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Longer one, hope you enjoy! Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 5: Summer break arrived, grim as a prison sentence. To be away from Frank for mere hours felt like torture. Especially now that I was a full-blown roid pig, and my sex drive was insatiable. How was I going to survive back home for three months? For his part, Frank was just as upset. He had to stay on campus for football training — same dorm room, no me. “Will you promise me something?” he asked on my last day, as we lay in bed together. I was tracing my fingers through the violent grooves of his eight pack. “Of course, what is it?” I was expecting him to ask me to remain faithful, to not mess around with other guys. Now that I looked like this, I attracted leers anywhere I went, from men and women alike. Everyone wanted me. But that’s not what Frank was talking about. “Don’t stop lifting and growing this summer,” he said. “I want to see you get even bigger. I want you to keep eating, keep cycling. Stay focused on muscle all summer. All day, every day. Come back even bigger than you are now. Come back so big, people will gasp when they see you. So big they won’t even recognize you. James, your body has already responded better than I had hoped. You’re a hunk now, but I can make you a freak. A muscle freak. So huge. We’ll make you so big. 290, maybe even 300 pounds. Oh my god bro... Fuck....Big as a pro bodybuilder. Bigger. The two of us. Waddling around campus. Fucking and fucking nonstop. Two muscle freaks. One tall, one short. Sex every hour. All that muscle. Muscle, sex. Roids. Fucking beasts. Huge. So huge. Muscle, big muscle, so strong, so much muscle, so much musc-- oh fuck! Oh fuck! Oh fuck James! I can’t handle it. Holy shit! UNHHHH!” Frank grabbed behind my neck with one huge hand, and stuck his tongue down my mouth forcefully. At the same moment, his dick sprayed a huge load without warning or even any touch. Rope after rope shot up and landed in Frank’s beard and on his veiny neck. I counted 8 ropes! All while he kissed me passionately -- almost desperately. This happened anytime Frank talked about my muscle growth. Nothing turned him on more, not even his own muscular development. The second he started to envision me growing bigger, he'd burn beet red, wheeze loudly. His eyes would unfocus and look manic. His cock would shoot up as fast as a soldier's salute. As a rule, he'd eventually devolve into muttering "muscle" over and over again, like an incantation, until he came spontaneously. These would always be his biggest loads (which is really saying something). Each time Frank spiraled like this, his fantasies got more extreme. First it was bulking me up to 230 pounds, now it was 300. Of course, I couldn't have been more turned on either. I loved watching him lose control like this. I also started to realize that these fantasies could actually become a reality. I was almost 19, and already 225 pounds. To become a genuine mass monster, even a professional bodybuilder, suddenly felt plausible, especially while Frank was around. Laying beside him, I stroked my bulging pecs, arms, shoulders, quads, glutes... I was still blown away by their size. I soon came a load almost as large as Frank's. His fantasy was now my reality, my goal. -- So I had my marching orders for the summer. I also had (thanks to Frank) a year's worth of tren packed in my suitcase. With a heavy heart, it was time for me to head home. We had one last, incredible fuck session. Then another one. Then another one. Then finally, realizing I was about to miss my flight, I called an Uber and dashed off. Frank's dry cum still coated me underneath my super-tight clothes. The aroma of his pits was on my face in the cab, which gave me a throbbing boner the entire ride to the airport. I was 5'9, 18 y/o, 225 pounds. Tight denim jeans tearing inside the crotch. Light blue college t-shirt so tight you could see every ridge of my abs, both my nipples, my thick upper pecs almost touching my chin. Whenever I glanced at my reflection in a mirror or window, I was astonished at how wide I looked -- and also how obscene. Like a bodybuilder in the first minute of a gay porno, wearing ridiculous, undersized clothes. Stares from every direction as I rushed through the airport to board my plane. The gay flight attendant did a double take when he welcomed me on board. For a second, his mouth was agape. I winked, and he went red. I knew I looked like a fantasy cooked up in a lab. I approached my seat. A small, nerdy kid with glasses my same age -- no doubt on his way home from college as well -- regarded me with terror. I weighed a hundred pounds more than him, even though we were about the same height. As I stretched to stow my bag in the overhead bin, my tight shirt left my slightly hairy, washboard abs exposed. My bulging crotch was one inch from the kid's face. I'm sure he could smell the cum and sweat inside. I sat down beside him, my weight shaking the plane seat. All the color drained from his cheeks. The plane took off. The cabin lights dimmed, and almost everyone fell asleep. This was my first time in a plane seat since my "growth spurt." My shoulders and arms jutted well into the nerd's personal space. My hard tricep rubbed against his sad, noodley arm. I kept thinking how, just six months ago, I was this geek's size. We were probably the exact same age, yet I could do military presses with his body and not even break a sweat. Maybe even with one arm. I thought: Should I apologize for how much space I was taking up? I really was encroaching a full quarter into his seat. My bulging shoulder was digging into his tiny body. (The other one jutted into the aisle, so no one could pass by without brushing it.) My arm wasn't even on the arm rest, that's how wide I was. Then I noticed that the nerd was awkwardly covering up a boner in his lap. "Heh," I laughed under my breath. I turned my bulging neck and looked him in the eyes. I winked. He went as red as a firetruck. Now I was feeling arrogant. Discreetly, without anyone noticing, I grabbed his wrist and laid it on my bicep. I flexed, and the little nerd squeezed as hard as he could. (Not very.) Then I guided his tiny arm up under my shirt. I let him feel my pecs. I bounced them up and down as he groped them pathetically. His grip suddenly weakened. "Uff!" he whimpered. I saw a dark spot growing in his pants. My huge muscles had just made him cum. "Good boy," I whispered, and pushed him away, before anyone noticed. Fun as this mile-high muscle worship was, I was already missing Frank. I scrolled through the hundreds of X-rated pictures and videos of him on my phone, both heartbroken and incredibly aroused. Pics of us together when I was just 180 pounds, and he was 375. Videos of me pounding him doggy style, his back muscles jiggling. I could feel the nerd's prying eyes on my screen. I stumbled upon a recent, shirtless, chest-up picture of Frank, from his 430-pound era. He was smiling, as handsome as a movie star, but his furry pecs and shoulders looked so shockingly pumped that the nerd gasped. "Your...boyfriend?" he asked meekly. "You could say that," I replied. "Oh my God. He's... huge," he whispered, looking at Frank's picture in disbelief. He was spellbound. Now I had a painful erection. I lowered the seat back tray to hide it. But my heart was heavy. Three months apart. It sunk in. What if Frank found someone new? Someone even bigger than me? Vague jealousy burned like flames in my mind. I felt more motivated than ever to grow this summer. I'd come back so huge that Frank would be shocked, so big he could never find someone hotter than me. So big, so fucking big, so much muscle... my mind looped and looped, just like Frank's. Maybe it was the tren. The nerd watched as I took out a two-pound Tupperware container. Ground chicken, brown rice. 120 grams protein. It was a four-hour flight, and I had three of these meals to eat. -- To say my parents were horrified would be an understatement. At the airport, they didn't even recognize me at first. "It's me, it's James," I assured them. Even my voice was deepened by the roids. They hugged me like I was a science-fiction monster, confused and alarmed. You have to remember that the last time they had seen me, just six months prior, I was a lean, 155-pound kid. Now I was 225 pounds. I had told them I was bigger, that I'd been lifting, but not much else. Now, their charming, sensitive, academically inclined son was a roided-out meathead, more muscular than a Chippendale's dancer. Voice deeper, face wider but still jarringly boyish on a thick neck that stretched my shirt collar. Obscene, veiny muscles bulging everywhere -- ass, shoulders, pecs, arms, traps -- beastly, erotic bulges attracting stares from all corners. The next few days were pretty awful. Long fights ensued. Vehement lectures about the dangers of steroids (which I denied using, lol). Insistence that I see a psychiatrist for "bigorexia." But I knew what body dysmorphia was, and I didn't have it. I didn't think I was small. I thought I was huge. And I loved it. And now the only thing I wanted was to get bigger. All my parents’ anxieties and pressure didn’t amount to much when I thought of the sweaty, hairy, 430-pound muscle bottom that was waiting for me back at school. Frank’s special kind of madness had infected me. Logical reason fell by the wayside. All that mattered anymore was muscle and sex. With horror, it dawned on my parents that not only had I transformed utterly...I wasn't finished yet! I hadn't lined up a single thing to do that summer except train and eat and cycle on more and more gear. No internship, no summer job, no friends or social life even. Just gym and consuming shocking amounts of protein, day in, day out. Every now and then, I might come across a hulking gorilla at the gym or on Grindr, and I'd fuck their brains out. But those were my only, occasional distractions. If that was cheating on Frank, then it hardly counted, because Frank had spoiled me for sex. Guys smaller than 230 pounds no longer interested me -- and even when I found a roided-out muscle bottom, he'd never have a cock as massive and beautiful as Frank's was, or a face as handsome, or lips as soft. By my 19th birthday, late in June, I was 235 -- up a full ten pounds from my last weigh-in, and yet leaner and more defined than ever. My parents pretty much cut me off. They'd still pay for college in the fall, they said, but they didn't want to underwrite the money I was spending on food and new clothes and probably steroids that summer. Yet I soon realized that I could make a fortune doing cam shows, just flexing and jerking off for ridiculous rates, and could even raise my prices as I grew bigger and freakier each week. (Being hung didn’t hurt either.) So money became a non-issue. It poured in. In fact, I was making more than my parents did, unbeknownst to them. By early August, I was 250 pounds, a number that shocked even me. By then, my largest shirts fit like crop tops and left my well-defined abs exposed. Finally, my parents put their foot down. Either I see a psychiatrist, or they would stop paying my tuition. Reluctantly, I agreed. Through a stroke of luck, this ultimatum totally backfired on them. Within seconds of meeting my handsome, 30-something psychiatrist ("call me Justin") I realized he was gay. I could tell he was struggling to maintain his composure as he looked me up and down. As soon as the door of his office closed, I literally tore off my shirt. I practically leapt over his desk and shoved his face in between my pecs, forced him to suck on my perfect nipples. I flexed a bicep (21 inches) and pushed it into his face. He moaned and slobbered all over my peak, then huffed my musky pits. I swiped all the stuff off his desk -- it crashed on the floor -- and I roughly laid him out on the surface. I picked him up and started doing military presses with his body, over and over, with perfect form. I could tell from the bulge in his pants how much he was loving my show of strength. Then I laid him down on the chaise lounge (where I was supposed to be in therapy). I sat on his face, and enjoyed the frantic, overwhelmed way he ate out my bubble butt, no doubt the most muscular one he had ever seen. The shrink quickly came in his nice slacks. But I wasn't through with him. I flipped around and shoved my 8-inch cock down his throat. At first he nearly choked, but eventually managed to suck me dry. My load was enormous. All this worship had made me more horned up than I'd been in months. I started to put my tattered, indecent clothes back on. "That's all the time we have for today," I joked as I walked out the door -- knowing he'd never forget how good my ass looked as I left. -- A few days later, I overheard Dr. Justin debriefing my parents on our session on speakerphone. "Mr. and Mrs. Keller, you have nothing to worry about. James shows no signs of body dysmorphia or any other psychiatric disorder. Bodybuilding is a perfectly legitimate sport, and you should be encouraging James for his dedication and hard work. In fact, I'm a little disappointed that you have been so dismissive of James's athletic goals." My mom fell for it, hook, line and sinker. "Oh, God, you're right. How could we have been so unsupportive? I feel terrible." But my dad raged. "Encouraging THIS!? But the boy looks like a FREAK!" “Mr. Keller, I don’t think words like ‘freak’ are helpful here.” "Honey, listen to the doctor. We need to support James." "But what about the steroids?!" "In my medical opinion, I see no signs that James is abusing steroids. After speaking with him, it is my belief that he simply has excellent adherence to his diet and exercise regimen -- as well as a genetic predisposition for muscular hypertrophy." "BUT HE'S GROWING FIVE POUNDS A WEEK! THE KID HAS 21-INCH ARMS!" "Ron! Don't second-guess the doctor. He's the expert here." "Well, all of this being said, I do think James would benefit from continuing therapy. Maybe you could send him back to my office?" -- Although my dad wasn't happy, that was the end of the fighting. My parents yielded to my increasingly extreme lifestyle and size. Emboldened, I dramatically increased my tren and macros, and by the end of the summer, I was teetering at 265 pounds, up a full 40 pounds since June, and 110 pounds since January. I wasn't just training my muscles… As long as I'd known Frank, I'd never been able to bottom for him. His 10.5" dick was too much for me. I couldn’t even get it inside me. So all summer, I was practicing with bigger and bigger toys, getting ready to ride his almost fist-sized cock the day we reunited. Even though Frank was on my mind constantly, we hadn't corresponded much. It was pointless to text or call him. He lived in the moment, whether lifting or eating or fucking or practicing, and barely looked at his phone. The messages I sent would sit unread for days, driving me into a frenzy of insecurity. The few messages I got back were dashed off in pidgin English. ("miss u 2 bro, iam jo 2u rn. still growin??") Sometimes I thought he was barely literate. Plus, there was a tacit understanding between us that we didn't want to reveal too much. We both wanted to be shocked by each other's growth when we finally reunited in person. Imagine what Frank is going to think when he sees me. That was all I thought, day in and day out, as I pounded protein shakes, pushed barbells, and pegged myself in my locked bedroom. One hot August afternoon, as a twelve-inch dildo ripped through my bubble butt, I came the biggest load of the whole summer, picturing the shock on Frank's face when he'd finally see me next week. -- The day came. I was returning to college for sophomore year. Unlike my last flight, this time, I knew I was far too big to fly coach. I just wouldn't fit. So I used some of my cam money to upgrade to First Class. Even in the larger seats, my lats spilled out comically. A tank top, barely a scrap of fabric, left half my pecs and both nipples completely exposed. It was pretty fun to watch the other passengers trudge by, the look of shock on their faces when they saw a 265-pound, 19-year old bodybuilder looking back at them arrogantly. I made sure they all had to brush past my veiny arm, which jutted into the aisle. Especially the nerds around my age, whom I took special pleasure in intimidating. I didn't eat any of the First Class food, though. I brought seven pounds of ground beef and rice in three huge Tupperware containers. Spent most of the flight stuffing my face, trying not to leak too much pre-cum thinking about my growing muscles -- and of the furry, wheezing, waddling mass monster that was waiting for me back on campus. Frank, Frank, Frank, Frank, Frank. After I was done eating my Tupperware meals, I started rubbing my bulging chest, flexing my arms, turned on by my own mass. The other people in First Class glared at me. I’ll admit, my behavior and appearance were pretty shocking. My dick got so painfully hard that I needed to rub one out. I stuffed myself into the airplane bathroom, barely able to close the door. I felt like a sardine. Then I looked in the mirror. I almost came on the spot. I could not believe how massive I had become. I pulled my cock out of my sweatpants and flopped it on the tiny bathroom counter. I looked back at my reflection and immediately orgasmed. I sprayed a load all over the little sink and mirror. I flexed for a few more minutes, totally stunned. I half-heartedly cleaned up the mess, then waddled back to my seat to drink a protein shake. — My flight had been delayed, and I got to our dorm quite late -- almost 2am. Everyone on campus was asleep. I stood outside our door. New year, same little cinder-block dorm room. We had pulled some strings to stay paired together another year. My heart pounded. I was completely hard. Just imagine what Frank will think when he sees me. Even as I reached for the door handle, the enlarged size of my veiny forearm caught my eye. A warm feeling surged through my cock. The room was pitch black. I heard Frank’s typical snoring and closed the door quietly, trying not to wake him. The scent of sweat and muscle and cum was overpowering, like a smack in the face. It conjured the countless fuckfests we'd had in the room over the past year. My dick throbbed with pleasure and anticipation. I even started moaning out loud, that's how horned up I felt. My eyes adjusted to the darkness. I realized the mattress was on the floor for some reason, no bed frame -- and the huge, dark mound on the mattress must be Frank. I set my bag down, then peeled off my clothes silently. Now I was completely naked. My dick was pulsating from Frank's pheromones and my months of waiting. I tiptoed towards the mattress in the center of the room, stepping on jock-straps, cum-stained bodybuilding mags, empty vials of tren... Same loud snores. Frank could sleep through anything. I climbed into bed with him. I got under the covers. I nestled next to him, so I was big spoon. Frank's naked body felt molten hot as I ran my fingers through his fur. Impossible to describe his scent. Even in the darkness, just tactilely, I could tell something was different. This was Frank, but this wasn't Frank's same body. For example, I cupped one of his shoulders with both of my hands, yet even two hands couldn't encompass his delt -- that's how enormous he was. Cuddling him from behind, I couldn't even reach around his lats; he was too wide. My fingers grew more restless as I realized he was far, far larger than the last time I saw him. In disbelief, I groped his sleeping muscles, squeezed his neck, caressed his beard, the stubble on the back of his head... Frank snorted loudly and flipped onto his back, almost crushing me in the process. But he didn't wake up. Frank started to talk in his sleep. "Fuck...Muscle bro...Fuckin' huge...Muscle...Freak...Musc..." he muttered. Then he resumed snoring even louder. Now I could feel his pecs. I delicately kneaded them, toyed with his sensitive nipples. ("Unnh!" Frank cried unconsciously.) Yes, they were much bigger too. Hard to tell how much bigger in the dark. I was in a silent frenzy. I could have cum right then and there. Yet I decided to reach down further. I felt it. Frank's 10.5" cock, as hot and hard as I had dreamed of it. I tasted some of the pre-cum that dribbled out. I had to do it. I had to ride him. I very quietly stood up, stripped the blanket off of his body. I squatted over Frank's cock and guided it into my massive bubble butt. I just used a bit of spit for lube. Even in his dreams, Frank was leaking so much pre that I didn't need much else. All the training I had subjected myself to that summer was leading here. Frank was still asleep as he entered me. I cried out in pain. Then the pain subsided and pleasure rushed over me like nothing I'd ever felt before. I slowly thrust up and down, taking more and more, until he was inside me up the hilt. I was legit crying tears of joy as Frank unwittingly tore through my ass -- feeling like the type of huge muscle bottom I'd always fantasized about. I started thrusting my ass faster and faster as I rode him. Then suddenly a change came over Frank. He didn't wake up, but some kind of animal spirit inside of him did. His super-strong hands clasped my waist, and suddenly he was thrusting harder and harder. Pounding me. "AHHHHH!" I screamed, unable to stay quiet any longer. "FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!" I roared with each thrust. The feeling was so intense, I was about to pass out. Then Frank truly woke up. "WHAT THE -- what the FUCK?" he yelled out in confusion as I rode his cock in the darkness. I must have looked like a huge dark shape bouncing up and down on his boner. "AH! AH! AH AH!" I moaned, incapable of even forming words. I was starting to black out, the room was receding, but I couldn't stop riding Frank. It felt too incredible. Then Frank groped for a lamp near the bed. He clicked it on. A blinding light filled the room. I realized why the mattress was on the floor. The wooden bed frame had evidently buckled -- its wreckage was piled in the corner of the dorm room. I looked down at Frank, he looked up at me. We saw each other for the first time in three months. All while 10.5 inches of him were inside me. I'll cut to the chase. Frank was 470 pounds. He had gained 40 pounds of mass that summer. His arms had grown to 26 inches. His furry pecs were so enormous that from my angle, riding him, they actually hid most of his face. His cheeks were fuller and his face was broader from all the gear, yet he was as handsome as ever, even with a stunned look in his eyes. Then you have to imagine Frank's POV, bright light suddenly on, looking up and seeing his roommate, now a 265-pound gorilla, riding his cock for the first time ever, pectorals and hard cock flopping up and down. "J--James?" "FRANK!" (In unison) "OH MY GOD! UNNNNNNNH!!!!" As his load GUSHED into my hole, mine exploded all over his mega-pecs and his beautiful face. The biggest load I'd ever produced. His face was completely coated, like a mask. We both came and came and came and came and came. Our muscles were shuddering and quivering post-orgasm. The harsh light of the bedside lamp made our bodies look all the more freakish and unreal. Two absolute monsters, roid pigs, 19 years old, 735 pounds of muscle between us. Frank's sensitive cock was still deep inside me, gushing warm sperm deeper and deeper. We locked eyes. Underneath a veil of cum, I could tell Frank was smiling devilishly. That was how our sophomore year began.
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 4: As soon as I started cycling, lifting and eating with Frank, my body responded better than I could have hoped. The night I first agreed to take steroids, I was 18 years old, 5’9, 155 pounds. I was in good shape from swimming and running, and knew I was pretty handsome, but I looked nothing like the muscle freaks I had jerked off to since adolescence. Being roommates with Frank pushed me to the extreme faster than I could have ever gotten there on my own. Once I committed, Frank viewed me as his special project, somewhere between a mentee and a ward. He saw my mass-building as equally important to his own. To supplement my diet, Frank would bring me endless, unvarying food from the dining hall (where, as a football player, he got unlimited meals). Our mini-fridge was so full of chicken breasts and ground beef that we had to buy another one and stack it right on top. He taught me to look at food as a source of fuel, not pleasure, and once I made this accommodation, it amazed me how much I could pack away each day. My intake accelerated until I was eating 500 grams of protein daily. Frank not-very-gradually ramped me up to a high dose of tren. Not as extreme as his, of course, but enough for my already-healthy libido to shoot through the roof. Luckily, I didn't experience any of the stuff I feared: acne, mood swings, shrinking balls, etc. All the side effects I had were, frankly, very sexy. My voice deepened noticeably; dark hair started to sprout on my chest and forearms; I woke up each morning, nuzzled in Frank's pecs, with an erection so hard it was almost intolerable. Of course, the most valuable part of Frank's tutelage was in the school gym. Two brutal, grueling sessions per day, every day, except Sunday ("rest day" -- more like 120 minutes of cardio). The first time we went to work out together, I was a panicked mess, insecure to even be seen next to Frank in his gym clothes. I remember the first lift we did together. Barbell bench press. "Watch what I'm doing," Frank said, voice deeper than Vin Diesel -- but he didn't need to tell anyone to watch him. Every eye in the gym followed Frank anywhere he went. He added five 45-pound plates on each side, 495 pounds, and knocked out 8 perfect reps. You could actually see the bar bending under the weight. He was even speaking to me as he did reps, calling attention to his form. ("See my grip?" he said through gritted teeth, nipples popping out of his tank top.) Then it was my turn. We spent two minutes removing plates, then I struggled to do a single rep with one 45 on each side. My arms gave out, and Frank spotted me with one hand. At the gym, the insecurities that I'd always nursed came out in full force. All of Frank's over-the-top horniness would disappear when we got in the gym: He became cool, composed, professional. We looked bizarre working out together. I'd watch Frank curl a 260-pound bar as a warmup, his veiny, 24-inch arms so swollen they looked like they might pop. Then he'd turn around and show me how to properly curl two 15-pound dumbbells, gently correcting me if I tried to go heavier than I was able to. The gym made me realize how exceptional Frank really was. I knew he was strong, but didn't know -- until working out with him -- that he was lifting heavier weights than the Mr. Olympias I jerked off to. There was a reason he looked like this. "Hey. You know that guy?" a hulking frat boy asked me one time, after Frank had stepped away. "Yeah, he's my roommate." "Your roommate?" The frat boy was confused and, I could tell, annoyed. He was a senior, one of the most juicy, muscle-bound jocks at our college. Probably 6'0", 260 pounds. Absent Frank, he would have been my sexual obsession, the campus muscle god. Now Frank, a mere freshman, had stolen his thunder, and to make matters worse, Frank was lifting with me every day. "Yes, my roommate." "Well, you realize he's squatting 840 pounds? For reps? He could be in the Olympics." I kept asking myself: How could Frank, this fucking monster, be attracted to a weakling like me? Wasn't he impatient, showing me how to do shoulder presses with 20-pound dumbbells? Yet I soon realized that all of my fears were unfounded. Frank was an incredible trainer. His patience was endless. And his professional demeanor -- which I took as diminished attraction to me, upon seeing how weak I was -- was just how he acted in the gym. Aside from eating, lifting was just about the only time Frank could focus and not let his libido take over. The only time his dick wouldn't get hard at the drop of a hat. Within days, I was growing stronger, and I could see the pride in Frank's eyes when I improved my form or hit a new PR. My grades plummeted. I studied weight training more than my textbooks. I did the bare minimum to not get expelled, less for academic reasons than to remain on campus with Frank as long as possible. -- Five pounds of muscle a week. That's how much Frank said I'd grow. And you know what? That's exactly what happened. One week of grueling lifting and nauseating eating, and I was 160. Up five pounds exactly. And the next week, I was 165, and two weeks later I was 175. I had gained 20 pounds of muscle in one month. I was incredulous. After this initial pop, my progress slowed, of course, but it didn't stop. The next month, I gained 10 pounds. Frank doubled my tren. By April, I was 200 pounds. ("What do you mean you can't come home for spring break?" "Sorry, Dad, I really need to stay here and study.") By June, I was north of 220 pounds. I had put on 65 pounds of muscle in six months. I looked like a different person. My shoulders had made the most shocking improvement. They turned into these hairy, bulging, flat-topped melons, jutting out even from behind, making every t-shirt tight around the sleeves. A perky shelf of pecs had grown in between them, even larger and plumper than my delts, and my nips had sprouted dark hair and pointed straight down under their weight. My back exploded in size. I became double-wide. I looked absolutely absurd, with my still-boyish face atop ultra-roided, superhero-like traps, wearing shirts that became so tight they left my midriff bare. After countless hours of punishing leg workouts, my quads, ass and hamstrings were spectacular to look at. My glutes stuck out like a capital P. I grew the diamond-shaped quads I'd always fetishized. I had to beg my parents to send me money so I could buy all-new clothes, vague on the reason why. (They assumed I was getting fat, "freshman 15," etc.) Not a single thing I owned fit me anymore, but I wasn't big enough for Frank's XXL hand-me-downs either. I didn't look so ridiculous working out with Frank anymore. To say that Frank liked my transformation was an understatement. My juiced-up physique made him even more insatiable, horny for me day and night. If I wasn't eating or lifting, I was having indescribable, balls-to-the-walls sex with Frank, almost hourly -- five times per day at least. Our sexual connection didn't lose its spark. It was like a roaring inferno, consuming everything else in our lives (except for bodybuilding and, for Frank, football), and the tren was like pouring gasoline on top. -- Impressive as my own growth was, during this same period, Frank had entered his most extreme phase of bodybuilding yet. "5-5-5," he called it. "Gonna increase tren, calories and weights 5% each week for five months." As the weeks compounded, his intake of food and steroids -- already remarkable -- became completely unhinged. By the end of his five-month sprint, he was eating 30 chicken breasts per day. One every 30 minutes. He was benching 620 pounds for reps. His tren dosage was as high as he could "safely push it" (his words), according to the Reddit threads where he got most of his information about steroids. He grew even faster than me. Up 10 pounds in January, 12 pounds in February, 16 pounds in March. When Frank hit 390 pounds, our scale broke. Even the one in the football training center couldn't weigh him. We had to order a new scale, specially made in Germany for the morbidly obese. It arrived seven long weeks later, and the anticipation of weighing ourselves was one of my hottest memories from this time. In solidarity, I had held off weighing myself during that stretch, so we could both learn our progress at the same time. We knew it was going to be shocking. The scale finally arrived one week before summer break. In our little room (a disaster, a cum dump, it looked like ten horny bodybuilders had been squatting in it), we got everything ready. We both stripped off all our clothes, not that we ever wore more than jocks or tight white Calvin Klein briefs stretched to tatters by our growing muscles. I went first. "225.1" Both our cocks shot up at the same time. "Oh fuck dude... Holy shit bro...So much fuckin' muscle bro...Oh fuck, oh fuck," Frank said, his eyes going blurry. He started kneading his fingers through my perfect pecs, sniffing my pits. He stuck his powerful tongue down my throat. "Fuck James, oh my god James, you're so fucking hot..." he mumbled with his tongue in my mouth. I pushed him away. "C'mon, Frank -- now it's your turn!" Frank took a gulp and stepped on the scale. The sheer magnificence of his body standing there was too much for me. I was stroking my cock, trying hard not to cum, as the digital scale processed his weight. The screen blinked WAIT, WAIT, WAIT. The seconds felt like minutes. Then finally, STEP OFF. "429.9" We both gasped. Frank's boner started quivering and leaking pre-cum. His face went flush. We both turned and faced the full-length mirror. Suddenly, he saw himself in a new light. He realized the size that he had packed on. "Whoa...Oh my god dude...Oh my god...Oh my god bro..." Frank said, stunned by his own reflection. "UNNHHH!" We both came without touching our cocks. I still remember how our loads shot off at the exact same moment, flew 4 feet across the room, and hit the mirror with a splash. As cum dripped down the looking glass, we stared in awe of the two unstoppable, handsome, horned-up freaks gazing back at us.
