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  1. Arthur Thorn Part Four by F_R_Eaky Part One: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/10588-arthur-thorn-part-one-by-f_r_eaky/ Part Two: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/10601-arthur-thorn-part-two-by-f_r_eaky/ Part Three: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/11207-arthur-thorn-part-three-by-f_r_eaky/ David Hamm opened up the door to his house and standing outside was Dr. Charles Orlando, David's boyfriend, Arthur's, psychiatrist. David stood there filling most of the doorway up with his frame save for the upper four inches of it. Sweatpants and a tight t-shirt that pulled near to form fitting across his chest and bunched his sleeve hems up in between his upper arms and delts. Although covered in socks, his shoeless feet still looked a goodly size that most people wouldn't want to be kicked by. Dr. Orlando eyed him up and down while David just stood there, until David sort of came to, uttered an apology, and stepped aside as he motioned for Dr. Orlando to come inside. "Arthur describes you well. You are a big guy." David blushed a little. "There are some bigger, but yeah I'm in the upper percentile of guys." and he laughed nervously. "How is the patient doing?" "He's fine. He's been tired of the hospital where you can recuperate but not actually get any rest. They would've preferred to have you see him there, but with no actual property damage and no physical altercations, they didn't have anything to hold him there." "There was some comment on possible drug usage. Do they know what he took?" "They're not sure he took anything." "I'm sorry. Did I not understand the report correctly?" "No. ... ... No, they did have that in the initial report. When he arrived he seemed to be covered in this... .... slime. They figured given his attitude it must have been some new way of trying to administer an HGH or steroid into the human system like through a cream, but not only didn't they find any of the cream in his system, but there was no HGH or steroids in either his system or this...this cream, slime, whatever it is." "That's good... .... that's good. At least we know he's not on something that is altering his state of mind." Dr. Orlando sighed and paused for a moment before addressing David once again. "Look... Normally I can't discuss anything about cases of a patient even with loved ones, but as you are the closest to him as his partner, I do have to ask you about his behavior so I can try and figure out what has been going on. Has this agitation been building up slowly over time?" "It has built up over time, but not real slowly. He's been having these nightmares. He dreams about a car, a tree, some kind of giant, and that he's had something stolen from him. It seems to correlate with his trips to the gym and whenever this former bodybuilder, Gerogio Toro, is working out at the same time. Ian Francis, my trainer, is his trainer too, and he tells me Arthur gets so upset, agitated, angry when Mr. Toro comes in. Not only that, but Arthur even calls out his name from time to time in his sleep." "Are you aware of Arthur's size fetish?" "Oh, yeah. It's what attracted him to me. He's attracted to me because I'm almost hulk size, and I know he'd love to be like the hulk, perhaps even dwarf me if he could." "Do you think he's more feelings towards this Mr. Toro because he's a bigger built individual than you are?" "What? No.... no.... Arthur's not that superficial, besides, I'm like two inches taller than Mr. Toro and if I wanted to I could build up to close his size. Not exactly as fully as him, not quite in my genetics, but my genetics isn't exactly on the slight build size neither." Dr. Orlando nodded. "Just trying to see if there was correlation. But Mr. Toro has been filling up Arthur's mind, schedule, despite not falling in love for him? Is he obsessed with Mr. Toro?" "I'm not sure." "Is there anything unusual that's happened to his routine?" "Well, It started way back near his birthday. He went off to some temple to try and learn a technique to help stop him from obsessing about huge, hulking bodybuilders. The next day, the day of the slight earthquake, it caused all of the incense he had for meditation purpose to catch fire and fill the room and house with a huge amount of smoke. He almost died. Ever since then he's been commenting in his sleep with these nightmares about him not being able to lift something, then he makes commentary about Mr. Toro and how something has been stolen from him, and lately he's been crying out that he's a mile wide. I have no idea what is going on. It's has begun to permeate his life though. He's working out more and more, and getting aggressive with his workout style... and his artwork... well come over here.... See, all of these are so dark, so violent, at least they feel that way to me. This one has some dark looming tree with all these glowing circles behind them...." "The circles are in pairs though." "So?" "Like headlights. Could be the mention of the car and tree he says are in his dreams are flashbacks to some kind of car crash in his life. Has he or his family members ever mentioned one?" "No." "And this one here... this cube with circles and bending tubes that could be an abstract way of showing a car engine with its exhaust pipes and gears or belt wheels..." "And the yellow, orange, and red sharp, pointy spikes around it?" "Well, it could be the engine is on fire. But this is of course all supposition, I would need to spend time talking with him to see how he's feeling, coping with things, events presently and in his past." Just then the two men could hear Arthur in the bedroom moaning and crying out softly. It was the same thing about being unable to lift something and then having something stolen from him. The two men entered into the bedroom where upon David sat on the beside stroking Arthur's face and then Arthur's hair out of his eyes, before eventually giving calm shushing noises and dabbing a wet wash cloth across Arthur's forehead. When it was done, David stood up and walked back over to Dr. Orlando. "See... He strove to put this obsession behind him and I fear he's made it stronger." "It's worse than that. He didn't have an obsession. Before hand it didn't interfere with his regular life. He had a good relationship with you and himself, work, family, and he kept control of his bills, his health, his surroundings...." "Now, I think he's letting that all slide, Doc. All he seems to care about is working out and occasional painting for stress relief." "He looks different from what I remember him at our last session." David spoke in hushed tones and moved in closer to Dr. Orlando. "That's just it, Doc. The medical doctors at the hospital won't believe me, even though I have proof of it via his driver's license and other documents. He has changed and quite a lot physically. He was five feet four inches tall, with a rail thin body, boys shoes, and smooth as a baby. But now.... now he's five feet ten - six inches taller! He's got a build between a swimmers and a soccer player, cut and defined as hell. He's wearing a size thirteen shoe, and he's got lil' sprouts of hair starting in the center of his chest and down round his navel. He also looks a little more blessed in another area as well. I know this could get me locked up for being crazy, but he left the house that day his lil five-four twinky little self and went to the hospital an average kind of jacked and hung man. Even if it could be explained medically as a late, very late growth spurt, how does one explain six inches in height, plus mass, and all the rest in just a few hours? Hell, few minutes. Ian says when Arthur left him in the workout room he was still five-four." "The mind is my expertise, Mr. Hamm. I'm not sure what to tell you about this sudden change in his physical appearance. If it was medically possible to see that kind of difference in just a few short months would still be rather drastic. May I ask what is that on the table over there?" "This?" David picked up a vial full of some white, viscous fluid and handed it to Dr. Orlando. "This is some of the stuff they scraped off of Arthur when they got him to the hospital. He was covered in the stuff. Like I told you earlier, they thought it might have been some kind of cream, but they're not sure what kind it is. They did a test for seamen, but in order for him to be covered in human seaman it would have to have been produced by a hundred foot giant or about a hundred men and, of course neither were in or around the sauna. He was found alone. Although there was giant they stopped for questioning..." "It's good you can have some kind of humor during this. Arthur is going to need you as he gets through whatever this is. Listen a couple of other questions before I leave. You stated this all began to happen around his birthday?" "Yes, a couple of months after he went to that temple and then had the meditation." "And he had a near death experience the day of the meditation?" "Yes. Why?" "What kind of temple did he go to visit?" "Buddhist I think....wait and a Hindu one as well, I believe, but what does that have..." "Do you mind if I kept this vial?" "No, sure, why?" "I think I have an idea of what it is, and a friend of mine who can help us out." ********************************************************************** A number of days later, Arthur was coming out of the showers and heading into the locker area when his way became blocked by Gerogio Toro. The pair stood there staring each other down for quite some time. Arthur looking slightly up at the six foot three inch tall Gerogio, seeing how his wide back nearly took up the two person entry way into the showers, noticing how far out Gerogio's pecs just barreled out so wide and so thick as if they almost were actually two barrels set next to one another, observing how wide, thick, the lats were leading upward towards what would be handful deep pits if Gerogio were doing a double-bi pose, and going downwards shrinking into a waist that although slightly bulbous now, was once taught, tight, shredded and stacked with abs and obliques popping and rocking everywhere. This was pretty much all Arthur could see, save for the wings pushing out might arms that looked nearly as thick as his current waist and we topped off with ancient marble spheres that surely once topped Grecian columns as representations of the earth or the cosmos. But it was the neck that stood out like a stone plinth supporting a goodly sized head which looked down upon Arthur was a seriously disapproving look. Piercing the shorter man's body, noticing the shorter height, the much slimmer body, smaller and softer muscles, but still there was some mass, there was some definition there. Of course there wasn't enough there to have ever toppled him when he was in his prime competing, there wasn't even enough there to give him a run for his money in his current, retired, off-season, middle aged, weight and size. "You.... are Arthur Thorn...." "Yeah...." "You are the one who makes up stories... ... ... lies about me. You've told others I've stole something from you. ... ... ... What was it?" "I..... .... ... I don't know." "As I thought. I've stolen nothing from you." "I'm not lying. I don't know how, or why, or what... ... ... I just know you've taken something from me." "I do not like people telling lies about me, little piss ant!" "Good, cause it's not a lie. Now, move out of the way." "No... you.... move out of my way." "It works like an elevator: people wishing to get on must wait and stand out of the way of those who want to get out of the way first." "I AM A MOUNTAIN! I AM IMMOVEABLE!" "Well then I guess I just have to climb over you!" And with that Arthur proceed to grab the back of Gerogio's neck with one hand and place a foot on a toweled thigh of Gerogio's and attempt to climb over him. Of course this wasn't received well by Gerogio who grabbed a hold of Arthur by the waist and ran with him into a shower fall. Arthur slightly doubled over as the wind was violently knocked out of him, but it wasn't that bad of a blow. Miscalculating what it would do to Arthur, Gerogio let go of Arthur allowing him to slide and slump to the floor. Taking only a few seconds to recover and regain his breath, Arthur decided to play it slightly dirty and reaching out, punched the mighty ball sack if Gerogio, then taking his hands and striking Gerogio's face as it came down towards him due to the ball punch. Gerogio then screamed and picked up Arthur running him out of the showers, slamming his back into a locker and very quickly holding him by the neck with just one hand. Everyone that was in the locker room at the time stood still staring at the pair. Gerogio eyeballing Arthur again. "You seem a little bigger I think than when I first saw you in this gym, but no matter. No matter how well you train or how big you become, very few people will ever reach my size, my strength, or my power. I do not like lies being told about me. HUUUFF!" Gerogio brought his fist hard and fast into Arthur's abs. "And it will not....HUFF!" "OOOOhhhhh" "Happen......HUFF!" "AAUUUUUGHHH AHUH" and Arthur began to cough violently. "Again! HUUFFF!" Arthur now coughed and wheezed trying to regain his breath. He strained to suck in air, harshly, and then instead of croaking, nearly belched out his reply. "You stole something from me..." "Wrong... HUUUFF!" "AHUUUUUGGGGGHH!" more coughing fit. "I will find out......what......it......i...." "WRONG!.....HUUUUUFF!" "AH! hoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo......" "I AM GEROGIO TORO - THE BULL!" "I AM MILE WIDE!" Suddenly Gerogio stopped dead in his tracks. He stared at Arthur's face for the longest time as though searching to recognize Arthur's face. "What did you say?" Arthur tried to respond but his abs were crunching and convulsing too much too uncontract and allow air to fill his diaphragm and lungs properly to breathe and speak. Gerogio forgot all about his shower. He went to his locker slipped on some shorts and shoes, grabbed his bag and left. ***************************************************************************** It took Arthur almost an hour to walk back to his and David's home, where it usually only took about twenty to twenty-five minutes tops. Staggering in through the front door, David was there and tried to see how he was doing or if he needed any assistance. "Babe! There you are.... what happened? Ian called like an hour ago and said there had been an altercation between you and Mr. Toro. What's going o...... you're hurt. Do you need to go..." "I'm fine, hon. Just leave me be for right now." "I see from how you move and when your shirt rises up there are bruises all up and down your lower torso. What did he do....." "I SAID I'M FINE! No wonder people think when you're huge you're dumb as an ox. None of you apparently seems to listen!" Arthur went into the bedroom, slamming the door on the way. David sighed and decided to leave him be for a while and cool off. After going to the bathroom and the medicine cabinet, he unpacked some bruise balm and an ice pack to fill later before sitting down on the living room couch to watch a bit of t.v. After a few hours he decided to see if Arthur was hungry by bringing a tray of food in for dinner. The tray wouldn't quite make it all the way to the bed. Once inside David discovered Arthur in a somewhat comatose state on the bed. His eyes were rolled back and he was chanting over and over again at having something stolen from him and that he was a mile wide. But then he started gagging and David noticed this fluid coming out of Arthur's mouth. Grabbing the phone to call nine one one, David suddenly dropped it, cutting the call short. The white fluid, cream, or whatever it was spewing forth at a rapid rate out of Arthur's mouth, and then it began to steam out of him like cobwebs being shot out or like strands of silly string from a can. Collectively the whole mass of viscous fluid began to ebb and flow, rise and fall until it completely covered Arthur from head to toe as if in a cocoon. David wasn't sure what to make of it. It was semi-translucent so he could still kind of still see Arthur and how he was doing, but he wasn't sure at all if Arthur was still breathing inside. He sat at the bed side feeling the cocoon for a while, when he began to hear little rips or tears. Looking down he saw where it was coming from. Arthur's hands were moving ever so slowly, but as they moved they cut into and snapped parts of the silk of the cocoon. David wondered if Arthur was trying to break out and went to help him, but the cocoon proved too strong for David himself to rip. How was Arthur doing it? Soon David realized, Arthur wasn't cutting the fabric and moving, his hands were growing. They were becoming longer, wider, thicker, stronger in size. This was confirmed when he went down to the end of the bed and heard the same rip and tearing kind of sound. Laying down on the floor and placing his right foot against Arthur's left, he watched in awe as Arthur's foot got longer and wider, meatier and thicker. It just kept getting bigger and bigger, and soon David realized, Arthur's foot was now as long, wide, and thick as his was - a size sixteen. It wasn't too long after that that Arthur's feet were now just sticking off the bed like David's did. Could it be Arthur was now six feet four inches tall like he was? Then the ripping and tearing sounds increased dramatically, but were of two different variety. There were the original smaller sounding rips, along with others that sounded a bit longer and louder mixed in. Sitting up David stared at his boyfriend's legs - the ankles were definitely beginning to look a little thicker, more solid. A vein rose up to the top on one leg and traveled up the side and across the back and it seemed to bring a pulse to the calve itself. At first it looked like the whole shin was just getting a bit thicker, but then you could begin to see that ball in the back develop and you knew it was that calve developing. It was forming a nice round ball that was soft, then tight, then grew out to something of a heart shape, all pumping and throbbing with the beat of Arthur's pulse. Arthur's legs began to sink a little deeper into the mattress as his thighs began to fill out and harden into thicker and thicker tear drop shapes. If it had been a hard floor he was lying on, one would see the space developing between the floor and his knees as his hamstring developed tight and taught like a steel cable and his thigh bicep developed big and huge and then his ass grew out and bubbled into two hard marble globes. It then became slightly quiet for a moment. The ripping noises seemed to stop. No, they had changed more into a rustling like sound of sheets being moved around and together. David stood up and loomed over the bed looking up and down Arthur to see what was happening. He was taken back because he could see that Arthur's frame did indeed fill up the bed like his did now, with the exception of the torso not being as thick. He put his hands to his mouth to kind of stifle a cry. What has happening to his boyfriend, his lover, the man he was planning to soon ask to be his fiancé? Staring down at him he eventually noticed why it had become so quiet. Arthur's muscles were still growing, still changing, but this time the growth was concentrated and centered on Arthur's abdominals and waist line which was bunching and rolling into a tighter and tighter form, developing with hundreds and thousands of crevices and lines showing all these defined and stacked bricks of abdominals and spreading out into the obliques. The fabric of the cocoon this time wasn't being ripped it was shifting and collapsing due to space being made by the shrinking waistline. It didn't take long for the ripping sounds to return as David saw the rivers of veins rise up to the surface of Arthur's skin on his veins and travel upwards. He watched as it seemed Arthur's back became wider and wider, broader and broader, and incredibly thick. But David knew it wasn't Arthur's back that was growing just yet. This was Arthur's lats spreading out wider and higher making it look as though Arthur had a pair of glider wings spreading out behind him and if he was shot out like a human cannonball, he wouldn't land into a safety net but fly and glide over it with ease. The rips became a bit louder now and David saw that the cocoon was breaking apart Arthur's chest which with each breath became thicker and wider. Arthur's pecs just ballooned out more and more going from the slight swimmer's crescents into deeper heavier ones, then into some good sized serving plates, and finally into some decent pillow, albeit very hard ones, shapes like the back cushions for a chair. His nipples became engorged and started a descent to pointing down instead of straight out, as his chest continued to heave and rise. The combination of the lats and the chest, and back which had now actually grown broader and thicker itself but hidden from view as it buried into the mattress, these three things began to push Arthur's arms further out and out from the sides of his body, as though if he took flight with his glider lats, he would use his arms to flap as extension of the wings. David could see Arthur clearer and clearer the cocoon appeared to be disappearing. With every growth outward Arthur was making, the cocoon seemed to be shrinking into him. David have a much clearer view as he watched the veins snake forth from Arthur's hands and travel up the arms. Arthur began to twirl and twist his hands at the write as if trying to make a most muscular pose of his arms, but with his hands down at his side. This caused the forearm to bunch and roll, throb and grow until it began to look something like a decently sized turkey leg: thin at the wrist joint but expanding the further you went up to the elbow. But it didn't look out of place as the muscles of the upper arm had been struck by the veins as well and they had begun to swell and flex, pop and bunch. The slight but muscular form the biceps had began to grow larger, get bigger, swelling like a balloon filled with water and more and more was coming in. A small fruit to a baseball it grew and then began to develop a split a ridge almost as if there were two bicep heads there. It was now at a point where it looked almost flexed when relaxed and developing into quite a peak when flexed. The triceps weren't neglected either, a nice horseshoe shape was forming and growing pushing Arthur's arms up and off the mattress and gave that appearance. The one that showed from the back this was a serious lifter who knew how to work his arms, and made it look like those upper arms alone would weight forty pounds each. The whole of Arthur had been growing this time. It wasn't quite as separate as David saw or remembered it. David's attention was almost brought to regular sense of awareness as very loud rips were heard over the diminishing ones of the cocoon. The delts had grown and swelled into beautiful dense and hard, round balls being held between the upper arms and mountain ridge of shoulders, which had joined the lats and back in becoming exceptionally wide and broad as though a 3d model of some small mountain range in the middle of rising up and growing due to tectonic plate movement and collision. And all this together meant it was the death of Arthur's bedtime t-shirt, which was meant for his original five foot four inch tall, extremely skinny frame. So in almost an instant the shirt just gave out and screamed in ripping terror as it spilt up the back and front of the sleeves, tore straight down the front exposing the chest, ripped out the underarms and then shredded it right down the sides due to the lats. David remembered when he was younger, still in the closet, of all the porn his buddies would show him and the scenes where the woman had been given a shirt slightly too small, and during love making one would swear her breasts began to expand, popping the button or ripping the shirt until suddenly she was exposed and there by the thinnest of strips of cloth were her breasts supported and held in place as they heaved, grew, and bounced. Only this time... here and now...the same scenario was playing out but it was with a man and his pectorals that just ballooned out and then was caught by the bottom part of the shirt until the lats helped the rip continue further all the way down his abdomen. One last bit of ripping was to be heard. Following the noise David gasped and watched as Arthur's package, which already seemed larger than he recalled, grew out like some kind of snake slithering out of Arthur's groin. It grew out longer and thicker over a pair of balls that appeared to be gaining size as well. It grew and grew until, hitting the bottom of the pouch it had to turn in just a bit to either travel under or back up. The underwear, again, originally for Arthur's smaller frame as he hadn't had a chance to buy newer clothes for his five foot ten inch self, was stretched and pulled and it began to pop and rip a bit. Even lying down, Arthur's assets were pushing, rolling the pouch down and out further and further from his body. The waist band started to travel down... down.... and then up and down, up and off of Arthur's body. Between his package, his bubble butt, and now two increases of height, Arthur made these pair of underwear now look like posers that were excessively too small for him. Suddenly Arthur sat up. He was still in a daze and covered still some of the fluid that made the cocoon, although most of it had vanished either into thin air or presumably Arthur's body. "Arthur?" "You have stolen something from me...." "No... no...baby... it's me, David. Your love. I'm not Mr. Toro." "YOU HAVE STOLEN SOMETHING FROM ME!" And with lightning reflexes Arthur was instantly standing up and grabbed David by the throat. David stared in wide-eyed wonder at the body now in front of him. Arthur was indeed as tall as he was, but now slightly bigger in build. Arthur was something just slightly beyond a personal trainer's build. A wrestler? A gymnast? He was just large enough to definitely turn heads and be exceptionally impressive, but not quite at the professional bodybuilder level. David's mine was flooded with thoughts and emotions. Is Arthur going to try and kill him? Could he defend himself and allow himself to hurt Arthur in protection or worse yet, kill him, if needed? Would Arthur come to and be himself again? And if he did....how this work now.... his partner of equal size and power.... maybe even stronger? "aaauuuuuugh" David let a moan escape from his lips as suddenly his 8.5 inch member rose to complete stiffness and length in what felt like a second. That moment of thought was all that Arthur needed. Pushing David by the throat, Arthur slammed him into the wall and held him there, choking him. David tried to reason with him. "Honey... it's me.... Da....da.... DAVID! I'M DAVID!" "I AM A MILE WIDE!" "Yes.... yes you are a big guy like I am now... but babe, I didn't steal from...urrrk!" "YOU STOLE FROM ME!" "NO! no no no.... no baby, I stole nothing from you... I love you....I'm.... I'm David..." "I.....I......You....... I am.....a..... mile wide...." For a moment it seemed like Arthur was coming to his senses, but it turned out to be a mixed state of mind. His statement over and over again was becoming more tender, gentler, you could feel love within it, but it was still the same statement, "I am a mile wide." His hold although softened, still held firm. Then, Arthur raised one hand and brushed off the shirt that didn't cling to him, but just lay there draped over his shoulders. As the shirt was fluttering to the ground, Arthur grabbed the waist band of his oh, too tight, underwear and just ripped them clean off. In the next moment his hand that was on David's throat moved to a shoulder and he flipped David around, face to the wall. In the next instant David's pants were ripped down and his bubble butt exposed and Arthur stuffed his ample cock inside David's ass. "Oh god.... is this what he's always wanted?" thought David. "Was I maybe actually stealing something from him because we usually had me play the top? Was this how it was going to be now, that Arthur needed to dominate? Needed to OOOOH!" David gasped in the realization that not only was Arthur's cock the same size as his, but that it was soft and was growing longer and thicker as it became hard inside of him. And as he realized that his boyfriend was larger hung than him, and possible bigger built than him, he wondered what would happen if Arthur got even bigger in both places as well as taller? "Auuuuuuuuugh...." David cock throbbed even harder at that thought and as Arthur rammed into him, David thought he was so rock hard now his cock just poked a hole through the wall it was pressed against. Unsure whether it was courage or lust David suddenly used his police training to get himself released from Arthur and push him back, but then he ran towards him and with hands embracing Arthur's head lip locked with him so hard they might both needed a dentist appointment and oral surgery afterwards. While locked in this great tonsillectomy kiss of passion, David pushed Arthur back into a chair and once there, straddled Arthur's lap. Grabbing a hold of Arthur's fully erect cock, David at first gasped, feeling it's incredible length and thickness, and then moaned greatly as he slide down on it, stuff it into his own hole. Arthur approved of this and stood up carrying David across the room, after David locked his legs and feet around Arthur's waist as best as he could. Arthur went to throw David and himself upon a side table, but the combined weight of the two plus sized men was too much for it and they crashed to the floor. Was no matter as Arthur kept pounding away until with a roar that some of the neighbors heard, he released and came flooding David's ass, while David at the same time reached an orgasm, without having to touch his own cock or balls, and went off like a geyser himself. This would not be the first piece of furniture broken or climaxed reached by the two this evening before they collapsed in exhaustion at the break of dawn. ************************************************************************* On the other side of town, Dr. Charles Orlando sits at his home desk and computer staring at multiple screens of various search engines. [June 16, ??16] Scanning the information called up he sighs as he sees nothing, at least nothing of interest he could find in connection with a patient of his. He tries another date about three months later and still nothing really stands out at him. [June 16, ??91] Again nothing much. He tries looking up the dates on the Buddhist and Hindu calendars. Still nothing that might help him figure out the puzzle. He tries the dates again concerning art and galleries. Nothing. He tries the dates with theft. Hundreds of petty crimes, but nothing that he could see as a connection. He tries the date with sports still nothing except it the latter year date was the first year Mr. Toro won his first Mr. Olympia contest. But then something caught his eye in one article. "As expected the Olympia crown went to Gerogio 'The Bull' Toro. No one could match him in symmetry, definition, striations, vascularity, and size. No one save Miles Ashe, but with his unfortunate demise the way was left completely open for Mr. Toro to step on up... .... ...." Quickly Dr. Orlando typed into his search engines.... [June 16, ??91 Miles Ashe] As if he had found a key to unlock a dam door, suddenly his screens were flooded with information no matter which way he turned. All of them bearing the same story in various fashions. "June 17th, ??91 The world of bodybuilding is in a complete state of shock this morning at the discovery of a horrible accident that occurred in the early hours of yesterday evening. One of bodybuilding's greatest stars, in fact one of the hottest rising stars in the sport, Miles Ashe known as 'Mile Wide' for his incredible broad shoulders and back, was killed last night in a horrific traffic accident. It seems that just a scant few miles from his house, while traveling down Redwood Road. a road know in infamy as being a dangerous and deadly road for its steep grade that ends in a hair pin curve. Mr. Ashe's brakes gave way sending him careening off the road and into a tree. Authorities say it is a complete tragedy as although he hit the tree slightly head on and the air bags deployed, the behemoth muscle man couldn't get out of the car not because the car itself held any obstacle for him, but that the way in which the car his actually pushed the engine block right on top of Mr. Ashe's legs, basically placing it into his lap. The steering wheel and dash which was also pushed forward, crumpled and gave way to Mr. Ashe's might pectoral muscles, but engine block was an even match for the bodybuilding phenom. Unable to move that block off of himself, Mr. Ashe died when the car caught fire. Hundreds of folks have been traveling down this road today and throwing bouquets of flowers, some even decorated plates of weight where the accident occurred. They are saddened at the loss of this great man who was poised to compete this year and probably break the record number of both consecutive and non-consecutive wins held by a Mr. Olympia contestant. .... .... ...." Suddenly the phone rang jarring Dr. Orlando awake. "Hello?... .... .... .... Ah Dr. Barua have you had a chance to examine the fluid that I sent you? .... .... .... Well, I just found something that has me convinced more than ever what it is.... .....That's what I thought too... ectoplasm. Doctor.... .... Sambaran, I think this case here might call for your abilities. I need you to fly here as soon as possible."
  2. londonboy

    Little Mouse - Part Six

    “Mouse! Dude! Where did all the bulges come from?” Kenny, the sleaze, was suddenly at Michael’s side as he walked to the library. Kenny smacked Michael’s back with an open hand and the shorter guy noticed he barely felt it. It was a beautiful evening and Michael needed to study. His room had become a little stuffy, mainly because he had beat off so many times it smelled like a bathhouse. Michael also knew being at the library would help him not count the seconds until Matt appeared at his room. He still felt a little guilty about twisting the truth with Tommy, but his need for human contact was just too much. He was feeling so powerful that he couldn’t wait to challenge the bigger wrestler. He knew he would never win in a match, but, yet, he still wanted to wrestle the guy. There was this urge inside him that dominated almost every thought – and it all seemed so sexual and strength-related at the same time. “Hey, Kenny. What are you talking about?” “Man, I’m talking about you and your muscles poking that shirt out in all directions. It’s like you’ve just put small balloons all up in there, but I can tell it’s actually hard as rock because it doesn’t jiggle. You shooting the roids, Mouse?” “No! Get out of here man. You’re crazy.” “Michael, I’m not gay or anything, but trust me when I say I know when a guy is getting jacked. I’ve dated enough girls who told me I was too puny to not notice when a man is getting big. Whatever you’re doing to grow – it’s working.” “Kenny, you just called me Michael!” “Well that’s your name, isn’t it, dude?” “Yeah, but you’ve always….” “Oh hell, there goes April Bowers. She makes me want to cover her in Kenny showers! Later man! Keep up the roids – they’re definitely helping.” And with that, the snake was off – chasing some other skirt around campus. Michael was baffled by the guy’s comments, but he was more overjoyed by the fact that Kenny, the Snake, had just called him by his real name. Kenny never did that! Michael ignored the comments about the bulges and just focused on the fact that his fraternity brother had called him by his real name and not his embarrassing nickname. Studying at the library was not successful. Michael could only think about ejaculating and feeling Matt’s muscled wrestler body. At one point, while he was writing a paper for his English Lit class, he looked down and saw he had written the same line three or four times, “I want to pound Matt’s muscular tight ass.” It was a little disconcerting how he had written it without even realizing it. Michael’s body was on fire with power. He had benched eight hundred pounds today. That was probably over three times as much as Matt weighed. That meant he could easily lift Matt’s body - even over his head. This thought stayed in Michael’s mind the entire time he tried to study. Later, he caught himself feeling up his own biceps and chest as he read from a book – and found he was even was fully hard in response. He glanced up, embarrassed when he noticed what he was doing, and immediately saw Andrea Evans – the head cheerleader – staring at him and licking her lips in response. That’s when Michael knew it was time to leave the library. He gathered his books and headed out the front door. As he went down the steps he nearly ran into Matt – clearly coming from lifting since he was sweat covered and dressed in shorts and a tank. “Whoa, little Mouse, what’s the rush? Something got you spooked?” “Yeah, Andrea Evans licking her lips at me.” Michael responded without even thinking. He was too busy taking in Matt’s gorgeous muscled torso – tensed even more than it usually was. “Andrea Evans licking her lips at you?” “Yeah.” “I don’t think so, squirt, but keep on dreaming. Listen, Janice wants me to take her for beers at ten, so I was thinking we could go to your room now and I could plow your face for a while. Don’t answer, cause you don’t really have a choice, just start walking home. Stay a few steps in front of me so no one thinks we’re together.” “Who said romance is dead.’ Michael was offended by Matt’s words, but his need for release was greater than his disappointment. He gladly led the way across campus. Once they were inside the room, however, he quickly took off his shirt and turned toward the beefy wrestler! “Holy shit, Mouse, what’s happened to you?” “What do you mean, Matt.” “Wait a minute. Wait just a fucking minute. Tommy’s given you bars, hasn’t he? Hasn’t he. That little shit. How many have you had?” “What? No, Tommy’s not been…” “How many!” Matt shouted at the top of his lungs – to emphasize his anger. Michael was temporarily frightened. “Um . . . two . . . two bars.” “How much you lifting? Come on you stupid little shit, how much?” Suddenly, Michael knew not to answer truthfully. He already regretted having Matt back to his room – mainly because of how it betrayed Tommy. He also heard something he didn’t like in Matt’s voice – something mean – meaner than usual – and dirty. Michael quickly calculated what he thought would be a good answer. “About four hundred.” “Nowhere near how I responded, good. Now listen, tiny Mouse, I don’t want you going near Tommy Cole again. You hear me. If I find out you’ve been with Tommy I’m going to wrap those tiny legs of yours around your neck and tie them in a bow. Do you hear me? I said, do you hear me, little fucker!” “Yes, Matt. But why?” “Shut up! Just do as I say! I mean it. Dammit, I’m going to kill that bastard!” And with that, Matt was gone. Michael stood in his dorm – shirtless and utterly confused. He could feel his heart beating stronger than usual – either from fear or excitement – he couldn’t tell which. Had he just made Matt jealous? Was the big wrestler upset because he and Tommy were getting so close? What did he mean when he said, “nowhere near how I responded.” There were so many things swirling around in his brain, but the one thought that kept popping up over and over was to beat off. He had wanted to get off to Matt’s muscles, but the big man had stormed off so quickly. Michael simply accepted the fact that he’d have to help himself to his needed release. As he made his way to his bed he passed the full-length mirror on the closet door. He walked by the thing many times a day and never glanced at himself, but tonight something caught his eye and he stopped. “Oh. My. God.” Suddenly, Michael realized what had made Kenny and Matt both react the way they had. He understood why Kenny had used the word ‘bulges.’ Michael’s upper torso was, indeed, poking out in new ways. Muscles were clearly defined and much bigger than the guy could have ever dreamed. Without even thinking about it, Michael raised his right arm into a flex and made that biceps tense up into a well-defined ball of hardness. The sight was such a shocking turn on that the poor guy shot off like a rocket – emptying a big wad into his underpants before he could even register what was happening. The orgasm was intense – but Michael kept his arm flexed the entire time. When the gushing finally finished and turned into nothing more than spurting droplets, the short guy flexed harder. A double-peaked, granite-like gun, the size of a baseball, blasted into the air like it was the arm of some young gymnast or martial arts expert. Michael had to turn from the mirror to look at the biceps, just to make sure it was really his. “Fucking no way!” he said out loud – consumed in disbelief. He reached up with his other hand and felt the mound of hard muscle – his cock immediately rocketing to full hardness again - even after his earlier intense explosion. He caressed the peak with his fingers and palm – marveling at how hard and big it was. Michael had a freaking defined biceps – the kind of arm he lusted after – the kind of gun he had beat off to for years. But this beast of a biceps was his. As he felt himself up he noticed his other knotted gun and immediately shot that arm into the air for a double biceps pose. The guy gasped out loud – even as he flexed with all his might. His arms blasted into the air like he was some kind of internet muscle cam show – and he suddenly realized he could be. Michael closed his eyes and re-opened them, just to make sure he wasn’t dreaming and that’s when his gaze took in the rest of his upper body. “Holy fucking . . . “ The sight of his chest made him drop his arms. Two swelling mounds of pec muscle bulged tightly from his body. No wonder his shirts had all seemed two sizes too small – because they were! There was actually a freaking crevice in the middle of his chest. The once smooth as a tabletop upper body now popped out in a way that made it clear Michael could easily hold something in the deep space between his pecs – a pen, a cell phone, or part of a guy’s face. It was the beginning of the chest of his dreams. That’s when he noticed the tightly defined six-pack below the bulging pecs. He had to take a few steps back – shocked to see that he had abs that protruded in a way so it looked like he could wash clothes on them. Michael briefly acknowledged the massive wet spot at his crotch and the fact that he had been leaking pre-cum even after his major ejaculation, but it didn’t matter. All he could focus on was his own improved body. He moved his hand up to his stomach and was immediately blown away at how hard the protruding ridges felt. He made a fist and pounded three times on his flat tummy, amazed by both the deep sound it made and how little he felt it. “Oh hell yeah…” That was the only thing he could think to say when he looked lower in the mirror and saw that his thighs bulged out nicely – tightening his once baggy jeans to the point where he knew he’d have to peel them off. His legs were thick and like rock! He took the same fist and pounded on his right quad, which he flexed – noticing that it didn’t shake or jiggle at all. And that’s also when he noticed the thick, long hardness snaking across his left thigh – outlined through the jean fabric as if a sculptor was making a mold. Michael had never been ashamed of his smaller-than-normal dick – he knew it was the motion that mattered more than the size – but seeing the fact that his rod had more than doubled in size was almost too much to handle. He unsnapped his pants and struggled to shove them down over his thick upper legs. His underpants were sopping wet with cum and that highlighted the outline of his steel-hard cock even more. The power in his tool made the briefs instantly tent outward. Michael pulled the waistband away from his body so he could tug his underwear down to his knees, too. The hard beast that smacked up against his abs caused the guy to again gasp out loud. His cock was now thicker than his old forearm. Its mushroom head was plump and flared out from the shaft like a hefty arrowhead. Michael’s creamy sweetness oozed out of his dick slit, like lava teasingly escaping a volcano. “Oh fuck…” Michael wrapped his now thicker hand around his hard cock and started stroking slowly and deliberately. His gaze returned to his upper body. Traps and delts now bulged nicely where there had basically been nothing but skinniness and softness just days ago. Rounded, full-of-muscle shoulders shot out from his thickly vein-covered neck in a way that made Michael pick up the pace of his strokes. Michael did a side flex with his other arm and he felt his cum-load surge dangerously close to explosion. His arm was big . . . like Matt’s and he already knew it was powerful. His arms had lifted eight hundred pounds. Tommy had been amazed by the strength Michael now possessed and it had come after only two bars. Michael flexed his gun even harder and he was sure it bulged even bigger than it had when he had first started looking in the mirror. No wonder he had felt so powerful for so many hours. His body had been compacting and growing, and getting much stronger. Michael was so lost in his thoughts he didn’t realize he was speaking out loud. “Fuck, Matt, I’m going to squeeze you til you beg me to stop. I’m gonna crank out so many reps overhead with your little body you’re gonna get dizzy. I’m gonna slam you up against the wall, rip those pants off with one hand, and pound that sweet ass of yours until I empty every drop of my love juice into your body. You’re gonna beg me to have my way with you!” This last statement, along with the sight of his now hard-mounded flexed biceps, was the breaking point for Michael. His cock exploded and his hot cum shot out powerfully. His abs tensed inward abruptly and then his crotch shot forward with what seemed like a super thrust. Bam! His cum spattered against the mirror thickly and then started sliding down. Bam! Bam! Full-on rockets of gulp-sized semen continue to shoot from Michael’s powerful rod. The ejaculation was so intense that Michael was forced to his knees – never once stopping the strokes of his hard shaft, which continued to spew out for minutes. When his body was finally finished convulsing, Michael leaned forward onto his arm while his heavy breathing subsided. He eventually let go of his still-hard dick and crawled slowly to his bed, making sure to grope his chest and arm as he lay down. Seconds after his head hit the pillow he was fast asleep – entirely spent from the best cum-explosion of his lifetime.

    Liquid Manhood- Chapter Four

    Sorry for the wait, back at school and its kicking my ass. Here's part four. It was gonna be one large part covering all of Christmas break, but I came up with too many ideas for Christmas, so its gonna be two parts. Thanks for reading. Read Part One HERE Read Part Two HERE Read Part Three HERE Liquid Manhood Chapter Four The Christmas Break had come, Thanksgiving had passed with Melvin leaving Chris alone with the elixir. Surprisingly Chris hadn't used it, and it appeared that the large jar was filling a lot slower now. The size draining jockstraps were either not being used anymore or had drained all they could. Melvin hadn’t seen any of the jocks running around, or he didn't recognise them anymore. Chris had vanished off one night, having locked up the jar with a padlock, so that Melvin couldn’t get at the elixir. He’d made them both promise not to take any of the elixir and use Christmas break to think out a plan. Melvin though was too curious about the elixir, so he’d learnt how to pick the lock It took him two nights, but he was able to get the padlock off the jar. He turned the faucet and filled up a sample cup of green liquid. He made sure he replaced the padlock. He even remade Chris’ bed after he’d messed it up by standing on it to get at the magical filled jars. Before Melvin left he searched the room for the leather bound magic book, he hadn't seen it in over two weeks. Chris must of hidden it, he knew he hadn't taken it, Melvin had pretty much packed Chris’ bags for him. He found a lockbox under Chris’ bed, he gave it a shot with the lock pick, but his parents turned up to collect him before he could get it open. Melvin returned the box and wrapped the sample cup in some clothes before gently packing it away in his bag. He locked up the dorm room and headed down to meet his parents, eager to get away from the dorms and out of Chris’ shadow so he could get a good look at the magic liquid in his bag. ——————————————————————————————————————————— He’d watered the strange cactus that sat erect and proud on his desk, he’d turned all his electronics off and even cleaned his room. Two bulging bags of empty bottles and candy wrappers were carried out to the trash only this morning. Sean’s PS4 was packed away. He wished he could bring his TV, but it would have to wait for him here in his dorm room. His one piece of luggage for the train ride home was more videos games than clothes. Mostly because very few of his clothes fit him anymore, Sean’s growth spurt was still continuing and didn't show any sign of stopping. He was already 6’3 and his body had leaned out, all the extra fat gone from his frame. His stomach was flat and he’d spent nights jerking off while feeling the light ridges of his now visible ab muscles. His hair was now permanently styled, even in the mornings he looked like he’d just had a stylist go through it with all manner of products. Sean’s skin was still pale, but like marble and completely clear of spots or blemishes. Sean was now getting a lot of looks, he knew whatever was happening, a second puberty or something, it had changed his face more than anything else so far. His lips were pouty and his jaw had squared slightly. The loss of his fat had allowed cheekbones, that Sean never knew even existed, to strengthen the bone structure of his face. In class he’d found girls giving him longing stares, he’d just smile nervously and they’d melt. He was getting a lot of people asking for tutoring, which wasn’t a surprise to him, as he was top of his class, just now he caught girls popping a button on their shirts before they came to ask him. The guys were a bit different in their reactions to him, he was getting invited to more parties and even a few of the sporty frats were making enquires if he wanted to consider joining. He’d attempted to play frisbee with a few guys after class once, entirely because of one boy with big eyes and ass that bounced when he walked. He was very nervous, but found himself catching the frisbee every time, even running to catch it. Sean had never exercised in his life, or even played a sport, but he was good at frisbee. He’d never played it since then, his sudden skill and athletic ability had scared him. Sean was spending all his time in his room, even though he now looked like the guys he jerked off over he was unwilling to try his new looks out. Sean zipped up his luggage, tossing a shirt with Captain America's shield plastered across it that wouldn't fit inside his bag onto his bed. He checked that he had his train ticket, it was in the back pocket of his jeans. Which were being pushed out by Sean’s ass having gone from a fat mess to a tight rounded perky butt. He gave his room one last look over, the green tinge that everything seemed to have was so familiar to him, he didn't even know that no other room in the dorm building looked like his. Sean left, locking his door behind him. A slow drip started the second the door clicked closed, a green stain started to spread across the light blue fabric of the shirt Sean tossed onto his bed. ————————————————————————————————————————— The house was emptying, the fraternity has already lost a few members, not because they had returned home for Christmas, but because they’d left the university all together. Danny had been the first, he’d lost over a foot of height and could barely run without losing his breath. It had been horrible to see him shrink, going from a guy who could run miles without breaking a sweat to wheezing after walking up some stairs. The college reacted pretty quickly, calling in many doctors. A viral disease that caused genetic damage, primarily bone contraction, hormone deficiency and muscle wastage was the official reason for the sudden collapse of the Lincoln football team. They’d even had the Center for Disease Control turn up, taking blood samples and running tests. They’d concluded it was something in the athletic department, so the entire place had been closed for nearly a month as it was deep cleaned and tested for anything and everything, but the damage had already been done. Coach Peters had suspended the football team and more or less abandoned all of them as he tried to rebuild from the slim pickings left on campus. Big Ben, or just Ben as he was being called now was probably taking the changes the best. He peeked out of his window down at his frat brothers being collected by their parents. The unaffected towering above a few dozen tiny slim boys. Guys of their size used to get Ben rock hard, but now his monster cock was tiny. He could jack it with two fingers when he used to need two hands. His tastes had changed along with his stature. Ben found himself getting rock hard around his still big frat brothers, he’d also spend every jerk off session of his with his face buried in his old jock strap. Sniffing in the musk of his old horse cock. Speaking of his new tastes, Yuri was on his bed. Shirtless, his toned swimmer's torso glistening with sweat. The taste of Yuri’s cum still lingering in Ben’s mouth. Ben had dropped straight facade and found that no one gave a shit that he was gay. Yuri was becoming a regular in Ben’s room nowadays, he was adamant he wasn't gay, but he sure loved to fuck Ben’s tight throat. Ben was holding out for the chance to ride Yuri’s Russian meat stick, but Yuri was the cum and go kind of guy. “What you looking at” Yuri asked, checking the time on his phone Ben turned and walked back to the bed, perching his slender ass on the edge. “Just watching the guys leave” He replied, his voice no longer a rumble It was almost musical, but only a few days ago it was jumping octaves, like his voice was breaking all over again. “You not gonna be lonely in this big house all by yourself” Yuri asked, poking Ben with a foot playfully Ben chuckled “I’ll be ok, got all those chores to keep me busy, Mr President” Yuri had taken over as Frat President, Barrett had quit last week. Ben was sure the diminishing quarterback wasn't going to come back to college after Christmas. Yuri though was very happy with the new arrangement, and seeing as Ben was the only one remaining over the holiday he’d given a long list of chores for Ben to do. Since around half the frat had almost halved in size the odd jobs had gone from being a ‘everyone pull your weight’ thing to a ‘do what I say shorty’ affair. Ben was sure that was a major part to why a lot of the football team had left college, they just couldn't deal with the sudden change in their social standing, Ben though was used to it. He had three brothers, all big like he'd been. He was used to being at the bottom of the ladder, though just not as far down the ladder as he was now. Yuri laughed loudly, sitting up and ruffling Ben's hair “Good boy” Ben blushed, his cock stiffened a little in the gym shorts he borrowed from Danny before he quit college. He still had to pull the drawstring as tight as possible to make them fit. “I’ve still got an hour before I have to leave for my flight” Yuri said, his cock rising up Ben licked his lips, his eyes running over the length of the seven inch dick in front of him. He remembered when he was nearly that big soft. “You want to suck a couple loads out before I go” Yuri asked already pulling Ben’s head down into his lap Ben didn't even have a chance to reply before his mouth was full of cock. —————————————————————————————————————————— Chris was spending Christmas on the Haber family’s personal yacht. The Gold Standard, a pure white ocean going monstrosity with gold highlighting. It was a triumph of affluence and gaudy taste in decoration. He was alone with just the crew and a gaggle of tag along ‘friends’ as company. His mother was in Milan with her Italian lover that she didn't think anyone knew about and his father was probably running the universe from his office in the Haber building on Wall Street. He was sailing along the French Riviera and had already lost what most people would make in a year at one of casinos in Monaco. Like Melvin he’d broken the promise not to use the elixir. He’d filled himself a few sample cups and was continuing his tests, still uneasy and unsure about the nature of the green liquid. Chris had already dosed one of his ‘friends’, a picture perfect European boy of noble birth for a title that didn't exist anymore. His family ran an arms company or something. He was Swiss, or maybe French, Chris didn't know, only that he claimed to be in line for the French crown. Jean was slim, short, but with a head of rich brown curls and bright silvery grey eyes. Chris couldn't deny an attraction, and if the boy was more interesting he’d might of made a move. Instead Jean became a target, but it had been the luck of the draw. Chris had dosed a glass of champagne on the first night he’d arrived in Europe, and it was Jean who took it from him. The changes took a few hours to take hold, firstly Jean appeared to be develop a fever. He was sweating buckets as the party started on the yacht’s deck. Then the exhaustion set in. Chris had even helped Jean to his cabin, the crew almost in shock at seeing Chris help another human being. Chris would pop into Jean’s room throughout the night, trying to keep suspicions low by still appearing at his own party. Each time Jean was different, he hadn’t gotten any taller, but he’d bloated with beefy muscle. Becoming a fireplug of a man, his chest and arms thickening with muscle. His curls got longer, becoming a mane, though they lost their rich glossy colour. Darkening to a dull simple brown. His noble features, chiselled from years of selective breeding were hardening. Jean’s forehead jutted out, his jaw widening into a solid square. Hair was sprouting over his jaw and a tuff popped out from the collar of Jean’s shirt, which was struggling to hold back his enlarged pec and shoulder muscles. Chris could tell that hair was growing over Jean’s shoulders and down his stomach, he could see the mattered imprint appearing through Jean’s shirt. Chris even had to pull Jean’s shoes off, the changing boy looked in pain as his feet grew. Chris less worried about Jean’s wellbeing and more concerned with Jean waking up due to the discomfort. Jean’s feet now free of their shoes had already burst through his socks. The tattered remains clinging to his ankles. The feet though were hairy and massively oversized for possibly even a 7ft basketball player let alone a man of Jean’s small stature. Chris had Jean removed from the yacht, telling the crew that some gate crasher had got too drunk. He blocked Jean from his phone and had the boat moved to a new mooring, ignoring the complaints of guests who were now a fair distance away from their hotels and cars. Chris hadn’t expected the elixir to cause changes so uneven. Jean had grew massive muscles, but had stayed short. His features had hardened but there was no grace or manly beauty to them, just brutish shape. Chris would have to run some more tests, maybe he’d made a mistake with this elixir. ——————————————————————————————————————————— Barrett’s world had fallen apart, his friends were gone, his future in athletics were gone, and his family were treating him like a leper. When he returned home last week Barrett saw his father’s heart break, his dreams of creating a sporting dynasty were mostly dead. His mother was avoiding contact with him, which was easy to do when you lived in a mansion and Barrett never left his room. She did though leave food she, not the housekeeper, had cooked at his door. Barrett knew she cared, she probably just didn't know how to deal with everything. Barrett was barely 5’5 now. His entire body was now slender, near skeletal in some places. The muscle wasting disease had burned through Barrett’s body, nothing was left of the young stallion he’d been. He didn't even recognise himself in the mirror anymore, not only had the disease shrunk his bones it had cut away at Barrett’s chiselled bone structure. Barrett’s jaw was nearly nonexistent, his cheekbones were getting less pronounced by the day, like someone was smoothing them out while he slept. His bright eyes were darker now, his hair having taken on the texture of straw. He knew some guys had it worse, he had no idea what Big Ben must be going through, but then he hadn’t spoken to anyone from college since he left. He just lay in bed most of the time, though he’d taken to his old game console. He’d never really played it before, but it sure helped pass the time between sleeps. Barrett had even had a gaming headset and some new games delivered, he had an old picture of himself as his profile, so he could still pretend online he was a hunk. Apart from maintaining a sexy online persona Barrett had removed every other trace of his old self from his room. All the pictures were hidden away, his old sport trophies and framed high school quarterback jersey were packed away in the attic. His mother had brought him a load of new clothes, all sized for his tiny new body. His old wardrobe was either burnt to ashes or donated to goodwill, he had no idea what his dad had done with all the expensive designer gear. Barrett’s room looked alien to him now, look big and with a lot of empty space now that old Barrett was erased. He sunk into the imprint that his old self had left in the mattress, a new bed was the next thing Barrett wanted changed, and maybe new carpet. Barrett was sure his old smell was lingering in the carpet and it was messing with Barrett’s mind. It was the reason he kept getting rock hard at random times, his shrunken peanut cock getting turned on by his old self. He knew it was more that he was attracted to guys who were like he’d been. He liked muscle now, or at least athletic guys. Which made things weird when the housekeeper’s son came to see if he was ok. It was just him being nice to his mother’s boss's son, but it had screwed Barrett up a little. His name was Andre and Barrett knew he’d just left high school, he’d even gotten a full scholarship, which Barrett’s dad had helped him get. What was bad was the shape of Andre’s pecs against his shirt as he talked down to Barrett, who didn’t remember ever thinking of Andre as tall. Barrett had spent the rest of the day watching Andre from his window as the guy helped the elderly gardener rake leaves. This sudden attraction, or maybe it was an odd sadness at his own loss of manhood, must be why he kept his old jockstrap. He liked the smell, the stretched out pouch. He’d give it a sniff sometimes, or press his face into the cotton before remembering he used to be as straight as an arrow, banging multiple chicks at a time. Then his NFL player brother A.J arrived and things got worse.
  4. Ziel


