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  1. kindertentgg

    Homo immanis

    Saw this pass by: “Homo immanis” When most people say they want to be monsters they think to themselves I want to leave my humanity behind. I now know that’s impossible to do. But you can become something more than human. “What had I become?” As I stare in the mirror in front of me curling a weight in each hand that the average man would struggle to lift off the ground with both hands. The sound of my own breathing in rhythm with each rep being the only noise that fills my head. I had given up a lot to get here and I would have given up 3 times as much to see what was standing in front of me each and every day. I had friends who had come and gone when it came to lifting. Most would last a month, some even less than that. But the weights were present, my drive was present and my urge for growth was present. These were the only constants I needed. Had I become “big guy”, no maybe “hoss”, or better yet “bubba”? No all these names that I was frequently called were nice but none were the proper name for what I had become. As I finished my set and put down the dumbbells till the time passed for me to do another set. “ME.” I had simply become myself at least as I had always envisioned myself to be and that meant I needed more. Much more.
  2. Hey guys. I haven't been very active here for a long time. Must have been a year at least. But I'd really like to be again, because this is my favorite community and place to be on the interwebs. So I figured I'd just upload my recent project here. It's posted in the Stories Category, because it tells a kind of story, and doesn't really fit in the Media category. I have this up on Twitter as well~ The story has the magical name of "Egon muscular shot 03 outtake" or EMSO, how I prefer to call it. The reason it has this silly, ugly name is because this was never planned to be or meant to be a full project. But now here I am working on Page 112... Please let me know what you think!
  3. Supercrav

    Mon copain Antoine [FR]

    C'est un peu n'importe quoi encore mais bon... -------------------------- Qu'est ce qu'il y a ? Tu n'es pas content que l'on passe l'après-midi ensemble? - C'est pas ça... - Depuis le temps que tu me reproches de prendre mes distances avec toi, alors que ce n'est pas vrai, j'aurais pensé que tu serais un peu plus joyeux que je passe un peu de temps avec toi. - Oui, bien sûr je suis content de te voir, mais c'est que... - Quoi ? - Je n'ai pas envie de sortir. - Sérieux ? Mais on ne vas tout de même pas rester enfermés chez tes parents toute la journée, regarde comme il fait beau dehors ! Allez, bouge-toi on y va. - Mais justement... - Eh mon pote, il faut que tu sortes un peu de temps en temps. Tu sais, rencontrer des gens, avoir une vie sociale... - Oui je sais, toi tu connais plein de gens tu as plein d'amis. - Je n'ai pas "plein" d'amis... enfin, j'en ai normalement, quoi... Mais tu pourrais en faire autant. C'est vrai que l'on se voit moins qu'avant, et tu restes mon meilleur ami, mais j'aime bien voir du monde, rencontrer des gens... Mais toi tu restes prostré dans ton coin. Fais un effort gars, on va aller se balader tu vas voir on va s'éclater. - Oui, mais dehors... - Quoi. - Il fait super chaud. - Et bien quoi, ce n'est pas bien grave, tant mieux, même.D'ailleurs je vais finir par attraper la crève avec cette clim ici... - Mais je vais avoir chaud. - Il ne fait pas si chaud que ça je t'assure, tu n'as qu'à enlever ce pull et te mettre en t-shirt comme moi, tu verras ça ira très bien. - Mais je ne veux pas enlever mon pull. - Ah. Pour quelle raison je te prie ? - Il y a plein de gens dehors. - Et c'est bien pour ça qu'il faut que l'on sorte aussi. C'est quoi le problème des gens dehors ? Ca t'arrive bien de sortir des fois. - Oui mais si je suis en t-shirt, j'aurai les bras nus, et les gens... enfin je vais devoir les montrer. - Quoi, tu ne veux pas que les gens voient tes bras ? C'est juste ça ? Alors là je suis sur le cul. Et parce que ? - Parce que... Je ne... - Hé Antoine. Parle-moi. Qu'est-ce qu'il y a. - Je... Je ne suis pas beau. - Oh Antoine, non ne pleure pas. Mais je... je ne comprends pas. Il faut que tu m'expliques. - Mais il n'y a rien à expliquer, je suis moche je ne ressemble à rien un point c'est tout. - Non mais Antoine, depuis des années, depuis que tu as quitté le lycée, tu passes ta vie à faire de la muscu dans la cave de tes parents, et maintenant tu vas me dire que tu n'es pas content de ton corps et que tu en as honte? Mais alors, à quoi bon avoir installé tout cet équipement là en-bas, pourquoi avoir soulevé toutes ces tonnes et ces tonnes de fonte pendant toutes ces années ? - Justement, je voulais essayer de ressembler à quelque chose, mais je serai toujours aussi laid, je n'y arriverai jamais. - D'accord. Ecoute moi Antoine, il faut que je te parle sérieusement. - Oui ? - Tu me fais confiance, Antoine, oui ? Tu es mon pote d'enfance, tu le sais. - Oui Loïc, je te fais confiance. - Alors écoute-moi bien Antoine, et regarde-moi. Antoine, tu as le corps d'un Dieu. Ton corps est superbe, et pour quiconque aimant le muscle, ton corps est sublime. - Merci Loïc, c'est très gentil, mais... - Je ne dis pas ça pour te faire plaisir ni pour te consoler, Antoine. C'est la vérité. Ton corps est une putain d'oeuvre d'art mon pote. - Mais, comment tu peux dire ça, la dernière fois que tu m'as vu ça devait être à la piscine au collège. - Et déjà t'étais gaulé mon gars. Alors que tu n'avais même pas commencé ton obsession pour la gonflette. - A vrai dire, j'ai toujours été obsédé par le bodybuilding. Aussi loin que je puisse me souvenir. Et j'étais tellement hideux... oui, ça va peut-être un petit peu mieux maintenant, mais franchement... - Tu me demandes comment je sais que ton corps est putain de magnifique ? Mais c'est évident mon pote. C'est l'évidence même. Parce que même sous ton pull c'est évident que tu débordes de muscles de partout. Parce que t'es large comme une putain d'armoire à glace. Parce que tes bras sont gros comme des jambons. On peut même voir la forme de tes abdos à travers ton pull. - Vraiment ? - Mais oui mon gars ! Dans cette ville tout le monde t'appelle Musclor. Pourtant tu ne sors pas beaucoup. Quand j'ai dit à mes potes que j'allais te voir aujourd'hui, ils m'ont tous sorti des vannes à la con. - Pour se moquer de moi ? - Mais non, à me demander si j'avais pris mon matériel d'escalade et mon GPS, si j'avais une bonne mutuelle pour les os broyés, des trucs comme ça. - Je ne comprends pas. - Des blagues sur le fait que ta musculature est tout bonnement colossale, mec ! Sérieusement, je pense avoir senti un poil de jalousie chez pas mal d'entre eux. Je t'assure, je pense qu'il y en a plus d'un qui aurait aimé être à ma place à passer la journée avec toi. - Mais personne ne m'aime. - Ne dis pas de conneries. Il y a même Greg qui a demandé s'il pouvait venir avec moi. Simon aussi, mais c'est surtout Greg qui a lourdement insisté. - Greg ? Le Greg qui se moquait tout le temps de moi en primaire ? - Celui-là même. Je n'étais pas vraiment surpris, il me parle de toi de temps en temps. Surtout une fois où il était complètement bourré à une soirée. Il m'a pris à part et m'a posé plein de questions sur toi, puis il a commencé à délirer, à me demander si j'imaginais ce que ça faisait d'être aussi puissamment musclé que toi, à se demander les sensations que ton immense force physique pouvait te procurer. Clairement le Greg a de l'admiration pour toi. Je pense même que si ça se trouve, secrètement, il a le béguin pour toi. Une fois j'étais posé avec lui et deux autres potes à la terrasse du café de la mairie, et tu es passé de l'autre côté de la place. C'est Didier qui t'a vu le premier, tu ne le connais pas, et il a dit 'c'est quoi ce monstre !' alors avec Greg on s'est retournés, et j'ai regardé la gueule de Greg à côté de moi, et clairement il avait la bouche bée et des étincelles dans les yeux. - C'est incroyable. - Mais c'est toi qui es incroyable mon Toto, je te jure, t'es un phénomène mon gars. Ne rougis pas comme ça... tu sais, tu n'en as peut-être pas l'impression, mais je suis fier d'être ton pote. - Alors, pourquoi je ne te vois jamais, souvent tu ne me réponds pas... - Oui, je suis toujours à droite à gauche... - Jamais tu ne m'invites à des soirées ou des trucs comme ça. - Bah, tu n'es pas très à l'aise avec les gens, déjà à l'époque si on allait à une fête ensemble, tu restais dans ton coin, tu ne parlais à personne... Et tu me collais un peu aux basques... Si j'allais voir des gens j'avais l'impression de t'abandonner, et si je restais avec toi je ne faisais que ça de la soirée. Ne m'en veux pas, mais voilà quoi, la teuf les sorties c'était pas trop pour toi. - Oui, tout le contraire de toi... Toujours le mec le plus populaire, tout le monde t'adore, tout le monde veut être avec toi... Et puis, tu est tellement beau... Tu as toujours été le plus beau. - ... - Tu es toujours avec des nanas aussi... - Antoine, regarde-moi dans les yeux. Je te demande de me faire confiance. Enlève-moi ce pull. - Tu veux que... J'enlève mon pull ? - S'il te plaît Antoine. Fais ça pour moi. - OK... - Oh... Oh putain de bordel de merde. - Quoi ? - Je savais bien que tu avais des bras énormes, mais les voir en vrai comme ça... Nom de Dieu. - Qu'est-ce-qu'il y a ? - Mais bon sang, toutes ces grosses boules, toutes ces striations, toutes ces veines... C'est... Wow, je n'ai jamais vu un truc pareil. - Tu... Ca te... - Non, c'est magnifique, vraiment. Je n'aurais jamais pensé qu'autant de muscle pourrait être ausi beau. S'il te plaît, Antoine, est-ce que je peux toucher tes biceps? - Je... attends, je vais faire juste quelques pompes avant pour les faire gonfler encore plus. - Ah ? Très bien. - ... Hmmf... Humff... Voilà. Va-z-y Loïc, tu peux y aller. - Oh mon Dieu... C'est un truc de fou... Je n'ai jamais ressenti un truc pareil. Palper ce gros tas de muscle comme ça... Mais il me faudrait combien de mains pour couvrir ton biceps, gars? Hahaha putain trop cool. - Tu veux que je le contracte ? - Ah merde, euh... Mais oui mon gars ! Fais-moi bander cet énorme biceps mon Toto ! Allez mon Toto ! Gonfle-moi ce OH ENCULÉ ! - Gnn... Là tu vois Loïc, je le contracte presque au maximum, le muscle n'est pas vraiment chaud mais je suis plutôt content il a atteint une belle taille. - UNE BELLE TAILLE ? Mais putain de merde Antoine c'est un iceberg ton biceps ! J'hallucine complètement. Et puis c'est tellement dur ! C'est vraiment de l'acier ! Je ne m'étais pas préparé à ça, mais alors pas du tout. Je suis choqué mon gars, j'en crois pas mes yeux, j'en crois pas mes mains. Mais tu dois avoir les plus gros biceps au monde, je ne peux pas croire qu'il soit possible que des biceps puissent devenir encore plus gigantesques que ça ! - Il y a un gars qui s'appelle Franck Lefort qui les a plus gros que ça c'est sûr, après je ne sais pas. - Eh mon gars je vois la fierté dans tes yeux et ça me fait tellement plaisir. Tu peux être fier mon copain, tu peux être grave fier, t'es une putain de montagne de muscles et tu es magnifique. Allez enlève-moi ce t-shirt, il y a tes gros pecs qui me narguent à se dresser sous mon nez depuis tout à l'heure. - Je ne sais pas... Tu sais Loïc le pull c'était déjà un gros effort pour moi... - Dis-moi Antoine, c'est la première fois pour toi que quelqu’un te caresse les muscles ? - Oui Loïc. C'est la première fois. - Et dis-moi Antoine, tu as aimé ça ? - ... Oui Loïc. C'était très agréable. Et je suis très heureux que ça ait été toi. - Et c'était un grand plaisir pour moi aussi, et un grand honneur. Plus qu'un plaisir, une révélation, un grand moment de bonheur. Antoine, je t'en prie, pourrais-tu avoir la bonté de bien vouloir m'offrir la chance de pouvoir admirer ton torse nu ? Regarde, je pose un genou à terre. - Non, rassie-toi voyons... - Attends, ça te mettrait plus à l'aise si j'enlevais mon t-shirt moi aussi ? Voilà c'est fait. Regarde la crevette que je suis comparé à ta fantastique musculature. Je suis ridicule, un rien du tout. - Mais non Loïc, tu es très beau... - Tout ce qui m'importe c'est que tu sois à l'aise et que tu te sentes bien. - D'accord, Loïc... Un petit instant. Il faut que je... Gnnn... Et... Voilà. - ... - Loïc ? Ca va ? - Mec, t'es un Dieu. T'es un surhomme. T'es un mutant. Un super héros. T'es mon héros en tout cas. Je peux...? - Toucher ? Mais bien sûr Loïc va-z-y. - Oh mon Dieu comment c'est lourd, comment c'est gros, et tellement dense, merde, on peut sentir la puissance qu'il y a dedans, putain, c'est vraiment une sensation extraordinaire... Je n'ai jamais ressenti un truc pareil. Et tu te rases le torse ? - Non, je suis resté imberbe. Tiens, touche mes abdos aussi. - Oui, tout de suite. Oh mazette. C'est des briques tes abdos la vache. et sur les côtés t'as des muscles de partout... - Tiens, je te contracte mes pecs. - Oh putain, j'ai failli me les prendre dans la gueule. Mais c'est tellement dur, c'est comme deux putains de rochers ! Et tellement épais, j'ai l'impression que je pourrais mettre tout mon avant bras entre les deux. - Et bien essaie, là je les relâche. - Blam. Les deux grosses masses qui retombent. Attends j'enfonce le bras... Oh putain c'est doux c'est chaud... Ah ça y est j'ai atteint le fond. C'est complètement dingue. - Je vais les contracter un peu à nouveau, ne t'inquiète pas j'y vais doucement. - Oui, ne vas pas me broyer le bras ! Comment c'est beau toutes ces striations qui se répandent sur la surface quand tu bandes ces deux gros tas de muscle. Oh stop, ça commence à serrer là tu me fais peur. Ouf merci, j'ai sauvé mon bras ! - Regarde, je peux les faire danser aussi, sans bouger. A la volonté je peux les faire bondir super vite, je fais ce que je veux avec. - Oh, oh putain c'est trop génial ! Oh, tu... Hahaha ! Hahaha ! HAHAHAHAHA ! - ... - Qu'est-ce qu'il y a, mon Toto ? Pourquoi cette tête ? - J'ai... j'ai peur que tu te moques de moi. - Je te jure que non, pas du tout. Je te jure, je suis en admiration totale, je n'ai jamais rien vu d'aussi beau. Mon Toto, je suis désolé de t'avoir délaissé ces derniers temps, ces dernières années même, je te promets que je vais me rattraper. Je passerai te voir autant que tu voudras, on passera tout le temps que tu veux ensemble. Je réalise à quel point tu es quelqu'un de fabuleux et à quel point tu es important pour moi. Tu sais quoi Antoine, je vais te prouver à quel point je tiens à toi, je veux que tu aies confiance en moi et je veux être là pour toi. Approche-toi. Tu sais à quel point je kiffe me taper des meufs et je m'en tape à tours de bras. Tu sais que je les enchaîne et que je suis le plus gros queutard qui existe. Et bien, si je ne te respectais pas, si je ne t'aimais pas de tout mon cœur, est-ce que je ferais ça. [...] - Wow, oh Loïc... Merci Loïc... Tu sais je me suis toujours demandé ce que ça faisait de... de t'embrasser. - Et il y en a encore plein d'où ça vient ne t'inquiète pas, redonne-moi ta bouche que je t'en remette une couche, s'il y a bien une chose que je sais faire c'est rouler des pelles à la perfection. [...] - Et ça tu vois mon Antoine j'ai jamais fait ça à un mec et je pensais pas le faire un jour, mais tu m'as donné une telle preuve d'amour aujourd'hui, en bravant ta pudeur pour m'exposer tes muscles, en m'offrant la jouissance tactile de leur opulence, le moins que je pouvais faire était de te prouver l'étendue de mon affection pour toi. J'ai bien compris qu'au fil des ans tu aimais de plus en plus ma gueule de beau gosse, et tu vois ce sourire, tu vois ces yeux bleus, ils sont à toi mon copain, et j'ai encore envie de t'embrasser. [...] - Ah quel bonheur de lécher ta bouche en malaxant tes énormes muscles surpuissants, allez viens Antoine, je me rhabille, il est temps de livrer ta surabondante hypertrophie musculaire à l'adoration du peuple ! J'ai hâte de te voir faire spectacle de ce torse nu ultramusculeux, les visages ébahis, les regards pleins de désir, d'envie, de haine, il n'y a pas une seconde à perdre. - Moi marcher torse nu dans la rue, devant tout le monde ? Mais ça n va pas la tête. - Attends ! Tu seras habillé de lumière. Je vais faire un tour dans la cuisine... - Mais qu'est-ce que tu fabriques ? - Voilà ! J'ai trouvé ce truc marron, mélangé avec de l'huile tes muscles vont être d'une belle couleur, et bien luisants ! Je t'étale ça vite fait... Magnifique... - Non Loïc, écoute-moi s'il te plaît ! Pas question que je sorte avec rien sur le dos. - Hmmm... Et si on prend ma caisse, et qu'on va à la plage ? - ... non, même. - Ah, je sais. Je reviens tout de suite. - Qu'est-ce-que tu fais avec un paire de ciseaux ? - Passe-moi ton t-shirt. Tu vas avoir un t-shirt sur le dos. - C'est n'importe quoi. Non. Ne touche pas à ce t-shirt, j'ai assez de mal à en trouver à ma taille. - ... Oh je sais, mieux ! Moi je serai torse nu, comme ça, et toi tu seras en t-shirt ! - Mais Loïc pourquoi tu découpes ton t-shirt comme un sauvage ? - Tiens enfile ça. Voilà. Très bien. - Mais, Loïc... C'est pire que si j'étais torse nu ! C'est juste deux bouts de ficelles sur mes épaules, qui rejoignent un bandeau de tissu autour de ma taille... C'est obscène, mes muscles débordent de partout... - Attends, la touche finale, là... - Mon jean ! - ..Et là ! Magnifique. Le short juste au dessus du genou.... Parfait pour la plage. - Loïc... - Antoine, c'est le début d'une nouvelle amitié pour toi et moi. On va se balader tranquillement tous les deux sur la plage, je serai torse nu à côté de toi tu paraîtras encore plus énorme, encore plus sublime, encore plus surhumain, juste une petite demi-heure et après on va chez moi et on se posera tous les deux tranquillement, tendrement, et je prendrai bien soin de toi. Si ça te rassure, je peux te tenir la main quand on sera sur la plage. - Je ne suis pas sûr... - Penche-toi un peu vers moi que je t'embrasse encore.
  4. Supercrav

    Happy Seinar

    I saw him every now and then. Passing in the lobby, of the building where I work. Or on the parking lot. We've been in the same elevator a few times. He goes to the 27th floor. I work at the 19th. I had tried to figure out a pattern for his whereabouts, not to miss any opportunity to see him, but it seemed to be completely random. He could show up any day of the week, any time of the day. There is a handful of companies on the 27th floor. A law firm mainly, consulting agencies of all sorts, but my money was on "HyperCell", a bio-engineering research company. I bet it was the one he was working for, or with. Two reasons led me to think so : first, there always was a few guys with him, and at least one of them was wearing a lab coat. Second, the man was fucking humongous. Not just tall, but insanely muscular. The suit-like clothes he had on him couldn't even begin to hide the immensity of his build. His shoulders were maybe four feet wide, his chest was like a mountain upside-down, precariously balanced on his narrow waist. He walked with his arms at a 45° angle, stiff, one leg carefully circumventing the other with each step he made - I heard some joking under their breath that he was so inflated he couldn't even walk normally, but to me, he had the most graceful, the most elegant moves I had ever seen. The way he managed to control this formidable muscular mass, while keeping his challenged clothes from exploding at every seam, showed a level of skill that only heightened my admiration for the man. Because, yes, I deeply admired this incredible behemoth. I had never seen anything like him, and every time he appeared the sight of him took my breath away. The first time, I just stood frozen in place, my jaw dropped, I almost fainted. For weeks, I dreamed to approach him, talk to him, but there was no way I could find the nerve to do so. The first time we were in the same elevator, I had to grasp the rail as hard as I could, I had never been so close to him, I had never fully smelled his scent before, I was shaking all over, sweating bullets, so much that it attracted the attention of two men of his party. He always had an entourage of several men, business suits and lab coats as I mentioned earlier, and this also was an obstacle to my desire to approach him. Over time, I got a better grip on myself. No pun intended, sure I "gripped myself" aplenty thinking about him, to the point that a sleepless night wasn't uncommon after having seen him. And directly after each one of the few elevator trips I made in his company, I had to rush to the restroom before going back to my desk. At least to clean myself, but usually more. But, sorry for the grisly details, that was uncalled for. So, I needed a plan. I had to be able to talk to him someday, maybe shake his hand. First I had to deal with my nervousness. I wasn't as helpless as I used to be in his presence, but there still was a long way to go. I decided to rely on psychoanalysis. Scanning online reviews, I chose a practitioner who might get the job done. Luck has it, he really was the right one, as he perfectly understood my infatuation for the colossal muscle man. At first, I wanted to pretend I was attracted to some woman at work, but the moment I entered Dr Mitchell's office, I knew I didn't have to. Some subtle elements of decor led me to believe he wasn't a stranger to the liking of hardcore, male bodybuilding. We spoke at length on the subject, and we became quite good friends. After the first few sessions he even stopped charging me. He was dubious about the depiction I made of the man on my mind, thinking I had an exaggerated, idealized view. Of my "Lobby Dick" as he liked to call him. But once I had switched on my phone and showed him the few pictures I had taken of the beast, I might as well have stood up and kicked him in the groin. What really shocked him, besides the size of the monumental muscle man of course, was that he didn't recognize him at all, and positive he had never seen him before. See, Dr Mitchell is extremely knowledgeable about the sport of bodybuilding, and he couldn't believe that an athlete this big could have passed under the radar. This had to be the biggest bodybuilder in the world. For sure, it made my sessions with Dr Mitchell all the more efficient, as he really wanted me to succeed in my objective. But he had no idea how to help me getting rid of the man's entourage. This was an even more trickier part. As a group they just zoomed in and out of the building, up and down the 27th floor. We talked this through, Dr Mitchell and I, or Yvan and I should I say, as we spent the evening at my place a few days a week. He had been to a lot of bodybuilding shows, been around several serious bodybuilders, even had filled prescriptions for growth hormones and steroids for a while but had to stop as he got investigated. Yvan showed me a lot of videos of bodybuilders being interviewed, fans meeting bodybuilders, bodybuilders in casual situations with friends. That helped me a lot with my confidence, in general, these magnificent supermen were a lot more friendly than I thought they would be, considering how intimidating and powerful they are. More importantly, Yvan wanted me to study how these men react, what makes them tick, what pleases them, what turns them off. How glutton they can be for tokens of admiration, crave for signs of respect, appreciative of recognition of their intellect, wary of excessive demonstrations of affection from strangers. Of course that wouldn't tell me exactly what to say, or how "lobby dick" would react, if I ever had the chance to talk to him. But again that helped me being confident, and any pointers were good to get. Because one thing was for sure, if I found a way to have the opportunity to talk to the wonderful man in private, that would be for a short period of time, and I would have to make the best of it. The highlight of a lifetime. It would never be perfect. But there is nothing wrong in trying. ===================== So, any idea for a plan? To get that private moment with the gigantic monster of muscle? Not asking for a follow up, just taking suggestions
  5. There's been a big slowdown in new content so I thought I'd try to inject some activity. This story will contain similar themes from my other stories, but it will be a lot more lighthearted, I believe. Hopefully you'll find some enjoyment out of it as well. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ My Roommate Rivals CHAPTER ONE: “So, Rory, are you gonna live on your own now? Enjoy the bachelor life a little?” Amy questions me as I help her box up her things. Amy is my roommate, my soon to be former roommate to be exact, and also great friend from college. “I don’t think so, I’ll probably get another roommate. Maybe even two. I’m only 24 so that extra income really helps with the mortgage.” “I would guess, I still can’t believe you were able to get a house like this.” “Yeah, perk of living in the Midwest and buying in a down market. Big houses that are cheap. You’re not going to get that out in Denver.” “Oh trust me, I know,” Amy rolls her eyes in exasperation. “I’ll have to get used to a 400 sq ft apartment. You got it lucky here.” I purchased my home a little under three years ago when I was just out of college. I like my city and knew I had a very safe position in my job even back then, so I bit the bullet and bought my first home. Certainly no mansion, but as Amy mentioned it had a lot of space for a starter home. Two bedrooms and 1-1/2 baths upstairs with a fully finished walkout basement with two more bedrooms and another full bath downstairs. A little of 2500 square feet, no too shabby, even though half of that is a basement. That being said, purchasing a house so young I knew I some assistance with the mortgage would be needed. So since I bought my house I’ve had a handful of roommates over the years and it had worked out great. The house was perfect to rent rooms out with the walkout. It gave me my privacy upstairs when I wanted it and it’s hard to argue with the extra income. Plus, I was still young and more than happy to stay connected as much as I could to my college friends, many of whom were still undergrads. With a big open backyard as well, my home made for a good place to have the occasional shindig as well. Amy offers a lead as I carry some boxes upstairs, “Well if you don’t have anyone lined up yet, my cousin just graduated and is looking for a place. He’s a business major, works for the air conditioner manufacturing plant across town.” “Oh yeah? That’s cool. I already put out a feeler among my buddies on Facebook. I’d much prefer to find roommates from friends like you rather than sift through the weirdos on Craigslist and such. Then if he sucks I can blame you." Amy giggles as we load the boxes into her car. “He’s cool. He’s a frat boy, Theta Chi.” I give her skeptical look. “I know, I know! But he’s alright. Yeah, a little bit of a tool but all fratties are. If he gives you shit let me know and I’ll kick his ass.” We share a laugh and Amy tells me she’ll get me in touch with him. “Sweet, I’ll let Grif know.” “Grif? Really?” “Shut up!” Amy then gives me a devious look, “Plus Rory, regardless of their personalities, don’t act like you haven’t told me that you think frat guys are hot.” I smirk back at her, “Ok, you sold me. As long as he wears a polo. If he’s ok living with a gay dude then I could give it a try." - Seven days later I’m sitting at a BWW’s reading a menu when I see a hand reach out to me in my peripheral vision. I look up and see a stunning young man smiling down to me. “Are you Rory?” I nod. “Hey bro, I’m Griffin, nice to meet you.” I shake his hand and my eyes trace up the defined forearm, past his elbow to nicely pumped biceps which are encased in snug sleeves. I take in his torso…oh yeah, he’s even rocking a polo. I laugh inwardly wondering if Amy told him to do so to make a good impression on me. Either way it’s working. I can make just out his pecs through the polo and note how his waist is still hiding in the loose fabric, indicating its tightness. He has very broad and round shoulders, perhaps he was a swimmer back in high school. Standing there I judge him to be about 5’10 with a nicely gym built body. Far from huge, but he definitely uses the weight room on a regular basis. I look up to his face. Oh yeah, typical frat boy, but I can’t deny I’m temporarily smitten. Strong jaw, full lips, Roman nose. His face is a perfect combination of masculinity mixed with a still maturing, yet boyish face. On top of his head is neatly styled dirty blond hair contrasting his bright blue eyes. My stomach flutters as I attempt to regain my voice. “Hi Griffin. Have a seat, I already ordered a beer, the waitress should be back soon. You like wings?” “Hell yeah man, who doesn’t! The hotter the better.” We chat and I do my best to get a feel for the guy. The waitress comes by and takes our order and Griffin orders himself a beer as well. “So I guess that means you’re 21?” I ask. “Yep, just turned two months ago.” “Are you a big drinker, Griffin?” “Call me Grif, bro. I’m not a huge drinker, but I like to party, yeah.” Grif chuckles, sensing my apprehension. “But I promise I’m not one of those alcoholic frat boys. I like to party, but I keep it reasonable. Only the weekends. Plus, too much booze is bad for the abs.” Griffin smiles, leans back and pats his stomach. The fibers of his tanned forearms undulate as he does. Inside I’m wishing he would pull up the shirt and give me a glimpse. As we chat more I quickly catch on that he has the frat boy charm. He’s a guy who is used to getting what he wants, but it also becomes clear he’s worked for what he has too. He came to college with minimal scholarships and worked part time for most his undergrad. I can respect that. He lets me know he’s got a typical 8-5 job so our work schedules would be the same. We are both into watching sports even though I’m not nearly as athletic as him. It seems like a good fit, and I trust Amy’s judgement. “Well, Grif, I think this could work out if you still want to rent out my room?” “Sweet, dude! Yeah man, if those rates you told Amy are still good then I’m in for sure. Amy told me about the basement and I trust her. Sounds like you got a great setup.” “Great! Oh…um…I don’t know if Amy mentioned this, but-” Grif cuts me off “You’re gay right, bro? Amy already told me.” “Um…yeah. Is that a problem?” Grif smiles and takes a drink of his beer. “Fuck no, dude. Some of my favorite guys from Theta Chi were gay. Is it gonna be a problem that I’m a breeder?” I laugh out loud and Grif raises his glass to mine and we cheers. - It’s just three days later when Grif starts moving in. He has a couple of his frat bros helping him and I’m swooning at all the hot young men in my home. They are all boisterous and playful but I can tell they are good dudes. And their muscle definitely comes in handy and not just for my eyes and spank-bank. All the bros are wearing cutoff shirts exposing their rock arms and giving me glimpses of pecs. Their strong bodies easily handle the big items. I’m not sure I would’ve been able to help Grif move in his dresser, the thing was massive. Luckily I got to stand by and hold the door open as these jacked frat boys move Grif’s stuff in. Grif and his bros are impressed with my house as well, which I take pride in. I can tell Grif is excited, “Damn dude, Amy didn’t do this basement justice. This living room down here is HUGE! And you even got a bar down here? With fridge and microwave? This is awesome!” Grif throws his meaty arm around my shoulder, “Whenever you bring over a hot stud I got all I need to stay down here and let you have at him!” I laugh and reciprocate, “Yeah Grif. And if you have a chick down here you got all you need.” “Not ‘IF’, Rory-boy. WHEN!” Grif squeezes my shoulder and pats me on the back. I reward the guys with pizza and beer which only cements my endearment to Grif’s buddies. They ask if I ever host parties and I tell them occasionally. “But you guys can certainly come over anytime you want to hang with Grif.” Grif smiles and adds, “And to hang with you too, buddy!” Late that night after Griffin’s friends have left I leave him alone to get settled in. As he does I notice a new message on my phone from my mother. [Hi Rory. My coworker Wendy has a son who is looking for a room. He’s in his last year at the University. He was always a good kid in high school. Here is his Facebook page if you’re interested. Love you!] [Thanks mom. Give me a few days to think about it. New guy seems cool. I prefer one roommate but let me think it over. Love ya too.] The next day the decision becomes easier. I find out that all annual merit raises as work have been frozen since business is down. I grumble but I suppose I should be thankful that I wasn’t one of the 15% who were laid off last month. All of sudden the income of another roommate is very enticing so I let my mother know I’ll set something up. I bring it up with Grif too. “That’s up to you, Rory-boy. I’m good with another roommate if you are. I lived in a frat house with 40 other guys, just 2 other roommates is a huge improvement. Just please don’t bring in a weirdo.” “I won’t Grif. He’s a bartender, I’m meeting up with him tonight.” “A bartender, huh? Well that’s a good sign. Plus if he can get me free or reduced drinks at his bar then I’m in for sure!” I’ve arranged to meet up with the new prospect at his bar. He works most nights so this was the only way I could see him during my normal hours. Being a college town and with it still being summer, the bar shouldn't be too busy so he assures me via text that he’ll be able to talk. I ask the woman behind the counter, “Excuse me, is Osbourne here?” She looks at me before shouting down the bar, “Oz! Someone’s here for you!” A man comes from behind the wall of booze wiping his hands on a towel and approaches me. His is a fine specimen of man I must say. He is long and lean with dark complexion that goes perfectly with his short black hair. He either has some Mediterranean genes or he has spent a considerable amount of time tanning this summer. I take in his dark piercing eyes, he is one of those guys who looks like they are wearing eyeliner. He’s a got a couple small tattoos on his forearms which look like black flames but I don’t look too closely. His has a very tight and lithe body, sort of like a male runway model. I can tell he has some power in his taut muscles, he gives me the impression of a compressed spring. A man with a lot more power than he looks. I peg him at about 5’11, maybe 170 lbs. He’s wearing a snug black shirt which gives an impression of the firm muscles underneath. The dark jeans he’s wearing show off a surprising ample ass, which no doubt gets worked a lot, either in the gym or with the women he picks up. All in all, the guy is smoldering. The type of guys that gives ‘dark and mysterious’ its appeal. He smiles at me, “Hey man, are you Rory? I’m Oz. What can I get you, it’s on the house.” “Top shelf it is!” I joke and he grins. “Kidding, any hefeweizen will do.” “Got just the thing for ya, man.” Like any good bartender he is charming and engaging. He makes me feel like he genuinely interesting getting to know me, even if he isn’t. I certainly want to get to know him better, especially sans clothes, but I keep this to myself. “Just got a few classes left before I can graduate with my business degree,” he lets me know. “This bartending job pays pretty well so I’m not in a huge hurry to get my degree, honestly. So instead of one tough final semester I’m going to stretch what I have left over two semesters and graduate next Spring.” “Smart man. So I already have one roommate, is that cool?” “If it’s not a problem with him its not a problem with me. I just gotta get out of my current place. I currently live with four other dudes. Five guys in one big house is way too many. The place is a pigsty and I’m a very clean person.” “I like hearing that, Oz. So you’ll still be bartending for the next year then?” “At least. I’d be a great roommate. We wouldn’t even really cross paths too often. I work afternoons and nights until closing and my normal days off are Sunday and Monday. So most of the time I won’t see you. We wouldn’t be in each others way too much.” This revelation gives me conflicting feelings, I love the idea that the second roommate will almost be invisible…yet at the same time I WANT to see as much of this gorgeous man as I could. “One last thing, Oz. I don’t know if your mom told you, but I’m gay, I hope that’s alright.” Oz chuckles as he smiles at me. “She didn’t tell me but honestly I pegged you as gay right away.” “You did? How!?” Oz smirks at me, “Because I’m hot, dude. And Erica, the girl who called me over. She’s smokin’ hot too, but you were only looking at me.” I hide my face, embarrassed and Oz laughs. “No worries man. It wasn’t obvious. It’s a skill I’ve picked up being a bartender. And to answer your question, I don’t care at all that you’re gay. Love is love, man. Here, have another free beer since I embarrassed ya.” He sets a new bottle down on the bar in front of me and gives me a smoldering wink. - The following weekend Oz pulls into my driveway on Saturday morning with the back of his pickup full of of his belongings. I welcome him inside where Grif and I have been eating breakfast. Grif and Oz lock eyes for the first time in my home. Grif drops his cereal spoon, rolls his eyes and moans dramatically. “Awww man, Rory? You’re letting this loser live here?” I’m taken aback by Grif’s rudeness but turn to see Osbourne smirking at Grif. “I take it you two know each other?” Oz approaches Grif and slaps him on the shoulder with a grin. “Griffin of Theta Chi! How’s it going man? Still salty about how we beat you guys for the flag football crown?” Grif huffs, “That was a lucky fuckin’ fluke play and you know it!” “We still won!” Oz grins brightly. “So you two do know each other.” “Yeah, Grif and I here were in the top two frats at the university. Our frats were big rivals. My frat, Phi Delta Theta has won the most intramural Greek trophies in the last few years. We usually beat the little Theta Chi boys here like Grif. But hey man, 2nd place is still pretty good,” Oz says patronizingly. “The Phi Delts always got the calls by the refs, some shady shit if you ask me,” Grif grumbles. “But my frat was known for having WAY better parties with MUCH hotter girls. Can’t deny that, Oz! Sorry you guys were never invited.” The two continue to banter and I watch them close. While it’s clear they are both proud members of their frats and both extremely competitive, I don’t get the sense that they hate each other. They seem to have a frenemies relationship. Regardless I decide I better make sure this is the case. “So boys, is this gonna be a problem? You two are going to start coming to blows are you? Because you guys are both a lot bigger than me, I can’t stop you.” The two laugh and Grif answers, “Naw boss, we’ll be fine. Plus, if we fought, Oz here would be in trouble since I’m clearly bigger and stronger.” Grif smirks and quickly throws up a single arm flex. A well developed biceps muscle pops up. Oz grins and turns to Grif. He stands right up to him, “Are you sure your bigger, Grif? I’ve got a couple of inches of height on you, little guy.” “Couple of inches my ass! You are maybe an inch taller, bro. I still weigh more than you, skinny.” “Barely. Well I’m still taller!” “And I’m still bigger!” - Oz takes the day to get settled in. He is wearing a sleeveless shirt as we hauls his stuff in and I enjoy his caramel skin which is stretched tight over his very lean muscles as I suspected. Oz is much more vascular and lean than I previously thought. He’s not as bulky as Grif but has that wiry look, almost like a wrestler. I catch a glimpse of his abs through he side of his very loose cutoff tank…and it’s very nice. By that evening Oz is settled into his room in the basement next to Grif’s. With a big sigh Oz joins us on the couch in the living room. “No plans tonight, Grif?” he asks. “Did you lose all your friends or what?" “No, twat. Just a low key Saturday tonight. I went out last night.” “Got it. No friends.” Oz teases and Grif chucks a pillow at his face. Later that night their intensely competitive streak comes out again as I hear screaming coming from the basement living room. I tromp down the stairs to find the two studs playing Call of Duty. “What the hell are you guys doing down here?” “Well, Oz here is fucking CHEATING, that’s what’s happening.” Oz just laughs, “Sorry, boss. Grif here just can’t handle losing to the better man. You’d think he’d better at coping by now, poor guy.” “Fuck off!” Grif slams his controller down and stomps to his room. I laugh as I watch him sulk off, “It’s not that big of a deal, Grif,” but he just huffs as he walks by. I may have underestimated the intensity of their rivalry.
  6. michaeldavid

    Ben Eyeing (part II Dec 17)