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 3: After we had fucked another two times, Frank and I rinsed off, then walked to the cafeteria. The other students were beginning to pour in after winter break, and the campus was abuzz with activity. Frank was wearing super-tight grey sweatpants, an even tighter XXL bodybuilder tshirt, and a black baseball cap. It looked like his clothes were about to rip. You could see every detail of his body in perfect definition, from his bubble butt to his nipples down to the head of his massive cock. He waddled into the dining hall. I walked beside him, self-conscious to even be seen with this muscle freak who towered over me. We looked like different species. This was the first time we had ever hung out together outside of our dorm. Sure, I'd bump into him occasionally on campus. He'd always be with some other hulking member of the football team. He would give me a wink, a bro-y nod, or a fist bump. ("Who's that?" I'd hear some hunky, 250-pound teammate asking as I walked away. "My roommate.") Apparently, Frank's rule on being seen with me had changed -- or the rule had never existed. I'm sure I looked strange standing next to him: a good six inches shorter, more than 200 pounds lighter, and unable to take my eyes off his bulging, twitching muscles. I soon realized it didn't matter. Frank drew so much attention, I may as well have been a ghost. The instant people noticed Frank, they went silent. Their minds were clearly blown. A nerdy freshman dropped his tray of food loudly, making a huge mess. We got in line, Frank ravenous and thinking only of his macros — not on the dozens of eyes watching him in disbelief. Without looking, Frank walked forward and bumped into a geeky, 5’7” sophomore boy in front of him. (Frank hadn’t noticed how nervous the boy was to be right in front of a muscle monster three times heavier than himself — though I had, of course.) As they collided, the kid’s head rammed right into Frank’s pecs (his single most oversized muscle group). The poor, closeted nerd stumbled back in a daze, his glasses askew. “Whoops. Sorry bro,” said Frank, looking down nearly a foot -- past his pec shelf -- to the nerd’s face. Frank was unfazed, not realizing he had given the skinny kid a memory he’d probably be jerking off to for years to come. I saw the nerd’s hands shaking as he reached for tongs. I watched Frank pile 12 chicken breasts, 10 hamburger patties, and two pounds of brown rice, and two cups broccoli onto his tray. His enormous hands made the tongs look ridiculous — like doll cutlery. The Mexican lunch ladies stared in disbelief; they barely came up to the middle of Frank's abs. I also noticed a group of jocks staring at Frank. "Holy FUCK, look at the size of him," one said. "You think that's steroids?" another one asked. "C'mon man, of course it is." “Yeah, look at those shoulders man.” "Dude, what the fuck, you can totally see his dick." (Frank, focused on heaping meat onto his tray, caught none of this.) You could see the fear in everyone's eyes as Frank carried his 10-pound meal into the dining room. I was nervous he'd see someone he knew, and I'd have to talk to one of his toxically masculine football jock friends. Fortunately, though, we sat down at a table alone. The bench screeched like it might break. Every table around us went silent. You could sense the other people trying to stare and eavesdrop inconspicuously. When he sat down, Frank's sweatpants couldn't contain his Mr. Universe-sized ass, which was left half-exposed in his white jockstrap. I'm not talking about a little crack. I mean a good 50% of his hairy bubble butt was fully on display. He didn't realize this, of course. I also noticed that his bright white shirt was starting to tear, right down the center of his back, revealing the slightly hairy traps underneath. Frank immediately began to devour his meal. Not like a pig -- more like a robot with a job to do. I had thought he might be stockpiling chicken and beef for later. Nope, I realized, he was going to eat this all in one sitting. Occasionally, he took a break from chewing to drink a swig of water. Otherwise he didn't say anything and barely looked up from his fuel. It struck me how even now, freshly showered and fully clothed, Frank’s musk was intense. "Frank, you might need to buy some bigger clothes," I said. "You think so?" he said, still chewing. "Well your shirt is starting to tear a little." "Ah fuck, I just bought this. Brand new. Biggest size they make." He kept chewing. "The thing is," Frank continued,"I've been bulking for a while. Was thinking of cutting soon. Maybe down to 350.” "I don't think you have much to cut. You have eight-pack abs." "Hmm." Frank pulled up his white shirt over his balloon-like pecs, his hairy nipples pointing straight down. His hairy, olive-skinned, washboard abs were revealed in all their perfection -- engorged as he was with food. You could feel the entire room's rapt attention on him. He counted his abs. "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6..." (flexing) "7, 8. I guess you're right." Frank resumed eating wordlessly. He didn't realize -- or didn't care -- that his shirt was still rolled up over his pec shelf. Eventually the shirt fell back and covered most of his torso again -- to my relief, because I was self-conscious about the erection throbbing in my pants. After 20 minutes, Frank's plate was clean. Not even a grain of rice remained. "Fuuuck, I'm actually full," he said. He reclined back in the chair, stretched his 24-inch arms over his head in a relaxed way, like he had just finished a Sunday crossword. Then he casually popped a double bicep, just for a second, for me to see. The sharp peaks still astonished me. Then, for the first time since we had sat down, he actually looked me in the eyes. A moment passed. He didn't say anything, but his face was going a little red. I felt self-conscious until I realized that he was looking at ME with longing. Me?! "Um, James," he said, going even redder. "We might have a little problem." His eyes darted down to his own lap. I pretended to look for something under the table, and looked at Frank's crotch, where a throbbing, 10.5-inch erection was already forming a dark circle of pre-cum in his grey sweatpants. The shaft jolted out so far that it was half exposed. It could not have been more conspicuous or obscene. Every eye in the brightly lit dining hall was already on Frank. How were we gonna get him out of here? "Uh oh..." "Fuck," Frank said. "What are we gonna do?" I could tell he was really worried, but his tren-fueled lust was even more powerful. He was wheezing in the characteristic way he always did when he was horned up. He had no way to calm down his cock. "I have an idea." I picked up my tray like I was about to clear it, then deliberately spilt a full glass of soda and ice right onto his lap. The ice-water temporarily shrunk his hard-on into a mere 8-inch semi -- and it also hid the pre-cum stain on his grey sweats. "Oh no, I'm so sorry, dude!" I said. Frank acted upset, but I could see his relief. Although the "accident' drew even more attention on Frank than before, and his porn-star cock was more or less discernible in the wet sweatpants, he was able to escape the dining hall without a full-blown scandal. We got back to our cum-splattered dorm room and Frank more than repaid me for my savoir-faire. We fucked for hours. I came three times: once in his ass, once in his mouth, and once more in the crevasse of his swollen, furry pecs. — Afterwards, we lay in bed together cuddling. I squeezed my Incredible Hulk, nestled my face in his pits. “Mind shooting me up?” Frank asked. I was startled by how deep his voice sounded, but not by the request. I knew the drill. I would inject a dose of steroids into his right glute. At first, I had been shocked by this. Now I was used to the ritual, an expert at injecting gear. I was even a little turned on. “Sure, no problem.” “Hey James?” Frank asked, towering behind me, totally naked. Sticky, dried cum was splattered all over his body. The smell of his musk filled my nostrils. “What?” “Um. Never mind.” “No, what is it?” “You ever thought about doing some?” “Steroids?” “Yeah.” I paused. I really hadn’t. “To be honest, no.” “I was just thinking about how you’d look…If you put on about 70 pounds of muscle…You’re 5’9? I could juice you up to 230, 240 pounds in a year or so… The way you’re built, you’d pack on mass so quickly…Fuck…James…Oh my god bro…” I’d never seen Frank’s dick get hard so fast. Flaccid to hard in three seconds. It flew up perpendicular to his grotesquely swollen quads. His eyes were a little crazy as he looked down at me, fantasizing and scheming. He was wheezing again. “Picture us both all roided out,” he said, stroking his cock. “Posted up in here sophomore year, getting bigger and bigger. Horny all the time. Eating, lifting and fucking nonstop… both of us putting on 5 pounds of muscle every week…Picture how fucking hot you’re gonna look. How hot we’ll both look..holy shit… oh my god dude…” He blew a load all over the carpet. One of the biggest I had ever seen. My mind reeled at the dream he had shared, at how much it had turned him on — and turned ME on. I was just 18, and Frank was such a fucking beast it had never before occurred to me I could be anything like him, not until that moment. Despite my many misgivings about steroids, he had convinced me. I was now under his thrall, obsessed with muscle growth at all costs. That was the night my bodybuilding journey began.
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 2: Winter break crawled by. I had returned home to see my family for three long weeks. Frank was the only thing on my mind from dawn till dusk. In the midst of wholesome family activities, the memory of Frank's unnatural, bulging, hyper-sexualized body kept intruding. I thought of Frank's tren-fueled mentality, his body pushed to the limits of muscular development; of him single-mindedly devouring fuel, injecting roids, and lifting weights all winter break. He was out of control. Obsessed. Animalistic. A freak. When I finally headed back to campus, it was with the excitement of a kid on Christmas morning. The bus from the airport seemed to hit every red light. The minutes crawled by. My heart beat faster with each passing mile. — At last, I got to the door of our room. I heard a faint sound within, almost like a moaning. My heart leaped. Frank was home! Without knocking, I walked right in. The first thing that hit me was the smell — like a Mack truck of deep, intoxicating musk, coupled with the scent of fresh cum. Then I noticed the cum splattered on the walls, on the floor, on the bed. Like someone had just shot massive loads out of a water gun. The room was a war zone, with jock straps, empty protein powder containers and dirty gym clothes scattered everywhere. Then I saw Frank. First and foremost, even in my fantasies, I had forgotten how big he was. The dorm room looked like a doll's house compared to him. There was an Alice in Wonderland quality, like he had taken a potion that made him too large for the small room. Frank was lying on his back on the comparatively tiny bed. He was naked except for a white jock strap. His dark body hair was buzzed short, yet his thick beard was longer than usual. The mattress dipped dramatically under his weight. His cheeks were flushed and his jacked body was flexed. He locked eyes with me -- a serious expression on his red, sweaty face. “James…” he said weakly. With one swollen arm he was stroking his throbbing cock, which had popped out of the jock strap and looked like it was about to explode. Then I realized the other hand was holding a long, black dildo, which he was pumping in and out of his hairy hole. (The dildo was hard to spot at first beneath his bulging quads.) With each pump, his abs convulsed from a 6 pack into an 8 pack. Frank wasn't looking at porn, he was just writhing on the bed -- as if overcome by his own body. He flexed an arm and licked it, rubbed his hand up and down his huge pecs. He locked eyes with me. I laid down my bags, peeled off my winter jacket, and approached him. The dildo he was ramming into his hole must be 8 inches around, I thought. "James...I've been takin' so much tren... Making me so horny bro..." he whispered, gritting his teeth. Sweat was beaded on his red, veiny forehead as he pegged himself. "Couldn't wait for you to get here..." A word about Frank’s voice. In some ways it was as sexy as his body. You have to imagine when they deepen someone’s voice on TV so they can remain anonymous — that’s how scary deep it was. Only it was lightened by a boyish quality I can’t describe, a tiny Texan drawl, and a very slight lisp. What drove me crazy was how it was so gentle and even delicate — yet deeper than any human voice I’d heard. In some ways, it was just like Frank himself, an innocent soul in the body of a superhuman monster. I leaned over Frank and kissed his beautiful mouth. His longer beard felt rough but his lips were soft as ever. I took over the dildo from his hand and continued pumping it in and out, slowly. "AhH! Bro. I missed you," Frank said. I thrust the dildo deeper inside him. "Fuck!" A spurt of precum shot out of his quivering, red dick. "I missed you too, Frank," I said. "Please bro... Fuck me. Fuck me, sir. Please, sir." Frank turned over and bent forward on his knees. His wing-like lats flew out in all their glory. His legs looked like he was half horse. Of course, by now I was completely hard. Must have taken me about ten seconds to pull off my clothes and start pounding the muscle freak. Well…it took a minute more to get to his hole. You see, Frank’s glutes were so thick that I had to fasten my arms around his freaky traps for leverage, so I could push hard enough to even get inside him. "Th-th-thank you, sir," he cried submissively. I went deeper and deeper, pushing as hard as I could against the warm wall of ass muscle. “Love fuckin my muscle boy,” I said, doing my best impression of a straight bro. “Thank you sir, thank you!” His eyes rolled back in his head. “AH! AH! AH!” Frank screamed louder and louder as I pounded him. It must have looked ridiculous, a normal-sized guy pounding a 360-pound freak. I thought of the other people in the dorm who could no doubt hear Frank’s moaning, but I didn’t care. “Fuck yes! Fuck yes!” he yelled in his inimitable, super deep voice. I couldn’t believe how wide and tapered his back looked as it jiggled with each thrust. “Choke me, sir.” I obliged. Or, I tried to. But Frank’s neck was so thick that, no matter how hard I squeezed, I didn’t have much impact. A huge spurt of pre-cum — almost like a load unto itself — spilled out from Frank’s dick. He moaned even louder. Then right before I was going to cum, he pulled my dick out. He grabbed my body, each hand grasping an entire shoulder, and laid me down on the bed like his tiny plaything. Then, looking more huge and horned up than I had ever seen him, he backed up and sat on my dick. From below, I couldn’t see most of his face. His huge, flopping pecs blocked everything except his dark and slightly crazed eyes. As I looked up and saw his pecs jiggling, felt his warm hole sliding up and down my cock, kneaded my hands through his 8-pack, I knew I wouldn’t last long. I started to cum. At the exact same moment, so did Frank — without even touching his cock. His load was so enormous that it drenched my face and most of my chest too. I felt his asshole tighten around my dick in the throes of his orgasm. He moaned: “FUCK YES SIRRRR!” A moment passed. Frank was still straddling me, panting, my very sensitive cock still inside him, my huge load leaking out of his hole. His load coated my entire face. He shuddered. Another mini-orgasm. A last rope of cum shot right into my mouth. Then I started laughing. “What are you laughing at?” “Frank, you really are amazing!” He flashed a killer smile and almost seemed to blush. He looked in my eyes and didn’t say it, but I knew he was thinking (because I was thinking it too): I love you. Frank grimaced and pulled my dick out of his hole, then laid down next to me and shoved my face into his chest crevasse. He knew this was my favorite thing in the world. He pecked affectionate little kisses on my head. God, it felt good to be back in this bear hug, I thought. “You don’t know what it’s been like, James. I’ve been back for ten days. I doubled my tren and now my libido is off the charts. Couldn’t stop thinking of you. I’ve been jerking off six times a day.” “Wait, you’ve been back that long?” I said, surprised. “Yeah, I came back early. My dad was being an asshole. We fought. Said I’m doing too much gear, that he’s worried about me. You believe that?” “Uh…” I wasn’t sure how to reply. Any decent parent would be worried about an 18 year old with 360 pounds of muscle. I must admit, one thing that I found particularly sexy about Frank was that he didn’t give a shit about the risks and stigma of steroids or bodybuilding. It never even seemed to enter his mind. It was like the life of a muscle freak was, for him, the only version of life even worth considering. Nothing was going to stand in his way. Frank continued: “It’s all bullshit. He’s such a hypocrite. Like he wasn’t on gear when he was my age. What he’s really mad about is that he knows I’m not gonna do pro football after college, like he did. He wants me to play in the NFL, just like him.” “You’re not going to?” “Fuck no. You think I care about football? It’s just so I can cover my tuition and keep my dad off my back. Oh, and get unlimited meals at the cafeteria. As soon as I graduate, I’m going to start my pro bodybuilding career.” “Whoa.” “I’m not gonna stop until I’m Mr. Olympia. Can you picture it? Me up on that stage, 6’4”, everyone else looking like a fucking pip-squeak.” “Fuck.” “Imagine what the other pros are gonna think when they see me. Every eye in the room on me. Biggest muscle freak of all time… Walking out there, 100 pounds bigger than the other guys…400 pounds of muscle… Won’t stop till I have 26 inch biceps. Gonna change the sport. Gonna be bigger than anyone ever… biggest ever…Fuck… Just imagine it bro… On stage… Everybody watching… All that freaky muscle… Thousands of people… All gasping when they see me…So big…So fucking huge… Fucking muscle…fuck…” I noticed that Frank’s face was getting flushed again. His beet-red dick had rehardened to 10.5 inches, and a shocking amount of pre-cum was once more gurgling out. Even though he had just came five minutes earlier. “See what I mean?” Frank said. “All this tren has been making me so horny, I can barely leave the room. You’re gonna need to fuck me one or two more times. Then we can go grab lunch. I want to hear how your Christmas was.” “My dick might need a few minutes—“ Frank grabbed my cum-covered face and thrust it into his fragrant pit. Sure enough, the smell was like a Pavlovian trigger. My tired dick immediately hardened. “Good,” said Frank as he saw my erection. “Let’s be quick though. I’m starving!”
Chapter 1 Cal was searching frantically in the supply room. “Let’s go, boys! On the field in five!” Shit shit shit.” His first practice and he didn’t have a uniform. He counted himself lucky to be on the football team as a freshman, but being late to his first practice wouldn’t bode well for his future. His parents had helped him buy his own set of pads, pants, and cleats, but he was supposed to get a jersey from the school. If it wasn’t for his ass of a math teacher he would’ve been early to get a jersey, but now he was shit out of luck. Pushing aside old bags of deflated balls and pads that still reeked of B.O., his hopes dashed by a jersey only to find a huge tear in it. He could feel his heartbeat faster as he counted down the seconds. “Fuckin finally!” Pulling a jersey out of the corner, he inspected it quickly. Still sporting the school colors but in an almost retro design. No holes, rips, and it didn’t smell that bad, it was, however, nearly 4 sizes too large. Standing at a proud 6’0 and 183 lbs, Cal was a size large, an xl accounting for his pads. Checking the tag, it was a size 5xl. Putting it on, cursing his luck. Checking in the mirror, the collar and sleeves were disproportionately huge, the waist billowing halfway down his thighs. Still, it was manageable and would probably last until he could get a fresh jersey. Running out to the field, his oversized jersey billowing around him. The other players were already on the field doing warmups, Coach Stevens off to the side talking to the quarterback and a couple of other seniors. Joining everyone else for what seemed like a couple of laps around the field, Cal took the opportunity to check out his fellow teammates. It was hard to tell under everyone’s gear, but it looked like Cal was the biggest freshman there. He was still clearly outmatched by some of the more seasoned athletes. Still, he was proud of how far he’d come. He spent his junior high years playing soccer and only recently started lifting weights in his free time. By the time Summer started, the repeated soccer practices and games started to lose their excitement. It had started out fun, the competition, the training, the wins. But after a few weeks, it didn’t seem as exhilarating. Soon lured by the intensity of football, Cal found himself admiring the lifestyle. The games, the intensive training, the social life. Starting in June, he began working out, increasing his calorie intake, and even started taking supplements. He remembered fondly the thrill of first seeing the fruits of his labor. After two weeks of his regiment, he felt his shirtsleeves starting to bunch up over his biceps. Soon he could feel his pecs start to press out against the fabric. He practiced flexing in the mirror, seeing his muscle tone increase week by week. By the time Fall came around, he proudly marked his progress over the summer in his head: 1 inch taller and 23 lbs of bulk added to his powerful frame. Cal could feel his pulse beginning to rise as he quickened his pace. The excitement of actually being on the field, Cal tried to take it all in. The smell of sweat and fresh grass filling his lungs, his cleats digging into the field as he jogged ahead. Completing their laps, the players gathered round for a quick introduction and an overview of their games for the season. Remorsefully, Cal accepted that he wouldn’t be able to play most of the season’s games. Going out on the field in groups, Cal paired himself up with two other freshman newbies for some beginner tackles. Trusting his size and abilities, Cal prepped himself to rush the faux quarterback and the poor guy protecting him. The ball was thrown and Cal launched himself at the receiver, taking him down in a tumble. Cal could feel his muscles vibrating with energy as he jumped back up, ready to go again. That whole afternoon, it seemed like nothing could tire him. They kept going until sunset. By then everyone was ready to collapse, but Cal felt like he could keep going for hours. Getting home and tossing off his sweaty clothes, he got into the shower. Feeling the heat from his pumped muscles escape into the frigid water, Cal relaxed his energized body. As the water crept up in temperature, he paid close attention to his groin. Proud of what he had for his age, Cal soaped up his schlong and balls. Swinging to its full 6.5 inches, he gently stroked it. Getting out of the shower, his hard on bouncing up and down, Cal started to towel off his muscular torso. Looking down, he could feel something off about his point of view. His normally small but hard pecs looked bigger, protruding further out. Checking himself in the mirror, he could tell his frame was much thicker than it was that morning. Jumping on the scale, it read 195. “195? What the fuck?!” Out of nowhere, a deep voice behind him chuckled, “Awesome right?”
