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  1. Era de mañana en el diario "El Clarín", en una de sus oficinas se encontraba Peter Parker, un chico castaño de 27 años de edad, medía 1.85 y pesaba 90 kgs. de músculo, estéticamente bien distribuido, traía puesta esa mañana una camisa blanca que se ajustaba bien a su anatomía atlética, pero sin ser demasiado llamativo, la camisa se ajustaba bien en su pecho y bíceps, también llevaba un pantalón negro de vestir y un calzado del mismo color, bien lustrado, el cuello de su camisa desabotonado solo para permitirle respirar bien y no sofocarse, pues el viaje matutino usando sus poderes para llegar al diario había sido bastante veloz, tomó las mangas de la camisa y las arremangó para dejar descubiertos sus antebrazos mientras tomaba un folder con fotos de Spiderman, se sonrió entre sí. Estos meses habían sido importantes para él, encontró un traje alien que lo había mejorado por completo, le dió más velocidad, agilidad, fuerza, músculos, y sobre todo un crecimiento en su virilidad que él en un principio no podía creer, aún recordaba cuando solo medía 1.75 y pesaba solo 70kgs., era sorprendente lo que unos meses con el traje le habían hecho, de tener un pedazo de solo 16 cms. de virilidad en erección pasó a tener un monstruo de 25 cms. No dejaba de ver sus fotos, apaleando maleantes la noche anterior, era magnífico, pensaba en el puesto que estaba compitiendo en ese momento como fotógrafo de planta, el otro hombre definitivamente no tenía oportunidad, dió un sorbo a su café mientras seguía sentado y vió la puerta de entrada de la oficina. Llegó alguien, justamente el hombre que no tenía oportunidades contra Parker, era nada más y nada menos que su compañero de oficina, Eddie Brock. Eddie era ya un hombre de 37 años de edad, a pesar de ser mayor en edad que Peter, se veía más joven, era rubio, de cabello corto, facciones joviales, ojos azules y totalmente lampiño, la vida no le había favorecido, nunca tuvo oportunidad de ejercitarse, ni hacer dietas u otro tipo de cosas debido a su físico, medía tan solo 1,65 cms de alto y pesaba tan solo 60kgs., definitivamente no imponía de ninguna forma, todo mundo le pasaba por encima y últimamente alguien en especial. El pobre Eddie llegó agitado y sudando a la oficina, con su maletín color café a un lado. Eddie estaba vestido con una camisa de color azul cielo que resaltaba aquellos ojos suyos, un pantalón café y calzado del mismo color, todo se hubiera visto bien de no ser por que todo le quedaba grande, a excepción del calzado, la camisa le colgaba de los laterales, y ni que decir de los hombros y las mangas, daba la impresión de que un niño se había vestido con la ropa de su padre, debido a ello nunca tuvo oportunidad de ligar con alguien en su vida. Mientras aún respiraba de manera agitada veía a Parker bastante fresco y seguro de su persona. Eddie se cuestionaba cómo era posible que Parker estaba así si vivía más lejos que él del trabajo, a pesar de tener cierto recelo al castaño, lo saludó ... - Hola, buenos días Parker - Se oyó su voz algo aguda, parecía la voz de un joven de 15 años. - ¿Cómo le haces para llegar antes que yo, si yo vivo más cerca? Peter lo miró de reojo y sonriendo mientras tomaba su café, le dijo: - Por que me levanto más temprano que tú, "amiguito". Eddie miró a Parker, notó que el castaño había mejorado mucho su físico en los últimos meses, sabía que eso no era normal en una persona, además Eddie siempre peleaba por entrar en el bus de la primera hora, mínimo debería que ver a Parker en el transporte o llegar al mismo tiempo si es que Peter tomaba el bus de otra ruta. Eddie terminó por mejor dejar de pensar en ello y se metió al baño para refrescarse un poco, aún así no podía dejar de sentirse frustrado, al salir vio al Sr. Jameson hablando con Peter y solo dijo él: - Hola Sr ... Jameson y Parker vieron al rubio de reojo y siguieron en su plática ... si, literalmente lo habían ignorado. Parker le mostró al jefe sus fotos de Spiderman, Jameson quedó satisfecho como siempre con aquellas fotografías, las tomó y se fue sin decir nada, Peter vio al rubio de nuevo ... -Vaya, de nuevo se te fue el avión del éxito " amiguito ". - El castaño volvió a tomar su café y a darle un sorbo mientras se recargaba en el rubio y lo veía como poca cosa - No te preocupes Eddie, siempre debe haber un segundón para que el primer lugar brille más y descuida, cuando me den el puesto , serás mi "asistonto", te lo aseguro. El rubio apretó su puño y saco su hombro del contacto de Parker para después tomar su maletín y probar suerte en la ciudad por unas fotografías. Peter solo lo vió: -Bye "pequeñín". Oye cuando vuelvas de pasear tráeme un café ... - El castaño sonrió mientras veía salir al rubio -Pobre Eddie, casi me da pena el pobre, pero bueno, no puede competir con un súper hombre como yo ... Parker se quedó de ocioso en la oficina mientras esperaba que fuera más tarde para la hora de la comida, total, al final sabía que en la noche tomaría sus fotos, mientras tanto cuando Eddie salía ... - Maldito parker, su actitud ha cambiado , es un pedante ahora- murmuraba el rubio mientras iba a su lugar secreto dentro del diario, era un cubículo abandonado y muy reducido, solo tenía espacio para una silla y unas cuantas cosas, Eddie entró y activó su radio clandestino de la policía mientras seguía pensando en Parker - solo por que ha cambiado su físico y tiene suerte con las fotos me trata así. Ya se había hecho tarde y Parker tenía hambre ya: - ¡Maldición Brock !, ¡¿Dónde te metiste?!, Sabes que quiero mi comida a cierta hora, maldito enano. - Peter salió de la oficina bastante enojado y se dirigió a la calle para comprar algo y así calmar su apetito, ya pudiendo comprar algo se tranquilizó un poco, pero seguía molesto debido a que aún consumiendo lo que había comprado, su hambre no desaparecía. - Comí demasiado y aún tengo hambre, no lo entiendo, ¡¿Por qué me está pasando esto ?! - El castaño empezaba a enfadarse más, pero en ese momento comenzó a activarse su sentido arácnido. - Sí, lo que me faltaba- se fue a un callejón oscuro y metió su ropa de civil en una bolsa de telaraña -Vamos a perseguir a los chicos malos y a tomar fotos. Mientras tanto Brock salía a toda prisa, escuchó sobre un asalto a un banco cercano y salió disparado del diario, directo a la acción. Al salir vió al mismo tiempo a Spiderman ir hacia la escena del crimen, no era lejos, Brock corrió lo más deprisa que podía, pero llegó demasiado tarde, al estar ya en el lugar solo vio cómo Spiderman salía de escena y varios criminales envueltos en telaraña, pegados a los postes de luz, el rubio se sintió fatal, otra escena de acción se le había escapado. - Maldición, así no lograré nada. Tomó fotos de lo que podía y regresó al diario lo más pronto que pudo, tenía en mente lograr ofrecer sus fotos antes de que Parker apareciera, aunque era muy raro, Peter nunca estaba en la escena y aún así conseguía fotos. Al llegar a la oficina se sorprendió, Parker ya estaba ahí, entregándole varias fotos a Jameson. Brock veía como su oportunidad se desvanecía mientras el jefe entraba a su oficina con Peter detrás de él, el pequeño rubio solo se sentó en su escritorio bastante agitado de tanto correr y entonces ... -¡¡¡Brock !!! Parker gritó como si fuera el jefe al entrar en su oficina compartida, mientras que el rubio solo lo veía con enfado y Parker cerraba de un portazo el lugar y Eddie lo cuestionó. -No sé cómo le haces ... Tú estabas aquí en la oficina y vuelves con fotos y no estás cansado ... - Peter se acercaba poco a poco a Brock que aún seguía agitado, pero confrontándolo, el rubio no sabía si eso era una buena idea o no, pero ya lo estaba haciendo. -¡¿Qué quieres Parker ?! -¡¿Qué quiero?! - Parker sonrió con algo de burla, y así tomó del cuello de la camisa con ambas manos a Brock, levantándolo del suelo, mientras el rubio veía como los pectorales, bíceps y antebrazos del castaño se tensaban en la camisa. - Esas no son maneras de contestarle a tu futuro jefe .- Parker acercó su cara a la del rubio - ¡¿Porqué olvidaste mi comida, maldito enano ?! -¿Cu ... cuál comida ?, No me pe ... pe ... pediste na..nada, solo un café... si regresaba, pero ... - ¡Cállate !, Deja de balbucear como estúpido , sabes que si te pido algo tienes que traer eso y más, en todo caso no me trajiste ¡Nada !, Eso no es de buenos amigos. ¿Oh si? Pequeño charal sudoroso. Las venas del antebrazo de Parker estaban dilatadas debido al tiempo de mantener suspendido al rubio. - Tú ... Tú no eras así .... ¿Que te pasó? - Dijo el rubio algo asustado y triste mientras el semblante de Parker cambiaba de ser agresivo a estar algo fuera de sí, soltando a Brock y dejándolo caer al suelo. - Yo ... Yo ..., Vete por comida y no tardes - El castaño le lanzó billetes en la cara a Brock - Hazlo ya ... Después de eso el rubio se arrastró por el suelo, tomó el dinero y salió disparado de la oficina, pero aún le temblaban algo las piernas. - Maldito Parker. ¿Qué se creé el idiota? No, mejor no lo hago enojar más, no se qué más me podría hacer - El rubio vuelve con una ensalada y pechuga de pollo asada, no había tardado nada en verdad. - Ahí tienes Parker, que te aproveche.- Eddie no pudo evitar decirlo con un tono algo desafiante. - Ya era hora - Mientras tanto Peter no prestó atención al tono de Brock, estaba tan hambriento que solo le importaba la comida, el rubio de lejos veía cómo Peter comía, parecía ansioso y desesperado, como un animal salvaje, incluso soltaba unos cuantos gruñidos , así que prefirió salir e ir al baño, mientras tanto solo pensaba en la conducta de Parker durante los últimos meses, se dirigió al baño del piso, abrió la puerta y se dirigió a uno de los mingitorios. Desenfundó su pedazo de carne, solo medía 8 cms., Y eso si fuera erecto, en reposo solo eran 5 cms, así es, el rubio era pequeño hasta en eso. Mientras orinaba y sentía pena por si mismo oyó abrirse la puerta del baño, para su desgracia era nada más y nada menos que Peter que lo observaba, el castaño comenzó a olfatear, cómo si oliera algo en el ambiente y mientras hacía eso su pantalón de vestir marcaba la gran erección de Parker, el pedazo caliente de 25 cms. de su entrepierna, estaba al máximo. - Aaaaahhhh- el castaño parecía apreciar algún olor. - Aquí huele ... - Dijo el castaño acercándose a Brock. -¿Qué quieres decir con eso? - Eddie guardó su falo y subió la bragueta de su pantalón, tenía un presentimiento y pensaba mejor salir lo antes posible de aquel lugar. - Seguro es el baño, está mal lavado, saldré y le diré al personal del aseo. Parker se acercó al rubio y lo tomó con bastante fuerza. - ¡Eres tú! ... ¡Tú apestas! - Parker volvió a cargar al rubio como lo había hecho ya hace rato y empezó a frotar su gran erección en la entrepierna de Eddie mientras al mismo tiempo le oprimía su pequeña hombría. -Quieres ser preñado.- El rubio estaba acorralado y se sintió indefenso, no podía ocultar su rostro de preocupación. -Parker, si ... si ... huelo así es por qué corrí mu ... mucho hoy ... Me pondré des ... desodorante para no mo ... molestarte ... - Tú quieres ser preñado- Parker parecía un animal salvaje que no razonaba. - ¡¿Preñarme?!, ¡¿A qué te refieres ?! Parker soltó a Brock pero solo para tomarlo fuertemente por la cintura. -Sabes que necesitas un macho, pequeña perra.- El castaño empezaba a merodear con su mano de forma lasciva el cuerpo del rubio aún por encima de la ropa de éste, la mano de Peter empezaba a deslizarse hacia la pelvis de Eddie, casi por tocar su hombría, pero en ese momento Parker se detuvo . - No ... No ... Esto no está bien ... No ... - Peter soltó al rubio de inmediato y salió rápidamente del baño. Eddie sudaba frío, solo en el baño, pegado a la pared aún, traumatizado, se sintió débil y frágil, sus piernas no dejaban de temblar, era la primera vez que alguien intentaba violarlo, solo pudo encogerse y quedarse en estado fetal en el piso de aquel baño.
  2. My best friend was always quite a weakling-he was really tall, 6 foot 5, but never weighed more than 165lbs Until he made some changes... I think it all started some years ago. He just turned 16. At this time My body was already quite well developed. My arms were at 15.75 inches, my legs were big and I had some abs and noticeable pecs. That was when I started working out. I often picked on my friend and fun wrestled him as he had no chance against me (I was 6 feet tall- almost 6 inches shorter than him but weighed 170lbs). It was so funny to see him trying to get out of a headscissor or a headlock by using all his strenght. He someday told me not to humiliate him any longer because he’d feel extremely sad and weak... So when he turned 17 he started hitting the gym too. His first half year transformation was insane! He put on 33lbs! From 165 to 198 lbs. His arms swell like nothing I had ever seen, he probably had 13inch arms but now they were at 15.75! (Mine were 17in at this time.) His legs started to show some muscles and his pecs were already as big as mine. He started to show some abs too. So today, 3.5 years later he’s 20 and took going to the gym quite serious - primarily because he wanted to become a better Football player. We ALWAYS went to the gym together but he gained much faster than I did. He pretty soon was able to deadlift 440lbs several times and benchpress 330lbs once. His legs are at 30inches and his chest at 47inches circumference. His arms don’t look like arms anymore- they passed the 19 inch mark as mine rested only at 18. His abs were fucking ripped and his bulging obliques formed an awesome V-line. He weighed 245lbs and had bulging abs. Just imagine that. People were afraid of him, for example when we went out partying and someone was in his way, they immediately apologised. Also tons of girls felt up his arms and pecs as he bounced them well visible under his tshirt in the middle of the dance floor. One day we were at our flat in the city and had some friends over. We were all quite drunk and made fun of each other. I somehow said something stupid about him. He stood up and “fun wrestled” me. But what was fun for him was hell for me. He grabbed my arms, wrapped them around me, threw me onto the couch, sat down on me, wrapped only one of his huge hands around my throat and said:,, Never disrespect me again in front of everyone else” I was shocked. He was fucking strong. Not even I could have finished him that fast three years ago. He could have killed me in less than 15 seconds if he wanted to... As everyone left he came to me. I thought he’d say sorry or something but instead he just said:,, Now I’m the stronger one of us -,,SHRIMP“! The FAR stronger one! It’s my time to humiliate you now!” I was shook. At that point I was really afraid of him, towering in front of me with his huge muscles. I just said ok, and took some steps away from him, turned around and started going to my room. When he just silently said:,,Now is the time to humiliate YOU...” I turned around and saw how he took off his shirt, uncovering his huuuge pecs and ripped abs. I could almost see the blood rushing through the veins on his chest and arms. I was really afraid at this moment. He threw his shirt to me. “Smell it!” “No, why should i?”, I said “Because I am the alpha now! Sooner or later you’ll smell on it!” He ran to me, grabbed my neck from behind and rubbed his shirt into my face. “But why just smell my shirt, if you could smell... ME!” He turned me around and flexed his arm. “Kiss this biceps.” I just looked at him. “KISS IT!” He pushed my head against his peak and flexed it intermittently. He dragged my head from his biceps over his armpit to his pecs and gave me a bearhug. “Stop! You’re hurting me!” I screamed. He just laughed:,, Hahaha! So what?! That’s not even 50% of my strenght!” He tightened the bearhug even more and bounced his meaty, massive, naked pecs into my face. I got really hard and just hoped that he didn’t notice. My trousers were quite loose and that’s when he noticed. “What have we got here? Lil’ omega boy is aroused by some real steel muscles overpowering him?”, he said as he let go of the bearhug. He dropped me onto the couch. He had me in a headlock immediately. He wrapped his huge biceps around my... my.... mouth?! He really was playing with me... as I wanted to bite his biceps he flexed it, laughed and said: ,,Watch out for your teeth, weakling!” He wrapped his arms around my neck now- totally cutting off my air supply. The only thing that didn’t make me pass out was the fact that he flexed and bounced his 19 inch bicepspeak intermittently. But as he stopped I had to tap. He totally let go of me. I was stunned. It could have been that easy?! His arms were almost half way back at him as he wrapped them around y neck again, layed on my back and said:,, Only weaklings tap...” and he made me pass out. I woke up again. All I saw were his massive calves because he put me in a headscissor while I was knocked out. First thing I noticed were all those veins running down his super hairless tree trunk legs. Wait. What was that? He only took off his shirt before?! And he wore a long blue Jean just before he sent me to sleep... Does that mean that he’s... naked...? ,,Ah, so you’re back, twink! Now you get to feel how it is to be totally humiliated.After tensing his massive quads a few times he somehow turned me around so that now my neck was just a bit above his knee I was facing towards his... cock. I could see his massive, vascular 30inch tree trunk legs. But what impressed me at least as much as his muscles was that cock. It was limp, but really thick and already quite long. It was waaay bigger than mine... actually I‘ve never seen such a massive prick, not even in porn He shove it up my throat and I felt it growing in my mouth.... It filled out the whole space in my mouth as it grew bigger and bigger. It was crazy how big it actually was. Because of his massive tree tunk legs and his overall massive frame his dick was much bigger than it seemed. It already almost filled out my mouth as it was limp. But as it got hard I felt it growing down my throat. Inch by inch. I tried to bend my head backwards but his huge quads were in my way. I gagged and nearly suffocated again because I didn’t know what cut off my airway more, his leg muscles which he flexed all the time or his giant cock... As he got fully erected he started talking to me:,, So, lil weakling! U remember when u were the stronger one of us? Those times are over now and will never come back again! I am the alpha now! No, I’m more than alpha... I’m a god!” He grabbed my hair and moved my head, so that I was giving him a blowjob right now. ,,Well twink, just accept it, I am way stronger than you are.” He started moving his hips. ,,I could easily break you into pieces, just look at my arms, man! They are way bigger than yours! Hmm, if I am a muscle god, u should also treat me like one!” He took my left hand and laid it onto his pec. He started bouncing it. After a while he slid my hand over his rock hard abs. Up and down, up and down with his cock still deep down in my throat. I could feel all his masculinity rush through his cock and his pulse beating in those massive muscles. He then loosened the legscissors and slowly moved my head back from his cock. It looked like it never wanted to end. He pulled out and pulled out, i was really amazed that all that fit inside my mouth. It must have been at least 9inches long... I was totally out of breath as he got up to kneel in front of me on the couch. It was so impressive... he started flexing all his muscles. He did a double biceps pose, flexed his rocky abs, bounced his pecs, tensed his traps. Totally naked. ,,Don’t you get it?!”, he shouted at me as he again reached out for my neck and pulled my face to his chest. He rubbed my face all over those gorgeous pecs and abs. ,,You are my little bitch by now! You are supposed to do everything I command you! I mean, you could try to resist but in the end there’s nothing you could do against me...!”, he said. ,,You should clean up my muscles. Too bad I didn’t sweat by wrestling with u... guess I’d have to work out with you now to get started.” He commanded me to get naked too. He then told me to get on his shoulders to do some pullups. My cock was rock hard all the time and pressing against his lower back. As he went down to do some pushups he told me to get on his back. I did so. He started pushing. It still seemed very easy for him. And then I noticed something. I was in the perfect position to get him in a headlock. Should I really dare to do this? It the only way I could show him that I’m not that weak as he says. I slowly moved my arm under his throat, pulled it back to me And locked it with my other arm. I had him. I had this muscle monster in a real headlock- HIS throat against MY biceps. But what was that? Quite unimpressed he just stood up and started running backwards into the wall. He really bumped me in quite hard but I still had him. I could feel him loose his breath and he started to panic a bit. Now he took together all his left over strength and bowed over, throwing me over his head with my back hitting the floor. Fuck. I probably gonna be dead now. He stood up from his kneeling position and what I saw was frightening. His legs and arms as well as his lower abs and chest were totally covered in veins. They were bulging on his totally pumped muscles. He was breathing very hard and heavy. ,,You really shouldn’t have done that! You know what I gotta do now!!!”, he said really angry. He ran over to me, just like a fucking tank, his pecs were jumping with every step. His massive limp dick was bouncing too. He punched me in my stomach making me go to the ground. Then he wrapped his 19inch arms around my neck, adjusted them a bit an flexed them. I was really afraid that he was going to kill me now... I tapped but passed out again... I came back... I wasn’t dead?! I opened my eyes and saw him towering over me. His massive 30inch legs, his huge cock, those swelling ripped abs, his crazy arms and everything was still covered in those thick veins. He truly looked like an animal. ,,I don’t know why you don’t get it weakling! I am the alpha now, I’m almost twice your size, you stand no chance against me!!”, he said. He wrapped both his big muscular long fingers around my neck and lifted me up with his bare hands- choking me at the same time. I was some inches above the ground, just so that my eyes were on the same level as his. He stared into my eyes like a wild beast right before breaking the neck of it’s prey. In a matter of no time he dropped me and held me in a bearhug. I could feel his massive chest and ripped abs on my limp and weakened body... My cock grew rock hard and pressed against his upper quad. ,,U like that?!”, he said as he squeezed me harder. I wanted to say something but I just wasn’t able anymore. I had no air, no strength and was totally done... ,,Awww, lil boy is so exhausted he can’t speak no more... HAHAHAH WHAT A WEAKLING!”, he screamed and tightened the bearhug even more. I felt his monster cock grow bigger and bigger too-pressing against my (much less ripped) abs. He made me pass out again... I wasn’t even aware that a bearhug could make you pass out... As I regained my consciousness I found myself still in his arms. ,,It’s so easy to overpower you. Guess how easy it would be to kill you! But then I’d have nobody to worship my muscles. Well except all those girls...”, he said. He dropped me on the floor and I was amazed by what I saw... A ripped monster with huge bulging muscles all covered in veins - jerking a huge cock... ,,I sweat just a little, twink. But enough for you to clean me up.” He hit a double biceps pose and made me stand up. I didn’t have enough energy to ask or even just say something anymore. I got his point. He was so submissive... I should have done all this three years ago with him... Back when I was able to do that... ,,LICK THEM!”, he said flexing his biceps. I did so. And I loved it. The salty taste of his testosterone loaded sweat. The form of his arms with all those veins... I cleaned his hole body. From his armpit to his massive chest. He bounced it so his pecs would jump a few inches what made it hard to keep my tongue on his skin. I caught a lot of “underboob sweat”. He grabbed my head and lead it around while I licked his washboard abs. I knew that it’s not gonna be enough for him... he pressed me downwards even more. Now my mouth was at those big balls. They smelled really manly. He didn’t even have to command me. I sucked up all his sweat and started swallowing his massive prick. I wanted to give him the best blowjob he ever received... I felt up his muscles with my hands. As I run my fingers down his abs with one hand and worshipped the inside of his huge thighs he came. ,,Mhhhhh... Now you know your place. I don’t allow you to spit it out! Eat it- it’s extra protein for you!” I really loved his taste. I chewed on it and I hope that his testosterone loaded load will give me a boost in strength... I’ll probably suck him off more often, perhaps I’m gonna become as big as him some day....
  3. Important note : this story is based on the adult version of Link (19 years old). Link was looking items in shopkeeper. 10 bombs for 10 Rupees...a wood shield for 20 Rupees... 3 hearts for 10 Rupees... a bow arrow for... 980 Rupees ??? Shit !! It was very cheap ! And... a kind of black purple potion for....... WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATTTTTTTT ???????????? ....... 999,999,999 RUPEES ?????!!!!!! HOLY SHIT ! Why ? Why this potion was so CHEAP ??? It had to be VERY important for this price !!! Ok.... So.... Link looked to right then to left. Ok, never he could pay this but .. there was another way, thought Link with a little malicious smile. He took the potion, do a turn around of shopkeeper who try to follow him from regard and go out when the shopkeeper didn't look him. "Guess what ? You got it for free. Are you proud of yourself ?" said the shopkeeper, very angry. Link was very impatient to try it. It had to be very very very important seen the price. It looked like a black purple liquid. He opened the vial and drank it in one gulp. BEEUUUUUUUUUURRRKKKKK, the taste was very horrible. Link didn't see it but he shone of a purple aura for a few moments. And now ? What was it supposed to do ? Link waited few minutes but... nothing. All for this ? 999999999 Rupees for this ? It was a joke ? Link was very disappointed, this shopkeeper was really a scammer... Well, it was the time to go on adventure ! Today, he had to retrieve a crystal in a dungeon near of the vilage. After some jumps above holes and some moblins, Link arrived in front of the entrance of the dungeon which was blocked by rocks; Link approached and tried to lift it. He became all red : it was so heavy and shit, of course it was heavy, he forgot to wear his power bracelet, which allow him to lift heavy things, like thse rocks. Link put his bracelet and lifted rocks without any efforts. He entered in the dungeon. Inside, he noticed quickly one thing : Malice. It was a black purple substance which was appeared recently and it wasn't any better to touch it because it hurt like hell. After some rooms, Link entered in a room with a chest and 3 Moblins. Few sword blows later, Link opened the chest and found a map. Mmmmhh, apparently in the previous room, there is a breakable wall. Effectively, Link saw a wall with several cracks. He posed a bomb and stepped back. BOOOOOOM. Now there was a big hole in the wall. In the new room, Link found a special chest, probably with the key of the boss room but before there was a little ravine. Link tried to pass it but unfortunately, he had jumped too short. Link yelled while he fell. There was a good and a bad news. The good news : the ravine was not deep. The bad news : Link fell directly... in a puddle of Malice ! Shit ! Shit shit shit shit shit ! No no no no no no no !!!! Link closed his eyes, it was going to hurt. SPLAAAAAAAAASSSHHHH ! He fell right in. Link expected to be in pain but... nothing. Even, he felt like a small sensation of heat or like if he was charged. He heard also like a suction noise. Link opened his eyes and saw the puddle shrink, again and again, until it disappears. What ? What happened ? Usually, it hurts so bad when he touched the Malice but here it felt... good ? And why the puddle shrunk ? It was like he was... absorbing the Malice ? Link was worried, it's was normal. But after all maybe this Malice was defective. Yes, that must have been it. Link went up and jumped above the ravine. He opened the chest : YES, it was the key of the boss room. Link saw there was mini boss room on the way. He entered in room : it was a smasher mini-boss. It was a monster who launched a ball. Link had to lift this ball and launch it on him for defeat him. Link put his power bracelet but the Smasher reached the ball, lifted it and launched it on Link, who dodged. Link ran towards the ball, lifted it and threw it on the Smasher. He repeated this operation until the Smasher was defeated. Link headed towars the boss room. In the room before the boss, Link found another puddle of Malice. He wanted to ignore it but he was really curious after the last time. He hesitated a moment and finally took the decision to test again. After all, he could heal him if he needed. He approached his shaking hands of the puddle. Was he sure ? Really ? ...And then fuck, curiosity was too much. Link touched the puddle with his hands and began to feel again this sensation of heat, of energy. And another thing surprised him : it was like if his hands... absorbed the Malice, like a sponge. He plunged his hands in the puddle an started to moan. Fuck, it didn't hurt, no, in contrary, it felt... good. Ten of seconds later, Link had absorbed all the puddle. Shit, he didn't know why he did this but fuck, this feeling... it was too fucking good. And he didn't why but he felt him like energized. Well, it was time to face the boss. It was Moldorm, a simple boss, he just had to avoid it. Link hit him and Moldorm accelerated. Link was able to avoid it and again he hit him. Again, Moldorm accelerated. But Link got stuck in a corner of the platform when Moldorm charged on him. He didn't know why but Link jumped on the side and he seemed him he jumped more high. Some hits later, Moldorm was defeated. Link entered in the next room and recoved the cristal. He came back at the village after this good day of work. Link loved this village, it was a quiet place. On the way of his house, he crossed Max. It was one of his neighbours. He was the same age. He had light-brown hair and brown hair and seemed very happy when he saw Link. And Link also was happy when he saw Max. "Hello Link, what do you do today ?" asked Max. And Link told him his day. The only thing he didn't tell was his weird experience with Malice. "Whoa ! You has beaten a Moldorm ?" exclaimed Max. He loved listen Link tell his daily adventures and Link loved to tell at Max. He doesn't know why but he had always liked Max, he had something of... special. Tired of his journey, Link undressed for to go sleep. He passed in front of the mirror and he stopped. There is something of weird, he had always been skinny but here he seemed more... ripped ? It was very slight but yes, he seemed as he had a good workout session. It was weird but maybe he had just not noticed. Link went to bed. The next mornning, Link felt him in a great shape and it was and so much the better : he had a new cristal to recover. Inside the dungeon, Link defeated ennemies of the first room and found the map in the chest. Ok, there is a key in this room but before he had to pass a ravine. Link defeated ennemies and was on the edge of the ravine. He jumped but instantly he remembered he needed boots of pegasus for to pass it. Shit shit shit he was going to fall but... weirdly, he arrived to pass the ravine WITHOUT the boots. Weird, very weird, he was sure than he wasn't able to do this but however, he did it. Link took the key and came back towards the entrance of the dungeon. Again, he passed the ravine. Definitely, it was weird, like if he could jump further. But he had done nothing special... or not ! Suddenly, Link remember his experience with the Malice. Is it possible that it could be the cause ? Perhaps... there was only one way for to know it : he will absorb the next pool of Malice ! Link continued and arrived at the mini boss room but the way was blocked by two boulders. It was too heavy for to be lift without his power bracelets; He put it, lifted one of boulders and threw it further then he entered in mini boss room. This time, it was a well know ennemy : Blaino. It was a boxer and his punch did really hurt. The fight started, Link give few sword strokes but released his attention and it was the moment where Blaino used his mega punch. He hit Link in his midsection and sent him at the entrance of dungeon. Shit, it hurts so bad. Link returned in the mini boss room and this time he defeated Blaino. He never liked this ennemy. He continued and noticed a breakable wall in the next room. He took a bomb and explosed the wall. And YES ! In this room, there was a chest on a platform and around a pool of Malice. Under normal circumstances, it would be a trap but not today. Link looked the Malice : was he sure ? Did he want that ? Oh fuck yeah he wanted it ! Link plunged in the Malice's pool. Instantly, Link felt the familiar feeling, more intense than previously. He began to gasp loduly and watched his hands... and he saw something : his hands seemed ... to grow ? He wasn't sure but.... yes, yes, his hands was growing !! Oh fuck, the feeling was so good. And it wasn't just his hands, his whole body seemed to grow. Fuuuuuuuck !! Link weared a blue suit with a stealth armor. Quickly, he could feel that his clothes seemed tight. He watched his biceps and yes, he could see the muscle pushed against the fabric. His biceps bulged, and bulged, and bulged until suddenly... *riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiip* Tears started to appear. Link looked with amazement his new biceps and flexed it several times. But it was not all : Link could feel a huge pressure in his chest, especially in his abs and pecs. Again, Link could feel his clothes became more tight; But suddenly he heard also an other thing : stretch metal noises. Link looked down and what he saw left him speechless : usually, this armor was flat and adapted perfectly to his body, but here, Link could see bumps appear, six for to be exact and two bigger above. It was very slight at the beginning but soon, bumps became clearly visible. Growth continued during few minutes then it stopped. Link couldn't stop himself to flex his biceps. It wasn't the skinny arms he always had but a good muscular gun. He was also curious by this chest, he removed his armor and looked under his shirt and HOLY FUCK ! He had abs ! A nice set of six boulders. He passed his hands on them and gosh, it felt hard. Yes now, it was sure : it was the Malice. And he was taller too, 6.6 feet. Link put again his armor. He jumped on the platform and shit ! He jumped on several feet. He opened the chest and took the boss key. He came back in the previous room and he stopped in front of the boulders. An idea trough him : was he able to lift this boulder without his power bracelets ? Link placed his hands under the boulder and tried to lift it. No surprise, it was heavy and Link clenched his teeths but... he lifted, inch by inch this boulder. Yes, he was able to lift it without his power bracelets. Fuuuuuuuck this exploit made him very horny. He continued and was in front of a big ravine, more longer than the previous. Logically he should have to use his grapnel but here, he stepped back, ran then jumped. He was surprised himself by his jump ! He reached without problem the other side. Fuuuuuuuuuck ! In the next room, he found another breakable wall. He wanted to take a bomb but.... SHIT ! His bag was empty ! Shit ! Then an idea trough his mind. He looked his fist, opened it, closed it, opened it, closed it. He felt him strong, no... he WAS strong. He could lift big boulders without his power bracelets ! So maybe he could... Link looked the wall, clenched his fist and hit it. "BAAAAAAMM !" The wall was hard but he could do it ! "BAAAAAAMM !" And again... "BAAAAAAMM !" This time, Link could see cracks become wider. Fuck yeah ! A few more hits and... "BAAAAAAMM !" Again, cracks became wider. "BAAAAAAMM !" Few pieces fell of the wall. Again a little effort and... "BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAM !" The wall crumbled into dozens of pieces ! Link had destroyed a wall with bare hands ! Fuuuuuuuuuck ! He was so powerful ! Finally, Link arrived at the boss room. It was a kind of reptile with a mask; Usually, Link had to be use bomb or hammer but Link hadn't no bombs and hammer, well... he had to bypass this room (after all he had bypass a good part of the dungeon). But..; he didn't matter : if he could destroyed a wall with his fist why not... a mask ? Link approached of the reptile, who spat out a fire ball. Link dodged, one time, two times, three times and then he arrived in front of the Helmasaur. Here he clenched his fist and punched the reptile in his face with all his might. Cracks appeared on the mask. The Helmasaur was very surprised : it wasn't not the usual battle...Link punched him a second time. Cracks became really big : third time would be the last. Link punched him a last time and the mask literally exploded in hundred of pieces. The Helmasaur looked him badly, with a swollen cheek but Link didn't give her time to react : he jumped and punched it in the green crital in the forehead of the reptile. Again cracks appeared and this time it was sufficient for to defeat the monster. Gosh ! Link didn't believe in what he had just done : he defeat a boss only bare hands. He recovered the cristal and came back on the village. In the village, he crossed some people, who looked him weirdly but said anything. Usually, Link didn't like to workout but in the dungeon, use this amazing strength was so orgasmic... so he went out the village and looked after two similar big boulders and finally found what he was looking for. Nggggggnnnnhh ! It was heavy but he could lift it. Link brought them back in the village. Again, he crossed some people who were speechless in seeing what he wore. He brought back the second boulder and tried to find a big iron bar then he made dumbbels. Ok, let's go ! Link started to lift his dumbbell; Fuck it was heavy but he could do it ! At each rep he groaned and was horny to think what he lifted. Yesterday, he won't be able to move one of them and now he was lifting two in same time ! Today it was a sunny day and Link had very warm, so he removed his armor and clothes... all clothes. Fuuuuuuuuck, he didn't notice the size of his dick, even his member had grown ! After several ten of minutes Link tried another exercice. He started to do push up... but after one hundred, it was really too easy. So he hardened the exercice in adding a boulder on his back. It was harder but after 50 repetitions, it was not enough harder ! So Link added the other boulder. This time, it was hard ! Link groaned at each rep. He began also to sweat. Then Link did squats in weraing a boulder, he did 200 repetitions. Then he did sit ups but after 500 reeptitions, he bored so he retrieved his dumbbell. Max had just returned home. He asked himself where was Link, he didn't see of the day. Max went at the home of Link, he was about to enter when he heard moans... no, it was more groans. What the... ? It wasn't normal ! Link had maybe problems ! He entered and said "Link ? What are...". Max froze and widened his eyes. What... the...fuck ? In front of him there was a people, with the face of Link yes but... his body ?! Link was skinny but this person was... so fucking muscular ! It was really Link ? What the fuck happened to him ? "Link......what....what the fuck....happened....to you ????". Link looked Max, afraid during one second but quickly smiled. He dropped his dumbbell which fell heavily on the ground. Link was here, smiling, gasping, covered by sweat and his muscles flexed to the rhythm of his breathing. Max was instantly horny, even in his wildest dreams he hadn't even imagined that; Gosh, he loved already Link bu here, he was the most sexiest thing he had seen of his life. Max approached and watched Link chest, completely in trance. Mechanically he put down his hand on his sixpack and began to caress (and cumming in same time, a wet patch could be seen on his short) before to realize of what he did. "Shit so...so...so...sorry...I...I didn't want..." said Max in removing his hand and closing his eyes, scared than Link took that badly. But suddenly he felt a strong hand take his hand and... slowy posed his hand on hard bumps. Max opened his eyes, looked up and saw Link who smiled and nodded of his head. Max hesitated few moments then... he threw him on Link. His hands were everywhere : he felt ridge and valleys of Link's abs, he felt his pecs, his nipples, his shoulders, his biceps/triceps. He felt each bulges, each veins. Then he began to kiss the amazing muscular chest of Link and lick him. Gosh, his sweat tasted so fucking good ! Then he felt strong hands of Link take him by his waist and Link lifted him for to bring him in front of his face. And the moment that Max waited since forever happened : Link kissed him. He couldn't describe what he felt at this moment, it was like thousands explosions of pleasure. They started a dance of tongue then slowy Link walked towards his bed. He posed delicately Max, sit down on his knees and started to tear his clothes. In few seconds Max was fully naked. Link laid down on Max. Shit through Max, fortunately that Link had mattress, he wasn't sure he could support his amazing weight. And they retrieved their session of kiss and carres, Link passed his hands in Max's hairs, felt his neck, his shoulders and arms. On the side of Max, he passed his hands in amazing blond hairs of Link, felt his muscular neck, his traps, his rounded shoulders, he carresed his magnificient biceps and ran his vein, his caressed his pecs, played with his nipples, felt the hardness of his sixpack. They continued like that during some minutes then Link broke the kiss, took Max and returned him on his belly. Usually Max loved dominate but here he was totally overwhelmed, Link was a god, a muscle god. Max sunk into the mattress when Link laid down on him; He felt his enormous dick at the entrance of his ass, but Link waited before to enter, he licked and kissed the back of Max, who enjoyed each second of this magical moment. Then at given time, Max felt an enormous feeling through him : Link began to enter into him. "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK !!!!!!!!" he yelled. Shit, oh shit, oh shit shit shit ! It was more than all he could expected, but it was so FUCKING GOOD ! "NNNNNNGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAA !!!!" he moaned while Link was sinking deeper. Max started to gasp quickly. "Oh fuck.......fuck........FUCK......you can't........know.....how........FUCKING GOOD.........it is !!... OOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!" he yelled because Link, again, was sinking deeper. Between "pushes", Max could feel Link feeling his back. Shit, SHIT ! Sex and tenderness, the perfect combination ! "NNNNNNNNNGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA !!!!" he yelled again. Max was gasping very quickly. Gosh, it was so fucking amazing ! "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" he yelled when Link pushed the rest of his member in his ass : Link was now totally into Max. He kissed his back few times then Max could feel Link's cock removed then he felt he pushed again. "NNNGGGGGGGGGGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!!" And again, Link removed then pushed. After some hits, it started to slide easily; Link began to pump. "OH SHIT ! FUCK ! SHIT SHIT ! AAAAAAAHH OOOOOOOHHHHH" Max gasped again more quickly. And Link pumped, pumped, pumped. Little by little he increased the pace until to have a very speed, like a rowhammer. Max was moaning but his moan was interrupted by pumps of Link. "AAA-AAA-AAA-AAA-AAA-AAA-AAA-AAA-AAA-AAA" Link continued to pump Max during few ten of minutes until Max could hear Link groaned. He knew the climax was very near. Link contained him as long as he could but after one minute he roared. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!!" Max yelled too, he felt like if we released a fire hose inside him. He felt gallons and gallons of warmth liquid filled him. He could feel also the walls of the house shaking because of the yell of Link. The deluge lasted several minutes before to stop. At this moment, Max hadn't seen but Link well : a purple aura surrounded Max. And Link could bet that he was more muscular, it was very slightly but yeah, he seemed more ripped. Link could see a bit of his cum aside them and he saw that the cum had a slighty purple color. Is it possible that... ? "Holy fuck ! ... Link..... it was.... the most.....intense....feeling....I had feel.......of my life !!" gasped Max. Two lovers continued their session of tenderness before to fall asleep, each in arms of other. Link was the first to wake up. Max was still sleeping. Link wanted to try something : he had the impression which he had transmitted his superpower of "Malice absorption" to Max by his cum. Link had a little vial of Malice in his desk. He just hoped that he wouldn't hurt Max, especially after his amazing evening where both confessed their love for other. Link opened the vial and very slowy, he poured some on Max's back. Link was afraid during few seconds then... he saw with joy than the Malice was absorbed by Max, who moaned slowly and said in his sleep "Fuuuuck yeah Link ! Again my love, take me !". Oh fuck yeah ! He had contaminated him ! Max could grow with Malice ! Link was very happy. It was time to grow more ! But his lovers was still sleeping, and he needed to rest him. But when he will wake up, he will have a BIG surprise ! Link was going to give him a gift : he saw another pool of Malice in the dungeon of yesterday, he didn't see it because this room was hidden. Max would wake up with a titanic Link and after, they will have another amazing love session and shit, have sex was so FUCKING GOOD, especially with Max ! Link was already horny and hard just in thinking at this hot scene ! Link went out discreetly and hurried him to go in the dungeon. Usually, he took him one hour but now he went here in only 10 minutes. Link jumped above ravine, cliffs and other obstacles that he would normally circumvent. So in 10 minutes he was in front of the entrance of the dungeon. Ok, so he had to go straight ahead, then right, then left, then straight ahead and finally at left. 5 minutes later, Link was in front of the wall but this wall hadn't cracks. Link punched into one time, two times, three times. Cracks appeared but it will be harder than the last time. But Link was in hurry. He gripped the little hole he had made in the wall and tore a small piece of wall, then again, and again, and again, and again. Quickly, Link began literally to dig in the wall and after 15 minutes, he had made a big hole in the wall. Shit, he could dig in a wall to bare hands. Link watched the pool of Malice, smiled and plunged into. He forgot to remove his clothes and his armor but it doesn't matter, he was sure that he gonna become too big for them. Link moaned loudly when he felt his body begin to grow. Quickly he could hear strecthing sounds of fabric which yelled at the death, cannot contain his enormous muscle mass; Few seconds later, tearing sounds could be heard then it was the turn of his armor to confront his new muscle gorwth spurt, in a fight where the armor was sure to loose. *criiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii* Bumps of his pecs became more apparent, his abs became more ripped, his shoulders inflated as balloons, his traps rose up, started to really surround his neck, his biceps/triceps became huge peaks of muscle. Then his armor abandoned the game. : it started to tear in some place and bigger Link was, more tore was the armor until finally it was completely shredded, leaving Link totally naked. Link continued to moan and to inflate slowy when suddenly his shoulders exploded without warning, gaining a lot of in size and surprising Link, who roared, then it was the turn of his traps to pass from hills to mountains, again Link roared. It was like an orgasmic explosion. Then he clenched his fists while his biceps/triceps and forearms became gigantic peaks of pure muscle. Then his pecs exploded, going from the size of a football ball to a beach ball. Then each row of his sixpack exploded out of his stomach, almost doubling in size and Link roared a fourth time when the fourth row popped, giving him now a fucking amazing eight-pack. His dick gained also in size and became more wide, it touched the bottom of his pecs and it was wider than a can. And his legs became so wide, wider than a tree trunks, and so fucking ripped, so veiny. The growth spurt lasted again few seconds and finally stopped it. Link was here, gasping, enjoying of this incredible feeling of pure power. He felt him strong before but now, he felt just surhuman, able to lift a big boulder with only one hand. He passed his hand on his amazing body, feeling and boucing his pecs, feeling his eight-pack, flexing his biceps. He felt so invincible, like a god. He didn't want but it was too much, he felt a huge pressure in his ball and then... "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!" He shot like a cannon, reaching without effort the ceiling. Gosh, the feeling was so... divine ! The deluge lasted at least 20 minutes; Link didn't know ho much he had shot but fuuuuuck, a good part of the ceiling and the wall was covered by cum. Link smiled, it was time to show his new body to Max ! And after they will have.... When he arrived near of the wall, he wanted try something. He walked further, here where the wall was intact. Then he clenched his fist and hit the wall. Behind the wall, few monsters walked, quietly whhen suddenly, the wall exploded; All monsters looked and their eyes widened when they had seen a 8 feet muscular titan appeared. All of them immediately moved aside, totally afraid. Link had not difficult to get out of the dungeon. He rushed towards the village and so quickly ! In only 4 minutes he had reached the village !! But something was wrong... Suddenly a inhabitant ran towards Link. "LINK... LINK !! IT'S TERRIBLE ! IT WAS.......Link ???! But.. what the.... ????!!!" He seemed very surprised by the new body of Link, especially because he didn't saw his previous size so go from the skinny Link to the 8 feet muscular Link, it was... confusing ! "...... ok, no time for questions ! It was Ganondorf, he kidnapped Max and brought him at his tower and..." When the inhabitant pronounced the name of Max, the look of Link became very very dark. And in one second he ran in direction of the Ganon's tower. This day, Link beaten every records of speed. He rushed trough the forest. A tree on his way ? He exploded it ? A big boulder blocked the way ? He lifted it and sent it in the sky. Then he passed through the cave, and when I say "through", I say trough : no time for detours, Link rushed in straight line and exploded walls with only one punch. Then it was the mountain : climbing ladders ? It takes too much time, Link jumped from cliffs to cliffs. In two minutes he was at the top of the moutain, in front of the Ganondorf's tower. He entered in the tower. Well, no time, for chest, keys and all these bullshit, he had to find Max and quickly ! Link walked straight ahead and exploded the wall with his fist. In this room, he found a Smasher. The Smasher lifted his ball and threw it on Link. But Link caught the ball with one hand and he launched it with all his might on the Smasher, who trough two walls. Link continued; At a given moment, he was on a bridge. He looked on the ceiling and saw a big platform. No time for detours, he crouches down and jumped of several ten of miles in height. He reached the platform and fell in front of Moldorm.But the battle was very short : Link caught the tail of Moldorm and started swirling it around then he threw him against the wall. He continued his way, jumped above a big ravine, destroyed few walls, lifted with one hand a big boulder which blocked the way and arrived in other mini boss room. Again ? He had other things to do, really. This time it was Blaino. He gave a few blows in the void for impressionate Link, who didn't move then Blaino prepared his mega punch. Again, Link didn't move. He hit Link in his midsection. The time seemed to be stopped during one second then...Blaino exploded ! Link's abs were really too hard for the weak fist of Blaino. Link continued his way. He passed on a very high bridge and saw below there was a gigantic room filled with Malice. He hesitated for a moment but no, he was enough powerful. But he was going to reserve a small bath for Max ! Finally, Link saw big stairs which should which were to lead to the final room. Finally ! He hoped that Max was fine. Link entered in the room and found Ganondorf and behind him, Max, who was imprisoned. "Hahahaha, finally ! Today is your last day Link !" said Ganondorf, who seemed not impressionated by the body of Link. Ganondorf generated a fire ball and launched it on Link. Usually, Link returned it in using his mastersword but now, he was powerful, very poweful. He wanted humiliate Ganondorf, made him understand he wasn't the skinny Link but a huge powerful 8 feet muscle giant and he was the stronger. ! The fire ball rushed towards him and Link returned it in using.... his dick! Yes, you have read correctly : Link not used his masterword but his dick !! Ganondorf shot several fire balls but Link returned all with his dick. Ganondorf tried to attack him with his sword but Link caught the sword with one hand and began to grip. Soon, cracks noises could be heard and few seconds later, Link broke Ganondorf's sword with only his powerful grip. Ganondorf tried to punch him. Link didn't move but smiled when the Ganondorf's fist met his eight-pack. He didn't feel anything, but for Ganondorf, it was another story. It hurt, very hurt. He tried to punch him again but Link stopped him with one hand, smiling because he surpassed him. Link punched him and even his armor, Ganondorf was in great pain. Shit ! He didn't think that it would happen like this. Beaten by this fucking Hyrulian ! But he hadn't said his last word. He had a joker, a fucking powerful joker. This fucking hyrulian would soon suffer. Oh fuck yes he would ! "Hahaha, you think you has won ? You think that's my end ? Oh no no no, you're wrong Link ! Look what I have !!!". A light shrone strongly and in front of the gerudo is appeared... the Trifoce! Shit thought Link, if he gets a hold of it, it can be bad. And unfortunately for him, he gets a hold of it. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!!!!!" yelled Ganondorf when he felt this incredible power trough him. "YES YES OH FUUUUUUCK YES HAHAHAHAHA THE POWER, THE ULTIMATE POWER FINALLY HAHAHAHHAHAHAHA !!!!!!!!!!!!" And his appearence started to change. His eyes became entirely red, his brown skin started to became more lighter before to take a blue tint, his hairs started to fall, his nose was starting to get longer, such as a snout. "HAHAHAHAHAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH SO MUCH POWER HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA !!!!!" and Ganondord, who seemed transforming into Ganon, seemed became taller and also more... muscular ? Effectively, Link could see Ganon's arms, which were well muscular, became bigger. "YES YES I COULD FEEL IT AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!" And soon stretching metal noises could be heard and Link could see Ganon's armor deform for to take the shape of his muscles. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!!" His armor was starting to tear. Link could see huge pecs under and could see what semmed to be the first row of his abs. *criiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii* Ganon continued to grow, bigger and taller. Suddenly, his armor, which couldn't take more, tore on the front, letting appear two huge pecs and a set of 8 fucking muscular bricks. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!!" And suddenly, his whole body started to swell in humongous proportions : his traps surrounded his neck, his shoulders were two fucking huge balls, his biceps/triceps were bigger than Link's head, his pecs were gigantic, his eight-pack was a fucking titanium brick wall, his legs were wider than a redwood trunk. "HAHAHAHAHAHA SO POWERFUL !!! YOU WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO DEFEAT ME !" Ganon was already a threat but now, all hope of defeating him seemed lost. Now, he was a very muscular 11 feet blue boar-like humanoid. He seemed invincible but Link must try to beat him ! He took his mastersword and attacked Ganon. Link yelled when he drew his sword on Ganon but the latter stopped it with only one hand. "HAHAHAHAHA SERIOUSLY ? You seriously think that I'm still scared by this cheap sword. So look ! LOOK MY POWER !" and Ganon gripped the mastersword. Soon, Link could see with horror than the mastersword cracked in some places. No, no he thought ! It couldn't be possible ! And unfortunately, his whole hopes were shattered when Ganon broke the sword, in smiling sadly. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ! It was too easy ! Like I said you, now, you can't defeat me ! I'm the most powerful thing and I gonna take the control of this world ! But firstly, I'm gonna kill you Link !" In an act of despair, Link tried to hit Ganon, he clenched his fist and hit the monster in his midsection. But it was as if he had knocked in a brick wall. "BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA ! It's all ? You are not able to do better ? Really ? Beause I don't feel anything HAHAHAHAHAHAHA !" Link tried to hit Ganon again, and again, and again but the result was the same : the "muscle armor" of Ganon was impenetrable. He was overwhelmed. He couldn't defeat him; But no, fuck no, it couldn't be possible, there had to be a way ! "Well, this is time to show you what's the power ! It's the end Link HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA !" and Ganon knocked Link, and despite his good developed eight-pack, Link spat blood and fell on his knees. Ganon kicked him and Link was projected on the edge of the platform. Before he could get up, Ganon jumped very high and landed in hitting the ground and. Instantly, cracks appeared; Ganon looked Link with a very sadly smile and suddenly the corner of the platform broke and Link yelled while he was falling. "LIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK !!!!!!!" yelled Max when he saw Link fall towards his death. And Ganon laughed, very loudly. Link did a big fall and fell in liquid. Instantly he felt an amazing burning so he thought that was lava but... after few seconds, it felt like... good ? Very very good even ! And he understood : holy shit, it wasn't lava, it was... A FUCKING POOL OF MALICE ! Yes, oh fuck yes, he could feel his body absorb it, he could feel his muscles grow. Oh yes, oh fuck yes ! Ganon was going to regret it ! Link started to laugh but swallowed only Malice. Fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck fuck fuck, oh fucking fuck, it feel so... GOOOOOOOOOOD ! He could feel his traps rose up more. Shit, it felt so amazing ! His shoulders became absolutely gigantic. Oh shit, oh fuck ! His biceps and triceps exploded in mass. Holy shit, this strength, this sensation, it was so fucking good, shit ! His forearms widened more and more. Crap, Link couldn't stop to open and close his fists and fuck, it felt so good ! He could feel his pecs exploded with a huge amount of muscle. FUUUUUUUCK ! His abs started to popped out, row after row, while Link yelled with every row, and finally Link roared a fifth time : he had now an incredibly strong ten-pack; He passed his hands on them and holyyyy fuuuuuuuuuck, it was so hard, so ripped ! His legs became humongously wide and ripped. Link flexed his legs and moaned of pleasure. And above all : his cock became absolutely titanic. He wanted to came but no, not now, his powerful orgasm will be reserved for the boy he loved more anything : Max. Link grew, and grew, and grew; Shit, it felt so FUCKING AMAZING. Ganon was the most powerful ? Hahahaha the good joke ! Now, he was sure he could crush him with his little finger. Max was in tears, he had saw Link fall. Nobody couldn't survive on this fall, even Link. Ganon had won, Link was probably dead... "Link... No...no.....NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO !!!!!" yelled Max, in tear. "BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA !! It's over, your fucking friend is dead ! I have won and now my darkness reign is about to begin ! HAHAHAHAHAHA !!!!" But suddenly... "GRRRRRROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR !!!!!!!!!!!!!" An enormous roar resonated, making walls shake. It was a bestial roar, from something to huge, incredibly huge. Even Ganon was very surprised, no, no, it couldn't be this... Suddenly the other corner of the platform exploded literally, really like an explosion. Ganon and Max couldn't see because there was a lot of smoke. But something fell back, by shaking the ground. It seemed big, very big, no... not big, absolutely GIGANTIC, absolutely HUMONGOUS ! They could see only an enormous shadow in the smoke. "Shit !" thought Max. It couldn't be Link, this thing was too huge, really too huge ! Finally the shadow got up, more and more and more... Fuck, this thing was taller than Ganon, 14 feet maybe ! And finally, Max saw the head and was totally in shock : it was the Link's head. HOLY FUCK !!!!!!!!! Max couldn't see more than his head but FUCK, he could see his gigantic traps then, little by little the smoke dissipated, revealing the amazing muscular body of Link. Yes, his traps were now big mountains, surrounding entirely his neck, his shoulders... it was so fucking HUGE ! Enormous and striated ! Max was speechless when he saw his biceps/triceps : HOLY MOTHER FUCKING GOD ! It had to be wider than him, never he could imagine that an arms could be so BIG ! It was so astonishing ! His pecs... HOLY FUCK ! Two incredible balls of pure striated muscle ! Max guessed that only one of these amazing pecs had to weight more than him ! Then Max could see first row of amazing Link's abs ans fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck, there were so fucking enormous, bigger than his head ! Max could see, two...four...six...eight......ten.....TEN ? HOLY FUCK ! He never imagined it was possible (but after all, with a fucking 14 feet muscle titan, all was possible !). And shit, his obliques was so fucking ripped ! God ! And his adonis belt, fuuuuuuck ! And... HOLY FUCKING MOTHER GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSHHHHHH ! thought Max when he saw the humongous cock of his boyfriend. It was big, no, it was FUCKING HUGE ! Wider than his two arms glued together ! And holy fuuuuuck ! Look these legs ! Quads were absolutely humongous, so muscular and so ripped, and so veinous and fuuuuck look these calves, he could guess they were bigger than his head. Max was drooling in front of this incredible muscular god, and this god was his boyfriend ! This perfect view on the most sexiest thing he had seen in his life made him cum instantly. He was so absorbed by this amazing scene that he forgot all about the current situation. Ganon seemed irritated ; how this fucking bastard have survived ? And how this fucking bastard had grown so much ? "GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR !!!! I don't know how you has survived or how you grew like that but if you think you can defeat me, you are WRONG ! I have the triforce of power ! I'm the king king of darkness ! And you gonna DIE !!!". Ganon used his powers for to take his trident and threw it with all his might towards Link. "LOOK OUT LINK !" yelled Max. His boyfriend was perhaps now a 14 feet muscular titan, but it was Ganondorf, well, no, it was Ganon and fuck, but this trident could pierce several walls ! But Link didn't move. He was just walking with a determined look. And fuck but each of his steps made the ground shake. Then the trident hit him in his abs. To the surprise of Max and Ganon, it didn't pierce Link, at contrary, the spikes bent when they met Link's ten-pack. The trident fell on the ground while Link continued slowy his walk, like an unstoppable tank and still with his determined look. Ganon seemed more irritated, if he thought it wouldn't be sufficient for to defeat Link, he really believed it would hurt him. Fucking shit, after all, he had the triforce of power ! "GRRRRRRRRRRR TAKE THAT HYRULIAN BASTARD !!!" Ganon launched a big fire ball. Shit thought Max, it was enough for to disintegrate someone ! But, one more time, Link didn't nothing, he was only walking, made the ground shake with each steps. He took the fire ball and an gigantic explosion occured. Ganon yelled of joy, it was simply impossible he is not killed or at least, injured. Max had a frightening moment but suddenly, an enormous legs went out of smoke and hit the ground with an unbelievable power. Then the of the Link's body followed, without a single stratch. "NOOOOOOOO !!!!!" yelled Ganon. We could hear the angry but also the frustration and the despair. But fuck, he had the triforce of power, he had to be stronger than this fucking bastard ! It couldn't be otherwise !!! "YOU THINK YOU SCARE ME ?! YOU THINK YOU ARE MORE POWERFUL THAN ME ?! YOU GONNA SEE !!" and Ganon jumped for to hit him. Again, Link didn't try to dodge. Even, just before Ganon hit him, Max could see a small smile. Ganon hit him on the side of his head. Shit thought Max, the power of this hit was phenomenal, enough for to kill anyone in one shot ! But... Link had just moved his head of an inch and smiled more, as if he hadn't feel anything. When Ganon touched the ground, he clenched his fist and hit Link in his midsection. Again, the power of this punch was sufficient for to pierce a people but in the case of Link, only a crack could be heard. Max didn't know if Ganon had broken bones or if it was his bones. But few seconds later, Max could see Ganon took his hand away and wince. Holy shit ! He had just broken his fist on fucking incredibly hard abs of Link !! Max could see Ganon was mad of rage : all muscles were flexed, veins pulsed on the surface. Then, in a black anger, Ganon threw a flood of punches on Link, who took tens, no, hundreds of blows. But Link still didn't move. Even, in the middle of the deluge, he yawned strongly. This time it was clear, Ganon was totally surpassed. Ganon, in rage, stepped back and lifted one of enormous gold statues. He threw it on Link. Shit, one of these statues had to weigh several tons. Link clenched his fist, hit the statue and exploded it into hundreds of pieces; Ganon threw other statues but Link explosed each of them. Totally in rage, Ganon turned, saw Max and threw a fire ball on him. Max narrowly avoided the fire ball. At this moment, the look of Link was no longer determined, no, he was angry, no, furious, really really furious. Nobody touches Max, NOBODY !!! He clenched his fist and rushed on Ganon, who turned and just had the time the fist on Link go into his stomach. But if Ganon had broken his fist on Link's abs, Link had no difficulty for pulverize the eight-pack of monster. Ganon felt the biggest pain of his life. During few seconds, time seemed to be stopped, Max could see the amazing punch of Link shattered Ganon's abs and the monster, very surprised by the power of his hit, spit out even a little blood. And then Max saw Ganon projected at an unimaginable speed, go trought the wall, which was, however, very thick and disappear in sky. Holy shit ! Link had to project him on several hundred of miles. And it was over : Link had defeat Ganon, no, he had pulverized him !! "LINK !!!" yelled Max, in joy to join his boyfriend. He wrapped his arms around of Link's legs and began to cry. "I thought I'd never see you again !". Link stopped down and posed his hand on Max's head. "But... how... how are you became so big ?" said Max in posing one of his hands on Link's abs. Shit he thought, one of his fucking enormous brick was bigger than his hand. And the hardness... GOSH !! Not surprising that Ganon broke his hand ! Max became very very very horny while he caressed his ten-pack. Quickly Link could hear Max moaning and see him shoot several loads. But few moments later Max seemed a little sad. "Link, you are the most fucking amazing sexiest thing I have seen of my life... but... now, you are too big for me, really too big. We won't be able to do anything more; I mean, if we tried, I'm sure you crushed me instantly. I'm an ant compared to you". And then, Link got up and he signalled to Max to follow him. Max didn't understand why but he followed him. Fuck, the ground shaked with every step. Link was really a fucking titan. Finally, they arrived in a room, but not any room : THE room ! In front of them, there was... a fucking pool of Malice, no, a fucking SEA of Malice. It was enough for to grow Max at the same height of Link, maybe more. "But, why did you bring me here ? It's just a giant room with a lot of Malice. And you know like me that this substance is very very dangerous !" Link approached from the edge and would dip his hand in Malice. "LINK !! ARE YOU CRAZY ???" yelled Max. But Link looked him, smiled and did a sign to look. He plunged his hand and removed it for to show it to Max, who could see the substance slowy disappear, like if it was... absorbed ? Max heard Link moaned "LINK, ARE YOU OKAY ?" he said, verry worried. But Link looked him with a big smile. Then he pointed Max then the Malice. "WHAT ?? YOU MEAN YOU WOULD LIKE THAT I..." and Link nodded. "But...but...why...how...but..." Max didn't understand, usually Malice did hurt to Link but here, it was as if Link... absorbed the Malice and as if he... enjoyed that ? But, it hadn't no sense ! Max was in his thought when he felt one big hand catch him... "Link ? What are you doiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG ???????????" he yelled when Link threw him in middle of the room, into the Malice !! SPLASH ! Quickly, he rose to the surface and yelled : "LINK !!!! ARE YOU CRAZY ??? WHY DID YOU DO THAT ??? I...I....I...I...feel good ?!! But...but..." And Max watched his hands, and like Link, he saw the Malice to be absored by his hand. "Wh...wh...what the...?!" and Max focused on the feeling : "I didn't hurt, no, it felt... good... really good, like if he was loaded with energy... and what was a pleasant feeling of warmth intensified quickly and became more a burning. Max watched his hands and could see veins appear and... yeah.... of fuck yeah... his hands became slowy bigger and... his forearms too. Oh fuck ! In fact it was his whole body which grew ! Max began to gasp and sweat. He looked Link who was watching him with a big smile. "So...oooooohh....it was...nnngggghhhh....true...it was....aaaaaaahhh Malice which....OH FUCK !" Max felt an enormous pressure in his whole body, he could feel his whole body grow. And he didn't just feel it, he could hear it : stretch sounds could be heard. