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  1. Thanks for your patience and apologies for my inexperience. Thanks for the guys who helped me! Hi guys, just giving it a go as I had been thinking of this story for a while. I have a few chapters in mind and this is my first attempt. Please note this story contains snuff (not gore though) and if you are offended or it is not for you please do not read. Chapter 1 - The new neighbours In the remote tropical Australia village where they grew up, Paul and his family were enjoying a typical Aussie life, a quiet environment, plenty of sunshine and the nearby beach. His father was a farmer and his mother a hairdresser. The father played some rugby in his younger years so he built himself a respectable hunky body, and he enjoyed training his son as well as swimming a lot in the blue ocean. At 18 y o Paul had a very toned body, and his father gathered some weights for him to build some muscles in the backyard. Paul was also starting to develop attraction for males and muscles, and every time he would see muscle hunks at the beach and around town he would definitely love that sight. One day new neighbours arrived, in the house next to Paul’s family. They seemed like a nice family, apparently they came from Armenia and they had an overall arab look and features. They had a boy, the young Alex who will soon become Paul's friend, a lovely wife, and…the father. The father was a handsome, Arab looking hunk, and what really impressed Paul was his sheer size. The man was a beast, looked huge especially in his shorts and tank top, with massive legs, a pair of huge arms and everything else was just… humongous. His name was Milos and they met him shortly after his arrival where they introduced themselves to his family. Their English was basic back then, but they seemed like nice people. Milos was very assertive and dominant straight away, very confident and almost arrogant at times. They brought some homemade biscuits and they came into our garden for a drink. Paul was taken aback when he shook the big man’s hand, he felt a jolt in his crotch when the powerful paw almost crushed his hand. He loved muscle and big guys, and was realising the effect that powerful muscle men were having on him. His cock would twitch and stir, but now that he was staring at Milos, looking at his chest barely contained by that tank top, those footy shorts were unable to contain those huge legs and those bare feet were so much bigger and more manly than his own or his father’s... It was lust, pure lust for muscles and power that comes with them. Looking at Milos strutting his muscles around barefoot was making his cock real hard and he could barely control it. He started imagining how strong the guy was and what he could do with his muscles. His mother asked him “Wow you’re a big guy, how tall are you? You must weigh over a hundred kilos!” Milos answered very confidently “I know, I am tall 1,95 metres and weigh 135 Kilo but I like to train and keep strong!”. On that he flexed one arm and the bicep and tricep exploded in size. His mother laughed and wowed but Paul was feeling his cock going in steel mode…and he ran to the toilet. Paul pulled out his 7” thick jock rod and could not believe how hard it got. Quickly pumped it thinking of those arms still vivid in his mind, and he dumped a load with such vigour that he trembled on his feet. He barely contained the ropes of cum with a bunch of toilet paper. After a few moments he came out of the toilet trying to pretend nothing happened but felt completely self conscious.. He thought his father was built and he was just a 1,85m tall 90 Kilo ex rugby guy. This hulk was at another level. The son was quiet, and for his young age he was already pretty build, following his father’s genes. The mothers were commenting how big and strong he was for his age, and that he was going to be another hunk for sure. His mother commented “I know, the doctor was so surprised that he is already 60% heavier compared to the average weight at his age, and it is is not fat!” That was unbelievable!The boy surely looked very, very solid especially at his age. He had a really good shape and his muscles were defined and visible under his paper thin skin. Later that night Paul was furiously pumping another huge load out thinking of Milos' hulked out arms and shoulders. He could not get over how big his pecs were and the moment he was thinking of something that he could do with his muscles power, his cock would erupt so much that his balls would hurt. Paul also looked at his body in the mirror and quickly did a few sets of pushups to tone up and get some pump. And instead of calming him down he was just ready for another explosion. Later that month he enjoyed watching Alex’s father in the backyard, working in the garden and showing off his muscles. He definitely accepted the fact that he was not only gay but that he was completely into muscle and powerful guys. Just looking at the giant muscleman strutting his muscles in the garden and lifting stuff effortlessly was making him hard. One day he saw him lifting some heavy badass stuff from the garden and shoving it on a small van, and his dick was painfully hard. Then he noticed that Milos was barefoot, another thing that made Paul absolutely nuts.After watching this behemoth constricting a huge amount of dry wooden sticks and poles in his arms, then crushing them, and noticing his huge back rippling with muscles, his dick started uncontrollably spewing cum, and that was his first hands free experience. When these episodes happened his orgasm was so powerful he would lose control of his body for a moment. When bumping into Milos he was always self conscious and shy, he was super scared that they would find out his perv habit and the fact he was turned on by that stuff. Then one day they decided to go on a trip together on a nearby lake. It was the middle of summer and the sun was scorching hot. Once they got there it was already incredibly hot to see Milos barechested, barefoot and strutting around…wearing speedos that did nothing to hide a huge package between his legs…then he helped Paul’s father to get the boat off the trailer, and he did so by basically lifting it like it was a piece of paper. Paul went so hard by watching that he had to jump in the water to calm down his steel hose. Alex was amused and not really minding much but was watching carefully at Paul’s reactions, as if he was really trying to understand what was going on. Also in his speedos Alex was already showing some muscle definition, he was definitely the best built and biggest youngster he had ever seen. That evening they all slept in the same cabin, a simple small cabin with a couple of bedrooms, one for each couple and the children slept together on the big sofa in the lounge. When they went to bed, Alex was very chatty and was asking Paul about his training and his father. “So why is your father so much smaller than mine? It must not be that strong. I bet my father could beat him up on arm wrestling or just wrestling on the floor” Paul was a bit surprised and didn’t know what to answer. “Well yes but size is not all, he was a very good rugby player and he taught me a lot of fun stuff. He also taught me weights lifting” Alex's face lit up “Oh weights so you train now? I want to train but they don’t let me. Papa has a gym in the garage, he lifts very heavy stuff but I am not allowed in. So I just do push ups sometimes.” With that he flexed his arm a bit, his biceps were visible and his pecs were definitely there. Paul gulped down and said “Oh well you can use my weights sometimes” Alex was in heaven ”Oh yes please but don’t tell mama or papa” Suddenly they heard voices shouting from the bedroom where Milos and his wife were. Paul was worried and Alex said “Oh …this happens sometimes, I try to ignore and hope it ends quickly but sometimes it doesn’t” And suddenly the discussion picked up and a loud slap filled the air and the mother opened the door and went outside crying. Milos followed her wearing only his tight briefs, then Paul’s parents came out as they heard and gathered outside. The mother was crying and Milos was shouting her to shut up and come inside OR…. Paul’s father stepped towards him and placed his hand on the huge man’s naked shoulder “Hey I don’t want to get in a discussion but I’m sure this can be resolved by talking, let’s go inside”. Swiftly Milos grabbed Pauls’ father's wrist with his huge hand. Paul was watching this behemoth, naked except for his tiny briefs, towering over the much inferior guy, with his muscles in full pump, and could not help but feel his cock engorge spasmodically. Milos then let him go and walked inside his bedroom and slammed the door. After that there was a chat with the poor woman and we were all shaken. The Morning after it was awkward but more disturbingly we realised that Milos was not a good guy and with his muscles and force he was also very dangerous. Eventually we all got home and everyone was back in his house but we worried about the woman and what could have happened. After that episode there were many others involving violence, police checks, issues and troubles. Paul’s family was trying to not interfere but often the mother would ask them to look after Alex, so he would often stay at mine and we would share the bedroom and play a lot together. That’s when we started working out together, and realised that Alex was indeed very strong and although he was around ten years younger he was catching up extremely fast! One evening it was quiet but Paul heard voices from the neighbour's backyard. Alex was fast asleep in the other bed nearby. He noticed Milos with two other men, they were quite big but not as big as Milos, and they were having a serious discussion. They were keeping it quiet but it was not a normal scene. Suddenly Paul saw Milos grabbing the other guy by the throat, they were speaking armenian. Milos lifted the guy by the throat with his arms like he was a doll. He was clean off the ground and he repeatedly asked him questions. At some point the other guy was visibly scared and tried to hit Milos. Milos greeted his teeth in anger and compressed the guy’s throat until he passed away. He dropped him to the floor and turned on to the guy who had just hit him multiple times with his fists, causing apparently no damage to the huge guy. The guy tried to hit him in the face but Milos stopped his hand with his huge paw. Then grabbed the other hand in his other big paw and powerfully forced both hands behind the guy who was being completely overpowered. Then he bearhugged him swiftly and lifted him off the ground. While in his embrace, he said something in Armenian which sounded really bad, then he added “And now you pay”. He started trembling and gritting his teeth and constricting the guy in his arms. Paul could not believe what he was seeing, he watched as Alex was fast asleep and felt his cock start to throb uncontrollably and ooze precum profusely. As the guy was trying to scream but was muffled by the powerful bearhug, Paul could see Milos’ huge back exerting power and he saw the rib cage being crushed by raw human power. His cock was steel hard. He heard a loud crack of ribcage breaking and giving up. His cock exploded in the biggest orgasm Paul had ever experienced. Paul suddenly let go of a moan as he was taken by surprise “Aaaaarghh…” Milos heard him and turned his head to see who was there. Paul freaked out, still ejecting ropes of cum in his shorts, while lowering his head in order not to be seen. Then he heard more muffled shouting and more bones snapping. Must be the other guy! Then some muffled noises, and the van going off….then coming back moments later. Shit the guy must have disposed of the bodies! Paul was in complete shock. That night the wife was not at home, for reasons we did not know, and he asked us to look after Alex one more time. The morning after they had breakfast Alex returned to his father’s house, and Milos looked at Paul with a menacing face. Paul was shitscared to be caught, bit nothing happened. Milos was definitely a scary man. After that night Paul was both super scared and turned on, and did not know anyone to talk to about that stuff! He did not want to talk for fear of ending up like those men… After that night there were no other similar shocking surprises but every now and then Milos was behaving strangely and dodgy people would come and go, their animated discussions and fights with the mother kept happening and Alex was clearly in denial or perhaps he was trying to protect himself. One thing that happened a few months after is that a medical visit found Alex really heavier than the average, at 57 Kilo, and blood tests revealed the presence of testosterone that was not normal at that age. The doctor however said that it was all good from a health point of view and that it would have been necessary to ensure feeding the boy properly , with high protein and also allowing him to exercise as much as he wanted. But his mother did not like the weight training and she did not approve of his father’s ways, so as a compromise she allowed Alex to train at the local gymnastics club, where lots of boys were having fun and building great bodies. Paul was super impressed and he was thinking that the boy was going to grow a lot and could not wait to see the development of that muscle boy. Years flew by and the boy grew. Every time Paul caught up with him he seemed thicker, taller, stronger, even more solid and his voice changed too. In a couple of years he reached 72 kilo of solid muscle, he never seemed to put on any fat. Alex would often show off to Alex his new gymnastics tricks and Paul was in complete awe of how much power and control was in this muscled boy. He would do planks, handstands, lift his body in all sorts of ways and show the massive strength he had. At Paul’s 21th birthday they all gathered at Paul’s home (again Alex’s parents were in some trouble and they left the kid with Paul’s family.. Paul was still bigger than Alex but Alex was catching up fast…they were almost the same height. During the party someone commented on how big Alex’s biceps were and he flexed them. Dave, one of Paul’s friends, said “Oh but I am surely stronger, and you are too young so you won’t be strong” Immediately Alex faced the guy and shouted to his face “show me then”. He was already shirtless, sat down at the table and offered his meaty calloused hand to the bully. The guy looked at the arm which was defined, and looked extremely solid. The moment he grabbed his meaty hand he realised he was in bad trouble. Dave started pushing the arm of the strong boy, which was not moving, and he thought he could have a chance. Then he looked up and saw that the boy was not even exerting much power, he was just looking and grinning. Then suddenly he felt a jolt of power and the boy literally and methodically smashed down the much older guy’s arm, showing that his power was real. The guy was shocked and could not believe it, he felt Alex’s arm and gasped at the feeling of suck hardness. Then Paul’s father wanted to give it a go. “Hey boy don’t be shy, give me all that you have ok? I am fair and will try to knock you down, so be brutal ok?” Alex looked more than ready. His hand engulfed the much older man like a muscled trap and suddenly they started. After a moment of struggle, the boy quickly and in full control smashed down the older man’s hand and arm. The father was shocked and gasped “Wow man you are one strong boy! Well done” then gave each other a man's hug and the father was even more shocked when he felt the hardness of the boy’s body. In the evening there were comments about the boys’ power, and how fast he was growing. Late that night Paul was waiting for Alex to come to sleep in his room, as the boy was spending more and more time in the toilet, especially in the evening. Paul thought what that meant but then shook off the thought, it was definitely too early and maybe the kid needed some time on his own…or maybe he was wrong. When Alex came out his briefs were looking real tight on him. Paul gasped internally as Alex’s body was looking magnificent, strutting those thick defined strong legs and that amazing chest and arms were making Paul really jealous, the kid was passing Paul quickly. Then suddenly Alex said “Hey I saw bodybuilders doing pumps and stuff on youtube, I thought we can do it together to get our muscles pumped, wanna try?” Paul was again in disbelief that this young muscle god had these ideas in mind. But he was too excited not to join this type of fun. “So if I wanted to pump my biceps, you would need to grab my hands and push them down, so while I work my biceps you can work your triceps”. And so Paul did. At first it was easy but then Alex increased the rate. “You are not pushing down much are you”. But Paul just could not compete with the boy’s muscle power. ‘Ok I have an idea, keep your straight arms with your body and make fists” then he grabbed Paul’s fists with his big hands and started….lifting him. With his biceps only, he lifted Paul completely off the floor and started curling him in the air. Then Alex dropped him down and said “Also this is good for shoulders then” and grabbed Paul by his armpits with his paws and lifted him again, extending his arms all the way up and executing many reps like he was a doll. Then he dropped him and flexed “Oh man feels so good! Check this out, feel how hard they are. You are much softer than me for some reason” and he struck a solid, impressive double bicep pose. Paul was impressed and like in a trance he put both hands on those sculpted huge bicep peaks, and felt the hardness. “Paul you need to train more, we can train together and we can both grow big and strong!” Paul was ashamed that he was not as strong as the kid but excited at the same time. “Well it’s time to go to bed I guess” Alex looked at him with his piercing green eyes and turned around, jumping on the bed. “Night champ, see you in the morning, we go for a swim” Paul looked at the sculpted muscles and his massive, strong legs. He wanted to be that big himself. With that, they went to bed and Paul had a massive wet dream that night.
  2. THE SEAN SAGA - PART 1: Little Brother No More by hungmusclegod(discord) / SeanTheHungMuscleGod (musclegrowth.net) (inspired by by Matt’s legendary HSMuscleboy drawings) There are regular guys, and then there dudes who are on a whole other level, like, supercharged men. Some are towering giants, perfect for slam-dunking on the basketball court. Others are like human tanks with exceptional strength, dominating in weightlifting and strongman competitions. Some are mass monsters, flexing their huge muscles on bodybuilding stages. And then there are the ones endowed with giant dongs, turning heads in the porn industry. Some of these dudes lucked out with killer genetics, while others are driven by a hunger for power, that makes them train like maniacs. And then, there are the ones that have all the above and more. Genetic freaks of nature with an insatiable hunger for power. The epitome of alpha masculinity, possessing strength, stamina, size, muscularity, and endowment that is in a league of its own: Hyperstuds. This is one of their stories. Chapter 1: Returning to Norway It was the first day of May, and I was fucking excited, as Sarah and I hopped on the plane to Norway. I was finally heading back to see my family after spending two years at Muskel-Akademie - europe’s most prestigious Alpha-college the biggest, strongest, and most alpha Hyperstuds and Muscle-Chicks. My girlfriend, Sarah, was a junior there too and one of the most popular muscle chicks there. I knew she was itching to meet my family, especially my legendary father, Magnus Thorson. I’m Billy Thorson, the second oldest of the three Thorson brothers, and yeah, my family has a rep at Muskel-Akademie. My dad Magnus - a former student of Muskel-Akademie himself - had been the longest reigning Musclegod in history, having won the World-Musclegod-Contest 10 consecutive times before retiring undefeated at the age of 37. As the plane lifted off, Sarah snuggled up against my hulking frame, her arm draped around my massive 33-inch bicep, her fingers teasing the fucking massive bulge in my joggers. I was packing a fucking monster, a 12-inch softy that thanks to my Thorson-genes was also fucking thick, measuring 8 inches around when soft. I had the biggest cock of all the juniors at Muskel-Akademie, and my sizequeen girlfriend was fucking addicted to it. Standing 6'2” tall and weighing 300 pounds of pure muscle, Sarah was a little muscle-goddess herself, juicy 44-inch tits and 22-inch biceps that could make any guy weak in the knees, but next to my towering 6’8 and 600lbs, she was like a perfect little doll. As the plane roared into the skies, Sarah’s hand moved under the waistband of my joggers, mmassaging my massive bulge, making me growl softly in her ear, as she moaned just from touching my giant monster, Just then, a flight attendant appeared, staring wide-eyed at my gigantic bulging muscle chest, my shredded guns and the obscenely large throbbing bulge in my joggers. “Uh, Ehm…. fuuuuuck, uhh sir, ma'am, I’m sorry, uuuuh, but you’ve got to, eh…, tone it down” she said, struggling to get her moaning words out. Sarah looked up at her, playfully squeezed my ginormous bulge, and giggled. The poor stewardess gulped, clearly losing her grip on professionalism as her eyes danced along my massive arms. Then an ear-shattering moan escaped her lips, she spun on her heel and ran into the nearby toilet cabin. The door was shut fast, and we could hear her moaning and orgasming. Sarah and I burst out laughing. "What's up with her?" I laughed despite knowing the answer. But I wanted Sarah to say it. "Babe, you're just too hot, your massive muscles too distracting, and your cock's way too huge for normal girls to handle, Sarah giggled, and kept massaging my massive dick. "It's almost too big for me." She added admiringly as she freed my giant cock out of my joggers, then she leaned she took the giant cock head in her mouth and started sucking me off, while the people around us stared wide-eyed and open-jawed at the sight and began to moan and orgasm. Chapter 2: Arriving home The plane finally touched down in Norway. Sarah and I hopped in a cab and headed straight for my hometown, a small town at the coast of Norway. I couldn’t wait to see my dad, and show him how much I had grown and how much stronger I had become. I was the biggest junior at school now, after all. The cab finally pulled up to the Thorson residence, and as we stepped out, I saw a giant of a man already waiting at the entrance of the house. It was my Dad, Magnus Thorson, the legendary Musclegod. At 7'4" tall and 900lbs of muscle mass, my father was a sight to behold. Now being 45, his muscles were no longer as shredded as they’d been in his prime, but he still had that gigantic godly size and that aura of absolute power and hyper-masculinity that was impossible to ignore. His ginormous arms measured 45 inches around, and his chest looked like it belonged to the uber-God of the Greek gods. Sarah’s jaw dropped and she starred open-mouthed at my father, breathing hard, and I could tell she was instantly turned on. My dad just grinned at her. He was used to frying people brains with the sight of his body. „Hey Billy! Damn, look at you, have you grown?“ he laughed and gave me a hug that almost crushed me, despite him holding back his strength. "Uhhhh fuck, Dad! Yeah, great to be back" I said, barely able to breath inside his crushing hug. He let go of me and looked down at Sarah. "You must be the girlfriend" his deep voice rumbled, his piercing green eyes sparkling, his smile showing off his perfect white teeth and forming deep dimples on his square jawed, dirty-blonde bearded, hyper-masculine face. Sarah just stared at him wide-eyed, open-mouthed, moaning hard, before fainting in his arms. My father chuckled and held her with ease in one of his giant arms. "Aw shit, Dad, fuck, look at you, fuuuuck, you're something else" I said admiringly and added: "I hope, she'll get used to you after a day or two." My father just nodded, looked down at me and said: "The house is kinda crowded for Sean’s birthday party, I’ll put your girlfriend with your Sister in her room, you’ll have to sleep in Sean’s room.“ „Why can’t I sleep in my room?“ I asked. „Occupied“ me father simply replied. "Why can't I share a room with Sarah then, and my sister sleeps in Sean's room?" I asked annoyed. "You know how much of a size queen and sex addict your sister is" my dad Magnus replied. "Yeah? How's that a problem though?" I asked confused. "Oh yeah, you haven't seen your little brother in almost two years. I forgot. It's a fucking struggle to keep your sister away from him“ Magnus said, shaking his head. "Where's Sean anyway?" I asked, confused. "It's his 18th birthday today. He's out, partying with friends. He'll be back tonight, hopefully, for his family party tomorrow." I walked inside the house and then Sean’s room, surprised to see my old bed standing there as well, and fell onto it. I was so exhausted, that I fell asleep right away, and slept so deeply, that I didn't even notice Sean returning home from partying with his friends. That is, until he crushed into the room and collapsed onto his bed with a loud thud. The bed screeched, and I could have sworn, I heard the sound of bending and splintering steel. But thought nothing of it and turned around, falling asleep again.
  3. Hi, I wanted to share my attempt at a first story (just a start) and hear your opinions. English is not my native language, so it is quite difficult to describe everything well and in detail. And sorry, veins are a thing of mine.... Please let me know what you think Big Brother Brett Part 1 - How it al got started 'Brett, did you just have a drink? I can't get the cap off from the bottle!' his mum yelled. 'You always tighten it too much, you need to be more considerate with the rest of the household! You just don't know your own strength' His mum added. Brett was a 19 year old youngman, living on a farm with his parents and his younger 18 year old brother Robbie. They where farmers in California, so it was always sunny on the farm. 'Sure' Brett cried disinterestedly in a powerful low voice. Robbie overheard the argument and couldn't help but get aroused by just another simple feat of strength from his older brother. It was in little things, that constantly rememberd Robbie of his strength. Robbie walked into the kitchen to see his mum, looking at the bottle of water. 'Robbie, would you do this?' his mum asked, looking at the bottle. 'You can open it right?' she added. Robbie took the bottle, and tried to unscrew the cap. 'It won't come off' he said. 'Well, take it to Brett then, he has screw the cap on it, so he could take it off as well' 'Okay mum' 'And be nice, okay?' 'Sure' 'You know how he gets' 'I'll be good' Robbie took the bottle and headed upstairs to their room. They where sharing a room together. It was quite large, single beds with windows above them on both sides of the room and a large mirror that several people can stand in front between the beds. The mirror was placed after Brett kept nagging that he needed it to keep track of his physical development. It would help him to continue to improve the lesser points of his body. However, Robbie couldn't think of one, he thought his brother's body was perfect, but in the meantime he witnessed the development of his brother's beautiful body. The mirror will therefore fulfill its function well, Robbie thought. 'Hey' Robbie said, entering the room. 'Yo' Brett replied. 'You screwed the water bottle to tight, we can't get the cap off' Robbie said, holding it up. 'Really? I didn't notice' he chuckled 'Could you unscrew it for me please?' 'Gimme' Brett just lay relaxed on the bed, leaning his back against the headboard and looking on his phone. He was wearing black shorts and a black shirt, his barefoot legs crossed, stretched out in front of him His arm stretches toward the bottle, veins cutting through his forearm toward his powerful hand, opening his fingers to take the bottle from his little brother. It was an erotic sight for Robbie to see his brother's big fingers take the bottle from him and wrap themselves around the bottle. Now he could also see the veins on the mighty fingers bulging. His other arm moved towards the cap, his forefinger and thumb squeezed around it, and with a simple twist, without any apparent effort, he unscrewed the cap from the bottle. 'Here' he said, without even looking at him. When he took over the bottle, he accidentally stroked his brother's fat fingers, sending a shiver through his body. It was like magic, as if his fingers could affect Robbie's whole body with just a little touch. The shiver seemed to shoot especially towards his crotch. 'Thank you' Robbie had always admired his brother and now stared at him, casually lying on his bed after effortlessly doing something that Robbie himself and his mother couldn't do with all the strength they could give. It was all these little things that constantly reminded him of the strength his brother possessed, which made him think of nothing else all day when he was around him. Leaving aside for a moment the greater efforts his muscles could make and which he was sometimes lucky enough to witness. Brett is a big strong guy, 6,4 ft tall. From head to toe, he's all muscles. Veins are visible all over his body. He has a powerful looking head with a boyish face. It has a strong jawline, almost square, which makes it look like it can bite through a branch. His nose was perfectly formed and his lips were large and full, with a beautiful set of white teeth behind them. His skin was flawless and sun tanned, as it was on the rest of his body. The beautiful dark brown hair glistened on his head. His strong neck with visible veins carried his beautiful face and was almost as broad. Beneath that were his broad, round shoulders that made him look incredibly broad, connected to massive arms. Gigantic biceps that could bulge like no other and if that happened would show even more veins than were already visible and were the size of melons. Those veins continued to his broad forearms, where more veins seemed to be visible, both in front and behind. His big, strong hands, with thick fingers that had transparent/pinkish well-groomed nails , were the ends of these tree-like arms and veins. His pecs looked ridiculously big, sticking out like huge chunks of flesh with nipples sticking straight down from being squeezed so far by the big muscles in his tits. When his upper body is naked, it's amazing to follow the veins from his chest to his neck. His abs were the most toned you could imagine. If you're talking about a washboard, well this was one. Its eight blocks seemed to be carved from marble. And like everywhere, here again full of veins. Only you prefer not to follow these veins up, but down, along with his v line, towards the epitome of ultimate masculinity. At least, in his case. Because it is completely clear that his crotch is larger than that of the average man, he does not have to be naked to notice that. This gigantic, beautiful upper body is supported by the most manly thighs you can imagine. They are round and thick, but very well trained. When he tightens them, his quads are so incredibly shapely, like a bodybuilder's before a competition, with veins running towards his crotch like a beanpole. His butt muscles are rounder than a basketball, but when he tenses them, they turn to stone. It looks like his ass cheeks could break hands if they got caught between them. His hamstrings are incredibly toned and his calves are at least as wide as the average man's thigh. The shape is so defined. Most men have round calves, if they're lucky, but his seems to have angles on them. Below them are his ankles. If you thought that ankles were not a sex object, you are wrong in this case. They are so wide, so strong, his body would never fall over with such powerful ankles, thanks in part to the thick veins. The veins that run down to his feet. And man, what feet. Wide feet with high instep, perfectly formed, and nice pedicured transparent toenails on top of his tanned, hair-covered thick broad toes. The back is beautifully rounded off by its beautiful round heel. His broad back was incredibly strong. When he flexed it he had wings so wide it looked like he could carry a car on them. It was terribly ripped and from behind you could hardly see his neck because of the traps coming up. Still, his waist was incredibly narrow, making his butt look even bigger than it already was. His skin was actually a beautiful very light brown, but darkened from the constant sun tan caused by the California sun, causing a constant light shine. His skin looked like a brownish gold. He had no body hair, except for his full dark eyebrows and beautiful long dark eyelashes. His chest also had only a little bit of body hair, but he shaved this off for a better view of his body. His legs were slightly covered with dark body hair, which made him even more masculine. On top of all this, he had the most beautiful deep green eyes, which you could get lost in if you looked too deep into them. But when his eyebrows furrowed he could have the most intense look anyone could ever imagine. To put it all together he was just a muscle god. A young, teenage muscle god with not only the strongest body imaginable at his age, but also the most beautiful. You could see they where brothers. But Robbie was less handsome. And smaller in every way. He was 1 meter 83 cm (5,9 ft) tall. His skin had a lighter tan. Robbie looked much less manly. His skin was a lot less hairy. He had fewer muscles than his brother. And his skin was much more sensitive. He was thinner and skinnier. He looked more feminine and smelled sweeter. His legs were more slender. His toes were much shorter. His muscles looked less defined. His ass was not that great. His nipples were a lot pinker. Although there was only a one-year age gap between the boys, it seemed much bigger than it really was. Not only because of the differences in looks and bodies, but also because Brett treated his little brother as if he were still a small child. But Robbie was used to it. And somewhere it just felt right, that's just the way it was supposed to be. Robbie was standing there, staring at his brother. Looking at his beautiful body, feeling his cock get harder. He had to bring the bottle of water back to their mom, so he walked away and closed the door behind him. He walked into the kitchen and put the bottle on the counter 'Here's the bottle, all ready to be used' he said. 'Where's the cap?' 'Brett took it' 'Did he open it? Or did he unscrew it' 'Uh, I'm not sure' 'Did you thank him?' 'No, I forgot' Robbie was lying so he had an excuse to go back to his brother 'You better do that' 'Okay' Robbie walked back into their room. 'Hey, I wanted to thank you for opening the water bottle' he said. 'Whatever' Brett replied. Robbie was staring at his brothers body, his big, bulging muscles. His hands, so big and strong. He wanted to touch his brother, feel his big, muscular body against his. Feel his big, thick fingers. Feel his strong hands all over his body. Feel his big, thick cock inside of him. Brett was grinning on something he saw on his phone, when he lifted his right arm and placed his hand behind his head, making his bicep pop. Robbie's eyes were drawn to his brother's bicep, and he couldn't look away. It was just so big, so strong, so sexy. His mouth watered at the sight of his brother's big, muscular bicep. Robbie was staring at his bicep, his eyes glued to the muscle. It was so big, so round, so hard, so perfect. His cock was aching. It was so hard, it felt like it would burst at any moment. Veins were popping out of his arm, forehead, his temples, his neck. Robbie could feel his own blood pumping, his heart racing. He couldn't think straight. He couldn't speak. He could only stare. He couldn't look away. He couldn't blink. He couldn't breathe. Robbie had to go outside, needing some fresh air, to cool down. 'I'm going for a walk' Robbie said. 'Jo' Brett said, not taking his eyes off the screen. Robbie closed the door and walked downstairs. He was going to the shed. He needed some time alone, away from his brother. He entered the shed and closed the door behind him. 'Fuck, fuck, fuck!' he moaned, trying to catch his breath. Robbie had always been attracted to his brother, ever since the first time he got hard. Actually, the very first time he popped a boner, it was because of his brother. It was on the farm, he was 13 and his brother 14. Even then his hot muscles looked incredibly big and well definied for a boy his age. Brett had been working out all summer and had a nice tan. He was wearing a tank top and shorts. His body was glistening with sweat. His hair was sticking to his face. Robbie had seen his brother without a shirt countless times, but this time, something was different, even he wasn't bare chested. He couldn't stop staring at his brother's big, round, muscular bicep. He couldn't stop thinking about his brother's big, strong hands. His saw them in action right in front of him. His brother was lifting a heavy bale of hay. It must've weighed at least 50kg. His arms and chest were straining, the veins were popping out, his face was red, his teeth clenched, his eyes squinted, his jaw set, his nostrils flared. He looked so hot, so sexy. Robbie's cock started to harden, his balls started to swell, his asshole started to twitch. He was getting aroused by his brother. He quickly left the barn, running into the woods. He didn't understand what was happening to him, but he didn't want his brother to see him like this. As soon as he was out of sight, he dropped his pants and underwear and began to masturbate. He was rubbing his cock frantically, stroking it furiously, trying to get off as quickly as possible. From the moment he touched himself, his cock let loose. It was his very first orgasm and it felt amazing. His brother made him feel this way by just bulging his muscle right in front of his eyes.He shot his load all over the ground, covering his hand and his pants. When he finally calmed down, he pulled up his pants and went back to the barn. He cleaned himself and his pants as best he could. He didn't want his brother to see what he had done. It wasn't the last time he was turned on by his brother, and the more time passed, the stronger the feelings got. Brett was very selfconfident. Who could possibly blame him with a body like that. It made him a bit cocky, arrogant even. He always was the dominant person in a room, wherever he went. He had the attitude and swagger that came with his muscles and his strength. He had always been a popular boy, the jock at school, the captain of the football team. Everybody wanted to be friends with him. But he wasn't one to have a lot of friends. He had a small group of close friends. He had his girlfriends too, but he wasn't one for commitment. He didn't have time to date. But he had his share of hookups and one night stands. He liked to fuck, he was an animal. One time he brought a girl to their room. Robbie was allready in bed for a while, so Brett and the girl thought he was sleeping, but he wasn't. He was hearing them enter the room, couldn't see much in the dark, but the invading moonlight made it possible to see the big silhouette of his large brother and the tinier frame of the girl. They where lying in bed, when Robbie saw the girl straighten her upper body from the bed, sitting on top of his brother looking at him. Now she was panting softly. 'Ooh..Brett, its shoving in, om my god, so big, so thick. You feel so good.' the girl was moaning. 'Ssshhh, we have to be quiet' 'Ahh, oh fuck' The girl was grinding her hips, moaning loudly. 'Mmm, you're so tight' Brett said, thrusting his hips upward. The girl was allready having an orgasm after just being for less than a minute. 'Ahh, ahhh, aahh' 'You're cumming already?' 'Yes, yes, you're making me cum' 'You're so fucking horny' 'You make me so horny' The girl was cumming and whispering. 'Oh god, oh god, oh god, ahh, ahh, aahh, ahhh' She was having a powerful orgasm, and was moaning and whimpering. Brett covered her mouth with his big hand, muffling her cries. The girl was panting heavily. She was coming down from her high, and she was exhausted. 'That was fucking amazing' she whispered. 'Now lie on your side so i can fuck you from behind, i need to cum too' 'Sure' The girl laid down on her side and Brett spooned her, wrapping his big muscular arms around her. He pulled his cock out and pushed it into her wet pussy, making her moan softly. Robbie could see the form of his brothers wide back completely hiding the girl behind it. He was thrusting in and out of her. 'Oh my god, oh my god, you're so big, you're so fucking big' 'Yeah, that's right, i'm so big, and you love it don't you' 'Yes, yes, oh god, yes' Brett was fucking her harder, his hips slapping against her ass. 'Fuck, fuck, aaahh' the girl moaned. 'Yeah, take it' 'Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god' 'You're so fucking wet' 'Yes, yes' 'Fuck, you're gonna make me cum' 'Yes, cum inside me' 'You want me to cum inside you?' 'Yes, yes, fill me up' 'I'm gonna fill you up with my cum' 'Do it' 'You're such a dirty whore' 'I'm a dirty whore, please, give it to me' 'You want it' 'I want it' 'You're gonna get it' 'Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oooohhh, oooohhhh, aaaaahhhh' The girl was cumming again, and was shaking and trembling. 'Fuck, fuck, FUCK' Brett grunted loudly, shooting his load inside the girl. 'Oh i'm so full, my god what a load. I think the bed is all soaked' 'Couldn't hold the entire load in, noy could you? Too much for you to take? 'I want to sleep in it' 'Go ahead' 'Good night' 'Good night' The girl fell asleep immediately. Robbie couldn't believe his ears. He couldn't see much of what was happening, but he knew his brother had just filled the girl with his cum. Robbie could feel his own cum spilling from his cock. He came so hard, it made him light headed. 'What the hell is wrong with me?' he asked himself. The next morning, the girl and Brett where allready gone, when Robbie wake up. He looked at the empty bed, the sheets where still drenched in his brothers cum. He didn't hestitate for a second and went to lie in his brothers bed. It was so wet, Robbie could not believe his brother had such a huge load. He sniffed it, he licked it, he even tasted it. It was a bit salty, but not unpleasant. He was sucking his brothers cum from the sheets and his pillows, tasting him, feeling him. His brother was fucking other people, but he was fantasizing about him, getting aroused by him. It just took a few strokes to blast his own, much smaller, load all over the place. And now he was here, in the barn. Once again completely hard by just looking at his brothers massive frame. “My god, i just need to see more. I just need to see him all the time. He drives me fucking crazy!” "Yo dork, thought you went for a walk?" Brett entered the barn without noticing that his little brother had a hard one. Actually without even acknowledging his presence at all. Annoying nicknames were more normal than exception for Robbie to hear from his brother. But somehow he didn't mind, it added further dominance to the already strong superiority his brother had over himself. It just had to be that way, it was his place, far below his brother, in the layers of dominance in where Brett was at the top "yeah, well, i couldn't really relax so i thought i'd come here. What are you doing here?" "None of your business, but I have to be here so get lost." "Why?" "Cause i say so, dipshit" Robbie went out of the shed, a little disappointed that his brother spoke to him like that, even though he knows that's his place. He wanted so much to be liked by him, he wanted to have conversations with him about all kinds of things. Preferably, of course, about his body. He would so love to ask him how his muscles got so big, how big his biceps are, what his strength can do and how it feels to be so strong and beautiful. But he knew that would never happen. He could only look at him and secretly admire him from a distance. Sometimes they do have just conversations, but Robbie really doesn't dare bring up his brother's muscles, afraid that Brett will find out how he really feels about him. It had almost gone wrong once already. About a year ago, Robbie was doing his homework at the kitchen table. He had to measure the length of body parts for a physics assignment. He was sitting at the table, measuring his arm from the bottom of his armpit to his wrist, when Brett came in after working on the farm. He was now wearing long jeans and a lumberjack jacket with a shirt underneath. It was pretty cold outside, which is why he was dressed pretty thick. Brett looked at his little brother, and without saying anything sat down on the couch to watch TV. "What are you doing?" asked Brett suddenly, his gaze fixed on the TV. "I need to measure the length of body parts for a physics assignment, can you help me? "Yeah come sit here next to me." He slapped his hand on the chair to the right of him that was turned 90 degrees from the couch he himself was sitting on. Robbie sat down on the chair and handed the tape measure to Brett. Brett tucked the tape under his little brother's armpit and stretched it to his wrist. It felt incredibly good to Robbie, having his brother touch him with his big hands. They grip was strong and firm. His arm was about 23 inch long. "Now you measure my arm." Robbie couldn't believe what he was hearing. Brett pulled off his jacket so his arms were no longer covered and extended his right arm right in front of Robbies face. His arm was clearly pumped up from working on the farm, which could also be smelled. A strong male sweat smell was released. Robbie pressed the measuring tape under that deep muscular armpit and pulled the tape to the wrist. He wanted to make sure the tape was tight, so he stroked his entire hand down the length of the arm, from armpit to wrist. An overwhelming feeling, as if he were touching hot stone. He read the measurement. "28 inch." "Yeah boy, I'm a little bigger huh" he said with an arrogant smile on his face. "Hmmhmm, quite a bit" Robbie got back to the table to write down the measurements. "I also need to measure the circumference of biceps." "No you don't, you just make that up." Brett looked at his now red-faced brother and started to smile. "But hey, why not see how small your arms are, hè dork. C'me here" "No way, I don't want to measure my arms" "Yeah, i get you wanted to measure my arms, but first we are going to measure yours. If not, you won't get to see mine either. Your choice" his eyes focusing on the TV again. Robbie walked nervously to the chair. He absolutely did not want to show his small arms to his great example of manhood, but the temptation to see his brother's arms as a result was just too great. Brett looked at him with a smirk on his face. "I knew you couldn't resist boy. Show me your flexed bicep. Brett grabbed the measuring tape and pressed it around Robbie's upper arm. His arm was so much smaller and thinner than his brother's, even when his own bicep was flexed. "12 inches, pathetic. Even stretched my arm is thicker than yours flexed. Now let's see how my bicep looks against yours" He pulled up his sleeve to fully show off his collosal arm. He tightened his arm while it was still fully extended. His arm moved toward Robbie, his eyes telling him to measure the arm in this condition. Robbie felt the tense arm, it was so incredibly firm, such strong bulging muscles. He couldn't believe what was happening to him. He stretched the tape measure around the arm and read the measurement of 14 inches. After Robbie gave his brother's arm room in the tape measure to flex, the arm slowly bulged. Robbie's gaze was completely fixed on the arm, but Brett just watched the look in his brother's eyes as the bicep flexed fully. It was a sight to remember, the melon-like bicep popped apart with veins from all sides, the power it possessed had to be gigantic. Robbie was so hypnotized by the magnificent sight before him, then he completely forgot to measure the arm. "Hey dipshit, measure it" said Brett with the most self-righteous arrogance. Robbie tightened the ribbon around his brother's arm and couldn't believe how thick the powerhouse arm was; 18,5 inches! Robbie's cock was incredibly hard and tight in his pants. It was the best moment of his life; he could do this anytime. But his brother removed the arm and put his jacket back on. The show was over. "This was what you wanted huh, would almost say you're faggot, so impressed were you. But yeah, can hardly blame you" Robbie didn't know what to say, his head turned beet red again. "I'm not a faggot, don't be stupid" "Whatever you say Sissy, now get lost" This was about a year ago and his muscles only seem to have gotten bigger since then. Robbie now stood outside the shed, not knowing what to do. He was curious about what his brother was doing in there, so he walked to the small window at the back. He peered inside hoping he could see what his brother was doing. Then he saw him, his body left side half-turned toward the window, now bare-chested and holding the phone high in his left hand, the camera focused on his body and his right am. With the right hand he held the rope of a hay bale, holding the bale in the air. He used it like a dumbbell, pumping his arm and meanwhile filming with his phone, his eyes facing the screen. It looked ridiculous, his abs were eight pieces of granite, his arms were exploding and his neck expanding. "See, already working out nicely, must look good for the ladies, don't i? About time you got as massive as me too, helps you get chicks, hahaha. You must be fucking jealous man, isn't it? Yeah yeah, I'd say so too. Well I gotta go, see you tonight" Brett dropped the bale on the floor, picked up his shirt and went out. Robbie's cock was rock hard again, seeing his brother pump the hay like a dumbbell, the power and dominance. 'My god, his body is just so magnificent, so fucking strong, so fucking massive' Robbie couldn't handle his excitement anymore, he had to jerk off. 'Oh my god, oh my god' He started stroking his dick furiously. 'I'm cumming, I'm gonna cum' His cock blasted a load on the grass. ----- Part 2 - Dreams do come true "So what are you gonna do tonight?" ""Just hanging around with some friends and girls, trying to get some. You're obviously going back to video gaming with your nerdy friends, am I right? I don't understand why you never go out, chasing chicks or something. They don't like men who only play games, they want real men. Active, vibrant, strong men. You should go to the gym sometime, maybe that will help you. Have you ever had any sex at all, other than the one with your hand?" laughed Brett. "Not really, I'm not into this stuff yet." "Well, you should. You have no idea what you are missing out on. And you will never get a girl like this, believe me." "You have so much sex, and yet you can't even get a decent girl, they're all whores." "That's how I like them, sluts. But the sex is the best part. If the girl is good at it, I might keep her for a few months. I just want to fuck, and if they like to get fucked, I'm the one to do it" "It sounds a bit mean, I think you are too focused on your own pleasure. The girl should feel good too." "Oh believe me, she does. Girls like to be treated roughly and fucked hard. Especially if they are sluts. They love it. And when it comes right down to it, they will come crawling back to me, begging me to give them some more of it." "But not the girl you are with now?" "Nah, she's not a whore, just a little shy. I have to work my way up a bit, but that's fine. She is very beautiful and has a nice body. I want her to come on her own terms, so it's a bit harder. She will, trust me. I'll just need to break her little pussy in." "Whatever" "You'll see. Girls always come crawling back to me when I have made them feel good. Even when I fuck them in the ass, they will come back. You can't beat a guy like me when it comes to fucking" "And what makes you so sure that you're that good at it?" "Are you kidding me? Look at me, I have the body of a Greek God. Women can't resist me, they just don't. It's impossible. I know how to please a woman and they can't get enough of it. If you don't believe me, you should see the pics. I bet you wish you could, right? No? Well, then maybe you're not interested. Too bad, I would love to show them to you. You would be so jealous, I'm sure. But if you don't want to see them, it's ok. Maybe you are afraid that you won't be able to handle the images." "Show them to me" "What did you say? You want to see? You're sure about that? Don't tell me that you are gay or something. Cause if you are, then you can't handle those pictures, that's for sure." "I'm not gay, just show them." "Alright, but don't say I didn't warn you. Here you go" He showed his phone with a picture taken from his own point of view. He was lying back on a bed, his massive semi-hard cock in the mouth of a girl who was on her knees in front of him, her head surrounded by his massive thighs. Her saliva was pouring out of her mouth as she tried to take the whole thing, while it looked like she was starting to gag because the cock was just too big. And only the head of the cock was in, so the whole dark brown shaft was visible. It was veined and pointed away from his brick abs into the hungry mouth in front of him. "My god" Robbie stared at the picture and his jaw dropped. It was the most incredible cock he had ever seen, and the girl who was sucking it was incredibly beautiful. "That's my little slut" Brett laughed and took the phone from Robbie. "You should see her now, she is so desperate for me. I don't know if I'm going to let her suck again because she did such a bad job. She really should do better next time, if she ever gets the chance again. So, you like it? Getting hard all of a sudden? I can see the bulge in your pants, hahaha." "Oh shut up, it's just... It's so big." "I know. And you'll never have anything like it. No girl would ever suck that. But don't worry, you'll get some action someday." Brett patted his younger brother on the shoulder. "Well, I'm off. Have a good night, nerd" He laughed and left the house. Robbie went to the bathroom and sat down on the toilet. He took out his phone and started watching porn. It was a video of a muscular guy fucking a blonde girl. They were in a hotel room and the guy was sitting on a chair. The girl was riding his cock while moaning loudly. He was grabbing her ass and squeezing it, while his huge dick was disappearing inside her. She was moaning and screaming as he was fucking her hard. Her tits were bouncing up and down, and her ass was getting red from the pounding she was receiving. It was a sight to see, but still Robbie didn't get any real pleasure from it. He couldn't get his mind off his brother's picture. The enormous cock, the muscular body, the dominant attitude. 'God, that was the biggest cock I've ever seen. I bet it feels so good inside a woman.' He started stroking his own dick. He could hear the girl moan in the video. 'Yeah, take that cock, bitch. Take it all the way inside you.' He imagined he was the girl being fucked by his massive big brother. He immediately came. All Robbie could do was lie in bed all night thinking about his brother. He heard his brother come home just after midnight. He slammed the door and went into the bedroom. "That bloody bitch! She fucking stood me up, can you believe it? Fuck! Just because her parents wouldn't approve, what kind of girl are you? Don't bother me with such bullshit, I could have picked up one of the others before they went home. Yeah, yeah, see you later". Brett threw his phone on the bed. "You're okay?" Brett had obviously been drinking because the smell of alcohol was very strong. He switched on the bedside lamp and began to undress, ignoring his brother. This gave Robbie the perfect opportunity to watch the muscle god undress. 'Oh my god, those muscles are so hot' "Yeah, I'm fine, don't worry. Just pissed off." Brett continued to undress and was now wearing nothing but a pair of white boxers. They made an amazing contrast against his tanned, golden skin. "It's okay, you know. I'm sorry about your date, but hey, there are plenty of fish in the sea, right? And don't worry, there's no way that girl will stand you up, you're too hot." "What do you mean?" "I mean that no girl can resist your charm. You're probably the hottest guy in school, if not the world. And you're so muscular, girls must be drooling over you." "Like you? Are you drooling over me? I bet you are, aren't you? You've always been a sissy." "No, I'm not a sissy." "Please, do you think I don't notice you drooling all over my body? I bet you're dying to know how much stronger i am than you. So why don't we find out, is that what you want?" Brett grabbed his younger brother's shoulders and pushed him back on the bed. "Take your clothes off, Sissy. Let's see what you're made of." Robbie was frozen. He couldn't believe what his brother was doing. Did he actually mean to fight with him? His mind was racing, trying to figure out what to do. Should he take his clothes off or should he try to fight back? "Don't be a coward, take your clothes off. No, wait, I'll help you". Brett puts his big paws into the collar of Robbie's shirt and rips it off with an explosion of strength as if it had cost him no strength at all. Then he pulled his trousers down like it was no big deal. Robbie was now standing next to his massive brother in nothing but his oversized boxers. Brett turned his little brother around, both of them now facing the large mirror in the middle of the wall. "Will you look at that. A tiny little man, trying to compare himself to a god." Brett smiled and flexed his huge pecs and biceps. The muscles popped up like mountains. "Oh, I can't comprehend the comparison." Brett put his right arm around Robbie's neck and squeezed. "Now, let's see how long you can hold your breath, hahaha." Robbie struggled but could not move out of his brother's grasp. His face was turning blue. He had to get out of there. But Brett wouldn't let go just yet. The sight in the mirror was too much for him. He was standing behind Robbie, towering over him, his right arm wrapped around his brother's neck. His biceps block the entire view of Robbie's neck and even part of his chest. The veins of his biceps were pounding against Robbie's windpipe and he wasn't even flexing yet. But that was about to change. His arm turned to solid stone, the biceps swelling further and further, allowing less and less air to pass through the windpipe. Brett stood smiling at his paragon of strength as his little brother slowly lost consciousness. Robbie tried to wriggle free, but it only made Brett enjoy it all the more. "Look at your tiny hand on my massive arm. It looks so small, don't you think? Damn, I'm hot! Kiss my biceps. Kiss it and I will let you go." He loosened his grip a bit and allowed Robbie to breathe again. But Robbie didn't dare kiss his brother's biceps. He didn't know what his brother would do to him if he did. "Well, what are you waiting for? You want to get out of this or not? Kiss it!" Brett tightened his grip again and waited. Robbie could not breathe and was beginning to lose consciousness. He had no choice. He closed his eyes and planted a kiss on his brother's biceps. "Hahaha. Yeah, that's right. I bet you've wanted to do that for a long time, you little bitch! Now I'm going to give you a hug. A bear hug, that is." He grabbed Robbie's shoulders and pressed his massive body against his brother's. Robbie's head was between the mountainous chest muscles of his older brother. He could feel the heart pounding and the sweat covering his brother's torso. It was the most wonderful feeling in the world. "Do you like that, Sissy? Do you like feeling my strong body against yours? Now, let's lift you of the ground, shall we? Let's see how strong I really am, and you can be my weights." He lifted Robbie off the floor, holding him under his arms. He was now standing upright, his face almost buried in the massive chest. The sweat from his brother's body was now running down his face and he could feel the rock-hard muscles pressing against his body. It was incredible. "Let's see how long you can handle the pressure. Come on, Sissy, let's go!" Brett began lifting Robbie, using his chest muscles as the weight. Robbie's legs were kicking wildly, but his brother would not let go. He was too strong. Brett's massive muscles were pushing Robbie up and down, making him feel weak and helpless. "I can't believe how easy this is. I've got a lot stronger since the last time I did this. Let's use only my left arm, so i can flex a little with my rigt to give the mirror a little show. Damn, i'm hot" Robbie could not believe it. Brett was actually lifting him with his left arm, using the strength of his right arm to flex and show off to the mirror. He brought his right arm towards his mouth and started kissing it, still with his little brother hanging between his body and left arm. He tightened his left arm further, making Robbie feel even more pressure. His chest was clenched, his ribs about to break. "Lick my tits, then I'll let you go" Robbie didn't think twice, Brett let go of him and he fell to the ground. He was tired after the teenage god's show of strength against his own body. He just sat there on the floor, hands around his throat to regain his senses, but his cock was harder than ever before. And that didn't get any less, looking at his brother's reflection in the mirror. He was still standing with his right arm, now also his left, flexed beside his face, tongue kissing his biceps. Alternately, they got tongue-tied, while he kept looking into the mirror. Robbie had never had such a hard cock before. "You couldn't wait to lick my tits, faggot, could you? I understand. Just look at me, have you ever seen such a guy? So strong, so big? Damn, I'm so fucking delicious. Do you have any idea how it feels to be me? So wanted, so adored, so idolised. My god, who wouldn't want me. Come here and stand in front of me." Robbie had no idea how quickly he had to follow his brother's orders. His brother had turned his right side towards the mirror. He could not resist any longer, even if he wanted to, and he gave in to his desire for the monster that was his own brother. He was now standing right in front of his brother, at eye level with his beautiful mouth. "If only I could kiss those beautiful, full lips," he dreamed. Brett wrapped his big right hand around Robbie's neck. His fingers took up the whole of his neck, almost touching at the back. Robbie now had a close-up view of his brother's huge trunk-like right arm. He could see the veins from the fingers all the way through to the forearm, the biceps and the cannonball shoulders. They were pumped up to gigantic proportions. His neck looked as thick as his head, his delts were as defined as they could be, and his traps were swollen like a madman. "I will lift you using only my right hand, can you believe it? Have you ever been manhandled like that? Of course not, only I can make it happen. Well, enjoy the show, little brother, here you go, here you go!" At this point Brett's hand pressed against the base of his head. Slowly Robbie felt his weight lifted from earth. First on his toes, but soon completely off the ground. The thick arm in front of him was being pumped up further and further and further. He had never seen such a muscular arm before. Such a thick, such a massive, such a hard, such a veined, such a huge arm. He had never seen his brothers' arms that big. It looked ridiculous in the mirror too, he thought. His mammoth brother was just standing there, relaxed, as if he didn't bother. His arm was outstretched and his little brother was hanging from it. As if he was holding a 2-year-old. Robbie rose higher and higher until his brother's arm was fully extended and his weight fell on that arm. The weight was spread evenly over the whole arm and the head never dropped a centimetre. It just rested on the huge arm. It was incredible to watch and it didn't look like he was going to stop. The giant arm just kept pumping and pumping and pumping. Up and down. Up and down. The muscles seemed to grow in size and strength. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. The veins in his arms were swelling. His neck was thickening. The blood was rushing through his huge body. Robbie couldn't stop looking at him. A godlike, unbreakable muscle machine. Holding his brother's full body weight seemed to be no problem for him. He seemed to have an unlimited amount of strength in his right arm.Robbie couldn't take his eyes off his brother. He looked like a god, an indestructible muscle machine. He didn't seem to have any problems with holding his brother's full bodyweight. He seemed to have an unlimited amount of power in his right arm. "Now, little bro, we're going to try something new. Something that has never been done before. I'm going to lift you above my head. That's right, with my right arm. Do you think I can do it? Of course I can. Let's see what this body is really capable of." Robbie couldn't believe it. There was no way Brett could lift him above his head with one arm. It was impossible. He was too heavy and his brother wasn't strong enough. But somehow Brett didn't have any doubts. Brett gave his arm a firm blow. Robbie shot up, but was well guided by his brother's arm. Before he could fly any further over his head, Brett was able to place his flat right hand on his little brother's stomach. Meanwhile he had turned to face the mirror. It was an astonishing sight. Both of them were looking into the mirror. Supported by Brett's right arm, which was stronger than Robbie's legs combined, Robbie lay flat on Brett's hand. His left arm was raised to be kissed by his beautiful pink tongue. At the same time he was pumping Robbie up and down. It was godlike. A real god made of flesh. There was no other way to describe what he was like. The view was magnificent. "Do you like what you see, Sissy? Do you like being treated like a toy? Well, that's what you are. You're just a toy, a puppet, a rag doll, a piece of shit. But that's OK, because it feels good, doesn't it? Yes, it does. Being touched by a real man feels so good. I can't wait to see how my muscles feel against your tiny body. How they'll squeeze the air out of you, make you feel weak and helpless, and most of all, turn you on. Oh, I'm sure they'll have an effect on you. I can crush the life out of you with just my chest. How would you like that? To have your whole body crushed between my massive, muscular, powerful pecs. I bet it would feel amazing, wouldn't it? Let's have some fun!" Brett took Robbie off his hand, lowered him down until he stood before him and pushed him forward. He walked over to the bed and pulled his brother with him, forcing him to lie down on the mattress. "Lie down, Sissy. Get ready for a real workout." Robbie didn't move. He had no idea what was about to be in store for him. Brett was going to crush him with his pecs. Was that possible at all? Brett didn't even give him a chance to think about it. He grabbed his brother's ankles and pulled him closer. Then he put his knees on either side of his brother's legs. He lifted him up by his hips and pulled him towards him until their crotches touched. Robbie was able to feel his brother's enormous cock. It sent a shiver down the length of his body, a sensation that he had never felt before in his life. "Oh did you like that sissy, I need to give you some more soon?" Before his brother had a chance to react, he had already lowered his massive upper body and laid his head down on the mattress. He was now lying flat on top of his little brother. Robbie could feel his massive pecs squeezing his face. "How is it going down there, little brother? Can ya breathe? I hope not, I want you to be scared. It turns me on when people are scared. Especially when it's my own baby bro. Hahaha". Robbie could barely breathe. The massive pecs were pushing the air out of his lungs. He tried to lift his brother off of him, but Brett didn't even notice. "Don't bother, Sissy, I'm way too strong for you. You have no chance of lifting me off you. And don't forget, I can also control my muscles at will, so if I feel like crushing you, I'll crush you. Now, let's get this party started. Let's see how much air I can push out of your lungs. Hahaha, this is going to be fun. Brett was now lying with his elbows and arms next to the mattress and began flexing his pecs. The muscles slowly began to expand. Robbie could feel the air getting pushed out of his lungs. He tried to hold his breath, but it was no use. The muscles kept rising, forcing the air out of his body. It was a feeling he had never experienced before. "Does this feel good, Sissy? I bet it does, haha. You must be loving this, being crushed under my massive pecs. Well, you're not the only one, I'm having a great time. Your tiny body feels amazing against my muscles. So small, so helpless, so fragile. It's so hot. I can't believe how strong I've gotten. No one can handle me. Not even my own little brother. That's right, I'm so strong that not even my own little brother can handle me. And do you know what? I'm going to destroy your body now. I'm going to crush the air out of your body and leave you on the brink of death. As he said this, his chest muscles continued to expand in the face of Robbie. He squeezed tighter and tighter, squeezing more and more air out of his little brother's lungs. Robbie could barely breathe. He was going to start passing out. His arms tried to push his brother's huge chest muscles away, but they would not budge. He was totally dominated by his brother. "That's right, Sissy, push, push. Push as hard as you can, haha. You'll never be able to push me away. You know what you have to do to be released. Lick them. Kiss my fucking huge tits and I'll let you breathe again. Brett knew just what to say. Robbie couldn't think straight. He needed oxygen. He could only think of one thing: he had to get out. He had to get rid of his brother. So, without hesitation, he did what his brother told him to do. He opened his mouth and licked his brother's pecs. They were so hard and big. He continued to lick and kiss them. "Yes, boy, keep going. That's right, keep licking. Keep licking and kissing my big hard pecs. It feels so good, doesn't it? Yes, it does. As his brother enjoyed the sensation, he gradually began to release the pressure on his brother's body. His pecs slowly relaxed, allowing Robbie to breathe again. But Robbie wouldn't quit going down on him. He just couldn't do it. His brother's enormous pecs were so delicious. He was a slave to the taste. "Look at you, little brother, you are such a faggot. You just can't stop, can you? Ha ha ha, you're a slave to my muscles. They've got you addicted. See how much you want them, how much you need them. Haha, and that's only my pecs. Just wait for me to show you the rest of them. But first, let's show off a little bit more. Let's have some more fun. I also saw you longing for something else. With that, Brett lifted himself off his brother. Robbie's breathing returned to normal. But he didn't have a long time to enjoy the fresh air. As soon as his brother stood up, he grabbed him by both ankles with his left hand. With one movement, he lifted him into the air. His brother held him upside down, just as a fisherman holds his caught fish out in front of him after the catch. He now moved Robbie's head to the crotch of his body, face now inches away from his bulge. Is this what you want, little bro? Do you like being in this position? Haha, of course you do, you're a fucking faggot. How is your view, tell me? Can you see everything you've always wanted to see? Would you like a closer look, bitch? Are you hungry? Without waiting for an answer, Brett took his brother's head with his free hand and pushed it against his crotch. He rubbed his brother's face against his dick. Robbie couldn't believe it was happening. His brother's soft cock pressing against his face. He could feel the warmth of it, the manliness and the size of it. It was so big, he was sure his brother had the biggest cock ever. He couldn't wait to see it, to taste it, to feel it. But before he had a chance to, Brett let him fall back down onto the bed. Then he bent down. He put his hands around his little brother's throat and pulled his head towards him. "What's the matter, little brother? Do you want to be my little bitch? Is that it? Is it me that makes you horny? Does my gigantic body turn you on? Do I make you want to fag? Just tell me. Is that it?" Robbie couldn't resist anymore. His brother had turned him into his bitch, just like he had always dreamed, and now he just had to tell the truth. "Yes, yes, please, make me your bitch. I want to be your bitch, your slut, I want it all. Please, please, I want to be your bitch. "What a whore, begging to be my bitch. Bet you can't wait. Can't you? I bet you can't wait to see my dick, can you? Now, here's a little sneak peek." As he said that Brett let go of his brother's head and slowly, very slowly, lowered his boxers to reveal the top of the shaft of his soft cock. Robbie's eyes went wide. It was massive and yet soft. He couldn't believe his own eyes. He was looking at a monster. And his brother hadn't even gotten hard yet. Robbie could already imagine what the sight would be like. It would be huge. "You like that? Hahaha, of course you do. How couldn't you? My cock is amazing, it's perfect. It should be on a goddamn horse. You can't wait to have a taste, can you? I must be desperate to use you for this massive piece of flesh. But who knows, I'm not far off tonight. As Brett said this he lifted his little brother off the bed. He picked him up with his right hand and set him on his feet. Robbie stood before him. "So, little brother, you haven't had a taste of the strength of my thighs yet. They really are something special. Especially when you're stuck between them. You'll see. Get in front of me and lay down.' Robbie did as his brother told him to do. He got down on his knees and put his chest down on the floor in front of him. Now his head was facing the crotch of his brother who was lying on his back. His legs were on either side of his brother's body. Brett's monster of a dick was still covered by his boxers. "Look at you, bitch, you're already in the right position, haha. Want a little taste?" Brett slowly pulled his boxers back down to reveal his massive, still soft cock. "You can't wait, can you, little bro? Let's get that little mouth of yours stretched so it won't break when you go down on me later, haha." As he said this Brett used his right hand to pull down the front of his underwear. His monster dick was now exposed. He took his cock in his left hand and stroked it a few times, turning his abs to stone now that he was in a sit up position. He had no difficulty holding this pose. Slowly, his dick began to harden a little more. The shaft began to swell and grow. His foreskin slipped back to reveal the beautiful pink head of it. The veins were becoming more and more prominent. The whole of his cock looked even bigger and harder than it had before. It was a stunning sight. Robbie's jaw dropped to the floor. "Well, try it for a second little brother, I promise you can't get it in when it's hard." He moved his cock closer to his brother's face. When his brother's lips touched his head, he let out a small moan. "Oh yeah, that's what you wanted all along you little bitch". He continued to move his dick closer and closer to his brother's face. Robbie's mouth became increasingly full. It was hard for him to believe that his brother had grown to be so big. It was a huge dick and it was still not even half hard yet. "Hahaha you little bitch, now you see why women always come crawling back to me. That's enough though. I'll give you a taste of the power in my thighs, you won't know what's hit you." He pulled his dick out of his brother's mouth, leaving a trail of saliva, and tucked it back into his boxers. He pulled his little brother's body over his left thigh, followed by his right thigh over his body, while he was still lying on the ground. Then he slowly brought his legs together and locked his ankles. The strength of his thighs was overwhelming. Robbie felt the massive thighs pressing against him, squeezing him. There was pressure on his chest and his head was in contact with his brother's crotch. The massive bulge was now pressed against his face. His head was in the lap of his brother. "You can't believe the strength of my thighs, can you, little brother? Do you have any idea of the strength in my body?" His thighs continued to press and squeeze against his brother's body. His body was in shambles, he couldn't move, there was no way he could escape. "How does it feel? You feel the strength of my muscles. So strong, so powerful. You can't even dream of being able to compete with them. You can't escape. You can't fight. You're stuck. You're completely and utterly stuck. He kept flexing his thighs, causing his bulge to rise and fall. It rubbed his brother's face. His brother felt the monster of his crotch. His cock was hardening and growing in size. The bulge got bigger and bigger. The pressure on his brother's face increased. He kept squeezing his thighs together. His brother was struggling to breathe. "How does it feel, little brother? How does it feel to be crushed by the strength of my muscles? Can you handle the power? Brett kept flexing his thighs. The bulge kept growing and his brother kept being squeezed from all sides. "I'll show you the full power of my thighs. You'll feel the real power, little brother. I'll make you beg for mercy. He continued to flex his thighs. That knob was now as big as his face. He flexed and squeezed his little brother's body all the time. "Do you feel it, baby brother? "Yes, yes, I do. "You're a fag for them, aren't you? "Yes, yes, I am. "Say it again. "I'm a fag for them. "Say it again, louder. "I'm a fag to them! "Louder! "I'm a fag for your muscles! "Again! "I'm a fag for your muscles, man!" As he said this, Brett pressed his bulge against his little brother's face. Then he squeezed his thighs together, almost squeezing the life out of his brother. His muscles rippled, his chest flexed and his legs became as hard as stone. He could feel the strength of his muscles. He could feel the strength of his whole body. "Yes, that's right bitch, moan. Moan for me, little brother, moan for my muscles, moan. Feel their power. Feel their strength. Brett continued to flex and squeeze his muscles. He could hear his brother moaning. He could feel the power of his muscles. He could feel the pleasure. He could feel the lust. "That's it little brother, moan for me. I'm not even putting the full pressure on, can you believe it? Brett can feel the body of his little brother shaking. He could feel the weakening of his muscles, the loss of life in his body. He could feel the life draining out of him. "What a little bitch, he can't even take a little push, haha. But that's OK, he'll learn. He'll get it. Brett slowly started to let go. He released his brother's body. His little brother was breathing hard. He could feel his brother's lungs expanding. He could feel the pumping of his little brother's heart. 