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transformation Jock Super smart Wristwatch (wip) Update 20.11. edit
tegalus posted a topic in Stories
Jock Super smart Wristwatch A preface This is my first story, my English is not so good so I am using a translator. I apologize if the spelling or grammar is incorrect but that has never been my strong point. If anyone is interested in revising the story and improving the grammar and spelling then send a private message. and thanks to : @Azerreza @mrnonsense76 who have motivated me to try it nevertheless So now we come to the story Jock Super smart Wristwatch Kyle was a college football player (name of college) he had just gotten a scholarship. He was told that he could get the scholarship but he had to get his grades right. In the beginning Kyle had no problem because it was repetitive and he was able to get average grades until his sophomore year when it became noticeably difficult for him because he didn't understand a lot of things and at the same time he was under pressure from the football team to do a better job of presenting himself because the puppy dog rule was over. After a while of settling in, Kyle had to cut back on other things, which was cheaper than losing his scholarship. In the last game Kyle clearly noticed that the opponents had the advantage even if they won by a small margin, Kyle noticed that his body could not cope with the new demands, so he started watching to improve his body, which is why he had to do more sports after school and on weekends, which had an effect on his learning. As his body slowly got better, his grades slowly got worse which he didn't notice until a teacher told him that his grade point average was getting below average and recommended that he get tutoring to get better. Pissed off at the conversation Kyle swallowed the classroom door shut tightly on his way out. On his way out Kyle's stomach growled and he went to the nearest snack machine and bought himself a pair of protein bars to lower his stress which often helped and at the same time he was able to gain weight again. While chewing the protein bar kyle looked on the bulletin board and saw everything from room swaps, personal care, 450€ jobs, and then he saw a note your grades are getting bad and you do not know more then contact me I can help you I give only one person tutoring oh you want to know my name is Jay I am happy to meet you. Later after gym kyle looked where he could find Jay. Kyle had to go to the college basement that Jay works there alone. He knocked on the door. Jay was sitting in the lab and suddenly heard a knock on the door he thought who got lost here? So Jay said, "The door's open, you can come in. When Kyle heard he could come in he went in, he was a little scared that the room was so big but also saw Jay a typical nerd. Kyle froze for a moment when he saw Kyle, he never thought a football player would come here. Hi my name is Jay and I am a football player I saw your note while eating my protein bar regarding tutoring I would like to take it. Hey my name is Jay and I'm studying here for math and engineering. I'm having a problem with both of my math related classes getting more and more out of my grasp and of course my grades are getting lower as a result. Okay, Kyle, let me see if I can help you out. Yeah Jay thanks that would be good I have 1 condition I have a tight schedule I only have 1 hour for tutoring I can't give you more time than that so make the most of it Ok give me your stuff and I'll see what I can do. I'll be back in 2 days and I'll need my stuff back. the next day at the football game the coach was pissed that Kyle's performance had dropped drastically the coach threatened him if you don't bulk up in 2 months then that's it for you then you can look for another college !!!! . Kyle was now very tense the stress from studying and now stress from the coach had done something to him his head was so full that a couple of nerves were overloaded and they burst and Kyle suddenly realized that he had never had such a calm in the head but the burst nerves also led to kyle changing suddenly he didn't care about some things he just wanted to reach his goal to be a very good football player in school. Later when Kyle was home he decided to stop using the legal way to gain mass, he just thought coach wants me to have more mass on my body then he should get it. So he ordered steroids he didn't care about the side effects as long as his body got more mass. Jay was reading Kyle's stuff and had to laugh that it was pretty simple what he didn't understand. The more Jay thought about it the more he thought about Kyle with his big body, muscular big and Jay thought he saw some veins on Kyle's palm, Jay shook his head and tanned himself again and worked out a little plan for studying with Kyle. The next day Kyle went to Jay's house cursing in his head that he finally wanted the fucking steroids. When Kyle was almost at Jay's he knocked on the door again instead of softly with his fingers like last time he did it with his fist a couple of times but very hard, Jay was startled who was that? When the door opened he saw Kyle then he calmed down and said hey Kyle I made a study plan we can start right away if you want , Jay could smell and see that Kyle had been working out , all of a sudden he felt downstairs that he was getting aroused he had never had that before he quickly turned around so Kyle wouldn't see it , but Kyle saw it he pretended he didn't notice but realized that Jay was getting aroused by him , Kyle thought that could be interesting . Kyle took his bag and threw it on a table Jay said Loud HEY what are you doing !!!! don't you ever do that again!!! Kyle stood and grunted and walked over to Jay and said AB right now you talk quiet only I talk loud understood and squeezed Jay hand very tight to show who is the stronger one here. Jay got quiet and went to work with Kyle to study. Kyle liked the way Jay had made the study plan he had another exam next week and so he could prepare well Jay asked if it was all ok YES said Kyle's voice. When Kyle was gone Jay almost fainted because he couldn't get enough of looking at Kyle's body and he wanted to try to convince Kyle that he needed more help. Kyle got up the next day and saw a package lying in front of the door. Finally Kyle thought it was there he quickly took it and opened it and saw little bottles of steroids on it he grinned devilishly and thought now the fun could finally begin. Kyle immediately took a syringe and filled it up and injected it into his arm, he threw the syringe in the trash can and got his workout clothes time for sports. When he started he slowly noticed that he felt better and better and had more energy but he wanted to make sure with energy and another energy drink mixed with a protein shake. Without realizing it Kyle was almost 5 hours in the gym but he had never felt so good when he looked at the clock he saw that it was time for tutoring. Without showering with the clothes from yesterday he went to Jay, Jay was already waiting for him he again a loud knock on the door and said quietly come in, Kyle came in still slightly sweaty and threw his bag back on the table, Jay wanted to say something again but Kyle looked quickly at him and wanted to say nothing now, Jay had to drool in his head when he saw Kyle sweaty bathed his cock was also very excited, Kyle wore a thin T-shirt so Jay could see that Kyle's body had veins everywhere, Jay asked now we start with the tutoring or not!!! Yeah of course here after an hour she was done and Jay wanted to ask Kyle if we tutored more often or longer we could get more results Kyle stood up with a huff and took Kyle's hands and squeezed them so hard Jay almost had to scream in pain I hate to repeat myself I have a set schedule and it stays that way this is not important gym and football is important !!!! Next time you say anything, I'll break your fingers. Got it. !!!! With tears in his eyes and fear of Kyle Jay said yes that will never happen again, very good said Kyle. A few days have passed and Kyle has passed the exam well, also the steroids slowly showed their effect without Kyle noticing it also changed his mood he was very irritable and could get angry quickly that had Jay the last few days to feel Kyle looked more and more often at the scale and saw every day a larger number on the scale. The learning went well Jay found Kyle he also noticed that it stayed in his head better 1 week before Coach's deadline Kyle looked very different his attitude had changed he now had a lot more muscle and had gained quite a bit of mass but the team was starting to get scared because Kyle had become more aggressive and very irritable he didn't allow it when someone didn't show him respect. Weeks passed again and Kyle became more and more massive and muscular but his grades were now only bad he was angry and boiled with rage when it was time for tutoring again Kyle kicked in Jay's door and said friend from now on you will make a better plan or I will find someone else !!!! When Jay heard what Kyle said he was scared and erect at the same time, Jay became more and more in love with Kyle and couldn't imagine Kyle leaving him now so Jay said before Kyle left wait give me a week and I have a solution for you. I hope Kyle said you know how I feel about my time being wasted. !!!! . Kyle went home after Jay to get another steroid shot, then it was time for him to satisfy himself. Kyle worked out more and at the same time increased the steroid dosage he was always afraid if he didn't have anything. The coach was scared how Kyle was changing, he was getting scared of Kyle, Kyle wanted more and more special treatment in the team. I would appreciate your feedback -
Growing up, Jack never knew his father. He has distant memories of being held in a big pair of muscly arms, the scratch of his dad’s bear tickling his chin. But he knew that that was long ago. He assumed he left when he was still young, his mom didn’t tell him much about his father. Life was difficult growing up, his mom loved him very much, but she had to spend most of her days working to help support the two of them. Jack grew into it, becoming more independent and spending his time outside. He was always a very active kid, running around, playing soccer, joining the wrestling team. By 9th grade he had filled out considerably on his 5’9 frame, his toned but bulky 160 lbs suiting him well in his sports. But more importantly, and more to his liking, every morning he awoke to the sight of his 7” hard-on, the thick tool too big for his hand. His daily whacking off had started off very natural, releasing the urge into a tissue every morning. But now, he started feeling more turned on than ever. Sitting in class, his dick started getting painfully hard. Keeping his legs tucked under his desk, he hoped no one noticed the lengthy bulge in his pants. In November, his mother had to take up a second job at the hospital in an effort to start saving up for Jack’s college fund. Jack filled the time by going to the gym every evening. Standing in the kitchen, his growing pecs now pressing out his xl tank top, his sensitive cock rubbing against the fabric of his shorts. Kissing his mom goodnight as he mixed up a protein shake and she left for work. Jogging to the gym, Jack could feel his dick swinging with each step. His balls felt extra swollen this morning and he didn’t have time to whack off. Ignoring the feeling, he jogged faster. Barely breaking a sweat, he arrived at the gym. Swiping his card, Jack headed to the weights. Starting with some free weights, Jack did arm curls, focused on watching his form in the mirror. He admired himself for a moment, while he never thought much of it when he was younger, he was blessed with naturally good looks. His chiseled jaw and cheekbones really added definition to his face. And recently, he noticed a bit of stubble on his chin. He hopped it was golden brown as his locks, he normally kept it trim, but lately had let his hair grow out more. Breaking away from his own gaze, he went over to the bench press. With a good pump on his arms, he loaded a couple of plates and started pushing out reps. He could feel his pecs fill with blood, their size increasing with the pump. Getting up after a few reps, he admired how much he filled out his tank top, his bulging chest looked like it was gonna burst through any day now! Just staring at his pumped upper body made him horny. Trying to ignore his semi, he went over to the leg press. He clanked out rep after rep, pushing his thighs against the strain. The movement of his legs kept rubbing against his dick. His blood pressure rising, he felt his erection hit full strain, poking through the fabric of his basketball shorts. He kept pumping his thighs, the muscles engorging themselves bigger, filling with blood. The workout only added fuel to the flame of his erection. His pumped quads now filled out his shorts, his big hard-on pushed out more. Rubbing it through the fabric, Jack strolled over to the squat rack. Loading it up with plates, he could feel his pulse through his dick quicken. Loading the bar on his broad shoulders, he performed squat after squat. The up and down motion forcing his dick against the fabric. His pumped legs and swelling ass was forcing his shorts to ride up. He regretted going cameo that day, feeling his swollen cockhead poke out. He took a deep breath and focused on his pump. After another 12 minutes of squats, he reloaded the bar on the rack, rubbing his wood through his skin-tight shorts. His balls felt even more swollen. Walking into the showers, he peeled off his sweaty tank top, kicking off his sneakers and stepping out of his shorts. Stepping into the shower, he felt the hot water run down his sweaty back. Lathering himself up, he admired the growing grooves and crevices of his abs. Feeling his chest, his big pecs sore from their workout. Scratching his hairy armpit, he felt his swollen biceps, he must be closing in on 19 inches. Down below, his sore quads still had a bit of pump. Finally soaping up his proudest organ, his dick bobbing up and down, red swollen and pulsing. Grabbing his shaft, his calloused hands rubbing the sensitive skin. Going up and down, he admired the length. Reaching the thick base, he thought it felt bigger, maybe it was still swollen. Still, the thought dug into the back of his head. Washing his nuts, they felt plump in his sack, the big egg-sized orbs feeling extra tight. Slowly going from base to tip, Jack used both hands to massage his throbbing shaft. Quickening his pace, his heart fluttered. He felt the tightness in his balls increase until he felt his thick load explode out. Shot after shot hit the floor, his cum going down the drain. Drying off, he admired his chiseled body in the mirror, his limp dick twitched again at the sight. Putting on his street clothes, he felt the soft fabric cling to his body, the shirt showing his definition, his pec overhang obvious. Down below, his sweatpants looked more than full of his bulge, his 4-inch softie plastered out, the shape of his cockhead noticeable. Fuck it, he thought, it’s grey sweatpants season anyway. Walking home, he enjoyed the feeling of the cooling air against his warm skin. His sore legs quickened their pace, eager to get home before midnight. Waking up the next day, Jack was once again greeted by his throbbing cock, only this time, when he grabbed his shaft, it was noticeably thicker. Jumping out of bed, he grabbed his tape measure. Before, his dick was a nice 7x5.5 inches. Now, it was 7.5x6 inches. His heart raced. Looking down at his swollen dick, he admired its now noticeable size, grabbing it and stroking it as he walked to the bathroom. His nightly workouts continued, his ferocity only increasing. It wasn’t long until he tore through his workout clothes. Only a month later, it was near closing time at the gym. Jack was in the zone at the bench press, his swelling pecs pumping larger and larger until “rip”. His massive chest tore through, revealing his swollen nipples. Down below, his eager dick jumped to attention. Going to the leg press, Jack focused all his increased energy into pumping the increased weight load. His already skin-tight shorts soon bunched up around his growing quads, his throbbing dick pressed out in the middle. On the final press, Jack flexed his quads with all his might, shredding through the fabric. Luckily, no one else was there to see his big dick flop out. Grabbing his big 8 inches of steel, Jack walked to the showers, throwing his torn clothes in the trash. Weighing himself after his shower, he was delighted by his proven increase in size. Now 183 lbs of bulky muscle, he put on his skin-tight street clothes. The xls noticeably struggling to hold his frame. His bulging semi looked even bigger, the fabric pulled tight against his shaft. That night, he measured himself against the door frame, now 5’10.5” tall. His growing frame was not ignored by his classmates, many of the girls asking him to flex for them. Even a couple of the Juniors were impressed by his size. Talking him up about supplements and protein. They sold him on this one supplier that is said to be the best for building muscle. During their limited time together, Jack’s mom took notice of her son’s growing size. Handing him a couple of twenties to buy some bigger clothes. Expecting warmer weather, Jack bought himself a couple of sleeveless tees and cotton shorts, all 2xls. He also bought some boxer briefs to help contain his sensitive package. By May of Freshman year, Jack was the stud of his class. Standing at 6’0” and 210 lbs, he was the strongest kid in his grade. His 2xls now hung tightly around his frame, his cotton shorts leaving little to the imagination on his growing package. Having a little trouble looking past his growing pecs, Jack could see his bulging dick. It had grown another inch. Now 6 inches soft, 9 inches by 7 ½ inches hard. His swelling nuts had kept pace, it felt like he had two lemons down there. Scratching his chiseled jawline, feeling the thickening bristles coming in. He had started shaving a couple of months ago, but was now tempted to see what facial hair he could muster. It was strongest around his jawline and upper lip, his cheeks still a forest of peach fuzz. He had also started mixing in the supplement into his nightly protein shakes, a brand called ‘BEAST’. Jogging down to the gym, the warm spring air enveloping him, he felt his junk bouncing up and down. The weight of his junk only added to its movement when he ran. He was almost at the gym when he ran into one of his classmates, Ashley. Ashley had really blossomed into a looker since middle school. Her breasts filling out strongly, she looked like she could have double d’s or bigger someday. “Oh hey, Jack!” Ashley looked like she was out for a run. Her eyes glued to his bulging package. “Hey, Ashley.” Jack’s deepening baritone still sounded strange on him. “Wow Jack, you’re looking big as always!” She said with some strain on the ‘big’. “Yeah, well, I’ve always wanted to be huge, and clearly I was meant for it!” Jack did a quick pose, his 21-inch guns popping up. He flashed her a quick grin, his gaze enamored with her perky breasts. He could feel his dick stirring in his shorts. “Yep. Looks like it” Ashley gulped down, she swore she could see his crotch twitch. How hung was this guy? She thought to herself. “Hey, you wanna go back to my place?” Jack asked, feeling his dick start to swell. “Nobody’s home, we could hang out for a bit.” “Sure, nothing would make me happier,” she said with a smile. By the time they arrived, Jack and Ashley already had their hands groping each other. Jack took off her bra, revealing her big boobs while she slid off his shorts, his leaking dick swinging up. Ashley’s heart fluttered, she stared at the pulsing cock. “Fuck me” she whispered to herself. “As you wish,” Jack said with delight. Taking off her shorts, he went down on her leaking pussy, her hole leaking juices. Attacking it with his tongue, Jack loved the taste, drinking it. Inserting his big tongue, he felt her legs spasm around him. She screamed in pleasure. A gush of juice poured out. Grinning to himself, Jack went further in with his tongue, his fleshy lips kissing the outside, his tongue surrounded by warmth. Amidst her screams, “FUCK ME JACK! FUCK ME NOW!” “As you wish” Positioning his hips against her, he rubbed the outside of his pussy with his engorged cockhead. His apple-sized tip gushing precum, mixing with her juices. She screamed as he inserted it. Working his way in, he felt her spasming again. His cockhead still gushing pre. He felt his bull nuts swell. “FUCK ME! FUCK ME WITH YOUR HORSECOCK!” Sliding it further in, he felt his shaft surrounded by her moist pussy. Finally reaching the thick base, he slid out a couple of inches, then slammed back in. Taking all 9 inches of his horsecock. His swollen bull nuts slapping her, each the size of a tennis ball now. His thick bush scratching her legs, he went in and out, faster now. A mixture of pre and juice pouring out. “FUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCK” “FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKKKKK” They both came, load after load of his thick cum pouring out of his throbbing slit, his swollen bull nuts tightening again and again. Cumming for a solid 90 seconds, he finally pulled out. They were both covered in a mixture of pre, juice, and thick hot cum. That Summer, Jack, and Ashley met again and again. Her pussy constantly thirsty for his horsecock. Working out constantly, Ashley would sometimes come and watch Jack pump himself larger. Soon, his 2xls became too tight. In the middle of his bench press, his shirt and shorts tore simultaneously. His bulging pecs bursting out, followed by his rock-hard 10 inches of horsecock tearing through the fabric. His massive quads and ass helped facilitate it. Ashley noticeably turned on like never before. Undressing in front of him, her gushing pussy leaking onto the floor. His similarly leaking horsecock gushing pre. He always insisted on giving her tongue before, his swollen tongue exploring the warm cavern. When they first met, it was tight around his tongue, he could now feel how he had stretched her out with his massive dick. Tickling her with his bristles, he could feel her legs spasm. Yep, he still got it. Working his swelling horsecock into her again, he could feel her clamp down on him. He retaliated by slamming it further and further, his low-hanging bull nuts whacking her like two wrecking balls. The massive orbs were now the size of apples, swelling bigger with each thrust. Wanting to hold off for as long as he could, he maximized his thrusts, working his huge tip side to side. Her cries of ecstasy rewarded him with a new flush of juices. Shoving his face between her breasts, her swollen nipples softer than clouds. Feeling his nuts tighten, he tried in vain to stop it, but he felt his thick cum surge out, gushing like a fire hydrant. Cupping his hand around his growing nuts, he felt them surge out load after load. By October, he had Ashley measure him. 6’2”, 260 lbs, 24-inch biceps, a 65-inch chest, 36-inch quads, 20-inch calves, and finally, 7 inches soft, 10.5” x 9 inches hard. He guesstimated his nuts as being roughly the size of baseballs, the massive orbs constantly full and demanding release. He grew out his beard, now much thicker and covering his cheeks in dark brown bristles. Similarly, his forearms and legs were now covered in silky brown hair. His growing frame now needing 3xls, his massive basket filling out his extra-wide pouch. His massive pole stretched out the fabric, his nuts practically falling out. Joining the football team in addition to his increased workouts, Jack sought to use his strength against someone else. Filling out his uniform, he practiced constantly, often staying until dark to work on plays. He would then run to the gym, where he would work out for hours. His large size and natural skill made him an instant star on the team. His teammates congratulated him on his ability to smash through the opposing linebackers. He also got plenty of respect for his massive horsecock, taking to walking around before changing, his huge dick flopping around in front of everybody. As far as he could tell, he was the biggest where it counted. Over the winter, Jack noticed the hair growing across his chest. His thick treasure trail soon connected to it. By January, his massive pecs had a forest of brown hair covering them. His chest was getting so big he could rest his chin on it. His thickening beard scratching his pec fur. Measuring himself again, Ashley couldn’t help but rip into him after reading the numbers. 6’4, 320 lbs, 28-inch arms, a 72-inch chest, 42-inch quads, 24-inch calves, and a new record of 8.5” soft, 12”x11” hard. Taking a moment to admire her double-d’s, Jack went to work on her pussy. His tongue had grown considerably from the repeated exercise, his puffy lips sucking her juices down. His thick beard tickling her as his tongue circled her clit. Her legs spasming uncontrollably, he grabbed his massive horsecock in his paw and guided it into her gushing hole. His huge orange-sized tip entered, his slit spewing precum. The puffy glans pressed into her, his wine-bottle thick shaft following, Thickening to his foot-wide base, he slammed into her, his swinging grapefruit-sized bull nuts whacking her again and again. His gushing tip scratching the roof, he pushed further, slamming again and again. Her screams echoing with pleasure. He could barely see over his pecs, but a puddle of pre was fastly forming on the floor. Pre ran down his rippling thighs, his hairy legs slowing it down. Feeling her pussy latch on to his dick, he let go of her, amazed by the sensation of her body weight being supported by his monster cock. His pre pouring out, he grabbed back on, his hairy forearms rippling as he held onto her hips, his sausage-like fingers interlocked. He slid in and out, the immense pressure building at the base of his swollen bull nuts. Screaming in his rumbling bass, he fired blast after blast of his cum into her. After what seemed like five minutes of a constant blast of cum, he let go. Putting the fainted women on his bed. Stepping through what seemed like a gallon of his jizz. Scratching his bristles, he went to take a shower, his still rock-hard shaft bobbing up and down. A month later, Ashley was waving in the audience as Jack stepped onto the field. A massive roar greeting the alpha jock as he ran out. The 6’5 monster was known as the battering ram, also a colloquial nickname for his monstrous dick. The offense braced themselves for the 340 lbs beast to come at them. Many were too distracted by the massive wet spot forming around his packed crotch. The ball was thrown, the players scrambled, Jack, running at full force at the opposing team. Many leaping out of the way. Catching up to the player with the ball, Jack’s massive quads pumping at full force, he leaped and tackled him to the ground. Feeling his monstrous pecs crash into him. RIP Standing up, Jack felt a strange feeling in his dick, it suddenly felt cooler. Reacting to the stares of his teammates, Jack reached down and felt his monster cock rock hard in the breeze. The massive tool had torn through the puny fabric that held it in. Barely seeing his swollen cockhead over his pecs, Jack only reacted by grabbing the shaft and stroking it as he walked off the field. Ashley ran down to meet him. Grabbing him, she took his swollen 13 inches into her gushing pussy. His massive nuts fell out as they swelled larger. He felt his tip crash into her wall, cramming it further in. He felt his shaft heat up as it swelled larger. Roaring in his rumbling bass, Jack pummeled her with his 14 inches of steel, his nuts swelling to the size of coconuts as they filled up in expectation of his awaiting explosion of cum. His tip swelled to the size of a pomegranate, the massive spongy glans flaring out. His pecs felt like they were on fire. Taking his meaty paw, he ripped his strained uniform off, his pecs swollen bigger than watermelons. His rug of chest hair rubbing up against his grown out beard. His 30-inch biceps flexing, lifting up to a double-bi pose. His forest of sweaty armpit hair exposed to the breeze. Ripping off his pads and the remainder of his pants, his cock bobbing up and down under Ashley’s weight. Her swollen breasts hitting his 80-inch chest. His massive quads swelled to their swollen size, bigger than tree trunks. His feet bursting out of his cleats, the massive size 18 dogs swelling wider to accommodate his size. His hairy toes dug into the grass. His tip gushing pre faster and faster, he felt his weighty nuts pull up unsuccessfully, still weighed down by their enormous mass. Soon, explosion after explosion of cum erupted from him. Ashley was thrown off. Jack’s guttural roar echoing as he shot ropes of cum across the field. A couple shots went over the goal post, several hitting the metal with a large ‘whack’. His beer-keg sized neck erupting his thunderous cry of orgasm. His thick shaft swelling with each shot of cum fired, his nuts refusing to empty. He dug his feet in, feeling his cum fire out farther and farther. His shaft swelling longer and longer. Now 18 inches long and thick as a soda bottle, his massive swinging nuts the size of basketballs. His massive muscles pumped themselves larger, his pecs swelling out further and further, pushing his growing shaft out at an angle. His massive shoulders broadening, his biceps fighting his pecs for space. His neck thickened, growing thicker than an ox. His traps push up further and further. His growing thighs pressed themselves out farther apart. His diamond calves swelling to support his increasing height. Passing 8 feet tall and half a ton, he kept cumming. With a roar octaves lower, Jack looked down, still cumming out of his 3 foot long shaft. His massive nuts the size of pumpkins, hanging around his knees. He grabbed Ashley and sat her on his thickening shaft. Her legs pushed apart by the growing tree trunk between them. The titan of a football player growling as he shot load after load into her gushing pussy. He then went to the crowd, shooting his thickening cum into them. Each shot now bigger than a gallon. His furry pecs swelled to push his bearded chin up, his traps rising to his ears. His massive guns were too swollen to bend entirely. His massive thighs caused him to waddle, until his swelling nuts fell to the ground, their size surpassing beach balls and his whale cock extended past 10 feet. His head only able to see the yoga ball-sized tip, the flaring glans widening to shoot his increasing loads. His hairy ass fell to the ground, his dick pressed up by his rapidly swelling nuts. His mountain-like back rising higher and higher. His dick extending forever into the sky, his nuts swelling bigger than the football stadium now, each one competing for space. His swelling muscles push themselves higher and higher. 60 minutes later… His massive nuts now battle the Earth in size, his titanic dick shooting out into space, his planetary-sized muscles swell larger, covered in fur, as his dick continues to swell, bigger, fatter, and longer.
