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  1. Guest

    Suck and Grow

    This is a story which I posted on the wrong section (archive). Rome is a collegiate athlete. For the last 3 years of his college life, he has been training hard and it really shows. At 22, 6'3 and 250 lbs, he has a body that rivals those big YouTubers you see online. This body of his earned him the title of team captain of the football team. Not only that, with his fair skin, thick eyebrows, and thick brown hair, he is deemed as the campus' heartthrob. One night, after training and working out with his team, Rome really had the urge to fuck someone. After cockily putting his body on display to the team in the shower room, he put on some baggy pants and a tight black tank top that showcases his thick arms and really highlights his huge chest. He decided he'll go to the bar and pick a fuck buddy for the night. After all, he could get anyone with his looks. Arriving at the club, his body alone is already enough to get him looks and turns. On his third drink, someone sat next to him. "That one's on me!", the man said. Rome looked and saw a short Asian man. The man looked young, almost like a college freshman. At around 5'5, Rome dwarfs this guy. "Aren't you a little too young to be here?", Rome asks with a smirk. "Haha I'm 21, today's actually my birthday, see?" the man replies, showing Rome his ID. "Hmm, so your name's Evan." Rome said, returning Evan's ID to him. "What do you want from me?" Rome then asks. "I always see you at the campus gym, and frankly, you really turn me on. What do you say we hit it up?" Evan says with a smile. "I don't think you can handle me." Rome replies, once again with a smirk. "Come on, you know you wanna do this. Besides, I can give you an experience of a lifetime." Evan teases, touching Rome's arms. Rome really wanted to release his load tonight, so he reluctantly agrees. Evan brings Rome to his dorm. They both take off their clothes. Rome strips down, revealing his powerful body and his 10 inch cock. Evan takes his jacket off, showing a skin tight white shirt, revealing some definition in his body. He's not big by any means, probably 135 lbs, but he's got some definition. He then removes his pants, revealing his own 4 incher. Just as he was about to take off his shirt, Rome cannot wait and pulls him to the bed and started fucking him. Evan was caught by surprise. But his moans and groans of pain turned into moans of pleasure as he sees the view while he's getting rammed. "Ugh fuck, you're so hot!" Evan said as reaches and caresses Rome's pecs. His hands explore Romes torso. "Ugh, dude you're gonna make me cum!" he replied back. Rome posed a double bicep and showed off his bulging arms to Evan. He's so big that it turned Evan on even harder. "You're so hot man- ughh! Sh-shit! Ughh!" Evan cums to the sight of Rome's flexing. Evan's cum shot up to Rome's mouth as he was moaning harder. "Ughhh fuck I'm gonna cu- UGHHH!" Rome moans and whimpers as he ejaculates into Evan's ass. Cum fills Evan after load after load is released by Rome. All while Evan continues to rub Rome's muscles. "Ugh fuck that was good" Rome pulls his cock out. Their moans die down and all that's left are their heavy breathing. "My turn..." Evan says. "What?" Rome confusely asks. “I'm gonna fuck you now, baby," Evan said while Rome licks his lips. "And I'll make sure you feel every inch of my cock." "Huh? You? What w-" Rome cockily says before getting interrupted. Evan grabbed Rome by the waist and pushed him down onto the bed, switching their position. Rome cockily chuckles, looking at Evan's 4 inch cock compared to his own 10 incher. "What are you gonna do, huh?" Rome cockily teases while flexing his muscles in front of Evan's scrawny frame. Rome's 6'3, 250 lbs frame completely dwarfs Evan's 5'5, 135 lbs. Evan ignores Rome's teases and grabbed the base of his 4 inch shaft and started pumping in and out of Rome's tight hole. The feeling of having another man's cock inside his body made him moan louder than ever before. "Fuck yeah, baby! You're so fucking hot!" Evan moaned as he continued to pound Rome's ass. "Ughhh! Dude what the fuc- ugh" Rome moans as he feels Evan's cock throbbing inside his ass. "Oh god, oh god, oh god!" Evan moans as he continues to thrust his cock deep inside Rome's ass. "Ughhh shit!" Rome moans loudly as he felt Evan's cock pulsating inside his ass. "Ughhhhh! Oh god, I'm gonna cum!" Evan moans as he starts to spurt his load all over Rome's insides. "Ughhh! Ughhh! Ughhh!" Rome moans as he feels Evan's cock spurting his seed inside his ass. Evan smiles, knowing a step of his plan has been enacted. After a few minutes of rest, they both got up from the bed and went for a shower together. They were still naked and their dicks were hard. They both got into the shower and began to wash each other, Rome not knowing Evan's plan. While showering, Evan kneels in front of Rome. "Okay, here goes nothing," Evan thought to himself. He grabbed Rome's dick and started sucking it like a pro. "Mmmmmm, mmmmm!" Rome moans as he feels Evan's tongue sliding along his shaft. "Oh fuck, ughh!" Rome moans as he grabs Evan's head and pushes it deeper onto his dick. "Ughhh! Mmmmmm!" Evan moans as he continues to suck Rome's cock. "Damn, you're really good at this!" Rome moans as he starts to feel his orgasm building. "Ughhh! Fuck! I'm gonna cum!" Rome moans as he starts to shoot his load into Evan's mouth. "Mmmmmm!" Evan moans as he swallows Rome's load. "Mmppphhhh!" Rome moans as he feels his cock spasm and start to spew more cum into Evan's mouth. "Fuuuck! Mmmmm!" Evan moans as he keeps swallowing Rome's load. But Evan continues to suck even harder. "Ughhh! Fuck! I'm cumming again! Okay, enough..." Rome moans as he continues to pump his load into Evan's mouth. "Mmmmmm!" Evan moans as he continues to swallow Rome's load. He continues to suck HARDER. "Man, I said enough..." Rome whimpers. But Evan sucks harder. Rome starts to feel a bit weak. "No, I said stop!" Rome whimpers. But Evan keeps sucking harder. "UGHHHHH! FUCK PLEASE! STOP!" Rome screams. "ugh I'm cumming again!" Rome yells as he shoots his load into Evan's mouth. "Mmmmmm!" Evan moans as he continues to forcefully suck Rome's load out. Rome tries to push Evan away, but to his surprise, Evan is not moved by this. He seems stronger "Mmmmmmm!" Evan moans as he continues to suck Rome's load out. He feels himself getting bigger and stronger. Evan starts feeling his arms and chest be filled with more mass as he swallows more of Rome's seed. "Ughhhh, dude please!" Rome cries out in pain as he feels his cock spasm and start to spew his load into Evan's mouth. "Mmmmmm!" Evan moans as he continues to swallow Rome's load. Evan feels his cock grow an inch or two, he also feels Rome's shrink in his mouth. "Ughhh! Ughhh! AAAAAAAAH!" Rome screams as he feels his cock spasm and shoot his load into Evan's throat. Evan swallows it all and stops. Evan then stands, looking Rome in the eye. Rome opens his eyes and notices how he isn't looking down at Evan that much anymore. "Fuck dude, that was hot!" Evan breaks the silence. Rome is still too stunned to speak. Rome begins looking at Evan's body, noticing how muscled Evan is. Evan then proceeds to inspect his now 8 inch cock and brags about it to Rome, "Wow, this is huge, thanks for that!". Rome looks at his own cock and sees his shrunken 6 incher, also noticing his own body. "WHAT THE FUCK?! MY COCK! M-MY BODY!"
  2. Guest

    A Donation From Big Bro

    Happy New Year, growers! Here's a new story that I wrote, probably the longest one. I took inspiration from "The Lockerroom Thief" by CockTFBoi. I hope you find this good. If this gets good reviews, I'll add pictures. I just reposted this here in the stories section since I accidentally posted it in story archive. Without further ado, here it is. A Donation From Big Bro Having been left by their father since they were kids, half-brothers Jason and Blake grew up separately. Jason, 26, the older of the two, chose to leave the house 10 years ago to try and live independently. Meanwhile Blake, 18, the younger brother, was left to grow up with his mother. Jason got a small job when he left and when he had his first pay, he invested in a gym membership. His investment obviously paid off. Seeming to have gotten some of the best genes, he grew up to be 6'2 and 260 lbs of muscle. His body, partnered with his chiseled face, tan skin, and jet black hair could really make many heads turn whenever he walks by. Blake on the other hand, chose to focus more on his studies. In fact, he just finished high school and is now an incoming college freshman. After moving in his dorm and unpacking, he lied down and scrolled on social media and that's when he saw it, his older brother's profile. He looked through Jason's photos and he was wowed by how his brother looked. At 5'5 and 130 lbs, he was nowhere near the looks of his brother. They do look alike but besides their body, Blake's wavy brown hair separates the two. Blake continued scrolling on Jason's profile and he discovered that Jason is now a personal trainer and is actually the owner of the gym near his college campus. Blake put some thought into it and decided that he wanted to turn his body around in college, he wanted to be the heartthrob of the campus. Jason was about to sleep when his phone suddenly vibrated. He checked and saw that someone had messaged him. He immediately recognized the name and photo, it's his little brother and he wants to meet with him. Tomorrow morning came and Blake was nervous as he's about to meet his older brother after 10 years. He looked around and saw huge figure of a man. The man was wearing sweatpants paired with a tank top. His shoulders were wide, his arms defined, his back tapering into a V shape, his legs shaped like boulders. "J-Jason?" Blake called. The man looked behind him and down at Blake. Blake was met with the man's portruding pecs. It was Jason. "Blake? Hey little bro. Wow, you've really grown, young man!" Jason said to his brother. "I can say the same thing to you. Wow, you're huge, man!" Blake replied. "Thanks man, I've put a lotta work into this body" Jason said, flexing his biceps in front of his brother. "So why did you want to meet after all this years?" Jason followed. "I want to be built and jacked, and I think you're the one that can help me." Blake answered, touching his thin arms. "Well, I'm flattered, little man..." Jason smirks. "So, what do you say?" Blake followed up. "Let’s make you huge, lil bro!" Jason exclaimed. Jason really stayed true to his word. He began training Blake intensively. To Blake's surprise, he started gaining weight and really noticed changes happening on his body. After training for 6 months, his weight went from 130 lbs to 150. He saw his abs being visible, his chest starting to portrude, his bicep having a bump. Blake enjoyed these changes. One night after training, Jason and Blake went to the shower room, going into separate cubicles. They were both pumped after working out and Blake was really feeling his body. But Blake wanted to see how Jason looks, so he peeked into Jason's cubicle as Jason was busy showering. Blake saw Jason's wide V tapered back leading down his ass, but the biggest treat was when he saw what was at front. Jason turned, eyes closed, and Blake saw his thick, monstrous 10 inch cock. Blake immediately felt his own cock harden. Blake couldn't help it, he took a picture of his view of Jason and went back to his cubicle. The brothers finished showering. Blake put some shorts on and before he put on a shirt, he flexed a bit in front of the mirror, admiring his progress. Jason enters the room to change, with only a towel on his waist, when he sees Blake flexing. "Feels great huh? Seeing your progress in the mirror." Jason says while smiling. "Yeah but now with you beside me, damn I'm dwarfed." Blake answers. "You'll get there lil bro." Jason says while raising an arm into a bicep pose. Jason flexes his other arm, posing a double bicep. He puts them down and proceeded to flex a couple more poses. Meanwhile Blake can't help but stare at his brother, admiring his frame. Jason sees Blake staring and he smiled. "It's okay bro, you can touch." Jason says to his staring brother. Blake almost instantly reaches for his brother's pecs, feeling the size of it in his small hands. Blake can't help but let out a sigh of amazement. His hands then move to Jason's rounded shoulders, going to his biceps. "Chest is 58 inches, biceps are 24 inches." Jason proudly states, flexing them. He then raises his towel a bit. "Calves 21 inches, Thighs 30 inches" He adds. Jason feels his ego rise, with his little brother admiring his body that he put a lot of effort into. He flexes his abs while Blake rubs his hands on the rock-hard surface, feeling the crevices. Jason turns around, flexing his wide back, tapering into a V-shape. Blake touches the wall-like back of his brother. Blake feels himself getting aroused and his cock starts to harden. He almost let out a moan, but he suppressed it upon realizing. He becomes afraid his brother will see so he stopped and put his shirt on. "I need to go, I gotta pack for the winter break." Blake blurts out. "See you in two weeks, I guess?" He says. "Actually, make that a month. I'll be going out of the country to collaborate with other gym influencers" Jason answers. "Oh, okay then..." Blake says back. "Continue your workouts huh lil bro. I don't want you getting smaller when I get back." Jason cockily teases as Blake leaves. Blake gets home to his dorm, taking his shorts off and letting his hard 4 inch cock out. He takes out his phone and opens the photos he took earlier, looking at his brother’s huge body and monstrous cock. He begins stroking his cock, feeling more and more aroused as he zooms in on his big bro. "Ughhh Jason fuck" He moans. He begins touching his body sensually, making his breaths heavier. He imagines his big bro's enormous pecs, larger-than-grapefruit biceps, washboard abs. He feels himself get closer and closer. "Ughhh sh- shit" "Oh fuck uh- huge" "Ugh ughh" "oH- UGHHHNN!" With a wave of pleasure, he cums. His cum shoots everywhere. "Ughh uhh" Blake moans and breathes heavily. He then passes out. That's when he realizes, he wants Jason's size. He wants his height. He wants his body, from his strong arms, thick legs, to his heavily muscled torso. He wants all of Jason to himself. Immediately, he went looking for a way to gain what he wants to take. He searched books and the web and after three days, he found one. He got it and he was excited to make his fantasies real. But in the meantime, he followed what Jason told him and he continued his workouts extensively. He chased for growth. Finally, a month has passed. Blake was excited to see Jason again. He was thrilled to show how consistent he has been. In a month, he added about 10 lbs. Not just that, being in his teenage years, he grew an inch in height, making him 5'6 and 140 lbs. He might not be as big and lean as his brother, but he is filling out his frame quite nicely. His chest now pushes out his shirt, his abs more fuller looking, and his biceps now fit his sleeves perfectly. But beyond all of that, he was excited for his plan. He knew that in a short period of time, his biggest desire will be reality. Blake went to the gym before the sun could rise. He knew that Jason has arrived and that he would be working out. Blake was right, he saw his brother right away. Jason was even bigger than last time, making Blake want him more. "Hey Jason" Blake greeted. "Hey lil bro! Long time no see. Damn bro, you're filling out quite nicely." Jason greets back. "You're not getting any smaller either... By the way, I got us this sports drink." Blake gives his brother one. "Thanks bro, perfect timing, I'm about to start my workout." Jason takes a few sips and went on to start his workout. "Great, I'll join you then." Blake drinks his own sports drink and grins, following Jason to the weightroom. Jason starts doing push-ups for warm-up. As he approaches 30 reps, he started feeling off. He felt a strange sensation throughout his body, kinda like the feeling when having an orgasm. "Ughh- oh" Jason groans as he stops his push-ups and falls to the ground. "Hey, you okay, big bro?" Blake asked. "I'm fine, I think it's just my amount of sleep catching up on me." Jason answered unsure. "Here, drink up." Blake handed Jason's sports drink to him. Blake made sure Jason drank of all of it, grinning as he does so. "Alright then, let's help you get bigger. Let's do bench press." Jason said to Blake. "Careful with this one, lil bro" Jason loaded 155 lbs plates on the bar and spotted Blake. Blake lifted it and did 10 reps with it. "Too easy!" he said. Jason was surprised. "My turn, little man!" Jason said, loading 460 lbs on the bar. Jason lifted the bar and started repping. As he was doing so, his mind was flooded with sexual images. He started to get turned on. "Ughhh" Jason started to moan and groan with every breath everytime the bar descends. He feels his cock getting hard so he put the bar back into place. "H-hold on a little" Jason stood up, and went to the locker room to avoid Blake from seeing his hard-on. But blake already noticed it, he smirked. Jason went into the locker room, his mind all over the place. He feels so sensitive. All that's in his mind makes him wanna orgasm. Little does he know, Blake's the one behind it. Blake followed into the locker room and saw Jason. "Hey big bro, what's going on? Come on let's continue." Blake said to his brother. "Blake, oh uhm. I- I'm just..." Jason explains, trying to cover his hard-on. Blake gets closer to Jason. "Come on big bro..." Blake said, touching the tent on Jason's shorts. "Ughhhh" Jason lets out a whimper. Jason doesn't understand what he's feeling, he's not gay, but what Blake is doing is really turning him on. Blake took Jason's shirt off and started lowering Jason's shorts. "You want to help me get bigger, right?" Blake said to his brother. "Y-yes" Jason staggeringly answers. "Good, bro" Blake said as he takes Jason's shorts off, revealing Jason's hardened masculinity, growing into 11 inches. Without any warning, Blake put Jason's cock in his mouth, making him moan. Blake started sucking, working his way on Jason's cock. Jason can no longer suppress his moans. Jason feels this sinking feeling as he nears his orgasm. The pleasure was wild and he feels closer and closer as Blake moves up and down his shaft. A shudder ran down his body and his balls start churning. "Ughhhh fuuu-" Jason cums. Blake made sure to swallow every bit of it as it shoots hard into his mouth. Jason was overwhelmed with pleasure. He fell into the bench behind him, eyes closed. Blake felt himself get taller, he felt