    This is a simple story. This is a moment in time I'm sure will never be repeated. I've read about incredible happenings such as this but for once it happened to me! I've been eyeing a big man at my gym. I go to a regular, corporate gym that brings in all types. There are a few really well built men that dress to show off, grunt to be heard and like to be watched. Hoping to be 'best in show' and therefore choose the average man's gym. There are a few incredibly strong behemoths that stay mostly clothed, mostly to themselves and just push big weight. There are a lot of men like me. We vary in age and clearly do not make the gym a temple, but a friend. I'm steady at coming in and putting in good time, but don't always right, won't put my extra money into tons of supplements and don't have the best genetics. The big man I've been eyeing has all of my second description. He's strong. He's very big - both tall and thick. He is friendly with those he knows, works hard and seems to enjoy his time in his happy place. He is impressive without trying to be so. He has a tattoo on the back of his calf that I really dig. During this COVID time, I haven't seem him for a few months. That's OK. He's just one of my favorites to admire. But today he's at the machine next to me. I've noticed how close I am to the gravity of such a big dude. He has his head down looking at his phone. I notice his great beard and think, "Good God, daddy!" His arms are bent for the phone and are deliciously engorged and wide and rounded. Full and yet not 'cut.' The chest is massive. The weight of the tissue causes it to hang while he is neither working nor tensing them. It suggests he is strong. They are full and coated in hair which I can see through his Under Armor. He must be 6'4". I look down to his shoes and he has the big feet I like to see. The legs are good. Not quite equal to the upper body that he obviously loves to test, but they aren't skinny-man legs. I try not to stare. He puts his phone in his pocket. I notice the size ration of his hands. Nothing melts me quite like huge hands. His might be his best feature. So big. So powerful. Well used. Grrrrooowl. He turns a bit and leans down to change the pins to just one shy of the full stack. He has a rope attachment. Looks to be a standard triceps press down. But no - I get a treat. He grabs the rope and encircles both parts of the rope with one hand and begins well-controlled, no momentum or leverage pulls with the back of his arm. That part of his limb explodes with girth and shows this isn't his first set. I try to quit gawking and change my pin to include another plate and stand up to do...damn, my own triceps press down. Hadn't even thought of the competition I was about to loose. I look casually back and watch him concentrate, breath deliberately and move that weight with more control than I was mine. He finished with one arm and spun to do the other. All at once I noticed the tat on the calf...it was the big fella I've been eyeing most of the year, back with a beard. A really hot, full, grown man beard. I hadn't recognized him. He looked a little bigger, too. In the same millisecond I saw and thought this, I looked up at his face and he smiled, dropped his eyes to 'not invade' and kept pumping. I smiled back with a nod, but too late. He'd already looked away. I watched for another moment and he surprised me by looking up. The appropriate amount of time for 'gym bro' had not passed. I froze. He made my year. "I'm Benjamin. Haven't seen you here in a while. Been coming in at night instead. Seemed less busy during the pandemic and all. Your form looks good on those presses." Homo say what? He is Benjamin. He has noticed me. He complimented me. He just looked down at his arm to draw my attention there. I look and he just holds the weight in place. "My form on this doesn't begin to match the perfection in that arm!" I go for broke, after all, he started it. "How big is that thing anyway? 20 inches?" "Ha, ha. No. I'm so tall and wide it's hard to gauge the circumference as the rest of my anatomy throws the visuals off. They are just over 23 inches now." "Shit, dude. Good for you. Hard work pays off," I choke out. "And great genetics. All my family is larger." "And a LOT of food, I expect." "Yes, um....I didn't catch your name?" "I'm sorry," I say as I stop holding my ropes and reach out my hand to shake, "I'm Marshall." He doesn't reach for my hand and I'm embarrassed and crushed all at once. "Good to meet you. COVID and all," Benjamin apologizes. "Of course, sorry." I don't really know what to do with my hands. I put them on my hips and realize it kind of looks like a Superman pose. "I'm a nurse and you'd think I'd be more careful than that. I haven't shook hands for months." "Clearly you are careful, Marshall. You are one of the few that always has a mask on at the gym. And you always clean your equipment. You must be very aware with your career," he suggests. "Yes. I live alone and hardly see anyone except here and at work. I don't even grocery shop. I do the pick up thing." Why did I mention I live alone? How ridiculous. "Me, too. I don't go to the store. I work from home." There is a pause. "Alone. At home. I haven't spent any time with someone for half a year. The gym is my only escape," he admits. Or was he hinting? "Sounds like we are both very careful men." "Sounds like it, Marshall." He starts to pick up his towel and adds, "It's nice to meet you," and I panic. He starts to turn away and I blurt out, "But I don't feel like being careful today." He pauses and looks back. "I feel like inviting you over to give you every bit of attention that body deserves." I close my eyes and clench my teeth reactively. What the HELL did I just say! Right in the middle of the gym where others might here. I didn't make a pass at a huge, hot stud who has 23 inch guns and more power in that one arms than my combined two. I essentially said, "Let's go have sex," to a man I don't even know is gay, let alone interested. He steps toward me and gets pretty close. "What makes you think I'm gay, Marshall?" "Nothing. Nothing Benjamin." I gather strength as he is not already punching me nor chewing me out nor walking away. I feel strangely OK with restating my thoughts. "It's just that I am and I hope you find it flattering that I think you are the hottest beast of a man I've seen in person and I have a massive crush and I just thought I should say it. I realize now seeing you that I might not see you again, since these weird times separate people so and I'm just so attracted to you and this situation has made me understand I should open my mouth rather than just be alone. And the way you manhandled that triceps rope with one hand and a stack of weights and that tattoo on your leg is so great..." I was blathering without even breathing as I spilled all the beans including thoughts I didn't know I'd thought. He put his fingers on my mouth to stop me yapping but pulled them immediately away. He placed his paw on my shoulder instead and it was just as heavy as I expected. He had hold of me and there was no escaping. Were there enough guys in here that would come to my aid if he freaked out? Benjamin smiled. "That was really bold, Marshall." He grabbed the back of my head and shook me the way a coach does. "And it is incredibly flattering. You know - being as big as I am would make you think I get propositioned all the time. But the truth is it almost never happens. I intimidate most men into distant admiration. Though I don't build my body as a calling card, I know it brings the boys to the yard, to borrow a phrase." He let go of me. "I am definitely flattered and it arouses me. I'm glad you asked me over. Let's go." He turned and walked toward the locker room. I knew damn well he didn't use the locker room, ever. But he knew that I did, I calculated. "I'm not finished with my workout, Benjamin. I just got here." He spun and popped up a gigantic double biceps as though no one else were there. I grinned really big, newly unabashed in my lust. "I think I can give you a workout." He squeezed the biceps hard and bigger and dropped them as quick as he'd lifted them. He popped each pec once and said, "Let's go get your stuff." Off I followed him to the locker room, mind numb from the exchange and giddy with excitement over what might come next.
  7. Heya y'all! It's my first time actually posting anything on this site (that i can remember, at least) and the first time I try my hand at writing this kind of story. but since I read a lot of content from lots of authors both from here and from the previous website, I figured it was time to give a small fraction of it back. Fair warning; English isn't my mothertongue, so any mistakes are entirely mine! Without further ado, here's part one! I hope you'll enjoy it. Male Hunger Part one The humid air of his room had gotten warmer. Bran huffed and licked his lips, tasting the salty sweat racing down his head, hips rocking, his wide hands wildly jerking off his thick cock. He groaned lowly, racking a cum-covered palm through his short hair and started slapping his dick on his 6-pack, splashing precum everywhere. After a few beats, his heavy balls surged higher.. And Bran stopped, out of breath, hands off his penis, his body tensing, muscles flexing hard to keep himself from cumming. After a few long seconds, he brought a veiny hand to his mouth and licked the pre off his thick fingers, one after the other. The taste of pre and the weight of each rough fingers in his mouth had him shuddering so much his eyes closed. Bran roughly pinched his nips and grunted quite loudly as saliva filled his mouth. His other hand skimmed down his thick pecs, along the valleys of his abs, to finally grasp at his thick shaft. He fisted his dick and – the immediate, overwhelming pleasure had him gasping out and snorting air back in, nostrils wide, hips pumping- he distantly recognized the potent scent of his own musky sweat and semen, different, stronger than ever before – He needed more. “Fuuck…,” he growled out, kicking his muscled legs further apart. He needed just a bit more. His other hand left his fluid-covered pecs to tug at and massage his bloated balls, the sensations shooting up sparks up his body. They felt so good, so full, he threw his head back on his pillow; his pre-covered hair coating them. He rocked his hips harder, the sound of his bed hitting the wall getting louder. He distantly heard some of his dorm neighbors hit the wall back but he couldn’t find it in himself to give a single fuck; his attention solely focused on pleasuring his thick, weeping cock. “Fuck!,” he snarled, teeth bared, as release started sweeping through his body. He tensed ever more, both hands tight on his shaft now, tense, striated pecs protruding more and hiding the root of his dick. Not that it mattered; his eyes were focused on the way his cock thickened even more, despite the two fists holding it. Long moments passed, during which his heavy balls, usually hanging low, pulled up and sent its fiery magma up. Bran panted wildly, wide eyes almost rolling backwards, as the first load of semen burst out and arched up the wall behind him, almost splashing on the wall. Some of the thick magma dropped back down and landed on his face, in his mouth, in his hair and on his pecs. After a few tense seconds, as the thicker and warmer liquid and its unusually strong taste coated his taste-buds, a second explosion of semen went out. It did much the same as the first. The third was much the same. “Mmhhh… So good...,” Bran moaned lewdly, in a pleasure-filled haze, as his body alternated between tensing and releasing loads of thick cum over and over. He groaned some more at the ninth; the final shot, the rest of his release dribbling out thickly and utterly flooding his abs. Still in a daze, heart beating loudly in his ears, Bran stroked his heaving belly, sliding the thick white goo over his wide torso, up his neck, down to his pubes. He thoroughly coated his still-rock-hard penis and huge, heavy balls in the stuff. Then he scooped as much as he could and licked it up with one hand, the other dedicating itself to playing with his hard cock. After a while, Bran’s stomach cramped. He was quite hungry but couldn’t be bothered to move. But the sleepiness he expected after such a release didn’t come: he started feeling antsy, as though he had had too much caffeine. His cramping stomach decided him; he would eat something, maybe watch something mindless on the TV, and then he’d go back to bed. But as he got up, something felt off; but Bran shrugged the idea away. He did the same with the vague idea of putting on clothes; it was too much trouble, besides no one was there to care besides himself. And he felt quite warm; he was still sweating. The fact he used to care a lot more about not being buck-naked in the dorm, even in his room, a few weeks ago amused him distantly. His feet thudded and left perspiration on the floor as he left the cum-covered bed and wall behind him. He felt something warm hit his legs and snorted in amusement; his hard-on was still leaking. Feeling even hungrier, Bran headed straight to the small fridge and opened the door. The sudden light had him squinting -the sudden cold surprised him – as he bent his head to search for something good to eat. The cold felt good against his warm flesh and he shuddered in delight. He reached for a can of coke, rose back up, and drank it in a few big gulps. He drank another, and another after that. Then, stomach feeling less empty, but still needing fuel, he went back down and was about to take another can when he noticed something and huffed out a short laugh. “Fuckin’ hell,” he whispered. So focused he had been on filling his belly, he hadn’t really noticed that his still leaking hard-on had coated some stuff in pre. He smirked, shook his head and took out some leftover – spaghetti bolognese – to heat up while he turned on the light, searched for a fork and a big plate. After serving himself, he set himself in front of the TV and, before turning it on, he couldn’t help but checking himself out. His reflection showed him as he was; sitting on a slightly-too-small sofa, large arms bursting out off thickly muscled shoulders and traps rising high of his bull neck. Big legs spread wide, cock high and thick, still dripping, heavy balls low and resting on the sofa. His tight musclebound gut and the V-shape low on his hips partially hidden by his wide and 10 inches long cock, his tits hanging low on a decent pair of round pecs, biceps close to 17 inches and veins and striations both easy to see on his 6’3 frame… All of those were pretty good reasons for the deep satisfaction he felt at looking at himself, a smirk reflecting such masculine pride tugging at his lips. His cock pulsed heavily as pre made his abs glisten and- his stomach cramped: he took a big bite of his meal, burped loudly – the coke – huffed out a laugh, and, feeling a bit more satisfied but still quite ravenous, he demolished his meal. But before he knew it, he was back at the fridge, pulling out enough to make another, albeit bigger meal – he was that hungry. But a man his size needed to eat quite a lot to stay so big. He smiled. “’m damn glad Ian’s not back yet,” he snickered, “he’d freak if he saw me right now”. He slapped his belching cock absently, a meaner smirk on his lips. “Though I know how I’d shut him up, mmffhhh…”, Bran closed his eyes and inhaled sharply, imagination running wild, his cock pulsing harder. Bran then smiled and stole an under-cooked chicken breast from the frying pan, too hungry to wait any longer. He munched on it, muscled jaw breaking it down fast, and his strong neck moving as he swallowed, eyes glazing over in pleasure, drool dropping from his lips. Too busy eating, he didn’t notice the bigger veins appearing all over his studly body. He was too taken up by the need to fill his void-like belly. Meanwhile, the scent of his body, of male pleasure and exertion slowly but silently got stronger in the warm and humid air of his room.
  8. Philosopher

    Envy and Lust (Ch. 17 added)

    This story is intended to be more of a slow burn, but it'll have regular updates. The first chapters are more of a set-up, until the interesting stuff come along! Chapter 1 The only thing that kept me from screaming out loud was the constant, artificial reassurance of my internal monologue. Calm down, Jason. It's a wonderful job, you know. Working with these people will teach you to come out of your shell and obliterate any remnants of your social anxiety! I try to prevent my mind from responding to, well, my mind, but this cheerful voice inside be has been part of my life since I was a toddler, and so I indulge in my own insanity. How exactly is working as a laboratory intern a way of fixing my anxiety? The only thing they make me do is clean up the apparatus after they're done with their experiments! And I just stand there like a scarecrow, with a fake smile on my face, saying 'Thanks!' as if they gave me the most important mission of my entire life! The voice doesn't seem to have an answer for my accusation, and so it finally shuts up, letting me to resume the monotony of the past few hours. In hindsight, working for 'Astral Arc' seemed like a great prospect of adding work experience to my CV as an undergraduate student, at least when some official representatives had visited my university to present their new and upcoming company. From Pharmaceutics to Research & Development, and even Bioengineering of infectious agents, the company appeared as the perfect place to work and learn, with 'friendly' staff and many opportunities to grow. In the first month of working here, I realized that the only good thing about Astral Arc was their marketing department, because they had done a damn good job at hiding the fact that all students would be treated like house elves that their only objective in life was cleaning and filing up stacks of paperwork. But I'm not mad or anything. Besides, my inability to handle confrontation prevents me from speaking up about the horrible working hours or measly pay. So, all I do is keep my head down and follow the orders of the Senior Researchers, who're essentially in charge in the Bioengineering Sector of the building. The only silver lining in this scam job is that I have my own desk and computer that I use when I'm not cleaning lab equipment, although the laboratory has restricted access to the internet in order to prevent any leaking of 'redacted information'. The funniest part of this whole farce is that my section, Lab 1, is only working on a potential bio-agent that can detect epithelial cell damage, which has to be the most boring assignment yet. It's rather unfair, because the other labs are working on far more exciting projects, or so I've heard. As each minute passes, the clock on the wall somehow gets slower, the passing hours feeling like eons of boredom and apathy. Another intern sitting next to me taps the plastic wall that separates our desks. He's rather cute, with clear blue eyes, red hair and a gentle smile, but I never made a move, because not knowing is better than rejection in my opinion. It's not that I look unappealing, but courage isn't one of my strengths, to say at least. With straight black hair and black eyes, I'm no stunner, but I think I'm seen as generally attractive. Combined with an average 5'10 frame, I fit well into the median. "Hey Jason, do you need anything from the vending machine? I ought to have a break now, my fingers are killing me from all this typing," he smiles at me as he flexes his hand muscles. He's taller than me, and slightly toned, and I briefly take a peek at the veins of his forearms. I look up at him from my desk, and my stomach suddenly reminds me that I haven't eaten anything after breakfast, and more than ten hours have passed since then. "I-err. Could you get me a bar or something? Just make sure it has like, a gazillion calories," I reply back and with a nod, I watch him leave our cramped room and disappear into the nearby hallway. His butt perks as he walks away, and I tear my gaze away in case he looks back. Like I said, no courage. Now with my eyes back on the computer screen, I notice a flashing icon in the taskbar, just underneath the opened documents where I'm working on today's lab report. It's a red mail, meaning a message from Headquarters itself. My stomach suddenly feels as if its falling from Mt. Everest. From the rumors I've heard, receiving messages like this generally means one thing: reduced performance and subsequent termination. My hand trembles as I move the mouse towards the blinking message, and then I click. >CODE SS-A: IMMEDIATE EVACUATION< It has come to our attention that an accident occurred in Laboratory 5 of the Bioengineering Section. We have a verified report of a potential Bio-Agent human contamination. As such, we are requesting Labs 1, 2, 3 and 4 and their subsequent intern centers to be evacuated until the situation has been resolved. We have contacted emergency services and a team of first responders have been stationed outside the building. Do not be afraid. The situation is currently under control, and so we urge you to evacuate as calmly as possible. Thank you for your mandatory cooperation. The moment my eyes read the last sentence of the message, the white lights in the room suddenly go out and are immediately replaced by a bright, ominous crimson that bathes the walls in red. I look at my hands, and I see them shaking, a bad omen from my experiences. It's just an evacuation, calm down! The computer screen is displaying the message again, now flooded with warning signs and a map showing the nearest escape. Then, as if the lights weren't enough, a blaring wail begins echoing through the intern center, a screeching sound so loud that it floods out all other noises and senses. I can hear the faint screams of the nearby interns, three girls and two guys my age that I never introduced myself to. A primal fear has tainted their eyes, and if I had a mirror, I'd probably have the same kind of horror carved on my face. Oh crap. OH CRAP. The combination of the red lights with the roaring sounds of the alarm made me feel as if someone had opened a portal to Hell and let something truly infernal come out of it. Some interns scramble to run towards the door, while others are left behind to try and take their personal objects with them. All of them are shouting and screaming, and it makes me want to cry in fear, even though I know that there's no immediate danger. I try to drown my own scream from escaping my throat, but it only results in a pathetic sound that reminds me of a dying cat. Thankfully, the human body is a work of art in terms of survival, and so my animal instincts kick in and I find myself running for the exit corridor. The only perk of working in Lab 1 is that its nearest to the escape doors, which should lead to the safety of the outside parking lot. And so, I join in the rampant run towards the exit, only taking my phone with me and leaving everything else behind. The security guards that are usually stationed out of each center have disappeared to somewhere unknown, and that makes me feel a tinge of anger. They're supposed to be here to protect us, aren't they? Did they actually just abandon their posts and left us all to fend for ourselves?! I push the thoughts away and focus on my current task: escape this hellhole as fast as possible. I didn't want to wait and find out just what exactly had escaped from Lab 5, but in my frenzied panic, a zombie apocalypse was the only thing that came up my mind, even though I knew that the chances of that happening was more science fiction that real-life. Maybe it was a bio-engineered bacterium that caused a number of diseases; maybe it was just modified corn that was somehow sneaked out of the lab. The exit doors are now just in front of me, and so I push them with glee and panic, letting the evening wind hit me straight in the face. I quickly join the rest of my intern group, our faces drained of colour and still shaking from this possibly traumatic experience. But everything was over. We had successfully evacuated from the facility, and so we could go home now, right? We would wait for the other groups to come join us, and then everything would be fine. As soon as that happy thought crossed my mind, a ten-person squad of people in hazmat suits surrounded us. We couldn't see their faces, as the sun had set an hour ago and only the cloudy sky was reflected back from the glass. They screamed at us to make a line, so they could spray us with a primary disinfectant vapor, and then the tsunami of questions started pouring out of their mouths, the constant stream being muffled by the hazmat suits. Before we could even begin to answer them, something absorbed all of our collective collection away. The doors of the building suddenly bulged outwards, and more than twenty people start running screaming outside. I recognize the cute intern in the horde, any trace of smile having been wiped clean out of his face, and subsequently replaced with an all-known terror. But something was different. I couldn't pinpoint what exactly, but his eyes betrayed a whole different level of fear, not the mindless panic and chaos that my group and I exhibited. And then we all heard it. A hissing sound emanating from the doors. It sounded like a giant snake, really. My imagination was quick to fill up the gaps with the horrors of animals mutated beyond recognition. The horde of interns was quick to take many steps back from the escape doors, and I saw many familiar faces, even a friend of mine. I had never seen Luke so scared in his life. I couldn't move from my spot to go and join him. Somehow, my body was completely frozen, with the exception of my hands, which were still shaking. The hissing increased in pitch, and everything stayed still. As I saw later in the news, the explosion obliterated the entire laboratory, along with many of its occupants.
  9. For those of you who have interacted with me, this story is a departure from my usual fare. I had an idea a few years ago and have been tinkering with it on and off for a while. The following will be fairly long, but hopefully a different take on the term "Muscle God" will be refreshing. This story is dedicated to the little guys that love making big guys feel big. Chapter One: Work Plans Travis was just about to turn off his computer when he saw he had a message from his boss, Jeff, to come see him right away. The message was brief and didn’t include anything alarming, but asking to see Travis at the end of the work day was unusual. Travis stood up tall and stretched his thick arms up over his head. He really needed to stretch more while working, he thought to himself; his muscles always got tight while sitting in front of his work computer all day. After loosening his tight back, Travis lumbered down the hall to his boss’s office where Jeff was finishing up a phone call. Jeff waved to Travis for him to come in and wait. Travis complied and entered the large office and sat himself down in one of the chairs in front of his boss’s desk. The chair was small for Travis’s large body, but the employee wasn’t one to complain. Jeff was the type of man that liked the way the chairs looked in his fancy office and never sat in them himself. As uncomfortable as the small chairs were, they at least made Travis feel big. The thought made the big man smile “Yes. Next week.” Jeff spoke charmingly into his phone. “Mmm hmm. uh huh. It is short notice, but we can send someone next week. Uh huh. Uh huh. Very good. Travis Hawley. Yes, that’s him. You know him. Uh huh. Good to hear. Okay. Goodbye.” Travis looked at his boss quizzically at the mention of his name. “Travis!” Jeff smiled at the big man. ‘How’d you like to go to Cleveland next week?” Travis did not possess anything resembling a poker face. Instead the big man frowned silently as his boss continued. “Travis, this will be good for you. You’re doing well here, and meeting clients face-to-face will be a good step for your career here. You do great work, but the clients don’t really know you because they haven’t met you. Here’s your chance.” Jeff looked at the frowning man and did his best to hide his own doubts. Where Travis had no poker face, Jeff could sell anything and convince people on the most improbable lies. Jeff needed Travis to go to Ohio. No one else was available — but looking at the big grump in his office stirred up additional worries. Travis was not his most charismatic team member. “How long?” Travis grumbled with his deep baritone voice. “Just a week.” Jeff spoke smoothly as Travis sighed with resignation. “You’ll fly to Ohio, get a nice hotel and work with the clients for a week. That’s it.” Jeff stood up and walked around closer to Travis and half sat on the edge of his desk. Travis briefly wondered if his boss was trying to intimidate him. Travis was a big guy, and Jeff… wasn’t. Travis realized Jeff wasn’t trying to look bigger, but to look approachable and on Travis’s side. “Working directly with clients is a great opportunity for you Trav.” Jeff settled into a groove. “Good feedback from the clients will reflect well on you and give the higher ups reasons to promote you. No one likes to travel, but it’s part of the job.” “But a whole week?” Travis sounded more angry than he intended, but Jeff was unfazed. Travis looked like a bruiser, but his boss knew the big guy wouldn’t hurt anyone. Nevertheless, Travis’s gruff voice reminded Jeff of a few potential pitfalls. Jeff was a shrewd boss who knew how to get the most out of his staff. The break room was stocked with dozens of different kinds of coffees and tea for his caffeine addicted staff members. He even made sure there were chocolate bars in the break room so those looking for an afternoon shot of sugar could get their fix without any trouble. Jeff wasn’t exactly a pusher, but he was perfectly willing to feed the legal addictions of his staff. The exception was Travis who never drank coffee or tea, and if he ever snacked on a chocolate bar the rest of the office would probably assume the end of the world was imminent. Travis’s addiction was the gym, and Jeff learned a few years ago that as long has he never scheduled Travis for an early morning meeting that cut into gym time, all would be okay. Jeff recalled the last time Travis skipped a morning workout to get to work early instead. Grumpy Travis combined with his less than charming outward appearance terrified the rest of the staff. Unfortunately, they happened to have a new hire that day who retreated to Jeff’s office petrified of the big man. George admitted that Travis hadn’t actually threatened him or yelled at him, but just the look of Travis and his scowl had George a nervous wreck. After the ‘George-Incident,’ Jeff made sure Travis never had early morning appointments so the big guy wouldn’t have to skip his morning workout. From then on, while everyone else got caffeine and sugar as needed, Travis got his early mornings free for lifting. “A little travel will do you good.” Jeff was in full sales mode. “You know what? When Chris gets you your travel details, I want you to look up a local gym by your hotel. I know a shitty hotel gym won’t cut it for you. Buy yourself day passes or a week pass, hell, buy a whole month if you have to, and put it on your expenses.” “Really?” Travis’s expression lightened considerably. “Look Trav. I know you. I know you’re a great guy that wouldn’t hurt anyone. But let’s face it, when you skip your workout, you get… um… intense.” Jeff smiled at Travis to keep the big man placated. “The clients will learn you’re a great guy too, but when you first meet them… it would be better if you were at your most relaxed. Make sure you get your morning workout in.” Jeff stood up and walked back to his desk seat. As Travis got up to leave Jeff’s office, Jeff added, “Oh, and try to smile more.” Travis frowned at Jeff with look that if Jeff didn’t know better said Jeff had less than 10 seconds to live. “Yeah, not like that,” Jeff commented with a smile. The big man forced a smile and left his boss’s office. Travis knew his boss meant well, and the ‘less than handsome’ look of his face wasn’t news to Travis in the least. In fact, the big guy was painfully aware of how his rough features and crooked nose turned people off. And while no one would insult him directly, Travis overheard comments like “From the neck down he’s hot, but…” all the time. He figured the only reason no one said these things to him directly was the 250 pounds of muscle connected to his unsightly face. That night he looked at himself in his bathroom mirror and practiced smiling. He had to admit, he did look better when he smiled. Chapter Two: The Flight Travis dreaded his flight to Cleveland. Not because he was scared of flying or even the annoying Cleveland part, but because he knew he would not be comfortable in the tiny airplane seats. Where his boss, Jeff, was generous in many ways, paying for upgraded seats on flights was not one of them. While Travis was the tallest and biggest in the office, plenty of other guys had complained about not getting business class seats on flights to no avail. There was no way Jeff was going to give Travis an exception when he had been denying others for years. At least he had an aisle seat. Travis looked sharp in his dress shirt, suit and slacks. His business clothing softened his rough features and made him look less like a ruffian and more civilized. He edged his way towards his seat, being careful not to slam his bag into the passengers already seated as he made his way down the airplane aisle. As he reached his seat he saw the middle seat was already occupied by a smaller gentleman reading a book. As Travis loaded his bag into the overhead bin and moved to settle into his seat, the guy in the middle seat looked up at him and grumbled, “You gotta be kidding me.” The bigger man tried to ignore the comment and pretend he didn’t hear it, but his face turned red with embarrassment. Travis’s pale complexion made hiding his feelings practically impossible. The seating for Travis was cramped and uncomfortable, especially with his height and wide build, but he did his best to not jam his knees into the seat in front of him, both for the sake of his knees and the woman seated there. He also leaned forward so his shoulder wouldn’t squish into the small, rude stranger. As much as he was looking forward to getting home at the end of the week, Travis was not looking forward to the return flight where he would have to do this ordeal again. Travis sat as still as he could, hunched forward, and prayed that there would be no delays and the uncomfortable torture would be over soon. A few minutes later another passenger arrived to take the window seat, which Travis had neglected to notice was empty. Travis was about to un-wedge himself out of his seat when the man next to him loudly proclaimed, “Oh Hell No,” and jammed his finger into the call button above their heads. Travis looked at the man next to him with confusion, then turned to look at the other passenger and realized why the man was so irate. Standing in the aisle with a duffel bag over his shoulder was the biggest and thickest man Travis had ever seen in person. The guy looked like he didn’t have an ounce of fat on him but was still bigger than anyone else on the plane by far, including Travis. The tight t-shirt and shorts he was wearing couldn’t hide any bit of the solid muscle the guy was carrying. Not only did he look much thicker than Travis, he looked taller too. The man’s height, wide shoulders and thick muscle outclassed Travis in every way. When not at a gym, it was rare for Travis to encounter a guy bigger and more muscled than his 250 pounds, even in New York. The stranger had it all, causing a twinge of jealousy to ripple through Travis, and when he saw the man’s handsome face, that jealousy blossomed to full blown envy. The man had perfectly styled blond hair and a youthful but masculine handsomeness. He had a face that, unlike Travis’s own rough look, everyone would adore. His strong chin fit perfectly with his hulking frame. Travis was smitten as well as envious of the big guy. As a flight attendant made her way to their row, the man in the middle seat started shouting at her, “You can’t expect me to sit between these two!” She looked at the muscled man standing in the aisle, then looked at Travis hunched over in his seat trying not to take up as much room as his body demanded, “Uh, no, I guess not. Sir, could you come with me, I think we have an empty seat further in the back.” She addressed the smaller man in the middle seat. “Why should I have to move?” he demanded. “You just asked me to move you, Sir. You do not have to change seats if you don’t want to,” she replied with a hint of annoyance. “You should move them,” he sneered at Travis and the other muscle man. “You can ask to be reseated, Sir, but you can’t demand that we reseat other passengers” the flight attendant explained with remarkable patience. “Fine. I’ll move” he conceded. Travis wordlessly got up and exchanged looks with the muscle man still standing in the aisle waiting for the seat situation to resolve. When Travis made eye contact with the muscle man he received a wink and a nod of approval. Travis felt unusually elated and smiled in response, and Travis was not one to smile often. Once the middle seat guy had scampered off, Travis backed up to allow the muscle beast access to his window seat before resettling into his own aisle seat. The situation was much improved. With the middle seat empty, Travis could sit back and let his arm and shoulder spill over into the middle seat space. Looking at the other guy, he saw he was doing the same. There was only about 9 inches between their shoulders. “I’m Matt” the muscle guy introduced himself and awkwardly turned to offer his right hand to shake, then chuckled at the absurdity of their tight quarters. Realizing that Travis would have no room to turn his body to meet right hand to right hand, Matt closed his right hand into a fist bump. “Travis” Travis replied as he reached his left fist across his body to meet Matt’s fist. “Could be worse, we could be flying cross country” Matt joked. Travis smiled again, he was finding it easy to smile today. “Is Cleveland really much better?” “Hey!” Matt replied with mock offense. “Oh sorry.” Travis turned red. “No worries. Cleveland isn’t New York, that’s for sure, but it’s Home.” Matt smiled at Travis, and Travis wondered if he had ever been so attracted to anyone before. “Its my first time to Cleveland. Work trip.” Travis explained. “I’m staying at the Cleveland Grand. Do you know it?” “Sure. I know it.” Matt replied. “Do you know of a good gym in that area? I’d like to get some lifting in this week. You know how skipping lifts can be.” Travis said with an eagerness that he could not manage to contain. “Yeah, I know where you should lift.” Matt pulled out his duffel bag and rummaged through the contents, pulling out a crumpled business card for a gym. “The gym I lift at is in your area.” Travis took the beat up card and cheerfully offered his thanks. “When do you usually workout? I’m going to go early, before my work assignment.” “I work out early hours too.” Matt lied. “Maybe I’ll see you there. 6AM?” Matt suppressed a cringe as he stated the obscenely early hour. “Yeah. Awesome.” Travis was elated. The two muscle-heads chatted the entire flight, talking about lifting and comparing notes. Travis shared a little bit about his history, starting to lift in college and sticking to it. “Six feet one inch and 250 pounds,” Travis found himself proudly proclaiming, even though he knew Matt was considerably bigger. “And you?” he added as he simply needed to know just how big, ‘big’ could be. “290.” Matt replied coolly, trying not to be boastful. “Six foot three.”, he added. “Damn, it’s hard enough packing on size at 6’1”. I can’t imagine how you got so thick at your height.” Travis was talking more freely than usual, and as he finished his sentence he blushed a bit more as he realized that he probably did know how Matt got so big. He didn’t care if Matt used steroids. It wasn’t something Travis did, but he didn’t object to what others did to grow. And to be honest, Travis was considering making the leap himself. Looking at Matt, he could see the appeal of steroids up close. “Yeah, it can be hard.” Matt downplayed what Travis had said. “But I got there, right?” Matt smiled with a bit of unease. Travis felt terrible. He wanted to say he was cool with it, but he also didn’t want to broach the subject explicitly. “So another early bird like me.” Travis changed the subject. “I love lifting first thing in the morning. It seems weird, but it gets me energized for the rest of the day… after the initial exhaustion.” The two continued to talk and settled back into easy going conversation. Travis avoided anything that might imply or lead to a discussion on steroids, and Matt’s outgoing personality came roaring back to the fore. Once they landed and deplaned, Travis said goodbye to his new friend and felt a flutter in his stomach as he thought about seeing him again the next morning. Chapter 3: Monday Morning Chapter 4: Monday Evening Chapter 5: Tuesday Chapter 6: Wednesday Chapter 7: Thursday Morning Chapter 8: Thursday Midday Chapter 9: Thursday Evening Chapter 10: Thursday Night Chapter 11: Friday Morning Chapter 12: Friday Afternoon Chapter 13: Saturday Chapter 14: Sunday Chapter 15: The End
  10. Josephthepencilcase