    This is a bit of a collaborative story between whatinsomnia from FA and I. A lot of the kinks and transformation ideas, but I did all the writing and characterizations. This series has been in the works for ages. As such the first chapter is not quite as polished as my newer stuff, but it's pretty interesting to see how my style has changes in the past year. [Next Chapter] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "There we go. A full nine inches. Congratulations, babe." Eli said proudly. The slender, blond man smiled broadly as he compared his lover's thick, olive skinned rod against the tic marks on the soft, fabric tape measure. "Finally..." Marco grumbled. He furrowed his brow and ran his fingers through his short, wavy dark brown hair and rubbed his scalp. "We've been using this stuff for six months now and I've only added an inch." "These things take time. You've already shown much better progress than most of the testimonials." Eli stated matter-of-factly as he pulled off his tight, latex gloves and dumped them into the garbage. "The only reason it works so slow is because they want to make us buy more. It's a big scam, I tell ya!" Marco grumbled as he chucked the now empty tube of MetaGro into the trashcan. "Hell, I bet you could make one that works a hundred times better than that crap." "You seem to give me quite a bit of credit." Eli replied playfully as he stroked his lover's thick cock. "Just saying what I think, babe..." Marco cooed between gasps. "You're twelve times as smart as any of those eggheads at MetaGro." Marco let out a gasp and shuddered as he felt his boyfriend masterfully work over his respectable tool. "Flattery will get you everywhere." Eli replied seductively before wrapping his lips around the impressive dick. He could feel Marco shuddering and his lover's sizeable dick twitching as he rubbed his tongue against it. "God... you're so good at that..." Marco murmured between gasps. Eli lifted off of his lover's shuddering dick and flashed the lean, olive skinned beauty a sultry glance. "I'm even better at this." He said saucily as he climbed up into his lover's lap. Eli slowly lowered himself down upon his lover's eagerly awaiting cock. Marco shuddered in ecstasy as he felt his boyfriend's tight hole swallow his cock. Eli definitely knew how to ride dick like a pro. The pale, slender man rocked his hips back and forth, causing his lover's dick to slide back and forth inside of him. Eli could feel Marco shuddering beneath him and his lover's cock shifting and twitching deep within him. "You can't be ready to cum already, can you?" The blond asked incredulously. "Sorry babe... you're too good." Marco muttered between gasps. "That's no excuse. Come on. I'm not getting off until I've had my fun and neither are you." Eli teased as he began rocking his hips even harder and faster. Marco grunted and groaned but still kept his load down. "That's it... just a little more." Eli moaned as he ramped up the pace even more. Marco had one of the biggest cocks Eli had ever ridden, but Eli still couldn't help but daydream about bigger and better things. Eli's private stash of monster dildos were all at least fourteen inches long and twice as thick as the rod that Marco was sporting. These plastic replicas lacked the warmth and passion of a real dick, but they certainly split Eli wide. He couldn't get enough of the sensation of being stretched out by such amazingly thick tools. At the rate the special gel they were using was working, it would be years before Marco's dick got truly huge. Marco was right, and Eli knew it. The slender blond was a whiz at chemistry, and MetaGro was most likely stifling scientific discoveries that could increase the potency of their serum in order to sell more doses. Eli's mind drifted to thoughts of his hot Latin lover of two years sporting well over a foot of rock hard cock. Eli's cock began to shudder and dribble pre just from thinking of impaling himself upon such a glorious specimen. He could almost feel himself getting split wider and wider as the beast ravaged him senseless. Eli moaned sensually as his cock lurched and spewed forth thick wads onto his lover's chest and stomach. Marco let out a sigh of relief and sexual bliss as he too allowed himself to finally cum. Eli could feel the thick wads spurting inside of him. Eli collapsed onto his lover's chest and threw his arms over Marco's lean shoulders as he waited for his heart rate and his breathing to normalize. "That was great, babe." He cooed into his lovers ears in between deep breaths. "Now go get cleaned up. You've got work in the morning." Eli softly instructed Marco as he got to his feet. Marco managed a weak nod and grunt of understanding but continued to lie back on the couch as he basked in the afterglow of being ridden in such an expert fashion. Eli scooped up Marco's discarded shirt and slipped it on as he sauntered off back to his personal lab. Eli liked to think of himself as a freelance researcher, although mad scientist was probably a more accurate description. He made a very nice living by performing experiments and studying fields of science that the big businesses didn't deem profitable enough to foot the bill for. He had made a number of startling breakthroughs and had sold the patents from his discoveries to fund his hobby. In the few years since college he had amassed a small fortune as well as built his own private, top of the line science facility. He took a moment to admire himself in the mirror as he entered his lab. By all accounts he was a good looking guy. His slight, slim features and long, straight blond hair could even be described as pretty or even feminine. He didn't mind these words though. In fact, he secretly enjoyed them. He picked a hair tie up from off the desk beside him and pulled his long hair back into a ponytail, leaving just the bangs loose to frame his delicate features.Other than his hair, he didn't bother getting cleaned up at all. One of the beauties of working at home was that he could show up at the office clad in just his lover's oversized, white button up shirt. Eli hadn't even bothered to close the front of it. His smooth chest and clean shaven cock and balls were left exposed to the elements. He enjoyed the cool air against his skin, though. The only reason he was wearing the shirt was because the scent of his boyfriend's cologne helped to calm his nerves and harden his dick.Eli couldn't get what Marco had said to him out of his head. There really was no reason why he couldn't solve this issue, and who knows? He might even turn a nice profit out of it. What really motivated him was the thought of his lover sporting the cock of his dreams. Eli kept the image of Marco sporting a foot and a half long, rock hard boner seared into the forefront of his mind as he worked feverishly. The image caused Eli's own perfectly average five inches to stand at attention, but he did nothing to attend to it. The constant state of arousal just helped spur him on in his scientific pursuits.Eli didn't come up from his lab for almost a week. Marco was used to these long absences by now, but he still got a little lonely during the times that Eli was in hardcore research mode. The only times Marco even saw his boyfriend were during the times when he went to the lab to bring meals or a fresh change of clothes. Eli didn't even come up to shower or sleep since he had his own small living quarters built into the lab.During the week Eli worked feverishly running simulations, testing isotopes, comparing genetic data. He approached the problem from every possible angle, but he still made little progress. He had been so focused on his work that he hadn't even bothered to take care of his more basic needs. As he got into day six, his more primal desires began to override his scientific mind. He popped up one of his simulations and stared at the 3D rendered image of his lover. The render was completely nude and sporting a cock that stretched up to his chest. Eli reached down with one hand and slipped his pointer and middle finger into his ass. He almost came right then and there. It had been almost a week since he had gotten any action and he was feeling painfully pent up.He fought a battle with his scientific drive and his sexual urges as he jacked off and tenderly fingered himself. Part of his mind refused to abandon his projects even in the midst of such base pursuits. He was very close to cracking this case after all. The only stumbling block seemed to be finding the perfect base for his serum. He had a theory, and his theories were usually right. He figured he could make a gel similar to MetaGro that, when rubbed into the soft tissue of the body, could spur rapid growth in that region. He just needed a core ingredient... something that contained much of the genetic data that he needed... something that also contained all the basic proteins needed for growth.Eli sighed contentedly as he felt the warm goop splatter against his exposed chest. He slid back in his chair and took a moment to bask in calm and relaxed feeling that washed over him after a nice good wank. He slowly lifted his messy hand up to his face and was just about to lick it off when he had the scientific epiphany of the century. His contented grin broadened into a huge, toothy smile of manic glee as he stared at the thick, sticky mess that was dripping from his fingers.Leaping into action, Eli gathered the materials and loaded them into the mixer he had prepared for such an occasion. He was positively giddy as he ran the calculations in his head again and again. This had to work. The science all checked out. He was never wrong on such things. He stared happily as the small wad he scraped off his chest got mixed in with various chemicals and compounds. The mixture changed from white, to green, to purple, and finally back to white. By the time it was done, the formula had taken on a gelatinous state.He picked up the beaker and stared into it excitedly. He just needed to test it. He almost ran upstairs and forced the newly christened mixture onto his boyfriend, but as sure as he was, he would never risk something so untested on someone he cared so much about. He pondered for a moment and decided that this best course of action was to test it on himself.Eli slipped on a pair of skin tight, latex gloves and stuck two fingers into the goop. He scooped up a small gob of it and eyed it suspiciously. Sure, he could apply it to his dick, but where was the fun in that. Not that he didn't want a bigger dick. Even bottoms love having huge cocks after all, but he had a better idea. He would be needing a lot more spunk to make further batches. That was assuming that this current batch worked, but he already knew it would.Eli began gently kneading the gel into his nuts. He had always had pretty meager balls, and he was excited at the prospect of soon having larger ones. He wasn't sure how much larger yet, but if this substance worked like he theorized, he could soon make them as large as he wanted. The murky gel vanished into his skin almost instantly. It absorbed into his skin so cleanly that it didn't even leave behind any residue.Eli sat in his chair, waiting patiently for any sign of change. It took but a few seconds for the first tingles to begin to course through his nuts. He grinned slightly as the sensation intensified. His grin grew into a broad smile as his nuts began to swell visibly before his very eyes. His previously marginal nuts swelled to the size of golf balls in a matter of seconds.After the initial surge, the growth seemed to taper off altogether. Eli wasn't disappointed, though. He still had a beaker full of the stuff with which to really ramp up his size. He stuck his hand into the container and scooped up a large glob of the compound and rubbed it into his nuts. Just as before, the tingling sensation followed soon after. The much larger dosage had the effect that Eli had predicted. His already decently sized balls swelled before his very eyes. They quickly grew and grew until they were the size of chickens eggs, and then small apples, and then finally the size of baseballs before the growth ground to a halt. Eli smiled broadly as he scoped out his newly enhanced nuts. The growth had abated, but they still tingled pleasantly. He wrote this off as a mere side effect of the increased dosage.He was so excited by his new and improved nuts that he was already rock hard. His eyes drifted over to the last little bit of the growth gel that was sitting inside the beaker. He knew exactly what he wanted to do with that. He reached his hand in and scraped up the last bits of the serum with his fingers and then rubbed the mixture along his rigid dick. He was so giddy about the prospects of increasing his mediocre dick that pre was already dribbling out of the tip of his painfully erect cock.The gel vanished into his skin much the same as before, followed soon after by the warm tingling sensation. He watched with bated breath as his dick slowly began to expand before his very eyes. He wanted to just sit there and stare in awe at the steady growth of his own dick, but his scientific mind needed numbers to corroborate what he was seeing. He turned in his swiveling chair back towards his desk and fumbled through his drawer for something he could use. He had no rulers, but he did have a small protractor that had the first six inches marked off on it. He quickly lined the flat edge of the plastic semi-circle up along the side of his swelling cock and stared. He could barely stifle his giggles of manic glee as the tip of his dick crept up along the tic marks. His dick was already five and a half inches by the time he had begun measuring. That was a gain of half an inch in a matter of seconds, and it was showing no signs of stopping. By the time the growth finally had! tapered off, the tip of his dick was well past the edge of the protractor. Eli couldn't stop grinning like a goof even if he had wanted to. He was now sporting over six inches of cock. He had put on well over an inch in under a minute. That was more than Marco had grown in six months using MetaGro.He was so worked up from watching his cock and balls grow before his very eyes that he didn't even manage to get his hand around is cock to jack off before it erupted like a volcano. It was the single most powerful orgasm he had had to date. Thick, heavy ropes of jizz flew trough the air, coating his exposed chest and even splattered into his face and hair. Just one spurt of jizz would have dwarfed any load he had ever shot, but again and again spooge launched forth from his dick. It wasn't until after the eighth heavy wad that his spurts finally began to taper off.Eli collapsed into his chair and gasped for breath as the post-wank bliss fogged his brain. He could feel the warm, thick spunk rolled down his face and chest as he lay there. He felt so amazing that he wanted to just lie there basting in his own spooge, but his scientific mind refused to let such a wonderful sample go to waste. He forced his sluggish body to get up and get to work. He staggered awkwardly around the lab as he scraped off as much salvageable spunk as he could into a beaker. There was so much cum that he filled the beaker to the brim and still had plenty left over.With the raw materials successfully gathered and loaded into the mixer, Eli finally allowed himself to slump back into his chair and bask in both the afterglow and the pride that came with such an impressive scientific discovery. His lethargy vanished instantly upon hearing the telltale ding from the machine though. There were far too many possibilities to explore with a brand new batch of gel for him to be sitting around goofing off like that.Eli hopped to his feet and skipped over to the mixer. The latest batch was several times larger than the previous one. He had an entire vat of product with which to work with now. His mind was already racing on ideas of what to do with it. Of course he knew he was going to get Marco to use it, but the question was, where would Marco use it? Obviously he would grow his boyfriend's dick, but why stop there? Marco had long lamented his inability to really bulk up. Eli theorized that this new compound would allow for Marco's muscles to swell in a matter of minutes, and of course, Eli's theories were always correct. The possibilities were endless.Eli was just about to load up the vat of gel and take it upstairs when he got a brief glimpse of his backside reflected in the glass. The blond frowned as he scoped out his own flat, boney ass. What he wouldn't give for a truly rockin' caboose. He got halfway through his sigh of disappointment when he realized that he had the answers to his prayers quite literally within his grasp.Eli quickly slipped on a fresh set of gloves and scooped up huge gobs of gel into each hand and began rubbing it into his flat butt cheeks. He could already feel it working as he reached into the tub and started a second couple of handfuls. He moaned sensually as he felt his ass swelling against his fingers while he rubbed in the second helping. He bit his lower lip to stop himself from giggling as he daydreamed about how truly gigantic his badonk would be in a matter of minutes.Eli was so happy that he sashayed over to the mirror to scope out the changes. He wished he had someone on hand that could give him a drum roll as he slowly lifted up the oversized, white button up shirt that he had been wearing. His rump was already huge and still swelling. Eli was ecstatic. He had a big dick, huge balls, and now a massive ass. He had seemingly everything he had always wanted, but something still seemed off. He turned slightly to scope out the view from various angles, and it hit him. His butt looked ridiculously out of place without hips to match. His huge, round cheeks were spilled over the sides of his slender frame. It looked like he had a couple of flesh colored playground balls glued to his backside. He knew there was only one solution for him. He had to grow his hips, too.Eli hopped giddily back to the vat and slathered on another couple of handfuls of gel onto his boney thighs. If his calculations were correct, which they always were, he would soon have amazingly wide, sensual thighs. His hips would look positively feminine by the time he was done, but this didn't bother him at all. He had secretly wished to have a more effeminate build. His slim, lanky body made him look too much like a twelve year old boy for his tastes. The only one who really knew about his effeminate side was Marco, who had often encouraged Eli to express this side of himself more. Eli had always been a bit too nervous about flaunting his femininity in public, but now that he would have the body to match, he was thinking it was time he changed all that.Eli peeled off his gloves and jogged back over the mirror to check out his new and improved physique. What he saw made him overjoyed and more than a little hot under the collar. He was absolutely stunning. His narrow, lanky frame was now wide and luscious from the waist down. His was now sporting wide, sensual hips that any girl would kill to have.It wasn't just his waist that was looking amazing, though. His cock was simply wonderful. The rigid shaft now stood over seven inches tall and was as thick as the TV remote in the living room. His impressive dick was topped off with two huge, low hanging balls that were the size of softballs. Each hefty orb felt so heavy and full of cum even though Eli had just jacked off a scant few minutes ago. He reached down and gripped his nuts with both hands. He was slightly surprised by just how huge and full they were. It was obvious that they had grown a bit more since he had administered the dosage, but he wasn't worried. They looked and felt even better than before. His nuts were now so huge that just one turgid orb could fill his entire palm. They were so huge and heavy that he could barely even hold his nut with one hand.Eli took his hands off his wondrously huge nuts and turned to scope out the changes to his backside. His ass was beyond phenomenal. The previously flat, bony cheeks were now so huge and full that each cheek was as wide as his hips used to be. He slapped one of his round, supple buns and watched in the mirror as it jiggled slightly. His ass was huge, but gravity didn't seem to be impacting it in a negative way. His cheeks managed to stay pert and perky despite their size. Each cheek was bigger than a basketball and had just the right curvature to it to really accentuate their size without looking flabby. He turned sideways to scope out his profile and was pleased to see that his ass jutted out several inches behind him. He was definitely going to be needing bigger pants, but that was a small price to pay for looking fabulous.The only downside, if one could call it that, was that his cheeks were now so large that they were bunching up against each other. Eli shifted his weight around and quickly found that spreading his legs wider gave his copious buns more room to spread out. The new stance took some getting used to, but he couldn't argue with the results. His new pose accentuated his luscious hips even more, drawing even more attention to just how wide and sensual his butt and hips were now.Eli could have stared at his glorious ass for hours, but he was roused from his reverie by the sounds of a car pulling into the driveway. He glanced quickly over at the clock and, for the first time in almost a week, realized just how late it had gotten. Marco was due to be home from work already. Eli quickly put a lid over the vat and hauled the awkwardly heavy tub of goop up the stairs and plopped it on the dining room table. Marco was sure taking his time getting in from the car, but Eli was actually relieved since it meant he had plenty of time to get everything perfect for his lover's homecoming.Marco grunted as he hoisted the several bags of groceries into his arms and smacked the car door shut with a quick jut of his butt. He got about halfway up the steps before he began to wonder if maybe he should have made two trips instead of trying to manhandle all the groceries into the house in one load, but he was enough of a male egotist that setting one or two of the bags down to lighten the load was simply out of the question. He fumbled awkwardly with the door handle using his left knee and shifted the bags in such a way that he could pull the door open using his right pinky. Once the screen door was open it was just a matter of rubbing his butt against the knob until the solid, wooden door granted him access.Marco heard the latch click and felt the door begin to slide open. He quickly regained his balance and turned to enter the house, but what he saw caused his jaw to drop. The bags he was carrying followed right after. There in the doorway was his sweet, slender, blond boyfriend, but Eli was much different than Marco remembered him. Everything above the waist was the same, but as soon as Marco's eyes reached Eli's waist he could see the blond's hips had broadened considerably. Eli's hips were now almost twice as wide as his slender waist.That wasn't even the biggest change. Eli's state of total undress left his now almost eight inch rod openly on display. He already rivaled Marco's old size and had Marco's new size outclassed in terms of girth. Eli's cock was almost as thick as a beer can now. Dangling below his lover's impressive shaft were two, hefty nuts that were closing in on the size of cantaloupes."You got the formula to work, huh?" Marco replied as casually as he could muster. He was hoping to come across cool and collected, but the cracking of his voice and the red hue of his face gave him away."You don't know the half of it." Eli said happily before leaning forward and planting a kiss square on his lover's lips. Eli was quite a bit shorter than Marco, but there was a bit of a step up to the doorway which placed Eli's large cock at the perfect height to grind against his lover's bulge as they made out in plain sight of the neighbors. When they finally broke apart from their passionate embrace, Marco had a large wet spot towards the bottom of his shirt where Eli's rigid cock had leaked pre all over him, and Marco's own sizeable cock was straining visibly against the fabric of his pants."Come on, come on. In with you. Off with them." Eli muttered hurriedly as he pulled his boyfriend into the house."What about the groceries." Marco asked innocently."Fuck the groceries." Eli muttered as he hastily pulled open the front of his boyfriend's shirt, popping a few buttons off in the process."I tried that once with a cucumber... it wasn't as fun as I was led... oh...." Marco tried to make a quick quip, but the feeling of his lover's mouth against the bulge in the front of his pants quickly derailed any form of witticism he could have attempted. Eli continued to suck on the front of his lover's pleats even while awkwardly fumbling with Marco's belt and buttons. They both held their breath in anticipation as Eli pulled down on the waistband of both Marco's pants and boxers. They both watched in silence as his warm, olive toned cock sprung free from its cloth confines."Oh, we can do so much better than that." Eli remarked lasciviously as he stared at his boyfriend's rigid nine inches. "Come on. Step out of them." Eli commanded his dark haired, Latin lover. Marco silently complied, stepping up with one foot and then the other, allowing Eli to pull Marco's pants and shoes off his feet one foot at a time. Marco was left standing in the entryway clad in just a tattered blue dress shirt, which he promptly pulled off and added to the rest of the pile of clothes."Come on. Have a seat. Over there." Eli jabbered giddily as he pointed over towards the dining room table. Marco smiled and silently complied. It had been ages since he had seen his boyfriend this happy, and judging from the changes the slender blond had gone through in just the course of one afternoon, Eli had every reason to be. The blond scientist was hopping around the room like a kid on Christmas."Huh? What's this?" Marco asked as he prodded the giant vat of what appeared to be murky white gelatin. The goop in the gigantic bucket jiggled slightly in response to his poking."Try not to get any on you. It's very powerful stuff." Eli explained as he rounded the corner from the pantry. Eli finished pulling on a fresh pair of gloves that he had just grabbed."Do you need me to do anything?" Marco asked politely. He was pretty used to dealing with Eli now and so he was pretty sure he would be asked to sit back and shut up, but he still felt the need to ask anyway."Just sit back and watch the magic." Eli replied giddily as he scooped up a huge handful. Eli got down on his knees in front of his boyfriend's still fully boned rod and began rubbing the huge gob of gel into the shaft. Marco was surprised at just how quickly the substance disappeared into his skin. In a little more than a second after application he looked like he had never come in contact with the goop at all.Marco stared at his hard-on suspiciously for a second. He was just about to ask how long it would take to feel anything when the tingling set in. It felt surprisingly nice and warm, almost as if a million tiny fingers were rubbing his dick. He moaned softly, but he didn't take his eyes off of his cock. In a matter of seconds after the tingling set in, he could already see the difference. His dick was swelling before his very eyes. His jaw went slack as he saw his dick get bigger, and longer, and thicker. He wished he had something to gauge his size off of, but Eli has been thinking ahead. Less than a second after Marco thought about the need for measurement, Eli already had the ruler in place. Marco stared in awe at his dick as the tip slowly crept past the ten inch mark and then the eleven inch mark. He had put on over two inches in less than a minute, and it was still growing.Eli tossed aside the ruler and grabbed two more heaping handfuls of gel. He immediately began rubbing these giant gobs of the compound into his lover's nuts. "H.. Hey, isn't that a little much?" Marco tried to ask, but he was quickly silenced by a stern glare from his blond lover. Marco decided to just go with it. He could stand to boost his balls anyway. The previous mixture he had been using had only increased the size of his dick a bit. His balls were still at their old size, and the bigger branch was definitely making the berries look smaller. Marco was just a little worried that his boyfriend might be getting a little carried away.Marco's apprehension faded away when he felt the tingling course through his balls. Even before he looked down to watch his nuts growing, he could feel them getting fuller and heavier by the second. The sensation of raw virility and sexual power that came with his balls swelling was exhilarating. He had to hold his now foot long dick back so that he could watch his balls swelling uninterrupted. He could have sworn his dick was even bigger than it was a minute ago, but that was not the most important issue on his mind at the moment. He stared in awe as his previously medium sized balls swelled up to the size of baseballs in a matter of seconds. He was so fascinated watching the two softball sized balls pull up and then descend that he was barely even aware of his boyfriend grabbing another couple handfuls of goop until Eli was kneeling before him and slowly reaching in to dose Marco's already hefty balls once more."Again...?" Marco sputtered as he stared as he stared into Eli's eyes. He recognized that lascivious glint in his lover's eyes, but he also knew Eli well enough to know that he would never do anything that Marco would object to. Eli sure loved to push the limits, though."That depends. Are you asking me to dose you again or are you asking whether or not I am going to dose you again?" Eli teased playfully, wiggling his laminated fingers as he spoke."I..." Marco's initial reaction was to tell Eli to stop. His balls were plenty big already. His balls were inhumanly large in fact, but his heart skipped a beat and he felt some fluttering in his stomach as his eyes drifted down to Eli's melon sized nuts. The enlarged cum factories looked so amazing and sexy, and Marco's own enhanced balls felt so wonderful that he just couldn't help himself. The words were out of his mouth before he even realized what he was saying. "I want more... Bigger... please." He pleaded breathlessly. He silently chastised himself, but it was too late. He could already feel his lover's gelled up fingers rubbing against his tingly balls.The second round of growth began just as suddenly as the first had. Marco actually grinned as he watched his nuts go from the size of softballs, to the size of grapefruit, and then swelled up even more until they were the size of cantaloupes."That's just the start of the fun." Eli said with a sly grin on his face. Marco looked up to see that his blond lover had another couple of heaping handfuls of the gel, but Eli didn't appear to be interested in Marco's nuts this time. Eli sidestepped his boyfriend's now thirteen inch dick and straddled his lover as he leaned in for a kiss. As the two kissed passionately, Marco could feel Eli's over ten inch, rigid dick and huge melon sized nuts sandwiched between them and Eli's deft hands gliding across his pecs.Eli leaned back and watched his handiwork as Marco's pecs swelled up before their eyes. Marco too was staring down at his chest with rapt fascination. In less than a minute he had gone from a completely flat, boyish chest to having two toned, well defined pecs. "It works on muscles?" Marco asked in awe as he rubbed his newly christened pecs."You don't know the half of it." Eli said playfully. A smug grin was plastered across his face.Marco's stomach felt like it had butterflies in it before, but now it felt like those butterflies had invited all their friends and were having a vibrant butterfly rave deep in his gut. This was literally a dream come true for him. He had always wished to have muscles, but his metabolism was such that he could never seem to gain nor lose weight no matter what types of diet or exercise he had tried. He had gone so far as to contemplate steroids, but ultimately chose not to for fear of shrinking his already meager nuts. Now that they had this gel, though, he never had to worry about his balls being too small ever again. Although, he never had to worry about taking steroids either so it really didn't matter."How big can you make them...?" Marco asked unsteadily. He couldn't believe the words that were coming out of his mouth. He had seen the results of the new concoction firsthand. His moderate balls had multiplied in size in a matter of minutes. It was obvious that this stuff could make him grow exponentially. With such power, why would he even worry about the max size... unless he secretly wished to reach it? Marco swallowed hard to ease the dryness in his throat. He couldn't believe he was actually even considering such a thing."How big do you want them?" Eli asked playfully as he dipped his hands into the gel and made a show of getting huge, thick gobs of the goop for use on his lover.Big... Huge..." Marco pleaded hoarsely. On some level he realized how ludicrous what he was asking was. He was giving his boyfriend free reign to turn him into a hulking muscle freak, but he wanted it. He desperately wanted it.Eli chuckled seductively as he gathered up two huge handfuls and leaned in close to his lover. Their faces were so close that their noses were all but touching. Marco could feel Eli's hot breath against his neck. "Say hello to the new Mr. Universe." He heard Eli's voice reach his ears in a hoarse whisper that sent chills down his spine, but these were not chills of fear or anxiety... No, Marco was trembling in anticipation.Eli once again sat down in Marco's lap and planted a deep passionate kiss on Marco's lips as he rubbed the mixture into Marco's olive skinned chest and over his shoulders. While the two continued to make out, Eli would continually scoop up handfuls of the mixture from the vat on the table and slather it all up and down his lover's torso and arms.Marco felt too amazing to complain or even question what his boyfriend was doing to him. His boyfriend was effectively giving him a full body massage. Eli's plus sized booty was so huge that his gigantic, supple cheeks were effectively jacking off Marco's massive dick while Eli was grinding against him. By this time Marco's entire upper body was tingling from the copious dosage of the gel that had been applied to him. He could actually feel his muscles beginning to swell all over his body.By the time they broke apart, Marco was gasping for breath, but this was more a result of his arousal reaching critical levels than because of an inability to breathe during their passionate kissing. Eli looked a little flustered as well, but he didn't let it slow him down at all as he grabbed another couple of handfuls of gel and kneaded it into his lover's pecs."A... Another?" Marco cooed softly as he stared at his lover. Not even he was sure if he was questioning Eli's actions or egging the blond on. Marco's chest was already looking very well defined, but Marco was obsessed with pecs; a fixation that he had shared with Eli on numerous occasions. In that regard they were very much alike."I know how much you've always wanted nice, big pecs." Eli responded coyly as he rubbed the remnants of his last handful into his lover's chest. Eli flashed his boyfriend a playful grin and grabbed a couple small gobs of gel. "I think you're gonna really love them when I'm done." With that Eli reached in and playfully tweaked his boyfriend's small nipples, effectively slathering the tiny nubs with yet another dose of the growth serum in the process.Marco's nipples were never all that sensitive, but somehow the small pinch sent shockwaves up his spine. It felt surprisingly good. He wondered what effect the gel would have on them, but he was already having a hard time seeing over his steadily expanding shelf of pectoral muscles.Eli grabbed a few more handfuls and went to work slowly rubbing the mixture into the regions of his boyfriend's body that he had previously been unable to get. The effects of the first dosage were already becoming very apparent. Marco's previously lean, dark skinned body was swelling up on all sides. His previously inconsequential muscles grew and swelled before their very eyes. His previously flat gut began to form small bumps as his abdominal muscles grew enough to become pronounced. His sinewy arms swelled and gained definition as his biceps, triceps, and forearms grew and swelled. The muscles on his shoulders and along the sides of his neck slowly grew and bulged out as his traps and delts slowly took shape. His legs went from wirey stalks to being pillars of thick brawn. Each bulging quad was as thick as his narrow torso had been just minutes before.Eli stood back and surveyed his handiwork. His lover was already looking like a fitness model, except for his pecs which were far larger than any other muscle on his body. Marco's massive pecs were like two massive, extra firm, king sized pillows of pure masculine brawn. His previously tiny, dime sized areolas were now the size of a milk cap and puffed up an inch above his burly pecs. Marco's impressive physique was augmented by his absolutely massive cock and balls. His huge dick was steadily creeping closer and closer to fifteen inches and was already thicker around than Eli's arms. Marco's gigantic nuts were already passing the size of basketballs and were hanging so low past over the edge of his seat that they dangled halfway the floor. Each of his massive balls was heavily laden with thick, pent up cum.Eli looked down at his handiwork with a lascivious grin. "Hmm... You look about ready to blow." He mused playfully. "Let's have some real fun." He added with a devious glint in his eyes. Marco was too wracked with pleasure to even muster a comeback. All he could do was lie there and soak up the intense pleasure of his steady expansion. He became vaguely aware that Eli was gathering another couple of huge handfuls of the formula, but it didn't dawn on Marco what Eli was planning until Eli's hands were already sliding against Marco's massive cock.Eli didn't rub the mixture into Marco's cock, though. Instead he spread it around just enough so that Marco's dick was completely coated in a white, glistening layer of gel. Marco already knew that this was going to make his dick absolutely massive, but it was far too late to turn back now. He was also secretly excited by the prospect. He had always half-joked with Eli about having a cock that was as big as the rest of his body. At the time, Marco had hoped that Eli had just taken it as a joke and had not caught on to the underlying truth of his statement, but the glint in Eli's eyes made it all too clear that his blond lover was in on it from the start. Marco slumped backed in his chair and stared on in awe as his boyfriend climbed up on top of him and began to slowly lower himself down upon the humongous shaft.Marco's gigantic cock split Eli wider than anything he had ever ridden. The blond was in a state of enhanced ecstasy as he slowly took more and more of the massive shaft deep inside of him. It shouldn't even have been physically possible for him to take such a beast, but once again, it seemed his theory was correct. The constant rubbing of Marco's huge dick against his insides was causing the thick laminate of gel to rub into Marco's cock and Eli's insides. As the gel continued to soak in and absorb into his body, Eli could feel his insides shift and adjust to make room for Marco's steadily expanding cock. The added dose was causing Eli's lover's thick Latin cock to grow and swell rapidly. Eli was so lost in the sensations that he couldn't even speak. He could barely even grunt in raw feral passion as he repeatedly shifted himself up and down along his lover's gargantuan cock.Eli was cumming hard by the third thrust. Huge, thick gooey wads of spunk spewed forth from his nearly foot long cock and splattered against his lover's broad, burly chest. The vast quantity of spooge stored in Eli's large, basketball sized nuts was flooding from his cock at hitherto unheard of rates. Each gush of jizz was enough to coat much of Marco's massive pecs. Eli stared intently at his lover's phenomenal pecs as the thick wads of cum dripped off of them. The blond had never been hornier than he was in that very moment.With every passing second, he could feel Marco's already massive dick growing larger and larger. Finally it got to the point where it felt like Marco's dick was in danger out outgrowing Eli's entire body. Eli reluctantly lifted himself off his boyfriend's enormous cock and collapsed into a well-fucked heap atop Marco's massive, brawny, olive skinned chest. He listened to his boyfriend's heavy breaths as he felt the steady rise and fall of his lover's burly chest. Eli was soaking in his own cum, but that just made the moment all the more tender.Marco had been struggling to hold back what was sure to be the biggest, messiest orgasm of all time. Even with his brain as addled by lust as it currently was, he couldn't shake the fear that he could seriously hurt his boyfriend if he unloaded inside the slender blond's amazing ass. Marco was overjoyed when he saw Eli finally lift off of his cock and collapse against his chest. The true extent of his most recent growth finally became apparent to him. His cock was simply massive. It was already over two feet long and was as big around as his thick, burly forearm. It was a miracle that Eli had even been able to take that inside of him without any serious pain.Now that he no longer had to worry about the safety of his boyfriend, Marco's mind was overloaded by the sheer size of his cock. He was filled with a sense of pride and something else as well. Something about the sheer magnitude of his tool brought him over the edge. He just couldn't get over how amazing his gigantic cock looked or how wonderful it felt as it blasted cum all over the ceiling. Thick gobs of jizz rained down on the pair of lovers, quickly coating them both from head to toe, and still Marco kept cumming. His globe sized nuts showed no sign of stopping. That was alright with him though. He was in such a state of pure, unbridled sexual bliss that he didn't care if he never came down from it. Again and again he shot massive, heavy ropes of jizz into the air. Even after the sixth and seventh eruption he was showing no signs of slowing. It wasn't until the thirteenth shot that his torrent of jizz finally began to taper. By that time both he and his boyfriend were th! oroughly coated in his spunk.The two of them laid there for almost an hour just basking in the afterglow and enjoying each other's company. Finally it came time for them to get cleaned up. The cum that covered both of them head to toe was getting so dry and crusty that it actually was beginning to be painful to leave it on. The two lovers said a few parting words and staggered off to their own personal shower stalls. They wanted to stay together and even shower in the same stall, but they both knew there was no way they would fit. Marco was so massive by this point that they weren't even sure if he could get just his own bulk into one of the stalls.After his shower, Eli took a seat on the couch to wait for his lover to finish up. It felt so nice to sit upon his massive, cushiony ass. His butt had grown even more since he had used the serum the first time. He couldn't be sure how much, but his butt now provided so much extra padding that he was sitting almost a foot above the couch cushion. His hips had also gotten much wider. A cursory glance made them appear to be well over twice as wide as his narrow waist.Eli's dick had mostly stabilized in terms of size, but it was already capping out at a foot long and as big around as his fist. His nuts had even grown some more since he had finished making sweet, passionate to love to Marco in the dining room. They now hung down to his knees, and each engorged nut was nearing the size of a medicine ball.Marco couldn't keep his hands off of himself in the shower. He just kept feeling up each and every massive, bulging muscle in his body. All of his muscles in his body had swollen even more since the last dosage. What had been a very well defined six pack set of abs was now a deeply trenched eight pack. His quads which had previously rivaled Eli's waist for sheer girth now were as thick as tree trunks. Each bulging bicep was as huge as Eli's head and Marco wasn't even making an effort to flex them. The real prize winning changes were Marco's pecs, cock and balls, though.Marco's nuts were the size of beach balls. They were so huge and hefty that they hung down past his knees. His massive, thick cock draped over his huge sack still dangled past his balls. The shaft was almost as thick as Eli's narrow waist. The beast had to be at least three feet long and was looking like it would hit the four foot mark in the near future.Marco's pecs had swelled up so much that each individual slab of brawn dwarfed Eli's entire torso. The huge, dense muscles protruded over a foot in front of Marco's dark skinned torso. Marco's areolas had increased in size to the point where each dark, puffy circle was now the size of a CD, and the rock hard, erect nipple protruded out a couple inches. Each enlarged nipple was so thick that it looked like the top of a baby bottle. There was even a definite trickle of white liquid dribbling out from Marco's nipples.Marco couldn't help but confirm his suspicions. He cupped a hand under the flow of liquid from his nipples and lifted it to his lips. He was surprised by the taste. It tasted wonderful. It was obvious that he was leaking milk from his nipples, but it was the most rich, full bodied milk he had ever drank. He wasn't sure why this was happening, but he wasn't particularly worried. The only thing on his mind was finishing up and getting back into the company of his beautiful blond lover.When Marco finished his shower, he found Eli passed out on the couch. He couldn't help but smile at how cute and beautiful his blond boyfriend looked. Eli had a habit of not sleeping much when he was in full scale research mode, and there was no telling how sleep deprived the little scientist was. Marco crept has silently as he could with his now bulky body and tenderly scooped up the slender man. He was surprised at just how light Eli was now. Even with his vastly enhanced butt, balls, and cock, the scientist was light as a feather. Marco felt another rush of exhilaration at his newly enhanced muscles as he gingerly carried his sleeping boyfriend back to their bed.Marco left Eli there to sleep as he went to work cleaning up the mess he had made. The kitchen was easy enough to clean up, but he still had to clean up the groceries off the front steps. He fumbled awkwardly through his wardrobe for a bit and eventually found an outfit that almost fit. His old open sided muscle shirt fit him like a glove now whereas before it had been so loose that it looked like he had a tent wrapped around his neck. He also had a pair of workout shorts that used to be extremely loose which now hugged his beefy waist and bulging quads perfectly. The only problem was that his cock and balls were simply far too massive to hide. His junk strained against the front of his shorts and pulled the front of the waistband down almost a foot. Almost half of his cock was openly on display for anyone to see as was the top of his sack. The added weight up front also caused the top half of his massive, beefy ass to stick up over his waistband as well, but it was still be! tter than going around naked.He was glad that it was already dark out as he fumbled around in his state of dubious dress. He just hoped that none of the neighbors happened to look out and see him. His humongous package was making bending down an interesting task. He had to actually squat down to pick things up as opposed to just bending over, but with his new and improved physique, squats proved to be extremely easy for him. He didn't even break a sweat. He actually enjoyed it, especially since his huge nuts would touch the ground each time he squatted down. Each and every item he picked up was a reminder of just how huge and hung he was now. What Marco wasn't aware of, though, was that each squat caused his shorts to ride down a little lower, giving the entire neighborhood a full view of his glorious ass. By the time he had finally cleaned up the mess in front of his house, he had attracted quite a few admirers.With the house cleaned up, Marco decided to join his boyfriend in bed. It had been a long day, and all the growth was so exhausting that he felt like he could sleep for days. Marco peeled off his awkwardly fitting clothes and tossed them on the floor as he approached his and Eli's shared bed and quickly realized that he was far too large to crawl in beside his boyfriend. He wasn't about to be so easily put off, though, and Eli was quite a sound sleeper, especially when he was as exhausted as he undoubtedly was tonight.When Eli finally awoke, he was immediately surprised by just how firm his bed was. Once his vision cleared, he quickly realized why. He was sleeping atop his hulking boyfriend. What he had thought had been his pillows were actually his boyfriend's massively swollen pecs. It was obvious that Marco had bulked up even more during the night, and Eli could only assume that he had grown some more too. Eli had to shake and shimmy his way out from his boyfriend's thick, brawny arms, but he managed to crawl out of bed without waking the hulk. Eli took a look back at his now massive lover before leaving the room and was shocked and more than a little aroused at just how huge he was all over.Eli staggered into the restroom and scoped out his own changes in the mirror. His cock hadn't grown much since the night before. It had only added another inch, and was closing in on thirteen inches, but his nuts had grown quite a lot. In the hours that he had been out cold they had almost doubled in size. They were now the sizes of beach balls. His hips had grown too, although the changes there were less pronounced. His hips were now closing in on being three times as wide as his narrow waist.Eli heard the sound of the bed and floorboards creaking and he knew that Marco was awake now, too. He wasn't sure just how well his lover would take having grown as much as he had, but there was no sense in stalling. Eli walked back into the bedroom and was floored by what he saw. Marco was beyond massive. His upper body had swollen up much more than his lower body, and now his broad, muscular chest was twice as wide as his buff hips. Each and every groove and contour of his muscles was so deep that the light could not reach the bottom. The deep shadows just served to accentuate his astounding musculature even more.Marco didn't seem upset, though. Far from it. He was too enamored with his buff physique to even acknowledge Eli at first. He slowly ran a hand over his swole arms and his ripped torso as he moaned and cooed softly. He was absolutely smitten with his now even buffer body. "You really know how to make a guy feel great, babe." Marco murmured softly without even looking up at his lover.Eli couldn't bring himself to say anything. He just wanted to bask in the sheer size of his lover's muscles and cock. Marco's junk had grown considerably overnight as well. His now beanbag chair sized nuts hung so low that they dangled around his ankles, and his massive, three foot long cock was easily thicker as Eli's torso. Eli's own thirteen inches rose to attention just from being in the presence of such raw, masculinity.Eli would have jumped Marco's gigantic bone right then and there, but he was feeling extremely weak and faint. He was absolutely famished, and judging by the audible rumble from behind the solid wall of Marco's deep cut, eight pack abs, Eli's massive, swole lover was in the same boat.Eli looked over at the clock beside the bed and noticed that it was already mid afternoon. They had been out cold for over twelve hours. "Want to go get some dinner?" Eli tried to ask as casually as he could, but his raging boner and flushed face gave him away."Sure. We don't have much in the house anymore, anyway." Marco concurred. "I salvaged what I could, but most of the frozen stuff spoiled before I got to it." He added sheepishly. The sight of such a huge, beefy man looking so apologetic and gentle made Eli's heart flutter. He was reminded of just why he had fallen for Marco in the first place. Marco's growth hadn't diminished his gentle nature at all, in fact it seemed like it even enhanced it.The two of them quickly threw on some clothes and set out for the little diner around the block. Eli was able to dress more or less normally. He threw on an old pair of Marco's sweatpants which had been extremely loose on him before, but now hugged his ample butt and hips tightly. His massive balls strained noticeably against the front. The top half of his body was the same as it ever was, though. Eli opted to complete the set and wear one of Marco's old hoodies. It was huge and baggy on him, but he loved being wrapped in his lover's scent.Marco wore the same outfit he had worn the night before when he cleaned up the spilled groceries, but today it fit him far worse. The muscle shirt didn't even completely cover his massive, swollen pecs. The bottom of the shirt stopped right above the bottom of his pecs. His torso was now so wide that his bulging lats spilled out the huge armholes. The shirt barely even covered half his pecs. His now huge, salad plate sized, puffy areolas were left completely exposed. His nipples were now so huge and thick that they stuck out quite a few inches from his chest and were as thick around as a Wiimote. His nipples were dribbling large amounts of liquid, but Marco tried his best to ignore it. Eli, however couldn't take his eyes off of them.Marco's shorts were stretched so tight across his ass that they appeared to be little more than low riding speedos from the back. From the front, though they were completely indecent. His nuts didn't even fully fit into the front of his shorts, and his cock was left to completely fly free. Marco had tried to cover this up by tying a sheet to his waist like an apron, but the massive outline of his huge cock was still painfully obvious to anyone who looked in his general direction.The couple received several looks as they made their slow, steady stroll towards the diner. No one said anything, though. It seemed that they had just barely managed to remain in dress code, but it was obvious that many people, especially those that had seen them on a regular basis were surprised by the sudden changes they had undergone. When they finally arrived at the diner, they were shown to their seats by a waitress. The waitress had known them for over a year now and said nothing, but it obvious that she too was shocked, concerned, and even a little aroused. She took their orders, but other than that she let them be."Can I feel your chest?" Eli asked suddenly. He hadn't been able to take his eyes off his lover's massive pecs throughout the entire walk."When do you ever need to ask?" Marco responded pleasantly. He flashed his little lover the biggest most heartwarming grin he could manage.Eli couldn't help himself. He had to confirm his suspicions as well as satisfy his more carnal desires. He leaned forward so that he practically lying across the table and began sensually kneading his lover's pecs. To his surprise Marco's chest wasn't feeling as firm as he had expected. Both massive pecs had taken on a slightly squishy, almost spongy consistency. He dug his fingers in and squeezed Marco's brawny chest. Eli was only partially surprised to see small trickle of liquid from Marco's nipples turn into a full fledged squirt.Marco moaned sensually in spite of himself as warm, fresh milk shot from his nipples. Eli grinned devilishly as he noticed this and moved in to experiment with this new development. He already found Marco's massive pectoral muscles phenomenally sexy, but the flow of milk somehow made them even hotter. Eli crawled up onto and over the table as he continued to sensually knead and rub his lover's chest. The blond moved his mouth closer to one of the enlarged nipples and began to passionately suckle it. He immediately felt a wash of warm liquid flood into his mouth. He was surprised at just how sweet and deep the flavor was. He had never had anything quite like it in his life.Eli found himself with a bit of a dilemma. He was so enamored with his lover's newly enhanced pecs that he wanted to worship every inch of them, and yet, at the same time he felt it would be a shame to let this wonderful nectar go to waste. He ended up working out a compromise where he would slowly travel from one nipple to the other, licking and nuzzling a trail back and forth as he basked in the glory of Marco's gigantic, burly chest. When he reached the midpoint, Eli found that the small strip of fabric was getting in the way."Lift your arms for a sec, babe." He commanded sensually as he slowly peeled his lover's skin tight muscle shirt up over Marco's bulging pecs. Marco was soon left with his arms stuck lifted straight up while his shirt pooled around his neck. Eli buried his face between the two brawny slabs and deeply nuzzled into the crevasse, soaking up every sensation he could about his lover's new body.Eli was so overcome with passion and hormones that his cock quickly became completely hard all over again. His rigid dick began to leak and dribble pre all over the front of his tight, grey sweatpants as Eli continued to worship his lover's glorious chest. It wasn't long before Eli was so overwhelmed with passion for his boyfriend's amazing pecs that his cock spurted thick, creamy jizz all over the front of his pants.Marco was getting worked up from the passionate nuzzling and suckling his lover was giving his pecs. The more and more attention his lover gave to his chest, the harder and harder Marco's cock became. He was streaming pre like a fountain long before Eli creamed his pants, but Marco didn't dare let loose in public. He struggled to hold back, but in the end, Eli's passionate sucking and nuzzling proved to be too much. Marco let out a long, low, sensual moan as his cock began spewing forth jizz like a geyser. His huge load crashed against the seat on the opposite side of their stall. Marco wrapped his huge, powerful arms around his slender lover and hugged Eli passionately as his cock lurched and bucked.Marco's gigantic hail of jizz quickly coated the entire seat and dripped down onto the floor. There just seemed to be no end of spunk stored in his massive, beanbag chair sized nuts. With each powerful gush he felt like his legs would turn to jelly. When the massive torrent of spunk finally subsided, Marco slowly sank down in his seat with his little boyfriend still clutched lovingly to his chest. He could feel the deep pool of spunk pooling around his feet. He figured everyone else in the diner could see the giant puddle of jizz that was slowly spreading out across the tile, but he couldn't bring himself to care. The two of them stayed there for some time, enjoying each other's company and enjoying the afterglow until finally their food came.The waitress gave them a confused look, not because she didn't know what had happened, but because she was surprised that these two long time costumers would act in such a way. The hefty tip that Eli left more than made up for the inconvenience of having to scrub down the lake of spooge, though, and just about everyone in the restaurant that afternoon had enjoyed the show.A few weeks later, Eli came back home from a business meeting. His stylish pants hugged his now amazingly curvaceous hips. His massive hips were easily three times as wide as his slender waist now. The growth had tapered off substantially after the first couple of day, but they still had not stopped altogether. Eli wasn't even sure if the growth would ever stop, but he was enjoying his new size so much that he wasn't too interested in running the necessary tests to determine when or if they would stop growing."I'm home, babe." Eli called to his lover as he stepped through the doorway. It was a tight fit for him now due to his massive ass, but he was used to it. Eli's butt was now so huge that it protruded a good two feet behind him, yet despite its size, it remained as firm and shapely as ever. He was the proud owner of the biggest, roundest, bubble butt the world had ever seen, and he was sure to wear clothes that drew as much attention to it as possible. These pants styles often looked effeminate or girly, but that was just fine with Eli. He was beyond worrying about hiding his girly side by now, and no one really gave him any grief for it either. Then again, few people would dare call his masculinity into question when the massive bulge caused by his fourteen inch long, milk jug thick cock and his two enormous beach ball sized nuts was plainly visible to anyone who saw him."Hey, El! How was the meeting?" Marco called excitedly from the living room. The enthusiasm was apparent in his voice, but his voice sounded somehow strained and breathy. Eli stepped into the front room to see his boyfriend sitting exactly where he had been since this morning. Marco's gargantuan five foot long, perpetually boned cock was hooked up to a giant pump that was draining the spunk from his seemingly infinite reserve of spooge. Marco's balls were so massive by this point that they filled the entire space between his feet and his crotch and then some. Each mammoth orb was almost three hundred pounds of sloshing cum."You took your pumps off." Eli responded. A slight hint of concern was audible in his voice as he glanced at his lover's exposed chest. Marco's chest was now so broad that it was as wide across as Eli was tall. The massive, brawny slabs of muscle extended over three feet out from his torso. His enormous areolas were now getting close to the size of dinner plates. The gigantic nipples were as thick around as a coke bottle and stuck out several inches from his chest. A steady stream of milk flowed from either of his engorged nipples."I wanted to make sure there was plenty left for you when you got home." Marco replied, giving his chest a soft squeeze for emphasis. His voice still strained and unsteady from the perpetual state of orgasm he was in. The squeeze caused his nipples to spurt forth milk like a fountain."Oh, that's so sweet, babe. I'll be over there in just a minute to help myself to some of that." Eli responded, flashing his boyfriend a sly wink as he did so."But first tell me. What did they say?" Marco pleaded once more."The investors loved our product pitch." Eli explained with a huge smile forming on his face. "But that means you're going to need to really step up your production to meet these new demands." Eli added with a devious glint in his eyes as he set a giant jug of their new product "OmniGro" on the table in front of his boyfriend. ------------------------------- [Next Chapter]
  5. londonboy

    Little Mouse - Part Five

    “Come on, Tommy, give me another bar. I can feel how it helps me grow! And it’s making me more confident, too. I feel so cocky.” There was a brief disappointed look on Tommy’s face as he put plates on the bar for Michael to bench, but then it was gone. It was as if something Michael had said bothered the older student. Michael caught it, but couldn’t figure out what the look meant. “Sorry, Michael, we have to wait one more day – especially after what you’ve told me. Explain this cockiness a little more.” “Well, last night Matt and I were making out and I started challenging him – you know, talking trash like I was bigger than him. I know, I know, crazy as shit, but at the time I felt something . . . you know . . . um, powerful. I could feel this strength surging through my body. And immediately I knew it was linked to your power bar. I didn’t come close to matching Matt’s strength, but I felt so different than before. And whoa, did it ever turn Matt on! He’s never shot such a big load!” “Okay, way too much information, Michael. Let’s get back to lifting. I can do without all the juicy details.” “Well I can tell you right now, Tomster, that this isn’t enough weight for me.” “What do you mean, Michael?” “I’ve already worked out once today and I’m benching a lot more than this.” Tommy looked baffled. He had certainly noticed that Michael was bigger than before, but he didn’t realized what had helped it. Tommy knew exactly what was happening in the younger man – and he didn’t know how to control it. He just had to move forward and trust. “What do you mean you already worked out? It’s six o’clock in the morning.” “I was so revved up from my time with Matt I was up and in the gym at four. I got a solid forty-five minutes in before I went back to the dorm to have some breakfast and get ready to meet you. We need to add another hundred pounds onto the bar.” “You mean fifty on each side?” Tommy asked with a shocked look on his face – since Michael had previously complained about the early hour of the workouts. “Naw, man, one hundred on both sides.” “You mean two hundred pounds more! That’s what your benching now. After only a few days!” “Yeah, crazy, huh? And it was already starting to feel light at the end of my earlier workout.” As they added the extra weight to the bar Tommy stared at his fraternity little brother. All of this information was a little distressing and very exciting at the same time. Tommy couldn’t believe what he was hearing, but after Michael easy cranked out ten reps with the surprisingly heavy weight, the older guy knew what he had to do. He went to his bag and grabbed another bar. There was a huge part of him that was extremely nervous – for he knew what could happen. He had seen it before. But he didn’t care; he felt that Michael deserved it. Michael was finishing his second set when Tommy held out the power bar. “I thought you said I needed to wait until tomorrow, Tommy.” “Um, I’ve changed my mind. You’re advancing a lot faster than I anticipated and I’m sure you body can handle it. But you gotta promise me one thing, Michael.” “Anything for you, Tommy.” “When you start to feel real cocky – try to contain it man. Don’t let it get the best of you. I know it will be extremely hard, but you need to at least try. And . . . um . . . don’t see Matt tonight.” “What? Why?” “It’s just not . . . good . . . right now. I’m scared . . . uh . . . he might start to question some things. I’d really rather he not know about the power bars right now, if that’s okay.” “Sure, Tommy, but I know I’m gonna be horny as hell. Being with Matt helps me release the tension. Come on, it won’t hurt to be with him. I promise not to say a thing about the bars.” Michael had already finished the bar he had held in his hand. His thirst for power, size, and attitude was too overwhelming. Tommy was starting to get a little turned on by how much Michael was ‘taking’ to the bars. He could also feel his heart going to a forbidden place. “Naw, dude, that’s got to be one of our agreements for me giving you the bars. Just beat off every five minutes or something, but you gotta promise me you won’t go to see Matt tonight.” “Okay, Tommy. I promise. I won’t go to Matt’s room tonight.” The effects of the bar were already taking place. Michael felt bad about twisting his promise to Tommy, but the sexual feeling surging through his body was too much to handle. He knew that Matt would come to his room that night and he had not said anything to Tommy concerning that. It was a stretch, but one that made Michael feel he was kind of being honest. He did, however, feel a little bad about what he was thinking. “Thanks for the bar, Tommy. I really appreciate how good you are to me. It means a lot.” Both men stared at each other for a moment. Michael was confused for a few seconds because Tommy’s normally chubby face was again chiseled beyond belief and gave off one of the most masculine vibes the smaller guy had ever felt. Tommy, on the other hand, gazed at his fraternity little brother with a new respect and awe. The kid was taking to the bar in a way that was almost insane. Tommy knew he should not have given the guy the second one so soon, but he couldn’t wait. He wanted to see the results . . . to experience the results sooner than later. He was getting wrapped up in the moment, too. Memories were flooding his brain – warnings of mistakes from the past – but it didn’t matter. He wanted to help Michael and it didn’t matter what happened. It was the most selfless act he’d done in a few years. He was ready to let go. “Put four hundred more on your side, Michael.” “What! Are you crazy, Tommy? That’s way too much. No guy can lift that.” “Trust me, Michael.” Michael did as he was instructed. Something inside of him did trust Tommy unconditionally – even if he didn’t understand it completely. As he loaded his end of the bar he looked at his fraternity big brother and was scared a little by what he saw. Tommy was no longer this pudgy slob – he looked like some kind of monstrous strongman with the perfect physique. It wasn’t some kind of preening bodybuilder’s body – but more like a powerlifting competitor without an ounce of fat. Michael just assumed it was a reaction to the power bar. He shook his head and closed his eyes. When he opened them, the old Tommy was back – sliding under the overloaded bar. And with what looked like the ease of lifting a broom, Tommy benched the incredible weight perfectly for ten reps. Michael stood there – with a gaping mouth and wide eyes. Tommy slid out from under the bar. “Now it’s your turn, Michael.” “What? No fucking way, dude.” “Trust me.” There was something in his voice that erased all doubt in Michael’s brain. Suddenly, he listened to Tommy without any filter. Without any voice telling him he wasn’t good enough or strong enough. He simply did what his friend told him. He slid under the bar, grabbed it with both hands, took a deep breath and then lifted. The bar came off its supports. Michael lowered it slowly and with much difficulty. He then pressed it back up – sweat beading across his forehead an all over his body. It took a few seconds, but he finally got his arms fully extended and locked. He instinctively knew to put the weight back into its rests. Tommy had not reached out to spot Michael at any time. It was like the older guy knew Michael would do it without any problem. Tommy also clearly knew the younger guy shouldn’t attempt a second try. “How much weight is that?” Michael asked, not moving from the bench. “Eight hundred pounds.” “No fucking way!” “Count for yourself, Michael.” Michael sat up, counted, and tried to get his mind around the amount of weight he had just benched. He was no gym connoisseur, but instinctively he knew that it was an amazing amount of weight he just lifted. Of course, he realized that Tommy had just lifted the same amount for ten perfect reps, but he was still so amazed at his own strength that it was all he could think about. “The bars work fast in you, Michael. You gotta be strong inside and not let the power consume you, my friend. I know another guy that reacted to the bars like you, but he couldn’t handle it. He let them take over. He was too afraid of being himself and chose power over love. Make sure you always choose love, Michael. Don’t sell yourself short.” Michael was too busy looking at the weight on the ends of the bar to fully comprehend what Tommy was saying. He had just lifted eight hundred pounds. Eight hundred pounds! How was that possible? Little Michael Adams had just lifted something seven times his own weight. How could that be? He tried hard to listen to what Tommy was saying and he nodded appropriately, but he was too busy counting plates.
  6. Read what precedes this chapter if need be: Muscle Buddies 1.0 & 1.1: https://muscle-growt...orkout-session/ Muscle Buddies 1.2: https://muscle-growt...eping-a-secret/ Muscle Buddies 1.3: https://muscle-growt...now-who-we-are/ Muscle Buddies 2.0 & 2.1: https://muscle-growt...ng-the-admirer/ Chapter 2.2: Let's Assume That We Can Get Along Spending time with Omar over the summer before his senior year of high school has been incredibly satisfying for Jeff, especially after the recommendation from his assistant football coach Colton Goodwin. His relationship with Dustin has stayed fairly strong despite both of the teenagers urges to let off some steam with various friends of theirs. Jeff’s decision to focus solely on his rugby training is surprising considering that coach Goodwin expected him to work towards football rather than the other sport. This could have played into the decision of why Colton has started spending more time with Dustin and ending up falling for the amateur bodybuilder. Jeff’s unusual relationship with Omar has never really been a problem for Dustin since he has always known that they have fooled around with each other. What he doesn’t know however is that they are doing it far more frequently than before. The sessions they have are more about just showing off how strong each of them is with the other. Jeff’s ability to lift Omar above his head now in his senior year compared to where he started at the beginning of the summer is beyond compare. Omar has grown weak for this kind of horseplay and Jeff is fully aware of it. After nearly every practice for rugby, they train together and wait until the rest of their team leaves before they move on to more important matters. Jeff’s fellow teammate West, who has spent some very personal time with Dustin as well, has had his theories about Jeff and Omar’s relationship. He has known his fellow classmate long enough to know when he is being fairly secretive. His curiosity finally gets the better of him one night after all of the other guys leave. Acting as if he is going to go shower after a training session, he walks down the corridor to the locker rooms and stops before sneaking around a corner to watch the two thick seniors as they start to horse around with each other on the Smith machine. They both are wearing tank tops that hug their beefy chests as well as tight pants that are nice and snug on their bloated legs and asses. West himself wears similar clothing and wastes no time before he pulls his tank and pants off to stand directly in the path of the two brutes. His cock is already dribbling a pool of precum on the ground in front of him just beyond the gym floor. He never once touches it with his hands as it throbs and bounces its way up and down. Jeff and Omar laugh as they strip down to where they are wearing nothing before they pounce on each other. In the beginning of this scene, it is Omar that is the aggressive one but quickly changes to where it is Jeff who takes full advantage of him with his size and strength. Jeff’s power turns Omar on greatly as he moans in his deep voice. West has never seen this side of his good friend before, the rough and rowdy beastly man who wants to be the one in control. Both bulky teens are already soaked and glisten with sweat as their muscles strain and tense with each movement they make. West moans to himself as he runs his hands up and down his ripped muscular chest and tweaks his hard nips making his cock jump each time. He makes thrusting motions in the air like he is fucking someone. He won’t hold out long because he was already horned up from the intense workout he just finished a few minutes previously. He grunts and seconds later sprays several jets of cum all over the ground as it coats the light colored wood. His voice manages to carry its way far enough over to get the attention of both Jeff and Omar which embarrasses him immensely. Before he can turn the other way to escape to the lockers, he hears Jeff’s voice calling for him to come over and join them. He stops moving in his tracks to think about his decision before he walks toward them. Both of the beefy teens grin as they get up off the floor and grab him by the legs to pick him up to put him on their shoulders. Jeff never really thought about West much beforehand, but after seeing his teammate get turned on so much by what him and Omar are doing, he is willing to include the smaller stud in the fun. Both Jeff and Omar take turns using West as a barbell as they deadlift him over and over again. It starts off with some light teasing and quickly moves into full-blown worship as the smaller teen can’t help but to massage both of the stud’s thick chests with his mouth and tongue. It isn’t long before West moves down to find their meaty cocks and works them over slowly and methodically making the big boys grunt each time he deep throats them. Jeff and Omar take turns punching at each other’s stomachs while West gets lost in massaging their immense rods. The taste of their precum sets him on fire as he feels another load building up in his own balls. West stops sucking them occasionally to look up at them to see what they are doing to each other. Jeff will flex his massive guns every time he notices West looking and smiles down at him before telling him to go back to servicing his cock. After several minutes of gulping on both poles, the smaller teen can feel them getting closer to bursting. He stops sucking finally to stroke them both in unison. Their hips thrust in sync with each other as West moans loudly feeling his body thrusting along with them. In a remarkable turn of events, both Jeff and Omar explode at the same time and hit West in the face as giant rivers of cum go splashing down his chest and onto his cock. The instant the white flood hits West’s rod, he shoots another big load all over the gym floor. Once he finishes, he gets up and hugs both men tightly. Jeff and Omar continue to smack each other around this time moving up to their pecs and grunting a few times. West asks them to kiss each other, but they decline. Instead, Jeff picks him up and wraps his thick arms around the fit teen’s waist and pulls him in to kiss his lips. West moans deeply as he puts his hands on Jeff’s head and leans into him. Omar smiles and asks if they need to be alone which prompts Jeff to immediately stop kissing the thinner teen. He asks the strongman if he would want a kiss from his friend since he is pretty good at it. Omar resists at first but then grabs the teen to turn him around. West peers into the big man’s brown eyes and swoons a little. They smile at each other before West leans in to lock lips with the burly powerlifter. To Omar’s surprise, he actually likes the way the fit teen kisses him and holds him tightly against his barrel chest. After a few minutes of light kissing, Omar puts West back down on the floor. Both Jeff and the big strongman rub their admirer’s head to show their affection for him before they grab their stuff to go to the locker room. West sits down in the same spot for a minute or two to take in what just happened. He finally gets up and follows behind them to go wash up from the amazing encounter he just had.
  7. The previous chapter and its counterparts are here: Chapter 1.0 & 1.1: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/2085-muscle-buddies-the-powerlifter-the-bodybuilder-chapter-1-a-workout-session-chapter-11/ Chapter 1.2: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/4106-muscle-buddies-keeping-a-secret-chapter-12/ Chapter 1.3: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/5090-muscle-buddies-chapter-13-getting-to-know-who-we-are/ Chapter 2.0 Jeff and Dustin entered their senior year together, but not out. Their relationship was very strong, but they didn't want to detract from their future endeavors in their sports. Dustin was in a bulking phase, something that didn't go unnoticed in school. He was relatively decent in size the previous year, but now he has grown quite a bit. Many guys have suspected that he juices, not understanding the whole process involved in bodybuilding. Jeff has remained around the same size, but he has also focused more on his training for his future in college. Jeff hasn't decided what sport he will get a scholarship in. Football would be a no-brainer, but he has wanted to play in the Rugby League for years. His hardness has dissipated slightly, but he is still immense. His small layer of fat over top of his skin and his now thick body hair gives him a much more mature appearance. Over the summer, the two men began to hang out more with Omar, their good powerlifter buddy. He has been helping Jeff with getting stronger and more prepared for his possible Rugby career. Omar himself is thick with huge rounded shoulders, a wide back, and powerful arms. He isn't ripped, and he had no intention of ever being that way either. He has always idolized Kevin Nee and wanted to follow in his footsteps. He trained hard last year, but is training even harder now that he is a year older. His relationship with Jeff has gotten more personal due to their training sessions together. The strength and power in his lifts has translated over to Jeff, who has come to love watching Omar lift and grunt and even moan at times when he lifts heavier weight. Jeff himself has gotten much stronger as he has studied Omar and how he is able to control the weight on his back and shoulders when he deadlifts. It is the strength factor that has changed Omar and Jeff's relationship too. When they started, they wore tanks and shorts, now though it isn't unusual for them to just be wearing their boxers. They don't train together until after hours and sometimes it can be tough because of school work or other things in their schedules. They both stand behind each other when they lift so that they don't hurt themselves or need help. Their hands will sometimes travel to places other than the weight bar or the weights themselves. Jeff has a tendency to place his hands on Omar's arms to feel how strong he is when he lifts the weight above his head. It gets him so excited that his cock will sometimes pop out of his boxers and touch Omar's leg. This doesn't stop Omar though. He always laughs afterwards though because he thinks it is strange that Jeff loves strength so much it gets him hard. Jeff's turn comes and Omar tries to keep his attention on Jeff's lifts. He does have a thing though for Jeff's size and has always loved how thick he was and yet have such definition. With Jeff's added width, Omar can't help but start focusing on Jeff's back rather than his lifts. When Jeff put the weight back down on the ground, Omar grabbed him around the waist and lifted him up to start licking Jeff's lower back. This excites Jeff so much that he instantly starts jerking his cock and pulls his boxers down. Omar immediately goes to town on Jeff's big ass and things really start to heat up. Still hoisted in the air, Jeff starts humping Omar's face and getting himself so hot that he cums on the ground. Omar turns Jeff around, puts him on the floor, pulls his boxers off, and starts pumping Jeff with his huge bulk inside him. Jeff can't help but yell with the big man inside him. The pumping doesn't stop for several minutes and Jeff can feel Omar getting closer as his huge balls keep hitting his backside. Jeff loves the pressure from Omar's powerful bulk so much that he is getting close to cumming again. Omar grabs Jeff's cock before he can blow because he wants to blow at the same time. Omar pulls out and starts to double jack both of them. The feeling is so intoxicating that they both start moaning loudly and cum at the same time flowing cum on to both of their cocks. Omar then motions Jeff to try and pick him up because he wants to know how strong he is now. Jeff attempts to lift Omar and his muscles swell as he does so. Omar lets out a huge moan as he sees Jeff literally lift him up and his arms get really pumped. The feeling of lifting Omar gets Jeff so hot that he can't help but cum on Omar's leg. Omar loves it equally too and cums on to Jeff's chest. The two of them realize that they may actually have a thing for each other’s strength and power. Jeff's training time with Omar led to them having sex, but he has talked to Dustin about it too. Dustin is a friend of Omar from way back and wasn't that upset with Jeff being intimate with him. Omar's relationship with Dustin is different because they grew up in the same neighborhood. Their sexual chemistry was not really there. Dustin's physicality is not the same as Jeff's. He has bulked up, but his strength is not in the same arena as Jeff. Chapter 2.1 Jeff knows that his strength obsession will become a problem with him and Dustin, but he can't stop seeing Omar either. Their training is necessary because they both get so motivated when they are together. One of Jeff's Rugby teammates is West, a flirty guy with a goofy sense of humor. Jeff has always been friendly with him and has never been threatened by West's very 'suggestive' nature. West is a very athletic guy with symmetrical features and a chiseled face. He is not afraid to admit that he is gay and prefers to be acquainted with the straight boys because he has always identified with them. West's humor has a tendency to go overboard at times, but he makes Jeff laugh quite a bit. What also makes West different though is the fact that he is also close to Dustin, due to his relationship with Jeff. West and Dustin have spent more time together recently because Jeff isn't around as much. Dustin's workouts have involved a lot of cardio since he has stopped bulking and his diet has gone back to being much stricter. West has been helping Dustin with his portions since he himself is on a strict diet. The two of them have had great talks and frankly have bonded quite well. Their parents are always fairly busy and are usually not home so the two of them spend time together at each other’s houses. They aren't afraid to be too close to each other either. West has started to show his affection for Dustin lately and will sometimes jump on to his back just to be playful. Dustin is not as liberal as Jeff is, but he has become more comfortable since he got involved with him. West normally wants to wrestle with Dustin just to get him riled up and it usually happens. West isn't no slouch when it comes to being strong so there is times when he accidentally rips Dustin's shorts. Dustin gets a little irritated when this happens but West always knows how to cheer him up too. He will crack a silly joke and put a smile on Dustin's face. While Jeff was at the gym training with Omar one day, Dustin and West spent an evening by themselves at Dustin's house. A wrestling match ensued and once again West accidentally ripped one of Dustin's pairs of shorts. He ripped it so bad that the bottom half of the shorts fell to the floor exposing Dustin's posers that he wore. West would of course make fun of him for wearing posers, but Dustin liked the way they looked on his body. West would start rubbing Dustin's thighs just to get him riled up again. This time though, Dustin flipped him over and straddled him because he knew that West would react. West moaned and motioned for Dustin to pull his pants down. He obliged and started to lick West's bubble butt covered in sweat. The taste did excite Dustin quite a bit so he started to tease West's hole. This was not something Dustin intended on doing, but he really liked West a lot and wanted to pleasure him. He placed his hands on West's butt and continued to tongue his hole. He felt West relax it and plunged his tongue inside. The feeling was unreal for West who pushed his butt even further into Dustin's face. The two of them then took their clothes off. West asked Dustin if he would pose for him so he could admire his hard work. It didn't take much because Dustin started to flex his still bulky biceps and thick chest. West was very delicate and didn't want to make Dustin feel uncomfortable. He started to feel around on Dustin's bulky upper body and slowly kiss his bouncy pecs. The feeling was so good that Dustin pressed West's face into his pecs. West moaned really loud and could feel Dustin pushing himself onto him. Unlike Jeff, West was definitely a power bottom and was involuntarily humping Dustin. His grinding was just above Dustin's growing dick. It wasn't long before West moved himself to where Dustin could penetrate him. Dustin's hulking thighs were now straddling him and West's impeccable core was ready for the pounding. Dustin moved West's legs back so he could see him penetrate him. He did it ever so slowly so West could feel every inch go in. Dustin's cock made West squeal with pleasure as he watched his hole get stretched. The two guys stayed in that position for quite some time because it felt so good. Dustin finally pulled out so he wouldn't cum inside him. West turned to start sucking Dustin off. He rubbed Dustin's gut as well as grabbing his immense butt. West was intent on making Dustin cum and wasn't going to stop. He would massage his balls and try to deep throat him just to make him give up, but Dustin wouldn't budge. Dustin was enjoying the sex, but he had anxiety too. He was in love with Jeff, but he wasn't around that much so West was basically a substitute for Jeff. He started to rub his chest and his arms thinking about Jeff sucking him off and this would prompt him to finally give his load up. The sucking sped up and West could feel Dustin's cock start to stiffen up. It wasn't long before Dustin sprayed cum all over West's face. Luckily, West didn't swallow it as Dustin didn't want him to. They smiled at each other and hugged afterwards. After the each of them took separate showers, they went back to working on their diet plans.
  8. Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 <--- ------------ Unseen chains emerge. Alex awoke in bed with a groan as he looks around, wondering if all the'd gone through was just one crazy bad dream. He sat up, in his bed wearing a t-shirt and sweatpants but frowned as he spotted the rather large suit he'd left on the floor. He remembered now what he'd gone through that night after Thomas had made him leave. He had run to the police to try to get them to investigate his kidnapping, but they had proven to be a little unsure considering the size of the man telling them this. A few patrolmen were sent to look into it and came back looking pissed at having their time wasted. Alex was warned not to make false charges again or they'd talk to Mr. Righ about pressing charges. It was hard to stomach that Thomas had somehow simply talked them out of looking deeper into him. Alex spent the night searching about him, only finding mentions in recent articles in clubs getting new investors. Thomas had money in a lot of places, with an emphasis in the local gay scene for clubs and bars though the ones he favored were more low key and casual or exclusive membership. He'd been pretty busy for two years and not a single damn photo existed of the pale muscular god of man that had come barging into his life. Digging up information on Thomas Lind had turned up a rather simple and sad obituary of a city clerk found dead in his apartment, but that was it. Lind had no family to speak of that lived in the city or close. He'd simply passed without the world noticing and all had been forgotten about him. It was was unnerving how Lind, the heavyset clerk could have turned into this imposing man now seeming to be trying to take over his life. Yet he recalled how nice the guy had been, how he'd been helpful and eager to get help as well for his situation. Alex frowned a bit as he for once considered that perhaps he really had screwed the guy over by taking his money and sort of half-assing his training. Lind wasn't the first he'd done that too either, now that he looked back on his life. All he'd wanted to do was be a bodybuilder and maybe train some people to get the cash needed to keep building up to his pro card. "Fuck, this guy really has it out for me," Alex muttered to himself as he ran his strong hand through his hair with a sigh as he watches his powerful arm bulge and strain his shirt. Flexing it more as he admired the size he still had from Thomas letting him eagerly pump and swell up into this size earlier tonight. He starts to strip his shirt off, admiring himself in the mirror now, gripping his meaty pecs and flexing them hard with a grin. From what he remembered, the size wouldn't last but then again he could pump back up so long as he had some of Thomas' blood in him. "Guess I might as well enjoy this," Alex admitted with more delight, slipping off his pants to admire the thick, muscular legs he had now. Flexing his immense quads to make them bulge out nicely as he runs his hands over them. His bulge swelling as he got hard from just worshiping himself a little though he grins more as he notices even his cock seemed bigger than before. Thomas wasn't joking about this shit improving him; he felt like a damn beast of a man and nothing else could get in his way save perhaps his vampire master. Even then, Alex was bigger than him even at that moment, though admittedly he'd loved making him worship him. Alex smirks as he stripped fully now, admiring himself in his full mirror while flexing and gloating over his own massive size. He was a 300 lbs bull of a man with the body of an Olympian. He laughs and flares his lats out, flexing his thick traps as his veins all stand out while his cock rises more to attention. Thick muscle stretched his skin tight as his hand moved to his member and started to stroke it, unable to resist the urge as he admires his own size and power more. Thick abs rolling and flexing as he strokes harder, flexes his thick calves to admire them in the mirror more. Panting some as his thick neck bulges out with effort, traps rising up some as he flexes and explores with his free hand before bringing it down to work on his monster of a cock as well. With a deep and triumphant roar, Alex shoots his load, panting more heavily but feeling amazing as the euphoria washes over him. He moves to clean up his mess some with a smirk before slipping into the shower, starting up the hot water. He chuckles, feeling his bigger frame filling up the stall more so than usual as he washes his hair before grabbing the soap to lather up. It was hard to resist the urge to flex and pump in the shower, feeling himself up all the more so as his frame bulge a bit larger from eagerness to have more to wash. Feeling that bar pass over every muscle group he could manage before finally washing himself off. Stepping out in just a towel around his waist, Alex moved to set the suit out to be worn again as he thought about Thomas. He frowns at that, having not really been happy before at the thought of the vampire. Was this feeling real or part of that damn control that Thomas seemed to possess over him. He wasn't sure, but then again the vampire claimed he wanted Alex to be willing in this arrangment rather than just take what he wanted. For all his dickish arrogance, there was an odd honor to the guy that Alex appreciated. Thomas Righ wanted him to accept what had happened and even embrace it, and Alex was starting to get into the muscle boost side. He also had rather started to enjoy Thomas worshiping his body, something he'd never let or wanted any guy to do before... With a shake of his head, Alex sighed and slipped into a pair of boxers to sleep in before flopping into bed. He looked up at the ceiling, thinking more about Thomas and himself in all of this. He felt the order in the back of his head, the command to return and he wasn't sure he wanted to obey. If anything else, Alex wanted to show that he could defy his new master on some level, but that thought alone seemed to strengthen the compulsion. Letting that thought slip seemed to make the compulsion relax and slip back into the foggy suggestion it was before as he let himself slip off to sleep. Even now, Alex failed to fully realize he'd let his sleep pattern change to better match the nocturnal habits of one Thomas Righ. Alex awoke with a yawn and stretch, finding himself his usual size again though with he felt might be some new extra pounds added. He got up eagerly to go to the scale and smiles as he saw he was about five pounds heavier. It showed nicely on his sculpted frame, that was for sure as he admires the real him over the pumped up self he was the night before. He only pauses as he can practically feel the sun setting, an odd sensation he'd not really considered before as the vampire blood churned in his body. He considered what he wanted to do for the night as the compulsion to return to Thomas came roaring back into existence. "Agh.... what the fuck?" Alex said as he held his head some for the sudden reminder of his need to return. He swore as he tried to fight it, considering what clothes to slip on at the moment as the compulsion rang louder in his head. He moved to slip on workout clothes but found his hands refusing to cooperate as he looked over at the big suit. As if to change subjects, Alex went to dial Vince but found instead he was moving towards a new contact in his phone that read Thomas Righ. That bastard had put his information in his phone the night before and he'd not thought to check. "Mother fucker, your not going to make me do anything!" Alex shouts and throws his phone with insane power against the wall. It shattered into pieces and Alex gaped at that, as he looked at the dent he'd caused. That was a bit more power than he'd been intending to use and way more than even his strong frame usually would have exerted so easily to actually damage the wall with a phone. He wanted to flee, to run out the door, even just get his ass arrested but his feet wouldn't move. As if to test something, Alex moved towards the suit and found his body free to act. Swearing, Alex started to flex and pump as he forced his body to expand bigger to his 300 lbs build the night before as if Thomas was expecting it. He slipped on the clothes without complaint before heading out the door and slamming it hard enough to crack the frame. It would seem Thomas had quite the grip on him after all... and somewhere deep down he felt eager to see the beefy vampire again... This was going to be a long night.
  9. londonboy

    Little Mouse - Part Four

    [Nothing better about being on break for Christmas than getting to write some stories. Sorry, it's short.] “Come on, Matt, let’s wrestle.” “You got to be kidding, Mouse. You’re so small I’d obliterate you in less than twenty seconds.” “You might be surprised, you know. It’s possible I could last longer.” “Come on, squirt. Get real. Look at the size of me. You’re like not even the size of one of my legs. I flex a gun and it bulges out thicker than your chest.” “Yeah, but just think about the fun we’ll both have as you manhandle me as if I were nothing. That should get you excited, huh?” “You are one fucking muscle whore, aren’t you, little Mouse. You are just trying to get me to toss you around like a little toy. Being dominated by me is like taking speed, isn’t it? You just can’t get enough.” Matt moved so quickly that Michael had little time to react, let alone do anything to prevent what was coming. Matt easily picked up the little guy, lifted him over his head, and then slammed him down onto the bed on his back. The mattress was soft, but Michael still got the air knocked out of him. Within a flash, Matt had thrown his huge body on top of the smaller guy – smashing him with his big torso. The wrestler then grabbed the edge of the mattress on both sides and started grinding his body into the smaller guy. This had been exactly what Michael had hoped would happen. Michael was too wound up by the remnants of Tommy’s power bar still surging through his body, as well as the usual high level of excitement that the big wrestler’s body caused. He immediately squirted a major gob of his juice that quickly soaked through his underwear and gym shorts. The wetness was instantly felt by the big jock. “Aw fuck, Mouse. Did you shoot a load? Damn, I can feel it – all sticky and wet. Dude, all I did was shove you into the mattress. Oh shit, Mouse, now my pants are all messed up.” “Can’t help it, Matt. I just love it when you put me in my place. Better watch out, though, one day I might be able to match your strength and maybe even surpass it. I might be dominating you!” “When donkey’s fly, little Mouse.” “Or maybe when I can toss your ass across the room – it’ll be the same thing.” “What was that, Mouse? Did you just say you thought you might one day toss my huge body across the room? Little man, you couldn’t even budge all this muscle one inch using all of your strength – let alone, pick me up. But look at this. I can hold you in place with just one hand.” It wasn’t clear if Matt knew that Michael was egging him on or not. It didn’t matter, though, since Matt was playing into the smaller guy’s desires perfectly. Matt reached down and put one of his massive hands around Michael’s neck and softly squeezed – playing with the little guy, but using enough strength to remind him who was in charge. Matt pressed down at the same time – holding Michael in place, easily. There was no way for Michael to escape the grip and that’s just the way he liked it. At the same time, Michael noticed something even more wonderful – he could feel Matt’s cock getting harder – much harder than it had ever been before. He could also feel the thing throbbing with excitement. It seemed that Matt was enjoying the little exchange as much as Michael was. The smaller guy decided to test a theory. “That puny arm, Matt? I bet I can beat that tiny thing with very little effort.” The smile that crept across Matt’s face turned Michael on even more, but it was also a tad frightening. Challenging Matt was hot-as-hell to Michael, but it looked like it thrilled the big wrestler even more. Matt’s cock jerked hard inside of his pants – Michael could feel it pulsing strong. The big hand around the smaller guy’s neck gripped harder and he could feel his head and upper body being pressed into the mattress with even more power. It was getting more difficult to suck in air – his windpipe was slowly being crushed. Matt was breathing more deeply – kind of like a bull getting ready to charge. Michael figured it was time to take all this sexual tension to a new level. “That all you got, punk? I bet a high school girl could easily whip your ass. And here I thought you were some kind of big, strong wrestler.” Michael’s teasing sent Matt into a super-charged alpha frenzy. He let go of the guy’s neck, quickly slid his body up until he was kneeling beside the smaller dude’s face, unzipped his pants, and had his hard cock slammed into Michael’s mouth before either guy batted an eye. The thrusting that ensued was like a major medieval battering ram against castle gates. The dominating ballet act has been choreographed perfectly by Michael. All of this had been exactly what he wanted. The bigger man was face fucking like crazy in order to show the smaller guy he was nothing. Michael sucked like a pro – having learned exactly what to do to get Matt to the brink of no return quicker than anything. Before either man even had time to catch a breath, the big wrestler was churning out one of the heaviest loads ever – something that satisfied both men to no end. Michael’s throat seemed to be a bottomless well that could suck up anything Matt had to offer, while the wrestler seemed to pump out enough juice to make up for all the weeks of those pitiful spurts that had come before. Even in the midst of all this action Michael was able to take note of how challenging the big man had turned both of them on beyond what he ever imagined. Matt seemed to love the idea of some guy going all cocky on him and then the bigger man putting him in his place easily. Michael began to wonder what was going to happen when he was actually big enough and strong enough to seriously challenge the other man – even though that thought was still truly foreign to him. He figured he was going to be able to cause Matt to orgasm even ten times stronger than he just had. That was going to be hot beyond belief. The usually reserved wrestler let out a moan so loud that Michael figured it was heard across campus. The release was so bombastic, that Matt could not help from sounding like a giant growling bear. “Awwww fuuuuckkkk, little Mouse . . . that was incredible. Your tight little throat never felt so good. Did you see how I smashed you with just one hand? One hand! And yet you mouthed off like you were some guy five times bigger than you are. Shit, that turned me on so much. Acting like I was dominating someone big and cocky. Oh, we’re gonna have to do that a lot more, Mouse. You’re going to have to act all tough and bossy – and then I’m going to put you in your place. I’m going to dominate you like you’re the little squirt you are. Fuck, that’s going to be so hot. I gushed like an ocean, didn’t I?” Michael’s mouth was still full of Matt’s now semi-hard cock and he had swallowed like a madman. The moment had been the closest thing to mutual satisfaction the couple had ever experienced. That thought thrilled the smaller man very much. He had caused Matt to become more excited than ever before. It was like they were moving to a new level in their relationship and that made Michael happier than he had ever felt with the wrestler. Slowly, he was beginning to trust the relationship again. He was thinking he had found a secret way to make Matt bust his nuts hard every time – by challenging him. Michael also knew the bigger he got the more he’d be able to challenge the wrestler. That thought turned him on tremendously.
  10. londonboy