his limbs extending and his view getting higher. As his body gets lengthier, the bulk he had put on disappears, his muscles adjusting into his body. Meanwhile, the opposite happens to Jason. He feels his spine shorten and retract. With that, his muscles enlarge, adjusting to his shortening frame. His pecs and arms bulged out, his legs grew thicker. "Wh-what did you do to me?" Jason said upon opening his eyes and seeing his short frame. "You helped me grow, isn't that what we wanted?" Blake answered. "Y-yes" Jason said, but he felt something was wrong. Seeing his brother's enlarged muscles made Blake more and more excited, so he proceeded to the next step. "I'm gonna get so massive with what we will be doing." He said. Blake lays Jason down the bench and grabbed his brother's still hard cock. He rode it and lowered himself onto it. Blake moved up and down, filling Jason with pleasure. Jason's cock started to spew pre-cum. Blake's body started reacting to it. He felt his body start to swell with muscle. Blake touched Jason's hard pecs and squeezed it as he bounces on his cock. Blake feels his body expand outward as he absorbs more of Jason's precum. His pecs start to form, his biceps tensing into a ball, his abs forming crevices. Jason feels Blake get heavier. "Fuck I'm gonna cum again- ohhh!" Jason finally shoots his load inside Blake. Jason's bulk slowly shrank into him. His biceps slowly thinned out, his treetrunk legs became weak, his torso got drained of its size, his chest on which Blake is grabbing on to lowered slowly from being mountains to a flat surface. "Ohhh fuck- ughh!" Blake can't help but groan as he feels his body fill up. He flexes a double bicep pose as his arms expand into mounds of rock. Meanwhile his legs got thicker and thicker, proportioning into his new height. His pecs grow into boulders, rivaling melons, he touches them and squeezes them. "Fuck, yes!" Blake exclaims as he poses his muscles. He went to the scale and measured his height and weight. "6'4 and 270 lbs, damn. Only one thing left." Blake says to himself as he gets back to Jason. Blake stands Jason up and turns him around. "Hey bro, just one last thing and we're done." Blake said to Jason's ear, caressing Jason's cock in his hand. Jason's cock immediately springs back up to life. Jason whimpers as he feels pleasure build up with Blake stroking his cock. While doing so, Blake slides his 4 incher into Jason's hole. Jason moans as intense pleasure fills hin again, but he can't cum. "You're gonna help me grow right?" Blake says. "Y-yes, anything for you ugh-" Jason answered. "Even my cock?" Blake follows up. "Yes, take it. Take my fucking cock." As pre-cum comes out of Jason's cock, Blake feels it slowly dwindle into his hand while his own cock grows and more and more enters Jason's ass. Blake starts thrusting, making Jason feel more pleasure, all as he strokes Jason's cock. Blake's cock grows and grows inside Jason, going into 12 inches. Jason's, however, retracted into Blake's hand, it shrank into 3 inches. "Ughh, please Blake... I need to cum" Jason whimpers. "Not until I do. Ughhh!" Blake cums into Jason's ass the largest he has ever cum. "Ughhh- shi- ughh!" Jason moans as he experiences being cummed in the ass for the first time. The two brothers experience their greatest orgasm, but one while experiencing his fantasy and one while experiencing loss. Jason shoots cum from his now 3 incher, moaning and passing out in the process. Blake pulls out his brother and admires his new 12 incher shooting more load on his passed out brother. He flexes on the mirror he once flexed on with his brother a month ago, but now being the superior one. "Thanks for the donation... little bro." He said as he leaves his brother in the locker room. Jason gains consciousness and snaps out of the drink's effects, realizing what had just happened.
  3. Happy New Year, growers! Here's a new story that I wrote, probably the longest one. I took inspiration from "The Lockerroom Thief" by CockTFBoi. I hope you find this good. If this gets good reviews, I'll add pictures. Without further ado, here it is. A Donation From Big Bro Having been left by their father since they were kids, half-brothers Jason and Blake grew up separately. Jason, 26, the older of the two, chose to leave the house 10 years ago to try and live independently. Meanwhile Blake, 18, the younger brother, was left to grow up with his mother. Jason got a small job when he left and when he had his first pay, he invested in a gym membership. His investment obviously paid off. Seeming to have gotten some of the best genes, he grew up to be 6'2 and 260 lbs of muscle. His body, partnered with his chiseled face, tan skin, and jet black hair could really make many heads turn whenever he walks by. Blake on the other hand, chose to focus more on his studies. In fact, he just finished high school and is now an incoming college freshman. After moving in his dorm and unpacking, he lied down and scrolled on social media and that's when he saw it, his older brother's profile. He looked through Jason's photos and he was wowed by how his brother looked. At 5'5 and 130 lbs, he was nowhere near the looks of his brother. They do look alike but besides their body, Blake's wavy brown hair separates the two. Blake continued scrolling on Jason's profile and he discovered that Jason is now a personal trainer and is actually the owner of the gym near his college campus. Blake put some thought into it and decided that he wanted to turn his body around in college, he wanted to be the heartthrob of the campus. Jason was about to sleep when his phone suddenly vibrated. He checked and saw that someone had messaged him. He immediately recognized the name and photo, it's his little brother and he wants to meet with him. Tomorrow morning came and Blake was nervous as he's about to meet his older brother after 10 years. He looked around and saw huge figure of a man. The man was wearing sweatpants paired with a tank top. His shoulders were wide, his arms defined, his back tapering into a V shape, his legs shaped like boulders. "J-Jason?" Blake called. The man looked behind him and down at Blake. Blake was met with the man's portruding pecs. It was Jason. "Blake? Hey little bro. Wow, you've really grown, young man!" Jason said to his brother. "I can say the same thing to you. Wow, you're huge, man!" Blake replied. "Thanks man, I've put a lotta work into this body" Jason said, flexing his biceps in front of his brother. "So why did you want to meet after all this years?" Jason followed. "I want to be built and jacked, and I think you're the one that can help me." Blake answered, touching his thin arms. "Well, I'm flattered, little man..." Jason smirks. "So, what do you say?" Blake followed up. "Let’s make you huge, lil bro!" Jason exclaimed. Jason really stayed true to his word. He began training Blake intensively. To Blake's surprise, he started gaining weight and really noticed changes happening on his body. After training for 6 months, his weight went from 130 lbs to 150. He saw his abs being visible, his chest starting to portrude, his bicep having a bump. Blake enjoyed these changes. One night after training, Jason and Blake went to the shower room, going into separate cubicles. They were both pumped after working out and Blake was really feeling his body. But Blake wanted to see how Jason looks, so he peeked into Jason's cubicle as Jason was busy showering. Blake saw Jason's wide V tapered back leading down his ass, but the biggest treat was when he saw what was at front. Jason turned, eyes closed, and Blake saw his thick, monstrous 10 inch cock. Blake immediately felt his own cock harden. Blake couldn't help it, he took a picture of his view of Jason and went back to his cubicle. The brothers finished showering. Blake put some shorts on and before he put on a shirt, he flexed a bit in front of the mirror, admiring his progress. Jason enters the room to change, with only a towel on his waist, when he sees Blake flexing. "Feels great huh? Seeing your progress in the mirror." Jason says while smiling. "Yeah but now with you beside me, damn I'm dwarfed." Blake answers. "You'll get there lil bro." Jason says while raising an arm into a bicep pose. Jason flexes his other arm, posing a double bicep. He puts them down and proceeded to flex a couple more poses. Meanwhile Blake can't help but stare at his brother, admiring his frame. Jason sees Blake staring and he smiled. "It's okay bro, you can touch." Jason says to his staring brother. Blake almost instantly reaches for his brother's pecs, feeling the size of it in his small hands. Blake can't help but let out a sigh of amazement. His hands then move to Jason's rounded shoulders, going to his biceps. "Chest is 58 inches, biceps are 24 inches." Jason proudly states, flexing them. He then raises his towel a bit. "Calves 21 inches, Thighs 30 inches" He adds. Jason feels his ego rise, with his little brother admiring his body that he put a lot of effort into. He flexes his abs while Blake rubs his hands on the rock-hard surface, feeling the crevices. Jason turns around, flexing his wide back, tapering into a V-shape. Blake touches the wall-like back of his brother. Blake feels himself getting aroused and his cock starts to harden. He almost let out a moan, but he suppressed it upon realizing. He becomes afraid his brother will see so he stopped and put his shirt on. "I need to go, I gotta pack for the winter break." Blake blurts out. "See you in two weeks, I guess?" He says. "Actually, make that a month. I'll be going out of the country to collaborate with other gym influencers" Jason answers. "Oh, okay then..." Blake says back. "Continue your workouts huh lil bro. I don't want you getting smaller when I get back." Jason cockily teases as Blake leaves. Blake gets home to his dorm, taking his shorts off and letting his hard 4 inch cock out. He takes out his phone and opens the photos he took earlier, looking at his brother’s huge body and monstrous cock. He begins stroking his cock, feeling more and more aroused as he zooms in on his big bro. "Ughhh Jason fuck" He moans. He begins touching his body sensually, making his breaths heavier. He imagines his big bro's enormous pecs, larger-than-grapefruit biceps, washboard abs. He feels himself get closer and closer. "Ughhh sh- shit" "Oh fuck uh- huge" "Ugh ughh" "oH- UGHHHNN!" With a wave of pleasure, he cums. His cum shoots everywhere. "Ughh uhh" Blake moans and breathes heavily. He then passes out. That's when he realizes, he wants Jason's size. He wants his height. He wants his body, from his strong arms, thick legs, to his heavily muscled torso. He wants all of Jason to himself. Immediately, he went looking for a way to gain what he wants to take. He searched books and the web and after three days, he found one. He got it and he was excited to make his fantasies real. But in the meantime, he followed what Jason told him and he continued his workouts extensively. He chased for growth. Finally, a month has passed. Blake was excited to see Jason again. He was thrilled to show how consistent he has been. In a month, he added about 10 lbs. Not just that, being in his teenage years, he grew an inch in height, making him 5'6 and 140 lbs. He might not be as big and lean as his brother, but he is filling out his frame quite nicely. His chest now pushes out his shirt, his abs more fuller looking, and his biceps now fit his sleeves perfectly. But beyond all of that, he was excited for his plan. He knew that in a short period of time, his biggest desire will be reality. Blake went to the gym before the sun could rise. He knew that Jason has arrived and that he would be working out. Blake was right, he saw his brother right away. Jason was even bigger than last time, making Blake want him more. "Hey Jason" Blake greeted. "Hey lil bro! Long time no see. Damn bro, you're filling out quite nicely." Jason greets back. "You're not getting any smaller either... By the way, I got us this sports drink." Blake gives his brother one. "Thanks bro, perfect timing, I'm about to start my workout." Jason takes a few sips and went on to start his workout. "Great, I'll join you then." Blake drinks his own sports drink and grins, following Jason to the weightroom. Jason starts doing push-ups for warm-up. As he approaches 30 reps, he started feeling off. He felt a strange sensation throughout his body, kinda like the feeling when having an orgasm. "Ughh- oh" Jason groans as he stops his push-ups and falls to the ground. "Hey, you okay, big bro?" Blake asked. "I'm fine, I think it's just my amount of sleep catching up on me." Jason answered unsure. "Here, drink up." Blake handed Jason's sports drink to him. Blake made sure Jason drank of all of it, grinning as he does so. "Alright then, let's help you get bigger. Let's do bench press." Jason said to Blake. "Careful with this one, lil bro" Jason loaded 155 lbs plates on the bar and spotted Blake. Blake lifted it and did 10 reps with it. "Too easy!" he said. Jason was surprised. "My turn, little man!" Jason said, loading 460 lbs on the bar. Jason lifted the bar and started repping. As he was doing so, his mind was flooded with sexual images. He started to get turned on. "Ughhh" Jason started to moan and groan with every breath everytime the bar descends. He feels his cock getting hard so he put the bar back into place. "H-hold on a little" Jason stood up, and went to the locker room to avoid Blake from seeing his hard-on. But blake already noticed it, he smirked. Jason went into the locker room, his mind all over the place. He feels so sensitive. All that's in his mind makes him wanna orgasm. Little does he know, Blake's the one behind it. Blake followed into the locker room and saw Jason. "Hey big bro, what's going on? Come on let's continue." Blake said to his brother. "Blake, oh uhm. I- I'm just..." Jason explains, trying to cover his hard-on. Blake gets closer to Jason. "Come on big bro..." Blake said, touching the tent on Jason's shorts. "Ughhhh" Jason lets out a whimper. Jason doesn't understand what he's feeling, he's not gay, but what Blake is doing is really turning him on. Blake took Jason's shirt off and started lowering Jason's shorts. "You want to help me get bigger, right?" Blake said to his brother. "Y-yes" Jason staggeringly answers. "Good, bro" Blake said as he takes Jason's shorts off, revealing Jason's hardened masculinity, growing into 11 inches. Without any warning, Blake put Jason's cock in his mouth, making him moan. Blake started sucking, working his way on Jason's cock. Jason can no longer suppress his moans. Jason feels this sinking feeling as he nears his orgasm. The pleasure was wild and he feels closer and closer as Blake moves up and down his shaft. A shudder ran down his body and his balls start churning. "Ughhhh fuuu-" Jason cums. Blake made sure to swallow every bit of it as it shoots hard into his mouth. Jason was overwhelmed with pleasure. He fell into the bench behind him, eyes closed. Blake felt himself get taller, he felt his limbs extending and his view getting higher. As his body gets lengthier, the bulk he had put on disappears, his muscles adjusting into his body. Meanwhile, the opposite happens to Jason. He feels his spine shorten and retract. With that, his muscles enlarge, adjusting to his shortening frame. His pecs and arms bulged out, his legs grew thicker. "Wh-what did you do to me?" Jason said upon opening his eyes and seeing his short frame. "You helped me grow, isn't that what we wanted?" Blake answered. "Y-yes" Jason said, but he felt something was wrong. Seeing his brother's enlarged muscles made Blake more and more excited, so he proceeded to the next step. "I'm gonna get so massive with what we will be doing." He said. Blake lays Jason down the bench and grabbed his brother's still hard cock. He rode it and lowered himself onto it. Blake moved up and down, filling Jason with pleasure. Jason's cock started to spew pre-cum. Blake's body started reacting to it. He felt his body start to swell with muscle. Blake touched Jason's hard pecs and squeezed it as he bounces on his cock. Blake feels his body expand outward as he absorbs more of Jason's precum. His pecs start to form, his biceps tensing into a ball, his abs forming crevices. Jason feels Blake get heavier. "Fuck I'm gonna cum again- ohhh!" Jason finally shoots his load inside Blake. Jason's bulk slowly shrank into him. His biceps slowly thinned out, his treetrunk legs became weak, his torso got drained of its size, his chest on which Blake is grabbing on to lowered slowly from being mountains to a flat surface. "Ohhh fuck- ughh!" Blake can't help but groan as he feels his body fill up. He flexes a double bicep pose as his arms expand into mounds of rock. Meanwhile his legs got thicker and thicker, proportioning into his new height. His pecs grow into boulders, rivaling melons, he touches them and squeezes them. "Fuck, yes!" Blake exclaims as he poses his muscles. He went to the scale and measured his height and weight. "6'4 and 270 lbs, damn. Only one thing left." Blake says to himself as he gets back to Jason. Blake stands Jason up and turns him around. "Hey bro, just one last thing and we're done." Blake said to Jason's ear, caressing Jason's cock in his hand. Jason's cock immediately springs back up to life. Jason whimpers as he feels pleasure build up with Blake stroking his cock. While doing so, Blake slides his 4 incher into Jason's hole. Jason moans as intense pleasure fills hin again, but he can't cum. "You're gonna help me grow right?" Blake says. "Y-yes, anything for you ugh-" Jason answered. "Even my cock?" Blake follows up. "Yes, take it. Take my fucking cock." As pre-cum comes out of Jason's cock, Blake feels it slowly dwindle into his hand while his own cock grows and more and more enters Jason's ass. Blake starts thrusting, making Jason feel more pleasure, all as he strokes Jason's cock. Blake's cock grows and grows inside Jason, going into 12 inches. Jason's, however, retracted into Blake's hand, it shrank into 3 inches. "Ughh, please Blake... I need to cum" Jason whimpers. "Not until I do. Ughhh!" Blake cums into Jason's ass the largest he has ever cum. "Ughhh- shi- ughh!" Jason moans as he experiences being cummed in the ass for the first time. The two brothers experience their greatest orgasm, but one while experiencing his fantasy and one while experiencing loss. Jason shoots cum from his now 3 incher, moaning and passing out in the process. Blake pulls out his brother and admires his new 12 incher shooting more load on his passed out brother. He flexes on the mirror he once flexed on with his brother a month ago, but now being the superior one. "Thanks for the donation... little bro." He said as he leaves his brother in the locker room.
