space until his monster cock was relieved of its payload. “Bull, you’re the biggest, strongest, most powerful man to ever exist,” Austin said. He reached over and rubbed Jon’s massive right delt and bicep, marveling at the hard, round, full, fur-covered muscle in his hand. Jon flexed in response, always wanting to impress his master. “And you do such a good job of doing everything I say and having me be in total control all the time, like a good bullpup should,” Austin continued. His hand continued down to the convex curve of Jon’s huge muscle gut. Jon breathed a deep sigh, his belly swelling out even more. “Well,” Austin said, stepping closer and lowered his voice to a whisper. “This time, I want my bull to do whatever he wants to his Sir.” Jon took a big breath and stiffened his shoulders, raising himself up higher and tensing. His cock bulged and burbled out more pre. “I’m going to let you borrow control and use me however you want, pup,” Austin continued, leaning his head against Jon’s huge chest. Jon’s breathing intensified and a shiver of excitement and anticipation ran through him like an electric current. His cock bulged and surged more until the head of it pushed out of the tight jock and rubbed against the bottom of his huge gut. “I will always be in control and expect obedience, but I want to feel the full power of my bull pup when he lets go and does whatever he wants. No stopping until you cum, no matter what I say, no matter how hard I might beg you to stop, you hear that, pup?” Austin said firmly, commanding his pup. “AAARRROOOOOOOF!” Jon boomed in excitement. He bolted to his feet and towered over the smaller man. Jon took in the full power difference he had over his Sir, his mind clearing in a way he hadn’t felt in months, and realized just how helpless Austin was before him. He looked down at the sheer size of himself, his enormous, powerful muscles, his round, furry gut, his stupendous height, and he tensed his massive fists. He’d never felt so powerful in his entire life, had never fully realized just how huge he had become. “I’m all yours, pup. What do you want to do to your Sir?” Austin said, spreading his arms wide, his naked muscular body glistening in the light rain, his cock still dripping with football jock cum. He was so grateful that his master was letting him experience the full power he possessed, the true size difference between them. He felt light-headed at the possibilities. Jon looked down at Austin. Jon was twice his height. Jon was several times his weight. Jon was the strongest man on earth. A grin spread across Jon’s face under his pup hood and couldn’t help but laugh in anticipation and excitement. Jon tore at the jock containing his mighty bulge until the elastic snapped, freeing his manhood. It slapped against the bottom of his gut, 20 inches long and as thick as a milk jug. He growled and breathed heavily, his cock throbbing and leaking pre as he looked down at Austin. He reached down and lifted Austin up effortlessly, scooping him up under the armpits and bringing him up to his pup mask. “AAARRRFFF, WOOOOOF!” Jon grunted as he rubbed his master against the snout of his hood and licked him, tasting master’s cum and sweaty and rain-soaked naked body. Jon’s hot, protein shake-smelling breath washed over Austin and the smaller man groaned. “Yeah pup, use your master however you want, don’t stop until you cum, pup,” Austin breathed as Jon nuzzled him aggressively. “MMMLLAAHHH,” Jon breathed as he thrust his tongue aggressively against Austin’s mouth, making out hard, holding him up in the air easily, his hands rubbing against Austin’s tight, hard, muscular body. Austin could hardly breathe as Jon’s tongue pressed into his mouth, pinning down his own tongue, exploring his mouth. Jon walked to the middle of the backyard as he continued kissing his master, scraping his beard against Austin’s face, overwhelming Austin’s senses. Even Jon’s beard was bigger, thicker, and stronger than he was. Eventually, Jon separated from Austin and held him at arm’s length, looking him up and down, rain and sweat dripping down his naked torso. Jon’s cock throbbed in anticipation. Whatever he wanted? As hard as he wanted? Jon bounced Austin up and down in his hands, marveling at the lightness of his muscular, football jock master. Jon laughed at the absurd power difference he felt, really understanding it for the first time. Jon dropped to his knees and set Austin on the grass. Jon raised his arms up and flexed, huge biceps bulging, his furry pits exposed and ripe. “RRPHHH, MMPH!” Jon grunted and gestured for Austin to rub his flexing muscles. Austin got the hint and stepped forward, running his hands over Jon’s huge arms. “Yeah pup, you’re so big and muscular, huh?” Austin said, worshipping his muscle pup. “You like all this attention, don’t you?” “WRRROOOOF!” Jon boomed and flexed harder. He dropped his left arm and reached around behind Austin before pushing him hard towards Jon. Austin stumbled and fell against Jon’s thick, furry chest, gripping on to Jon’s harness. “Yeah, you like having your chest rubbed, huh?” Austin said, his hands running in circles around Jon’s big pecs and flicking his meaty nipples. Austin’s cock rubbed against Jon’s round, hard, furry gut. “MMM-MMOOOOORE!” Jon rumbled as he pushed Austin closer, crushing the smaller man against his huge chest. He pushed and rubbed Austin’s face against his rough chest fur, manhandling Austin as he ran him over the mountains of his pecs, laughing at the ease he controlled Austin’s body. Austin groaned and tried to speak, but his mouth was full of Jon’s beard and chest fur. Jon adjusted his grip and pushed Austin over to his dense, hairy armpit. “TASTE MY MUSK, SIR,” Jon bellowed as he pressed Austin into his pit. He held him there forcefully, ignoring Austin’s squirming attempts to back up. “BREATHE DEEP, SIR, LET THAT BULL MUSK TAKE OVER,” Jon said. Austin finally gasped and breathed in deep, his mind feeling cloudy and overwhelmed by the force of Jon’s potent, masculine pit musk. “THAT’S RIGHT, SIR. GIVE IN TO YOUR PUP,” Jon boomed. “JUST MY MUSK IS STRONGER THAN YOU…IMAGINE WHAT MY MASSIVE MUSCLES ARE ABOUT TO DO TO YOU,” Jon said with a chuckle before finally letting Austin back up and take a breath. Austin coughed and sputtered and gasped, but didn’t have long to recover. Jon dropped down on all fours, his fists slamming into the ground next to Austin. “RUUUFFFF! GRRRUFF, MMPH!” Jon grunted in pup-speak, the ground shaking, 3000lbs of muscle bear looming in front of his Sir. “GRRRRFFF, ARRRRRF!” Jon rumbled as he surged forward and bumped his huge chest against Austin, who staggered backwards. “Heh, yeah pup, you wanna play now?” Austin said, teasingly, moving backwards and sideways to try to avoid Jon’s massive paws and looming muscles. “You wanna roughhouse with your Sir?” “MMMPH, UUURRRFF!” Jon grunted as he his cock pressed against his furry gut and smeared pre around until it dripped to the muddy grass. He moved forward until his chest and gut were over Austin, then he dropped down, pinning his little Sir before he could escape. “Fuck, pup, you’re so, uugghh, heavy!” Austin groaned underneath his massive pup, pushing his arms up to try to keep his chest off the ground so he could breathe. It was a futile effort; Jon kept pressing down harder with his body weight until Austin was crushed against the dirt, mud smearing on his back. “Can’t… move!” he grunted, and he felt the pain of Jon’s bulk crushing him into the ground. “MMMMPH, MORE!!” Jon grunted as he squashed his little Sir. He could feel Austin wriggling and writhing underneath him, trying to escape. Jon knew he couldn’t. He was too big. And master was too small. He pressed down harder and wiggled his huge meaty ass in the air, reveling in the effortless power he wielded. “HAHAHA, CAN’T ESCAPE, HUH? I’M SO… BIG!” Jon laughed as he scooted his torso forward. He planted two massive fists into the grass, strong calloused fingers digging into the soil easily, then pushed himself up off the ground. He hovered his torso over Austin, then scooted forward. Jon coughed as he shifted around, trying to stand up until a massive battering ram of a cock slammed into his chest. He was knocked over again, a smear of warm pre slicking up his chest. He looked up to see the giant cock looming over him; it stretched from Austin’s belly button to his chin, and it throbbed almost as if it had a mind of its own as he looked at it. “MMMPH, SIR IS SO SMALL!” Jon bellowed as he stretched forward and pressed his elbows into the ground. “AND PUP IS SO BIG!” Jon’s cock suddenly surged forward, pinning Austin onto the ground. Austin fell over onto his back, knocked down by the throbbing, hot cock that pressed down on his torso. It bucked and throbbed as Jon pressed more of his tonnage down, pressing into Jon harder until he was unable to move. Austin wrapped his arms around the cock to try to control it, but it was no use. “Pup, whoa ther—oomph!” Austin grunted but was interrupted by Jon’s aggressive humping, the head of the huge cock punching him in the chin, Austin’s jaw reeling from the impact. “HEH, MMPH, UNNNGGG,” Jon grunted as waves of pleasure shimmered up his spine as he felt his cock press and rub against the furry torso of his tiny master. “EVEN MY COCK IS STRONGER THAN YOU NOW, SIR!” Jon’s huge hairy balls slammed against Austin’s own hard cock again and again as he humped, causing Austin to get turned on again despite cumming just minutes ago. Jon’s cock smeared pre across Austin’s slick torso until the whole thing was coated in pup slime. “AARRROOOOF, GGRRRRRRPH, MMMMPH, BIG!” Jon grunted mindlessly, his thoughts lost in pup space, thinking only about his own pleasure for once. He rubbed and rubbed his massive cock against Austin’s lean, hard, muscular body, harder and faster, pressing the smaller man into the dirt again and again, lost in pleasure. Eventually, he shifted down and re-positioned his massive cock until he felt Austin’s tight, furry hole. His Sir’s hole. “MMMMMPH YEEEEAAAAAAHHH,” Jon breathed as he pushed and humped against Austin’s ass, the massive head pressing hard against Austin’s hole, knocking on the door, insistent, undeniable. The huge head split Austin’s hole apart and started pushing in, a moment of pain rippling through Austin before the cock slipped out and rubbed between Austin’s legs instead. “Pup!” Austin gasped, his back and ass grinding roughly against the grass and mud underneath, rainwater and sweat pooling beneath him as Jon started to rub a furrow into the yard. He looked up and back at the massive, jiggling, harness-bound pecs above him and tried to wriggle out from under Jon. “MMMPH GOTTA MAKE IT FIT!” Jon bellowed. He lined up his huge cock against the warm, tight slit underneath him and pushed harder, thrusting forward aggressively. “Aaaahhhh, pup wait!” Austin groaned as the massive cock head battered him, pushing up against his hole and trying to break in, but only succeeding in pushing Austin’s whole body around. Austin tumbled roughly against the ground, grass and dirt scraping against his back and shoulders. “FUCK, TOO, MMMPH, BIG FOR SIR’S HOLE!” Jon groaned as he pressed harder than ever and pinned Austin with his huge, furry gut, trying to hold him in place. Austin braced himself against the ridges of Jon’s roid belly and felt his hole splitting open, and he groaned in pain. But even lined up perfectly, it wouldn’t squeeze in. “HA, GRRRPH, TOO BIG! HAHAHA!” Jon laughed as he slipped his cock out from Austin’s furry crack and repositioned himself until his cock hovered over Austin’s torso. Jon slammed back down on Austin with all his weight and power. The big bull sighed and grunted and groaned as he resumed frotting on his minuscule master. “Pup, stop, you have to, mmmph, wait!” Austin pleaded, his eyes suddenly bulging with fear. He had underestimated just how massive and powerful his pup was. He patted his hand against Jon’s tremendous, furry flanks trying to get the big man’s attention, but Jon ignored him at first. Austin slapped harder, smacking the muscular lats of the huge man humping into the ground. “Stop, pup, you’re too heavy!” Jon froze in place as his master tapped him, instinctively listening to Austin. Rain fell steadily on his wide back as he panted and huffed, looming over his smaller sir as he lifted his tonnage off Austin’s smaller body. But then Jon remembered. His master had ordered him to use him however Jon wanted, as hard as he wanted, until Jon came, no matter what master had said, no matter how hard he begged to stop. Austin’s exact words rang in his mind. He tilted his head to one side and his tongue lolled out of his mouth, and he looked down at his smaller sir hungrily. “NO, SIR!” Jon boomed. He positioned himself carefully over again Austin and then slammed his full body weight back down on him, pinning him effortlessly. “BIG BULLPUP’S GOTTA CUM!” Jon grunted, his mind obeying his Sir’s original orders to the T. He started humping harder and faster than before. He pressed his gut down heavier against Austin, and a new wave of pleasure washed over him. The furry gut pressed down on Austin’s head and face, pinning him back and down even harder. He readjusted, digging his massive hands deeper into the dirt, scraping up more of the lawn as he braced himself to pound his master harder and faster. “No, pup, this is, pppfftt, too much, I can’t breathe!” Austin sputtered, his mouth slimed by spurts of pre that got more and more viscous as Jon humped and pumped harder. He felt the mud around him rising up and onto his pecs and shoulders as his giant pup rutted deeper into the grass. Austin could feel Jon’s balls growing tighter and firmer as he approached climax. Pup ignored his master, lost in pleasure. “MMMMMPH, RRUUFFFFFF, MORE, BIGGER!” Jon groaned and muttered, his heavy chain lock jingling against his harness, his beard draping down to the grass. Thick, meaty muscles jiggled and shook and flexed as he humped his master recklessly, mindlessly. He looked down and under himself, watching Austin wriggle and writhe against his enormous cock, and he laughed, truly seeing the size difference between them now, his vision blurred in a red haze of lust. Jon had become truly gigantic, but all he could think about was MORE. “OHHHHH, MMMPH, HHAAAHHH,” Jon breathed as he imagined himself swelling bigger still, feeling pride as he knew his master would approve, determined to grow and grow endlessly for him. His cock bucked and swelled, burying his Sir harder into the mud. “HHAAAAARRRRRROOOOOOOOF!” Jon bellowed as his cock exploded, jets of hot white cum spraying against Austin’s face until he was in a puddle of mud and cum, more and more fluid filling up the furrow Jon had dug with his enormous cock. When he was done, pup collapsed down, squashing Austin under him. He felt his little Sir squirm and twitch underneath him. Jon reveled in his superior power and strength. He groaned and sighed as his cock throbbed one final time. Snapping out of his trance, Jon pushed himself up then kneeled upright and let Austin stand. Austin sputtered and coughed and caught his breath as Jon looked down at him, his blue eyes glittering through the slits of the pup hood. “Sorry I got a little carried away, Master, but I needed to cum sooooo bad!” Jon boomed as he sat back on his ass, shaking the ground. “No no pup, *cough*, you were perfect and I might’ve bit off more than I can chew, but you obeyed, *pfft*, Sir’s orders to the letter!” Austin said as he wiped goop off of his torso and face. “Sir is so proud of you, big bullpup!” Jon grinned uncontrollably and reached up to take his pup hood off, revealing more of his masculine face and perfectly trimmed beard. “You mean it, Sir?” he asked sheepishly, a lump welling up in his throat. “Of course, dad, you’re the best pup a master could ever ask for!” Austin said as he reached his arms up, indicating he wanted to be lifted up. Jon obliged and he lifted Austin up. Austin straddled Jon’s torso as best he could and rested his knees against Jon’s chest and his feet against Jon’s gut as he leaned in for an enormous, sloppy, slimy kiss. Their tongues wrestled, Jon’s bigger and thicker but giving way to Austin’s aggressive thrusts. Jon leaned back, supporting his Sir with his enormous hands, and he laid back onto the grass, rain falling softly on them, washing away the sweat and cum that coated them both. “I love you, Sir,” Jon rumbled. “I love you too, pup,” Austin said right back. Both of their cocks swelled back to life as they kissed, harder and harder, Jon’s growing until it pressed against Austin’s perky hole, Austin’s cock smaller but harder and rubbing against his bullpup’s enormous, furry chest. They both laughed and groaned as the rain started falling harder, both of them feeling utter contentment.
  3. Previous chapters: Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 — Graduation Fuck Austin pulled into the driveway of their house, the truck laboring as he shifted into park. It wasn’t meant to haul around this heavy of a load in the bed; the handling and acceleration was awful the whole drive home, and he could smell burning rubber whenever he hit the brakes. They would need to upgrade the truck to something bigger soon to keep up with Jon’s growth. Austin came around to the tailgate and opened it. A slimy layer of precum dripped out of the truck bed and onto the driveway as he did, and Austin looked up to see Jon sheepishly scratching the back of his head, exposing his enormous furry armpit and flexing his titanic bicep. His jock was soaked with pre and a steady stream of it leaked out of his cock head. “Oh pup, you’re just raring to go, huh?” Austin teased as he gestured for his big daddy to get out of the truck. “All that vibration from driving got you even more worked up, I bet,” he said. “Grrrmmmpphhhh, ruuarrrfff!” Jon whined as he shifted off of the truck and onto the ground. He rose to his full height, towering over Austin, literally twice his height and over twelve times his weight. Jon reached up and adjusted his harness, the leather creaking and metal studs and rings jingling against his neck chain and padlock. “Come around to the backyard,” Austin said as he led his bullpup around the house. Jon didn’t fit inside the house anymore, not comfortably anyway. Austin had started the process of finding a new property to move into, ideally one with a large warehouse or hangar or barn that could be converted into a living quarters for the growing brute. Jon’s growth had only accelerated over the last few weeks and showed no signs of stopping anytime soon; Austin had to plan for BIG things in the future! Suddenly from behind, Austin was grabbed and lifted up and spun around. “Mmrrowwff, mmphhh!!” Jon grunted as he nuzzled his pup mask against Austin, rubbing his Sir. He lowered him down and started rubbing Austin again his sweaty, furry chest and gut, then lower still until Austin could feel Jon’s slimy cock pressing insistently against his pants. “Whoa there, pup, so eager to please your Sir, aren’t you?” Austin said calmly. He was used to his pup getting boisterous sometimes when he was excited and knew how to handle him. “Well first we need to do another weigh-in. Put me down and hop on the scale, bull,” Austin commanded. “AARROOOF!” Jon boomed, still locked into pup-speak. When he was in pup space like this, he was only capable of simple thoughts and ideas and speech, but that’s how his master liked it. Jon set Austin down and then waddled over to the scale. They had set it on the concrete pad next to the deck after Jon had partially destroyed the deck a few weeks ago. The scale creaked and groaned as Jon stepped on. Jon, of course, couldn’t see down to what the number read; his blond and grey bushy beard, enormous shelf-like pecs, and round, hard gut blocked his view. “Wow bullpup, we finally did it. We passed the limit!” Austin said excitedly. “Over 3000 pounds officially, pup. Goddamn you’ve been growing FAST lately!” Austin said as he reached up and smacked Jon’s round, meaty ass that protruded from the tight straps of his jock. “You don’t seem to be slowing down, pup, you just keep growing more and more!” Jon stepped back off of the scale and looked down at his Sir. He grinned through his pup mask, cocked his head to one side, and brought his fists together. He flexed hard, the fur of his pecs curling into wet rings, sweat dripping down off his huge, meaty nips onto Austin. “Bigger?” Jon grunted, knowing the answer but still wanting to hear it from his master. “That’s right, bull, bigger than ever, growing so much for me like a good pup,” Austin cooed, reaching up to rub Jon’s round, solid gut and furry, sweaty chest, which he couldn’t quite reach. “Still gotta keep getting bigger though!” “WWRROOOOOF!!” bellowed the big daddy muscle bear. “BIGGER!” He straightened to his full height. Jon’s throbbing bulge strained his jock strap and threatened to rip it open. Austin walked up onto the deck and gestured for Jon to follow him on the ground. The deck was about two feet raised up off the ground, which gave him a little more height. The wooden railing on the deck was still in the way though. “Tear out this railing, pup,” Austin said. Jon reached down and grabbed the railing at the base where it connected with the deck boards and tugged up hard with a grunt. The railing tore out with a loud snap. He did this one-by-one until the whole thing was disconnected. “Destroy it, pup, tear it all apart,” Austin demanded, rubbing his erection as he watched his big stepdad manhandle the heavy deck wood. “RRROOWWFF!” Jon boomed happily, then brought his fists down on the deck railing hard. Wood splintered and the deck shook. Jon grunted as he grabbed the top railing and pushed down and in, pressing and snapping the wood together like an accordion. He tossed half of it into the yard, laughing and grunting, then shifted over and did the same on the rest of it, relishing the opportunity to use his strength without holding back, his muscles tensing and bulging, veins throbbing as he destroyed the deck railing in seconds. “That’s my pup, big and strong!” Austin said. “Down on your knees, pup, now,” Austin ordered. Jon thumped down to the ground, the earth shaking as his tonnage dropped hard. He was kneeling in front of Austin, who was almost at eye level now. Jon’s gut surged forward onto the deck, his bulge pressing the side of the porch, his wide shoulders, harness-bound chest, and massive arms filling Austin’s field of view. “Flex for me, pup, show me those muscles,” Austin said, stepping closer to Jon. Jon raised his arms up and flexed his biceps, the round, hard peaks exploding up like mountains. Every inch of his torso was covered in dense, dirty blond fur, matted and curled by sweat. Jon’s pits were exposed as he flexed, and Austin was assaulted by the heady, cloying stink of Jon’s musk. “This new cycle has you smelling extra good, pup,” Austin said as he stepped closer, reached up, and squeezed the impossibly huge biceps. He buried his face in Jon’s left pit and huffed deeply, smearing bullpup sweat all over his nose. “Mmmph yeah that’s it, such a good pup. Big stepdad muscle bull. Who would have thought you’d ever be THIS big nine months ago, huh?” Austin said, feeling high on the distilled testosterone stench of Jon’s wet, furry pits. “Arrrrawarruff!” Jon rumbled as he brought his arms down, trapping his Sir in his deep, furry pit. “Am I a big bull pup now, Sir?” Jon asked, his voice muffled in the neoprene and leather mask. “Yes, bull, but not big enough… never big enough!” Austin said, his own voice muffled by Jon’s furry pit, his hands wandering over to Jon’s immense chest, his fingers running through the dense fur and long beard trailing against Jon’s pecs. He grabbed the thick, sturdy leather of the harness straps and pulled hard, but Jon didn’t budge. He was so heavy, too sturdy, too strong. “Gotta grow bigger for my master,” Jon whispered, his eyes closed, every touch from Austin sending fireworks of pleasure up his spine. His cock throbbed and pushed up and out further from his jock strap, belching up more pre. He squeezed Austin into a tighter headlock and growled until Austin tapped his big arm, signaling him to let go and come up for air. “Need to mark my territory, bull. You’re mine now. Isn’t that right?” Austin said, huffing Jon’s stink against his upper lip, his hands rubbing more frantically against Jon’s giant body, exploring the wide v-shaped lats and trailing down to his round, hard, furry gut. Jon sighed contentedly when he heard those words. “Arrroooof, mmmrrrooof!” Jon breathed, then brought his arms around Austin and pressed the smaller man against his big body. Austin tugged down on the harness again, clinking the padlock against the central ring of the harness. “Kiss me, pup, now, hard!” Austin said, just as desperate to make Jon feel good as Jon was to make his master feel good. Jon leaned down and nuzzled his Sir, their tongues wrestling as they kissed hard and sloppy, their beards brushing against each other roughly. “Taste my hole,” Austin demanded, and Jon obeyed. Jon grunted as he grabbed on to Austin’s dress pants and tore them apart, ripping and shredding and tearing until they fell to the ground, revealing Austin’s hard 8” cock and bubble butt. Austin had grown thicker and more muscular over the last few months training and eating with Jon, and he looked sexier than ever. Austin bent over and turned around, revealing his tight, furry hole. It was sweaty and musky, which now started to mix with the light rain that began to fall, coating them both. “MMMPH, grrrff!” Jon growled as he dove into Austin’s meaty ass, his pup mask snout pushing his cheeks apart to get to Austin’s tight hole. Jon’s thick, powerful tongue reached up and dragged slowly against Austin’s hole, causing the smaller man to shiver and groan. Jon pushed his tongue in harder, insistent, pressing past any resistance and penetrating his Sir. Even his tongue had grown bigger and stronger over the last few months! Slurping and sighing happily, sniffing master’s deep, sweaty musk, Jon ate Austin’s furry hole relentlessly, pushing him hard so Austin had to brace himself against the porch. Jon buried his nose deep in his master’s crack and then shook his face back and forth, his metal chain clinking around like when a wet dog shakes himself to get dry, sending another wave of stimulation surging through his Sir’s tight, muscular body. “Mmmmph, grrrfff, mmmmlllaaahhh!” Jon growled as he pushed his tongue in deeper, deeper, fucking his Sir’s hole with his huge tongue, slurping up every morsel of football jock hole he could get. “Lift me up, pup!” Austin groaned. Jon backed up, removing his tongue from Austin’s ass, and stood back up to his full height. He reached down and Jon’s huge, calloused hands wrapped around Austin and lifted him up effortlessly. Austin straddled Jon’s thick bull neck and massive traps with his legs, his ass resting on Jon’s chest-like pecs, his cock right in front of Jon’s pup snout. Austin looked down at Jon’s intense, focused, pleading eyes through the pup hood, his own cock throbbing and leaking, rain dripping down onto both of them. “Get your tongue back in there, pup, I need more,” Austin commanded, and Jon lifted and pressed Austin’s 250lbs like it was nothing. He raised Austin up, leaned his head back, and slurped out with his tongue, lapping up against the tight, sweaty, furry hole of his Sir. “Ssssslluurrrp, mrraraahahhhh, mrroooof!” Jon grunted and breathed as he slurped and licked. He lowered Austin down until Austin’s weight was fully pressed down on his mouth and tongue, allowing him to push in even deeper and rub his master’s jock stink all over his mouth and pup mask. “Oh god, yes pup, eat my hole, making your Sir feel SO good,” Austin moaned. He reached down and steadied himself on the smooth, dark neoprene of Jon’s pup hood, which was becoming more slippery as the rain increased in intensity. After several minutes of this, Austin had Jon put him back down on the deck. “Back on all fours, pup. Head up, good,” Austin ordered, Jon dutifully moving however his master ordered. “Turn around, pup, let me see that ass,” Austin said, breathing heavily as he still felt the stretched-out presence of Jon’s tongue in his butt. “WRROOOOF!” Jon rumbled as he rotated around, his knees and fists pressing into the worn-down grass and dirt, which was starting to get muddy as the rain came down. He planted himself facing away from Austin, head held up high, his wide, furry, muscular glutes bowing out round to the sides and towards Austin. His enormous hamstrings framed his round, heavy balls, which were barely contained in his oversized jock strap. His silicone butt plug tail was enormous, three feet long and as thick around as Austin’s upper arm at its widest point; it bobbed back and forth, up and down as Jon parked his ass in front of Austin. “Time to remove your tail, pup,” Austin said teasingly. Jon groaned as he felt Austin’s rough hands rake across the edges of the tight, filling plug. Austin pulled with all his might, and the massive plug slowly inched out, dragging across the inside of Jon’s hole, slick and wet. Jon bellowed as the huge plug came out, the heavy black tail thumping onto the deck next to Austin; the custom-made item was deceptively heavy. Left behind was Jon’s twitching, furry, pink, stretched-out pup hole, framed by Jon’s jock strap. “Get that ass up in the air more,” Austin said, stepping closer to his bullpup and pressing his face against Jon’s deep, furry crack. Austin licked and huffed his pup’s musky hole, causing it to twitch and pulse more. “AarrOOOOF!!” Jon rumbled, squirming and groaning as his Sir worked his hole. “MmMMMRPH, aaarrUUUFF, FUUUCK,” he groaned as he pressed his ass back harder towards the deck, his boots and knees digging into the muddy ground, his fists clutching a handful of grass and tearing it up as pleasure electrified his body. Austin rubbed his beard over Jon’s sensitive hole, licked up and down, in and out, all around, making his bullpup squirm and whine and bark. He came up for air with a gasp, the heady stink of his pup’s sweaty musk covering every inch of his face, breathing it in like perfume. “Drop that ass, pup, your Sir needs to plant his seed now,” Austin growled. Jon obeyed, dropping lower so his Sir could get at the right angle. He whimpered and twitched and panted in anticipation. He could feel his Sir’s hard, wet cock pressing against the outside of his hole. He could feel his Sir’s muscular torso leaning against his round, hairy ass, could feel his knees pressing against his hard hamstrings, could feel his arms reaching up to just barely grab on to his heavy leather harness and pull down and back. “You want your Sir’s cock?” Austin growled as he ground against Jon’s furry, sweaty crack, the rain mixing with the pre and sweat to make it slick. “Mmmrrrphhh, mmmm!” Jon whined desperately, his ass wiggling back and forth. “You think you deserve your Sir’s load?” Austin teased, pressing against Jon’s hole, right on the doorstep. “Uuurrrfff, arf, mmmh!” Jon begged, pressing back against the cock head that pressed against his pucker, small to his perception but powerful in what it meant to the two of them. “Such a good pup, you DO deserve your Sir’s cock!” Austin roared as he punched his way inside of Jon. “AAARRRUUUUUUFF!!” Jon bellowed as Austin thrust inside of him. His powerful glutes wrapped around Austin’s cock and squeezed tightly. “My big GROWING bull, all mine!” Austin growled as he started pounding into his bullpup with reckless abandon. Jon’s hole gripped his Sir’s cock, fitting together perfectly. Jon grunted and growled as his master filled him up; there was nothing more satisfying than feeling Austin inside of him, being this close, enjoying the fruits of Jon’s labor. Serving his master and making him happy was as gratifying as sex, as necessary as breathing to Jon now. Austin’s lust-filled grunts and moans sent shivers of happiness down Jon’s muscular spine, and he pushed back in time to Austin’s thrusts to increase their mutual pleasure. Jon planted his fists harder into the wet grass, sinking them into the ground to gain more traction as Austin pounded harder and harder. He raised his head proudly, arching his big back and feeling his jock-bound cock scraping against the ground, the head of it pressing hard against the ground and scraping up grass. “Feel me breeding you hard, bull?” Austin grunted through gritted teeth. He panted and pushed his cock deeper, more aggressively, roughly. He knew his big stepdad could take any kind of force he put into it. “GRRRUUUFFFF, MMMMPH!” Jon growled. His harness and chain jingled steadily as Austin’s pounding cock sent shivers through his big body. Rain and sweat dripped off of him, slicking up the dense fur covering his back and shoulders. “Sir needs to mark his territory, bull,” Austin groaned. Jon growled deeply, his voice resonating in Austin’s chest. “Sir needs to keep his pup’s hole full of his seed so you know you’re mine,” Austin breathed, his cock throbbing and swelling, his balls growing tighter and more sensitive. Jon bellowed and groaned unintelligibly in response, pushing back even harder on Austin, almost knocking him over, but Austin was able to brace himself. Austin reached up and gripped Jon’s harness harder. He thrust in deeper than ever, deeper than Jon had ever felt, and something in him broke; happiness, completion, satisfaction, and euphoria washed over him. His hole clamped down tighter around his master’s cock. “Yeah, take it!” Austin breathed, slowing his rhythm as he took in the full, monumental scope of the wide, muscular back and huge, powerful ass gripping his cock. “Take my fucking load, bull, unnnngggg!” Austin groaned as he felt Jon’s hole squeeze his cock and milk the cum out of him like a suction hose. Jon threw his head back and howled into the sky, rain pattering off his pup mask, his own cock leaking into the wet ground and digging up more dirt, his huge ass threatening to knock Austin over.
  4. Previous chapters: Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Austin orders Jon around, then awards him with a custom-made pup hood. Jon fucks Austin in his excitement. Austin sat in the living room with his computer out, working on a paper for his final term of college, wearing short gym shorts and a tank top. The room wasn’t quiet though; the living room hummed with the sound of loud music coming from the garage, punctuated by the occasional deep grunt, metal clanging, and the whole house shaking as huge amount of weights were moved around by the giant lifting in the garage. Jon was on hour 3 of his afternoon lift and he hadn’t shown any sign of tiring. This was after 3 hours this morning of working nothing but legs; he was out working chest and shoulders now. Austin stretched his arms and realized he was thirsty. He reached for one of the thin chains around his neck, next to the padlock key he wore everywhere, and brought a basketball whistle up to his mouth. He blew sharply, the high-pitched sound cutting through any sort of music or noise in the house. Austin felt the ground shake and Jon’s booming voice rumbled through the house. “COMING, SIR!” Within seconds, Austin could hear and feel the booming rumble of his massive stepdad bounding into the room like an excited puppy, the house shaking as nearly a ton of muscledad thumped into the living room from the garage. Jon’s head scraped against the ceiling as he ducked into the living room, his naked body dripping with sweat from lifting, his face lighting up in excitement as he saw Austin looking at him expectantly. “Sir!” he boomed as his cock twitched, then dropped to his knees in front of Austin and set his sweaty hand on Austin’s. “What do you need, Master?” Jon said, looking in Austin’s eyes intently, eager to serve. Austin had recently cut Jon’s hair into a crisp, short mohawk and trimmed his beard. The beard looked sharp and angular and came down to his nipples, where it mixed together with his dense chest fur, which was currently matted down with sweat. Jon’s musk washed over Austin like a wave as his pup awaited his order. “Get me a beer, pup,” Austin said. “I’m thirsty.” Jon grinned and bounded to his feet, his heavy metal chain clinking, his head bumping into the ceiling and sending down a rain of plaster and spreading cracks across it. “Yes Sir!” he rumbled before galloping to the kitchen. He returned shortly with a can of lager, cracking it open for Austin carefully with a fingernail, the can looking comically small in Jon’s enormous hands. He handed it to Austin. “Thank you, pup, you listen so well,” Austin said, reaching out and rubbing his hand over Jon’s huge thigh. Jon flexed it in response, making it swell out harder and rounder. Austin’s hand came away coated with sweat, which he rubbed on his own tank top. “Heh, thank you Sir! Can I get you anything else?” Jon boomed from above as he looked down as his little Sir. His cock stiffened as he did, sweat dripping down onto the carpet like he was fresh out of the shower, eager to serve his master. “No bullpup, now get back to lifting!” Austin said as he turned his attention back to his computer. “Yes Sir!” Jon said seriously and headed back to the garage. In a few seconds, the familiar clanking of metal and deep, loud grunting resumed. Austin drank his beer and got back to work on his paper, but a couple minutes later he realized he was hungry too. He was having a hard time focusing, especially after Jon had visited. Austin had trained Jon well over the last couple months to come when called and do as he said, and Jon was more than happy to oblige. The whistle had proven to be an exciting addition to their at-home dynamic. Austin blew the whistle again, and once again the huge muscle bear rumbled into the living room. This time, Jon’s cock was semi-hard and leaking; a string of precum oozed out from his huge mushroom head and smeared against his sweaty thighs. He dropped to his knees again and rested his huge chin on Austin’s knees. “Hi pup, I need a snack to go with this beer. Get me one of my meal prep kits,” Austin said as he reached forward and ran his hand through his bull’s spiky mohawk. A mist of sweat bloomed from Jon’s hair as Austin’s rubbed it. Jon grinned, then rose to his full height again. “Coming right up, Sir!” he rumbled, sweat dripping down on Austin. “You look so cute down there in your chair, Sir,” Jon said. His cock pulsed and thickened as he looked down at Austin, a drop of pre drooling out of his slit. “Thank you, pup,” Austin said as he reached out and dabbed up the pre onto his finger, causing Jon to shudder in pleasure. Austin licked it up, savoring the sweet salty flavor. “Now go fetch me my food,” Austin said, keeping Jon focused on the task before losing him to his raging libido. It had been 4 hours since the big man had last cum, and Austin knew his balls would need to be drained again soon. Jon shook his head to refocus, then turned to go to the kitchen. A few minutes later, he returned, dropped to his knees, and delivered a hot meal prep container full of rice, chicken, and broccoli, ready to be eaten. “Good bullpup! Make sure you’re eating too, Jon. Did you have the jug of gainer shake I left for you for your afternoon lift?” Austin asked as Jon breathed heavily on him. “Yes, of course Sir! I’m definitely getting hungry for dinner soon, though,” Jon said. “What are we having tonight?” he asked. “Meat, big guy. You’ll see,” Austin said, grinning up at his stepdad. “I’m gonna go upstairs and take a little rest after my snack,” he said as he got up with his beer and food and stood next to Jon. Austin had to crane his neck to look up at his dad now. Jon reached down to scratch his hairy bush, bouncing his stiffening cock around as he did. “Sounds good, little Sir,” Jon rumbled, twisting his neck around to see over his massive chest and gut to look down at his stepson. “Please let me know if you need anything, I want to help make you feel good,” Jon said, a twinge of desperate longing in his voice. His cock bulged up bigger, stiffening and rising up to his belly button; it oozed out another dribble of precum, which dripped down to the carpet. “That’s what your Sir likes to hear,” Austin said. He reached up and gave Jon’s cock a good, hard squeeze, causing more pre to burble out of it. Jon gasped and shivered. “Now go finish your workout,” Austin ordered before walking by the giant and heading upstairs to their bedroom. “Yes Sir!” Jon boomed and then waddled back to the garage. Austin grinned; his stepdad was completely obedient to him now, and the two of them were both very happy together. He wanted to show his appreciation to Jon and bond them closer together. He had been waiting for this moment. Over the last several months, their relationship had grown more and more intense as Jon grew bigger and bigger, surging taller, thicker, and wider every day. They did everything together and were totally devoted to each other to help reach their mutual goals and make each other happy. After the last couple whistle blows, Austin felt even more strongly than ever that it was time to give Jon his present. Austin made his preparations and finished his food and beer, then once again whistled for Jon. His obedient bullpup bounded up the stairs, then wedged himself into the door, smearing sweat all over the door frame, his head cracking the wood of the frame before emerging into the bedroom. “Sir? What’s all this?” Jon asked as he looked at Austin, who was wearing his leather harness and a jock strap. “Jon, you’ve made such incredible progress over the last 8 months, growing both physically and emotionally for me, learning to trust and love me as we have bonded,” Austin said as he stepped closer to Jon. “Get on all fours, pup,” Austin ordered, pointing down to the carpet. Jon obeyed immediately, thumping down to the floor on all fours, eagerly looking at his Sir, awaiting instructions. Austin leaned down to Jon’s ear. “I can’t imagine life without you now, Jon. We just keep growing more intensely close as you grow bigger and bigger. You feel it too, right?” Austin said, his voice in a deep whisper. Jon shuddered and took a deep breath. “Yes Sir, so much, more intense every day. I live to serve you, Sir, and I’ve never felt better about anything in my life. I have such a clear purpose, and it feels so good to lift, eat, and grow every day as I make you happy,” Jon said, his voice wavering. “I… I want to be your bullpup forever, Sir,” Jon whispered, on the edge of tears. “Good, pup, good. Look at how big you’ve grown,” Austin said as he walked around Jon’s enormous frame, rubbing his hand over the vast expanse of Jon’s hairy, sweaty back, squeezing the huge, round form of his ass, before trailing his hand down Jon’s hamstring. “Truly a freak, bigger than I could have dreamed of. You were made for growing and obeying, weren’t you?” Austin said as he completed his loop. “I was made to grow and serve you, Sir,” Jon echoed, his voice quivering. “Well pup, I’m glad you feel that way too. Show me your devotion,” Austin said before positioning himself in front of Jon. Austin lowered his jock strap and pulled out his hard, thick rod, leaking precum, red and angry-looking. “Suck a load out of your master,” Austin commanded. Jon obeyed. He surged forward aggressively, gobbling up Austin’s cock and taking it in balls deep all at once. The force of it was enough to knock Austin over, and he was suddenly pinned, helpless under the power of Jon’s mouth and hands. The force of Jon’s suction was intense, and Jon hummed and purred as he went to town on his Sir’s cock. “Aww fuck yeah bullpup, such a good boy, you need Master’s seed don’t you?” Austin groaned, the power of Jon’s tongue and sucking on the verge of pain. “Mmmph, mmmm!” Jon grunted as he sucked harder and faster. “Slow down pup, that’s it, get in a rhythm,” Austin said as his cock throbbed. He was so close to climax. Jon’s muscles, his musk, his obedience drove him crazy, and he was almost always ready to share his seed with his eager bullpup. Jon reached up and planted one huge hand on Austin, pinning him down to the carpet effortlessly as his mouth continued to suck and slurp. His tongue flicked and his lips tightened. On most men, Austin’s cock would have been substantial, girthy and a generous 7”. To Jon, it felt small in his oversized mouth, but it just made him want to suck and pull harder. He hummed and groaned as he tasted more precum. “Such a devoted bullpup!” Austin groaned as he got closer to shooting his load. “Gonna make me, ung, make me shoot such a, ahhhhh, big fuckin’ LOAD—!” Austin bellowed as he came, and Jon greedily gulped up every drop until Austin was thoroughly drained. Jon helped Austin get to his feet when he was done, then sat back on his heels. Even seated like that, he was taller than Austin. “How was that, Sir?” Jon said, gently rubbing Austin’s hair with his huge mitt. “Good job pup, you’re so good at that now!” Austin said, steadying himself against Jon’s massive shoulders. He turned to get the box at the foot of the bed. “I got this for you, custom made, in your favorite colors,” Austin said as opened the box. “Oh, Sir! What is it?” he rumbled, tears welling in his eyes. He opened it and gasped. “Really, Sir!?” “Yup. Put them on,” Austin said giving Jon space. Jon pulled did just that, and in a moment a black, green, and orange neoprene pup hood covered Jon’s head and face, his long beard trailing out of the bottom, his excited eyes beaming down at Austin through the holes in the mask, curved bull horns in place of the usual pup ears of his hood. A matching leather harness wrapped tight around his enormous chest, hugging his pecs, shoulders, and traps in all the right places. Jon huffed the intense smells of neoprene and leather that suddenly filled the room and his cock throbbed. “It’s PERFECT, Sir!” Jon grunted, his voice muffled in the pup hood. He turned and looked in the floor-to-ceiling mirror that Austin had installed in their bedroom a couple months ago. “I had both measured to fit your supersized body, bullpup. They hardly believed me when I shared your chest size and hood size and thought it was a joke.” Austin said, grinning at how happy Jon was. “They’re both adjustable and fairly stretchy to keep up with your continued growth, at least for a little while!” “BaarrRROOOOF!” Jon bellowed as he saw himself. His cock throbbed harder and harder, growing longer and stiffer as he stepped closer to the mirror. “Mmmmmph, grrrph, rrrawwwwrph!” he grunted as he flexed his left bicep and rubbed his mask against the sweaty bulging muscle. “ARRFFF!” Jon said as he turned back to Austin and bounded towards him. “Heh, bullpup likes it I see!” Austin said as Jon reached down and effortlessly lifted him up, carrying him and rubbing his mask and beard all over Austin to express his love. “RRRUUUFFFF, ARRFF, GRRRRFF!” Jon rumbled before tackling Austin on to the bed, the combined weight of them both causing the re-inforced bed to groan and the house to shake. Jon nuzzled against Austin, rubbing his pup hood and beard and chest and hands all over his master’s little body, pinning him with his own bigger body, crushing him under nearly a ton of beefy muscle. “AAAARRROOOOFFF, GRRRPH, MMMPH, YEAAAHHHH!” Jon grunted, hardly capable of words now, letting the pup space fully take over his mind. He rubbed and cuddled against Austin hard, his rock-hard cock leaking precum juice all over his little master, totally carried away. “Pup, hold on, that’s, ooof, flip over so I’m on top!” Austin grunted under the immense weight of his overly-excited bullpup. Jon stopped his grunting, wrapped his huge hands around Austin’s torso, and flipped them both around until Austin was on top of Jon. Jon cocked his head to one size as he looked up at his little Sir. “Arroo?” he grunted, then rubbed Austin back and forth on his sweaty torso. “Ruuufff, arruuuff, ggrrooooff!!” he boomed. his huge cock pressing dangerously close to Austin’s tight, furry hole. “Yes big man, I need your bullpup seed inside me now!” Austin grunted as his own hard cock rubbed against Jon’s firm, furry gut. “RRRRUUUHHH, GRRRRR!” Jon groaned as he positioned his master over his massive cock. It was as thick as Austin’s forearm with an apricot-sized head. It burped up more precum, seemingly on command as if it knew Jon needed more lubrication, then Jon rammed Austin down on it hard. “AARRROOOOOOOO!!!” Bullpup bellowed as he speared Austin, pushing in as far as it could go. “Ahhhhh godddddd!” Austin cried as he was suddenly filled with the massive cock. Jon slowed down for a moment, sensing that his master needed time to adjust to his size. The girth of his huge stepdad’s cock pushed him to his limits, and he writhed as his ass struggled to adjust to Jon’s thickness. He stabilized himself against Jon’s leather harness, his own cock throbbing and getting closer to another climax as he huffed in the scent of Jon’s musk and the leather from the harness, taking deep breaths to calm down and open his hole wider. “URRRGGG, HHUUUNNFFF, ARRRFFFF!!” Jon grunted as he stared to pick up speed again, his bull horns bouncing on his hood as he submitted deeper into pupspace. He pounded relentlessly inside his master, working up to full strength, slamming in deeper as Austin’s furry jock hole opened up wider to accept his stepdad’s massive cock, impaling the smaller man over and over again, pausing only briefly to bring both of his huge arms up into a double bicep pose, reveling in his enormity, furry pits emanating fresh waves of jock musk. Austin groaned mindlessly, holding on for the ride, his cock rubbing mercilessly against Jon’s sweaty torso. The two of them ground against each other for as long as they could stand it, Jon using his little master like a sex toy and Austin frotting his cock against Jon’s enormous, meaty gut and chest, Jon’s metal chain clanking against his new harness. Austin groaned as his cock shot another load, smearing cum all over the big bull’s belly and pecs and harness, mixing with Jon’s sweat. His hole clamped down harder around Jon’s tree trunk cock. “AARRRROOOOOO!!!!!” Jon bellowed as he exploded inside Austin. Jon could feel his insides bloat with cum as Jon unloaded inside of him, jets of hot bullpup cum filling him up. Jon kept howling until he was completely drained, his huge balls pumping out cream for over a minute. Finally, he lifted Austin off of his baseball bat cock inch by inch until he popped off with a wet squelch, cum splashing down onto Jon. Jon held Austin suspended in the air over the bed. “Grruufff, arrrrfff, mmmphhhh!” bullpup Jon grunted as he pulled Austin in closer, nuzzled against him, and spread his master’s seed all over his huge body, marked with his master’s cum, honored to serve him for life.