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!!!!!" yelled Max, who reached quickly the appearance of a gymnast. His forearms were ripped, his arms became muscular but not yet big, his shoulders became round, we could see slighty traps, his pecs started to appear and below a good sixpack started to show it but not yet really bulged. "OH FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCKKK AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH NGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!" Max laughed, enjoying every second because each second his body became more muscular, more powerful and he could feel it. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!" Ten secons later, he reached the stage of the teen bodybuilder : his forearms were really developed, his biceps and triceps had a good peak of muscle, his shoulders were canonballs, his traps rose, his pecs were muscular, his sixpack was six boulders implanted under his skin and his chest had a good shape of V. Max gasped louder when his eyed widened... "FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!" he yelled. Link could hear Max's voice became really deep, almost inhuman. He could see Max yelled while his body grew to reach another stage. His clothes were in agony and started to tear. Shit, Max was now bigger than a pro bodybuilder, he was so muscular. Big arms, huge shoulders, traps which surrounded his neck, huge pecs, abs really bulged and ripped. And he was taller, probably 7 feet. Suddenly Max grimaced strongly and roared like he never roared. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!!!" His whole body seemed have "muscle explosions", his big biceps became enormous, his traps rose up more to the point that Max had almost no neck, his pecs exploded, gaining a lot of size, Link could see Max's abs stretching and suddenly, Max roared when the first row exploded out of his stomach, doubling in size, then the second, and the third and Max roared a last time while a fourth row popped out from nothing, giving him a incredibly ripped and strong eight-pack. And now, Link could see his quads, which were so fucking ripped, so wide. And obviously, his fucking incredible cock, which was widder than a can. Max was now almost 9 feet tall. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ! OH FUCK LINK, IT'S SO AMAZAING, NO, IT'S SO HOLY MOTHER FUCKING AMAZING !!! IT'S FEEL SO FUCKING GOOD YOU HAVE NO IDEA !!!" And Link knew it was not over, Max was soon to overtake him. He will join him at that moment. Link could hear Max moaning very louder and see that Max absorbed a huge quantity of Malice. The next growth spurt will be titanic ! On the side of Max, he had only just recovered from his latest grow spurt that he could feel his body absorbed more and more Malice. He felt like a balloon that was inflated again and again. Then, at some point, nothing more but Max knew it was the calm before the storm. And the storm came ! "OOOOOOOOHH .... FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK !!!!!!!!!!!!" Max roared like he never roared. He roared so loudly than pieces of ceiling fell. Followed a series of "muscle growth spurts" and Max quickly gained in bulk and size. His whole body became absolutely titanic, like Link ; his biceps became mountains of muscle, just like his traps, his shoulders were planetoid, his pecs were just titanic, his eight-pack exploded into a fucking muscular and ripped ten-pack, his legs became wider than a redwood trunks and so fucking ripped. And his cock was simply monstrous ! And he gained wickly in tall : 10 feet... 11 feet...12 feet...13 feet ! And finally, Max reached an amazing 14 feet, like Link. Max was totally in a trance, never he imagined he could have a power like that ! He felt as he could lift mountains, literally. His body felt like it was a continous orgasm. Suddenly, he heard a big "SPLASH" ; Link had joined him. In walking, Link moaned while his body absorbed Malice. Finally he reached Max, two smiled at each other and kissed, in feeling each bulges of their unbelievable muscular body. Gosh thought Max, this feeling to growing in kissing Link was so divine. At a given time, the feeling was too much and two have broken the kiss and moaned loudly. There was no words enough strong for to describe their muscle growth, it was titanic. Seconds after seconds, Link and Max gained several hundred pounds of pure muscle, from titan they became gods ! They gained in size : 15 feet... 16.....17....18. Finally, they absorbed what was left of Malice and felt an unbelievable pressure. Two widened their eyes, there is a second of pure silence and then the tower was shaken by the two biggest roars. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Link and Max became absolutely titanic : arms were bigger than their old body, their shoulder were so fucking incredibly huge, their traps could compared at mount Everest, their pecs were of gargantuan size, their unbelievable ten-pack grew more, row exploded one by one and like previously, a new row popped under, giving now an astonishing enormous, ripped, strong, deep twelve-pack, and their legs were wider than their previous body. Max and Link were not titan, they were gods ! They didn't feel just powerful, they had a infinite power. Even the power of Ganon, who was the most powerful thing in the world after them, seemed so ridiculous now. Link had more power in his little finger than in whole body of Ganon. And fuck, they were so tall : probably 20 feet ! Link and Max gasped during few minutes, it was the most powerful feelings they had felt of their life. Then Max watched Link and smiled : the moment he had been waiting for had come. Max threw him on Link, kissed him, feeling every bulges of his incredibly muscular body. After few ten of seconds, Max broken the kiss and Link smiled then he turned back, giving his fabulous muscular ass to his boyfriend. Max began to kiss the amazing muscular back of Link, feeling his traps, his delts, feeling his pecs and crevices and mountains of his abs. And finally he entered into him. Link roared like a beast, so loud than walls shaken. In continuing to kiss him, Max pushed more and more of dick in Link's ass. With this incredible feeling, Link put his hands in wall. Finally Max withdrew before pushing again. Link roared. Max pushed again. The cock of Link hit the wall, making a small hole. Max pushed again and again, the cock of Link hit the wall, digging it a little deeper. Link had an idea. He took his dick with one hand and positioned it in front of the hole. Every time Max pumped Link, Link pumped the wall, digging the wall. Max fucked Link while Link fucked the wall ! During next minutes, Max pumped Link, slowy at first then more quickly. Finally, Link's dick had dug a tunnel. Max continued to pump Link for several ten of minutes, increased the pace such as a rowhammer, when finally he felt a incredible pressure in his balls. "Fuuuuuuckkk... I'm......coming......soon Link ! ....... Are you...........ready ?" gasped Max. Link pushed a moan as a positive answer. Max continued as long he could, closed his eyes and clenched his teeths when finally, he couldn't hold himself back any longer. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Deluge is a word which was not enough strong for to describe the sequence. Max released gallons of gallons of gallons of cum in Link's ass. And Link released gallons of gallons of gallons of cum in the wall. Quickly, cracks started to appear on the wall and widened with each shot of Link. Several pieces of the ceiling fell, walls were shaking and what was a sea of Malice became little by little a sea of cum. The storm lasted more than 45 minutes, the whole wall was cracked and the old pool of Malice was now a pool of cum. When Link shot his last load, the whole wall collapsed. Holy shit ! Link had just destroyed a fucking thick wall... JUST BY CUMMING !! Max and Link was here, gasping for to recover of their most powerful sex session they had of their life. They finished this session by kiss and stroke. Max broke the kiss, watched Link and said "It was the most powerful sex I had of my life ! Fuck Link, it so FUCKING amazing, I feel me so powerful, so invincible and I'm really curious to see what we able to do. Would you like to test it ?". And Link smiled and nodded. During next hours, Ganon's tower became their playground, well, rather their land of destruction. Link started by try to walk trought walls, if previously he punched the wall, here he just walked straight ahead as if there was nothing there. Max tried the same thing and fuck, it was so funny. Max also tried to pierce the wall with his finger : it went in like butter ! In the tower, there was big gold statues of Ganondorf, one of them must weight several tons. Link lifted one with only ony hand and threw it on Max, who exploded it with a punch. Link threw another and this time, Max tried something else. He turned and hit the statue with.... his dick ! Max didn't play at baseball, he played at... dickball ! On the ground floor of the tower, Max said "The first at the top of the tower win !". Link smiled, crouches and jumped. He trought literally all floor, shattering the ceiling as if it were a sheet of paper. "..... ok you have won" said Max in laughing, then he jumped also for to join Link on the roof. "Ok now the first on the ground floor" said Max. He jumped of several feet, trought the ceiling and each floor before to reach the ground floor in making a crater. Little by little, the tower became a field of ruins. The few remaining monsters fled in front of these muscular gods. Even Ganondorf in angry wasn't so powerful. Max and Link crossed Blaino, who came back for to take his revenge but when he was in front of them, he widened his eyes, left his boxing gloves and ran away. They crossed also a Smasher, who threw his ball on Max. But Max caught the ball with his hand then crushed it in dust. Seeing that, the Smasher ran away too for save his life. In the ground floor, there was these big pillars, Max rolled his arms around and squeezed. Instantly, cracks appeared and the pillar was crushed. Fuuuuuck through Max, yesterday he wasn't able to lift his own wieght and now he crushed enormous pillar with his arms ! Holy shiiiiiiit ! Soon all objects in the tower suffers the same fate : crushed, destroyed, trample, shattered, annihilated, reduced to dust. Link and Max ended up having fun by destroying the walls of the first floor with their bare hands and obviously, the tower collapsed. But even after the destruction of the tower, they were playing with the debris. Link threw on Max pieces of several tons and Max pulverized them with a punch. Then Link jumped on Max and two started to make a friendly fight for to know which one could claim his due. They rolled over each other in crushing the debris of the tower under their humongous weight. Boulder s, statues, all was crushed in dust by the weight of these gods. Finally Max won and roared, like a cry of victory. Link turned him on his belly, giving his ass at Max. Max claimed his due : he entered in Link, who pushed a enormous roar. Shit, feelings were so FUCKING AMAZING ! Max had his eyes revolted, like Link. There was no word for to describe what they feel, it was just... divine ! Like an orgasm but multiplied by a billion ! Max pumped, and pumped, and pumped and pumped, increasing the rhythm little by little. Link was moaning of pleasure and caught some debris of the tower but he cruhed them in dust with his godly strength. Max continued for several hours. It was the best, the most powerful and the longer sex session they had of their life !! It seemed to have no end ! And Max had reached an amazing pace, he pumped more quickly than a rowhammer; Then, after an eternity, he felt a gigantic pressure in his ball, and when I said gigantic, it was gigantic. The climax was very near and what climax !! He closed his eyes, clenched his teeths and pumped as long he could and finally... "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!!!!!!!!!!" Their yell could be heard on several tens of miles, hundreds perhaps. Even the inhabitants of the village, which was at several tens of miles of this place, heard them. And they cum so much !!! White substance flowed from the mountain, so much that some monsters through it was an volcanic eruption (because the yell and the white substance which flowed from the top of the mountain). But no, the liquid was not lava : it was white, hot but not burning and... sticky. And it smelled also strong ! When Link and Max came back at the village, all inhabitants were speechless. Two fucking muscular 20 feet gods, it doesn't unnoticed ! It is even said that the princess flooded her panties when she saw Link. Oviously, Link and Max were too big for their old house but the villagers worshipped them as gods. So they moved in the mountain near of village (literally in the mountain ! But digging didn't take them long). Since that day they have never been attacked again, not by Ganon not by other ennemies. You had to be crazy to attack them ! They helped the inhabitants for several things : heavy boulders to move ? Crushed in one second ! Gorons dug a tunnel ? Max digged it in 2 minutes when it would have taken months. A wall to destroy ? No problem ! One day, Link passed by the shop of the shopkeeper, the one where he had stolen the potion. He got down on all fours and stuck his head out, destroying the facade a little. The shopkeeper recognized him and said "I wasn't kidding when I said pay ! Now you'll pay the ultimate price !!" and he shot a ray on Link. He felt an amazing burning but not in the wrong way, no, it felt good, it felt really really good !! Link started to moan, slighty at the beginning then louder when he felt the burning increased. And this time he was sure : he could feel his body was growing and very quickly. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!!!!!" yelled Link. Stretch sounds could be heard but also crackling sounds : his shoulders grew bigger and bigger and bigger and Link became so fucking wide, too wide for the facade which was little by little destroyed as he expanded. And he was taller also : 21 feet....23....26....30 feet and it continued. The shopkeeper seemed confused : usually, this ray should kill but here, he was growing and growing and growing. Why ? In addition he had modified it to incorporate Malice. Maybe it wasn't enough powerful ! The shopkeeper increased the power of the ray to the maximum. Link yelled more, the sensation was so unbelievable, it was like if the simple burning was became a nuclear bomb. And obviously, his yell exploded all windows of village. His body grew even faster, very faster ; his traps reached his ears, his shoulders were titanic, his biceps/triceps reached divine proportions, his pecs were so fucking gigantic, like previous growth, he could feel each row of his amazing twelve-pack exploded and like previous growth, a new row popped out : Link had now an impossible, incredibly fourteen-pack and his crevices became canyons, his legs was so fucking godly muscular. Then he felt that his shoulders touched each side of the shop : Link was as wide as the shop. But little problem : he didn't finish to grow !!! The walls started to make crackling sounds and for short moments, trying to resisting but few seconds later, there were sounds of tearing everywhere : the shop was literally torn apart from the inside by a unbelieavable titanic muscle mass. And Link didn't stop that, he continued to grow and grow and grow. His moans was so loud, enoughfor to shake walls of other houses. Everyone had come out and watched this titanic thing grow, in fear. Then it stopped. There was absolutely nothing left of the shopkeeper's shop, only few debris from the the roof which were still on the muscular back of Link. The inhabitants could hear a very very very loud gasp. Then this thing rise up and the last remnants of the roof were falling from his titanic back. A gigantic shadow covered the village. When Link stood, holy shit, all was so small. He was a fucking giant, I mean REALLY REALLY giant : 50 feet at least !!! The shopkeeper looked him with wide eyes, totally afraid, and said "..... ok... I didn't say anything.... Take what you want !!!!!!" in shaking. But Link was too concerned by his new humongous body. He flexed his biceps, and holy shit, look the size of this gun. And the power... Previously he already felt like a god but now... He was god of god of god. It was just so inimaginable. There was this expression "move mountains" but here, he felt like he could LITERALLY move mountains ! Link really wanted to roar but he was sure he could destroy the village only in roaring. He became just too much powerful ! Just walking made the ground shake. Suddenly, he felt, at several times, something of warm and sticky, hit him against his fucking incredible fourteen-pack and then flowed between canyons of his abs. He looked down and he saw Max, who was drooling and cumming in watching his boyfriend. Haha it was so funny, he looked like a child in front of a giant bodybuilder (yeah, a child of 20 feet and severals thousand pounds of pure muscle). Now, it was necessary to rebalance the balance so... it was the time to find another sea of Malice for Max and why not, after, have a "little" sex marathon ? (but not in the village he didn't want to drown people under a cum tsunami)
  4. Trunks was on the way to his mother's house. She called him earlier and it seemed urgent. He had felt an enormous ki this morning and it couldn't be his father or Goku,, who were gone to train with Beerus and Whis. It didn't bode well. "I'm here Mom. You called me ?" "Yeah. I have a bad news. You must have felt earlier this gigantic ki ? I think that's Broly." "BROLY ? But Goku hadn't defeated him ?" "Unfortunately, no" "Fuck, and Dad and Goku are not here." "Yes but I think we can do without them." "Against Broly ? Are you fool ? We have no chance to beat him. I'm not enough strong for this" "Not now but... it's the second reason why I called you. I'm working on my last invention : a power gun. It allows to increase physical abilities of a person and when I say increase, it's really really increase. But I don't test on a human subject" "And... you would like test it on me, that's it" "Exact. But even if I tested on you now, it would be insufficient for to beat Broly because there is one detail that could change the situation. I noticed that the intensity of transformation depends of person's current ki. More high it is, more powerful you will be. As I already told you, if I use on you now, it would be insufficient but what would happen if I used it on you when you are transformed ?" "If it depends of ki, I suppose that effects will be more important" "Exactly, very more importants. Do you remember your fight against Cell ?" "Yes, I had transformed myself in ultra super saiyan. At the time, with this transformation, I was the most powerful among us but this it had a big inconvenience." "Yep, your speed was very decreased. But maybe my gun could correct that, but I'm not sure." "So if I understand, you would like to test on me when I'm transformed in ultra super saiyan ?" "Exactly. However, I have to warn you I don't know the results with certainty but I think that you will be enough big and powerful than Broly, maybe more. So Trunks, do you want to be my guinea pig ?" More powerful than Broly ? Trunks had trouble to imagine it but this idea pleased him, very even. He had loved this transformation but his inconvenience had made him abandonned, so more powerful and without inconvenience of speed ? Yes ! Oh fuck yes he wanted ! "Oh fuck yes I want!" he said with a big smile. "Very good ! But we are not going to make test here, firstly it's not discreet and then, it would be dangerous for citizens." "We could go on the place where I fought Cell, it's really desert." "Excellent idea. Oh, I forgot but I would like that you wear your suit. I would like test his resistance." "Ok !" *Few hours later* "Ok, we are arrived, so let you transform. Don't worry, go to max and when you will be ready, I could use the gun on you." Trunks flew, transformed into super saiyan and began to concentrate him. He hadn't used this transformation for a long time but he remembered this fabulous feeling of power. Some seconds passed and firstly nothing happened, then his shoulders started to shake. Trunks clenched his teeth. Just a little more effort ! More seconds later, it was his chest and arms which whaked. And suddenly the car started : Trunks bent him back and yelled. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!" His hair instantly grew and pick up. His chest and arms seemed start to swell. Under his suit, Trunks could feel his pecs grow and push against his armor. He could feel his abs bulged and quickly become a good sixpack. Trunks straightened his head. Holy fuck, he could feel his traps rose up and his shoulders become canonballs size. His pupils disappeared, leaving his eyes totally white, symbol of a very big power. Lightnings began to appear around him. Trunks was also taller, more than 7 feet. Bulma looked his son become a powerful saiyan but it was nothing compared who waited him. Trunks yelled more when he felt an new energy wave altrought him. All of his body swelled ; he felt his traps rose more, his neck widened, his shoulders became true bowling balls, His arms gained inches after inches. He felt his pecs became more bigger, more thicker, his back widened more and more, Trunks couldn't see but he felt his abs exploded out of his stomach, like boulders implanted under his skin. His six-pack was now very ripped. His legs became more wide than tree trunks. And he was growing again in height and weight. Soon, the transformation seemed to end, Trunks was the head towards up and he was moaning ; this sensation of pure power was very incredible and he waited next with envy. Blue lightning appeared around of him. Finally, his pupils were return. The Ultra Super Saiyan was back ! Trunks stopped to moan and said : "Fuuuuuuuuuck, it feels so gooooood!". Bulma looked captors. Holy shit, his son was a giant, he was almost 8.5 feet tall and his weight was 620 lbs. It was huge yes, but really not enough for to beat Broly. So it was time to test his gun. "Trunks, are you okay ?" "Oh yeah, more than ever." "Ready for the next ? Sure ?" "OH YEAH!" Bulma activated gun and locked his son. The gun roared, more and more and more, and suddenly fired a big blue ray, which hit Trunks in this chest. Trunks widened his eyes. If the previous sensation was like a burning, this was like a nuclear explosion, even more. Nothing could be prepared him to this. During few instants, he said nothing then suddenly, he bent again back but more violently and yelled like he never yelled. This time, it was more intense, very more, very very more. "AAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH !!!!!!! OOOOOOOOOOOOH FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCKKKKKKKKK !!!!!!!!!!!" Lightnings around him became thunder, he clenched his fists and fkexed his arms ; instantly they exploded with muscle, his chest bulged, his traps exploded out from his back, his legs swelled more. And he was taller too, Bulma looked his screen : 9.6 feet and... 1060 lbs. Holy Fuck !!! He was titanic. *crrrrrrrr..crrrrrrrr..crrrr* Bulma heard this crack but didn't know where it came from. Some moments later, she understood : Trunks's armor was starting to crack, firstly it was imperceptible but more muscle he gained, more cracks were visible. Normally, his armor was created for to adapt on user's body but here, his muscles became too big. And it's what happened : next muscle growth spurt literally destroy it. Trunks was now only in his blue combinaison, giving a perfect view on his muscular body. Bulma looked his stats : 10.5 feet tall and 1870 lbs ! Crap, Trunks was taller of Broly ! But the transformation wasn't over : Trunk started to scream even louder when his whole body grew even bigger. "AAAAAAAAARRRRRRGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH AAAAAAAAHHH AAAAAAAAAAAAAH AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH !!!!!! OOOOOOOOOOOHHHH GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSH !!!!!!! IT'S SO FUCKING GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD" Bulma could hear that his voice became more deeper, more cavernous. She looked her screen again : 12 feet, 2480 lbs. God ! She knew that eher invention would work but not at this point.. Trunks, meanwhile, was a second state. Everything he felt was pure power, at every second this power increased, he felt his body growing more and more and more. He had already had this sensation with ultra super saiyan but now, it was multiplied by a thousand. And it was not yet the end : he felt a new wave of power coming. "HOOOOOLYYYYYYYYYYYY SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITTTTTTTTTT AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH". His voice became really deep. He felt himself widening, his traps grew even bigger, to the point he had no more neck but only a muscle mountain which surrounded completely his neck. His pecs exploded more, to the point where they hid his sight. If he looked down, he couldn't see other than 2 fucking huge mountains. He bounced them few times and enjoyed of this amazing feeling. Even if couldn't see, he could perfectly feel his six-pack start to swell ,and suddenly, first row literaly popped out of his midsection (like when Buu returned to its original form), then the next row, and finally the third. Shit, his six-pack had doubled in size. But it didn't stop, Trunks felt the hard pressure go down and few moments later, a fourth row exploded out, giving him an incredible fucking eight-pack. His legs continued to grow, becoming redwood trunks. His suit was very very very tight and it gave right to a nice show. Every detail was clearly visible : striation of his shoulders, veins on his biceps, his gigantic lats, striations of his pecs, his nipples, every muscular brick of his amazing eight-pack, his fucking obliques, his amazing adonis belt, veins on the bottom of his abs, every bumps of his muscular quads. His suit yelled to agony and few moments later... "riiippp.. riiiiiippp... riiiiipppp.....riiiiippp..." Tears noises could be heard. Bulma widened his eyes ; after this armor, she noticed several tears appear on Trunks's suit. Even his suit, which was designed for to be very malleable and adapt of user's body, even more than his armor, couldn't stand more. Trunks was simply too muscular and tall for his suit. He was 13 feet tall and weighed 3000 lbs. And it was not yet the end : he felt another wave. Trunks's body exploded everywhere. He was growing, and growing and growing, add several hundreds of pounds in few seconds. His suit didn't supported and was disintegrated, leaving Trunks completely naked. His enormous cock was releasing and comes knock against the top of his eight-pack. Finally, the transformation seemed to end. Bulma took a look on the final statistics : 16 feet tall, 3600 lbs. HO-LY CRAP ! It was a lot more than anything she expected. Broly was "only" 9 feet tall and weighed 800 lbs. Trunks was there, fully naked... HOLY FUCKING SHIT : look at the size of his humoungous python. Bulma had not thought about this "detail" but yeah, there was no reason his dick didn't grow... Bulma wondered how long he could stay like this, because saiyan's transformation consumes a lot of energy, and generally, more powerful it's and more quickly it consumes energy, it's why they can't keep them forever. But in the Trunks's case, she was stunned when she saw her screen : Trunks didn't lose energy, on the contrary, he was producing it ! Trunks's body was became his own nuclear plant. It meant that he could stay like this... forever if he wanted it. Trunks moaned, savoring all sensation he felt. All that he could feel was power, true power, very more than previously. Even motionless it was orgasmic. So he began a flexing session : Trunks started by clench his fist "OOOOHHH Goooood it's so fucking good !" Then he flexed his forearms "Oooooooooh shiiiiiit !" Then he flexed his arms "OOOOOOH FUUUUUUUCKKK !!" Then he flexed and bounced his pecs "Holy shiiiiiiiiiiit" Then he flexed his eight-pack "OOOOOH GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSH !!!!" Then he flexed hi legs "SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITTTTT !!!" All this flexing session maked him really horny. Trunks was trying to refrain his huge envy to cum, because he was in front of his mother but the pleasure was really too much : he was going to cum, it was inevitable. So he took his cock and he reached the climax when he flexed all his muscles in same time. "HOOOLYYYYY....... FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKKKKK !!!!!!!". His yell was so loud that it could be heard on ten of miles and cause an little earthquake. And his shot.... it wasn't a simple shot, it looked much more like a super kamehameha. There was several rocks on the path : it pierced them like it was nothing and finally to dig a crater in the ground. The flood continued for at least 15 minutes. Finally, after an eternity to come and moan, Trunks looked his mother "THANKS MOM !" Holy shit, his voice was incredibly deeper, and very more louder, it was such as he speaked through a megaphone. He flew near to his mother. "T-T-Tr..Trunks... are.... are you okay ?" "If I feel me okay ? Mom... ... it's the BEST FEELING I felt IN MY ENTIRE LIFE !". And effectively, it was unbelievable, every movement or flex were so fucking orgasmic ! Bulma was envy to touch him but he was produced too much energy, lightnings constantly appeared around him. She had planned several tests, including a kamehameha, but after to see this amazing power, the kamehameha's test was a very bad idea. By the way, Trunks's eyes were now constantly white, like Broly, contrary to his initial transformation. It was time to make few tests. "So.. let's see if this speed problem is fixed, fly until our house and go back. It's far enough but you should only take about 2 minutes. I could calculate your speed". Bulma did not have time to see Trunks start, but holy shit, what a shock wave ! 12 minutes later, he came back. "Hmmmm, 12 minutes, it's weird, it takes really more time than I thought" said Bulma. "Crap, I really hoped it would solve your speed problem" "Oh don't worry Mom, it's fixed, really ! Because I don't just only fly to our home... I did an Earth tour" "WH... WH...... WHAAA... WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT ?!!!!! A....AN....AN EARTH TOUR ???!!!" exclaimed Bulma in shaking. "So... I think that this speed problem was definitly fixed." An Earth tour... a fucking Earth tour...... How fast did he fly ? He did the turn in 12 minutes and the diameter of Earth is 12742km. So he flew at.. ... ... 63710 km/h !!!! HO-LY FUCKING SHIIIIIT ! Bulma takes several minutes for to recover. It was unbelievable, Trunks was flying faster than a rocket, literally !! So yes, speed wasn't a problem. "Ok now, test your strength. I would like you destroy his big rock but don't do a kamehameha, I wouldn't you destroy the Earth haha." Trunks walks towards the rocks, which was really big, almost 40 feet, and he gave a little flick against and... the rock was reduced in pieces. "Strength won't be a problem either" said Trunks. "So, I think what I'm ready for to beat Broly no ?" Bulma remained silent for several seconds. She knew it would work, but there, it was completely unimaginable. She didn't think to say that one day but... yes, now, there was no chance to lose. "Ok we can go meet him. But before Mom... if you could find clothes for me. And I not need of armor, just suit will be sufficient." *Few hours later* "Finally, it was time ! I'm going to crush this Legendary super Saiyan" Trunks flew to place where they detected Broly early and waited after him. His gigantic power didn't take long for to be detect by Broly. And effectively, Broly searched after Kakarotto when he felt a gigantic ki but really really gigantic. Never he felt a power like this (it over 9000 :p). He was troubled during some seconds before returning to his senses. No matter how powerful, he was the legendary super saiyan, he could beat anyone and anyoune couldn't beat him. So why he will be worried ? So he decided to flew towards this amazing ki. And he came in front of fucking muscular titan. He recognized him directly, it was Trunks. But not the same little Trunks as usual. Now, he was a fucking muscular titan, more tall than Broly himself. How did he reached this level ? "You will not go further; I give you one chance, go far away and never come back. Otherwise..." said Trunks. "Otherwise what ? Well, you've been training what I see. I have to admit I'm impressed. But it will not enough for to beat me. I'm the Legenday Super Saiyan, you forgot ? NOBODY can beat me !" "Nobody ? Really ? Ok, so you know what ? I will let you hit me in first. But little advice, hit me with all your might because otherwise after... And I didn't move, I promise you !" "Let me hit you ? Are you fool ? So you want to be kill ! Ha, pathetic. But if you propose, I didn't refuse" Broly clenched his fits and says "GOODBYE TRUNKS !". And he hit with all his might. A very big sound could be heard : *CRACK !* Two opponents didn't move during few moments. where did this noise come from ? From Trunks ? From Broly ? After a few moments, Trunks says, in smiling "..... Mmmmh, I would say that you broke your knuckes on my abs no ?! And you know what ? I was not flexing them HAHAHAHA !!" Broly seemed very irritated. Nobody resisted him and it no was him who was going to start. "Bastard ! You have resisted to one punch but you will not resist to this ! DIE !!" And for the next minutes, it was a real rush of punches that received Trunks but he didn't move to an inch. Broly hit him and hit him and hit him... but it seemed to have no effects. He finished with a very huge kick on the side of Trunks's head but same result : Trunks didn't move. "Fuck ! trought Trunks. "Yesterday, this kick would have literally beheaded me... but today, I not feel anything ! It's so amazing !" "What ? That's all ? It's that the "Legendary Super Saiyan" ? It's a joke ? I didn't feel nothing. A baby hit more than you hahaha !" "GRRRRRRR !! I'M GOING TO KILL YOU BASTARD !!!" Broly flew further, raised his hands and suddenly generated a gigantic genkidama, biggest that those of Goku. "DIE !!!" he shouted before to launch it on Trunks. Fuck, it was probably not enough for to kill him but if it touched the planet, it would probably destroy it. Trunks had to stop it...... or maybe not, he had another idea. Trunks tried to hold this enormous genkidama. Broly laughed, anybody never not had sucessed to stop it, anybody. "This time, it's the end hahahahaha !!" yelled Broly. But after some seconds, the genkidame didn't move. "Hmm ? It's weird, it not seems move. Not matter, let's help it a few." Broly shot a lot of energy balls for to grow more his genkidama, which was now really gigantic. "HAHAHAHA STOP THAT IF YOU CAN !" But suddenly, an unexpected event happened : the genkidama decreased in size, then again, then again, then again... "WHAT ? NO ! It's impossible !! How ? How did he do that ?" Soon, Broly understood how and why ; he saw Trunks, with his two arms plunged in the enormous energy ball. He moaned of pleasure : Trunks wasn't trying to stop the genkidama, no, he was absorb it !! Trunks roared of pleasure, it was so fucking good, like he pumped the energy of a sun ! And more he absorbed, more he felt his body grow. His body grew at an accelerated rate. His biceps became really gigantic, with humoungous peakes of pure muscle, his shoulder became titanic, his traps reached his ears, his pecs were two gigantic mountains and below, he could feel again a very hard pressure in his midsection. Soon, like his previous muscle growth spurt, his abs exploded out of stomach, row after row, further increasing again and again in size and even the last time, a new row popped, giving him now an unbelievable shredded and ripped ten-pack. Trunks yelled and we could hear his voice became again more and more deep and loud. And during this amazing muscle growth spurt, obviously, he was also getting taller : 16.3 feet...16.7 feet... 17.. 17.4 .. 17.8... 18.5... 19.1... Tearing noises could be heard again : his suit was again in agony, until a last muscle growth wave shattered his clothes. And one more time, his dick came knock his abs. Gooooooooooosh, this amazing python was bigger than Broly's arms. And fun fact, his cock had to be more powerful than his entire old body. Trunks reached a humoungous 20 feet, totally naked. And his weight exceeded 5000 lbs. It was unbelievable. For comparison, now, one of his titanic abs was bigger than Broly's head. He moaned again for long seconds, savoring the power that ran through him. Then, he looked Broly, smiled and said "Thanks for this meal !!!". "FUCKING BASTARD !!!" yelled Broly. With rage, he rushed on Trunks and kicked him over and over. But nothing, he couldn't even push his fist through Trunks's midsection, which had become very more harder (and bigger) than the previous time. Trunks even had fun hitting him once or twice with... his dick. After 10 good minutes of punches, Broly had to resign, he could not beat him by force, he was totally outdone. This terrible truth only made him angry more. It was impossible ! It couldn't happen !! He tried one more time to hit Trunks, but this time Trunks stopped his fist between two fingers. Broly forced but impossible to move his fist. "You are so weak, so insignificant. And you call yourself legendary ? THAT it's legendary !!". And Trunks flexed all his muscles. This sensation which went through him was simply too unbelievable, he roared like he never roared, it felt like a orgasm multiplied by a orgasm which was itself multiplied by a orgasm. Instanly, he felt, with this fucking unbelievable god feeling, that the climax was very near and that it was going to be INSANE ! And he was about to give a little power lesson to the "Legendary Super Saiyan". Quicly, he caught his dick and pointed her in the direction of Broly. Then he came. Even the most powerful kamehameha of Goku was not so impressive. Broly was thrown on dozens of miles, smashing every rock in his path. And the scream of Trunks : the ground shook, even cracked, the sea became a storm. It's even said that the city, which was several hundred miles away, heard his scream and that some windows shattered. It lasted long, maybe 30 minutes and finally, the flood weakens and calm is restored. he exulted with joy : THIS was really LEGENDARY, yes legendary ORGASMIC !!! It took several minutes for Broly to come back even more raging; He was injured (and soaked, I wonder why...). He'd never been humiliated like this. This fucking asshole was gonna pay for it. This fucking planet was gonna pay for it ! Trunks laughed : "HAHAHAHA SO BROLY, WHAT DO YOU THINK OF MY KAMEHAMEHA, OR SHOULD I SAY, MY "CAME-HAMEHA" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA !!!!" "BASTARD !!! FUCKING BASTARD !!!!!!!!!! IF I CAN'T BEAT YOU, I'M GOING TO QUICKY DESTROY THIS FUCKING PLANET !" and suddenly he shot a kamehameha towards the Earth for to destroy it. "NO CHANCE !". Trunks teleported and just absorbed the kamehameha, which made him gain one or two inches. He found an angle where his own kamehameha wouldn't destroy planets. "AND THIS, IT'S A KAMEHAMEHA !!!". And he shot... It wasn't just enormous, it was FUCKING AMAZING, UNBELIEVABLE TITANIC !!! Trunks was right to find a path without planets : he could easily destroy several planets and suns with only one shot. When Broly saw this humoungous kamehameha, for the first time of his life, he was scared : he knew this was the end for him. "WHA..." he not finished his sentence that the gigantic wave energy hit him. But unlike Goku, this kamehameha don't pushed him, no, it literally disintegrated him instantly and continued into deep space. The ray must have been run over several light-years before to it disappeared. Yeah Bulma was right to do not test on kamehameka ! The threat of the "Legendary super saiyan" was over. Now, Earth had the "Ultra legendary god super saiyan". And now, what do we do ? Trunks looked his body : "Mmmhhh why not an another shot ?" he trought but, finally no : he wouldn't destroy Earth just by sneezing ! Fun facts which happened after ; - It's been a real headache for Bulma to rearrange the routine of his son. Even if he didn't want, he destroyed everything he touched. even with the hardest of metals : a titane glass ? He crushed it. A titane door ? He crushed the clinge and ripped off the door. and if unfortunately the door was not wide enough, when he passed it... the wall came with him ! His bed ? He crumbled it (at the same time with a weight of 5000 lbs...). Other day, he just squeezed : if he don't destroy Earth, it was sufficient for to destroy his house. Yes, be the most powerful warrior of the universe, it was not easy for to have a normal life. Beerus even suggested to resume his job of god of destruction. - Few weeks later, a Cell from other universe, in his first form, tried to absorb Trunks... but he blocked after his head, rest of Trunks's body was really too much massive for to be absorbed. So, seeing he couldn't do it, he tried to sting Trunks with his stinger. Very bad idea Cell : his stinger just broke when it hit the amazing muscular Trunks's chest. Lazy, Trunks sent him waltzed for miles with a very little... flick then he finally decided him to lift his little finger (literally !) and he shot a wave energy sufficient for to disintegrate the monster. - An other annoying thing, it was Goku, completely overjoyed since he had an new opponent who was infinitely more powerful than himself. He constantly attacked Trunks, every day... and every night also, which exasperated Trunks. Obviously, none of his punches had any effect. Trunks could throw it off with a flick but Goku kept coming back. It was like a mosquito which attacked a giant, the bite less. Yes, it was sure now, with this god of god as protector, Earth was safe ! Or maybe not...
  5. **Note from Author: hey everyone, this is my first ever story on the forum, so be easy on me. I’m heavily inspired by @dredlifter’s hot stories, and I wished there was more content like his, so I decided to start something. Let me know what you think!** “Colton!!” My friend Shawn barrels down the hall, hugging me tight. I had just finished moving my stuff back into my dorm room for my Sophomore year at college, and I was very excited to be living on the same floor as all my best friends. I hadn’t seen them all summer, and to be honest, we weren’t very good at keeping up via text, but I knew we would be able to pick it right back up. “Hey Shawn!” I say, settling down from the hug. “How has your summer been?” “Great!” Shawn says, running his tan fingers through his blonde hair, which has grown out a little bit longer from what I remembered. “I have been skateboarding a lot this summer, and just spending a lot of time exploring the city. You’ll never guess what I..” At that point, our friend, and Shawn’s roommate, James comes out of the floor elevator, arms full of stuff and yells over at us. We run over and start helping him out. We head down to his car, and realize he has at least 4 more loads to bring up, even with all of us helping. “James, I didn’t realize you had so much shit!” I say, lugging a oscillating fan over my shoulder. “Whatever,” James snarks, “You’re young, and you guys are in shape, you can do a few loads.” “In shape” might have been somewhat of an overstatement. I’m about 6 feet tall, 190ish pounds, some of it is muscle, but I definitely like to eat a little more than I like to go to the gym. Shawn and James are about the same height as well, but they’re quite a bit skinnier than me, at about 155 pounds. I was always jealous of their metabolism, but I am proud of the few muscles I have that they would never be able to have. “Yeah, this isn’t gonna be a big deal.” Shawn says, grabbing one of the bigger suitcases and carrying it back towards the dorm. I never really thought Shawn could carry something that heavy, but I’m glad to not have to carry that up later. After a couple trips, we’re pretty sweaty, covered in August sweat, with a few more trips to go. James whips off his shirt, revealing his slender body, and Shawn and I follow suit, although I am always somewhat hesitant to strip, as I’m a little uncomfortable with my extra fluff. I look over at Shawn, and he’s tan as hell and, although still thin, has the ridges or abs and the start of some pecs and biceps balling up as he moves around. “Damn Shawn, you been eating like crazy this summer?!” James notes. “Something like that!” Shawn says, dismissively, as he jokingly flexes at us, his newly existent biceps popping up. He grabs a bottle of water, and I look at Shawn directly for the first time since we have gotten back. Is he a little taller than me? I mean, we’re 20, so he might’ve had some puberty left in him. I hope I’ve got that coming up soon too... He looks good. I guess I’ve always thought he looks good. His blonde hair, his smooth, thin body, and his pretty big dick, which I’ve seen in the dorm showers quite a few times. He’s not shy. Maybe I’m just more self conscious than my friends... I only recently have come to grips with the fact that I am gay. You’d think I would know that, what with all the gay porn I’ve watched since I was a kid, but it took a lot of therapy to undo the religious guilt I felt. I know Shawn isn’t gay, because he’s pretty obsessed with this girl Izzy from his Bio class last semester, and he’s not afraid to share all the details with us. I haven’t told Shawn and James that I’m gay yet, it felt weird to text them over the summer, but I plan to soon. Maybe later this week. Before school ramps up, for sure. We finally finish unloading all of James’ stuff, and we chill in their room for a little while, just catching up about our summers. “I mostly just worked,” James shares. “My dad’s bakery has been booming, and I needed the cash. I’ve gotten pretty good at baking though! Too bad we have to live in the dorms for two years here.. I guess I may not be able to maintain my skills!” “I bet we could bake at Izzy’s place!” Shawn says. We look over at him, surprised. “Oh, haha, I guess I forgot to text y’all, I had my internship here over the summer, and she was actually one of the other interns. We got to talking, and we’ve now been dating for a few months now!” “Congrats man!” I say, crossing my legs, trying not to plump up think of Shawn’s now-wiry body pulsing next to Izzy, “She lives close?” “Yeah, just across the street. You’ll probably have the room to yourself quite a bit, James.” Shawn laughs, and nudges James, winking. We roll our eyes, and James asks, “It is too bad Alex has to drop out over the summer. Do you know who your new roommate is?” I had been planning to room with our friend Alex this year, but a few weeks ago his Mom passed away, and he had to take a gap year. I had hoped nobody else would sign up for my room, but a few days ago someone named Kyle showed up on the housing website. I tried looking him up on social media, but all he had was a Facebook account that hasn’t been updated in 4 years. The profile picture wasn’t even a picture of him, just some artwork from a video game I didn’t recognize. “I don’t know him, but his name is Kyle!” I say. “He seems like a nerd, so we will probably get along, I hope.” “Oh cool. ” James says, “I’m surprised we haven’t seen him moving in yet!” “Yeah, but we have been in here a little while. You guys want to head back to my room with me, and see if he’s in there?” “I’m actually gonna shower up, and head over to Izzy’s place.” Shawn says, “I want to have some ‘quality time’ before we start feeling the stress of the semester. She had something she wanted to give me too, but she said it was a secret.” “Huh.” I say, “You will have to keep us in the loop. What about you James, you in to meet my roommate?” “Nah, I’m pretty pooped. I think I’m gonna crash for the night. I’ll meet him tomorrow!” “No worries. Probably better to not swarm him all at once anyways.” I head out of their room, and head across the hall to my room, the door propped open. I look in, and on the other wall of our room is a giant pride flag, with the correlating desk covered in Drag race stickers, pride kitsch, all the works. “I guess Kyle’s gay too,” I think to myself. I hope he’s hot. Or maybe I don’t. I’m still figuring out myself as a gay guy. Even if he was hot, available, and wanted to fuck his roommate, I wasn’t sure if I was ready. I piddle around the room, setting up my desk just the way I want, anxious to meet my roommate. After about 20 minutes, the door creaks open more, and a little guy, wrapped in a towel, furry chest on display, comes in. “Oh hey! You must be Colton!” He says, “I’m Kyle! Nice to meet you. Sorry I’m just hopping out of the shower. I have been moving in for the past little while!” “Nice to meet you too Kyle!” I stand up, walking over to shake his hand. As I walk over, I realize just how short he is, his eyes about on level with my collar bones. After I shake his hand, and we chit chat for a bit he starts getting dressed, changing locker room style, keeping the towel on even after putting on shorts. He’s a shy little cutie, but not really my type. I’m relieved. I think we’ll get along, and it will be good to have another gay guy around as I work on coming out to everyone. It’s a small school, so I haven’t known any other out gay men. Not that I have been looking, before now. After we settle in, he starts playing league of legends on his computer, headphones on, and I start playing the FFVII remake I tried to finish before school started. Just as I’m getting in the groove, there’s a knock on my door. “Come in.” Kyle shouts at the door, not looking up from his game. “Hey!” Shawn peeks in, “I’m Shawn, one of Colton’s friends. I live right down the hall. I just wanted to swing in to see if Colton wanted to come workout with me in the morning, before classes start.” “Workout?! Since when?” I say. “Just a few weeks ago,” Shawn says, blushing. “Izzy was telling me that she likes her men buff, so I’m trying to fulfill the fantasy.” “Ah! That’s why you look the way you do. I’m in, having some accountability should help me stay to a regimen. What time?” “Pretty early, like 6?” “Yeah, sounds good.” I reply. At this point, Kyle pulls his headphones down and looks over, “do y’all mind if I tag along? I just transferred, and I don’t really know anybody.” “Yeah, totally.” Shawn replies. “Our friend James might eventually join us too, but when I asked him, he looked at me like a maniac. His loss, when the three of us are jacked, he’ll be struggling to keep up!” I find myself crossing my legs once again at the thought of a jacked Shawn, but I laugh, and tell him to have a good time with Izzy. As Shawn heads out, Kyle wraps up his game, and pulls his headphones off and looks over at me. “I don’t mean to butt in, I hope I’m not crashing the party by asking to come along to the gym!” “No way,” I say, adamantly shaking my head. “Why would you even say that?” “I just don’t mean to.. intrude.” He pauses, “I know how it feels to have interrupted time with a crush.” “A crush?” I ask. “Oh!” Kyle asks, “I guess I misread the situation. I just felt some chemistry between you two.” “Well, to be honest, you’re not wrong.” I admit. “I have had a little bit of a crush on him, but I only recently even realized I was gay. I planned to come out to my friends tonight, but it just didn’t happen. I don’t think they’d care, but they’re also somewhat aloof. How’d you know?” “Call it men’s intuition,” he says. “You’re cute. You should be more confident. I mean, he seems straight, so maybe a confident crush on someone else?” “Haha, thanks for the advice, gay oracle.” I joke. “I’m just telling it like I see it. Do you know if there are any cute guys that will be at the gym tomorrow?” “Not sure, I never really go to the campus gym in the mornings. I’m more of an evening workout guy.” “Well, I’ll dress up, just in case.” And with that, Kyle puts his headphones back on and starts up another game. I grab a seltzer out of my fridge, play a little more of my game, and start wrapping up for bed. I’m wiped from the day, and end up turning in for the night pretty quickly. I fall asleep fast, not even disturbed by the clicking of the mouse echoing from Kyle’s rig, which would usually keep me up. I wake up around 5:45 to my alarm, and see Kyle already up and ready, stretching in some tight little shorts and XS JJ Malibu tank, showing off his tight butt, and surprisingly wide back. “Oh hey!” He says, seeing me get up and changed pretty quickly. “Do you want to head over to Shawn’s room, or meet him there?” “Let’s head across the hall. I’m about ready.” I say, slipping on an old t shirt, while brushing my teeth. I leave the room, Kyle following behind, and we head to Shawn and James’ room. I jiggle the handle, the door unlocked like usual, and there was Shawn, ready to go, in a shirt that looks just a little too tight on him, mixing something into a cup. “Hey guys,” he says, keeping his voice low to not wake up his roommate. “Izzy gave me some protein powder last night that her dad’s company makes. Do you want some?” “Nah,” I say. I always feel like my metabolism can’t keep up with the extra calories, I do my best to keep from gaining weight. Maybe protein would help, but I have just never felt comfortable with it. “I wouldn’t mind some!” Kyle pipes up, “I wouldn’t mind bulking up a bit. Maybe I can make up for my height with some more width!” Shawn whips up a water bottle for Kyle, and we head down the stairs and towards the campus gym. A perk of such a small campus is just how easy it is to walk everywhere. We get to the gym and head to the weight area. Shawn and Kyle look a little lost, I know Shawn has never stepped foot in this gym, and Kyle is probably looking at the early morning gym bros. They’re there en masse, the gym is much more crowded than I thought it would be. At least there’s views, and I look over at Kyle, who raises his eyebrows at me, gesturing at all the buff men, giving me a big thumbs up. I gesture over to the dumbbell rack, and start warming up with some 25 pounders. Shawn comes up next to me and warms up with some 10 pounders, and Kyle heads straight to the squat rack. I quickly move up to my max, this summer I was able to curl the 40s for reps, which I have been pretty proud of. I was surprised to see Shawn not far behind, curling the 30s with quite a bit of fervor. I go through my workout like usual, and Shawn follows behind me, obviously copying my workout. I don’t mind, and it feels good to be lifting more than him. Although, not as much more as I thought I would be. He’s only about 10-20 pounds behind me in most lifts. He must’ve really gone for it over the summer, getting those beginner gains before we got here. I look over at Kyle, and he’s talking to a few other guys at the squat rack, his shorts riding dangerously high on his ass, while a few others around him look on. He’s a bottom on a mission, and he’s letting the whole gym know. After about 45 minutes we wrap up with some stretches. Kyle starts talking to Shawn, “that’s the best I’ve ever felt during a workout. That protein powder was great!” “Yeah, Izzy said that it’s a new experimental protein. I didn’t really understand everything she was saying, but it has some preworkout components to it, so it just jazzes you up.” “I definitely feel ‘jazzed up’, but I thought it was just the men in there!” Kyle says, laughing. I laugh too, but I take a quick glimpse at his shorts, noticing he’s sporting a noticeable semi, as is Shawn. Welp, look at that, so am I now. We head down to the showers, and Shawn strips naked immediately. He looks great, his pump making him look even bigger than he did yesterday, and... do I find myself looking up into his eyes? I mean, I guess I noticed that he grew yesterday, but it’s even more noticeable now. I try not to look down, but there I go anyways, and I see his dick, still somewhat hard, looking as great as ever. I quickly head over to a shower stall and lock it, hoping I didn’t stare too much, or my erection was too noticeable. Him and Kyle follow shortly behind, taking the stalls to my left and right. The water starts flowing, and I get in and out. As I walk back to my locker, I notice that Shawn didn’t quite close the stall door all the way, and he’s straight up jerking off in the stall. He’s playing with his nipple while he leans against the wall, and looks like he is in pure ecstasy. Filing that away for later. I change, and, not wanting to wait around too long, head back to my room on my own. About 20 minutes later I hear some laughter coming down the hallway, and Kyle joins me in the room. “Hey Colton! Where did you go?!” “Oh, I just didn’t want to wait around for y’all. I take quick showers.” “Yeah, sorry about that. I usually do too, but I was just so horny, I ended up jerking off in the shower! It’s like I had to!! I have never felt that way before. I’m telling you, Colton, that protein powder is something else. I feel great too!! I mean, look at me! This is the best I have ever looked!” With that, Kyle flexed his arms, and he looks notably more muscular than he did this morning. I must not have been paying attention. I mean, his gym clothes are VERY tight. It is strange that both of them were jerking off in the showers, though. Must be some horny goat’s weed in that experimental mixture too. I may have to give it a go the next time we head to the gym.... To be continued!
  6. Bueno, ¿cómo comenzar? En primer lugar, me gustaría que sepan que este es mi primer relato. Siempre tuve ganas de comenzar con uno, pero nunca me animé a hacerlo. No me considero un escritor, pero me parece que este ámbito se presta más a que dejemos volar nuestra imaginación sin importar mucho la escritura. Así que acá va el primer capítulo de esta historia. En este primer relato dejo mi mente fluir para ver cómo puedo llegar a darle forma después. Obviamente que recomendaciones y sugerencias son bien recibidas. Espero lo disfruten. ----------------------------------- El short de rugby - Capítulo 1 - Me llamo Luciano - Lucho para mi familia y amigos -, tengo 20 años y vivo en la ciudad de Santa Fe, Argentina. Siempre fui un chico activo físicamente aunque no tenga la complexión de un deportista profesional o de un pibe que va de forma rutinaria al gimnasio. Para mis 1.70 m de altura y 66 kg, no puedo quejarme de mi imagen corporal. Soy delgado, pero tonificado y marcado. Además, soy un pibe que el resto de la gente considera lindo: tengo ojos color miel, pelo corto lacio color castaño, cara de nene tierno con una hermosa sonrisa que derrite a cualquiera. Y una barba que empezó a crecer hace poco, y que dejada unos días me da un aspecto de pibe sexy que me gusta mucho. Hace poco me mudé a un departamento para estudiar en la universidad, dejando por fin la casa de mi familia, y esta nueva libertad viene acompañada también de querer emprender nuevas actividades. Y para mí el deporte es importante, así que estuve haciendo averiguaciones para arrancar rugby. Para quienes no lo saben, Santa Fe es una ciudad con bastante trasfondo de rugby, donde este deporte junto con su cultura está muy implantados en la sociedad, sobre todo en las esferas más altas de la sociedad. ¿Por qué rugby y por qué no otro deporte? Porque siempre me fascinaron los jugadores de rugby. No me considero gay - estoy de novio con una chica llamada Pilar desde hace unos años. Ella tiene mi misma edad y es jugadora de voley y también hace patinaje artístico, por lo que tiene un físico envidiable -, pero me encantaría tener la potencia física y sexual que estimo tienen estos jugadores. Ver esa potencia en los sprint y en los scrums, siempre me dio ganas de algún día desarrollar mi cuerpo a ese nivel y ser una especie de máquina sexual. Después de haber averiguado en los diferentes clubs, me decidí por uno y arranqué. La verdad que los primeros tres meses fueron muy intensos. Fue adaptarse a un nuevo ritmo aeróbico, a mucho esfuerzo físico comparado con la natación y a una nueva rutina diaria que equilibre los nuevos horarios de entrenamiento y gimnasio con la facu, el estudio y la vida personal. A pesar de todo, los cambios estaban a la vista después de ese tiempo. Estaba muy tonificado en todas partes: el pecho lo tenía más turgente, empezaba a tener unas lindas, aunque pequeñas tetas que respondían a la contracción cuando quería moverlas. Los brazos los tenías más inflados, como si hubiera estado entrenando todos los días en el gimnasio, pero no era así. Los tríceps se me marcaban cada vez que extendía el brazo, y ponerme una chomba ajustada robaba muchas miradas en la calle. Todo esto era el principio de los cambios, era empezar a tener un cuerpo que había soñado. Físicamente hubo cambios. Sexualmente, también. Mi rendimiento sexual había aumentado mucho, sentía que podía tener sexo con Pilar tres o cuatro veces en una noche y no cansarme en absoluto. Pilar estaba sorprendida y amaba los cambios de mi cuerpo. Una de las cosas que la volvían loca cuando estábamos en la cama era cuando la daba vuelta, la ponía boca abajo y le metía la poronga por el culo, lamiéndole la oreja y llamándola mi puta. Ahí ella podía sentir mi nuevo peso – había ganado unos 3 kg gracias al entrenamiento y a la nueva alimentación - y mi nueva potencia encima de ella. Arqueaba la espalda pidiéndome que le dé más fuerte, que la haga su puta y que la domine. Me volvía loco ver la raya de su culo torneado siendo aplastado por mi pelvis cada vez que la penetraba. Me sentía, literalmente, una bestia. Puedo decir que empecé a estar como quería. Me había acostumbrado ya a la rutina: facultad, estudiar y, más tarde, el gimnasio o entrenamiento en el club, dependiendo del día. En esa vorágine de actividades, un día llegué al club y me di cuenta cuando me estaba cambiando para salir a la cancha de que me había olvidado el short. Les pregunté a mis amigos si tenían alguno y me dijeron que me fije en una caja donde se guardaba ropa que otra gente se había olvidado y que nunca más habían buscado. En la caja busqué entre diferentes prendas de rugby y encontré un short de rugby, blanco, de la misma marca que yo tenía y que era talle L, dos talles más que el mío, S. Aunque sea más grande lo necesitaba, no podía salir en bóxer a la cancha. Al ponérmelo, sentí que tenía un fuerte olor a sudor, ese mismo olor que el cuerpo emana cuando terminas de correr o un entrenamiento en el gimnasio. Pero también tenía olor a bolas, o a sexo, no sabría muy bien cómo describirlo. Olor a macho, creo que termina siendo una buena definición. Esa noche en la cancha lo di todo. No sé qué me pasaba. Pero estuve muy concentrado durante todo el entrenamiento y sentí que no me cansaba tanto como antes. Sentí que los músculos no se me fatigaban tanto, las piernas me respondían rápido y los reflejos los tenía más agudizados. La verdad me sentía muy bien. Después de estirar y terminar el entrenamiento, nos fuimos con mis amigos a los baños del club, para sacarnos toda la tierra y el sudor que teníamos encima. - Hoy estuviste a full, Lucho - Me dijo Joaco, uno de los del equipo. - Sí, terrible. No sé qué me pasaba – respondí. - Te estás acostumbrando un poco a este tipo de entrenamiento. Yo te veo un toque más marcado, chabón. Como que te inflaste un poco últimamente. - Viste, me encanta. Me siento más fuerte, como con más vitalidad. Y tengo una calentura que no sé cómo sacármela. A mi novia le encanta. - Bienvenido al mundo de ser un rugbier. Si seguís así la vas a dejar pidiendo agua más de una vez. A las minas les encantamos. Una ducha bien caliente me dejó como nuevo. Era pleno Julio, mucho frío. Tenía ganas de irme a mi departamento a comer algo caliente y a dormir, ya que al otro día tenía facu bien temprano. Sin darme cuenta, guardé el short de rugby blanco que había tomado prestado junto con la otra ropa de deporte en mi bolso. Saqué para vestirme un pantalón de jogging y una chomba color roja que había traído, y encima me puse una campera de algodón azul marino, que contrastaba bien con el rojo. Caminando solo por el boulevard de la ciudad, volviendo al depto, sentí que la chomba me apretaba más a la altura de los hombros. No sé si era por el entrenamiento que había tenido o qué, pero la sentía muy incómoda, más que otras veces. De todas formas, la verdad, estaba empezando a amar esa sensación de empezar a sentirme más inflado como había dicho Joaco. Estaba empezando a tener el cuerpo y la potencia de un rugbier.
  7. Guest