    The True Form

    Ever since Adam was a boy, he wanted to be attractive. Not just good enough to have a partner, but the most perfect adonis the world had ever seen. He longed to put the male models, the movie-stars, and the statues to shame. He had a vision of a 6'2 man with a jawline of marble and deep eyes; but what he wanted most was that body, the muscles of a Greek god, with barely an ounce of fat to cover them so every contour and muscle could be seen when he flexed, which this character often did. Early on in his life he knew he liked men as well as women, but he didn't want a model, he wanted a short little twink who would worship his body and nestle into his mass of muscles. Adam's fantasy began to really show when he entered his teenage years, but he soon tried to accept that it was a fantasy. He was only 5'9, and he still looked like a stick; he had a jawline and a thick head of hair, and he could have a girlfriend or boyfriend if he wanted one, but the male model of his dreams seemed a million miles away, even if he got into the gym. However, one evening, he discovered a peculiar ability. The bullies at his school had begun targeting the short kids; and despite the fact he wasn't even that short, Adam found himself in the firing line. After an especially had episode, he found himself lying on his bed, wishing he were taller. In that moment, he did more than fantasize, he pled to whatever power may be out there to alleviate the mockery he recieved. After a few minutes, his legs began to tingle and burn as if they were being exercised really hard, followed by a feeling Adam had never experienced before, like his legs were in a box and were fighting for more room. He kicked furiously to try and sooth whatever this pain was, but it didn't stop, and there seemed to be more weight behind every kick. When the feeling subsided, Adam tried to rush to the mirror, but stumbled over his own legs, before he could see himself. The difference was immediately apparent; the top of his head was now cut off in the mirror, and anyone would have noticed how he looked lankier than before. He stood next to the notches on the door frame his mother had made to mark his height, and sure enough, he was a good three or four inches taller than the latest notch made only a month ago. Adam began to panic, this wasn't what he wanted. How could be explain suddenly growing overnight? He's heard of growth spurts, but this was absurd. It was at that moment that the sound of the door opening came from downstairs, and Adam's father walked in. Adam's panic went into overdrive, what would be say? In a flash, Adam was face to face with his father, nervously shifting back and fourth out of fear. But, the only weird thing noticed was how his son seemed so agitated. Adam breathed a sign of relief, but he was still certain his colleagues at school would notice how he'd grown. He barely slept that night, imagining what people would say. When he woke up the next morning, he went right back to worrying. However, he couldn't remember exactly how much he'd grown. He remembered he had, and recalled the burning feeling in his legs, but was he 5'7 or 5'9 before? When he went into the school halls, not a word was uttered about his growth, even when he passed the bullies, they didn't even register him. As time went on, Adam forgot his life in average height. He never forgot that he made himself grow, but in his memory, he remembered family members commenting on how tall he was getting or how he stood over friends instead of seeing eye to eye with them. It was a thoroughly bizarre experience, so much so that he tried to forget all about it. Even if he was still miles away from his male-model fantasy, he at least had the height. Years passed, and Adam went off to a good university. He left his old life as the awkward lanky, quiet kid behind, and wanted to be more confident. But, his old fantasy still chased him. People were leaving the remnants of puberty behind, and some looked like the dream men he wanted to be. Not to mention the available women and twinks who went towards those who looked like his fantasy. The frustration mounted and mounted until one day, he snapped. He never forgot about his ability, no matter how much he tried to rationalise it. He went into his tiny room in accommodation before falling on his bed, just like he did a few years earlier, and began to plead. The years of looking at pictures of those he wanted to be like had culminated in this. Over the years, he'd compiled an image of his perfect body, and begged whatever force had caused him to grow before. At first, he felt nothing, and the feeling that the whole thing had just been in his head crept in. But, just as Adam was about to get off the bed, the feeling returned. His scalp tingled as if it was being massaged, and he felt as his hair became thicker and silkier; running his hands through it was such a calming experience. The feeling moved down to his head, and the feeling turned to a burning as his bones began to reshape; his head grew and his brow jutted out as his jaw expanded. The features of his face changed; his eyes felt as if hot water had been thrown into them as they became deeper set and changed to a deep blue colour, his nose hurt and his lips ached as they became softer and kissable. Every imperfection in his skin from the acne scars from his youth to his dark spots faded, his face now had a healthy glow. Then the thing he'd really been waiting for, his body. Once his neck expanded a little, his shoulders felt as if he were carrying weights on them as his arms got further apart and the bed seemed to get smaller. His biceps and triceps grew to the point where he felt them lightly pressing against the rest of his body even while lying down, his forearms grew to the size of tree branches, and his hands grew but enough to grasp his new meatier arms. His back muscles looked like a winding map as what little body fat he had melted away from his face and down. Adam could barely contain his excitement as his chest started to burn and his pecs began to swell; he'd always been most fixated on the chests of the men in the magazines, and now he had his own sturdy balls of muscle. The slight gut he had was now gone and taught skin stretched over his pale belly remained, until a set of three pairs of abs burrowed their way forward and protruded out to give him a wash-board six-pack. His already thin waist cut down to form a v-line that was a work of art. His legs became two strong trunks, accented by a large and muscular butt. Once his feet finished straining in their socks, a recognisable burning returned as he grew to 6'4 tall, two inches taller than his fantasy. The process was finished off by a light tingle all over as most of his body hair from his eyebrows to his waist fell away, then his skin went from pale to a glowing, slightly-tanned appearance. When he was certain it was all done, Adam rose from the bed that could now barely contain him, once again having to find his feet with his new height. When he stripped down naked and made it infront of the full-length mirror, he felt like a God among men. He blew every single one of his expectations out the water; while he was exactly like his fantssy, it looked so much better in reality. His dreams had become reality. This felt like his true form. Adam showered and went out into the public. He darted into the first barbers he found and got a stylish haircut that showed and framed his face perfectly before heading to the high-end clothes shops in the city. He used every spare penny he had to get himself a new style and gym membership (he needed to keep up appearances); his clothes deliberately clung to his body to show off every muscle. Even with strangers, people stopped and stated at him, people treated him better. Adam was on top of the world and he was never coming down. He went out with a few friends he'd made in university to a party. Since his friends had last seen him, Adam had become indistinguishable from who he was before, but they treated him as if he'd always looked this way. The second Adam entered the room, people turned to look at him; women and a few men seemed to naturally flock to him, laughing at every joke from his deep voice, and taking every opportunity to touch the muscles that bulged from his new sharp clothes. He proceeded to court a stunning woman from the party without even trying, with his new natural confidence making him irresistible. When he brought her back to his room, they were tearing each others clothes off in seconds, only stopping so Adam could dart into the bathroom upon realising he'd forgot about what lay under his briefs. When he walked out, he had a raging eight-inch erection, and the two people who were strangers a few hours ago had mind-blowing sex before collapsing onto the bed that barely even took up Adam's size alone. When Adam awoke and saw his new friend on her way, he thought about the events of yesterday. He knew he'd change, and had some outline of what he looked like before, but when he thought back, he remembered going to the gym after school, how he was one of the tallest kids in class, how rumours seemed to circulate every week about a female classmate who had a crush on him. He was almost certain that even if he'd changed, he hadn't changed that much, only giving himself a bit of a boost. Adam soon found plenty of modelling jobs coming in when he put himself out there, even receiving some offers before. He was mainly concerned with his studies, but it was a fun side job. His favourite and speciality was underwear modelling; it brought him such satisfaction to strip down to a pair of tight briefs that hugged his massive package and bubble butt, showing off his perfect body with the knowledge that he'd be seen by thousands of hungry eyes. Also, there was always one or multiple people at every shoot who would be desperate to have him. After university, even when he got a regular job, the modelling continued. He didn't care about being spotted by his colleagues dressed in little more than small piece of fabric. He was such a star on the scene, he got away with a bit more muscle with some scruff around his face and chest than his contemporaries, it drove his fans wild. He relished the attention he got on Instagram, beaming ear to ear when he read the comments thirsting over him. It seemed like Adam's life was on a clear path, but things were about to change when he met Sammy. There was a big advertising campaign around some new line of men's aftershave, and the company was prepared to pay a hefty some to get an attractive beefcake for the TV adverts. Adam committed more time for the gym in preparation for the job, and was the most muscular he'd ever been when he stepped on set in a ridiculously tight shirt that showed off his arms and pecs. Sammy was an actor in an extra roll of the advert, an wanted to catch a glimpse of the famous model he'd seen pictures of. When Adam was finished, his eyes fell on Sammy, who he thought was a cute little twink like he'd imagined. The two casually chatted, thrilled they'd got the attention of the other, and hit it off. They were the couple they'd both dreamed of, almost. As happy as they were together, as much thrill as it brought to call them boyfriend and boyfriend, their fantasies were not quite matched. Sammy was 5'8 with a skinny-fat body, and worshipped his boyfriend's body, but Adam couldn't escape the feeling that he could get more. One night, when Sammy was asleep, Adam was wide awake crafting the perfect partner. Then, he began to plead once more, and to his surprise, he could change Sammy as he did with himself. Firstly, Sammy's head began to change, his features became a bit softer and better proportioned. Then, his body began to shrink as the body fat melted off and he began to lose height down to 5'7, then 5'6, then 5'5, and eventually stopping at 5'4, an entire foot shorter than Adam. Finally, what little body hair he had began to fall away until he was as smooth as an egg below his eyebrows. In his sleep, Sammy tossed and turned from the strange sensation, but when he woke up a few hours later, he was oblivious to the fact something has changed, and so was the rest of the world. Sammy was Adam's perfect boyfriend, the man he dreamt of. This was Sammy's true form. There was one more change for the couple, the most radical one indeed, as Sammy's true desires for Adam became clear. Adam was one of the most attractive men in the world, he would turn heads wherever he went, he commanded such respect, he had photo-shoots and interviews from magazines constantly, but Sammy's desires were a little different. He always thought his boyfriend was attractive, but the men he was truly obsessed with were the true muscle gods, the bodybuilders. He wished his boyfriend would spend more time in the gym in the hopes that he could be held by a true obelisk of muscle, but he could only fantasize when enveloped by the vast body of Adam. However, when he wanted to see what Sammy was looking for in terms of men on the internet, Adam snuck a look on Sammy's phone. He expected to see men like himself, and he did if he went far back enough, but what he saw in the recent searches was giant bodybuilders with muscles that were far bigger than his own. Adam felt gutted, knowing that he wasn't living up to the greatest fantasies of the man he loved. He pushed the hair he was growing out for a new style out of his face, and made a decision. It would mean drastically changing his life, and he would lose the some of the luxuries he'd had as a model, but for Sammy it was worth it. That evening, after Sammy had gone to bed, Adam began pleading for the last time. He was more nervous for this than any of the others, but the changes still happened. First his neck began to change, filling out his chiseled jaw somewhat, then his shoulders began to grow as they'd done years ago. His pecs swelled like balloons to the point where Adam could barely clap his hands together. His biceps and triceps grew to the size of various sport balls, and another pair of abs emerged in his core. His legs burst out, ripping a seam out of his trousers, and the already tight shirt burst open to reveal the body of a superhuman. The arm and leg hair that was so maligned in the modelling world returned with a vengence along with some new chest hair; this was unusual for bodybuilders but Adam was between competitions. Then, for good measure, the snake in his trousers burrowed a few inches further and balls grew to sizeable weights. Suddenly Adam's life changed. He'd practically lived in the gym for years, doing his homework in the gym, making friends in the gym instead of at parties, and making connections with his fellow bodybuilders. All those photoshoots and interviews weren't about modelling, they were for fitness magazines and bodybuilding forums. Of the heads he turned in the street, only some were lusting over his body, but most wanted to see the towering mountain of muscle. His Instagram followers were of a different crowd, fitness enthusiasts, and fetishists like Sammy. Adam liked the new him in the mirror, while the old him may have been a man, he was playing a boy's game. He marvelled every time he flexed, which he barely had to do see an array of muscles pop out. The only sign of his past life that remained was his hair, still grown out in a pretty-boy style. He was desperate to complete this look, so he grabbed the clippers he used on his beard and have himself a number 3 all around. The look was finished, a perfect masculine superhuman. This was it, his true form. When Sammy saw his boyfriend the next morning, his eyes lit up in a way Adam had never quite seen before. "Wow, you cut you're hair. It looks so good with your muscles, that old style was getting a bit femme." Sammy crawled into Adam's body, the two perfectly nestling into each other. "Thanks babe, you make it all worth it." Adam replied, finally satisfied.
  11. Guest

    Escaping His Grip

    I woke up to the sun shining directly in my face. I looked over at the clock. 7:02. It was too damn early to get out of bed. My boyfriend had me wrapped in his arms. We both loved giving each other physical affection. Every night, and I mean every night we would cuddle up in bed. His 6’2, 245 lbs, hairy frame cradles my 5’8, 130 lbs tiny body. His beard and chest hair brush up against my back. His legs wrap around mine and his arms keep me in place. I try to drift back to bed but I can’t. The sun is right in my face. I try to work my way out of my boyfriends big arms but I can’t. His muscle mass keeps me protected and unable to move. I don’t want to wake him so I have to think of another option. I try to pull one of my legs out but they are locked tight. There is no use I’ll have to stay beside him until my boyfriend wakes up or changes positions. That’s it. I just have to get my boyfriend to change positions. I wiggle my legs to see if he can feel them move. Nothing. I wiggle my arms to see if he feels them. Nothing. I wiggle my whole body and I feel him stir a little bit! Welp! It looks like the only thing that’ll get him to move is if I grind on him. I start to move my butt up and down against the fabric of his cock. I hear my boyfriend moan as I start to go up and down. I can feel his erection grow bigger and bigger. His moans start to become deeper. I feel his body moving. Uhhhhh My boyfriend moans in my ear. His deep groans make me horny. My own little erection starts to stiffen in my underwear. As I continue to grind I can feel his erection starting to grow it’s full 8 inches. “Babe?” he says in my ear. “Yeah?” ”What are you doing?” “I wanted to get up. But I was stuck in your arms. So I thought that I’d try and make you shift your weight.” ”Hmm,” was all he said in response. Then my boyfriend shifted weight. He shifted until he was completely on top of me. His weight crushed me and my erection against the mattress. “Looks like your plan was right. Get me to cum and maybe I’ll shift my weight.” He giggled. I reached behind me and pulled down my underwear and then his as well. I moved up and down as best as I can. But I couldn’t move a lot because of my boyfriends weight. I was having trouble moving his big and hairy frame. “Let me help you,” he said. I felt his weight lift off of me. “Better?” ”A little,” I said. Then I felt his big erection slip into my tight asshole. “How about now?” ”Mm, hmm,” I responded. I felt his weight come back down on me. I started grinding against him and my boyfriend started to move with me. As I grinder my erection was growing harder. Feeling the weight and power of my boyfriend on top of me was so sexy. He is so strong and powerful. The weight of him is crushing me and tiring me. He can throw me around as he pleases and destroy me with his muscle mass. As we grind together I hear him groan in my ear. I shudder more and more as the weight makes me turned on. Together we both let out a groan. My boyfriend cums in my asshole and I on the sheet. I fee his weight come off of me and I can breathe again. “There now you can get up.”
  12. equus

    The unlikely friendship

    So OK, here goes my first ever attempt at a story. I decided to post it in parts to motivate myself to actually write it instead of thinking of writing it one day. This is going to be a romance story, but at the right time sex will come into play. I'm not sure how you guys will find the dynamic between the characters, it might be perceived as somewhat weird and depending on how things go along the way I might actually include some heavy/dark elements in there. I still want to give it a try. ************************************************************ PART 1 My last 3 internet dates were absolute nightmares. All the guys seemed OK in the pictures and when I talked to them, but when met in person, they turned out to be completely dreadful people I didn't want to meet ever again. So I thought that I really needed to try something different. I needed to change something in the way I chose the guys to date. There was one thing that had worked well for me once in the past and I thought I could try it once again - that was dating a guy without seeing his photo. Kind of a blind date. You'd say - that's crazy. But really, it doesn't have to be. People often hide their appearance not because they're unattractive, but because they don't want to be seen for this or other reason. Sometimes it's because they're closeted, for example at work. Sometimes for other reasons. And in my experience, giving those faceless dating profiles a chance could lead to some really nice dates. So I thought - let's give it a chance once again. It took me just a few minutes to find a profile that somehow made me curious about it. Username: "wanderer". Interesting. His profile stated that what he's looking for is a buddy for having walks around the city with and maybe going to the gym once in a while. Written shortly, but neatly. No mention of sex or his sexual preferences - what a nice change. No stats were provided, only the age, 29, a few years younger than me. I was into longer walks myself and so I thought - let's try. I chatted him up asking saying that I like walks too. He replied, we exchanged a few messages, he didn't seem very talkative, rather straight to the point. At the same time I didn't feel like he was trying to get rid of me. He said that he wanted to go for a walk around in the park in the eastern part of the city, near the river. He suggested to first meet for coffee to get to know each other and that he won't be offended if I say no after meeting him and that he as well might decide to give it a pass if for any reason he doesn't feel that things click the right way between us. That seemed like an honest offer. I agreed. We exchanged numbers and were supposed to meet at 9 the next day. I went to sleep happy that I had a plan for Saturday morning. I didn't expect much, but it was still nice. -- It's Saturday, 8:55. I'm waiting at a junction at the periphery of a nice neighborhood, next to the the café where we were supposed to meet. I text the guy: "I'm here." He texts back: "I'm there in 3 mins." Cool. So I'm waiting and observing - who might that be. There aren't many people around at this hour, but still a enough to give me a chance for guessing. There's a tall guy in glasses coming from the other side of the street. But he just passes me. Oh, another candidate, I hope it's not him though, very much not my type. Oh my... what's that beautiful creature coming from afar? A bearded guy, roughly 6' tall, tight black t-shirt, muscley-beary build, dark-eyed. Haha, a man can always dream... Hmmm, he's still going in my direction. No, that can't be. He saw me. He's a strong 8 in the scale of 1 to 10, no, it's a 9, I'm a 5 on my good days with my 5'7'' and a very average, non-athletic appearance. No, let's not get our hopes up. Fuck, he's coming in my direction and looking me. FUCK. He's actually raising his hand for a handshake. WHAT THE FUCK? - Hi, I'm Greg. - says Greg. I'm at a loss for words. What has just happened? ************************************************************
  13. Oui, bonjour. Hehe. Oui c'est bien moi, Frank Lefort. Ne t'inquiète pas, oui je ne pensais pas être dérangé sur cette plage déserte mais non, tu ne me déranges pas. Et tu t'appeles? Enchanté Erwan. Mais d'où tu connais mon nom? Ah, voilà, tu es fan de bodybuilding. Donc tu sais forcément qui je suis ! HAHAHA ! Mais reste, puisque je te dis que tu ne me déranges pas. Tu viens me voir tout respectueux, poli, aimable, en plus tu es beau comme un petit coeur, non c'est vrai tu as une gueule d'ange et t'as les yeux d'un bleu incroyable. Ah j'aurais aimé être un beau gosse comme toi ! Qu'est-ce que j'en ai bavé ado à tomber amoureux de types beaux comme des dieux, d'ailleurs tu me rappelles un gars au lycée qui m'a fait pleurer toutes les larmes de mon corps. Avec ma sale gueule c'était pas gagné... Comment ça tu me trouves beau ? T'es gentil mais tu dis peut-être ça parce que j'ai une énorme mâchoire et un cou de dinosaure, mais franchement... Donc tu es fan de bodybuilding, c'est ça? Héhé oui, c'est exact, je suis officiellement le bodybuilder le plus musclé au monde, depuis trois ans déjà... et avec mes 430kgs pour 2m07, tout sec, j'ai une sacrée avance !... Comme tu dis, jamais un seul homme sur cette planète n'a développé une telle masse musculaire, et j'en suis pas peu fier de ma masse musculaire. Tu ne savais pas que j'étais gay ? Je ne m'en cache pas vraiment mais on ne me pose pas trop la question. Et toi ? Tu me dis que non, mais... tu ferais peut-être une exception pour moi, non, mon mignon ? J'ai bien vu comment tu m'as approché... à quel point tu dévores mon corps des yeux... Regarde, mon copain, je vais bander mes muscles pour toi... Oui, tu les aimes, hein, mes gros muscles ? Tu vois comme ils sont énormes et lourds, striés de partout ? Frank Lefort, l'ultime bodybuilder, l'homme aux biceps de 90cm, qui t'offre le spectacle de ses sublimes muscles pour ton plaisir, pour ta jouissance ? Tiens, je vais contracter l'un de mes monstrueux biceps pour faire exploser sa puissance juste devant ta petite gueule d'amour... Alors, hein ? Hahaha, dès que ma musculature a commencé à devenir spectaculaire, il y en a pas beaucoup de petits Apollons prétentieux qui ont résisté à l'appel de mes gros muscles ! Et tu ne feras pas exception, Erwan, mon petit amour, je vois bien que tu bandes déjà autant que tu peux, touche mes muscles ! Caresse mes gros muscles ! Oui, c'est la chance de ta vie, lèche ce gros biceps ! Il est plus lourd que toi, plus gros que toi... va je me baisse, chevauche mon avant bras. Oui, voilà. Et hoplà ! Ca fait haut, hein ? Allez prends-moi ce biceps à bras le corps, baisse-moi ce short, voilà, fous ta queue dans mon avant-bras et regarde, je détends mon bras, devant toi s'ouvre une faille entre les deux biceps... Quoi ? Mais oui je sais que tu m'aimes, beau gosse, tu es fasciné par l'hypertrophie musculaire des bodybuilders, c'est ta passion secrète, et tu te retrouves seul à seul avec la quintessence, la débauche la plus absolue de muscle qu'un surhomme peut avoir de plus grotesque, il est si facile pour moi de faire exploser ton petit cerveau en t'offrant le moindre contact physique avec ma titanesque musculature d'une sensualité infinie. Maintenant mets ta tête dans mon biceps, je vais faire rouler les muscles de mon bras pour te donner le plaisir sexuel ultime, en masturbant ta queue avec les muscles de mon avant bras tout en malaxant ton torse avec mes biceps. Oh mais si tu peux encore jouir, haha. C'est parti. --- Je repris connaissance, allongé sur la plage, dans l'ombre de Frank Lefort allongé près de moi. Il était appuyé sur son avant-bras,avant-bras sur lequel reposait majestueusement les deux masses de son énorme biceps, qui malgré leur fermeté et leur densité visibles à l'oeil nu dégoulinaient de part et d'autre jusqu'au sable.D'autant que le biceps était écrasé dans sa partie supérieure par l'opulence délirante de son pectoral droit, une hémisphère d'une bonne centaine de kilos de muscles au bas mot, qui, bien qu'au repos et se déversant sur le côté sous son propre poids, semblait faire une épaisseur de bien 30, peut-être 40 centimètres. Bien évidemment, la globuleuse structure supportait à son tour le poids de son jumeau, le pectoral gauche, en tout point aussi ahurissant. Au loin, vers le ciel, la carrure surnaturelle du titan à mes côtés se terminait en feu d'artifice avec ses somptueux deltoïdes. Perdu au milieu de tout cette masse, vers le sommet du torse mais engoncé dans tant de muscle, entre ce cou de taureau et ces trapèzes montant au delà des oreilles, le visage du Dieu du Muscle me regardait en souriant. Pas le visage le plus gracieux il est vrai, mais cette étincelle dans le regard, cette lueur d'assurance que seul l'homme le plus infiniment surpuissant de l'histoire de l'humanité, seul l'homme aux muscles les plus ultra hypertrophiés et plus absurdement gigantesques que tout ce dont l'humanité, la biologie ni la génétique n'ont jamais osé réver, cette lueur unique au monde en faisait l'homme le plus beau du monde pour moi. La voix la plus virile au monde me dit " Alors mon bébé, tu as bien dormi ? Je suppose que c'est la première fois que tu t'évanouis de par l'intensité de ta jouissance sexuelle. Aucun plaisir ne peut être plus ultime que celui que peut procurer mes centaines de kilos de muscles. Je contrôle chaque fibre à la perfection. Quelque soit l'emplacement où tu glisseras ton pénis, et il n'y a que l'embarras du choix sur l'étendue de mon corps, je te ferai connaître un orgasme chaque fois différent, et chaque fois plus intense." Il s'assied. "Je suis ici en vacances pour une dizaine de jours. Débrouille-toi, mais je veux que tu reste avec moi" Je me redresse aussi, et il brandit son biceps devant mon visage à nouveau, prenant bien garde à garder une distance suffisante pour que l'expansion spectaculaire du monstre ne me projette pas en arrière lors de sa bandaison. Au milieu des ballons d'acier qui prennent forme de toutes part en se couvrant de striations, et des grosses veines qui semblent se mutiplier en se gonflant, je vois un peu de liquide blanc séché." Regarde petit ange comme tu ass bien joui dans mes biceps. Je n'ai pas tout lêché pour garder l'odeur sur moi. J'adore comme le parfum de ton sperme est sublimée par ma sueur. J'aime bien sentir l'odeur de ton sperme." Effectivement le soleil s'est bien levé entre temps, et je m'aperçois que le corps de mon copain, oui mon copain, est couvert d'une fine couche de sueur qui fait briller et reluire ses muscles, comme de l'huile, et l'impossible devient possible : il en est encore plus impressionnant et... wow. "Héhé, tu as vu, ma sueur a une consistance spéciale c'est comme si je m'étais huilé. C'est à cause de tous ces stéroides et ces hormones expérimentales que je m'envoie, gamin, je m'en injecte des litres et des litres !" Je me lève, et lui toujours assis s'accorde un petit double biceps. enfin, petit... évidemment ses énormes biceps prennent la taille de planètes et il les contemple avec délice et passion, "DES LITRES ET DES LITRES ! TOUJOURS PLUS DE STEROIDES, TOUJOURS PLUS DE MUSCLE ! J'AIME LES STEROIDES, J'AIME MES MUSCLES !" Il approche tour à tour ses bras de sa bouche pour appliquer des baisers lourds et sonores sur l'excroissance la plus élevée de chacun de ses biceps. "OUI J'ADORE *smooch* LES STEROIDES *smooch* J'ADORE *smooch* MES GROS MUSCLES *smooch* VIVE LES STEROIDES *smooch* ET VIVE MES ENORMES MUSCLES SURPUISSANTS *smooch* GONFLES A BLOC *smooch* ET MON MEC LE SUPERBE ERWAN ...viens m'embrasser beau gosse." En fait il n'y a pas que le soleil qui s'est levé, la plage s'et remplie aussi. Pas bondé mais il y a bien une cinquantaine de personnes en train de nois scruter. M'est avis qu'ils regardaient déjà avant, mais suite au petit spectacle de Frank le temps s'et arrêté et ils sont tous bouche bée devant l'hallucinante vision de ce mutant dont l'empilement de muscles absurdement surdéveloppés par dessus toujours plus de muscles toujours plus obscènement gonflés et protubérants a vaguement forme humaine, et je m'avance, empli d'une fierté comme je n'en avais jamais connu - alors qu'avec ma gueule, il faut bien l'avouer, absolument sublime, irrésistible je dirais même vu qu'aucune femme ne m'a jamais résisté sans que je n'aie jamais cherché à séduire, et je ne compte plus les déclarations d'amour de types aussi hétéros que bourrés, bref j'ai l'habitude d'entrer dans une pièce en plastronnant sûr de l'admiration générale que j'allais susciter inmanquablement. Mais là, merde, c'est l'ultime Dieu du Muscle en personne, Franck Lefort, le géant à la musculature la plus puissante, massive, bref un corps si magnifique et tellement ultra musculeux qu'une nouvelle classification (homo mega mega musclus) a été créée uniquement pour lui, et enfin l'homme dont une étude aurait prouvé, qu'il est le plus gros producteur de sperme au monde. En effet sur chacune de ses photos, chacune de ses vidéos, ce sont des hectolitres de sperme qui sont déversés à chaque seconde. Et là, alors qu'il est assis devant moi, je suis pile à la bonne hauteur pour que nous bouches rentrent en communion. Alors que mon torse s'enfonce doucement dans l'océan de muscles de ses titanesques pectoraux, je laisse son regard s'enfoncer dans le bleu infini de mes yeux, et une fois que j'ai goûté les lèvres de Dieu, le seul et unique Dieu digne de ce nom, je sens sa langue puissante et joueuse englober la mienne pour la masser tendrement. Spontanément, mes mains se sont posées sur le sommet de ses biceps, et il en relâche alors la contraction afin que je puisse malaxer, pétrir, soupeser, caresser l'infinie perfection de ces immensités hallucinantes de pur gros muscle, des quantités impensables de biceps aussi voluptueux que sensuels. J'écrasai une petite larme, il s'éloigne un peu, me sourit, et me dit -------- "Il est temps pour toi et moi de bouger d'ici". Je mets mon corps en branle pour entreprendre ma mise en station debout. Je pose mon massif pied gauche au sol, appuis mon poing droit pour entrainer mon bassin et sans grand mal je me dresse de toute ma hauteur. De là, je prends un aperçu circulaire de la plage qui m'entoure, satisfait de l'attention portée à mon égard, et comme toujours du fait que je suis de loin le plus immense, le plus imposant, le plus puissant énergumène des lieues à la ronde. Mais je n'oublie pas mon petit trésor pour autant, je sais à peu près où il et sous mes pecs, sans le brusquer je me tourne vers les dunes, et je lui dis "Quand tu auras ramassé tes affaires prends moi par la taille, nous allons quitter la plage." Je le sens se coller contre moi immédiatement, il avait déjà tout bien fait de lui-même, un bon gars vraiment, et en soulevant mon bras j'aperçois sa gueule d'ange qui me sourit béatement, le bleu de ses yeux rayonnant de bonheur, et en plaçant ma grosse paluche sur son épaule, je nous mis en marche. Pas pour bien longtemps évidemment, la vue de mon départ fit sortir de leur torpeur une poignée d'admirateurs, paniquès à l'idée de ne pas saisir l'opportunité de m'approcher davantage. Oui, bien sûr vous pouvez me prendre en photo. Non, je ne veux pas predre de photo avec vous, je suis avec mon copain, on a pas souvent l'occasion de passer du temps ensemble et je suis près de lui et personne d'autre. Prenez-nous en photo tous les deux. Vous avez vu comme il est beau? Oui, il est beau comme un Dieu. Il s'appelle Erwan. Héhé oui il en a de la chance, mais j'en ai aussi d'être l'homme d'un type aussi sublime. On va devoir y aller par contre. Un bisou ? Si tu veux bien mon Erwan. Allez va, grimpe sur mon biceps. Je t'aime mon lapin. Mmmmch. Merci beaucoup, au revoir. D'accord juste quelques poses... Hahaha merci. Au revoir. ------- J'aurais bien aimé qu'il me demande auparavant, de m'exposer comme ça comme étant son amant pour des photos qui allaient faire le tour d'internet en quelques minutes. Tout le monde m'a toujours connu hétéro... et j'ai toujours été hétéro... Mais en même temps c'était super jouissif. Je n'ai jamais été aussi heureux d'avoir la chance d'être aussi beau, il y avait de la jalousie proche de la haine chez chacune des personnes qui étaient venues le solliciter. Et, après tout, j'étais réellement, totalement, infiniment, sous le charme de ce gars, ensorcelé par cette montagne de muscles et puis voilà, il y aurait une vie avant, et une après. Je n'en reviens toujours pas qu'il m'ait fait assoir sur son biceps pour m'embrasser... Je veux dire oui; il m'avait déjà fait monter sur ses biceps mais cette fois il a gardé son bras à la verticale, plié son avant bras parallèle au sol, et, comment dire, j'étais assis sur l'épaisseur de son biceps. Il faisait un "side biceps" comme on dit en bodybuilding et la protubérence du biceps en bandaison m'offrait une assise largement suffisante. Perdu dans mes pensées j'aurais presque pu en oublier la présence du gigantesque monstre de muscles à mes côtés, enfin, aucune chance que je l'oublie vraiment, mais c'est la première fois que je me sentais familier de sa présence au point de pouvoir penser à autre chose. Enfin, je pensais à lui, mais... bref. Me voyant pensif, il me jette un "Hé, mon coeur. C'était un peu abrupt mais de toute façon on allait nous voir ensemble, et tu aurais préféré que je te laisse de côté pour faire des photos avec tous ces gens?" Obligé de le regarder en souriant, même si son pectoral ne nous permettait pas de nous voir. "Que tu m'en veuilles ou non, je saurai largement me faire pardonner avec l'extase suprême que je vais t'offrir, tu n'en as vu qu'une infime partie, et grâce à mon corps sublime, mon corps de géant et surtout grâce à mes muscles incroyablement puissants et tellement énormes, ultra hypertrophiés bien au delà de ce que l'humanité et la science a toujours cru que le développement musculaire était possible" - oui, j'avais joui à nouveau déjà à ce moment là - " mes muscles plus absurdement titanesques que le plus dérangé des obsédés sexuels du bodybuilding n'aurait jamais rêvé, je vais te... t'as encore joui? bah." On s'est rendus dans une luxueuse villa que quelqu'un lui avait prétée, non loin de la plage. Il me dit qu'il a faim, et qu'on va dîner. Je me douche, Il me trouve rapidement des vêtements à ma taille, puis il va s'habiller à son tour. En le voyant revenir je me retrouve instantanément en érection, ma queue est dure comme l'acier, en évidence dans mon pantalon de costume blanc crème. Oui il m'a mis en costume blanc. Quant à lui... Il porte d'énormes baskets, un bermuda lègèrement ample qui lui arrive au genou, mais tout de même serré étiré au niveau des quadriceps, il ne porte sûrement rien en dessous vu que ses parties génitales ballotent généreusement là dedans, une grosse ceinture en cuir maintient le short à sa taille, et au dessus, au dessus il porte un bout de tissu maintenu par deux très longues ficelles qui jaillissent de l'extrémité supérieure latérale de chacun de ses pectoraux, pour s'envoler à travers les airs et disparaître à nouveau dans ses trapèzes. J'étais bien sûr estomaqué devant l'exposition outrancière des muscles de son torse. Il fit le choix d'une tenue plus "corecte", un autre débardeur donc, mais qui cette fois couvrait une partie de ses pectoraux. Bien évidemment, les deux énormes blocs de granit projetaient tout de même leur masse par devant lui, le spectacle de l'affrontement de leurs fibres musculaires respetives resplendissait dans la vaste échancrure centrale, et de part et d'autre ses tétons pointés vers le sol étaient bien en évidence. Et le peu que recouvrait le vêtement, en élasthane bleu électrique, ne laissait que peu de place à l'imagination. Je dois faire à peu près la même tête que pour le haut précédent, mais il me dit t'inquiète, je vais être un peu discret, et le revoilà avec un blouson qui ferait facilement office de tente pour une famille de quatre personnes. Et on est partis. On monte dans son véhicule, une sorte de pick-up/hummer, et au bout d'une vingtaine de minutes nous voilà sur le parking du restaurant. Qui a l'air assez classe, classe bord-de-mer, mais assez classe tout de même. Il coupe le contact et se penche vers moi. "Tu vas partir devant et prendre la table, là, le box à droite. Comme ça tu pourras admirer mon entrée et l'aura de ton homme. Allez go ! J'entre dans la salle à manger. J'y crée mon petit émoi habituel, d'autant que le costar blanc n'arrange rien, le lot habituel de jeunes filles se donnent du coude en me montrant du doigt, et je m'amuse un peu à désintègrer deux ou trois messieurs propres sur eux mais un peu trop attentifs à mon entrée, juste avec quelques salves du laser bleu de mes yeux. J'annonce "deux personnes", et l'on me propose un petit guéridon dans un coin. "Impossible que nous nous asseyons là. Je suis désolé" dis-je au maître d'hôtel.Il me fait un sourire crispé. Son attirance initiale pour ma gueule d'amour n'aura eu qu'un effet très limité."Mais voyons monsieur soyez raisonnable je vous en prie, cette place est tout à fait acceptable, nous sommes très pris ce soir, comme vous pouvez le voir... - Vous ne comprenez pas, ce n'et pas de la mauvaise volonté, mais il n'y a aucune chance pour mon compagnon arrive à 'installer dans un espace aussi confiné. - ah oui? Mais ces places sont agréées pour les personnes handicapées je vous assure ! - ce n'est pas la question voyez, c'est que mon compagnon très grand et extrèmement, extrèmement musclé. - Ah ah ! Oh monsieur pardonnez-moi, mais tout de même, en attendant que Frank Lefort passe la porte du restaurant... - ... et c'est bien lui mon homme, cher monsieur. Le seul et unique Frank Lefort, le plus grand bodybuilder de tous les temps, est mon compagnon." Quel pied. J'en remets une couche. "Mon homme et moi aimerions pouvoir passer notre dîner en amoureux dans les meilleures conditions, c'est une date importante pour nous." Cette tête qu'il fait."Je suis désolé d'insister, mais mon Frank est perpetuellement confronté au manque de confort, et comme je l'aime de tout mon amour, je voudrais que son corps soit aussi à son aise que possible. Cette table là... - Oui, oui bien sûr monsieur, je vous demande pardon, je n'avais pas compris, c'est un cas de force majeure, je vais déplacer cette réservation pour que vous preniez la table centrale." Sens dessus dessous le pauvre garçon. "Si vous dites que Mr Lefort doit vous rejoindre..." C'était mignon, je voulais faire quelque chose pour lui. Je crois que je prenais bizarrement goût à mon côté gay. Je me penche un peu vers lui, il est un peu plus petit que moi, et en le bombardant de mon laser bleu en mode full blast "C'est très gentil..." je lui caresse la joue du pouce,"...François c'est ça ?" Et un petit bisou sur sa bouche tremblottante. "Merci François". Personne ne nous a calculé dans le coin isolé de la petite table, et grand seigneur, je monte la petite estrade où se situe la table royale et m'y installe. Je ne sais pas si je me fais des idées, mais j'ai l'impression que le staff bruisse de chuchottements et de grande agitation, je m'en persuade même, et pour moi, clairement, le bruit de l'arrivée possible de Frank court rapidement parmi eux, et cela leur crée une excitation toute particulière. Je vois même des cuisiniers se glisser en salle discrètement en attendant le spectacle. Bon, faut qu'il arrive je vais avoir l'air con sinon. -----------
  14. Supercrav

    A friend at last

    I wanted to start a short something, but it's already starting to draft all over the place... So here's some beginning, why not sharing? I almost haven't proofread it, hope it's readable. Don't hesitate to correct me, please, again ************ They didn't know it was love at first. But at the moment their eyes met both got struck by a feeling they never had before. Gunther was on his way back from the gym, and Jack was smuggling cigarettes on the sidewalk. Gunther was already a pro bodybuilder, living in his bubble, the shy 7'2 giant had no friend to speak of and his life was nothing but bodybuilding discipline. The smaller, scrawny Jake made a joke about Gunther as he was passing by. It was late and there was only the two of them on the street at that time. Gunther looked at the guy, the spell caught them, and Gunther laughed a little, as the joke wasn't insulting, and actually fun and smart. Jake, who had never seen a man so colossal, gorgeous, powerful in his life, quickly fired another witty line, as he was determined to try to extend this moment in the presence of the sublime God for as long as possible, maybe even interact with him. Even if it would be lasting a handful of seconds, an encounter of such mind blowing proportion was a chance of a lifetime. The conversation started, the wise and clever Jake skillfully extruding every single concentrate drop of his natural charm, and it worked quite well, as Gunther was amazed at how effortless and comforting it felt to socialize with the little bandit. Meanwhile, Jake started clearing his merchandise out of the ground. When done he put his backpack on, and naturally they started walking as their pleasant exchange went on. Jake was supposed to go in the opposite direction, but doing so hadn't crossed his mind the slightest : not a thing in the world could beat the necessity of drenching his own soul in the violent, intense flood of pure extreme maleness projected all around his body by the superhuman next to him. Not to stare drooling out of his fallen jaw at the miraculous demonstration of nature's infinite greatness walking by his side, Jake mostly looked at the floor on the way. Are that feet ? Oh gosh, that's... insane, I never thought feet could get so big. I could put a skateboard with each of his sneakers. Hell, he's almost bursting through them, I can see the muscles of his feet bulging through the fabric as he walks. Jake realized that he still hadn't seen the hands that went with it. Gunther had his hands stuck in the pocket of his huge parka all the time. He would try to fix this at the next intersection. " Gunther tell me, I'm rather new around here, St Charlotte station is over this way, right?" Bingo, Gunther took out one hand to point at the right street. As he was giving Jake directions, it occurred to him that he wasn't listening a single word, he was aghast, eyes popping out, stunned by the size and bulk of the hand up there. Gunther stopped pointing and exposed his hand flat in front of his new friend's face. " Yes, I know, I'm a freak." And put his hand back in his coat. Jake poked fun at him. " Oh my poor man, you're as tall as it gets, built like a barn, packed with fucking humongous muscles overflowing everywhere, the idol of millions of people, the dream of every woman, and your hands are too big what a shame. - Hehe, oh, OK, forget it." Now he had a smile on his face. Cool. Jake had never felt attracted to a man before. Not sexually attracted mind you, but this went way further than likeness and early friendship. Along with a loud and raspy cloud of solid body odor you could cut through. There could be no one else on earth but Gunther, this grotesque overload of explosive male power to unleash a stench of this amplitude over his surroundings. Jake was floating in a daze from this exquisite, divine perfume. In front of Gunther's house they said goodbye, exchanging their numbers. Once inside, Gunther stared at the note and he felt bad. He didn't want to let Jake go. It would have been kinda weird to invite him in his house. Around 1 AM, as he couldn't sleep, Gunther was staring at his phone. He wasn't sleeping, in fact, because he had been hesitating to call Jake for the last three hours. And now it was far to late to call him anyway, so that was a blunt point. Yet, every fiber of his muscles was dying to call and talk to Jack. Waiting even more would make things even worse... OK he had set his mind now, he feverishly dialed Jack's number, and when he pressed the call button the phone started ringing. With the same number on the screen... It was Jake calling him. They spent the night over the phone. Gunther called jack again just before noon after his training, during three hours, and around 7PM Jake called Gunther, until 11:17, when his battery went dead. They became inseparable. Jake stopped his wheeling and dealing habits as Gunther didn't like it so much, so he found a job in a e-cig shop. The cool thing is he had found a way to modify his shift schedule so Gunther could come have lunch with him every day, and after work, if went to Gunther's gym and waited for him outside. It was a very exclusive gym and Jake couldn't get in. Then they would usually spend the evening at Gunther's home. Jake once told Gunther that if he didn't take his shower at the gym, it would shorten his wait. Gunther really didn't feel like changing his routine, as the routine was all he had in his life before Jake ; but that question was a no brainer, if something could please Jake in any way, Gunther would instantly comply and do whatever it takes to make it happen, so that slight change wasn't a big deal. Not a big deal for Gunther, but that was a smart move from Jake, if a bit slyly : this way, not only he could enjoy the full intensity of his friend's muscle sweat smell he loved so much on the way home, but also, having Gunther showering at home led every night, to the most amazing, exclusive, breathtaking event that could ever exist, the emergence of the greatest and disturbingly monumental celebration of the supreme magnificence that could only be obtained by the male bodybuilder featuring the most revolting abuse of muscular hypertrophy overkill, emphasized by the fantastic pump provided by the unreal workout that ended minutes ago. The giant's powerful and respect commanding bare feet, deeply planted in the soft thickness of the room's carpeting, that was sprinkled, in a large area around them, by water dripping from the soaking wet and glistening body gloriously naked except for the small towel he held around his waist. As Jake's gaze lingered upwards, relishing the divine accumulation of muscular heaps, each more fascinating and delicious that next, the formidable Gunther waited patiently for his deer friend to fully feast his adoring eyes and slobber over all of this overwhelmingly luscious and monstrously abusive muscular profusion. When Jake's stare finally reached the head that was almost at the top of the mountain of muscle, he was rewarded by the perfect, broad smile that was up there for him, on a face that was so manly, so powerful, so handsome that it was also unreal, and the kindest look in the eyes of his beloved Gunther, who then said something in the like of "It really feels great, thank you buddy !" - and then went back in the bathroom putting on fresh clothes. Soon, the evening at Gunther's went from being a regular occurrence to an every day routine, as they became more and more intimate with each other, Gunther bothered less and less to get dressed after his shower, and went directly sitting on the couch next to his little friend, and the towel never stayed tied around his waist for very long, and they spent hours every night watching stuff on TV, but chatting mostly about nothing and everything, sharing, laughing, and opening their hearts. Offering the contact of his naked body to Jake, as he was sitting next to him, felt a bit weird to Gunther the first few times. And it had to be this way, as Gunther's body filled almost all of the couch when he was sitting in it, so there was no way to avoid physical contact even if they had tried to. But Gunther made that move because he was loving his friend Jake so much. Jake had lit up his life, he even wondered how he could have been making through it before meeting him. Gunther had always considered himself uninteresting and bland as a person, unworthy of anyone respect not attention, and clearly that was his motivation when he dedicated his life to hardcore bodybuilding, he wanted some people to notice him, and exist. It never really worked, as he was still withdrawn socially. He thought it would make him a King, popular, and get lots of girls, but it didn't work that way. In fact, the more noticeable he became, the more he felt the need to be discreet and non-existent. Sure, girls have shown interest in him, quite aggressively sometimes even, but he was very uncomfortable with it, and shied away from it. He got to the conclusion that maybe he wasn't interested in girls so much, it seemed. He was uncomfortable with anyone giving him too much attention. So, that intense, profound friendship he had with Jake, something he had never felt before, and the best feeling he ever had, was so unique and miraculous, Gunther was terrified at the idea of loosing this. He knew, and there was no way around it, it was bound to happen, and he was baffled that it hadn't already, some day Jake would realize how uninteresting, shallow, unworthy and utterly stupid Gunther was, and then move on and set sail. Jake was so smart, quick, fun, charming, Gunther had no idea how to keep up with Jake, and didn't what to do. Jake was politely having conversations with him, but Gunther knew that he couldn't contribute much, there was no way anything he would say could be anything but laughably stupid and boring and useless, as Jake enlightened and impressed him every second. Sometimes Gunther thought of something to say that might be of interest, or a relevant question, but didn't dare to let it out, as it would certainly have the opposite effect and expose his stupidity and ignorance even more. Jake could feel that Gunther was uneasy and nervous at these moments, and tried to encourage the man to share his thoughts. Not pressing him by any means, but through a comforting, welcoming attitude. And each time Gunther finally expressed thoughts about the subject at hand, Jake listened attentively, and showed great interest in Gunther's input, praising the wisdom and pertinence of Gunther's observations. Gunther didn't really believe that Jake was mocking him, although he couldn't help considering the eventuality ; or if Jake was probably just being the adorable, delightful, delicious man that he was. Yet Gunther felt inadequate, useless, unable to please Jake. On the other hand, Gunther had noticed some strange behavior Jake had sometimes... He would have his eyes almost popping out of their sockets, a trickle of saliva continuously pouring down his dropped jaw, his hands wildly shaking, awestruck when Gunther was kinda close to him. From there, after hours and hours of intense reflection, Gunther had a stroke of pure genius. The most clever idea he had ever come up with. Gunther, his brain severely aching from processing all the data involved in this incredibly complex, intricate enigma. He decided to take a chance on the mischievous course of action he had in mind. Gunther didn't want to trick nor deceive Jake in any way, he respected and cared about him so much. But as Jake's patience and kind tolerance was about to wear off any second, he had to do something, anything, even if it sounded crazy. Or at least far fetched, as this was Gunther's plan : someway, somehow, he had to find a way to keep strong this improbable, unexpected bond linking him with that man. But how could it be possible, with no brains to speak of, and being as uninteresting as it gets? Suddenly, in the middle of a legs extension set, after days of relentless torture over this question, the solution sparked into Gunther's mind.
  15. Bigconnorfan