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Hello yall! First time I post a story here I believe! For Halloween, this year, I've been working on making a transformation/growth-mystery story (based on the murder-mystery genre) and thought I could post it here if some of yall are into that! This series will have show multiple takes on masculinization, mostly about making huge, beefy and muscled bearish guys. If that's your thing and you like some story plot around the meat, here's something for you! I think I will add the next chapters on this thread, so you won't have to look around the forums for the previous instalment if needed. Without further ado, here's the prologue to the story! ***Disclaimer: the prologue does not contain sex scenes or physical changes yet, but serves as an introduction to the ten characters and to set the story context. Synopsis: Ten young, homophobic adults gather for Halloween. At 10 PM, lights shut off, phones fry up, game starts and none can leave. What’s more, it seems there is one imposter among them. Can they make it out until morning? What is this “game” all about anyway? ~ One of Us ~ Prologue ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Saturday, October 31st, 2020 — 7:00 PM ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ The full moon forecasted on Halloween, a Saturday, promised a memorable night… if it was not for the whole pandemic thing. Halloween couldn’t just be cancelled. There could have been a tornado or an earthquake and the festivities would have still happened. Who cared for a stupid invisible virus! It was a mild evening by the Wrights’ house on the outskirts of Austin Town. Dimitri, a tall twenty-year-old who lifted weights daily had invited a couple of buddies for Halloween. He didn’t care for the pandemic and had the mansion by himself since his parents were out of town — he forgot exactly where. But all he cared for, in the moment, was throwing the party with his friends. He put on a cowboy hat, a checkered vest and a pair of faded jeans to look the part. The only boots he found around his home were his father’s 13s, which felt tight on the sides for his big boy ones. After all, he was two inches taller than his six-foot dad. The mansion hall was grandiose, looking as if it came from a movie or catalogue. A big staircase sculpted into rich oak wood crept the left wall of the hall and led to the upper rooms. On the right wall, a more discreet yet still impressive staircase led down to the basement, where the theatre room and the home bar would receive the guests later during the night. Next to the last staircase, wide double doors opened on a spacious living room. A fireplace took place on the left wall, right next to a sturdy door, and under a big plasma TV. Two long couches surrounded a glass table at the centre of the room, onto which half a dozen big bowls were filled with candies and chips. Against the farther wall, a tennis table had been set up by the garage door, onto which red plastic cups had been piled. Right next to the table, Dimitri’s best friend Asher was sitting on a stool with a beer can in hand. The 5′9″ man did not wait for other guests to show up before cracking up a beer and taking a handful of chips. He was dressed up in camo clothes and a war helmet — which consisted of a grotesquely painted bicycle helmet. The man scrolled through the song playlist in his phone, plugged into the speakers, hanging in the high corners of the room. He had created a selection of spooky and Halloween-themed song to play, but had somehow managed to either lose or erase it. To his feet under the table, Dimitri had a cooler which contained the few six-packs of beers he’s brought along for the night — probably the only six-pack thing about the bulky guy. Whereas Asher did not have abdominals to show, the bearded redhead had his own share of strength. Asher was telling his friend the latest conquest he’s had when a loud booming car entered the driveway. The two men looked through the wide windows of the living room, noticing how more of the guests arrived. Two more men and their girlfriends walked out of the car. The two girls were the first to get out, a short yet curvy dirty blond and a tall svelte latina with jet black hair. A short man on the passenger side joined the girl of similar height while the driver, a giant although quite lanky young man, turned the ignition off and joined with the crew. “Yo! Is that the double Js!” Asher called out through the window with a tipsy laugh, before following the host back in the hall to greet the guests. “In the flesh and the hair!” The taller man — Sebastian Joseph — replied with a wide grin over his stubbly face, ruffling his head full of shaggy chestnut hair for effect. The other shorter guy — Theodore James — walked with a crate full of beers, letting out an enthusiastic “got the booze” to the host. Albeit not dressed in their costumes yet, the quartet had a few bags with them, giving the impression they would change once inside. “Need help with something, boys?” The raven-haired girl asked with a giggle. “I do, Mathy, but I doubt your ‘tall-boi’ here would agree to share ya with me.” Asher chuckled before receiving a playful blow from giga-Seb on the shoulder. The girls jiggled between each other at the display of rough masculinity between the guys. Theo made himself silent as he brought the beer and his backpack inside. “Perhaps Theo might be more compliant on the deal with Jenny, though.” The womanizer grinned as he sized up the short blond. “Don’t you dare touching my girl, bro!” Theodore shouted from the inside. “Bro, just keep your dick in your pants.” Dimitri slapped his best friend teasingly on the back as he was taking a sip of beer, resulting in him spitting some down. “Dude, bro! Don’t do that! You can’t waste that shit!” Asher dramatized as booze also leaked into his beard and camo vest. In the middle of laughs, the short girl asked if there was a room where they could get changed. “Yeah, there’s a bathroom in the corridor behind the stairs.” Dimitri pointed at the staircase. “First door to your left, girls.” “Need some assistance, girls?” Asher joked again. “We’ll be fine, dickhead.” Jenny rolled her eyes, although still amused. “Come on, Mathilda.” “You’ll see, boys. Once we’ll be out, you’ll be the ones asking for our help!” The latina giggled, winking at them before following her bossy little friend. “I’ll be waiting for that!” Asher exclaimed, grabbing his crotch for emphasis. “Dude, have you gotten laid recently?” Sebastian elbowed the bulky womanizer. “I did, but that pandemic thing right now is really killing my strike. Can’t believe there’s so many scared pussies around. It’s terrifying for the male race, dude.” “Unless you’re a fag, bro!” Sebastian chuckled. “Aww, fuck off, dude!” Asher smirked before finishing his beer. “Hmm… let me get myself another one. Or just come in and get one yourself.” The three guys went into the living room, where Theodore was missing. “Theo? Buddy? Where’re you at?” Dimitri called the little guy. “I think he went for the kitchen.” Sebastian said, pulling a furry toque from the bag in his hands. “Alright, I’m gonna check on him if he needs anything.” Dimitri left his two friends going in the living room and went for the double doors leading to the left of the hall. He entered a large dining room with a long table that could welcome a dozen people to eat. He remembered how his mother, a judge in the federal court, used to make parties with her colleagues years ago. The expanse of the furniture in the room proved to be useful when his brother or himself invited friends over. The host walked past a second fireplace in the dining room until he reached a broad door leading into the kitchen. Right by the counter, Theodore was looking as if he was texting someone. “Hey, dude, what are you doing?” Theo startled at the question, not realizing someone had walked in on him. He turned around with a blush on his face and a nervous laugh. “Hey! I… didn’t hear you walking in.” “Bro… I know this face! Who were you talking to?” Dimitri asked with a coy grin, lowering his voice. “No one!” Theo brushed off, storing his phone back into his pocket and proceeding to store some food and booze in the fridge for later tonight. “Your call, dude!” Dimitri lifted his hands in acceptance. “C’mon and get your ass in the room with the boys! Let’s get this party going!” Right on cue, Asher’s spooky music started blowing through the speakers of the living room. As they joined Asher and Seb, the two men were just starting a beer pong game. Seb had put on the toque on his head and a plaid jacket on top of his now naked chest. The lanky giant had a few sparse chest hair and a meagre treasure trail, but little to no definition whatsoever. To complement the look, he even had an axe which he let by the couch for the moment. “Hope you don’t mind the view, guys!” Sebastian mocked by faking a striptease. “You’re such a dork, Seb!” Theo guffawed at the ridicule of his friend. “Hey, not my fault if no one can resist me! Remember that gay dude in High School, guys?” “That was fucking hilarious!” The short guy laughed at the memory. “SUP, BITCHES!” A voice echoed from the hall. The crew turned around and greeted with enthusiasm the arrival of a new party member. Already wearing his costume, Wesley entered the place like he owned it. The man was wearing old ratty and torn clothes as well as a puffy hat. His face looked even paler than usual and large dark circles surrounded his eyes as if he hadn’t slept in ages. “What are you dressed as, my old Wes?” Sebastian asked with a toothy grin, welcoming him with an arm around the shoulders. “A tramp?” “Funny one, Seb! Nah, I’m more like an undead or zombie kinda thing. Or a Frankenstein, whatever.” “Actually, Frankenstein is the scientist and not the monster.” Theodore intervened. “I doubt you meant the—…” “Ahh shut up, nerd. You know who I’m talkin’ about.” Wes spited in annoyance. “Hey, play cool, guys.” Dimitri chuckled. “Say, how about we play some beer pong?” “Well, I think I’m gonna take a shit while you’re debating what you’re gonna do.” Asher said. “That’s fucking nasty, dude!” Seb grimaced and chuckled at the same time. “Guess you’ll have to take the downstairs one, dude. The bitches are taking their sweet fucking time here.” Dimitri said, just loud enough so that the girls in question could hear his comment. “Tie a knot with your dicks if you can’t wait, fuckers!” They heard back from the bathroom, probably from Jennifer. “Are we having some single ladies tonight?” Wes asked with a devious grin plastered on his face, idly rubbing his crotch. “Apparently not, bro.” Asher sympathized with a shoulder pat as he walked past him. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Saturday, October 31st, 2020 — 7:30 PM ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ It was pretty annoying how, despite the good insulation of the house, Larry could still hear the noise of his big brother’s party upstairs. With the pandemic stuff going on, he would have thought he could just spend a nice calming night playing videogames just as he always does. Oh well. The six-foot eighteen years old stretched into his gaming chair, dropping his Xbox controller on his lap. While he used to be a regular gym goer, the pandemic had benefited him and his brother with buying gym equipment. Well, it was their parents who actually paid, but that was beside the point. Between gaming and working out, Larry had grown a more athletic shape without even needing to leave the house. Sure, he wanted to eventually achieve thick proportions like Dimitri, who could almost pass for a bodybuilder now, but he believed he’d get there sooner or later. “Yo! Lar!” A voice boomed into the room as the door barged opened. The young man jumped with surprise at the sudden outburst. He turned around, mostly nude except from an old stained pair of boxer shorts covering his junk. There, in the entrance, stood Asher, booze in hand, laughing. “Phew! Glad I didn’t barge into you whacking off again!” The trickster exclaimed. “Get the fuck out!” Larry snapped, beet red. Larry grabbed onto the first object he didn’t value much — an empty beer can — and threw it at his brother’s friend, who closed the door just in time. The gamer heard the man step away, still laughing. His heartbeat was still high, but Larry was calming down. He turned back to his station and tried changing games, only to remember his account had been suspended from Fortdey. “Guess I’ll just play some Olah Reach.” The teen shrugged, scratching at the rough stubble he had not shaved in days. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Saturday, October 31st, 2020 — 7:45 PM ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ “How do I look?” Mathilda asked to her friend as she applied the makeup. “You’re looking like a queen.” Jennifer complimented, finally stepping and showing her the result. The Latina beamed with joy at her display in the mirror. She looked just like Cleopatra. As for her shorter pal, she had disguised herself with a little white dress and brought her hair into a green flowery bulb on top of her head. Pink heels, transparent wings and a rooty wand complemented her appearance as a forest fairy. “Ready to show off to the boys?” Jennifer enticed. “You bet your ass, girl!” “Let’s get a round of salute!” “Heeeere we coooome!” Mathilda announced to the guys as they walked out into the lobby. Crossing the hall into the living room, the chicks were greeted with a series of wolf whistles and acclamations. Since the moment they entered the bathroom, a few more guests had joined the party. In addition to Wes, two more men had arrived. One of them was Braxton, an ex-neighbour of Dimitri, who moved before High School. Tall and wide-shouldered, he was almost matching Dimitri’s body builder size at about 250 pounds. Member of the football team back then, and again in college, Braxton had decided against all originality to disguise himself as a footballer for Halloween. “Talk about original, huh, Brax?” Jennifer snarked. “That’s because you’ve not seen anything yet, little girl.” He chuckled, removing his helmet. Right under the headwear, the sportsman had apparently covered his face in makeup to look like some werewolf. He had even added pointy ears and fake fangs to complement the disguise. “Wow! I must say I’m surprised you actually put some effort in your costume.” Mathilda nodded. “Hmm, yeah, I agree.” Her friend approved. “Now, does any of you wants to play with the big wolf on campus? Grrrr!” The jock joked as he acted the part. “Only if you want me to turn you into a cute puppy!” Jennifer said with a smile, raising her wand to playfully poke the footballer’s nose. “Oh! Turn him into a cat! It would look great with my costume!” The Cleopatra giggled along. “You girls are helpless!” The last guest spoke, disguised as Captain America. With his blond hair and chiselled jaw, devoid of any, the man actually looked like the Steve Rogers from the Marvel comics. Albeit a little shorter than the canon superhero, the second jock was still taller than average at 5′11″ and he depicted a stature that testified countless hours dedicated to the gym. “Victor! It’s been so long since I last saw you!” The short fairy exclaimed. “Victor?! Damn, dude, what are you on?! Tell me that’s part of the costume!” Mathilda gasped, putting a hand on her chest as she observed the massive bulk threatening the sleeves to tear. “That’s all me, ladies!” Victor laughed with his loud rich voice, flexing a bicep for evidence. The girls could almost hear in their head the seams about to rip as he tensed the enormous arm, unfortunately inaudible through the booming music. “I’ve been hitting the gym pretty hard, you see, babes?” “You can show off all you want, bro, but you ain’t got nothing on these guns!” Braxton chimed in, pushing his longtime friend aside to flex. “At least I’ve still got abs, bro!” Victor scoffed at him by shaking the soft midsection. “Put your faggy hands away, bro! It’s padding for the field!” “Sure, bro. Sure. Just be careful so that I don’t mistake you for a bear next time we go hunting, bro!” The two teasing jocks gave each other a few hits before erupting with laughter. However, when they turned around to see the girls, they had since long left them to their silly talk. They had joined in with Dimitri to play beer pong — their boyfriends nowhere to be found. The two meatheads exchanged a wolfish grin and went after the two women, intent on playing a few drinking ones with them. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Saturday, October 31st, 2020 — 9:15 PM ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Settled in the study, Sebastian and Wesley had been smoking and relaxing aside from the main events of the party, taking some time to catch up. Ever since Wesley has moved district with his parents as a teen, the two of them hadn’t seen each other as much as they used to in elementary school. They ended growing up in quite different neighbours. While Sebastian had lived in a middle-class environment, Wesley had been subjected to a rather lower one. Sebastian never really knew why Wes’s folks relocated there, but suspected they might have struggled financially. The roughness of these new surroundings perhaps contributed to Wes becoming reckless and carefree in the last couple weeks, such as starting taking and exchanging drugs and booze. Nonetheless, he was still Sebastian’s old friend and the tall lad just simply couldn’t forget the strong bond they’ve built up many years ago. The two men were chilling peacefully when the door to the study opened by Theodore, dressed as a wizard with a blue robe and hat. The short pal had put on a ridiculous fake white beard, but had it off in his hands, the material itching him after a while. Even if he wasn’t fond of having his glasses daily — usually opting for contacts — Theo had decided to put on the nerdy eyewear his parents shamefully bought him a couple months ago, before the pandemic happened. “There you are, guys!” Theo blurted out. “We were looking for you everywhere! Well, technically, I was the one who… whatever. Anyway, what are you doing here?” “Whether you in or out, just close the damn door!” Wes grumbled. Theo blushed red and shut it after stepping inside. Already, the strong aroma of weed hit his nose. The smell didn’t disgust him, but he couldn’t help being rational about it. “Guys, you know that thing fries your brain cells, right?” “Doesn’t take any to say you’re an annoying little twat.” The drug addict chimed. “Hey, hey…” Seb spoke before the tension arose — he pulled the handmade fag from his mouth and offered it to his standing pal by the door. “Take it and sit down with us, bro.” Imitating an obedient puppy, Theo bowed his head down slightly in submission and listened to Seb’s command like an order. After Theo sat and brought the joint to his lips, taking a puff. Wesley glared at his childhood friend, unhappy with Seb’s decision to hand out his weed stash to anyone. “There, buddy. Chill a bit with us, alright, pal?” Seb smirked as he rolled himself another fag on the old walnut desk. “Dude! Don’t you go giving my stuff to everyone here tonight, bro!” Wesley vocalized. “Calm down, Wes. That’s my little buddy Theo and I love him to death! No homo, tho, bro!” Seb chuckled as he lighted the new cig. “You’re so gay, dude.” Theo rolled his eyes. “Good thing Dimi’s a cowboy tonight.” Wesley added, setting back in the leather chair behind the computer desk. “If we’ve got a fag slipping in, that gun might have some use.” “Dude, that’s not a bit radical?” Theo frowned. “Don’t get me wrong — I don’t approve of their lifestyle choice, but we kinda need these guys in society too.” Wesley gave him a dark eye. He aggressively took his beer can on the expansive desk. “Name me one thing this garbage is good for.” He spitted out of spite. “Well… I kinda need someone to make my coffee at McDonald’s.” Theo sniggered. “And that means more girls for us.” The scorn on the drug addict’s face shifted into a scary smile as he burst into laughter. “Dude! Seb, is that the Theo guy you talked about?” “In the flesh!” Sebastian gestured like a show master. “I guess you were right. Even nerds can be funny sometimes. Maybe there’s hope for the male race after all!” ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Saturday, October 31st, 2020 — 9:45 PM ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ A party wouldn’t just be one without playing flip-the-cup. Braxton and Victor had both removed their headwear to facilitate the downing of their beer cups against the two girls with whom the competed. Mathilda now used her majestic faux-golden staff more like a cane rather than an artifact for her costume — she barely could stand anymore. Jennifer, on the other hand, had better alcohol retention, but she kept jiggling and spilling beer on the sticky table and floor. The hair she had earlier shaped into a beautiful flower bulb had lost it dynamism and now looked like a greenish muffin top. While the girls were winning another round against the jocks, Asher and Dimitri just arrived on the first floor, having dragged up a foosball table from the home bar downstairs. The guys walked across the hall into the living room where the heart of the party was beating full mast. “Foosball time!” Dimitri and Asher shouted in chorus before bursting into laughter like a buffoon duo. The call was hyping the guests enough that even the smoking trio in the study left their cave to join in the fun. The games started as teams of two, until Mathilda had the brightest idea in the world and everyone held on to only one rotator, making sides of four instead. It was crowded and people kept bickering and shoving each other out of the way, but it provided a lot of fun nonetheless. As a good host, Dimitri gave his place to his eight guests until Wesley grew bored with the game and lie back on one of the couches. Mathilda was questioning herself about her idea when a repetitive soft tug in her hair starting annoying her. She thought her hair had tangled into her costume, but when she turned around, she met with a white ghostly face screaming at her. Her shriek made everyone look for her and begin to laugh as the Latina slipped on the wet floor and fell on her ass. Right behind her stood a tall person dressed in robes as dark as night, with the mask of Ghostface, holding in a knife in its hand. The figure was soon grabbed into a headlock by Dimitri, then Braxton, the three of them slipping on the ground as well. The two brutes had the stalker under control until they also heard the laughs coming from underneath the costume. “You should have seen her face!” The voice guffawed. “Larry? What the fuck, bro!” Dimitri exclaimed in shock, but soon after joined in the laugh. The two men on top of him moved and the host took his little brother’s hand to help him back up. Mathilda, embarrassed to no end, snapped with anger, failing to stand by keeping on slipping on the beer-covered floor. “You’re such a creep!” She pestered at him, red with humiliation. Jennifer tried pulling her back up via the Egyptian staff — while her boyfriend was laughing out loud — but the two girls ended falling on top of each other. “Jenny — ouch! Seb — DO SOMETHING! You, fucker! I’m gonna kill you! I’m gonna kill you ALL! All of you!” “Alright, alright.” Sebastian complied, walking to help his lover up. “That was a good one, bro!” Dimitri approved, giving Larry a brotherly slap on the back. “Though you should run away while you can!” “I was just coming to get a few snacks before my raid.” Larry pulled his mask off, beaming a content smile. “Well, you—…” Lights went off abruptly. Music faded into nothingness. Total darkness invaded the space. The surprised cries and exclamations were absorbed into the thick void surrounding the party members. Dimitri tried to bring back the attention to him when, out of a sudden, the fireplace lightened by itself, diffusing a dimmed orange hue to the vast living room. “What the fuck is going on?!” Dimitri blurted out in confusion. “HELLO.” A distorted voice echoed from the corners of the room and from within each present individual. The first one to take his phone out was Theo, who attempted to use its flashlight. Only then did he realize his screen looked glitched out — the alien sound came from its small speakers. “What… guys! My phone’s bugged!” “Fucking hell?! Mine too!” Braxton added before the distorted voice spoke again. “Tonight is not like any others. The ten of you gathered here is no mere coincidence. Each of you, to an extent depicted examples of homophobic bigotry against people, which lead to the self-destruction and suffering of poor, weaker-minded individuals.” “Where the fuck are you?” Seb asked aloud, taking in his hands the axe he’s left by the couch earlier. “Show yourself!” The voice continued: “Braxton Bellman — your jealousy against Richard Biggs making the football team only fuelled your homophobic bigotry to kick him out. But the school wouldn’t let him out because he was the best player. So, you made sure to ‘accidentally’ have his leg broken so that he couldn’t play on the team anymore. Did that bitter win in your hollow head made up for all the further matches your team lost? Victor Fortune — whilst you confidently say you are a handsome fuck machine, you had often pushed back the advances of numerous people because of their skin colour or orientation. You never miss a chance to proudly display your confederation flag to show much of a white suprematist you are. You used your straight white cis male privileges to influence many peers as the representative student in school, disrespecting whoever didn’t share the same traits as yours. Theodore James — you do not exert physical violence to assert your intolerance, but you rather attack psychologically your victims. The shameful names and stereotypes you call them instead of the proper ones make them all the more vulnerable to others who would act brutally. Sebastian Joseph — in any room you go, you attract anyone’s eyes. You are the tall, charismatic, person any man or woman would love to spend a good time with. However, this handsome shell of yours hides a dark soul. In pure malice, you used your good looks to flirt with Henri Thompson, just to play him out as a whole joke in front of the school. That man still is afraid to date anyone today. Mathilda Lopez — instead of sympathizing with your ex-boyfriend Greg when he confided you with his bisexuality, you acted like the worst bitch ever. Not only you broke up with him, but you leaked multiple personal pics of him on social media, shaming him for his sexual orientation as well, resulting in having him brutalized and sent to the ER. He is still in the coma to this day. Wesley Peterson — you are a dropout and a thug who doesn’t give a damn about anyone other than himself. You vandalized Oliver McClay’s car and locker with graffiti in High School, showing the world that he was homosexual. Know that Oliver McClay took his own life a month after changing school. Asher Ship — your homophobic bigotry against your younger brother Ken has led him into clinical depression. This led him to grow overweight and develop paranoia. He even tried to take his own life numerous times, almost succeeding more than once. It’s a miracle of sorts if he is still alive today. Jennifer Taylor — nobody can confide you anything. When Roger Mayer shared you his biggest secret that he was a homosexual, you betrayed him and told others. No longer a mystery, Roger’s parents eventually heard about it, making his life as miserable at home as he’s had it at school. Say, when was the last time you talked with Roger? Were you even his friend? Dimitri Wright — host of the night, you clearly selected your guests carefully. Your fingers probably don’t make up for the number of wedgies you’ve given those homosexuals and intellectuals in school. You’re a leader, but you used your diplomatic gifts to bully others rather than implementing justice. Perhaps it’s time to turn the tables? Finally, Larry Wright — just like your brother Dimitri, you have deeply rooted homophobia. If you come across a gay guy in your Fortdey servers, you don’t hesitate to shame and tag them, taking mischievous pleasure in bashing and blackmailing them. Sucks when the servers suspend your account for inappropriate actions, does it?” A hard-felt silence weighed on the ten young adults, to which Wes blurted out: “So fuckin’ what?!” before being hushed at. “Now that your facets are displayed on the table, let’s play a little game, shall we? If you can make it intact by six in the morning, I will let you go. Oh, but we can’t allow cheater, don’t we? No one can leave the house grounds. No electricity, no data. Cheating or sleeping through the night will immediately result in a person losing. Also, let’s spice things up a bit. Anyone who loses can make others lose as well. Among the ten of you, there is one who knows what’s going on — an imposter of sorts. Will you find who fakes this out? Finding it out might make you win earlier than sunrise, but a wrong answer will result in another loss. Good luck.” The speakers shut, and so did all their phones — batteries fried up.