    Random Growth Spurts

    "Fuck! Please God, NO!" You heard the coolest guy at school yell from the mens locker room. His moans and panting are serenaded by the ripping of fabric. "These pants are designer. I-I cant go out like this! Its stretching all the way down my leg and its not even hard!" *CRASH!* You hear the sound of glass shattering "MY PANTS BUTTON FLEW OFF! WHAT IS HAPPENING!" As you hear his moans becoming louder with each second you peep through the door to see him pinned against the locker. His dick slowly lifting is pant leg as the tears become more visble. As the seams are splitting in two you can help but notice the hug wet spots on the ground. He's leaking pre and you could only imagine what it would be like to see him bust his load. It continues to creeping up his abs and lands between his chest. "Why is it so warm? I cant wrap my hands around it. It won't stop twitching!" You then see him leaning foward. Is he about to do what you think he is. As he licks the head of his dick it twitches uncontrollably and grows even more! Filling his mouth he is both shocked and aroused. He sucks on it as if it were candy. You can hear the excitement and fear in his moans. You notices cum filling up his cheeks and slowly escaping from his mouth. You pull out your phone to record the specticle in front of you.
  8. tereshky

    Web Cam Abuse

    Two enterprising college kids think they can pay their way through school by showing off their ripped bods as part of a web cam business. When a company comes along offering them a ton of money for an hour's work, they learn that when an opportunity sounds too good to be true, you should always read the fine print. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The mattress springs were singing out their usual Thursday night chorus in Howie's apartment. That was the evening he and his friend Chase had free to get together and they rarely missed and opportunity to jump on each other. Chase gripped the bed posts as Howie pounded away in his tight hole. The two college students had found each other in the same modeling agency. That's how these two ripped guys were paying their way through school, at least that's how they had intended to pay the bills. College expenses were growing much more than they could bring in and it was becoming a real problem trying to stay out of debt. Yet for right now, neither of them were thinking about that as Howie's cock pounded away into his friend's tight hole. “UHUHUH..MMMmm” Chase moaned, while Howie continued pounding his rock hard cock into the bottom boy's prostate. Chase gripped the sheets with his hands as his toes curled. “FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!” Legs in the air, he bit his lower lip and thrust his ass forward in rhythm with his buddy's thrusts. It was hard to tell which boy was enjoying the sex more. Howie had ahold of Chase’s slender waist and pounded him back and forth, almost like a life sized flesh jack. Howie's eyes rolled back into his head as he reached his climax, unable to hold it in any longer. "Fuck I'm going to cum..." he groaned. He gave Chase one last hard thrust and grabbed him as hard as he could as he loaded his friend up with his cum. Chase followed suit and blasts Howie's ripped pecs with his jizz. They took a moment to breathe and let their heart beats slow down before Howie collapsed on top his naked friend. "Fuck that was hot…" Chase smiled in orgasmic bliss. He could feel his sexy friends hot spunk coating his insides. “Hehe.” He giggled, showing a crooked smile. “Every time!” Chase said, before kissing Howie on the cheek. “Now, slide off me so I can get cleaned up. We need to do that cam show or else we won’t have money for classes next semester. Do you still have that website address?” Since the two of them were on pretty intimate terms with each other already they had devised a scheme to go make money doing cam shows online. So far they had only made $1000 altogether and they each needed $5000 to keep from having to take out loans. But Howie had different plans. "Actually I was thinking we could do something a little different." Howie reached into his backpack and pulled out an ad he'd printed out from the net. "This company called Stretch Studios lets guys do cam shows in their studio and they can make five times as much as we make doing it here." He smiled. "Think about it, we could really make this work!" “Oh really??” Chase said, while perking up. He pushed himself up on his elbows, causing Howie to awkwardly slide against his chiseled torso due to the amount of jizz that was coating them both. “Like, what would we have to do then, big guy? I think we’ve already done everything BUT fuck on cam.” "I mean, I can't say that they wouldn't ask us to fuck each other but hey, this pays even more than the modeling. Nobody has to know. Camming isn't like porn. Only paid subscribers get to see it. And based on what they'd be paying us, I'll bet the fees are pretty high. I'll bet you no one even finds out we're doing it." Chase rolled his green eyes from side to side as he pretended to toss the idea around. Of course he was going to comply with his sexy partner, he just liked being extra like that. “Maaaybe.. But I should get to top you if it comes to that.” he joked, knowing damn well that Howie would never let anyone top him. “I mean, just in case my parents end up seeing it. I think they would take it better than seeing their son biting the sheets and taking a cock... even one as big as yours.” He grinned, scrunching up his face. "Top me huh? Someone's feeling fiesty." Howie said, pushing Chase on his back again. "If your parents are subscribed to this channel then I think they get what they get." He grinned. "I highly doubt they'll be clients." He was getting horny again. "So do you agree?" “Hey, it’s the internet.. you never know who will see it.” Chase grinned. “But yeah, I’ll do it.” He could feel Howie’s cock getting hard again, it was plumping up while pinned between his cheeks. That in turn was also making Chase start to get hard again. "Well... since we've no further business to discuss..." Howie licked his friend’s back and the mattress began to sing once more. In the next days the two of them sent in an inquiry to the company about whether they'd like to book a partnered performance and sent in their pictures. They got a reply within an hour and it blew them away. $3000 for each of them. That would put them more than half way toward their goal. The two made an appointment at studio for 10 AM on Saturday. It was for an hour session. Stretch Studios was about a 20 mile drive from campus. The morning they were scheduled to perform was cloudy as they walked up to the building. It was very large, almost like a hospital or something. They could hear the humming of strange equipment. "Wow this is more industrial than any camming studio I ever imagined." In truth, Howie hadn't imagined one at all. Chase looked around the spacious lobby. He could hear their footsteps echoing as the walked towards the front desk to check in. “You sure we aren’t about to have our organs harvested??” He looked over at Howie nervously. It was clearly a joke, but at the same time... The ceilings had to be over twenty feet tall. He wondered how big the room they would be camming in would end up being, if this was just the lobby. "I guess the camming business is more profitable than I thought." Howie said going up to the receptionist. Without introducing themselves he looked up and smiled. "Hey boys, lets see... Howie and... Chase right?" The two nodded. "My name’s Tim. We have a policy that if we can't recognize you by the pics you send then you can't do the job... unless of course you're hotter than your pics then we make an exception." He winked and pulled out two stacks of papers. "These are the liability waivers and the contracts. The amount each of you'll be paid for one session is highlighted here." They grinned, it was in fact $3000, signing something made it seem more official. The two were shown into their room which was surrounded by two way mirrors but inside was a bed, some chairs, workout equipment, and sex toys. "Whatever you decide to do, you should have enough toys to do whatever you want." He added, "Don't worry about where you are in the room. Unless you're under the bed there are cameras that will see you and focus in on what the operators think is important. The screens you see on the wall will give you feedback from your viewers.” “So we can do whatever we want?” Howie asked. “Well… yes of course you can it’s what your contract said.” Tim said, knowing full well that neither of them had read it. No one ever did. “But… since you guys didn’t get those good looks by reading let me break it down. It’s $3000 base pay for an hour plus $1 for every upvote you get, kind of like a dancer, you make money from tips. Only unlike social media, our clients have to buy the likes, and they can buy as many as they want. Our clients are a little spoiled, they type what they want to see and it appears on the screen if enough of them want the same thing. They usually don’t upvote unless they see what they like.” “Well…” Howie said, “Hopefully they don’t want us to blow our load too early.” “Well that can happen… and if too many of them get bored and log off, you don’t get paid for the entire hour.” Tim saw the look of despair on their faces. “Not to worry boys, as per your contract, we’ve got a special trick to keep you going strong the entire time. It’s up to you if you want to use it or not. Though it will pretty much hand over control of the show to the clients.” “I’m in...” said Chase. He didn’t want to blow this opportunity. He really needed that money. Howie nodded as well and Tim pulled out two little boxes that looked like they might contain jewelry. “Oh don’t worry, I’m already married.” Tim laughed, heading off a tedious joke he’d heard a million times. He handed them the boxes and in each one there was a small device the size of a small wine cork. They didn’t have to ask what they were supposed to do with it, but Tim figuring they were dumb as logs demonstrated it anyway with hand movements. “Have fun boys!” He waved walking out, closing a door that basically faded away to look just like the rest of the wall. “Huh.. No door knob on the inside. I guess we are here until the end of the session.” Chase smiled, looking over to Howie. “Should we get undressed or make them pay to get us that way? I’m not sure what their usual clientele are used to, maybe we should have checked out some feeds before we came today.” Chase looked around the room, it seemed like this company had thought of almost every possible thing a cammer would need to really give a good performance. "Well... I tried to look it up but the pay wall's insane. It's $10,000 a month or $2,000 for a session. I didn't feel like investing that much in our research. We'll just do it like we do in the dorm." Howie said, taking off his shirt. Suddenly there was a voice over the speakers. "Feed will be cut on in 5 minutes, please leave all of your clothes on until the clients pay to have them disposed of. Please insert the devices now." "That's an odd way to put it..." Howie muttered, pulling the t-shirt back on. "I guess we can make out and tease it." They each dropped their pants and helped each other shove the devices up each other’s holes. “I think I’ve heard of these things, they vibrate when someone donates. I hope we don’t have to fuck though,” he said feeling his awkwardly in his ass. “Seems like they would get in the...GNNNN.” Suddenly they both bent over double as the little machines began to vibrate and inch their way up inside of them somehow. The sensations were so powerful it brought them to their knees. “Fuck this thing went up past my prostate!” Chase shouted. Suddenly the screens turned on with a reminder to pull up their pants. A humming sound was activated somewhere in the building like a large machine had just been switched on. The countdown started as they made their way to the bed. 5...4...3...2...1… The two starting to stroke one another beneath their shirts and slid their hands in and out of their pants. "You're so fucking hot." Howie moaned. He knew the cam subscribers liked to hear sexy talk. Suddenly bells started to go off and they saw words flash on the screen. “KISS!” The devices in their asses began to vibrate and they felt an electric tingle going through their body. If they hadn’t been compelled to make out before, they REALLY wanted to now. “Can’t go wrong there!” Chase grabbed Howie by the shirt collar. “Pucker up, dude!” Chase said, then pressing his lips onto the jock. Instantly he could feel Howie’s tongue sliding past his own lips, which he was happy to reciprocate in return. The two hot boys started to get turned on as they continued playing tonsil hockey with each other. Chase’s underwear was getting snug as his dick got hard. It was much harder to not start ripping the clothes off Howie than he anticipated, he keep reminding himself that he was on a job. Then bells started going off again and a new word flashed on the screen. “PECS.” “Pecs?” Chase wondered, what did that mean. He didn’t have long to wait to find out. Their anal instruments vibrated again and their pecs began to feel the electric surge and suddenly their chests began to feel tighter, like the skin was stretching. Their pecs felt heavier. For some reason it took all of their will power to pull away from each other to check themselves out. “Holy shit what’s going on?” Chase shouted. “Fuck if I know!” Howie said grabbing his swolen pecs which pushed out his t-shirt more than he was used to. Then suddenly bells started going off in the room again and the screen flashed. “KISS! KISS! KISS!” With a quick series of vibrations from inside they felt their willpower to do anything but climb on top of each other and make out go away. The screen flashed “PECS ARMS SHOULDERS” and their cut torso’s began to swell with greater and greater definition. Their asses zinged with vibrations from the devices. Their meaty pecs continued to inflate, pressing against their skin tight t-shirts as the names of upper body muscles were popping up all over the screens. As much as they wanted to know what was happening, the occasional “KISS” command made them compelled to keep fencing with their tongues. Their t-shirts strained at the collar from bulging traps, delts, and pecs all pushing in opposite directions. Their sleeves were being strained to the extreme from their bulging biceps. It was just a matter of time until…. “RIIIIP” Their shirts fell apart from their gigantic upper bodies revealing bright red skin, a mixture of embarrassment and sexual flush. Yet they could not stop. As every single muscle in the torso was visibly undulating with their movements in a hypnotizing way. The bells rang on as the words on the screen were flashing “ASS ASS THIGH CALVE FEET ASS” The electrical sensations spread to their lower bodies as their cute bubble butts began to swell along with the rest of their lower halves. Their legs were quickly catching up to their chest and arms. Their asses were ripping the seams of their jeans, their feet were stretching their socks. Then suddenly the screen went wild with “COCK COCK COCK BALLS COCK COCK BALLS” and their junk started to swell and ache within the tight compartment they were confined in. Every time they pulled away from each other to re-adjust or see what was happening to them, the screen would flash “KISS” and they were compelled to press their muscular pecs together and lock lips. Howie felt his cock fighting to push out of the waistline of his pants but his swelling ass had made the gap impassible. Just when they felt like their balls were going to be crushed, their jeans gave way. Revealing absurdly stretched briefs. Their cocks quickly pushed up from the elastic. Soon it was apparent that the ball people had outbid the cock growth fans and the screen was just flashing “BALLS BALLS BALLS BALLS BALLS”. Chase felt his sack stretch as his meaty tennis balls popped out from either leg hole in his briefs. Howie’s had both popped out of the left side. Cum gushed from their emergent, veiny cocks as they rubbed into each other. With their balls swelling to the size of melons, drying up was not going to be a problem. A rich client from Texas had had enough. He paid four thousand dollars to control the board for thirty seconds. He was tired of those clingy briefs. The screen in the studio just read, “ASS QUADS ASS QUADS ASS QUADS KISS KISS” As they were glued together in a passionate embrace, they felt their bulbous glutes and quads vibrate so large that one by one the elastic on their desperate briefs snapped. Howie managed to find the mental strength to reach down and pull away the shattered remnants of his undies. Chase ground his groin into his massive friend until the last shreds of his briefs sluffed off like a cum soaked rag. They were gigantic, 350 lbs of muscle sandwiching two 14’’ cocks creaming up two perfectly sculpted chests. Suddenly the word, “NIPPLE” appeared. Followed by “NIPPLE PLAY”. Howie blew a jet of cum from the sensation of his nipples doubling, then tripling in size. He felt his hands reaching up to explore Chase’s which were growing as well. Returning the favor, his partner’s hand touched his own, and the sensation was so intense he shot so hard it splashed their chins. Their nipples were more sensitive than they’d ever been and with tongues down each other’s throat they both groaned in bliss. “HOWIE SUCK CHASE’S NIPPLE” Clearly someone with a new fetish had taken the reigns. As Howie lowered his face to those meaty pecs and licked and worshiped Chase’s right nipple. Chase moaned in bliss as he continued to tweak his friend. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twenty miles away, back on campus a group of rich Frat boys at Alpha Sigma Sigma were bored and wondering how to kill some time. “You know what would be fun bro, there’s this crazy website where you can pay to do weird shit to some cam boys. Like anything you want to them. Wouldn’t it be dank to get on there and totally screw with the fags? No homo.” “I dunno bro, sounds pretty gay…” “Come on brah, it’ll be fun.” After some token resistance so that they could all talk about how straight they were, they all agreed and logged in. To their shock they found that they recognized the cam stars. Not from the camera feed, their bodies were too changed for that, but from the pictures on the side that showed what they originally looked like. “What the fuck dude it’s Howie and Chase… weren’t those the guys who came and got those ho’s who we were trying to get wasted the other day?” “Yeah… dude…”, said Trey. He had an unlimited credit card to use on ‘books’ and ‘meals’ that got autopayed by their parents. “Lets have some fun my bros.” ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Back in the studio Chase was sucking Howie’s cock while tweaking his nipples, making the massive cam star go nuts. “Fuck Chase, what’s...gnnnnn… fuck…. happening… to us…” He was covering Chase’s face with spunk, as his massive cock gushed like a hose. Their spines had stretched as they had grown six inches taller since the beginning of the session. Suddenly the screen flashed with a new command. “EAT ASS” Howie felt the vibration compelling him to shove is face in between Chase’s giant ass cheeks. Chase groaned as he felt the tongue on his ass. When the bells started to ring, “ASS ASS ASS”. Howie could feel those monster glutes swelling around his face, unable to pull away as the giant ass grew out of proportion. Chase could hardly control himself as he reflexively squeezed his friend’s head. Someone was using the option to control them separately. “69 69 69 69 69 69” The screen flashed again and again. They mounted each other with their faces at pec level, since that’s where both of their massive cock heads were, unable to stop each other from blasting each other in the face with massive amounts of jizz. The volume of cum was so much that they could barely get their lips around each other’s slits as they tried to drink the flood of jizz. “CHASE FUCK HOWIE” Their asses vibrated with the new command. Howie couldn’t help himself as he thrust his ass in the air as Chase’s giant cock head pressed against that hole that had never taken a cock before. “God… please be gentle…” Howie muttered as the thick monster pushed its way inside of him. “UGNNNNNN” Howie groaned as his ass was stretched beyond anything he’d ever imagined. “HARDER HARDER HARDER” The screen flashed. Chase couldn’t help himself as he railed Howie against the bed. “FUCK FUCK FUCK” he grunted, spraying his friend’s insides with his jizz. Howie bit the pillow, unable to do anything but take it. “BELLY” Chase saw the command flash on the screen, wondering what it could mean. Howie’s gut distended a little as Chase went to down on his ass like he was churning butter. “BELLY BELLY BELLY” Those perfect abs faded as Howie’s gut began to swell out of control. “Fuck… gnnnn… what’s… fuck… happening…” He wrapped his muscular arms around that inflating belly balloon as the screen just kept flashing “BELLY” Soon his gut was so enormous that it was lifting him up off the bed and he couldn’t even wrap his arms around it. “PEC MILK PEC MILK PEC MILK” Howie felt his nipples growing even more as his pecs swelled until they were full and squishy. Chase bent over and squeezed them, causing thick milk to ooze out of them. “Fuck! Make it stop!” ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “BRENT!” A voice shouted down the hall from the study, causing Brent Masterson to check the latest Wall Street Journal article. His wife burst in. “I just got an odd alert from Trey’s credit card. It’s showing over $20,000 for something called Stretch Studios! You think it’s fraud?” “Oh definitely,” he replied. “Doesn’t sound like something our son would do. Shut the account down and call them so we can get our money back. The number’s on the back.” His wife went to leave and then paused. “What are you doing all shut up in here?” “Oh… just taking a break from doing our taxes… so dull… can you handle the credit card for me?” “Sure sweety, you’re so smart with numbers.” She said walking out of the room. After the door shut behind him, Brent said to himself. “So that’s who’s been messing up my show… game over son.” He said as he switched back to the cam. “When you get your own money you can play with the big boys. Now lets fix my studs.” He paused for a moment and thought “Not everything you did was bad.” ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The screen flashed “CUT ABS SLIM ABS RIPPED ABS ABS ABS ABS” as Howie felt his gut shrinking back to a trim fit waist. Bells were ringing frantically. “GROW GROW GROW” Howie felt his entire body stretching as Chase continued to mount him and Milk his pecs. He was swelling, bigger and bigger. Seven feet, eight feet, nine feet. He could feel Chase’s nipples rubbing against his stretching skin as he seemed like a child in comparison and still Chase hung on and fucked away. Howie outgrew the bed, crushing it under his muscular two thousand pound body as Chase had to wrap his arms around under his shoulders to continue squeezing his pecs. He topped out at twelve feet, as tall as a one story house when the screens went dark, the strange humming sound dissipated, and the vibrations in the ass came to a screeching halt. The hour was over. Chase was gasping on Howie’s back, his face nestled between mounds of muscle. “Fuck Howie… how do we get back to the way we were?” “I… I guess they use the thingies inside us to turn us back.” Suddenly the door opened and Tim walked in the room clapping. “Bravo boys, you did so well!” “So… uh… can we go back to the way we were now?” Howie said. “Of course my dears, you just have to outbid the people who changed you.” He pulled up a tablet. “As per your contract, use of the body modification unit is solely doled out to paying customers. Howie you can go back for $56,000 and Chase you can revert for $42,000.” “But we don’t have that kind of cash!” They shouted. Tim smiled. “Well… I know how you could earn it.” --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you liked this story, let me know. Hit "like" or leave a comment. Your feedback is how I know what gets you guys revved up.
  9. dexdiablo