  5. Previous chapters: Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Jon enjoys a BIG dinner and Austin makes sure his growing stepdad gets nice and full, which gets both men worked up quite a bit. The doorbell rang right as Austin walked inside. Perfect timing! The pizza delivery guy was here. Austin had ordered it ahead in anticipation of Jon being done with his workout. “Dinner’s here!” Austin yelled. “Come into the kitchen and get ready to eat, bull!” Jon’s thunderous footsteps followed; the big man positioned himself in front of their back door, leaned down, and started wedging himself through the doorway. He had already expanded it himself accidentally weeks ago, and the half-fixed under-construction wider, taller doorway was already barely big enough to allow him to pass through. Austin watched as Jon crawled through the entrance on his hands and knees, grunting and squirming to fit his wide shoulders and round butt through the doorway, shimmying in until he was inside. Austin just watched, the front door momentarily forgotten; he loved watching his big bull struggle to fit into the normal-sized world. “Ooof!” Jon grunted as he rose to his full 10’ tall height, his head thumping into the ceiling, sending plaster dust raining down into the kitchen. He just grinned and blew some of the dust off his nose. He stepped forward and leaned against the counter, his gut and bulge flopping down onto it, post-cum from his load smearing onto the granite through his white compression shorts. His triceps flared out bigger as he leaned his weight against the counter. His gut gurgled and then groaned loudly, audible throughout the main floor of the house. “Sir, I guess I’m really ready to eat today!” Jon said with a laugh as he stared eagerly at his master. Austin opened the door to get the pizzas. “Big party?” the delivery guy said as he handed him 8 extra larges. “Heh, not exactly,” Austin said as he took them, balancing them carefully. Austin set the pizzas on the kitchen counter, the house filling up with the smell. “Alright bull, ready to eat big? You’re not gonna stop until I tell you, ok?” “Yes Sir!” Jon boomed enthusiastically. He grabbed one of the boxes, the extra large box looking so small in his huge hand, and opened it. His eyes lit up and his gut rumbled again as he saw the pizza. “Meat lovers! My favorite. Thank you, Sir, I don’t deserve all this,” Jon said. “Of course you do, big man. You’ve been working so hard lately and growing so fast for Master. You think you can finish all of these?” Jon scoffed and stepped closer to Austin, looming over him; Austin only came up to his bulging belly button. “Sir, I’ll bet you that I can finish all eight of these in less than half an hour. By myself.” the big man rumbled, looking down at Austin with a smirk. He rubbed his hairy gut, the fur scraping against his calloused hands. It responded by gurgling again, louder than before. “You’re on, pup, I’d love to see you try,” Austin said with a grin. With that, Jon grabbed a quarter of his first pizza. The meat lover’s was stacked with bacon, sausage, pepperoni, and chicken. He folded the pieces over on top of each other until they were stacked up together into one huge piece. He opened wide and took a huge bite; half of the quad slice disappeared into his maw and he chomped down on it loudly. “Mmm,” Jon groaned around a mouthful of pizza. “So good. Gotta feed the beast to grow bigger!” he said and slapped the side of his big belly. It jiggled, then rumbled some more, demanding more food. Jon opened wide and stuffed the rest into his mouth, devouring 4 slices in just two bites. “Heh, that’s right bull, keep eating,” Austin said. “Clock’s ticking! Here, use this to wash it down,” he said as he got a 6 pack of Leinie’s from the fridge and slid it over to Jon. “Mmm, yeah!” Jon boomed as he wrapped a hand around one of the cans and pulled it out. The can looked comically small in his massive paw. He carefully snapped it open, then lifted it up to his mouth, his massive arm bulging into a bicep flex as he did. He guzzled the whole can down in seconds, crushing in it his grip as he got to the end. “BBBBRRUUUPPPPP!” Jon erupted as he tossed the can aside and reached down for more pizza. Jon kept eating. It only took him five minutes to demolish the first pizza. He set the box aside and opened the second one. He tore into that one with the same ferocity as the first one, his hunger seemingly not abated at all. “Good bull, keep eating. Don’t stop until I say so,” Austin said, staring intently as his pup. “I’m always so hungry these days, Sir. Just trying to eat enough to keep growing is a lot of work, you know?” Jon said before chomping down on another stack of slices. “I know, pup. You work so hard to grow for your master, and I’m so proud of you. You really know how to put it away, huh?” Austin said, stepping closer and reaching up to rub Jon’s huge round tummy. “You’re gonna keep eating and getting bigger, right?” Jon groaned. “Yes Sir,” Jon sighed between bites, then ripped another huge piece off and kept eating. After finishing off the fourth pizza (and Austin eating a little bit of one of them), Jon paused. His breathing had become faster and more labored, and he had started sweating profusely, his bull musk filling up the kitchen along with the pizza smells. He looked over and caught his reflection in the glass of the cabinets. He rubbed his belly and chuckled. “What’s so funny, pup?” Austin said. “It’s hard to believe how big I’ve grown, Sir. I look at myself sometimes and marvel at how enormous I am,” Jon said, straightening his shoulders and swelling his chest and gut out, emphasizing his full size. “Yeah, well you should be proud of it, pup. You’ve worked hard for your gains! Tell me how much you like being big, pup,” Austin said, looking up at his submissive dad with a smirk. “I love it so much. Everything is thanks to you, Sir. Your leadership and guidance are responsible for it all,” Jon said, a quiver in his voice. “All of what, pup? Show me.” Austin ordered, motioning him to flex. “All of this,” Jon growled, then raised his arms up into a huge bicep flex until his fists bumped against the 10-foot ceiling. The round, thick peak of his arms rose up like a mountain, matched only by his bowling-ball delts and thick traps. “And this,” he continued, reaching down and rubbing a huge hand over his round, furry gut. “I’m outgrowing the damn house thanks to you, Sir!” Jon boomed excitedly. He scraped his head against the ceiling, again sending plastery powder raining down on both men. Jon’s Underarmour-bound package flopped onto the countertop again, pushing aside one of the pizza boxes. “I’d still be an average weakling without you. Look at me now! I’m the biggest man in the world!” Austin stepped closer to feel his massive muscle pup. He reached up and tugged on Jon’s thick heavy chain necklace, grabbing him by the padlock and pulling his head down to look at his master. “Are you done growing yet, pup?” “No Sir! I’ll keep growing as long as you want me to. As big as you want. Whatever it takes!” Jon rumbled, growling intensely, his voice shaking with emotion. “That’s my good pup, you make your Sir so proud,” Austin said, leaning in closer and whispering in Jon’s ear, their beards scraping together. “You’re gonna keep growing bigger and bigger until I say you’re big enough, how do you like the sound of that?” Austin purred. Jon’s big body shook, shivers of pleasure and anticipation rattling through his body. His package throbbed and a wet streak of pre smeared across the countertop. “Yes Sir, *huff*, anything for you, Sir!” he breathed desperately, pizza breath washing over Austin. “Good pups listen to their master!” Jon said, his eyes suddenly welling up with tears. He reached down, wrapped his massive arms around Austin and lifted him up in to a huge bear hug. “Gotta keep growing for my boy, for my Sir!” Jon’s furry torso scraped against Austin’s and Austin could feel the intense heat radiating off his huge body. Sweat and pizza grease smeared against Austin as the two rubbed against each other, both of their cocks throbbing. “Good pup, your master loves you very much. Now put me down,” Austin commanded. Jon took a deep breath to compose himself, his arms still wrapped around Austin. “I love you too, Master, so much,” Jon whimpered, a strange sound from such a big man, before setting Austin down. He wiped the tears away from his eyes. He was overcome with intense devotion. “Do you know how big bulls like you keep growing?” Austin asked, and motioned towards the remaining pizzas. “Gotta eat big to grow big!” Jon boomed, repeating the words that Austin had told him many times over the last 7 months. Jon scooped up another four slices of pizza, crushed them together into one big stack, and stuffed them into his mouth, cramming them all inside. *crruuunnnchhh* and suddenly all that was left in his huge hand was a line of crust. “Good pup, that’s the way. You’re looking bigger already!” Austin said, encouraging his pup, rubbing the side of his mammoth gut. Jon smacked the other side of his belly with a huge hand, slapping it repeatedly, his firm, hard gut barely shaking from the impact. He chuckled around his mouthful of pizza before swallowing it shockingly fast. “UUUURRRRPPP!” Jon belched, the deep, resonant burp making the glass on the cabinets rattle. He followed that up with several smaller burps as he reached down and cracked open another beer. He lifted it up to chug it, but in doing so his huge bulge bumped the half-empty pizza box onto the floor, sending several slices tumbling down onto the ground at Jon’s feet. “Uh oh,” Austin said, looking up at his pup knowingly. “You know my rule about wasting food, pup. What is it?” he said, flicking a nipple on Jon’s bloated pecs. Jon shivered and groaned between panting breaths. “No wasted food, no matter what,” Jon rumbled. He licked his lips and his cock throbbed again, more pre leaking through his compression shorts. “That’s right. Get down there and clean it up,” Austin said, gesturing down to the ground where the fallen pizza lay face-down on the kitchen floor. “Yes Sir,” Jon grunted. The big man, dropped down to his knees, causing the room to shake, then got down on all fours. Even on all fours, he was still almost as tall as Austin. He reached for the pizza before Austin patted him on his shoulder and shook his head. “Not like that pup,” Austin said. He came around to Jon’s front, rubbing a hand across Jon’s expansive, muscular back, feeling the lumpy ridges of his enormous traps. “With your tongue. Get every little bit that you dropped. No wasted food, no matter what,” Austin said authoritatively, looking his bull right in the eyes. Jon nodded obediently, his face flushing red, his breathing heavy. “Yes Sir!” Jon boomed, then dove down to lick up the fallen pizza off the floor, his metal chain clinking around as he did. He slurped, grunted, and moaned as he licked the floor, getting every fleck of sauce, every chunk of sausage, every crumb of crust until all that remained was a wet spot from his own spit. “Licking food off the ground, god you are such a greedy, hungry mutt aren’t you?” Austin teased, scratching the dirty blond mohawk and rubbing his fingers over Jon’s neck rolls. “I need it all, Sir, gotta have more to grow bigger for you, Sir,” Jon breathed. Jon felt dirty, but his cock leaked onto the floor, belying his true feelings. “Good bull, such a hungry pup, you make me so happy,” Austin cooed, moving his hand to Jon’s back and rubbing the bulging traps through the big bull’s back and shoulder fur, feeling the muscles twitch against his calloused hand. “Mmmph, need MORE, Sir!” Jon rumbled as he sat up, eye-level with Austin for a moment. “Still so hungry!” “Good bull, let’s keep eating then, I’m still timing you!” Austin said as he stepped closer. He rubbed his hands against Jon’s round belly and swollen pecs, every inch of him furry and sweaty. He could smell Jon’s pizza breath. He leaned in closer until he planted a firm kiss on Jon’s big lips. Jon groaned as his master kissed him. Nothing felt better than getting Austin’s approval and praise. Nothing felt better than Austin’s lips on his. Jon reached out and rubbed his big hands up and down Austin’s lean, hard body, feeling the firm muscles dance and twitch as they ground against each other in lust. Jon’s cock throbbed again, soaking his compression shorts even more. His gut groaned in hunger. “Still so HUNGRY!” Jon boomed, then stood back up to his full, towering, 10 foot tall height until his head bumped the ceiling. Austin had to back up to not get knocked over by Jon’s huge pecs, gut, and bulge as he stood. Austin looked up at his giant stepdad looming over him; there were still times that even he was shocked at how big Jon was growing. Jon reached down and resumed eating with renewed vigor, gobbling up the pizzas with obscene grunts, chewing, and growling. In just a few more minutes, Jon polished off another 3 beers and 3 more pizzas until there were only a few pieces left. The big man was huffing and puffing and his gut had swollen out rounder and fuller than before. Jon raised the last stack of 4 slices up to his mouth and crunched down on them, breathing heavily out of his nose, chewing slowly. He groaned and swallowed. “DONE!” the big man boomed, smacking his round gut loudly. A deep, resonant burp escaped his lips, and he jiggled his gut proudly in front of Austin. “Such a big meal, Sir. So full,” he groaned. He reached a big fist up and rubbed pizza grease off of his lips and mustache, then licked his hand to make sure he got every bit. But Austin knew the big bull still had more room. “Good job, pup! So proud of you. Such a BIG bull. But you took too long, bull,” Austin said, holding up his timer, which read 30 minutes and 24 seconds. “You must still have room! You’re not done yet,” Austin said, and Jon groaned. “Go over to the living room and sit down in front of the couch. I’ve got more for you coming,” Austin said, rubbing Jon’s full, furry tummy and looking up at his big pup. Jon looked exhausted and overwhelmed. He puffed out his cheeks and exhaled, which turned into a deep, rumbling burp that rose up from the depths of his belly. “Y-yes Sir,” was all the big man could manage before he lumbered off to the living room. Jon sat down heavily and spread out his legs, his tremendous gut spilling into his lap and pressing against his bulge. He closed his eyes and rested for a moment, reaching up to run his fingers across the heavy metal chain and lock that wrapped around his neck, something he did to comfort himself and remind himself of his Sir’s love. A moment later, Austin came out holding three blender containers, each one full to the brim of a vaguely brown-looking sludge and a big red funnel. “Ok bull, now let’s top off that big binge with some protein, huh?” Austin said as he set the shakes down on the coffee table and walked between Jon’s huge legs to get closer. With Jon sitting, Austin was eye level with the big bull. “Three huge, thick gainer shakes to wash down all that pizza, how does that sound?” Jon groaned and rubbed his already full belly. “Y-yes SirUUUUPPP,” Jon rumbled as his words turned into another burp. “Gotta eat big… to grow big,” he groaned. “That’s right pup. Now hold the funnel in place,” Austin ordered, handing Jon the red funnel. Jon set it against his lips and tilted his head back; they had done this routine many times before and Jon knew what to do. “Here it comes,” Austin said as he reached up and poured the thick, brown protein-rich sludge into the funnel. “Mmmmmph,” Jon moaned as the shake hit his tongue, his appetite renewed as he tasted the sweet chocolatey sludge. He drank it with shocking speed, slurping and gulping, his Adam’s apple bobbing up and down, mega-sized gulps loud and clear for Austin to hear, big lips sucking, eager for more. In mere seconds, the entire shake was gone. Austin pulled the empty blender container away, leaving Jon slurping and licking for the final drops. “Good bull, I knew you weren’t done yet,” Austin said with a smirk, smacking Jon’s round, sweaty gut. It gurgled in response, the shake filling in any gaps between the pizzas that filled up his belly. Jon breathed hard and held the funnel against his belly, letting some of the remaining shake leak against it. He closed his eyes and licked his lips then burped in satisfaction. “More…” he sighed dreamily as he rubbed the top of his belly and grinned. His cock throbbed harder, straining the elastic and threatening to escape the tight confines of his compression shorts again. He raised the funnel up into the ready position. Austin just grinned and readied the second shake. “Here it comes, bull, such a good pup growing bigger for his Sir,” Austin said as he lifted up the second shake and started pouring. Jon moaned contentedly as the second shake hit his lips and he started sucking on the funnel loudly. Austin could hardly pour fast enough to keep up with Jon’s eager gulping, the sound of which filled the room with obscene slurping, chugging, guzzling noises. Austin could see Jon’s belly swell bigger, rounder, tighter as Jon consumed every drop. It went down shockingly, unbelievably fast considering how full the big man was. Jon came up for air with a gasp, rumbling a deep chuckle as he caught his breath. He palmed his vast gut and rubbed it. “Uuufffff, Sir, huuufff, I’ve never, rruurrff, been more full,” Jon panted, feeling his upper belly. “It’s so, grrroooofff, TIGHT!” the big bull groaned. “That’s right, bull, SO tight and round, so full of growth fuel,” Austin said, rubbing Jon’s belly in wide, slow circles. “You’re doing SUCH a good job for your Sir, getting so big, so round and strong,” Austin said, heaping praise upon praise. Jon broke into a broad, exhausted grin and closed his eyes . “I don’t know if I can have any more after that,” he said between short, labored breaths. A small burp escaped from his lips and he groaned some more. “So full!” “Aww come on bull, I know you can take a little bit more,” Austin said, leaning in closer and pressing his own hard bulge against Jon’s gut. Standing, Austin was about the same height as Jon was sitting down, and his cock was at just the right height to press against Jon’s thick pecs and the top of his round, hard gut. Austin rubbed up and down against the bulky torso of his huge stepdad and groaned. “Kiss me, pup, I need to taste you,” Austin whispered. Jon grunted and grinned in response. He opened his eyes and leaned forward to kiss his Sir. They locked lips, Jon’s bigger face and beard and lips smothering Austin’s, his thick tongue easily overpowering his Sir’s aggressive embrace. Austin lowered his pants and underwear so he could rub directly against Jon’s massive chest and belly; Jon growled when he felt the slick, warm precum spreading around between his enormous pecs. They both breathed heavily through their noses and grunted and groaned, their hands exploring each others’ bodies freely, greedily, hungrily. Austin could taste the thick, sweet protein shake on Jon’s lips and relished the flavor. After being apart for months, they still savored the benefits that came from being together all the time. After what seemed like an eternity and not enough time, they separated, both of them catching their breath, both men’s cocks throbbing and leaking pre. “Mmmph, well damn you taste good, pup,” Austin said with a grin. “Yeah? What do I taste like, son?” Jon said with a smirk, his cock emerging from the top of his Underarmour, the head of it as big as Austin’s fist. Austin stepped closer until he was inches away from his stepdad’s face. “Like protein and sweat and cum and MAN,” Austin growled, rubbing his beard against Jon’s. “And knowing you’re going to grow even BIGGER has got me so worked up,” Austin said, pressing his cock against Jon’s chest again and smearing more pre around. “Y-yeah!” Jon breathed, then jerked as a belch slipped up and out of his maw. “Always bigger, always more,” Jon intoned. “Good pup. Let’s see that big bicep and let me smell you, bull,” Austin commanded. Jon obeyed. He raised up an arm and flexed his mighty bicep, exposing his hairy, sweat-matted hairy pit. A wave of Jon’s BO funk filled the living room. Austin grabbed the massive, round bicep, leaned forward, and buried his nose in Jon’s armpit, rubbing it around in the deep, sweaty, furry crevice, huffing in the heady smell and groaning with pleasure. Jon shifted his weight and reached over with his other arm to lightly press his Sir into his musky pit, holding him there and feeling his master wriggle against his firm grip. “Mmmmmph, so good,” Austin breathed as he came up for air, sniffing his own upper lip, savoring the musk that coated his beard. “Glad you like it, Sir. I think that’s getting stronger the bigger I get!” Jon said sheepishly. “Yeah? Let’s test that theory,” Austin said before rubbing his nose in the damp, furry pit cave again, huffing in the heady smell, groaning as he did. “What do you think? Muskier? Sweatier?” Jon asked as he held Austin’s head in place. Austin gasped as he came up for air. “Definitely,” he said between breaths. “The bigger you grow, the better you stink,” Austin said, grinning. “Heh, that’s right Sir!” Jon rumbled, looking quite pleased with himself. He pressed Austin against his furry pit again, forcing his Sir to get another huff of his potent bull musk. His master looked so cute desperately rubbing and licking and sniffing his deep, muscular pit. “Ruff, Sir loves my stink, and I do too,” Jon said after Austin had his fill. Jon leaned over and sniffed his own pit and sighed, enjoying his own musk. “Well if growing bigger makes you stink better, then let’s keep going, bull,” Austin said. “And to grow bigger, my bull needs to drink one more big, thick, rich gainer shake. 14,000 calories in every one of these babies, and it’s all for you, pup,” Austin breathed, his voice rising in excitement. He stepped back to grab the last pitcher. Jon breathed more heavily and reached forward to rub his drum-tight belly. “But Sir, I’—URRRPPP—I’m so full!” Jon pleaded, his belly sloshing and groaning as he adjusted his weight. “Now pup, listen to your Sir. You know you can’t say no to me,” Austin said, stepping closer with the shake. “But, but Sir I — BBRRUUAGHHH — I can’t fit, any more, huffff, food in this big belly!” Jon groaned as he palmed the vast expanse, his belly swelled out to the max, heavy and furry and round. “Good pups listen to their masters, don’t they?” Austin cooed, relentless, insistent. He returned to where he was standing before and pressed his cock against Jon’s tight belly again. “Good pups liste—BBBRUUHHHHP—listen to their masters,” Jon repeated. “And are you a good pup?” Austin said, his eyebrow raised, a confident smirk on his face. “I’m a good pup, Sir,” Jon breathed, his eyes welling with sudden emotion. He was filled with a desperate need to make Austin happy, and to do that he needed to drink that shake. He felt a second wind, and his mouth salivated in anticipation of the thick, rich liquid. He grimaced and flexed, his traps and neck bulging with muscle. “Give me more, Sir. I need MORE!!” Jon raised the funnel back up to his lips, his massive bicep flexing as he did, and he tipped his head back again. Austin wasted no time, dumping the final shake into the funnel. Jon moaned, desperate to chug it down, and he guzzled it all up faster than either of the previous shakes, his grunts and chugs turning into greedy-sounding growls. When the final shake was gone, Jon put the funnel in the container and Austin set it aside. Both of them growling and chuckling. Austin pressed his cock against Jon’s rock-hard gut and meaty pecs, and started grinding against his giant stepdad. “Such a huge, hungry, growing PUP, I’m so proud of you, Jon,” Austin breathed as he bucked against Jon, frotting aggressively against Jon’s furry beef. Austin suddenly felt something huge and hard rubbing between his legs; he looked down and saw Jon’s freed, hard cock, thick and long as a Pringles can, rubbing up and down his legs until the tip of it pressed against Austin’s tight balls. “Of course, Sir, I’d do anything for you, Sir, gotta grow BIG for you, Sir!” Jon panted, working into a frenzy, sweat dripping off him and mixing with Austin’s precum, making a slick, furry surface for Austin to rub on. Jon’s cock spurted out another wad of precum, soaking Austin’s balls, and Austin returned the favor, leaking more between Jon’s furry pecs. “So FULL for you, Sir!” Jon bellowed, feeling bigger than ever before. “That’s right bull, always GROWING, turning into my prized muscle daddy BULLPUP, you want that don’t you, dad?” Austin said through gritted teeth, picking up speed as he desperately humped against the wall of beef in front of him, Jon’s round gut trying to push him backwards. “Yes Sir, gonna be the BIGGEST damn bullpup for you!” Jon groaned, his cock flaring up harder and longer as he approached climax. “Aww yeah, fuck yeah,” Austin panted, his hands squeezing and rubbing his stepdad’s impossibly enormous delts and arms. He leaned in and kissed Jon hard, both of them moaning and panting and growling as their tongues wrestled, both of them desperate for a taste of each other. They separated and Jon tensed his arms, flexing the round, hard biceps for his Sir. Austin squeezed harder, his comparatively small fingers hardly denting Jon’s massive muscles. Jon grinned. “Mmmm, even after all that food, son, you know what?” Jon rumbled. “What’s that pup?” Austin groaned. Jon’s pushed out his belly into full roundness, full hardness, squeezing Austin’s cock harder between his gut and Austin’s own muscular body. His gut groaned and gurgled loudly, like it was still empty. “I’m still HUNGRY!” Jon roared. Austin groaned and exploded, his cock spraying cum all over Jon’s chest, jets of it getting all over his bullpup’s huge beard. Jon’s cock followed suit, gushing cum against the underside of Austin’s throbbing balls, cum and sweat and fur mixing together in a moment of perfect release. They went on shooting for almost a minute, both of their bodies shaking and throbbing, cum dripping all over the carpet underneath them, smearing all over Jon’s huge body and Austin’s muscular legs and abs. Austin collapsed against his pup, utterly spent. Jon wrapped his enormous arms around his Sir and squeezed, securing his son against his cum and sweat-soaked body. “I love you so much, pup,” Austin whispered in Jon’s ear. “I love you too, Master,” Jon breathed and both of them felt a contentment that few on Earth ever get to experience.
  6. Previous chapters: Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Austin enjoys life with his growing, submissive stepdad. Jon lifts some weights in the backyard, then gets excited after his weigh-in and gets an intense blowjob from his Master. Chapter 10: Spring Break — Life With a Growing, Submissive Bull Pt1 The ground shook as Austin watched the beat-up old Ford F150 rise up into the air and crash back down again, bouncing on its shocks each time it hit the ground. The truck itself weighed somewhere around 2 tons, at least according to what Austin had looked up online when he bought it. Perfect weight to challenge the enormous man hefting it up and down like a medicine ball. Jon grunted as he picked up the truck again, lifted it over his head, and grinned down at his master. “Twenty!” Jon boomed proudly, straightening out his arms all the way, his enormous triceps and delts hard and flexing as he held the truck 12 feet off the ground, gripping the axles underneath. He wasn’t shaking or struggling at all, even 20 reps in; it was getting noticeably easier for him just in the last few days, Austin noted. He’d have to try to find another, heavier truck for Jon to lift with soon. The truck crashed down to the ground again, adding to the muddy divots in the grass of the backyard. Jon was soaked and dripping with sweat despite the cool spring Minnesota air, grunting and breathing heavily, clouds of vapor billowing from his beard-covered mouth. His quads shook as he walked around the truck to come closer to Austin, each one swelling out to the sides with round arcs of muscle. Each thigh rubbed against the other one roughly, the enormous bulge in his white Underarmour compression shorts bouncing as he did, the head of his huge cock plainly visible. The tight athletic boxer-briefs were the only thing he had on except for leather bicep straps, custom-made Underarmour football cleats, and long compression socks that were stretched thin over his massive calves. A wet spot spread over his bulge as he looked down at Austin and grinned. “How’s that, Sir? Bigger?” Jon rumbled, his voice unnaturally deep and loud. He planted the tip of his cleat on the grass, the spikes digging into the dirt, and flexed a calf muscle bigger than Austin’s thigh. The straining socks somehow made it look even bigger. He shook the meaty mass of his quads before flexing them, and they hardened into bulging slabs of muscle. His huge, round gut jiggled too, just looming above Austin’s face. “Do you think I’m growing?” the muscle bear boomed. Austin shook his head. Jon always asked questions like that even when the answer seemed obvious, but he knew it was because he craved the approval of his Sir. “Yes, bull, you’re bigger than ever!” “Oh, hehe, that’s good!” Jon said, a huge grin breaking out on his face. He reached up and stroked his dirty blonde beard, which stretched down into his pec cleavage, sticking to the sweaty expanse of his chest. Austin looked up at the giant above him; Jon had just passed 10 feet tall two days ago and was closing in on an even ton. “Looking easier for you, huh?” Austin said. He reached forward to rub his stepdad’s enormous thighs, running his hands through the sweaty, furry, hard expanse of muscle. Austin came up to Jon’s expansive gut, so his huge legs, barrel chest, and thick midsection were all in easy reach. His knuckles brushed against Jon’s bulge and the wet spot on his briefs grew as another spurt of precum leaked out. “Y-yes Sir, two tons is easy for a giant bull like me,” Jon groaned, trying to control his feelings. His cock throbbed and grew, the head of it poking out above his briefs and burping up more pre. It was very hard to stay focused when Master watched him lift weights. He rubbed his hands up and down his sweaty, furry torso, a mist of sweat rising into the cool spring air. “Good bull, that’s right,” Austin said. “And you’re gonna keep getting stronger. Show me your bench press,” Austin said. “Yes Sir!” Jon boomed, and he went back over to the truck. He laid down on the ground, getting dirt and brown grass over his expansive back, then reached one hand under the truck and pulled it over closer. With impossible strength, he hoisted the truck onto his chest, his pillowy pecs taking the impact of the tires and undercarriage with no problem. He gripped the axles and pressed, lifting 4000lbs of truck into the air like it was a warmup. The truck flew up and down, up and down, Jon grunting and sweating but hardly straining against the two-ton weight. “Light weight, Sir! I need more!” Jon grunted between reps as he lifted and lifted, flying past 25 reps with no sign of slowing down. “Gotta lift big to get big, that’s what you always say, Sir!” “That’s right bull, keep going until 100!” Austin said. He had to adjust his own package watching his giant muscle daddy lifting. His strength was beyond anything he had ever seen, unbelievable if he wasn’t witnessing it himself. Jon’s impossible, endless second puberty had only picked up steam since he had visited his dorm room just over a month ago and Austin had moved back in with Jon. Their total focus and dedication had only accelerated his uncanny growth. Jon threw the truck aside, crashing it onto its side as he roared past 100 reps. He scrambled to his feet with startling speed and energy, seemingly not tired at all despite being two hours into his second workout of the day. “Now, let’s do some cardio!” Austin held up a basketball. Jon instinctively turned and dropped into a three-point stance, facing the expansive backyard, his meaty ass in Austin’s face. “Go!” Austin yelled as he threw the ball as hard as he could. Jon grunted and bounded after the ball, his custom-made oversized cleats tearing more divots into the once-pristine grass of the backyard. Jon ran, the huge, rumbling footsteps of the massive brute eating up space surprisingly fast. His heavy chain necklace jingled as he ran. The ball sailed a long ways, and Jon was so focused on it that he didn’t notice the thin birch tree that stood in his way until he shouldered into it; the tree exploded into splinters and fell over as Jon plowed into it. Seeing his target, Jon lunged onto the ball, squashing it under his enormous weight until it popped open with a crack. Rising quickly, he ran back to Austin just as fast, ball tucked into the crook of his arm, pressed between his enormous bicep and meaty chest. He nearly barreled into Austin before skidding to a halt, tearing up more grass. He beamed down at his master, grunting and breathing heavy. “Another one?” Austin said, looking up at his giant stepdad with a disapproving look. “Throw it on the pile,” Austin said, gesturing to the pile of other broken balls and fetching toys. “Heh, sorry Sir, I got excited,” Jon said as he adjusted the tight leather straps digging into his biceps. Austin had bought the custom, adjustable straps at his local fetish gear shop a couple weeks ago with the intention that they would last for months. They weren’t on the loosest setting of 36” yet, but as Austin eyed Jon’s throbbing, hard biceps and heard the leather groaning, he knew they wouldn’t last long. “That’s fine, pup, I love your enthusiasm!” Austin said, getting another ball. “Ooh ooh, can I do another one? Please?” Jon pleaded, bouncing up and down excitedly as he inched closer to his Sir. Austin knew that Jon could take the ball from him whenever he wanted, but he wanted to please his master and run hard for him. Sprinting made his legs and lungs stronger for master. “Ready?” Austin teased, and Jon dropped into a three-point stance again, like a giant football player. “All the way down this time,” Austin said, and Jon dropped onto his stomach with a thump, the nearly plants and trees shaking from the impact. “Go!” Grass ripped up from the ground as Jon exploded off the ground with terrifying power and he launched himself after the ball again. They kept at this for half an hour, Austin working Jon until he was a sweaty mess, the dense fur covering every inch of body soaked and curling with sweat, dirt covering his cleats and calves, his compression shorts soaked through. When Austin finally said that was enough, Jon was panting and tuckered out. “Bring it in, pup, such good work,” Austin said. “Here you go,” he said and held up a gallon-sized jug filled with brown liquid. “Hrrrrmmmmmph just what I need!” Jon grunted as he grabbed the jug, his fingers easily wrapping all the way around it, and started chugging the thick, viscous shake. Austin marveled at how quickly the big man could consume, watching his Adam’s apple bob up and down, listening to the gurgling, groaning, throbbing sound of Jon chugging the 4000 calorie shake. Austin looked up at Jon’s round gut noticeably expanding as it filled up with protein shake until the arc of it brushed against Austin’s forehead. In seconds, the jug was empty. “Ahhhh, that hit the spot, Master!” Jon sighed contentedly as he rubbed his belly, bumping Austin backwards as he did. “More?” Jon asked eagerly as he looked down as his diminutive master, his cock throbbing as he did. “Later, bull. First it’s time for our daily weigh-in!” Austin said and he gestured over to the scale. Jon knew the drill. They followed the same routine every day, lifting and feeding times regimented and organized, weigh-ins and measurements regular and tracked by Austin’s diligent eye, calories and nutrition and exercise optimized for maximum growth. They had an industrial-size scale that was meant for livestock set up on the back deck, which was a couple feet elevated up off the ground. Jon lumbered over, the deck straining under his mass as he walked across, his ass shaking and jiggling up and down as he waddled. Suddenly his right foot broke through the wooden decking and he fell forward and down a foot or two. “Uh oh! Sorry Sir. Rrrruuuuffff, grrrufff!” Jon grunted as he ripped his foot up through the decking, tearing up more of the deck as he kept walking over to the scale. Casual, accidental destruction was becoming more and more common with Jon as he grew beyond normal human scale. The scrapes and holes that dotted the ceilings and the cracked, partly-destroyed doorways in the house were testament to that. Jon stepped on the scale until the number evened out. “1824 pounds! Great job, bull. Boy, you’re getting so big, aren’t you?” Austin said, praising his prized bullpup as he rubbed Jon’s huge, round ass. “Yeah, always bigger, always more, that’s what you always say, Sir,” Jon grunted. “I gotta keep growing, right?” Jon stepped off the scale and turned to face his Sir, looking down at him from over the round hills of his pecs and gut. Sweat dripped down off his nose and nipples, some of it splashing on Austin. “That’s right, pup, always bigger, always more!” Austin repeated. It was the mantra that Austin had come up with since he had moved in to help keep them both focused and motivated on their shared goal. Every aspect of their lives was focused on one thing: to grow Jon as big and strong as they possibly could. “Yeah,” Jon breathed, steam puffing into the air. He looked up into the grey sky and raised his arms up into a flex, steam and heat from his sweaty pits radiating off him. “MORE!” His arms were spread wide, biceps flexed, his forearms spread out at a 45 degree angle, making the biceps look extra thick. Jon’s bulge throbbed and swelled in his Underarmour until they stretched the white material close to bursting. The cock head surged and poked out at the top as if it had a mind of its own. Jon grunted involuntarily as a glob of precum gushed out and splashed onto the grass in front of Austin. “You worked so hard today, bull,” Austin said, looking up at his submissive daddy. They locked eyes, staring intensely, each of them breathing heavily, cocks throbbing. “Let me help you with that.” Austin stepped forward and tugged at the hem of Jon’s shorts until he freed the rest of the meaty, Pringles-can sized cock from its confines. The heady, funky smell of Jon’s crotch and balls wafted into the air, steam rising from his loins. Austin huffed in the smell, sending tingles of excitement down his spine. He was at the perfect height now to suck Jon’s dick while standing. He opened wide and gobbled up as much of his pup’s cock as he could. “Ohhhhhhhnnggggg Sirrrrrr,” Jon groaned, a bassy rumble filling the air, deep enough to rattle Austin’s ribcage. “Rrrrrrruuuuuffffff,” he moaned unintelligibly. Austin pushed deeper, the massive cock head filling every inch of his mouth, jamming it until it scraped the back of his throat. He could only swallow up about half of its length now and barely wrap his lips around it. He was well-practiced with it at this point and didn’t gag, though he knew that he wouldn’t be able to take such a huge cock for too much longer as Jon grew more and more. “Yeahhhhhhh, gotta grow more for my Sirrrrrr,” Jon purred. He reached down, past the love handles of his huge gut, and wrapped his hands around Austin’s chest, easily lifting him into the air. He brought Austin up to his bearded mouth and kissed him roughly, his tongue plunging into Austin’s mouth aggressively. “Morrrrrrre,” he groaned as he walked over to the wall of the house, protein breath washing over Austin as Jon breathed heavily. Jon plopped Austin back down to the ground and brandished his cock like a club, thumping Austin in the face with the swollen, throbbing member. “Harrrrrder,” Jon groaned, his thoughts focused only on pleasure. Jon slammed his weight forward into Austin’s awaiting mouth. Jon looked down and couldn’t see anything past the expanse of his enormous furry muscles and round power gut. He could feel Austin sucking and choking and gagging on his cock but couldn’t see him at all. Jon was just too big. “So big. The biggest!” Jon moaned, humping his enormous body against Austin. He leaned forward onto the house, bracing against the wall with his thick, veiny, hairy forearms, leaving smears of sweat against the cold siding. Austin could only groan and brace himself against the huge thighs that surrounded him. He pressed his arms against the huge, heavy gut that pressed down on him, but it was futile; it was simply too heavy. Austin felt himself squeeze harder against the wall of the house as Jon humped harder and faster, picking up steam. “Always bigger, always more for you, Sir!” Jon groaned as he plowed his master’s tight mouth. His Sir had given him purpose and value and meaning, all he ever needed. The thought of growing even bigger, of swelling beyond the impossible size he had already reached, of making his master even happier and even more proud of him, filled him with euphoria. His cock throbbed harder and more precum oozed down Austin’s throat. “You like how strong I am now, Sir?” Jon asked, an edge of pleading and begging in his sonorous voice. Austin grunted and groaned, his throat choking on the massive cock as he tried to respond. “You want me to keep growing bigger, Sir?” Jon groaned, his deep voice straining as his cock throbbed harder and harder. Austin moaned as loudly as he could, needing his pup’s cum. “I’ll do anything for you Sir, I’m gonna be the very biggest for you, Sir, all for you Sirrrrrrrrahahhhhhhhhh!!!!” Jon roared as his cock exploded, his huge balls tensing and throbbing as jets of cum sprayed directly down Austin’s throat, feeding his master his potent bull cream. Austin gulped furiously, trying to cope with the intense volume of cum flowing into him, but it was no use. Spurts of cum dribbled from his mouth and onto his beard, mixing together with Jon’s sweat in his sweaty, bushy pubes. Jon leaned into Austin harder until every drop was drained, grunting and groaning loudly. Jon arched his neck and back and sighed contently, a plume of steam rising into the air, satiated for now. He was proud to give his master a thick meal of bull cum. Jon stepped back and Austin coughed and sputtered, cum drooling down his mouth and covering his beard and parts of his shirt. He grinned up at his pup. “Good work, bull, wow that was some load! You were really worked up, huh?” “Heh, yeah, grruuuufff, love humping my Sir’s face I guess,” Jon said, raising his arm up and scratching the back of his head sheepishly. As he did, his enormous tummy rumbled loudly, demanding more food. “Sounds like it’s time to eat!” Austin said, staring up at his big pup. Jon rubbed his round belly and licked his lips in anticipation. “Sure is, Sir. I’m STARVING!” Jon rumbled as his gut growled again, louder and longer.
  7. Previous chapters: Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Beef, or rather Jon, finally gets to fuck his little master. Austin decides he can't live away from his growing stepdad any longer. Beef practically ran across campus, holding Austin in a fireman’s carry, grunting and woofing excitedly, panting and sweating and growling. He took the stairs up to Austin’s room three at a time and burst the door open, busting through the lock with one shove. He set Austin down, pushed him into the room, then wedged himself through and closed the door as best he could. Turning to Austin, he towered over the college jock and looked at him with an expression Austin had never seen before: unbridled, uncontrolled, overwhelming lust. “Beef wants to fuck!” he boomed, tearing at his compression shorts and jock until they tore off. His enormous cock sprang forth, drooling precum in a thin line of ooze that dripped to the floor. “Beef NEEDS to fuck!” he said as he stepped towards Austin. There was no doubt that everyone in the neighboring rooms could hear Jon’s words. “Yeah? You want my tight jock butt, Beef?” Austin teased, backing up and towards the middle of the room. “YES! I NEED IT NOW!” Beef rumbled, reaching for Austin with his huge, powerful hands. His lifted Austin up, pinned him to the ceiling, and tore at Austin’s shorts and underwear and shoes until they all fell to the floor. “Mmm, Beef is excited to fuck his Sir, isn’t he?” Austin continued to tease. “It’s gonna feel so GOOD to put that big cock inside me, huh?” Austin said. “MMMMMPH FUCK,” Beef groaned as his cock spurted pre. “Tight fucking HOLE for Beef to FUCK,” he said. He swung Austin down and wrapped his huge hands around Austin’s shoulders, gripping him so tight it hurt. He effortlessly lifted him off the ground, his tremendous arms bulging with power, his cock aimed right at Austin’s waiting hole. “Stop!” Austin said, and Beef immediately froze, holding his stepson in the air. “Good boy. You’re such an obedient piece of Beef. You worked so hard today, and I’m proud of you. Before you fuck me, you need to loosen me up. You’ve got a big monster cock, don’t you?” Austin said. Beef breathed heavily out his nose, huffing and puffing. “Y-yeah, I sure do,” he breathed, calmer than a moment ago but shaking as he held back, his sweat-soaked crop-top heaving up and down as his pecs switched in anticipation. His cock oozed precum onto the floor in heavy drops. “Then rub that slick precum up against my hole, slowly,” Austin said. Beef lowered him. “Oohhhhh, fuuuckk, rruuuuhhhh,” Beef groaned as his huge cock rubbed against Austin’s firm, round bubble butt, the huge cock head pressing against the furry, tight hole, smearing ooze all around. “Oh fuck yeah dad, feels so amazing,” Austin breathed. “So fuckin’ strong, just holding me in place,” he said. “You’re so light, son, you weigh nothing to me,” Beef grunted through gritted teeth. “Gotta fuck you so bad, kid, uuuuhhhhrrrrffff,” the monster rumbled. “Press against my hole harder, Jon,” Austin whispered. Jon’s eyes widened and a wave of emotion flooded into him as Austin used his real name. “Austin, I love you so much,” Jon groaned. The pressure from Jon’s cock became more and more insistent, pressing harder against Austin’s tight hole until it gave way. “You’re so big, so perfect, and I had so much fun today, you mean more to me than you’ll ever know, dad,” Austin breathed. Jon teared up and he became totally overwhelmed by Austin’s words. “I’m going to fill you up with my love, every inch,” Jon grunted and he pushed his cock in harder. Austin’s tight hole wrapped itself around Jon’s cock head like they were made to fit together. Austin groaned loudly, his stepdad stretching him out in a way he had never felt before. Jon pressed down harder, easing Austin down slowly but relentlessly with perfect control. “Oh my god Sir, it feels so incredible,” the huge muscle bear groaned. “You’re so fuckin’ tight… and I’m so fuckin’ HUGE!” Jon boomed. “Yeah that’s right, bull, so massive!” Austin groaned as his stepdad’s cock invaded him. “And you’re, ahhhh, just gonna keep, unnnfff, growing BIGGER!” “FUCK YEAH,” Jon roared as he pushed and pushed, faster and harder now, Austin sliding inexorably down Jon’s shaft. “So big, so thick, so STRONG!” Jon grunted until Austin was all the way in, 14” long and as thick as a beer can filling Austin. Heat and pleasure and pain radiated through every nerve of Austin’s body, and he breathed deeply and moaned and shuddered as his dad lifted him up slowly, then slammed him back down hard. “Unnnffff, fuck!” Jon grunted, his voice shaking with lust. He slammed Austin down again, making him cry out. “RrrrrRRRuuuuFFffffuck,” the big man groaned. Again. “OOOHHHHHH yeah!” Jon kept this up for several minutes, slowly lifting Austin up and slamming him back down in mid-air, his incredible strength lifting the 230lb jock like up and down like he weighed nothing, his cock impaling his stepson again and again and again. Ripples of pleasure shattered Jon’s mind over and over until his eyes glazed over. His body was soon covered in a shiny gleam of sweat, the sweat dripping until the rug underneath them was dark and damp. Austin leaned in closer and pressed his lips against Jon’s, their tongues intermingling with each other, pressing and probing as they made love, grunting and rubbing their beards together. Jon increased his pace as their kissing intensified, each of them breathing hard through their noses, Jon’s heady pit musk filling the room as he exerted himself, the stink becoming the dominant smell in the room and overriding Austin’s. “Mmmoooore,” Jon groaned as his cock swelled thicker and his balls tightened. “MMMOOOOOORRRE!” he growled as he increased speed, Austin’s ass slamming down harder and harder. “That’s right, bull,” Austin groaned, his voice quavering with each thrust. “You’re just gonna keep growing bigger, aren’t you?” he asked. “Fuck YEAH,” Jon growled. “Fuckin’ BIGGER!” he bumped his head against the ceiling to emphasize his height. “Already so fuckin’ HUGE, but just gonna keep GROWING MORE!!” the monster groaned. “Hell yeah, pup, my big bull, unstoppable GROWTH, you haven’t even started to grow yet, you’re gonna get so much BIGGER still!” Austin moaned. “Look at yourself in the mirror, dad, just look at the size and POWER you have!” Jon turned and saw himself in the full-length mirror. He gasped at what he saw. His massive biceps bulged with power, a huge round peak flexing with every thrust, lifting and pushing his big jock son up and down like he was a child. His round gut bounced and jiggled, Austin’s hard cock pressing against it and smearing precum against its hard, furry expanse. His shoulders and traps consumed his neck, and his thick beard trailed down until it brushed against his shelf-like pecs. His enormous legs bulged with power, swollen with a huge pump from the gym, and his whole body was red and ruddy with exertion, slick and shiny with sweat. Austin’s round, bulbous ass wrapped tightly around his massive cock, which was red and slick and pulsed with thick veins as he watched it go in and out of Austin’s hole. He was an absolute beast, and deep down he knew he was only just beginning to tap into his potential for size, power, and obedience. “Goddamn I’m so fuckin’ BIG,” Jon grunted, rearing his head back and growling with pleasure. “I’m gonna keep feeding you and breeding you, dad, gonna force more and more growth into your enormous muscle bull body!” Austin grunted, his own cock swelling closer to climax as it rubbed against Jon’s firm gut. “Uuuuhhhhffff, Sir, that sounds so good, I need that so much, I need MORE!” Jon boomed. He looked in the mirror again and thought of how much smaller he was a few months ago and laughed. He owed everything to Austin, his little Sir, his perfect, sexy stepson who was writhing with pleasure in his arms at this very moment. Jon looked into Austin’s eyes, and then two of them connected, madly in love with each other with an intensity that overwhelmed both of them. “I’m… I’m gonna…” Jon groaned. “Yeah daddy?” Austin said. “I love you so fuckin’ MUCH, son, now take daddy’s big fuckin’ LOAD!!!!” Jon roared. “Yeah!” Austin moaned and both of them exploded at the same time, Austin’s load spraying all over Jon’s torso and Jon’s jetting inside Austin so forcefully that Austin could feel his insides filling with the warmth of his dad’s potent muscle cum. They both shot spurt after spurt of cum, fueled by their epic gym session, public play, and enormous lunch. Cum gushed and rubbed between each other and dripped down to the floor until the room reeked of brawny alpha males. Jon lifted Austin up until he heard a slick, slurping *pop*. Austin groaned at the sudden emptiness he felt without Jon’s cock inside of him. Jon lowered Austin, sliding him against his slick torso, until his feet hit the ground, still holding him in his arms gently. He looked down at him and smiled. “I love you, little Sir,” Jon said, then leaned down for another kiss. Austin tilted his neck back and opened his mouth, tasting his muscle pup’s tongue. When they came up for air, Austin couldn’t help but smile. “I love you too, pup. Now, how about we shower?” “As long as we can do it together and that we don’t have to wash my pits,” Jon rumbled, swelling out his chest bigger. “Heh, we’re gonna freak out all my dorm mates even more with you walking around looking like that,” Austin said and rubbed the cum and sweat mixture into his dad’s furry chest, causing the hair to curl into ringlets. “Mmmm yeah? I love that,” Jon grunted, realizing the things he would have found embarrassing or humiliating a few months ago turned him on immensely now. “We should keep the curtains open in the shower so everyone can see. Who’s going to stop us?” Austin shook his head. “Jon, I can’t just send you back home after this. We share something so powerful when we’re together,” Austin said, stepping closer and wrapping his arms as far as he could around Jon. “I need to be closer to you, to be your Sir and help you maximize these incredible gifts you have,” Austin said, rubbing his hands up and down his stepdad’s enormous arms. “I’m going to find a way to take the rest of my classes online so I can live with you at home. How does that sound?” Austin looked up at Jon and saw that the big man had tears welling in his eyes. “Do you mean it, Sir?” Jon said, his voice shaking. “Yes pup, I do, I need you, I need you every day,” Austin said as he buried his face into Jon’s furry chest. “I want that so much, Sir, you would make me the happiest, luckiest pup in the world!” Jon said as he reached down until his hands cupped Austin’s meaty ass. He lifted Austin up and squeezed him harder than ever. Austin groaned as his giant muscle bull hugged him hard. “We can fuck and lift and eat and grow bigger and bigger together, finally!” Austin wheezed. Jon squeezed him even more tightly, his cock throbbing and his muscles bulging “Fuck yes!” he roared before leaning down to make out with Austin again.
  8. Previous chapters: Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Jon and Austin enjoy a day on campus together, availing themselves of the gym, wrestling practice room, and cafeteria. Jon woke up and realized there was a weight pressing down on top of his massive chest. He breathed in deep and saw Austin, his beautiful stepson Sir, whose body rose and fell with every one of Jon’s breaths. He breathed in deep again through his nose, breathing in the scent of his Sir that filled the room, mixed in with his own tangy musk and the smell of dried cum. His little Sir had slept on top of him all night, using Jon like a big muscly mattress. Jon didn’t fit on the absurdly small twin-sized mattress underneath him; his legs hung off the end of the bed from the knees down, and his shoulders and arms spilled over the sides and onto the floor. It hadn’t been the most comfortable sleep, but with Austin in his arms, it was the best sleep in the world. Jon sighed contently, the warm wind of his nose causing Austin to stir and awaken as well. “Good morning, Sir,” Jon said softly. He lifted his arms and wrapped them around Austin, squeezing him tightly against his bulk. “It feels so good waking up with you in my arms,” Jon sighed. “Mmm, same to you, pup,” Austin said groggily. He propped himself up by pressing his hands against Jon’s pillow-sized pecs and pressed his hard cock against his stepdad’s round belly. “Last night was so much fun!” Austin said with a smirk. “I’m glad you liked it, Sir,” Jon said. “I can still feel your loads inside me, filling me with strength,” Jon growled. Austin felt something smack him from behind and realized it was Jon’s enormous cock slapping his back. It twitched and swelled bigger, thicker, longer, smearing precum along Austin’s spine as it grew and grew to full hardness. “Well well, someone is excited to wake up with his master on top of him, aren’t they?” Austin said. He leaned back against Jon, rubbing his furry crack against his dad’s hard cock. “Unf, Sir, you just make me feel… rrruuuuuhffff,” Jon groaned as his cock twitched and leaked uncontrollably. “Gotta cum real bad, Sir,” he rumbled. “Well pup, we can’t yet. We have a big day ahead of us,” Austin said. “No loads until I say so, got it?” Austin said in jokingly sing-songy voice, like one would use with a child. Jon groaned and stretched, arching his back and lifting Austin higher up into the air. “Uhhhgggg but Sir, I need it so bad!” Jon whined and he reached down to squeeze his cock against Austin’s back. The massive tool reached halfway up Austin’s back, ooze leaking all over Austin’s spine. “I know, big bull, but right now you need to eat! Get up and carry me over to the fridge!” Austin said. Jon, of course, did as he was told, effortlessly lifting his 230lb Sir up as he rose to his towering 8 feet tall height. His head bumped into the ceiling and he chuckled, amused by his own enormity. They were both naked, their bodies rubbing against each other. Jon’s cavernous stomach groaned and gurgled loudly. “Mmm, I AM pretty hungry, Sir,” Jon rumbled as he stomped over to his stepson’s dorm kitchenette, the entire room shaking with each step. “Well I’ve got just the thing for you,” Austin said as Jon put him down. Austin put together the biggest, thickest, most calorie-dense shake Jon had ever seen, filling it with gainer shake powder, bananas, oats, olive oil, honey, whole milk, preworkout, and more. By the time he was done, it was a brown slurry that filled the blender to the brim. “Drink, now, every drop, chug it,” Austin commanded. The massive bear palmed the blender container in one huge hand and lifted it to his maw. He started gulping it down the viscous sludge shockingly fast, astounding Austin with the aggressive, relentless speed he consumed it, his Adam’s Apple bobbing up and down fast. In seconds, he was done, a couple drops dribbling down into his thick beard. Jon gasped for air when he was done and took a deep breath. His belch shook the window panes with its ferocity and depth. “MORE!” he boomed as he handed the blender back to Austin. This continued several more times until Jon had his fill, each time his gut swelling out rounder and bigger and heavier. Austin encouraged him by rubbing his massive belly and reminding him how much bigger all these calories were going to make him. Jon kept asking for more after each shake, his hunger seemingly insatiable. By the time Jon was done, he had already put away around 10000 calories and hundreds of grams of protein. “Now, pup, I have what you’re going to wear today,” Austin said as he dug around in his closet. “I was going to give this to you as a present, but since you need a shirt… Such a good obedient pup needs to let everyone know what he is!” Austin said as he handed Jon his new shirt. Jon unfolded it. It was an absurdly small, tan-colored crop-top with one word emblazoned in rainbow lettering on the front: BEEF. Jon grinned and his eyes lit up. “I am Beef!” he bellowed. He bent over and Austin helped him into the shirt, wriggling and shimmying to get the tight garment to stretch over his enormous bulk. He did the same with the black jock strap and white Under Armour compression shorts, then put on his extra wide Otomix. Jon looked down, past his beard which merged with his furry chest, and looked at this new label, BEEF, and grinned. He flexed his chest, the surging pec meat making his shirt stretch taut across his shoulders and between his pecs. His round, furry gut was totally exposed, and his massive bulge and huge ass stood out prominently thanks to the jock strap. “Today you are no longer bull or pup or Jon, you are Beef. Mine to command and obey,” Austin said with a smirk. “Your goal, Beef, is to pack on as much meat onto your giant frame as possible today, got it?” “YES SIR!” Beef rumbled and stood at attention, his bulge twitching, his shoulders round and wide. “Then, if you are good, we will come home and we will take care of his,” Austin said as he cupped Beef’s huge package and fondled it up and down. Beef shivered and grunted, and his cock throbbed in his jock. “Finally, I’m going to lead you to the gym using this,” Austin said, and he pulled out a leash. “Lean down,” he commanded, and Beef obeyed. Austin clicked the leash harness through one of the links of Beef’s heavy chain necklace. “Everyone on campus will know that you are mine. You’re going to be a good boy and do everything I say, right Beef?” Austin said. Beef nodded eagerly, his eyebrows arching with an expression that made it clear he was desperate to please his master. “Good boy,” Austin said as he tugged on the leash, Beef’s thick neck hardly budging against the firm leash. “Now, to the gym!” Austin said, and he led Beef out of the door. As they walked across campus, other students gawked, some laughing or pointing, others giving them a wide berth, while others stared and adjusted their crotches. Beef obediently followed his master, waddling across campus with heavy, thudding strides. His huge thighs rubbed against each other as he walked, and his belly swayed and jiggled, uncovered by the tight crop-top. Austin led the way, occasionally tugging at Beef’s leash and grinning at people gawking at them. Despite the frosty February temperatures, Beef wasn’t cold at all, steam rising off of his bull neck and wide shoulders. In fact, by the time they reached the gym he was already damp with sweat. His collar and leash jingled as they entered the building and went to the front desk of the gym. “I need a parent guest pass for my stepdad here,” Austin said to the desk clerk, gesturing to the enormous, bulky man next to him. Beef grinned broadly at the clerk, his face blushing bright red, his intense blue eyes sparkling. The clerk stared at him, slack-jawed, not knowing how to process the giant man in a comically tight crop-top attached to a dog leash. Beef took a deep breath, his chest expanding bigger and wider, and he flexed his pecs. “WOOF, RRUUUFFF!! Ready to LIFT!” he boomed down at the clerk, causing the underclassmen to flinch and reach for a day pass. Austin filled it out for Beef, and the two of them strode into the gym, heading for the squat rack. It was leg day, but Austin had Beef do a little bit of everything so he got a nice pump and got a good sweat going. Austin let Beef off his leash as they started to lift, and Beef nuzzled his chest against Austin’s face in appreciation. It was hard to find enough weight to challenge Beef, and Austin had to get creative. Beef had grown even stronger than Austin thought, and in trying to max out weights to challenge him, they used nearly every plate available. Austin tried standing on stacks of weights on the cable machine to create enough resistance for Beef, tried using bands and chains to add resistance, and did higher reps than he would normally think of, but it was rarely enough. Beef could easily curl hundreds of pounds, squat and deadlift double his weight, and did leg press with as many 100s and 45s as they could fit on the stack. He was tireless, relentless, and hardly needed any pauses between sets. Once Austin told him to do something, Beef did so with perfect form, ferocious intensity, and terrifying power. He panted and huffed and puffed but never complained, never slowed down, and looked absolutely content and in his element. Puddles of sweat followed them wherever they went, drops of it dripping off Beef’s face, arms, and shoulders, trickling down over his round gut and tree trunk-thick legs, soaked like he was caught in a rainstorm. Austin kept him fed with a bright-pink drink, a mix of powders and supplements that made Beef feel electric and focused and wired, the pump bloating his body up bigger and thicker than ever. Austin was shameless in touching and rubbing Beef’s big body as they lifted, groping his biceps and meaty ass as he lifted, Beef’s focus never fading, the only indication that he noticed coming from the enormous hard-ons that sprung up whenever Austin touched him. Beef grunted loudly with each rep, his resonant voice and massive weights booming in the open gym space, scaring off many of the usual early-morning crowd. He stared intensely as his own reflection in the mirror or at Austin, unblinking, locked in. After 3 hours straight of lifting, Beef stepped up closer to Austin and looked down at him from his 8 foot vantage. His massive gut groaned louder than Austin had ever heard it. “Sir, I’m hungry,” Beef rumbled, reaching down to rub his belly in a wide circle, sweat dripping off his hand in sheets as he did. His crop top was soaked, now a darker shade of tan, and Austin could see the straps and pouch of Beef’s jock strap through the tight compression shorts. “Need to fuel these muscles, Sir. When’s lunch?” Austin looked Beef over. His thighs and calves bulged with a massive pump, and his chest, arms, and shoulders were ruddy and swollen. Beef reached up and ran a hand through his mohawk, a spray of sweat misting off his hair and down onto Austin. “Soon, big boy. You’ve worked SO hard this morning, and now it’s time to eat. But first let’s go to the bathroom,” Austin said. He reached up and clasped Beef’s leash back on, and Beef moaned with pleasure as it locked around his heavy chain necklace. Austin led Beef back into the locker room, jerking his leash to get him to follow. Beef’s enormously wide shoulders took up the full breadth of the hallways, causing other gym goers to retreat. Beef and Austin made their way to the bathroom and went into the handicap stall. “Alright Beef, go ahead and relieve yourself,” Austin said. Beef dropped trou, his massive hose spilling out of his jock pouch, heavy balls emitting an intense musk. “Ahhhhhhh,” Beef groaned as a thick stream of piss started filling up the bowl. “Mmmm, such a big boy,” Austin said as he rubbed Beef’s thick glutes. “Such a good pump today, Beef, you worked hard,” Austin purred. Beef finished, bouncing his chubbed-up cock to get any stray drops, then stuffed his package back into the jock strap. “Thank you, Sir!” he boomed. Beef realized he could easily see over the bathroom stall partitions; he could just see himself reflected in the mirrors looming over the stalls. Beef grinned and his cock chubbed up more, realizing how big and tall he was getting. “Get on your knees, Beef,” Austin commanded, and Beef dropped down; he still came up to Austin’s chin even on his knees. “Now, get on all fours,” Austin said, and Beef pressed his big hands against the dirty floor of the bathroom stall; he looked up at his Sir with expectant, hungry eyes. “Good boy,” Austin said as he pulled his gym shorts down to reveal his own hard, throbbing cock. He ran a hand through Beef’s sweat-slicked hair and down his cheek to his thick beard. “Suck,” Austin said simply and stepped forward, rubbing his cock against Beef’s lips. Beef obeyed and opened his mouth. Austin groaned as Beef’s powerful lips sucked harder than he could believe, his prickly beard and mustache tingling along his cock. Beef was hungry, and his Sir’s sweaty cock excited him greatly; he slurped and grunted and licked and sucked greedily. Suddenly, someone else came into the bathroom, the door opening with a thump. The small room was filled with Beef’s grunting, moaning, and slurping sounds and Austin’s dirty talk. Beef felt so embarrassed but he sucked harder. He had to make his Sir happy. The stranger came closer and saw two massive meatheads sharing one stall, raised his eyebrows, apologized, and awkwardly left the bathroom. “Fuck yeah, everyone knows you’re my bull now, Beef, mmmph, take my fucking load!” Austin grunted as pleasure rippled up his spine. Austin exploded and Beef slurped up his thick load. “Mmm, good boy,” Austin said as Beef rose back up to his full, massive height. Beef grinned down at Austin and rubbed a knuckle against his lip, wiping a dribble of cum from his beard. As they left the bathroom, they passed by the wrestling practice room, which was a small, secluded room full of wrestling mats and practice gear. It was behind a locked door, but because Austin had a prestigious spot on the football team, he had a master key for every door at his college’s gym. “Hey Beef, wanna wrestle?” Austin said with a smirk. Beef’s eyes lit up. “YEAH!” he boomed as Austin opened up the door. The smell of stale sweat from years of wrestling practice and wrestling mats overwhelmed them as they entered the room. Austin closed and locked the door and they were alone. “Let’s see what we’ve got… here we go,” Austin said as he rummaged through a pile of dirty, used practice singlets. “This is the biggest one I can find, see it if fits.” Austin tossed the maroon-colored singlet to Beef, who raised it up to his nose and breathed in deeply, savoring the musk of wrestling practices gone by. He stripped down to his jock and struggled to put on the too-tight singlet, stumbling to keep his balance. “One foot at a time, there you go, mmm these are gonna stretch tight over your big thighs, huh?” Austin said as he helped Beef step into the singlet. It stretched and stretched, rubbing over the furry expanse of Beef’s massive thighs. Beef slowly rolled the singlet up the round expanse of his muscle gut, sweat already soaked into it, the material stretching and straining. Austin started putting on a singlet of his own, and Beef’s cock strained as he watched his hot master putting on the tight garment. A wet spot started forming on Beef’s bulging package, pre soaking through the singlet. “Sir, I need help with the final straps,” Beef rumbled. He waddled over to Austin and bent down, allowing Austin to reach up and stretch the straps over his huge traps. Beef’s meaty nipples poked out to the sides, his impossibly wide chest and shoulders too much for the singlet to handle. He rose to his full height, the straps taut between his traps and pecs, so tight they dug into his skin. His huge gut stretched the fabric so it looked more pink than maroon. “How do I look, Sir?” Beef boomed as he looked down at his master. “Like a champion heavyweight!” Austin said. He stepped forward and ran a hand across Beef’s lycra-covered gut, teased his meaty nipples that stuck out from the singlet, and bumped his knuckle against Beef’s absurd bulge. “Mmm, yeah, I’m the BIGGEST heavyweight around!” Beef boasted, then lifted his arms and flexed his big biceps. His musky stink was so strong it soon dominated the odor of the practice room, five minutes of Beef’s B.O. stronger than dozens of college wrestlers over years and year. “Let’s see if you can pin me, bud, I don’t think you can!” Austin said as he got into a wrestling stance and challenged his bigger stepdad. “Oh yeah?” Beef said as he advanced on his smaller master. “Come here, little guy!” Austin dodged out of his stepdad’s lumbering approach, but underestimated Beef’s long reach. Austin was surprised as the big man scooped him up and easily lifted him off the ground. Austin wheezed as the air was squeezed out of his lungs in an instant. “Bear hug!” Beef groaned as he flexed and crushed Austin against his enormous torso. He flailed his smaller master around, the tight lyrca singlets rubbing against each other, Beef’s sweat soaking Austin’s singlet, before squashing him down on the mat. Austin groaned as he was crushed under his bull’s tremendous weight, pressing him hard against the wrestling mats. “Takedown!” boomed Beef as he readjusted his position on top of his tiny master. He gripped Austin’s forearms, which felt so small and fragile in his huge hands, and pinned his wrists to the ground. He shifted his weight up, settling his hips and ass on top of Austin’s thighs and crotch. His gut pressed against Austin’s chest. Austin pushed against it to try to shift his weight, tried to slip his wrist out from Beef’s vice grip, tried to flip his hips over and around to fight back, but it was all completely futile. “Are you fighting back, Sir? I hardly feel anything! I’m just so much BIGGER than you, huh?” Beef growled, leaning down to whisper in his Sir’s ear. “Feels real good, feeling you struggle and squirm underneath me, Sir. You fight back so hard,” Beef said as he rubbed his leaking bulge over Austin’s torso. “But it’s pointless, I’m TOO STRONG!” “Huuffff, uff, you, huuuuff, you haven’t beat me yet!” Austin groaned under Beef’s mass. Beef just laughed. “Ha! Try your hardest, little master. I can barely feel you push back. Go ahead, try,” Beef said, shifting his weight even harder on his little captive. Austin pushed back as hard as he could, using all his jock strength, his face straining as he struggled against his stepdad’s overwhelming mass. “Hmmmm I maybe felt a little push of something underneath me?” Beef said, sweat dripping down onto Austin. Beef’s wrist-thick cock throbbed as it rubbed against Austin, lycra on lycra, the swish sound of singlets rubbing together filling the air. He leaned down even harder on Austin until Austin collapsed against the mat, helpless and out of breath. “I think that’s a three-count, Sir!” Beef wrapped his huge arms around Austin and stood up, easily carrying his master. He adjusted his grip on Austin until they were face to face. Beef had a huge, giddy grin on his face. “Heh, so easy to pick you up and move around now!” he boomed. Jon shifted Austin around in his grip again and lowered him face-down onto the mats again, in total control. “Mmmm yeah, your ass looks so good in the singlet, Sir,” Beef boomed from above Austin. Beef shifted his singlet straps off of his traps and over his huge shoulders until they hung at his sides, breathing a sigh as the tight singlet no longer dug into his skin. His chest and shoulders seemed even bigger without the straps on. “Beef wants to fuck little master so bad,” he rumbled as he fell to his knees and straddled Austin, pressing his huge lycra-bound bulge against the smaller man’s ass. “Big Beef fucking his jock stud Sir, mmmmh yeah, fuck,” Beef growled, his self-control fading, his primal instincts bucking against Austin’s control. He rubbed his cock against Austin’s singlet, leaning down harder and wrapping a huge bicep around Austin’s neck and pulling back hard to press his cock in harder. “Mmm yeah, so much fuckin’ BIGGER than you, Sir… and still GROWING!” Austin’s face was turning red and he felt the weight and pressure from his stepdad’s gigantic arm threatening to crush his windpipe. Beef’s cock pushed harder against his ass, spurting wads of precum; Austin could feel the wetness through the sweaty singlets. He knew he couldn’t keep him waiting much longer, but he knew there was one more thing he would want even more right now. “Well, big Beef, you know what you need to keep growing?” Austin choked as he best he could, voice strained as Beef squeezed harder and harder. “Food!” Beef’s gut growled loudly; hadn’t he just eaten less a couple hours ago? But suddenly he realized how starving he was, how much he NEEDED to eat and fuel his gains and feed his growing muscles and have MORE. “Oh, oh yeah! You’re right, Sir!” Beef said loudly as he let go of Austin and stood up suddenly. Austin shook his head as he got up, took a deep breath, and turned to face his giant daddy bear. That had been close. “Now Beef, you know better than to pin your Sir down without his permission, don’t you?” Austin said, putting his hands on his hips. Beef sheepishly rubbed the back of his head. “Yes, Sir, I just got, um,” he sighed heavily, his cock throbbing. “I guess I got a little carried away, Sir,” he said with a grin. “I’m just so excited to be around my hot little stepson Sir, and I—” he explained before Austin cut him off. “Shh, it’s ok, big Beef. I understand,” Austin said as he stepped closer to rubbed his hands over Jon’s sweaty lycra. “It’s hard to contain all your big bull energy, huh?” he asked as he reached down and rubbed Jon’s bulging cock. “Y-yeah,” Jon gasped, his knees shaking as his master played with his bulge. “I just want you so bad, sir,” he rumbled. “I know, Beef. And you’ll have your chance. Just don’t forget who’s in charge,” Austin, grabbing and tugging on Beef’s chain necklace and running his hand over the padlock. “Y-yes sir!” Jon said. “But for now, let’s go have lunch,” Austin said. Beef’s eyes lit up in excitement. “Get out of that singlet and let’s go!” They quickly changed, leaving their sweat and precut-soaked singlets on the mats, and Austin hooked the leash back up to his stepdad. Austin could hardly keep up as Beef rumbled towards the cafeteria, tugging at the leash; the big man was sniffing the air and following his instincts. They entered the cafeteria, and the workers stopped and stared at the massive, half-naked man on a leash. Beef’s eyes lit up when he saw all the food. “Wow! There’s so much! And so many options!” Beef boomed as he looked back at his master. “Let me take care of it, big guy. Just carry the trays and I’ll stack up the food.” Austin loaded up on chicken breasts, pasta, milk, a whole pizza, and more. When they were finished, they were carrying half a dozen trays loaded up with food, Beef balancing them between his big hands and meaty chest. “Have at it,” Austin said when they were seated; he made sure they were at a prominent spot where everyone could see them. Beef proceeded to inhale everything with shocking speed, devouring and consuming every bit of food in front of him, barely pausing to take a breath or wash down the food with greedy gulps of whole milk. “More,” Beef grunted as he finished the first tray, and Austin slid the second one in front of him. Beef continued to eat and eat. “More!” he boomed as he finished another tray. “More!!” he rumbled, his belly bulging with so much food that he had to adjust his chair. His breathing became slower and heavier, his massive shoulders slumped over the table, bent over to eat more food faster. “MORE!!” Austin kept it coming, grinning and encouraging Beef, eventually moving around next to him to rub his sweaty gut and feed him when Beef struggled to finish the last tray. “Good boy, you’ve had so much! The more you eat, the more you grow,” Austin said, a mantra that he sent along to his stepdad almost every day via text message, and Beef nodded. “Soon all this food will fuel more gains and help you get even bigger. You know, you’re getting so close to 1000 pounds,” Austin said as he rubbed his stepdad’s round, hard gut in wide circles. “Mmmmph,” Beef groaned around a mouthful of chicken, his cock throbbing in his jock strap. “Half a ton of bulky, meaty muscle. How do you like the sound of that?” Austin purred, leaning close to his daddy. Everyone stared, and Beef knew they were all staring. He blushed and sweated but Austin’s words also gave him butterflies in his stomach. “MMMph!” Beef grunted, imagining himself getting even bigger. “M-more!” he groaned, and leaned back in his chair and clutched his gut. It was stretched out, the top of it pushing and bunching up his BEEF crop-top even more. “Awww good Beef, you want to grow more for your Sir, don’t you?” Austin said, squeezing and rubbing his stepdad’s enormous bicep and shoulder. “Such a good boy.” “Y-yeah, bigger,” Beef groaned, then burped and gulped down the last of his food. “Always bigger for you, Sir!” “Mmm this is why I love you so much,” Austin said. “But I made a promise earlier this morning. Do you remember it?” Austin said, leaning closer and nearly whispering. Beef gulped and his massive package throbbed. “Yeah!” Beef rumbled. He pushed his chair back and rose to his full height. He swelled out his chest and then erupted with the loudest, deepest belch that Austin had every heard. “When we go home after lifting and eating, I get to cum,” Beef boomed loud enough for everyone around them to hear. “That’s right,” Austin said, rising out of his chair as well. “And today is very special,” Austin said. He reached up and tugged on Beef’s chain until he was leaning down to Austin’s level. “Today, you get to fuck your master and fill me with your thick load,” Austin whispered. Beef’s eyes bulged wide and the hair on his neck stood up. His cock throbbed and until it was rock-hard. “Y-you mean it, Sir?” he sighed desperately. “Uh huh,” Austin breathed, his breath tickling Beef’s ear. “I need you to stretch out my meaty bubble butt,” he said. “Yeah?” Beef panted, his chest heaving. “I need you to fill up my tight hole,” Austin teased. “Yeah??” Beef grunted, louder and more excited this time. “I need your cum inside me, Beef, for you to pound me senseless, and I want you to carry me back to the dorm right now,” Austin commanded. “YEAH!!!” Beef boomed, then picked his Sir up and threw him up over his huge shoulder. “FUCK YEAH, gonna fuck you GOOD, Sir!” Beef roared and stormed out of the cafeteria, the wet spot on his compression shorts growing.