    Mr. Muscle Daddy's Prize - Part Three

    [Sorry, I'm not talented enough to link the first two chapters. Please forgive me. - Wanted to revisit this one for a friend.] Dexter Robertson never thought – for a second – he’d be lucky enough to be the prize of someone as huge as MD, well, anyone, for that matter. As they rode through the streets of Los Angels and onto the 10 Freeway the small guy felt freer and safer than he ever had in his entire life. He could feel the powerful heat radiating off of MD’s monstrous body behind him. MD . . . short for Muscle Daddy, which was the perfect name for the man behind him. As promised, the muscle daddy’s hand had already undone Dex’s pants and his massive fingers were playing with the raging hard-on, which the little guy already knew would be there until they arrived in Palm Springs. It was quiet enough on the road and MD was going slow enough that they could have a somewhat shouted conversation. “I have some questions, sir,” Dex turned his head to the side, getting a good view of MD’s enormous pec. The thing looked as if it were in perpetual flexed mode. “Figured you would, little man. Shoot away. I’m an open book. A huge open book.” There was a tighter squeeze of Dex’s cock through his underwear to encourage the smaller man even more. “Were you always big, sir?” “Yeah, I popped out of my mom at almost twenty pounds. Shocked the doctor to hell. I grew really fast, too. At age eight I could lift the back of the family station wagon. Dad made me do it at every gas station, just to freak out the attendants. At twenty-one I won my first strongman competition and blew past every record on the books in California. I got bored with all the pretty-boy gyms in Los Angeles, especially since nothing was heavy enough for me, so I moved up to Oregon, bought some land, and started a one-man logging company. I’d rip up the big trees, crack off the branches, and then carry the hulking things to the truck by myself. It was a lonely time, but I made a lot of money. I also got huge. So huge, in fact, that I caused a bunch of Bigfoot rumors in the small towns near wear I lived.” “How old are you, sir?” “Look at you – asking a big guy his age. Aren’t you the rude one! Just kidding, Dex. I’m not one to hide a thing. I turn sixty-two next week, son. That’s another reason I chose you tonight - as my prize. You’re also a little early birthday present to myself. I’m a powerful behemoth that has everything a man could need, so I tend to be a little choosey with my gifts. I had decided I was coming back from Los Angeles with a bulldozer or a man, so I’m glad I met you. It’s a little freaky if I carry a bulldozer on my back riding down the freeway.” The thought made me shiver a little – seeing this silver-haired giant hoisting a big yellow machine on his shoulder and riding the giant Harley down the road. I heard a little chuckle in MD’s voice, so he could have been kidding, but I just wasn’t sure - not with the size of the man. I assumed I had only been privy to a small taste of his strength up to this point – anything might have been possible. He mistook my shaking body for something else. “You cold, little man?” “No sir, MD. I just get a little overwhelmed thinking about what you are capable of.” “Ooooh, just like a good muscle pig should. I’m glad, little Dex, very glad.” The big man put one of his platter-sized palms against my chest and pulled me back into his rock-hard torso even more. My butt cheeks and lower back got a preview of MD’s size-matching hard cock as it pulsed menacingly between us. I could actually feel how powerful his tool would be – just from its hardness and size. This made my own cock leak a little pre-cum and the big man must have anticipated that. He slid a big finger down beneath the band of my briefs and ran it across the slit of my dick. He then brought it back out to his lips and let his tongue savor my juice. “Oh hell yeah, sweetness from a sweet man. The nectar of Dex. I have a feeling I’m going to have you spewing that sauce so much I’ll be able to store some up for days when your spent and need to rest. This big man needs feeding all the time, son. I’ll be grabbing you a lot and sipping that hard straw of yours like you were my Big Gulp from some Seven-Eleven store. Speaking of juice, we better feed my hawg some gasoline, soon, or I’ll be carrying you and this big thing the rest of the way home. That wouldn’t be a problem, but I’d actually like to get there sooner than later – how ‘bout you, Dex.” “The same for me, sir.” “Oh, kiddo, you’re going to be so good for me. I’m going to pump you with so much of my manliness you’ll be fitting into that oversized jacket in under a year. Your days and your nights are only going to be filled with dreams of me. And my cannon is going to stay rock hard just thinking of you. Now that I’m retired, most of my day is filled with lifting, sex, eating, sex, exercising, sex, posing, sex, freaking out the neighbors with my size and strength, and more sex. It’s a good life, son, and I’m going to make you so happy. There’s a nice filling station just down that exit. Better zip up your pants, son, I’m not sharing any part of you with another guy. Especially that raging hard part.” We pulled into the run down gas station and the bright lights enabled me to get a better view of the gigantic vein-covered guns that surrounded me. The wind had turned very cold, but MD was still shirtless – as if his hard muscles dared the temperature to try and make him cold. He slid his hand under my ass and lifted me off of the seat, easily. He then placed me on the ground and I got a good gander at his cork-sized plugs protruding from his perfect pecs. My mouth watered in anticipation of sucking on those things. “Dex-man, your face gives you away. I can tell you’re thinking about licking, sucking, and kissing all my muscled goodness, aren’t you, squirt.” “Yes sir.” “That’s a good little boy. How about you go take a piss while I fill up. We still have a ways to go and I’m going to buy us a few large beers to help keep you warm. You might want to watch me go in the little store there, just to see the face of the guy at the counter when I walk up.” I glanced into the shop that was attached to the garage part of the station. There was a tall skinny lad intensely reading what looked like a comic book. That fact immediately made me get excited. This was some young adult that was into superheroes – and I was pretty sure he was going lose his shit when he got a glimpse of MD. The dude didn’t even bother to look up when the bell on the front door rang to announce a customer. It was only after the big man had grabbed a couple of twenty-four ounce bottles of beer and blocked out most of the light when he walked to the counter that the John Deer capped kid looked up. Even outside I could hear the high-pitched ‘holy shit’ scream and the thud when the shocked guy fell backwards in his chair. MD leaned over the counter and grabbed the front of the dude’s overalls, pulling him back onto his feet without any problem. The guy just continued to stare open-mouthed at the muscle daddy in front of him. MD glanced out at me and gave me a smile and a ‘thumbs up’ for the attendant’s reaction. I suddenly realized I really did need to pee, so I headed to the side of the station where the bathrooms were. I was surprised to see a pay phone half-box mounted to the wall near the bathrooms. Up until that moment I had not thought about my life other than the present moment with MD. For some reason the phone made me suddenly get a little nervous. I knew nothing about this man. I was traveling into the unknown with him and no one knew where I was. My gut told me to trust him, but my brain kept saying I should, at least, let a friend know where I was. MD had made it clear that I wouldn’t be going back to work – which was fine, since I didn’t like my job, anyway. I did, however, feel like I should explain this turn of events to someone. I picked up the receiver, smiled at the fact that it still worked, and then dropped some quarters in. I was too busy to notice the imposing figure that came up behind me and on the third ring took the receiver from my hands. “I thought I told you, Dex, you don’t need anything or anyone now that you’ve got me.” There was MD, holding a bag of beer in one hand and the receiver in the other. He pulled slightly and the coil connecting the thing to the phone snapped away – easily – right as I heard my friend pick up and say hello. Then the hairs along my neck stood up as the sound of heavy plastic being crushed filled the night air. MD’s huge hand covered the receiver completely and he crushed it with one slight squeeze. Tiny piece of debris slipped to the ground from between his fingers and then he opened his hand to reveal nothing but shards of plastic, some mangled electronics, and nothing else that even remotely resembled what had been in his hand. Then, just to prove his point, MD reached out and grabbed the top of the metal box attached to the wall. His fingers pressed into the wall above the thing and dug down into the concrete. With nothing more than an easy tug – sparks flew out, lighting up the sky – as the entire holder and phone were torn from the wall. The sound was deafening, but – true to form – the attendant didn’t come outside to see what was happening. It was then I guessed he probably still hadn’t moved from his shocked frozen stance. Holding the phone box in one hand, MD slowly started crushing the thing into nothingness right before my eyes. He made sure to hold it at my face level so I’d see his forearm and biceps balloon out even more because of his destruction. Soon, the box was nothing but a jumbled piece of metal, which he let fall to the ground with a loud thud at my feet. “Crushing that phone was just as easy as crushing your cell phone, Dex. Now, why on earth would the little man want to make a call?” MD placed his big hang against the wall and my gaze went to the sizeable hole nearby that had been so easily made when the phone box had been pried away with only one hand. Swole didn’t come close to describing MD’s veiny forearm or humongous gun that bulged at eye level. I swallowed hard and turned to look at the big man’s face. “I got nervous. No one knows where I am. I thought I should tell someone where I was going . . . I’m sorry, sir.” “No, no, no, kid – it’s okay. I got so excited about having you as my prize I kind of forgot that I was changing your life completely. I can come on a little strong, if you haven’t noticed. I guess I’m just gonna have to earn your complete trust. But let’s make a new rule – if you’re feeling nervous, scared, or just bothered about anything – you tell your muscled old man, okay? Here I’ve gone and destroyed public property just because you didn’t tell me how you were feeling. I know we both enjoyed the show, but someone else might need to make a call one day and all they’ll find is this gaping hole and a lump of metal embedded in the dirt. So, little pal, we got a deal on being honest about how you feel?” “Yes sir, MD.” “You feeling good, kid?” “Better than ever, sir.” “Well let’s fill up my hawg and then get back on the road.” MD waited for me as I went into the bathroom. When I came out he grabbed me by the back of the head and brought his face down to mine. He gave me another painful manly kiss that thrilled me to the tips of my toes. He then placed his big hand on my ass and easily lifted me into the air, carrying me back to the bike. I sat on the seat as he filled up the machine. I glanced back in the shop and saw that the guy was still standing at the counter – mouth open wide and staring into space. “Is he okay, MD, sir?” “Yeah, he’s still breathing and all. I think he’ll snap out of it in about an hour or so. He was fine until I flexed my arm. The size of my gun just sent him into la-la land, I’m afraid. I’ve had that kind of effect on lots of people through the years. No one’s died of shock, yet. Funny, he was reading an X-Men comic book and the only thing he said over and over as he stared at me was ‘Mr. Wolverine’. I think he thought blades were going to come out between my fingers at any minute.” As we drove away I glanced back at the place where a huge chunk of concrete had been ripped from the wall with the phone box. I also looked at the breadbox-sized lump of metal below. This huge man – the one who had already undone my pants and was again stroking my hard cock with his thick fingers – had pried a half phone booth from the wall as if it had been a paper flyer and nothing more. I could feel the hardness of the man all around me – his tremendous pecs against my head and upper back, his oak-limbed arms pressing into my smaller arms and shoulders, and his thighs, which made kegs look tiny, squeezing my lower body roughly, but lovingly. I was this man’s prize. We were heading to his home in Palm Springs and he wanted to make me completely happy. The adventure just kept getting better. I was beginning to relax and totally accept my new future.
  11. Chapter 1 Chapter 2 <--- Chapter 3 ------------ A ghost form the past revealed Alex awoke with a start, finding himself in a king-sized bed with red silk sheets. This wasn't his place, that was for sure as he notices the window looking out over the city of Darkhaven. He sits up, realizing he was naked at the moment as swearing more so, starting to think he'd been slipped something. He remembers the night prior, the huge pale beast of a man who'd turned seemingly sinister the longer they had talked. "What the hell is going on?" Alex asked quietly to the large and well furnished room. He got up, noticing surpirisingly a check with his name on it with a rather large sum on it now. He picks it up and reads it, trying to learn even a little hint of his kidnapper. The name Thomas Righ stood out to him along with a an odd celtic knotwork seal. That was something at the very least though he still wasn't liking this. He held the check in his left hand as he walked towards the window to get a better idea of which building he was in. This had to be a penthouse from how high up they were... but that would put them in Obsidian Row, one of the most expensive towers to live in within Darkhaven. "Enjoying the view?" Asked the familiar voice of Thomas Righ. Alex looked over his shoulder to see that large, powerfully built man smiling at him while wearing just a set of shorts that hugged that powerful thighs of his, leaving little to the imagination with impressive bulge he was showing. "I... what the fuck did you dose me with? You can't just fucking do that to people," Alex said angrily as he tried not to admire the pale muscle god before him. He mentally swore at those words going towards this man who felt like his captor. "You passed out, Alex. It's usually what happens after the first time a Familiar drinks their master's blood. I brought you home to make sure you rested," Thomas replied as he walks in and over towards Alex. "Rest assured, unlike you I do have some honor. I wouldn't do more without your consent despite how much I might desire you." Alex glares more so as he looks on at Thomas, wanting to strike out at the big man. He wasn't afraid of him, pretty sure he knew more about martial arts than the big guy despite how comfortably he moved with all that size. Finally he can't help but cut loose, throwing a punch at Thomas. His fist connects with his left cheek and turns the big man's head, but that was it. Thomas didn't budge aside from that as if the pain wasn't a concern. "Feel better now?" Thomas asked as he kept his head turns though his gaze shifted back to Alex. It was unnerving, the big guy hadn't even bothered to stop him. "What... what the hell? That should have laid you out or at least staggered you..." Alex said as he pulled his hand away from Thomas' cheek. There was some bruising that started to mar his perfect pale skin but that was starting to fade away. Alex frowns more so now as he took in the words from the night before. He recalled it all right up to his passing out with surprising clarity. Something about the blood of a vampire. "If I was operating by mortal standards, it would have. Sadly, I'm afraid I don't get to play by those rules anymore," Thomas says almost angrily as he turns to fully face Alex again. "I went to a very dark place when you showed me the sort of person you really were two years ago, Alex. I was almost swallowed whole by the darkness of my own depression that I couldn't even count on a fucking bodybuilder to help me with the steps needed to make better choices for my health." Alex stepped back some now, seeing those icy blue eyes boring into him with what could only be called hatred. The large man's muscles bunched, he almost seemed to get larger as his veins all pulsed out under his pale skin. Alex looked at that face and considered it more so as he realized Thomas... had been a client. One of those he'd gotten money off of and then basically not bothered to keep up with like he'd said he would. It wasn't his fault, he had things to do. So what if he missed an appointment now and again... "I gave myself over to something terrible," Thomas snarled as his muscles bunch more and this time... he did grow larger. Muscles bulging and rippling across his frame as they swelled beneath his skin. He looked about ten pounds larger already as he put his hand to Alex's chest and pushed him against the window. "I left myself be taken because it was clear people like you weren't going to help me. Perhaps I was too weak, unwilling to go it alone but it didn't matter. They had been watching me because of it, looking for the time to recruit me. Immortality even at the price I pay is hard to turn down, Alex." He leans in close, his breath against Alex's cheek as his pecs press into him. The rage in those eyes were real but Thomas seemed still in control despite something within him trying to come out and take control. Thomas' flesh was chilly like his grip the night before but nothing one couldn't get over. Alex felt an odd mixture of feelings welling up within him as the muscular vampire pinned him like that. His hand went to the big man's waist, thumbs rolling over those big abs some as the vampire pressed close. Thomas' strong hand running along Alex's arms some now. "I've wanted to explore you for some time. I had a crush on you, did you know that? You were so nice, seemingly helpful and encouraging until you let you mask slip. It hurts having someone you look up to prove to be perhaps a bigger monster, crushing the hopes of those seeking help. The damage you've done to people will forever outstrip what I've done to you. If you play your cards right, you'll become the greatest bodybuilder in history with me," Thomas said as his rage subsided more for his delight as your flexed your arms for him. Flexing your chest into the big man to push him back some as you start to feel yourself easily pumping up again. That stuff you'd given him was still working.... "I don't understand what's happening to me," Alex said as he pumped the big vampire for more details. Working himself up bigger and more impressive to make Thomas more pliant and willing to give him information. Thomas smiles knowingly but explores anyways as Alex swells against him. His bulge stirring against Alex's exposed cock which started to react the same. Alex didn't really do guys but Thomas seemed to be doing it for him, the sense of power and certainty mixed with his odd restraint from simply taking Alex. "You're my Familiar. A human bonded to a vampire by blood. My blood is... improving you. Making up for the natural flaws humanity deals with and perhaps doing more. Look at you swelling, 20 lbs bigger. You trying to outgrow me?" Thomas replied with a teasing tone as he admires Alex pumping up bigger. He steps back, giving Alex more space almost invitingly as if daring him to push bigger. Alex blinks some but smirks and starts to flex more, muscles swelling still larger as he pants and strains. He oddly felt himself rising up some as well as his frame seemed to expand taller to channel his hunger for size. This was insane and intense beyond anything he had ever experienced before. He had gone from his natural impressive build to one far larger now, growing larger until he was eye to eye with Thomas, easily his equal as a 250 lbs monster of muscle himself. He gives a cocky grin and presses his pecs into Thomas' "Fuck, I have to say that I'm liking this part of the blood. But what stops me from just... outgrowing you?" Alex sneered now as he strains and swells a bit more. His pecs push Thomas' back as his visibly expand a bit larger than his would-be master. Thomas just watches calmly, not betraying panic nor pleasure as the arrogant bodybuilder pumps larger, inching up on him as his shoulders broaden. "Fuck yeah, 260!" He laugh but the smiles darkly and pushes harder, bulking bigger as his veins stand out like hoses beneath his skin. "Mmmm, make that 270... 280... 290.... 300 FUCKING POUNDS!" Alex roars as he gloats at rapidly outgrowing Thomas, flexing and posing some before smirking down at him from 6'9" now. "You seem quite happy with my gift, I'm delighted," Thomas quipped with a calm smile now as the bigger man grabs him and spins him with the ease of a trained martial artist to slam him into the window so as to swap places. "Now I'm the fucking boss, little vampire and your ass is going to explain who the fuck you are!" Alex demands as he presses Thomas' face into his immense, thick pecs. Thomas doesn't resist in the slightest, rather enjoying and worshiping the new big mounds of muscle. His hands moving to feel along Alex's big lats that pushed his thickly muscled arms out. "Oh certainly. I was Thomas Lind, a unfortunate fellow who'd let his weight get the better of him," Thomas explained between kisses on those big pecs. Alex's big hand on the back of his head refusing to let him to much else. So much for the powerful vampire. Alex frowned some as the name rang a bell. Thomas Lind had been a clerk in the city hall that had helped him deal with some title and license issues. They'd hit it off pretty well but Thomas had asked for his help in losing weight. The guy had been rather heavy set and was in great need of some help to motivate him to get rid of the bulk for a healthier future. It had all gone so well at first, Thomas paid him up front and they'd agree to some weekly sessions. Then Alex started forgetting to show up to sessions after the first few and Thomas seemed to grow increasingly frustrated. It was rather annoying really and when Thomas had confronted him about it, he'd demanded a refund. Alex had scoffed and told him to stay away from him, not having time for weak assholes who couldn't manage their own routines. "You cut and run on me, Alex. You took my money, gave me a few sessions and then... ditched me. I was devastated. I fell into a deep depression from it and I almost didn't find my way out. Honestly, I didn't find my way out..." Thomas admits a bit darkly as he finally pulls his head back now. Alex found his grip no longer there as the vampire glares up into his eyes. "So you can imagine as I teetered towards the abyss how I couldn't refuse an offer for something new. My patron turned me and for two years I've been learning and gaining in power. For example, the reason I'm not afraid of you even now? Kneel." Thomas ordered firmly as Alex felt himself start to obey. His eyes widening in panic as he remembered last night when Thomas made him flex. "My power over you is far more than you could possibly imagine," Thomas admits with a dark smile as he looks down at the kneeling man and put his hand on his cheek. "Now, get dressed and get out. You will return here tomorrow evening at sunset." Alex numbly stood, dressing in a larger set of clothes Thomas produced out of a dresser for him and exited the palatial penthouse apartment. He fled from there back to his place, but the entire time he felt the terrible compulsion of the order to return tomorrow night. He had to resist....
  12. The other parts of Chapter 1 are here: 1.0 and 1.1: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/2085-muscle-buddies-the-powerlifter-the-bodybuilder-chapter-1-a-workout-session-chapter-11/ 1.2: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/4106-muscle-buddies-keeping-a-secret-chapter-12/ Jeff and Dustin’s junior year is now winding down after the two teenagers both have decided to accelerate their training programs. To prepare for the upcoming football season, Jeff is already starting to up his reps on all of his workouts to get stronger. Dustin is in the midst of a bulking phase that he was talked into trying by more than one person. One of the people in particular that talked Dustin into getting a bit ‘thicker’ is Jeff’s assistant football coach Colton. After that amazing night last winter with both teens, the muscular coach has been spending more time with both of them on an individual basis. He ended up introducing Jeff to one of his former training partner’s and has gotten him started on a program with the powerlifter to get prepared for the upcoming season. With all of these additional workouts, Jeff is away from Dustin more often than not leaving the door open for Colton to spend quite a bit of time with Dustin to help get him through his bulking phase. Colton has gotten more interested in Dustin lately not only because of his dedication to bodybuilding, but also due to some of the conversations they have been having. The coach doesn’t see the two young men the same way he used to after that one night in the locker room. After getting to know them more personally, he has developed separate feelings for both, but is gravitating towards Dustin far more than he has ever for Jeff. Spending time with both young men is becoming quite risky and requires a lot of planning so nobody suspects that there is more going on than what meets the eye. The hunky coach has taken it upon himself to personally train Dustin after school hours and to help him develop his diet for at least the interim until he learns how to do things on his own. Convincing him to get bigger through intense training is something Dustin is not used to, but since he is developing a strong bond with the buff coach, he is willing to give it a try. When the well-muscled teenager first started training with him weeks before the school year ended, he was apprehensive since the coach had an area set up just outside his office located inside the school’s weight room. At first, it seemed really strange to Dustin that he would go to such lengths to do this, but the coach always had explanations that he would give to everyone that ever asked him about it. He even has several members of the football team using the equipment in this area to show that he has a purpose for it. Colton’s main position during school hours is as the physical education teacher for the freshman and sophomores that go there. He doesn’t allow them to use the equipment though unless they are part of the football program. As for the intense training and changes in Dustin’s diet, they are yielding immediate results that surprise both the coach and Dustin. His strength has nearly doubled in just a few short weeks and his body has swelled from a reasonable 165 to close to 200 pounds. The growth of course makes Colton a bit horny at times as he makes it an objective to have the growing teen come into his office to give him personal massages after every other workout. He always tells him that they are needed to keep his muscles loosened up and ready for the next workout. This always makes the young stud laugh since he knows that he is turning the coach on. It isn’t unusual for the muscular coach to strip down to his boxers while he gives Dustin these long massages. Some of these sessions can get quite heated especially if Dustin’s muscles are incredibly pumped up from an intense workout. Colton always makes a move on him during those days which gets the young stud to let his inhibitions roam free. It can sometimes involve a lot of muscle worship on both men and doesn’t always include just their hands either. At this point in their relationship, both of them are willing to go quite far to pleasure each other. The first couple of times this happened, there was some sucking and rimming which generally concluded with a thick creamy finish down Dustin’s throat. From that one night they spent together with Jeff, the young muscleman has thoroughly enjoyed taking the coach’s loads and vice versa for Colton as well. As the weeks have progressed through the summer, Colton’s attraction to his growing student have led to more advanced sex sessions which include Dustin penetrating him with his thick cock and pounding him to the point that he starts grunting like a rhino. The favor is not returned though as the young bloated bodybuilder doesn’t want Jeff to suspect that he is fucking his coach. In other words, he doesn’t want Jeff to see that he has been fucked in the ass. At this point in Dustin’s training, he is now an incredibly bloated 220, an astounding 60 pounds heavier from when he started just eight weeks before. Colton no longer sees Dustin as just a smart muscular teenager he can fool around with. Instead he sees a man with the body of someone that is quite mature for their age. He knows that he must break away from Dustin now or risk being found out by not just Jeff, but also by other people because he is having a harder time keeping it secret anymore. Their last sessions together in the later part of the summer involves a lot of hugs, squeezes, and even some intense kissing. Colton has in fact fallen in love with Dustin and knows that this needs to stop before it goes any farther. The day before summer drills for football began was when the hunky coach told Dustin that he didn’t need to train him any longer since he pretty much knew how to do everything himself. The young stud knew the real reason why he was cutting him loose though and told him that he understood completely. The upcoming senior year is just weeks away and everyone’s priorities are starting to take shape. Remarkably, Jeff never once has suspected that Dustin was seeing his football coach for anything other than training purposes. The same cannot be said for Dustin, who has suspected that the powerlifter trainer that Jeff was referred to by Colton was fooling around with him as well. With such busy schedules however, the last thing that Dustin wanted to do was to jeopardize not only Jeff’s progress for his future in sports but also their relationship with each other. This part of the story can now lead into the next chapter. Here is the next chapter: 2.0 and 2.1: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/2102-muscle-buddies-the-offseason-chapter-2-the-admirer-chapter-3/
  13. TheWeremuscleForest