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- supernatural
- revenge
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your name is quentin, you are 21 years old and lived alone because you were a super rich corpulent orphan, you also had the gift of not dying even if you were crushed, you suffer normally without losing blood or losing consciousness, you were in a special school that was not giving, but given your wealth you could go there because in this rich school he had a football team like no other, he was all bully is all muscular but each athlete was muscular with certain part of the body more developed than other, for example the footballer who had to run are much more muscular of the thigh is of the knuckles, the footballer who tackle are much more muscular of the pecs is shoulder, the footballer who throws the ball are much the more muscular the biceps is the forearm, the footballers who serve as defense (which makes this tackle) are much more muscular of the buttocks. and you had a kiff for the muscular man and for the football uniform. the school also welcomes a person who has no money but the only way to get in and be the team's waterboy, unfortunately this simple task (to help footballers get dressed and undress, bring the napkins back to the footballer and finally give them a drink on the pitch, participated in the meeting in uniform) is not easy because the footballers are naughty with the waterboy because he humiliates them with their smell but also he has fun with them hurt see very badly and everyone is afraid of them, so no lawsuit is against them, once they send a waterboy to the emergency because he amused himself with the tackle very hard and dangerous while the footballer was in their uniform with their protection and the waterboy has no protection, he just wears a shirt with the name of the team, other rmeur says that once he tied the waterboy to the bench so that footballers sit on his face to make him feel their swamp ass and their fart, other rumor also says that he has fun using their muscle on the body of the waterboy to show their strength and how they are . As a result, the recor for a waterboy is 3 days after these 3 days the waterboy resigns and therefore leaves school. but you would like it to be true is that he does it to you so you make an appointment with the coach because it is he who hires the waterboy. arrive in front of the coach you say "hello, I would like to be the next waterboy" the coach looks at you then he says "well, but I see that you are already registered with us, you know that being the waterboy is difficult, why I must take you "you can fuck your head is said" you like the uniform is the atlhete, you like the rumor and you want it to happen to you in addition, I can not die so I will not leave as the other waterboys but since I don't need the subsidy I offer it to a poor man and I just take this place, and in addition I come to a huge mansion so I could welcome footballers in their uniforms without him being tighten "the coach laughs is it" ok I see well you will not be disappointed, ok I give you the job come I'll show you where you go work is the team " you get up and go to the locker room when you arrive you already notice all the footballers it was behemoths, some were naked and others in uniform near for a match already naked they are mega but with their uniform they are more broom, you even remake certain with huge steel ass with two demolition ball instead of cheeks, and what surprised you are the nasty smile of the players when he sees you then the coach calls them he puts them all in a circle around you and the coach then the coach says "here is the gas, your new waterboy and he says he likes your rumor and that he can't die" you hear a big OHHH from all the players then a footballer with huge biceps you holds out his hand says "delighted, I'm the main quaterback" you grab his hand puts the quaterback squeezes your hand tight to see you clench your teeth and feel your hand grind it then it relaxes and the coach says "I leave you els gas have fun, the coach leaves and you're retro uve alone in the center with all these footballers around you
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- humiliation
- crushing
- (and 5 more)
- Chapter 8: The Big Game The next morning my teammates and I awoke and made our way to the team's cafeteria for our typical pre-game breakfast. We noticed that strangely, most of the assistant coaches were not there enjoying breakfast with us. In fact, I saw a couple of assistants hustling quickly down the hallway as I walked into the cafeteria. I didn't think much of it, since, of course, this would be my first ever collegiate football game and being the first game of the season, I expected there to be some hectic surprises. The rest of the day the team hung out at the athletic center. As the game neared, I was becoming more and more nervous. Some of the upper-classmen noticed and did their best to give me pep talks and calm me down. Being just a freshmen, I appreciated the support, but it didn't calm my nerves much. Early in the afternoon we gathered in the players auditorium to run through our game plan with the assistant heat coach. Obviously, Coach Wood's massive leg wouldn't have fit in there, much less his entire impressive physique. Thus, Assistant Coach Harvey came in and led us through the game plan. At the end of the run through, Jamal asked. “Is Coach going to be on the sidelines with us?” Jamal and some others had also sensed some unease among the athletic staff throughout the day. Coach Harvey looked over the crowd of players, we could tell he was a little bit nervous, and spoke, “I'm positive he will be. I'll be frank with you all, The College Sports Association was offering some concerns about how to allow a man of Coach's size to be on the sidelines and it seems they attempted to force the school to disallow him to be on the sidelines.” A murmur wafted through the large crowd of amped-up young jocks. Coach Harvey quieted us and continued, “But, as our athletic staff has been researching, there's no rule against a giant man being on the sidelines so we don't see any reason why Coach won't be at the game. We are actively discussing with the Association and will confirm our stance with them. In the meantime, don't you worry about this matter. You young men have a huge opening game against our bitter rivals, the Monroe Mauraders. You focus on that, that's what Coach would want, got it!?” We all shook our heads and broke the meeting. After hanging out in the recreation room and eating another pregame meal fuel up, it was finally time to head to the locker rooms and get ready. The dozens of men around me began slipping into their pregame rituals. We had about 45 minutes before we had to be out on the field to warm up. Many of my now scantily clad teammates put in noise canceling headphones to zone out to their favorite warmup music. The jokesters of the group wandered around making fun to break the tension for those of us who were nervous. The Senior captains, clad only in football pants, their ripped upper torso's exposed, came around to quickly speak to each player and offer words of encouragement. The environment was brimming with amped-up testosterone waiting for competitive release on the gridiron. Soon we were suited up and ready to head out on the field. Assistant Coach Harvey came in to give us a little speech to pump us up some more. With and excited grin, he assured that our Giant Head Coach would be out there with us. This caused a raucous roar of approval from the team of young Brutes. Clad in our cleats, pants and undershirts, we each grabbed our shoulder pads and helmets and started for the exit of the locker room. The locker room wasn't directly connected to the stadium, we would have to cross a small, off-limits parking lot to enter the small stadium. The lot was specifically for the vising team busses, refs, and other College Sports Association (CSA) officials. As we headed for the door we felt a rumble on the ground. Jamal spoke up, “Awesome! The crowd must already be here, even for warmups! We don't usually feel the ground start to shake until the pregame show when the crowd is going nuts. Damn, I love our fans!” This further excited the rest of the team. We exited the door and began trotting down the soft carpet to the stadium entrance. We noticed it was a bright, beautiful, sunny, late summer day. I noticed we were bathed in shade, which was odd since there were no tall buildings or trees nearby. Then we heard some deep, deep rumblings that shook us to our core. I turned my head to my left, as did the rest of my team, and froze. My mouth hung open as I stared at the most magnificent, most awe-inspiring, yet terrifying sight I had ever seen. There, standing in the parking lot was Coach, clad in his normal outfit, sans shirt of course. Only he was bigger. Not just a little bigger. MUCH. MUCH. BIGGER. Whereas before the tallest members of our team reached the bottom of his tremendous diamond shaped calf muscles, now we didn't even clear the tops of his sneakers. The deep rumbling continued as we realized Coach was chuckling at us. The giant man leaned forward to address us. His upper torso was so muscular that he would have had to stand well back in order to see us over his monumental pecs without leaning forward. The monster muscle man opened his mouth and spoke. “HELLO DOWN THERE, BOYS. BOY, MY BIG STRONG BRUTE MEN SURE ARE LOOKING AWFULLY TINY LATELY! BUT DON'T WORRY, EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING LOOKS TINY TO ME LATELY, HEH HEH. WOW, YOU LITTLE GUYS DON'T BARELY REACH TO THE TOPS OF MY SNEAKERS, AND YOU ARE SOME OF THE BIGGEST MEN ON CAMPUS. YOU GUYS REALLY MAKE ME FEEL BIG!!!” Coach quickly stood straight up and reached HIGH into the sky. From our comparatively minuscule vantage point it looked like he could reach up and grab the sun. He then brought his arms down into a mind-blowing double-biceps pose. I'm sure the approaching fans got an amazing view. But, for us, he was so damn HUGE we could really only see the hulking triceps of his under arms, which were so pumped they hid his peaks from our eyes. He dropped the pose and again leaned forward, quickly adjusting his unavoidable bulge. “WHAT DO YOU THINK, BOYS? DO YOU THINK THERE WILL EVER BE A BRUTE AS HUGE AS ME!!” Myself and team began to overcome our natural fear and awe and happily shouted up our praise. A chorus of “No way, Coach!”, “You are the biggest Brute EVER!”, “A fuckin' MUSCLE GIANT!” and other similar platitudes emanated from my awestruck teammates. Coach grinned at us from far above. “SORRY I MISSED THE TEAM MEETINGS TODAY. I JUST COULDN'T FIT ALL THIS MASS IN THOSE TINY, ANT SIZED BUILDINGS.” He smirked down at us and continued, “YOU MAY HAVE NOTICED THE POWER WENT OUT LAST NIGHT. I WAS HEADED TO THE DEAN'S OFFICE WHEN I WALKED INTO SOME POWER LINES. DAMN THINGS ARE SO TINY TO ME DIDN'T EVEN SEE THEM AS MY LEGS CRASHED RIGHT INTO THEM. THE PHYSICS DOC SAID THE ENERGY WAS GREAT ENOUGH TO CAUSE ANOTHER GROWTH EPISODE. HE SAID I AGAIN DOUBLED IN HEIGHT! ISN'T THAT AWESOME, LITTLE MEN. YOUR COACH IS NOW A 100 FT COLOSSUS OF HUGE BODYBUILDER BEEF! GRRRRRRRR!!!” Coach growled and crunched into a most muscular pose above us, shielding us from the sun above and filling the entire team's vision with rippling, vascular, shredded, prodigious musculature. His growl was so ferociously loud we all shirked. Coach immediately noticed and quieted himself. “OOPS. SORRY LITTLE MEN. I'M SO HUGE THAT EVEN MY VOICE IS OVERPOWERING!” The players and myself began walking around Coach, examining his towering frame. Coach, pleased as peacock, simply stood still with his hands on his hips and with a bright handsome smile on his face as he looked down to us. We stood next to his sneakers, hardly able to comprehend the size of his footwear that were each the size of vans. We marveled that even at our highest reach our hands were far under the heavy sagging meat of his Fankhouser-esque calves. Jamal looked up and shouted up to our leader, “So glad you could be here, Coach. Coach Harvey said the CSA tried to keep you away.” Coach leered down to us with an ominous grin. “OH, THEY TRIED TO KEEP ME AWAY. A COUPLE OF GOVERNMENT GUYS CAME BY TOO AND TRIED TO GET ME TO GO WITH THEM. CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT? SOME TINY LITTLE "OFFICIAL" RUNTS TRYING TO TELL ME WHAT TO DO?” Coach leaned over, brought up his left arm and FLEXED his awe-inspiring biceps to full peak. Simultaneously, he reached over with his right arm and pointed at the boulder sized muscle. This time he angled himself forward so we could see the enormous mass bulge up from his arm. I remember how Coach had earlier said that he thought he was still growing slightly more muscular along with his sudden spurts of height and I could clearly see this in his arm. His astounding arm looked like it could've now been 26 or 27 inches around if he were at his previous mere moral height of six and a half feet. His biceps was so large that when he flexed, there was virtually no space between the mounded biceps muscle and thick elongated muscles of his forearm. “ALL I HAD TO DO WAS POINT AT THIS MUSCLE TO THEM KNOW WHO MAKES THE RULES. I TOLD THE LITTLE SHRIMPS THAT NO ONE IS GOING TO KEEP ME FROM COACHING MY BRUTES TO A VICTORY TODAY. AND THERE WAS NOTHING THEY COULD DO TO STOP ME. HELL, AT MY SIZE NO ONE COULD STOP ME FROM DOING ANYTHING IF I DON'T WANT THEM TO!” Coach sneered cockily as he relayed his story to us. It was impossible not to sense a bit of fear from his attitude. I imagined the CSA and government men pissing their pants as they tried in futility to tell the biggest, strongest, most powerful being on the planet what to do. Coach was an intimidating man at just 6 ft 6 inches tall. At 100 ft, that intimidation factor was magnified exponentially. Coach, sensing our unease, softened his expression. “SORRY IF I SCARED 'YA, LITTLE MEN. IT'S JUST THE THOUGHT OF NOT BEING ABLE TO COACH YOU MAKES ME VERY ANGRY.” Coach snickered and repeated that famous line from the Hulk franchise, “AND YOU WOULDN'T LIKE ME WHEN I'M ANGRY!” Coach then looked over his shoulder down at the parking lot. I wondered what he was searching for when I saw it. A small white sedan with the “CSA” logo painted on the side. Obviously the car used by the CSA officials to oversee the game. “THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN THEY MAKE ME ANGRY!!” Coach raised his huge left foot, the fibers of his exposed quads firing as he moved. He was so large that he just had to lean over a bit to his left where he let his colossal sneaker SMASH down on top of he doomed car. In a millisecond the car was flattened beyond recognition. Unlike when Coach slowly caved in the news van from a couple of days ago, with his newly doubled size his massive shoe completely covered and obliterated the small car. We all jumped back from the sudden show of power. After a couple of seconds of stunned silence, my teammates began to shout more cheers and praise up at him. “Damn, Coach Brute! That was awesome!” “Yeah, Coach, show them CSA pussies who is in charge!” “Man I'm sure glad you are our Coach! You are like a god to the little people!” “Haha you made smashing that car look easy! You are so fuckin' powerful!” “Nobody tells you what to you, BIG COACH BRUTE! Especially not those tiny government boys!” Coach beamed with pride as he heard us, feeding his ever growing, yet deserved ego. Even with the frightening display of masculine power we just witnessed, we knew it had only been brought out because some foolish officials were trying to keep him from coaching us today. With a 100 ft tall overdeveloped herculean man watching over us, nothing could take us out! “WELL BOYS, IT'S TIME YOU HEAD INSIDE THE STADIUM TO WARM UP. BECAUSE I'M SO DAMN HUGE AND MUSCULAR, I'M GOING TO STAND OUT HERE TO COACH. OTHERWISE, WITH MY HUGE LATS, HALF THE STADIUM BEHIND ME WOULDN'T GET TO SEE YOU GUYS KICK SOME ASS.” Coach punctuated this statement with a titanic lat spread. The wing-like lats under his arms spread out to what looked like 25 yards across...then 30...then 35!! Coach's lats were so magnificently built, that when it looked like he couldn't get any wider, his enormous back muscles unfurled even further. The v-shape he demonstrated as he expertly flexed was nearly incomprehensible, seemingly extending his upper torso to three times the width of his chiseled abdominals. Coach chuckled some more as we stared up at him, again in awestruck silence. He broke the pose, allowing our brains to regain function. “YOU BOYS KEEP STARING AT ME LIKE THAT AND IT'S GOING TO GIVE ME A BIG HEAD, HAHA. NOW GET OUT THERE AND GET WARMED UP! GO!” His sudden demand caused us all to hustle onto the field. As we entered the field it became clear that Jamal was right about one thing. Many of our fans had showed up early and even with 45 minutes to kickoff the stadium was about 75% full. The crowd cheered us on as we entered the field, but as soon as the cheering died down I noticed that all the spectators had turned their heads toward the South end of the stadium. The South end was adjacent to the maintenance parking lot and at only about 30 ft tall, was the lowest part of the stadium. Thus, everyone could see the magnificent bare-chested giant bodybuilder standing behind there behind. He clapped as we entered, each time his hands connected it sounded like a large firecracker exploding. After Coach's news conference it became clear that so many people arrived early so they see the largest man in history with their own eyes. A few minutes later the visiting team entered from the opposite end of the stadium. I chuckled as the entire visiting froze as soon as they caught sight of our coach. Once they had got their wits back, they filed onto the field and stretch as well. The visiting Marauder's head coach, Thomas Morton, a well-known portly man who was known for his bombastic attitude and arrogant demeanor, trotted out onto the field and too became paralyzed with awe. Coach, with his hands on his hips in a powerful stance, quickly spotted the overweight opposing coach at the other end of the field. “COACH MORTON! WELCOME TO OUR STADIUM. I'M EXCITED FOR A GOOD GAME BETWEEN OUR SQUADS. BUT I MUST SAY, COACH MORTON, YOU'VE REALLY LET YOURSELF GO! HOW CAN YOU BE AN INSPIRATION TO YOUR PLAYERS TO GET BIGGER AND STRONGER WHILE LOOKING LIKE THAT? ONE THE OTHER HAND...” Coach spread his arms out wide and looked cockily down at his own torso. He alternately turned each arm, admiring the size of the unflexed muscles covering each appendage. He bent down and felt up the massive individual muscles of his quadriceps and then looked back at Coach Morton, “...ON THE OTHER HAND, MY BOYS SEEING ALL THESE HUGE MUSCLES OF MINE EVERYDAY ONLY INSPIRES THEM TO LIFT HARDER AND GET BIGGER AND STRONGER THEMSELVES!” Coach Morton had never felt so emasculated in his life. He just stood there, frozen, looking like a man whose entire dignity had been stripped away. He lowered his head and headed over to his sideline, looking defeated before the game even began. Something Coach obviously saw as he continued to address Coach Morton. “AND DON'T THINK I DIDN'T SEE THAT PRESS CONFERENCE YOU GAVE LAST WEEK. HOW YOU SAID YOUR TEAM WAS GOING TO CRUSH OUR TEAM. HOW YOU WOULD SHOW NO MERCY AND HAVE NO HARD FEELINGS ABOUT RUNNING UP THE SCORE! HOW ABOUT I SHOW YOU WHAT A REAL 'CRUSHING' WILL LOOK LIKE!” Coach looked down and to his right and reached down with both hands and picked something up. As he rose it became clear that he was holding each end of Morton's bus. In his hands it was no bigger than a loaf of bread. And with no more strength than a normal man would required to squeeze that loaf of bread, our giant coach bared his teeth and CRUSHED the ends of the bus together like an accordion. The windows shattered and fell to the parking lot. Loud distinct pops could be heard as the tires blew. The high pitched squeal of twisting metal pierced the air. “THIS IS WHAT REAL CRUSHING IS. AND YOU WILL NEVER KNOW WHAT IT FEELS LIKE TO BE THIS POWERFUL. IF YOU ARE GOING TO USE BIG THREATENING WORDS, PERHAPS YOU SHOULD HAVE THE MUSCLE TO BACK IT UP! HAHAHA!” Coached laughed and let the crumpled-up mass of metals crash to the parking bellow. Coach Morton gulped in fear at what he had just seen. “OH, AND COACH MORTON, I CAN TELL YOU AND YOUR BOYS ARE SCARED OF ME AND TO PLAY AGAINST MY MEN. MAYBE EVEN SO SCARED THAT YOU ARE AFRAID TO WANT TO BEAT MY TEAM. WELL, THAT IS EVEN IF YOU COULD BEAT MY TEAM. IT'S UNDERSTANDABLE, I'M A REALLY, REALLY BIG STRONG MAN. BUT TRUST ME, IF YOU GUYS SLOW PLAY THIS GAME AND DON'T TRY YOUR HARDEST, THEN I ASSURE YOU I WILL BE VERY, VERY ANGRY. I WANT TO SEE A GOOD COMPETITIVE GAME, FULL OF EFFORT FROM BOTH SIDES, GOT IT?” Coach finished his statement by ominously cracking his knuckles. Ever the sportsman, he did not want us to win simply due to the other team's fear of his imposing body. He wanted us to EARN the win against a worthy opponent. I shuddered to think what would happen if the other team just flat out gave up and didn't give us any fight. Coach Morton dramatically shook his head up and down, notifying our Coach of his understanding that he wouldn't hold his team back. Forty minutes later the game began. Obviously, our head Coach couldn't perform all the duties typical of a mortal-sized coach so Assistant Coach Harvey took over for that. Still, as we had many hand signals, he was able to communicate sufficiently with us what he wanted on defense. For the first half the game was relatively tight. We never led by more than 10 points and after a successful long touchdown pass, we went into halftime with a three point lead. I could easily tell why the other team was one of the top in the nation. They were very good, very big and very strong. Not to mention the fear of invoking OUR Coach's wrath likely had them playing harder than they ever had. The giant man behind the South stadium provided us with excellent calls, motivation and inspiration. There was nothing like seeing his huge jacked body and handsome smile beaming proudly down at us after we made a good play. While the visiting Morton team was good, they were still no match or our own superior skill, size and strength and we began to slowly overpower them. Early in the 4th quarter we were nursing a seven point lead. The Marauders had the ball and were driving the field against us with some trick plays that caught us off guard. They were only 15 yards away from the North end zone. Before the next play, I looked up to see Coach signaling an outside blitz from me and I relayed the play to the rest of our team. The Marauders snapped the ball and I broke and made a beeline to their QB. As I closed in on him, I could see the surprise in his eyes. I saw him cock back his arm and start to lob the ball over my head for a screen pass. In a flash I read the play and leaped straight up as high as I could. I saw the ball just above my head, reached up and snagged it out of the air. INTERCEPTION! I landed and took off sprinting towards the opposite South end zone. As I ran as fast as I could, I saw Coach waving his beefy arms to me in a “come here” motion. I had never seen him look so excited before. I made it to the 50 yard line, then the 40, then the 30, I could feel the defenders on my heels. As I kept running Coach started JUMPING UP and down! I could feel the tremors rumbling the ground as his muscular tonnage pounded the ground. His massive pectorals bounced hypnotically as he himself bounced on the ground. The tremors were strong enough I almost tripped up! But I kept my balance and finally made it the the end zone! It was an 85-yard, pick-six interception! In my first collegiate game! I was so excited as my teammates caught up and mobbed me from behind that I barely noticed how winded I was from sprinting 85 yards. As the team cleared away I looked skyward to see Coach beaming proudly at me. Remembering that day in the weight room, I smiled up to him and gave him my most imposing most muscular pose, clenching my fists together in front of my waist. His grin widened more and he laughed. He then smirked, hunched over and returned his own far more impressive most muscular pose with a cocky smile. The crowd went wild, not only from my touchdown, but from seeing Coach FLEX his titanic muscles. In one play, I had turned the game from a tight contest into a dominating win for us. I had never felt so proud of myself in my life. With the momentum on our side, we dominated the rest of the game and ended up winning by three touchdowns. As the teams left the field, Coach addressed Coach Morton. “GOOD GAME COACH. WE'LL SEE YOU AGAIN NEXT YEAR. OH YEAH, REMEMBER WHAT I SAID, YOU WOULD REALLY SHOULD GET YOURSELF INTO THE WEIGHT ROOM IF YOU WANT TO COMPETE WITH THE LIKES OF THIS! HAHAH!” Coach laughed as he flashed the opposing coach a quick double biceps pose. As we exited the stadium we gathered around Coach's shoes. I noticed the car sized lump of twisted metal that was formerly the Morton passenger bus nearby and could hardly comprehend the power it would take to do that. Coach grinned down at us. “YOU LITTLE BRUTES SURE MADE THIS BIG BRUTE VERY PROUD TODAY. THAT WAS A CHAMPIONSHIP EFFORT. NOW, THERE ARE STILL 11 MORE GAMES IN THE SEASON SO DON'T THINK YOUR WORK IS DONE. YOU ALL NEED TO KEEP PRACTICING HARD AND LIFTING HARD AND IF YOU DO YOU HAVE A GREAT SHOT TO MAKE IT TO THE CHAMPIONSHIP COME DECEMBER. NOW HIT THE SHOWERS. AND CAPTAINS, OLDEST TO YOUNGEST, MEET ME EVERY 15 MINUTES IN THE FIELD HOUSE FOR A POST-GAME DEBRIEFING STARTING ONE HOUR FROM NOW.” After showering up and enjoying a nice post game meal, I soon headed over to the field house. The sophomore captain was just exiting as I entered the building. I walked in and there was Coach, standing up, the top of his cap dangerously close to the rafters of the field house, filling my view with fuzzy, rippling, golden MUSCLE. “THERE'S MY STAR OF THE GAME!” He said excitedly as I entered, filling my heart with pride. “GREAT GAME, JACKSON. THAT LONG PICK-SIX BASICALLY SEALED THE GAME FOR US. I BELIEVE YOU ARE A STAR IN THE MAKING, YOUR READ THAT SCREEN PASS BEAUTIFULLY, JUMPED UP AND SNAGGED THE BALL AND RACED BACK TOWARD ME...MAN THAT AWESOME.” “I owe it all to you, Coach! You called that blitz for me, it was the perfect call! That QB never saw me coming!” “I GUESS WE MAKE QUITE THE TEAM, YOU AND I, MY LITTLE BRUTE!” “Yes we do, my BIG COACH BRUTE!” I lowered my voice and shouted, trying to sound big, Coach chuckled at my playfulness. Coach then slowly crouched and sat down on his big bulbous ass. He put his arms beside him, palms flat on the turf, triceps flaring, and stuck his LONG legs straight out, straddling me. On each side of me were the world's biggest and most muscular thighs and in front of me was the worlds most packed crotch, trapping me in a virtual cocoon of manhood. Even with him sitting slowly, a big tremor rumbled through the ground as his hulking tonnage rested on the field turf. “THERE, MUCH BETTER. YOU LITTLE GUYS ARE BASICALLY SHRINKING TO ME. I DON'T MIND STANDING UP AND TOWERING OVER THE OTHER PEOPLE, IT REMINDS HOW HUGE AND POWERFUL I AM. BUT I DON'T LIKE INTIMIDATING MY OWN LITTLE BRUTES, HEHE.” “It's ok Coach, you really can't help it! Haha, even with you sitting there your head is FIVE stories above mine. I could practically HIDE under your pecs even