  9. Previous chapters: Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Jon makes a surprise visit to see Austin on campus. The two celebrate Valentine's Day together the best way a pup and his sir know how. Chapter 7: Valentine’s Day Austin leaned back from his textbook and yawned, beleaguered from another long evening of studying. He knew he less than two quarters left of college, but he had to study hard for midterms to keep on track to graduate. His mind was constantly occupied with planning his life after college, and especially with the football season over, he had little to look forward to on campus. He lived in a small single room in a relatively older building on campus, a strange choice for a senior who had more than enough resources to move somewhere nicer, but Austin appreciated the spartan accommodations; it helped him stay on track with his goals. Besides, he wasn’t around much anyway, usually either at the gym, at class, at the cafeteria, or at the library. Austin heard heavy footsteps thump outside of his room, then suddenly a loud knock thumped on his door three times. He jumped a little, alarmed and taken aback; no one ever visited him, especially not at 10pm on a Friday night. “Hello?” he asked as he got up and went over to his door, unlocking it and then pulling it open. There in front of him was a wall of beefy muscle, barely contained by a comically tight shirt with the mascot logo of the college stretched to absurdity. Austin’s eyes traveled up from the exposed, round, cobblestone gut, up to the tight grey fabric that strained across the widest chest he had ever seen, up to the shoulders that protruded from the torn-off sleeves, up to the grinning, bearded face that stared down at him from the ceiling of the hallway. “Sir!” Jon boomed as he saw Austin. “Happy Valentine’s Day!” He reached his massive paws forward to grab Austin, only for Jon’s forehead to crack against the metal doorframe of Austin’s room. The metal dented and a chunk of plaster fell onto the floor. “Ouch, dammit, happening more and more lately,” Jon grumbled as Austin stepped backwards into his room. “Pup, what are you doing here!? It’s… how…,” Austin said, breathless and confused and excited. Jon ducked down and turned sideways, reached his massive arms through the entrance, and squeezed his way into Austin’s room, his chest and ass and gut scraping against the doorframe until he suddenly popped into the room, a wave of heat and musky BO stink rushing inside as he entered. His head scraped against the 8 foot ceiling as he stood to his full, unbelievable height. He took a deep breath and sighed when he finally was inside, shutting the door harder than he needed to as he grinned down – way down! – at his smaller stepson. “Surprise! I just had to come see you, it’s been WEEKS,” Jon said as he stepped closer to his little master. “I’m so excited to see you!” Jon said as he bent down, reached forward, and gathered Austin up into the biggest bear hug in history, effortlessly lifting the 230lb college jock off his feet and squeezing him tight. “Mmmmm my little Sir, you’re even smaller than you were at Christmas, hehe,” Jon grunted, his voice deeper and more resonant than Austin remembered. “P-pup, put me – uunnnhhhgggg – down!” Austin croaked as the breath was squeezed out his lungs and he felt his back pop. “Heh, oops, sorry Sir,” Jon said as he put Austin down. He still kept close though, crowding Austin’s space and pinning him up against the desk. “I was just so excited to see you, and even though you didn’t tell me to, I had to come see you, Sir,” Jon said bashfully as he rubbed up against Austin, his throbbing bulge pulsing against Austin’s chest. Austin could easily feel Jon’s cock through the thin compression shorts that served as Jon’s pants; he was sure it was the only thing left he could find that fit. “Well, pup, it’s amazing to see you... and feel you,” Austin said as he brought his hands up to rub his stepdad’s incredibly huge belly, arms, and chest. “Yeah?” Jon said, pushing Austin harder into the desk. “Am I bigger?” “Uh, yeah bull, you’re WAY bigger, like holy cow!” Austin said, laughing at the absurdity of Jon’s question. “Your head is to the ceiling and you’ve gotta be twice as wide as me now. So much size…” Austin said as he rubbed harder, reaching under the too-tight shirt to rub his pup’s furry chest. Austin realized this was the same 4XL that he gave his dad at Christmas; it had been tight then, but now it clearly didn’t fit. “I wanna be huge,” Jon grunted dreamily as Austin rubbed his meaty nips. “I follow your routine and schedule every day to the letter, Sir,” the massive weightlifter groaned. “Feels so good to follow your orders, Sir, need to make master happy,” he sighed and his massive bulge drooled through his compression shorts and onto Austin’s tank top. “I need more, Sir, gotta get huge for you.” “Good bullpup, that’s good,” Austin whispered, pushing back against his stepdad; Jon didn’t budge. “How big are you now, pup?” Austin knew from the daily updates he had his dad send him now, but he wanted to hear it anyway. “Just passed 8 feet tall on Wednesday,” Jon grunted as he rutted against his master, pushing the desk harder against the wall. “Up to, uunnnfff, 900 pounds,” Jon said as he raised his arms up and pressed his palms against the ceiling and flexed, his biceps exploding with size, his hairy pits reeking of man musk, his shirt riding up and exposing his round, furry gut. “All for you, Sir,” Jon rumbled as he loomed over his smaller stepson. “Almost four times your weight now, Sir!” “Good, bull, good. But you’re very naughty for coming here! I didn’t tell you to come see me,” Austin said with a hint of disapproval in his voice, reaching up and tugging on Jon’s heavy lock and chain that wrapped around his thick neck. Jon looked down at his little Sir and his eyes welled with tears. “S-Sir, I just hadn’t seen you and I wanted, uh, I needed…” he whimpered, his chin quivering. “Well, I’m not sure pup deserves to see me since he came here without my permission,” Austin said, tugging on the chain harder and pulling Jon down until they were face to face, Jon’s weathered, slightly wrinkled forehead bumping against Austin’s smooth, young skin. “Did I tell you to drive here? Aren’t you supposed to be having your third workout right now before your late-night protein binge?” Jon looked down, away from his master’s intense gaze. “N-no Sir, I mean yes I should be doing that now Sir,” he said, in as small and sad of a voice as an 8 foot tall, 42-year-old hulk could manage. He dropped his arms and brought his hands down, pressing his pointer fingers against each other nervously. “I just—“ “And what did I say about doing stuff like this without telling me first?” Austin said. They were both breathing hard against each other, their lips close, Jon’s breath smelling like protein shakes and fast food. Jon gulped and stuttered. “T-to always tell you first,” Jon said timidly, his bassy voice quivering. “I just, Sir, I—“ Jon started, then wrapped his enormous arms around Austin, engulfing him completely. “I just love you so much I had to see you, and it’s Valentine’s, and I—” he gushed, choking up a little. “Awww, there there pup, that’s a good boy. You just missed your Sir that much, huh?” Austin said, letting his stepdad rest his heavy head against his shoulder as they embraced. Jon nodded heavily, his grey-blonde beard tickling against Austin’s neck as he did. “Bull gets real lonely without his Sir to take care of him, doesn’t he?” Austin rubbed his hand through Jon’s tightly trimmed mohawk and against his thick neck rolls. *Sniff* “Y-yeah!” Jon sighed, his warm breath blowing against Austin’s ear. He shuddered as he took in a big breath. “I NEED you, Sir!” Austin could feel Jon’s enormous cock press harder against his firm abs. “Aww pup, I can’t say no to you! My big, sweet bull. I love you too.” Jon sighed and shuddered as he heard those words. He squeezed his enormous, steel-hard arms against Austin even harder and his cock inched higher and longer against Austin’s torso. He rubbed his baseball glove-sized paws against Austin’s back in wide, firm circles, feeling the lean, taut muscle of his master. “And hey bud, I missed you too. It’s been hard without you and I think about you all the time,” Austin said. “You know what I think you need, pup?” Austin said as he separated from Jon and they stood apart for a moment, both of them eyeing each other up and down, both of them breathing heavy and starting to sweat. “What’s that, Sir?” Jon said as he adjusted his leaking bulge. “I think you need your Sir’s seed inside to you to remind you who’s in charge,” Austin growled and then hefted his own weighty package. Jon huffed and and sighed at those words, and his cock throbbed anew. “Grrruuuff, yes Sir! That’s just what I need!” Jon grunted desperately. He reached up to the hem of his shirt and tugged hard, and the shirt ripped clean down the middle, revealing his enormous, wide, hairy chest and round, turtleshell gut. His cock tented his compression shorts obscenely. Austin stepped closer to his stepdad and reached up to rub the enormous pecs looming over him. “My god, pup, you’re getting absolutely gigantic, aren’t you?” Austin said, flicking Jon’s nips. Jon’s pecs twitched and bounced, heaving up and down as Austin played with them, thick and meaty then hard when he flexed them, covered in a dense layer of blonde and grey fur. “Ruufff, unnnfff!” Jon grunted, pleasure and submissiveness making it difficult to speak. “That’s — rrrfff! — right, Sir! All for you, Sir!” Jon grunted as he tensed and bounced his enormous pecs. “I bet this big chest is bigger around than I am tall now, huh?” Austin said in a low, intense voice, his cock twitching in the basketball shorts he used as pajamas. “Big bull freak growing every day, huh?” “Yeah!” Jon said, his chest heaving up and down. “Yeah!!” he boomed and lifted his massive arms up into a flex. His fists crunched against the ceiling, leaving dents and sending plaster to the floor, but Jon didn’t even flinch. His arms surged to full size, bigger than Jon’s head, bigger around than Austin’s thighs, round hard bicep peaks throbbing, watermelon-sized delts spreading wider, thick traps surging up like a mountain range. “So fuckin’ BIG, yeah!” Austin growled as he reached up to feel Jon’s enormous arms. He could barely reach them. He couldn’t even get his hands halfway around them; he clutched at them hungrily, sliding his hands over the sweat-slick peaks and down into the damp, furry pits. Jon grinned with pride. “Turn around and show me that big ass, bull,” Austin commanded, his voice deep and authoritative. He huffed Jon’s pit stink on his fingers and his cock twitched. Jon obeyed, his cock throbbing in acknowledgement. “Been working them hard for you Sir,” Jon rumbled. He turned around, bent over, and started wriggling out of his compression shorts. “What do you think? Am I bigger?” Jon’s enormous round glutes spread apart just wide enough for Austin to see Jon’s tight, furry hole tensing in anticipation. Austin grabbed the compression shorts and pulled them down lower, revealing Jon’s freaky thick hamstrings, which twitched as Jon shifted his weight. His ass was covered in dirty blonde fur; hard, thick muscle jiggled and bulged as Jon bent down further. “Oh yeah, bull, much bigger, so massive. You’ve done so well, pup. You’ve been growing so much these last few weeks huh?” Austin said as he jiggled Jon’s bubble butt with one hand and reached for the lube next to his nightstand with the other. “Yes Sir!” Jon boomed. He put his hands on his hips and spread his back and shoulders as wide as he could, his incredible traps and lats on display, bulging and huge. His shoulders were wider than the big TV Austin had in his dorm room, blocking out the entire frame. His lats spread out so wide they pushed his arms out even farther, and his traps surged into mountains of muscle; he had no neck to speak of anymore. “Growing faster than ever! Bigger for you, Sir! I still need MORE though, gotta get HU—uuuhhhhgggg ohhhhhh Sir!” Jon moaned as Austin’s fingers probed his tight, muscular hole. “Yeah pup, you like that? You like your Sir’s fingers loosening up that tight hole, don’t you?” Austin growled as he entered his stepdad, leaning against Jon’s massive furry back and rubbing his muscles. “Rruuuuurrrfff, uhhhhggg, rooooooffff!!!” Jon rumbled. He started huffing and panting as Austin got him ready for the main event. “Such a good bull pup, so proud of my pup. I can’t stay mad at you, pup, not when you keep growing big like this. You’re the biggest man on the damn planet now, you know that?” Austin said, pumping him up and loosening his muscular hole. “Ruffff!!” Jon grunted and flexed his big muscles. “Gotta grow big for you, Sir! That’s all that matters!” “That’s right,” Austin said, slipping out of his shorts and revealing his own 8” cock. He rubbed it against Jon’s furry hole, smearing sticky precum that mixed into Jon’s fur. “Such a good, obedient bull! Now are you ready for your son to breed you, dad?” Jon spread his legs wider, his hole begging to be pounded, and moaned unintelligibly in anticipation. Austin had to get on his tip-toes for his cock to line up with Jon’s ass. The curly blonde fur felt incredible against his raging hard-on, and Austin leaned his 230lbs against his musclebear stepdad, his bulbous cock head penetrating Jon’s tight hole. “GGGGRRRRAAAAHHHHHH!!” Jon grunted as Austin entered him. “BREED ME, SIR! BREED YOUR BULL!” Jon bellowed as Austin pressed into him balls deep. “Fuck yeah, dad, you’re so fuckin’ tight,” Austin sighed as he reached up and grabbed on to Jon’s enormous traps. Jon was so much bigger than Austin that he could just barely reach all the way up. Austin got into a rhythm quickly, pushing deep and stretching Jon out as the older man groaned and grunted in time with Austin’s thrusts. He started slow, then started pushing faster as he found his groove. Jon’s cock grew even harder as he got fucked, the wrist-thick shaft throbbing with veins, smearing precum all over Austin’s laptop and desk, pools of it leaking onto Austin’s papers. “Fuck, bull, I can’t believe how big you’re getting,” Austin panted as he pounded his pup. “Grrruuf, uuurrrrhhhggg, aahahhhhh!!” Jon grunted, sweat splashing down onto Austin’s desk. “You’re growing, unnnggg, so goddamn fast, bull, unnfff, it’s just unreal!” Austin gasped, taking in the full size and width of the man in front of him. Jon’s triceps bulged with thick muscle as he braced himself against the desk. “No one has grown so big so fast, dad, ever!” “Ruuuuooooofffff fuck yeah, all for you, son!” Jon boomed as he pushed his weight back against Austin, causing his cock to punch in even deeper but also making Austin stumble back a bit. Austin backed up, taking Jon with him, and looked across the room to the full-length mirror on the back of his door. “Look at us, bull! Football jock son breeding my big bull dad, just like you needed, huh?” Jon looked over at the reflection and groaned, his own massive cock throbbing harder and spurting pre onto the rug. “Arrroooooffff, breed me, son, give me your load, daddy bull needs it!” Jon grunted, guttural, primal, out of control. He looked in the mirror again, marveling at the size difference between them, flexing his bicep in the mirror and watching it swell, fixating on his own massive bulk. He then looked at the hot jock stud thrusting into his huge ass, the smaller man half his age, Austin’s face grimacing in concentration and pleasure, sweat glistening on his arms and chest. Jon pushed back harder against Austin, causing the big football jock to stumble again, Jon’s bulk overwhelming his son. “Fuck, bull, you’re so goddamn heavy, pushing against my cock so hard!” Austin said as he realized he was backed against his bed. “Rrrruuuugggh, ruuuufff, mmmmrrrrooooo!” Jon bellowed as he pushed harder against Austin’s cock, needing it deeper and harder, craving his master’s cum, his own cock throbbing harder and leaking all over the place. Austin lost his balance and sat down on his bed, and his massive stepdad crashed down on top of him, pressing his enormous ass and 900lbs of musclebear mass down onto Austin. The pathetically small twin bed cracked and collapsed, causing both men to crash down to the floor. Austin’s cock pressed even deeper into Jon’s tight hole, and the big man roared with pleasure. Austin grunted and gasped as Jon’s full weight bore down on him, pressing his cock in deeper and harder, his dad threatening to crush him under his impossibly huge body. “Unnnffff, dad, you’re so… so fuckin… BIG!” Austin grunted. “I’m gonna… getting so close to… UNNGGH!” “FUCK yeah Sir, give me your load!, RRRRUUUHHHHRRR” Jon boomed as he bounced up and down on Austin’s big cock, slamming his prostate against Austin’s meaty cock head over and over, nearly half a ton of muscle daddy crushing down on Austin’s cock. Jon’s cock pumped up thicker and throbbed as he got closer to shooting his own load, and he grabbed onto it with both hands and stroked himself desperately. “Unnnnggg, fuck yeah bull, take my seed, fuuuuucccckkk!” Austin roared as he exploded inside of Jon, filling the massive muscle bull with hot jock cum. Both men grunted and groaned as they both shot epic loads, Jon’s cock exploding all over Austin’s dorm, filling the room with the tang of pungent bull cum and musky BO. Their grunts and moans could be heard throughout the building. When they were done, Jon lifted himself off of Austin, his smaller stepson groaning and gasping as Jon’s 900 pounds stopped crushing him. Jon turned around and towered over his Sir, cum dripping down onto the bed and floor; he rubbed some of it into the fur of his chest and gut and tasted the cream that was dripping off his fingers. Austin panted for a moment, then looked up at Jon with a laugh. “Mmm, you really needed my load, didn’t you bull?” Jon licked his fingers and nodded. “Mmmm hmm Sir, I did.” “Heh, I could tell, you knocked me over, you were so eager for it,” Austin said. “Now you have your Sir’s seed inside of you, as it should be,” he said. Jon reached down and offered his Sir a hand, and Austin took it. Jon lifted him up so hard and fast that Austin popped up off his feet and fell against Jon’s massive, cum-covered chest; Jon caught him in mid-air and supported him, his huge hands cupping Austin’s bubble butt. Their cocks pressed against each other as they proceeded to make out in the afterglow, their cum mixing together and smearing against their sweaty bodies. “Yes Sir, feels good to have your warm seed inside me, I needed it so badly,” Jon said, his cock already chubbing up again thinking about it. “I feel complete now, Sir, with you here in my big arms,” he purred as he rubbed his long blonde beard against Austin’s shorter, darker beard. “That’s my good daddy bull,” Austin whispered to him as Jon held him effortlessly in the middle of the room, sticky and sweaty and utterly content. "Happy Valentine's Day," he said, and they kissed passionately.
  10. Previous chapters: Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Austin takes Jon out to dinner at Fogo de Chao, the all-you-can-eat steak restaurant, and Jon eats his fill. Jon expresses his devotion to Austin in front of everyone, and the guys take their relationship to the next level. Chapter 6 — Christmas Break Dinner Austin walked into Fogo de Chao and checked in with the receptionist. Jon followed behind, ducking his head slightly to make sure he cleared the doorway and having to open both doors to fit his prodigious width through. When the receptionist looked up from his book, he gasped as he saw the enormous man suddenly standing in front of him. He eyed the big man up and down, perplexed by the comically small polo shirt that did a terrible job containing his stupendous bulk. He wrinkled his nose as the wave of BO stink emanating from the mountainous muscle bear hit him. He almost said something – people usually dressed and cleaned up before coming to this place – but gulped when he heard the big man’s stomach growl audibly. He quickly ushered them to their table after Austin confirmed their reservation. The table seemed small as the two big men approached it; it was right in the middle of the restaurant. Jon looked around a little nervously, self-conscious of how much he stood out in such a public space, especially in his too-small polo and tight gym shorts that only came halfway down his tree trunk thighs. “Sir, I didn’t know we were going to such a nice restaurant,” Jon said as he tugged a little at his shirt, trying to make sure his round belly was covered. “Only the best for my big guy!” Austin said as he sat down. “You look incredible. Everyone should be jealous of how massive and powerful you look, Jon. Give me a flex,” Austin said. Jon grinned as his master’s praise perked him up, and he brought his fists together to flex, his arms and traps stretching the already tight fabric of his polo. “Mmm yeah you like?” Jon said as he grunted. “Hell yeah pup, now let’s fill up that big tank and help you grow! Big bear needs plenty of protein to pack on more size,” Austin said. Jon carefully lowered himself into his chair. It was built for normal-sized people, not 500+lb musclebears, and it creaked ominously as he shifted his bulk down. He could see himself in a big mirror off to one side of the room and marveled at how huge he looked compared to the normal-sized tables and chairs and people; he hadn’t been out to many public spaces other than the gym since growing so much. His shoulders were three times the width of the chair he sat in, and his long legs easily stretched over to Austin’s side of the table. He scratched his salt-and-pepper beard and grinned, his bulge tenting a little in his tight jock; he liked what he saw. The waiter came by and explained how the restaurant worked, but they were both familiar with the all-you-can-eat steakhouse. Jon looked up at the waiter. “I’m gonna have this card on green all night, so you better keep it coming. I have a BIG appetite!” he said as he gave his belly a firm slap, the loud smacking sound making some other diners look their way. Jon blushed but grinned too. “It takes a LOT to fill this tank!” “Of course, Sir,” the waiter stammered as he dished up the mashed potatoes and fried candied bananas. “Jon, just how big are you these days? Just so the waiter knows what he’s dealing with,” Austin said, egging on his big musclebear dad. “Sure, son. I’m 6 foot 8 and just north of 500 pounds, as of this morning anyway. I’d like that number to be MUCH higher by the end of this meal!” Jon said with a laugh. He rubbed his gut, which gurgled loudly. “This tank needs to be FULL by the time I’m done!” he guffawed. Jon grabbed the whole platter of potatoes, brought them up to his mouth, and gobbled them up, spooning and scraping at the plate until they were gone. “I’ll, uh, be sure to get you more of those,” the waiter said, looking back and forth between the strange couple before taking off. Austin laughed and shook his head. Jon looked back at Austin, eager for approval. “Did you like how I did that, Sir? His face when he saw me rub my belly was priceless!” Jon said, bumping the table as he adjusted his swelling bulge. “That was great! I love how confident you are, pup, showing off for me like that. Get eating, bull. I’m gonna go get some things from the salad bar. Want anything?” Austin asked. Jon was too busy cramming bananas into his mouth to properly respond. “Whatever you don’t eat, I’ll take care of,” the big man said. Austin walked by Jon on his way over, rubbing his hand across his stepdad’s fresh high fade haircut and brushing his bulge against Jon’s wide shoulders. The first gaucho-waiter approached Jon’s table, looking slightly trepidatious at the massive man at this small table. “The house special?” he said, offering his skewer of meat. There were 3 medallions of glistening beef on the skewer, each one about twice the size of a hockey puck. “Just slide the whole thing onto my plate!” Jon said. He leaned back, the chair creaking painfully, and lifted his arms up to flex his biceps. “Gotta eat big to get big!” “S-Sir,” the waiter started, “I… very well,” he said, realizing he couldn’t say no to such a big man. He slid all three chunks of the house special onto Jon’s plate, the juice of the meat spreading around his plate, steaming and salty. “Mmm,” Jon growled as he skewered one with a fork, brought it up to his mouth and tore into it, devouring half of a chunk in one bite. Austin came back with two huge plates of veggies, cheese, and more, taking some for himself but leaving most of it for his hungry musclebull stepdad. “Looks like you’re off to a good start, pup,” Austin said. Jon just grunted and kept eating, his eyes glazed over in a food trance. More waiters came by, and Jon always took as much as he could, meat piling high on his plate. He ate it all; sausages, chicken, lamb, every cut of beef they had, bacon-wrapped pork chops, the juice of it all getting into his salt and pepper beard and dripping down onto his new polo shirt, which slowly rode up his belly as the meal went on. He even ate the gristle. “Look at you go, Jon,” Austin said after about 20 minutes. “You’re my big hungry bull, huh? Every bite is gonna make you bigger and stronger,” he said. “Yeah,” Jon said, rubbing a fist against the juice dripping down his salt-and-pepper beard. He paused briefly to wash down another filet mignon with a whole glass of wine, which he downed in three big gulps. “Are you impressed by how much I can take down? Been eating more and more everyday while you were gone,” he said as he tore into another lamb chop. “Seems like my appetite is growing as fast as my muscles are!” he said, taking a deep breath. His chest and belly swelled out and the table shifted back towards Austin, rattling the dishes and glasses. “Hell yeah, bull, you’re eating as much as a whole damn offensive line!” Austin said. “The more you eat, the bigger you grow!” “That’s – URRPP – right!” Jon said, a loud burp escaping his lips, drawing another round of stares from nearby tables. “Starting to sweat there, big guy,” Austin said, noticing the pit stains and U-shaped wet spots under his pecs. “Got the meat sweats, dontcha?” Austin teased. “Mmph,” Jon grunted, his mouth full of meat. He reached up and scratched at the fur that was busting out of the collar of his polo, his bicep swelling as he did. “Come on dad, I know a big lug like you can eat more, keep going!” Austin said. Another waiter approached the table to offer more of the bottom sirloin. “More,” was all Jon said. The juicy, warm protein triggered a feeding frenzy that went on for half an hour, Austin encouraging him, Jon eager to impress. Eventually, Jon got up, his massive gut bumping the table. His chair cracked dangerously as he did. He rose to his full height and towered over Austin. “Gotta lighten the load,” he said, hefting his sizable bulge as he grinned down at Austin, and waddled over to the bathroom. The big man opened the door and a face squashed into his belly as he collided with another dinner guest, causing the smaller man to stumble backwards. Jon didn’t budge. “Oops, sorry there bud. Sometimes it’s tough for me to see down that far!” Jon said with a laugh, measuring himself against the little guy he had nearly knocked over. He looked in the bathroom mirror and noted that the guy came up to his nipples, which poked out prominently from his painted-on polo. “Heh, uh, excuse me,” the little guy said, his cheeks red with embarrassment, and he scampered off. Jon approached the stall and realized he’d have to really contort himself to get in there. He turned sidewise and squeezed in just barely, his gut scraping against the door frame. He closed the door and turned, his shoulders pressing against the sides of the stall; he had never felt bigger. As he came back to the table, Jon’s stomach fluttered when he saw Austin, looking handsome and muscular in his tight dress shirt, his high-and-tight and lantern jaw and trimmed beard making Jon’s cock stir in his jock. He was so lucky to have such a handsome master. He approached Austin’s chair from behind and pressed his belly and bulge against him. “I’m back,” Jon purred from behind Austin, his deep, rich voice vibrating against Austin’s head. “I could feel your footsteps from halfway across the room, big man,” Austin said as he looked up at his stepdad. “You ready for round two?” he said as he beckoned Jon to sit again and resume his feasting. “Hell yeah,” Jon said as he sat down, then chomped into another lamb chop. Jon kept eating for another 45 minutes, stopping only to eat some carbs and wash it all down with more wine. Austin talked to him about lifting and football and the gym, Jon nodding and grunting and occasionally adding in a few comments before resuming his gluttony. The waiters asked them if they were close to wrapping it up several times, but Jon just said “Keep it coming,” “More!”, or “Not done yet!” Austin got more and more worked up as the meal went on, seeing his giant stepdad filling himself up with meat. Austin’s package bulged under the table, throbbing for most of the meal as he watched Jon stuff himself with reckless abandon, Austin watching his huge muscles twitching with every subtle movement. Jon seemed to swell up bigger as he ate and ate. After an hour and half, his shirt was half-soaked with patches of sweat on his back, chest, and arms, and it was stretched taut over his round, solid, full gut. He was breathing heavily through his nose, grunting and groaning after each bite. “Slowing down there, champ?” Austin said. “Come on, pup, you’re not done yet, are you?” *Huff, grunt* “No!” Jon said defiantly, forking up another big bite of steak and stuffing his face. “Gotta get full for you, Sir.” “I’m so proud of you, Jon,” Austin said. With that, he pushed his own fork off the table and onto the floor. “Oops. Get that for me, pup,” Austin said. Jon rose out of his chair, once again bumping the table, taking a huge breath and stretching before erupting into the biggest, loudest burp either of them had ever heard. Everyone in the restaurant looked over in shock and stared at the massive brute whose shirt only covered half his gut. “Unf, that’s better,” the big man said as he thumped on his belly and grinned. He lowered himself to his knees and reached for the fork. “Jon, look at me,” Austin said while Jon was on his knees. His big stepdad looked up at him, his blue eyes glistening. “Yes Sir,” Jon said, holding the fork in his hand. He steadied himself against Austin’s firm thigh. “Open wide, bull,” Austin said as he brought a huge piece of filet mignon to Jon’s mouth with his fingers. Jon opened his hungry maw and took the whole thing, his tongue brushing against Austin’s fingertips, chewing a couple times before gulping it down. “Mmmm good bull, still so hungry and eating right out of my hand,” Austin purred and he rubbed his hand through his stepdad’s short hair. “Yes Sir, feed me more, please,” Jon purred in his deep, rich voice, still on his hands and knees, needing it so badly, any sense of embarrassment overridden by the need to serve. “Good pup,” Austin said, as he got another piece of steak and brought it to his stepdad’s eager lips. “Such a good bull.” Jon grinned and plucked the steak from his master’s fingers gently, showing how much he appreciated it, then chewing quickly and swallowing hard. He opening his mouth up for more, begging shamelessly, panting like a dog. “Yeah bull, keep eating more,” Austin breathed as he leaned down to feed his stepdad. “Just imagine how big you’re gonna grow from this single meal.” “Mmmmph, more,” Jon purred as he gobbled up another piece, then another, then another until Austin’s plate was almost empty. “You’ve done such a good job these last few months, Jon,” Austin said, “Growing bigger than I ever imagined and devoting yourself to me.” He brought another piece of meat to Jon’s lips and the big man obediently slurped it up, his big lips wrapping around Austin’s fingers and leaving behind a trail of saliva. Guests at the other tables looked in shock and bewilderment at the enormous older man eating out of his stepson’s hand. “I couldn’t ask for a better father, especially after losing mom last fall. I want you to be part of my life forever, closer to me, pup.” He rubbed Jon’s huge shoulder and trap, feeling the firmness and size of Jon’s mass. Jon breathed heavily, overcome not just with several pounds of steak in his gut but with intense emotion unlike anything he had ever felt. “I want that so badly, Sir, I need it, to be your bull,” Jon breathed. It felt like everyone in the restaurant was watching them, this huge salt-and-pepper hulk leaning in close to his fit, muscular, younger companion. People whispered and ogled, and Jon felt nervous and sweaty, but elated and excited too. “Are you ready to be bound to your Sir, pup?” Austin said, as he reached behind him. Heavy, bulky chains clinked against each other as he pulled out a big metal padlock and chain necklace from a hidden pocket of his jacket, big enough to wrap around Jon’s massive neck and traps. The lock gleamed in the light. Jon’s heart fluttered. “You will be my good, obedient bull pup and live to serve your master. I will always be there for you no matter what, and you will be there for me and do as I say,” Austin said. Jon scooted closer and lowered his head into Austin’s lap. “Yes Sir, I want that more than anything Sir, I would be honored,” Jon said, his voice quivering with emotion. “Bullpup is ready to serve you.” “Good bull,” Jon said, lifting the heavy chain, wrapping it around Jon’s enormous neck and locking it into place. “Look at me, pup,” Austin said, and Jon did so, tears mixing into his salt-and-pepper beard. Austin put on his own smaller chain necklace, a large metal key at the end of it; Jon knew it was for his lock. Austin reached behind Jon’s head, gripping his neck rolls, and pulled him in for an aggressive, hungry, passionate kiss. They pressed together roughly, their tongues fighting against each other, beards scraping coarsely as they panted through their noses, grunting and growling. “Mmmph, good pup,” Austin said as he broke away, leaving Jon wanting more. “Now let’s finish this meal and get home. There’s more of that waiting for you there,” Austin said as he grasped the sizable bulge in his shorts and squeezed, making a wet spot appear through his khakis. “Yes, Sir!” Jon boomed loudly as he rose to his full height, towering over his smaller stepson. His gut bulged out prominently, his polo only reaching down to his belly button; belly and pec meat swelled out of his shirt, the sleeves straining to contain his massive upper arms, which had already pushed up to his delts. His shorts tented obscenely, and the meat sweats had only increased, jock musk spreading around their table from Jon’s potent pits. Jon reached up and felt the heavy chain and lock around his neck. It felt RIGHT, like something had been missing and was now in place; it was cool against the furry expanse of his chest, a reassuring, comforting weight against him. “Sir?” Jon said. “Yes, pup,” Austin said as he looked up. Jon suddenly reached down and grabbed Austin, hooking his big hands under Austin’s arms and lifting him right out of his chair like he weighed nothing. He lifted him up as high as he could, then lowered him down so they were face-to-face, their bodies pressing against each other. “I love you, Sir!” Jon said loud enough for everyone in the restaurant to hear. His cheeks were red, but his cock throbbed as he said it. Jon leaned in for a forceful kiss, grunting and planting his tongue on Austin’s lips. Austin could taste the steak and wine from dinner as he kissed back, Austin’s feet dangling several inches off the ground. Jon could feel the eyes and hear the shocked comments of everyone at the restaurant, and at first he felt nervous, self-conscious, and exposed. But as he kissed Austin and pressed his enormous, muscular chest against Austin’s, everything was right in the world, and all he felt was happiness. Finally Jon broke their kiss, and he held Austin at arm’s length, grinning. “Let’s go home NOW, Sir,” Jon said, and he scooped Austin up into his arms to carry him out. Austin looked around for the waiter and said, “Check please!” Jon and Austin could barely keep their hands to themselves on the way home, both of them reaching across the cab of Jon’s huge truck to rub the others’ leg or arm or neck, both breathing hard. When they pulled into Jon’s house, the big man came around to the other side to carry Austin inside. Jon scooped Austin’s formidable weight into his arms and waddled towards the front door. This close, Jon could smell Austin’s cologne, and Austin could smell Jon’s musk and meat breath. “What a great dinner, Sir,” Jon said as Austin fished his keys out of his pocket. “Glad you appreciated that, bull, you deserve it,” Austin said as he opened the door, Jon bending down to let him reach the keyhole. They entered, Jon turning sideways to fit both of them in, and kicked off their shoes. “Set me down,” Austin ordered and Jon complied, then straightened back to his full height, looking down at Austin. “Ever since you started growing, I’ve had these feelings,” Austin said as he stepped closer to his stepdad. “More than just pride or happy that we were coming together more after what happened to mom.” Austin planted his hands on Jon’s big pecs, the material of the new polo shirt smooth but damp from Jon’s sweat, and squeezed, massaging Jon’s huge chest. His fingers bumped against Jon’s big chain and heavy metal lock. “Mmmm,” Jon growled, “Me too, Sir. I—I had such an empty space in my life. As I dedicated myself to your desires, it just felt so good. So right. And I started to see the strong, handsome young man you’re becoming, and I—MMMMPH,” Jon groaned as Austin suddenly pinched his meaty, sensitive nipples through his shirt, causing the big man to squirm and flex his pecs. “Yeah, you started coming around, huh?” Austin said, teasing Jon’s nips some more. “It feels right to do what you’re told and obey your Sir, doesn’t it?” Jon breathed a heavy, shuddering sigh and nodded silently, staring intently at his master. Austin moved his hands lower until he got to where the polo didn’t cover Jon’s gut. Austin palmed Jon’s huge, round belly and bounced it up and down, the firm expanse of it furry and warm. “Like growing so big for me,” Austin said as he looked up at Jon, admiring his salt-and-pepper beard that came down to his chest. “So much bigger than me now, bull, quite the change from a few months ago.” “Y-yeah,” Jon said. He reached down and adjusted his huge bulge. “Did you like when I kissed you at the restaurant?” Jon said, sounding a bit sheepish. “I just couldn’t help myself.” “You mean like this?” Austin asked as he stepped closer until they were pressing together. He reached up and around Jon’s thick neck rolls and pulled his head down and planted another kiss. They made out in the entryway for over a minute, hands exploring each others’ bodies. Austin remembered the mirror in the entryway and turned them so they could both see themselves making out, finally fulfilling an unspoken desire that had grown over the last few months. They both groaned as they saw the size disparity, Jon half a foot taller and twice or three times as thick as Austin. Jon reached his hands under Austin’s shirt and felt his firm, furry abs, and Austin grabbed Jon’s enormous upper arms and squeezed. The big bull flexed them in response, Austin’s fingers spreading apart under the huge muscle. Finally they separated, both of them breathing hard, grinning and chuckling. “Jon, looks like you’re bigger all over,” Austin said as he looked in the mirror. He reached down and brushed a hand against Jon’s swollen package. Jon flinched and grinned, a shiver running up his bloated body. “Heh, yeah, I guess so…feels…” Jon started but trailed off as he reached down past his gut to squeeze his huge cock, causing his arms and shoulders and traps to flex. “Kinda good, right?” Austin said. Jon nodded wordlessly, gulping and breathing hard. “Why don’t you take your shirt and shorts off and show me how big you’re getting?” “Sure,” Jon breathed, his deep voice sounding strong but nervous. He grabbed the neck of his new polo and tore, and the wet fabric somehow still ripped apart easily, broken by Jon’s tremendous power. Austin had to help pull the sleeves past his bulbous biceps. His heavy chain clinked around as he took the shirt off. Then Jon stepped out of his shorts, the floor shaking as he did. All he was wearing now was a stuffed jock strap, which was stained from months of soaking up jock sweat. His massive balls poked out of the bottom and the outline of his massive cock head bulged obscenely. He adjusted his package and bounced it up and down for effect, admiring his own size in the mirror. “Jeez, Jon, you’re so… wow…” Austin said as he stepped forward and felt Jon’s enormous chest. The meaty muscle felt solid and heavy in his hands. Jon flexed, bouncing the pecs up and down to show off for his stepson. “You’re so big,” Austin finished as he rubbed Jon’s chest and across his bulging traps and bowling ball delts, tracing the lines of tiger stripe stretch marks. Smears of sweat made Jon’s blonde chest fur curl into ringlets, and Austin’s hands came away soaked with salty, musky sweat. His bullpup had grown so big, so fast. Jon just growled and purred as Austin explored his big torso. Jon looked at himself in the mirror and grinned, his now comparatively lean son worshipping his big, thick body; his cock got harder and harder, precum soaking the sweaty jock strap. “My big bull needs lots of attention and praise,” Austin said breathlessly, accelerating his rubbing, feeling the musclebear’s furry round shoulders, bulging biceps, and round gut. “Yeah, that’s right, and I’m just getting bigger and bigger, Sir,” Jon grunted as he raised an arm and flexed, causing Austin to feel the massive bicep. “You’re turning me into such a beast, Austin, just lifting and eating and feeling horny all the time,” Jon growled. “That’s right, my big horny beast, with a big package to match,” Austin grunted as he reached down and rubbed Jon’s cock. They rubbed and grunted for a minute, Jon feeling Austin’s lean body, which felt so good in Jon’s big hands. He looked in the mirror and saw something he never expected to see. “I never thought I was gay before… before all this,” Jon sighed as he ran his big hands over Austin’s muscular shoulders and arms. “I – I’ve never done anything like—“ Jon started before Austin shushed him. “This is what we’ve both wanted for months, haven’t you felt the tension building between us? And someone your size, with your muscles, who has worked so hard to grow so much, you deserve to feel good, you deserve your master’s full attention,” Austin said. He had Jon raise his left arm up before burying his face in Jon’s sweaty, hairy armpit, rubbing the dank pit sweat all over his nose, lips, and beard, licking and huffing the heady stink. “Yeah, you’re right,” Jon sighed, and reached over to press Austin’s head harder against his sweaty pit. “You like how I stink, don’t you?” Jon growled. Austin rotated and pressed Jon against the wall of the entryway; Jon looked down to see himself being worshipped by his jock son and everything felt so right. Austin came up for breath and grinned. “I’ve been waiting for this ever since I saw you were getting bigger,” Austin said, gasping for air, his left hand groping against Jon’s lat and gut while his other reached down to rub Jon’s hard, leaking cock. “I can’t hold back any more. You’re my big beast and I’m going to keep growing you bigger and bigger,” Austin breathed while he moved closer to Jon’s bearded lips. “And a big, hard-working musclebear like you deserves a master who treats him right,” Austin said before planting a hard kiss on Jon’s lips. Jon kissed back just as aggressively, making Austin lean back as the bigger man’s full weight pressed against him; they struggled back and forth over who was in physical control, and the tension made both of them hard. “Fuck yeah,” Jon breathed as they broke their kiss, his hands rubbing harder against Austin’s hard, muscular body, feeling the football jock’s firm shoulders, meaty chest, and big arms. “My hot little jock stud, turning me into a big daddy musclebear, treating me so good. I’d do anything for you, little Sir,” Jon rumbled. “‘Little Sir’, I love when you call me that,” Austin grunted as he pushed his brute hard against the wall again, Jon’s sweat leaving an imprint. “I need more from you. 500 pounds is big, but it’s just the beginning. And you need one more thing to eat today,” Austin said before reaching up to push down on Jon’s big traps. Jon dropped to his knees, the floor thumping as he did, and Austin pushed his shorts to the ground. His own cock, rock-hard, red, and leaking, bounced out of his boxer briefs and smacked Jon in the face. “Been waiting to do this since Thanksgiving,” Austin said. “Open wide, pup,” he commanded. Jon leaned down and slurped up Austin’s eight inches in one go. Austin gasped as his big, obedient stepdad started working his sweaty cock. Austin reached down and ran his fingers across Jon’s prickly high-and-tight, feeling the neck rolls that had grown over the last few months, then ran his hands over his pup’s chain necklace. This big brute was his, and now he was on his knees, his big head bobbing up and down rhythmically, servicing him. Jon wrapped his arms around Austin, gripping the football jock’s meaty ass in his big hands, and he sucked harder. “This is where you belong, pup, on your knees serving your master,” Austin said. He looked down and had a great view of Jon’s massive shoulders and traps, his barrel chest, and his massive arms flexing and bouncing as he gave the most intense blow job Austin had ever received. Jon grunted and slurped, sucked and growled. “You like it down there, huh?” “Mmmph, mmmm,” Jon hummed as he slurped up Austin’s long, hard cock. He looked up at his master, Austin’s thin chain necklace and golden key gleaming around his neck. His heart fluttered, their eyes meeting. “Fuck yeah, that’s a good muscle pup, slurp out every drop of my jock load and grow more,” Austin groaned as he leaned his hips against Jon’s beard and gripped his huge, hard traps. “You’re growing so big, so fast Jon, such a big freak, such a good pup, so good for your Sir aren’t you?” Austin gasped, getting closer to blowing his load. “Mmmmph!” Jon grunted as he sucked faster, the massive musclebear pleasing his younger master. Jon reached down to stroke his own enormous cock through his jock strap, pre leaking profusely. “UuunnnnghhUUUUGHHHHH,”Austin groaned as he came, filling his stepdad’s mouth with creamy seed. “Yeah, take it, pup!” Austin growled. Jon hungrily gulped down every drop, chugging it like a man in the desert who had finally reached the oasis. Jon licked his lips, swallowed whatever remained of Austin’s load, and looked up at his master. “You taste so good, Sir,” he said. Jon wrapped his arms around Austin’s legs and gripped his ass firmly. “Now it’s MY turn!” Jon lifted Austin up easily as he stood, throwing him over his shoulder, manhandling his smaller stepson and carrying him up the stairs and into his bedroom. He threw Austin across the room, who sailed farther than Jon expected until he landed roughly on the king size bed. “GODDAMN I’m strong now!” Jon said. He took a deep breath and flexed his chest, then reached up and rubbed the salt-and-pepper fur covering his pecs. “So BIG!” He grabbed the heavy chain and lock around his neck and pulled and flexed, his biceps and shoulders bulging with muscle, the metal clinking around. “Whoa there pup!” Austin said as his huge stepdad approached the side of the bed, waddling over and shaking the floor with heavy, purposeful steps. His cock tented the jock strap, soaked with precum. “Eager after all this build-up, aren’t you?” “Yeah!” Jon grunted. He was breathing heavily through his nose, his chest heaving up and down. “Take that jock off, I want to see your cock,” Austin said as he crawled over to the edge of the bed. Jon pulled the jock down until his cock was free. The massive, thick log bounced up and slapped against his huge musclegut. “Brrrooof, rrrruuuffff, mmmph,” he breathed as he stepped out of the jock and adjusted his heavy, tight balls. He squeezed his cock and a long drip of pre leaked down from the tip and onto the floor. He had to have been at least 10” long and as thick as a beer can. “Oh yeah, bull, look at this monster,” Austin said as he hefted his stepdad’s package and scooted himself to the edge of the bed. “A huge cock for a huge bull, huh?” “Rrrrrooofff, that’s right,” Jon grunted as he stepped closer. “You turn me on so much, Sir. Your tight, muscular body, your sweet cum, always taking charge and looking after me and my progress, giving me someone to serve,” Jon breathed as he loomed over Austin, looking down at him from over his barrel chest and round belly. “I need to give you everything, Sir.” Jon rubbed his bulbous cock against Austin’s cheek. “Need to grow so much bigger for you, Sir.” The BO stink from Jon’s bulging crotch filled Austin’s nose with a heady funk. “Yeah, that’s right Jon. Imagine how big you’re gonna be by spring break… or even graduation time!” Austin said. Jon’s cock bucked and twitched and leaked a dribble of pre down onto Austin as he thought about that. Austin reached up and squeezed Jon’s massive cock; he could barely get his hands all the way around it. “MMMMPH boooowwwrrruuff,” Jon growled. “How big do you want me to get, Sir?” “So big you outgrow all your clothes. So big you can’t fit through doorways.” Austin licked the head of Jon’s huge cock. “Grrrroooooff…” Jon sighed, bucking his hips and flicking his nips as Austin stroked. “So big you can’t live a normal life and have to let your little master take care of you.” Austin kissed the cock head, wrapping his lips around it briefly. “Uuuuurrrrffff, grruuuuff!” Jon growled, his deep booming voice rumbling above Austin’s head. “My big trophy musclebull daddy pup. You want that?” Austin said, squeezing and stroking Jon’s cock. “Aaaroooooooofff!” Jon breathed. “Then give me your seed, pup,” Austin said as he opened wide and slurped up his stepdad’s massive cock, struggling to fit it in, gulping and choking and gagging until the entire cock was in his mouth. Jon groaned as pleasure washed over him. He reached down and gripped his stepson’s head in his huge, calloused hands and roughly pressed him against his massive tool. “Fuck yes, Sir, take your bullpup’s big cock,” Jon groaned as Austin bobbed against his cock. “Baaarrroooooff!” Jon looked down, past his enormous pecs and forest of chest hair which hadn’t been there 5 months ago, past his round, solid, furry gut which pressed against Austin’s forehead, down to the sight of his dominant jock stepson slurping a load out of him, and he was overcome with emotions. Jon grunted and growled in a haze of animalistic lust, slamming into Austin’s warm mouth and throat, months of pent-up sexual pressure overflowing out of him. “Fuck yeah, so fuckin’ huge, growing BIG for you Sir, YEAH!” Jon boomed as he got into a rhythm. “Just imagine how much BIGGER I’m gonna get, all for you, Sir, GRRRROOOOOOF!” Jon paused and pulled out, leaving Austin gasping and drooling, then reached down and grabbed his stepson under his pits. He pushed forward, scooting Austin onto the bed, and climbed on top of his smaller Sir. His massive thighs straddled the big football player easily, and he leaned down and forward until his huge cock pressed against Austin’s lips again. “Yeah pup, show me your true size and power, fuck my face,” Austin said as he opened wide. “Uuunnnfff, uurrrff,” Jon breathed as his battering ram cock invaded Austin’s smaller, tight mouth. “So big, GGRRRFFF,” Jon groaned as he squeezed Austin’s comparatively small torso with his 38” thighs, pressing his 500lb weight down onto his stepson as he started thrusting and humping harder. Jon looked down, his helpless master greedily slurping up his cock, eager for his bull pup’s thick cream, and pictured himself rising taller, bigger, wider, thicker, his muscles expanding harder and huger until he couldn’t even fit into this room and he felt his balls twitch and tighten. “YEAH, TAKE YOUR DADDY’S LOAD, Sir, UHHHHFFFRRRAAHHHH,” Jon roared as he exploded, the biggest load he had ever shot. Austin eagerly gulped up all of his stepdad’s potent, thick seed. When he was finished, he leaned back, cum and saliva dripping off of his cock. Austin coughed and sputtered, then reached up and rubbed the massive furry gut and muscular chest looming above him. Jon shifted his weight off his master and then moved around until he was spooning Austin, the mattress groaning as the 500 pound man shifted his weight. “Mmm, amazing,” Jon sighed. He reached a big arm around Austin, who pressed perfectly against his beefy side, tucked against his sweaty pit. Austin’s head rested on Jon’s enormous right pec. He could feel Jon’s warm breath and hear his heartbeat, still elevated. “My big bull, such a good pup,” Austin cooed as he rubbed Jon’s furry chest, lingering over the heavy metal lock and chain that lay against Jon’s chest. “And now we have all Christmas Break to spend time together,” he said. “That’s right,” Jon said. His enormous cock twitched and lurched, ooze smearing across his big thighs. “We can do all kinds of stuff together.” “Uh huh. Are you gonna be a good bull and lift with me?” Austin said, whispering in his stepdad’s ear. “Yeah,” Jon said in a ragged whisper. His cock twitched, already bulging longer even though he had just cum. “And cook for me and eat as much as you can?” Austin said. “Oh yeah,” Jon growled. His balls tightened. “And take care of all your master’s needs?” Jon’s cock bulged fully hard, all the way up to his deep belly button. He leaned down and kissed his little master on the forehead. “Of course, Sir,” Jon said obediently. “Good pup,” Austin said, who reached over and started stroking Jon’s thick cock. “Good.”