    Muscle Buddies Chapter 1.2: Keeping A Secret

    Check out Parts 1 & 1.1 first to keep track: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/2085-muscle-buddies-chapters-1-15/ After making the playoffs at the end of the football season, Jeff wants to come out to the rest of the guys on the team, but Dustin keeps telling him that it isn’t going to help him if he does. After celebrating their last home game with the team, Jeff spends a little bit of time in the locker room having a ‘conversation’ with Dustin. The two studly teens laugh as they horse around near the lockers rolling on the floor and playfully punching each other. Without realizing it, they can hear a deep voice rumbling above them like they are trying to clear their throat. The two young men stop moving and look up at them. The man has a look on his face that makes them wonder if he is mad or not as they stand there with their arms in a dominant stance. The rest of the team has already showered and is leaving the dressing area to go home to prepare for the next game at this point. Dustin jumps to his feet and starts to move away from Jeff but not before the man grabs him by the arm. The man turns to look at him and points to the nearby bench. Dustin goes to sit down immediately afterwards. It turns out that the man is the coach that saw the two teenagers having sex before the football season began. He is also the assistant coach of the football team. The man is incredibly muscled, much larger than he was back when he caught them together. He turns back around and reaches down to pull Jeff up to his feet. The stunned teen is shirtless since he hasn’t yet showered from the game. The coach walks up to him and looks him straight in the eyes before pressing his immense body up against Jeff’s. He knows that the teen has tried to avoid him for weeks because of what happened that night. He grabs Jeff’s hands and puts them on his huge ass which is hugging his tight jeans. Dustin watches intently and even lets out a few moans. The coach grunts a few times before wrapping his arms around Jeff and picking him up. He starts using the muscled teen like a dumbbell curling him and lifting him up and down above his head and directly in front of his face. The man’s groomed beard brushes up against Jeff’s crotch each time to make him react. The coach eventually stops lifting him to watch the young man’s crotch pulse inside his football pants. He leans in to smell Jeff’s musk before running his tongue along the crotch. Dustin knows he should do something, but he finds the whole situation too hot. Jeff isn’t exactly trying to stop the man either since he has had his eye on the coach for as long as the season has gone on. Feeling his own cock stirring in his pants, Dustin gets up to go over and join the other two. He puts his hands around the front of the coach’s chest and pulls on the polo shirt he is wearing, ripping it open down the front which immediately makes the man drop Jeff onto the ground. He turns and yells at Dustin making his huge hairy chest flex as his pecs and abs swell. The force behind the pump makes the sleeves on his shirt shred as his bicep peaks appear through the fabric. Dustin doesn’t get far before he is tackled on the ground by the man. The man tells him to punch him in the chest which Dustin does without a second thought. He laughs and tells him to do it again as it pleases him greatly. He rips the rest of his shirt off and grins as he flexes his upper body again. He forces Dustin to rub his muscles and orders him to say how much he wants his body. Jeff is now scooting behind the coach and rubbing his crotch up against the older man’s ass. The man turns and orders him to take his pants off so he can see how much of a man he is becoming. Without much coaxing, Jeff pulls his pants and jock off to show his engorged cock which has been leaking precum for quite some time. The coach moans as he leans down to swallow the thick pole down his throat. Jeff yells in delight feeling his cock tickling the man’s throat. Dustin reaches underneath and up to unzip the man’s pants to pull them down. The coach’s huge bubble butt stares him in the face as the man’s nine-inch pole dangles towards Dustin’s legs. He pulls the coach down on to his face and shoves his tongue inside the man’s hole making the hugely muscled daddy moan as he continues to work Jeff’s cock over. Knowing that the muscled teen can’t hold out too long, he starts jerking Jeff rapidly as he pulls his cock out and looks up at the teen’s face smiling the whole time. He commands Dustin to keep rimming him as he playfully punches Jeff’s powerful chest with his free hand. Feeling the teen’s balls swelling to twice their size, he runs his tongue along Jeff’s slit hoping to summon the giant load from inside. Jeff can sense the flood moving into his cock and shoves his rod down the coach’s throat which surprises the huge man. He grips the huge teen as Jeff unloads down his throat making the coach moan deeply feeling it fill his insides. Dustin runs his hands along the man’s balls and cock feeling it tense like it is about to explode itself. He stops rimming the coach and slides his body down in time to feel a giant river of cum hitting his face and head. The coach flexes his massive legs and lowers his huge rod down onto Dustin’s mouth trying to get him to open it. He pulls Jeff’s cock out to tell him to do it or he will force him to take it up his ass. After resisting a few seconds, he gulps the hairy muscleman’s cock down and swallows what is left flowing from it. The coach grunts in satisfaction after finally doing what he has fantasized about all this time. He pulls his cock out of Dustin’s mouth and gets up. He pulls up the jeans he was wearing and grabs his shredded shirt before going into the shower area. The two muscled teens stare at each other and wonder what the hell just happened. They both smile before getting up from the locker room floor. Jeff walks over and sits beside Dustin. He leans in to lick the coach’s cum off the teen’s face and moans tasting the spunk before kissing his lover’s lips and holding him in his arms. They both think that their secret is safe with the coach, but they may have to do this again to make sure he keeps it hidden. If you enjoyed this, then read the next two chapters as well: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/2102-muscle-buddies-chapters-2-3/
  14. Chapter 1.0 Jeff was a great athlete in high school. He was bigger than most of the kids in his class and loved to play all kinds of sports. He would sign up for as many as he could because he liked the feeling of his muscles pushing against his clothes and the sensation of them tensing and bouncing. He would spend more time in the gym than most of the guys that went there. The pumps he would get would be outrageous. Some days he couldn't get the shirts to stay down on his chest so he would have to go shirtless sometimes. The ladies could not stop staring at him. His chest would heave to the people that he would chafe if he didn't wear something over top of it. He wasn't a virgin past his freshman year. Most of the guys didn't like him because he was so young, yet so advanced physically. There were times when he would be in the locker room in the buff and just stare in the mirrors at all of the curves and bumps in his muscles and would flex them to see how they looked. He wasn't the only big guy on the football team though. There were two other guys that were quite developed, but in different ways. One was more a powerlifter type with a gut and the other was a big lifter himself with huge arms and giant legs. He was a competitive bodybuilder too and would talk to Jeff about your genetics. He wasn't interested in ever competing because you didn't want to do all of the bulking/cutting that was required. The bodybuilding teen would also stare in the mirrors and check out his body, but he would always wear shorts whereas Jeff just stood naked. Jeff figured out that he was an exhibitionist because he liked it when the other guys would check him out. One of the guys always smacked Jeff's butt when he would walk by and then wink. He didn't know what to think because this guy seemed like he was flirting. For the next couple of years, Jeff maintained his size and even tried to get fuller by changing up parts of his diet to make his chest bulge even more. He wanted pecs so big they would come up to his chin. He was only a junior and his body was outlandish. Everybody suspected that he was juicing and he was tested all the time only to find out that he was naturally big. He had a few girlfriends and didn't know how he was going to juggle them. He didn't really have time to hang out with them so he broke up with them. His bodybuilder teammate was actually a little leaner then he was a few years before. He really wanted to know how Jeff's body could be so developed and full and yet be natural. Jeff was close to this guy because he could talk to him about training tips and whatever food he needed to eat. The other guy named Dustin was actually quite fond of Jeff and asked if he could feel Jeff's body just to see what bigger muscle felt like. Jeff was very interested in what Dustin was saying and walked straight up to him and flexed his muscles. Dustin gave out a slight moan and started to rub Jeff's arms and chest. The two guys view themselves as straight, but were obviously weak for muscle. Jeff started to lick Dustin's sweaty chest and kiss his nipples. It wasn't long before they started to worship each other and kiss each other. They would try to overpower each other and talk tough trying to get the other one to give in. Their inhibitions could not be contained. Jeff started to suck Dustin's cock because he wanted to feel empowered. Women couldn't satisfy him because he needed to feel strength. Dustin thrust into Jeff's mouth and made him feel tingly. Jeff couldn't help but moan really loud because he loved feeling Dustin's muscles push against him. Dustin then made Jeff get up and sit on his chest to flex in front of him. Dustin started to rub Jeff's huge chest and stroke his cock. He wanted Jeff's cum so badly that he wouldn't stop stroking him. Jeff could hold back well with women, but with Dustin it didn't take much effort because he loved it so much. With his mouth open, Dustin gobbled up Jeff's huge load and started to moan again. Jeff started to sit on top of Dustin's cock because he wanted him so bad. He had never been fucked before but it just went straight into his head to go for it. Dustin started pounding Jeff and making him moan loudly. Jeff had never felt so much pressure, but he loved to feel Dustin's abs rubbing against his bum. Dustin went to pull out, but Jeff made him keep it in because he wanted to feel cum shoot inside. Jeff was amazed at how far up cum went because he felt Dustin's cock move deeper once cum started shooting. The two guys were very close buddies from that point on. They never had sex with other men, just each other. Both were muscular, but Jeff was considerably bigger than Dustin. The story doesn't end here. Chapter 1.1 After spending a little more time together through their junior years, Dustin and Jeff have become a little more acquainted with each other’s bodies. Both have different ideas in how they want to look and even how to train, but they agree that they just want to look better than everyone else. Jeff is more interested in looking powerful and massive while Dustin is into the whole aesthetics principle especially since he plans on competing someday in the near future. They knew they had the perfect chemistry together when they spent an evening together at the end of the school year inside the football weight room. Jeff is always notorious for pumping himself up and making his muscles strain to the point that his clothes just barely hold on. His tight t-shirt hangs on for dear life over his heaving pecs as his nipples press against the material. Dustin sits not far away working on his legs as he watches his close friend grunt a bit as he does his deadlifts. He makes a moaning sound a few times to get Jeff’s attention which works beautifully as the huge 16 year old gets a bit flustered pushing the huge load back up to the rack. He glares over at his ripped buddy and gives him a nasty look. Dustin smiles really big at him before he gets up to walk over to where he is. The only other guy in the gym is the powerlifting coach and he is currently in the locker area. Dustin gets behind his sweaty friend and starts rubbing down his shoulders slowly feeling each and every curve of muscle. Jeff turns his head slightly and lets out a low growl as he feels his lover kneading the fibers on both muscle bulbs. Dustin then runs his hands down the big teen’s sides touching his incredible lats and squeezes them feeling their power inside. Jeff lightly moans before turning his head back to its original position again to go back to his deadlifting. Dustin moves right along with him as he moves his body down close to the floor with the huge load on his back. Knowing that Jeff needs his concentration, he lets him go after watching the strongman do several lifts before he begins to show signs of straining and struggling. The ripped teen helps him get the weight bar back to its original position and turns him around to get a good view of Jeff’s pumped body. Now dripping with perspiration, his huge pecs completely show through his shirt. Dustin looks into Jeff’s eyes before leaning in to kiss and lick his massive neck. The powerful guy pulls him in to squeeze him in his arms and smother him in his chest and moans as Dustin begins to feel his insane back under his shirt. The mountains of muscle are nearly too much for his it as Dustin feels a slight tug at the top behind his neck. He finds a tiny rip that has begun to form and pulls on it as it makes a really muffled sound. It shreds all the way down his back as Jeff laughs flexing his back and delts. Dustin can’t help but to reach around and do the same thing to the front as he rips the shirt right down the middle in two exposing the big guy’s engorged bouncing pecs. Dustin leans down to place his lips on Jeff’s nipples making him growl as he buries his lover in them. They both fall down on the ground below the machine as the smaller bodybuilder continues to worship his huge buddy’s pecs chewing and licking each nipple over and over again. Jeff quickly pulls his own gym shorts off showing his huge beefy ass as his cock springs into action rubbing against Dustin’s right leg. After a minute of massaging Jeff’s melons, the two teens lock lips and play tonsil hockey with their tongues. Jeff pulls the ripped teen’s shorts off immediately as their cocks meet pressing up against each other. Their pre mixes together as they continue to kiss longingly. Jeff then returns the favor on Dustin running his lips and tongue along the bodybuilder’s chest and abs. Each ab is massaged slowly with Jeff’s tongue as his lightly colored chest hair is slurped slowly making him moan lightly. Before long the two secret lovers lay beside each other rubbing each other’s quads and cocks lovingly stroking as they switch hands back and forth trying not to make so much noise that the coach comes out. Now leaning their heads against each other, they pick up speed on their cocks as they edge over and over again building their loads up. Their balls swell bigger with each round that goes by. The pre flows so much that they are able to lube their cocks completely before they eventually erupt. Wanting to come together, they rub their muscled bodies together while they stroke to get the maximum effect. Instead of using their hands to jack off, they grind each other as they cover each other’s mouths with their free hands. Feeling it moving through them quickly now, they start to shake the gym floor as both cocks shoot volcanic ropes all over each other. They squeal as their bodies flex at the same time feeling the power emanating from each other. Their nipples meet as Dustin smiles into Jeff’s blue eyes. He winks before sliding his ass on top of Jeff’s thick cock. The big stud moans feeling it being swallowed up as Dustin leans down to lay on his chest. Feeling another surge of power rushing through him, Jeff starts to fuck Dustin faster as he completely buries himself inside him. The smaller guy runs his hands all over Jeff’s huge beefy guns leaning in to run his tongue on the gargantuan masses. They both moan a bit louder now and seem less concerned about being seen than they did before. Another load quickly builds inside Jeff’s balls as he pounds Dustin harder. They both yell in ecstasy as the huge stud finally shoots his second load inside his lover making him have trouble breathing for a few seconds. It is at that moment that they both realize they have been watched the whole time. The coach makes a quick comment which immediately gets the two teens to jump up and go racing into the locker room. The powerlifter laughs at them as he lets go of his own cock and watches it jump up and down for a few instances. He turns to walk out into the area where the weights are and starts doing a few curls taking in his reflection. Dustin and Jeff appear to be out with at least one person that they know of now, but in order to keep it secret, they may have to make a pact with him someway or somehow. Check out the follow-ups here: Chapter 1.2: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/4106-muscle-buddies-keeping-a-secret-chapter-12/ Chapter 1.3: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/5090-muscle-buddies-chapter-13-getting-to-know-who-we-are/ Chapter 2.0 & 2.1: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/2102-muscle-buddies-chapters-2-3/
  15. I just had an idea. I figured it would be better if all the chapters to my story were in the one place, and updated as I write new parts. It's been interesting to see how far my writing has come, and it was surprising to see i'm already 17000 words in! Once again, anything you want to share would be greatly appreciated! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Prologue Sydney, 1st of March, the Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras Parade “Well,” Nate thought, “This this isn’t what I had in mind.” Nate, aged 22, had decided to make the trip into the big city, to go and see what was apparently the biggest event of its’ kind in the southern hemisphere. And it was certainly big. All around was a massive throng of human mass. For someone unused to even normal Sydney crowds, this made Nate more on edge and feeling more exposed than happy. Everywhere he looked, there were group selfies, young parents hoisting their infant children in the air so they could plough through the crowds to snacks or whatever. Nate had a strong suspicion this is what it’s like to travel to Mecca for the Hajj. Though he doubted there was this much glitter and jockstraps at Mecca. And yet, despite seeing the massive crowds at the parade, he still felt disappointed. Not to do with his gayness. Nate was comfortable knowing he liked guys, and no one gave him shit over it. But Nate did have his demons. Aside from the crippling shyness that made being at the parade nearly unbearable, ha was also having trouble at university. The Dean had said if Nate didn’t pick up his performance soon, he would have to be placed on probation. And he just couldn’t bear having that on his conscience. The depression was taking his mind further and further down a dark path. He wasn’t suicidal, but he was worried that may be where he ended up if nothing changed. So, in an effort to bring himself out of his shell, and make some form of human contact, Nate decided to make the trip to see what all the fuss was about. Evidently, so had the rest of Australia. Nate tried to see over the tops of everyone’s heads to see the parade proper. Normally, for the 6’3 lanky youth, this would be easy. Unfortunately, nearly everyone at the front had brought plastic stools, or were standing on the railing, completely obstructing the view of the floats as they went by. Dejected, he decided to go see if the line wrapping around the ice cream truck had shortened any. Maybe he could get something to eat within the next hour. Nate turned to the left, took a step, and landed face first into what felt like a giant rock wrapped in cotton. Startled, Nate looked up to see what he’d bumped into. What greeted his gaze was one of the largest and most overdeveloped chests he had ever seen. Nate was gobsmacked. He couldn’t stop looking at the heaving mass of muscle that was in front of him. “Whoa! Sorry for that, man!” came a booming voice from above the colossal chest. Nate looked up at a face about a head higher than his own was. And it was gorgeous! The man looked to be in his mid-20’s. He had short, spiky black hair, and a stubbly bit of beard brushed his face. He had beautiful, warm brown eyes, and his skin was slightly tanned and absolutely free of any imperfections. He honestly looked like some had photoshopped a fashion model’s face onto an insanely huge bodybuilder. The effect was mesmerizing. Nate must have looked dumbstruck for a while, as the giant man smirked, and held out his meaty paw, almost shoving it into his own bony chest. “Name’s Brian!” He said, somehow drowning out all the white noise of the crowd around the two of them. Nate detected an accent, but it was kind of hard to place. Definitely North America, though. “N-Nate” He replied and gripped the monster appendage in front of him. God, even his hand felt so hot and so hard! Yet, strangely, it didn’t feel like it was calloused or rough, as you would expect from a guy in his physical condition. It weirdly felt almost baby smooth. But whatever was underneath was the real deal. “So, how’re you enjoying things? See anything worthwhile?” “Actually, I can’t see much of anything” said Nate, gesturing to the mound of spectators overshadowing the parade route. “Oh yeah. That sucks, man” Brian shrugged, shifting the beachball sized muscles under his flimsy shirt. Then, he lit up. “Maybe I can help with that!” “What do you mean? Hey hey he- WHOA!” And with that, he bent down and swept Nate up into his powerful arms with barely any effort at all. Then, he was deftly manoeuvred and ended up sitting on Brian’s powerful traps and shoulders, like an oversized child on an equally oversized man. “So, how’s the view? See any better?” Nate had to admit, it was nice being able to see over the throngs of humanity down below. He could see all the colourful floats and marchers as they streamed by. He truly started to feel like he was a kid at a carnival again. He wasn’t pressed in by everyone around him. Instead, he could feel the party atmosphere, and could sense the gaiety of everyone there, in both senses of the word. Yet, despite the wonder of the evening, all his mind could come back to was the inhuman specimen he was sitting on. He shifted his ass, trying to get better balanced, while also getting a real feel of the stony flesh beneath him. It honestly did feel like he was sitting on a stony statue, only it was warm and moving. Then something else became noticeable. It was s smell. It seemed to be coming off of Brian. It was… indescribable. Seriously. He couldn’t think of anything to compare it to. It was rank and spicy and sexy and… it seemed to really awaken some primal, lizard part of his brain. Suddenly all he could think of was sex. Despite the cool-ish evening air, Nate felt hot, and started to feel smothered again. But this time, it felt good. Like he wasn’t being pushed aside, but rather some… thing was holding him close, and it felt really, really good. “Hey, I can feel you’re enjoying yourself up there! What’s got you going?” And that’s when Nate noticed his modest dick was raging hard, and pressed up against the back of Brian’s monster neck. “Oh shit, man I am so sorry about-” “Don’t worry about it, man! Frankly, if there’s any time and place for feeling a little freaky, it’s here! Besides…” Brian continued as he gently lowered Nate to the ground, “I take it as a compliment.” “Oh…Okay then.” “By the way, I’m going to head to the train station. Gotta catch my ride to the hotel. What’re you going to do?” Nate thought about it for a moment. He really really liked this guy. The logical part of his brain kept insisting he had only known this guy for all of ten minutes. But for some reason, that didn’t seem important right there and then. “Actually, I was going to do the same. I’ve got a long trip ahead of me, and I think I can say I’ve at least tried being out here.” So, the mismatched couple moved away from the moshpit on the main street, and headed for the train station a couple of blocks away. And on the way, the two formally introduced themselves. “I’m from the States. Not sure how obvious that is, but there you go. I got here yesterday. I’m pretty much only here for a few days. I’m supposed to be visiting my Aunt and Uncle, but I took a little detour to see how Sydney was.” “Does it meet your expectations?” “Oh yeah! Much nicer than my home town!” Brian scratched his head, allowing his monstrous arms to bunch up and nearly tear his poor shirt at the sleeves. “It’s a shame I have to back and finish school soon.” “Wait, you’re still in school?” Nate was surprised. “How old are you?” Brian puffed up his chest a little more, as if that were possible! “Just turned 18 last month! I graduate in the middle of the year.” “Seriously? Fucking hell! Give me a complex, why don’t you?” “Ah, sorry man. Keep forgetting my story is a bit… unusual.” Nate brushed it off, but kept walking. He could still smell Brian, and feel… whatever the hell that was back at the parade. He picked up his pace slightly, to keep up with Brian and his monstrous strides. “So anyway, tell me about yourself, Nate. I imagine a guy like you has an interesting story to tell.” Nate gave a little chortle. He really didn’t think he was particularly interesting himself. “Alright then,” Nate started “My last name is Blainey. I’m 22, I live and study in Newcastle, and I am pretty much the nerdiest nerd who ever nerded. I guarantee, whatever exciting thing you can think of, I’ve decided to sit at home and play Skyrim instead of doing that.” This got a chuckle out of Brian. “Man, I seriously doubt you mean that! You’re looking pretty awesome in my book!” “Oh please, coming from the Incredible Hunk, that sounds a bit patronising” “No, man, seriously! Don’t let all this fool you, I think guys of any size are amazing! Honestly doesn’t make a difference to me!” He said, gesturing to his near impossible physique. “You’ll forgive me if I don’t take that at face value. I’ve always been under the impression that the ‘Skeleton’ look has been out of date for a while.” “Oh well, suit yourself. But I seriously mean it, you are fucking hot as is.” There was a small silence then, as Nate worked up the courage to tackle the 150kg elephant in the room. “So… how did you get that big anyway? It can’t just be good breeding, can it?” Brian, for the second time that night, gave a small smirk, like he had been expecting Nate to ask all night. “Back home, I’m from a group called Muscle Club. It’s quite new, actually. But, as you can see, membership really does have its perks” With this, he flexed his left arm, which happened to be right in front of Nate’s face. This time, the steely muscle actually made the shirt rip a bit at the sleeves. Nate couldn’t help but stare at the mound of flesh in front of him. It took nearly all his self-control to stop himself grabbing it and just licking it all over. He had never felt this way before. About anyone. “What… what do you do in Muscle Club that’s so special?” Brian just flashed a brilliant, toothy smile. “Well, if you want, we can go to my place and I can show you in more detail. I read the train map, and it looks like you wouldn’t get back to Newcastle until at least 2 a.m. You can crash at mine, if you want.” Nate should have had a proper think about what was being proposed here. He was a grown man, but the ‘Don’t go home with strangers’ rule existed for a reason. But still, there was that amazing feeling he had when around Brian. And spending the night didn’t seem so bad, especially considering how late it was. “Yeah, I think we can do that. But, if you don’t mind, can you go a little easy on me. It’s my… first time.” Brian let out a hearty chuckle, and draped one massive arm around Nate’s bony frame. “Trust me, I guarantee you’ll enjoy every minute of it.” Part One Nate ‘The Snake’ Blainey was a big man. Well, big may not exactly do him justice. He was massive. He was gorgeous. He was… everything. Standing at an even two meters tall, he stood a head almost everyone else on the train station. His hair made him stand out even more. His face grew stubble at a rate that was ridiculous. Nate didn’t even bother shaving any more than once a month, giving him a massive full brown beard reaching down to his clavicle. Combined with his long hair dangling down to his broad shoulders, he looked like some sort of freaky Viking warrior. He weighed a solid 140 kilograms, more or less, but none of it was fat. He was all lean, thick muscle. As he waited for his stop to approach, he adjusted his constantly throbbing, yearning crotch. Sometimes, people wore revealing pants that showed off a bit too much. They were called budgie smugglers. Not Nate. Nate was trying to keep a cockatoo stuffed in his poor pants! If someone had seen him in the few days since he last got rid of all his hair, they would have no other words for the face below other than perfection. His luscious lips, his sparkling blue eyes, even his teeth were brilliant to the point of ridiculous. Well, one of them. Truth be told, there were many like him. He belonged to a group known as the ‘Muscle Club’. Each one with the same level of physical attributes. Though, most of them were on the other side of the Pacific at this point. One of these Adonis lookalikes, Brian Chan, had come down to Sydney about a year ago to go see Mardi Gras. While he was there, he found Nate – then a rail thin, but tall guy – and ‘initiated’ him into the club. Since then, Nate was living a totally changed life. Ever since the transformation, nearly everything was going spectacular for him. He had a modest flat in the heart of the city. Where once was insecurity and mental hopeless, there was now a clarity of mind and general happiness. And he had no troubles picking up anyone for a little ‘R&R.’ The only real ‘downside’ was his constant, never-ending hunger for sex with other men. It didn’t matter whether they were short, tall, thin, fat or whatever. So long as they had something dangling between their legs, he wanted it, in every possible way. The hunger was never ending. Though he could satisfy himself quite well on his own, he only felt truly satisfied when with another of his ilk – and even that satisfaction was fleeting. His body and mind constantly craved the next hit. It was like he was a pack a day smoker gone cold turkey, and there were walking packs of ciggies everywhere. He preferred to be a gentleman about these sort of things with new guys, but it was times like now that really tested his personal resolve. It took everything he had from propositioning anyone on this cramped, little train. The hot, sweaty carriage, the smells of all the late night commuters… why did the toilet have to be out of order? Ah well, he was nearly at the station, and within walking distance of his flat. Then, hopefully he could find another initiate of the club who wanted to spend the night, or at least have a wank to relieve this colossal pressure. All things considered, he was leading a good, if interesting life. But, he still remembered where he had come from. Who he had been. The neurotic shut-in. The messy slob. The underachiever. The constant mental breakdowns. He wouldn’t wish that kind of mental suffering on anyone. “Doors opening. Please stand clear.” The tinny, recorded voice announced that they had stopped at his station. As he walked off and rounded the narrow, curved platform, a small figure dashed around and bumped into his muscled side, before mumbling a “sorry” and continued. As soon as there was contact, Nate got a blast of the figure’s noticeable, pungent scent. It smelled of day old sweat, tobacco smoke, marijuana, and something else. Tears? Mucus? Was this guy crying? Nate turned around and went around to see where the figure had gone. As he got around the notoriously steep curve, he saw what looked like a young man standing on the edge of the platform. He looked about 19, according to Nate’s keen eye. He was wearing a dirty, dishevelled jacket and some ratty jeans. He had short, black hair and had light brown skin. Maybe he was Maori? Nate was right though. The poor thing looked like he had cried his eyes out earlier that evening. Those same bloodshot eyes kept darting from the arrivals board hanging from the wall, the bend in the tracks, and back again. The board said ‘Next Train: 2 Minutes. Train will not stop at this station.’ This really worried Nate. This was an area noted for the amount of suicides that happened right where they were standing. Nate walked up and put his meaty hand on the poor boy’s shoulder. “Hey there, I’m Nate. Are you alright?” The young man just shuddered under Nate’s touch. “I-I’m having a rough time right now. Can you leave me alone, mate? Please?” “Well, if you’re not doing alright, sometimes its best of you talk to someone about it.” Nate heard a distant rumbling. He knew the train would barely slow down as it passed through. There was no doubt what would happen if the troubled guy decided to take a single step. Nate had to think of something fast. “Look, I know there’s probably a whole lot going wrong in your life right now. But if you do what I think you’re going to do, that’s the end of the story. Finito. Nothing gets resolved. But, that doesn’t have to be the end. No matter what you’ve done, or who’s hurt you, I know you can always make it better.” Just then, the train thundered around the bend. For a split second, it looked like the boy was seriously considering jumping. But, at that moment, his emotions overwhelmed him, and he fell to his knees, sobbing uncontrollably. Nate dropped down beside him and pulled him in for a big bear hug. As the boy cried into his stony forearm, Nate rocked him back and forth, and comforted him like an infant. After a while, when he had calmed down, Nate spoke up. “Did you want to go grab something to eat? There’s a Maccas around the corner, if you want. I reckon a bit of greasy food might do you some good right now.” “O-okay. Thanks.” “Don’t mention it. I was looking for a reason to eat out. Can you get up?” The boy cleared his throat, and tried to regain his footing. With a little support from Nate, he was soon on his own feet again. Using Nate as a support, the two made their way across the street to the golden arches. “T-thanks, man. I’m sorry for… for all this happening to you” “Nah, it’s all right. I’m always butting in on others’ business. How are you feeling?” “A bit better, I think. It’s Mick, by the way.” “Well, Mick, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” Part 2 Mick launched into the large meal placed in front of him like it was the only meal he had that week. His eyes were still watering, but the food seemed to be helping his mood. Nate was sitting opposite him, watching him intently with his piercing blue eyes. Nate wanted to make sure Mick wasn’t just going to go back to the train tracks. He was genuinely concerned about Mick’s mental state, though he hadn’t any experience talking down the suicidal. So, he figured he’d just strike up a conversation, and try to take Mick’s mind away from it. “Jeez, you keep eating like that, and I’ll run out of cash by the end of the night!” Mick finished his mouthful, and reached for the soft drink beside him.“ Sorry, I’m just so hungry. Did you want some? You’ve barely had any.” “Nah, mate, don’t worry. I was just having a laugh.” Nate had, indeed, not eaten anything, save a couple of chips fallen loose on the table. “So how are you feeling now?” “Hungry. Maybe it’s that tainted stuff Paul gave me. I’ve felt like shit ever since I took it.” Nate could still smell the potent odour of the weed on Mick. It almost smothered his natural, nice scent. “Oh really? What did he give you?” “Some of his weed stash. He said it helped him mellow out and have a good time. But everything just felt so… wrong after I smoked it.” “Ah. So that’s why you…?” “I just felt like everything was hopeless. Living felt like pain. I just couldn’t take anything anymore. I guess I sound like a complete fuckhead, don’t I?” “Not at all. Sounds like you just had a bad reaction to some weed. I’ve heard it doesn’t work the same way for everyone.” With this, Mick just nodded. He continued to eat in silence for a few minutes more. He had a deep yawn, and finished cleaning his tray just as the manager came up to them. “We’re closing in about ten minutes, guys. Just giving you a heads up.” Nate replied without looking away from Mick. “Sweet, thanks for that.” As the manager turned and walked away, Mick stifled another yawn. “So,” Nate said “Are you feeling better?” Mick nodded. “Yeah, I guess I am. I’m not sure how to say this, but thank you. For everything.” Perhaps as a gesture of thanks, Mick grasped Nate’s right hand with his own, and let his face show the smallest of smiles. At this point, Nate became aware of his own feelings. The feeling of sexual pressure that had been building in him all the way home. He had put it out of his mind out of worry for Mick, but now it was back and stronger than ever. He needed to back home, right now, or he would explode right there and then. “I, uh… yeah. Anytime. Say, we should probably head out now. Are you alright getting home?” With the mention of home, Mick suddenly froze up, and his look started to darken again. “I don’t want to go home. I can’t. Please.” Nate was surprised. “Why not?” “I just can’t. Can I stay with you for the night? Just to make sure the weed is out of my system?” Nate was torn. He had seen what this guy was about to do to himself. He knew he could be dangerous to himself. But he also needed some release desperately. And he didn’t want to risk doing anything in front of Mick, in case he… “Well, can I?” Mick ventured again. Nate let out a sigh of desperation. “Okay, okay. Fine. My place is just up the street there. I need to get back quick, so try to keep up.” True to his word, Nate sped off in a barely controlled brisk pace. Mick had to jog quite fast just to keep up. He was still thinking on the fly, but he hoped to unload in his own bathroom before something… awkward happened. They got to Nate’s building, where Nate hastily opened the door, walked across the entrance to the lift, and jabbed the button for his floor. On the slow ride up the cramped elevator, Mick could tell something was going on with Nate. Nate was starting to sweat badly, and his massive chest rose in and out as he took deep, calming breaths. In fact, Mick swore he could see Nate’s chest grow outward slightly with each exhale. “Dude, are you okay? You’re not having a panic attack or anything, are you?” “Huh? Uh, I, I’m fine. Just need the toilet quite badly.” *Ding* Nate was out of the doors before they finished opening. A feat, considering his muscular figure and tall profile. As he slammed open the door and raced to his bathroom, Mick was left a little stunned in the doorway. The first thing he noticed was the puff of plaster knocked out of the wall by the flying door. The second was the massive king sized mattress lying right in the middle of the lounge room, where the lounge should rightly have been. Then, Mick heard a noise coming from the other side of the far wall. It sounded like almost nothing he had heard before. Almost like a massive animal was next door, and it was giving birth. Mich walked over, tentatively, and thumped on the wall a few times. “Nate, is that you? Are you okay in there?!” “Un… unhhh… yeah, I’m f-fine. It’s all good. Really” It almost didn’t sound like Nate. It was if Nate had suddenly dropped another octave, and was speaking in a booming drawl. More so than before. Mick was starting to get worried. “Are you sure? Maybe I should come in…” “No! Don’t! Everything is peachy keen in hereeaaAAARGGHHH!” With that, what felt like a small car thumped the wall from Nate’s side. The wall held, but there was still cracks everywhere along the side and on the ceiling from where the whole thing had shifted outwards. Then, there was a sound as though something… thick was spilling out. Like someone had upended a vat of thickened cream somewhere. That was surprisingly close to the reality of the situation. Mick was paralysed with shock. What had he just heard? What was going on here? He could have simply ran for it, but some part of him wanted to know just what the hell he had witnessed. Mick sat on the edge of the mattress, trying to guess what could have caused such damage. Was Nate responsible? Where was he, anyway? At that though, a rank stench entered his nostrils. If Mick had to describe it, it would be jizz, by about a factor of twenty. It was pungent and pervading and… sort of nice. He couldn’y explain why it was nice, it just was. As he sat there drinking deep of the scent. A door opened in the hallway. Out of it came a behemoth that looked like it had Nate’s face on it, only it was prettier. At least, the bits Mick could see through the beard. The huge figure was still wearing the cotton shirt Nate had when they first met, but it was damp, and it had torn pretty much everywhere. Mick could see the incredible muscular cleavage of his chest, and the unreal abs underneath a huge gap right in the front. “Oh hey, you’re still here.” Boomed the golem-with-Nate’s-face. “I hope I didn’t freak you out too much.” Mick just stood there, gobsmacked. A raging stiffie fought hard with his pants, almost ready to explode itself. Just who the hell was this guy? Part 3 Mick couldn’t think straight. It was as if all notions of reality had packed their bags and left for a holiday. All he could think of was the raging force that had caused a whole wall to bulge and crack. That overpowering, rank sweetness. The sight of a body that would put any ‘brah’ in the world to shame. It was all swirling in his head, overwhelming him. Like his brain was trying to understand how such things were possible, but it had no frame of reference for any of it. Over and over, the senses, the memories played on repeat. He dreamt he was being held by the colossus. In those massive, steely arms. Against the heat of that impossibly hard body. And there was nothing else he wanted as much in his life. “Oy, you’re not dead, are you?” The deep, rumbling sound penetrated Mick’s internal musings. Like a tuning fork, it delivered clarity to his mind, made him immediately aware of his surroundings. He realised he must have been dreaming, and opened his eyes. The first thing Mick’s brain registered was the soft warmth of whatever was surrounding him. He rolled his head over, and noticed he was lying in the makeshift bed he had first seen on the way in. He was tucked in to the sheets neatly, like his mum used to do. He couldn’t remember how or why this had happened. “Oh good, I didn’t kill you. Happy days!” Mick turned over to find the source of the baritone. There was Nate, leaning against the door. Aside from a change of shirt, he was just the same as when they first met, still as overwhelmingly powerful. But it wasn’t the same as the beautiful beast that was the last thing he remembered before… before… “Wha-What happened?” Asked Mick, trying to get a handle on the situation. Nate flashed a flicker of a smile, then buried it again. “Looks like you fainted as we came in. I’ve seen this happen before. So, I just made sure you were comfortable until you decided to wake up.” Mick made an effort to sit himself up out from under the sheets. As he did so, he felt something unusual. When he checked his waist, he saw he wasn’t wearing his favourite jeans anymore. In their place, was a set of sweatpants that looked comically oversized on his small frame. They must have belonged to Nate. Looking underneath, he saw he wasn’t even wearing his undies anymore. He was going commando at the moment. “Hey, uh, what happened to my pants? This isn’t what I came in with, was it?” Nate had a good hearty chuckle at that. “Nah! Not at all! You kind of had a… little accident when you fainted. You’re pants are in the wash right now.” “Wait, so… you stripped me?” Mick was taken aback that this guy had just decided it was perfectly okay to just expose him like that. “Uh… yeah. Look, I’m really sorry if I acted hastily. I tend to forget that that most guys aren’t as open about nudity as we are.” “We?” “Well, me and my mates. We usually don’t care about being naked in front of each other. I shouldn’t have assumed you didn’t either.” Mick nodded, accepting Nate’s apology. For a little while, neither one of them knew what to talk about. Until a passing flash of light went by the window, drawing Mick’s attention to the otherwise pitch blackness outside. “Oh shit, what time is it?” Nate reached down beside him and pulled a phone from out of his pocket. As he fiddled around trying to turn it on, Mick couldn’t help how like a toy it looked in Nate’s massive paws. “It’s about quarter past two. You were out of it for a while.” “Oh shit, how am I gonna get home? What will I do until morning?” “You mean, you don’t remember what you wanted to do?” “What? Oh, yeah, I asked to stay the night, didn’t I?” For some reason Mick had forgotten that detail of the night. His mind was wandering elsewhere. But now he remembered why he didn’t want to go home that night, and needed another place to stay. “So,” Said Nate, clapping his hands, as if settling the matter. “What did you want to do now? If you want, I can leave you alone to go back to sleep. Or, we could watch a movie or something. I dunno.” Mick thought about that for a second. “Actually, a movie doesn’t sound too bad. I could fall asleep to some brain dead action anyway.” “Alright then! I downloaded the last Taken movie the other day. Want to watch that?” said Nate as he deftly moved to the TV at the far end of the room. “Yeah, I guess. Haven’t seen any of them myself. Any good?” Nate just shrugged his mammoth shoulders. “I’ve heard it’s alright. They all follow the same plot anyway, so you’re not missing much.” So, while Nate got busy setting up the movie, Mick settled down into the sheets ready to end that miserable night. Though, he reasoned, there were worse places to find himself that night. This guy Nate really seemed to be concerned about his wellbeing. It had been a long time since Mick had felt anything like that. And, on top of that, he was practically oozing sexuality out of every pore. That face, that body… his back alone was like a concrete wall, only it was constantly moving and shifting under that thin piece of cotton! It was like someone had reached into his most secret carnal desires and remade them in flesh! But he could never admit that. People already gave him shit because of his family, and his small stature. He couldn’t let his dick cause him yet more grief. He loathed it and himself. Suddenly, Nate boomed “Alright, all done here!” and headed to the makeshift bed facing the TV. As he hopped onto the mattress opposite Mick, Mick himself launched slightly in response to Nate thudding beside him. As the two of them settled in for the beginning of the film, Mick could feel the energy radiating from his bed partner. It felt wonderful, but he didn’t dare get closer. He didn’t know how Nate would react. Would he be uncomfortable? Offended? Creeped out? Mick couldn’t get those thoughts out of his head. In the end, he decided to make a bit of small talk to suss it out. “So, why do you have a bed out here anyway? Wouldn’t a lounge be better for company?” “Ah” said Nate. “I did have a lounge at one point. But it kind of… broke.” “Oh, what happened?” “There was sort of a party going on, and a couple of my mates… broke it. They tend to not watch what they’re doing sometimes.” “Okay, that still doesn’t explain the bed.” “Well, after that happened, I decided a couple of mattresses wouldn’t break as easily, and they were better for the type of entertaining I usually do anyway." “Oh yeah” said Mick “Your ‘mates,’ right?” “Yeah, those ones. They can be a bit of a handful, alright.” “These guys sound interesting. They all like you?” “What, you mean…” Nate gestured to his still obscenely think torso, laying on top of the sheets. In the glow of the TV, Mick could easily make out the outline of his massive chest, and his deeply cut abs under the thin white cotton of his shirt “Well, I meant more personality-wise. But that too, I guess.” “Okay then” Nate scratched his chin, reaching under his copious beard to do so “I’ve been told I can be a bit of a wet blanket compared to them sometimes. But, yeah, we’re all about the same size.” “Wow, I wouldn’t mind being that big myself.” Nate paused to consider what Mick had said. Mick could almost make out the cogs turning behind his magnificent brow. “Mick, can I ask a serious question? It may help me answer whatever questions you have.” Mick, puzzled, said yes. “Are you gay?” “I… wha-er…what?!” “I’m sorry if I put you on the spot. It’s just, it’s actually heaps relevant to what we’re talking about.” Mick was at a loss for words. Even though he was hoping the talk would eventually reach that point, he didn’t know it would come so bluntly. He still hadn’t told anybody about who he was attracted to. But, he felt safer here than he ever did talking to anyone else about this sort of thing. Whatever Nate was, he certainly didn’t seem judgmental at all. “Well, I’ve had sex with a girl before. I like them plenty. But… I think I like men as well. I’m not sure.” “Not sure?” “Well, I’ve never acted on it, or told anyone before, or anything. But, when I see yo-guys I like, I mean, My heart leaps up and I feel nervous and… is this weird?” At that point, Nate just wrapped his colossal arm around Mick’s narrow shoulder and pulled him into a sidehug. Mick was, again, stunned. The flesh of Nate’s muscled chest, pressed up against his face. It felt so hard, like it was stone wrapped with silk. And it was so warm as to almost be hot. And yet, he felt it was alive, and he could feel it shift with each of Nate’s movements. “Mick” Nate rumbled, his chest echoing with the power in his lungs and chest “There is nothing wrong with the way you feel. It’s a part of who you are, but it doesn’t have to define you. It’s just a piece, like any other, of the immaculate construct that is you.” “But I always thought… I mean my friends…” “If your friends are going to be put off by the fact you like men as well as women, the problem lies with them, not you. Someone who cares about you shouldn’t let it matter either way. You’ll still be the same old Mick to them.” “How can you be so sure? How can you know what it’s like?” Mick was starting to let his emotions get the better of him at this point. He was struggling to keep the tears in check. “I think being gay myself helps to put me in your shoes a little bit” replied Nate. “Sure, some people acted weird when I came out. But most of them came around after a while. And the rest? Well, frankly, it wasn’t a big loss.” So Mick finally got his answer. And while the admitting himself to Nate was painful, it was still a good feeling. Like a large burden sitting on his chest was being lifted away, slowly but surely. “Wow. I mean, I had no idea. I’m so-“ “You know, you’ve said sorry at least three times since this afternoon. Still, I am glad I was helpful.” “Mmm” Mike agreed. As the movie played softly in the background, Mick started to doze off with his head against Nate as a pillow. Nate’s breathing caused his surprisingly comfy chest to rise and fall dramatically. And, as he lay there, with his ear against Nate’s sternum, he could hear Nate’s heart beat in a slow, powerful rhythm. Thu-THUMP … Thu-THUMP … Thu-THUMP … This was the sound that Mick last remembered being conscious for, as he drifted away into a deep sleep, the happiest he had been in a long time. Because someone had accepted him, as flawed and scared as he was, unconditionally. Part 4 The sun peeking through the window of Nate’s flat was what it took to pierce Mick’s dreamless sleep, and bring him back to the waking world. For a few seconds as he stirred, he fumbled around in his brain, trying to remember the events of yesterday. He soon remembered meeting some dealer in the park. The weed he took, and the freakout it caused him came back. Then, he remembered Nate. That massive, sweet man who saved his life and took him in to his house to recover. He was still wearing his oversized sweatpants. Sitting in his bed in the lounge room. Everything seemed to blissful. But, then Mick recalled what had happened earlier that day. Why he was looking for an outlet in the first place. Feeling like his stomach had fallen through, Mick then realised he had to go back. His train of thought was interrupted by the sound of a flushing toilet, and the sound of heavy footsteps coming down the hall. “Morning, Sleeping Beauty!” boomed a sensual voice as its owner rounded the corner into the room. Around he came, lik a truck going around a bend. He was definitely casual today, dressed only in a thin singlet, a pair of pants identical to the ones Mick was wearing, and a pair of thongs on his immense feet. It looked like Nate was going for a different look that day. Instead of the wild, flowing locks of chestnut hair and rugged beard he had yesterday, it looked like Nate had taken a shearer, and gotten rid of it all! What was left was a strikingly handsome face. Without the hair in the way, Mick could see that Nate could damn well get a job as a model, if he wanted to. Combined with his clean shaved scalp and his overly muscled torso, the effect was almost… ethereal. Like some sort of fairy or elf had turned into the Hulk or something. Nonetheless, Mick recognized him as still the same amazing, caring man-mountain that had taken him in. “I should really say the same to you!” replied Mick. “What’s with the new look, anyway?” “Ah, my hair was getting a bit too long for my liking. So I figured I may as well get rid of it now. Christ, it’s only been a month since I did it last. Sometimes it just gets unmanageable.” “Seriously? I took you a month to grow that Viking ensemble? That is incredible!” “Yeah, it’s interesting to keep track of. Last time I just let it go, it grew down to about past my ass! Now that was a weird look!” “Wow. I can imagine. Oh man, I’m starving.” Nate poked a thick finger at the kitchen area. “Go nuts. There’s some cereal in the top cupboard, and milk in the fridge. You do that, and I’ll go grab your clothes out of the laundry.” With that, Nate turned on his heel and bounded out the door. As he got himself a bowl of corn flakes, Mick’s mind returned to what was facing him back home. He wrangled with the idea of just running away and never looking back, but he couldn’t really do that. He knew personally how much it hurt for the ones left behind. But he was still scared of what was waiting for him. He needed help. Again, Mick could hear Nate coming long before he entered the room, bearing his freshly washed clothes. He was like a one man stampede. “Sir, I have collected your clothing for today. Sir will find his personal effects in the front left pocket. Does Sir require anything else today?” Nate said all this in a joking English accent. “Ha. Ha. Nah, I think I’m all set, Jeeves. Thanks again!” Mick paused for a brief moment, before adding “Actually can I ask one tiny favour? If it’s not too much trouble…” At this Nate just held up is massive paw, stopping Mick in his tracks. “Dude, it’s a Saturday morning. I’ve got nothing else pressing to do until tonight. Until then, I’m all yours. What do you need?” Something about the way Nate said “I’m all yours” made the hair on Mick’s neck stand on end. Before he could get his mind too dirty, he refocused on what he needed right then. “Could you possibly escort me to my place? My… mum’s gonna be pissed I disappeared overnight without a word. I think I need some backup.” It was subtle, but Mick could make out a raised eyebrow on Nate’s immaculate mug. There was a brief silence, like Nate was figuring out the real reason for the request. Mick just sat there, idly stirring his cereal with baited breath. “Oh yeah, I’ve been there. Sure, I can take some of the heat for you, no prob.” Mick just let out a brief sigh. “Thanks, man. This’ll be the last thing I ask you, I promise.” “I keep telling you, it’s not ever about putting me out. So long as you’re safe and sound, I’m willing to do… whatever. Well, whenever you’re ready, we can head out. I’m gonna go relieve myself before we do.” It was a long train ride to Mick’s house. As they were headed east, the ornate and large towers of inner Melbourne faded away, to be gradually replaced by the small houses and run down shops of the outer suburbs. Stop after stop, they kept going forward. Mick and Nate were an odd couple that day. Mick was hunched over in the corner, hoodie draped over his head, like he was trying to avoid being noticed. But to no avail, as he was sitting next to a man that stretched the limits of human size and strength. Nate was sitting straight up, dwarfing everything around him. Even without consciously doing anything, he oozed masculinity. His natural odour, undaunted by the shower he had that morning, permeated the musty carriage. Together, the two of them looked like a knock off of the My Neighbour Totoro cover. Slowly but surely, the train emptied out its passengers. Soon enough, they were on their own, still going east. *Next stop: Hurstbridge. This train terminates here. Please alight at the next station* “This is us” said Mick. As he tried to get out, he found he couldn’t get past Nate’s mammoth chest. He gave Nate, who was napping at this point, a shove in his dense shoulder. Mick could barely move Nate, but he certainly got a response. “Mmm… Nice…” It sounded like a kitten was purring. Well, a purring tiger, maybe. Still, the shove brought Nate back to consciousness, apparently unaware of what had just issued from his lips. “Hunh. Wha… What is it?” “Um… This is my stop. We need to get off…” “Oh yeah, right. I’ll just…” Nate shifted his massive bulk out of his chair with a surprising grace. Mick was almost hypnotised by the tight ass flexing and flowing in front of him, through the thin layer of sweatpants. It was like he was doing a dance routine, or deliberately showing off. Then, the brief show was over, and it was Mick’s turn to move. Mick knew the path to his home like the back of his hand. He crossed through parks, went through holes in the bush, ducked down side alleys, all to get home as fast as possible, and get things over with. For lithe little Mick, ducking under obstacles and siding through narrow passages was no problem at all. But Nate was another story entirely. Every so often, Mick heard a crash behind him, and saw the poor two legged steer fumbling with some pile of boxes he’d just knocked over, or gingerly trying to move aside some old piece of machinery. But, Mick knew this was the quickest way. And, he didn’t mind watching his new behemoth friend flex and move heavy things \out of his way. Hell, he even shifted a car chassis! Mick could get used to this! Eventually, the two of them came to a run-down commission house at the end of a long street. Mick paused, took a deep breath, and pounded on the door. There were loud sounds coming from inside. It sounded like a TV was blaring, and there was definitely some sort of squabble happening. “WILL YOU TWO BE QUIET!” shrieked a voice from inside. Mick flinched at the sound, but Nate just stood there, placed a meaty paw on his shoulder, and together they waited for the door to open. Suddenly, the door flew open, and in the doorway was a short, squat woman. She had a look of exhaustion on her face, and in her hand was a lit cigarette. She spotted Mick, and her image immediately changed to a worried and furious mother. “Mickey Stevens Paeahi! Where the hell have you been!? Do you have any idea how much I… I…” her voice trailed off when she noticed the golem in a singlet standing behind Mick. Nate sensed an opening, and immediately turned on the charm, beaming like there wasn’t a care in the world. “Hey there! Sorry for bothering you. You must be little Mick’s mum, right?” She stood there dumbstruck for a second before finding her voice again. “I- um. We… Yes. I’m Julia” “It’s a pleasure, honestly. Mind if we come in?” She looked back and forth between her familiar son, and this giant stranger, then sighed and motioned for them to come in and sit down. “So… Ivan isn’t here?” Mick was the first to speak. His mum took a deep drag from her ciggie, exhaled, and answered “No. He left last night. After you did.” There was an awkward silence for what seemed like an eternity. That is, before a crashed came from a room down the hall, and two screaming little kids came out. “Muuum! Lucy stole my DS she won’t give it back!” “You weren’t playing with it! Mum, Chris is lying…” When they came to the lounge room, all arguments stopped as they saw the massive person sitting in their old, protesting armchair. Mick’s mum just sighed, and turned to face the two. “What have I told you two about sharing! Chris, if you weren’t using it, then Lucy can, alright? You can have it after lunch.” “But I…” started Chris, but a swift glare quickly stopped whatever protest was forming. Lucy, triumphant, gave a smug look and skipped back to their room. Chris, defeated, followed soon after. Mick picked up a bit of courage, and continued talking. “I’m sorry I didn’t call, mum. I was just… too mad at the time.” “I don’t care! I was out of my mind with worry! Anything could’ve happened to you, and the last thing you said to me would have been ‘Screw you!’” Remembering what had actually happened, Mick silently agreed, and was so embarrassed he wished he could just sink into the lounge he was sitting on. Nate made his presence felt by clearing his throat. He turned to face Mick’s mum, and tried to sound as reassuring as he could. “Um, Mrs… Paeahi, was it? For what it’s worth, Mick was fine last night. I mean, he was obviously upset, but I talked to him, and I found him a place where he could cool off safely.” Mick noticed he failed to mention the weed that caused them to meet in the first place. “If it helps, I’m a bouncer by trade. I know how to keep things safe, especially when there isn’t much room for logical thinking. Once Mick calmed down, he was really sorry about what happened. He just didn’t know how to talk to you about it. Isn’t that right Mick?” Mick looked up at his name, and realised Nate had given him help in clearing things up. Even if was a white lie. “Yeah, I guess.” “See! No harm done! We all do stupid things from time to time. I think Mick has learnt something from all this, at least.” Mick just nodded. Nate stood up, stretching back to his intimidating height. “Alright, I’d better get going. I’ve got a shift tonight to get ready for.” The three of them headed to the door. Nate ducked slightly to get under the frame, then turned and faced a relieved Mick, and his somewhat pacified mother. “It’s been fun, you two!” He said, beaming again. He reached out his massive hand to Mick. The two shook hands, Mick revelling in the physical contact between them. “Stay safe, Mick!” boomed Nate. “Let’s see if next time doesn’t go a bit smoother, eh?” As he closed the door, Mick noticed that Nate had slipped something to him. Looking in his hand, he saw it was a little slip of paper. Turning it over, he saw that Nate had written him something. It looked like a mobile number, and a little message. It read: “If you ever need to talk about anything, or want some company, don’t hesitate to give me a ring, or just turn up at my place. Xxx” Mick then realised he had learned something from this experience. He suddenly realised what he wanted most. He wanted to be like Nate. Part 5 Mick spent all that night, and the next day in a haze. While he was still conscious and responsive to things around him, his mind was always someplace else. Specifically, that miracle of a man known as Nate. To Mick, he was so… perfect. His modest confidence. His unbelievably hard and bulging body. His beautiful features. But most of all, his massive heart, and how he was so kind and caring towards some weird little shrimp that turned up on his doorstep. There was no other word for it, Mick was entranced by him. He wanted nothing more than to go back to Nate’s place and just stay by his side forever. But still, there was so much doubt in his mind that he couldn’t shake away. He knew Nate was gay, but that didn’t mean he wanted to be with a little guy, so obviously beneath him. He was probably seeing someone anyway. No man with his looks could be single in this city. It was hopeless. There was nothing Mick could bring to the table anyway. He was doomed to be alone, too scared to ever make a move. Then he remembered the way Nate had looked out for him. He felt honestly, truly cared for. Like Mick actually mattered. Even if Nate wasn’t available, Mick still wanted to be with him, as a friend if nothing else. So, that Friday night, Mick found himself taking the train back to Nate’s place after work. To figure out where they stood together. Mick waited silently at the door for what seemed like an eternity. There was music playing from beyond the door, and he could swear Nate’s beautiful scent was wafting into the hallway. Eventually, his desires overpowered the fears in his mind, and he rapped on the door. “Door’s open, hot stuff!” Nate’s voice was as deep and powerful as ever before. Mick gingerly opened the door, and stepped into the lounge room. There was Nate, standing in the kitchen. He had his back turned, focusing on something on the stovetop. Mick was still amazed by how big he was. His back was just a sheer cliff of ridged, hard muscle.Only it was a alive, and shifting with each subtle movement. His legs deftly keeping that massive torso upright, themselves gnarled oaks of power. He was beautiful. And was he… bigger? He couldn’t be sure. Maybe it was because he was just in a pair of undies. His muscular ass just ballooned out. For a second, all Mick could do was stare at it. Then, the edifice turned, as Nate looked at who came in to his flat. Mick had to catch his breath. Nate was... overwhelming from the front. The way his chest thrust forward, forcing his nipples downwards. The way his perfectly arranged abs shifted as he breathed. And the front of his undies, oh God, his dick resembled a wrapped salami! And perched on top of that, was the same angelic face, noticeably hairier that it had been a few days ago. “Oh. Um, hey Mick. I wasn’t expecting you…” “Oh shit, am I in the way or something? Should I leave, or…?” “Nah nah, it’s cool.” Nate walked around the kitchen bench to Mick. “Was just having someone over for a bit of a get-together later, is all. So how’ve you been? Everything… alright at home?” “I guess so. I mean, no more ‘accidents’ at the train station. So that’s a plus, right?” “It is in my book. Glad to hear it! Oh shit…” Nate turned around again to a pot on the stovetop, which was noticeably overflowing. Mick, a little unsure of himself, dropped his bag at the door, and sat on a stool facing into the kitchen. “So anyway,” Nate started as he put the bot on the backburner “What brings you here then? Did... you want to talk or something?” “…huh?” Mick was spaced out, his attention on Nate’s perfect form. Specifically his abs. He liked those abs very much. “Well, I guess… I mean, I’ve been thinking… God this is so hard to say!” “Mate, don’t fret too much. Just take a deep breath, and just blurt it out. It won’t sound stupid to me, I guarantee you.” Mick did as he was told, and sucked in a big lungful of air through his nostrils. He could almost taste the scent coming off Nate, and it was driving him nuts. Slowly, grudgingly, he released it. And began to speak. “Nate, I like you. A lot. Is there any way… you and I…” At that moment, the door burst open with a bang. When Mick turned around to see what had caused the commotion, what greeted his eyes was almost beyond his comprehension. Firstly, the figure was huge. And muscled. If there was a comparison between Nate and the newcomer, Nate was the taller and (relatively) slender one, compared to the other’s squat bulk, though they both still absolutely dwarfed Mick. But what threw Mick was what the person was wearing. It was a black, sequin gown. It looked like it belonged on a red carpet somewhere, and here it was stretched tightly over the contours of a massively built man. And there was no mistaking the fact he was a guy. Aside from the tight fitting dress leaving no doubt as to the form of his body, his face was adorned with a smart, trim goatee. His features looked almost certainly Greek, or at least Mediterranean. And he was smiling broadly, as he waltzed through the threshold, voice slightly higher than Nate’s. “Sorry I’m late, man! Had a bigger bitch of a time fitting in to this thing than I… oh hey there.” Mick was still trying to wrap his head around the guy standing in front of him. It took him a few seconds to realise he was talking to him. “Um… h-hey there. Uh… I’m sorry, but…” At this point, Nate strode over and planted a firm kiss on the newcomer’s cheek. “Mick, this is Alex. This is one of my mates I talking about earlier. Alex, this is Mick. We met a couple of days ago.” “Pleasure to meet you, man.” Alex offered his massive, manicured hand out to Mick. Mick, still feeling wildly uncomfortable, tentatively reached out and shook it. “Uh, yeah. Likewise. So, erm… what’s the occasion?” He said, gesturing to the skin tight dress. “Is it a fancy dress sort of… thing?” “Oh, this old thing? Nah, just a little rendezvous with the girls. Just stopping by for a light meal and a bit of a fool around before I head out proper.” “Oh, ok. That’s… nice. I think.” Mick was starting to feel wildly out of place at the moment. There he was, in the company of two giants. One, who he had a massive crush on, and the other challenging is idea of what a man is. He was tempted to just run out the door and leave then and there. Then Nate, possibly sensing the mood of the room at the moment, spoke up. “So anyway, Alex. Go freshen up before I serve dinner.” He said, patting Alex on the back. “If you’re good, I’ve got something special planned for dessert.” “Oh, you tease! Alright then, I’ll go take care of a few things in the bathroom. You two don’t start without me!” “Wouldn’t dream of it, man!” As Alex rounded the corner and disappeared down the hall, Nate went to sit down beside Mick. As he sat down, causing the stool to noticeably groan under his immense weight, he turned and focused his attention on the frightened little guy doing some serious thinking. “So, what do you think of Alex?” “He’s… nice. Certainly knows how to make an impression…” Nate let out a low chuckle. “Yeah, that he does. You weren’t scared or anything, were you? He can come off a bit… strong.” “N-no. At least, I don’t think so.” Mick took another breath, and aired his concern. “Is he, I mean, I assume it’s a he… I mean… oh shit. Is he… normal?” Nate thought about the question a little bit. “Is this about the dress thing? It usually raises questions. Anyway, I’m not sure there is such a thing as normal, really. Do you mean, is he really a guy or something?” “I wasn’t gonna say it like that, but… maybe? I dunno.” Again, Nate just sat there, thinking how to answer. Mick was afraid he’d just asked a truly thoughtless question, and was instantly regretting it. “As far as I know, Alex is all man, all the time. He drinks, he swears, he fucks other men. The works. The only difference is, he likes putting on a dress now and again. That’s about it. Fairly sure he isn’t transgender or anything.” “Oh. Ok. Do… do you…?” “Do I wear women’s clothing? Nah! None of it ever seems to look good on me, ha!” “Cool. I mean- That’s fine. I- er… oh fuck…” “Don’t worry, Mick. I think I know what this is about.” He said, gingerly placing his massive paw over Mick’s relatively small, clenched hand. “Remember what I said before, that night? Being bi or gay or whatever is only a fraction of what makes you, you. If you want to be out there, and glamorous like Priscilla in there,” Sticking his thump in the direction of the back hall “Then you go for it. Don’t let anyone stop you. But if that’s not what you want to do, then don’t. It’s that simple. I mean, look at me. I’ve got a steady job, I don’t like going out much. I study law in my spare time. And, I play Medic in competitive TF2! You wouldn’t think so, but I’m a massive nerd! Well, in more ways than one, anyway.” Mick let out a smirk. It felt good knowing his feelings didn’t define him. But they were still there. He still wanted to be with Nate. As he was about to blurt all his stupid affection and desires into the air, Alex sauntered back into the room. “Are you two still harping on? Christ, you are such a stick in the mud, man!” “Um… what?” Mick was confused. What else were they supposed to be doing other than talk? Nate just had a look in his eyes, like he was silently begging Alex to shut his mouth. “Seriously, Nate, just Transform him and let’s have some fun! It’s been ages since I’ve been on the ground floor for one!” “I’m sorry, what do you mean, Transform?” “You mean he hasn’t told you?” Alex let out a mock gasp, and shook his head slightly. “We can turn you into one of us. All sex, all the time! Change your life forever, man!” Again, Mick didn’t quite know what to say. He turned to Nate, who just sat there, resigned. “You can do that? Make me… big and strong, like you?” Nate just sighed, and took his hand away from Mick’s. “I could. But I won’t” Part 6 “Wait, what do you mean you won’t? I’d love to be as big, as strong as you. What’s the problem?” Nate just sighed, and leaned back in his groaning chair. “Alex, you talk too much. You know that, right?” Alex just stood there, a look of dumbfounded worry on his face, like he just realised he stepped in some dog shit and tracked it through the house. “Oh shit, man. I thought he already knew everything already. Were you going to explain…?” “Ah… I’ve been putting it off. I should have been honest from the start.” Nate leaned forward and again focused his attention on Mick. He folded his arms, causing the muscles on his arms to bulge to near inhuman levels. Mick could only sit there, staring at them. “Mate, I think we should keep talking about this in the back room. I think we’re going to want the privacy.” “Privacy? What, you mean without me?” “Yes, Alex. Without you. We don’t want to ruin that lovely dress, do we? Besides, I just finished up your dinner.” Nate jerked his head in the direction of the kitchen, where the pot was slowly simmering away on the stovetop. “Oh, sweet! I always love your cooking! You did put your…?” “Yeah, I added my ‘special ingredient’. It’s ready to go.” With that, Alex spun on his heels, and headed to the kitchen. As he was dishing himself up a big bowlful of that strangely smelling pasta, Nate gave Mick a tap on the shoulder, and then headed down the hall. Mick dutifully followed, mesmerised by the writhing mass of muscle that was Nate’s ass contained in those flimsy briefs. “So.” Nate sat down on the bed in the middle of the room, and motioned for Mick to take a seat next to him. “That first night we met. What do you remember?” “What do you mean? I remember the station, and the meal, and…” “No, no, I mean after that. Do you remember when you first walked in here? What you saw… me do?” “I… don’t know what you mean. But it’s odd. My memory… It’s like it was a dream. We walked in. You went down the hall… then there was this smell. And then, nothing until I woke up without my pants on the mattress.” Again, Nate took a look at Mick, shrugged his mountainous shoulders and stood up. “I was worried about this. It looks like you blacked out after you saw me… lose control.” “Lose control? What do you mean? What are you talking about?” “…I think it’s time I showed you a bit of what I actually am.” With this, he bent over, and worked his underpants away from his crotch and down his mammoth legs. Mick recoiled at this. “Dude, the fuck are you doing?!” “I need to for what I’m about to show you. Well, I don’t strictly need to, but I go through these things so much anyway, I don’t want to ruin them needlessly.” As he straightened up, Mick couldn’t help but marvel at the size of the meat hanging in front of his face, despite his natural squeamishness. It was... beautiful. About a foot long, if not bigger. And as wide as his own forearm. It wasn’t cut, but he could still see the prominent bell end clearly through the skin. There was a small bush of brown pubes on top, as well a large vein that snaked its way across the top of the shaft. Mick was mesmerised. “Still there, mate?” Mick was suddenly aware he had been staring at Nate’s dick for a few seconds. “Yeah, yeah. Is… that what you wanted to show me?” “No. Not quite. I just want you to know, what you see may be a bit hard to believe. Just… prepare yourself, okay?” “Prepare myself? What are you talking… about… Christ…” Mick didn’t know what he was seeing. It looked like Nate was being magnified. As he watched, Nate’s muscles seemed to shift and pulse under his thin skin. And as they did, they grew. His arms grew thicker, and were shifting away from his center due a similarly engorging upper body. Then, there were deep cracking sounds emanating from within his body. It was Nate’s bones. They were shifting as well. Becoming thicker, harder and longer. They forced his head up towards the ceiling, while his muscles continued to expand in all directions. It honestly looked like Nate was turning into the Hulk, like from the movies. Only this wasn’t CGI. This was real flesh, pulsing and growing and causing the floor underneath to creak and groan as this new mass piled on from seemingly nowhere. And his face. It was always handsome before. But it was changing shape as well. His cheeks were becoming more prominent. His green eyes grew ever more intense. His face was becoming a thing of beauty. That scent was back. That rank, intoxicating aroma overwhelmed any other odour that may have been in the room. And it was pouring off Nate. For Mick, who was so close to all this change and primal sexuality, it was all too much. He was dimly aware that he had grown a massive stiffy, and now it had exploded in his pants, without any input from him. All just from experiencing what was happening right in front of his face. Then, it all seemed to slow. The writhing orgy of activity under Nate’s skin stilled, and the body parts rising above Mick’s head slowed as well. When Nate finally stopped shifting, Mick was at still sitting on the bed, looking straight at Nate’s knees. And the tip of that absolute monster of a dick. “I… holy shit, man… What the fuck…” “That isn’t all, mate. Not by a long shot.” Nate’s voice was so deep and powerful, Mick felt it like a sub-woofer more than he heard it. Then, some movement on Nate’s crotch drew Mick’s gaze back there. Something was moving around under the skin, forcing his dick to one side. And whatever it was, it was growing. It swelled, growing larger and larger, dangling lower and lower. It wasn’t until the skin broke on it, did Mick realise just what it was. It was a dick. Nate had just grown a second dick right in front of his eyes. This was insane. “You see, Mick? I’m more than just well built. I’m more than… human.” Mick was speechless. What he had just witnessed was not possible. Nate was well and truly beyond human dimensions now. He stood stooped, his head brushing the roof 3 metres off the ground. He had to weigh at least a ton. Everything about him was so extreme. It was like a dream. “Okay, I think you get it now. We should probably talk about things, and I don’t think we can do it properly when I’m like this.” Just like it started, the changes started to reverse themselves. Slowly but surely, the muscles seemed to fold into themselves. They shrunk down, and allowed his arms and legs to move closer to his torso. His bones grew smaller, and his head moved further away from the ceiling. In a matter of seconds, Nate was standing in front of Mick, the same large, though not impossible, size he was before. “Wha… what the fuck are you?” Nate just shrugged his mammoth shoulders, and sat down on the bed next to Mick. “If I ever do find out, you’ll be the first to know. All I know is one day, after a little help from a big guy, this happened.” Mick was suddenly aware of the damp patch growing cold in his pants, realising what his body had done without his input. Humiliated, he turned his sodden front to the side, keeping his head down and trying in vain to hide what had happened. He felt Nate’s hand caress his shoulder. “It’s okay. You did nothing wrong. That tends to happen around guys like us. There’s no shame in it, you know.” Mick just sat there, trying desperately to just fade away into the background. His mind was consumed by embarrassment; by the feeling he had just ruined everything. Then, a slight but firm shaking, as Nate tried to rouse his attention. “Can you turn and face me, please?” “…” “Don’t worry. Honestly, I’m not put off by this. Frankly, it’s sort of a relief for me that you did react that way. “…” What you saw was way weird shit. You could have run out of the room, and never looked back. But you sat there, and withstood all that I showed you. And you stayed conscious this time too! So please, turn around. I want to look at those beautiful eyes of yours.” Slowly, Mick turned around. The dark patch on his jeans and lower shirt was very visible, despite Mick’s hands trying to cover it. Nick gently guided his face upwards with a single powerful index finger, until they were looking at each other, eye-to-eye. “There we go. You did great. You’re doing great. I mean it. What I did to you, that was no small thing.” “But…how?” “How…?” “Do you do… all that?” Mick gestured, splaying his arms apart like the expanding body he witnessed. “Honestly, I don’t know how it happens. All that biological stuff? Haven’t a clue how it happens. That’s not to say there’s no control. There’s plenty of that. I don’t want to sound too bragging, but I do know what I’m doing when I’m with a guy. No danger of any… accidents.” “Then… why not?” He grasped Nate’s hand, almost revelling in his touch. “Is it me? Don’t you want to be with me?” At this, Nate just had a deep chuckle, making the bed and his body shaking like there was an earth tremor. “It’s not a question of me wanting you, mate. The instant we met, I wanted to change you, to initiate you into all this. It’s like, an instinct or something, like you’re always starving or massively horny, or both at the same time. Believe me, if it were just a matter of me wanting it, you couldn’t stop me, literally. “What, you mean like holding me down and… raping me?” “Huh? No, not tha-… okay, that too. But there’s something else. Something… unusual I can do, to force myself on you.” “Wait, what else can you do? How can you force… me to… what is…” Mick was at a loss for words at what he was feeling. Everything felt good. Amazing! It felt like something was… rubbing him? Stroking him? His skin felt a million supple, sensuous hands massage and stimulate every part of his body it was possible to feel pleasure in! His shoulders, his back, his ass, everywhere. His head felt blissful, full of endorphins, full of… sex! Were he capable of conscious thought, he would have likened it to a wet dream, multiplied by ten, or more. Everything was building, getting more intense. And it seemed to be travelling down, towards his sodden crotch. His dick, having spent it’s load only minutes before, was raging hard again. He could feel it. He was going to explode this time! He was hanging on by a razor’s edge… Then, it suddenly stopped. The magic hands ceased. The euphoria subsided, and Mick was slowly floating back down to earth. “Jesus, man…” Mick said, panting slightly “What was that?” “That was me. Again. That was a mental trick we can do. It’s hard to explain what it is, so I thought I’d give you a demonstration. It’s what we call ‘tugging.’” “Tugging?” “Yeah. It’s another part of the package deal, as it were. We can turn it off and on, easy as a tap. And that’s related to why I didn’t want to change you… tonight.” “I don’t get it.” Nate just shook his head. “Everything I’ve shown you, all that crazy growing, the extra dick, the tugging? It’s only a fraction of what I’m capable of. If I’m not careful, I could damn near literally fuck your brains out. Overdose you on sex, so you can’t conceive of anything else. Render all rational thought useless around me. I can take away your free will, Mick. That is the danger here. “You… can do that?” “I can. And it has happened before. I’ve gone online and spoken with some of the guys who originally started this back in the States. Some of the ways they describe how they were changed, or how they changed others, it would be the literal definition of rape, if the law knew about what we could do. There was no consent. Only unwilling coercion. I refuse to let that happen. “So, you won’t change me, because…” “Because this is a permanent, life changing action. There is no undo button on all this. But don’t think that means I won’t ever, though. I want you to think about it first. Properly. Go home, and talk to your family about how you feel. If, after all that, you still want to join me and Alex and everyone else, I will happily show you the ropes.” “You will?” “I will.” Nate just sat there, naked and stroking Mick’s hair. “Again, if you have any questions or anything, you have my number. Call me at any time, seriously.” “I think I will. Thank you. For everything.” Mick leaned forward, and wrapped his arms around the gentle giant, though his arms couldn’t reach all the way around. Nate returned the gesture, encasing Mick in a loving embrace. They could have stayed in that position forever, but a blade of twilight sun breaking through the bottom of the blinds made Mick aware of how long he had stayed. “Ah shit, I’m gonna be an hour late home! I’ve got to run, man.” “No problem. Did you need any with your, erm…” He pointed to still prominent mark on his pant fronts. “Oh. Wait, it’s okay. I’ve got my work pants in my bag. I’ll be ok.” The two of them got up, and made their way to the front door. In a matter of seconds, Mick had changed pants, and was ready to go. “So, you gonna be alright getting home alone? It’s kinda late…” “I’ll be fine. We’re not exactly in Detroit, you know. I’ve done this before.” “Alright, just offering. Give me a ring if you need anything. Anything at all.” “Well, before I leave, I do have one… little request.” “Oh? What is it?” Mick grabbed hold of Nate’s massive traps, and pulled himself up to face level. After planting one small kiss on his cheek, he dropped down, and ran out the door. “Well, goodbye to you too, sweetie.” He said softly down the corridor, and gently closed the door. “Well that was fucking anticlimactic!” Nate spun around, and saw Alex, sitting in the middle of the mattress pile, rhythmically tapping his shoes on the hard floor. “Ah fuck, I did kind of ignore you, didn’t I?” “Kinda. But still, at least you gave me a meal. I do love your cooking.” “Ha! You don’t come for the cooking, you come for the ‘ingredients!’” As he said this, he waved his imposing cockfrom side to side, emphasising where he got the ‘cream’ for his pasta from. “To-may-to, to-mah-to, man, seriously. Besides, I do love it when you get all protective and caring over a small guy. I can be patient.” “I care about him, but I don’t think I’m protecting him. I want Mick to get all the facts, and make up his own mind. It’s the only right way to go about it.” “I dunno, his mind seemed pretty made up just then. You really think a couple of days, or a week will change it?” “If he does, cool. If he doesn’t, also cool. So long as he makes the decision.” “Whatever floats your boat, I guess.” Alex fiddled with his dress, trying to get it to sit more comfortably on his own bulk. “I should be off too, anyway. Rehearsal is in half an hour. The Cabaret calls to me!” “Some days I wonder why you even bother getting dressed up. You know what I think you look best in anyway.” “Unfortunately, my sweet, my passion for the arts trumps my more base desires.” As he got up and sauntered out the door, he planted his own lips on Nate’s, and shared a deep kiss. “Though, that’s not to say there isn’t room for fun afterwards. Don’t wait up!” As the Hulk in Drag waltzed out the door and down toward the lobby, Nate just stood there. As he shut the door, he smirked a little as he thought to himself: “My life has gotten so weird!” Part 6.5 It had been a few days since Nate and Mick had their talk. For a while, everything went back to normal for Nate. Well, as normal as it could get for a massive, hyper-sexual superman. He pulled some good money working the door at some inner city club through the week, and was kicking back and getting ready for the next round in the online tournament in about an hour. “Okay. Game set up, got the address... what to do, what to do?” he was mumbling to himself. Everything was all set up, and he was early. He was already naked, and his bulging body and twin snakes were shining softly in the glow of the monitor. So, he decided to have a 'little' wank to pass the time. Getting it up wasn't hard. Hell, he was practically designed to be ready, willing and able for sex at any time. As he let his mind wander and his body inflate towards his true dimensions, he thought of Mick. He seemed to be on Nate's mind a lot. He wondered how Mick was going. Was he thinking his offer over like he asked? What was he doing right now? Then, his mind turned to more carnal thoughts. He thought about holding him. Wrapping his hot, heavy muscles around Mick's small, supple form. Of plunging his tongue in his throat, and pushing himself in to his small, pert ass. And releasing... everything. He dreamed of Mick's soft body going hard as steel. Harder, even. Then, forcing his own hugging arms apart as his body grew powerful and enormous. Feeling Mick's sexual appetite erupt, and hungrily fling Nate onto his back and fucking him in turn. Feel his dick grow bigger and harder than ever before inside him, and then be joined by a second, equal appendage as the transformation grew towards its' climax... Stroking himself with both hands, Nate delivered himself into heaven. With one final gasp, he exploded out of both cannons, and coated himself in his own seed. In the afterglow, he slowly picked at some of the larger splotches on his skin, and relished as he put handfuls of it in his mouth. He loved the taste of it. More, he needed it. He craved it. This was what truly satisfied his body now. It was all he wanted. As he slowly licked himself clean, Nate realised that it was almost time to turn on his microphone, and link up with the rest of his TF2 team. He was playing the Medic tonight, as he had always done. Nate liked the play style, being the support for his team, giving them the boost needed to help them take the point and overwhelm all obstacles in their way. Helping a team-mate was something Nate was drawn to inexplicably. And he liked it. <Medic>: Testing, testing. One two three. Can you hear me, Major Tom? <Soldier>: Yeah, you're loud and clear, Barry White. Ready to go? A woman's voice came from the computer. Nate always got a smirk from being called that. Simply being a voice in a feed was a nice change of pace from the physical world. No one was gob-smacked by his huge form, or his striking looks. He was just another faceless player online. Albeit, one with an absurdly deep, resonating voice. <Medic>: Ready as I'll ever be! Are we the only ones on at the moment? <Soldier>: Looks like. Give it some time though. We still have half an hour before the match starts. <Medic>: Yeah, I know. I just thought we should talk strategy beforehand. This is kind of an important match, remember? <Soldier>: Yeah, no kidding. I swear, that medal will look so good on my avatar when we get it. Gonna get so much e-peen! <Medic>: Haha! Fight for those dreams, girl! Oh hey, looks like our Pyro joined... One by one, all the team filtered into the chat room. As preparations were made, and character classes were chosen, the big moment got closer and closer. It wasn't long until everything was ready to go! Well, almost everything... <Heavy>: Hey guys! So sorry I'm late! I swear, Uni gets out later and later for me! <Demoman>: Well, look who decided to join us tonight! <Scout>: Oh good, so you DIDN'T die! Well, no worry, it's not like this is important or anything... <Medic>: Come off it, you two. Some of us do things other than stay at home and play video games. Ready to go, mate? <Heavy>: Yeah, I'm good. Are you gonna stick with me, medic? <Medic>: Looks like. Get ready, ladies and gentlemen. This is it! It was a tough battle. The way the organiser structured the tournament, it was to be expected that the enemy team would be as skilled as Nate and his group. But still, the competition was fierce, and they were neck and neck all the way through to the tiebreaker. <Soldier>: Point capped! Move up! Move up! <Sniper>: Coming. Demo, trap those doors! Stop them from flanking us! <Demoman>: On it! <Engineer>: Ah shit, Spy backstabbed me! Watch out, Medic! Coming up behind you! Nate turned his dainty character around, and narrowly avoided being instantly killed by a sneak attack. He was still low on health, and unlikely to survive long against even this compromised opponent. Still, he took out his melee weapon, and tried to get some damage against them, even if he died because of it. But then, a great lumbering brute wearing Nate's team colours rounded a corner, and fired it's minigun at the confused Spy. In a matter of seconds, the lithe enemy was reduced to minced meat. <Medic>: Cheers mate. Ready to push forward? <Heavy> Yep! What's the Uber status? <Medic>: 60 percent. Should be ready by the last point. <Heavy>: Alright! Oh, here's a health pack. You look like you need it. Together, the two made their way to the last control point. If they managed to secure this point, they would win the round, the match AND the finals! Everyone was focused. Nate was pouring all his concentration on healing and strengthening his team-mates, while also building up his special powerup, which would turn allow him and a team member to go invincible, allowing them to jump in and clear out all enemies that were no doubt fortifying themselves, hoping for a stalemate to occur. <Scout>: Uber status? <Medic> 78. Anyone need healing? <Pyro>: Yo <Spy>: Guys, they're building tons of sentries in here. We need to get in soon! <Soldier>: It's alright, we have them trapped in there. They can't do anything but wait for us. But we need that Uber to get in! Where are we on that? <Medic>: 85. Almost there. You ready Heavy? <Heavy> Almost, just reloading. <Spy>: Fuck! They're charging their own Medic! They could break out! <Soldier>: Okay. Kamikaze them, Spy. Die if you have to, just kill that Medic first! <Spy>: On it. Things were getting tense. One slip up either way could decide things here and now. Nate was pouring all his concentration into getting ready for the last push. He and the Heavy had to go, now! <Medic>: 98 percent! Heavy, jump in now! When you land, I'll deploy the Uber! <Heavy> Alright! Bring on the pain! Together, Nate and his team blew through the door to the objective. The Heavy jumped down off the railing to the bottom floor, where everyone, and all their guns, were waiting. <Heavy>: Medic, do it! Do it-URRrrrgggghhhh... At that moment, a few strange things happened. As Nate hit the button to power up himself and the Heavy, he felt something strange. There was a strange sound, like something was being tossed around, or fabric was being torn. It was like he had released something, or the concentration he was using... slipped? It was unlike anything he had felt before. Another thing that happened was that the Heavy completely stopped moving. He just stood there, a great big harmless glowing target being shot by all the automatic turrets lining the base. Then, as the charge wore off, both he and Nate were promptly reduced to smears on the wall. Since Mate's team lost nearly everyone in the doomed offensive, the enemy team had no trouble pushing out themselves and undoing all the progress they had made. The game was over. Nate and his team had lost. A few minutes later, the rest of the team had gone offline, bitter about their change of fortunes, and angry at their Heavy for dropping out at such a crucial time. Nate was still online, trying to get back in contact. The way he sounded just before the microphone cut out, he was sure something bad had happened. He wanted to make sure. <Medic>: Dude, are you still there? <Heavy>: … <Medic>: You're not hurt or anything, are you? Say something, please! <Heavy>: Yeah... I'm here. Something was off. The voice coming from the other end was deep. A lot deeper than the timid squeak Nate normally associated with that username. <Medic>: Dude, are you alright? We heard crashing sounds and shit! What happened? <Heavy>: I'm... not sure. I was playing the game, getting hyped up for the big push, but then my body... <Medic>: Your body...? <Heavy> It... grew. I'm all bulked up now. Oh God, I ripped my clothes! Reality hit Nate like an anvil. He must have done... something to the poor guy. He had never heard of this happening before. He recalled they guys who started their group got it from a video or something, but this... <Heavy>: H-how did this happen?! How am I gonna explain this? My family will freak! <Medic>: Alright, look. Just don't... don't panic, alright? You live in Melbourne, right? Come and see me. I think I can explain this. Can you do that? <Heavy>: I... yes, I can do that. <Medic>: Okay. I want you to meet me at this address... It was another anxious hour before Nate heard a knock at the door. He opened it to an Asian guy who had indeed worn an outfit that looked three or four sizes too small. The lower half of his shirt was stretched loose, and hung off his already pronounced pecs and shoulders. While he may have been overweight at some point, all that fat must have melted away to be replaced by something much harder. His collar was being pulled apart by his bulging neck. The thin sleeves of his shirt were splitting at the seams due to the presence of thick, bulging upper arms, and his jeans were fairing little better with some truly mammoth legs. He must have gotten taller too, as his shirt bottom was dangling well above his navel, showing off an impressive lower set of cobblestone abs. “Oh shit, you're as big as you sound online...” Came the unusually meek tones from the heavily muscled model in the doorway.” “So do you.” Nate replied. “I'm Nate, by the way. I wanted to apologise for all this... um...?” “Vinh. My name is Vinh. What happened to me?” Nate sighed, and moved out of the way to invite his new guest in to his flat. “It's really hard to explain. But basically, you had a sort of partial transformation. Into something like me.” “You mean... this happened to you?” Vinh was struggling to pay attention, when he had an amazing new body and libido that demanded his attention. He was subconsciously feeling himself up, and he had a really obvious chubby that was stretching the front of his pants. “Yeah, but it usually only happens when you get some of my... jizz inside you. I have no idea how it happened over a video game...” Suddenly, Vinh's eyes lit up. “Wait, this wasn't the whole dose? If I... suck you off, I'll get bigger? I'm down for that. I love this new me!” “Well, yeah. But there's other stuff as well. There's a whole lot things to think about before you-UNF!” Nate was practically rugby tackled onto the makeshift bed behind him. For someone of Nate's size, this was exceptionally hard. Vinh was already a lot stronger than he looked! As he started working Nate's one showing dick, It became apparent that Vinh had simply made up his mind. Nate, recognising this, agreed to get hard. And as he started to swell and grow towards a climax, he muttered: “Welcome to the club, man.” Part 7 It was a few more days before Mick went back to Nate's flat, one clear evening “Oh hey there!” Boomed Nate as he opened the door to his meek guest. “Hey... Nate.” Came the quiet reply. Looking at Mick, Nate could tell instantly that something was up. He was subdued, quieter than usual. His face was mostly red, and it looked like he had been crying not too long ago. But the biggest thing was the massive, weeping bruise around Mick's left eye socket. He was hurt. “Jesus, man. Are you alright? What happened to you?” “...I don't want to talk about it.” “Dude, this is serious. How bad does it hurt? Do you want to go to the hospital or...” “Look, just... drop it, okay? Nothing's broken. Can we not talk about it? Please?” Nate opened his mouth to start up again, but stopped himself just as quick. It was clear that, whatever had hurt Mick was still causing him pain, and not only physically. Had Nate been in that situation, and his old un-augmented self, all he would want is a distraction from all the hurt. “Yeah. That's... I can do that.” “...Thanks.” Nate was just about to shift his massive bulk out of the doorway to let Mick inside his small flat. But, a bolt of inspiration hit him. He wanted to help make what was left of his day better. “Hey, how do you feel about a little sightseeing? I know a great spot where we can shoot the breeze and kick back. That sound alright?” “Sounds... good. Though, if we're going out in public, you way want to get a little more dressed up.” “Huh? Oh yeah! Shit, this could cause a scene!” Only at that moment, did Nate realise he was completely naked. Having his massive body and awe inspiring junk out in the open was so normal for him, he sometimes forgot that it wasn't usually the same for others. He quickly ducked inside to look for whatever clothes were on hand. A few minutes later, Nate reappeared in an outfit that could charitably be considered acceptable for public display. He had some brightly coloured board shorts on that fit snugly around his massive thighs, and which utterly failed to hide the obscene bulge in the front of his crotch. He also had a camo green t-shirt on, which was several sizes too small, and straining at every seam. His cobblestone abs and prominent nipples were clearly visible through the thin fabric. Combined with the shaggy brown hair on his head and face, he looked like a dude who belonged up in Surfer's Paradise. Well, that crossed with Hercules, or Adonis. And with that, Nate walked past Mick and made his way to the elevator. Mick, like a dutiful puppy, followed. Though, instead of reaching for the G button, Nate pushed the button at the top of the panel. They were going up. When they got to the top, the door dinged and slid open for the two. The sight that greeted Mick took his breath away. This building certainly was tall. Here, on the roof, the view was uninterrupted for miles around. The sun was setting behind him, and threw the sky into a deep purple. In front, a small distance away, was the city centre. Skyscrapers reaching up to the heavens, starting to light up in preparation of the night, an earthly mirror to the stars twinkling into life above. It was like a a goddamn postcard. “Wow...” Mick was at a loss for words. “I had no idea your building had this place.” “Yeah, it's a surprisingly well kept secret here.” replied Nate. “Come to think of it, that could describe a lot of things about life these days, right?” “Yeah, I guess...” Mick was still gazing out to the city. He slowly made his way to an old wicker lounge sitting by the balcony, and sat down. Nate followed suit, gingerly letting his mass down on the shrieking, protesting furniture. For the longest while, they just sat there. As they observed the great exodus at the end of the day shift along the roads out to the suburbs, Nate and Mick just basked in the sight, and themselves. Mick slowly let himself droop down, until his head was resting gently on Nate's lap. Nate moved his hands up and soothingly stroked his small friend up and down his side, and gently moved his massive fingers through Mick's hair. While he could keep himself from going hard and throwing Mick of his perch, the urge to just pick him up and start fucking was front and centre in his mind. It was about fifteen minutes before the silence was finally broken. “What's it like?” It was Mick. “What's what like?” came the reply. “Joining your club. Becoming all big and strong and... tough.” “Well,” Nate paused, trying to find the right words to describe his transformation. “Imagine a boner, right? You're dick gets so hard and it swells, and it feels so good, even to the point where it hurts a little. You with me so far?” “Yeah” “Okay then. Now, imagine your dick going beyond that. It grows harder. The feeling gets more intense. Then, it spreads to the rest of you body. There is a colossal pressure, a power, building inside you. But there's no way for it to release. So it – you - keep swelling. Bigger and bigger until it feels like you're about to explode.” “Sounds... painful.” “That's the thing. The power, the pressure, it should by all rights be excruciating. But instead, all the pain turns into pleasure. You still feel it, and it's intense. But it's a good feeling. Feels like your whole body is one giant cock, and it's all getting ready to blow all at once.” “Jeez...” “And then, you do blow. You cum and it feels so good in a way that words can never express. It's... heaven. And with that, you're one of us.” “...Just like that?” “Just like that.” Just the way Nate described the process, made Mick go quite hard there and then. Though, that may have been the soft, warm salami his head was resting on, and the strong, enticing aroma that was coming from it. But, now he was genuinely curious about something... “Who changed you, then?” “Me?” Nate had too think for an instant. It had been so long since he had seen... “Brian. His name was Brian Chan.” “So, what's the story? How did the two of you meet?” Nate absent-mindedly stroked Mick's hair as he remembered his second birth. “It was at Mardi Gras, up in Sydney last year. The place was packed, and I had real trouble with panic attacks back then. But then I ran into Brian. And let me tell you, if you think I'm a big guy, you should have seen the size of Brian. Dude was a fucking monster. And a fucking monster as well. How he got himself into clothes or indoors I will never know. Anyway, he helped me out, helped me to calm down and actually enjoy things around me. He was a right proper gentleman, which was something when considering he was only just eighteen at the time.” “Seriously? Eighteen?” “You know, that's exactly my thoughts when I first found out. But you wouldn't know from looking at him. Anyway, he convinced me to come up to his room, along with a few other guys, and... he initiated all of us into Muscle Club, as he called it.” “Huh.” Mick was surprised by how matter-of-factly Nate described things. He could tell it was for Mick's benefit, but it still felt good not to be talked down to about things. “Yeah. So we stayed together for a couple of days. He showed me the tricks we can do to pass for normal, and how we can reach out with our minds, and a few other titbits to help in daily life. Then, it was over. Brian was on a flight back to the States, and the only evidence he had been was my new body, and a few other new mates.” “So, do you... regret it?” “Regret? I think that's a strong word. I enjoy my life, and my body. The benefits are definitely more noticeable than the costs. I guess... I would have preferred it if I had thought things through beforehand. One night of impulse left me in a body that wasn't the one I was born with, and I didn't get so much as a 'see you soon!' from the guy who did it. I think that's why I'm going about things with you the way I am. So that what happened to me goes off much smoother for you, if you choose to go through with it.” “I... thanks. Seriously, I appreciate it.” “For what it's worth, I know how annoying it can be to have to think when you feel you want something. But sometimes thinking twice, especially about something like this, is best.” “But why do you want me to reconsider? You said you liked it.” “I did, and I do. But that's how things have been until now. There are still so many questions. What happens in the future? Are we immortal? Are you okay with outliving your friends and family? Or is the opposite true? Will our hearts give out or something after 10 years? Just how much will we change over time?” Mick was stunned. He hadn't thought of that before. “Wow. I forgot this is so new. I mean, how long have those Truman guys been around? Like, a few years?” “Exactly. There's no telling how this all ends. Just keep that in mind, alright?” “Yeah, I guess. I... didn't realise.” Nate rubbed his massive paw over Mick's bony chest. Mick felt so calm. It reminded him of some primal memory of scraping his knee playing as a child, and being with his mum as she kissed his wounds better. A distant, better time. A time before... Ivan. “Um... Nate...” “Yeah mate, what is it?” “If I... say there was something – people - I wanted to protect. Something that meant the whole world to me. And they were in massive trouble, and couldn't make it to safety by themselves.” “...” “I... can't help them the way I am now. I'm too small. I'm too weak. I need to be stronger. I need to be able to fight back.” Again, Nate sat silent. The rumbles of the twinkling city in the distance were the only sound for over a minute. Suddenly, Mick felt Nate shift his massive bulk. In one deft movement, Nate grabbed Mick's bony shoulders and hoisted his body up off his lap. Twisting him around, he placed Mick on his ass, straddling Nate's oak tree legs. He gazed intently at Mick's sullen, purple and blotchy face. “Mick,” Nate's deep, resonating voice was drilling into his body and soul. “You are strong. I understand why you think so, but you're not weak. Far from it. You think that muscles make the man. But honestly, all this,” he thumped his massive chest to emphasise his own bulk “Is just on the outside. I've found that appearances only ever frame and support what's in here,” He rested a palm over Mick's quivering heart – and the rest of his chest at the same time “Never the other way around.” Mick let out a small sob. “That doesn't help at all! I... I'm always picked on for being the sissy. All I ever do is look after people. My job is at a preschool! I'm supposed to protect and guide kids I care about into the world. And knowing I can't... I can't even protect my own family makes me feel like such a fucking failure!” Nate responded by simply wrapping his bulging arms around Mick's shuddering form, and drew him into a deep, reassuring hug. “Strength takes many forms, man. Anyone can act tough, and hide their feelings from others. But your strength isn't like that at all. Not many guys I know are strong enough to bare their soul to another like you did. Not many would stand up for whoever needed it most.” “...” “Your compassion is your strength. Your integrity and empathy. That is what makes you a beautiful man in my eyes.” Nate grinned, and drew Mick's head in and planted a soft kiss in Mick's forehead. For about half an hour, they just sat there. Nate and Mick basked in each other's touch, as Mick wept silently. Eventually, he calmed down. Nate, thinking Mick had fallen asleep, gently scooped him up, and made his way to the stairwell. Just before he opened the door, Mick turned his head upwards, and looked into Nate's eyes sparkling against the clear night sky. “Thank you. Seriously, I had a lot to get off my chest tonight.” “Not a prob, mate. We all need a shoulder to lean on now and again.” “Yeah...” Mick went silent again as he descended the stairs in Nate's arms. As they got to Nate's front door, Mick piped up again. “I've thought about what you said. All of it.” “Yeah?” “Yeah. And, I understand what you said about the future, and how I don't need muscles to be strong and all that.” “Okay.” “But this isn't just about me. The people I care about need help, and I need to be able to give it to them.” “Does this mean...?” “I've considered your offer, Nate, and I'm taking you up on it. I want you to transform me. I want to be in Muscle Club.” Nate allowed himself a happy smile at these words. “Alright then, let's get started.”