with you leaning back. Your massive quads are so huge I would need a rope to scale them, it's like I'm flanked by two massive, golden tanned beefy walls of POWER. And your crotch...Coach, your shorts are looking tighter and tighter!” Coach smirked with satisfaction as I praised him. “HEH HEH. JACKSON, YOU SURE KNOW HOW TO MAKE THIS BIG BRUTE FEEL GOOD. REALLLLLL GOOD...” Coach leaned forward and brought one hand forward and began to palm his crotch in front of me. “AND YOU ARE RIGHT. LIKE I SAID, ALONG WITH MY HEIGHT SPURTS, I SEEM TO BE SLOWLY GETTING BIGGER AND MORE MUSCULAR...” He smirked down into my eyes and added, “...AND MORE HUNG!” By now I was rock hard as well, watching the monster in Coach's packed shorts grow. “Wow, Coach I can see that. OH MY GOD COACH!” I shouted in surprise and his monster dick began to extend out PAST the leg of his khaki shorts, pressed up tight against his left inner-thigh. “YEAH, LITTLE GUY. LOOK AT THAT. THAT IS A REAL COCK RIGHT THERE.” In complete shock and awe, I could only nod in agreement. “JACKSON, I HAVEN'T TOLD ANYBODY ELSE YET, BUT I HAVE AGREED TO LET THOSE GOVERNMENT BOYS RUN SOME TESTS ON ME. THAT MEANS I WON'T BE HERE FOR PRACTICE FOR THE NEXT FEW DAYS.” My face fell as I looked up him disappointingly. “I KNOW, I KNOW. AND I KNOW I TELL YOU BOYS TO NEVER TAKE ANY GAME LIGHTLY, BUT YOUR NEXT GAME IS AGAINST A TEAM THAT WAS WINLESS LAST YEAR, SO I HAVE COMPLETE CONFIDENCE IN COACH HARVEY TO LEAD THE TEAM.” Coach's face turned stern, “AND TRUST ME, THERE IS NO WAY I'M GOING TO LET THEM KEEP ME AWAY FROM YOU GUYS FOR TOO LONG. IF THEY DO...THEY WILL REGRET IT.” Coach was so huge that it was easy to see all his muscles and tendons tighten and flex defensively, all his massive firehose-sized veins erupt as he considered what he would do if anyone tried to keep him away from us. “NOW, BEFORE I TAKE OFF TOMORROW...” Coach reached down his huge hand and began rubbing the now exposed cock head, “HOW ABOUT YOU JOIN ME IN ONE LAST BRUTE JACKING SESSION?” He grinned at me seductively, there was no way I could resist. I striped off my clothes and stood there naked and rock hard in between the giant man's legs. “OH YEAH, LOOK AT THE HOT JOCK STUD BODY. YOU LOOK SO GOOD, LITTLE BRUTE.” Coach's dick began to thicken and lengthen even more! Quickly I heard the unmistakable sounds of ripping. His cock was so huge and powerful, not to mention his now proportionally larger glutes and legs, that his khaki shorts could take to no more and began to tear at the inseam! Coach reached down, lifted his ass slightly off the turn and proceeded to finish TEARING his shorts off with a ear-piercing RRRRIIIIIPPPPPPP. He wasn't wearing underwear, and his rock hard cock sprang up like a trebuchet, thwacking his abdomen well above his navel. “AHHHH THAT FEELS SOOOOO MUCH BETTER. I OUTGREW MY UNDERWEAR A COUPLE OF DAYS AGO, IT'S NICE TO BE FREE OF THE LAST RESTRICTIVE PIECE OF CLOTHING! LET ME FINISH UNDRESSING LITTLE BUDDY!” Coach leaned way forward over me reaching his long arms behind me. He lightly bent his legs, reached forward and slipped off his shoes and socks. A warm smell of musky, jock feet crossed my nose. But it wasn't rank, just another pungent smell of ultimate masculinity. I looked straight up and saw each car-sized abdominal muscle hovering 30 feet above me. The valleys in between each ab was so deep they could've served as small canals. Coach leaned back and began to take off his hat and whistle. “Coach, wait!” I shouted. “Um...would...would yo mind leaving the hat and whistle on?” You look like such a huge jock muscle stud with them on!” Coach chuckled deeply. “YOU GOT IT, LITTLE MAN. TELL YOU WHAT, SINCE YOU WERE THE STAR OF THE GAME, WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE TO DO?” He asked with a smirk. I thought about it for a few exciting seconds. The possibilities I could dream up with him seemed endless. “Um, would you mind setting me on your belly, and then laying down with your hands clasped behind your head? I just want to explore your giant body, Coach!” “MMMMM JACKSON, I LIKE THE WAY YOU THINK.” He slowly reached forward and gently lifted me up with his incredible hands. Each finger was a long as I was. For a second I was worried he would accidentally crush me, no doubt he possessed the power to do so. But, he proved to be perfectly gentle, lifting me up with and depositing me on his titanic stomach, right now to the mushroom head of his monster cock. The massive beast had to be 15 feet long now and over four feet in diameter. He smiled as he leaned back and clasped his hands behind his head with a happy smile. His chest pulled up and his massive lats flared out, exposing his DEEP hairy armpits, again sending my sense of smell into overdrive as his sweaty musk permeated the air. Wow. Standing on his abs, I looked left, then right. There was SOOOO much super-developed man flesh spread out in front of me. I noted how his elbows were out so wide they were nearly brushing each side wall of the field house. I began to walk forward, noting the taught hard skin and enormou lumps of abs. I layed down on top of the upper most right side ab and just felt the hard, warm mass underneath me. I couldn't help it as I ground my hard cock into the taught, tough skin. “MMM EVEN THOUGH YOU ARE SO TINY I CAN FEEL THAT, JACKSON. FEELS GOOD.” I got back up and walk up to the shelf of his pecs. I traipsed over to his right nipple, the size of a beach ball and began to knead and punch it. Suddenly the ground below began to tremble. “OH DAMN, JACKSON, FUCK! MY NIPPLES ARE SO SENSITIVE. YOU'RE MAKING ME LEAK!” I glanced being me and sure enough, the huge cock head was dripping pre into a kiddle-pool sized puddle on his abs. After playing with his nipple I climbed up onto his pecs, now allowing me to see Coach's handsome face with his eyes closed, enjoying the feeling of a tiny man exploring him. “Wow, Coach, your pectorals are so massive I could build a house on each one! I can see each sinewy fiber under your tanned skin. Your chest hair is so soft, it's like walking through a wheat field. No one on earth has BIGGER or MORE MAGNIFICENT pecs than, you do, Coach!” I feel the ground rumble underneath me as he moaned deeply from his sternum. I made my way over to his right armpit. I had to step down of his huge pecs. Luckily, his lats were so huge they gave me more than enough shelf to safely walk on. I spread my arms out and let my entire body fall into the warm musky pit. His pit hairs were so soft and comfortable. I ground my face into this pit and again felt Coach moan from pleasure. I saw a shadow cross over me and noticed he had release his left harm from behind his head to reach down and rub his pipeline sized cock. After servicing his pit I climbed back out and up onto his arm. For a muscle lover there was just no way I couldn't explore that arm. The massive ball of biceps and huge meaty triceps. I simply layed down in the relativity small divot between the biceps and triceps on the side of his arm and marvelled at the muscles flanking each side of me. “Coach, no man on earth has biceps like you. There have been proportionally bigger arms in history, but those arms were bolstered by layers and layers of fat. There may have been more ripped biceps in history, but they belonged to skinny little weak men who had zero fat. But no man has the ultimate combination of ripped AND huge, freaky, massive peaked biceps, and feathered triceps like you do. These are the best arms in HISTORY!” Coach growled and the FLEXED his right arm with loud GROWL. The arm underneath me expanded, the skin underneath my body pulled tighter in each direction as it struggled to contain the growing muscle. I watch as his already mounded biceps began to push higher...and higher! At my tiny size the split in his peaks was big enough to rest my leg inside! “FUCKKKK YEAH JACKSON. LOOK AT THOSE COLLOSAL ARMS. ARMS SO HUGE THAT YOU TINY MEN COULD LIVE IN THEM. ARMS THAT COULD CURL AN AIRCRAFT CARRIER! BICEPS SO MASSIVE AND HARD THAT A WRECKING BALL WOULDN'T BE ABLE TO DENT THEM!” Coached moaned some more and jacked his cock with more fervor. I followed his lead and did the same. “UHHHH JACKSON, LET'S DO THIS. NOW YOU DO ME A FAVOR. STAND UP ON MY CHEST, RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME WHERE I CAN SEE YOU, AND GIVE THAT MOST MUSCULAR POSE LIKE YOU DID AT THE GAME!” I walk over and stood on his right pec facing him. His left pec was bunching and and bouncing like crazy as he used his left arm to masturbate. He tilted his handsome face up and opened his deep blue eyes to see me standing on his pec, rising and falling as he took deep breaths. I kept my stance wide to maintain balance. As soon as his eyed made contact with mine, I smirked cockily, back at him. “A most muscular pose, Coach. Like you taught me?” I teased. Coach moaned and jacked harder. I then crouched forward and FLEXED my abs, arms, traps, pecs and legs as hard as I could and GROWLED as loud as tiny man could. “GGGGRRAHHHH COACH! LOOK AT MY MUSCLES THAT YOU HELPED BUILD!” Coach's face scrunched as the loudest moan I had ever heard erupted from his gaping maw. Suddenly I felt a huge stream of wetness fall across my shoulders and back. Coach's massive dick was EXPLODING WITH ORGASM, coating me in his seed. I quickly brought my own hands down and jacked my own rock-hard tumescence, seeing and feeling jet after jet of white Coach jizz shower me and the massive chest surrounding me. I screamed and let out my own powerful orgasm, coating the square footage of his hairy muscle chest in front of me. As I finished, I fell to my knees, and then laid down on the wet, hairy expanse of pectoral in front of me, exhausted. Coach let his arms fall to the side and I fell myself rise as his pecs consequently plumped underneath me from the motion. “DAMN, JACKSON. THAT WAS THE BEST ONE YET. THERE IS NO WAY I'M LETTING THOSE GOVERNMENT BOYS KEEP ME AWAY FROM YOU!” He rumbled, chuckling. “DAMN, NOW I HAVE EVEN MORE OF A MESS TO CLEAN UP!” He joked and as I stood up and laughed with him. Epilogue: Coach did indeed return next week right before the game. Our team dominated the rest of the season and coach was at every game. In December, we brought home the school's very first national championship. There were challenges with a 100 ft Coach, especially for away games, but like any challenge facing him, he met it head on along with the rest of us and came away with full success. Coach, of course, became a national celebrity, using his size to help out wherever he could. Whether it be assisting the fireman or police in rescue missions, cleaning up verhicle accidents or his favorite, helping the city demolish condemned or unwanted buildings. An activity where we really got to show off his size and power to his adoring fans. The university supplied him with sustenance and clothes, although he rarely wore a shirt. His huge body was like a human radiator and even in winter he only required a light tank top to keep warm. The university constructed some living quarters for him off campus in the form of a handful of aircraft hanger size buildings, furnished of course. Along with a massive heated swimming pool to allow him to wash off. Of course, I continued to see Coach during “captain's meetings” throughout the year. Coach had promised that he would stick around to coach the team for at least the next three years, through the end of my playing career before he would decide what the future held for him. Even without being able to properly workout with weight, Coach continued to slowly grow in musculature, aided by his nearly naked body constantly absorbing energy from the sun and his daily workouts consisting of various body weight movements. The only question that remained, was Coach truly done growing, or was there a power source out there strong enough to cause another doubling of his size? Only the future could tell.
This is the second and (as of now) final chapter of the story. In this chapter, Adam and Wyatt explore their feelings for each other. Lots of sex and growth ensues! “What are you doing?” Wyatt rumbled softly. Adam retracted his hands and then froze, holding his breath. “Were you touching me?” Wyatt asked. “It-it was an accident, I was just, uh shif ting around, and—“ “Uh huh. Hmmm little buddy,” Wyatt slurred and then reached over to Adam. “What are we gonna do with you, hmm?” the big man rumbled and then reached for Adam. Adam tried to back up but was already on the edge of the bed. Wyatt’s huge arms wrapped Adam up like he was tackling him, and then the big lineman pulled Adam closer into a tight, warm, fleshy embrace. Wyatt squeezed Adam into a bear hug and pressed Adam’s face against his chest. “Yeah come here little guy,” Wyatt whispered. “Damn, you’re so skinny,” he said and humped his waist forward, rubbing the titanic bulge in his shorts against Adam’s stiffy. “Yeah, I thought so,” Wyatt hummed as he rubbed his bulge against Adam’s. “You like big guys, don’t you?” Wyatt asked as he squeezed Adam harder. “Y-yes,” Adam grunted as the most beautiful man he’d ever seen ground his giant body against him. “I’m sorry, you’re just so BIG and I, I, I just wanted to see what it felt like, and—“ “Shhhhh, little guy, you’re in luck. As it turns out, I love skinny little guys like you,” Wyatt breathed as he moved his lips closer to Adam. Adam could taste the beer on Wyatt’s lips as they kissed, their tongues wrestling, Wyatt’s thicker lips and mouth dominating Adam’s. They kissed for what seemed like forever to Adam until Wyatt pulled away. “How’s that, little freshman?” Wyatt said with a grin. Adam was speechless and just sighed in relief and pleasure. Wyatt’s huge left hand explored Adam’s skinny frame, reaching lower, running over Adam’s ribs and hips until he felt the meaty handfuls of his kicker’s bubble butt. “Ohhhh fuck yeah,” Wyatt rumbled as he felt Adam’s perfect, round ass. His huge paw took handful and squeezed, his fingers sneaking into the crack of Adam’s ass. Adam returned by rubbing his hands hungrily all over Wyatt’s chest, shoulders, and arms, feeling every inch of bulky muscle packed on the college senior. Wyatt tensed and flexed his muscles to show the power he had over the diminutive kicker. “You like that? All that muscle? You wanna feel?” Wyatt rumbled as he shifted his weight and pinned Adam on his back. “You like all this size?” Wyatt said as he straddled Adam and flexed his big arms, 22” of thick power, exposed hairy pits radiating his jock BO stink into the room. “Oh fuck yeah, ever since the first day I saw you at practice I couldn’t believe how big you were, fucking huge,” Adam breathed as he reached up and rubbed Wyatt’s huge belly, which was pressing down on him. “Aww yeah, the first time I saw you I knew I watched your skinny little ass, couldn’t wait to stretch you out on my thick cock,” Wyatt drawled as he pressed his hard bulging cock against Adam’s shorts, knocking on the door to Adam’s thigh hole. “Oh fuck, yeah, big man, do whatever you want to me, so much bigger and stronger than me, do it,” Adam whispered and Wyatt growled in response. The big man stood up at the end of the bed, shucked his shorts, and then spat into the palm of his hand. He reached down and started stroking himself, his dick 8 inches long and nearly as thick, a huge red mushroom head slick and hard. His pecs and arms and traps tensed as he pumped his cock harder, his huge thighs fighting for space against his swelling balls. He was hairless, totally smooth and sweaty, slick and glistening in the moonlight filtering in through the blinds. Adam ripped the sheets and covers off the bed and got in position, stretching his flexible legs over his shoulders and spreading himself wide. “Aww fuck yeah Adam, such a furry hole, look at that, perfect fucking, ooooh yeah,” Wyatt growled as he slipped a slick finger inside Adam and rubbed it around. “Gonna stretch you out SO good bro, you’re gonna be feeling it for days, I promise. Most guys can’t take my cock… can you?” Wyatt said as loosened up Adam while staring right into Adam’s brown eyes. Adam just groaned and moaned louder, the big lineman’s fingers already making him feel things I had never felt before. He looked up at the monster jock towered over him, thick muscles tensing, lineman gut jiggling slightly, swollen cock throbbing and leaking. “Yeah here it comes bud, get ready,” Wyatt whispered as he got back onto the bed, the mattress shifting and groaning as his 360lb bulk straddled the little kicker and he pushed his cock relentlessly inside. Adam groaned and Wyatt clamped a huge hand down over Adam’s mouth, silencing him. “Shhh bud we can’t have the rest of the team hear us,” Wyatt growled as he pushed his cock in even deeper. “Ohhhhh fuck yeah,” Wyatt whispered as he pushed in all the way up his balls. Adam could feel the big tight balls pressing against his ass. He looked up at his enormous buddy with his mouth agape, then nodded for more. Wyatt slowly pulled his cock out right up to the ridge of his mushroom head and then slammed back in with a grunt, like he was slamming into someone on the football field. “Uuunnnnnggggg,” Adam said as quietly as he could, still shocked that this was happening. The huge lineman grabbed Adam’s ankles and held them in place as he thrust in and out of Adam. “Oh my god bud you got SUCH a tight hole for me to fuck, don’t you,” Wyatt rumbled as he set Adam’s ankles on his shelf-like shoulders and pecs. “So fucking tight for my big thick dick, huh” Wyatt said as he increased the pace of his fucking. “Uhhnnnngggg yeah big guy, fuck me, fuck me Wyatt, holy shit, so big!” Adam said as Wyatt rode him, pounding in harder and harder, all 360lbs of his bulk crashing into him. “YEAH fucking right so huge, gonna grow more and more too huh, big fuckin’ monster jock pounding you GOOD,” Wyatt breathed as his lips and mouth tensed. He pounded away relentlessly, slamming his heavy bulk into Adam’s tight hole, stretching it, ruining it, sending shockwaves of pleasure through Adam’s entire body. Minutes went by with the only sound being Adam’s muffled groans, Wyatt’s determined growls, and college jock beef slamming together. Wyatt’s eyes squinted together and he twitched. “Feels so good, big top pounding his little freshmen kicker, hell YES,” Wyatt boomed and his face contorted in a tight expression as he exploded into Adam. Adam felt the heat of his lineman buddy filling him up, making him feel complete for the first time in his life, felt pressure surging inside. Wyatt groaned and grunted and pulled out, cum dribbling onto the sheets of the bed as he stood again at the end of the bed, his huge thick red cock bobbing and dripping onto the floor. “Your turn now, little guy,” Wyatt rumbled and he climbed back on top of Adam, this time at a different angle. “What, what are you, whoooooooooaaaaaaaa,” Adam breathed as Wyatt slurped up his rock-hard cock into his mouth. It did not take long for Adam to explode into Wyatt’s mouth and for the hungry jock to slurp up every drop of Adam’s seed. “Mmmm nothing like a midnight snack,” Wyatt grinned as he scooted forward until he was laying next to Adam once again. “Come here, little guy, you’re all mine now,” Wyatt said as he wrapped his huge, strong arms around the kicker and pulled him in until he was spooning him. “Wyatt, that was amazing,” Adam said as he felt the warm breath of the senior blowing against the back of his head. “Shhh little guy, just go to sleep now and let me wrap you up,” Wyatt said as he squeezed Adam in his arms. “I got you now.” Adam just smiled, euphoria still tingling up his spine and ass from being freshly fucked, and they both drifted off to sleep. -- Adam woke up still being gripped tightly by Wyatt’s huge arms. Massive scarred-up forearms seemed to cover most of his torso, and Wyatt’s beefy pecs pressed against Adam’s back and neck uncomfortably. Adam shifted and wriggled a bit, trying to escape Wyatt’s grip, but found that he couldn’t. It was enough to rouse the sleeping giant though. “Hey there little guy, good morning,” Wyatt purred, his deep voice sounding soft. “Well, that was fun last night huh?” he asked as he squeezed Adam from behind again. “Uh huh, it was… incredible!” Adam said and pushed himself against Wyatt harder, his ass pressed up against Wyatt’s morning wood. Wyatt shifted away from Adam and reached his arms up to stretch. His huge body stretched longer than the length of the bed and his arms actually bumped against the headboard. Annoyed, Wyatt grunted and stood, looking a bit… different. “Whoa, what the… is the room smaller than I remembered?” Wyatt asked, reaching up to scratch his chest. Adam turned to look at the beefy lineman and his jaw drawed. Wyatt was noticeably bigger. Several inches taller and much more muscular, he looked more like a professional wrestler or strongman competitor than a chunky offensive lineman. He still had an ample belly and soft extra padding, but he looked harder, bulker, bulgier, more muscular everywhere. “W-Wyatt… you… are you bigger??” Adam asked in confusing as he scrambled out of bed to compare his own size to Wyatt. Wyatt waddled over to the bathroom, his heavy steps shaking the entire room, and looked in the mirror. Adam turned the light on, and Wyatt took a deep breath and drew himself up to his full height. “Well holy shit, I’m DEFINITELY bigger than last night! What the fuck,” the big senior rumbled, his voice deeper too. “I look fuckin’ AWESOME!” he said and he raised his right arm up to flex. His huge bicep exploded with thick, round muscle, a vein throbbing down the center of it. “How the fuck did this…happen!?” Adam stammered as he snuck around Wyatt—who had completely eclipsed Adam from the mirror—and started exploring every inch of beef on Wyatt’s huge body. “I don’t know, bud, but I feel amazing… I’m gotta be almost a foot taller than you and at least 100lbs bigger,” Wyatt said as he flexed every way he knew… he tensed his traps, which merged with his bull neck, he brought his fists together and saw his pecs pulse with thick powerful muscle, he shook his thighs and watched the massive quads solidify into rock-hard beef as he flexed. Wyatt’s huge cock throbbed and stiffened up fast, poking out into a raging boner as he watched himself flex and watched his little buddy worship his growing body. He turned to Adam, grabbed underneath the kicker’s arms and lifted him up, and made out ferociously for over a minute. “Oh fuck yeah, this is bigger too!” Wyatt purred as he reached down to squeeze his cock after detaching from Adam and letting him down to the ground. “You wanna get down there and take care of that for me?” he growled. “Yes sir!” Adam dropped to his knees and opened wide, stuffing Wyatt’s swelling cock into his mouth. Wyatt groaned and wrapped one enormous hand around Adam’s skull, pushing his cock in deeper as he started thrusting rhythmically. Wyatt looked in the mirror, a skinny little twink on his knees choking on his massive cock, a gigantic football monster staring back at him, packed with more size and muscle than he ever let himself dream of having. He flexed his arm and tried kissing it, but there was too much trap and delt meat in the way for him to reach. He moaned and blew his load down Adam’s throat. Adam sucked down all he could and then fell back onto his ass. He looked up at Wyatt towering over him, a huge muscular giant, his body swollen with muscle and fat, and he grinned. “Now it’s my turn!” Adam huffed and he held his hands up for Wyatt. Wyatt reached down and effortlessly lifted the 150lb kicker into his arms and carried him over to the bed. “That’s right little bud, I need more of that sweet cream of yours. This big boy is hungry!” Wyatt boomed and then threw Adam onto the bed from several feet away. Adam scrambled and fell on the bed and was quickly pinned down by Wyatt’s huge bulk. The heavy lineman crushed him until 450+ pounds of muscular football jock, smearing post-cum all over Adam’s chest and flat stomach. “You’re so little, and I’m so BIG, damn we make a perfect pair, huh?” Wyatt rumbled as he grabbed Adam from underneath, pulled him up, and then slurped up the kicker’s comparatively smaller cock. Adam lasted even less time than last night as he watched the giant football stud bob his head back and forth over as he sucked Adam’s dick. How as this real? Adam wondered but ultimately couldn’t think straight as the pleasure radiating through his body. He exploded into Wyatt’s mouth after only a few seconds. Wyatt greedily slurped up every drop, sucking hard to make sure he didn’t miss one, and then stood up. This time the results were more immediate. Wyatt felt a pleasing warmth radiating through his body, starting in his stomach and then pulsing out from there like a furnace. He grunted and groaned and he felt his muscles cramp and tense involuntarily. He winced, took a deep breath and stretched his arms up, and then let out a huge sigh. As he did, his entire body exploded with size. He surged up several inches, his body grew thicker and wider, his muscle ballooned harder and rounder. He took another deep breath, deeper this time, and then groaned, growing and growing right in front of Adam. Wyatt’s arms bumped against the ceiling as he grew, past seven feet tall, the floor creaking under his exploding weight. “Holy shit, Adam, look at this!” Wyatt boomed as he exploded with more size, growing and growing into the biggest damn football player that’s ever existed. He swelled up to strongman size, then powerlifter size, then BIGGER, his body bulging with hard muscle, his gut round and jiggly still but with turtleshell abs swelling underneath. His arms stuck out to his sides as his arms and lats fought for space, and his traps and shoulders blew up taller and wider. He adjusted as his weight as his thighs ballooned thicker, rubbing against each other awkwardly. His calves bulged with more size, absurdly huge and matched only by his huge feet. His cock throbbed hard again, over a foot long now and thick as a beer can. His piss slit flared angrily and the big mushroom head glistened red. Wyatt felt the surge of energy subside and brought his arms together in a most muscular pose for Adam, his massive chest bulging with muscle. “FUCK YEAH!” he roared. His whole body was slick with sweat, and he seemed to shine in the morning light. Wyatt went to the mirror and grunted and growled and laughed as he looked over the changes to his huge body. He looked over at the doorway to the toilet and laughed; there was no way he was fitting in there now. Adam appeared at his side, nestling in under his sweaty, rank armpit. The little guy only came up to Wyatt’s nipples now, and his eyes were even with the top of Wyatt’s huge round belly. “Well, little buddy, whatever’s in your spunk has a pretty powerful effect on me, I’d say!” Wyatt rumbled as he pulled his little boyfriend next to him and squeezed him in a friendly headlock. “I sure am glad we got paired to room together!” Wyatt said. He shifted Adam around and reached under the kicker’s arms and lifted him up; it was even easier now than just minutes before. He pulled him close and kissed Adam aggressively, pressing the little freshman’s body against his gigantic one in a huge bear hug. After a minute, they finally detached, precum from Adam’s leaking cock smeared against Wyatt’s gut. “Me too, big guy… me too!” Adam said with a grin and they kept making out, their cocks throbbing against one another, ready for another round of growth.