  11. Previous chapters: Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Austin takes Jon to the doctor to figure out how his huge stepdad is growing so fast. They use the opportunity to have some fun with Jon's new size at the doctor's office. Chapter 5: Christmas Break Checkup Austin told Jon to drive, and they both piled into Jon’s souped-up, lifted truck. The thing weighed over 2 tons but it still lurched to one side as Jon hauled himself up into the cab. Even with the size of the vehicle, Jon’s massive, wide shoulders still pressed against the driver side door and threatened to creep into Austin’s passenger side space as Jon started the truck, the diesel engine rumbling to life. “Where to, Sir?” Jon asked, turning to Austin and smirking. Austin loved how much Jon was increasingly asking him for everything and waiting for guidance and direction even on everyday sorts of tasks. “First, to the doctor for your check up, then dinner,” Austin said as he typed in the directions on his phone and they pulled out of the driveway. “But Sir, I’m hungry now,” Jon complained, his grumbling tummy audible even over the rumble of the diesel engine. Jon’s huge truck towered over all the other cars on the street, and Austin sort of felt like he was in a monster truck. It certainly matched up with the size advantage that Jon sported over normal people. “Well pup you’re gonna have to wait. I want you to be EXTRA hungry for your big dinner so you can eat as much as possible,” Austin explained. Jon sighed and pouted. “Ok Sir… I’m gonna eat SO much when we’re done!” They pulled into the parking lot and got out of the truck. Jon tugged at his too-small polo, trying in vain to cover up his protruding belly. His sleeves crept up and up his arms as he walked until they were pressing against his pits, cutting into the wide bulk of his upper arm like a tourniquet and exposing his huge biceps. He tried adjusting the sleeves a little but it didn’t do much good; his arms were just too big. His gym shorts rode up into his massive bubble butt and only came halfway down his thighs. He blushed as they approached the door. “Open the door for me, pup,” Austin said and Jon complied, holding it open for him. He followed Austin inside, ducking and turning to fit inside the doorway. The receptionists and patients waiting in the lobby all turned and looked at the massive man squeezing through the doorway, some of them gasping audibly. It wasn’t everyday you saw one of the largest men on Earth. They got checked in, Austin doing all the talking and handling Jon’s documents. The receptionist thought it a little odd but was too distracted by the huge man in front of her, his clothes barely covering his mass. They made their way to the waiting area. There were a few other people there, and they openly gawked at the enormity of the man who had just walked in. A wave of BO stink preceded him, causing some to wrinkle their noses and move to another seat. Austin sat down in a chair, and Jon tried to sit next to him. His massive thighs and wide ass wedged down into the chair, and it clearly wasn’t wide enough. “Go on, Jon. Sit down in the chair,” Austin said, encouraging the bigger man. “You can fit…probably. Give it a try,” Austin said with a smirk, knowing what was going to happen. “O-ok Sir, but I don’t think…” Jon started and suddenly stopped when the arms of the chair creaked and cracked. “Maybe I shouldn’t—“ “Jon, sit in the chair,” Austin insisted. Jon continued lowering his bulk into the chair until the wooden arms of the chair cracked and splintered, bending outward at a 45 degree angle until Jon was sort of wedged into the chair. His shoulders spread wide enough for three seats, his delts spilling over in front of Austin; Jon was hunched over trying to fit. “Hah, you broke it! You’re getting too big for normal furniture,” Austin teased as he rubbed his stepdad’s big shoulder. “Heh, yeah I guess so,” Jon said, blushing, embarrassed. He stood back up and the chair came with him before dropping to the ground with a clunk, ruined. “Come sit on the floor instead,” Austin said, pointing to the space between Austin’s thighs. “O-Ok Sir,” Jon said, his face flushing a deeper red across his chubby cheeks and under his dirty blonde beard. He sat, shaking the waiting room with his 500+lbs as he did. “That’s better,” Austin said. He spread his legs out wider to make space and he rubbed Jon’s thick neck, playing with his thick neck folds as they waited. Jon purred in appreciation, a deep, growling sound of satisfaction as Austin’s strong hands massaged him. Several of the other people in the waiting room gave them weird looks, and Jon felt a little self-conscious, but Austin reassured him with a pat on the shoulder. “I’m so excited to see what the doctor says,” Austin said, leaning down to whisper in Jon’s ear. “You’ve gotten so big so fast… I bet he’s never seen anything like it, you big freak,” Austin said, grinning. Jon’s cock swelled and bulged as Austin spoke. “Y-yeah? A freak? Never seen a bull growing like this huh?” Jon said and he raised his right arm to flex his huge bicep, the peak straining the tight sleeve of his polo shirt, pushing it back until the entire upper arm was exposed again. A wave of jock stink spread through the small waiting room, becoming inescapably strong. Austin breathed in the heady scent. “I bet he hasn’t,” Austin said, squeezing his bull’s big bicep and then smacking it. It was hard and hot to the touch and had a thick, throbbing vein coursing over it. “Jon!” the receptionist called outa while later. Jon rose to his feet and the nurse gasped audibly. Austin and Jon headed back to the exam rooms, Jon’s walking gait now decidedly a waddle that made the floor vibrate, his massive thighs rubbing against each other, his package impossible to hide, pushed forward from the girth of his quads. “H-hello, come on in, and you are?” she said, addressing Austin. “The stepson. I’ll be handling any questions about my father’s health.” Austin said authoritatively. “Alright then, well, hop onto the scale big guy,” she said. “Sure thing!” Jon said affably as he stepped onto the scale. He liked being called “big guy”. *Clank* *Squeeeeee* *Ping* The metal scale made a distressing series of sounds as Jon stepped on, and the needle on the scale, which at first rose sharply, fell back to zero. “Looks like I broke it!” Jon said, lifting an arm up and scratching the back of his head in embarrassment. The nurse wrinkled her nose and stepped back as a fresh wave of Jon’s musk emitted from his exposed armpit. “T-that’s ok, um, let’s just write down…,” “504 as of this morning, though he might have added some since then,” Austin said sharply. “Ok then, and let’s check your height,” she said. “Back up against the wall there and take your shoes off,” the nurse directed and Jon complied, his huge Otomix lifting shoes clunking heavily as he removed them, the smell of his feet acrid and musky. The nurse quickly realized that she couldn’t reach all the way up to the top of his head. “Jon, help her out, would you?” Austin said, and Jon reached out and grabbed the diminutive nurse. She was probably a quarter of his weight and over a foot shorter. She yelped as his huge hands wrapped around her waist and she rose into the air. “Up we go!” Jon said as he lifted her up so she could reach the scale. She adjusted it until it leveled with Jon’s head, 6’8”. Jon put her down. Looking disheveled, she walked them to an exam room and shut the door. “Well, I don’t think they’ve ever had someone break the scale before, pup,” Austin said as he moved closer to his huge stepdad. “I really get a sense of how big you are next to all these normal-sized people.” Jon grinned. He spread his shoulders wide, rose up to his full height, and puffed up his chest proudly. “Heh, yeah!” A knock came at the door and the doctor entered. He was a short man, probably just 5’4” or so and lean, and his eyes bugged open when he saw the size, and smelled the musk, of the giant in the exam room. “Whoa! So, what brings you in today?” “Just a routine physical for my father,” Austin said, taking charge. “He’s had quite a growth spurt lately and has been responding exceptionally well to my training, and I want to make sure he’s in good shape. What do you think about his size, doc?” Austin asked. “Go on, show him Jon.” “Sure!” Jon said and he brought his arms together in a most-muscular pose. “GRRRRR yeah I’ve been really putting on size since my son here started training me! I love growing bigger,” Jon grunted through gritted teeth as he flexed as hard as he could for the doctor. His chest heaved up and down as he flexed and bounced his pecs. “MMMphh, mmmmphhhh, yeah!” Jon grunted. “I, well, I mean,” the doctor sputtered, flabbergasted by the display of size and muscle in front of him. “I’ve never had a patient like you before! Let’s go ahead and take a look. Hop up on the exam table.” Jon did just that, which caused the table to raise off the floor on the other side, nearly tipping it over. Jon slipped off of it and the table clanged loudly back into place. “On second thought, uh, you could just stand. Let’s get your vitals,” he said. “I brought the extra large cuff here so that should work fine for your blood pressure,” he started, before holding the cuff up to Jon’s arm. He wrapped what he could around it, but it was several inches too short. The label said it was big enough for 20” arms. “That’s not going to work, I promise,” Austin said with a smirk. “Jon’s grown too big for that, isn’t that right pup?” Jon grinned and flexed his huge upper arm, the mass and veins and peak of it swelling bigger. “Mmm hmm!” “A-alright then, uh, well, I could get the adult thigh size cuff, but for now let’s get a blood sample and then I’ll ask some questions,” the doctor said. He proceeded to get a couple vials of Jon’s blood and sent those to the lab. “Well, last time you were in you were…” the doctor started, before scrolling through the info on the computer a few more times with a confused look on his face. “…5’10” and 175 pounds? That can’t be right, that was just a few months ago,” he said. “No, that’s right,” Austin said from his chair. “Like I said, my father has been making significant progress on his body over the last few months under my care. Tell him about some of your gains, pup,” Austin said, nodding to Jon. “Sure son! I’m about 500 pounds now, I can bench, deadlift, and squat over three times my weight for each exercise, my biceps are at least 26” around, thighs are bigger than most peoples’ waists, I eat 12,000 calories a day at least, and I just seem to keep growing and growing! Oh, also, I’m 6’8” now so I’ve grown about 10 inches in the last 4 months too,” Jon said, rattling off the info. He stepped closer to the doctor, who was seated with his back to Jon, and Jon loomed over him, casting him in shadow. Jon was turning himself on a bit as he thought about how much bigger and stronger he was getting. His bulge shifted in his tight jock strap and he reached down to adjust himself, smelling his musky hand afterwards. “That… that shouldn’t be possible… you’re a 42 year old man! You shouldn’t just gain 300 pounds and grow almost a foot in a matter of months!” the doctor exclaimed. He looked over his shoulder and saw that Jon was standing over him. The big bear grinned down at him, his polo taut over his massive chest. The doctor stood up from his chair and retreated to a corner of the room to give himself space. “It’s extraordinary, doctor, we know. But all that matters is that he’s healthy and that he can keep growing bigger,” Austin said, standing up and patting the doctor on the shoulder with a reassuring hand. The doctor immediately relaxed, which he knew deep down he shouldn’t feel with such an unusual and alarming patient, but he felt it nonetheless. “You-you’re right of course. Yes. Absolutely, he should keep growing!” the doctor said enthusiastically. “Glad you can see it our way!” Austin said, smiling. "Let’s see what the blood work says, it just got finished at the lab,” he said as he sat back down. “Ok, blood work, and… wow!” “Wow? Wow good, or wow bad, doc?” Austin said. “Wow, I’ve never seen these kinds of readings before. They’re not necessarily indicative of any health issues, but… growth hormone, testosterone, luteinizing hormone, pituitary activity, it’s all just… totally off the charts! Like, look here,” he said pointing at some numbers on the screen. “This number here is about ten times what we see in teenage boys going through puberty. It’s like he’s going through some sort of second growth spurt but magnified into adult-sized proportions.” “And on top of that I’m feeding him a diet to maximize growth and pumping him full of supplements and steroids,” Austin said proudly. “So, what you’re saying is…?” “What I’m saying is,” the doctor said as he stood up. “Jon is just going to keep growing, and there’s nothing at all wrong with his health. On the contrary, he’s one of the healthiest 42-year-old men I’ve ever seen,” Jon grinned at that. “Alright! That’s great news!” he said and he wrapped his arms around the doctor, pinning him against his firm belly. The doctor squirmed and tried to say something as his face was pressed between Jon’s pillowy pecs, but all that came out was a muffled “Mmmmph!” “Jon, let him go… he still has a couple other things to check,” Austin said. “Doc, I’d like you to do a more close-up physical exam. Jon, take your shirt off and doc, look for any suspicious moles, will you?” They both obeyed Austin quickly. Jon struggled out of his tight shirt but eventually got stuck with his arms over his head. “Uh, a little help?” the big man said, his face obscured by his shirt, his belly and pecs exposed. “Heh, sure thing dad, lean over,” Austin said. He grabbed the tight shirt sleeves as Jon bent over and he pulled, tugged, and wriggled the shirt around until it was free from his huge stepdad. Jon staggered backwards and sighed, then stood back to his full height. He stepped forward closer to the doctor and puffed his chest out, looking down at him with a grin. “Wow!” the doctor breathed as he took in Jon’s full musculature now that he was shirtless. “Well you certainly are adding some muscle mass,” he said, trying to sound professional, but his voice wavering. He walked around Jon looking for moles. “So you were just an average build before this, then?” he asked. “That’s right,” Austin said, speaking for his father. “I gave him a new training regime this fall and he has responded to it beyond my expectations. Our mutual goal is to keep growing as big as possible, isn’t that right Jon?” Austin said. “That’s right, bigger and bigger!” Jon said happily. The doctor stood in front of him and Jon flexed his chest slightly for him. His dense, dirty blonde chest hair was curled into ringlets from sweating so much earlier. “Jon, go ahead and pick him up like you did with the nurse,” Austin said with a smirk. “What? I don—whaaaa!” The doctor yelped as he flew into the air, his head almost touching the ceiling. “Heh, you’re so light, Doc! What do you weigh?” Jon said as he bounced the doctor up and down like a child, brushing him against his furry chest and round, hard gut. “150! Put me down please!” he said as Jon played with him. “Heh, I’m more than three times your weight! And soon I’ll be even bigger!” Jon said as he set the doctor down, who took a few steps to steady himself. “One more thing before we leave then, doc. Jon, drop trou. Go ahead and check his balls for any issues. Those have been growing too!” Austin with a chuckle, unable to contain his grin. “They sure have!” Jon said as he unceremoniously yanked his pants down. His package bulged obscenely in his jock strap, which was stained yellow from weeks of intense workout sweat and leaking precum. He pulled the jock down too and his thick cock flopped out, slapping against his massive, hairy thigh. “Oh my, that’s not necessa… oh wow,” the doctor said as he stepped closer and squatted down. He crinkled his nose at the intense jock BO musk that radiated from Jon’s package. He cupped Jon’s balls in his hand and gasped. “My goodness, they’re as big as lemons…” he hefted them up and down, appreciating the sizable weight of them, struggling to be professional. “And growing bigger every day,” Jon said as his cock stirred to life at the doctor’s touch. “Gotta keep ‘em regularly drained too!” he said with a booming laugh. The doctor’s hands brushed against the furry undersides of Jon’s balls and Jon shivered. The doctor asked him to cough, and Jon did. His cock stirred to life, swelling and thickening quickly as the doctor shifted the grip on his balls. “Doc, what’s an average size for a man his height?” Austin asked, enjoying the size disparity between the two men. “5, maybe 6 inches for most Americans,” he said, watching Jon’s cock lurching and twitching as it grew. “Maybe a couple inches more for someone of Jon’s, um, stature.” “And how big would you say Jon is?” Austin said, smirking again. “Well it’s hard to say, but – oof!” the doctor said as a thick cock bumped against his cheek. Jon’s cock suddenly swelled bigger and lurched to one side, smacking the doctor in the face again. Jon grinned down at him and shifted his weight, his cock bulging to full hardness in a matter of seconds. He pushed it against the doctor again, making him lose his balance and fall over. “Oops, sorry doc. I’ve always been a grower not a shower!” Jon boomed from above. “Ha! Jon, your dick is so big it should be classified as a weapon!” Austin said with a laugh. “What do you think, doc? How big does it look from down there?” The doctor looked up at the two muscular studs above him, Austin the epitome of arrogant young jock, and Jon an unimaginably huge giant of a man, naked and hard. Jon grinned down at him from over the mound of his barrel chest, his round gut, and his swelling bulge and laughed. “It’s… enormous… definitely over 10” and I’ve never seen something quite that thick…” the doc sputtered. “As for Jon’s health, yes, everything looks… exemplary,” he said, adjusting his glasses and trying to salvage his pride. “Very good. You’re dismissed,” Austin said and the doctor immediately gathered his things. “Jon, be sure not to block the door…” Austin said with a wink. “Heh sure son,” Austin said and immediately moved to the door. His massive, wide frame wedged into the door frame, his head brushing the top of it and his thighs and shoulders just a bit too wide for it, still naked. “Hey, guys, come on,” the doctor said, flustered. “I have other patients to see,” he said as he tried to find some space to move past Jon. He pushed against Jon’s bulk, and Jon barely felt it. He refused to move, toying with the little man, gently pushing him back or shifting his weight. Jon hardly even had to try. The doctor tried to slip under Jon’s armpit, and Jon squeezed his head between his bicep and bulging lat, rubbing jock musk on the doctor’s face. Austin started laughing as he saw the little man’s futile attempts. Jon did too, and he reached out to palm the doctor’s head and hold him back at arms’ length. The doctor pushed against his wrist and tried to step forward, but it was pointless. “You guys… this isn’t funny!” he said. Austin laughed some more. “Sure it is!” “What should I do with him, Sir?” Jon asked with a twinkle in his eye. “Jon why don’t you help him now?” Austin said as he gathered up Jon’s clothes. “Take him back out to the hall.” Jon suddenly stepped forward and scooped the doctor up into both arms. He swung him through the door frame, holding him effortlessly. He then rubbed him against Jon’s furry chest and bounced him around, the doctor gasping and yelping as he did. “Pin him on the ceiling, Jon,” Austin said, egging him on. The big man did just that, raising him over his head and pressing him against the ceiling easily, dislodging a couple ceiling tiles. “Yeah, that’s great. Alright pup, enough messing around. Let’s go!” Jon smiled and he unceremoniously set the doctor onto the floor in a heap. “Later, doc! Thanks for the check up!” “Alright pup, now walk out to the lobby naked, I want to see everyone’s reactions!” “Naked? Me?” Jon said, suddenly blushing. “Ok Sir!” The massive muscle bear waddled back to the entrance, his bulk filling up the entire hallway as shocked nurses and patients parted before him. Jon liked the reactions he was causing, and he liked that Austin was bossing him around. His stomach growled ferociously and he remembered it was time to eat!
  12. Previous chapters: Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Austin comes home for Christmas Break to see how much bigger his musclebear step dad has grown. Jon shows off his new size and strength, and the two continue to grow closer together. Chapter 4: Christmas Break Austin pulled into the driveway of his dad’s house, the snow crunching under the tires of his big truck. His stepdad’s own new truck, which was even bigger than his, sat in the driveway. It was a bright and sunny afternoon, but cold with snow all around, a lovely white Christmas as Austin arrived home for winter break. Austin knew that if Jon had been following his regimen, he would be napping now. Austin had given Jon a strict schedule and routine to follow, down to the hour, and had worked hard to order food, supplements, clothes, equipment, and more since going back to college after Thanksgiving break. He had really stepped up Jon’s growth and training, sending over food deliveries every day and even supplying him with growth hormones and steroids. Austin wanted to maximize this opportunity to make Jon grow as big as possible, whatever it took. He had also told Jon not to give him regular updates on his progress; Austin wanted to be surprised how much Jon had grown over the last 4 weeks. Austin quietly opened the door, making his way into the house through the front door. He sniffed deeply as he came inside; the whole house smelled like a locker room, sweaty and musky, but he also smelled freshly-baked cookies. He could see a stack of recently-eaten plastic food containers and a decimated tray of gingerbread cookies; Jon had a big lunch, just like Austin told him to. “SSNNNNRRRRHHHH… Hhhhhnnnngggg.” Even from the entrance, he could hear the deep, rumbling snores of his big muscle pup stepdad from the bedroom upstairs. He made his way there quietly, taking off his jeans and jacket and getting down to his tight boxer briefs and tank top, his bullpup’s snores getting louder as he got closer, the musky jock stink getting stronger as he opened up the door to the bedroom. Inside, Jon lay sprawled out on the bed under the covers, a mountainous, ursine form rising and falling with each thunderous snore. Austin could see his face, his cheeks fuller and plumper than when he had last seen him, his mouth slightly open, drooling in total relaxation. His beard was thick and luxurious, waves of brown, blonde, and white fur filling out and down. Austin approached and carefully got into bed, nestling in under the covers next to his massive dad, letting Jon be the big spoon to Austin’s little spoon. The temperature and humidity under the covers was intense, and Austin immediately started sweating; Jon’s body was radiating heat like a furnace. Jon, still asleep, breathed in deeply and then exhaled, his warm breath washing over Austin as he smacked his lips. Jon adjusted his weight and wrapped his arms around the warm, firm mass he had suddenly found pressing against him. Austin felt his huge pup’s bulge under the covers swell to life, twitching and growing as it strained the tighty whities that contained it. It throbbed until it pressed firmly against Austin’s furry, muscular ass. Jon bucked against him in his sleep. Jon’s breathing became more erratic as his cock grew even bigger, and his arms suddenly squeezed Austin tightly; his strength was unbelievable! Austin grunted as Jon’s bulge pushed right against his tight hole, teasing and threatening to invade, until Austin managed to twist around in his pup’s grip and face him. “Hey there, big pup, guess who’s home?” Austin said as he reached out and felt Jon’s enormous chest under the covers. Jon was shirtless under the covers, and his pecs were slick with sweat. His dense chest fur curled into ringlets as Austin rubbed. He couldn’t see it yet, but the amount of mass under there made him gasp; just how big had his daddy pup grown? Jon awoke, the ice blue of his eyes sparkling and a massive smile spreading across his face. “Sir!” his deep voice boomed, vibrating Austin’s torso with the force of it. “You’re home already!” Jon squeezed Austin in his massive arms, the muscles of his biceps pressing against Austin’s sides until he almost felt ribs popping, his breath smelling of chocolate protein powder and chicken. “MMM, I’m so excited to see you!” Jon said, bulge rubbing against Austin’s under the covers. “Hhhhnnggg, pup you hug so hard!” Austin wheezed, feeling the air press out of his lungs. “Merry Christmas, dad!” Jon grinned wider. “Heh sorry son, I don’t know my strength!” Jon adjusted his weight, causing the bed to shake, and rubbed Austin’s lean, hard abs and sides under the covers, running his huge hands up and down his master’s torso. “Mmm we could cuddle in bed like this all day,” Jon purred. Austin noticed that his voice was even deeper than it was at Thanksgiving. “I missed you so much,” Jon whispered as quietly as his deep voice would allow, emotion causing his lower lip to quiver a bit. “Aww, big guy, I missed you too,” Austin said, rubbing his hands across his stepdad’s bigger, thicker body. He leaned in closer until they were face to face. We’re gonna spend so much quality time these next two weeks,” Austin whispered. Both of them breathed in deeply and sighed, feeling excited and relieved to be together again. “Mmm, sounds good, sir,” Jon said as he stretched and flexed his huge body. “We should keep cuddling like this, I missed this the most,” he said as he wrapped his big arms around Austin’s smaller body. “We could, but then we’d miss valuable opportunities for you to grow! And I think it’s almost time for your afternoon lift, isn’t it?” Austin said. “Have you been a good pup and following Sir’s schedule?” “Of course, Sir!” Jon said, sounding more serious. “Your schedule is perfect. It’s really been helping me grow BIGGER,” Jon said. “Plus, I’m already getting hungry again, almost time for me to feed.” Austin slipped out of Jon’s arms and scooted out of bed. Jon’s eyes lit up and scanned Austin’s lean, muscular body as he stood next to the bed. “Like what you see, pup?” Austin said, showing off his fit, muscular build, flexing his hard pecs and trim waist. He was college muscle jock perfection. “Yeah, Sir, you look great,” Jon rumbled as he shifted off the covers, planted his feet next to the bed, and stood slowly. “But you’re so much smaller than me now!” Austin took a step back, his jaw dropping open, as his stepdad rose to his full height. He was way taller than Austin’s 6’0” now. Austin stared straight at his dad’s chest, then craned his neck to look up at the brute smirking down at him. The floorboards creaked as Jon shifted his weight and took a deep breath, expanding his massive chest in Austin’s face, the thick musculature of his pecs swelling to full size. Jon exhaled, his breath ruffling Austin’s hair, and grinned. “Heh, little master looks smaller than last time!” Jon rumbled, standing nearly naked in front of Austin. His immense torso heaved with thick muscles as he breathed in and out. His calves and thighs bulged outwards, great mounds of muscle to hold up his titanic torso, and pushed his obscene bulge forward. Jon was slick and shiny with sweat, like he had just lifted even though he was napping. Austin noticed the sheets were soaked and stained yellow from Jon’s constant sweating, a side-effect from his unprecedented growth, and the full strength of his BO funk washed over Austin in waves of sharp, sour musk. “I don’t think I’ve gotten any smaller, but you certainly have grown a lot bigger!” Austin said as he breathed in his dad’s musk and rubbed his hands against Jon’s huge, broad chest. Jon stepped forward and bounced his belly against Austin, causing him to take a step back. “I’ve been growing really fast since Thanksgiving, Sir,” Jon breathed and he brought his fists together in front of his gut to flex. His round, thick chest, mountainous traps, and bulging biceps all swelled with size, so much bigger and thicker and harder than just a month ago. “Usually 7 or 8 pounds a day. Is that good?” Jon said innocently, pressing harder against his hard, lean, muscular stepson. “Jon you’re… so much bigger! How is this… wow!” Austin stammered, feeling his stepdad’s bigger, stronger, thicker body. “Just following your directions, Sir. Eat, lift, eat, nap, eat, lift, eat, lift, eat, sleep,” he said, counting off each step with a finger. “I need to work hard to grow big for you, son. Are you proud of me?” Jon said as he stepped closer again, backing Austin up against a wall. Jon pressed his belly and chest against Austin’s torso and face. “Do you like all my gains? It’s all for you, Sir…” Jon said as he started to rub his sweaty bulk against Austin. “Love growing bigger for you…” Jon’s cock had grown along with the rest of him, and the sweaty, stained underwear strained to contain it; it swelled as Jon rubbed against Austin, pre forming a wet spot on his underwear. Jon shuttered as he felt his bulk pin Austin to the wall. “So much bigger than you now…” Jon breathed, his balls tightening, and Austin could feel his barely-contained bull strength physically and mentally overpower him. Austin pushed back, his will overtaking Jon’s. “No, pup, not yet. We still have more work to do before we can have fun!” Austin said forcefully. “Yes Sir!” Jon growled, his deep voice booming. “It’s time for your afternoon lift, pup. Let’s get to it. This time with your little master pushing you to your limit. Let’s see what this big body of yours is capable of!” Jon smacked his fist into his palm, flexed his chest, and grunted. “Yes Sir!” “Step over to the scale and let’s just see how big you’ve gotten,” Austin said, and Jon obeyed. The scale was a big, industrial-strength one for measuring freight; Austin had purchased that knowing they would need it in the months to come. The number flashed 504 when it had equalized. “Over 200 pounds in 4 weeks! I’m so proud of you, pup,” Austin said, rubbing his hand against Jon’s wide, muscular back. “Getting SO big, pup!” “Mmmph, yes Sir, growing bigger for you!” Jon said. His whole body shivered with pleasure and his big bulge twitched. Nothing pleased him more than hearing his Sir praise him. “Step over to the mirror,” Austin ordered, and his pup obeyed. Austin noticed the hardwood in front of the mirror was stained white and yellow, and dried, milky streaks dirtied the mirror itself. “Stand up straight,” Austin said as he walked around his hulking stepdad, inspecting the growing specimen. Jon’s shoulders bulged out to the sides, his arms pressed against his thick lats, and his back spread wider than two regular men. His waist narrowed and looked trim against the absurd width of his shoulders, but his round, hard gut swelled out in front, matched only by the thick pec shelf that hung above it. Jon’s beard had grown longer to the point where it was brushing against the dirty blonde chest fur, which was coiled in sweat-soaked ringlets that covered his giant pecs. The beard had a bright blonde streak running down the middle, flanked with darker, denser fur that covered all the way up to his ruddy, full cheeks. His hair was freshly trimmed, just like Austin had asked for. More fur spread along his traps and shoulders and inched down his back; it was growing thicker back there quickly. The giant shifted his weight, his massive 500lbs causing the floor to groan, and Austin saw how his enormous thighs twitched and swelled to support his mass. “Good, bull. My, my you’re getting big, aren’t you?” Austin said. “Y-yes Sir,” Jon said, enormously turned on, his hard cock throbbing and leaking as he looked at his own reflection, his muscles twitching with every slight movement. “How do you feel about your growth and progress, pup?” Austin said, teasing the big man further, running a hand over the immense, dense expanse of Jon’s upper right arm and bulbous, round, hard deltoid. Jon instinctively flexed for his master. “G-good… big! So much growth… all I do, Sir, I lift, I eat, I sleep. I can’t think about anything else but MORE, Sir. I want it so badly,” Jon groaned, even more so when Austin ran his hand against Jon’s bulky pec and flicked a meaty nipple. “Good. You’re a good pup, aren’t you? Always listening to me,” Austin said as he circled around his enormous stepdad, rubbing his calloused hand against Jon’s enormous, thick bubble butt and bouncing it up and down. Jon sighed, his body shaking. “Yes Sir, always Sir, of course!” he said, trying to sound tough but his voice wavering, his mind overcome with desire. “Anything for you!” “Mmmm good,” Austin cooed. “But is this enough?” he said, reaching up to pull Jon’s ear down to him. “Or do you want more?” Austin said, the last word a breathy whisper that lingered. Jon shuddered instinctively, his cock twitching, his muscles shaking. A thick strand of precum oozed out of his hard cock and made a growing wet spot on his briefs. “Unnnggg, Sir, I need…” he trailed off, before taking a heavy breath and gulping, suddenly thirsty. “I need MORE!” “That’s what I want to hear,” Austin said, still holding Jon’s head to lean down to his height. “Now get dressed and show me what you can do with all that bulk,” he said as he released his pup and smacked his ass hard. Jon grinned and straightened to his full, towering 6’8” and 504lbs. “Yes Sir!” he boomed as he flexed in the mirror for his little master. “LET’S GOOOO, PUSH, NOW!” Austin yelled in a commanding voice right in Jon’s face, squatting down in front of his massive stepdad. “FUCKING NOW, PUP, DO IT!” Jon grunted loudly as he stood from deep in the pocket. A thick Olympic bar with enough weight on each side to make it bend lay across his enormous traps and shoulders as the huge man stood, slowly but surely. His quads quivered as he did, shaking with power and exertion. “RRRRHHHHUUUUUHHHHH,” Jon growled as he stood to his full height, the weights shaking as his legs flexed, holding over a thousand pounds on his back. He had just finished another set of 12. “FUCK YES, BULL!” Austin said, slapping his huge dad on the back as Jon unclasped his belt and breathed heavily, his chest heaving up and down. A puddle of sweat pooled underneath him as it dropped off his face and arms. He bent over to catch his breath, grunting and shaking, adrenaline surging through his veins. Jon was wearing black gym shorts that only came halfway up his thighs, which were ruddy and swollen with pump, and a stringer tank top that was a shade darker than it ought to be from sweat, a mascot logo of Austin’s school on the front, faded from overuse even though it was just a couple months old. It was comically small for the big man. The look was completed by huge, wide, heavy Otomix shoes, the flat bottoms perfect for lifting heavy, the laces open to make room for Jon’s thick feet. “Four hours of hard work and grinding and showing your Sir what you’re capable of,” Austin said, leaning down and speaking into his dad’s ear. “And you know what?” Austin asked. “Huuhhh, ffffuhhhh, mmmmuuaaaahh, what,” Jon gasped. “You’re the biggest,” Austin said, punctuating his words by slapping his dad’s meaty ass, “strongest,” *smack* “thickest” *smack* “hardest working,” *smack* “bullpup I’ve ever seen,” Austin said, ending by grabbing a handful of Jon’s thick glutes and squeezing. “Hehe, *huff*, thank you, Sir!” Jon panted, standing and putting his hands on his hips, pacing around and shaking out his overclocked quads. “Couldn’t have done it *huff* without you pushing me.” They were just wrapping up a 4 hour long marathon gym session. The garage had been further upgraded into a world-class gym, way bigger and better than the old set up a month ago. They had done a little bit of everything, Austin ordering Jon around and pushing him harder than ever, yelling at him, spotting for him, keeping him going harder and harder. Jon was eager to show off for his stepson too. He had worked so hard over these months, mostly alone, feeling the need to make his son happy and proud of him, needing to grow bigger and stronger. Now that his master was here in person, pushing him harder, that desire consumed every thought in his mind. To do so in front of him now, achieving results he never dreamed possible, was extremely fulfilling. “I’m so proud of you, pup. You know, you are easily the strongest man in the world now,” Austin said, coming up to his sweat-soaked stepdad and wrapping his arms around him. He could only reach to his lats, not even able to reach his back now. Sweat dripped down on him from Jon’s beard and nose. “Absolutely crushing world records in front of me like it’s no big deal,” Austin said as he looked up at his obedient pup. Influencing him like this felt so easy, so good in person. Jon grinned as he looked down at Austin. He took a deep breath and expanded his chest, making Austin’s arms lose their grip around his lats. He swelled with pride, and his cock bulged in his shorts. “All for you, son. Turning into the biggest damn stepdad in the world!” Jon said. He lifted his arms up for a double-bicep pose. “Mmm that’s right,” Austin said, reaching up to caress Jon’s massive arms, which were covered in a slick sheen of sweat. The musky jock smell that radiated from Jon’s pits hit Austin like a wave, intense and tangy and manly. The whole room was hot and humid even though it was winter outside. “And you smell so good,” Austin said. He stepped forward and buried his nose in Jon’s deep, hairy pit. “Mmm glad that you like my scent, Sir,” Jon grunted, pup said with a smirk. He lowered his arm, trapping Austin in his musky armpit. “Yeah, getting my man smell all over you, mmm,” Jon grunted. Austin gasped as he came up for air, snuffling and looking dizzy. “Hoo, wow, that’s good,” he said. “Such a musky pup! Makes sense with how hard you’ve been working and how big you’re getting, huh?” Austin teased. “All the gear I’m on makes my musk smell even more potent, Sir,” Jon rumbled. He cranked his neck over to his hairy pit and huffed deeply, breathing in his own musk. He exhaled and then took another whiff, his muscles straining, hard for him to move his nose over that far now. “So good, rrrfff,” Jon sighed. “Now go pump up those pecs some more,” Austin said, pointing to the pec deck. Jon obediently complied. “I’ve grown so fast… it’s almost hard to believe,” Jon said as he lowered his arms. He waddled over to the pec deck, which was already set at the highest weight, like all the machines were. “I’m a new man, a bigger, better man! And I just keep growing… I keep wondering if it’s going to stop or slow down, but if anything I’m just growing faster every day. It’s an addiction. It’s all I think about. And all for you, son,” Jon grunted as he started cranking out reps. “I know,” Austin said, walking over to Jon and watching him pump his chest, each rep more than what Austin weighed. “I never expected this. I wouldn’t believe it if I didn’t see and feel it myself,” he said. 20, 30, 40 reps without a rest…Jon made it look like warm up weight. Jon’s pecs swelled up fuller and bigger; Austin reached out and felt Jon’s chest hardening and squeezing with each rep, rubbing the sweat that ran down Jon’s pec cleavage. “Feels amazing, pup,” Austin said as he rubbed. Austin looked right into Jon’s blue eyes. Jon stared back, both of them locked in. “And you’re just gonna keep getting bigger, I can feel it.” “It feels, unf, so good, Sir,” Jon grunted, passing 50 reps. “I never knew how badly I needed to grow. I’m so glad, unf, I have you to guide me. And, unf, how much size I keep packing on. And how much, unf, taller I’m getting! It’s awesome. I, unf, wake up every morning in awe of my own, unf, GAINS, and it’s all because of you, son,” Jon grunted, perfect rep after perfect rep making him sweat profusely. “Of course, dad,” Austin said. “Anything for my growing pup. Your growth is beyond anything I ever dreamed of. When I told you to get into lifting 4 months ago, I never realized I’d be creating a MONSTER,” he said. Jon finished his 100th rep, looking like he could have gone for another 100 even though he had been lifting unreal weights for 4 hours. The weights clanked back into place and the big musclebear daddy stood to his full height again, towering over Austin. “Mmmmm I love when you call me that,” Jon growled, his deep voice rumbling Austin’s chest. He adjusted his weight, his pumped chest pushing out between his flimsy tank top. “Monster grow big for master,” he grunted in a goofy, goonish voice, his eyes glazing over, his obscene bulge throbbing in his tiny gym shorts. “Such a good pup,” Austin said, stepping forward and rubbing Jon’s huge chest. “And such a handsome one too,” Austin said. He looked up and let his hand move up to Jon’s beard and he held his hand against Jon’s cheek. “It’s so good to be here with you in person again, pup,” Austin said, locking eyes with Jon. “I’m such a lucky master.” Jon took a deep, shuddering breath. It had nothing to do with his long workout. He gulped heavily, anxious and excited. “Yeah Sir, I feel the same way for sure,” Jon said. His cock throbbed as he pressed against Austin’s firm torso, so lean and hard. “I’m the lucky one!” Jon said. He ran his big hands up and down Austin’s torso, feeling his youthful frame and firm muscles, and closed his eyes, overwhelmed by what he was feeling. He bent his head down so Austin could rub the side of his face and head more. He opened his eyes again and stared as Austin’s face; a short beard, a strong jawline, and glittering green eyes. “You’re so hot, you know that?” Jon sighed, feeling relieved to admit that. “Heh, thanks dad,” Austin said as he scratched and rubbed his stepdad’s beard affectionately. “That means a lot coming from, stud,” Austin said. “And just think, we have two whole weeks of this.” Jon sighed contentedly and wrapped his arms around Austin. They held each other like that for a full minute, breathing each other in, feeling each others’ heartbeats. Finally, Austin pulled away. “Let’s finish with a big arm pump, hmm?” Austin said and pointed to the tricep pulldown machine. Jon just grinned and nodded. Jon waddled over to the machine, wrapped his calloused hands around the rope, thrust his chest out, and started cranking out perfect reps, the entire weight rack flying up and down like it was nothing. Jon huffed and growled with each rep; his rumbling, guttural grunts made him sound like a prized bull. Austin stepped closer and felt Jon’s enormous right upper arm hardening and flexing with each rep. “Yeah, you like getting bigger huh? Feels good to pump up these big arms for me?” Austin said, rubbing the sweaty mass of his stepdad’s tricep. The upper arm was unbelievably big, dense, and hard. Austin wondered if it was bigger than his thigh yet. He knew it would be sooner or later. Jon grunted louder as he passed 50 reps, his chest thrust out with a fresh pump, straining the pathetic straps of his too-tight tank top. Fresh waves of musk wafted out from his pits with every rep. “It’s – mmmph – really intense having you – rrrfff – here with me as I – ggrrrph – lift and get bigger for you – uuhhhff – Sir,” Jon grunted as his triceps pumped up more and more. His bulge, already obscene in his sweat-soaked gym shorts, tented considerably as Austin rubbed his arm. “You like it?” he groaned as he slammed the weight back down after his 100th rep. Jon flexed hard, the definition and raw bulky size popping out even more. “You think I’m bigger than before?” he asked, his eyes desperate for approval. “Oh yeah, pup, so much bigger. Now finish up with some curls in the mirror,” Austin said, leading the bigger man over to the rack of dumbbells. They were all custom ordered and went all the way up to 200lbs. “Grab those 100s. There you go. Now, shoulders back, elbows locked in, I don’t want to see any swinging. Good,” Austin said, directly his bull into perfect form as Jon started cranking out reps. “Give it a good squeeze and pause at the top of the rep, feel that mind-muscle connection.” Austin said, and held his hand on the hard peak of Jon’s left bicep. “Like this?” Jon said, staring at himself in the mirror, making sure his form was perfect, eager to please Austin. His upper arms, which had to be 25” at least at this point, bulged in a rhythmic, almost mechanical precision, each rep perfect, each rep making his arms expand even bigger. Jon’s bulge tented even more as he noticed that the size difference between the two of them was even more dramatic than it was a month ago. He was getting so big, just what Austin wanted, and nothing made him feel happier than that. “Perfect,” Austin said, squeezing the huge bicep. “So big, bull pup. Pump ‘em up more. Push through the pain. Get to 100 reps for me, come on!” “Grrruuuuhh – MMMpphhh – UUHHHHPH!” Jon grunted louder and louder as he cranked out 100 perfect reps, filling the garage with guttural groans, sweat dripping off his face and elbows and onto the floor mats below, his eyes locked onto the mirror. Finally he dropped the weights, which thunked to the floor. He turned to Austin, raised his arms, and flexed, showing off his hard-earned mass. “MMMphh, how’s that, Sir?” he groaned as he flexed, sweat dripping everywhere, his clothes soaked, his furry pits and chest radiating heat and musk. “Good! Big!” Austin said, smacking Jon’s big arms. “Now it’s time to reward you for your hard work.” Austin pulled out a package he had been hiding nearby and he unfolded it. “4XLT was the biggest they had in stock, so I made sure to get that. But I think you may have exceeded even this size, stud,” Austin said as he held up a brand new polo shirt with his college’s logo as the chest patch. “Mmmm I love it,” Jon said. He gripped the neck of his old tank top and tore, the shirt easily peeling in half down the middle, yielding to Jon’s power. “Thank you, Sir,” the musclebear growled. “Put it on now, even though I know you’re going to soak it with bear sweat. We’re gonna head to the doctor now to get you checked out, and then it will be time for you to feed, huh?” Austin said as his bullpup struggled into the shirt. “Need some help there?” “It’s… I can’t get it on,” Jon grunted as he struggled to wrestle the shirt on over his head. His range of motion was limited from his massive pump. “Here, pup, let me help,” Austin said. “Poor guy, too big to fit into clothes. Better get used to that,” Austin teased as he helped adjust the shirt, yanking it down over his dad’s sweaty back and thick trunk. “Grrrrr soon you’ll run out of things that fit me, son,” Jon mused. He stood to his full height again when the shirt was finally on. “Haha, Jon I think you might be too big for 4XLT already,” Austin said, trying not to laugh. The shirt was stretched taut across his broad chest, each pec straining the fabric. The sleeves stretched across his massive arms, barely hanging on and cutting into his beefy biceps, constricting them a bit. The neck hole was too small and threatened to choke Jon until he reached up and ripped it a bit wider. Most noticeable of all, the shirt only came down to Jon’s belly button, struggling to cover the huge, round belly of the big musclebear. A sliver of furry powerlifter tummy protruded from the bottom, like dough popping out of a can. “Doesn’t fit, Sir,” Jon said with a smirk, then raised his arms to flex. His biceps rose into thick, hard peaks. The sleeves pressing harder and harder against the massive muscle until they ripped simultaneously with a dramatic snap sound. “Heh, yeah!” Jon chuckled as he checked out his newly freed biceps and pumped them a couple times. He speed his lats wider, and his shoulders and traps bulged with power. The shirt strained to contain him, and it rode up even higher on his belly. He lowered his arms and laughed, the shirt staying stuck on his sweaty chest and belly. “Heh, I think it’s perfect, pup,” Austin said and rubbed his stepdad’s round gut. “I think everyone is going to know how big you are when you wear this, including the doctor. And then we’re going to go out and get a BIG dinner, my treat,” Austin said. “Mmmm sounds amazing,” Jon hummed, relishing Austin’s belly rubs. His cock thickened and swelled at the touch of his jacked, dominant stepson, tenting in his short, black gym shorts that revealed his massive quads and bulbous calves. “So hungry,” he said, and on cue his huge belly rumbled loud enough for Austin to hear clearly. “Well I’m gonna make sure to fill you up GOOD,” Austin said. “Let’s see how much you can pack away now that you’re even bigger!”