  16. Hey MEN, So, I finished it. I put all three parts here for you. I enjoy having all parts in one place when I read a story so I don’t have to spend time hunting around for everything. I hope that works well for you. Like so many others of you in the past couple of weeks, this is my first story and because of that, I am hungry for your feedback (like 2 hours after an intense leg workout sort of hungry). Ravenous really. So please comment and let me know what you liked, didn’t like, anything that resonated with you…so I can improve and move to the next project. A couple of you had mentioned a part in the story that seemed a little rough. I went back and fixed some things so it should flow more smoothly. Thanks for that suggestion. I am no longer a Muscle-Growth.org story virgin and it feel so right. :-) Sit back, relax, grab that bottle of lube, and enjoy. ========================================================== Part I The summer heat hung thick in the air. It was a few days before classes started at the University of Washington. Seattle isn’t known for its heat, but when it does get warm, it gets humid. So much water around. So many trees. August can be unpleasant. Cliff was carrying boxes to his new room for the year. He was a senior and finally going to graduate with his degree in psychology in May. He was the kind of guy that everyone liked. He wasn’t what the magazines and media would call “hot” but he was handsome, kind of like a movie star from the golden age of Hollywood. Many people said that if Cary Grant and Rock Hudson had a baby, he would look like Cliff. With dark wavy hair that he kept well trimmed, warm brown skin from his tan, and his large hazel eyes, he could see what they meant, but he never considered himself necessarily good-looking. He was built like a rugby player. Almost 6 feet tall, he carried a good bit of muscle under his clothes. His wide shoulders looked like they could put up some serious weight and his thick legs and round high ass made him appear shorter than he actually was. People were always surprised at how tall he was when he stood next to them. He wasn’t tight and ripped like many of his friends. He always seemed to carry around a little extra weight, especially around his waist, to his great chagrin. Even so, he had a beautiful masculine body that could do real work. And his smile. His smile was his moneymaker. He could melt just about anyone with his smile. Unpacking his car had been quite a chore today. As a senior, he was able to apply for a Resident Assistant at one of the dorms on campus. He had lived in the dorms his first year, but had moved out afterward for a couple of years and had experienced freedom from the tiny rooms and a roommate in the same cramped space. As an RA, he would have his own room in the corner of the floor complete with a kitchenette and en-suite bathroom. His friend, Rich, had talked him into applying and they had been assigned to the same building with Rich working on the floor just underneath Cliff. The two friends had been close since the first week of classes when they were freshmen. But they couldn’t be more different. Where Cliff was classically handsome and warm with a beefy body, Rich had an angular model-like face with sandy blonde short hair and piercing blue eyes. He was ripped. His broad shoulders supported athletic pecs and well-defined arms. His waist was tiny and he often found it hard to find clothes that would fit right. His glutes were tight and his legs were long but muscular. His skin was golden brown and he looked much more like a surfer-turned-fitness model than anyone in Seattle that Cliff had ever seen. He was beautiful and devastating. He knew it too. Cliff got along with everyone whereas Rich could be a real asshole. Mean and acidic comments often came out of his mouth and he was as catty as any of the Real Housewives, but Cliff (as is his personality) just shrugged and thought, “That’s just the way he is.” Cliff marched up the stairs with the last box. It was only four floors up, but with the heat and all of the other boxes he had already packed around, he was feeling it in his thighs and healthy backside. He opened the door, set the box down and started to unpack. It was going to be so nice to be in a room by himself this year. A knock at the door interrupted him. “Come in!” “Hey Cliff.” Standing in the doorway was Jesse. Jesse looked like a stereotypical science nerd. Thick black-rimmed glasses, thin almost skinny body, and a big beak-like nose screamed “chemistry or physics” as his major. He was also the head RA for the building and therefore, Cliff’s boss. They had also been friends since their first year. Jesse had been in Cliff’s English 100 course- and they both hated it. They sat next to each other passing notes and giggling like schoolgirls for most of the quarter. Jesse liked Cliff and had a lot of respect for Cliff’s social capital, something that Jesse didn’t have. Cliff liked Jesse of course. He was just that kind of guy. Cliff didn’t have enemies. Most people wondered if he had a mean bone in his body. Jesse, with his beak-nose, looked straight into Cliff’s eyes and shook his head a little. “Dude. I’m so sorry.” Cliff looked up from the box he was unpacking. “Why are you sorry? Did you fill the rooms on my floor with crazy problem freshmen?” Jesse just shook his head and looked down at the single sheet of paper in his hand. “Worse, man.” “Come on, Jesse. What? You look like you just licked a lemon. “ “Cliff, sorry buddy, but you are going to have to have a roommate for at least the first quarter of the year. We assigned this transfer kid to the building and we overbooked by one spot. You have one of the only single rooms and I can’t stick him with Rich. He’d probably make the kid cry every day just for making his life a little more inconvenient. I don’t know much about him except he is a junior and did his first two years somewhere in Montana.” “Oh man! You’re not serious! That’s messed up, Jesse! I even just moved the two beds together so I could have a king-size.” Cliff shook his head, annoyed. “One more thing, Cliff. He’s here. Now. Downstairs.” “Man, you are killing me. People aren’t supposed to start moving in for a couple of days still. I was going to get all set up and have some peace and quiet. Maybe jerk off a bit more than normal.” Cliff flashed Jesse that big smile and winked. He had always thought Jesse was gay or maybe bi if anything. He caught him looking at his meaty ass more than once. He didn’t mind though. Jesse was harmless. “Ya. Well, he emailed us at the end of last year when we made the assignments and asked if he could move in early. Some sort of sob story about not having a place to live right before school, or some shit like that. We responded that he could if he paid for the extra time. Sorry man. I know this sucks.” Cliff shook his head and went into the small bedroom and moved the beds apart again. He took a big long piss in the bathroom and started moving some things around so the new guy would have equal space. No reason punishing the new guy for the mix up. Cliff just thought that way about things. He was easy going as well. Nothing ruffled his feathers too much. “It was a nice dream while it lasted.” A few minutes later, he heard some shuffling in the hallway and a light knock at the door. “Come in!” he said maybe a little bit louder than he needed too. As easygoing as he was, he was still just a little annoyed at the situation. He had been really looking forward to some alone time with his cock. Being home for the summer hadn’t allowed him very much privacy and he was horny. The door slowly opened and it looked like whoever was going to come it was having trouble with their bag. He heard a little grunt and the door pushed open slightly. His new roommate walked in hesitantly. His eyes darted around the room and the first thing Cliff thought was that he looked like a scared animal. “Hi there. I guess we are going to be roommates this quarter.” Cliff stuck out his hand to greet his new roommate and walked quickly over to him. He flashed his smile and the annoyance was gone. He couldn’t hold a grudge against this guy. It wasn’t his fault. “My name’s Cliff. Sorry there are so many boxes and shit all over. I didn’t know I was going to have a roommate…so soon.” He added that last bit so the new guy wouldn’t feel so bad. He was sure that Jesse had told him downstairs about the situation. “I’m Shane.” Shane didn’t look Cliff in the eyes and barely stuck his hand out to shake Cliff’s big meaty mitt. The kid looked scared. Cliff looked more closely at him. He was looked of average height Cliff thought. Maybe 5 foot 8 or 9. He was thin though not skinny. He wasn’t an ugly kid, but he wasn’t anything special. He looked a bit pale and like he was exhausted. Maybe he hadn’t eaten in a while. His cheeks did look a little sunken in and his face a bit gaunt, but that could just be the paleness. Something made Cliff think the guy was very nervous. He still didn’t look Cliff in the eye. “Here, let me grab that for you.” Cliff stretched his arm out to grab the duffle bag that Shane had let drop to the floor. Shane held on to the duffle and pulled away a little bit and his cheeks flushed a little. Cliff looked out in the hallway for anything else. That’s all that he had with him. “Do you need help bringing anything else up from downstairs?” “No, I just have this and one box I left in the office with Jesse. I’ll run down and get it now.” Shane set his duffle bag on the floor next to the wall, well out of the way of Cliff’s full boxes. He turned around and walked into the hallway without saying anything else. “That was a little awkward,” Cliff whispered to himself when he knew he was alone. Why had Shane seemed so nervous? He went back to work moving his items to one side of the room, moving food to one half of the cupboard and organizing the refrigerator in a way that would give Shane half of the space. A few minutes later, he heard the footsteps return and Shane walked in with his box. He set the box carefully on the kitchen table and looked over at Cliff who had his backside sticking out of the fridge, still moving things around. Shane stared at Cliff’s athletic bubbled ass and his thick legs and looked away just as Cliff wheeled around with that warm smile again. “Shane, give me just a minute to move some things around in here and then you can start putting anything you want in your space. And, if you don’t mind, I’d like the bed next to the window in the other room. Is that ok?” He walked across the kitchen and entered the bedroom where he had put one bed against the window and the other against the opposite wall. There was only about 4 feet between the beds, but it was a dorm after all. Shane just nodded. “Hey Shane. I’m going to leave here in a few minutes to go meet up with some friends I haven’t seen since the beginning of summer. You are more than welcome to come if you want,” Cliff said warmly, looking at Shane. Finally Shane looked at him and quietly said, “No, I’m ok. Thanks for inviting me though.” “Ya, no problem. Anytime. I’m going to shower and get ready but make yourself at home.” Cliff turned on his heels and walked into the bedroom where he began to undress. As he was walking into the room, he pulled his shirt off and Shane stared at his back. Cliff was so at ease with himself. He didn’t have a perfect body, but he looked like he was well worked out. His back was broad and thick; his shoulders round with pendulous triceps. He was shirtless with only his form fitting brown dungarees on. He could see a strip of bright red briefs wrapping around Cliff’s waist just peeking out above his pants. And that ass. It didn’t look like it was made of stone, but it was thick and muscular. It looked like the rest of Cliff, comfortable and powerful. Cliff peeled his pants off so that he was just wearing his red briefs and still had his back to Shane. Shane blushed and felt himself getting turned on. Just then, Cliff turned around and grabbed the towel that was hanging off the door and walked into the bathroom. He just barely caught Shane staring at him and noticed the bulge in his pants. He shot him that warm smile and walked into the bathroom. As he shut the door behind him he chuckled to himself, “Looks like Shane is gay.” Shane stood there, mortified. He knew Cliff saw him staring. And he knew that his shorts couldn’t cover up his boner. He shook his head, disgusted with himself, and opened up his duffle and box to unpack his few belongings. “You doing alright in there?” Cliff called out from the bedroom as he was changing. “If you need anything, just use mine. We’re roommates now, so what’s mine is yours.” “Thanks,” Shane said quietly from the kitchen, “but I’m ok.” “Do you have something to eat for dinner? You don’t look like you brought much.” Shane was in the kitchen still. He hadn’t sat down or taken anything into the bedroom. Cliff walked out of the room just as Shane was pulling out a 36 pack of Top Ramen opening up one package and placing it into a small pan of water. “That stuff will kill you!” Cliff barked and started to laugh. “I can’t eat that shit. It makes me sick.” He said it in good fun and what Cliff didn’t know is that Shane knew this. He could tell what people were feeling. It was more than observation, it was empathic. Still, the comment somehow hurt him and he felt that he had to respond. “Ya, I know but I don’t have any money until next week when my financial aid comes in, so this will do for now.” He looked mortified and crestfallen. He was obviously embarrassed, but he already knew that Cliff wouldn’t mock him. “No fucking way, Shane. Ok, well eat that, but hold on.” Cliff walked over to the fridge and took out a rotisserie chicken he had bought earlier that day, some veggies, and herbs. In a total of two minutes, he had put some cubed chicken and the veggies in the pot with the ramen noodles. “It might taste like shit, but it will be better for you with some protein and fresh things.” Shane looked at Cliff straight in the eye for only the second time. He started to tear up a little bit and bit down on his lip. “Thank you, Cliff. I won’t forget how kind you were to me today.” Cliff looked at him puzzled, but Shane seemed sweet and innocent so he just let it go. What did he mean by that? Just then a loud bang on the door startled them both. “Get out here you big fuck,” bellowed another voice. It was Rich. “We have to get going. I’m hungry as fuck. Are you ready you big queer?” Cliff opened the door and Rich barged in. “Too bad you have some idiot loser as a roommate,” Rich spouted looking at his friend. “I heard about it. Jesse told me he looks like some homeless piece of shit.” Rich looked at Cliff who just shook his head quickly and glanced over at Shane who was staring straight at Rich. Cliff knew that Rich was an ass. He could get away with it… usually. He was a stud with a perfect body. Vascular arms with well built and rounded muscles that oozed confidence, a tight waist with abs visible through the tight shirts he wore for the ladies, and long muscular thighs atop athletic lower leg muscles. He new he was hot and he didn’t give a damn what anyone else thought. “Rich! Shut the fuck up.” Cliff looked visibly pissed off. He looked at Shane sitting at the table getting ready to take his first bite of dinner and he could see his eyes getting glassy. “God, you are such an ass sometimes,” Cliff barked at his friend. “Shane, this is my idiot friend, Rich. Rich, this is my new roommate Shane.” Rich smirked and walked over and stuck out his hand to shake Shane’s. Shane felt something very mean about Rich. He could feel it like a white hot iron. Rich was cruel and arrogant. He was not to be trusted. Shane didn’t look him in the eye, but stretched his hand out to shake the other’s hand. He just stared at his dinner bowl. “Fuck man. Lets get out of here,” Rich said as he headed for the door. Cliff put his hands up as if to say, “Hang on a sec.” “Shane,” he could sense the emotions building up on Shane’s face; he looked like he was trapped. But when Cliff said his name, he seemed to relax a bit. “Shane, look at me bro. “ Cliff crouched down next to Shane at the table so that his eyes were slightly lower. “Don’t listen to anything that Rich says. He can be a real piece of work. He just opens his mouth without thinking and it hurts sometimes. He’s made me fighting mad so many times, but he’s my friend and he’s a good guy… usually.” Shane looked at Cliff again. Cliff felt as if Shane was reading deeply into his eyes. Like he was sizing Cliff up on some subconscious level. “Please eat and unpack and I wont be long. I want to get back to I can get to know you a bit more, ok?” The quiet one nodded his head and again looking into Cliff’s eyes and whispered, ‘Thanks Cliff. Thank you for being so nice to me.” With that, Cliff got up and turned around to join Rich in the hallway. He shut the door and Shane heard Rich start laughing, “Your roommate is a freak man. Holy shit. You are screwed.” “Fuck off, Rich.” And he heard a thud. Cliff punched Rich hard in the shoulder. Shane could sense that Cliff meant it when he punched Rich and he smiled and started to eat. A couple of hours later, Cliff returned from his dinner with friends. He walked in and closed the front door slowly. Shane was sitting on the couch. His box and duffle were in the corner, empty. There was nothing new on the shelves in the kitchen and he could see that there was a blanket spread out on Shane’s bed in the next room. Shane looked over at Cliff as he put the leftovers from dinner in the fridge. Shane hadn’t put anything into the fridge either. “I guess he is going to try to live on Top Ramen,” Cliff thought to himself. “Did you get all settled in?” he asked. “Ya. I don’t have much. I wanted to say thanks for sticking up for me with your friend, Rich. You didn’t have to do that.” “Rich gets what he deserves. Well, not usually, but he deserved to get a good punch for what he said about you. You are my roommate now and I’ve got your back. I don’t like talking shit about people like Rich does. I’m an optimist.” Cliff walked over to Shane and sat down next to him on the couch. “So let’s get acquainted.” He sat cross-legged on the couch facing his new roommate. Shane opened himself up in that way that only he could, probing the emotions and sentiments of the people he is around. He could sense that Cliff really did want to know about him; to understand him. He could tell he was good. He felt a certain valiance about Cliff. He was emotionally strong, stable, and substantive-much like his physical body. Shane could feel the concern and worry that Cliff had for him, although they had just met. Cliff wasn’t wary. He wasn’t afraid. He wanted to know why his roommate wouldn’t look him in they eye, why he flinched when Cliff tried to grab his bag to help him, and why he didn’t own anything. He could feel that Cliff had questions as he looked into his roommate’s eyes. There was something else there as well, but he couldn’t identify it. “Well? Shane, you can tell me anything. I have heard a lot from my friends about their lives. Nothing that you say will bother me.” Somehow, Cliff felt that Shane was much more of a risk to himself than to anyone else. He also had an intuition about people that he had learned to trust. He didn’t realize that Shane had a much more developed sense, but Cliff was good at reading people. The young man that was only a year younger than him had cowered all day like a puppy that had peed on the carpet. It was concerning but not scary. He knew from the look in Shane’s eyes earlier at the dinner table that Rich’s comments had really gotten to him. Sometimes he just wanted to punch Rich’s teeth in for being such a fucking jerk. He didn’t notice, but when he thought this, Shane lifted the corners of his mouth in a subtle smile. “Ya Cliff. I wish you would have punched him in the face and knocked that smug look right off of it!” Shane thought to himself. But back to the moment… “Cliff, I don’t really like to talk about myself much. Could you tell me something about you? Something about your family or…?” “Oh, sure! I love my family. We are so close. I am the oldest of four – two boys and two girls. Boy, girl, boy, girl. My parents live about 3 hours from here in a little farm town. I grew up there. My parents are my best friends and my siblings are all married and have kids. Seriously, it’s like a fucking Disney movie. “ He laughed and smiled that devastating smile as he related to Shane more about his background. Shane could feel his good mood and energy and was eagerly lapping it up. He had never felt this sort of positive energy. Cliff stopped his story. He could tell Shane was lost in it. Shane’s eyes were glazed over and he was smiling a little. “Shane, how about you?” Shane’s expression changed dramatically. The smile went away. The warmth on his face was gone. Shane teared up again. He knew he could be honest. He knew, instinctually, that Cliff wouldn’t laugh at him or his wreck of a life. “I have a very different story. I don’t know who my parents are. I don’t know where I come from. I know that I am alone.” He was visibly shaken. His voice was trembling and Cliff wanted to just reach out and hug him and make him feel better – that was his way. But he hesitated and felt that it would violate some boundary. Shane was delicate right now and was exposing himself in a way that Cliff felt very careful of. “I have lived in over fifty foster homes in my life. Until I fell out of the system when I was 18, I had never lived in the same place for more than a year. It was easier when I was younger, but when I hit puberty, things were different. I wouldn’t spend more than a couple of months in a house at a time” Cliff nodded at him, urging him to go on. “I have never really had friends. My foster families would always think I was too socially awkward or ashamed of me to let me get to know anyone very well. In every single place I was placed, I would scare them I guess. No one has ever treated me like you have been treated every day of your life. I have no stories of birthdays or happy holidays or friends to go to dinner with.” He sounded more and more upset and angry as he continued. “No one has ever treated me with any respect or any compassion. I have always been on my own…alone. Some people chose that road, but not me. It was forced on me. I don’t want my past to ruin the rest of my life, but I don’t know what to do about it. I think I am a monster. Every one of my foster parents said as much eventually…before they asked for me to be relocated.” A knot rose up in Cliff’s throat. This guy was just laying it all out there – he thought so anyway. “Cliff, what you did tonight – offering me your food and hospitality and kindness – no one has every been that kind to me. Especially when they get to know me better…know things about me. I don’t want you to be like them and I can tell that you are not.” He looked Cliff right in the eyes and Cliff just wanted to hold him and wrap his big beefy arms around this little guy. “I don’t really want to say anything else right now but I want you to know that I haven’t met anyone like you before. You make me feel safe.” He cut the last word off as he said it. Almost as if he knew that it had gone too far, for him anyway. He didn’t want to scare Cliff away or make things uncomfortable-or come out of the closet. Shane could feel Cliff’s emotions welling up within him. He could exquisitely sense his big roommate’s desire to comfort him. Cliff went to reach out to put his arm around him and Shane pulled away. “Thank you again, Cliff. I think I need to go to bed soon and I’d like to be alone here for a minute.” “Shane, you can tell me anything. Whenever you are ready to talk, you can tell me anything. I can take it. I’m not going anywhere.” Cliff was the emotional one now. His roommate had never felt love in his life. He didn’t know what it was to really hug someone; to hug his mom or dad or brother or sisters. He didn’t know what it was to have friends. He stood up and walked to the bedroom leaving Shane on the couch. Shane watched as Cliff’s big beefy back and legs walked away. He let out a little whimper. He wanted so bad to just reach out and touch Cliff, but that could get dangerous. He had learned that the hard way. Cliff whipped around and caught Shane looking at his ass. He just smiled. “Shane, you’ll be safe here. Now, shower and go to bed. Let’s hang out tomorrow, ok?” Shane nodded. He knew that he would do whatever Cliff asked. He surrendered to his roommate’s will and desires because for the first time, he knew that someone would protect him. Cliff was the one truly decent human being that he had ever met and the only one he wanted to make happy. He smiled a genuine smile for the first time in a long while and got into the shower just as Cliff had asked him to. He washed himself off and towel dried. He knew that this body was just a shell of the man that he could be, but he was still ashamed. Twenty-two years of hiding who he was would not go away in the span of one brief evening. Somehow, he knew that Cliff wouldn’t care if he were different. He also knew that he would do whatever Cliff asked – he was strong where Shane was not. Shane smiled as he realized that the opposite was also true. After showering, Shane quietly went into the bedroom. The corners of his mouth turned up to smile as he heard Cliff breathing heavily and snoring lightly—more like a purr than a snore. He climbed into bed and relived the last few hours of his life. Something had changed. Maybe it was hope. Whatever it was, he was horny and he couldn’t help but touch himself. Cautiously, he looked over at his big, strong, handsome, kind roommate and started to rub the head of his cock. It was too warm in the room to go under his covers and have more privacy so he decided to stay on top of them. He spit into his hand and rubbed the swelling knob with his palm. Working his way down slowly toward the base, he felt the veins along the shaft start coming to the surface. He could feel them individually. Shane knew that he had extra senses and when he was sexually aroused, his senses were even more acute. He could feel the throbbing of his cock begin in earnest. He could not take his eyes off of Cliff’s body laying just a few feet away. Cliff slept on his side and he was looking at the most beautiful man he had ever seen sleeping soundly just at a little over an arm’s length. He pumped his cock more and more. It steadily grew until it reached a limit with the body he had forced upon himself. He thought that a thick 10” cock would be a perfect maximum for his 5’ 9” edition. Shane eyed Cliff up and down. Cliff had not crawled under the covers either. It was too warm. Seattle is not known for its need for air-conditioning. Instead, he had stripped to his boxers. His chest was thick and hard without effort. It lacked the striations and veins that Shane knew existed under his own body, but Cliff was undeniably one of the most masculine men that Shane had met. He exuded strength. He also knew that Cliff wanted to be ripped and huge like his fucking goon-friend Rich. The thought of Rich made Shane’s blood boil. But never mind that now. Shane kept pumping his cock. His hand was getting warm. Spit is not the best lubricant. His forearm was getting tired with the action that it had gotten tonight. But this was the body that he had forced upon himself. He would have to deal with the weaknesses for the time being. Just then, Cliff’s eyes shot open. Shane yelped and tried to flip around to avoid Cliff’s stare. “Shane, are you awake?” Silence. “Shane, I know you are awake. I have been for the past few minutes. It’s ok.” Shane was terrified. He could tell that Cliff was being honest – he could ALWAYS tell if someone was being honest. “Shane. It’s ok. I’m gay too. It’s ok, Shane.” Shane froze. He didn’t move a single muscle. He willed his heart to stop beating and it did. He willed every fiber in his body to stop moving. No electrical impulses were being fired outside of his central nervous system. He was a dead ship in the water, utterly still. “Shane, please. It’s ok. Please, talk to me.” Cliff knew that his new friend was delicate and the most timid person he had met. He needed to handle this delicately. On the other side of the room, Shane heard one thing that Cliff said and it resonated with him. He had, after all, told himself that he had surrendered to Cliff, entirely and completely. The only thing he cared about in the moment was Cliff’s request, “Please, talk to me.” “Cliff, I’m afraid.” “Why? Shane, it’s ok. Whatever you say, I can handle.” “Cliff, I’m gay. I’m gay! I’ve never said that before or out loud to anyone. Please don’t kick me out of your room. I don’t know what I’d do.” There was a certain desperate quality in his voice. “Hey man. I’m gay too, remember? I think I said that a few seconds ago.” Shane was so caught up in the emotion of the moment and the fact that he had willed his body to stop its normal functions; he had barely heard Cliff say that. “Shane, come over here. I’m not going to hurt you.” Shane allowed his heart to start beating and the rest of his body to start working again. He got out of his bed, naked, and stood up next to Cliff who was still lying on top of his bed on his side. “You don’t have to worry about me.” Cliff reached his big arm out and touched Shane’s left thigh. He just left his hand there. Shane could feel something amazing happening but he didn’t know what it was. He had never felt what he felt now. One thing he knew – Cliff was communicating with him on a different level. Cliff was starting to get hard too. “Shane, please move your bed next to mine. I think tonight we should cuddle.” Shane heard the directive and pushed the bed closer to his Master’s bed. The frames bumped up against each other. Shane crawled on top of his bed and lay in the middle, not knowing what to do. His heart was racing and his mind was on fire. Nothing like this had ever happened to him in his 22 years. He felt Cliff’s emotions rolling off of his body. He felt love and lust and compassion and caring. He felt that Cliff wanted him. He had NEVER felt wanted. His body and mind told him that he was irrevocably tied to this man. Anything, ANYTHING Cliff asked for would be granted to him. Shane almost (almost) felt normal, like any other guy. “Shane, get on top of your bed and then move towards my body…please.” “Cliff, don’t say the word ‘please’ to me. I will do you whatever you ask without question and without thought to consequence. You are different from anyone that I have ever met. I trust you… and I have never trusted anyone before.” Shane crawled slowly on top of the king sized bed that Cliff had commanded to be made. Cliff reached out his arm toward Shane and grabbed his shoulder, drawing him in. Shane’s tenuous resolve almost broke. He was trying to maintain control. Cliff pulled Shane closer. “I know this is scary for you. If you would like to, just back up into me and we can spoon. I’ll be the big spoon and you can be the little spoon.” “I don’t know what you mean. Spoon?” ‘Yes. I will cup your body into mine. It feels good.” “Cliff, don’t say things like ‘if you would like to.’ Anything you ask me to do, I will do. Anything.” Shane felt a pulse of energy coming from Cliff. Cliff desired him. He really truly desired him. Shane nestled into the larger man’s embrace. Shane was hard. All ten inches. Cliff wasn’t too far behind with a solid nine, and thick. Cliff put his arm around his new friend and just held him close. Cliff put a top-sheet over them both and thought how lucky he was to be able to care for his new roommate. There was something about Shane that drew him in. He hadn’t felt this kind of love in a long time. Shane, on the other hand, was attempting to control every muscle in his body. “FUCK!” he kept repeating inside of his head. “I have to slow down. I have to calm myself. I can’t lose the one person in my existence that really cares about me. I don’t want him to think that I am a monster.” Cliff brought Shane in closer. Shane could feel Cliff’s ample cock against his back. He noticed things about Cliff in this moment that he had not noticed before. He noticed how his chest had a light dusting of fur. He noticed his happy trail that erupted next to his navel and marched down to his crotch. He noticed that Cliff’s pecs were much harder than they looked from a casual glance. His nipples were beautiful and perfect quarter sized – well, maybe a bit bigger. He noticed Cliff’s breath on his own neck. It was warm and soft and eager. Shane could sense everything. He was losing control of himself…of the monster that was inside of him. And then it happened. He felt himself start to cum. He didn’t know that it could happen like this. His cock grew and lengthened. But something else happened too. His entire body shook. The barriers that he had made with other people in his life vanished in a moment. Shane embraced Cliff…embraced him in a way that made them one person. He could see Cliff in a way that Cliff couldn’t see himself. Shane surrendered. Shane knew he could get bigger and more powerful, but he didn’t know what that would mean for Cliff, so he tempered the effect and decided to re-set up barriers until he knew how Cliff would respond. Cliff—on the other hand—felt Shane change. He was emitting an energy that Cliff had never felt and somehow, it felt right and good – and extension of himself. Cliff gasped. He was feeling Shane’s body one second, warm and giving. The next second, Shane’s body was hard as steel. He couldn’t see with his eyes what was happening since it was dark in the room, but it felt powerful and like nothing he had experienced in his short 23-year life. Cliff didn’t know what was happening, but he did know one thing—Shane had opened himself up and Cliff wanted to give Shane the love and tenderness that he deserved and something that he had never felt. He continued to rub Shane’s shoulders and back and the petrification of Shane’s body commenced in earnest. Slowly and deliberately, Shane allowed himself to adapt into the being that he had feared. He grew harder. Everything on his body grew harder. Cliff said aloud, “Shane, I don’t know what’s happening, but I want to see it. I know there is something…something that you aren’t telling me, but that I can feel. I need, want, and must see it.” Shane simply responded, “Yes, Master. I know that you need to see this.” Shane lifted his index finder the smallest of degrees, coaxing the light switch to turn on from a dozen feet away. The room lit up with a warm incandescent light. Shane crawled off the bed and Cliff was lying supine staring at his new roommate. “What would you like to see, Cliff?” Cliff looked at the previous weakling that he had been talking with just a short while before and saw a GOD of muscle and strength. “Shane, please tell me what is happening. I can feel it, but my mind doesn’t know how this is possible.” “Cliff, Master. Should I call you Cliff or Master?” “Cliff. ‘Master sounds so weird.” “Cliff, this is the reason that I have never been loved. When growing up in foster care, I would start changing when I felt my foster family began to like me. I felt that their emotions were powering my body. I know that is foolish now.” Cliff began to understand what Shane had gone through. “I felt strong and invincible. But when my body began to change going through puberty, I couldn’t control it as much. I didn’t know I needed to. No one gave me guidance. No one loved me. “ “Shane, I am so sorry.” The waves of compassion that Cliff felt rippled through Shane and he began to grow again. It was more intense. Shane was responding to Cliff’s warmth. It was something so natural to them both. With the lights on now, Cliff could see what was happening. “Master Cliff?” Cliff winced. He didn’t like being called Master. “Yes Shane.” Shane’s body trembled as Cliff said his name. He was becoming hypersensitive to what Cliff wanted, needed, desired, or demanded. “Yes, Shane?” He repeated. Shane’s cock began expanding again at the sound of his name on the lips of the only man in his life that meant shit to him. Just the sound of Cliff saying his name made him raging hard. “Master Cliff…hmmmm… I mean Cliff… Sorry. I know you aren’t ready to be called Master quite yet. I am nervous about something. I am not as good as you are. I am not kind and pure and gentle. I don’t have positive regard for everyone like you do. If I am honest, I would like to kick Rich’s ass for making me feel embarrassed in front of you, Cliff. I want all of those foster parents to know how they made me feel. I want the guys that beat the shit out of me growing up to know that they fucked with the wrong kid. If I had developed to my potential then, I would have destroyed them all and I probably would have laughed about it. There is darkness in me that I am afraid of. I need you to help me Cliff. It scares me. I wish I was more like you.” Cliff watched Shane flex his slowly expanding muscles involuntarily, like he was just feeling them out, wanting to know that they were there. Cliff put his lips close to Shane’s ear and whispered. “Shane.” Shane let out a deep-throated moan at the utterance of his name by his owner. He looked almost crazed. The only thing he wanted was to please Cliff. It was arousing him and feeding him power that he had only begun to feel. Cliff’s mouth curled in a smile at the effect he was having on Shane. He wanted to fuck him but he wasn’t sure Shane was ready for that yet. “I will always be here for you, Shane. It is ok. Just like you jerking off watching me sleep, this is ok too. I don’t judge you for your past. I don’t blame you for wanting to mess up Rich and his pretty face, or the other people that have let you down. But I will never let you down. I care about you already and I know you know that.” Cliff leaned in and kissed Shane on his forehead. The veins in Shane’s body rose to the surface. Snaking around invisible boundaries and shields, thousands of vessels sprung up all over Shane’s body. On his shoulders, on his arms, on his abs, and face. Around his skull and down his traps where they nestled in his pecs. Angry finger-width vessels hugged his arms like a newborn to its mother. His legs were a veritable 3D puzzle of hard-as-stone muscle and sausage-width veins demanded attention. They were feeding something that was on the verge of being born. They were anxious and angry and pleased when Cliff commanded, “Show me what you are!” In the matter of a second, Cliff’s pulsing cock exploded a bounty of cum onto Shane’s chest. Shane looked like a rabid animal, snarling and gnashing his teeth in the air. “Yes! I will show you what I am!!!!” Shane howled with his head thrust back and pressing his chest toward the sky. The snakes that slithered all over Shane’s body pulsed with his heartbeat. They grew more thick and menacing. Cliff reached out to touch one and as he got close, the vein seemed to reach out for his touch. It seemed to respond to him. He pushed down and the snake that slithered across Shane’s upper pec bowed down to him and disappeared under the marble surface. Shane growled and emitted a sound somewhere between an orgasmic moan and the collapse of a mountain or eruption of a volcano. He looked at Shane’s face then down to his body. He touched the muscles that had been fed by the still-present snakes of vasculature. The muscle felt like stone, but instead of cold harshness, it felt warm and inviting. He knew that Shane was inviting him to enjoy this feeling and the compliance of his body to Cliff’s will. The solid chord of chest muscle leaping out of Shane’s pecs were delineated by a deep chasm – deeper than the individual bundles of muscle that rippled across Shane’s chest. Shane’s delts looked as if they were about to be over taken by a fleet of encroaching threads, but the threads were not threatening… they were muscle fibers willed into existence by Cliff’s request. Distinct. Hot. Pulsing. “Bigger!” Cliff thought and without saying anything aloud, Shanes delts exploded in every direction, every thread, sinew, and bundle fighting for real estate. He reached out to touch the newly formed monolith and as he touched the skin, he could feel electricity arcing out toward his fingers. Little sparks were being generated between himself and the muscle he commanded to grow in Shane’s shoulders. Cliff saw Shane’s neck and almost blacked out. The entire surface was covered with wriggling serpents under the skin. He looked at Shane’s chest. Giant slithering blood vessels moved freely just under the surface. He looked at Shane’s abs. Angry pythons engorged themselves upon Shane’s stomach with smaller tributaries branching off of the larger vessels. He looked at Shane’s arms. The monstrous veins were feeding something that lied beneath. He didn’t know how, but he knew that the veins weren’t the parasites; the veins were nourishing whatever was growing. Somehow, in the depths of his being, Cliff knew that this monstrous beast was being fed by the vasculature that he had just witnessed and he, Cliff, was in control of it. He was its Master. Finally he felt himself overcome by what he saw and felt. “Shane! Shane!” He reached out and grabbed Shane’s arm. The touch of his fingers against Shane’s skin caused the formerly quiet and cautious Shane to howl and begin convulsing. He shook and trembled. Cliff looked down into Shane’s eyes. They were open now but entirely black. Black as India Ink or the darkest of nights. Even without the pupils of normal eyes, Cliff knew that Shane was looking directly at him. Shane smiled wickedly and said, “Master, I will not make further requests of you, but I would ask for you to test the boundaries of my power. I do not know what I am capable of. Cliff, you make me feel safe and protected.” Cliff couldn’t believe that the thing that Shane was slowly becoming would need safety and protection from a mere mortal, but somehow, he understood that it was true. Shane needed love and caring. He needed to feel protected and safe. That is what he desired above all else. Then it became clear to Cliff. The muscle beast Shane was on the verge of becoming, the monster his arteries were now feeding, was only concerned with those basic needs. It didn’t matter how powerful Shane became. He would first need to feel the acceptance and unconditional positive regard that Cliff could give him. Cliff was that kind of guy. He could feel Shane’s power and strength growing without even touching him. “Are you afraid, Shane?” Shane once again convulsed at the mention of his name. It echoed in his mind. Cliff’s loving voice was ricocheting inside of his head and it made him need more. He composed himself for a moment. “I am afraid that you will cast me aside if I become something that you detest or find grotesque.” “Don’t you worry about that. I love muscle. “ Cliff grabbed a hold of Shane’s developing quads, picked out one of the muscles wrestling on the surface and applied pressure. It was hard, but it gave way to Cliff’s touch. “See that there? “ motioning to Shane’s growing quads. “We need more of that.” Cliff’s smiled and put his hand on the side of Shane’s cheek. “You want to test your boundaries? Let’s take you out for a spin.” Shane, with his marble hard body and expanding vasculature, looked into Cliff’s eyes and felt more love than has been known to man. The last thing that Cliff heard before his passed out was a loud crack and the sound of a mountain growing, moaning, and rumbling. =================================================================================== =================================================================================== Part II He heard rain hitting the windowpane. Everything was warm. And then he heard a soft whimper. Where was he? He didn’t remember why he was laying in bed. “Oh, shit!” Cliff thought to himself. “Cliff, I am so sorry. I was worried you would be afraid of me.” He glanced over at Shane’s bed. He wasn’t on it. “I…I…” He heard what sounded like a muffled sob and then silence. Cliff moved his eyes to the corner of the room and saw something shaking in the dark. The lights were back off. “Shane? Shane is that you over there? It’s dark and I can’t see. I think I hit my head on something and it knocked me out for a second.” “I tried to catch you but…but…but it all happened so fast. I can pack up and leave tonight Cliff. Jesse is downstairs working on the move-in papers for the guys moving in tomorrow. I’m sure he would let me sleep in the common room on the couch. I am so sorry.” “Shane, listen to me. You could tell how I felt and what I was feeling earlier, right?” “Yes.” “Tell me how I am feeling. What kind of emotion am I feeling?” “Worry. Fear. Mostly worry though… and some sadness.” “Why would I be worried Shane? Why would I be sad? I saw something a few minutes ago that I don’t understand and now I can’t see you and I’m lying in bed with a huge headache and a roommate that I really liked shaking in the corner. And now he says he’s leaving. And I don’t know why. Of course I’m worried and sad and a little fearful. Wouldn’t that be normal? What are you feeling, Shane? Not me. You.” Cliff could hear Shane adjusting himself in the corner. He was big but it was so dark, he couldn’t see him. Somehow he knew that this conversation had to happen on Shane’s time and playing by Shane’s rules. Turning on the light or demanding that Shane come closer to the bed would make things worse. “I feel destroyed. I feel terrified of you and of myself. I feel sorry. And most of all, I feel ashamed of so many things. Why didn’t I catch you before you collapsed on the floor? That is what I am feeling.” Cliff noticed for the first time that it was Shane’s voice, but it was different in a way. It had a quality that was silky smooth and deeper – less adolescent and more adult. Deep and resounding, yet he was speaking so quietly. Cliff thought very carefully about the next few sentences he would speak. He didn’t know what was in the corner – of course he was afraid. He knew that it wasn’t the Shane that walked into the apartment a few hours earlier. “Hey, listen. I want you to think of earlier today. I want you to think of how much I enjoyed talking to you. Sitting out there on the couch, making that chicken and veggie ramen,” he smiled thinking of how bad that must have tasted to Shane. Cliff was not a good cook, “and how good it felt when you cuddled up next to me just 10 minutes ago. Think of that. And now think of how I reacted when I knew you were different, when you started changing. Shane, what did I do? Did I freak out? Did I panic? Answer me that question.” Shane felt compelled to answer. He had surrendered to Cliff and that was a powerful bond. “You seemed to like it, at least in the moment. You touched me and I could feel that you wanted me and you wanted me to keep changing.” “Shane, listen. I am not asking you to come out of that corner until you are ready. I will stay here, laying on the bed until you are ready to talk to me. But as God as my witness, I will not leave this room, and neither will you, until you are ready to look at me and talk about this. And just to be clear, I see you pushed your bed away from mine. That is ok, but you are sleeping here in this room tonight…That isn’t up for discussion.” He added that last part in hopes that somehow it would resonate with the submissive side that Shane was showing to him earlier. He did really love Shane, although he didn’t know how that was possible in such a short amount of time. He thought, originally that it was just pity or his typical way of rooting for the underdog, but it wasn’t. He liked Shane in a way that ran deeper than friend, roommate, or even family. It was a very unique feeling. Above all, he wanted to keep Shane safe and protected. The poor guy had been through enough and obviously hated himself There was silence in the room for a few minutes. All either of them could hear was rain. Cliff glanced quickly at the clock on his nightstand. It was only 10:30. So much had already happened tonight. “Ok. I will talk to you face to face Cliff. Please promise me that whatever you see…no, I wont ask you to make any promises.” Cliff looked toward the corner of the room but continued lying on top of his bed. He wanted Shane to do this his way. He heard a couple of footsteps on the floor that sounded much more solid than would come from a thin barefoot kid. He looked toward the sound and saw something hulking. It sat on Shane’s bed and he turned his head toward Shane. “Cliff, can we talk now? Cliff looked at the ceiling quickly, swung his legs around and sat upright on top of his bed. He had his eyes closed. “Yes, let’s talk.” He opened his eyes and let out a gasp. In front of him sat every wet dream that he had ever had wrapped into one. He looked at Shane’s eyes. They appeared to be black pearls. Where anyone else would have white, his looked like deepest night. For some reason, he thought they were beautiful. He started looking over the rest of Shane. His face had widened and become more defined. He had developed a square jaw and his lips were thick and pursed – perfectly kissable. His neck was corded with long thick muscle like a football linebacker’s neck, but infinitely more powerful and defined. He could see blood vessels encasing the ropes traveling from his jaw and down to his collarbone. Networks of them were cast just under what appeared to be milky-white skin. He followed the curve of Shane’s traps. They started at his ear level and went straight out an inch or so and then bulged up like a bicep. He could see striations and knots moving under the skin, wriggling like tiny snakes trying to escape the shrink-wrapped infinitesimally thin covering that kept them from bound to his body. Cliff kept going, tracing his eyes along the top of Shane’s right trap over to where his delts inserted. He had a flashback of a few moments before when he had thought “Grow!” when he had been looking at them before. He remembered how they exploded out of Shane’s body at his command and how much definition was in them. He couldn’t make that out now, sitting in the dark, but he could still see massive pencil thick veins spread over them like a web and hundreds of tiny capillaries adding their precious cargo back into them. He looked down and saw that Shane had his arms to his side. His enormous shoulder was a foot and a half across. It sloped sharply down and in, toward Shane’s body where the thousands of swollen fibers smashed into the thing that was Shane’s arm. Arm didn’t seem like the right word. This beastly thing reminded Cliff of a rubgy ball that had been expanded to the point of rupture. It was the same size and shape. Two major veins forced themselves down over the top and secondary feeder veins criss-crossed the entire surface. Cliff could see them pulsing ever so slightly. He had the distinct impression that they were just waiting for something else…just waiting. Like everything else Cliff saw, the muscle was sequestered into so many divisions and subdivisions, down to the finest of detail. Individual fibers could be easily distinguished from others. Even in the dark. He looked back into Shane’s liquid black eyes. He thought that Shane must have been holding his breath. He was so still. Shane hadn’t taken his stare off of Cliff even for a millisecond. He was waiting on him to take it all in. Their eyes met and Cliff noticed his heart racing. He was breathing heavily and could feel himself getting warm and flushed still staring into those black pools of Shane’s eyes. Shane was waiting. Motionless. “Shane. I am not afraid. In fact, I have a boner, bud. Is that weird?” He nervously chuckled to himself. The mountain stayed motionless but somehow his expression changed…warmed. Cliff decided that he had to do something more to convince Shane. His emotion detector seemed to be off-line for the moment. He didn’t know why, but he knew that Shane had, over the course of the past few minutes, erected powerful and impenetrable barriers against Cliff and he understood why. He started moving his right hand toward Shane. He leaned forward and never broke eye contact. As his hand got a few inches away from Shane, he saw the veins once again rise, as if to meet him. The muscle fibers that he could see a bit better now began to tense and bunch in the direction of Cliff’s hand, like they were reaching out to touch him, straining against the skin. Shane’s eyes never moved. He didn’t look like he was breathing, still. “I am going to touch you now, Shane. I am going to put my arm on your shoulder, ok?” Shane stared into Cliff’s eyes with those singularities of darkness. Cliff stopped. He wouldn’t do this without Shane’s say-so. Not now. “Cliff…” He stopped and for the first time, Cliff noticed what seemed to be tear tracks going down his cheeks. Not new tears, but only minutes old. “You don’t think I am a monster? You want to touch me?” “Fuck, Shane. I think you are beautiful. I cant even really see you and I think you are beautiful. It’s so damned dark in here.” Shane looked at Cliff in the same way he had earlier when Cliff had been cutting up chicken and vegetables to add to Shane’s ramen. It was adoration and complete devotion. He took began to breath and ripped the emotional walls down in an instant. He smiled and looked up at the light. It came on instantly. Shane rose to his feet slowly. Cliff watched in awe as his full appreciation of the being formerly known as Shane rose and expanded outward in every direction, slowly gaining his full height. He was tall now. Maybe 7 feet, Cliff guessed. The ceiling couldn’t take too much more height, as it was only 8 feet. His shoulders framed enormous traps, larger now that there was light to put things in perspective. The thick neck that he had noted before positively bulged with tendons, muscle and stretched skin. He finally was able to look at Shane’s chest. He followed down the crevasse that signified the borders between the two continents. The insertion points of the muscle fibers of Shane’s chest made a deep slot down the middle of the chest. Both sides looked as if they were fighting for territory and the battle would take place right in the middle. From there, Shane’s chest expanded outward gaining elevation away from the plane of his body for several inches. Horizontal ridges formed huge gashes separating the major muscle groups of Shane’s earth crushing pecs. Smaller chords formed bundles stretching across and gathering again in a bunch leading up to the insertion point where the thick bundle dove under Shane’s delts and into his armpit. Cliff’s eyes travelled down to the mini-boulders that were stacked so symmetrically on Shane’s abdomen. Deep cuts an inch deep surrounded each individual muscle. Each appeared to be an island pressing up against the others with that ever-present net of veins covering the surface. Just then, Cliff realized that Shane was still naked. How could he have not registered that before? Shane’s dick looked like it had been molded from the best porn star in the world. It was thick and long. Cliff guessed 10” soft. Then he saw the huge set of bull balls hanging low. Damn those things could make gallons of cum in a day. He still had his arm out to touch Shane and Shane was still staring at him but now with a genuinely beautiful smile. Cliff was naked too, and completely hard. He had no fear now and Shane could tell. Cliff moved his hand toward Shane’s chest. Just before he touched Shane’s skin, a short burst of electricity arced out to meet him. Just a small spark of piercing blue light, but he saw it and felt it. Shane offered a small deep groan. Cliff placed his hand palm down on the surface of the round mound of muscle teaming with pulsing veins. With Shane’s alabaster skin, he could really see the blue vessels crawling underneath, feeding the power that no doubt resided in them. His skin was unblemished and silky. It was warm, like an oven after baking is done. He looked up at Shane and Shane’s head was thrown back. The muscles tensed under Cliffs palm, a wave of activity pulsed through the pecs and it looked like a caged animal was trying to get out. “What is that Shane? What is under there? It looks like there’s a raccoon in your pec trying to claw its way out.” He curled his lips again in a smile. Shane lifted his head back up, looking wildly at Cliff. “I don’t know, Master Cliff. I have never been this big before or let myself grow this much. I can tell that I am far away from reaching my potential, but I don’t understand any of this myself. You will be able to get me there.” Cliff soothed the writhing mass under Shane’s chest, almost petting it and it slowly calmed down. He looked up at Shane and was overtaken by the man’s beauty. A shot of lightning raced across the sky outside. The thunder struck and it was still raining. Cliff’s mind was racing. He didn’t want to push his ripped friend too far. He knew that inside that beautiful hard and shredded body, Shane was still a scared foster kid, just a bit more grown up now. He was so turned on by the man he could barely keep focused. He wanted to run his hands all over Shane’s enormous and muscular body. He placed his other hand in one of Shane’s hands and held it for a moment. Then let go and worked his way up to Shane’s forearms. “Holy fuck, Shane!” Shane looked down quickly, terrified that something was wrong. Cliff had let go of Shane’s chest and both hands were running and rubbing Shane’s massive forearm. Cliff’s breath was racing and it was his turn to have wild eyes. He couldn’t take them off of Shane’s arm. The chords of muscle were insanely shredded. Cliff thought that just this one forearm looked as big as an Easter ham but with individual muscle fibers straining to escape the shrink-wrapped casing that they found themselves trapped by. And those thick, throbbing, angry vessels jockeying for space kept rising up to meet Cliff’s fingers as he caressed the largest forearm Cliff had ever seen. “Holy shit,” Cliff said out loud. Forearms had always been his favorite body part after chest. A man with ripped huge forearms was not to be messed with. Shane just smiled and looked at Cliff with his liquid black eyes. “I have never been happier in my life. I cannot believe that the one person that loved me before he saw me this way is not frightened by me now. Cliff, I have never felt this way about myself. I have never felt this way about anyone else.” Cliff looked into Shane’s eyes and rested his hands on Shane’s enormous bicep muscles. He could feel them pulsing, waiting, writhing underneath the surface. And then Cliff moaned. His balls constricted and he began to pump his seed all over Shane’s legs. Rivers of cum worked their way down the canyons and ravines that were Shane’s quads. How had Cliff missed Shane’s legs… his fucking huge legs. Cliff had always considered legs to be the most telling sign of male strength. Huge legs said a lot about a man’s power and Shane had power in spades. Mammoth slabs of striated and elongated muscle raced down to Shane’s knees from his waist--his impossibly narrow waist. Cliff thought that 28 inches around would be generous. From there down, the man exploded into striations and long mounds of pure strength, all the while maintaining some sense of aesthetics. Cliff’s cum was coursing down Shane’s quads like runoff on land that has seen too much rain. He noticed but couldn’t concentrate. He was too much in pure bliss. His eyes locked on Shane’s – those deep black pools that he wanted to be lost in, completely. Shane grabbed ahold of Cliff underneath his shoulders and lifted him up to eye level like he was a pet cat…he didn’t even struggle to lift Cliff’s meaty body. “How strong is this guy!? Cliff thought to himself. He was a ragdoll to Shane. “Cliff, I want to kiss you. I have never wanted anything so much in my life.” Cliff reached his arm around the neck of the man he loved—his huge striated thick neck—and leaned in to kiss Shane. Their lips touched and a burst of energy passed between them. Cliff felt a spark, it hurt, but it felt good. Shane’s body shook. The muscles tensed and became engorged with the blood that had been waiting in the vessels surrounding them. That blood was being pumped into them now and Shane’s monstrous muscles expanded. Individual fibers that were visible before now looked like their own cords. His chest expanded and his traps flexed like an overworked bicep, balling up and quivering. And then it was Shane’s turn to cum. His massive cock pulled back like a canon ready to fire. As if on command, volleys of thick white liquid shot out and met Cliff’s body, soaking his chest, groin, and legs with Shane’s essence. It was hot and sticky and smelled like pure testosterone. The moans emanating from Shane sounded more like wild lions fighting than anything human. He continued to empty quarts of thick juice onto Cliff’s elevated body and then he let go. He pulled back from Cliff and grabbed ahold of his cock with both hands. He looked at Cliff suspended in the air and kept pumping cum on him. Cliff felt that the softest velvet gloves were holding him up or suspended in a warm hot tub. He looked into Shane’s eyes looking back at his. He had never been happier. “What the fuck is going on in there Cliff!???!” He heard banging on the front door. “Cliff, are you ok? Is your fucking crazy roommate trying to kill you or what? OPEN THE DOOR, one of you or I will kick it in! Cliff? CLIFF!” They could hear the frenzy in Rich’s voice. He must have heard noise from his apartment below. “Shit, Shane. Rich will be through that door in a second. He’s strong as an ox and he probably thinks we are in some sort of fight. Shit.” “It’s ok Cliff.” Shane looked radiant. Shane slowly lowered Cliff from his careful suspension. As soon as he touched the ground, he moved quickly toward the front door to prevent a forced break-in, quietly closing the bedroom door behind him. Cliff grabbed a towel from the bathroom and wrapped it around his waist. He pulled the front door open and glared at Rich. “What the hell man? You should have called my phone or something. You didn’t have to come barging up here!” “It sounded like there was an animal dying up here man. And I could hear the bed move, and then it got even louder, like some rhino in heat or something man. Don’t get pissed that I’m watching out for you. That fucking weirdo roommate, man. I thought he was trying to kill you! You smell like cum, dude. What the…? Are you fucking that weirdo?” “Shut up, Rich. You don’t know what you are talking about. If you want to get your face punched, you’ll keep talking. Otherwise, shut up!” Rich stormed into the apartment. He was only wearing his boxer briefs and his muscles were all visible. He must have run up from his bed. The rooms and halls were empty anyway until the dorms started filling up the next day. “Where is that little fucker? I have a few things I need to say to him! Shane, Sean, whatever the hell your name is…Get out here. We’re gonna talk.” Cliff hadn’t seen Rich this angry for a long time. What was his problem? Just then, the bedroom door opened and out came Shane looking terrified as he had before. Cliff’s eyes bugged out. Shane came out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist as well. He looked thin and the same as when he arrived earlier that day. He locked eyes with Rich and then swung his glance over to Cliff. “Hey Rich. What’s up?” “I’ll tell you what’s up you little freak! You think you can just move in here all creepy and shit. Take off your clothes and play your victim role and Cliff falls for it. Then you crawl into bed with him and you trick him into fucking you. You make me sick! I’m going to beat the shit out of you, I swear to God.” “Rich! Stop it!” Cliff was moving toward him with his fists clenched. “If you have a problem with Shane, you have a bigger problem with me. Leave him alone!” The rage in Cliff’s voice was startling to everyone in the room, especially Rich who winced and stared at his friend. He had never heard that tone come from gentle kind Cliff’s throat. “What has he done to you Cliff? What has this little, ugly…” Cliff’s meaty fist connected with Rich’s jaw solidly. “Get out Rich.” Shane was standing with his mouth open staring at Rich’s face. Rich’s eyes were bugging out and his mouth was moving but no sound came out. A look of complete confusion spread across his face. He looked at Cliff and more than anger or rage, he looked at Cliff with hurt and confusion. He had never seen this side of Cliff in years. Cliff was his best friend. “Rich, I’m sorry, but you’d better go.” Rich grabbed ahold of his jaw and looked at Shane with an almost pleading look in his eyes then back at Cliff with the same look. Just as Rich had never seen Cliff with the look of complete rage in his eyes, Cliff had never seen Rich so submissive and confused. He walked to the door and quietly shut it behind him. Shane stood where he was staring at Cliff whose hand was still balled in a fist. There was concern mixed with confusion on his face. “Cliff, why did you do that?” Shane pleaded. “Why did you hit him?” “No one will talk to you like that when I am around. Someone finally needed to put him in his place. I will not allow someone to disrespect you like that. “ Shane walked over quickly to Cliff, dropping the towel around his waist as he did. He put his arms around Cliff and stretched up to kiss him. “Thank you for standing up for me. But don’t let me get in the way of you and your best friend.” He looked at Shane in the eyes again and saw them turning black, like swirls of ink in a whirlpool. “Cliff, you will need him on your side sooner than you think. I don’t know why, but I know this is true. You will need him. I will need him. Please go talk to him. He is down in his room. I can feel him. He is hurt from what you did as much as I have ever been in my life.” Cliff looked at Shane’s face. After all of the abuse he had faced in his life, physical and emotional, he was pleading with Cliff to go fix this. He really believed that Rich was important somehow and from what he had seen tonight, he was not about to question Shane. Cliff grabbed Shane’s hand and walked into the bedroom. “Get some clothes on Shane. You are coming with me.” Shane looked at Cliff and felt that Cliff was devastated from what he had done. “Ok Cliff.” He couldn’t deny Cliff a direct request and he knew that Cliff new best. They found themselves standing outside of Rich’s door a few minutes later waiting for him to answer. Cliff was holding Shane’s hand softly, carefully. He knew that Shane didn’t want to be here. He was trembling. He knew when there was a potential hostile situation. Rich opened the door in his underwear. He looked at Cliff directly in the eyes. His built muscular body, well-tanned from the summer, was slightly slumped. He looked defeated. “What do you want.” He didn’t even acknowledge Shane’s presence. “What Cliff? What do you want?” he repeated. His voice became more forceful and strained. The confusion that he had felt upstairs was starting to turn to rage. “Rich, we should talk.” “Fuck you, Cliff. And fuck this loser you’re with.” Cliff held onto Shane’s hand more tightly, squeezing it harder. “You know Cliff, I am going to kick your ass for that. YOU KNOW THAT, RIGHT!!?” Rich was yelling now. His hands clenching. Cliff stepped through the door with Shane in tow. “Rich, please. We need to talk.” “You are in MY house now! I don’t have to do as you say!” Rich roared. Cliff turned to close the door behind him, looking away from Rich to do so, his hand still holding onto Shane. Suddenly, Shane’s hand sparked. He could feel that same electricity that he felt when Shane was huge and muscular. The next thing that Cliff felt was Shane letting go of his hand. He heard the sound of meat on meat. The deep thud of tissue connecting with tissue. He looked up and Shane’s hand was cupped around Rich’s fist only an inch away from Cliff’s face. Rich had tried to crack Cliff in the head when he was closing the door. Shane had stopped him in his tracks. The look in Shane’s eyes was deadly. He couldn’t feel Shane’s emotions like Shane could sense his, but he knew that Rich was in a very very dangerous position. Shane’s eyes were swirling and Rich could see it too. “Don’t you touch him again,” Shane whispered. But it wasn’t an ordinary whisper. It sounded like a thousand thinly veiled threats covered with the finest silk. Deadly, powerful, and true. “What the hell?” Rich was staring at Shane’s eyes. He looked frightened. He couldn’t tear his eyes away. “Shane. Let go of Rich’s fist.” Shane looked over at Cliff. Their faces were close. It was a simple request. “Yes, Master.” Rich’s eyes almost popped out of his head. He looked apoplectic. He called Cliff “master?” Shane released Rich’s fist. It hurt. How tightly had that little guy been grasping his hand? It felt like it had almost been crushed. “We need to talk, Rich. There are some things that need to be said…First of all, Shane is with me now. You will never talk to him like you did earlier. You will have me to deal with and I will not stop with one punch next time. And I might just give Shane here permission to teach you a lesson. You got that?” “Holy shit, Cliff. What is going on here?” Rich still couldn’t believe the change in his friend. He had never seen Cliff angry like this. “You got that, Rich???” “Yes. But, what is happening.” He looked at Shane “Dude, you are strong! And what’s with those freaky eyes?” It wasn’t said with any spite… that’s just how Rich talks to everyone. Shane’s eyes had continued to swirl into blackness. Now he was staring at Rich like a snake does before striking. He was sizing him up. Cliff reached down and took Shane’s hand. “Rich, can we sit down?” “Fuck. Yes, I’m so confused and scared right now. Is Shane going to hurt me? He looks like he wants to.” Shane just kept staring at Rich, expressionless. “Shane, what do you feel from Rich?” “He is scared. You hurt him more than he wants to admit out loud. He is afraid of me but he doesn’t know why. More than anything, he is confused.” “Is he a threat?” “No, Master. He loves you very much and he will now tolerate me, I think.” “Who is this guy? ‘I love you very much?’ What does that mean?” Rich asked. “Shane can tell what you’re emotions are, Rich. He doesn’t lie.” They all sat down on the two couches facing each other in the small living area; Rich on one couch and Shane and Cliff on the other. It was Rich’s turn to feel like a caged animal. His beautiful tan surfer’s body was slumped over, hands on his knees looking at the two across from him. Cliff decided to speak first. “Hey man. We’ve been friends for a long time. Four years is a long time. You can be an asshole and you know it.” Rich nodded in agreement. “You need to let this one go. Don’t fight me on this Rich. Shane and I are together and that will not change. I need you to be ok with that. I know you just want to protect me since you don’t think I could know this guy. I mean, I did just meet him today, right?’ Rich nodded and started to say something. “Shane, show Rich a little of what you showed me earlier. You decide what that is, but he needs to know at least a little.” Shane didn’t question Cliff. He knew Cliff would know best in this situation. He stretched out is arm and raised his wrist up toward his shoulder with his hand pressed out in a fist. He looked quickly at Cliff and then back to his forearm. It exploded with writhing muscle and thick snakes coursing under the skin. His forearm grew and grew until it was the size of a gallon jug of milk but deeply divided. It looked like someone had taken a cheese grater to the muscles underneath. They looked inhuman and full of power unlike even what Cliff had seen earlier. No other muscles on Shane’s little body were experiencing the same growth. No others were expanding and pulsating with power. Shane was controlling the growth completely. Cliff reached over to stroke the cords that knotted up under the skin. Once again the veins seemed to reach out for Cliff’s touch. When he got close enough, there was that blue spark again and the muscles tensed and convulsed. He lay his open hand on the monstrous writhing beast of Shane’s arms and petted it slowly and softly, almost making a shush sound as he did so. The convulsive craze of his forearms calmed down, not all the way, but more than the frenetic first moments of Cliff’s touch. Rich’s mouth had dropped to the floor and there was a large wet spot on his underwear and a puddle on the ground. He couldn’t peel his eyes off of what he was seeing. Shane looked at Cliff. Their eyes were only inches away. Cliff was still stroking Shane’s forearm, settling the muscle contractions down. Cliff quickly glanced over to the couch across the small room to see Rich completely dumbfounded and staring at Shane’s one huge forearm. The wheels of his mind were working overtime attempting to process what was occurring. He looked at a complete loss. And Cliff noticed, he had pissed himself. He thought about making some cruel joke, but then thought better of it. How would he feel under the same circumstances? Cliff turned back to Shane who had never taken his eyes off of him. He was just waiting for Cliff’s command. An overwhelming feeling of well-being washed over Cliff. “How are you feeling, Shane? What are you thinking?” “I am thinking that I want to give you the world, and that I could do it, if you let me.” That comment surprised Cliff. He thought at first that it was just figurative speech, but immediately afterward, he wasn’t so sure. What was Shane capable of? What was his limit? Shane kept staring at him with those black eyes. He wasn’t smiling. He was contemplating how he would be able to give the world to Cliff. Cliff’s mind wandered and looked at Shane’s body with more lust than he had ever felt. He was horny, definitely. But what he had seen before, up in his bedroom, he wanted to see again. He glanced at the tight t-shirt Shane had put on to go downstairs to Rich’s apartment and all he thought was “Damn, I’d love to see you bust out of that shirt.” Immediately, Shane’s muscles exploded. Every single one of them instantly expanded, like a kernel of popcorn. Shane’s shirt ripped in 20 places in a matter of a second. Cliff moaned and reached out for Shane’s enormous body. He hadn’t gotten taller, but looked like he had gained 50 pounds of muscle. Shane reached up to touch Cliff’s face and just that action caused hundreds of waves of visible muscle fibers to stretch and flex. Rich let out a soft groan. He was the straightest man that had ever walked the campus—at least he liked to think so. But this moment was the hottest he had ever seen. Shane had blown up like a Mr. Olympia contestant in the middle weight class, but he was shredded so much further than he had ever seen any other human. And his vascularity was sick. Rich could almost see every muscle cell individually. They were so responsive to Shane’s movements that they seemed to be visibly waiting for their next orders. It was as if there was a hierarchy in the room. The one definitely in control was Cliff. Whatever Shane was, he was hanging on Cliff’s every word. Rich was immediately thankful that their personal fight seemed to be over. The young Adonis on the couch next to Rich’s best friend placed his hand on Cliff’s thigh and said simply, “I love you, Cliff.” And then expanded again. Every muscle was straining to fit under the skin of this muscle god. He still hadn’t grown in height, but another enormous amount of weight had been added to his frame. Rich could see Shane’s lats expanding beyond the confines of his shoulders and arms. Had he ever seen anyone’s lats push out far past the arm boundary? Now he had. Shane broke his stare with Cliff and looked now at Rich. His countenance turned dark and a touch menacing. “Do you want to fuck with me now, Rich? Do you? “ Shane had never felt like this. His body was electrified and he felt an inconceivable amount of power and strength flooding his body. He stood up and at under 6 feet tall, still looked like a mountain. He glanced at Cliff, almost apologetically. “Sorry, Master. I know you do not want me to harm your friend.” He looked back to Rich, “Rich, get me a knife.” Cliff looked at Shane incredulously. His monstrously muscular liege just said, “It’s ok, I want to show you something.” Rich was just standing there. He couldn’t move. Shane looked over to the kitchen and suddenly, every knife in Rich’s kitchen arose and flew toward Shane. Every one of them hitting his body with extreme force and speed. Cliff had just barely uttered a yelp when the blades were flying toward Shane’s exposed chest. They all hit at the same time and shattered when they contacted his skin. Shane picked up a piece of the blade edge of one of the broken knives and handed it to Cliff. “Have Rich try to cut me with this blade.” “No Shane. I’m not going to let anyone hurt you. You’ve seen enough of that in your life.” “Let me do it, Cliff.” Rich said. Rich reached out and took the blade from Shane’s hand. He put the sharp edge against Shane’s skin right above his wrist and pressed in and dragged it across the surface. The knife did not penetrate a millimeter. “Now Cliff, you try. You need to see this” Cliff picked up a small shard and placed it against Shane’s skin. He applied a small amount of pressure and immediately, Shane started to bleed. “Cliff, you have complete control of my body and my mind. I want you to understand that. Whatever you desire, I can give it to you. You have complete control.” They heard lightening outside again. “Rich, we need to leave. Shane and I have some things to discuss. I wanted you to understand the situation, and I think that you do. You are my best friend and you will be. Shane, let’s go.” “Shane, I hope to get to know you better. I will try not to be an asshole to you and I am sure that if I am, you will let me know.” Rich was trying to smile, but he was scared shitless of the fireplug of hard writhing meat in front of him. In the hallway, Cliff said to Shane, “Let’s go to the weight room. My RA card can get us in. I want to see how strong you are.” They walked down the hall and out of the building, Shane with his bulging muscles exposed. The sports complex sits directly north of the football stadium. Cliff and Shane walked quickly from their dorm building on the hill overlooking lush grass fields of lower-campus and turned south on the path that would take them to the weight floor of the complex. They held hands the entire way – one beefy senior hand in hand with a slightly shorter but enormous junior. Those out jogging in the storm were caught off guard when they encountered the thick couple making their way down the path. Shane hadn’t had time to put on a shirt and he was beginning to get cold. Cliff attempted to put his arm around Shane’s massive shoulders to keep him warm. They hardly said a word to each other the whole walk down, but Cliff had a determined look on his face. Shane, in his muscular body, looked proud – not of himself, but of his closeness and relationship to Cliff. Everyone loved Cliff and Shane couldn’t believe that he was a part of such an amazing guy’s life. Even in just the short distance from the dorms to the fitness center, they encountered several people that wanted to stop and talk to Cliff. Everyone seemed to know him and wanted to say hi. Everyone who passed smiled at Cliff and stared wide-eyed at the shirtless mammoth that he had his arm around. Looking at his eyes, several of them let out a yelp and quickly walked away. When others stopped to see how his summer had been, he was polite and kind, but deftly handled the interactions with grace, all the while excusing himself and Shane from a more lengthy discussion. Thank goodness for the rain. They arrived at the fitness center. Cliff’s arm was still around Shane’s massive and stout shoulders. He had always thought of himself as a protector and in that role, he had become even more fiercely protective about Shane. He was even trying to keep him from getting a chill in the rain. He swiped the key card and his credentials popped the door open. They walked inside and walked to the right toward the dark, empty, weight area. Cliff walked over to the bench press. He really wanted to see what Shane’s ripped legs and perfectly round ass could do, but decided to start with the chest. He grabbed a plate and put it on the bar. Shane, who had never been in a gym before, watched inquisitively. He let Cliff load up the bar with 4 plates on each side of the bar. That would add up to good weight and considering Shane’s muscular development, it seemed a high but appropriate amount. Cliff asked Shane to lay down on the bench and coached him on his positioning. Shane grabbed ahold of the bar as instructed and lifted the bar up. Shane didn’t appear to be straining at all. Cliff stood at the head of the bench and helped guide the bar into starting position. “Now, lower the bar toward your chest to your nipples, let it touch lightly, and push up with your chest. Go slowly but steadily and focus on the muscles you are trying to isolate. Breath in while lowering, and exhale when raising the bar. Try to move smoothly and deliberately. I will help you out if you cannot move the weight or you begin to tire. That’s what a spotter does.” Shane lay down on the bench, bare chested and massive. His lats spilled over the side of the bench, and his traps and other back muscles prevented his head from laying flat. He was looking at a slight angle backward and when he opened his eyes, he was staring up at Cliff’s ample package protruding slightly from his shorts. He could see the outline of Cliff’s flaccid cock and the slight ring mark that signified the head of his penis. Shane felt waves of care, love, and lust flowing from Cliff toward him. He smiled. Although he wasn’t sure if he could lift the weight as carefully and fluidly as Cliff wanted, he knew that he could do it: Cliff knew he could do it so he had no question. He would do anything Cliff asked him to and he didn’t feel that there was a limit. Shane slowly lowered the weight. It was surprisingly light, almost like lowering a can of soup in both arms. He touched the bar to his chest. Cliff had his hands an inch or two under the bar and was squatting slightly to offer assistance if Shane needed help. In that position, Shane smelled a wave of testosterone-laden clean and fresh musk emanating from Cliff’s groin. He smelled like man, and fresh cut hay, earthy, and something naughty. Shane breathed in the smell of Cliff’s crotch and groaned softly. He felt a wave of pleasure beginning to swell in his chest and radiate down his abs and settle in his cock and he started to get hard. He loved Cliff’s man-smell almost as much as he loved everything else about him He held the weight at his nipples—which were now hard and standing up. And began to push expecting it to be difficult. Cliff did say that he would be lifting over 400 pounds. The bar just felt like a small amount of resistance. He lifted it up easily. Cliff shuddered and he started getting hard as well. Looking down at Shane’s smiling face and down toward his bulging pecs, he noticed that the muscle fibers looked like thousands of tiny strings being pulled taught just under the skin. The veins that honeycombed Shane’s skin over his chest were writhing but it was obvious that Shane felt no strain. If he could push this much weight up without any effort at all, what was he capable of? Shane pumped out 20 more reps, quickly. He was almost giddy with excitement at Cliff’s astonishment and pleasure. He racked the bar and sat up beaming and spun around on the bench to meet Cliff’s eyes. Cliff looked so pleased. “Did I do a good job, Cliff? I thought that looked like a lot, but I didn’t even feel it!” “You did great, Shane.” Cliff now had a fully erect cock trying to get out of his shorts. Shane looked down and smiled again. “I am so happy that I can make you happy. I’m glad that you like this size. I know that I can get so much bigger and stronger. I can tell that you would like that too.” “Shane, I like you how ever you are. But I told you that I love muscles, and I love yours especially. You are so beautiful. And fuck! You are strong… like freaky strong, I can tell. I don’t want you to be afraid of losing me as you grow bigger and more powerful. I don’t want to hold you back.” It suddenly donned on Cliff that he had only met Shane earlier that day. His whole life was different now and would be forever. Shane stared into Cliff’s eyes with those big pools of blackness. “Master, everything I do from this day forward in my life will be for you. I am completely at your mercy and only exist to fulfill your wishes and desires. You are not holding me back. You are giving me the only reason that I have ever had to exist in this world. No matter what happens to me as I continue to grow and become stronger, it will all be for you and because of you. Please don’t think that you are holding me back or giving me anything less than exactly what I need.” Shane stepped over to Cliff, stuck his big meaty hand down Cliff’s shorts and grabbed ahold of his cock. “I can tell you want this, Master. I will make you feel better than you have ever felt before, just standing here.” Shane applied the slightest pressure to his grip and Cliff moaned deeply. The veins on Shane’s arms leapt up toward the surface and suddenly Cliff felt a deep pulse of pleasure coursing through Shane’s hand and into his erectness. “Holy shit. What is that?” Cliff could feel something like electricity, but it was silky and smooth, and pure sex. He looked down and saw those little blue sparks swarming between Shane’s hand and his own tumescent member. Shane looked at him and simply responded, “I don’t know. This is new for me too.” Cliff bit his lip and his eyes rolled into the back of his head. He had never felt a feeling like this before. It was as if his entire body was feeling the pulsing of an epic orgasm, but the wave just kept coming, the pulse kept going and becoming more and more intense. He grabbed ahold of the hulking biceps that were irresistibly within reach. Those pulses of energy and lust ripping through him in waves, starting with Shane’s hand on his cock and radiating out from there. Shane looked like he was enjoying himself as well. He was getting lost in the moment staring at his master. He was moaning and started to quiver with waves of hot energy. Deep groans began emanating from his throat. Cliff pulled out of his stupor and thought “Shane. Fuck Shane, this is amazing. Show me how strong you are.” He looked directly into Shane’s dark eyes. Shane took his hand off of Cliff’s cock and grabbed a 45# plate from the rack. The thing was solid iron. He placed his hands around the edge in a 9 and 3 o’clock position and applied downward pressure. The muscles in his arms and chest exploded out as he increased the pressure slightly. He wasn’t even straining yet. With a slight grunt, he pushed down harder. Cliff reached his hand over and softly placed it in the deep valley that formed between his tricep and delt. He could feel the muscles were under unrelenting tension and were hard beyond anything that he had felt before. As hard as the iron plate, but warm with soft skin. He looked again at Shane, his hand on Shane’s body and said with authority, “Bend it, Shane!” A wild look jumped into the beasts eyes and once again a wave of growth began in earnest all over Shane’s body. While it wasn’t as impressive as had happened in Rich’s room only a half-hour ago, it was still noticeable. Deepening chasms spread along muscle fault lines, the deep canyon between Shane’s angry pecs became deeper as the muscles bloomed out even more. The double head of his biceps swelled and the separation of the bicep bellies became even more pronounced. Shane’s neck thickened and the serpentine veins flowing over its surface pulsed with liquid godhood. His traps rose and crowded into the side of his head up to the level of his ears. It looked like he didn’t have a neck anymore. His legs ballooned out and the long cords of muscle expanded in width and definition until Cliff started to wonder if his anatomy had changed. His legs were so defined and huge it began to look as if single muscles began to develop muscle groups of their own. That was how ripped Shane was becoming. The ubiquitous watershed of veins were so distinct all across the surface of his body, their entire circumference appeared to wander over the top of the surface of the muscle with only the thinnest skin holding them against his body. Following some of them with his finger tip, Cliff noticed areas where the vessels ran across the surface and then plunged into the hard surface, feeding what was below with Shane’s beast blood. God, he was so turned on. Cliff could feel his cock pressing against the skin of his shaft. The meat of his dick wanted to escape the confines of its skin cage. He had never felt this turned on before. He wanted to be inside Shane. He wanted Shane to smother him and become part of him. He wanted to become one with the monster Shane was becoming. Fucking wouldn’t be enough. He desired Shane with such great intensity; he felt that he would rather give up air or water as long as he could keep him close. Shane looked straight ahead, crazed. Cliff kept his hand on Shane’s ever-more-muscular body. “Bend it, Shane.” He whispered again, softly, sexually. A burst of electricity seemed to erupt all over Shane’s body, following the course of the serpentine vessels. An intensely blue/white network of stable lightning seemed to hover just over Shane’s skin. The arcs ran right up to Cliffs hand that still rested on Shane’s upper arm. He took his other hand and placed it on his lover’s cheek and the energy currents parted to allow his hand access to Shane’s skin. Shane looked at Cliff and gasped. His eyes were still as black as ink, but inside of them looked to be a lightening storm. Jagged mini-bolts of blue flashed in the darkest recesses of Shane’s eyes. He looked completely calm now and waited for the electricity to dance across every inch of his skin for a moment longer. He appeared to be growing slightly taller, a good aesthetic look considering the musculature Shane had developed over the past few seconds. He blinked at Cliff, smiled, and simply said, “I will.” The blue currents appeared to soak into his skin. He applied the lightest pressure to the iron plate held in his hand and it bent and then shattered. Shane and Cliff both groaned. Cliff pulled down Shane’s shorts and then his own right before both of them shot their thick hot cum all over each other. They stood there, arms wrapped around one another, Shane having grown a few inches in the last spurt was now over 6 feet tall and just taller than Cliff. He wrapped his arms around his roommate and sent waves of his emotions into the man. Love, belonging, protection, and lust flooded into both of their bodies, each contributing his own part of the equation. Cliff had his arms around Shane’s abdomen and buried his face into the enormous striated half-globes that erupted outward from Shane’s chest. They looked as if they had been painstakingly etched from solid metal, but as Cliff placed his head on them, they conformed to his face as if they, themselves--Shane’s enormous razor sharp defined pecs—were giving him a hug. Cliff stroked Shane’s cobra-like back and just held him. After a few moments, Cliff pulled his head away from Shane’s stone pillow chest and looked directly in his eyes. “What the hell was that?” and gave him the widest smile he could. “I don’t know, but I have a feeling I am just getting started. I am so glad that I have you now to guide me and protect me. Master Cliff, I love you so much. You are perfect.” All Cliff could do was hug his god-sized friend closer. Reaching up and giving his a kiss on the lips, he grabbed Shane’s big paw and said, “Let’s go.” They began walking across the sports fields hand in hand, not saying a word. Lightening was dancing in the sky overhead. Cliff