    Mamut en el colegio

    Todo empezó el primer día de colegio de anteultimo año. Había un chico nuevo que entraba en mi clase. Yo siempre tuve amigos y es por eso que quise hacerme amigo de él para incluirlo rapidamente. No sabia lo que me esperaba. Llegue a las 7:50 al colegio y ya habia todo un alboroto. Salude a varios que hace mucho o poco que no los veía y me dirigí a mi clase. Los bancos ya los tienen armados desde el primer día y cuando entro a clase y veo a todos sentados veo que solo quedan dos lugares adelante del todo. Deje mi mochila y me dirigi al baño. Al abrir la puerta me encontre con la espalda mas grande que hubiera visto antes. Parecia un jugador de rugby profesional. Me llevaba una cabeza y media, pero soy petiso. Debia medir un metro ochenta y cinco, y de ancho una puerta y media. Tenia la espalda un poco triangular y al bajar vi el culo mas grande de mi vida. Ni siquiera las minas de los videos porno se le comparaban. Era como dos sandias juntas. El pantalon lo tenia muy apretado y se le notaba claramente la raya del culo. Desde atras podia ver que tenia unas macetas imponentes. Que iba al gimnasio hace rato decian esas piernas que tenian gemelos del tamaño de mis cuadriceps. Al mirarle los pies vi que debia calzar por arriba de los 45. Eran pies inmensos que explotaban el zapato izquierdo y derecho. Todo este analisis lo hice en los segundos que tardo en girarse para lavarse las manos. Sacando mi mirada de este gigante fui a mear. Senti algo extraño en el momento y a los segundos escuche el ruido de la puerta abrirse y volver a cerrarse. Iba a ser un buen año pense. Tire la cadena y me fui a mi clase. Abro la puerta y veo que todavia nadie se habia sentado en mi lugar. Me siento y espero. Ya esta a punto de arrancar la clase asi que supongo que va a venir la profesora. Entra la directora a nuestra clase y por detras la sigue un mamut. Es el del baño? Pienso. Para entrar la bestia se pone de costado porque el ancho de la puerta no lo deja pasar, y veo que tiene una panza de birra, pero dos tetas solidas que la sobrepasan y estan a nada de tocar el marco de la puerta. Por poco su cabeza toca el marco de arriba y ahi es cuando le veo la cara. Una cara masculina, con barba afeitada creciendo, pelo castaño y cara redonda pero marcada. Ojos marrones serios y nariz mediana. Un cuello grueso, como el de los toros y el pecho mas ancho que la cintura, es el del baño claramente. Las tetas tienen la delantera pero la panza solida no se queda atras. El bulto se le marca mucho. Tiene una anaconda parece. El pantalon lo explota y los cuadriceps son enormes. Se le marcan a traves de la tela pero se nota que son mas tamaño que definicion. Tiene dos rodillas grandes y gemelos del tamaño de melones que terminan en los pies gordos que vi en el baño. La directora frena enfrente mio, ya que estoy en el primer banco, y anuncia: Buenos días chicos! Que arranque de año! Les queria presentar personalmente a Toto. Entra este año al colegio y viene de Alemania. Es un gran jugador de rugby, que se pueden dar cuenta por su tamaño, asi que se van a hacer amigos rapido jugando. Los dejo con el y la profesora que ahora viene. Suerte!. Se va por la puerta y me quedo con Toto enfrente mio. Lo veo desde abajo y es mas grande todavia. Tapa toda mi vista. El sigue mirando hacia delante y se acomoda la pija. Puedo ver como estalla la campera. Le queda apretadisima. Tiene los brazos inmensos, son como dos piernas mias. El antebrazo es grande tambien y las manos son gigantescas. Tiene dedos largos y gordos. Son como chorizos. Veo que me mira a la cara y rapidamente saco la mirada y miro el banco al lado mio y le digo: Toto! Te sentas al lado mio creo. Veni hacete amigo.- Me mira. Hace un intento de sonrisa y se sienta. O al menos intenta. El culo se le escapa por derecha e izquierda del asiento. Es muy chico para el. Y las piernas le quedan por afuera de la silla lo que hace que las rodillas empujen la mesa. Sus brazos estan pegados a los mios y siento el calor que emanan. Son musculo y fuertes porque con una mano levanta la mesa y la mueve a su derecha. -Mas comodo.-dice gravemente. Tiene una voz seductora y muy masculina. Entra el profesor y comienza la clase, no sin antes echarle una mirada disimulada a Toto. Lo fichó y se sento, empezando a hablar de como iba a ser el año. De reojo lo miro al macho que tengo al lado mio. Esta mirando hacia delante al profesor, y se acomoda la pija que se le sube para arriba por la posicion en la que esta. Deja su mano gorda y grande encima de su ingle, como protegiendose y tocandose suavemente. -Que calor- dice y su voz retumba en mi cabeza. Abre la campera y puedo observar mejor su panza y si, tiene panza de barril pero se le marcan levemente los abdominales. El pecho lo explota. Se le notan los pezones grandes y tiene un estante ahi parece. Pero al momento de sacarse la campera es cuando me sorprendo. Los brazos más grandes que vi en mi vida. No se comparan ni con los de fisicoculturistas amateurs. Son dos bichos gigantes. Deben ser del ancho de mis dos piernitas juntas y la pelota del bicep como una de volley. Veo como los flexiona y se inflan casi al doble. Tienen mucho grosor. Gira y me ve. Se da cuenta que estoy hipnotizado y se los comienza a masajear un rato. Saco la mirada rapidamente pero veo que me guiña el ojo. Siento algo que cada vez voy entendiendolo un poco mas. Me salgo de ese tema y me concentro en la clase, que se pasa volando. Ya se todo lo que tengo que saber para este año y me siento preparado. Suena el timbre del cambio de hora y me dirijo a mi otra clase, pero noto que Toto se queda en la misma. Supongo que solo coincidiremos en historia por el momento. Al levantarme, me acomodo el pantalon, agarro mis cosas y me voy. El resto del día sucede como cualquier otro y no vuelvo a ver al mamut en todo el lunes. Me vuelvo a casa, hago lo que tengo que hacer y cansadamente me voy a dormir. Ya arranco el año pienso. Segundo día. Llego al colegio y nada fuera de lo comun. Clase con amigos, trabajos que hacer y recreos que disfrutar. Hasta la ultima hora antes de comer. Historia devuelta. Entro a la clase y me siento en mi lugar. Arranca a darla el profesor y al rato se escuchan unos pasos por el pasillo pesados. De un portazo entra Toto que tiene que ponerse de costado. Parece mas grande que ayer pero creo que es la remera que es mas chica. Lo aprieta todo y se le notan las tetas inmensas y la panza marcada. Los brazos son grandes y fibrosos noto. Siento que podria aplastar lo que sea, o a quien sea con ellos. Se sienta en su nueva silla veo, que esta le entra pero por muy poco. Lo saludo y me saluda. -Hola enano. Nos vemos devuelta JA. Estuve morfando ayer mira lo que es esto!- acto seguido levanta su remera y pude ver por unos segundos una busarda enorme, peluda pero muy solida, con un caminito que llevaba al bulto que sigo viendo a través del pantalon. Nos llevamos bien parece, ponele. Me río y hago como si nada. Le extiendo mi mano y él al darme la mano, su manopla absorbe a la mia. Tiene mucha fuerza. Si quiere me la puede romper. Sus dedos deben ser el triple que los mios en todo sentido. Tiene un olor masculino que lo distingue y arranca la clase. Me preocupo por la materia de una vez. Veo que a él también le interesa y empezamos a hacer un trabajo juntos de investigacion. Sabe bastante y es inteligente. Y hasta buen pibe podria decir. Hablamos de Alemania y otras cosas, de que él es argentino pero vivio unos años ahi, de que jugaba al rugby y aca tambien va a jugar. Solo puedo mirarlo y verlo desde todos los ángulos. Hablar cara a cara es la excusa perfecta para admirarlo. Es gigante. A todo esto. Esta en mi camada y hoy arranca el entrenamiento. Termina la hora en un abrir y cerrar de ojos y nos vamos a comer. Al estar adelante de todos, salimos primeros de clase y él, con ganas de hacer una jodita se pone en la puerta de frente tapando toda la salida. Intento moverlo con mis manos y le empujo en la espalda. Es muy fibrosa pero tiene una pequeña capa de grasa que lo hace ser calentito. No lo movi ni un poco. Ya con hambre hago mas fuerza y ni se imuta. Se rie y se rasca el culo, en la raya lo que hace que dirija mi vista ahi. Esas dos nalgas grandotas. Que ganas de tocarlas pienso. Y lo hago. Le doy una cachetadita y le digo- Dale grandote. A comer que hace hambre.- se ríe y va, no sin antes agarrarme por la espalda y apretarme contra su cuerpo riéndose. El olor me asfixia y siento con mi cuerpo, todo su cuerpote. Haciendo la fila del comedor veo todo lo que se sirve. Una montaña de comida. Proteina y carbohidratos, fibra y todo lo que haya. Postres tambien. Debe pesar como 5 kilos esa bandeja. Nos sentamos 4 en la mesa que es para 6. Toto de un lado, usando una silla para cada pierna porque sino no entra, y de mi lado dos amigos mas. Empezamos a hablar y veo como Toto se devora todo. Esta famelico parece. Parece que se infla con cada bocado de comida. Mirando hacia delante solo lo veo a el. A su pecho, cuello y cabeza. Todo en proporciones mucho mas grandes que las mias, que las de cualquiera del colegio. Sus bocados son mis porciones. Tiene hasta la boca grande y dientes en muy buen estado. Es muy fachero me doy cuenta. Se me cae el tenedor al piso y bajo mi cabeza debajo del mantel. Enfrente estan dos rodillas anormales que protegen a su ingle de buen tamaño. Tiene el pantalon apretadisimo y me dan ganas de tocarle los gemelos. Me conformo con mirarlos un ratito mas y subo devuelta. -Voy a repetir- dice Toto gravemente. Se levanta y lo vemos partir casi que haciendo retumbar el piso, con la panza y el pecho un poco mas grandes. Su culote rebota hipnotizantemente al ritmo de sus pasos. Veo que hay mucha fila, pero el camina directamente a donde estan sirviendo, atropellando al paso a los pequeños que lo interponen con la comida. No le llegan ni al ombligo. Ni los registra y ni hace fuerza. Solo camina y o se mueven porque lo ven, o se ven empujados por su masa. Vuelve y se sienta. Empieza a comer la montaña de comida y la termina rapidamente. Recien ahi los demas terminamos de comer. -Escuchen esto.-dice. -BROOOOOOAAAARR- el erupto mas fuerte, potente y retumbante que escuche en mi vida. Siento cosquilleos y me llega el aroma que sale por su boca. Me ahoga. Y todos nos reimos. El mastodonte se acaricia la panza, se tocan los brazos y por ultimo las tetas, casi como en un ritual y se levanta, y todos lo seguimos al recreo. Es gigante, cuchicheamos detras de el. Ramon se para a su costado y yo voy con otro amigo atras de ellos. La diferencia entre Ramon y Toto es impresionante. Una cabeza, tres cuerpos. El cuello de Toto es ancho y fuerte mientras que el de Ramon es corto y flaco. La espalda de Toto es inmensa, mas que cualquier puerta de este colegio y es triangular mientras que la de Ramon es un rectangulo medio huesudo y flacido. La del macho es fibrosa y potente, y termina en un culo gigante, que explota al pantalon para todos lados, mientras que el culo de Ramon es huesos y casi que espalda. Toto tiene una pierna que es como tres de la de su compañero, pero mas gordas y grandes. Y dos gemelos que hasta le compiten en ancho a la cintura de Ramon. Estos dos se rien y puedo ver como Toto con un brazo lo agarra a Ramon y lo pega contra su panza, y se cae al piso con Ramon por debajo. Solo puedo pensar en lo que esta pensando el pequeño. Que ganas de ser el. Corremos al incidente y los vemos a los dos riendose. Toto levantandose y levantando a un Ramon dolorido. -JA JA JA- se rie y hasta retumba en el aire libre. Involuntariamente Toto flexiona sus pectorales y todo su pecho se mueve al unisono con su risa. Me veo hipnotizado hasta que el con una manasa me agarra y me abraza a su cuerpo. Su mano se reposa en mis hombros y los rodea por completo mientras que estamos panza con pecho. Me doy cuenta que debe medir un metro noventa y cinco. Lo tengo que mirar para arriba para verle la cara y su pecho me la tapa un poco. Mi mano izquierda termina agarrando su espalda baja y puedo sentir sus musculos y casi el inicio de su culo. Nos sentamos en un banco. Va se sienta el y yo intento sentarme en el poco lugar que dejan sus gambas. Al estar rodilla con rodilla dimensiono mis piernitas con sus jamones. Sus rodillas son como dos bolas de bowling y las mias parecen de tenis. Tiene dos jamones que ni siquiera seis de mi piernas le llegan en tamaño. Son musculosas pero con un buen grado de masa. Al ver sus piernas mi mirada se desvia a su bulto. Es inmenso. Se nota un paquete que sobresale entre tanta carne. Miro el mio y veo que esta un poco contento. El sigue hablando hace un rato y su voz me relaja y algo mas. Me siento seguro escuchandolo. Me dice que me corra que esta incomodo y de un movimiento sutil de piernas me tira al piso, donde estaban sentados los otros dos. Jodiendo, me abalanzo contra el en un intento de tirarlo del banco y me caigo de lleno entre sus piernas abiertas. Toto rapidamente las cierra y me veo atrapado entre dos piernas enormes que me aprietan. Puedo sentir su fuerza y musculatura. Al tratar de escaparme de la toma, con mis manos le toco los cuadriceps, rodilla e incluso el bulto. -Toto! Sos muy fuerte soltame bestia!- -JA JA JA. Sos un mani! Como te tengo atrapado e!- ahi es cuando libera su fuerza. En el segundo que agarro aire, dos brazos del tamaño de troncos me rodean el cuello y el torax. Toto flexiona y desflexiona sus bichos asi apretandome y mostrandome su poder. Aprovecho para tocarle los biceps y sentir al mamut. Me veo atrapado entre sus dos tetas inmensas y huelo el olor que emana. Me encanta. Aprieto mi cabeza contra su cuerpo y él hace mas fuerza todavia. Mis manos tocan sus brazos y antebrazos fuertes y potentes. Son masivos. -Toto basta. Sos muy grandote. Soltame porfavor.- digo jadeando. -Sos un cagoncito. No te bancas una putito. Mira que te gusta que te agarre e!- me suelta y nos reimos. Fue bueno mientras duro pienso. Suena el timbre y nos volvemos todos a clase. Ya no comparto horas con el en todo el dia. Hasta la hora de entrenar. Lo ultimo que veo es como se aleja a su clase, con sus gluteos moviendose arriba abajo, hipnotizandome y perdiendome en su silueta. Hasta que Toto con una mano se aprieta una nalga, se gira, me mira y sonrie. Despues se estrecha como bostezando y despliega sus brazos ampliamente casi que ocupando todo el pasillo. Es enorme, pienso, un mamut parece. Yo entro a mi clase y lo pierdo por el resto de la tarde. Termina el colegio y apuradamente guardo mis cosas en mi mochila y me voy al vestuario. Camino con algunos que hacen rugby conmigo y hablamos de lo que va a ser este año, de como tenemos que crecer en tamaño y juego. Somos todos mas o menos parecidos, alguno mas alto, mas gordo, mas musculoso, mas petiso, pero todos parecidos dentro de todo. Excepto por Toto. Hablamos de lo grandote que, y como va a hacer estragos en los partidos. Pero ninguno dice lo que esta pensando, lo duro que va a ser entrenar con el. Entramos al vestuario y ya hay varios adentro. Saludo y me comparo. Soy petiso y flaquito, pero para jugar de lo que juego no necesito tamaño. Me empiezo a cambiar. Ya me puse todo menos la remera y es ahi cuando escucho unos pasos fuertes que solo un gigante puede estar haciendo. Entra Toto por la doble puerta, esta vez sin tener que pasar de costado pero sí agachandose porque este marco es más petiso. Me ve y se rie con su voz grave. -Este es tu pechito? Tengo mas carne aca abajo que vos ahi- lo dice apretandose el paquete. Con una mano me aprieta una teta y se va a cambiar. Se pone enfrente mio. Empieza por abajo. Se sienta y se saca los zapatos. Dos pies monstruosos salen y largan el olor a pata mas intenso que haya olido. Se saca las medias y observo dos patones peludos con dedos gordos. Se para y yo sentado estoy a la altura de su bulto. Es ahi cuando se desabrocha el cinturon y tras varios intentos se saca el pantalon apretadisimo. Se me cae la mandibula y veo que me mira. -Nunca viste a alguien tan grandote? Estoy enorme viste?- dos macetas inmensas del tamaño de dos de mis cinturas cubiertas por una fina capa de pelo me impactan visualmente. Lo siguen dos rodillas gordas y grandes, seguido por dos gemelos fibrosos y potentes. Abarca toda mi periferia esos jamones y ni hablar del bulto que trata de escaparse del calzon. Por suerte se pone rapido el short no sin antes acomodarse la pija y mirarme. El short le queda incluso mas apretado que el pantalon y le remarca las colosales piernas. El culo se le nota mas todavia, y explota por todos lados. Mientras se saca la remera yo termino de cambiarme y me doy cuenta que hay varios mas como yo asombrados del tamaño de Toto. Nos va a violar en entrenamiento, pienso. -Quien me quiere ayudar a sacarme esto?- retumba la voz del hombre. Rapidamente me acerco y le ayudo a sacarse la remera. Le toco la cintura y es muy dura y ancha. Se agacha y le saco la remera por arriba. Es ahi cuando se vuelve a levantar y me veo enfrentado contra un pared que me tapa toda mi vision. Una panza inmensa con los abdominales semidelineados es seguida por un pecho gordo y colosal, cubierto por una capa de pelo recien afeitado que parece ser aspero al roce. Dos tetas que parecen estantes y no me dejan verle la cara a Toto. Un cuello de toro, ancho y musculoso, capaz de levantarme solo. Y dos hombros como pelotas de futbol, con una capa de grasa saludable. Toto se masajea la panza peluda y me agradace la ayuda mediante un abrazo. Me veo apretado con mi cabeza entre su pecho y mi cuerpo deformado a partir de su dura panza. Veo que mi pijita se choca con su bulto y siento cosquilleos. Él baja su cara contra la mia y me imagino muchas cosas. Hace mucho que no miraba esa cara redonda, marcada, con ojos avellana y barba en crecimiento. Muy masculina y fachera. Con la boca grande y una leve papada que lo hace mas seductor. Me dice-BROOOOOOAR- y el olor me vuelve a ahogar. -JA JA JA. Que creiste que iba a hacer? Que te iba a dar un beso? Lo tenia guardado hace rato a ese erupto. Que grande que estoy!- lo dice rebotando su pecho. Sigue en cuero. Es un mamut. -Me gusta eruptarle en la cara a mis amigos, asi que esto va a seguir asi. Y banca, me podes atar los cordones?- yo inocentemente me agacho y veo que se gira. Que extraño pienso. Miro hacia arriba y me encuentro con dos nalgas monumentales. Me veo con su raya en el medio de mi vista. El pedo mas fuerte que escuche en mi vida me entra de lleno a la cara. El olor mas fuerte y masculino que nunca oli antes. Me da asco pero quiero inhalarlo todo. El calorcito me sacude y escucha la risa grave de Toto y los demas que lo vieron. -Eso te gusto o no maní? Son las proteinas que me dan pedos. Tomo en cada comida del dia. Solo asi me mantengo gigante.- -Estabas podrido Toto- le dicen varios. Yo sigo estupefacto en el piso hasta que con una mano el me levanta y me pide perdon. -Ja ja, no hay problema. Fue una joda tranki. Que macho igual e. Nunca habia visto un pedo asi.- -Si te gusto mira que tengo mas e!- se toca la pija el y termina de cambiarse rapidamente. La remera de rugby la estalla. Se le marca todo el torso y los brazos enormes. Es un gigante. Y voy a tener que entrenar contra el. Me termino de cambiar y salgo afuera. Arrancamos juntandonos toda la camada en circulo. Lo presentan a Toto, como a un gran jugador debido a su tamaño y sus previos años de rugby. Los entrenadores estan hipnotizados con el. El Oso, un entrenador que es inmenso tambien, no le llega ni a los ojos a Toto, y ni siquiera lo empata en peso. Van a ser amigos yo creo. Oso le tira onda y Toto la sigue. Y es ahi cuando arranca el fisico que nos deja extenuados. Hace mucho que no corriamos. No lo vi a Toto mucho en el fisico porque separaron entre forwards y backs. Yo siendo medio fui al segundo grupo, y el siendo octavo creo, al primero. Comienza lo tecnico y pasa volando. Es todo pase y toma de carrera, y en mi grupo no estoy con Toto asi que fiu. Safe por hoy. Termina y hacemos cierre entre todos. Le damos la bienvenida a Toto y puedo ver que ya hay algunos golpeados y con cara de respeto al gigante. El head coach dice de cagarlo a piñas y eso intententamos algunos. Toto se pone en el medio y vamos a golpearlo. Pero con sus dos manos nos saca a varios a volar. Tiene mucho alcance y fuerza y al final lo damos de baja. Hace una pose triunfante y flexiona los brazos. Inmenso. Vuelvo a casa y me voy a dormir temprano despues de bañarme y comer, y no paro de pensar en Toto. Y de su pedo y eruptos asquerosos. Y siento algo pero lo esquivo. Me miro al espejo y despues me peso. Estoy pesando 55 kilos, no esta mal para un medio pero si para un hombre. Toto debe pesar el triple que yo. Me voy a dormir no sin antes imaginarme al mamut. Me levanto al dia siguiente, me cambio rapido, desayuno y parto al colegio. Llego un poco temprano y voy al baño. Se repite la escena del primer día. Lo veo a Toto de espaldas y lo saludo tocandole la espalda. Se gira, me saluda y ambos nos dirigimos a mear. Me pongo en uno y veo que Toto no entra entre los separadores por lo cual va a un inodoro. Termino de mear y veo como esta intentando de entrar al cubiculo para mear. El ancho del cuerpo no pasa por la puerta por lo que se tiene que poner de costado. Las tetas tocan el borde del marco y veo que ya se esta desabrochando. En el momento de sacar la pija el se gira enfrentando al inodoro. Y veo su espalda inmensa apretada por el cubiculo. Y su culo esta mas grande que ayer parece. -Gordo culon! Que comiste ayer? Estas mas grandote parece!- me acerco y le toco un cachete, duro pero relleno. Mi mano no ocupa ni un cuarto de lo que es esa nalga. -JA JA, que decis putito. Te gusta mirarme el culo e! Queres que me tire otro pedo en tu cara?- -Jajaja- - Bancame que termino de mear y lo hago.- escucho que tira la cadena y veo como intenta salir del cubiculo. Antes de volver a pasar por la misma humillacion devuelta, huyo del baño y escucho a Toto llamar mi nombre con esa voz grave que asusta. Voy a mi clase y las horas se pasan volando. Hacemos poco pero aprendemos. Es la hora del almuerzo y ya lo veo a Toto sentado con otros tres en la mesa asi que esta vez comere con otros. Cada tanto le robo unas miradas y veo como mastica y traga toda esa comida. Tiene la boca y la garganta grandes y en poco tiempo se baja su montaña de comida y va a repetir. Veo como se lleva puesto por delante a los pendejos y se sirve mas. Vuelve caminando como pinguino debido a su culo y gambas enormes que le hacen abrirlas para caminar. El pantalon lo tiene muy apretado adelante y le ficho el bulto. Pasa por alado mio y me roza con su pierna. -Te debo un pedo cagon.- lo dice sonriendo y sigue caminando. Le echo un vistazo a esas cachas gordas y me acomodo. Lo que se me viene. Lo miro mientras que se sienta y su espalda tapa a los otros tres que tiene enfrentado. Tiene trapecios musculosos que le dan mas envergadura al cuello. La cabeza es proporcional a su cuerpo y el pelo no es ni corto ni largo, pero cae en ondulaciones. Levanto mi bandeja y salgo del comedor. Me dirijo por un pasillo y noto que estoy solo. Que extraño. Entonces escucho unos pasos pesados y rapidos detras mio. Me doy vuelta y lo veo a Toto en velocidad viniendo hacia mi. Me cago hasta las patas y no me da ni segundos para reaccionar. Me atropella y me agarra con sus brazos fuertes. Me aprieta contra su pecho enorme y remera apretadisima. Estoy a varios centímetros del piso y estamos enfrentados cara a cara. Toto me mantiene con sus brazos inmensos que parecen dos bolas de bowling. Los toco y siento la dureza debajo de la piel. Son fuertes y robustos. -Te gusta lo que tocas? No seria la primera vez e. Yo aca estoy tocando huesitos nada mas.- me aprieta con sus manos la espalda y digo: - Basta gordo. Ya me agarraste. Que me vas a hacer ahora?- acerca su cara y sus labios a mi. Son rellenos y grandes. Lo miro a los ojos. Y él abre la boca. -BROOOOOAORRRRR- me quedo tonto. - JA JA JA. Que gordo que estoy e. Estos eruptos me calientan. Me quiero hacer una paja. Soy un mamut!- me baja al piso y me mira de pies a cabeza. -Te gusto eso? Te dije que tenia mas cosas para vos. Y sigo teniendo...- se agarra el bulto y sale caminando hacia afuera. Veo como se rasca entre esos dos jamones jugosos. Es muy fuerte y hace lo que quiere me doy cuenta. Antes de que lo pueda llamar suena el timbre y voy a mi aula. El dia transcurre sin nada mas interesante. Vuelvo a mi casa y agarro mi celular. Decido buscar a Toto en las redes. Lo encuentro en instagram y es privado, le mando solicitud. Me meto en facebook debido a la curiosidad y encuentro lo que estaba buscando. Toda una galeria de Toto. En la playa en verano, jugando al rugby en Alemania, en traje en un casamiento. En todas las fotos lo veo inmenso. Con un par de tetas musculosas que son la envidia de todo fisicoculturista profesional, una panza grande dura capaz de hacer rebotar a cualquiera, dos brazos enormes del tamaño de troncos, dos jamones de toro con un bulto remarcado en el medio y por ultimo ese culo monumental, jugoso y gordo, que es capaz de romper todo pantalon que le pongan. Es una bestia y me gusta me doy cuenta. Tiene algo. Es un macho dominante. Me empiezo a pajear y pienso en él, sus musculos, su fuerza, sus eruptos, su pecho, todo su cuerpo. Y todo lo que toque de el. Acabo rapido pero fue una de las mejores que he tenido. Nuevo dia. Llego al colegio y voy al baño como siempre. No esta Toto por suerte. Veo el horario y recien tengo historia en la ultima hora. Fiu. Se pasan las horas y no lo veo en todo el día. Llega historia, y me siento solo con el banco vacio a mi derecha. Viene un amigo y se sienta conmigo y hacemos el trabajo. Este dia entrenamos. Salgo del colegio al vestuario, me cambio rapido y voy a entrenar. Lo hacemos rapido y serio y el entrenamiento se pasa volando. No lo vi al gordo todavia. Que raro pienso. Me vuelvo a mi casa y extenuado me voy a dormir despues de comer. No paro de pensar en Toto y que le habra pasado. Me levanto al dia siguiente. Viernes. Me lavo los dientes, desayuno y parto al colegio. Camino por el pasillo, saludo a algunos y entro al baño. Me dirijo directo a mear y no me percato de mis alrededores. Escucho un ruido. Como de una cerradura. Termino de mear y lo veo. Me tapa toda la vista. -Me extrañaste enano ayer?- es un mastodonte. Está más alto parece y más ancho. Me agarro con la bragueta abierta. -La tenés enana! JA JA JA. Aparte, estoy viendo bien o estás contento de verme?- él se frota su manopla sobre su panza y veo como la remera se le sube para arriba, mostrando su caminito y ombligo. -Te gusta lo que ves o no? Ayer estuve todo el día comiendo y en el gimnasio. Por eso falté. Hay que mantener este cuerpo o no?- se toca las tetas y las hace rebotar al unísono. -Estás enorme Toto! Lo que habrás comido gordo e!- -JA! Te puedo morfar ahora si quiero. Pero antes otras cosas prefiero hacer...- veo que se lanza sobre mi y no tengo tiempo de reaccionar. Me agarra con sus manos y me rompe la remera. Me deja en cuero. -Sos enano. JA JA. Mira lo que es un verdadero macho!- Toto se rompe la remera flexionando las tetas peludas y sus gruesos brazos. Su panza me aprieta contra la pared y siento su calor. Entonces Toto me gira y siento un mastil en mi culo. -Te puedo romper el culo aca mismo... JA JA te estoy jodiendo amigo. Aun así, Veo como me miras y se que te gusto. Te gusta esto o no?- me vuelve a girar y estoy enfrente de su panza que me aprieta contra la pared. No puedo moverme. Estoy atrapado. Aprovecho y lo empiezo a manosear. Le froto la panza enorme que me cubre por completo y siento la fuerza de los abdominales por debajo de la grasa. Arriba de mi cabeza estan sus dos pectorales gordos que me hacen sombra. Intento de rodearlo con mis brazos para tocarle el culo pero no puedo. Ni siquiera llego a su cintura. Es muy ancho. Debe ser como cinco veces yo de ancho. -Sos enorme Toto. Y estas gordo pero duro al mismo tiempo. Cuanto estas pesando?- hablo casi que sin aire por toda la presion que hace su cuerpo en mi. -Estoy muy pesado enano. Anoche llegue a los 170 kilos. Soy 80% musculo y lo demas grasa. Pero grasa buena. Mira esta busarda.- acto seguido me agarra con sus dos brazos y me aprieta contra la pared que es su panza. -Te voy a dejar hacer solo una cosa porque veo que estas alzado.- me mira desde arriba con su cara masculina y sonrie con la boca abierta.- Te voy a dejar que me toques este culo inmenso que tengo. Necesito unos masajes ya.- se gira y lentamente observo el pedazo de gluteos que tiene. Dos sandias bien marcadas que explotan el pantalon y no dejan mucho a la imaginacion. Me acerco y con mis manos aprieto cada nalga y las exprimo. No puedo. Estan bien tonificadas y marcadas. Toto las mueve y las siento vivir en mis manos. Entonces veo como sus dos manos las abren hasta el punto de casi romper el pantalon y las cierra con mi cabeza en el medio. Él hace fuerza y aplasta mi craneo. -Ahora se viene lo mejor enano!- el pedo mas fuerte me retumba en la cabeza y me hace vibrar todo el cuerpo. El olor me sacude y me hace lagrimear. Toto se gira y se toca el paquete enfrente de mi cara. -Te gustó e putito.- lentamente se pone su campera, que la estalla, abre la puerta del baño y se va. Pasan las horas de la mañana y solo puedo pensar en lo del baño. Me tiene donde quiere Toto. Y estoy donde quiero me doy cuenta. Llega la hora de comer y voy al comedor. Lo veo a lo lejos al mamut. Corro hacia donde está y lo alcanzo. Veo toda la comida que se sirve y él no se da cuenta que estoy ahi. Le agarro un cachete y haciendo toda la fuerza que tengo se lo aprieto. Ni se inmuta. -Te gusto lo de la mañana mani e. Queres mas? Queres que te rompa el culo?- me lo dice al oído y se me erizan los pelos. -Segui fichandome la pija puto. Quizas en una de esas te la muestre. Ahora tengo que comer.- lo sigo y nos sentamos enfrentados. Se come su plato en menos de un minuto y como de costumbre va a repetir. Camina directo hacia donde se sirve la comida y todos se corren como siempre. Excepto uno de ultimo año. Es el octavo de su camada. Es grandote y fuerte. Pero nada en comparacion a Toto. Aun así, lo empuja. O al menos intenta. Toto le lleva una cabeza y un buen cuerpo de ancho. Toto solo se ríe. Y lo choca con su panza. El muchacho sale hacia atras y se cae de culo al piso. Escucho al mastodonte reirse y burlarse del humillado. Se agarra la pija enfrente del tipo y vulgarmente se rasca el culo para luego pedir la comida. Vuelve a hacerme compañía caminando lentamente. No se que pasa pero cada vez lo veo más grande. Todo el cuerpo esta mas grandote. Incluso la cara. Toto comienza a devorar su comida y lo observo. Tiene la boca grande y una barba creciendo que lo hace muy atractivo. La papada se la tapa la barba pero se nota un poco. Tiene el cuello inmenso. Es como el de un toro. Y ni hablar de la nuez. Termino de comer y el va a repetir devuelta pero esta vez sin ningun inconveniente. El gordo termina de alimentarse y como un ritual se acarica la panza que le explota, flexiona ese pecho ancho y por ultimo hace un desfilde de sus brazos gruesos y fibrosos. -Atame los cordones mani- sin pensarlo bajo al piso por debajo de la mesa y empiezo a atarle los cordones. Tiene dos pies gigantescos. Debe calzar 50 minimo. Levanto un poco la vista y veo esos gemelos gordos que le aprietan el pantalon. Los masajeo y siento el musculo, la fuerza. Trato de agarrarlos con mis dos manos pero son muy gruesos. No puedo. Y voy subiendo mis manos hasta esas rodillas gordas, inmensas. Las toco y me excito. Miro y estoy cara a cara con su bulto. Esta contento o nada mas es muy grande. Alargo mi mano. Y le toco la pija. Reaccion inmediata me agarra con su mano gigantesca y aprieta mi cabeza contra su ingle. Me veo sintiendo todo su paquete y no me da ni tiempo para respirar. Me mantiene ahi un rato y lo disfruto. -Te gusta puto? A la tarde venís a mi casa y vas a ver.- me suelta y me tira al piso. Veo como sus dos piernas se levantan y se van. Siento las vibraciones que hace su peso. Es enorme. Y pesado. Y me tiene dominado. Que ganas de tocarle todo el cuerpo, pienso. Que ganas. Llega la hora de historia y Toto no aparece. Se rateo parece. Termino el trabajo con mi otro compañero. Suena el timbre y salgo del colegio. Me dirijo a mi casa cuando de repente una sombra me oscurece. Es Toto. Me giro y lo veo en el short mas grande y apretado que vi en mi vida. La pija y los huevos le abultan todo el frente, mientras que el culo inmenso se le remarca por la tela. Es como una segunda piel y muestra las macetas que son sus piernas. Ni con mis dos brazos logro abrazarlas. Miro hacia arriba y esta en una musculosa que no puede ni cubrir la mitad de su pecho. Los brazos son dos pitones enormes. Son gruesos y anchos. Está más grandote que nunca. -Estoy gigante. Acabo de venir del gimnasio. Que ganas de comerme todo.-a lo que empieza a manosearse mientras que camina y me lleva puesto por delante. Me tropiezo y me levanta con una mano. -Seguime a casa maní, o queres que te cargue?- le digo que no y caminamos unas cuadras lado a lado. La imagen debe ser comica. Un hombre enorme de dos metros de alto y ancho, con un pibito de un metro sesenta y algo, que pesa menos de sesenta kilos. Soy un maní, como Toto dice. Pasan unas cuadras y me empiezo a cansar. Me doy cuenta que ya estamos lejos de gente conocida por lo cual acepto la oferta de ser cargado. Toto se emociona y con un brazo me levanta y me apoya boca abajo sobre su hombro. Siento todo el musculo y la dureza de su cuerpo. Mirando hacia abajo puedo ver el trasero mas perfecto, grande y gordo. Intento tocarlo pero mis brazos solo llegan hasta la mitad de su espalda. Y que espalda. Me doy cuenta que mi torso entra como mas de cuatro veces en el de Toto. -Cuanto estabas pesando mamut?- -Me gusta ese nombre putito. 180 kilos. Vos cagon?- wow. Subio 10 kilos en dos dias creo. Es inmenso. -Yo 60.- le miento. -JA JA JA. mentira. Pareces de 20 kilos. Debe ser porque soy muy fuerte. Y gordo. No sabes las ganas que tengo de echarme un buen cago. Con este cuerpo saco unas nutrias que ni te cuento. Y los pedos son lo mejor. Ya vi como se te paraba la pija. Es puro macho el olor. Me encanta. Estoy sintiendo tu pijita acaso? Ahora vas a ver lo que es una verdadera verga. Toto me sigue cargando por varias cuadras. El tacto con sus hombros musculosos me calienta y aprovecho para tocarlo disimuladamente en la espalda. Es una bestia de puro músculo, cubierta por una capa de grasa que lo hace inmenso. Al caminar sus nalgas se tensan y destensan, y sus gemelos se marcan al compas de sus pies. Estoy a casi dos metros del piso pero me siento seguro. -Llegamos!- Toto dice gravemente tirandome para adelante. Me caigo de culo al piso. Lo miro sentado y parece un gigante. La musculosa solo remarca sus tetas y sus dos grosos brazos. Su panza de barril lo hace tan ancho como alto casi. Sus dos muslos parecen troncos de arboles mientras que sus gemelos son dos melones. Observo su bulto y no entiendo el tamaño descomunal que tiene. Debe ser del tamaño de mi brazito su pija. - Vamos a entrar ahora putito. Vivo en una casa grande porque en mi familia somos todos grandes. Si ves una foto mía no te pajees okay? - Me quedo callado. El gigante me intimida pero me excita. -Okay?! JA JA te estoy jodiendo pasa dale.- Finalmente me levanto del piso y me doy vuelta. Me encuentro con una casa enorme. Con razón tardamos tanto en llegar. Caminamos por el patio y llegamos a la casa. Dos puertas mas altas y anchas que Toto nos reciben. Él abre una y yo entro. Después abre las dos para pasar él mismo. Entramos y las cierra. Veo a mis alrededores y me siento en una mansión. Con dimensiones bastante más grandes a las normales. En el hall de entrada hay un espejo. Solo haciendo puntillas de pie llego a ver mi cara en este. También noto que las sillas son más grandes, y altas. -A ver enano sentate en una de esas a ver como te queda.- a pedido del gigante lo hago. Tengo que impulsarme para llegar, y al sentarme veo todo el lugar que me sobra. Más de la mitad de la silla casi. Toto me mira, se caga de risa y con una mano me levanta agarrandome de la remera. Me pone en sus hombros como un padre a su hijo de dos años y me da un paseo por la casa. Tardamos un rato pero me mostró toda la parte de abajo. Todo en medida de Toto por lo cual nunca me choque con el techo a pesar de medir 2 metros y medio arriba de sus hombros. - Che todo bien que te tenga arriba mío y que te caliente mi cuerpo, pero a pesar de tener el cuello así de grueso puedo sentir tu pijita. Queres sentir la mia? Toto me baja al piso. Mis ojos ven directamente por debajo de sus dos pectorales inmensos. Son peludos y varoniles. Se me para la pija con solo verlo. Toto se da cuenta que lo estoy mirando fijo y con sus brazos me abraza apretándome contra su masa. Esta chivado. Mejor todavía. Tiene un olor masculino, a hombre. Inspiro todo lo que puedo y es entonces cuando me dice que se quiere echar una siesta. Simplemente camina a su cuarto, todavía conmigo en sus brazos y cierra la puerta. El cuarto es enorme. Y la cama también. Debe entrar toda mi familia en esa cama. Observo y veo su ropa, gigante, tirada por el piso. Veo fotos de él en la playa, con sus amigos, y... con su familia? En todas las fotos Toto es el más grande por lejos, pero en esta no. En esta es incluso más chico que el otro rinoceronte al lado suyo. Es muy parecido a Toto, pero más viejo. Deduzco que es el padre. Seguramente. De repente salgo de mis pensamientos. - Duermo en pelotas así que trata de no acabar en el pantalón.- a lo que se saca la musculosa. Parece incluso más inmenso. Sus tetas rebotan sólidamente y su panza parece inflarse pero aun así se nota la dureza de esta, y el semdelineamiento de unos abdominales. Se gira en contra mío y puedo ver el ancho de su cuerpo. Se baja el short. No tiene calzón. En mi vista aparece el culo más gordo, musculoso, redondo, fibroso, perfecto. Inmenso. Dos gambas descomunales lo mantienen y puedo ver entre estas los dos huevos de avestruz del macho. Las rodillas me tiemblan y caigo en la cama boca arriba. Estoy mirando el techo cuando de repente por una milésima de segundo todo se oscurece. Intento respirar pero no puedo. Siento mucho calor. Trato de salir. De sacármelo de encima. De sacarme a Toto de encima. Pero no puedo. El gordo de casi 200 kilos está encima mío. Apretándome e incluso dormido. Agregado a todo esto ronca. Estoy justo por debajo de su panza y tetas. Sus pelos me hacen cosquillas. Por suerte mi cara esta justo entre sus dos pectorales por lo que tengo algo de aire. Su pecho es inmenso y aunque quiero abarcarlo con mis brazos, no puedo. Siento mi pija parada contra su barriga y con unos rápidos movimientos logro acabar rápidamente. Todo el contacto me tenía muy caliente. Es lo mejor que me paso creo. Siento que estoy en un sueño. Hasta que una voz lo interrumpe. Una voz muy muy grave. -Toto! Donde estás pibe? Estás para unas luchas?- Toto se levanta de a poco y cada vez tengo más aire. Rápidamente se sienta en el borde de la cama por lo cual solo veo su espalda gigante. No debe entrar en ningún asiento de mortales con esa espalda. Veo como sus músculos se mueven cuando él se vuelve a poner su short apretado. El culo parece más grande dentro de la contención de tela. La raya está chivada parece. Que ganas de meter mi cara ahí pienso por un segundo. - Que pasa viejito? Querés que te cague a trompadas devuelta?- le responde Toto. - Querés ver como me lo cojo? Creo que ya vistes las fotos de mi viejo. Parecía más grande antes pero ahora estamos igual, o creo que soy más pesado yo. Ya lo vas a ver puto. A ver si te excita más él o yo. Solo hay una respuesta correcta e.- a lo que me zarandea con una mano como si fuese una muñeca de trapo. Empiezo a escuchar pasos cada vez más fuertes hasta que de golpe se abre la puerta. Solo veo una montaña de músculos gordos como los del mamut que cubren toda la puerta. Se agacha y pasa. Es Toto pero con canas. Y más sexy. - Hola pendejo! Volví de cogerme a esas viejas que me garpan por tocarme todo. También hubieron unos pibitos que quisieron que les rompa el culo. Y lo hice. JA JA.- se abrazan los dos gigantes. Creo que nunca vi tanto tamaño en tan poco lugar. La mano enorme del viejo le aprieta una nalga a Toto. - Estás más gordo e pendejo. Creo que finalmente pesas más que yo. Fijemonos.- El cincuenteañero se saca la camisa y revela su grueso torso. Inmenso. Dos tetas fuertes y peludas que dan pie a una panza de birra enorme. El pantalon del traje no puede ocultar el tamaño de las macetas ni del culo gordo que tiene. El bulto no se queda atrás y pelea por abrirse paso entre la tela. Lo que ocurre a continuación hace que acabe sin ni siquiera tocarme. El viejo de Toto y Toto comienzan a flexionar todos sus musculos. Sus brazos del tamaño de sandias, sus pechos de gorila, sus espaldas de bufalos. Son dos bestias inmensas. - Qué es ese ruido?- pregunta el padre. Me ve y se ríe. - Ya acabaste puto! JA JA. Tanto te excitan estos gordos? Queres que te rompa el culito? Vení que te quiero conocer enano.- El viejo de Toto se acerca a mí y escucho el crujir del piso de madera. Extiende su brazo enorme y con una mano del tamaño de mi pecho me agarra de la remera. Me levanta sin siquiera esforzarse y me pone cara a cara con él. Tiene rasgos mas tallados que los de Toto, pero similares, y con algunas canas en la barba que le cubre la papada musculosa. - Con que sos un nuevo amigo de Toto e enano. Alguna vez viste a alguien tan grande como yo? Aparte de Toto. JA JA. Salió igual a mí, un poco más chiquito nada más. - me baja al piso y me encuentro entre medio de los dos gigantes. Mi cabeza está a la altura de sus dos panzas y por poco no me tocan ambas. Miro hacia arriba y veo sus dos tetotas peludas. Un par con pelos volviendo a crecer y el otro con destellos plateados. Son muy parecidos en tamaño puedo ver. - Nada que ver viejo. Estoy más grande que vos. -responde el joven mastodonte inflándose el pecho. Es una mole de músculos y grasa y fuerza. - JA JA JA. Ya quisieras. Igual se me acaba de ocurrir una idea para solucionar esta disputa. Que tu amiguito decida. Aparte nos está viendo tan detalladamente que seguro ya lo decidió. Se nota que lo hipnotizamos. Somos enormes pendejo. Hasta las vergas inmensas tenemos. Seguro la de él no es ni del tamaño de nuestros dedos. Y los huevos ni te cuento. Al menos yo los tengo del tamaño de pomelos. Yo estoy bastante pesado también. Unos 180 kilos o más creo. No paro de morfar. Hay que mantener esta panza. Y este culo inmenso. Mis socios del laburo cuando me ven con mi traje apretado se les paran las poronguitas. Y mis camisas me estallan. Tengo dos tetas más gordas y fibrosas que me encantan. Vos también Toto, pero ya lo sabés. Y esta hormiguita también lo sabe. Así que maní, tenés que decidir. ¿Quién es más grandote? ¿Yo o Totito? Me quedo helado. Estoy entre dos mamuts. Uno más grande que el otro. Son inmensos. Miro a Toto, después a su viejo. Lo repito. Lo vuelvo a repetir. - Basta putito parece que solo nos queres mirar. ¿No queres tocarme a mí? Se lo que un maní siente cuando me toca. Mira lo que soy. Soy una bestia.- acto seguido el papá de Toto me agarra y me pone en sus hombros. No sé que tienen los gigantes con cargarme en sus hombros. -Toto, le voy a dar un momento que nunca se va a olvidar a tu amiguito. Me lo llevo a mi cuarto. En un rato te llamo.- miro hacia abajo y entre mis piernitas se encuentra el cuello grueso y fuerte del viejo. Tengo que abrir mis piernas bastante para sentarme comodo. Son como un calefactor sus hombros, aparte me sobra espacio. Salimos del cuarto y camina unos pasos a la derecha por un pasillo. Una puerta grande está a la derecha. Él entra y yo me la pego contra el marco. Es más alto que Toto parece. Miro por debajo de su cabeza y veo sus dos pectorales como dos dunas duras de arena. La panza es una colina solida que desemboca en un bulto inmenso y dos macetas gigantes. Miro más abajo y veo dos pies monumentales. Peludos, gordos y anchos. Son inmensos. Talle 50 mínimo. Tomo coraje y le pregunto. - Como te llamas?- -JA. Recién ahora preguntas? Me llamo Lucho pero decime como se te cante el culo siempre que tenga que ver con que estoy enorme. - - Dale Mamut- -Me encanto. Ahora esto te va a encantar a vos.- me baja de sus hombros y me sienta en su cama. Todavía más grande que la de su hijo, y el cuarto también. Aun así es un cuarto como el de mis padres. Estoy enfrente del mastodonte y es ahí cuando se desabrocha el pantalon y forcejeando consigo mismo se lo empieza a bajar. El calzón no puede ocultar el tamaño de su verga que esta por poco a salir disparada de ahí. Dos macetas bronceadas se abren paso hasta llegar a unas rodillas del tamaño de sandías. Extiendo mi mano para comparar y no son ni la mitad. -Tocá si queres.- aprovecho y bajo mis manos por sus gemelos gordos y fibrosos al tacto. Son enormes como todo su cuerpo. Me quedo mirando sus pies y es ahí cuando me levanta, se sienta en la cama y me apoya sobre su ingle. Mejor dicho sobre su pija, pero no está parada pero aún así la siento debajo de mí. -Sentate en mis gambas maní. Sí. Sentí la fuerza que tienen estas cosas. Te puedo comprimir si quiero. Y te voy a apretar un poquito.- me mete entre sus muslos gordos y empieza a apretar. Me empiezo a quedar sin aire y tengo su bulto enfrente de mi cara. Con una de sus manoplas me aprieta la cabeza contra sus partes y huelo un olor masculino que hace que se me pare. Afloja sus piernas y caigo al piso. Me encuentro con sus dos pies enormes y no entiendo el tamaño que tienen. Son del largo de mis antebrazos, y del ancho de mis dos piernas juntas. -Chupalos puto.- a su orden lo empiezo a hacer. - Sos un asco maní. Te voy a aplastar como la hormiga que sos.- con su pie me patea y me gira sobre mi espalda. Entonces lo levanta y baja su planta sobre mi pecho que lo cubre por completo y me empieza a apretar. Comienzo a soltar aire y trato de sacarmelo de encima pero no puedo. Es muy fuerte. Cuando estoy a punto de perder el conocimiento es cuando veo empieza a flexionar sus rodillotas y cada vez su inmenso trasero se acerca a mis ojos hasta que ya no veo nada. Mi cara se encuentra entre sus dos cachetes gordos y peludos. Emanan mucho calor. Es un olor a culo fuerte el que huelo. Muy masculino. De hombre. Lo único que me separa de su piel es el calzon apretadisimo que tiene. Siento su peso. 200 kilos de musculo que no me aplastan solo gracias a sus gambas inmensas. Inspiro todo lo que puedo y con mis manos aprieto toda parte de su cuerpo que puedo tocar. En este caso sus rodillotas y sus pies gruesos. - PRFFFFF- el hedor me deja inconsciente pero no antes siento el estruendo del pedo. Me despierto. Y estoy solo en el cuarto veo. Estoy en la cama enorme. Y estoy desnudo. Empiezo a escuchar pasos que retumban. Son pesados. Duros. Frenan. Entonces se abre la puerta fuertemente y solo veo una figura inmensa. Ancha, alta, gruesa. Dos bases de talle 50, pantorrillas del tamaño de melones, dos rodillas gruesas. Unos muslos gordos y colosales. Las bolas mas grandes que vi en mi vida, y la pija mas gorda y larga también, que se encuentran por abajo de la panza de birra del mamut. Un caminito que llega a dos tetas redondas y potentes que le dan poder a ese animal. Dos hombros fuertes y grandes, con un cuello grueso que da pie a una cara muy fachera con barba canosa. - Ahora te vamos a romper el culo puto. La tenes parada y es enana JA JA.- esa voz grave me derrite. No entiendo igual ese vamos... Vuelvo a escuchar pasos. Y por detrás del monstruo aparece su mellizo joven, con la pija un poco más grande todavía, y más relleno que el viejo. - Le rompemos el orto al puto viejo?- padre e hijo se paran enfrente mío. Estamos los tres desnudos. Veo mi cuerpo debilucho y solo puedo pensar en la fuerza que deben tener estos gigantes de mas de dos metros de alto y de 200 kilos. Son dos gorilas y yo un monito. - Esto te va a gustar puto.- el padre toma la iniciativa, lo agarra con una mano en la espalda anchisima de Toto y la otra en su culo, y se lo empieza a chapar. Montañas de musculo y grasa se abrazan y empiezan a besarse. Acabo. Veo como se masajean los cuerpos, como sus vergas crecen hasta ser del tamaño de mis brazos, como empiezan a bombearse y a apretarse. Los dos gigantes empiezan a chapar y cada tanto me miran de reojo. Yo solo observo las moles hacerse de todo. Estan completamente desnudos y yo tambien. Sus cuerpos me intimidan. Sentado en la cama tan solo llego a la altura de sus vergas. Se abrazan y tras un ultimo chape me dicen: - putito! Levantate! No seas maricon ni que el pedo haya sido tan fuerte! JA JA. Abro los ojos y lo veo al viejo de Toto mirandome desde sus dos metros de altura, todavia en calzones. Busco a Toto, pero no esta por ninguna parte. Me doy cuenta que sigo cambiado. ¿Habra sido un sueño? - Qué pasó?- pregunte desconcertado. Lucho me dijo que me estuvo mostrando un poco de su cuerpo, y que después del pedo me desmayé. -Perdon putito, pasa que hoy comi tacos y me pegaron pal carajo. Esta panza y este culote son capaces de todo.- se acaricio las partes nombradas y se sento en la cama. Me levante del piso y me sente al lado de el. La cama se inclinaba hacia su cuerpo debido al peso y me deslice hasta estar tocandolo. Mi cabeza no llegaba ni a sus hombros. Aun asi, acoste mi cabeza contra su brazote calido. -Tanto te gusta el tamaño enano? Que es lo que mas te gusta de mi? Mi verga? O mis musculos? O mi cara masculina?- -todo...- balbucee. -JA JA JA- me dio una palmada y me tiro de la cama. -Perdon chiquitin, no mido mi fuerza con los maníes. Veni sentate aca, mas comodo.- me subio a sus gamba derecha, donde me sobraba mucho espacio, y me recoste contra su panza. Si miraba hacia arriba solo veia sus tetonas. -Que estabas soñando cuando te desmayaste?- su voz grave me daba cosquilleos. Le conte mi sueño, de como aparecia desnudo y los observaba a el y a Toto chapar, apretarse y estar a punto de hacerlo. -JA JA JA, que sueño raro.- empece a sentir que algo se levantaba debajo mio. -Chiquito dejame que te bajo que tengo que ir al baño a echarme un cago. Si queres despues te lo muestro. Anda con tu amigote ahora que por falta de diversion se debe estar pajeando. JA JA, o morfando el gordo ese.- Me levanta de su piernota y me deja en el piso, esta vez parado y se levanta de la cama. Puedo ver su ereccion debido al tamaño inescondible, aun asi la tratade disimular poniendo su mano delante de la ingle. Antes de irme a buscar a Toto veo como su culote sube y baja mientras se dirige al baño. Salgo del cuarto y cierro la puerta no sin antes escuchar unos ruidos guturales provenientes del baño. Miro mi reloj y ya son casi las 12 de la noche. Hoy salia con mis amigos! Busco mi mochila a las apuradas, y no me da el tiempo para despedir a Toto. Salgo de la casa en direccion a la mia, y me olvido de lo que sucedio hace unas horas. Ese fin de semana hago programas pero nunca me lo encuentro a Toto. Fue muy extraño lo que pasó el viernes a la tarde y poco a poco empiezo a sentir que ni siquiera pasó, que imaginé todo. Llega el domingo y después de almorzar me llega un mensaje de Toto. - Te fuiste sin avisar el viernes pendejo. No era que te gustaban los musculos? Si no querés que te cague a trompadas vení a las tres de la tarde a la playa. Si no te veo vas a tener que tener cuidado en el colegio.- Leí esto y me asusté. Miré el reloj y todavía me quedaban 15 minutos para llegar a la playa. Por suerte vivía cerca, así que me apuré y me dirigí ahí. Llego y la playa estaba vacía por suerte. Lo busco a Toto y no lo encuentro por ninguna parte. Decido sentarme y esperarlo. Con el sol sobre mi cabeza me adormezco y me quedo dormido. Abro los ojos y esta todo oscuro. Siento que me falta el aire. Estoy apretado y muy caluroso. Levanto la cabeza y me choco con unos pelos chivados. Muevo mis brazos y siento una carne, fibrosa, musculos. Toto. -JA JA putito te levantaste!- tras decir eso se levanta y puedo observar que el mamut estaba tirado encima mío en cuero, y mi cara había quedado debajo de su enorme agujero axilar. Yo sigo acostado y el gugante se levanta. Está usando solamente un traje de baño azul que no deja nada a la imaginación. Los huevos y la pija enormes se notan, y sus dos tetas y panza lo hacen colosal. - jaja Toto eso te queda pintado!- -Y mirá que no viste este culote todavía.- se da media vuelta y sus dos nalgas inmensas ocupan toda mi visión. Tiene el culo más jugoso del mundo. Me siento y se me para la pija. A pesar del tamaño se nota a través del traje de baño y Toto se da cuenta. -Mirá que tenemos acá! El amiguito del maní quiere jugar! JA JA. Te voy a aplastar puto.- muy lentamente veo como Toto con sus doscientos kilos de musculo y grasa instala su culote sobre mi ingle. Te gusta esto trolito?- me pregunta la bestia sentada encima de mi pijita. A pesar de que él está sobre mí, mi ereccion no lo toca debido al tamaño de su culo que aprieta mis piernitas. Casi que todo su culo queda contra la arena y no sobre mis piernas. Aun así la poca masa que me toca, me toca entero. No me puedo mover. - Me encanta Toto...- -Que dijiste?- se levanta rapidamente y me mira desde sus dos metros de altura. -Nada..?- -Te voy a hacer pija.- me mira con cara mala y me asusto por un segundo de lo que el mastodonte puede llegar a hacerme y -JA JA enano siempre supe que te gustaba. Pensaste que me habia enojado y que te iba a hacer algo o no? Vi como te excitaste e no te hagas el boludo. No hay nadie en la playa...- Toto lentamente se baja el traje de baño y puedo ver como su caminito lleva a esa vergota gigante. Con dos huevos como pomelos. Se gira para sentarse y devuelta observo sus jamones y gluteos gigantescos y peludos. Son gruesos. Toto se sienta al lado mio y dice que me pare. Lo hago. Apenas soy más alto que él estando parado y el sentado. Sigue siendo tres o cuatro cuerpos más anchos igual. Veo como Toto se empieza a masajear lentamente su pija y poco a poco la boa empieza a crecer y crecer. -Ahora desnudate vos cagoncito.- Dudo unos segundos y miro a mi alrededor. No hay nadie y no parece que venga gente. Es día nublado. -Me cansaste puto.- Toto con sus dos manos gordas y grandes agarra mi traje de baño y lo parte en dos. Después hace lo mismo con mi remera. Me siento vulnerable estando completamente desnudo enfrente del mastodonte. Él con sus doscientos kilos, yo sesenta como mucho. Él con su pija de 25 cm, flacida, y yo con la mía de 12, completamente parada. -Enano primero acabas vos porque es obvio, despues me haces acabar.- Sin esperar respuesta con su indice y su pulgar, que son del tamaño de mi pene, me lo agarró y empezó a pajearme. Si podria decirsele así. Acabé a los cinco segundos. -Tan rapido? Estoy tan bueno?- lo hizo rebotando sus dos tetotas musculosas y peludas. -Ahora te toca a vos.- me agarró y me sentó en una de sus gambas. Tenía más lugar ahí que en cualquier silla. Su verga inmensa seguía parada y me puse a trabajar. Con mis dos manitos no podía agarrar la verga de Toto. Era muy grande. Intenté pajearlo pero realmente no podía. El gigante se cansó y se enojó conmigo. -Sos un maní y ni siquiera sabes hacer pajas? Al menos chúpamela.-— -Toto no voy a po- con una de sus manos acomodó su pija y con la otra agarró mi cabeza y la apuntó hacia ella. Ni siquiera me pude atragantar porque no entraba por mi boca. -No podes hacer nada bien enano. Lo tengo que hacer yo, o mi viejo en casa sino. Y ahora se te para devuelta e! Claramente te gustan los gigantes. Mira lo gordo, grandote y enorme que soy! Estas tetas! Esta panza! Estas macetas! Y este culo lpm es enorme!- mientras que Toto decía esto había empeZado a bajar lentamente con su mano sobre su verga. Su mano era perfecta para que él se pajeara claro. Yo con mis manitos de bebe no puedo. Poco a poco Toto fue acelerando el ritmo. Ver al gigante masturbarse me excitaba. Acabé una vez más, esta sin pajearme. Parecía incluso más grande así desnudo. -Estoy ENORME!- y acabó, cubriendome de wasca. Su pija gigante no paró por un minuto o incluso más. Yo solo podía pensar en Toto, y en lo que hacia con su viejo. Toto se levantó y se limpió la pija con mi ropa rota. Se puso el traje de baño y me miró desde arriba con un aire divertido. -No Tenés ropa enano! No me digas que se te volvió a parar! Wow. Bueno hagamos algo. Si me podes mover al menos unos centímetros, te doy mi traje de baño y yo me vuelvo en pelotas. Si no podes hacer eso, vas a tener que masajearme el cuerpo, y dejar que te rompamos el culo.- -Que!?- no entendí nada. -Ni en pedo.- -Putito ya todos sabemos que es lo que queres...- poco a poco Toto fue acercandose y apretandome con su panza mientras que no me dejaba irme para atras con sus manotas. -Dale moveme puto.- Intente empujarlo pero solo tocaba su cuerpote y me excitaba mas todavia. Sus dos tetotas ya estaban muy altas para el alcance de mis manos. Parecía que él había crecido. Lo miré y sentí que medía dos metros veinte. -JA JA JA. Toma distancia si queres y tackleame a ver!- Hice lo que me dijo y para que. En el segundo en que iba a tacklearlo, con sus dos brazotes me topeteó al piso. Perdí el conocimiento.
  16. demon577