  4. Julian had always been the envy of his classmates with his toned physique and chiseled abs. He was proud of the countless hours he spent in the gym perfecting his body. Julian has brown eyes, thick eyebrows, dark curly hair, and he's tall at 6'1. Julian was feeling confident as he walked into his physics class on the first day of the semester. He had been working extra hard all summer to get his body in top shape, and he was excited to show off his impressive muscles. As he took a seat in the front row, he noticed a new student sitting a few rows back. "Hey there" James said to Julian, taking him by surprise. "Hi, you must be James, nice to meet you!" Julian replied, looking down at his shoulder level. "You're really quite the big guy huh?" James said as he notices and touches Julian's arms, while Julian blushed and laughed. James is an innocent looking student with blue eyes, messy brown hair, he smaller than Julian, standing at only 5'6, he looked skinny. They seem to be getting along in their first interaction, however, Julian has a weird feeling towards him that he can't seem to shake off. Over the next few weeks, Julian noticed that something strange was happening. Every time he saw James, he felt like he was losing muscle mass. At first, he didn't think much of it, but as the weeks went by, he started to feel weaker and smaller. He could see his once impressive washboard abs disappearing, and his biceps were no longer as defined as they used to be. Julian tried to convince himself that he was imagining things, but every time he looked at James, he felt like he was shrinking. Every day, Julian couldn't help but notice that James seemed to be getting more muscular while he was getting smaller. Julian tried to ignore it, he would often bounce his pecs and flex his biceps, telling himself that he was still in good shape. But every time he saw James, he couldn't help but feel a sense of envy. From that moment on, Julian became obsessed with James' muscles. "What's your secret" he thinks as he would watch him in class and at the gym, admiring his strength and power. But the more he watched, the more he realized that he was losing his own strength and power. He started to avoid James as much as possible, but even when they weren't in the same room, Julian could feel his muscles getting smaller. One day, Julian couldn't take it anymore. He confronted James after class and accused him of stealing his muscles. "What? Is this a joke? Hahaha!" James just laughed and flexed his biceps, which looked bigger and more defined than ever. "I just discovered the fun in working out. Do you wanna come with me to the gym?" James approached Julian and asked him if he wanted to work out together. "Su-sure thing, I guess" Julian nervously accepted the offer, hoping that he could finally get his strength back. As they started lifting weights, Julian couldn't help but admire James' impressive muscles. James was lifting heavier weights than Julian, and his biceps were bulging with every rep. "Ugh yeah! I can feel the pump!" Julian bounced his pecs and flexed his muscles in front of James, he was convinced that he was still the biggest and strongest guy in the room. But as James flexed his own muscles, Julian couldn't help but feel a twinge of envy and jealousy. James' muscles were bigger and more defined than ever before, and Julian couldn't help but feel like he was shrinking in comparison. "Wow, ughhn" Julian whimpered as he felt a surge of excitement at the sight of James' muscles. He couldn't resist touching them. He whimpered in ecstasy as he touched James' bigger body and muscles, feeling the power and strength that he had lost prior. "Your body is one of the hottest I've seen" James admired Julian's body and touched it, Julian started to feel a glimmer of hope. Maybe he wasn't as small as he thought he was. Maybe he still had some muscle left in him. As James touched Julian's now smaller body, he couldn't help but admire the way it looked in his hands. He could feel every crevice and contour of Julian's muscles, even though they were much smaller than before. "I feel so hot" Julian flexed as James continued to admire him, feeling good about himself for the first time in weeks. For a moment, Julian felt like he was still bigger than James. He flexed every muscle he had left, trying to prove to himself that he still had some strength and power left in him. But as he flexed, he could feel his remaining muscles and height being stolen away. "What's happening to me- ughhh!" Julian began to panic as he watched his once-impressive muscles shrink before his very eyes. His biceps were no longer bulging, his abs were no longer defined, and his chest was no longer juicy. "Ugh please no, stop, ughh" He whimpered louder and louder as James rubbed his body, stealing away what little strength he had left. Finally, Julian had reached orgasm and cums all his size away. Julian felt ecstatic and defeated all at the same time, unable to resist the power of James' muscles. His tall body fell weak on James's arms. James continued to feel Julian's "muscles," enjoying the sensation of power and strength that he was able to extract from them. He admired Julian's body, taking in every inch of it, even though it was much smaller than before. "Ugh fuck this is so hot" James couldn't help but let out a whimper of desire. He was addicted to the feeling of power and strength that he got from Julian's body, and he couldn't resist the temptation to take even more. Julian whimpered as James touched him, feeling a strange mixture of pleasure and pain. He knew that he was no longer the big, strong bodybuilder that he used to be, but he couldn't resist the temptation to flex his remaining muscles for James. James noticed Julian's cock hardening so he took it out of Julian's shorts. Julian lets out a moan, overwhelmed with the pleasure he's feeling. James puts Julian's 7 inch cock in his mouth, giving him the blowjob of his life. "Ugh James please, I'm gonna cum" Julian mutters but James goes faster. Julian moans as he is overwhelmed until he finally cums. James made sure to swallow everything Julian releases. As he does, Julian's body contracts, his limbs shortening. The opposite happens to James as he seemingly grows taller. James stands up and props Julian against a wall, Julian was now the shorter of the two, facing James's chest. James faces Julian to the opposite direction and inserts his 4 inch cock into Julian's ass. He starts pounding Julian hard while rubbing Julian's 7 incher. "I'm gonna have to take this too" James whispers to Julian's ear as he jacks off Julian's member. They moan and moan until they are almost at climax. "Please, just let me cum" Julian begs. "Not until I do!" James objects. As James thrusts harder and harder, he feels his dick growing while Julian's shrinks. Finally, James reaches orgasm and cums into Julian's hole. He pulls out and Julian falls on the ground, but James is to busy admiring his new 8 incher to notice. All that Julian was able to do was whimper as his shrunken cock uncontrollably cums and he watches James walk away. "Thanks for the time... and the bonuses. See you in class, I guess" James says as he puts on Julian's clothes which are now a little tight on him and leaves. In the end, Julian was left with nothing. He was a shell of his former self, a once-powerful heartthrob of an athlete reduced to a mere shadow of his former self. James, on the other hand, was bigger and stronger than ever before, his muscles bulging with power and strength. Julian knew that he had lost the battle for strength and power. But even as he felt defeated, he couldn't help but feel a strange sense of pleasure and desire at the thought of James' huge, powerful muscles.
  5. — This is a fictional video transcription of a vlog interaction between Jeff Seid and David Laid — (The camera starts rolling, panning at Jeff who is filming in his house) Jeff Seid: What's up guys, Jeff Seid here and today I have a special guest with me. You guys have been asking for it and we're finally making it happen. That's right, I'm here with David Laid and we're gonna do a physique comparison. David Laid: What's up guys, David Laid here. I'm excited to be here with Jeff and compare our physiques. Jeff Seid: So, just to give you guys an idea, I'm 6'0 and currently weighing in at around 230 pounds. I've been training for over 10 years now and I think my physique speaks for itself. David Laid: And I'm 6'2 and currently weighing in at around 205 pounds. I've been training for about 6 years and I'm always striving to improve. Jeff Seid: Alright, let's get into it. David, why don't you show us what you're working with? (David proceeds to do a series of poses, showing off his muscular physique) Jeff Seid: (nodding) Nice, nice. You definitely have some impressive size and definition there. David Laid: Thanks man, I appreciate it. Alright Jeff, let's see what you got. (Jeff proceeds to do a series of poses, showcasing his massive muscles) David Laid: (impressed) Wow, your size and definition is insane. Your muscles are so thick and dense. Jeff Seid: (smiling) Thanks man, I put a lot of hard work and dedication into my training. David Laid: (nodding) Yeah, I can tell. You have some serious muscle mass, especially in your upper body. Jeff Seid: (laughing) Yeah, I've been called a walking tank before. David Laid: (laughs) I can see why. (Jeff and David continue to compare their physiques, pointing out their strengths and weaknesses) Jeff Seid: (noticing David's admiration) Hey man, are you alright? You seem a little distracted. David Laid: (shakes his head) Oh, sorry. It's just...I can't help but be mesmerized by your muscles, Jeff. They're so big and strong. Jeff Seid: (surprised) Uh, thanks man. I appreciate the compliment. David Laid: (rubbing Jeff's bicep) I mean, just look at this muscle. It's so thick and hard. Jeff Seid: (confused) Uh, what are you doing, man? David Laid: (admiring Jeff's arm) I'm just admiring your muscle, Jeff. It's so impressive. Jeff Seid: (starts to enjoy it) Oh...okay. Well, thanks man. I mean, I do work hard for these muscles. (David continues to rub and admire every muscle on Jeff's body, from his thick neck down to his treetrunk-like legs) Jeff Seid: (starts to get turned on) Uh...what's going on, man? Why are you doing this? David Laid: (continues to worship Jeff's muscles) I just can't help myself, Jeff. Your muscles are so amazing. I need to touch them, feel them. (Jeff's words slowly turn into muffled moans as David admires his muscles) Jeff Seid: (breathless) Oh...oh man. That feels...so good. David Laid: (smiling) I'm glad you're enjoying it, Jeff. (Jeff and David continue the muscle worship session, with Jeff getting more and more turned on by the minute) Jeff Seid: (moaning) Oh...oh man. Your touch...it's driving me crazy. David Laid: (smiling) Your muscles are just so amazing. I can't help but worship them. (Jeff's body is now covered in a sheen of sweat, his muscles bulging and flexing with every touch) Jeff Seid: (panting) Oh...oh man. You're...you're making me so hard right now. David Laid: (grinning) Yeah, I can see that. Your muscles are definitely responding to my touch. Doesn’t that just wanna make you cum? (Jeff and David continue the muscle worship session, with Jeff now completely lost in the moment) Jeff Seid: (gasping) Oh...oh man. I can't...I can't hold back anymore. David Laid: (smiling, whispering on Jeff's ear) Go ahead, Jeff. Let it all out. (Jeff finally reaches climax, his body shaking with pleasure as he lets out a loud moan) David Laid: That's right, cum it all out. It's all for me Jeff Seid: Ughh. What do you mean? (David continues to rub Jeff's muscles, starting with his pecs) David Laid: Your pecs are so tender. Ughhh! (As David rubs Jeff's pecs, his own pecs start to grow. But Jeff doesn’t realize that his pecs are shrinking) Jeff Seid: (Touching David's pecs) Fuck you're so hot! (Jeff notices David's pecs growing as he touches them, making him look at his own smaller pecs) Jeff Seid: Ughhh what's happening to me? Stop! David Laid: (Whispering on Jeff's ear) I'm taking my place as the most aesthetic. Jeff Seid: (Trying to pull away but he's too overwhelmed by the pleasure he's feeling) Ughh, let go! (David grabs Jeff's arms while Jeff grabs his in an attempt to push him away) David Laid: (Squeezing Jeff's biceps) Your arms are huge, man, I can't resist them! I can't wait to flex them as my own. (Jeff continues to push away David's arms but little does he know that touching him makes the theft faster) Jeff Seid: Please, my muscles are so small- ughh- David Laid: (Moving his hands onto Jeff's legs and shoulders) No, not yet. I need more! Jeff Seid: Ughhh! Oh fuck! (Jeff feels intense pleasure, his muscles still shrinking) David Laid: (Moving onto hugging Jeff tight) I want more, ugh! Jeff Seid: (Feeling the warmth of David's body and overwhelmed with pleasure) Please I- ugh! M-my bod-ughhh! (Jeff is filled with more and more pleasure while David grows into 285 pounds. Before Jeff was crushed, David let's go of his now average and limp 150 pound body. David looks at the mirror and flexes while Jeff stands shakily.) David Laid: (Flexing) That’s a bit too big. I need some balance in proportions. 6'6 would look good on me, don't you think? (David grabs Jeff by the neck. Jeff tries to struggle but he is once again filled with immense pleasure) Jeff Seid: UGhhh! Fuck ughhh! (David's limbs start to get longer, he grows taller and taller. Jeff starts to get lifted off the ground. Jeff's limbs start to shorten and his muscles start to compact, making it look like he still has a bit of muscle definition.) David Laid: (Putting Jeff down) That's better, I'd take your remaining size but I guess I still have some humanity in me so I won't. Besides, 5'8 looks good on you, you can still model for a living. Jeff Seid: (Filled with so much pleasure that he can't think) Please, David-ugh! Just let me cum again! David Laid: (Rubbing Jeff's throbbing cock) Will you give me anything if I let you cum? Jeff Seid: Fuuc- ugh! Yes, take what you want- ughhh! (David continues to rub Jeff's 9 inch cock and grapefruit-like balls while pressing his own 6 incher on Jeff's ass. As more and more pleasure builds up, they both moan and start to breathe heavily. ) David Laid: (feeling his cock and balls grow) Oh, fuck this feels good! Jeff Seid: Ughh shit ughh! I need to cum! David Laid: Not until I do! (David's cock grows into a 12 incher and his balls grow as they fill with cum. The opposite happens to Jeff as his once 9 inch cock shrinks into 3 inches and his balls shrink as well. More pleasure builds up until David can't take it anymore and cums.) David Laid: (Ejaculating large amounts of cum into Jeff's ass) Ugghhh! Take it all in! Fuck this is so hot! Jeff Seid: (Also ejaculating dribbles of cum out of his 3 incher) Ohh fuuuck! Ughhh! Ughh! Yeahh! (Their orgasm dies down and Jeff faints after he cums, still whimpering and moaning. David inspects his new body and flexes while touching himself. He looks at Jeff on the floor, almost feeling bad. David Laid: (panting, laughing) I'm glad you enjoyed it, Jeff. Your muscles are just too amazing to resist. Maybe in another life, we can both exist as muscle gods, just not in this one. Thanks for the donation (The video cuts with David Laid walking away after putting tight clothes on)
  6. Tim and Josh had just finished their workout and were changing in the gym locker room. Tim had been working out for months, trying to bulk up and impress Josh, who was always the biggest and strongest guy in the gym. But Josh seemed to barely notice him, always focused on his own workout and his own physique. As Tim approached Josh, his heart was pounding in his chest. He had been rehearsing what he wanted to say for weeks, but now that the moment was here, he was suddenly nervous. "Josh, I need to tell you something," Tim said, his voice barely above a whisper. Josh looked up from his locker, surprised by Tim's sudden seriousness. "What's up, man?" he asked. Tim took a deep breath and said, "I...I have feelings for you, Josh. I've had them for a long time now, and I just couldn't keep them bottled up anymore." Josh's face turned red with shock and confusion. He tried to back away, but Tim was too quick. He lunged at Josh, wrapping his arms around him and pressing his body against Josh's. Josh struggled, but Tim was surprisingly strong. He seemed to have a new power coursing through his body, and it was growing with each passing moment. As Josh tried to pull away, he suddenly felt a strange sensation. He looked down and saw that his legs were merging with Tim's. He tried to scream, but his mouth was pressed against Tim's chest. He could feel his own muscles shrinking as Tim's grew bigger and more defined. Tim's body was now towering over him, twice his original size, with Josh's body parts sticking out of him like a grotesque Siamese twin. Tim reveled in his newfound power, feeling each muscle in his body grow bigger and stronger. He could feel Josh's body parts merging with his own, becoming a permanent part of him. He felt a rush of pleasure as each muscle fiber expanded, filling him with a sense of power and dominance. As Josh disappeared completely into Tim's body, Tim let out a deep sigh of satisfaction. He was now a completely different person, a giant among men, with Josh's body parts as a constant reminder of his newfound power. He flexed his biceps, feeling the power coursing through his veins. Tim felt a rush of energy coursing through his veins. He could feel the power of Josh's muscles, merged with his own, pulsing through his body. Tim had never felt so strong, so powerful, so alive. He reached up and touched his biceps, feeling the hard muscle under his skin. It was a sensation he had never experienced before. As he explored his new body, Tim realized that he had become a completely different person. The body he had been working so hard to build before seemed small and weak compared to the massive, muscular form he now possessed. He flexed his arms, watching the bulging muscles ripple under his skin. He felt a sense of pride and satisfaction, knowing that he had accomplished something that few others could ever hope to achieve. He took a deep breath and tightened his chest muscles, feeling them bulge and contract under his skin. Then, he let them loose, bouncing his pecs up and down. It was a sensation he had never experienced before, the feeling of his muscles moving on their own accord. He laughed in delight, feeling like he was in control of his body in a way he had never been before. As he continued to bounce his pecs, he realized that he was drawing attention from the other guys in the locker room. They were staring at him, some with envy and others with admiration. Tim felt a sense of pride in himself, knowing that he had accomplished something that few others could ever hope to achieve. He bounced his pecs a few more times, enjoying the sensation of his muscles moving under his skin. Then, he relaxed, feeling a sense of satisfaction and contentment. He knew that he was now a different person, someone who could take on the world and win But it wasn't just the size and strength of his muscles that made Tim feel good. It was the sense of power and dominance that came with them. For so long, he had been the small, weak guy that no one paid attention to. But now, he was a giant among men, with the body to match. He knew that he could take on anyone and win, that no one would dare to challenge him. As he stood there, admiring his new body, Tim felt a sense of euphoria wash over him. He was no longer the same person he had been before. He had been reborn as something new, something better.He was no longer the small, weak guy he had been before. He was now a force to be reckoned with, and he knew that no one would ever be able to stand in his way. And he knew that he would never go back to being the small, weak guy he had once been.