'You're such a bitch, little brother. You just can't resist me, brother. You can't resist my muscles. Not even when they're squeezing the life out of you. Come to the mirror and tell me, little brother, how my muscles make you feel?" His brother was breathing hard. His body was exhausted. His heart was beating fast. He could hardly stand, but he did. He was weak and yet he couldn't help feeling horny. His cock was still rock hard. They stood side by side in front of the mirror. The difference in size between them was now insane. There were no muscles to be seen on Robbie's small, slender body. To find out where the veins ran, you needed a magnifying glass. Brett, on the other hand, now looked insanely huge. His muscles were bulkier than Robbie had ever seen, with veins all over. Even the veins in his toes were larger than the ones in Robbie's arms. It was an inhuman difference to see. "So, little brother, how do my muscles make you feel? "They make me horny. They make me hard. They make me want to suck your dick. "That's right, baby brother. This is all you've ever wanted. To be the worshipper of your big brother's muscles. His little brother could only stare in awe as Brett flexed his biceps. "Feel the power, little brother. Touch the power of my muscles. Brett flexed his delts and Robbie's jaw dropped. "Can you believe that, baby brother? Can you believe that the muscles are all mine? All mine? I own them Brett flexed his abs and Robbie couldn't stand anymore. His mouth started to water and he fell to his knees. "Have a look at me, little brother. The sight of my muscles. See its power. Stare at their beauty. See its manliness. Consider their strength. Brett flexed his quads and his brother gaped. "They're mine. All of 'em. They're all fucking mine. Brett flexed his glutes and his little brother's mind was gone. He could see only one thing: Brett's massive ass. It was the most beautiful, the most round, the juiciest, the most powerful ass he had ever seen. It was perfection. It was godlike. It was the greatest piece of ass in the whole world. "These are mine, little brother. All mine! Brett flexed his calves. His little brother could no longer speak. "Can you feel its might, baby brother? Brett flexed his lats and Robbie had the hardest boner of his life. "Feel the power, feel my strength! Feel it! Feel who Iam, feel what god Iam! Brett flexed his pecs and Robbie's cock exploded. He came harder than he ever had in his life. He came without even touching himself. His balls were empty. He couldn't cum anymore. And still he came. Brett kept flexing his pecs. Robbie kept coming. Brett was the sexiest man on earth. "Look, baby brother. Feel the power of it. Feel the masculinity of it. Feel the dominance of it. Feel the presence of GOD!" Brett continued to flex every muscle he possessed. Robbie's head was spinning, he didn't know what to look at, one muscle prettier than another. It made him dizzy and he just couldn't take it anymore. He looked at the teenage god in front of him. It got darker and darker until everything went black. He passed out from the flood of lust that was too much. "Damn, that fucker went out, ha ha ha, those muscles were just too much for him to take it all in. I'm going to give him a real lesson tomorrow, he won't even know what's coming." -------- PART 3 - Brett's awakening "Uuuh... what the hell, my head" Robbie slowly woke up, his head throbbing like a hangover. His eyes opened to sunlight streaming into the room and birds chirping. He had to come down to earth, not knowing where he was, what day it was, what time it was. But one thing was clear, his body was hornier than ever, his cock hard as stone and his sheets wet as if they had been sprayed with sweat and cum. Slowly, images began to appear in his mind, flashbacks. They were fast and strong. Pecs wreaking destruction on his face, thighs squeezing him to pieces like an orange in a press, a big hand holding him up in the air and resting it on an arm as big as a tree trunk. Little by little, more and more of the memories came flooding back. It seemed like the liveliest dream he had ever had. Whether it was a dream or real events, Robbie could not tell. It was just too vivid for a dream, but it couldn't have really happened, could it? He couldn't get his head straight. He looked at the time on his phone, it was only half past six. He put the phone back on the bedside table to the right of him, and then his gaze fell to the other side of the room. There he lay. The most beautiful, muscular man he could ever have imagined sleeping like a baby. Immediately, another shot of pleasure and joy shot through his body, straight to his stomach and cock. It started to leak pre-cum, just at the sight of this giant. His brother's beautifully bronzed body lay on his back, with no sheets and only a pair of white boxers covering him. His left leg was outstretched, the big foot of his bent right pressed against the side of his huge calf. His left arm was resting on his bulging pecs, breathing slowly up and down. His right arm lay draped across his body and his angelic face turned slightly in Robbie's direction. His mouth was open, his full lips relaxed. Robbie stared at his brother. He was the most handsome man he had ever seen. He had grown into a beautiful man, his body was perfect, the most masculine and powerful, his face was beautiful, his lips were soft and inviting, his hair was soft and smooth, his eyes were beautiful and his face was a picture of tranquillity and peace. Robbie was mesmerized. He didn't know if he had ever seen anything so beautiful. He was so absorbed in the sight of his brother that he didn't realize he was staring. His gaze wandered over the muscular body of his brother. He saw his huge bicep. The size was inhuman. The size was unbelievable. The arm was bigger than Robbie's thighs. There was no doubt about that. His body was just so perfectly proportioned. Even his big bulge, which would be too big on a normal body, was perfectly matched to the mass of muscle. His legs were also huge, and his calves were as big as his brother's pecs. His abs were perfectly defined, every single muscle was visible. And his pecs, my god, they were like mountains, two peaks rising out of a sea of rippling muscle. They were so huge, they were so large, they were so strong, they were so beautiful. As he looked at his brother, the memory of his dream came back. He remembered how those huge muscles had crushed him, how he had been squeezed to pieces by the strength of his body, and how they had made him feel. He remembered the pleasure, the lust, the desire, the ecstasy, the euphoria, the bliss. He remembered it all. But the dream didn't stop there. As he continued to stare at his brother's body, the next part of the dream came back. His brother's beautiful face, his mouth moving closer to his ear. He remembered his brother's words, the words that had changed him forever, the words that had opened his eyes and set him free. The words that had made him realise what he wanted, what he desired, what he was. The words that had turned him into the worshipper of his brother. "What's the matter, little brother? Do you want to be my little bitch? Is that it? Is it me that makes you horny? Does my gigantic body turn you on? Do I make you want to fag? Just tell me. Is that it?" His brother's words echoed in his mind. They were like a song, a mantra. His voice was deep and rich. His tone was firm and confident. It was as if his words were coming from the heavens, as if the gods themselves were speaking to him. He could hear the voice clearly. It was his voice, but it was stronger, more powerful. He could hear it echoing in his head. It was the most beautiful sound he had ever heard. It couldn't be a dream, it was all too real. But it couldn't be real either, it was just too good to be true. He had to find out. He just had to. He would just wait to see how his brother would behave. If it really happened, he would surely hear about it soon enough. And if it had really happened, his life would be completely changed. He would always be able to enjoy his brother without having to hold back anymore, which would be so great. "Enjoying the view, faggot?" His brother's incredibly beautiful, deep green eyes had the most intense gaze ever, piercing straight through his soul. "What happened? Was it.. was it real?" Robbie whispered, turning his eyes to the ground, hoping for the answer he desperately wanted to hear. His heart pounded in his throat. "Ha ha ha. You mean you fainted because you couldn't take my body anymore? Because you were just overcome with lust by the muscles of my divine body? That you became faggot for all you see lying here? Yes bitch, you finally got what you always wanted. And I thought about it. It made me feel better than I ever thought it would. Who would have thought? That it would be my little brother who made me feel better than ever before. I've never seen anyone so into my body, almost more than me, hahaha. You blew a load without any touch, can you believe what my body does to you? And I'll use that, bitch. You're my way of finding out what I'm really in the mood for. But you're not going to talk to anyone about this, you're not going to tell anyone what happened, is that clear? Just act normal around others. You're still my brother, and you'll behave like a brother. No one needs to know what you're doing with me in private. I'm sure no one would believe you anyway. Ha ha ha." "You want to be my bitch, don't you? Tell me. Say the words" Robbie was in shock. This had all happened. His dream had been true. It was all real. His heart was racing. His brother was speaking the truth. "I..." "Come on, say it. Don't you want to be my bitch, little brother? "Yes, I want to. "Say it, louder. "I want to be your bitch, big brother. "Louder! "I WANT TO BE YOUR BITCH, BIG BROTHER!" "Ha ha ha. You've always wanted to say that, haven't you? To say what you really are, a pathetic little faggot for your big brother's muscles. So tell me, do you think these muscles can turn straight men into my gay sluts? Make straight men want to fag just because of me?" As he utters these words, he is still lying on his back, head in the pillow, he lifted his right arm up and flexed the most amazing bicep possible up and down, then kissed it. "Yes, yes! They can turn straight men into your own fag sluts, no one could resist them." Robbie said while still getting used to the idea that he can be so open about it. "That's what I thought, so we're going to find out. Oh fuck, it's gonna make me feel so good, so special. Just look at size of it. Look at this little brother, look at it. How do you like the sight of it, hmm?" he said while flexing his bicep over and over. Robbie couldn't say a word. His body was trembling. "It's incredible, isn't it? "Yes. "What is, little brother?" "Your muscle." "My bicep?" "Yes." "My gigantic, bulging bicep." "Yes." "My big, strong, manly, beautiful, masculine, powerful bicep." "Oh yeah. "Tell me, little brother, does this bicep make you horny?" "Yes. "What, bitch? Say the word." "Yes, your bicep makes me horny." "That's it. Tell me what you really are." "I'm a fag for your biceps." "That's right. What else do you like about it?" "Its size, its power, its masculinity, its beauty, its perfection, its sexiness." "That's what I thought. You're so much of a faggot that even its size turns you on." "Oh god, yes. It's just so fucking big. It's just so big, and powerful, and beautiful, and sexy. I just can't believe how big it is. It's just so perfect." Robbie was holding back no more. He was entirely at the mercy of his brother and gave himself completely to him. "That's it. That's the way you talk about my muscle. Keep going." "Oh god, it's just so beautiful. I can't believe how big it is, it's just so big, and powerful, and sexy. "After last night, men are going to see their dreams fulfilled, they will crave these biceps. Their biceps will look weak and small next to mine. They will worship them, they will want to be like them. Men will want to be gay because of these biceps, because of me. And you're gonna help me make that happen, aren't you, bitch?" "Yes. Yes. I will. "Good, good. Now tell me, while I'm resting, what's the best thing you've ever seen of me, apart from last night? What was the feat of strength that made you feel weak in the knees and made you want to blow your load right then and there? What was the moment when you thought "that's it, this is the most manly, the most strong, the most powerful, the most masculine, the most beautiful thing I've ever seen"? What was that moment, bitch?" Robbie paused, looking into his brother's eyes. He knew exactly what it was, but he didn't know how to describe it. He was still in a trance, still mesmerized by his brother's beauty. He knew that if he said the wrong thing, his brother would get angry, and his life would be over. So he took a deep breath and said the first thing that came to his mind. "When you beat Dad in arm wrestling. I knew you were strong, but to see you beat a grown man, the man that I had always looked up to, when you were only 15 years old, was insane. From that moment on, you were the only one that I ever looked up to. From that moment on, you were the man of the house, not dad. From that moment on I gave myself completely to you. You were my everything, from that point on, everything for me was about you. I knew I had to give you my life, to be your servant. I knew I had to worship you. I knew I had to worship the very ground you walk on." Robbie was totally letting go now. "Ha ha ha. You're such a suck-up, I love it. I could see it in your eyes, the way you looked at me, the way you talked about me. But I didn't know how far gone you were. Hearing you say it, it makes me feel good. I've never felt so powerful, so dominant, so strong. I've never felt so much in control. It's incredible. I've never felt so special. It's the best feeling in the world. It's intoxicating. It's addictive. It's everything I've ever wanted. It's everything I've ever dreamed of. It's all I've ever wanted. I can't describe the feeling. It's just so incredible. I can't believe I have you, that I'm your living dream, that I have absolute power over you. You're mine, little brother, my bitch, my slave, my property. Your life is mine. Your soul is mine. Your body is mine. Your will is mine. I'm in control. I'm the one who decides. I'm the one who can decide if you're going to live or die. I'm the one who's in complete control of your destiny. I'm the one who holds all the cards. I'm the one who can make or break you. My God, I'm so fucking hot. And you're going to help me grow. I'm gonna get even bigger, even stronger." The boys had to get ready for school, so unfortunately for Robbie, Brett got ready to take a shower. He thought about asking if he could join him, but dared not. Still, Robbie was intrigued to hear Brett wanting to turn men into fags for him. He considered it to be exciting, eager to see others swoon over him just like himself. But he also felt disappointed or jealous, because he wanted to keep Brett all to himself. However, this was not about him. This was about Brett and about making Brett feel good. Making him grow even stronger and more beautiful. It was that anticipation which made him cum instantly after a couple of jerks on his cock. Robbie was able to take a shower after Brett had finished and did so quickly so that he could ask Brett a few more questions. As Robbie entered the room, Brett was dressed. He was wearing a rather loose black shirt with black shorts, Nike trainers, white sports socks pulled up high and a backward New Era cap. Of course he looked great. "What about the men you'll change into your faggots? Are you doing this in school?" "Hahaha, of course I do. My life has taken a nice turn thanks to you little bro, today I'm going to find out who's going to start drooling over me and how far I can take it. It puts everything in a whole new perspective. I will try not to look at the hot girls for a change and concentrate completely on who I am. Which men are completely at my mercy. "What are you going to do? ""That's none of your fucking business. Know your place bitch, if you're lucky you can watch me as I get bigger and hotter. And keep your eyes open, you will see men fade away when they're near me." -------- PART 4 - Drive to school Brett was a sophomore in college at Stanford, while Robbie was a senior in High School. Since his own pick-up truck broke down, Brett was picked up by his friend Sam and his father. Sam did not have his driving licence, so his father drove the boys to school. Sam sat in the seat in front, so Brett had to sit in the back. Robbie saw his brother get in and knew he would be walking around school all day with a hard-on, unable to keep his mind on class, just swooning over his big strong brother. That Brett also knew this was clear from the arrogant grin he gave his little brother the moment he left. "Hi Sam, Mr Smith." Brett greeted his friend and his dad. "Hey Brett, how are you?" "I'm fine, thanks. Mr Smith" As they drove to school, Brett thought about the recent events without really thinking about other men. But more and more he saw Sam's father looking at him in the rear view mirror. "Hmm, let's see what we can do," Brett thought. Brett moved to the middle of the backseat so the father had a good view of Brett's body. Brett gave the dad a smug grin and let his eyes wander to his pecs. He began to do a little pec bounce, occasionally glancing at the mirror to see how the father would react. Mr Smith seemed more and more affected by what was going on behind him. Although Brett was wearing a loose shirt, his pecs were clearly outlining. Distracted by his phone, Sam didn't notice a thing. Now that he had started, he wanted to build up the tension. He crossed his arms in front of his body and placed his hands at the bottom of his bulging pecs. With his powerful claws, he pushed the relaxed tits up, then began to massage them, looking seductively in the mirror at the excited man behind the wheel. When finished massaging his pecs, he put his fists in front of his abs, one above the other. He tensed his arms., making his shoulders bulge and his shirt draw itself tighter around his body. The collar of his shirt tightened around his expanding neck, where the veins now stood out more clearly. His short sleeves covered his biceps upto the middle of the peak, the thick veins disappearing under the shirt but slowly becoming visible through the more straining fabric. The father grew uncomfortable. He moved his bottom across the chair to sit more comfortably, but it was of little use. "Damn, it feels so good to show off for someone again," he thought, knowing full well that the man was on the verge of breaking and turning into a fag for him. Mr Smith couldn't get his eyes off of Brett's body. "Hmm, this is too easy. Maybe I'll just go ahead and tease him even further." The grin on Brett's face grew increasingly arrogant as he placed his right hand on the back of his neck. The sleeve of his shirt slid down his relaxed arm to his shoulder, exposing the entire inside of his mammoth bicep, now resting beside his head. Brett's eyes slid sensuously from the mirror to his bicep and back again. Mr Smith seemed to be getting out of breath, drops of sweat were forming on his forehead and the colour of his face was getting a bit red. As soon as the father looked back into the mirror, Brett tensed his biceps and flexed the whole ball of muscle right up to his own face. Veins popped out of his collosal arm, the father's sight unstoppable. Brett stuck out his tongue and slowly slid it over the large vein in the centre of his bicep. The father, now flushed, was coughing uncomfortably and pulling his tie further away from his neck. One hand on the wheel, the other rubbing his crotch. Mr Smith left no doubt as to how much he enjoyed the view and adjusted the position of the mirror to display more of Brett's body. "Oh yeah, you love this don't you. You're a fucking faggot and you don't even know it yet," he thought, "and now you're going to see me work my magic. I'll make a fag out of you." Brett had the driver totally in his power, his will was no longer his own, it belonged to Brett. And that was not even the final touch. With his eyes fixed on the mirror, he slid his left hand under his right arm, placed his right elbow against his side and began to massage the bulging bicep. Brett closed his eyes and tilted his head back, pretending to enjoy the massage. His nostrils flared, his breathing became heavier, his chest rising and falling rhythmically. A slight grin on his lips. His fingers sliding along the inside of the huge bicep, gently digging into the thick mass. It was too much for the driver. A small moan came out of his mouth, but he quickly turned it into a cough so that he wouldn't be caught by his own son. His hips began to thrust forward. Brett looked into the mirror and smiled arrogantly at the driver, his eyes gliding over the driver's body, the bulge in his trousers making it perfectly clear how he felt about Brett's muscle exhibition. Suddenly Sam's head came up, his eyes focused on the road ahead. His father quickly removed his hand from his crotch and placed it on the steering wheel. "Are you ok dad?" "What? Oh yes son, I'm fine, I'm just a bit nervous about a big business deal today." Sam went back to his phone. For Brett the moment to grab the bottom of his shirt and slowly lift it higher, his sensual gaze moving between the father's red face and his own magnificent muscles. His abs were now fully visible to the aroused father, he tensed up, making them look incredibly ripped. The driver's hand was already back where it needed to be, there was no other way, even if he wanted to. He tucked the bottom of his shirt up under his chin so that he would be able to hold it up without having to use his hands. His right arm was still flexed beside his head. He moved his left forefinger over the rock hard abs and hit a vein on the left side of his v-line. He traced this and his v-line with his finger towards his shorts. The father did not know where to look. His eyes flew in all directions. The arm, the abs, the eyes, the lips, the finger. The finger that was now slowly disappearing beneath his shorts. Brett lowered his right arm, flexed the bicep in front of his pecs several times and kissed it. The father was going crazy, the top button of his shirt now undone to give himself more room to breathe. Brett released the flex of his right arm and slid his big strong hand all the way inside his shorts. He slid the hand under his balls and pushed his entire crotch forward, tightening the shorts around his cock. The alignment of his thick, fat, big, soft cock was visible through the fabric of the shorts. It was a glorious view for the father. "I bet you want my cock. I bet you'd love to be bent over the back of this car and fucked like a slut," Brett thought. It was the same for the father, the thought of being fucked by the boy in the back was too much for him, he had to have him. He felt his hole twitch, longing for Brett's massive member. He had never considered having sex with another man, but now the idea of sucking the cock of a boy less than half his age was a huge turn-on. He was completely at the mercy of the young man, he had no choice. He had to submit to him, he had to obey him, he had to worship him. "He's craving it so much, let's give him a little sneak of it. That will definitely break him," he thought, a devilish grin on his face. The father was drooling, now in a state of supreme arousal at the sight of the teenage muscle god in the back seat of his own car. Brett pulled the waistband of his shorts forward with his left hand, revealing the top of the shaft of the brown, veined cock, now beginning to stiffen. It was not much, but enough to drive the father mad with desire. Brett grinned arrogantly as he pulled the waistband down a little further, revealing a little more of his cock, a pulsing vein growing thicker as the cock grew wider, showing the father just enough to let his imagination run wild. Then he pulled the waistband back up again. It is a miracle, but Mr Smith had managed to drive the car to school without any problems. "We're here, thanks dad," Sam said as he stepped out without looking at his father. "Yeah, thanks Mr Smith," Brett winked, looking down at the man's wet crotch. "Uuuh... yeah... sure boys. Come over sometime Brett, I'd like that" "Sure you would," Brett said. Just before he got out of the car, Brett took the index and middle fingers of his right hand, which had just been placed around his balls, and put them in his mouth. Now completely covered in his own saliva, he pressed his fingers against Mr Smith's mouth. What he did not expect, however, was for the father to take both fingers completely into his eager mouth and suck the saliva from them. The father moaned louder, "Oh... so big..." and came in his trousers for the second time. "Bet you can't wait, bitch," he whispered. As soon as the boys were out of sight, Mr Smith did not know how quickly to get out of the car in search of a toilet. His hands covered his crotch, as if he desperately needed to pee. Brett took another look over his shoulder and saw the now-turned-fag father desperately searching for a toilet. "Damn, this is gonna be fun" he thought -------------- Part 5 - The ultimate jock Brett had to ride with his friend because his own car broke down. However, this made him arrive at school too early; he was first period free. He thought of going to the gym like every day. This could now be done nicely before his classes started. The gym was empty, so he had all the space he needed to do what he felt was necessary. Brett was proud of his body, but very conscious that everything had to be kept in good proportion, so he worked all the groups perfectly to make sure that was the case. Brett has incredibly low body fat, so his weight is formed purely by muscle and bone, currently weighing in at about an impressive 220 pounds. Somehow he has the feeling that this is about to increase. His body feels as if it is about to unleash its true potential. The evening with his little brother has not only caused the need for his body worship to increase like crazy, but also his need to develop and grow his body and muscles. It is as if his whole existence is beginning to change. He needs to become stronger, he needs to dominate men, he needs to drive them mad so that the whole world revolves around him. He needs to feel that they only think about him when he is not around, as his little brother and Mr Smith are experiencing right now. He needs to make them all feel that he is at the top of the ladder, that he is the most handsome, muscular man around. He has to drive them crazy with the power of his muscles, in the knowledge that they will only get bigger. He wanted to get his biceps in shape so they would have a good pump throughout the day, rather than go crazy in the gym before class, so he decided to do some concentration curls. Towards the end of the first period, his arms were swollen. He had showered and was now wearing light grey sweatpants that left nothing to the imagination. The pants took the shape of his rock-hard thighs and over-defined calves, the massive, juicy glutes were fantastically aligned and a thick bulge was almost too prominent. On top of that, he wore a white shirt that clung tightly to his body. It had a deep v-neckline, exposing the highest part of his cleavage, the veins of his neck and the top of his chest for all to see. The pecs pushed the shirt far out, the nipples looked razor sharp, as if they were going to poke through at any moment. The blocks of abs were easy to count. The shirt was just long enough to fall over the waistband of his pants. The short sleeves struggled to get around his biceps, so they stuck there, exposing them beautifully. Bulging veins made the arms look even more extreme than they already were. Once again, he wore his New Era cap back to front, the gab making it possible for his gorgeous dark hair to fall through. The white sneakers were worn to carry his rippling body around the school. The teenage muscular god was incomparable. He looked insane, what a sight to behold! Brett left the gym and made his way to his class. He was already thinking about his next 'victim', although you couldn't really call them that. It sounds like they are not having the best experience of their lives. And of course they are. The maths teacher would be a good one, though. A nerdy, bespectacled man, not even that short, who obviously took care of his body. But he was just such an idiot, boring and always serious. Just like maths. But as he walked down the corridor just before class, when most of the students were already in their classrooms or heading for them, he saw a couple of lovers kissing against the wall. In Brett's opinion, it was a bit over the top and he soon recognised the couple. It was one of his team mates, Scott, and his girlfriend, Lisa. Scott was a typical jock. Strong athlete, arrogant, thought he was on top. Come to think of it, not so different from Brett. Not like Scott was half so handsome and well-muscled. Scott had blonde hair and fair skin, he was freckled and his dark blue eyes made him look handsome. Even though Scott was big, his muscles were not particularly well sculpted. There was also a bit too much body fat. But that made him a bit heavier, which was good for the field. Lisa was a beautiful brunette with curly hair. She had slightly darker skin and brown eyes. Her ass was firm and well shaped, and her breasts were some of the best and biggest in the school. They had been together for years, kissing all the time, and seemed destined to stay together. Brett had recently tried to seduce Lisa, but she had remained faithful to Scott. The bell rang, the hallway emptied and Brett stood at the door of the maths classroom. The couple further down the hall ignored the bell and were the only two students left in the hallway next to the door of an empty classroom. They continued to make out and seemed to have no intention of stopping. Lisa's back was turned to Brett. Her left shoulder was leaning against the wall and her right arm was wrapped around her lover's neck. Scott's face was hanging to the left, leaving space for Lisa's face on his right side. Scott opened his eyes, which were immediately fixed on the most gorgeous body in the school. He immediately began to kiss more intensely as his eyes took in Brett's large body. The eyes scanned every part of Brett's body, the sight clearly had an effect on him. "Hmm, let's see if the man in the relationship is going to be as loyal." Brett thought. Brett shrugged off his maths lesson and made his way to the scene beyond. The training session had pumped him up tremendously, his muscles bulging through his shirt and sweatpants. He looked better than ever. His manly stride brought him closer and closer to the smooching couple. Scott's eyes got bigger and bigger, the kissing even harder, his head now constantly changing sides, his tongue slipping through each side of his girlfriend's mouth, drool dripping down both chins. Brett could see the bulge in Scott's shorts becoming more pronounced as he moved closer. Lisa found that Scott's kissing was getting too intense and was now pulling away. "What the fuck, Scott?" She saw Scott's gaze shoot past her own and looked over her right shoulder to follow it. She too saw the behemoth of a boy-man, let out a little squeak, pulled her shoulder away from the wall and turned her back to it to get a better view of what was coming towards them. From the moment she saw him, she could feel her pussy getting wetter and wetter. "Hi Lisa, are you sure you still don't want this?" Bett said as he cupped his large crotch with his right hand. This woke Scott from his stupor. "Shut up Brett," he said. "Haha, make me" "Shut it or I'll break it. "What is it Scott? Or is it that you're jealous that I'm giving your girlfriend the chance and not you? Is this what you want?" he said to one of the manliest boys in the school, holding his right forearm low in front of them. His left hand was on top of his right arm, thumb in the armpit. He squeezed, stopping the flow of blood and making the veins burst even more than they already did. The outstretched arm tensed, making the muscles explode. The whole arm was covered in huge veins, one thicker than the other. The muscles were as separated as they could be. "Is this what you want, you faggot," Brett repeated. "No, I...I don't want it," Scott answered, his voice shaky, his eyes unable to focus. Lisa was standing next to him, her back pressed against the wall, her eyes wide open, her breathing heavy, her hands in her lap clasped together, her cunt made her panties soaking wet, the body fluids even dripping from under her short skirt over her bare legs. Brett moved his eyes between the two of them, slowly. They looked back and forth between each other and the monster before them. They did not dare look him in the eye, afraid that it would be seen as a sign of defiance. "That's what I thought," Brett said, the arrogance evident in his voice. "You don't want this. Do you see that, bitch?" He turned his head to face Lisa. "I don't think Scott is man enough for you, I don't think anyone is. If you want a real man, you come and get me. And you, you are not a real man, are you? You are nothing. Do you think she will stay with you? Look at her, she wants me. Look at the way her eyes move over my body, see how her breath gets heavy. She is craving this cock, I bet her pussy is dripping wet. Right, Lisa? You want a real man, not a queer like him. Look what a fag he is." At that moment Brett raises his right arm, his upper arm now parallel to his bowling ball sized shoulders. All eyes are on the bruising bicep, which is about to burst like crazy. "Here it goes." Brett flexes his muscle ball into a granite rock of bursting veins. An unprecedented display of masculine beauty right in front of the lovers. The sight on Brett's biceps raises Scott's arousal level to unprecedented heights, his heart pumps gallons of blood into his groin and his cock reaches an erection it has never touched before. Pre-cum leaking through his shorts is the ultimate proof. Lisa now rubs her hands through her pussy, the wetness leaking out even more. She has a look of desire for the powerhouse, she feels lust like never before. "Prove your manliness in front of your girlfriend, Scott. Show her that she can count on you for the rest of her life. Make a choice. What are you going to kiss? My bicep or the lips of your girlfriend. Choose, Scott," he says, holding his bulging bicep not to close to his team mate's face so he had to make an effort should he choose to. Brett looks at Lisa with a devilish grin, then turns to Scott and sees his reaction. His eyes were fixed on Brett's bulging bicep, drool dripping from his mouth. Scott did not move, his eyes glued to the mountainous bicep, his eyes bulging with desire, his heart beating like crazy. He didn't want to move, he didn't want to take his eyes off it. He did not know what to do, he wanted to be the alpha male, but could not take his eyes off the huge muscles. Brett's fingers were stretched, his triceps also exploding. He had both bicep and tricep flexed. The veins ran like mad, pulsing and throbbing in a hypnotic way. Lisa did not know whether to be shocked, disgusted, or even aroused. But the more she looked at Brett's body, the more her body told her it was the latter. Scott was about to lean forward and place his lips on the massive muscle ball, when he heard Lisa's voice. "Scott, stop it, don't." "But Lisa, look at it. It's just so.." Brett just stood there and watched the whole thing unfold with the most arrogant grin on his face. "I ... i... just.. just one .. little.. kiss.. please.." Scott said, his mouth almost drooling. His right foot stepped forward, his head moving towards the big arm like steel to a magnet. There was no turning back. There was no other choice. He had to and would kiss the bicep. "Oh my god.." Lisa said But Scott seemed to be out of this world, completely hypnotised. His eyes were fixed on Brett's bulging, throbbing, pulsing bicep. His mouth completely drooling, coming closer and closer "That's it faggot, there you go, kiss it. Prove your worth." Scott's head was now almost touching the bicep, his mouth hanging open, his eyes wide. Brett was grinning from ear to ear, knowing what was about to happen. Lisa couldn't believe what she was seeing. She stood with her mouth open and her eyes wide open, not wanting to believe what she was seeing, but also not able to stop staring. "Oh my god, I just can't believe it," she thought Scott's mouth was now about to touch the bicep, the saliva dripping from his mouth onto the bicep. Brett's fingers were spread, his tricep bursting with veins. Brett's was looking at the two with the most arrogant, cocky smile, enjoying the moment. "That's it, there you go," Brett said, his voice dripping with confidence. Scott's mouth was now about to touch Brett's bicep, more saliva dripping from his mouth onto his huge muscular arm. He couldn't wait for the sensation on his lips. The veins throbbed and pulsed and Scott's cock twitched, he couldn't wait for the first feeling on his lips. It was about to happen. Lisa's hand slipped under her skirt, her fingers finding her wet cunt, rubbing it, the wetness dripping onto her thighs. Her eyes were wide, not wanting to miss a thing. Brett looked at the two overwhelmed students with the most arrogant and superior, yet incredibly handsome, expression on his face. He was in complete control of the couple, who until recently had been madly in love. They worshipped him. They were at his mercy. "I just can't believe it.." And then, finally, the sensation. Scott's lips brushed the bicep, touching the bulging, throbbing vein that ran along the entire length of the bicep. As soon as he felt the skin, he lost his mind. "Ohh fuck," Scott said, his body beginning to shake, his cock twitching. His cock was now so hard, that it began to hurt. He could feel the cum building up, the precum dripping from his shorts. His whole body was shaking. His head was still against the bicep, his eyes shut. His tongue flicked out, licking the bicep. Brett didn't even flinch. Lisa was now fingering herself, the wetness running down her legs. "Oh my god," she said. "Yes," Scott moaned. He could feel his body begin to lose control. He couldn't help it, he started sucking the bicep. He kissed and licked the huge veins. The taste of Brett's sweat and masculinity were overwhelming. "Oh fuck," he moaned. His knees were starting to buckle. He was trying to stand, but he was too weak. "Oh my fucking god, oh fuck," he groaned. He had never felt anything like this before. It was like a dream come true. The taste, the smell, the feeling of the bulging biceps against his lips, the power behind them, the size. He could feel the pre-cum dripping from his shorts, his body shaking. "Oh god," he moaned. Scott couldn't help it. He could feel his orgasm building. "Oh my god, oh my god, I'm gonna cum, oh my god, ohhhh, fuck." "That's it faggot, cum for me. Cum for my muscles" His whole body began to shake. His mouth was open, his eyes rolled back, his hands gripping the bicep tightly. His cock began to twitch, the cum shooting from his cock in his trousers without even touching himself. "OH MY GOD, OH FUCK," he screamed. His body was convulsing, his eyes were rolling back in his head. He was in the middle of the biggest orgasm he had ever had. He was moaning, groaning, his body shaking. His cum was all over the inside of his trousers, the white, creamy fluid running down his leg. "Oh fuck, oh my god," he moaned. His whole body was shaking. His cock was throbbing, the cum shooting out of his cock, the wet spot on his shorts growing. "Oh fuck, I'm cumming," he moaned. "That's it," Brett said, his voice dripping with cockiness. Scott's eyes opened, his gaze focused on the bicep that had given him the biggest orgasm of his life. "Oh fuck," he groaned. He could see his own cum dripping down his leg. He could feel the aftershocks, his whole body shaking. His heart was beating a million miles an hour, his breath coming in short gasps. He couldn't believe it. He couldn't believe he had just cum from kissing Brett's bicep, but still it is his greatest object of desire. With that, years of a strong relationship went down the drain. In a matter of minutes, Brett had shattered their well-established relationship with the simple movement of his right arm. Scott was not man enough. He had proved himself unworthy. And Lisa saw him in a new light, a weakling, not worthy of her. She now looked at Brett in a completely different way. Her cunt was dripping wet. Her body ached for him. She couldn't wait to see what would happen next. She could feel the butterflies in her stomach, her body was on fire. "Please," Lisa begged. "What's that?" Brett said. "Please, I want more." "More? Of what?" "More of your muscles. More of your power. Please, take me. Take me right now." "Well, if you insist, but what about your boy friend over here who's still French kissing my arm?" "We're done, I want you. Take me, please, take me." "Oh really? Well then, let's see how well you can suck dick," Brett said. He grabs the girl by the waist and hoists her over his shoulder, giving her the best view of his amazing ass. "You stay here and keep watch. Make sure no one comes in. Maybe then one day I will reward you." Brett carried Lisa into the empty classroom and slammed the door. Scott stared at the door like a zombie. He wanted nothing more than to watch the spectacle behind it. He heard his now ex-girlfriend moaning. "Oh Brett, what a dick! It's not even hard yet. I've never seen a cock like that. Oh, fuck me, fuck me." Scott felt his cock twitch, allready spurting pre-cum again. "Come on," he thought. "I'm not gay, I'm not gay, I'm not gay." Scott tried to distract himself, he had to keep watch. But all he could think about was the thick, meaty cock that was now sliding in and out of his ex-girlfriend's pussy. "Oh Brett, it's so fucking big. Fuck, you're stretching me. I'm so full, I've never been this full. I'm going to cum, I'm going to cum so fucking hard. Keep going, fuck me, keep fucking me. Oh god, I'm going to cum all over that big fucking dick. You're making me your bitch, oh fuck. I can't take it, I can't take it. Fuck, I'm cumming. Oh fuck, I'm cumming. Fuck, oh god, oh god, oh god, I'm cumming." The girl screamed out in pleasure. Scott could not resist any longer, his body took over. "Oh fuck, I can't believe it," he thought. "I'm not gay." "You want some of this, don't you? Can you believe the size of it? Can you feel me?" Brett said. Scott's mouth hanging open, the pre-cum dripping from the tip. Even the sound of Brett's voice was now making his cock twitch, his breathing heavy. "Oh fuck, you're so big. I'm so full. Fuck, I've never felt anything like this. You're stretching me. I'm cumming again. Fuck, I'm cumming." Lisa screamed in ecstasy. "That's right, bitch, you're a bitch for my size, just like Scott." With each thrust, Scott could hear the bodies crashing together. But it was not a muffled sound like bodies hitting each other. It was as if swinging back. That could only mean one thing. It had to be Brett's balls slapping against Lisa's magnificent ass every time he thrust his giant cock into her. Scott's desire was to feel it. He wanted to have that. He had to have that cock in him. He had to feel the way Lisa felt. He had to have something in his ass as if Brett's huge member was in it. "Fuck me, Brett. Fuck me. Oh fuck, I'm cumming. Fuck. Your cock is so big. Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me." Scott closed his eyes, pressed his middle finger against his hole while leaning forward and imagined Brett's cock in his ass. He could almost feel the huge meat pole moving in and out of his hole, stretching him. "That's it, take that big cock. Take it like the slut you are. Feel my big balls slapping against your ass. You like that? You like being stretched out by my huge dick? That's right, cum for me. Cum while my huge dick is fucking your tight little pussy. Feel it, feel the way I'm stretching you. You love it. You're such a whore for my dick. You will never want anyone els but me." Scott took in the words Brett was saying to Lisa as if he was saying them to him. His finger continued to push into his ass hole, now adding his index finger. Never before had he done this, never before had he inserted anything into his asshole, but now it was incredibly easy. The hole was overflowing with his ass juices, burying his fingers deeper and deeper. He was now three fingers deep. He was not sure whether it was his or Brett's name he was screaming. "My dick is so big. It's so wide, so thick, so fat. Have you ever felt anything like it? Have you ever seen anything like it? My God!" Scott heard the sounds of Brett's body crashing into Lisa's, the sound of his heavy balls smacking against her ass. "Oh Brett, i can't. I can't handle it. It's so big. I'm going to break. Oh fuck, I'm cumming. Fuck, you're breaking me, you're going to break me." "Yeah bitch, you won't be able to walk for days, you're taking that whole cock. I'm going to tear you in half." Scott had never heard Lisa talk like that. He couldn't believe the words coming out of her mouth. "Oh Brett, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me. Make me yours. I want to be your woman. I want you to own me. Own my pussy. Break me. Break me." "I'm going to breed you. You're mine now. All mine. Mine forever. Say it, say you're mine. Say you're my slut. Say it." "I'm your slut. I'm your slut. Fuck me." "I'm your god. You never want anyone but me again. Tell me I am your god. Tell me his name. Tell me your god's name!" Scott couldn't take it anymore. Lisa couldn't take it anymore. They both screamed in their ultimate climax; "Brett! BRETT!" they screamed in unison "Hahaha, even the faggot in the hallway is screaming my name. Can you imagine how fantastic I am? Turning your boyfriend into a faggot just by the flex of my biceps and the sounds he hears from my fuck session? Now cum for me! Both of you! Cum for me and scream my name! Show me how much you love me!" "Yes, Brett. Yes. Oh, oh, oooooooh, FUUUUUUUUCK! YEEEEEESSSS, BRETT!" Lisa screams. "Oh, Brett! Oh, Brett, fuck, fuck, fuck, yesss, aaaahhh, fuck, Brett, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oooohhhh, aaaaahhhh, fuck, oh, fuck, oh, fuck, oh, fuck, aaaaaahhhhh, yesssss, fuck, yes, yes, aaaaaaahhhhh, yes, fuck, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!" Scott yelled. The two had the most explosive orgasms they had ever had. Neither had thought it possible. But that is what happens when you have the presence of an Alpha Male. Brett's had not shot his load yet. His monster cock was still throbbing, pulsing, ready to explode. "You're not finished. You still have not satisfied your god. Look at my cock. Look at it. It's still not satisfied. Do you see it? Do you see how big it is? Look at the veins, look at the thickness. You still have not satisfied it. I am your god." There was a loud thud. "Damn, you just can't handle it. What use are you to me? I'll cover your body with my load, so you'll have something to remember me by when you wake up. Here it comes, bitch!" Scott had to see it. He just had to. He needed to take a peak into the classroom and witness the spectacle. Brett's cock exploded, shooting a stream of cum, covering the girl from head to toe. Brett grunted like an animal as he fired his seed. The volume was amazing. It went silent. Scott doubted he should do it, but after endless consideration, he couldn't resist. Very slowly Scott opened the door and poked his head into the classroom. He could hardly believe what he saw. There, in the middle of the classroom, stood the most perfect male specimen that may have ever existed. Brett, the ultimate jock, the alpha male, had his right hand on his hips, his mountainous chest puffed out, his oversized biceps and rippling abs bulging towards the door. His left hand held his huge, now semi-erect cock. The shaft was still a beautiful brown, with veins running the length of it, the glans pink and swollen. It was massive. Scott could not help but stare at the giant balls hanging between his legs. The sunlight made the man sparkle like an angel. Veins were bursting all over. The last streams of cum were squeezed out of his gargantuan cock onto the unconscious girl lying in front of him. Lisa was completely covered in his load. Her hair, her face, her tits, her stomach, her legs. Everything was white, creamy. The smell of his testosterone filled the air. "Now that, you dirty faggot, is how you breed a woman." Brett said with the biggest smile on his face. Scott had to get closer. He needed to touch him but his knees went weak. He simply could not comprehend the beauty of it all. But he had to get closer. He wanted to enter the room. He had to touch the body. He had to touch the muscles. He was shaking. His whole body was out of control. He got very close to the body of his dreams. His head was spinning. He couldn't stand it anymore. "Ooh.. Brett.. so big.. how.. oh.. Brettt....." Then he simply fell onto his ex-girlfriend in the middle of Brett's cum. He was out. He just went out on pure lust. His cock had been so hard that his body had simply given up. "Hahahaha, what a fucking loser," Brett said as he walked away. A few hours later, the school was empty, and the janitor, an elderly gentleman, was doing his rounds. He openend the classroom door and went inside. What he found was a strange sight. A boy was lying on top of a girl, both completely out and both completely covered in cum. "That's odd," he said. He checked the two. They were breathing, but their pulse was slow. "Looks like someone had a lot of fun," he chuckled to himself. In the meantime, Brett needed to take it to the next level. He felt there was no need to attend the rest of the day's classes as he had already missed the first one. His parents had left this morning to visit his grandparents for the weekend. Since it was Friday, that was perfectly convenient. He felt the need to take it further. He needed and would feel more of it. He had to start to feel the ultimate of it. He had to. It had to be now. Right now. "Hey, dipshit, get your ass home right now!!" -------------------------- Part 6 - The Explosion The morning wasn't over yet, but Robbie felt like he'd been thinking about his brother for hours. He couldn't concentrate on his lectures. He was sitting in the classroom. But he wasn't in class. The teacher was talking, but his words were not registering. Robbie was just imagining all the things he wanted to see of his brother. His amazing physique, his gorgeous face, his mega throbbing cock that must be huge when it's hard. He pictured it. He wanted to see it, touch it, smell it, feel it, taste it, lick it, kiss it. He wanted to be his brother's servant, to do everything his brother told him. He wanted to please him, to make him feel good. Robbie hadn't noticed the bell ringing, but the next time he looked up he was alone in the classroom. The lesson was over. And then, out of the blue, his mobile phone buzzed. It gave his cock a little jolt, making it bounce a little. He could no longer contain himself, his balls were so heavy, so full. He needed release. "Hey dipshit, get your ass home right now!" read the text from Brett. Robbie could hardly believe his luck. A thrill of excitement shot through his body. Maybe, just maybe, he was going to get lucky. "Yes Brett!" Robbie replied, his dick pulsating in his shorts. He quickly left the classroom and made his way to his locker. As he did so his phone buzzed again. "And I mean now. No stops, no detours. Get the fuck home now, baby bro!" Then he got a picture message. Robbie opened it and his breath was taken away. He had taken the picture with his left hand. The phone was held high, the camera pointed down. It was a selfie, showing his brother flexing his right arm while sitting at the back of the bus. Brett had the most amazing biceps. His veins were popping. The grin on his face was electrifying. "Oh my god," Robbie thought. But it was more than that. The thumb of his brother's left hand was pulling the waistband of his grey sweatpants, exposing the top of his massive bulge and the well trimmed dark pubic hair above it. A massive vein was visible on the incredibly thick shaft, running down towards the pants. Inches away, the outline of the massive cockhead was visible. Robbie's heart stopped. His cock throbbed and his balls tightened. His knees went weak. "Fuck, that is so hot. I can't believe I'm seeing this." He could not stop staring at the image. The bulge, the outline, the veins, the hair. He could not take his eyes off it. It was so big, so thick, so veiny, so masculine, so virile, so Brett. Robbie was sweating with anticipation. It helped his case for calling in sick for the rest of the day, so that wasn't a problem. He was in a hurry to get home, eager for his big brother. He could feel his brother's presence as soon as he entered the house. He took a deep breath and could smell Brett's scent filling his nostrils, lungs and mind. He was here or had been here. Buzz, buzz, buzz... another message. "Barn," it read. Robbie walked straight to the barn, one of the stable doors had been slightly ajar, and as soon as he got there he stopped in his tracks. He could hardly believe what he saw in front of him. There he stood, his back turned, in the middle of the barn. His body was grotesquely posed. He stood with his legs slightly apart, his clenched arms hanging down beside his body. Thick fists brought his arms out slightly. He was now wearing nothing but a completely white jockstrap and a pair of flip-flops, so his bare feet were not in contact with the ground. It made him look insane. In front of him was a movable full-length mirror. He had used this mirror in the past, before there was a mirror in the bedroom. But Robbie hadn't seen it in over a year. It was stored somewhere in the shed with a cloth over it. It made it possible for Robbie to look at all the parts of his body, the front through the mirror, the back directly with his eyes. Every muscle was so well defined, everything looked so inhumanly strong. The jockstrap had bulged out so much that the edges couldn't reach the body any more. The V-line was beautifully visible, accentuating the male parts more than ever. On the most handsome face, a lock of beautiful dark hair fell across the forehead. "Stand diagonally behind me here. We'll talk later. I have to do this now. It's time. Your dreams will come true, bitch. Surrender to me as my total fag. That's what you want, don't you? Do you want to be the fag to the most beautiful, muscular, masculine man you've ever seen? The man who owns you? Robbie was speechless. His brother was more amazing than he ever could have been in his wildest dreams. "Yes Brett, I want to be your fag!" "That's right, faggot. You don't hesitate for a second to follow my orders, do you understand? Now take your clothes off. I'm going to make you mine forever." Robbie was shaking. He couldn't believe it. Was this really happening? His dreams were about to come true. He was nervous to undress fully, but he had no choice. He had to do as he was told. "Yes, Brett. Thank you, Brett." Robbie was standing behind him, now completely naked, slightly diagonally to his right. His cock was rock hard and pointed straight up. It was quite big, about 7 inches, but nowhere near the size of the god diagonally in front of him. Brett's muscles were flexed and his arms were stretched out from his sides, hanging low. He was like a statue. "I've noticed that everyone is completely at my mercy. People swoon as soon as they see me. The power that I radiate, I possess over the people as well. It is incomparable. I am unique. I am everything. Can you believe it? Just look at me, look at what I am! I'm going to unleash myself now, are you ready, faggot? I am going to be more beautiful, more powerful. I can feel it, I can feel it coming out!" "Yes... yes please...!" Brett's body seemed to glow. Brett's eyes were fixed on his image, not moving. He didn't move a muscle. "Tell me what these muscles look like. Look at them. So strong, so big, so hard. Can you believe the kind of man I am? Tell me what they look like." "Your muscles are amazing, Brett. So huge. So strong. I've never seen anything like them. Your skin is perfect. Your chest is so big and your pecs are so massive. You have the most incredible abs, Brett, they are so strong, so hard, so muscular. Your shoulders are so huge, your lats are so wide, like wings. Your biceps, they are so big, so hard, so veiny, so masculine. And your forearms, they are so strong and so manly. I love the veins. And your quads! Your legs are so big and strong. Even your fingers, they are so big and your hands, your hands, Oh Brett, they are so big and masculine. Everything is so macho, your whole body is perfect. Your feet, they are so big, your toes, I love your toes. I can't believe I'm looking at your body Brett, I can't believe it. It's so strong, so many muscles. It's perfect. You are incredible Brett. You are the most virile man in the world. You are perfect. There is nobody more man than you. You are the alpha male." "Damn, bitch. You're really getting into this, aren't you? I love the way you are in awe of my body. I'm not going to hold back any longer. I'm going to go all the way. It won't be easy for you. You might even faint, but you've gotta deal with this. You have to breathe calmly, you have to keep control of yourself. I don't want you to faint, I've had enough of that. If I want someone to faint, I'll make them faint myself. Handle it." "Yes, Brett, I can handle it. Please make me yours. I need it, I want it, I'll do anything for it." "That's what I like to hear. Good faggot. Show me what you are made of. Prove to me that you're the best faggot I've got. Now watch as I show you the power that I really have! I am going to show you. My whole body will be in total tension, my muscles will explode! I can feel the energy flowing through my body. I can feel the waves of vibration being released. Look at me, faggot, look at me as I become a god!" "Yesssss..." "Feel the power emanating from my body" At that moment Brett bent down and picked up two thick chains from the floor. The chains were bolted into the wall on either side of the barn, normally used to secure a bull before it is required to mate. Both chains had a large ring at the end. So Brett stuck his hands through these rings, clenched his fists around them and lifted the heavy chain. His palms were facing up, the backs of his hands to the ground. Slowly he brought his arms up, the weight of the chains immediately giving them a good pump. He now stood with his arms outstretched, parallel to the floor. More and more his body began to flex, his hands moving a little further towards his shoulders, lifting the chains further. The ends in the wall were bolted at about hip height, so the ends in his hands came higher, causing the chains to slant upwards towards him. The chains were now at full tension, stretching all the way from the wall to his claws. His arms were now spread out, his palms still facing up. His elbow was slightly bent down and his fists were now just below the line of his shoulders. It was as if he wanted to flex his arms in a double biceps pose, but the chains prevented the arms from rising any higher. It looked almighty. Brett started to pull on the chains with all his strength, so that his body was at full tension in every muscle he had. Brett began to pull, flexing every muscle in his body. All the while he watched himself in the mirror. He looked inhuman. His arms stretched out like that, his lats snapping out, it was like watching an eagle spread its wings. It was godlike. It was supernatural. It was Brett. Robbie felt something he had never felt before. He felt a sensation radiating from Brett. It was a sensation of pure, raw, unfiltered, primal power, strength, dominance and masculinity. His mind began to spin, his breathing became heavier. Brett could see his body starting to react, his veins popping out more and more. It was happening everywhere, his biceps, his forearms and his neck. His traps and delts began to swell. His body contracted the muscles and they swelled even more, the veins bulging, the blood rushing through his veins, he felt it now. As his body continued to swell, he pulled even harder on the chains, without moving. But it had the effect of pushing his muscles even harder, increasing the pump even more. "Fuck, I can feel it! It's coming. It's going to happen. Look at it bulging!!" Robbie stood entranced by the sight of the swelling body. Brett was flexing like never before. His arms and upper body were really straining now. The brothers could almost see the muscles moving, it was as if the blood was pumping directly into his muscles and the veins could not keep up. They were twitching like crazy. Robbie watched with his mouth open. Brett was pulling on the chains like mad, he could feel his muscles burning now, they were swelling even more, as if the muscles had a personality of their own. "It's coming, it's happening!" The veins on his forearms looked like they were about to explode, and the veins on his biceps were so large you could easily follow them up to his shoulders. "Fuck, my muscles are bursting! They're so strong!" Brett could hardly contain his excitement. "Look at these fucking guns! This is it! Fuck, I can't believe how big they are! Look at these fuckers! Look at my chest! My fucking lats, I've never had them spread out like this before! These abs, look at them, they are so big and hard! Feel it, bitch! Go on, touch them! Touch 'em, keep going, they're so hard and muscular, you've never seen this before!" Robbie didn't hesitate. He ran to his brother, his cock throbbing with excitement, and began to touch the hard, bulging muscles. "Yes, feel my strength! Feel the power of my muscles! It's overwhelming, isn't it? Look at my quads! Fuck, they are so big and strong! You've never seen such legs! Look at these calves. They are so big and meaty! Look at the thickness of my thighs! I have such a giant and powerful cock! You wouldn't believe how much cum is in there, so much cum! So thick and virile! Can you feel my heart beating in my muscles? It is so intense! They are pulsing with life and power! Pulsing with testosterone! So much energy, so much strength, it is overwhelming! You've never seen a man so manly, have you, baby brother?" "Oh my God, your jockstrap... it can't hold it... oh God, it's so big, it's huge, it's monstrous... it's..." "That's right, you little bitch. Look at that cock! You've never seen anything like it, have you? I can't even contain it. Look how much it's straining against the fabric of my jockstrap. That's the cock of a fucking stallion. An alpha male. The biggest and the best. It is a beast. And you can't wait to get it, can you, little bro?" His scream grew louder, he felt his arms contract, they were bulging like never before. His body was shaking uncontrollably, his head was flushing. It was his whole body now. Everything was bursting like hell. Every muscle was starting to pop out more than ever. His feet, stuck in the soles of his flip flops, expanded like a monster about to burst out of his body. They began to put pressure on the straps. The veins crossed from his toes through his feet and ankles to his calves and shins. They looked like snakes crawling under his skin. "Fuck, my veins, they're so big! My muscles, they're so strong, I can't stand the sight of them. Just look!" The split in his calves was becoming more visible, the veins bulging so hard he could almost hear them. His thighs were the biggest they had ever been. They looked like trees. The veins were everywhere, the distance between the heads of his quads was exaggerated. His abs were rock hard, each one of them pushing out further than anyone had ever thought possible. Robbie could wrap his entire hand around every single block of granite. The obliques were also popping. The vein on the right side looked like it was going to burst through the skin at any moment. "OM MY GOD! I CAN FEEL IT! IT'S COMING!" Brett pulled on the chains with all his might, his eyes closed, his face grimacing, his mouth open and his head tilted slightly backwards. "OH FUCK!" Brett's back muscles stretched outwards and upwards, his delts were so big and strong, his pecs were huge and swollen, his chest stretched outwards and upwards. The muscles were bulging with such force that you could almost hear it. It was an insane sight. He pulled harder, his biceps were so thick the veins in his forearms pulsed, his forearms were so huge and thick, his fists were so clenched the veins and tendons in his hands burst. "GRRRRR!! FUUUUCK!" His jaw was incredibly wide, the veins in his neck protruding so far that his neck was wider than his head. His traps were like mountains with veins as their rivers. It was insane, he could not believe what he was seeing. "AAAAAARRGHHHH!!! I'M GOING TO BURST! MY MUSCLES ARE HUGE!! MY WHOLE BODY IS PUMPING!" Robbie was amazed. Brett was the most handsome, manly man in the world. There was no doubt about it. Brett was the most masculine, the strongest, the best, the most perfect, the most dominant man that had ever lived. Nobody could ever beat Brett. He was a god, a true god. "OH FUCK!" The edges of the jock pouch were now completely out of contact with his body, his huge, thick, juicy cock fighting for freedom, the pouch unable to contain the mass, the huge, round, low hanging balls, swollen with cum. The veins were bulging. Robbie had a peek behind the fabric where he could see the biggest balls and fattest shaft ever. The glans was pushing the bag further and further away from his body. The straps were straining, any further and they would break from the sheer force of his manhood. "AAARGHH! MY ARMS, MY LEGS, EVERYTHING! OOOH, IT'S COMING, IT'S HERE! OH FUCK! CAN YOU BELIEVE HOW BIG I AM? CAN YOU BELIEVE HOW IT FEELS TO BE ME?!!! OOOH, I'M SO MANLY! I'M SO STRONG, SO MANLY, SO TOUGH. OOOOOOHHH! AAAARRRGGGGHHH!" Brett's screams were so loud they sounded like thunder. They echoed through the valley. "MY BODY! IT'S GOING INTO OVERDRIVE! MY VEINS ARE BURSTING, I'M GETTING BIGGER! MY BODY, IT'S EXPLODING WITH TESTOSTERONE! I'M SO BIG, SO STRONG, SO BEAUTIFUL, I'M THE PICTURE OF PERFECTION! I'M THE FINEST SPECIMEN THERE IS, I'M THE ULTIMATE, I'M THE ONE, I'M THE ONLY ONE. "YEEEEEAAAHHHHHHH!!! OOOH, I'VE GOT IT NOW! YEEESSS, IT'S HERE! OH FUUCKKK!! I AM SO GODDAMN BEAUTIFUL, OH GOD I AM GOING TO EXPLODE! The veins were twitching under his skin, his hard clenching muscles looked like they were about to explode. Head, neck, traps, delts, arms, chest, abs, lats, back, groin, ass, thighs, calves, feet, everything was so bulging with strength and masculinity. Brett looked like he had never looked before, he was a walking adonis. He looked like no one on earth had ever looked. There was no one who could ever compare. His body was perfection itself. His face, his body, his muscles, his hair, his voice, his smell, his virility. He was from another planet. He was inhuman. God-like. At this point it looked as if the veins couldn't find the space any more, they grew so thick that all the veins were just completely visible. It was the only way they could go. Every muscle in his body was tensed and pushed to the limit. It was muscle on muscle. The muscles had to fight with each other to make room for each other. So the only way they could get out was to make the veins thicker than they already were, the veins couldn't get thicker, so the whole vein had to be pushed up to get bigger. All these muscles at maximum tension was pure perfection. It could not get any bigger, any harder, in fact it looked more massive. The segregation became extremely visible, muscles that had never existed before began to pop out. And every single muscle had to cope with the power that Brett had. Even his feet. They were now so bulky that the straps of his flip-flops could no longer hold. The pressure was simply too much and his feet were breaking through. His entire body strength was now putting so much pressure on the chains that the bolts holding them in place were beginning to move. The chains that were supposed to hold back wild bulls were now beginning to lose the battle to this god of a man. The muscles must have a life of their own. They were so incredibly tight and large that they had no room left. They could only go one way: out. Getting longer, fatter, stronger. Getting even bigger. "OH GOD, HERE IT COMES! I CAN'T CONTROL MYSELF ANY MORE! I'M GOING TO EXPLODE!I'M GOING TO EXPLODE, LITTLE BROTHER, HOLD ON!OH GOD, I'M GOING TO EXPLODE.LOOK AT IT. OH GOD, YOU CAN'T HANDLE IT, IT'S JUST TOO MUCH, IT'S ALL TOO MUCH FOR YOU.LOOK, YOU'RE GOING TO EXPLODE JUST BEING IN MY PRESENCE, LOOK AT YOU, YOUR PENIS IS EXPLODING.IT'S JUST TOO BEAUTIFUL FOR YOU.MY BODY, IT'S SO MANLY, I CAN'T BELIEVE IT.YOU CAN'T HANDLE IT.JUST FEEL IT. JUST FUCKING FEEL IT! I'M GROWING!" Robbie was completely overwhelmed, not even seeming to notice that his penis was releasing a steady stream of cum. It was indescribable. He saw his big brother, his great role model, the ultimate paragon of masculinity, getting bigger. Bigger, stronger, taller and even more handsome. Robbie could see his brother's muscles growing. Everything was growing. His arms, his wrists, his shoulders, his pecs. He was getting wider, he was getting longer, he was getting stronger. It was physically impossible, but it wasn't, because it was happening. The most beautiful man there was became even more beautiful. Every muscle had to grow with him. They had no choice. He had to be more than before. His face was a work of art. He looked like the perfect statue of the perfect man, the epitome of beauty. Every muscle was sculpted like no other. It was an explosion of power, true power. Brett needed to pull so hard that the bolts in the walls started to come loose. It was not possible. But he had to do even more. The chains needed to be longer. The bolts began to give way, the wall shuddered. His screams could be heard across the county. They could be heard around the world. Every fibre of his body was stretched to the limit. His eyes rolled back in his head, his whole body shook, his muscles twitched. His cock was stretching the jockstrap to the absolute limit. He could no longer hold back. He could not contain the enormous power. It was impossible. The jockstrap could not hold the power. It was not made for the likes of him. "FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKKKKKKKK!!!!!! SNAP! With a loud rip, the seams of the jockstrap gave way and Brett's huge cock and balls exploded outwards. It was like a rocket being fired from its hangar. The fabric shot off his body like a bullet. His huge cock towered straight up to the ceiling, his huge balls hanging down below. They were the biggest that had ever existed. Robbie couldn't believe it. "Holy shit!" He just looked at his godlike penis, it was so thick and long, and the biggest testicles, the biggest balls in the universe. Robbie could not stop staring at his cock and balls. His head was spinning, he couldn't think straight. He could not believe his eyes. His brain was completely fried. He just stood there with his mouth wide open, drool running down his chin, trying to compose himself as Brett instructed. Robbie heard the sound of the chains going to break. It was a chilling sound. He could see the bolts in the wall being ripped out, the wall trembling. He knew that his brother was the strongest, the biggest, the manliest. He knew he was the toughest. He desperately wanted to reach for his brother's cock, but he had to get out of the way or he'd be smashed. He stepped back before the chains flew into his face, his eyes fixed on the sight of his brother. "JUST A LITTLE MORE! I NEED JUST A LITTLE MORE! HERE I GO, HERE IT COMES! The chains stretched as Brett pulled with his arms, his feet grinding against the floor. The muscles in his legs and ass were bulging with tension. His huge, thick quads and calves, his huge glutes, his whole body was flexed like never before. Robbie could see the growth. He could see his muscles growing. He could see the explosion. It was simply unbelievable. "AAAH, I'M SO CLOSE! I'M SO DAMN CLOSE YOU LITTLE SHIT! CAN'T YOU SEE? Robbie was frozen in shock and awe, he could only watch the show on display in front of him. He saw the muscles bulge even more. He saw the veins, tendons and sinews bursting and stretching to their limits. "AAAAAHHHHHH..." His fists could not get any closer to his shoulders. His arms were so bulging that it looked as if he would not be able to bend them. But he was going to. His biceps were larger than ever. It was impossible, but the biceps were so thick and strong that the veins in them were like ropes. His forearms and hands were so bulging you could barely recognise the human form. "AAAAAHHHHHHHHHH..." Robbie heard the bolts in the wall crack. He could hear the metal tearing and breaking. It was a terrifying sound. "AAAAAHHH, LOOK WHO I AM! I'M THE STRONGEST, THE MOST HANDSOME, THE BIGGEST, THE TOUGHEST, THE MANLIEST, THE ALPHA. I AM THE BEST MAN ON EARTH!" With that, he was able to flex his arms with one last jerk, bringing his arms even higher, now standing in the most extreme double biceps pose ever seen. The ultimate burst of strength had ripped the chains from the wall, the bolts flying against his body, but he didn't even flinch, the metal bouncing off his muscles like rubber balls. "YESSSSSSS!!!" With an almighty roar he flexed his entire body as the chains came loose, his massive biceps flexing beyond anything humanly possible, his pecs the biggest they had ever been, his lats so wide and strong, his legs the longest, the biggest, the hardest, the thickest. "GRRRR!!!!" The veins in his neck and torso were so hard and long, it was crazy. His abs were so hard and thick, the blocks were as big as bricks. Robbie was completely overcome by the sight, he couldn't believe his eyes. He had to touch him, he just had to. "AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!" His screams were deafening. The mountains trembled with fear, the valley shook and the trees swayed. His eyes looked at himself in the mirror as he exploded with power. It was the greatest flexing he had ever done, his muscles literally had to stretch beyond their limits and set their new ones. It was an amazing sight. He couldn't believe how beautiful he was. He was the picture of perfection. His body was simply flawless, every muscle in place, his face so masculine, his hair, his skin. It was perfect. Brett looked down at his cock, he could not believe the size of it, even that had grown. He could feel the heat, the energy. He could feel the power and the virility. It was overwhelming. "AAAAAHHHH, IT'S SO GOOD. I'M SO DAMN BIG, SO STRONG, SO MANLY! CAN YOU BELIEVE I FUCKING PULLED THE CHAINS OUT OF THE WALL? I'M STRONGER THAN A FUCKING BULL!YOU'RE LUCKY YOU GET TO SEE THIS!" Robbie looked at his massive brother. He was huge. He had to be at least 6.8 ft tall now, which meant he had grown at least 4 inches. Absolute madness. His arms, which seemed to be about 22 inches before, were now closer to 25 inches and look better proportioned than ever. Could that possibly have been done without looking exaggerated? For it is the best-looking arm ever. His body weight must have gained 30 or 40 pounds, that's how heavy that extra mass must be. And his cock. His bigger than a child's arm cock. Brett knew of course, an hour ago it had been just over 10 inches. But now it had to be well over a foot long, more like 13 inches, and as thick as Robbie's arm. The knob was enormous, the size of his fist. The shaft was so thick, so long and so beautiful. It was so perfectly shaped and proportioned. Robbie couldn't stop looking at his brother's huge penis. It was just so perfect. His balls were the size of small softballs, so round and so huge, they were so heavy. His brown ball sack could fit the whole of Robbie's crotch, it hung so low. The balls were extremely contoured and even had veins on them. He could barely hold them in. It was almost impossible not to gawp at the sight. He couldn't stop thinking about how sexy his brother looked. He was the epitome of beauty. His body was so chiseled, so ripped. It was simply the ideal body. "Brett.. oh my god. You're so.." Brett was the biggest man, the strongest man. "What are you?" Robbie looked at the muscles. "Are you a god?" He didn't know how else to describe it. His body was just perfect, so perfect, like a sculpture. "You're so perfect, I don't even know how to describe it. You are the most handsome, the most beautiful, the manliest, the strongest, the biggest, the best. I'm sorry, I can't explain. Just look at yourself, you're a walking statue." He was so impressed. "You're so perfect. No, you're beyond perfect. You are the perfect example of the ideal male specimen." Brett's cock was still pointing straight up in the air, pulsing. He could see the thick veins moving along his huge shaft, the big pink purple glans leaking pre-cum. He was horny as hell. He needed to test his own strength against his little brother. "You want this! You're going to get this! You're going to feel the power, the strength!" Robbie's heart was racing. He wanted his big brother to beat him up. He just couldn't help himself, he loved getting his ass kicked. It turned him on. Brett was so much bigger, so much stronger. Robbie had to obey him. He had no choice. His brother was so much superior. "Yes, I'm coming." He was shaking but he was able to walk towards his big brother. His cock was throbbing hard, his body was sweating. He could barely contain his excitement. Brett looked down at his little brother and grinned. "I'm going to fuck you up, baby bro!" Robbie couldn't control his erection, it was just too much for him. He had to deal with it. It was throbbing like crazy, it hurt. It wasn't normal, he was getting close. "AAAH, I HAVE TO DO IT!" Brett just smiled and watched as his little brother compared the size of his cock to his own massive one, taking it all in mentally. But there was no comparison at all. Brett's cock was so much bigger. "Take this!" Brett grabbed his little brother, lifting him between his arms and pressing him against his body. Robbie's cock was pushed into the deep crevice of Brett's abdominal muscles. He felt his brother's massive cock now poking through his legs and pressing against his sack. Brett began to squeeze him harder. His thick, powerful arms were crushing him. He could feel his little brother struggling but his little body had no chance against those huge arms. They were far too strong. His thick, bulging biceps, his huge traps, his broad delts, his chest, his abs. Robbie couldn't believe the strength of his big brother. It was amazing. "AAAHH, OOOH GOD, YOUR ARMS, THEY'RE SO BIG! AAAAHH, I'M SCREAMING, YOUR ARMS ARE TOO STRONG, IT HURTS, THEY'RE TOO STRONG!" He could feel his ribs being squashed, he couldn't breathe. He tried to move, but he couldn't. He was completely immobilised. Brett was so much bigger, he was stronger, he was tougher. "Haha, that's right bitch, scream for me. You can't do anything, you're just a weak little bitch, I'm the alpha. Feel how strong I am!" Robbie was getting harder and harder, the pain and pleasure just overwhelming him. He couldn't stop screaming. He loved it. He could feel his brother's hard cock rubbing against his ass, it was so thick, it was so hot. He could feel his balls and his legs against his shaft, it was so thick. He was completely overwhelmed. He wanted his brother to fuck him, he had to. "AAAAH, IT'S SO BIG! YOU'RE SO BIG, IT HURTS! AAAH, I LOVE IT!" He could feel his chest giving way, he could feel his lungs collapsing. He could feel his heart bursting, he could feel his eyes bursting. His bones were going to crack. "AAAAAAHHHHHHH!!" Brett just laughed. "Hahaha, you're so fucking weak, hahaha, I'm so much bigger than you. You can't do anything against me, baby bro. I'm about to crush you." His arms continued to crush his little brother, his muscles flexing, his veins popping out. He could feel his ribs giving way. "AAAHH, OH GOD, PLEASE DON'T KILL ME! AAAHH, MY GOD, PLEASE, AAAAHHH!" He could feel his bones turning to dust, his lungs collapsing, his heart exploding. His eyes rolled back in his head, his tongue lolling out of his mouth. He began to lose consciousness. "OH GOD, PLEASE, STOP, IT HURTS, PLEASE..." Brett grinned, his teeth flashing in the translucent sunlight. He squeezed his arms harder. "AAAHH, FUUUUUUCK!" He made him catch his breath just in time before all his ribs, his whole body, exploded. Robbie was coughing and gasping for air. "I can't breathe!" Robbie coughed and gasped. He was panting and spitting. "AAH, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME?! "I own you and your life. I control you. I control everything!" And once again he was pressing his little brother against his massive frame, his thick, muscular arms wrapped around him. His biceps bulging and squeezing. His little brother could feel the immense power. He was in pain, but he couldn't help but be turned on. With every thrust he felt his load rise, with every squeeze his cock throbbed. He could feel the pressure building inside him. It was unbearable. "AAAH, NO, NO, NO, NO! I'M CUMMING, I'M GOING TO EXPLODE!" And then Brett released the pressure, the air rushed into his lungs, the cum stopped bursting. "NO, NO, I'M GOING TO EXPLODE, IT'S SO HARD, I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!" "It's all my demand! I can do whatever I want to you! I can make you cum or not. I can finish you completely. Do you understand?" "Y-yes! Aaahh, it's so hard, I can't take it anymore, it's too much! Brett just grinned. "Good baby bro. Now you'll have a taste of what true manhood is all about. Brett had a grin on his face, his eyes were shining. Robbie was shaking, he couldn't take it anymore, he was going to burst. He was desperate. He had to obey his big brother, he had to. "Please, I'll do anything. Just let me shoot ... Please. "Beg for it." Robbie was shaking. He lifted his chin, his eyes now staring straight into his beautiful brother's. He was so lost. "Please. Please, let me cum. Please." "No. You will beg harder. You will do everything I say and then you can shoot. You will beg until you can't beg no more. Beg for it." Robbie's mind was in a haze. He was going crazy. "Please, please. I'll do anything. I'll let you fuck me, I'll let you beat me up, I'll let you do whatever you want. Just please, please. Let me cum!" "Beg more. Beg harder. Tell me who I am and what I can do?" Robbie was shaking, his eyes were watering, he was so desperate. "You're the biggest, the strongest, the toughest. You're the manliest man ever. You're the biggest, the strongest, the toughest. You're the best. Please, please, let me cum. I'll do anything." "Tell me who's in charge." "You. You're in charge." "Good baby bro." And with that, Brett straightened his arms and squeezed his little brother again. Robbie trembled. "Now tell me how you love me. Tell me who I am." "GOD, PLEASE, I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU, YOU'RE SO GREAT, SO STRONG, SO BEAUTIFUL, SO HOT, SO AMAZING. YOU'RE THE BEST." His cum was almost exploding now, his consciousness fading. "WHO AM I? WHO DO YOU SHOOT YOUR LOAD FOR?" Robbie could barely hold himself up, his vision blurred. "YOU. YOU'RE THE ONE. YOU ARE MY WORLD! YOU ARE MY GOOOOOOOODDDDDD!!!!!!" Robbie screamed, Brett's thick arms were wrapped around him, squeezing so hard that his cum burst through his body. His vision was white, he was in total surrender, his head was spinning. He couldn't stop. "YOU ARE MY GOAAAADDDDD!!!!! YOU ARE MY WORLD!!!!!" Robbie's eyes rolled back into his head, his mind went blank, his body spasmed, his pre-cum squirted out of his dick, his whole body shook. And then, suddenly, the pressure was gone. "NOOOOOOO!!!" Brett dropped him to the ground, his body shuddering. His vision was slowly coming back, his mind trying to process what had just happened. His cock was still hard as a rock, wanting to explode. Brett was in absolute control. He lay down and pulled his little brother's body towards him. Brett put his lower back on the massive left thigh, it was so thick it covered a large part of the Robbie's back. His collosal right thigh stretched over the entire crotch and stomach area, Robbie's cock just sticking out and pushing against the granite muscle. Robbie's body was now trapped between the giant thighs, then the ankles locked. He had the most amazing view on the behemoth cock in front of him. Brett began to slowly squeeze his legs, his little brother trapped helplessly between them. Brett leand on his left elbow and watched his power having the control of his little brother's body. Suddenly, Robbie felt a tremendous pressure on his body. The strength of his brother's thighs was unbearable. "Do you feel the power? Do you feel your body being expanded? Do you feel the life being squeezed out of you? Brett's muscular thighs flexed, his legs bulging and thickening. Robbie's cock pulsed. His whole body was shaking. Brett smiled. "There's nothing you can do about it! You're completely at my mercy! Feel how strong I am, how much more superior I am. Feel the power! He squeezed his legs tighter and tighter, the pressure was immense, his whole body was quivering, his heart was pounding. He gasped for air, his lungs burning. Brett grinned. "You're not getting away! You can't do anything. You're mine now, forever. Feel how good it is. I can see you panting. I can see the desire in your eyes. You're addicted to me. You love me, you're obsessed with me. Let my cock feel your desire. Lick it and the air will flow back into you". Robbie was desperate. Desperate for air, desperate to cum, desperate to lick the giant cock. So he didn't think twice and licked the massive shaft. The moment his tongue touched it, the air flowed back into him. It felt so good. The cock, the air, the muscles around him. He was in total bliss. His cock was so close to bursting. "Oh God, oh God. It's so big, so hard. I'm losing my mind." He was drooling, his eyes rolling back. "'Yeah, it's all you ever dreamed of! I'm all you've ever wanted! Everybody wants me! And you are the lucky one! I will squeeze everything out of you and fill you up more than you can imagine! You can't believe how lucky you are! You want to implode from the pressure, you want to explode as I fill you up! It's too much for you, it's too much for you. I will show you how big your orgasm can be! Feel it! Feel the pressure! It will feel like the biggest you've ever had! Tell me you want it! Tell me how much you want it! Beg for it!" "AAAAAAAH, YESSSSSS, PLEASE, I WANT IT, I WANT IT. I WANT YOU. SQUEEZE IT OUT OF ME, OOOOHH, YEAH, IT'S SO MUCH, I'M SO CLOSE. I'M GOING TO EXPLODE. I'M LOSING MY MIND". Brett squeezed him harder and harder. "AAAHH, IT'S TOO MUCH. IT'S SO BIG, IT'S SO MUCH. IT'S EVERYTHING. I'M GONNA DIE. PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!" Brett just laughed. "You are such a baby bro! Begging for it. You can't live without me! You're mine forever! Mine, mine, mine!" He squeezed harder and harder, the pressure overwhelming, the pain and pleasure so intense. Robbie's cock twitched, the pressure building. His mind began to lose consciousness again. "I can't stand it, it's too much. Please, please. It's too much. I'm dying," his voice faded. Brett just grinned. "You love this, don't you? Beg me to let you cum for me! Beg for it. You're mine. Forever." "YES, YES, I'M YOURS, I'M YOURS. I'M YOUR SLAVE. PLEASE, LET ME CUM, LET ME CUM FOR YOU BIG BROTHER, PLEASE. I'M YOURS. Brett laughed, his massive right arm thrown up in the air, exposing the world's biggest biceps. Robbie couldn't stand it. The sight of it, the feeling, he couldn’t stop screaming ,he couldn't stop looking at that immense bicep. It was so big, so perfect, it was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. The veins were bursting, the muscles bulging. It was the most amazing thing. He was shaking, his cock was twitching. "YESSSS!! SHOOT NOW! CUM FOR YOUR GOD! HERE YOU GO!" With that last squeeze of his legs and the flexing of his arm, the whole world seemed to explode. Brett's muscles flexed and tightened. And with that, Robbie came. He exploded. His cock shot streams of cum like it had never done before. He had never had an orgasm like this before, it was all over his brother's huge thigh. Robbie couldn't stand it any longer. The feeling was too intense, the sight too much. His eyes rolled back and his body shook and felt like it was going to explode. Just before he passed out, his brother released the pressure and he was able to breathe again. His mind was filled with the afterglow. "Wh-what was that? It was so good! It was insane!" Brett smiled. "That's the power I possess! The power of a real man! It's what only I can make you feel!" "Th-that was amazing. Brett's smile widened. "That was just a taste of what's to come." Robbie could hardly hear what his brother was saying. "W-what? "I told you, the power of a real man." while still flexing his right arm. Brett's cock was rock hard and he began to stroke it slowly. "And now I'm going to show you. Brett stood up and walked to the mirror. His left side was slightly turned towards it. "Get on your knees in front of me!" Robbie was now on his knees before his god. Brett looked insanely tall. He just stood there, every muscle bulging and glistening. His cock was rock hard. His arms made him wider than he could possibly be, holding them a little away from his body while hanging low. It was a massive frame. His fists were pushed forward a little, just like his cock. His stood there, just relaxed. But every muscle looked like it had been blown up. The veins were everywhere. The abs were bricks. Robbie almost couldn't see the angelic face because his brother's pecs were too big. It was like a fortress of flesh. He was the biggest, the hottest, the strongest, the most handsome. But he could see his brother's eyes scanning his own reflection in the mirror. He took in his massive muscles. His smile was the most beautiful, arrogant, proud smile ever seen. The look in his eyes, they were filled with lust and wanting to see his own bigger than ever body. Robbie could see it in the mirror as he looked back over his right shoulder. Then he felt his brother's eyes meet his own. His brother was staring right at him. His eyes piercing him. Brett grabbed the base of his cock with his right hand and pushed it down towards his little brother's face. Robbie turned his face towards it, he couldn't believe the size of it, even more so from this angle. He was now looking at the entire length of it. From the head in front of him to the base, held in place by the massive claw. Robbie was astonished. The thickness of it, the length, the girth, the veins, the brown shaft, the dark pink head gleaming. "Take it!" Robbie put his left hand around the middle of the shaft, he couldn't even close his hand around it. Brett was able to let go of the dick and hold his pose, arms outstretched far from his body, hanging low. He was the biggest man in the world. He was a titan. "Now suck my cock. Robbie was shaking, his heart was racing. He couldn't believe what was happening. He was so excited, but so scared. He slowly moved his lips to the head of Brett's cock. "Do it. Robbie swallowed, his throat was dry. He slowly moved his lips to the head of Brett's cock. It was so big. It was so hard to get the head in his mouth but it felt amazing. He started to move his head slowly, trying to get as much as he could. He could feel his own cock getting harder again. He tried to squeeze the helmet in, causing it to massage the throbbing head, causing Brett's pre-cum to ooze out. He began to bob his head, trying to take more of it. "Can you believe you're gonna take the whole thing?" Brett grinned. "That's right. You're going to take the whole thing. But start with the whole head, baby bro!" Robbie's eyes began to water as he tried to take it all in. It was so big. His jaws were so wide open. It was a massive helmet. But he needed it. He craved it. Its mouth was so full that saliva tried to push out, but was trapped by the huge intruder. He looked up at his brother. Brett was staring down at him, his head tilted forward a little to see past his mountainous pecs. His eyes were so green, so penetrating. He was so tall, so strong, so manly. His posture was strong and firm. Every muscle was bulging. He was a god and he made his little brother worship him. Brett could see the tears in his little brother's eyes. He could see the