    dating site

    I know I have a lot of history that has just started but I’m starting yet another one, like those that follow me, but history all have different themes, but they are all on the same subject, the muscles, the adoration, brutality, human crushing, fetishes, so like my other stories it has hard content. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ chapter 1: presentation my name is quentin, i am 30 years corpulent, 1m75 for 95kg I'm passive gay with lots of fetishes, but I'm so shy that I didn't realize any, I like muscles and would see them again, I also dream of being crushed by force but also in muscles, I even imagine the superhero superman sometimes squeezing me with that super-strength, but alas I look at muscular men discreetly so I don't see many, serte I could see them in the weight room, but I'm so shy that I do not enter this building because just the sight of their stature makes me draw up the penis (small penis), but another fetish sound on the smells like the sweat of the armpits after a training session or that which did not have have been washed for a long time, the smell of fart, the smell of sweat on other parts of the body, you also like brutal men who are without embarrassment even more those of the profession of police or military because their uniform makes them comemd are monsters and men who give orders, you also dream of a man with the longest and the biggest penis who demolished your ass, but hey you never did it so you don't know how it is. you even did research to learn about the issue, you read case because of their nutrition, their fart was big bomb and feels very bad for this that these men do not fart in public, they are also often furry certainly it looks prettier but it is mainly because of sweating because muscle men sweat a lot more than a normal man is it smells much stronger if they have hairs (armpits, pecs, etc) sweat and the smell will be even more horrible. one thing that you know about yourself is that you have a gift because you cannot die without having blood, but you can even suffer with the same feelings as a normal person and your body reform afterwards for a moment so if you crash flat you will scream during the procedure of being crushed is to have the same feeling as a normal man except that at the moment when the normal man passed out or died you are still happy and can still speak so even you flat and conscious, for the smell you will learn that it is the same thing a bad smell that can faint or kill will just make you scream and hurt. you had already looked for several gay dating site to try to find muscular man and to achieve some fetiche my alas you do not find because it was rare or it is man did not want to do what you like, then one day you receive in your mail is some kind of advertisement for a special gay dating site like name "Musclor" you were intrigued because the ad showed just a muscular man and a skinny man you skeptically click on the link because you were afraid it was a scam, a fake site, once you get to the page you see a familiar logo that goes up free but also certify that reassures you then you go to who we are for know that she is the concept of this site, it is written "You are a muscular man looking for a shrimp or you are a shrimp who is looking for a muscular man, this site is there for you, create your profile and get back to you announcement, this site but in relation it is nobody to carry out an appointment in the real life but attention the shrimp can see that the profile of the muscular man, it is also possible to make plan has several but that several muscular man with a shrimp, it is sticketement prohibited to ask for money, it has that 1 means of contact which is the cat but do not worry you all the world remains on line h24 is when have you contact by chat and that you are not connected you received the message by sms which you s allows you to respond directly by sms (free sms) which allows you to be always reachable but also to be able to continue these conversations without being afraid of missing anyone. " you were blown away by this message and you already knew what you will write in the announcement of your profile
  17. demon577

    my best friend is a grinder

    Before starting the story, I should point out that this story is about fetishes that I like, so gay, muscular, crushing and some smell fetish. This story can get violent. Thank you for your constructive comments. _________________________________________________________________________________________ chapter 1: history you are called quentin a can corpulent ( https://tinyurl.com/y5yr645l ), aged 22 years you were gay is seen your body you had a weakness for the muscular man with fetishes adore. you had a best friend who was the same age as you jeremy 22 years old, you were best friends since childhood because at the age of 3 you were a neighbor, but now your friendship is strengthened except that jeremy and your boss too but he always talking to you as a friend, jeremy has changed since the age of 13 because he started doing sports and bodybuilding now at the age of 22 he looks like a beast of muscle, to say next to you is a child and he is an adult he has biceps in the shape of a 30 inch demolition ball (sorry this measurement is not used in my country) on arms larger than a bodybuilder leg ( https://tinyurl.com/yh86dpbt ), huge pectorals so big that a hand can be completely pushed into the joint is disappearing, eight pack (abs) super well defined, buttocks that sound like his pecs but bigger than a head human, super-developed thighs running along tree-size legs, a hand that the whole turn of a head, and feet immense, all his body and filled with dry and ultra hard muscle, he even has a Herculean force which can destroy all, clothes made to measure because it does not exist with its morphology, he wears a tight-fitting tank top that allows you to see it's muscle, a very tight leggings that pushes these thighs and his muscular ass to better see them, he likes leggings because it is a garment that is not annoying and which does not prevent it from making movements. jeremy had bought a huge field larger than 2 football fields or he had built a manor house and made-to-measure, he works at his place and you also lived at his place, but you don't pay rent on the contrary jeremy you stay and eat for free even if he give you a salary because the job of jeremy was to make very special videos and he hired you to help him as a technician, you are responsible for filming but also for helping him in these videos like an assistant and you take care of all the editing, jeremy had your penchant for muscular men and he had you were in love with him but he waits for you to take the first step, in all the videos have you see too because you pass in front of the camera to bring him an object or to recover what leaves (clothing) because jeremy takes advantage of his body to earn money he makes 3 types of paid video 1 type: he would pose and show these muscles or he would get oiled. 2nd type: he was often shirtless and looks like in the first video except that in this one if he destroys objects of all kinds, his could go from small to military tank, he could even transform a huge safe into a very small circle about the size of a candy. the 3rd type was more special because certainly the video was paying but in the video the fans participated against payment, the fans paid to be in this video where they are slave subject, they can touch him els muscle but also be forced to kiss it's muscle, he can also force them to do what he wants but in these videos he doesn't overwrite them even if sometimes he dreams. all these fans were jealous of you. moreover when you were young you and jeremy had discovered your power not to die, you could even be crushed and your body this reform after, you had discovered it the day when you were 14 years old you were crushed by a car at at the beginning everyone panicked because you were in crumb but what was strange you had no blood and 1 minute after starts to move and jeremy see that your body resumes this normal form. one day jeremy came to see you with a special request because as you are the technician, you are also responsible for finding objects for type 2 videos even if it is jeremy who pays, "Quentin, I saw several comments that are starting to take on too much importance, everyone asks what happens if I shake a man or that head, can you see if they can buy human skulls or something that looks like is trying to have at least 6 because I would like to make a video or I crush these skulls to show that each skull becomes dust, I will crush one in bearhug, one between my thighs, one between my buttocks, one in my hand, one where I sit on it and therefore under one cheek and finally the last under my armpits "you answer him" okay i will try to find that "then jeremy sense will, you start to try to put slowly because you can't stop thinking that he is using you instead of a fake or something else. you keep looking and find a real human skull was impossible even an animal you can not find then it remains the skull made, it looks like skulls but they are not made like a skull. then you call jeremy when he arrives you explain the situation to him and jeremy says "so if I understand correctly, if I want to crush skulls I have to take false skulls and that it is not natural." and without paying attention you say aloud "I have another solution" jeremy had heard it and said "what is this solution?"
  18. Hey Everyone, With the new forum rules, I decided to consolidate "The Muscle Sandwich" and add a new chapter to the story! Let me know what you think The Muscle Sandwich: Part 1 Alex sat nervously on his bed eager with anticipation knowing that what he was about to experience would change his life forever. Alex had always been a short guy growing up and once he reached 5’1”, he just stopped growing. In addition to this he had always been pretty frail and couldn’t surpass 100lbs no matter how hard he tried. Never the less, Alex had just finished university and started working in a pretty decent job when he heard the horrible news, his uncle had passed away. His uncle John and him had always been pretty close and they would often spend time together when Alex was growing up. John had no kids and was the first person that Alex had opened up to about being gay. John admitted to Alex shortly after that he was gay as well and they found comfort in the bond they shared. When John passed away, Alex was pretty devastated and it took a while for him to get back in to the swing of things in his own life. A few weeks after John’s death, his lawyer had called to let Alex know that John had a left a sizeable amount of money in his will to Alex with special note from John. After the money had been transferred, John’s lawyer delivered the note to Alex in addition to the paperwork. Once Alex had calmed himself down he began to read note, “Dear Alex, To you I leave this modest sum of money in the hopes that you will spend it on yourself and truly enjoy it. I know you have been busy with work and school and haven’t allowed yourself much time to enjoy some of the finer things in life so I hope this sum of money will grant you that. I know you mentioned to me that you had always fantasized about having a wild time partying but just couldn’t bring yourself to do it. So as my final words I implore you to take a bite out of life and experience something unreal.” Alex had started to cry about half way through the short note but vowed to himself that he would honour his uncle’s wishes and do something amazing with the money. A few weeks later, Alex was looking at different all-inclusive trips to tropical locations online but nothing seemed to really stand out at him as a ‘once in a lifetime’ experience. Sighing with his unsuccessful searches, he busted out his cock and began to search for some porn online. Alex had always been in to really big and muscular guys and would often jerk off to porn featuring them. His favourite scenes included ones where the big, muscular, dominant top would absolutely ravage the small bottom in all positions. He also really enjoyed muscle-worshipping videos where men would kiss, grope, touch, and feel bodybuilder’s muscles and get off on them. Surprisingly enough, he had never found a video or website which did a really good job of combining both of those fantasies but he supposed it was very niche. While searching for a suitable video to wank off with he came across an ad on his favourite muscle-worshipping website. It read, “Tired of jerking off to the same old thing? Want to have a truly unforgettable experience? Try the real thing with a bodybuilder escort!” Never the one to click on online ads, Alex just couldn’t resist and clicked anyways. He was intrigued to learn more about what the ad was talking about with real muscle worship. The ad took Alex to a bodybuilder escort website which featured a whole host of very large muscular men who were available for sex, muscle worshiping, feats of strength, and more. As Alex read on he got more and more excited at the prospect of living out his fantasies with a huge muscular man. He started looking at all of the profiles of the bodybuilders before he had stumbled upon the largest man on the site. The profile read: Name: Colt Height: 6’10” Weight: 400lbs, all muscle Cock Size: 12 inches Favourite position: You, in my arms with your ankles over my shoulders while I stand and use you like a fleshlight to jerk off my huge cock. Into: Muscle worshipping, feats of strength, wrestling, fucking Special: Try me with my hot friend Ox, my gym buddy and some say ‘twin’ for a truly unforgettable experience. The profile did not have any pictures and very little information outside of the original description. Alex was absolutely convinced that this is what he needed in his life. He has just gotten out of a pretty bad relationship and was ready to use his uncle’s money to hire Colt and live out his fantasies. The contact form on the website was blinking at Alex and had the words “HIRE ME!” With a shaking hand and a much anticipation Alex filled out his contact information and with a moment of hesitation, mentioned that he would like to also hire Ox. He poured all of his fantasies and desires on the page and hoped he didn’t seem like a lunatic to the two. This was by far the most expensive option on the website but Alex had made a promise to himself and to his uncle that he would have an unforgettable time. After closing his eyes and hitting the ‘submit’ button, he was told by the website that he would be contacted by the escort shortly. The next week Alex was a nervous wreck. He spent that time being extremely anxious at work and second-guessing his decision. On a few occasions, he very nearly tried to call the whole thing off and was unconvinced if Colt and Ox had even existed. After all, there were no pictures in the profile and Alex had never heard of bodybuilders that were as large as they claimed. After a week Alex received an email from Colt. He immediately stopped everything he was doing at work to read the email which had a simple note “Is this what you want?” Alex was confused until he saw that there was a picture attached and when he opened it he very nearly creamed his pants on the spot. It showed what he guessed were Colt and Ox standing close together facing one another. They were both very tall and extremely muscular in what he guessed to be someone’s house as it looked like their heads were nearly scraping the ceiling. Then Alex took a double take and noticed something sandwiched between the two. In the center of this pair was what looked to be an average sized man, his feet dangling a foot off the floor and his whole body nearly obscured by the muscle squeezing together to hold him up. Neither Ox nor Colt were holding on to this unnamed man, he was just being held up by their two immense bodies coming together. Alex completely lost it at this point and involuntarily came on the spot. He responded as quickly as his fingers could type, “Yes Sir, I want to worship Ox and yourself and have you use and abuse me. Please fuck the ever-loving shit out of me and never let my feet touch the floor. Yours faithfully, Alex.” He hit reply and a response came shortly afterwards. They were directions for Alex from Colt, which read: You will take the next week off to prep yourself both mentally and physically. You will fly Ox and I out to your place at the end of the week. You will have the greatest 3-day weekend of your entire life. You will continue to be a slave for muscle for the rest of your natural born life. After this email, Alex made all of the necessary preparations. He made sure he was neatly groomed, had enough food in the house to feed these two gigantic men, and just waited with nervous anticipation. Finally the day had come. Colt and Ox were flying in, in the morning and were being transported by a prepaid limo to Alex’s house. As he sat nervously on the bed he heard a car roll up in to his driveway and made his way to the door to answer the resounding knock on the door. When Alex opened the door he was at a loss for words. Before him stood two of the biggest Muscle Gods he had ever seen, both in real life and online, in his entire life. Colt and Ox both smiled like the Cheshire cat. Looking way down at Alex’s 5’1” self the one in front said in a very deep and masculine voice, “This is going to be good.” He then proceeded to effortlessly lift Alex up with his hands underneath his armpits and walk through the threshold of the entrance. Alex’s mouth was agape and quietly said a prayer to his uncle John. This was going to be unforgettable.
  19. anonymous90