could feel Shane’s emotions coming through his touch. He was reliving his life before he met Cliff that morning. He could sense that he was still that hurt, sad, unappreciated boy that he had always been growing up. He could feel that Shane believed that Cliff was far too good for him and that he deserved to be with someone of his quality. For as powerful and beautiful as he was physically at the moment, he was still that scared kid inside. “Cliff, I don’t think I can live without you now. What has happened over the past few hours has cemented our lives together. I don’t know what’s happening to me, but it is all because you were kind to me and love me. You are making me the man that I am becoming.” Cliff just looked over at him and squeezed his hand a bit harder. The only feeling he had now was pure joy. He stopped walking and leaned up again to his now-taller roommate and kissed him again. Softly, delicately. Shane let out a guttural roar that Cliff was not expecting. His body quivered again and began seizing. “Shane! Shane!” Cliff cried desperately not knowing what was happening. “Oh my god! Shane, what’s wrong.” Just then, Cliff noticed that the rain had stopped. He looked up in the sky to see the lightening from the surrounding clouds was beginning to shoot toward a center point directly over their heads. It appeared as if a lake of white hot plasma was forming a couple of thousand feet in the sky fed by increasingly strong lightning bolts ripping clouds apart as they struggled to reach this singularity. Shane was still shaking. Cliff was terrified, not because of the strange event in the sky, but because he felt that his heart would die if Shane didn’t come out of this alive. He had never felt that sort of fear for losing something. He struggled to hold Shane upright. Shane was so strong and he was twitching and writhing out of control. “Stop Shane! Stop!” he was getting frantic. The convulsions stopped immediately and Shane stood there, looking ahead, but with no expression on his face. Suddenly, the lightening in the sky stopped for a brief moment and an enormous bold shot directly out of the pool of white-hot plasma down to the ground and smashed into Shane’s body. Cliff was blown thrown up in the air and away. Shane shot a look at Cliff as he was being tossed from the pressure of the bolt connecting. He extended his arm before Cliff hit the ground. Although Cliff was a good twenty feet away from Shane, he could feel Shane willing Cliff not to smash into the ground. Instead, he looked back to see Shane’s outstretched arm pointed toward him and a warm solid feeling of being supported in the air and being drawn back toward the epicenter of the strike—Shane. The bolt suddenly disappeared and left the two of them standing again together as the rain started pouring down again. “Shane. Are you ok? Can you hear me?” Cliff reached out to steady Shane. He had a blank look on his face and Cliff thought that he might be about to pass out or fall down. “Can we go home please, Cliff?” “Yes. But are you ok?” He looked at his master and smiled. “Yes. I am more than ok.” They started walking back toward the forested hill and the path that would lead back to the dorms. They didn’t speak. Whatever had happened back there to Shane, Cliff wanted it to be on Shane’s terms what and when he decided to share what he had experienced. Cliff grabbed Shane’s hand again. He was still huge and massive. He could give a heavily armored tank a challenge, Cliff thought. “Is there anything you would like me to do, Master?” Shane asked. His voice seemed deeper and more masculine. It almost sounded like a landslide and a freight train took human form--both unstoppable and immutable. It was a simple question. He was thinking all sorts of nasty and depraved thoughts about what he wanted to do to Shane. The man was a distillation of every dream imaginable that Cliff had ever had. All the hundreds of times he had jerked-off, he had never dreamed of someone like Shane. Shane was more than all of those dreams combined – and he was real. Cliff looked over at the thick beast walking next to him. He giggled a second and flippantly said, “Yes, I want you to demolish that tree” pointing to a large cedar a hundred feet tall clinging to the hill just off the path. Shane nodded in agreement. Cliff was only kidding, but Shane was dead set on giving it a try. The tree was enormous. If joining hands, three people Cliff’ size could not wrap all the way around the tree. It was immense. Shane walked to the base and put his arms around it, not coming close to the size he would need. Suddenly, he began to grow ever so slightly. He moaned and threw his head back with his eyes closed. Standing before Cliff was an 8-foot tower of the thickest muscle. Ever fiber of Shane’s expanding body exploded. Shane had his back to Cliff and Cliff could see ridges of muscle expanding along Shane’s spine. Mountainous lumps of pure power moved and stretched across his back forming what Cliff thought to look like a cobra, but infinitely thicker and more powerful. Shane’s calves exploded in size and definition looking much like angular vascularized car tires. They were huge. Suddenly, Shane’s size permitted his hands to touch on the other side of the tree. He encircled the trunk with his huge fucking arms and Cliff saw a wave of power spread across Shane’s back and through his arms in what looked like an intense bear hug. The base of the tree exploded in thousands of pieces. It began to lean and Shane pulled another section of the tree into his embrace and once again, upon pressure, another 20 feet of the tree shattered. He continued to do this process until the tree was reduced to small shards in a pile all around Shane’s massive body. He turned around. His shorts had long-since ripped away from his body. He stood there, naked, huge and a dozen feet tall, with a massive erection. “Is that ok, Master?” he sheepishly asked. He looked as if he was worried that he had done it wrong. “Shane, come over here.” Cliff reached out to gather Shane in his arms. He realized that Shane’s hard manhood was close to face level with him now, but he wrapped his arms around Shane’s legs, his hands connecting directly under the most ripped and beautiful set of glutes Cliff dared imagine. “You did it perfectly. Now come back down to a more manageable size for me and lets get home.” Shane slowly decreased in size until he became the small, thin version of himself that he had been when they first met. Cliff was suddenly aware of the unfathomable power, strength, and beauty that was bound up in the body standing next to him. Cliff bent over and picked up the ripped shorts that lay on the ground and said, “Can you fix these so you have something to wear for the rest of the walk?” Shane took the shorts in his hands and drew his finger along the ripped seams. Blue sparks flew out and heated the polyester fibers into a new seam. He pulled the shorts on and they began to walk back. “Shane, what do you want? Is there anything you want right now? You asked me just a few minutes ago, and now there is one less tree in the world,” Cliff chuckled. “Is there anything I can do for you?” Shane looked sheepishly at Cliff. He had the power of innumerable men and the ability to grow into a monstrous muscle beast and yet he was so concerned about what Cliff would think of him. “I don’t want to say.” “Shane, tell me what you want.” “Ok, Cliff. I can’t resist a command from you.” He had the look of an unpopular high school kid who was about to ask the hottest girl in school to the prom. “I want you to fuck me, Cliff. And then I want to fall asleep in your arms.” Cliff’s face broke in half with a huge smile- the smile that he was so well known for. “I think we can take care of that.” They hurried back to their dorm room. Entering the bedroom, small Shane pushed the beds together and jumped into the shower for a quick minute to wash off the mud and wood dust from the cedar tree. Cliff opened the door to the bathroom and stepped into the shower, naked, with his lover. They kissed and Cliff asked Shane to grow a little, to fill out, and add some of that sexy muscle. Shane of course complied. They toweled each other off and walked hand-in-hand to the bedroom. “I’ll be right back. I’m going to grab a couple of glasses of water. I’m parched.” Cliff wheeled around and walked into the kitchen. “It’s a bit cold in here, isn’t it Shane?” he yelled from the other room. “Ya. Oh, weird. One of the panes on the window has a big hole in it.” “Well, with all of the new guys moving into the dorms tomorrow, it’ll probably be a while before maintenance can come and fix it. I’ll put it on the work order sheet,” Cliff said as he walked into the room. He noticed Shane had returned to his small size again. He held out a glass for Shane. “Thank you, Cliff.” “You shrunk down again.” Cliff said quizzically. “I think it would be nice to start out at this size and then I can add size and muscle as you want me to. It can be like a game. I think that would be fun.” His face flushed. “I mean, I can get huge now again if you want me to though. Whatever you want, Cliff.” “No. You are right. I think it will be so fucking hot to watch you grow as we have sex. Damn! That’s such a brilliant idea. Now come over here.” Cliff felt a little breeze come through the hole in the window. He looked over at it. “Weird. It looks almost like a perfect circle. Hmmm.” He leaned in to give Shane a deep wet passionate kiss – like Shane had never experienced before. He touched his lips to Shane’s and opened up his mouth. At that moment, he heard a whooshing sound and a small thud. Shane pulled away. He stared into Cliff’s eyes with pure fear. Cliff looked back and then noticed a small hypodermic needle sticking out the side of Shane’s neck. Someone had shot it through the hole in the window. “No, no, no, no, no…” Cliff kept mumbling to himself, as Shane looked more and more afraid. Shane tried to speak but couldn’t form the words. His eyelids were beginning to flutter. He collapsed. “Oh my god! Who did this?! No, no, no, no.” Cliff knelt down next to Shane and kissed him on the lips pulling the syringe out of his neck. “I love you Shane. I love you!” He started to cry just as a canister flew through the window and began releasing a mist. “What the fuck? Shane. Shane!” The last thing he heard was the room of the dorm getting kicked in, wood splintering. Then for the second time in one night, his world went dark. ================================================================================= ================================================================================= Part III “God, this hurts,” Cliff thought to himself. The room was completely black. He couldn’t tell where he was or what was around him. The air smelled musty and a bit like dirt. A certain odor was in the air—an odor he could not place, but resonated with his past somehow. “Where am I?” He heard a rustle to his left. It didn’t sound like much, but it seemed like something or someone was close, breathing shallowly. Then he heard a very slight groan. It was almost imperceptible. “Hello…” He asked the darkness to respond. “Who’s there?” Silence. He then became aware of his position. A sharp pain started radiating from his wrists. It felt as though shackles were holding his arms above his head; the sharp edges digging into his skin. His shoulders hurt. He tasted the warm metallic flavor of blood in his mouth. He could sense that his feet were touching the ground, but only barely. “Uhhhhhhgh.” The darkness spoke again. The breathing and sounds were coming from only a few feet away. He heard another rustle of slight movement. “Hello? Shane? Is that you? Shane, are you ok? What is going on?” Silence. The metal bands clasping his wrists together were hurting more and more. They were almost suspending him in air. If he thrust his heels into the ground, the shackles dug in further. He was given just enough length of chain to stay alive, but could not move. He realized that now. “Cliff?” The voice was garbled. It sounded like someone speaking underwater or with a mouthful of food. He heard his name, but couldn’t tell who it had come from. “Cliff?” the voice questioned again. He knew in that instant that the voice did not belong to Shane. Panic ripped through his soul. “WHERE IS SHANE?” he desperately replayed any events that he was aware in his mind. The last thing he remembered was that Shane had been struck by a hypodermic needle that had been delivered to his neck through the hole in the window. He remembered collapsing and seeing a mist erupt from a canister that had also found its way into the bedroom. And then the sound of cracking wood as the door had been broken down. “Hello? Who are you? Where is Shane?” The panic of Shane’s absence was swelling inside of Cliff. He felt wave after wave of fear and worry. Someone had kidnapped him and done God-knows-what to the man that had become his second half in only a day. He began thrashing against the shackles that bound his wrists, his meaty body trying to break free without even knowing his surroundings. “Cliff…” The voice whispered. It sounded like it was in pain. He could hear wincing and gurgling. Whoever it was that was next to him, he was in worse shape than Cliff. “Yes. It’s Cliff. Who is it?” He repeated. “How do you know my name? Where are we?” “Help me, Cliff. It’s Rich. I think I am bleeding.” Cliff then heard a muffled cry. “Rich? How the hell did you get here?” “I have no idea. The last thing I remember…um, I was in my apartment about to fall asleep…I heard a huge crash upstairs in what sounded like your place. It didn’t sound like those sex noises from before…” Rich went silent. Cliff realized that the strange gurgling sound he could hear was probably blood in Rich’s mouth. The air hung heavy with the sweet and sickly smell of iron. “Rich? Are you ok?” “Yes. Sorry. It hurts so badly….So, I went upstairs to see what the loud crack was. I came around the corner and thought your door was open but when I got closer, I realized that the door had been ripped off its hinges. Then I saw men dragging Shane out…then you. That’s the last thing I remember.” He spoke slowly and deliberately. Rich was in pain. “I am so sorry I got you into this, Rich.” “Into what?” “I have no idea. But for whatever reason you are here, it is because of me, or Shane…or me and Shane. I am so sorry.” “Fuck man. Don’t be sorry. We need to find out what is going on though. I think I’m hurt pretty badly.” Just then, they both heard the opening and slamming of a door, the flick of a light switch, and then saw the warm yellow of halogen lights. They were inside of a giant shed. It looked like so many of those that Cliff had worked in as a kid out on the farm. Most stored potatoes or other root crops from the harvest. They had a particular earthy smell. That is what he was remembering. “Hello, gentlemen. I hope you are not too uncomfortable.” The voice was deep and masculine, but also melodic and animated. Cliff turned his head over towards Rich. He could feel the soreness in his neck. Rich was suspended, much like he felt he was, with his arms raised up and clasped together by iron shackles dangling down from the ceiling. His face was bloody and swollen. There was dried matted blood in his hair. His eyes were swollen closed and bright red and purple. It looked like he had been in a boxing match with a world-class competitor and had done so without any protection or training. He looked positively ghastly. “Who the fuck are you, asshole?” Rich attempted to sound tough but there was debilitating pain in his voice. The man who had walked in was inspecting the two friends. He was looking at them with dark brown eyes that looked sinister and terrifying. Not a tall man, he was thin but sinewy and much more physically adept than he appeared. “You…” he pointed to Rich. “You just got in the way. Now, shut your fucking face!” The man, standing close to Rich, cocked back his arm and proceeded to punch Rich in the gut. There was a deep thud. Cliff heard Rich moan. “Bring in the subject!” the man shouted to the empty air. A large door opened on the other side of the massive cellar. The door was about the size of four normal home garage doors. The sun streamed through the open doorway about 100 feet away. A small group of men walked in pushing a young man in his early twenties toward Cliff and Rich. He thought for a moment that it was Shane in his reduced form, but it wasn’t. He could tell by the way this one walked. The group got closer to the two dangling men and the asshole in-charge. “Jack, come here!” The asshole said to the group. The young man—who looked very confused and out of place—approached carefully and slowly. He looked terrified. “Jack, come closer to Cliff here. You two will become good friends, I have no doubt.” The thin awkward young man got even closer. He looked at Cliff in a terrifying way. He looked so afraid. Cliff thought he recognized him…from some distant memory. They were about the same age he thought, but Jack was much more frail. “Jack…reach out and touch Cliff. It doesn’t matter where. Just touch his skin.” Jack hesitated. He didn’t know what was happening. He then slowly started to extend his hand out. When it got just a few inches away from Cliff’s exposed chest, Jack moaned. Cliff could see veins racing to the surface of Jack’s skin. And Jack began to grow. Not much, but it was noticeable. His shirt slowly filled out more and mounds of muscle began to show themselves against his small shirt. Cliff spat on the ground. Jack looked directly at him with a face of complete surrender and awe. Beginning to rub his expanded pecs, Jack smiled slightly at Cliff and Rich. He knew something. The smile was genuine and was meant for only them to see. When he turned to the man, he went stone-faced again and simply asked, “What was that?” He still looked terrified. One of the men from the group that had escorted Jack into the giant cellar walked up to him, placed his hands on Jack’s shoulder and turned him away and started walking again toward the giant open hangar door. “Who was that?” Cliff questioned under his breath. “We have been waiting a long time to meet you, Cliff. We have been watching your friend, Shane for years. You see, he has a…condition.” The mention of Shane’s name from this sinister man made Cliff’s blood boil instantly. He glanced over at Rich with arms suspended in the air. Rich looked more worried than Cliff had even felt. Rich glanced over at Cliff with those horribly swollen eyes. He looked angry. Where Rich felt concerned, Cliff looked like he could set the place on fire with his anger. Rich had always been a hothead, but in this moment, the rolls were clearly reversed. “Shane started to really change when he moved in with you. It only took a few hours with you for him to evolve into something that we did not expect. We were able and willing to sit back and watch his development until last night when he did something quite remarkable. He absorbed the energy from an entire thunderstorm. For all that we have seen leading up to yesterday, we had never seen anything like that. He is exceeding our expectations.” Cliff’s mind was reeling. “Who is this ‘we’ that has been observing Shane? Why had they brought that scared little guy in and had him touch Cliff? Why had Jack expanded with muscle when they touched? And why had he smiled afterward – a smile that was only meant for Rich and Cliff to see?” Cliff had a million questions and as many theories attacking his brain at once. “Why is my buddy here? He doesn’t know anything,” Cliff motioned with his head toward Rich. “You are right. He doesn’t, but I felt that he could be used as collateral…as protection for my investment. You fuck me over, and I will end him. How does that sound?” The boss looked quite proud of himself. He didn’t look too much older than Cliff, maybe late twenties. Cliff felt something well up inside of him. “Where is Shane?” his voice thundered. He was starting to get frantic. “That’s enough for now.” The man walked over to the suspended prisoners, cocked back his arm and delivered a bone-cracking blow to Cliff, right across the left cheek. “Load them into the truck!” he bellowed. Rich and Cliff heard boots approach behind them and then bags were placed over their heads. They were lowered to the ground and told to walk forward. The escorts placed their hands on the prisoners’ shoulders and guided them for several minutes. Cliff knew that they had arrived outside. The smell of damp earth evaporated and he could feel the warmth of the sun. “There are steps in front of you. Climb up and get into the back of the truck!” barked a man with a deep thunderous voice. Cliff knew that it was the man who had been guiding him outside – the voice was just beside his ear. They sat down in the bed of the truck, blindfolded and fettered. “They could hear the two escorts climbing into the cab of the truck and Cliff assumed that they were now alone. “Rich, we have to find Shane. We have to figure out how to get free and find him,” Cliff said in a hushed tone. “No shit.” “I think I can help with that,” a voice said from a couple of feet away. “Who the hell are you?” Rich growled. The bags were still over their heads. “It’s Jack. What the fuck did you do to me? I touched you and I put on like 10 pounds of muscle immediately. And I can tell I am fucking STRONG! I can feel it. I don’t know how, but I know that I could rip those chains right off your wrists. Fuck. What did you do to me? Who are you?” Cliff paused. His wheels were turning. They were in a very dangerous situation and he needed to assure their safety as well as figure out where Shane was and how to free him. “Well, tell him something!” barked Rich. “Jack, my name is Cliff. I don’t know why my touch can do that to you, but I have a friend. Well, he’s more than a friend. The same thing happened to him when I touched him-but to an infinitely greater degree. Jack, are your hands free?” “Yes. I might have gained 10 pounds, but I am still a scrawny guy. They don’t see me as a threat I guess. But I am now. I can feel it. I feel like I have electricity raging through my muscles. They fucked with the wrong guy. They kidnapped me yesterday and I have no idea where I am. Its my mom’s birthday and I am pissed I am missing the party.” Cliff rolled his eyes underneath his head covering. Jack had absolutely no idea what was happening. He was mad that he was missing a party. Seriously? “Jack please listen very carefully to me. I want you to touch me again. I hope that my theory is true and that you will get significantly stronger when you do.” “No fucking way. Are you serious? That would be amazing. “ “Cliff, are you sure you know what you are doing? We don’t know anything about this guy. He could get blow up huge like Shane did and knock our fucking heads off with a single shot. I don’t know, man. Seems like a big risk.” Jack just looked at Cliff. Cliff could sense him probing his emotions, just as Shane did when they first met. “Hey Jack. One question. Are you adopted?” Cliff didn’t know why he asked. It was just a thought that came into his mind. “Ya. I don’t know my biological parents. I know nothing about them. I was sent around to really shitty foster homes for most of my life. Its like I couldn’t catch a break. But the family I was placed with when I was 16 turned out to be amazing. That’s why I want to be at my mom’s birthday today. I promised her I would never miss one. I don’t intend on missing this one. A promise is a promise.” Cliff probed Jack’s voice for any sign of wavering. “Cliff, I can tell you are worried about me and about the risk you are taking. I can also tell that whoever this Shane guy is, he is one fucking lucky guy. I have never in my life sensed so much worry and love and fear coming from someone. You seem like you are about to explode from the inside out, Cliff. “ Every word that Jack said resonated with Cliff to the core of his being. He didn’t know what the connection was, but he knew he could trust Jack. He knew that they had somehow been connected in the past. He couldn’t explain it though. “I am about to lose my mind. I am so worried about Shane.” Cliff’s voice cracked. He was glad that there was a covering over his face. Tears were beginning to well up in his eyes and he didn’t want to seem weak in front of Jack. He could give a fuck about Rich. Rich seemed to understand how much Cliff and Shane loved each other. “Rich, Jack. If we do this, we have only one shot. Rich, I trust him. I trust him completely. Somehow, I just know.” Rich nodded his head, but Cliff couldn’t see it. “So, I think I have an idea.” He paused a moment. “I hope you understand that we must find Shane. That is the most important thing.” His voice cracked. The worry was beginning to build now that he wasn’t hanging from those chains. He could focus less on the pain he had been in and more on what was needed to escape. He had no idea what he was dealing with, except that whoever had kidnapped them all was terribly organized and methodical. They had all obviously been watched and followed for some time. “Jack, I am going to have you touch me. I don’t know what will happen, but I hope you get stronger and bigger. We are going to need that. Then, I want you to rip the cuffs off of Rich, but not me.” “What? Fuck that, Cliff,” Rich spat. He wasn’t going to let that happen. “Listen. You and Jack here are going to jump out of this truck and head back to where we came from before we get too far away. I didn’t want to say anything, because I couldn’t be sure since I was in so much pain, but I know that Shane is back there. I could feel him. He is in pain and he is scared. You have to get back and get him out. Figure out a way.” “What about you, Cliff?” Jack had a concerned tone in his voice. They had just met, but Jack and Cliff had a connection since Jack had approached him in the massive shed. “They want me. That asshole back there mentioned that they just took Rich to keep a bargaining chip with me. If they have me still when we arrive wherever we are headed, they may give you just enough time to get Shane out. If I am gone, they will freak the fuck out. Then who knows. Shane and I are the primary hostages here. I need to believe that it will give you enough time to find him.” “Then what?” Rich sounded apprehensive. Cliff was clearly not thinking. “Come and find me. I have a feeling that if you can get Shane out of there, and you have Jack as well, you wont have a problem getting me out of whatever shit storm I am in. Just try to hurry. I don’t think they will like the two of you escaping. OK?” “Ya, whatever. Just don’t get yourself killed,” Rich sounded nervous. “Jack, reach out and touch me. You may feel strange. It’s ok.” Jack extended his finger tips and could barely reach Cliffs shackled arms. He felt a jolt of energy passing between them and then he looked down at his own arm. He saw cords of muscle rising out of his skin. They were stretching toward Cliff. He felt a burst of energy so strong; he thought he was going to crawl out of his own skin. He uttered a stifled moan. What had just happened? He felt so strong—stronger than before. He knew he could pry the metal bands off of Rich’s wrists easily, without even exerting any pressure. Fuck, he felt amazing. He felt another wave of emotion crash into him. This wasn’t about his power and strength. This was about Cliff. He knew at that moment, that he would do anything that Cliff asked of him. It wasn’t submission; it was respect. He had never felt this type of devotion before. He didn’t question it. It was just the natural order of things. There was something about Cliff. He would fight to the death for this man that he had just met. “Jack, how do you feel? Do you think you can break the cuffs on Rich’s wrists?” “Holy shit. Yes. I don’t think it will even require any effort. Are you sure you don’t want me to just release you too?” Jack felt an overwhelming responsibility to Cliff now. He was intensely worried that Cliff would be hurt somehow and maybe even killed. “Yes. If they discover I am gone, they will get on the radio and do god-knows-what to Shane. Maybe kill him. That can’t happen. Just find him soon. Jack, do you understand?” “I understand, Cliff. I will do whatever you ask me to...” Jack slowed and paused and then whispered, “..Master.” “What is it with these guys and calling you master? It’s fucking weird, man.” Rich was making his opinion known. Cliff couldn’t agree more, but he understood it on some level and felt comfortable with it now. He had changed a lot in the past day. “Now go. Jack, keep Rich safe. Rich, I am counting on you. You are my best friend and you are devious and manipulative enough to pull this off if you have any luck.” He could hear Jack shuffling over to the other side of the truck bed. He heard a loud cry from the iron being pulled apart. “Fuck, that is amazing. I could rip this entire truck apart without breaking a sweat. Damn! You can see my fingerprints in the metal!” Rich’s hands were free and he pulled the bag from his head. He looked at Jack. “Shit Jack, you must have put on 30 pounds in the past 20 minutes. Hey Cliff, what are you doing to these guys? Do you want me to take your mask off?” “No. Leave it on. I don’t want them to be unduly threatened by me or think I know where I am. Everything I am doing will hopefully buy you a few extra minutes to find Shane.” “Ok man. We will come back for you though. I don’t want to leave you!” Rich started to sound panicked. “Go Rich. Jump out of the truck. Go find Shane and get him to safety. Jack you do the same.” “Yes, Master.” Rich looked over to Jack and nodded. Jack curled his mouth into a smile and Rich saw dark clouds of black beginning to swirl in his eyes. “Jack, watch out for this guy. He has a way of getting into trouble.” Jack grabbed Rich by the nape of his neck, lifted him easily and dove out of the back of the truck. He wrapped his thin, but amazingly strong body around Rich’s as they tumbled to the ground. He would not allow anything to happen to Rich. He knew Cliff wouldn’t like that very much, and he didn’t think he would like anything to happen to Rich either. He liked the way Rich’s muscular body felt and how his tight narrow waist accentuated his round athletic ass. “Stop thinking like that, Jack!” he yelled in his mind. Rich wondered why Jack hadn’t blown up like Shane when he came into contact with Cliff again, but regardless, he was beastly strong, and had definition in his wiry muscles. “Damn. If Shane was around, all blown up like a fucking muscle monster, he could take on an army and not even worry about it!” Jack just though, “Who is this Shane guy?” He felt the slightest touch of jealousy. They were lying in the dust in the middle of fields as far as the eye could see. Jack still held Rich in a protective embrace as they had just stopped rolling after the jump. “Jack. There is something I want to say. I know you have this connection to Cliff now. I don’t understand it but I know it is there. You need to understand though, that I would die rather than let anything happen to Cliff. So as strong and powerful as your body has become in the past few minutes, there is no way that you can beat me in the motivation department. I just want to be clear. Don’t fuck this up.” Rich looked directly into Jack’s eyes that were now almost entirely black. Rich thought that they looked…beautiful. He forced the thought from his head. Rich had always forced those thoughts from his head. If he thought that a guy was cute or handsome (cute in this case), he drove it far out of his mind. Jack held Rich at arms length. They were sitting down in the dirt. “I have no doubt about that, Rich. You will need to prove that before this is over. And I can feel that you would back up your claim. Now, lets go get this Shane guy. I have my orders from Cliff. That’s all that matters now.” Jack put his arm around Rich’s shoulders and it felt as if warm cast iron lifted him to his feet. Jack just stared at Rich for a minute, not speaking. Rich let him stare. Somehow, it felt good and right. They started running down the dirt road they were on back toward the place where they had come from. They could see large semicircular mounds of metal rising out of the sky in the distance. Those were the storage sheds that they had just been in. Jack looked around as they were running. “That’s weird. I think I have been here before. I recognize the mountains off in the distance. Strange.” Something was resonating in Jack’s mind. He had been here. He knew it. They kept running. The sheds were getting closer. Those things were huge. It was so quiet. It didn’t look like anyone was around, but they both knew differently. Somewhere in this long row of enormous semicircular cellars was their prize. The wind picked up a bit and the dust started to blow. It was so hot. “Hey, lets just go systematically one to another and check things out. This place gives me the creeps.” Rich never appreciated surprises and he wasn’t happy sleuthing about what seemed to be some crazy-assed hidden research facility. He was not excited. Jack on the other hand seemed positively giddy. He could feel the strength of 100 men in one of his arms. It was addicting, like he imagined cocaine would be like – a pure rush. =============================================================================== The truck finally came to a stop. Cliff was so nervous, but he was more angry…much more angry. It was strange. In the quiet, alone by himself in the back of that truck, he could sense Shane and now Jack off toward the west. He could tell them apart. Jack was excited, almost thrilled. Shane was in immense pain and yet seemed very dull…he felt that Shane was slipping into sleep or something…he was “foggy.” It was a very small sense, but yes, they were both alive and they were both close to each other. His heart started racing. Rich and Jack would find Shane soon. He knew it. But now, he had to deal with god-knows-what when these guys found out he was alone in the transport truck. He heard one of the doors to the cab open and a heavy pair of boots hit the ground. He heard the stomp, stomp, stomp of the boots getting closer and then turn the corner. The asshole’s eyes bugged out of his head when he saw that the back gate of the transport truck had been torn off of the frame. How did that happen without him knowing!? His eyes glazed over and he turned blood red. Veins popped out on his neck and face. He was so angry; he looked like he was going to explode. “What did you do? WHAT DID YOU DO???” He roared, spitting venom out of his mouth. His fists clenched and he was radiating pure anger and outrage. “You are going to get it now you little piece of shit. I…AM…GOING TO END YOU!” The angry man stomped around back to the cab. He heard some yelling and Cliff assumed he was yelling at the driver. The truck started moving again slowly. He thought he heard it pass through a gate and pause. He heard mumbling and then the truck continued on, slowly. It came to a stop after a few minutes of driving. Cliff knew he was in deep shit. He started to fear for his life…he knew it might end at any moment. Then he was overcome with another thought. Shane. He had failed his lover. He had failed the person that walked into his life only a day before, and that he could not live without. His heart was breaking and his soul was shattered. All he could do was picture Shane in his mind, in all of his iterations. Shane when he arrived in the apartment, thin and scared. Shane when he caught his new roommate jacking off in the bed next to him. Shane’s massive road network of veins snaking under his shrink wrapped skin. Shane’s boiling muscles ripping out of every mold that he had ever considered to be normal for human anatomy. Shane completely obliterating the towering cedar tree with only the slightest of efforts. The look in Shane’s black ebony eyes after receiving a lightning bolt strike that fed something inside of him, like mother’s milk. All of these images flashed through his mind in a second. He threw back his head and howled, “SHANE, I LOVE YOU!!!!... I AM SORRY!” His voice sounded like a gigantic wounded animal. He heard someone climbing into the back of the truck, grabbing him by the arm of his shirt and tossing him out onto the ground. His shoulder hit first and he could feel something snap inside. A shot of intense sharp pain shot around his shoulder and into his neck. Then the steel-toed boots started wailing against his back, somehow finding a kidney on their first shot. Massive fists connected with his face and he could feel warm blood leaving his body. His mouth was warm with that metallic taste. “Shane, I am sorry,” he whimpered to himself again. He had failed his beautiful boyfriend. He could feel the boots kicking him indiscriminately. He knew that they would not stop his beating. Kicking. Punching. He knew that he was being reduced to a piece of hamburger. So, he let go of the pain and he let go of the worry. He just pictured Shane’s innocent face and found contentment in knowing that he was still alive only a few miles to the west. That is all that mattered. The others would find Shane and those three would be ok. He could let go. He felt himself losing consciousness. It didn’t hurt anymore as the fists and boots kept kicking him. He curled his lips in a slight smile and felt a tear form in the corner of his eye at the thought of never seeing Shane again. Shane looked so beautiful in his mind. He felt his other half’s love flowing through him. He began floating into Shane’s crystal black eyes. He was drowning in their love and devotion. And then he felt…PEACE. ==================================================================================== “How did you fucking do that, you freak?” Shane could almost hear the hate and fear in the man’s voice. A large muscular man was pacing next to a stainless steel table in a large sterile looking room. It looked like one of those tables that autopsies are performed on. There was blinding white light, white walls, white cupboards with glass panes so the lab equipment stored in them could be easily seen. There were medical instruments on movable carts. The room was cold and crisp, like an Arctic evening. It was silent and still except for the pacing man. “I am getting tired of asking you. HOW DID YOU DO THAT? The lightening! What the fuck was that!!!? The man bellowed in the large sterile room. His voice echoed on the hard walls. Shane laid motionless facedown on the table. An IV was placed in his right forearm and he was hooked up to a monitor. He could see it was a heart monitor on the screen. Everything was blurry and felt fuzzy. He could tell that he was drooling out of the corner of his mouth but when he tried to move, he couldn’t. His muscles felt like wet noodles and he felt resistance. He was in four-point restraints. He mumbled something and the man heard him trying to say something. “What was that you said, you little fuck? The man put his ear next to Shane’s small body and watched his lips. “WHAT did you SAY?” The man tried hard to listen. Shane was using every ounce of energy to say one word. He lifted his head slightly. His eyes were watering and he could feel that drool pooling next to his mouth. “Cliff.” He got the word out and his head fell back down, the table smashing against his cheek. “Oh, ya, your fag boyfriend. Well, don’t worry about him. It’s all about you now. You’d better start talking or things are going to look bad for you and your buddies. The man walked over to a drawer and took out a long needle. He pulled out a vial and flipped open the lid. He drew a liquid into the syringe and flicked the body of the syringe to dislodge the air bubble that clung to the inside. He walked over to Shane’s limp small body, grabbed ahold of the back of his arm and shoved the needle in. In a few minutes, Shane could feel his mind clearing a bit. “What did you give me?” he drawled slowly. “Narcan. It reverses opiate anesthesia. You’ll be feeling more chatty any moment.” Shane stared at the man with his black eyes. “What am I?” The man stopped pacing and looked at Shane lying prone on the table, helpless, and hopeless. “We honestly don’t know. Have you heard of the tests that the government carried out in the western United States in the early and mid 20th century?” Shane didn’t move. “No? Well, one of those tests was carried out here in Eastern Washington. The government, in their infinite wisdom, sent out shipments of corn flake cereal that had been dosed with high levels of radiation. How benevolent of them.” Shane was able to feel himself more now. He didn’t feel that he was in a dream state anymore. This was real. “So, some kids exhibited some pretty strange mutations in their development. Babies were being born with deformities, or other things. Some didn’t show any signs of change. Radiation fucks with your genetic material, right? You know that, right you stupid piece of shit?” The man was inches from Shane’s face and his puddle of drool. “You know who really got the treatment? Ya, you guessed it: The kids in orphanages or foster care. No one was keeping tabs on those little trilobites. They got DOSED!” The man smirked. Every word he said sounded like hate. “We were tracking the mutations as they were reported and most of the crazy shit was taking place in a few towns right in the middle of the state. Moses Lake, Othello, and Ritzville. All of them hick towns. But there they were…cases were popping up over and over. Most of them horrid birth defects, but then there were a handful of very strange occurrences. A few of you seemed to have another mutation…a defect…an abomination.” The poisonous tone of his words dripped out of his mouth. “You could manipulate your bodies somehow. It was so fucked up to see. We decided to watch you through puberty and beyond to see what developed from your freakiness. We made sure that you and the other kid that developed these particular mutations stayed in foster care and in particularly shitty placements. We didn’t want the families knowing we were watching or even giving you more of those tasty fucked up cornflakes. We were sure you spent your time with people who didn’t give a shit about you. Hell, it made our lives so much easier. Some shit head at the office lost track of the other kid in a foster home transfer and what do you know…he actually got a good fucking family. But the damage was done. He was a little freak anyway. And then there was you. We fed you so much of that poisonous shit, you may as well have started deep -throating a spent plutonium fuel rod. We couldn’t believe you survived the radiation we were giving you. But somehow you took it. It was like you liked all that decaying energy. You are such a fucking freak.” The man hated Shane. “And then one day, we noticed that you and that other kid exhibited some strange growth patterns. We had biosensors monitoring you. Of course they were rudimentary ten years ago, but we saw some crazy shit. You guys could expand your musculature and cardiovascular system easily, fluidly. We didn’t know how and we still don’t. But only in the last day did your readings get off the charts.” The man bent down and put his face an inch away from Shane’s. “And then we found someone else. Your lover boy. Your fag roommate. What are the fucking chances that you two would be put together at the university?” the man offered a mock laugh. He wasn’t laughing. He was disgusted. “Your buddy Cliff comes from that area. He’s a good strong corn-fed farmboy, isn’t he?! Ya, a real gem.” The man sounded sarcastic and almost snake-like. “We don’t know what his story is, but you seemed to respond to him like nothing we have seen before. It was like you walked into his room and you drank a 55 gallon barrel of Miracle-Grow. “ “Cliff...” Shane whispered. He was so overwrought with emotion. “Where was Cliff? Was he ok?” Shane thought to himself. A panic started to set into Shane’s being as he became more aware. “Ya, so your buddy Cliff is toast. We are going to take a shit-load of blood and tissue samples from him soon. I don’t think we’ll leave any blood in him. I told them to drain the fucker.” The man smirked. Shane started trying to wriggle around. He thought of expanding. He willed the beastly monstrous muscles right under his skin to follow his will. Cliff was in eminent danger and he had to get to him. Nothing. “Oh, and don’t try to hulk out on us. We have your muscles on a heavy-duty relaxant. Its usually used on horses and elephants, but we are using it on you. So go fuck yourself.” ====================================================================================== Jack and Rich were sneaking around outside of the compound. Jack had wanted to just go start punching his battle-ram fists through the walls of the sheds. Rich, as impulsive as he was, knew that would be disastrous. He wanted to take a few more minutes and observe. They had no idea what they would be walking into. He felt a firm touch on the small of his back. It scared him to death, practically. Jack was breathing heavy. “I can’t believe that I just touched this handsome jock god,” he thought to himself. He could feel the bulging cords of muscle running up the side of Rich’s spine. He could feel the small dimples on Rich’s lower back right above the space where his hard billowing glutes shoved off of his frame into a world-class ass. Jack felt himself getting aroused. This was neither the time nor the place. Lives were on the line…but he had never seen anyone more devastatingly handsome. Rich was amazing and he wanted to touch him. Rich on the other hand didn’t pull away, or even feel strange about it. It almost felt “natural” for a man’s hand to be there. And Jack’s hand was stronger than dozens of gym rats. The power oozing out of Jack and onto Rich was palpable and it felt good. Rich felt his bulging cock begin to wake up from its fear-induced slumber. “God, Rich, not now. Fuck!” he yelled inside of his head. Rich turned around slowly and looked Jack in those big black eyes of his and smiled. “We will continue this later,” he said matter-of-factly. He shot Jack a smile with his Colgate teeth and winked. “Now let’s get this done. I know you have your own reasons for “obeying” Cliff, but he’s my best friend and I will do this for him. I love the poor bastard. “ Jack nodded his head and turned to walk away to resume the search. Rich moved his pendulous arm over slightly and gave Jack a small pat on the ass. “That’s mine after this.” He couldn’t believe that he said that aloud. He wasn’t even gay…at least he hadn’t thought so. Just then a plume of dust was rising above one of the sheds. A black sedan was pulling up. A man got out. “Oh, shit.” Rich said under his breath. It was the jerk from a little while ago…the one in the transport truck that they had jumped out of. The man looked positively apoplectic and enraged at the same time. “God, I hope Cliff is ok,” Rich said quietly to himself. Jack was wishing the same thing. He knew that Cliff was Good. He would follow him into the deepest battle without question. “Well, I guess that’s where they’re at. Let’s go.” Rich looked over at Jack and nodded toward the car. The moved quickly and silently toward the vehicle scanning the open spaces between them and the door they needed to get into. Nothing. No one was around. Maybe this wasn’t a huge government or private corporation project. They made it to the door. Rich put his ear to it and heard some muffled yelling. Jack motioned his head sideways as if to tell Rich to move to the side. He pressed his finger tips to the steel door and his hand started moving through it like a knife through warm butter. He reached through the door and opened the handle then pulled his hand quickly out. There was a fist-sized hole there now. “Damn, you guys can do some weird shit.” Rich was getting another erection. The walked in quietly and hid in the shadows. They could see light coming from around the corner and more yelling. “Have you learned anything? Goddamnit! Has he said anything.” Jack peaked around the corner and saw the man from the truck with his hand around a skinny guy’s neck. Skinny guy was laying facedown on a metal table. There was another man standing a few feet away. He was a big guy. 6’4” or so and built. The smaller man was looking at the tall on with a crazed look in his eye. “WHAT HAS HE SAID?” “Nothing. He just keeps saying the word ‘Cliff’ over and over again. He started crying a minute ago. I don’t know what’s wrong with him. Maybe the radiation finally fried his pathetic brain.” “Take care of it. We need to know something! The group is almost here. We didn’t know all of this was going to happen so quickly and they have been flying in from all over. Their caravan left Seattle a couple of hours ago. We have to give them something, you idiot, or we are dead.” The short man walked away angrily toward another door at the back of the cellar. It was just the tall one and Shane now. Rich didn’t say anything before he walked swiftly to where the man was standing over Shane and cracked him in the back of the neck with his fist. The man’s head crashed down onto the steel table. He just slid off, passed out crumpled on the ground. Rich looked into Shane’s eyes. He looked so cold and small. He couldn’t believe that just a few hours ago, he saw this little weak-looking guy explode with the power of an exploding sun. All those muscles. All those veins. The power was dripping off of him when he had been in Rich’s apartment. He was a god. But god was trapped in a feeble body now. “Shane, what did they do to you?” Rich started unstrapping Shane’s restraints. Jack looked down at Shane and his heart lept. He felt something like he had found a secret. He knew that this was his brother. “Brother?” he questioned himself. He couldn’t describe it. He just knew. A feeling of rage welled up inside of Jack. His brother, one he didn’t even know existed, was lying naked and cold on a table. He extended his index finger and in one quick motion cut right through the last restraint. They had to get out of there. He would plan the family reunion for another time. “Rich, take this IV out of me. It’s keeping me small. I am weak. I don’t think I can walk.” Rich quickly ripped the IV out of Shane’s arm. He was no nurse, and they had to leave…now! The IV site started to bleed but no one cared. Jack looked sideways at Shane. “Look at those eyes. They are as dark as night.” Just then, Rich bent over and picked up Shane from the table. He started walking toward the door with Shane cradled like a giant baby. Jack was still reeling from the realization that he had a brother and his name was Shane. He felt the truth of it ringing through his body. Jack walked over and took hold of Shane’s wrists and wrapped them around Rich’s neck so he looked more comfortable. “Thank you.” It was Rich who had a tear forming in his eye now. “What is happening to me? I’m bisexual--maybe even gay--for this Jack guy…and now I’m gonna start getting all girly about Shane? Fuck my life,” he said to himself. But he liked Shane really. There was something so innocent and lovely about him. Maybe it was his resilience, or maybe it was this sense that he had been shit on his whole life and he had finally found someone to treat him like a king: Cliff. He was starting to feel the same way about Shane—he suddenly saw the limp young man in his arms as good and vulnerable. He wanted to keep him safe too. A feeling of shame shot through him as he thought about his brazen hurtful attitude when they met in Cliff’s apartment. He was going to make it up to Shane. Shane just looked into his eyes and whispered, “It’s OK, Rich. I forgive you.” He offered Rich a true smile. Maybe they could be friends after all. Jack was following just a couple of steps behind. They got to the door and walked outside just in time to see a long caravan of military grade hummers moving toward the cellars. There had to be 50 of them stretched out down the road as far as any of them could see. “Give him to me, Rich. I am a lot stronger and we can move faster if I have him.” Rich handed his new friend off to the man who he would soon be drilling in the ass; that is, if they survived the day. “Fuck, I want his ass,” Rich thought to himself while looking at Jack’s tight butt. Just then Shane looked up into Jack’s eyes. “I can feel you. Who are you? You have my black eyes.” He smiled weakly. “Hi Shane. I’m Jack. We can talk more about this later, but I am certain that I am your brother and you are mine.” He held Shane closer. There was no more precious cargo in the world. “If anyone gets within 20 feet of Shane, so help me, I will destroy them,” he thought to himself. Jack was surprised by his ferocity. He had always been quite docile. “Where is Cliff?” Shane’s eyes got big and worried. Jack could feel Shane’s frantic awareness. “Rich, where is Cliff?” “We were being taken together someplace just east of here. He had a plan to get you out that involved him staying behind as a prisoner. “ “And you LISTENED to him? Why didn’t you stay with him? One of you at least?” Jack looked panicked. “Because, dear brother, he commanded it. I couldn’t argue. And Rich wasn’t going to either. He was determined.” “Ok, well let’s please head east. I need him. I need to see that he is safe.” That was about all Shane could say. He was so debilitated and weak. His muscles just lay there paralyzed under his skin. They turned around just in time to see the first of the long line of transporters arriving, a huge cloud of dust kicked up all along the dirt road. And then they saw the short boss man run out of the building flailing his arms and yelling obscenities. They were only 20 yards away, but were shielded by some abandoned implements and giant rusted metal farm tools. They started running along the dirt road that headed east. They couldn’t see any building on the horizon but they knew that wherever Cliff had been taken, it couldn’t be that far. They heard yelling behind them but kept running. They had to find Cliff. Shane needed him. Cliff would know what else to do too. His mind was sharp and he could figure out the most complex situations. They all needed Cliff to get out of this alive together. It sounded like the whole fucking National Guard was coming down that road in the distance. Shit, it even sounded like there was a helicopter back there somewhere. Who were these people if not the government? They had been running at full speed down the road for twenty minutes. Shane was still near fully paralyzed, and Rich was starting to lose speed. He could run much longer than 20 minutes, of course, but he was dehydrated and it was hot. He was slowing down and just couldn’t seem to push it any further. Jack noticed. He could sense Rich, almost like he could sense his brother, Shane. There was something about Rich. “Rich, are you ok.” Jack yelled back. “Can we slow down for a minute? I just need to recoup a little bit.” “I know you are going to hate me for this…” Jack came to a stop and waited for Rich to catch up. “Jump on my back, like piggy-back style.” Rich surprised himself and actually did. Jack looked down at Shane’s gentle questioning face and into his midnight eyes and simply said, “Cliff made me strong too.” That was enough for Shane. He understood. Jack would never get tired running toward Cliff, and he could probably carry an aircraft carrier if Cliff asked him to do so. “Ok, here we go.” And off Jack ran. He was actually moving faster than before since he didn’t have to pace himself for Rich’s sake. Up ahead Rich pointed out something shining. I looked like a small building of some sort. Maybe it was a reflection off of glass? “Hey, Shane, I think I see a building up there, man. Cliff has to be there.” Shane just started to smile. He still couldn’t move, but he could at least feel his skin. The drugs must be starting to wear off. At this speed though, he wouldn’t be walking until tomorrow. It didn’t matter. He would be with Cliff. That feeling came back again… He couldn’t live without Cliff. He needed him like the air he was breathing. And he was close. They would figure out a way to rescue him, even if he couldn’t super-size himself. Jack was obviously very strong too. He realized that Jack had only a fraction of his own strength, but he would take whatever help he could get to break Cliff out of that building. He was starting to feel safe and secure again. Cliff provided that stability. He imagined Cliff’s face, ruggedly handsome, and his beautiful masculine body heavy with solid real muscle and that little layer of softness that made him the perfect cuddle companion. He was going to cuddle Cliff hard tonight. They were getting close to the building. They could see a large metal fence and a small guardhouse about a mile in the distance. The sagebrush was growing denser and the rocks were becoming more frequent. They were on the edge of arable land. Rich turned around, back towards where they had come from and saw a giant plume of dust rising between them and the cellars. “Shit. They’re coming. And there’s that goddamned helicopter. Fuck!” He turned back around and was about to tell Jack to speed it up. “What’s that up there on the road?” Rich pointed to something about 200 years away. It looked like a garbage bag from where they were. But they got closer and saw that it was a pile of clothes. As Jack was about to run by the mound of dirty mud caked clothes, Shane let out a yelp. His eyes were closed and they shot open. His eyes became like large black dinner plates. It looked as if he had been shocked. “STOP!!!” He bellowed from a depth that the devil himself wouldn’t be able to achieve. Jack immediately stopped. He felt a feeling that he had never sensed before…He didn’t know what it was but it was scaring him and it was coming from the man in his arms. Shane just looked up at Jack’s eyes, then at Rich’s. He could tell that Rich was confused as was his brother. “What is that?” His voice was like a volcanic eruption seconds from exploding. He motioned his head toward the pile of rubbish on the side of the road. He started to breath faster and more desperately. “WHAT IS THAT?” The question sounded like a low growling cry. Rich jumped off of Jack’s back and walked over and bent down. Every drop of blood drained from his face and he gasped. A low guttural moan came from his mouth and he started rocking back and forth on the balls of his feet. He wrapped his arms around his knees and stayed in the crouched position. Shane could sense that Rich had been shell-shocked. He could see Rich was beginning to tremble, his body shaking as if he had been locked outside without a coat on a cold winter’s night. Jack instinctually walked over to the Rich with his brother still resting in his arms. “Rich, tell me what it is.” Shane’s voice sounded like dark molasses: deep, bitter, and thick. Rich couldn’t even form words… he just rocked back and forth. It was only a couple of seconds, but seemed like forever. He reached down to the muddied mound and pulled off the black hood covering Cliff’s face. It didn’t look human. The thing was broken. Black, blue, and rusty red. His face was so swollen; Rich couldn’t even see where his nose was. It looked like a face from the scariest Halloween costume store. Shane stared down at Cliff’s battered face. Dried blood was smeared all over it but underneath, there was no flesh color. It was all angry purple. Shane was silent but Jack could feel him starting to shake. “Rich.” Shane was using every fiber of his will to control the next words to come out of his mouth. “Is he alive?” It was a clear, emotionless question. No feeling. Rich carefully started unwrapping Cliff’s body so he could feel for his heart beat There was no way he would be able to get a pulse from the swollen neck of his best friend. He offered a silent prayer, even though he did not consider himself to be a religious person. “If he is dead, this world will end tonight.” Rich heard the statement and doubled his praying. He half-believed Shane’s threat. Shane was beginning to tremble now. He couldn’t take his eyes off of his boyfriend, lover, partner, and master. Every cell of his body belonged to that man. He had a million images flash through his head of Cliff. They had known each other for no time at all, really. He saw Cliff’s smile the first time he saw his face. That smile! He saw Cliff reaching into the fridge, bent over, ass out and he remembered how that made him feel. He saw Cliff’s body, naked in the shower, clutching Shane’s shoulders and kissing his nipples. He saw Cliff giddy with excitement to see what feats of strength Shane could do in the gym. He saw Cliff’s concerned eyes when he told Cliff the story of his background in foster care. He saw Cliff’s love and acceptance of him in the bedroom after he had changed for the first time. He could feel Cliff reaching out to touch Shane’s monstrous shoulder that first time…Shane was naked, and grotesquely muscular, and Cliff loved it. He wanted Shane to explode with muscle and power, yet he would wait for Shane to feel comfortable with that before asking. Shane knew that. Cliff was unselfish. He was too good for this world, and look at what they had done to him. “Shane.” Rich’s voice was trembling. “Shane, he has a heartbeat. Not much of one… but it’s there.” Shane had just noticed that to get under the layers of cloth around Cliff’s body, he had to unwrap him a little. Shane could see from his vantage point that his arms had been broken in many places. His forearm and shoulders were sticking out at unnatural angles. His spine looked bent backwards slightly and his legs were also arranged in an awkward way that could only be achieved if the joints had been broken and bone’s cracked. There were angry puncture marks and strips of flesh cut from him. Shane remembered the man in the sterile room saying that they were going to drain him and take tissue samples. He felt fear grip his soul. It was enough for Shane to know that he was still alive. He could feel something welling up inside of him, but they had to have priorities here. They had to get Cliff help and NOW. He fought to suppress his emotions, the ones that were beginning to rage in his belly. “Jack, lower me down to my lover. I will lay with him for a moment. I need him.” He said it in the kindest and gentlest manner but it was not a suggestion. He demanded it with authority. His eyes were welling up with tears. His lips were shaking. His breaths were unsteady. He was barely able to maintain his composure. His entire world was beginning to shatter. He loved this man, bent, broken and laying in the ground. He didn’t know why, but he knew that he needed to feel his skin-they seemed to be able to communicate on a deep level just by touching. He needed that connection because he didn’t know what to do. Most of all, he needed Cliff to know that he was there. He knew Cliff would know that the love of his life was next to him, no matter the outcome. He didn’t want Cliff to die not knowing that. Maybe it would give him small comfort. Jack gently lay Shane down next to Cliff, facing him. “Rich, please take my hand and place it on Shane’s cheek.” He still couldn’t feel any control returning to his muscles yet. He was relying on his two new friends to do for him what he could not do for himself. Rich gently took Shane’s hand and placed it softly on Cliff’s cheek…so softly. It was as if Shane were trying to touch morning mist. Gentle, loving, almost transcendent. Shane heard a gurgling sound coming from Cliff’s throat. Cliff knew Shane was there. That’s all that Shane needed Cliff to know. “Shane. I am so sorry.” Rich’s voice cracked. Deep sobs were on the edge of welling up through his throat. Rich still had ahold of Shane’s hand, holding it steady on Cliff’s cheek. Rich and Shane understood each other perfectly and with clarity in that moment. Rich loved Cliff, he always had, but he knew that Cliff would never have him. He had been jealous of Shane, but not anymore. Not after this. Rich knew that Shane was Cliff’s man, forever. And he was ok with it. “Thank you, Rich.” Shane looked into Rich’s eyes with the deepest love and compassion he could muster. “Shane, what is wrong with your arm?” Jack had blended into the background in the past 30 seconds. He was watching the procession of trucks moving their way. He also was devastated by Cliff’s state, but saw that Rich, Cliff, and Shane needed to have a moment that would bind them together. “Seriously, Shane. What going on with your arm, man?” They all looked at the arm that Shane had extended to Cliff’s cheek. It was pulsing wildly underneath the skin. Those veins that normally had stretched out to reach for Cliff’s touch were tugging outward toward him. Not gently, but violently. They were squirming and angry. It looked like they were going to erupt. Shane looked shocked too. Feeling was quickly returning to his limbs. It’s as if whatever was happening was purifying his system. Somehow, he knew that Cliff had commanded Shane’s body to clear the drugs from his system. When Cliff was around, Cliff was in control. That is the way it was. Cliff was his master. Cliff always knew what to do. Shane tried to stand up, but fell back to the ground. Feeling was returning quickly, but not quite 100%. Rich caught him under the armpit and steadied him, raising him up to stand. He looked back down at the man who he loved. Cliff had become his protector against the outside world and he still was protecting him, somehow. Looking down on his broken destroyed body, Shane had the realization that it was his turn. He swore that he would never let anything happen to Cliff, but he had not been able to fulfill that promise, and he knew Cliff did not blame him for that. He, himself, didn’t blame this on his inability to protect Cliff. That thing that had been building up inside of him over the course of the past few minutes was beginning to bubble to the surface. Shane was getting angry. He looked at Rich, who was still partially supporting him, with a knowing look and a smile that faded and became cold. Rich felt in that moment that he saw the face of Destruction. “Rich. Jack. Stay close to me.” It was a command. Once again, he was not making a suggestion. Shane stood fully tall, straight backed and placed his legs over his beautiful kind boyfriend lying in the dirt. That small patch of dry earth was now sacred ground to the three of them. Whatever was going to happen in the next few minutes, Cliff would neither be touched nor disturbed. Something happened then that Shane didn’t expect. He heard that gurgling sound coming from his Master and looked down again.. Rage was building inside of him. The world was going dark and he was beginning to lose control of himself. When he heard the noise from Cliff, he snapped back to reality and leaned down. Cliff moved his arm ever so slightly and tried to extend his finger. Shane saw this and gently, carefully reached out touched Cliff’s finger much like the painting of God and Adam on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. The world ended in that moment for Shane. Tsunamis of power raged through him. Shockwaves of pure distilled energy shot through his body. He gazed at the sky and dry lightening began shooting toward Shane forming that ball of plasma that he had seen the previous night. This was different though. This was clearly Cliff commanding Shane to access energy and power this way. He didn’t need to speak. He knew his Love so intimately that he commanded Shane without speaking. The anger and rage disappeared as Cliff’s touch pushed back those dark emotions and replaced them with blinding adoration and passion. Shane started to convulse. Waves of strength pounded into his body. The energy in the sky pooled and swirled and kept building and building. Shane looked at Cliff’s body with such devotion and compassion; those emotions began to feed the indignation that continued to build inside of Shane’s body. Then it started. Rich noticed it first. He was looking at Shane’s face. He was so close – only a couple of feet. He saw the black eyes he had come to know and expect were beginning to clear. He stared and watched intently. A look of complete control passed across Shane’s face. He was managing this flood of power with the help of his master. Shane’s eyes turned the clearest of blues--the color of the ocean at Cozumel. They looked as though they were made of electricity – positively glowing in mid daylight. Shane let out a bellow. Thick veins popped up all over his body. He had not grown or expanded past his small state, but veins the size of garden hoses were running down his arm, webbing across his legs, following fault lines on his chest and even his back. They were pulsing, rhythmically staking out their territory. He could feel with every pulse, thousands of times more power that he had felt the night before flooding into his muscles. His body was priming itself. He looked down again at Cliff. He saw his face battered and his body broken. He was acutely aware of how Cliff was feeling. He was in pain. Extreme pain. The pain that shouldn’t be felt by any human, or animal. The pain that causes your body to pass out and collapse. Pain that the brain cannot handle. That is what Cliff felt. The people who did this to him would pay. He felt one more pulse of the veins and then his body went silent. He smiled and looked up at the swirly plasma in the sky above. He started to laugh and grabbed Jack’s hand and Rich’s shoulder. He gave them the look of a mad man and then the lightening descended. The stream of energy plowed into Shane’s body. A constant river of the most pure power in the world was pushing itself into Shane’s fragile small frame. It kept pouring in second after second, power beyond measure. The lightening feeder bolt stopped for a moment. Then Shane’s body exploded. So much strength had built up in Shane’s muscles with the help of those thick as fuck veins. So much energy. He was primed beyond comprehension. Massive nautical ropes of steel raced down his forearms. Expanding. Bulging, Expanding in waves. His fucking forearms looked to be the size of Smart cars made of muscle. He closed his eyes and shook his body. Hundreds of pounds of muscle just appeared from every insertion and attachment point when he shook. It was almost as if a dog had been washed and instead of water being shaken off, it was thick, hard, massive muscle just appearing. He shook himself several times. Like a peacock unfurling his iridescent tail, Shane just blew up in every single direction. Where a moment ago there had been a thin man, now stood a beast wider than he was tall with colossal dimensions of every muscle. Shane looked quickly down on Cliff’s body. He could feel so much love flowing through Cliff to him, it stopped him for a moment and he caught his breath. He smiled and made a deep moan. And then his chest blew up again. He knew Cliff liked big-as-fuck chests and he wanted to give Cliff what he desired. The attachment points along the sternum heaved and a chasm appeared between the pec shelves . The canyon that developed between his monumental pectorals were two feet deep and the actual pectoral shelf expanded wildly from there forming a hulking mass jutting away from Shane’s body. Delineations between fibers were visible. Rich reached up to touch Shane’s expanding chest. It looked like it had been cut with a million strokes of a razor blade. The skin was so thin that the tiniest of capillaries were visibly pulsing on top of their hard companions. Micro ridges of muscle fibers eked out their real estate and fought for exposure to the surface. Jake and Rich couldn’t help themselves. They both placed their hands on opposite pecs and attempted to grab a hard handful of Shane muscle. Instead, they were met with a substance that was impenetrable to anything made by man. Two car hoods next to each other may begin to give an idea of the size of Shanes’ muscle tits. Shane threw his head back and groaned. “Ahhhhhhhhhhhh. More! MORE CLIFF!!!!! I WILL AVENGE YOU! MOOOOOOORE!” A soft voice entered Shane’s mind telling him, “I do not need to be avenged yet, but you must get yourself, Rich, and Jake out of here. Do you understand?” Shane just nodded. The lust and affection that Cliff was sending out to Shane was unstoppable. Shane was picking up on it and turning it into growth. He was becoming the muscle god that Cliff wanted him to be. “Grow for me, Shane. Grow for me! Protect our friends. GROW,” the voice in his mind coming from his love was rich and thick with longing and pain. He felt like Cliff was entering the deepest recesses of his soul and fucking him somehow. Fucking every part of him. Every cell was being rammed by Cliff’s mind. Another pause and then Shane’s lats spread out like the cobra’s hood of the night before, but twice as wide and three times as thick. Rich looked at Shane’s back and it looked more like a two massive bulls wresting than it did anything resembling a human. Bulges erupted revealing their fruits of power and the lat wings extended feet away from his mammoth shoulders. Jack took a few steps away and looked at his brother in awe. He felt terrified of the power coursing through this beast and at the same time he felt perfectly protected. Shane was exploding because of his love for Cliff not because of a hate and fear. He felt it coming from both of them. They were making wild passionate earth-shattering love inside of their two minds. He was not a part of it, but he could tell what was happening. They were connecting and fucking each other senseless. Cliff’s swollen eyes were fluttering and low groans were coming from his mouth. Shane was looking down at him and growling like a wild savannah beast being fucked by its mate. It was beautiful. The terrifying power passing between the two of them ripped into Jack and Rich’s soul as well. They were not part of it, but could not help but feel those crashing waves of pure euphoria. Shane was becoming everything that would turn Cliff on. They were completely focused on each other in that sacred space where Cliff’s body lay broken. Shane’s calves erupted and demolished the concept of mountainous. They were veritable planetoids. Extending up from the meaty huge feet that had developed, and leading from the ankles, thick sinew and tendon billowed out from his Achilles heel. Shane’s calves appeared to be pregnant muscle melons; striated, veiny, and sharp edged. The classic diamond shape of bodybuilder calves were insignificant to what they were now beholding. Deep ravines began running around, down, and through the structures that became Shane’s legs. Small animals could get lost in the ravines and hillocks of Shane’s massive quads. So many striations were visible; it appeared that every muscle had been modeled after a feather, with their innumerable micro ridges but infinitely harder and more frightening in their strength. Python veins raced across the surface, erupting in one area, plunging into the musculature resurfacing after giving their precious elixir to the hard meat below. Shane stopped to breath for a moment. His hulking body had grown to about 7 feet. Before them was a god. His eyes were still electric blue – literally. His big meaty paws had fingers the size of a thick sausage. He looked like he weighed a thousand pounds with no exaggeration in that number. Rich and Jack had needed to move away as Shane’s vast frame expanded. They stared at his body completely slack-jawed. Shane was in a state of complete bliss. His head was thrown back. He was being mind-fucked by the love of his life. He almost couldn’t contain the desire he had to develop even more muscle for Cliff to enjoy, but Cliff held Shane’s desire to grow in check. He was setting Shane’s boundaries, and Shane loved the control Cliff had over him. In Cliff’s overwhelming stability and authority, Shane felt free. His dominion over Shane was absolute and complete. Shane’s body and soul were being pounded by Cliff’s enormous raging mind-cock. His entire body felt like it was a thousand pounds of fuck stick waiting for its next touch. He always thought it was silly when people used the word “ecstasy.” Now he understood, but no one else would ever feel what he was feeling now. Cliff’s energy was pulsing through his body. His love was causing every engorged cell in Shane’s body to feel like a teenage boy’s first masturbation, the moment he discovers his manhood. Cliff was masterfully stroking Shane’s being on a level that transcended the physical. Cliff was Shane’s god and he was awaiting his commandments. Suddenly, the bliss stopped and Shane was whipped back into the physical world. He turned his head that sat atop his neck bulging with long bags of muscle and veins. He looked at Rich who was standing there with a large spot of precum soaking through his pants. Shane spoke and it sounded as gentle as an April morning and as terrifying as a hurricane, “How is he, Rich? How is my Love?” He could tell that Cliff had started drifting in and out of consciousness. There was a loud screech of metal on metal. The convoy had arrived to meet their Destroyer. Rich put his fingers on Cliff’s battered body and whispered, “He’s diminishing. We have to get him out of here. Shane, please! We have to get him out of here now. Please do something. It’s up to you now.” A man jumped out of the front truck and walked hurriedly toward the small group of Shane, Jack, Rich, and Cliff. He put his hands in the air as he saw Shane’s body flexing with each breath, ripples of striations and fibers leaping out like freshly caught fish at the slightest movement. Rich yelled out, “You’d better stop, man. Don’t come any closer.” He had a warning tone in his voice. Rich didn’t know what Shane could do really, but he could feel it. He was oozing pure unadulterated force. The man kept walking toward them. Jack tried this time. “Seriously, don’t take another step.” He yelled. Shane’s eyes were wild with a mixture of rage, love, and lust. It was a powerful, and dangerous combination. The man kept walking. “YOU WILL NOT COME NEAR HIM!!!!” The voice of a thousand angels combined with the sound from the rumble of a landslide. “IF YOU COME CLOSER, IT WILL BE TO YOUR PERIL. DO NOT COME CLOSER TO HIM.” There was a power and a promise to those words that made even Rich and Jack tremble. There was no doubt about who the “Him” was. For all of Shane’s gigantic muscles and thickness, he was protecting the fragile damaged life between his legs with the greatest of care. The man took another step, hands in the air. Shane looked at him quizzically as if sizing up a bug on the sidewalk. He flicked his wrist as if shooing a fly and the man sored through the air landing in a heap 50 yards away. Suddenly guns were drawn from all over the convoy. Large machine-guns, smaller rifles, everything drawn on the muscle monster. Shane spoke clearly and loudly, but not shouting. The power in his veins was amplifying his every action. “You have made a grave mistake. You have disrespected and possibly killed the only thing in this world that matters to me. You will pay the price. It will not be as high if you get him to a hospital…NOW. If you do not comply, I will do to you what you did to him. I promise you that.” The silence lasted for a minute. A woman in a black business suite started toward the hulking monster and his treasure. Her hands went up in the air. “We just want to talk to you.” Her voice was like steel wrapped in silk. Rich yelled out to the woman, “Ma’am, I think that if you take one more step, my friend here will be likely to fulfill his promise to wipe all of you shit-eaters off of the face of this earth. And I wouldn’t blame him. Come closer and you will reap the consequences of your actions.” Rich paused, choking up, “You do not know who you left for dead on the road today.” He was surprised at how eloquently that came out. The small band of young men was beginning to get nervous. They had to get Cliff to safety and medical treatment, and soon. He wouldn’t last much longer. “Do you surrender to my terms? Shane asked the question with deep sincerity. While the power-fueled part of him wanted to just destroy every last hummer and even that fuckin helicopter, he knew that it was time to make a move to get Cliff to help. The woman kept walking toward the small group. “I don’t want to hurt you.” She replied. She sounded like a fucking liar. She wanted her profit margin or stock prices or whatever the fuck she was working on to increase. This was a calculated risk on her part. “If you come ONE step closer to HIM, I will put a fear into your heart that you will not recover from.” The woman stopped and then took one more step. Shane looked at both of us quickly and we knew what he was asking of us. He was leaving hallowed ground and the object of his affection to handle this problem. He was entrusting Cliff’s care to Rich and Jack. His giant body ran toward the convoy. He grabbed the woman and tucked her under his massive ripped arms and threw her, not lightly, into a caravan hummer. He grabbed that same vehicle and picked it up like a deck of cards and threw it a few hundred feet back onto another convoy vehicle. When the truck hit the other, Shane looked over at the wreckage. People were scrambling and trying to get out of the wrecked vehicles. As soon as they got free, he focused for the briefest moment and the two vehicles compacted into a cube the size of a lunchbox. He heard gasps and cries. They beat up the wrong guy today. “If you desire to live, you will take Him to the hospital. SOMEONE do this NOW or there won’t be a single one of you left to walk away from this. You did this to HIM now you take care of it or I will personally take care of you.” It was a simple statement of fact. The silence fell on the group again. The tense minute passed. The hulking beast that was Shane stood there ready to take on a well-equipped army complete with air power, but he wasn’t worried. These people were gnats to him, or maybe less than that. He heard the sound of someone on the radio…his ears were able to hear exquisitely and although he couldn’t make out what was being said, he felt a détente of the tension in the convoy. A man stepped out of the third Hummer in line. He stared directly into Cliff’s electric eyes. It was the man from the cellar. The one that was pacing. The one that berated Shane while he was paralyzed on the table. It was the man who told him who he was and what they were doing. It was the man who had kept him in shitty abusive foster families so it would be easier to dose him with radiation. It was the man who hated Shane. Surprisingly, Shane didn’t care about any of that. His one focus was to get Cliff to medical help. The man approached. Jack yelled from their position twenty feet away, “Dude, you’d better stop right there or my massive brother is likely to become your worse nightmare and the rest of us wont…” Shane held up his hand to stop Jack from continuing. Shane ponderous muscles bulged with granite waves as he motioned to the man to come closer. “Will you comply with my terms?” Shane asked flatly. “We are willing to assist you in transport of your…friend, if you are willing to…” “This is not a negotiation! You will do this or you will suffer the consequences!” Shane screamed the words at the man. Only the wall that Cliff had built in his mind, the one that was imparting him with self-control, was tempering his rage. The man stared at the behemoth in front of him. He was in awe. Only 20 feet away was a young man who reeked of pure power. It was intoxicating to the man. He wanted the power that Shane possessed in just one of his fingers. Shane sensed his power lust. “You will evacuate us now. NOW!” Shane’s demands were clear and unquestionable. The man shook like a child who had stolen one too many cookies from the cookie jar. The man turned his back and started walking toward his Hummer. He didn’t want Shane to see that he had pissed himself. The man turned around when he got to the truck. “OK. The helicopter will take him.” He got on the radio and made the request. The helicopter stopped circling and approached the group. Shane walked the few steps over to Cliff’s diminished body. He could feel in his bones how weak Cliff was getting. He was beginning to panic. He kneeled down his massive mountainous form next to Cliff’s body. He dug his colossal quads into the ground at the knees, bent over the top of Cliff and put his elbows out. His head rested on the ground on the other side of Cliff’s chest. He flared his lats out to encase Cliff in a cocoon of muscle as the helicopter approached. Rich and Jack shielded their eyes from the dust being kicked up and hunkered down next to the goliath. The helicopter set down. A man dressed in dark camo approached the small group. “Let’s go! The closest hospital is still 20 minutes away by air.” Shane put his enormous pylon arms underneath Cliff’s mangled body and lifted. He thought of just picking him up with his mind, as he had done before, but he could be gentle and he could tell that Cliff desired his touch. He raised him up with surgical deftness and with the softness of a cloud walked him to the waiting chopper. He held Cliff’s body next to his massive chest and nestled him into the giant cleavage between his monumental planet sized pectorals. He held him there, securely. Cliff was in and out of consciousness, but he felt warm and secure. He could tell Shane was exercising intense care, but it still hurt excruciatingly. He fought to stay conscious and with Shane’s help, he did a fairly good job. He could be held between those massive harder-than-steel slabs forever and never be happier. The four friends were on board the chopper and it was lifting off the ground in seconds. Shane had found it necessarily to reduce his size in order for all four of them to fit, but he had maintained the size of his pecs. He knew Cliff liked them and he could tell that they felt good to Cliff. They arrived at the hospital 15 minutes later, much faster than they had thought. Rich thought it was because the pilot was scared shitless of Shane, but it was in face Jack who had wrapped his powerful hand around the pilots arm and told him to go faster, applying just enough pressure to convince the pilot that Jack would destroy him if he didn’t comply. Cliff was fading quickly and Shane was beginning to sense his loss of consciousness was becoming deeper. Shane could sense his weakened heartbeat as was growing more irregular. He was struggling to breath. A shock of fear rushed through Shane the moment they hit the landing pad. He jumped out of the door and ran at full speed into the hospital, still clutching Cliff to his enormous pec cleavage. ‘Help me!” he bellowed. “He needs help, please!” The intense agony in the monster’s voice was palpable. A young doctor turned the corner and almost ran right into Shane’s enormous planet sized shoulder. Shane looked at the doctor with a wildness that can only come from true fear and grief. “He is dying! Help Him!” The doctor looked at the muscle beast in front of him. His veins coursing across every inch of his body. Muscles rippling like waves on a pond. Even with complete physical power and the energy of 100 suns encased in his body, Shane looked helpless. His eyes pleaded with the man. “Come this way, and hurry. He looks bad.” The doctor hurried to an empty hospital bed. “Lay him down here.” Shane hesitated to give him up. But he had to. The doctor pulled the phone out of his pocket and pushed a speed-dialed number. “I need to get into O.R. 1 immediately. I need three nurses, a tech, radiology, and anesthesia….Yes, right now!” Shane had laid Cliff onto the bed and he was cradling Cliff’s broken skull and swollen face in his enormous meaty palms. The doctor reached out gently and placed his hand on the beast’s forearm. “I need to take it from here.” “Can I go with him, Doctor?” His voice cracked with emotion. “Can I hold his hand?” “I’m sorry. But I can have you stand outside of the surgical suit. Can you wait there?” The young handsome doctor felt that the muscle monster was torn apart by the crumpled heap of humanity that he had brought in. Rich and Jack came running up. They hadn’t been quite as fast off the chopper. “You can help me push him if you’d like.” The doctor still had his hand on Shane’s massive forearm. He hadn’t seen so much fear on a person’s face in a long time. “Right this way.” The doctor lead the way down the hallway with Rich, Jack, Shane, and Cliff in tow. They got to a set of large swinging doors. The doctor looked up at Shane. “You can come into this hallway, but need to stay in outside of the operating room. OK?” Shane looked at the doctor with his white-blue eyes and nodded. He stood guard over that room for more than 10 hours. Countless couriers ran in and out of the room bringing in bag after bag of blood and blood products. Nurses and surgeons entered to offer their expertise and assistance as the hours went on. Shane just stood there, watching through the small window in the door, standing guard over his priceless treasure that lay inside. At one point, the friendly doctor came out for a few minutes. He took his mask off to look at Shane in the eye. “He is going to make it I think. There is a long way to go and he will not be able to move or get out of bed for a long time. But I truly believe that he will live at this point. We aren’t out of the woods, but things are looking better.” He stretched his hand out to grab Shane’s. Shane just grabbed him in a huge hug. The doctor was crushed as the air was pushed out of his lungs. “Loosen up, Big Guy.” The doctor walked into the scrub room again and started lathering up, scrubbing his hands, replacing his gown, and mask and prepared to go back into the room clean. A few hours later, Shane sat in Cliff’s hospital room. Rich and Jack were holding hands on the couch next to the window. Of course, Shane sat in a chair right next to the bed with his hand covering one of Cliff’s. The veins in Shane’s hand were pulsing and wrestling to touch Cliff, as they always had done. The doctor said Cliff would be waking up soon and the guys were all going to be there for that moment. Just then, Cliff’s eyes fluttered open. Shane saw it. He had been staring at Cliff’s face since they had left the O.R. “Cliff. Don’t try to speak. I am here. Rich is here and so is Jack. We are all here.” Shane’s eyes started to water again as he looked into Cliff’s beautiful eyes. His face was still mangled but the doctor told them that the swelling would go down over time. He would have to have more surgeries to fix some other damage as well, but none of that mattered now. Cliff and Shane stared at each other for a long while. It was silent in the room. No one wanted to change the mood or interrupt the moment. There was another conversation happening between the two, through their touch and through their gaze. It was soft and calm and pregnant with tenderness. After ten minutes or so, Shane stood up and bent over Cliff’s still body. His eyes were watering. He was so grateful for Cliff’s survival. He bent over to kiss Cliff on the forehead. A tear from those electric blue eyes fell onto Cliff’s skin and Shane’s lips touched Cliff’s forehead. His hand was still covering Cliff’s. He then simply asked the question that echoed the one he had after demolishing the cedar tree on their walk back from the weight room on campus. “Did I do well, Cliff? Did I do what was right?” They looked into each other’s eyes again. The answer was clear. Suddenly, one of the small vessels on the top of Shane’s hand burst as it struggled against Shane’s skin to touch Cliff. A thick heavy drop of blood rolled off of his hand and onto Cliff’s skin. Shane went to wipe it off and saw that it had been absorbed immediately into Cliff. The monitors started alarming in the room. Cliff’s blood pressure was spiking. He started to convulse. Rich and Jack ran over to the side of the bed and Shane looked terrified again. Then he went still. The energy had changed in the room. It was thick and electric. Shane felt a surge inside of him. Something was ripping through him like a razor sharp knife, searing him to his core. Cliff lay there, entirely still but Shane felt those waves of emotion flowing off of him again. They kept building and building. Pounding waves of pure emotion. He felt like he was drowning in Cliff and it felt like he would suffocate…but it felt so good. Distilled passion and sex washed over him. Waves of affection coursed through his being. The energy in the room kept building. It felt like he was in a pressure cooker. The world went quiet. Then a sound like a clap of thunder shook the room. Cliff’s body sent out an electromagnetic pulse. The wave spread out quickly, knocking out the electronics in the room (and they would come to find out, the entire town). “What was that?” Rich was staring at Cliff’s body. Then Shane’s eyes got wide. He started trembling like a leaf. He started to whimper and looked like he was about to orgasm. The giant cock snake in his pants leaped to attention, tearing through his pants and slapped into his hard ripped stomach. Thick veins erupted over Cliff’s exposed arm creating a powerful chain reaction across his skin. The cords were writhing and moving around like they were alive themselves. Veins started erupting from every inch of Cliff’s body. The discolorations of his bruises were fading and the swelling in his face was going down, and quickly. Entire river systems and road maps of vessels swarmed over his skin. They even made Shane’s vasculature look pathetic. The vessels grew in thickness and density until every inch of Cliff’s skin was buried under layers of bulging, angry, writhing veins. Cliff let out a thunderous moan. There are no words to describe the depth and power in that moan. The room shook, the windows exploded outward. Jack and Rich shot enormous loads of cum into their pants spontaneously. Thunderheads of power were rolling off of Cliff’s body. They could see visible disturbances in the air around him. Shane pulled back his hand and took a step back. He could feel what was coming. His eyes were wild with excitement and with a healthy dose of astonishment. He wasn’t afraid. He knew that Cliff’s immense strength was about to become housed in a more resilient body. His lover was about to become something that he could not fully understand. Cliff’s mind was stroking Shane again. “I love you, Shane. You are mine forever, and I am yours forever.” The words only existed inside of Shane’s head, but they sounded like thunderclaps, echoing around inside of his skull. Cliff fell to his knees, “Yes, Master. I am.” He barely got the words out of his mouth. Cliff screamed with the intensity of a crazed man, if the crazed man had a microphone set up at a rock concert. The sound penetrated all of them to their core. It was earthshattering in its intensity and strength. Cliff’s eyes were beginning to glow a hot white. His head was darting around, searching for something…Shane. “Shane?” the man said with the power of a thousand rivers. It wracked their bodies with its force. Shane stood back up and approached Cliff, who was pulsating with the layers of veins coursing over his body. Shane looked at Cliff with awe in his eyes. His body began to shrink down to his smaller size in deference to whatever was happening to Cliff. He grabbed Cliff’s hand again and a jolt coursed through him. His whole body tensed and his teeth clenched together. Jack jumped up immediately from where he was sitting with Rich to pull Shane away. He wouldn’t let anything happen to his newfound brother, even though he knew to his core that Cliff would never do anything purposeful to hurt any of them in that room. But, Shane looked like he was about to start convulsing. “It is OK, Jack. He will be OK.” Cliff’s voice roared, but somehow quietly. Jack backed away slowly, like he had interrupted something sacred. Then, Cliff’s muscles detonated into a being that the world could not comprehend. Without warning, Cliff let out another tremor inducing cry. This came from the depths of his being. Shane stood there holding his hand and instantaneously he dwarfed everything in the room. Lying down on the hospital bed still, his enormous body expanded slightly in length, but inconceivably in mass. His shoulders jutted out over the side of the bed. His traps erupted until they served as a hood above his head. In two seconds, Cliff’s arms had become as thick as a ponderosa pine, and twice as hard. Cliff’s hospital gown had just enough material to cover a part of Cliff’s bulging breadloaf-sized abs. Even they had an intricate web of veins running in a honeycomb pattern over them. Cliff’s legs had fallen to the sides of the bed, not because they had grown slightly in length, but because they had pushed themselves over the sides from pure size. The quads expanded like a parachute’s ripcord had been pulled. Billowing stone columns of shredded meat pulsed with power and strength that made Shane’s body earlier in the day pale in comparison. His glutes had balled up into two spheres big enough to jut his crotch into the air and his lats had expanded enough to be sagging off the table and formed hard muscle shelves for the tank-like arms to rest on. Speaking of Cliff’s crotch: The well-endowed 9 inches that he appreciated before was long gone. In its place stood a tower to manhood. Balls the size of grapefruits hung loosely in his enormous sack. Shane walked up to the bed and looked into Cliff’s eyes. They looked calm and he had a soft smile on his face. His face looked the same, if not slightly more handsome. He looked at Shane with those white-hot eyes, smiled his devastating smile, and simply said, “YES, you may do it.” Shane put his small hands, one on top of the other, around Cliff’s enormous cock and started to jerk his muscle god off. At this point, Rich and Jack were standing close to the bed as well. Cliff looked at them with his white eyes and chuckled a deep god-like chuckle and kept smiling. It was still Cliff in that huge, monolithic body. Nothing about his mind had changed; he was just monumental in size. That smile was the same and that gave great comfort to Rich and Jack. “Looks like you two will get along well. Now get back on the couch and make out or something. Shane and I need to take care of some business.” Jack took this as a command from his master, and Rich wasn’t about to contradict his newly titan sized best friend. They backed away and into the corner to get to know each other better. “Shane, that feels so good. I have been waiting for this since we got back from the gym when you broke that 45 pound plate in half. That seems like a lifetime ago, but it has only been a couple of days.” Shane was busy pleasuring Cliff’s cock, but he looked at his master and simply smiled. He was raging hard himself, in his small form. Cliff looked at him and Shane could feel some fear and apprehension in the man he loved. “What is it, my Love? Why are you feeling that way?” Shane looked to his lover with concern. “Shane, what happened to me? Why did I turn into this thing that would make the Hulk look small? Do you still think I am handsome?” “Cliff, you are the most beautiful person in the world…and if you are like me, you will be able to adjust your size, remember? But for now, please just let me take care of you. Focus on how you feel with me stroking your huge cock. I want to make you feel better than you ever have felt before, Master.” A few minutes later, Cliff reached climax. Pints of thick creamy spunk flew to the ceiling and coated much of the room. That is only after Shane took his fill. Cliff had never felt that way before. Sure he had cum plenty of times, but this was different. This was with his lover, partner, best friend, and the man who had now saved his life. He finally stood up. Over 8 feet of the solidest, hardest, vein-riddled, muscle stood in that room naked. Being 6 feet across at the shoulders made him look unstoppable and truly like a god. He looked down at the pecs that jutted out horizontally to the floor for several feet. He massaged them and motioned Shane over to suck and bite on his nipples. He felt so good. He loved Shane so much. Those waves of love had not stopped between them. In fact, they increased in their power. Cliff loved his brick-house built body, but longed for Shane’s close embrace and he could tell that Shane was preferential to staying in his smaller size at the moment. Maybe it was because he had been massive for so much of the day. Cliff thought, “He probably enjoys me being the big one for a change.” Shane grabbed his hand and looked up at his with his beautiful eyes and said simply, “I do like it.” Shane looked lovingly at the grotesquely glorious thing that Cliff had become. Cliff looked down and willed himself back to his normal meaty college boy size and grabbed Shane’s hands. Then let go and wrapped his warm arms around him and whispered in his ear, “This is going to be a good year.” “I love you Cliff,” was Shane’s only reply. “Before we head home, I think we need to take care of the people who did this to us. And they have those samples of my blood and tissue. I don’t know what they could do with them, but I think it wouldn’t be a good thing. Rich, Jack, you guys stay here. This is something that the two of us need to do together. Answer any questions that doctor has, but be discreet. He is a good man, but I don’t know if he’d believe the real story. Shane and I need to go take care of some business.” Jack and Rich both nodded. Cliff and Shane grabbed some hospital scrubs out of the cupboard in the room, put them on their normal sized bodies and walked out of the hospital. A couple of moments later, Rich looked out where the window used to be before bind blasted out, and across the vast fields of Eastern Washington and saw two huge muscle beasts running toward the west, one a bit larger than the other, holding hands. “When they get back, I’m sure it will be a good story,” he thought to himself. Jack sank back to the couch and put his incredibly strong arm around Rich and looked him in the eyes with his orbs of blackness. “Before they left, Cliff and I had a mental conversation, and he let me know that even though he is my master, he is loaning me to you. What would you like me to do for you, Master Rich?” Rich planted a deep kiss on his new boyfriend and just smiled.
  17. Guest