  13. Previous chapters: Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Austin comes home for Thanksgiving Break, and Jon has grown much bigger. Austin cooks a huge Thanksgiving feast for his stepdad, who is eager to impress his stepson. Jon and Austin's relationship continues to evolve. Chapter 3: Thanksgiving Break The garage door opened, and the morning sun crept in slowly, revealing an elaborate, fully-featured home gym. The light spread, revealing a bench next to a rack full of weight plates, a squat rack with a loaded barbell, a set of heavy kettlebells, a multi-use cable machine, and a full row of dumbbells that went all the way up to 150lbs. The walls were lined with full-length mirrors, and mid-90s rock blared from the speakers installed in the upper corners. Standing in the back of the garage, wearing a sweat-soaked tank top, completely focused on his set of heavy preacher curls, was Jon. Austin rolled his big truck into the driveway and got out, admiring the good work the installation crew he hired had done to set up the home gym. The football season freshly completed, Austin was at his peak fitness, the biggest and best shape he had ever been in at 6’0” and 240lbs, heavier than he probably should have been at his position of quarterback but he loved the size. And he couldn’t wait to see how much bigger his dad had become. He couldn’t see him yet, as Jon was behind the cable machine at the back of the garage. Over the loud music Austin could hear the weights shifting and Jon’s deep grunts. “Mmpph… Rrrffff… Uuunnfff… Hrrrfff…”, getting louder as Austin walked past a barbell loaded up for deadlifts with 400lbs of plates on it. “Huuuffff…Mmmph…Uuahh…,” *CLANK* Finally winding past the cable machine, Austin gasped and dropped his bag as he approached Jon from the side. Jon stood up from his preacher curls to his full height, bringing his fists together and flexing his arms in the mirror. Massive, pumped biceps bulged with muscle, the length of his arms slick and shiny with sweat. His tank top was comically small; it only covered his sizable gut down to his belly button, the material creased and strained over his wide shoulders and chest, and the straps were pulled taut against his mountainous traps and huge pecs. Wide, burly shoulders were capped with thick, hard-looking traps. Huge, meaty upper arms trailed down to equally impressive forearms. Jon’s legs were big too. Austin noted that every single muscle group of his once-diminutive stepdad was easily bigger than own. “Dad?” Austin said, hardly believing how much bigger Jon had become since he had last seen him. Jon turned to his stepson and a huge smile broke out on his face. “Austin! Hey, you’re here earlier than I thought and I was so locked in I didn’t notice you coming in,” Jon said as he stepped out of the preacher curl set up and spread his arms to bring Austin into a big bear hug. Austin noted with disbelief that he had to look up to meet Jon’s gaze now; Jon had somehow grown taller. “Grrrrrr haha you’re looking great, son!” the big bear growled as he clamped his arms tight around Austin’s waist. He leaned back and lifted all 240lbs of him clean off the floor. “I’ve been lifting since 6am, I was so excited to see you I couldn’t sleep!” “Huuuu jeez dad, you’re so…” Austin started but the air was squeezed out of his lungs as his big stepdad bearhugged him. Austin could hardly believe Jon’s strength; he could feel it in his big hug, harder than anything he’d felt during the football season this year. Jon’s sweat-soaked body rubbed against his stepson, getting Austin’s shirt wet. Jon relented and put Austin down. “Jesus, Jon, fucking look at the SIZE of you!” “Hehe, yeah? Am I bigger?” Jon said modestly, bringing a big arm up and scratching the back of his head, which caused his massive upper arm to flex and bulge with muscle. “I guess I’ve been growing some the last few weeks.” His voice was noticeably deeper than a few weeks ago. He dropped his hands down to grab the hem of his shirt and lifted it up to wipe the profuse sweat dripping down his face, exposing the massive hairy belly and chest underneath. Jon dwarfed Austin, the 21-year-old realized; wider, taller, thicker, just fucking bigger all over! His eyes swept up and down, hardly believing the size and rapid growth of his 42-year-old step father. “Flex your arm,” Austin commanded, and Jon did, curling his big arm down towards his belly and flexing hard, his shoulders surging, his upper arm swelling with thick muscle as it pressed against the side of his thick pec. Austin reached out to feel, his fingers small over the expanse of his stepdad’s huge, hard bicep. It throbbed and felt warm to the touch; a big blue vein pulsed down the middle of it, leading to a network of them that could be seen under the blond hair of his thick forearm. “21 inches as of yesterday, getting hard to measure myself though,” Jon said as he lifted up his other arm, bringing it into a big bicep flex. A wave of intense, musky BO washed over Austin from the sweaty, hairy armpit. “Well maybe I can help you out with that later this weekend, you big galoot.” Austin smacked Jon’s beefy shoulder and nodded. “Wow, your progress is even more spectacular than I was expecting. I’m so proud of you, dad,” Austin said and he squeezed Jon’s shoulder, feeling its size and hardness. “You’re really turning into a big, strong musclebear daddy, aren’t you? And you love it, huh?” Jon said, stepping closer and putting his hands on his dad’s big chest, smacking his sweaty pecs. Jon grinned and squeezed his chest, letting Austin feel the hardness and size of his pecs. “Uh huh, I love it,” Jon said, enjoying the feeling of Austin’s calloused hands rubbing his chest. Jon’s big cock chubbed up in his gym shorts, pressing against the tight jock strap for space. “Growing so big for you, son,” Jon said dreamily. “Mmmmm, good,” Austin purred. “Let’s step over to that scale and see just how much bigger you’ve gotten since I’ve been gone.” As they walked over to the scale, Austin noted that Jon was indeed taller than him now… how was his dad growing taller in addition to growing so fast? Austin decided to return to that question later. The scale clanked and groaned as Jon stepped on, his high tops taking up most of the room on the scale, which rattled around until it leveled off. “290!” Jon said proudly. “How’s that for you, son?” Austin patted the big bear on his wide back, admiring how his lats stretched the fabric of the tank top. He pulled at the fabric and laughed at how tight it was. He rubbed his hand over the damp upper back. “It’s unreal, dad, just amazing. 70lbs in 6 week!? You’re a monster! My big growing bull,” Austin said, rubbing his hand harder on Jon’s neck, causing the big guy to growl. “Told you that you would outgrow these XXLs, didn’t I?” Austin said. Jon was wearing the one with the big, buff mascot on it. Even though it was only 6 weeks old, it already looked worn, faded, and sweat-stained under the pits. Jon stepped off of the scale and they headed into the house, Austin closing the garage door as they did. A trail of fresh, funky BO followed Jon where ever he walked, and Austin breathed it in like a perfume. “Yeah, I’ve been doing what you said, I wear them every time I lift. I was washing them after each lift at first, but it started feeling pointless to wash them so often, so I don’t anymore. Haven’t washed this one in a couple weeks, I think,” Jon said as they walked to the kitchen. Jon’s walk had changed into more of a waddle, his huge thighs rubbing against each other, his wide shoulders swaggering back and forth as he did. Jon reached up to grab a clean shaker bottle from the immaculately organized and cleaned kitchen – Jon had followed Austin’s directions there too – and started making his post-workout protein shake. “Yeah I can smell that, bull, when’d you last take a shower?” Austin asked. Jon shrugged, his big traps bulging. “Not sure, I kind of like my own stink and sometimes I lose track when I get real focused on my routine of lift, eat, rest, repeat,” the big bear said. He lifted a big arm up, exposing his hairy pit, leaned in and sniffed deeply, then sighed contentedly. “Well I’ve got more shirts and tanks with me this time, ones that will actually fit you right and cover up the gut you’ve got growing,” Austin said as he reached behind his dad and jiggled the bottom of his belly. “Heh, fuck off, it comes with the territory of growing bigger! Still can’t believe it took me this long to get into putting on size and lifting. This is the best thing that’s ever happened to me,” Jon said as he shook his shake. He popped it open and tilted his head back. *glug, glurrp, slrrrrp* The shake was thick and lumpy with peanut butter, gainer shake powder, and more. Jon’s Adam’s apple bobbed up and down as he swallowed the whole shake in one go, slurping and chugging faster than Austin could believe. *glub, gurrb, sluuuuurrrrp slrrp slrrp* Jon’s gut swelled out noticeably as he drank and drank, his big tank filling up with post-workout growth fuel. “AHhhhhhh!” Jon slammed the bottle down and exhaled. *BUUUUUURRPP* He belched loudly, the burp rising up from the depths of his belly right in Austin’s face. He looked down sheepishly and grinned, rubbing his gut in a wide circle and bouncing it at the bottom. “Jesus, dad, what the fuck!” Austin said, waving a hand to dissipate the burp and stepping back. “What can I say, I’m a growing guy!” Jon said as he started warming up a pre-prepared meal kit. “I need to eat so much to grow, but thanks to your diet plan and all these food deliveries, it’s been easy to keep up with. I’m also just constantly hungry now that I’m lifting twice or three times a day instead of working,” Jon said. “Seems like I can never get enough food to feel full. It’s all thanks to you, son.” “I’m just glad you’ve taken to it so well, dad,” Austin said. “Let’s see if you can tear that old shirt open,” he said. Jon snapped to attention and dropped what he was doing and immediately grabbed the neck of his too-small tanktop and pulled on it. “RRRGGGGG!” Jon roared, and even though the material was damp with sweat and only a few weeks old, it tore right down the middle, splitting the muscled mascot logo in half. “AAaaaahhgg!” Jon took another big rip until it split open at the bottom. He spread his arms and shoulders and tore at the chest again until it peeled off of his big arms and fell to the floor in tatters. “Good, good, big bull! That was awesome,” Austin said. “You made that look easy, you big show off.” Jon straightened to his full height and spread his shoulders wide. “I’m getting real big, it feels great to grow every day and see the scale go up and up and up,” Jon said as he flexed his shoulders and arms. “I should tear up shirts like that more often! So what do you think, is all my hard work paying off?” Jon really was a changed man over the last few weeks, and not just his size. His hair was cut in a crisp high and tight, just like Austin had told him to do a week ago, a mix of dirty blond and grey where it was longer at the top. His piercing blue eyes rested under bright blond eyebrows. His cheeks were fuller and rounder from all the weight he put on. His dirty blond, salt and pepper beard had grown much longer than it was in October; it was getting long enough to brush against the chest hair of his big pecs. It was blond in the middle and darker out to the sides, with flecks of grey sprinkled in. His chest was covered with a much denser layer of hair than a few weeks ago, and even his upper arms and shoulders were dusted with patches of fur. His arms stood out to the sides a bit, pushed away from his body by his lats, and his gut was round, firm, and covered with a dusting of hair that concentrated into a line leading down to his waist. Dramatic, red stretch marks lined the sides of his belly and streaked across his upper chest, his deep armpits, and his burly round shoulders, evidence of the speed and ferocity of his growth. A huge, swollen bulge pressed out from his tight shorts, massive thighs stretching the material apart at the edges and drooping over his knees. His hairy calves bulged out round and hard, accentuated by the Otomix high tops on his big feet. Austin shook his head, astounded by Jon’s progress. He never imagined in his wildest dreams that his dad would erupt into a massive muscle bear in just 3 months of lifting, but now that they had come this far, Austin was obsessed with the idea of pushing Jon as big as he could get. “Oh yes, Jon, you’ve made me very happy. I’m so proud of you. But I know you can still get a LOT bigger,” Austin said as he gestured for his dad to start eating his lunch. “Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and I am going to make a BIG meal for you!” Jon actually looked disappointed. “But Austin, I said that I was going to cook for you, you deserve to be served on Thanksgiving and I want to show you how much you mean to me,” he started, but Jon held up a hand to interrupt him. “I’m so flattered by that, I really am, but Jon, it’s YOU who deserves a reward for all the hard work you’ve done, for following my directions so perfectly and obeying me so much,” Jon said, relishing the power dynamics; he was the alpha, and this huge brute of a man shoveling chicken and rice into his maw was all his. “I’m going to make so much food tomorrow, and I want you to eat as much as possible. In fact,” Austin said, as he walked up to his dad and wrapped an arm around his shoulders as much as he could, “I want to see you break 300lbs this weekend. I’m gonna stuff you silly, bull. Got it?” Austin said, leaning closer and talking right into Jon’s ear. Jon breathed hard and shuddered as he thought of busting past the 300lb barrier. Austin’s words echoed in his head, and it was all he could think about. “Y-yes Austin, that sounds great.” “Call me Sir,” Austin whispered, leaning in even closer. “Y-yes Sir,” Jon whispered back, his breath catching after he said it. It felt right. It felt good. “And then we’ll lift and eat and watch football and hang out the rest of the weekend,” Austin said as he rubbed the back of his dad’s thick neck. “Sound good, bull?” Jon sighed and adjusted the massive bulge that was leaking into his jock. “Yes Sir!” -------------------------------------------------------------- The dining room table had never been more crowded. Austin had done more cooking than he’d ever done in a single day to prepare a truly epic Thanksgiving for his growing stepdad. A huge bowl of buttery mashed potatoes, serving dishes filled with corn, green beans, cranberry sauce, and stuffing, several huge boats of heavy gravy, three different pies, and of course in the middle of the table, a plate full of moist slices of perfectly cooked turkey. Austin had never been motivated to cook such a perfect meal, but something about how his dad was growing, something about the joy Jon was taking in getting bigger and stronger and more muscular every time Austin saw him, filled Austin with a fervor. He wanted to fuel Jon’s growth just as badly as Jon wanted to grow for Austin. “Alright big guy, dinner is ready!” Austin called out. Jon burst into the kitchen from the garage gym, his new tank top soaked and darkened with sweat, drops of it running down his bearded face. His bloated arms were pumped from an all-day gym session; he had been lifting non-stop since that morning, pausing only to eat a little for breakfast. Besides that, he had been fasting and building up his hunger so he could eat as much as possible at dinner. His eyes widened when he saw the spread on the table and his mouth dropped open. “Austin! Whoa! This is… I’ve never had a Thanksgiving dinner like THIS!” Jon said, walking around the table and seeing all the options spread out before him. His mouth watered, he licked his lips hungrily, and the bulge in his tight gym shorts tented knowing that all of this food was going to fuel even more gains. “It’s all for you, Jon. I want to see you eat as much of this as possible tonight so you can grow!” Austin said, pulling the seat out for his big stepdad. The chair creaked as the huge musclebear sat down, a squiggly vein running from his chest, over his shoulder, and down his bicep throbbing as he reached for the bowl of mashed potatoes. “Mmmmmm, my son knows how to take care of me,” Jon said. Austin helped out by laying several thick slices of turkey on his plate before sitting down himself. For the next 30 minutes, neither man spoke more than a couple words to ask for the other to pass along more food. Instead they mostly grunted, chewed, or went “mmmph” after a particularly good bite. After his fourth helping, Austin finally threw in the towel. He stood up, feeling the roundness of his own full belly, and walked over to Jon’s side of the table. “Getting full yet, you big beast?” Austin said, noting that they had polished off about half of the food. Jon washed down a huge mouthful of food with a big swig of pinot noir; he had already drank an entire bottle himself. “Just getting started,” he rumbled as he dug in for another bite, a mix of turkey breast, mashed potatoes, gravy, stuffing, and corn. He was sweating again, this time from the huge amount of calories he was taking in, and his tight gym shorts were pressing uncomfortably against his swelling belly. “That’s what I want to hear,” Austin said as he ran a hand over his stepdad’s huge, bulbous shoulder; it was rock-hard to the touch and slick with sweat. Jon grunted and ate faster. Austin started clearing away some of the empty or half-empty trays. A moment later Austin returned from the kitchen with a brand new heaping platter of turkey meat, dark and white meats dripping with juice and steaming, and a fresh bottle of wine which he popped open before refilling Jon’s glass. Jon kept his head down, eating like a starving man, shoving food into his mouth at an alarming rate. “Still so hungry,” Jon said between bites, pausing to drink more wine and then stuffing more meat into his gob. “And all of this tastes so good, son, you did great.” “Thanks bud, you deserve it with all the hard work you’ve been putting in at the gym,” Austin said as he scooted a chair over right next to Jon. “It’s been amazing to come home and see your progress in these huge leaps and spurts. It’s kind of freaky how fast you’re growing, you know that right?” Austin said. Jon struggled to swallow a particularly big bite, then gasped for air. “Yeah, there are some days I don’t see it, but then other times I step on the scale or look in the mirror and think, ‘What the hell, I’m fuckin’ huge’, heh,” Jon rumbled as he leaned back and stretched, his damp tank top riding up the curve of his swelling belly. “I don’t know exactly how or why it’s happening, but I’ve never felt this good in my life, and all I can think about it getting bigger,” Jon said before tucking back in to his plate. “I know, big bull, I know,” Austin said. “I don’t think anyone your age has ever grown this fast, but I love it. You’re so big, and so strong, but this is just the beginning,” Austin said before slipping a hand over Jon’s huge, round thigh. Jon growled contently as he felt Austin squeeze his big quad, and the bulge in his shorts stretched tighter. “Over Christmas break we can go check it out with a doctor and make sure everything is healthy, but for now,” Austin said as he moved his hand from Jon’s bulky thigh to his round, swelling gut. “For now let’s focus on growing you as big as possible.” Jon grunted and smirked, then took another big bite. Jon finished another 2 plates piled high with food and half a bottle of wine before he started to show signs of slowing down. Gravy and drips of turkey juice dotted his dirty blond beard, his shirt was stained with food that had dropped down onto his shelf-like chest, and his distended belly button and lower arc of his gut protruded from his sweaty tank top. “I think I might be slowing down, kid,” Jon grunted as he adjusted his prodigious weight in the seat, the wooden chair creaking. “Six plates of Thanksgiving dinner is a lot of food,” he said. “Nope,” Austin said, suddenly authoritative as he looked his stepdad in the eye. “You’re not done yet. You’re gonna keep eating until I tell you to stop,” he said, and he scooted closer before slopping more mashed potatoes, a huge serving spoon full of stuffing and gravy, and three thick slabs of turkey meat on to Jon’s plate. “A-Alright,” Jon groaned. He sat up in his chair and straightened out his shoulders, which jutted far wider than his chair. “Gimme some more,” Jon said as he sniffed and grunted, his breathing heavy. His belly pressed into the table as he tried to scoot in, but found he couldn’t without pushing the table back. “Here let me help,” Austin said, and he picked up Jon’s spoon. Austin loaded up a huge spoon of potatoes, stuffing, and gravy, then brought it up to Jon’s mouth, which eagerly opened to take it. “Yeah, there you go. You wanna keep growing big, right Jon?” Austin said as he loaded up another bite. Jon nodded vigorously as he chewed and chewed, breathing out of his nose and grunting as he swallowed. “Yeah,” he breathed before opening for another bite. “Well then you gotta eat, big guy. Eat big, lift big, get big, that’s the formula, right?” Austin said, leaning in closer and pressing against Jon’s massive, sweaty arm. “That’s – *urp * -- that’s right,” Jon said. He tensed his right arm in response to Austin’s touch and flexed. Austin fed him another big bite. Jon’s bicep swelled up into a hard, massive peak as he chewed and chewed. “Yeah, that’s my big bull,” Austin purred. “I’d say today is a cheat day, but you can pretty much eat whatever you want all the time, huh dad?” Austin said. “Such a big bull, getting so huge and so fat.” Jon finished his bite then snorted like a pig. “What can I say, I’m always hungry for more! Gotta get huge no matter what,” he said before rubbing his belly in big, round circles. Austin grabbed a big piece of turkey in his fingers and raised it up over Jon’s face. Jon tilted his head back, his neck rolls bunching up, and opened wide. Austin fed it to Jon, his stepdad taking an exaggerated big bite out of it and chewing like an animal. “You’ve got a big appetite for food and an even bigger appetite for growth, huh big bull?” Jon just breathed heavily as he ate the rest of the turkey Austin held, his lips slurping against Austin’s fingers until every morsel was gone. Jon adjusted his weight as his cock thickened and pulsed until it was harder than he’d ever felt before in his life. Austin’s full attention and persuasion washed over Jon like a spell; all Jon could think about was eating, lifting, and growing. “Yeah you’re still hungry, I know you are. You’re gonna finish every bite on this table before I’m done with you, bull. You’re done when I say you’re done, got it?” Austin said, his voice dropping as their feeding session became more intense. “Yes Sir, unf, more please,” Jon grunted and then opened his mouth wide for a big slice of pie. Austin continued feeding Jon for another half an hour, gradually powering through every bite of every dish on the table, Austin rubbing Jon’s muscles and belly as he fed him. Jon’s breathing was heavy, his big chest rising and falling, and his gut was round and tight; Jon had never been fuller in his life. He was still sweating, and a potent jock musk radiated from his hairy pits as he raised his arms and leaned back after Austin fed him his last bite of Thanksgiving dinner. “Unnnngggghhhhh fuck I’m full,” Jon grunted as he stretched, his tank top rising up until it was stuck between his thick, overhanging pecs and his swollen gut. “That was some damn meal, Austin.” He reached down to adjust his shorts, which were digging into his waist, and he sighed when he wriggled them down a bit to make more room. His huge, thick cock pressed obscenely against his thigh, slowly throbbing as he felt the full hugeness of his body after the biggest meal of his life. “I’m so proud of you, big bull pup, you ate it all. Imagine how much you’re gonna grow from all this food now, mmmm,” Austin said as he rubbed Jon’s huge belly, running his hand through the blond fur and occasionally jiggling his meaty love handles or belly overhang. “We should eat big like this more often,” Jon said as he finished the second bottle of wine. He then erupted in a huge, long, deafening burp, which made both of them laugh. “Wanna go check the scale?” Austin said with a twinkle in his eye. Jon’s eyes widened and he grinned excitedly before slow pushing himself up from the table and standing to his full height. Jon led the way and Austin admired his stepdad’s wide shoulders and how he waddled when he walked, his huge thighs rubbing against each other and his big belly and lats pressing his arms out to his sides. Jon’s huge ass bounced up and down rhythmically with every step, mesmerizing Austin; he could see every inch of muscle tensing up and down, a massive jock bubble butt hugged by obscenely tight shorts. Austin’s formidable cock hardened as he followed Jon into the bathroom. Austin noticed that doorways were starting to get pretty tight for his growing stepdad. Jon stepped on the scale, peered down over his massive gut, and then grinned. “300!” Jon and Austin exclaimed together. Jon stepped down from the scale and turned to the big mirror in the master bathroom. “Fuck, I’m fat,” Jon said as he turned sidewise and cradled his bloated belly in the mirror. “Yeah, you’re so big now, Jon. You look amazing. Look at all that size, all that muscle, the power,” Austin said, showering his stepdad with praise. “Look how much you’ve GROWN in the last 3 months,” he said, standing next to him in the mirror and rubbing Jon’s big arm and shoulder. Jon turned to face the mirror again and lifted his arm to flex, his sweaty, rank pit right in Austin’s face. “Yeah, that’s a hell of a bicep, big bull,” Austin said and rubbed the massive, hard peak. It was solid; Austin squeezed harder but couldn’t dent it. Jon smirked with pride in the mirror as he watched his son try and fail to dent his hard muscle. “Yeah? You like?” Jon said, really seeing how much bigger he was than his football jock son for the first time. “All that food is gonna make these muscles grow too,” Jon said. He reached down to take his soaked tank top off, then brought his big fists together in front of his gut and flexed. He sucked in a big breath, making his pecs swell bigger, then grunted as he showed Austin how big he was getting. His traps and shoulders expanded with size as the muscles flexed, veins snaking across his shoulders and arms, and his arms tensed with hard muscle. “Look at how much bigger you are than me now, dad,” Austin said as he gestured to the mirror. “You’re so, so much bigger. What a monster, what a freak,” Austin said as he stripped out of his own shirt and flexed too. He looked like a skinny kid next to his big stepdad. Jon’s huge cock tented his shorts obscenely as they both grunted and flexed. “Yeah… bigger,” Jon grunted, feeling lightheaded from the food, the alcohol, as from how overwhelmingly horny he felt. “You look small next to my big bulk, hehe,” he slurred drunkenly. His weighty, swollen gut pressed down against the big bulge in his shorts. He turned towards Austin and raised both arms into a bicep flex. “That’s right, Jon, you make me feel so small,” Austin said as he reached up to feel, Jon’s huge arms impossible to reach around even with two hands, the overwhelming stink of Austin’s workout and dinner stuffing-fueled sweat overwhelming his senses. Jon stepped closer to Austin, forcing him to back up until he was pinned against the door. Austin took a deep breath as his hulking stepdad leaned in closer, the size disparity between them making his heart race, Jon’s huge biceps rising into perfect, thick peaks. It was all happening so fast, and Austin didn’t want to make Jon feel weird by pushing it to the next level yet. “So hey, Jon, I bet you’re feeling really full,” Austin said as he reached down to palm Jon’s big tummy. Jon shivered and laughed as he stepped back, and the tension dissipated. “Take your shorts off, that’ll relieve some tension,” Austin said. Jon stepped back and slid the gym shorts down revealing a tight pair of sweat-soaked blue briefs. The outline of his cock head was clearly visible, a sizable bulge stretching the fabric out. “Why don’t we go out to the living room and watch the game? We can lay down and digest that big feast,” Austin continued as he put his shirt back on and stepped out of the bathroom. Jon followed obediently, but kept his shirt off. “Yeah, the game! Good idea. Definitely need to let all this settle,” Jon said as he smacked his gut and gave it a rub. Austin sat down on the loveseat, and Jon started moving towards the recliner. “Why don’t you come over here and sit with me, Jon?” Austin said. “Sure thing, bud,” Jon said, immediately obeying Austin as usual. The big bear rumbled over and wedged in next to Austin, the two of them clearly too big to share the little loveseat that had fit them just fine a few weeks ago. Their shoulders pushed against each other, and Jon’s wide ass and big legs brushed against Austin’s. Austin tried to lean back and make some more space for himself, but Jon’s wide frame wouldn’t budge. Austin turned the football on, as was tradition on Thanksgiving, and wriggled around to try to get comfortable against his mountain of a stepdad. Jon’s arm pressed harder into Austin as he relaxed, the damp mass of his triceps getting Austin’s shirt wet with dad sweat. “Jon, why don’t you try this,” Austin said as he lifted his dad’s right arm up and placed it around Austin’s broad shoulders. That freed up some room between them, and Jon leaned closer to stay pressed against his stepson. “Mmmm yeah that’s better,” Jon purred as he relaxed, letting out his full tummy and sighing contentedly. His arm smeared sweat all over Austin’s neck and traps, and his hairy, sweaty, stinky armpit rubbed right against Austin’s left shoulder. A heady funk filled Austin’s nose, inescapable at this range, and he breathed it in like a drug. “Jeez, dad, you smell like the locker room on game day,” Austin laughed, turning his head a bit to breathe in his dad’s musk. “Oh jeez, sorry, I didn’t even think about it,” Jon said, embarrassed, and started to pull away. “No no, it’s… I actually kind of like it,” Austin said and he put his left hand on Jon’s right thigh, rubbing it firmly all the way up to the hem of his briefs. “Leave your arm right where it was, I want to smell it some more,” Austin said, and Jon put his arm right back, leaning even harder against his smaller, leaner son. “Mmm, ok,” Jon said. “Guess it reminds you of the locker room, huh?” he said. “I bet you’re kinda sad about your last season being over, huh?” Jon said. “Yeah, for sure,” Austin said. “It’s sort of the end of an era, something I’ve been doing since I was a kid. But also, I’ve always just loved the gym more, lifting and getting bigger. You know?” Austin said and leaned his head back against Jon’s meaty bicep. “So now I can just focus on that. Plus, I won’t miss practice and all the injury risks,” Austin finished. “Yeah I totally get that,” Jon said. He adjusted his weight, the loveseat creaking underneath him, and Austin got a fresh wave of BO stink in his face. Austin sniffed the air deeply then sighed and grunted. “Mmph, I never want you to wash these pits again, bull, you got that?” Austin said authoritatively, turning to look Jon in the eye. “Mmmm yes Sir,” Jon said as he lifted his right arm and leaned in, getting his hairy, musky pit right in Austin’s face, his biceps and shoulder muscles bulging. Austin turned and rubbed his nose in it, getting Jon’s potent sweat all over his nose and upper lip. Austin pulled away and relaxed again, sniffing his upper lip and grunting. “Unf, good, mmm,” he said. They both laid back and relaxed, leaning against each other more heavily. “I like this,” Jon purred and he squeezed Austin with his extended right hand, pulling him in closer and pressing him against his big bulk. “Feels good next to you.” Jon’s cock stiffened, tenting obscenely and obviously, unable to hide it, but they both ignored it for now. “Yeah?” Austin said, trying to contain his growing hard-on and taking a deep breath. It was hard to calm down and stay in control with Jon’s pit stink making his head spin. “I bet you’re kind of lonely here by yourself, huh?” Austin said. He tried to focus on the game, but couldn’t help but rub Jon’s big, hard right thigh. “Yeah that’s kind of the one thing I’m missing,” Jon said. “The gym has given me a great new focus, but I want to share it with, well, with you more,” Jon said. Austin switched to rubbing his stepdad’s gut in big, slow, round circles, feeling the distended mass of his belly full of food. “Well we can cuddle like this. Nothing wrong with gym buds relaxing a little together,” Austin said. He lifted his right arm and flexed, and his stepdad squeezed and felt the round, hard bicep and shoulders appreciatively. “Mmm nothing wrong at all,” Jon said. “Your arm feels great too, nice and muscular. You’re a lot leaner and harder than me,” Jon breathed. He rotated a bit, bringing his left arm close enough to reach over and feel Austin’s solid chest. He slipped his hands under Austin’s shirt to feel his cobbled abs. “Yeah, wow, you’re jacked, son,” Austin said. “Thanks, Jon. Was doing it for the team but now that my football career is done, I’m doing it for you. We can get big and jacked together,” Austin said, flexing his leaner, hard chest muscles for Jon. “Fuck yeah,” Jon breathed. “I like the sound of that.” They sat quietly for a bit, idly rubbing each other slowly and watching football, Jon’s full tummy grumbling occasionally and his sweaty pits filling the room with jock stink. They did a player profile on some huge linebacker during a timeout, showing his lifting routine, the big NFL player sweating and flexing as he showed off his size. “You know Jon, you’re bigger than most of these guys already, especially now that you’ve crossed the 300 mark” Austin said. “Well except the linemen, but you’re catching up!” he said and he gave his stepdad’s belly a jiggle. Jon grunted and wriggled against the smaller jock, then pressed his weight against him, crushing him in to the loveseat armrest. “Yup and it took me just 3 months to get there, thanks to my coach,” Jon said. “Belly and all!” “Well you’re gonna outgrow those guys real soon if you keep doing what I say,” Austin said. “And you’re definitely gonna keep listening to your coach, right?” he continued, turning to look Jon in the eye then reaching up to grab Jon’s beard and tug it gently. “That’s right,” Jon breathed. “Or maybe even bigger than that strongman we were watching last time I was here for fall break, remember? He was 450lbs. I bet you can pass that if you keep this up, dad,” Austin said, rubbing Jon harder. “Of course, little Sir,” Jon said as he lifted his chin so Austin could rub his thick beard better. “Little Sir, huh? I kinda like the sound of that,” Austin said with a grin. “You know, it sounds kinda weird, but I love following your directions and having you tell me what to do,” Jon said tentatively. “I kind of got that feeling, bull,” Austin said as he rubbed Jon’s beard. “You need a strong presence in your life to give you a direction, don’t you?” he purred. He felt something unlock inside of Jon, like he was letting his guard down even more, and Jon’s heavy bulk leaned against Austin even harder. “Y-yeah,” Jon sighed, feeling relieved he could give voice to this powerful feeling. “I do, I really do. I need it,” Jon said, almost in a whisper, as he gave in to his submissive feelings. His bulge twitched and a wet spot on his briefs grew. “That’s good, my big musclebear dad,” Austin said. “Now, you just rest yourself against me and relax and let me take care of everything,” Austin said, and Jon did just that, wrapping his arm around Austin even tighter and leaning his massive shoulder and chest against the smaller college jock. “Good pup,” Austin said. “Pup?” Jon asked, with an anxious, eager tone in his voice. “That’s right. That means I’ll always look after you, especially when we grow and eat and cuddle together. How’s that sound, pup?” Jon sighed contentedly. “Sounds great, Sir.” Jon was soon snoring, the big heavy meal causing him to doze off against Austin’s chest, and Austin smiled down at his big submissive dad contentedly.
  14. Arcalpha

    I need strength

    This is a reupload of my story in the old forum, this time released fully without being separated into parts, hope you guys like it -------------------- Alfonso was always so weak and small, at 5 foot 7 and pretty slim and he was always craving strength, dreaming of having the a bodybuilder's built, but couldn't get it even with hours of work out at the gym, but today would be different as right in front of his eyes may stands a chance for his dream to come true, there were rumors about a lab that was making experiments about human strength, those who tried never came back but Alfonso was desperate, he wanted strength and was ready to do everything for it. He opens the door and sees a big white corridor with multiple rooms, a receptionist stands at the entrance, Alfonso goes to the receptionist and tells him he wants to be their new guinea pig for their experiments, to which he replies: "Hmm… Are you sure you want your body to be used for this ? There is no going back afterward, your body will never be the same and you will have to go through a lot of pain, sweat and this may even kill you, are you REALLY sure you want to take the risk?" Alfonso looks at the receptionist and tells him: "Yes, whatever you want, inject me with some experimental steroids, whatever I am desperate to become better than… This" He gestures to his slim body. "Hmmm… Alright then, sign here" the receptionist gives him a contract which he signs immediately and the receptionist calls someone to come, after a bit of wait, a man with a brown beard and hair comes over to Alfonso, he seems pretty muscular and standing at 6 feet tall, the man smiles at Alfonso. "Ah welcome, i am the director of this laboratory, my name is Charle and you are ?" Alfonso looks at his body thinking about how much he wanna have muscles, the man in front of him snaps his fingers and Alfonso replies. "Alfonso, pleased to meet you sir" they shake hands "We've needed someone for our new experiments, right this way" he guides you to a room, the room is a pretty bright white room with a bed, a pretty big mirror, a fridge, and a tv. "When do I begin ?" the slim man asked. "Whenever you want" Alfonso looks at him and tells him he is ready. Charle guides him to a workout room with a bunch of gym equipment and a tv that tells him how to do the exercise. He starts to exercise with some weights, the scientist goes out of the room and Alfonso exercises for a pretty long time before panting and stopping. The director comes back and looks at him: "How was it ?" Alfonso pants and looks at him. "Very exhausting" he says. Charle gestures at Alfonso to follow him. "We have… Something to make you grow faster, follow me" He gestured to follow him. He follows the director eagerly and he guides him to an empty room with only a table, a glass pane and a tube on the ceiling, some other scientist, younger than Charles are in the room waiting for Alfonso, they guide him to a table and ask him to take his clothes out, he hesitates then do it and lay on the table, the scientists straps him to a table. "Am I going to get injected with steroids or something ?" He's seen lots of stories on the internet with scientists injecting stuff into people to make muscle grow and was starting to get excited. The bearded scientist laughs in the microphone, he is behind a glass pane at the left of the now restrained man. "No ! We have something better than that, meet our new research experiment" Alfonso looks at him confused, the scientists gets out of the room, seals it and gets behind the glass pane. There is a weird sound then a black mass of goo appears from a tube, the goo starts to crawl at him, Alfonso looks at it in horror. "Here is a symbiote, it will go into your body and change your body, do not resist it and let it inside you" the bearded scientist says. Alfonso tries to get out but is restrained to this table, the blob crawls into the table, traversing his body. "There is no turning back, you agreed to this, remember ? Now let it inside you and don't fight it" Said the director. The symbiote enters his mouth, he gags a bit but is forced to swallow it, his neck bulges as it slides down his throat, as Alfonso finishes swallowing the symbiote, he falls asleep. Alfonso wakes up on his bed and start stretching, he think to himself that this was a weird dream, as he finishes to stretch he looks at himself and see that he has now a big gut, he starts to think this may not be a dream, the bearded scientist comes to him "Good morning, how do you feel ?" he smiles as he looks at Alfonso. "I feel… Fat…" he replied, feeling pretty ashamed. "Don't worry, the symbiote is making itself cozy inside of you, unfortunately there is no way to get rid of the gut as of now, the symbiote is replacing your adipocytes, and if you want to know what adipocytes are, it's a cell that eats your fat'' Alfonso looks at the director, confused. "So the symbiote ate what makes me fat while making me fat ?" he says, Charles giggles at the remark. "Yes pretty much but he got rid of it so that it can eat whatever you eat that can make you fat but don't worry, soon the symbiote will make you powerful. Why don't you go exercise now" Alfonso stands up and goes to his training room and works out… But this time he took more than 2 hours of work out, he had a lot of energy and he didn't knew if it was from that thing in.his belly or something else... As he goes back to his room, eats, takes a shower and goes to his bed, naked and exhausted from the intense workout. The symbiote feels the exhaustion and takes its chance, it starts to spread inside him. Alfonso moans as he feels pain in his body, the symbiote spreads inside his muscles, and starts to connect itself to his brain and Alfonso can hear the voice of the symbiote. "You… My host… We will be the strongest together… Don't fight me… Accept me…" Alfonso hears. He thinks to himself that it's no use to fight it… Might as well join it, he breathes as he stops fighting the symbiote and let it loose, it takes over his entire body as he screams, his dick going into a full erection and a black liquid squirts out of it, it starts to coat him, he cums more and more of it. Alfonso decides to accept that this is his new life, he cums so much of it that it coats his entire body, the liquid forms a cocoon, Alfonso gets into a fetal position and falls asleep as the symbiote changes his body. The director comes into the room and looks at the pulsing cocoon. "Interesting… The symbiote is already changing him, last time it took months to go to this step" he smiles "Good sleep… Tomorrow you will wake up with the body of your dreams" he closes the door and the room gets dark. During the night,Alfonso squirms inside the cocoon as his muscles grows, his pecs the size of watermelons, Abs can be seen on his gut, his legs becomes like tree trunks, his biceps growing very huge, his dick growing and reaching the middle of his muscled belly and becoming enormous, he grows until he becomes 6 feet 8. The next day the cocoon where he rested tripled in size, Alfonso open his eyes and his first instinct is to break free, he rips off the cocoon revealing a brand new alfonso, with a musculature bigger than any mister olympia, a perfect chiseled face and a strong dominating stare,he roars as he gets out of the cocoon and looks at himself with a huge grin on his face, he steps down from his bed and look at the mirror, he is taller than the mirror but he can still see how enormous he got, he starts to pose like a bodybuilder, he gets a huge erection from looking at his new muscles, he looks at it and takes it into his hands, his dick is way too big, he had to hold it with his two hands, the head almost being the size of his head. He was about to stroke it, until a scientist comes to his room and tells him that it's time for his workout with a pretty intimidated voice. Alfonso goes to the workout room with powerful steps, making sure people notice his strength. He start his workout and continues for 8 hours before his stomach growls. The new Alfonso goes back to his room and opens the fridge, ripping off the opening on accident. "Fuck i am so strong..." he thinks to himself. There is a bunch of food, the symbiote feels happy when Alfonso looks at the food, licking his lips, he eats all the food in the fridge and the symbiote eats part of it, eating all the extra fat from it, after finishing to eat, he stroke his muscled gut and smiles, feeling very thankful to the symbiote for the gift it gave him. Then all of a sudden, he feels a huge sound coming from his cock, a huge sloshing sound "What the ? What is this ?" The incredibly muscled man's voice became very husky and sexy. The symbiote moves a bit in his gut and tells him: "An effect from giving you all that power is that your reproductive system is overfilled with testosterone, which increases your production of sperm" he tries to look at your balls but your pecs blocks his vision "You better start jerking off, your balls are overfilling my host." The muscled man starts jerking off on the bed, you start caressing his muscles and feeling his strength. "I… May… Be the strongest man on Earth, I am so… huge… So… Sexy '' He said, panting. He strokes his dick at a fast pace and pants, the symbiote reaches his prostate and it presses it, he screams as he feels an intense pleasure and feels a deep bubbling in his balls. Alfonso feels climax coming and groans, he stands up and roars as he cum an enormous amount of cum directly into the wall, he cummed liters after liters of sperm at the wall, coating it in spem and.even coating a part of the ceiling in cum, the room start to flood in cum, Alfonso feels the most intense climax he ever had, he kept roaring as he filled the whole room in sperm, his roaring bring heard from the whole facility. As he finished cumming he falls on all four, hands deep in his own cum and panting from all that, Alfonso then feels something… A sloshing sound… His balls are filling again… Alfonso grins. "Let's fill this room with my cum and show that I am the strongest and sexiest man on earth !!" He starts jerking off again and watch himself in the mirror, precum already oozing from his cock. Meanwhile, Charle looks at his computer. "Alfonso is quite an interesting subject… The symbiote already fused with him… I think he may be the one… We have to help him grow'' Charle starts to order some supplies. "I will help you grow and make you the most powerful being" An hour later Alfonso stopped cumming, he strokes his gut. "I am really starting to like you symbiote, you made me so huge, i'm the sexiest fucker !" he starts to pose in front of a mirror, he immediatly got an erection. "Round 3 Already ?! Well ! Let's go !" He starts to jerk off at a furious pace, his room is so full of cum that he is knees deep into it, as he starts to jerk off Charles opens the door and almost gets thrown by the flood of cum in the room, the room smells like cum and there is cum everywhere in the room. "OH MY !" The director gasped as he saw how huge Alfonso has got, he is now larger and taller than him, the bearded man watches as he strokes his cock with his two hands like a teenager in heat, precum oozing like a fountain. "Alfonso ? C-can you stop it ?" The huge man looks at Charles and stop masturbating to go in front of him and hit a double biceps pose. "Ain't it the sexiest fucker ?" He asks with confidence. "You… Are really sexy… I think we can get you more…" Alfonso grins as he hears that and his cock starts spewing pre at the director uncontrollably. "Pfffft !" He wipes the pre off him. "Tomorrow you will be getting new equipment as you will be tested, for today you can do as you please, jerk off, go outside, roam in the facility and do some work out but you gotta come back tomorrow ?" "Alright !" exclaimed Alfonso, Charle nods as he goes back to his office, some scientists looks at his naked body, he grins and starts to pose, some of the scientists gets a huge hard on and run, he laughs in his deep husky voice. "I'm too sexy for these guys" He laughs then looks at his belly "Since i am very thankful for your service, what do you want ?" "Food… I need food" The symbiote exclaimed. "Very well then, let's eat !" He tries to walk but feels something weird, his balls seems to have grown "What the ?" "Remember when I talked about the fact you have so much testosterone that you need to cum ? well here's why, if you don't cum for too long, your balls will grow until you do so" Alfonso hears the symbiote say. He can't see his balls and strokes it, feeling the cum gargling inside, he decides to wait more and go to the cafeteria, a bunch of workers looks at alfonso as he walks to the cafeteria naked and makes a huge pile of food, people keeps looking at him as he goes to a table and eats the huge pile of food in front of him, the symbiote eats some of the food, the more he eats, the more hungry the symbiote gets, as he finishes, he goes to try and get more. "I am sorry but there is no food anymore, you ate the rest of it" Tells the cook. "OH COME ON !" he yells as his belly gurgles. "But you can ask the director, he may provide you more" The huge man goes to Charle and breaks the door open by accident. "Fuck… Sorry ! But anyway, i am hungry and there is no more food" The muscled man says in an urgent tone. "Is this because of the symbiote ?" The symbiote moves in Alfonso's belly. "I'll take it as a yes" He gestured to a dresser of huge clothes. "We planned to give you some clothes but no idea if it's too big or too small for you, try some" Alfonso takes a shirt and shorts, but they are so tight that his balls and dick can still be seen… But Alfonso shrugs it off, he doesn't care that the world sees his junk… He is proud of it and would show it to everyone if he could. The clothes are pretty tight, showing all the definition of his body, even his nipples. "His mind changed a bit… He seems so proud and dominant, is this because of the symbiote ?" Charle thinks in his head, he guides alfonso to a restaurant, people look at alfonso weirdly outside, some are disgusted, some quickly run to hide their erection, as they arrived to the restaurant, the symbiote emits a huge gurgling sound, Alfonso runs to it and Charles goes over to pay. "So this is an all-you-can eat buffet, eat whatever you want that can satisfy your symbiotes hunger" Alfonso immediately jumps at the food, wolfing it down, the symbiotes eat all the food that his host ingest. "MORE FOOD, MORE FOOD, I AM HUNGRY" The symbiote exclames as Alfonso eats more and more food, Charles looks at the boss of the restaurant, with a very shocked face, he grimaces and gives him a big amount of money. "We… I am sorry for this, you are going to eat this… He's… A growing boy…" The man looks at the director, confused. Charles watches as Alfonso eats the equivalent of what thirty people would eat, then sighed and walks up to Charles. "It is no longer hungry" He let out a huge belch as he walked out and Charles followed him. "You are the first one who manages to undergo the cocoon phase with the symbiote immediately, most end up spitting it and losing their strength but you are different, the symbiote wants to be with you and wants to grow you" Alfonso smiles as he looks at his belly. "Anyway, do what you want alright, i'll be in my office" He goes back to the lab. Alfonso keeps looking at his belly and goes to his room. "I want more muscles, no, I NEED more" He starts getting an erection. "Then i will gladly help you with that, first go sleep" Alfonso obeys and goes to sleep on his bed. When Alfonso sleeps the symbiote starts to gurgle and move in Alfonso's belly, a tendril, comes out of Alfonso's belly button and goes into his mouth. "Sleep well my host, as I fill you with those muscles you crave so much" A liquid shoots from the tendril and goes inside the symbiote's host, the huge man drinks it hungrily, his veins bulging as he drinks the liquid. The next day, Alfonso wakes up on the ground, he looks to see his bed destroyed, as he see that, he tries to run to the mirror but trips and feels his huge balls, they became the size of yoga balls, he stands up and look at the mirror, he now is 7ft 5, his muscles has become larger and his dick now reaching his neck, his frame has becomes too big for the mirror, he cannot see himself completely, he realises he got no other choice than jack off immediately in order to walk normally so he starts jerking off. "I am hungry…" The symbiote tells Alfonso as his belly gurgles. "Fuck, but i have to jerk off" Charles comes into the room and look at Alfonso. "Perfect timing, come over, i have something for you" Alfonso sighs as he waddles, trying to walk with his giant balls, he comes over to a room with a machine composed of a huge tube linking to several huge tanks. "Now's your time, put your penis inside" The huge man puts his cock inside the tube and feels the machine sucking him, he moans as he lays down. A scientist puts a tube in his mouth and a strange composition is shot at his mouth and eats it, the symbiote starts to eat the food given to it. "The first tube will suck your cock and empty your testicles as we put all that cum in some massive tanks, we will then proceed to analyse if the symbiote changed its composition, the other tube will give you an extremely nutrient paste, meanwhile, cum, let loose and eat as much as you want to satisfy you and the symbiote" He taps on alfonso's belly, the symbiote reacts and moves a bit, the huge man closes his eyes as he eats and keeps cumming. 2 hours later, Alfonso finally stops cumming and takes out the tube on his cock and his mouth, cum spilling all over the floor, a scientist guides him to his workout room, there is a treadmill and some huge weights, he goes to it with great excitement. Scientists put sensors on him and even more captors on his belly, Alfonso starts to run on the treadmill, scientist notes how his body is reacting and waits around while Alfonso runs on treadmill. 3 hours goes by and alfonso starts to get tired but a deep gurgles happens in his belly, the symbiote strengthen his legs and Alfonso starts to run while taking huge steps, the scientist gasp in shock as he sees alfonso almost break the treadmill with his steps, the scientist tells him to stop and start lifting weights, he happily goes to it and start lifting and the scientist shows him, a bunch of weightsw he asks Alfonso lift these, he lifts one with 200lbs in each sides. "Pfff ! Too easy, ya got more ?" The scientist shows him another one, with 400 lbs on each side, alfonso lifts it with ease. "Still too easy ! Fuck this i need better !" He sees a huge truck and goes to it. "Perfect !!" The huge man starts lifting the truck but starts to get a bit of trouble doing so, the symbiote gurgles in his belly and gives him more strength as he lifts the truck while groaning loudly. He then puts the truck back in its place. "How was that uh !?" he panted a bit as he spread his lats to show off his muscles. "It seems the symbiote strengthen your muscles every time you are about to get tired or when you can't make it, it is literally controlling your muscles to force you to go beyond your limit" says the scientist, Alfonso grins and look at his belly. "Thanks bud ! I can always count on you !" His symbiote moves in response, Alfonso then goes to his room and starts to watch tv, looking at mister olympia, he smiles and thinks about how he could beat these guys in no time. At the same time, Charle looks at the results of the analysis of Alfonso's sperm. "80% protein, 10% are extra nutrients and 10% spermatozoides… That sounds very interesting… The symbiote really changed everything in him" Charles smiles as he looks at the results. Alfonso starts to sleep, as he sleeps, the tendril shoots from his belly button and the symbiote start to feed his host, his cock goes into a full erection and he starts to move in his sleep, his balls sloshes around, instinctively he starts to jerk off with his hands, his muscles grow and the tendril shoots more proteins in his body, alfonso starts to wake up and see the tendril. "WHAT THE ?!" He thinks as the tendril starts to spew more liquid inside of him, he starts to stroke it. "Are you… trying to grow me ?" He thought, he licks the tendril and drink more liquid, but a few minutes later the tendril went back to his navel. "I WANT MORE" He starts to jerk off at a fast pace, but the symbiote tells him it no longer has any more nutrients to give him. Alfonso jerks off and look at his cock and it gave the symbiote an idea, the symbiote starts to act on his brain and give him a pulsion to lick his cock, which he does, he lick his cock slowly then starts to suck it, his cock is so big his can barely fit the middle of his cock's head in his mouth. Alfonso closes his eyes thinking about how strong he is, he can make everyone cum at will, he is way too sexy and his symbiote provided him with everything to make him grow, he feels really lucky to have been here as he sucks on his own cock and feels climax. As he cum in his mouth, he tries to drink everything but he cums way too much, the symbiote drains most of the cum as alfonso's eyes rolls back, his muscles pulse, his veins bulges as he drink his own cum and keeps on growing, he lost notion of everything around him, all he cared about was growing and cumming. A few hours later he finally finishes cumming and the symbiote moves in his belly, he gives his belly a tap, stands up and goes to the mirror, he can go longer see his middle abs in the mirror, he grins as he cum a several jets of the cum in the mirror. "I am the biggest bodybuilder in the world !" He yells in an incredibly husky tone as he poses. Several months goes by and Alfonso keeps on growing, having reached 9 feet tall, his room has been made bigger, he keeps on cumming but a drain was installed in the middle of the room to not flood it and a gigantic mirror has been put in the new room. Alfonso and Charle learnt to know each other and became friends, Charle sometimes even watches as Alfobso jacks off while they talk. Alfonso's muscle grew immensely large, he became as large as a car sideways, his dick reached his face and became so large he could hug it with his giant arms. Each day he got more and more horny, to the point he needed to jack off 7 times a day in order to walk normally. The symbiote started to develop even further, the tendril now could even take food for him while he eats and when Alfonso feels tired, the symbiote controlled his body to force him to work out more, He could no longer hurt as the symbiote heals him almost immediately. Today Alfonso spent a day with Charle, joking around, talking about his progress and eating way too much, the muscled man goes to his room. "Hey dude, thanks for everything, you and the symbiote made my dream come true and i'm very thankful for it !" He smiles at the bearded man. "No problem, making the most powerful man was also my dream so you also did make my dream come true" Both mens smiled, the huge man's belly gurgles as his cock went into an erection, spewing huge amounts of pre. "Welp…. Time for me to jack off ! G'night bud, I'll see you again tomorrow with even more muscles !" He closes the door as he jerks off and sucks himself. The bearded man goes to his room with a serious face. "I feel like he is not complete... Something is missing... But what could it be ?" He watches his room as his eyes land on a capsule containing another symbiote, he smiles as he finds his answer. The next day, Charles has a meeting with his employees to discuss about the symbiote, during which he pondered whether each of his employees would be a good host for the symbiote. As the day passes, Charles finds less and less people who would suit the symbiote, at the end of the meeting, as he goes outside the room, his back gets immediately wet, he looks behind him and sees Alfonso, with a huge erection. "Sorry dude, how are ya ?" Alfonso says with pre oozing like a waterfall. "Fine, just finished a meeting, what about you ?" Alfonso starts to pose. "Getting more and more sexy by the day, soon I'll break through the roof !" He showed off his muscles. "Well you really are one sexy fucker uh ?" Charle says with a smirk. "Yeah… Though i really wish i could fuck anyone, jerking off 7 times a day is the greatest but i wanna feel someone's ass !" He says while holding his cock with his hands. "Hmmm… Unfortunately we have nothing for that…" He says to the huge man "Or do we ?" He thinks in his head. "Anyway I should probably empty my balls and do some work out, these muscles need to get bigger" Alfonso goes to his workout room leaving the bearded director with a big erection, the director then goes to his room. "UGHHH nobody seems good enough as a host !" He scratches his head and looks at the symbiote. "Poor guy, we may not find you a host for a while…" The symbiote tries to reach for Charles inside the capsule. Charles looks at the symbiote for a moment. "Should i… Really try ?" He lifts the capsule and lies down in his bed. "No, I might doom myself to a life of… Power… Muscle… Sex…" He looks at the symbiote, his heart racing as he puts his hand on top of it. "Hmmm... FUCK THIS ! TAKE ME !" He took off his clothes, and opened the lid of the capsule. "TAKE ME !!" The symbiote immediately rushes to Charles' mouth, his neck bulges as he swallows the symbiote willingly, he falls asleep as he swallows the symbiote whole. The next day Charles wakes up with a big belly. "Phase 2…" He grabs something to eat and eats a lot. After feeding the symbiote, he goes to his bed, laying down, he closes his eyes and gives up any fighting against it. "Make me your host symbiote, i am yours" The symbiote connects itself to Charls brain and he screams as the symbiote spreads inside him, he cums jets of dark liquid on him and covers himself in it, the liquid turns into a cocoon as he gets into a fetal position. His body gets submerged by the cocoon and he slips into unconsciousness. Alfonso waited for Charles the whole day but didn't get a sign of him, he started to get worried, but this attention turns to the symbiote that gurgles in his belly and moves like he felt something. "I'm going to sleep, I hope he comes back…" He goes to bed and the symbiote feeds him in his sleep. The next morning, the cocoon tripled in size, Charle wakes up and rip the cocoon off, roaring, his body is almost the same as Alfonso's when he transformed but his torso and belly are very hairy. Charle looks at himself, smiling as he feels a huge hunger in him, he thinks about what he said a few months ago about Alfonso's cum, he steps down and goes to the room where Alfonso's sperm is kept, he licks his lips. "Hungry, my new friend ?" He says as he strokes his big gut. "Yes…" The symbiote tells Charles as he tries to lift the massive tank, the symbiote gives him more strength and cum pours out of the tank, the newly muscular man start drinking the cum without seeming to stop, the symbiote absorbs the cum as Charles drinks more and more, his cock goes into a full erection and pre spills on the floor. His muscles grow as he drinks more cum, a tendril shoots from his navel, he watches as it goes inside the tank and drinks more cum for him. Alfonso's symbiote moves erratically as he wakes up "What is it buddy ? Is something wrong" "Mate…" The symbiote says, Alfonso shrugs it off but ends up feeling extremely horny, he tries to jack off but his symbiote takes control of his body and goes into a direction "Where are you taking me ?!" Charles keeps drinking the sperm and he starts to cum on the floor, his symbiote grows stronger as he does, he is completely submitted to his new life, not caring about the rest other than growing, cumming and feeding. As Charles finishes one of the many tanks, Alfonso enters the room. "Charles ?" He looked at his friend smirking as he saw what he became. "You needed something and i knew what it was, you needed someone to fuck and here I AM" He posed showing off his new muscles, Alfonso dick spilled pre on the floor, their belly moved, feeling their symbiote moving in excitement, they approached eaxh other and put their cock in front of each other's cock, they are the same size. "I was the first to become like you, you know ? I should be the one who puts a cock up your ass" Alfonso gave him a sexy grin. "And i am older than you… And I also made you…" Charle says as he tries to jump at him and fuck him but Alfonso lifted him and put him on the floor, shoving his dick in front of Charle's ass. "I'M THE DOMINANT HERE and my balls are so full" The symbiote in Charle's belly happily gurgles as Alfonso penetrates him, his cock so large that you could see the form of his shaft inside Charle's belly. Charle screams as he's never felt anything like that, his body urges him to be fucked, he is completly submited to Alfonso. On the other hand Alfonso feels a urges to fuck, the symbiote gurgles as he penetrates his ass, the tendril from his navel shoots into Charles dick and drinks the cum in his balls. Alfonso starts to fuck Charle, going with a strength able to destroy a steel wall as the hairy muscled man screams in pleasure, a tendril shoots from his symbiote to inside Alfonso's cock, both symbiotes drinks the cum of each other's host as they fuck. Alfonso huddled his muscles on Charle, fucking him with a huge strength, Charles moans as he cums into the tendril, the symbiote feeds on it and Alfonso starts to grow, the same thing happens with Charles. Both symbiotes grew in their host, their belly becoming bigger as they grew and started to move erratically. They finally stopped cumming as their symbiotes moved in their bellies. "Fuck … You got a good symbiote uh ?" Alfonso gets his cock out of Charle, he poses to show off his muscles. "Yeah, we'll be the sexiest" Charle's Balls gurgles. "Well round 2 it is" They kept fucking to empty themselves at every second they got and kept growing. The next day, the scientists where shocked to see Charle coming naked with his new body, he kept showing off his muscles like Alfonso and had the same appetite as him, almost emptying the whole cafeteria's food by themselves, they occasionally would fuck for no reason in front of everyone, many tables and walls were destroyed that day. However, this night, they slept together and their symbiotes started to evolve, the symbiotes became more hungry, the two mens groaned as their symbiotes hunger grew, both symbiotes started to control their host, guiding them to the storage room where their cum were stored in massive tanks, tendril shots from both mans navel and pecs, their symbiote drinked as much cum as possible, over filling themselves, their host still asleep, They grew even larger and taller, moaning as their bodies were being stuffed with proteins, their veins were pulsing as they absorbed more and more cum. The next day, the two men woke up on the storage room and looked as they stood up and saw their muscles as big as a truck from sideways. "What the ?!" Screamed Alfonso with an even deeper voice, He looked at himself then grins as he sees his bigger body. "Oh my we just hit a huge growth spurt… We are going to be gods !" Charle says as he already starts to cum, both men cum into the room without touching themselves. "I want more…" Says Alfonso, both men looked at the tanks and both men licked their lips as a tendril shoots from their pecs and into the tanks, filling themselves with cum. "Let's become gods !" Charle says as his belly gurgles and their symbiote gurgles, he laid down as Alfonso stood with his huge cock, Alfonso started to suck him and Charle did the same, taking a 69 pose. Both symbiote kept moving, more hungry for power and sperm, they both came in each other's mouth as the tendrils drinked the cum, they started to grow immensely huge. The two men kept growing, hitting almost double their sizes very quickly and hitting the ceiling of the storage room. The symbiotes gurgled in their muscled gut as they cummed and kept growing. Scientists came to look and see the two giant men sucking themselves and feeding themselves with cum, Alfonso saw them, smirked then got out of Charle's dick, turned to the scientists and cummed on them a black liquid, they all get hit by it as the liquid entered their mouth and their belly grew fatter, their belly gurgled and they came a dark liquid that enveloped them and formed a cocoon. Alfonso and Charle's symbiotes have evolved, making their host a symbiote maker, symbiote filled their balls along with their cum and they were eager to give these symbiotes some hosts. More and more scientists came and got covered, some tried to flee but it was too late. Several hours later, Alfonso and Charle flooded the room with cum and grew so tall and strong that they broke the roof, they both stood up and roared. "Hey, what do you think about we make everyone in the city one of us ?" Says Charle as cum oozed off his cock, they grinned at each other and started to cum toward the city. The cocoons in the flood of cum started to rip off revealing a bunch of huge muscled scientists, they started worshipping their creator and drink the cum that was on the floor hungrily. "YES, WORSHIP YOUR NEW GODS !!" People in the town started to run, most of them became cocoons and some accepted the symbiote and even ran to the two huge men, Alfonso and Charle came on them, converting them all as they welcomed their symbiote and turned into cocoons. Alfonso lifted Charle and started to fuck him hard as they both came like they couldn't stop, whenever Alfonso came symbiotes inside Charle, it goes inside Charle's balls and cummed the symbiotes into the town, converting more and more men. "Our new life begins here, Our symbiotes made us Gods and we will rule over them as Gods !!" Alfonso says as he keeps cumming inside Charle. They kept on growing and cumming, ruling over, They ended up taking over the city, converting the whole town into hugely muscled men and together they built a society of muscles, symbiote, cum and growth.
  15. It had been a very hectic day, but it was soon coming to a close. Moving from the university town where my lab was located to a big city, doing the paperwork, getting everything in the building, more paperwork, directing the movers, more paperwork, worrying about the opening day, and finalising the paperwork. But, the last piece of equipment (a rack of dumbbells, in cast you were wondering) had been hauled up the stairs, and the last document had been signed. The people who worked on this collaborative effort all left, leaving me alone with my brand new gym. I’d been laughing to myself all day when the movers stopped to comment on my business model. “This place seems a bit remote, I wouldn’t know where to find it.” “Are you advertising this place?” “Maybe I’ll get a membership, my misses thinks I’m packing in the pounds” Oh how innocent they were, none of them new the extent of my true intentions with this place, but that was kind of the idea. They were correct that there was no sign outside of advertising that told a soul that this place was a gym, or any way that the average Joe off the street could discover it, but that was the general idea. I walked through the gym area, marvelling at the amount of weightlifting stations I’d managed to pack into such a small space, and the array of weights that accompanied them. I peeped inside the men’s changing room, and fantasised about the men who would soon fill it. I also peeped into the women’s changing room, but only for a quick chuckle to myself. The only other place was the reception area and my cramped office in the back, where I had already set up my device. It stood proud in the middle of the room and looked like something right out of the future, which in a way it was. I checked the message I’d already coded, and sure enough it was ready. “If you want to be big, to be powerful, want muscle, and love muscle, come closer, come to the fourth floor.” I turned the device to its most powerful setting, and waited for my first client. In fact, my first client would walk down the street that day. I’d conveniently placed my gym near the local gay bars and the general gay scene, so it was only a matter of time before someone to my liking would stroll past. Samuel was on his way to drink away his sorrow at his local place, and maybe shack up with someone. His job was a miserable slog through hours of bullshit that he only had the slightest grasp on, and the rest of his life was suffering. His mid section looked as if it has been inflated by a bicycle pump, and he began to get out of breath just walking to the nearest fast food restaurant, which was a trip he often made. While there were guys willing to get with someone of his disappointing build, few were the guys he dreamt of, the muscle guys. They were all interested in others like them, the ones who looked like they lived in the gym; but Samuel wanted to be like them, and to have them. As he walked from his work, still dressed in the suit that barely contained his swinging belly, he started to feel strange, but in a good way. His cluttered mind cleared of all the bad things rattling around, and he felt both a sense of calm, as well as a magnetic pull towards the building to his right. He wasn’t sure why, but he’d never seen what was up there, and needed to find out. He heaved himself up the stairs, stopping at the forth floor, and pushed against the unmarked door into whatever was behind it. When he came barrelling through the door, I was stood there waiting for him. Seconds before he entered, I’d switched to the second message on the device, knowing the first had done its job. “You want to be big, you want muscle. This gym is doing it. Don’t question, just lift, eat right, and lift.” He looked around, a little confused, and finding no other source of information, approached my desk. “He-hello, um, I know this is a strange question, but what is this place, I’ve never noticed it before?” “It’s a gym, Mr...” “Sam. Well that’s my first name.” “Nice to meet you Sam. We’ve just opened this morning, and you’re the first to come through our door. If you’d like to look over our membership options, I’d be happy to make you our first client.” “Oh I see, well it sounds great.” Brilliant, the second message was taking hold. This guy looked like he’d barely walked into a gym in his life, yet he was already signing on. He looked over the memberships, but I could tell he’d already made up his mind. He bought a month’s membership, and left, promising to come tomorrow morning. I didn’t need a promise, I knew he would. When I opened up the place the next day, it was scarcely twenty minutes before Sam came through the door. He was clearly nervous, but had a gym bag over his shoulder. He said hello to me, and went into the changing room. The walls were covered with pictures of muscled bodybuilders, and even a couple of morphed ones beyond human potential. They all turned Sam on, but he thought better than trying to jerk off there. He began to pull a shirt out of his gym bag, but saw a sign displayed prominently on the wall. “For hygiene purposes, we ask all our male clients to exercise without upper-body clothing.” Sam slid the shirt back, and left the room with the air on his bare chest. When he walked into the gym area, I’d already switched to the third message that provided instructions on how to perform the main lifts. I watched him like a hawk as he flawlessly performed a bench press set, then another, and another, and another. He moved on to another exercise, and another, and another, and another. Soon multiple hours had passed; sweat was running down Sam’s uncovered upper body, but he was still desperate to keep going. As the months passed, Sam became morphed into the very definition of a “gym bro”. He was eating like a train, but if was all beans, lentils, of whatever protein he could get his hands on. The idea of eating fast food seemed like swallowing a live rat, and his belly soon vanished until he had a slight gut protruding. Despite his rapid weight loss, the muscle mass kept on coming. I was shocked at his increasing size that didn’t seem to have an end; the weights he put on the bar climbed higher and higher. Also, he always had a story of the latest guy he’d taken to bed, often with pictures of guys with bulging muscles to accompany them. One day, I saw the true change in him. His shoulders looked like they’d almost doubled in width thanks to the many exercises and the lack of fat below them, and the seemed to crown the pecs that had began to form a gorgeous shelf above the last whimpers of a gut (which I knew had chiseled and beneath). I don’t know what about that day had told me that the experiment was a success, but my pilot trial had gone without a hitch, and it was time to expand the operation. “Sam, can I ask you something?” “Go ahead dude.” Sam replied, his voice seeming much deeper than when we met, possibly from some bodily change, or his new confidence. “You involve yourself with a lot of guys who are into fitness. I don’t want to put you on the spot, but it would be great if we could drum up some business around here.” “Sure thing bro. I’ve got guys that would put my progress to shame, and they’re constantly looking for a place with a lot of lifters.” He was nice to consider my request so thoughtfully, but the machine was giving him another message. “Get ones like you used to be. Convert the hopeless. Make them into gay adonises like you.” And he did. Soon, a guy called Blake was walking sheepishly up my steps. His thin physique was a product of years of neglect, and it was thanks to his dislike of food that he wasn’t as fat as a planet. But the messages guided him along, and he soon found himself shirtless and heaving weights in my place. Then another called Peter, who was too nervous to step foot in a gym, but laughed along with his bros and flexed for them after some conditioning. Then Bertrand, and Viraj, and Michael, and Paul, and Rohaan, and Julien, and another Michael, and so on. Soon, my gym was stocked full of beautiful adonises. They were all as shirtless as swimmers, showing their chiseled bodies on display, and I suspect I didn’t need the rule to get them to do it. Their shoulders were so broad they could barely walk around the place without bumping into the others, their pecs were striking and big enough to bounce with considerable force (which they loved to do), their arms showed mountains of muscle that rose into beautiful peaks when they checked their progress in front of the mirror, their legs forced them to waddle and their asses strained the largest jeans. In total, they were perfect. But the best part was the lust for each other that they soon discovered. I’d morphed their interests had always been towards the muscular, but I’d changed them to accept the biggest guys, and accept little less. This, combined with their rising testosterone, meant they could barely perform a session without slinking off to the back. They hammered away at each other which such ferocity, and I loved it when it became a battle of strength for who could take the most. They wouldn’t give two shits when I’d sit in on their sessions, and watched their muscles collide and stick together from the beads of sweat that rolled down the many crevices of their new bodies. My experiment had worked better than I could have ever expected, but I wanted more. The device could be scaled up, and so could the results of my clients. Of course, their progress was less than natural, a fact they would of learnt if they’d only stopped to consider why the liquid in the water cooler seemed to have such an odd taste, not that they would question it. This was only the beginning.