need, the desire. The lust. Robbie tried to take the head deeper but it was so hard. It was so big, so thick, so heavy. It forced his mouth open, his jaw hurt. Brett just smiled. "Prove yourself. Prove you can take it. His words pierced through his body. He knew he needed it. But it was so big. His little brother was determined. He would do it. He would make his god proud. He pushed himself down, trying to take more. The massive piss slit was now touching the back of his throat. Brett began to grunt. "That's it, baby bro, keep going. Keep taking it. Robbie pushed harder and harder, his head now hitting his gag reflex, his mouth getting fuller and fuller, his teeth now pushing into the hard glans. It was a tight fit, it was so hard, he needed it so badly. He pushed but couldn't go any further. "I-it's so big." he thought. Brett's grin grew wider. "Come on, you can do better. Come on. Take the head. TAKE THE HEAD. RELAX YOUR THROAT! TAKE IT!" Robbie breathed heavily through his nose. He tried to relax his throat. His mouth was so full. It was so hard. "TAKE IT! TAKE THE WHOLE HEAD. It was so big. It was so hard. Robbie's mind was swimming. He could feel his own cock was rock hard. He could feel Brett's thick, warm pre-cum in his mouth. His heart was going a mile a minute. He was so scared, but so excited. He tried to relax his throat, Brett was pushing a little now. The massive helmet was bursting in his mouth. His cheeks were exploding outwards. His chin hong as low as ever thought it would. The helmet was pushing and pulsing against his throat as if it was knocking on a door. The precum oozing out. Robbie's eyes were extremely watering. It was so big. It was so thick. Ha gagged a bit as his throat was being stretched to its limit. Brett gave it the final push it needed "Make me feel proud baby bro!" FLOP! It was in. The head was in. His front teeth were now over the edge of the crown, against the massive shaft. Robbie could barely breathe. He closed his eyes and concentrated on his throat. It had to relax. It had to welcome its guest. He could feel his throat expanding, he could feel the head of Brett's cock entering his throat. He had opened the door, or rather it had burst through the door. The pre-cum flooded his mouth, his nose. "YEAAH... That's it baby bro! Damn you want it so bad!" Brett could feel Robbie's throat expand around his cock. It was so tight, so hot. The head was now outlined in his throat, Brett couldn't believe the sight. His little brother's throat was expanding to accommodate his massive cock. It was unbelievable. It looked even more ridiculous in the mirror. "Look at that, can you see it in your throat? Robbie opened his eyes, his vision blurred. He tried to focus, he tried to see as much as possible in the mirror to his right, he even turned his head a little. His eyes widened. The head of his brother's massive cock was clearly visible in his throat. It was incredible. He could feel it pulsing. It was so hot. It was so huge. His brother was just standing there. He looked so massive. So big. So huge. "Look at it. Look at my dick in your throat. Robbie's mind was swimming. He was so scared, but so excited. He was so turned on. His cock was rock hard. But he also saw the rest of the shaft that hadn't reached his mouth yet. The massive veins that ran down the length of it. The thick, round, heavy balls. They were so big they looked like little softballs. "Ready to take it all? Robbie stared at the shaft. It was so big. His heart was pounding and his eyes were watering. His jaw was already clenched to the max, his throat was full. How could it get any bigger? "I said, are you ready for this?" Robbie wanted to say something, but he couldn't. He was gagging and choking, but the head was already blocking his whole throat. He was panicking, his heart was racing, he was struggling to breathe. "Take a deep breath! Brett was still grinning, but his eyes were piercing. Robbie was staring back at him, his eyes full of panic but also full of desire, he was shaking. "Don't worry, baby bro. I'll make you take it all. And you'll love it. You'll never forget it." He was so motivated to take it all. He had to. This was his moment to prove himself. He needed his brother so much. "Yes, your throat is wrapped around it. See? The head is going down. Oh my God, I can see it slipping down. Robbie's eyes rolled back, his hands started to shake. His body was convulsing. "Ohhh yeeeaahh, that's it. Your throat is stretching around it. Robbie could see the massive shaft in his throat sliding down. It was unbelievable, it was obscene. He couldn't believe it, he was amazed, excited and terrified. "Yeeeaaahh, it's so fucking hot. Your neck. Look at your neck! It's widening. You can see the outline of my dick! Robbie couldn't believe it. He could feel the shaft penetrating deeper and deeper. His brother was slowly pushing his cock deeper, inch by inch. It was unbelievable. "Look! Robbie opened his eyes again, his vision blurred. "Hmmpff "What? Say that again. Robbie made the sound again. "Ohhhh, I see. His brother's voice was teasing. "You want to talk with my fat cock in your throat. "Nod your head. Robbie nodded his head as his brother's cock pushed even deeper. "Yes, I can feel it. You're talking with my cock down your throat. You know how to make your big brother feel good. Robbie couldn't help it. His brother's dirty talk was driving him wild. Robbie could see the head moving slowly down his throat. It was astonishing. "See how much bigger I am than you? Robbie could see how big his brother's cock was. "You're doing such a good job. Robbie's heart was pounding. The compliment made him feel so good. He was so nervous, but so excited. He couldn't believe what was happening. His own cock was throbbing, the sight of his brother's cock down his throat was so erotic, so outrageously obscene. "Look at the rest. Look how much more is left. Robbie could see the thick, hard shaft sticking out of his mouth. "That's right. Look at the size of my cock. The pre-cum flowed down his throat. "Yeah, that's it. You're taking it. You're taking it all. Brett's smile increased, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "I'm gonna feed you, baby bro. I'll feed you. I'll give ya everything. Brett could see his cock going slowly down his brother's throat. Robbie's neck was growing even wider than his head. The skin was stretching so much that you could even see the cock pulsing and throbbing within. "Yes, your neck is stretching, I can see the veins. Oh my God. MY veins... I can see my veins. I can see them on your skin! Brett looked into the mirror, his eyes wide, his mouth slightly open. He could see the outline of the thick vein running up the side of his cock. "Your neck is so hot. It's stretching. I can see the vein. Robbie's eyes watered, his face flushed, his hands shaking. He couldn't believe it, but it was true. His brother was feeding him with his huge cock. "Your throat is wrapped around my cock. I can see it moving. Robbie could feel it, his throat wrapped around the massive shaft. He could feel every vein, every muscle. The head was now reaching the top of his chest. "I can see it going deeper and deeper. I'm stretching your throat so wide. Robbie stared at the cock going further down his throat. His jaw was now completely open, the sides of his mouth pushed outwards. It was almost all in. Brett could feel Robbie's throat tightening, his body struggling. But he wasn't about to stop. He went for it all. "Yeah, look at it. It's almost in. Brett was so excited he couldn't believe how his little brother's throat was stretching, his veins bulging, his eyes watering. "Yeah, that's it. That's all there is! Brett could feel his cock sliding down Robbie's throat. "YEAH, YOU TOOK IT!" Robbie could feel Brett's cock filling his throat, his nose against his stomach. It was exhilarating. His neck was wider than his head, as if his head was just a hole for his cock. He could feel his own cock throbbing, it was so hard. "Fuck yeah, that's a good baby bro!" Brett's hands wrapped around his little brother's neck. "Damn, I can feel my cock inside your throat. This was the greatest experience of Robbie's life. It was so erotic, so sexual. His cock was so hard. "Look at you, your neck is so spread out, your throat is so wide, your head is just a hole for my cock. Robbie could feel his throat bursting, he could see his brother's cock pulsing and throbbing inside him. Brett squeezed his throat even tighter. "Damn, I can feel my veins in your neck! Brett's grin got bigger and bigger. "Fuck, look at that, I can see it from the outside. Brett couldn't believe how big his cock was. He could see the outline of his cock in Robbie's neck, the head reaching down into his chest. He let go of Robbie's neck and let his arms hang again. He was now thrusting slowly. "Fuck yeah, that's a good baby bro. Now I'm going to fuck your head. Robbie was gasping for breath, his eyes watering. His whole body was shaking. "That's right, I'm gonna fuck your head. Brett started to move his hips, fucking Robbie's head. It was amazing. "Fuck yeah. That's it, take it. Robbie was coughing, his eyes were watering, sperm was all over his face. He could barely breathe. His jaws were stretched to the limit, his eyes were wide open. His throat was bulging, he could feel his whole neck pulsing and throbbing. "Yeah, that's it. That's it. Take it. Take my mighty cock down your throat! Brett was fucking his head hard. "Ooooh yeah! Fuck, yeah! You want it so bad! You're doing it so good, you just can't resist! Robbie's throat was so tight as the thick, hard cock pressed down into his chest. It was unbelievable. He could feel the heat from the cock spreading through his body, his head getting warmer and warmer. "Fuck, yeah. Brett moaned now, his pace picking up. He put his hands behind his neck, his biceps bursting at the side of his head. He kissed them like crazy, his tongue sliding over the bulging muscles. "Fuck, fuck. That's it. Yeah, yeah. Brett's whole body was tense, his abs rippling, his biceps flexing. Robbie had his hands on his brother's massive ass. It felt so good. His fingers dug into the hard, powerful muscle. "Yeah, fuck, fuck. Fuck. Brett could feel the orgasm building inside him, the cum rising. He was getting close. Robbie could feel Brett's huge balls slapping against his chest. "Yeah, that's right, take it. Brett's orgasm continued to build, his balls tightening, the pressure rising. "YEAH, FUCK YEAH. YOU WANT IT SO BAD. YOU JUST NEED IT! Robbie could feel his head stretching, his eyes beginning to roll into the back of his head. The pressure was so intense that his cock pulsed and throbbed, the pre-cum flooding his throat. "TAKE IT, FUCK, YES, TAKE IT! The pressure was too much, the cock getting thicker and thicker. "YEAAHHH, OW! TAKE IT. Brett's whole body tensed as his cock began to explode! Robbie could feel the streams of cum in his brother's cock running from his mouth down the shaft and into his throat. The hot, sticky liquid flowed down his throat and into his stomach. "YEEEAAHH, THERE YOU ARE! THAT'S YOUR REWARD! Robbie's body shook, his head spinning. He could feel his brother's cum flowing through his entire body, the heat spreading, the taste filling his mouth. He could feel the cock pumping and pulsing, the thick, hard shaft throbbing, the veins bulging, the glans pulsing. "THIS IS WHAT YOU HAVE BEEN WORKING FOR! Robbie couldn't believe it. It was the most amazing experience of his life. He was in heaven. His brother's massive cock was exploding in his mouth, the cum pouring down his throat. It was everything he had ever wanted and more. "FUCK, YEEESSSS! Brett was still coming. "FUCK YEAH, YOU WANT IT SO BAD YOU CAN'T GET ENOUGH! Robbie did everything he could to please his brother (and himself) and get more. "YOU'RE MY GOOD LITTLE BABY BRO. Robbie's stomach filled up so much that it was stretching outwards. "YEAH, THAT'S RIGHT, TAKE IT, FUCK, YEAH. His cock continued to pump, filling his stomach with his massive load. Now it was even coming out of his nose. "YOU WANT IT ALL, YOU DRINK IT ALL, FUCK, YOU'RE THIRSTY FOR IT! Brett could see the cum pouring out of his brother's nose, the thick white liquid running down his face. Robbie couldn't breathe, his throat was so full of cum that his body was shaking. He started to see black spots. Brett was still cumming, slowly withdrawing his cock, the whole thing now covered in a thick layer of cum. Robbie could feel the huge cock slipping out again. It came out just in time so he didn't faint. But Brett was still shooting his load. His powerful right hand was jerking the big thick shaft, the glans pumping and throbbing, the jets of cum shooting into his own face and into his mouth. Robbie's mouth was now a fountain of his brother's cum. Brett moaned and grunted. "YEAH, THAT'S RIGHT, SO BIG! HAVE YOU EVER SEEN SUCH A BIG LOAD? Robbie's stomach was bulging, his whole body was shaking, his mind was spinning. As the cum poured out of his mouth, he looked at the sight before him: his older brother's massive cock was covered in his own thick, white cum. The thick, hard shaft pumped and pulsed, the massive balls hung heavily, puffy and contracted. The whole thing was shiny and slick with cum. He shot his load all over his massive muscled body, his massive pecs and ripped abs. Robbie took the shaft in his hands, Brett allowed him to, and he pointed the huge glans at his face, covering himself with the massive load. It was the most amazing feeling ever, his head swimming, his whole body trembling. The thick white fluid was everywhere, covering his whole body. Brett looked at his little brother and let the massive load shoot all over his face. He loved how the cum covered his little brother's face, he loved how he drank the massive load, he loved how he jerked the thick shaft and played with the massive balls, he loved how his little brother was so thirsty for his cum. "OH YEAH, YOU JUST WANT IT SO BAD! IT'S THE LOAD OF A FUCKING GOD!" Brett could feel his orgasm fading, the pressure easing, the cum slowing down. He was finished, the whole thing was over. Robbie's body was covered in his brother's thick, white cum. "FUCK, THAT WAS HOT." Brett's voice was husky, he was panting, his whole body covered in cum. "I can't believe you made me come so hard, baby bro. Robbie's hands were still wrapped around his brother's cock, his mouth now licking the shiny helmet. "You can't get enough. I can see that. You want more. And you're lucky. I'm still horny!" Brett grinned, Robbie looked at him with big eyes. He wanted to speak but the cum in his mouth prevented him. "Damn, baby bro! You did a great job! I knew you were the right man for the job!" These words filled Robbie with pride. It was exhilarating to hear that his brother was so proud of him. "Fuck yeah, you're the best!" He patted Robbie's shoulder, his hand almost as big as his head. "You made me come like a fucking hose, man!" He looked at his younger brother, who was still busy licking the gleaming head. "You're such a good little slave, such a fag for my body. The best there is. I don't think those names do you justice." Robbie looked up at his brother, his mouth full of cum, his hands wrapped around the hard shaft. "I can't really call you a fag anymore can I? Damn, even I get horny over my hot body. Every single person is. But you... you are special. You're the little brother. You are the perfect servant, you are the perfect worshipper. So I'm going to give you a new name. From now on I'm going to call you my Baby Bro. My little Baby Bro" Robbie was stunned, the name made him tingle. He was excited, his cock was twitching. It was the greatest honour of all. He was so proud. His big brother had given him a new name. He felt his body tingle, the thought made his head swim, his heart race. Robbie had heard him say it more and more, but hadn't thought much about it. But it sounds so good! He didn't mind 'dipshit' or 'sissy' either, it belonged, it defined the parameters. But 'Baby Bro' sounds like acceptance, appreciation, even a kind of love. Robbie was so happy. He knew that this was as far as his brother would go in showing love. "My baby bro. That's who you are. The one and only. My baby bro. The only one in the whole world. Mine." The name echoed in Robbie's head. He was so happy. He couldn't keep it together any longer. He had to do this. He had to show his big brother the ultimate respect. As his big brother wiped his cum from his body and face with a towel, their eyes met. Robbie was completely smitten. That face. That beautiful face. He couldn't hold back anymore. Those eyes. That smile. That mouth. The lips... the teeth... the tongue. Oh God, that tongue. He had to. He had to taste his brother's mouth. He stood up and kissed his brother without warning. He didn't hesitate, he didn't ask, he didn't care. He just kissed him. Brett was shocked, he couldn't believe what was happening. His little brother kissing him. And not just any kiss. A kiss that meant everything. A kiss that could not be explained in words. A kiss that was better than sex. "What... the fuck?" Brett couldn't believe what was happening. Robbie was kissing him, really kissing him. Brett was frozen. He had never been kissed like that before. It had all the devotion that anyone could possibly possess. It was pure love, passion and desire. It was the most tender, intimate and loving thing he had ever experienced. "Hold on, little brother Brett held his brother's shoulders and looked at him. "You're amazing. You're my little brother and I love you for it. Even more so for the way you make me feel. And I want that to continue. But I couldn't fall in love with a guy." "I know that, I don't expect you to. I don't care. I'm devoted to you! I'll do anything, please keep me by your side." "You are amazing. But you must understand how I feel. I would never fall in love with a man. So you're the only guy in your position. You're the man I love the most. You'll always be the man who gets the most. You say you need me, well, I need you too. More than you'll ever know. We're brothers, and you'll get the most out of me. You’ll help me to be the man i’m gonna get to be. But I will have fags. And bitches. You're my baby bro, but I need fags and bitches too. And you have to build your body, work out. You need to keep up or else you can’t handle it all. Do you understand? You are the one I love the most, as my brother. You're the one I give the most to. That's what you'll be. That's why I call you 'my baby bro’.” "Yes, yes, yes, I understand. I love it! I will be your baby bro! Forever." "Then go for it!" Brett said with a beaming smile. Robbie threw his arms around his brother's neck, pulled himself up and kissed him again. This time Brett responded. Their lips locked, their tongues intertwined, it was an amazing feeling. Brett's tongue was so large and soft, so strong. It was almost too big for Robbie's mouth, he almost struggled to keep up. But it was an incredible kiss. Slowly Robbie felt a massive finger enter his hole, making him squirm. "Do you like that, baby bro?" Brett whispered. Robbie could only moan as the finger went deeper and deeper. It was a huge finger, but it slid in easily because his ass was covered in Brett's cum. "You are my big brother. My God. The one I worship, the one I'm devoted to, the one I need more than anything." "I want to be your baby bro. I want to give you what you want. You're making me feel so good. You're amazing" "Well then, baby bro, get ready for the ride of your life! ----- Part 7 -Ride of his life After the best experience of his life, Robbie was completely overwhelmed. He could hardly believe how lucky he was. But when it was over and they walked into their bedroom, he became a little shy again. He felt completely submissive to his big brother. Still, he couldn't wait to see and feel more of him. Brett noticed his little brother's attitude towards him and knew how to respond to it perfectly. It was only a matter of time before his baby bro went crazy again. Before walking home from the barn, they had not bothered to put on clothes. For Brett, this was hardly possible either given his recent growth spurt. They now stood naked in their bedroom, Robbie sitting on his bed and Brett standing in front of the mirror. "Hey, baby bro." Brett said softly. "Look at me, look at your big brother." Robbie did so and stared at his brother's naked body. Brett flexed his muscles while staring into his own ocean green eyes. Robbie couldn't help but stare at them. "In the mirror, watch me flex. Look at my arms, my traps. What do you think?" Robbie walked over to stand behind Brett, his eyes are bouncing back and forth Brett and the mirror, wanting to explore both these giants at the same time. "My God, your arms, they're impossibly.. gigantic.." Brett could tell how impressed his little brother was and smiled. "Yes, I have become an Adonis. The situation became more sensual, the vibe was perfect. Robbie was in heaven, Brett could feel it too. He knew that Robbie was in a different state of mind, not really aware of what he was saying, what he was doing. It was like time stood still and the world stopped, there was only the two of them. Robbie was standing there, getting hard, his eyes were fixated on Brett, his mind was blown. It wasn't only the massive muscles and the strength they posses, but also the beauty, the sheer magnificence. Brett was like a God, a living piece of art. His face was so perfect, his skin was flawless, his eyes were piercing, his lips were full and inviting, his teeth were perfect, his jaw was square and strong, his hair was dark and silky, his body was a masterpiece of muscle and strength. He was truly magnificent, the embodiment of masculinity and power. His attitude was calm, confident and commanding, but not intimidating. He was in total control and knew it. Brett knew that his little brother was ready for him, he could sense it. The room was charged with sexual tension. It was like an invisible force field was surrounding them, enveloping them. Robbie would never be able to resist a thing Brett told him to do and they both knew it. Robbie's mind was blown, his cock was rock hard and leaking precum, he couldn't take his eyes off his big brother. It was like the room was getting smaller, the walls closing in, the ceiling coming down, the air getting thinner. It was paradise. Brett's voice was deep and smooth, his words were hypnotic, his presence was intoxicating. His eyes were hypnotizing, his words were enchanting, his voice was seductive, his body was irresistible. Brett turned his back to the mirror. "Watch my glutes in the mirror. Flex my ass, flex my hard butt." Brett whispered Brett's whole body trembled. His huge mounds of hardened muscle went up to heaven. Robbies' jaw dropped open. This was a completely sight he never thought possible. "Y..yes, oh Brett, your ass, and your calves.." Robbie moaned The ripples in his calves ran down to his ankles, which were so big that he could even see their bulges from the side. And he even had some crazy hot stretch marks on them. Veins were appearing on top of veins, and the ones coming up from his feet were exploding like magma on his calves. They weren't just bigger than footballs, they were perfect. The thick, massive thighs on top of them. He lifted his thick butt a bit. He flexed his behind for another ten seconds while looking over his shoulder and saw his own reflection in the mirror. He then stopped, relaxing his gigantic bottom to show it as a whole. He looked very dreamy back over his shoulder and could not take his eyes off the sight of his own reflection. He took his giant hands and kept groping his butt from behind and he would let out several satisfying moans and then groaned, "Oh yeees" and he moaned in approval as he sees that he was looking as hot as ever from all angles. He then turned around so he was facing the mirror again. "You've seen my wings?" he said, putting his hands on his waist. His elbows were outstretched and then his lats were spreading out to the sides. A true man's wings. Bret's lats were inflated and contracted, opened and closed, doing awesome aerobics. With every controlled motion his wings got wider. His back muscles got bigger and bigger, the striations more visible. It looked like he could carry a car on it with full speed. His triceps on the back of his arms where twitching with intensity. The meat on his back was flexing almost like liquid. With the golden color of his bronzetanned skin he looked so masculine, so attractive. Now he leaned forward, bringing his head closer to the mirror. His fists met in front of his abs and he flexed as hard as he could. He lifted his head and stuck his tongue out to the left. His traps flared, making his tanned neck wider than ever. The veins in his neck exploded, the monster vein in his left bicep swelled larger and larger. He couldn't help but chuckle as he saw his vision clouded by the growing muscle mass. Even his delts were now inflated, piling up on top of his huge pecs. With his massive tits protruding, he looked as powerful as a gorilla and very, very sexy, but still so sensual. "Uff wow... Brett... its insane, you are not even human." Robbie whispered in awe and could only shake his head. "Yes baby bro, it's so amazing that you're so impressed with my body." Robbie was shaking, his legs were weak. Brett now pushed as hard as he could, his traps and delts exploding with veins and even his forehead was growing stronger and thicker. He stood up straight and just scanned the view of his own reflection. It was like he even forgot his little brother was right there watching him. All he saw was a sexy, alpha-male in the mirror. He started pec-bouncing. Left and right, up and down. He had full control. Once more the mountain chest was shaking left and right in absolute symphony. "Like how they jump?" He whispered while biting his lips, admiring himself in the mirror. "Dont you think im the ultimate man? The ultimate alpha-male?" Robbie was fully under Bretts' spell, fully hypnotized. "Yes... you are.." "You see how my nipples are pointing straight down from my pecs? How big they are? How much they pop out? How they are pushed out by the big muscles? Look how thick and full my breasts are. I'm so sexy, how am I even real?" Brett moaned while cupping his two mountain mounds. He pushed his huge muscletits upwards while bending his head towards it. He took his right pec into his own mouth and started swirling his tongue over the erect nipple. At the same time his rock hard abdominals tensed up and then Brett moaned deeper. He even swirled his enormous tongue over the pecs for several seconds. Robbie could not believe how erotic it is seeing his brother sucking his own juicy pec. "Ooh, that feels really good, aahhh," he sighed. Brett was standing straight and looked back in the mirror. He now puts his hands behind his head and placed his right foot a bit to the front. He just stood there, watching himself while flexing. His many abs formed themselves into several perfectly rounded groups of muscle and he saw the throbbing underneath the skin. His biceps looked insanely huge next to his head. Those incredible biceps and triceps muscles are the most arousing things Robbie had ever seen. His hip bones were pushed outwards and downwards, making his midsection look like a diamond. His huge chest, the whole set of shoulders and traps with the deep, wet inner shoulder in between, and the thick, long, flaccid cock with the low hanging bull sack against the massive legs formed the most impressive macho man package you could ever imagine. Brett grinned. "I could stand here for hours just looking at myself in the mirror." "Do your biceps always get this big in this pose?" Robbie asked softly. "When I flex, yes, they do. See how all the veins can't do anything else than pop out? It makes me feel so good. I just can't stop bulking up for you bro, its just too damn exciting for me. This is something natural." His biceps swelled even bigger as the minutes were passing. "Come here. Get on your knees in front of me" Brett said, while still holding his pose. Robbie didn't know how fast he could follow this demand. His eyes are level with the most beautiful abs possible. Robbie looked up. He saw that Brett was still looking at himself in the mirror, his hands still behind his head, his biceps looking even bigger from down here. He looked like a true giant from this angle. He trailed his eyes down Brett's torso, concentrating on those sexy mounds of muscle, those insane thighs with heads that people would kill to touch or squeeze. "Admire my abs. Feel with your hands, taste with your tongue, smell with your nose how amazing I am." Brett whispered. Robbie instantly stroked Bretts super hard six-pack. The skin was slick with sweat from the whole muscle worship session Brett was giving himself. "Oh baby bro, its so good how you admire me. You want to kiss it, suck them, don't you? Just taste what an insanly handsome man I am. Tell me how much you like it, how much you worship it." Brett was literally shaking. "I adore your big, strong, masculine abs Brett." Brett started to kiss his biceps on the side of his head. He started to moan. "More," Brett moans. "You're the biggest and strongest man I've ever seen in my life. You look so mature." "My whole body is full of iron, bulging veins and chiseled muscles. My biceps taste so good. I can feel the veins with my tongue." Robbie looked up to see the make out session his brother was having with his arms. His eyes were closed as he could not concentrate on anything but this one, total act of self worship. "Kiss my abs while I make out with my biceps." Robbie used his tongue to taste the sweat and saltiness of his brother's stomach. Abs so hard, so big, so sexy, Robbie couldn't stop drooling. "Mmm," Brett moaned. "Taste it, taste my sexy muscles." He moved his tongue and his saliva covered bicep slipped out of his mouth with a wet plop and an arching vein of muscle as his vein returned to his tricep. He now lowered his arms and pressed Robbie's face into his abs with his huge hands. "Now taste it with your nose, baby bro. Breathe in every inch of it. Just feel how amazing my body smells." As soon as Robbie smelled the glorious aroma he couldn't stop moaning. "It takes a lot of strength to carry this big mass of muscle around." Brett just stood there for a minute, letting the scent of his gorgeous abs fill his brother's nose. "God, you're so hot," Robbie mumbled into his brother's stomach, kissing and licking. "Yes, I'm so fucking sexy," Brett whispered back. Brett let go of Robbie's head and he pulled his face back. "I want to look at your muscles again." Robbie moaned. Robbie stood up and his mouth hung open, staring at the beautiful man before him. Brett stood in front of the mirror, admiring himself while flexing his muscles, arms hanging down his body. "I'm going to lose it if I keep looking at you," Robbie replied, his voice was shaking. "Good," Brett replied, "I want you to." Brett was now looking straight into his little brother's eyes through the mirror. "I want to worship your entire body. I want to taste every single part of you." Robbie's voice was barely above a whisper. His cock was rock hard. "I want to lick your ass, taste your sweat, inhale your scent." "Go ahead," Brett replied. Robbie kneeled behind him and slowly put his hands on his butt, feeling the firm, tight muscles beneath his fingers. "Oh wow. I'm going to lick it," Robbie whispered, his heart racing. Brett felt Robbie's tongue touch the top of his butt crack and move slowly down. He pushed his ass a bit back so that his little brother could get his tongue between his cheeks. "That's it," Brett whispered, "Lick it, baby." Robbie continued his way down and started to lick the insides of his older brother's butt cheeks. "I love the taste of your ass," Robbie moaned. Brett let his head drop and started to moan and gasp as his little brother's tongue got closer to his hole. "Fuck yes, Robbie," Brett groaned. "Your ass is so perfect," Robbie murmured. Robbie licked his way up Brett's butt crack and then stopped. "I can't stop worshipping your amazing ass," he said. "It's yours, baby bro," Brett whispered, "Worship it all you want." Robbie moved his hands to the sides of Brett's butt and spread his muscular cheeks. He brought his face up to Brett's butt hole and stuck his tongue out. He placed the tip of his tongue at the top of his butt crack and slowly moved his tongue down until it touched Brett's hole. He kept his tongue on Brett's hole for a moment and then began moving it around in slow circles. "That feels so good," Brett moaned, pushing his ass back into Robbie's tongue. Robbie continued moving his tongue around Brett's hole, occasionally pressing the tip against it. He pushed the tip of his tongue into Brett's butt hole. "Oh fuck!" Brett cried out. Robbie pushed his tongue in further and started to swirl it around. "Holy fuck, that feels amazing," Brett groaned. Robbie pulls his tongue out and then pushes it back in. He uses his tongue as far as he can and feels the tip of his tongue sliding into his hole. There is no sign of sphincter movement so Robbie begins to trust and opens his brother's rim with his tongue. In no time Robbie is giving his 19 year old brother a really good rimjob as he worships his extremely tight muscle ass. The sounds of his own toungue working the strong muscles were almost orgasmic. Robbie can feel the taste and smell of his brother's sweat in his nose and the muscular and well-formed insides of the asscrack rubbing against his face. He can't stop enjoying this and he wants more. This is heaven for Robbie. After several minutes Brett speaks with a deep voice. "Try to resist while I'm pushing you out." Brett lets his ass-ring squeeze itself, getting a feel for the sensation from behind his tongue. Robbie can feel the muscle contracting inside, making the ring harder than steel. One last breath and then he feels the sheer force of the rim squeezing around his whole mouth and tongue. Brett pushes. Robbie's tongue goes through his assinside out, the rim lips closing around the edge of his toung causing a slight pain to his tongue. The rim eventually squeezes the tongue outwards, causing a final small pop as it is pushed out of the hole. Robbie could feel the heat and taste the sweat and the manliness that comes from the inside of the ass, but his face was still inbetween Brett's cheeks. He wasnt able to let go off his brother yet. "I can't resist that," Robbie whispered, his breath hot against his ass. "Your ass is just too amazing." "Yes, it is," Brett whispered. Brett could feel Robbie's breath hot against his ass, causing goose bumps on his skin. "Fuck, I love your ass," Robbie groaned. Robbie's cock was so hard it started to hurt. "Come stand next to me in front of the mirror," Brett said. Robbie did as he was told. He could see Brett's cock was now getting harder and bigger. He couldn't get used to see the size of his brother's monster cock, he could barely believe it's real. "Put your arms behind your back," Brett said. Brett kneeled down beside him on his right side, brought his right bicep up and flexed it. The arm was all pumped up and full of veins, right in front of Robbie's cock. Slowly Brett moved the massive bicep towards his little brother's cock. Robbie could not believe what was happening. Brett let his bicep touch and feel his cock. Brett now brushed the head of the hard cock with his bicep. It was too much. The power, the muscles. This is awesome, Robbie thought. Brett moved his forearm a bit away from his bicep so that there was some room for Robbie's cock in between them. Brett moved his flexed bicep under Robbie's cock, but his arm was so big that he could get his muscle to touch all sides of the hard penis. Robbie had never felt like this before. "Do you like that, baby bro? I can see that." "Yes, yes, please, ooh, please do more, holyyyy" "I'm gonna let you cum. I'm gonna let you fuck my arm. I bet this is everything you ever dreamed of. Fuck your dick between my muscular forearm and huge bicep. Put your cock on the inside of my elbow and fuck it between my bicep and forearm." Robbie immediately and willingly put his dick between Brett's manly arm. He started to push and move back and forth. This is unreal, Robbie thought. His dick is out of control and the pleasure he's getting cannot be described. Then Brett's forearm bent further towards his biceps, creating a muscular hole and a bump in the middle. All sides of Robbie's penis could now fuck that bump. It was unbelievable. Robbie looked in the mirror and saw his cock between the huge muscles, which were flexed. His penis was touching the rock hard and bulging biceps. It was the sexiest thing he'd ever seen. He wanted this moment to last forever. "Are you ready to cum, baby bro? I can feel it coming." "Yes, yes, I'm ready." "I know you are, but first I'm going to squeeze your dick in between my muscles and give it the best fucking it's ever had." Robbie felt like his dick was going to explode. He couldn't control it any longer. Brett started to squeeze his hard bicep together with his forearm. They were so tight and strong and so muscular, it felt amazing. "Please let me cum, I'm going to lose it," Robbie begged. "You will," Brett whispered, "But not until you are completely satisfied." Brett's grip on his dick got even tighter. He could feel his foreskin being pulled back and forth. "Oh my god," Robbie moaned. Brett looked into Robbie's eyes, he could tell he was in pain. "Your bicep feels like iron. Veins, ohh, look so amazing" "Does it feel strong?" "Yes, so strong" Brett flexed even harder, making Rob's cock all purple and trapped between his massive muscles. Robbie could not move his cock, this monster bicep held it in place and completely covered his penis. He could not hold it any longer. "Yeah, pump your dick between my bicep and forearm, I bet that feels sexy. I could break it just by bending my arm. Look at my hard bicep flexing around your cock. I couldn't be more dominant now, could I?" "No," Robbie answered weakly, "You're the strongest, sexiest, and most masculine man in the world." "Cum for me, baby bro. Cum for me right now. Cum in between my huge flexing arm." Brett felt his little brother's cock start to shoot his seed. "Look at my muscles. Look how sexy and muscular they are. Cum between them. Look how my veins pop out when I flex. I'm the most masculine man you've ever seen." "Yes, oh god, yes. Yes!" Robbie shot his load in between Brett's arm and bicep. He could feel his sperm being squeezed out of his penis. It was so intense. "I'm the sexiest man you've ever seen. Cum in between my huge, muscular arms." Brett's bicep flexed so hard it was like he was holding a bowling ball. His veins were bulging and his skin was wet with sweat. "That's right, baby bro. You're cumming in between my big, muscular, flexed bicep. My big, strong, hard bicep feels amazing. Feel how my huge muscles are squeezing the life out of your cock. Cum for me." It was so sensual, it felt so good. Robbie was out of control. He couldn't hold back. "OH BRETT, YOURE SO HOT. YOURE MUSCLES, I CANT... IM.. OH.. FUCK.. JUST LOOK AT YOU. YOURE A GOD! HOLYYY" Robbie shot a few more loads of cum onto Brett's flexed arm until he was completely drained and then Brett let his arm relax. "How was that, baby bro?" "Wow," Robbie said. He could still feel the muscles relaxing and the veins popping. "That was the most amazing thing I've ever felt," he continued. "I knew you'd love it." Brett stood up and grabbed a towel and began cleaning himself. "Thank you," Robbie said. "No problem," Brett replied, "You deserve it. You are the best little brother ever." Brett smiled, his attempt to loosen his brother up had succeeded. "So, are you ready for the ride of your life? Because now it starts, baby bro." Robbie looked at his brother, the most gorgeous, muscular, sexy man he'd ever met. And he was his brother, his real brother. "Yes," he said, "I am ready. I want you. I want to feel all of you." Brett smiled, his perfect, straight white teeth sparkling in the sunlight. "That's my boy," he said. "Get on the bed and get ready to get fucked baby brother." Brett's voice was hoarse, his cock hard and his muscles bulging. Robbie couldn't take his eyes off him. Brett was a giant, a colossus. His body was so huge and his cock was so big. Robbie was mesmerised. "Come on baby brother, show me how much you want this." Brett's voice was deep and sexy. Robbie got on his brother’s bed and knelt, his ass facing Brett. He spread his legs and leaned forward, presenting his ass. Brett smiled. "That's a good boy, baby brother." Robbie was trembling, he couldn't wait. He wanted it so badly. He needed it so badly. "Oh God, you want it so bad, your ass is hungry for it. I can't wait to fuck it. You're going to get fucked so good, baby bro, so good." Brett put his hands on Robbie's ass cheeks and spread them apart. He leaned in, his big tongue running up and down Robbie's crack before plunging into his hole. Robbie moaned, his eyes rolling back in his head. Brett's tongue was so big and powerful, it was unlike anything he had ever felt before. It was unbelievable, he couldn't believe how good it felt. Brett's tongue pushed into him, deeper and deeper, and then his brother started to tongue fuck him. He was relentless, he wouldn't stop. Robbie could feel his brother's hot breath on his skin, his big hands cupping his ass cheeks. It was unbelievable. "You're so fucking tight, baby brother. I can't wait to get inside you. I'm going to fuck you so good, baby brother. You're going to love it." Brett's tongue continued to explore Robbie's hole, he could feel his big brother's teeth scraping against his flesh. "Please big brother, please fuck me, please." Robbie begged, pleaded. "That's a good boy baby brother, that's what I like to hear." Brett's tongue was driving Robbie crazy, he could feel his cock throbbing, he was so close to coming. "Are you ready baby bro?" "Yes, yes, please, please fuck me, big brother, please." Robbie was a mess, he was so turned on, so desperate for his big brother to fuck him. Brett then grabbed Robbie's waist and flipped him over so that he was lying on his back with Brett now on his knees between his legs. Brett was so huge, so tall and strong. His body was like a mountain of muscle, his cock like a battering ram. He was the epitome of manhood. He was the ultimate alpha male. "You're gonna take my cock like a good boy, baby brother. He put his hands on Robbie's thighs and spread them apart. His cock was huge and hard, the glans glistening with pre-cum. "Look at that, baby brother, you're making my cock so hard. So fucking hot. He began to rub the glans of his cock against Robbie's hole, teasing him. Robbie was shaking, he was so turned on. He couldn't wait for his brother to fuck him. "Please big brother, please fuck me, I need it so bad. Brett chuckled, he loved the way his little brother begged for his cock. "That's a good boy, you know how to ask nicely." Brett placed the head of his cock against Robbie's hole and began to push in. Robbie cried out in pleasure and pain as he was entered. The helmet was slowly pushing his sphincters apart, it was now pushing against the second door that he had kept closed up to that day. It was the door to his inner world. The door that led to the core of his being. He couldn't believe how big his brother's cock was, how much it stretched his hole. The head of the gigantic cock stretched his hole so far, pressing against the inner walls of his rectum. It was so intense, so overwhelming. He couldn't think straight. All he could feel was the sensation of his big brother's cock pushing into him, filling him, stretching him. He couldn't believe he was lying here, in his brother's bed, slowly feeling his dream man's cock enter his virgin body. Brett could feel his cock being squeezed by his baby brother's tight hole. It was an incredible feeling. He could feel his brother's rectum tightening around his cock. The head burst in, Robbie screamed in a mixture of pain and pleasure. "OH GOD, YOU'RE SO HUGE." Brett pushed his cock further in, burying it deep inside his baby brother. Robbie moaned, his body shaking. "Fuck yeah baby brother, that's what I like to hear. You take my cock so good." Brett grabbed his baby brother's ankles and pushed them up and back, exposing his hole even more. "Oh God, big brother, you're so big. It's so deep, oh God. Robbie whimpered, his hole stretched wide open, his cock throbbing and leaking pre-cum. "Your arms... ooooh your arms are bigger than my thighs. They are so huge. Ooooh I can't believe how big you are. The words came out in a whisper, Robbie could barely speak. His brain was melting away. "Fuck yeah baby brother, you like my arms don't you?" "I love your arms, they're so big, so muscular. Brett grinned and let go of his brother's legs as they lowered next to his body. He then placed his hands on Robbie's abs and flexed his muscles. His biceps bulged, his forearms became thick branches, his chest and stomach rippled with veins and muscles. "Oh Brett, I can't believe how strong you are. Robbie could barely form words. The sight of his brother's huge muscles, the feeling of his enormous cock buried deep inside him, was too much. "You like that, baby brother? You like seeing my muscles?" "Yes, big brother, I love it. Robbie reached out and touched Brett's massive chest, feeling his huge pecs, his huge deltoids, his hard nipples. It was a dream come true. "Fuck yeah baby brother, squeeze my muscles, feel how big and strong they are." Robbie squeezed his brother's muscles and felt them ripple under his hands. It was the most incredible feeling. "Oh God Brett, you're so fucking hot. I can't believe you're fucking me. Brett fucked his little brother in long slow strokes, pushing his huge cock deep inside him. It was almost all the way in now. Robbie was completely filled, his hole stretched open, his cock throbbing. "You like that, baby brother? You're going to see my cock in your stomach, I can already feel it coming on your abs". Robbie looked down to see his stomach bulging with every thrust, his abs stretched and distorted by the huge cock. It was the most amazing sight. "Fuck yeah, you like watching your body take my big cock, don't you baby brother?" "Yeah, oh yeah, it's so hot. Brett leaned in, his face getting closer to Robbie's, pushed his dick completely into his little brother. The head of it poked against the inside of his stomach, his hands massaging his baby brother's abdomen and with that his own cock, the cock that was causing Robbie's belly to bulge and stretch. He kissed him hard and passionately. Robbie wrapped his legs around his brother's waist and pulled him closer. Brett's cock was deep inside him, his huge balls pressed against his ass and the bed. Robbie could feel the hot pre-cum flowing inside him. He could feel his prostate being stimulated by his big brother's massive cock. He could feel his body giving in to the pleasure. They where kissing passionately. The heat and the friction increased as their bodies became one. Brett started to pound Robbie harder and faster. Robbie's eyes rolled back in his head. His toes curled, his hands grabbed his brother's ass. He could feel his prostate being milked, his cock throbbing and twitching. Brett's raised his upper body upwards again, he grabbed Robbie's ankles again and spread his legs wide. He was now fucking his baby brother in short, hard strokes, slamming his huge cock deep inside him. The bulging head now pushed his abs even higher. Robbie moaned and whimpered, his body shaking. He was completely overwhelmed, his mind was gone, his body was a mess. "Oh my God, my abs are going to break." Brett laughed. "Don't worry baby bro, I won't hurt you. He began to fuck his baby brother faster and harder, his huge cock pumping in and out. The head of his cock was pressing up against Robbie's abs, bulging them out, stretching them to the max. Robbie screamed, his body writhing in pleasure and pain. It was the most intense sensation he had ever felt. "I can't believe how big your cock is Brett, I can't believe you're fucking me. Carry me! Please carry me." Robbie was so overwhelmed he begged his brother to pick him up. Brett grabbed his little brother and stood up, turning him over so that his back was now resting against his torso. He walked to the mirror and stood in front of it, looking at their reflection. "Look at us baby brother, look how big and strong I am and how small you are." "Oooh my God! Look at my abs, they're so strained. You're going to tear them apart. Robbie looked in the mirror and saw his stomach bulging and stretching. It was an unbelievable sight. "It's ok, baby brother, you're safe. I'm not going to hurt you. "Oh God, it's too much, it's too much." "You can take it, baby bro, you're a tough little bro." Brett continued to fuck his baby brother in front of the mirror, watching the bulge of his cock stretch his little brother's stomach while his massive hands held his thighs. Robbie moaned and cried, his body convulsing. It was an incredible experience. "Your cock is so big, I bet it can carry me all by itself" "That's a good idea, baby brother, put your hands against the mirror." Robbie put his hands against the mirror and felt his brother's huge cock pressing even harder against his abs. Brett wasn't supporting his baby brother's body with his arms anymore. His arms were hanging loosely at his sides. It was all carried by his massive cock as Robbie pushed against the mirror so he wouldn't fly off his brother's cock from the strength of the thrusts. "Do you like watching yourself get fucked, baby brother?" "Yes big brother, it's so hot. This is everything I ever dreamed of. Please... your biceps. "That's a good boy, baby bro, tell your big brother what you want. Robbie moaned and whimpered. He was completely helpless, his body at the mercy of his brother. He was so overwhelmed he could barely think. "I... I want... "What do you want, little brother?" "I want... your biceps." "You want me to flex my biceps, baby brother?" "Yes, oh God, yes, they're so big Brett chuckled and flexed his huge biceps. His huge, muscular arms bulged and swelled. Robbie's eyes widened and his jaw dropped. It was the most amazing sight. "How do you like that, baby brother? "They're so big, they're so strong, I can't believe it." Brett flexed his biceps harder, making them even bigger, and now began to lick them as he fucked his little brother. "I love how they look when they get hard, baby brother." "Oh God, they're so hard, I can't believe it." "Do you want to touch them, baby brother?" "Yes please, oooh yes! Brett grabbed his brother, pulled him up and turned him around so they were facing each other and lowered him back down onto his cock. Brett was still standing. Robbie threw his right arm around his brother's neck and grabbed Brett's right bicep with his left hand. Brett flexed it again and Robbie squeezed it hard. "Ooooh my God! It's so hard, it's so big. I can't believe you have let me fuck it." Brett laughed. "You like that baby brother?" "I love it, I love it, oh God, your muscles are amazing." Brett smiled and began to fuck his baby brother with short, hard strokes, slamming his cock deep into him. He could see his biceps bulging under his baby brother's hand and his baby brother's cock was now pressing against his rock hard abs. Robbie moaned and whimpered, his body convulsing. It was the most incredible experience, he began to lick the huge arm as his cock was smashed against his abs. "These muscles are making you cum? Robbie screamed. "YES, oh God, yes!" "Fuck yeah, that's a good boy, I'm going to make you cum all over my muscles again." Robbie's eyes rolled back in his head, his body shook. It was too much, it was all too much. "Oooooh, I'm cumming, I'm cumming, oh God, it's so good, oooooh." Robbie started to shoot his load all over his brother's rock hard abs. It was the most intense orgasm of his life, he had never felt anything like it. "FUCK YEAH, THAT'S A GOOD BOY, CUM ALL OVER MY MUSCLES." Brett fucked his baby brother harder and faster, slamming his cock deep into him. The orgasm seemed to last forever, his little brother kept cumming, shooting load after load all over his abs. "THAT'S IT BABY BROTHER, CUM FOR ME, CUM ALL OVER MY GORGEOUS MUSCLES." "YES, BIG BROTHER, OH GOD, YES, YES, YES, YES, OOOH GOD." The orgasm was intense, Robbie's whole body shook and convulsed. His abs were covered in his own cum, his legs were shaking, he couldn't believe it. Brett grabbed his little brother's arms and pushed him down. He was so far down, his head was upside down looking into the mirror, his legs were around Brett's waist and the head of his cock was still pressing into his abs. His back was bent, he was in a U-shape. "I can't... I can't... "You can't what, baby brother? "I can't believe it, it's too much, I can't take it. Brett chuckled, his huge biceps bulging. "Yes you can, baby bro, I'm not going to hurt you. The sight was unbelievable. He was hanging there, upside down, his huge brother's arms stretched out wide to hold him down. Robbie's abs were completely covered in his own cum and the glans was still pushing into the abs. "Look at that baby brother. What a view, isn't it? Robbie was mindblown by the sight. He was taking it all in. There he was, hanging on his brother's cock looking at it in the mirror upside down. He was still cumming, his brother looked so impossibly wide. Carrying his weight didn't seem to bother Brett at all while he fucked. His trunk legs were spread, resting on those beautiful strong feet. His shins and thighs were bulging with veins and popping muscles. One thigh was wider than Robbie's own torso, such strength. One pec was bigger than the average man's entire chest and so thick a woman would envy it. The large hands pressing down on his body were so gorgeous. His shoulders were as thick as bowling balls and attached to arms thicker than the average man's thigh. Veins pushed out everywhere, the separation of the muscles was incredible. His neck was so thick and strong that it looked as if it had been made to stay upright in the strongest hurricane. His magnificent face, the broad jawline, the deep green, ocean-like eyes you could drown in, the full eyebrows, the thick, long eyelashes and the beautiful, silky hair was more gorgeous than any human face could be. And the whole body glistened with a light layer of sweat and had a glowing bronze/gold colour. The skin was so smooth, so wonderful. But what strength. What a man. What a divine human. "You are so gorgeous, big brother, you are the best looking man on this planet." "Thank you baby brother, I'm glad you like the view. Brett grinned, his white teeth glistening, his smile lighting up the room. "It's so hot, big brother, the way your arms stretch out to hold me. I can't believe how big you are." Brett's grin grew even wider, his beautiful eyes twinkling. "Ooooh God, it's so much, I can't, it's too good, it's too much." "Just breathe, baby brother, just breathe." Robbie tried to breathe but he was shaking and convulsing. It was overwhelming, his mind was gone, his body was on fire. Brett chuckled, his arms flexing. "You're not the only one who can shoot a big load, baby brother." "Ooooh God, you're going to make me cum again." "You can do it baby brother, I know you can. Just let it go." "I can't, I can't." "Yes you can, baby brother, I know you can. You just have to relax and let it happen. " "Oh God, big brother, it's too good, it's too good." "Just relax baby brother, let it happen." Robbie closed his eyes, shaking and convulsing. He could feel the orgasm building inside him, the pressure was incredible. He tried to relax, he tried to let go, but it was too much, it was all too much. "Oh God, I'm cumming again, I'm cumming." "Yes, baby brother, yes, that's it, let it go." "YES, BIG BROTHER, YES, YES, OOOOH YES!" Robbie shot his load again, covering his brother's abs with his cum. It was an intense orgasm, his whole body shaking. He was screaming and crying, his eyes rolling back in his head, he couldn't believe it. "Oooh God, Brett, I can't stop, I can't stop, oooooh." "That's a good boy, cum for me, cum for me, you're doing so good." Robbie was lost in pleasure, his body spasming and convulsing. Brett chuckled, his arms flexing, his huge biceps bulging. "Look at that, baby brother. Look at you, you're a mess." Robbie was a mess, his abs completely covered in his own cum, his cock throbbing and twitching. He couldn't talk, he couldn't think. He could see his own cock shooting without being touched, just from the pressure of his brother's cock against his prostate. "Oh God, I'm cumming, I'm cumming." "Yes, baby brother, yes, that's it. Keep going." "Oh God, oh God, oh God." "You're doing so good, baby brother." Robbie's body shook and convulsed. It was an incredible orgasm, something he had never felt before. His brother started fucking his baby brother with fast, hard strokes, making sure he hit his prostate with every thrust. "I'm cumming, I'm cumming, I'm cumming, OOOH FUCK YES, FUCK YES, FUCK YES" "Yeeees, that's a good boy, that's a good boy." Brett's cock twitched, he could feel the cum rising. "Ooooh God, baby brother, you're gonna make me cum, you're gonna make me cum, I'm gonna fill your hole with my cum." Robbie's body shook and convulsed. "Oooooh yes big brother, yes I want your cum. " "You want my cum, baby brother? Do you want me to fill you up? " "Yes, big brother, yes, I want your cum, I want your cum." "Fuck yeah, you're gonna get my cum." Brett could feel the orgasm building inside him. "Oooh God, here it comes, here it comes. "I can feel it big brother, I can feel it. Brett was on the edge, he could feel the orgasm about to explode. "Fuck yeah, here it comes, here it comes, OOOH FUCK. "OOOOHHHHH FUCK YEEESSS." Brett came inside his little brother with a loud moan. "Take it baby bro, take it all, OOOHHH YEAH. Robbie shook and convulsed. "OOOOHHH, FUCK YEAH, BIG BROTHER, YOU'RE CUMMING INSIDE ME." "YEAAAH, I'M CUMMING, I'M CUMMING SO FUCKING HARD. "OOOOHHH YEEAAAH, FUCK, IT FEELS SO FUCKING GOOD." "OOOOHHH FUUUUUCK, YEAHAAH, TAKE IT ALL, TAKE IT ALL, OOOOOOH. "OOOOOHHHH, FUUUCK, BRETT, YOU'RE SUCH A SEX GOD, OOOOOH Robbie was still upside down in the mirror watching his abs being filled with cum from his brother's huge cock. He had never felt anything like that before. His brother looked so good. All his muscles tensed as he came, the veins in his arms popping up. His stomach began to swell, his abs stretched and pushed forward by the force of his load. It was incredible, it was beautiful. "Ooooh... I can't hold it in... OOOH" "I'm going to... oooooh... throw up. "It's ok baby bro, just let it go, just let it go. "OOOH FUCK, IT'S TOO MUCH, IT'S TOO MUCH" "Let it go, baby bro, let it go. Robbie started to vomit, his whole body shaking. The sperm was pushed out of his stomach and came out of his mouth and nose, splashing on the mirror. He was like a fountain of his brothers cum. It was an intense feeling, his whole body was shaking. "OOOOHHH FUCK YEEEAH BABY BROTHER. "THAT'S IT THROW UP ALL THE CUM. MY LOAD IS JUST TOO BIG FOR YOU TO HANDLE! Robbie couldn't control it, the cum was pouring out of him, he was covered in it. It was the most intense, the most overwhelming, the most incredible thing he had ever experienced. He had never felt anything like it, he couldn't believe it was happening. "Fuuuuck, it's so good, it's so good. Brett's cock was still pulsing, still pumping his little brother's stomach full of cum. It was the most intense orgasm of his life, he couldn't believe how good it felt. He decided to pull his little brother off his cock so he wouldn't drown in it. Robbie slid off his cock and stood there, his whole body shaking, his abs still covered in his own cum, his stomach swollen. The cum was now squirting out of his ass, the puking was over. He turned and watched his huge brother, still shooting his load, jerking his cock with his right hand. He couldn't believe the sight. "Oh my God, look at you! You're so beautiful. Brett's muscles were bulging and rippling, his abs were ripped and bulging, his biceps were pumped, his pecs were swollen, his lats were flared, his legs were flexed. He looked like a Greek god, a statue of stone come to life. "You're so fucking hot, big brother, I can't believe how beautiful you are. You're so tall, so strong, so powerful. "Fuuuuck, this is so good, this is so good. Robbie knelt and watched as his brother jerked his huge cock. He could see the cum shooting onto the mirror, his abs covered in his own cum. "You're amazing Brett, you're so fucking sexy. I love watching you cum, I love the way your body looks, I love the way your muscles flex, I love the way your biceps pop, I love the way your abs stretch. You're the most beautiful, the most sexy, the most masculine man in the world. "Oooh fuck, you're going crazy at the sight of me, I can't believe it. "You're perfect, you're so fucking perfect, big brother. Just when Brett thought he had run out of cum, his little brother's words brought the next load. He came like a volcano, shooting cum high into the air and hitting the ceiling. "Oh, I want to touch your muscles. So big! "Then do it, baby brother. Robbie stood up and reached for his brother's bulging pecs, touching them gently. "They're so hard, they're so strong, they're so big. "Oooh God, your hands feel so good on me, baby brother, I love the way you touch me. "I can't believe how big your nipples are. "Oooh fuck, baby bro, that's right, play with my nipples. "I love the way they taste, Brett. "Oooh God, that feels so fucking good, baby bro, keep doing that. Robbie licked and sucked on his brother's huge nipples, he couldn't believe how sensitive they were. "They're so big, they're so hard, I can't believe it. "Keep playing with my nipples baby brother, I love the way you suck on them. The boys were soaked by the massive load that rained down on them. "You're such a dirty little boy, baby brother. "You're so big, you're so strong, you're so hot, you're so sexy, you're so manly. Brett couldn't believe how much his little brother was attracted to him, how much his little brother was turned on by him. "I'm so lucky, big brother, you're so fucking sexy. "Your admiration makes me so fucking hard, baby brother. Robbie couldn't resist any longer, he had to taste his brother's cock again. He lowered his head and began to suck on the huge mushroom head, moaning as the salty taste hit his tongue. "Oooh yeah, that's a good boy, baby brother, suck my cock. "I love the taste of your cock big brother, I can't believe how good it is. Robbie pulled the cock down and placed it against his forearm. The size of the cock was bigger than his forearm. The head pressed against his inner elbow, his hand couldn't reach the end of the shaft. He couldn't believe the size, the girth, the power. "Fuck, big brother, your cock is so big, I can't believe how big it is. "I know, baby brother, it's so fucking huge. It belongs on a fucking horse "Your balls are so big, I can't believe it, they're so big, so heavy. They belong on a fucking bull. "You're the hottest, sexiest, manliest, most masculine, strongest, best, biggest, most perfect man I've ever seen. The orgasm had now subsided. "Oh fuck yeah, baby brother, keep talking like that, keep saying all that. "You're such a stud, big brother, you're the definition of masculinity. Brett was turned on by his little brother's words, by the way he worshipped him. "You're so fucking perfect, big brother, I can't believe how fucking perfect you are. "I love the way your arms bulge when you squeeze your pecs, I love the way your biceps pop out when you flex your arm, I love the way your back muscles ripple when you move, I love the way your glutes are so big and strong, I love the way your abs are so defined and hard, I love the way your forearms are so thick and powerful, I love the way your calves are so huge and muscular. "Keep talking baby brother, you're driving me fucking crazy. "You're so fucking big, so fucking strong, so fucking manly, I can't believe it, I can't believe how fucking manly you are. "I could watch you all day, big brother, I could watch you forever, I could watch you jerk off for hours. "You're the sexiest, hottest, most manly man I've ever seen. Brett loved the attention his little brother was giving him, he loved the way he was adoring him, he loved the way he was praising him. "I'm so fucking lucky, I can't believe how fucking lucky I am, I can't believe I get to worship you, I can't believe I get to see you like this. You're the sexiest, hottest, manliest, most perfect man in the world, I can't believe how sexy and manly you are. "Oooooh God, baby brother, that's right, keep doing that, keep worshipping me. Robbie worshipped his brother, he couldn't stop, he was in awe, he was in love, he was horny, he was obsessed, he couldn't believe how hot his brother was, he couldn't believe how much his brother turned him on. "You're the most perfect man I've ever met. I can't believe how much you turn me on, I can't believe how turned on I am, I can't believe how horny you make me, I can't believe how much I want you, I can't believe how much I need you. "Keep going baby brother, keep telling me how perfect I am. "You're so perfect, you're the sexiest, the hottest, the most perfect, the most manly, the most masculine, the strongest, the best. Robbie couldn't stop, he was addicted to his brother's body, he was addicted to his cock, he was addicted to his cum, he was addicted to his manhood. "You're a god, you're a sex god, you're the definition of masculinity. Fuck, you're a god, you're my god, you're my sex god. "Stand next to me and shoot your load with me. The boys were now standing in front of the cum covered mirror. They could barely see through the spray, but it was sliding down a bit. The difference in size was insane. "Oh God, big brother, look at the size difference. You're so much bigger than me, you're so much stronger, you're so much more masculine, you're so much more muscular. "Yeah, baby brother, that's right, I'm bigger, I'm stronger, I'm more masculine, I'm more muscular. "Fuck, you're so much bigger than me, I can't believe how much bigger you are. Look at the difference in our cocks, how small my cock is compared to yours. I can't believe how much smaller it is, I can't believe how tiny it looks next to your monster cock. "Oooh God, that's so hot, baby brother, that's so fucking hot. "I'm not a man, I'm a boy, a boy compared to you, a boy compared to your huge cock, a boy compared to your huge, fat, heavy balls, a boy compared to your huge, bulging, muscular body. Ooooh, I'm going to cum again. Just by looking at you. "Fuck, baby brother, I'm gonna cum too, just hearing you talk like that. The boys came together and shot their loads into the mirror. "OOOOOH, FUCK YEAH, BABY BROTHER, THAT'S IT, CUM FOR ME, CUM FOR YOUR BIG BROTHER, OOOH YEAH, SHOOT YOUR LOAD ON THE MIRROR, SHOOT YOUR LOAD ON MY CUMMING COCK, SHOOT YOUR LOAD IN THE AIR. "FUCK, YOU'RE SO HOT, BIG BROTHER, FUCK, YOU'RE SO MANLY, FUCK, I CAN'T BELIEVE HOW HOT YOU ARE, FUCK, I LOVE YOU, FUCK, YOU'RE PERFECT, FUCK, YOU'RE EVERYTHING I'VE EVER WANTED, FUCK, I'M SO HORNY, FUCK, I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU TURN ME ON SO MUCH, FUCK, I'LL ALWAYS WANT YOU, FUCK, I'LL ALWAYS NEED YOU, FUCK, YOU'RE MY DREAM MAN, FUCK, YOU'RE MY PORN STAR, FUCK, YOU'RE THE MAN OF MY DREAMS, FUCK, I WANT TO BE LIKE YOU, FUCK, I WANT TO DO WHAT YOU DO, FUCK, I WANT TO HAVE YOUR COCK, FUCK, I WANT TO BE ABLE TO SHOOT MY LOAD IN THE AIR LIKE YOU CAN, FUCK, YOU'RE JUST TOO FUCKING HOT, FUCK, I LOVE YOU, FUCK, YOU'RE EVERYTHING I'VE EVER WANTED, FUCK, I WANT TO BE YOUR BITCH, I WANT TO BE YOUR BOY, I WANT TO SERVE YOU, I WANT TO BE YOUR SEX SLAVE, I WANT TO BE YOUR SLUT, I WANT TO BE YOUR LITTLE BITCH BOY, I WANT TO WORSHIP YOU, I WANT TO BE DEVOTED TO YOU, I WANT TO OBEY YOU, I WANT TO BE OWNED BY YOU, I WANT TO BE BOUND TO YOU, I WANT TO BE ONE WITH YOU, I WANT TO LIVE FOR YOU, I WANT TO SERVE YOU, I WANT TO PRAISE YOU, I WANT TO ADORE YOU, I WANT TO WORSHIP YOU, FUCK, I'M SO HORNY FOR YOU, FUCK, I LOVE YOU, FUCK, I NEED YOU, FUCK, I NEVER WANT TO BE AWAY FROM YOU, FUCK, YOU'RE PERFECT, FUCK, THIS IS WHERE I'M MEANT TO BE, FUCK, RIGHT NEXT TO YOU, FUCK, OOOOOH FUCK, FUUUUUUCK, FUUUUUUCK, FUUUUUUCK "Fuck, baby brother, that was incredible. The boys were exhausted. "I can't believe how horny you made me, Brett, I can't believe how hot I am for you, I can't believe how much I want you, I can't believe how much I love you, I can't believe how obsessed I am with you. "Fuck, you're the perfect little brother, I can't believe how much you worship me. You make me feel like a fucking god, baby brother. "I can't stop worshipping you, I'll never stop, I'll always worship you. "Very good little bro, I'll always let you. Now, let's clean this place "I'll help you, big brother. "I want to take a shower, I'm all sticky. "I'll join you. "You can't keep your hands off me, can you, little bro? ----------------- Part 8 - Ruler of the world Robbie was so tired, he had fallen asleep in the shower while massaging his brother. Brett carried him to his bed where he could recover from everything that had happened. He was completely exhausted. It was around 4 p.m. Brett searched for clothes that would still fit him. The best he could find was the largest pair of black athletic shorts, leaving nothing to the imagination, and a white shirt that had previously been way too big but was now quite tight around his body. He had a pair of flip flops that were actually too small, but it did the job. After he put on his cap, backwards as always, he walked outside. A tyre on his pick-up truck was flat. He had to replace it so he could drive to the village to buy some new clothes. The only problem was that so many new clothes would cost him a lot of money. Normally not a problem, but now that his parents were gone he had no means. He could use his own money earned by working on the farm, but he was saving for gym equipment at home. That wasn't an option. Brett was thinking about it as he walked towards his truck. He was already sweating a bit and the sun was shining brightly. It was a really hot day. The white shirt was sticking to his skin and the shorts were riding up his ass. He tried to pull the shorts down but they wouldn't budge. Suddenly he saw a car turning on the farm's driveway, the same car that had taken him to school this morning. It was Mr Smith's car. "Fuck, that guy is so hot," Mr Smith thought. "Fuck, that's not right. Stop being so gay. He's your son's best friend, it's wrong. Stop. But fuck, look at those legs, look at that ass, look at those thighs, look at those arms. Shit, he's even bigger than this morning. His muscles must have grown." "Hey, what are you doing here?" Brett asked as Mr Smith parked the car next to him. "Uhum.. hey Brett," Mr Smith said nervously. "I was wondering if you got home okay because you weren't there when I picked you up. I wanted to check if you were okay." "Yeah, I'm fine, I took the bus." Brett could see the lust in the man's eyes as he scanned his body. "Uhum, you look.. uuh.. have you grown?," Mr Smith asked "Yeah, a little bit. I need to get some new clothes. My body has grown so fast." "Yeah, it's amazing. You look really.. uuh.. hot. No, no, wait, what did I say, I didn't say that, I didn't mean to say that." Brett stepped closer to the rolled down window at the drivers seat. He sank through his crouch, raised his arm just in front of the man's face and flexed his giant right bicep. "You like my guns? You wanna touch 'em?," Brett said seductively. Mr Smith's cock was rock hard. He nodded. "You wanna lick them?" Mr Smith nodded again. "You wanna worship them?" Mr Smith nodded again. "You can't stop staring at them, can you, you horny fucker. Are my muscles and looks turning you into a little fag? "I can't help it, they're so big, so fucking strong, so powerful. "Say it. Say what you are. "I'm a.. faggot, I'm a fag, a little fag for your giant muscles." "That's right. You've taken me on vacation when I was a kid, you've seen me grow up as your son's best friend. And now look at you, you're a little faggot, a horny little fag for me. "I can't believe how big your biceps are. You're not a boy, you're a man, a real man, a fucking stud. "Well, you can earn to worship these bad boys," Brett said, flexing his bicep. Mr Smith was in awe, he would do anything to touch the godlike muscles. "Euh.. how?," he asked. "You see, I was planning on going to the store to get some clothes, but I don't want to spend my own money on it, because I'm saving up for a home gym. I need these muscles to grow even bigger, you know. So, the only way I can get clothes without spending my own money, is if someone pays for them. "Oh, that's no problem, how much do you need?" "How much is it worth to you to touch these muscles?," Brett said seductively. "Uhm... $500?," the man said, unsure. Brett couldn't believe how this was turning out. It was like Mr Smith was begging him to let him touch him, to let him pay him to do it. It was turning him on like crazy. "You think these muscles are worth 500 bucks?," he asked, raising his left eyebrow. "Uhm, no, no, of course not, $2000?" "You think that's a fair price?," Brett said, grinning. "Of course, anything you want. I'll do anything. I'll pay you whatever you want. "How about this, I'll tell you the price when we're at the store. "Sure, sure, anything, whatever you want. "Then you should come with me." "I'd love to," Mr Smith said. "We're gonna take your car, my truck has a flat tyre. "Okay, whatever you want." Mr Smith was in awe. The young man's body was insane. He was so attracted to him, he couldn't think straight. Brett jumped into the passenger's seat. As Mr Smith looked at him, the first thing he saw was Brett's thighs, they were huge, they were so muscular, they were so sexy. Mr Smith was getting more and more aroused. He knew it was wrong, he knew he shouldn't be doing this, but the thought of touching the young man's muscles was turning him on. "Let's go. Mr Smith turned the key and the car came to life. They drove off. "You're such a horny little fag. What would your wife say if she knew you were doing this, huh? What would your children say, what would Sam say? "Well.. my wife.. since you where at our place last weekend.. " Mr Smith whispered very softly. "What? You've got to speak up. "She was...