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Hey everybody! I got inspired and finally wrote this idea that I've been playing with in my head for years and years. Many of us have had those crushes in our youths that we just couldn't touch but always wanted to if only we could get in the right situation. For me, I had major crushes on some guys on the football team when I was in college, and I look back and wish I could have just touched them, if not more. This story is an attempt to explore that idea. Adam is a scrawny freshman kicker for a small college in Minnesota. The smallest guy on the team, he doesn't fit in real well and feels pretty awkward around the other, bigger players. On a road trip to an away game, Adam gets paired to room with Wyatt, the biggest offensive lineman on the team, a hulking senior. In chapter one, they get to know each other and Adam tries to control his desire in the tight space of their hotel bed. Adam lurched in his seat as the rickety old school bus trundled down a bumpy road somewhere in rural Minnesota. He was squeezed in next to the window beside one of the wide receivers as the bus sped north towards their away game. It wasn’t until tomorrow, but because it started at noon the team had decided to spend the night at a cheap hotel on Friday to make sure everyone was fresh. Adam was a scrawny freshmen, the backup kicker for a small liberal arts school that happened to have a pretty decent football program. They weren’t D1 or anything, but the team was still filled with athletes, guys who had done well in high school and were good enough to play in college. Most of the other guys on the team were big, 220lb+ and built, lean, fast, muscular, but Adam wasn’t really any of those things. Sure he could aim the ball with uncanny consistency, which had earned him a partial scholarship and all-state honorable mention last year, but Adam was not really athletic. Just 150lb and 5’7”, he was easily the smallest guy on the team and didn’t really feel like he fit in. The bus was hot and musty, and the weather was unseasonably warm and humid for September in Minnesota. The bus was filled to the brim with oversized college jock bros who were loudly talking, playing music, and carrying on. Adam tried to ignore it and pressed his headphones on a little tighter. Finally the bus pulled in to the parking lot of the crappy little hotel they would staying at for the night. It was already sunset outside, and everyone was eager to get off the bus but before they could, coach stood up and yelled for everyone’s attention. He explained that there were only 30 rooms to go around, so people were randomly assigned a roommate for the two nights they were staying. Adam gulped. He didn’t know most of the guys on the team and he still felt pretty insecure about being around so many other big guys he didn’t know. It didn’t help that he had a crush on one player in particular… “Adam!” Coach bellowed and Adam perked up in his seat. “You’re with Wyatt!” People chuckled and hollered at this, and Adam blushed. He turned to look and saw Wyatt looking back at him, grinning. Wyatt was the biggest guy on the team by far; pairing him and Adam together must have been some sort of sick cosmic joke. Adam sunk down in his chair as the rest of the team filed off the bus. Adam slumped his heavy bag down on the floor of the room as he filed in. He was carrying not only his normal luggage but also all his football gear. Admittedly his gear was lighter and smaller than most, but it was still a heavy load. He looked around the room and cringed. It was small and dingy, like it hadn’t been updated since the 80s, with an old TV and cramped bathroom. And… “One bed!?” Adam groaned to himself. There wasn’t much room on the floor to sleep either. Would he have to… share!? Suddenly a shadow engulfed Adam as the light from the doorway was blocked. He turned and Wyatt was filling up the entire doorway. Wyatt was a senior offensive lineman and easily the biggest guy on the entire team. He was 6’1” and at least 360lbs, or so Adam had heard, with a bulky mix of lumpy, thick muscle and a generous distribution of fat. He was wearing a sweat-stained tanktop and blue mesh basketball shorts; his pasty, huge arms were slick with sweat as he lugged his considerably bigger bags in his hands. The weight from his bags made his enormous round delts twitch with muscle; his biceps exploded with muscle as he hefted the bags in front of him and entered the room. “Hey, you Adam?” Wyatt rumbled in a deep but soft voice as he threw his bags next to Adam’s. “Man, you ARE a little guy!” Wyatt laughed. Adam blushed, embarrassed. Wyatt extended a hand. “I’m Wyatt,” he said. “I-I know,” Adam stammered awkwardly as he extended his hand. Wyatt’s engulfed Adam’s completely, and Adam felt the thick, calloused hand squeeze his own until he winced. “Guess we’re roomies, huh?” Wyatt said as he bumped past Adam, his enormous round gut and shelf-like pecs brushing past Adam’s arm. A wave of musky BO sweat followed Wyatt as he passed. “You’re a freshman, right?” he said as he went into the bathroom. Adam marveled as the size of Wyatt’s enormous round ass, wide and powerful, and the spread of his huge back. He watched as Wyatt awkwardly squeezed into the little bathroom, his back wider than the door, his giant shoulders brushing against the frame roughly. “Y-yeah, the backup kicker. You’re a senior, right?” Adam said timidly. A loud stream of piss poured into the toilet as Wyatt dropped trow with the door open and relieved himself. “Yup. I saw you practicing the other day, you’re pretty good!” Wyatt said. Adam was taken aback. The big senior had noticed him? “Uh, thanks man, just something I’ve always been good at,” Adam said as Wyatt flushed the toilet. Adam sat the bed. Wyatt waddled back into the room, his big thighs rubbing together as he walked. He stepped up to Adam and towered over him. “Well it’s good to have you on the team, hopefully I can help set you up for some points tomorrow,” Wyatt said with a genuine smile. He had narrow, green eyes, black hair, and a sharp high and tight haircut. A wispy mustache and chin hair was all the facial hair he could grow, and Adam guessed that Wyatt was probably smooth and hairless under his tight tanktop. Wyatt’s exposed arms were huge, easily over 20” around and solid with hard muscle. His chest stuck out like a shelf, heavy pecs heaving up and down as he breathed, stretching the straps of his tank top until they were taut between his traps and chest. Adam gulped a little and felt his cock chub up as the handsome guy three times his size complimented him. “Th-thanks big guy. Uh, I’ve seen you around too, kinda hard to miss the biggest guy on the team,” Adam said. He couldn’t help but comment on Wyatt’s size. “Heh, yeah that’s me, always trying to get as big as possible. This isn’t nearly big enough to me, I’d love to start pushing 400lb by the end of the year if I can,” Wyatt said, looking off into the distance and flexing a bit. His forearms and upper arms bulged with mass and his traps rose to engulf his neck. “B-bigger!?” Adam blurted. “You’re already like three times my size!” “Heh, well, we’ll see,” Wyatt said and he sat down on the bed too, his soft belly jiggling slightly as he did. It creaked ominously and leaned towards Wyatt’s side. “I don’t want to intimidate any teammates now,” he said and nudged Adam roughly, pushing him off the bed. Wyatt boomed a jovial laugh and extended a hand to help Adam up. “Oops, sorry little guy! Guess I underestimated just how light you are!” Adam was shocked as just how easily Wyatt’s mass had displaced him. “Well with power like that you might intimidate people more than you think!” Adam said with a smile. He noticed just how thick and bulky Wyatt’s legs were from down on the floor, and gulped as the size of Wyatt’s huge feet before he stood up again. “I try to save it for the field,” Wyatt said. “I actually try to be extra nice and approachable outside of football…people tend to be kind of scared of me because of my size,” Wyatt explained. “I can see that, I’ll admit I was kind of nervous when they said we were gonna room together,” Adam admitted. “Oh really? Don’t be, man, it’s all good. Seniors gotta take care of their freshmen, right? We’re all on the same team,” Wyatt as he rose to his full height. He patted Adam on the shoulder roughly. “Besides, I’m a lineman, it’s my job to protect you,” Wyatt said with a smile. “Heh, yeah that’s true!” Adam chuckled nervously. “H-have you always been big?” “Oh yeah, growing up I was always the biggest kid in class, way taller and heavier than everyone. I grew up on a farm, so kind of got that cornfed diet and functional strength from doing chores. I was kind of a fat kid growing up but then I discovered weights and football in high school and here I am,” Wyatt said as he shifted his bulk from side to side. “It’s fun being the biggest!” Adam nodded and then looked over to their single queen-sized bed. “So, uh, I guess I’m taking the floor and you can have the bed?” Adam said nervously. “Naw, the bed is plenty big enough for both of us, I don’t want you on the floor the night before a game!” Wyatt rumbled and moved over to where his bag was sitting. “I mean, obviously I’m gonna take up more room than you, but you can squeeze on there, you’re a small guy,” Wyatt said as he looked Adam up and down with an expression that Adam couldn’t quite figure out. “You’ll be right up next to me.” Adam noticed Wyatt’s enormous bulge in his tight basketball shorts shifting around. “O-ok if you insist, big guy,” Adam said. “Mmm big guy, I always like when people call me that!” Wyatt laughed. He lifted his shoulder pads up out of his bag and set them down on the bed, causing the bed to bounce a little. “Jesus, those are so big!” Adam blurted. “Heh, yeah they had to custom order those for me. Already getting a little tight compared to earlier this season though, the bulk I’m on right now is working great! Put on 10lbs in the last three weeks!” Wyatt said excitedly as he unpacked the rest of his gear. “The school cafeteria is always good for me,” he said patting his gut. “Gotta have them gainz, right?” “Heh, yeah, right, gainz!” Adam chuckled nervously as the big lineman took up more space with his gear. “Let’s go get some food before it gets any later,” Wyatt said as his huge belly rumbled. “I’m starving!” -- Adam and Wyatt had spent more of the evening watching ESPN on the crappy hotel TV and getting to know each other. They talked about they each got into football, what Wyatt’s gym routine was like, foods they liked, and so on. The AC in the room was on full blast but it was still pretty warm, so both guys were in bed without shirts on. Eventually they turned the TV and stared at their phones for a while as it got later. Adam laid next to Wyatt in bed, tense and nervous. Wyatt’s wide frame spread to take up most of the bed, and Adam was clinging to an edge. It didn’t help that Wyatt’s heavy weight made the mattress sink down; Adam had to make sure he didn’t roll towards the middle of the bed and against Wyatt. Adam had to focus to contain the rising pressure in his pajama pants as he tried not to look too much at the bulky behemoth laying next to him. Wyatt was shirtless and hadn’t showered, so his smell permeated the room. He also radiated heat, a massive meaty furnace just inches from Adam. “Alright bud, I’m gonna sleep now. See you tomorrow,” Wyatt said as he turned off his phone and set it on his night stand. He shifted around in bed until his back was turned to Adam. He looked like a huge wall or mountain next to him, taking up 3/4ths of the bed. “O-ok Wyatt, goodnight,” Adam said nervously. Adam tried to lay as still as he could until he heard Wyatt starting to snore and breath evenly. Adam couldn’t sleep. He was raging hard; he couldn’t believe the guy he had such a massive crush on was right next to him, shirtless, sleeping, snoring. Adam could feel the heat and smell the musk radiating off of him, inviting Adam in. Adam couldn’t help but reach out and touch Wyatt’s big back. He was hot to the touch, his thick body soft but solid at the same time. He touched Wyatt’s traps, feeling their hardness and thickness, and then moved his hand up and over Wyatt’s massive boulder shoulder. Adam risked giving it a little squeeze and shuttered as he felt the hardness of the bulky muscle. He moved his arm across Wyatt’s upper arm, feeling the bulk of his huge thick triceps and running his fingers over the curve of Wyatt’s round bicep. Adam groaned softly and arched his back, his cock throbbing. He leaned closer to Wyatt’s sleeping form and breathed in his warm, heavy, musky scent. He couldn’t believe this fantasy was coming true. Suddenly Wyatt shifted, turning around to sleep on his other side, and Adam quickly retracted his hand and went still again. Wyatt settled with his face towards Adam, his chubby round cheeks looking soft as he snored and breathed on Adam. Wyatt’s breath was minty and fresh, and his lips were pouty and soft, with just a bit of a mustache and goatee framing them. His pecs were pressed together as he layed on his side, showing the enormous bulk of chest. He snored louder as he drifted off to deeper sleep, a deep rumbling growl that made his huge chest rise and fall, and Adam knew he wasn’t going to get much sleep that night. He thought about reaching out to touch the lineman’s meaty chest, moving his hand just over it, but couldn’t muster the courage to do it. He didn’t want to wake him and make things awkward. Instead Adam pulled a pillow around his head to try to block out the snoring and tried to go to sleep. -- The next day the game went just fine. Adam didn’t actually play, as he was just the backup, but he had fun watching Wyatt flatten the opposition and move people around easily with his huge bulk and tremendous strength. He had never noticed the way Wyatt really controlled the offense, because he had been so focused on the ball before. The only problem was that it was brutally hot, the hottest day this late in the year Adam could ever remember, and everyone was a sweaty soaking mess by the time they were done. After the game, the team had a post-game meeting, dinner, and then all went out to a movie, and Wyatt mostly stuck with his linemen buddies and Adam kept to himself. Adam sometimes caught Wyatt looking over at him and he would nod or look away awkwardly. Did Wyatt know that Adam touched him last night? What if he had told everyone else on the team? Adam was anxious and self-conscious the entire day. Finally, Adam headed back to his hotel room. It was dark by the time all planned activities were done. Wyatt had gone over to a friend’s hotel room after the movie, so Adam was alone. They weren’t leaving until the following morning, so he just had to wait around. He decided to go to bed early, but was awoken at 11:30pm by Wyatt bursting into the room. “Adam! You should have gone along with me tonight, bud,” Wyatt slurred as he stumbled into the room and slammed the door louder than he probably meant to. “Derrick somehow got a couple cases of beer and we were all playing Cards Against Humanity,” he rumbled as he sat on the bed and slipped off his huge shoes. “I-I didn’t know I was invited,” Adam said quietly, and Wyatt turned and stood up. “Of course you are, little guy! You’re my friend now, so you’re always invited,” Wyatt said as he looked down at Adam, who was shirtless and laying in bed. “Hey why is it so hot in here?” Wyatt said as he started trying to strip his shirt off. “The AC broke,” Adam explained as he watched Wyatt wrestling with his Underarmour compression shirt. “It’s, uh, gonna be kind of a warm one I think,” Adam said but his attention was fixed on the giant lineman exposing his enormous sweaty torso. Wyatt finally slipped the shirt off and stood shirtless and sweaty in the middle of the room. He then proceeded to awkwardly step out of his grey athletic shorts, leaving only skin-tight white compression shorts that left little to the imagination. “Ahh, that’s better!” the big lineman boomed as he approached the bed. “W-what are you wearing?” Adam said, shocked that his crush was about to get into bed wearing nothing but compression shorts. “The only thing that fits me,” Wyatt said. “My boys need plenty of room, as does my ass and thighs, so the stretchy stuff is what I wear. Now scoot over, short stuff, make way for the big guy!” he said before crashing down onto the bed. The mattress squealed dramatically, and Wyatt partially squashed Adam. “Whoa, jeez, Wyatt, aren’t you gonna shower first?” Adam said as he wrinkled his nose as the sweat-soaked behemoth pressed against him, smearing sweat all over his arm. “You’re gross!” “I never shower after games, it’s bad luck and I kind of like the football pad smell,” Wyatt grumbled as he pressed against Adam harder. “Deal with it, little guy!” Wyatt’s beer breath wafted over Adam as he pressed against him. “Jeez, how much did you have to drink?” Adam asked as Wyatt’s sweaty frame soaked the sheets. “Enough for even someone my size to feel it!” Wyatt said and then burped loudly. “Jesus… that’s gonna be tougher if you get bigger like you said you want,” Adam said nervously as he scooted over to the edge of the bed again. “Mmmm yeah but it’s worth it. Bigger… I wish I was so big I took up the entire bed,” Wyatt said sleepily. “Yeah, well, it would take you even more to get drunk then… Wyatt?” Adam asked as he shook the big man’s shoulder. Wyatt was out like a light. Adam didn’t move, realizing that his crush was pumped up, sweaty, drunk, and laying just inches from him. He couldn’t decide if he had the best or worst luck in the world, and let his eyes explore the giant football stud. Adam’s cock swelled to life as he watched Wyatt breath, watched his muscles twitch whenever he shifted in weight or twitched in his sleep, and he couldn’t help but want more. He reached out again, hesitating at first and just hovering his hand over Wyatt’s pale skin. This was wrong! But he couldn’t help it… his lust was too strong. This time Adam reached for Wyatt’s heavy smooth pecs and front shoulders. He scooted closer, close enough to feel Wyatt’s breath, and pressed his lean legs against Wyatt’s thick tree trunks. Adam sighed and ran a finger over Wyatt’s meaty nipple, then ran his hand down across Wyatt’s huge, perfect belly. He rubbed it in circles and jiggled the chub at the bottom. Wyatt’s BO scent filled his senses and Adam’s cock throbbed harder. “What are you doing?” Wyatt rumbled softly. Adam retracted his hands and then froze, holding his breath. “Were you touching me?” Wyatt asked.