  16. Guest

    Brotherly Love

    Patrick was in a very good mood. Like, abnormally good. He had no reason to be; he just was. He walked into his bedroom and dropped his backpack, stretching his impressive body. Pat was a very good-looking guy, twenty years old and tall, probably six foot or so. He had deliciously tan skin, blond hair, decent muscles, with built arms, solid pecs, an ever-so-slight muscle gut, and a fantastic butt with beautiful legs. His best feature, though, was definitely his package. Easily eleven inches hard, Pat’s dick was visible in most all of his pants and drew some lovely stares. There was a trick to it, though, one Pat was not too proud of. He had a certain power, one that would make everyone disgustingly jealous of him. He didn’t need that. He plopped down on his bed and relaxed. His mind drifted to his school day, how annoying his damn teachers were, how much work he had…and Parker, of course. Every fucking time without fail. His train of thought always ended in some intense fantasy about his good friend who, while not physically amazing, was very attractive and brilliant in ways Pat could only dream about. He wasn’t sure if Parker was gay, but god, he hoped. Aaaaannnnnd, there he went. His cock began to tent his pants and he sighed. So much lust. But! He had been good the past couple of days; he could reward himself now. Making absolutely sure no one was around, he pulled down his pants and let his swelling meat tube raise to his hand. Mm, it was fine. Bloated, thick with veins, and perfectly long, it was a marvel. Letting his imaginative mind go, Pat began to stroke his twitching dick. Images of Parker and other assorted boys filled his mind, each in different forms of his overactive brain. Bigger muscles, bigger cocks, swelling, growing, all just becoming perfect. Oh, Parker getting massive with height and muscle, oh yes! As his pleasure grew, he felt a familiar tingle in his shaft. He trained himself to crush the feeling, lest it create an unfortunate reaction. He lost himself again to his fantasies and felt the pressure in his cock building higher and higher. Ugh, he had dreadful stamina. It was shameful! Grabbing the paper towels he had prepped (Pat was quite clean; he hated messes like those cum made when not checked), Pat shot his load. The tingle burst through his shaft and, just like always, he made sure to stop the feeling before it reached his cock head. This time, though, something was wrong. His self-control wasn’t working. The tingle was slowed, but it was still creeping up his cock. That was wrong! It should be going down, not up! Pat bit his lip, his orgasm forgotten as he tried to squash the mounting feeling in his dick. Trembling, Pat bucked his hips as another orgasm rocked his body, the head spewing cum for a second time. The fuck!? The orgasm threw his game off, his mind slipping into pleasure. The tingle shot up his cock, reached his head, and vanished. Pat moaned. Oh god no…not again. He hadn’t had an incident in nearly a year! He’d controlled this shit! His cock twitched and trembled and Pat cursed. May as well just enjoy the show. He watched as his cock began to swell outward slowly, his girth increasing with his length. Another gorgeous vein came into sight as his dick grew to a massive twelve inches. The head bloated out as his cock finished swelling. Pat sighed in annoyance. He liked having a big cock, for sure, but too big was too big. He’d stopped growing it at eleven because that was massive but manageable. He couldn’t have a cock that wouldn’t fit in his underwear! He’d been six inches when he’d first discovered his power at sixteen, and that had been a wild ride at first. He’d grown it three inches in one day before realizing that too big was indeed too big. He’d stopped it at ten beautiful inches, and had hit eleven after a particularly intense session in which he’d lost himself accidentally. Now this. He didn’t get it. The trick should have worked, but that second orgasm had come out of nowhere. People just didn’t have two orgasms in a row! And now he was a full foot-long horse. Crap. The sound of his door creaking snapped him out of his anger. He caught the sight of blond hair vanishing past the doorframe. His anger turned to fear and shock. Oh god, no. “Owen? Get your ass in here!” Sheepishly, his brother walked into the room. Owen was, embarrassingly, quite attractive. Pat was jealous most about his brother’s height. He was only one year younger but two inches taller, at a whopping six foot two. His muscles were not as pumped as Pat’s, but his body was just so sexily graceful, with arched shoulder blades, a beautifully tight butt, and a slight concave stomach that made his pecs and gut seem bigger. “What the actual fuck?” “Sorry, Pat. I just…I…I didn’t know you could do it too.” “Yeah, well, this is freaking…wait, did you say too?” Owen blushed and nodded. “But…you don’t have…do you?” Owen shook his head. “Not there. I can make myself taller.” Pat’s eyes widened. “So that’s why you’re so damn tall.” He nodded. “Damn, Owen, that’s something else. But why the fuck were you watching me?” Owen lowered his head. “I…um…I dunno. I heard you mutter something, I thought you were talking to me…I opened the door slightly and realized what you were doing…” Pat closed his eyes. “God. Shit.” Owen blushed even deeper. “You…you’re gay?” Mother fucker had heard him? Could this get any worse?! “I mean, I am too…” *sigh* “Can you do it again?” “Can I do what?” “Can you do it again…? Grow, I mean?” Um…weird! “I could. But I’m not going to.” “Why not?” “Because I think a twelve-inch dick is a little too big, don’t you?” “Holy…twelve?” God damnit, Owen! “If it were me, I’d never stop growing it.” “Well, that’s messed up.” “Maybe…but I don’t think there’s such a thing as too big.” “So why aren’t you, like, seven foot nine right now?” “Because of society. I can’t be enormous because of other people, which I hate. I want to be gigantic, but I have to limit myself.” Whoa. Owen had hit Pat’s feelings right on the money. Stupid outside world! “You said you increased in height?” “Yeah.” “Show me that…then maybe I’ll do it again.” “Really?” “Yeah.” No. But he had to see this. Owen smiled and closed his eyes eagerly. He bit his lip as a slight creaking filled the room. Pat’s eyes widened as Owen stretched another inch upward, his shirt pulling off of his cute waist. He shook his hair out of his eyes and grinned. “Cool, huh?” Hoo. He was really tall. Pat found himself getting very turned on. No, stop that! This is your brother, for God’s sake! And yet, his cock twitched as Owen’s tan skin poked out from beneath his shirt. “Your turn.” “Why are you so adamant on seeing my cock?” Owen turned away and Pat’s eyes widened. “Whoa…no way.” Owen bit his lip. “You’re so hot, Pat. I can’t help it.” What the…? No. No! That was wrong! And yet…and yet…why was his chest fluttering? Something about his own brother was making him very horny and he was actually tempted to give in to it. Pat sighed and shook his head in mock disappointment. “Incest is frowned upon, Owen.” “I thought you liked Game of Thrones.” Pat smiled forcedly. His patience was being tried. He opened his mouth to say something, but stopped as his cock began to tingle again. What the…?! He only grew when he jerked off! He contained the tingle, and found it worming its way down his shaft. He sighed in relief, but knit his eyebrows as he realized it was traveling past the point it usually stopped. Owen was watching with fascination, clearly thinking Pat was going to make the huge bulge in his shorts swell further. Pat was struggling, and decided to loosen up, lest it make things worse. Bad choice. As soon as Pat let up, the tingle shot straight to his balls and vanished. Pat began to tremble and Owen lifted an eyebrow. “You okay?” Pat felt his balls begin to grow. Already ping-pong ball sized, Pat’s nuts began to bloat and swell, the sack stretching to accommodate the new girth. That created another beautiful bulge underneath his first bulge, and Owen’s mouth dropped. Pat grunted in shock as another tingle quickly spiked through his cock. No way! What was happening?! His balls expanded again, growing bigger and fatter in their swelling case. Pat’s body began to sweat with the effort as yet another tingle coursed into his balls. He threw his head back involuntarily as the bulge in his shorts erupted outward, his nuts swelling to the size of plums. A tingle far stronger than the others hit Pat’s balls and he moaned as his sack stretched to the size of an apple. Owen watched in pure fascination as Pat pulled out his gigantic nuts, exposing his bloated, perfect cock in the process. On seeing the vessel of his dreams, Owen’s own cock began to stiffen in his pants. Oblivious to his brother for the moment, Pat hefted his giant balls. As he dropped them, a light sloshing sound caught his ears. No…fucking…way. Then the horniness hit. Pat’s face grew red and his cock began to bone solid without any stimulation as his new material pumped hormones through his body. Exhaling with effort, Pat turned to look at Owen and his eyes widened. His cock began to harden as Pat took in every inch of his brother’s body. Owen noticed the hardening meat tube and smiled. “Interested now, Pat?” “Want to take off your shirt for me?” Owen grinned and stripped down, exposing his nice pecs, made all the more sexy by his sunken abdomen. Pat purred and dropped his pants, letting his cock bone all the way. Owen whistled. “You are massive.” Pat slowly rose, his cock rising like a tower toward Owen. He pushed his cock into Owen’s stomach as his fingers lightly played with Owen’s nips. “Jesus, they’re so perky.” He watched his brother’s nipples begin to harden slightly as he rubbed his cock on Owen’s gut. Owen was so taken aback by his brother’s sudden change he found himself nearly paralyzed. But the feeling of his brother’s horse cock rubbing on his stomach was enough to force his dick into overdrive, hardening past anything he’d felt before. His stomach tingled in its familiar manner when he was turned on and he let it spread through his body. He wasn’t very shy about his ability. His body began to stretch upward as Pat slipped his lips over Owen’s nipple. Pat watched Owen’s pec slide slowly upward and remembered his promise to his brother. He pumped his cock twice and was rewarded by the tingle arch through his cock. He let it burst through his shaft and felt his dick grow outward, sliding across Owen’s stomach. The tingle arched through his balls and he felt them explode outward, growing to the size of an orange. He began to lose all of his previous morales, his mind clouding with lust. His brother began to look less like a brother and more like a tall, blond, fuck toy. And as Pat reached around to cup his brother’s muscular ass, he realized maybe he should make things exciting for his eager lover-to-be. He let his cock enter Owen’s belly button and began to pump lightly, allowing the tingle to begin anew. He let his cock expand, the head quickly popping out of Owen’s belly button and burgeoning outward. His shaft lengthened and widened, veins and muscle supporting the massive weight of his growing dick. It pushed upward, swelling to fourteen gigantic inches. Owen felt it growing and moaned, his ecstasy causing his body to grow even taller, his muscle streamlining further. Pat felt Owen growing taller and that caused his cock to grow even further. Owen felt Pat’s cock growing and that made him grow taller. Both stopped only when Owen grew tall enough that his nipple naturally popped out of Pat’s mouth. Pat stood up and grunted. He had new weight in his nether region; a lot of weight. His dick was enormous, sixteen inches and bloated with muscle. Owen, in turn, was easily six foot six, Pat’s eyes meeting Owen’s powerful neck. Pat looked up, Owen looked down, both smiled, and then they kissed. Owen has nice lips, thought Pat, as he molded them with his own powerful ones. His hand lightly massaged Owen’s slightly bulging stomach as his other hand crept around to slide through his brother’s hair. Owen’s tongue slid into Pat’s mouth and the tingle ripped though Pat’s cock, causing it to swell another inch while his balls grew even bigger, sending more hormones blasting through Pat’s body. Pat slid his tongue across Owen’s until Owen pulled off and slid down Pat’s body. Pat pulled off his shirt and Owen kissed Pat’s meaty pecs, bulging muscle gut, and then his enormous shaft. Pat grunted in pleasure as his shaft grew another meaty inch, pushing into Owen’s face. Owen grinned and shoved it into his mouth. It didn’t fit, to say the least. Regardless, Owen tried to gag down as much as he could while Pat tried to fit it all in. The result was not pretty. Owen choked heavily, which turned both of them on. Owen let himself grow in a desperate attempt to fit more of his brother’s dick in his mouth. He barely felt his shoes rip open as his giant feet burst past his normally-size 14. His pants were beginning to constrict around his ass and junk, but he was too focused on the massive tube in his mouth to pay much attention to it. Pat’s newly swollen balls churned out hormones so quickly that Pat found himself reaching a climax in a little under a minute. That was disgustingly unfortunate, but there was nothing he could do about it. “Owen. Owen…Owen!” The first orgasm sent a rope of cum into Owen’s throat, which he swallowed greedily. The second spewed cum into Owen’s mouth, causing him to choke slightly. The third shot so much cum that Owen gagged and pulled off, cum erupting from his mouth in fountains. Pat’s dick oozed cum in rivets, sliding down his shaft in copious amounts. The feeling caused Pat to lose any control he may have had, and his balls inflated massively while his dick began to plump outward, another vein outlining heavily. Owen coughed and spit a glob out. “Whoa. That was a lot of cum.” “I’ve never had three orgasms before. What is going on?” “I don’t know, but that was hot.” Pat’s cock throbbed again, not decreasing in size at all. Pat’s testosterone level spiked as he caught a whiff of Owen’s pheromones drifting from his brother’s armpits. “Drop your shorts, hot stuff.” Owen grinned and complied, his tight shorts dropping to the ground. Pat lifted an eyebrow. Owen was stacked! Easily eight or nine inches! But…Pat was currently seventeen, so… “Want to bend over for me?” Owen’s eyes widened and he blushed. “Don’t be a pussy. Bend.” Owen bit his lip, but did as he was told. Pat let out a breath upon seeing his brother’s perfect ass, each cheek swollen with muscle and the hole perfectly tight. Owen whimpered slightly. “Be gentle. You could seriously hurt me.” Pat chuckled. “No way would I hurt my blond boy. Relax.” Pat positioned his enormous cock at Owen’s entrance and pushed slightly, the head popping into Owen’s hole. Owen gasped and grunted, and Pat took it as a full-blown invitation. He began to slide his shaft into Owen’s ass and Owen nearly screamed. That felt amazing, but it hurt! Seventeen inches did not fit naturally into a teen’s ass! Pat groaned and Owen whimpered loudly as Pat continued to shove his huge cock into Owen. Pat hit Owen’s prostate and Owen couldn’t help but scream in pain and pleasure. Holy god!! Pat knew he shouldn’t go any further, even though he had another nine plus inches left to go, so he settled for pumping lightly into Owen. Owen gasped and grunted, his body stretching taller in an effort to take Pat’s cock. It helped…in the fact that Pat was able to slip another inch into Owen’s butt. Once again, Pat’s new nuts made it extremely hard to hold in his load, but in his defense, he lasted three minutes longer than with his blowjob. But, inevitably, Pat exploded into Owen. Owen whimpered at the first climax…grunted twice at the second…moaned at the third…and screamed at Pat’s volcanic fourth orgasm. Pat groaned himself as his balls expanded further, becoming almost comically large. Owen pulled himself away and grunted. “Oh god…so good.” He turned and Pat’s eyes bugged out. Owen’s gut had bloated outward with all the cum in it. It looked so much bigger, the skin pulled tight like a balloon around the burgeoning organ. Owen looked down and smiled. “Oh yes.” Pat went to feel it, but stopped as he felt his balls churn more cum into his swollen cock. Owen noticed and grinned. “Never satisfied…I love it.” Pat opened his mouth, but stopped as Owen’s closed on his dick. Owen went at it with so much gusto that Pat didn’t last thirty seconds. This time, Owen swallowed the first three sprays of cum. The fourth caused him to gag heavily, and the fifth titanic load leaked out of his nose and mouth there was so much. Owen groaned heavily and sat back, his gut straining. It had grown to a huge blimp of a belly, tight and fantastically giant. Pat sat back as well, his cock finally softening. Owen moaned and rubbed his cum-inflated belly. “So…big…” Pat grinned. “Props for taking three rounds.” “You have so much cum!” Pat smirked and patted Owen’s giant gut. “I love this new look.” He had to look up quite a ways to find Owen’s soft lips. Owen was probably six foot eight at this point, and Pat was eye level with Owen’s perky nips. He loved it. Owen struggled to rise, his balance offset by his bloated belly. “I need to relax. I feel really weird right now…” Pat smiled. “Take your time, hon. It’s not like I don’t know where you live.” Owen grinned and ducked under the door frame. “See you later, Pat.” “Later, Owen.” About ten minutes later, a lovely phone call occurred. The boys’ parents were both working late tonight, so the two boys were left to their own devices. Which worked out perfectly. No telling how they would take one son being six eight and the other with a cock the size of an arm. Either way, Owen and Pat were very happy. Owen, though, needed a shower quite badly. He felt gross. Pat stayed in his room, fully content to fantasize about the experience. He stroked his flaccid eight inches, wondering if he should make it any bigger. Logical Pat wasn’t completely gone, and a leg-sized cock would make problems. Owen stripped down completely and stepped into the shower, wincing as his hugely bloated belly cramped and stiffened with his movements. So sore. That would take forever to get rid of…still, it was pretty hot. As he went to turn on the water, he felt a churning in his stomach. He grunted and pushed a hand against it. For a horrifying second he thought Pat had somehow impregnated him, but pushed that aside instantly. That was impossible. He groaned as a sliding feeling pushed through his swollen gut into his dick. He watched his soft five inches begin to slide outward. The skin slid off of his cock head, exposing the glistening purplish head. Owen gasped as the feeling intensified. Owen watched as his belly began to deflate…and his cock began to grow. With every inch that shrank from Owen’s stomach, three inches were added to his shaft. In but a few seconds, Owen’s cock had grown to match his brother’s luscious length…but with a great deal longer to go. Owen’s face flushed as his cock head touched the floor, its tremendous length continuing to grow with no signs of stopping. His belly was still quite large, and his dick kept swelling as his belly deflated. Owen was forced to support himself against the wall as the feeling swept through his body. He noticed his balls were also swelling, a great deal slower but still growing. He closed his eyes and put his hand on his belly, feeling it shrink. It finally reached its regular size and Owen took a hesitant step forward off the wall. He stepped on his own cock and nearly slipped off. He whimpered in shock and pain and looked down quickly. His cock lay inside the shower in coils, his shaft as long as he was tall. He lifted its length, wondering why it was still so thin. It wasn’t thick at all, nor was the head as large as Pat’s had been. But it was so much longer, and Owen stroked his length, hoping to find out its full length. He envisioned his brother getting even bigger, stepping into the shower with him to fondle and rub his new cock. He felt his new balls churn hormones through him, and he let himself grow another inch. But as horny as he was, his cock didn’t budge. Owen shrugged in annoyance and went to turn on the shower. However, he found his hand sliding to grab the head of his enormous dick. Instincts moved his hand upward, stretching his giant shaft above his head. Images of Pat filled his mind and he groaned as the same tingle that filled his chest recently shot through his cock. He expected his dick to keep growing, but instead felt a warm pulsing fill his shaft. His head began to leak pre, but something was very wrong. One, it didn’t so much ooze pre-cum as it did continuously pour. The liquid spilled out of Owen’s cock like a hose. Two, the liquid in question looked and felt more like oil than a sex fluid. On contact with Owen’s body, it shone and glistened and dripped like an oil. Owen closed his eyes as some leaked onto his face. A continuous flow pulsed up and out of his hose-like cock, soaking his body in a little over a minute and drenching every tan inch of him. He felt the oil coat him and grunted in pleasure. It seemed to sink into his skin, making him feel lithe and flexible. A sudden change in the pressure made Owen gasp. His balls were throbbing with effort, and Owen watched a huge bulge travel up his shaft. His eyes widened and he licked his lips hungrily. The bulge reached his head, and cum glopped out onto Owen’s long, blond hair. Owen’s other hand went to wipe the cum off…but he found himself rubbing the stuff in. It wasn’t sticky or gross like regular cum, but seemed to froth as he continued to rub it in. Another huge glob dropped onto his hair and he massaged his blond locks eagerly. After one final surge, Owen collapsed against the shower wall, tired but very satisfied. He felt a slight tightening all around, and attributed it to his sore muscles. God, his ass was especially rough after that pounding Pat had given him. He got out of the shower and reached for a towel, but found his body miraculously dry. Shrugging, he turned, caught his reflection in the mirror, and froze. Holy…shit. He was beautiful. His face had hardened slightly, his jawline firming. His eyes had lightened to a sea blue, flecked with specks of green. His eyelashes were long and his teeth were absurdly white. All in all, he had gotten so attractive he almost looked feminine, but it looked divine on him. His muscles had swelled slightly, but had tightened so intensely that they looked enormous against his skin. His pecs had bloated outward slightly, but had maintained their sideways perkiness, resembling…boobs, of sorts. They were firm as always, but the position of his nipples and the overall plushness of them just made them look slightly like breasts. Owen didn’t mind in the slightest. They looked fantastic. His stomach had hardened, his six-pack fully visible, even through his slight muscle gut. A beautiful Apollo’s belt outlined his toned abdomen. His arms were tighter than the rest, allowing veins and muscle to pop to the surface. They looked hugely muscular, but yet still lean and massively defined. His legs were solid, thighs and calves protruding from his legs without the slightest ounce of fat to cover anything. His ass was the only thing that had really grown, and it had grown. Not a comical amount, but enough to form a definite curve from his back. And his ass cheeks were so muscular Owen wondered how Pat was ever going to fit his monster in them again. His tubular shaft lay at his feet, but as Owen watched, it shrank back to its regular size and hardened like normal, its new tightness making it look bulky and strong. Owen’s skin, though, had tanned to a color that made Owen swoon. Too dark to be tan but too light to be Mexican or Asian, the color was like bronze, but lacking the metallic tinge. It was a fantastic color, and Owen bit his lip as he realized not a single inch of skin wasn’t that color. He was tan all over. His skin also looked shiny, like it was covered in a light layer of oil. It made all his muscles and his skin look slick and magnificent. The best part, though, was Owen’s hair. It was longer, and when he flicked his head down, it fell into his eyes. It was so silky it seemed almost translucent, and its blondness was stunning. It was so soft it almost didn’t seem like hair; more like the perfect blanket in a dirty-blond color formed to look like hair. Owen stared at himself for at least five minutes, examining and feeling his new, perfect body. Grinning like a loon with his amazing teeth, he turned to leave. Pat was going to love this. Pat, at the same time Owen had discovered how big his cock could get, was imagining his brother’s body. Just picturing his brother’s enormous height and nice muscles was enough to make him horny again. The disappointing ache crept into his giant cock and he grunted. Damn it…how long before he could manage again? He had pumped out three rounds of up to five orgasms in less than five minutes; how long before his cum would regenerate? He let himself get hard, wincing as his sore dick sent pain up his shaft. Pat forced himself to stop thinking about Owen, lest the comfort level sink even further. He felt a tingle spark through his cock. Smiling, he let it sink into his balls. Instantly the pain went away as his nuts swelled, beginning to force his legs apart with their huge girth. He found himself horny again. Good thing; there was something he needed to try. He let his cock bone fully, its fat length reaching his meaty pec. Bending down, he was easily able to slip his mouth over his bulbous head and down his shaft a few inches. Grunting in pleasure, Pat slid even further, his body super flexible from doing ten years of swimming. He went so far he choked on his own dick, and then began to pump back and forth. His muscular neck shoved his lips down his shaft with incredible speed, his mouth slipping over his sensitive head with gusto. The mere thought of sucking himself off was nice, but the actual action was another thing entirely. For one, he found he could actually enjoy himself instead of trying not to cum in two minutes. Flipping onto his back, he threw his legs over his head and rammed his dick into his waiting mouth and began to pump both head and hips. Pat could only get halfway down his giant shaft, but that was okay. The feeling was still indescribable. Such as it was, Pat lasted seven whole minutes before he shot his gigantic load into his own mouth. Relishing the slightly salty taste of his own cum, Pat managed to swallow his first three orgasms. The fourth and fifth caused him to choke slightly, and the sixth was a lost cause. He coughed violently, cum still gushing from his head as he pulled it out. He felt his heavy gut, its weight increased and its size bulked from the massive load(s). Mmm, that felt so good. He rubbed his swollen belly, but stopped as a pleasant warmth spread outward from it. His confusion only magnified when he felt the warmth travel through his body. Grunting in shock, he felt his pecs begin to grow. His arms quickly followed suit, followed by his legs, ass, and back. As the cum in his belly was converted into pure muscle, Pat felt his cock throb heavily. He quickly shoved his cock back into his mouth, cum blasting into his mouth even as his muscles expanded. He swallowed everything with an instinctual greed, his throat contracting rapidly to accommodate his own giant shots. His pecs ballooned outward as the seed passed them, his arms rapidly bulked and grew while his legs thickened tremendously and his neck packed on muscle. His back bloated outward, his ass spread hugely as muscle packed into it, and his gut began to push out, despite the lack of cum in it. In the end, Pat sat back, panting heavily for air. He turned to his mirror and couldn’t help but laugh. His face had muscled up, his chin and jaw hard. His neck was bull-sized, thick and muscular. Those led to hugely bloated traps, which in turn led to broad shoulders. His biceps were the size of dodgeballs, and his forearms were massively thick. Veins were prominent in his arms, and made the biceps look truly monstrous. His pecs were bloated and massive, resembling tan watermelons with fat nipples and huge areola. His muscle gut was huge yet firm, its top rubbing the bottom of his huge man tits. His legs were massively thick, like twin trees filled with corded muscle. His calves were equally juicy, bulky and fat in his legs. His back was inflated outward, his delts spread outward and his waist thick. His ass was enormous, swollen with the mass of his body and thighs along with its own impressive bulge. His cock had muscled up too, its girth much thicker and veins bloated and prominent. Pat shook his head in wonder. Owen was going to love this, and he was going to love showing it to him. In every way. Grinning, Pat strutted out of his room, his new muscles flexing and bouncing with every step. Both boys had changed tremendously, and both couldn’t wait to show the other. Little did they realize that their most bizarre…and most wonderful change was still to come. Both boys ran into each other in the hallway. Each froze, their eyes taking in every inch of the other. Silence ensued for an easy two minutes, and then Pat opened his mouth slowly. “You…you’re beautiful.” “You’re huge.” Pat’s giant forearm moved upward to touch Owen’s plump pec gently. “Your skin…this isn’t oil?” “It’s natural.” “Holy…” Owen bent to feel Pat’s enormous neck. “You’re so big.” “You’re so hot.” He popped a pec into his mouth and sucked hard. Owen moaned and used his tremendously long arms to squeeze Pat’s giant ass before slipping a long finger inside Pat’s hole. Pat groaned sharply as Owen probed Pat’s crack with his enormous digit. Pat’s ass was so muscular Owen couldn’t manage for long, but he still made his brother groan with pleasure for a good minute. Pat’s cock throbbed to its full length and Owen massaged it while his other hand slipped another finger into Pat’s ass to support his struggling index. Pat groaned louder as Owen slid in and out, his pencil-sized fingers brushing Pat’s prostate with every thrust. Owen slid down, his tongue sliding down Pat’s bloated stomach before tracing his incredible shaft. He slipped his mouth over Pat’s huge head while adding another finger to his hole plunger. It was getting harder to continue, as Pat’s globulous ass seemed to clench tighter with every second. Pat, in the prime position, began to push himself forward and back, his giant shaft sliding down Owen’s throat while his behemoth butt slid down Owen’s triple-digit probe. Pat quickly climaxed, spewing another fountain of cum down Owen’s throat. Owen swallowed as much as he could, but there was simply too much. He choked and pulled off, gasping for air. Pat took the opportunity to ram his mouth over his own cock to swallow the rest of his orgasms. Satisfied, Pat pulled off, smiling. Owen caught his breath and shook his head. “You didn’t even have to flex.” “It’s pretty massive, huh?” Both boys felt a bubbling in their stomachs and smiled. They knew what was coming, but the other didn’t. Owen felt it all channel into his cock while Pat felt his already-huge muscles begin to swell again. Owen watched in glee as his brother’s muscles expanded rapidly, his pecs taking the heaviest hit this time. Pat, in turn, watched in mute fascination as Owen’s cock seemed to unravel like a hose, it’s length dramatically growing until it hit the floor and began to coil up slightly. “Holy…” Owen looked down. “Yeah. I showered with it earlier.” “Showered with…?” Then it dawned on him. “Oh. Oh.” “Yeah. Jesus, your melons are huge!” Pat bounced slightly, causing his bulbous pecs to slap against his muscle gut. Owen swooned, his cock unreeling another half foot. Pat picked Owen’s cock up lightly, not having to bend much at all. Owen was enormously tall. He massaged it, his hands taking forever to slide down its tubular girth. Owen shook his head. “Naw, it won’t get hard. I’ve tried. It has to go back to normal first.” “Mm, I do really like this length, though. It’s easily twice as long as mine!” “But yours is three times as thick!” “That’s true.” As if on impulse, Pat compared their two cocks. Owen’s was indeed far longer, but Pat’s was definitely the more attractive one. He took his finger and slid it over Owen’s head, causing Owen to bite his lip in pleasure. Owen wished he could show Pat how he had showered, but it must have been a one-time deal. No tingling pressure was stored in his dick. Pat continued to massage Owen’s enormous dick, matching up heads. He took his own foreskin and began to pull it over Owen’s head. Owen giggled. “That’s so weird. Feels good, though.” Pat slid as much as he could onto Owen’s dick before sliding it off. Owen pushed his cock further into Pat’s as he did it again. An odd pulsing feeling surged through his dick and Owen’s cock pushed even further into Pat’s foreskin. Pat felt another surge as Owen’s dick seemed to vanish into Pat’s skin. Confused, Pat pulled his foreskin off only to find the most bizarre sight. Pat’s cock hole had widened enormously and was swallowing Owen’s hose-like dick. Another surge as Owen’s dick slid further into Pat’s waiting horse cock. Pat looked at Owen in shock, but Owen seemed oblivious, his eyes closed tight in pleasure. Pat watched Owen get pulled toward Pat as his dick went taught. There was still a huge amount left, but Pat was slowly absorbing Owen’s dick. As soon as Owen’s pelvis reached Pat’s, it stuck. Pat tried hard to pull away, but it was no good. The skin seemed fused. Owen pitched forward, still oblivious to what was happening. His plump breast-pecs stuck to Pat’s shoulders and began to sink in while his concave cavity matched up perfectly with Pat’s bloated muscle gut. Owen sank into Pat, his arms curving around to wrap around Pat’s shoulders and back before sinking in as well. His head lay down on top of Pat’s and melded with the rest of him. In but a minute, Owen had disappeared into his brother. Pat gasped in shock and horror. That had been psycho! What the fuck?! Then he felt a searing warmth blast through his body. He clutched his stomach and stumbled into the bathroom, feeling like he might vomit at any second. He clutched the sink, his head reeling. The sink seemed to be shrinking…no, it was shrinking. He was growing taller! He looked at the mirror to watch his six foot frame stretch upward until the top of his blond hair hit the top of the mirror. He must be at least six foot six! Incredible! His muscles grew again, but streamlined outward, making any bulk look like pure, enormous muscle. His veins popped outward while his bulges hardened, and his curves finalized beautifully. His pecs plumped outward and sideways slightly, his nipples swelling out and beefing heavily while his tit flesh softened considerably, making his huge pecs jiggle precariously with the slightest movement. His ass exploded outward, each cheek bulking considerably, making his butt look like something out of an anime porno. He watched his face jerk and shift, his features becoming unmistakably feminine like Owen’s had been. Long eyelashes, beautiful green eyes, and the cutest lips. His hair lost all its bounce, falling into his eyes and growing down to his nose. It became so silky and plush he could see through it, even with it covering his eyes completely. His skin darkened to that gorgeous tan Owen had been, and his body began to shine as his pores began to leak oil. He went to rub it in, but found it was a permanent part of his skin. Not that he minded at all. He grunted as the warmth churned into his dick. He watched his monster spurt pre as it surged outward, his head bulging wider and his shaft shooting out like a rocket. Pat groaned as its massive length slammed into the sink. He backed away quickly and watched it curl downward, looking more and more like a horse’s dick with every second. He kept expecting it to grow a sheath or turn black, but thankfully his mammoth cock remained human, even as it stopped growing at nearly two and a half feet. Its massive head slapped against Pat’s collarbone and he let his tongue probe the opening slightly. He grunted as the feeling inflated his balls until they nearly touched the ground. They sloshed and wobbled with all the cum in it, and Pat wondered how his legs could hold up their weight with a preposterously large cock and a swollen muscled body to boot. Speaking of boot, Pat’s butt was arching even further. Not so much growing as curving his back to make itself look truly gigantic. Pat loved it. Suddenly, Pat felt something inside him. He didn’t know how he knew, but he felt Owen in him. Not so much in him as inhabiting him, though. And Owen was growing. Pat felt himself stretch taller, more muscular, more hung. Owen was going hard at it, and Pat was not going to be beaten by his little brother. He stroked his enormous shaft and was rewarded by the tingle burst through him again. His cock burst outward, his balls dropped, and he felt himself bulk up. Owen was streamlining his body, but Pat was adding the extra pounds to streamline. His muscle gut was taking the hardest hit, almost softening due to all the weight being pumped into it. But Owen was a competitive boy. Pat’s gut hardened again, and Pat even saw six blocks of muscle push their way to the surface of his taught belly. The two competed for dominance, Pat’s body swelling all the way. Four things happened simultaneously. Pat’s ass pushed against the wall, his cock slapped onto the floor under the sink, its top pushing the cold porcelain, his head bumped the ceiling, and Owen’s conscience came into full emergence. Pat could feel Owen’s thoughts and memories in his own, and he liked what he saw. Hey babe. Like the new bod? I love it. We’re absolutely huge. We must be six foot ten at least! And we’re probably topping four or five hundred pounds. Jesus. Our cock is definitely three and a half feet. Our balls are the same size as watermelons. I think we can make it bigger. Both boys massaged Pat’s gargantuan dick, forcing his tingle into his balls. They swelled and expanded until they hit the floor. Pat moaned and Owen grunted in pleasure. There it is. That’s nice. We’re so horny. Let’s change that, huh? Pat let his cock up from its confines under the sink and let the head slap his chin. We’re hung like a fucking horse. Pat felt Owen pump his dick fuller, bigger, heavier. He watched it grow until it reached his plump lips, the hole oozing pre centimeters from his waiting mouth. Now we’re hung like a fucking horse. Let’s go, sexy. Pat slipped his mouth over the giant head, his lips barely squeezing around the bloated mushroom. Owen forced his head down until the top popped under Pat’s lips. Both boys moaned as the sensitive head slid across their tongue. Pat began to choke on the enormous shaft. Owen pumped muscle into Pat’s neck, allowing him to deep throat a disgustingly sexy amount of shaft. Owen grabbed a massive amount of tit-pec, the flesh spilling over their fingers. He massaged the heavy nipple, sending bolts of pleasure through his body. Pat came dangerously close to climaxing with the feeling, but forced himself to hold on a little longer. A little longer turned out to be about five seconds, though, as Owen squished the sensitive flesh of their near pumpkin-sized pec-boobs. Cum exploded in such a torrent Owen was forced to open Pat’s neck as wide as it could in an effort to swallow the first monstrous orgasm. Such as it was, neither boy could manage the second orgasm, let alone the eight that followed. Cum erupted everywhere, soaking Pat, the sink, the toilet, the shower, everything. Pat sat back on his couch of an ass, gasping for air. No growth accompanied his self-suck this time, but he still felt heavy and bloated. Owen hummed. That tasted great. You’re so sweet. I thought I was salty. Naw. Definitely sweet, Pat. Oh man, that was phenomenal. No kidding… This will be hard to explain to Mom and Dad. We’ll manage, babe. Hey, we need a new name. One we both like. How about Prowen? Pat chuckled. I love it. I love you, too. Owen felt his tongue slide over Pat’s lips. Pat felt Owen’s tongue slide over his lips. It was glorious for both of them. Pat pulled his blanket of hair out of his eyes, pushing it over his head. Owen smirked, the long silky mane creeping down their neck until it rested handsomely over their shoulders! The same oil on their skin sunk into their new hair, solidifying its position. Oily yet majestic, their new do crept a little longer, bouncing beautifully and fully just above the boy’s nipples. I love you. I love us. I do, too. We’re going to have a very different relationship from now on for sure. Oh, for sure. But that’s okay. I like what we have now. Pat slid a giant finger into Owen’s giant ass. Me too.
  17. Guest

    Let's Make a Bet

    My boyfriend Travis has always been a big dude. We’d been friends ever since freshman year in high school. And I mean, he was big then. Always tall…not ferociously so, but definitely a head and a half above me. Good abs, decent legs, not much on the biceps. But holy shit, this boy had always owned some huge pecs. They were disproportionate, without a doubt. He actually looked like he had breasts if he turned the right way. That was the joke I’d always make…I’d call them his boobs, smack them lightly, he’d laugh and usually push me. He said it was genetics, but I’d always find him in the weight room after school, pumping iron and nothing else. I’d tell him that he needed to vary his workouts or he’d only grow one muscle group, but I think he was too lunkheaded to really get it…that, and I think he knew what he was doing, too. Well, senior year arrived. By then, I had figured out just which kind of people I liked…and Travis was one of them. And like I said, he’d always been a big dude. Still head and shoulders above me, but he’d bulked up a fair bit in four years. Gentle biceps, carved abs, stellar legs (he had joined Varsity soccer, you see). But yes, as I’m sure you’re jerking to, his pecs had ballooned. He was bigger than most the girls in our grade. Fat and weighty, yet impossibly wide and strong, shirt stretching and fabric busting, he actually had breasts at this point. I’m sure his back would have been sore every morning…if his back wasn’t wide enough to be a small table. We had kept close, even with him being a total jock and me a theatre idiot (and I use the term endearingly). The routine was the same. He’d chat idly about his workout, I’d call them boobs, smack them, and he’d shove me over. He was a strong boy. The last day of senior year arrived. It was bittersweet for sure. Travis and I had promised to keep in touch; I was going to Oneonta, he was going to Binghamton. Close, but by no means an easy drive. We were chilling after our last class, alone in the hallway. It was nostalgic, for sure, but I was trying to work up the courage to tell him how I felt. How his smile melted my heart, how he was just such a sweetheart and a goofball and how I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him. Ah, high school. So when he smiled sadly and bounced his pecs hard in his shirt, I kind of felt my body moving on it’s own. “Me and the boobs are gonna miss you!” My hands went to smack his pecs like always…and lingered. Before I knew what I was doing, my hands had completely enclosed his pecs and were squeezing gently. Travis’s eyes closed tight and he let out a startled grunt. I drew back instantly, trying to play it off. “S-sorry, a bit much…” He opened his eyes, gasping gently. “D-do that again.” Shocked, I slowly gave his pecs another thick squeeze, a little more firmly than before. Travis visibly rocked, biting his lip with those perfect teeth. Gasping in pleasure, his eyes fluttered as I chanced another grope. I became very very aware of a swelling bulge in the front of his gym shorts, thick and gorged. He was big everywhere! The more I squeezed, the harder he got. The harder I clenched, the harder his cock pulsed to life. I began to rhythmically squeeze and knead, my own cock swelling as I massaged and fondled my crush’s immense, heavy pecs. Finally we both seemed to realize where we were. In no time someone would walk down the hallway and see us. Travis’ eyes flickered naughtily and he grinned down at me. “Like them, huh?” I flushed hard, averting my eyes. “Wh-what can I say? Always had a thing for your b…pecs…” He snickered, slowly but surely peeling off his shirt. I flushed even harder, looking down the hallway. “T-Travis!” He grinned, letting his shirt drop to the floor. I got hard the second his enormous, heavy pecs tumbled out to rest on his washboard abs. “Relax. We’re adults now.” He pulled me in, humping our cocks together slowly. “And you can call them boobs. I have you to thank for getting me so into them!” He was getting closer and closer, my hands trembling as they rested on his bulging pecs. “T-Travis…” He was inches away, his breath hot on my lips. “Would have never grown them this big…never gotten so enamored with them…if not for you.” And then he kissed me. Lights exploded in my brain as his lips pushed into mine. My hand went to rub his carved, angular jawline as my other continued to squeeze and fondle his behemoth pec. As he pulled off slowly, his mouth broke into that dazzling grin I’d grown so fond of. He hitched his thumbs into his waistband, cock still rock hard under his shorts. I grabbed his hands quickly, head whipping down the hall. I hissed through closed teeth, mortified and impossibly aroused at the same time. “Travis!” He wiggled his eyebrows, smirking cockily. “Who cares? What will they do? Send us to the principals on the last day of our senior year?” I pushed him just out of view, breath coming fast. “Travis, please! L-let’s find a bathroom or something…” He touched my chin with his baseball-mitt sized hand. “Let’s make a deal. If you give me a hand job right here, right now…” He leaned in, humping once, firm and hard, sending shivers through us both. “…I’ll be your boyfriend.” My breath caught in my throat. Travis kissed me again, guiding my hand to his throbbing member. Jesus, he felt huge. “T-Travis…let’s be real. We’re going to different colleges…you’re obviously going to find others…” He pushed me against the opposite wall, in full view of the adjoining hall as he pinned my arms above my head, kissing me long and deep, his huge pecs shoving against my chest. “Do I look like a fucking idiot to you? Why would I go for a dime a dozen twink or chick when I have my best friend, my biggest admirer and encourager…right here?” This was a side I had never seen before…and it was turning me the fuck on. Cocky yet sweet, arrogant yet charming…I could see us together for a LONG time. Gazing into his perfect eyes, I slowly freed my arm from his vice grip and snuck it down his shorts. My hand closed on what felt like a banana of flesh. Shivering in fear and arousal, I slowly began to stroke it, my hands traveling along what felt like nine inches of cock. Travis smirked, bringing my other hand to his bulbous pec. “No no, in the open. And keep squeezing my tit. It gets me rock solid.” God, he was really something. Gulping nervously, I tugged his cock out of his shorts, gasping in pleasure as it sprung up. Easily nine, maybe ten. He was huge in every way…Travis smiled, guiding me gently into the center of the hallway. Now if anyone turned the corner or walked out of a classroom, we’d be spotted. I was shivering so hard I almost thought I had hypothermia, but yet I continued to squeeze and stroke at a solid pace, hoping to get it over with. Travis bit his lip and grunted gently with each spastic motion, his hips bucking as his huge back arched, shoving those fat pecs into my hand even further, flesh spilling out of my fingers. He leaned in hard and kissed me, humping one last time before his cock throbbed, firing thick and heavy against the wall behind us. He went good and strong for a little bit before gasping for air, collapsing against me. I grunted in effort, struggling to support his full, muscular weight. Finally he picked himself up, tucking his shrinking cock back into his waistband. Kissing me quickly on the lips, he pulled his shirt back on, to my gentle dismay. “Well, a bet’s a bet. Guess I’m yours now, gorgeous.” I flushed nonstop, and it only got worse as he lovingly patted my butt. “Hey…I don’t own you, Travis.” He winked, putting his hand around my waist as he kissed my forehead, an easy feat for his six foot something frame. “I sure hope not! This is a mutual thing.” The bell rang, giving us a one-minute warning. He chuckled. “Damn. Must have been a thirty second orgasm. Always have been quick, I guess.” He kissed me again, eliciting yet another blush. “I’ll text you, babe.” The word sent a shiver up my spine…and not a good one. It was the feeling that this would maybe last until he came again…or got bored of me. It would be intense and pseudo-romantic…but hardly real. An experiment in his life game. I wouldn’t even last a week. Well, that’s what I had thought. Six months later, I was so head over heels in love with my enormous boyfriend that life seemed covered with a cheesecloth. We’d text all day non-stop, and Facetime every night. Every night he’d steal my heart a little more and show off his magnificent boobs. Hehe yeah, I called them that now. He was a huge fan of bets…he had made one a few weeks into our relationship. If he could go up a cup size in one semester, I’d never call them pecs again. I had gotten cocky and raised it to two cup sizes, thinking he’d never make it and I’d never get used to calling those melons breasts. Well, I was wrong on both counts. I LOVED calling his chest muscles titties, and my boyfriend filled a DD perfectly, if not a little snugly. I’d even convinced him to buy one, and he loved showing off his boobs to me every night, fondling his own bra-clad chest as his cleavage heaved. He told me that he could orgasm just by rubbing his boobs too hard, and I believed him. He said that if he wore too tight a shirt in public, he’d pop a boner if he so much as stretched. I had considered daring him to do it…but I wasn’t that cruel and that was more his gig anyway. He made me a bet one day…toward the end of the semester. I was chatting with him as usual, just dazedly gazing at his tits. We did that sometimes…he would just bounce those fat melons and I’d stare, sometimes for hours on end. He was turned on just as much as I was. By now he could almost get those things to nudge his chin with each pop. He paused, staring lovingly at me as I took him in. “You’d look really good with long hair, baby.” I paused, smiling. “Yeah? You think?” Travis nodded, huge breasts undulating in rhythm. “Yeah. I can picture it down to your cheeks…or even your chin.” I chuckled. “I do hear I’d look decent with a mane.” Travis popped that cocky grin I loved so much. I had a feeling I knew what was coming. “Let’s make a bet.” I raised an eyebrow. “Another? Last one didn’t go so well for you.” He grinned again, bouncing those mammoth boobies heavily. “I think it worked perfectly.” He looked over himself, smirking. “Okay…if you grow your hair all next semester, no cutting it…then I’ll work on my other muscles.” I chuckled. “Other muscles? You mean you haven't been?” He laughed, a booming chuckle that twitched my cock. “Babe, I was way too focused bulking up two cup sizes for you! If I put my full effort into my body…hehe well…you’ll have to see.” I swept my hair off my forehead, feigning indecision. It did get oily quickly when it was longer…but this was just too good an opportunity to pass up. “You got yourself a deal, gorgeous!” “Oh, and…well, I wanna be surprised.” I tilted my head. “How do you mean?” He bit his lip, like it was painful to even say it. “I don’t wanna Facetime.” My jaw must have dropped, because he smiled sheepishly and sighed. “I know, baby, I know. It’s rough. But think how worth it it will be!” I had to agree. I was one of those suckers who loved a sudden change…coming back after a few months and seeing just how different people had become. And with his penchant for growing, I knew Travis wouldn’t disappoint me. “Yeah…all right, then. But you better be HUGE, hon!” He chuckled, heaving his breasts. “You fucking know it, babe. I wanna see you adjusting that hair every few seconds!” I chuckled, winking. “It’s a bet, my big tittied boyfriend.” He bit his lip as his boobs jumped. “Mmf…do that again.” I grinned…yet another of our rituals. “What? Call you out on how fucking ENORMOUS your boobies are?” He moaned gently, palming a fat breast. “How thick and round and heavy your breasts are becoming?” Travis gasped, squeezing more and more. I noticed with glee that neither hand was on his cock. He looked at me, tongue out gently. “Oh my god, I have BREASTS.” I growled happily, stroking myself. “No…you have BOOBS, big boy. And they’re only gonna evolve into HUGE….” He shuddered, huffing as he squeezed. “…FAT…” His eyes rolled as his modest biceps flexed, hands cupping his cantaloupe-sized chest muscles. “TITTIES!!” He moaned loudly, pinching his nipples. Both of us froze as gentle drops of milk dripped from his huge melons…and then he came. Hard. Bellowing like a beast, my beautiful Travis bounced his tits hard as he orgasmed like a bull, pumping seed everywhere. Finally he calmed down, grinning. “Jesus…you see that?” I laughed, smiling myself. “You’re so big you’re lactating…and you can orgasm hands-free…” He licked his lips. “I think I’ll be trying to do that a lot more.” I winked. “I look forward to it.” As his libido subsided, he smiled warmly. “I’m gonna get so fucking huge for you, baby.” “I look forward to it, Travis. Good night.” “Love you.” “Love you more, my busty boy.” He hung up and I promptly spewed my load in barely concealed ecstasy. Wow, life was good. And after a few more months…life got better. I was missing my man. A whole semester without seeing him was tough. Texting was one thing, but I felt like I was lacking. Not seeing his super tits for nearly a half year was taking its toll on me, but I knew it’d be worth it. Besides, I had a surprise of my own for him. What I hadn’t told my boyfriend when we’d made that bet was that my hair grew fast. Like, crazy fast. As in I needed to cut it every month fast. So six months of not getting it cut? Travis probably thought it would be to my cheek…maybe my chin, what with it being just past eye level last time he saw it. Well, it wasn’t at my cheek, or my chin. My hair was long enough to lightly drape on my shoulders nowadays, a veritable blanket of blond locks that flowed and tossed whenever I moved. I was absolutely in love with it, despite all its tedium. I had to condition it every day, keep it clean, and brush it constantly. It was ridiculously soft and fluffy, and it had been hell at first to keep it out of my face. But I was used to it by now, and had no problem with all its swaying and draping across my face and neck. I couldn’t wait to feel it fully resting on my shoulders, and the light pricks and itching of my hair tips tickling my shoulders were a good omen of what was to come. I was eating lunch at the dining hall, wondering why my big boyfriend had been quiet for so long. Usually he couldn’t go more than a few minutes without texting me. He was on the lacrosse, soccer, AND tennis team (see? Total stud and a half), and his practices were usually an hour long. He’d always tell me how even sixty minutes was torture for him, and he’d count down the minutes until we’d chat again. Sometimes we’d pull all-nighters just texting and teasing each other, being without Facetime and all. Some might consider it puppy love or unhealthy, but personally I was willing to run that risk. Travis was my type and then some: sweet yet kinky, protective and possessive yet totally understanding…all of psychology’s red flags rolled into one, complete with a pair of breasts that would make Cardi B raise an eyebrow! But I was currently almost three hours without a text…he’d once gone two and a half for a bus ride for a lacrosse game, but he wasn’t scheduled for a game today. I wasn’t one to get unduly worried or spam messages, but it was a bit odd! Just as I was about to send another text just to check, two hands clamped over my eyes. A deep voice whispered in my ears, my heart hammering as I realized I wasn’t about to be kidnapped. “Guess who?” I sighed, thinking it was one of my prankster friends. But…the hands were too big, the voice too deep even in a whisper. Maybe it was my suite-mate? He was a big dude, but not one for this kind of crap. Pulling forward, I turned in annoyance. My breath caught in my throat as my gaze tilted up…and up…and a little further up. As the face of my dreams broke into a goonish grin, I couldn’t help but let out a squeal as I tackled him in a huge hug. “TRAVIS!!” He hugged me tight, kissing me deeply as a few people turned to look. “Oh my fuck, baby…I missed you so much!” He held me there for what seemed like forever, lips together. Then I realized how tight his arms felt…and how high my feet were off the ground. “Tr-Travis? Did you…grow?” He didn’t respond at first, nuzzling his nose in my long silky hair. “Holy shit…I didn’t believe it at first…thought no way did my honey grow this much hair in only half a year! But you did…and I’m so glad I’m not the only one who went overboard.” I could barely comprehend his words, but his voice sounded deeper somehow…and it felt like iron cords were pressing into my back. “Overboard, Travis?” My voice was barely a squeak I was so excited. He put me down and backed up a few steps, and my vision almost swam. I don’t know how I didn’t notice it when I had turned to greet him, but now here he was…in his full glory. And he was GLORIOUS. He was taller…somehow in six months, he had put on a very visible few inches; where once my head had been just at his lips, now it was barely at his shoulder. I mean, that was a fucking half foot for sure! How had he grown an inch a month!? And even in his loose blue shirt, there was no denying how much muscle my boyfriend had stacked on. He had been relatively well-built before, although maybe more on the leaner side. It had still been buffer than I could ever hope to be, but I suppose it had been a pretty standard size for a sports jock. But once strong shoulders had evolved into immense, broad shelves connected to a thick bull’s neck. They had nearly doubled in width, obviously to house the gargantuan torso he was now sporting. His tits had ballooned even heavier and thicker, but widened to completely fill his shirt on either side. And yet they were still so burgeoning and beefy that they formed deep cleavage that seemed eager to suck in the fabric above it. Nipples that looked more like half-thumbs tented his shirt on each breast, wiggling and bobbing with the slightest movements. But his arms had gotten HUGE! Very snugly filling his sleeves, his gorged biceps formed thick cannons of flesh. A massive, snake-like vein twisted down his arms to branch rather heavily across his forearms and down to his huge, baseball mitt hands. Thick triceps flexed and bunched as he moved, obviously adding to the sheer size of his swollen, beefy arms. Blinking in shock and disbelief, I could only open and close my mouth for a few seconds as Travis grinned cockily down at me. He let his behemoth tits undulate and flex slowly in his shirt, nipples visibly swelling in arousal. “Now there’s the reaction I’ve been dying for.” I suddenly became painfully aware of the pulsing erection in my shorts, the obvious result of seeing my boyfriend’s sudden, enormous growth. And knowing him, he’d probably whip it out in the middle of the dining hall. I didn’t miss the naughty glint in his eyes. “Bathroom, Travis! Not here!” He laughed, and I realized his voice really had dropped a little; it hadn’t been my imagination after all. “I’m not THAT lewd…although watching that hair bounce is getting me horny…” The fleshy banana was beginning to outline against his shorts. Thankfully that behemoth hadn’t seemed to grow any…his lower half in general looked pretty unchanged: toned defined soccer legs with strong calves. Thank god…if he had ballooned all over, I may have had to convince myself the whole thing was a dream. Not that this whole scenario didn’t seem unreal! Motioning, Travis walked off toward the restrooms, nonchalantly adjusting his cock like it was normal. As he moved and I followed, I couldn’t help but flush as I took in his back. Jesus Christ, it was huge. His shoulders had been one thing, but watching his gigantic, extra-wide back shift and tug at his shirt, I found myself having to adjust my own cock as it throbbed even harder with lust. I tilted my head, though, as I took in the rest of his back. From the front, I hadn’t much paid attention to his waist. I had noticed a little lip, but I had assumed it was his eight pack and his v-line becoming even more defined. Yeah, my man had an eight pack. But…he was stocky! That back slimmed down a bit beyond his lats, but there was a slight bulge on either side just before his hips. And they were way too big to be v-line indicators…and those didn’t show up from the back. Did my ripped shredded Travis have love handles? No possible way! He didn’t look chunky at all… My breath was coming in gasps and huffs, my face flushing with arousal, lust, romantic delight, all forms of emotional baggage! As Travis entered the bathroom and locked it behind me, I couldn’t help but squeeze one enormous arm dazedly. Oh, fuck…it was real. All that massive muscle was there in front of me, firm and swollen and delicious. Travis smirked, flexing that divine bicep for me. I almost fainted at the enormous ball of muscle that SURGED to life, huge knot of flesh hardening into a massive sphere under my fingers. Winking slyly, he peeled his shirt off, body coming into view for the first time in almost half a year. Everything was just as magnificent as I’d hoped. Even the loose shirt he had been wearing couldn’t mask the gargantuan torso housed underneath. His pride and joy sat heavily atop his chest, seemingly weighed down by even more tit flesh. His nipples had visibly swollen, fleshy fat nubs bobbing with his breaths. But the best part was what lay beneath his mammoth boobs. His once-proud eight pack had indeed vanished. I could barely make out the outline of his first two abs, but the rest had been transformed into a big, fleshy paunch of meat. He really did have love handles, twin swells of fatty muscle that burgeoned from his hips to meet with his new chunky belly. No wonder he looked so huge and heavy everywhere else, he’d bulked HARD! My brain locked…the only thing that I could think to say bubbled up from deep in my subconscious, spurned on by the monster of beef and brawn in front of me. “Daddy…” Ah, Freud would be proud. Travis paused for a bit, grin splitting his face. “Ooh, I like the sound of that!” At my stunned silence, he bounced his tits before slowly guiding his hand under his new tummy swell. Giving it a hefty jiggle, he grinned even wider as I watched that new bulk wobble and ripple like a bowl of Jello. “Figured I’d dirty bulk to help things along…and I guess I let it get a bit out of hand! But it feels amazing, baby, you have no idea.” I gently reached out a hand, feeling my fingers sink into that soft pudge. It was maybe two or three inches of sink before that undeniably firm base, but it was still two or three inches of alpha beef that was brand new…and seriously hot. My hands traveled up to rub the ferocious underswell of his colossal super tits. Biting his lip, Travis moaned teasingly. “They’ve gotten SO sensitive lately. I blame all the milk I’m storing in there daily.” My face got even redder, my breath coming hotter and heavier. He hadn’t mentioned that! In fact, I’d forgotten a bit after that one cam session. “M-milk?” “Thought I’d surprise you even more with that! Yeah…guess all those feminine hormones helped get some more weight on the tits! Made my bulk softer too…good thing, ‘cuz I hate those gross ball guts.” I could only nob absentmindedly, eying those huge gorged nipples. No wonder they were so big…he was probably pumping them! And his boobs most certainly WERE bigger than before…added muscle and a generous layer of thickness from his beefy bulk had turned them into impossibly wide, enormously thick ultra boobs that were only so perky and supple because of the ungodly amounts of muscle in his chest and back. Travis sighed happily, running his hand through my hair. I was once again reminded of how tall he’d gotten. “Holy fuck, I missed my perfect worshipper boyfriend. Been itching to give you a taste of the nice creamy dairy your moo cow stud is holding these days.” Those words, combined with the spectacle that was my behemoth of a man almost brought me to orgasm then and there. But thankfully, I regained a little of my composure. As I gazed up at him, I couldn’t help but chuckle, leaning up and up. “Is it gonna make me grow too?” Travis smirked with that beautiful cocky smile I loved, kissing me deeply. “I sure hope so. Wanna bloat that ass up so I can give it a smack.” I flushed happily. Over the course of our relationship, we’d both realized that sex didn’t really hold much interest for either of us. Blowjobs and anal weren’t really on our radar, but that didn’t mean we couldn’t appreciate the assets the other was packing. How this mountainous god of a boy found any assets on me, I’ll never know. But he was quite literally bulging with them himself. “Mmmmm Big Travis gonna give his twink a bubble butt?” He shivered a bit at the name, pushing his enormous body into my slim one. “Yeah he is. And my beautiful boy is gonna give me some even thicker, heavier, milkier boobies.” I couldn’t hold it anymore. I buried my face in his cleavage. Travis moaned happily, wrapping his giant arms around my face and smothering me in his deep tit crevice. He held me there until I tapped out, panting hungrily as I tweaked his plump nipples. “You really lactate now?” Travis nodded, smirking. “I mean…only a few drops, but I can still milk myself!” I chuckled. Of course he couldn’t shoot rivers of milk! He wasn’t a girl, plus he wasn’t mutating. He was still human, and still a guy. But even a few drops was proof of how monstrously boob-tastic my boyfriend was. “That’s so amazing, Travis.” I looked up, kissing him deeply as he ran his hands through my hair. “You look so good, baby boy.” I flushed at the name. He was even cockier, a sort of permanent smirk etched into his features and a definite swagger to his posture. It did give me a thought, though. “Travis? I totally get how long we’ve been apart…have you…been with anyone else?” His answer was