(mumbling)" "What's the matter, old man? Spit it out. "She was masturbating.. and she said your name. Mr Smith dared not look at Brett, his face flushed and sweating. He was so ashamed, but he had to tell it. He needed to know where he could take this. "What?! Are you fucking kidding me?! She was jerking off and saying my name?" "Yeah, I caught her, she was moaning your name, she was fantasizing about you." "Hahaha oh my god! Your wife wants me too? That's hilarious. "I've caught her before, but she didn't know that, she doesn't know that I know. "She wants to fuck me, hahaha. That's crazy. She's probably fantasizing about my massive cock." Mr Smith's cock twitched at the thought of the giant young man's cock. He didn't know how to react. From one side it was heartbreaking that his wife would think about fucking his son's best friend, but from the other side, it was so hot. "I guess so, she was fingering her pussy, rubbing her clit. "Hahaha, that's fucking sick. How does that make you feel? Knowing that your wife is fantasizing about me, that she's fingering herself while thinking about me." "It's ... kind of ...hot." "It is? You want me to fuck her? "Well, no, I mean.. euh. "What? You do? "Well, yes, yes, it's hot." "Hahaha, I can't believe this, so you actually want me to fuck your wife? "Well, yeah, sort of. "And what would you do? Sit in the corner, stroking your tiny little cock, watching us fuck or something like that?" "No, of course not, I mean, well, maybe. "Whoa, would you be my little bitch?, would you worship me while your wife is riding my giant cock, moaning my name, screaming for me, cumming for me, obeying me, being owned by me?" Brett teased. "Yes, yes, yes, I'd worship you, I'd obey you, I'd be your little bitch. "Oh my fucking god, I can't believe the parents of my best friend are this fucked up. Is this serious? And what about Jess? Mr Smith and his wife had two children. Sam, Brett's best friend since childhood, and his older sister, Jessica. She was 22 years old and one of the best looking girls in town. She was at college out of state, so Brett didn't see her much. "Euhm.. well, Jess.. euhm.. well.., when Jess was still living at home.. "What? Tell me." "When she was still living at home.. sometimes.. I found printed pictures of you. "What? You're fucking kidding me!" Brett was stunned. This was getting crazier by the second. "She has a secret box, where she hides stuff. She thinks no one knows, but I do. Wand there were pictures of me in it? "There were pictures of you in your swimming trunks in our backyard, pictures of you after sports, you're all sweaty and the trunks are sticking to your body. "Fuck, this is so fucked up, hahaha. So, do you think she fantasizes about me too? "Yes, I think she does. She would stare at you sometimes, especially when you would train outside, when you were training with Sam, when you would take off your shirt. Or when you're swimming in our pool." "My god, I hope Sam doesn't get all infected by your family's sickness. I couldn't lose my best friend in all this. "Well, Sam is kind of obsessed with your muscles. "Of course, because we're friends and building our boddies together, he's supportive. "I guess." "Your family is so fucked up." Mr Smith had a lump in his throat, he had never felt so ashamed in his life. It was humiliating. "So, let me get this straight, you're offering me $2000 to be able to worship my muscles, your wife fantasizes about me and your daughter has pictures of me. And all of that while your son is my best friend? Mr Smith was so ashamed, he didn't know what to do. Had he said too much? What was going to happen? Would his family fall apart? But it seemed worth it if just once he could enjoy the huge hunk next to him in the car. If he could have just one touch, one feel... the experience would turn his life upside down. "Pfff.. I don't know.." Mr Smith whispered "Yeah, that about sums it up. My god." Brett laughed with big eyes, not knowing exactly what to make all of this. Mr Smith was nervous. He could feel Brett was processing all of this. "You know, you can always pay me more than 2000 bucks if you want me to have sex with your wife. I can fuck her real good, I can pound her brains out." Brett grinned while saying this, watching at the driver to see his reaction. Mr Smith just held his eyes on the road in front him, not daring to watch Brett in the eyes. "I'll do anything. Whatever it takes," he said softly. "Wow, you're serious about this? I can't believe this is happening. The father of my best friend wants to worship me, wants me to fuck his wife and even pay me a shit load of money to do it. This is so sick." Brett couldn't even laugh about this anymore. He couldn't comprehend what was going on. It was surreal. He was now experiencing that his body seemed to have endless possibilities, it was like a magnet for people wanting to worship him. It was all happening so fast. He had to decide how far he wanted to take this. It wouldn't probably stay here, the Smith family would not be the end of the line, there were still more people, more families, more mothers, more daughters, more teachers, more of everything. Where would all of this lead to? "This is just crazy. I can't believe this is happening. How many more people are going to lust after me like this?" Brett was thinking out loud. "So many.." Mr Smith whispered, "You're so attractive, it's almost not fair, I mean, look at yourself. Mr Smith stole a quick nervous glance at the young teenage god next to him. Brett didn't say a thing and just looked at him. He had to feel how far this could go. He started lifting his left arm, his upper arm now at the driver's eye level, his fist almost hitting the roof of the car. "You know, you have to understand, this is really not normal. What you're doing is really wrong, you're breaking your family, you're corrupting my best friend. Slowly Brett brought his fist towards his upper arm, causing the muscle to grow, the veins coming to the surface, the bicep starting to swell. "You are going to regret this, you know, you can't keep it a secret forever." The man said nothing, didn't move, his eyes fixed on the road in front of him. He began to pant as the young man flexed his biceps harder and harder. "You can't do this." Brett moved his fist just inches away from his bicep. "This is so fucking sick." "Ohhhh, please.." Mr Smith begged, "Please let me touch them." He was panting faster, he was sweating, his mouth was watering, he was aching for it, his mind was foggy. "Do you even hear what I'm saying, you're sick. "Yes, yes, I'm sick, I'm sorry, I'm sick, please.." He gave his bicep the ultimate last flex, it was bulging out, his skin stretching over his swollen muscle, the veins popping out. The bicep was so well shaped, it had the most perfectly defined peak, the separations were like two mountains and the thickness was so full, it was perfect. Mr Smith lost it, he lost it all, his mind, his sanity, his dignity, his self control, everything. "PLEASE!!!!" He screamed, he was so desperate. He pumped his arm up and down, the biceps soft to hard, soft to harder, soft to rock hard. The arm now only inches away from his face. "Ohhhhh pleaaaaaaaseee," Mr Smith begged again, the tears were running down his cheeks. Brett's hand moved slowly towards the man's head. He put his whole hand on the back of the man's head, the outside of his bicep was now milimeters away from the driver's face. He gave his head the final push, his biceps slamming into the man's cheek at the exact moment Mr Smith stopped the car in the middle of the empty road. Mr Smith was in heaven, the sensation was indescribable, he closed his eyes, tears still running down his cheeks, a small whimper escaping his mouth. Brett could feel the man's hot breath on his skin. It was the weirdest feeling, the power was surreal. The man's whole body was now shaking, he was crying and panting and shivering all at the same time. "Oh my god," Mr Smith cried, "this is insane." He had never experienced such a high before, it was a religious experience, it was an addictive experience, it was the most erotic thing ever, the feeling was mind blowing, it was all encompassing, it was all consuming. "How can one man be so perfect?," Mr Smith said softly, his cheek still glued to the massive bicep, "I've never seen anything like this. Brett didn't say a single word, his mind was racing, he had so many thoughts. He had never experienced anything like this either. Was this just a game or was it real, was this man for real or was he just acting? Brett had been playing with his body, trying to show off his muscles, trying to see how people would react. He had always imagined how it would be, but the reality was way more than he had ever dreamed of. This was a new level of power, this was something new. He would be the ultimate alpha male, the top of the food chain. This was the beginning of a journey, a journey of unlimited possibilities, a journey without borders, a journey without boundaries, a journey without rules. He would do anything he wanted, he could have anyone he wanted, the world was his. And that journey was starting right now. Brett let go of the man's head, now just flexing his bicep next to him, keeping it at eye level, Mr Smith licking the bicep while grabbing the arm with both hands "Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god," the man whispered, he was in awe, he couldn't believe it, he didn't want to stop. Brett just kept flexing his bicep, while looking at the desperate man. He was thinking it over. Robbie had awaken something in him, he had opened a new door, and he couldn't close that door again, even if he wanted. It was an amazing feeling and he now realized that he didn't have any limits, that he could do anything he wanted. "This is so crazy," Brett whispered to himself, "How is this real?" It was a dream come true, he was experiencing his ultimate fantasy. He could now do everything he ever dreamed of, and it would actually be for real. This was the start of a new era, the dawn of a new Brett, the beginning of the new god. "I could get used to this," he thought, a big grin on his face. "You are a god." Brett looked over at the driver. "I'm a god?" "Yes, you are. You are the most beautiful person in the world. You're a masterpiece, you're a sculpture, you're the epitome of perfection. "Hahaha, yeah, whatever, man. Brett had to adapt to the situation. The teasing was fun for him, but to see a grown man, the father of his best friend, acting this way. To give his whole life like that. It was strange. But somehow he knew that's what he wanted. Not this man. But to be adored like that. Robbie would understand how he felt. "No, you don't understand, you are the definition of perfection, you are the standard, everyone is comparing themselves to you, everyone wishes they were you, everyone wants to be you, everyone wants to look like you. "Wow, yeah, I'm pretty great, hahaha. "Yes, you are, and that's why I want to worship you. I'm so in love with you, I would do anything for you, I would die for you, I would kill for you, I would give you the world. "Hahaha, you're fucking sick. "Yes, I am, but you have that effect on people, you make them sick. You're the most attractive human being in the history of mankind, it's not normal, it's not natural. "So, you think I'm the best looking guy in the world, hahaha." "Yes, absolutely, no doubt. "Hahaha, you're fucking crazy, man. "Maybe, but it's true. You're a gift to humanity, you're a blessing. You are the future, you are the new god. "Hahaha, the new god, huh?" "Yes, you're the new god. "What, a teenager?" "Not just a teenager, the teenager, the ultimate teenager, the teenage god, the god of teenagers, the god of humanity." "You are so fucked up, man, hahaha." Brett was laughing his ass off, but the words were sticking in his head. "Sounds it would even be an honour for you of I would fuck your wife and daughter. "Oh, yes! It would!" "My god, this is weird. "YES! YES! "Okay, okay, calm down, jeez. Now let go of my arm, I need to get some clothes." "Oh, yes, yes, of course, sorry. The man released the bicep from his grip. "I'll pay you 5000$ if you fuck my wife. "Hahaha, dude, stop it, this is so fucked up, you're not serious about this. "I am! I really am. I'll pay you 10000$. "Stop it. I need to think about it. "Yes, sure, take your time, I'm just so anxious to see it." "My god, this is so fucked up." They came to the store. It was a big store with the most trendy clothing just a few miles out of town. It was in the middle of nowhere, only the rich and famous would shop here. Mr Smith had chosen to drive here, Brett wasn't even paying attention to the road, he had no idea they were going here. "Are you ready, god? "Yeah, just shut up, okay. "I can't. "Fine, whatever. Brett was now fully aware of his powers, the feeling was unbelievable. This was his time to shine, this was his time to prove himself, to show the world what he was capable of. This was his time to make an impact. Mr Smith parked the car and looked over at the boy next to him, admiring him, staring at his perfect body, his godly muscles. "You are beautiful, so beautiful." "Yeah, yeah, I know. "Let's go. They got out of the car and walked towards the entrance. Mr Smith was in a hurry, he wanted Brett to get everything he wanted. "Wait, I'm coming. They entered the store. The interior was very modern, the walls were made out of glass, the floor was black, the shelves were made out of steel, the ceiling was high, the music was loud. It was an overwhelming experience, but that was the point. They wanted you to feel overwhelmed. Usually you had to make an oppointment, you could only get in with a reservation. It was all very strict, very exclusive and a clerk would supervise you, helping you to pick out the right clothes. But Mr Smith had to try and convince the clerk, they would have to bend the rules, they would have to be lenient. Mr Smith had to show Brett his worth. He had to show him how much he could get him. Mr Smith walked over to the desk and talked to the clerk. "We need to see your boss." The clerk looked up from his computer. "Do you have an appointment?" "No, we don't, but it's urgent. "I'm sorry, but you need an appointment." At that moment the clerk laided eyes on the teenage god. His heart skipped a beat. He couldn't believe it, the young boy was stunning. The clerk had never seen someone like this before. The perfect proportions, the smooth skin, the flawless face, the big green eyes, the full lips, the dark hair, the broad shoulders, the big arms, the muscular chest, the narrow waist, the sexy hips, the strong legs, the beautiful feet, the firm ass. Everything about him was perfect. The clerk was stunned. "As you can see I'm having a bit of a wardrope situation here." Brett said nonchalantly while emphasizing his struggling outfit. "Oh my god, yes, of course, let me just go and get my boss, she's in her office. The clerk was in shock. The most beautiful teenager in the world was standing right in front of him, he had to go and tell his boss. The clerk ran to his boss' office, he knocked on the door, he opened it, he walked inside, his boss was sitting behind her desk, her computer screen in front of her, her head resting on her hand. She looked up. "Yes? "You need to come, there's someone I want you to see. "Who? "I can't tell you, just come, please, it's urgent. The boss was a woman in her mid-thirties called Priscilla Jones. She had the most amazing physique. She was extremely tall, had long brown hair, the most amazing face, her lips were red, her eyes were blue, her skin was pale, her body was incredible, her legs were long, her ass was huge, her breasts were massive, she was the most beautiful woman. But it was her personality that made her so special. She was the most confident person you would ever meet. She was pure dominance. If she wanted something, she got it. She didn't take shit from anybody. It was said that no man could ever satisfy her. She had been married to three men, the first two were massive bodybuilders, the most masculine kind you could imagine, but they still couldn't satisfy her. So she gave up and married a wealthy man, the owner of the shop. She had her own private office, she could do whatever she wanted. She had complete control over the shop and loved it as her own. She would ask her husband for the most expensive jewellery and promise him that he would just get a glimpse of her tits so he could jerk off. He would then say yes and the jewellery would be hers. She would never allow him to touch her, so he would have to live with that. It was her power and she loved it. She would always dress like a queen, wearing the most expensive dresses, her shoes were the most stylish and expensive ones. She was a goddess. "What is this about? "It's a teenage boy. "A boy? "He's the most beautiful boy I've ever seen. "Really? "Yes. "Interesting, let's see. The boss walked through the store, followed by her assistant. She couldn't see him just yet, but she could feel it. She could feel the aura of his beauty, she could feel the power of his masculinity, she could feel the presence of his perfection. It was overwhelming, it was intoxicating, it was exhilarating. She could smell it, she could taste it, she could feel it. She could feel her pussy getting wet, she could feel her clit getting hard, she could feel her nipples getting erect. She could feel her heart racing, she could feel her hands sweating, she could feel her stomach twisting, she could feel her knees getting weak, she could feel her head getting dizzy. It was an otherworldly sensation. She was hypnotized, she was paralyzed, she was possessed. And then she could hear him, she could hear his voice, his voice was so sexy, so sensual, so masculine. It was powerful and dominating, It was overwhelming. She was overwhelmed. She had to see him, she had to see him with her own eyes, she had to see him in his purest form. She was in love, in ecstasy. It was pure lust. She had never felt anything like it before. It was indescribable, it was beyond comprehension. She stopped and saw him. He was even more beautiful than she had imagined. His face was like an angel, his eyes were like emeralds, his hair was like silk, his lips were like the most softest pillows, his body was like a sculpture, his skin was like marble, his muscles were like steel, his arms were like pillars, his legs were like mountains, his cock was like a giant tree trunk outlined in his shorts. He was the most stunning human being. She was breathless. "What's your name? "What about you tell me your's first. Even his attitude was sexy. His confidence, his posture, his appearance, his scent, his energy. It was unreal. He was the most sexy person in the universe, he was the most attractive person in the universe. She would never have accepted a person to talk to her in that way, even the clerk let out a yelp when he heard him talk. But there was no question in her mind, he was in control, he was the master, he was the alpha. Because she needed him. She wanted him. And he knew it from the istant she came walking in. He knew he had her. She was his. "Priscilla, my name is Priscilla Jones, and this is my store. "Well, hello there, Priscilla. "Hello there. "What a beautiful store. "Thank you, what's your name? "Brett. "Hi, Brett, so, what can I do for you? "Haha, do I need to spell it out for you, Priscilla? Why do you think I'm here? "No, I mean, yes, you can have whatever you want, I mean, I would love to serve you, I mean, if you need any help, I mean, it would be my pleasure. "Maybe we could go to your office so you could give me some advice in what to wear, while Mr Smith and your employee are collecting some clothes for me. "Oh, sure, of course, this way, please. Brett told Mr Smith not to pay for the clothes just yet. Then the two walked to the boss' office. Mr Smith and the clerk looked at each other and then smiled. Priscilla let Brett in first. She was nervous. She was so nervous, she was shaking, her knees were trembling, her heart was pounding, her throat was dry, her hands were sweating, her mouth was salivating. She was scared. Scared of him, but incredibly excited. She had never been so intimidated by someone, she was at his mercy. "This is my office, please, have a seat. Priscilla had expected Brett to sit in the guest chair, but instead he walked around her desk and sat down in her chair. She was surprised, but also thrilled. He pointed with open hand to the guest chair to instruct her to sit. She obeyed and sat down, her eyes locked onto him, his eyes locked onto her. "So, Priscilla, you think the clerk will do a good job in picking out the right clothes for me? "Yes, absolutely. "Are you sure? "Yes, he has an amazing eye for fashion, he is a natural, he knows what people like and what they need, he has an excellent taste, he will pick the best outfits for you. "Maybe I can get them on the house, what do you think? Could we work out a deal? Brett leaned back in the chair, placing his hands behind his head and started to flex his arms. Priscilla was stunned. The biceps exploded with veins, the sleeves straining to contain them. He grinned, while looking at the stunned woman. He flexed his arms harder. The sleeves were at the breaking point, about to burst. He could hear her breathing intensifying. "Oh my god" she whispered He gave his arms one more, final, powerful flex, the were exploding, seams were now audibly ripping. He held the flex and then the sleeves just popped, the threads breaking and releasing his massive arms, his giant biceps bulging out of the t-shirt, the ripped fabric hanging loosely down his arms, falling back onto his shoulders. "As you can see, I really need new clothes, what do you think about that? Priscilla was speechless, her jaw dropped, her heart was racing, her clit was throbbing, her panties were soaked. She had never seen anything like this, she had never felt anything like this, she was completely submissive to him, completely helpless, she had to do whatever he said, she had to obey, she had no choice. "Oh, I, oh, I, I'm so sorry, I don't know what to say, I've never, oh my god, I, I, I, I... "Yes? "I think, I, I can arrange that, yes, absolutely. "Haha, excellent, I knew I could count on you, Priscilla. This shirts is just way to tight. Watch. Brett placed his lower arms on the armrest of the chair, elbows sticking out to the side. He pressed his fists together in front of him and slowly flexed his pecs. Priscilla watched the fabric of his t-shirt strain, the material stretch and his muscles swell. The sight was mind blowing, the sound was hypnotic, the effect was mesmerizing. She couldn't believe how powerful he was. "See what I mean? Watch what happens if I flex even harder. Brett kept flexing, his muscles popped up from everywhere, veins started bulging, the sound was almost unbearable. "My god, I can't even hold this position for long, I'm straining my t-shirt. Priscilla was speechless, the sight was mind blowing. The shirt was like a second skin, every detail of his body was carving out. His traps pushed the collar of his shirt up, his deltoids were expanding, his naked biceps were bulging, his pecs were pushing against the fabric, his abdominals were forming a perfect 8-pack, his chest muscles were swelling, his nipples were visible, his lats were stretching the shirt. "Oh god, just look, my shirt is about to burst. The shirt stretched beyond what seemed possible, but he didn't stop, he was determined to tear it. "Fuck, this is so fucking hard, it hurts, my pecs are straining so much, look how hard they are, watch them pop. He kept going and the shirt stretched more and more, his pecs were popping up, his biceps were bulging, his lats were tearing the fabric apart. "Come on, just a little more, just a little bit, oh god, I'm tearing my shirt, oh god, oh god, it's about to rip. Look at the muscles coming through! Priscilla could barely breathe, the sight was unreal, his body was perfect. Brett's abs and lats were bulging, his deltoids were expanding, his traps were pushing his neck up, his biceps were almost bursting, his pecs were popping. The woman's pussy was soaking wet, her clit was throbbing, her nipples were so hard they were sticking out through her clothes, her eyes were locked onto him. Brett could see her pussy dripping on the chair. "Show me how much you want me to burst this fucking shirt, show me how much you want it, beg me to do it. "Please, oh god, please, please, please, do it, oh my god, please. "Let me see how wet you are. Lift your legs en show it to me. Priscilla lifted her skirt, she wasn't wearing any panties, her pussy was soaking wet, it was dripping. Brett looked at it and grinned. "Now beg me again. "Please, please, please, oh god, please, oh my god, oh god, oh my god. Brett was so turned on, his cock was getting hard, he wanted to fuck her, he wanted to dominate her, he wanted her to worship him. He increased his flexing, now at the breaking point, he was about to burst his shirt, it was about to rip, he was so close, so fucking close. "Fuck, fuck, fuck, come on, just a little more, come on, fucking come on, it's about to rip, oh god, fuck, FUCK! The threads gave in and the shirt exploded from all angles, it all gave away at once, it was incredible. The fabric of the shoulder tore, the fabric on his back ripped open, his lats were revealed, the fabric on his sides split apart, the fabric on his stomach ripped open, his abs and his 8-pack popped up, his pecs exploded through the torn fabric and the collar tore open right at the middle. Priscilla was stunned, the sight was insane, it was the most erotic thing she had ever seen, she was speechless, her mouth was open, her eyes were wide, she was staring at his body, she couldn't take her eyes off him. Brett relaxed and just smiled. Priscilla was stunned, she couldn't believe what she had just witnessed, it was the hottest thing she had ever seen. "Now you see why I need clothes. You want me to have them, don't you? Priscilla didn't hesitate, she was willing to do anything for him, she would give him anything. "Yes, of course, you can have anything, you can have anything, just say the word. "Don't worry, I won't take everything. But I'm still growing, you know, so I'll need new clothes from time to time. Let's make a deal. I promise I'll show you first hand when my clothes get too small. How does that sound? Priscilla didn't have to think twice. "Yes, I would love that. "Great, then we have a deal. Priscilla's knees were weak, she could barely stand up, she was still dizzy. She wanted him so badly. "Maybe you should crawl under the desk. That way you can see my shorts are getting too small as well. Brett was leaning back again, hands behind his head, hips thrust forward, legs spread wide. He was teasing her, showing off, making her drool. Priscilla got down on her knees, slowly crawled under her own desk and lifted her head. She couldn't believe what she was seeing. His black shorts were bursting, his dick lying on his right thigh, the shaft outlined, bulging and throbbing. It was so long, it didn't fit into his shorts, the whole head was hanging out of the leg of his shorts, it was enormous, the size was unreal, it was bigger than her wrist. Priscilla's pussy was dripping, she was ready. She crawled as fast as she could, Brett saw her head come between his thighs and lift up. He was expecting her to stare at his bulge, but instead she looked up at his face, straight in the eyes, she didn't even glance at his crotch. She was staring straight at his face, her eyes filled with lust and desire. "Oh my god. "Like what you see, Priscilla? "It's... "What? "I have no words, I have never seen anything like it. "Well, let's see what you can do about that. She stared at him for a few seconds and then slowly looked down, her eyes widened as they reached his bulge. The head of his dick was peeking out of the leg of his shorts, she could see it, the skin, the shape, the outline. It was massive. "Oh, I, I, oh my god. "You want to touch it? "Oh god yes, can I? "Go ahead. She looked up at him, his eyes were locked on her, a smile on his face, his cock throbbing. She slowly reached up and gently placed the fingers of her right hand around the head, the soft skin, the throbbing shaft beneath the fabric, the veins pushing through. She could feel the heat, the power, the strength, the hardness, the size. She was stunned. "Oh god, I, oh god, oh my god. She was amazed, her hands were trembling, her heart was racing, her body was shaking. It was the most perfect dick she had ever seen. She rubbed her hand all over the massive penis and moved her head towards the crown. She opened her mouth and kissed the head. She tasted the pre-cum and the sensation was overwhelming. She lost it now. She went all the way, wrapping her lips around the glans and taking the head in her mouth. She was in heaven. She began to lick and suck the head, she was so happy, her fantasy was becoming reality. Brett's cock was getting harder by the second, it was growing, it was pulsating, it was throbbing. The shorts were stretching more and more, barely able to contain his cock. She sucked and licked faster and harder, the sound was overwhelming, her lips were swollen, her tongue was sore, her cheeks ached, her jaw was tired. She continued to stroke the shaft along the fabric of the shorts. Brett relished the sensation, his dick throbbing and growing, his shorts straining and about to burst, the head of his cock throbbing and growing, his balls aching. "God, you're driving me crazy, your mouth feels amazing. The cock wanted to rise into the air, it wanted to be released from the shorts, the shaft was fighting the fabric, the shorts were about to burst, the threads were straining, the fabric was stretching. Priscilla was now rubbing his balls and shaft, trying to get as much cock as she could into her mouth. "Oh my god, it's going to burst! The shaft stretched and bulged the fabric, the outline became larger, the shape carved out, the cock throbbing, the head swelling, the veins clearly visible, the shaft expanding, the shorts bursting. The head was completely lifted off his thigh, the fabric stretching thinner and thinner. It rose further and further up, until the fabric was no longer able to match the sheer force of the mighty penis. The right leg of the shorts ripped open at the seams, the cock flying out, it was released from the shorts with such power that Priscilla couldn't hold it, she lost her balance and was thrown backwards by the incredible force of the release. "Please fuck me. "Yeah, I thought you'd say that. Brett stood up straight and removed the remaining pieces of his shorts. His legs were spread wide, his thighs bulging, his calves carved out, his feet wide, his toes curled. He was naked now. Priscilla couldn't believe what she was seeing. He grabbed her, lifted her from under the desk and placed her back on top of it. His body was perfection, his chest was bulging, his abs were tight, his hips were wide, his legs were like pillars, his dick was throbbing. She spread her legs, his body was towering above her, his face was smiling. Brett didn't lose any time, he placed his right hand on his shaft, guided it towards her pussy and pushed it in. It was soo hard, the penetration was deep. "Oh fuck. Brett moved his hips, he fucked her in a steady pace, his body was moving like a machine, his dick was pounding, his balls were slapping against her and the side of the desk, making a loud, wet sound. The woman's pussy adapted to the shape needed to accommodate the size of the child's arm-sized cock. Her inner walls clenched tightly around the thick pole, the shape of her clit would never be the same again as it stretched further than ever before. "Oh my god, yes, yes, yes. Brett grabbed her big tits, massaging them, squeezing them, playing with her nipples while she looked at him with the most intense gaze. His arms were covered in veins, bulging out of the smooth, flawless skin. Her view was breathtaking, she had never seen a man of such beauty and strength before. The golden brown skin glistened in the spotlight, the veins in his neck leading to his beautiful muscular face. His large hands fully covered her thick breasts, something no man had ever done before. They felt great on them, her nipples were rock hard. Priscilla lost it, the sex was unreal. After giving her a minute to adjust to the size, he began to increase the intensity of the fucking. His cock was so big, the feeling was overwhelming, her body went numb, she was sweating, her skin was burning. She wrapped her legs around his hips, his cock going deeper and deeper. It felt like the cock was under her throat every time he pushed it into her. "God, yes! Fuck me! Harder, harder, fuck me, fuck me. Brett began to pound her with insane force, the big desk now shuddering. His dick was drilling into her, his body moving faster, his hips slamming into her, his dick sliding in and out. "Oooh yesss! Yessss! Oh my God yes! Yay! Yay! Yesss!" "You like being fucked by me? Say my name. Say you want me! "I want you Brett, I want you so bad, I'm yours, please don't stop, I want you, I need you, please, your muscles... ooh please flex them, I'm soo horny! Brett raised his arms to show her the most insane double biceps pose she had ever seen. She lost it, the sight was too much, the pumping was unreal. She tried to lean forward to feel the big arms, but the cock inside her held her back. "Oh God, I can't believe how sexy you are, oh God, the veins, your muscles, oh my God, I can't, oh fuck, the veins, the muscles, oh God, oh yes, your muscles, the veins, the muscles, the veins!! The fucking was amazing, the sensation was out of this world. Brett's body was moving, his cock was pounding, his veins were bulging, his muscles were popping. Priscilla was close to her breaking point. The desk was now shaking violently, the lamp fell down and the computer monitor crashed to the floor. Her legs were still wrapped around his hips, his big cock still fucking her, his arms flexing. The fucking was amazing, the sensation was out of this world. Brett's body was moving, his cock was pounding, his veins were bulging, his muscles were popping. Priscilla was close to breaking point. The desk was now shaking violently, the lamp knocked over and the computer monitor crashed to the floor. Her legs were still wrapped around his hips, his big cock still fucking her, his arms flexing. The force of his fucking ruined the desk, it couldn't hold any longer, the bolts loosened and the parts began to give away. His dick pounded her insides, the head pushing against her stomach, his balls slapping her ass, his hips thrusting into her, his pelvis rubbing against her clit. With one incredible thrust, his balls slamming against the side of the desk, the screws loosened, the desk gave away, the bolts came out and the it broke apart. Brett was still flexing his arms, he loved the sight of his fucking. He thought Priscilla would fall to the ground, but to his surprise she was stil impaled on his giant cock, her legs wrapped around his hips, his huge cock still pounding her. It was unreal, she was lifted from the ground by nothing but the sheer force of his inhumanly big cock, her body hanging in the air, her legs around him, his cock inside her, his big arms flexed. It made his cock even harder, lifting the woman further upwars, causing her legs to let loose from his hips, his cock pushing them away. She was truely impaled now, the cock was piercing through her body, keeping her completely off the ground. She was now totally out of control. Her legs fluttered loose, her upper body leaned back but was held upright by the huge rod. Brett grabbed the back of her head with his left paw and pressed it against his flexed right bicep, her face rubbing against the large muscle, her lips touching the bulging veins. He flexed the muscle even harder, the skin stretching, the veins widening, the muscle growing. "This is what you wanted. You wanted to feel these muscles. Feel how hard they are, feel how big they are, feel their power. "Yes, oh yes, please flex, please. Brett picked up the pace, the fucking was brutal. His dick bored into her, his big biceps flexed. The woman was now moaning uncontrollably, the feeling was unreal. He grabbed her sides and began to use her as a fuck toy, a human fleshlight. His hands were like vice grips, his fingers digging deep into her skin. Her pussy was so tight, her legs fluttered, her toes curled, her mouth open, her eyes wide. "OH YES, IT FEELS SO GOOD! FUCK ME, USE ME, USE ME! PLEASE! The sight was incredible, the cock was going in and out of her, her body lifted from the ground, her tits bouncing up and down. ***KNOCK KNOCK*** ***KNOCK KNOCK*** "YESSSS, OOOH YESSSS!!! The office door opened, Brett turned to face it, Priscilla's back to the door. Her husband walked in. "Oh my God, who, what the fuck, what the fuck is this, what is going on?! "What does it look like, I'm fucking your wife. "My God, this, how, I mean, what is this, how can this be? Are you raping her? "Priscilla, are you all right? Do you want him to stop? "NO! OH MY GOD, FUCK ME, DON'T STOP, FUCK ME HARDER, YEAH! HE'S SO BIG! JUST LOOK AT HIM Brett just smiled as he looked at the shocked man. The man didn't know what to do. His jaw dropped, he couldn't speak. He watched the fucking, he saw the veins, he saw the muscles, he saw his wife's tits bounce, he saw the monster cock fuck his wife. He had never had sex with his wife. He had never seen her like this. He didn't know what to feel. Should he be mad? Or aroused? He was stunned. "What is happening here? This is not real. How can you, I mean, look at him, I mean, what is this, this is not real. "Well, what are you gonna do? Either you stay or go, but close the door man. "What are you gonna do? Either you stay or you go, but close the door, man. The man's mind was blown. He was speechless. He was stunned. The scene was overwhelming. He couldn't believe his eyes. His wife was having the time of her life, his mind was blown, he was confused. But aroused. So aroused. He stared at the fucking, his wife's face full of lust and pleasure, Brett's muscles bulging and his face showing a big smile. He closed the door. "I think your husband is enjoying this. Priscilla's eyes were rolling back, she was moaning, her tongue hanging out, she was in heaven. Her body was numb, her pussy was stretched, her legs fluttered, her pussy was so wet. "Oh my god Philip, can you believe this? Do you see him? Look at his body, he's like a Greek god. Brett's body was amazing, his pecs were massive, his abs carved out, his legs were like tree trunks. His skin was glowing, his veins were bulging, his biceps were massive. He was covered in sweat, his hair was soaked. His muscles were swollen and shiny, his veins were like snakes. He looked like a sex god. The man couldn't believe it, his wife was enjoying this, she was fucking another guy, and the guy was so huge, so muscular. Brett placed his fucktoy on her back on the ground and completely covered her with his massive frame. With his cock deep inside her, he started doing pushups. Each time he came up, he pulled inches of his shaft from the wet clit, until he came down again and buried the thick cock deep inside her. His muscles pumped to abnormal proportions as he continued to look at the dumbfounded man with an arrogant grin. After pressing dozens of times, he places his closed fists on the floor next to the woman's face. He pulled his feet up to beside her thighs, his knees bent. With his right hand he now pressed her buttocks up, pressed tightly around his cock. He began to fuck with incredible force. He was gorilla-like, so animalistic, so primitive. It was pure lust. The woman couldn't hold back any longer. She had tried so hard to hold back her orgasm, but she couldn't do it any more. Her legs went straight, her toes curled, her mouth opened, her eyes closed. She grabbed Brett's huge biceps and her entire body shuddered. Her back arched, her mouth opened, her eyes rolled back, her head leaned back. The most intense orgasm of her life took hold of her, she was completely paralyzed, the pleasure was too much, it was unreal, the sight was so sexy, the fucking was too much. She was completely overwhelmed by the size, the strength, the muscles, the power, the cock. "OH MY GOD, YESS, OOOH, YES, OH YES, OH, OHH, OOOH, OOOOOOH!!!!! Her husband had never seen her have an orgasm. It was so beautiful. He had never experienced anything like it before. He had always dreamed of seeing his wife like that. "Oh my god, this, oh my god, oh, I've never seen her like this before. But at the same time, when he finally saw his wife in her prime, he saw him. Brett. The monster. The beast. The beast that was fucking his wife. The beast that had the biggest dick he had ever seen. It couldn't be he was attracted to him, could it? The sight of his wife in her prime was enough to blow his mind. But the beast? And the monster cock? Brett was now on the verge of cumming. His cock was twitching, his balls were churning, his legs were burning. His muscles were flexed to the max, his veins bulging, his face red. He could feel his cock swell and throb, his balls were ready to burst. Priscilla could feel it coming. She could feel the dick pulse and throb, the veins getting thicker. "Fuck me, fuck me, cum inside me, I want it. "You sure? "Yes, I want to feel it, I want it. He thrust his cock deep into her pussy, his balls tight, his cock pulsing, his muscles flexing. He let out a loud moan as the first rope of cum shot out of his cock, his balls pumping, his cock pulsing, his balls churning, his cum exploding. Rope after rope, rope after rope. The orgasm lasted so long, each pulse sent a load of cum into the woman's body, each wave felt like an explosion, each rope more powerful than the one before. Her stomach swelled, the feeling was indescribable. Her husband stood with his back to the door, watching his wife being filled with a river of cum, the beast's cock exploding, his balls pumping. He couldn't believe the sight, it was so hot, the monster cock pumping into his wife. Brett released Priscilla's body, pulled his dick out of her and continued to jerk his pole with his right hand. The next cumshot was so strong. The man watched it happen. He saw the load explode from the biggest glans imaginable. It happened so quickly. It could have shot infinitely farther had it not been stopped by the stunned man's face. This one cumshot covered his entire face and before he knew it he felt the next one landing on his chest. And the next. The man was being coated in the teenager's load. Philip wiped his face on the sleeve of his shirt, but it was of little use as the next load was already covering him again. "Oh my god dude, you're totally soaked! Hahaha, damn! Brett's load was too much, his body was covered, his head was soaked, his shirt was drenched, his pants were dripping. It was so intense, the smell was unbelievable, the man's senses were overloaded. He wiped his face clean again, while Brett unloaded his last shots on Priscilla's body. "Oh my god Brett, you've filled me up completely, your load is incredible. Philip, come here. Lick my pussy. Lick the god's load out of it. Philip was eager to do so. He finally got the chance to lick his wife's pussy, the thing he had been fantasizing about for so long. But it wasn't only his wife's pussy, it was also Brett's jizz. The thought made him hard, he so badly wanted to lick the cum out of his wife's pussy. He got down on his knees and began to lick her, the taste was so good, the smell was so good. His wife's pussy could not have tasted any better. She was still shaking, her clit was still tingling. "Taste that muscleload. You could never do that. He's so hot. That's a real man's load." Priscilla moaned. Brett stood next to the man, hands on his hips, grinning, his cock softening but still massive. Philip noticed the young stud next to him, the man towering above him, the god standing next to him. He felt the urge to touch his muscles, his mind was blown, he had never seen muscles so big, so perfect, so sexy. The thought was overwhelming, his mind was telling him not to do it, but his body was telling him something else. He gave in, his hand reached out, his fingers touched the giant's quads. The muscle was hard, the skin was smooth, the veins were bulging. He moved his hand to the other leg, the other side was exactly the same. His face was still burried in his wife's pussy, tasting the young man's cum, while his hand was feeling the legs all over. Brett's cock was now hanging so low, the man accidetally rubbed his hand across the giant shaft. His cock was still so thick, even though it was soft. Philip was shocked to feel it. He quickly pulled his hand away. But it just took him a second to realise he wanted to touch it. "Haha dude, you want to touch it so bad Priscilla saw it happening and got on her knees on Brett's right side. "Oh Brett, make him your bitch. Please. Make him mad with desire. He has never had a cock in his mouth. "Do you wanna suck my dick, Philip? Do you wanna lick the cum off of my cock? Do you wanna feel the muscles? He got on his knees next to his wife. "No.. yes.. no, I don't know. This is so wrong, this is not what I had in mind, I mean, what will people think, I mean, it's just, it's, I can't. "You want to be my bitch? You want to serve my cock? Look at it, do you want it? Philip couldn't take his eyes off the massive cock. He couldn't say he wanted it. But he knew he did. So he just leaned in. He was hypnotised. It was like a magnet. He couldn't resist, even if he wanted to. The cock was hanging in front of him. It was beautiful. It was so well shaped, veins were all over it, it had a fantastic brown colour, even darker than the rest of his skin. The forehead was pulled back, the head had an amazing bright pink colour. And it was so fat. So thick. It was bigger than a soda can, even in it's soft state like this. And the bull balls underneath, man what a sight. They hung even lower than the big cock and leaned against his thighs. Both nuts clearly visible hanging in the long sack. He looked up, Brett was smiling. He looked at his wife, she was smiling. His eyes went back to the giant meat. "Be his bitch, be his slave. Do it. "Lick the cum off my dick. He leaned in and opened his mouth. The first lick was electrifying. The taste was unbelievable. He could not describe it. He licked more, his hands were shaking. He grabbed the massive dick with his left hand and felt it. It was so heavy. His mouth was open, his eyes were wide, his tongue was licking. The size was so overwhelming, his fingers did not meet his thumb. "Look at him, he's so horny. He can't believe it. Brett took a step back, pulling the cock away. "Do you want to suck my dick? Philip stared at the giant pole, he needed it. "Do you want to worship my cock? "Yes, please, let me. Brett stepped closer, the man grabbed his monster dick and placed the tip against his lips. "Tell me you're my bitch. "I'm your bitch. "Show me how much you want it. Philip sucked the big cock in his mouth, it was so huge, he could not believe how thick it was, it was like a giant sausage. "Oh yes Brett, own him. Make him yours. Brett pushed the cock into the man's throat. Philip couldn't handle it, he choked. He could not breath. "Come on Philip, you can do better than that. Brett pushed his cock in and out of the man's mouth. "Suck my dick. Priscilla was loving the sight, her husband was such a cockslut. He had been drooling over her, but now he was on his knees, sucking the teenage giant. "I am so turned on, I am so wet, fuck him, fuck his face, do it, I want to see him gagging. Brett grabbed Philip's head and fucked his face, shoving his massive tool deep into the throat, over and over again, his balls slapping his chin and chest. The man could not handle it, the dick was too big, his mouth was stretched too wide. "You are my bitch, you will be my slave. Suck it. The giant held the man's head and fucked him. The man tried to get away, but he couldn't. Brett's grip was too tight, his face was shoved against his crotch. He pulled the cock out, the man was coughing, the dick was too big, it was impossible to take. Brett shoved his cock back in, it went down his throat. Philip grabbed his knees, but the teenager was too strong. Brett grabbed the man's hair, his head was completely locked in. "You are my bitch. Philip was scared, his body was shaking, he couldn't move. The giant's cock was so big, it was tearing him apart. His throat was aching, he was drooling all over the cock. The cock started to swell, his heart was pounding. "Yes, fuck his face, fuck his face, fuck his face. The teenager's cock was swelling, his balls were churning, his cock was pulsing. "Oh my god, look at his face. He look's like he's gonna explode. Philip's face was red, his eyes bulging, tears running down his cheeks, his face drenched in sweat, his jaw aching. The cock was twitching, his head was spinning. The cock was getting too big, he was starting to panic. "OH MY GOD! Brett grabbed his neck and squeezed, Philip started to panic, the cock was throbbing. "OH MY GOD BRETT!!!!! HE CAN'T TAKE IT. IT'S SO HOT! OH MY GOD!!!! "FUUUCK! His eyes were bulging, his nostrils flared, his neck was swollen, his muscles were flexed, his body was shaking. "OH MY GOD HE'S CHOKING, FUCK HIS FACE, OOOOHHHH!!!! Brett was on the verge, his cock was throbbing, his balls were twitching, his body was tensing. "Take it bitch! Taste the cum of a real man! His cock was only semi hard, but he unleashed. The cum shot out of his cock. The cum shot down Philip's throat, his neck bulging, his Adam's apple swelling, his stomach filling. The next shot went straight into his lungs, Philip started choking, the cum shooting out of his nose. His mouth was filled, the cum oozing out the sides, down his chin. Brett was grunting, his muscles flexed, his cum blasting into the man's face, filling his mouth, coating his face, his cum oozing down his body, his balls twitching. Priscilla pushed her husband out of the way, the man fell on his back, the giant cock spraying cum everywhere. "Let me have it, oh my god, oh my god, yes, let me have it, give me that load. She placed her hands around his cock and took the remaining cumshots. Brett's body was shaking, his cock was pulsing. Priscilla licked his dick, tasting the cum, her husband was watching her, the sight was so hot, her sucking the massive dick. Brett was moaning, his body was shaking, his legs were shaking. He pulled his dick away, the cum was dripping down her chin, her tits were covered. "Oh my god, look at your wife, she is a dirty slut. She is such a dirty whore. Look at her, she can't get enough. Philip couldn't believe his eyes. The sight was so hot, his wife sucking the young stud. Her eyes were closed, her lips wrapped around the giant cock, her tits were coated with cum, her hands were holding his hips, his abs were flexed, his arms were flexed, his body was glistening with sweat, his chest was rising, his breathing was heavy. "Well, that was fun, haha. Now, get me some clothes to wear. Philip's mind was blank, he couldn't think, the sight was overwhelming, the smell was intoxicating. He couldn't speak. He was mesmerized. His wife was kneeling in front of the young god, her mouth filled with the young man's cum. The monster cock was still semi hard. It was the most incredible thing he had ever seen. Priscilla finally managed to swallow the rest of the cum. "Yes, I make sure you get some clothes" Priscilla said. After wiping herself as clean as she could, she called the clerk to bring Brett some clothes. He was instructed not to enter the office but to leave the clothes at the door. Brett got dressed and went over the deal with the married couple who owned the shop. Brett could come in any time he needed new clothes and it would be on the house as long as he kept coming into the office to flex out of his tight clothes. While Brett continued to establish his status as a human god in the owner's office, Mr Smith and the clerk had packed his clothes and put them in the car. Brett walked into the shop. He was wearing white trainers, grey shorts and a white shirt. Priscilla, Philip and the clerk all came to say goodbye. Brett thanked the owner for his hospitality. He then looked down at the clerk. "Come on Mr Smith, the payment has been arranged. We're leaving. "Yes, after you Brett. Brett took a step towards the door, his massive feet and long legs almost spanning the entire entrance. He walked through the doors and got into the car. The three baffled shopworkers couldn't believe their eyes, their minds had been blown. Brett had established his power. He was the undisputed human god, the king of the city, the master of the earth, the ruler of the universe. Mr Smith started the car and they drove off, back to the farm. "How did you arrange the payment? "What do you think? You're a smart guy, I am sure you can figure it out. "She couldn't keep her hands off of you. Brett grinned. "Who could, right" He winked at the driver. "Well, since I don't have to pay for your clothes, I could pay for your home gym. "That's a good idea, you want to see me grow even bigger, right? "Yeah. "We'll I'll let you know what to order. Thanks man, I like that. Mr Smith's cock was rock hard again. He couln't control himself around this beast. The whole car reeked of him. It smelled like sweat and musk and sex. The giant was sitting there, the air was filled with his aroma, his legs were spread wide, his hands were on his thighs, his arms were pumped, his chest was rising, his breathing was heavy. His eyes were looking straight ahead, his lips were pursed, his hair was perfect, his jawline was chiseled, his veins were popping, his skin was smooth. Mr Smith was so turned on, his body was shaking. He couldn't think about anything else but the beast sitting next to him. "Just keep it together old man, I need to get home now. "But.. uhum.. what about my proposal.. I mean.. you know" "You mean the one in which you want to pay me a shit load of money to fuck your wife and daughter? "Uhum.. yes.." "It could be I could use a swim in your pool soon. I'll see. Mr Smith was grinning, his cock was leaking precum. "Thanks Brett. They finally arrived at the farm. "I'll text you the gym order. Brett took out the bags with clothes. Mr Smith watched him, his muscles were flexing. His ass was so big, his thighs were so thick. The man could not wait until the teenager was swimming in his pool. "Here, for your trouble." Brett presented his flexed right bicep in front of the man's face through the window. Mr Smith was in heaven. He could not believe the sight, he couldn't control himself. His nose was touching the giant's bicep, his lips were kissing it. "Thanks Brett. "No problem, I'll see you around. Brett walked into his house, towards his bedroom. Robbie was still sleeping. He must have been so spent after their sex. Brett dropped the bags next to his bed and sat on the edge of Robbie's bed. "Hey baby bro, wake up. Robbie's eyes opened slowly, he had been sleeping for hours. He looked at the giant, his eyes went wide. "You're so fucking hot. "Hahaha, you're not even awake and that's the first thing you say. Damn dude, you're obsessed. "I am. "We need to get some dinner dude. I need to tell you what happened. It's crazy, I need to talk to you about it. The world is falling at my feet man, it's fucking insane. "I know. "No man, you don't. "I do, because you're a giant, a human god, a beast. I know because I'm your number one fan. I know because I am yours. "Fuck, dude, that's deep. "It's true, and I'm not letting go. "Well, get out of bed then. We'll talk about it. The boys went to make dinner, Brett told everything that happend. "So he wants you to fuck his wife and daughter and pay you to do so? That's insane. You should totally do it! "Hahaha, I knew you would say that. "I bet you could wreck both of them. They wouldn't stand a chance against your giant cock. "Fuck, dude, your mouth is a piece of work. "You're truely a god Brett. I can't believe it. You can do anything you want. There's no one able to stop you. You could fuck your way through the whole town. You could destroy it. You could rule the world. "Haha, calm down little bro. "It's true, though, isn't it? Don't you want it? You can take the world. You can do as you like. You hold the cards, don't you? "Well, it's kind of nice. "Kind of? Are you insane? You're the alpha, you're the top dog. There's no one like you. Everybody wants you or to be with you. Please take it. Take everything. You deserve it. You're the king, the boss, the big man. You can do anything. Everyone is at your feet. Your life is amazing. "You'd like that? "I would die for it. "Don't do that, I like having you around. "You are my hero, Brett. You're so fucking strong. Look at you. No one can touch you. You're the most powerful human on the planet. "Allright then, we'll see how far I can take this. "Oh yes! It's gonna be amazing! I'll be there, all the way. I'll always be there for you. I'll do whatever you want, whenever you want it. "I appreciate it, buddy. "I want to see you using your strength. Ooh, I so badly want to see you put those muscles to work. Please show me. Please do something for me. "Haha dude, you don't even know what I can do. I'll show you, tomorrow. "Can you give me a preview? "Allright, just a little. You're hard? "Fuck yeah. Brett took off his shirt, got up from the table and walked over to his little brother. His right hand grabbed his little brother's crotch. His paw covered the entire crotch area, squeezing and lifting Robbie out of his chair. It was amazing. Using only the strength of his right arm, he easily lifted his 18-year-old brother out of his chair. Robbie fell forward, leaning on Brett's forearm. He began to curl Robbie up and down. His arm was so big, it looked so powerful. He curled him up and down like it was nothing. "Do you like it? "Oooooh, yeeees, oooh, oooh, yes, more, do it, oh god. "Hahaha, look at your face, you're drooling, fuck. You feel my strength? "Yes, it's incredible, ooh, you're so strong, so fucking strong. "Yes, I am. "I can't take it, your muscles are amazing, they're so fucking hot. The muscles exploded with veins. The massive shoulders bulged in front of Robbie's eyes. Each time he went up, he began to kiss them. When the arm was stretched down, every vein was visible from shoulder to wrist. It was the most erotic, the most amazing thing to see. "I can't believe how fucking hot you are. Your body is so incredible, I can't stand it. You're a beast, an animal, a monster. You're the biggest and the strongest, there's no one like you. Brett kept lifting and curling him, it made Robbie's cock twitch. "Oh my god, yes, yes, yes, please, keep going, lift me, oh god. Brett lowered Robbie down, stripped off his clothes, grabbed his sides and lifted him high into the air. The head of Robbie's 7 inch rock hard cock was now pointing at the bottom of the cleavage of Brett's pecs. "Fuck, you're strong, oh my god. Robbie put his hands on his brother's silky hair as Brett pushed him higher and higher. The cock was now entering the cleavage, the pecs surrounding his twitching cock. Brett squeezed the pecs together, the pressure on the cock was incredible. The muscles were so strong, so powerful. The cleavage was so smooth, it was heaven. "You feel that, little brother, you're inside me. You're fucking my pecs. Damn, dude, I could crush your dick with one flex of my pecs. Feel it. Brett's biceps bulged, his pecs twitched, his nipples became rock hard. Brett started to squeeze his pecs, the pressure of the broad slabs of muscle was insane, the feeling was indescribable. "Oh my god it hurts! But it's so good. You're amazing. It's the most amazing thing I have ever felt. "Yeah, tell me how those muscles feel around your cock. Can you feel I could break it right of your body? "Ye... yeeees, I'm cumming, I'm cumming. "Look at my pecs, they're so strong, look how they're squeezing your cock. "Fuuuck, ooh, oooh. Brett felt Robbie's cock start twitching and pulsing between his pecs. The pecs were bulging to the max, the skin was shiny and glistening. It was unbelievable, the pressure the muscles were putting on the cock, the feeling was intense. "Oooh, aaaah. Robbie didn't know where to look. From up there he could see how broad his brother really was. He could see the size of his shoulders and arms, he could see his traps and delts, those pecs stuck out so far, his quads were extremely thick. His feet and legs were so far apart, his abs were so perfect. Brett started to move his baby brother up and down, still squeezing his dick with his pecs. Robbie couldn't take it anymore. He was cumming. "Aaah, I can't, oooh, oh my god. Brett saw his little brother shoot the first blast of cum. The load flew high up in the air. "I'm cumming, aaah, ooh, aaaah, I'm cumming, oh, oooh. Another shot was released from the 7 incher, another and another. "Fuck dude, I'm so fucking strong. I'm lifting you so you can fuck my pecs. How's that for a strength show? "Yes, fuck, yes. You're amazing. Oh god, yes. Robbie was shooting blast after blast, his body was shaking. The 8th shot was the last. Brett was holding him in the air, his pecs still squeezing the dick. He had just squirted his entire load, between the giant's pecs, his pecs were glistening. Brett lowered Robbie to the floor. He looked exhausted. "How's that for a show? "Oh my god! What you're here for is to rule the world. That was so amazing. You're so strong. Your body is so fucking hot. It's perfect, there's nothing else but you. "Yeah, baby bro, you understand how I feel. You feel what I am. Tomorrow I'll show you my strength. And you start working out. "I will. I can't wait, big bro." Robbie was mesmerised. "Brett... please tell me you're a god. Tell me you are the ruler of the world. "Fuck yeah I'm a god! I fucking own the world and you're here to see it all. "I don't miss a single moment. I can't wait till tomorrow. ----------- PART 9 - Master The boys sat on the sofa discussing things. Brett was wearing only his light grey sports shorts and did not even bother to put on underwear. His naked upper body was even more shredded than this morning. It was happening all so fast, it was insane. After the growth, his body had taken all day to tighten its muscles, adjusting its definition and vascularity to its new size. He looked bigger than ever, even relaxed as he was now. Robbie had also chosen to wear only sports shorts, which were dark red in colour. Not only had Brett's muscles grown to new proportions, his self-confidence had also grown to new dimensions. Robbie created this in him, built this. He knew he was handsome, he loved his body, but Robbie took it to the next level. His adoration, his encouragement, his love ensured him that he now could truly be who he wanted to be. That he now saw for himself who he was meant to be; the most beautiful, muscular, biggest, strongest man ever seen. Just the way Robbie saw him. Brett was always stronger than his peers. He was an incredibly beautiful child full of energy. His attitude grew with age, as he himself realized how special he looked, but from heart he allways was a good guy. Suddenly Brett's phone buzzed. Brett was surprised to see the caller's name on the screen and showed it to Robbie. He answered the phone and put it on speakerphone. "Yo Steve It was their oldest brother. Brett had always looked up to him. He was the oldest of the family of three children, two years older than Brett, now 21. He had moved north for college two years ago and rarely came home. He always treated Brett the way Brett had treated Robbie, but even worse. Steve was a real jock, had the prettiest girls and was wildly popular. At the time of his departure, he was 19, 6.4 feet tall and his muscles were nicely shaped. At that time Brett was 17 and by then it was clear that Brett would catch up with his brother. Brett was 6.2 feet tall at that time, his muscles hardly inferior to his brother's. But they were already more defined, looking stronger and more masculine. For Robbie, it was always Brett. Just because he was so much prettier. The masculinity always splashed off him, his energy was overwhelming. Steve was hardly involved in the family. He was too lazy to help on the farm and did what he felt like doing for himself. His body had happened to him, rather than he wanted to work for it. His skin tone was lighter and less tanned, but just as soft. His hair was lighter brown, his eyes darker green. He had a thinner and longer nose, the jawline wasn't as strong and his chin wasn't as pronounced. His lips weren't as full and his eyebrows were less dark. Steve had the same thick neck as his brother, his arms were a bit bigger in size and girth at the time, although not as defined and muscular. His chest was probably even a bit smaller. It had now been two years since the brothers had met, and they had only spoken on the phone a couple of times since. Their mom called once in a while to ask if he would come for a visit, but Steve always had something to do. Brett didn't mind. Steve and he never had a great relationship, rather bad even. Brett had always envied his brother, but it did get a bit less when he was getting bigger himself. Brett was possibly stronger than him even at the age of 15, but it wasn't putt to the test. Except for the comparison of arm wrestling matches against their father. Whereas Brett beat his father quite easily, this was much more difficult for Steve. Steve and Brett didn't know from each other that they had done the arm wrestling against their father, but Robbie was present at both games. As a result, he knew that Brett was already stronger than the eldest brother and would get much stronger still. While Robbie knew he was gay from te moment he first came, shooting from the sight of Brett's beautiful muscles, he never was really attracted to Steve. He thought Steve was handsome and big, but Brett was everything. Brett was always his number one. Steve had no idea about Robbie's preferences, and even if he did, he probably wouldn't care. Robbie was only 16 when Steve left after all. "What's up? "Brettie boy! Brett had always been called 'pretty boy' by numerous people. Steve couldn't stand the fact that his little brother was so handsome, so he made fun of him by changing 'pretty boy' into 'Brettie boy'. In that way he wanted to make him feel less about himself whenever someone would call him pretty boy. "What do you want, Steve? "Hahaha, is that a way to greet your big brother? "Well, you're not here to make conversation, are you? "Allright, I'm trying to call dad and mom, but they aren't answering. "Yeah, they're visiting grandpa and grandma for a couple of days. Why? What do you need? "Needed some money dude. I'm kinda in a tight spot here. "Yeah, well, they're out. Brett hated it when his brother came back to his parents begging for money. He never did anything for it himself. Brett thought you should earn your own money. He himself worked hard for it. A real man earns his own money. Working on the farm would eventually allow him to buy his own gym equipment. Although that was already taken care of now. But hell, could he help it if Mr. Smith was so delusional that he wanted to throw dollars at him just to touch his body and fuck his family. Shit, he deserved it too because of all the work he put into his body. He had earned his money and would not let anyone take it away. "Shit, dude, come on, can't you give me some of yours? "No, dude. "What about this. If you lend me some money I can come home and we can have a party tomorrow night, mom and dad won't be there anyway. I'll invite some high school friends and maybe some hot chicks. It'll be so worth it, it'll be the best night of your life, boy. "Not gonna hap... Robbie noticed that Brett was going to reject his brother's proposal, but tried to get him to stop talking. He waved his hand in front of his face. Brett looked at him questioningly, Robbie made it clear that he should put Steve on hold. "Wait a minute Steve. "What the fuck, little bro? What is it? "You should take his offer. I'll help you, we can get it done. "I don't want a party. Why would you want that? "I think it would be so hot, it'll be a chance to show them who's boss. Please Brett? It would be so hot! "Haha, you horny little fucker. You're sure? "YES, yes, I'm sure, please, please, please. "Okay, okay, fine, you little weirdo. "Yes, yes, thank you, you're the best. "Hey, Steve. "Brettie boy, ready for a party? "Sure, it's on, we're having a party tomorrow night. "YEESS!!! Robbie jumped around the table and ran towards Brett. "What was that? "We'll have the party, but you're gonna clean up after. I'll transfer you some money so you can come home. "Haha, no problem, it's a deal, little bro. Robbie started laughing. Steve had no idea who's the little bro now. "One more thing Brettie boy, I need some extra, gonna bring my chick. You need to see her, she's fucking hot dude! "Fine, just make sure you pay me back or you gonna regret this. "Haha whatever little brother. Brett hung up. "You're crazy, little bro. "I can't wait. Haha, he still calls you little brother, he should know who's the little brother now, it will be the surprise of his life! "Haha, yeah, he never sees it coming. Fuck, it can get interesting, huh. "You can put him in his place, he deserves it. He's always been a jerk. "Yeah, that's right. "You know you where even bigger than him when he left, right? "Really? "Yeah, I bet he looks little now, next to you. "Haha, fuck, dude, what's going on in your head. You're so crazy. "You don't even know half of it, haha, you have no idea. You should invite Sam too. "What? No dude, what would he think? He can't be part of that! "I guess he's gonna want to. Does he know you've grown and what you've been through lately? "No of course not, it's his fucking dad who offered me money to fuck his family dude! "Yeah, but what if he wants the same as the rest of his family? Fuck, like the rest of the whole damn town! Shit dude, even mom and dad will go crazy when they come back and see you. Brett envisioned Robbie's latest remark and pulled a dirty face. "Shit dude, don't say that! "But think about it. Look at yourself. I mean, you're still their son, but... "Stop! "Okay, I just mean that they will notice the changes, especially if more and more people are swooning over you, you can't escape it. "Oh, fuck. I never thought of that. "Just embrace it big brother, you're everybody's walking wet dream, there's nothing wrong with that, you know. "Shit little brother, this is gonna get crazy. "Yeah, so you need people you can rely on, like me. And I'm sure you can rely on Sam too. "Damn, baby bro, you've figured things out allready, don't you? Maybe I should call Sam, tell him about the growth and see how he reacts. "Yeah, he's the best friend you've got, he'll understand. Brett always saw Sam as his best friend. He was like a brother, more than Steve would ever be. It was the last person he would try and dominate. He was teasing him, sure, because he was bigger all over. But they were just fooling around. He didn't have any desire to humiliate him. They did all the normal stuff, playing sports, lifting weights, drinking beer, watching movies. And chasing girls. Lots of them. And Sam was good at it, he could always pick up the hottest chicks, unless Brett had an eye on them. Sam was a jock, a party boy, a womanizer, but not into other guys. Much like Brett himself actually. So it was difficult to imagine how things would work out. He didn't want to loose his best friend over this. "Okay, I'll call him, but you don't say a thing, you hear me? Robbie made the "zipper" sign in front of his mouth to make it clear that he was going to be quiet. Brett Facetimed Sam. It only went over once when Sam picked up the phone. "Yo dude, where have you been today? I've texted you a dozen times man. "Hey Sam, yeah sorry, have been busy man, today was crazy! "Are you okay? What's up with you neck, dude? Brett had only his head and neck in the image. His traps were higher than before and his neck looked thicker and wider, his veins were even more pronounced. Sam noticed right away. "Well.." he got interrupted. "What the hell dude, your traps. Are you flexing or what? "Listen man, you won't believe what happened to me. I was sort of working out today and it went so wild. I just grew dude. It was so intense. You should see it, it's crazy. "What do you mean grow? Like actually grow right at that time? You aren't using supplements, are you? "Nope, of course not. I just grew, dude, like a lot. It's insane. "That's impossible. You've got to show me, dude. Brett was pointing the camera from his face to his left arm with his right hand. Robbie was to his right, out of frame. Brett raised his left arm and brought it into view. The picture was now full of his incredible arm. The close-up of his arm was insane. As he began to flex it, the humongous ball of muscle tore into two gigantic ceps, almost tearing the skin and both separated by a definied split. The inner powerball exploded with veins on the sides and top, it was huge. On the outside, on top of it, a perfectly contoured bicep peak protruded. Any man would be proud to have the peak alone as a full size bicep. From the inside they looked like mountains one behind the other, the split between them like a river running through them. The peak of the outer bicep was insanely wide and long and beautifully rounded, a huge vein running right through the middle of the magnificent muscle ball. The arm was long, even in relation to its proportions, which made it look even stronger. Brett spread his fingers, making his triceps pop out dramatically, making his arm look all the bigger. He moved his left arm to the side, making the inner ball of muscle stand out even more, his veins throbbing, his skin stretching, his muscle bulging, his triceps like rocks. Both Robbie's as Sam's eyes were glued to it "Fuck me, dude! That's unreal, how the hell is that even possible. Brett moved the camera a bit away from the arm, the beautiful forearm coming into view. It was incredibly thick, the veins standing out, his muscles bulging. You could clearly see the separation between the inner and outer forearm. The triceps on the lower part of his arm were shredded like hell. "That's unreal, dude, what the hell happened? "I'm not sure, it just happened. "You're huge, dude. What the hell! "I know, right. "Holy fuck, that's amazing, that's the biggest, most shredded, arm I've ever seen. "I know, right, haha, fuck. My little brother couldn't believe it either. "Fuck, you're crazy, dude, look at your guns, holy shit. "What about.. " Sam gulped, he didn't know how to react. "You know.. have you grown all over?" "Yeah dude, it's insane. Look! Brett put his arm on his lap, the camera from there now pointed upward, his upper body coming into view. He had to move his head forward to appear in the picture. Sam could see the granite blocks of the abdomen, separated by exceptionally deep ridges, with a beautiful treasure trail running down the centre, from his bellybutton to the bottom of the image and disappearing from view. His sides were extremely ripped, the bottom narrow, the top so wide that they were out of sight, the wings disappeared behind the extremely bulging pecs, the outside of which also disappeared out of frame. The nipples were still just in view, pointing straight down towards the camera. Sam looked straight into the cleavage between the gigantic pieces of flesh, which had an impossibly large surface area even for his body proportions. Brett pushed his arms against his pecs, making them stick out even more and making them look like you just want to bury your face in between them. The skin was as smooth as could be, the vascularity was inhuman. Brett's chest was so deep, his traps were so high, his neck was so thick. Sam could hardly take it all in. He felt dizzy. "Holy mother, fuck. Sam's eyes were wide, he couldn't believe it, the body was perfect, it was everything he dreamed of. It was bigger than anything he had ever seen. It was so perfect. "How, what the hell, how is this even possible? "I don't know, man, I'm telling you. It just happened. I could feel it building. It was crazy dude. Sam had no idea what to say, he just stared at the screen, his heart beating faster, his blood pumping. His face was getting red, lying on his pillow on his bed, filming down on him. "It's amazing, right? "Oh, fuck, you're incredible. Oh, wow, dude... Brett was relieved Sam was taking it well. He couldn't loose his friend, he had to take him with him on this journey. "Right, I know, I'm fucking big, haha. "It's so big, holy shit "Dude, you're not gonna believe this. I needed to get new clothes so I went to that exclusive shop, you know? 'Jones Clothes'. That woman Priscilla, you know her? "Oh, yeah, I know her, she's fucking hot. "So, she was in the store and was freaking out when she saw me. I flexed out of my clothes in front of her, just ripped the shirt off when I flexed, it was so fucking crazy dude! I fucked her on her desk, she was so tight. She was riding me, I broke the desk while fucking her, it was so intense! The friends always talked about their sexual conquests and it was common for them to share stories, but Sam hadn't expected this one. And Robbie wasn't used to hearing stories like that at all, it made him all boned up to hear it and to see his giant of a brother sitting next to him, showing off his muscles to his best friend. He could not resist putting his hand inside his shorts and stroking his cock. He did it gently, so that his brother would not notice anything as long as he was still talking to Sam. "She was like a bitch in heat. She was begging me to fuck her. She said it was the best fuck ever. But dude, get this. Her husband walked in while I was fucking her midair and using her as a fleshlight. "Fucking hell, dude, word is the guy doesn't even get to touch her and now he caught you fucking her? "Well, he did this time, the guy ate my load out of her pussy after I was done. He was so humiliated, dude, it was hilarious. "Ooh, holy shit, dude. "It gets me fucking free clothes dude, I can drop by whenever I want and get clothes whenever I want. My body get's things done man, It's sick! And that Priscilla is so fucking hot, dude, she's a fucking supermodel. "Oh shit, Brett, fuck bro! Sam was moaning, his face was flushed, his eyes wide open screening his friends body, his mouth open and drooling. "Dude, what are you doing?" "I'm sorry, dude, fuck, it's too much. "Are you jerking off? "No dude.. "You're totally jerking off, dude, come on, don't lie. "No, I'm not, fuck, I'm so horny, dude, I can't help it. The screen of Sam's phone was shaking. "Haha, you're jerking off, dude, admit it. "Oh dude, it's fucking hot, okay? Ooh, fuck, those tits!" Sam looked at the screen, panting. "Haha, yeah dude, her tits are huge. Robbie snarled, knewing exactly what Sam meant. And it weren't Priscilla's tits. "She was so fucking hot. "Fuck, dude, oh, shit, aaaah, you are too, though, fuck. "What? Me? "Dude, you are so hot, holy fuck, you are the biggest, sexiest dude I have ever seen, oh, fuck, oh, shit. "What dude?! "Fuck, yes, dude, you're tits! "Dude, are you jerking off to me? Brett was surprised to hear his best friend moaning over him. He wasn't expecting that, it was the one person he thought wouldn't be into him. The guy was always chasing girls with him. It was his buddy, his mate, his pal, a brother of sorts even. He didn't know what to make of it. Robbie was right. He knew Sam would understand. Well, maybe a little too well. Should he be angry? Would it cost them their friendship? He couldn't let that happen. But it couldn't get embarrassing, it had to be discussed. Shit, Robbie, that kid, he knew exactly how things were gonna play out. Brett looked at his little brother. The little fucker had his shorts down and was jerking his cock, grinning shyly at his big brother. "That little fucker," Brett thought as he shook his head. "Fuck, yes, Brett.. ooh Brett.. look at it.. ooh..shit, you are so hot, oh, fuck. "What the hell, Sam. "Dude, please, I can't help it, oh, fuck. "This is insane, dude, stop. "Ooooh.. ooooh, yes god! "Oh, no, dude, don't you dare cum to the thought of me, you are my best friend, man. Don't do it, man, aaaah. "It's not my fault, aaaah, you are a fucking stud, oh, shit, I just need to, look at it. Oh, fuck, I'm sorry, oh, shit, aaaah, AAAAH. Sam's eyes rolled back, his entire body tensed up. "Oh, fuck, Sam, you didn't? "Aaaaah, oh, fuck, I'm sorry, dude, aaaah. "Seriously, dude, no way. "I'm sorry, fuck, I couldn't help it, aaah, oh, fuck. Oh shit, oh fuck, I'm sorry dude. "It's insane, dude, I didn't think you would actually jerk off to me. Sam recovered from his bliss and reality hit him. He realised what he had done and panicked. He did everything he could to undo what he had done, but what was said was said. What was done was done. Brett had seen it all, he had heard it all. What was he going to do? How was this going to be all right? "Ooh dude, no, it wasn't about you, it was the story dude, I imagined you having sex with Priscilla. She's so hot dude, I'm fucking jealous, I would die to fuck a woman like that. It's crazy. I'm sorry dude, it's not you." Sam's face was beet red, even more so than when he was jerking off. Brett was not buying his story, they needed to talk this over. It had to be out of the way or it would affect their friendship. "Dude, it's not me? You didn't have to say it was. "No, no, no, dude, please, we're cool, right? "Listen dude, we're okay, really, but we can't ignore this, we have to talk about this. Come over here, we can talk, or we can hang out or whatever, or both. We need to figure this out. "Okay, yeah, we should talk. I'll come over. Oh, fuck, god.. I'm so sorry dude. What are you gonna do? "It will be fine, don't worry! "Yeah, okay, I'm coming over, just give me 30 minutes, okay? Are you home alone? "Robbie's in his room, don't worry about it. "Okay, see you in 30. Brett ended the call. "That's fucked up, baby bro, can you believe that?" He looked at his little brother, who was now completely naked and sagging on the couch next to him. His cock was in his right hand, the last streams of cum were leaving his piss slit, his glans was bright red, his belly was covered with his load. He looked at Brett like a dog who knew it had done something wrong, his head bent down slightly, his eyes raised and trying to make the most innocent face possible. "You little fucker, couldn't hold your horses, now could you? "Sorry big bro, it was just too hot. "How is this hot? What the fuck, he's my best friend, he's my mate, we have to go chase chicks together and he jerked off to me. "You can't blame him, he's just like everyone else. Fuck, even you get hard at the sight of yourself. And it's not like he's gay or anything. It's just you. I think it's even better that way. He can be a part of everything now, we all can. It will be amazing. And he is hot, how can that be a problem?" "Yeah, but still, he's my best mate. "Just because you're huge now doesn't mean that you should change, right? Just do the things you always do, and just be the best looking dude in the world while doing them. And let him enjoy the ride too. "Maybe you're right, it could be wild. He is my best friend. Now you go upstairs and take a shower, you're a mess. Robbie stood up, picked up his shorts and started walking to his bedroom. Brett watched him walk away and couldn't help but laugh at his little brother. The little fucker had a point. He couldn't deny his own lust and his body was incredible. He was so happy with himself and felt like the world was his oyster. And his best friend was just as impressed. Brett watched some TV while he waited for Sam to arrive. Sam was nervous as he approached the house. He had no idea how Brett would react. He was so embarrassed. He didn't know how they could recover from this. He couldn't believe how big Brett had grown. Sam himself was quite a sight to behold. He was 6'3", always just a little smaller than Brett in every way, but the difference in height would now be clear as Brett was now 6'8". Sam had golden blonde hair, piercing blue eyes and a beautifully tanned body, although his skin was a lighter shade than Brett's. He was very handsome and his muscles were more chiseled than anyone else's except Brett's, and he was smaller. The features all came from his mother, a true MILF, the woman Brett was offered and would be paid to have sex with. Sam didn't have the vascularity of Brett, nor the height or girth. But he did have a great body. Like Brett, Sam had an incredible amount of energy, he was always on the go. They always got into trouble as kids, but nothing too serious. Sam had a nice round bubble butt, perfect for getting fucked, a firm six pack, his biceps were big and strong, his forearms and calves were defined and shapely. If Brett didn't pick the chicks, he never had any trouble getting them. The two of them were inseparable, closer than friends, almost like brothers. But they had also been rivals, each trying to outdo the other. In sports, in the gym, in the pool, in class. They were competitive, which is what made them push each other so hard, which led to their amazing physiques. But Sam always looked up to Brett. Since childhood Brett had always been the dominant one, the alpha, and Sam liked to be around him. He wanted to be him. Have girls drooling over him like Brett. To have boys looking up to him, wanting to be like him. And now he was there, his best friend was a living, breathing, walking, talking piece of art, a literal Greek god. Brett was perfect and he loved him. Brett had sent Robbie to their room, he wanted Sam to feel safe without his little brother around. The boys could always walk directly into each other's houses, they were always welcome. The boys didn't have to knock or ring. It was around 9 pm when he heard Sam come in. He got up and made his way to the kitchen, which was off the hallway where Sam had entered the house, and grabbed some beers from the fridge. "Yo dude. "Hey. "I'm sorry, man. It wasn't about you. It was the story, it got me all worked up, man. I couldn't help it, it just happened, you know. I wasn't thinking straight, and I just... I'm really sorry, bro. Sam was clearly very nervous, Brett felt for him. "It's okay. Calm down dude. "Really? "Yeah, we're good. "Oh, thank god dude, fuck! "Let's go outside, drink a beer on the porch. They sat down on the frontporch, looking out over the long driveway and the front lawn and both gulped down half a bottle. "Sam, be honest to me, okay? You can always tell me everything, I would never walk away from you. You're my best friend since like forever, dude. Sam's face got red, he took a swig from the beer and leaned forward, his elbows on his knees and his head down. He didn't dare to look at his best friend. He knew exactly were this went. "I'll be honest" he whispered softly "The things you said about me being hot, saying I'm sexy.. you really feel that way about me? Sam felt like he could die, he was so embarrassed, his face redder than a tomato. "I... I'm so sorry dude.. I'm so fucked up. His eyes started to tear up. "Please tell me, I don't want this to change us. You need to tell me how you feel, it's the only way we can work this out. "I know, it's just so hard, please, promise you won't hate me, man. I'm just so fucking scared, shit, I've never told anyone. "It's okay, just say it, we can figure it out. I would never hate you dude. "Fuck, okay. Sam's heart was pounding, he was about to say something that could change their friendship forever. "You're so perfect, dude, you've always been, like, a God or something. You were the best looking, the strongest, the smartest, you could do whatever you wanted, have anything you wanted, and I just wanted that, I wanted to be like you, man. When we started working out and getting buff, I was so excited. We were always pretty equal, but then you started to get so huge, you were growing up, and your body, oh man, it was so amazing. I mean, I like girls, man, you know that. But you are just so... you are the perfect specimen, the perfect male, and I can't help it. Every time you take your clothes off, oh, god, dude, I can't explain, I'm so sorry, man. You are the hottest, most attractive guy I have ever seen. I get so horny, it's wrong, it's fucked up, I'm sorry, dude. His slowly turned his eyes towards his best friend, afraid what he would see. Brett was sitting there, looking at him. "Are you gay, Sam? "I'm not gay, I swear, but you're so amazing, dude. It's just you, no other guys, just you, please.. "You just like the way I look? "Who doesn't, just look at yourself. I'm not a fucking faggot, dude, I just think you're the sexiest guy ever, the most attractive. I don't like guys, I like girls, you know that, but... "But? "I just feel like I'm a total fag for you, it's so weird. I never think of having sex with guys, but you.. "You want to have sex with me? "Fuck, I shouldn't have said that, shit, fuck, no, I'm sorry, I don't mean that. "Dude, you're my best friend, I love you, bro. You just have to say what you truly feel. You're holding back and I hate it. I can't stand the way you act. I'm your best friend, I'm telling you I'll be here for you, no matter what. You should trust me instead of holding back. Just tell me. "Fuck, okay, you're right. I want to have sex with you, okay? I want to suck your big dick, I want to feel it, taste it. It looks so big in the shower after practice. I just can't stand it, I don't want it to happen, but it does. You're driving me crazy, just look at you, look at your body dude! You are the best looking guy I know, the hottest, and now that you're getting so huge and ripped, you're turning me on. And it's just wrong, dude. I know you're my best friend, but the way you look is making me attracted to you, and that is the worst. It's so messed up, and I'm so sorry. "Well, I can't really blame you, everyone is going crazy about me dude. You're not the only one, I can tell you that much. And I'll tell you all about it later. "What do you mean? What are you talking about, man? "I'll explain everything, but first, let's make your dreams come true. I want it, you want it, first let's have some fun, bro. "No, dude, are you for real? We're gonna have sex? "Yeah, why not? "Why not? Fuck, dude, I never thought you would go for that. I mean, you're not even gay. "Are you? "Fuck no. "Well then, let's have some fun. "Oh, man, dude, you have no idea how excited I am, this is insane. Your fucking huge now, goddamn dude. "Calm down dude, and get naked. I'm gonna show you something you won't forget." Sam did as he was told, took of his clothes and sat on the chair with his rock hard 8 inch cock in his hand. His eyes wide while Brett was standing 4 feet in front of him. Sam couldn't believe the size of him. The bulge in his loose shorts was visible, the cock had to be huge. Brett lifted his left arm, his giant armpit brought in to view, big enough to bury a grown man's head in it. His right arm was flexed, while hanging down. With one squeeze his left arm exploded, the muscles shredded in two big mountains of biceps, just like during the call. In real life it looked even bigger, the immensity of it more clear and in the perspective of reality. He moved his right indexfinger to the peak of his left arm, started moving his finger from his bicep towards the peak, following the giant vein running over it. He continued to run his finger along the split between the peak and the inner bicep, guiding it in a very sensual way. Both their eyes were glued to the finger, following it trailing down the pumped arm. Brett opened his right hand, grabbed his triceps and stroked it. "Fuck, I'm so big dude, my muscles are so hard. Sam was frozen, his mouth was open, his eyes were bulging, he loved how Brett admired his own body. He couldn't hold back anymore. He jerked his cock, he couldn't control himself. The sight was too much, his cock was pulsating, his balls were aching, his dick was swelling, his mind was blurry. Brett lifted his left arm towards his mouth, opened his mouth, stuck out his tongue and licked his massive bicep. He ran his tongue through the separation. Sam was getting closer, his dick was throbbing, his balls were swelling, his body was shaking. Brett kept licking his left bicep, his lips were sucking the skin, his tongue was licking the giant vein. He started moaning, his breath was heavy. Sam couldn't control himself, the sight was overwhelming. Brett closed his mouth and sucked on the inner bicep, the giant ball was bulging, his veins were throbbing. He looked at his friend jerking off and grinned, his bicep was still in his mouth, Sam was breathing heavily, Brett was enjoying it. He took his left bicep out of his mouth while he kept flexing it. "Damn dude, looks like you're gay after all, haha, for me that is." Just when Sam thought the teen god in front of him couldn't look any better, he flexed in a most muscular pose. The sight was breathtaking. His quads separated hugely, to describe it as a teardrop would not even do it justice. The outer quads spread out extremely far, the curves were beautiful while the veins fought for space. The inner quads were large like the full thigh of an average man and pressed down so far that the muscle had to bend over the knee to fully present itself. The huge scrotum hung dangerously low inside his shorts. The inner quad separated from the inner thigh, the outer quad separated from the outer thigh, the adductors were bulging. He was leaning forward, the veins were pulsating, the muscles were swelling. The v line more visible than ever, his abs seemed like inches forward from the separations, each as big as a fist. The bulging pecs pressed further forward, the nipples pointed straight down. They looked ridiculous, the muscles were harder than stone and hugely striated. His shoulders were each as big as a bowling ball with strations all over them and veins running through them. The curves were perfect, the proportions inhuman. His neck was like a tree trunk, his traps and delts curved like hell and veins popping everywhere towards his face. A face that was more beautiful than anyone had ever seen. Whether you were male or female, this face was attractive to everyone, that much was clear. The pose was breathtaking. The teen god was flexing, he was showing off. Sam couldn't control himself. "I'm like a God dude, just look at me. His muscular friend couldn't take his eyes off him, he was so impossibly big and shredded. He could see the bulge becoming more pronounced. He saw Brett getting hard on his own flex show, it made him want him even more. "Fuck, yes dude, you are. I can't stop looking at you, fuck, you're so hot. Just look at you dude, oh god! "You're such a fucking fag for me, dude. I know, it's impossible not to look at me. I'm a fucking Greek God, aren't I? "Fuck yeah, you are. You're a real life Greek God, the hottest and most masculine guy ever, so fucking sexy, just look at you, oh man, fuck, dude, oh god. "That's it, I'm gonna make your dreams come true. Get the fuck over here. Brett was standing in the middle of the porch, his legs were spread, his cock was getting harder. He pulled his shorts down, his enormous dick bounced out, now 9 inches long, on it's way to it's full 13 inch. His balls were so big and swollen, filled with so much cum. "Oh my fucking god, is that thing even real? "Yes it is. It's so fucking big, and it's all yours. Come and get it." Sam walked over to his best friend, couldn't wait to grab the massive cock and hold his own next to it. He compared the two. While Sam's was at it full 8 inches, it was still smaller than Brett's semi. Both in length as in girth. Sam held Brett's in his left hand and his own in his right. The difference in size was even more exciting to feel. The bigger cock was much heavier and felt so thick. The tip hit his stomach while Sam's cock was more than an inch away from his friend's leg. He laid the big cock on top of his own, the sight of his own cock completely disappearing. "Fucking hell, dude, look at the size difference. "Yeah, I can't believe how small your dick looks next to mine, haha. "Oh my god, this is insane, it's like a baby dick compared to yours. And girls go even nuts on mine, you must be so huge to them, oh my god. "Not only to them, haha. "Fuck dude, it's so hot. "That's what I thought, you're a fucking faggot just for me, dude. "Oh, yes dude, I am, I've been dreaming about it for so long, you're just so perfect, you're so fucking hot. It's fucking growing dude, what is this thing, a fucking arm, haha? And you're not even fully hard, what the fuck, this is nuts, oh my god, how do you not fuck every chick, shit. "Because not everyone can't handle it, dude, their pussies could break. "Shit, dude, I bet I can. I can feel the size of it. I can't stop thinking about it, it's driving me crazy. "You wanna suck it? "Fuck yeah, dude, you have no idea how long I've been waiting for this, it's like a dream come true, a real life wet dream, oh god. I want to be your bitch, dude, I'll suck you off whenever you want. "Yeah, dude, I bet you will. You've always been jealous of me, now you finally get what you've always desired. "Oh fuck, you have no idea, bro. Please dude, let me be your bitch. I'll be your faggot, I'll make you feel good. I can't stop imagining, I can't stand it. "Then get on your knees and beg for it. Sam couldn't believe how hot this was, his dream was coming true. The hottest guy he had ever seen allowed him, him, not someone else, not a girl, but him, to have sex with him. It was the best feeling in the world to have sex with such a hot and sexy guy, he was living his dream. "Please, you're a god. You're everything I've ever wanted, you're the hottest, most amazing person ever. Let me be your faggot. Let me be your bitch. "Yeah, that's it, keep begging, you