    The Thief Among Us (2019 Redux)

    I sincerely apologize for the fact that I let this story go so long without a new chapter. I'm trying to be better! New deadlines and all that, so hopefully I'll have a new chapter up by at the latest, next month. (at the latest, promise lol) So, here's the story with more than a few changes. Not sure how long this will end up being, but with any luck, it'll be a good bit, at least as long as SeventhWaves Symbiote War. Without further ado, my story: ~~~ This all started when I moved in with my roommate, John. For starters, I was pretty well off, but since my parents had decided it was time for me to get a place of my own for college, I was pretty much kicked out until my four years were up. They said that they would pay my way into whatever place I chose, but there were to be no issues, “Or else.” My father had said. So I moved into the dorms with him. He was on the wrestling team, same as me, according the the receptionists in the lobby of the building, so I figured we’d get on decently. Rather, as well as most roommates do. I’d known that the start of move in day was going to be awkward; classes starting by noon for most of us, so we had little time for chit-chat, making what little conversation I’d be able to have with the guy would be even further limited. I was the first of the two of us to get to the dorm, and chose the desk to the left side of the bunk, as opposed to the one on the wall opposing the bunks. I figured it would just be easier, not having to listen to someone bitch about a light being on right next to their face. The dorm room was minimalistic, and everything served a purpose: the walls were bare and off-white; there was a small kitchen, and a bathroom just the right size for cleaning up after wrestling practice. I emptied my shit into one of the closets, throwing most of my underwear and spare gear into one of the drawers beneath my bunk. John arrived just as I was about to hop in the shower before my run of the campus began. It had been a long drive from the Nevada homestead to California, and my car’s a/c had very recently gone out. While the dorm room WAS cold, I was still hot and sweaty; due for a hosing off. I stripped off my t-shirt after I had put my clothes and bags away, and just as my shirt landed in the hamper, the door opened to reveal a guy built just big enough to be considered possible competition. All of maybe 175lbs, He was a hot, boy-next-door kinda guy. Blond hair, small-but-fit build, tan complexion, pale blue eyes. As I looked him over, he gave me a wolfish grin, looking me over in turn. Raising his eyebrows slightly as his eyes roved down the rows of chiseled muscle, I could tell he was impressed…with a touch of jealousy in the way his eyes narrowed at the edges. I took a look at his bags, happening to have a wrestling singlet sticking out of his sports duffel. He dressed in a tank top and shorts, complete with what looked like brand-new running shoes. My best guess, he was probably just about to scope out the gym himself. At 6’3”, dark haired, and a fair bit bigger than he was in muscle mass, I safely dwarfed him, my frame resting at a good 210 lbs. comfortably. Being that I had him on definition to boot, there was no denying who was the bigger man. He put his bags down by the door and walked over to me, scoping out the new digs but keeping most of his focus on me, stormy eyes that felt like they were boring holes into my skull from the intensity of his stare. “Hey man! Name’s John.” He said, giving me the official bro-hug, not letting his faux team cheer slide despite how obviously he envied me the current standing. “’figured coach would work with housing to get me in with another wrestler. Always trying to get me to make friends.” As he said this, he tightened his hold around me, demonstrating his crushing ability by pressing our bodies a little tight for friendly comfort. His entire front pressed against mine, the hug lasted just a little too long. Not one to be outdone, I returned with greater force, causing him to elicit a cross-breed between a moan of pleasure and a groan of pain. I assumed the latter. “I’m Nick.” I said, untangling myself from the sadistic hug. Immediately I felt kinda bad for not waiting on him to pick bunks. I look to my already made bed, navy blue sheets already neatly tucked in. “I kinda picked my bunk already, so I guess you can be on top?” “Works for me. I’m used to being on top.” He said with a wink, throwing everything but his duffle into his closet, setting an odd-looking black figurine on his desk before taking off, door slamming behind him. Puzzled and somewhat turned on by the cryptic behavior, I walked to the bathroom, stripping the rest of my clothes off on the way. . . . Since we attended an all-boys college, the nearest town, and girls, were about thirty minutes away. The college wasn’t particularly strict about dress code, so naturally, most of the guys wore whatever, but it being California, and the middle of July, we wore the bare minimum. Most of the guys on campus were either playing Frisbee, football, or catching up on summer work that hadn’t gotten finished between the semesters. Despite the sun shining, the school had a bluish hue in the very air around it. As I made my way across the quad, I shouted hellos to at least twenty of the guys, most being my friends having found this place on the scholarship roster in town after I applied myself; Room, board, tuition, all covered under some crazy donor program. I hadn’t exactly been worried about price when I’d applied myself, but even I knew the cost of admission was up there with the Ivy League schools. Finally hitting the biggest building on the campus, I make my way to the gym, four separate sections all devoted to letting loose and showing off your full physical potential. This was where I most excelled. Class didn’t start ‘til 12, so I figured it’d be a good time to practice, maybe do a few warmups with the guys before hitting workout room. The mats were down already, and the other wrestlers were already in the middle of practice. I walk past my teammates, two of them already looking a little worse for wear, and hit up the coach, making small talk about the improvements from some of the new guys. Carter and Benjamin were our “new talent” apparently, having gotten a late start into the sport but were steadily working their way up the roster as two of our best. Looking down at the growth charts, it’s amazing how much these guys have gained in so short a time. Impressed as I was, I was a bit skeptical, until coach shook his head, a knowing smile coming across his face as he addressed my exact concerns. “I know what you’re thinking, no, they’re not juicers. I’ve got them on strict watch. A little fruitier than I’d normally let on the team, but talent is talent, and we’re gonna need it to beat the teams from the rival schools.” He sighs, gazing off into the distance, presumably looking over at the trophy cabinet on the far wall. “You just don’t find raw talent like you used to anymore.” He gives me a look, a smile returning to his lightly bearded face. “But that’s why we pushed so hard to get you involved. Talent, Charisma, that’s what this team needs. I’ve never been so sure of a team captain in my life Nick.” He claps me on the shoulder, shoving me off toward the lockers. “Get dressed. We’ll get you warmed up and then you can be on your way.” As I make my way into the shared locker rooms, I passed half the swim team, the lifters, and the few teammates that hadn’t made it to the main floor yet. Mist throughout, I went to my locker to drop off my duffel and dress. I stripped my shirt, undoing the drawstring of my shorts, when the clank of a fist on steel alerted me to a presence on my right side. Deciding my attention was better spent preparing for my opponent, I let my mind drift until needed, until a pair of vaguely familiar sneakers appeared in my line of sight. “Sup dude?” “Hey John…” I looked up at him, trying to return his smile, the same smirk from earlier still on his face as I got out my singlet. I pulled it up, I watching from the corner of my eye as he appraised my body again, pulling off his clothes as he did so. “I’m not queer you know.” I said. Now in just his boxers, he stopped and turned fully to me with a cold glare. “What makes you think I’m queer, asshole?” He spat through clenched teeth. “You’re half hard bro, and you keep looking at me like I’m a steak or something.” My eyes narrowed. “I might be fine with guys checking me out, but you’re getting pretty creepy with the way you’re eyeballing me.” He pulls his boxers down past a modest-looking ass, and brandishes his dick toward me. “Does this look like a semi?” His dick filled his pouch to the waistband, but it was still completely flaccid. He was twice my soft length, and a little less than my girth. My guess was about 6 inches. Hard, he'd probably add two inches at least. He walks over to the mirror behind me, giving himself a once over before packing himself up, pulling his singlet taut over his chest, outlining the muscle. At my awed expression, his glare became a cruel smile. “As for how I’m looking at you…not that you’re hard on the eyes, but I wanna see just what my competition looks like.” He pulled his boxers and singlet up, “so I can figure out what needs taken care of.” “Forgot your cup, bro.” He struts past me, making a grab for my balls, forcing me to feign away, eliciting a chuckle. “Seeya out there, roomy.” . . . Practice ended about forty-five minutes later, and everyone was mostly packed up, leaving just me and John on the floor with coach. “Alright boys, you know the drill, last two to leave packs it in. And Nick, I’m expecting you here early tomorrow to pick up where we left off getting the new guys trained up, ya hear?” Without waiting for a reply, coach grabs his own bag, heading off to the showers to lock up his office. “Hey Nick.” John called from across the floor, most of the mats already set off in a neat pile. “How about a little friendly one-on-one? Winners pick for a prize later tonight.” I hesitated. I knew he’d ask for something ridiculous if he won…something degrading. However…I could see this working to my advantage. Humiliating him ought to get him off my back. Even if neither of us followed through, I could still walk away with my dignity. “You’re on-” I had barely started out when he barreled at me, knocking me on my back and straddling my chest. As he sat atop me, my frame seized up slightly. I didn’t feel capable of movement, though his cold-heat hands were not so much restraining my arms to the mat as caressing my biceps. “Told you that I liked being on top.” He smirked, his light blue eyes going dark, hungry. Feral. As he sat atop me, a feeling of intense violation rolled through me, like he was groping me intimately through the fabric of both the singlet and my underwear, though I could see both of his hands. His body rippled for a second, and as I felt waves of pleasure shoot through me, I could see a slight shift of his body. I felt cold chills, but his embrace was hot. His patronizing grin widened, and I watched from beneath him as he seemed to get more substantial. It had to just be my imagination, but I could swear that he actually GROWING… Though I claimed deceit from my eyes, his body seemed to stretch longer in his singlet, the fabric audibly stretching with the sound of the elastic being pulled too taut as he gained several inches in height. His arms, though barely flexing to support himself above me, flexed as his biceps mounded with strength, veins and mounds of muscle appearing where only small indents had existed previously. My eyes roamed his chest, his abs and pecs becoming more visible through the singlet with every passing moment. His four pack finally gaining enough size to qualify as a true 6 pack, tone and definition abound as the crevices ran deeper, his pecs becoming a decent shelf above them, ballooning with size and nearly ruining the straps keeping his singlet in place. As quickly as he’d pinned me and tapped me out for the ten second win, the exchange ended. “I’ll be back for the rest tonight.” He leaned down and whispered, his lips brushing against my ear. Patting my abs as he rose to a height that was just barely larger than before, but definitely larger, he walked off to the locker room, leaving me on the ground, sweaty, confused, and with a surprising amount of cum in my boxers. I lay there in a puddle of my own making and watched as he rose to a height just slightly taller than before, patting my abs before walking away, leaving me there, shell-shocked from our little encounter. His ass now perfectly filling out his singlet, my eyes lingered just a little too long as he turned one final time, smirked, and left the room. After a few moments I managed to peel myself off the floor and onto my feet, feeling very off-kilter, as if the ceiling had been raised. My own body felt foreign to me. I turned to faced one of the mirror walls along the sides of the room, and though I still looked impressive, subtle differences were apparent to me as my hands explored my previously immaculately chiseled body. Where I used to be ripped and defined seemed a little rounder, softer than before. Creases separating the tiles of mirror along the walls seemed more out of reach than before. I tried to shake the buzzing thoughts from my mind, trying to convince myself it was all in my head as I undressed and stepped into the showers after making sure John had gone. I started massaging the soap into my sweaty mass, thinking about how he seemed to just, expand on top of me. The vision of him made my length harden, and I couldn’t help but start to stroke myself under the steamy water. That same feeling of confusion took full focus once more when something felt a little different about my strokes. I looked down, and realized that my cock isn’t up to its usual eight and a quarter inches. “Fuck me, this can’t be happening…” The thought of being having lost size has me finishing all over the tiles beneath my feet, soap and cum washing down the drain as I finish rinsing off, stepping out of the shower and toweling myself dry. I look up at the clock by coach’s office, realizing I’m already thirty minutes late for my first class, shoving my clothes on, which aren’t near as snug as they’d been when I’d changed out of them not an hour earlier, and run across campus. I can barely concentrate for the next five hours, but by the time my last class ends I’ve finally convinced myself that I’d just let the little punk get in my head. I stop by one of the bathrooms in the cafeteria as I finish my dinner, flexing to my reflection, hyping myself up before walking back to the dorm Fuck yeah I think to myself, anyone would kill to have this body! I enter the dorm room confident, relieved to find the room empty. I peel my clothes off, exhausted after a long day, nothing but my boxer briefs on, closing my eyes as I fold my arms behind my head, drifting dreamlessly until I’m suddenly awoken by the door creaking open. I blink blearily up at the top bunk, the sheets around me soaked. I look at my wall-mounted alarm clock in the dim moon-light from the windows, looking at the clock: 11 at night. I hear the water running in the bathroom, and my heart starts pounding. John. I get up quickly, trying to make as little noise as possible while stumbling around trying to put on clothes that didn’t quite fit right anymore. Everything around me felt taller than I remembered them. My clothes looked slightly oversized where just this morning they had looked almost TOO snug. I look down, puzzled. I’m supposed to have an eight-pack, right? Where eight hard bricks of muscle had once occupied, six, less impressive bulges took their place. My pecs, also, didn’t quite obscure my view of them, as they usually did. I think back to today’s events, the feeling of dread I felt at being defeated by John in an area I should have creamed him in…and I can’t quite remember what happened after that. I remember John bragging to one of our teammates about his win against me in the lockers afterward, and then, my memories of the day skip to class. Brent, my lab partner caught me up on some of the new terms (I’d slacked on summer reading in favor of training, not my best decision, as I’d plateaued in my gains) and I’d tried my hardest to not fall asleep during the lecture. All day after the match I’d been exhausted and lethargic… “Hey bro.” John’s voice startled me out of my memories, and looking at him reminded me why I was trying to hurry out the door so quickly. John stood completely naked in the doorway, a wicked grin on his face, muscles slick with water droplets from his shower, hair combed back, and every carved muscle deeper than when I’d first encountered him. “Glad you didn’t bail on me.” He said, drying his hair and then tossing his towel to the ground. “We’re gonna have a lot of fun tonight.” My real memory swiftly returned to me, leaving me damn near breathless. He’d sat on me, pinning me to the mat. He’d grown. But something still seemed off. I’d been much bigger this afternoon. Now, I looked up at him now a couple inches taller and ripped beyond comprehension. It was hard to believe that in the course of a day, he’d outpaced me by such a wide margin. His abs were chiseled, his pecs jutted out in a hard shelf above them, and something I hadn’t quite noticed before, a small tattoo on his neck that looked like the outline of a diamond. It was stark against his now tanned skin, a marvel that I hadn’t noticed it before. His whole face had transformed into something more rugged. His blond hair and boy next door looks were giving way to something far darker, masculine, and powerful. His jawline was sharper, his blond hair darkening at the roots, and the stubbly beginning of a real man’s beard growing on what was once a baby-smooth face. His body hair seemed to have thickened also, the place between his pectorals sprouting a neat tuft that caught the water from his shower, a neat trail disappearing to meet his length, now even more massive soft than it had been earlier today. Six inches? Closer to seven now, and easily 9 inches hard. John knocked me out of my daydream with a clearing of his throat. “Well, you didn’t bail out on me. I believe our wager was winner’s pick for prize…” He looks at me with eyebrows raised and a smile that could get men thrice my size on their knees. “But-” I stuttered, trying to come up with the words to describe the reality of our present situation. “Doesn’t matter. A deal’s a deal when you’re playing a stranger’s game Bud. I learned that the hard way.” At his words, the lights flickered, the loud rumble of thunder resounding from outside, and sudden draft chilling the room. I tried to make myself move, but pure fear had me frozen to the floor. He walked up to me, his chin in my direct line of sight, thick veins protruding from his vascular neck, tracing into his arms and down his chest. He brings a hand to my waist, slipping it beneath the waistband, and grabs my right ass cheek, his other hand moving across my stomach, teasing my abs, running his thumbs across my pecs, before finally deciding where to start. His left hand grips my trap, squeezing down and applying as much force as necessary to get me groaning in pain. The worst part about the whole thing was not being able to struggle against it. My whole body had locked up, just like the wrestling match, my upper body strained as he squeezed down, until my will gave. I could feel everything slipping. My ass took up less of the space in his hand, finally making him adjust to the small of my back. His other hand, losing the ability to squeeze my trap as it disappeared into my shoulder, found purchase on my arm, squeezing my shoulder, moving down to caress my dwindling biceps as they too slipped out of my grasp. The sensation of falling, shorter and shorter, my eyes having to look farther up as I lost inches, and then feet of height to him. Knots had begun to curl my stomach as the theft robbed me of my core, each remaining brick from our last encounter now smoothing over, my pecs following shortly after. My legs that I’d poured so much effort into over the summer were half the size they’d been to begin with. And my cock, which had stuck with me thus far, dwindled, shrinking to 7, then 6, then 5, all the way until I was left with nothing but a nub. As I kept dwindling in height, I got closer and closer to his cock, which was now impossible to measure with just my eyes. It had to be at least a foot long now, and nearly as my old arms. His abs, as they absorbed my size, pushed farther outward, each mound standing out against the others. His pectorals engulfed some of my view of his face, my new stature completely beyond the capacity to see that far up his body without standing back. Looking up at him, he seemed to revel in my loss of power. His hungry eyes roved around each part of my body as it gave up its mass to feed his ascent to power. He made a show of testing out each muscle as it grew on him, jacking his cock as he looked on at me, like his personal slut. I felt the drain cease as my legs gave out, my newly minted twink form starved of almost all muscle tone. It almost hurt to breathe. As I looked over my body, even the air around me felt painful. But god, my fucking cock...it was about the only thing on me that hurt in a good way. A strange way. My balls couldn’t be larger than marbles, but they ached to blow one...more.... I moaned, convulsing, as my last, final jock load exploded out of me, blasting cum on both of us, pooling on my stomach and making a mess all the way up his body, even catching in his stubble. My final view as I passed out was John posing in victory; He flexed his new, massive biceps, veins running the length of his arm, his foot smooshing into the puddle of cum on my chest as he held me down on the floor, where I belonged. He smirked, leaning forward and licking a large splotch of my load off his bicep. “Much better.” Coach. I couldn’t believe my eyes. I had just been tidying up the office, getting ready to head off for the day, when what could only be the biggest troublemaker I’d ever had the displeasure of tutoring walked through my door, shutting it closed behind him. “So…it worked.” John folded his arms in front of me, raising an arm and demonstrating his newly minted gains. I clear my throat, looking up at him. “When I said you need to be serious about gaining, taking from other students was not what I had in mind. I paired you with him so you could mimic him, not use him.” He snorted, leaning up against the wall. “Some star pupil. Definitely no genius. He was so easy. Hell, I’m fairly sure he has the hots for me.” He waggles his brows. “I freed you from the rest of the rabble on that god forsaken rock so you could help me do my research, not make my students your food. Do you know how hard it’s been, writing off all my grant money to pay for all of this?” John gives me a look, his eyes going completely black before he shifts into his true form, a tan, dark haired twink of a demonic being now standing just below my height. His voice echoed weirdly, as if there were three different men speaking at once. “I am not ungrateful for your services rendered to me. I simply…want for a few more liberties. My existence has been barred to this one, singular place of existence. This “campus” is as far as my power reaches, for the moment, shrouded from the rest of the world. I crave more.” He saunters closer, his near nakedness in just a loincloth making me a little less than comfortable. “Stay back.” I command, pulling a white, opalescent rod from my pocket, earning me a glare. “You know I don’t partake of a man that will not have of me.” “I’d still feel better if you give me some distance. Especially after seeing what you did to Nick.” He chuckles, a darker, single deep rumble ringing out rather than his usual echo. “He’s but one king-turned-pawn in the grand scheme at work here. “Just… how badly will this affect him?” “He won’t remember much of what’s happened today. No one will ask questions while they’re in my domain. After all, my word is law.” We both hear the showers going, Nick finally having gotten off his ass to clean himself up. It was strange, knowing this’d be the last time I see the kid this size. “Well, I’m off to finish my meal.” I see the guise of ‘John’ re-emerge, muscles still as full as they had been a moment ago, his playful eyes the golden ambrosia of the Lex I’d freed, rather than the blue he’d worn today. “Catch you later big guy.” As he fades into the shadow, I put on my jacket and make myself scarce, locking the office and further horrors away behind me. It was far too late to have doubts. To be Continued...
  20. tokkola