immediate and fierce, before I could even stammer out my insecurities. “FUCK no!” He paused, sighing as he ran his hands through my hair, looking into my eyes. “Sorry. Hope that didn’t sound defensive. Trust me, people have wanted to get with me. Like, a lot of people. But none of them were you. I wasn’t even tempted. I just wanted to grow and grow and grow for you, and you alone.” I could see that he wasn’t lying. I almost teared up, but held myself together. I kissed him deeply before pulling back. “Holy shit, you really are the perfect boy.” And just like that, his swagger came back. And somehow he seemed even more massive than a few minutes ago, frame looming over mine. “You’re just figuring this out now?” He chuckled deeply, grinding into me with the force of a freight train. I moaned gently, clutching his huge back as I tried desperately not to orgasm. “Ah…T-Travis…” He paused, humping in long slow pumps. “Hey, uh…how much do you like me?” I chuckled, knowing exactly what was coming. “Mmmm dunno, Travis…depends on how much you’re wagering in this bet!” He laughed, a deep booming baritone. “You got me all wrong, babe! No bets this time…just a request.” He actually pushed me into the wall, hefting my legs up into his arms as he kept humping. I was over the moon. He leaned in, breath hot in my ears. “I think I’ve done enough for you to start giving me some pet names. I give you plenty!” “O-oh! I do love those, and I would have earlier! I…I just thought they were too mushy for you.” Travis smirked, pushing me harder into the wall as he got a bit more forceful. “I’m a sweetheart, baby, you know that! And I’m not talking about mushy names…” He paused, licking my lips slowly. “…I’m talking about some names to make me feel big.” I bucked wildly, gasping. “Wh-what? Teasing your massive swollen boobies isn’t enough?” He shuddered, bucking with me. Our erections were rock hard, oozing pre. We were both so close. “Just imagine how much inspiration you’d give if you called me some…more beefy names.” “Or it would go right to that swelled head and you’d stop growing!” He grinned, lowering me a bit so that his tits pushed into mine. “Never stop growing. And come on, you love this ego as much as I do.” I smiled, breath coming hot and heavy. “You know? I sure do, Titan.” He moaned loudly, pulling me back so that he was lifting me off the ground with no problems. “Fuck, just like that.” “Jesus…you’re so fucking STRONG, Big Alpha Travis!” He got a wicked glint in his eyes, holding me tight. “I like that name you mentioned earlier…what was it again?” I bit my lip, heart hammering. “Wh-what…? Daddy?” He bellowed in delight, slamming me against the wall as he came, humping into me as his cock fired. I couldn’t help but release with him, shooting my own load in ecstasy. As we gasped and groaned, bodies smashing together, he slowly let me down. As we panted for air, he ran a finger through my long blond hair. “You see? This is why no one even fucking holds a candle to you! But now I wanna make a bet.” I rolled my eyes, orgasm doing nothing to ease my excitement. Travis’ increased size was just so new and delicious! “There it is.” He smirked. “You’re a fan of the tummy, yeah?” I growled playfully, poking the inch or two of wonderful pudge sticking from his lower abs. “It’s fucking amazing!” “Thought so! All right…if you call me Daddy, I’ll gain thirty pounds by the end of the semester.” At my expression, he held up two baseball mitt-sized hands. “In private, in private! Not in public, obviously.” My heart started hammering, desires clear in my head. With post-orgasm clarity settling in, I found that…I had no problems with it. On the contrary…I liked it. But I wasn’t letting him take all the credit! “Ah, ah! My turn…IF you gain thirty pounds, THEN I’ll call you Daddy.” He grinned, chuckling. “You are such a vixen, babe! I like it, though. You got yourself a bet!” We sealed it with a kiss, same as always. “Now…I’m actually skipping class and practice for you, so I’m afraid I can’t stay over.” My heart sank. I really wanted to cuddle with that new weight! “Oh…okay! The fact that you came all the way is still amazing!” He nodded eagerly. “Yeah…plus, I got a new challenge! You’ll keep growing out your hair?” I nodded, tossing it playfully. “Imagine how long it’s gonna be.” He growled happily. “With how much it’s grown over this six months, I’m chomping at the bit. I’ll keep growing bigger, and you keep growing prettier.” I smiled at him. “I’ll do my squats every day.” He swatted my ass gently. “Really are gonna grow your Big Travis a bubble butt!” I laughed, nuzzling into him. “Talking in the third person? Your head’s gonna pop if that ego gets much bigger!” He smiled. “You know you love it.” I ran my hands over his arms, marveling at how much his tits still pushed me away from him. Boy had foot-long boobies! Okay, maybe not THAT much, but they sure looked and felt like it! “I do love it, Titan. I love you more.” He kissed the top of my head with minimal difficulty. “Love you too, baby boy.” A little over half a year later, I was eagerly waiting at our favorite diner. I’d left college today, and had promised to drive right here to meet him. I was desperately hoping he’d kept his end of the bet…because I was eagerly wishing to fulfill mine. Our daily talks just turned me on more and more, and I was quickly growing to adore his dominant, domineering nature (although I’d never let him know it). Freud would love me, but calling him that particular name would really fit our relationship. His pet names were becoming gradually more feminine, and he was encouraging me to embrace my less masculine desires. With my body slowly changing to his wishes, I figured a little mental push wouldn’t hurt either. I guess my genetics were just as geared toward growing as Travis’ were, because I’d gone up three waist sizes in just six months. But unlike Travis, my belly hadn’t gotten any bigger. No, those extra inches went right to my hips and ass. The squats really had done the trick, my butt swollen into a huge meaty bubble. It was muscular enough to be round, but somehow soft enough to jiggle a bit when I walked. My hips had thickened a fair bit too, legs nearly touching with the added mass on them. My lower half was monstrously disproportionate now…I just figured it would match my boyfriend’s immense upper half. True to my word, I had kept my hair growing. It had gotten really annoying, so I was tying it up in a loose ponytail these days. But because I was meeting my busty boy today, I had it untied. Long silky locks flowed and shifted just below my collarbone, pulled out of my eyes by my hair tie. I have no idea how it grew so fast, but I wasn’t complaining at all. I’d been working my core, and I was boasting a modest skinny-pack, exposed by my new style. While nerve-wracking at first, I’d slowly become used to and excited to wear some gayer clothes. In the winter, I had rocked some skinny jeans and jean jackets. Nowadays, I loved wearing my crop tops and even my booty shorts to show off my ass. Which you better believe I was wearing today. I had to make the best impression! I had my back to the wall, determined not to be taken by surprise like last time. And then Travis’ truck pulled into the lot. My heart began to hammer, and I mean hammer. My imagination was going wild, if my boyfriend’s legacy of growth was any indicator. He pulled into a spot…and waited. I had to smirk. That cocky tease! Finally, when I thought I was going to have to open the door myself, he got out. I…I couldn’t. I just absolutely could NOT. How…the FUCK…did he keep growing?! He was taller, no doubt in my mind. I wasn’t sure if I’d be even with his chest at this point! I mean, I was short, but he had to be nearly six and a half feet. And he had to be nearly half that wide! Shoulders were wider and broader, arms were even more gargantuan, behemoth biceps swollen and tensed alongside burgeoning triceps. To be honest, his stomach hadn’t put on as much as I thought. But it was beyond noticeable now, where before it had just been a subtle bulge. All those thirty pounds seemed to have gone right to his ass and boobs, though. His monstrous bubble of an ass had gotten even bigger than mine, damn him! His legs were huge and defined when he moved, but thick and meaty at the same time. And his TITS! They were even wider, thicker, and starting to slope with all the weight piling on. He had to be wearing a triple-XL shirt, and yet there was no denying how puffy and mountainous his nipples had gotten, the perfect capstones to those bra-busting mega breasts! He looked more mature, too, jawline filled out and his hair a touch longer. He stopped as he saw me, shaking his head in disbelief as he lumbered up to me. I couldn’t help but grin as he took up more and more of my vision, loose white shirt doing nothing to hide the godlike bulges heaving all over his body. We just stared at each other for a good minute, disbelievingly checking the other out. Finally he broke the silence. “You never said I had to stop at thirty pounds…so I put on another fifteen. Hope that’s okay.” I shook my head before sighing. “I think…I think I need to feed my Daddy before he gets skinny again!” Travis moaned happily, burying me in a deep kiss as he ran his hand down my waterfall of hair. “HOW did this get so long?” I grabbed his boobs, squeezing hard. “HOW did these get so big?” He smacked my ass, rather forcefully too. “And how did this get so enormous?” I did the same, although I barely made a dent in his. “Ditto!” He huffed loudly, glancing over his shoulder. “Do we have to make our reservation? I just want to take you to my truck and have my way with you right now.” I bit my lip, pressing my hand into his belly. Oh, it was even softer! And there was definitely more than before…I guess his boobs were just so big now that his tummy looked the same size. “God, it’s tempting. But I do really want to see just how much you can eat now.” He slipped his huge hand around my waist, guiding me into the restaurant. “A fuck ton, believe me. We’re gonna be here a while.” I grinned. “Just more time for me to admire my Daddy’s new body. How much do you weigh?!” He chuckled, smacking his ample belly fat. “Tipping the scales at just over 270. I’m hoping to break 300 by the summer’s end!” I shook my head in wonder. “At your rate, you may break it by summer’s start!” He shrugged those colossal shoulders. “Wouldn’t be surprised. I’m gaining super fast now that I don’t cut at the ends of bulks.” I growled playfully as we entered the place, digging my hand into his bloated chest. “And probably just eat anything that crosses your path, big boy!” He squeezed my ass in full view of the waitress at the desk, making her flush a bit as she took us in. “That’s big DADDY to you, little man!” I flushed as hard as the poor girl that lead us to our table, hissing through my teeth. “Not in public, Travis! Jesus Christ!” He chuckled, popping his gorged tits through his shirt. “People get us confused, actually. But come on…you’re dressing and looking like a slut, why not act like one?” I blushed even deeper as we sat. “Because I don’t have your ego to boost my confidence…or your size.” He chuckled, grunting as he squeezed next to me. His boobs were very nearly resting on the table, belly gently pushed into the counter as his ass pushed him forward in his seat. “I wouldn’t say that! Your ass got enormous, baby boy! Fuck, this is a little tight.” I nodded breathlessly. “Gonna start needing bar seats if you keep growing.” He winked at me. “You know damn well I’m going to! I’m fucking pissed you go away for the summer, though. You really have to go to that camp?” “Yes, Titan. I’m the archery director. They’d be lost without me! Besides, we have a month and a half all to ourselves! Plus, it’s two whole months for us to bulk up for the other.” “Fine, but we’re Facetiming this time around. I wanna see my gorgeous boyfriend…and I’m sure he wants to see his Daddy keep expanding.” I giggled gently. “I really do. You’re too big to keep me in the dark.” He leaned his full weight into me, encouraging his soft squishy love handle into my hand. “Baby, I’m too big to fit into some doorways.” “Going to have to fix that, for sure! We can’t have you fitting in any, can we?” He smirked cockily as our drinks arrived. “No, we can’t!” The waitress eyed us both a little hesitantly, as if convincing herself that such a behemoth mountain of a man could really be with a twink like me. “Any appetizers, guys?” Travis grinned, and I knew this was the start of something wonderful. “Now that you mention it…” Now, I like boys with appetites. The bigger, the better. And it stands to reason that bigger boys have bigger appetites, so I knew Travis was going to be eating a lot. But…nothing could have prepared me for what I witnessed. I finished my meal in about thirty minutes; I’m a slow eater! Travis was not a slow eater, but he still finished in about ninety minutes. I watched six appetizers, four entrees, fourteen glasses of milk, five slices of cake, and three extra-large milkshakes vanish down my monster’s gullet. I could barely house my rock-hard erection under the table! Finally he finished his last shake, patting his domed belly. “Now normally I’d let loose with a massive burp, but we’re in public and I figure you don’t want to be embarrassed.” “Tr-Travis, you ate practically half the restaurant. How do you afford to eat like this? I-I don’t think I can pay for what you just devoured!” He smirked, leaning back and slinging a giant arm around my shoulder. “Well, I’m usually at college, and they’re all you can eat. And uh…I never told you this, but I’m fucking loaded. I don’t need to worry about cost.” Before I could respond, he ran his hands through my hair. “And I didn’t want to overstep my bounds so early in the relationship…but I think we’re in deep enough now. I don’t want you to worry about the cost of anything ever again. I want you to uh…well, rely on me for money.” I gulped. That was risky…like, beyond risky. And controlling…as much as I loved his dominance, this was next level. “Travis…I-I love you, but I’m not willing to give you my finances.” He leaned back a bit, eyes wide. “Oh god! No no, nothing like that! I don’t want a dime from you! That would be too much power. I just mean like…let me pay for you. I’ll buy you stuff if you want, and you can do whatever you want with your own money! I just wanna spoil my baby boy.” I blushed, a bit ashamed at having misinterpreted. I mean, it was still a little red-flaggy, but we’d crossed that line long ago, hadn’t we? And who didn’t love a boy who wanted to pay for you? “Then it’s a deal…” I leaned in, kissing his cheek. “…Daddy.” He bit his lip, chuckling. “Sugar Daddy now, I guess.” I rolled my eyes. “You just want more titles with that word in it, don’t you?” He nodded, grinning as the waitress brought the bill. And let me tell you…it’s exciting to have a boy with money. No worries about providing for him, and if he’s generous it’s just a bonus for you! This gorgeous beefy hunk of a boyfriend shelled out more than one hundred dollars without batting an eye, sighing happily. “That’s better. In lieu of sounding sexist, it’s fitting that the big man pays for his lady.” I flushed, tying my hair up. “I ain’t a lady. Check downstairs…I only have long hair!” He grinned, lumbering out of the booth. Oh sweet fuck, he looked bigger. “And an ass you could eat off, and a lovely new teen girl style of dressing up! But that’s good…I like my princess feminine.” My heart spasmed, cock twitching. “Wh-what did you call me?” He shrugged, sheepishly grinning. “Princess! My tiny little princess…and her big fat Daddy.” I patted his belly, enjoying the pumped stomach under the layer of cushion. “You’re not fat…not yet.” He growled, hand lingering on my ass. “Is that a challenge?” I chuckled, walking with him out of the restaurant. “It might be. I like Daddy with some chunk on him.” He patted his thick belly, smiling. “It feels amazing. Just getting out of the shower in the morning gets me stiff. Never been anything other than shredded, so this is really hot. I can feel myself jiggling more every day.” He opened the door to his truck. Before I could make a rendezvous, he pulled me inside, throwing me on the seat as he lowered his enormous weight onto me, humping eagerly. “I’ve been SO fucking horny for you…you and your new title. The second I hit 220 I couldn’t stop fantasizing about you calling me…mmf…do it for me.” I gasped, cock hard in seconds as all 270 beefy pounds mashed into me. “D-Daddy…Oh, Big Daddy…my Big, Beefy, Bulging, Behemoth Daddy!” He moaned loudly, humping harder. “That’s my name from now on, got it?” I nodded, biting my lip submissively. “Yes, Daddy. Whatever my perfect alpha Daddy wants.” He growled hungrily, biting my hair gently. “Mm I do kind of like you being all submissive…but I did fall in love with that sassy, sweet personality. Although…it’s not bad in the bedroom. I do carry all the weight, literally.” I nodded, huffing. “I’m so horny, Daddy. Been dreaming of calling you that for months now.” He raised an eyebrow, kissing me sweetly. “Well, the deal was for thirty pounds. I gained forty-five. So…maybe I need a little more.” “Mmmm you got it, Big Daddy. My Big Daddy deserves every inch of worship he gets…getting so big and bulky and beautiful for me.” Travis pursed his lips, shrugging. “Naw, maybe not then. You’re sounding like a slave, haha! I wanna pamper you, not own you.” I smacked his monstrous breast gently. “This is new territory and you know it! I have no idea what’s cute, what’s hot, or what’s going to get domestic hotline on our asses.” Travis laughed, kissing me long and slow. “Just do what comes naturally. Remember how I always used to cheat off you in AP Bio? You’re a fast learner and a smart cookie.” I grinned. “You sweet talker, you. I have the best Daddy in the world.” He pursed his lips as I twitched my lip. “Yeah, I heard it that time. Freud’s ghost just got a little stronger.” He raised an eyebrow. “You want to stop?” I shook my head, grinning. “Hell no, Big Daddy Travis!” He buried his lips into mine, my hands tangled in his hair, and we made out hard. Pulling back for air, I grabbed his tits to elicit a sharp moan. “Take that shirt off, Daddy. I wanna see all that added beef!” He stripped slowly for me, allowing me to see all the new muscle he’d stacked onto his arms and pecs, as well as the lovely extra chub he’d loaded up on. He really had gotten pudgier, but all that extra breast meat offset the aesthetic. Still, it just told me his pride and joy was still liable to expand. “Your nipples are fucking HUGE, Daddy! You been milking?” Travis nodded. “They’re taking really well to the pec exercises I do! I still can’t milk like a cow, but I’m glad they’re naturally puffy instead of that gross pumped look.” I massaged one half-dollar sized areola gently, causing Travis to buck gently. “And they keep getting more sensitive. I wore a skintight athletic shirt once, just for shits and giggles. I literally orgasmed after only five minutes. Gotta wear loose shirts or else I have accidents.” I chuckled, rubbing his supple nubs. “Same old, same old! Maybe you ought to go shirtless, then.” Travis chuckled. “Believe me, it’s tempting. Once it gets warm enough, I’ll be letting the gains show every waking moment! I’m finally proud of my gut.” I gave it a rub, squeezing the ample chub stacked on top of his food-stuffed belly. “Trying to gain more?” Travis shrugged. “If I can! I’m not for it or against it, really. I hate those gross ball guts, but as long as I’m gaining pudge I’m happy! Can’t resist the powerful wobble when I walk.” I sighed, wrapping my arms around his neck as I nuzzled into him. “Neither can I. Daddy looks amazing with some meat on his bones.” Travis smirked, grinding his crotch into mine. “Do I, princess?” I flushed again. “Tra…Titan, please. I’m not that feminine.” Travis smiled gently, pushing my hair off my forehead. “No, you’re not. You’re just my type. You’re everything I ever wanted and more.” I smiled weakly. “You’re just saying that so I’ll squeeze your boobs.” He chuckled. “That too. Hey uh…you still having issues with your family?” I frowned a bit. I hated talking about that, even to him. “Yeah. It’s a lot worse…I don’t really want to go into it.” Travis nodded. “I get it, for sure. But uh…listen. You have all your stuff with you, and knowing you, you haven’t told your parents a thing. So why not…come live with me?” I paused, lust forgotten entirely. Oh, that would be heaven. But I couldn’t… “Titan, I couldn’t! It would be such an imposition. I know your parents like me, but there’s no way I could ever…” He grinned. “That’s just it! I have my own place!” I shook my head. “What? Travis, you’re barely out of your freshman year in college and you have your own place?” Travis nodded, grinning even wider. “Name’s Daddy, cutey. And that’s absolutely right. Parents are trying to let me experience the real world, but I made it big with a sweet job, so I’m living pretty! Would be no problem to take you in. Was hoping to surprise you with it…and I guess I did!” I was silent for a while; this was a lot to process! Could I really do that? It was way too big a step in the relationship, but it made perfect sense if we weren’t dating. There were pretty much no downsides…if my stupid parents suffered, that was just a bonus for me. Let them stress…although I knew they wouldn’t. Finally, I let my gaze drift back to my bull boyfriend’s gaze. God, he had such wonderful eyes. And he meant every word he’d ever said to me, I could see that. He loved me. “I uh…I guess you got yourself a roommate…Daddy.” He smiled ear to ear, kissing me deeply. “Oh baby, you won’t regret this! I’m gonna take such good care of you, I promise! You’re gonna be the happiest boy on the fucking planet!” I nuzzled into him, content to just relax in his giant embrace, have him hold me close. “I know you will, Big Daddy.” To make a long story short, I still am the happiest boy on the planet. I went to camp, Daddy grew even more, and we started living together! It’s incredible how persuasive he can be…in only two months, he really opened me up. A nudge or two every so often from him, and I was begging him to call me his princess. He loved doing it, and I love it when he spoils me. And oh, does Daddy spoil me. New clothes, all the food I want, jewelry and expenses and everything! I wonder how Daddy manages it when he eats enough for three men every meal! We both went back to college, but only I graduated. Daddy dropped out to take a position in California! I moved with him, happy to be away from my awful family. We (and be we, I don’t mean me) started making huge sums of money, and upgraded a few times until we were very comfortable living in pleasure. Shortly after I graduated, Daddy and I decided to make it official. He proposed to me, and we got married in private to live happily ever after!! We’re still living together, and I love every inch of my Daddy. To be honest, sometimes it’s hard to remember what his real name is! To me, he always has been and always will be my Big Daddy, Travis! And I’m happy to be his princess~ and I finally look the part, too. I get my hair cut so that it’s just lower than my shoulders; that’s the length Daddy likes it. He convinced me to grow my nails out a bit, and talk with a gay whine in my voice. Well…after doing it so much, it kind of stuck. So now I really sound like a total gay boy, but I think Daddy was aiming for that all along. I dress like a slut every day, and my ass is even bigger just in case Daddy ever wants to give my back door a test drive. I bulked up a bit too, thanks to Daddy’s constant pampering, so I’m definitely in the twunk category now, almost bridging into the hunk label! I like to think I resemble Daddy at the end of high school, but even if I do, the current deal is just so much better anyway. Daddy stopped growing at six foot nine, and finally let himself bottom out at just over 360 pounds. He’s so incredibly handsome, matured and aged like a fine wine. Despite his bulk, he’s ridiculously muscular, with no weight to pad up any of the huge bulges spread over his arms, shoulders, or legs. But despite that, his belly is just as soft and blubbery as he likes. Daddy never drinks beer or carb loads, in fear of growing that muscle belly he so despises. He almost resembles one of those Arnold Strongman challengers, except he’s so much better looking…and a lot more shredded, if you can believe that. He also refuses to ever compete in something like that…he’s afraid he’ll hurt himself. Please…it would take a team of elephants to hurt my Big Titan husband. And thank god he didn’t: he’d probably end up shaving his head, growing a beard, and tattooing himself up. Thankfully, we hate all three. Daddy’s also naturally smooth, so I never have to worry about any gross body hairs getting in the way of that perfect, beautiful beef. And the thing that started it all…those incredible, wonderful, monstrous super Daddy boobs…are the stuff of legend. They actually do stick out eleven inches from his body (we measured) now, the perfect mix of healthy muscle and wobbly fat. You can see them from behind, even past his enormously wide back! They bounce when he walks, and when he flexes them they smash into his chin. His nipples are the size of D-batteries, and his areola are almost dinner-plate sized, swelling off the bottoms of his tits in mountainous swells of flesh. We never did get him to lactate as much as he wanted, but every day brings something new! His clothes are just too ridiculous, so Daddy walks around naked for convenience sake. It’s almost made some messy scenes, but thankfully I’m usually dressed so that I can divert attention. Any kind of shirts make Daddy erect and orgasm in just about a minute if he moves enough, but he’s so cocky now he loves the challenge. I usually end up cleaning his sticky, massive underwear and pants two or three times a day. But despite his enormous, insatiable size and ego, he’s still my Travis. I love my Daddy more than he knows, and I know the same applies to him. He’d do anything for me, and he does every day. I have no doubts we’ll never even get into a fight…we’re too sick and twisted to be normal. Our relationship is probably ridiculously unhealthy, but we couldn’t care less. We’re happy, and that’s all that matters, right? Mm, Big Daddy’s calling me now! I better go see what my humongous husband wants, before he teaches his little princess a lesson!
  18. Hi all! My first story here on the site! It’s a big fantasy of mine that I was hoping I could share with everyone here. I’d love to know what y’all think about this! Making Roelly My Massive Muscle Lover --- I couldn't believe myself when I walked in the bathroom and found Roelly Winklaar casually finishing himself up in the urinal. He didn't know who I was that day as he gave himself an almost utmost detested look. Not at me though. He was upset because just half an hour ago he made one of the if not the biggest blunder in the contest tonight. While he did amazing in my eyes as I watched him pose with the other bodybuilders, everyone who paid attention to him that day could tell he wasn't even close to 100%. His form was off, he didn't pose right. Instead of the classic 6 or 8 pack, Roelly had that more roid-gut phsyique. He even stumbled and fell on his ass as he bumped into other bodybuilders; coincidentally knocking some of them over as well. Everyone was shocked when he simply threw in the towel as he walked off stage. I casually walked over to the urinal next to him as he walked past me as he ran the sink, washing his face over and over to get the embarrasment out of his eyes. "If it makes you feel better. I thought you didn't do half bad out there." I say as I finish up, casually walking over as I begin washing my hands. I try not to stare as he easily dwarfs me by a 100lbs. The longer I stare the harder it gets not to get hard as he still smells like a man who just got done working out. Even though I was a foot taller than him, I still felt outclassed by him. He wore a simple tank top that did very little to cover the sheer amount of muscles he possessed. His biceps bulged as he gripped the sink, pec meat just casually hanging out from his shirt as water splashed downwards, only to fall off them. Instead of using the hand towels, he turned to me and used his shirt to dry off. I drank in his form; what with me actually prefering the muscle-gut look. I was having all kinds of lewd thoughts, I wanted him to be mine and now was probably my only chance to do so as I noticed the backpack he had strung out behind him. "Look if you're from the press I aint doing any interviews." as Roelly slammed his large hand across the marble sink. He walked right by me and it was then I made my move. In a quick turn I slid the vial right into an open pocket in his backpack. It was so fast I thought I didn't even slip it in. At the same time I could only marvel at him as he was still huge in my book. I wanted him huger however; and I wanted him all for myself. "Oh no. Not the press, I'm just a big fan of yours. Been following you for quite a while. I hope you don't mind me asking, but can I get an autograph. I promise I'll be out of your hair!" I asked. He turned to face me and grinned. "Fine, who am I making this out to?" he asked as I reached into my pocket and handed him a photograph. He paused as I said my name as he looked at the photo in question. It was a picture of him, but bigger... much bigger. "Who is this?" Roelly asked in confusion. "It's you... well... how big you should be!" I say, imitating a flex that anyone who works out would laugh at. Roelly looked back at the photo as he saw muscles bulging in places they wouldn't normally stretch to, biceps bigger than inflated bowling balls. Roelly smiled weakly at the sight of his photo with what looked like an overenhanced bulge and equally large rear; but he knew sometimes his fans tended to fantasize so he shrugged and wrote out his name as he handed it back. "Big as I should be huh? Yeah you and me both. If I was that big, I'd have everything I wanted." He turned away from me and walked out the restroom. A sparkle in my eye formed as now all I would have to do is wait. --- Hours later Roelly parked it as pulled up to his hotel room. It was a tiny bit away from the convention center where he perfomed such a blunder that he decided he would be out in the morning and taking a trip far away from here until people forget how bad he screwed up. As he walked in and locked behind himself, he tossed his backpack onto the bed when he noticed something shimmer in the light as it rolled out from within one of the pockets. "Huh?" Is all he could say as he wandered closer to the object. He got close grabbed it as he brought it close to the light. It simply a vial of light blue liquid. Roelly had no idea when he picked up something like this, then he noticed the small note attached to it. "You deserve to be bigger. You deserve to be the biggest Roelly. With Love, your biggest fan." He scratched his head in confusion as he wandered with it into the bathroom. It immediately dawned on him on the person in question who gave this to him. "Must of slipped it on me when he passed by me in the restroom, the crazy fuck." he muttered to himself. Not one to be that gullible, he popped off the cap and began to hold it over the sink when a sudden smell entered his nose. It wasn't a bad smell, but a sweet smell. So inviting. Roelly tried to pour it down the drain, but something in him told him otherwise as his wrist twitched and throbbed. He scratched his chin as he brought the vial closer to him. He smelled it once more as he quietly moaned to himself as he felt himself bulge in his nether-regions. "Fuck man, what's the worst that could happen?" He grumbles as he takes a deep breath before downing the vial in his hand. The taste is as good as it smells as he wipes a drip from his lips, then he pauses. "Not bad, guy knows how to make a drink." He waits in the bathroom as he runs the shower as he begins to undress. As steam rises, he steps into the shower to clean himself up. All the stink and musk, the heat and failure of competing goes down the draink as he soaps himself up. As he's halfway into lathering himself down, he suddenly groans as he has a warm sensation all over his body. He drops the soap onto the floor as he groans, bracing himself by placing his hands against the shower wall. Roelly groans as he watches his muscles bulge and twitch. Just then he notices something more as his muscles seem to slowly swell in bulk and size. He can't help but moan in content as he biceps swell by the inch, his lats push out, traps push up. Roelly stares in a mirror conveniently places across the wall as he watches the mass adds on. Everywhere he looks he notices it getting bigger. Even in another place as his ass seems to get fatter and his cock even grows a couple inches in length and girth. The growth however cuts short as everything just stops. Hell, Roelly barely has time to process anything as he suddenly shudders and moans as a thick load erupts from his cock, hosing the shower wall with thick ropes of hot seed as it washes down the drain. Even with the shower running, it's as if time stands still. Roelly cuts the shower off as he takes a breath before stepping out the shower. He stumbles for a second as he takes in the extra mass he put on as he does a double take in the mirror. The man he's looking at is him, but bigger. The growth was rather minor, but it felt like a lifetime of growing as he took another look at himself. It didn't seem like he got any taller, but he was much wider and thicker. Everything on him looked like it grew a couple inches. Inches indeed as his normally small cock looked bigger as well. He turned to his side to marvel in his growth as his ass seemed bigger as well. As he bumped a bicep that swelled bigger than normally, something said 'slap your ass stud' and Roelly stopped to slap his rear end. His ass jiggled and he couldn't help but moan in bliss. Just looking at himself made his member thicken and grow until it was at least 8 inches long and even thicker than before. In a flash he was suddenly laying on his bed, a hand pulling one of his ass cheeks apart as he traced a finger across his tender hole. It was like all his wires was reconnected to his asshole as he stroked himself to the thought of being bigger than where he was at now. As he jerked his fat cock, Roelly moaned, imaging himself getting bigger and bigger. Showing the competition who was boss. He flexed his muscles and flexed a bicep as he suddenly moaned and let go of his cock as he erupted cum all over himself. His balls emptied its oversized load all over himself until he laid on the bed, exhausted. His hand brushed up against the backpack as another piece of paper rolled out. He noticed and managed to pick it up before it was stained with cum as he read it. "If you want more, meet me at the Holds Gym on XXX Avenue. I can't wait to meet you stud. From. Your Biggest Fan." Roelly grinned to himself. "To my biggest fan." As he passed out, exhausted.
  19. Here is a new one shot story by me. Though I have not watched any of Mark/iplier's videos, I always found him hot. So what better way than to write a story where he grows into a hyper muscled god! You might have to read my other stories at "Morphs and Short Stories" to understand some of the plotlines here. Everyone knows how each youtube update makes the site get worse. From changing the UI to something less readable, to messing up Youtuber’s monetization, to even recommending random videos to people to have no interest in them. A lot of outrage has been said about Youtube for the past few years. But when there is no competitor video sharing platform, Youtube had no care in the world. Until a rising star emerges, videos will always be undated onto Youtube. Here’s where our story begins. Mark had just uploaded a video to his youtube account. He had been alone in his house for a few days and was getting kinda bored due to lack of human interaction. The only thing left on his list for today was planning his next few videos. He decided to laze around for a bit to browse some social media when an interesting email had been sent to his inbox. With an unknown email address and the subject labeled “new video website recommendation”, this peaked the Youtuber’s interests. He began to read the following… “Dear Mark As you may know, Youtube is seriously not in a good place right now, but I have found another website that sounds like a potential ‘Youtube 2’ if you will, except not as atrocious! It’s called ‘Castpha’ and here’s the link to get you started. It’s only in beta version but the UI and rules and regulations seems to be great. Hope you like your recommendation!” ‘A new website?’, thought Mark. Was there really a brand new beta site with potential? There had been many video websites through the years, but they don’t really capture the same vibe and Youtube. Either due to lack of community or bad UI. But after clicking the link, he was astounded! Castpha actually looks like a darn good website. The website was nicely design, with many videos to a dedicated topic. The UI was a pleasant sight to see. Mark wanted to try out this new fancy website. But he wanted to do a small test run. He wanted to see how many views he would get without announcing his new account to Castpha. He clicked on the Sign Up button and got started. It had all the standard stuff like Username, Real Name, password and everything. But the interesting thing to note was a selection. “Are you an uploader, watcher or both on this account?” Never before has an option like this been shown. Of course he clicked ‘uploader’ first, to test things out. Suddenly an onslaught of rules and regulations appeared. It had all the standard stuff. But there was a page dedicated to the ‘Uploaders Rights’, whatever that means. It listed things like monetization was guaranteed for all Castpha videos. NSFW videos would be under the protection of Castpha. Only non-minors would be able to access NSFW videos and will be able to be monetized by companies who allow ads on NSFW videos. Each video would be checked by a human employee to see if any rules were broken. And copyright abuse would not be tolerated at all. Mark was impressed. Things actually look amazing at Castpha. After accepting the rules and regulations, there was one more page. The recommended page. “Who recommended you to click on this website? List either the email address or username.” Mark thought for a bit, guessing this is how people can get paid to spread the news of Castpha. So looking back into his email, he quickly swiped the sender’s email and typed it down. But a strange thing happened. A new slew of questions emerged as well as a small description. “Congratulations, you were recommended by one of our top tier employees. Because of this, you are able to access special services not given to any other content creator. Please answer the questions below to see what perks would you like to obtain!” ‘Wow’ he thought. Special services for himself! How cool is that. So he began to read the questions. “Would you like to participate in our Growth Service. This service is to boost your Castpha account to more people than in general.” Yes, he clicked “Depending on the rank of who recommended you, you may have a few choices or all choices for the next few questions.” “Next question, for how long would you like this service?” 1 month 6 months 1 year 2 years 5 years Forever “I guess forever it is.” Mark said. It must have been a really high leveled employee for Mark to receive the 6th option “Next question, how potent would you like this service to be?” Show to 5% more people than usual Show to 10% more people than usual Show to 20% more people than usual Show to 30% more people than usual Show to 50% more people than usual Show to 100% more people than usual Mark clicked on the sixth option again. “Next question, are you planning to show your face to people?” Mark clicked yes. What an odd question but he guessed there would be no harm. Now his choice led to one last question. “Where would you like your service to be applied? You can pick as many as you want, depending on the rank of the employee who recommended to you.” Due to Mark knowing he would receive all perks, he decided to click all on finally create his Castpha channel! With that, he wanted to test out something. Apparently there was a livestream feature. Without telling any of his current fans, he wanted to test the livestream feature out first as he had no material to work with currently for a video. As he started to stream, 2 questions appeared. “Is this a NSFW stream?” and “Would you like to use the Growth Service?” Mark wanted as little attention as possible to prevent a fan from his Youtube account to see this. And wanting to try out his special service, he clicked Yes on both options. Now it was time to load up the stream. He saw a button on the bottom right corner with in built streaming features from Castpha themselves. He jokingly typed ‘Can we get 5000 likes’ and placed the text on the top middle section of the livestream. Soon a small crowd had formed. 10 people had joined in since he posted the text. Mark remembered that he didn’t want to be noticed. Knowing some people might recognize him, he begged his Castpha viewers to not spread the word. Surprisingly, they obliged with no questions. As the live stream continued, Mark continued to ramble on and on. What he hadn’t noticed was that he was at 100 views and 20 likes. He only realised that when a commenter pointed it out. Mark was surprised. Another surprised he found out was that other people can know that he is using the Growth Service too. A lot of commenters pointed out how excited they were about the Growth Service. Mark was confused, but he didn’t bother to ask. He was just feeling a little tight is all. No really, his shirt felt a bit tighter than usual. He began to stretch his body. He certainly couldn’t understand what was happening, but his viewers seem to know as they keep sending eye looking and blushing and wet emojis. They knew what was going on. It would be long until Mark would noticed, but the Growth Service he applied had a specific box he didn’t body to read. “Grow your body in accordance to likes received.” Mark was growing, literally! Each time he got 1 like in his stream, he would receive an additional pound of muscle, or inch of height to his body for every 10 likes Suddenly, 20 more likes were obtained. Mark was groaning in more pain. He felt his skin burn. His shirt and jeans were getting tighter around his body. He was getting a small headache and his vision blurred. He messaged his head, trying to focus on his computer screen. He felt hot and sweaty. He thought he was falling sick. He tried to tell his viewers he was ending the stream, but they all denied him too. Perplexed, he continued to stream a little while longer. After a minute of sitting, he noticed his likes jumped from 20 to 100. His viewer count had increased to 1000 as well. Very odd. But now, the pain was even worse. But somehow, he suddenly felt stronger. And stronger he was. He shot up to 6 feet tall and reached 250lbs of pure muscle. He felt his clothes tighten even further. He wanted to rip it off. His muscles were growing in size. His biceps tearing the seams of his sleeves. His growing pecs and abs causing his shirt to ride upwards. The tent in his jeans growing larger and larger. He was getting really pent up. He was burning up, he tried to find a comfortable position on his chair. Meanwhile, every watcher was cheering on, watching intently as the hunk of a Youtuber growing bigger for them, without even realising it. His like counter gained 100 likes. His body reacting almost instantly to it, began to beef up even more. He felt a surge of pain building up in his body. He wanted to scream so bad. He wanted to end the stream so bad. But he couldn’t move. He had never felt so tight before. Mark had finally realised he was growing. His body began to explode in size. He wasn’t growing any taller, but his body began to bulk up further and further. His biceps swelled into the size of softballs. His pecs ballooned in size. His wings stretched outwards. His neck and shoulders thickened. He grunted and moaned. His eyes were shut and he gritted his teeth. More and more tears were appearing from his clothes. His thighs and calves grew bigger and thicker. The man had grown from a normal build to a full on bodybuilder. He now weighs about 350lbs of pure muscle. He was much bigger than most bodybuilders. With him still at 6’0 tall, Mark was looking super hefty. But it was clear that his growth showed no signs of stopping. With 300 likes in total, the Youtuber was growing even faster than before. More and more bulk began to pack into Mark’s body. He was starting to look like the muscle morphs you see online. His muscles grew so huge, it tore his shirt in an instant, revealing to the masses of the large hulk before them. Mark screamed in agony. His jeans were beginning to give way too. The lower region of his jeans had fully torn off from this legs, now looking like torn up shorts. Mark’s expanding muscles were beginning to lose space to grow. His pectorals swelled so much, it began to touch his arms. His back grew so wide, it was squeezing against the arm handles of his gaming chair. He could hear the creaking sounds of his chair about to collapse under his swelling body. He was unable to move as he was stuck in his chair, growing bigger and bigger. His body started to climb higher too, now he reached about 6’3 inches tall. The tent in his shorts, now growing so thicks and long, begin to press and beg to be released. Mark’s pain and anguish became lust. He reached for his cock with his right hand and began stroking it. It was hard to pull off. His giant bicep pressing against his giant pecs. He could barely move his arm. In fact, he couldn’t see past his mammoth pecs as well. His cock felt massive. It was probably about 8 inches, and it was barely chubbing. He felt his pre leaking out to his jeans. The discomfort began to settle in once again as his cock began to grow so huge, his jean shorts could not hold any longer. With one giant huff, the buttons holding against his pants flew off, hitting his computer screen causing a small crack. Soon the flyer of his short went immediately down and his whole shorts tore off, revealing a bright red and stretched underwear. Mark was utterly embarrassed. Everyone began to comment about Mark’s new body. 420 lbs of muscle packed onto Mark’s body. Everyone knew this was going to get better. 500 likes now displayed on the screen and the reaction was getting more potent. Mark’s muscles exploded in size. His chair was creaking more and more. Soon enough, the strength of Mark’s growth had snapped of the base and handles of the chair. He fell to the floor. A loud thud swept across the room. Mark’s cock rose higher and higher. As his pecs blocked his vision below, he couldn’t tell how big his cock was. But the stretching and snapping sound of his underwear revealed that it was growing faster than expected. He felt his legs getting heavier. He tried to feel his way through his legs, only to realise his balls were swelling and resting on his legs. His cock was rising higher as his balls swelled and spilled out of his legs. He was really pent up. He could feel his pre flowing from the slit of his head. He felt many drops of pre landing on his balls and legs. He could not take it anymore. He began to stroke his massive cock with his hands. He could barely wrap it around. He stroked as hard and as fast as he could. He panted and groaned. He begged for more growth. It felt so good. What once was pain in his growth was not pleasure. He begged his viewers to like the stream more. He wanted to reach his goal of 5000 likes. No, he wanted more. He begged everyone to try to get this live stream to as many people as possible. He wanted more likes, he needed more! Faster and faster he stroked. His body swelled more and more. Each muscle was pressing against one another. He looked like a massive muscle monster. His muscles were so disproportionately big, it even puts the Hulk to shame. His biceps rose above his head. His pecs were so fat they sagged nearly to his waist. His legs were so thick, redwood trees could barely be as thick. His back was almost as wide as his room. He was becoming a hyper monster. His cock was getting too big. It rose higher and higher, leaking more and more pre. Soon the whole floor was covered in pre. His massive muscle tits were leaking with milk. Soon enough, body hair began to grow too. In almost an instant, his body was covered in a thick layer of hair. His beard, now reach the mid point of his pecs. His pubic hair grew so long, it covered all the way to his knees. His pit hairs grew all the way down to his waist. His cock now swelled even more. His thick member now thicker than each of his legs. It rose to meet Mark’s own head. Mark was now 6’7” and growing. His cock had to be at least 4 feet. With both heads meeting each other, Mark pushed his cock into the cleavage of his pecs and began to suck on it. He could barely encapsulate his cock with his own arms. 1000 likes had been reached and now is where things start to get good. His growth was now growing exponentially. His massive and hairy body exploding bigger and bigger. His cock grew so much that it was as long as he was tall. His balls swelled big to meet with his pecs. As he grew taller and bigger, the room felt smaller. He was starting to outgrow his room. He reached 8’5” of height, but he weighed 1480 lbs of muscle. His stomach began to rumble, a familiar growing pain was felt there. His stomach swelled bigger and bigger. A muscular roid gut was forming. The gut swelled so much it started pushing his pecs higher and his cock away from his body. His whole massive body began to crush and move his furniture away. Everyone in the comments were in awe. The table holding the computer had been crushed by Mark’s massive cock. But his computer was still fine. Now most of the view was just his swelling, veiny cock. Mark now had barely any space in his room. His body was starting to crack the wall behind him. His cock rose to meet the ceiling, cracking it as well. His balls were pushing the walls in front of him. More hair was growing from his body. Everything felt tight again as the Youtuber grew bigger. His pre and milk mixture were now filling his room with 2 feet of liquid. Mark still wanted to grow. The amount of pleasure building up in his body was unbearable. He wanted to cum so badly. His cock was now taller than he was, and thicker than his own waist. He couldn’t stroke his cock anymore for his swelling muscle gut pushed his cock too far. Only one thing was left. Mark began to buck himself. He tried to get off by rubbing his cock against the walls of his room. He started to buck harder and harder. He could tell it was working. More and more pre was spilling from his head. You could barely see the head anymore. Mark groaned louder and louder. He could feel it coming soon. He clenched his fists and legs. He gritted his teeth. His eyes clenched. And with one last buck, the most powerful scream blasted through the house and then some. A huge torrent of cum came blasting from his cock. The first wave of cum broke the walls in front of him down, spilling backwards, hitting Mark’s whole body. 2000 likes and counting. Mark’s growth is accelerating faster. The amount of cum blasting out of his cock is insane. Mark’s swelling had begun to break down his house. His giant body outgrew his house, breaking and smashing every item there. Except for his computer. His massive cock still hasn’t stopped cumming as the streets, and nearby houses began to be drenched in the massive hyper man’s seed. As he stood up, he realised he was 12’10 inches tall, weighing at 2012lbs. The huge brute of a man still growing bigger and bigger. His muscles began to fill up the nearby houses. Everything fall apart against the mighty body. Layers and layers began to stack up and pile onto the hyper body. His cock rapidly swelling bigger and bigger. His balls swelling faster and faster. His body now sits on top of his balls. His roid gut swelling faster and faster, making it impossible for him to even reach the front of his gut. His pecs swelling and spilling over his gut. His nipples growing even longer and thicker. His palms couldn’t even encapsulate his nipples anymore. His face turning even more brutish and squarish. His ass swelling to form massive minivans. His back, stretching and spreading so far it took up 2 house plots. More and more did the massive youtuber cum. Each spurt getting longer and more intense. So much cum began to fill the streets. And it didn’t look to be slowing down. Cars, lamp posts, mailboxes and the like began to get swept away from the mighty white river that flows. It didn’t help that Mark’s swelling tits began to explode milk. He had never felt so much intensity and relieved at the same time. All of that cum and milk pouring like geysers from their individual holes. The constant churning of balls and tits, producing and releasing their liquids at enormous and unbelievably rates. It was a sight to behold. 5000 likes and increasing. More viewers began to pile up and the like counter surging his growth even further. It looks like people really wanted to see this happening. With the current rate of increasing likes, he would dominate the world in less than 10 minutes. His swelling now towering multiple buildings. Everyone nearby began to walk outside their houses to witness the giant man hulking beyond their believe. Multiple people began to try to get away. But the sheer amount of cum send people trapped and swept away. Everybody was defenceless against Mark’s sheer power. Mark felt absolutely bad for the poor citizens near him. He wished he would be able to save them all. But through the power of Castpha’s growth service. A wish came true. Every 5000 likes received, a new power shall be granted to the creator. And through that wish, he was given the power of teleportation. He noticed his brand new power in an instant. He was surprised. There were so many new things happening all at once. But no time to lose, he had to save everyone. Using his teleportation skills, he transported everyone to a safe location. And to prevent such a catastrophe from happening again, he tried to teleport himself to a location where he couldn’t do any harm. Unfortunately, his powers were still new, and thus, he teleported to the middle of a dense city, for all to see. But another problem had occurred. An intense pain in his groin region. A pain so intense, it faded away all previous lustful feelings he had before. Though he tried to ease the pain by holding it, his belly had made it impossible to reach for it. The pain grew more intense. Mark began to yell as loud as possible. The entire city began to shake from the boomburst that had came. Everyone began to scream and run. The glass on all buildings had shattered. Mark began to teleport everyone away from him. But the pain is getting worse. He could feel something was wrong. His cock began to start shifting around. The skin around the base of his cock warping and moving. It felt as though his cock was moving towards his right leg from the base. As it moved, he could no longer feel his cock touch his left leg but felt it entirely on his right leg. The pain to the left of his cock began to worsen. It wasn’t like anything he felt before. It felt like burning and tearing at the same time. Soon the skin of the painful area began to morph, to what looked to be a second cock forming. It began to protrude further and further from his body. Soon enough, his new cock grew as long as his first. Mark scream and was absolutely confused of the outcome. But things didn’t settle for now his balls felt a burning sensation. A lumps form within his scrotum as the lumps grew to two new testicles for the new cock. But things are getting weirder. 10,000 likes and Mark is as tall as a skyscraper. He began to feel lustful again. His muscles began to explode in size again. Nearby skyscrapers were destroyed in an instant. The city was in absolute ruins. His gut was swelling bigger and bigger. Unable to control his new size, he begins to destroy even more buildings. His gigantic muscles begin to prevent him from being able to move properly. As Mark grew even more horny, he needed to release his waterfalls again. The only things nearby were other skyscrapers. Unable to hold onto his pent up horniness, he began to pound the buildings nearby. Though he was barely able to move, the buildings were able to satisfy his needs a little. As he got more pent up, his building-fucking began to get more rapid. He pumps and pumps harder. He begins to scream as his two cock thrust and burst through the buildings. New amounts of pre and milk began to leak from their holes. He began to fuck harder and harder, as a new pain appears in his groin area. Another cock and 2 more balls begin to protrude to form a new cock. As the third cock increase the intensity of his pleasure, he pumped harder and harder, destroying more buildings. As he reached his second climax, he screamed and blasted river worths of cum and milk all over the city. As this happens, his body explodes in size, bigger and bigger... 100,000 likes and Mark towers even the tallest of mountains. It appeared that someone has created a new bot to increase the likes of the video. As people realise a bot has been increasing the likes, they too begin to join and try to download the bot to increase the intensity of the likes. As thousands of people being to get more bots, the like number increased way too quickly. As more likes were given, even more powers to Mark, making him a powerful god. But even after sending river torrents of cum and milk, he was getting horny again. His body swelled to the size of mountains, and he began to fuck the nearby mountains. With more fucking that happened, another cock and pair of balls begin to appear from his body. 1,000,000 likes and even planets dwarved around Mark. Mark had been fucking and growing for far too much. Soon he began to dwarf the countries, then the moon, then the earth and soon enough the Solar System was way smaller than Mark himself. Another cock and pair of balls had appear, giving Mark a total of 5 cocks and 10 balls. But more of his body grew. His muscles were now swelling so fast, his height couldn’t keep up. His muscles and body grew exponentially bigger than his height, causing Mark to be even more immobile. But due to his muscles constantly growing, the pressure from the growth constantly rubs his cock, causing him to constantly be in a lustful state and cumming a lot. Not only were his current muscles growing, but now more muscles were appearing in random areas of his body causing him to look bigger. His hair was now growing even faster, causing his body to be engulfed in his hair. His gut was now almost as big as his body. His cock and balls were now 5 times as big as his own body. His nipples now dropped all the wait to midway his belly. His ass swelled as big as each testicle... 1,000,000,000,000,000 likes and galaxies surround Mark. He was absolutely enormous. More muscles packed onto his body. His cock and balls swelled even faster. His gut causing him to look even more bloated than ever. He was getting even hairier. All of the galaxies nearby were being ripped apart from the sheer density of Mark. Mark’s body was getting denser than ever. All his atoms crushed each other forming a particle denser than infinity. Soon his whole body was no longer made of atoms, but a nuclear pasta so dense that no space was unoccupied by any particles. Though his body was one giant nuclear pasta, the properties of his body remained the same to still make him human. As he cums around the universe, he creates more galaxies from his body. Soon afterwards, a 6th cock and 2 more balls soon appeared from his body. Infinite likes. It looks like the universe is beyond his comprehension. He begins to crush the universe and then some. Mark was growing past multiple universes. Soon enough, he begins to burst past multiple Multiverses too. With so much dominating power, he was filled with a lot of godly power. He was now truly a god. A God with immeasurable power. But as he grew bigger and more powerful, his body begins to morph even more. A 7th cock and 2 more balls appeared from his body. But not only that, his upper torso begins to lurch and have sudden sharp pains. Mark soon realised that his pecs were moving away from his gut. What surprised him was that now 2 more pectorals has appeared right below the first pair. And quickly after, new elongated nipples had grown to immediately spill milk all over the universe. With a new set of pecs, new arms begin to protrude out of the side of his pectorals. He now has 4 arms. He was now even more powerful than ever. Infinite and Beyond. The numbers keep increasing, and so does he. In fact, a few familiar faces would soon come to pass. The Hyper Gods have witnessed a new god awaken from the emptiness. However, the body built of this new god proves to be unknowable to the Gods. The new Deity proved to be too big. And bigger he grew. As the new God swelled bigger and taller before their very eyes, they could feel the vast power that such a God held. The New God had powers and size they couldn’t even imagine. The new god swelled, expelling such great amounts of dominance and male musk that it triggered to inner lust of each previous Hyper god. The amount of size and power was to die for. In an instant, as the New God grew past each Hyper God, an instant orgasm began to spill all over the New God from the previous Hyper Gods. With the scent of the New God wafting across the Hyper Gods, they too felt a new sensation of power. A new growth awaits them. Though their growths were much smaller than the New God, it was no laughing matter as the omniverse grew smaller around the men. However their growths stopped quite rapidly. But the New God seemed to be accelerating in size. In fact, it appeared that another cock had rapidly sprung out from his body, along with another pair of balls to join them too. Pavel could see Mark growing past him. The Ultimate God was now grazed with the New God. Pavel was utterly amazed. Only one person had grown bigger than Pavel, but this was much different. The amount of bulk on the New God was too much to handle, and the rate of growth was too fast to track. In a split moment, Pavel had been outclassed by the New God. The New God heaved even more as his muscles bulking even faster into the heavens. He could feel the space around him grow colder and yet warmer still. Mark was about to meet the biggest guy he had ever seen. Will he outgrow him? Of course! There was just too much Mark to not stop growing. As he reached higher into the cosmos, he felt a hand hold his lower body. He must be close. When Mark was finally the same size as the Biggest One, they both stared at each other, and knew in an instant that Mark was to outgrow him. With another cock and pair of balls exploding from nowhere, he began to feel new power to dethrone the Biggest One... J likes? What does J mean? It could be assumed that it’s a universal constant. But what surprised Mark was another human on the J scale. But Mark seemed to still be growing. Due to Mark’s ever increasing body, he would barely acknowledge the man he passed by. All he understood from the man was that he was named Jeremy. Must be that the J stand for. It looked that Jeremy was the absolute biggest entity until Mark came around. But even if Mark was as tall as Jeremy, Mark would still outcompete Jeremy. Due to Mark’s absolute hyper body with billions of muscles stacked upon each other, Jeremy would look like an ant right beside a god. Coupled with the amount of hair on Mark’s body, the size of each billion muscles being ten thousand times larger than 1 of Jeremy’s 650 muscles, his nipples reaching towards his knees, the sheer size of his gut compared to his body, his additional pair of pectoral muscles and arms, as well as his 9 cocks and 18 balls. But it didn’t stop there as another pair of balls and a cock began to sprout from his body. A loud scream echoed from the chambers of nothingness as the last pair of cock and balls emerge from the incomprehensible hyper brutish body of Mark. As the numbers keep on increasing from the bots, so does Mark. With that, Mark had to sad farewell to the biggest man Jeremy to replace his throne. Expanding larger and larger, Mark is almost at his end. 10(infinity)J(J^(InfinityJ) + 1000J) + 11(infinity)^(infinity x e) x infinityJ(J^(InfinityJ + 1000J)) was what was displayed on the video. It appeared that he the number could not increase anymore. Even though the 11 was meant to be a 10. Mark’s growth had finally stopped. J was a Omniversal and Beyond constant that meant the biggest. The largest number in a single unit of J. No one knows where J came from But there might be a man as big as the constant J inches tall. But Mark was way bigger than that. He truly was the biggest man alive. He could barely move around the space he occupied. The Ultimate God now sat in an area he could barely move in. Mark knew this was the ultimatum, the biggest and most powerful anyone could get. His body was truly the definition of Hyper. His head could not be seen for ages. His muscles were so utterly massive, you could not tell which muscle was if you pointed at it. Piles and piles of muscles stacked on the massive body. No matter how many images of hyper muscle dudes or artwork on any website you can look, no matter how imaginative your brain may seem, his muscles were too incomprehensibly big, too incomprehensibly hyper. His muscle gut was about 5 times as big as the rest of his body. His 10 cocks and 20 balls were about 100 times his own body size, each! His 4 pecs were squishing against each other, pressing and constantly squeezing his milk out. His 4 giant arms were constantly in a flexing position as the rest of his muscles could not give them any space. His entire body was so incredibly brutish, there was no way to tell which muscle was what. Not to mention his hairs. So densely packed and grew so much, no one could find the origin of each hair strain. He now knows all that the Onmiverse and Beyond had to offer. Though the vessel may look utterly uncomfortable, Mark was in absolute peace. His intelligence is now as at its absolute highest. He was after all the most muscular, powerful, biggest, smartest and strongest man alive...