little faggot. Brett's words drove Sam mad with desire. "Please, I want it, I want to taste your big fat cock, oh god, I'm so excited. You're the perfect man, please, dude, just look at you, please. You're my master, you're my God, oh god. "Yes, I am. I'm your master and you're my bitch. Now, take my cock, faggot, lick the big vein on top. "Fuck yes, master, please, just look at it, you're so fucking huge, it's so big. Sam had dropped to his knees, his face a few inches from the massive cock. It throbbed and twitched. His mouth came closer and closer, the smell growing stronger. The cock was so beautiful. The gorgeous dark brown colour, the bright pink head and the huge piss slit just peeking out of the foreskin, which was long enough to cover the entire cock of an average man, but in his case only the giant head. The veins running across it, the perfectly trimmed little layer of pubic hair above the base, the deep sack with the big balls hanging far down. It was the ultimate in masculinity. And it looked even bigger up close, his right hand holding the shaft from below. His thumb couldn't touch the fingers on the other side. His mouth was salivating, he couldn't control his body. He drew his lips closer until his tongue met the massive vein on the foreskin. A shiver ran through his entire body, the sensation was intoxicating. He started licking, he couldn't contain his excitement. He licked the vein from the tip all the way up to the base. Brett moaned. "Suck it, faggot, I wanna see those big lips wrapped around my huge cock. "Fuck, yeah, I'm your faggot, just look at this fucking dick, shit. Sam pulled back the foreskin, revealing the entire bright pink head. It looked so beautiful, so thick, so strong, so manly. He placed his mouth around it. "Fuck, your lips are so full, look at those. I've never had such a big mouth on my cock. His mouth was wrapped around the massive cock, he tasted the sweat and the pre-cum. He couldn't believe his luck, he was sucking his best friend's dick. His lips were wrapped around it, his mouth was stretched wide. The head was filling his mouth, throbbing and swelling inside. He was drooling, but he was determined to give his friend the best blowjob ever. He sucked on the dick, he bobbed his head up and down. Brett grabbed his hair and pulled his head back, his dick was pulled out of Sam's mouth. Sam's mouth was gaping open, his watering eyes met his own, they were filled with lust. "You like that, faggot, huh? "Yeah, oh my god, please, please, more, master. "Yeah, you want it. "Yes, I'm your faggot. This is all I want, you're so amazing, your body is amazing. You're so hot, I'm your bitch, just use me. "You gonna take it when it's hard? Can you handle it? Can you open up your throat for me? "Fuck yeah, please, I want it so bad, I can't stop thinking about you, you're making me so hard. "Look at that, dude, haha, you're a little faggot for me, huh? Brett loved to tease his friend, it was changing their reality forever, but not in a bad way. He saw how much he wanted it, he longed for it. This would forever bond them more than ever. He hadn't expected him to be such a fag for him, but it was a real turn-on. It made him feel even hotter and bigger than ever, his for-him-turned-fag friend was making him so hard. The guy could and would fuck every girl he wanted, but here he was, on his knees worshipping his body and cock like crazy, craving for it. It made feel Brett feel so special. And Sam wanted nothing more than to be his faggot, to surrender to him completely. His lust grew more than ever at the sheer dominance his friend displayed. He had always dreamed of being used by Brett, of being his slave. So the words his master used were like music to his ears. "Please sir, give me more, please. Brett smiled, the feeling was overwhelming. The guy was a total fag, his fag. "Open up wide bitch, here it comes. Sam did as told, his jaw was stretched as wide as it would go. Brett was aiming his hardening monster towards his friend's mouth. The huge head entered and filled the wet hole. Sam couldn't believe the size of it, it was even bigger and thicker. The extension of the cock was similar to the size of a normal cock. But he wanted it more than ever. He grabbed Brett's ass cheeks and started bobbing his head. He felt it hit his gag reflex, but he didn't care and managed to control it. The cock was filling his throat and mouth, the precum was flowing. He sucked as hard as he could. "Fuck dude, you're such a good little cocksucker, look at you. Sam was deepthroating his best friends giant cock, it was the best feeling he ever had. He wanted more, he wanted all of it. He could feel the cock expand in his throat, the pressure was getting to him, but it felt so good and his neck widened. The outline of the massive dick became visible, pushing the neck from the inside. "Oh, fuck, dude, your big neck is so fucking tight. Sam was loving it, his hands were on Brett's ass, his tongue was running over the cock, his teeth were scraping the skin. He pushed his fingertips towards Brett's hole, his fingers found the warm, wet, pulsating asshole, his fingers started moving. Brett couldn't believe how good his best friend was, he was going to cum in his throat soon. Sam was getting used to the feeling, the pain was fading away. He was loving it so much. All his years of practising sucking his sister's big dildo while pretending it was Brett's cock were now coming to use, only the real thing was a lot bigger. He started moaning, his cock was pulsing, his head was bobbing, his fingers were digging. He couldn't control himself anymore, he was in another world. "Fuck dude, your throat is so tight. Oh, god, don't stop. Fuck, dude, I'm such a fucking God! The words of self-adoration drove Sam crazy, it was so incredibly hot to hear. It was the perfect attitude that belonged to his godlike friend. Brett felt Sam almost explode from his dominance, both in word and deed, and pushed him over the edge. "Yes bitch, cum for your God. I'm so fucking hot, I'm so big, I'm so strong, I'm so muscular. Your master is so amazing. I'm a fucking Greek God. Just look at me, I'm the hottest, the strongest, the most masculine guy ever, the sexiest. It was too much, Sam went wild. He started shooting his load between Brett's legs, he was cumming without touching himself. He had never experienced anything like it. He was moaning while sucking on the huge cock, sending pleasure shivers through Brett's body. Brett felt the vibration on his cock, the sound was music to his ears. He loved being worshipped like this. "Is my dick making you cum? Is your faggot cock shooting its load without touching it, haha? You're such a little faggot for my big, hard, thick cock. I'm your God and you're my bitch. Sam couldn't reply, his throat was stuffed with cock, but he nodded, cumming even harder by hearing his words, still shooting his load. The cock in his mouth was now so hard that it felt like a long, thick, but warm rock had been stuffed down his throat. Sam kept sucking it, doing everything to make his friend feel good. The lust was overwhelming, he wanted to have it so bad. Sam couldn't believe the amount of pre cum in his mouth, his tongue was moving on the underside, his lips were sucking the skin, his nose was smelling the sweat. Sam moved his fingers deeper inside Brett's ass, the muscle was pulsating. Brett was pushing his hips forward, his balls were slapping against Sam's neck. "Oh fuck, dude, I'm gonna shoot a huge load, are you ready? Sam nodded, still moaning and bobbing his head. He was loving the feeling, the huge cock was throbbing, he could feel the veins on his tongue and in his neck. Brett pushed his hips forward and pulled his head back. "Fuck, take it. Brett's body spasmed, his balls contracted, his cock throbbed. Sam could feel the cum travelling through the huge cock and exploding inside his throat, shooting downwards towards his stomach. The hot cum was flooding his insides, the cock was shooting its load like a fire hose. It was a massive orgasm, Brett body was tensing and relaxing. "Fuck, bro, fuck, shit, take it all, fucking take it. Sam's mind was spinning, he couldn't believe the amount of sperm he was taking. It was so much and so thick. Brett kept shooting his load, his entire body was shaking. He saw his friend's stomach swelling. He needed to take it out, didn't want to hurt him, but Sam didn't let go, he kept sucking the cock, the cum was dripping from his lips. He felt he was getting filled up more and more. Brett wanted to pull back, but Sam pushed hard against his ass, wanted to swallow more. "Fuck, bro, dude, fuck. Brett gave Sam control and let him continue sucking. "You're such a fucking faggot. You want it so bad! Sam was in heaven, he was sucking his friends giant cock, he wanted to have it all. The cum was still flowing, and he swallowed it all, the taste was the best he had ever had. He could feel his stomach get fuller, the feeling was unreal, his own cock was allready dripping again. "Yeah, bro, fuck, I can't stop cumming, fuck, this is the biggest load I've ever shot. Sam was amazed, he was getting more and more addicted, he wanted it all, the feeling was too good. His big body could take a lot, but it got to the point where it had to find other ways. The cum was getting backed up in his stomach, his throat was clogged. Brett noticed the problem. "Fuck dude, don't you dare choke on my fucking huge dick, you fucking faggot. The words of dominance sent Sam into another orgasm, he was cumming again, this time not shooting his load. The cum was just leaking from his cock. His stomach was stretching, his throat was full, his balls were empty. Brett looked down at the mess. "You're a fucking faggot, you're my fucking cum slut, dude. You just unload by the feeling of my horse cock in your mouth. Brett was loving the power, he was the alpha, the biggest and the most perfect. Sam couldn't help it, the taste of the cum and the words were sending him to another dimension, his mind was cloudy, his body was weak. He didn't move his head anymore, his face was pushed against Brett's body. He was getting overloaded, the cum was filling his entire torso, searching for ways to exit his body. His stomach was expanding, the skin was stretching, his balls were swollen, the cum was dripping out of his mouth. He couldn't take anymore, his stomach was expanding so fast, the pressure was becoming unbearable, it was finding exiting holes. He could feel the cum travelling up through his urethra. He was worried about cumming, but then the moment came. "Fuck, dude, are you pissing cum? You fucking faggot, hahaha, that's so fucking hot, oh my god. You're pissing my cum! Brett was watching in awe, the sight was incredible. He couldn't believe the volume of his load and it was still coming. Sam wouldn't let go, he wanted every last drop. The load had to find more ways to escape and it did. It was leaving through his asshole, dripping onto the floor. Brett was so turned on, he couldn't believe it. It only added more to the volume of his allready inhumanly sized load. Sam was like a fountain of cum, the pressure building, the pissing cum became stronger, the stream of liquid was hitting Brett's leg. The sight was driving him wild. "Fuck, I'm so hot, oh fuck, look at who I am. Fuck.. Sam was in ecstasy, his brain was overloading, the pain was turning into pleasure, his stomach was filling up more and more. His muscles were contracting and expanding, his mind was blank. He had no control, he could feel the cum exiting his body, but it was so hard to comprehend what was happening. It was like he was shooting Brett's cum from his own dick and shitting Brett's cum out of his ass. The volume was immense, the stream was never ending. Brett couldn't believe it, the sight was so erotic. He had never seen anything like it. "Dude, this is so fucking hot, oh my god, look at you. My load is coming out of all your holes, only a fucking god can do that to you! Sam's body was shaking uncontrollably, the pissing cum was so strong, his stomach was contracting, the cum was leaving his body in a steady stream. It was like his own cum mixed with Brett's while leaving his body. The thought was insane, he couldn't think clearly, his body was overloading, the pleasure was overwhelming. The pissing cum was becoming too much, his stomach was still contracting and expanding, his balls were empty, but the cum was still leaving his body. The sight was mesmerizing,the amount was staggering, the stream was so powerful, the sound was deafening. "Fuck, dude, that's a fucking gallon of cum, dude, look at that, haha, holy shit, that's so fucking hot. Sam had lost complete control, he was in a state of pure ecstasy, he could see Brett's legs and feet were covered in cum. Finally, finally the cumflow of the massive muscle god was fading. Brett was breathing heavily, his chest was rising and falling, his heart was pounding. "That was the hottest thing I've ever seen, dude. Brett was breathing hard, his massive chest was heaving. Sam finally let the massive cock leave his throat, from the moment his nose left Brett's groin, cum poured out of it. The dick coming out was like a clown pulling a never ending handkerchief out of his mouth, the cum was dripping down. Sam was in a trance, his mind was gone. The bodies were now separated, Sam was on his knees, cum pouring out of his ass, cock, mouth and nose. Brett couldn't believe what he was seeing. The overload of cum pouring out of the body was the ultimate demonstration of superiority, the entire body was marked by the dominator. Sam could barely speak, he was exhausted. He had never felt anything like this, the pleasure was so intense. He couldn't believe the size of Brett's monster cock, it was unreal. He had never seen anything like it, it was like something out of a fantasy. He wanted to talk, but only cum came out of his mouth. Brett was looking down at him, he could see how worn out his friend was. Sam was amazed, the volume was staggering. He couldn't believe how big and potent his friend's cock was, he could only imagine how many girls would be dying to be fucked by it. "You're a fucking cum whore, dude, I can't believe you took it all. Sam was struggling to breathe, he could only nod. Brett looked on the floor, the pool of cum was surrounding them. He couldn't believe it. "Look at that, dude, hahaha, I've never seen so much cum, fuck. He couldn't believe his eyes, it was unreal. "Dude, are you allright? You're still leaking from all sides. Your abs are gone dude, you look like you're pregnant. We need to push it out dude, you can't keep that inside you. Brett lifted Sam on his feet, placed his back against his torso and wrapped his arms around his stomach. Sam couldn't do anything, he was completely spent. Brett was holding him, his giant arms were surrounding Sam's body, the feeling of his friend's huge muscles all around him, was a new turn on for Sam. Brett flexed his arms and squeezed them against the top Sam's stomach, pushing down. The force was inmense, pushing the cum out from all holes at once. The pain was so intense, Sam's eyes were rolling in the back of his head. The feeling was incredible. "Fuck dude, there's so much cum. The cum was gushing out of Sam's ass and cock. It was unbelievable. Sam could feel the cum leave his body, the pain was overwhelming, the pleasure was indescribable. His balls were contracting and his cock was shooting another load, he couldn't stop cumming. The pressure was inhuman, the cum was still coming out of his cock and ass, the force was unstoppable. Brett could feel the muscles bulge under his skin, his cock was pushing on his friends lower back, his pecs were pushing against his back, his lats were so massive, his biceps were the size of his head, his forearms were like tree trunks. The feeling was insane. Sam's eyes were closed, the cum was shooting out of him, his head was spinning, his vision was blurry. Just in time his abs returned to it's usual shape and the rest of the cum was flowing out. "Are you allright dude? Sam was exhausted, he had never felt anything like this before, his whole body was still tingling, the pain and pleasure was still there, his balls were still contracting. "Yea.. fuck.. I.. He couldn't finish his sentence, he was still trying to get his breath. "Shit dude, I didn't mean to hurt you. Brett was worried, he could see the pain in his friends face, but also the pleasure. "It's okay, I... fucking... loved it. Brett was still holding him, his hands were caressing Sam's stomach, he could feel the sweat all over his body, the cum was still dripping from his ass and cock, the smell was intoxicating. Sam's mind was racing, the pleasure was indescribable. "Did you really like it? Sam nodded, he slowly catches his breath. "That was the best fucking thing I've ever felt, it was incredible, I can't believe it. Those balls dude, how can they hold so much cum. Sam couldn't believe the feeling in his body, the pain was intense, the pleasure was beyond anything he had ever felt. His whole body was tingling, the adrenaline was rushing through his veins. The pain was fading and the pleasure was becoming stronger, his mind was spinning, the thoughts were racing. He was in a state of complete bliss, his mind was empty, the world was gone. "Fuck dude, your load shot out of me like a geyser, I've never seen anything like it. I've never seen so much cum in my life, bro, that was fucking unreal. My mouth is still full of it, you should taste it. Sam was still in a trance, the pleasure was overwhelming. "Haha, that's your way of telling me to kiss you? "Please? I want you so bad dude! "Fuck dude, your turn in such a little fag for me, don't you? Sam was nodding, the pleasure was incredible, the feeling was overwhelming. Brett turned Sam around and kissed him. His mouth was much bigger, his tongue far stronger. Sam could feel the muscles, the taste was indescribable, the smell was amazing. Brett's body was so big and strong, his muscles were so hard and defined, his pecs were so large, his biceps were the size of melons, his quads were as thick as tree trunks, his glutes were the size of watermelons, his lats were so wide, his shoulders were so broad. His arms were so big and his back was so strong, his calves were so large, his thighs were so thick. He was so big, he was so powerful, he was the strongest man Sam had ever seen. The kiss was incredible, the pleasure was indescribable. The feeling was overwhelming. "You're my master, dude. Even your tongue is dominating me. "Haha, you're such a fucking faggot for my muscled body, aren't you? You love being dominated by a superior man, don't you? "No, no, only you, the most superior man. Dude, I love how you praise yourself. It used to make me feel so jealous, but now it drives me fucking crazy, it made me shoot my load without even touching myself. "Ha, you're so gay for me. "You're my alpha, dude, you're the most dominant, most masculine man. I am totally at your mercy, sir. Please tell me one more time how fucking hot you are." Sam teased. "Haha, I'm the fucking hottest and the biggest and the most masculine man ever. I'm a fucking God dude, just look at me. Can you believe the man I am? Can you imagine what it feels like to be me? "That's so fucking hot, dude, that's the most alpha thing ever. "Ha, I know right, I'm so fucking hot and dominant, and I'm the biggest, strongest, most perfect man. No one can compare to me, no one. "Oh fuck dude, you're so fucking superior, it's just unbelievable, it's amazing, I can't believe it. "Haha, well you better believe it, because you're mine, I own you. "Yes, you do, you own me. You're my master, my owner, my god. "You're such a faggot for me, you're the perfect slave, haha. Sam could feel his cock get hard again, he was so turned on. He could feel his balls swell up, his cock was throbbing, his heart was racing. "Haha, it's making you loose your mind when I talk like that, isn't it? "Fuck yes, I can remember he first time it did, when you slept over at my place. We were hanging out at the playground with some friends. You were showing off your body, doing pull-ups on the monkey bars. You were so hot, dude, the way your arms were flexing, the way your lats were spreading. The girls were all over you, throwing themselves at you. You let them feel your arms and you grinned at me. You said I was jealous and probably wanted to touch them too. When we went to bed, I provoked you into wrestling with me so I could feel your strength and your body. I told you that you weren't that much stronger than I was, and you just threw yourself right on top of me on my bed, pinning me, holding my wrists above my head with just your left hand and you were leaning in. Your legs were crushing my sides, you felt so strong. You were looking at me with such dominance and such an arrogant grin. Your body looked so hot, your bulge was squeezing mine. But then you flexed your right bicep and bringing it down to my face, saying that's the way real muscles look like and I could never beat you. Your veins were bulging and your arm was so hard and strong, I totally lost it and started grinding my hips and moaning, begging you to let me go, but you were just grinning, you had such an air of dominance about you. You placed your elbows next to my head, squeezed your pecs together and brought them down to my face. I pretended to wriggle out of your grip, but all I wanted to do was rub my face against those huge pecs. "I bet you wanted to suck on them. "Yes, yes, I totally did. And you were all arrogant about it, saying I could never get out of your grip, and you tightened your arms and pecs around my face. It was so hard to breathe, your muscles were crushing me, your strength was insane. You were just flexing and showing off. I could see your veins bulging and your muscles flexing. And you said I was like a girl compared to you and that you should fuck me instead of wrestling me because you were far superior. You started dry humping me and I went crazy, it felt so good, your muscles crushing me. But then suddenly you let go of me, sat up straight, on my crotch, your hands behind your head, your back arched, showing off your huge lats, saying "I'm a fucking god dude" and grinning. And to top it off you grabbed your bulge and said "a god all over, haha" and squeezed. Then my dad came in, he was stunned. He stuttered and told us to be quiet and go to sleep. I ran to the bathroom and jerked off. I'm sorry mate, I don't know why I'm telling you this. I think even dad was jerking off at that moment. "What were we? Like 16? "Yes, we were. But still. "Damn dude, I thought we were just fooling around, you know, boys being boys. Brett suddenly saw a glare through the kitchen window. His little horny brother could not help but enjoy the spectacle that was unfolding. "Get your ass over here, you little fucker! Robbie walked outside, scaring the shit out of Sam. His face got all scared, he covered his dick with his hands and didn't know where to look. "Calm down Sam, we have to explain to you all what happened. Sit down. All three boys were completely naked. Brett had grabbed some beers from the fridge. They were sitting down around the table on the porch. It was time for Brett to explain everything, Sam had to know it all. Robbie was right, Sam could be part of it. It would be amazing if he was.Sam looked at Brett questioningly. His hands were still covering his crotch, uncomfortable with the situation that had been created by Robbie joining them, but also surprised that he too was naked. Sam had always liked Robbie, he was his best friend's funny little brother and had always felt Robbie might be gay. He found it remarkable that Robbie was always around whenever he and Brett were doing something physical, like playing sports or working on the farm, which Sam also liked to do. "Why are you completely naked and you do have your phone in your hand? Don't tell me you recorded us." Brett said with a stern face to his little brother. Robbie pulled one of those puppy dog faces again, something he could do like no other. Brett knew enough. "Show me! Robbie handed over his phone to Brett. Together with Sam, he watched the screen, they saw images of the most inmense sex they had just experienced. It was ridiculous to see Sam looking like a fountain of cum as the muscular behemoth's big cock disappeared into the willing victim. "We'll handle this later. First I'm going to explain what happened. I'm gonna tell everything, you're allright with that Robbie?" Brett asked, Robbie nodded. He told him about yesterday when he came home from the night out and what had happened after he had been rejected, how Robbie had been dominated. He told him about coming home early from school today to pull chains out of the walls of the barn, about the growth spurt and about him and Robbie having sex. Sam couldn't believe it, he was stunned. But also incredibly excited. He was so turned on by the story. He couldn't believe his friend had gone through all that, it was crazy. Robbie was blushing all the time, Brett couldn't believe how much Sam was into it. "Holy fuck dude, you're telling me all that shit actually happened. "Yeah mate, but the weirdest part was your dad. But don't blame him, I don't want you to freak out. "What the fuck, bro, are you shitting me, what the fuck did he do, he was acting weird all day. Brett told it all. What happened in the car on the way to school, how he'd taken him to the shop and he'd ordered the gym equipment for Brett. Sam was speechless, he couldn't believe it. His dad was acting so strange, he was a completely different person. "What the fuck dude, this is crazy, what the fuck is going on, my dad is acting all weird and now you're telling me this shit. You're telling me he's fagging your body too, dude, what the fuck, bro, holy shit. "I know, dude, it's weird, I'm sorry, I don't want you to freak out. "Freak out? Dude, fuck that, this is amazing, I've never heard anything so fucking hot, my dad is gay for your dick, dude, this is fucking hot, I'm getting turned on. "Holy shit, mate, are you serious? "Yeah, bro, I'm dead fucking serious, that's the hottest fucking thing I've ever heard, oh, fuck, dude. "You're really into that? "Fuck, man, I knew he was fagging you from the moment you slept over at our place like I said. And who could blame him, you're a fucking alpha stud, dude, and you're the best friend I've ever had, and the hottest too, and now you're telling me my dad's a fag for your cock, dude, of course I'm fucking turned on. "Haha shit bro, you're so fag for me. Sam couldn't believe what was happening. Robbie was sitting next to him, blushing and sweating the whole time. "But listen to this. When we were driving to the shop, your dad explained to me that he had caught your mum fingering herself while she was screaming my name. "What, are you fucking kidding me, bro, are you serious right now? "Dead serious, bro. "Fuck dude, and Jess has a box of pictures of you hidden in her room. So she wants you too. Fuck dude, my whole family wants you to fuck them, that's so hot. "Holy shit, bro, you knew about the pictures? "Yeah, I did. Why? Did you? "Your dad told me today. "Holy shit, bro! "You saw the pictures? Tell me you didn't jerk off to them. "I... well, yeah, I did. "Fuck, dude, hahahaha, that's fucking hilarious. "And the best part is, your dad's offering me a shitload of money to fuck your mum and your sister. "What, are you fucking kidding me, are you shitting me? "No, man, it's for real. He wants me to fuck your mum and Jess. "Holy fuck, dude, no fucking way, I can't believe it, and he's going to give you money for it, holy fuck, that's crazy. You're gonna do it, right? "Are you okay with that? I guess it's kind of hot. "Hell yeah, dude, it's fucking hot, they're gonna love it. "Yeah, but it's more about me being dominant and stuff, so they have to obey and stuff. "Fuck, dude, that's so hot, just the thought of you being dominant makes me want to cream. But promise to tell me when you are doing it. "Haha yeah, for sure. "Dude, I'm hard as a rock. "Yeah, dude, me too. "Me too. "So, are you staying the night? Sam was so excited, this was the best night of his life. He never thought this would happen, it was his dream come true. "You need to stay for tomorrow. Brett's gonna show his strength, right?" Robbie said "Oh, shit, dude, I almost forgot. "How? What do you mean? "Robbie wants me to put these muscles to use and show off tomorrow. And after that there's a party. Steve comes home and invites his friends and some chicks. I'm gonna show who's boss now, haha. "Holy shit, dude, yeah, that would be fucking awesome, holy shit, this is turning into the best weekend ever. "Yeah, no doubt, right, Robbie? "Fuck, dude, can't believe this is happening, it's unreal, so much is happening Sam had to text his dad to tell him he was staying at Brett's house. He came up with the idea of taking a picture of Brett's bicep and adding that he was staying with him. The picture would be enough to make it clear where he would be. The boys laughed their heads off. He must have been jerking off to the picture because there was no reply. "Fuck dude, you look so hot. I can't wait to feel your strength. I want to feel it all. Finally I can touch it, my god." Sam was in awe. He couldn't take his eyes of Brett, he gulped his beer down, he was so thirsty. "I want to make you feel good. Let us make you feel better than ever. Do you have some massage oil? "Oh yes, I love that. Let's give him a massage!" Robbie was all excited. They went up to their room, Sam pushed Brett's bed into the middle of the room and signaled Brett to lay down on his stomach. "Please master, lie down, we'll give you the best massage you've ever had. The best worship massage ever." Robbie was already drooling. Sam's eyes were all over Brett, he had a hard time believing what he was seeing. His friend was such a massive, muscular hunk. He could not get over his biceps, his huge, strong, thick arms, so strong and so masculine, the way the veins bulged when he flexed, it was so insane. The boys started massaging his shoulders, their fingers digging deep into the hard muscles. Brett moaned loudly. It was getting sensual. "Oh, your skin is so smooth, fuck, that is so hot. They dug deeper, the harder they dug, the louder Brett moaned. "Your caps are so round, the striations on them are savage. Even from the back the veins pop out. "Yeah, and your traps are so fucking huge, fuck, this is so hot. "Fuck, man, keep working those muscles, oh, fuck, that's so good, holy fuck. "You like it, sir? "I love it, man, keep going. "We love it too. They continued to massage the shoulders and slowly worked their way down. Brett's moans grew louder. "Oh fuck you guys, I can't believe that feels so good. "Fuck, the lower you go the better it gets. Just feel his wings Robbie, it's unreal, the fucking size. "Holy fuck dude, it's so big and ripped dude. "That's insane, you're the most ripped guy ever, and I can't believe your skin is so smooth, man, it's fucking unreal. "The way our fingers are sinking into your hard muscles, fuck, we're making you feel so good. The two friends continued. Slowly working their way down the huge back. Digging their fingers into every muscle they could reach. "The triceps, dude, feel how ripped it is, fuck, you're shredded, oh, fuck. "Holy fuck, bro, I can't believe it, I'm getting turned on, this is unreal. The horseshoe is popping so much, dude, this is crazy. The boys were mesmerised by the sheer size and hardness of Brett's muscles. "Can you believe it? You could carry a car on your back, it's so big, holy fuck, I can't believe I'm feeling my own brothers back. It's so shredded, muscles are popping all over, veins are everywhere. "Yeah, I can't believe it, mate, it's unbelievable, holy fuck, your muscles are unreal, sir, fuck. The two boys couldn't keep their hands off the muscles. Their hands slid down the huge back. "Oh fuck bro, look how tight his waist is. "That's fucking insane, dude, look how ripped the sides are. And all so vascular, I can't even touch the skin without the vascularity popping, dude, it's insane, so hot. "He's got some dimples in the back, bro. "What? "Back dimples, dude, that's where the muscles form little hollows between the muscle straps and the hips, and he's got them, dude. "Oh shit, I see them, oh fuck, he's so shredded. His whole back is shredded like hell. The guys were going crazy. The hardness of the muscles was overwhelming, they couldn't keep their hands off the perfect specimen. "Let's work our way from his feet, up his legs and end with his ass. "Yeah, I want to feel those big feet, dude, this is going to be insane, hahaha, man, this is so good, I can't wait, fuck. They went for the feet. They were so huge. The feet were much bigger than their own. They lifted his lower leg and hugged it, both licking and massaging his feet, slowly rubbing them with their faces and hands, feeling the hardness. "Oh fuck, look at the foot in my hand dude, this is insane. "Oh fuck, holy shit, his feet are fucking huge dude, I can't believe they're so fucking big. "Fuck, man, it's like a third leg, fuck, man. "I know, bro, they're so fucking big. And so beautiful. "Fuck, I don't know what is happening to me, I can't help it. "Yeah, no kidding, this is unreal, and look at his ankle, dude, it's so big and veiny, fuck, this is crazy. "I know, and his toes are so beautiful, I'm so fucking hard, fuck. "Yeah, that turns me on so much, oh, fuck. The boys were obsessed with the massive feet, their fingers rubbing the hard muscles, their mouths licking and kissing the soft soles, their tongues swirling around the toes, sucking on them, their own cocks hard as rocks. After spending time on his feet, they put his legs back down and slowly rubbed their hands up the muscular, hairy legs, starting with his calves. "Fuck, the calves are so big, holy shit, the veins, the muscles, everything is popping, it's unreal. "Yeah, man, I've never felt anything like that, his calves are insane, holy fuck, and his skin is so soft, fuck, that's insane, man. The friends continued to work the legs, they couldn't keep their hands off his calves, the huge and hard muscles, the perfect legs. "Look at his fucking thighs, they're huge, so big and hairy and hard, oh fuck, man, this is crazy. "They're insane, look at the striations, his hamstrings are popping, fuck, we've found a new addiction, fuck. "His thighs, man, I'm gonna faint, dude, they're so big, so hard, so fucking big. "They're so big, there's no room between them, he's so ripped. "Yeah, man, they're crazy, the muscles are so big, so defined, it's fucking unbelievable. "Look at his ass, it's so fucking perfect, it's so fucking huge and ripped, dude, he's fucking ripped, hahaha. "The size is crazy, it's huge, I can't believe how big it is, and so fucking muscular, his ass is so hard. "I know, man, it's unreal, I can't keep my hands off it, fuck, this is crazy. "Can't wait to feel his glutes, man. The two admirers made Brett feel so good. He had completely relaxed his muscles, letting his body get the caress it deserved. They all enjoyed it equally and it made them all extremely horny. The closer they got to his ass, the more he longed for it. He could feel his ass juices flowing, waiting for the touch to come to his hole. The lust became so great that he felt more than ever that he needed to feel something inside himself. He needed to be stimulated inside as well. He's so big and so perfect, oh fuck, man, his body is perfect, he's perfect. His cheeks are so round, so thick and firm, so fucking hard. "Oh, his ass is so big, it's so fucking huge, I wanna squeeze it so bad. They continued to work on his legs, getting closer and closer to his ass. When they finally reached the ass, the two friends were astonished. "His ass is so fucking hard, the whole thing is popping, and so big, fuck. "It's the biggest ass I've ever seen, holy fuck, this is unreal. "Look at his glutes, they're fucking huge, the striations are crazy. They couldn't believe their eyes, staring at the round ass. "Fuck, it's like his ass is made for being fucked, his hole is so tight, so perfectly smooth, and his skin is so soft, I'm going crazy, dude. " Yeah, it's unreal, it's the perfect ass, man, so fucking beautiful. "Let's open his ass cheeks. "I want to see the hole, fuck, I can't wait to feel the hole. The two friends started to squeeze the big cheeks, slowly opening the ass, revealing the little pink hole. "Fuck, dude, the hole, his hole is so perfect and so fucking tight. "His hole is so sexy, look at it, it's perfect and so smooth and hairless, it's fucking beautiful. It's like a pink rose, a perfect rose, holy shit, it's beautiful, and his cheeks are so big, I want to lick his hole, dude. "Fuck, I wanna do that too, his hole is so sexy. "'Let's eat him out. "You take the left, I'll take the right. They went for the ass. They stuck their tongues out and licked his ass, their tongues met in the middle and they licked his hole. The hole quivered and they moaned loudly. "Oh fuck, dude, his ass tastes amazing, I can't believe his hole is so soft. It's unbelievable, it's so tasty, fuck, and his hole is twitching, his hole is so alive. "Fuck, man, this is crazy, his ass is so delicious, I can't stop, fuck, I'm in heaven, this is unbelievable, his hole is so warm and sweet. The boys continued to eat the ass, they were obsessed. They had a taste for Brett's ass, their tongues licking every inch of the hole, their saliva mixing with the oil from the massage. "Damn, you two are such fags, hahaha. "Yes, we love to eat your ass, your hole is so perfect. "Hahaha, keep eating it then, make me feel good boys, use your tongue on my hole. But be careful, it's strong as fuck, hahaha. The boys really went for it, licking his rim and trying to penetrate him. "Oh fuck, he's pushing his hole against our mouths, I can feel his ass on my lips, holy shit, he's trying to push his hole through. "Oh yeah, it's unbelievable, it's like he's trying to fuck us with his ass. "I can't believe you guys are eating my ass, that's awesome, hahaha. The boys enjoyed Brett's teasing, his hole clenching and releasing. The hole was begging to be penetrated. "Let's finger him, let's see if we can finger his hole. The two friends were now focused on the hole, their index fingers rubbing against the hole, trying to push their way in, rubbing the oil on his hole. "Oh fuck, feel his ass, it's pulsing. I can't believe his hole is twitching so much, his hole is alive. "Yeah man, his hole is alive, his hole is pulsating. Let's finger him, let's put a finger in his hole. They started inserting their fingers into his hole, first the tip of the index finger, then the middle finger, they kept pushing their fingers deeper and deeper into his ass, they were so excited. The four fingers went deeper and deeper into his ass, Brett's moans were loud. Nothing had ever poked into his den before, but he longed for it now. It was needed. The massage of the fingers in his ass felt so good. "Oh fuck, guys, keep fucking my ass, it's amazing, oh fuck. "We can't believe it, we're fingering your ass, this is insane. "Oh guys, you should know I could break your fingers with my hole, I'm so strong. "Yeah, I know, you're so strong. "Fuck, that's amazing, I can't believe it. The two boys pushed their fingers deeper and deeper, exploring his hole, trying to reach his prostate. "Feel the heat, his hole is on fire, it's unbelievable, his hole is so hot and tight. "It's pulsating around our fingers, his ass is throbbing, his hole is sucking our fingers, this is crazy. It's so tight, his hole is squeezing the shit out of our fingers. "Yeah, feel that! Brett squeezed their fingers and both boys let out loud moans. "Fuck dude, we can't take it, his hole is too big, it's crushing our fingers, we've got to get them out. Brett released their fingers. "Did you feel the strength of my bum? I could snap your dicks off with one squeeze, hahaha. "Oh fuck, man, this is insane, I can't believe it, fuck, this is crazy. His hole is too big, he could crush us. Brett lifted his ass up and leaned on his knees and elbows, pushing his ass out, making it look even bigger and rounder, and his hole was completely visible. The boys sat on their knees behind him, jaws dropped and eyes wide, they were mesmerised. He spread his legs wider, opening the hole even more and making room for his huge ballsack to fall between his legs. The boys were delirious, their cocks dripping. "Yeah fags, I bet you like that, I've got the hottest ass, and you guys are obsessed with it. "Yes sir, you're amazing. Your balls are so big and heavy, and your ass is so amazing, your hole is so hot. You're the most handsome man I've ever seen, your body is insane, everything is so big, so hard, so beautiful. Sam couldn't stand it anymore, he went face down in the magnifcent ass. His nose was pressed against the ass crack and his tongue was licking his taint. Brett's moans got louder. Robbie watched as he went for it and couldn't help but press his own face into the hanging sack that was underneath of it. Sam's tongue was deep in Brett's ass, Brett was going crazy, Sam was eating his ass with a passion, his tongue was fucking his ass. Robbie grabbed the top of the sack with his right hand and started to swing it against his face, the sack was so big it hit him hard but he didn't care, the sack was full of cum and it smelled delicious, the musky smell was intoxicating. Sam pulled back his face and started fingering the hole. He used his thumb to push his little finger down and placed the other three fingers at the oily hole, he pushed the fingers in, he wiggled them around inside, trying to find the right spot. "What an ass, I can't believe it, what the hell are you made off? You're incredible. Sam was now pounding Brett's prostate, his fingers were moving fast, his wrist was twisting, trying to find the perfect position. He started fucking him faster, his fingers were moving in and out, his fingers were massaging the prostate, stretching the rim, he was trying to finger-fuck Brett. "Dude, he's taking it so easily. The hole was now so loose, his fingers were sliding in and out like it was nothing. "Fuck, I need to feel more. I need to feel like my own cock is in my ass. I need to feel how you feel when I stuff my fat cock in your ass. Robbie, get the wooden baseball bat "Fuck, you're not going to... "Oh yes, I will. Because the bed was Robbie looked at Brett, who was still being fingered by Sam, his hole was open, the pink flesh was visible. The hole was huge, the ass was huge. It looked like his ass could take anything, even the baseball bat. Since the bed was now in the middle of the room, Brett could look over the low headboard into the mirror in front of him. He saw Robbie look at him questioningly and start grinning, signalling that it had to happen. Robbie got the bat. "Holy shit, , this is insane. "Yeah, man, just push it, I'll do the rest. "Here Sam, you do it, I'm too scared, haha. Sam grabbed the baseball bat, oiled it and held the tip at the rim. It was thick, probably even thicker than Brett's cock. The boys were shaking with anticipation, their dicks were so hard, their nuts were boiling. Sam looked at the hole, the rim was stretched wide, it looked like a pink circle. Sam pushed, the hole expanded, the muscles completely relaxed. Brett was relaxed, enjoying the stretch. His muscle control was out of this world, he was completely calm, making the rim loose and flexible. "Fuck, this is crazy, his ass is stretching so easily, the muscles are relaxed. How can such huge muscles be so soft, it's insane. Sam kept pushing the tip, it was getting harder, the rim was stretching massively. It was opening up so fast. "Oh fuck, yeah, that's it, man, keep pushing, don't stop, oh fuck, holy shit, it's almost there. Sam pushed harder, the rim widened, the hole began to open. The thick part of the bat slid in so easily, the hole was amazing, it took the thick baseball bat like it was nothing. "Fuck, it's so easy, you're taking the bat like it's a tiny little cock, holy shit, this is crazy. "Yeah dude, now I can feel what it's like to be fucked by my one and only cock. Oh fuck, the thickness is awesome, keep pushing dude! "Holy shit, his hole is taking it, his ass is eating the bat. The thickest part of the bat was now inside the hole, the edge was stretched wide, the hole was gaping. It was like a snake swallowing its prey, the hole swallowing the bat. "Oh fuck, dude, I can feel it in my guts, keep pushing, man, this is amazing, oh fuck, it's going deeper, holy shit, this is amazing, it feels so good. Fuck me with it. "Your ass is unreal, look at it, your ass is huge. Sam slowly pulled the bat out and pushed it back in. He was fucking him with the bat, he was amazed. "That's crazy dude, his hole is too strong. "Just keep going man, this is fucking amazing. Sam was really going for it, his wrist was twisting, the bat was moving in all directions. The bat was so thick, it stretched his rim even more. "Fuck, man, keep doing that, fuck, it's hitting the spot, oh fuck, you're hitting my prostate. Brett was going mad, the bat was huge, his hole was wide open. "Fuck, dude, my ass is on fire, I'm so horny, keep doing it, fuck. Sam was fucking him hard with the baseball bat, his hand moving fast, the tip going in and out, the bat hitting his prostate, his ass taking the baseball bat like it was nothing. Brett's cock was leaking pre-cum, his cock was throbbing, the sheets were soaked, his balls were full. "Oh fuck, I have to show you the power of my ass. Look what I could do with your cocks. Suddenly Brett's glutes tightened, his sphincter closing around the bat, his ass becoming rock hard in an instant. "Fuck dude, it's stuck, his hole is too strong. You're holding the bat in your ass, holy shit, your ass is crazy, . Brett was laughing and squeezing his ass, Sam couldn't do anything, he was stuck, the baseball bat was stuck inside Brett's ass. Slowly they heard creaking sounds, the wood was breaking. "Oh fuck, this is crazy. His ass is destroying the bat. Sam looked at the bat, the noise was getting louder, the wood was breaking, the bat was splitting, the baseball bat was getting thinner. "FUCK, DUDE, YOU'RE BREAKING THE BAT INSIDE YOUR ASS, HOLY SHIT, THIS IS CRAZY. "Hahaha, can you believe the strength I possess? I bet it's to much for you to handle. Sam's eyes were wide open, his jaw dropped, the sight was unreal. The baseball bat was being split inside his ass, the bat was cracking and the hole was tightening. The boys were in shock, they were watching the baseball bat break in half, the end sticking out of the hole, the other part stuck inside his ass. It was of the ass was made of steel, the bat could not handle the pressure. The wood was breaking, his ass muscles were to strong, the hole was too powerful. The baseball bat was splitting in two. "Oh, fuck, dude, here it comes! With a loud snap, the baseball bat broke, the part outside his ass was in Sam's hand and Brett pushed the thick part out of his ass. Brett could see the stunned faces and rock hard cocks of his little brother and best friend in the mirror. His own cock was rock hard and lined up with his abs, dripping like hell. "I could snap your cocks off with one squeeze of my huge ass, haha they would get lost in this fucking giant hole. Fuck, I can't believe who I am. I'm fucking unstoppable! The two boys were in awe, their eyes were wide, their dicks were throbbing, their cocks were leaking, their balls were boiling. They could not believe what they had just seen, Brett's ass was too powerful, the baseball bat could not handle the size of his ass. They were speechless, they had never experienced anything like it. The image was burned into their minds. Brett turned onto his back, revealing the front of his huge body, his huge cock standing erect along his muscular abs, his foreskin completely pulled back by the hardness of his cock. It pointed to the cleavage of his pecs, which even in this position still protruded far. The boys couldn't get used to his massiveness, he was truly gigantic, his cock was huge, his chest was massive, his muscles were thick and powerful, his shoulders were broad and strong, his legs were thick and muscular. He straightened his arms next to his body. His muscles again were completely relaxed as if he didn't just squeezed the shit out of a baseball bat. His legs were stretched out and his balls were resting on his thighs. They were so big they looked like they could tear through his skin. "You guys are in awe. Now make my body shine. It will look even more definied, if that's even possible. "Yes sir. They now started at the bottom. His feet received the same massage as they had in a moment, his shins were like metal and the front of his calves were massively covered with veins that most people would never see. The thighs were so big and thick. There hands met his quads and they were incredible. The front was so thick and firm. Their hands went all over his thighs, the muscles were so defined and hard. They loved feeling his muscles and the size of them was mind blowing. His quads were like tree trunks. The oil made his veins more visible than ever. The unstretched muscle was so thick but could not hide the countless veins. The quads alone had heads thicker than the average thigh, the outer one extending far from his thigh, the inner one barely bending over his knee. And the ridges on them were as striated as they could be, the definition better than any bodybuilder's. While Robbie pushed the sack up, to uncover every part of the thighs, Sam was drooling over these giant legs. They were the most defined he had ever seen. When Robbie's hands started to run up Brett's groin, he could see a vein popping up on his left quad. Sam reached out to touch it and ran his fingers down the length of it, following the curve of his quad. They barely said anything, they were in too much awe. Brett had a massive erection, his cock was throbbing. "So shredded... muscles are everywhere. The're so rounded, the veins are so pronounced. Your body is perfect. You could squeeze the life out of a horse, it's so sick. So thick, so big. My god. When their hands met his hip, they were both mesmerised by the v-line, which was as sharp as a blade. Brett pushed his dick upwards, only by flexing it, exposing his abs. And what abs they were. They had always been the centrepiece of his body, they were perfect, they were so defined, they were so thick. Sam placed his hand on a block of granite, the muscles were so hard. And the eight-pack was so deep, the lines between the abs could have been carved in stone. They were so perfectly symmetrical. Sam could embrace just one block with the entire width of his palm and his fingers. When Robbie ran his hands up the abs, he felt like a kid on a playground, climbing on a wall with different-sized bricks, but the bricks were so hard, so rounded. He couldn't stop touching and caressing them. Their hands met at his navel and continued their journey, running up his lats, which were also incredibly defined. They were so thick, so striated. The olbliques were so ripped, they were like steel cables, so defined. They both grabbed a wing in there hands and stroked their fingers down the length of them, following the curvature. "Pff, these belong to a dragon. They found his pecs. The massive slabs of beef. Even for his size, they were enormous. His pecs were so round and big, they were like melons, every one of them. Sam couldn't help but grab them, they were so big, they were so round, they were so hard. It was like feeling a woman's breasts, only much bigger and feeling so much better. They both needed two hands to massage a breast. They put their hands under it and pushed it up, their thumbs meeting. They were in total awe, the pecs were so big and firm. Robbie let go and watched it fall back down, the weight of the muscle was incredible. Sam did the same, his hands moving in opposite directions, meeting in the middle. They both stared at the muscle as it fell back down, landing softly against the others. The pecs were not only sticking out far forward but sideways as well, his nipples were further apart than his waist. And the tops of his heavily veined breasts led the way to the underside of his chiseled shoulders. Robbie and Sam couldn't get enough, they were in total awe. They were fascinated by the pecs and kept running their hands over the muscle, their palms feeling the bumps. "Oh wow, I just can't understand how one chest can be this big. Sam was so aroused by the size of the pecs. "These are far bigger than a pair of tits. He leaned forward and started to lick the big right brown nipple. His tongue traced the areola, his mouth wrapped around the nipple, sucking and nibbling on it. Robbie did the same on the other one. Brett moaned and pushed his chest forward, his massive pecs were rising high, his nipples were pushing up against their lips. They licked and kissed his nipples. Sam was biting and pulling them. He could not stop sucking and nibbling. Brett's massive chest was so inviting. The boys were licking and kissing his huge pecs. They were like little kittens sucking on them. "You know, you could have a whole football team on your chest. Brett grinned. "Haha, maybe you're right, these babies can take some load. Robbie looked at his big brother, he looked so big, so massive. His massive chest was rising and falling with every breath. The veins were bulging, his nipples were so hard, his pecs were so big and round. The size of them was unreal. His chest was so defined, the striations were so sharp, the muscles were so thick. Robbie couldn't stop touching and stroking the huge melons. Sam was in complete awe. He saw the deep crease in the middle and followed the ridge, the pecs were so round, the striations so sharp, the skin was stretched tightly over the thick muscles. He looked at the veins on the side and the striations in the middle. It was insane. He could not get enough, the size of the pecs was so unreal, his head was spinning. Brett's eyes were closed and he was moaning. "Oh yeah, oh yeah, keep doing it. The boys kept sucking and kissing. Their lips and tongues were all over his chest. "That's so good. Brett loved the attention, his massive pecs were being worshipped by his little brother and his best friend. It felt amazing. He had a huge erection, his cock was rock hard and leaking. After a while, they moved up and were now at his neck. It was so thick and muscular. The boys could not believe how big it was. The thick cords of muscle on the side were clearly visible and they both licked it, running their tongues along the thick rope of muscle. "Haha, I could kill a man with this, the thickness of this muscle is awesome. "Fuck, your neck is like the trunk of a tree, so fucking thick and strong. His adams apple was protruding from the thick muscular neck, the lump so visible, his veins were bulging, his pulse racing. They could feel the muscles twitch, his pulse quickening. "Wow, the side of your neck is so thick and strong, the muscles are so big, the veins are so pronounced. The boys kept licking his neck. They found his stacked traps, the muscles were so round and thick, the definition so deep. "Fuck, bro, your traps are insane, the definition is so crazy, the muscles are so thick, so ripped. They kept running their tongues along the huge muscles, their hands tracing the deep crevices, massaging them. Brett flexed his traps, the muscles became harder and bigger, the veins were bulging. "Holy shit, the size of these monsters. "I could use these as a pillow. The boys were rubbing and squeezing the huge muscles, their fingers digging into the thick flesh, the definition so clear, the striations so pronounced. They were so deep, the veins were bulging. They lowered down to his delts. "Fuck, yeah, they feel so thick and strong, the definition is off the chart, so deep and striated. I didn't even know delts could have this kind of striation, they're just unbelievable. The boys kept massaging and stroking the bowling ball sized delts, their fingers tracing the striations. The veins on it were so big and thick, the muscles so pumped. "Haha, my dick could fit in the groove between the muscles, the size is just mind blowing. Brett brought his arms up to put them next to his head, revealing his armpits. "Holy fuck, these are the most incredible pits I've ever seen, the skin is so soft, the muscles are so defined, so manly. Sam could not resist, he buried his nose into the hair, the scent was so intoxicating, the pheromones were so strong. "Fuck, dude, your pits smell amazing, I can't get enough. The boy kept breathing in the intoxicating scent, the hormones were rushing through his body, his dick was rock hard, the precum dripping onto the mattress. "Dude, your pits are so fucking big, the skin is so soft, the muscles are so strong, the striations are so deep, the definition is insane, I can't stop smelling and licking your pit, it's driving me crazy. Sam was rubbing his face into the huge pit, the hair tickling his nose, the sweat making his cheeks wet, the scent filling his lungs, the hormones making his dick leak. The man was dripping with testosterone. Sam licked the sweat from his skin, the salty taste on his tongue, it was incredible. Robbie reached the relaxed arm. It had his favourite part, the bicep. The muscle he had secretly worshipped the most in all those years. It was tremendous in size, veins everywhere. "Fuck, bro, this is the biggest and roundest bicep I've ever seen, the size is off the charts, the definition is insane. I'v always loved your arms and now they're the biggest I've ever seen. I can't get enough, the size is so incredible. The boys massaged the huge bicep. They could dig their fingers in the thick muscle. The veins were bulging. "Dude, the veins are so thick, so pronounced. "Yeah, bro, they are, haha. Brett was chuckling, his bicep was pulsating. It was so big, even when relaxed. The muscle was so thick and round, the veins were so visible. "You've always been big, but fuck, this is the biggest you've ever been, your arms are so fucking massive, the muscles are so big. Both boys were massaging the hanging biceps when Brett suddenly turned them to stone with a single flex. The muscle exploded, the veins burst, the size increased, the biceps shredded. The flex moved both adoring hands from digging into the soft flesh to suddenly riding the ripped peak. "Fuuuuck. The boys were in complete shock, their mouths wide open, their eyes bulging, their dicks dripping. They couldn't believe the size of the biceps, the veins were popping out, the striations were so clear. "Oh god, your biceps are fucking insane, the definition is unreal, the veins are popping out, the striations are so deep. Fuck, dude, your arms are fucking massive, the biceps are the biggest I've ever seen. You could lift your fucking truck with these. "Haha, yeah, maybe I can, bro. Brett chuckled and the bicep deflated, the muscle shrunk and relaxed, the veins softened, the striations faded, the skin became smooth and soft again, only to inflate a second later with a new flex, the bicep going from zero to one hundred in less than a second, the muscle exploding, the veins popping, the striations ripping, the skin stretching, the striations becoming razor sharp, the bicep was now as thick as the boys' thigh. The bicep was massive. The boys were in complete awe. Their hands were shaking, their heads were spinning, their cocks were leaking. The bicep was rock hard and the skin was stretched tightly over the thick mountains. It was incredible. Robbie grabbed Brett's fist and tried to pull his arm towards him, but Brett didn't even move. Sam tried to do the same, but Brett just held his arms in place on the bed next to his head. He was just grinning while the boys tried to pull his arms, which was impossible, they could not budge the muscles, the strength was insane. "Fuck, you are so fucking strong. "Haha, you can say that again. Brett's grin was growing wider. "Fuck, dude, you're the fucking hulk, your arms are huge, the size is massive. The arms pumped up further. The veins were pulsating, the striations were deep and clear, the skin was stretched extremely tight. The biceps were so big and round, they were more like basketballs. "You look like a fucking superhero, your arms are unbelievable, the biceps are off the charts. "Yeah, superman is nothing compared to me. I bet you want to hump these bad boys, don't you? "Oh, fuck yes! Brett let them pull his arms up as he still lay on his back on the bed. He watched as the two boys rubbed their cocks against his outstretched biceps. "Yeah, hump my guns, let my biceps make you cum. Make out with my arms. Brett was watching his little brother and his best friend rubbing their cocks against his biceps, their cocks leaving a trail of precum on the massive arm, the veins popping out, the muscles pulsating, the skin stretching. The boys felt his arm all over, kissing it all, from wrist, to massive forearm. "Holy fuck, this is the biggest and most beautiful forearm I've ever seen, the veins are bulging, the striations are deep, the skin is so smooth, the muscles are so hard and big. Their cocks rubbed against the striations and veins, leaving a trail of pre-cum. The bicep was flexed while being stretched, the boys rubbed their cocks against the massive veins, the veins were so big, the precum mixing with the sweat. Their cocks rubbed against the ridges and veins, leaving a trail of pre-cum. The bicep was flexed as it was stretched, the boys rubbing their cocks against the massive veins, the veins were so big that the pre-cum mixed with the sweat. The boys humped his biceps, their hips moving, their cocks sliding up and down, their balls slapping against his skin. The muscle balls were bigger when stretched out than most men's when flexed and bent. "Yeah, dude, keep doing that, let my biceps make you cum. Cum for the gun show, come all over my guns. The boys kept humping, their cocks throbbing, their balls slapping, the biceps were flexed, the muscles were so thick and hard, the veins were pumping. The boys were so close, the pressure was building, the heat was rising. "Fuck, dude, you are such a stud, the way you're working those biceps, I'm gonna cum, I'm gonna cum all over your guns. "Yeah, I'm a fucking stud, I'm the strongest motherfucker you've ever seen, I can pull chains out of concrete, I bet I can lift fucking cars. "Haha, oh fuck, I can't take it anymore, I'm gonna cum, I'm gonna cum, I can't hold it any longer. "I could punch through the walls of this room, the walls would be nothing, I'm so fucking strong. "Oh fuck, I'm cumming, I'm cumming, I can't hold it any longer. A huge load left Robbie's cock, the stream of cum landing on the massive arm. Sam was humping the other with all his might. "Fuck, dude, you're the strongest man I've ever seen. "Yeah I am! I'm a fucking god. Sam came, his cock pulsating, the semen shooting all over the bicep, the muscles flexing. "Oh god, yes, yes, oh fuck! Both arms were getting covered in cum, some of it landing in his massive chest. The boys kept humping, the sensation was intense, the cum was dripping off the huge biceps, the veins were still bulging, the skin was still stretched tight. "Yeah, show my biceps how grateful you are. Lick them, lick them clean, use your tongues on them. The boys did as told, the taste was salty, the skin was smooth, the veins were hard. "Oh, yeah, keep licking my biceps, get them nice and clean, get every drop. The boys kept licking, their tongues were moving all over the biceps, the taste was intoxicating, the veins were so big, the striations so deep, the definition extreme. Brett's body was now all oiled up, his muscles glistening in the light. He wanted to see it, so he stepped out of the bed and stood between the mirror and the bed. They all could not believe it. During the day the definition of his muscles became more and more visible after his growth. He was now looking bigger than he had ever before, the oil causing it to even look more ridiculous. His body was so stacked, so thick and round, the striations were clear, the veins were bulging. The muscles on his body have literally all been pulled out of him, as if they had been drawn on to him. "Fuuuck, what a fucking hunk, what a fucking beast. "Holy shit, what a stud, you're the fucking man, you're the fucking king. Brett flexed and the muscles exploded. The size was so ridiculous, the striations so clear, the veins were pumping, the definition was mind blowing. He looked like a character straight out of a comic book "What a fucking specimen, what a fucking beast, I've never seen anything like you. "Of course, you haven't, you fucking haven't, I'm a fucking god, the first and the only one, I'm the strongest and the best. Haha, this feels awesome, having you look at me with all that appreciation. "You are the master, the creator of all the men in the world, the original, the alpha, the king, the first. "Yeah, I am, and now I'm ready to be the fucking man. The boys were in awe, they were speechless. Brett's body was a wonderland. He was so jacked and cut, his body was like a sculpture. Brett was ready to dominate. The boys were mesmerised by the sight of his huge, muscled body, his muscles were glistening, the light was making the oil sparkle. "Come on, I need to feel the worship of my little brother and my best friend. Brett climbed on the bed and lay down on his back. The boys immediately started touching and feeling the massive muscles. "You're a fucking god, the first man, the most powerful. "Yeah, bro, I am, and now that you've experienced my size and strength, it's time for you to worship the last part. Brett grinned. Some of Brett's cumshots were even stronger than the normal ones. Especially when he built up the tension, he could feel them coming. And the massage from the boys did just that. It made him extremely horny, but what amazed him was that this was the case now, even after all the sex he had already had today. He realised that the explosion of the next load would be even more extreme. The only difference was that he hadn't had it since his growth this morning. What would it be like to have another one of those? How would it feel? The previous climax with Sam had been more extreme than ever, but now that he was so aroused and the discharge had been delayed until after the massage, he felt that the feeling of the next ejaculation would be unprecedented. He was so excited. His balls were filled to the brim. The build-up had taken a long time, it was going to be explosive. The boys moved their hands lower and lower, fingers tracing the V-shape down to the massive crotch. "Oh fuck dude, your dick is huge, the size is fucking ridiculous. They both wrapped all their hands around the thick shaft, four hands around the meaty pipe and still the head stuck out. The fingers couldn't meet. The cock was hard as steel, throbbing like a jackhammer. The boys aligned their rithm, Robbie's hands at the top moving up over the head, Sam's hands moving down to the base. His tennis-ball-sized balls lay on his thick thighs, heavy and full, the sack so stuffed that the balls stretched the skin. "Oh yeah, just like that, keep stroking my beautiful monster cock. Brett put his hands behind his head, he needed to see more, pushed his head up. His feet were against the headboard. He pushed them harder into it, the wood cracking, his heels sinking into it. The headboard immediately gave way under his pressure. The end of the bed on that side collapsed to the floor. Brett was now lying diagonally up, his feet on the floor and the rest of his body diagonally up, leaning against the mattress and the foot end of the bed where his shoulders and head rested. Still with his hands behind his head, he now had a beautiful view of his oiled body in the mirror. The reflection of his enormous body, the oiled, bulging muscles, the striations and veins and the rock hard cock. The boys were thrown off balance by the crash of the headboard, but immediately knelt down beside the huge pole. "Holy shit, that's a big cock. The cock of a true master. No man can call himself a man next to you. You are the one and only man, the paragon of manliness in every way. The boys pushed the cock down towards the powerful thighs and then began to lick and suck the magnificent balls. Their tongues were all over the huge sack, tasting the skin, feeling the size. Their hands were massaging the shaft, their fingers running along the length. The head was facing the mirror, Brett could see his big cock, the thick knob, the big mushroom. His balls were being worshipped by two boys who loved it, their tongues all over the balls, their hands on his thick shaft. He began to grin and the cock grew, the thickness increased, the veins pumped, the head grew, the size became more massive. He flexed his cock without flexing his actual muscles, only his cock flexed. He was flexing the muscle inside his cock. The veins became thicker, the muscles grew, the thickness increased, the skin stretched, the head of the cock became bigger and wider. The boys couldn't hold it, the force was too much and their hands lost their grip in an instant. The cock flew out of their hands and onto his abs, shots of pre-cum spurting from the cock onto his abs, pecs and face. It bounced off his abs and was in the air again. The cock looked even more extreme now. Brett continued to flex it, veins that hadn't been visible before now popping out. The glans was darker and thicker than ever, the piss slit was wide enough to fit a tongue. And it was harder than ever, the shaft even thicker. It even seemed a little longer than the usual 13 inches. The boys couldn't wait. Sam wanted to see if he could bent the cock down. He grabbed it with both hands, but the cock wouldn't budge. "Fuck, what a dick, how is it possible that it's so hard and strong? Sam tried to bend it again, but couldn't. "Dude, your dick is too strong, it's impossible to bend it, it's just too thick. Brett grasped the base with his left hand, wrapping it all the way around, his fingers also unable to meet on the other side, his thumb resting on the top. The cock was pointing up at the ceiling. He began to move his hand, his wrist turning, his elbow moving slightly. The cock moved down, he pushed the head into view of the mirror. It was now facing the mirror, the huge fat cockhead pulsating, the veins pumping. He slowly stroked his shiny, fat cock up and down, all the way to the head. The thick shaft moved, the skin stretched, the striations became visible. He let go and the cock sprang up again. The veins pulsed, the ridges deep. The boys' mouths were wide open, their cocks leaking. Brett grabbed the base of his cock and pushed it as far as he could towards his face. He closed his hand completely and tightened it as tightly as possible around the base of his cock. It caused the glans to become darker and even thicker. His whole body flexed, his muscles expanded and his veins popped. The veins in his neck became thicker, the one on the side of his forehead was pumping, his jaw clenched. The boys were staring at the monster cock, their mouths and cocks dripping, their balls tingling. Brett held the position, the strain and tension was enormous. "Look at the veins, dude, the veins in his arms, his neck, the one on his head, oh fuck, his entire body is flexing, his muscles are bulging, he looks so powerful, so fucking strong, oh fuck, that's incredible. "I know, and that cock, fuck, it's a work of art, it's beautiful. It's all veins, muscle, ridges and veins. The boys placed their hands around the shaft, while Brett was still stopping the bloodflow at it's base. "HOLY SHIT! DUDE, YOUR COCK IS TOO MASSIVE, OH FUCK! The blood was trapped in the veins, pushing them far out, the ridges became extremely prominent, the head extremely swollen, the shaft thicker than a horse's, growing to the size of a baseball bat. It was throbbing, the veins were pumping, the pre-cum was bubbling. He was holding his breath, his entire body flexed, his pecs and abs were huge and round. He kept the blood trapped, his entire body tense. His sack was pulled up a bit, the skin of his scrotum tighter, the balls more pronounced. "Oh fuck, dude, this is crazy, oh my god, that cock is insane, I'm gonna cum just looking at it. Brett couldn't stand the sight of his cock anymore, it was so big, so massive, so inviting. The head lured him out, he needed to feel it, to taste it. He needed to experience what is was like to have a cock that big in his mouth. To suck his own mighty pole. The boys saw his trance like stare, his eyes fixated on the monster cock in front of him. They understood, they got it. He wanted to feel his own cock. The boys let go and Brett pushed his cock even more towards his face. He brought his head closer, his mouth wide open, the boys were cheering him on. "Do it, dude, take that giant cock in your mouth, you deserve it, you're a fucking beast, the original alpha, the king, the god. You can do it! It was just inches away, the boys were excited to see if he could reach it. It was so close, but not quite. Brett's tongue stretched out, the tip reaching the ridge of the head. "Yes, do it, take your own cock in your mouth. His tongue reached further and further, his face came closer and closer. The boys were in awe, their dicks dripping, their bodies shaking. Brett's tongue went over the ridge and into the wide piss slit. He tongued it, his saliva dripping. "Yes, keep going, you're almost there, I can see it, the head is in your mouth, your mouth is wide open but your lips still don't touch your dick, keep going, push that fat cockhead into your mouth. Brett leaned on his right elbow, his left hand still squeezing his cock. He pushed his hips up, his legs bent and his feet on the mattress. His ass left the bed. It was all that was needed to clear the space between his eager mouth and his bulging cock. Brett's mouth was now right in front of it. His eyes scanned his cock, he had to soak it all in. He had never seen it so big, so close, so hard, so perfect. It was a masterpiece, a true testament to the power of his body. He couldn't wait any longer, his body was screaming for him to take the monster in. "Oh yes, I'm going to suck my own glorious cock! He took a deep breath and moved his head towards the cock. He could feel the thick knob filling his mouth. It was amazing, the sensation was unbelievable, the girth so overwhelming, the size so extreme. The helmet, bigger than ever, was all the way in his mouth, pushing his cheeks out. The ridge was in his mouth, his tongue running along it. It felt so good, so perfect, the taste so intense, the size so big. He closed his lips around the ridge, sucking it, tasting it. He stroked his shaft with his left hand, the boys staring in disbelief, their cocks dripping. He kept his lips around the ridge, moving his head back and forth, his tongue exploring the ridge, the skin on the edge, the ridge on the underside. He swirled his head around the head, his mouth filled with the huge girth. His eyes looked down the shaft, enjoying the taste and sight of the monster, the feel of it. The size was so overwhelming, he had no idea that it was possible for a cock to be so big, to feel so good. His own cock was his ultimate sex toy. He began to suck harder, his tongue dancing over the head, the veins on the underside. He needed to push it further into his mouth, he needed to suck it deeper. He pulled the crown back and let it fall onto his abs. He opened his mouth and put his lips around the thick knob. He pushed it inwards, his jaw stretching as the cock entered his mouth. He felt the head touch the entrance to his throat. He relaxed his throat and pushed his head further, his tongue on the underside, his lips tight around the shaft. "Oh my God, he's taking it, dude, he's sucking his own huge cock, oh fuck, this is incredible, look at him sucking his massive cock, it's so huge, I can't believe he's taking it. The cock goes down his throat, his throat stretches. He pushed his head down, the cock entering his throat, his mouth filled with his own meat. He sucked and slurped, the shaft slick with saliva. The cock was a third down his throat now, his hands on the base. He pushed the head down, exposing it in his own massive neck. "HOLY FUCK! I can't believe this! He's swallowing his own huge cock, dude, look at his throat bulge, he's sucking his own massive dick. They could see the helmet through his skin, he was swallowing it. The size was so large, it was overwhelming. He began to feel his orgasm rising. He was going to explode. But he didn't want to yet. He pulled his head up and the cock left his mouth. "Wow, that was the hottest thing I've ever seen, the king sucked his own monster cock, you are a real man. Brett's mouth was covered in saliva, the shaft was shiny, covered in his spit. His balls were tingling, the cum was ready. "I'm so fucking horny, the massage made my balls so full, and now, after the blowjob, they are ready to shoot their load. I'm ready for the next phase. I'm ready to shoot my biggest, thickest load, a load worthy of the ultimate alpha male, a load that will put all previous ones to shame, a load that will show my dominance, the sheer size and potency of my seed. A load so thick, so white, so sticky that will show you and the rest of the world that I'm the most alpha male on the planet. The boys' mouths were wide open, their breathing loud. Brett was out of this world. He acted and spoke like an Alpha King, his voice so dominant, his presence so powerful. Robbie and Sam were in a trance, their minds gone, their eyes fixed on the master and his glorious monster cock. His display of dominance made them want to submit, to bow down to him, to lick his feet. "Oh my fucking god.. what the hell is happening? My body feels so weird, the hairs are standing up, my legs feel wobbly. Robbie felt light-headed, his legs were weak. He was kneeling in front of Brett, his mouth was open, his eyes fixated on the cock. His mind was blank, he could only think about the master, the cock, the seed. His eyes were following the cock. Sam was feeling the same, his mouth was open, his gaze was empty, his hands were shaking. They both were hypnotized, they were under his spell, they were slaves to his massive cock, his mighty balls, his superior sperm. "What's happening, what's going on? Robbie was under Brett's control, completely hypnotised, his will gone, his mind and body controlled by the Alpha King. His cock was hard, his balls were ready. His mind told him to grab his dick, but his body didn't obey and just rose to his feet. His hands remained by his side, his feet firmly on the floor, his back straight, his eyes looking forward. Sam was in the same state, he could see it in his eyes. He was a slave, under his control. He was his slave, his bitch. "What's happening, my body is not responding, I'm trying to grab my dick, but I can't. Sam was also feeling it too, his body wouldn't listen. They were both hypnotized, slaves to the master, their bodies controlled by his superior mind, his immense willpower. "Holy fuck, I feel so strange, what's going on? It feels so good! Robbie could feel the pleasure building up, he could sense it. His body felt strange, he was getting hot, his balls were tingling, his cock was throbbing. His ass was vibrating, he could feel something moving in there. Brett was still lying on the broken bed, his feet back on the floor, his legs stretched out, his right hand behind his head, his left stroking his cock. He couldn't stop staring at himself in the mirror. His body was out of this world. It was so ripped, so toned, so big. The veins were so prominent, the skin so tight, the muscles so huge, the size so impressive. "This is amazing, look at me, look how big and strong I am. I'm so sexy, so fucking hot, I'm the perfect man, the ultimate alpha male. He jacked his cock slowly, the boys' cocks twitched, their bodies felt strange. Robbie couldn't control the feeling in his ass, in his body. In his trance-like state, his body moved, he went to his big brother. He had to feel it, the cock, the seed. He couldn't help but climb on top of his master. He lifted his leg over his brother's waist and was now on his knees, hovering above him, face to face with the divine male. He could feel the head of his brother's cock aligning with his hole. His cock was so hard it was leaking, his balls were full, his mind empty. "'Dude, I'm going crazy, I can't stop myself. My ass is vibrating, it feels so good. Robbie was in his trance, his mind was empty, he couldn't control his body, his movements, his actions. His hole was ready, his cock was ready. "Oh yes baby bro, that's right, take it, ride me, sit on that big cock. You want it so bad. Brett's voice was deep, his tone dominant, his words powerful. He was so sexy, his body so sexy, his cock so big and hard. Robbie lowered his body, the big cock positioned against his hole. It was slick with pre-cum. Brett bent his knees and placed his massive feet on the mattress. The bed creaked and moaned. "Oh fuck, it's so hot, I can't believe this is happening. Sam was still hypnotised, a slave to his best friend's manhood. His body made him walk to the broken side of the bed. He fell to his knees, his head inches from his master's balls. His nose was filled with his musky scent, his mind with his presence, his body with his dominance. His own cock was hard, his balls heavy. His body was ready, his mind and will gone. "Holy fuck dude, I'm going mad, I'm going crazy. Robbie lowered his body further. Brett grabbed his little brother's ass with his left hand and pulled his right arm from behind his head and grabbed his cock, his thumb resting on the head. He pulled it towards his brother's hole and placed it right at the entrance. The bed creaked loudly. Robbie lowered his ass further. "That's right baby bro, drop your ass. Take your brother's cock, feel the whole length in your tight little ass. Brett pushed his hips up and pulled his brother's ass down, his thick head penetrating his brother's ass. The rim stretched, the head popping through the tight ring. Robbie moaned, the pain mixing with the pleasure. "Fuck, that's big, I'm so horny, I have to get it in. Brett pushed his hips up and the rest of his cock entered his brother's tight hole. The cock was bigger than ever, but Robbie took it better after his hole had already been opened by this monster earlier today. Robbie couldn't believe the sensation, the size of the cock. He took it, his own brother fucking him. His cock was so hard, his balls were full, the pressure was building. It wasn't long before the cock was all the way in, the head rearranging his insides again, poking at his abs from the inside. Robbie moaned, head back, eyes closed, mouth open, tongue out. He massaged his stomach, he could feel the head moving around. "Holy fuck, this is amazing dude, oh my God, your cock is so huge, it feels so good. Brett felt amazing, his cock felt so good. He started thrusting it in and out as Sam massaged and licked his massive balls. Sam was a total slave, his cock dripping. "Fuck yeah Sammy, rub my balls, feel my cock going in and out of my baby brother. Brett grabbed his brother's hips and pulled him up, his cock almost slipping out. The head was still in, the rim stretched. Sam took the moment to lick and stroke the shaft. "Oh yes, do it Sam, rub my cock, taste my meat. Sam was a slave, his tongue on the shaft, his hand on the balls. He licked the shaft, he licked the rim, he kissed the balls. He worshipped the god, he submitted. "Take it you bitch, you're such a slave, you're so submissive. Brett pulled Robbie down again, the cock disappearing into his brother's hungry hole, his abs pushing out from the moment the head disappeared. "Yes, oh God, oh God, you're so fucking huge, oh yes, fuck me. Robbie's words made the Alpha's balls tremble, his cock even harder. "Yes master, fuck your little brother. Sam was so submissive, so obedient, he was a good bitch. Brett loved it. He was a complete Alpha, he loved being on top, he loved the control. He pulled his cock out and thrust it in, his balls hitting Sam's chin. The bed creaked loudly, Robbie's ass was stretched, his cock was rock hard, the cum boiling. "Fuck me, please fuck me, you're so sexy, your cock is so big. Oh fuck yes Brett, you are our master! Robbie was lost in lust, his mind was blank, his thoughts gone, his words spilling out, his body moving up and down. The cock was huge, the head poking into his stomach. "Yes, I'm your master, I'm the ultimate Alpha, the king of Alphas. Brett's voice was strong, his confidence and ego through the roof. He was so horny, so dominant, so alpha. "I'm the alpha king, the master, the top. He fucked his brother faster and harder, his balls slapping Sam's face. "Take it, bitch, take it. His words made Sam's cock twitch, his balls boil. "Yes master, fuck him, dominate him. Robbie's ass was getting used, his cock was still hard, his hole was sore. Brett's pre-cum was a load in on its own, his cock continued to drip all the time. "Holy fuck dude, I'm going to blow, your cock is amazing, holy shit, I'm going nuts. Brett fucked him faster and faster, the bed creaking, his cock leaking, his balls churning. "Fuck yeah, take my cock, your ass is mine, your cock is mine. Brett's words drove him wild, his balls getting ready, his ass vibrating, his cock throbbing. Sam was humping the bed as he sucked Brett's balls. The sight was insane, the size, the speed. Brett was the master, the Alpha King. "Yes, I'm the alpha king, the master, the top, the biggest cock on the planet. He fucked his brother faster and faster, the bed creaking and about to break. Robbie couldn't hold back, his cock just shot it's load without even being touched, his cum spraying everywhere, his cock shooting all over himself, the bed, his brother's body. "Oh my God Brett, my cock is shooting, your cock is so fucking good. He kept coming, the bed creaking louder and louder. "Fuck yeah baby bro, take it, feel the size of my cock, the thickness of it, the hardness. Brett was close, his balls were boiling, his cock was throbbing, his cock was leaking like crazy. Sam was next to shoot his load, the sight and sound was too much, his mind was empty, his eyes were fixed on the