    Mysterious Mountain Berries

    "Fucking Rhett," Jake muttered under his breath. He didn't want to be on this camping trip. He wasn't what you would call "outdoorsy." This whole roughin' it thing wasn't for him. But Jake was really bad at saying no to Rhett. Standing 6’1” and built like a college football player, Rhett was the quintessential guy next door — neatly-cropped blonde hair, piercing blue eyes, a square jawline every guy envied. Jake wasn’t half bad looking himself, but he was no Rhett. Jake always considered himself average, but in doing so he downplayed the subtle charm of his boyish looks, tan skin and tousled brown hair. Shorter at 5’9”, you could tell he missed a few days at the gym. He was by no means fat or out-of-shape... in fact, compared to the general population he looked pretty dang good. Jake was just a little soft in the middle, lacking defined muscle tone. "Straight skinny, but gay fat" as the saying goes. This was evident whenever the two would go to gay clubs: it was very apparent who commanded attention on the dance floor. Jake’s relationship with Rhett was complex: they had been best friends since college, but Jake secretly harbored two somewhat contradictory feelings that complicated things: an unhealthy amount of jealousy over his buddy’s good looks—jealousy that was also underscored by a heavy and pervasive lust for his friend. For years, he had fantasized about undressing the studly Rhett, ripping off his tight shirt to reveal Rhett's perky pecs and hard-earned cobblestone abs. When they worked out together it was all he could do to not pop a boner. Just seeing his friend sweat, his muscles bulge with striations as he pumped iron on the bench press was enough to put him under a spell. A spell strong enough to convince him to say yes to a camping trip he *really* didn't want to go on. At Rhett’s insistence, the boys had set up camp near the entrance to a ravine at the base of the Snokeridge Mountains. It provided some shelter from the wind, but the creek had dried up for the season and the closest water source was a slow-flowing river a half of mile from the camp site. The boys had spent their first day hiking to the spot, setting up the tent and then fishing by the river. Even after fishing all day, Rhett had only caught a small little trout; barely enough for one person, let alone two young men who had been hiking all day. “Jake, why don’t you take the fish back to the site and get a fire going. It's not much, but we can eat it with the hot dog buns I brought," barked Rhett. Rhett was in charge of food, which was a mistake considering he's not great with details. Hot dog buns? Got it. Relish? In the cooler. Mustard? You bet. The actual hot dogs? Forget about it. "Sure thing," Jake snapped back, an attitude in his voice. As he went to pick up the fish from the shallow pond Rhett had dug to keep it fresh, Jake tripped and fell head first into the river. "Goddamit!" he yelled, soaking and shivering. He quickly snatched the tiny fish and did an about face toward the mountains, avoiding eye contact with Rhett. "Hey dude, it's not a big deal. The fire will warm you right up," replied a chuckling Rhett. Ticked off by the long haul back to camp and Rhett’s lack of planning, Jake began stomping his way back to camp. Sopping wet and getting colder by the minute, Jake heard his stomach growl. Starting the fire, cleaning the fish... it would be at least an hour before they were ready to eat. "For fuck's sake, I'm never doing this again." About two thirds of the way back to camp, Jake stumbled across a small clearing. In the dead center of the clearing sat a small berry bush standing peculiarly by itself. It stood perfectly straight as if the main branch grew at a 90 degree angle from the soil. Its striking foliage was an interwoven mix of bright green and maroon, and it made a perfectly cylindrical topiary — which was quite odd to come across in the wilderness. It reminded Jake a bit of the perfectly-coiffed rosebushes from the old Alice in Wonderland movie, only there were no flowers for the card soldiers to paint red for their queen. Though odd, it was enchanting. There was no other word for it. Jake approached it carefully, though he didn’t know why. No one was around for miles. Upon closer inspection, he discovered that the small bush only produced a few dozen berries, their iridescent purple sheen almost glowing on the branches. He had never seen such brightly colored berries in his life. *gurgle* His stomach growled again. “So hungry...” complained Jake out loud. But they could be poisonous, he thought. What was that old limerick we learned at nature camp? White and yellow, kill a fellow. Purple and blue, good for you. Red, something, something, dead? Jake looked at the berries again. I’ve never seen a more purple shade of purple, truly, he thought. With that, he quickly plucked a handful of berries from the bush, ignoring his normally-reticent instinct and surrendering to his increasing hunger. “Here goes nothing,” Jake said as he downed the handful in one fell swoop, the juice dripping down his fingers. The taste was sweet, but tinged with a heavy musk. It wasn’t bad, per se, just odd. Either way, it satiated his hunger (albeit briefly) and he decided to continue on this journey back to camp, puny little fish in tow. Jake could tell he was nearing the ravine because he entered a familiar thicket of trees. All of a sudden his stomach started making a different kind of noise. This time it was a low rumble instead of a gurgle, and was accompanied by a sense of warmth that he could only describe as prickly. It slowly started to spread across his body. "Oh shit," Jake exclaimed out loud, worried that he had in fact consumed poison. There must be some kind of antidote in our first aid kit, he thought. When I get back I’ll just take it preemptively and hopefully... "Ouch!" Jake's head had hit a branch, odd given that he had been careful to clear the branch just a minute before. He went to rub the goose egg quickly forming on his crown but he realized something felt off with his hands. The warm prickly feeling intensified. Bringing his hands into his line of sight, he noticed the berry-stained fingers on his right hand thickening and lengthening before his eyes. Not to be outdone, his left hand did the same, fingers puffing up into large, masculine digits, the palm of his hand increasingly resembling a large catcher's mitt. "What the fuck..." stammered Jake, thinking perhaps that hallucinations were confirmation that he had poisoned himself. Just then he noticed how tight his boots were. Like painfully tight. Sitting down to remove them, he tugged and tugged at the leather hopelessly trying to free his cramped feet from their prisons. With labored breathing and a surprising show of force and strength, Jake managed to extricate his left foot from the confined space. He was too late for his right foot. *rriiipppp* A large big toe poked through a rip in the leather, followed by two more toes as they lengthened before his eyes. Soggy, threadbare socks strained until the pressure was too much and they too gave way. He couldn't believe what was happening but he welcomed the relief felt by his now-free feet. The prickly feeling intensified, spreading inward from his feet and hands. It was then that Jake noticed his clothes felt tight. His pants appeared to be painted onto his skin and his crotch was... cramped. His nipples, erect from the cold and excitement, poked furiously through the fabric of his wet shirt. His usually modest chest felt rounder, thicker, sturdier than before, jutting out ever just so yet proudly over his torso. Running his hands across his torso revealed a surprise: no longer did he feel soft in the middle. While Jake couldn't feel abs, his stomach was firm and taut. Excited, Jake jumped up quickly to get a look at himself but his quick ascent from the forest floor resulted in his head smacking into another branch. It suddenly dawned on him that he was growing taller. "Holy shit, I’m getting bigger," he uttered in disbelief, rubbing the knot on his head. Jake's large, meaty hands felt foreign to him, as did the thick forearms they were attached to. Rubbing his hairy arms, he was surprised to feel firm biceps, the hardness surpassing any pump he had ever gotten at the gym. He could feel them grow larger, bulging outward and testing the elasticity of his shirt sleeves. Another branch graced Jake's hair. He had to move before he gouged out an eye. It must have been the berries, Jake thought and turned back toward the clearing he had just left. His line of vision, now higher by at least a foot, was dizzy and caused him to stumble clumsily out of the thicket. Away from the trees and in the bask of the evening sunlight, he surveyed himself. Though he could tell by the growth was slowing, he had to be nearing 6'10". The new vantage point startled him, but he wasn't complaining. He had always wanted to be taller. It dawned on him that he was now significantly taller than Rhett. Jake's body—despite being larger and more muscular than just minutes before—still paled in comparison to Rhett's finely-honed physique, but he was happy to have at least one advantage on his friend. As if on queue, Rhett stumbled into the clearing with two fish in hand. "Jake?! What the hell happened?" he stammered in disbelief, dropping the fish on the ground. "I, I don't know man," replied Jake, realizing that his voice had deepened in tone. "I was really hungry, like really hungry, and I know it's stupid to eat things in the wild you know nothing about, but I just couldn't wait for dinner tonight..." he rambled. "So I just ate a handful of these berries," pointing to the bush. "Jake, what a stupid thing to do. But why are you so tall? And big? I... I don't understand," babbled Rhett as he rapidly looked Jake up-and-down, a look of sheer confusion on his face. Truth be told, Jake was liking this new dynamic. For once, Rhett wasn't in control. "Dude, I think the berries did it. I've never seen berries like this before. After I ate them, a warm feeling spread across my body and I started growing. The berries, they like, shine on their own. Take a look," replied Jake. Rhett walked over to the bush, and eyed the berries suspiciously. Jake was right, these were unlike anything he had ever seen. He looked back at Jake and then at the berries once more. A devilish smile spread across his handsome face. Jake immediately regretted telling Rhett about the berries. Jake finally had something he had wanted for ages: an edge over Rhett. He was significantly taller than Rhett, and stronger than he'd ever been. He felt alpha towering over his friend and loved the feeling. If Rhett ate even just a few berries, he would quickly surpass Jake in height and his already studly body would grow and harden into god-like proportions. He couldn't allow that. Rhett reached out to pluck the last remaining handful of berries from the bush. But Jake was too fast. Owing to his now larger limbs and increased strength, it was just a matter of seconds before Jake had tackled Rhett to the ground. "What the fuck, man?!" shouted Rhett, taken aback. "You've... always been... the bigger one," huffed Jake as he struggled to pin down the shockingly strong jock. "I'm... not going to... let you have this on me again!" "You're already... a giant. I just... want... a berry or two," Rhett growled, fighting back. "I want to be... big too!!" The dynamic shifted again and he flipped giant Jake onto his back. However, Jake had a height advantage and used it swiftly. Maneuvering his long legs, he pinned Rhett's torso and flung him on his side. Firmly planting a meaty hand on Rhett's chest to hold him down, he reached his other arm toward the bush and ripped off the branch with the few remaining berries. "For years, it's been Rhett-this and... Rhett-that," hissed Jake. "For ONCE, I'm going to be the center of attention. I want... other guys to lust after ME." "Jake, you're being fucking unreasonab..." Rhett started to say, flailing his arms in vain. "I won't let you have this, you can't have this on me," Jake snarled, years of pent-up jealousy dripping from his lips, a black fury in his eyes. "Jake, don't, just let..." Rhett started to say, but Jake was too quick. He popped every last berry from the branch into his mouth, chewed once and swallowed them en masse. "FUCK YOU," screamed Rhett, as he summoned the strength to break from Jake's firm grasp. Rhett wound his arm back and *WHAM* punched Jake square in the chest. "What the FUCK is wrong with you?!" Rhett screamed as he lobbed another blow, hitting Jake in the abdomen. Jake wheezed and toppled back onto the ground, caught off guard by Rhett's swift motion. "You couldn't just let me have one, dude?!" Another blow to the stomach. Jake coughed and sputtered, but then suddenly lay still. "It's happening," Jake spat out between coughs, the warm prickly feeling spreading across his body. "It's happening." Rhett stepped back, not sure of what would come next. Spread out on the ground, Jake's body quivered. First came the feet. The right boot, tattered though still clinging onto his large foot, exploded from all angles as both of Jake's feet doubled in size. Hands grew slowly at first, and then quickly, doubling in size as well. Legs thickened as pound upon pound of muscle packed onto Jake's frame. His pants, fighting a losing battle, gave way to powerfully thick thighs. Arms lengthened sharply, the sinewy veins of his muscles becoming more apparent by the second. Wider and wider his back spread, lats reaching insane proportions and causing his shirt to tear in several places. Jake's tight lower back was lifted from the soft grass and it quickly became clear why: his ass was growing wide, thick, hard and firm. White underwear, dirty from the forest floor, clung on for dear life. Stretched out not only by his increasingly huge bubble butt, Jake's cock stirred to life. It too had grown to match his body and quickly stood at attention, jutting out like a tower, 90 degrees from the beast's growing frame. Thick, juicy abs formed as his torso lengthened and grew hard. His body was becoming nothing short of incredible — the impossibility of his increasingly-giant frame aside, Jake was filling out nicely. He looked like a hardened wrestler and was quickly on his way to becoming an amateur bodybuilder. Rhett couldn't believe what he was seeing. "I, I... don't... what is this?" he stammered, realizing that while scared of his rage-fueled friend, he was also a little turned on by the whole thing. "I'm getting fucking huge!" yelled Jake, sitting up and tearing away the remains of his shirt. "I can feel it, I'm going to be HUGE." Standing up, it was clear that Jake was well over 8' tall. Taller and taller he grew, inching up higher as the muscles of his body reverberated with growth. "Look at me!" he commanded Rhett as he rubbed his inflating pecs. "Look at what a fucking stud I'm becoming!" He laughed maniacally as he reached down with his large hand and with one swift motion ripped off what remained of his underwear. Fondling his balls (now the size of grapefruits) with one hand, he used the other hand to stroke his massive cock. Despite his incredible size of his hands, he could barely fit his mitt around the thick, red member which was spewing pre-cum. Rhett, now sporting a full hard-on, stood there in disbelief. He was now staring directly at his friend's naked body, eye level with his torso and unable to process that it was Jake who stood before him. Jake was lost in the overwhelming pleasure he was getting from stroking his insanely-large cock. He snapped out of the haze when he realized the prickly feeling had stopped and he was no longer expanding in size. With his hand clasped firmly around his cock, he stood massive in the clearing nearly 9' tall — a mountain of a man with bulging muscles everywhere you looked. An sly grin spread across his face. "Suck my cock, Rhett," Jake demanded. "Whaaa... Jake, I don't wa..." Rhett stammered in reply, stepping back. "I don't give a fuck what you want. And your puny little cock is giving you away. You want this," Jake bellowed, pointing a fat finger toward his cock. "Besides, do you really want to piss me off?" Jake took a step toward Rhett, placing his inhumanely large hands on Rhett's back and shoving him toward his pulsing member. Rhett, understanding the predicament he was in and admittedly more turned on than he'd ever been, opened his mouth wide in anticipation. Jake's cockhead, red and angry with a need to release, was the size of an apple and leaking with pre. There was no way his mouth would fit around the swollen glans. "Oh, come on, Rhett. You've been with plenty of guys. You should know how to suck cock properly," Jake taunted. "I cguamph fuiiut iith inh myei..." Rhett tried to spit out the words, his mouth full. "Use your hands, little guy," Jake continued, abruptly shoving Rhett's head another inch onto his massive member. Rhett reached out and started stroking the giant cock. It quivered with each stroke. Jake moaned — deep, guttural and animalistic. He didn't care if anyone heard the noise; he was a god now. "Fuck yeah, Rhett. You're... my little bitch now. How... ohh... does it feel... *grunt*... to be the little one?" Jake stammered between moans. It was clear he was getting close. Rhett was scared. If he could barely fit half of Jake's cock in his mouth, there was no way he was going to be able to swallow his load. He would choke. Rhett was sure it would be massive. He had to think quickly. He reached up and tweaked Jake's large nipple. It was clearly sensitive because Jake started bucking his large hips. Squeezing the cock another inch into his mouth and working it with his tongue, he bobbed up and down and used the other hand to fondle Jack's huge sack. This drove him over the edge. The cock quivered again and the balls tightened. Jake was about to shoot. Before he could unload, Rhett used both of his hands to give one final stroke and then pushed himself off and away from the quivering cock. Jake exploded. "AHhHhhhH!" he yelled in ecstasy as rope after rope of thick cum spewed from his cock. His balls pulsated quickly as he wildly unloaded volley after volley into the clearing, each spurt completely coating large patches of the soft grass. Rhett shielded his face with his arms but could still hear as pump after pump of the thick, creamy jizz landed in the grass around him with a soft and muted plop. With a look on his face that could only be described as somewhere between euphoria and bewilderment, Jake collapsed to the ground. Panting and still dribbling cum from his half-hard cock, he lay there unable to process the explosive orgasm he just had. A few minutes into the daze, he closed his eyes and dozed off to sleep. Uncovering his face, Rhett looked around and was immediately overwhelmed. He too passed out from the shock. The soft grass caught his fall and he was out like a light. As night fell, the two slumbered peacefully next to the bush in the clearing — Jake exhausted and spent from his growth, Rhett stupefied and unsure of what to make of the day's events. Puddles of cum surrounded them, slowly seeping into the ground. An owl hooted peacefully as the moon shone brightly above. ********** Morning light broke and Rhett jerked awake. Images of his friend Jake growing into a behemoth passed through his mind. Still in shock, he was sure that the events of the previous day had just been a weird nightmare. His jaw, however, still hurt from the night before. There's no way, he thought. Turning over, his worst fears were immediately confirmed: the giant form of his friend lay peacefully on the other side of the bush, a slight snore and the rhythmic rise and fall of his chest indicating that he was fast asleep. Rhett sat up and his eyes caught the berry bush. He wished it wasn't barren so he too could grow giant and give Jake a taste of his own medicine. Surveying the clearing, it appeared the puddles of cum that had pooled in patches across the grass had disappeared overnight. However, in the dim dawn light Rhett could just make out something peculiar in their place: little seedling shoots sprouted across the clearing, their fledgling stalks a striking mix of bright green and maroon...
  10. js44

    Superman's Gift (pt. 1 & 2)

    Superman's Gift Tagline: A young man's life is forever changed when the Man of Steel gives him his powerful spandex underwear. Author note: this one is a quickie. I do not know the Superman lore very well, but I think it is a fun universe to explore, and I wanted to try something lighter after writing my really dark Superman story a few years ago. This is part 1 of a 2 part, I think. Let me know what you think I really appreciate the community's feedback. I packed my bags and got on the bus leaving Smallville forever. I was finally getting my first job as an assistant editor at the Daily Planet, having just graduated from junior college. Smallville was full of bullies and small-minded jerks, I was tired of them giving me crap for my small frame and I was tired of being the little guy who was always picked on. But now, I was heading to the big city to live a new life, one where I could start a new identity, get new friends and maybe, finally, find some respect. We were only about 50 minutes outside of the city, a good few hours until we got to Metropolis, when we heard a loud THUD on the side of the bus. "Woah!" we all shouted, as the bus tilted back and forth. "HAHA!" a menacing voice came from outside the bus as it literally pulled it to a screeching halt. The voice echoed around us as the entire bus was literally lifted and shook back and forth, rising 40, 50 almost 100 feet off the ground. "Oh Superman?!" the voice beckoned< "where are you?" I looked out the window to find a huge monstrosity of a being cackling with glee as he took sheer joy in torturing us. It was Doomsday! I had seen him only once before. The brute was massive. "Oh superman, where are you?" he said, shaking us, "I have a group of victims for you to rescue." He had tried to kidnap a bus full of people once before, Superman was able to defeat him, but I remember reading the Planet article said that Doomsday became immune to Superman's heat vision. How was he going to defeat Doomsday now, I thought, if he even knew of our peril. I could hear a whirl noise around us, the Man of Steel did hear us! He was flying around us and Doomsday, trying to taunt him, to get him to drop the bus. "HA!" Doomsday shouted and dropped the bus with all of us in it. I thought for sure we would be smashed upon impact, but Superman caught us and quickly set us down. Superman was always my hero, he was everyone's! He was the man I always wished I'd be every time I was picked on, and despite fearing for my life, I thought it so cool that I could finally see him with my own eyes, in action! The two of them started fighting, I could see it out the window. Superman, probably only 1/4 the size of Doomsday was using brute physical force to shove the monster further into the forest and away from the street. The bus driver tried to pull away but couldn't. "Let's get out of here!" he shouted, realizing the bus had completely broken down. We all fled, running in different directions, trying to avoid wherever the superbeings were and get to safety. I kept running further and further south but realized I was all alone after a few minutes. I could hear punching and screeching getting closer and closer to my proximity, and decided to hide under a fallen tree. I couldn't believe it when the superbeings knocked each other, flying, right into the ground less than 20 feet away from me, shattering the surface and creating a crater that stretched to my feet. Doomsday had the upper hand, after laying some successive blows into Superman, he picked him up with his fist and licked him with a long, disgusting, reptilian-like tongue. "AARGH!" Superman shouted, the saliva from Doomsday turning his cheek. "Mmm, tastes good," the low, grumbly voice shouted in glee. "And now, to take all of your powers," Doomsday continued," I finally created a toxin made from black kryptonite that will extract your powers and feed them to me! HAHA" the being laugh manically. "I used the bus of kidnapped humans to lure, and now...I have you!" Doomsday started breathing heavily, taking long, slow breaths I assumed to ready his poison. "No, Superman!" I thought to myself, "you have to come through," I could tell the Man of Steel was growing weaker and weaker, but he was fumbling in his side pouch near his underwear, a little container of something that he had. I saw him open it. It was green kryptonite and as soon as he released it a green puff of smoke emerged, knocking both of the superheroes out, "GARGH!" they both shouted, as the both lost the force of Doomsday's grip. They flew backwards, most of the kryptonite landing on Doomsday and causing him to thrash about, flying him against a tree and slumping down to the forest ground. Superman flew in the other direction, landing in a small brush and topping onto his stomach. He appeared badly hurt. Lifting my head higher, slowly gaining more confidence to see the scene, waited for the two superheroes to see if either would move. When they did not, I quietly, but quickly rushed to my hero's side. Bad boils started to form on Superman's skin, they were turning red then burning to a char-like color. "Superman!" I whispered, "You need help! What can I do to help you?" Superman turned to me with his weak eyes. "You," he said, "you must complete what I have failed." "what are you talking about?" I answered, "You have to get up before Doomsday awakens." "I cannot," he said, barely able to utter a word. "The kryptonite will turn Doomsday back into his human form for a short while, while he recharges his powers, then he will take over his true form once more and steal my powers from me. He already has drained me. You cannot let him take my powers." I felt terrible for Superman, but couldn't believe that he was going to ask me for help. "What can I do?" I asked. "Anything." "The end is coming for me," he whispered, the burns now completely covering his face, burning off his hair and shredding his superhero outfit. "The poison is destroying me, Ohhf..." "Quickly, son," he said, "take my spandex loin, and wear it. They are going to contain all of my powers, you must inherit them and use them to defeat Doomsday!" My hands started shaking with fear. "No, wait, what? I'm not cut out to be a superhero!" I said. "But you must," he said, "for I am...no...more..." Superman gagged and his skin deflated, his entire massive body flatting and curling into his suit. His suit in turn started to dissolve, all of it folding and melting into a red and blue goo that soaked into the underwear, leaving only the one piece of cloth on the ground. "Holy shit!" I whispered to myself. I paused for a brief moment then grabbed the briefs. I turned around to see the grey, rock-like monster Doomsday start to lose his own size. The brute started shrinking from his 15 foot frame down to 10 then 6 as his muscle mass flattened out to something much more human-like. He was transforming back into a human form! As the grey bulky mass dissolved, a bulked and young looking, tanned skin emerged, and he became someone I had seen before, but I wasn't sure his name. The rock body soaked into the skin leaving a naked, but still well-bulked, young guy probably around my age. I had seen him at a hospital before, I thought, but didn't know his name. I backed away quickly, the creature would surely awaken soon. I ducked behind some bushes and stared at him only for a moment before the naked man opened his eyes, a red, evil glow emerging from them. "Oh Superman," the man beckoned, his masculine voice not all that different from when he was in his superpowered state, "where did you go?" I slowly backed away as the naked man stood, walking with total confidence toward the burnt indentation where Superman's body once lay. His uncut dick rocked back and forth, its girth knocking between his thighs. The man had no qualms about his total nudity, he was completely comfortable with himself. He bent at the knees and I gulped as I watched his bulk ass stretch inward as his thigh muscles tightened. The thin, black covering of hair on his legs moved over the sides of his butt cheeks with total masculine effect. I was both intimidated and entrenched by him. Even the bullies who used to kick me to the ground in the showers weren't as big as this guy. There was no way I would be able to evade this guy for long. I looked in my hands at the lycra underwear that Superman left for me. I knew that they were more than just a covering for one's loins. These things must have had Superman's power wrapped into him. What if I put them on? Would I, become him? Could it be possible? "Where did you go!" Doomsday shouted as he stood once more. He took a deep breath through his nose, smelling for something suspicious. Smelling for....me. "My senses might not be as strong as a human, but I know something is afoot!" he shouted as he looked around. I knew I had no choice. I had to either put on the suit, or risk having the super being overpower me and take the suit for himself. If Doomsday gained all of Superman's powers, he would surely see the end of me right then and there. I quietly stepped out of my shoes and pulled off my socks. I had no time to think. No time to be scared for what would become of me. It was now or never. I pulled off my shirt and slowly took steps away from Doomsday as he started to identify where I could be. "Who else is here?" He asked with a smirk on his face. "Could this be a challenge? Could I met a match in my quest for Superman's powers?" He started walking toward me with a faster step,. I had no time. I unbuttoned and unzipped my jeans, but the "zipp" sound immediately turned him to me. We met eye to eye. And he knew what I was up to. "Oh I don't think so, you human!" He shouted as his pace quickened. "That suit is mine, little man, and when I get it, I will see the end of you!" "Ahh!" I shouted, sounding like a little wimp, watching his eyes looking to me with utter evil and pleasure in destroying me. Doomsday couldn't use his powers while in human form, I could see that, but it wouldn't be long before he had recovered and would be back into his super evil being, and anyway his human strength and agility would easily power over me. I had to get the suit on if I wanted to live at all. I dropped my jeans and now, only in my boxers, I ran, I ran as fast as I could, I hurdled over fallen trees and bushes, I jumped over a stream and bed of rocks. I moved faster than I ever had in my life. I had to hurry, I could hear the steps behind me running with ferocious energy. I pulled down my boxers and left them behind me, getting completely naked. I had no time to waste, no time to think for a moment, and certainly no time to be embarrassed by my skinny frame and nude figure. I unfurled the lycra but kept running. They were small but still fit Superman's massive frame inside it, they would surely fit mine. I slowed down for only a moment to slip my left foot through it, before picking back up the pace. I immediately felt my running ability hasten as I gained more stamina. The underwear was pushing some kind of strength into me, even if it wasn't all of the Man of Steel's powers. I gained just enough distance from Doomsday to fully stop and step my right leg through. I had no time to think. I started pulling the suit up my legs, feeling ever increasing amounts of strength and stamina fill my legs when Doomsday finally caught up with me. But he was too late. I wrapped the suit over my skinny butt and pulled the suit up over my crotch and onto my waste as fast as I ever could. The second the lycra "snapped" over my waste, Doomsday turned me around by force. But within that same split second, the suit started pouring power into me, up through my butt and pecker, into my balls and out through my body. I could feel it, the powers of the man of steel, and at that very moment all of my humanly desires and mortal wants flew aside, I was becoming Superman, I was becoming immortal. Doomsday grabbed the suit at my crotch but the suit, now my own, now fully claimed by me, sparked a red and blue shock of electricity on his hand, scarring it. "SHIT!" the monster shouted, backing his naked body away from me. "Oh no!" he said, "NO NO NOOOO!" "YES!" I Shouted in reply, "watch me, Doomsday, watch me claim what is now rightfully Mine!! ARRRRGH!'" As Superman's confidence pulled itself out of the suit and into me, so too did his powers. My back uncontrollably stretched and bent itself as I felt the suit's power pour out from my loins and into my body, my back and abs gaining muscle and girth, pushing themselves outward and defining a deep, crevice 8-pack as my Adonis cut a deep V pointing down toward my crotch. Doomsday stared as he saw my pecs flatten and bulk outward, doubling the size of his as hair emerged from over the suit and up my abs and onto my chest. My shoulders broadened as my arms bulked outward, biceps doubling then tripling their size both upward and outward, veins stretching under my skin and elongating my forearms and hands. My legs too exploded into footballs, growing outward and lengthening my frame from 6 to 6.5 feet, hair growing downward over my body. My cock started pushing itself against the lycra, and as it increased size, the power of the suit poured more into it, my sausage curving over my balls as they become completely discernible underneath the cloth. I rubbed it and felt an immediate explosion of orgasm, way better than I ever had as a mortal. "Fuck yea!" I told myself, growing ever more confident in my form as more hair emerged under my arm pits and on my face, creating a shadow over my face. "Watch Doomsday, for it will surely be your last time as a free man! HAHAH!" I said, my body lifting itself as I gained the power of flight. I could feel all of Superman's powers as well as some of Doomsday's powers from his black kryptonite toxin leaking into my own body, I had trouble making sense of how to use them for I knew nothing of super powers before, but the orgasmic feeling of gaining them was so intoxicating that I wished for nothing else. I didn't want it to end. "MORE! MOOOORRRREE!" I shouted as I exploded with Superman's powers. "Superman, I will completely your mission, as soon as I deal with this mutant!" I swore to him, and as I did, the lycra from the suit spread outward from the underwear, moving down my legs, and up over my bulked torso and abs, reforming a new Superman uniform over me. Growing a cap out behind me as I levitated above Doomsday. The transformation complete, I quickly flew around the sky before returning to Doomsday. I Kicked him to turn him around but saw him cackling. "You think this is it? Just because you're the new Superman?!" He shouted. He flew up from the ground in one jump, the naked man returning to his feet. I flew down to the ground and set my feet next to his, shoving him backwards. "You know not of what I am capable of!" He shouted, his body bulking up once more as a grey rock-like form returned to him once more. He was returning to his super form! "You want a fight?" He asked, bulking to twice the size of my own new super form. "Come and get it!" To be continued.
  11. Here is the fourth chapter of The Test. This took me a while to write as life kept getting in the way along with some serious workouts!!! This muscle growth/transformation scene would probably be me if i was confronted by the power of the gem. Sure, I would want to be cool like Chaos, but I'm just a big brute... so I know what I would become!!! Enjoy, and if you have any ideas for further mythical transformations/muscle growth... let me know!! The Test Chapter Four Vengeance Elliott Wade got out of the taxi in front of UEL research building. His flight had landed two hours ago, and once he had gotten through customs, he ran to catch a taxi. Thankfully, the skinny, bearded man only had a backpack and didn’t need to wait for any luggage and therefore beat the crowd to the taxi stand. He would have gotten an Uber but didn’t want to risk the waiting time it might take just for a cheaper fare. He needed to get to Jacob and he needed to get to him now. Ever since he had found that gem, there had been trouble. Putting the pieces together may have taken a little while, but now that he thought he might know what was going on, he was in a race against time. First, there was the day he found the stone. It hadn’t seemed odd at first, but why had the other guys who were excavating in his section both come down with a stomach flu on the same day? They all ate in the same canteen, but only Elliot hadn’t gotten sick. Then there was the strange obsession that had flooded over him when he unearthed the gem. He never would have kept such a significant find to himself, yet something told him to hide it and keep it a secret. Then there was the night of the thunderstorm when the gem had disappeared completely. He hadn’t realized it was gone until the next day. Elliott had seen it the night before when he hid it away in the coffee can, so that’s exactly where it should have been the next day; yet it wasn’t He couldn’t have the other men search for it since no one knew he had it. Finally, there was the blank email to Jacob with the attachment he couldn’t open. It all would have remained a mystery if it had not been for the scroll found in the earthen pot. Inside was a crude drawing of some sort of creature pulling itself out of the earth. Human men and creatures of a variety of assortment surrounded the hole it was crawling out of. A gem emitting a ray of light was hanging over he creature, lighting it’s path as it burst from the ground. When he had shown it to the other men, they had all agreed with each other that it was a fable of some kind that obviously translated into destruction brought about by greed. Elliott knew it had to mean more since he had seen the very gem from the drawing with his own eyes, but once again how could he talk about the gem without telling about his part. Not knowing who to turn to for confession, Elliot decided to call his ex; Jacob, but his phone was out of service. His phone at the University continually went to voicemail, and every email Elliot sent to him bounced back. It was as if Jacob has single handedly been removed from this earth... at least for when it meant Elliot getting in contact with him. Concerned what was going on with Jacob as well as remembering the strange email sent to him from Elliot’s own account with the attachment he couldn’t open, Jacob decided to get the next flight to London and see if everything was alright. Heavy winds, severe rain and lightning threw the plane around the sky like a child’s toy. A couple of times Elliot swore they were going down, but the skill of the pilot get them safely to Stanstead Airport. He caught a taxi quickly and gave the driver Jacob’s address. The taxi had barely traveled for three minutes when a text appeared on his phone. Elliot took a quick look at it thinking it would only be from his excavation partner, but noticed that it was from Jacob. It was a picture of the gem, glowing a deep amber colour. The text: ‘I think I know what it is,’ fell right underneath it. Realizing that Jacob was at the universities research building and obviously in more danger then he originally thought, Elliott gave the driver the address of his new destination. How did Jacob have the gem? What did he mean he now knew what it was? Why was it now glowing amber when it had been emerald when he found it? Eliot felt sick. Something was very wrong. Now as he stood before the large stone building, Eliot realized the storm he thought he had left behind had followed him as the wind began to pick up and lightening illuminated the dark sky. It was 3 am, so he didn’t expect to find any professors or students swarming around the building, but as he unlocked the door and stepped into the foyer, the building felt deathly quiet. All of power was off in the building so he had to cling the stairs up to fourth floor only by the light of his cell phone. Slowly he entered Jacobs research lab. He called out Jacob’s name, but the silence at his words up. It was dark, so he could only make out a shadowy apparatus taking up most of the centre of the room. On a pedestal stood the gem glowing a deep amber. Elliott races over to it, but just as he got close, the gem disappeared . ⁃ Looking for something? Elliott turned quickly around and found himself standing across the room from an incredibly handsome blonde man. It was dark in the room, but Elliot was able to see the man perfectly as if he were glowing from within. dressed in khaki pants and a tight vest that showed off each of the taut firm muscles that made up his body. The man looked perhaps 20 or 25, no more, but Eliot sensed he was older then that... much older. Elliott opened his mouth to speak, to question the man why he was in Jacobs room, when a bolt of lightning kept from his fingers and into Elliott’s chest. ⁃ Quiet!! The bolt threw him backward, but Elliott never hit the ground. Instead, he floated in midair, immobile, and unable to speak. Although he knew he should be afraid of the man, he suddenly realized that he wasn’t. Something was drawing Elliott to him... seducing him as he walked gracefully toward him. ⁃ Your mortal world has only three more days before I am released. Three days before I feed. Many worlds have I come to, and many worlds have I stripped barren. I know what you are, Elliot. That is why I called you. Everyone believes Elliot to be so kind, so helpful, such a great guy... but I know better. Oh, Elliott. We are going to do wonderful things together. Trust me. You’ll never be the same again. ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** Two men stood before the semi-detached house on Queensbridge Drive. Both were tall and muscular, one all in black, the other bearded, and dressed in jeans and a T-shirt with a long brown coat that fell nearly to his thick calves. They would never have seemed out of place in the hipster community if it weren’t for the fact that the one in brown was barefoot and wearing sunglasses at three in the morning. They quietly spoke to each other for a moment, and then the one in brown walked away from the house, positioning himself about 50 feet away. The man in Black walked toward the door, and as he did, he began to change. His whole body got shorter and lost most of its muscle tone, surrendering itself to age and fat. His long hair appeared to retract into his head, and turned grey and thin in some areas. An energy of power still revolves around him, but it was partially hidden by a skin he despised... a skin of mediocrity, Placing his hand in his right outer coat pocket, he discovered his keys, just where he had left them last night. He also found an object that had been given to him for safe keeping, told he would know what to do with it when the time came. Chaos... or rather... Declan fingered the gem which caused his penis to plump up a little. Soon... he thought. Soon. Declan opened the door and stepped into his sons flat. Shoes lay in the foyer, and coats were flung haphazardly on the coatrack. Never one for housekeeping, it was actually neater then his son usually kept it. Declan considered his 34 year old son Brendan a complete failure. Given every opportunity, he still succeed in doing nothing with his life. He floated from job to job, never lasting with one career for very long, and never having much direction in life. If it wasn’t for his ex-wives money, he didn’t know how Brendan would have survived. She paid the rent in this flat and transferred thousands of pounds a month into his Lloyd’s again. To Declan, Brendan had only one thing... anger... and that anger was definitely going to help his father out now. From the foyer, Declan could here the TV on in the sitting room. It was no surprise that he found his son asleep, surrounded by some empty bottles of Guinness, and a lone wine bottle. Looking down at his sleeping son, he felt disgust mixed with a surge of adrenaline. Finally, he was going to be of use for something. Over and over again Declan kicked the couch Brendan was asleep on. ⁃ Brendan!! Wake Up!! Get your ass up, Brendan!! I need to talk with you. Awaking from what he thought could only be a nightmare, he realized was only his reality as he came face to face with his father. ⁃ What are you doing here? ⁃ We need to talk. ⁃ We have nothing to talk about, this is my flat. Get the fuck out! Brendan stood up to confront his father. Even though he was a good head higher then his dad, it never seemed to help since he always made him feel so small. Now with the power of liquor still in his system, he was going to throw the man he despised out. ⁃ You’ll listen to me, Brendan or I’ll make you listen to me, and you won’t like that. ⁃ Please just get the fuck out, Dad. We have nothing more to talk about. Yes, I was fired... yes I asked Mum for more money. It has nothing to do with you. I thought you were going away, anyway. ⁃ Something happened to me today, Brendan. Something that has changed everything, and even though I hate to admit it, you have a part to play. ⁃ I think you’re drunker then I am. Just get the fuck out. Brendan walked through the dim room, and ran smack into a walk... or at least he thought it was a wall. Destruction, still uncomfortably disguised in the skin of a hipster, grabbed Brendan by the arm and shirtfront and lifted him into the air. Brendan struggled against the attack. He swung his arms and legs trying to somehow unbalance the hipster so he could run away, but he only succeeded in knocking off his sunglasses. In shock, Brendan stopped moving when he noticed the brute only had flesh where his eyes should have been.... nothing else. ⁃ Shit move, mate. The flesh on the brutes forehead began to pulse and flow with life. Within moments, the flesh parted and a giant red eye appeared in the centre of his forehead. Brendan screamed. What evil had his father gotten himself involved in? Angrily, Destruction lifted Brendon higher and with one quick move he threw him down into a pile on the floor. ⁃ I think our father was talking. With the wind still knocked out of Brendan, Destruction lifted him up by the neck and held him four feet in the air. ⁃ Don’t kill him just yet, Destruction. No matter how much I hate to say it, we need him. Moments away from blacking out, Brendan was lowered to the floor, but still remained held in the large mans grip. His father approached him smiling. With a swift movement, Declan punched Brendan in the stomach. As he continued to speak, he repeated this action over and over again. ⁃ When I say I need to speak with you, I need to speak with you. I didn’t want it to come to this, but you forced my hand, Brendan. Why does everyone force my hand!! Declan kneed Brendan in the balls, causing him to fall to his knees. The brute standing behind him picked him up again, prepping him for more blows from his father. ⁃ I was given a gift today, Brendan, a gift I shared with your new brother behind you, and a gift I wanted to share with you, but you always make it so difficult. Punch! Punch!! ⁃ I wanted your anger to fuel you into what I knew you would become, finally being of some use to me, but now you are to be prepared for something more. Punch!! ⁃ My creator needs a place to hide something precious to him, and although I wish it could be me, I can’t do everything!! As he spoke, the figure before Brendan began to change till his father stood before him, but looking a thousand times crueler, and a thousand times more powerful. Age had been stripped away from him, and in his place stood the man Brendan knew his father always wanted to be. Brendan pissed himself as massive wings burst from his back, and an enormous scorpion tail erupted from the place above his ass. ⁃ A taste, Brendan, of the power I now possess. I can tell from your reaction you find me as remarkable as I feel. I would show you my true form, but I don’t think you could handle it at the moment. ⁃ Enough time has been wasted, Chaos. Give the boy to me. Another man appeared from the shadows. This one was blonde and muscular, and looked even younger then Brendan. With his right hand, Chaos removed the gem from his coat pocket and held up the glowing amber item. Gently the blonde man took the gem from his father and held it for Brendan to see. ⁃ Look at it, Brendan. Look at the power it holds. The anger you embrace inside of you is going to evolve you into something beautiful. Never should one like you get near something like this that holds such power, that magnified such inner desires. Your father, a psychopath, got a hold of it, and look at him. You will make the perfect soldier, but I need something more for you. My enemies have come for this, and I need to hide it someplace where they’ll never look. That’s where you come in. As the man held the gem closer to Brendan, it began to glow even brighter. ⁃ Delicious all consuming vengeance fuels your soul, Brendan. You hide it deep down in your soul. Let’s show the world, shall we? With his right hand, the man reached forward and pressed against Brendan’s chest. If he had been able to scream out, he would have screamed bloody murder as he felt the powerful hands tip through his clothing and enter his skin. Further the man’s hand went until he was buried up to his wrist in Brendan’s chest. It was inconceivable that Brendan wasn’t bleeding out onto the floor, but not one drop fell. A coldness entered Brendan’s soul as the man found what he desired, and with a quick tug, ripped out Brendan’s heart. The organ was still beating as it rest in his hand. With hunger in his eyes, the man’s mouth opened to reveal razor sharp teeth. His mouth opened wider and wider till it was an all consuming hole. With one quick movement, the man dropped the heart in its mouth and began to chew. When his meal was complete, he licked his lips and smiled. A spasm went through the man and every muscle in his body began to swell and grow. Pound upon pound was added to his frame until he must have gained at least 20 lbs. Just as quickly as the growth started, it ended. ⁃ Delicious, but sadly not enough for my liking. I’ll have plenty more to feed on, won’t I , Brendan? You’ll bring them to me, won’t you? Brendan tried to speak, but he found an all consuming cold had overtaken his body as if the frozen North had taken root ⁃ Awww... feeling empty are we? You’ll bring them to me when the time comes, won’t you, Brendan? When the time comes you will betray your kind and let me feed on them... won’t you? If you say yes, I’ll make all the emptiness go away. ⁃ Yes.... yes. Anything. Tears began to fall from Brendan’s eyes. As he looked down, he could see the massive hole the man had made. He was truly empty. The man, who was now nearly bursting out of his white shirt, raised the amber gem up to Brendan again. ⁃ Let’s fill you up, shall we? The man took the gem and brought it closer to Brendan’s chest. Suddenly, it started beating of its own accord. Slowly, the man began to bury it deep in his chest. ⁃ Think of all the world owes you, Brendan. Think of every wrong ever caused to you by everyone you know. Think of the vengeance you will herald. Brendan could hear the beating of the gem deep within his chest. Soon the cold and emptiness was disappearing and was being replaced by warmth. The warmth felt good, the warmth felt so welcoming.... the warmth was all consuming. From a spark, an ember was formed in his chest, then a flame, then a roaring fire. Brendan could feel it completely engulfing him. He was now filled with the fire of ten thousands suns. ⁃ Vengeance is mine, sayeth the Lord!!! Suddenly the man turned to vapor and disappeared. The power Eros, Chaos, and Destruction had felt was only a mere whisper to what was passing through Brendan. Every molecule of his being was on fire, fuelling itself for the transformation that was set to occur. The gem, finally having found the perfect host cracked open. Tentacles emerged from the center, and slithered their way around his core until they latched onto his brain and reproductive organs. The gem, used to granting and magnifying deep desires, quickly extracted Brandan’s desire for vengeance. The picture it created of what Brendan wished to become terrified him. ⁃ No!! That isn’t me!! Brendan screamed... but the gem knew he was lying. Why had Chaos and Eros been the only truthful ones, the sentiment gem wondered. That was why they were polar opposites, always destined to be at war; foundation and annihilation. As Brendan tried to fight the changes that were about to occur, the gem pulsed, forcing his lats and pecs to erupt in size, and tearing to pieces the button-up shirt he was wearing. As Brendan’s chest and wing-span continued to grow out of control, his small puny arms were being held away from his sides. As his wing span grew even wider, his shoulder muscles and traps began growing larger and higher, preventing him from turning his head at all. Soon they had completely engulfed the sides of it, nearly swallowing his head completely. His pecs persisted to swell, becoming plumper and broader. In seconds Brendan’s chest had been enhanced by hundreds of pounds, and didn’t look as if it intended on stopping soon. Just as his traps struggled to engulf the side of his head, his ever enlarging pecs tried to smother him from below. Higher and higher, he raised his head until he was nearly looking completely up, and his pecs lay just below his chin. I’m going to be smothered by my own body, he began to panic. I need to get out of here, he thought and began to try and move toward the door, but his own body fought him. As he moved forward, his father grabbed him and held him in place. ⁃ Just let go, Brendan. Be the man you always should have been. Don’t disappoint me again. ⁃ Yes Brendan... listen to your father. The gem spoke quietly to Brendon in a voice that was close to singing. ⁃ Listen to his voice and let it enrage you. Let me take that rage and let me magnify it ten- fold. Let me keep magnifying it till you become your father’s worst nightmare. Let me enable you to have the power to one day destroy him... when the time is right... The gem could feel the resentment beginning to simmer inside of Brendan, breaching the wall. To sway him further, the gem reached down and started magnifying the amount of testosterone produced in his body. Each testicle began to inflate like a balloon being crammed with water. As his testicles started to grow, the gem flashed images of every injustice his father had ever inflicted on his family. Running like a film in his mind, Brendan could see the belittling, the snubbing, the smacks, and the punches. Played repeatedly were the times that Bendan witnessed Declan hitting his mother. Each memory got increasingly graphic and violent as Brendan attempted to fight it. Larger and larger, the gem continued growing his testicles... more and more testosterone flooded his system. They amplified until there was no room in his trousers to grow in comfort. That didn’t stop the gem as it willed them to keep developing, keep magnifying their power. Brendan’s zipper started to bend and warp as his immense balls continued to grow. As his balls gushed with testosterone and his brain crammed with the images of everything he despised, Brendan looked up into his father’s eyes. Suddenly Brendan felt angry. No... Brendan wasn’t angry. Brendan was furious... The gem flashed more and more images as it raised his testosterone level to near astronomical levels. This was happening because of his father. Everything happened because of his father! The world wasn’t safe with someone like his father in the world!! The weed needed to be destroyed!!! The gem whispered so only he could hear: ⁃ Soon. Soon we will take vengeance on your father and all on this globe like him. When the time is right, I promise. Let me set you free, and together we wash this world clean. Brendan stared one last time at his father and Chaos made his first mistake: Chaos smiled. ⁃ I’m going to make you proud, Dad. Watch me grow!! Brendan released himself... emancipated the gem to wreck havoc on his body. Brendan’s pants finally ripped, releasing his mammoth testicles. Still bound in his boxer briefs, it wasn’t long before the compression became insurmountable and his testicles won the battle, releasing themselves from the binding fabric. As the power courses through him, his whole body began to quake violently. Chaos expected to see agony flash over his face, but instead he saw pleasure... he saw ecstasy… he saw desire. Perhaps Brendan really was his son! As Brendan cried out, his voice dropped five octaves, and his legs commenced growing. ⁃ The power!! The fucking power flooding through me, altering every cell in my body! It’s Changing me completely. Do it! I grant you free reign!! Change me!! Make me mighty! Make me powerful!! Make me completely unrecognizable. Make me monstrous!!! Brendan started to stand as his quads and calves blew up, getting grander and more superior. The trousers legs that he was still wearing entirely disintegrated with the rapid influx of growth. His pelvis snapped to permit his legs to stand further and further apart. ⁃ More!! His quads detonated with size again becoming broader, becoming thicker, filling more and more with impossible muscle. Just when it was virtually impossible for his quads to develop any more, his pelvis snapped and extended again giving him more room for further inches to pack on. His waist was incredibly wide now, around 40” in diameter and still growing, even though there wasn’t an ounce of fat on him. Brendan was becoming a human completely made of muscle. Even his abdominal muscles defied description. They were practically as thick as bricks, and had at least five inches of depth between every one. His belly button was entirely buried among the masses of muscles, and would never be seen again. Chaos watched as his son tried to stand on the legs that were being formed for him. The muscles that now enveloped his legs were practically unimaginable by human understand. One would say they were larger then redwood trees… but that would even be underestimating their size. Each leg had to weigh nearly 400 lbs. alone, and still they grew. ⁃ Bigger!! Make me mightier!!!! Let me finally make my father proud!! As his quads and calves overflowed further with muscle… Brendan started getting taller. It was just in time, thought Chaos, or he had run the serious risk of becoming immobile. His feet burst out of his trainers with an explosion that sent the leather flying to several parts of the room. All Brendan could do was laugh as more and more of his desires came true. ⁃ Look at me, Dad!! Going up!!! Along with his feet, Brendan’s hands began getting lengthier, and each finger getting thicker with muscle. Brendan curled his hand into a fist as he admired the massive hands he now had. From his hands, the muscle began moving up his forearms, amplifying them to tree trunk proportions in order to be able to hold the dinner plate sized hands he now possessed. As his lower arm augmented beyond even the dream of any body builder, his bicep and triceps began swelling so large that Brendan had some trouble bending them. The chest that connected these two buttresses of power had never stopped expanding and enlarging and now had to be wider then Brendan was tall, and still he continued to grow up and out. ⁃ Why did I ever deny myself this??!! What was I ever afraid of?? It is the world that should be afraid of me! To Destruction, Brendan he was becoming a monstrous spectacle of pure muscle. He was swelling so large, packing on so much muscle that it was becoming beyond any rational thought of what a man should be. His back was so wide, his arms so immense, his legs so colossal. Where would it all end? Brendan’s neck, having fallen behind the surge of growth quickly made up for it as it thickened and extended. No longer lodged between his immense traps, his neck surged with power, looking as mighty as his arms or his legs. The elongated muscles of his neck expanding and pulsing every single time he moved his head. Brendan laughed again loudly as he saw his father’s staring at him. ⁃ Look at you, Dad!! I know exactly what you’re think! What is he becoming?? What does he need all of this muscle for? Just you wait, Dad! It’s going to be a beauty. Brendan’s last words were caught in a grimace of pain. ⁃ My feet! Look at my feet! The flesh on Brendan’s massive feet began to move around of it’s own accord. Soon flesh began to cover the spaces in-between his toes until they no longer resembled human feet. Brendan screamed out as both of his broke in half shattered at the same time, forcing him to stand on what looked like tip-toe. The lower half of his foot began to harden into what could only be described as two immense hooves. Stomping around the room on hooves that continued to enlarge, Brendan had never felt more alive. Pound upon pound of muscle filled his body unrelentingly as he continued getting taller, bigger and more immense. He was nearing the ceiling of his home now, and deep down he knew he had only started his transformation. Thick brown hair began to sprout over his pecs, and traveled down to his abs. His arms also began to be covered with hair, but it was his crotch and legs where the hair changed texture and consistency. Unlike his chest hair, the hair on his legs was longer, straight, dense, and quickly filling every available space of flesh. Soon his entire bottom half was concealed by brown hair, and not an inch of skin could be seen. The loudest cracking of bones was heard by Chaos, and he looked up from his son’s monstrously hairy legs to his face. The entire skeletal structure of his face was being altered. First his nose became flatter and more prominent, filling up the whole center of his face. Then his cranial area became wider and his mandibular region began to get thinner. Through it all, Brendan cried out in both pain and ecstasy. He was finally becoming the creature he was always born to be. On either side of his head, two mounds began to develop. Pulsating on their own, they finally erupted, and the thickest bullhorns imaginable emerged. Long and impressive, the horns grew and then twisted and grew longer again. Lifting his head, Brendan slammed his horns against the ceiling and a large portion of it caved in. The power coursing through his body was so addictive that he wanted more and more… never wanting it to end. The mighty Minotaur stood before Chaos in all of its glory. Brendan roared, and the sound filled the entire house. His stomping destroyed the flooring, and his immeasurable muscle mass threatened to take down the walls as he moved. ⁃ Feel the house quake with my power, Dad!!! The voice coming from the Minotaur no longer even closely resembled Brendan’s voice. The dominance and supremacy that he now commanded with his simple words made everyone take heed. Brendan’s bull cock began to grow to match his body. When unsheathed, it had to be nearly twenty-five inches in length and ten inches around. Veins crisscrossed the entire circumference feeding each inch with more blood so that it could pump even larger and more superior. Instead of pointing straight out, Brendan’s cock curved up, and he could finally see it passed his pecs when it grew far enough out and up. Pre-cum was continually flowing from his cock, powered by the immense objects that could only be called testicles, although they were so much more. Brendan stroked himself, and his whole body prickled with a mix of power and sexual excitement. Sudden movement to his right made him look over, and there was the one eyed freak with his own double cocks out, masturbating and drooling at the sight of him. Worship me, he thought. You are nothing compared to me. ⁃ More!!! I need more!!! The Minotaur once known as Brendan snarled and scraped around the room, the gem imbedded in his chest continuing to fill him with its might. As he moved around, the Minotaur was forced to walk with his limbs further apart as his leg muscles grew even mightier. Soon forced into a partial squat his quads grew even more monstrous. As his back erupted further with muscle, the Minotaur roared in ecstasy. At the same time the vertebrae of his backbone burst through the skin of his upper back until he had seven foot-long bony yet razor sharp protrusions traveling up to his neck. The beast lifted its hands up as best as it could and watched as his fingernails grew lengthier and sharper, transforming into black claws. The black flowed quickly from his nails like ink onto his hands and up his arms creating two sleeves of tribal tattoos. The cartilage of his nose sprouted like a thick tentacle out his right nostril, and rounded upward until it impaled itself in his left nostril. The bone quickly turned a gold colour until it resembled a large nose ring. The skin from both of his nipples proceeded to do the same until he had two substantial nipple rings. The beast’s cock head had continue to swell and grow, dripping continually with pre until the whole room smelled of sex. Its hand went down and began slowly stoning his magnificent shaft. As he did, a thick tentacle of skin shot out of his cock head and curved under until it pierced itself into the space where his shaft ended and his head began. The flesh thickened and hardened becoming another piercing to adorn his body. As the transformation continued out of control, Destruction found himself more and more turned on by the beast’s muscle. Shedding his human guise, he transformed himself back into his true form till he stood before the Minotaur completely naked, and stroking his two immense penises, longing to worship the new born god. Sensing the desire emanating off of Destruction, the beast turned and walked up to him. With one quick movement, it was behind Destruction holding him in a headlock. Destruction made no indication to fight, in fact he welcomed the attack. Licking Destructions neck with his long fat bull tongue, it slathered the dripping pre onto its mammoth cock and Destructions quivering hole. Lining the humongous head up with its entry point, and with a roar, Vengeance impaled Destruction onto its cock, balls deep. As Vengeance animalistically fucked Destruction, he lifted both of his sharp claws and savagely impaired them in Destructions back, drawing them down. Instead of the blood that Chaos expected to pour out of Destruction, a metal flesh-like material began to ooze out of the incisions. The silver flesh slowly crept up onto Vengeance, completely coating his fingers and hands, and then began twisting corkscrew-like up his fore arms and then upper arms creating silver bands. At first Chaos believed that the supernatural flesh was making some sort of a bizarre shell on the beast that was once his son, but he was only partially true. As Chaos watched further, he saw that where the silver ran up Vengeance’s arms, his flesh became pure metal, tattoos and all. This was no armour. The silver liquid was completely merging with Vengeances’s own flesh and turning areas of the beasts body into pure living metal. The metal quickly continued it’s journey around Vengeance’s body. The backbone protrusions were soon completely covered, and the thick pointy boney masses began to thicken further and glow. They soon began to take on a silver sheen as the living armour began to cover them. The metal continued to drip down Vengeance’s back and wrap around his immense chest creating a breastplate of impenetrable armour. Even Vengeance’s chest hair turned to metal as it continued traveling over his body Soon the metal forged its way down Vengeance’s mammoth arms until they too were covered with metal weaving. He’s becoming part animal, part machine Chaos thought. He’s covering his body with metal creating a tank like covering. The liquid metal traveled up from his back and covered most of the column like neck. It moved up the Minotaur’s face till it was covering Its eminence horns, and they were both completely made of metal and sharp as blades. Vengeance continued riding Destruction harder and harder, pulling further and further out, and slamming his cock all the way back in. He could feel himself getting closer and closer to the breaking point. Once he saw Destruction shooting his load all over the ceiling, wall, and floor, he pulled out and continued roughly pumping his enormous cock. The metal continued down to flow. Each ab muscle became thick metallic blocks of steel, warm to the touch, but harder then any metal known to ma. Soon the silver flowed down and coated his mammoth prick creating a phallus of pure metal skin. Revealing in the monster he had become, Vengeance began to shoot his load. As his seed hit the walls and floor, the acidic nature of its liquid began eating through the material. As he continued to revel in his orgasm, a thick black tail began to form on his ass. Larger and fatter it grew, rising off of the floor, swaying and pulsating with a rhythm all its own. Unlike the body it had sprung from, the tail was black hairless. In fact, it looked more like scales then skin. Higher and faster it grew till it finally cracked and split into three separate branches all attached to one thick root. These branches swiftly pealed opened, and to both Destruction and Chaos’ awe saw that the tail was composed of three cobras. Still he continued to cum more and more feeling one last change overcome him. With a mighty roar, Vengeance shot flames from his mouth and snout, and lightning shot from his eyes. The gem had given him pure power to control. Lifting his hand, he willed the air to become a massive fireball. Taking a quick glance at his father, he threw it, nearly missing his head... a deliberate error. Vengeance bellowed in his deep gruff voice, words becoming difficult for him to speak with his bull mouth filled with its thick tongue and sharp teeth. ⁃ I am pure power!!! I am a creature birthed from the fire and the will of the heart that now lays within me. I have supreme power!! From the shadows, the blonde Asarualimnunna chuckled, his form taking on more substance as he slipped onto the fourth realm. Soon his growing armies would fetch the worshipers to him, and he could feed. As Vengeance continued to bask in his own unlimited power, his eyes turned bright red, and as he willed hit himself, lightning shot unceasingly through the roof of the building and continuously into Vengeance's body. The electrical power seemed to add hundreds of pounds more of muscle mass to his already bloated frame. Once again, his massive silver cock began shooting load after load of its acidic seed. Vengeance roared with laughter, reveling in the mighty creature he had become. For the first time, Chaos was afraid... and it was of his own son.
  12. Guest