    Better Off Ted - Part 1

    Hi all, this is my first story - please let me know if you have any feedback, or if you want to see more. ----- I feel like I’d been staring at the monitor for hours. I traced out the equation on the screen with my pencil, then tapped the pencil’s eraser against my nose. Everything looked correct. I’d tested the formula on mice, run it through various computer simulations, and mapped out the worst-case scenario, over and over, for nearly a year. Since I was 15, I’d worked on my dream project, certain it would give me everything I wanted. “Ted! Are you coming to bed?”, Jenna asked. Jenna already knew the answer, but this was part of our nightly routine. She got in bed at 11, called for me at 11:30, I said “Five more minutes!”, and I worked on the computer until 2. But this time, I was done. I was sure of it. She wasn’t exactly sure what I was working on, but thought it was for work. Otherwise, why would I have three computers, two printers, a 3-D printer, and on and on in my office? It was most certainly not for work, of course. When I was 15, I’d gotten hooked on muscles. Having them, that is. Being huge. Going to the gym was boring, slow, and incredibly unsatisfying. But, ah, if there was a way to chemically force my body to grow muscle, then that would be the most efficient route. I didn’t really think stuff like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde was real, but maybe the human body just needed the instructions to induce actual drastic physical change. All you needed was software and something to power it. So I taught myself biology, chemistry, anatomy, biochemistry, DNA, physics, programming, etc. etc. – and actually netted myself a doctorate in the process. Now 27, I’d dedicated 12 years to this fantasy, but there was a nice side product – I might actually have a working formula. A formula produced a solution that jump-started a chemical process in the body that built muscle consistently and steadily, over time. With a daily dose every morning, I’d be a mass of muscle in just a few months. Computer simulations suggested it would work, but the mouse trials that produced big, aggressive, strong mice – that was really something. I had started shopping for speedos and man-thongs online, and found myself masturbating or forcing myself on Jenna constantly. She didn’t understand why I wanted to fuck at 2am, but I wouldn’t take no for an answer. I hit the switch on my computer to start synthesizing a dose for the morning, and headed to bed. I pulled the covers back, and climbed on top of Jenna. “Ted, come on - I have a big day tomorrow.” “I‘m finishing a big night right now.” She sighed and let me peel her pajama pants off. I pulled her panties aside, and pushed right in with no warning, pumping away. In anticipation of having the muscle to totally dominate her in a few months, I was a little rougher than usual, squeezing her shoulders, and her ass. “Ow! What is with you? I gave you some ass.” “Just loving my little Jenna.” She looked annoyed, but played along. --- The next morning, I got up an hour early just to down my dose. I had a little coffee machine-type device I’d rigged up years ago that could create any type of liquid concoction you might want from a variety of ingredients, liquid, powder, or what have you. I even had orange Gatorade added for flavor. I quickly picked up the dose – a small quarter cup of translucent green fluid – and swallowed it. It didn’t really have much of a taste – maybe a faint copper flavor. I immediately got an erection, but I chalked that up to excitement. For the next week, I took my morning dose, and found myself jerking off non-stop, and I even began jumping on Jenna as she came in the door. I peeled off her clothes at the front door and pounded her on the couch. During the week, I weighed myself, measured my body parts, and did visual checks, even taking nude selfies. I should have seen minor muscle growth evenly across my body, including penis growth (yes, I added that in). I’m a pretty average guy – 5’9, slender, but no real muscle tone. Dick … average? Around 6 inches or so, but I was going for a pussy-splitter. Something in the neighborhood of ten inches. I wanted to hit …. maybe 6’4, 6’5? And the body needed to be massive. Wide shoulders, big pecs, the whole thing. I had a computer layout of my body measurements and how to chart them until they hit world-class bodybuilder dimensions. But after doing measurements on day 7, I saw no changes. Nothing. After 7 whole days, I saw no difference whatsoever. Nada. I didn’t get discouraged; after all, some medications needed time to build up in your system before having an effect. Okay, maybe I was a little discouraged. No more constant hard-ons. Jenna was fine with this; she had started to get pissed whenever I started grabbing her ass or pulling at her clothes. “Oh, I get a night off? Great. Maybe you should lay off the porn. Or look at it more. The opposite of what you’ve been doing.” I didn’t even bother to respond – I was curious why I hadn’t seen any gains. The next morning, I took my dose downstairs, and dumped it into a glass of orange juice. I started to butter an English muffin, and reached for the glass, only to feel someone’s pajama pants. Jenna? I turned, and she was finishing my orange juice. “Sorry, chief. That was the last of the OJ, and you were supposed to buy more.” I stared, slack-jawed. “You know you were on grocery duty. Don’t give me that look.” I slammed down my knife. “God DAMMIT! That was fucking mine! What the fuck-“ She was taken aback, unsure why I was spazzing out over orange juice. I cut myself off mid-swear and marched upstairs. I checked to see how long it would take to synthesize another dose – 4 hours. I heard Jenna slam the front door as I hit the start button. --- When I got home that evening, I went straight to my office and gulped down the dose. Then I started making dinner. Jenna came in as I was boiling noodles. “So… what was this morning all about?”, she asked. “I was being a jerk and I have no excuse so I’m cooking dinner and hoping you’ll forgive me for orange juice,” I replied. “Are you feeling okay? You were all despondent last night. No computer work, no begging for sex, nothing. A girl starts to wonder if she still has her charms,” Jenna looked at me quizzically. “Oh, just stressed out about a timeline for work, and I was a giant baby about it to you.” I wasn’t being honest, but I couldn’t tell her the truth. The more I thought about it – I wondered… should I tell her? She drank a potentially body-altering chemical that could- no, she had one dose, and her body will dump it. If nothing happened to me in a week, nothing is going to happen to her. We watched a movie and snuggled on the couch before going to bed. The next morning, we both woke up together slightly early. Jenna felt around for my cock, and started stroking – that wasn’t like her. She was very much about her routine in the morning. Then again, we were up early. “Hey Ted. How’s little Ted? I mean, how’s Big Ted? Or Medium Ted? Does he even have a name?” Jenna reached inside my boxers. “Good morning to you too,” I offered. I put my hand under her shirt to touch her stomach. Jenna had a very average girl-next-door body, with no real muscle to speak of – but my hand was touching some… muscle? She was usually so soft, but this was firm. Jenna pulled her shirt off and mounted me, and we had a quick morning session before getting dressed. She certainly looked different. Just a little. Could the formula have affected her? As I got dressed, I looked at the morning’s dose. I took it downstairs, and dumped it into a glass of orange juice. Jenna came down right behind me. “Here, kiddo – have some juice,” I said, holding out my glass. “After yesterday? Nuh uh, I’ll just walk around outside with my mouth open until it rains,” she started to reach for the fridge. I put my hand on her shoulder. “As the man who was wrong and a giant man-baby and should apologize to his beautiful girlfriend much more than he does, I beg you to drink this peace offering.” I held the glass up like a fancy bauble to Indiana Jones. Jenna smiled and took the glass. I figured I could rig up another dose later that day; I needed to see if Jenna was actually benefitting from the formula. Over the next week, I kept up the orange juice gag – and it became a part of her routine. I had my dose in the afternoon, she in the morning. And, god damn it – she was growing. I noticed that her softness was giving way to more firmness, everywhere. Her shoulders seemed wider. Her hands seemed a little bigger. Her thighs, thicker. Her legs had always been fairly pencil-y, but she was starting to show tiny calves. Calves. Over the next 2 weeks, she grew – slowly, but surely, she was getting bigger. I, on the other hand, was exactly the same. I tried mixing my dosage with orange juice, I tried eating what Jenna ate, sleeping when she slept, everything she did. Nothing. I went back and checked the equations, reviewed my math, reviewed the science – I was back to staying up until 2am. My work was just fine. So what was the fucking problem? Later that night, I was jolted awake. “Ted?” I rubbed my eyes. Jenna had been patting my face harder and harder until I woke up. “Huh?” I made eye contact with Jenna. She turned on the lights, pulled the sheets back, and climbed on top of me. “Jenna, it’s…. what time is it?” She started to pull my boxers down, but I put my hand on her wrist to stop her. She didn’t even make eye contact as she swatted my hand away. We wrestled back and forth until she just reached through my fly and started beating me off. My cock responded to the attention, but I was getting mad. It had been… a month? I’d been trying this muscle experiment for a month after doing over a decade of research, and I had nothing to show for it. My girlfriend, all 5’5” slender build of her, was getting bigger. Growing muscle. Getting stronger. Getting more aggressive. Hornier. More dominant. Well, that was stopping. I tried to push her off, which only succeeded in pissing her off. “So when you want some ass, the store is always open. When I’m in the mood, the shop is closed? That’s how it is?” She was definitely pissed. “Jenna, I need sleep-“ I was not in the mood. I was about to get her off of me when she slapped me. It wasn’t hard, but enough to catch me off-guard. I expected her to storm off and sleep downstairs – but instead, she grabbed my cock, and inserted it into herself, and started going to town. Before I could start to protest, she already had my wrists held down, with her knees at my hips, pinning me in place. She leaned down and bit my lip to keep me from talking. --- The next morning was a Saturday, so I expected to sleep in. I found myself, however, being nudged by Jenna. “Ted, go get my orange juice. And breakfast.” Before I could argue, she reached into my boxers, and started fondling my dick. I was awake now. I took the morning dose down with me, and dumped it into a glass of orange juice as I got some English muffins ready. Wait, what was I doing? I just told myself I was cutting her off. I stared at the glass of juice. “Ted! What’s the ETA on that juice?” I supposed, at this point, I should keep the trial going, and see how she progresses. Right? Plus, the sex was great, and I had time to see what was wrong with my formula. I took the food and drink upstairs. She downed them right away. “Oh, that’s it? I was thinking maybe some fruit, too.” She did the puppy dog eyes. “Yeah, maybe – I’d have to go out.” “Great. I need to eat better for the next few days for my physical next week.” She started to adjust her pajama shirt. “Then again, I’ve been feeling great lately, and my yoga class on Wednesday is really paying off. I’m seeing some muscles pop up.” Physical? What physical? That might be a problem – she might have elevated testosterone levels. Was this for work? Hmmm. Interestingly enough, this is the first time she’d acknowledged her body’s changes. “What physical?” I asked. “Oh, that once-a-year thing at work where they do blood pressure and bloodwork to raise awareness about … I’m not sure. But everyone skips junk food for a week. Why?” She didn’t make eye contact – she was too busy rubbing her hand back and forth across her newly-appeared ab muscles, which she just seemed to have discovered. I shrugged as I realized I was getting hard watching her explore her new body. “How ‘bout that fruit, champ?” --- As I browsed the Safeway for … fruit, I thought over the formula in my head. Maybe Jenna was exposed to something at work. Maybe something in my genes was blocking the chemical reaction. I wasn’t on medication, and neither was Jenna, except birth control. But now, this physical, that was a problem. Could it get her fired? Maybe I should tell her. Up until now, this whole thing had been… unethical, at best. What had I done? I came in with two big paper bags full of enough fruit to fill a grocery cart. Jenna was waiting in the kitchen, and started eating the bananas. “Jenna, can we talk?” “Sure. Is this about more fruit in the car?” “No. This is about your physical.” She didn’t make eye contact. She’d fit the entire banana in her mouth, and was rummaging through the bag until she got a peach. “You may have something in your system that might come back on a blood test,” I started. “I don’t think your jizz will come back on a blood test,” she said, pulling an apple out of the bag. “No, not that. A few weeks ago, you drank my orange juice, and I got upset… because I’d put some medication in there for me,” I was looking at the ground. “Well, if it was a one-time thing, I’m sure it’s out of my system, but now I know why you blew up over juice, so hey,” she nodded to the side. “It wasn’t medicine. It was an experimental… drug. For me. To build muscle automatically. And I’d been taking it, and still am, with no success. But you grew muscle right away, and you’ve been on it for the last month. And that’s why you have abs and muscle, and why your pants don’t really fit. And why you’re hornier.” I looked up. She was looking right at me with a blank stare. She put the finished apple on the counter. “Excuse me?” she asked. I shrugged. “It was wrong, and I’m sorry, but … I had to see if it wor-“ I never finished the sentence. Jenna had balled up her hand into a fist, and driven it into my cheek. I went to the floor. “What the… FUCK…. is the matter with you? I could be eating poison. I could have cancer. What the … shit?!” She ran upstairs. I could tell she was pulling a suitcase out of the closet and stuffing it. She came down the stairs a few minutes later, with a half-zipped rolling suitcase, a shirt poking out. I tried to block her path to the front door, and it became another fight like last night. Again, I thought I had my foot down firm, and was sure I wasn’t budging; we pushed back and forth until she shoved me aside. I tried to grab her arm, but she just swung wildly with her fists, landing a few punches on my shoulder and back. I tried to pick her up, when I felt my feet leave the floor – she had picked me up! She flung me to the side, and stormed out the door. That went about as badly as it could have, I guessed. I cleaned up the furniture we’d knocked over, and put a bag of frozen peas on my cheek. I couldn’t tell if it was going to bruise. I tried calling Jenna’s phone. Straight to voicemail. I spent the rest of the day sitting on the couch, staring at the TV, which I didn’t bother to turn on. I still took my afternoon dose. I went to bed at 11, and looked out the window for any sign of Jenna. I thought about driving around to friends’ houses, hotels, or who knows what, but I was pretty sure she didn’t want to see me. --- I was jolted awake by someone rubbing my shoulder. “Huh? I turned on the light by the bed. It was Jenna. “I understand why you did it.” She took off her clothes except for her underwear and bra, and climbed into bed, spooning me as the big spoon. I had no idea what to say. An hour later, she woke me up again by grabbing my cock, lightly slapping my cheek. “Let’s go, mama needs.” “Huh?” I was so out of it and confused. She didn’t wait for an answer. She held one hand on my chest while she worked my cock with the other. As soon as I was hard (it didn’t take long), she started pounding away. “I want you to keep giving me the drug.” "But I thought you-“ she held her hand over my mouth. --- Over the next two weeks, I kept up the drug for both of us, with only her seeing results. She started to show real muscle definition, especially in her quads and back. Her energy levels kept going up – she started jogging in the evening, just to burn off her excess energy. We had sex as soon as she got back, and again in the middle of the night, every night. She had me order a cock sheath online just as a back-up in case I was ever too tired to fuck. She also had me get Viagra, dildos, and so on and so on. The evening sex was very much a relationship-type couple fuck session – but the middle of the night was not. As time went on, she got bigger and stronger, and the sex got rougher and more painful. Every morning I found new bruises in the mirror, mostly on my shoulders and waist. I had some big ones on my ass where she squeezed me too hard. Once, she bit my tongue too hard – as I started to make a noise, she clamped her mouth over mine, and squeezed my shoulder like her hand was a pincer, giving me worse pain somewhere else as a distraction. The night sex was clearly all Jenna taking control. I was, at this point, a dildo named Ted. I enjoyed it, except for the bruises and stuff in the morning. We had reached the point where I could no longer physically stop Jenna from doing what she wanted; fighting her just meant more bruises, possibly on the face. It was just easier to give in. In the meantime, I hadn’t discovered why the formula wasn’t working for me. I was ready to start testing the coffee or something at Jenna’s office. As for her physical, Jenna simply called out sick that day. Jenna was, under her clothes, ripped. Her work clothes pretty much hid everything. She had thick arms and her thighs stuck out. Chun-Li would’ve been impressed. She ate like a high school football player, and had become mostly impatient and demanding. Most of our interaction that wasn’t about sex or food involved her giving me commands by placing her hand(s) on my shoulder or ass to push me in the desired direction. I had started taking a daily regimen of aspirin to cope with the sore back, hips, shoulder, neck, and legs. I felt like I’d just crawled out of a car accident. Sex had become a writhing beating where Jenna pummeled me into the mattress. It was starting to become a painful chore. I’d realized that I couldn’t stop Jenna when she decided it was time to fuck. As we both got ready for the morning in the bathroom, she pushed me out of the way to use the toilet. Then she pulled me out of the shower so she could get in first. Then she shoved me aside so she could use the mirror. That’s when I realized she had gotten taller. She had been 5’5”, and I was 5’9” – but we were nearly even in height. Son of a bitch. I came downstairs for a Saturday morning cup of coffee. Jenna was at her laptop. “You didn’t get stuff for breakfast. No coffee for Ted until you come back with food.” she said without looking up. “After I have coffee,” I said as I walked into the kitchen. “Don’t make me repeat myself, Ted,” she said. I stopped. Should I joke my way out of it, or just ignore it? I opened the cupboard for a coffee cup. “Don’t fucking dare, Teddo. Grocery store,” she repeated. I ignored her and pulled out a red mug. She got up and I instinctively braced myself. She put her hand on my shoulder and started to pull. I couldn’t resist. She didn’t budge a millimeter when I tried to push her back. “You know the rules.” I tried to put a hand in her face, but that was slapped away, and followed with a firm slap to the cheek. I tried to swat at her hand, and was slapped again. She shoved the car keys into my mouth and clutched my junk. “You be a good Ted and come back with Jenna-food, and little Ted gets to play.” “Ted is tired and needs coffee,” I said as I pulled the keys out of my mouth. I tried to squirm out of her grasp, but she wasn’t having it. It was like trying to move the Statue of Liberty. “Look, if your muscle formula dealy worked on you, you could have coffee, but it didn’t, so you can’t. Go get food before I get pissed. Do you really want to ruin the weekend?” I did not. --- As I filled a shopping cart with food, I wondered if I could just cut her off. She’d probably notice the muscle loss, but wouldn’t be as aggressive. Was it worth the gamble? She was pretty smart, and she wouldn’t lose the muscle for a while. It would be a few months before I could physically defend myself. All the ‘what ifs’ went through my head: it was entirely possible the effects might be permanent. Taking her off the drug cold turkey might put her into withdrawal. She might get angry enough to break an arm. Or worse. When I went home, I decided the best plan was to talk. When I walked in the door, I heard her rummaging upstairs. I put the food away, and went up to talk. As I walked in the bedroom, I was treated to the sight of my overly muscled girlfriend abusing a giant blue dildo. I was dumbfounded. She finished and took a shower, ignoring me completely. When she got out, I tried again. “Jenna-“ “Ted bring food?!” she mimed gorilla-like movements. “Yes, but first, we should talk,” I started. “Okay…” “I think you can recognize that you’ve become bigger, much bigger, stronger, and more aggressive than the old Jenna. I’m a little concerned, because, well, you’re basically raping me every night, and treating me like a slave. I think we should try to wean you off the drug.” I waited for her reaction. She was still naked, but had no reaction. She pulled on a thong and a sports bra. Her breasts had grown, not to a ridiculous size, but definitely a large C, supported by growing pectorals. She pulled her hair back into a ponytail. “Ted, I think you’d admit I’m a girl of routine, and I’m pretty sharp. Yes?” she put her hands on her hips. “… yeah…” “Every morning, I meticulously weigh and measure myself, and have tracked a steady rate of growth. If that changes or stops, there will be trouble. I have never felt this good about myself, felt more in control, or felt more like a … a… I don’t know what. But a few months ago, you did whatever the hell you wanted, whenever you wanted, and I was fine with it. Now I’m in charge. I’m bigger, stronger, whatever. I get to eat, fuck, choose furniture, decide our bedtime, pick a TV show, choose our vacation, or whatever. I do. Me. I’m in charge. Me.” She took a step toward me. I realized she was between me and any sort of exit. Fuck. “I’m not saying you’re my bitch or slave or servant, or anything like that. But I’m in charge. Do you understand?” I nodded. “Good. What do you think will happen if I notice I stop growing?” I looked at the floor. “Do you need an idea of what will happen?” I didn’t answer. I started to feel hot all over, sweating. “Answer me, Ted.” I looked up. She was almost nose to nose with me. I realized, unfortunately, that she was slightly taller than me. Her shoulders were wider. Her arms had veins. Her forearms were thick with muscle. I knew if I moved even a little bit, she was going to swing at me, or something. “Um,” I was stalling. I couldn’t really run. She held my chin with her finger and thumb. “What do you think is going to happen if you screw me?” “You’d be upset.” “Yes, I would. What would I do to you?” “Probably hurt me.” “How would I do it?” “I don’t know.” “I am going to give you a sample.” I froze up and my stomach started to twist. She was going to cross a line, but I hadn’t done anything! She quickly shoved me up against the wall and punched the wall repeatedly, leaving a hole. My feet were off the floor. “You are going to keep me growing. If that changes, I will break something. Should I break something now as a warning?” I shook my head. “Good. You’re going to get back on your computer, and you’re going to stop looking for a way to grow Ted muscles, and instead, grow a bigger Ted dick. Do you understand?” I.. what? “Dick. Bigger. Grow one. Do you understand?” I nodded weakly. “Good. You have two weeks.” “Two weeks? I can’t-“ “Two weeks, Ted, or I break something. The first break will be something you can still work with, like the arm you don’t use. After that, I’ll start breaking stuff you need. Got it?” She let me slump to my knees and she stomped out of the bedroom and down the stairs, undoubtedly to forage for food. Jesus Christ, I hoped there was food downstairs. --- I took the next two weeks off from work to dedicate to the dick formula. But I also kept working on a muscle formula for me. Maybe I could come up with something that would work overnight, and I’d be able to overcome Jenna. Jenna had reached bodybuilder proportions. Like, stupid 80s steroid-sized proportions. People in public stared and made hushed comments. She was up to 6’1”, I think, and had Arnold-esque arms. She had broken the bedframe from sex, and we (well, she) placed the mattress on the floor. She had started hitting me during sex, usually slapping, and sometimes she squeezed me so hard from cumming that I nearly passed out from the pain. The last day of the two weeks had arrived, and I was no closer to finding a dick-growing solution. “You know, if this doesn’t come through, I’m going to have to find a better lay at the gym. You really can’t take it any more,” she gloated. That night, I stared at the computer screen. Nothing was wrong. So what was I missing? I decided to check my email when it hit me – this computer had an internet connection. I went through my logs to see what record there was of any external connections – sure enough, an IP I didn’t recognize popped up a few months ago. Son of a bitch… was I hacked? I started over from scratch, and redid my formula, working through the night, capturing a few things I could change to speed up my muscle growth, and seeing if anything had been changed. Sure enough, something in the code made an almost-unnoticeable change that altered the formula. Digging deeper, I realized it needed a special set of circumstances to work – basically, the formula would only work on a female. I hadn’t seen it before, I reasoned, because I was simply double-checking what I thought was my own work. God dammit. I unplugged the Ethernet cable and finished up. By the time Jenna woke up, the doses were being produced. “So you did it?” she asked? “Yeah, worked up until the deadline.” “Good for you and your little dick!” she exclaimed. I rolled my eyes. Once they were both ready, she downed her dose but stopped me from drinking mine. “First, we need a before and after.” She ripped my jeans in half and cupped my balls. She held out my cock and measured out the three soft inches. “How much are we going? Six inches added on? Eight?” she asked. I shrugged. “I didn’t have a chance to test it, but my math suggests about 5 to 8 inches. It shouldn’t take long.” I replied. “Good, because I can’t live on this nub anymore. Let’s get some photos,” she used her iPhone to take a few dick pictures. She clutched my cock in a death grip and tugged. “Let’s grow already!” She grabbed me by the throat and pushed me down to my knees. She squeezed my face to hold my mouth open and poured the dose in, then clamped her hand over my mouth. She fondled my cock, expecting the process to be automatic. “Well?” she looked at me skeptically. “I probably need food.” I choked out. She let me up, and I snacked on a few things. After an hour, nothing had happened. My heart dropped. Jenna held my junk in her hands and looked at the clock. “Looks like your new cock is a no-show. I guess I’m going to have to beat the shit out of you to teach you a lesson, then I’m going cock-shopping at the gym.” My stomach started to hurt, when I felt a cold rush moving down. Was I seriously going to shit myself in fear? I looked towards the bathroom, just a few feet away. “I gotta go!” I yelped. “Yeah, you’re going to go meet the nice folks at the ER.” She slapped me in the balls, and I doubled over in pain. She held my wrist in a pincer grip. “Get up. You can suck on my clit before I break your arm.” I tried to push her off and reach for the bathroom door, but she didn’t move. My entire body felt hot, then it felt like my back started to… peel. I wanted to scream, but couldn’t. Jenna let go of my wrist as I straightened out and stood up. Her face was all shock. “What the … fuck?” I caught my reflection in the microwave door glass. I was… huge? It worked! I was huge. HUGE! I realized I now had several inches in height on Jenna, and was much, much wider. Jenna was frozen in place. I made a show out of cracking my knuckles. My turn. I moved forward as Jenna tried what she’d gotten used to doing over the last several weeks: swinging at me. I easily caught her hands, and scooped her up in a bear hug. She writhed back and forth to try and get free, but I was too strong. I slowly squeezed as I walked up the stairs. I dropped her on the mattress. She looked unsure what to do as I ripped off what used to be a pair of shorts, letting out a painfully hard cock. She started to scoot backwards, but I grabbed her shoulders, and pulled her face-first towards my cock. She was able to take most of it, but I pulled her off, and held her down as I drove my dick into her unwilling pussy. I used my hips to pound her, payback for her angry sex with me. She tried to push me off with no success as I unloaded weeks’ worth of frustration. I let her punch me in the chest, but she might as well have been punching a brick wall. I felt myself ready to cum, and pulled out, pushing my cock head into her mouth as she struggled. She couldn’t pull away as I pumped round after round of jizz into her mouth. My cock reached the back of her throat, thick enough to give her no choice but to swallow the entire load. I wondered if I’d gone too far, but then, she grabbed my still-hard cock. She was actually enjoying it. She pulled me back inside of her, and we went again and again. Each time, we wrestled and abused each other with slaps, punches, choking, and whatever we could do to try and hurt each other – but neither of us seemed able to actually be hurt by it. I still had the size and strength advantage. She took another load down her throat, and accepted me forcing her to take it. She rolled over and pulled her sheet up. My cock was actually going soft for the first time, worn out by hours of hard fucking. Laying next to Jenna, it was like having an arm or a front-hanging tail nestled up against her. She was asleep, but I still cozied up as a big spoon behind her. I wondered what she’d do when she woke up – would she attack me, destroy my computer and equipment, run away, or what? I wrapped my arms around her, clasping my hands, reasoning that she’d break free of any type of binding I might find, and fell asleep. --- I woke up first, as luck would have it. Sunlight was starting to peek through the sides of the curtains. My arms were still around Jenna, but my hands were no longer clasped together – I guess that was bound to happen. But as I looked closer, Jenna’s shoulders seemed… wider? … fuck. I carefully pulled the sheet back. She was bigger, all right. She’d grown during the night. I guess that made sense, she’d had a dose yesterday. She was nearly my size, but it still looked like I had an inch of height on her. She must’ve felt the cool air with the sheet off, and began to stir. Now what would I do? She stretched, and rolled over to make eye contact. “Well, yesterday was something. I guess I was kind of a bitch, but you deserved it,” she started reaching for my cock. “Me? What did I do?” “Uh, hello? You treated me like a guinea pig. I guess it worked out, though. All of you grew, and you ended up being a lot of fun,” she started tugging. As she looked me up and down, she paused. “Did I grow?” She jumped up, and started pulling on my arm. “Am I bigger?” She started looking both of our bodies up and down, sticking her leg out to try and compare calves. “No, I’m still bigger,” I said. “For now,” she retorted. “Let’s get me another dose.” “No fucking way. You tried to break my arm,” I got up, and looked around for something to put on. I wasn’t really in the mood to fuck, even if my body was starting to get in the mood. “You’re fine. And I wasn’t really going to do anything,” she said. “That’s not how it sounded. We’re both done with that stuff.” “Says the guy who’s bigger and stronger.” I found a box of speedos I’d ordered when I had anticipated muscle growth, and put it on. “So you’re cutting me off. What the fuck.” I didn’t reply, but she walked over and reached into my speedo pouch, pulling out my quickly hardening cock. She got on her knees. “Well, feed me something.” I jerked off and quickly spurted several large loads into her mouth. That was interesting; she’d never liked swallowing before. Throughout the day, we just fucked and argued about the drug. She swallowed me each time, insisting on stopping and pulling my cock into her mouth for me to finish. She was really pushy about it. I eventually had enough, and just bent her over to keep her from getting her way. She tried to fight out of it, and I ended up putting her through the wall. We fell asleep in bed together again. In the morning, we had to get ready for work. Luckily, we’d ordered clothes online, so we had things to wear to work. We wouldn’t really be able to hide our growth, though. I had no idea how I was going to explain my body – Jenna’s growth had been gradual, even if unnatural. I decided I could work remotely until I figured something out, though I had no idea what that might be. While I was deep in thought, Jenna had rolled over and put her mouth on my cock. I tried to pull her up to meet face to face, but she wouldn’t budge. Huh. I thought I had the advantage. I was able to stop her from working my cock, and she moved up towards me until she was completely on top of me. She quickly moved to hold my wrists down, before I realized it. I struggled, but her position gave her the advantage. Then I realized we were the same size. Son of a bitch. She noticed it too. She used her knees to push my legs apart, and managed to slide on to my dick. She was in control. We seemed to be even, but her position made the difference. “Well, well. Looks like I’m still growing. You might be in trouble soon.” How was she still growing? She hadn’t received a dose. I spent the fuck session worrying about tomorrow, but my dong did all the work. Jenna got off and went about her routine to get ready for work. I worked on my computer while simultaneously looking over the formula. The code looked like it had changed. The introduction of a certain thing would cause a female who’d received a dose to grow. That thing looked like… semen. How the hell had someone changed it? My head swirled with questions, but I was able to come up with a solution for work. With a few minor changes, I created a formula that would give me the ability to instantly change back and forth from old 5’9” lazy Ted to muscle freak Ted. After thinking about it, I made up two doses, with one for Jenna. Just to be safe, I thought, I made a separate formula that would reverse the recipient to normal, putting it into an empty tube marked “Rash Relief”, and put it on the bathroom counter. I drank the concoction, and waited. After an hour, I had intense stomach pain, and headed to the bathroom. I spent the next hour vomiting. When I got to my feet, I was … Ted again. I was a very pale, sickly-looking version of the old me, that was for sure. My clothes hung off of me, no longer being stretched out by swollen, veiny muscle. I looked down – it was the old dick, too. I kind of wished I’d kept the monster cock, but I could always fix that later. I went back to work and waited for Jenna to get home. I wondered how she’d react to my, uh, shrinkage. --- Jenna came in that evening with a few bags of groceries. I waited upstairs as she started cooking dinner. I could feel my heartbeat pounding through my chest. Why was I so worried?, I wondered. I could grow again if Jenna came after me. But I realized that might be the end of our relationship if she really turned out to be a monster. I started down the stairs. “Ted, do you want-“ she froze as she saw me come down the stairs, pale and slight. I stood there waiting for her to say something, but we just stared at each other for what felt like forever. “Hi,” I started. “What … happened?” she had been holding a baking sheet, about to layer it with foil, and was now clutching it. I tugged at my shirt, several sizes too large. “I’m not sure why I look like someone who’s been stranded on and island.” “Ted, you looked that way before you grew. You didn’t really eat and you didn’t go outside.” she was looking at the floor now. “I was … kind of rough on you.” She stepped toward me, and pulled on the shoulders of the shirt. “Are you okay? Did the formula wear off or something?” “No, I did this. I decided it’d been enough, and just reversed the entire thing,” I pulled a small vial with a top out of my pocket. “I have one for you, and… we can just go back to the way things were.” She took the vial between her index finger and her thumb, and walked into the kitchen without saying a word. She unscrewed the top, and promptly dumped the whole thing down the sink drain. “Wh-what… what are you-“ Before I could finish, she stomped back over to me, and drove her fist into my stomach. It lifted me off my feet, and dropped me to my knees. I was out of breath and in piercing pain. I landed on my knees, and immediately took a upwards punch to my chin. Another shot struck my right cheek, followed by one to my left that kept me from falling over. It all happened so fast I couldn’t see it. Jenna grabbed me by my hair and dragged me into the living room. Repeated hard slaps to my left cheek left my skin stinging. A fist came in hard at my shoulder driving, pushing me to the ground, followed by several more. I held back tears and cries; my shoulder was overloaded with sensations of pain. “Fuck… you!” Jenna lifted me with her hands under my shoulders, like a small child. She held me up with one hand, while her other pulled my shorts waistband back. She was looking at my now-normal junk. “You didn’t even keep the dick. You asshole. I was worried for a moment you were sick from the formula, but no – you just wanted to put me back at – at being the little woman you can push around. Well, fuck you.” She dropped me to my knees, which were now hot with pain from being thrown and dropped. I tried to push her away, to no avail. As I got to my feet, she punched me – right in the balls. I was curled up in agony on the floor, trying to keep myself together. I could feel her footsteps moving towards the stairs as I tried to figure out if I she’d crushed my balls. She stomped up the stairs, going for… my office? Then I heard crashing and metal scraping noises. She was destroying everything. My computer, the equipment, the formula processor, everything. A few moments later, she was back. “That guarantees you’re tiny Ted from now on,” she said, starting to reach for me as I instinctively recoiled. I thought about changing, growing, to stop this. I wasn’t even sure if it’d work. Or, if it did work, what if I only grew a little at a time? I figured it wasn’t worth the risk in front of Jenna. “Jenna, I spent years working on that. Why would you do this?” She pulled me to my feet. “No more questions. Go get the monster cock sheath. After you’re done taking care of me, you can finish dinner.” I went upstairs as she watched, arms folded. At the top of the stairs, I could see the mess of computer parts and holes in the wall in my office. I went into our bedroom, and pulled a 10-inch rubber cock out of a bedside table drawer. As I walked by the bathroom by the top of the stairs, I could see a small plastic tube marked “Rash Relief” was still there. So I had a back-up plan. I finished cooking the dinner Jenna started, but she ate all of it. Every time I reached for something she would grab my wrist, and take it first. “You can just eat some Saltines,” she said. I went to the bathroom just to get a break. As I pulled the elastic waistband of my shorts down, she opened the door, and quickly grabbed my dick. She squeezed, hard. “You know, if I want to, I can stop you from pissing. You need to ask me for permission.” “What? That’s insane. Leave me alone, Jenna.” She squeezed harder, somehow, and my dick felt like it was going to pop. The pressure was unbearable. “Okay, okay, please stop, please!” She let me go. “Go clean up, then you can rub some body cream on me. Then maybe you can piss.” She watched as I cleaned the kitchen. I rubbed her body down, which was fun, but I had to fucking piss. “Can I go now?” I pleaded. She opened the fridge, and pulled out a jug of water. “Start drinking,” she said, smiling. I knew any answer but obedience would be a severe beating. I drank as much as I could. I didn’t bother trying to stall – she’d probably force the entire thing down my throat. I got about a third of the way through the jug. “That’s all I can do,” I said, panting. “You can piss when you finish the whole thing.” I wanted to cry, but held it together. I tried to move toward the bathroom, but she blocked the kitchen exit, and tipped the jug toward my mouth with her hand. “I can’t do this, I have to go!” I pleaded. “If you can’t finish it, then just piss yourself.” I had no choice. I just let it go, and the wet stain on my pants grew, and began to drip on the floor. “Oh Jesus, just go.” she said. I hurried to the bathroom. As I finished up, I had to see if I had the ability to change on command. I wasn’t exactly sure how to do it, but … I had to do something. I balled up my fists and looked myself in the mirror. I tensed up. What should I do to make the change, exactly? That wasn’t something I could exactly program. I looked at myself closely in the mirror, and pulled off my baggy shirt. I pictured my body growing to gigantic, muscular proportions. “Ted, what’s taking so long? You need to clean up your mess.” I felt a burning sensation in my lower back, and my skin felt like it was peeling, quickly, almost like ripping. I could see my arms swelling, shoulders spreading out, and my chest pushing out. Veins began to pop out here and there. My stomach started to show separations in my abdominals. My forearms swelled. My cheekbones pushed out. My hands widened. I tensed again, and looked myself over in the mirror. Was I as big as I was before? It was hard to tell. Maybe I should be a little bigger. As I thought that, I grew again. My shorts were concealing an inhuman bulge of cock and balls. My thighs had ripped my short legs. Looking down, my calves jutted out. I guesstimated how big I was compared to Jenna. I should have a few inches on her, but thought I could use a few more. I looked in the mirror and saw myself get wider, taller, thicker. I looked like I could push the house over with one hand. I had to be near seven feet tall, and … Jesus, I couldn’t imagine how much all of this weighed. “Ted?” I smiled. “Shut the fuck up, Jenna.” “What did you say?!” I heard her stomp towards the bathroom door. As she pulled on the knob, I pushed it open, and I could feel her stumble back. She had a fist in the air when she saw what I’d become. I had a good six inches and over a hundred pounds on her. I quickly took a step forward, and covered her fist completely with my hand. I realized the pain in my shoulder and cheeks were gone. Huh. She struggled to pull away from me with no success. I trapped her in a mock hug, and smiled. “We need to talk.” ----- *** To Be Continued ***
  21. gingy123

    The Muscle Sandwich Part 4

    Hey guys, it’s been a while since the last instalment. Hope you enjoy! I had very little time to relax but was so thankful these two gods were here to guide me through this muscle worshippers dream. My hole was stretched open and was slowly dribbling Colt's superior cum out. I was laying down on the bed between these two hunks, completely overshadowed by their existence. I had to keep reminding myself that these two possessed more than eight times my meager body weight in muscle. That thought mixed with the thought that they could do anything they wanted to me was intoxicating. Both Colt and Ox were on their sides looking down at me, their big hands caressing my tiny legs. It looked like they could wrap their hands around my thigh if they wanted to. "Are you fading on us? We're going to have to work on your stamina little guy." Ox's tone had sofetned a bit now that Colt and I had come down from our climax. "After all, you still haven't experienced the bucking bronco!" I was a bit confused as to what he was talking about and it showed in my face. "The bucking bronco?" I said, nearly in a whisper. "Oh yes, I can tell by the way you look at our herculean bodies, this is something you will enjoy!" Ox said, "Athough, because I can tell you're weak right now, I am going to have to give you some extra support. You mind if I take him for a spin Colt?" Stil lying down, the spent Colt sat up a bit. His muscular body shifted up and his big pecs hung a few inches over his ripped abs. "Nah, this I'd like to watch. I don't think we've ever had someone quite as small as little Alex to play with. Our big muscles are a playground for the little runt." Colt bounced his pecs with that last sentence and lo and behold, my small cock started to rise again. Transfixed by the site of Colt's pillow-like pecs, I hadn't noticed that Ox had stood up to his full 6'10" height. He reached over and grabbed my body like a regular person grabs a peice of clothing. I was still tired but excited for what this muscle god had planned for my small, 5'1", 95 lbs body. He quickly manuevered me exactly where he wanted and suddenly the 'bucking bronco' made sense. There I was, straddling Ox's huge bicep, both my legs were stretched wide as my dripping hole continued to leak Colt's cum onto this hulk's gargantuan right arm. I was facing a vein-filled forearm that I was pretty sure had more muscle in it than I did in my whole body. I braced myself up against Ox's forearm as he brought his arm up in an awesome bicep flex. My whole body moved as the bicep between my legs grew twice as large and I felt my used hole stretch to accomodate this rock hard bicep. I moaned as I came to the realization of what was going to happen next, Ox was going to fuck me with his bicep. "H-how big?" I said with a wide-eyed expression on my face. I was hugging the huge forearm in front of me that seemed to dwarf my body. "This old bad-boy?" Ox said as he flexed a few times. My body jerked violoently and my hole was stretched by the vein on his bicep. "You'll get to measure them later but last time I got a runt like you to measure them they were at 32"." I gasped at the number. How was it that Ox had an arm so large? An arm capable of doing whatever it wanted to anyone on earth. "My arm is ready to fuck you Alex, do you feel it twitching?" I did. I felt the power in that arm and quaked with anticipation. "First, I'm going to provide a little more support," said Ox as his hand cupped my head. I was now sat on this flex arm, hand on my head, with my arms reached out and hugging the large muscular forearm in front of me. "And adjust this little guy." My cock was previosuly wedged in an awkward position between my leg and his arm but now it was free to run up and down the veiny forearm. He gave a few more test flexes and I cried out in pleasure. How was it that this god of a man was able to provide such pleasure with his muscles? The jerking was a bit more controlled with his hand firmly resting on my head, keeping me in place. Other areas of my body were less controlled however. Ox had doused his left hand with salivia and rubbed it all around my cock and his right forearm. This relieved some of the friction and sent me into ecstasy as he started to increase the pace. He brought his arm down from the 90 degree pose and had me lean forward on his forearm. "Yeah, you like when even my bicep dominates you completely don't you runt? Take a ride on a man's arm and feel the power!" Ox said with enthusiasm. THe flexing was now relentless, I didn't know where I was as my whole body felt like a can of paint being mixed in a paint can shaker. My hole was spasming as the sweaty bicep, mixed with Colt's cum was overwhelming my senses. "Tell your muscle god you like it when he fucks you with his muscles!" Ox demanded. "I love it sir, please don't stop! You are a god who deserves to do whatever you want with my body!" My speech was partially muffled by the big forearm I was leaning onto for support. My poor cock didn't know how to feel as Ox's forearm acted as a solid wall of muscle. I looked down and saw through my blurred vision that Ox was jerking his own cock off, excited by my moans of adoration. "Yeah, work that huge cock bro!" said Colt from the bed. "Please sir, cover me in your muscle god cum. I am not worthy but would be blessed!" "Ahhh fuck, seing your puny little body fly up and down is so fucking hot you little shrimp! You cum when daddy tells you to" "Yes daddy!" I yelled. My hole was stretched wide by this huge arm and my cock was aching for release as it rubbed up and down Ox's forearm. "Ahhhhhhh fuck! Cum you little runt!" I came in another violent orgasm as Ox showered me in his sweet cum. The ecstasy I felt was unreal. I was able to provide some level of pleasure to these gods and I felt absolutely intoxicated. My spent body colasped on Ox's arm. I had a little bit of time to rest before Colt and Ox moved onto the shower...
  22. BaronGalloway

    The Scale

    Hey all, long (long long) time lurker and at the previous musclegrowth site. I've been coming out of my shell a bit and stretching my writing hand, and I wrote this short fan piece of sorts to inspire a muscle freak bent on growing larger. Not sure if he's on here, but he can be found on Twitter and Tumblr, and I'm sure you'll love watching him grow as much as I do. -------- “Alright, you know the deal,” he said, his deep voice echoing off the walls of the small bathroom. I simply nodded. My mouth was too dry to answer. I knew the deal. He took a few sauntering steps toward me, swinging his thick arms and shoulders, waddling a little because of his huge thighs. I couldn’t tell if he was putting on a show for me or if that was how large he had grown. Probably both. He stopped right in front of the scale. “You ready, little guy?” He asked, bouncing his pecs in my face. Again, I nodded. “Okay, here we go.” He stepped onto the scale, making it groan in protest of his huge body. I couldn’t stop staring at the massive muscle in front of me, close enough to feel the heat radiating off his mass. “Go on, little buddy, go take a look at that readout. You know I can’t see over these huge pecs.” He put his hand on my head, not even needing to push down. The weight of his muscles was enough to force me to my knees in front of him. I was eye level with his bulge now, his way-too-small briefs not hiding any of this throbbing cock. “Mmmm, yeah, just like that,” he said, running his hand through my hair. “Come on, tell me what you see.” I choked slightly, since the correct answer was a hard cock on a muscle-crazed stud. I glanced down at the scale readout. I turned my head to make sure I wasn’t mistakenly reading the numbers upside down, my eyes widening as I realized I had been correct. “You’re, uh…” I coughed, my mouth even drier now that I saw the hard numbers. “You’re 255 now.” “Oh fuck,” he said softly. “And what was the number we agreed on?” “250…” I stuttered. “Then I think I won this bet, little guy, and I think you’d better get to work.” His hand, which never left my head, pushed my face into his crotch. I did what came naturally and began kissing his thick meat through his briefs, tasting the salt of his pre that had soaked the fabric. He groaned deeply, finally getting the reward he deserved for the work he’d put into his growth. “Fuck yeah, this has been a long time coming. I worked hard to win this bet, and you’d better work hard, too.” He was making me lightheaded, talking that way and groaning as I worked his cock with my mouth. I was already dizzy from the sheer amount of mass he had managed to pack on, and I instinctively reached out for his gigantic thighs to steady myself. “That’s right, little guy, worship those huge muscles you helped me grow. Feel all that power, all that mass, but don’t get used to it; I’m not going to stop growing any time soon.” I began running my hands over those massive quads, trying to feel as much of them as I possibly could, but my little hands couldn’t get enough. I was way too aroused by this point and ready to fully worship this beast to the best of my abilities. I moved my hands up his thighs to the waistband of his briefs, slipped my fingers under it and began to pull down. In an instant, his giant paws were on my little hands. I looked up, confused. “No, not like that.” He said. I had to lean back to see his face over his bloated abs and slabs of pec meat. His bright red cheeks gave away his arousal. “Do you hear that?” I held as still as I could, but I couldn’t hear anything over my heavy breathing and beating heart. Hell, I could barely hear myself over his breathing and I swear I could hear the blood pulsing through his rigid dick. I looked back up at him, still confused. He chuckled. “Why don’t you give that scale another read.” He stepped off and back on, his mass once again causing the scale to creak. I looked down, not understanding what was happening. “What’s it say now?” He asked quietly, obviously excited to hear the results. I couldn’t believe my eyes. “Come on, little guy, don’t leave me hanging here.” “You’re…you’re 262 now.” I squeaked. He chuckled again. “Now listen closely.” He started rubbing himself through his briefs with one hand, the other groping at his pecs and playing with his nips. I sat still, completely in awe at the orgasmic display in front of me, and finally heard it. A slight creaking noise. A couple of them; one was the scale creaking, a sound I was used to hearing, and the other was his tight briefs. “Aww, fuck yeah, look what all your worshipping’s doing to me, little guy,” he groaned. “You’re not even touching me and I can feel these muscles swelling up with your admiration.” I stared, mouth agape, as his dick gave a massive lurch and finally put his briefs out of their misery, snapping them off and sending them flying across the bathroom. “There we go, that’s what I was waiting for.” He said, letting go of his dick and pecs and returning his hands to his sides, arms now sticking out thanks to his lats fighting them for space. I could easily see the new mass on his frame as he stood there, heaving with each breath. “Are you going to just sit there, little guy? Am I big enough now,” he grabbed his exposed dick, rock hard and red with testosterone-filled blood. “Or do you want to make me even bigger?” I was on him in a flash, taking his cock in my mouth, running my hands over his massive thighs, abs, and ass, doing everything I could to turn him on and make him grow. “Fuuuck, you really want me to get huge, don’t you?” He put his hand back in its rightful place on my head, letting it rest there while his other hand played with his muscles. I sucked on him like my life depended on it, moving back and forth and trying to take more of him down my throat each time. His cocky façade was faltering as his breathing and groaning grew more ragged and desperate. The growth was continuing in earnest, and I could feel his muscles growing under my hands. “Look at this,” he said, pulling me off his dick briefly. He held my head firmly as he bent over and flexed his bicep in my face. It was massive. Veins ran over it, frenzied and engorged, feeding the muscles. His skin was tight and red, covered in a sheen of sweat. But, most importantly, I could see it swelling up before my eyes. I couldn’t take my eyes off it. I needed to try a little test. I put one hand on his arm, more of a request to keep it in place as he could easily overpower me, and used my other hand to reach for his spit-slicked dick. As I began jacking him off, I could feel and see the growth pulse through him renewed. His bicep swelled even faster under my touch, and I couldn’t help but lean in to kiss and lick its mass, feel the heat on my mouth and the frenzying veins pulsing just under his skin. He groaned deeply, almost losing his balance under my worshipping touches. “Goddamn, little guy, you really want me to be massive.” He put his hands under my arms and lifted me up, pressing my face in between his pecs. I licked the deep valley there, savoring the hot slabs of muscle pressing into either side of my face. One of my hands stayed on his cock while I moved the other up to pinch and stroke a fat nipple. His pec cleavage was growing deeper and the pressure on my cheeks was growing greater as he continued to swell. I could hear his moans coming from deep within his chest, making my little body reverberate with his voice alone. “Hang on,” he said. He stepped off the scale again and stepped back on. The creaking this time was even louder. We both held totally still while the scale calculated his weight. I briefly saw not a number flash up, but ERR, before his huge mass cracked the scale and the digital display went blank. I looked up at him as his expression went from shock at the sound of the scale dying under his mass to a smirk. “I guess all we know now is that I’m over 350.” He reached out to me and forcefully turned me around to face the mirror. I could plainly see his mass around my small body. His shoulders and pecs rose above my head, his obliques and even the edges of his bloated abs visible around me. He stepped up until he was pressing into my back and pushing me into the counter. “Well, we know that,” he said quietly, putting his arms on the edge of the counter on either side of me, trapping me in between it and his massive frame. “And that I still want more. And that you want me to have more.” He began grinding his steel-hard dick into my back, before moving his way down and positioning himself to plow me. I shuddered and groaned at the sheer girth of him, already so much and he hadn’t even entered me. His searing hot muscles were pressing into me, still pulsing larger. I couldn’t even come close to escaping, not that I would ever want to. This was as much of my fantasy as it was his. “And we both know that you’re going to help me go from the freak I am to the god I deserve to be.” And with that, he plunged into me, his growth restarting with renewed vigor. We watched as his thrusting body swelled from that of a mere freakish mortal to that of the god he craved to be.
  23. Gman

    Wee Jock

    This is my first go at writing a story. If anyone has any feedback (good or bad), please feel free to comment. This chapter is more scene setting than sex. But I promise, there will be plenty of it. I've got a few ideas stored up. CHAPTER 1 I was nervous when I first went to his door. I was nervous every time I went to his door. I had met internet hookups before, but this was different. This guy seemed to have something more than a simple fuck in mind. Something I said had sparked his interested. His one pic was hot. Really hot. It didn’t even have his face, it was just his left pec, shoulder and arm reaching across his body. The way the muscles were flexed and defined emphasised their size. I wouldn’t normally message a guy with only one picture available, but that picture had me hard as soon as I saw it. When I messaged him he didn’t ask to meet for a fuck straight away (unlike 95% of the other guys on that site). We’ve been messaging for weeks now and it’s finally happening. I got a taxi to the address he sent me. It dropped me off outside a large, victorian, terraced house in Glasgow’s Westend. I didn’t even know houses like this existed here. I was use to the ageing student flats close by. These were much better cared for. He had given me instructions. I was to arrived at 10pm. I was a little early, so I waited outside. The storm door was unlocked, so I let myself in to the small porch, closing the door behind me. To the left of the main front door, was a narrow door flush with the wood paneling. As instructed, I opened it to find a small cupboard. I assumed most houses would keep their wellies, and umbrellas in here. But this cupboard was empty, save for a shoebox on the floor with the word “Open” written on top of it. Inside the box was a white jockstrap, size small, a key and a note saying: “Take off your clothes and shoes. Put on your jock strap. Come stand in the hall and don’t speak until instructed.” My heart was beating so hard I could hear my pulse. I felt my stomach constricting and was pleased I hadn’t eaten anything since lunch. I took a few deep breaths and took off my shirt. I was doing this. I could best be described as skinny. I thought I might have filled out a bit more when I entered my twenties, but it never happened. I had a visible six pack due to my low body fat, you couldn’t see my upper ribs, but there wasn’t much muscle there. I guess that’s one of the reason I find muscle so attractive. I removed my shoes, socks, jeans and briefs, placing them all in the cupboard and retrieving the plain white jockstrap. I’d never worn one before, and I was so nervous I put my leg in the wrong bit first time round. But once on, and the straps adjusted, I looked at myself as I ran my hands down from my chest to my balls, and then round to my exposed arse cheeks. It felt good and despite the lack of a mirror, I was pretty sure I looked good too. I used the key to unlock the front door and let myself in. It was strange letting myself in to someone else’s house, let alone doing it near naked. The hall was almost square, with tall ceilings and four rooms coming off of it: two doors on the right, two on the left. There was a large mahogany sideboard up against the back wall holding a vase of flowers, and above it hung a large, grand mirror. I could here muffled music coming from the ajar doorway at the far right corner of the hall. I daren’t venture in so I took up position in the centre of the room. I adopted a military ‘at ease’ pose, with my legs spread, and hands clasped behind my back, my heart still thumping against my chest. The room was pleasantly warm, so the slight tremble I had was through nerves rather than cold. After only a few minutes the music shut off, and I heard movement in the next room. The door opened and out stepped a god. A large white towel was wrapped around his waist, covering his legs down to his thick calves. His torso was the most erotic thing I have ever seen in real life. His skin was tanned and still glistening with moisture from the shower. The grooves between each abdominal mound - deep enough for me to get my fingers in and grab hold of each one - channeled little water droplets as they formed, running down past his navel to be absorbed by the towel. His powerful chest overhung this perfect abdomen. And it was flanked on either side by a pair of thick lats, impressive even though they were stretched as he dried his hair with a second towel. I could feel my cock thickening and pushing against the material of the jock. I must have taken a loud breath, or said something, because the god stopped in the doorway, dropped one arm and shifted the towel away from his face. He caught my eye and smirked. He walked in to the hall and leant against the sideboard, his right hand continuing to rub his dark hair. “On time and following instructions. We might get along.” His voice was deep, and although his accent wasn’t Glaswegian, it was certainly Scottish. I didn’t know if this counted as an invite to speak. I stayed silent, partly out of fear of upsetting him and having the encounter cut short; partly from not trusting my mouth to form words correctly. He continued to look at me straight in the eyes, as if sizing me up. A dozen, rapid, thumping, heartbeats passed and he stood up, leaving the secondary towel on the sideboard. He took a few steps towards me and stopped so that he was just out of arms reach, brought his hands together at hip level and flexed his chest. He could have crushed an apple in between those massive pecs. His shoulders ballooned out and the light catching on the still damp skin highlighted every groove of his deltoids. I had never experienced someone flex for me before... no one with anything decent to flex anyway. Not only did he have the size, but he knew what hew as doing as well. This was obviously not the first time he had shown off like this. I knew I wanted to step forward and start touching him, but I was hypnotised into motionlessness; only my eyes roving over his hard, gargantuan body. He brought both arms up into a double bicep pose. My gaze traveling from one peak to the other. His frame looked enormous as he held that pose, his lats spreading like a cobra’s neck, tapering down to his tight waist. All angles directing me to the bulge underneath the towel. I looked back to his face. His ice blue eyes were staring directly at my own. His grin revealed that he was enjoying how much I was enthralled by his display. He took another couple of steps forward, and that’s when I realised just how tall he was. I am a mere 5’5”, below average by any standard. My eyes were in line with this man’s chest. He must have been about 6’4”! He continued to make his slow advance until my nose was between those two mounds of powerful muscle. “Do you like what you see so far?” I looked up at him, towering over me. His face looking down at me, his left eyebrow raised, waiting for my answer. “I...I...” I stammered, “YES!” In my panic to say something my answer came out far too loudly. The god’s smile grew and he gave a single “ha,” as his chest heaved, almost touching me. I exhaled loudly, causing goosebumps on his sternum. “I hadn’t realised you’d be quite so short.” I couldn’t think what to say. I hadn’t realised how big this guy was going to be, or how dominant. Despite being mocked about my height all my life, and having witty retorts for almost any insult, I couldn’t think of anything for this situation. After all it had only been a statement. I started trying to form a response but just mumbled as my cheeks flushed red. The Goliath thrust both hands into my armpits and picked me up as if I were a doll. My hands at that point were still clasped behind my back. I immediately brought them round and grabbed hold of his arms to steady myself before I could register what was happening. “I shouldn’t have to pick you up to hear you. A lad so short should be use to making himself heard.” He held me in the air, almost a foot off the ground: his elbows at the same height as his shoulders, his arms bent at ninety degrees. His massive deltoids were flexed, but not struggling. His biceps... holy fuck my hands were on his biceps. I looked at my right hand, then back to those blue eyes. He winked. My breath shuddered as I took in this moment and squeezed my hands around his thick, bulging upper arms. My fingers gripped on to one of the tricep heads, whilst my thumbs tried to make an impression on his biceps. I couldn’t. I grew confident of his hold on me and started to run my hands slowly over his arms and shoulders, exploring them with my fingertips and palms. This was it. This was the reason I had come here tonight. He had promised I would get to feel power and strength like never before, and here it was. My heart rate increased, and I could feel the jock strap straining against my erection. “Fucking hell, this is unreal.” The first clear sentence I had made since entering his home. “My skin is drying out. How would you like to help rub in some oil?” He asked whilst placing me back on the ground. “I’d like that very much... Sir.” He cocked his head slightly to one side, giving my an approving look. He reached down, and pulled at one leg strap on my jock. “You’re a natural at this, Wee Jock.” He let the elastic go, slapping against my arse. “I like my guests to call me Sir.” With that he turn and walked back in to the room he had come from. I stood still, marvelling at the breadth and taper of his back as he walked away. “Follow me, Wee Jock.” “Yes, Sir!”
  24. FREaky