huge cock going in and out of the smaller boy's ass. He shot his load all over the bed, his cock unloading his cum, his balls emptying themselves, his cock squirting the cum. "Oh fuck Brett, how did you get so big, holy shit, I'm going insane. Robbie's eyes were closed, his mouth open, his tongue hanging out, his breathing fast and shallow. "Fuck yeah boys, here comes the biggest load you've ever seen, get ready to be creamed, the biggest, thickest, stickiest load is ready. Brett's balls were churning, his cock was throbbing, his cum was boiling. "Here it comes, the biggest load in the world, the most alpha seed in existence. Brett fucked so hard that the bed finally gave out. The sturdy wooden footboard collapsed just as Robbie was pushed up by the impact of his brother's fuck. As Brett went down, Robbie shot off his cock before coming down again to be fully rammed by the stallion's cock. It was the push over the edge for Brett. Immediately the first shot of cum exploded from his cock. It was a gigantic one, the force was immeasurable, the volume devastating. Robbie had just fallen back down onto the pole only to be shot up again by the sheer pressure of his master's cumshot. It was insane, Robbie shot off the pole 5 feet into the air, his head hitting the ceiling. Before Robbie could fall back down, Brett had taken over and was jerking his cock furiously. This ensured that the next shot was already delivered, pushing Robbie even higher, now his whole body was pinned against the ceiling. Brett's orgasm was the most powerful he had ever had, the cum shooting out like a cannon, the force was so great that it pinned Robbie against the ceiling, his body shaking and vibrating. Robbie was in a complete trance, his mind was gone, his body was under Brett's control, he was a complete puppet. His mind was gone, his eyes rolled up, his cock was shooting, his ass was vibrating, his body was being shot up by the force of his brother's cum cannon. His body was now flat against the ceiling, held in place by the constant stream of cum shooting from his brother's monstrous cock. Robbie couldn't speak, his whole body was covered in cum, every hole was flooded, his eyes, his nose, his ears, his mouth, his ass. He could feel the pressure of the cum, his body was shaking. He was so high off the ground, the ceiling was so high. Brett was the ultimate alpha male, a god among men, the king of kings. Sam couldn't believe what was happening, he saw the giant cock discharging rope after massive rope of cum that covered Robbie's entire body. The volume was so insane, it was like a fire hose, the ropes were huge, the smell was strong, the taste was delicious. The cum flowed freely, the power was immense. They were all overwhelmed by the volume. "OH BRETT, OH FUCK, THIS IS... OOOOH... I'M GOING TO CUM AGAIN! Sam's orgasm hit him, shooting his cum everywhere, his body shaking, his eyes glued to the spectacle. His orgasm was the most intense he had ever felt, his cock was shooting non-stop, his balls were empty. "AAAAAH FUCK YEAH, CUM FOR ME SLAVE, CUM FOR YOUR ALPHA MASTER. The words made the orgasm last even longer, Sam couldn't stop. "YES MASTER, YOU'RE MY MASTER, YOU'RE SO FUCKING HOT, OH FUCK. The words made him shoot another load, the cum dripping, the cock leaking, the balls emptying. The sight, the smell, the taste, the sound, the feeling, it was all too much for Brett. "AAAAAAAH, YES, TAKE IT, TAKE IT, TAKE IT ALL! Brett bent his dick and pointed it at his friend. The cum was flying, the pressure was insane. "FUCK YEAH, TAKE THAT SAMMY, TAKE A REAL MAN'S CUM, FEEL THE POWER, FEEL THE MUSK, FEEL THE DOMINANCE! Sam was pushed back and fell to the floor from the sheer volume and strength of the cum flying from the beastly cock, the bed was flooded, the room was filled with the smell, the taste, the dominance. "OH FUCK YES, YOU'RE THE MASTER, YOU'RE SO ALPHA, YOU'RE SUCH AN ALPHA STUD, HOLY SHIT, I LOVE YOUR COCK, I WANT YOUR CUM! Sam was blowing his load, his body shaking, his mind gone. The bed was flooded, the sheets were soaked, the carpet was soaked. Sam couldn't move, the pressure of the cum held him in place. Brett's cum was shooting, Robbie's body was being kept in place, the ceiling was wet, the smell was intense. Brett could see himself unloading in the mirror, his cock was huge, the cum was flying. "FUCK YES, TAKE IT, TAKE IT, YOU WANT ME SO BAD, YOU'RE MY SLAVES, YOU'RE MINE, YOU BELONG TO ME. His voice was deep, his tone dominant, his words powerful. "YES MASTER, FUCK YEAH, YOUR COCK IS SO BIG, YOUR CUM IS SO THICK AND STICKY, IT'S THE BEST CUM EVER. The words drove him mad, the pleasure was incredible. "OH FUCK YES, THE MOST POWERFUL CUM IN EXISTENCE, THE MOST POWERFUL SEED! His voice was loud, his tone dominant, his words powerful. "AAAAAAAAAAH, FUCK, I'M STILL CUMMING, TAKE IT, TAKE IT ALL, FUCK, I'M THE ALPHA MALE, THE ULTIMATE GOD, I'M THE KING OF ALL STUDS! Brett pointed his cock at the window, the next shot went through it like a bullet and landed somewhere outside. He wanted to make sure everyone knew who the king was and continued to shatter the glass. The force was so great that the glass exploded into pieces. "AAAAAH, FUCK, YES, THIS IS IT, THIS IS WHAT I WANT, I AM THE MASTER, I AM THE KING! The next shot broke the frame and landed outside with the rest. The room was a complete mess, the bed ruined, the walls painted, the ceiling dripping, the floor flooded. "I AM THE ULTIMATE STUD, I AM THE GOD, I AM THE STUD! Brett was losing his mind, the pleasure was overwhelming, the cum was still coming. "AAAAAAH FUCK, I'M CUMMING, TAKE IT, FUCK, I'M CUMMING, HARDER, TAKE IT, YES, AAAAAH FUCK, I'M CUMMING, OH GOD, OOOOOH, YES, AAAAAAAH, I'M CUMMING, OH MY GOD, AAAAAAH, YES, FUCK, I'M CUMMMMIIIIIIIING!!! Brett was losing his mind, the pleasure was overwhelming, the cum was still coming. "AAAAAAAH, OOOOOH, OOOOOOOH, YES, TAKE IT, FEEL MY CUM, MY THICK ALPHA SEED, FEEL MY DOMINANCE, FEEL MY CONTROL, FEEL MY POWER, FEEL IT, TAKE IT, OOOOH YEEEEEEES! Brett's orgasm felt so intense, his voice was so deep and powerful, his mind was going crazy, the cum was still flowing, it was all over. The smell was so strong, the taste so strong. "I'M CUMMING, AAAAAH FUCK YEAH, I NEED TO TASTE MY COCK! Brett leaned forward and grabbed his own cock. He pulled it to his mouth and sucked on the head. He was drinking his own cum, the amount was immense. Sam got to his feet and crawled between Brett's legs, worshipping and massaging his cock. He licked the balls and the shaft as Bret sucked on his own helmet. "AAAAAAAAAAH, OOOOOH, I'M STILL CUMMING, TAKE IT YOU BITCH, YEAH, FEEL IT, YOU WANT IT, YOU DESERVE IT, TAKE MY COCK, TAKE IT! Brett pushed his cock into Sam's mouth and forced his friend to suck it. Sam couldn't resist, he wanted to suck it, he needed to feel its girth. The taste was the best, the smell was so strong. "FUCK YEAH, SAMMY, SUCK MY COCK, TAKE IT DOWN YOUR THROAT, YOU LITTLE BITCH, YOU'RE SUCH A SLAVE, YOU'RE SO HUNGRY, YOU'RE SO SUBMISSIVE. Brett moaned, his voice was deep, his tone deep, his words powerful. "YES MASTER, YOU ARE MY ALPHA STUD, I LOVE YOUR COCK, I LOVE YOU, YOU ARE THE KING, YOU ARE MY MASTER. Brett's orgasm was fading, the cum was flowing less and less, his balls were getting empty. He pulled his cock out of Sam's mouth and pointed it at his friend. He squeezed his cock and a few shots hit Sam in the face. "FUCK YES, YOU'RE THE MASTER, YES, AAAAAAAAAAAH, FUCK YES, YOU'RE SO FUCKING BEAUTIFUL! Brett's orgasm finally stopped and he started breathing heavily, cum was everywhere. "OH MY FUCKING GOD, HOLY FUCKING SHIT, THAT WAS THE BIGGEST ORGASM EVER, THAT WAS INSANE, THAT WAS FUCKING INSANE, YEAH, YEAH, AAAAH FUCK, OOOH MY GOD, THAT WAS FUCKING CRAZY. Robbie's body was disentangled and the boy fell to the cum covered floor. He tried to get up but was too exhausted. Instead he rolled over onto his back and looked at this brother's body, rubbing his cock. "OH BRETT, FUCK, THAT WAS THE HOTTEST THING EVER, I LOVE YOU, YOU'RE SO HOT, I LOVE YOU SO MUCH, YOU'RE SUCH A STUD, I LOVE YOUR COCK, I'M IN LOVE WITH YOU. Brett smiled at his brother and licked his lips. "I love you too, baby brother. Sam was on his knees, staring at the huge cock, watching it slowly soften. He couldn't believe the size, the hardness, the thickness, the girth, the length, the veins, the cum, the head. It was so hot. He couldn't stop staring. "OH, THIS IS THE MOST FUCKING BEAUTIFUL THING I'VE EVER SEEN, OH MY FUCK, IT'S SO FUCKING HOT, IT'S SO FUCKING BEAUTIFUL, IT'S SO FUCKING PERFECT. Sam was still in awe of its size and shape. "I can't stop looking, I can't look away. Sam couldn't help himself, he had to taste the cock again, he needed it, he craved it, he desired it, he wanted it. Robbie managed to crawl over to his brother and join Sam, the two of them licking and kissing the shaft, their tongues and mouths working together. "THIS IS SO HOT, THIS IS SO HOT. They both made love, sucking and kissing the shaft, their lips and tongues working together. They were kissing each other and kissing the cock. "Oh fuck, you are both such good faggots. The boys were so excited they couldn't stop touching and kissing the giant cock. They couldn't stop worshipping the massive member, the alpha meat, the kingly member. They were both so turned on, they were both so horny. "FUCK, I JUST WANT TO TOUCH YOU, I WANT TO FEEL YOU, I WANT TO BE WITH YOU, I WANT TO LOVE YOU, I WANT TO MAKE LOVE TO YOU, I WANT TO HAVE YOU INSIDE ME, I WANT TO FEEL YOU INSIDE ME, I WANT TO FEEL YOUR CUM. The three of them were in a frenzy, the lust and desire was overwhelming, the sexual tension was high. "I know baby bro, and you will. We're going to have so much fun, I can't wait. Brett put his left arm around his brother's shoulder and kissed him. Sam needed to feel the same, so he leaned into Brett's right side. Brett pulled him close, wrapped his right arm around his waist and kissed him too. Both boys pressed themselves tightly against their master's body, wanting to feel him, wanting to touch him, wanting to be with him, wanting to have him. They were both so horny and eager. "God, you two are so desperate for me. But you're lucky, you are both my personal fags, the best slaves anyone could ever ask for. And I will never let you go, you will always be mine. Both boys moaned and looked into each other's eyes, the lust building, the desire rising, the want and need growing. They needed to express their gratitude. Their mouths went to Brett's neck, kissing, licking, nibbling, sucking, biting. They were both so thirsty for their master's juices. "Oh fuck, yeah, that feels so good, oh shit. Brett moaned as the two boys worked their way down his neck. The kissing and licking became more passionate, their tongues and lips exploring his square jaw, his thick chin, his soft cheeks and finally his beautiful full lips. Their tongues danced together, the taste was amazing, the kiss was intense. "Oh fuck, that's so hot. Brett could feel their hands exploring his entire body. Their lips and tongues were all over him, their hands caressing his pecs, their fingers stroking his abs, their nails digging into his hips. Their bodies were grinding against his, the friction was delicious, the sensation intoxicating. Their moans were muffled by their lips. Their tongues danced with his, their lips locked on his, their teeth scraping his. Their bodies rubbed against his, their cocks rubbed against his. The three of them moved in perfect sync, their bodies responding to each other. Brett was thrilled to see his little brother and his best friend honouring him, the two of them working together to please him. It was the ultimate show of respect after the greatest fuck of their lives. PART 10 - Strength show While Sam and Robbie fell asleep right after fucking, Brett couldn't sleep. His mind was racing and his body was buzzing. He decided to clean up the room and put the boys in Robbie's bed. He cleaned his own bed with a towel, pushed it back against the wall and lay down. His eyes were closed and his breathing slowed. He could feel the warm breeze from the broken window on his body. His mind was calm, his thoughts clear. He thought about the night and smiled. This was what he wanted, he wanted to be a master, he wanted to have power over others. And he had it, he had proven himself. He could not be prouder of his achievement. He drifted off to sleep. Brett's eyes opened and he saw the sun coming through the hole in the wall where the window used to be. The morning rays illuminated the room, giving the air a slight orange tint. The heat of the sun felt wonderful on his bare skin. He looked down at his chest and admired the muscular perfection, the broad shoulders, the broad chest, the chiseled abs. The muscles weren't bulky, they were lean and strong. He flexed his arms and felt his biceps and triceps flex, his deltoids and traps tighten. "God, I love my body. Brett stretched his arms above his head and yawned. He felt great, refreshed and relaxed. He could not remember ever sleeping so well. He looked down at his crotch and admired the beautiful, huge, flaccid, thick penis. It hung limply over his massive balls, a bit of foreskin still covering the tip. He smiled, it was such a sexy sight, such a manly sight, such an impressive sight. He looked over at the window and the shattered glass and remembered how he shot his cum through the window, the feeling of his cock releasing its powerful load and the feeling of being the dominant, the king, the alpha. The feeling was extraordinary. He looked at his phone and checked the time. It was 9.15am. The night's rest had done his body good and he was ready to get moving. He decided to make breakfast and got out of his broken bed. He could not help but smile as he saw Sam and Robbie sleeping soundly in Robbie's bed. Robbie's back was turned to him, his gaping hole exposed, the shape of Brett's monster cock still visible. He thought about how he had fucked his little brother's asshole, the force of his cumshots shooting him into the air and onto the ceiling, his cum covering him completely. He walked over to the broken window to see where his cum shots had landed. He laughed when he saw the huge white puddles and the trail of cum leading to the front door beneath the window. It looked like someone had dumped a gallon of milk or something. Brett grinned and could not help but think of his cock and his cum and the way he had controlled his own pleasure, the way he had shot his seed, the way he had dominated and taken complete control. It was the ultimate form of masculinity, the ultimate expression of his power. It was pure dominance and it was astonishing. Brett felt extremely virile, he felt invincible. He had proved himself, he had shown his dominance, he had shown his might. His body was in top shape, his muscles were well defined, his physique was perfect. He had a huge cock, he had big balls and a massive load. He was a stallion and felt an adrenaline rush, his body was primed and ready. Sam and Robbie were in for a very exciting day. "Fuck, I'm so damn ready. Brett's mind was racing. He had to show off, he had to prove his strength, his masculinity. He went into his bathroom and stared at himself in the mirror. He couldn't stop smiling. He looked so good, so healthy, so strong. "Eu.. yeah.., I look so damn hot." He whispered to himself. He was so broad, the bathroom mirror couldn't contain his wide shoulders and large chest, his abs sculpted, his biceps and triceps bulging, his thighs thick and beefy. He got dressed, choosing a pair of short, ripped jeans that hugged his thighs tightly and revealed them through a few rips. The white wife beater wasn't too tight, leaving his arms and shoulders bare. His hair already had the perfect 'out of bed' look. After putting on a pair of sturdy dark brown leather combat boots, he went downstairs. After he had made breakfast, Sam and Robbie came into the kitchen. They were fully dressed and sat down at the table. They started talking about the incredible sex they had last night, Robbie was sore from it. Sam was drooling all over Brett, but they all decided not to act on it at the moment. They were all in anticipation of Brett's show of strength. Brett ate his food, a huge pile of bacon, sausage and scrambled eggs, along with a large glass of orange juice and a glass of milk. The breakfast was huge and his body would use it to fuel itself. The protein was important, especially the bacon. It was a key ingredient for building muscle and his body needed a lot of it. When they were finished, the three boys left the house and headed out to the farm. Brett had an idea that would showcase their power, but first they had to feed the livestock. This was done quickly. The boys now stood in the barn where the hay bales were stacked. They all had a slight pump from feeding the animals. "Remember when I called you on Thursday and curled a bale? Do you wanna see me do it now?" He asked Sam. "I saw you do it through the window," Robbie said shyly. "Haha, you shot your load right there, didn't you?" Robbie blushed. "It was so hot!" Sam said with a grin. "I blew a load too, as soon as you hung up." Brett grinned, knowing full well that Sam had shot his load. "Well, no shooting yet, but I'm gonna make you wish you could." Brett grabbed a bale by it's rope with his right hand. He stretched his arm down, his arm tensed, the muscles contracting, the triceps bulging, the forearm muscles tightening, the veins starting to pop. He slowly curled the bale upwards, the boys standing in front of him, watching him. "Fuck, your arm is so big." Sam said. Brett's eyes fell on his right bicep, seeing the muscles swell, the skin stretch. This was just a warm-up, making his muscles grow and get ready for the real thing. "Fuck, that's so hot." Robbie said as he watched his big brother's arm flex. "Grab one yourself and see if you can lift it," Brett said, not taking his eyes off his own arm. Sam and Robbie both grabbed a bale and held it with both hands, their arms straining. Sam couldn't do it with one arm, but managed to curl it a few times with both arms. Robbie couldn't curl it at all, while Brett just stood there, casually curling it up and down with his right arm, not taking his eyes off his own biceps. "Holy shit, this is heavy!" Sam said, breathing heavily. "Can you imagine how strong I am? I can do this all day and not break a sweat." Brett put the bale down. He needed more. He needed to show off more. He needed to assert his dominance further. He needed to make the boys want him more, if that was even possible. They had to feel the power he possessed. He grabbed a large length of rope, handed one end to the boys and walked ten feet away. The other end was in his right fist. "Let's have a little tug of war. You can pull with everything you've got, use your body weight. I will only use my right arm. Brett smiled, he was going to make the boys submit. He stood completely relaxed, legs apart, chest out, right fist holding the rope. The boys put their shoulders against the rope and began to pull. Brett didn't move, didn't even seem to notice. They put all their weight into the rope. It was like pulling on a wall. Brett's outstretched arm was pumping harder and harder. Veins bulged in his neck, in his temples, in his forearm. Brett could see the boys straining, their muscles rippling and their faces flushed. The rope was tense, the muscles in the boys' shoulders and arms flexed and strained. Sam had a good looking muscular body. His muscles became more pronounced as his torso was forced into a backward curve, his biceps bulging. But he couldn't even compete with Brett's right arm. "Oh yes, now you can feel my strength! Brett's whole body was tense, his eyes fixed on his arm. The boys were pulling with all their might, their veins popping, their muscles burning, their legs shaking. "Look at my arm, it's insane. The boys looked at it as they pulled. Brett raised his forearm a little and flexed his biceps. His massive arm was so thick, so round. The muscle was perfectly defined. The boys were sweating, the muscles in their faces clenched, their teeth gritted, their legs shaking, their cocks hard. The veins were extremely protruding, bulging, pushing through the skin. Slowly he raised his fist. Bit by bit he forced the boys to come towards him, their eyes fixed on his arm. "This is so fucking hot. I love being the strongest. His forearm got higher with each little pull, his bicep getting rounder, fuller. The boys were shaking, their veins pulsating, their eyes wide. The rope cut into their shoulders. They had no chance. They tried to fight back, but they couldn't. The giant arm was too dominant. They couldn't stop the rope from being pulled slowly and steadily towards Brett. He was the unstoppable force. He was the dominant animal. He brought the boys closer and closer, forcing them to bend down further and further, their legs trembling, their eyes watering. He flexed his biceps harder and faster. The boys couldn't take their eyes off the enormous mass, the huge curve, the thick veins. "You can't take your eyes off it, can you? You can't believe how strong I am." His biceps pulsed, his forearm tensed. His arm was an explosion of thick veins all over the place, it was ridiculous. He flexed, his blood pumping, his heart pounding. The boys were sweating, their legs shaking. Their eyes were fixed on the big arm, the huge bicep, the bursting veins. With a loud roar he gave his arm the final flex and his bicep became huge, round, solid, hard as steel. The boys lost their footing and were thrown forward by the force of the thrust, landing face first on the ground, right in front of their master. "Hahaha, yes, kneel before your master. He looked down at them, their faces red, their eyes watering. He held his right hand, holding the rope, behind his head. The bicep throbbed, the veins pulsed. The boys couldn't take their eyes off it. "How can something be so big, so thick, so powerful? Can you believe how strong I am?" They couldn't stop looking, they couldn't look away. "I bet I'm stronger than a bull, fuck! In fact, let's put it to the test." He walked outside and dropped the rope. The boys followed him and looked at the bull standing behind the steel fence. It was a powerful animal, an example of strength in a living creature, a true alpha beast. It had large and defined muscles, a big and sturdy head, and piercing, angry eyes. The horns made it even more dangerous. Robbie compared it to his own brother. It was incredible. Brett's muscles looked stronger, more defined, more veined, more dominant. His neck was just as broad, but there was no fat around it. The bull had massive balls, but Brett’s where probably bigger. Brett made a run for it, easily jumping over the five foot fence. The bull was in a primal state of aggression, it was a very powerful and dangerous creature, but Brett had no fear, only lust. He was in a state of total superiority. He needed to show it and he had the perfect opportunity. He was going to fight the strongest, the most dominant animal. Normally the bull would have gone on the offensive, but now it seemed to take the enemy into account. As if it were assessing its chances, as if it knew it could not just charge wildly. But it was angry, it was fierce, it had to defend itself. The bull stood firm, looking ready to attack. Brett stared back at the bull, a cocky grin on his face. The bull took a cautious step forward, lowering his head and preparing to charge. "Come on." Brett said, waving the bull towards him. The bull took a step forward, its hooves sinking into the ground, it snorted and shook its head. "That's it, come on, charge me. Come at me, you fucker!" The bull snorted and shook its head, its body tensed, it pawed at the ground, preparing to charge. Sam and Robbie watched. They could feel the tension, they could feel the bull preparing to charge, and they could feel the calmness of Brett. They had never seen a man like him. The bull was ready to charge, his muscles tensed, he began to run towards Brett, his hooves pounding the ground. Brett stood still, watching the bull approach, standing his ground. The bull ran faster and faster, the ground shook, it lowered its head, its horn pointed forward, its nostrils flared. The bull kept his eyes on Brett. Its powerful legs and hooves thundered over the ground. It came closer and closer, roaring and charging. "YEAH, YEAH, YEAH, COME ON, BITCH!" Brett had put his feet firmly on the ground and tensed his whole body. Veins popped everywhere, his clothes pulled tighter around his body. He was a giant, a massive wall of muscle. He stood his ground, his muscles flexed. The bull was almost upon him, its mouth foaming, its eyes filled with rage. Brett's abs were now visible through the fabric, each block popping forward like two rows of bricks. His pecs were tight, his arms were outstretched alongside his body, tense and slightly bent. His forearms were solid, the veins throbbing, his thighs were thick, the tendons stretched. Brett's entire body was tensed, his muscles contracted, the blood pumped, his heart raced, the adrenalin rushed through his veins. The moment of impact was approaching, the bull was ferocious and coming towards its prey at full speed. It had never been stopped by anything and was not about to let a mere human stop it now. Brett was waiting, watching the bull coming closer and closer. The bull's hooves pounded the ground, his nostrils flared, his eyes were full of rage. Brett didn't flinch, he just stared at the beast with a smile on his face. He felt his cock swell and harden. He felt the adrenaline rush, he felt his blood pump. The bull threw its head down and was ready to run down its opponent. A normal man would hardly survive such an attack, but Brett was confident. The broad horns would not hit his body; his waist was too tight for that. But the head alone would make a tremendous impact, the full weight of the big bull leaning in. "Brett, you can't! Move away! Sam and Robbie had no idea if Brett would survive this. They watched him closely. And then it came. The moment of impact. With a loud crash, the bull's head slammed into the man's abs. It was a hard and fast impact. Brett had expected it and didn't even budge. The bull had put its entire body behind the attack, and all its momentum had been stopped in an instant. It's rear was thrown in the air. It was like the bull had just slammed into a brick wall. "That's it, fucking bitch! The bull staggered, shook its head and looked at Brett with surprise and confusion. He looked around, dazed, trying to find his bearings. Brett looked at his stomach, seeing his abs bulge forward, the fabric straining against the massive muscles. "Holy fuck, you're a big fucker, but not as big as me. The bull snorted, its legs shook, it couldn't believe what had just happened. Brett smiled, his arms still outstretched, acting if nothing had happened. He saw the overwhelmed bull shrugging in front of him as it walked away from Brett, getting ready for a second attack. The scene repeated itself, the bull preparing to strike his prey. Brett was still standing as the bull picked up speed and ran towards the muscle-bound teen. This time Brett moved too, running towards the bull with incredible speed and agility. The top athlete pushed his right shoulder forward as he ran, like a footballer protecting the ball. The impact was swift and his opponent had no chance of weathering the storm. Brett threw the bull into the air as if he had knocked over a 2 year old child, it was madness. The bull let out a loud scream and fell a few yards away. Brett had softened the moment of impact, even holding back a little so the beast would not break everything. The quarterback showed yet again that he would be the top player at any position, inhuman to make a bull look like that. "Oh my fucking God", Sam was stunned. "How can anyone stop him? It's impossible", he thought. Brett walked towards the defeated power beast, grabbed the big horns with his thick claws, after which the bull immediately began to resist again. It tried with all its might to attack and get out of the musclegod's grip, but to no avail. Brett let the bull have his way for a while and could not hold back his laughter until he had had enough. He stepped in towards the beast and started putting pressure on the thick horns. The bull could no longer move its head, the hugely muscled arms were too much. Robbie and Sam were in disbelief. How could a man be so strong. Stronger than a bull. Brett put more pressure on the horns, pressing his thick fists together. "Let me break these things, the ultimate proof that I am the dominant one. Brett knew this would not hurt the bull much, as it has the same effect as breaking a nail on a human. He had to crush them with his hands, and he could. The bull tried desperately to break free, but it was impossible. "This is fucking insane. Look at me! Look at my power! The veins on his temples popped forward, the muscles in his neck were thick and pulsating. Brett's arms were huge, his biceps were so big. He had the bull exactly where he wanted it, and now he would finish him off. "You wanna see me break your horns, do you? Huh, I'm going to fucking destroy you. Brett pushed the bull's head forward and put more pressure on his horns. His massive arms strained, his forearms bulged, his biceps swelled, his triceps popped, his shoulders flexed. He pushed harder and harder, his body shaking, his muscles burning. He clenched his jaw and closed his eyes. "Fuck, yeah! Take it! The bull was panicking, he could not break free. Brett's body shook, his muscles were so tense, his veins popped forward. Brett could feel the horns bending. He could feel them giving way. He was unstoppable. The horns cracked and snapped in half under the enormous pressure, and Brett roared loudly, his voice booming through the field. The bull's head fell forward. Brett took a step back and released the broken horns from his hands. "Hahaha, take a look at this shit!" Brett roared with two half horns in his hands. The bull was bewildered, shook its head and snorted in confusion. Brett put his left hand on the bull's snout and lifted it up and flexed his right arm. "Do you see the size of that thing? Do you feel the power?" He said to the bull, as if it would understand what he was saying. He could see the bull looking at him, its eyes full of fear. He looked straight into its eyes. He let go of the bull and flexed his arms next to each other. "Look at those things, I could break any skull with those." Brett leapt on top of the animal, pressing his thick thighs against its waist. The bull groaned from the inhuman pressure. Brett dropped to his left, his right calf locked around the animal's torso. As he allowed himself to fall, the force in his calf caused the bull to fall to the ground with him. The animal fell onto Brett's left thigh, his right thigh trapping the animal's torso between his powerful legs. The bull was stuck in a scissors hold between Brett's meaty legs. Brett squeezed his thighs together and put his hands behind his head, flexing his washboard abs. His pecs bulged, his abs were rock hard and his biceps popped out next to his head as the bull was squeezed between his gigantic tree trunk legs. He tensed and squeezed his bulging quads closer and closer together, the bull's torso pressed deeper between his thighs as the beast growled. Brett had the strength to leave the beast lifeless, but that was not his plan. He relaxed his legs and pulled his left leg out from under the animal. As the beast remained defeated on the ground, Brett stood up, walked around the bull until he stood in front of its exposed belly. He placed his hands under the belly and slowly raised the animal. Sam and Robbie could not believe what they were seeing. The incredible show of strength against this primitive power beast was the ultimate demonstration of his status as top of the foodchain, the absolute alpha. To confirm that status, Brett lifted the animal higher and higher in his arms until he had his arms fully extended upwards. The bull hung helplessly above his head, its legs whirling down defeated. Brett's legs were spread slightly, as were his arms supporting the animal. Every muscle in his body popped, veins were visible everywhere, even through the fabric of his clothes. He looked like a god. A teenage muscle god. "Hahaha! Do you see this, huh?" Brett shook the beast, he could do whatever he wanted with it. The bull was helpless, completely powerless. It didn't even resist anymore. It was too exhausted, it had no more strength left. It was over, it had lost. He dropped the bull, which crashed to the ground with a loud bang. The bull lay motionless on the ground, its muscles tense. It had given its all, it had tried with all its might. But the result was inevitable, its fate was sealed. Brett left the beast to recover and jumped over the fence. "I'm so big... and so fucking strong. I could have crushed that thing if I wanted to. I could have done anything to it. I could have snapped its neck, I could have ripped its head off, I could have strangled it. It's lucky I'm not like that. I'm not a monster, not an beast. I'm an Alpha." Sam and Robbie were shocked. They couldn't believe what had just happened. Brett was more than just a man, he was a superman. He was an example of pure, raw strength. He was unstoppable, a true powerhouse, a dominant animal. "All right, we have work to do. I need your help. They walked over to his pick-up truck. The right rear tyre was flat and needed to be replaced. "I'm going to lift the back of the truck so you can take the flat tyre off. "Really?" "Yeah, you'll see." Sam and Robbie watched in awe as Brett walked around the car. "Stand here and watch," he told the boys. He took a deep breath and bent his knees slightly. His hands gripped the underside of the rear bumper, his arms fully extended. The boys were standing to his right. Brett's arms tightened, his muscles contracted, his triceps swelled. The muscles in his back bulged, the muscles in his shoulders expanded, his pecs swelled. His body started to shake. The boys were amazed. "Holy shit, you're doing it." Sam said in disbelief. Brett gritted his teeth and lifted the back of the truck off the ground. His neck flexed furiously, his jaw clenched. His thighs were straining in the short jeans, his calves were rock hard, his forearms and biceps rippled, the veins bulging. The striations in his shoulders and back were prominent. "Oh fuck." Robbie moaned, his shorts bulging. He started to stretch his legs, making the car go higher. His pecs were straining against the fabric of his wife beater. The straps on his shoulders were raised up on his traps and pushed out on his delts. "Shit, oh God. Sam groaned. His body was shaking and sweating. His biceps strained, his muscles tensed. He kept lifting the car, slowly lifting it off the ground, the back end slowly tilting upwards. Finally he was standing upright. "Oh God." Robbie groaned. Brett was holding the back of the truck, keeping it in the air. His thighs were shaking, his biceps were flexed. "Fuck yeah, look at it!" He said with a grin. His eyes roamed his body, watching his muscles. "Look at my guns." The boys were drooling. "Oh my God, you're amazing." "You have no idea how strong I am." He looked at his arms, his eyes following the thick, strong veins. His arms were trembling, his thighs were vibrating. He held the car for a while, his whole body shaking, his muscles bulging, his veins protruding. His body glistened with sweat. He felt the urge to curl up the back of the car. He stepped closer and slowly tried to bend his elbows, pushing his fists higher. "I need to curl it," he grunted. His eyes were on his arms, his triceps bulging and contracting. The veins were straining, his pecs were bulging, his abs were flexing. "God, that's so hot." Sam breathed. He was sweating like crazy. The muscles in his arms and shoulders were shaking. The veins in his forearms and biceps were popping, the cords pulsating, his muscles tensed. From the side his arms looked like a bunch of cables and the size was just ridiculous. His body was shaking and sweating. He was pushing his body to the limit. "You're so fucking strong, I can't believe you can do that." Sam said. Robbie was silent, he just stood there staring. His dick was tenting his shorts. "Just a bit more," Brett grunted, his voice strained. His fists got higher, his biceps rounder, the back of the car went up higher. "Fuuuuuuuck." Sam groaned. "You're so fucking strong. Brett could hear Sam moaning, it stimulated him even more. "Oh God, I can't take it anymore." Robbie said, his shorts bulging. "You can do it." Sam said, his voice filled with lust. Brett had his eyes on his arms, watching the muscles swell. The straps of his wife beater were stretched in every direction. The shirt was riding up at the hem, exposing the bottom row of his abs. The denim shorts were stretched tight around his thighs, his crotch was bulging and his legs were shaking. His face was tense and sweaty. "So big.. so strong," Brett groaned. He was still working out, his muscles bulging, his forearms and biceps throbbing. His pecs and abs were straining against the wife beater, his back and traps against the straps. His fists were only inches from his chest. "Oh my God." Robbie moaned. "I can't take it anymore," he panted. "Come on Brett, just a little bit more," Sam pleaded. Brett's eyes were still on his arms, watching the muscles. "Yeah, I got this," he groaned. He was almost there. The back of the car was so close. "Fuuuuuuuck," Brett screamed. His biceps flexed and his triceps ballooned. "Yeah, yeah, yeah," Sam panted. At last his arms were bent up to his chest, his fists touching his pecs, the back of the truck hovering above the ground. "You're so strong, I can't believe it." Sam groaned. The biceps looked bigger than ever, the size was extreme. "I need more! I need to curl it." He started to bring his fists down, the back end slowly lowering, the weight becoming more and more apparent. "Oh my God." Robbie moaned, his eyes wide open. Brett's body was shaking, his legs trembling. He brought his fists down further, the car getting lower and lower. It was the ultimate display of muscle control. "Fuuuuck," Sam moaned. As the car lowered, Brett's arms were stretched further down, all done by impacible balans. The veins of steel were everywhere, from the base of his neck to the tips of his fingers. He lowered his arms until they were fully stretched down. "I'm so strong," Brett grunted. His eyes were fixed on his arms, his biceps were huge. The insides of his elbows were completely filled with massive veins, the thickest bigger than a finger, just like the one on his biceps. His forearms and hands were bulging, his wrists were swollen. The tendons and striations were prominent. The fabric of the wife beater was straining, the threads stretching, his chest was flexed, his nipples pointing straight down. His face looked angelic, some hair hanging over his sweaty forehead, his eyes bright, his tongue now sliding over his lips. "Look at the size of me, I'm so fucking big." He started to curl the car up again. His biceps rose, the veins straining. "Holy shit." Robbie gasped. The back of the car was slowly rising. It should have been getting harder for him to lift it, but instead it seemed to only be getting easier. "How the fuck." Sam groaned. It looked like the car was getting lighter, but of course it wasn't. Brett was only getting stronger, his body working harder and harder, his muscles contracting more and more. He kept curling the car higher and higher, his biceps contracting more and more. By the time he had curled it all the way up, his arms looked insane. "Look at the size of them," Brett said, fascinated. And Robbie did. He stared at his arms. His elbows were wide and strong, the veins in them throbbing like steel. The muscle mass in his biceps was enormous, the skin so tight that it looked as if it couldn't contain the muscles underneath it. His biceps were something out of a comic book, mountains of muscle with a crazy amount of veins. They were the size of footballs with bowling ball sized shoulders on top, only heavily striated and vascular. The forearms were bigger than most men's biceps, the wrists thicker than most people's ankles. Robbie scanned the entire body of his big brother. His sturdy boots were massive, the ankles pushing the leather far apart. His calves were overdeveloped, the tendons thick and prominent, the skin toned, the muscles rock hard and angular. Brett's thighs were enormous, the denim shorts clenching around them. The heads of his quads stuck out far, the inner ones almost covering his massive knees, veins crisscrossing them all. His ass stuck out backwards, the denim tight around his buttocks. The round butt was the hottest one can possibly imagine. Strong enough to break a baseball bat. The wife beater crept up, the bottom row of his abs still exposed, the treasure trail running down into his shorts. The fabric clung to his body like a second skin, each block of abs clearly outlined. His pecs were sticking out inches, the shirt tight around the massive slabs of meat. The straps were straining on his traps, getting smaller by the second. His neck looked like it was carved out of marble, veins and muscles protruding from every side. And his face... his face... "Oh God, his face..." Robbie was entranced by the beauty of it. His jaw was wide, his cheekbones high and sharp, his lips full and wet. His nose was strong, his forehead broad. His eyebrows were thick and macho. His eyes... his eyes... Robbie would have given his life just to look into them, to let them look into his soul. The impossible ocean-green colour, the long dark lashes, the dark rings around the iris, the deep black pupil in the centre, the perfect white. You couldn't help but fall into his eyes, you wanted to swim in them, to lose yourself in them. His face was so masculine, yet so tenderly beautiful. His skin was so soft, so perfect, so smooth. The beautiful dark hair fell across his forehead, the long, full waves framing the perfect face. And if that wasn't enough to underline his masculinity, there was his horse-sized cock. That alone would be pure machismo. When hard, it was a whopping 13 inches of prime meat sticking out in front of him, a cock as big as a human forearm, a cock so thick and hard that the veins looked like they were about to burst, a cock with a mushroom head big enough to cover the entire palm of your hand, a cock so big and veined that it was the most manly cock you could ever imagine. And to have it attached to such a godlike body was too much. The bulge in his jeans was clearly visible. How could it be contained? "You can't stop slobbering all over me, can you bitches? Robbie awoke from his translike state to find that he was literally drooling. He looked to his right and saw Sam in the exact same state. "Oh my god.. " Sam mumbled, his eyes glued to his friend's body. Brett grinned. "You're drooling, bitch." Sam quickly wiped the drool off his mouth. "Fuck, you're so sexy." Brett had to take this further, he wasn't finished yet. He began to change the position of his hands. He slowly turned his hands around, palms up, thumbs up, fingers on the outside of the bumper. He could see his forearm muscles and the veins in his wrists pulsing. His biceps tensed and flexed. His hands went up and the bumper came with them, his fingers pointing to the sky. The muscles in his arms were flexing. His face was focused on his hands, his eyes moving along the huge veins, his lips parted slightly, his tongue moving over them. The bumper was now pointing upwards, his arms stretched upwards. "Ooh yes.. So strong." Brett was enthralled by his own intimidating muscularity, in awe of his own strength. His arms stretched even further, his biceps flexing, his traps and lats straining. Robbie and Sam could feel the power emanating from their master. To be in his presence was intoxicating, to feel the power radiating from his body was overwhelming. He was a being of pure power, a god among men. The two boys could feel the electricity in the air, they could feel the hairs on their arms standing up. It made them completely submissive, it made them want to obey, to submit, to worship, to be owned. It made them want to get down on their knees and beg him for forgiveness, for mercy. It made them want to do everything he said, to make him happy, to give him all. Their own will was gone, there was nothing they wanted more than to be his slave. Their eyes were filled with awe, submission, devotion. They could only submit to him, they were actually nervous in front of him. Brett noticed this and felt a rush of excitement, a rush of power. It was a feeling like no other, a feeling he had never experienced before, a feeling like a god. This was an exhilarating and intoxicating rush of adrenaline and testosterone. This was the ultimate rush, the ultimate feeling of dominance, the ultimate power trip. This was the most powerful feeling in the world, this was a feeling that made him want to rule the world, to be worshipped, to be adored, to be loved. "You're a fucking stud, you're so fucking strong." Robbie stammered as he felt the gaping hole in his ass from last night's fuck. Brett's arms stretched higher and higher, the back of the car hovering over his head. His eyes moved from his biceps to his hands. The front bumper of the car came closer to the ground as the back went higher. He had his hands above his head, took a step forward and gave his arms the final push. "Yeeees." He groaned. He brought the car over his head, his eyes looking up, his arms tensed and shaking. His arms were slightly bent, the front bumper was touching the ground. He looked absolutely massive, his wife beater exposing the bottom four of his granite abs and his biceps were like two tree trunks attached to his shoulders, his lats were straining against the fabric and his traps looked like a small mountain range on his neck. "Oh God, this is so hot." Robbie whimpered. Sam just stared at him, his mouth open, his dick leaking cum in a steady stream. "Can you believe how big I am? How strong I am?" Brett asked in a stunned state of mind. "I'm so fucking big and strong, everyone wants to be like me." "So hot, you're so hot," Robbie moaned. Brett's eyes went down to see his massive bulge pressing into his shorts, his balls felt heavy and swollen. "I'm fucking big everywhere." He looked at his thighs, the denim was straining and the striations were showing, the muscle size insane. His bare knees and quads where trembling. He couldn't comprehend the power in his body, the size. Brett stood there, his eyes moving all over his body, taking in every inch, every muscle. He needed more. He slowly lowered the truck and brought his fists back to his chest. He let the weight fall onto his bent right arm. He slowly straightened his left arm along the bottom of the truck, dropping the weight onto his shoulder. He carefully turned his body 90 degrees to the right, facing his worshippers. The weight of the car fell more and more on his shoulders and he slowly stepped sideways towards the centre of the car. His right arm stretched out more and more, parallel to the ground. The truck's rear sank further, its balance shifting towards the centre. "He can't.." Robbie mumbled. Brett felt the balance shift, he looked at the front of the car as he bent forward to carry the car on his back. He continued to move towards the centre of the car, the weight of the car falling down more and more, the balance shifting completely, the front wheels slowly giving over the burden. He adjusted his arms, bringing his hands more behind him, while his arms were still outstretched, his dinner plate claws flat against the floor. He was now ready to lift the front of the car fully off the ground. Bending his knees, he took a few steps sideways until he was completely in the middle. The back of the car had come down with him, the front rising with every step he took. He could feel his lats straining under the weight. "Fuuuuck, look at his fucking lats," Robbie gasped. They had expanded enormously, the whole back of the shirt was stretched, his traps were popping out, his pecs were pushing against the fabric and his biceps looked huge, the muscles strained. "I'm so fucking big and strong. You want to be me, you want to be like me." Brett said, unable to comprehend the amount of strength in his body. Now the weight of the whole truck was being lifted by the godlike teenager. The sight was incredible. He was crouched with his arms spread behind him, the truck completely off the ground and the weight falling on his massive body. He was like Atlas carrying the earth on his back. Veins pushed through his shirt. His neck was as wide as two men's, the strength inhuman. His wings were broader than ever. They had always looked like they could carry a car, but now it was actually happening. His trunk-sized arms carried the balance of the car to perfection, his mountain-sized traps possessed the strength of a god. His pecs strained against his shirt, his nipples erect, the size insane. The veins in his forearms were throbbing. His thighs and feet were straining against his denim shorts and boots. All the wheels were the same distance from the ground, in perfect balance. "You're carrying the car," Sam gasped. "You're fucking incredible." Sam and Robbie just stared at him, their eyes wide and their jaws dropped. Brett wasn't done yet. He began to stand up. Slowly his body straightened, his legs exploding even more, the thickness and veins showing. He could feel the truck rising slowly as he continued to stand up. His thighs pushed the weight up, making them strain more than ever. His jeans were incredibly tight, the bulge pushing the buttons. With every inch upwards, the shorts gave in more, until they couldn't hold it in any longer. The first button shot off, the bulge was completely penetrating the buttons. His cock was getting harder and harder, the head starting to stick out of the denim shorts and riding up towards his exposed navel. The thickness was insane. "Holy fuck." Sam whispered. "So big, look at the size of his cock." Brett's eyes drifted down, his cock growing hard, his shorts stretched wide. He could see the fabric giving way, his shorts straining and the seams pulling. His balls were pressing hard. The next button shot of. "Fucking huge," Brett said, his voice was getting lower, deeper. He pushed his legs harder, making him stand taller and taller. "Oh yes, oh yes." He could feel the strain on the shorts, he could feel the fabric stretching. The seams were starting to tear, the fabric was pulling. He gave his legs the final push, his muscles expanding, his cock growing to stand at its full 13 inches, the final buttons flying off. "Fuuuuuuuuck." Brett groaned. The moment his legs fully straightened, the fabric ripped on all sides, the denim shorts shooting off his body in all directions. His cock came flying out, its length stretching far in front of him. It was like a rocket shooting out, the thick flesh swinging wildly. The head was the biggest anyone had ever seen, a baseball sized mushroom that was bright pink, the veins thick and protruding. A large drop of pre-cum appeared and the head twitched, causing the drop to fall to the ground. The balls were huge, the sack was tight and his balls were hanging heavily, the size was insane. "Holy fuck.. you bursted through your shorts." "I'm fucking huge, I'm fucking incredible." Brett growled. He was like a titan, his body an absolute monstrosity, his strength insane. He was the embodiment of a true alpha male. And he wasn't done yet. He was about to perform the ultimate lift, something that hadn't been seen since the days of Hercules. "I can do anything," he whispered. He put his right leg slightly in front of him and slowly bent his upper body forward, allowing the weight of the truck to fall further down his back. He carefully placed his flat hands next to his head. His back muscles swelled, his traps exploded, his lats grew, his traps rose, his pecs and biceps tensed. His arms were flexed, his hands were placed further out. His traps and lats tensed more, his wings grew, his lats expanded. His traps looked like a small mountain range on his shoulder blades. His cock was getting harder and harder, he could feel the strength, the power in his muscles. The rim in his armpit was pulled tight by the bulging muscles in his shirt. His breasts stuck out so far and his traps were so high that the straps of his shirt stretched even further. Slowly he increased the pressure of his arms, stronger than a bull. His big hands pressed against the underside of the truck, his legs spread slightly and standing firmly on the ground, supported by those massive feet in the army boots, the edges of which also appeared to be snapping. "Holy shit." Sam panted. Brett felt the truck rise. His traps and lats began to spread, his body shaking. The pressure of his hands against the underside of the car increased. He could feel his muscles tightening. "Fuuuuck." Sam groaned. Slowly his arms went from the 90 degree position to the 45 degree position, the car going up. The weight was slowly lifted from his shoulders to be supported entirely by his hands. "So fucking big." Brett groaned. His body shook as the truck slowly rose. His lats and traps were straining, his hands pressing against the car. "He's actually doing it," Robbie panted. The shirt was pulling on all sides. Brett continued to curl upwards, his muscles contracting. The car slowly came up over his head. "OH YES! I'M SO STRONG." The truck was elevated far off the ground. He slowly lifted it above his head, his eyes going between his lats and arms, seeing the iron veins and muscles. He couldn't believe his eyes. His muscles were so defined, his skin was paper thin. Every fibre was visible, every vein revealed. They were fighting for space on the surface. They were like snakes slithering over his muscles. The sight was beyond astonishing. His lats had never been so wide and strong, his traps were higher than ever, his traps and his back connected. "I AM A GOD AMONG MEN, LOOK AT THE SIZE OF ME. LOOK HOW STRONG I AM." Sam and Robbie just stared at him, unable to speak. Their jaws dropped. Brett looked bigger than ever, his veins, striations and muscles insane. Brett had to push himself higher, he had to manhandle his own car. He needed to see how strong he was, how big. He looked like the Hulk in a wife beater, the fabric stretching and his body shaking. He pushed harder and the car went higher. He stood there with the truck over his head, his legs spread, his feet firmly planted. He pushed with everything he had, bulging like never before. It was inhuman. It was insane. Every muscle in his body was exposed, as if there was no skin to hide it, every fibre in his body was pushed to the limit, to it's full potential. Brett's pecs bulged so far, his nipples pushed so hard they tore through the fabric of his shirt, his nipples bursting into view. The wife beater was pulled back into his back. His pecs were huge and round, so big his breasts had become a shelf, the fabric stretched so much. The straps of his shirt were stretched to the point of being as thin as dental floss, until they snapped from the sheer force and size of the mountains of traps. The remaining cloth clung tightly to his body, but struggled to hold on. The car went up for the last few inches, his body straining to the max. Brett grunted, his muscles continuing to swell, the veins throbbing harder. There was no way, there was no more room. The muscles were expanding, searching for their new limits. The shirt couldn't hold them anymore. As his arms pushed the car to the limit, the shirt flew off on all sides. The rims in his armpits tore, the sides of the shirt gave way, his pecs and upper four abs burst through the fabric. "AAAAHHHH, THAT'S IT!!! The truck rested completely on the massive arms. "OHHH FUCK, LOOK AT ME! I'M FUCKING AMAZING, SO BIG, SO STRONG!" Brett roared in victory. His muscles trembled, they where literally shaking. Robbie and Sam could hardly believe what they were witnessing. Brett was standing there completely naked except for his combat boots, his arms supporting his truck stretched completely over his head. The size of his body, his muscles, his cock, it was mind-blowing. It wasn't that they had actually grown, but they were like they were going to explode. So many veins, so much definition, there were ridges of muscle everywhere. If his skin didn't hold them in place, everything would seem to burst apart. Brett could feel that his muscles were about to explode. He felt there was no more room for them, he felt he had to help them. He had to create the space. "YOU'RE THE ULTIMATE GOD, YOU'RE SO FUCKING HOT." Robbie cried. Brett began to curl his fingers, digging them through the floor of the car. He dug through the metal, ripping the floor apart. His hands sunk deeper and deeper. The muscles in his triceps were the most swollen they'd ever been, they were so large they seemed to cover his whole arm. The strength was inhuman. He had to form his fists to release his inner strength, as a person does when fighting. He could feel the power growing. His body was shaking. The muscles were pushing harder. "OH GOD, FUCK!" Robbie cried. Sam just stared. Brett was shaking with power, the adrenaline pumping, the strength building in his body, the muscles swelling. He could feel the growth coming. He knew his muscles would continue to expand, he felt his whole body begin to grow. He had been a tall and muscular teenager before, but now he was to become a hulk, a titan. A beast, a god, a true Alpha. The boys saw his biceps expand and contract, his skin stretch, the muscles bulge outwards. His veins throbbing, blood rushing through his body, his muscles being pumped full of oxygen, growth coming. The boys could see the muscle fibres shake and pulse. It was like steel coming to life. His veins were pumping faster, power and energy coursing through his body. He was expanding, he was growing. The veins were pulling away from each other, the muscles were expanding and filling in the gaps, the size was increasing, the definition was insane. "I'M SO STRONG!" His biceps were bulging, his chest was swelling, his legs were extending, his cock was pulsating. Power was rushing through his body. His muscles were developing. He felt the growth, his body changing, expanding. "OOOOOH, YES! I'M GROWING!! Brett flexed his muscles. As they grew, his body had to adapt to their new proportions. He straightened his legs and arched his back as far as he could, the car lifted even higher. He felt the power rush through his body. He was getting larger. "You're fucking incredible." Robbie moaned. Very slowly the boys could see Brett getting taller as his muscles grew all over. It brought everything back into perfect proportion. His body was getting longer and thicker all over, his cock was expanding, the veins throbbing. The balls were getting heavier and the shaft was growing thicker. "I'M GROWING, I'M FUCKING GROWING." Brett cried. His feet and hands were expanding, the combat boots tearing, the leather falling apart. "Oh fuck." Sam moaned. His cock was leaking a steady stream of pre-cum, making his cock shine and drip. The head was throbbing, the veins swollen, the glans was pulsing, the size was huge. His balls were swollen, his legs were growing, his feet were exploding, his arms were shaking, his shoulders and traps were spreading, his lats were getting wider, his chest and pecs were growing. "HOLY SHIT!" "I'M BECOMING SO MASSIVE." When the growth was slowly subsiding, the transformation was complete. The boys couldn't believe their eyes, the sight was unbelievable. Every muscle had to have grown an inch in size, even his dick. He was at least 6.9 feet tall. "So fucking big, so strong. You're so hot." Robbie moaned. Brett was a monster, the strongest, the biggest, the sexiest man alive. "You're the ultimate god, look at you, so strong and powerful. You're fucking amazing, so beautiful." Sam groaned. "I'm losing my mind, it's.. my god.." Brett could feel his own power, the muscles were so heavy, so hard. His cock was throbbing. He couldn't stand it any longer. "FUUUCK!" He growled, his voice so deep, the sound so rough, the tone so deep and powerful. "Oooooohhhh!" Sam moaned, his cock was dripping, his jeans were stained. Brett's fists had been squeezed through the floor of the car, giving him a good grip. He brought his fists back, making the car do the same, and gave his arms a strong push. The car flew over his head and crashed to the ground in front of him. The ground shook, Brett's cock throbbed and released another spurt of pre-cum. The truck was a pile of metal, it was completely destroyed. He was immediately completely lost in lust over himself. He had to feel himself. His hands ran all over his body. "Oooh shit, I need to cum so bad!" Brett walked to the barn, impatient to trigger his huge explosion. It was too much for him. The display of power was immense; he could not believe how much power he possessed. He had just destroyed his truck with his bare arms, how much masculinity can you demonstrate? And it was all him. It was just too much. The boys followed him as he grabbed the rope they had used during the tug-of-war and tied one end around his thick cock. "I'm gonna cum so fucking much." Robbie's face lit up. "Oh fuck yes." "And you're about to make it happen, baby bro! You're gonna play tug-of-war against my dick." Robbie couldn't believe his ears. Did he have to play tug-of-war against his brother's dick? How would that work? Brett gave the other end to Robbie and instructed him how this game would go. Robbie could not believe his ears. He had to tug against the mighty cock and try to pull the rod down, while his brother would only flex his pole. On the one hand, Robbie thought this would be impossible, surely he should be able to pull a cock down? But on the other, it was the most extraordinary colossus, seemingly solid as a pillar. Veins crisscrossed its surface, blood pumped through it like through a normal man's entire arm. So it would be quite a challenge for Robbie, and besides, Brett had been a constant source of amazement to him with his inhuman strength. Brett had the rope tied tightly around his rock hard cock, Robbie standing 8ft away holding the other end of the rope. Sam was standing in between the two of them at an appropriate distance from the rope to watch the spectacle unfold. All the cocks were rock hard, all eyes on the biggest of the three. "Sam, you count down." Robbie lifted the rope, pulling it slightly so that it hung completely in the air, from his brother's cock to his own hands. "All right, ready? 3, 2, 1.. GO!" Robbie immediately began to pull on the rope with both hands, but quickly realised that there was hardly any movement in the cock. That was the signal for him to throw everything he had into the fight. He threw his body weight backwards, his heels digging into the ground, but it was to no avail. The knot around Brett's cock tightened, the cock thickening as the blood supply stopped. The veins popped out even further, the pole standing proudly. "Holy shit, so fucking strong." Robbie panted. The prick continued to swell, and the thicker it got, the more horny Brett became, which had the effect of making him even harder and firmer. Brett placed his hands behind his head, his muscles popping out of his body. It worked extremely stimulating, Robbie was less and less able to win the tug-of-war. Not even to get the cock moving anymore. Brett lost himself in lust over his cock that was now bigger than ever. The head was extremely large, the shaft thicker than his powerful wrist. It made the fight no longer about Robbie and his cock, but more about the rope and his cock. The knot was struggling to resist the swelling from his member and had to give in to the pressure. The rope was getting thinner and thinner. He felt himself climaxing more and more. The pressure Robbie put on his cock was simple to resist but incredibly stimulating. Slowly his load rose, he felt it bubbling up from his balls. The cock looked like it had a huge explosion coming. The pressure from below, from his balls, increased, the cum seemed to be gathering. All eyes were on the collosal horse cock. "Oh yeah, it's coming, I'm going to burst!" Robbie pulled on the rope with all his might, put it on the highest tension he could. It didn't budge, Robbie sweated himself to death, sensing that it was a fight he could never win. But he didn't care, he saw what it did to his big brother's cock. "Fuuuckk! My cock is stronger than your whole body! Can you believe how that makes me feel?" The cum continued to mount, Brett felt it enter his shaft. But this time he didn't just feel it, he could actually see it happening. His cock swelled even further from the base where the cum was making its way toward the exit. The firm rope slowly grew thinner and thinner and now his rising load was also pressing against the pinch point. "I can rip body's apart with this fuckpole! Ooh, goddamn, it's so hard, so strong! Just look at it!" The force and pressure of his cum was too much. Brett tensed all his muscles, flexing his arms behind his head, straining his buttocks together and pressing his hips forward. "Oh yeah, here it comes!" With a bang, the rope shot off his cock from the immense pressure of the thickness and the mounting cum that had to unbuckle. It was like a champagne bottle losing its cork from the pressure of the carbon dioxide. Robbie flew backward from the sudden loss of resistance as the rope lost the fight. Brett's load shot further through his cock like a rocket and exploded out of the extremely wide-open piss split. What came out was unprecedented. It was like emptying a carton of milk after someone had pounded it. The discharge was so thick. It was an impossible collection of white sticky liquid, as thick as a fist. Only much longer. It was one long string of semen like a fire hose squirting. It shot straight to the roof of the barn and popped through it, meters high and far. A long stream of semen that descended a little further and further, tearing the roof by the force of it. Like a high-pressure sprayer shooting through the roof. And it was only the first shot. Brett didn't even stroke his cock, he was completely lost in self lust, kissing his biceps, touching his huge chest, his nipples, feeling his abs, his traps, his neck, his lats, his back, his ass, his thighs. "OH FUCK! MY COCK IS FIRING!" A second and a third shot was fired and tore through the roof, the force was insane, the quantity and volume was beyond anything ever thought possible. The sound was unreal, like a high-powered water jet blasting. Robbie was still on the floor, but couldn't resist and had pulled down his shorts and started jerking himself off. As did Sam by the way, he was already jerking off when Brett's pole completely dominated the tug-of-war. Both watched with eyes as big as saucers and their jaws dropped to the ground. They couldn't believe their eyes. The roof was destroyed. Brett continued to feel his body, stroking and squeezing every part of his super muscular frame, his body glistening with sweat, his muscles throbbing, the veins swollen. He felt his cock and rubbed it, but didn't want to stroke it. The cum continued to shoot, the shots were not as high as the first, but they were equally powerful and thick. The pressure from the base of his dick had decreased and the shots were no longer firing like a cannon, but more like a firehose. And it kept shooting, and shooting. The sound was incredible, the force of the shots was insane, the roof was destroyed and the whole barn was splashed white. "Oh my god Brett! Fuck me, this is so fucking hot. Fuck!" Robbie moaned. He was stroking his cock, looking at his older brother's body and the destruction it caused. He had never seen anything like it. He couldn't take his eyes off Brett. He couldn't stop jerking off. "Fucking hot." Sam moaned as well. They had both removed their shorts and stroked their dicks, looking at Brett, his body and his cock. Brett was moaning and now stroked his cock, aiming it towards his little brother and friend, shooting all over them, the white fluid raining down on them. He jerked and shot and moaned and groaned, the sound was loud, the cum was thick, the pressure was immense, his body was glistening with sweat and his muscles were trembling. "AAAAHHH FUCK! "SO MUCH, OOOOHH. "CUM, CUM, FUCKING CUM!" Shot after shot was fired. When the flow began to wane, he aimed his cock straight up, leaning forward and pushed his mouth towards his cock. He sucked his cockhead into his mouth and let the last shots fill his mouth. It was so much and thick. His cheeks swelled. He had to swallow, the cum ran out of his mouth, but he continued to suck his cock. When the cum finally stopped flowing, his belly was so full of cum and his balls were empty. He felt amazing. His muscles were tingling, his whole body was buzzing, his cock was still rock hard. "Holy fucking shit!" Robbie cried. "That was insane. I can't believe my eyes." Sam said. Brett flexed his massive arms and smiled. "Steve is gonna be in so much trouble." Sam and Robbie smiled. They looked at Brett's huge muscles and his monstrous cock. His whole body was a masterpiece, a piece of art, a living god. Robbie crawled to him, licking his fat softening cock, the taste of his cum driving him mad. He took the cock into his mouth and sucked on the head, he swallowed some and moaned. Sam followed suit, then together they licked the big cock clean. They both sucked on it, licking his balls, his cockhead, his shaft. The cum was everywhere. Brett moaned and flexed his muscles, enjoying the worship. The boys could go on all day worshipping his dick, but there was a party to prepare, so Brett stopped the scene. Robbie and Sam stood up. Brett had his cock in his hand and pointed it straight at the wall. He gave his cock a gentle squeeze, making a thick and long line of cum hit the wall, it splattered across the concrete, it was unbelievable. He scanned through the barn, it was a complete mess. Everything was covered with a layer of cum. It was unreal. "Fuck man, it's everywhere. It's fucking everywhere." Sam said. Brett smiled and walked out of the barn, his cock swinging and dripping, he was still horny. He walked into the house, the boys followed. They couldn't believe what just had happened. The growth, the strength, the size. It was incredible. Brett had become a living god, a beast, a machine, a fucking titan. That evening Brett, Sam and Robbie were getting ready for Steve's arrival. They were preparing the garden for the party, they had to make sure everything was right. They wanted to make this the best night ever. Brett was in his room, preparing himself, he had just showered and was drying himself off. He couldn't believe this body had just lifted a truck and this cock ruined a rope. He had grown immensely and could not believe his growth, and his transformation, it was so hot, so incredible. It was the ultimate fantasy. A super hero's growth, a monster's dick, and an unlimited amount of cum. This was the ultimate dream. He had a hard time keeping his hands away from his growing cock, and his mind was filled with the thoughts of what was to come. He could not wait to see Steve's face, he could not wait to show him his muscles, and his power. To show who's boss. And to destroy him. He flexed his muscles, watching them pop out, it was so hot. He was so happy and satisfied with his new body. He knew he was the ultimate man, the biggest, the strongest, the sexiest. He was the ultimate. The other boys would be no match for him, they would submit to him. And he could not wait to see Steve's reaction. He was on a quest to wreck Steve's relationship with his girl and turn her to him, and he could not wait for the result. He finished drying off and put on a pair of briefs, his dick bulging through them. He had chosen his underwear carefully, it was black and tight. He flexed his muscles again, his biceps were popping out, his pecs and lats were flexed, his abs and traps were defined, his legs were hard and strong, his ass was firm and tight, his thighs were solid. He could not stop himself, he just had to touch his muscles, his body, he was so proud of himself, and so satisfied. He looked like a god, and he felt like a god. But he had to get ready, so he finished his preparations. He put on a white t shirt with his varsity jacket over it, and some jeans. The jacket was tight, and his biceps were pressing against the leather sleeves. The jeans were tight as well, and his bulge was visible. The shirt hung a bit over it, and his cock was not very noticeable, but he looked hot. His cleavage was prominent because of the v-cut. The jacket was too tight to zip up, so he had left it open, his arms filling up the sleeves and his biceps pressing against the material. He took a look at himself, and he looked good. His hair was messy, but that was good, he was a jock after all. He was ready. He made his way down the stairs and into the kitchen. Robbie and Sam were already waiting, and they had prepared everything. They had laid out food and drinks. Sam was also wearing his Stanford varsity jacket and jeans, Robbie was wearing a polo shirt and shorts. The garden was decorated in Ibiza style, there were tables set up, with drinks and snacks, and there was a keg and some beer bottles. They had prepared a bonfire, and some torches. The fire was lit, and the torches were burning, they had been placed around the garden. They had brought out some deck chairs, and a small table, and a cooler with ice and beer. "You look good." Robbie said. "I can't wait to see his face." Sam added. "He won't know what hit him." Brett replied. "I bet you're looking forward to seeing his girlfriend too." Robbie asked. "Of course." Brett replied, flexing his muscles. They were all ready. "So, how do you want to do this?" Robbie asked. "Well, I guess we can start with some beers, and we'll see how it goes from there." Brett answered. "Sounds good." Sam replied. The three of them grabbed a beer and headed outside. The air was cold and crisp, and the sky was clear. The stars were shining bright. The fire was crackling and the torches were flickering. It was a perfect night. "Brettie boy! So nice of you to throw this party for me." Steve called out as he stepped through the back gate and into the garden. He walked towards the boys with a beautiful young woman by his side. She was tall, slim, with dark skin and a round ass. She had a large pair of breasts and an even bigger pair of lips. Her hair was brown, long and flowing, and she was dressed in a tight black dress that accentuated her curves. She had a pair of black high heels on her feet, and her nails were painted red. "Yo Steve", Brett said with an astonishing handsome face and a cocky grin as he stood up next to the flickering fire. He looked absolutely stunning. Tall, broad and just plain beautiful. Steve seemed to be taken by surprise, just like his girlfriend, as they where taking in the sight before them. "Bre.." his voice skipped. "Uhum.. Brettie boy" he said with far less confidence than he had just a few moments ago. Robbie saw what impact Brett had on his oldest brother, and he couldn't help but smirk. He looked at Sam, who had an equally smug smile. "Hell yeah, this is gonna be one hell of a party!" Robbie thougt.
  4. Yo guys, this is the first story I’m sharing here. Hope you like it. This story is inspired by the old story "The biggest muscle Stud" by „BigTimmy“. And the main character is based on HSMuscleBoy's character Sean. The images I found in tester26‘s album and edited some of them to fit the story. THE SEAN SAGA - PART 2: THE EUROPEAN ALPHA-STUD CONTEST There are men, and then there are men who are more than just men. Some possess towering heights that make them natural athletes for basketball. Others possess incredible strength and endurance that make them formidable strongmen. Some men are exceptionally muscular and compete in the prestigious Mr. Olympia contest. While others are endowed with giant genitals and insatiable libidos, making them sought-after porn stars. Some of these men are just simply blessed with extraordinary genetics, while others are fueled by an immense hunger for power that makes them train harder than anyone else and pushes them to their limit. And then there are those who are truly exceptional, that embody all of these qualities and far more. Genetic freaks of nature with an insatiable hunger for power. These men are the epitome of alpha masculinity, possessing strength, stamina, size, muscularity, and endowment that is in a league of its own. Hyperstuds. This is one of their stories. Chapter 1: Weight & Height The air crackled with anticipation as the booming voice of Caleb Williams, a mountain of muscle sculpted to perfection, reverberated through the Longdong Festival Hall. "Ladies and Gentlemen!" he roared, his voice a deep, primal rumble that sent shivers down spines, "Welcome to the 2024 edition of 'Europe's AlphaStud! The junior devision of Europes Hyperstud Contest, so 18 to 25 year olds" He slammed his fist on the podium, the impact echoing through the hall. "The show where the continent's most virile young Hyperstuds clash for the coveted 100,000 euro prize and the Title of European AlphaStud 2024!" A wave of cheers and whistles erupted as Caleb, a towering 215cm black former Musclegod-Contestant clad in a sparkling black suit with matching suit pants, that strained against his monumental bulge, took center stage. The spotlight, a searing white eye, followed his every move, highlighting the suit seams struggling with his rippling muscles. His bow tie, a single splash of red color against the stark black, did little to contain the raw power radiating from him. "You see these muscles?" Caleb growled, his voice a low, guttural sound, while flexing his mammoth muscles, making his suit almost rip. "These ain’t just for show. They're the testament to years of dedication, of pushing the limits of human potential. Tonight, we're going to see who truly embodies the spirit of the AlphaStud!" A troupe of busty muscle babes, their bodies honed to impossible perfection, sashayed onto the stage, their dance a seductive blend of athleticism and sensuality. Each move was calculated to ignite the crowd's primal desires, their muscle thighs and sculpted glutes a feast for the eyes. As the music reached its crescendo, they lined up, their gazes locking with the audience, before tearing off their bras in a synchronized display of raw femininity. The roar of the crowd was deafening, a primal symphony of lust and admiration. Caleb, a smirk playing on his lips, winked at the audience before regaining his authoritative stance. "Ladies and Gentlemen," he boomed, "twelve up-and-coming titans have battled their way through preliminary contests across Europe, each vying for the title of AlphaStud. Tonight, we witness the ultimate showdown, to see who becomes Europes new AlphaStud!" "In the first Round, we'll be measuring the height and weight of our studs," Caleb announced, his voice dripping with anticipation. "10 to 1 Points will be awarded based on height and 10 to 1 based on weight, with the tallest and heaviest earning the most. Easy enough, right?" He paused, letting the crowd's excited murmurs fill the silence. "We'll be introducing our studs in alphabetical order of their surnames. So, first up: 25-year-old bullfighter, Emmanuel Alvarez, from Spain!" The audience of 5,000 erupted in thunderous applause as a huge, tall, tanned Spanish stud, his physique a testament to the Mediterranean sun, entered the stage. He was followed by one of the fitness babes, her eyes wide with a mixture of awe and lust. Emmanuel, clad only in a towel around his waist, strode confidently towards the height-weight-scale. The fitness babe, her voice trembling slightly, announced: "193cm and 180kg!" The crowd roared its approval, the sound echoing through the hall. "Not bad, Alvarez" Caleb commented. "But we've got a lot more muscle to see tonight. Next up, my fellow countryman, 24-year-old rugby player, Ekon Jackson, from the UK!" An insanely massive black stud, his glistening, dark muscles rippling, stepped onto the stage. He was a force of nature, his sheer size commanding respect and awe. The fitness babe, her lips parted in a silent gasp, licked them nervously before announcing: "203cm and 265kg!" "Now we're talking!" Caleb exclaimed with excitement. "Ekon, you're a goddamn mountain of muscle! Let's see if the rest of these boys can keep up." "Next up: 25-year-old firefighter, Mathieu Meredith, from The Netherlands!" Caleb announced and an insanely tall blonde stud, his physique sculpted to perfection, strode onto the stage. He stepped onto the scale, and the fitness babe read out his stats: "213cm and 200kg." "Fucking tower right there" Caleb commented with awe. "Mathieu, you're a goddamn redwood. Next up: 23-year-old soldier, Tim Messer from Germany!" Caleb roared. A young, massive stud, with brown hair and muscles shredded to the core, stepped onto the scale, his huge muscles bulging. "198cm and 230kg" the fitness babe announced. "What a beast" Caleb murmured, his gaze lingering on Tim's impressive physique. "Messer, you're a goddamn tank. Let's see if you can roll over these other contenders." "Next up: 24-year-old pornstar, Isaiah Moreau from France!" Caleb announced. A tall young black stud, his presence radiating power and confidence, walked onto the stage. "208cm and 220kg" the fitness babe announced. "Another massive brother" Caleb commented with approval. "Next up: 25-year-old police officer, Michal Nowak from Poland" Caleb announced. A massive stud with a short buzz cut and giant bulging muscles, entered the stage. "205cm and 260kg" the fitness babe announced, her voice barely a whisper. "Damn Michal, you’re a goddamn brick house, you can give our British stud a run for his money“ Caleb commented. "Next up: 25-year-old fitness model, Rico Pirelli from Italy!" An insanely handsome, model-faced, tanned, black-haired stud stepped onto the stage. His physique was sculpted like a Greek god, to perfection. "196cm and 160kg" the fitness babe announced, her gaze lingering on Rico's chiseled features and handsome face in admiration. "That’s one hot pussy slayer right there" Caleb commented. "Next up, our youngest contestant" Caleb announced, "Let's see if he stands a chance against our older, more mature studs: 18-year-old high schooler, Sean Thorson from Norway!" Gasps rippled through the audience as a handsome, smirking, insanely colossal, square jawed, blonde teen stepped onto the stage. His muscles were in one word: ginormous. His towering frame seemed to fill the entire stage, the audience gasped, their minds struggling to comprehend the sheer scale of his muscularity. He waved to the crowd with an overconfident grin on his face. He stepped on the height-weight scale and the disbelieving babe in front of him muttered: “219cm and 350kg!” Caleb's eyes widened in shocked surprise, and he muttered: "Holy fucking muscle!" as he unconsciously adjusted his growing bulge. Rico, the Italian stud next to Sean, whimpered, his eyes fixed on Sean's massive physique. “AW YEAH. YoU WANT TO LoOK LIKE THIS, BRO?” Sean said to the Italian stud and bounced his ginormous pecs. The towel around the Italians waist began to rise, he moaned, a splash sound was heard, and a massive wet spot formed on his towel. The crowd erupted into laughter, and Caleb announced: "Well, that's unfortunate for Italy, seems like their stud creamed himself. He's a Beta, he's disqualified." “No fair, that guy clearly belongs into the Musclegod devision, he’s too huge!” The Spanish stud Emmanuel complained loudly. Caleb looked down on his cards to check something and then yelled out: “Sean turned 18 only 1 month ago and is barely old enough for the Alpha-Stud devision. Maybe you just not huge enough for this contest, Emmanuel!” And the Spanish stud shut up. The young Norwegian musclegod, Sean, grinned, raised his giant rippling muscle arms, and flexed, his biceps bulging like cannonballs. The crowd erupted into laughter and applause as his unexpectedly deep voice yelled out: "Fuck, so goddamn fucking huge, Just hand me the trophy right now!" His confidence was palpable, and the smitten audience couldn't help but be drawn to his cocky, charismatic presence. Caleb, the presenter, smiled: "Not so fast, boy, let's meet our last two contestants first. Next up: 26-year-old miner, Alexei Yurin from Russia." And a tough pale stud, with a huge hardened physique, stepped onto the stage, his muscles tensing as he stood tall. The fitness babe, announced his stats: "200cm and 240kg!" Caleb's gaze fixed on Alexei's impressive physique. "Another hyper-heavy contender there, albeit not so HYPER heavyweight compared to our Norwegian muscleboy there“ he commented. Sean smirked down at the Russian, his eyes glinting with amusement. "Ok, and last but not least, our second youngest contender: 21-year-old Turk working as a bouncer in Turkey, Adamut al Zaid." The lights seemed to dim as a colossal, hypermasculine giant Turk stud stepped onto the stage, his chiseled square jawed face was the embodiment of macho masculinity and the massive muscles rippling beneath his skin, seemed like a living, breathing entity. His broad shoulders and bulging chest radiated an aura of raw power. The audience gasped, their eyes fixed on his imposing physique. Alissa's voice was barely above a whisper as she announced his stats: "210cm and 310kg!" Caleb's eyes widened. "Holy Muscle!. Now we got two hyperheavyweight studs here“ he exclaimed, his voice laced with excitement. The air seemed to vibrate with tension as Adamut's massive muscles flexed, his biceps and triceps bulging like massive, granite-hard mountains. "Ok, that concludes round 1 - Height and Weight, and the score is: Sean: 20 points. Adamut: 17 points. Ekon and Michal: 13 points. Mathieu: 12 points. Isaiah: 11 points. Alexei: 10 points. Tim: 8. And Emmanuel: 4." Caleb announced and the crowd erupted into applause, their eyes fixed on the contestants, each one a towering figure of masculinity.