    Hey guys! This is my first post here, this is only the first part so there isn’t much growth, but there is some in the next few parts, I hope you enjoy! Part 1 Working in a gym had its advantages, and it’s disadvantages. I would also come home smelling of sweat, but I could see dudes grow, and that wasn’t all that bad. Until Dominic walked into my life. He was skinny, yet slightly muscular, but he wasn’t the type to let that stop him. He came into the gym every day, without fail, and lifted until he was worn out. I would stare at Dominic often, but one time he caught me, looked over at me and winked. I felt my body go funny, he really was something. A few months passed and I started to notice the same elephant grey shirt he wore to train in, started to get tight. He was making good progress, once again I was staring at him, his defined back, his impressive glutes, and Dominic noticed me. He walked over and all I could think was “oh shit, what do I do?” He strutted over, some how showing off that ass of his, yet still seeping with masculinity. “I noticed you were staring at me, you like what you see?” His voice was so deep, I just didn’t get it? How could such a twink, be so masculine. “Haha, sorry dude, I just like seeing people’s progress. Working in a gym really helps you see what people are capable of” “Sure thing man.” He walked off, once again showing what his “momma gave him” and headed towards the showers. I needed more of him, something about him just made me feel something. I continued cleaning, until I needed a piss, so I headed to the showers, and surprise surprise, who did I see? Dominic. Butt-naked, shit man he was hung like a horse. A creature of constant surprises he seemed. He was facing the lockers, so I snuck past and headed to the toilets without him seeing me. I unbuckled my pants, and got my tool out. I was quite proud of my cock, despite it not being as big as Dominic’s, I still was packing considerably. After my piss I headed out, but quietly, to avoid more questioning from him. I walked past the lockers and suddenly I could see a head over the lockers, he must’ve been at least 6”6 as the lockers were around 6 foot tall. Watching him closer, I saw his back was defined with hundreds of muscles all seemed to be bulging, yet they weren’t flexed at all. His triceps rounded backwards, inches from his arm. They were huge, and funnily enough, so were his biceps. They had to be at least 30 inches around. I could only see his arms upwards, which was saddening, but nonetheless it was a beautiful sight. His neck was extremely thick, thicker than anything I had ever seen. And his traps, sweet Jesus, they pretty much tickled his ears they were that big. I tip-toed comically towards the door, but I accidentally kicked a bench, making a huge screeching sound against the tiled floor. The muscle monster turned around, I looked down straight away, his cock was huge. It dangled past his knees, his thighs reached almost the diameter between two lockers, and his ass. His ass was huge, a proper rugby players bubble butt, which would make any top drool. I instinctively turned my head to his face, and it was Dominic. He looked embarrassed. So was I, a huge tent in my joggers had formed from looking at him, and the creature before me justified it. “Fuck man, how are you so big? How did you grow within minutes?” “Uh..h..h, I don’t know man, leave me alone.” He voice was even deeper, several octaves infact. That just made my cockhead leak with pre. I ran out, a hot mess. I was shaking, I had seen plenty men like this before, yet he just seemed bigger. Questions instantly flooded my mind. “How was he that big?” “How did he grow?” I clocked out of this mentality, and instantly began finishing my shift. I didn’t see Dominic again for the rest of the evening, so I headed home. I flung my keys on the side, and stripped down to my socks. I jumped on my bed and instantly began to feel myself. Just the images of today stimulated me. I continued to rub with my right hand, as I grabbed the computer with my left. I didn’t need porn, my own mind was the best website I could use. Instead I went on Facebook and searched his name, after some clever detective skills I found it. Just as I thought, he was skinny, but still showed progression. Was it really him I saw today? It must be been, it looked just like him. That huge arse, those monumental thighs. The traps that jut threatened to push past his head. His cock which could’ve qualified as a third leg. That thick purple cockhead begging to be sucked, all this thinking put me to my climax. My cum hit my chin, then my chest, and then just leaked a bit. Man that was intense. I’m hoping Dominic comes to the gym tomorrow, I need answers. I need to know more about him.
  13. Guest

    The Test

    Okay...this is my first story in years. Many...many years! But...I promised myself I would start writing again, and this is a story I've been working on over Christmas. I'm not sure if there is a Part Two or not. Let me know what you think...but be kind! Like I said... this is my first story in many years!!! The Test Chad hopped out of his jeep and ran up the twelve steps to Jacobs building. The lab was on the fourth floor, and no sooner had he entered the main doors, he was running up the stairs, taking them two at a time. Seconds later, he was bursting through the door. ⁃ Where were you? This is the third time this week you stood me up. ⁃ I left you a message on your phone. I said I was too busy with work to go. ⁃ Too busy to keep the gains you’ve worked on for the past 8 months? It was leg day...and we both know you can’t afford to miss leg day! Chad looked down at his friend and grinned broadly. They had been working out together for nearly a year now, ever since Jacob had joined the gym where Chad was a personal trainer. The relationship had been strained at first. Jacob was naturally shy and insecure in the gym, but once they discovered a common trait: their love for hot men, their friendship flourished. Since then, they worked out together, hung out together, cried a couple of times on each other’s shoulders, and passed from simple gym pals to best friends. Oddly enough, there was never any sexual chemistry between the two, and Chad felt it was best this way. He didn’t have the best track record with men, breaking several hearts in the time he knew Jacob, and sleeping with many many more. He didn’t even think Jacob knew what a complete man-whore he actually was. He never told his friend about his countless sexual escapades, not because he feared Jacob would think less of him, but more because he never really acknowledged what he was...a man who loved sex very, very, very, VERY, much!! Jacob looked up at his friend wearing the craziest pair of glasses/magnifying apparatus Chad had ever seen. ⁃ I’m really in the middle of something. ⁃ I can see that. What is that thing, an emerald? Jacob looked down at the large stone he was holding in his hand, exhaled a sizeable sigh of frustration, and took the optivisor off his head. ⁃ No. It’s not an emerald. We have no clue what it really is. It wasn’t even green this morning? ⁃ What? Really? Chad sat his large frame in the chair nearest his friend. ⁃ How’s it changing colours? ⁃ I have no idea. So far since it was excavated three weeks ago, it’s been orange, red, purple, yellow, and pink. No rhyme or reason for the colour change. It just happens. Usually over night. ⁃ Where was it found? ⁃ A few miles outside Athens. Some colleges of mine are on a dig, excavating what appears to be an ancient agoge. ⁃ A what? ⁃ An agoge...a vigorous training academy for the military. ⁃ Was the stone captured in a raid? ⁃ There was nothing with it except this piece of parchment. Since I’m a gemologist, they sent it over to me to examine. They had to sneek it out of the country by Fed Ex, shoved and sealed in a can of coffee grinds. ⁃ Why? ⁃ They have some idea what it might be after taking a look at this parchment that they found near it. But since they can’t leave the dig for another four weeks without arousing suspicion, they sent it to me to keep safe. ⁃ Trusting friends. ⁃ It’s actually my ex, Elliott. He knew I wouldn’t say no, and I like a good puzzle. ⁃ What do they think it is? Jacob reached over and pressed the space bar of his laptop. The screen came to life, and with a few clicks of his mouth, found the document he was searching for. ⁃ Here’s a copy of the parchment. From what I can translate...this figure is some sort of cosmic king. ⁃ Zeus? ⁃ No. It almost appears as if he’s beyond even Zeus. ⁃ An alien? ⁃ Maybe. I don’t know. Whatever it is, he’s asking this warrior a riddle. When the warrior gets the riddle right, a beam of light shoots from the gem into the warrior, transforming him into what looks like a magnified version of himself....the perfect soldier. ⁃ Damn. ⁃ Yeah. ⁃ I guess you need the alien king to make it work. ⁃ Maybe. I’ve tried sending light through it. Here...look... Jacob got up from his desk and moved to the center of the room where an apparatus was placed. ⁃ I’ve put the gem stone here, and sent light through it from here into several rats and mice, but nothing. No change. Nothing. I’ve tried every wave length you can think of, several different power sources, and even natural sun and moonlight, but nothing. I’m at a loss. I tried the light from a laser this afternoon, but the rat just sat there happy as could be. It must need a mediator of some kind to make it work, but I’m not sure what. So...you can see why I’ve missed the gym the past couple of days. ⁃ Yeah. Why work out when you can build your own warrior rats here. Chad got up and moved to near where Jacob was standing. ⁃ Why didn’t I go to college instead of joining the Marines? I could be working on interesting shit like this instead of waiting for lazy PhD no-shows. ⁃ I said I was sorry, ⁃ Did you? ⁃ I think I did...and besides I’m doing this on the sly. My boss has been driving me crazy, having me put together a presentation for him that he has to present at a conference. What time is it? I have to bring it to him at his house by six. Jacob and Chad both looked at the clock across the room. ⁃ Good. Only 3:40. ⁃ Buddy, that clocks wrong. After you, I had Mrs. Walsh, and I got done with her at 6. It had to be at least 6:30 by now. ⁃ What? It can’t be! Chad looked down at his watch and showed it to Jacob. ⁃ 6:45 actually. ⁃ No! No...no...no! Fuck!! It can’t be!! Fuck!!! Jacob ran over and grabbed a Zip drive from his desk. ⁃ He’s going to kill me. I’ll never make it over there in time. I only have my bike with me... Fuck!!! ⁃ Take my Jeep. ⁃ What? ⁃ Here take my Jeep . How far away does he live? ⁃ About 20 minutes by bike... ⁃ So you’ll get there in no time with my Jeep. I’ll stay here and when you get back we can go for a drink. ⁃ Oh my God. Thank you so much. ⁃ No problem. I have a spot right outside. Just calm down and be careful. ⁃ I will. I promise. I’ll be right back, Grabbing Chad’s keys, Jacob tore out the door leaving Chad alone in the now empty lab. He could never be holed up in a room like this, examining stones and rats. He was too much of a physical person. He needed to be out and about either working out, or jogging, or any other of his physical hobbies. He never had any interest in scholarly pursuits. To him the stone was just a stone...even if it did apparently change colours and come with a pretty cool backstory. Chad picked up the stone and looked at the computer screen one more time. ⁃ So...the light goes through the stone and into the rat... *********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** Jacob parked the Jeep, turned it off, and got out slower then he wanted to. After that ordeal at Professor Lease’s house, he was both physically and mentally exhausted. He had to simply stand there as the older man berated him over punctuality, responsibility, and the qualities it took to be an adjunct professor in his department. Jacob has nearly cried as Lease went on and on and on. He would have continued even longer if his Uber hadn’t arrived to take him to the airport. The final insult to injury cane as Professor Lease passed Chad’s Jeep and said: ⁃ This is yours? ⁃ No. I borrowed it from a friend. ⁃ I didn’t think someone like you would drive something like this. Shape-up, Mr. Harrow. With that, he slammed the door to the Uber, and was whisked away. Jacob waved to the car as it quickly faded into the distance wishing he had the balls to give him the finger instead of this ridiculous display of false affection. Now as he opened the glass door to the building that housed his office/lab, he decided that he would take the lift up to the fourth floor instead of climbing each of the stairs. Nearly thinking about the climb in his current mood filled him with dread. It was while thinking these thoughts that he suddenly realized the foyer to his building was in complete darkness. Moving to the wall that held the light switch, he blindly felt his hand around until he found it. Click. Click. Nothing. There must be an outage somewhere, he thought, and gazing outside, realized it was only his and a couple of other buildings in the area that were bathed in complete darkness. Carefully taking each step that laid ahead of him, Jacob began the journey to the fourth floor. Chad must be sitting upstairs in the dark since he wasn’t outside to greet him, Jacob thought as he reached the second floor. Jacob smiles as he thought of his friend doing push-ups or sit-ups to keep himself busy as he waited in the dark. He wished he had his friends energy and drive when it came to fitness...but it wasn’t anything that ever really interested him. He never would have even joined the gym if it hadn’t been for the offer to have 300.00 pounds taken off of his private insurance with proof that he was living a healthy life. He would have quit a week after joining if it hadn’t been for being paired up with Chad for an offer of four free sessions with a personal trainer. Chad’s sexiness kept him returning for the four sessions, and just the thought of being able to hang out with someone like him had Jacob signing up for three sessions a week. Now that they were friends Chad told him he would train him for free, but Jacob refused. He knew that his friend needed the money, so He made up the excuse of not getting Chad in trouble with his Boss at the gym for continuing the payments. It wasn’t a lot, but Jacob was glad to be able to help his friend out. As he climbed the final flight of stairs that would take him to his office, Jacob saw flashes of light as well as what sounded like sexual moans coming from under his door. As he got closer, Jacob could hear his friend clearly as Chad let out a loud ⁃ FUCK!!! Jacob laughed quietly. Chad must have gotten bored waiting for him in the dark and decided to rub one out while watching porn on his phone, which would account for the flashing light. He thought he would wait outside until Chad finished up when he heard Chad calling out to him, moaning as he spoke: ⁃ Jacob! Fuck!! Come in! ⁃ I think you’re doing just fine on your own. You don’t need me. ⁃ Get in here!! Man!! I have a surprise for you! Fuck yeah!! Slight embarrassed thinking about what he was about to see, Jacob opened the door. What he actually saw far exceeded his imagination of what Chad has been up to. The laser was powered on, and the beam was first going through a magnifying glass that had somehow been rigged onto the apparatus, then through the stone which was rapidly changing every colour known to man. The beam continued through the stone, emerging as a multi coloured arrow of light hitting Chad squarely in the chest. Chad was shirtless, and the sweat that was pouring down his chest was highlighted in the every changing array of colours. ⁃ You made it just in time. ⁃ What the fuck are you doing, mate!! You’re crazy. Jacob ran over to the switch that powered the beam with every intention of turning it off. ⁃ Don’t!! As Jacobs hand reached for the switch, an arch of electronic energy erupted from the panel, shocking him into submission. ⁃ He won’t let you stop it. Not now. Chad’s moaning continued, and his breathing became more rapid. Jacob could see he was aroused from the obvious tenting of his shorts. ⁃ If you felt like I did, you’d never want this to stop either. I feel like I’m having thousands of orgasms all at the same time, and they keep getting more and more powerful... I can hardly stand it. ⁃ Who’s this ‘he’ that you mentioned? ⁃ I don’t know. He’s just a voice I can hear in my head. He told me how to wire up your laser and draw all of the power from the building. He said you were so close... you just needed a push. ⁃ You shouldn’t have tested it on yourself. We have no clue what it will do to you. ⁃ I still don’t. All I know is as each second passes, it’s filling me up more and more with power. Jacob leaned against the desk and watched his friend experiencing what seemed like pain and ecstasy at the same time. ⁃ I just wanted to help. I got the idea for the magnifying glass from what you said about it transforming the soldier into a magnified version of himself. Maybe the light just needed to be magnified. So, I rigged that magnifying glass there, set the rat on the table, and turned it on. Nothing. I then thought...maybe you didn’t need a rat...maybe you needed a guinnea pig. A human one. So I moved the rat and put myself there. At first Nothing happened, and then I heard a whisper in the back of my head, almost like a thought to take my shirt off...so I did. Once it was hitting my flesh, I could hear the whispering better. He told me you were being too careful...the rat would never work because it had no real cognizant thoughts. Then he said the power was too low. He had me turn it up and then step into the beam. The voice was getting louder...and he said that it still wasn’t strong enough, so he told me how to rewire the entire console, draining energy from this building and three more that surrounded it. He also had me put that failsafe around the switch because he knew if you came back you would be worried and shut it…Awww! Fuck…Jacob!!! Nearly there!!! I’m nearly entirely filled up. Jacob!!! I’m so filled with power I feel like I’m going to explode! I can’t even explain how this feels. ⁃ What’s going to happen next? What happens when you get entirely filled up. ⁃ I don’t know! All I know is… Chad stopped talked and appeared to be listening to someone speak. - You were wrong, Jacob. It’s not a riddle. It’s a test. - A test? What do you mean? - He wants to know what I really am. Deep down…what do I really believe I am? - You’re a human…like me… - He knows that! Deep down…what am I? - Chad…please…stop this now…while you can. - I can’t, Jacob. Not now…and I don’t think I want to. What am I deep down? We both know…don’t we? We both know what I am. Jacob realized Chad was no longer speaking to him, but to the voice only he could hear. - Exactly. I’m a sexual animal. That’s what I am. I’ve always known that. We both know that. Silence again for a few moments…and then Chad started speaking again. - What do I wish to become? What will I be? A sexual beast…a sexual conqueror… a sexual warrior? Jacob leaned forward as he saw Chad smile and then laugh. - Exactly. Why stop there. You’re right. That is exactly what I need to be. A God. A sexual God. Suddenly the room went silent. The beam from the laser shut off, and the only thing that eliminated the room was a glow from the stone…now completely clear. - It’s happening, Jacob. I can feel it. I’m changing! Oh, Fuck! My cock! Look at my cock! Jacob watched as the bulge in his shorts started to get bigger and bigger, looking as if someone was inflating a large balloon with air. Chad threw his head back and started moaning loudly again. - I can feel my whole body changing, Jake. What am I becoming? Jacob watched as Chad’s bulge proceeded to get bigger and bigger until he finally heard his underwear rip, and his cock flopped out the leg hole of his shorts. Fuck, Jacob thought, his cock is nearly down to his knee and it’s still growing. The shaft continued to grow longer and thicker, the head growing larger and meatier. - Fuck yeah, Jake! Fuckin take a look at me!!! Jacob couldn’t help looking at Chad as his penis continued to stretch and swell. Within a few minutes the massive shaft was nearing the floor. It was thicker than Chad’s own muscular arms, and just as veiny. The head was nearly as thick as two of Jacob’s fist together, and had a gaping hole he easily could have stuck several fingers into. - I’m getting so horny, Jake. I don’t think I’ve ever been this horny. Chad’s cock began to get thicker and longer as it got harder, defying gravity and rising up off of the floor. Soon there was a war between Chad’s penis and his shorts, and to no ones surprise, the penis won, first tearing the leg of his shorts, and then quickly destroying the rest of the material. Chad stood there naked, his eyes wild and filled with lust, his hands moving toward the shaft of his newly grown penis. Even with his long arms he couldn’t touch the head of it, and both hands were not enough to encircle the girth. Chad looked at Jacob and grinned. - Can’t wait to fuck with this thing!! - I’m not sure anyone will be able to take you with it. - Oh yeah? Take a look! As if Chad was willing it of his own accord, a river of pre began to flow from the hole at the end of his massive cock. It was like someone had turned a faucet on and walked away from the tap. Jacob looked at Chad, and watched him close his eyes. - Take another look. Jacob looked back down at Chad’s cock, and watched as pre suddenly began to flow from tiny pores all over his cock. Soon, the entire shaft was slick and dripping with pre. - Apparently I’m self lubricating now. Chad’s hearty laugh suddenly deepened three octaves as his hands cuped the testicles that sat in his sack. They were quickly enlarging to match his penis. Chad felt around his sack, cupping the two orange sized balls with a smirk that suddenly turned into a grimace of pain. Jacob looked down to where Chad’s hands had quickly gone to, and discovered there appeared to be a third testicle emerging. - What the fuck’s happening to me? Chad’s voice was so low now it was more like a grumble. Jacob could see a fourth testicle suddenly form in his ball sack, and begin to swell. Chad’s sack grew larger as the four testicles grew to the size of extremely large grapefruits. This sudden rush of god like testosterone hit Chad all at once, and hair began to sprout all over his body. Jet black hair began to take root around his lips and on his chin forming the manliest of beards. His bare chest was next as hair began to thickly coat his pecs. Like water flowing down a mountain, his abs, then crotch, and finally legs were covered in silky black hair. Chad’s hands felt his face and chest, marveling at the sudden carpet of hair that had grown there. Soon after, his muscular arms began to be covered as well, leading to his arm pit which grew a dense outcrop of hair. - What do you think, Jake? I always wanted to be a little hairier. The exploration of his new hairy body was cut short by a sudden jolt of pain. Jacob moved toward Chad, but his arm flew out and stopped him. - It’s okay, buddy. Don’t worry. I think I’m growing. Jacob watched on with concern as Chad’s body began to jerk and then convulse wildly. He feared Chad was having some sort of a seizure, but realized it was simply every muscle in his body pulsing with new found power. Jacob surveyed Chad’s chest where it seemed to be hitting with the most force. His already muscular pecs were pumping larger and larger as if it was ten years of solid chest workouts in one minute. - Look at these chesticles! I can barely see over them! Chad had barely uttered these words when his pecs flourished even larger blocking any view he would have of his lower body. Chad looked preposterous with these now 100 pound each pecs plastered to his body, but that appearance was to be short lived. Chad’s neck began to grow outward, thickening like a redwood. His shoulders erupted upward, becoming grander and more rounded. Jacob heard the cracking of bones and noticed both of Chad’s arms were lengthening as his biceps and triceps expanded and enlarged. Soon Chad’s hands scraped the floor, as his forearms thickened to the size of Jacob’s own thigh. Each finger lengthened and expanded, and the palm of his hand became as large as a manhole cover. Chad lifted his hands off of the ground and examined them. - I think I might have some trouble finding gloves to fit these mits! Chad flexed both of his long arms with a grin. His bi’s and tri’s erupted in size, becoming larger than Jacob’s head and still continued to swell. Chad dropped his arms, his huge hands slapping the floor. They didn’t rest on the floor for long as Chad’s lats began to expand like the rest of him. His back was growing wider and wider, and soon his arms didn’t rest against his side anymore, but were forced away from him. A rumble of laughter erupted from Chad. His cock had started leaking pre again, and his hands had begun to stroke the mighty shaft. Even with his massive hands, Chad still couldn’t complete grip his cock, and needed to use both to completely encircle it. One hand left his cock and moved to his pecs where he began to play with his nipples. Along with his chest, each nipple had grown and now were the length and thickness of Jacob’s own thumbs. His pecs had gotten so large that the nipples were forced downward, and the cleft between them could completely hide Jacobs foot. From his pecs, Chad’s hands went down to his abs which were beginning to grow along with the rest of them. Chad had an incredible 6 pack before, but now each abdominal muscle swelled to resemble thick body armor. The hair that had grown on his chest did nothing to hide the incredible wall of muscle that was emerging on his stomach. The sound of bones breaking and reassembling themselves began again, and Jacob watched as Chad’s legs began to grow longer. Where the man had once been at least 6 feet tall, his height skyrocketed to seven feet and then closer to eight. In moments, Chad’s head had hit the ceiling, bringing plaster down onto his body. Not to be left out, Chad’s feet ripped from his sneakers, and soon began to cover three of the 12 inch floor tiles, and then proceeded to eclipse a fourth. Chad screamed out in pain and reached for his ball sack. - Fuck!!! I’m growing another set again! The growth of the third set of testicles brought a further wave of testosterone through Chad, causing his body hair to become even denser, and swelling his quads and calves until his legs were thicker than redwood trees. Chad had to adjust his stance several times as his thighs grew more and more massive. A further cry of pain brought his hands back to his balls. - What now??!! To Jacob’s eyes, it appeared like the six large balls were moving around on their own inside Chad’s ball sack. - They’re merging! Jacob watched in awe as the six large testicles merged into two of the largest balls he had ever seen. They didn’t appear out of place on Chad’s massive body, but next to a mere human, they would be as large as ostrich eggs. Chad’s massive hands flew suddenly to his head as he cried out again. Slowly, Chad’s head and face were expanding, getting large to fit in proportion to his body. His mandible cracked as his jawline squared off, somewhat hidden by Chad’s new beard, but still obvious. - This is it pal! This is it!! Every part of Chad’s body grew even larger than it had been before, gaining hundred more pounds in muscle and size in minutes. With his bearlike paws, Chad grabbed his cock and began to frantically jerk it off. The second round of growth continued faster as Chad fell to his knees as to not go through the ceiling. Even on his knees, Chad was taller than Jacob. Pre was flying everywhere as Chad proceeded to masturbate with fervor. He’s going to explode, Jacob though, watching his friend getting far larger than anything he could imagine. Suddenly, Chad stopped all action. Jacob wondered what was next, and realized Chad’s focus was now on his cock. Longer and thicker it swelled, finger sized veins criss-crossing the length of it. The head swelled even larger still, and with the power of his giant testicles, Chad began to ejaculate. Cum erupted from Chad’s penis, hitting every object in the room, including Jacob. Shot after shot were fired, until it seemed there was no end in sight. Chad grabbed hold of his cock again with one hand trying to control where it was firing, but only succeeding in exciting himself more. Sweat ran down Chad’s face as an eroma of male musk emerged from his body. Jacob came in his trousers simply from seeing and smelling his friend. Chad lifted his arm and smelled his own armpit. Smiling at Jacob, he proceeded to squeeze his massive right nipple, and let out the lowest moan of ecstacy Jacob had ever heard. Seven more shots of cum erupted from Chad’s penis, and then there was silence; cum dripping quietly from the massive hole. - It’s done, Jake. - You’re massive. - How big do you think I am? - I don’t know. Probably close to 9 feet tall and thousands of pounds. Your damn head is as big as my chest… both heads… and even after cumming for nearly 10 minutes your cock is still hard. - I’m still horny. I don’t think I’ll ever not be horny again. Jacob laughed. - I can’t wait till the world gets a look at you. - What do you think of me? - You’re incredible. So far beyond human. - I ceased being human about twenty minutes ago. He gave me a choice for my shape…and for a moment I thought of becoming a two-hundred foot dragon. What do you think? Chad closed his eyes, and through only his will, two large amphibious wings ripped from his back. They were as wide and masculine as he was. Chad breathed, and fire erupted from his mouth. His eyes became those of a snake, and a moment later, fire erupted from the head of Chad’s penis, proving to Jacob that he was indeed more God than man. - You’re magnificent now, but I’m more at ease with how you were before… - I could destroy you with a mere thought if I wanted to…reduce you to dust with a single wish. Jacob knew every word Chad was saying was true. But, when Chad smiled down at him, he knew he had nothing to worry about. Chad’s wings folded into his back again, and his eyes reverted to their customary look. - He wants to know when you’ll join us. He wants you to take your place among the God’s. - He still talks to you? - No. He’s silent. He’s waiting for you. - I don’t know… this might all be too much for me. I don’t know what kind of God I’d be. - Deep down you know what you are… just like I knew what I am. Jacob did know what he was, but he was afraid to admit it. Afraid of what he would become. - But first… I need to thank you. Chad blew, and every stitch of Jacobs clothes disappeared. Chad grinned, and opened his mouth, revealing his tongue. As Jacob watched, his tongue lengthened and proceeded to move snakelike down his body until it wrapped itself around Jacob’s cock and balls. Before he knew it, Chad’s tongue was slowly jerking him off. The tip of his tongue licked his cock head, and teased the opening. Just when he thought he couldn’t take amymore, Chad effortlessly lifted him off of the floor until they were eye to eye. Chad grinned a wicked grin, and his tongue proceeded to lengthen again, making its way toward Jacob’s asshole. Within moments, he was being both jerked off and rimmed by the God that held him. Chad’s tongue entered Jacobs hold, sending shockwaves through him. What will I become…Jacob wondered as his friends huge tongue proceeded to enter him further and further, thickening as it went, and proceeded to start fucking him. What will I become? He knew it was far from human… even further than his friend had come, and that scared and excited him.
  14. MegaMassiveMuscleMonster

    Mega-Massive Muscle Meghan

    First time posting content on this forum... Thad this story floating around on other sites for a few years now. It’s still relatively short because I don’t often have the motivation to WRITE erotica, if you know what I mean CH. 1 "Graaarrr, I need to grow BIGGGEERR!" CLASH. Two 500 lbs dumbbells flew across the fully stocked basement gym, cracking the concrete walls. "Get in here NOW babe," bellows Meghan as she slowly raises her massive 750 lbs muscled bulk off a now busted bench. Her husband Nate rushes down the reinforced concrete and steel staircase, carrying a tray of hypodermic needles. Steroids. Lots and lots of steroids. No sooner did he reach his wife, when she flexed a massive most muscular pose, roaring like a lioness as her enormous upper body exploded, her mass swelling to three times it's 'relaxed' state. Meghan's outburst had its desired effect, as her husband's erection grew. "Hurry up and inject me Natey poo, your giga-huge muscle monster of a wife needs her juice if she wants to GROW even more MASSSIVVEEE!" Nate grins, and begins the injections, one in each muscle group. As the highest quality anabolic drugs flood his wife's blood stream, Nate asks, "Do you think you've gained any inches on your arms since earlier?" Turning to the full length mirror behind her, the former Sports Illustrated bikini model appraised her muscle bound physique. Smirking, she slowly lifts her muscle bound arms to vertical, her exercise ball shoulders crushing her ears. Even unflexed, her thick, meaty, golden tanned triceps dipped 2 whole feet below her elbow. Without bending her arms, Meghan clenches her dainty, feminine fists, causing her ripped, bulging masses of pure female muscle to rise into arms 85" around. Meghan purrs in sexual delight, warning Nate of the impending erotic explosion of flesh. Like a crane, she gradually cranks her arms up, every inch her fists move upwards causing a half doze inches of solid beefy bicep to rise. Her rugby sized forearms finally collide with her biceps at a 60 degree angle. Over 3 feet of brawny bicep, combined with her massive triceps make her majestic arms 6 feet tall, far above his 5'8" wife’s head. "Measure them now sweetie!" Nate rushes to get a step ladder and measuring tape, his erection ready to burst. Standing on the ladder, Nate can't help but feel tiny next to the beastly mass of Meg. Standing 6'1, at 275lbs, Nate is no small man. A bodybuilder himself, the former college lacrosse player, and current U.S Marine Colonel was used to being in control. Placing his large tough hands on his wife’s surprisingly smooth silky skin, and feeling the steel underneath sent his control out the window. Your arms are 230" baby girl! "That it she says?" Meg pouts her luscious lips, and shakes her head causing her long golden locks to become messy. "I can't look small for my man. Just look at my pathetic little chicken wings, I'm withering away for christ sake. Hold on, let me pump some." As the uber buff Meghan walks to her weight rack, her near half-ton weight cracks the floor, each step a mini-quake. Falling to the floor from the ladder, Nate looks up at the 7 ft wide back of his goddess wife. Unable to turn her head, Meg blows him a kiss in the mirror, flashing a sultry, movie star smile. "Want to watch me GROW?...." CH. 2 In 2013, Meghan Wakefield was a sophomore marine biology major at UNC Chapel Hill. A bright young woman, with devastating beauty, and a bombshell body, she was a true southern belle, at the top of the world. She was captain of the cheering team and Class President. Her long blonde hair, perky C breasts, big bright green eyes, and long athletic legs easily got her a modeling career with Sports Illustrated. She ended u meeting Nate over Spring break 2014, in Florida. Nate, a handsome country boy, and a Harvard law student, was in town for his lacrosse teams championship. Little did they know that they're lives would be forever changed. CH. 3 Laying on the floor of his custom built basement gym, Nate had the perfect view of his perfect woman. Not four feet from him was the most massively muscular, most insanely jacked female. Make that the most muscular HUMAN ever. Only two years ago, Meg had been a fit, long legged bikini model; what stood before him now was a monstrous musclebound goddess, of giga-proportions. At a mere 5'8" tall Meg was at least 11 feet wide from exercise ball sized shoulder to exercise ball sized shoulder. Her aircraft carrier back alone was 7 feet wide. "Honeybuuun, whatchya doin?" drawled Meghan. "Quit daydreaming and pay attention. Y'all don't want to miss the show do you?" Taking slow, deliberate and quaking steps, Meg went to the far end of her dumbbell rack, her oversized oil drum thighs forcing her to waddle. "Let's see, those light 500 lbs single arm bicep curls barely warmed me up. I got to go REALLY heavy to impress my big strong Marine." Picking up a 700 lbs dumbbell in each hand, Meg turns toward the mirror and starts repping out alternating hammer curls at a blistering pace. "Oh yeah baby, ohhh yeah! LOOK AT ME! Have you ever seen arms this fucking huge? Oh god am I hot, like I AM SOOO MASSIVE I FRIGGEN LOVE HOW THICK I AM!" Rarrrrrrg! With a ear spitting roar, Meg rips out 1 more curl and with massive power hurls the quarter ton weights at the wall, embedding the steel two feet into the concrete walls."I am THE MUSCLE GODDESS! Look at these biceps, they must weigh 150lbs each! Your muscle freak wifey gained 50lbs in the last 15 minutes alone!" With a coy grin, knowing it will rial his wife up, Nate says, "Babe your arms are pretty big, but your chest and legs look a little small..." With a smoldering look in her gorgeous green eyes, the 800 lbs female behemoth growled, "I'm just getting started." CH. 4-6 So swole. So thick, so wide, so meaty. So...fucking. Sexy. Meghan was staring vainly at herself in the mirror waiting for her husband to come back with her next round of steroids. God I love juice, thought Meghan, almost as much as I love muscles. Hearing the basement door, she quickly clenched her glutes, giving Nate a spectacular view of her ass. Each cheek was the size of medicine ball. "Bet you could bounce a quarter off this ass huh babe." "You could bounce a bowling ball off that butt Meg," smiled Nate, as he began injecting the steroids into his wife's glutes, hamstrings, and calves. As Nate bent down to inject her calves, Meg suddenly raised up on her dainty feet. Nate had always been a leg man. Meghan had legs alright. Flexing down hard, Meg's calf kept getting thicker and thicker, until it was easily bigger than a basket ball, bulging a foot and a half from the back of her leg, and so wide that even with her legs spread, her calves rubbed against each other. Knowing she had him now, Meg cooed, "Just wait until I actually do some lifting before you cum all over my beyond huge calve." " But let me pump up my sexy little quads first okay pumpkin?" The mere act of dropping back down to her feet caused a massive shudder to rattle the gym. Walking to the squat rack was more difficult than it should have been, given the insane mass of her planet shaking quads. "Ohhh wow does that feel good. I just love knowing my weight alone cracks reinforced concrete. Imagine what would happen if I actually tried, imagine the POWER I posses. Taking her place in the squat rack, Meg unracked the bar and raised it to her shoulders. She was so wide that Nate had to specially build the entire set up, and the bar was made of 4" diameter titanium. Every inch of the bar was filled with 200 lbs weights, bending the super strong bar. 20 plates total plus the 200 lbs bar meant Meg was about to squat 4200 lbs...Jeesh, thats as much as my truck Nate realized. "Hey stud, get a load of this." Meg was so built, she couldn't even reach proper form, her ultra huge hamstrings and ass slamming into her lower legs preventing her from going lower. "2 tons is sooo taxing on my tiny little legs Nate. Can you 'cum' spot me pleeasse." As he went behind her, Meg yelled, Never mind, just kidding! And proceeded to push the weight up over her head, holding it there, and with a massive grunt, heaved the entire 4200 pound bar up, sending it through the ceiling and into the next story of the house. "Dammit, there is no weight in this house capable of quenching my thirst for pump. There is no weight on EARTH that my genetically superior mega muscle won't lift. I am UNSTOPPABLE!" Nate was worried now, he'd never seen her this way. "Baby I am the strongest woman in the universe!" "Just think about my power, my strength. All I want is MORE MASS. MORE POWER. MORE MUSCLE! Measure my legs before I work my beastly chest!" Slightly unnerved at the dominating tone, Nate grabbed the tape.He literally couldn't fir his hand between Meg's thighs, there was just that much beef. Each redwood thigh was 5 feet wide and almost as thick as he was. " 270" quads must be a record hun!" "Hey babe. Measure my calves before I squish you like a pancake between these record breakers." "115" calves! Holy shit!" From his knees, Nate looked up to try and see his wife's expression, but could only see her chest. Meghan suddenly laughed, her entire body swelling with new found beef as she inhaled more and more air. "The power the strength, the mass! What a rush!" she screams as she plows a fist into wall. Nate falls on his back, now afraid. His wife just put a 3 foot deep crater into walls built to survive a nuclear explosion. Lifting her foot, Megan slams it down between Nate's legs, sending cement flying with a massive boom as her leg is buried to her knee. "Take a good look at this monster leg you skinny little runt. See the size difference? You are NOTHING compared to me! I could tear you to shreds!" Meg strides to the weight rack again, sinking deep into the floor with every step."This will blow your mind!" Bending over, she grabs the rack, and LIFTS THE ENTIRE THING UP TO HER WAIST. "See my power? Just think what 300" arms can do! No, watch what they can do!" With an orgasmic roar, Meg begins curling the 3 ton rack to her chest. Her now uber pumped biceps only manage 6" before they meet her now truck tire forearms. "You think this is heavy? You think this is as big as I can get? You think I'm fucking big now ?" " Well I'm going to school you in the personification of ENORMOUS!" Taking a deep breath that expands her mass by 50%, she violently throws the rack into the wall, causing massive destruction and shacking the entire foundation. Flexing a jaw dropping crab pose, Meg orders Nate to get the rest of her steroid supply."Got to get bigger bae, the only thing I want is pure mass. Pure muscle. I must weigh 1,000 lbs, but the body you see before you now is a 90 lbs weakling compared to whats next." Throwing her head back in ecstasy , Meg roars, "I WILL GROW EVEN BIGGER!" Shit, shit, shit, Nate mutters to himself as he sprints up the basement stairs at a break neck pace. Bursting into the kitchen, he races towards the double door fridge where Meghan's steroids are kept. Might as well grab it all, he says to himself, as he picks up 22 syringes of a secret, experimental steroid designed by the DOD. Nate cringes as he here's more concrete crack; knowing the bill to repair today's damage will put a decent dent in his savings. I guess that's the price to pay for having the worlds hottest wife. Turning to the door he looks down toward the end of the hall where the dust is still settling from a 4,200 lbs weight shooting through the floor. Nate almost falls down the stairs as the entire house rumbles and shakes. "Rarrgggg! HAH, puny steel! Feel the power of my super pumped muscles!" Reaching the bottom of the stairs, Nate sees Meghan flexing over what was previously the dumbbell rack, only now it looks like an accordion, shoved deep into the foundation. Dear lord, it took 6 of my men to to lug that down here last month... "Honey bunches! Oh look, more juice! Is that for me? Ohh, you shouldn't have!" "Look honey, look at that pathetic piece of crap you call steel. Weaker than butter if you ask me Get to the injections, I just love how I feel right now. Like, I'm literally 4 times the size of you! My strength is superhero shaming, but my size is the real turn on." Raising her arms out like the goddess she is, Meg whispered, "Make me grow my king." Nate's more than happy to oblige. Five minutes later, he takes a step back, stepping around the now empty syringes, kind of looks like a heroin addict lives here, he thinks. Almost like she could read his mind, Meg coos, "I'm a muscle obsessed, steroid junkie addicted to getting bigger, gaining more and more massive muscles is all I think about. I'm by far the largest bodybuilder history has ever known. My bicep alone is bigger than Jay Cutler's entire body. And just think babe, I'm not done. No. Not even close. In fact, look at this." Stepping on the heavy duty scale in the corner; that he'd bought from the local zoo (to weigh elephants, rhinos etc...), she sent the numbers on the screen reeling. 700lbs. 850lbs. 1000lbs. 1200lbs. Good lord, Nate mumbles. Finally, the readout stops at 2050 pounds."Just think Nate. Your mega massive muscle wifey weighs over a TON! And I just took even more roids! Grrrg! Roooaaar! More! Yeeeess, I can feel myself growing, I can feel myself getting heavier! Just flexing is adding serious mass. I AM POWER! LOOK AT ME NATEY POO, I JUST GAINED 100 LBS FROM FLEXING MY ARMS! You better run for your life, because this house is comin down y'all." CH. 7 It was approaching dawn when the entire gated community of Orchard Heights shook to its foundations. Raaaarrggg! Mother fucker get bigger!!!! Megan bellowed as she again slammed the mangled remains of Nate’s trucks together. She’d been repeating this motion for well over 4 hours now, trying to work her monstrosity of a chest. Meghan was getting angrier and angrier with ever “rep” as each 10 foot wide pectoral would swell immensely and crash into each other with enough force to create a sonic boom. Her chest stuck out 14 feet in front her so it was impossible to do a normal bench press. That and her biceps which were each pushing 6 feet WIDE and even thicker. Her bicep alone was almost 200” flexed. Her tricep was 2/3 bigger!!!! Her muscles were not ripped, or shredded, or any other word that could describe a human being. She’d long surpassed that species. The definition between muscle groups was insane. Sickening. Her shoulders were so jacked that when she raised them a mere 6 inches, her head was at risk of being sheared right off. She liked the pressure though. It wouldn’t be impossible to create diamonds if you placed a lump of coal between her striations. In her hands, she had taken two military hummers of Nate’s, grabbing the bumper of each one and swinging them in together to simulate the pec deck motion. Only she was single handled swinging a 7,700 lb armored vehicle by its bumper. (The US Army took some pride in that engineering marvel) Nate had once seen a strong man take one end of an Olympic barbell and raise it straight out in front of him. He held it horizontally with one hand for maybe minute before his arm shook and he dropped it. The exercise worked stabilizers and forearms etc.. Meghan was doing a similar movement. With 8 plus tons. Meg’s bright white and pink, size 6 Nike Shoxs and thick pink hooters slouch socks were planted firmly on the pavement, which itself was no longer very firm, considering a woman who weighed more than an African elephant was pressing down on it with immense strength and power. Her insanely tight white yoga pants that could cover a circus tent, despite barley serving on her, were stretched so tight that her deeply tanned skin shown through completely. The military had wanted to design a new material similar to Spandex, that would be bullet proof and tear resistant. When Nate had heard about it, he figured Meg would be the perfect test for the material. Her monster quads and hamstrings were slowly but surely bulging so massively that the thread was coming unstitched. So much for that, better luck next time DOD. Freakishly inhumanly thick traps throbbed far above her head, they peaked more than a yard above her hair. Her shoulders, pecs, and traps already enveloping her head, each rep smooshing her almost to point of strangulation and blocking her entire view. All she could see when her arms were raised was her own musculature... and as far as she was concerned, there simply wasn’t enough of it. With her arms straight out holding the trucks, her triceps dipped low. Hanging like a side of beef was incorrect...her triceps were bigger than the whole cow! Hanging so low they merged with her “wide as a barn door back. Once again, misleading because her back was bigger than a whole barn! Much bigger! Her back was pushing 30 feet wide at this point. That’s 360 inches. 914 cm. Bigger than an entire Mr. Olympia lineup combined. And then multiplied by two! With her biceps peaking over her head and her triceps dropping so low they hit her knees (they literally pressed down into her massively exaggerated wide hips and quads) she would take a deep breath and then tense her enormous chest muscles, bringing her arms as close together as possible and really squeezing her pecs. The sight was ridiculous. The noise was deafening. The air sizzled with the heat of her raw sexual, beastly power and mind warping size. Sweat glistened and dripped flowing down the huge cuts in the chest muscles, turning to steam in the brisk morning air of New England. Pure raw power. Pure sex. Pure MUSCLE. The quiet gated suburb of Orchard Heights was alive with the sound, sights and smells of Meghan Wakefield erotically pumping her massive muscles. Held in her deceptively dainty well manicured hands were two military humvees weighing 4 tons each. “Fucking look at me and tremble you scrawny bitches, look at this power this size! MY power! MY size! Im unstoppable!” I AM POWER! I AM MUSCLE! I’m the most insanely pumped up, super humanly strong, mega-ultra-super-heavy weight bodybuilder! I am the most muscular living thing to ever exist or ever will! Worship me as I obsessively pump myself even more massive!” Meghan roared, to nobody in particular, but yet for all the world to here. Of course, the neighborhood had been evacuated hours ago when the “earthquake” struck. Or at least that was what the news was calling it. Technically, there WAS an earthquake, or better yet, a “Megha-quake” if you will. After destroying the basement, Meghan’s roid- induced mania and wild, driven desire to bulk up went into overdrive. Against Nates adamant pleas to calm down, Meg had pulverized the entire basement and house when she tried to exit the basement. Walking up the stairs proved unsuccessful as her giga-weight was so heavy she completely crushed the heavily reinforced concrete and steel stairs when she stepped on them. The futility of the construction had enraged Meghan and she hulk smashed the stairs into crumbling bits. With hellfire in her eyes, Meghan had turned full on to Nate and flexed an ab and thigh pose so huge that her quads and chest actually knocked him over. Roaring with spit flying, she’d proceeded to crank her arms up and down over and over again, squeezing and flexing her monolithic traps and shoulders until they were bright red. Then she spied the old weight rack in the corner where Nate kept his weights. Giggling like a crazed school girl, Meg pounded her way to the rack and proceeded to upend it with one arm. Maneuvering her other arm into position, she hurled it across the room like a soccer player might do with a ball. A steal I-beam floor hoist was torn from the ceiling and sparked another idea. “Babe, I’ve always hated that you built this house with such roomy ceilings, it really makes me feel short. But I think I know how to even the score. Watch my fucking power babe! Meg ripped the I beam the rest of the way out of the ceiling and started swinging it over her head like a club, tearing through the floor and utterly demolishing the rest of the house. Nate cowered in the corner to avoid being hit by all of his nice things that were now falling hazardously around him from upstairs. To say he was scared shitless at this point was an understatement. Meg had gone completely off the rails and was a literal ton of roid-raging muscle and fury. (If not more). Who are we kidding, it was way, way WAY more. At some point Nate must have lost consciousness from fear/arousal because when he woke up, he was covered in concrete dust surrounded by remnants of what was once his beautiful home. Meghan was no where in sight but he could hear her animalistic, predatory grunts from the front yard. Nate quickly pulled out his phone to contact his security team at the Pentagon. Things were going bad fast. Worriedly wondering why Meg was grunting, he’d no sooner heard his office secretary answer when the quake hit. Knowing better, Nate wobbled over to the massive hole in the basement wall to see Meghan standing in the driveway with his Porsche flattened at her feet. She’d managed to jump (who knows how high) and came down like the hand of god on his prized 911. Still on the phone, his secretary was going crazy, “Oh my God, Sir, are you okay what’s going on omg!” “Wake up SecDef and alert Homeland and the President... not sure how this will end. And I want this area under an immediate mandatory evacuation order.” Now recovered from his shock, Nate was beginning to get royally pissed. His million dollar home was destroyed. His $150 super-charged Porsche was now a candy apple red pancake and he was pretty sure his insurance didn’t cover “acts of enraged muscle monster?” “Meghan Marie, calm down right now!” Nate bellowed her middle name in anger. (Maybe yelling at your girlfriend who weighs more than your HOUSE was a bad idea in hindsight.) Not bothering to turn around, Meghan’s voice effortlessly boomed, “you are an insignificant RUNT compared to my awesome godly power and I could literally rip you into pieces. I won’t because I love you obviously but it would be this easy.” She picked up the flattened Porsche and ripped it in half like paper, her biceps and forearms bulging and growing and thickening even further. “To make it up to your goddess you will worship at my feet and tell me how huge I am.” It had been around that time that Marines from Nate’s unit arrived and evacuated the street. The neighbors were being debriefed and fed the official story of “just an earthquake.” Of course, 2.0 earthquakes weren’t totally uncommon in New England but still.
  15. incognitotie

    Here Comes Santa Claus (Part 3 Added)

    This is my first story in quite a long time. I’ve been hesitant to share anything on the forum, but this idea struck me the other day and I’ve been working away to try and get it out before Christmas. This part is really just setting the scene, but I promise there’s a big payoff in the next part. Please enjoy, and let me know what you think! ___________________________________________ Noah had been planning this, in one way or another, ever since he learned that Santa was real. He of course had reached the same conclusion that many children reach as they grow older: that Santa was no more than a fixture of the season, utilized by parents everywhere to instill the holiday spirit (and ensure good behavior). What many children and parents didn’t realize, however, was that this aging out was entirely by design. Santa may very well be a man with incredible abilities: delivering gifts all around the world in a single night, flying a sleigh led by reindeer, even eating all the cookies and drinking all the milk that children left out. But Santa is after all still a man like everyone else. Sure he’s able to give children presents all in one night, but tweens? Teens? Young professionals? People in their midlife crisis? The elderly and infirm? It would simply be too much. For that reason, Santa works his magic to gradually age children out, allowing him to maintain a more manageable Nice List. Children gradually begin to suspect their parents are behind it all, and Santa uses a little bit of magical suggestion to make all parties involved believe it. But as I mentioned earlier, Santa is still a man underneath that red coat and holiday cheer. And like any man, he can make mistakes. Noah Lawson was just such a mistake. It had been innocent enough, just a last minute flight cancellation and a cobbled together plan for Christmas Eve. His mother, insisting that distant family was better than no family on Christmas Eve, had arranged for him to spend the night at his second cousin’s (more specifically his mother’s cousin) home for the night and then catch a flight the next morning to make it home for Christmas dinner. This would have been more than fine, except that the shuttle from the airport broke down not even a mile from the airport. By the time he managed to get back to the terminal, hail a taxi, and actually make it to his second cousin’s home, it was well past midnight. When Noah arrived that night, he was greeted by a house with darkened windows and a note on the door, barely legible in the warm light from the lamppost down the street. It apologized that nobody was awake to greet him, and asked him to let himself in quietly to avoid disturbing the kids upstairs. The note also directed him to use the guest bedroom off of the living room on the main floor. Noah did just that, quietly slipping in the house, down the entry hall, through the living room, past the fireplace and Christmas tree, and into his room for the night. As he was rummaging in his suitcase and getting ready for bed, Saint Nick was finishing making his rounds of the neighborhood. That last house was, as you may have guessed, the one Noah had just let himself into. Now Santa was generally very good about making his list. He knew who lived in which house, what general schedule they kept, and who needed presents. The list would also update to reflect guests, if someone was awake, and even if he had a chimney to go down or not. Santa was also very good about checking the list. Before he went through a new neighborhood, he would check for any changes on the list or any potential problems with delivery. Most of the time he would even check it twice. But this was not most times, and if it had been, he would have noticed the house he was currently descending towards had a new addition, a certain Noah L, and that said addition was currently very much awake. So as it landed on the roof, Santa’s sleigh made only the faintest of clacks against the shingles, a sound which wouldn’t rouse even the lightest sleeper. But, given that Noah was rather awake, he heard that thud ring out in the quiet house. Noah was a very cautious 18 year old, and for that reason he had visions of burglars rather than sugar plums dancing in his head as he peeked out through a crack in the door into the living room. This position gave him an excellent view of the fireplace as Santa emerged into the living room. If you asked Noah what it looked like, he would tell you that it was as if the fireplace gave a big sigh and blew a bubble at the same time, if the bubble was actually a large man in a red coat. Although Santa’s legs came first, it was hard to miss the large belly that followed, filling up that trademark red suit. The size of the gut wasn’t what surprised Noah the most, though. It was how spry the man seemed to be in spite of it as he went about his work. Pulling a large sack out of the hearth behind him, Santa stood to his full height (almost level with the top of the tree, Noah couldn’t help but notice) and pulled out an armload of gifts. He splayed them under the tree with expert precision, barely disturbing any of the gleaming ornaments. Noah couldn’t help but notice how the thick, cord-like muscles of his arms strained the fabric of his coat a little as he did so. Then Santa strode over to the milk and cookies left on a small tray by the hearth and downed them in a flash, giving a small belch as he finished. “Oof,” Santa grunted as he turned back towards the fireplace, “wish I was a bit stronger. Then maybe carrying this big ol’ spare tire would be easier with how big it gets by the end of the night.” And with that, the fireplace seemed to take a deep breath, and Noah was left gaping at an empty living room with an erection he wasn’t quite sure why he had. Though Noah only heard those two short sentences out of the man, they stuck with him through the next decade. They were in his mind when he decided to study biochemistry and pharmacology at college, when he kissed a boy and realized he never liked girls in the first place,when he went on to pursue his MD, when his gaze lingered a little too long at the burly men at his gym, and when he accepted a position at a well-known pharmaceutical company as a researcher. They were especially on his mind in late July almost 10 years later when he finally perfected his modification of a workout supplement the company was developing to help increase muscle mass and burn fat. It was from that point he began to formulate a plan for Christmas Eve that year, one he was sure both he and Saint Nick would enjoy. In August, he applied for a transfer to the research department in Anchorage. In September, he was approved and began looking for housing. In October, he found an excellent unit in a duplex with a lovely family living next door and moved in. In November, Noah had some problems with the fireplace and had some maintenance work done on the chimney. In early December, he began smuggling his modified supplement out of the lab and storing it at home in a jar innocuously labeled ‘Sugar.’ On Christmas Eve, Noah slid perfect gingerbread men onto a wire rack to cool, counting down the few remaining hours until his plan came to fruition. Noah had been planning this, in one way or another, ever since he learned that Santa was real.
  16. radiokida