  7. Thefty

    An Adverse Reaction (Part 1)

    Hey guys, my first story on the forum, hope you enjoy, will post up a part 2 shortly. “Sam… SAM, GET IN HERE!” I hadn’t realised that I been instinctively cowering when his voice boomed across our flat. My friends first pointed it out when my hulking roommate invited himself out for drinks with us. It did come as a bit of a surprise to me when they told me this, mainly because Nick had never actually hit me or even threatened to, it’s just that I felt, like somehow, Nick could just bend my will. One of my closest friends at the time said I shouldn’t cower, like a puppy, but stand up to him. I could hear the strain in Nick’s voice though and I hurried into his bedroom. The sight and smell assaulting my senses as I entered; the smell of man went right up my nose in the first inhalation. It was sweat, stale sex, rich testosterone and damp, a kind of damp that you can only find in a student rugby players bedroom. It made my cock kick in its loose, thin, cotton sweats. Then of course, there was Nick, dressed only in a pair of boxers, with his weight bench sat upright, holding one of his 45kilo dumbells in both hands and grinning devilishy at me. “Dude, shoulder press… hand me the other 45!” his dark brows and long but spiked hair giving him a wolfish look. Dodging an empty takeaway carton, a discarded jock, a heap of college notes and at least one used condom, I picked my way to the dumbbell. The smell intensified as I got nearer to him. “Come on man, gotta get this done before Jen gets here” he grunted. I bent down, carefully raising the heavy dead weight. I hefted it over to Nick’s waiting hand as he got into position. I licked my lips as his biceps bulged as he flexed his arm into position. Both his thick pecs flattened out and his delts swelled freakishly, choked with veins from a pump. “Stand back” he ordered. I would like to say I watched, to say that I spotted him, but Nick was a tornado of male energy. A guttural roar emanating from his chest as he flexed the weight soaring toward the ceiling, his form disturbingly accurate. As his arms reached the maximum height, the clink of the dumbbells and the exposure of his forestry of pit hair, made my organ start to pulse in my shorts. As he went for more reps, so the smell escaping from his pits intensified over and over. The room filled with his scent. Looking back, I think that is one of the things that made me capitulate to Nicks demands as my flatmate. As the grunting continued, his shoulders and arms steadily bulging bigger from the pump, I quietly left the room wordlessly. I crept back to my smaller bedroom, put my hand gently on the top of my strictly average, rigid member, and felt it fire off into my pants. My legs weakening, I sank to the floor. My own varsity swimmers physique, feeling childlike compared to Nick’s hulking body. Soon, Nick’s girlfriend would be here, and I would be listening to them go at it for a few hours. I realised that I should probably try and get some sleep before it all kicks off. After cleaning up my own mess I walked down to the kitchen for a pre-bed snack, as I did, I thought about how Nick and I started off fairly evenly matched, how we were actually good mates who moved into this small, penthouse flat, off campus together. The weight set, the benches, bars, all bought with combined part time job salaries of both me and Nick. Now I barely get to use it. As I walked into the kitchen, I noticed his array of proteins adorning the top of the fridge. Is that all it took to make him bigger than me? Irritable, I escaped back to my room, snack in hand. I woke with a start. The all too familiar, rhythmical banging of Nick’s headboard against his wall had woken me. I decided against languishing in bed, getting a semi from the image of Nick’s powerful body fucking Jenna, his fitness-model cover girl. I skulked off to the kitchen and started making pancakes. Down the corridor of the tiny flat, I could hear Nick step up his rhythm and the grunting got louder. “He’s close…” I thought, before immediately regretting it, as I felt my cock thicken. I poured the milk into the blender and turned it on, which nicely drowned out the noise of Nick’s big finish. As I waited for the mixture to thicken, I again glanced up at the top of the refrigerator. Nick was reasonably busy, so I reached up and pulled down the white looking container. I had listened to Nick extol the virtues to protein, and pre-workout and whatever happened to be flavour of the month at the time. But this… this I didn’t know about. Which was out of character for Nick. I looked over the label, it was plain white with black text. Plenty of scientific writing, this was clearly not something picked up off the supermarket shelves. I couldn’t really argue with the results though. Nick had been getting bigger and bigger, much stronger too, all in the last few weeks his progress seemed to have jumped. But he wasn’t just getting bigger, he was getting leaner too. Most of all, Nick was getting bullish, ordering me around, demanding stuff, doing whatever he liked with little consideration, his new strengthened frame easily backing up his command of me. As that last thought lingered in my head I decided I should try some of the shake. Quickly, not wanting to get caught by Nick, I spooned two tablespoons of powder into a protein shaker and quickly poured water in on top. As I was shaking it, excited to see if I could catch up to Nick, I realised the sound of the blender had been masking the sound from Nick’s room. I reached and clicked the blender off and the swirling pancake batter came to a stop. I could hear the sound of my own breathing, and feel the beating of my heart inside my chest. But nothing else, Nick was clearly finished with his girlfriend. I had to get the stolen protein shake back onto the shelf before Nick came into the kitchen. I hefted the white tub into my hands and raised it above my head. “Dude… you made me a post-fuck shake!” I, almost froze at the sound of Nick’s voice, but managed to get the tub back on top of the fridge. My heart pounding at the thought of being discovered, sinking to the level of deception to try and catch up with Nick’s recent gains. As I turned to face Nick a further reality dawned. Stood there, semi hard, straining his boxers, a wet spot visible, his thick muscular topless torso, hard and glistening with sweat from his recent exertion. Nick’s look was not truly one of thanks. He observed me from underneath his thick dark brow, his bulging muscle giving him a menacing look. “Thanks for making it for me, but next time, don’t… it’s special stuff, only designed for me…” Nick almost growled through gritted teeth. “Tomorrow… you…me… college gym… chest day…” Nick continued between big gulps from my protein shaker. Thumping me on the chest with a meaty paw. I said nothing, as I watched the behemouth, swig the luminous orange coloured shake, small droplets escaping as Nick guzzled greedily, landing hapharzardly on his bulging pectoral muscle. “OK!?” Nick yelled, eyes narrowing, before belching loudly. “Yeah, sure Nick, sounds good” Nick eyed me for a few more seconds, turned on his heel and bounced off back to his room. I quickly retreated to bed, the pancake mixture left languishing in the blender. Tomorrow would be a heavy one. The next morning, I was awoken by the deafening bangs on my bedroom door. My head raised from my pillow to find my unimpressive dick had been erect and oozing all night, probably as a consequence of the thought of a gym visit with Nick. This crush had come out of nowhere, but it seemed to be growing stronger the bigger Nick seemed to grow. I dragged myself to the kitchen; Nick was already there, his tight muscle tank straining to hold back his bulging chest. “Time you got up lazy…” grinned Nick “Ready to go?” I croaked “What do you think little man?” he grunted, pulling a crab pose bursting with ripped muscle. As we walked to the campus gym, across the very quiet and expansive campus, the cold bit into my skin, but Nick seemed not to notice. Somehow, the elements only sought to make Nick even more brutally masculine and dominating. Reaching the gym, we headed straight for the weights section, deserted except for a lone American football player grunting softly between reps of squats. I did my level best not to stare at Nick, but mostly failed. His deep golden tan and his coarse dark hair gave him a wealthy exotic appearance, even as he began to warm up his veins pulsed and distended as his a gentle swell began in his muscles. “Chest today…” Nick said visibly bouncing ready to exercise. I berated myself for once again not suggesting a different body part. I only ended up working chest and sometimes shoulders because these are the exercises that Nick wanted a spotter for. I loaded up the bar precariously with extra 20kilo plates just for Nick. Trying his best to ignore me, Nick swung himself down on the bench and got into position in order to begin the workout. In this position, I was rewarded with the vision of the swell and heave of Nick’s chest. Nick on the other hand, would have had to settle for my crotch disturbingly close to his head. “Ready?” Nick grunted, and grabbed the bar, not really giving me time to react. As it transpired I was not immediately required. The new 20 kilo plates seemed like only an extra 5 to Nick’s mounding chest. He couldn’t help himself but smirk as the weight, no doubt felt lighter and easier to manage, than expected. I watched as Nick revelled in the all too familiar sensation in his chest, the pump soared through him, his triceps bulging as his chest bloating from the impact of the weights resistance. Again he pressed it up with ease, his big python plumping down the taught rugby shorts. This had quite literally meant, that whatever he was taking, maybe that new shake, had made him even stronger since last week. “woah dude… this is insane…” I said quietly murmuring watching the spectacle unfold. I watched on, Nick’s chest bulging and swelling as he grinningly pressed the weight, seemingly with growing ease. His arms didn’t shake and his form didn’t falter. His triceps flared, the veins distending along his arms giving him a look of sheer unstoppable power. He racked the weight without any help from me. When it was my turn, plates came off and I got into position, my head now close to Nick’s obscene bulge in his sweats. Not only did it look big, but this close, I could smell the incredible scent of the contents of his jock and it make the usual feelings bubble to the surface. I did my usual workout, my pecs fraught with effort and arms struggling with my usual weight, I watched Nick spot me, as my arms shook with almost half the weight he used, I looked up to him grinning down at me. This gave me the strength to finish my last few reps, but still, it served only to highlight the growing disparity in our muscle strength. The rest of the workout, I was feeling increasingly unhappy seeing Nick blow through all of his maxes and continuing to set new personal bests. I watched, uncomfortably as he nailed every chest exercise with greater than ever strength, amazed as he seemed to cope with anything thrown at him. I was so envious of his success, I figured I had to make a drastic change in my life or I’d get left behind. As I watched Nick strip for the shower, a common ritual after our workouts, that actually, maybe I needed to even the score. Later that night, Nick was out of the flat on a romantic date with his girlfriend. So I sneaked into his room while he was away. If Nick was taking this experimental supplement, there had to be some physical proof, letters, brochures, consent forms; there just had to be something to give me a clue. I needed to get on the trial. As I picked my way through Nick’s room, I found a cryptic letter from the andrology department of our university, now, SCU wasn’t exactly known for its research but, clearly, they were getting something right. However, before I had chance to read the information, I heard the familiar rattle of keys outside of the flat door, in a panic, I threw the letters back into the draw and slammed the draw shut, however in doing so, the cupboard rocked backwards then forwards. I looked upwards, in time to see the contents of one of Nick’s used condoms flow back out of the untied end and splash onto my forearm. I didn’t have time to react; I just bolted from Nick’s room out into the corridor and ran straight for my room. As I closed my door, I could hear Nick and Jenna come home and begin some post-date “activities”. My breathing calmed and my pulse slowed. My attention was drawn to the burning sensation on my right arm; I looked down to see the bright red streak across my supinated arm. I kept looking at it, it was red, and glowing, but there was seemingly no evidence of the disgusting contents of the used rubber. I was feeling hot all over, not just from the burning sensation on my arm, my clothes didn’t feel right on me. In the privacy of my own room, I shucked my clothes and went over to the mirror. I felt a spasm in my gut, then, suddenly, an intense warm glow spread through my body. I looked at myself in the mirror, my pecs hardened, abs tightened. I looked on in amasement, feeling sheer power tear through my body. My traps seemed to thicken, my delts pushed out from shoulders, giving them a fuller, rounded look. I was even convinced I was taller. I felt my legs precipitously thicken, I watched the inner head of the quadriceps surge into view, which only happened when I flexed, and yet, I wasn’t flexing. I looked up at my face, for the first time since I started college, I felt that I looked handsome and healthy. A grin unconsciously spread across my face. I had no idea how this happened, but I absolutely loved it. I posed for a little while longer. Feeling the bulge and play of my newly developed musculature, the heady experience of being taller, if only a fraction… Best of all the sensation that I must have a semi, except my cock was fully flaccid. I gyrated my hips watching the new piece of meat bounce around. It got hard easily and I wrapped my hand around it. My legs nearly gave way as my cock began firing round after round across the room, ribbons of pure white spunk blasted out and still my cock bounced in front of me, as if to fire again. I tucked the raging pole back into my strained boxers and glanced in the mirror. “Fuck yeah” I grunted, trying to flex my abs. Only, I’d never sworn into the mirror before… or actually… in many years. My stomach growled so I went to the kitchen dressed only my boxers. The bulge still present as I walked, for the first time, it seemed to bounce up and down gently as I walked along. I got into the kitchen, surprised to find Nick there, sat alone at the table, also dressed only in his boxers. He looked pale, and not in his usually arrogant vigour. The pale palour even made him look a little less masculine than normal. “You ok bro?” I said, sounding surprisingly manly. “Yeah, yeah, just had a bit of a funny turn…” Said Nick cryptically. The next morning, I woke up for the gym. I casually wrapped my hand around a raging morning erection, the cock, seemed bigger and stronger than I ever remembered. I brushed my hands up my thinner waist, across my flat stomach to the new shallow contours on my chest from my thickened pectorals. My hand found its way to the alarm clock, but it seemed I had awakened before my alarm clock, before Nick had the chance to wake me. I felt incredible after last night’s dramatic turn of events. Not only mentally but physically. I could feel energy just seem to stream out of me, I was ready to lift. The thoughts of stealing Nick’s new experimental protein shake could not be further from my mind at the moment, as a night’s sleep and deliberation had led me to the conclusion it was probablyresponsible for the effects of his potent spunk. I dressed, in front of the mirror, looking at my new body. I smiled as I quickly gave my arms a flex and my fresh, new biceps jumped up in my arms, now slightly less egg like, now definitely more fusiform in their appearance. Quietly dressing and walking out into the corridor, there was no Nick waiting with an annoyed glare, so I made for the kitchen. Nick’s half eaten breakfast was still on the table as he was filling up his protein shaker. “Y.. you’re up?” he croaked. I looked at him, he looked sleepy and tired. He rubbed his eyes and kept blinking at me. He was haphazardly dressed and his hair matted down to his head from the sweat of his night time activities with Jenna. “Are you ok dude?” “Err, just feeling a bit rough.” He answered, still staring at me. “Dude… did… you look like you, *ahem*, you’ve been making progress in the gym…” He continued, still staring at my chest. “Yeah, I think you might be right dude.” I replied, desperately avoiding the urge to show off my chest by flexing in front of Nick. He prepared his shake and we headed out. In the car, as we drove, I could feel Nick’s eyes stealing odd glances at me. I began to regret wearing the sleeveless top as I wasn’t sure if he was actually paying attention to the road. I could feel my balls tingle at the thought of a workout, I couldn’t wait to test my new muscle and I couldn’t wait to show Nick that I was capable of catching him up. As we arrived at the gym, he turned to me before we exited the car. “How did you do it dude?” “Do what Nick?” “How did you get bigger, we only worked out together yesterday, and now, you’re bigger… how?” “Nick, are you ok? I’m the same, just been working out hard.” “Dude, seriously?” “You’re delusional, now drop it” I