  5. Warning: This is a snuff story. Many people die senselessly and violently in it. Do not read further if that's not your thing. While Nick was off at the club, Tony had his own fun one night. Teenage Destroyers 7.75: Tony at the Starlight Motel Tony looked at his reflection in the mirror. “Gonna have fun tonight,” he thought to himself as he looked at his huge body. The improbably large teenager facing the mirror, smiling, was fucking huge; height, build, body, fucking everything about him was enormous! His face was strong, green eyes staring back at the mirror. He was 6’ 5” tall and he weighed over 300 pounds, all of it solid muscle. His skin shined as his muscles bulged underneath. He flexed his 28 inch arms and watched as his biceps bulged into gigantic balls of rippling fibers of muscle covered with veins. Tony pulled on a white shirt, almost see through from how tightly it stretched across his chest. His chest was massive, pecs so astoundingly large he looked like he could bury someone's head between them. Small rips had formed around their enormity from the stress they put on the garment, the same tears appearing around his mind-blowing biceps. He slid on a pair of black shorts. They clung more tightly to his legs than his shirt did to his torso, not even covering half of his quads, the barrel-sized start of his legs looking strong enough to crush watermelons! This teen god’s calves and feet were huge as well; practically every pound on him dedicated to pure, raw power. Between his legs, pushing out the front of her tight shorts, was an absolutely monstrous protuberance; even through the dark material there was no guessing what it was that was pulling the fabric even tighter around his waist. A gigantic, tubular bulge that curled on itself several times distended the dark fabric, making the material of his shorts almost sheer from the strain, the end of it creating a certain bell-shaped protrusion against one of his humongous thighs. "Aw fuck yeah!" He grinned at his reflection and squeezed his enormous bulge, anticipating the fun he was about to have. He headed out the door and drove down the highway. Room 101 Tony pulled in to the gravel lot of the Starlight Motel. Only a few cars were in the lot of this middle-of-nowhere building. This would do. He made his way to the lobby. Ben was manning the front desk this night, bored out of his mind. Everyone had checked in; a few traveling businessmen, a group of guys having a weekend rager, the usual crowd. He was about to lock up when he saw Tony walk in the door. His heart skipped a beat. Tony was stunning. He looked like he was made of granite. “Like what you see?” he said. “It’s Tony, by the way.” Tony extended his massive hand. "B-b-b-Ben." Ben stammered, "Holy shit! You’re fucking huge!” he blurted out. “You like big men like me, Ben?” Tony didn't even ask for a room. He didn't need to. Ben nodded slowly. He was totally smitten with big muscle men. “Yeah..."" Ben said, staring up and down Tony's godly form. "What the hell was a guy like him doing here?" Ben thought to himself, his head clouding with lust. Tony rotated his forearm, which looked about as big as Ben’s thigh, and totally ripped to shreds. “Jesus,” Ben gasped. “I-it's a slow night and I was gonna close up. Do you maybe want to come back to my room?” He couldn't believe he just said that, he never was so forward! Ben stood up quickly and pointed toward the door behind him. Tony smiled and followed. Ben turned off the lobby light and showed Tony to his place. Ben closed the door as Tony grabbed him from behind and squeezed his tight ass cheeks. He ran his hands over Ben's shoulders and rubbed his chest and caressed his nipples under his shirt. Ben's cock was hard. He felt Tony's strong chest against his back, warm and muscular. Tony's cock grew in his shorts. His other arm reached down to Ben's crotch and he squeezed at his balls and cock. Ben felt his hot breath on his neck. Tony whispered in his ear, "Let's get more comfortable." Ben led him to the bed. Tony slipped Ben's shirt off and rubbed his hands against his firm, smooth chest. Ben pulled off his jeans and lay on the bed. He looked down at Ben. His naked body looked inviting. His cock was hard and pulsated as dribbles of precum oozed out and dripped onto his stomach. Tony peeled off his shirt and shorts, revealing his massive frame. Ben was totally flabbergasted by the big man’s body. It was like granite. Golden skin, no hair, and a dick that was a good 10 inches soft. He whimpered and came without touching himself. “Holy fuck dude,” Ben said. “How much bigger does that thing get?” Tony smiled, grabbing his meat and swinging it like a club. “How much bigger do you want it to get?” Ben shook his head. “You're unreal,” he said. Tony chuckled. “I get that a lot. Suck this big tool, punk.” Ben gulped but he dove on it. He couldn't fit more than half of the growing member in his mouth, but his enthusiasm pleasured Tony. When Ben came up for air, he got a full view of the 16 inch long goliath between Tony's legs. It was bigger than his forearm! Tony eased Ben down on the bed, then covered Ben’s small, strong body with his own. It took both of Ben’s hands to circle Tony’s gigantic cock, he stared in wonder as he stroked the thick shaft. Tony positioned his hands on either side of Ben’s much smaller frame, the giant shaft of his monsterous cock slapping against Ben’s torso, stretching from his pubes to his pecs. Tony lifted his hips back, pulling himself from Ben's grasp. Ben felt Tony’s big dick begin to probe his manhole. He started to shake his head, to tell Tony no, but Tony just smirked back, pushing forward insistingly. Ben was aflame with desire. Never had he been with a man so huge, so built, so hard, so intimidating. Tony’s body was made of marble, completely unpliable, but his touch was like fire. “Give it to me,” Ben cried out. “I need it!” The teen god heeded the call, his member growing ever larger, thicker, his thrusting slow at first, but then quicker and more excited. It was only after Tony passed the 13-inch mark that Ben began to show signs of distress, and even those were submerged in the frenzy of his lust. Only at the very end did Ben seem to understand that something was amiss. Ben’s eyes began to bulge when he realized that Tony’s ever lengthening rod was going to puncture his sphincter. Ben looked down to see his abs distended as an orange-sized bulge—the head of Tony’s cock—was muscling up towards Ben’s sternum. “Tony,” he said between grunts. “Tony, what are you doing to me? I, uh, I don’t think…” The teen god put his big hand across Ben’s mouth. “Shut up,” he said. “Take it.” Ben closed his eyes, his passion continuing to build. Ben’s gasp of pain was muffled by Tony's hand, as was his shriek of pain when it became clear that Tony was going all the way to the hilt. Only when the muscle god’s tool bottomed out did Ben orgasm, its full mammoth expanse tearing his internal organs to shreds. “Tony,” Ben murmured. “Thank you…” His eyes closed as the life left his body, sending Tony over the edge. He groaned as he unloaded inside Ben's shredded innards, jet after jet filling his chest cavity. He held Ben's bloated body in his arms for another minute before lifting him off and dropping him at the foot of the bed. Tony was still horny. He flexed his still hard cock, spraying the last dregs of his orgasm across the floor. He heard the shower turn on in the next room. "Perfect," he thought. He headed next door. Room 102 Danny was enjoying a long shower after a full day on the road. Meeting after meeting had drained him, and he was looking forwards to heading home tomorrow. Steam filled the bathroom as he relaxed. He admired his lean muscles; he took pride in staying fit even when on the road. His thoughts drifted as he closed his eyes and relaxed. Suddenly, Danny could feel a presence, a change in the air. He turned to look behind him, and standing there was a huge monster of a man. Danny speechlessly ogled the vast expanse of the pectoral muscle that blocked his exit from the shower. He had to be six and a half feet all and covered in such muscle that he looked like a wall. Fully naked, a massive cock stood at attention, all the way up to between the giant's shelf-like pecs! Was this a dream? A nightmare? "WHAT THE-" he could barely get out a word before Tony shoved him against the shower wall so hard the air was forced out of his lungs. He slipped, bumped his head against the tile, and slid to the floor; Tony towered above him; naked, his cock fully erect and dripping with pre-cum. Tony squeezed at his balls and ran his hand up his lengthy shaft. He felt his veins, the blood pulsing, the hot water washing away the dried blood off his body and highlighting his pumped muscles. Danny looked up in awe and fear. His erection throbbed as he tried to see through the stars in his eyes. Tony pulled Danny up by the armpits, and while dizzy, Danny finally got a look at his giant assailant. Tony's handsome, boyish face atop an impossibly large body. His arms with biceps unflexed yet still so unbelievably huge and wide. Danny whimpered; he was breathtaking. "Aw fuck yeah, you'll do nicely." Tony rumbled. Danny wanted to scream but no noise could come out. Tony stepped forward, forcing Danny to stumble backwards again. He pressed his chest muscle up against Danny’s face. "Yeah," he grunts. Tony continued moving forward slowly, backing Danny into the wall of the bathroom. Tony wedged Danny’s face into his deep pectoral crevice, his skull pinned to the wall. "You want to lick these massive pecs, don’t you, bitch? I’ll bet you’re just dyin’ to." He chuckled. Danny’s head was caught between the deadly halves of Tony’s chest. He couldn’t see. All he could hear is Tony’s heart pumping strongly, the heat of the blood nourishing the muscle in which he was trapped. Danny couldn't help but run his hands over the slick pectorals rippling around him. Danny opened his mouth and let the tip of his tongue slowly draw a trail along the smooth skin of Tony’s mountainous pec. Tony grinned and put his palm behind Danny's head, pressing him into the bulging pectoral muscle, then slowly caused his chest to harden as he held Danny's head in place with his oaken arm. Danny was trapped, enclosed in a cocoon of steel-hard muscle, held fast in Tony’s powerful arms. Large, tunnel-like veins throbbed near the surface of the skin on his biceps and forearms. Danny’s naked torso was covered by Tony’s arms, roughly pressing the poor man against the cold tile and hot slabs of muscle. Danny began pounding on Tony's chest as the pressure increased upon his skull, suffocating him. "Oh hey sorry dude," Tony laughing, relaxing his pecs. "Guess I don't know my own strength," he lied, letting the poor man catch his breath. Tony lifted Danny up and positioned his ass over his pulsing teen cock and slowly brought him down onto the pre cum spurting cock head. He moaned deeply as his hot, throbbing fuck pole penetrated the doomed man's virgin ass. Danny screamed. Tony pushed Danny's head back between his pecs, muffling him. He wrapped his other arm around the man's waist and began fucking in earnest. He could feel his cock quiver with pleasure with each organ that tore as he drove further and further into the poor guy's body. Danny’s feet didn’t reach the floor. But he wasn’t going anywhere. Tony began to squeeze him tighter as he thrust, Danny's head trapped between his pecs. His eyes rolled back in their sockets as he faded in and out of consciousness, but somehow he knew what was about to happen. This was it. Tony's deadly arms slowly wound tighter and tighter around Danny. CRAAAACK! Danny’s twig-like arms snapped. Tony dug the bending of the ribs and the "pop" of bones breaking against his mass. As Tony’s arms tightened and flexed the muscles in them became absurdly rock-hard. Tony hissed out a pleasured, "Oh, FUCK yeah!" as he flexed his massive chest to rock hard fullness and Danny's face was crushed between the powerful teen's outstretched palm and his rippling pectoral. The sudden spray of blood on his chest sent Tony over the edge. As he reached orgasm, his dick shot great, steaming wads of cum into the broken man's body. Tony continued flexing as he unloaded, blood and cum spurting out of Danny's ass and mouth. Danny's limp body slid up and down through a thick layer of cum, burying his broken face under a mask of white. After a minute, Tony loosened his hold and transitioned into a most muscular pose. He brought his two giant fists together and flexed his deadly muscles, which allowed the twisted, broken corpse to slide to the floor. Danny's asshole was permanently resized, cum pouring from a gape large enough to fit a tennis ball. Tony’s body was covered with blood and jizz, which accentuated the peaks and valleys of his unthinkably lethal physique. He was breathing heavily, and his massive chest heaved with each breath. Tony relaxed, letting the hot water cleanse him. Tony shut off the water. He grabbed a towel and dried off, leaving Danny in a heap in the corner of the bathroom, blood pooling on the floor. "Aw yeah," Tony thought to himself, "tonight is getting so fucking good." Room 103 Jay sauntered leisurely out of his room, ice bucket in hand. His partner Dean was on the bed, watching TV. Jay made it just a few steps out the door when he glanced up and saw Tony emerge from the room next door, the huge bodybuilder fully nude, bloodlust in his eyes. Tony turned his head and spotted the poor man, an evil smile growing on his face. Jay almost stopped dead in his tracks, a voice in his head telling him that he had stumbled into something very bad. Both guys broke into a mad sprint towards the door to Jay and Dean's room. Tony swiftly seized Jay by his belt and grappled him into a headlock, squeezing the poor man's skull between his impenetrable lats and granite biceps. Jay kicked and punched as he tried to break free, but his efforts bounced uselessly off Tony's solid muscles. With Jay under one arm, Tony wrapped his hand around the doorknob. Jay tried to call out to warn Dean but couldn't breathe, his face turning red. Tony pressed his shoulder against the door and pushed. The wood splintered and popped, the door broke from the frame, and the knob came off in his hand. Tony pushed his way in. "OH MY GOD JAY!" Dean screamed. He ran to the two men, punching helplessly at Tony's arms. Tony laughed, his cock getting hard again. Dominanting these two weaklings so easily was making him so horny. With his other arm, he grabbed Dean by the throat and hoisted him up, holding him at arm's length. Jay let out a whimper as he saw Dean struggle. "Who are you? What do you want with us?!" Dean cried, tears welling in his eyes as he tried to pull Tony's hand open with both arms. "Just a guy looking for a good time," Tony chuckled. "And to fuck up some punks." With that he threw Dean onto the bed, his head hitting the headboard with a thud. "Time to watch your friend die." Tony said, staring straight into Dean's eyes. Tony lifted Jay up with both arms. With astonishing ease he hoisted him over his head, dropped to one leg, and savagely swung the man's spine straight down onto his knee, every muscle in his substantial frame suddenly exploding in size. The spinal column immediately broke in two, Jay seized and let out a sharp, gruesome yelp, his head thrown back. Dean cried as Tony dropped the broken body onto the bed. Tony tore off Jay's pants, and rammed his 16-inch beast into the man's ass. Dean tried to move, to grab his phone or get away, but he couldn't. He was paralyzed in shock as he looked into his partner's dying eyes. Jay was still alive, completely helpless. His eyes were frozen with fear and he shrieked as he felt his ass splitting in half to accomodate the enormous intruder, which effortlessly drove through his body, rupturing his sphincter muscles and pushing organs out of the way. The curved, symmetrical globes of Tony's ass tensed with hard muscle as he pumped his pelvis. Jay was completely submerged beneath the sweaty muscular mass and he was moaning, barely conscious. Tony stared into Dean's eyes as he pounded Jay, the feeling of completely dominating and destroying these two guys was making him harder than ever. He wrapped his arms around Jay's chest, lifting him up to give Dean a better look at the enormous bulge of Tony's cock punching its way through Jay's innards. Tony roared as he flexed his deadly arms around the dude's torso. There was a grisly crunching noise as the guy's chest caved inwards. "uh..uhhh....UHHHH!!!!!" Jay cried out loudly as his own ribcage imploded, his heart was compressed and instantly crushed against his deforming spine and bursting internal organs. His expression was frozen in shock, his mouth gasped twice, before his face relaxed. Dean let out a helpless wail. "Mmmppfff!!" Tony grunted and suddenly seized as his ass-muscles tightened in successive waves and his broad muscle-laden backside tensed and arched. Tony's hefty balls, wedged between his sweaty crotch and the dead man's ass-cheeks, summoned up a vast reservoir of jizz and purged nearly a pint of hot, sticky fluid into the welcoming anus. When he was finished, he unwrapped his arms, and pushed Jay's body off his cock. "Wh...why did you have to kill him?" Dean said, sniffling. "Because...snuffing punks like you makes me cum so hard." he whispered moving towards Dean, licking his lips, "And I know you enjoyed watching me destroy him. Your dick's been rock hard since I walked through that door." Tony growled. It was true, Dean's hand had been in his pants for most of Jay's destruction. He couldn't help but to cum at the sight of Tony's sweaty muscles, flexing and pumping as he fucked. He felt guilty and yet, his cock had never been harder staring at the teen god. "You want me more than you've ever wanted anything, don't you bitch? Look at me, look at my muscles." Tony whispered as he flexed, his sweat highlighting his unbelievable muscle. Without another word Dean reached out and began to rub his hands over the vast expanse of Tony's muscle packed thighs. "My God," he gasped, "your muscles are like steel!" "Kiss them weakling," Tony commanded. "Worship my body." Dean couldn't help but reach out and rub his hand across the expanse of Tony's rippling, blood slick chest. As he reached his massive pecs, Tony slowly flexed, securing Dean's hand in the deep crevice. He stared into Dean's eyes. "Before I snuffed your friend, I crushed the guy next door with my pecs. Broke his fucking face just by flexing. Then I fucked him and pumped him so full of cum it was shooting out both ends. The guy before him I skewered on my cock and filled him until he was more cum than blood." Dean gasped as he continued to feel the rippling, powerful muscle of this god. "You like that? You like hearing about me dominating little shits like you?" Tony taunted. He moaned as he erupted in orgasm, splattering Tony with his cum. Tony laughed and palmed Dean's head, using it to wipe the cum from his abs and chest, and guided Dean to his apple-sized cockhead. “Yeah, worship this fucking muscle beast,” murmured Tony as he slapped Dean with the 16 inch weapon. Dean's face was getting bruised by the long, thick weapon, but he was still worshipping Tony’s muscles, now running his hands on his huge legs and calves. Tony jammed his cock down Dean’s throat and started skullfucking him. With every thrust, he forced more and more of his oversized weapon in. Dean moaned and gagged as Tony fucked his face, a stream of hot precum pouring down his throat. Over a foot of thick, veiny meat pistoned its way in and out of Dean's throat. He began to drift in and out of consciousness, his airways being crushed by Tony's relentless pounding. Dean looked up pleadingly as Tony wrapped his huge hand around the dude’s neck and squeezed, crushing his esophagus and making more friction between the dude’s esophagus and his cock. “Yeah, feels good,” he said. “Your throat feels so fucking good!" Then he started thrusting harder and squeezing harder. Finally he yelled “Yeah, yeah, YEAH!” as he spurt gush after gush of cum down inside Dean’s stomach. Cum sprayed out of Dean's nostrils and the sides of his mouth. Tony felt Dean's body twitch as his lungs were flooded with muscle cum. His torso swelled until it looked like it would burst. When Tony finished, he pulled his cock out and squeezed Dean's neck until it snapped. "Aw yeah, fuckin' beast..." Tony growled as he flexed his arms. "Fuckin' bones me." Next door, he could hear music and multiple voices, chatting loudly. Tony smiled as he curled his arms, the night wasn't over yet. Room 104 The music blaring from Room 104 was so loud that the four guys inside hadn't heard the screaming and banging noises from the rooms down the hall. As they sat around chugging beers, suddenly the door to their room burst open with a loud crack. Tony strutted into the living room, fully nude. The guys looked at the huge teen in shock. "WHAT THE FUCK?!" The guys jumped up, not sure if they should run or fight. “I’m lookin’ for some dudes. I wanna fuck ‘em up.” he said, his massive body filling the doorway. The men stared, slackjawed, at the teen's gargantuan, rippling torso...They had never seen so much vein encased, rippling muscle on any man, no matter what age. The teen had the neck of a bull, triceps as large as a man's head and boulderous biceps...his pectorals hung out, defying gravity, rippling with power...his dark brown, silver dollar sized nipples pointing straight down to his deep 8 pack abs and shockingly narrow waist. Between his legs hung the longest, thickest cock they'd ever seen on any man, perfectly framed between his chiseled legs. One of the guys, Pete, pissed himself at the sight, even as he felt his cock twitch. He had never imagined any being so huge, so perfect, so sexual. His breathing got rapid and he started to sweat profusely. All four guys couldn't help themselves, their cocks sprung to life at the sight of the rock hard anatomy chart of rippling muscle standing before them. Tony stroked his cock as he saw his effect on the men. It began to pulse and rise, throbbing at full mast before the muscle teen's heaving, rippling pectorals, a string of pre-cum slowly stringing from the slit in it's massive crown. "So, who wants first?" Tony growled, flexing. His lats filled the doorway, blocking their exit. The four men looked at each other, a mix of confusion, fright, and sexual attraction filled their heads. The closest two guys, Chris and Paul, ran at Tony and started throwing punches at him. He laughed as their fists bounced harmlessly off his rock hard body. Tony grabbed the backs of the shirts of the attackers and held them at his sides. He smashed his hands together like he was doing dumbbell flys, smashing their two bodies together. Their faces hit each other, breaking their noses and jaws. He smashed them together again and then let them fall to the floor. Their faces were broken and their chests were battered and bruised. Paul started crawling towards the door. Tony laughed evilly. He smashed down with his tree trunk of a leg, breaking his thigh bone with the powerful blow. Then he did the same thing with the other thigh bone. “You’re not goin’ anywhere, bitch,” he said as Paul writhed in pain. “And neither are you,” he said to Chris who was looking at him in awe and fear. Tony hoisted him up by his shirt and spun him around. Chris suddenly felt Tony's impossibly thick forearm reach across his sternum and the palm firmly grip his shoulder, while the other palm swiftly enwrapped his mouth. Tony savagely jerked the guy's head hard to the right. “I’m gonna fuck you all to death.” Tony declared as he dropped Chris' body to the floor. Pete and Brent, the remaining two men in the room, were frozen in fear. They couldn't believe how fast and brutal Tony was. Paul lay on the ground, barely breathing but alive. Chris' body lay at Tony's feet, his head bent the wrong way around. As if to make his point, Tony bent over and pulled Chris up by the head. He cupped his palms on either side and began to squeeze. His deltoids and triceps began to swell and channel a deadly, muscle-driven force down his arms, all of the destructive energy flowing straight into Chris's skull. The head imploded between his clenched hands with a sudden upwelling of blood, skull fragments and brain matter. "FUCK YEAH!" Tony roared triumphantly. He flexed his insane body, every inch of him appearing to double in size. Tony's cock spurt a jet of precum, landing at Pete's feet. Pete shuddered, the wet spot in his pants growing again. He had never seen such a huge, muscular person in his life. "NO!" Brent squealed, the sight of Chris' crushed head shocking him to his senses. He hopped to his feet and tried to dash behind Tony towards the door. But Tony was too fast, clotheslining Brent with his rock-solid arm. He pulled Brent up until he was eye-level with his goliath cock, a steady stream of precum now dripping from its head. Tony swayed his hips, beating Brent's face with his hard member and coating it in clear slime. "What the fffuck! Let go! LET GO of me!" Brent sputtered as his body thrashed and bucked. Tony erupted into laughter as he watched the utter uselessness of the weaker man's attempts to pry away his vice-like grip. He laid back on the bed, dragging Brent with him. He pressed his cockhead to Brent's lips. "Put it in your mouth and suck on that shit." Brent tried to resist, but one thrust from Tony sunk the solid head straight into his mouth. Tony could feel the warmth of Brent's mouth pleasingly envelope around his dick. He placed his palms on Brent's skull and began to firmly guide it in and out, in and out, and a long moan escaped his lips as he felt that tight throat slide against his oversized meat. Tony swung his legs up and clamped his thick calves around the man's neck, then swiftly jerked him forward and drew the face deeper into his crotch, locking his ankles tight behind his back. Brent's face quickly went beet red as the thighs closed further in, squished against his cheeks and forcing his mouth to open wider, letting Tony shove his full length inside. "Hey, buddy." Tony said to Pete who was sitting in the corner, wide-eyed. He had undone his pants and was jerking himself as he watched Tony. "How powerful do you think my legs are, huh? Do you think-"Tony flexed and his quads swelled to unbelievable proportions. Brent squawked as the crushing pressure amplified tenfold. "You think..." Tony grunted, "...I could fucking....err...break his neck?" He twisted his hips sharply. Pete nearly jumped when he heard the swift, sharp crack of the neck snapping. A wild spasm twitched through the man's body, his arms flew up in the air, then flopped limply to his sides. The sound sent Tony over the edge, his cock blasting pure white jizz straight into Brent's stomach. Tony grunted and flexed as he unloaded, Brent's head nearly buried under the mass of Tony's thighs. When he was done, Tony closed his eyes for a moment, a look of deep satisfaction on his face. Tony unlocked his legs and pushed Brent to the floor. Brent's stomach was bloated, as if he had chugged a keg. His head was bent forward, cum and blood seeping from his nostrils, ears, and mouth. Tony stood up and looked down at Paul, the other man who had charged at the beginning. His breathing was ragged; Tony's dumbbell flys with him and Chris had cracked a few ribs. Tony smiled, his cum-covered cock still throbbing hard. Tony picked up Paul and bent him over the edge of the bed. He ripped off Paul's clothes and slapped his ass. “You ever been fucked, dude? You ever had a huge piece of muscle stud meat jammed up your little ass?” Paul looked at Tony in fear and shook his head. He was a total virgin. Tony rubbed his cock and turned Paul around. In one huge thrust, Tony rammed his 16-inch long cock up the man’s ass. The hard weapon broke Paul’s sphincter muscles and smashed through his intestines. Tony started thrusting his hips at the same time he was pulling back on the dude’s shoulders with his huge arms. Tony’s abs were like bricks of muscle, pounding his huge cock in and out of the guy’s bleeding asshole. A beer can sized bulge pushed out of Paul's abdomen, stretching the skin so taut that the outline of Tony's cockhead was easily seen with each thrust. "Aw yeah dude, tearing you apart!" Tony growled as he sped up. Paul's blood and guts lubricated the deadly monster, amplifying Tony's pleasure. Paul's guts bulged out further, as Tony bent him backwards. Spasms of pain surged through Paul's body, contracting his ass muscles and giving Tony even more pleasure. Suddenly Tony’s cock burst through the Paul’s abs. The power of his muscles was so great that he forced his cock all the way through the man’s body. Tony roared as he saw his blood-covered monster cock sticking out of Paul's shredded guts. He came as he fucked the dude’s dying body, spurting gush after gush of his perfect cum onto the bed and floor in front of them. “Fuckin’ weaking,” he said as he pulled out his cock and dropped the lifeless body to the floor. Tony looked around the room, breathing heavily from his last fuck. Blood was smeared across his chest and dripping down his legs, highlighting the contours of Tony's bulging muscles. Pete sat in the corner of the room, quietly moaning as he came down from cumming again when he watched Tony fuck and snuff his friend. Tony swaggered over to Pete, his powerful arms swaying by his sides, swollen with killing-power. Tony pulled Pete to his feet and the two of them stood in front of the floor-length mirror. The contrast between their bodies was incredible. Tony completely dwarfed the little man. Tony grabbed the man's ass. "You got a sweet little ass, man," he said. "My big cock's gonna love that tight little ass." Pete shuddered as he realized that Tony's monster was level with his shoulders. Would it go all the way through him? Tony flexed his thighs. His huge quads sprang to attention, rippling with mass and cuts. He had way more muscle in one of his thighs than the man had in his whole body. He spun Pete around so he was facing him and grabbed the man's hands, guiding them to his chest. "Feel a real man's muscle, wimp," he said. Pete ran his fingers over the huge, flexed muscles. His cock started to harden again as he felt the young giant's huge muscles. Tony looked down and smiled as he saw the effect his body was having on the smaller man. Pete couldn't help himself as his dick got harder and harder. He was getting turned on by Tony's body even though he knew that body was going to fuck him and then kill him within a matter of minutes. Tony grabbed the hair on the back of the man's head and pushed his face into his thick, hard blood-covered cock. "Lick it clean," he ordered. Pete started licking Tony's huge 16 inch weapon. Tony kept hold of the man's head and moved him up and down over his huge cock. His cock started twitching with pleasure as the man's tongue caressed it. He started licking Tony's huge balls, balls that were the size of big lemons. Tony groaned with pleasure as he felt the man's little tongue on his huge balls. Pete moaned as he tasted Tony's precum, lapping at the giant head like a fountain. After his cock was clean of Brent's remains, Tony pulled Pete to his feet. "I wanna fuck," growled Tony. Pete looked into Tony’s eyes and said. “I want you to fuck me the hardest you have ever fucked. I want to give you the best fuck ever.” Tony was caught offguard. Did this guy *want* to be snuffed? He'd fucked plenty of muscle-crazed worshippers, but they were usually begging for mercy by the end of it. Without asking, Pete answered his question by raising his head and kissing Tony's neck. “Fuck me. Fuck the shit out of me,” he said. He was completely drunk on lust. He started kissing Tony’s body, feeling those big hard muscles. “Aw yeah dude! Look at the body of the biggest fucking musclegod on earth! Tell me I’m a monster and a beast! Tell me I’m a god! Worship me, you muscleslut!” Pete's complete submission to him made Tony hornier than ever. Tony wrapped his left arm around Pete's thin chest. With his right hand he grabbed his cock and guided it to just the right place at the man's tight ass crack, just barely touching the soft flesh of the man's round butt. Tony picked him up and slid his meat between Pete's legs. Even from behind him, Tony's cock stuck out twice as far as Pete's. The heat radiating from Tony's meat made the smaller man whimper. Pete took a deep breath, knowing what was about to come. Without a word, Tony lifted Pete into the air and jammed his rock hard cock into Pete’s ass. Pete’s eyes got bright and his cock got even harder. “Oh god, oh god!’ he yelled and he shot a huge spurt of cum all over his chest. Tony held the man by the chest and raised him up and down on his cock, only stuffing a foot of his massive meat inside. He watched his image in the mirror as his huge muscles lifted the man up and down on his cock like it was nothing. He felt the muscles of the man's ass try to tighten around the head of his cock as he lifted the ass up, but he knew his cock was too big and hard for those little muscles to resist when he forced himself in again. After a few minutes of this, he let go with his hands, Pete dangling in the air impaled on Tony's beast. "Look, my cock is stronger than you," he laughed, "It can lift your pathetic little body like a feather." He twitched his cock and Pete bounced up and down. "How does it feel to be lifted off your feet by just my fucking monster cock, bitch?!" smirked Tony looking at their reflection in the mirror. He swayed his hips causing his hard-on and the man perched atop to swing madly from side to side. "I…..I….." Pete trailed off losing the power of speech. His whole body bounced up and down as Tony's mighty knob throbbed inside his ass. "I can't take this anymore….." moaned Pete, pleasure pulsating through his body, "I'm gonna…..gonna….." Pete moaned and came, spraying his load on the mirror. Tony gripped Pete's hips and held him in place, the smaller man's orgasm pleasuring his own rod. Pete stared at their reflection, the mountain of muscle surrounding him. "Please," he begged. "Let me worship you!" Pete cried. Tony corkscrewed Pete on his cock to face him. Pete shoved his face into Tony's pecs, feeling the hard muscles as Tony fucked him harder and harder. He called Tony a beast, a god. He moaned as he recounted how easily Tony destroyed his friends. With his talk and his worshipping, he brought Tony to an absolute peak of erotic pleasure as Tony fucked his little ass. Then, with one incredibly powerful thrust of his hips, Tony rammed his cock all the way into the man's ass, forcing all 16 inches inside. Pete felt his guts tear apart, pain shooting through his body, blood pooling beneath him. Tony covered Pete's mouth, muffling his cries as he thrust his full length into him. "This what you wanted right?" Tony said softly into Pete's ear, "Thinking about my awesome strength. Do you like the way my body feels? Huh? Your ass is so fucking tight man..." Pete was barely conscious, he could barely see the stud’s handsome face and incredibly muscular torso through the mind fog. Even now he felt aroused looking at this huge young bodybuilder even though he was about to die. "Please...fuck...harder..." Pete managed to gasp out, before his eyes closed. Tony smiled. Tony crushed Pete against the mirror, completely covering him with his 300 pounds of muscle. He started fucking again, this time not holding back. Then they heard bones cracking. Pete’s pelvis was cracking apart from Tony’s powerful thrusts. More and more tissues were destroyed by his huge weapon. He pummeled Pete's heart from the inside, enjoying the feeling of its rapid vibrations against his cockhead. Tony was now panting and yelling in erotic bliss. He was ready for the final burst of pleasure. "These fucking guns are gonna pop your head off!" Tony declared as he wrapped his arm around Pete's neck and flexed his big bicep, crushing his windpipe. "God that feels good," said Tony, as Pete turned red. Tony flexed and unflexed his arm a dozen times, hearing and feeling the big muscle bash itself into the poor man's neck, crushing more and more windpipe. Pete couldn’t breathe. Tony pressed him up against the mirror as he rammed his cock into Pete's ass. Even though Pete was near death, he was rock hard as he felt Tony’s huge body envelope him. Cum oozed out of his cock as he started to die. Tony rammed his huge cock in and out hard. The mirror cracked as Tony slammed Pete against it, over and over. "Fuckin' strong muscle!" yelled Tony. Pete started drooling and gasping. He drifted out of consciousness. Finally, Tony pulled his arm up, pulling on Pete's chin. "Time to say goodbye," said Tony. Then he flexed hard and held it, watching his rock hard muscle smash that neck. puh-puh-puh-POP! The enormous force of his rock hard bicep literally popped the vertebrae in Pete's neck. The sound and feel of these vital bones parting sent Tony over the top. He seized as his orgasm sent shuddering waves of pleasure through his god-like body, and an enormous reservoir of hot cum flooded the bloody canals of the dead man's anus. Spasms surged through Pete’s body. Tony spurted over and over for over two minutes. After many blasts of cum Tony finally stopped and pulled his huge cock out of Pete’s mangled body. Pete's body crumpled on the floor, a look of bliss on his face. The big beast took a few moments to flex and admire himself in the mirror, breathing heavily and finishing the impromptu posing session with a double biceps pose and a deep, "Yeaaahhhh." "Awww, fuckin' A... fuck 'em all to death..." Tony mused, as he walked out of the room, effortlessly kicking bodies aside that lay in his way, his huge semi-erect cock swaying back and forth before him like some lethal biological weapon. Room 105 "Yes, God yes, give it to me." Steven lay spread eagle on the bed, teasing Karl. Karl smiled at his lover, his 9 inch cock at attention. They had been waiting all week to get out of town and planned to enjoy every second. Karl thrust forward and buried his entire shaft in Steven. "Its huge, give it to me Karl," Steven groaned. Karl growled and leaned in for a kiss, speeding up his thrusts. For a quarter of an hour the pounding continued. "Oh God yes!" "Drill me, fuck yes, oh God it's filling me." Steven loved it. When Karl fucked him he could see stars, lodged on his big dick. Karl loved hearing Steven go crazy over his cock. Feeling himself getting close, he slowly pushed his dick up to the hilt inside of his lover, told him how sexy he was and how he needed him and shot his thick spunk deep into him. Steven cried out as he came simultaneously. The first shot hit him clean in the face and sprayed down across his chest and over the bed. Shot after shot sprayed the two of them, strings of white dripping off their faces as they rode out their orgasms. The two of them were so caught up in their lovemaking that they failed to notice the door to their room open and a dark shadow silently emerge. The two of them laid on the bed enjoying the afterglow of their fuck, Karl still on top of Steven as they closed their eyes and kissed. Tony smirked in the darkness and pounced. "WHAT THE - " Karl exclaimed before the breath was knocked out of him. Steven's eyes shot open as he saw Karl try to get up, only to have his hands pinned down. "Ow! What are you doing?!" Karl yelled. The weight of another person, a much bigger person, crushed Karl into him even more and he grunted. Karl's head was shoved into a pillow, muffling him as Steven felt the stranger thrust forward against Karl's arse. Steven tried to swing his arms and fight, but his blows landed uselessly against the rock-hard torso of the assailant. Steven groaned "no"as he tried to fight back, to no avail. "Get off him, you bastard!" Steven shouted. He finally caught a glimpse of Tony, the immense size of his body was unreal! This couldn't be happening! Karl shouted "no, please" as he felt Tony shift and prod his giant dick against his asshole. "Oh God, Jesus that's big. Fuck that cock is too big!" There was a fierce thrust as a huge cock entered his ass. Karl screamed. Steven felt a spurt of hot fluid splash against his ass as Tony's goliath tore Karl's asshole open. "Ohh God!" The two of them cried out, Karl in agony, Steven in terror. Tony pulled back and thrust again, hard. Onward and onward he pressed, his arms pinning the two men down as he speared Karl. Karl's cock pressed into his boyfriend's ass and Steven felt the sickening power of the man above him as Tony started to unceremoniously fuck the two of them. Steven could feel every movement as he was forced to take his boyfriend's cock with Tony's every thrust. He could feel Karl writhe and shudder until he came, spraying Steven's insides again. Steven cried out as he came as well, his cock squished tightly between him and Karl as Tony bore down on them. His heart was breaking but his mind was in turmoil as he felt himself get hard again from the relentless thrusting. Tony went into overdrive and drove his huge monster into Karl's ass as Karl struggled to get his words out: "Ohhh, so fucking big, so much ..." Karl was drifting in and out of consciousness as the massive cock tore through his insides. Steven lay trapped under his boyfriend and their assailant and felt the powerful thrusts of a man raping his boyfriend and his heart was filled with sorrow and humiliation. But it went on and on, thrust after thrust after thrust. Karl's face was pressed against his, preventing either of them from seeing Tony. All Steven could feel was 2 bodies thrusting violently and the sound of Tony's balls slapping against his boyfriend's tight ass with each thrust. Steven felt faint as the weight of the two bodies on top of him crushed him further into the bed. He was mercifully unconscious when Tony's cock tore through Karl's lungs and erupted. He didn't hear Karl gasp, "It's blasting into me, fuck ... how much cum, oh fuck!!" Or Karl's coughs as his lungs were flooded with superior jizz. Or Karl's cock shooting his last load inside him as he finally succumbed to his injuries. Tony groaned again as he tightened his grip on Karl's hips as he pushed his titanic cock deeper still into his body. Another blast jetted from his firmly entrenched tool. Karl lay on top of Steven, unmoving and silent as Tony continued to empty his balls into his chest. Cum and blood flowed out of Karl's mouth, dripping onto Steven's unconscious face. If he hadn't died of internal injuries, Tony's orgasm definitely drowned him. Every few seconds Karl's body jerked as if shocked by electricity as life left his body. After a while Tony slowly began to withdraw his still fully erect cock from Karl's thoroughly fucked apart body. He groaned as he felt the wide rim of his flared out cockhead drag through Karl's shredded intestines. Tony's still fully erect monster popped free with a wet slurping sound, and Karl's corpse gave one last full body shiver as his broken asshole relinquished his cum-slick manmeat. As soon as it was free, a steady stream of warm sperm and blood poured from his gaping hole. Tony grabbed Karl by the waist and flipped him off of the bed. The sudden change in pressure shocked Steven awake. The bottom man gasped for air as his eyes shot open. He stared, mouth agape at the sweaty, muscular stud and his twitching erection kneeling on the end of the bed. “Oh… fuck…” Steven gasped, dazed. His nostrils flared as he got a huge breath of his assailant’s pure alpha musk, the thick layer of cum coating his face was overwhelming. His eyes shifted to the cock between Tony’s legs, a massive throbbing baseball bat covered in blood and cum. God, it was as thick as his fucking arm! A cock like that would completely destroy his ass! “It's...gonna kill me!” he moaned. "That's the idea." Tony smiled, nonchalantly jacking his still hard cock. Tony grabbed the man and lifted him over his throbbing cock head and then entered him. Steven tried to scream but the pain was too intense. There was a pop as his hip bones stretched. Steven’s tongue fell from his mouth and his body exploded in a firecracker orgasm just from being entered by such a monster pipe. Tony impaled the man slowly and began masturbating with the doomed man's little body. He made sure he was facing his little fuck buddy as he began to impale him deeper and deeper with each thrust until half of his meat was inside. “Now here comes the fun part.” Tony said as he pulled his cock all the way out, leaving only the massive tip of the head in, “time to die!” With another loud grunt, Tony thrust with all his strength as his bitchbreaker tore Steven apart. This act knocked the wind out of Steven, and he gasped for air as he simultaneously had the biggest orgasm of his life. With a cruel glint in his eyes, Tony lifted himself up and grabbed Steven’s ankles and placed them on his shoulders: it was time for the mating press. Thrusting with the same full strokes as before, Tony’s beastly cock stretched out Steven’s insides more and more. The bed creaked and rocked, the headboard slamming into the wall as Tony fucked Steven into the bed harder and harder. “You’re fucking up my body! Oh my god oh my god oh my god..” An overwhelming feeling of fullness came over Steven that gradually faded to numbness as his guts were churned up and he shut his eyes forever. "Awwww! Fuck YEAH!" Tony boomed as he flexed his rippling ass and shoved the spasming body of his fuck toy to the base of his throbbing dick, stabbing Steven's heart with his cock. With that, Tony began to cum. Cum filled his chest and then poured out of his mouth. It also erupted from the seal his wrecked asshole made around Tony's murderous tool. Tony fell forward onto the bed as he blasted jet after jet of muscle cum into the smaller man. He wrapped his arms around Steven's torso and squeezed, groaning as he felt Steven's ribs crack and pop. The broken ribs rubbed up against his erupting meat, sending waves of pleasure through the muscle god's body. Steven’s mouth fell open and cum flowed out of his mouth in a thick stream. Tony continued cumming for another minute before it was over. Tony relaxed on top of Steven, the smaller man's body completely covered by the giant teen. After a few minutes of relaxation, Tony stood up, letting Steven's body fall to the floor on top of Karl's. A river of white poured out of Steven's stretched-open asshole, like his boyfriend. Both of their faces were unrecognizable, buried under a deep layer of thick jizz. Tony stretched, looking down at his last two kills with satisfaction. The two bodies laid on the floor, a puddle of cum spreading underneath them. Dawn Tony headed home as the sun started to peak over the horizon. When he got home, he walked into his room and stood before the mirror. He thought about what he had just done. Ten guys fucked to death in a night, a new record! The sounds of their bones breaking. The feeling of his cock tearing through their guts. The rush he felt as he drowned them in his load. He had dominated them all with the enormous power of his 300+ pounds of muscle and his massive 16 inch cock. He was a fucking god. As he thought about it and looked at himself in the mirror he started rubbing his body. His face still looked like the face of a teenager, but his body looked like the wet dream of a Mr. Olympia competitor. He thought about how easy it was for him to smash his victims with his huge muscles. His traps bulged out from his neck. He watched his delts bulge like bowling balls of thick shredded muscle on his shoulders. His massive arms, as big as most guys' legs, rippling with muscle and covered with veins. He clenched his hands into fists and watched his forearms and biceps bulge, admiring the arms that snapped necks and crushed skulls. He watched his lats flare out - thick wings of solid muscle that crushed the chests of his toys like they were made of little sticks. Tony raised his arms and kissed his biceps. He watched his abs flex, and his huge legs. His cock throbbed between his pecs as he worshipped himself, the monster that tore apart asses and mouths and smashed through their insides. He hefted his giant balls, heavy with a neverending supply of jizz. He thought about how he could snuff a guy just by cumming. Fuck, he was incredible! He grabbed his cock with both hands and moaned, "FUCK YEAH!” and his cock started blasting cum, spurting gush after gush of cum on the ceiling, splashing back down onto his massive form. It was one of the best orgasms he had ever had. He took a shower and fell asleep happily.
  6. RyN

    Supplementary Class

    Supplementary class The boy's chiseled abs twitched as his breath caught in his throat. A spasm passed up the carved definitions of his abdominal muscles from the lowest row of protruding bricks wedging in between the deep trenches of his appollo's belt then up the second, third, fourth and finally fifth row of twin definitions to cover the full length of the young stud's sculpted tenpack glistening from a trail of saliva, before passing onto the two broad blocks of pectoral muscles protruding towards the ceiling above the bumpy road of abdominals for several inches. Tightening the thick somewhat over-proportional pecs squeezed out ridges of rock-hard muscle flesh with deep horizontal striations. Lying on his back at the foot end of the bed with his feet planted on the floor the youth was facing the ceiling with his eyes half-closed and his lips slightly agape. He let out a slight moan between the panting as the woman increased her efforts on his dick; her head bobbing up and down the shaft of his huge pillar of cock struggling to take in its entire length into the wet warmth of her mouth and throat as she was eagerly sucking the younger male's dick. The teen writhed slightly his arms raised above his head and trembling slightly from the arousal of his nubile body with the woman moaning loudly and trembling with excitement as she continued her tongue-lashing and sexual stimulation on his almost grotesquely large manhood ever so slowly driving him towards his climax. Finally a raspy gasp escaped the stud's lips as his muscles tightened and his body stiffened with a small number of deep grunts from the young man his huge cock erupted squirted a load of thick white cum with such volume and pressure the woman audibly struggled to swallow it all nearly choking on the boy's ejaculate. The teen let out a soft sigh as he stayed down on his back, while his eager cocksucker slumped down on her butt on the floor at its end. Her face visibly reddened and her long blonde hair slightly messy. »Oh wow, Ellie, not bad.«, the boy mused with a slight chuckle the slim lips of his devilishly handsome face parting to flash pearly white teeth, »For an older lady you sure no how to give head.« The woman was clearly not pleased to be called an »older lady« nor to find herself on her butt or knees on the floor of an eighteen-year-old's bedroom, but with her face flushing a deep red displaying her shame she slowly climbed up to her feet and straightened up with all the dignity she could muster. »It's Mrs...«, she cut off too embarrassed to speak, »I would be thankful if you would not call me Ellie, Paxton. My name is Eleanor.« The boy, Paxton, sat up and run a hand back through the mane of reddish-brown hair as he surveyed the woman with a bemused look. He was in ridiculously good shape and had just about no body fat. His paper-thin skin was stretching tightly over his lean body's shredded muscles as they were shifting and popping with every little movement and even just his breath. There were anatomy charts with less pronounced obliques then the ribbons of muscles lining his sides and less noticeable serratus than those flexing next to his tenpack. »Naw...«, the boy said with a mischievous smirk emerald green eyes flashing in a mocking challenge, »I don't think so, Ellie.« The woman stood opposite of the nude 5'8 boy still seated on his bed as he placed his wrist across his naked thigh letting his hand dangle just above his massive still half-erect member, but did not say anything. »I trust our little problem is sorted out with this?«, Paxton asked. Eleanor inhaled. »Of course« »Well, it was fun... Greet your husband, 'kay?« Slowly the woman turned around and took a step towards the bedroom door. She steadied herself once more and visibly prepared herself then opened it and stepped out into the hallway. There were three more teens Paxton's age waiting there. »Not bad, teach. Normally Pec doesn't come that quickly when it's a girl.«, one of them told her grinning. »Can I get the same, if I fall behind in class or does the boss have to put out again?«, another jeered. »Ignore them. See you at school Mrs. Cassidy.«, the last said with fake politeness as the woman strode past them eyes directed straight ahead. The boys were looking after the teacher until she was gone then stepped into Paxton's room and closed the door behind it. »Dude, I can't believe you got her to suck your cock and pay you for it.«, one of Paxton's friends the tall, dark-haired Andy said. He had broad shoulders and powerful built in his own right, although he was not as ludicrously sculpted as his naked friend. »What part about Pec being a slut is new?«, the shorter blonde, Michael, asked gruffly. He was still fit but less outwardly muscular than Andy. »Who were you thinking about during your... Supplementary class in Sex Ed?« »Who do you think?«, Paxton asked him with a shrug and a sheepish smile. »You've got to be joking.«, Andy scoffed.. Paxton flipped him the bird. »Fuck you, why settle for mediocre if you've got perfection right here.« As he spoke Paxton was glancing at his right biceps with some admiration as he slowly curled his arm and watched the thick muscle expand with shocking size in a thick round bulge then harden into a steep wedge drawing his skin thin until it outlined a deep furrow splitting the massive muscle in half and a thick branching vein pulsating across the muscle. His by now mostly limp cock was starting to rise up and get engorged again from the sight of his own powerful muscles. »Uh boss, aren't you going to get clothed?« The third of the boys was named Owen and was as tall and athletic as Andy, but had slightly less size in exchange for more definition. He had only recently been accepted into Paxton's inner circle of friends and this was the first time he had witnessed something like this. Therefore he had been standing back rather awkwardly so far attempting not to stare at the nude Paxton, but failing with every glance towards his exposed manhood. »What for?«, Paxton wanted to know grinning as he leaned back on his palms and provocatively spread his thighs, »You guy's all like what you see, don't you?« Michael chuckled with a broad smile not even attempting to hide his interest in his friends massive dick. »Yeah, no shit« »You're so cocky.«,Andy grunted on the other hand as he crossed his arms. Paxton turned his gaze towards the jock and removed one of his hands from the bed sheets behind him and placed it right on his meat again beginning to slide his strong fingers up and down his shaft and rub it with all three of his friends watching. »Come on, dude, stop it!«, Andy grunted but could not suppress a hungry grin as he saw his friends massive cock swell and rise up to even more astounding size. »Yeah, cut it out.«, Michael agreed as he strolled over to the bed and dropped down on top of one of Paxton's thighs. Throwing one arm over his friends strong shoulders he extended the other arm downward to grip Paxton's cock. The naked muscleboy relented, letting his blonde friend takeover for him in jerking him off as he put his arm around Michael's waist instead and placed his lips on the shorter boy's ear as he moaned softly. »You horny slut.«, he whispered the voice filled with disdain that let the blonde let out a small moan. »Guys come on...«, Owen tried to interrupt his friends then looked over to Andy looking for help. The other boy however had his full attention on Michael masturbating Paxton clearly enjoying the view. Noticing his discomfort Paxton glanced over towards him. »Don't pretend you don't enjoy the view, Owen.«, he mused then continued coldly, »Or I might have to take my big dick and pound the truth out of your scrawny virgin asshole.« Michael froze for the fraction of a second as he was jerking off Paxton and shot the taller boy an angry glare like to tell him not to dare give the godlike teenager a reason to find his sexual satisfaction elsewhere. It was not necessary Owen already felt as uncomfortable as he possible could about the prospect of Paxton making good on his threat. The nude teen chuckled eyes flashing mischievously. »Just kidding, bro. I'm not going to fuck you unless you beg for it.« Paxton's eyes narrowed slightly as he gazed directly at Owen as he slowly tilted his head with and his luscious kissable lips curled into a knowing smirk as he spoke. »On your knees, like a bitch.« The lesser stud's knees felt weak already and then Paxton moaned loudly as Michael increased his efforts on his oversized cock and threw his head back in his neck his reddish brown hair whipping back and his muscles twitching in a breathtaking display the effect cascading down his torso from his massive iron-clad pecs the rows of carved abs and chiseled obliques until it reached his hips and his cock twitched impressively. Owen's breath rattled from a not fully held back moan that came out as a wheeze and he could not help but realize that his pants felt a whole lot tighter all of a sudden. Paxton laughed his tongue slipping out of his mouth and lolling down for a moment before it slid across his hungry lips and Owen's breath finally stopped altogether. The naked stud winked at him. »You're welcome, Owen.«, he told him and bounced his left pectoral once. That was enough Owen, who had never in his life had felt attracted to another guy came in his pants. With a loud panicked moan he collapsed forward onto his hands and feet on the floor of Paxton's bedroom. Apparently content with the response the massive teen folded his arms behind his head and let himself fall back down on his back still with his eager supporter working to get him off again as well. »Never forget, guys...«, he mused, »It's my world, you just get to live here.« The end
  7. Rodolfo tied the harness around his waist, making sure the rope was securely attached to the bus full of college kids. Juan clung to his back, feeling the power of his younger brother's muscles as he prepared himself for the day's feat. With a strong push, Rodolfo started walking, dragging the bus behind him. The roar of the bus engine mingled with the whoops and gasps of the students, as Rodolfo moved easily forward. With each step he took, his muscles bulged more, as if they were about to burst. His muscles are already enormous, with bulging veins and a strength that seems almost inhuman. Students watch in amazement as they stand behind the bus, ready to push if necessary. Rodolfo, with his brother Juan still hanging from his back, concentrates and takes a deep breath. His muscles tense and bulge even more, looking almost like they are going to explode from so much force. With a whoop of effort, he pulls the bus up and the students feel him start to move. Rodolfo's muscles are a wonder to behold. Each one is perfectly defined, with a clear line of separation between each muscle group. His arms are huge, with biceps and triceps that look like footballs. His shoulders are broad and strong, and his chest is broad and deep. His back is a true marvel, with muscles like waves on a rough sea. And his abdomen is a solid plate of muscle that looks like it was carved out of stone. As he pulls the bus, Rodolfo grunts with effort while his macho voice echoes through the mountains, but it seems to have no limits. His muscles continue to grow, bigger and more defined, as if powered by some unknown force. The bus moves faster, and the students whoop with excitement as they feel propelled forward. Rodolfo's shirt bursts to pieces, revealing his imposing, muscular torso. His abdominal muscles form a grid of firm bulges, while his pectorals spread out like enormous wings. The scene is simply impressive, a display of strength and power that looks like something out of an action movie. And at the center of it all is Rodolfo, with the biggest and strongest muscles ever seen. With each step his breathing is more agitated, but he continues steadily pulling the bus full of students, his muscles seemed to grow with each breath, becoming visually more imposing. Juan, his older brother and defenseless of him who hung with his best grip on the muscular teenager's back, couldn't believe the experience he was living. The desire for his brother was a profound ecstasy, and his love for him was beyond brotherly. Rodolfo had become a titan, a true alpha male, and he was the alpha male of his family, the breadwinner, and the one who worked two jobs to support them all. Therefore, Juan knew of his inferior position to his huge younger brother. He was submissive and obedient to him. I am the oldest, I am 35 years old. But I promised Rodolfo to be as fat and weak as I could, so that he can use me as a weight for his exercises. This had become a master dog domination. Ecstasy takes me up to heaven and moves me among the stars. I never imagined feeling so much pleasure from feeling, touching, licking and cumming from a man's body, except my brother's, who is now the most powerful alpha male and Olympian of all time. My brother is everything I love and desire in the world, he is my alpha male, the dominating man in the house. Oh my god, it's a constant orgasm! My penis is about to explode, I can't stop ejaculating at such a display of strength and domination. My brother is only 18 years old. Juan's penis was stuck between the enormous muscles of Rodolfo's back, it was such a thin and flaccid penis that it fit perfectly between the thirsty muscles of the god who had become his younger brother, so he could not stop ejaculating over and over again in the face of such dominance and physical stimulation. Semen dripped like sticky beads between the chiseled dorsal muscles. Generating the hottest scene college students had ever seen in his life. Suddenly everyone was touching their genitals and masturbating fiercely for such a show of divinity. Rodolfo realized what was happening, but for him it was just his daily exercise routine. He had reached a point in his physical training, that his body functioned like a mesh of perfect systems, capable of withstanding any challenge. His penis became erect immediately, only his willpower was enough for the erect penis of 35 cm and thick as a liter bottle, tore his pants into pieces and flew off This is a photo of my brother 3 years ago, before the roles in my family changed. Do you want to know more about this story?
  8. Vasilij

    Sophie’s family

    The door to the shower opened and two gigantic teenage athletes came into the locker room, torrents of sex juices finally washed from their perfect bodies. Girl and boy, they were equally impressive and powerful. Sophie took her towel to dry off and started with her firm boobs. Owen saw this and his soft dick, already being the size of an average boner, started swelling. - Still not satisfied, gym boy? - giggled Sophie and seductively licked her lips. - I never am, but I can wait. First let’s go to your house. I’d like to meet your parents. Hopefully you don’t have any issues. - Well, mom doesn’t interfere with my dates, but my dad is sometimes… critical. - Critical? - He thinks I should only date “worthy” men, as he says. It’s not like he bullied my previous boyfriends, but he may want to test you. My dad is a bodybuilder too and he loves to compete. - Some family you have, but it will be fun for me. Let’s go! My own dad doesn’t need me right now and, besides, he already knows who is the man of the house. Sophie lived in a single-family house. When she knocked the door, it was opened by a young man, a few years older than Owen and equally muscular, except he was pale and red haired, while Owen was tan and brunette. - Hi sis, that wimp is your new boyfriend? - How did you call me? - asked Owen coldly, clenching his massive fists. - Don’t be angry, Davis didn’t mean to offend you. Davis, this is Owen. I met him at the gym. - So my dick’s not enough for you, sis? - Wait, you guys fuck each other?! - Owen wasn’t disgusted, after he was fucking his own dad, but he was surprised. - If a pussy is next to me, it is mine. - stated Devis, flexing his half hard dick through the jeans. - Actually, big brother, he might be a little bigger than you down there. - We’ll see. Come in, you should meet dad. They went through the house to the door which has led to the back yard. Even before opening it Owen heard loud masculine hoofs and moans. The backyard was made into a training ground. There have been a lot of empty bars, plates, kettlebells, and simple rocks, even the smallest of which would be challenging for an average man to lift. There have also been a few unusually big and thickly built benches. What impressed Owen the most was the user of the weights - an old and already grey bodybuilder at least equal to his own size, though not as ripped, was benching a bar twice the girth of normal bars in the gym, loaded with ten big plates of each side. - Hey there, kids. - said the giant casually, not even slowing the reps - Let me finish this set first. - Wow, that’s more than my usual weight. How much exactly. - 1500… - the man gritted his teeth and struggled in a last rep - pounds! He racked the weight behind his head and it smashed to the concrete floor. Owen mentioned to himself that the old bodybuilder didn’t have anything spitting him, but this beast was too strong to need any. - Dad, this is Owen. He lives in this town and I decided to date him. - Well hello, boy. I wasn’t expecting to see anyone but my kids being so close to me in size. My name is Mitch. - Nice to meet you. - Owen shaked the old man’s hand. - Hey, pops. Maybe we should welcome him into our family and test if these muscles aren’t just for show? - asked David. - You are right. What’s the matter boy, nervous. Owen actually was, for the first time in his life he wasn’t sure if his strength will be enough. Still, he wasn’t gonna refuse the challenge. His motto was: “Any opponent is just a bitch I haven’t fucked yet”. First came the measuring contest between Owen and Davis. Mitch was the judge and he also ordered what poses to make, while Sophie just enjoyed the view. Both studs stroke one mighty pose after another, but each time Owen managed to flex his a little harder, making his muscles swell an inch more and look more defined. Davis was annoyed and strained to outflex him until his pale skin became red, but Owen was still the winner. - Who’s the wimp now? - There is still manhood to measure. - answered Davis. - Make ‘em hard, boys. Sophie, motivate them. The muscle girl was already horned up after watching the bodybuilding skeptical. Without a second thought she took off her pants and underwear, revealing a pussy still tight even after Owen’s savage assault at the gym. Davis got hard first, his duck rising over his navel. - Check this out. That’s the cock that owns this pussy. - You sure? - Owen smirked. During years of practice in gym and bed alike he learnt to control his penis as well and his muscles. With a simple concentration he made his eight inch soft swell to a foot long fuck-sword in just a few seconds. Then he strained a little more, growling: “Come one, grow you fucker!”, and his duck grew two inches more, spurting pre cum on his own pecs. Both Mitch and Davis couldn’t help, but utter “Wow”. Owen proudly flexed his pecs, catching his dick and massaging it with them. He moaned from the feeling and asked: - Bet none of you boys can give yourself a pec job? - That’s just the first round, kid. Let’s see how much you can lift.
  9. Part 1 – Physical Checkup Within vibrant city Silvercrest resided Alex, a 21-year-old first-year law student who hailed from a privileged background. However, he was determined to carve his own path and chase his aspirations with unwavering dedication. Despite his affluent upbringing, he valued the pursuit of knowledge and self-discovery, recognizing that true success comes from personal growth and achievement. Balancing his academic pursuits with a lively social life, Alex found solace in the company of his close-knit group of friends. Whether they engaged in heated debates or had exciting adventures, they forged a bond that transcended the shallow traps of societal expectations. Before his college days, Alex was a standout athlete in high school, particularly excelling in track and field. His lithe figure and athletic prowess made him an object of admiration, drawing the attention of many admirers. Yet, he prioritized his ambitions over fleeting romantic encounters, believing that love would find its way when the time was right. In addition, he was a superhero buff, although he didn’t look like one. One quiet afternoon, Alex went to the campus medical clinic for a routine check-up. Being a member of the university athletics team, he understood how important it is to maintain good physical condition and health. However, he considered it partly a waste of time, when at the same time he could use his time more effectively to study or relaxing by reading his favorite superhero comics. When Alex entered the doctor's office, he exuded confidence and athletic grace. His blond hair was meticulously swept back, revealing the well-defined features of his face. His blue eyes caught attention and reflect a sense of determination. Alex's fair complexion was flawless and radiant. His jawline was chiseled, accentuating the masculinity of his jaw. His athletic physique, standing at an impressive 6′0″, was evident even beneath his clothes, with pronounced muscle contours indicating his dedication to sports training. Clothed in a casual attire, consisting of a well-fitted shirt and jeans, Alex greeted with the doctor. Alex: Good morning, Doctor. Doctor: Good morning, Alex. The doctor was a middle-aged man, with a balding head covered in silver-streaked black hair. He wore a pair of glasses perched on the bridge of his nose, with lenses that magnified his large, hazel eyes. He was of average build, but carried himself with a confident air. He was wearing a white lab coat over a navy blue dress shirt, with black pants and a pair of polished loafer shoes. Doctor: Please have a seat. What brings you here? Alex: Just here for my regular check-up. Doctor: That's great to hear. We'll start by measuring your height. Alex took off his shoes and stood tall against the height measurement chart on the wall. The doctor carefully placed the measuring tape against the crown of Alex's head, noting down the measurement. Doctor: Your height is 6 feet (183cm). Now, let's move on to your weight. Alex stepped onto the scale, trying to maintain a balanced posture as the doctor adjusted the weights. The scale settled, and the doctor recorded the weight. Doctor: Your weight is 183 pounds (83kg). Now, let's determine your body fat percentage. Alex followed the doctor to the body composition analyzer, where he stood still as the electrodes sent gentle currents through his body. The machine displayed the results, and the doctor took note of the body fat percentage. Doctor: Your body fat percentage is 12%. That's quite impressive, Alex. Now, let's measure a few key body circumferences. The doctor took out a measuring tape and measured the circumferences of the chest, shoulders, neck, biceps, forearms, thighs, calves, and waist. He summarized the following results in the table: · Chest – 36 inches/91cm · Shoulders – 39 inches/99cm · Neck – 14 inches/36cm · Biceps – 13 inches/33cm each · Forearms – 10 inches/25cm each · Thighs – 19 inches/48cm each · Calves – 14 inches/36cm each · Waist – 34 inches/86cm With all the measurements taken and recorded, the doctor smiled and addressed Alex. Doctor: Overall, your physical measurements and body composition are quite impressive, Alex. Your dedication to fitness and athletics is clearly evident. Keep up the good work! Alex nodded, feeling that the doctor's compliments were just polite gestures. In his mind, he had images of the imposing silhouettes of superheroes from his comic books, fueling his desire to push his physical limits even further. However, as his eyes scanned the table behind the doctor, they landed on a jar labeled "Male Growth Fertility Cream," piquing his curiosity. He couldn't help but inquire about it. Alex: Excuse me, Doctor. I couldn't help but notice the jar over there. What's the "Male Growth Fertility Cream" for? The doctor's expression turned slightly surprised, but he maintained a professional demeanor. Doctor: Ah, yes. A pharmaceutical representative left that product here recently. While I appreciate the gesture, I must admit that I don't personally believe in its effectiveness. It's marketed as a plant-based cream that supposedly promotes muscle growth and enhances certain physical attributes, but there is limited scientific evidence to support those claims. Alex's curiosity deepened as he listened to the doctor's response. Alex: So, you're saying it might not actually work? Doctor: That's correct, Alex. While the cream may have some ingredients that are known to have potential effects on muscle growth, the overall efficacy and safety of the product remain uncertain. Alex nodded, secretly hoping that someday there might be magical shortcuts to his desired figure. Doctor: Let's get back to the checkup, do you agree that I should test your testicles? Alex: Of course, no problem, Doc The doctor then reached for the box of disposable gloves, but it was empty. Doctor: Let me leave you for a second, I'll just go get some new disposable gloves and we'll get started right away. As he waited for the doctor, his eyes were glued to the male growth cream. Alex (in his mind): This is my only chance, it's made of natural ingredients, so it shouldn't have any side effects. Without much thought, he took the opportunity to grab a jar of cream and quickly rubs the cream into his penis and puts it back before the doctor arrives. Once the doctor arrived the Alex’s muscles began to grow a little at various places. The doctor suspected this but he rejected the idea in cause of his sight defect. Doctor: Aaah okay, can you take off your briefs? Alex, wanting to take off his briefs, started to get up from the medical couch, but he immediately felt a burning sensation with every move he made and sat down immediately on the couch feeling the sensation in his briefs. Doctor: Are you okay? Alex (whimpering): GRAAAR! Alex groaned and gripped the couches tightly in his hands. Alex (in his mind): Fuck it burns! It hurts all over all! My skin is melting... stretching... fuck! It's hurts... so goooood!! He had experienced never before felt sensations of orgasmic pleasure throughout his body, and it felt as if he was being taken to heights of bliss that he hadn't even been able to imagine before. The doctor was confused as he watched as Alex's genitals began to grow at an alarming rate in his panties, stretching their material to the limit and finally destroying them. Alex (roaring deeply): Yessss!, I'm so fucking horny! Alex was excited as he had never felt anything like it before. He griped the couch harder as his muscles begun to stretch and bulge from his body uncontrollably, His chest grew larger, arms more defined and bigger, and waist smaller as his abs tightened. His legs bulked up and became solid pillars of muscle, capable of incredible feats of athleticism. His penis also seemed to grow as his testicles began to swell and throb, feeling that they had grown to gigantic proportions, almost like basketballs swollen with semen. His entire body has been marked and pierced by veins. His skin had ripped in strategic areas and now reveal impressive abs, pectorals, biceps and triceps. His hips and ass was round and tight. He became a better version of himself, something almost equal to a superhero's vision that he couldn't resist to flexed his newborn heights of muscles because he looked like a fitness model. Doctor: Holy shit! The doctor was amazed as he watched the Alex's transformation, his jaw and eyes were in a silent shock. Alex could barely contain his pleasure as the pain from his muscles growing and splitting subsided into an intense orgasmic feeling of pleasure. As he finished his transformation, he stand up and looked into the mirror, grabbing his meat in hands, which was leaking with precum and realized that he had become an Adonis, a perfect specimen of masculine beauty. He had lighter, thicker hair and his face seemed more chiseled from lower bodyfat. The doctor, seeing the ideal of a man in his eyes, gave in to hidden urges and desires. He began to adore the hunk in front of him, weighing huge balls in his hands. Doctor (grinning): "I was wondering...shall we celebrate this moment?" Alex just nodded, smiling wildly and soon doctor knelt before the handsome devil and began stroking his immense cock with one hand, while with the other hand he massaging and kneading his giant balls. The young man let out a deep moan of pleasure as the doctor skillfully worked his manhood, milking more and more precum from his giant cock. Alex (roaring): Damn, I need a hole now! Alex brutally grabbed the doctor, aggressively ripping off his pants, including his underwear. Without mercy, Alex firmly grasped the doctor's hips and shoved his leaking dick sharply into his tight ass, savoring every sensations. Alex (moaning): Ohhh... so tight! Doctor (gasping): Aaahn!!! Shit!!! The doctor gasped in a mix of surprise and pleasure, their bodies melding together in a symphony of ecstasy. He could feel the blows of that monstrous cock in his stomach, but quickly discomfort turned into pure pleasure. As Alex set a rhythm, the room filled with the sounds of their pleasure, the doctor's moans mingling with Alex's growls of satisfaction. Their movements became more urgent, each thrust sending waves of pleasure coursing through their bodies. Doctor (whimpering): Urgh! Fuuck! Alex (grunting with desire): Do you like the way I widen your ass, Doc? Doctor (gasping): Yes big guy, it’s incredible to be penetrated by real male! Lost in the throes of passion, they explored the depths of their desires, giving in to the raw intensity of their connection. With each thrust, their orgasmic sensations took them to new heights of pleasure. Alex (screaming): Shit! I’m going to explode inside you! Finally, the young man and doctor released his pent- up pleasure in a rapturous scream of ecstasy, as wave upon wave of intense orgasmic pleasure coursed through their bodies and filled Doctor's belly with warm cum and the room with the fragrance of sexual pleasure. However, Alex then realized what he had done to the doctor and that his penis and testicles had shrunk, although they were still bigger than before. Alex: I'm so sorry doctor, I don't know what got into me. The doctor didn’t answer, his legs felt like jelly, he was kneeling on all fours, which worried the boy. Alex: Are you okay? I am very sorry. It's all about this cream. Then, unexpectedly, the doctor seemed to cringe in pain and freeze, accepting it. Doctor (in deep voice like a thunder): Now, it's my turn! Alex knew what’s coming. =============================================================================================================================== If there are mistakes in the text, I apologize and would be grateful if you point them out. English isn't my native language. I hope you liked it and I would love to read your feedback.
  10. I - El día que conocí a Nico Y resultó que un día, después de seis meses de estar en cuarentena por la pandemia, volví al gimnasio. Había estado intentando hacer deporte en casa, pero luego de los primeros meses el encierro me había vencido y había perdido gran parte de lo que había ganado con entrenamiento consistente y buena alimentación. Acababa de cumplir treinta y ocho años y había decidido que quería volver a estar en forma. Así que me anoté en un gimnasio cerca de casa al que sabía que no iban muchas personas y fui durante el mediodía de lunes a viernes sin faltar un día durante dos meses. Ordené mis comidas como me había enseñado mi nutricionista y después de dos meses de trabajo duro había recuperado la masa muscular que había perdido y bajado un poco la panza. Por esos días creía que estaba en forma, pero eso cambió hasta que conocí a Nico. Ese lunes, por temas de trabajo, no había podido liberarme para ir al mediodía así que decidí ir a las tres de la tarde. Descubrí dos cosas. A esa hora el gimnasio estaba practicamente vacío. No había ningún entrenador y solo quedaba la chica de recepción que estaba en la planta de abajo, así que se podía decir que tenía todo el gimnasio para mí. Bueno, no todo, porque la segunda cosa que descubrí fue a Nico. En verdad no era la primera vez que lo había visto. Algún que otro día me había cruzado con él en el gimnasio, pero se notaba que no iba al mismo horario que yo y por eso solo aparecía cada tanto. Lo que también se notaba era que entrenaba duro. No era gigante. A decir verdad era bastante flaco con una cinturita delgada y unas piernas de palo, pero había pegado una buena espalda y en los brazos (a falta de grasa) se notaban unos tremendos triceps que se marcaban con cada esfuerzo que hacía. Siempre llevaba una remera con cuello en V por lo que solo pude ver parte de sus musculosos brazos, pero notaba lo desarrollada que tenía la espalda. Era bastante blanco y tenía el pelo oscuro. No era feo de cara, pero lo que me llamó más la atención fueron sus músculos. Él era un poco mas alto que yo, me debía sacar media cabeza. Lo cual me hacía pensar que debía medir un metro setenta y cinco o algo así. Las veces que lo había visto me daba cuenta que entrenaba con fuerza, que levantaba pesos más altos que los que yo levantaba y que le gustaba entrenar duro. Lo que no me daba cuenta era si se daba con algo, algún anabólico. Se encontraba en el limite de algo que podría ser conseguido con esfuerzo y dedicacion más buenos genes o algo logrado rapidamente con alguna pastilla. Esa tarde en que lo vi en el gimnasio lo saludé y descubrí que ambos estabamos entrenando pecho. Él acababa de sentarse y solo estaba calentando, subía y bajaba la barra sin agregar peso. —¿Te molesta si hacemos una y una? —le pregunté. —No, dale —me dijo. Yo calenté como él acababa de hacer. —¿Con cuanto arrancás? —me preguntó. —Con cuarenta kilos, ¿vos? —no crean que subía mucho mas que eso, pero un amigo entrenador me había recomendado que luego de calentar no desperdiciara series con mas peso que eso. —Perfecto —dijo y cargó la barra con veinte de un lado mientras yo hacía lo mismo del otro. La subió y bajó sin problema unas quince veces y de pronto tuve miedo de hacer el ridículo dado que yo no podía hacer tantas repiticiones ni tan rapido. —¿Vas solo? —me preguntó. —Si, gracias —dije un poco nervioso. Hice mis doce repeticiones y dejé la barra. —¿Cuanto le subís? —le pregunté. —Vamos con diez kilos mas. —Dale —dije y me arrepentí ni bien lo escuché. Cargamos la barra y él se acóstó. —¿Te ayudo? —le pregunté. —No, está bien, gracias. Esta vez hizo veinte repiticiones sin demasiado esfuerzo. Eran cincuenta kilos. —Con este peso me vas a tener que ayudar —le dije. —Dale. Se puso detrás de la barra y me ayudó a terminar mis diez repeticiones con esfuerzo. —Bien —dijo—, casi sin ayuda. ¿Vamos con cinco más de cada lado? Yo todavía no había recuperado el aire. —Para levantar mas que esto voy a tener que llamar a una grúa. —No te preocupes, yo te sigo. —Si vos lo decís. Cargamos diez kilos más y él acostó debajo de la barra. La levantó e hizo veinte repeticiones sin problema. Ya podía ver sus tremendo triceps abultados del esfuerzo. Cuando se sentó me di cuenta que su pecho se había inflado bastante. Fue mi turno y él se puso detrás de la barra. Me ayudó a levantar y después me dejó ir solo, pero me tuvo que ayudar a la cuarta. —Vamos, bien —dijo—, una más, dale. Hice una quinta. —Una más, vamos, dale, fuerza. Hice una sexta con algo de ayuda. —Una más, dale. Hice una séptima con un poco más de ayuda. —Vamos, la última. Así llegué a la ocho aunque él tuvo que practicamente levantarla solo. De todos modos me sentí bastante bien, nunca había llegado a levantar sesenta kilos. —Bien, bien —me dijo—. ¿Diez más? —Uh, boludo, me voy a morir. Perá que me interno en el hospital y cuando salgo lo hablamos —dije yo mientras respiraba por la boca. Me puse en cuclillas. Sentía que el pecho me iba a explotar de lo duro que lo tenía. Me puso una mano en el hombro y me preguntó si estaba bien. —Todo lo bien que puede estar alguien que acaba de ser aplastado por una topadora. —Jajaja, dale que no es tanto. Cargó diez kilos más y se acomodó debajo. Yo todavía respiraba por la boca. ¡Eran setenta kilos! —¿Te ayu... do? —dije todavía respirando con dificultad. —Dale —dijo. Me puse detrás de la barra y desde ese lugar pude ver su pecho sin problema. Por la remera y lo flaco que era no me había dado cuenta pero tenía un pecho mucho mas grande de lo que yo pensaba. Hizo quince repeticiones y lo ayudé apenas para llegar a las veinte. Ya me empezaba dar cuenta que el pibe era mucho más fuerte que yo y eso me encantaba. Tenía una actitud de macho fuerte que me hacía querer acercarme y tocar su pecho y sus brazos. —¿Hace mucho que entrenás? —le pregunté. —Hace cuatro años —me dijo mientras se masajeaba el pecho con una mano. —Ah, hijo de puta. Yo entreno hace ocho y nunca llegué a levantar tanto. —¿Cuantos años tenés? —me preguntó. —Treinta y ocho. ¿Vos? —Veinte. —¡Ah, hijo de mil puta! Con razón. ¿Qué comés? ¿Bulones de desayuno? —Jajaja, siempre me gustó hacer deporte. —Se nota, hijo de puta, yo a los veinte años me levantaba para ir al colegio y ya me agitaba. —Vamos, ¿la última? —Me querés matar ¿no? —Dale, te sigo. Se paró detrás y me tuvo que ayudar para hacer la primera. A la segunda ya me quedé sin fuerzas. Pude ver sus enormes brazos inflarse para levantar la barra practicamente solo. —Bien, ahi lo quemaste todo —me dijo. —Boludo, me mataste. Mañana no voy a poder ni mover los brazos. —Eso significa que entrenaste bien —me dijo mientras cargaba diez kilos más—. ¿Me seguís? —Dale. Levantó la barra solo y llegó a las diez repeticiones sin que lo ayudara. Después lo ayudé un poco y llegó hasta quince. Hizo cinco más y para las últimas tuve que hacer un poco más de fuerza, pero no demasiado. —Ojalá yo hubiera entrenado así a mis veinte años —dije. —¿No hacías mucho deporte? —Poco y nada. Me picó el bicho del gimnasio a mis treinta. —Mejor tarde que nunca —dijo mientras descargaba la barra; después se acercó y dijo—. La clave está en hacer el movimiento lo más largo posible y apretar fuerte el pectoral al final. Mirá —me dijo que apoyara mi mano en su pecho—. Largo, bien largo y al final apretás con todo el pectoral. ¿Ves? ¿Sentís ahí como apreta? Su pecho era mucho más enorme y duro de lo que había pensado. Ese día entrenamos juntos e hicimos pecho y triceps. Cuando terminé yo estaba sin aire. Nunca había entrenado tan fuerte. Sentía el pecho todo duro y que apenas podía bajar los brazos. Me sentía gigante (obviamente no lo era y menos al lado de él). El pibe se había inflado mucho más. Cuando terminó sus triceps parecían el doble de tamaño. Podía ver que su pecho y sus brazos se habían inflado hasta marcarse debajo de la remera. —Boludo, me mataste —dije. —Jajaja, estuvo muy bien. —Nunca entrené tanto en mi puta vida. —Cuando quieras —me dijo—. Me llamo Nico, ¿vos? Le dije mi nombre y nos saludamos con un puño. —Un gusto —me dijo y se alejó caminando con los brazos enormes y marcados de tanto entrenar.
  11. DreamerLuxan

    Big Wishes, Bigger Changes

    Hey Guys, it was time that i write a Growth-Story myself... and i think that i should post it here. I hope it isn't too bad, in grammar AND story, because 1: I am German but i write in English and 2: i am a bit hesitant what to write in a story because i don't want to drag the chapters XD Big Wishes, Bigger Changes Chapter 1: A Change It was a Friday like any other. Tyler Howards, an average Nerd was working his normal Routine in a Restaurant he got a job a year ago. He thought that the work was hard, but he didn't mind, since he had nice and funny coworkers that he was already friends with and could relate to. Hours passed until he was called by his Boss. Tyler went to the Office of his Boss directly. [Tyler]: „Mr Goodman, you wanted to see me?“ Tylers Boss looked at him with a mix of sadness and confidence. [Mr. Goodman]: „Yes, please take a seat, i need to talk to you now…“ Tyler took a seat on a chair and his heart started to beat faster and faster. [Tyler]: „Oh, everytime someone says that, its something bad… so Boss, what‘s up?“ His Boss let out a sigh before he started talking. [Mr. Goodman]: „It's… i dont know... if I need you in our Restaurant anymore… you aren't slow or lazy in any way, dont get me wrong here. But I think you don't… represent our Business that well, you know?“ Tylers eyes became wide in shock and sadness. [Tyler]: „You… are fireing me? Why? I worked overtime every day since i got here… and now you tell me that i don't represent the Business? For Real?“ Tylers Boss looked at him. [Mr. Goodman]: „I can understand that you are mad… but i have to do this…“ Tyler looked tot he ground and responded in a cold and sad voice. [Tyler]: „Oh don't worry i get it… somehow i had the feeling this would happen… since a few weeks you looked at me… like a father would look at his son when he made a mistake… dissapointed…“ Tyler stood up and signed the papers his Boss prepared and headed back to his Workmates. He let out a sigh and tried not to start crying, but his feelings did get the better of him. His Workmates and Friends Ronald and Stacy ran to him immediatly. [Stacy]: „Tyler! What the hell happened?!“ Stacy shouted in a worried and caring tone. [Tyler]: „I… i guess we don't see each other that often anymore… Mr. Goodman just fired me… Because he thinks i dont represent the Business…“ Ronald and Stacy looked at each other and then back at Tyler. [Ronald]: „This Asshole! He always thought that Guys that don't fit in this „Manly Stereotype“ arent worth it. I heard he wants his Workers to are Buff, Handsome and all that… it's only a matter of time untill he fires me as well.“ Tyler looked at his Buddy. [Tyler]: „Oh, yeah… THAT… i heard it as well… good to know that im not good enough for him…“ Tyler chuckled. [Stacy]: „Ty, don‘t say that. You work overtime every day, and when you are gone, no one would do that anymore, i think Mr. Goodman will see that he needs you in no time…“ They gave each other a Group Hug and went to their lockers. [Ronald]: „Hey Man, why dont we three go on a party this weekend? To cheer you up and all that…“ Tyler noded with a bit of a blush on his face. Suddenly Stacys Voice was hearable through the entire Room. [Stacy]: „Did i hear that correctly?! Party? I’m IN!“ The three laughed and parted fort he evening. Tyler arrived at home and threw his Bag in the nearest corner of his bedroom. [Tyler]: „F that Guy… just because im not as strong or handsome as other Guys…“ Tears started to fill his eyes once more. He looked on his smartphone and opened Instagram. He chuckeled to himself as he thought about something, [Tyler]: „Yeah, i have nothing to lose so, yeah, i make a Post about this day…“ He made a Post about everything that happened and put his phone away. He lay down in bed and soon after he fell asleep. The next morning he woke up with a smile on his face and he blushed. [Tyler]: „Oh My… that was a dream… all these Buff Guys and…“ Tyler noticed that he got hard just by thinking of his dream. He grabbed his Phone and opened a Picture of a very handsome and muscular guy and jerked off. He felt so good during it, so he didn't notice that he got a message from Ronald. After 10 Minutes he saw the message. [Ronald]: „Hey Ty, we meet at the Club at 9 p.m. See you there!“ Tyler chuckled and answered. [Tyler]: „Great, see you there Guys! Thanks for that… im very happy to have you.“ Ronald and Stacy answered with some happy Emojis. The Day passed and in no time it was time fort he party. Tyler left his house and arrived at the Club half an hour later. [Ronald]: „Hey Man, great that you really arrived here!“ They hugged and entered the club. The Three spent the evening together and parted around midnight. On his way home Tyler got lost in thought. [Tyler]: „That was an amazing evening, they really managed to cheer me up…“ He got home and lay down in bed, not tired at all. He let out a sigh and looked at the ceiling. Until he saw a new Message, of someone he hasn‘t texted with in months: His old Friend from High School, Rex...