    Black Hulk

    This is my first complete story. Some of you have been reading this in the Unfinished section of this forum. It's now finished, so I'm posting it here. Thank you to those people who have already given me positive comments on this story. They will undoubtedly encourage me to write more stories. The story has six chapters. Some of them have gay themes, others straight themes, and others bi. I have made some very slight edits to the original six parts that were posted originally, to hopefully improve the story slightly, when it comes to grammar and continuity. Hope you enjoy my story! ------------ BLACK HULK Chapter 1: Kris meets Black Hulk Everyone gasped when he entered. He swaggered slowly to a deckchair, with his belongings, wearing nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist. This was not odd, since we were in the hotel indoor pool, me and around six or seven strangers. What made everyone gasp was the sheer amount of muscular development this man's body was presenting to our senses. To me, those muscles were instantly recognizable. They belonged to Henk Kuria, or, as everyone in the porn industry called him, Black Hulk. Winner of the past three Mr. Olympias and a long string of other bodybuilding contests, Black Hulk stormed into the bodybuilding scene in 2020 as a 6'4, 380lbs unknown 20-year-old from Kenya. That year, he not only easily defeated, and humiliated, the then Mr. O. Phil Heath, but has won every bodybuilding contest he entered. The incredible thing is that, according to the latest news from the IFBB, Black Hulk weighed an astonishing 420lbs in last year's Mr. O., with a barely comprehensible 4% bodyfat. How do I know this? Well, I've jacked off at least once everyday as soon as my eyes feasted on this giant monument of musculature back then in 2020. So much, so that this year I decided to travel all the way to Las Vegas to witness this guy live. I truly am a huge fan of his. Not just for his giant muscles, but also for his lifestyle. A few months after he won his first Olympia, Black Hulk came out as bisexual. At first, there were rumors that the IFBB would retract his title, but soon common sense prevailed. At that time, Black Hulk started to feature in a lot of porno movies, some straight, some gay, and some bi. The astonishing thing is that, as time went by, not only did his incredibly huge muscles became bigger and bigger, but also, visibly, his cock and balls grew in unison. In his first porno, fucking Lela Star, he had a very respectable 8 inch cock. In his last, not only did he grew 40lbs of muscle since that first porn flick, but also 2 inches of cock; moreover, his dick is visibly much thicker. This last porno was a reverse gangbang, where Black Hulk fucked 20 women in 2 hours. One after the other, every woman roared in an earth shattering orgasm, begging him to stop. Then, in the end, he climaxed on all of them at once, in a cumblast that lasted a full minute. Needless to say, this porno flick proved very popular. The gay porn community have now asked him to film a gay-themed similar flick, with 20 men. Anyway, Black Hulk is here, a few feet away from me. Apparently, he decided to use the services of the same hotel I was in, during his stay in Las Vegas to undoubtedly conquer Mr. Olympia for a fourth time. My cock instantly grew rock hard in my swimtrunks; luckily I was in the pool, so nobody noticed. What also helped somewhat was the fact that every other person that, up till that point, were with me in the pool decided to pack their things and leave. Maybe they were disgusted by his muscles, or by his well-known overly sexualized lifestyle, who knows. Fact is, I was the only one to witness him casually removing his towel from his overly-muscular waist, revealing a swimsuit that was clearly struggling to contain the massive cock and balls inside it. Then he proceeded to jump in the pool, with a grace that beguiled his enormous frame. This was too good an opportunity to miss. I had to talk to him! But... I completely froze! "Hey man, nice traps" a heavily-accented voice said. It took me a while to realize that Black Hulk has just spoken, and, further, that he was referring to... me! "Uh... fuck. I mean... uh... thanks" I stammered. "I'm... I'm Kris... I'm... uh... sorry, I... big fan... I... I..." "No need to be shy around me, Kris" he grinned, his teeth's sparkling whiteness contrasting sharply with his dark black supermuscular body. "You must work out? I like your traps a lot." Black Hulk is complementing ME? Wow, this must be a dream. "Uh, thanks, uh, yes, I do..." That was all my brain could muster. "You've got a nice package down there too", he continued, grinning even wider. Instinctively, I turned beet red, and tried to cover my erect genitals. Damn, I must be so erect that he could notice from above the water. "You are indeed a big fan." he continued. "Am I responsible for some of your orgasms?" "ALL of them" I blurted out loud. "Since your first Mr. Olympia win, I haven't orgasmed to any human being except you." That was the brutally honest truth. "Good. I like sexy fans like you. You here to see me win another Olympia, right?" "Yes... yes I am. Nobody comes close to your hypermuscular body." "Indeed, nobody does." He climbed out of the water. "Come here. Feel my body. I don't bite." Suddenly, like a wild animal overcame with lust, I jumped out of the pool and started squeezing all of his bodyparts. Those traps, that seemed to go all the way level to his ears. That barrell neck, thicker than the circumference of his head. Those huge shoulders, so monumentally massive and defined. Those impossible biceps, that, even relaxed, seemed like somebody had stuffed a melon inside them. Those triceps, that protuded so far out of his arms that they almost looked like biceps. Those forearms, so incredibly thick, thicker than a normal man's legs. Those pectorals, incomprehensibly thick and full shelves of muscular power. Those abdominals, looking and feeling like eight slabs of diamond-hard bricks on his tapered down waist. Those lats, popping out so ridiculously wide of his back that they seemed like almost having a life of their own. That unbelievable back, so thick and defined and wide and massive. Those quads, impossibly muscular and immense, so massively muscled that I couldn't even hug one. Those calves, scarcely comprehensible slabs of meat, each bigger than my own pecs. Those glutes, protruding out of his hips even more than his monstrous back muscles. Every single bodypart of this incredible human specimen required your constant attention and worship. I found myself squeezing, feeling, massaging, sometimes even licking each and every one of his bodyparts. "Mmm, you really like my body, don't you Kris? This year, I weigh 440lbs, 4% bodyfat. That's another 20lbs more than last year's Mr. O." He moaned contentedly. I was slowly turning him on. "How do you do it, Black Hulk?" I asked him I licked one of his nipples, then continued "I mean, I'm proud of my 5'9, 190lbs body, but I have to work really hard to stay in shape. You look godlike all the time. I'm squeezing as hard as I can and it feels like squeezing a marble statue." "Man, you want my body so bad. Your lust for me is actually turning me on" moaned the superbodybuilder. "Let's go to my room. It's more private." He dried off, and re-wrapped his towel around his waist. Even like this, the towel was slightly tented... his cock was indeed half-hard. "You sure? I mean... yes, YES" I almost shouted. I hurriedly dried off and wrapped my own towel around my waist, concealing my own totally erect cock that had been straining my swimtrunks for the past half an hour. As we were leaving, a family entered the pool premises. The mother and the father were shocked by the dimensions of my idol, and they were relieved that we were leaving. Their son, who couldn't have been older than 7 years old, pointed at him and said "Look, Mommy, it's the Hulk!" We exited the pool amid the voices of the mother and father trying to explain to their kid that my idol wasn't the Hulk because his skin wasn't green. It took us around five minutes to reach his room at the twenty-first floor. During those five minutes, a million thoughts raced through my head. Are we going to have sex? Will this be just a worship session? Am I dreaming? Whatever it was, I thought how blessed I was to be with the man of my dreams, even if this was, indeed, a dream. We entered his room, and I closed the door. The room was huge, almost like an apartment. I was marveling at the beauty and size of the room, when I felt him hugging me from my back. Then he whispered, in that sexy accent of his, "Let me give you a pre-show." He allowed me to turn around. His cock and balls were now visibly straining his swimtrunks more than before. He started to practice his posing routine in front of me. Now I already described to you his incredibly huge muscles, how massively thick, huge, hard, and bulging they were. That was when he was relaxed. When flexing them, his muscles really came alive. When he did a crab pose, his already enormous and thick pecs inflated outwards like balloons, except that they were even harder than before. I found myself getting so hard that I had to take off my swimtrunks, because they were hurting. He slightly gasped when he saw my erect cock, probably because it was leaking precum. He did a back pose, copying Ronnie Coleman's signature pose, where he would spread his lats more and more, until he reaches their maximum spread. Except this man's back was infinitely thicker and infinitely wider, to the point where, in his final lat spread pose, his fists couldn't even reach his relatively small waist. I moaned slightly in response, as my precum was forming a small puddle below me. He then turned sideways, and here his absurd thickness was made clear. My eyes traced through his neck and traps, going outwards through his immense back muscles and monstrous pecs, to then narrow down to his waist and well-muscled abs, to then stretch out absurdly by his impossibly thick glutes and monumental quads. He started doing his signature pose, where he slowly flexed his right bicep, making it turn from a melon, to a bowling ball, to a watermelon. As my eyes bugged out, witnessing the incredible flexing of his bicep, I was absolutely sure that bicep couldn't grow any bigger, but then he grinned and effortlessly flexed it further, making it probably as big as a basketball. I lost it; I started to cum powerfully all over myself, at the sight of this incredible display of musculature, all without ever touching my dick. So powerful was my orgasm that most of my cum hit his forearm, bicep and right quad, even though I was a good two feet away from him. My cock was an erupting volcano that was being kept in check for far too long, resulting in a more massive eruption than usual. My orgasm took about seven seconds to complete. It was, easily, my most satisfying orgasm ever. "God, that's so hot" he murmured, as he scrambled to remove his own swimtrunk, which only succeeded in tearing it off his hulking body. His own cock was now rock hard. "I made you cum just by flexing my muscles... that's the hottest thing I've ever witnessed." he moaned. His cock was covering his navel and his midsection, probably around a foot long and as thick as my wrist... no, probably even thicker. His balls hung low, and looked as big as the rest of him. I came closer to him, rubbing my own cum along his quads, then my left hand cupped his balls. They must have easily been five times bigger than mine, maybe even six. My right hand managed to just encompass the huge girth of his erect cock. Then I started to stroke it, caress it, marveling at its incredible size. "Harder, Kris. Use your full strength with me! Do not hold back!" the massive superbodybuilder implored. "Yes, yes, certainly, I apologize, Black Hulk." "Do not apologize. I like you a lot, Kris. Nobody has ever turned me on as much as you have done today." I started to nibble on his left nipple, which was almost the size of a small penis, while I simultaneously pinched his right nipple and jerked his amazing cock with my hands. He moaned in delight. "Ohh yes, you're good at this" Black Hulk moaned. I'm GOOD at this? This is my very first sexual encounter with anyone, and fate wanted that my very first sex session was to be with the biggest, most muscular bodybuilder on the planet. "Please, don't stop" he continued. I rubbed my hands against his abs, with all my might, in the meantime licking and biting them. I tasted his savoury sweat and a bit of my own cum. His huge cock became even bigger, as it almost hit my head. "FUCK, that's it, I HAVE to fuck you," he roared. He lifted me up like I was a rag doll. He let me face his gigantic upper body while pointing his giant dickhead towards my ass. "Hold on, hold on, Black Hulk! Please... please... be gentle... this is my first time." I felt his massive dickhead penetrating me. Surprisingly, it didn't feel as uncomfortable as I thought. Using just a fraction of his hulk-like strength, he pushed inside me, using his own precum as lubricant, until most of his cock was in. "Relax," he whispered in my ear. "Let go of me, balance on my cock alone, feel how even my cock is super powerful." I did as he told me, and indeed, his cock managed to support my entire weight. I also felt some liquid squirting inside my ass. "Are you... cumming?" I asked him. "That's my precum, Kris. It squirts as far as most people's cumshots. It will help with keeping your insides nice and moist for my cock to slide easily." "Wow, you're amazing, Black Hulk!" I hadn't finished saying this completely... he grabbed my ass and pushed his cock partially out of my hole and pushed it back in, slowly. "Did that hurt?" he asked. "No, no." "Good. Enjoy the ride. Cling to wherever of my body you like!" I grabbed his giant pecs as he started fucking me, first slowly, then faster and faster. At some points, he was almost hitting my prostate. My dick went rock hard again, as I realized that I was completely at this monstrous hulk's mercy. Soon, he started to moan louder, and his body started to glisten with sweat. His glistening muscles flexed several times as he edged closer to orgasm. Then he hit my prostate, sending me into an instinctive orgasm, and... "Oh GOD, Kris, I'm CUMMING... OH... OOOHHHOOHHH... Fuck YEAH!" My butt was blasted repeatedly with this incredible man's cum, in an orgasm that must have taken a full minute. Then, slowly, it abated, and his breathing became more normal. "Ohh... phew, that felt really good Kris." He disengaged his cock off my ass. Surprisingly, none of his cum rolled out of my butthole, and I did not feel bloated or anything. "Uh... where did your cum go?" I asked him. "Is this normal?" "I honestly have no idea" he told me, concerned. Then it hit me. A massive spasm all over my abdomen. Then all over me. Then it went as quickly as it came. Perhaps it took two seconds, tops. "Fuck, what was that?" we asked, together. ---------------- Chapter 2: Mysterious Bodily Reactions We looked at each other, stunned. "Did... did it hurt?" the overly-muscular black bodybuilder asked, after a protruded silence. "No, no. It felt... weird, though. Like there was something inside me stretching my body parts. But now, I feel fine." "You sure?" the muscle monster mused. "Really, Henk, I do." It was the first time I called him by his real name. The hulking muscleman smiled faintly, in approval. "Look, today has been unbelievable getting to... know you better, Henk. You fulfilled my utmost dreams, and more. I'll never forget this day, ever. But now, I'm sure you need to prepare for tomorrow's prejudging and Saturday's contest." "Yes, I do, Kris. But I have an offer for you. Would you want to be backstage tomorrow and Sunday, with me?" "You're kidding? I'd really, REALLY love to! But, I'm not, uh, very well-acquainted with... being back-stage." "I just need you to apply oil on my body. You know, to make my muscles show more. I'm sure you'll do very well in that regard, after how you worshipped me earlier." The huge muscleman winked and grinned. "The rest, leave it up to me. You in?" Rubbing Black Hulk's giant muscles with oil? Who in their right mind would refuse such an offer? "Of COURSE I'm in! I'm just afraid that I'll be turned on all the time by your..." "Good. That's exactly what I want." Black Hulk grinned again. His grin is so hot, I thought: pure white teeth atop a sea of bulging black muscles. "What do you mean?" "You'll see tomorrow." I wanted to ask him why such a successful bodybuilder does not have a team of trainers, nutritionists, sponsors and spokespersons, but I decided not to raise this issue. Still, this IS a little weird. He seems to be all alone in this hotel, after all. The other Mr. Olympia contestants are probably answering questions in press conferences, whereas Black Hulk is in a hotel fucking a stranger... "Oh, and another thing. You're free to come to my room any time while you're staying in this hotel," continued the multiple Mr. O. winner. "Likewise, Henk. Listen, I'm starving. Shall we get something to eat?" "Yes, there's a buffet going on. It started while we were... swimming", the massive black bodybuilder winked. "Let me shower first. I still stink of your cum." He laughed. "Okay, I guess I'll go shower in my room and come back," I said. "No you won't," the immense muscle mountain quipped. He lifted me up with one arm. "You'll shower with me. Why waste water? Besides, you can lather my back much better than I can." "Oh, I can lather every INCH of you, not just your back" I moaned, getting horny again at the prospect of showering with the man of my dreams. He carried me to the shower, and opened the water. We lathered each other. He was right: his upper body was so wide that he couldn't ever lather himself at various places. I paid extra attention to each of his bodyparts, rubbing them with shower gel repeatedly. Even though I had orgasmed twice in the past half an hour, I found myself getting hopelessly horny again. He showed me his massive biceps again, flexing them for me, making them basketballs of power. "Fuck, man, those biceps, they make me rock hard every time. They're so FUCKING immense," I moaned. He placed my cock between his super thick left forearm and his giant left bicep, and flexed the bicep around my cock. Needless to say, this had a very quick effect: my cock blasted another copious amount of cum all over him. He smiled. "It's my turn now" I told him, as I recovered from my third orgasm in thirty five minutes. I grabbed his cock and gave him a good handjob. The cock rose to its barely-believable length and girth. Then I took his cockhead in my mouth; it was as big as a fucking apple. I sucked him as hard as I could, while simultaneously jerking it off with all my might and fondling his oversized balls. He started to moan louder and louder, until finally I was rewarded with a mighty roar, accompanied by a large stream of cum blasting out of his cock, hitting the sides of the shower with impressive force. His orgasm took about half a minute to abate, which was incredibly amazing, considering that only half an hour before he was spraying cum for an entire minute. We finally headed off the shower. I dried off and wrapped my towel around myself, when I noticed something. "Hey look, that's weird... I don't have any hair anymore! Like, no hair on my chest, my forearms, my legs, my armpits... I don't even have pubic hair!" I touched my head and face. My hair and stubble were still there, thankfully. "Hmm... that IS strange..." the black muscleman mused. "You're... you're kinda like me, now, with no hair below your neck at all." "That's different - you probably waxed it for the contest. Right?" "Uh, actually I didn't. I don't have any hair on my body. Below my head, that is. Maybe... that's what your spasms did to you earlier... still, why would your bodyhair disappear so quickly?" The overly-sized muscleman was deep in thought. "Don't worry about it. I'll get used to it. And, maybe it'll grow again. I'll pop out to my room to wear something. We'll meet near the elevator," I said. A few minutes later. I was next to the elevator, wearing shirt and trousers. I saw him coming, and was stunned again. He was wearing a white T-shirt with the words 'BLACK HULK' embroidered in black, and blue shorts. However, they were so tight on his bulging mountains of muscle that all of his muscle beneath the fabric could easily be traced, including not only his immense pecs, but also his abdominals and his nipples. His shorts expanded ridiculously around his superhuge quads and glutes, each overinflated muscle group threatening to rip it off at any moment. "Jesus, Henk, your clothes leave absolutely nothing to the imagination, don't they?" I murmured. "They don't. I had made these to order when I was 410lbs, a year and a half ago. Now that I'm 440lbs, they are juuuust a little bit tight," he teased. We entered the restaurant and took a plateful of the buffet food. People actually stopped and stared at the huge muscleman. Some murmured something to themselves, others turned to their friends and nudged them to take a look at Henk. I felt proud that I was next to him. Nobody in the whole world has an amorous partner as hot as mine. I was really starving, so I visited the buffet several times, like four or five times. The massive bodybuilder did likewise. I noticed that he was not much choosy with his food; he was eating carbs, protein, fibre, milk products... he was enjoying everything. That's weird, I thought: this guy is going to be in the world's biggest bodybuilding contest tomorrow, and he's not even trying to eat well for it. What I soon found weirder was how my appetite was not satiated, even after eating 7 platefuls of food. Even Henk said he was full after taking seven plates of delicious food. On the other hand, my stomach felt like I barely even started. "Man, you eat even more than I do... that's impressive," the black muscle mountain mused. "I'm surprising even myself... I usually just take three plates, tops, including dessert," I said. "What's happening to me? I'm still starving!" "I honestly have no idea... good thing we have this buffet going on... you can keep eating without paying extra!" Black Hulk said, glancing towards another table. Looking in the direction he was glancing at, there was a young woman sitting down, eyeing both of us, but especially staring at my idol. "You know her?" I whispered. "I don't think I do," confessed the huge bodybuilder. "She wants me badly, though, judging by how she's looking at me. I know that look. Bet her panties are soaking wet!" He laughed faintly at his own joke. "I'll go get another plate of food," I said. "Cool. I'm good. I'll wait for you." As I filled my plate for the eighth time, I actually felt a little bit jealous. But then I remembered that his superhuman musclegod is a well-known pornstar... it is to be expected that he's not into one stable sex partner. Just then, I noticed the top button of my shirt had popped off. That's strange... even my sleeves are filled more than before. It seems like my body is getting bigger. Well, of course it is... I must have eaten close to 8000 calories in the past hour or so. But, my waist was still as trim as ever... it's like the extra weight has gone to my... pecs and arms? I went back to my restaurant seat, noticing that, in the meantime, Black Hulk was in the company of the girl that was eyeing him earlier. "Uh, excuse me, I'll go to the bathroom quick," I quipped, then immediately raced to the bathroom close by. * * * Everyone gasped when he entered. He swaggered slowly to a restaurant seat, accompanied by a man who must have been in his mid-twenties. This was not odd, since we were in the restaurant buffet room, me and around six or seven strangers. What made everyone gasp was the sheer amount of muscular development the former man's body was presenting to our senses. To me, those muscles were instantly recognizable. They belonged to Henk Kuria, or, as everyone in the porn industry called him, Black Hulk. This guy was, in a word, freaky. I've always secretly loved professional bodybuilders. My female friends somehow always found them 'gross' or 'disgusting', and, in front of them, I agreed. But, secretly, I get wet whenever an overly muscular man flashes past my eyes. And Black Hulk wasn't just overly muscular. He was, like, twice as big as the biggest pros. This guy's muscles were astonishingly huge... really, there was no comparison. It was like his muscles had muscles of their own. And he was BLACK. I LOOOVE black men. They look so virile. His skin was really, really dark, too; he was one of the blackest men I had ever witnessed. That made him even hotter, in my books. I had searched for his name ever since I stumbled upon the first porno I watched that featured him. He fucked Lela Star senseless in that porn flick, and the poor girl with the comically enhanced butt just didn't know what hit her. She must have felt like she was being fucked by a bulldozer. And then, his orgasm, showering all over her body... his cumshot was easily that of 10 men combined. After that flick, Lela Star actually took a six month break from porn, citing 'personal issues'. But the stage was set. Black Hulk had stolen her limelight, and that light is still shining brightly. Indeed, he not only shot several other porn flicks, with men, women, or both at once, but he became even bigger, and his orgasms even longer and more powerful. Some people started to question how real his orgasms were, although most did not care. The porn industry made sure to mention that none of what they're filming was staged or faked. And, in most nights, I end up shoving a cucumber in my pussy, fucking myself furiously, wishing that cucumber was Black Hulk fucking me into oblivion as I watch him on my phone in my bed. Anyway, Black Hulk is here, a few feet away from me. For some reason, he happens to be in the same hotel I'm in. Maybe for a new porno shoot? Who knows. I was staring at him. He was wearing a white T-shirt, with the words 'BLACK' and 'HULK'. The word 'BLACK' was stretched all around the top of his enormous pectorals, while the word 'HULK' was below it, in the middle, with his two nipples on either side of the word. Fuck, his T-shirt was so tight that even his nipples were visible; that's insane. His pectorals must be much bigger than my own breasts. That's really saying something, as I wear a 34M cup size. I'm a chubby 5'7, 175lbs woman with a 48-32-40 figure. You either love or hate my body. Some guys find me disgustingly fat, while others just adore my voluptuous body. I've had a few one-night stands with men from the latter category, and they have honestly given me much-needed self-confidence about my body. This made me accept what God has given me, and now I flaunt what I have, rather than try to hide it. Which is what this incredible male specimen a few feet from me certainly does; that T-shirt he's wearing just makes him flaunt the godlike upper body he has. Fuck, he's even hotter up close than in the pornos. My juices were flowing. Just then, the guy he was with him stood up to take another plate. I decided to show slightly more cleavage, to see if the giant black bodybuilder noticed. He did, and smiled. I smiled back, then stood up and came next to him. "Hi, I'm Chloe, nice to meet you, Black Hulk." I extended my hand. He took it and kissed it. "Likewise, Chloe. I'm Henk. You've got a very naturally beautiful body, miss." He smiled. "Thank you. Nowhere near close to your magnificence, though," I said, my heart racing. He likes me. Helikesmehelikesmehelikesmehelikesmeeee... "You're a fan, Chloe?" asked the god, known to us mortals as Black Hulk. "Yes. Big fan of your, uh... movies. Big fan of your huge muscles. You're the best!" I enthused. "Thanks, dear. On holiday?" "No, business trip. I'm a journalist, working for the website CoolnHot.com. I'm assigned to write an article about the gambling and entertainment industry here in Vegas, by witnessing them first-hand. I return home tomorrow morning. You?" "I'm here to win the Mr. Olympia contest for the fourth time." I stared at him blankly. I never heard of a Mr. Olympia contest before. "What's that... a pornstar award?" I asked, innocently. Black Hulk laughed. "No, no. It's the biggest bodybuilding contest in the world. I've won it three times already. I'm here to win it for the fourth time. It starts tomorrow and ends Saturday." Just then, Black Hulk's friend returned, and told us he was going to the bathroom. He left the plate on the table and rushed away to the lavatory. "Who is he?" I asked, curious. "He's Kris. A REALLY good friend. He's responsible for making me look good during the contest while I'm backstage. Mostly by rubbing oil on my body." Wow, I'd love to do that, I thought. "You'd like to do that, don't you?" the massive muscleman asked, grinning. "Uh... yeah... admittedly, I'd love to." How did he know what I was thinking? Am I really that easy to read? "Then come to my room... I will let you do that, and more." He winked at me and smiled again, flashing those pure white, sparking teeth. "That's if you've finished eating, of course," he added. "No, no... I'm finished. But... what about your good friend... Kris?" "I'll just leave a note on the table that I had to leave suddenly. Come on, I'll pay for your meal." Just then, he stood up. "Oh, uh, you don't..." I stopped midway through speaking, as I witnessed his 6'4, 440lbs supermuscular frame towering over me. "I mean, uh, thanks," I corrected myself. The black god endowed with the most immense muscles I had ever seen went to the counter and paid for three meals. He then scribbled a note and left it on the table. I was actually impressed that his thick, muscular fingers could still hold a pen relatively easily. "Let's go, my room is in the twenty-first floor," Black Hulk cooed. People stared at us as they walked out of the restaurant and into the elevator. My panties were practically soaked now. I was worried that some wet spot would be visible down my dress, especially since there was another couple with us in the elevator. Their eyes bugged out when they saw the mountain of muscle that was with me. I felt proud of my catch tonight... I was sure this one-night stand will be my best one ever. We arrived at his room. I guess it was some kind of executive suite, because it was much larger and spacious than my room. I closed the door behind me, and immediately sneaked in his bathroom, removing all my clothes. I was never so wet and horny in my life. I tiptoed out, and, before he had even turned around from placing the door key on the desk, I rubbed his massive back, and whispered: "Ready when you are, Black Hulk." ---------------- Chapter 3: Chloe Sex and Muscle Growth He turned around, surprised at my directness. His deep brown eyes scanned my naked body from top to bottom. They approved of what they saw. "I'm always ready, Chloe. You have a very curvy, beautiful body. It reminds me of the beautiful women from my home country. Except your white skin, which I find very appealing," the muscular pornstar said. He put his well-muscled arms around my nude lower back, inviting me to draw myself even closer to his titanic body. I gladly accepted the invitation, and began to grind my entire body, especially my ample breasts, against his hulking, bulging muscles. My head could only reach his monstrous pectorals, so I cradled it between them. He moved his hands towards my round butt, and squeezed them. Being so close to him, I felt his cock starting to stir. "You like my ass, huh?" I cooed as I lifted his T-shirt, willing him to remove it. This exposed his fantastically muscled eight-pack abdominals. I started to squeeze them, but they felt like hard bricks. They were so thick that I could insert my entire index finger in the space between each of the brick-like abdominals. "Holy cow, you're a fucking muscle brick shit-house. Your muscles are even bigger than they look in your pornos," I continued, in absolute amazement. He said nothing; he only grinned at me. Then, his right hand moved towards his T-shirt. Tugging it from the bottom, he tore it off his ridiculously overdeveloped upper body like he had been tearing off toilet paper. His entire upper body was now exposed, and I almost fainted. From the position I was, I could see two enormous orbs of pectoral muscles, each as big as a gravel sack. I rubbed them slowly. They were dense, thick slabs of power; no wonder he could rip off this oversized, yet barely-fitting T-shirt so incredibly easily. The minimal effort he produced to tear off his T-shirt off his body made his arm visibly bounce... it looked as big as one of my buckets I use when I wash my apartment's floor. It was my turn to get speechless. I felt my vaginal fluids roll down the inside of my thighs - I was THAT turned on. My breathing grew heavier. He then gently lifted me up, so that my eyes were level with his. His grin was confident, cocky. He was definitely my first one-night stand that could lift me up so easily, as if my curvy, 175lbs body was as heavy as a book, to him. He lowered his head and sucked my right nipple, which I felt was as big as one of my lipstick bullets. Instinctively, I lowered my head back in ecstasy, as I felt his lips leave my right nipple to plant themselves on my left. I started moaning loudly, wishing him to ravage my pussy with that huge cock of his, that 10 inch monster I always fantasized would, one day, be sliding inside MY pussy instead of the pussy of some random plastic-surgery-filled pornstar. He placed me back on the floor. My eyes were transfixed on the ridiculous bulge between his massive thighs. He removed his shorts, freeing his massive cock from its confines. It immediately sprang upwards, hitting my abdomen in the process, then started to lengthen and thicken further. He had no pants beneath the shorts. Finally, the magnificent dick eased its growth. It pointed directly to my face; I imagined it telling me that, since I was responsible for waking it up, it was going to fuck me really hard. It looked bigger than 10 inches, and thicker than the cucumber I practise with when watching his porn flicks. My sexual arousal has never been this high. My mind was completely blown away by this god. I felt my juices trickle down my thigh and reaching my knees. "You told me 'ready when you are' earlier. Well, I'm definitely ready NOW," Black Hulk announced. He lifted me with one arm and placed me on his bed in a doggy position, with my ample butt facing him. I then waited for him to insert his giant black fuckstick inside my waiting pussy. I felt him do precisely that a moment later. His cock felt really hard and filled up my vaginal walls completely, but I was so well lubricated that there was no pain at all, just ecstasy. "Oh God, you're so big, you fill me up so much. Fuck me, fuck me HARD!" I shouted in delirium. He didn't need my compliance. I felt his hands grab my ass, then he started to fuck me senseless. Each push of his cock inside me felt like a mini-orgasm. I started shouting obscenities, strings of dirty vulgarities that my mind was stringing up there and then. I was nearing an earth-shattering orgasm, so my slurs were becoming more and more high-pitched. In response, he fucked me faster. That was it: my eyes rolled backwards and my mouth made an exaggerated 'OOOOOOOHHHHHH' shape as I climaxed powerfully, my vocal chords trying to keep up with the intensity of my orgasm. He slowed down, waiting for my orgasm to subside, then picked up the pace once again. I felt his cock throbbing even bigger inside me, probably triggered by my insane climax. "Fuck, fuck, fuuuckk, FFFUUUUUCCKKKKK OOOOOHOHOHHHHOHOHHH GODDDDDDDD FUUUUUUUUUUCK YEEAAAAAAAHHHHH!" I shouted as another orgasm hit my senses. He slowed down again, then restarted his relentless pussy drilling with that insane cock he has. I've seen him do it several times in his porn movies; how he'd fuck a girl repeatedly, sending her into countless orgasms, until she literally couldn't take any more, and then, and only then, he ejaculates. I used to think that a lot of editing was involved for that to truly happen. It turns out no editing was required; this man, or should I say, god, knew how to please a woman in a complete, entire way. "Fuck... fuck... Hulk... HULK... BLACK HULK... PLEASE... no more... oh god... you're so good... but please... no more... that's more than enough... fuck... so much cock..." I finally told him after my latest mind-blowing orgasm. I must have orgasmed eight, nine, ten times, I don't remember. He slowed down, then proceeded to slide his cock off my pussy. "No, Black Hulk, what are you doing? I want you to fill my pussy up with your seed." "You sure?" "Yes, I am. I'm on the pill, and I've had my period six days ago. It's safe. Please fill me up with your seed. I beg you. It would make me complete." Black Hulk obliged. He inserted his still rock hard, massive cock inside my vagina. He started to fuck me yet again, but this time, his technique was subtly different. This time, he was doing this to pleasure himself, not myself. Soon I heard him moan louder and louder. I figured he was getting close to orgasm, as his fucks became quicker and more powerful. Finally, I felt him insert his cock completely inside me, almost together with half of his balls, and he roared loudly. I felt my pussy being blasted by an incomprehensible amount of cum. His orgasm lingered on for what seemed like a full minute. During this time, his cock was spewing cum non-stop. I felt my belly actually expand a little bit as my internal organs tried to accommodate this insane amount of cum that was being introduced to them. Finally, his orgasm abated, and he sighed contently. My belly went back to its usual form, and he disengaged his gigantic organ off my vagina. I turned round slowly on the bed to face him. He was covered in sweat, which I found really hot. I opened my legs to allow some of his cum flow out of my vagina, but, surprisingly, none did. "Hey, what the hell? Where did all that cum go?" "I... I have no idea," Black Hulk said. He looked concerned. Then, I suddenly felt it. A massive spasm all over my abdomen. Then another one all over me. Then several spasms, one after the other, shaking my entire body. I continued spasming like this, for what seemed like an eternity. During all this time, I couldn't speak, nor move, nor do anything except spasming, although I was completely conscious. Then, finally, as I was expecting another spasm hitting me, it did not come. I waited and waited, but nothing happened. I must have spasmed for, like, an entire minute. Black Hulk looked at me, and uttered "Oh my god!" * * * I went back to my restaurant seat, noticing that, in the meantime, Black Hulk was in the company of the girl that was eyeing him earlier. "Uh, excuse me, I'll go to the bathroom quick," I quipped, then immediately raced to the bathroom close by. I looked in the mirror. My pecs were definitely bigger. I felt them, and confirmed my suspicion: they were not only bigger, but firmer, denser. Removing the remaining buttons of my shirt, my eyes analysed my abdominals. They looked more defined. My arms looked like they were tighter around my half-sleeve, too, and, although I wasn't feeling uncomfortable yet, my trousers looked tighter around my quads. I smiled. I redid the buttons of my shirt - well, all of them except the top one, which popped earlier - and went back to the restaurant. Strangely, my massive bodybuilding friend was nowhere to be seen. When I went back to our table, there was a note: "Something came up. I paid for your meal. See you tomorrow. BLACK HULK." Something came up, huh? He's probably fondling that bitch's huge boobs right now. Oh well, he's a pornstar, after all... I wolfed down the plate that I had filled up earlier, the one I had left on the table. I was still hungry. Like, REALLY hungry. I revisited the buffet table many other times. Each time, I devoured the food like I had not eaten for weeks. After five more plates, another button popped off my shirt. I decided to undo all the buttons at this point. People were leaving the restaurant, it was getting late. I continued to relentlessly gulp down plateful after plateful of food, amid occasional tears of fabric from my short sleeves or trousers. Finally, after eating about 30 plates of food, I was satiated. Mind you, it felt like I've just eaten a salad, but, at least, I wasn't hungry anymore. I stood up to leave, when the kitchen staff manager stopped me. "Sir, you have to pay." "Uh, my friend paid for my meal already." "Yes, he did," he explained, glancing at my upper body, partly concealed by my tattered shirt, then at my face again. "But, uh, you ate much, much more food than I had ever seen in my twelve years of being head of this restaurant. So we thought that, uh, you'd pay again? It would still be a bargain for you, you know." He sounded sheepish, which was something I never got from other people before. It was as if he was afraid talking to me. "Uh, sure, I understand. Here, I'll pay twice as much as the price bill. You deserve it, the food was delicious." My hands reached out for my wallet. In doing so, my right bicep involuntarily flexed, causing my right sleeve to rip completely. The restaurant manager gulped. "No, no, no... uh, you know what, we're fine. We're glad our service was to your satisfaction. We're good. You may leave." "Take this as a tip," I insisted, handing him seventy dollars. "And I'll be sure to recommend your restaurant to my friends." "Thank you, sir. Much appreciated." He took the money and hurried back to the kitchen, relieved. I proceeded to go back to my room. People stared at me as I walked. Part of my shirt and trousers were in tatters, so I thought that's why people were staring. I arrived at my room, removed my clothes, and looked at the bathroom mirror. The reflection depicted on the mirror shocked me. I looked like a professional bodybuilder. My muscles, even relaxed, were round and hard. Nowhere close in size as those of Black Hulk, but easily as big as those of the bodybuilders from the noughties era. I looked like Jay Cutler in his prime. No wonder people were staring at me, and no wonder that restaurant manager was stuttering. I started flexing, and my muscles responded beautifully. My biceps were particularly huge, perfect peaks of muscle flesh. My pectorals were thick and heavy. My abdominals were massive and well-defined. My quads were twice as big as before, and even my cock looked bigger. I felt it grow and harden as my eyes feasted on my own, hot, muscular body. I marveled at its size... easily two inches bigger than before, both in length and in circumference, and completely hairless - like the rest of me. My balls felt fuller and bigger, too. I then noticed a bathroom scale tucked away in the corner of the hotel room. I reached out for it, and stepped on it. My eyes couldn't believe it when the needle stopped at... 260lbs. My brain was trying to comprehend my new mass. Even if I assumed that the scales were not calibrated correctly, it still meant that I had somehow gained 70lbs of mass in a few hours. Even weirder, from what I saw in the mirror, all of this mass was added to my muscles and cock, and none of it went in my body as fat. "Wow," I finally gasped. "I look incredible." But, what caused this? My mind started to recall the earlier events of the day. Then I remembered. The spasms. The cum somehow magically disappearing inside me. Black Hulk! His cum must have done this to me. I didn't mind this at all, of course. In fact, I was grateful for this gift that he gave me. But, I had to go back to his room to have some answers. Problem was, I did not know what I was going to wear. Nothing fit me. I then decided to wear the swimpants I was wearing in the pool earlier. It was still wet, so I wrapped a towel round my waist. People won't ask too many questions, seeing me like this. It would look like I was going for a late pool dip. I arrived at his room. As I was going to knock on his door, I heard muffled voices speaking inside. One of them was of a lady, and she sounded upset about something. Then I heard Black Hulk's voice, seemingly trying to calm her down and reassure her. In the next few minutes, her voice took a different tone, and she seemed much more amiable. I heard them approach the door. "My clothes still fit me," I thought I heard the lady say. "I look really hot!" "You were hot before, too," I heard Black Hulk's voice say, "only now you're even hotter." "I'm ready. Let's go," she said. I decided to knock on the door, otherwise I'd be accused of overhearing their conversation. "It's me, Kris. Am I disturbing?" The door opened. Black Hulk was wearing a T-shirt and shorts, identical to those he wore with me at the restaurants, but, this time, the colours were inverted: the T-shirt was blue and the shorts were white. Then a lady appeared, who I recognized as the woman we met at the restaurant. She looked slightly different, but I couldn't put a finger into how. "Uh, hi Kris. This is Chloe. We were just... OH MY GOD WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU?" ---------------- Chapter 4: Chloe's Transformation "I grew." I flexed a bicep. With little effort, it became as big as a grapefruit. "I grew a LOT," I continued. "And I wanted to ask YOU, man, what happened to ME, because YOU caused this." "Don't waste time, sexy," the girl who Black Hulk introduced as Chloe mused, "I have already asked him how he did THIS to ME, but he claims he does not know." With that, she lifted her dress, and I gasped. Her breasts were still really big, but now her belly was gone. Instead of it, she had a flat stomach, with visible, but faint, abdominals. Her arms looked narrower and more toned, as did her legs. "He transformed me into a fitness model," she continued, "just by, uh, having sex with me. I started to spasm uncontrollably, and when that was over, my body fat had melted, except for the fat in my breasts and butt." Wow, I thought to myself. What the fuck? "Listen, I already told you that I don't know what's happening. It's the truth," the immensely musclebound, black musclegod said. "And you - and I -love your new look, anyway." "That's besides the point. I look too hot, now, to work in any normal job. Do you think I can continue to be a journalist with a body like this?" she said. "I told you already, you can be my spokesperson. And you agreed, didn't you?" Black Hulk replied. "Yes, I did. And I'm looking forward to it. It gives me an amazing opportunity to be close to you. Although," turning to me, "Your friend Kris here is HOTTT too. Wow, look at that body!" "Thanks, Chloe, but if you're trying to seduce me, it's not working. That's not how I swing. Sorry to disappoint," I smiled. Honestly, however, she did look incredible. Perhaps I could make an exception with her... "Pity," she uttered. Then she changed the subject. "I'm starving to death here. Let's go eat something. Isn't that why we were leaving?", she said, as she lowered her dress again. "Hold on a minute," I said. "What did you say? You're hungry?" "Awfully so. I feel like I haven't eaten for an entire month," she answered. "Well, the same thing happened to me. I don't know if this super muscle god," - referring to Black Hulk - "told you, but we had steamy hot sex earlier today." I stopped, reminiscing those incredible, orgasming moments. "Anyway, my body also spasmed a bit, though only for a couple of seconds. Also, all of my body hair disappeared. Then, I started feeling REALLY hungry. I've just finished eating, actually. More than thirty platefuls of buffet food. And I could eat more, if I wanted to... after all that food, I feel like I've eaten a salad. That is how I got all these muscles." "Wait, so... if I eat, I'll grow muscles?" she mused. "Probably. Judging from what happened to me, anyway." Turning to the massive bodybuilder, I said, "that's why I came to your room, Henk, to demand an explanation." "And I don't have any," Black Hulk said. "I'll repeat what I said to Chloe. I'm as puzzled by what happened to each of you as you are. Honest to God." "So, let me get this straight. If I eat, I'll become big and muscular?" Chloe repeated. "This fitness body is hot, and I can certainly live with it. But, me being huge and buff, like both of you... I don't know if I can handle that. But... I'm SOOOO hungry, dammit!" "Look, uh, maybe it doesn't work the same way for women as it does for men" said the black, musclebound god, to try to calm down the situation. "Come on, let's go. I know of a place close by that offers huge servings; if you eat it all, you get it for free. You need to eat first, Chloe, then worry about what you look like later." "So THAT's how you solve this problem, huh?" snapped the lady. "I eat first, then worry about how I look like later?" "Have you got a better idea?" the insanely muscular hulking man answered, quietly. Then he continued, "Look, if it helps, I did not want to be this big, either. But I did become this big, and I learned to embrace my body." "What do you mean?" I interjected. "You started going to the gym to get bigger, right?" Black Hulk paused. Both my pair of eyes and Chloe's were on his. For once, we were not looking at his outrageously muscular body stretching his T-shirt and shorts to their absolute limits. Then, he broke the silence. "Would you believe me if I told you that I never set foot in any gym in my entire life?" "WHAT???" me and Chloe shouted simultaneously. "Look, man, that's simply not possible," I continued. "Nobody grows a body as huge, dense, and bulging with muscles as the one you possess without lifting stuff. Then again..." I paused, then continued, "nobody grows 70lbs of muscle in a couple of hours, either. So many weird things happened today that what you've just said could also be true!" Black Hulk nodded. "Is that how much you grew?" asked Chloe, still shaken by the events that have unravelled in the past few hours. "Yes. That's how much I grew." I answered. "I weighed 190lbs this morning. Now I weigh 260lbs." "Wow... then I will REALLY become buff, if that happens to me as well," Chloe mused. "Say, I wonder how much I weigh right now." She stepped on the scales, which, unlike those in my room, were actually easily accessible in this one. "Wow, I only weigh 145lbs. I lost 30lbs!" "Really? Then maybe that's what the spasms were doing... they were melting away your fat," I suggested. "Maybe that's why I did not spasm as much as you did, too." She was probably going to retaliate my last suggestion that she was fatter than I was with a tirade of verbal abuse, but then she felt her tight stomach rumble. "Hey, can we continue discussing this later? I kinda need food URGENTLY." "Sure. You're coming with us, Kris?" Black Hulk asked me. "I'd love to, but nothing fits me. Can I lend some clothes?" I asked. "I could, but I'm 6'4 and I outweigh you by almost 200lbs. You're only, like 5'9." "I don't mind. I can still wear something." Black Hulk rummaged in his luggage. "Here, try these," he told me after extracting a yellow, full-sleeved, shirt and black shorts. "I was going to give them to a lucky fan next Sunday. They're from my first ever Mr. O. win, when I was 380lbs. Sorry, that's the smallest item of clothing I've got." I went to his bathroom, and tried them on. They were definitely too big for me, even though I was a veritable bodybuilding specimen myself. But there was nothing better to wear. I adjusted the sleeves to fit on my body as well as possible, and came out of the bathroom. "This will have to do. Let's go." We hurried to the restaurant, which turned out to be a pizza place. The decor contained a few pictures of past Mr. Olympias. In the middle, there was a picture of Black Hulk from last year's contest, triumphantly flexing his left arm, a barely comprehensible basketball of power, and clutching the trophy with his right. Some of the other clients greeted the arrival of the man, who seemed so revered in this restaurant. The owner greeted us, too, and shook Black Hulk's hand. "Good to see you, Paul," the musclegod said to the owner. "This is Kris, and she is Chloe." "Nice to meet you all. Hope you enjoy my food! Today I've got the Black Hulk pizza. We usually serve it to a group of 6 to 8 people. If somebody of you eats it alone, he... or she... gets it for free!" "I accept the challenge," said Chloe promptly. "My, my, lady, you have a huge appetite," smiled Paul the restaurant owner. "Mind you, if you lose the challenge, you'll have to pay for the pizza. It's worth $80, but, since you're a friend of Black Hulk, I'll give you a discount." "She won't lose," said Black Hulk the person, grinning. "Me and Kris here will split another Black Hulk pizza. What do you say, Kris?" "That's fine by me," I said. "I guess we can manage that." "Cool. Two Black Hulks then! One of my servers will be right back in a moment with your pizzas!" He hurried to the kitchen. "Look, Chloe, bill's on me, so don't stress if you lose the challenge," the supermuscular hulk told Chloe, softly. "But, I'm rooting for you!" "I WILL win the challenge! I've never been so hungry! I swear if I don't have food in front of me in fifteen minutes, then I'll eat both of you alive!" She laughed at her own joke. She looked happy, and raring to go. I smiled at her joke. I was happy too. Today's events made me happy. I was grateful for today. In the space of a few hours, Black Hulk turned from a distant idol to a close friend, who gave me an incredible gift; the gift of massive muscle size. Actually, he gave me another gift: the gift of friendship. I looked at him, at that body, and smiled. Shit, looking at his magnificent, supermuscular, bulging body never gets old. My cock stirred in my pants. The pizzas soon arrive. They were indeed HUGE. They couldn't fit together on our table, so one of the servers combined another table close by to ours. The server bringing the pizzas was a girl. She gave one to Chloe and split the other one. "I'm Amanda, your server" said the girl. "I'll be making sure that none of you boys will be helping the lady with her challenge. Especially you, Black Hulk. Pleased to meet you, by the way. You are even bigger than the pictures suggest." "That's what everyone tells me. Pleased to meet you too, Amanda. I'll be a good boy; I won't help Chloe here in any way!" Black Hulk answered, winking at the girl. The moment her pizza was served in front of her, Chloe began wolfing it down. It was a bit hilarious, in a way, seeing this 145lbs, 5'7 woman eating such a huge pizza. Not only was the pizza huge, but it was also topped with lots of ingredients: pepperoni, minced meat, artichoke hearts, tomato, peas, onion, green pepper, olives, and, of course, cheese. Me and my impossibly-muscular friend started to eat ours. The pizza was, indeed, delicious. Chloe was on a mission, eating a quarter of the pizza before we had even eaten our first slice. She didn't say anything, just ate and ate and ate. Amanda, for her part, had her eyes transfixed on Black Hulk. His upper body bounced and flexed involuntarily as he ate the pizza. She saw the bulging pecs and arms, and swallowed hard. She went in a dream-like state, as if she was thinking about a raunchy situation - indeed, her face turned slightly red. "Amanda, you should keep your focus on Chloe here, you know..." the monumental musclegod told her, grinning. "Uh, yes, sure, sure, I'm completely focused on what she's doing," the girl stammered. But she really wasn't, of course. She was mesmerized by Black Hulk, the supermuscular god of male bodybuilding perfection. Chloe was already on the sixth slice of the 16-slice pizza. She had already eaten more than two person's worth of food. By contrast, I was on my third slice, and Black Hulk was on his second. I watched, fascinated. It looked like her dress was slightly tighter around her bosom and shoulders. While eating her eighth slice, there was the sound of tearing fabric. Chloe seemed not to notice, and continued eating. Glancing at her, I noticed that her dress had ripped slightly from her back. She continued to eat and eat, amid more tearing sounds of her clothes. Black Hulk only ate two slices, then said he ate enough. I managed to eat six slices; not bad, considering I had eaten so much only an hour before. Now, however, I was really full. We could only stare at Chloe eating her pizza and, seemingly unbeknownst to her, growing out of her clothes. Meanwhile, the server girl, Amanda, was barely noticing what was happening to Chloe either. She was still apparently daydreaming about Black Hulk's gigantic slabs of muscle being proudly displaying through his overstretched clothing. She couldn't stop staring at him. I saw her grinding her feet together. Wow, Black Hulk's effect on some people is so strong. But, really, I understand Amanda's reaction to him; after all, I had a similar reaction to him, and probably so did Chloe. Chloe was now two slices away from eating an entire Black Hulk pizza. Her eating rate was steady; she never once took a break. I understood better than anyone how she was doing it, since I went through the same thing a few hours before. People were now approaching our table to witness this busty 5'7 woman manage the feat set by the pizza owner. I noticed her arms were now not just toned, but there were clear biceps, and even triceps, where none were before. She was much wider, too, which was part of the reason why her dress was ripping from her back. Finally, she did it. The last morsel of the pizza was consumed. Everyone cheered. Hearing these sudden cheers, Amanda snapped to her senses, and congratulated Chloe. Sensing that her job was done, she hurried back to help with the other tables. "That's amazing, Chloe. You ate a pizza made for 8 people!" I enthused. "I... I'm still hungry. Can I eat what's left of your pizza?" she meekly uttered. I gasped. "Uh... sure, sure. That's okay with you too, right, Henk?" "Yeah, go ahead. Better not let it go to waste. I'll go to the bathroom in the meantime," said the immensely muscular man after which the pizza was named. Just then, Amanda came out with a tray of drinks for some other table, and noticed the enormous bodybuilder walking to the bathroom. She quickly served the table, then hurried to meet Black Hulk before he entered the restroom. He somehow was not surprised by her; he looked like he was actually waiting for her to meet him there. She entered a staff-only room and invited the huge musclehulk in. After a while, I decided to investigate. "What's taking Black Hulk so long? I'll go see if everything is okay," I told Chloe. Of course, I knew what was happening. I went outside the door marked 'Staff Only', and immediately I could hear moaning and heavy breathing, and an 'oh my god, you're fucking huge!'. Yeah, as I suspected, the black musclegod was making out with the waitress. I went back to my seat. Chloe was almost finished with her pizza. "You okay, Chloe?" I asked her. "Yes, Kris. I'm starting to be full. After eating this last pizza slice, I should be satiated" she said, happily. "You know that you grew, right?" I asked her, softly. "Yes, I know. I actually liked it. How my body was making my dress small. How it couldn't contain it. It felt so good. In fact, I WANTED to grow muscles." I was taken aback by this confession. Just then, Black Hulk came back, looking sprightly as usual. Amanda was close behind him, slightly red-faced, but smiling widely. I went next to my massively muscled friend. "Hey, I know what you did back there," I whispered in his ear. "Yeah, she wanted to see me without my T-shirt. I obliged. Then she grinded her pussy against my right quad until she orgasmed loudly. That's it," Black Hulk whispered back. "After what happened to you two, I'm more careful now," he continued. "Okay, I'm satisfied now!" said Chloe suddenly, chewing the last morsel of our pizza. "Thank you, Black Hulk, for the free pizza, it was delicious!" "Sure, Chloe. I guess it's time for us to go back to the hotel, then. Let's pay and leave," Black Hulk said. He winked at Amanda. She came quickly. He gave her a hundred dollar bill. Paul the restaurant owner came by, to make sure we were satisfied by the food. After assuring him that we indeed were, we left. It was late, almost midnight. Chloe's dress was barely managing to hold her visibly wider frame. I still had a million questions to ask Black Hulk. How did all of this happen? Was it true that he never went to the gym? How did he get so huge, then? Was he somehow affected by someone's cum, the way his cum affected me and Chloe? As I was pondering these things, Chloe suddenly turned to me and said, "Hey, Kris, uh, you have already gone through what I'm going through. Would you mind if you sleep in my room tonight? My room has a double bed, because they couldn't find me a room with a single bed. I... I just want to make sure that nothing happens to me, you know?" "Uh, sure, sure Chloe," I answered. Then, referring to the black, tall, musclebound bodybuilder, I continued "Good night, Black Hulk. And thank you. Today was the best day of my life." "You're welcome, buddy. See you tomorrow at 8. We have breakfast together, okay? And see you too, Chloe. I'll extend your stay a couple more nights, from my own money." And we parted ways. Chloe and I entered her room. It was almost identical to mine, except it had a double bed, as she said. Almost immediately, she removed her dress, shamelessly in front of me, and went in front of the mirror. She gasped at her new, muscular body. Actually, so did I. I'm gay, but this woman was packing so much muscle that this was actually turning me on. Then came a huge surprise. She turned round, removed her bra and her panties, and cooed, in a really sexy voice, "You've feasted your eyes on MY body. Now let me feast my eyes on that sexy bod of yours, Kris." ---------------- Chapter 5: Kris and Chloe Make Out I was taken aback. "Uh, Chloe... you know I'm gay, right?" "Tell that to the bulge between your legs, honey," she replied, pointing to my crotch. "Besides, I only wanted to see your body, not to fuck me." "Fair's fair," I said. And, with that, I removed my oversized shirt, and my shorts. These clothes had made me forget how massively muscular I had become. "Jesus, Kris, you're fucking massive." Chloe's jaws dropped. "You look even bigger than before." "Yes, that could be the case, since I ate almost half a pizza, rememb..." "Oh, shut up. I don't care. All I care about is being in this sea of bulging, sexy, thick, hard muscle." With that, she started feeling my traps, my shoulders, my pectorals. On every bodypart she felt, she moaned appreciatively. "Shit, you're built like a brick shithouse. You're so hot. You're making me so fucking horny," she murmured. This was an absolute first for me. Usually, I'm the person who says these kind of things to another man. This role reversal was unexpected. However, I felt horny, too. Really horny. This woman was turning me on so bad. Her hands traversed my abdominals, a six pack of ripped musculature, then my butt, composed of incredible, striated glutes. I slowly removed my pants. I had to. She smiled. "For a gayboy, you're really turned on right now," she laughed. "Shut up." I admit, I was hurt by her comment. "Good, I hurt your pride. That's what a real man..." she started, but I stopped her. I shoved my half-hard cock in her mouth, and forced her to suck it. Even though she was considerably strong, she was no match for my much bigger strength. "Mmmmmphmphmmphmmphmmppphh!" she complained. The more she struggled, the more turned on I got. Her eyes bugged out as my cock expanded in her mouth. Suddenly I was apprehensive, and let her go. She lashed out at me. "What the FUCK, Kris?" "I... I'm sorry, Chloe. I don't know what hit me. I swear..." "Shut up, silly. I actually LIKED that. A lot. I like it when you're rough. Hey, I can take a beating!" she smiled, as she flexed her biceps, turning them into considerable mountains of female musculature. "In fact," she continued, as she went down on her knees, "let me show you how much I liked that." She took my now hard cock in her mouth, and started to suck it, while her hands tugged at it with all her might. "God, oh GOD, yes, that's good, baby... so, so GOOD. Fuck, you're so good," I was murmuring non-stop. She disengaged her mouth. I was rock hard. My cock felt really huge and thick. Bigger than ever. Probably because it was. "Let's get to bed, honey," she cooed. We did. The double-bed creaked as it took the mass of our considerably developed bodies. I put a finger in her pussy. It was soaking wet. Chloe moaned, and bit her lower lip. "Let me be on top," Chloe whispered. "Let me ride you. I know, this must be strange for you. Sorry about earlier, calling you a gayboy. You're an incredibly handsome man with unreal muscles. You turn me on so bad. I say silly things when I'm turned on. Let me make it up to you." She plunged her soaking wet vagina on my superhard cock. It felt great. My cock felt like it was being sucked by a thousand tiny mouths. So this is what a pussy feels like, huh? I thought. Hmm, that doesn't feel half-bad. In fact, it feels fantastic. Chloe started to ride me. Her ample breasts bounced with each of her thrusts. I was never enamoured with female breasts at all, but now, they suddenly looked really hot. In fact, Chloe looked fucking hot, from head to toe. And not because she was a muscle beast. She was hot because she was a really, really sexy human being, like Black Hulk is, only in a very different way. Her moans got quicker and higher-pitched, as she neared orgasm. Wow, I thought, a woman is going to orgasm because of me? That's so hot. I saw her eyes roll backwards, then her mouth let out a really loud moan. She was in orgasmic bliss. She orgasmed hard. Her body shook all over. Her orgasm was long. It took, like, more than half a minute. All the while, she was convulsing in sexual delirium, and moaning, almost shouting, in delight. Now I'm not obviously an expert in fucking females, but I thought that this wasn't normal. Seeing her climaxing for so long because of me turned me on SOOO much, though. I couldn't believe it. My body, my power, my muscles, must have done this to her. What happened to me? Why am I fucking a woman? Why am I enjoying it so much? Before a few hours ago, my sexual fantasies always involved being with a huge, muscular guy fucking me from behind. Well, I still find that fucking hot. But now, my fantasies are also including people worshipping my muscles and sucking my long, thick, hard cock, which then fucks them hard until they orgasm uncontrollably. Yes, I want to fuck this super sexy, hot woman HARD. "Oh fuck, that orgasm was so intense... your cock is so good! God, that orgasm continued to roll and roll, like a wave... I never felt anything like it!" she enthused, when her orgasm finally subsided. "Now it's my turn, sexy!" I told her. I sat up and grabbed her from her ample back, making her huge breasts squish against my upper body. She was very muscular, but I was stronger, and could easily lift her entire body in this way if I wanted to. Then I started to fuck her, pushing my cock inside her moist pussy. She appeared to like this; her eyes closed and her mouth went slightly wide. I continue fucking her, upping my pace little by little. Soon I felt my orgasm nearing, and I started moaning, first slowly, then more frequently. She sensed my climax was near. "Shoot inside me, honey, gimme your sperm!" I did. And how. "Oh, fuck, FUCKKKK, OHHHHH I'm CUMMINGGG! OHH YESS, OHHH, OHHHHH... it's still going... OOOHHHHOOHHHOHHH SHIIITTT! Ohh god, GOD here it COMESS AGAIN HOLY SHITTT... OHH FUCKK IT'S NOT STOPPINGG! OH MY GODDDD! OHHHH GOD YESS!" I came buckets. My orgasm must have taken way more than half a minute, perhaps even a full minute. It felt so intense, so amazing, so pleasurable, so powerful. That was, undoubtedly, my most satisfying orgasm of my entire life, easily topping my three powerful orgasms I had with Black Hulk a few hours ago. "Holy fuck, that felt REALLY good! I also felt it, the orgasm coming in waves of sexual pleasure." I was almost laughing with pleasure. Chloe was also grinning widely. She disengaged my cock off her pussy. A pool of my hot, white cum poured out of her vagina. "You know, Kris, I thought 'here we go again' when you cummed inside me. Your orgasm felt very similar to Black Hulk's, both in duration and in intensity. But no, your cum was not absorbed inside me, like his did. That's... that's a relief, I guess." "It is," I confirmed. "I never came so much in my life, though. Not even close. Black Hulk must have given us more than one gift. It's not normal for your orgasms to take that long, right?" "No, it's not. It left me completely satisfied, though. It felt better than 10 of my usual multi-orgasms." Then, she looked at my body, again. "God, you're so hot. Your muscles are so thick, so bulging with power. You fucked me there like I weighed nothing to you. Even though I feel very strong myself, and weigh considerably more than an average woman." With that, she climbed out of the bed, and lifted the end of the bed, with myself on it, supporting the bed on only its two front legs. "Wow, girl. You ARE strong. I'm sure many men are incapable of doing that," I enthused. Chloe placed the bed back in its original position. "You know, that surprised even myself," she admitted. "Is there a scale here? I want to find my weight." "If this room is like mine, there should be one stowed away behind the corner of the room, near the door," I said. "Ah yes, there it is. Here goes nothing." She stepped on the scales. "180lbs. Wow, I gained 35lbs. Probably more, since this is my naked weight. Holy shit." "You know, Chloe, your body is not biologically possible," I suddenly said. "What do you mean?" "Your breasts are beautiful and large. So is your butt. On the other hand," I continued, "the rest of your body is completely devoid of fat. This is clear from how apparent are your muscles. Now, that's impossible, because, when females gain or lose fat..." "... they gain or lose it in their breasts, first," Chloe continued. "Precisely. In fact, many female bodybuilders look like men for exactly this reason. To make their muscles visible, they need to lose fat, and they end up literally without breasts. That's why some of them resort to plastic surgery to augment their breasts back. But you... your breasts are enormous, and are mostly fat, and your hips are still very female-like. That's... biologically impossible." "Another gift from Black Hulk?" "Probably. Man, I have so many questions to ask him tomorrow." I then climbed on the scales myself. "Hmm... 270lbs. I gained 10lbs from the pizza restaurant." "You know, I think I'm ready for another round of powerful sex," teased Chloe, as she rubbed my back, feeling its rippling, muscular power. And we spent the rest of the night fucking, fucking and then fucking some more. * * * My phone woke me up. It was 7:30am. Yesterday was a great day. I met two incredibly beautiful persons. I fucked them hard. The sex felt incredible, way better than the sex I perform in my porn movies. They grew after I fucked them. That's weird; that never happened with any of the porn actors. Maybe because I never orgasm inside porn actors - that's strictly prohibited in my contract. Let's hope they don't ask too many questions about that. I stretched my monstrous, black arms and climbed out of the bed. I hope Chloe and Kris wake up in time. You see, I asked the receptionist to extend Chloe's stay for two more nights before I slept yesterday, from my own money. The receptionist rejected the offer, because her room was already booked for today by somebody else. However, he arranged that Chloe switch to my room, so that it becomes a two-person room from a one-person room. I accepted this change - after all, it's cheaper too. So, after asking the receptionist for her room number, I went to tell her the news. However, I heard moans of sexual pleasure when I arrived at her door. She was probably having sex with Kris. So I decided to tell her the news when we meet for breakfast tomorrow. Suddenly, my cellphone rang. "Hello?" "Hi, is this Mr. Henk Kuria?" "Yes, speaking." "Good morning, Mr. Kuria. I'm Tony Halep from the IFBB. You have been chosen for a random doping test ahead of your participation in the Mr. Olympia contest this weekend." "Uh, okay, and what does that... entail, exactly?" I asked. "We'll need you to provide a urine sample by noon today." Shit. That's bad news. Like, really, really terrible news. "Hello? Mr. Kuria? Are you still there?" "Yes, yes, uh, Mr. ... Halep." "We can collect the sample from backstage, don't worry. The prejudging starts at 7pm, as you know, but I'm sure you were going to be here earlier... unless you do a no-show like you did yesterday for the press conference." "Uh, yes, Mr. Halep... I'll be there... at noon," I stammered. "Good. See you then, Mr. Kuria." "Uh, see you." And the line went dead. "Shit, I'm in trouble. Better wake up the others." I said to myself. I dressed quickly, feeling my monstrous, black, hyper muscles stretch the T-shirt and shorts to their limits. I paused... shit, the clothes hugging my huge muscles always feels so good. Then I hurried to Chloe's room, and knocked on her door. "Chloe, Kris, wake up. It's me, Henk." No response. I knocked harder. "Chloe! Kris! It's 8 in the morning. We need to have breakfast together, remember?" Still no response. "Come on, Kris! Chloe! Anyone! Wake up!" as I banged on the door, hoping for someone to wake up. Well, I must have hit on the door a bit too powerfully, because it suddenly gave way, and it fell into their room with a loud bang! The sound was deafening, but, strangely, whoever was inside did not budge. I decided to enter. "Kris? Chloe?" But there was no one there. Then I looked at the door, flat on the ground. There was a number written on it: 427. "Shit, I'm on the wrong floor, I should be on the fifth!" And, with that, I ran the stairs to the fifth floor, and double-checked that I was in front of the right room. 527. Good. I knocked on the door. "Chloe! Kris! Wake up! It's me, Henk." No response. "Come on, Kris, Chloe, please." Then I heard Chloe. "Uuuhhhh... can't we sleep a little more... we're tired." "It's 8 in the morning. Come on. We need to have breakfast soon." The door opened. Chloe was still naked. Her body was perfectly muscular and curvy. She was, simply, a goddess. I never saw another woman as muscular as her, not even among the female pros. At the same time, her figure was sexier than any female pornstar I fucked. She was stunningly hot and massively muscular at the same time. I entered, and closed the door quickly. A massive stink greeted me... the stink of dry cum. "Fuck... did you... holy shit, you both stink of cum." "We do. But we're gonna shower quickly," said Kris, as he woke up. He, too, was naked. He looked gloriously handsome and muscular. Certainly the second biggest muscleman in the world, second only to me. His cock rivalled mine in terms of size. "Good to see you, Black Hulk." "Wow, Kris. And I swore you were gay." "I was. But have you seen Chloe? I mean, holy shit. She's, like, perfection incarnate." "She is. And, so are you, you know." I said. "All thanks to you, man. You still haven't told us how you did it." "I'll tell you today. But first, can you shower quickly? And no more sex, for now, please. Although, admittedly, you do look like a sex god and a sex goddess." "Yeah, let's shower. But we need to buy some clothes that fit us," said Chloe, as she entered the shower. Kris followed her, and they showered and rubbed each other's bodies with soap. This, of course, turned them on considerably. They started to touch each other's sexual organs. But then they decided enough was enough for that day. They turned off the shower and stepped outside, drying in the towels. "Guys, I have a problem." I confessed. "Long story short, I need to provide a urine sample by noon." "Yeah, so? We have ample time to have breakfast, go shopping for clothes, and then go to the contest by noon," said Kris while drying off his huge muscles. "You don't understand... I cannot give a urine sample!" I told them. "Uh... why not? You didn't take... drugs, didn't you?" Chloe said, as she dried her ample breasts. "So THAT's what you didn't want to tell us, huh?" "No, no, of course I didn't," I said. "You took a diuretic this morning. Right? Is that it? Honestly, these diuretics rules are bullshit," Kris mused. "It's not that, either." "Then, what is it?" they asked, together. "Because... because I haven't urinated for the past three and a half years." ---------------- Chapter 6: The Origin of Black Hulk (Three and a half years ago.) I met Chitundu a few weeks ago. He was tall and handsome, with a nice, ripped body. I was actually slightly taller, at 6'4, but I was skinny, and weighed only 155lbs. But he liked me. We were a gay couple, in a country, Kenya, where being gay is punished harshly. I've heard of a friend going to 10 years imprisonment because they caught him having sex with another man. Another gay couple were beaten to death. Indeed, that gay couple was us. We were enjoying ourselves, in a barn. After rubbing each other's bodies and turning each other on, Chitundu penetrated my ass. It felt great, being fucked by my soulmate. But then, suddenly, the barn door burst open, and four men, armed with sticks and tree branches, started beating us left right and centre. They insulted us, calling us things like 'filthy pigs', 'homos', and 'nasty animals' as we succumbed to their beatings. Soon, I lost consciousness. When I came to, I was still in the barn, covered in blood. I tried to move, but it ached horribly. They must have broken a few of my bones. I tried to see if Chitundu was there with me. Somehow, I managed to spot him. He was motionless. "Chitundu! Chitundu!" I called him, weakly. But he didn't respond. "Help! Help us! Please! We were assaulted! Help!" I tried shouting, but my voice was feeble. I was trying hard to stay conscious, but I drifted away again. When I woke up, I found myself on a bed, in a make-shift clinic. I was alone. Somebody must have found us, and took us to some kind of hospital. I had bandages all over. "Hello? Hello?" I called. Soon, a white man dressed in white overalls came in. "Oh, you're up, thank God," he said, in an American accent. "What's your name?" "Henk. I'm Henk." I answered. "Do you have family?" "No, I don't. My parents were both from Kenya, although my Dad had Dutch ancestors. My family died in the polio plague, though, a few years ago. I live with Chitundu, the other guy. Who are you?" "You're in very bad shape," he said, ignoring my question. "You've got a broken arm, a broken leg, and at least three broken ribs. You also have countless bruises and cuts, some of which are infected, and others starting to get infected. Unfortunately, I don't have the necessary tools and equipment here to mend you adequately." "Where am I? Where's Chitundu? And who are you?" I asked him. "That's not important right now. What's important is that you're safe here, for the time being. I'll soon try an experimental cure on you. It's the only way you can heal completely, but it's never been tested on anyone." "Wait, I don't want an experimental cure!" I cried. "It's either this, or you die by the end of the week," the white guy in white overalls said firmly. "Okay, okay then. Please, I don't want to die. I've only just turned 20." "If you believe in my methods, you won't die, Henk. Trust me," the white man said, smiling faintly. "Now, I'll soon administer a rectal suppository." "What's that?" "It's medicine that is administered through your rectum... your... butthole," the mysterious white man said. "This is very modern, cutting-edge technology. I travelled from America to Kenya because my studies show that Kenyans' DNA should accept this medicine better than the DNA of any other person coming from a different country." He paused, then told me, "I need you to help me turn you over." With a lot of pain and suffering, I managed to do a quarter-turn. "That's enough. Thank you, Henk," as he produced a bullet-sized device. He quickly literally shoved it in my butt. My butt muscles accepted the device, and it was inside me. Suddenly, I started spasming uncontrollably. Each spasm was really painful, due to my broken ribs. I started shouting frantically in pain. But, after a while, the pain started to subside. Eventually, after about ten minutes of spasming, the pain had disappeared completely, and the spasms soon stopped. "How do you feel now, Henk?" the white man asked. I turned around to face him. "Much better. The pain is gone completely. In fact, I think I've never felt better." "Good, Henk, I'm glad. The experimental medicine was a success. It should have mended all your broken bones, and healed you completely." I started touching my arm, my leg, my torso. No pain at all. "Wow, it must have! It just works... just like that?" "Yes, just like that. That's the miracle of science," he said, smiling. "I'll need to keep you here for some more tests, but the initial impressions look very encouraging." I suddenly remembered my friend. "Where's Chitundu?" I asked again. The man in the white overalls sighed. "I'm sorry, Henk. He's... gone." I started crying. I lost the only acquaintance I had. "I'm really sorry," the white man tried to console me. "I couldn't do anything for him. He was already dead when I found both of you." Then I felt it. A big stomach rumble. I clutched my stomach. "Do you have something to eat... uh... Doctor?" I asked, amid tears still rolling down my eyes. "I'm hungry." "Sure. In fact, I have something better," the man in the white overalls said. "I predicted that you should feel really hungry after the medicine has performed its... uhm... magic. So I'm going to give you food through a pipe from your nose to your stomach. I'll be monitoring you, don't worry." The man motioned to a large tank, which, apparently, contained food in liquid form, and drew a thin pipe out of it. I winced slightly as the pipe got through my nose, but it wasn't that bad. The man in the white overalls switched on the tank, and that was that. "I'll be in the next room. Please, for your own safety and well-being, do not leave the room. Even more importantly, under no circumstances should you remove the pipe from your nose," the mysterious man said. "Thanks, doc, for saving my life," I told him. He smiled faintly, and left. I tried to be motionless, but soon I was getting bored. Even though I was still naked, I was, at least, covered by a white bedsheet. I started feeling a bit awkward in certain positions, so I tried to shift my body to be more comfortable. After a little while longer, I was feeling... more built? My arms were not twigs anymore, but were getting a bit more manly. My pectorals weren't practically non-existent anymore, but were filling up nicely. My stomach, which was a washboard, was now getting slight hints of abdominal muscle. I was growing muscle, at a steady pace. This wasn't stopping, either. I was getting bigger and bigger. I shifted my legs a bit further away, because they were thicker and were hitting my balls. This felt really good. My arms were now quite thick, and my biceps were now much more prominent. My pectorals were big and strong. At this point, I thought I was as big as Chitundu. But my growth did not stop. Even my bedsheets now took a different shape, due to my bulging muscles beneath them. "This feels so good," I said to myself. I felt my cock getting bigger. I was getting turned on. I started to slowly stroke it, under the bedsheets. I was surprised how huge it felt. I moaned softly to myself, as my strokes became faster. All the while, my muscles were still getting bigger and bigger; I was as big as a fitness trainer now. "God, I'm gonna cum!" I murmured to myself, so turned on by my own expanding body. And cum I did. An orgasm that soaked up my bedsheets completely, that lasted at least half a minute. I must have been moaning really loudly, because, mid-way through my orgasm, the man in the white labcoat returned, alarmed. "Oh, my, you're masturbating!" he said. "That's a relief... I thought you were moaning in pain. Oh my, that's an astonishing amount of semen... I've never seen anything like that in my life. Wow." The white man's jaw dropped. Then, when my climax had finished, he said, "Let me change your bedsheets." I had, indeed, finally done blasting cum, but I was still growing muscles. I sat up on the bedside, naked, with my increasingly muscular body now plainly visible. The man in white was shocked. "What is happening here? This is an unexpected side-effect," he said, more to himself than to myself. He hurried to change my bedsheets, and I covered myself again. "Sorry I masturbated. But, my growing muscles... feel so good," I said. "Tell me, Henk, are you still hungry?" the white man asked me. "Yes. Still hungry." "Okay. Try not to masturbate until the machine finishes its job, okay?" "Okay, doc," I sheepishly said. "By the way, my name is James, and I'm actually a molecular biologist." And, he left. I was getting turned on again. But, I resisted the urge of touching my dick. My muscles were still getting bigger. My biceps now looked as big as volleyballs. Touching them, they felt amazingly powerful and hard. My pecs were like two sacks of gravel. It was like somebody was pumping them up, inflating them like balloons. Except they were hard as diamonds, not soft and squishy. My abdominals were like six... no, eight, perfectly-placed, hard bricks. My thighs were like monstrous barrels. I was wider, too, to the point that my shoulders and biceps couldn't fit under the bedsheet anymore. Finally, my hunger was abating. James, the molecular biologist, or so he claimed to be, returned. "Hello, Henk. Everything alright?" "More than alright. I feel like a god," I truthfully answered. He switched off the machine, and removed the pipe off my nose. Almost all the liquid food inside the machine was gone. I had somehow absorbed all of that food inside me, during the past hour or so. "That's it, then. Good as new. Literally," James said. "I wish I'd keep you a little more while I do a few tests on you, to see exactly what caused this... muscular side-effect, and if other side-effects manifest themselves in due time." "Sure. I don't have anywhere to go now. Might as well stay here. And I don't have any clothes, either, so it's useless to leave," I said, matter-of-factly. James not only did a few tests on me, but treated me like a son. He bought me clothes and brought me meals. Another side-effect he noticed was that I never urinated or defecated anymore. It seemed like any food and drink intake was being completely used to sustain my body, to grow bigger muscles and to produce sperm - a lot of sperm, for that matter. He also noticed that I did not have a single hair below my neck. Looking at my skin under a microscope, he noticed that I had no hair follicles at all, from my neck downwards. His medicine must be completely focused on improving my body all the time, and it had no reasons to produce by-products like body hair and feces, he theorized. Once he was finished with his experiments, he proposed that I fly to America with him. Since I had no family in Kenya, I gladly accepted. My passport and visa took a little while to be issued, but, finally, me and James were in America. I started working in construction. My workmates were astonished by my strength and muscles. I could lift stuff with one arm that required the strength of two men. One of my workmates, Steve, was gay. He once literally threw himself on my body while I was showering. I fucked him and came all over his body. That was the first time I was the one doing the fucking, rather than being on the receiving end of a fuck. It felt so good. Steve loved it, too; he told me he was never so turned on in his life. This 'love affair' continued for a little while. After earning a bit of money, I could afford living in an apartment alone. It was hard leaving James, after what he has done to me. James understood, but asked to keep in touch. I agreed. People stared at me wherever I went. Once, a lady stopped me while walking outside my apartment, and asked me where I worked out. I told her that I didn't. "Jesus, you've got crazy genetics, honey. You should become a pro bodybuilder!" she suggested. "Bodybuilder? What's that?" I asked, curiously. The lady was surprised. Then she told me, "Google it, honey. You'll know." A minute later, she was inside my apartment, and I was fucking her senseless. She orgasmed several times, and I erupted my dick's contents all over her naked, curvy body. It was at this point that I realized that I was not necessarily gay, but that women turned me on, too. Especially women who literally drooled over my incredible, mountainous, enormously muscular black body. I did follow her suggestion. Pictures of men and women with huge muscles emerged off Google. But none had muscles bigger than mine. I dwarfed even the biggest, most muscular bodybuilder. I learnt that there were contests for bodybuilders. The most prestigious one was called 'Mr. Olympia'. I decided to take part. The IFBB were shocked by my size, so they decided to throw me in as a wildcard. Guess what: I won the contest, beating 9-time Mr. Olympia Phil Heath comprehensively, coming literally from nowhere. People started calling me 'Black Hulk', and it stuck. I became an overnight sensation. I did magazine photo shoots, interviews, documentaries... the list goes on and on. I even starred in a movie cameo. People couldn't get enough of my size. They couldn't believe that I was a 6'4, 380lbs supermuscular man with only 4% bodyfat. Men and women, young and old; everyone wanted to know about me, or drool over my hypermuscular body, or both. The photo shoots exposed something else about me: my dick, apparently, was much bigger than average. This prompted some porn houses to call me, asking if I would consider being a pornstar. I told them I'd do it, for the right price. And so my first porn movie was born, where I fucked this woman with an outrageously big, but fake, ass, called Lela Star. The camerapersons were astonished at my stamina, and how my cock stayed hard throughout the whole shoot, without me needing to take breaks or taking substances to keep my penis hard. Lela Star later confessed with me that it was the first time that she orgasmed for real, on set. I took that as a big compliment. Two hours after the porn flick shoot, I was fucking her again, in her house. My sexual stamina was insatiable; I could perform amazing sex after only half an hour of having my cum erupting from my huge dick. After the success of my first porn movie, more and more porn producers asked for my services, including gay companies. I accepted the gay porn acts too, automatically revealing to the world that I was bisexual. The IFBB called me after this, telling me that my bisexual lifestyle was 'damaging their reputation'. I told them, with contempt and disgust, that, apparently, the fact that Mr. Olympia is a pornstar does not damage the IFBB's reputation, but the fact that Mr. Olympia fucks other men does. Year after year, I continued to grow bigger muscles, albeit at a slower pace. On average, I was gaining 20lbs of muscle every year. And in 2023, as a 6'4, 440lbs ultramuscular bodybuilder, I walked in this hotel to participate in my fourth Mr. Olympia contest. * * * I ended up withdrawing from the contest, and resigning from the IFBB as a professional bodybuilder with immediate effect. That was the first thing that Chloe had to do as my spokesperson: announcing that I was not going to produce a urine sample and withdrawing from the contest, citing lack of transparency in doping tests. As a former journalist, she knew what kind of questions journalists ask, and she handled the press brilliantly. I was enormously proud of her. Although maybe, some of the journalists could have also been a little intimidated by this muscular spokeswoman... An uproar ensued, with people furious about having bought tickets for the Mr. O. to see me in action, only to see me announce my withdrawal. Most of them blamed the IFBB for their hypocritical way in which they do doping tests. In order to calm down the situation, I suggested that I could do a free posing routine after all the contestants do theirs, a routine which did not have anything to do with the contest; it was just a bit of entertainment for the public. The IFBB liked this idea, and, after negotiating the right price, I agreed to do it. I got Kris with me, backstage, of course, to 'rub oil' on my massive, bulging, huge muscles. Kris wasn't out of place among these contestants at all; he was easily as big as the biggest Mr. O. contestant there. Mamdouh Elssbiay, who most people called 'Big Ramy', came over and expressed sadness at what happened to me. He also congratulated Kris on his physique. I sincerely wished him all the best during the contest. "You know," he told me, "thanks to your withdrawal, I'm really in with a shot this year. But I'm not sure if I'll win it next year, if Kris here decides to participate." Long story short, Big Ramy did end up winning that Mr. Olympia contest for the first time. In so doing, the Mr. Olympia trophy was transferred from an African man to another African. But the plaudits went for me. The audience erupted in applause when I set foot on stage, and shouted 'Black Hulk, Black Hulk' repeatedly in support. Chloe suggested to wear my posing pants a little lower than usual, to reveal juuuuust a little cock, to spite the IFBB. After all, I was doing this just for fun, not to compete. The audience loved it. I wowed them with my physique as much as I could. As I was leaving the stage, the audience erupted and wanted more. I got back to the stage and did my customary bicep pose where my bicep inflates bigger and bigger and BIGGER. Some of the audience audibly gasped at the impossible size of my flexed bicep. Then I left the stage, this time for good. When I returned to the hotel, I was informed that the security cameras on the fourth floor detected a person of my size ripping off the door of room number 427... ---------------- Epilogue It's been four years since that Mr. Olympia contest; since Kris and Chloe received 'the gift', as we started calling it. I grew even bigger since then. Still at 6'4, I now weigh 500lbs of solid, massive, freaky, black muscle beef. I settled down with Chloe and Kris, and we three live together in my apartment. They are both incredible human specimens in their own right, not just physically, but also emotionally and, why not, sexually too. So I thought, why not? My job is now full time as a porn actor, sometimes even shooting 'amateur' footage with Kris, Chloe, or both. Life is good. Kris is now a superhuman god of muscle development. Incredibly, even though he's only 5'9, which is more than half a foot less than I'm tall, he weighs a scale-crushing 510lbs of incomprehensible slabs of immense muscle - 10lbs MORE than I do. His secret? Well, he still eats well and goes to the gym regularly - unlike me. His muscle development is really insane. The Internet calls him 'Blond Hulk', and I find it quite appropriate. Due to how much shorter Blond Hulk is than I am, his muscles appear much, much bigger than mine. Of course, sex with him is as insanely hot as his muscles, if not more. Recently, he fucked me, rather than vice-versa, and then I fucked him back. It's good to finally have someone with the necessary muscle to fuck Black Hulk; I kinda missed the feeling of being fucked from behind. Kris never competed as a professional bodybuilder, partly because the IFBB dissolved itself a year ago. More on that later. Chloe is also an incredible muscle specimen. She now weighs 225lbs, which, on her 5'7 frame, is really quite a sight to behold. Her muscles are really dense - probably denser than mine or Kris'. She's still got two magnificent orbs of breastflesh jutting out of her pecs, and her biologically impossible hourglass figure is still definitely eye-turning. She's still my spokesperson - now for my porn endeavours, though. People call her 'Curvy She-Hulk' online... I kinda like it! Of course, our lives does not revolve solely into having just us three as sex partners, fucking each other. Part of why we're in this porn business is our extremely sexual lifestyle. We cannot do otherwise; 'the gift' forces us to have frequent sex, or, at the very least, masturbate often. When Kris, Chloe or I go out to eat alone, or go to buy some new clothes, or whatever, it's not unusual that one of us picks some hot guy or girl and give him or her a bit of sexual bliss. If we really like the person, Kris or I ensure that we orgasm inside their pussy, or butthole, thus giving that person 'the gift', slowly turning them into a veritable god or goddess - just like I did to Kris and Chloe four years ago. Interestingly, we recently discovered that Chloe can also give 'the gift' to her sexual partners. It turns out that her ample breasts ooze out a liquid when she's sexually excited, which, when drunk by a person in the right amounts, gives 'the gift' to that person. This allows Chloe, like us, to give 'the gift' to both sexes. We three are, of course, all bisexual. Indeed, that's one other side-effect of 'the gift', we learned - it turns that person bisexual, no matter what sexual orientation he or she leaned to prior to receiving 'it'. Slowly, 'the gift' started to become more widespread. People receiving 'the gift' - which we started calling 'gifters' - of course, fucked other people, due to their heightened sexual desires, spreading 'the gift' like wildfire. Many people, males and females, started becoming hugely muscular humans literally overnight. The professional bodybuilders training night and day in the gym simply couldn't compete anymore. This prompted the IFBB to dissolve bodybuilding as a sport for good. Moreover, the ideal female body perceived by the world at large slowly started shifting to the one that Chloe, and all female 'gifters', possessed. And James? We did decide to meet James, to ask him to study the process of how 'the gift' works. While doing so, James became totally obsessed with Chloe's incredible beauty, and - long story short - he received 'the gift' himself from her. One aspect of 'the gift' that was puzzling James was pregnancy - or lack of. The amount of semen produced by male 'gifters' was about 10 times as much as normal males did, and female 'gifters' had the perfect, ideal vaginal shape to accommodate these males. Moreover, the sperm count of male 'gifters' was astonishingly high, at around 800 to 1000 million sperms per millilitre, with close to 100% rapid progressive sperm motility. Female 'gifters', on the other hand, ovulated more frequently than non-'gifters', and did not have periods. In spite of all this, it seemed like male 'gifters' were incapable of impregnating female 'gifters' at all. After studying this anomaly for long, James finally managed to crack this mystery too. Incredibly, male 'gifters' couldn't impregnate female 'gifters' alone; there needed to be the semen of TWO different male 'gifters' in the vagina of a female 'gifter' for pregnancy to happen. This was confirmed to be true when me and Kris impregnated Chloe the same night that James made this discovery. Our family is expecting our first child; the first child in the entire world that will have two Dads and one Mum. Will we tell the story of our child, and of our future children, in the future? Who knows... time will tell. THE END
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    Der Camping-Ausflug (German)