growled with an uncharacteristic aggressive tone in my voice. Nick clearly got the message and promptly stopped asking questions, but his dark stare intensified. In the gym, Nick’s chest workout was woeful, his lifts were slightly down, he grunted and flailed with his usual weight and made much use of me as spotter. Clearly this bothered him, because he was getting progressively sharp in his statements as the hour wore on. When he had first removed his hooded jumper, he looked sick and, almost smaller. I however, was having a great workout, I loved the feeling of my chest bulging outward, the stretch of the fabric against it, the surge of the feeling of power and pride throughout me, setting new strength goals, took all my focus not to get rock hard. Whilst this was going on Nick, eyed me jealously. I could feel his cold dark eyes burning into me as he reluctantly spotted me for a new personal best. Before we could hit the showers, Nick insisted we do a flat bench press. I felt this was more of an exercise to prove a point instead of the training value of adding in another heavy set, complex lift at the end of the workout. As I pressed the weight up, I felt my body burn with exertion, I felt amazing. I added almost 10kg to my previous bench from yesterday, even with exhausted pectoral muscles from the previous hour workout. Nick racked up his usual weight, and through much straining and gritting of teeth and of course, some help from his loyal spotter, was able to do a few reps at his usual weight. As he racked the weight, it was clear the point he was trying to make, had not been as clearly illustrated as he had hoped. As he stared at me I obliviously fondled my swollen chest muscle. “What?” I asked “Nothing, lets hit the showers…” he said grinning for the first time today. Nick’s mood seemed to improve here as we entered the changing room. As he rather quickly undressed, I rolled my eyes, knowing what was coming. “Coming to shower?” he asked, grinning at me, as he intentionally groped his thick, soft cock, though wanting me to believe it as a mere adjustment for comfort. I undressed at the normal speed, grabbed my towel and followed him into the shower. As I walked in, I watched him slowly lather soap into his thick musculature. His soft cock, swinging gently back and forth as his arms worked above him. I turned my head, to glance at his cock, figuring the water must be colder than usual, as it seemed a fraction smaller than usual. As I got myself under a shower head, I looked over at him again. He was looking at me, but our eyes didn’t meet, he was looking downward at my groin. “Dude, come on, you took some of my protein didn’t you?” he said unexpectedly “Look, Nick, I didn’t…” “Listen, I told you to stay away from it.” He grunted, his eyes looking cruel with a darker hue. I glanced down at me, across my now swollen pecs, my flattered stomach, to my soft cock, I then glanced over at him. His cock looked back to its old size if not bigger, as our eyes met. I realised, that his cock was thickening. Never before had I seen Nick like this, his skin flushing, his cock becoming increasingly aroused. “You uh… need a hand there bud?” I snickered. Within a second he was on me, his powerful hands grabbing both my shoulders. When they wouldn’t yield he dragged me, hanging onto my smaller frame, causing us to collapse to the floor. I struggled against the huge bulk of his weight on top of me. A leg each side of my chest, he positioned himself on top of my pectorals, his big, thick cock growing up and outwards towards my face. His cock brushed my lips. “Is this what you wanted? Stealing glances at me all the time? Well, how does it feel now? Enjoying?” He grunted, thrusting his hips forward at the upward inflection of each question. He took hold of his long, engorging rod and smacked my lips with it. “Please st-“ before I could finished speaking, the salty, musky flavour of Nick’s thick member exploded forth as he sunk the head into my open mouth. His powerful thighs extended on top of me as more of the colossally large pole slid into my mouth. I tried to speak, but the organ took up all of my mouth, I tried to remove myself, but his huge legs pinned me. As he held himself up with one of his mighty arms, another steadied my head as he began driving the mammoth shaft in and out of my mouth. As he began pumping, I could feel a familiar burning throughout my limbs that I felt the other night after getting his cum on my arm. I could feel the precum drip down my throat, rather than fight this, I knew to let it happen, I would reach my goals, and Nick, total unknowingly, would help me. If I hadn’t had his huge rod in my mouth, I’m not sure I could hold back the grin I would have had on my face. I felt trapped as his mammoth legs pinned me, as he pumped himself into my face. I had to focus on breathing, but I could feel his pre already start to work on me, the power swelling within me like a tide. Nick was absorbed in sating his carnal urge, I brought my arms up around his muscular waist, I watched as the veins snaked and squirmed their way to the surface of my biceps, muscle fibres thickening, the individual muscles becoming visible in my forearms. I felt great, I wanted this, I urged it to happen. He grunted above, clearly enjoying himself, just as the effects of his pre began to slacken, I felt his hips increase speed an intensity. As his orgasm ripped through him, I could feel his seed fire into the back of my throat again and again. Greedily, as best that I was able, I sucked down as much as I could handle, gleefully knowing it would be my flatmates undoing. He grunted once again and then withdraw his mighty organ from my slickened mouth, shook the last remnants of his pure white spunk onto my chest. “You tell anyone about this… and I’ll end you…” His powerful body swaggered off back to the changing room, but yet as I watched him leave, I thought I could see a little less definition in his expansive back. As I lay there on the shower floor, I felt the seed I had just swallowed get to work on me. Slowly it burned in my guts, filling me with ever increasing power. I knew then, his act had given me strength beyond anything I could have achieved in a year of gym visits. I felt my ass thicken, broaden and push me up from the floor, I felt less of the floor as my back broadened and dense muscle moved in to cushion the bone. I jumped up, my stronger powerful legs growing at a pace. I glanced down to see my pecs swell, my flat stomach, flatten even more, the first hints of my abdominals erupt from beneath the skin. I grabbed onto the shower bar as more power bolted through my body. I felt the room lower as my entire body lengthened. My mouth let out an involuntary grown as my neck muscles bulged, reaching my arms up to explore my thickening neck, my new, stronger biceps bulged with power. I raced into the locker room, but I was alone, Nick had long since left, I looked into the mirror and didn’t realise the new, taller, stronger and all round more masculine Sam staring back. I pulled a double bicep pose, amazed at the sheer size and power contained within my arms, I’m not sure the average person on the street would consider them big, but I was on my way. They had to be 15 inches around, I estimated. Best of all, the familiar hardening of my cock, had a most unfamiliar quality to it. Looking down, my erection strained the now tighter swimmer trunks, the bolder individual leg muscles fought the elastic. I as I slipped down, the apparently looser waist band, I was more than happy to see my usually unimpressive erection, looked super hard, but also both longer and thicker. My bigger balls pulsed below it, urging me to lift, urged me to fight and to persue. I resisted however, and redressed myself and made for home, I had a plan. (to be continued)
  8. Era de mañana en el diario "El Clarín", en una de sus oficinas se encontraba Peter Parker, un chico castaño de 27 años de edad, medía 1.85 y pesaba 90 kgs. de músculo, estéticamente bien distribuido, traía puesta esa mañana una camisa blanca que se ajustaba bien a su anatomía atlética, pero sin ser demasiado llamativo, la camisa se ajustaba bien en su pecho y bíceps, también llevaba un pantalón negro de vestir y un calzado del mismo color, bien lustrado, el cuello de su camisa desabotonado solo para permitirle respirar bien y no sofocarse, pues el viaje matutino usando sus poderes para llegar al diario había sido bastante veloz, tomó las mangas de la camisa y las arremangó para dejar descubiertos sus antebrazos mientras tomaba un folder con fotos de Spiderman, se sonrió entre sí. Estos meses habían sido importantes para él, encontró un traje alien que lo había mejorado por completo, le dió más velocidad, agilidad, fuerza, músculos, y sobre todo un crecimiento en su virilidad que él en un principio no podía creer, aún recordaba cuando solo medía 1.75 y pesaba solo 70kgs., era sorprendente lo que unos meses con el traje le habían hecho, de tener un pedazo de solo 16 cms. de virilidad en erección pasó a tener un monstruo de 25 cms. No dejaba de ver sus fotos, apaleando maleantes la noche anterior, era magnífico, pensaba en el puesto que estaba compitiendo en ese momento como fotógrafo de planta, el otro hombre definitivamente no tenía oportunidad, dió un sorbo a su café mientras seguía sentado y vió la puerta de entrada de la oficina. Llegó alguien, justamente el hombre que no tenía oportunidades contra Parker, era nada más y nada menos que su compañero de oficina, Eddie Brock. Eddie era ya un hombre de 37 años de edad, a pesar de ser mayor en edad que Peter, se veía más joven, era rubio, de cabello corto, facciones joviales, ojos azules y totalmente lampiño, la vida no le había favorecido, nunca tuvo oportunidad de ejercitarse, ni hacer dietas u otro tipo de cosas debido a su físico, medía tan solo 1,65 cms de alto y pesaba tan solo 60kgs., definitivamente no imponía de ninguna forma, todo mundo le pasaba por encima y últimamente alguien en especial. El pobre Eddie llegó agitado y sudando a la oficina, con su maletín color café a un lado. Eddie estaba vestido con una camisa de color azul cielo que resaltaba aquellos ojos suyos, un pantalón café y calzado del mismo color, todo se hubiera visto bien de no ser por que todo le quedaba grande, a excepción del calzado, la camisa le colgaba de los laterales, y ni que decir de los hombros y las mangas, daba la impresión de que un niño se había vestido con la ropa de su padre, debido a ello nunca tuvo oportunidad de ligar con alguien en su vida. Mientras aún respiraba de manera agitada veía a Parker bastante fresco y seguro de su persona. Eddie se cuestionaba cómo era posible que Parker estaba así si vivía más lejos que él del trabajo, a pesar de tener cierto recelo al castaño, lo saludó ... - Hola, buenos días Parker - Se oyó su voz algo aguda, parecía la voz de un joven de 15 años. - ¿Cómo le haces para llegar antes que yo, si yo vivo más cerca? Peter lo miró de reojo y sonriendo mientras tomaba su café, le dijo: - Por que me levanto más temprano que tú, "amiguito". Eddie miró a Parker, notó que el castaño había mejorado mucho su físico en los últimos meses, sabía que eso no era normal en una persona, además Eddie siempre peleaba por entrar en el bus de la primera hora, mínimo debería que ver a Parker en el transporte o llegar al mismo tiempo si es que Peter tomaba el bus de otra ruta. Eddie terminó por mejor dejar de pensar en ello y se metió al baño para refrescarse un poco, aún así no podía dejar de sentirse frustrado, al salir vio al Sr. Jameson hablando con Peter y solo dijo él: - Hola Sr ... Jameson y Parker vieron al rubio de reojo y siguieron en su plática ... si, literalmente lo habían ignorado. Parker le mostró al jefe sus fotos de Spiderman, Jameson quedó satisfecho como siempre con aquellas fotografías, las tomó y se fue sin decir nada, Peter vio al rubio de nuevo ... -Vaya, de nuevo se te fue el avión del éxito " amiguito ". - El castaño volvió a tomar su café y a darle un sorbo mientras se recargaba en el rubio y lo veía como poca cosa - No te preocupes Eddie, siempre debe haber un segundón para que el primer lugar brille más y descuida, cuando me den el puesto , serás mi "asistonto", te lo aseguro. El rubio apretó su puño y saco su hombro del contacto de Parker para después tomar su maletín y probar suerte en la ciudad por unas fotografías. Peter solo lo vió: -Bye "pequeñín". Oye cuando vuelvas de pasear tráeme un café ... - El castaño sonrió mientras veía salir al rubio -Pobre Eddie, casi me da pena el pobre, pero bueno, no puede competir con un súper hombre como yo ... Parker se quedó de ocioso en la oficina mientras esperaba que fuera más tarde para la hora de la comida, total, al final sabía que en la noche tomaría sus fotos, mientras tanto cuando Eddie salía ... - Maldito parker, su actitud ha cambiado , es un pedante ahora- murmuraba el rubio mientras iba a su lugar secreto dentro del diario, era un cubículo abandonado y muy reducido, solo tenía espacio para una silla y unas cuantas cosas, Eddie entró y activó su radio clandestino de la policía mientras seguía pensando en Parker - solo por que ha cambiado su físico y tiene suerte con las fotos me trata así. Ya se había hecho tarde y Parker tenía hambre ya: - ¡Maldición Brock !, ¡¿Dónde te metiste?!, Sabes que quiero mi comida a cierta hora, maldito enano. - Peter salió de la oficina bastante enojado y se dirigió a la calle para comprar algo y así calmar su apetito, ya pudiendo comprar algo se tranquilizó un poco, pero seguía molesto debido a que aún consumiendo lo que había comprado, su hambre no desaparecía. - Comí demasiado y aún tengo hambre, no lo entiendo, ¡¿Por qué me está pasando esto ?! - El castaño empezaba a enfadarse más, pero en ese momento comenzó a activarse su sentido arácnido. - Sí, lo que me faltaba- se fue a un callejón oscuro y metió su ropa de civil en una bolsa de telaraña -Vamos a perseguir a los chicos malos y a tomar fotos. Mientras tanto Brock salía a toda prisa, escuchó sobre un asalto a un banco cercano y salió disparado del diario, directo a la acción. Al salir vió al mismo tiempo a Spiderman ir hacia la escena del crimen, no era lejos, Brock corrió lo más deprisa que podía, pero llegó demasiado tarde, al estar ya en el lugar solo vio cómo Spiderman salía de escena y varios criminales envueltos en telaraña, pegados a los postes de luz, el rubio se sintió fatal, otra escena de acción se le había escapado. - Maldición, así no lograré nada. Tomó fotos de lo que podía y regresó al diario lo más pronto que pudo, tenía en mente lograr ofrecer sus fotos antes de que Parker apareciera, aunque era muy raro, Peter nunca estaba en la escena y aún así conseguía fotos. Al llegar a la oficina se sorprendió, Parker ya estaba ahí, entregándole varias fotos a Jameson. Brock veía como su oportunidad se desvanecía mientras el jefe entraba a su oficina con Peter detrás de él, el pequeño rubio solo se sentó en su escritorio bastante agitado de tanto correr y entonces ... -¡¡¡Brock !!! Parker gritó como si fuera el jefe al entrar en su oficina compartida, mientras que el rubio solo lo veía con enfado y Parker cerraba de un portazo el lugar y Eddie lo cuestionó. -No sé cómo le haces ... Tú estabas aquí en la oficina y vuelves con fotos y no estás cansado ... - Peter se acercaba poco a poco a Brock que aún seguía agitado, pero confrontándolo, el rubio no sabía si eso era una buena idea o no, pero ya lo estaba haciendo. -¡¿Qué quieres Parker ?! -¡¿Qué quiero?! - Parker sonrió con algo de burla, y así tomó del cuello de la camisa con ambas manos a Brock, levantándolo del suelo, mientras el rubio veía como los pectorales, bíceps y antebrazos del castaño se tensaban en la camisa. - Esas no son maneras de contestarle a tu futuro jefe .- Parker acercó su cara a la del rubio - ¡¿Porqué olvidaste mi comida, maldito enano ?! -¿Cu ... cuál comida ?, No me pe ... pe ... pediste na..nada, solo un café... si regresaba, pero ... - ¡Cállate !, Deja de balbucear como estúpido , sabes que si te pido algo tienes que traer eso y más, en todo caso no me trajiste ¡Nada !, Eso no es de buenos amigos. ¿Oh si? Pequeño charal sudoroso. Las venas del antebrazo de Parker estaban dilatadas debido al tiempo de mantener suspendido al rubio. - Tú ... Tú no eras así .... ¿Que te pasó? - Dijo el rubio algo asustado y triste mientras el semblante de Parker cambiaba de ser agresivo a estar algo fuera de sí, soltando a Brock y dejándolo caer al suelo. - Yo ... Yo ..., Vete por comida y no tardes - El castaño le lanzó billetes en la cara a Brock - Hazlo ya ... Después de eso el rubio se arrastró por el suelo, tomó el dinero y salió disparado de la oficina, pero aún le temblaban algo las piernas. - Maldito Parker. ¿Qué se creé el idiota? No, mejor no lo hago enojar más, no se qué más me podría hacer - El rubio vuelve con una ensalada y pechuga de pollo asada, no había tardado nada en verdad. - Ahí tienes Parker, que te aproveche.- Eddie no pudo evitar decirlo con un tono algo desafiante. - Ya era hora - Mientras tanto Peter no prestó atención al tono de Brock, estaba tan hambriento que solo le importaba la comida, el rubio de lejos veía cómo Peter comía, parecía ansioso y desesperado, como un animal salvaje, incluso soltaba unos cuantos gruñidos , así que prefirió salir e ir al baño, mientras tanto solo pensaba en la conducta de Parker durante los últimos meses, se dirigió al baño del piso, abrió la puerta y se dirigió a uno de los mingitorios. Desenfundó su pedazo de carne, solo medía 8 cms., Y eso si fuera erecto, en reposo solo eran 5 cms, así es, el rubio era pequeño hasta en eso. Mientras orinaba y sentía pena por si mismo oyó abrirse la puerta del baño, para su desgracia era nada más y nada menos que Peter que lo observaba, el castaño comenzó a olfatear, cómo si oliera algo en el ambiente y mientras hacía eso su pantalón de vestir marcaba la gran erección de Parker, el pedazo caliente de 25 cms. de su entrepierna, estaba al máximo. - Aaaaahhhh- el castaño parecía apreciar algún olor. - Aquí huele ... - Dijo el castaño acercándose a Brock. -¿Qué quieres decir con eso? - Eddie guardó su falo y subió la bragueta de su pantalón, tenía un presentimiento y pensaba mejor salir lo antes posible de aquel lugar. - Seguro es el baño, está mal lavado, saldré y le diré al personal del aseo. Parker se acercó al rubio y lo tomó con bastante fuerza. - ¡Eres tú! ... ¡Tú apestas! - Parker volvió a cargar al rubio como lo había hecho ya hace rato y empezó a frotar su gran erección en la entrepierna de Eddie mientras al mismo tiempo le oprimía su pequeña hombría. -Quieres ser preñado.- El rubio estaba acorralado y se sintió indefenso, no podía ocultar su rostro de preocupación. -Parker, si ... si ... huelo así es por qué corrí mu ... mucho hoy ... Me pondré des ... desodorante para no mo ... molestarte ... - Tú quieres ser preñado- Parker parecía un animal salvaje que no razonaba. - ¡¿Preñarme?!, ¡¿A qué te refieres ?! Parker soltó a Brock pero solo para tomarlo fuertemente por la cintura. -Sabes que necesitas un macho, pequeña perra.- El castaño empezaba a merodear con su mano de forma lasciva el cuerpo del rubio aún por encima de la ropa de éste, la mano de Peter empezaba a deslizarse hacia la pelvis de Eddie, casi por tocar su hombría, pero en ese momento Parker se detuvo . - No ... No ... Esto no está bien ... No ... - Peter soltó al rubio de inmediato y salió rápidamente del baño. Eddie sudaba frío, solo en el baño, pegado a la pared aún, traumatizado, se sintió débil y frágil, sus piernas no dejaban de temblar, era la primera vez que alguien intentaba violarlo, solo pudo encogerse y quedarse en estado fetal en el piso de aquel baño.