    Steroids? Please...

    I paced impatiently outside my local gym, bag in hand, checking my phone every couple of minutes. I was waiting for my workout partner, Brian, to turn up and he was really late. I’d been waiting over an hour, dropping him the odd text to ask him where he was but he hadn’t replied. It was really starting to annoy me now. He had been missing for the last two weeks and when he had finally gotten in touch with me, he agreed to come to the gym with me today. I decided that I would give him another ten minutes and then I would start my workout without him. I’d met Brian a little over a year ago at this very gym. We had both joined at the same time and taken the same induction class. He was in his early thirties and I in my early twenties, both trying to get fitter and we had bonded over our lack of experience in the gym and quickly began to work out together. Brian wanted to build muscle, a dream of his since he was a kid, whereas I just wanted to be healthier and trimmer, get more guys to notice me. We bonded outside the gym, wing manning for each other at bars and hanging out at weekends; we became really good, close friends. But two weeks ago, as I had just gotten in from a business trip and raring to go the gym, he texted me that he wasn’t feeling well. After nagging and nagging him by text (he wouldn’t answer my calls at all) to see if he was better, he finally agreed to meet me at the gym. His ten minutes were up and I huffed my way inside to change. I was pissed off that he couldn’t have even said he couldn’t make it and made a note to go to his apartment after my workout. As I was putting my gym bag in a locker, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and there was this huge bodybuilder staring down at me. I was by no means short at 5’11 but this guy was huge. At least 7’ tall and body so packed with muscle that I was surprised he could even move, his skin so tight over his humongous muscles that every vein on his body was pressing out like a den of snakes. I hated that look, personally. I couldn’t see the appeal; I liked guys with a little muscle but skinny. “Uh… can I help you?” I asked, shutting my locker. “Hey Si, it’s me,” he said in an incredibly deep voice. “Do I know you?” I asked, confused. “Yeah you do; it’s me, Brian.” I had to do a double take. I looked at the face and I could just about see Brian’s features there. Though they were different. Bolder, angular, rich with masculinity; I couldn’t believe this giant was Brian. Brian was only 5’9” and his voice had never been deep like that. “This is a joke, right?” I asked, nervously. “He’s playing a game or something.” He lifted up his tank top, exposing his powerful washboard abs to reveal a tattoo across his stomach, distorted by his bulging muscles. “Kerry”, it said, just under his navel. I knew that tattoo well, Brian had told me he’d gotten in in memory of a girlfriend who had died in a car crash when he was in college. The same lettering, same coloured ink; there was no mistaking it. I gasp, putting my hand over my mouth. “Brian!?” I gaped. “W-what happened to you?” “Don’t know what you mean, Si,” said Brian, dropping his tank. “Just been working out, you know how it is.” “B-but you… you’re… How?” I spluttered, unable to pull on of the thousands of questions running through my head cohesively to my mouth. “Look, Si, I came here to let you know I won’t be working out with you anymore,” said Brian, putting two huge hands on my tiny in comparison shoulders. “I think we’re on different levels and… Fuck, I hate saying this… but you’ll only hold me back man. I gotta really put my all into it and I can’t just sit around while you do your cardio shit. To be honest, I don’t think we can see each other either. I’m spending all my time either working or lifting, I just don’t have time.” I blinked back tears. “I don’t understand… You’re different! What did you do?” “I know it’s a hard thing to swallow,” he said, ignoring my question. “But I’m sure you’ll find someone else to workout with.” The locker room door opened and a head popped in, locking eyes at me and Brian. I recognised them instantly, it was Andrej Wozniak, the biggest meathead in the gym. He was 7’, blond haired, blue eyed, with a thick German accent who loved showing off and strutting around like he owned the place. “Hey, Bri!” Andrej called. “The guys are waitin’. Leave the loser and get your ass out here.” “Bri?” I asked, indignantly. “You hate being called Bri. How do you know him?” “He my friend, Si,” said Brian. “He’s really helped me with my gains. Sorry dude, I catch you later.” Brian turned and left the locker room, having to turn slightly to get through the door because of his wide shoulders. My mind was awash with confusion and anger. Brian hadn’t even been a fraction of the size a couple of weeks ago, and he’d somehow grown taller as well. Brian was hiding something and Andrej was involved, I knew it. Andrej had a posse of similarly sized meathead, all tall and built like a fortress and Brian had joined their ranks. As I did my workout, I kept staring and them, glaring deeply. They were laughing and lifting heavy amounts of weight, dropping the barbells down with an almighty thud that would make everyone jump. Brian was even acting differently around them, no longer shy and quiet. He was bold, rude and loud, a total transformation. When I was done I went up to the Rick in the manager’s office. Rick owned the gym and was a fair man, very patient with new guys and knew everyone by name. He was once a bodybuilder though he never made it to pro level, but he kept in great shape still. “Hey, Simon, how can I help you?” asked Rick, leaning back in his chair. “Not cancelling your membership I hope?” “No, I actually wanted to ask you something,” I said. “What do you know about Andrej?” “Ah, Andrej…” sighed Rick. “Listen, Simon; it’s best not to get involved with him. I know he’s an ass but he pays well in membership and as long as he doesn’t cause trouble, I don’t bother him.” “I think he’s doing roids or something…” I said. “I mean, look at him! And his little group. There must be something going on there.” “If he is, it’s not under this roof I can assure you,” said Rick, sternly. “Believe me, I’ve had cops rooting in here, warrants and all, searching his stuff but they never found anything. I know a guy down at the precinct and he said Andrej has had his apartment searched, his car, everything and nothing turned up. He’s even had every drug test under the sun done on him and he’s clean. Whatever he’s doing, ain’t no one who knows what it is.” “But he’s got Brian on whatever it is,” I protested. “You have to be able to do something.” “That new guy with him is Brian?” asked Rick in amazement, leaning his head to look out the door. “Look, Simon, just forget it. Whatever he’s doing, I don’t care. As long as they pay their fees and stay out of trouble, there ain’t nothing I can do to kick him out unless I want a lawsuit. And I hate lawyers so just let it be.” I sighed and nodded, crestfallen. I went home and I tried to get it out of my mind, Brian and Andrej, but I couldn’t stop thinking about them. I flipped open my laptop and Googled Andrej. It brought up a bunch of websites about an artist with a slightly different name so I tried refining my search. I couldn’t find any pictures, records or even mentions of this guy anywhere; it was like he didn’t exist. And knowing the internet, if I couldn’t find someone like Andrej wasn’t anywhere online then it was because he didn’t want to be found. The next night I sat in my car outside the gym, waiting. I’d decided to confront Andrej, demand to know how he’d changed Brian. I could only think it was unwillingly as Brian had never shown any kind of fondness for the man. It got later and later until it was almost midnight when the gym was closing when he finally came out, covered in sweat. I got out my car and walked towards him as Andrej headed to his big red Hummer. “Excuse me,” I said as I got near him. “I wanna talk to you!” “Well, if it isn’t little Simon,” chuckled Andrej. “What do you want?” “What the hell did you do to Brian?” I demanded, staring him right in the eyes. I had to crane my neck up as Andrej stood at 6’11, a foot taller than me. “What drugs did you put him on?” “Drugs!?” Andrej guffawed. “I don’t do drugs, dude. What makes you think I had anything to do with Brian getting big anyway?” “Well he sure as hell wouldn’t have approached you,” I snapped. “There is no way Brian would have done anything willing like that.” “Aww, this is adorable,” laughed Andrej, crossing his huge arms across his thick chest. “Brain said you had a crush on him. Are you jealous he doesn’t want to be your friend anymore?” “What?” I exclaimed. “I’ve never had a crush on Brian. I’ve known he’s straight since we first met. And anyway, stop changing the subject! What have you given him? I know the police are after you from selling roids so what did you give him?” “You really don’t get it do you,” Andrej sneered. “I didn’t give him any drugs. In fact, Brian came to me asking for some help and I helped him. He’s living his dream and he is happy. And he is happy without you slowing him down and getting in the way. Now piss off.” “No!” I shouted. “I will find out what you did to him if it’s the last thing I do!” Andrej suddenly grabbed me by the shirt and effortless pulled me up off my feet and powerfully slammed me down onto the hood of his Hummer. I cried out in pain and he leant right up in my face. “Now you listen here, little man,” Andrej snarled. “If you come near me again, I will beat your puny little body into dust. If you even speak to me again I will break your fucking legs AND if I find out you’ve been following me, asking questions about me or if you even look at me the wrong way, I will make your life fucking hell. Is that clear?” Before I could respond he pulled me off his Hummer and I landed on a heap on the ground. He spat on me before getting in and driving away. I grunted in pain as I got up, hobbling to my car. The next morning, my body ached like I had been put through a trash compactor. I took a couple of days off work to recover, faking that I had gotten the flu, while my bruises healed. Andrej had really done one on me but I didn’t spend my time in bed licking my wounds. So what if Andrej had threatened me, I had to know the truth about what was going on. I called on my old college roommate who was adept at hacking his way into most things. I told him I was looking for information on Andrej and to be very discreet. Within a day, the only records he found was a mailing address, drivers license, car registration and a bank account. I looked through the bank details thoroughly. Money was regularly coming in at amounts that wouldn’t cause suspicion to the casual eye but then massive amounts would be withdrawn in person. Andrej had quite a lot on savings but the records only went back a couple of years so I couldn’t get really deep. I asked my friend to search for police records and he said he hadn’t been able to find any. I found that strange as Rick had said Andrej was being investigated, so there had to have been some kind of record. My friend tried again, trying everywhere he could think of but he still couldn’t bring anything up. I scowled in frustration; Andrej was definitely good at hiding. I assumed he must be paying off someone at the police department to remove any digital records at least, probably paper ones too. A week had gone by since I’d confronted Andrej and I only had a mailing address to go on. I drove to the address but it lead me to an abandoned warehouse in the old docks and the gate was locked with a chain, barbed wire lining the top so there was no way I was getting in. I was determined to find something so that night, I dressed in all black and parked down the street from the gym. I waited until Andrej came out and got into his Hummer, waiting until he had driven down the street before I began tailing him. I knew I was acting crazy but I just had to know what had happened to Brian, what Andrej had gotten him involved in. I had to stop him. Andrej drove through the city, stopping at a drugstore briefly before he hit the road again. He wasn’t driving anywhere near to the warehouse in his name and instead came up to an apartment building. He got out and pushed the door buzzer. A woman poked her head out of one of the windows and grinned when she saw Andrej. She was a total bimbo; fake blonde hair, clearly fake breasts and a terribly bright orange tan. When she came downstairs, she was wearing nothing but dental floss that passed for a bra and panties and Andrej pulled her in his arms, forcefully kissing her. They went upstairs and I waited for him to come back down, but when it hit 2am I knew to call it a night and headed home. I spent another week trying to find something, anything about Andrej but all my leads went cold. Even my hacker friend told me to just give up and forget about it. I couldn’t, I wouldn’t let it go. I decided to take a little break to clear my head, rethink everything. I bought a bottle of wine and cooked myself a good meal to just chill. It was a Friday so I thought I may as well enjoy myself for one night. I was surprised by a knock on the door at almost 10pm. My apartment building had been hit with a series of break-ins over the past year so I always kept the chain on and had a peephole installed. Through the peephole I could see Brian waiting outside. I opened the door on the chain. “Yes?” I asked. “What do you want?” “Look, Simon, I came over to apologise,” said Brian. “Can I come in?” I unlocked the door and Brian walked in, turning his body so his shoulders would fit. I put the chain back on and walked over to the kitchen. “Look, I’m really sorry for the way I’ve been acting lately,” said Brian apologetically. “I’ve been a total ass to you and it wasn’t fair. You know that’s not me and I just hope we can still be friends?” I sighed, folding my arms. “Will you tell me everything that’s happened to you if I say yes?” I asked. “I promise, just please tell me you accept my apology,” begged Brian. He walked towards me, putting his hands on my shoulders, gently squeezing. “I’ll do anything, I mean it. I don’t wanna lose you. You’re my best friend.” He looked so incredibly sincere, it was cute. Big muscles or not, he was putting on the puppy dog eyes and I couldn’t help but shake my head. “Of course I forgive you,” I said. “I’m glad you came to me, I really missed hanging out with you. But you have tell me everything you know about Andrej. I think he’s running some kind of illegal steroid ring and he somehow managed to get you hooked. What did he do to you?” “It’s kinda fuzzy, but I’ll tell you what I remember,” he said, clearing his throat. “Hey, you don’t have any bottled water do you? I left mine in my car and I’m still a little parched. Cardio day.” I nodded in understanding and turned round to open the fridge. As I was reaching for a bottled water, I felt Brian’s thick arm wrap around my chest tightly to hold me down and a rag get pressed against my mouth. I tried to fight but Brian was so strong and my arms were pressed to my sides. I tried to scream but they were muffled by the rag. I could smell something strong, chemically, on the rag and my head was starting to grow light. My breathing slowed, eyes drooping, body growing limp and the world around me faded to black. I wasn’t sure how long I was out for but a sudden wave of cold snapped me awake, gasping as ice cold water dripped down my body. My eyes opened and Andrej was standing in front of me, dropping a bucket to the floor. He smirked, folding his arms over his chest, his pecs pulling at the straps of his tank top. My wrists and ankles were tied to the arms of a wide, steel chair that seemed to engulf me due to its size. I was wearing the clothes I’d had on back at my apartment but they were now soaked. “Rise and shine, little man,” sneered Andrej. I struggled against my restraints but they wouldn’t budge, shivering from the cold water. I had no clue where I was, the only light source was above me and the rest of the room was in darkness. It had to be big room as our voices echoed slightly like in a hall. Or a warehouse. “There’s no use, you’re too weak to break free,” said Andrej. “I told you I would make your life hell if you didn’t stop coming after me, little man.” “You can’t just kidnap someone!” I shouted. “Let me go!” “Oh yes, I’ll let you go so you can run to the authorities?” retorted Andrej. “Do I look stupid to you?” “Yeah,” I growled. I doubled over as Andrej punched my gut with the force of a jackhammer. I screamed in pain, seeing stars, the wind knocked out of me. Andrej spat on my face and grinned down at me. “You think because a man has big muscles, it mean’s he’s stupid, eh?” asked Andrej. “You think men like me are just mindless hulks huh? If that is the case, then you’re the stupid one. Did you not think I knew you were following me? Trying to find out information on me? Tammy saw you sat in your car watching me when I went over to fuck her the other night. I watched you out her window, waiting for me. So I check CCTV for my warehouse and there you were, poking your nose in where it didn’t belong. I had friends hack your computer and I found out about your little hacker friend. I had him taken care of, he shouldn’t be walking anytime soon.” “What did you do to him!?” I screeched, stomach throbbing. “Oh nothing really, just broke all his things and then my guys broke him,” chuckled Andrej. “So, I had Bri bring you here tonight because you needed to be dealt with.” I gulped, fear finally setting in. “D-deal with me?” I stuttered. “Yes, little man,” said Andrej. “I do not like people snooping. Snoopers only lead to problems. I would know, when I was growing up there were a lot of them. “You see, my family came from the Soviet Union but I was born in East Germany during the Cold War. My father was a chemical engineer and he used to develop the steroids they gave to children at sports academies to build supermenschen; the biggest, strongest athletes. The steroids they had been using caused many ill-effects so my father was tasked with creating the ultimate steroid. He never got to complete his work however as the Berlin Wall fell and the Eastern regime crumbled. I was ten years old when some of his former subjects came and executed him, but before he died he managed to hide his research. “When I grew up, I managed to find his research encoded in some of his old medical journals purely by chance. I finished his formulas and created the compound. I must say, the results were profound.” Andrej flexed his huge bicep, thick veins throbbing over his mountainous peak. “So… you are dealing steroids,” I said. “That’s what you gave Brian, wasn’t it?” Andrej laughed and ripped off his tank top, exposing his muscular upper body; his wide shoulders, wing-like lats, jutting pecs, perfect 8-pack abs and tight waist without an ounce of fat anywhere, just vascular perfection. “Steroids?” retorted Andrej. “Please… What my father and I developed is no steroid. It’s not even remotely similar. What we created is the nectar of gods. Increased mass, strength, speed, durability, hormone production; undetectable and permanent. The perfect combination of chemical compounds, vitamins, minerals, nutrients, super concentrated proteins, testosterone, collagen and various other hormones. Only a few have ever been able to taste what that feels like. Like Bri.” “So you forced him to take it?” I asked. “Oh no, he asked for it,” said Andrej. “You were gone and he was in the gym, lifting. He comes up to me and asks how I got so big, telling me that no matter what he did he couldn’t gain mass, that it was his dream to be huge like me and he envied me. I told him I could help for a fee and he paid up, now he is perfect.” “I wouldn’t call that perfection,” I sneered. “You all look like freaks.” Andrej smiled and it freaked me out. He walked into the darkness and the lights came on, a machine whirring loudly nearby. I could see what looked like a water pump which had five clear plastic pipes that went into five sealed 55-gallon oil drums. There was another longer pipe attached to the pump that was hanging on the wall with a black rubber fitting on the end with elastic straps. Andrej grabbed this and walked back over to me, still smiling. “It’s funny that you call me a freak now,” said Andrej. “But just you wait little man. Now, open wide.” Andrej forced my mouth open with one hand. He was too strong for me to stop him, no matter how much I tried to bite down. He inserted the black rubber end of the pipe into my throat and I felt it go deep down my throat, forcing me to breath through my nose, a thick flap preventing me from swallowing it further. Andrej placed the straps over my head and slapped my cheek lightly, before walking over to the pump. “We’ll see who is the freak now, eh?” he smirked. Andrej flipped a switch on the pump and a beige-coloured liquid started to get drawn from the barrels. I desperately fought against my restraints, panic rising as the liquid travelled further up the clear pipe. I screamed as it was nearing me, futilely trying anything to make this stop. I felt the liquid start to pour from the hose into my stomach. It was warm and runny like milk though I couldn’t taste it. My stomach started to feel bloated and very full quickly. I looked down and I could see my belly starting to look swollen as it was filling to capacity. I hoped Andrej would shut the pump off but he didn’t and I watched in horror as my stomach started growing bigger and bigger. I could hear it churn and gurgle loudly as it couldn’t process the liquid quick enough, completely overloaded. My clothes were growing tighter on my body as I expanded and I could feel my belt start to dig in painfully. The leather grew tighter and tighter until it snapped clean off, the button flying off my jeans. With my stomach so full, I could feel the liquid start to compact throughout my body. My arms and legs grew flabby and fuller, chest sagging, face getting heavy. I looked like I was growing fat but it was just the liquid trying to find space in my body. I felt soft but so heavy and pain shot across my skin as stretch marks began to form. My clothes were being torn off by my growing size until I was naked and my body began to sweat profusely. The pumping just wouldn’t stop and nor was my body. 275 gallons of this liquid would be pumped inside me. I would either keep going until it was all inside me or I would die. My bones ached at the pressure of the immense weight on my frame. Soon the last drops of the beige liquid were forced into me and Andrej pulled the hose from my mouth. I let out a series of loud burps which made Andrej laugh. I felt so heavy, there was so much soft mass on my face I couldn’t close my mouth or move my head, neck engulfed in pudginess. My body looked so big I probably could have won the world record for fattest man alive. I was breathing so laboriously, my throat choked and lungs having to draw more air in to keep my heart beating. “What… have you… done… to me?” I huffed. Andrej undid my hands and my arms fell to my sides, making my body jiggle. I tried to raise them but I just couldn’t. They were so heavy and full of liquid that my bones and muscles were no match. “I’ve given you a choice,” said Andrej, grabbing one of my man tits and squeezing it like it was silly putty. “Either you swear not to tell anyone about me and to pay me all your money for the rest of your life to get the enzyme that breaks down the compound inside you; or you refuse and eventually you’ll die. I’ve never pumped so much into someone but by the looks of you, either your liver or kidneys will give out if your heart doesn’t first. I don’t expect you’ll be still living in the next hour, unless a miracle happens and you manage to metabolise all of it.” I gulped, my heavy breathing getting faster. Andrej had turned me into a time bomb ready to blow and I couldn’t think. I tried to stand but there was no strength in my legs to force me up, I was immobile. I had no way out except to submit to Andrej or die. “So, what will it be?” asked Andrej. I hung my head and sighed in defeat. “You win…” I said. “I won’t tell anyone about you. You can have my money, whatever you want. Please… I don’t want to die.” Andrej sneered, triumphant. “You’re mine now,” he said. “You’ll do what I tell you, when I tell you. Everything you own is now mine.” He pulled a clipboard from a nearby table and put a pen in my swollen hand. It was a contract. I only got the briefest glance but it was an agreement that he would control all my assets or else I would have to submit to a penalty. I dreaded to think what that could be but I managed to move my hand enough to sign my name on the dotted line. Andrej reached into his pocket and pulled out a small vial with a green liquid inside. He forced my head back and poured it down my throat. I hungrily drank every drop, my only chance of living. Within an instant the mass began to shrink, like my skin was squeezing it all down to a vacuum. I moaned as the liquid began to bubble heavy beneath my skin, making it jiggle and shake. I let out a loud belch and my body began deflating back to its old size, thankfully with no excess, saggy skin. I noticed my body still felt very heavy like my body was no longer flesh but stone. My crotch started to throb and my cock started getting hard. I looked down and with every throb that emanated from deep in my balls and up my shaft, it grew to its full state. And then kept going. I was used to seeing my cock at its normal six-inch state but it started getting longer and thicker. Seven, eight, nine, ten inches and still growing, still getting thicker, thick droplets of precum leaking down the length. It felt so good, I had never felt so aroused in my entire life and it was infectious, warmth spreading through my body. My cock finally stopped growing and it was a monster. Fifteen and a half inches long, ten inches in circumference, thick veins along the shaft to the throbbing, glistening head. I went to touch it but another strong wave of arousal hit me as my balls began to churn and swell, forcing my legs wide. When they stopped swelling, my balls were the size of oranges hanging low and proud between my legs, their weight and size pulling my sac tight. I could barely speak, let alone breathe. My mind was lost in the powerful sensations emanating through me. My arousal was so strong, it overwhelmed the pain wracking my body at that moment as I started to grow taller. The bones in my legs broke and reformed loudly as they grew longer, spine elongating, shoulders widening to accommodate my lengthening arms. My hands and feet became bigger to match, big bony paws and elongated feet to support my new height. My ribcage expanded as my internal organs were scaled up to match my size. I finally topped off at seven foot three with size eighteen feet, muscles so small on my frame that I looked anorexic, bones and veins visible under my smooth skin. I felt my face begin to contort as my skull changed shape. Cheekbones getting higher, fuller, stronger; my jaw squaring out with a prominent, strong chin. The skin smoothed out, all wrinkles and blemishes fading away, no longer greasy or dry but a perfect balance. My hair went floof as my curls became wavy and then perfectly straight, the light brown growing darker until it was blacker than night, eyebrows perfectly shaped and thick. My throat bulged and my Adams apple grew bigger, my moans growing deeper, bassier, huskier; I could feel my larynx vibrate harder in my throat. “Oh man,” I said, voice much, much deeper. “Feels so good…” “The best is yet to come,” said Andrej. I felt a swelling all over my, bringing more heat to my arousal, as my muscles began their work, popping out huge from my stick-like body. Calves exploding out into huge cannonballs, quads and hams quickly engulfing the room between my legs until they became powerful buttresses of muscle, forcing my leg spread wider and my balls upward. I pulled at the metal restrains on my thin ankles and pulled them clean off, allowing me to comfortably spread my powerful legs out. Each leg was thicker than my waist at forty two inches a piece. My glutes were next, exploding into two powerful globes of solid muscle, jutting so far that if I stood, you could rest a pint on each one without them falling off. My waist grew a little bigger but only to support my body, growing from twenty eight to thirty six inches. But compared to my bony shoulders, it still looked tiny. My obliques swelled up from my crotch serving to highlight my cock more. My abs popped into ten powerful bulges with deep separations. It was no roid guy either, it was a solid diamond wall of muscle. My serratus muscles grew over my rib cage, thick cords of muscle only helping to highlight my abs. My lats spread outward as they grew into broad, powerful wings; the beginnings of the bodybuilder’s cobra head and forming a wide v-taper for my expanding body. They forced my arms out, even with my broad shoulders, demanding so much room. My back expanded to support my growing upper body forming a deep curve of my spine. No longer flat lands, my back was a bulging range of mountainous muscle, helping to make me even wider. My pecs exploded from my chest as they went from flat to thick and juicy slaps of muscle. Their size was phenomenal, a gap so deep that my old hand could have fit in their deep canyon. My pecs had such a weight to them as if two halves of a rock had been inserted under my skin, raw power bulging profusely. My nipples were well below their horizon, obscuring my view below, but I grabbed them in my fingers. They were bigger, pointed down and outward with juicy nubs that felt good to play with. My forearms swelled into big clubs of meat, every thick cord of twitching muscle visible with snake-like veins wrapped over them from my huge hands. My biceps blew up like two cannonballs, huge veins hugging along the ridges of their high, split peaks. So big that, even when resting, the huge balls of solid muscle looked flexed. My triceps blew outwards like giant horseshoes any stallions would be envious of. My arms were two cannons of pure muscle and strength; I could feel their power from the tips of my fingers right up to my shoulders, every flex and bulge from the tiniest movement just showed their raw power off. My deltoids expanded like two basketballs, finishing off my insane width. The huge heads of my delts bulged profusely, each one demanding room on my shoulder. My traps began to rise up my thickening neck, consuming it, reaching almost up to my ears. My traps were now two bulging, throbbing masses that just completed my new muscular size. And finally, my skin began to tighten even more over my huge muscles. Every fibre, every cut and separation, every thick veins became even more pronounced over my body. Not a single hair remained on my body, I was now completely smooth and vascular; my body fat had to be 1%, almost none. My skin darkened into a perfect tan, which only highlighted my muscles better, perfectly complimenting my darker hair. I felt my growth began to level out and I stretched my new body out, feeling the new muscles bulge for the first time. I felt them, cock throbbing and completely slicked up with precum, moaning at how hard and powerful they felt. “Feels good, right?” asked Andrej. “I feel so… strong,” I said. “You are man now, real man,” chuckled Andrej. “You stink like one too. Sweat, musk, cum. That is how a real man smells.” “Fuck yeah!” I shout. I stand up to my full 7’3” and flex, taking in my stink. “So fucking big,” I muttered. “So fucking strong.” I look over at Andrej and smirk. He’s smaller than me, both in height and muscle, and I know he is beneath me. I grab the chair I was restrained in, made from pure steel and ripped it from the ground, throwing it across the warehouse. Andrej didn’t flinch for a second, he just laughed. “I think we need to renegotiate my contract,” I said. “I think you should be serving me, little man.” Andrej shook his head and pulled his phone out from his sweatpants pocket. He tapped the screen and I doubled over as pain exploded from all over my body. It only lasted one second but I was on all fours at his feet, shaking heavily and my stomach felt like it was about to heave. Andrej crouched down in front of me and slapped me hard on the back. “You are stupider than you look, Si,” said Andrej. “You don’t think I planned for this? You don’t think I anticipated your arrogance? In the enzyme that activated the nectar contained a number of nanobots that are clustered in your nervous system. I can make you yield from anywhere in the world and unless you want to tear your body apart, there’s nothing you can do to remove them. Plus, without me, the nectar will eventually wear off. Unless you drink my renewal protein mix everyday, you’ll waste away into nothing.” “S-so that’s why you guys were always drinking protein shakes,” I hissed, the aftereffects of the pain dissipating. “You are mine, Si,” reiterated Andrej. “Just accept it and you’ll be happy.” “What are you going to do with me now then?” I asked. “I’ve signed your fucking contract, you changed me permanently, I’ll die without you; what’s your endgame?” “Now you go about your normal life,” said Andrej. “But you can’t go back to your old job, it’ll be too suspicious. I have a job all lined up for you, you will interview and get it. I’ve done my research on you, it’ll well within your abilities and soon you’ll be fast-tracking promotions, making me more money. Your body is pumping out pheromones like no tomorrow, people will find you attractive; they’ll want to do anything for you. Aside from that, you and my men will compete globally for bodybuilding titles. That will bring you fame, sponsorships, more money and I’ll will manage this work until the world is begging for your secret. Then I can make more supermenschen, men desperate to be big, strong and powerful. Every single one under my control.” “So that’s all this is about, money?” I scowled. “Why don’t you just rob a bank?” “And be a criminal!?” retorted Andrej. “No, no, no. Even the best criminals eventually get brought to justice. No, it must be done legitimately. Then no one can stop me.” I sighed, getting up off the floor. My cock was still rock hard and leaking, desperate for release. I grabbed it in my hand and jerked. Andre chuckled at the sight. “You’ll notice you’ll feel horny almost all the time,” said Andrej. “You’ll learn to control it, to channel it. Your appetite will increase too but eat as much as you want, your metabolism is so powerful that it will digest everything completely, leaving very little waste and fuel it back into your body without getting fat. Your body is now the ultimate machine, pure power.” I flexed my muscles, watching them bulge and swell, completely under my control. Rock-fucking-solid. I could feel the strength emanating from deep inside, throbbing and pulsing within every sinew. “Big man now, huh Si?” said a familiar voice. I looked up and saw Brian was standing next to Andrej and he was looking bigger than ever, his workout gear covered in sweat. Fuck he looked so hot, my cock ached just looking at him. “You have the power, take what you want,” said Andrej. I smirked. I took one heavy step after another towards Brian, my cock bobbing with each step and slapping against my abs. I grabbed Brian’s tank and ripped it off like paper, exposing his powerful chest. He was big, but I was bigger. Brian just stood there speechless as I tore off his sweats and jockstrap. His cock was soft but big. But I was bigger. “I’m gonna fuck you,” I said, pressing my chest against Brian, staring down at him. “I don’t give a shit if you’re not gay. Your ass is mine.” “Yes, Si,” said Brian. Within seconds I had Brian facedown on the floor, balls deep in his ass, slamming fifteen huge inches deep in his ass. Brian was growling and moaning under me, wriggling and struggling hard but I was stronger. He was no damn match for me and I had to show him who was the strongest. I slammed in so hard that the concrete floor cracked beneath us. “That’s it,” said Andrej approvingly. “My big boys. Make me proud.” I never felt so invigorated in my life. For hours I fucked Bri’s tight muscle ass, unloading my seed one after the other, huge cupful’s of cum with each orgasm. Bri’s cock more than kept up, shooting a heavy load with mine. We were lying in a pool of our cum that had leaked out his ass and shot from his cock, our muscles covered in our sticky juices. I pulled out and Bri slumped, exhausted; but I was still hard, throbbing, craving. I walked up to Andrej who had watch us fuck, a big smile on his face. “More?” he asked. “More!” I growled. Andrej sent a message on his phone and through the door came his whole posse. I grinned, my cock squirting precum up my chest as the band of muscled men walked towards me. “That’s more like it.” -- Hope you enjoyed Comments appreciated as always!
  18. InfyD

    Fantasy Supplement - Part 3

    I have absolutely no idea how it's been over a year since I last added to this already. But anyway, not much in the way of growth in this one--mostly just talk of growth. Had to end it where I did though, because the next part will be a long scene with lots of growth, and I don't want to rush it. So hopefully this is worth something in the meantime - enjoy! Part 1: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/5612-fantasy-supplement/ Part 2: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/5760-fantasy-supplement-part-2/ Fantasy Supplement - Part 3 A dark blur of leaves, grass and mud wave by my squinted eyes. I close them again for a few seconds before a chill runs through me, jerking me awake. I sit up with a start, wet and shivering. Bits and pieces are coming back to me. Looking down at my body, it's the same one I remember from everything before the events of the last several hours. Everything's okay now! I'm back to normal! Except now I'm cold and naked – no, wait. One of my legs is warm and covered. Jake is sprawled out on the ground, curled up over me from my foot to a little above my knee. His presence is comforting, but... oh shit, he'd fallen asleep. Some leaves rustle in the distance, my eyes dart here and there in response. Just the wind... I hope. I can't imagine anyone would've seen us this far off the road. And such an infrequently used road at that. A few drops of rain chill my skin. It's gotten dark, and that storm is probably coming. I lean over and shake Jake's shoulder to rouse him, unable to help but laugh a bit at how crunchy his clothes were. “Hey man, time to get up. I need clothes and you need clothes that won't shatter,” I say to him with a smart-ass grin. Jake's eyes open a fraction of the way, and he smiles, retorting, “Well that's all your fault, isn't it?” His eyes widen, realizing where he is and what all's gone on, and he jolts upright. “Dammit, I must've passed out.” “It's alright. Doesn't seem to be anyone around. It was good of you to keep watch at all … and may I remind you, you're the one who started all this, really,” I tease him again. I can barely see him make an understanding smile in the darkness. He has obviously relented. “Yeah, yeah.” I stand up, taking Jake's hand to help him follow suit. Once he's fully upright, our eyes meet a little awkwardly. I happily sigh and my gaze averts nervously, but only for a moment. I reach up a hand to brush it through his dark hair. He leans forward and locks lips with me, breath rushing in through his nostrils in the rush of the kiss. Our mouths suck at one another, tongues grazing lightly. The kiss is enough to stir my dick, making it climb upward against Jake's leg. We part and Jake looks down knowingly at my half erection, quietly chuckling. He watches me and I observe myself, and then we both laugh a bit more when my body doesn't change. Jake says in a mix of relief and disappointment, “Guess it really is out of your system.” I bring my 2008 station wagon slowly up the driveway to pull into my spot outside the apartment building. The rain is pattering louder off the windshield as I shut the car off, the wipers stopping and the headlights dim. It's not a long walk up the path to the door, but there's still two flights of stairs to climb to my apartment, and I'm not about to chance running into one of my neighbors while I'm naked. I turn around in my seat and nudge Jake over a bit so I can reach back and grab a blanket I keep handy in case the car ever breaks down and strands me. “Well don't we look like a couple of weirdos,” Jake says with a grin. “You wrapped in a blanket, and me a disheveled mess.” I bring the blanket into my naked lap and give him a playful kiss on the cheek. “This really couldn't have worked out better, though. With it being late, dark and stormy, there's little chance of anybody seeing us, at least.” I give him an assuring smile and nod toward the cement path. “C'mon.” I make a burrito of myself with the blanket and plod up toward the door the best I can, Jake right behind me. The clouds have really opened up now, the rain slapping off the ground forcefully. Keep it up! I think to myself, hoping for a good, violent storm to help our plan. God, what were we thinking? But oh well... we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. The moment we get into my apartment, I puff out my breath as though I were holding it the entire climb up the stairs. And I just might've been. I shut the door and lock up. “It's not much, but it's a roof over my...,” I break mid-sentence and grin stupidly, knowing just hours ago, I took out Jake's roof. “It's got a shower though, doesn't it?” I watch him look around eagerly, and I motion toward the far left of the living room. “Yep, door on the left down that little hall there.” Jake dashes off almost before I can finish my sentence, tossing his grungy shirt comically in the air behind him. I chuckle to myself and unravel my blanket, dropping it to the floor. Poor Jake's going to need some clothes. Only fair that I help him out in that department however I can. I shuffle down to my bedroom and search through the dresser, trying to find some t-shirts. They'll have the best chance of stretching on his frame. And he'll probably have to live with khakis. The legs of my jeans would grab at his thighs too tight. Hell, I even have sweatpants. It'll all do for now. I can faintly hear the water from the shower running in its white-noise hiss, but then a Hey. I leave the ruffled clothes in the open drawers and poke my head around the corner. “Yeah?” I just see a hint of steam leaking out the partially closed door. “What're you waiting for?” says the unseen Jake. “You getting in here or what?” For whatever reason, without a growth supplement in play, I didn't expect such an invitation just yet. My stirring groin and a swoop of butterflies pull me down the hallway without hesitation. Sliding in past the door, I see Jake with the shower curtain pulled enough to reveal half of his wet, naked body. My eye travels down his firm, shapely thigh and calf, then back up past his shiny, meaty pec, only to be greeted warmly with those damn piercing eyes of his. I tremble a little, but it's probably only noticeable to me. After the show I'd put on for him today, and what we did, why would I feel nervous about this? My bare feet carry me across the tile floor toward him. Maybe it's because, without the growth fantasy, this is actually about just us. He takes my hand and tugs lightly guiding me in as I lift one foot at a time over the side of the tub. I close the curtain, and he pulls me up against him. Our faces close, our bodies pressed and sliding sensually against one another. My dick swells to half-mast, and I can feel his doing so in response. Our two cocks rising up together between us. I exhale loudly, enjoying the sensations, and glance down at the bloating erections, my mind wandering to hours ago when my dick was much, much larger. The thought pushing my erection to a straining hardness. The way it is now, he could get his mouth around it no problem... throb... but the way it was before, his entire arms barely got around it...thrrobbb. I take another heaving breath from the sharp rush, and I look back up at Jake. “Zach? What're you thinking about?” “Heh...,” I breathe out, a little embarrassed. “I was just thinking about how awesome it was to be fucking huge.” Jake smiles. “That was pretty awesome.” His hands run down my sides and cup my hips. “I was thinking how excited I am to get to be fucking huge, too.” His eyes squint mischievously. “For both of us, to be fucking,” he squeezes my groin hard against his to emphasize the last word, “...huge.” I moan and feel precum flow up and out of me, and my legs shake. I smile and nod slowly. “Oh fuck yeah....” I return the favor and squeeze him tight against me, our cocks rock hard and smashed between us. “That's what I'm thinking about now, too.” “So...,” he reaches for a bottle and squirts some soap into his hand. He suds it up and pushes me back the slightest bit to get a hand down between us, grabbing my throbbing dick with his slippery hand, sliding it up and down my length, maneuvering his fingers in a mild twisting motion. “Where do we do it?” My mind is all fuzzy with this stud in front of me slicking up my cock in his grasp. My breathing has gotten a bit choppy, and I begin to thrust my hips in rhythm with his hand. Some place to go... to grow really big, I think. Plenty of space... hidden from view... unnnnnh.... My cock tingles and continues to ooze pre. “Are there... mmmmf... any warehouses around? Something out of the way?” Jake begins to stroke me faster. I pump my hips faster and breathe harder. “Mmm, good idea. That's probably our best bet. Maybe a company is selling off buildings they're not using anymore. Somewhere where people aren't coming around... 'specially on a weekend.” His hand grabs me really hard, and speeds up. He playfully growls the rest. “We'll go and pop those pills. And we'll grow... And swell... And we'll get so big that our dicks and balls could crush a car. And then we'll grow even BIGGER!” “Rrgh!” The way he growled out that last word, I just can't control myself. I make jerky thrusting motions as spurt after spurt of my cum splashes out onto Jake's thigh. I pant and groan, leaking my seed until I lurch forward and my head rests heavily against his chest as I catch my breath, still dribbling out whatever I have left. Jake chuckles and holds me in place until my legs can support me again. He strokes my back as he hugs me and whispers. “Imagine how much more we'll shoot tomorrow.” My eyes flutter open. I reach up to rub the bleariness away, and try in vain to wet my dry lips. It takes a few seconds for my brain to warm up, but once it does, I look over next to me to see Jake under the covers, his black hair sticking out in true bed-head fashion. And I don't complain for an instant that he didn't take me up on any clothes to sleep in post-shower. My hands reach down beneath the covers and hit nothing but skin--apparently I didn't bother to put anything on either. Unable to help myself, I edge my body over against his and take in a deep breath. I could lie there in that position all morning if I weren't excited about what we found online last night. The pressure and warmth of my front against his back causes Jake to stir. He starts to roll over, but seems to hesitate momentarily as my now erect cock brushes against his firm ass. Jake's head tilts ahead of his body so he can kid me with an indignant expression before smiling and fully flipping over to hug me up close. “Good morning,” he says softly. “Today's a big day.” I groan and shake my head. “Sure is.” Our legs slide along each other. “Or at least it will be soon. Did you write down that address?” “Mhmm.” Jake motions vaguely to a room down the hall we can't possibly see from my bedroom. “I scribbled it on the notepad by your computer.” “Mm, great. I'll just pop that into my GPS and off we'll go. I can't believe how many auto factories are abandoned.” Jake shrugs lightly. “Some of them are being bought back up, but luckily, not all of them have been! Should be lots of space in this one, too, from what we saw. I think we'll need it.” Jake flashes me another eager smile. I give him a skewed grin in return, then buck my groin against his, and laugh. “I'll stop teasing. We'll save that for when we're packin' more.” I see Jake's smile widen, and I give his hip a light slap. “Well, then. Best get a move on!” After a drive past the city, and a long haul down a road that goes way out into the middle of nothing, my little, gray station wagon pulls up in an empty lot outside of a massive warehouse. It looks to be six stories tall and runs along for what I could only guess is about the length of a football field. I step out of my car and give a low whistle. Jake climbs out right after me, shuts the car door and nods, satisfied. “I think we picked the right place, Zach.” I lock the car without breaking my gaze at the big, abandoned building. We walk slowly up to it, Jake as lost in his perverse thoughts as I am in mine, I'm sure. The only thing that shakes me out of my reverie is realizing we need to figure out how to get in. At this point we may be desperate enough to just move on with things outside, and pray no one comes along. But I know I'd at least rather play safe than sorry. I start scanning along the side of the building and see some broken windows. Jake walks up to a door on the front end of the building to try and take a look inside. Eyeing it up, I think the windows may be reachable. We would just have to be careful not to cut ourselves climbing in. “Hey Jake, I think we can--” But I'm interrupted by the squeal of Jake opening the door. An unsettling combination of relief and concern wash over me. “That's weird,” I mutter. “If some companies are buying up these buildings, you'd think it'd be locked up.” “Well, lucky for us it's not!” Jake replies, dismissing any curiosity. Guess we'll just look around for...I dunno...squatters or anything before we start playing!” He swoops into the warehouse eagerly, but I'm still glancing around, not feeling totally settled. I gaze above the door and see a security camera. It doesn't look like it's as old as the rest of the building, but it is busted, regardless. Eh, whatever. I stumble in through the door to catch up with Jake. The inside of the building looks even more impressive as it stretches out and up in front of us. Jake cups his hands around his mouth and yells “HELLO!”, the call echoing a couple times. There are a few half-built cars off to one side. Some outdated assembly line machinery litters the place. A handful of dusty desks and chairs along the wall. But even that much left-behind stuff fills only a fraction of the old factory. Not really much for a hobo or someone to hide behind. And the lot was empty except for a broken down tractor trailer. Jake takes a long, distant once-over of anything he can survey from where he's standing, and he turns to me, rubbing his hands together. “I think we have the run of the place, Zach.” It dawns on me all over again what we're about to do. I can only think about how hot it felt to grow so big...I can't fathom what it'll feel like to watch someone getting bigger along with me! I wonder how far it could go without worrying about destroying a home. My brief daydream already has my blood pumping and my shorts slightly tenting. Jake's voice catches my attention, and I look up to see him holding two pills between his fingers, his eyes turned down toward my crotch. “Hmm, looks like you've already gotten started.” He grins that teasing grin of his, with his eyebrows raised. “Maybe you don't even need one of these?” He laughs as I reach out for the pill and he plays keep-away from me. “Like hell!” I yell out, smiling, elated as he lets me claim that little, magical pill. In grabbing for it, I sidled up against him. Our chests brush each other as we breathe deep, my breath shaking a bit in my throat. Jake steadies me with his free hand, gently clutching my shoulder. “Are you okay? Are you ready?” I just nod and smile reassuringly before mouthing a barely audible 'yeah'. We each pop and swallow our pill. No going back now. Jake's eyes dance, looking me up and down. His hands grasp at my hips, grinding his crotch to mine. Sliding his hands then to grope my ass, then to slide up the back of my shirt. It's as though he's overly eager to try every possibly stimulating thing to kickstart the reaction. He gives off a breathy laugh and shakes his head. “Sorry. Just too damn excited. I know what's supposed to happen, and I saw it happen to you. I'm just really wondering what it's going to feel like!” I smile, all too happy to return the enthusiasm and run my hands over his chest. “Oh, don't worry. It feels fucking amazing.” I massage his pecs and push my front into him, able to feel we're both sporting solid erections already. He keeps his hold on my lower back as we buck against each other. After another few moments of our dry humping, a strong pleasure rushes into our groins and our packages swell and begin to overstuff our shorts. “H-holy shit!!” Jake yells out, mouth left agape while he looks down at our amassing bulges. “And we're just getting started!”
  19. (An entry into something long term. I hope people enjoy. I'll read over later for grammar. This was a late night writing jam on my part.) Chapter 1 <--- Chapter 2 Chapter 3 ------------ Decisions catch up with us in unexpected ways. Alex was in the gym, working on his arms at the moment. He was impressive to say the very least, being about 5'11" and 200 lbs of sculpted muscle that you'd expect on an aspiring bodybuilder. He was focused at the moment on his current routine, oblivious to the fact that something or someone might be observing him and plotting a fate far out of his own control. The pale man observing him went unnoticed despite his own powerful build and the grace he moved with that spoke of a predator more than anything else. "Alex! You got a minute?" Called out Vince, the gym's manager, as he walks over to the bodybuilder now with a grin. Vince was in his 40s but kept up a strong build thanks to the perks of being in his position. He was tanned with a bald head, favoring t-shirt and slacks when not using the facilities himself or training others. "Yeah, what's up?" He looks over at the big man with a grin as he sets down his dumbbells for the moment. He was wearing a underarmor shirt that hugged his strong frame well along with some black workout shorts also hugging his strong quads. Alex wasn't someone to ignore in the looks department, but it perhaps helped he was a bit narcissistic about his appearance. "So, I've got a guy looking for a trainer, but he's got night shift work. You think you'd be up for it? He's wanting weekly sessions and is willing to pay the fees for that level of attention to his routines and needs," Vince said with an assured grin to show he thought he was doing his friend a favor. Alex found it a little odd how Vince seemed a bit more glassy eyed as he spoke, even if with his regular enthusiasm but blamed it on the guy being tired. "Seriously? I mean I suppose though you know I've caught some heat for deals like that before. I couldn't help that some things came up," Alex said dismissively of those previous events though. "So yeah, if he's got the cash, I'd want it up front like usual. If he can do that, he's got himself a personal trainer." "Great, I'll let him know. When do you want to have him do his first session?" Vince asked more so with a stressed smile as if something were bothering him. Alex frowns a bit at that but Vince said nothing else as he awaited his response. This was a little odd on the jovial owner's end but he again put it down to work strain. "Oh, um I can manage tonight if he likes. How about that?" Alex looks around the gym some now, noticing the rather muscular pale man looking on at him with a odd mixture of desire and.. anger? The fuck was with that guy? He looks back over at Vince who seems relieved at the response now as he heads on over to the pale man. Alex frowns more so now, not sure what the hell a guy that jacked wanted with him. He had to easily have 50 lbs on Alex in sheer muscle mass stacked onto a 6'3" frame with blond hair and icy blue eyes even though he swore they seemed red for a moment. "Alex, this is Thomas, he's your new client," Vince said as he lead the powerfully built pallid stranger over. His skin upon closer inspection seems more like marble with how truly pale he was as he offers his hand to Alex who felt an odd compulsion to take it despite some small voice in the back of his head screaming warning. Thomas's hand was almost frigid to the touch as he looks into Alex's eyes with a cold satisfaction. "Hello, Alex. I hear your going to train me?" His voice was oddly familiar despite the man's chiseled, towering appearance not really reminding him of anyone save his face though memory fixated on someone far less fit. "Yeah though why would you need a trainer? Looking at you, I'd say you already know what your doing," Alex said with a chuckle some as he watches Thomas give a dismissive gesture towards Vince. The owner obeys without a word and heads off towards his office before moving around the gym to tell the other patrons they were closing early today. People were slowly filing out while Alex frowns and looks back at the smiling pale stranger. "You would think that, Alex, but I'm going to be honest that a lot of this is from some life changes I've gone through," Thomas said as he chuckles some, flashing his nearly perfect teeth. They would be perfect if not for his canines being oddly more pronounced. "Trust me, after tonight you'll understand." Alex shrugs that off as he starts to lead the big man through lifting. Oddly enough he did seem to be less that well trained in lifting though he also knew some movements as well as if someone had perhaps did a poor job teaching him. That had to be one hell of a shitty trainer and this guy had to have crazy genetics to get this far on just dumb luck in his lifting. The issue was the guy seemed to know a few custom lifting techniques he taught which most lifters wouldn't normally have used. "Have we met before, Thomas?" Alex asked with confusion some after Thomas did a set of reps like he would have told him too... only Alex never said a thing. "Oh Alex, you have no idea who I am anymore, do you? Guess fucking over so many clients in the past years makes it hard recalling them," Thomas sneers as he lets the weights drop and his eyes go blood red. Alex stiffens as he looks at the pale man as he thinks about backing away but finds himself unable to move. "That's alright, we're going to have a long time to get to know one another." Thomas chuckles as he walks over and offers Alex a protein shake container. The mix was ready as if prepared recently as Alex notices Vince has left and locked the doors behind him. It was only the pair in the gym now thanks to Alex owning a key for his late lifting sessions. Thomas coaxes him to drink and Alex finds his arm obeying as he brings the shake up to his lips, downing it reluctantly until the taste reaches his tongue. Alex shudders and downs the rest of the shake hungrily as he looses control to an odd new desire, his feelings towards Thomas becoming conflicted as a deep sensation of desire emerges within him. "Wha...what was in that? Did you fucking drug me?" Alex demands as his muscles bunch, veins popping out along his body. He blinks more as his clothes seem to feel tighter like he'd just gotten a massive pump. He looks down at himself and gasps as he was indeed easily pumped up like one hard workout. "The fuck is happening to me?!?" "A bit of a gift to bind you in service to me. Did you know the blood of a vampire has some very impressive effects on the human body?" Thomas asks as he walks around Alex, resting his hands on those pumped shoulders. Alex wanted to throw them off but at the same time wanted to savor the feeling, to please this pale stranger who'd walked into his life in the night. "You and I are going to have a blast together, Alex." Thomas said, his mouth close to Alex's ear as he reaches around him to grip one of his pecs. Alex flexes in response to his touch and strains, his pecs bulging out thicker and heavier than before. Starting to strain and flex the rest of his frame as he starts to swell larger in his outfit, feeling the compulsion to show off to Thomas. "That's the spirit. You see what you can achieve with me as your one true sponsor?" "Fuck you, this is so messed up... but... I could be a major pro with this..." Alex said as his own ego started to fight him on resisting. Thomas had some secret to making him bigger and better, perhaps he could play along for a while and reap the benefits before dumping this beefy pale god...god? What was happening to him? It was like Thomas was worming his way into his psyche without even speaking a word on the matter. "You could and you will be. You are my Familiar. Now, flex," Thomas orders as he laughs. Alex obeys hungrily as he poses more, grunting as he balloons larger, easily having gained ten pounds packed onto his frame. "This is just a taste. It won't last, but you'll have some gains from it. Shall we begin the real lesson?" Thomas dark glee sounded in his voice as he flashes his canines again as Alex passes out, overwhelmed by everything.
  20. Guest

    Symbiotic Bonding - Part 03

    Sorry for the LONG delay. I have been busy. Real life gets in the way some times. And I am also trying to change my health/lifestyle by becoming something like the characters and the big muscle men of this forum (Have a progress thread in the Watch Me Grow section if anyone has not seen that, not the hottest guy yet, but working on it), so please forgive me for the delay... I now present you with the next part of this epic series... Part 03 Gym Time Andrew headed upstairs to take a shower after Matt decided to head out to the gym in a rush. His body was covered with sweat and his muscles and bones ached for some reason, almost like he worked out all day, which he never worked out a day in his life. The weirdest thing though was the stench lingering in the air surrounding him. It wasn’t a strong smell, but it was something that Andrew also was not used to, musk. Maybe it was just Matt’s sweat and odor rubbing onto him from the encounter they just shared in the kitchen. As Andrew finished up in the shower he headed to the room he shared with his brother. He made his way to his closet and grabbed a shirt out of it, pulling it off the hanger. As he pulled it over his head there was a tightness around his chest and arms. “Weird,” he pulled off the shirt and grabbed another one, and it was the same tightness. He kept trying on shirts. Over and over he pulled them off till there were a pile of them littered on the floor around him. “What the fuck?!” Andrew drops the last shirt he tried on to the floor, looking down at himself. He finally notices the changes he went through. Abs he never had pushing out from under his skin, not much yet, but there was a definite view of a four pack as he rubbed his fingers across each stepping stone of flesh. His pecs were firming up as he moved his hands to them next, which he then finally noticed a ball of muscle popping out from under his upper arm where a bicep would normally be on a man that had muscle, which Andrew clearly now possessed. Andrew’s cock began to harden. He moved to his dresser and grabbed his swim shorts. “Might as well go for a swim with a body like this,” he pulled them on and headed out to the pool. **** Matt finished up his daily morning classes. All throughout his lecture though he kept thinking back to the morning he just had with his brother. That blow job was intense, nothing like he had ever experienced before. His cock kept getting hard thinking about it, actually popping out of his jock and traveling down the leg of his pants. He had to make several shifts in his seat just to make sure his mighty cock was not seen by his other classmates. Class had ended though and he was at the gym, eager to start his workout and get his mind off of his brother. Matt quickly made his way to the locker room and changed out of his regular casual attire, pulling on a tank top and a gym shirt. They were a bit awkward on his large frame, almost as if they were a bit loose, especially the tank top. Maybe he stretched it out over the few weeks he wore it to the point it was at this loose fitting. Matt headed out to the workout area, eager to finish up before lunch. He threw himself on a weight bench, starting his usual reps but he seems a bit off. Getting up he lowers the weight and manages to do a few before getting tired rather quickly. “Need some help, runt?” Matt’s buddy Dan almost appeared out of nowhere, grabbing the bar right in the center. “Come on, Matt. I’ll give you a spot. You look like you might need a little help today.” Dan was always a bit shorter and a bit less built, standing at 6’4” and weighing 285lbs. Today though, Matt seems to see Dan as a bit bigger than normal, almost as if they are close to the same size. Matt shakes off his delusions and continues his workout as he decides to take Dan’s help for the remainder of his session; spotting one another on their sets, but Matt tires out on each of his sets as the weight is a bit too heavy for him now. Dan wraps his arm around Matt’s shoulder as they finished up their workout. “Bad days happen, Bud. I’m sure you’ll kill it tomorrow.” Matt nods at Dan, a bit annoyed as they make their way into the locker and strip down for their shower. Dan moves under a shower head right next to Matt and turns the handle to start up his shower head. He begins to soap up his hairy, beefy chest with the soap provided by the gym. Matt watches on as the water sprays down on himself, his cock still hasn’t gone down all day from his earlier sexual encounter with Andrew. Matt begins to stroke his cock to try and relieve himself, the steam of the hot water making it hard to see what was going on with the two of them. Dan begins moving the soap down to his abs, when the bar manages to slip and slide across the floor. “Fuck…” Dan bends down trying to feel for the bar with all the rising steam and heat rising to the ceiling around him As Matt continues stroking, he notices Dan’s form on the floor; his beautifully sculpted muscular ass on on fours right in front of him. His ass cheeks parted slightly with a dusting of dark hairs pushing out of his cracks. As he manages to reach it, it slips out of his hands a bit farther across the floor. “Mother Fucker!” As he moves and bends forward, his ass flexing and cheeks opening up a little more and exposing his hairy puckered, spasming hole. Matt and Dan had fucked around before. What once started as bros in the gym quickly became into several sexual encounters, both drunk on their own masculinity and testosterone. Never had the thought crossed Matt’s mind though to do anything in the gym. But that ass, right in front of him, begging to be fucked. Matt’s dick was rock hard and raging with lust, there was only one clear course of action. Matt took a step forward, grabbed Dan’s hips, and slowly pushed his cock into his friend. “NGH, WHAT THE FUCK, BRO?!” Dan started breathing heavy, surprised at this quick action from his friend. He straightens up immediately, gasping in shock, his ass muscles clenching tightly around Matt’s throbbing dick. Matt pushes his cock deeper into Dan, wrapping his powerful arms around him, pulling his friend against him in a crushing grip. “You trying to drive me nuts, dude?” Matt growled in pure bliss. “You, bending over like that? Shoving that ass in my face while I’m hard as a fucking rock and trying to beat off in peace?” Dan snarls in protest. “FUCK YOU, BRO! I DIDN’T…” Matt slams his hips forward violently, driving his cock all the way into Dan with one brutal thrust. Dan gasps, his words dying in his throat. Matt pushes Dan up against the wall and starts pumping his dick into him hard; Dan’s own stiffening member slamming into the tile wall each time Matt crashes right back into him. A low groan of lust escapes Dan’s lips as he begins to enjoy it. “That’s it,” Matt purrs into Dan’s ear. “I knew you’d love this…” he begins pumping his dick faster into him, brutally fucking him against the shower wall, the hot spray of the water falling on them both as they grunt and groan in animalistic passion. Dan’s ass begins to clench tighter around Matt’s cock as a moan finally escapes his lips. Matt’s arms reach around, under him, and lock against his abs. Dan begins to push backwards, pushing his ass onto Matt’s cock as he begins to enjoy as he begins to really enjoy this sexual experience that started with Matt forcing himself onto him. Matt’s thrusts are vicious, like a jackhammer pummeling pavement as he extracts his cock to the opening of Dan’s hole before slamming it right back in like a piston. Each time, they meet each other half way; Matt pushes in, Dan pushes back. Matt’s balls slapping Dan’s cheeks with such force, it causes a slap so loud it can be heard across the entire shower room. “Uhn…FUCK… I… I…” Within seconds, Matt practically snarling and grunting in triumph, begins to fire his hot seed into Dan, driving his dick all the way in to the hilt as his cock literally begins to spasm and go wild, pumping a surprisingly large load of cum into him. Dan begins to tense all over, every muscle flexing as he growls and grunts along with Matt. As Matt holds onto Dan, his powerful arms wrapped around his torso, he begins to slowly feel his arms getting pushed apart. Matt looks down at Dan’s back in confusion; Dan’s traps are flexed hard, throbbing, and slowly growing bigger as they rise into mountains of muscle. Matt’s eyes widen as he watches not only them rise, but the section of his back begins to move upward as well. Not only is Dan gaining more muscle mass, he’s growing taller as well. Matt’s grip around Dan’s torso breaks, his hands sliding farther and farther apart as he lifts his arms up trying to hold onto him. He rakes his fingernails across Dan’s chest, noticing that it fels thicker, fuller. Even Dan’s ass around Matt’s cock feels different, the glutes getting bigger, stronger, the target zone of his ass rising further and further off the ground with each passing second. Dan finally unclenches his glutes around Matt’s cock, making Matt stagger back, pulling out of his friend with a loud pop. Dan stands still for a moment, slowly turning around to face his friend. “How?” He looks himself over. “Did you?” Matt’s jaw drops. Dan is easily three inches taller than he was before, maybe four. Well over 300 pounds of pure masculine beef, possibly 330 pounds, or even more. He smirks at Matt, the hot water of the shower washing over his massive muscles. Dan reaches down for Matt’s body, but Matt shakes out of his daze and rolls out of the way. Dan is much bigger now then Matt, but he is not used to the new size and weight of his body making him a bit clumsy. “Where you going Matt? HAHAHA…” His laugh echoing off the walls. Matt get up onto his feet, backing towards the door to the locker room, not taking his eyes off of his enormous friend. “Ah come on, Matt! Can I fuck you now?” Dan grins from ear to ear, feeling much more confident. He takes a step toward Matt. Matt grabs his towel from the partition wall and holds it against his waist, making it into the locker room as quickly as possible, now filled with more people changing. Matt makes it to his locker, grabbing his clothes and quickly throwing them on as Dan enters into the locker room, scoping out the area for his prey. Dan’s so confident of his new body he doesn’t even care to cover himself. Matt manages to get one last glimpse of Dan now in clear focus; he’s a fucking monster. Cock close to 12 inches long and bouncing like a compass as it sways from side to side as he continues to scout out the room looking. “Anyone seen Matthew?!” People just stare in awe, no one saying a word as Matt manages to slip out the door into the main gym area, fully clothed, as he makes his way to the exit to head home. *** Matt makes it back home, not sure what just really happened back at the gym with his friend Dan. Part of him wanted to believe it was all some hallucination on his part, but he knew better. He did not just see him grow, he had FELT him grow; right under him as he fucked him. The moment after he came into him, he just started to get bigger, and not just a tiny bit, but a lot bigger. Matt began to shudder as he remembered how Dan wanted to fuck him with that huge dick. Dan had never been so large before but now… he tries to put it out of his mind as he gazes out the window to the back yard, noticing Andrew in the swimming pool, his twin’s arms cutting the water with clean strokes. Matt goes outside to get a closer look. He pauses for a second on the grass, noting Andrew’s shoulders, how they looked a bit more defined, a bit more muscular. The wetness of his brother’s skin showing the definition a bit better as the sun reflected off of him. Matt walks over to the pool, setting down his gym bag. “Hey Andrew,” Matt watches as his brother reaches the edge of the pool. “You been swimming much lately? Looks like it’s doing you good.” Although part of Matt was wondering if it might have been something else that was changing his brother. “Nah, Matt. I just felt like going for a swim.” Andrew looks up at Matt from the water, smiling at his bro, placing his arms over the side of the pool. Matt notices the bulges in his brothers arms and shoulders as the water slides off of his brother’s body. “What’s wrong with you though, Matt? You look like you saw a ghost or something.” Andrew propels himself off the wall, swimming towards the other side on his back. Matt notices the definition in his brothers chest and the feint appearance of what looks like the beginning of a set of abs. Blond hair sprouting across his brothers arms and legs. Matt sits down on a chair near the pool, watching Andrew do laps. Noting the new muscle definition, the way the muscles move under Andrew’s skin with each stroke. He remembers that morning, Andrew drinking down his cum, and then thinks about what just happened to Dan at the gym. Clearly there’s a connection, and it seems like that connection might be connected to his cum. Matt stands up and heads inside, taking his gym bag with him and tossing it into the corner of the living room. He walks up to the second floor bathroom, stripping completely, stepping onto the scale. 285lbs… Matt nearly chokes. He was 300lbs yesterday. No one loses 15lbs instantly. Not water weight. Not muscle weight. And not fat. It makes absolutely no sense. Matt put his clothes back on and headed back to the living room. He takes a seat on the couch, staring at the TV, not bothering to even turn it on. Andrew finally finishes swimming and goes back inside, drying himself off as he takes a seat next to his bro on the couch. “Are you ok man? You aren’t acting like your normal self.” Andrew playfully punches Matt on the shoulder. “You came home from the gym, looked at me weird, and then just jetted back inside. If it is something I did, you can tell me. We are brothers.” Andrew places his hand on Matt’s shoulder, moving his other hand to Matt’s fuzzy, bearded cheek, turning his face to look at him. There was sadness in his eyes. “Hey, bro… We were born together. We have a connection unlike other bros unless they were twins like the two of us. Whatever is going on with you, I am here for you, and will always be. Matt looks down at Andrew, smiling softly. “It’s nothing, Andrew. I just had a lousy workout, that’s all. Wasn’t up to my usual weight and reps on anything. So I’m just a bit bummed.” Andrew doesn’t quite know how to take that response. It sounds truthful, yet it also seems like his brother might be holding something back. Matt wraps a powerful arm around his shoulder, pulling Andrew in closer. “Only thing you did was give me a great BJ this morning, okay? So don’t worry about it. I’m cool.” He rubs the back of Andrew’s head affectionately. Andrew leans into Matt’s larger mass, breathing in the musk and cleanliness of the shower he took at the gym. Andrew’s cock begins to stir again, now that he is so close to his twin. “Damn, Matt. What I would do if we were identical twins. I wish I was as big as you. As manly as you… even your scent bro.” Andrew turns his head slightly to get a whiff of the scent of his brother’s armpit. “You really comfort me.” Matt blushes a little, but obligingly lifts his muscular arm a bit, letting Andrew have some access to nuzzle his furry pit. Even though he showered just a bit ago, his manly musk was already coming back, due to how quickly he had to rush out of the gym and also his natural pheromone musk. “If we were identical, I suspect that we’d never get anything done. We’d be busy fucking each other’s big muscle butts all the time!” Matt began to laugh, bringing his arm down across Andrew’s shoulders again. “Since that isn’t the case, we’ll just have to make do, I guess.” Andrew leans into Matt a bit more. His eyes growing heavy from the comforting smell and embrace of his twin as he dozes off to sleep. Andrew content, and happy to know that his brother who he thought he had lost from when they were kids is slowly proving to him that they still are connected. Matt just sits there, listening to the slow breaths of his brother; sleeping in his warm arms, his head snuggling against his inner pec muscle with his large arm wrapped around him… To Be Continued... Coming Soon: Part 04 – Want Me, Want You
  21. Guest