    Der Campingausflug Kapitel 1: Fynn saß auf der hintersten Bank des Minibusses und folgte träge jeder noch so kleinen Kurve mit seinem Körper. Draußen sah er die von einzelnen Hügeln gesprenkelte Landschaft, die kargen Bäume, die allmählich an Laub verloren und dafür an Nadeln gewannen. Als sie von zuhause aus aufgebrochen waren, hatte er nicht geglaubt, dass die Fahrt so ermüdend und anstrengend werden würde. Mittlerweile schmerzte ihm der Hintern, war vermutlich seit der letzten Talüberfahrt eingeschlafen, seine Augen waren trocken von der kalten Luft, die die Klimaanlage ihm ins Gesicht blies und allmählich verspürte er einen unangenehmen Druck auf der Blase. Ich hätte doch gehen sollen, schmollte er innerlich, und schaute aus dem matten Wagenfenster. Vor gut einer halben Stunde hatten sie am Fichtenplatz Halt gemacht, um neben dem Tank auch ihre eigenen Kraftreserven aufzufüllen. Während Aaron und Caleb die Chance ergriffen hatten, um sich nochmal auf dem Klo zu erleichtern, hatte Fynn lediglich einige Runde an der frischen Luft gedreht. Er war zusammen mit Leif an den Autos und Lastern vorbeigeschlichen, hatte kurz einige mürrische Blicke mit einem echt mies gelaunten Fahrer ausgetauscht, um sich und seinem Freund anschließend einen Müsliriegel mit getrockneten Kirschen zu kaufen. Auf die Frage seines Vaters hin, ob er nicht auch nochmal auf die Toilette wolle hatte er bloß mit einem Schulterzucken geantwortet. „Ich bin schon groß und kann meine Blase gut unter Kontrolle halten“, hatte er gesagt. Groß mag ich sein. Groß und selten dämlich. Fynn wälzte sich in seinem Sitzplatz umher und verschränkte die Arme vor der Brust. Der Wagen hüpfte über die losen Holzleisten einer alten Brücke, die einen sprudelnden Bach überquerte, und er stieß sich den Kopf, wobei er sich auf die eigene Zunge biss. „Verdammt nochmal“, fluchte er. Der Geschmack von Eisen lag ihm im Mund. „Ah ah ah“, ermahnte ihn sein Vater, den Blick stets auf die holprige Straße vor sich gerichtet. „Was habe ich dir übers Fluchen beigebracht, Mr. Hopps?“ Aaron und Caleb stimmten mit ein. „Genau“, kicherten sie. „Das gehört sich aber nicht für solch einen frommen Jungen.“ Die beiden selbsternannten Scherzkekse schauten über die Rückenlehne und warteten wohl darauf, dass er vor Scharm rot anlief. Die Genugtuung gebe ich ihnen ganz gewiss nicht. Stattdessen ging er in die Offensive. „Caleb, warum zeigst du meinem Vater nicht diese tolle Zeitschriftensammlung, die du mitgebracht hast. Du weißt schon, die mit den nackten…“ Eine Wasserflasche flog an seinem Kopf vorbei und traf den schnarchenden Leif genau auf die Nasen. Der Junge schrie auf, stieß sich den Kopf an der Rückenlehne seines Vordernachbars und merkte wohl, wie ihm Tränen ins Gesicht stiegen. Irritiert hielt er sich die Nase und suchte Antworten bei Fynn. „Alles gut“, flüsterte er. „War nur der Wurfversuch des schlechtesten Pitchers, den ich je gesehen habe.“ „Bitte?“ Caleb stieg die Röte ins Gesicht. Du hast mich schon verstanden. Seitdem letzten Monat hatte Caleb angefangen, in einem professionellen Baseballclub mitzuspielen. Zugegeben, er hatte sich als Batter beworben und war somit wesentlich effektiver im Umgang mit dem Schläger. Dennoch hielt er auch einiges von seinen Wurfkünsten, vor allem von seinem angedrehten Caleb-Spezial. „Du darfst es ihm nicht verübeln.“ Aaron legte Caleb die Hand auf die Schulter. „Die Flasche war schon echt beschissen geworfen. Du hast Leif mitten auf die Nase getroffen. Sieh, er blutet sogar.“ „Brauchst du ein Taschentuch?“ Fynn kramte bereits in dem Rucksack, den er provisorisch zwischen den Beinen fixiert hatte, aber Leif schüttelte den Kopf. „Alles gut“, entgegnete er durch zugekniffene Nase. „Ich lasse es einfach ausbluten.“ Er lächelte. Typisch. Verpass ihm nen Schlag auf die Nase und er bedankt sich eher bei dir, als dass er zurückschlägt. Der „gutmütige Leif“ wurde er in ihrer Klasse genannt. Leif der Friedliche, Pazifisten-Leif oder sogar Gandhi. Ihre Mitschüler hatten sich allerlei Namen für sie ausgedacht und einige hatten sie sogar davon übernommen: Caleb war der Sportkoster, weil es keinen Sport gab, den er noch nicht probiert hatte; Aaron nannten sie den Zahlenverschlinger wegen seiner mathematischen Begabung dafür in jeder Aufgabe eine Zahl zu vergessen und trotzdem zum richtigen Ergebnis zu kommen; Leif nannten sie den Gutmütigen und Fynn hatte den Titel Buffetzerstörer verliehen bekommen, weil er einst während des der Abschiedsfeier ihres ehemaligen Schulterleiters gestürzt und das halbe Buffet abgeräumt hatte. Gut, dass er die Schule nach diesem Vorfall verlassen hat. Inzwischen hatten sie die Grenzen des Waldes überschritten. Kiefern, die wie Speere zum Himmel aufragten, umsäumten die schmale Fahrbahn und schufen einen natürlichen Zaun. Sorgfältig verarbeiteter Pflaster wich erdigem und rauem Boden. Die verschlissene Federung des Wagens ließ sie jeden erdenklichen Stein und jede Vertiefung spüren. Fynn meinte, eine Herde Rehe im tiefen Dickicht gesehen zu haben und presste sein Gesicht daraufhin gegen die Fensterscheibe. Waren dort tatsächlich Rehe gewesen, hatte der Motor sie verscheucht. Ein Bach plätscherte zwischen einer alten Kiefer und einem erdigen Felsbrocken hindurch und verschwand hinter einem moosbewachsenen Hang. „Glaubst du, wir werden Hirsche sehen?“ Leif rückte auf, bis sich ihre Beine berührte und ihre Schultern streiften. „Wenn wir Glück haben, sehen wir sogar ne ganze Herde“, entgegnete Fynn. Er fühlte Noahs warmen Atem in seinem Nacken und näherte sich ihm heimlich, indem er die Hand auf das Bein legte. „Und wenn wir Pech haben?“ „Dann finden uns die Wölfe.“ Caleb stieß ein entsetzliches Jaulen aus und Aaron schloss sich dem Schauspiel an. „Zwei Idioten wie für einander geschaffen“, grinste Leif und entfernte sich wieder von Fynn. Im Zelt werde ich über ihn herfallen. Im Auto konnte er das nicht. Nicht, solange sein Vater mit seiner Frömmigkeit noch anwesend war. Ein guter Christ sollte seine Gelüste unter Kontrolle halten, mahnte er stets. Außerdem würde er seine Beziehung mit Leif niemals gutheißen. Ganz anders da seine Mutter. Sie hatte die beiden bereits durchschaut, da waren sie noch gemeinsam zur Realschule gegangen. Es waren diese Blicke, die sie sich gegenseitig zugeworfen hatten, während Fynns vierzehnten Geburtstag, hatte er später erfahren. Anfangs hatten Fynn und Leif noch Angst und Bange gehabt, doch schon bald stellte sich heraus, dass Fynns Mutter sie Voll und Ganz unterstützte. Fast jedes zweite Wochenende scheuchte sie seinen Vater durch irgendwelche Parks, Museen oder Einkaufscentren, sodass sie wenigstens ein paar Stunden alleine hatten. Und welche Stunden das waren. Sein Vater lenkte den Wagen tiefer in den Wald hinein. Sie passierte ein rustikales Schild, dessen Anstrich die Sonne bereits ausgeblichen hatte. Vor ihnen lag der Westliche Caniwald, ein tiefes Geflecht aus meterhohen Kiefern, deren Nadeln in der Mittagssonne golden glänzten; ein Ort voller verborgener Wasserbuchten und bergischen Aufstiegen, die sie dicht unter die Wolken führen würden sowie finsteren Minenschächte und rustikalen Berghütten. Zumindest wenn man all diesen Geschichten glauben durfte. Der Wagen hielt. „Was machst du?“, fragte Fynn und lehnte sich nach vorne. „Bis zur Lichtung ist es noch ein gutes Stück.“ „Dann werdet ihr den Rest laufen müssen.“ Sein Vater deutete auf einen umgestürzten Baumstamm. Wohl ein Opfer des Sturmes vergangener Woche. „Ein Glück, dass ihr junge und kräftige Beine habt.“ Er drehte den Schlüssel herum und erstickte somit den Motor. Draußen schlug Fynn zuerst die unbändige Hitze ins Gesicht. Trotz der Schatten, die die hohen Bäume auf den schmalen Waldweg warfen, hatte die Sonne die Luft gnadenlos aufgeheizt. Er griff an die Wagentür und verbrannte sich dabei fast die Finger. „Ver…“ Ein Fluch wäre beinahe über seinen Lippen gewandert, aber er konnte sich noch einmal zurückhalten. Nicht vor deinem Vater, maßregelte er sich und nutzte die Unterseite seines Shirts zum Schutz, um den Kofferraum zu öffnen. Darin fand er vier große Rucksäcke, jeder mindestens halb so groß wie sie selbst und auch halb so schwer. Jeder von ihnen bekam einen und dazu noch einen Schlafsack und eine Isomatte, die man provisorisch am Rucksack befestigt hatte. Caleb stemmte das Gepäck wie ein Weltmeister. Aaron hatte anfangs ein wenig Probleme und Fynn selbst wäre beim Anlegen fast nach hinten umgefallen. Nach einer Weile hatte er sich allerdings an das neue Gewicht gewöhnt. Der Sport letzten Winter machte sich endlich bemerkbar. Es war Leif um den er sich sorgte. Der fast achtzehnjährige Teenager hielt nicht viel vom Krafttraining und verbrachte seine Freizeit meist auf Spaziergängen oder gemütlichen Wanderungen. Die mangelnde Sportbegeisterung wurde ihm nun zum Verhängnis. „Alles gut“, versicherte er, das Gesicht rot angelaufen und die Knie zittrig wie Pudding, als Fynn ihm näherkam. „Nein, wirklich. Ich schaff das.“ Und in zehn Minuten darf ich dich dann vom Boden abkratzen, wenn dich der Rucksack unter seinem Gewicht begraben hat. „Habt ihr auch wirklich alles dabei?“ Sein Vater tupfte sich mit einem Tuch den Schweiß von der Stirn. „Wenn ich nicht dran gedacht habe, hat es Mum. Du kennst sie.“ Vermutlich trägt sie die Schuld für das schwere Reisegepäck. „Was ist mit den Zelten? „Ein Camping-Ausflug ohne Zelte wäre wohl witzlos, findest du nicht?“ „Die Konserven?“ „Im Notfall gehen wir Jagen oder Angeln. Denk dran. Vor dir steht Baltimores bester Pfadfinder.“ „Und das Kreuz?“ „Glaubst du wirklich, dass unser Ausflug von Dämonen heimgesucht wird?“ „Mr. Hopps!“ „Trage es stets bei mir.“ Fynn fischte ein silbernes Kreuz aus dem Kragen seines Shirts und zeigte es seinem Vater zur Beruhigung. „Gut. Sollte was sein…“ „…finden wir dich und Mutter in der Herberge keine Stunde von hier entfernt. Papa, wir sind keine Kinder mehr. Das wird schon.“ Fynn schloss seinen Vater ein letztes Mal in die Arme und überhörte die überaus erwachsenen Zurufe im Hintergrund. „Wenn ihr so viel Gefallen an einer väterlichen Umarmung findet, warum kommt ihr dann nicht hierher und bedankt euch auch mal bei meinem Vater? Immerhin hat er euch den ganzen Weg hierhergefahren!“ Seine Freunde hörte ihn nicht länger. Caleb war längst über den morschen Baumstamm geklettert und hatte die anderen drei weit hinter sich gelassen, während Aaron gerade drumherum schlich und Leif brav wartete. „Das ist okay“, entgegnete Fynns Vater und löste die Umarmung. „Mögen sie mir nicht danken, so wird der Herr diese gute Tat erkennen.“ Er faltete die Hände vor der Brust und schloss die Augen. Das Zeichen für Fynn, um sich davon zu machen. Es dauerte eine Weile, bis sie den Minibus hinter sich gelassen hatten und sein Vater aus ihrem Sichtfeld verschwunden war. Der Weg durch den Wald führte sie über einen schmalen Pfad, der lediglich für Wanderer ausgelegt war und die vergangenen Monate kaum genutzt wurde. Die Wurzeln sturer Bäumen schlugen bereits über den Gehweg hinaus und bildeten verborgen unter getrocknetem Laub gefährliche Stolperfallen. Es war als wäre der Wald einst vor den Menschen zurückgewichen und würde sich ganz leise und heimlich zurückholen, was damals ihm gehörte. Obwohl seine Freunde zielbewusst vorausliefen, Leif ihm allerdings stets dicht auf den Versen, war es Fynn, der sie anführte. Als er seinem Vater gesagt hatte, er sei der beste Pfadfinder gewesen, hatte er nicht gelogen. Nein, ein frommer Christ tat so was nicht. Tatsächlich hatte Fynn die Wahrheit gesagt. Schon damals hatte er den einen oder anderen Ausflug in diese Wälder unternommen und hatte vom Käferabzeichen bis zum Lagerfeuerabzeichen alles ausprobiert. Aus diesem Grund kannte er auch einen wunderbaren Campingplatz, ganz in der Nähe eines Flusses. Ein wenig abgelegener und gut versteckt hinter einer Wand aus dichtem Gestrüpp und garstigen Dornen kannte er sogar einen kleinen Tümpel, der sein glasklares Wasser direkt aus einer Quelle weiter oben in den Bergen bezog. „Hey, Pfadfinderass, wie weit ist denn noch, bis zur magischen Lichtung?“ Caleb lief ein wenig langsamer, damit sie aufschließen konnten. Der Sportkoster stemmte das Gewicht mit Bravour und hüpfte sogar über einen kleinen Graben, durch den ein winziges Rinnsal Wasser floss. Fynn deutete auf ein Buschwerk, in welcher der Pfad scheinbar verschwand. „Der Platz sollte glatt hinter dieser Wand aus Blättern sein.“ Seine Erinnerungen ließen ihn nicht im Stich. Auf der anderen Seite des Gebüschs entfaltete sich eine Landschaft wie er sie als Kind stets genossen hatte. Vor ihnen lag eine Lichtung, eben und flach. Die Sonne hatte das Gras weiträumig ausgetrocknet, doch dicht am Flussbett gewann es seine saftig grüne Farbe zurück und ließ sogar Blumen spießen. Inmitten der Lichtung entdeckte er einen großen Holzpfahl. Noch erkannte er die Farbe und den bunten Schriftzug darauf. Die Zeit hatte diesem Pfahl ordentlich zugesetzt, hatte ihn abstumpfen und bleich werden lassen, doch diese Platz markierte sein altes Pfadfindercamp. Verloren in alten Kindheitserinnerungen ließ er die Hand über das raue Holz wandern und fluchte, als er sich einen Splitter einfing. Dann traf sein Blick einen alten Dornenbusch und sofort wurde er von kindlicher Vorfreude übermannt. Der massive Rucksack glitt von seinem Rücken. „Komm, Leif“, rief er und drängte seinen Freund zur Eile. „Wohin?“, fragte Leif sichtlich irritiert. Dennoch gehorchte er und befreite sich von der schweren Last. Platsch. Der Rucksack landete im Dreck und wirbelte trockene Erde auf. „Was soll das bitte werden, wenn das fertig ist?“ Caleb schenkte den beiden einen kritischen Blick. „Sollten wir nicht zuerst die Zelte aufbauen?“ „Kümmert ihr euch darum“, drängte Fynn und zehrte Leif tiefer in das Dornengestrüpp. Er wusste genau, wo er hintreten musste, um sich nicht zu verletzen. „Das ist nicht fair!“, grummelte Aaron. „Wieso sollen wir die ganze Arbeit machen?“ Fynn musste sich eine Ausrede einfallen lassen. „Müsst ihr nicht“, entgegnete er kurzerhand. „Wir sammeln Feuerholz für ein Lagerfeuer!“ Zwanzig Schritte gerade aus, am morschen Baumstamm zehn Schritte rechts, der erdigen Wand bis zu einem Graben folgen und dann noch fünf Schritte vorwärts. „Vorsicht“, sprach er und hielt Leif einen Ast aus dem Gesicht. „Hier müssen wir kriechen. Ja, genau dort. Zwischen den Zweigen durch, aber zieh deinen Kopf ein.“ „Warum dieser spontane Ausflug?“, fragte Leif. Er kam dicht hinter ihm hervorgekrochen, hatte die Knie Wund vom ganzen Kriechen. „Damit ich dir das hier zeigen kann.“ Fynn führte seinen Freund an den Rand eines Tümpels. Das Sonnenlicht spiegelte sich auf der Oberfläche und verlieh dem Wasser einen goldenen Glanz. Über einen dicht bewachsenen Hang plätscherte ein Wasserfall, kaum vier Meter hoch und zwei Meter breit, herab und schlug winzige Wellen, die sich bis zum Ufer ausbreiteten und die Wassergräser zum Tanzen brachten. Eine goldene Königslibelle ließ sich auf dem Schilf nieder und schaukelte im warmen Sommerwind auf und ab. „Woher?“ Leif blieben die Worte im Halse stecken. Vermutlich war er den Tränen nahe. Der fährt voll auf sowas. „Hab ihn gefunden, als ich noch ein kleiner Junge war“, erklärte Fynn und stülpte das Shirt über den Kopf. „Bin vorm dicken Tom und seinen Diabetisjüngern davongelaufen und bin dabei zufällig auf diesen Ort gestoßen.“ Die kurze Hose und seine Sandalen folgten, sodass er bis auf seine Boxershorts nichts mehr trug. Leif errötete. „Was tust du da?“, fragte er und schaute an ihm herab. Gewiss gefiel ihm der Anblick. Warum auch nicht? Fynn hatte schließlich einiges für diesen Körper getan, hatte einen halben Herbst und einen ganzen Winter geschwitzt, eingeklemmt unter eisernen Gewichten und umgeben von übelriechenden Männern und Frauen. Über die Monate hatte er einen ansehnlichen Brustansatz entwickelt, straff und leicht nach außen gewölbt, wie es sich gehörte. Seine Schultern waren ein wenig breiter geworden, wenngleich sie mit seinen Armen eine große Schwachstelle seines Körpers ausmachten. Immerhin hingen an ihm nicht länger dürre Äste herab, sondern stattliche Arme, von der Größe eines Golfballs, wenn er sie anspannte. Wenigstens hatte er keine Probleme mit Rumpf und Beine. Während sein Rücken die Arme ein wenig zu beiden Seiten wegdrückte, hatte er unterhalb der Brust bereits die Ansätze eines soliden Sixpacks entwickelt. Zugeben war die unterste Reihe noch nicht sichtbar. Dennoch gefiel ihm der Anblick vor dem Spiegel und er wusste, dass auch Leif Gefallen daran gefunden hatte. Auf den Beinen wiederum hatten sich über die vergangenen Monate gut unterscheidbare Muskelsegmente gebildet und ausgerechnet seine kräftigen Waden waren sein ganzer Stolz. „Wonach sieht es denn aus?“, grinste er und streckte und rekelte sich vor seinem Freund. Sieh gut hin. Das alles habe ich für dich getan. „Ich drehe ein paar Runden im Wasser.“ „Du willst echt darin schwimmen?“ Leif schluckte. Der Junge war mit seinen 1.82m ein wenig größer als Fynn, was dieser allerdings auf den Jahresunterschied schob. Während er vergangenen Herbst seinen 16ten Geburtstag gefeiert hatte und fast 17 war, so war ihm Leif ein ganzes Jahr voraus. Als Leif ihm erklärte, dass sie bereits ein Alter erreicht hätten, bei dem sich nicht mehr viel tun würde in dieser Hinsicht, hatte ihn Fynn schmollend ignoriert. „Warum nicht?“, entgegnete Fynn. Vorsichtig tauchte er den Fuß ein und schreckte zurück. Eiskalt. Genau die richtige Temperatur. „Du bist verrückt“, bemerkte Leif. „Nicht verrückt. Nur am Schwitzen.“ Damit stieg Fynn in den Tümpel hinein, fühlte, wie das Wasser ihn allmählich umgab, bis es ihm bis zur Brust reichte. Die Kälte ließ ihn für einen Augenblick erstarren. Sein Herzschlag setzte aus und er vergaß für diesen flüchtigen Moment, dass über ihm die Sonne knallte. „Pass nur auf, dass du dir keinen Sonnenbrand holst.“ „Pass du lieber auf, dass du dir keinen Ständer holst.“ Damit hatte er Leif erwischt. Sofort stieg ihm die Röte ins Gesicht und bald schon leuchtete er wie ein Hummer im Wasserbad. Auch etwas, worin sein Freund ihm Überlegen war. Untenrum war er hart 15cm groß, Leif hingegen 16.5cm. Nicht, dass es ihn störte. Immerhin gab es keinen Wettbewerb zwischen den beiden. Aaron und Caleb hätten sicher einen daraus gemacht. Die beiden verbrachten noch unzählige Stunden am Tümpel. Zuerst zog Fynn seine Runden im Wasser, genoss die erfrischende Kälte, die davon ausging. Danach lagen sie gemeinsam in der Sonne, warteten, bis Fynn einigermaßen getrocknet war, damit er sich wieder einkleiden konnte. Bevor sie zurück zur Lichtung schlichen, füllte Fynn noch zwei Wasserflaschen, die er für die Nacht im Zelt aufbewahren wollte, und verstaute sie sicher in den tiefen Taschen seiner Hose. Als sie wieder zurückkehrten, wurden sie bereits sehnsüchtig von ihren anderen beiden Freunden erwartet. „Ihr lebt ja noch. Siehst du, Aaron, sie wurden nicht von einem Bären gefressen!“ Caleb entspannte auf einem ausgeklappten Campingstuhl und blätterte in einer Zeitschrift über die neuesten Sporttrends. „Haben ja lange genug gebraucht“, grummelte Aaron. Er schlug gerade den letzten Hering des Zeltes fest. In ihrer Abwesenheit hatten sie nicht nur die Steine für ein Lagerfeuer zusammengesucht, sondern auch die drei Zelte aufgebaut und fachgerecht fixiert. „Habt ihr wenigstens an das Feuerholz gedacht?“ Er warf ihnen einen kritischen Blick zu. Fynn und Leifen sahen einander an. Ups. „Das ist ja wohl die Höhe!“, beschwerte sich Aaron. „Lass gut sein“, lachte Caleb sichtlich amüsiert. „Das einzige Holz, das sie wohl in die Hand genommen haben, befindet sich zwischen ihren Beinen.“ Er zwinkerte ihnen zu und ließ sie somit zeitgleich erröten. Am Ende musste Fynn wieder losziehen. Alleine. Leif sollte dableiben und das Abendessen zusammen mit Caleb vorbereiten. Eine notwendige Sicherheitsmaßnahme, nannte er es. Als Fynn wieder zurückkehrte, war die Sonne hinter den Kieferwipfeln verschwunden und hatte den Weg für die Dämmerung freigemacht. Es dauerte ein wenig, bis das Feuer gut geschützt innerhalb der Steine knisterte, doch am Ende brannte es und neben einem Bohneneintopf gab es außerdem eine von Calebs neuen Spezialitäten. „Das Zeug habe ich früher vor jedem Workout verschlungen“, erklärte er ihnen stolz. „Es gibt deinem Körper nicht nur Energie, sondern pumpt dich dazu noch auf. Gibt kein besseres Gefühl!“ Die anderen wussten nicht ganz, was sie von dieser zähen Pampe halten sollten. Nur Fynn war mutig genug, eine Schüssel zu probieren. Er sah es als seine Pflicht, ein Zeichen der Wiedergutmachung, weil die beiden die Zelte ganz ohne ihre Hilfe aufgebaut hatten. Am Ende bereute er es allerdings. Dreißig Minuten saß er auf der Campingtoilette im Busch fest, bevor er endlich zu Leif ins Zelt stoßen konnte. Sein Freund hatte sich bereits umgezogen, hatte Oberteil und Hose abgelegt und lag auf dem Bauch, während er in einem spannenden Reiseführer blätterte. Leif mochte zwar größer als er gewesen sein, doch wirkte sein Körper dadurch auch schlanker und zierlicher. Dank fehlenden Körperfetts zeichneten sich überall drahtige Muskeln ab. Einige waren kräftiger wie seine Beine, was er den vielen Wanderungen zu verdanken hatte. Andere wiederum hätten ein wenig mehr Fülle vertragen können. Dazu gehörten Brust, Schultern und Arme. „Hast du den Toilettenausflug doch noch überlebt?“, fragte Leif und blätterte zur nächsten Seite. Fynn schwieg. Sein Blick lastete auf Leifs Rücken, unter dessen Haut sich die drahtigen Muskeln verformten, wenn Leif den Arm bewegte, um eine lästige Fliege loszuwerden. Der Hintern in der engen Shorts wirkte prall und wohl geformt. Wer soll da widerstehen? Heimlich ließ Fynn die Hose nach unten gleiten und befreite sich zudem von seinem Shirt, bis er lediglich in Unterwäsche dastand. Sein Glied erwachte bereits zum Leben und er wollte sich dem Verlangen nicht länger widersetzen. Gleich einem Tier fiel er über seinen Freund her, schnappte ihm das Buch aus der Hand und legte es behutsam zur Seite. „Das ist aber nicht freundlich“, entgegnete Leif, doch Fynn brachte ihn zum Schweigen, indem er seine Handgelenke umklammert und sein Gemächt über Leifs wohl geformten Hintern rieb. „Genau so wie ich ihn in Erinnerung hatte“, flüsterte Fynn. Er löste den Griff und ließ sich von Leif auf den Rücken wälzen. Verträumt schaute er seinem Freund in die tiefblauen Augen und strich ihm das pechschwarze Haar aus dem Gesicht. Von unten sah er die flache Brust und darunter die bleiche Haut, die sich über sechs gut sichtbare Muskelsegmente spannte. Wenn ich so wenig Fett am Körper hätte, würde ich viel muskulöser aussehen. Er schmunzelte und presste Leif dicht an seine Brust und fühlte, wie auch er allmählich steif wurde. Ihre Körper rieben aneinander. Verspielt zauste er ihm das Haar und schenkte ihm einen langen und innigen Kuss. Schweiß perlte auf seiner Stirn und floss ihm an den Wangen herab, derweil er die Hände um Leifs Hüften lege und zärtlich über seinen Hintern streichelte. Fynn spürte, wie Leifs Finger heimlich an ihm herabstiegen, ihn von oben bis unten abtasteten und schließlich dicht an seiner Unterwäsche anhielten. Bevor Leif allerdings zugreifen konnte, wälzte ihn Fynn zur Seite, sodass nun er oben lag. „Nicht so vorschnell“, keuchte er. „Ach ja?“ Leif grinste schelmisch und umklammerte Fynns Schaft mit der linken Hand. Fynn stöhnte auf. Schweiß floss von seiner Stirn und tropfte von seiner Nasenspitze herab auf die Brust seines Freundes. Der Atem verließ seinen Mund heiß und flach. Er erwischte sich dabei, wie er stöhnte und um jeden Atemzug rang. „Worauf wartest du noch? Nimm mich!“, betonte er schlagartig und es klang nahezu wie ein Befehl. Zunächst schaute ihn Leif stillschweigend an. Eine Hand lag auf Fynns blondem Haar, die andere an seinem Schaft. Dann nickte er. Mit beiden Händen umfasste er den Bund der Boxershorts und entblößte Fynn vollkommen. Wenig später umfassten zwei Hände sein Glied und massierten es mit vollster Konzentration. „Scheiße“, keuchte Fynn und stieß ein zufriedenes Stöhnen aus. Das Herz in seiner Brust begann zu pulsieren, stärker und härter. Ein Paukenschlag, der ihn erweckte. Während überall auf seinem Körper der Schweiß perlte, fühlte er wie eine unglaubliche Hitze in ihm aufstieg. Verdammt. Am Anfang hielt er es für sein Verlangen, den unbändigen Sexualtrieb, den Leif in ihm ausgelöst hatte, aber schon bald wurde die Hitze unerträglich. „Ist alles gut?“ Leif legte seinem Freund die Hand auf die Stirn und erschrak. „Du glühst ja förmlich! Ist es das Essen? Eine Allergie?“ „Nein“, zischte Fynn kurzerhand. „Das ist keine allergische Reaktion. Das ist etwas… anderes.“ Er hielt einen Augenblick inne und horchte den Schlägen seines Herzens, lauschte dem Rauschen seines eigenen Blutes. Fuck. Ein weiterer Herzschlag brachte seinen Körper zum Beben. Etwas an ihm war anders, etwas, das er nie für möglich gehalten hätte. Es geschah zwischen seinen Beinen und lenkte seine und Leifs Aufmerksamkeit auf sich. Zwischen seinen Beinen hing sein Gemächt, vollkommen erhärtet, doch war es nicht länger seines. Nein. Es veränderte sich, pulsierte mit jedem Herzschlag und wuchs, bis es die Marke von 16 und schließlich von 17 Zentimetern übertraf. Kranker Scheiß. Ist das wirklich meiner? Ungläubig führte er die Hand nach unten und stöhnte. Unmöglich. „Hast du das gesehen?“, fragte er und suchte die Zustimmung bei Leif. „Du hast mich überholt“, entgegnete er, die Hände im eigenen Schritt ruhend. Plötzlich riss Fynn die Augen auf. „Fuck. Es passiert schon wieder.“ „Du meinst, er wird noch länger?“ „Nein“, entgegnete Fynn, die Stirn in Falten gelegt. „Diesmal meine ich etwas anderes.“ Die Hitze, die er zuvor in seinem Schritt wahrgenommen hatte, breitete sich nun über seinen gesamten Körper aus. Er fühlte, wie das Blut in seine Arme, seine Beine und seine Brust strömte und ließ ein tiefes und lüsternes Grollen über seine Lippen wandern. Während Leif weiterhin unter ihm lag, merkte er, wie seine Brust allmählich schwerer wurde. Gleich einem Ballon blähte sie sich vor seinen Augen auf, doch wurde sie nicht mit Luft, sondern mit harter Muskelmasse gefüllt. Beinahe zeitgleich regte sich etwas in seinen Armen. Er führte den rechten vor seine Augen, spannte an und staunte, als eine Erhebung von der Größe eines Tennisballs zurückblieb. Auch der Rest seines Körpers blieb von dem plötzlichen Wachstumsschub nicht verschont. Er kämpfte mit dem Gleichgewicht, während sein Rücken allmählich anschwoll, während seine Arme zu den Seiten hin weggedrückt und seine Schultern praller und härter wurden. Danach folgten seine Beine. Neben den ohnehin schon sichtbaren Muskelsegmenten gesellten sich weitere dazu, nur um von den Hauptgruppen verschlungen zu werden. Schließlich dauerte das Schauspiel keine fünf Minuten, doch in dieser kurzen Zeit hatte sich sein Körper erheblich verändert. Weiterhin ungläubig wandte Fynn den eigenen Arm vor den Augen, betrachtete Bizeps und Trizeps, spannte die Muskeln an und grinste gleich einem Jungen an Weihnachten als er erkannte, dass dies wirklich seine Muskeln waren. „Hatte wohl einen späten Wachstumsschub.“ Fynn richtete sich allmählich auf. Er taumelte von einem Bein auf das andere, bis er im Zelt kniete. Sein neuer Körper fühlte sich fremd, wenngleich nicht weniger aufregend an. „Du hast nen verdammtes Sixpack!“, staunte Leif und kniete sich ebenfalls hin. Nen Sixpack? Voller Aufregung schaute Fynn an sich herab. Verdammt. Das soll mich doch der Blitz beim Scheißen treffen. Genüsslich ließ er seine Finger über sechs perfekt getrennte Segmente wandern, spannte seinen Bauch an und fühlte, wie sich die Muskeln darunter bewegten. „Wenn ich es nicht besser wüsste, würde das für nen verdammten Traum halten.“ „Mir soll’s recht sein“, entgegnete Leif und trat näher an ihn ran. „Hauptsache dieser Traum findet kein Ende.“ Sein Freund tastete ihn gierig mit den Augen ab, betrachtete die volle Brust, die breiten Schultern, das Sixpack, das Gemächt, das zum Bachnabel aufragte und die pulsierenden Beine. „Caleb und du sollten im Flexen gegeneinander antreten und sehen, wer die größeren Muskeln hat.“ Fynn schmunzelte. Die Idee gefiel ihm. Dennoch wollte er zunächst etwas anderes machen. Wild wie ein Tier packte er Leif an den Schultern und presste ihn dicht an sich heran. „Wo waren wir stehen geblieben?“, flüstere er und schenkte ihm einen innigen Kuss. Zum ersten Mal merkte er, dass sie gleich groß waren. Mit diesem Wachstumsschub hatte er seinen Freund eingeholt. Fünf verdammte Zentimeter. Leif schien der Anblick ebenfalls zu gefallen. „Ich wüsste da etwas, das dir gefallen könnte.“ Zugleich glitt er an ihm herab. Seine Hände, warm und glitschig vom Schweiß, umklammerte sein Gemächt und ließen ihn aufstöhnen. Die eigenen Hände zausten liebevoll durch Leifs kurzes Haar, führten ihn näher an sich heran, tiefer in seinen Schritt, bis die Lippen des Jungens ihn vollkommen aufnahmen. Kapitel 2: Fynn kicherte. „Nicht“, murmelte er. „Nicht an den Füßen.“ Das Kitzeln ließ nicht nach. Anfänglich hielt er es für einen von Leifs Scherzen. Schläfrig öffnete er die Augen. Der Junge lag weiterhin neben ihm, hatte den Arm über seine Brust gelegt und schnarchte ausgiebig. Verunsichert lugte Fynn über die eigene Brust, schaute über die ungewohnt kräftigen Muskeln hinweg. Zwischen seinen Füßen raschelte etwas. Ein Büschel rotes Fell huschte an seinem dicken Zeh vorbei und hatte seinen Kopf im Rucksack vergraben. Danach folgte ein flauschiger Schweif. Fluffig wie ein Pinsel, wedelte er von der einen zur anderen Seite. Zwei spitz zulaufende Ohren zuckten, als Fynn sich aufzurichten versuchte. Der Eindringling befreite den Kopf aus dem Rucksack und hielt einen halb geöffneten Müsliriegel zwischen den Zähnen. Beinahe zeitgleich schrien die beiden auf. Der Fuchs stürzte nach vorne, verpasste Fynn einen deftigen Schlag ins Gesicht und flüchte durch das halb geöffnete Zelt. Fynn folgte ihm, das Herz rasend vor Schreck. „Es hat mich gebissen!“, rief er und der Wald erwachte dank seiner Stimme. Noch sah er das feurig rote Tier zwischen den Zelten umherhuschen, dann hatte es sich auch bereits in einem der anliegenden Büsche davongestohlen. Dem großen Tumult schloss sich eine neugierige Krähe an, die in den Resten ihres Lagerfeuers pickte, und den Kopf fragwürdig zur Seite drehte. Danach stocherte sie weiter in der erkalteten Asche herum. „Was hat dich gebissen? Etwa dein Freund?“ Aaron kam aus seinem Zelt hervor. Das dichte braune Haar stand in alle Richtungen ab. Über die Nacht hatte er in Unterwäsche und Unterhemd geschlafen. Die fehlenden Ärmel stellten seine gut gebräunten Arme gut zur Schau. Er war ein wenig kräftiger, wenngleich pummeliger als Leif. So befand er sich auf einer Skala in etwa zwischen seinem Freund und ihm selbst. Das war allerdings vor seinem unerwarteten Wachstumsschub gewesen. Jetzt trennten sie mehr als nur ein paar Muskeln voneinander. Fynn tastete vorsichtig über die blutigen Kratzspuren, die der Fuchs auf seiner Wange zurückgelassen hatte und stieß einen Fluch aus. Brennt fürchterlich. „Das solltest du behandeln lassen“, gähnte Aaron und rieb sich den Morgensand aus den Augen. „Das und… heilige Scheiße. Was ist denn mit dir passiert?!“ Plötzlich hatte Aaron die Augen weit aufgerissen. Seine Blicke tasteten Fynns Körper ab, wanderten über seine Brust, das Sixpack und schließlich weiter nach unten. „Also bei der letzten Dusche hattest du noch nicht so ein Monsterteil.“ Verunsichert schaute Fynn an sich herab. Fuck. Er war nackt wie an dem Tage seiner Geburt, war wohl so eingeschlafen als er und Leif endlich fertig geworden waren und hatte die Kleider im Zelt zurückgelassen. Sofort führte er die Hände schützend nach unten, um zu verbergen, was er zu verbergen vermochte. „Wie viel Zentimeter sind das?“, fragte Aaron neugierig. „17? 17,5?“ „Aaron!“ Fynn hielt das nicht länger aus. Die Röte schoss ihm ins Gesicht. „Nein ernsthaft!“, beharrte Aaron. „Wenn Leifs Mund solche Wunder wirken kann, dann, verzeih mir, aber dann soll er sich gerne auch mal an mir vergreifen. Ich hab euch letzte Nacht gehört und den Geräuschen nach, müsst ihr nen Riesenspaß gehabt haben.“ Das war zu viel für ihn. Mehr konnte er nicht ertragen. Zugleich kehrte ihm Fynn den Rücken zu. Ein Fehler. „Schau sich einer diesen verdammten Rücken an! Verdammt! Warte, bis Caleb davon erfährt!“ Caleb? Auf gar keinen Fall. „Nein!“, schnaubte Fynn kurzerhand und wandte sich um. Er machte einige Schritte auf Aaron zu, bis er direkt vor ihm stand. Seit gestern war er gut zwei Zentimeter größer als sein Gegenüber. „Caleb darf unter keinen Umständen davon erfahren. Nicht heute. Nicht morgen. Niemals.“ „Aber warum denn nicht?“ Aaron legte ihm die Hand auf die Schulter und Fynn fühlte, wie der Junge heimliche die Festigkeit seiner Muskeln überprüfte. „Stell es dir doch nur einmal vor! Ihr könntet euch gegenseitig befühlen, eure Muskeln vergleichen und ich könnte Bilder davon machen!“ Zum Beweis holte er eine Fotokamera hervor, ein Geschenk seines Vaters, dass er vor ihrem Ausflug bekommen hatte, machte einen Schritt nach hinten und drückte auf den Auslöser. Knips. Der Blitz blendete Fynn und ließ ihn für einen flüchtigen Augenblick vergessen, wo er war. „Ein gutes Fotomotiv bist du schon mal.“ Aaron grinste schelmisch. „Was ist denn das? Hast wohl Gefallen an meinem Vorschlag gefunden.“ „Was ist bloß falsch bei dir?“, protestierte Fynn. Zwar mochte er sich unbeeindruckt zeigen, sein Gemächt erweckte bei dem Gedanken daran, dass jemand seine Muskeln befühlen und mit Calebs kräftigen Körper vergleichen könne, zum Leben. „Ich habe genug davon.“ „Was denn?“, entgegnete Aaron. „Ich bin nicht splitterfasernackt aus meinem Zelt gekommen, um meinen Körper der Natur zu präsentieren.“ „Willst du etwa sagen, ich wäre schuld?“ „Wenn du dir schon nichts anziehst, könntest du mir wenigstens verraten, wie ihr das gemacht habt.“ Geduldig wartete Aaron auf eine Antwort. Warte meinetwegen, bis du umfällst. Von mir wirst du nichts erfahren. „Sei einfach still“, knurrte Fynn. Er wollte durch die Öffnung ins Zelt zurückkehren, als ihm Leif entgegenkam. Unter dem Arm hatte er Fynns Anziehsachen eingeklemmt, eine luftige und sommerliche Shorts, ein weites Shirt, das er normalerweise zum Sport anzog und beim Wandern durch die Wälder tragen wollte, und rabenschwarze Unterwäsche. „Was ist passiert?“, fragte er verschlafen und reichte ihm die Sachen. „Hab dich schreien gehört und als ich nachsehen wollte, warst du bereits draußen.“ „Nichts ist passiert“, grummelte Fynn. Beim Gedanken daran, dass er sich wegen einem niedlichen Fuchs beinahe vor Schreck eingenässt hätte, stieg ihm die Röte ins Gesicht. Da habe ich schon an Körpergröße dazugewonnen und führe mich immer noch auf wie ein kleines Kind, das nachts nicht alleine einschlafen kann. Er griff dankend nach seinen Klamotten und schlüpfte zunächst in die Unterwäsche. Leif hatte ausgerechnet ein Stück aus seiner enganliegenden Kollektion ausgewählt. Zum ersten Mal spürte er, dass er auch im Bereich des Hinterns ein wenig an Muskelmasse gewonnen hatte, denn die Unterwäsche zwickte bei jedem Schritt. Außerdem half sie nicht wirklich dabei, sein Gemächt zu verbergen. Die Konturen zeichneten sich deutlich ab. Sowohl Aaron als auch Leif schienen die Wahl der Unterwäsche allerdings zu befürworten. „Offensichtlich ist etwas passiert“, bemerkte Aaron und wandte sich an Leif. „Du hast irgendetwas gemacht, was den kleinen Fynn in einen größeren Fynn verwandelt hat.“ Spricht er von mir oder meinem Penis? Leif schenkte Fynn einen verunsicherten Blick. „Weiß er es etwa?“ „Leif, schau mich an. Jeder, der mich länger als ein Jahr kennt, wird den Unterschied merken. Vor allem, wenn ich nackt vor ihm stehe. Ein Glück, dass du die extra weiten Klamotten ausgewählt hast.“ Fynn zwängte sich in das Shirt und zog es über der Brust straff. Es saß ein wenig enger, seit dem letzten Mal, doch hing es weiterhin lose an den Schultern herab. Solange ich keinen weiteren Wachstumsschub habe, sollte sich zumindest Caleb davon täuschen lassen. Der war ohnehin noch nie der hellste. „So ihr beiden, Schluss mit den Lügen.“ Aaron verschränkte die Arme vor der Brust. „Ich möchte die Wahrheit. Die ganze Wahrheit. Was ist gestern Nacht in diesem Zelt passiert? Warum sieht Fynn fast wie Aaron aus und vor allem, was hat es mit diesem Monsterteil zwischen seinen Beinen auf sich?“ Fynn seufzte. „Du lässt nicht locker, was?“ Er wagte einen Blick auf Calebs Zelt. „Was ist mit ihm?“ „Der?“ Aaron zuckte mit den Schultern. „Der ist seit gut zwanzig Minuten wach und rennt durch den Wald. Seine morgendliche Routine, falls du dich erinnerst. Wegen ihm musst du dir keine Sorgen machen.“ Gemütlich nahm er auf einem ausklappbaren Stuhl Platz und schlug das linke Bein über das andere Knie. „Also? Ich warte.“ „Wir sollten ihm die Wahrheit sagen“, sprach Leif und schaute ihm mit kugelrunden Augen entgegen. Welche Wahrheit, dachte Fynn. Wir wissen doch selber nichts. Und selbst wenn… was will er dann machen? Gerade Typen wie Aaron neigen zur Übertreibung in dieser Hinsicht. Fynn erinnerte sich daran, wie ein Junge Aaron einst gesagt hatte, vom Dreck fressen werde man schlau. Leichtgläubig wie Aaron damals war, hatte er beinahe einen ganzen Eimer voller Erde verschlungen, bevor ihm so übel geworden war, dass er gleich drei Tage im Bett verbracht hatte. Und trotzdem werde ich nicht drum herumkommen. Wieder seufzte Fynn. „Na schön. Aber viel wissen wir auch nicht.“ Also nahmen Fynn und Leif neben ihm Platz und erzählte ihm von ihrem gestrigen Tag. Sie berichteten vom Müsliriegel von der Tankstelle, von ihrem Spaziergang zum Tümpel, den Spielen in der Sonne und dem vergangenen Abendessen. Ein Wort schien dabei Aarons Verdacht zu wecken. „Du glaubst, es könnte an Calebs speziellem Proteinmahl liegen?“, überlegte Fynn und verschränkte die Arme hinter dem Kopf. „Möglich wäre es.“ „Ich halte es für unwahrscheinlich“, entgegnete Leif. „Denkt doch mal nach. Aaron futtert dieses Zeug bestimmt schon seit unzähligen Jahren und sieht trotzdem nicht wie ein Berg aus. Du aber hast bloß eine Schüssel gegessen und schätzungsweise fünf Kilo an Muskelmasse dazugewonnen.“ Deshalb bist du der schlaue von uns beiden. „Mein Freund hat Recht“, stimmte er zu. „Und was ist, wenn es nur einmal funktioniert? Was, wenn die Wirkung über die Zeit nachlässt? Keiner von uns weiß, wie Caleb vorher ausgesehen hat.“ Aaron hielt weiterhin an dem Gedanken fest. „Vielleicht war er einst so ein Dünnling wie Leif hier.“ Er schenkte ihm einen flüchtigen Blick, um sich zu entschuldigen. „Wir können erst sicher sein, wenn wir es ausprobiert haben.“ „Und was schlägst du vor?“ Caleb kam aus einem der Gebüsche gerannt. Das feurige Haar hatte er mit einem Stirnband fixiert und trotzdem hing es ihm dank des Schweißes träge ins Gesicht. In seinen eisigen Augen lag ein zufriedener Schimmer. „Was soll die ernste Stimmung?“, fragte er und streckte sich ein wenig. Das Muskelshirt spannte sich über seine Brust und gab die unterste Reihe seines Sixpacks frei. Die Arme waren aufgebläht. Offenbar hatte er neben dem Laufen noch einige andere Übungen absolviert. Sexy wie eh und je. In diesem Moment wurde sich Fynn abermals bewusst, wie viel trotz der vergangenen Nacht noch zwischen ihm und Caleb fehlte. Den werde ich nie aufholen. „Wo ist denn hier bitte eine ernste Stimmung.“ Aaron sprang auf und zwinkerte Fynn zu. „Wir haben uns gerade nur gefragt, ob noch etwas von deinem Spezialessen übrig ist.“ Calebs Augen leuchteten wie zwei Sterne. „Wer hat das gefragt?“ „Nun… Leif… jap, Leif hat das gefragt.“ „Hab ich nicht“, protestierte Leif. „Hat er doch“, entgegnete Aaron. Er schlich an Caleb vorbei und kniete sich hin, damit er direkt in Leifs Ohren flüstern konnte. „Hör zu. Du bist der schmächtigste von uns allen. Fynn hat bereits von dem Zeug gekostet. Ich mag zwar nicht wirklich Muskeln haben, bin aber immer noch kräftiger als du. Wenn wir sicher sein wollen, dass das Zeug wirkt, brauchen wir ein Versuchskaninchen.“ „Ich will aber…“ Caleb hielt ihm eine Schüssel voller zähem Schleim vor den Mund. Der Gestank brachte den Junge beinahe zum Übergeben. „Hätte ich gewusst, dass du auch was davon willst, hätte ich gleich nen ganzen Topf gemacht!“, grinste Caleb. „Der kleine Leif will endlich groß und stark werden. Wenn du willst, zeige ich dir nachher mal ein paar Übungen.“ „Ich glaube nicht…“ Leif bekam den ersten Löffel in den Mund geschoben. Es war Aaron, der ihn führte. „Der kleine Leif ist überwältig von deiner Großzügigkeit und würde gerne ein paar Übungen sehen, doch zunächst solltest du dich wohl waschen gehen.“ Aaron kniff die Nase zu. „Du riechst wie ein Affe.“ „Das ist Geruch der Männlichkeit“, prahlte Caleb. „Aber vermutlich hast du recht.“ Er stülpte das Muskelshirt über den Kopf und gab eine pralle Brust und ein perfektes Sixpack frei. Was ein Adonis Belt. Fynn erwischte sich dabei, wie er hart wurde. Breite Schultern, starkes Kreuz und kräftige Beine. Der perfekte Körperbau. Vielleicht hätte ein oder zwei Kilo mehr in der gestrigen Nacht nicht geschadet. „Wenn du willst, darfst du dich nachher anschließen.“ Caleb hatte bemerkt, dass Fynn ihn angestarrte und ließ seine Brustmuskeln zucken. „Wenn ich dich so ansehe, scheinst du allerdings nicht mehr allzu weit davon entfernt. Hast wohl doch ein wenig mehr trainiert, als ich in Erinnerung hatte.“ Er lächelte und verschwand in seinem Zelt. Sofort spuckte Leif den Brei wieder aus. „Das ist ja widerlich“, krächzte er. „Und dennoch wirst du alles davon essen müssen“, betonte Aaron kritisch. „Wirklich alles?“ Leif suchte Hilfe bei seinem Freund. Fynn verspürte unglaubliches Mitleid. Dennoch blieb er eisern. „Du wirst die Schüssel zum Wohle der Wissenschaft aufessen müssen“, lächelte er und zauste ihm das Haar. „Tu es für mich.“ Für einen kurzen Moment hielt Leif inne. Er starrte in die Schüssel als laure dort das größte Übel der Menschheit. Dann seufzte er und verzehrte widerstrebe den nächsten Löffel. „Ich werde Wasser brauchen, eine ganze Menge Wasser.“ „Dann sollst du meins haben.“ Fynn verschwand im Zelt und kam mit zwei Wasserflaschen zurück. „Frisches Wasser aus dem Quell der Natur.“ Er reichte seinem Freund die Flaschen und sah zu, wie dieser die erste in einem Zug leerte. Er lächelte unschuldig. „Vielleicht sollte ich noch ein paar Flaschen holen.“ Kapitel 3: Vier prall gefüllte Wasserflaschen später hatte Leif den letzten Löffel zäher Pampe hinuntergeschluckt. Das Gesicht des Jungen war kreidebleich angelaufen, die Augen hinter der Brille von solch einer Leere erfüllt, dass es Fynn fast Unbehagen bereitete. „Ich werde mich ein wenig hinlegen und ausruhen, wenn es euch recht ist“, hatte Leif ihnen mitgeteilt und war zittrig und schwach von seinem Stuhl aufgestanden und auf allen Vieren zurück ins Zelt gekrochen. „Ruf uns, wenn du irgendetwas spürst“, hatte Aaron lediglich entgegnet und Fynn hatte ihm dafür einen Schlag auf den Hinterkopf verpasst. „Du hättest ein wenig mehr Rücksicht zeigen können.“ Er hockte neben Aaron am Fluss, lauschte dem sanften Rauschen und den Schatten, die durch das Wasser huschten. „Immerhin hat er das Ganze nur deinetwegen getan.“ Aaron zeigte sich keiner Schuld bewusst. Er zupfte an der Angelschnur und gähnte verschlafen. Für heute hatte er einen entspannenden Angelausflug geplant, wollte tagsüber in der Sonne schmoren und am Abend ein paar leckere Fische braten. „Tu nicht so, als würde es dich nicht auch interessieren“, erklärte er und betrachtete aufmerksam sein Spiegelbild in der Wasseroberfläche. Eine Libelle schwirrte über das kühle Nass, ließ sich auf einem Grashalm nieder und wippte sachte im Wind. „Wenn Calebs Zeug tatsächlich der Grund für deinen spontanen Wachstumsschub ist, wirst auch du profitieren. Stell es dir einmal vor: Dein Freund mit Muskeln. Du hättest einen sanftmütigen Muskelriesen. Du kannst mir nicht erzählen, dass dich das kalt lässt.“ Tat es nicht. Allein der Gedanke daran, erweckte seine Männlichkeit. Nach allem hatte Fynn seinen Freund schon mehrfach dazu gedrängt, ein wenig Gewicht zuzulegen. Leider hatte Leif kein wirkliches Interesse an gusseisernen Gewichten und verschwitzten Trainingsgeräten. Aber ihn deswegen gleich so zu überrumpeln? Nachdenklich zeichnete Fynn einige Kreise im Dreck, nutzte dazu einen hauchdünnen Zweig, der entzweibrach. „Vielleicht habe ich vorhin ein wenig übertrieben.“ Aaron griff nach seinem Shirt und tupfte sich damit die schweißgetränkte Brust trocken. Bis auf die Unterhose hatte er all seine Kleider abgelegt, um möglichst viel von der Sonne abzukriegen. Anders als er und Leif, überzog Aarons Körper eine feine und dennoch deutlich sichtbare Fettschicht, die ihm weichere Konturen verlieh. Gewiss besaß der Junge auch einige Muskelansätze. Seine Arme zum Beispiel wirkten kräftig und solide. Wenn er sie anwinkelte, um die Angelschnur ein wenig einzuholen, zeichneten sich darauf weiche Schatten ab und hoben die Muskeln dadurch hervor. „Mein ganzes Leben lang versuche ich jetzt schon, Muskeln aufzubauen“, erklärte Aaron. „Hab’s mit Gewichten versucht, mit Elektroschocks, Maschinen, Calisthenics und sogar drei Monate lang mit Caleb trainiert. Nichts. Mein Arzt meint, es läge an einer Störung meines Hormonhaushalts, hat mir deshalb sogar schon Testosteron verschrieben. Hat aber auch nicht wirklich geholfen.“ Er lächelte und erschrak, als der Köder im Wasser verschwand. Sofort schnappte er nach der Angelroute und begann, heftig gegen die Strömung und den Fisch anzukämpfen. „Komm schon!“, schnaubte er. Für einen flüchtigen Augenblick zeigte sich der Fisch, indem er einen großen Sprung aus dem Wasser machte. Seine Schuppen glänzten wie ein Panzer aus reinem Gold. Als das Tier wieder eintauchte, spritzte es Wasser in alle Richtungen. „Verdammt nochmal“, krächzte Aaron. Schweiß perlte auf seinem ganzen Körper und verlieh den zitternden Muskeln darunter ein kräftigeres Aussehen. „Vielleicht solltest du…“ Fynn wollte eine Warnung aussprechen, als Aaron nach vorne kippte. Noch im selben Augenblick stürzte Fynn nach vorne, schloss die Arme um Aarons Rücken und umklammerte die Angelroute mit seinen kräftigen Händen. „Ist ein bisschen hartnäckiger“, schnaubte Aaron. „Du bist ein Idiot“, entgegnete Fynn unbeeindruckt. „Lass. Einfach. Los!“ Seine eigenen Muskeln blähten sich auf. Das Biest war zäh und kräftig, nutzte die Flussströmung zu seinem eigenen Vorteil. Kein gewöhnlicher Fisch besitzt solch brachiale Kräfte. „Lass ein wenig nach!“, forderte Aaron. „Jetzt wieder ziehen. Nicht nach rechts. Nach links! Ihm folgen und im richtigen Moment gegenwirken. Jetzt einholen. Vorsichtig. Nicht zu schnell!“ Abermals schoss der Fisch aus dem Wasser hervor und diesmal stürzte Aaron nach vorne, um ihn aus der Luft zu schnappen. Will der mich verarschen? Zwar hielt Aaron den Fisch letztlich tatsächlich in den Händen, doch wäre er deswegen auch fast in den Fluss gestürzt. Einzig und allein Fynn hatte er es zu verdanken, dass er nicht fortgespült wurde. Der Junge umklammerte Aarons Bauch und zog ihn mit einem Ruck zurück ans Ufer. Beide fielen nach hinten und landeten im Gras. Neben ihnen lag das Untier. Ein Fisch von der Größe eines halben Haies mit Schuppen so rein wie poliertes Gold. Zähne wie Messerspitzen ragten aus dem Maul hervor und wuchsen in alle Richtungen. Die Flossen zappelten wild umher, während es um Luft rang, aber letztlich gab es den Überlebenskampf auf und badete nunmehr im Sonnenlicht. „Knappe Sache“, lächelte Aaron. „Da hätte es mich doch glatt umgerissen.“ Weiterhin ruhte er auf Fynns Körper, hatte den eigenen Kopf auf dessen Brust aufgelegt und lauschte offenbar dem Herz, das darin vor Aufregung trommelte. Eine Hand hatte sich offenbar unter sein Shirt verloren, denn die feuchten Finger tasteten neugierig über seine Bauchmuskulatur und wanderten an ihm herauf. „Was wird das?“ Fynn warf ihm einen kritischen Blick zu und fühlte plötzlich, wie Aaron in seine Brustwarze kniff. „Bist du verrückt geworden?“, keuchte Fynn. „Es fühlt sich sogar noch besser an als es aussieht.“ Sabber floss an Aarons Lippen herab. „So kräftig und so hart. Wie ein Fels.“ Beide seiner Hände hatten sich inzwischen unter Fynns Shirt gestohlen und krempelten es ein wenig zurück, um die erste Reihe harter Bauchmuskeln zu offenbaren. Die Spitze seines Gemächts lugte allmählich unter dem Hosenbund hervor und wuchs in die Länge, während er erhärtete. „Nicht“, keuchte Fynn. Schweiß perlte auf seiner Stirn. Sein Herz schlug schneller und schneller. Was tut dieser Idiot da? Aarons Augen fanden sein Glied. „Ich sollte nicht“, sprach er beinahe hypnotisiert. „Sollte es nicht anfassen.“ Seine Finger strichen zärtlich über die Unterwäsche und zogen die Konturen nach. Fynn stöhnte. „Und trotzdem möchte ich es in die Finger nehmen. Ich möchte die Männlichkeit darin pulsieren spüren.“ Seine Finger griffen zu und Fynn erwachte. Mit einem Mal stieß er Aaron zur Seite. Der Junge plumpste auf den Rasen und landete geradewegs neben seinem Fisch. „Verzeih“, sprach er und schaute ihm dabei nicht in die Augen. „Ich weiß auch nicht, was in mich gefahren ist. Es ist nur… dieser Körper… seitdem du diesen Wachstumsschub hattest, wirkst du plötzlich so unwiderstehlich.“ Aaron starrte absichtlich zwischen die Füße. Er schämt sich, erkannte Fynn kurzerhand. Er schämt sich wegen seinem Verhalten, wegen seinem Aussehen, wegen dem zwischen seinen Beinen. Fynn kam nicht drumherum, Aarons mächtigen Ständer zu bemerken. Vollkommen erregt stand er ihm in nichts nach, nicht einmal nachdem er in der gestrigen Nacht gewachsen war. Zwar mochte es Aaron an Muskeln fehlen, trotzdem führte er dort ein stolzes Biest zwischen den Beinen. „Würdest du mir…“ Aaron hielt einen Augenblick inne. „Würdest du mir trotzdem mit dem Fisch helfen? Ich kann ihn nicht alleine kochen, würde euch aber gerne einen Gefallen tun.“ „Den willst du kochen?“ Fynn schaute das Ungetüm an und schüttelte den Kopf. Aaron aber war voller Begeisterung. „Natürlich!“, entgegnete er kurzangebunden. „Noch nie etwas von Aarons speziellem Fischeintopf gehört?“ Fynn schwieg. „Na dann wird es aber höchste Zeit. Komm, ich zeige dir, wie man einen Fisch filetiert.“ Der Junge stand wieder aufrecht und vergaß dabei, das Ungetüm zwischen seinen Beinen. „K-könntest du dir vorher etwas überziehen?“ Wenngleich Fynn bereits einiges gesehen hatte, trieb ihn der Anblick von Aarons Gemächt, wie es direkt vor seinem Gesicht pulsierte, die Röte ins Gesicht. „Warum kümmerst du dich nicht darum, während ich deine Brust massieren?“ Aaron grinste schelmisch, brach daraufhin aber umgehend in lautes Gelächter aus. „Mache nur Spaß. Warte kurz.“ Natürlich macht er Spaß, dachte Fynn und schaute Aaron hinterher. Das macht er immer. Warum erregt es mich dann so sehr? Den Rest des Tages verbrachten Fynn und Aaron damit, den Fischeintopf vorzubereiten. Sie entfernten gemeinsam die Schuppen, schnitten das kostbare Fleisch in feine Stücke, nachdem Aaron ihm gezeigt hatte, wie man die Gräten mit einer feinen Pinzette herauszog. Den Fisch würzte er lediglich mit ein wenig Salz und Pfeffer, schnitt dazu ein paar Pilze und Kartoffeln und ließ das ganze dann eine Stunde über dem Feuer kochen. Danach riefen sie alle zusammen. Leif blieb allerdings im Zelt und vertröstete sie lediglich. Wenn es ihm besserginge, würde er sich eine Schüssel nehmen. Selbst Caleb blieb nur kurz und aß viel lieber etwas von seiner zähen Pampe. „Einen Fisch rühre ich nicht an“, sagte er und schüttelte angewidert den Kopf. „Schmecken bestimmt genauso wie sie riechen. Widerlich.“ Hast du mal an deiner eigenen Pampe gerochen? Während Fynn selber nur einen kleinen Bissen riskierte und schnell merkte, dass ihm Monstermakrele nicht schmeckte, verschlang Aaron den halben Eintopf. „Nichts schmeckt besser als die Frucht eigener, harter Arbeit.“ Er lachte und klopfte sich auf den prall gefüllten Bauch. Danach lauschten sie noch ein wenig den spannenden Geschichten, die Caleb ihnen zu erzählen hatte. Angeblich war er auf seinen sportlichen Wanderungen durch den Wald an einer baufälligen Hängebrücke vorbeigekommen. „Die meisten Holzstreben waren herausgebrochen, sonst wäre ich ja drüber gestiegen“, erzählte er enttäuscht. „Auf der anderen Seite hab ich ne hübsche Hütte gesehen. Was meint ihr? Ob es noch einen anderen Weg über den Fluss gibt?“ „Warum sollte dich das überhaupt interessieren?“ Aaron schleckte die letzten Fischreste aus seiner Schüssel, bevor er sie in einem Wasserbad versenkte. „Warum nicht?“, entgegnete Caleb. „Wenn das Abenteuer ruft, muss ein echter Mann folgen. Du stimmst mir doch zu, oder Fynn?“ Fynn schwieg. „Fynn?“ „Hm?“ Er hob den Kopf. Hat er mich was gefragt? Die ganze Zeit musste er an Leif und diesen übelriechenden Proteinbrei denken. Nicht, dass er sich ne Lebensmittelvergiftung eingefangen hat. „Wisst ihr“, sprach er schließlich und stand auf. „Ich werde mich bereits zurückziehen. Leif scheint es nicht gut zu gehen und ich würde ihm gerne noch ein bisschen Gesellschaft leisten.“ „Der wird schon wieder“, bemerkte Caleb. „Nach seinem ersten Bissen, lag mein Bruder auch erstmal für nen paar Tage flach.“ Ein paar Tage? Was zum Teufel hast du uns vorgesetzt? Fynn musste sich unbedingt nochmal bei seinem Freund entschuldigen. Hätte er gewusst, dass Caleb sie zu vergiften versuchte, er hätte ihn niemals dazu gedrängt, auch nur einen Löffel in den Mund zu nehmen. Hastig öffnete er den Reisverschluss des Zeltes und schritt herein. Im Inneren war die Luft muffig und stank nach Schweiß. Ein einsames Lämpchen brannte in der hinteren Ecke und schien auf Leifs Gesicht. Der Junge war kreidebleich und hatte sich vollkommen in den Schlafsack zurückgezogen. Schweiß perlte auf seiner Stirn und verlief zwischen den einzelnen Falten. „Wie geht es dir?“, fragte Fynn und zog das Zelt hinter sich zu. „Echt beschissen“, keuchte Leif. „Mein Körper fühlt sich an, als würde er jeden Augenblick in Flammen aufgehen und ich weiß nicht, aber… ich glaube, wir sollten deinen Vater anrufen.“ „Wieso denn das?“ Fynn ging neben seinem Freund nieder und strich ihm das feuchte Haar aus dem Gesicht. „Soll ich dir Wasser bringen? Vielleicht hilft eine Abkühlung?“ „Das meine ich nicht“, entgegnete Leif. Röte stieg ihm ins Gesicht. „Was denn dann?“ „Warte. Ich zeig’s dir.“ Daraufhin richtete Leif allmählich den Oberkörper auf. Die Decke glitt ihm von den Schultern und gab die weiterhin schmale Statur seines Freundes preis: Eine drahtige Brust, knochige Schultern und dünne Arme. Also hat es nicht gewirkt. Das alles umsonst. Fynn ärgerte sich über seine eigene Naivität, doch vielmehr ärgerte er sich, dass er seinen Freund zu solch einer Dummheit gezwungen hatte. Er wollte es nicht. Und trotzdem haben wir ihn dazu gedrängt. „Bitte erschrick nicht“, sprach sein Freund und zog die Decke von seinen Beinen. Fynn weitete die Augen. Zum Vorschein kam Leifs Gemächt, ein pulsierendes Biest, dass steif gegen seinen Bauch schlug und knapp unter der Brust stoppte. Es maß eine halbe Armlänge und war auch beinahe so breit wie einer. Mit jedem Herzschlag schien es zum Leben zu erwachen. Das verstehe ich nicht. Fynn beugte sich nach vorne und betrachtete die glühende Spitze. Wieso ist seiner fast 40 cm lang? Was hat er gemacht? „Du solltest ihm besser nicht zu nahekommen.“ Leif lächelte verlegen, ein Lächeln, das bald verschwunden war. Stattdessen stieß er ein Stöhnen aus und blies heiße Luft durch seine Nasenlöcher. „Scheiße“, hauchte er. Seine Hände umklammerten sein Gemächt, umfassten den Schaft und ließen die Adern darauf anschwellen. „Es fängt schon wieder an…“ Fynn traute seinen Augen nicht, als der Schaft seines Freundes einen weiteren Zentimeter an Länge gewann. Etwas tief in seinem Inneren wollte zugreifen und den Wachstumsschub am eigenen Leib erfahren. Er selbst war binnen weniger Sekunden hart geworden und zupfte an dem Stoff seiner Shorts. Scheiße man. Was tue ich hier? Mein eigener Freund hat ein Monsterteil, das selbst einen Stier vor Neid erblassen lassen würde und ich fasste mir zwischen den eigenen Schritt? Bin ich verrückt geworden? Seine Finger berührten den Kopf von Leifs Gemächt. „Nicht“, hauchte der Junge und stöhnte auf. Es glüht förmlich und trotzdem… seine Hände umschlossen den Schaft und spürten das Blut darin kochen. So… groß. Leif legte derweil den Kopf in den Nacken. „Ich habe nie darum gebeten.“ Tränen flossen an seinen Augen herab und vermengten sich mit dem Schweiß, der ihm auf die Brust tropfte. Überall auf seinem Körper glitzerte der Schweiß. Die drahtigen Muskeln darunter kamen zum Vorschein. Die Haut spannte sich straff darüber und hatte eine feurige Farbe angenommen. Ich habe ihn noch nie so angespannt gesehen. Gefällt es ihm oder hat er Schmerzen? Plötzlich erkannte Fynn, dass Leif vor einem weiteren Wachstumsschub stand. Diesmal allerdings betraf es nicht sein Glied, sondern den Rest seines Körpers. „Ich will das nicht“, schluchzte Leif. „Psssh.“ Fynn versuchte ihn zu beruhigen. „Wehre dich nicht dagegen.“ Er selbst stülpte das Shirt über den Kopf und präsentierte Leif seinen neuen Körper. Zärtlich strich er über dessen Arm, fühlte die Schweißperlen darauf kondensieren und das Blut darunter kochen. Dann, ganz sachte und langsam, führte er Leifs Hand auf seine Brust, ließ die zittrigen Finger über die Muskeln wandern und zudrücken. „Sag mir, fühlt sich das nicht gut an?“ Er schaute seinem Freund tief in die blauen Augen und führte die Hand weiter nach unten, wo sie die oberste Reihe seines Sixpacks traf. Leif schniefte. „Schon… aber…“ Ein tiefes Grollen kam aus dem Inneren seines Körpers und ließ diesen erzittern. Mittlerweile wirkte Leif wie nach einem anstrengenden Workout. All seine Muskeln hatten sich vollgesogen mit Blut und wirkten kräftiger und praller denn je. „Kein aber“, flüstere Fynn und gab seinem Freund einen Kuss auf die Stirn. Er wird sich daran gewöhnen. Ganz bestimmt. „Komm.“ Er öffnete die Arme und empfing seinen Freunden mit einer ausgiebigen Umarmung. „Du brauchst keine Angst zu haben. Ich bleibe bei dir.“ Leif antworte nicht. Stattdessen warf er den Kopf nach hinten. Zuerst geschah es in Leifs Brust. Wie auch einst bei Fynn blähte sie sich allmählich auf, füllte sich mit steinharter Muskelmasse, bis sie die Größe zweier Handballhälften erreicht hatte. Dennoch war ein Ende nicht in Sicht. So kräftig und prall. Als nächstes folgten Arme und Schultern. Dünn umklammerten sie seinen Körper, doch allmählich schwollen sie an, wurden kräftiger und kräftiger. Mit jedem Herzschlag tauchten neue Muskeln auf. Fynn fühlte, wie zwei kräftige Trizepse ihn allmählich zerdrückten und ihm den Atem raubten. Dennoch hielt er an seinem Freund fest. Schließlich hatte er es ihm versprochen. Leifs Schultern waren das einzige, was diese mächtigen Arme übertreffen konnte. Erst schwollen sie auf die Größe zweier Handbälle, doch schon bald hatten sie die Formfestigkeit von gusseisernen Kanonenkugeln erreicht. Beinahe gedankenverloren ließ Fynn seine Hände über die Schultern wandern und erfühlte drei perfekt separierte Muskelsegmente. Plötzlich stieß Leif ein tiefes Knurren aus. Allmählich schien er sich an den Gedanken, einen Körper voller Muskeln zu haben, zu gewöhnen. Mit weit aufgerissenen Augen verfolge Fynn das Spektakel und erkannte voller Schreck, dass sein Freund allmählich an Größe dazu gewann. Während kräftige Latissimi die weiterhin anschwellenden Arme zu beiden Seiten wegdrückten und ihm ein monströses Erscheinen verliehen, wuchs Leif über ihn hinweg. Spätestens als er ihm direkt auf die prall gefüllten Brustmuskeln starren konnte, auf die einzelnen Muskelfasern, die darin zum Leben erwachten und das Fleisch unter der Haut zum Tanzen brachten, wusste er, dass sie übertrieben hatten. Aber warum? Warum schlägt Calebs Zeug so gut an? „Siehst du das, Fynn?“, staunte Leif. „Es hört nicht mehr auf. Ich werde immer größer. Und ich muss zugeben…“ Seine Beine explodierten mit schierer Muskelmasse und hüllten die Knochen darunter vollkommen ein. „Es fühlt sich so verdamm gut an. Mein ganzer Körper… meine Arme wirken wie Baumstämme.“ Er löste die Umarmung und präsentierte die wundervollsten Arme, die Fynn jemals zu Gesicht bekommen hatte. Adern pulsierten darauf. Zwei perfekt geformte Handbälle. „Mein Bauch… scheiße…“ Leif stöhnte als sein Gemächt zwischen seinen Brustmuskeln eingeklemmt wurde. Hinter dem Schaft verborgen lagen sechs wohl geformte Bauchmuskeln. Wie eine Hügellandschaft durchzogen von tiefen Klüften zeichneten sie sich unter der Haut ab und schimmerten dank des Schweißes. „Bitte“, flehte Leif. „Mach, dass es nie wieder aufhört.“ Sein Kopf traf auf die Zeltdecke. Wieder wurden seine Muskeln mit Zement gefüllt „Nein, Leif, entgegnete Fynn. „Du hast genug.“ „Genug?“ Leif richtete sich allmählich auf und nutzte seine neuen kräftigen Arme um durch den Stoff des Zeltes zu brechen. Im Sitzen reichte ihm Fynn gerade einmal bis zu den Knien. Einst hatte er seinen Freund um wenige Zentimeter überragt. Nun lastete Leifs schwerer Schatten auf seinen Schultern. „Gefällt dir mein neues Aussehen nicht?“ Leif präsentierte all seinen Muskeln, indem er einen Most-Muscular vollzog. Fuck. Der Anblick alleine reichte aus, dass Fynn kam. Sein Gemächt explodierte mit Lust. Ein Schuss nach dem anderen füllte seine Unterwäsche und ließ ihn verlegen zurück. Scheiße. Warum turnt mich der Anblick so an. Erschöpft richtete er sich auf. Selbst, wenn er stand, reichte er seinem Freund bloß bis zur unteren Brustmuskulatur. „Du bist ein Monstrum.“ Leif blickte an sich herab. Immerhin ließ der Wachstumsschub endlich nach. Verlegen befühlte er seine neuen Armmuskeln und kicherte unschuldig. „Vielleicht hast du Recht. Vielleicht habe ich ein wenig übertrieben.“ „Ein wenig ist gut.“ Aaron kam aus seinem Zelt hervorgekrochen. „Verdammte scheiße. Leif man. Du bist ein Monster! Nicht, dass ich über dich richten dürfte.“ Fynn verstand nicht und wandte sich deshalb um. „Wie ist das möglich?“, sprach er mit heruntergelassener Kinnlade. Auch Aaron hatte signifikant an Körpergröße dazu gewonnen. Beide waren sie gleich auf, nur hatte Aaron mehr Muskelmasse am Körper. Eine wohl geformte Brust, zwei kräftige Arme, ein Eightpack und Schultern so breit wie er einst lang gewesen war. Und scheiße man… war das? Ja. Zwischen seinen Beinen hing ein Biest von einem Glied. Die Saat der Lust tropfte am schlaffen Schaft herab. „Bist wohl genau so überrascht wie ich“, entgegnete Aaron und schritt an ihm vorbei. Jeder seiner Schritte brachte den Boden zum Erbeben. Sein Blick fiel auf Leifs pulsierendes Gemächt. „Sag bloß, du hast ihm nicht dabei geholfen?“ Er grinste schelmisch und Leif errötete. „Beruhig euch, Leute.“ Fynn kreuzte die Arme vor der Brust. „Wir müssen uns etwas einfallen lassen, bevor…“ „Bevor was?“ So viel dazu. Caleb zog die Brauen tief ins Gesicht. „Ich denke, ihr alle schuldet mir eine Erklärung.“ Kapitel 4: „Ich bin bitter enttäuscht von euch und besonders von dir, Fynn.“ Caleb warf ihm einen Blick zu, der ihn gefrieren ließ. „Ich mag ein Sportfanatiker mit der entsprechenden Muskelmasse sein, aber das ist alles komplett natürlich. Das Zeug, was ihr gegessen habt? Nicht mehr als ein Gemisch aus rohen Eiern, Putenbrust, Milch und Hülsenfrüchten. Niemals würde ich mich mit irgend nem Zeug zu pumpen, das mich groß und dämlich macht.“ Diesmal wandte er sich direkt an Aaron, der trotz seiner Größe wie ein kleiner Junge zusammengesunken war. „Das Gefühl, deinen eigenen Körper dank harter Arbeit im Fitnessstudio wachsen zu sehen, ist doch das beste an einem Workout. Keine Abkürzungen. Keine Tricks.“ Er seufzte und warf den Kopf nach hinten. Das feurige Haar folgte dabei der Bewegung des Windes, der zur Nacht hin stärker geworden war. Alle schwiegen sie. Aaron und Leif hatten ihre Männlichkeit mit einer Decke verdeckt, sodass lediglich ihre nackten Oberkörper zu sehen waren. Das Feuer der Öllampe warf schwere Schatten auf ihre Muskeln und ließ sie größer und gewaltiger wirken als sie es jemals gewesen waren. Während Leif vor Scharm wie eine Tomate glühte und sich schüchtern hinter Fynn verbarg, hatte Aaron seit ihrem Treffen kein einziges Wort mehr gesprochen. Stattdessen starrte er lediglich zwischen die eigenen Beine, schob die vertrocknete Erde mit seinen Füßen zu einem Haufen zusammen. Wir sind schon ein jämmerlicher Haufen. Ein Zweimeter-Riese, der sich weiterhin wie mein kleiner und schüchterner Freund verhält und grübelnder Muskelberg, der seine Stimme verloren hat. Nur er allein weiß, was in seinem Kopf vorgeht. Fynn seufzte. „Hör zu“, sprach er und streichelte dabei die kräftigen Beine seines Freundes. „Das alles war nur ein großes Missgeschick. Hätten wir geahnt, dass es…“ Ein Blick auf seinen Freund genügte. „Hätten wir gewusst, dass es derart ausatmet, wir hätten niemals…“ „Macht euch keine Vorwürfe“, entgegnete Caleb kurzerhand. „Ihr hattet keine Ahnung.“ „Und du hast sie?“ Aarons kühle Stimme hätte ihn beinahe vor Schreck umgeworfen. Caleb nickte. „Während ihr eure… Muskelexzesse hattet, habe ich in meinem Handy ein wenig recherchiert. Wegen der verlassenen Hütte oben am Tannengipfel. Offenbar haben ein paar verdammt schlaue Typen dort oben irgendwelche Spielchen getrieben. Im Darkweb gehen Gerüchte eines militärischen Forschungsprojekts umher. Die Foren waren letztes Jahr voll davon.“ „Und was hat das mit uns zu tun?“ Aaron zeigte sich unbeeindruckt. „Nun warte doch mal ab“, knurrte Caleb. „Die haben Experimente durchgeführt. Erst an Tieren, dann an Menschen. Der Fisch, den du vorhin gegessen hast, der muss auch von dort oben stammen. Angeblich wurden die Forschungen eingestellt und das Zeug vernichtet.“ Das brachte Fynn auf eine Idee. „Glaubst du, die haben das Zeug in den Fluss gekippt?“ „Würde zumindest erklären, warum du und Leif auch gewachsen seid. Die Strömung muss das Zeug bis zu deinem geliebten Tümpel getragen haben. Das Wasser hat es verdünnt und du hattest bloß Hautkontakt, weswegen du nicht gleich auf Baumhöhe gewachsen bist. Dein Freund allerdings hatte weniger Glück.“ Leif lächelte unschuldig. Wieder stieg ihm die Röte ins Gesicht. „Wie viele Flaschen hat er nochmal getrunken?“ „Fünf“, hauchte er kurz angebunden. „Es waren fünf volle Flaschen.“ „Das heißt, wenn wir diese Tümpel finden, können wir mehr wachsen?“ Aaron musste sich ordentlich zurückhalten. Seine Hände zogen die Decke über seinen Beinen straff. Was hat dieser Idiot schon wieder vor? „Noch mehr wachsen?“ Fynn hatte sich wohl verhört. „Du willst… nein. Auf gar keinen Fall.“ „Fynn, hat Recht“, stimmte Caleb zu. „Wer weiß, was das Zeug tatsächlich mit euch anstellt. Außerdem… was ist mit deinen Eltern? Wie willst du ihnen deinen plötzlichen Wachstumsspurt erklären?“ „Nicht nur unsere Eltern werden Fragen stellen.“ Leif schluckte ängstlich. „Was ist, wenn die, die das damals in die Wege geleitet haben, davon erfahren und uns zum Schweigen bringen wollen?“ Daran hatte Fynn noch gar nicht gedacht. Seine Hand ruhte weiterhin auf Leifs Bein und er spürte, wie diesem ein Schauer durch den Körper jagte. Er fürchtet sich, erkannte Fynn. „Ich werde nicht zulassen, dass sie dir etwas antun.“ Um seiner Aussage mehr Wert zu verleihen, schnappte er sich Leifs Hand und drückte sie mit der seinen. Das schien ihn ein wenig zu beruhigen. Gut. „Wir werden morgen früh zur Berghütte aufbrechen. Bis dein Vater zurückkommt, bleiben uns noch gut zwölf Stunden.“ Caleb gähnte verschlafen. „Gute Idee“, ergänzte Fynn. „Vielleicht hat, wer auch immer dort oben war, etwas Nützliches zurückgelassen.“ „Gut, dass wir das besprochen haben.“ Caleb stand auf und streckte sich. „Morgen um sechs brechen wir auf. Bis dahin sollte jeder von euch eine ordentliche Mütze Schlaf bekommen.“ Er lenkte sein Augenmerk auf ihr zerstörtes Zelt. „Fynn und Leif können in meinem Zelt schlafen.“ „Und was ist mit dir?“, fragte Leif kurzerhand. „Ich schlafe mit Aaron zusammen. Sieht nur zu, dass ihr in dieser Nacht wirklich nichts mehr treibt. Ich verstehe ja, dass so ein großer und gewaltiger Körper äußerst erregend ist, aber wir haben nur noch die beiden Zelte.“ Er wandte sich nun an Aaron, der über beide Ohren strahlte. „Das gleiche gilt auch für dich. Erwische ich dich einmal mit deiner Hand in meiner oder deiner Hose, kastriere ich dich mit einer Nagelpfeile.“ Am nächsten Morgen standen sie tatsächlich alle geschniegelt und gestriegelt vor dem Pfad, der sie höher und tiefer in den Wald hineinführen würde. Während man Aaron mit Leichtigkeit in ein Shirt und eine luftige Jogginghose von Caleb gesteckt hatte (er mochte ein wenig bulkier darin aussehen als der ursprüngliche Besitzer), trug Leif lediglich eine provisorische Tracht aus Decken. Irgendwie hatte Fynn sie ihm um die Hüfte und über Brust und Schultern gewickelt, sodass er ein wenig wie einer dieser Römer aussah. Wirklich wohl fühlte er sich darin allerdings nicht. Wenigstens muss er nicht nackt gehen. „Seid ihr alle bereit?“ Caleb zurrte das Stirnband enger, das seine stachligen Haare fixierte und ließ die Schultern kreisen. „Bis zur Hütte sind es gut anderthalb Stunden Fußmarsch. Wir werden nur zum Pinkeln rasten.“ „Kann ich nicht doch vielleicht hierbleiben.“ Leifs Stimme drang zart aus dem Hintergrund. Fynn schaute ihm direkt auf die linke Brust, die durch eine offene Stelle in der Deckentracht hervorragte. In der gestrigen Nacht hatte er sich mehrmals zurückhalten müssen. Mitten im Schlaf hatte Leif seine mächtigen Arme um ihn geschlossen und ihn härter werden lassen als jemals zuvor. „Du wirst mitkommen, ob du willst oder nicht“, betonte Caleb. „Nach allem geht es hier vor allem um deinen übernatürlichen Körper.“ Aaron schmunzelte. „Wer weiß? Vielleicht finden wir noch was, um uns größer zu machen.“ Calebs Blick alleine genügte, um ihn zum Schweigen zu bringen. „Sonst noch irgendwelche brillanten Ideen? Keiner? Gut.“ Fortan ging es stets bergauf. Über die Nacht hatte sich der Himmel über ihren Köpfen zugezogen. Die Luft war schwül und lag Fynn schwer in der Lunge, während er einen Fuß vor den anderen setzte, seinen massiven Freund stets im Blick. Bei jedem Schritt verformten sich die Rückenmuskeln, passten sich der Bewegung an. Ein Schauspiel, das ihn erregen würde, wenn der Weg vor ihnen nicht so anstrengend und schwer wäre. Bloß einmal hielten sie an, um Wasser zu lassen. Trotz seiner neuen kräftigen Beine nutzte Fynn die Gelegenheit um sich auf einem Baumstumpf niederzulassen und einen Schluck aus seiner Wasserflasche zu nehmen. „Willst du auch?“, fragte er Leif. Der Junge nickte. Bevor er die Flasche allerdings ansetzte, zögerte er. „Die kommt doch nicht aus dem Tümpel, oder?“ Das amüsierte ihn. „Den Fehler mache ich nicht zweimal. Hab’s aus dem Fluss geholt und abgekocht. Caleb hat bereits daraus getrunken. Also sollte es sicher sein.“ Leif verschnaufte und trank sie zur Hälfe leer. Danach ging sie auch schon weiter. Sie passierten die baufällige Hängebrücke und starrten den tosenden Fluss herab. Steine wie Speere ragten aus den schaumigen Wassermassen hervor. Ein schlagkräftiges Argument für sie, nicht den Weg über die morschen Holzleisten zu wählen. Stattdessen wählten sie einen Umweg, der sie dich an den Klippenvorbeiführte. Bald schon erreichten sie ein Schild, dass Hoffnung verhieß. Demnach gab es einen weiteren Übergang keine hundert Meter von ihrem Standort entfernt. Inzwischen wurde es auch höchste Zeit. Der Himmel verdunkelte sich und erste mutige Tropfen stürzten sich in die Tiefe, wo sie ihre Körper benetzten. Als sie die andere Hängebrücke überschritten, musste sich Fynn von Leif tragen lassen. Auf wagemutige Balanceakte in schwindelerregenden Höhe hatte er noch nie sonderlich gut reagiert. Die Blässe stand ihm ins Gesicht geschrieben. Hätte er gefrühstückt, wäre es ihm sicherlich hochgekommen. Eine weitere halbe Stunde später erreichten sie endlich ihr Ziel. Gerade rechtzeitig, denn der Himmel riss nun vollkommen auf. Zu lauwarmen Regentropfen gesellten sich kräftige Windböen, die an den Wipfel hoher Tannen zehrten, und tiefes Donnergrollen. Jetzt lag es an Fynn, seinen Freund schützend in die alte Holzhütte zu führen. Schon damals hatte Leif lieber die Decke über den Kopf geschlungen als vor einem weit geöffneten Fenster zu stehen und dem Orchester des Sturmes zu lauschen. Heute bangte er dank seiner neu gewonnen Größe umso mehr um sein Leben. Aarons Spruch, er sei nun ein wandelnder Blitzableiter half dabei überhaupt nicht. Die Tür zur Holzhütte stand verdächtig offen. „Hallo?“, rief Fynn, indes er vorsichtig hereinschritt. „Ist jemand da?“ Einzig und allein der Wind antwortete ihm, ein Heulen, das durch Mark und Knochen fuhr. „Verlassen, wie ich’s euch gesagt habe.“ Caleb jagte ihm einen Todesschreck ein. Das Herz rutschte ihm in die Hose und er hätte aufgeschrien, wenn nicht all seine Freunde anwesend gewesen wären. Reiß dich zusammen, verdammt! „Ich schlage vor, wir schauen uns hier ein wenig um. Ich kümmere mich um den Dachboden.“ Caleb zeigte auf ein altes Geflecht aus morschen Stufen, die sich zur finsteren Decke hinauf wandten. „Dann nehme ich den Keller!“ Aaron rannte davon, aber Fynn packte sein Handgelenk und hielt ihn auf. „Und wir kommen mit“, knurrte er. Den lasse ich hier nicht alleine. „Und wer kümmert sich dann ums Erdgeschoss?“ „Leif, wärst du wohl so freundlich?“ Leif nickte stillschweigend. Aaron stammelte daraufhin irgendeinen Fluch. „Dann haben wir wohl ein Date“, lächelte Fynn und folgte Aaron durch den verlassenen Korridor. Über einen Abstieg gelangten sie schließlich in den Keller. Unten war es sogar noch unheimlicher als oben. Nicht einmal das Unwetter konnte diesen Ort noch erhellen. Das Grollen hingegen wurde zu seinem ständigen Wegbegleiter. „Was glaubst du? Werden wir etwas finden?“ Irgendwie musste er sich ablenken und auf andere Gedanken bringen. „Irgendwas finden wir bestimmt.“ Aaron hatte seine Handytaschenlampe eingeschaltet und leuchtete ihnen den Weg. Der Fußboden war anders als erwartet nicht aus Holz gefertigt, sondern mit sterilen Fliesen ausgelegt. Selbiges galt für die Wände. Unterhalb der morschen Decke hatte sich allerdings eine schwarze Schimmelschicht gebildet. Was auch immer einst hier geschehen war, lag nunmehr in der Vergangenheit. „Hier ist was!“ Aaron deutete auf einen großen Raum und eilte voraus. Wenn etwas in dieser alten Berghütte auf geheime Forschungsaktivitäten hindeuten sollte, dann musste es dieser Raum gewesen sein. An den Wänden standen reihenweise Tische und Regale. Einige von ihnen waren noch mit Reagenzgläsern, Erlenmeyerkolben und anderen sonderbaren Behältnissen gefüllt. Eine Konstruktion ließ auf eine Küche hindeuten. Die Töpfe hatte man allerdings sorgfältig zurückgestellt und vollständig gereinigt. Fynn stieß gegen ein Tischbein. Zeit für sein eigenes Handy. Das grelle Licht schien frontal auf einen eisernen Tisch, der Fynn am ehesten an einen Operationssaal erinnerte. Riemen hingen zu den Seiten herab. Einer war während der Prozedur offenbar gerissen. „Hier ist etwas!“, rief Fynn, aber Aaron schenkte ihm keine Beachtung. Vorsichtig beugte sich Fynn nach vorne. Mit all der befremdlichen Muskelmasse war es schwer, unter den Tisch zu greifen. Schließlich hielt er ein altes Dokument in den Händen. Die Zahlen darauf ließen ihn erschaudern. Hier hatte tatsächlich jemand an einem Serum geforscht und war offenbar erfolgreich gewesen. Eine Tabelle zeigte die Veränderung eines Testsubjekts auf. Vergrößerter Brustumfang, aufgeblähte Armmuskulatur, geschwollenes Genital und erhöhter Lusttrieb. Innerhalb einer Woche hatte sich das Gewicht der Person verdoppelt. Bilder zeigten Ausschnitte des Geschöpfs, das sie erschaffen hatten. Fynns Gemächt erwachte, während er die Finger über die kräftigen Brustmuskeln wandern ließ. Die haben Supermenschen erschaffen. Und offenbar hatten sie nicht über einen Rückweg nachgedacht. „Schau dir das mal an“, bemerkte Fynn und lief auf Aaron zu. Der Junge erschrak und wandte sich ihm blitzschnell zu. Hinter dem Rücken hielt er irgendetwas versteckt. „Was hast du da?“, fragte Fynn kritisch. Aaron lächelte unschuldig. „Nichts.“ „Zeig her.“ „Da ist nichts. Wirklich.“ Aaron blieb stur. In einem Moment der Unvorsichtigkeit konnte Fynn einen Blick auf das Gefäß erhaschen. Eine grünliche Flüssigkeit schimmerte darin. „Das ist doch nicht etwa…?“ „Ich will bloß einen Schluck nehmen!“ Ehe Aaron den Flaschenhals ansetzen konnte, hatte Fynn seine Hände umklammert. „Kommt gar nicht in Frage!“, protestierte er. „Ein Schluck davon und du bist jenseits jeder Rettung!“ „Vielleicht möchte ich gar nicht gerettet werden? Vielleicht möchte ich größer als ihr alle zusammen sein!“ „Du bist ein Idiot!“ „Aber ein Muskelidiot!“ Beide zehrten sie am Gefäß. Gleich einem Tauziehwettbewerb wanderte das Gefäß mal in die eine und mal in die andere Richtung. Fynns Muskeln übersäuerten bereits und trotzdem wollte er nicht nachgeben. Aaron mochte mittlerweile stärker als er gewesen sein, aber Fynn hatte die größere Willenskraft. „Lass los!“, knurrte Aaron. „Wie du willst!“ Daraufhin ließ Fynn das Gefäß los. Aaron, der nicht damit gerechnet hatte, taumelte nach hinten und verlor den Halt. Klirr. „Was hast du getan?!“ Sein Blick fiel auf die Scherben zu seinen Füßen. „Du hast es verschüttet.“ „Leute.“ Leifs Stimme drang an sie heran. Sein Gesicht war von grünem Schleim überzogen. „Was ist das für ein Zeug?“ Plötzlich riss er die Augen auf. „Nein. Bitte nicht.“ Fynn traute sich nicht zu antworten. Allmählich verschwand die grüne Substanz, indem sie in Leifs Haut einzog. Scheiße man. Das ist gerade nicht passiert. „Das ist so unfair!“, grummelte Aaron und verschränkte die Arme vor der Brust. „Was tust du hier unten?! Solltest du nicht oben sein?“ Fynns Stimme klang wie ein Paukenschlag. „Ich habe oben nichts gefunden und wollte runterkommen und euch bei eurer Suche helfen.“ Schweiß perlte bereits auf Leifs Stirn. Sein ganzer Körper schimmerte im Licht seiner Handytaschenlampe. „Fuck.“ Er schnaufte. „Fynn, bitte, du musst es irgendwie…“ Ein Stöhnen kam über seine Lippen. „Mhmmm…“ Heißer Dampf stieg von seinem Körper auf. Tief in seiner Brust klang der dumpfe Paukenschlag seines Herzens. Badum. Badum. Ein Trommelschlag, der lauter und lauter wurde und seine Veränderung ankündigte. „Ungh… fuck…“ Unter Leifs Deckentracht regte sich etwas. Eine große Beule zeichnete sich ab und wuchs mit jeder verstreichenden Sekunde in die Länge. „Ahh… scheiße. Bitte. Fynn…“ Plötzlich wuchs Leif in die Höhe. Lediglich wenige Zentimeter, doch es reichte aus, um die Spitze seines Gemächts unter der Decke hervorstehen zu lassen. „Wehre dich nicht dagegen“, hauchte Fynn. Der Anblick der Spitze ließ ihn umgehend hart werden. So groß. Er griff in seinen Schritt und umfasste seinen eigenen Schaft. Leifs Gemächt musste mittlerweile so dick und lang wie ein kräftiger Männerarm gewesen sein. Trotzdem war kein Ende in Sicht. Während draußen der Sturm seinen Höhepunkt erreichte, Donner und Blitze gleichermaßen um die Vorherrschaft rangen, stieg heißer Dampf von Leifs Körper auf. Schweiß hatte das Gewand, das er trug, dunkel eingefärbt, sodass es inzwischen wie eine zweite Haut an seinem Körper haftete. Darunter erkannte Fynn die ersten Veränderungen, ein Beben, das Leifs Körper erschütterte und sich allmählich ausbreitete, bis es ihn in komplette Ekstase versetzt hatte. „Ich wehre mich nicht dagegen“, stöhnte sein Freund. Weitere Zentimeter gesellten sich zu seiner Körpergröße dazu. „Im Gegenteil.“ Langsam hob er den Arm, auf dass sich die Decke über seine mächtige Brust spannte und erste Fasern rissen. „Ich kann es fühlen. Eine unglaubliche Kraft. Sie fließ durch meinen Körper.“ Er spannte seinen rechten Arm an und ließ Muskeln von der Größe eines Volleyballs anschwellen. „Mit jedem Atemzug fühlt er sich gewaltiger an…“ Als hätte er es kontrollieren können, füllte sich sein Arm mit noch mehr Muskelmasse. Muskeln, die Fynn noch nie zuvor gesehen hatte, kamen zum Vorschein und wurden von größeren Muskeln verschluckt. Sein Trizeps verlieh seinem Arm die Größe eines Beines und war so mächtig, dass Fynn beide Hände zum Befühlen gebraucht hätte. Der Bizeps, inzwischen von der Größe eines prall gefüllten Basketballs, pulsierte mit jedem Donnergrollen und ging nahtlos in einen Vorderarm über, der allmählich die Größe einer von Fynns Waden annahm. „Scheiße“, keuchte Leif. „Es fühlt sich so verdammt gut an. Meine Brust…“ Fynn hörte das Reißen von Fasern und schaute hinauf zur Brust seines Freundes, welche sich vor ihm aufbäumte. „Warum macht es mich so hart?“ Mit beiden Händen fühlte er über die prallen Muskeln, tastete über die reißenden Muskelfasern, die Raum für größere, stabilere Fasern schafften. Jeder Teil seiner Brust schien den anderen übertrumpfen zu wollen. Wenn die untere Brust an Fülle und Gewicht dazugewann, holte die mittlere auf, bloß um schließlich von der oberen verschlungen zu werden. Wie zwei Hälften einer Globuskugel zeichneten sich die Brustmuskeln unter der eingerissenen Decke ab. „Ich halte es nicht mehr aus“, stöhnte Leif und fing an, die Decke entzwei zu reißen. Derweil stießen seine Schultern zum Wettkampf der Muskeln dazu. Fuck. Sind das wirklich seine Schultern? Fynn hatte sie als massive Kanonenkugeln in Erinnerung gehabt, aber mittlerweile übertrafen sie selbst einen Medizinball. Jedes Muskelsegment hatte ein eigenständiges Leben entwickelt. Seine neuen Schultern verliehen Leif eine unnatürliche Breite. Er stieß gegen ein Seitenregal und zerdrückte es schlichtweg unter seiner Kraft. „Aaron!“, rief Fynn kurzerhand, als er sich für einen kurzen Augenblick von der Verwandlung seines Freundes loslösen konnte. Aaron schaute mit seinem Gemächt in der Hand zu und schenkte ihm nur so wenig Beachtung wie unbedingt möglich. „Du musst Caleb warnen!“ „Wieso?“, entgegnete Aaron. „Mach es einfach!“ Fynn hatte keine Zeit für solche Spielchen und Aaron schien den Ernst der Lage zu erkennen. „Wie du willst“, grummelte er, versteckte sein Gemächt in der Hose und zwängte sich an Leif vorbei in die Freiheit. „Aber du bist mir was schuldig! Nach allem hätte ich das sein können!“ „Scheiße man…“ Leif stieß ein tiefes Grollen aus. Mittlerweile hatte er die Hände um sein Glied geschlungen. Es pulsierte gleich einem lebendig gewordenen Biest und hatte die Größe eines ausgewachsenen Mannes erreicht. Während es zur Decke ragte, schienen weitere Muskeln auf Leifs Körper aufzutauchen. Der Junge spürte es und lenkte Fynns Aufmerksamkeit auf seinen Rücken. Wieder rissen Fasern und binnen weniger Sekunden explodierten zwei gigantische Latissimi aus der Decke hervor. Vollkommen nackt stand sein Freund nun vor ihm, ein mächtiger Rücken, der von einer Laborwand zur anderen ragte. „Verzeih mir, Fynn“, hauchte Leif und krümmte sich nach vorne, als sein Kopf die Decke berührte, „aber ich kann nicht länger.“ Seine Finger drückten zu und ließen ihn aufstöhnen. „Ich muss es einfach tun.“ Während Leif damit beschäftigt war, sein eigenes Gemächt zu massieren, ragte ihm Fynn inzwischen gerade einmal bis zum Bauchnabel. Ein steinharter Wall von Bauchmuskeln hatte ihn beinahe vollkommen verschlungen. Acht perfekt voneinander getrennte Segmente zählte Fynn, acht Segmente, die größer und kräftiger als seine geschlossene Faust waren, acht Segmente, die ihn zum Anfassen, zum Berühren einluden. Nein, sagte er sich selbst. Ich darf nicht… ich sollte nicht… sollte ihn nicht ausnutzen. Sein Glied zuckte in seiner Hose, nachdem Leif noch einmal an Höhe dazugewann und sich erste Risse in der Decke formten. „Meine Beine“, stöhnte Leif. „Fuck. So groß. So stark.“ Von Leifs Stimme gelenkt schaute Fynn nach unten. Scheiße man. Ein feuchter Fleck bildete sich dort, wo sein Glied gegen die Hose presste. Leifs Beine waren gigantisch, zwei Baumstämme, die er nicht länger umfassen konnte. Neben den Hauptmuskeln, die mit jedem Atemzug anschwollen und sich gegenseitig verdrängten, hatten sich kleinere Gruppen dazugesellt. Die Knie waren unter den Massen beinahe vollkommen verschwunden. Alleine die Waden waren breiter als sein eigener Rumpf und wurden sogar noch größer, als Leif donnernd auf die Knie sackte, um sich selbst mehr Raum zu verpassen. „Du musst mir helfen“, hauchte Leif. Er schnappte sich seinen Freund, eine Hand so groß wie sein eigener Rumpf und schob ihn dicht an sein pulsierendes Glied heran. „Bitte“, flehte Leif und presste die Hände gegen die Außenwände. Nicht mehr lange und er würde durch die Decke brechen. Inzwischen hatte Leif den Raum vollkommen ausgefüllt. Seine Schultern hatten die Größe zweier Lasterreifen angenommen und wurden lediglich von diesen massiven Brustmuskeln, die ihn mit ihren Schatten in Finsternis hüllten, übertrumpft. Ihm helfen? Fynn betrachtete den pulsierenden Schaft, gegen den ihn sein Freund unweigerlich geschoben hatte. Das Teil hatte die Festigkeit eines Baumstammes erreicht mit dem einzigen Unterschied, das das Leben darin förmlich explodierte. Zaghaft legte er die Arme darum und spürte, wie sein Freund erwachte und zufrieden grollte. „Das ist es“, stöhnte er und warf den Kopf nach hinten. Fynn schaute zu beiden Seiten und erkannte die mächtigen Beine, die ihn einhüllten. Wenige Sekunden später trafen Leifs Füße auf die Außenwand und schufen somit einen Durchbruch. „Mehr!“, grollte Leif, seine Stimme dem Nachhall eines Donners gleich. „Fester.“ Fuck. Fynn war so kurz davor, einzig und allein dank dieses spektakulären Anblicks zu kommen. Er fing an, das Gemächt seines Freundes voller Euphorie zu massieren. Inzwischen brach Leif durch die Decke, doch das hielt ihn nicht auf. In einer einzigen Bewegung, in welcher er seine Arme anspannte, riss er die nächste Außenwand ein. Mittlerweile musste er ein Monstrum von sechs Metern Höhe und fünf Metern breite gewesen sein. Ein Glied von der Länge eines Baumes gab die ersten Tropfen der Lust preis und verdeckte Bauchmuskeln, von denen jedes einzelne Segment so groß wie ein Medizinball war. „Mhmmmm…“, stöhnte Leif. „Hör nicht auf.“ Während Fynn weiterhin sein Glied massierte, fühlte Leif über seinen anschwellenden Arm, ließ ihn entspannen, um ihn mit neuer Größe zurückzuholen. „Ich bin… ahhh… scheiße…“ Dem Klang nach zu urteilen war Leif kurz vor seinem Abschluss. Fynn war schon vor einer Minutengekommen, was ihn nicht daran hinderte weiterhin hart zu bleiben. „Ich… ich…“ Leif stieß ein tiefes Grollen aus. Seine Füße brachen durch die nächste Außenwand. Von oben warfen grelle Blitze ihr Licht auf diesen monströsen Körper. „Fuck.“ Plötzlich verwandelte sich Leifs Glied in Stein. Noch einmal explodierten seine Muskeln mit Kraft. Seine Brust riss die Treppe ein, die zuvor zum Dachboden geführt hatte. Sein Rücken brach durch eine Fensterfront und ließ erste Regentropfen in den Keller hinein. Dann explodierte er selbst. Sein Gemächt gab eine Ladung nach der anderen frei. Eine gigantische Hand packte Fynn und hievte sie nach oben. Verängstigt schaute er mit an, wie Leifs ganzer Körper unter der Gewalt des Orgasmus kontrahierte und weiter anschwoll, bis er durch das Dach brach und das Haus vollständig zerstörte. Die weiße Saat der Lust floss an seinem Schaft herab und verschwand im tosenden Fluss. Nachdem der Orgasmus endlich abgeklungen war, schien auch Leifs Wachstumsschub ein Ende zu finden. Vorsichtig legte der Gigant seinen Freund auf seine Bauchmuskeln. Fynn konnte nicht einmal über die enormen Brustmuskeln hinwegsehen. „Das war gut“, keuchte Leif und lächelte unschuldig. Sein ganzer Körper strotzte vor Kraft. Ich habe ein Monster geschaffen, dachte Fynn und kletterte über die Bauchmuskeln und hüpfte über eine Rille zwischen der unteren und mittleren Partition. Der finale Wachstumsschub hatte seinen Freund in ein Monstrum von der Größe eines Hauses verwandelt. Er hatte das heißeste Monster geschaffen, dass er jemals gesehen hatte. Ein Muskelriese. Und er ist mein Freund. Fuck. Was gäbe ich dafür, mit ihm zu wachsen.
  18. Guest