  9. CW: muscle growth, BE, height, giantess, godhood, fantasy violence, m/f. "Thanks, she'll love these," the big, bespectacled man said as he handed a few dollars to the vendor. "It's our d-dating anniversary." He remembered his stammer, made sure to trip on the curb as he turned to cross the street. An old woman was crossing too, coming toward him while a daydreaming driver sped down the road. The big man covered the side of his mouth and sneezed, and a sudden gust of wind pushed the truck into the next lane, swerving around the pedestrian. He smirked to himself and bid the old woman good afternoon as she passed him, completely oblivious. Adjusting his thick-rimmed specs, he remembered that time a close friend who was in on the secret asked him what would happen if somebody ever saw him without his glasses on. They just say 'Has anyone ever told you you kinda look like Superman?' He chuckled at the memory. And that's when he heard it. The sky was being split in half. Something seriously big was screaming toward the city, faster than a comet. Clark had less than a second to react. More than enough time. The asphalt where he stood a microsecond earlier cracked and his street clothes evaporated into ashes as he shot into the air, a blue and red blur too fast for the human eye to see. Over the coast and then the sea, he braced himself to collide with the object, ready to absorb the impact... that didn't come. The object stopped. It didn't slow down. It just stopped in mid-air. The atoms pulled in its wake cracked with a deafening boom. Wreathed in flames and iridescent light, its horrifying form dawned on Superman's mind. "...Kara?" His sharp eyes and photographic memory instantly identified her sweet, young face through the wisps of smoke and steam and embers. Her shining eyes stared right back into his, and he didn't recognize the rage and greed behind them. It was as if his cousin had been replaced from the inside out! Atop her head, a beacon of horned light shone its silken effulgence in shades of color only visible to kryptonian eyes like theirs. He had seen stars in remote galaxies less beautiful than her crown, its gilded opalescence melting into her platinum hair. "Hello, Kal." Her generous lips parted, showing a perfect, radiant smile that betrayed the gut-wrenching mass of the rest of her body. That gorgeous face of hers contrasted with all the hideous strength coursing through her hyper-expanded muscles, muscles so dense that Superman's x-ray vision couldn't even penetrate them. But his microscopic vision detected that the cells lining her skin were being bombarded with solar energy, radiation that looked as if it was being condensed into trillions of pinpoints through trillions of magnifying glasses. To eyes as perceptive as his, she was blinding. There was a sound like marble grinding against metal as her pecs bunched up under her cute chin, her traps swollen up under her ears, mounds of muscle naked and bursting with corrugated power like the rest of her body. Superman felt a wave of shame pass over him at the sight of those inhuman slabs on her chest, torn to shreds down the middle, hefting two breasts each wider than his shoulders, each thrusting like a balcony from the wall of her torso. What would Lois think? But he couldn't look away, couldn't rip his eyes away from the most impressive physique he'd ever seen. And he had seen many. Despite the extreme mass packed onto her womanly frame, her symmetry was otherworldly. He caught himself drooling over her bursting T-shaped torso snaked with throbbing veins, her tapered waist overcrowded with abdominals fighting for space, her bulging obliques that somehow maintained her feminine curves, her hairless quivering sex, her chasmic thighs that looked like they were gashes rent out of solid titanium, her calves like gigantic, neolithic spearheads crafted from boulders... "Impressed?" her feminine voice was like the sound of starlight that only their alien race could hear, entrancing and awe-inspiring but coupled with a girlish teasing tone completely out of sync with such a grotesquely shredded and massive body. Even hovering in mid-air, she seemed to tower over him. His eyes followed hers. She looked over to her arm, raising, curling, clenching her fist. The goddess moaned aloud as she flexed a bicep, a huge peaking volcano of muscle that continued to engorge itself, fibers ripping and rebuilding, veins clawing, until it soared to its full peaking glory. And she brought her arm to her face and licked her own bicep, kissed it, eyes rolling back, lost in the bliss of so much inflated immensity. Her sweet saliva rolled down the bulbous curves of her arm like a drop of honey. Her other arm, he just noticed, held something behind her back. "Ohh my muscles feel so good... so strong..." "How...?" Superman found his voice. "...What happened?" "Maybe I finally soaked up enough sun by stepping out of your shadow," she looked at him, hungrily, even angrily. Superman caught her tone and tried to react to the situation. "Kara... you don't belong here. Not like this. You're not in your right mind..." Then the warning. He always gave a warning. Bad habit. "You need to get as far away from Metropolis as you can. Now." Kara sneered a bright grin. "Always the boss. Always acting like the big tough man. The whole world looks up to you. But how could I ever have done that? Hahaha, look at you!" He was a scrawny scarecrow before her, a boy in a costume, no more. Her eyes could see straight through him, penetrating his cells and his thoughts, his physiology and his psyche "Now you'll look up to me!" She began to fly toward him, toward the city, slowly, unstoppably. As her huge chest approached him, Superman backed up, every ounce of his being wanting to reach out and touch this embodiment of the ultimate power fantasy while every iota of his good nature reminded him to be a good boy. "Kara! Stop!" he said, "STOP!" The ocean waves beneath them billowed at the force of his voice, but even a command so powerful couldn't stop her. Still she approached, so immense and so close that her chest began to eclipse the radiance of her face and her crown. A meteor irresistibly falling toward humanity's extinction. "Kara? I'm not Kara, little man," daggers of light stabbed from her eyes, "I am the Goddess of War." Superman glanced back at the city, millions of lives clustered in streets and skyscrapers and suburbs, counting on him. He turned back toward Kara and was greeted with the gray, skeletal, sapped body of Supergirl, writhing like a worm on a hook, dangling from her tattered cape which was gripped tight in Power Girl's fist. Superman's temper simmered at the sight of her crumpled husk and the sound of her faint heartbeat. "Oh my God, what--" "She dared to defy me, Kal-El," the goddess responded, still approaching, "What will you do? Will you protect your city and end up like she did? Or will you bow down and worship the new empress of Earth?" "Let her go, Power Girl! NOW!" Superman threw the first punch. She shut her eyes and laughed, a twinkling sound like golden chimes and bells, and caught his fist in her own. Although his hand was bigger, she flexed and they both felt the bones in his fingers snap. "You chose poorly." The halo of light from her head turned into an inferno of colors. She pushed against Superman's fist and he found himself hurtling backward, his fall a blazing knife cutting open the sky. He impacted the street with a cloud of dust and broken asphalt, then a splash of water as his body punctured a water main. He was already in the air again. The goddess was still slowly descending. Superman grit his teeth and poured his energies into his eyes, blasting a barrage of heat vision that hit her square in the chest. He heard a horrifying noise: she scoffed at his assault. He roared as his red beams turned almost white, hot enough to melt any metal on Earth. Then he felt himself suddenly pulled forward, completely off balance. Power Girl had grabbed hold of his heat vision, fingers closing over the rows of searing light particles and she yanked him out of thin air. As he pitched toward the ground, he caught himself and took to the air again. People were beginning to react and break into a run, evacuating the scene as windows along the sides of skyscrapers shattered, waterfalls of glass tumbling to the walks below. As he flew, he spun himself like a drill and the air whirled around him, turning into a dark tornado that continued to grow in size. The super storm blackened the skies over the city and swallowed the goddess. The winds howled about her, still she descended at the same floating pace. "You think you can threaten my city? Leave NOW!" Superman's voice echoed on the wind. His fists landed across her back, her chest, her shoulders. His punches could crush moons. The sound of his attack was like bombs detonating. "Pff! Pathetic!" the goddess raised her arms to block her face, if only intuitively, throwing Supergirl's husk of a body to the ground below. "Don't tell me you're the one who brought together the Justice League, who humbled Darkseid, who once pushed planets out of orbit, who lifted infinity and survived death itself? You're nothing but an anachronism. A has-been. A boy scout helping old women across the street. Your time in the sun is over." His fists pummeled her impenetrable stomach, peppered her legs, faster than the human eye could see, all to distract from a single punch he prepared and landed right on the naked mound of her groin. Power Girl doubled over in sudden pain, shock filling her eyes as she sucked in air, as if she'd forgotten what pain felt like. Before she could catch her breath, she felt Superman's feet collide with the back of her head. She came crashing down into the shoreline below. The blast of her impact flattened nearby palm trees and showered sand and water vapor through the air. "You came barking up the wrong tree, Power Girl. I don't know what Ares has done to you, but we're going to reign this in together." Superman descended straight down and lighted on the beach, arms crossed. The Goddess of War shot toward him many times faster than a speeding bullet, too fast for the Man of Steel to avoid. She tackled him to the ground, a mountain of muscle too huge to wrestle. Her crushing hand was on his face. She tore his head off, screaming, enraged. Oil and wires leaked from his neck. Her magnifying vision recognized highly advanced kryptonian tech. A decoy! Hands of flesh closed around her head. She felt Superman dig his feet into her shoulders, one hand pulling up hard under her chin. His other hand slipped under the burning rim of her helmet and he yelled out in pain. Then he flew from his perch, tearing off the helm of war with him. A thunderclap echoed through her brain as the merged minds of Ares and Power Girl were severed. Shuddering, feeling suddenly far too heavy to stand, her whole body aching, her joints cracking, her muscles sore beyond words, Power Girl fell to her knees in the sand, panting. A wave of weakness and nausea hit her, marooned and shipwrecked inside of a body too muscular to move, the last remnants of her ruined costume hanging from her like cobwebs. She scrambled across the sand, coughing, drooling, all the light drained from her face. "So this was the cause of all this trouble?" Superman stood above her, red boots planted on the ground. He looked like a god. The perfect man, perfectly handsome and resolute. He turned the helmet of war round and round in his hands. It had reverted to its old steely blue appearance, hollow and dark. "Ares' helmet, the helm of War. Diana warned us about the Olympians before. They're treacherous. They can even turn someone as good natured as you into a monster." His eyes were full of pity. "...Kal..." Power Girl groaned. "Help me... I feel..." she spit bile into the sand. "So sick..." "You were sick, Kara. It's over now. Let me help you, please." He bent down and pressed his forehead against hers. "I'm so sorry." "I'm sorry..." her knee collided with his balls as her arms flung out and grabbed him. It took every last bit of strength she had. As he gasped, agony radiating from his groin, she whispered in his ear and wrenched the helmet from his grasp: "Idiot. Your kindness was always your weakness." As she placed the helmet back on her head, her body flared back to life. Rays of light sprung from her mouth and eyes, her face lit up with heavenly beauty, her health returned and doubled, she rose to her full height, several feet taller than Kal. Her hand was around his throat. She picked him up and slammed him into the ground, over and over, like a strangled rag doll. "You son of bitch! You goddamn pompous bastard!" she shrieked, her rage burning brighter and brighter, "You soaked up power and adoration for years, keeping me around like a fucking sidekick to clean up your mess!" She held him high by his neck, felt his energy flowing out of him... into her. "You feasted on their worship! You basked in the warmth of so much glory and kept it all to yourself!" She threw him. His body sailed through the air and collided with a skyscraper. Everyone had fled. Nobody was there to see his defeat at the hands of the Goddess of War... nobody except for Daily Planet reporter, Lois Lane, who had raced in a hijacked taxi to the oceanside. "Clark!" she cried. "Claaaaaaaark," the goddess teased, "I'm not done playing with you..." Superman gathered himself from the wreckage and staggered out onto the sidewalk and into the street. The Goddess of War was coming closer. He could feel the heat radiating from her immense body, like the sun. Except unlike the sun, she seemed to sap his strength rather than enhance it. Justice League! Priority K! Respond! he reached out for the telepathic web cast by J'onn J'onnzz, the Martian Manhunter. He had to call for help, he was weakening fast. Superman? Where are you? J'onn's voice rang through his synapses. Metropolis! Hurry! "Calling your friends, Kal? What a coward," Power Girl shook her head, "The world doesn't need cowards. It needs a Goddess! It needs War!" Her thunderous footsteps brought her nearer, shaking the whole city block. "Lois! Get back!" Superman shouted as his lover ran closer. "Worry about yourself, you goddamn pest!" the Goddess of War raised a massive leg and stomped his body into the ground. Before he could fly away, she sat on his hips. Her weight knocked the breath out of him. She pressed her pillar-like thighs against him like a vice. He winced as he felt a rib snap and his heart began to race with a rare feeling: fear. He looked up. Another mistake. Above him, Power Girl ran her fingers over the perfect symmetry of her bloated muscular body, the heaving slabs of her chest, the cannons of her arms, the chiseled columns of her abs. Her hands slid to her waist, balling into fists at her hips. "Look at me, Man of Tomorrow!" She began to flex, rhythmically gyrating her pelvis, grinding her wet pussy against his bulge. His breath was taken away. "LOOK AT ME!" He had no choice. The sight of her tensing, inflating, furrowed, gruesome muscles filled his vision. Her monolithic breasts began to bounce above him. He couldn't help but get hard for her, for all that insane, inhuman power packed onto the once petite (albeit busty) frame of her body. "LOOK AT ME, KRYPTONIAN! AND DESPAIR!" She flexed harder, only now her muscles weren't swelling from the flex, but actually filling up with energy like liquid filling up water balloons, like molten magma pouring directly into her white hot veins. "You've fought many battles, Superman! You've