Previously: Chapter 7: Captain The next day, Friday, was our last day of preparation before the big game tomorrow. In order to allow our bodies to heal and rest up from the hard week of practices, the pre-game practice was more of a walkthrough in just our shorts, t-shirts and helmets. Coach towered over us all at center field, shirtless, explaining our game plan on offense and defense. His exposed torso was a point which Jamal, the big playful lineman, couldn't ignore. “Yo Coach, where is your tank top from yesterday? Or are you just trying to impress us with your jacked muscles?” A deep, rumbling chuckle could be felt in all our chests. “WELL JAMAL, IS IT WORKING?” Coach lifted up his left arm and clenched his fist, flexing his titanic biceps far above our heads and exposing his cave-like armpit. Whistles, hoots and appreciative hollers were voiced up toward the giant posing man. “HAHA, BOYS. JUST DIDN'T WANT TO GET ONE OF MY FEW SHIRTS SWEATY. A BIG MAN LIKE ME ONLY HAS SO MANY CLOTHES.” I noted that Coach's bare skin seemed even a slight shade darker than yesterday, as if the energy he was absorbing was not only making him bigger, but perfecting him in other ways too, giving his skin a deep bronzed glow underneath the light covering of body hair. Jamal shook his head and added, “Damn, Coach, I swear you are looking more swole than ever!” Coach grinned as he flexed and unflexed his cannon, pumping it up bigger. “I KNOW MY BODY, JAMAL, AND I AM DEFINITELY MORE “SWOLE” AS YOU KIDS SAY. IF I WAS STILL MY OLD SMALL, ORIGINAL HEIGHT, I'D VENTURE A GUESS THAT I'VE PUT ON AT LEAST A SOLID INCH ON MY ALREADY AWESOME ARMS. I CAN'T GET ENOUGH OF THE ENERGY FLOWING THROUGH ME, MAKING ME BIGGER AND STRONGER! I LOVE IT!” After Coach's self appraising speech, we ran through a few plays at half speed to make sure we were all on the same page. After a short 45 minute practice session we gathered literally at the feet of Coach for one final practice speech. As part of the speech, he also discussed the captains. Yesterday during film we all voted for two captains. Coach revealed proudly that, unsurprisingly, our starting senior quarterback and senior all-American linebacker were two of the captains as voted on by the rest of the team. We clapped for our team leaders as they stepped up in front of coach's massive sneakers and he commended them. As we stared up at his heaving pectorals, Coach then announced the additional three captains as chosen by the coaching staff. We applauded as he called up the Junior starting center and our up-and-coming star Sophomore defensive lineman. Coach then finished, “AND MY FELLOW BRUTES, CONGRATULATIONS TO TOMORROW'S STARTING SAFETY AND CAPTAIN, FRESHMAN MASON JACKSON!” My eyes went wide as I heard my name and saw my leader's gigantic, handsome eyes boring into mine, his face with a proud smile. The rest of the team hooted and hollered, those close to me patting my back as I made my way up to the front with the other captains. I was stunned and speechless. Here I was, being named not only a starter, but as a team captain, and I was only a Freshman. “BRUTES, THESE FINE MEN WILL BE YOUR ON-FIELD CAPTAINS. ONLY THEY ARE ALLOWED TO ADDRESS THE REFS ON THE FIELD. THEY WILL BE YOUR LEADERS ON THE FIELD, LISTEN TO THEM. AND CAPTAINS, MYSELF AND THE OTHER COACHES DO NOT TAKE LIGHTLY IN SELECTING YOU. YOU HAVE EARNED THE “C” ON YOUR JERSEYS, DO NOT LET US DOWN. NOW, THE REST OF YOU HIT THE SHOWERS AND THEN MAKE YOUR WAY TO THE FILM ROOM. OBVIOUSLY I WILL NOT BE ABLE TO JOIN AS I'M TOO BIG TO FIT IN THE FILM ROOM, BUT THE ASSISTANTS WILL TAKE YOU THROUGH THE SESSION. CAPTAINS, STICK AROUND, I WANT TO GO THROUGH A COUPLE MORE THINGS WITH YOU BEFORE YOU SHOWER UP.” After the rest of the team left the field, Coach got down on the one knee in an attempt to get closer to us and together we walked through the duties of the captains, including what we would need to do during the coin toss tomorrow. We discussed several scenarios, whether to defer or take the ball, which side of the field to choose, how to consider the wind and weather, etc. Coach then instructed each of us to visit with him one-on-one early this evening. He wanted to speak with each of his captains individually to further go over each of our respective responsibilities. Since I was the youngest captain, I would be the last to visit him at about 8:00pm tonight. Coach rose up off his knee to his full height, his abs and pecs rising like a hot air balloon above our heads, and dismissed us to shower. “THANK YOU MY BRUTE CAPTAINS. NOW GET READY FOR FILM SESSION AND PAY ATTENTION. YOU ARE THE NEXT IN THE CHAIN OF COMMAND AFTER THE ASSISTANT COACHES, SO ITS ALSO YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO KEEP YOUR TEAMMATES IN CHECK AS WELL. I'M COUNTING YOU MEN. HIT THE SHOWERS!” Once cleaned up we joined our teammates and the assistants to watch film. The assistants also ran through tomorrow's agenda. Even though the game wasn't until 7:00pm tomorrow night, we were instructed to be at the athletic complex early in the morning for breakfast and we would remain there, isolated for the entire day to avoid distractions. After film I had one Friday afternoon class before I headed to the cafeteria to fuel up. I caught up on some studying until it was 7:45pm, when it was time to head to the field house for my meeting with Coach. As I was walking through the corridor to the field house I passed the starting quarterback. I was right on time. I opened the door and was again instantly overtaken by Coach's superhuman scent, causing my cock to twitch. Coach was sitting on his bench, shirtless with just a sheet wrapped around his waist, his head still a good 30 or so feet above the ground when he spotted me. “JACKSON! WELCOME MY LITTLE BRUTE CAPTAIN!” Coach shifted his butt down onto the turf to speak to me from a more equal level. “Thanks Coach. I'm honored and so surprised. I...I don't know what to say. I mean, I thought there would be several other guys who are better than me-” Coach cut me off, “DON'T YOU START DOUBTING YOURSELF, JACKSON. YOU EARNED YOUR CAPTAIN'S STATUS. THERE ARE OTHER MEN ON THE TEAM WHO MAY BE BETTER ATHLETES THAN YOU, BUT NONE OF THEM HAVE YOUR COMBINATION OF INTELLIGENCE TO GO WITH YOUR ATHLETICISM. YOU NEED BOTH BRAINS AND BRAWN TO SUCCEED AT THIS LEVEL AND YOU HAVE IT. YOU'VE BEEN WORKING YOUR TAIL OFF SINCE YOU GOT HERE.” Coach and I spent the next few minutes discussing what he expected of me as a captain. How he wanted me to be a leader on the field and speak up and make decisions for my teammates, even though I was younger than three-quarters of the team. How I would be one of the players who is allowed to speak the referees when a penalty occurs. It seemed like such a huge responsibility but with Coach encouraging me I had never been so excited to tackle a new task. “YOU HAVE A BRIGHT FUTURE. YOUR GROWTH SINCE I RECRUITED YOU HAS BEEN WONDERFUL TO WATCH, JACKSON. AND NOT JUST YOUR FOOTBALL SAVY, I'VE ALSO NOTICED THE MUSCLE YOU'VE PUT ON. HOW MUCH WEIGHT HAVE YOU GAINED SINCE THE BEGINNING OF THE SUMMER?” I smiled up at Coach, happy that he was seeing what I was also seeing in the mirror. “So far about 15 pounds!” “THOSE ARE SOME GREAT GAINS FOR A MAN YOUR SIZE. I CAN DEFINITELY SEE IT. AND I CAN SEE IT IS ALL MUSCLE. YOU'RE SHREDDED, AND SEEING YOUR ABS MAKES ME FEEL LIKE A FAT MAN!” We shared a laugh as Coach patted his mighty stomach. While my abs were small yet deeply etched, his were huge and powerful, like the rest of him. “Thanks Coach. Although my gains are nothing compared to yours in the past week!” “HAHA, I GUESS THAT'S TRUE JACKSON. I'VE HAD A BIT OF HELP TOO, BUT I'M NOT COMPLAINING!” Coach said as he looked down and bounced his pectorals, one by one. “Damn, Coach, your muscle control is insane!” “THANKS JACKSON. I'M SURE WITH YOUR GROWING BODY YOU ARE LEARNING TO DO FUN TRICKS LIKE THAT TOO. AND TRUST ME, THE LADIES LOVE IT!” Coach smirked wryly at me and added, “AND SO DO THE DUDES.” I grinned up at Coach and caught a sparkle in his eye. He then requested, “WELL JACKSON, STRIP OFF THAT TANK TOP. SHOW ME YOUR PROGRESS. YOU'VE SEEN MY BOD, LET'S SEE YOUR MUSCLES. SHOW ME A DOUBLE-BICEPS POSE.” I obeyed and whipped off my tank top and tossed it on the ground. Coach was still sitting on the ground with his back against his bench. He legs were splayed wide on each side of me as he watched me intently. I brought my arms out wide and slowly raised my fists upward and toward my head, flexing my biceps. “VERY NICE JACKSON. YOU HAVE SOME NICE PEAKS. GREAT SEPARATIONS. LET'S SEE YOUR CHEST.” I turned sideways and tried to mimic Coach's side chest flexes. “AGAIN, YOUR DEVELOPMENT IS GREAT FOR YOUR SIZE. NOW SHOW ME YOUR BACK.” I turned around and again brought up both biceps and gave Coach my best back-double biceps pose. “A NICE WIDE BACK TO GO WITH YOUR TINY WAIST. TREMENDOUS V-SHAPE. YOU'VE GOT A FRAME THAT COULD EASILY PUT ON PLENTY OF MUSCLE.” I turned around and beamed. “Thanks, Coach! Your weight training program has really helped. And you are such an inspiration, seeing your big bulging body every day.” I grinned and brought my arms up into another double-biceps flex and playfully crowed at Coach. “I would love to be a bodybuilder like you some day!” Coach chuckled and started to stand up. As he rose from the ground he grinned, “JACKSON. YOU ARE LOOKING GOOD AND YOU CERTAINLY GOT THE GENES. YOUR POSING NEEDS SOME WORK THOUGH. HERE, LET ME SHOW YOU WHAT A REAL POSING ROUTINE LOOKS LIKE!” I gasped at the what I was about to see. Coach slowly stood, reaching the pinnacle of his towering height, with me standing awestruck on the ground about 15 feet in front of his ankles. “THIS IS HOW YOU DO A PROPER DOUBLE-BICEPS POSE, LITTLE MAN.” Coach re-planted his feet so they were slowly pointed outward. This caused his mega-sized quad muscles to bulge even larger. He clenched his stomach muscles before he gracefully swayed both his arms out wide and up, where he paused for just a second, before locking the position of his elbows and then swinging his forearms upward while making a fist. Each of his biceps erupted from his arms. “POSING IS ALL ABOUT FORM AND GRACE,” he narrated as he unclenched and reclenched his fists, causing the wrecking ball size biceps muscles to rise and fall hypnotically. Coach then synchronously brought both arms down while rotating 90 degrees. He did so with the fluid motion of a ballet dancer. It was a side of Coach I had never seen. Not only was he immensely powerful, when he wanted to he could move with a beauty and grace that belied his rugged, supremely pumped body. He brought one arm to the side and while smiling down at me, puffed up his pecs and performed a perfect side chest pose. Even he was impressed with how we was looking, “WOW, JACKSON, YOU COULD PRACTICALLY BUILD A HOUSE ON THAT PEC SHELF, DON'T YOU THINK?” I nodded, dumbfounded at what I was having the pleasure of seeing. Coach then swung his arms out wide again and using their momentum to turn another 90 degrees to show me his back, which was loaded with mounds and mounds of thick, lenticular muscles. As I stared up 30 ft into the air I was greeted by the sight of Coach's two, thick erector muscle columns, no doubt overly developed from years of massive deadlifts. As my eyes drifted higher my own eyes had to refocus into wide angle lenses as his tanned, hairless lats suddenly jutted outward, even without flexing. Coach then reached both hands back and placed his fists near the top of his waist. As he faced away from me I heard, “IF YOU WANT TO WATCH A MOVIE SOMETIME, JACKSON, I KNOW WHERE YOU CAN FIND A WIDE SCREEN! HAHA!” As Coach joked he slowly unfurled his incredible lat muscles. Throwing his elbows out wider...and wider. He unfanned his lats and I was astounded. He looked to be 25 ft wide!! Saliva dripped from my open mouth as Coach presented me with an Olympia quality back lat spread. Somehow, I audibly emanated a “wow” and saw my hero's body bounce slightly as he chuckled at my verbal awe. From over his shoulder, Coach added with a cocky grin, “OF COURSE, HOW CAN I SHOW OFF MY HAMSTRINGS AND GLUTES WITH THIS BIG BAGGY SHEET?” I gasped as Coach undid the sheet and it fell to the ground. I again gasped as two of the most glorious ass muscles that ever existed loomed above me about 25 ft up in the air. His glutes were just as developed as the rest of him, sitting atop his ribbed hamstrings and presenting a tight crease where his hamstrings and glutes met. The old adage, 'you could bounce a quarter off that ass' was apt here, only in his case you could use a manhole cover instead! Coach adjusted his stance and really squeezed his glutes, which shockingly tightened even further revealing a clear concave dimple in each glute. I was certain that butt could squeeze coal in diamond. By this time, I was rock hard although I hadn't even noticed. The titanic man of muscle in front of me was just too much. Even slightly bigger, harder and more muscular than when I saw him in the pool the other day, and now seeing him in his full gigantic glory under the bright indoor lights had me at full mast, harder than I'd ever been in my life. And it was only going to get hotter as Coach slowly turned around to face me. As he turned I quickly Jutting far out past his his hip. Like me, his posing session had turned him on. Coach only had to twist his body by about 30 degrees before the enormous cock head came into view. He continued turning slowly around to face me, his battering ram making a wide arc out in front of him. Finally he was facing me with his hands on his hips and his erection jutting out directly above my head. With him being so huge his face was obscured from me by the pornstar-sized schlong. Coach chuckled and twisted his hips slightly, again exposing me to his handsome smiling face. “POSING ALWAYS GET'S ME EXCITED, HOPE YOU DON'T MIND, LITTLE BRUTE.” I saw his massive eyes drop slightly downward as he took notice of my own tenting shorts. “IT LOOKS LIKE MASSIVE MUSCLE FLEXING GETS YOU EXCITED TOO, JACKSON! WHY DON'T YOU LOSE THE SHORTS, AND JOIN ME IN POSING. PERHAPS I CAN GIVE YOU A COUPLE OF POINTERS.” I dropped my shorts and kicked them to the side as Coach Wood gave me a whistle. “YOU ARE ONE FINE SPECIMEN OF YOUNG SEXY BEEF, JACKSON,” he said as I felt myself go into a full body blush. “THOSE EXTRA 15 LBS OF MUSCLE ARE SUITING YOU VERY WELL. IT GOES WELL WITH THAT IMPRESSIVE COCK YOU'RE SPORTING THERE, LITTLE STUD.” I grinned up at Coach as he peered far down into my own relatively tiny eyes. “HOW ABOUT A MOST MUSCULAR? LIKE THIS!” Coach's chest tilted forward toward me and it felt like a wall was falling at me, causing me to flinch just slightly. He brought his fists together just above his waist and FLEXED every muscle of his torso down at me. His width seemingly doubled in size as each muscle tightened into frightening definition. The fibers snaking across the top of his chest looked to be as large as ropes to me as he smirked and growled and held the pose. I grinned up at him and mimicked his pose as best as I could, bringing my own hands together in front of me. Of course, being at a level 40-some feet below him I couldn't much hunch forward, but I did my best to crab my torso muscles and sneer up at coach. “OH YEAH, JACKSON. LOOKING POWERFUL. YOU'RE GOING TO GIVE ME A RUN FOR MY MONEY I SEE! ALL THE LITTLE GIRLS AND BOYS WILL BE ALL OVER YOUR BUFF BODY.” I reveled in his praise. “BUT...I DON'T THINK YOU CAN QUITE COMPETE WITH THIS!!!” Coach raised both his monstrous arms up and brought his hands together behind his head. His bulbous lats flared out like a the wings of a peacock. Each arm seemingly doubled in size as the muscles of the limbs fought for space and bunched against each other. Each biceps was so massive the peaks were pressing against his own temples. The exposed hairy armpits were so deep and cavernous due to his incredible pectorals and delts that I could've gone spelunking in them. He swung one massive leg out in front of himself and planted his foot, which was longer than I was tall, right in front of me. He growled down at me as he crunched his abs together and flexed his godly quadriceps, giving me the most amazing abs-and-thighs pose ever seen on this earth. From my vantage point just below his shins I was looking up at a tower of thick, powerful, bodybuilder muscle and manhood. Coach's own proportionally 13 inch cock, that is, 13 inches if he were still a 6 ft 6 mortal, loomed above me like a battering ram, flanked on each side by tons of warm, veiny, dense muscle. I broke my pose and just stared way up in awe, my own cock now leaking. I could barely speak. “ huge...” I muttered and my hero smirked as he heard. “Coach Wood, you are amazing. Wow, I've never been so turned on by a man before. You are amazing, sir. No man on this earth could ever compete with you. Those muscles, that definition, cock. You make every man on this planet look like a...pathetic weakling! You are hot!” He relaxed the pose and chuckled before giving me a warm smile. “THAT MAY BE TRUE JACKSON, BUT I DON'T WANT YOU OR ANY OF YOUR TEAMMATES TO EVER THINK OF YOURSELVES AS PATHETIC WEAKLINGS. I MAY BE IN A LEAGUE OF MY OWN, BUT YOU ARE MY PLAYERS AND I WANT YOU TO BE THE BEST MEN YOU CAN BE. YOU ARE A STUD, JACKSON. YOU'RE TALENTED, SMART, ATHLETIC, YOU'VE GOT A FANTASTIC BODY...” I noticed now that Coach was playing with his tumescent log. “...AND YOU ARE HANDSOME TO BOOT.” Coach sighed as his massive eyes bored holes into my own. I could feel the tension in the air. It was then that I realized I had been full on jacking my dick while talking with Coach. “YOU ARE SUCH A GOOD LOOKING YOUNG MAN. FUCK, I JUST CAN'T HELP IT!” Coach suddenly stooped over and reached his mighty right hand down and wrapped his fingers around me. I lurched up into the air as he picked me up. He moved me up to his waist where we sat me down straddling the magnificent caber that was his cock. I leaned back against his pelvis, his trimmed pubic hair scratching against my back. “JACK OFF WITH ME MR. MASON JACKSON, I HAVEN'T GOT OFF SINCE THAT EVENING IN THE POOL I'M SO PENT UP.” I stared forward and saw his monstrous hands work down and back on the mighty erection. The sequoia sized, sinewy forearms moving toward and away from me in rhythmic motion. I titled my head back and looked up and saw the underside of his gigantic pecs hiding his face from view. Each nipple pointed down toward me due to his herculean development. I joined him and began beating my own dick in the same rhythm as coach. After a few minutes of heavy mutual masturbation I could feel my body becoming warm and wet, dampened from my own sweat and my coach's. I could hear Coach's breathing picking up along with mine. He then again reached toward me and picked me up with his right hand. He lifted me up and held me in front of his sex-glazed eyes. “FEEL MY MUSCLES, JACKSON.” He then lifted his left arm and flexed. He maneuvered me over and laid me down on top of the flexed biceps muscle! My ass was sitting in the crook of his arm while I leaned forward and hugged the granite mound of flesh. Coach flexed and unflexed his arm and I felt myself rise and fall against it. The motion of the muscle fibers bunching and elongating against my groin caused stimulated me to start humping his muscle. Coach signed heavily, “OH YEAH JACKSON, THAT'S SO HOT. FUCK MY MONSTER BICEPS, MY LITTLE BRUTE!” My body was on fire as I leaned forward to lick the flexing mass underneath me. At his size, the split in his biceps was as big as the cleavage between a normal-sized bodybuilder's pecs. I continued to grind my rock hard cock against his arm. At one point I glanced to the side and down 25 ft or so to see coach using his free hand to furiously jack his own meat. “OOOOOOHHHH YEAH LITTLE BUDDY. LET'S BLOW TOGETHER!” Coach began to flex and unflex faster, bringing me to a fever pitch of muscular stimulation. Not 30 seconds later both of our bodies tightened. Coach flexed his biceps harder than ever, his forearms pressing against my back forcing my body into his boulder-sized muscle. We both groaned loudly and blew our loads in sync. I was only slightly disappointed that I didn't get to see his geyser, but unloading my balls on his biceps was more than enough to make up for it. As we calmed down Coach reached over and gently lifted me from his arm, his wet, jizz soaked fingers encircled my waist and he set me on the ground. I looked behind me to see various pools of white cum dotting the turf of the field house. I looked back up at Coach and saw one of the hottest things I had ever seen. Coached smirked down at me, again flexed his left biceps muscle and brought it toward his mouth. He stuck his tongue out and licked up my own load off the taught, titanic biceps. “MMMM, NOT ONLY ARE YOU A STUD, YOU TASTE GREAT TOO, JACKSON.” To clean up, we again snuck our way into the pool. Once we were clean Coach dismissed me for the night. “GET SOME REST, JACKSON. WE'VE GOT A BIG GAME TOMORROW. AND, I NEED TO GO BACK AND FIGURE OUT HOW I'M GOING TO CLEAN UP MY MESS IN THE FIELD HOUSE,” he chuckled. My roommate and I were hanging out as we prepared for bed. We talked excitedly about how our first game would go tomorrow. Suddenly the power went out, which was odd since there were no storms in the area. Luckily, since it was Friday night neither of us were in the middle of any homework assignments so no school work was lost. About 10 minutes later the power came back on. We watched some TV before settling in and drifting off to sleep, excited for the chance to play for our giant football coach the following day.
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Note: I realized today, almost two years after posting the first chapter of Andrew's Recruiting Summer, that I had forgotten to write an introduction for the story. So this prologue will serve that purpose. ANDREW'S RECRUITING SUMMER: PROLOGUE Andrew Pearson of Orillia, Ontario, Canada was a normal-sized kid for his first 10 years. He was even a bit on the small side, even though his father was 6 foot 3 and 230 pounds. He had red hair and blue eyes. His father Chad was one of the Vice-Presidents of a big sports company: Harrington's Sports Suppliers in Barrie, Ontario. Chad promised to provide Andrew with a complete home gym when he started growing, which occurred around his 11th birthday(October of 1998), when Andrew was in Grade Five. So Chad kept his promise and bought Andrew a bunch of gym equipment for his 11th birthday. He also got Andrew a guest pass to his company gym and began training Andrew in the proper weight-lifting techniques. Andrew wanted to play in the NCAA one day, so he wanted to get big for high school football. By Grade Eight(Fall of 2001), Andrew had dedicated almost three years to his weight-lifting. The diet his father gave him, combined with puberty, helped Andrew enter Grade Eight weighing 200 pounds and standing six feet tall. He was the biggest kid in school, and his friend Mike Stevenson was almost his size. Mike had been weight-training with Andrew since the summer of 1999. Andrew and Mike both got top marks in gym class and the gym teachers were very impressed. His gym teachers had the high school football coaches come to scout Andrew at recess, when he played football with his friends outside. The high school coaches were very impressed with Andrew and Mike’s performance and they arranged for them to try out for the Varsity football team at ODCVI when they entered Grade Nine. That was the same high school where Andrew's father Chad had played football in the mid to late 1970s. In high school, Andrew and Mike were the biggest kids in Grade Nine so they easily passed the tryouts to join the Orillia District Junior Football Team in the fall of 2002. Andrew now had regular access to the high school gym as well as his home gym. His father Chad had constantly updated his gym every birthday with the latest equipment. Andrew’s mother, Susan, had made a lot of money in a home-based computer business and then as an author, and she was a millionare. Susan and Chad wanted the best for Andrew and his sister Sarah, who had brown hair and green eyes and played on the ODCVI Girl's hockey team. So instead of buying a big fancy house in an exclusive neighborhood, they invested heavily in their kids’ education. Andrew wanted to go to one of the big football schools in the States, and so did Sarah, so their parents started the RESP investing early, to make sure they could finance their kid’s education with no trouble, if necessary. Of course, their hope was that both Andrew and Sarah would get athletic scholarships to big sports schools in the NCAA, which would completely fund their college education. Chad and Susan also made sure Andrew and Sarah got jobs after Grade 8 and saved their money to buy their first (used) cars. Actually, Chad and Susan bought the cars and then Andrew and Sarah made monthly car payments to their parents. By Grade Eleven(Fall of 2004), Andrew was the biggest person in his high school, weighing in at 275 pounds, with a height of 6 feet 7 inches. His friend Mike was a close second at 6 foot 6 and 260 pounds. They had been starters on the Offensive Line of the Varsity football team since Grade Nine. Andrew served as Center, making him the Co-Captain of the team along with the Quarterback. He led the Offensive Line in protecting the Quarterback: making sure that he had an open passing lane and that no one on the opposing team could sack him before he could throw a pass. When he served as Middle Linebacker on the defensive line, Andrew regularly broke through the opposing team’s front line in football games, sacking the quarterback before he could throw the ball. Then he showed great sportsmanship, helping the players up with an outstretched hand after he had knocked them down. Andrew also jumped to intercept the ball when the opposing team tried to score field goals, and smashed through the opposing receivers who tried to score touchdowns. He ran over anyone who tried to stop him, causing many opposing players left the field on stretchers that season thanks to being knocked down, and sometimes out, by Andrew. Andrew had a major shy streak however, which became evident whenever anyone praised him for his athletic achievements. He was tremendously admired and respected for his athletic gifts and sportsmanship. He was truly the ‘Big Man’ at his high school. Andrew felt really guilty whenever he had accidentally knocked out an opposing team's player during a game, so he visited them in the hospital after the games to make sure they were all right. Once the injured players told their teammates about Andrew visiting them in the hospital, even the players of opposing teams greatly admired and respected Andrew. He didn't want to ruin that good reputation, so he slowly worked on controlling his great strength so that he wouldn't knock out any more opposing players. By the end of the 2004 football season, he had managed to get through the last few games without knocking anyone out. Andrew was respected for his academic gifts as well. He took a school IQ test in Grade Seven and the results came out to 150. Andrew didn’t want everyone to think of him as some kind of genius, so he begged his parents and the IQ testers to keep the results quiet. They agreed, but told him that he would need great marks to qualify for a full athletic scholarship to an American football school. So Andrew studied hard, even when he didn’t need to, and regularly got 90s in the last years of public school. He even won a math award at Grade Eight Graduation. In high school Andrew's academic excellence continued, and he won at least one academic award every year. He also tutored a lot of football players in math and science, subjects he regularly got 90s in. Andrew also acted like a sort of mentor to the kids who were just starting to work out. Some of those kids helped him in return by tutoring him in subjects he found difficult, like Physics. Andrew also got a part-time job in his father’s company, where his great strength came in handy unloading the trucks that came in with huge boxes of workout equipment. He managed to get his bench-press to 700 pounds by the time he entered Grade Eleven; it had increased by about 100 pounds each school year. Andrew’s coworkers were amazed by Andrew’s great strength and how he always offered to help them out without having to be asked. Andrew acted mostly out of shyness or guilt, but everyone assumed he was just being helpful. The only person who knew Andrew’s hidden feelings of shyness was his girlfriend, Carrie Peterson. She was Steve’s sister, but even though Steve was not friends with Andrew, he knew that he had no chance of taking Andrew on in a fight. So he kept his mouth shut about Andrew dating his sister. He knew Andrew would treat her like a lady anyway, so he didn't worry that Andrew would ever hurt her. Carrie knew how shy Andrew was and how he overcompensated by acting like a cocky jock on the football field. She also knew how guilty Andrew felt whenever he hurt people on the football field, even though it was just part of the game. She was the one who helped Andrew control his great strength, by advising him to treat people as respectfully and gently as he treated her. So Andrew followed her advice and began helping up the people he knocked down, and visiting them in the hospital, if he had knocked them out. Later he managed to knock them down more gently, so that they could actually get up and play again. Most people saw Andrew as just a big jock, but Carrie knew better. In the spring of 2005, the coaches from Division 1 schools in the NCAA began calling Andrew to invite him down for football camps. His Head Coach, Dan Everson, had put together highlight tapes of Andrew's football performances since Grade Nine (Freshman Year) and had mailed them out to all the schools. It helped that Andrew had gone as a guest on the Official Visits of his older teammates since Grade Nine. So, on Canada Day Weekend 2005, Andrew decided to visit the first four schools that had invited him down for Unofficial Visits. But first, since he had spent Canada Day in Ottawa, he decided to spend Independence Day in Washington DC at the National Mall. He invited his girlfriend Carrie and best friend Mike to go with him, hoping that they would attract some NCAA attention like he had. He never anticipated that he would make a new friend in Washington DC, nor that the connections from that visit would allow him to attract the attention of more NCAA football schools in the Deep South. ==================================================================================================================================================== Click on the links below to read the completed chapters of the story so far. Chapter 1: Chapter 2: Chapter 3: Chapter 4: Chapter 5: Chapter 6: Hope you like what I have written of the story so far. ==================================================================================================================================================== Since this prologue is also a summary of my other story: Andrew's Training, the links to the completed chapters of that story are below. Prologue: Chapter 1: Chapter 2: Chapter 3: Chapter 4: Chapter 5: Chapter 6: Chapter 7: Chapter 8: Chapter 9 is not complete yet, but here is the link to what I have posted so far: Chapter 9 In-Progress: For sneak peaks of what comes next in Andrew's training, check out my website: The chapters that are not completed yet are below the guestbook, with the month and year in which they take place as the titles.