  20. musclegin30

    The Muscle Gut Club (A Novel)

    Synopsis: Aron is an 18 year-old muscle obsessed college freshman who masturbates to muscular guys online. His favorite videos to watch are those of The Muscle Gut Club, four muscle gods who make a living sharing their size and strength with the online world. Steven is a muscle obsessed college junior who likes The Muscle Gut Club videos as well, though he hates himself for enjoying something so blatantly homosexual. Life becomes complicated for them both when the club leaps from the cyber world and into the real one. Aron goes down a path that leads to his wildest fantasies, while Steven takes a darker road. There will be muscle worship; there will be sex; there will be humiliation; there will be revenge; and there will be growth. No ones lives with be the same, including those of the club members in this 38 chapter long, muscle filled, character driven story told from 6 characters' points of view. Come and meet The Muscle Gut Club. Chapter One: Aron Aron Ocampo sat in his darkened room with only the faint glow of his laptop screen illuminating his face. His cock was in his right hand, dripping with pre-cum and steadily growing harder becoming so engorged with blood that it almost hurt. A pleasurable hurt. In his other hand, a tube of lotion, ready to lubricate his manhood. On the laptop he watched intently as a muscle stud moved closer to the camera filling more and more of the screen with his immense size. He was standing in a Starkly decorated living room. Clad only in a tiny red poser that could barely contain his bulging manhood the young muscle monster began to flex. His neck was astonishingly thick. It blended into two mountainous traps that met two cannonball delts. His arms were 19 inches around and framed a pair of perfect slab-like pecs that jutted out so far you could eat off of the shelf they created. He struck a front double bicep pose followed by a most muscular. The muscle god was not lean, but Aron didn’t care. He liked his men big and this fine specimen fit the bill. His muscle gut stuck out just past his pecs, obviously stuffed with a large high protein meal to fuel the muscle bull’s growth. Aron began to slowly stroke his erect little cock. The camera panned down to focus on the muscle god’s thick legs. They were like tree trunks. The monster legs were so big they almost made the meat between them look small, but Aron knew that was only an illusion. That cock was not small. He had seen it many times before. Aron stroked himself faster now. There came a knock. The muscle monster swaggered over to the door and opened it revealing a tiny pale twink, so skinny and short it was laughable but Aron couldn’t laugh. He was just like him, a pathetically small and weak boy who could never compare to a real man like the muscle god who made his cock throb with pleasure. “You came to worship me, your master?” The muscle god’s voice was deep and he spoke with authority. “Yes master,” Said the twink, clearly intimidated. He wore nothing, save for a pair of boxers. Aron wished he was in his position and could be in the presence of such impressive muscle. Lucky bastard he thought The muscle god pulled the twink into the room with one powerful arm so fast that the little fellows feet momentarily left the floor. He landed approximately six inches from the muscle god. The twink’s head only reached his master’s chest. He looked like a schoolboy next to a full-grown man. The muscle man’s biceps were bigger than his legs! Aron continued to stroke himself, slower now. He had to pace it just right. The muscle god handed the little twink a bottle of baby oil. “Get to it shrimp,” he said with a grin as he flexed his huge arms. He looked at his muscle obviously impressed with himself. “God, I’m fucking big,” he bellowed. The little shrimp began to oil his muscle master. He rubbed and caressed each body part. The pecs seemed to be his favorite part and he paid them special attention. He got on tippy toes to kiss them up and down as the muscle god squeezed and relaxed. Squeezed and relaxed. The twink began to suck on the nipples making the muscle god moan with pleasure. “Oh yeah, worship my monster pecs.” “Yes master.” The twink’s little cock was growing pushing out the fabric of his boxers. The muscle monster’s cock was growing as well, straining his tiny posers. Aron began to stroke his manhood faster now. The climax was coming and he wanted to time it perfectly. “You worship my muscles well. Now how about you worship this.” The muscle god grabbed his bulge. At-least 2 inches of his cock was sticking out of the top of his posers. “Fuck ‘em,” said the muscle monster as he pulled off his posers with a loud RIP revealing his 8-inch python. “I outgrew them months ago.” “They fit perfectly to me,” said the twink with a smile. “Shut-up and suck,” commanded the muscle god. He pushed down on the twink’s shoulders and the little guy collapsed to his knees. Almost as fast as he hit the ground he had the cock in his mouth and began to suck with enthusiasm and glee. Aron watched longingly. God, I wish it was me. The twink deep-throated the whole cock, sucking it and pleasing it from balls to tip. He twisted his head from side to side working the thick veiny shaft with such skill that the muscle god was high on pleasure. He threw his head back and moaned, “yes, yes!” Aron was stroking his own cock in almost perfect rhythm with the twink’s sucking motions. The spasms came slow at first and then faster. He was about to blow. “I’m coming. I’m coming,” the muscle monster began to shout. The twink stopped sucking. Still on his knees he looked up at the towering behemoth above him. Its cock aimed square at his face. The twink closed his eyes. Aron closed his eyes. The muscle god blew several huge loads all over the twink’s face. Aron shot his cum into a strategically placed garbage can under his desk. Aron loosed the grip on his cock and took in a few deep breaths. Some cum had made its way onto his hand and he was sweating slightly. The twink’s face was covered in a layer of muscle man spunk, thick and creamy white. He looked like he fell head first into a bowl of yogurt. It oozed by his eyes and dripped from his chin. The twink began to lick the warm cum from his face. “That’s right boy. Suck it all in. You aint leaving here until every drop of that cum is in you.” The huge stud placed his hands on his muscle gut and began to laugh as the twink continued to eat his cum with audible MMMs. The screen went black and Aron was left feeling empty now that the video had ended. He knew it was only a 10-minute video when he purchased it for $50, yet somehow he thought it would go on longer, or at least hoped as much. He had purchased the video from the Muscle Gut Club website. The Muscle Gut Club was a group of four college aged men dedicated to growing their bodies and sharing their progress with adoring fans the world over. With a combination of free youtube videos showcasing their lives and hardcore videos on their for sale site, they took the Internet’s muscle fetish community by storm. The four muscle gods lived together, ate together, and pumped iron together. Aron made his way over to the club’s youtube page, and clicked on one of their older videos: Muscle Gut Club Protein Bloat. The whole club was sitting on a huge black leather sofa. Edmund Moreno, the junior competitive bodybuilder, sat on the far left. His dark brown locks fell just to his earlobes His tanned skin and square jaw were to die for. In the middle sat the two muscle bears, the weightlifters, Brendon Lane and Daniel Hogan. Brendon was smaller here than in the video Steven had just paid $50 for. He still had the same mocha skin, short neatly trimmed beard, and bloated muscle gut. Daniel, the Irish American was pale, hairy, and sported a lumberjack style beard. On the far right sat Thomas Patel, the Indian fitness model and physique competitor. He was by far the smallest of the bunch, the only one under 6 feet and 200 pounds, but his 160 pounds of lean muscle packed on a 5 foot 8-inch frame made him an impressive site. Thomas was hairless save for the short, neatly combed black hair on the top of his head. All four of the studs were wearing nothing but briefs (strained at the seams). In front of them was a table filled with high protein delights. There was a family sized bucket of KFC fried chicken, four steak fajitas, a pound of crispy bacon, 8 hamburgers, and a platter of bbq wings piled so high as to form a mountain in the center of the table. Aron was always impressed by the club’s eating ability and this video was over one-year-old. Surely they could eat twice this now since they had all grown. Edmund was the first to speak. He spread his arms wide. “We are going to eat all of this. It’s enough food for 16 normal people, but we aren’t normal. We’re fucking gods.” He flexed his biceps and the other’s followed suite, though his had the most impressive peaks of the bunch. “What are we celebrating boys?” asked Edmund. “My powerlifting meet,” said Daniel. “The success of my photoshoot,” said Thomas. “Being the biggest motherfucker here,” shouted Brandon with a pat of his gut and a laugh. “And I’m celebrated the end of my bulk. After this it’s time to get shredded for my next competition,” said Edmund, “let’s feed these muscles”. At once these half naked muscle gods greedily dove into the food like they hadn’t eaten in days. Bite after bite, so fast it was a wonder no one got hurt. They grabbed and shoved and gnawed in the sexiest spectacle of gluttony on the web. Four alphas feeding their growing physiques, trying to satiate their oversized appetites. The club members began to rub and pat each other’s distended bellies, laughing at, and admiring the damage done. Aron was growing hard again, and so were the members of the club. The gentle creak of Aron’s bedroom door opening startled him. He quickly closed the video. His heart raced. Mrs. Rita Ocampo, Aron’s mother, entered the dim room and stood just inside the door. She wore a silk night gown and a tired expression. “It’s 1 am,” she said. “Yeah.” Aron did not turn around. He slyly slid his cock back into his pants. “What were you doing Aron?” “Nothing! Just getting ready for bed.” Aron closed his laptop and turned around with a pout. “Can you knock next time mom. You know I’m old enough for some privacy.” His room had no lock. Parent’s rules. “You still live under my roof.” Not for long. “But I will knock next time,” She said, rolling her eyes. When his mother had gone Aron took a deep breath. One of his biggest fears was his parents discovering him watching gay porn or any material that could be seen as homoerotic in nature. Aron discovered he was gay, or rather accepted the fact, when he was 16. His parents had no clue to their son’s true nature as far as he knew and Aron did everything he could to keep it that way. His parents did not approve of the lifestyle and considered it a terrible sin. He had had hopes of sitting his parents down on his 18th birthday and telling them the truth, but his 18th came and went 2 months ago with not a peep. Instead he remarked to a classmate, within earshot of his father, how hot his neighbor’s 19-year-old daughter was, all in an attempt to keep the façade intact. It doesn’t matter. In a month I’ll be in college, free to do what I want and be what I want. Aron smiled at the thought as he crawled into bed, before drifting into a dream land populated with muscle men. Chapter Two: Steven Steven Hess stood naked in his cramped bathroom facing the mirror. His expression was one of disappointment. In 3 weeks I’ll be back in college with this same pathetic body, he thought. Standing at an even 6 feet, with a flabby 180 build, he not an impressive sight. Clothed, he could suck in his paunch and pass for fit to the untrained but here, standing naked there was no hiding his lack of definition. He grabbed at 3 inches of flab on his stomach and shook it with a frown. He performed a front double bicep only to discover there was hardly any peak on his 14.5 inch arms. He was disgusted and only grew more disgusted the longer he stared at his reflection. Still he stared. He squeezed his soft pale pecs and flexed his invisible abs. He left the bathroom in a huff and proceeded to get dressed in a pair of blue denim shorts and a light gray t-shirt. Steven sat at his computer desk. A few thin rays of morning sun speckled his shirt, warming him. But Steven did not want to be warm. He got up to turn on his air conditioner and close his blinds, choosing to sit in cool darkness. Muscle Gut Club. The thought seemed to come from nowhere. Muscle Gut Club. An inner voice seemed to call out for him to watch their videos. I thought these urges were gone. I thought I was cured of these sinful thoughts. He shook his head in anger. Steven had first discovered the club’s videos when he was 18, two years ago. He had started working out at the time and the club served as motivation for him. Their early videos consisted of mostly flexing, workouts, and eating. Steven hoped to look like them. However, his efforts proved fruitless. After eight months in the gym he had gained 10 pound and half of that he believed to be fat. Steven came to the conclusion that the club members must be on steroids, that anyone with big muscles must be on steroids. Steven had decided he would never defile his body with such impure and dangerous compounds so he quit that working out business. Still, he continued to watch Muscle Gut Club videos, even as they grew more sexual in nature. Where once the club would do a video fully clothed (very tight clothes of course) they would now do them in boxer briefs. Steven masturbated to several of their videos, especially the ones focused on Edmund, the bodybuilder. I’m not gay. I’m not gay. I’m just hormonal and young. Everything makes me horny. There’s nothing wrong with this he would tell himself. The more he said it, the less he believed it until he forced himself to stop watching Muscle Gut Club videos once and for all. His abstinence lasted all of a week when he discovered that he went to the same college as the club. There videos were filmed off campus in a private home so there was nothing in them to give away the location. There was no hiding their faces, though. Steven was walking to the dining hall and the four muscle gods walked towards him, Brendon, Thomas, Daniel, and Edmund, Oh Edmund. From that point on Steven was at war with his homosexual desires. Now he sat in is dim room faced a decision. Listed to the voice: Muscle Gut Club or fight it. He chose to listen. I’ll stop tomorrow. It’s no big deal. Steven opened his laptop and immediately went to the clubs YouTube channel. He would not pay for one of their videos. He scrolled through and selected the video titled “Edmond Dominates Benny the Twink.” He stopped himself. No, no. You’re not a faggot Steven. Stop this. Yes, you are. You’re just a muscle loving faggot who’ll never have any muscle of his own. No I’m not, I have a girlfriend. Yes, you are, she’s just a cover. No I’m not! Steven slammed the computer screen shut. “Goddammit,” Steven shouted as he bolted up from his desk. Pacing the room, he hummed to silence the voices making war in his head. Steven had just woken up but now he eyed his bed, contemplating it. Rest may help me. I’ll just close my eyes. He slid under the covers. In no time he was lost in sleep and a dream took him. Steven could not tell where he was, outside or in. A dry fog surrounded him and obscured the boundaries of his vision. Is it day or night? He lay on scarlet satin seats in black pajama bottom with no top. A roll of soft fat curled over the pajama’s waistband as he leaned up to further survey is surroundings. The bed was so large that the edges of it were lost in the fog. The thought to roll entered his mind and so he did it. He rolled and rolled like a child in the grass but stopped when he realized he would not reach the end. He peered deep into the fog. A shadow seemed to take form in the haze. It moved towards him, slowly. “Hello,” Steven called out. No reply. Still the shadow moved closer, growing larger and clearer. “Hello,” he called again. “Where am I? What is this place?” Again there was no reply. The figure was nearly upon him. It was clearly that of man, tall with broad shoulders. The fog seemed to part before him and Steven saw his face. It was Edmund Moreno. His chiseled jawline could have been carved from stone. Edmond stared at Steven with is light brown eyes. His lips formed a cocky smile. He wore a charcoal grey suit with a white shirt unbuttoned at the top. A gold band was on his ring finger. Steven looked at his own hand and found a matching gold band that he had not noticed before. His heart skipped a beat. Edmund’s arms stretched the fabric of the shirtsleeves. His brood chest pulled at the material around the buttons. He unbuttoned his suit jacket and pealed it off his massive frame, then slowly undid each button on the white shirt, working his way lower until he had revealed his washboard abs. Steven had grown completely hard. He pushed his boner down in shame but the iron hard cock was too rigid. It could not be tamed. The muscle god flexed his biceps and ripped open the shirtsleeves along the seam before throwing the shirt into the fog. He motioned to undo his belt and as he did so his meaty pecs bounced with ever movement of his arms. Steven was now jerking off furiously to quell his raging boner. Edmund lowered his pants revealing meaty, striated thighs, and an impressive cock. It was thick, veiny and clearly rock hard but it was so large it hung low and heavy under its own weight. Every part of him was impressive. Steven salivated and rose to his knees, still beating his meat. Suddenly Edmund lunged forward, stopping just short of forcing Steven back. His mammoth manhood knocked Steven in the face. It was more impressive up close, truly a beautiful sight. Steven took it into his mouth and began to suck. He sucked with passion and desire as if there was nothing else he wanted, only that cock, only that moment. He stopped stroking his own cock and concentrated solely on the Stud standing above him. Edmund grabbed Steven’s hair and pushed his head further onto his muscle god cock. Steven gagged. His eyes filled with tears of pleasure. The rhythmic throbs came all at once. Edmund blew a forceful load into Stevens mouth, filling it with thick, warm, salty spunk. He swallowed it all with gusto and squeezed every last drop from that cock. When he was through he looked up at the muscle stud. Steven asked, “Got any more?” As if in answer Edmond bent over and picked Steven up with no obvious show of effort. He turned Steven over and ripped of the pajama bottoms, revealing a pale white ass that contrasted sharply with his own tanned skin. Edmond spit on his cock. Steven’s cheeks were parted by the massive manhood and his asshole was stretched to its limits. Edmund began to pound his ass with ferocity. Steven moaned in pleasure with each thrust. “More, more,” Steven screamed. Edmund blew his second load filling Steven’s ass with his seed. “Don’t stop!” Steven was breathing heavily. He turned and Edmund was gone. He was alone again with nothing but satin sheets and fog. All at once he heard a voice beside him. “Did you enjoy that faggot?” He turned toward the voice and was staring himself in the face. “Did you enjoy that faggot?” the voice repeated in echo. Steven woke with a start. He lay in his bed covered in a cold sweat. His manhood was rock hard. A feeling of disgust filled him, disgusted with himself, with that dream, no, nightmare. I’m not a faggot. I’m not a faggot. I’m not a faggot. He repeated the mantra as he got out of bed to carry on with his day. Three: Aron He struggled to lift his packed suitcase from the trunk of his parent’s SUV. It weighed 50 pounds, half his weight. His father, Mr. Efren Ocampo, helped him. Efren was a man of slight build and medium height, the same height as his wife in fact, 5 foot 8 inches. Both were taller than their 5 foot 5 inch son. “Son, you take this one.” He handed Aron a smaller bag and took the larger one himself. “It looks like those people are welcoming Freshmen,” said Aron’s father as he pushed his glasses back up the bridge of his nose. “Come on honey.” Mrs. Ocampo sauntered up to stand by her husband. She wore large black sunglasses and a wide brimmed hat. It was an oppressively hot August day with not a cloud in the sky. The family began to walk toward the welcoming committee. Aron hurried in front of his parents, his arm straining under the weight of the ‘light’ suitcase. God I’m so weak. He switched arms and kept a straight face, refusing to show weakness. The welcoming committee in this section of the campus consisted of three girls and three boys standing behind a long table under the shade of a blue picnic tent. The table was covered with boxes containing shirts, hoodies, mugs, pens, and notebooks, all with the University logo. “Hi!” A girl said, beaming, as Aron surveyed the table. She wore a yellow t-shirt that read “Welcome Freshman” and her name tag read “Alyssa”. “We’ve sure got a hot one for moving in don’t we? So tell me what dorm you’re in and I can direct you- what’s your name?” “Aron.” She extended her hand and Aron shook it. He used the opportunity to put his bag down and rest his arm. “I’m Alyssa.” “Hi, uh, Alyssa. I’m in Jefferson dorm.” “Go down that path, past a big tree, make a right at the statue, and keep going straight. You’ll hit Jefferson. You can’t miss it.” She gesticulated wildly as she spoke. Mrs. Ocampo leaned on the table once Alyssa was finished. “The dorm has air conditioning right? Please tell me it has air conditioning. When we came for orientation they only showed us the new dorms and they have air conditioning, but I wonder if they are hiding something.” Mrs. Ocampo pulled her sunglasses down and stared Alyssa square in the eyes. “Well I know they added air conditioning to all the dorms 5 yrs ago but sometimes in the older dorms like Jefferson it can be a little iffy.” “Fair enough.” Mrs. Ocampo replied. Aron and his family followed Alyssa’s directions and arrived at the Doors of Jefferson. All of them were sweating profusely. Aron looked up the mammoth structure. Jefferson stood five stories and was in the shape of a huge capital “H”. English ivy clung to a brick façade and well-pruned cedars framed the main entrance. Aron had read that the first floor was all boys, the second, all girls, and the last three were co-ed. His room was 312, a co-ed floor to further his illusion of heterosexuality. In Jefferson’s main hall the Residential Assistants handed out the room keys as well as a pamphlet of rules. “Stay cool,” said a male RA as he handed Aron his key. “All even numbered rooms are on the left.” Everyone’s so friendly. I’m going to like it here, Aron thought. The building had no elevators and by the time the family reached the third floor they were all exasperated from the combination of carrying luggage and the heat. Aron opened his room door and saw that his Roommate was already present and had claimed the left side of the room. He was a tall, athletically built and Chinese. Aron remembered his name was Jason Ho and thought he was kind of cute. After a quick introduction (very quick, Jason was not the talkative type) Aron unpacked his bags and the Ocampos left for Walmart to pick-up a few things Aron would need, storage containers, an alarm clock, laundry hamper, lamp, and a small television. With Aron’s room all set up the Ocampos enjoyed one final family meal at a local restaurant, though Aron would have been satisfied had they left immediately after returning from Walmart. “That Alyssa was pretty cute, huh?” Mr. Ocampo said as he cut into a medium rare steak. “I saw the way you looked at her.” Aron had looked at her funny because of her over the top hand gestures. “I think she’s an upperclassman dad.” Aron replied. He couldn’t believe his father was playing matchmaker on his first day in college. “So what. There’s nothing wrong with an older woman.” “Efren!” Mrs. Ocampo snapped. “He’ll be focusing on school his first year. Romance later.” “I was just messing with him honey.” After the meal Aron’s parents dropped him off on campus. His mother had tears pooling in the corners of her eyes. “Call once a week,” she said. “We’ll miss you.” “If you need any money just call son,” said his father “Have fun and we love you, and learn something.” He hugged and kissed his parents and watched them drive off. Free at last. Free at last. Aron wasted no time exploring the campus. He had seen very little of it on orientation day and was curious to see everything it had to offer. It covered 1200 acres and Aron intended to cover as much of it as possible before dark. He was relieved that clouds had rolled in after lunch causing the heat to subside some. Jefferson dorm overlooked the East campus dining hall. Aron found it drab. It looked like a restaurant that had not been redecorated since the 80s. Not much food was available since Aron had visited between meals, but the food that was available (pizza, chicken tenders, mixed vegetables, and French fries) looked edible enough. As Aron walked down the campus’ main path (called Scholar’s Way) toward the heart of the campus he took in the sights and sounds of college. Students played ultimate Frisbee in an open field. Girls sunned themselves on towels discussing their summers. Two shirtless guys jogged by him and he tried his hardest not to stair too long. A hipster played his guitar under an oak tree. Aron didn’t recognize the tune. It hit all at once. A rush through him down to his bones: the realization that he would be living there with thousands of other students for 3 ½ months (until winter break). New friends. New experiences. And he was ready. He stopped in the center of the path and looked up at the clock tower of the student union. It was 2:30pm and in that moment he vowed not to waste his time in college. He wasn’t going to live life through a computer screen in some dark room. He would have real experiences: a real life. His lips lifted into the largest goofiest smile. He couldn’t remember the last time he smiled in earnest because he was happy and not just to cover his true feelings. He lowered his gaze from the clock tower and in an instant his smile was gone. In its place was an expression of shock. In the distance he saw a familiar shape. A hulking figure moved through the crowd. It couldn’t be. Could it? No. It couldn’t be him. Aron had to be sure. He ran through a crowd of students bumping into some. With rushed apologies, he pushed past them. His quarry was large, not easy to lose track of but Aron’s small stature meant that he could hardly see over other students. He had to be quick and luckily he was. The crowd grew thick the closer he got to the heart of the campus, the food court in the student union. Aron followed his quarry into the food court. He had heard they served much better food than the dining halls and the large crowd seemed to support this. There were several students taller than the one he was following but none wider or more thickly muscled. He wore a red tank top and white shorts with sandals. red certainly is his color. The food court was arranged in two sections. First a semi-circle with various eateries crammed side by side: a taco place, a bakery, a sub shop, a Chinese place, a smoothie stand, and a pizzeria. The second was a rectangular hall with tables of various sizes. His quarry stood in line at the sub shop and Aron positioned himself in line at the taco place, close enough to see him but far enough away not to be noticed. His heart raced as he looked to catch a glimpse of his face. Mocha skin and a well-trimmed beard. He had all the features. It was Brendon Lane. If Brendon goes to this school then the whole Muscle Gut Club must go here as well. Aron felt faint. He left his line without buying anything and made his way to the tables, choosing a seat in the corner that was obscured buy a support column. He felt like a creeper as he watched Brendon get his food with fascination. Apparently the appetite he displayed in his videos was not for show. He ordered two 12 inch sub sandwiches, and a giant size chocolate chip cookie from the sub shop, as well as a milkshake from the shake stand (apparently they offer to add protein powder to your shakes for an extra dollar, an option Brendon took). Brendon sat at a table by himself just within Aron’s sights. He ate with gusto and consumed all of the food within 10 minutes. Aron timed him. When Brendon rose he rubbed his distended muscle gut and smiled before exiting the food court. Aron had a choice to make, follow or not. It had long been Aron’s fantasy to meet the members of the muscle gut club. Now he had that opportunity. Should I take it? He masturbated himself raw to them. He had seen them all naked. What would I say to them? Hey, I like your cock. No. He knew he would probably be speechless, but still… I have to try. Aron rose and ran from the food court. He caught site of Brendon in the distance. Taking a deep breath, he set off behind him. Exploring the rest of the campus would have to wait. Four: Brendon He pushed the weight up with little effort for the fifteenth time. 250 pounds was just a warm up for him now, but two years ago as an 18-year-old freshman it would have been a struggle. At 18 he had been working out for 3 years (seriously for only half that time) and had developed a lean aesthetic physique that could have been the envy of any fitness model. He liked his abs. He liked his striations but he liked seeing the weigh on the bar go up even more. That year something in him clicked and strength not aesthetics became his main goal. Now he lay on the bench in the Muscle Gut Club’s private gym a stronger more robust version of his 18-year-old self. In two years he had grown 2 inches in height and gained 50 pounds. At 6 foot 3 inches and 230 pounds he had no abs but he didn’t care. He was stronger than he’d ever been and only wanted to grow in strength. Bigger. Stronger. Better. He was on a forever bulk. Brendon stood up from the bench. He wore a blue stinger that covered so little of his upper body that he might as well have been shirtless, and black compression shorts that could hardly contain his squat-grown ass. He picked up two 25 pound plates like they weighed nothing and added them to the 250 pounds already on the bar. He proceeded to bench the weight. One rep. Two reps…by the Tenth rep he was breathing heavy, but he managed to crank out two more reps before racking the 300 pounds with a loud clang. Still too light. His cock stirred at the thought. If he could do more than eight reps of a weight he knew he had to go heavier. After a three-minute rest and a drink of BCAAs he added a 10-pound weight and a 2.5-pound weight to each side. The bar now weighed 325 pounds and after a deep breath he lifted the bar. His arms shook slightly but he managed five reps with perfect form. He racked the weight and sat up slowly. Beads of sweat formed on his temples and trickled down the side of his face. His pecs were pumped full with blood (as was his cock). He rubbed them and bounced them, enjoying the sight of himself in the mirror. “Having fun?” A voice interrupted his self-muscle worship session. Daniel Hogan stood at the door with a cheeky grin. “Lifting heavy without a spotter again. You’re asking to get hurt.” Daniel moved closer to him. “I’m not pushing myself too hard.” Brendon said. “You should be if you’re gonna beat me at the meet” Daniel flexed his arms as he spoke. Brendon laughed then said, “First you’ll have to get up to my weight class and I warn you I’ll be heavier by the end of the year.” At 6 foot 1 inch and 215 pound Daniel did not have far to go. “I hadn’t planned on competing in your weight class.” Daniel looked at himself in the mirror before picking up two 60 pound dumbbells and curling them. “Aah, you’re too scared to compete head to head so you plan to dominate in a lower weight class. But tell me how’s our bet going to work. I thought the person who beats the other has to pay $500-” Daniel interrupted him. “No, my idea was the one who wins their weight class pays the other $500. Brendon shook his head and smiled. “Tell me Dan,” Brendon began, “What happens if we both win in our weight classes, or we both loose.” Daniel stopped curling and looked his friend dead in the eyes for a second. He pushed his lower lip out, squeezed his eyebrows together and moved his eyes rapidly from side to side as he always did when deep in thought. “Well I guess of we both win or lose then there’s no bet then is there?” “Guess not,” said Brendon, laying down on the bench. He didn’t really care about the bet. “Since you’re here and so worried about my safety, spot me on my pr.” “That’s a personal record for you?” Daniel pointed at the bar. “That only 325.” “No, you’re gonna make yourself useful and add 50 pounds to it. Thanks” “You’re fucking annoying,” Daniel said with a laugh. “I know.” When the weight was set Brendon took several deep breaths and grabbed the bar. Daniel placed his hands under the bar. “You got this man, light weight, light weight,” he said. Brendon lifted it with a deep grunt. Every muscle in his upper body tensed. He lowered the weight slowly to within one inch of his chest. When the time came to raise it he stalled. Don’t let the weight beat you. Beat it. Daniel began to apply upward pressure on the bar, but Brendon frowned at him and he immediately let loose keeping his hands a half inch under the bar. Slowly Brandon began to raise the 375 lbs. He flared his teeth and half way up stalled once more. Daniel touched the bar again. “No help” grunted Brendon. “Dude you’re going to pop something.” “No help!” He raised the bar further. Yes. Bigger. Stronger. Better. He completed the rep with a howl. Daniel cheered. After racking the weight Brendon sprung up from the bench. Daniel grabbed his arm and shook him. “375 fucking pounds man.” Brendon grabbed his hand and squeezed. “Who’s the man? Haha.” His head was in the clouds. He had hit a new personal record: The heaviest in the club. He peeled off his stringer and began to flex in the mirror. Daniel joined in. “That got me hungry.” Said Brendon “You’re always hungry.” Replied Dan That was true and he knew it. He was a bottomless pit, hungry for size and power, and he fed his appetite whenever he had the chance. “Want to get something to eat?” Brendon asked. “Nah, I just ate a pizza.” Dan rubbed his slightly distended muscle gut. “Ok. Peace, I’m out.” Brendon left the gym shirtless, carrying his stringer in his hand. He could feel Daniel’s eyes watching him as he left. No doubt he was ‘miring. Brendon had already eaten 6 scrambled eggs, 4 slices of bacon, 4 pieces of toast, and 2 bananas for breakfast, as well as a gainer shake just before his bench pressing session, but that didn’t stop him from stuffing himself at lunch. He ate two whole subs, an oversized cookie, and a milkshake in the student Union food court. On an average day he could consume 6000 calories and he certainly needed them. He lifted weights 6 days a week in the morning, focusing on a major lift or body part each time. 4 days a week in the afternoons he performed strong man style lifts for 2 hours: moving logs, farmer’s carries, tire lifts, atlas stones and the like. Today was one of those days. He decided to go home and take a nap to sleep off the meal. Then he would have another shake before heading to the Strong Man Center downtown. As he walked away from the Student Union, he felt a light tap on his shoulder and turned to find a short thin boy looking up at him. The little fellow had peanut color skin, almond shaped eyes, and black hair. He appeared to have some Asian origin. A freshman no doubt, lost. “Yeah. Can I help you?” The little fellow looked away when he caught Brendon’s gaze, then in an instant his eyes darted back to meet Brendon’s. He seemed nervous. “I…uh…my name is…I just want-” Brendon was growing impatient. “Are you lost?” he asked, uninterested. “No.” “Need help finding something?” “No.” There was a moment of silence. Jesus. What’s wrong with him? “Well it was nice meeting you,” Brendon said, sardonic. “But I got places to be.” “I like your videos!” The little guy blurted it out suddenly as Brendon turned away, louder than necessary, and so quickly the words blended together. “What?” Brendon raised his eye brows. “The, uh, Muscle Gut Club videos. I really like them, like… a lot.” The little fellow lowered his eyes to the ground as if he had admitted to grave sin and was now ashamed of himself. Brendon looked him over for a minute, before bursting out in laughter. He placed a large hand on the little guy’s shoulder and patted him so hard his frail body nearly keeled over. “Sorry about that, little guy, sometimes I don’t know my own strength.” Brendon had a huge grin on his face. “Why didn’t you just open with that? I love meeting fans. It doesn’t happen too often. Most of them live too far away and it’s not like we give out our address since a lot of them are creepers if you know what I man.” The little guy managed an awkward smile. He looked relieved. “Kid, you looked like you were worried I’d eat you, haha.” And I probably could if I was hungry enough and you were the only thing around. “So what’s your name?” Brendon continued. “Aron Ocampo.” “So if you want a private muscle video its $50 for half an hour, $100 if you want me to get naked.” “Actually I just want to meet the whole club,” said Aron. “I love big guys and it would be an honor to serve you all. I would work for you all and my only payment would be the pleasure of being around all that muscle. I know it might sound lame and if you want just say no.” Aron lowered his eyes once more. Brendon could hardly believe it. The club had a house boy the previous year, Jason Meed, but after being inspired by the club he traded in his twink physique and submissive personality for a muscle bod and dominant cocky bravado. He soon clashed with the club and had to go. Now a new one had fallen into his lamp. He was cute enough, seemed submissive enough, and he clearly loved muscle. What more can I ask for? “It’s not lame at all,” Brendon said squeezing Aron’s bony shoulder. “Say, how tall are you and your weight?” “I’m 5, 3, 101 pounds.” Brendon tried to contain his inner joy. The Perfect size for lift and carry videos. “Give me your number. I’ll call you when the club is ready to meet.” When Brendon was finished putting the number in his phone he shook Aron’s hand, perhaps squeezing it a little too firmly considering the little guy’s grimace. The two parted ways and both were smiling as they did so. Five: Aron He sat in his dorm room, half present and half absent. His body was there, yes, but his mind was elsewhere. Brendon had said he would call when the Muscle Gut Club was ready to meet him. The first day he waited with excitement hoping he would get the call that night. It didn’t come. The next day his phone rang and his heart skipped a beat. To his dismay, it was only his mother checking in. The third day classes started and he had to walk from one end of the campus to the other to reach them all. He hoped in doing so that he would run into Brendon again or some other member of the club. No such luck. Now as he absentmindedly stared at his computer screen he wondered Did the club not want to meet me? Was Brendon just toying with me? It hurt to think about it. His roommate, Jason Ho, sat in the room as well, earphones on and head in a calculus book. Aron had learned very little about him in the past few days, aside from the fact that he was a Biology major from upstate New York who was crazy about some band he had never heard of. He had eaten with Jason once and after getting no more than three sentences out of him decided he was better off eating his meals alone. Jason didn’t mind. Aron heard a knock on the door. He turned to answer, but Jason leapt from his bed and beat him to it. Four Chinese looking students, 2 boys and 2 girls entered into the room. Hugs were shared, kisses given, and hands shook as Aron watched. They spoke to Aron briefly and he was given a barrage of names he would never remember. He caught them mention a restaurant and within two minutes they were gone, leaving Aron alone. He had several options. He could study, continue surfing the web, go for an evening walk, or masturbate. Truthfully he wanted to do none of it. He had no test to study for and unlike his roommate he was not the type to read a textbook without a reason, though he knew he should. The web had started to bore him. He could only stand so many Facebook posts, forum threads, and funny videos. He had done enough walking to get to class earlier that day. That left masturbation. Masturbation was his old standby. His favorite pastime. It was a stress reliever and form of cardio. In the past year he had only masturbated to Muscle Gut Club videos. It was an obsession. He would do it now but after meeting Brendon and knowing they were so close to him he only wanted the real thing. A video wouldn’t do. He walked over to his bed, removed his shoes and laid down. As soon as he closed his eyes his phone rang. Aron jumped from the bed so fast he nearly fell over. He ran over to his desk and answered. “Hello, Aron, it’s Brendon. When’s your next day off?” “I have no classes Thursday.” He tried his best not to let the excitement show in his voice. “Perfect. The club wants to meet you. Come by at Noon. I’ll text you the directions.” “Ok, great. Thank you Brendon.” “No, thank you,” Brendon said before hanging up. Aron hardly slept that night. Instead he thought of what he would say to the club members and what he would do. The next day he couldn’t concentrate on his classes. His mind raced from thought to thought. What if I say the wrong thing? What if they don’t like me? God, I hope they like me. On Thursday at 11:30 am Aron set off on his journey. He was happy and nervous, so nervous he ate nothing that morning. He only drank a glass of orange juice. The club lived at 43 Stone Street on the other side of town. Luckily between the Campus run buses and the city buses there were trips to and from that part of town every half hour. He took one of the campus buses which were painted an obnoxiously bright blue. It was packed with students heading to off campus housing or going shopping. Aron couldn’t find a seat so he stood in the middle making awkward eye contact with the bus driver in his rearview mirror. His short arms just barely reached the overhead pole. On sharp turns he bumped into the students next to him despite trying his hardest to stay steady. He just didn’t have the weight for it. When he reached his stop he took a breath of relief. He felt like he was being released from a tin of sardines. The ride had only lasted 10 minutes but it felt like it had been one hour. There were no bus stops on Stone street so he had to walk the rest of the way. He took note of how nice the neighborhood was, not rich nice (He grew up in a neighborhood like that), but middle-class nice. Most students who lived off campus rented places in the poorer part of town. The Muscle Gut Club must be doing very well for themselves. At 11:54 he walked up to the front door at 43 Stone Street. It was a white shingled, 2 story Dutch colonial with a yard enclosed by high hedges and a fence. Aron motioned to ring the doorbell but paused momentarily. Nerves again. Surprisingly the door opened. Brendon stood in the frame filling it with his size. He was shirtless and barefoot, wearing only a pair of black nylon shorts, his muscle gut in plain view. His arms stood out from his sides at an angle, lifted up by his well-developed lats. “No, I’m not psychic. I saw you walking up.” Brendon said with a smile. “Come on in and meet the guys.” Aron took one step in the door and was hit with the strongest odor of male musk he could imagine. It smelled of pure masculinity. He stood still, briefly overcome with arousal. “Any day now,” Brendon called from another room. Aron quickly ran toward the sound of the voice, nearly tripping over his feet. When he entered the room he froze like a deer in headlights. All four members of the club sat in the room on two couches staring directly at him. Edmond was wearing only a pair of red boxer briefs stretched to the limits by his massive quads and by his mammoth manhood. He was looking exceptionally lean. Aron wanted to leap forward and place his hands all over his deeply cut cobblestone abs, but he maintained his composure. Thomas wore a white wife beater and black briefs. His fitness model physique, while the smallest of the four, was as impressive as they come. His shoulders and chest were unbelievably developed. His waist formed a perfect v-taper. Aron swooned at his Adonis belt and at the sight of his large, masculine Adam’s apple. Daniel was seated closest to Aron. He was shirtless and wore only a pair of grey pajama bottoms. He was almost as big as Brendon and the palest of the bunch. His muscles were clearly well defined even if he wasn’t very lean. Daniels hairy chest and rugged beard gave him a sexy lumberjack appeal. Aron couldn’t believe this was finally happening. As he looked around the room all he could manage to say was a shy “hi”. “Guys, this is obviously the Freshman I was telling you about, Aron Ocampo.” Brendon said. “He’s kind of cute like you said,” Thomas looked from Aron to Brandon. “In a mousey way.” The other members nodded. “He looks kind of frail, though.” Edmund said with an apprehensive look. “You’re not sick are you?” “No!” Aron replied, shaking his head. “Sir.” He added. The members snickered and shared glances with each other. “Sir? Haha. What a polite little twink.” Said Edmond. “I like him already.” It was the first time Aron had been called a twink by someone. Edmond stood up and walked over to him. He towered over Aron and got so close that the little twink could smell his masculine scent. It smelled good. Without warning Edmond picked him up. “God he’s so light.” He exclaimed. Edmond turned him on his side and began curling him with next to no effort at all. Up and down, up and down Aron went, 15 times. Then Edmond proceeded to press him overhead 10 times. Aron was in heaven. Daniel stood up. “Let me have a go at him.” “He’ll be nothing for you,” Edmund said as he handed him over. Daniel pressed him overhead several times and then lowered one of his arms, holding Aron overhead one handed. He walked over to Brendon (Still with Aron overhead) and said, “You got a real small one this time.” Brendon stood up and took Aron from Daniel and placed him on the ground as easily as if he were a doll. Aron was now surrounded by a triangle of shirtless muscle gods all towering over him. Thomas sat on the couch smiling. “Don’t mind them Aron, they just like showing off how strong they are.” “Someone get the measuring tape,” said Edmond. Brendon left and within an instant he was back with the measuring tape. “Strip.” Edmond commanded Aron. Aron did as he ordered, not wanting to displease the muscle god. He stood before them in his size small white briefs. They began to measure him all over, gaping, and snickering. “Wow only 11 inch arms, my 12-year-old brother has arms bigger than that,” said Edmond. “Holy shit my arms are as big as his thighs,” said Daniel. This humiliation would have sent Aron crying anywhere else, but from these muscle gods it was a turn on. His little cock stiffened as the muscle gut club poked, prodded, and studied his boney body. “Hey look, he’s getting hard.” Thomas pointed. “Pull down your underwear,” Edmund ordered. Aron again obeyed. Edmond took the measuring tape and held it next to Aron’s little cock. “Five inches and fully hard,” he said, looking around at the club. Edmund whipped his mammoth member from his boxer briefs and held It next to Aron’s “Twice as thick and twice as long.” He smiled with pride. “Let’s face it, though, comparing your cock to an average man’s wouldn’t even be fair, much less to that.” Daniel said as he pointed to Aron’s. “You can lift your underwear,” Brendon said. There was a touch of sympathy in his voice. He must not realize I love it. Every minute of it. “I really don’t care about his cock size. You’ll be fucking him, not the other way around,” Daniel said, “And I really don’t care about his looks since people watch our videos for our looks not the Twink’s.” “Is there a point here?” Edmond asked. “My point is. You say he wants to serve us.” He looked at Brendon. “Well that’s what I’m interested in. Will he be good at his job?” He turned back to Aron. Now was the moment Aron had been waiting for. He had been thinking about what he would say for day and finally he was ready to say it. “I’m gay,” Aron began, “and I love muscle men more than anything in the whole world. I’ve watched all of your YouTube videos an even bought some of your XXX videos. I masturbate to you. I dream about you. I’ve always wanted to meet you. I know I’ll never have muscles like yours. I know I’ll never be able to compare to gods like you, but all I ask is the chance to be around you, to serve, to bask in the presence of your massive frames.” “I will serve you with devotion and without question. I can cook and I will cook huge protein rich meals for you to fuel your growth. I will do your laundry and clean your rooms. If your tense after a workout, I’ll massage you. I’ll wipe the sweat from your brow. If your horny you can fuck me or if you just want a blowjob just say the word. I’ll wear whatever you want me to while in the house. I will truly be your slave and you will be my muscle masters.” Thomas’ mouth was agape. Edmund had a devious smile across his face. Brendon looked flabbergasted. Daniel simply clapped. He looked genuinely impressed by the speech. “Did you have that planned or was it off the top of your head?” asked Brendon. “Uh, kinda planned,” replied Aron, scratching his head. “Get on your knees.” Commanded Edmund. Aron did so. The members of the club got up and formed a semi-circle around him, staring down at him. “Kiss our feet.” Edmund ordered. Aron gently kissed each of their feet. “That’s so a slave remembers his place.” Edmund said. “At our feet.” Said Brendon, cutting in. “Rise,” said Edmond. Aron did so as each of the members struck a front double bicep pose. “Now kiss our biceps.” Aron kissed each of their biceps. “That’s so a slave remembers why he serves,” Edmund said. “He serves because of these muscles,” Brendon said, again finishing Edmund’s statement. “You start Saturday,” said Brendon. “Be here at 9 am to start breakfast. Here’s a key, and bring some stuff to cook us dinner. You won’t have time to go shopping after you get here. You’ll be very busy.” He grinned. Aron dressed. The club said their ‘until next times’ and he left for the 1:30 pm bus. He couldn’t wait for Saturday. Six: Edmund Edmund Moreno stood in his bathroom flexing in the mirror. He squeezed his muscles tight and hit every major bodybuilding pose like he was standing on stage at the Olympia. He imagined the crowd cheering him and admiring his perfect physique. I can’t believe I came in 3rd at the Junior Classics last week. I had the best conditioning on stage and the best symmetry. He had stepped on stage at the Classics weighing in at 195 pounds of lean hard muscle and standing 6 foot 1 inch, but he wasn’t the biggest. The 1st and 2nd place winners outweighed him by 15 pounds and that gave them the edge. Next time I’ll be fucking huge. He felt a hand touch his shoulder. His girlfriend, Bianca Bui, had creeped up behind him and began squeezing his muscles as he flexed. She loved his muscles. “Having fun?” she asked. “Seeing what I need to work on. I could bring my traps up and my lats-” “You look perfect to me babe.” “Well, the judges didn’t think so,” Edmund frowned slightly. “I have a better physique than anyone on campus, but that won’t win the competition. I need to be better than anyone in the state.” He bent down and kissed Bianca on the lips. She was of Vietnamese decent, 5 foot 5 inches, and 119 pounds with the perfect female figure. She wore pink silk pajama bottoms and a white tank top. “I guess you’ll be going on a big bulk.” She said. “The biggest I’ve done yet. I plan on putting on at least 35 or 40 pounds before cutting.” “Then you won’t be doing much cardio…” She pouted jokingly. Edmund laughed. “I’ll always have time for cardio.” He pulled down his boxers revealing his manhood. “I’ll just have to eat a big breakfast after to make up for all the calories I burn. Edmond pulled off her top and cupped her firm breasts. She giggled and removed her pajama bottoms. Edmund kissed her neck while slowly pushing down her panties. He lifted her up and placed her easily on his cock. She moaned with pleasure as he pressed her against the bathroom wall with his muscular chest. He ran his fingers through her hair and took in her flowery scent. “Carry me to bed.” She said between moans. He grabbed her supple legs and she placed her arms around his thick neck, his manhood penetrating her deeply. They fell together on the bed. Edmund moved in her wet pussy with slow steady strokes. She grabbed his horse shoe triceps and clawed at him as he began to pound her harder and faster. Her moans of pleasure grew louder as she began to orgasm. “Yes! Baby! Yes!” she screamed. “You like how daddy fucks you?” “Oh yes!” Just as Ed was about to reach climax he pulled out a blew his load on her face. She began to lap up his warm, creamy, salty spunk. They lay next to each other covered in sweat. Ed’s muscles glistened in the morning light that streamed in from the bedroom window. “Good cardio,” said Edmund. Bianca laughed. “Very good. I’ll go make you that big breakfast,” she said while wiping cum from around her eyes. “Can you walk to the kitchen?” Edmund snickered. She rolled her yes. “I’m used to it.” She got up and walked out of the room with a slight limp. It’s hard to get used to a 9 inch cock. He patted his manhood as he lay on the bed and relaxed. He didn’t know who he liked fucking more: men or women. Really he would fuck anyone as long as he liked the way they looked. He had fucked average guys, muscle guys, twinks, skinny girls, chubby girls, Black, White, Latin, and Asian. Any warm hole for his cock. He had only had two serious relationships, though. One with a guy over a year and a half ago and the one with Bianca. Bianca had walked up to him one night in a bar and asked to feel his arm. Ever one to show off, he struck a front double bicep pose for her. She gawked at his size, and he was smaller then than he was now. She confided in him that she had never been with a bodybuilder before. They fucked that night and had been Fucking ever since. She liked muscle and she liked cooking. Two things that made her perfect for Edmund and the club. Several times a month she would cook for the whole club, but she only had desires for Edmund. She didn’t even have a problem with his bisexuality telling him “I don’t mind if you fuck guys every now and then to satisfy the urge so long as you use protection and I’m the only woman.” Edmond could smell the scent of food wafting from the kitchen. He rose out of bed and put on a pair of boxers. As he entered the kitchen Bianca turned to him. She was topless, wearing only her panties. She often walked around topless when she knew the other club members were out. Thomas was at a photo shoot and Daniel and Brendon were in class. They’d be gone most of the day. “I was just about to call you,” Said Bianca. “Smells good,” Ed said as he sat down at the kitchen table. Bianca began to serve him his breakfast. First she sat a down a six egg cheese omelet with 2 turkey sausage links. Edmond dove in with his fork like he hadn’t eaten in days. While he chewed on eggs and sausage she placed a plate of 3 whole wheat French toasts with whipped cream and berries and a bowl of Greek yogurt and granola in front of him. He wasted no time attacking that a well. She ate two scrambled eggs a piece of toast and a banana. “This is great babe.” Ed managed to say between bites and mmms. Bianca beamed with pride. She loved seeing a man enjoy her cooking. When Ed was done eating he washed the meal down with a tall glass of whole milk. He patted his distended belly. The food baby pushing out his abs made it look like he had a tortoise shell for a stomach. “I won’t be over here much in the next week Eddy Bear,” Said Bianca. “Huh, why?” Ed let out a loud belch. “I’ve got a huge test coming up that I need to study for. When I’m not in class I’ll be studying at my place. Here I might be too distracted.” Her gaze left his face and moved down to his muscles. “Already,” Said Edmond, “School just started back.” “Pre-med,” she said, shaking her head. “It might just kill me.” “With the money you’ll be making I guess the hard work will be worth it,” Edmund said. “After I pay off the student loans.” Bianca stood up and cleared the dishes. She started to wash them. “Don’t,” said Edmund. “You’re gonna wash them?” she looked apprehensive. “We’re going to be breaking in a new house boy on Saturday and I want to make sure he has a lot of work to do.” Bianca stopped, and stared at him. “Is he cute.” “I think so.” Edmund smiled. “He’s smaller than you.” “No way.” She looked surprised. Edmond laughed. “What’s his name?” “Aron Ocampo” “Will you fuck him?” Edmunds face was now serious. “Probably, but I haven’t forgotten our deal. You’re the only one for me baby.” He got up and pecked her on the lips. She looked up at him and seemed satisfied. “Don’t work him too hard baby,” said Bianca. “We’ve got to see what he’s made of. Make sure he’s really a submissive.” Bianca showered and changed into her clothes. Before leaving she informed him that she had fixed his protein shake and put it in the fridge for him to drink later They parted with one final kiss. Edmund put on his workout shorts and headed to the garage gym for a heavy shoulder session. Truthfully, he was glad Bianca would be gone for a week. He wanted to use that time to get to know Aron better. Much better. He hoisted up two 65-pound dumbbells and began to shoulder press them. With each rep he could feel his muscles becoming pumped. He concentrated on the muscle contraction as he watched himself in the mirror. In his mind he wasn’t lifting weights. He was lifting the twink, Aron, over his head again and again. His cock grew hard at the thought of Aron’s frail thin body next to his own robust hulking frame. Saturday couldn’t come fast enough. More to come...
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