endured many wars, here on Earth and across the galaxy! Now all of your power, all of your skill, all of your battle prowess and experience belongs to me! All war must come together to feed the Goddess of War!" Superman felt himself getting weaker, not unlike the revolting sensation of being exposed to kryptonite, only he could see his powers flowing out of him and into his cousin riding on top of him. Power Girl leaned back, raised both arms and flexed. Her whole body exploded with additional mass. She did it again, her biceps rising higher, her forearms growing thicker, her waist tighter, her chest wider, her shoulders bigger. Her thighs swelled against him until they were each bigger around than his body. Her head disappeared behind a blockade of seething, undulating, super-freakish muscle. Superman wondered how much more she could take, and every moment saw his terror deepening, Lois sobbing in the background as he shrank and shriveled and dumped his strength into her. Power Girl was surprised by the endless drain, too. "There's more? MORE? FUCK. ME." Her muscular pussy grabbed his cock like iron jaws. His member throbbed uncontrollably, assaulted beyond reason, harder than he'd ever been before, so hard it hurt. From the colossal base of her shredded thighs like twin bulls roaring with power at either side of Superman's body, her waist rose like a Greek sculpture, entrenched with muscle and dwarfed by the rest of her body, by the trembling lats framing her like a broad shield big enough to cover a tank. As she breathed, her abs flexed and relaxed, looking harder and meaner and uglier every time, each individual abdominal now the size of his own head. Her pecs had so gorged themselves that they were each thicker than her own waist, huge sheaths of muscle looking like rocky strata jutting from the Earth, and atop them, the biggest, smoothest, most perfect breasts he'd ever laid eyes upon. He wept at the sight of them, if only because he thought he didn't have the strength left to reach up and fondle them where they bounced over his body, that is if he could even hope to knead those two wrecking balls striated like they were made of pure muscle. She had devoured so much of his strength and mass that her enlarged glutes touched the bottom of the muscles hanging in heaps of quivering flesh from her back like some alien tortoise shell. He could hear her moaning, kissing and licking her shoulders and the tops of her own pecs that were beginning to crowd over her face. She leaned forward and her fists came down on either side of his head, giving him a blinding front row seat to her face being swallowed up by her traps and shoulders and pecs, a face that seemed to unfold past the blossom of youth, the ideal narcissistic beauty, an unreachable standard, a mask of flaxen velvet, her skin like spun starlight, her eyes like celestial pearls, her eyelashes like the wings of night, her lips like solar flares, the saliva that dripped from her hungry mouth like incandescent ambrosia... she was unimaginably beautiful. No human could have resisted her. Few mortals could have even survived the presence of such beauty, like looking into the heart of the sun. Along her regal brow, the helm of war had evolved into the shape of an icy, horned diadem of platinum patterns repeating down through microscopic infinity, bejeweled with a constellation of gemstones that shone like the Olympian pantheon themselves, gods she had already far outpaced. Such a face, the freshness of youth, the wisdom of deities, the beauty of a queen, mounted on top of a garish, sickening, disgusting, distended war machine of muscle swollen past any semblance of normalcy, every muscle so vastly overripe that entirely new proportions came into existence on her frame. "Look what I am becoming, Kal," her voice crashed into his senses like a tidal wave. Superman couldn't hear Lois weeping in the background anymore. He couldn't even think of Lois, a waif compared to the sexual power personified in front of him, filling not just all of his vision, but all of his thoughts. Shield your vision. Do not look at her. Superman could hardly hear the new voice, either, even though it rang through his brain, not his ears. He felt himself tearing away from beneath her. He saw a green flash of light then heard the noise of light particles shattering. "Lantern!" J'onn J'onnz said as he flew up into the sky away from the Goddess. "...No... Take me... back..." Superman wheezed, "Back... to her..." Superman! the Martian Manhunter's telepathic cry shook him from his reverie, Do not forget our situation! A superpowered kryptonian is on the loose in YOUR city wielding the power of one of the most dangerous of the Greek gods! She just disposed of Hal Jordan with a flick of her wrist and I cannot reach her telepathically! Power Girl has merged with Ares! I cannot take you back! "Then... take me to the Fortress..." Superman clutched at J'onn's wrist. "Fast..." They rocketed through the air, Superman murmuring obscenities and perversions, his brain still reeling from the sight of what his cousin had turned into, the memory of all her muscle burned into his frontal lobe. The Manhunter said nothing, pouring on the speed, hoping that his tricks of invisibility would aid their escape. They were nearly over the arctic now, snowy plains beneath them, the Fortress of Solitude in sight when a beam of opalescent light carved the air and set the Manhunter ablaze. He hardly had time to scream as the white flames enveloped him. He dropped Superman and fell unconscious into a nearby mountainside. Superman opened his eyes and angled his body, clumsily gliding in his exhaustion as he fell, plummeting through the roof of the Fortress. Crystal shards splintered and cracked around him as he reached the floor. He felt like a bag of broken bones. With all the strength he could muster, he reached for a nearby console, fingers trembling over the controls. The Fortress reacted, sifting through his encyclopedic collection of artifacts from across the universe until the right one was selected and brought to him. A robotic arm craned down toward him, its pincers holding a tiny purple capsule with a single word writ in kryptonian: DOOMSDAY. Superman thought of Lois, and Jimmy, and Ma and Pa, and Lana, and Perry, and the old woman crossing the street, and the flower salesman, and the barista, and the millions of other faces of Metropolis and Smallville and across the world. The Doomsday mutagen was the last resort of last resorts, but as the entire front of the Fortress caved in, he knew what he had to do and he prayed that the surviving members of the Justice League would be able to stop him after he put his own cousin down. "There's no use hiding, Kal!" Crystals shrieked and ground into powder as Power Girl came through the wall, swinging the Fortress's giant golden key like the arm of a crane. "Goodbye, Kara Zor-L, and forgive me," Superman closed his eyes and snapped the capsule between two fingers. He could hear the hissing, monstrous DNA helix sizzling through the icy air like a dragon, and he braced himself to transform into an unstoppable killing machine, but then it stopped before it reached him. His eyes shot open, horror mixed with delight: horror at the thought of her ingesting the mutagen, delight at the anticipation of how it would even further push her limits. He screamed in protest and couldn't be heard. Power Girl had opened her mouth, inhaling. A hurricane swept to life inside the Fortress, glass and ice, crystal and machines breaking off and tumbling down her hungry gullet. She swallowed the Doomsday mutagen, shut her mouth, and laughed through her teeth. Her laugh grew darker, louder, more threatening, even as her body began to grow again, her skin turning paler, grayer, almost silver, impossible diamond-like spikes starting to protrude from her knees, elbows, toes, fingers, back, and knuckles. She continued to laugh as the Doomsday mutagen melded with the magic of the god of War and her kryptonian heritage inside her growing body, her muscles doubling in width, her head raising higher as she swelled taller, new veins paving paths through her muscles to feed her insane growth. So much power she choked on it and seized up wide-eyed through a breathless orgasm, juices blasting from her vagina, gorgeous face pierced with a look of absolute euphoria. Still her body grew. Still her kryptonian DNA flooded with the Doomsday mutagen, sealed in place and refined by the magic coruscating through her branching veins. There was a sound like a super nova. Fire and light erupted from her swelling form, her muscles so monstrous and enormous she looked like a round planet of boiling, steely flesh. She reached out and flexed biceps that crashed into the ceiling above like rising towers, triceps bulging against her surging thighs, legs grown so thick that her stance had turned into a squat. Through the roaring crescendo her transformation, Power Girl's voice resounded and shook the North. "The world will NEVER forgive you, Superman. They will hate you for crowning ME as their new empress!" (end of part 4) (access the full story and the full library at )
  10. Thefty

    An Adverse Reaction (Part 2)

    Hello all, Part 2 of Adverse Reaction. I hope you enjoy, will need ideas for my next story, so please feel free to message me with suggestions. For the next few days, Nick avoided me wherever he could. I didn’t see him for several days initially following the unusual events that took place in the gym shower. I had continued to grow all the way back from the gym at a much slower rate; it seemed over the next few days that I also continued to grow increasingly more powerful in the gym. My lifts were going up and up and so was every part of me. I couldn’t believe how strong I was getting, it was like a dream come true. However, despite clearly trying to avoid each other it was inevitable that we would bump into each other in such a small flat. That day came almost 8 days after the shower incident. I was struggling to squeeze myself into my old clothes. My slender jeans and slim fit tops were now discarded in the back of my wardrobe as they split when I put them on. Either that or they fought with pecs for space or dug into my arms and shoulders with incredible discomfort. Now I had to settle for baggy jeans or baggy shorts and my old hoodies or sports jerseys. Unfortunately I owned very few, and all my shirts now, began to stink of man after about 4 hours of wear. Apparently whatever my body was now kicking out, it smelled strong and powerful, just like the rest of me. I waited for a day when Nick wasn’t in. It was a plan that required patience, but I found that my new persona was hungry for a change in the dynamic at home. I grinned as my phone chirped. I looked down and opened up the grindr profile, I had paid extra to have the full app and get the notifications, because it was all part of the major plan. My grin was because, some new pics of me had sent my sexual appeal into the stratosphere and I was enjoying my new found appeal by fucking tight ass like a man in a desert, drinking water, for the first time in months. One new revelation out of all of this, was an increasingly dominant and slight sadistic streak in the bedroom, which had proceed to have grown only stronger in keeping with my outward appearance. I loved to watch down over my newly minted pectorals to see them suck me off, their eyes fixed on mine. The power of it. I knew I was getting hooked on it as a sensation. However, I also knew my plan involved me having to put that to one side, to achieve what I wanted. Knowing what I liked as a dominant in the bedroom, I began to talking to fellow dominant muscle guys. Guys who could gift me the very thing I craved. More power. Posing as a fit, athletic submissive, I found it tough to find the right dominant. Until today. I knew my housemate was out. The timing was perfect. This guy was just right. Arrogant and rude. Older by 15 years. Married with kids. Bulging with muscle and hung to fuck. I couldn’t steal from a guy like me, I had to take it from someone with ego, someone who looked down on me. Someone who only saw me as an inferior male specimen. The phone chirped again. As was the plan, he was coming right over from the gym. I had to be ready for him, on my knees, wearing a sports vest and a jockstrap. I looked over at the bedside table. There waiting for him, fresh from the gym, was an ice-cold, orange coloured protein shake. As I heard the handle of the front door turn, I was on my knees, I picked up the protein shake and held it out in front of me. If this worked, well… This was going to be amazing. He entered. He said nothing, but snatched the shake and kicked me backwards onto the floor from my kneeling position. I dulled the malevolent look in my eyes and watched as he drank the post-workout shake as I had offered to have ready for his arrival. If it tasted of anything, he did not express it. I watched his thick, powerful arms hold the shaker aloft. Sweat streaked his huge physique, he wore only a black string vest and some loose red gym shorts. He kicked off his shoes and stepped towards me. I could smell his fresh, fierce gym scent. My face in line with his crotch, I could smell his uncut cock. Suddenly it kicked in the light polyester shorts. It surged towards me, huge. Bigger than Sam. He growled as I massaged his legs, the organ pulsing to life, growing hard and thick. Moments later, he had lost control, grabbed me by the vest and the jock, shouldered his way into the bedroom and dumped me on the bed. Only, this was Nick’s room. I didn’t have time to correct things, as this guy was on me. Using me for his own pleasure. His cock pulsed down the length of my back, he grabbed me by the neck and I felt the searing pain of his cock enter me. It was brutally painful and I grunted, but he stifled it with one big sweaty palm over my face. He rammed my face into the bed, forcing my ass up. My hands gripped the edge of the mattress and I was forced to breath in my housemates acrid stink, which would have previously made my own cock harden. But I was becoming a different creature now. I wanted to fight back and push this asshole off me. But I wanted to grow. I had to be right, it had to be this luminous orange shit Sam had been necking everyday. The guy behind me, grunted and laughed at my apparent pain. His organ really was monsterous and he was damn strong. I could hear the wooden bedframe, creak, that unmistakeable sound of wood splitting as he ploughed me. Nick’s furniture moved across the floor between each, titanic thrust. Then it happened, I felt his cock thicken, and then thicken again, straining my hole. I felt him began to fire round after round into me. The change, was immediate. I felt it inside me. Like a spark to a freestanding pool of diesel. I ignited. My head rose up. “Oh fuck yes… FUCK…. YES….” Was about all I could utter as it ripped through me. Energy, masculine energy suffused my limbs. I felt my ass kick back, my thighs bulge with new mass. Fuck, I felt strong. My back cracked and I lengthened up the bed. I grinned as it hit my shoulders. I was no longer able to hold onto the roleplay fantasy as I felt my shoulders undulate and widen, lats surging in power. “Yes… I’m g-growing… This is fucking amazing…” I felt the softening cock slip out from me. I rolled over and saw the expression in his face. It was a face I had not seen before, a mixture of revulsion and desire. He loathed watching me grow but desired it for himself. He was torn, he felt drained, he wanted to leave, but he needed to know how too. I extended my longer legs over the bed, sprung forward with my strengthening arms and stood in front of him. I grinned at him only now slightly less tall than him, but in a split second, the margin vanished. I growled again. My pecs surged and thread of my vest creaked and split at the shoulder. I inhaled deeply and the split widened into a tear, revealing the bulging mass beneath the fabric. Another tear, this time from below. He looked down and went pale. His prior former glory, soft and hanging limp, looked smaller than he had every seen it. It’s mass, very obviously being siphoned into its opposite number as my small jock was being shredded by the growing mound of my package. I laughed as it tore open the jock at my right hip and my newly grown organ fell forwards, thick, large and pointing menacingly at him before it pulsed larger again. My nuts beneath, not left out from the transformation. I brought my arms up and flexed, they bulged with power. My features refining, my masculinity surging as he, went the other way. His previous bulging ripped physique, was still big, but much softer. He was shorter, looked less masculine but I mostly seemed to have drained him of his cock, which looked woefully average now. He looked between my taught biceps and his own softer upper arms as I flexed, I was captivated my their shape and bulge, a big thick vein now across the surface of my left bicep. I looked back at him. “Now fuck off, or I’ll take more…” His trainers made a plastic squeal as he made for the door, stumbling twice over his now, too large shoes. I grinned, turned to Nick’s mirror and flexed. This was amazing. It would be several more days before I could take this new found ability and turn it back against Nick. Had I felt any pang of morality about going through with it, it seemed to evapourate with my last growth. I considered, I was becoming no better than Nick or the asshole who just saw me as a convenient hole, but somehow, I didn’t seem to mind. ********* It was on