    Symbiotic Bonding - Part 02

    Here's part 02... I hope I did this justice. A tiny bit of changes in this chapter. If you read the transcript, I am pretty sure you all know what's coming next! If not, enjoy this chapter for the first time and enjoy this amazing ride! Part 02 First Meal Matt woke up the next morning a bit later then his usual time. The sheets of the bed, twisted around his massive body. With a loud yawn, he sits up; he feels strange, not like his typical energetic self. As he rubs over his eyes with his hand, his large arms brush against his lats and massive pecs, pushing them together. As he pulls the twisted sheets off of his body, grunting in annoyance at how they are wrapped tightly around his thick tree trunk legs, Matt rolls out of bed and staggers over to his closet and dresser, completely naked. His massive cock swinging back and forth with every movement, semi-erect, and quite a bit harder then he’s normally used to. The one thing however that is truly discomforting for him though is his balls. They ache. Like someone hit him hard right between them the other day. It’s a lingering pain that he quickly remembered to the night before, wondering if what happened with Andrew truly did happen. Matt digs through his underwear drawer grabbing a fresh jockstrap and puts his legs through the leg openings and slides it up towards his hips, adjusting the massive bulge in its pouch. Andrew has been downstairs it seems for a good while though. The smell of bacon and sausage being fried in a pan travels up to their bedroom on the second floor. Matt stifles a moan as it’s his favorite type of meats to eat. Its candy to his senses. While Matt finishes, Andrew preps everything for them to have a nice hearty breakfast, it’s a typical morning for the boys as Andrew always makes sure his bigger twin has the right breakfast before hitting up his gym. Matt finds a pair of gym shorts and puts them on as well, enjoying the way they hug his tight, beefy glutes. Not bothering with a shirt, Matt decided just to head downstairs, swinging his huge arms back and forth, stretching them out before his breakfast of champions his bro is preparing him for his typical morning. His nose twitching as he enters the kitchen, doing a couple more stretches. “Cooking already, bro? I like it!” Sniffing the air again, Matt says amiably. He walks over to the coffee pot and pours himself a large cup of Dark Roast brew, adding a bit of cream into it. Next he heads over to his supplement drawer and starts to get out his various vitamins and boosters, gulping them down with his fresh cup of coffee, before sitting down at the table. Andrew grabs a large plate from the cabinet, plating a large amount of Eggs and Bacon, with a side of potatoes. Matt doesn’t like a lot of carbs so he makes sure to give him less potatoes and more proteins to help his bro grow even larger with his workouts. He brings the plate over to Matt before grabbing himself a cup and pouring some juice in it for himself, sitting down opposite of Matt. “I’m sorry about your new supplements from last night…” Andrew looks down at his food, feeling a bit bad at what had happened. “They probably cost you a fortune from what you told me they were.” Matt listened to his twin, but he still couldn’t let what happened to him cause him not to keep his body maintained and get even bigger. He quickly ate his food, making sure not to leave a single scrap behind on his plate. “Well, I’m bummed that they got broken like that, but I didn’t pay for them, so I guess I’m not out much of anything. Although it would have been nice to try them out this morning.” Matt tries to think of last night, but his mind is a bit fuzzy. All he remembers is something gray, skittering around his bedroom, as it traveled up his leg, latching on to his huge cock, before plunging right into his piss slit and filling his balls?! No, that can’t be right. He thought to himself, before another memory starts to plague his mind. Did I fucking blow my brother too?! Matt shook his head. Thinking it must have been a weird dream. It can’t have happened. Whatever he saw last night, the gray and black tentacle things, they couldn’t be real. It had to be a nightmare for sure. Matt looks down at his empty plate, trying to make everything make sense in his head. “I’m bummed, but I’ll just see if my guy can get me some more. You never know, maybe he has another batch.” Andrew reaches his hand across the table, placing it over Matt’s larger paw. Matt looks up at him, confused, but at the same time he feels comforted. “Can we do that stuff again like last night, bro?” Andrew smiles up at his twin, a deep intensity in his eyes. “I miss those moments. It was like we were kids again. I felt like I had my old bro back…” Matt blushes and looks away, “Well, um, I’m not sure. I uh… I kinda thought that was a weird dream, you know?” Matt clutches Andrew’s smaller hand in his larger one, holding it gently. “I, uh, well I don’ quite know…” he stammers, returning his gaze back to his twin, seeing the look of hope and affection that Andrew has for him. Matt’s cock was throbbing from this moment; raging hard in his jockstrap, all ten inches. He chuckles, giving Andrew’s had an affectionate squeeze. “Well, if my cock is any indication, then I’ll probably be saying yes. Fuck I’m horny!” Matt releases Andrew’s hand and stands up, taking his empty plate to the sink. His shorts are tented to the extreme, making his predicament obvious to anyone who would see him at that moment. “Man, I’m going to have to wear different underwear today,” He looks down to the protruding bulge. “I’ve got class, and then gym at 10. But I’ll be here tonight, Andrew. And we will see how things are going then.” Andrew clears his plate, bringing it to the sink. As he puts it into the sink, the fork laying on it falls freely to the floor, clattering between both him and Matt’s feet. They both bend down at the same time to pick it up, but due to Andrew’s smaller height, he reaches the fork first and as he comes back up, his head hits hard into Matt’s chin. Andrew clutching his head in pain as he falls back onto his knees. “Fuck, Matt. You got a thick skull!” He sits on the floor rubbing the pain, with his back against the kitchen sink, his legs apart. Matt rubs his own jaw from the impact several times before realizing he is fine. He bends over and picks Andrew up off the floor and helps his brother to a chair. “Easy there, Andrew. Are you feeling okay?” He holds him steady; his large, meaty hand on one of Andrew’s shoulders. As Matt watches his brother, concerned, the fork in Andrew’s hand clatters back onto the floor again. “Damn Andrew, you’re worrying me…” Matt lets go of Andrew as he bends down and looks for the fork. He has to bend down farther and look under the chair and table and still can’t see where the fork has gone to. Matt decides to crawl under the table to see if he can find it, his massive body making it look a bit funny as he tries to maneuver himself under it. He finally sees it, crawling forward, reaching out and clutching it in his large hand. As Matt backs his way out from under the table, he notices the lower half of Andrew’s body, seated in the chair. Andrew’s legs spread wide. As Matt’s gaze goes up to hand Andrew the fork, his eyes catch a glimpse of something in his twin’s shorts. He pauses, looking up the pant leg, and sees Andrew’s cockhead, pushing out just a little; a little drop of pre cum is bubbling off the tip, and Matt’s horniness begins to return, but this time at an alarming, skyrocketing rate. Andrew watches his bro, reaches down, and scratches at his bulge through his shorts. The mesh of the shorts rubbing against the droplet of pre causing it to create a string of his emission from his piss slit to the bottom portion of his short opening. “You okay, Matt? You’ve been down there for a while.” Andrew asks worried about what his brother was possibly doing under the table, with his other hand still rubbing the emerging bump on his forehead from their little accident. Andrew scoots his chair out a bit from the table, the light from the ceiling fan illuminating his crotch a bit more from where it was originally pushed under the table. “Yeah, I’m good,” Matt responded, his voice distant and unfocused. As if he were in a trance, he inches forward, moving between Andrew’s legs. Matt rubs his scruffy jawline against Andrew’s inner thigh. His head emerging from under the table as it moves towards his brother’s crotch. Andrew can feel the warm breath of Matt touch the tip of his cock as his brother moves more towards it. The fork clatters again to the floor, forgotten, as Matt brings is strong hands up and rubs them up along Andrew’s thighs, his hands going from his twins knees to his hips. Matt reaches under Andrew’s shorts and pushes back the hem until Andrew’s leaking cockhead comes into plain view. Matt moves his head forward, obscuring Andrew the view of his own tool. All Andrew can feel is Matt’s lips press against his cockhead, kissing it gently. He lets out a soft moan, not knowing what else to do, as he slowly moves his smaller hands to the back of Matt’s head, rubbing his fingers through his brother’s hair. Matt stops for a second, looking up towards Andrew; a snail trail of Andrew’s precum connecting from Andrew’s cock to Matts lips as he looks up at Andrew for some sort of approval. The string of precum disconnecting from Andrew’s cock as it swings across Matt’s bearded face and neck; and in an instance, there is not a single trace of it. Andrew looks on a bit confused himself now. Cum doesn’t just disappear. But that isn’t the only concern; the hair on Matt’s face isn’t as thick as it was before. Andrew places his hand under Matt’s chin and leans down. Matt comes up and meets him as their lips touch and they begin a long kiss. Matt rises up more, his back pushing the table away from them as he reaches around his brother, his thick arms wrapping around Andrew’s body. He lifts Andrew off of his chair and stands up straight, pushing Andrew up against the wall behind him. Matt returns a much stronger kiss; it’s deep, passionate, hungry, as he rams his tongue into Andrew’s mouth, sucking his lower lip between his teeth. Matt pulls away, breathing deeply, looking at Andrew with unfocused eyes. His vision begins to sharpen and return as he looks on at Andrew in his arms. “Why… do I want this so bad?” Andrew’s back still firmly pressed against the wall, his cock harder than ever. “I want this too, Matt. It’s not just you… Want me, like I want you bro…” Andrew pushes his face back towards Matt, placing his lips back on his brother, rubbing his back of his brother’s head as he is held off the ground, his arms around Matt’s thick neck, resting on his mountainous traps. Andrew pulls back, looking Matt right in the eyes. “Please Matt! Want me, like when we were teens.” Andrew feels Matt’s cock pulse under him uncontrollably in his jockstrap. It wants to break free. Andrew pushes his own shorts down around his thighs as his 4 inch cock comes free and pulses. He reaches a hand down to it, giving it a hard stroke, getting some of his precum on his finger and brings it up to his lips to taste his own seed. Matt watches as his brother tastes himself, making him even hornier, wanting his brother even more. There’s a fire in Matt’s eyes, one Andrew has only seen when Matt works hard and gets a serious pump going. One that he only gets while he’s on the field or rolling around a wrestling mat. When Matt gets that look in his eyes, nothing will stop him from getting what he wants, and he makes sure to get the greatest reward possible. “Fuck!” Andrew moans as he too is getting excited from his brother’s determination manifesting. It’s the way he has been wanting to be looked at for a long time again by his giant sized twin. Matt’s arrogant, jock alpha beast mode was about to be released. Matt pulls Andrew up against him, bringing his brother’s face up against his huge chest. He flexes the massive shelf slowly against his twin, making sure Andrew can feel the thick muscle roll as it tenses. Then he gently guides his brother’s head down his abs, down to his massive cock. Matt grabs the root of the thick beast, guiding it up. The big helmet head brushing against Andrew’s lips. Andrew can smell the musk washing off the cock, the bit of pre gushing out of his piss slit, slick against Andrew’s lips. “So boned, bro… Like, fuck, Andrew. I don’t know what you’re doing to me, but I fucking want you bad.” Matt’s head is spinning, more precum emerging from his slit. Part of him wants to reach down and force his brother’s mouth over his cock, fucking his twin’s face until he cums. But another part, an unfamiliar part of him, wants Andrew to do the exact same thing to him. Matt reaches forward, his large fingers running through Andrew’s hair. Andrew looks up into his brothers eyes, licking his lips. He gets down on his knees, Matt’s hand never leaving the back of his head as he continues to massage Andrew’s scalp. Andrew reaches his arm up and wraps his hand around the monstrous shaft. It’s the first time he has seen it this big and this close in so long. Andrew closes his eyes and opens his mouth as he moves his head closer to the giant python sticking right out of his brother’s groin. He pushes his tongue out, it’s the first thing that makes contact with Matt’s cock as he tastes the saltiness of his twin’s precum coming off of the tip. Pushing even more forward, trusting his larger brother with his hand still on his head, the head begins to enter his mouth, followed by the thick shaft, making Andrew open his mouth wider. As the head hits the back of Andrew’s throat, he closes his lips around the shaft and begins use his tongue and inner cheek and sucking skills to pleasure his much larger brother as best as possible. Moving his head back up to the head before going right back down the length, getting into a steady rhythm. Matt moans out in pleasure. The hands on the back of Andrew’s head pulls him all the way as far down his shaft as possible. He can feel his cock hit the back of Andrew’s throat again as he holds him there. Andrew gags once… twice… three times, as he feels his brother’s throat finally open for him as his cock begins to push even deeper. “Oh Fuck!” six inches going down his twin’s throat, then 8 as more and more of his man cock fills his brother’s mouth and esophagus. A Matt begins to start bucking his hips, going back and forth, pumping his huge dick in Andrew’s mouth. Andrew’s lips are stretched around it, and his brother’s teeth grate against the skin of his rod. Matt’s so turned on it just makes him even hornier. Each time Andrew gags, his throat squeezing around his large cockhead, little precum spurts push out of his cock. “Fuck yeah, Andrew! Mmmm… Ffffffuck!... Take that big man cock bro…” his huge chest heaving as he breathes heavily, driving his dick more and more into his brother’s mouth, a trickle of sweat running off of his brow. Matt begins to let out a groan of pleasure as he finally begins to release a load down Andrew’s throat. His shaft going nuts inside his twin’s mouth, spasming violently as he continues to send cum rocketing down his brother’s throat. As his orgasm begins to subside, he pants heavily, feeling Andrew suck the cum right out of his dick. “Oh fuck, that was good bro…” Andrew swallowed it all and his own balls begin to churn. His cock trembles, a pleasant warmth spreads throughout his body, traveling through his bones before settling in his muscles. Andrew feels something going on within him, but isn’t sure what. Little known to him, his height has increased slightly; from 5’5 to now 5’6”. His muscles tense all over his body and quiver for a moment under his skin as ten pounds of muscle was added to his body. Andrew feels strange, but good. Very good. A little bit stronger. A bit more confidence. A bit more capable. Andrew wipes his mouth as he stands up to his full height. His cock has expanded slightly as well, but not by much, as his balls churn from this little scenario they just experienced. Andrew moans, his own shorts still dropped and his cock hanging free and hard. Looking right up at Matt, Andrew’s balls pull up in their sack. His balls begin to fire, large, fast shots. The first one hits Matt right across his abs… the second, his bobbing cock… the third and fourth go right across Matt’s thick thighs and large feet. Andrew pulls away, ducking under Matt’s large arm as his last shot sprays a trail right across the kitchen floor. Andrew turns around for a split second, looking back at Matt. Matt looks a bit less proud, not standing as straight as he usually does. His brother’s traps a bit sunken down. What Andrew thinks is Matt is a bit embarrassed of what just happened, but what really is happening is something completely different. Matt’s body is slowly losing mass as he drops an inch in height within seconds, losing his imposing 6’5” stature that he was so proud to have as he crumbles away to 6’4”. Matt’s massive cock, still hard, but not the hardness that it typically is even after he blows a massive load. Matt doesn’t have his after orgasm hard on anymore. Matt staggers backwards, confused at why he suddenly feels so light-headed. But the moment passes and he slowly recovers. “Fuck Andrew, that was an incredible blow job… you’ve totally blown my mind, bro!” Matt chuckles and reaches down to wipe off the cum that was shot all over him by his brother. But just like before, there was nothing to clean up. Matt shakes his head, pulling up his jock and stuffing his semi-hard cock back into it. His shorts follow a moment later as he looks over at Andrew, noticing that his twin looks a little less thin than he used to and a bit more toned. Matt turns, heading back up the stairs to their bedroom for his books and the rest of his clothes. As Matt leaves, Andrew too notices the changes. His shirt doesn’t quite feel so loose on his shoulders; it doesn’t hang as loose off his thin torso. It’s an odd thought, and one that doesn’t really make much sense yet; Shirt’s don’t just shrink while a person wears them, after all. To Be Continued… Coming Soon: Part 03 – Gym Time
  22. arbotimus

    The Suit

    Not exactly my wheelhouse, but wrote this at the request of a furry friend. He is probably going to post it elsewhere too, in case you happen to come across a similar story. “Hey Chad.” Chad rolled over languidly on the couch to face Andy. Summer had just begun, and Chad wore only boxers as he woke up from his mid-day nap. His prodigious girth bulged through the thin fabric unapologetically, his head starting to peak through the rim. Chad had been unable to work out for the past year due to his herniated disc, but his body still reflected his formerly jockish stature. While he had lost a fair amount of mass, he still had above average musculature and tone. His chest stuck out proudly above where his abs had been, and his arms, though softer than before, still filled the sleeves of his shirts nicely. Chad was unsatisfied with this, but there was not much he could do about it in his condition. His cock, in the meantime, was unaffected and made this fact known at every opportunity. He grinned mischievously. Andy had been upstairs working on a “secret project” for the last few hours, and Chad had already started throbbing in anticipation. As Andy strolled down the stairs and into the living room, Chad admired his lithe body and smooth, young features. His deep jade eyes held a playful expression. “What have you got there?” Chad said, eyes intently focused on what Andy was holding behind his back. Andy grinned in kind, revealing his red panda suit. “Put this on, for starters. I made some changes I think you’ll like. I’ll go grab the head.” Chad hurriedly started donning the suit, careful to avoid aggravating his injury, and had just finished when Andy returned. So far he hadn’t noticed anything obviously different. Eager to find out what Andy had devised, he placed the red panda head over his own while Andy finished strapping up the last of the Velcro. “Okay, now don’t freak out. The spell I bound to the suit is going to start when I say the trigger word, and it might be kind of intense,” Andy said. “What? Why would I…?” Chad started to say. “Zanzibar,” Andy whispered. In spite of Andy’s warning, Chad started to freak out just a little. The suit tightened around his body when Andy had released the spell. While the fabric wasn’t constricting him, it started to conform perfectly to the outline of his body. “What did you do?” he said, a note of panic in his voice. Andy just smirked and watched as the transformation began. Chad first felt a warmth in his groin that slowly radiated outwards across the rest of his flesh. As it spread, his muscles tensed and relaxed rhythmically beneath the fabric, growing slowly with every flexion. The suit continued to alter its shape to accommodate the changes. It expanded where his swelling biceps and burgeoning triceps fought for space on his arms, while it shrank in the waist as his abs tightened into thick cords of muscle. It failed to keep up around his torso, however, momentarily constricting his breathing. His chest pushed relentlessly outward, growing rounder and fuller by the second, and his back pulled the fabric in the opposite direction giving a nobility to his stature. Ultimately it caught up, providing the contour for his heavy set of pecs and fitting perfectly taut along the jutting lats. It seemed to fare better with his quads and calves, even though they were ballooning at an equally dizzying rate. His legs rubbed together as he finally stood again and took a few steps towards Andy. “What the hell just happened?” Chad asked, still in shock. “What, you don’t like it?” Andy said. Andy couldn’t help but appreciate the results of his work. He guided his hands across the powerful chest and down the row of abdominals leading to thick, meaty quads. He kind of regretted not making the fur softer than it already was; some of the changes were hidden behind the thickness of it. Even still, he realized he had overcorrected (perhaps on purpose), and Chad was a little larger and better defined than he had been before his injury. Chad attempted to answer the question, but before he got his first word out the second part of the spell had started to take effect. The warmth that began in his groin intensified to a sensation near orgasm, his head flaring and pre leaking from his slit. His eyes, though not visible to Andy, began to roll back in his head and he fell to his knees from the overwhelming pleasure. It was a few minutes before Chad came back to his senses. Andy was not really in a rush to help him, either. Watching this indomitable stud he had created fall to his knees as the result of his work had him more than a little hard. Chad then lifted his head and gave Andy that lusty look that the costume had been designed for. Andy froze in anticipation. They held eye contact for what seemed like minutes before Chad rushed in on Andy and immediately began to disrobe him between grinding sessions. “How does your back feel?” Andy asked. Chad didn’t have time for questions like that. He was too busy running his claws across Andy’s back and humping him vigorously. The spell had given him some prehensile control over his tail, and he used it to wrap around Andy’s waist and rub it along his crotch. He then threw Andy down on the couch, noticing for the first time the newfound strength that had been missing for so long. And he relished in it. Andy was now his plaything, a vessel to shove his cock into anytime he wanted. The look on Andy’s face was still a little smug, though, as far as Chad was concerned. That wouldn’t do. Chad picked him up from under his legs, shoving him into the wall by the fireplace. They hadn’t done this position since the injury, and now Andy felt like a feather in his burly arms. He started to frot against Andy through the suit, the firmness of his cock apparent to Andy’s bare skin even through the fabric. After he couldn’t take it any longer, Chad slipped his dick through the opening in the crotch. His head pressed gently against Andy’s hole as it begged for release from the confines of the suit. “You’re going to cum soon if you keep going at this rate,” Andy advised. Chad didn’t seem to be paying much attention. “Alright then, you asked for it. Heel, boy.” Chad felt something like a rope slide around his wrists, shoulders, legs, and ankles, lightly at first and then just shy of painful. He couldn’t see anything physically binding him, but he guessed that Andy had constricted the suit at those points to allow control over Chad’s motions. Andy descended to the floor as Chad’s wrists drew closer to his ankles, and by the time his feet hit the ground Chad was already hogtied with his knees on the floor. “Let’s just take this nice and slow, okay?” Chad stared intently at Andy already knowing full well he could not disagree. He was using the full strength of his new body to pull against the binds to no avail. The more he flexed the tighter the binds became, and it was only making him harder. “I added that command in as a precaution in case you got a little too frisky, but I think I like you better this way. It reminds you who’s really in control here…” Andy trailed off. Chad’s cock still stuck out of his suit, full mast and dripping with pre. Andy knelt down gently and worked the tip of his tongue across his slit, slowly lapping up the sweet fluid that flowed steadily down his shaft. He carefully brought his lips down to meet the head as his tongue slid further down the shaft until his entire head was held inside Andy’s mouth. His tongue explored fluted edges of the expanding head, which always grew dramatically as he approached orgasm. Chad still held every muscle in tense opposition to the binds, starting to moan involuntarily as Andy held him constantly on edge. It might have been a byproduct of the spell, the fact that he was bound, or just from the absence of the pain that had plagued him, but the motion of Andy’s tongue incited more erogenous sensation than he could recall ever experiencing. All of his conscious thoughts were absorbed in the ecstasy of that moment. Andy pulled his mouth off of Chad’s dick, making a popping sound as his lips slid over the edges of the head. Now that Andy had released him from his blissful stupor, Chad slid slowly back into reality. He managed to angle his head so that he could look down at his cock, still pulsing, and noticed that it had not grown to match the rest of him. With some clarity finally returning to his thoughts, he managed to blurt out his burning question. “Andy, why didn’t you make me any bigger down there?” “Christ, aren’t you big enough?” Andy replied. Chad started to whimper in protest. What good was this body if it didn’t have the cock to match? Andy couldn’t help but smile at the behemoth who knelt entangled before him, begging him for more. “Hold on,” Andy said, flicking Chad’s cock hard with his middle finger on his way to emphasize his helplessness. Andy returned a few minutes later with a large, leather-bound book, leafing through the pages. Chad was still in binds, fully erect, and as far as Andy could tell still growing. Andy flipped through the pages of his tome looking for the addition to the spell that he needed, meanwhile allowing Chad to stand briefly before binding him again to a nearby chair. Ergonomics were important, after all. Once he found the incantation he was looking for, he studied it momentarily and began to recite it softly in the direction of the suit. The musical tones that escaped his lips were low and guttural, like a toad attempting a song in bass. The hair on the suit stood up as Andy made the changes to his previous spell. Within the first few notes, Chad’s dick started to throb with greater fervor than he thought possible. Each pulse left his dick just a little bit harder, thicker, longer, larger. The massive inflation of his already gigantic cock was almost painful, but Chad watched in ignorance of this as his dick grew larger by the second. “Happy?” Andy inquired after Chad’s cock had stopped growing. If Andy had to guess, it had gained about a third of its original size. Chad just stared at Andy through his lusty panda eyes. The renewed pre flowing exuberantly down his shaft like a small stream answered his question for him. Andy grabbed Chad by his joystick and started again where he had left off, realizing that his fingers barely fit around the shaft. Andy could feel Chad’s urethra pumping in his hands as the pre continued to flow. A few precursory strokes were followed with an attempt at fitting the massive rod in his mouth, but Andy was having some difficulty even fitting the head in. He had probably made Chad a little too large, even if Chad was too lost in ecstasy to recognize it. Andy made a mental note of things to change for the next time around. Without warning, Chad exploded into Andy’s mouth. While Andy did his best to swallow all of it, the force of his spray was augmented by the spell and the greater part of Chad’s cum spilled out through his lips, leaking back down onto Chad’s cock and groin. After gently removing his mouth from Chad’s head, Andy licked his lips. Slowly Chad’s convulsions died down and the semen stopped flowing. Andy and took a minute to clean himself up while he admired his handiwork. Chad’s body seemed as though it had not entirely finished growing, and even though he was still snugly bound Andy enjoyed watching his muscles tense as he resisted in futility. Meanwhile Chad had not quite finished his ejaculation, and shot a few extra spurts across Andy’s face. Andy chuckled a bit. The cum he was wiping off his nose and chin was nothing compared to the volume that ran down Chad’s shaft and soaked his groin. Andy took a few seconds to take in the whole scene, and then decided it was time to come to a close. “Kookaburra,” he whispered softly into Chad’s ear, citing the trigger word to inactivate the spell. Chad was perhaps too incapacitated to notice the changes, but Andy watched as he returned to his previous size, his cock the only feature that remained hard and proud as it returned to its former stature. His arms deflated, his chest sank, and his back shrank as the magic that had sustained his gargantuan body returned to the suit. Chad came back to his senses right around the end of the transformation. He removed the panda head, still reeling from the orgasm. Andy kissed him gently, the taste of Chad’s cum still fresh on his lips. “When can we do that again?” he asked. “Any time you like, big guy,” Andy said.
  23. dhalden


    Hey, guys. It's been a long while, but I'm finally making good on my promise and rebooting my story from the previous site, "Charlie". Things have slowed down in my life, I've got a new creative fire, and I'm ready to jump back into this story. You might notice some differences from the original and you'd be right; I'm re-editing as I go. Changing some things around plot-wise, etc. Boring writer stuff. Just enjoy! * * * Friday night and my only company was the cold beer sweating beside my open laptop and a stack of my students’ essays, ripe for grading. Such was the life of the English major who had decided to return to his hometown to teach high school instead of moving on to bigger and better things. If you think that reading the half-assed efforts of students trying to argue that Holden Caulfield was anything more than an egocentric little shit was my preferred way of entering the weekend, you’re wrong. Yes, even I, Andrew Donovan, Senior English teacher of West Cape High, wished his life different. I would never have guessed that that little wish would begin to be fulfilled in the form of an email, but as I slashed across yet another essay with my trusty red marker, I heard the gentle ping on my laptop signaling that a new message had just dropped into my inbox. Sighing, I capped the marker and tossed it aside. Another late assignment, I thought. Number three of the night. Can you say ten points off? Which wasn’t exactly fair, considering I’d promised to return them two days before, but that was one of the small joys of being a teacher: minor omnipotence. It was the subject heading that caught my attention first: “Long Time, No See!” When I’d begun teaching, I had gone into it envisioning that I would be one of those few educational greats who ends up getting a Lifetime movie made about them. As part of that image, I had taken to giving out my personal email address to my students because it made me “seem more relatable”. In the end that proved fruitless because they used it only to turn in late assignments or ask for the reading they had been too lazy to copy down. I clicked open the email and, well…have you ever had your stomach plummet and your heart skip a beat at the same time? It’s not a pleasant feeling, let me tell you, but such was the sensation that gripped me as I read the first sentence of that fateful email. So I must have started this email about thirty times in thirty different ways and I can’t think of what to say, so I’ll just say—hey, its Charlie Greene! I’m in town for business. Are you free for lunch tomorrow? I’d love to catch up. Let me know! I stared flabbergasted at the screen. When I finally realized that my mouth was literally hanging open, I reached for my beer and downed the rest of it. And then I went for a second. When I finally began to feel the alcohol permeate, I flexed my fingers and let them drop to the keyboard. I must have tried a dozen variations of the same reply before I settled on the briefest. Before I could stop myself I hit the return key, irrevocably sending my reply out into the digital abyss. I sighed and sat back in my chair…and realized I was rock hard. All eight inches of my cock throbbed in my boxers, begging for attention. I swiftly reached for my pulsing shaft and gasped at the sensation. It was incredibly sensitive to the touch and twitched eagerly as I wrapped my around it. I haven’t been this hard in years, I thought. Slowly, I eased my hand down my rigid dick and instantly felt my balls tighten and draw close to my body. It’s like I’m teenager again or something. This isn’t going to last long. And it didn’t. As the first shot of cum splattered across my chest, I lost my breath and jerked in my chair, my toes curling into the carpet as the second, third, and fourth spurts followed. “Holy shit,” I panted when I’d finally finished. “Holy shit…” I couldn’t remember that last time I had had such a fulfilling jerkoff session. At thirty-five, I usually only gave my cock a quick jerk and tug, rolled over, and fell asleep. But as I sat there panting, I stared down at my cock: it was still half-hard and it instantly responded to a second round of my coaxing, lengthening to its full potential. Every rigid vein pulsated as I jerked my cock and I could feel my balls swelling for a second load. A minute later three three long ropes of cum splattering onto my already covered chest. “Oh, fuck…” I groaned, collapsing backwards in my chair. Dazed, I plucked some Kleenex from the box beside my printer and started cleaning cum off my chest. I haven’t shot back-to-back like this since I can’t remember when. I wonder if I could go for a third time? “I don’t think so,” I answered to no one in particular. As fantastic as the orgasms had been, the usual exhaustion that followed them was already settling in. I had just wiped off the last of jizz from my right nipple when my laptop pinged again. I hurriedly tossed the cum-soaked tissue into the garbage and opened my inbox. His simple reply read: Awesome. See you Saturday! * * * For you to understand the whole wonderful chaos of what would end up happening, you have to understand the complicated history that Charlie and I shared. The obligatory backstory, if you will. The short version sounds something like: we were nineteen when we met in the latter half of our freshmen year at college. I was an English major from California, he was a business/communications double-major from Indiana. We met when we were assigned as partners in a shared Bio lab and such was the not-so-glamorous joining of our two lives. By sophomore year we were roommates. That’s the short, clean, “boy meets boy” part of the story. The “boy loses boy” part comes later. The morning I was supposed to meet Charlie—the man who would become a veritable legend and forever change my life along the way—I went up to my attic and rifled through some boxes. “Here it is,” I grumbled as I heaved a marked COLLEGE SHIT from a dusty corner. Carrying it into the middle of the floor, I began pulling out its contents: old essays and portfolios, a foam finger from some long-forgotten sporting event, my diploma, and an assortment of other once-valued memorabilia that I could just as easily do without. Beneath it all, however, was a stack of photographs held together by a rubber band. From the top photograph, Charlie’s beaming face stared back at me. The same disarming grin that had sent butterflies frantically buzzing through my stomach nearly sixteen years ago had not lost its effect. If anything, it was more potent and infectious. I felt a grin of my own spread across my lips as I plucked the photograph from the pile and examined it closer: his clear green eyes, and short, sun-kissed blond hair...and that beautiful fucking smile. It was a politician’s smile, fake as all hell, but undeniably handsome. It would throw you on your metaphorical ass if you weren’t prepared for it and I hardly ever was. I flicked through the rest of the photographs. Charlie and I (looking pathetically sub-par beside him in my oversized leather jacket that I had once inexplicably thought made me look suave) standing in front of our dorm. Charlie in his soccer uniform, sweaty and grass-stained. Charlie with his arm around me at one of the countless house parties he had dragged me to some weekend. Nearly every photograph was either of Charlie or Charlie and myself somewhere on campus. Surely there are photos of other things? Other people, right? As I reached for the box again, I glanced out the dusty window. The sun was already high in the sky, easily nearing noon. Nearing lunchtime. “Shit!” I hissed. Only an hour until I was supposed to meet Charlie and I still needed to shower. Mentally kicking myself, I scrambled downstairs and hurried into the bathroom for a shower. Suds still not entirely rinsed from my hair, I reached for a towel and began drying off when I caught a glimpse of my reflection in the mirror. Where in the hell did that guy come from? Sure, I hadn’t actively worked out in a few months (okay, at least a year), but the slight paunch of fat around my middle seemed a little unfair. And my chest, when had that happened? I’d never sported an enormous chest, but it had at least been defined. But now…now my pecs were just downright sad. Starting to droop even. “Real impressive, Andrew,” I said flatly. Despite the fact that it was easily eighty degrees outside, I donned a jacket in hopes of hiding my softening torso and tried to at least find comfort in the fact that I was not yet balding. In my reply, I had suggested Applebees, an old favorite of mine, but as I stepped through the door that fateful day, I began to regret it. In a town like West Cape, there aren’t many places to socialize and Applebees was one of the most common amongst my students. I fretted at the thought of seeing them there and did a quick scan. With no familiar faces in sight, I followed the hostess to a table and quickly dropped into a seat. The table wouldn’t hide much in the way of my inescapably middle-aged body, but it would tuck my enormous erection out of sight. The anticipation of seeing Charlie again after so long had made me hard again. I desperately wanted to duck into the bathroom and jerk off until I couldn’t move, but that didn’t exactly seem a feasible option. “I’ll have a Coke,” I told the hostess nervously. “And the second party? Do you know what they’d like?” she asked. “Water, I guess,” I said, perhaps a little too pathetically. The hostess’ grin faltered as she slipped away to fetch out drinks. I trained my eyes on the door. I wonder what he looks like now. Why the hell don’t I have a Facebook? I could have just looked him up. Idiot. He’s probably even more handsome. Better with age. Like a fine wine. God, I should’ve ordered something stronger… Every time the door opened, I straightened in my seat, but each time it was an elderly couple, some housewife and her friend, or a pair of students that I vaguely recognized. It isn’t like wasn’t common knowledge throughout West Cape that I was gay (news like that travels fast in a small town), but it was nonetheless awkward to see them out and about when I was on a date. This isn’t a date though, Romeo. It’s a lunch. Keep that line of thinking at bay. It got you into major trouble last time, remember? Last time. How could I forget? The door opened again, but I was hardly paying attention. I had slipped lost into one of the most mortifying memories of my life. A cool spring night my senior year of college, standing in front of a frat house, some 90’s indie rock song blasting from a stereo through an open window, empty beer cans and Solo cups littering the front lawn… “Andy?” “Hmm?” I said, expecting the waitress. I turned...and my mouth fell open. To say my heart skipped a beat would be an understatement. Leaped would be a more accurate description. Jumped. Dove. Take your pick. They’re all relatively inadequate. I believe my heart may have altogether stopped, if only for the briefest second, which technically means I died for a second. “Charlie,” I breathed. The first thing I noticed was that grin. That impossibly fucking brilliant grin. Dazzlingly white and wide, his smile was perfectly blinding. It was spread across the face that time had ostensibly forgotten. Whereas the first of middle age’s wrinkles had already begun to form at the corner of my eyes, there wasn’t the slightest hint of one on that flawless face. Not that anyone would have cared if there were. The rest of him absolutely demanded further examination. Although I wouldn’t have thought it possible, my eyes were torn from that grin and drawn to the rest of him…starting with his shoulders. Where had the slim, wiry soccer star that I known gone? The shoulders of the man standing before me were wider than I had ever seen them. They weren’t massive, but they were large and sculpted enough to force his red polo shirt to fit him snugly as a glove. They firmly capped a pair of arms that were easily doubly thick around as my calves and which strained the sleeves of his shirt in a way that made my already hard cock impossibly harder. I could not help but note the veins that snaked their way around his forearms, feint though they might have been. “It is you,” he said, dropping into his chair. “I thought so. I couldn’t tell at first. You look different!” “You…you too,” I said breathlessly. “H-How you been?” He grinned. “I’m great! Sorry I’m late. I got a little lost. Did you already order?” I must have answered, but I don’t remember. I watched in a daze as he scanned the menu, his thick arms swelling larger and straining his sleeves further as he bent them to pick up the menu. They had to have been at least eighteen inches, probably larger. I wouldn’t know; I had only ever dreamt of arms that large. I kept envisioning how they’d feel beneath my fingers. “I think I’ll get the steak. What’re you getting?” he wondered aloud. “I, uh, steak, yeah,” I stammered. “Great!” he said, folding up the menu, and flashing that grin again. My cock grew painfully stiffer. I was visibly stunned by him and kept glancing out the window so as not to appear too obviously awed, but our waitress was less coy. I heard a soft gasp escape her lips at the sight of Charlie as she approached. “So that’ll be two steaks, medium?” she said after he had ordered, never taking her eyes off him. “Sounds right to me,” he said and winked at her. Girl, I feel sorry for your ovaries. They must be on fire, I thought instantly. I know I am. I reached for my water and began sipping it ferociously. “So you’re probably wondering what’s up with me, right?” he said, placing his hands on the table. They were so much thicker than the last time I had seen them, the hands of a man who had labored long hours in the gym. Cords of muscle stood out in his forearms. Not at all the hands a soccer player. I wondered what sort of strength such hands possessed and wanted to know, good or bad, for myself. “Yes,” I said. Drop the monosyllabics, you sound like a cave man. “Yes, I am wondering what you are up to, yes.” “Well,” he started to say, and paused dramatically. It was nice to see that not quite everything had changed about him, though the obvious transformations certainly weren’t unwelcome. “I’m moving to West Cape! Well, West Cape-adjacent. I got a transferred last month and now I have to relocate, man. Can you believe that?” I reminded myself not to give a one word answer. “I can’t, no. W-What do you do?” I couldn’t have cared less what he did, honestly. I just wanted to hear him speak. In addition to the underwear model’s physique he had developed since we had graduated, his voice had dropped half an octave. It probably wasn’t obvious to everyone, but I could still vividly remember the long nights we had stayed up talking about everything under the sun and, to me, it was definitely deeper. Did that come with the territory of packing on forty or fifty pounds of muscle? Did the weight of those clearly ample pecs beneath his shirt weigh on his ribcage? Even as I watched, one of them twitched, sending a tiny ripple of movement across his shirt. I shifted uncomfortably in my seat. “Client relations, mostly. I won’t bother you with the gory details. So you’re an English teacher now?” I wondered fleetingly for a moment how he knew. I didn’t realize it then, but that necessarily meant that he had done some digital digging for my contact information. My being listed on West Cape High’s faculty page wasn’t the sort of thing that popped up on the first page of Google results, if you catch my drift. Nevertheless, I blathered on for a while about my teaching duties, before asking, “So where’re you living? The east side of town?” The smile dropped from his face and the light behind those green eyes dimmed. He turned and stared out the window, biting his lip. It would have been sexy as hell (okay, it was sexy as hell) if anxiety didn’t look so unnatural on his face. He turned back to me. “I actually don’t have a place yet,” he said. “I’m still looking, you know?” And before I could stop myself, before I could fully formulate the thought in my mind and factor in the countless possibilities and repercussions that could and ultimately would result from such a simple, stupid and unguarded statement, I said, “You could stay with me.”
  24. Hialmar

    The Security Squad, part six

    PREFACE This is the most discomforting chapter in the story. The one who doesn't recognize satire, when he sees it, is blind. I also want to thank Arpeejay for a discussion about bodyweight. DISCLAIMER The story takes place in a totalitarian society. Unpleasant political slur of two opposite kinds will occur. Likewise, sexist slur will take place. Violent deaths will be mentioned. If anything of this disturbs you, please be warned. Part one is found here: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/10522-the-security-squad-part-1/ Part five is found here: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/10576-the-security-squad-part-5/ - - - ”And why do you volunteer for this? You know, that in the past all members of the Security Squad were drafted.” I watched you inquisitively. You seemed to feel uncomfortable before my imposing presence. ”I saw the advertisements. You know, the ones, like, BECOME THE PERFECT MAN: JOIN SECURITY SQUAD or LESS OF A MAN, THAN YOU WANT TO BE? JOIN SECURITY SQUAD, and I thought, that I could perhaps give it a chance.” ”I see. Yes, we have had a considerable influx of patriotic volunteers, since the advertisement campaign was launched.” You squirmed. ”I don’t feel very patriotic. Not patriotic enough.” ”Don’t worry soldier. You will be. You will be fine. Your squaddiefication will take place within a few days. It isn’t something dangerous.” I was allowing my thoughts to wander back in time: How Brad and I, Bill and Sergeant Williams had been tested the days after our own squaddiefication a decade earlier. Bill and I managed to lift a 2250 pounds each. Brad managed to lift almost 1800 pounds. - - - I was hanging out at The Patriot with you and Brad. On our way there, we had passed by the usual political posters: ”Is your wife a secret Terrie?” and ”The Security Squad protects YOU!” The Patriot was officially a local ”member-restricted recreation association for members of Security Squad and their friends”. There wasn’t anything untrue about that description, but it didn’t describe the reality either. The walls were painted in black. Flags and recruitment posters hang on the walls. Sixty percent of the Security Squad’s personnel never frequented The Patriot, which could be a surprise for those, who only knew the establishment from its official description. When you and I entered the building, we had been met by the mixed scents of cigar smoke, beer, male sweat, anti-perspirants, moth repellents and leather. Brad and I towered over you, and I felt protective. You were so young. Comparatively small. Like I had been before my squaddiefication. Recently transferred to the non-enhanced segment of the Security Squad by the enlistment authority. Like Brad and me, you were dressed in the everyday wear of the Security Squad: Black t-shirt or tank top, black woolen army sweater, glossy cargo trousers of black leather (with a belt buckle carrying the crest of the Security Squad), heavy boots, patrol cap and a black bomber jacket. We could have frequented the place in civil attire, but we knew what the squad-fans wanted. Our arrival was met with approving cheers by the ”friends of the Security Squad”. ”Oh look, Chad! They brought a Squaddie-pup! He hasn’t been squaddiefied, yet!” I whispered to you: ”I told you, that you would become popular. Handle it wisely. Don’t let anyone beg you into something you aren’t comfortable with. They are the fans. You are in command. Remember that.” You nodded. Brad towered over you protectively. At 7’6” and 450 lbs he was a living embodiment of what it meant to belong to the Security Squad. Some of the recruitment posters were actually based on him. ”When the Lord Protector signed the Immoral Entertainment Decree and the Indecent Behaviour Decree eighteen years ago, there was initially some hesitation and uncertainty over how they were supposed to be interpreted. Two talkshows on TV were closed down, since they were known of making fun of The Leader. There were some discussion coming from The Leader’s religious backers about closing bodybuilding competitions, beauty pageants and wrestling, but the nationalist backers of The Leader thought there could be a patriotic value in those competitions, so they were retained. I have heard, that some un-patriotic scum fled our country and now compete for other countries, which is a disgrace. Oh, thank you Eric.” Eric, the bartender, had placed three pints of beer in front of us. He knew what we preferred. In several ways. Several other Squaddies — both squaddified ones and non-enhanced ones — stood or sat in other corners of The Patriot, but the major share of the patrons were squad-fans. The squad-fans came in all shapes: Short and tall, thin, overweight and muscular, but they all preferred a decidedly masculine style. All kept their hair short (in different ways). It was in rather general use among squad-fans to sport flags and other patriotic patches on their jackets. The jackets came in several styles: Denim jackets, bomber jackets in synthetic fibres, leather jackets — especially biker style jackets. Some of the squad-fans rode motorbikes, and kept old-fashioned biker style alive. ”Since what was called ’propaganda promoting a gay lifestyle’ was forbidden, there was an abrupt end to Pride events, and gay pubs were closed. The Lord Protector decided to turn existing same-sex marriages into civil unions, but he resisted any suggestions to abolish civil unions. His military advisors adviced him to not re-instate the don’t-ask-don’t-tell policy. Where you grew up, it was probably harsh to be fond of other lads, but, as you see, that is not the entire truth about our country. I’m happy to bring you here.” ”It is a relief after what I went through. This place feel unreal.” You looked at some old Security Squad memorabilia, and some black and white reproductions of Tom of Finland art. The convsersations in the room were rather loud. Drunk laughs from one of the corners. One of the squad-fans approached us. He was a buzzcut bloke in his mid-30s, and dressed in jeans, boots and a squad-sweater replica. ”Permission to speak, Sergeant.” ”Permission granted, civilian.” He gave the impression of usually cultivating a rather cocky demeanour in other surroundings, but, when speaking to us three, he behaved slightly shyly. ”Just exactly is squaddification? The results are, eh, very impressive.” ”Your first visit to The Patriot, mate? That squaddiefication exist isn’t a secret: It is obvious for everyone. But exactly how squaddiefication is done is classified information, I’m afraid.” ”Oh. Sorry for asking. I’m a great fan of Squads on Patriot Channel.” Squads was a reality series about life in the Security Squad. I had watched episode one and two of the first season, but swiftly dropped the habit. The content was extremely edited, and didn’t give an accurate impression about everyday life in the Squad. ”I would guess, that you’re not alone on that account in this crowd. Have you had time to discuss with other fans here?” ”Some. It’s new to me, all of this.” ”Don’t worry, civilian. You are among friends here.” More cheers. I looked in the direction of the entrance, in order to find out why. ”Hello Bill! How is the night going?” ”Awesome Joe. I have spent all night at Beer Burger Bar, and already shagged three squad-hags.” I turned to you. ”You see, my friend, Sergeant Tannen here, is into the vagina business.” I turned to Bill again. His 600 lbs brawn to his 6’6” height couldn’t fail to attract most of the eyes in the room. ”Three? Really? Isn’t it time for you to settle down with kettle and lids, at your age?” ”I don’t disagree with your lifestyle, and you don’t disagree with mine. Isn’t that a deal?” I turned to you again. ”Now you wonder, perhaps, what a confirmed straight guy like Bill is doing here…” You nodded shyly, looking at Bill’s bull-god physique. ”But we have a saying in the Squad. Perhaps you haven’t heard it, yet. The difference between a straight Squaddie and a bi-curious Squaddie is three pints of beer.” Bill roared of laughter. So did some of the squad-fans, who had overheard our conversation. A massive leather-clad biker had approached us. For a non-squaddified man, he was certainly impressive, and a life dedicated to working out was required to carry his outfit the way he did. I was proud of you, when I noticed that your gaze didn’t flicker. ”Please Sergeant, may I speak to the Squaddie-pup?”, the biker asked me. I acted the way he expected. ”Permission granted, civilian. Treat him well. Otherwise, I and Sergeant Smith here have to punish you.” The biker shuddered, but perhaps not purely out of fear. ”When will you become squaddified, Sir”, he asked you. ”In two days. Why do you ask, civilian?” ”I would be honoured if you remembered me during and after your squaddification. Would you do that? My name is Chad.” ”Perhaps I will”, you answered, one part confident, one part acting. ”Do you allow me to make myself worthy of remembering? It would be an honour to make you happy, Sir.” ”I’m sure, that you know what to do, civilian. I’m a squaddie-pup. I am superior.” I could detect a small trace of insecurity in your voice. It would be erased in two days, I reflected. But the squad-fan didn’t notice, or he didn’t care. To be in the presence of me, Brad and you made his day. He began to unbutton your fly. You leaned backwards against the desk, your leather clad legs wide apart, and let the muscular biker become your willing slave. More drunk cheering from a corner. It seemed to make Bill horny again, and he had definitely bucketed down more than three pints this evening. He had found a willing admirerer, too: A bodybuilder type dressed in army fashion, having loop screws in his earlobes. Absent-mindedly I noticed a short heap of flyers. ”The Security Squad needs YOU! Ever considered serving your country?” The The Patriot franchise had been a success as a recruitment ground for the Squad. I supposed that the level of success, in that regard, silenced any doubts some of The Leader’s advisors could have had in other respects, but what would they expect, when they removed all inhibations from a man? - - - It was two days later. I stood between the Zythronic racks, wearing the helmet. Initially, the four of us, who were the original new breed of improved soldiers, used to take turns inside the growth chamber. Later, our group of expert Improvers had been expanded into twelve members. It was my turn, and I liked the job. The twelve of us Improvers reach some small improvements every time, even if the pace of change has slowed down very much. The initial transformation is always the most dramatic, and there is seldom much to add or change, but it felt good to be in the chamber again, exposed to the Zythronic Field, the Vril Power and the two other forms of radiation. This way, the twelve Improvers always were slightly bigger, slightly stronger, slightly faster, slightly better than the recently changed squaddies, and they treated us with respect. The respect we deserve. I watched you: A Potential Domestic Terrorist. We used to say PDT, but the civilians shortened it into Domestic Terrorist, and were very grateful for our work on hunting you down, increasing the security for normal, decent people. We had improved the processing routines, and moved the chairs into the growth chamber. You sat in your chair, and the arms of your chair ended with metallic knobs connected to the Zythronic Racks. You were dressed in your orange-coloured prison-dress, your legs fastened to the legs of the chair, and your wrists strapped to the arms of the chair. ”Are you going to execute me?” ”You are mistaken. This is not an electrical chair.” ”What is it then, you bloody Fascist?” ”Watch your mouth.” ”It’s not like you haven’t abused me. Physically. Verbally.” ”Verbal abuse is more common in the Police Force. We don’t have the habit of calling you Liberal scum, even if you are. As for physical abuse — some prisoners need to be disciplined, but not to the degree, that they would no longer recover. Our off-shore prisoner camps are a valuable asset to the Security Squad.” ”An asset?” You looked like you couldn’t believe what you heard. ”You believe in a cause. That is honourable, even if you are misguided. Men with principles, like yourself, would hold equally firm convictions, if they were patriots. Even defend their convictions, by taking up arms.” ”You may lock me in, but you are not able to change my mind.” ”Let us see about that.” No reason to slow it down or hold back. The green infusion was now administerable by a rather quick injection, and all three biochemical formulas could be administered by the chair. Perhaps better to ease any pain away. Our purpose was not to torture you, but turn you into a weapon: Into one of us, so I let the Zythronic Field trickle through your palms into your body at a modest 8% level. ”Ummmm. What’s that? Ummmmmm. What’s happening?” I didn’t answer. I let the robotic arms of the chair administer the chemicals. Then the wet electrodes lowered themselves to each of your temples. They always scream. Afraid of losing themselves, I suppose. It is true to a certain extent. Memories fade or disappear, but deep-seated personality traits do not die, nor do instincts and urges. I do not remember my own conditioning. It is just a black hole in my memory. When I ask other Squad-members about it, they tell me the same. We do not remember the conditioning. I guess you will forget this pain, as all the others have done. As we all have done. I warmed the radiation emittors under the floor up. Your chair was lit up from the floor, and bathed in a purple light. We had, by time, found, that doing it this way increased the conditioning. ”No, I…” Your mind was surprisingly resilient. I increased the Zythronic Field to 10% and increased the radiation from below. ”No, uh… uh… nnnnnnn” You struggled in the chair. I could notice the physical effects of the treatment, since you began to fill out your prison dress. 12.5% perhaps? ”Mmmmmmm, oh, um, mmmmmm” Close now. After having done this multiple times, I had learned to guide this process carefully, and the helmet helped me to do it intuitively. The sound of your voice changed: The tone of fear turned into the tone of revelling. Look at that neck of yours! You liked this. I could see it on your face. And your hands were becoming larger. And covered with veins. ”Oh, uh, yes. Yes, I comply. Yes, I obey. Oh YES! Fucking YES! Sir! More! Give this patriot MORE!” I was so happy to reward you with what you asked for. And this was just the Preparatory Phase. I was going to process you and the other two, later in the afternoon. - - - I looked through the list. The one who volunteered because the appeal to his vanity and insecurity. The pup who was sent here by the enlistment authority, and found a haven from his repressive upbringing. The one who was successfully re-programmed from terrorism to patriotism. The usual fare. As always, I was proud to squaddiefy you and the other two subjects. There would be no use of destroying expensive uniforms, as had happened the first time. All three of you were dressed in elastic mini-shorts, and nothing else. The Preparatory Phase had had its effect on you. You all looked fit and vein-covered, and your eyes had that familiar dim gaze. ”Soldiers! This is the best day in your lives! You will grow into your country’s finest defenders: The defenders of Improved Democracy. Unlike the inefficient democracy of other nations, slowed down by debates and never-ending official reports, our Improved Democracy implement decisions immediately, because the Lord Protector is given that executive and legislative power. ”Perhaps you watched telly a few days ago, the Prime Minister of Ruritania demanding: ”Mr. Lord Protector, tear down this wall!” But we know the truth: Our Anti-Terroristic Protective Wall protects us against terrorism. Our Anti-Terroristic Protective Wall protects us against unwanted foreign workers, who rob indigenous workers of their jobs. Our Anti-Terroristic Protective Wall protects us against killer clowns. We are the greatest country in the world, and you are the best of the best: You dedicate your lives to protect our liberty. I am proud of you, soldiers. Right now you are non-enhanced Squad members. Within a few hours, you will be full-grown Squaddies. Do you want to improve yourself for your country?” ”SIR! YES, SIR!” ”Then take your stations.” You grabbed your Zythronic racks, like the other two. I knew how the different bio-chimcal formulas were pumping in your blood from the Preparatory Phase. They just needed some more encouragement. I concentrated on the Zythronic Power. It began to stream. You and the other two were silent for a few seconds, but then began to moan of pleasure. I increased the intensity. By the help of the helmet, I could sense the Zythronic Power, and I knew, that the moment I awakened the Vril Power, I would be able to sense your feelings, shape your phiscal forms according to my will and share the pleasure you felt. I increased the intensity further. 65%. You were ready for the Power of Vril. I awakened my own Vril Power, activated the cannons, and my mind reached deep into your own, and caused your slumbering Vril Power to awake. Awake. Surge. Erupt. Consume you. And the Vril cannons bombarding your responsive muscle tissue. A shimmer of gold and bronze surrounded us, letting the Muscle Beast out. Letting the Power Being out. We were all connected now. I could sense your feeling of strength, of power, of confidence, of abandon, of delight and pleasure… Each of you reacted to the treatment in your own particular ways. ”So good. Fucking unreal. Like being Compton. Like being McCarver. Look at these! So unbelievable. Like being Agent Venom. Uhnnnn. Like being Bane. Can’t believe it. Uh, uh! Like fucking becoming The Hulk. Oh! Yes! The power! Can’t believe it! Uhnnn.” ”Oh, yes! Pump me full of it! Unit want more! This patriot can take more! Will crush all resistance. Will crush all threats. Demolish. Pulverize. Able to do that, now. The strenght! So much! Never too much! So free. Not responsible for anything. Just obeying orders. Keep it going!” ”Unbelievable… So good! Oh. Much! Couldn’t have dreamed… Nnnnn. Growing with my brothers… Defend. Protect. Uhnnnnn… No squad-fan any longer… No squaddie-pup any longer… Yes! YES! Squaddiefy me! SQUADDIEFY ME! Yes! Can’t believe it! This! And this! And the power! And the strength! And, uhnnnn… So hard. Uncrushable… Don’t hold back, Sergeant! Give me more! Want it… Crave it… MORE! YES! RAW, BRUTAL, NNNNNNNNNN! SQUADDIE POWER!” I knew how intoxicating it was. At my mere thought, the room bathed in purple, and, at another one, it was exposed to the relentless empowering influence of a blue shimmer. After the Preparatory Phase you had all looked like contestants in Men’s Physique, but, now, your well-defined abs turned into six hemispheric cannonballs of steel. Your shoulders became like bowling balls. Your pecs became like basket balls of warm, uncrushable flesh. Your thighs swelled and bulged into pillars able to carry 1500 pounds or more. Your waists were narrower than your thighs. Your calves looked like rugby balls. Your necks grew in power, your jugular vein pulsing under the relentless pressure of the muscle-building and enhancing forces. 90% 92.5% 95%. The machine working at an efficiency of 97.5%. I knew I had to concentrate on my conception of perfect masculinity, and the helmet would interpret my brainwaves into reality. Inside this chamber, my will was law. I held the all-powerful control of your bodies and minds. The feeling was more than exhilarating. I was able to form my brothers in arms into the fighting machines I wanted them to be, and they wanted to become. Perfect masculinity… Uhnnn. Felt good for the Improver, too. I wasn’t allowed to lose control now. Uhnnn. Despite it was tempting to just let the machine decide… Uhnnn. No, I was in charge. I am The Improver today, and I have to improve you. Yes! Join me, squaddies! Become… Oh! Yes! Become… specimens of perfect masculinity. Specimens of perfect virility. Like… Like Brad. Oh fuck! The chamber convulsed in intangible flames of gold and bronze, blue and purple, when you all absorbed the highest power level, developed your personal physical optimum and reached perfection. - - - There were a handful of things to do by routine. Blood pressure. Blood samples. Urine samples. You were given some time for shower. You received uniforms in your new sizes, and you were, of course, a sight for gods to dream of. Absent-mindedly, I was thinking about what the future had in reserve for you. As usual, the first kill had to happen shortly after squaddiefication. We didn’t want any inhibations to return. It would be inefficient for the needs of the country. I remembered my own first mission. We hd to suppress a potential terrorist threat. We stormed the building in the middle of the night. All domestic terrorists were sleeping. One of the women looked vaguely familiar, but I couldn’t remember where I had seen her before. I only dimly remember her chestnut-coloured hair, her green eyes and a dimple in her chin, because she cried out: ”Joe, it’s me. Why are you doing this?” It was very strange. How did she know my name? I shot the Terrie bitch. The mission was a disappointment, since no weapons were found in the terrorist base. Soon our new squaddies would be sent on similar missions. - - - I returned home. Brad had been busy cooking. ”Lot of paperwork, today?”, I asked. ”Yes. And you must have supervised a squaddiefication. I can see, that your traps are slightly larger than before”, he answered. ”They are?” ”I’m not blind, Joe. I can’t wait to lay my hands on those traps of your’s.” We finished our chicken and rice rather quickly, and decided to eat our apple-and-ginger pie later. We finished in the oversized sofa. Brad gave my traps a massage. The TV was on. The News reported that The Lord Protector had attended the inauguration of a statue of Berzelius Windrip. Then followed a re-run of the 2031 remake of Invasion of the Body Snatchers. We had seen it before, and switched the TV off. I reclined in the sofa, laying on my side. Brad’s back rested on my chest, and I let my right arm protect him. It felt strange, but it felt good. Brad was the most perfect man I knew, but I was heavier than him. At 7 feet and 500 lbs, I was able to lift him and carry him, if I wanted to. I let my lips touch his gold-coloured buzzcut, and whispered: ”I am inspecting the test subject.” I let my hand massage Brad’s right pec through the fabric of his sweater. He let out a whimpering sound, rose and removed his sweater and his shirt. He turned, and removed my shirt. We returned to the sofa, Brad’s back on my chest. I nibbled on his silky ear, and let my hand return to his right pec. With a playful voice, I whispered: ”As I said, I am inspecting the test subject.” I returned to my everyday voice: ”Oh. And by the way. Two of todays new squaddies looked strangely similar to you, Brad.” ”They always do, Joe, when you are the Improver of the day. Unless you feel especially protective of them. Two, you say? I though there were three scheduled for today?” ”There was. Do you remember the squaddie-pup we brought to The Patriot two days ago? He’s the one. I felt protective of him. He reminded me of myself before.” ”Let me guess…” ”Don’t say it. Yes, he became massive like myself. He needed to put some flesh on the bones, don’t you think?” Brad didn’t answer, but he pressed his naked back harder to my chest. It felt good. I knew what Brad liked, so I had kept my leather trousers and boots on, just as he had. I could feel the ravines and ridges of his back towards my powerfully brawny pecs. I let my hand slid to his abs, and continued to whisper: ”I am inspecting the test subject’s abdomen. A hard wall of bricks, nay: steel, is covering his lower torso.” Brad shivered, and I could hear how his breathing became heavier. I swallowed. ”The test subject is still growing and transforming. He is turning into a monster! A hero-monster full of hard, masculine muscle. Bigger than anything I have seen. Bigger than anything I could imagine!” I let my hand slide lower, and I could feel his rod throbbing inside the black leather. I fingered and pressed teasingly. He moaned. I rose, my left knee still on the sofa behind Brad’s back, my right leg standing on the floor, his body between my powerful leather-clad thighs. ”But there is a squaddie who is heavier than the test-subject.” I gave his shoulder a friendly clench, before I removed my knee from the sofa, stood with my legs wide apart in front of him, and let him watch my presence. Then, I bent my knees, grabbed Brad, and held him: One arm under his leather-clad bum, another one behind his naked back. I let my lips nuzzle his buzzcut again. ”And that is Sergeant Wilson.” Playfully, I used him as a barbell three or four times, and then returned to my ordinary way of carrying him. Brad moaned in his deep voice and shuddered in delight, when his behemothic partner carried his 450 lbs frame into our bedroom, the way as usual. I smiled. I loved to be a squaddie.
  25. This is a short piece to initiate what I hope to ultimately be a long series. It's little rough and definitely/mostly a teaser, but I hope you all find the tale enjoyable. Comments appreciated! It is my freshman year at Ralley University, and the first two months have already sped by. Easy enough classes and independence have supplied me with the free time to finally indulge in some end of summer “causal observing”, or more appropriately, ogling. For the first time, I am surrounded by the hunky human specimens I have always secretly worshipped, and it is with relative sadness that the cold weather ushers back shirts and jeans to their sun beat bodies. Luckily, there is one last opportunity for some visual stimulation coming up. Yes, it is the week of Halloween. That means two days from now, I imagine some of my classes will be filled with scantily clad jocks, every collegiate costume picked to showcase the hot young body to full effect. Me? Well, let's just say I wouldn't have much to show off even if I did get an invite. My name is Nick Whitter, and today, my eighteenth birthday, I find myself as scrawny and weak as the day I entered high school; no, scratch that, I’m actually a bit chubbier. So, chubby and weak, and not doing much to fix it. I look at myself in the mirror and frown at my naked torso. There isn't anything particularly wrong with me; my slightly paunchy stomach could definitely lose the beginning flab and my pipe thin limbs don’t indicate that any effort has gone to them, but I’m not “ugly”. Just.. not hot. The only thing I have going for me is my slightly above-average face and full head of hair, attractive enough to make it by, but not be mistaken for an A-lister. The locker room I am in is empty, as I always make sure to use the communal bathroom before dawn to avoid showering with anyone else. The floor to ceiling mirror I’m standing in front of shows the wall of lockers to either side of me. About 20 feet behind, in the middle of the opposite wall, there is a mid sized sauna which can hold about three people; on the left is the entrance to the showers, and on the right, the door leading to the gym, which is opening… And Holy Fucking Shit, does my heart stop! Walking in, completely swole from what must have been a gruesome workout, is this school’s number one jock, and my own (as well as every other guy who has ever seen him) personally favorite thing to jerk off to, James Adams. With a strong angled face and beach blond buzz cut above a muscle-packed frame like some descendant of Hercules; if I say this guy is undoubtedly the world’s biggest, sexiest musclegod, I’m not being hyperbolic. As the door shuts and he looks in my direction, I see through the mirror his perfect face, glistening with sweat, is first at rest, before his sensuous lips turn up into a knowing smirk. His neck, thick like a marble column, twitches slightly as he begins to speak. “Well what do we have here?” His baritone voice drips sex appeal; I gulp and go wide eyed, turning from the mirror to watch this 6’4” titan confidently swagger into the row of lockers, making where I stand feel ever tighter, my eyes ever wider; my cock begin it's inevitable rise inside my towel. I mean, how could it not?, at the sight of this pumped-up bodybuilder in a chest tight string tank top, trunk like thighs rolling around each other as he approaches, nearly exploding the threadbare shorts he is wearing. Well, threadbare everywhere but the top part, where they are instead quite loose, given ample space around his tight waist; the material is, however, pulled down and away by the salami sized equipment he is sporting soft before him. The overall effect is the exposed base of his cock being displayed slightly below the bottom of the shirt, like some sort of genie’s lamp waiting to be rubbed and released. He has stopped his saunter and is now standing a couple feet before me, his massive legs straddling the bench that divides the row of lockers. “If it isn’t little ol’ Nick Whit. Standing awfully close to the mirror, let me guess: can’t see yourself if you step back? What are you even doing standing in the MEN’s room, huh? You really don’t qualify to be here, do you?” His left arm moves forward, and he grabs the towel I hold around my waist, snatching it away, revealing my chicken legs and 1” soft penis atop a tiny sack. My immediate instinct is to cover them up with both hands and blush. James snorts in derision. “You really are as tiny as you look. But you do just barely make the cut. Me on the other hand,” he gestures with his massive hand to his equally massive hose, “I’m not really ever questioned.” He proceeds to pat the exposed root, sending a shock and shiver along the length of his cock, bouncing it slightly in its tight enclosure. I drop my jaw at the sight. “Hehe”, he chuckles deeply, sending another wave of blood down my own diminished endowment. “Look at you man, you can’t believe how little you compare to me. I mean, I’m looking over your head right now in the mirror, and you know what, you’re not wrong to be in awe. Close your eyes and turn around,” he commands, and I immediately follow. I don’t know what is happening, but I have this feeling that I am experiencing something that is once in a lifetime, and I don’t want to miss out. I suddenly feel a slight pressure on my lower back, and hear above me, “open your eyes,” which again, I immediately follow. And instantly, I feel my cock leap upwards to full attention, a mere 4”, for the sight was something out of a wet dream. I was tiny, 5’10” and boyish looking, and standing 6” above me and 6” behind me was my fantasy realized. James Adams, up as fucking close and personal as possible. My entire torso filled just his midsection up to the bottom of his mostly exposed chest; his shoulders flaring widely like melons above my own shoulders, with nicely rounded traps leading up to his bull neck squarely behind my head; Jesus, it was so thick, it almost was visible in the reflection! “I’m literally head and shoulders above you, squirt. Honestly, it’s almost wrong to let you be in here, when there’s a bar to reach like me,” he brags, moving his arms up into a double-bi, his fists clenched powerfully on bowling pin thick wrists and forearms, and what easily pass as 24” guns. I feel an ever approaching orgasm without touching myself, gaping stupidly at this mesmerizing site, committing every single image to permanent memory. “Yeah, there’s definitely a bit of a size difference here. But that doesn’t have to be bad; I mean, it would be a waste to be packing what I’m packing, and not have some shrimpy dweeb suck me off when the need calls.” His words coincided with a slight increase in pressure behind me, as well as my realization at what he indicated: it couldn’t be possible.... My gaze shifts to his mirrored face right above my own, that all-knowing, uber masculine smile below eyes which meet mine. He moves his arms back to his sides as I slowly turn from the mirror, a small shuffle for every three beats of my wildly paced heart. I have to move away slightly as my shoulder presses on his shelf like pec muscle; my shoulder’s bony surface actually brushes his nipple and causes him to exhale shortly with another steady pulse through his member, and my heart skips a bit. When I am finished rotating the complete 180 degrees, I am not prepared for what I see; it is… it is… Everything. Everything I have ever wanted, there, right in front of me. A wide expanse of glistening and pumped meat not a foot from my face. The smell is just like I’d hoped; having never been this close to real muscle before, I am glad to discover that James’ scent is, while quite overpowering, also intoxicating. Like huffing gas without the after burn. I want every breathe I take from then on out to be filled with it. In my peripherals I notice the tightly pulled strings of his tank top, which is dark with sweat along and down to his midsection. All I want to do is stand here forever and never let this sight go, when a far better offer comes my way… “Let’s get this shirt off”
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