  12. CW: m/m, voyeur, incest, muscle worship, muscle growth. (read part 1) Things only got worse after graduation. Or better. I'll leave that up to you. For me, my muscle fetish had only just begun, reinforced by years of superheroes and cartoons, exaggerated by That Night. I'd taken to referring to it as That Night in my journal, the night I first saw my muscle freak brother being licked from head to toe in his bedroom. Anyway, after graduation, I kept up on my swimming and Nate kept on lifting. He quickly gained a reputation, despite being a freshman. How could he not? He had already packed on a ton of extra mass since leaving high school. I didn't have the stats I wanted, his weight and how much he could bench, but I believed my own eyes. He didn't just look bigger. He looked like he was getting bigger faster. His shirts fit like they'd been picked out of the kids section, pulled so tight across his muscle tits that little holes had already torn over his bust. Yeah, that's what happens when you stuff rock hard pecs the size of couch cushions into a shirt and not a tarp. Those pecs turned every top he wore into a midriff-baring delight; the shelf of his pecs lifted his shirt up from his waist, revealing the twisted labyrinth of his 10-pack abs. They looked like they could crunch coals into diamonds. Worse, their extreme V-shape was like a huge arrow that pointed downward. Nate's junk was the first thing anybody noticed. I know the school nurse had questioned if he had some kind of condition. Nobody should be that big and that hard that often, but I knew the real reason. I knew he turned himself on being so big. I knew he got hard just existing in that hyper-pumped body. I knew he orgasmed just taking in his own reflection, without even touching that horse cock that had to be stuffed down one leg of his painted-on jeans, all the way down to his knee. Heck, he could make me cum without touching myself, whenever he flexed a watermelon bicep for some girl and his cock throbbed against his thigh. The girls? Unlike myself, a scarecrow that couldn't find a date, he was popular with the ladies. They had to line up just to stand next to him. There was no end to the train of women ready to get a taste of him. Busty girls, fit girls, flat-chested girls, skinny girls, thick girls, cheerleaders, nerds, geeks, gymnasts, teachers, other students' moms... I couldn't tell if he had a girlfriend or if they were all his girlfriends. That is, until Oceana came. She was something else. You could tell just by looking into her eyes--which I tried just once and never again. Behind those deep browns flecked with icy blue, I saw myself. Not my reflection, but actually my own hunger, my own desire, the same drive that kept me scouring the internet into the early hours of the morning beating my aching purple dick to the biggest muscular beasts I could find, to the insane morphed muscle that I hoped deep down my own brother would soon come to resemble: unbridled muscle lust. She had it and she had it in spades. I saw her appetite plain as day. Nate and Oceana became inseparable. She was more than just another young body to use like a wad of tissue. She was the closest thing to a real trainer that he ever had and his body positively blew up under her tender care. I remember wondering what she could have possibly contributed to his workouts; Oceana wasn't exactly buff or anything, although she was fit, tall as a model, long legs, washboard abs, long wavy black hair, cute face with thick eyebrows and a great smile on a square jaw. She didn't look the part, but her hunger made her the perfect candidate. My brother continued to sample every girl that came his way, but Oceana was special. I wouldn't know how special until the middle of the semester, but before I get to that, there's another story I should mention and some clarifiers I should make. You might think this story is about Nate, and you wouldn't be wrong, technically, but it's really about the journey of my muscle fetish from innocent infatuation to obsession. I continued to spy on my brother most nights of the week, peeking through his bedroom window to watch him lift weights or flex or fuck the brains out of a blonde or brunette. I did a lot of window shopping. I didn't and don't consider myself gay. Bicurious is a phrase I ran into years later and that might be more accurate. I was on the hunt for a girlfriend, too, if anyone could ever notice me in my brother's mountainous shadow, but at the same time, I was whacking off to bodybuilding competitions and pump room videos. When reality itself became unsatisfying, I turned to erotic stories on sites like Metabods. I even took up drawing to create my own hideously gorgeous muscle freaks, put them up in the shower and beat my meat to their inhuman bodies, destroying the evidence afterward. I couldn't let anybody know I had these feelings. Especially my brother--I still thought he'd kill me if he discovered what I was doing. Probably rip me in half and eat me. This unfortunately meant that the one thing I never got to do was the one thing that dominated my thoughts 24-7. Touch. I wanted to touch a jacked bodybuilder's muscles, just once, feeling all that mass piling up under smooth skin, bulging with a flex, fibers tensing, veins pulsing, feeling a muscle swell in my hands, grip it hard to see if I could even put a dent in it. I'd wanted to feel that for years. I finally got my chance one night and got more than I bargained for... "Ah shit." I couldn't tell what Nate was doing or what was bothering him. Whenever we showered after a swim (for me) and a workout (for him) on those late night trips to the gym, I made sure to not look. I showered with my back toward him. The last thing I wanted was to get caught gawking with a hardon for all his bulging shredded meat. But I could feel him staring down at me. "Hey, bro," he said. His voice was loud and heavy, so close behind me. I glanced over my shoulder but just to show I was paying attention. "Yeah? What is it?" I replied. "Forgot my crap. My back scrubber. Can't reach anymore, dude." I turned around a little more, swallowing hard. The golden brown edifice of his body came into sight. "Y-you can't reach?" I managed. "Yeah. Fuck. My back. Been hitting the weights too hard, I guess. Too big and sore," and he laughed, "so could you...?" (access the full story at patreon.com/pumpculture)
  13. Bigconnorfan

    Mamut en el colegio

    Todo empezó el primer día de colegio de anteultimo año. Había un chico nuevo que entraba en mi clase. Yo siempre tuve amigos y es por eso que quise hacerme amigo de él para incluirlo rapidamente. No sabia lo que me esperaba. Llegue a las 7:50 al colegio y ya habia todo un alboroto. Salude a varios que hace mucho o poco que no los veía y me dirigí a mi clase. Los bancos ya los tienen armados desde el primer día y cuando entro a clase y veo a todos sentados veo que solo quedan dos lugares adelante del todo. Deje mi mochila y me dirigi al baño. Al abrir la puerta me encontre con la espalda mas grande que hubiera visto antes. Parecia un jugador de rugby profesional. Me llevaba una cabeza y media, pero soy petiso. Debia medir un metro ochenta y cinco, y de ancho una puerta y media. Tenia la espalda un poco triangular y al bajar vi el culo mas grande de mi vida. Ni siquiera las minas de los videos porno se le comparaban. Era como dos sandias juntas. El pantalon lo tenia muy apretado y se le notaba claramente la raya del culo. Desde atras podia ver que tenia unas macetas imponentes. Que iba al gimnasio hace rato decian esas piernas que tenian gemelos del tamaño de mis cuadriceps. Al mirarle los pies vi que debia calzar por arriba de los 45. Eran pies inmensos que explotaban el zapato izquierdo y derecho. Todo este analisis lo hice en los segundos que tardo en girarse para lavarse las manos. Sacando mi mirada de este gigante fui a mear. Senti algo extraño en el momento y a los segundos escuche el ruido de la puerta abrirse y volver a cerrarse. Iba a ser un buen año pense. Tire la cadena y me fui a mi clase. Abro la puerta y veo que todavia nadie se habia sentado en mi lugar. Me siento y espero. Ya esta a punto de arrancar la clase asi que supongo que va a venir la profesora. Entra la directora a nuestra clase y por detras la sigue un mamut. Es el del baño? Pienso. Para entrar la bestia se pone de costado porque el ancho de la puerta no lo deja pasar, y veo que tiene una panza de birra, pero dos tetas solidas que la sobrepasan y estan a nada de tocar el marco de la puerta. Por poco su cabeza toca el marco de arriba y ahi es cuando le veo la cara. Una cara masculina, con barba afeitada creciendo, pelo castaño y cara redonda pero marcada. Ojos marrones serios y nariz mediana. Un cuello grueso, como el de los toros y el pecho mas ancho que la cintura, es el del baño claramente. Las tetas tienen la delantera pero la panza solida no se queda atras. El bulto se le marca mucho. Tiene una anaconda parece. El pantalon lo explota y los cuadriceps son enormes. Se le marcan a traves de la tela pero se nota que son mas tamaño que definicion. Tiene dos rodillas grandes y gemelos del tamaño de melones que terminan en los pies gordos que vi en el baño. La directora frena enfrente mio, ya que estoy en el primer banco, y anuncia: Buenos días chicos! Que arranque de año! Les queria presentar personalmente a Toto. Entra este año al colegio y viene de Alemania. Es un gran jugador de rugby, que se pueden dar cuenta por su tamaño, asi que se van a hacer amigos rapido jugando. Los dejo con el y la profesora que ahora viene. Suerte!. Se va por la puerta y me quedo con Toto enfrente mio. Lo veo desde abajo y es mas grande todavia. Tapa toda mi vista. El sigue mirando hacia delante y se acomoda la pija. Puedo ver como estalla la campera. Le queda apretadisima. Tiene los brazos inmensos, son como dos piernas mias. El antebrazo es grande tambien y las manos son gigantescas. Tiene dedos largos y gordos. Son como chorizos. Veo que me mira a la cara y rapidamente saco la mirada y miro el banco al lado mio y le digo: Toto! Te sentas al lado mio creo. Veni hacete amigo.- Me mira. Hace un intento de sonrisa y se sienta. O al menos intenta. El culo se le escapa por derecha e izquierda del asiento. Es muy chico para el. Y las piernas le quedan por afuera de la silla lo que hace que las rodillas empujen la mesa. Sus brazos estan pegados a los mios y siento el calor que emanan. Son musculo y fuertes porque con una mano levanta la mesa y la mueve a su derecha. -Mas comodo.-dice gravemente. Tiene una voz seductora y muy masculina. Entra el profesor y comienza la clase, no sin antes echarle una mirada disimulada a Toto. Lo fichó y se sento, empezando a hablar de como iba a ser el año. De reojo lo miro al macho que tengo al lado mio. Esta mirando hacia delante al profesor, y se acomoda la pija que se le sube para arriba por la posicion en la que esta. Deja su mano gorda y grande encima de su ingle, como protegiendose y tocandose suavemente. -Que calor- dice y su voz retumba en mi cabeza. Abre la campera y puedo observar mejor su panza y si, tiene panza de barril pero se le marcan levemente los abdominales. El pecho lo explota. Se le notan los pezones grandes y tiene un estante ahi parece. Pero al momento de sacarse la campera es cuando me sorprendo. Los brazos más grandes que vi en mi vida. No se comparan ni con los de fisicoculturistas amateurs. Son dos bichos gigantes. Deben ser del ancho de mis dos piernitas juntas y la pelota del bicep como una de volley. Veo como los flexiona y se inflan casi al doble. Tienen mucho grosor. Gira y me ve. Se da cuenta que estoy hipnotizado y se los comienza a masajear un rato. Saco la mirada rapidamente pero veo que me guiña el ojo. Siento algo que cada vez voy entendiendolo un poco mas. Me salgo de ese tema y me concentro en la clase, que se pasa volando. Ya se todo lo que tengo que saber para este año y me siento preparado. Suena el timbre del cambio de hora y me dirijo a mi otra clase, pero noto que Toto se queda en la misma. Supongo que solo coincidiremos en historia por el momento. Al levantarme, me acomodo el pantalon, agarro mis cosas y me voy. El resto del día sucede como cualquier otro y no vuelvo a ver al mamut en todo el lunes. Me vuelvo a casa, hago lo que tengo que hacer y cansadamente me voy a dormir. Ya arranco el año pienso. Segundo día. Llego al colegio y nada fuera de lo comun. Clase con amigos, trabajos que hacer y recreos que disfrutar. Hasta la ultima hora antes de comer. Historia devuelta. Entro a la clase y me siento en mi lugar. Arranca a darla el profesor y al rato se escuchan unos pasos por el pasillo pesados. De un portazo entra Toto que tiene que ponerse de costado. Parece mas grande que ayer pero creo que es la remera que es mas chica. Lo aprieta todo y se le notan las tetas inmensas y la panza marcada. Los brazos son grandes y fibrosos noto. Siento que podria aplastar lo que sea, o a quien sea con ellos. Se sienta en su nueva silla veo, que esta le entra pero por muy poco. Lo saludo y me saluda. -Hola enano. Nos vemos devuelta JA. Estuve morfando ayer mira lo que es esto!- acto seguido levanta su remera y pude ver por unos segundos una busarda enorme, peluda pero muy solida, con un caminito que llevaba al bulto que sigo viendo a través del pantalon. Nos llevamos bien parece, ponele. Me río y hago como si nada. Le extiendo mi mano y él al darme la mano, su manopla absorbe a la mia. Tiene mucha fuerza. Si quiere me la puede romper. Sus dedos deben ser el triple que los mios en todo sentido. Tiene un olor masculino que lo distingue y arranca la clase. Me preocupo por la materia de una vez. Veo que a él también le interesa y empezamos a hacer un trabajo juntos de investigacion. Sabe bastante y es inteligente. Y hasta buen pibe podria decir. Hablamos de Alemania y otras cosas, de que él es argentino pero vivio unos años ahi, de que jugaba al rugby y aca tambien va a jugar. Solo puedo mirarlo y verlo desde todos los ángulos. Hablar cara a cara es la excusa perfecta para admirarlo. Es gigante. A todo esto. Esta en mi camada y hoy arranca el entrenamiento. Termina la hora en un abrir y cerrar de ojos y nos vamos a comer. Al estar adelante de todos, salimos primeros de clase y él, con ganas de hacer una jodita se pone en la puerta de frente tapando toda la salida. Intento moverlo con mis manos y le empujo en la espalda. Es muy fibrosa pero tiene una pequeña capa de grasa que lo hace ser calentito. No lo movi ni un poco. Ya con hambre hago mas fuerza y ni se imuta. Se rie y se rasca el culo, en la raya lo que hace que dirija mi vista ahi. Esas dos nalgas grandotas. Que ganas de tocarlas pienso. Y lo hago. Le doy una cachetadita y le digo- Dale grandote. A comer que hace hambre.- se ríe y va, no sin antes agarrarme por la espalda y apretarme contra su cuerpo riéndose. El olor me asfixia y siento con mi cuerpo, todo su cuerpote. Haciendo la fila del comedor veo todo lo que se sirve. Una montaña de comida. Proteina y carbohidratos, fibra y todo lo que haya. Postres tambien. Debe pesar como 5 kilos esa bandeja. Nos sentamos 4 en la mesa que es para 6. Toto de un lado, usando una silla para cada pierna porque sino no entra, y de mi lado dos amigos mas. Empezamos a hablar y veo como Toto se devora todo. Esta famelico parece. Parece que se infla con cada bocado de comida. Mirando hacia delante solo lo veo a el. A su pecho, cuello y cabeza. Todo en proporciones mucho mas grandes que las mias, que las de cualquiera del colegio. Sus bocados son mis porciones. Tiene hasta la boca grande y dientes en muy buen estado. Es muy fachero me doy cuenta. Se me cae el tenedor al piso y bajo mi cabeza debajo del mantel. Enfrente estan dos rodillas anormales que protegen a su ingle de buen tamaño. Tiene el pantalon apretadisimo y me dan ganas de tocarle los gemelos. Me conformo con mirarlos un ratito mas y subo devuelta. -Voy a repetir- dice Toto gravemente. Se levanta y lo vemos partir casi que haciendo retumbar el piso, con la panza y el pecho un poco mas grandes. Su culote rebota hipnotizantemente al ritmo de sus pasos. Veo que hay mucha fila, pero el camina directamente a donde estan sirviendo, atropellando al paso a los pequeños que lo interponen con la comida. No le llegan ni al ombligo. Ni los registra y ni hace fuerza. Solo camina y o se mueven porque lo ven, o se ven empujados por su masa. Vuelve y se sienta. Empieza a comer la montaña de comida y la termina rapidamente. Recien ahi los demas terminamos de comer. -Escuchen esto.-dice. -BROOOOOOAAAARR- el erupto mas fuerte, potente y retumbante que escuche en mi vida. Siento cosquilleos y me llega el aroma que sale por su boca. Me ahoga. Y todos nos reimos. El mastodonte se acaricia la panza, se tocan los brazos y por ultimo las tetas, casi como en un ritual y se levanta, y todos lo seguimos al recreo. Es gigante, cuchicheamos detras de el. Ramon se para a su costado y yo voy con otro amigo atras de ellos. La diferencia entre Ramon y Toto es impresionante. Una cabeza, tres cuerpos. El cuello de Toto es ancho y fuerte mientras que el de Ramon es corto y flaco. La espalda de Toto es inmensa, mas que cualquier puerta de este colegio y es triangular mientras que la de Ramon es un rectangulo medio huesudo y flacido. La del macho es fibrosa y potente, y termina en un culo gigante, que explota al pantalon para todos lados, mientras que el culo de Ramon es huesos y casi que espalda. Toto tiene una pierna que es como tres de la de su compañero, pero mas gordas y grandes. Y dos gemelos que hasta le compiten en ancho a la cintura de Ramon. Estos dos se rien y puedo ver como Toto con un brazo lo agarra a Ramon y lo pega contra su panza, y se cae al piso con Ramon por debajo. Solo puedo pensar en lo que esta pensando el pequeño. Que ganas de ser el. Corremos al incidente y los vemos a los dos riendose. Toto levantandose y levantando a un Ramon dolorido. -JA JA JA- se rie y hasta retumba en el aire libre. Involuntariamente Toto flexiona sus pectorales y todo su pecho se mueve al unisono con su risa. Me veo hipnotizado hasta que el con una manasa me agarra y me abraza a su cuerpo. Su mano se reposa en mis hombros y los rodea por completo mientras que estamos panza con pecho. Me doy cuenta que debe medir un metro noventa y cinco. Lo tengo que mirar para arriba para verle la cara y su pecho me la tapa un poco. Mi mano izquierda termina agarrando su espalda baja y puedo sentir sus musculos y casi el inicio de su culo. Nos sentamos en un banco. Va se sienta el y yo intento sentarme en el poco lugar que dejan sus gambas. Al estar rodilla con rodilla dimensiono mis piernitas con sus jamones. Sus rodillas son como dos bolas de bowling y las mias parecen de tenis. Tiene dos jamones que ni siquiera seis de mi piernas le llegan en tamaño. Son musculosas pero con un buen grado de masa. Al ver sus piernas mi mirada se desvia a su bulto. Es inmenso. Se nota un paquete que sobresale entre tanta carne. Miro el mio y veo que esta un poco contento. El sigue hablando hace un rato y su voz me relaja y algo mas. Me siento seguro escuchandolo. Me dice que me corra que esta incomodo y de un movimiento sutil de piernas me tira al piso, donde estaban sentados los otros dos. Jodiendo, me abalanzo contra el en un intento de tirarlo del banco y me caigo de lleno entre sus piernas abiertas. Toto rapidamente las cierra y me veo atrapado entre dos piernas enormes que me aprietan. Puedo sentir su fuerza y musculatura. Al tratar de escaparme de la toma, con mis manos le toco los cuadriceps, rodilla e incluso el bulto. -Toto! Sos muy fuerte soltame bestia!- -JA JA JA. Sos un mani! Como te tengo atrapado e!- ahi es cuando libera su fuerza. En el segundo que agarro aire, dos brazos del tamaño de troncos me rodean el cuello y el torax. Toto flexiona y desflexiona sus bichos asi apretandome y mostrandome su poder. Aprovecho para tocarle los biceps y sentir al mamut. Me veo atrapado entre sus dos tetas inmensas y huelo el olor que emana. Me encanta. Aprieto mi cabeza contra su cuerpo y él hace mas fuerza todavia. Mis manos tocan sus brazos y antebrazos fuertes y potentes. Son masivos. -Toto basta. Sos muy grandote. Soltame porfavor.- digo jadeando. -Sos un cagoncito. No te bancas una putito. Mira que te gusta que te agarre e!- me suelta y nos reimos. Fue bueno mientras duro pienso. Suena el timbre y nos volvemos todos a clase. Ya no comparto horas con el en todo el dia. Hasta la hora de entrenar. Lo ultimo que veo es como se aleja a su clase, con sus gluteos moviendose arriba abajo, hipnotizandome y perdiendome en su silueta. Hasta que Toto con una mano se aprieta una nalga, se gira, me mira y sonrie. Despues se estrecha como bostezando y despliega sus brazos ampliamente casi que ocupando todo el pasillo. Es enorme, pienso, un mamut parece. Yo entro a mi clase y lo pierdo por el resto de la tarde. Termina el colegio y apuradamente guardo mis cosas en mi mochila y me voy al vestuario. Camino con algunos que hacen rugby conmigo y hablamos de lo que va a ser este año, de como tenemos que crecer en tamaño y juego. Somos todos mas o menos parecidos, alguno mas alto, mas gordo, mas musculoso, mas petiso, pero todos parecidos dentro de todo. Excepto por Toto. Hablamos de lo grandote que, y como va a hacer estragos en los partidos. Pero ninguno dice lo que esta pensando, lo duro que va a ser entrenar con el. Entramos al vestuario y ya hay varios adentro. Saludo y me comparo. Soy petiso y flaquito, pero para jugar de lo que juego no necesito tamaño. Me empiezo a cambiar. Ya me puse todo menos la remera y es ahi cuando escucho unos pasos fuertes que solo un gigante puede estar haciendo. Entra Toto por la doble puerta, esta vez sin tener que pasar de costado pero sí agachandose porque este marco es más petiso. Me ve y se rie con su voz grave. -Este es tu pechito? Tengo mas carne aca abajo que vos ahi- lo dice apretandose el paquete. Con una mano me aprieta una teta y se va a cambiar. Se pone enfrente mio. Empieza por abajo. Se sienta y se saca los zapatos. Dos pies monstruosos salen y largan el olor a pata mas intenso que haya olido. Se saca las medias y observo dos patones peludos con dedos gordos. Se para y yo sentado estoy a la altura de su bulto. Es ahi cuando se desabrocha el cinturon y tras varios intentos se saca el pantalon apretadisimo. Se me cae la mandibula y veo que me mira. -Nunca viste a alguien tan grandote? Estoy enorme viste?- dos macetas inmensas del tamaño de dos de mis cinturas cubiertas por una fina capa de pelo me impactan visualmente. Lo siguen dos rodillas gordas y grandes, seguido por dos gemelos fibrosos y potentes. Abarca toda mi periferia esos jamones y ni hablar del bulto que trata de escaparse del calzon. Por suerte se pone rapido el short no sin antes acomodarse la pija y mirarme. El short le queda incluso mas apretado que el pantalon y le remarca las colosales piernas. El culo se le nota mas todavia, y explota por todos lados. Mientras se saca la remera yo termino de cambiarme y me doy cuenta que hay varios mas como yo asombrados del tamaño de Toto. Nos va a violar en entrenamiento, pienso. -Quien me quiere ayudar a sacarme esto?- retumba la voz del hombre. Rapidamente me acerco y le ayudo a sacarse la remera. Le toco la cintura y es muy dura y ancha. Se agacha y le saco la remera por arriba. Es ahi cuando se vuelve a levantar y me veo enfrentado contra un pared que me tapa toda mi vision. Una panza inmensa con los abdominales semidelineados es seguida por un pecho gordo y colosal, cubierto por una capa de pelo recien afeitado que parece ser aspero al roce. Dos tetas que parecen estantes y no me dejan verle la cara a Toto. Un cuello de toro, ancho y musculoso, capaz de levantarme solo. Y dos hombros como pelotas de futbol, con una capa de grasa saludable. Toto se masajea la panza peluda y me agradace la ayuda mediante un abrazo. Me veo apretado con mi cabeza entre su pecho y mi cuerpo deformado a partir de su dura panza. Veo que mi pijita se choca con su bulto y siento cosquilleos. Él baja su cara contra la mia y me imagino muchas cosas. Hace mucho que no miraba esa cara redonda, marcada, con ojos avellana y barba en crecimiento. Muy masculina y fachera. Con la boca grande y una leve papada que lo hace mas seductor. Me dice-BROOOOOOAR- y el olor me vuelve a ahogar. -JA JA JA. Que creiste que iba a hacer? Que te iba a dar un beso? Lo tenia guardado hace rato a ese erupto. Que grande que estoy!- lo dice rebotando su pecho. Sigue en cuero. Es un mamut. -Me gusta eruptarle en la cara a mis amigos, asi que esto va a seguir asi. Y banca, me podes atar los cordones?- yo inocentemente me agacho y veo que se gira. Que extraño pienso. Miro hacia arriba y me encuentro con dos nalgas monumentales. Me veo con su raya en el medio de mi vista. El pedo mas fuerte que escuche en mi vida me entra de lleno a la cara. El olor mas fuerte y masculino que nunca oli antes. Me da asco pero quiero inhalarlo todo. El calorcito me sacude y escucha la risa grave de Toto y los demas que lo vieron. -Eso te gusto o no maní? Son las proteinas que me dan pedos. Tomo en cada comida del dia. Solo asi me mantengo gigante.- -Estabas podrido Toto- le dicen varios. Yo sigo estupefacto en el piso hasta que con una mano el me levanta y me pide perdon. -Ja ja, no hay problema. Fue una joda tranki. Que macho igual e. Nunca habia visto un pedo asi.- -Si te gusto mira que tengo mas e!- se toca la pija el y termina de cambiarse rapidamente. La remera de rugby la estalla. Se le marca todo el torso y los brazos enormes. Es un gigante. Y voy a tener que entrenar contra el. Me termino de cambiar y salgo afuera. Arrancamos juntandonos toda la camada en circulo. Lo presentan a Toto, como a un gran jugador debido a su tamaño y sus previos años de rugby. Los entrenadores estan hipnotizados con el. El Oso, un entrenador que es inmenso tambien, no le llega ni a los ojos a Toto, y ni siquiera lo empata en peso. Van a ser amigos yo creo. Oso le tira onda y Toto la sigue. Y es ahi cuando arranca el fisico que nos deja extenuados. Hace mucho que no corriamos. No lo vi a Toto mucho en el fisico porque separaron entre forwards y backs. Yo siendo medio fui al segundo grupo, y el siendo octavo creo, al primero. Comienza lo tecnico y pasa volando. Es todo pase y toma de carrera, y en mi grupo no estoy con Toto asi que fiu. Safe por hoy. Termina y hacemos cierre entre todos. Le damos la bienvenida a Toto y puedo ver que ya hay algunos golpeados y con cara de respeto al gigante. El head coach dice de cagarlo a piñas y eso intententamos algunos. Toto se pone en el medio y vamos a golpearlo. Pero con sus dos manos nos saca a varios a volar. Tiene mucho alcance y fuerza y al final lo damos de baja. Hace una pose triunfante y flexiona los brazos. Inmenso. Vuelvo a casa y me voy a dormir temprano despues de bañarme y comer, y no paro de pensar en Toto. Y de su pedo y eruptos asquerosos. Y siento algo pero lo esquivo. Me miro al espejo y despues me peso. Estoy pesando 55 kilos, no esta mal para un medio pero si para un hombre. Toto debe pesar el triple que yo. Me voy a dormir no sin antes imaginarme al mamut. Me levanto al dia siguiente, me cambio rapido, desayuno y parto al colegio. Llego un poco temprano y voy al baño. Se repite la escena del primer día. Lo veo a Toto de espaldas y lo saludo tocandole la espalda. Se gira, me saluda y ambos nos dirigimos a mear. Me pongo en uno y veo que Toto no entra entre los separadores por lo cual va a un inodoro. Termino de mear y veo como esta intentando de entrar al cubiculo para mear. El ancho del cuerpo no pasa por la puerta por lo que se tiene que poner de costado. Las tetas tocan el borde del marco y veo que ya se esta desabrochando. En el momento de sacar la pija el se gira enfrentando al inodoro. Y veo su espalda inmensa apretada por el cubiculo. Y su culo esta mas grande que ayer parece. -Gordo culon! Que comiste ayer? Estas mas grandote parece!- me acerco y le toco un cachete, duro pero relleno. Mi mano no ocupa ni un cuarto de lo que es esa nalga. -JA JA, que decis putito. Te gusta mirarme el culo e! Queres que me tire otro pedo en tu cara?- -Jajaja- - Bancame que termino de mear y lo hago.- escucho que tira la cadena y veo como intenta salir del cubiculo. Antes de volver a pasar por la misma humillacion devuelta, huyo del baño y escucho a Toto llamar mi nombre con esa voz grave que asusta. Voy a mi clase y las horas se pasan volando. Hacemos poco pero aprendemos. Es la hora del almuerzo y ya lo veo a Toto sentado con otros tres en la mesa asi que esta vez comere con otros. Cada tanto le robo unas miradas y veo como mastica y traga toda esa comida. Tiene la boca y la garganta grandes y en poco tiempo se baja su montaña de comida y va a repetir. Veo como se lleva puesto por delante a los pendejos y se sirve mas. Vuelve caminando como pinguino debido a su culo y gambas enormes que le hacen abrirlas para caminar. El pantalon lo tiene muy apretado adelante y le ficho el bulto. Pasa por alado mio y me roza con su pierna. -Te debo un pedo cagon.- lo dice sonriendo y sigue caminando. Le echo un vistazo a esas cachas gordas y me acomodo. Lo que se me viene. Lo miro mientras que se sienta y su espalda tapa a los otros tres que tiene enfrentado. Tiene trapecios musculosos que le dan mas envergadura al cuello. La cabeza es proporcional a su cuerpo y el pelo no es ni corto ni largo, pero cae en ondulaciones. Levanto mi bandeja y salgo del comedor. Me dirijo por un pasillo y noto que estoy solo. Que extraño. Entonces escucho unos pasos pesados y rapidos detras mio. Me doy vuelta y lo veo a Toto en velocidad viniendo hacia mi. Me cago hasta las patas y no me da ni segundos para reaccionar. Me atropella y me agarra con sus brazos fuertes. Me aprieta contra su pecho enorme y remera apretadisima. Estoy a varios centímetros del piso y estamos enfrentados cara a cara. Toto me mantiene con sus brazos inmensos que parecen dos bolas de bowling. Los toco y siento la dureza debajo de la piel. Son fuertes y robustos. -Te gusta lo que tocas? No seria la primera vez e. Yo aca estoy tocando huesitos nada mas.- me aprieta con sus manos la espalda y digo: - Basta gordo. Ya me agarraste. Que me vas a hacer ahora?- acerca su cara y sus labios a mi. Son rellenos y grandes. Lo miro a los ojos. Y él abre la boca. -BROOOOOAORRRRR- me quedo tonto. - JA JA JA. Que gordo que estoy e. Estos eruptos me calientan. Me quiero hacer una paja. Soy un mamut!- me baja al piso y me mira de pies a cabeza. -Te gusto eso? Te dije que tenia mas cosas para vos. Y sigo teniendo...- se agarra el bulto y sale caminando hacia afuera. Veo como se rasca entre esos dos jamones jugosos. Es muy fuerte y hace lo que quiere me doy cuenta. Antes de que lo pueda llamar suena el timbre y voy a mi aula. El dia transcurre sin nada mas interesante. Vuelvo a mi casa y agarro mi celular. Decido buscar a Toto en las redes. Lo encuentro en instagram y es privado, le mando solicitud. Me meto en facebook debido a la curiosidad y encuentro lo que estaba buscando. Toda una galeria de Toto. En la playa en verano, jugando al rugby en Alemania, en traje en un casamiento. En todas las fotos lo veo inmenso. Con un par de tetas musculosas que son la envidia de todo fisicoculturista profesional, una panza grande dura capaz de hacer rebotar a cualquiera, dos brazos enormes del tamaño de troncos, dos jamones de toro con un bulto remarcado en el medio y por ultimo ese culo monumental, jugoso y gordo, que es capaz de romper todo pantalon que le pongan. Es una bestia y me gusta me doy cuenta. Tiene algo. Es un macho dominante. Me empiezo a pajear y pienso en él, sus musculos, su fuerza, sus eruptos, su pecho, todo su cuerpo. Y todo lo que toque de el. Acabo rapido pero fue una de las mejores que he tenido. Nuevo dia. Llego al colegio y voy al baño como siempre. No esta Toto por suerte. Veo el horario y recien tengo historia en la ultima hora. Fiu. Se pasan las horas y no lo veo en todo el día. Llega historia, y me siento solo con el banco vacio a mi derecha. Viene un amigo y se sienta conmigo y hacemos el trabajo. Este dia entrenamos. Salgo del colegio al vestuario, me cambio rapido y voy a entrenar. Lo hacemos rapido y serio y el entrenamiento se pasa volando. No lo vi al gordo todavia. Que raro pienso. Me vuelvo a mi casa y extenuado me voy a dormir despues de comer. No paro de pensar en Toto y que le habra pasado. Me levanto al dia siguiente. Viernes. Me lavo los dientes, desayuno y parto al colegio. Camino por el pasillo, saludo a algunos y entro al baño. Me dirijo directo a mear y no me percato de mis alrededores. Escucho un ruido. Como de una cerradura. Termino de mear y lo veo. Me tapa toda la vista. -Me extrañaste enano ayer?- es un mastodonte. Está más alto parece y más ancho. Me agarro con la bragueta abierta. -La tenés enana! JA JA JA. Aparte, estoy viendo bien o estás contento de verme?- él se frota su manopla sobre su panza y veo como la remera se le sube para arriba, mostrando su caminito y ombligo. -Te gusta lo que ves o no? Ayer estuve todo el día comiendo y en el gimnasio. Por eso falté. Hay que mantener este cuerpo o no?- se toca las tetas y las hace rebotar al unísono. -Estás enorme Toto! Lo que habrás comido gordo e!- -JA! Te puedo morfar ahora si quiero. Pero antes otras cosas prefiero hacer...- veo que se lanza sobre mi y no tengo tiempo de reaccionar. Me agarra con sus manos y me rompe la remera. Me deja en cuero. -Sos enano. JA JA. Mira lo que es un verdadero macho!- Toto se rompe la remera flexionando las tetas peludas y sus gruesos brazos. Su panza me aprieta contra la pared y siento su calor. Entonces Toto me gira y siento un mastil en mi culo. -Te puedo romper el culo aca mismo... JA JA te estoy jodiendo amigo. Aun así, Veo como me miras y se que te gusto. Te gusta esto o no?- me vuelve a girar y estoy enfrente de su panza que me aprieta contra la pared. No puedo moverme. Estoy atrapado. Aprovecho y lo empiezo a manosear. Le froto la panza enorme que me cubre por completo y siento la fuerza de los abdominales por debajo de la grasa. Arriba de mi cabeza estan sus dos pectorales gordos que me hacen sombra. Intento de rodearlo con mis brazos para tocarle el culo pero no puedo. Ni siquiera llego a su cintura. Es muy ancho. Debe ser como cinco veces yo de ancho. -Sos enorme Toto. Y estas gordo pero duro al mismo tiempo. Cuanto estas pesando?- hablo casi que sin aire por toda la presion que hace su cuerpo en mi. -Estoy muy pesado enano. Anoche llegue a los 170 kilos. Soy 80% musculo y lo demas grasa. Pero grasa buena. Mira esta busarda.- acto seguido me agarra con sus dos brazos y me aprieta contra la pared que es su panza. -Te voy a dejar hacer solo una cosa porque veo que estas alzado.- me mira desde arriba con su cara masculina y sonrie con la boca abierta.- Te voy a dejar que me toques este culo inmenso que tengo. Necesito unos masajes ya.- se gira y lentamente observo el pedazo de gluteos que tiene. Dos sandias bien marcadas que explotan el pantalon y no dejan mucho a la imaginacion. Me acerco y con mis manos aprieto cada nalga y las exprimo. No puedo. Estan bien tonificadas y marcadas. Toto las mueve y las siento vivir en mis manos. Entonces veo como sus dos manos las abren hasta el punto de casi romper el pantalon y las cierra con mi cabeza en el medio. Él hace fuerza y aplasta mi craneo. -Ahora se viene lo mejor enano!- el pedo mas fuerte me retumba en la cabeza y me hace vibrar todo el cuerpo. El olor me sacude y me hace lagrimear. Toto se gira y se toca el paquete enfrente de mi cara. -Te gustó e putito.- lentamente se pone su campera, que la estalla, abre la puerta del baño y se va. Pasan las horas de la mañana y solo puedo pensar en lo del baño. Me tiene donde quiere Toto. Y estoy donde quiero me doy cuenta. Llega la hora de comer y voy al comedor. Lo veo a lo lejos al mamut. Corro hacia donde está y lo alcanzo. Veo toda la comida que se sirve y él no se da cuenta que estoy ahi. Le agarro un cachete y haciendo toda la fuerza que tengo se lo aprieto. Ni se inmuta. -Te gusto lo de la mañana mani e. Queres mas? Queres que te rompa el culo?- me lo dice al oído y se me erizan los pelos. -Segui fichandome la pija puto. Quizas en una de esas te la muestre. Ahora tengo que comer.- lo sigo y nos sentamos enfrentados. Se come su plato en menos de un minuto y como de costumbre va a repetir. Camina directo hacia donde se sirve la comida y todos se corren como siempre. Excepto uno de ultimo año. Es el octavo de su camada. Es grandote y fuerte. Pero nada en comparacion a Toto. Aun así, lo empuja. O al menos intenta. Toto le lleva una cabeza y un buen cuerpo de ancho. Toto solo se ríe. Y lo choca con su panza. El muchacho sale hacia atras y se cae de culo al piso. Escucho al mastodonte reirse y burlarse del humillado. Se agarra la pija enfrente del tipo y vulgarmente se rasca el culo para luego pedir la comida. Vuelve a hacerme compañía caminando lentamente. No se que pasa pero cada vez lo veo más grande. Todo el cuerpo esta mas grandote. Incluso la cara. Toto comienza a devorar su comida y lo observo. Tiene la boca grande y una barba creciendo que lo hace muy atractivo. La papada se la tapa la barba pero se nota un poco. Tiene el cuello inmenso. Es como el de un toro. Y ni hablar de la nuez. Termino de comer y el va a repetir devuelta pero esta vez sin ningun inconveniente. El gordo termina de alimentarse y como un ritual se acarica la panza que le explota, flexiona ese pecho ancho y por ultimo hace un desfilde de sus brazos gruesos y fibrosos. -Atame los cordones mani- sin pensarlo bajo al piso por debajo de la mesa y empiezo a atarle los cordones. Tiene dos pies gigantescos. Debe calzar 50 minimo. Levanto un poco la vista y veo esos gemelos gordos que le aprietan el pantalon. Los masajeo y siento el musculo, la fuerza. Trato de agarrarlos con mis dos manos pero son muy gruesos. No puedo. Y voy subiendo mis manos hasta esas rodillas gordas, inmensas. Las toco y me excito. Miro y estoy cara a cara con su bulto. Esta contento o nada mas es muy grande. Alargo mi mano. Y le toco la pija. Reaccion inmediata me agarra con su mano gigantesca y aprieta mi cabeza contra su ingle. Me veo sintiendo todo su paquete y no me da ni tiempo para respirar. Me mantiene ahi un rato y lo disfruto. -Te gusta puto? A la tarde venís a mi casa y vas a ver.- me suelta y me tira al piso. Veo como sus dos piernas se levantan y se van. Siento las vibraciones que hace su peso. Es enorme. Y pesado. Y me tiene dominado. Que ganas de tocarle todo el cuerpo, pienso. Que ganas. Llega la hora de historia y Toto no aparece. Se rateo parece. Termino el trabajo con mi otro compañero. Suena el timbre y salgo del colegio. Me dirijo a mi casa cuando de repente una sombra me oscurece. Es Toto. Me giro y lo veo en el short mas grande y apretado que vi en mi vida. La pija y los huevos le abultan todo el frente, mientras que el culo inmenso se le remarca por la tela. Es como una segunda piel y muestra las macetas que son sus piernas. Ni con mis dos brazos logro abrazarlas. Miro hacia arriba y esta en una musculosa que no puede ni cubrir la mitad de su pecho. Los brazos son dos pitones enormes. Son gruesos y anchos. Está más grandote que nunca. -Estoy gigante. Acabo de venir del gimnasio. Que ganas de comerme todo.-a lo que empieza a manosearse mientras que camina y me lleva puesto por delante. Me tropiezo y me levanta con una mano. -Seguime a casa maní, o queres que te cargue?- le digo que no y caminamos unas cuadras lado a lado. La imagen debe ser comica. Un hombre enorme de dos metros de alto y ancho, con un pibito de un metro sesenta y algo, que pesa menos de sesenta kilos. Soy un maní, como Toto dice. Pasan unas cuadras y me empiezo a cansar. Me doy cuenta que ya estamos lejos de gente conocida por lo cual acepto la oferta de ser cargado. Toto se emociona y con un brazo me levanta y me apoya boca abajo sobre su hombro. Siento todo el musculo y la dureza de su cuerpo. Mirando hacia abajo puedo ver el trasero mas perfecto, grande y gordo. Intento tocarlo pero mis brazos solo llegan hasta la mitad de su espalda. Y que espalda. Me doy cuenta que mi torso entra como mas de cuatro veces en el de Toto. -Cuanto estabas pesando mamut?- -Me gusta ese nombre putito. 180 kilos. Vos cagon?- wow. Subio 10 kilos en dos dias creo. Es inmenso. -Yo 60.- le miento. -JA JA JA. mentira. Pareces de 20 kilos. Debe ser porque soy muy fuerte. Y gordo. No sabes las ganas que tengo de echarme un buen cago. Con este cuerpo saco unas nutrias que ni te cuento. Y los pedos son lo mejor. Ya vi como se te paraba la pija. Es puro macho el olor. Me encanta. Estoy sintiendo tu pijita acaso? Ahora vas a ver lo que es una verdadera verga. Toto me sigue cargando por varias cuadras. El tacto con sus hombros musculosos me calienta y aprovecho para tocarlo disimuladamente en la espalda. Es una bestia de puro músculo, cubierta por una capa de grasa que lo hace inmenso. Al caminar sus nalgas se tensan y destensan, y sus gemelos se marcan al compas de sus pies. Estoy a casi dos metros del piso pero me siento seguro. -Llegamos!- Toto dice gravemente tirandome para adelante. Me caigo de culo al piso. Lo miro sentado y parece un gigante. La musculosa solo remarca sus tetas y sus dos grosos brazos. Su panza de barril lo hace tan ancho como alto casi. Sus dos muslos parecen troncos de arboles mientras que sus gemelos son dos melones. Observo su bulto y no entiendo el tamaño descomunal que tiene. Debe ser del tamaño de mi brazito su pija. - Vamos a entrar ahora putito. Vivo en una casa grande porque en mi familia somos todos grandes. Si ves una foto mía no te pajees okay? - Me quedo callado. El gigante me intimida pero me excita. -Okay?! JA JA te estoy jodiendo pasa dale.- Finalmente me levanto del piso y me doy vuelta. Me encuentro con una casa enorme. Con razón tardamos tanto en llegar. Caminamos por el patio y llegamos a la casa. Dos puertas mas altas y anchas que Toto nos reciben. Él abre una y yo entro. Después abre las dos para pasar él mismo. Entramos y las cierra. Veo a mis alrededores y me siento en una mansión. Con dimensiones bastante más grandes a las normales. En el hall de entrada hay un espejo. Solo haciendo puntillas de pie llego a ver mi cara en este. También noto que las sillas son más grandes, y altas. -A ver enano sentate en una de esas a ver como te queda.- a pedido del gigante lo hago. Tengo que impulsarme para llegar, y al sentarme veo todo el lugar que me sobra. Más de la mitad de la silla casi. Toto me mira, se caga de risa y con una mano me levanta agarrandome de la remera. Me pone en sus hombros como un padre a su hijo de dos años y me da un paseo por la casa. Tardamos un rato pero me mostró toda la parte de abajo. Todo en medida de Toto por lo cual nunca me choque con el techo a pesar de medir 2 metros y medio arriba de sus hombros. - Che todo bien que te tenga arriba mío y que te caliente mi cuerpo, pero a pesar de tener el cuello así de grueso puedo sentir tu pijita. Queres sentir la mia? Toto me baja al piso. Mis ojos ven directamente por debajo de sus dos pectorales inmensos. Son peludos y varoniles. Se me para la pija con solo verlo. Toto se da cuenta que lo estoy mirando fijo y con sus brazos me abraza apretándome contra su masa. Esta chivado. Mejor todavía. Tiene un olor masculino, a hombre. Inspiro todo lo que puedo y es entonces cuando me dice que se quiere echar una siesta. Simplemente camina a su cuarto, todavía conmigo en sus brazos y cierra la puerta. El cuarto es enorme. Y la cama también. Debe entrar toda mi familia en esa cama. Observo y veo su ropa, gigante, tirada por el piso. Veo fotos de él en la playa, con sus amigos, y... con su familia? En todas las fotos Toto es el más grande por lejos, pero en esta no. En esta es incluso más chico que el otro rinoceronte al lado suyo. Es muy parecido a Toto, pero más viejo. Deduzco que es el padre. Seguramente. De repente salgo de mis pensamientos. - Duermo en pelotas así que trata de no acabar en el pantalón.- a lo que se saca la musculosa. Parece incluso más inmenso. Sus tetas rebotan sólidamente y su panza parece inflarse pero aun así se nota la dureza de esta, y el semdelineamiento de unos abdominales. Se gira en contra mío y puedo ver el ancho de su cuerpo. Se baja el short. No tiene calzón. En mi vista aparece el culo más gordo, musculoso, redondo, fibroso, perfecto. Inmenso. Dos gambas descomunales lo mantienen y puedo ver entre estas los dos huevos de avestruz del macho. Las rodillas me tiemblan y caigo en la cama boca arriba. Estoy mirando el techo cuando de repente por una milésima de segundo todo se oscurece. Intento respirar pero no puedo. Siento mucho calor. Trato de salir. De sacármelo de encima. De sacarme a Toto de encima. Pero no puedo. El gordo de casi 200 kilos está encima mío. Apretándome e incluso dormido. Agregado a todo esto ronca. Estoy justo por debajo de su panza y tetas. Sus pelos me hacen cosquillas. Por suerte mi cara esta justo entre sus dos pectorales por lo que tengo algo de aire. Su pecho es inmenso y aunque quiero abarcarlo con mis brazos, no puedo. Siento mi pija parada contra su barriga y con unos rápidos movimientos logro acabar rápidamente. Todo el contacto me tenía muy caliente. Es lo mejor que me paso creo. Siento que estoy en un sueño. Hasta que una voz lo interrumpe. Una voz muy muy grave. -Toto! Donde estás pibe? Estás para unas luchas?- Toto se levanta de a poco y cada vez tengo más aire. Rápidamente se sienta en el borde de la cama por lo cual solo veo su espalda gigante. No debe entrar en ningún asiento de mortales con esa espalda. Veo como sus músculos se mueven cuando él se vuelve a poner su short apretado. El culo parece más grande dentro de la contención de tela. La raya está chivada parece. Que ganas de meter mi cara ahí pienso por un segundo. - Que pasa viejito? Querés que te cague a trompadas devuelta?- le responde Toto. - Querés ver como me lo cojo? Creo que ya vistes las fotos de mi viejo. Parecía más grande antes pero ahora estamos igual, o creo que soy más pesado yo. Ya lo vas a ver puto. A ver si te excita más él o yo. Solo hay una respuesta correcta e.- a lo que me zarandea con una mano como si fuese una muñeca de trapo. Empiezo a escuchar pasos cada vez más fuertes hasta que de golpe se abre la puerta. Solo veo una montaña de músculos gordos como los del mamut que cubren toda la puerta. Se agacha y pasa. Es Toto pero con canas. Y más sexy. - Hola pendejo! Volví de cogerme a esas viejas que me garpan por tocarme todo. También hubieron unos pibitos que quisieron que les rompa el culo. Y lo hice. JA JA.- se abrazan los dos gigantes. Creo que nunca vi tanto tamaño en tan poco lugar. La mano enorme del viejo le aprieta una nalga a Toto. - Estás más gordo e pendejo. Creo que finalmente pesas más que yo. Fijemonos.- El cincuenteañero se saca la camisa y revela su grueso torso. Inmenso. Dos tetas fuertes y peludas que dan pie a una panza de birra enorme. El pantalon del traje no puede ocultar el tamaño de las macetas ni del culo gordo que tiene. El bulto no se queda atrás y pelea por abrirse paso entre la tela. Lo que ocurre a continuación hace que acabe sin ni siquiera tocarme. El viejo de Toto y Toto comienzan a flexionar todos sus musculos. Sus brazos del tamaño de sandias, sus pechos de gorila, sus espaldas de bufalos. Son dos bestias inmensas. - Qué es ese ruido?- pregunta el padre. Me ve y se ríe. - Ya acabaste puto! JA JA. Tanto te excitan estos gordos? Queres que te rompa el culito? Vení que te quiero conocer enano.- El viejo de Toto se acerca a mí y escucho el crujir del piso de madera. Extiende su brazo enorme y con una mano del tamaño de mi pecho me agarra de la remera. Me levanta sin siquiera esforzarse y me pone cara a cara con él. Tiene rasgos mas tallados que los de Toto, pero similares, y con algunas canas en la barba que le cubre la papada musculosa. - Con que sos un nuevo amigo de Toto e enano. Alguna vez viste a alguien tan grande como yo? Aparte de Toto. JA JA. Salió igual a mí, un poco más chiquito nada más. - me baja al piso y me encuentro entre medio de los dos gigantes. Mi cabeza está a la altura de sus dos panzas y por poco no me tocan ambas. Miro hacia arriba y veo sus dos tetotas peludas. Un par con pelos volviendo a crecer y el otro con destellos plateados. Son muy parecidos en tamaño puedo ver. - Nada que ver viejo. Estoy más grande que vos. -responde el joven mastodonte inflándose el pecho. Es una mole de músculos y grasa y fuerza. - JA JA JA. Ya quisieras. Igual se me acaba de ocurrir una idea para solucionar esta disputa. Que tu amiguito decida. Aparte nos está viendo tan detalladamente que seguro ya lo decidió. Se nota que lo hipnotizamos. Somos enormes pendejo. Hasta las vergas inmensas tenemos. Seguro la de él no es ni del tamaño de nuestros dedos. Y los huevos ni te cuento. Al menos yo los tengo del tamaño de pomelos. Yo estoy bastante pesado también. Unos 180 kilos o más creo. No paro de morfar. Hay que mantener esta panza. Y este culo inmenso. Mis socios del laburo cuando me ven con mi traje apretado se les paran las poronguitas. Y mis camisas me estallan. Tengo dos tetas más gordas y fibrosas que me encantan. Vos también Toto, pero ya lo sabés. Y esta hormiguita también lo sabe. Así que maní, tenés que decidir. ¿Quién es más grandote? ¿Yo o Totito? Me quedo helado. Estoy entre dos mamuts. Uno más grande que el otro. Son inmensos. Miro a Toto, después a su viejo. Lo repito. Lo vuelvo a repetir. - Basta putito parece que solo nos queres mirar. ¿No queres tocarme a mí? Se lo que un maní siente cuando me toca. Mira lo que soy. Soy una bestia.- acto seguido el papá de Toto me agarra y me pone en sus hombros. No sé que tienen los gigantes con cargarme en sus hombros. -Toto, le voy a dar un momento que nunca se va a olvidar a tu amiguito. Me lo llevo a mi cuarto. En un rato te llamo.- miro hacia abajo y entre mis piernitas se encuentra el cuello grueso y fuerte del viejo. Tengo que abrir mis piernas bastante para sentarme comodo. Son como un calefactor sus hombros, aparte me sobra espacio. Salimos del cuarto y camina unos pasos a la derecha por un pasillo. Una puerta grande está a la derecha. Él entra y yo me la pego contra el marco. Es más alto que Toto parece. Miro por debajo de su cabeza y veo sus dos pectorales como dos dunas duras de arena. La panza es una colina solida que desemboca en un bulto inmenso y dos macetas gigantes. Miro más abajo y veo dos pies monumentales. Peludos, gordos y anchos. Son inmensos. Talle 50 mínimo. Tomo coraje y le pregunto. - Como te llamas?- -JA. Recién ahora preguntas? Me llamo Lucho pero decime como se te cante el culo siempre que tenga que ver con que estoy enorme. - - Dale Mamut- -Me encanto. Ahora esto te va a encantar a vos.- me baja de sus hombros y me sienta en su cama. Todavía más grande que la de su hijo, y el cuarto también. Aun así es un cuarto como el de mis padres. Estoy enfrente del mastodonte y es ahí cuando se desabrocha el pantalon y forcejeando consigo mismo se lo empieza a bajar. El calzón no puede ocultar el tamaño de su verga que esta por poco a salir disparada de ahí. Dos macetas bronceadas se abren paso hasta llegar a unas rodillas del tamaño de sandías. Extiendo mi mano para comparar y no son ni la mitad. -Tocá si queres.- aprovecho y bajo mis manos por sus gemelos gordos y fibrosos al tacto. Son enormes como todo su cuerpo. Me quedo mirando sus pies y es ahí cuando me levanta, se sienta en la cama y me apoya sobre su ingle. Mejor dicho sobre su pija, pero no está parada pero aún así la siento debajo de mí. -Sentate en mis gambas maní. Sí. Sentí la fuerza que tienen estas cosas. Te puedo comprimir si quiero. Y te voy a apretar un poquito.- me mete entre sus muslos gordos y empieza a apretar. Me empiezo a quedar sin aire y tengo su bulto enfrente de mi cara. Con una de sus manoplas me aprieta la cabeza contra sus partes y huelo un olor masculino que hace que se me pare. Afloja sus piernas y caigo al piso. Me encuentro con sus dos pies enormes y no entiendo el tamaño que tienen. Son del largo de mis antebrazos, y del ancho de mis dos piernas juntas. -Chupalos puto.- a su orden lo empiezo a hacer. - Sos un asco maní. Te voy a aplastar como la hormiga que sos.- con su pie me patea y me gira sobre mi espalda. Entonces lo levanta y baja su planta sobre mi pecho que lo cubre por completo y me empieza a apretar. Comienzo a soltar aire y trato de sacarmelo de encima pero no puedo. Es muy fuerte. Cuando estoy a punto de perder el conocimiento es cuando veo empieza a flexionar sus rodillotas y cada vez su inmenso trasero se acerca a mis ojos hasta que ya no veo nada. Mi cara se encuentra entre sus dos cachetes gordos y peludos. Emanan mucho calor. Es un olor a culo fuerte el que huelo. Muy masculino. De hombre. Lo único que me separa de su piel es el calzon apretadisimo que tiene. Siento su peso. 200 kilos de musculo que no me aplastan solo gracias a sus gambas inmensas. Inspiro todo lo que puedo y con mis manos aprieto toda parte de su cuerpo que puedo tocar. En este caso sus rodillotas y sus pies gruesos. - PRFFFFF- el hedor me deja inconsciente pero no antes siento el estruendo del pedo. Me despierto. Y estoy solo en el cuarto veo. Estoy en la cama enorme. Y estoy desnudo. Empiezo a escuchar pasos que retumban. Son pesados. Duros. Frenan. Entonces se abre la puerta fuertemente y solo veo una figura inmensa. Ancha, alta, gruesa. Dos bases de talle 50, pantorrillas del tamaño de melones, dos rodillas gruesas. Unos muslos gordos y colosales. Las bolas mas grandes que vi en mi vida, y la pija mas gorda y larga también, que se encuentran por abajo de la panza de birra del mamut. Un caminito que llega a dos tetas redondas y potentes que le dan poder a ese animal. Dos hombros fuertes y grandes, con un cuello grueso que da pie a una cara muy fachera con barba canosa. - Ahora te vamos a romper el culo puto. La tenes parada y es enana JA JA.- esa voz grave me derrite. No entiendo igual ese vamos... Vuelvo a escuchar pasos. Y por detrás del monstruo aparece su mellizo joven, con la pija un poco más grande todavía, y más relleno que el viejo. - Le rompemos el orto al puto viejo?- padre e hijo se paran enfrente mío. Estamos los tres desnudos. Veo mi cuerpo debilucho y solo puedo pensar en la fuerza que deben tener estos gigantes de mas de dos metros de alto y de 200 kilos. Son dos gorilas y yo un monito. - Esto te va a gustar puto.- el padre toma la iniciativa, lo agarra con una mano en la espalda anchisima de Toto y la otra en su culo, y se lo empieza a chapar. Montañas de musculo y grasa se abrazan y empiezan a besarse. Acabo. Veo como se masajean los cuerpos, como sus vergas crecen hasta ser del tamaño de mis brazos, como empiezan a bombearse y a apretarse. Los dos gigantes empiezan a chapar y cada tanto me miran de reojo. Yo solo observo las moles hacerse de todo. Estan completamente desnudos y yo tambien. Sus cuerpos me intimidan. Sentado en la cama tan solo llego a la altura de sus vergas. Se abrazan y tras un ultimo chape me dicen: - putito! Levantate! No seas maricon ni que el pedo haya sido tan fuerte! JA JA. Abro los ojos y lo veo al viejo de Toto mirandome desde sus dos metros de altura, todavia en calzones. Busco a Toto, pero no esta por ninguna parte. Me doy cuenta que sigo cambiado. ¿Habra sido un sueño? - Qué pasó?- pregunte desconcertado. Lucho me dijo que me estuvo mostrando un poco de su cuerpo, y que después del pedo me desmayé. -Perdon putito, pasa que hoy comi tacos y me pegaron pal carajo. Esta panza y este culote son capaces de todo.- se acaricio las partes nombradas y se sento en la cama. Me levante del piso y me sente al lado de el. La cama se inclinaba hacia su cuerpo debido al peso y me deslice hasta estar tocandolo. Mi cabeza no llegaba ni a sus hombros. Aun asi, acoste mi cabeza contra su brazote calido. -Tanto te gusta el tamaño enano? Que es lo que mas te gusta de mi? Mi verga? O mis musculos? O mi cara masculina?- -todo...- balbucee. -JA JA JA- me dio una palmada y me tiro de la cama. -Perdon chiquitin, no mido mi fuerza con los maníes. Veni sentate aca, mas comodo.- me subio a sus gamba derecha, donde me sobraba mucho espacio, y me recoste contra su panza. Si miraba hacia arriba solo veia sus tetonas. -Que estabas soñando cuando te desmayaste?- su voz grave me daba cosquilleos. Le conte mi sueño, de como aparecia desnudo y los observaba a el y a Toto chapar, apretarse y estar a punto de hacerlo. -JA JA JA, que sueño raro.- empece a sentir que algo se levantaba debajo mio. -Chiquito dejame que te bajo que tengo que ir al baño a echarme un cago. Si queres despues te lo muestro. Anda con tu amigote ahora que por falta de diversion se debe estar pajeando. JA JA, o morfando el gordo ese.- Me levanta de su piernota y me deja en el piso, esta vez parado y se levanta de la cama. Puedo ver su ereccion debido al tamaño inescondible, aun asi la tratade disimular poniendo su mano delante de la ingle. Antes de irme a buscar a Toto veo como su culote sube y baja mientras se dirige al baño. Salgo del cuarto y cierro la puerta no sin antes escuchar unos ruidos guturales provenientes del baño. Miro mi reloj y ya son casi las 12 de la noche. Hoy salia con mis amigos! Busco mi mochila a las apuradas, y no me da el tiempo para despedir a Toto. Salgo de la casa en direccion a la mia, y me olvido de lo que sucedio hace unas horas. Ese fin de semana hago programas pero nunca me lo encuentro a Toto. Fue muy extraño lo que pasó el viernes a la tarde y poco a poco empiezo a sentir que ni siquiera pasó, que imaginé todo. Llega el domingo y después de almorzar me llega un mensaje de Toto. - Te fuiste sin avisar el viernes pendejo. No era que te gustaban los musculos? Si no querés que te cague a trompadas vení a las tres de la tarde a la playa. Si no te veo vas a tener que tener cuidado en el colegio.- Leí esto y me asusté. Miré el reloj y todavía me quedaban 15 minutos para llegar a la playa. Por suerte vivía cerca, así que me apuré y me dirigí ahí. Llego y la playa estaba vacía por suerte. Lo busco a Toto y no lo encuentro por ninguna parte. Decido sentarme y esperarlo. Con el sol sobre mi cabeza me adormezco y me quedo dormido. Abro los ojos y esta todo oscuro. Siento que me falta el aire. Estoy apretado y muy caluroso. Levanto la cabeza y me choco con unos pelos chivados. Muevo mis brazos y siento una carne, fibrosa, musculos. Toto. -JA JA putito te levantaste!- tras decir eso se levanta y puedo observar que el mamut estaba tirado encima mío en cuero, y mi cara había quedado debajo de su enorme agujero axilar. Yo sigo acostado y el gugante se levanta. Está usando solamente un traje de baño azul que no deja nada a la imaginación. Los huevos y la pija enormes se notan, y sus dos tetas y panza lo hacen colosal. - jaja Toto eso te queda pintado!- -Y mirá que no viste este culote todavía.- se da media vuelta y sus dos nalgas inmensas ocupan toda mi visión. Tiene el culo más jugoso del mundo. Me siento y se me para la pija. A pesar del tamaño se nota a través del traje de baño y Toto se da cuenta. -Mirá que tenemos acá! El amiguito del maní quiere jugar! JA JA. Te voy a aplastar puto.- muy lentamente veo como Toto con sus doscientos kilos de musculo y grasa instala su culote sobre mi ingle. Te gusta esto trolito?- me pregunta la bestia sentada encima de mi pijita. A pesar de que él está sobre mí, mi ereccion no lo toca debido al tamaño de su culo que aprieta mis piernitas. Casi que todo su culo queda contra la arena y no sobre mis piernas. Aun así la poca masa que me toca, me toca entero. No me puedo mover. - Me encanta Toto...- -Que dijiste?- se levanta rapidamente y me mira desde sus dos metros de altura. -Nada..?- -Te voy a hacer pija.- me mira con cara mala y me asusto por un segundo de lo que el mastodonte puede llegar a hacerme y -JA JA enano siempre supe que te gustaba. Pensaste que me habia enojado y que te iba a hacer algo o no? Vi como te excitaste e no te hagas el boludo. No hay nadie en la playa...- Toto lentamente se baja el traje de baño y puedo ver como su caminito lleva a esa vergota gigante. Con dos huevos como pomelos. Se gira para sentarse y devuelta observo sus jamones y gluteos gigantescos y peludos. Son gruesos. Toto se sienta al lado mio y dice que me pare. Lo hago. Apenas soy más alto que él estando parado y el sentado. Sigue siendo tres o cuatro cuerpos más anchos igual. Veo como Toto se empieza a masajear lentamente su pija y poco a poco la boa empieza a crecer y crecer. -Ahora desnudate vos cagoncito.- Dudo unos segundos y miro a mi alrededor. No hay nadie y no parece que venga gente. Es día nublado. -Me cansaste puto.- Toto con sus dos manos gordas y grandes agarra mi traje de baño y lo parte en dos. Después hace lo mismo con mi remera. Me siento vulnerable estando completamente desnudo enfrente del mastodonte. Él con sus doscientos kilos, yo sesenta como mucho. Él con su pija de 25 cm, flacida, y yo con la mía de 12, completamente parada. -Enano primero acabas vos porque es obvio, despues me haces acabar.- Sin esperar respuesta con su indice y su pulgar, que son del tamaño de mi pene, me lo agarró y empezó a pajearme. Si podria decirsele así. Acabé a los cinco segundos. -Tan rapido? Estoy tan bueno?- lo hizo rebotando sus dos tetotas musculosas y peludas. -Ahora te toca a vos.- me agarró y me sentó en una de sus gambas. Tenía más lugar ahí que en cualquier silla. Su verga inmensa seguía parada y me puse a trabajar. Con mis dos manitos no podía agarrar la verga de Toto. Era muy grande. Intenté pajearlo pero realmente no podía. El gigante se cansó y se enojó conmigo. -Sos un maní y ni siquiera sabes hacer pajas? Al menos chúpamela.-— -Toto no voy a po- con una de sus manos acomodó su pija y con la otra agarró mi cabeza y la apuntó hacia ella. Ni siquiera me pude atragantar porque no entraba por mi boca. -No podes hacer nada bien enano. Lo tengo que hacer yo, o mi viejo en casa sino. Y ahora se te para devuelta e! Claramente te gustan los gigantes. Mira lo gordo, grandote y enorme que soy! Estas tetas! Esta panza! Estas macetas! Y este culo lpm es enorme!- mientras que Toto decía esto había empeZado a bajar lentamente con su mano sobre su verga. Su mano era perfecta para que él se pajeara claro. Yo con mis manitos de bebe no puedo. Poco a poco Toto fue acelerando el ritmo. Ver al gigante masturbarse me excitaba. Acabé una vez más, esta sin pajearme. Parecía incluso más grande así desnudo. -Estoy ENORME!- y acabó, cubriendome de wasca. Su pija gigante no paró por un minuto o incluso más. Yo solo podía pensar en Toto, y en lo que hacia con su viejo. Toto se levantó y se limpió la pija con mi ropa rota. Se puso el traje de baño y me miró desde arriba con un aire divertido. -No Tenés ropa enano! No me digas que se te volvió a parar! Wow. Bueno hagamos algo. Si me podes mover al menos unos centímetros, te doy mi traje de baño y yo me vuelvo en pelotas. Si no podes hacer eso, vas a tener que masajearme el cuerpo, y dejar que te rompamos el culo.- -Que!?- no entendí nada. -Ni en pedo.- -Putito ya todos sabemos que es lo que queres...- poco a poco Toto fue acercandose y apretandome con su panza mientras que no me dejaba irme para atras con sus manotas. -Dale moveme puto.- Intente empujarlo pero solo tocaba su cuerpote y me excitaba mas todavia. Sus dos tetotas ya estaban muy altas para el alcance de mis manos. Parecía que él había crecido. Lo miré y sentí que medía dos metros veinte. -JA JA JA. Toma distancia si queres y tackleame a ver!- Hice lo que me dijo y para que. En el segundo en que iba a tacklearlo, con sus dos brazotes me topeteó al piso. Perdí el conocimiento.
  14. "The Twenty" - A Muscle Novel in Progress. Chapters 3, 4, 5 - White Cap Training / Hardcore Muscle / A Brief History of Casey Rockland "The Twenty" - A Muscle Novel in Progress. Chapters 7, 8 - Hardcore Training, Part 1 / Tiffany's Talent "The Twenty" - A Muscle Novel in Progress - Chapters 9, 10 - Good for Morale "The Twenty" - A Muscle Novel in Progress - Chapter 11: Casey Meets the Muscle Squad "The Twenty" Chapter 12, Part 1: A Very Turkish Wrestling Match "The Twenty" - Chapter 12: Part 2 Casey vs. Karim Abdul: A Very Turkish Wrestling Match "The Twenty" - Chapter 13: After the Match "The Twenty" - Chapter 14: In Which Casey Discovers He Likes to Get Worshipped "The Twenty" - Chapter 15: Casey's First Interview with Sergeant Moster "The Twenty" - A Muscle Novel in Progress. Chapter 16 - Hardcore Training Part 2: Casey’s First Herculaneum Workout, and What Happened After "The Twenty" - A Muscle Novel in Progress - Chapter 17 - The Presentation "The Twenty" - A Muscle Novel in Progress - Chapter 18 - The Musclemen Revealed: Inside Zaftig's Lab "The Twenty" - A Muscle Novel in Progress - Chapter 19 - Further Encounters, Part 1 "The Twenty" - A Muscle Novel in Progress: Chapter 20 - Pose and Approve: Further Encounters, Part 2 "The Twenty" - A Muscle Novel in Progress: Chapter 21 - Sam and Casey Chapter 6: Casey Is Discovered The day that Casey Rockland first set foot inside a gym, he was a shy, tongue-tied, lonely, oversized 12-year old. He stood, frightened and abashed, at the front desk of Raw Weight. He had walked around the block for an hour before he found the courage to walk through the dark-glass swinging doors. Miles stood behind the desk. “Yes, son?” he asked after a moment. God, this kid has potential, he thought. Gosh, he’s handsome, Casey thought. He gawked at the huge, veiny arms that poured from the short sleeves of Miles’ sports shirt. The hugely rolling biceps made his dick twitch a little. From the moment Casey first laid eyes on Miles Donovan, he thought he was the handsomest, smartest, most masculine, most muscular man he had ever met in his life. Just the sight of Miles’ hardcore physique, casually displayed in loose-fitting slacks and a navy blue sports shirt boasting the Raw Weight logo, made Casey’s well-hidden, oversized teenage member leap to attention. It was love at first sight. Which was not lost on Miles. “C-can I join?” Casey finally stammered out. “You want to train here?” “Yes, sir.” “How old are you, son?” “Twelve,” answered Casey honestly. Miles paused, and then asked kindly, “Where do you live?” “San Jose Boys’ Home.” Aha, thought Miles. His heart went out to the beautiful, over-sized, sad-faced kid. “Of course you can join. Ever trained before?” Casey’s heart leapt. “No, sir!” “How much can you pay?” “I can work for you, sir! I can clean the locker rooms, and the toilets, and take out the garbage, and paint the walls, and – “ If Miles had allowed it, a tear would have come into his eye. Besides, this kid had overwhelming genetic promise. He held up a hand. “No need for all that. Of course you can train here. We’ll discuss money some other time. Let’s get you started. Do you have workout clothes?” “N-no, sir.” “Well, let’s get you fitted out. Come on along with me. Sid, take the desk,” Miles shot to the flirting young muscleboy trainer who was chatting up one of the wide-eyed fitness babes who trolled the workout floor, looking for available young muscle studs. “And try to keep your mind on your work.” Back to Casey. “What’s your name, son?” “Casey Rockland.” “Well, Casey Rockland, I think you might have found your new home. Let’s see what you got.” He moved out from behind the desk and approached Casey. Casey’s heart was still leaping. Miles Donovan was an astonishing man. Casey had never dreamed that such a huge, handsome, masculine, muscular man would ever take notice of him. Like an eager puppy, he fell into step behind Miles, who was leading him out onto the workout floor. There, dozens of men and women of various sizes, states, dress, and degrees of sweat were toiling away at nameless, complicated activities involving weights, machines, benches, bars, cables, racks, mats, balls, rings, and rope. One or two looked up curiously at Miles and the gawky big kid trotting behind him. William Obatu was one of those who looked up. Already in enrolled in Project Herculaneum, the handsome black African muscle monster Obatu was allowed to steal away from the compound to his home front of Raw Weight (with occasional forays to the 3rd floor, where he regularly held personal worship sessions). Obatu takes a selfie.... “Who’s that big kid?” he asked Miles one evening a few weeks later on the 3rd floor. He was working arms, doing slow concentration curls, generally ignoring the rich twinky boy on his knees before him, begging to worship the bulging cannonball biceps. “What kid?” asked Miles innocently, walking by. Obatu continued doing curls and feigned the same indifference that Miles was displaying. “You know. The big kid. Downstairs. He ever come up here to 3?” “Naw. Too young.” “Pleeeeeaazzze…..” begged the handsome kneeling twink on his knees, reaching up in hopes to get a quick fingertip brush of iron muscles. Obatu glanced down, a little impatiently, and reracked the weight. “Whtchu want?” he demanded, and slapped the kid’s face. Some ‘a’ this?” He flexed his biceps. The kid moaned gratefully. “Shut up, worm,” he commanded. Flexxxxxx… “Boom,” he said. “25 inches. Feel ‘em.” Back to Miles. “Saving him for yourself?” “Nope. Saving him for your boss. And your commanding officer. Is Tyrone any good?” Obatu was perplexed. “Who’s Tyrone?” He continued flexing, gazing admiringly at his peaks. Miles pointed down at the kid who now was both reaching in vain to touch the iron biceps while feverishly licking the heavy downward-pointing bulge in Obatu’s regulation tiny posers. Obatu shuddered with pleasure but covered. “These posers are too damn small.” “You must be used to it by now.” “You never get used to it.” “I repeat, is Tyrone any good?” “What do you care, I’m paying $5,000 a month to be up here,” mumbled Tyrone, his mouth now scooping up the thick black muscle cock that tumbled from Obatu’s straining posers. Obatu glanced up. “Trust fund kid,” Miles explained. “Oh.” He looked back down again and flexed his biceps again, a little more respectfully. “Hope you’re enjoying yourself.” Tyrone moaned passionately and sucked vigorously. After a moment, Miles spoke. “Looks like fun. Mind if I join you?” “Oh, if you’re gonna make a party of it, be my guest,” said Obatu, stepping aside. Miles, still dressed, stepped in and unzipped his pants. His big cock poured out. In an instant Tyrone had both bodybuilders’ cocks in his mouth. “Flex for him. He likes it,” said Obatu. Miles flexed his powerful silver daddy 23-inch biceps. A slight tearing sound was heard. “Damn. Another shirt.” He decided to take it out on Tyrone. He plucked the cock from his mouth and slapped his handsome smooth young cheeks vigorously with the now hard-as-steel shaft. “Nice move,” said Obatu. “Let me try that. Hey, asswipe. Over here.” And he smacked Tyrone’s face with his black cock. Soon Tyrone’s head was whipping from side to side, his face buffeted by heavy cock blows. "Take us both, boy. One after the other," ordered Miles. Tyrone went into a frenzy, sucking Obatu's cock, then twisting his head and sucking Miles' cock, back and forth. "Yeah, good boy," said Miles. A few minutes later the musclemen both shot, coating Tyrone's face with heavy layers of thick, creamy cum. Tyrone moaned as thick spurt after thick spurt emerged from each man's pisshole, painting his face, covering him with cum. “That was fun,” said Obatu. “Yeah, let’s do it again some time,” said Miles, walking away. "Clean that up, boy," he ordered as he strode away, squatting slightly as a zipped up, putting his heavy cock away. Obatu resumed his workout, Miles went back to his office. Tyrone lay on a bench, ecstatically spent. Casey took to lifting weights immediately. He had a genius for developing his own start-up training program, and he poured over the muscle magazines he could find. During computer hours he browed the net for muscle information, training routines, and reading all about the muscle stars. He was going to be one, one day, himself. He was determined. Then they’d see. But, gosh, it was hard work. Lifting hurt. It was painful. It was slow. It took time. He was stunned at the beginning at just how much work it was. One afternoon after he'd been lifting only a few weeks, he was sitting dejected in the locker room. Alone. Miles, coming through with towels, saw him. He understood. He put the towels away, and came over and sat with him on the bench awhile. They were silent together a few minutes. "It hurts." Casey finally said. "Yes, it does." "And it's hard." "Yes, it is. Not everyone can do it." "I didn't know it would be this hard." Miles smiled, and put a paternal arm around Casey's shoulders, patting him with a giant paw. "If it were easy, everyone would be big. It is not magic. You can't take a pill and get bigger. People who think so are crazy and wrong. There's no growth serum. I repeat Casey, there's no magic. It doesn't exist. You can't eat a magic cookie, and just get huge. And people who think so are fools. And dreamers." "But I'm a dreamer....." Casey said sadly. "Yes, you are a dreamer, too, but you're not foolish. You know what work is. Hard work. It's growth with effort. Growth without effort doesn't exist. It's an empty dream, a useless fantasy. There are no super heroes, Casey. There's only hard work. Years and years and years of it. But I'll tell you a secret......" he leaned in. Casey looked up. "If you keep doing it? every day, you'll get a little closer to your dream." A light began to shine in Casey's eyes. A tear formed. He looked up at Donovan, now standing over him. "You mean that?" "I do. And Casey? You'll achieve your dream. If you keep working." He paused and stepped back, hitching his thumbs in his belt. "You had a good workout today. You're pushing the limits. But now you need to rest. G'wan back to the home and eat some chicken. Rest tomorrow. No, rest two days. Don't want to see you back here until Saturday." He smiled. "But on Saturday? I'll train with you. And we're gonna fucking murder those weights." Casey's face shone like the sun. He nodded, eagerly, unable to speak a moment. "Sure, Miles! I'll go back and eat chicken and sleep and see you Saturday!!" He got up and began packing his bag. "Work on those abs. You can do crunches tomorrow as long as you don't use weight," he said as he left the locker room. ****** As Casey trained at Raw Weight it was soon apparent that as he gained strength and grew, he needed more than three times as much food. Sister Anne in the kitchen, sympathetic to the big, sweet, dumb, exceptionally handsome kid, supplied him with the extra portions of meat whenever she could get away with it, unaware that the Home’s director, Sister Marietta, had deliberately turned a blind eye. She was even guilty of making sure there were plenty of steaks and chicken breasts on hand. Four years passed. Casey trained like a maniac. He would have been there every day, all day, but Miles forbad it, making him aware of the need for rest days. "Your body won't grow muscles unless you rest. You want to get big?" "Yes, sir! I want to be huge!" "Then you stay away 3 days a week. Eat a lot of protein. Do your ab exercises every night. But no weights. You wanna grow and get big you gotta give your body a rest." Casey, deeply in love, filled with awe, was all the same a little frightened of Miles, and shied away from him for a long time. Miles, understanding the nature of hero worship, gave the handsome kid a wide berth, encouraging him in a business-like way as he made muscle gains. Sensing even more talent, after Casey had been at Raw Weights about 2 years, he introduced him one afternoon to Ramon Ramon, a stern, grizzled, totally ripped, if slightly punch drunk old Puerto Rican extreme cage fighter who always seemed to be at Miles’ gym, as if he didn’t have anywhere else to go. Soon Casey was taking boxing and kickboxing lessons from Ramon Ramon. He began running, jumping rope, lifting the huge truck tires in the corner of the 1st floor, and working out with a punching bag. Ramon was also into wrestling. He bought Casey his first singlet. For hours after Casey's workouts they grappled on Raw Weight’s stained old wrestling mats, bathed in sweat. Ramon was old and grey but had solidly ripped, strong muscles, and Casey loved the feel of the old iron warrior’s abs against his abs as rolled around together on the floor. When Ramon locked his legs around young Casey’s neck and squeezed, Casey always got what the boys in the home called ‘a boner.’ Big and hard, it poled up in the singlet and would have embarrassed him had Ramon not been so cool about it. “Big tool. Get you a bigger singlet next time. You need a scoche more room in the crotch.” Ramon’s legs were clamped onto 16-year old Casey’s 22-inch neck. He howled. He had never been happier. His erection pointed high to the ceiling. “Go ahead and take care of it,” said Ramon. “Be good for ya. Young guys gotta cum.” He let go of Casey’s left arm. Casey shouted and stroked with his freed hand and his cum shot to the ceiling and plopped onto his abs and the wrestling mat. He was never embarrassed around Ramon. “Think you got the biggest cock I ever did see,” said the old wrestler, his iron vice grip holding Casey in a headlock now. The cum continued to shoot. “It’s healthy. Like to see it.” And Casey groaned happily with pain as Ramon squeezed harder. They wrestled in a pool of cum, soon made even greater as Ramon shot all over his steely abs. “Thought I’d join you,” he said. "Be sure to clean that up before you hit the showers." "Yes, sir!" said Casey, happily spent. For two more years Casey followed a strict regimen of quiet hard-core muscle building. He grew and grew. Miles was taking notice. By the time he was 17, it was clear that he had extraordinary bodybuilding gifts. His dedication to lifting was unquestioned, his genetics nothing less than astonishing. One afternoon at the gym during one of his workouts, Miles Donovan glanced out of office window at the big, muscular young teen in the middle of the workout floor. Casey stood alone on the workout floor, his red t-shirt dripping with sweat. He was insanely propelling himself through a 5th set of unduly punishing biceps curls, curling 125 pounds. His face was crimson, his eyes bulged, his teeth were gritted like a madman, thick cords of veins pounded in his neck. His meaty young biceps were being punished into new growth levels. Miles watched the 16-year old boy through the window closely. “Guess it’s time,” he said to himself. He speed-dialed Dr. Anton Zaftig at Valhalla Labs on his mobile. It was time. He hardly knew nor cared what who Zaftig was, or what this “research” was about. All Donovan knew is that he was supposed to be on the lookout for ‘special’ muscle - from the young men who showed unusual potential, to the older, more weather-beaten gym rats who were so far past feeling any pain that all they could do was pack on more and more beef – as long as they were able to keep a balance with their abs, that is. And – as long as they had other talents as well, including square jaws, clean skin, clear eyes, and redoubtable priapic gifts. Zaftig had been quietly paying Donovan for years to spot potential talent. And the size and regularity of Zaftig’s checks were profoundly motivating. “Zaftig?” A mumbled affirmative. “There’s a kid who’s been training here a few years who I think you might want to check out….. No, he’s only 17, but he’s huge. Yes. Really huge. Yes, he’s good, very good, and I think he could be great. I’ve been watching him quite awhile now. Hmmm? Two years. No, three. Regularly. Yeah.” Donovan paced a little and glanced out his window to the gym floor. Casey was putting himself through his 6th set of curls. 15 reps per set. Now at 160 lbs. “Weight? He’s 220. At age 17. Yes, really. 220. Height? Get this: he’s 6’4”. And I don’t think he’s done growing. Yes, superb symmetry. What?" He sighed at Zaftig's question. "Yeah, he's hung, too. Biggest goddam tool I ever saw." Another mumbled question. "What? Okay. I’ll call you back. Ten minutes.” He hung up. He got up from his chair and walked out onto the floor up to the muscleboy. “Awesome. Awesome young muscle. Congratulations,” he said breezily. Casey was in heaven. “Gee thanks, Mr. Donovan!” he said. Casey was always excited when the handsome muscleman praised him. “Let’s see those guns,” said Miles. Casey was only too happy to comply, eagerly flexing his powerful young biceps. Miles stroked them appreciatively, and then casually flexed his own right arm. Casey stared. “Wow,” he breathed. He reached forward to touch it. “Go ahead,” said Miles. “Stroke it.” As Casey approached respectfully and softly ran his fingers over Miles’ thick biceps, the older man glanced down. And was startled. The bulge in Casey’s gym shorts was poled out about a foot from his hips. He didn’t seem to notice, transfixed as he was stroking Miles’ biceps. Miles flexed a few more times for him, and with great self-control, walked away. He called Zaftig back. “Yeah, he gets hard when he touches muscles. Okay. No, I don’t think he does drink. Or smoke. One thing, though. I don’t think he’s the brightest light in the billboard. Does it matter? No? Okay. Yes. I will. I’ll keep you posted.” It was that afternoon that Donovan smilingly informed Casey that his membership to Raw Weight would be free of charge for the foreseeable future. He clapped him breezily on his powerful young shoulders, and was slightly astonished at the hardness of the muscle beneath his palm. For his part, Casey was overjoyed. He didn’t stop to examine why such good fortune might have his way, and what might be expected of him in exchange in the future. He continued to pump enthusiastically, and pack on the muscle. The kid’s not bad, thought Donovan, watching Casey joyfully burn through a grueling set of 20 reps of 400-pound deadlifts. ******* Just a few days later that Casey Rockland finally decided to do something about the gang who had been pummeling him in the dorm shower room for years. Already it was taking more and more of the boys in the gang to hold him down during his beatings, which were growing far less frequent as he got bigger and bigger. One day they stopped completely, but the boy’s hostility still festered in the air. Casey was getting ready for payback. Ramon had showed him how, too. “You got a fearsome punch, kid,” he said one afternoon, flat on his back in the ring where Casey had just knocked him, his eye blackened. “Lead with the left. You got it.” One night after lights out, a few of the boys circled his bed. He looked up at them, bleary-eyed and half asleep. “What?” he asked. “Pull his shorts down!“ “You do it! It’s gay!” “I wanna see!” came a pipsqueak voice. Casey felt a dozen hands pin him down in the half-light, and his shorts were yanked to his knees. His adolescent penis, tumescent in the steamy night, was exposed. He was humiliated. And mad. “Goddamn!” one boy yelled. “It’s huge!” “It’s like a monster!” “Hey, Banana Man!” “See, I told ya!” “He’s a freak!” “Casey the Freak!” the boys chanted, and began to pummel him. Casey curled into a ball on his mattress, gritted his teeth, and took it tearfully. “Next time,” he said himself as the boys rained his body with their weak punches. "Next time, they get it." On what turned out to be his last day in the San Jose Boys’ Home, a gang of 18 biggest boys circled him during morning showers, laughing and pointing at his monster penis for the last time. "Okay," he said. "You turds have laughed at me for the last time. He swung a fist, very deliberately, and caught the ringleader square on the jaw. A tooth flew out and the boy hit the wall of the shower. Methodically Casey began to punch his way through the crowd of now-terrified boys. He was surprised at how easy it was. When the steam cleared, all 18 lay on the ground with an array of blackened eyes, broken noses, fractured jaws, and missing teeth. Casey sported a huge shiner himself. It was worth it. That afternoon 5 ambulances pulled up to the front gates and took the boys away for bandaging in the San Juan ER. Four boys were required to stay overnight for observation. Sister Marietta called him into her office to reprimand him. As she always did with the bad boys, she bent him over her lap and spanked his firm young butt with a ruler. She broke three of them before she finally gave up, perplexed at how hard the young man’s behind had become. Afterwards, rubbing his stinging bottom, Casey ran back to his room and cried. No one loves me, he cried. That night he ran away forever from the San Jose Boy’s Home. He went to the gym, and still sniffling, emptied out his locker. Donovan watched him from the window in his office as Casey, in tears tucked his favorite do-rag in his back jeans pocket and slumped out into the night. Casey figured he had to leave town, although he had no idea where exactly he was going to go. Miles picked up his mobile phone. He figured the time had come. A hour later, Dr. Zaftig found Casey sitting alone and dejectedly in the San Jose bus station. Dr. Zoloft was in transit from the city to the lab facility in the countryside outside town when Donovan had called him hurriedly. He did a fast detour in his minivan, walked swiftly into the bus station, and took a good look at the huge kid bursting out of his t-shirt, sitting alone on a bench in the corner. He knew right away he had another promising specimen for Project Herculaneum. Miles Donovan was never wrong. Zaftig walked unhesitatingly up to Casey and introduced himself. He talked about a bright, golden future for the young bodybuilder. Innocent Casey stared at him uncomprehendingly for a few minutes. Then he smiled through his tears. In the end, he went with the doctor with the funny name. He never questioned anything. He was just grateful. Casey moved into the cadet facility at the base of the mountain leading up to the main compound that night. The next morning, Dr. Irving appeared in Sister Marietta’s office and signed for his release. He flashed some government identification for her, muttered some Federal mumbo jumbo, announced that Valhalla Labs had invested in Casey’s training for four years, and petitioned the court for the right to take Casey into custody. Sister Marietta held up her hand to cut him off, offering no objections. “Take him. He’s too big for us now. We can’t afford to feed him anymore, and the other boys are now terrified of him. Besides, four of his classmates are still in the hospital. It would be best for all if he left.” As she signed the papers offered by Dr. Irving, she added, “But please take good care of him. Casey is a sweet and simple young man. He needs love.” No other paperwork seemed necessary, and though it was far from being anything like a formal adoption, it was enough for the Good Sister. She was relieved to see the boy go – he now always seemed to be hungry, and she had been forced to replace Sister Anne in the kitchen because the boy’s appetite was breaking the food budget. She was glad he could go somewhere where, hopefully, he would get his required 6 square meals a day. Beyond that, she wouldn’t worry. Casey had always been a good boy – well, until the day before. She knew he’d make the right decisions for himself. Or not. Once in the program, Zaftig fast-tracked Casey’s growth. Under Zaftig’s watchful eye and the encouragement of the cadet trainers, he worked harder than anyone he had yet encountered. And the food? He couldn’t believe it – six full meals a day! Two days a week he was required to remain near his quarters and relax. The other five days of the week were taken up with schooling, enhanced nutrition, supervised meditation, running drills, bicycling, swimming, gymnastics practice, small arms training, and nightly injections of Protein 21b, Zaftig’s laboratory serum developed under the most rigorous of testing. Within two months, he was a full cadet in the program, and in less than 2 years he was approaching the threshold of muscular perfection. Most of the time for those years, he was alone with Zaftig, Dr. Irving, his trainers, and some of the Project cadets. He had been restrained from meeting the other 19 men, who trained and socialized on their own in the main building of the facility. He didn’t notice it just at first, but during the next two years he couldn’t help but wonder at the increasing volume of his emissions. He had no inkling that Protein 21b might be causing his sperm production to gradually increase exponentially. Still, during the two years he came to understand that there might be some link between the clear liquid in the daily injections and the increasingly generous volume of semen that spurted out of his cock nightly. He was also amazed that his cock itself appeared to be getting even bigger. He had always been hugely hung, but – this was crazy. At first it required little more than a washrag to clean up after himself, but in time, larger and larger bath towels were required to mop up the flow after cumming. His sheets were badly always badly stained in the morning, and – strangely – every night he found they had been replaced by crisp, new sheets. He never knew who might be doing this for him, and over time his initial embarrassment about his sticky sheets faded away into the generally dark, accumulating volume of unanswered questions. After he passed his high school graduation equivalency exams, Zaftig decided he was ready to take it to the next level. It was time to formally present the boy to the 19. Casey was 18 years old and in the best condition of his young life to date. Still, he was lonely. At night he lay alone in his little room, gazed out the window at the moon and the stars, and beat his humongous meat off fiercely. He dreamed of being the biggest, strongest man in the world. Everyone would love him. And he would protect everyone. It was the sweetest dream in the world, and it was always enough to charge him to a satisfying climax. Then he’d roll over and fall into a deep sleep, hopeful for better days.
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