the day when I had no more clean sports jerseys to wear that I squeezed my newly bolstered frame into the biggest tee I had. Instead of looking ridiculous, I looked incredible. I was never going to hide myself again I snickered, watching myself in the bathroom mirror, my biceps straining the sleeves, chunky veins emerging from beneath the cuffs and my new enhanced pectoral shelf straining the shirt. Just looking at myself made the sleeping organ in my jeans pulse. As I was about to flex in the t-shirt, I heard the door to the bathroom swing open and Nick stepped in. He was dressed only in a towel. “I need a shower” “Yeah, I’m nearly done Nick, you can wait 2 minutes” My blood burned as it pumped through me. I honestly couldn’t remember the last time I had stood up to Nick, this was incredible. He looked at me malevolently. As I finished tusseling my hair with wax in the mirror, I gazed admiringly as my biceps swelled at bulged as my hands worked on my coarse, thicker hair. I glanced across in the mirror, Nick was watching my arms too as our eyes never met. “Right, all yours bro…” I grunted and exited the shower, smiling at the unmistakable hardening of Nick’s thick organ against his towel. He would never before have gotten aroused by me, but I couldn’t be sure if it was his protein that caused it, or whether Nick had always been secretly attracted to muscular jocks. As I walked out of the bathroom, it dawned of me that Nick would be in there for some time. His room would be unguarded. Checking over my shoulder, I crept into his room. The scent of his room more familiar now that my own bedroom was developing its own masculine scent. A quick glance across the counters and floors, did reveal that Nick had been entertaining Jenna recently. He left the very thing that I wanted, just lying there. I grinned and got to work. I traced the edge of my water bottle with a finger through the car ride, its precious cargo the only thing I could think about. Nick’s malicious gaze continued to drift from the traffic ahead onto my swollen arms, the size and obvious power, stretching the sleeves of my previously baggy t-shirt, whereas his underarmour hid what he had clearly lost very well. He had managed however, to quite easily convince himself, he was no less of a man than he was the previous week. As we arrived at the gym, as we exited the car I took my first gulp of my water bottle, the lemon juice not really disguising the digusting taste of his ejaculate. I loved the feeling of pure energy as it burned down my throat before setting a raging fire within my gut. More suddenly than I expected I began to feel myself grow as we crossed the car park, I could feel the arms of my t-shirt dig into hardening biceps, my burgeoning arm reached down to readjust my package which was becoming rather uncomfortable in my new jock, I bought to replace the previous one. “Stop playing with yourself…” Nick scolded his voice breaking as he did so. I loved the feeling, watching him wilt as I grew stronger and stronger. It was hard to avoid the temptation to drink all of the contents of my shake, but I resisted. I walked over to an empty weight bench, the agreed exercise to be shoulder press. After a quick warm up, I grabbed his usual working weight and hefted it over to him. He looked a little anxiously at the large imposing dumbbells before turning his face into a snarl. He hardened the look as he got his arms into the perfect start position with a little help. I stood back and took another big swig of the potent protein shake. On his second rep and his arms visibly twinged as his muscle thinned, his face strained as his arms struggled. “Bro…” he struggled growing red in the face As his face glowed so the change rocketed through me, I could feel my chest swell outwards. My tee was now edging towards dangerously snug. The end of my shorts were now rubbing the top of my knee and not the top of my calf as the flourishing muscle and elongating limbs, pulled them vertically. I positioned myself behind him, and applied a very firm pressure from beneath his elbows to help with the weight, but he still struggled, the contours of his elbows feeling flatter and softer. His weakening arms inched upwards a little more before stopping, as his muscle ebbed, it felt like I was draining it right out of him. Nick’s arms collapsed and the heavy dumbells came clattering to the floor, he leaned forwards onto his knees totally spent. Before we switched seats I took another big swig of the shake. My weight was less than Nick’s but much more than I would normally throw around. I hefted the weight into position, getting one up with the help of a quad, as the undeniable cracking of the hem of my shorts resounded in the air of the gym. I pressed the weight, from my stance I could feel the bulge in my underwear swell, the feeling of wellness and masculine power bolt through me as I pressed the weight, after the second rep, it felt light. It felt like the worlds best pump. But I knew better, I was growing still. I racked the weight, and grinning, watched Nick’s face fall as I grabbed more weight. I restarted shoulder pressing the heavier dumbells, now matching Nick’s weight, it was tough at first but it got slowly easier as I felt my growth continue but at a slower pace. The delts fought back hard against the taught fabric, the power of the muscle winning out on the fifth rep, as two seams cracked. The protuberant muscle tearing the fabric apart. I grinned at Nick who looked white with shock. The sixth rep, forced the muscle to bulge larger again, the stronger, harder, steely muscle tearing more of the seam like a knife through butter. I felt the pressure around that shoulder relax and I grunted a lewd moan, feeling the sinew burst from its cloth prison. “Oh fuck yeah… growing…” I grunted. I turned to the mirror, bringing both my arms up displaying their new expanded form. As I gently flexed, more cracking was audible. I drank in my new form, whilst openly taking long stares at Nick, he seemed weaker by the second where as I was empowered. My skin seemed to glow with vitality, my features more masculine and edgy and my eyes sparkled. I couldn’t remember, ever feeling this good. I think, looking back on it now, objectively, this would probably have been enough to address the power balance in the flat, to bring things back to an even keel, but something inside me had grown stronger too. I felt that “evens” wasn’t enough, I didn’t even wrestle with the desire, I simply gave into it, to the temptation to take more, to feel the power course through me again. I chugged some more protein shake and suggested some lateral raises. Nick for the first time, seemed almost defeated but agreed. I watched as we moved over to the smaller free weights. I watched Nick gingerly pick up the 8kg. “Shoulder injury…” he coughed, by way of an excuse for not using his normal weight. I watched as he began the exercise, his weakened musculature, struggling with the small weight. His arms shook and sweat seemed to pour out of him. I grabbed heavier weights and began exercising next to him. My eyes firmly locked onto the powerful body I barely recognised in the mirror, Nick looked on, watching striations burst out of my skin into prominence. Exhausted he let the weights hang by his side as I grabbed heavier ones. By now, I could feel others in the gym watch as my shoulders swelled and veins pulsed over the surface. I wracked the dumbells and brought my arms up into a flex. The swollen arms and shoulders, openly tearing the arms of my vest with audible cracks. “YEAH!” I roared, totally absorbed in this power, not caring how the transformation was affecting not just my body, my whole personality. On reflection, how many of us could be in this situation and not take it all, how many of us would turn down the opportunity to be elevated above others. Maybe, the old me could have turned back on it, but the testosterone tearing through my body, urged me on, pressing me to turn the knife in Nicks wound. At least, I tell myself it was that. Before I could pose again, Nick was gone. I glanced over to see him slip back into the changing rooms. I grinned, casually following him, sauntering through the gym, as other guys eyed my new form, probably the first time they’ve ever noticed me over my flatmate. In the changing rooms, Nick stripped and hurried into the shower. I could barely stop myself from grinning as my ruined workout shirt hung off my surging frame. I gently peeled the remains off, letting it drop to the floor as my chest caught my eye. Not only was it distended with muscle, but a fine coat of hair was now generously coating it, only adding to overstate the power and evolutional masculinity behind such a display. My thickened legs were swelling as I padded from foot to looking in the mirror, eagerly flexing my now bulgy and rounded biceps, the forearms crammed with veins and distended with a sickeningly thick spread. I chugged down the last of the precious shake. My eager guzzling causing the odd drip to land haphardly on my swollen pectoral shelf. Even as my left hand casually quested for it, I felt it absorb into my skin. It was like my body was adapting to Nick as a source of food. With my legs rolling over each other, I made for the shower. I knew Nick would want to once again try and put me in my place, with the only advantage he still had. I deliberately entered the shower, facing an opposite shower head to Nick. I felt the familiar surge within me, the change was coming, and this would be a big one. I knew Nick had his back to the shower head, as he always did, any excuse to show off his almighty package to anyone who would glance at it. I glanced out of the corner of my eye, his once proud muscle, softened, his hard look now distinctly puffier and flatter. His once thick neck, now looking thinner and less impressive. His typically rounded biceps looking more fusiform and slender. Yet, I was still aware his package had remained large. In his rush to get into the shower, he hadn’t appeared to notice the other changes to his body. “You think that I wouldn’t notice Sam?” He said suddenly, as I felt my back begin to furtively thicken. “Notice what bro…?” I asked innocently, turning halfway to face him. “You stealing my protein powder… It’s really good stuff bro, but I’ve hidden it now. I’m not sharing anymore with you, so enjoy the growth, because believe me, when I get back on it, I’m gonna make your life pure hell” He grinned at me his features malevolent. His hand reaching down and palming his thick, long piece of meat, grabbing the base, he gave it two quick tugs. If he registered that it didn’t seem as big, or as long as usual, his face didn’t reflect that. “However big you get, you’ll never be bigger than me where it really counts” He said laughing. But his laughter died away when I turned to face him. He drank in the image, watching, as my muscles seemed to bulge bigger. His mouth moved wordlessly as if trying to speak but unable. I felt the dragon roar up within me as power streamed through my body. I felt my legs lengthen, taking my growing profile in higher, I couldn’t believe how strong, how powerful I felt. “Alright fine…” I said finally, breaking the silence “But… I think you’ll find Nick… that I’m the one bigger where it counts and if I’m bigger, you have to suck it…” I continued Nick, his eyes darting between my chest, abs and, what was now a bigger than average flaccid cock. “Heh, I’m still bigger bro, you got yourself a deal. And if I’m bigger I guess that means you have to suck mine!” he grinned. “well… alright then…” I said feeling my growth slacken off again He began massaging his cock, it would have been impressive by anyone’s standards, of course, anyone that hadn’t seen Nick before this week. Now as I played with my own thicker, longer tool, it felt great as it engorged and grew hard as steel, the whole throbbing pole feel amazing in my hand, better than ever before. What I presume Nick used to feel. My bigger, swollen balls, pulsed with energy, my skin on fire. To my surprise, Nicks cock thickened obscenely, hanging lower and lower as he caressed it with a fist, soon it grew harder and began rising up, pointing straight at me. My sword rising to meet the opponent, like the calm before a joust or fencing tournament. He stepped forward, my eyes angled downward to meet his, I was growing taller. Again if he registered this, he chose to ignore it. Instead, he grabbed my big thickening pole and pulled me in closer toward him. But I grinned as I felt his purple, engorged cock head jab into my abdomen. My own cock, falling just a few millimetres short to do the same to him. I watched Nick return the smug, arrogant look plaster all over his face again. “Heh, you know, I’m gonna enjoy this…” he smiled, placing a hand on my thickened and bulging shoulder. I tried to look dismayed as I sank to my knees, the flexion making my quads bulge and distend. I’m not certain if Nick noticed much of what was happening, but glint in his eye suggested that somehow he was oblivious. I gazed upward, with as much of an innocent intent as I could muster, made all the easier as he gently slapped his cock against my mouth. I didn’t even have to time react as he bucked his now seemingly slender hips forward and penetrated my mouth with his thick organ. I concentrated on supressing my gap reflex and kneading the rigid shaft with the breadth of my tongue as he firmly handled the sides of my head for his own pleasure. As he thrust in, I could feel the last of the effects of the tainted protein shake start to slacken, but things were already accelerating toward my eventual victory as I watched Nick sneer, his legs buckle and toes curl. His insistent and powerful thrusting increased in intensity but weakened in power. I could take his cock more manageably in my mouth; I knew my grip on his legs strengthened as those very legs diminished. Then I felt it, before he knew about it, before even the tidal wave of his cum hit me. I felt the spark of power deep within me, grow hot and brighter with every passing second. I focussed on feeding that sensation and sucked hard on his cock and it felt like the dam burst within him as his cock pulsed and rope after rope of his thick white ejaculate launched into my mouth. I felt like I had the energy to run a marathon or move boulders, as I continued to suck hard on his organ. Within seconds, my thickened musculature began to grow again as I took everything Nick had to offer. I glanced up at Nick, his head back, totally gripped in pleasure, his eyes half closed. I watched as I saw his chest weaken, his abs lose definition, and his thighs lose the impressive thickness. I knew his cock was shrinking too as my mouth now held his whole length easily. I also knew exactly where it was going. On my knees, my now impressive slab of meat between my legs was hanging over a bigger pair of bull balls and grazing the wet tile beneath my legs, with every passing second, I felt it reel out and rest on the tile like a python. I couldn’t physically wait to see the new me, but I could feel myself growing larger and stronger by the second. The feeling was indescribable, save for the undeniable and unassailable power that coursed through every inch of my body. As pleasure washed over him, he placed a hand on my shoulder. I looked up, as he looked down, curious about the sheer size and breadth of the rugged, rock hard shelf he had gripped on to. As our eyes met, I licked the head of his cock clean and pulled the much shorter, dare I even say small, cock from my mouth and grinned up from the floor at him. He said nothing, as his eyes darted around my newly enhanced body. In a split second, his cock bucked and he came again, only managing two single ropes this time as it shot out and hit my chest. He watched as it absorbed into my skin and my pecs swelled even more freakishly than before. My shoulders widened and a involuntarily growl escaped my throat as I grew again. He fearfully stepped back, that’s when he noticed his transformation, in the opposite direction. “Whu- you… you took it?” “You gave it…” “No… I would never give it…” His voice sounding hollow and almost childlike “How…?” he ventured “I think it’s your protein, it’s nothing I’ve done” I said flatly I rose to my feet. I had grown so large, I put my final height at maybe 6’4, maybe more, my muscle, huge, thick, maybe 250/260lbs easily, eager and desperate to be used. I looked down at him, gone were the protuberances of his muscle, the towering, masculine height. His cock limp and shrunken. Despite this, his wolfish good looks remained, and the innocence in his face made his eyes sparkle even more. There was little more to say. He took one last look at what used to be his before turning and running. By the time I had gotten back to the flat that night, he was already gone. His stuff was mostly packed, he’d left most of his clothes, since they no longer fit him but he’d packed the important stuff. He left the weights and the bench. But I suspected that now they would be too light for me. I walked into the kitchen, not unhappy with my current situation. I wore only a pair of sweat pants, my big, muscled physique clearly on display, my obscene bulge displayed through the thick cotton fabric. I smiled as realised Nick left all his food, kitchen supplies and his vast array of supplements. But, on closer inspection, there was a gap above the refrigerator, my new vantage could show me that there was a footprint where something used to be. Nick had taken the experimental protein shake with him.
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