    Abduction Part Six

    Abduction Part Six by F_R_Eaky More parts are still coming,too. Enjoy. Part One: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/8794-abduction-part-one-by-f_r_eaky/ Part Two: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/9036-abduction-part-two/ Part Three: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/9055-abduction-part-three/ Part Four: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/9137-abduction-part-four/ Part Five: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/9182-abduction-part-five/ There was a great din from all the chatter taking place in the stands of the auditorium. This rolling noise began to soften and become a great murmer and then finally winds of whispers as the auditorium began to get dark and figures began to take their place for the unfolding event. Three semi-circular fence like structures rose up on the arena floor, each one highlighted by a spotlight. On the opposite side of the floor another, single fence rose, while in front of them but more centered of their two locations, a semi-circular platform rose higher and higher. Soon there rose a disk from the ground behind the singular semi-circular fence, with several people standing together as a group and one man at the point. Meanwhile from various stands in the auditorium, a few seats detatched themselves and began to deposite a singular semi-transparent humanoid with an equally, but rainbow sheened, translucent blob inside his head behind one semi-circular fence; a group of various sized, shaped, and hued aliens in white or light blue aprons, coats, or clothes, behind another fence; and finally two twin humanoids with a very low and pale yellow glow around them, Nixos & Drixos, behind the last. After all creatures on the floor were arrnaged, the auditorium became darker still and one by one seven spots on the tall semi-circular platform on the arena floor began to be filled by all manner of space alien like creatures, each one under their own spotlight. When they were filled, a humanoid in very distinguished robes came through an archway, sat on a very impressive looking chair, which then floated towards the top of the semi-circular platform, but then stopped and attached itself to the platform on the left hand side about three to four feet from the top. The robed humanoid looked at the seven aliens above him, who all gave a solemn nod at the same time. The robed figure then turned to look out over the auditorium, where upon he grabbed a large crystal orb and banged it on the side of his chair's arm thrice. "The court of the Interplanetary Council of Subuducamamasfos in now in session. We call upon the case number Appshiyat-Ateqisyem-Agemolingnul-2-0-0-7: Interplanetary Council verses The Doctors of Nasiph, The Aura Luminary Corps, and Drixos & Nixos Sharapat. This being the continuation of four days worth of deliberation, the Council will come to decision upon it today, barring any new evidence. Does any council wish to present any new material?" There was silence. "None presented we shall present judgement. The Honorable Kel-Ha shall speak on behalf of the judges today." Nodding towards the aliens upon the platform, the robed humanoid sat down at his chair upon which a desk formed in front. At this time all the lights shinning upon the seven judges dimmed saved the central one. "We have reviewed this case with much diligence, and have decided to deal with it with an extreme hand of grace and decorum. There was a great wrong here, one that could cause a planetary catastrophy beyond all measure. Indeed it may even cause a civil war. On top of that we have two members of a lesser evolved species that have had their genetics altered to a point which they may not ever be able to return, although we understand some of that was their own race's doing. Although we are going to find for no malice or ill will on all three of the involved parties, we must insist that in the future extreme caution, care, and fact finding occurr before jumping to conlusions, salvations, and corrective measures. Which is why although we find you innocent to a certain extant, there will be stiff recompense to be done or paid none the less! "To The Doctors of Nasiph. Although your record is usually exemplary, you performed corrective surgery without having further tested the subjects, Terry Mikicia and Julian Dealag, two humans from the planet Earth, to verify what species they were and where they came from. We understand the error given their size and appearance, and given being mislead by the assumptions of the members of the Aura Luminary Corps, Drixos and Nixos Sharapat. Never the less, you should have followed all of your protocols in verifying who they were for you have now turned two humans into Calcryans and did so using specific DNA you were only to touch in emergcies as set by the agreement between you and the Calcryan government and monarchy. The result is that these two humans, now Calcryans, are at a Calcryan age of still physcial growing development, AND...and.... the DNA you used was from the royal family line. These two things combined mean the two humans could wind up becoming even larger than before and thus, perhaps, unfit to live on their home world. Not only that but by using the royal family DNA, you, unwittingly, according to Calcryan law may have created more possible heirs to the throne. They are smaller than the current reigning monarch and heirs apparent, but if they become larger than them, it could cause a civil war. "Therefore as punishment, all of you will be required to take classes in interplanetary law, reminding you of what one has the right to do concerning the operating on various galactic species, as well as a review of your own policies and procedures for detecting and identifying original DNA. This will be done after the two Earthmen are brought back from the Calcryan's home world of Callero, and you have returned them to full human status, and until you have completed the classes, the entire complex's services shall be placed on hold. Anyone in non compliance will be apprehended and sent to the penal colonies. "Next, the Aura Luminary Corps, or more specifically the Guardians of the Corps. Your punishment will be listed with our next defendants. ... .... .... "Drixos & Nixos Sharapat, although admirable that you took a team in to rescue those two Earthlings, you did so at great risk and with great consequences because you based many of your decisions on whims and assumptions instead of tactical manuvers and scientific fact. You exposed the presence of the Interplanetary Council and all their races to an awaiting member of our council, that would not be eligable for applying until they achieved long range space travelling capabilities. You had corrective surgery done on two Earthlings based upon an assumption on what their physical appearance looked like instead of one, following the facts as stated by one Dries Van Donk, a hidden member of the Nord'oks on Earth, and two, would have been confirmed by simple DNA testing on your part. And it is your assumptions that lead to your own council into taking the two Earthlings to the Doctors of Nasiph for corrective treatment. "This is why the the council orders the following fines and punsihment: First Drixos & Nixos Sharapat, it shall be your duty to go to Callero and find the two Earthlings and bring them back to the Doctors of Nasiph for treatment. Second the Guardians of the Aura Liminary Corps are to take the same classes as the Doctors of Nasiph. Until such time as their completion, the Aura Liminary Corps are all temporarily suspended from any activity involving protection and law enforcement. Like wise if not in writing, it shall be made so, that the laws regarding treatment and interference with other galatic cultures are a prerequisite before graduating from the Corps. Third all Corps members shall report for a class on this subject or their temporary ban will not be lifted, and finally after classes have been taken, Drixos & Nixos Sharapat are to have a period of one full year of suspension without their abilities before they are allowed to resume duties within the Corps. Any diviation from this will result in apprehension and internment to one of the penal colonies as well as consideration for the application of disbanding the Aura Liminary Corps altogether. "There is one other final note. Although several things were handled with great assumption and negligence, it did bring about a sad truth to the attention of the Interplanetary Council. The original origin of all this great mutating of DNA of these two Earthmen, as well as the finding of kidnapping of another species, has caused this court to issue a warrant for the arrest and impounding of all Syriegs within our sector of space. Once apprehended we shall contact the leaders of their world and a trial shall then commence. There will be a bounty placed upon their heads, to bring them in alive... ... ...claimable by any, save for members of the Aura Luminary Corps, who can bring either the members or their ships into custody." The light dimmed over Kel-Ha's head, and the desk disappeared in front of the robed humanoid. "This ends this court and case of the Interplanetary Council of Subuducamamasfos. Note the judgement and pay heed... ... ..." *********************************************************************** Meanwhile on Cellero a messenger has entered the throne room of King Quubah and Queen Ghalaishian ruling monarchs of Callero. The pair are tall, giants by our standards, and very stately, with monochromatic skin and hair coloring in hues from white to greys and blues. They are broad and thick, strong, heavily muscled of frames, and although blue skinned, almost give the appearance of being ice sculptures come to life. Their snow white hair blowing in the breeze, along with crystal like robes. Over their left shoulder and pectoral or breast region is something that looks like a tattoo. It starts in a line going diagonally from base of the neck to the arm pit, but breaking this line in the middle is a shape something akin to a snowflake. "Tell me, messenger, where is my son. He is to be here with me to learn how to regard and solve this newly arrived matter of state." "Your Majesty, Prince Phro-xen is neither in the castle nor in the capitol city. Reports have it that he left in the middle of the night taking his younger brother, Prince Blihzcard with him... ... ... several days ago. They intend to remove the threat of royal impostors from usurping the throne or their heritage." "THOSE FOOLS! The arrivals are not originally from our lands. They do not know our ways. They will be scared and homesick for their world. The way to approach them is to welcome them, help them, assist them. Then they will be willing to leave to go back home, once they've had corrective surgery. Chasing them down will cause them to become pissed off at all of Callero, especially the Royal Family. Worse yet, if they manage to evade capture and a chase and hunt pursues, they will build up a tremendous amount of exercise before they go into hybernated growth." "Hybernated growth, Your Majesty?" "Yes. These aliens made into Calcryans are still but of a young age to us. They are right at the moment where they will have their final physical growth and development. The one where we are cocooned in ice and our bodies grow and grow depending on how many ice crystals form around us and become part of us. These two men are nearly as tall as we are now. The Princes force them into a chase, into greats amount of work to remain free, they could not only grow to be much larger and stronger than us, but in a pissed off state, and backed and pressed by any usupers that could meet with them, they may actually take the throne from us. The Princes are causing their own downfall! Prepare my team! We now must hunt for the Princes, and pray to Phrah-sté we find them in time." On the other sideof the main continent, two figures are running across the top of a frozen plateau, breathing heavily, icily, exhausted from climbing and running. They are just over fifteen feet tall and exceedingly muscled. One has peircing ice blue eyes and gleaming white hair, while the other had eyes so deep and dark indigo they almost look black, with hair the same azure hue. "I have never seen anyone pursue someone with such a hatred and a vengence, Julian. Not even in sports competitions. These two men and their following are nuts!" "I'll say they are, Terry. Have you heard what their screams are? They keep spouting off something about trying to usurp the monarchy. I have no idea what monarchy they're talking about." There were a few blast shots that came from below them and landed a little too close. Looking around, Terry noticed a fairly large, slightly balanced boulder on one edge of the plateau. Rushing it, Terry slammed his shoulder and hands into its side rocking the boulder slightly. After a coupler of tries, he called out to Julian who staring up the side of the mountain. "Julian... JULIAN! Help me out here. This will help us just a short bit." Julian joining Terry, the two men easily shift the boulder off its balancing point and sent it plumeting down the side of the plateau, where upon it caused the troops following the two royal hunters to scatter in every direction. "What were you looking at? Why were you staring off into a daze when we have this fight on our hands?" "I wasn't staring off into space, Terry. I was looking just a little further up the mountain. Look at that point up there. It's a cave entrance. I think we might have a chance of making it up there before they reach the top of this plateau." "You sure on that. We keep having a harder and harder time breathing here, Julian." "I know, but I think it's something we'll get used to." "Used to? What do you mean?" "Every single night, since this chase has begun taking place, when we wake up in the morning, we've been covered in a layer of .... like....ice crystals. I think it's come from a mixture of the surrounding air and the sweat we're producing in these alien bodies, and I think it's becoming part of us." "A part of us?" "Yeah. Every day we seem to get stronger and stronger. Although we still kind of look like we're in a jumpsuit of the frost build up, it's not become a gigantic four foot thick layer. After the second day, as another layer builds up upon us, we abosorb one into our bodies becoming stronger and more muscular. That's why you were nearly able to move that boulder by yourself. It's why we're out of breath; our muscles have been getting larger and larger and stronger and denser and we're not used to running with the added weight yet. I mean, look at us, I can tell we're already broader than we used to be. If we were in our humanoid forms again, we'd look absolutely sick with muscle." "Well let's just hope it doesn't add to our cock size. Even with them balled up in a supportive pouch in front of us, it's hard to run any way given the size of these fuckers." "I thought you were turned on by my...uh....our size." Terry chuckled, "Shush and head for the cavern." The pair of men ran towards base of the mountain side in which the cave was located, followed by a goodly climb. They reached the top just as the two princes and their entourage reached the top of the plateau that was now below the pair. A couple of well placed blasts alerted Julian and Terry that their pursuers hadn't given up and they ran into the cave, hoping that there would be another way out or at the least, a way to keep the princes and their followers at bay. After a good length the cave opened up from something tunnel like into a vast cavern with great width and height. Not only that, but turning around to look back to the tunnel entrance, Julian and Terry could see a large boulder, on the right hand side of the cavern mouth, which would be large enough to completely block entrance into the cavern. Working together again, the pair managed to get the boulder to rock and then roll over to the left until it fell in front of the cavern mouth. However they knew, if the two of them could roll it, the two princes might be able to as well, and if not them, just a few volunteers from their entourage joining them would easily roll the great rock away. Looking up into the cavern Julian pointed out there parts of the cavern wall above the opening looked a little unstable and with any luck they two of them could create a rock slide which would add to the difficulty getting in as then it would be a boulder backed by a pile of smaller rocks which we harder to simply push one's way through. The pair climbed up to precarious ledges above the cavern mouth and began slamming their fists as best as they could the create the rock slide, which after several blows they did achieve. They jumped back down and stood in the center of the cavern looking at the rock slide and then stacked up any loose rocks and boulders that lay close by. "Julian, do find it harder to move right now?" "Yeah... those layer of crystals I was talking about have now worked up about several layers before absortion begins. We've not only gained more weight, but all these ice like crystals have added to our weight as well. I feel like I have on about twenty weight jackets." "I feel so sleepy as well." "Me too." "What... what do think that mark is that's developing on your chest?" "You mean the one that looks similar to the one developing on the same area as your chest?" The pair stared at one another as something that appeared to be a tattoo or a birthmark formed on their upper torso. Starting from the base of their neck and running down to their under arm on their left pec, was a line that was broken in the middle by a snowflake. "As if.... the blue tinting to our skin and hair wasn't enough." "Yeah....where the hell is Loki? He could teach us how to look normal." "I.... I don't see....another....another way out of here, Julian. I think we need to climb the walls of this cavern and see if we can find some other tunnels higher up to get to." "Or..... or......uhm......uh....or climb out that hole up on top. It looks large enough for us to pass through, but I don't recall seeing it from the outside. If.... if...we....." "Yeah....if we.... can, uhm.....get there we could leave the two.....two.....princes...." The two men backed into each other in the center of the cavern and stood back to back. "Terry.... I don't think I can....can move. My feet feel like...." "Like lead....mine too. I feel so...heavy..... so sleepy." "The crystals are getting deeper and larger....and there's a dark blue goo....forming....around..... around... our....." "Got to.....keep our....feet moving......can't stay....stay..... staaaaaaay." The two men leaned back to back into one another and their eyes closed as they went into a deep, deep sleep. One by one the multiple layers of ice crystals that had developed from air moisture and persperation, became absorbed into the bodies. As this happened their muscles began to increase in size, density, and strength. Their calves started swelling first, bunching and bulging becoming impossibly thick and hard. A vein full of what we would probably describe as literally ice blue water snaked up from around the feet and ankles entering into the the hope diamond shaped calves causing it to swell so large it looked as large as the men's current upper arm. Next everything, back to front, tightened on the young men's thighs, which were already colossal, but they began to swell and inflate, larger, thicker, faster, as the icy river meandered and rolled over each muscle belly and crevice. Inflating to proportions that would proclaim them to be permenant bicycle riding bodybuilders, the thighs began to push their feet further and further apart as they required a wider and broader stance in order to simply stand. Next their asses bubbled out even larger, fuller, tighter, taughter and more solid above the mighty column of legs. Their appearance nearly looked like two fine spheres of ice that glissened in later afternoon light, but the attention was soon to shift off of them to the abs rising up and above from the groin, each individual abdominal and oblique muscle suddenly swelling and their cuts developing deeper and doing so block by block. The sound of ice breaking and tinkling filled the air as each lower torso muscle snapped into place and began stacking themselves on top of one another and spreading each other out from the groin, up the lower torso, out and up to the lats. The lats kept growing and growing until they flaired out so broad, so wide, and so thick it pushed and lifted the arms up higher and higher until the young men almost looked like they're standing in the Di Vinvi's anatomy of man sketch with arms sticking straight out instead of hanging by the side. Up and up the icy flow journeyed reaching the pecs and sending them into maximum and inflation. Deeper and deeper the center crevice grew as the young men's chests rolled and barrelled out, growing thicker, wider, hanging further out and down. The rolling actually to be seen as their nipples moved down....down....down.... until they practically pointed straight down. Eventually it looked like they young men didn't have thick plates of muscles for a chest, but two halves of globe that widened out to square or trapazoid on the bottom where it attached to the torso. These were pecs that dared to be shot at. Pecs that threatened to engulf whole hands, if not arms in the clevage between them. And the young men's heads snapped to attention as their backs rolled and broadened, pushing their shoulders and thus the traps into growing wider and fuller, and mounding up into huge mountainous ranges that impersonated the mountains they were currently standing in. But the neck was also experiencing it's own growth, becoming ever thicker and harder, looking like a grand column of granite that was as thick as the young men's own head. Rambling over the delts, which they infused with increasing size and power growing them into huge spherical shapes like giant pumpkins, the icy rivellets plugged themselves into the upper arms and filled them with more and more power, the biceps and triceps mounding, popping, and rising higher and fuller and thicker so as to make their arms practically look square. As those veins spread out over the fore arms and into the hands, they caused those forearms to inflate like elongated balloons and transform the forearms into looking like the calves of a person, or gigantic hamhocks. By now as all of the layers of crystal had been absorbed into their bodies, it left behind another kind of ice layer that was transparent but darker blue hued and it rose up to engulf the boys feet and legs, butt, mid-section, chest, arms, back and shoulders, neck and head. As this process was going on, the Prices and their men had begun attempting to push the boulder out of the way, but realized they needed to work on the pile of smaller rocks around and behind the boulder first. Remaining delayed, they couldn't see what else was happening to Julilan and Terry as they lay in a sleep induced coma in their icy cocoon. Looking like something from an animation, the ice was infusing itself with the young men and causing them to grow...Grow....GROW....RISE HIGHER AND MOUND FURTHER! It started with their feet and hands that simple pulsed out larger and fuller, longer, stronger, followed by their legs stretching up higher, taller. One could see the blue ice get sucked into the various body parts, and then they young men just grew. The torso then rose higher, the arms got longer, the back and shoulders became broader, the neck got longer, the head got a little bigger. Step by step they kept growing. The feet spread out across the floor. The legs stretched out longer, the arms hung down farther and farther, their torso elongated, their neck rose and rose higher and higher. Every few mintues the blue ice was being absorbed by Julian and Terry and each time it was, another part of the two men grew in bigger and bigger behemoths, giants. No one was there to accurately measure them, but they would still be in awe at the height and size they were achieving. This skeletal growth did nothing to stretch out or make smaller their new muscular size, it grew with them proportionately, make them far larger and stronger than the two princes and thier family. Up and up they rose.... one inch....two inches....six inches..... a whole foot....two feet.....four feet....four feet ten inches.... The rock slide began to shift and fall apart, but not just from the work of the princes and their men, Julian & Terry's own feet had grown large enough they began to shift the rock pile from underneath. The way now clear, the Princes and their men entered the cavern and stared up in shock. The Princes just slightly taller than their father, were now looking straight on into the mammoth pecs of Julian and Terry. Indeed looking straight on, one could tell the two princes came up to the arm pits of Julian and Terry; this was going to be no small take down at all. The Princes themselves now backed up into the tunnel for fear of possible harm from the now much larger Julian and Terry, who were still out cold and sleeping from their growth. Not only that but the sounds of ice tinking and bones breaking could still be heard, indicating the two foreigners could still be growing. If more proof was needed, the sound of ripping cloth was heard and suddenly two snaps and two fluttering pieces of cloth came from Julian and Terry as their cocks experienced their growth spurt and they oozed and stretched and grew out from their groins and down the length of their thighs. From the entrance of the cavern, the words "Hold! Hold in the name of the King!" were heard. But one of the Princes' men flew into a rage and grabbed an axe and began to run at Julian and Terry screaming, "To protect the crown!" "HOLD! I SAID HOLD!" "RAAAAAAAAUUUUUUUURGH!" "I SAID....." There was a sudden blast and the princes' man was suddenly frozen stiff in a block of ice. All of the men turned and looked back toward the entrance of the tunnel where the king and his men were striding in from, the king holding a staff that was glowing with an eerie blue light. The king glowered at his sons and then stared down the entire lot of their entourage. He then turned towards the frozen man and shot a bolt from his glowing staff. The formerly charging man shattered into hundreds of pieces. The princes' men stood in shock until one of them in shock cried out, "Your Majesty?" "WHEN A KING TELLS YOU DO SOMETHING, BY PHRAH-STÉ, YOU DO IT! IF I TELL YOU TO JUMP, YOU ASK HOW HIGH. IF I TELL YOU TO CRAWL, YOU ASK THROUGH WHAT! AND WHEN I TELL YOU TO HOLD, YOU HOLD OR FACE CHARGES OF TREASON! AND THAT GOES FOR CROWN PRINCES TOO!" King Quubah raised his staff once again and sent a charge to the tunnel ceiling creating thousands of icicles that pointed jaggedly down and imprisoned many of the men there, save his own force. "Look...LOOK! At what you have done, you two impertinent, arrogant, upstart of supposed grown men! I told you to meet with me on this day and I would show you what we needed to be done, and now look at what you have created. They stand nearly head and chest, let alone shoulders above me, ABOVE YOU! And they have the birth mark of the royal family...." "But father the mark isn't out fault..." "SILENCE! ... ... ... You are correct, it isn't your fault. That particular error goes to those av'lance hag doctors at Nasiph! But this.... THIS!" and Quubah poined up and down at the forms of Julian and Terry, is your fault. Had you not chased them down like animals, they may have stayed at a more similar height as we, but you didn't. They're like twice as muscular as they were before. They're a head and chest taller than you. Not only could this place our world, our kingdom, our line in jeopardy, but you may have made it so they couldn't return to their homeworld. You may have made it so they could never be turned human again! Had you greated them friendly and warm like, welcomed them into our home, they would've turned to us for help and assistance in returning to their world, where now they may not be able to, they may hate you, and if they run into an insurgents, could decide, 'It's good to be royalty', and take over!" "That doesn't have to happen, Your Majesty." Suddenly from the opening in the cavern ceiling their floated down to men, twins, in a yellowish hue. It was Drixos & Nixos, who landed next to Julian and Terry and stood looking up at them in shock. The pair was tall compared to Drixos and Nixos before, but now the twins only came just above the knees of Julian and Terry. "By Orion's belt! What do you people eat here?" "Who are you two, and what do you want here? Answer quickly or I'll have you imprisoned." "I am Drixos, this is Nixos, of the Aura Lumianry Corps. It is our fault that these men were dropped off here, and that they were changed into Calcryans. We resuced them from a base on the planet Earth, and given their size, assumed they were Calcryans who had been altered, you all being at least around twice as tall as humans. It looks a little like a battle took place, or started to take place. Did we arrive before a civ...." "No one as made an attempt for the throne. My sons, just happened to have chased these two for a few days and then thought they'd get rid of them. We shall be teaching them extra lessons in diplomacy later. For the now, if the two men wish to return, so be it. If they wish to stay, we shall accomodate them, although we would need to talk to them about where they would like to stand in the royal family." "Actually we're going to take them back to their home world." "Do you think they will fit in back there?" "We're pretty confidant the Doctors of Nasiph can change them back. We will stop off there first, and then continue on the journey to Earth." "Should we attempt to wake them?" "No.... they'll probably prefer to be asleep during the procedure and the flight back home." "Very well then. Take them." "And both we and the entire Aura Luminary Corps are sorry for the trouble we caused." "No no. It's alright. Any coups have been adverted. We shall be fine..." At that moment a rustling and tinkling ice kind of sound was heard and as all looked up to Julian and Terry, they noticed as the young men's cocks suddenly swelled, inflated, lengthened, and became stiff and hard as ice. But the size to which they increase seemed physically impossible, made everyone gasp, and a few of the soldiers look in horror, move their bodies as though their butts had clenched forever shut, and a couple then collapse and barf. Suddenly the youngest prince blurted out, "By Phrah-sté! The size of their...." "Yes, my son, they have impressive royal staffs and orbs as well. The would certainly have made fine nobility. Drixos, Nixos, the sooner you take them home, the better." Drixos bowed to the king and he and Nixos formed a yellow ball around Terry and Julian and flew them out of the cavern, away from Callero, and back to the Doctors of Nasiph. After the procedure was over, the twins hesitated in picking up their charges. "Drix.... they're still the same size. They're still huge!" "Well, the Doctors think they're normal. Their report will say they're normal...." "But they're not! They're giants compared to the rest of the Earthlings." "Then we will find them a nice exotic island to live on and let them figure out the rest." "But..." "But nothing. The report is good, they are good, and that's what were doing so we can get on with our suspension." Nixos shook his head at Drixos but followed suit as the pair once again cocooned Julian and Terry into yellow spheres, flew them back to Earth, and dropped off the sleeping men on a dessert island in the Pacific.
  25. FREaky

    Abduction Part Four

    Abduction Part Four by F_R_Eaky (Am working on part five right now. This one is just a transitional chapter without any growth in it. Hope you are all enjoying it.) Part One: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/8794-abduction-part-one-by-f_r_eaky/ Part Two: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/9036-abduction-part-two/ Part Three: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/9055-abduction-part-three/ Morning. Sunlight is streaming through the windows creating a golden shaft of light which bathes the sleeping man, highlighting his torso. He is laying on his broad back with one fairly large arm clutching a pillow as if he's holding someone. Accentuating the peaks and mounds of his slightly off-season musculature, the sunbeams also set his his head and chest hair alight so it looked as though he was a holy man with halo and glow from his broad, expansive chest. The top sheet hems are wrinkled and gathered around his abs and are tenting nicely from his ample cock that has hardened and risen like a miniature redwood tree. The man feels very comfortable, rested, and completely happy save for the fact that even on this king sized bed, the man is two inches taller than the mattress is long. Shifting his legs ever so slowly he attempts to gather some of the sheets around his feet to make them covered and warmer as the sunlight doesn't quite extend the full length of the bed. His body is waking up his mind, or his mind is waking up his body. It matters not which direction, the part that disturbs him is one of the two doesn't wish to wake and get up yet and the other seems to be forcing it to happen. Try as he might he can not get himself to fall back to sleep, although it's not due to his mind or body defying him. As he lies there attempting to hit his mind's snooze button, he begins to hear strange noises. The sound of something being scraped. There are some low, softened giggles followed by shushing noises telling someone to hush. The scraping noises begin again, followed with some grunts, groans, and a little heavy breathing mixed with more laughter and shushes. The scraping begins again only this time he can almost feel the scraping through the house, as though the shudders are telling him the house it was is being used to scrape and scratch the item in question that is being rubbed. "Ach! I think I'm stuck!" "Shhhhhh! You'll wake up Dries." "I can't help it. I think I'm actually stuck. Who knew even laying down sideways I wouldn't be able to get through the door." "Well you better think of something quick because your cock is rising to the occassion for some reason." "hahahahahaha. I know... ... ... the thought that I've become so big I'm stuck in this doorway is turning me on." "Well, we better get you through soon or that cock is going to prevent you from getting free and I'll have the same problem from watching it grow." "Well, it's a good thing I lead with hands and arms out, but I don't think I'm out quite far enough to use them to push off against the building. Here. You grab my legs..." "Your ankles you mean. Even though I'm the same size as you there's no hope of even my two hands grabbing your legs and holding on to them." "Ach! You know what I mean. Grab my feet, my ankles, push me via my ass, just help give me a push! This door frame is starting to dig in." "Alright but you need to exhale and sink your chest in as much as possible when I push, ok? One the count of three. One.... two.....three....." The sound of struggling went on for a little bit but eventually the man made it out of the doorway, after which he helped pull his friend through as well. Within minutes there was the sound of more glee but not the quieted giggles as before. No the sound had become full blown riotous laughter accompanied by some decent sized thumps followed by tremors that lightly shook the house. Opening his eyes and sighing, the Norse looking man threw back the sheets and stood up stretching his powerful body and limbs as he did so. With the sunbean still striking his nearly perfect form and long hair, looking almost like the god Thor approaching the window, he was soon to discover his godhood well eclipsed by two hulking figures below. There running about on the lawn, naked as the day they were born, were Julian and Terry playing a kind of game of tag with one another, running under a make shift garden sprayer shower, or sometimes standing still and feeling the warmth of the sun caress their bodies. Body wise the two nearly ten foot tall men were almost mirror twins of each other save their different facial structures and that Julian had much fairer skin and golden hair compaired to Terry's more swarthy look of olive complected skin and sable colored hair. "It feels so good to be out here in the open." "Yeah letting the sun hit our bodies, the air caress them all around and everywhere." "Not to mention the water. Feeling it splash against us like it's hitting stone or steel plates and then cascading over every mound, through every valley and crevice. It was a great idea of yours to use the sprinkler head as a shower out here." "Hmmmm indeed." "But I'm having one problem.... all this running and moving around... it's causing my dick to sway and swing. It pulls on my groin so heavily... not to mention all this muscle. The weight of it as it bounces when I even just slightly job let alone run. I feel so big. so Huge! SO POWERFUL! IT TURNS ME ON!" Terry approached Julian and kissed him deeply. "You are so big, huge, and powerful. We're built like the most massive, biggest, bodybuilders ever now: Morgan Aste, Mamdouh “Big Ramy” Elssbiay, Craig Golias, Rolley Winklar, Phil Heath, Ronnie Coleman, Gunter Schilerkamp, Markus Ruhl, Nasser El Sonbaty, Greg Kovacs. The difference between us and them is were are cut and defined with all this mass, we have semmetry,we're hung like bulls, and we're almost ten feet tall." Terry went in again for a deep kiss. but then broke it off and moved his mouth down to Julian's marble column like neck. Julian gasped at this but threw his head back to expose his neck more, while his hands went down to caress and grope Terry's astounding ass and pull him as close as the two behemoth's chests would allow. "hmmmmm ooh fuck.... fuck, Terry.... fuck!" "What? What's wrong?" "I can't stop thinking about you. How large you are. How strong. How hung.... and that I'm the same way now too. It puts me in a constant state of horniness. I want you... I need you...now!" "Then take me. It's your turn this morning. Shove that rod up my ass." Looking around Julian found a small box that both his feet could stand on and would support his body weight. Then leading Terry back over to the make shift shower he proceeded to have Terry stand on it which raised him only slightly higher than Julian. Terry leaned a little forawrd to grab the pole of the basketball hoop that they used to hang the sprayer nozzle from, while Julian grabbed him by the waist, and after coating them with shampoo and water, began to slowly push his way in. With in minutes the two were working up a good rhythm: Julian pushing in and out of Terry's ass, while caressing his obliques, abs, chest, and shoudlers; Terry gripping the pole, raising up and down on the balls of his feet, flexing his ass and releasing it, while one hand went down to begin stroking his raging hard on. Dries stood there watching the whole thing. The ballet of behemoth bodybuilders, thrusting, pushing, impaling, drilling, groping, caressing, bouncing, over and over again until both men began to raise up on their tip toes from feet and legs that were twisting and curling. Their panting turning into deep moans and screams of utter delight. The feeling of their huge muscles tensing and flexing, releasing and popping, as they writhed and wriggled in pleasure until finally one then the other triggered by the first suddenly roared out and screamed in ecstacy with both men spewing copious amounts of cum in great shooting strings: one up the ass of the other and the other across the yard. Meanwhile Dries stood at the window watching like it was the biggest, best, and most intense sporting event any has ever participated. At the moment of the young men's climax he suddenly, without having touched his cock at all, began to spray ropes of ejaculate all over the window. He stood there transfixed for several minutes until he bagan to shake and tremble and went to sit down on the bed. Meanwhile the two young giants staggered under the shower to try and get themselves cleaned off once more from all the cum they had produced. Afterwards they punch-drunk walked over to the tap to turn the water off, dry each other off, and then after applying liberal amounts of sunscreen, took some blankes to the middle of the yard, spread them out, and took a long nap semi cuddling one another out in the sun. The young men lay out in the sun for about thirty minutes before Dries nudged them to roll over, and then thirty minutes after that he nudged them again to lie down in the shade of the tree line. About three hours after that he comes back outside pushing a draped tea trolly that is loaded down with platters of food. "Gentleman, here is brunch." "Oooh. Getting all fancy on us, Dries? Brunch and served on a fancy clothed serving cart too." "No, Terry. It is brunch because it is almost noon and the cart is only draped because..." and Dries moved all the trays over to a table. "...these are a new pair of pants, each, that I made for you two. We will have to worry about shirts and shoes later as we go. You two are of such a size in both height, proportions, and body build even at my height you would never find anything available in any of your retail stores. But we need to make you a little less obvious than your nude form." "Why? Are we going somewhere?" "Yes. Your size is too big for us to stay here. Only two and half more feet and you would be twice as tall as some of the tall people in this country. You stand out way to much and the idea was to for you to blend in so you could live your lives without having to worry about being refound and recaptured by the Syriegs, so, now to that end, we're moving. We will be heading further out into the country to meet up with some other Nord'oks. There we will see where we can buy a house out in the very rural areas either here in the Netherlands, or press furth north into Scandinavia." "Awww come on, Dries. We could take them down now. We're huge!" laughed Terry and even Julian chuckled a little and flexed his right arm and bicep. "Yes, but you still have to be very vigilant. The Syriegs still have ways that could bring you down, capture you, or end your life, and they very well may go for that last option. Observation of your planet is one thing, the temporary for a night abduction and study of the human body is another thing, but the abduction of a member from the human race, altering their DNA, is another and they do have an intergalactic police force they must answer to. If you were discovered, especially now at this size, they would be called before a tribunal of planets. Not only that but think about humanity as well. Whether for sports or for war, mankind, especially those in power, have dreamed of finding ways to make the taller, the stronger, the bigger, the faster, to most dominant type of men possible. You two may not even be safe from your own kind." "How is it you came to have all this money to buy property and How do you know the languages so well, and customs, and how to drive a truck?" "The Syriegs have been studying your planet for a long, long time. Originally, they had a few of their study labs here on Earth, as opposed to up in starships in orbit over the Earth. There were some of my people who all those years ago decided to break free then. To fight. We didn't want to see another race subjugated by them. This meant some of us broke free ourselves. We decided no longer to be slaves and finding ourselves compatible with the Humans on this planet, we began to have relations with them. We didn't have the high tech medical and science equipment to alter the Human DNA structure to resist the probes and such of the Syriegs, so we did it the old fashioned way - we bred with them." "You just broke free and then started mating with the natural wild life?" "Think about it, Terry. When you first saw me, what was your first impression? Was I some creepy-freaky space alien?" "No... I thought you were Human. Probably someone who was of...." "Norse descent? And what is the other adjective name for something from the Norse countries?" "Nordic!" Said Julian excitedly. "Nordic...Nord'ok.....And besides the Netherlands, what other area of the world is known for fairly tall, ruggedly built, and strong men with platinum to golden brown to red hair like myself?" "The Norse countries...." said Terry. "Dries," asked Julian. "How long has your race been here?" "We've been here almost as long as the Syriegs have, and they've been studying your species since the days of the cavemen." "And the Nord'oks broke free...?" "Shortly after man left the caverns and began to build structures to live in." "My gawd....the amount of influence your people have probably had..." "Yes indeed. But... first you need to finish your brunch." Said Dries as he got up and walked to the door of the house. "After you've finished your brunch, put your pants on and then we'll get ready to leave." [PEWT! PEW! PEWT!] Dries gave a small cry of pain and as Julian and Terry turned their heads to look at him, his eyes rolled back and his body went limp, collapsing to the ground. Julian and Terry mere split seconds after gave small cries, more of surprise than pain, as they suddenly felt like they were bitten by mosquitos. "Ow! What the hell!" Said Terry as he jumped up to his feet. "Whoa...." said Julian as he stood up on his. "I'm feeling a little of balance. I think we must have been darted with something." "Great. I've forgotten where I got hit now and as big as we are a little dart is going to be hard to find to pull out." "Then allow me to give you ones that you can see a little better. Agent Tse Tse, the E-Tranqs! NOW!" [FOOMP! FOOMP!] "OW!" Jumped and jerked Julian. "SON OF A BI.... YOU FUCK WADS!" And with that Terry began to lumber stomp his way towards the first series of men in camoflauge uniforms he saw coming at him from behind the tree line that surrounded the yard. "Gentlemen I suggest you use your energy to sit. You are going down. We've shot you with enough tranquilizers to knock out a bull elephant and we have more available. If you chose to stand and fight, the fall usually requies some kind of treatment for head trauma. Be smart. Be sensible." "AAUUUUUGH!" Terry roared and began to bend over slightly hunched and swing his massive arms with closed fists at the line of gentlemen. His landing blows sent a few men spiraling up into the air and across the yard, while all of them were at least knocked down and windless by the blow. Julian soon followed, but appeared to be in deep, deep concentration, during which he moved slowly, but purposefully, and seeing the fallen attackers that Terry had knocked down, he began to raise a foot and stomp on one of their legs at the ankle or the knee joint. Once down he lifted up his oppoiste foot applying all of his weight to bare on top of the commando's leg. "Blondie is concentrating his way through the tranquilizer. Before the ebony haired one picks up on the idea from him, let's take him out. Break up their concentration boys and zap 'em while you do that." There appeared two teams of men with bazookas who took aim at the giants' balls. Out of the bazookas came what kind of looked like large pillows, but were in fact much denser and not so fluffy. The first one made contact with Terry's balls and he doubled over howling in pain. The second one, Julian managed to jump up to avoid, but it still caught on his left thigh, bounced to his right then back to the left, and continued to bouce back and forth down his leg, causing him to trip and fall on his landing. Next while the two were somewhat dazed, another set of men came out with two weapons that looked like they were going to fire lawn darts at the giants. Two clicks were heard and the darts soared through the air and into the giants bodies carrying a set of long thin wires with them. A second later and both giants were writhing on the ground, screaming in pain, their whole bodies twitching. It was not long due to the tranquilizer, the racking, and the shocking, that both men passed out. "Eagle Crest to Statue of Liberty. We have the two giants. Proceeding to load them up into the trucks and take them to our secret base in Tulipville. Over." "Excellent work, Eagle Crest. Will meet you there with Spangled Surgeon. Remain now on radio silence until your arrival. Over." "Roger that. Eagle Crest out." "Alright boys! Let's get these hulking behemoths loaded and head back. You two, take their caretaker and place him in his bed, then shoot him up with this. This should wipe out his memory of the last few days. He won't remember taking them in, however he took them in or found them."
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