    It's Natural!

    This is a quickie that I just hashed out real quick. Enjoy! Coltin and Tyler had been best friends since they were in diapers. They were born a month apart and their families were very close so they literally grew up together. They went to the same school growing up from kindergarten to senior year. They were inseparable. People even thought that they were brothers, because they actually favored each other a little bit. So it only made sense for them to be roommates when the opportunity arose. They both decided to go to University of Memphis, obviously. They couldn't go to different schools. So they also planned on being roomies. They got moved in everything put in It’s place and wanted to go for a walk around campus. They were walking around the University Center as they spot a group of guys playing some football in the big field in front of the UC. "Man those guys are JACKED.", Coltin blurted out. Tyler laughed and agreed. It was no secret that Coltin longed for more size but it just wasn't in the cards for him. He wasn't a bad looking guy by any means, though. In fact, he had quite a handsome face with a nicely trimmed beard with reddish blonde hair. He had a very lean, toned physique dialing in around 170lbs at 6'2. But he wanted more. He observed how these guys playing in the field wore workout shorts that stretched perfectly over their taught butt and beefy quads, how their pecs had a slight bounce to them when they ran. He wanted just a portion of that. That's all and he would be happy. Tyler, on the other hand, just preferred to look at it. He was content at his current physique level, which was pretty close to Coltin's with just a little extra flab. Coltin was definitely the more active, sports-oriented of the two. "Dude just go talk to them and see if they'll give you any pointers on bulking up.", Tyler told Coltin. Coltin sighed, "I feel like I've tried everything there is to try, but I guess it wouldn't hurt." Coltin jogged out to talk to one of the guys and Tyler watched as the guy he talked to gestured for him to join them. Coltin pointed back to Tyler, not wanting to ditch him. Tyler gestured back that he was going to run into the UC to grab a bite to eat and cool off and encouraged him to join them. After about an hour, he glanced out the window to see Coltin still outside playing football with these jocks. He was getting bored so he just shot a text to Coltin, telling him that he was going back to the room and that he would see him there later. Later that night, Coltin returned to the room, a sweaty mess. He seemed excited. Through his heavy breathing, he managed to get out, "The guys want me to try out for the team and they said they'll help me bulk up!" "Dude that's great! I'm excited for you man!" A few weeks had passed and Coltin came in from an intense workout from the gym, looking extra pumped. Tyler had no idea what kind of regime those jocks were putting him through, but he could already tell that whatever it was, it was working. Coltin still had his lean physique, but you could tell that his chest was just a little bit thicker, arms bulged just slightly larger than they were a few weeks ago, and his legs looked more defined. His shirts started to fit him better. "Bro that workout today was killer. You should join us some time. You could use some extra muscle." Tyler chuckled, "Nah man I'm good.", thinking that he would rather do just about anything else instead. "Suit yourself dude. They've gotten me up to 180 as of this morning.", as he raised an arm and flexed casually, prompting a decent size bicep to stand at attention. And he smirked. "This is the heaviest I've ever been. And I don't plan on slowing down." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The semester flew by, Christmas break was just around the corner. Coltin was close to breaking 200. He was looking beefier than ever, clothes stretching over his thicker pecs and beefy arms. He had really wanted to break 200 before going home, but he wasn't complaining. He'd managed to pack on around 23lbs of muscle in a semester's time. Tyler thought it seemed like he was putting on the weight a little faster than he thought possible, but he just shrugged it off. Coltin was to go home for break, while Tyler went with his family to California for most of the Christmas break. His family had gone to San Diego for Christmas every year for as long as he could remember. So as they parted ways, Tyler gave his best friend a big hug goodbye, as it would be a little over a month before he saw him again. It was a couple of days before school was to start back for spring semester when Coltin got a phone call from his buddy, Tyler. "Hey man I got some news. My mom had the bright idea to go out on the rocks today when we were visiting La Jolla Cove and a wave hit and swiped her off the rocks." "Jesus Christ Tyler is she ok!?" Coltin gaped. "Yeah man she's fine, but she's in no condition to travel right now so I'm stuck out her indefinitely until her condition gets better. The doc says it could be anywhere from a couple of weeks to a couple of months." "Man that really blows! I miss you man! Tell your mom I send my regards and that I hope she gets to recover sooner rather than later." "Will do man. I'll keep you posted." They hung up and Coltin just sat there. He couldn't believe it. He and Tyler had never been apart this long and he wasn't sure what he was going to do without his best bud at school with him. I guess it would give him more time to focus on his workouts and football practice. So school resumed a few days later and Coltin did nothing but go to class and go to the gym. He was determined to break 200lbs soon. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It ended up being close to April before Tyler's mom had recovered enough for them to travel back home. He and Coltin had tried to stay in touch over the last couple of months with updates on his mom, but it was tough. Tyler decided he wanted to surprise Coltin, so he didn't tell him that he was on his way back to UoM yet. He entered the hallway of the dorm building and he could hear voices further down the hallway. One of them sort of sounded like Coltin, but the voice was muuuuch deeper, so he knew it wasn't him. He made his way down the hall and as he rounded the corner, he was met with the largest human being he had ever seen. The beast was facing away from him talking to someone else, who was completely obscured by his massive back. His body almost stretched to both sides of the hallway. He had on what had to be a XXXXL tank top that was hanging on for dear life. The massive bodybuilder heard someone round the corner and turned around. His eyes lit up with surprise as he saw that it was his best friend, Tyler. "Buddy! I didn't know you were coming home!, boomed the man in his deep, bovine voice. Tyler, on the other hand, was steadying himself against the wall upon realizing that this behemoth was his best friend Coltin. The man standing before him could've eaten 3 of the previous Coltin's. He tried to take it all in slowly. His face looked exactly the same. Same old Coltin. He was the same height as before, just four times as wide. Attached to his head was the thickest bull neck that Tyler had ever seen. No wonder his voice had dropped so many octaves. His neck was threatening to be swallowed up by a set of massive traps on either side, tugging at the straps of that poor tank top. If he shrugged, his neck was sure to disappear completely. His shoulders were the size of beach balls. And his chest. Holy fuck his chest. It was magnificent. His pecs were so thick and juicy, any woman would be jealous of his cup size. The tank was so tight, he could see his quarter size nipples were erect and pointed straight at the ground, completely overshadowed by his mammoth chest. The slightest twitch in his body sent them bouncing. His back was so thick and wide, it was physically impossible for his arms to go past a 45 degree angle. Speaking of his arms - they had to be at least 30 inches around. 30 inches of pure muscular power. His forearms were probably bigger around than my legs, so fucking big. His hands were so thick and meaty, Tyler wasn't sure he could even use a cell phone anymore. At least Siri was a thing now. His eyes wandered next down to his midsection, where he saw that the tank was bulging out from the size of his massive muscle gut, but even with the size of his muscle gut, he still had that incredible V taper due to the massive breadth of his shoulders and back. Fuck. And his quads. Fuck. The slightest shift in his weight caused them to writhe and contract with pure power, stretching his mesh workout shorts dangerously close to the breaking point. They were the size of redwoods. His feet are spread wide and still his legs are fighting for space, his massive calves still touching. This man that was Tyler's best friend was so massive, he was still speechless. His entire body was covered with a good amount of reddish blonde hair. He could see it swirling out from underneath his tank and down his massive forearms. "I....er....uh." Tyler couldn't even form a sentence. Coltin gave a big, hearty laugh causing his enormous pecs to bounce. "I guess I grew a little bit while you were gone, huh?" boomed Coltin. "Fuck man. A little bit?! Are you on drugs dude!?" This made Coltin laugh again. "Roids? Bro roids wouldn't have even worked this well. I took something a little more....natural." grinned Coltin mischievously. "How? What?....How much?" Tyler had so many questions. "Well I have to use a packaging scale now, but this morning I weighed in at 447lbs. Tyler. I've gained almost 300 lbs of fucking muscle bro." With that, he flexed his mighty biceps. Tyler swore he heard a boom as his arms exploded in size. He wasn't ready for the size of those amazing arms flexed. He swooned and grabbed onto the wall for support. He watched as Coltin slowly made his way to his best friend, swinging one massive tree trunk around the other. Tyler knew that he had to touch him. He wouldn't be able to convince himself that it was real until he could feel that amazing muscle with his own hands. As he approached, he marveled again at the fact that Coltin hadn't seemed to have gotten any taller. Tyler had always been slightly taller than him and that was still the case. This made Coltin look even more massive. 6'1" is fairly tall, but when you have this much muscle packed onto that frame, there just isn't anywhere to put it all. He ran his hands underneath the tank top through the thick carpet of hair over his bulging muscle gut. It was hard as a rock. He caressed his massive pillow pecs, marveling at how rock hard they felt, despite them looking plump and juicy. A moan escaped Tyler's lips. He'd never felt this way about a man, much less his best friend, but he was so turned on by all this....this beef. It was clear that Coltin was feeling hot too, as Tyler glanced down, his eyes bugging out. He realized that Coltin's body wasn't the only thing that grew. The outline of a giant sausage the size of Tyler's arm was slowly expanding underneath his gym shorts. Tyler was also just noticing how fucking gorgeous his ass was now. He didn't think it was humanly possible to have such a large voluptuous ass that was simultaneously rock hard with muscle. Tyler moaned again and before he could even think about it, he shot a load right there in his jeans as he finally passed out from shock. The last thing he remembered, was the feeling of Coltin's massive hands catching him before he hit the ground. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tyler groggily awoke. He had had the craziest dream that Coltin had exploded into a massive muscle monster. He saw a mass move in the corner of his eye and his eyes shot open. It wasn't a dream. His massive best friend was sitting on their couch waiting for him to come to. "Jesus Christ bro. You just about fill out that whole couch by yourself." exclaimed Tyler. "Heh. Yeah It’s just about the only thing I can fit on these days." "Ok so I have to know. What the fuck happened. Last I was around, you were just working out with those jocks. Did they have something to do with this?" "Fuck yeah man. You should see them now. I look tiny compared to them, but I'll catch up to them eventually.", he smirked. "You mean you're not done!?" shouted Tyler "You're a fucking freak man! You're already past the realm of possibility!" "Hell yeah man. All those guys are pushing past 600 now, but they're growth is starting to taper off, so I know I'll catch up in no time. Anyways. We were all working out over the break when one of the guys walks in looking fucking massive. He had probably gained 60lbs since the last time we had seen him just a few days ago. He then told us what he had discovered. Cum makes him grow." "The fuck?" Tyler said, completely grossed out. The thought of drinking another dude's jizz made him gag. "Just his cum or just cum in general?" That was when Coltin really started smirking "Anyone's. We all tried it out on each other. After we figured it out, it was like a nonstop orgy for weeks, basically. The only reason those guys are so much bigger than me is because they had a head start." Tyler couldn't believe what he was hearing. Coltin wasn't gay. At least he wasn't a few months ago? He then started thinking about earlier when he came at the mere feeling of Coltin's muscular body. Tyler had always been satisfied with his body, but after feeling Coltin's burgeoning muscles, he was kind of curious how it would feel to have that much power on his frame. He then looked back over to Coltin and stared at his mammoth cock, licking his lips slowly. Coltin could see the glint in his eye and just smiled. Tyler got up and made his way over to Coltin and struggled to pull his shorts down over his beefy quads. Coltin's enormous tool sprang free and stood at attention, seemingly beckoning Tyler to service it. He struggled to get his mouth around such a massive instrument and began pumping it in and out. It was so thick and long that he could only get about 6 inches of it down his throat-less than half of it! He heard Coltin's deep voice groan in ecstasy and he felt his cock throb. Next thing he knew, a hot jet of Coltin's jizz was shooting into Tyler's mouth and down into his stomach. He held on tight, not wanting to miss a single drop. You know, just in case Coltin was right about this drinking cum making you grow thing. He ingested so much, he felt his shirt start to tighten around his belly as it filled up with an obscene amount of cum. As the flow seemed to lessen, Tyler removed himself from Coltin's cock and stood up and he heard a sloshing noise. He had so much fucking cum inside of him. He looked down and his belly was bulging out like a frat boy beer belly. He waddled over to the recliner, suddenly really tired and fell into a deep sleep. Coltin stayed exactly where he was. He did not want to miss the show that was about to happen. He smiled to himself, realizing he hadn't told Tyler one last detail. Tyler probably just ingested in one sitting the total amount that Coltin had over the past few months, mainly due to the size of Coltin's baseball size nuts. This meant that Tyler was going to go through a pretty massive growth spurt and Coltin couldn't wait to see it. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tyler was awakened by a strange gurgling noise. He sat up and realized that the noise was coming from his bloated belly. Before Tyler could do anything else he felt a burning sensation over his entire body. He glanced over at Coltin who was looking on with extreme interest, eyes twinkling with excitement. He felt his shirt getting tight again. He looked down and gasped when he realized that his belly was slowly growing and it began to feel harder and thicker, like Coltin's had felt. But that wasn't the only thing causing his shirt to get smaller. His once nonexistent pecs were bulging and groaning as they expanded, fighting for the limited space that was underneath his medium size shirt. He felt his back and shoulders sliding across the back of the recliner as his arms seemed to explode with mass. He felt his body being pushed upward by the sudden growth of his butt. By now, his shirt had been absolutely obliterated by his increasing mass. His jeans lost the battle soon after to his increasingly massive thighs and calves. He groaned and marveled at how much deeper his voice had gotten, though it was nowhere near Coltin's boomy voice - yet. Suddenly he heard the poor recliner groaning in protest of the incredible weight that it was now trying to support. Before he could even think about trying to get up, the recliner just disintegrated under him as he plummeted to the floor. Coltin was laughing his ass off at this point, all of his muscles bouncing, but he quickly returned his attention to Tyler because it seemed that he was still not done growing. Tyler was sprawled out on the floor at this point, still expanding. How much more was he going to grow? He had to be nearing Coltin's realm of musculature surely. His back continued to widen and thicken as he could feel it rubbing across the carpet and simultaneously pushing him further off the ground. His chest had long since grown large enough for his entire view in front of him to be obscured, as he lay on the floor. Finally it felt as if his growth was coming to an end. He stood up, with effort, trying to keep his balance. He definitely wasn't used to carrying so much extra weight. He could feel pure power coursing through his body. It was absolutely intoxicating. He clenched and unclenched his fists, watching the cords of muscle in his forearm flex and unflex. He looked to each side and felt like his width stretched at least two feet in either direction. His biceps had to be close to 30 inches. He made eye contact with Coltin and immediately felt something in his unbelievably tight boxers stirring. How they had even managed to stay intact was beyond them. At first he thought he was just getting a hard-on, but it became clear very soon that it was so much more. He felt his cock expand to It’s usual size, but it didn't stop. His cock and balls kept lengthening and thickening, causing the bulge in the front of his boxers to push further and further out until they finally gave in. HIs enormous cock burst free and shot up and smacked right in the middle of the deep valley of his pecs. Coltin practically dove onto Tyler's cock. Because of the transformation that he had just gone through, Coltin barely got his mouth around Tyler's enormous member before he came. And boy did he ever come. Coltin didn't think it would ever stop, but he managed to catch every last drop. Coltin immediately felt the all familiar burning sensation in his muscles. He immediately began to swell even larger with power and muscle. He actually shot up a couple of inches, so that his body could handle the extra mass that it was about to hold. His body widened and thickened all over. Forget doorways. Hallways were going to be an issue from now on. Tyler marveled as Coltin's already massive body just kept pulsing and growing. He heard Coltin's voice drop another octave as if that was even possible. As the growth slowed, Coltin was breathing in and out heavily, causing his enormous pecs to bulge in and out. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- They eventually made their way to the scale and weighed themselves. It took some time and work, seeing as neither of them could fit through doors comfortably anymore. Even turning sideways proved to be a problem, because of the thickness of their chests. Tyler's cock hardened instantly as he watched Coltin waddle in front of him, seeing both shoulders grazing both sides of the hallway at the same time. Tyler had gone from a measly 180lbs to an unbelievable 452lbs - just past Coltin's previous weight. Coltin had gained another 200 glorious pounds, pushing him past even his football friends at 650lbs. He was the largest and most powerful human being on the planet. And he knew that his best friend and lover, Tyler would be joining him very soon. University of Memphis was about to have the strongest football team it had ever had. THE END
  19. One of the ideas that came to me for Storyversary. Have two other projects, collabs, I'm working on, but needed to get this out of my head first. LOL Hope you enjoy. He Who Protesteth Too Much... by F_R_Eaky "Senator Roberts! You are just a sick SICK man!" bellowed Senator Michael Santini. His little head on his small framed body turning beat red as he looked up to Senator Caleb Roberts. Senator Roberts was a pretty good looking man for being in his mid fifties. His hair was still very thick and lush, vibrant, glistening ebony with streaks and flecks of grey and silver popping through. This sat on a handsome, modelesque face with sparkling blue eyes, and despite him being an older man, enjoyed wearing a beard always only as long or as full as three day old scruff. This hawt looking face sat upon a body that rose to a decent 6' 4" height that was very broad and very thick with muscle. His waist was just starting to give, losing some of its tightness, but currently he only looked like an older style bodybuilder where the waist and abs were the same thickness as his hips. Despite its thickness those abs still poked through with quite some size and definition; he would probably develop one of those off seasoned roid guts. But he wasn't quite as large as a bodybuilder. No... more like a personal trainer, maybe up to a wrestler. Although his hands were large and thick, looking like he had lifted since birth, and his feet were large and manly, thick and long. A size 16. And all of that body covered in thick, feathery, thin hair, just as black and speckled with white and grey as his head was. The body hair covered his chest, abdominals, arms, crotch, and legs completely, but it was so thick one couldn't see the muscular definition he had. Senator Michael Santini on the other hand, was short. Around 5' 4" tall, with a midsection that been developing since he started in politics some 35 years ago. His gut was so round, Senator Roberts often wondered if he pushed Santini over, would Santini simply bounce back up like the ball his gut was. He had the build of a weeble....an oompa-loompa. .. fake orange tan, too. His hair had already gone white and was quite balding. He kept his face perfectly shaven and clean. He had spectacles that partially hid his dulling brown eyes. His large fat jowls quivered and shook whenever he was angry. And tonight he was. "I can't believe you're pushing that mother fucking, damn homo agenda again!." "Michael, I only want equality for us. We have the ability to marry I want to make sure inheritance and hospital visitations and other things hetero sexual couples are entitled to are there for us as well." "It goes against nature. NATURE! It goes against GOD! And how disgusting, you and that man-child of yours." "That's my partner, and he's not a man-child. He's thirty yea...." "He's twenty-five years younger than you. That's not right. It's sickening!" "Well, there's nothing you can do about it. We're married, living in our own house, here in D.C. We don't attend your parties out of respect to you. We don't send you our Christmas cards. Just friggin' deal with it, you decrepit, old, blow-hard!" "OLD! You and I are...." "But no one would know it, would they? You look twenty years older than you are. You hold stuff in, so much anger, another five years and you'll look like the Grim Reaper, himself!" "Well... I reached the end of my rope!" "Good. Let go and fall." "I mean it. I'm not taking any more of your people's shit?" "You know what? I think you need to calm down. Why don't you go cash in your points at 'Whores R Us' this evening?" "YOU BASTARD!" And with that Senator Santini swung his heavy briefcase right into Roberts' groin. Roberts double over in pain, only to meet the briefcase side to face, flipping back over his car's trunk lid. "Are you nuts?!" Apparently the answer was yes, for at that moment, Senator Santini pulled a knife out from his fancy walking stick and attempted to take a jab. However, with Senator Roberts shaking his car a bit, it alerted his bodyguards and they came streaming out of the miniature limo. All of them easily between the 6' 6" to 6' 10" mark, with very well developed musculature that threatened to pop off every chest button from their button up shirts. Quickly one grabbed Senator Santini's hand and wrenched it backwards, forcing the knife to drop from his hand. Santini sputtered and cursed, under the questions the body guards had inquiring if they should call the police or just dump him off by his car. "No..." said Senator Roberts very solemnly. "I, too, have had enough. Me think the man dost protest too much, and we all know what that usually means. ... ... ... I have something better in mind for him. You two, go ice his tires and rip whatever you can get a hold of under the hood. You two hold him right there." Reaching into his car, Senator grabbed something out of his briefcase that looked long, wooden, highly polished, and slightly tapered at one end. Pointing it directly at Senator Santini's crotch, Senator Roberts looked as though he swelled a little larger, became a bit brighter, and then a low whisper came out of his mouth.... "Libido organum mutare te!" There was spark of light that shot out the stick that struck Santini's crotch, made it glow, made his penis and testicles radiate warmth, and then there was nothing. Senator Santini rolled his eyes back a little bit and curled his toes in his shoes as though he were having a slight orgasm. "What.... what have you done to me?" "Let us see exactly what you're made of, Michael. You will have to walk home tonight. I will make sure no one, nothing, will pick you up. You must walk home, and as you do so, this spell will cause your, what I'm sure is a minute pecker and cheerio sized balls, to grow.... the more it grows, the more it will make you grow later, turning you into a true paragon of whatever you are. If you like women, you'll become a good looking, womanizing, younger, middle-aged man again. If you don't... .... .... Well, let's just allow the magic of the universe to do what it wills." And with that two of Roberts bodyguards carried Santini and his briefcase back to his car and let him go. As he watched Roberts' mini-limo leave the garage, Santini swore loud and long many a curse word their direction. Then looking at his car, he spat in disgust, pulled out his keys, threw his briefcase into the passenger floorboard, and then locked the car back up. He first pulled his phone out and attempted to call for help from co-workers, taxis, uber-services; but no one heard him on the other end of the phone. He tried to flag down cars, but folks just drove right by him. He attempted to board a bus and then the subways, but every time he went to sit down in a seat, he'd suddenly be standing at the stop again, while the bus or car pulled away leaving him behind. Finally he gave up and began walking home. He walked briskly, with his head held up, for he knew some of the areas around the Mall were slightly dangerous at night, but if he looked like he knew where he was going, there would be a slightly less chance he'd be attacked. There were a number of couples out taking strolls along the park and he smiled and thought to himself, "As it should be." When, after passing several couples, nothing seemed to happen to him he laughed and thought, "Bastard Roberts tried to make me think that Harry Potter kind of shit was real. Ought to get that kind of stories banned, the damage they do to our children!" Santini rounded a corner and stopped for a moment. He could hear laughter. A male laughing, followed by the sound of a loud smooch. Over and over with the smooch sound. He thought to himself, "Go get her, man. Take her and make love." There was some rustling in some trees and bushes, followed by the sound of another man's voice laughing. Santini stopped in disgust, just in time to see one man falling backwards out of the bush, being caught by the other and pulled back into his arms. They were young, in their twenties. One was very thin and lithe. The other was a little beefier. The heavier one was in a sleeveless muscle shirt, the other in tank that was nearly pulled off his torso. They embraced and kissed fully, hard, and long. Their tongues were exploring each other's oral cavities and checking their tonsils for sure. They suddenly paused and noticed Santini standing there and gasped. Then looking at his face, laughed, looked at each other, and ran down the sidewalk, holding each other's hands. Santini started to mumble something about how unnatural it was but then stopped, struck dumb. A warmth came over his crotch and suddenly he swore he felt his cock ooze out a little more from his body. "I am not getting an erection over that. I despise it!" His balls responded this time swelling just a touch larger. Santini stood there trying to keep control, but it felt as though he might blow a load. Not here.... not in public.... that's so lewd! Just then some men appeared, walking together in a group, and they had their eyes set directly on Santini. He knew they were trouble. He could tell they meant to rob him. Quickly he crossed the street and then once across began to sprint down the side walk. Over his labored breathing he could head the pounding of their footsteps running at top speed and the sound was getting louder, closer. "We just wanna talk to you, man!" "Yeah, help a brother out?" "You look like you have some extra cash you don't need." Most of the men chasing him down were taller than Senator Santini, and much younger, so it didn't take too long before they overtook him. The leader, a man of about six feet in height and around 190 pounds of muscle, dressed in a muscle t-shirt and sleeveless denim vest, with blue jeans that had a severe case of slash marks, flipped Senator Santini around by his shoulders and slammed him, backside, up against a wall. "I really hate those that run!" the gang leader bellowed in Senator Santini's face. "You're gonna stay right where I tell you or you're gonna deal with this!" And with that the young man flexed his right arm in front of Santini's face. Santini's eyes grew wide in fear, not because of the man's ample sized upper arm created by a rising bicep peak or a well formed tricep horseshoe, but because the warmth spread over his groin again and he worried what this man might do if he realized. Realization was inevitable as quickly Santini's snake began to slither out farther from his groin, and as it grew and bunched in his underpants, Santini was unable to silence the moan escaping from his lips. Looking down the leader could see Santini's package filling out a little more. "What the hell? Do I turn you on, you pervert?" The leader didn't have time to hear the answer. The quick wail of a police siren and Santini kneed the man in the groin. Santini then took off running, with a couple of the gang members still following him, others went in different directions, and the rest were detained by the police. With a part of the gang still in pursuit, Santini made his way through various garages and alleyways as well as some well travelled main streets to give the gang the slip. They were however just as keen as the Agency or the Bureau to use cell phones and pairs to keep tabs on him. He could see a pair of them spotting him again as he took off down an alley which, lucky for him, had a couple coming out of a door that was useable by one side only. He ran up past, the couple, and then caught the door behind them. Swinging around he pulled it shut and then turned to face the room he was in. It was a movie theater. "Oh gawd." Santini thought. "This could be saving or the kill." Yes, it was indeed a public place, but they could lay in wait for him outside, or worse yet, come into the theater and sit by that exit door and the seating arena's entrance. He needed to make sure no one else saw him so that they could tell the gang members he was there, in case they said they were "looking for a friend." Being a small man, he ran for the arena entrance and then ducked into a trash bin. His short and lithe frame, well, with a bit of paunch, fit just snuggly, but well, with inside the confines of the box. It worked out well as when the attendants came round, they merely peaked down the top of the garbage bag and saw it wasn't anywhere near to being one-fourth of the way through and so they let it be. Santini exhausted from running, being out of shape, old, and him coming down from the adrenaline rush, soon fell asleep. He woke up to the sound of a movie going. There was sound of breaking glass... or china, raised voices in a heated argument. Gingerly, although not quite as stealthily as he would have hoped, Senator Santini came out from his hiding place. Walking into the seating area, he peered around and above the wall he stuck close to and saw no one was in attendance for this movie's showing. Breathing a sigh of relief, before he began to walk his way home again, he though to rest in the seats for just a moment to ease the tension of his back, shoulders, and neck. "Why are you so angry with me, Ted? And how could you be with Skye?" the movie played out. "Because you left me. You said we were going to do everything together, be everywhere once we got away from our parents and half way through your sophomore year you bailed on our college, on me." "Oh lord..." thought Santini to himself. "All the places I could hide in and this one is showing the movie I wanted banned." "I needed you there, Craig. Even if we didn't stay together, I needed you. I needed your street smarts. Help me navigate coming out to family, introducing and working myself into the gay community, to see who the predators were, the one night stands, the clubs where I'd get my wallet picked clean, the places one could actually have fun, the introduction to... .... ... You left. You lost all those chances. Skyelar came in and helped me, assisted me. He taught me all the code words we use to classify ourselves into this genre or fetish, introduced me to the leather world, the drag world, the bear world, the we just look like plain ordinary men but we love ass world. And the whole time he never made an advance on me. He never thrust me into a situation that was more than I could handle or comprehend. He sat by me during my first morning hangover wipeout. You weren't here. You claimed you loved me, wanted to be with me, yet you missed out on every first. If you had just made some sort of si....." At that point in the movie Craig pulled Ted in and kissed him full and deeply. The kiss lasted for a good three to four minutes. Afterwards, Ted broke free and slapped Craig across the face and punched him on the chest. It was then the pair noticed that Skyelar was in the doorway. Senator Santini looked up in wide-eyed wonderment at the scene that was playing out and he felt something stir inside him - deep inside him. The stirring gave way to a warmth in his groin. "Oh.... no.... no.... no... not here.... NOT HERE!" The growing sensation this time nearly sent Santini flying backwards out of his chair. His hips, buttocks, and groin region raised up in the air and his pecker pushed itself out longer, thicker, than ever before while his balls inflated like a balloon on a helium tank. In a matter of seconds the bulge around Santini's crotch was very noticeable. The movie music cued dramatically as Skyelar punched Craig and then turned to grab Ted. The look was the typical "are you all right" look that is given just before the other person kisses the hero. "No. NO!" The senator burst through the exit door. Damn if the gang is still out there. He'd rather be beaten and stolen from than to watch that movie or have his cock inflated ever longer and with more girth because of it. Hobbling along, Senator Santini continued his walk towards his home. He package was ample enough it caused a little problem with his gate, especially in its balled up state. At about the half way mark from the theater to his home he crossed an intersection known for its "business." In fact the senator had frequently picked up a number of ladies here, some of them becoming favorites and regulars. In his worn out and harried state none of the ladies recognized him and so all were aggressively and openly hitting on him to take him home of the evening. The senator stammered no and pushed the ladies away, albeit politely and tried to continue his walk home. Several ladies joked about him not being a real man, man enough to handle them. That's when another figure stepped out from the shadows. It was man, who stated loudly that may he was too much man for the ladies and needed another man to handle the job. He did this while sliding up very close to the senator and then squeezing the senator's package. "Holy shit! Aren't you a blessed one! My gawd, I think I could either ride you for free or I ought to pay you." Stunned by the comment, Santini looked at the man in all his tight fitting and skin revealing clothing and realized he found the man and his body both attractive and the warming sensation hit his groin once more and the round package now bulged out as though the senator had a softball, perhaps a grapefruit, or something slightly larger, stuffed down the front of his underwear. The man of the corner looked down in absolute awe and bliss and gave Santini a wink. The senator turn and bolted, running for his house once more, although he was constantly racking himself in pain now. Finally he arrived at his house. His wife was still out for the evening at some charity function, so he quickly made his way into his study. Sitting down he poured himself a drink on the rocks, took a sip, and then proceeded to hold the glass to his groin as though cooling down his crotch rocket might help it return to normal. That's when he felt it. The warmth returned to the senator's crotch, but this time it seemed to build up specifically in his prick and then the sensation rose and spread out through his body. "Auuuuugh" He saw the tightness of his shirt around his gut loosen up a bit. He felt his feet become a little more snug in his shoes. His crotch didn't quite feel as heavy as it did a moment before. "Auuuuuugh." It happened again, this time he felt his shoulders spreading out. His arms felt as though they were filling out his sleeves a bit, like they had never ever done so in his life. "Auuuuugh." Again the pulsing and pushing with his cock shrinking? And his body seemed to stretch and grow. His shoes felt as though they had given way for just a bit, but then the leather wrapped around his foot and travelled about three-fourths of the way up his shin. "Ah-oooooooouh!" Again the inverted pulse, the cock apparently shrinking, Santini's body growing outward. His knees were pushing too far under the desk and close to hitting the drawer bottom. He felt something change with his pants. They felt tighter on him and when he moved they caused his leather desk chair to squeak in blurts and blaps that nearly sounded like farting. "Auuuuuuuuuuuuuugh!" His pants became tighter still, and shinier. The waist band wrapped itself around Santini's waist tightly and he could feel like his core was tight, taut, and strong. His arms were being pushed away by something, being lifted up and hanging out. The sleeves on his shirt were nearly form fitting and his shirt had become this billowing poets shirt with ruffley cuffs and collar. "Ah-hooooooooooooo!" Suddenly the Senator felt his hair touch his neck, no, touch his shoulders as a new goodly portion of his bangs fell down in front of his eyes. He felt his chest swell and a button fly off the poet shirt, whose sleeves filled out thicker and rounder from the senator's bulging upper arms and formidable forearms. His thighs and his ass swelled out more and caused the pants, which he knew now were leather, to stretch and tighten, form fit to his legs. While that was going on his calves were pulsing and throbbing, growing in size and density stretching the top of the leather boots he was now wearing and making the tops spread out wider and wider compared to the ankles. Meanwhile below, the front door to the house opened and in came Sylvan Santini, the senator's son. He had a college friend with him and the two giggled and laughed as they came in. "Mom? Dad?" Sylvan called out but there was no answer. No sound. No other lights on. "Perfect. Put your stuff there at the bottom of the stairs. We can take it up whenever we hear the buzz of the garage intercom go off, they won't know you're here yet and I can tell them you're already asleep so they won't argue about you staying here for a visit." "So if we're not going upstairs now to unpack, what are we going to do?" "This...." And with that Sylvan pulled his friend into the formal living room and reception area of the house and then thrust him backwards onto the couch. Sylvan was slightly like his dad, about an inch or two taller at 5' 6" with a slightly chubby body. Nowhere near as much as his dad was, but you knew he wasn't destined to be fit and trim. His mousy brown hair fell in the way of his bland and dull brown eyes as he climbed on top of his friend, Logan, who was a complete opposite of Sylvan. He was an athlete for the college the pair attended, standing 6' 8" and around 295 pounds of muscle, with a boy next door face, perfect smile, topped with a feather mop of strawberry blond hair, and his body covered in a two day, scruffy beard and light colored, feathery hair all over his body. Sylvan leaned over Logan and ran his hands up under Logan's football jersey, his fingers ruffling the feather hair and tracing the mounds and crevices of Logan's abs. He then leaned in a began to give Logan passionate and deep kisses on this lips as Sylvan's hands worked to undo Logan's waist button. "Wait!" Logan gasped. "What if we get caught? Do you want your dad to know? He's like the most anti-gay senator there is in D.C." Sylvan laughed and gave another kiss to Logan. "That's part of what makes this so arousing. The thrill of being caught by my dad. I'd so love to see his expression when he realizes his son is a...." and he did an impersonation of his father, "'...flaming pooftah!'" Meanwhile, upstairs, Senator Santini had had a few more of the pecker shrinking pulses radiate through his body. Having caught a glimpse of himself in the window reflection he bolted upright out of his chair. He couldn't believe how much higher than the desk top his hips, crotch, and buttocks were. He took a few steps and marveled at the large thud his body was making, as if he were a couple, maybe three hundred or more pounds. Looking into a standing mirror he saw how the leather pants now looked painted on, and the boots nearly did as well. The poet shirt was button popped about four buttons down and his chest spread the opening wide and down revealing to large, hairy covered slabs of muscle that were easily larger than any serving tray he had in the house and barreled more than any cask of wine located there, too. His arms no longer hung down at his sides, but almost straight out as though he were imitating the drawing of man by Leonardo DaVinci. The poet shirt only fluttered now at the frill of the collar and the cuffs, but the rest were nearly as tight as the skin tight and formed, leather pants. When he walked you didn't see a person with stick like appendages move, you saw flexing and popping, mounding muscle mass, undulating crevices, bouncing forms, and stone tightening peaks. He was a glorious behemoth of muscle that could easily take on, if not possibly dwarf Sylvan's friend, Logan downstairs. Looking confused at the style of belt that hung large and dangling off his waist and the cap upon his head, both of which were leather and highly studded, Michael Santini stop and froze when he heard the sound of giggles and moans coming from downstairs. As gracefully and quietly as a man his size could, he crept down the stairs and stopped at the bottom when he turned and beheld the spectacle that awaited him in the foyer. Logan had grabbed, with both arms one of the entrance columns, his head and back were tilted backwards and arch, an expression of pure bliss across his face. His pants and underwear were down and there was another young man going to town with his mouth upon Logan's decent, but not overly sized member. In split second of fluttering eyes, Logan perceived the presence of someone else in the foyer and gasped. This caused Sylvan to react and then feel the presence of another in the room as well. After exclaiming the word "what" to Logan, he turned his head sideways and saw a near giant sized muscle man in knee high boots, leathers, and a poet shirt standing at the bottom of the stairs. "D... Da...Dad?" Sylvan said as he looked at the face of this man, that looked like his father, but appeared much younger and much taller and broader than his dad could ever hope to be. "Sylvan?" said Michael Santini questionably, but the questions that might have come to the top were stopped as a wave of warmth spread over Michael again and an audible moan issued from his lips. Sylvan and Logan stared in wonder as they saw this man's pants inflate at the crotch and then shrink back down again in proportion as the man suddenly grew up taller, broader, thicker, and hairier than he had been just seconds before. The poet shirt developed a large black "x" across itself and then suddenly faded out of view as a chain and leather halter appeared and hugged Mr. Santini's chest, lats, and back so snuggly one thought, "If he moves, it will snap." "Whoa... Dad!" Michael Santini stammered and then bolted for the door. His footsteps thudded and echoed so loudly in the foyer one would have thought with each step he was breaking floor tile. Flinging open the door he tried to run through, only to smack his head upon the door frame, then his shoulders, chest, and lats on the door frame sides, and swear loudly. Finally realizing he needed to perform twist like dance moves, he ducked and twisted sideways at the same time and ran out of the house and into the street. He was out and out running this time. He had grown fitter, possibly slightly younger but only by a few years, if that. Still, his health however was definitely and dramatically improved. He could feel it in the way his body moved as he ran. How his lungs filled with air and released in timing with each step. However he was desperately trying not to become turned on and aroused more and more with each gait of his run. He could feel how heavy he had become, but heavy with dense, thick, and strong muscle. He felt the energy and power each and every time his foot touched the ground and then his calves and thighs helped launch him forward. He could feel the bounce and heft of his pectoral muscles as they undulated in lift and fall in gravity with the motion of his trotting body. The gait had become a swing out to go forward movement as his thighs rolled around one another due to their great circumference. His massive, bulbous upper arms that bounced as he ran, being pushed so far up and out by his flaring lats. He successfully ignored all of that, but the pull on his groin from his ballooning balls and lengthening cock proved to be too much for Mr. Santini. Once again his cock grew out slightly and then shrunk back in just a bit, producing that warm feeling that course through his body. He saw his point of view rise a little bit higher. He felt his body become a bit thicker, stronger, denser, wider, fuller. Suddenly studded arm bands appeared around the crevice created between his upper arm and his deltoids, studded leather cuffs also appeared around his wrists, while the hair on the front of his torso grew in and out thicker, furrier, and became darker losing all of its grey and white sheen to a beautiful chestnut brown. He wasn't sure where he was running to. He needed to find help. He needed to call someone. Up ahead to his right he saw the bright lights of an establishment, possibly a bar. They would have a telephone he could use. Surely the management would take pity on him and allow him to make one phone call. There was man at the front door, a fairly big man. Michael Santini was looking down at him, and now he was even more worried. Obviously he must have been pricked or given a shot of some drug by his earlier attackers as he could not possibly have this point of view, looking down on such a large....broad....uhm.....beefy.....man. "Welcome, sir! Go right on in." The bouncer at the door said enthusiastically with a lusty smile on his face. "Ah..." thought Mr. Santini. "There's a smart man who recognizes when someone is in distress." Ducking and twisting his way through the doorway, Michael suddenly felt very uncomfortable. All conversation in the place stopped and low whispers began travelling across the room. Men came up to him from every side; some to measure themselves up against him, others to place a hand on his upper arms or upon his abdomen. Cat calls and whistles soon were being heard over loud screams of dog barks and wolf howls. Michael felt his ass being firmly groped, followed by his crotch. There were men who were throwing themselves at his legs and hanging on as he tried to walk forward. He shut his eyes against all these lewd advancing men, and concentrated on getting to the bar, but secretly he was fighting the arousing sensation building in him once more - the urge to have a full erection. Finally he made it to the bar as the sea of men looked up to him and stood aside, parted as if Michael were Moses and his rod commanded all. "Hey hey, giant stud. Welcome to Flaming Shots. What'll you ha....." The bartender looked into Michael's face and realized something was quite right. "Are you okay? You look a little wobbly for some reason." "I need... .... to use your phone. I'm... .... not right.... .... something's..... wrong..." "Sure. Go to the end of the bar and I can take you to a back room where we have a phone." Michael made his way to the end of the bar, where upon the bartender guided him into a small room with a phone, and a small table. "You look kind of like you're in shock. I can make the call for you, but besides maybe the paramedics, any family you need to have called?" "NO! No ambulance. Can't be seen.... uh.... family..... No... they can't..... I..... uh.......Roberts." "Robert?" "No. Roberts. C...Ca...Caleb....Caleb Roberts." "The senator? Do you work for him?" "NO! What? I must speak with him. I NEED TO SEE HIM!" "Alright calm down. Just... have a seat right there at the table. I'll get you a glass of water and see about getting a hold of Senator Roberts." The man left to go get the glass of water, but then stopped to talk to another big bouncer that was standing at the bottom of a staircase. "Uhmmm hey, go tell Caleb we have a slight emergency down here. There's a guy, a BIG guy, who says he needs to talk to him. Looks like one of his personal body guards, but he is a bit out of it and about ready to scream for him and make a scene." The bartender then went to get the glass of water and bring it back to Michael Santini. Michael was becoming agitated, wondering when he could place the phone call to Senator Roberts, confused over why he felt the need the urge to call him. His breathing became rapid, his kept tensing and flexing his muscles. Finally he flipped the table in front of him over and bellowed for his ability to call Senator Roberts. "Now, now. It's okay, Mister...?" Mr. Santini turned his gaze and attention towards the man addressing him who had just reached the bottom of the staircase and was crossing the landing. It was Senator Roberts, in almost all of his 6' 4" muscled glory. He was wearing a Roman toga and sandals, with one pectoral exposed, as well as his thick thighs due to the toga's short, short length. His silver and grey pepper hair was semi-plastered to his forehead due to sweat. He had a riding crop in one hand and in his other he had the handle of a chain leash that hung down and travelled back up to a halter connected to a mountain of a man that was quite a bit bigger built than Senator Roberts' trainer size physique, as well as being around twenty years or so younger. Michael Santini stood there and suddenly let his jaw drop as though he were looking at the most beautiful man in the world as he uttered one word. "Caleb?" And then his gaze traveled up the chain to the man behind Senator Roberts and a look of disgust came across Michael's face and once again he said Senator Roberts' first name but this time with a bit of shock and disgust. Then suddenly a deep, lusty moan escaped from Michael's throat and his crotch inflated and inflated and inflated some more and then shrunk back just a little. His body began to rise higher, and push out wider and thicker than ever before. He was definitely hitting the medical legal definition of being a giant and a giant bodybuilder, extreme bodybuilder, at that. Within moments the arm bands that had just recently appeared snapped and flew off of him. His nipples grew hard, the crevices cut in deeper as his muscles got larger and tighter. Slithering pythons of veins rose to the top of his skin and traversed the peaks and valleys of every muscle belly on his body. The leather cuffs at his wrists snapped and tore leaving mere threads to hold themselves together. His leather pants shimmered and suddenly their crotch and ass section disappeared and they became a pair of leather chaps that could barely contain the massive thighs and calves of Mr. Michael Santini. Michael's prick then fell hanging so long and thick, like nearly three fourths the way down his thigh and then began to rise up and up into a massive, pulsing, vein covered, flesh toned, iron rod. Suddenly bursting into the room Sylvan and Logan were there to which Logan gasped and Sylvan became dumbstruck until he finally uttered out the word, "Dad?" "I'm sorry, sir." said the bartender. "They just came running in saying they heard reports of a hulkish man dashing in here and said it was their father?" Senator Roberts stood there for a moment, staring at the man before him, then over to Sylvan and Logan, then at the face of Mr. Santini. "Senator Santini?" Michael looked back at Roberts with a sort of punch drunk, blank expression on his face. "I never expected you to hold back from who you were this long. Nor did I expect... ... how long have you had a crush on me?" Michael just stared back like a puppy longing for companionship, his erect cock bobbing in front of him throbbing as though it might burst. "What the hell is going on here?" yelled Sylvan. "Obviously I don't have a problem with a gay bar, but I know this... ..... porn giant.... is my father. How did he become this?" "It...." started Senator Roberts. "...is a combination of my fault and your fathers." "What?" "You know he had an extreme hatred against homosexuals, did you not?" "Yeah, but..." "Your father attacked me in the garage near the Capitol building early this evening - knife and briefcase. He told me he had had enough and with him actually physically attacking me, so had I. I hexed him with a particular curse I thought was befitting because I suspected where his mind and heart truly lie. That he was a secreted, closeted, gay man. My curse was to have his own desires change him. Every time he saw something he would find arousing, he would change and grow. I left it to the universe to decide how long it would last and when it would wear off. I thought he'd come to terms, to acceptance with himself or acceptance of homosexuals at least, before too many changes would occur. Apparently he denied himself to the very end, thus causing him to grow into..." "Into what has got to be a seven and half foot tall muscle bound, leather clad giant. How the hell is he going to live with himself? How are we going to live with him? He'll be beside himself. He'll be angry. Confused." "He'll be all right. Yet you are correct his life, your life can't go on as it had been. Jameson, " said Senator Roberts to one of his bodyguards, "case, if you please." "Case? What are you going to do?" One of the formerly very large men that was a body guard to Senator Roberts went back up the stairs and then came back down holding a small wooden and silk lined case, which he presented to Senator Roberts. Roberts placed it on the now re-up righted table and solemnly opened it revealing the wand that caused Michael Santini all his problems for the evening. Picking the wand up he turned around and pointed it at Mr. Santini. "A historical, story timeline adjustment must occur to match up with the physical changes that have occurred to your father. Obviously with his much healthier, muscular, and youthful look, plus his large increase in height, no one, even with finger printing and blood tests, is going to believe he is Senator Michael Santini." "So... .... ....what's going to happen?" "Well... I'm going to perform a spell allowing the Universe to rewrite his history, and thus part of yours. Just stand there and close your eyes. You'll feel changes wash over you in your memory. You can be the informant, the narrator, for us so we know what his background has become and where we need to send him on his way to his new life." "O... ok?" said Sylvan questionably and then he just breathed a sigh and closed his eyes. Michael still standing somewhat dazed looking, looked questioningly towards Senator Roberts who took his wand in hand , pointed it at Michael and said, "Quod rescripserunt in DNA, Universum, rescribo historia eius." A swirl of air flowed out of the tip of Senator Roberts' wand until it wrapped around and encircled Michael Santini like a small, personal tornado, but there was a small break off funnel to danced and tickled Sylvan's feet as though it wanted to grab all of him. "He's... .... ....he's involved in security.... .... in fact he's working for you, Senator Roberts. He's one of your body guards now. A Senator... Phillips... it's the man who ran against my father so many years ago! He's the one who has taken my father's place. In fact, Dad worked security for him and he introduced my dad to you. He decided it would be better since... .... since he and my mom married after my father and mom's divorce shortly after I was born and Dad... ... .... came out?!" Sylvan opened his eyes just time to join everyone in the small room to see more changes come over Michael Santini. The chaps became whole again and the fabric turned into the fabric used for a good pair of relaxed, slightly stretchable professional work pants. The harness disappeared replaced by black dress shirt open a couple of buttons down from the neck, and then a black suit jacket matching the fabric of the pants - the leather boots now having turned into an incredibly large pair of dress shoes. "I can see it now too, Sylvan." said Senator Roberts. "He's my biggest bodyguard at 7' 4", I pay him decently, I allow him time off to compete at the Mr. Olympia and preliminary contests, he lives in the guest quarters of my houses, where there is an extra room for you when you come over to stay with him, while his bedroom has a king sized bed for him and..." Suddenly there was a man who faded into existence. The man was only about 5' 3" tall, but had a solid gymnast style build. Sandy blond hair, piercing blue eyes, and smooth and flawless skin. He was wearing some trainers on his feet, a pair of jeans that were a very light denim color and very tight and form fitting on his legs, with a dark blue polo shirt that hugged his upper arms, delts, shoulders, back, chest and lats so well one almost swore it was painted on or perhaps a tattoo. There was a quick glint of light upon Michael and the short man's hands where everyone could see matching rings, one on each hand, of a gold band with seven flat, inlayed diamonds, surrounded by two bans of polished black metal - modern wedding bands. At that moment Michael Santini stumbled forward, sighing. The small man sprang to life, attempting to prop him up as though he were the Atom, small man with super strength. "Michael..." Michael groaned. "It's o.k. Allyn." as he stabled himself by grabbing the arm of one of his fellow guards. Allyn looked up at Senator Roberts. "Sir... may I take him home? He's been having a series of headaches the last couple of days. I'm not sure he feels well." "Of... of course... Al...Allyn. Have my chauffer take you two home in my car. I can use one of the following guard's car." Senator Roberts stammered as the new history formed into his memory. Things returned to the new normal within a few minutes. The crowd was laughing, smooching, groping and drinking out in the bar. Upstairs the inner circle of the bar were fully making out, groping, petting, jacking off and giving blow jobs all while in leather and chains or other notable fetish wear. It was now just Senator Roberts, the man in chains, who was his partner, Sylvan, and his boyfriend, Logan. "Allyn." Said Sylvan. "He was my father's best friend in High School and part of college. At least that's how it used to be. He would tell me stories of how things changed between them in college so I would understand not everyone I was friends with in high school would remain so." "And Allyn was probably a man in love with your father and either wanted to come out or was more afraid to do so, and so the pair drifted apart." "But now... in this new history, they stayed together behind the scenes and got married after mom and dad divorced." Sylvan said as he kind of looked down sullenly at the floor. "You don't approve of your father's new history?" "No... it's not that... I mean... it's great and all. In fact it makes some things a lot easier. At least I know for certain now that one of my parents would approve of my boyfriend, here. Speaking of whom, this is Logan, my boyfriend, by the way." "Nice to meet you, Logan." "And you, sir." "But folks are gonna wonder if I have a syndrome or something." spoke Sylvan. "I beg your pardon." "Well... I mean. I'm his son and I may not necessarily grow to be as tall, nor as built as him, but he's almost two feet taller than me." "You think the universe should have changed you as well." "I don't know. On one hand it's going to be weird me being this short chubby man, the son of a behemoth built giant over seven feet tall, but at the same time, if I'm made too huge and tall, then that would change the dynamics between Logan and I and that would be...." "That would be hot as hell." blurted out Logan. "What?" Said both Sylvan and Caleb at the same time. "Bro...." Logan began. "I love you just like you are, being able to easily pick you up, to squish and tickle you, but if you wanted to become big and huge like your dad is now.... I.... I wouldn't mind it. I'm almost always the big dude. Yeah, some guys are built bigger than me, because I choose it. I have enough problems finding clothes that fit due to my height. My height which although there are some men who are taller than me, it's rare with me being as tall as I am, and if they are, they're usually a lot slimmer and thin. I'm always looked to for help, assistance, protection. Logan, lift this. Logan, reach that. Logan this guy is bullying me. It would be fucking hot to find someone I could climb, someone who could wrap me up in a cuddle, someone who would make me feel small. If you wanted to become that, so long as you did so without becoming a jerk....I think.... I....." Within a moment one could see that Logan wasn't small in other areas either as his rod expanded down his inner left thigh and then fought to raise itself in erection beyond the confines of the broad shorts. "God, Logan. Can't you ever control that anaconda of yours?" "Said Mr. Pot to Mr. Kettle?" Inquired Senator Roberts. "What?" and then suddenly Sylvan felt it. His own cock had developed a hard on, and although nowhere near as big as his lover, Logan's cock was... it was still enough to produce a throbbing bulge. He blushed and turned his face away. "The spell couldn't automatically effect you because of the other strings of your life, like how would this effect your relationship with Logan, school, and such, but... it looks as though Logan would still love you no matter what, if not more so as a behemoth like your father." "Hell, by now you'd be in your last years of junior competition; I'd help you train for your first Olympia to knock your old man down." Logan smiled. "You sure, Logan?" "I'm fine with it. Question is, 'Are you?'" Sylvan smiled. "I think... I'd love it. What do I do?" "Think back to my spell, and just invite those winds of change to wash over you." Sylvan closed his eyes and breathed in deeply. The small amount of whirling wind that tickled his feet earlier appeared once more and grew and grew until it engulfed Sylvan's whole body. A few moments later Sylvan began to moan, some blurts in pleasure, others in agony and pain. His feet had begun to grow and to stretch and thus his shoes extended longer and tighter. His heel began to muffin top over the heel top of the shoe. His toes began to form ridges along the top front. The sides of the shoe began to roll over, out, and down over the sides of the soles, while the laces were being pulled tighter and tighter across the bridge of Sylvan's feet. Then the sides began to slowly rip along their length and Sylvan could feel the fresh cool air tickle the sides of his feet and bottom of his soles. The laces began to snap as the eyelets were pulled farther and farther apart by the higher and wider arch of Sylvan's feet. At the same time the back of the shoe was ripping apart while the toes were ripping out and growing past the front. His feet kept growing longer, thicker, wider, until they not only engulfed but completely hide the soles of his shoes, while the shoe tops looked like torn and ever shrinking spats upon his massive, muscular feet, until the fell away to the floor. "Oooh gawd..." moan Sylvan. "My feet feel so heavy... so long...." and he patted them a couple of times upon the hard wood floor. In a few moments the hems of Sylvan's pants' legs began to rise higher and higher up his leg. As one watched him, one could see it was just his shins growing as although his whole body was rising, the stretch was contained between his feet and knees. Up and up he grew until the jean hems stopped about half way up his calves. Then with moans slowly and lowly coming out of his mouth, he began to travel upward, higher and higher once again. This time folks could see the stretch happening between the knees and the waist, but as he was growing up, his knees also grew larger and thicker, his hips and waist as well. He was still a fit, average man build, but they were increasing to the size of extremely tall basketball player. At one point the button snapped on the waist band, but the rest of pants hugged the larger body well and fairly tightly. When all was done it looked as though Sylvan was wearing a slightly snug and ill fitting pair of capris , whose hems were right at the middle of the knees. It was the hem of the shirt that took off next as Sylvan's torso began to extend and rise, higher and higher. The spine popping and rocking hither and yon, his rib cage expanding further outward and upward. His shoulder snapping and widening, causing the arm bones to grow longer and farther was well. As the neck started lifting Sylvan's head up higher and higher, the hem of the shirt was rising as well revealing the hips, the bottom abs, the navel, the second row of abs. In a few moments the shirt that once was slightly tight fitting on a pudgy frame was now stretched in some ways, very loose in others, and looked like a midriff shirt on his now towering body. The same way his sleeves had shrunk as well, once hanging very well over his delts and to the middle of his upper arms, they now stretched around his arm pits and about half way down his delts. Looking like some lanky, young, pool boy in his now capri style jeans and midriff muscle shirt, Sylvan stumbled a little bit as he was trying to gain his footing and understand his new point of view perspective, having grown now to be 12 inches taller than the door frames of the building. But then he stood straight and tall, planting one foot slightly in front of the other as if to take a powerful and well supported stance. Sylvan started breathing in slow and steady, quivering, then taking in gasping breaths, but not as if choking, more as if turned on, breathing heavy during the act of sex. That's when it started, with a low and powerful groan. Veins began to rise up on his skin starting with his feet, the rose up and across his ankles to climb over his shins and calves, then rolling over the thighs, across the butt cheeks, around his hips and down his shaft and balls, while other side snakes went up the abs brick over brick until they hit the crevice of his chest and then spread out like eagle wings across that broad horizon until the continued like tendrils over the delts, down the upper arms, over the fore arms and into the hands. A last few pythons worked their way up the neck and into the head. At that moment Sylvan was just a tall, lanky, man covered in a web of veins criss-crossing his body such it looked nearly like he had a purplish net over him. But then one could see the veins rising... plumping... no, they were pulsing. They would suddenly become larger and fatter with the pulse of Sylvan's blood, and then shrink down. Yet, as they shrunk down, his muscles began to swell out. With each pulse of his veins and their shrinkage, his muscles filled out thicker... harder... fuller... denser... more striated. Sylvan began to chuckle. He could see the new memories building up in his life: the time when by the end of his Freshman year in high school he was two inches taller than his father. By the end of his college Freshman year, he'd grown another four inches taller than that, making him half a foot taller than his father. He worked out like crazy right after both growth spurts, using the body's usual ability of filling out in muscle strength and size to move the new bigger body. This meant he achieved a huge amount of muscle growth both times. Consider that he kept working out in between those times, eating more, lifting more, stretching and relaxing more, his muscles just soaked it all up and inflated at great and maximum size and speed. Sylvan's chuckles got larger and were mixed with moans. He was seeing average sized men shrink around him in his memories until he was two feet taller than them, while the few seven footers on the college basket ball team were almost a foot shorter. He loved the fact that his body was so big, built, bulging, and heavy that almost any piece of furniture groaned under his weight, straining to support it. How he couldn't fit into most regular cars, or vans, let alone mini cars and doorways. It was a huge turn on with him and he felt his new and growing cock lengthen and harden as it grew to full erection down the left side pants leg making it look like he had stolen and stuffed an extremely large summer sausage down there. The memories kept coming... the first time he blew and arm sleeve out, seeing that it ripped all the way to the shoulder seam; the time he tried his father's pants on and the hem, which was a couple inches high on his legs, suddenly popped and ripped because his calves were larger than his bodybuilder dad's calves were. The thighs as well easily ripped the side seams wide open, while his bubble butt and orange sized balls and miniature baseball bat, took up too much space, and while the pants hugged like a second skin Sylvan's ass, his cock and balls ripped the metallic teeth of the zipper apart, eventually ripping the fly and joining the seam rips so the pants sloughed off and fell to the ground. The first time in public after he had grown quite a bit taller that his shirts were showing off his lower abdomen, and no amount of pulling would bring the hem down to his waist band. This first time he moved his arm and his lats, arms, chest, and shoulders caused the shirt to rip at the arm pit and side. The first time when stretching that the ball of his biceps split his sleeve right open, or the fact that as friends commented on it, he also flexed his forearm and busted the sleeve and then the cuff there as well. The first time he casually leaned back to relax while taking a deep breath and a sound was heard similar to a row of bubble packing paper being all popped - his expanding chest having cause four buttons to pop off and go flying across the room. This was the first time Logan let Sylvan know of his interest in him, as he joking tried to pull Sylvan's shirt closed and chastised him for not wearing clothes that fit, but secretly shoved his hand under the fabric to feel up Sylvan's vest, run his fingers through Sylvan's hair and whisper up to him, "Gawd that was so hawt; I'm totally horned and boned for you now." The muscles kept growing thicker and farther out. Deep were the cuts and valleys; defined were the striations; bulging and peaking were the muscle bellies; crazily full were his veins; deceptively thin looked his skin stretched over the mighty muscled mass; bushy and feathery was the hair covering his chest, abs, mid upper down to forearms, crotch, and legs; murky was the air with sweat and musk. His biceps peak rose so high in the opposite direction of his tri's that his whole upper arm looked to be as big and round as basketballs he could so easily palm and dunk. Not just one but two kegs barreled out from the top of his torso that were the solid yet bouncing and protruding pecs. A range of shoulders that looked like mountains attempted to squeeze off the great neck that looked like a cut away section of a giant redwood trunk. His Adonis belt, so thick, lats so wide, he looked as though he could glide if he jumped out of a plane, while his abs looked like a towering rock climbing wall. Massive tree trunk sized thighs that had a great many of hanging tear drop shaped bee hives encircling it, with a thigh bicep that threatened to dwarf his upper arms, including hamstrings so thick they might support the golden gate bridge, and all of this above calves so thick, so wide, so fully developed they were beyond small ball shape, beyond the beating heart, past the hard diamond, and skewed into a huge, three dimensional, kite shape. In front of him, more correctly in front of his great balls, hung the titanic tube, which had gone flaccid, and in this soft and squeezable state, still went down about three-fourths the way down his thigh. But then those veins returned to visit it, rising and swelling up across the top of the skin and as they did so, this preposterous python became even larger, longer, fatter, thicker, as rapidly rose in rigidity and threatened to go well past Sylvan's knee if allowed to hang straight down as it did flaccid. But a full standing erection wasn't possible, for it grows too long, too thick, too heavy for it to rise up and stand at attention pointing to the top row of Sylvan's abdominals. No, it stuck straight out and bobbled as it throbbed between a 40 to 90 degree angle from his body. With his growth finished, now naked, Sylvan made quite the intimidating impression to almost everyone in the room. Everyone that is except Senator Caleb Roberts and Logan. Logan moved fast to hug and embrace his new, larger, bulkier boyfriend. The man who once stood so tall to Sylvan, that Sylvan only came up to his chin, now only came to the top of Sylvan's chest, just under the top of the delts and under the shoulders completely. Looking up to Sylvan, Logan smiled and said, "I... I can remember our past lives, how and when we met, what we did, but I can also remember a new history, too. Like how I came on to you and the first time I ever took... that." And Logan grabbed Sylvan's super schlong and gave it a squeeze. "I so want to recreate that night right now." "Unfortunately, you can't go anywhere to do that.", announced Senator Roberts. "Sylvan doesn't have any clothes with him. For some reason, the magic didn't provide that." and Caleb sighed a small yet laughing sigh. "Jameson..." said Senator Roberts to another one of his aide. "Take Young Mr. Santini and his lover, Logan, upstairs to my secret room. There they can enjoy the evening recreating the first penetration of Logan, while I send someone home to see if clothes were materialized there, as well as someone to head out to have something tailor made incase not." And with that Logan escorted the nude Sylvan up to the secret, private room, while Senator Roberts and his husband, went back home, via the back door, to work off their horniness upon seeing two men grow into great muscular, giant, brutes Michael Santini felt completely fine the next morning and reported for bodyguard duty at Senator Roberts' house, but upon discovering it was Allyn and Michael's anniversary, he not only allowed Michael a couple of weeks off, but booked a two week cruise for the couple. Meanwhile Sylvan's history now had him belonging to a couple of athletic teams back at college, and he and Logan celebrate either of their or their teams' victories with a most intimate party for two... or sometimes three.... maybe four.... depending upon who is feeling randy, who wants to see the legend "at work", both of them having come out fully as being gay college athletes. Thus proof of the phrase they say, "He who protests too much... ... ..."
  20. pasidious

    A Growing Love

    This is the first time I'm attempting to post in this section. I'm trying to improve my writing and I hope at least a few of you enjoy this. Yes, I know it's cliche. But I honestly had this idea pop into my head as sort of a daydream a few years ago. Please let me know what you think! ______ As a first year college student, 18 years old, I never knew what to expect from living in a dorm. I mean, I'd heard stories from various sources about what it was like, but the actual thing was nothing at all what I'd expected. I'd always heard about parties and constant shenanigans within college dorms. Some of the dudes in this dorm had some fun, but it was quiet for the most part. I knew I'd have a roommate. I was expecting some dude who'd be into partying, and being boisterous, but this guy was pretty tame. He'd often spend time reading and studying, or just watching Netflix, or even playing some video games. He'd rarely make the effort to speak to me. Not that he was rude, or anything! He was always polite. He just never tried to engage in any more conversation than was necessary. I was the first of the two of us to arrive on move-in day. I entered the dorm and surveyed the space, taking note of everything. I didn't want to begin unpacking my things until my roommate arrived, because I didn't want to dominate the place before he'd even had a chance to claim any space for his own. There were two beds, of course, one on either side of the single window. The closet was to the right of the doorway, and it was rather large. I opened the closet to take a look and I decided to put my bags on the floor in there just for the moment. As I was doing so I heard the dorm door open. At first I was thinking "what the fuck?" because it was my dorm, but I quickly remembered I was sharing it with someone. I moved the closet door so I could look at who was entering the room, and there he was. I assumed, anyway, that he was my roommate. He had long curly blonde hair that reached his shoulders, light brown eyes, and even a few freckles on his face above his nose and under his eyes. He was tan, his skin a nice bronze color as though he were someone who spent a lot of time in the sun. He had to be around 5'9." He was wearing a simple white T-shirt with some RCVA logo on the front, and tan cargo shorts with a lanyard bearing the school colors hanging out of his pocket. He had black socks on that went up to just below his calves, and red Supra shoes. He had sunglasses on top of his head, which were pulling his hair back a bit farther from his face than I imagined it usually sat. He didn't notice me at first because I was kind of obscured part way inside the closet door. "Hey man." "What the?! Fuck, you scared the shit out of me." He jumped backwards a bit. "Ah sorry, I wasn't trying to do that. I was just putting some of my shit in the closet. My name's Alex." "I'm Bryan. Good to meet you, Alex, dude. I guess we're roommates, huh?" He held his hand out, and I shook it. "Looks like it! This your first year, too?" "Yeah, but I took a year off from school. I'm 19, just turned 19 two months ago." "Oh that's cool, I kind of wish I could have taken a year off." I laughed. We then began unpacking our belongings and deciding how to divide up the space. He seemed like a nice enough dude. We were about two months into our semester when it dawned on me that Bryan never had any girls or friends in general come to the dorm. He really never left, actually. He only ever went to class, or to go eat. He'd brought with him some dumbbells when he moved in, and he'd sometimes do brief little workouts with them, but he never actually went to the school gym. At least not as far as I knew. I mean, I wasn't exactly one to talk. I rarely did much social stuff, either. I'd sometimes go chill with a few friends here and there, but it wasn't often. I was more of a "follower," so to speak, in the sense that I wasn't one to initiate social events. I usually waited til someone else invited me to do something. And I was no slouch, athletically. I'd worked out throughout high school, and I continued to do so in college. I wasn't huge or anything. I had abs, a decent chest that would show through a tight enough shirt, and decent arms. I liked being able to use the school gym since I didn't have to pay for a membership. I'd try to go at least 4 times a week. Bryan's little dumbbell workouts were always fascinating, though. I'd be reading or trying to do homework, and he'd bring them out and start lifting them in various ways. He'd always start with curls. I loved watching him lift them over and over, watching his biceps contract into nice little balls in his sleeves. He'd then do tricep extensions, and he'd lay down on his back and work his chest. He wasn't big by any means, and he really didn't ever gain any weight. But watching him workout, though, was something I loved doing. I'd always get hard watching him. I never mentioned to him that I was gay, and I doubt it was something I should ever bring up. If he had something against it, it'd be a rough time living with him for the remainder of our time in this dorm. I did find him super attractive, though. His hair had gotten longer since he moved in, and it was a few inches below his shoulders now. Sometimes he'd pile it on his head. He reminded me of a surfer. He'd always finish his workout by doing some sit-ups. He'd do maybe 10, then stop for a while. Then 10 more. Then he'd stop for another while. He never took his shirt off, so I wouldn't be able to actually see his abs. I always kind of thought he did things a little weird. But at the same time, I just enjoyed watching. Discreetly, though. I'd be behind my laptop or reading a book or something so I could steal glances without him noticing. Many times when he was done I'd have to run down the hall to the bathroom to take care of myself. There were times when I'd considered asking him about his workout plan. I mean, he wasn't going to gain anything if he used the same weights all the time and did the same exact basic exercises. I was curious about what he was hoping to achieve. But, at the same time, I liked watching him. I didn't want to ruin it! It was a dilemma. If I asked him about it, maybe I could motivate him to go to the gym and start making some gains, which would be so hot. But then I'd never get to see him workout in front of me anymore. He was so confusing to me. At some point I would have to actually ask him about all of this. If nothing else, it would get him to hopefully open up some more and actually talk. My curiosity was getting the better of me one Friday afternoon. I'd finished up my last class of the day and was heading back to the dorm. The whole trek back I kept thinking about Bryan. I couldn't get him off my mind. I opened the door and he was sitting at his desk, on his computer. He looked up and said "Sup?" and I greeted him back. I went to sit at my own desk and pulled out my laptop. I had some homework to do and I figured I could at least start it. Bryan continued tapping away at his keyboard. I couldn't tell what he was working on but it didn't matter. He stood up from his desk and went to the closet. He opened the door and pulled out his dumbbells, and I couldn't take it anymore. I had to finally ask him. "Bryan, can I ask you something?" "Yeah man, what's up?" He looked at me, standing there with a dumbbell in each hand. "Well, I've noticed you working out with those dumbbells for months now, and I can't help but notice you're not exactly gaining any weight. What's your goal?" The corners of his mouth only slightly upturned. It was the faintest of smiles. But I saw it. "My goal? I don't know man, I just wanna stay in shape." "I guess that's as good a reason as any. Have you ever thought about trying to gain some size?" "You think I should try to get bigger?" Fuck. Yeah I wanted to see him get bigger. My dick hardened a bit in my shorts when he said that. "Welllll... that's entirely up to you. Strive for your own goals, don't let me decide for you." He turned his eyes upward, like he was thinking. His golden hair was down today, most of it tucked behind his ears with some strands hanging over his face, and he was wearing a blue and white plaid button-down shirt and tan cargo shorts. The guy had style, for sure. I mean, to me he could wear the fuck out of anything, really. "Well, what's your opinion, Alex? What do you think I should do?" My breath caught in my throat at that question. How do I avoid answering that one? If I'm honest, he might get the hint that I'm into him. But fuck, I'd love to see him start getting bigger and bigger. I'll have to finesse the language of my answer. "If you want to get bigger, then I think you should go for some size. I think the chicks would start lining up at the door for you if you do that." "You're a pretty fit dude, and you've never brought home any girls." Ah shit. Where do I go with that? He has to know. He said that with no expression on his face. He was looking into my eyes, and it made me uneasy. I opened my mouth to respond but I couldn't make any sound come out. He tilted his head like he was waiting for me to say something specific, but I couldn't even figure out for myself what I wanted to say. Then he smiled. "I've noticed you tend to watch me when I use these weights. And then more often than not you disappear from our dorm when I'm done. I'm guessing... you're not into girls, are you, Alex?" "I... ummm... no... I just..." He chuckled a little. "It's okay, Alex. I don't have a problem with it. I've known you watch me for a while now, and I've liked it. I like that you're into me. It's kinda hot. And I think you're pretty hot, too." I was completely shocked. I mean, this is a great outcome, but still, I never imagined he'd be gay. He looked like the kind of dude that'd never be into other dudes. I just couldn't bring myself to talk, still. I couldn't figure out what to say. "So, you think I should get bigger, huh? Would that make you more into me?" He was still standing in the same spot, still holding his dumbbells. I was finally able to find my voice. "What? No! I mean... Yes, I do think you should try to get bigger. But I'm already into you." I blushed. I could feel it. "Haha, cool. I'm glad to hear that. But, I will say, now that we've decided my goal should be to grow, I will grow. I won't just try. I will grow." He smirked at me. "How big do you want me to get?" He started curling his weights when he said that. He kept his eyes on me, his smirk turning into a kind smile. I saw his biceps contracting into balls as he lifted. It was making me hard. "Uhhhh how big do you want to be?" "No Alex. I'm asking YOU. How big do YOU want me to get?" "I guess... I don't know, dude! Like, ten minutes ago I had no idea you'd ever even consider the idea, much less that you were gay, AND into me!" He stopped curling the weights. One arm was contracted while the other stayed hanging by his side. His smile faded. "Whoa, man. I said I thought you were hot. I never said I was into you." I felt my mouth drop open as my mind just shattered. The disappointment that shot through my body was astronomical. Even my boner started to soften. "BAHAHAHAHA!" He busted out laughing, and I was really confused. I was even starting to get annoyed. "Oh you should have seen your face, Alex!" More laughing. Tears were forming in the corners of his eyes. "Fuck off, Bryan." "No, bruh, I'm just messing with you! Dude you were so tense I had to try to make you laugh!" His laughing faded. "I uh... guess you didn't find that funny, huh?" His face was more serious now, but still had a faint smile. His hair was a bit disheveled, more strands of curled golden locks in his face. "Wait, you were joking? So, you really are into me?" "Well, yeah, man. I think you're hot. I've been attracted to you since the day we met. It's why I never wanna go anywhere. I'd always rather just be in here, with you." He smiled again, and I felt myself blush again. He put the weights down on his bed. "You never did give me a real answer, though. How big do you want me to get?" I decided I'd give him an honest answer. "I love muscles. Nothing turns me on more. So, I guess I'm saying you should get as big as you can possibly get." "Well then. I guess I'd better get started, huh bro?" He flexed his arms, and I saw two nicely shaped biceps pop up in his sleeves. They weren't huge, or even all that big, but they were beautiful. They'd be so fucking hot if they were bigger. My dick was back at full mast, throbbing in my shorts. He smiled at me again. "You uhhh, know any good workout plans? Heh." He dropped his arms and I finally got to see him blush. "I can help you find what you need, man. It'll be easy, I think. You look like your genetics have you set to grow pretty easily and quickly." "You really think so?" He flexed his arm again, and looked at it. He ran his hand over it. FUCK my dick was so hard. "Y-yes. I do." I was trying so hard not to touch my dick. I had to look away. I looked back at my computer screen where I had some schoolwork pulled up. From behind me I heard Bryan say "I can't wait to start. I think it'll be fun to get big. For you." Did he really say that? He's really going to do this for me? I mean, it'd be so fucking hot, but he's way ahead of himself. There's no telling how much work he'll need to put in to even gain the smallest amount of weight. I only told him it looked like he'd have an easy time because I wanna motivate him. "Uhhh, Bryan, I already said you gotta do this for yourself. I can't be the reason you--" My words were interrupted by the force of my chair being spun by an unknown source. Bryan's face came into my view and I saw he had the back of my chair in his hand. "Oh no, dude. There's no better reason than to do it for you." Then he bent down and kissed me. I saw fireworks in my eyes when his lips made contact with mine. He reached a hand behind my head and began running his fingers through my hair, and kept his lips locked with mine. I closed my eyes and kissed him back. It felt amazing to finally have this amazing guy kissing me, which I never thought would ever happen. It was like a dream. He broke away, pulling his face back, and he used his other hand to sweep some of his curls out of his face and behind his ear. He was smiling, and his white teeth were shining in the light. I always thought he was hot, but now I'm finally seeing he's just plain beautiful. He was angelic. "I'm gonna grow for you, Alex. You wait and see." I gasped as I felt my dick throb. Bryan giggled a little, and reached down and grabbed my crotch. FUCK. "Wow, you're really fucking hard!" "Fuck, Bryan! What do you expect?" I closed my eyes and my head went back as he squeezed my cock through my shorts. "Unnnghh" I moaned a little. "Wow. You're gonna be fun to play with. But we can't yet. Not just yet." Was he really going to tease me like this?! "Bryan, you can't tease me like that! It's cruel!" He continued squeezing me through my shorts. He even started to jerk me off a little. "Oh, I can jerk you off if I want. But that's the most we can do for now." He winked at me. God he was so hot. "You wanna cum?" I nodded rapidly. The pressure I was feeling was insane. I wanted him so bad. He started jerking me off with more speed and energy, and he was squeezing every few seconds. "Ohhhh..." I moaned again. And then he removed his hand. He unbuttoned my shorts and pulled the zipper down, and then tugged my boxers down with my shorts. All 7 inches of my dick popped out, veiny and hard as steel. He mouthed the word 'wow' when he saw it. I felt some pride that he was impressed, but then I was wracked with jolts of pleasure when he grabbed me again, this time skin to skin in his hand. Oh it felt so good. He began jerking again, and squeezing. He was squeezing hard, too, making me writhe in my chair. He increased his speed, and continued squeezing. His hand was becoming a blur, and my mind was in a constant state of explosion. I couldn't even see clearly anymore, the pleasure was too great. The pressure at the base of my dick was growing, and soon I could feel the sharpness of an imminent ejaculation. I was gonna cum, and I was gonna cum hard. He squeezed hard once more, and that was it. "OH GOD I'M CUMMING!" He didn't stop jerking. He kept going, and I felt the amazing sensation of cum leaving my balls and entering my dick and surging to the tip. The first blast was a big one, hot and thick, and shot across the room and hit the window! And then the next one, another big one. It hit the wall right next to the window. I could hear the splatters as they made impact. And then another shot, this one not as strong but still big, hitting the floor. A few more spurts were launched, leaving a mess on the carpet, until there was only a little bit dribbling from the tip and onto Bryan's hand. He brought his hand up and licked it, cleaning up all of my cum from his hand. He chuckled a little. "You taste good, brah. Can't wait to do that when I'm bigger." I sat there, my head tilted back, breathing heavily. My chest was rising up and down with each breath. My dick was still feeling the residual effects of the massive explosion I'd just experienced, still exposed to the air as it slowly softened. I looked up and noticed Bryan was still standing there, looking down at me with a smile on his face. He was just standing there with his arms at his sides. I wondered if he was even hard. He gave no indication that he wanted to cum, too. I suddenly felt self-conscious, and sat up and started tucking myself back into my shorts. Bryan just chuckled. "What?" I asked. "Nothing. I just like looking at you." He crossed his arms. "I'm gonna run down and get something to eat, dude. You want anything?" "Ah, no thanks. I'm just gonna chill out for a bit. You really wore me out..." I slightly laughed. "I guess while you're gone I'll try to look up a good beginner's workout plan. Should be plenty to find on the internet." "Dude, that'd be awesome. I can't wait to start." He winked at me. "I'll be back in a bit." He put on his shoes and walked to the door, opened it, and only stopped ever so briefly to look back at me and grin before exiting and shutting the door. 'What the hell just happened?' I wondered to myself. It was fucking great! I just couldn't believe it. I was so very much looking forward to spending more time with Bryan. I wanted to lay in bed with him, and hold him. I wanted to kiss him, with him kissing me back, arms around each other. I wanted our tongues to dance around together while we feel each other all over, our hands exploring everywhere. I wanted to run my hands through his beautiful hair and look into his beautiful eyes. I also wanted to see him flex. Fuck, muscles get me so horny. I mean, I built some of my own, sure, but it wasn't as great as seeing another dude's muscles. I liked to flex for myself. I liked looking into the mirror and flexing my arms, watching my peaks rise into baseballs. I liked flexing and bouncing my pecs, and tensing my abs. I liked to run my hands over them, feeling each brick. I especially liked wearing a tight T-shirt and seeing it wrapped around my torso, with my pecs pushing out and the sleeves completely filled with my arms. I'd get hard appreciating my own body, but nothing compared to seeing another dude flex. That made me harder than anything else. Just watching Bryan workout made me hard as fuck. I wanted to see him flex every muscle he could flex. I wanted him to start with his arms, and flex into a double bicep pose. I wanted to put my hands on each one, and squeeze. Oh fuck that'd be hot. I wanted to see his abs tense up. I wanted to run my fingers between each brick. I wanted to see his quads and his calves bulging. I wanted to run my hands all over his body. Fuck. I was so curious about how he was so confident he'd start gaining muscle. I was excited for it to happen. I couldn't wait to see him come back to the dorm each day after a workout, seeing him all pumped. I wanted him to get bigger and bigger. I was getting hard again thinking about all of this. I decided I should just actually look up some workout plans for him. I should have that done before he gets back. Going to the internet, there was no shortage of possible plans. Most are pretty similar for beginners. I picked one that looked promising for his build. He wasn't too far off from my own build, especially before I started getting bigger, so I picked a plan that was very similar to the one I'd started with. I put it together so it would fit on as few pieces of paper as possible, and kept it organized so it was easy to understand. I printed it out and placed it on his desk. And then I went back to working on the homework I'd tried to start earlier. It was probably about an hour later that Bryan made it back. I got distracted from my homework and wound up catching up on my current Netflix binge. I was laying in bed with my laptop watching Raymond Reddington being a badass when I heard the door open. I glanced toward the door and saw Bryan walk in and shut the door softly behind him. He had his sunglasses on his face still, but once he shut the door he lifted them up so they sat on his head. He looked at me and smiled that smile. "Sup?" He greeted me. He walked to the edge of his own bed and sat down. I smiled back at him, blushing uncontrollably. He was so beautiful. The sun was getting low in the sky, but was still shining enough light into the room that seemed to make him glow. "I got distracted when I was trying to do some homework. Just watching The Blacklist. Oh and I was able to find a workout plan for you. I printed it out and put it on your desk." My laptop continued streaming Netflix. "That's so cool man, I can't wait to get started on growing. Are you excited to see it happen?" Fuck! He had a knack for asking questions that instantly made me start getting hard. "Yeah man, I wanna see you grow. I wanna see you get big and outgrow your clothes." I tried to focus on Netflix so my dick wouldn't harden any further. "You want me to outgrow my clothes?" It was an innocent question; a response to my response. And yet, just the way he asked it made me harden further. I swallowed, and yet my throat was starting to feel dry. I looked at his face, and he had this quizzical look. "Uh, yeah. I want your gains to be enough that you need new clothes. It's a positive thing." "What about if I'm still wearing them? Is that something you'd like? You wanna see me flex an arm and make the sleeve rip?" Fuck, he knew which buttons to press. My dick was fully hard now. And throbbing. "Umm yes, to be honest I'd find that super hot." He grinned. "Cool." I don't know how he was so nonchalant about this whole thing. It made him that much hotter. But then he stood up from his own bed, took his sunglasses off and put them on his desk, and walked right over to mine. Several locks of his hair fell out of place, falling into his face, without the sunglasses holding them where they were. He was still wearing what he was before. He didn't even say anything, he just lay himself down right next to me in my bed and started watching Netflix with me. My face was so red, I could feel it. But it was awesome. I scooted over a bit so he had more room, and he scooted with me. He had his left arm behind his head, and took his right hand and grabbed for my left hand. I felt his fingers entwine with mine, and I felt like I was in heaven. He turned his head and looked at my face, and I turned to look at his. He smiled again, and moved his face closer and kissed me lightly. I hummed softly when his lips touched mine, and I felt my dick throb. He kissed me again, and I felt his hand squeeze mine. He moved his arm from behind his head and put his hand on my chest. Our lips remained locked, and the sounds from my laptop were fading so far into the background that I didn't even hear them anymore. His tongue entered my mouth, and started dancing with my own. I engaged his tongue, dancing with it, fighting for dominance. He took my left hand and brought it to his crotch, and placed my hand on his dick. I felt him through his shorts, and wow. He was hard. And getting harder. I felt him swelling through the fabric, and it was incredible. I wrapped my fingers around his dick as well as I could, and squeezed. I felt him gasp through my lips while we continued to kiss. He was so thick! His dick felt at least as big as mine, maybe bigger. I squeezed him again, and fuck. His dick seemed like it was still growing and getting harder. I wasn't sure, but with his lips on mine, it sort of felt like he smiled. He broke our kiss, and our noses touched. He whispered "It's finally time for us to play." He reached over and grabbed the bottom of my shirt and started pulling it up. I sat up a bit and let him remove my shirt, and he tossed it to the floor. He mouthed 'Wow' again when he looked at my body. My abs and chest were on full display, and I had to admit, I looked pretty fit. I kicked my laptop off to the side so it wasn't in the way, and I grabbed at the bottom of his shirt. He stopped my hands, though, and I looked at him, confused. "No, not yet. My shirt will come off soon enough." He grinned, and it was almost an evil grin. He took my hand and placed it on his crotch again, and his dick was... wow. He was so hard, and he felt so big. He had to be bigger than me down there. He then reached down to his shorts and undid the button and pulled down the zipper. His dick popped right out, and FUCK. It was gorgeous. It was straight as a steel rod, and thick, covered with veins. I also noticed he wasn't wearing any boxers or anything. But I'd say he was bigger than me, he had to be close to 8 inches. It was my turn to say wow. He turned my head towards his face and kissed me again. I grabbed his dick and wrapped my fingers around it, and squeezed. He gasped, and continued kissing me. But then something insanely hot happened. I felt his dick throb, and then my fingers were forced to spread apart. I broke away from his kiss to look down, and his dick had grown even bigger. I heard him snicker. "It's time for some fun," he said. "Wha--?" I couldn't even finish saying the word as his dick throbbed and grew again in my hand. Holy fuck, what was happening? My own dick was so hard and leaking pre. I could feel the wetness in my shorts. "Come on, brah, make me cum." I squeezed his dick, and he moaned. I started jerking him off, sliding my hand up and down his shaft. I moved my face to his and kissed him again, shoving my tongue into his mouth. I was so turned on by all of this and was feeling a little aggressive. I wanted to make him cum, especially after he made me cum harder than I'd ever cum before. He moaned again, with my mouth on his. His lips tasted so good. I squeezed his dick again, and it throbbed hard. Again, it grew in my grasp, spreading my fingers farther apart. "Ah!" he gasped again, and I even moaned some. Feeling his dick pulse and grow was one of the hottest things I've ever experienced. I started jerking him faster. He moaned again, and I knew what I had to do. I broke our kissing, and sat up. He looked up at me, at first with disappointment, and then with intense desire. He also almost looked like he was in pain. "I need to cum, dude! I'm so hard!" "You will... ohhh you will," I replied. I maneuvered myself so my face was closer to his dick. I grabbed it with my hand and squeezed it, then released and brought my lips over the head. Bryan moaned pretty loudly. Just with his head in my mouth, I started licking at the tip. I ran my tongue all over it, circling it. He started to writhe on the bed. I took some more of him into my mouth, and sucked. I sucked him like it was a lollipop, and allowed my tongue to roam all over. He was moaning almost nonstop now, sighing, and breathing hard. I could tell he was really enjoying this, and I wanted him to explode. Then he grunted, and I felt my mouth forced open wider as his dick grew even more. Holy shit. I really hit the jackpot with Bryan, because I'm sure any gay dude out there would kill for a chance to suck a dick that's literally growing bigger and bigger. And not just getting hard. I brought my left hand to his dick and grabbed it at its base and started to jerk him in time with my sucking. He was too big now now matter how much I tried to fit into my throat. Another throb, and my lips were forced wider again. FUCK! How big was his dick gonna get?! "OHHHHHNNNGGGGGG!" He was moaning so loud now, nonstop. "FUUUUUUCK! I'M GONNA CUM! ALEX MAKE ME CUM!" I squeezed him hard with my hand, and sucked hard. He was bucking his hips, fucking my mouth. Another pulse, and his cock grew yet again. My mouth couldn't widen any more. My throat kept swallowing, trying to take in as much of him as possible. I sucked harder than I'd imagined I could, and I used my right hand to start squeezing his hamstrings. "I'M CUMMING! I'M CUMMING ALEX!" And he was. I felt his dick throb, and it suddenly felt so hot in my mouth. I then felt the first shot hit the back of my throat. FUCK it was powerful, like a jet. "AHH!" He yelled. Then another hard and powerful blast, long and thick. I kept swallowing as each shot erupted, another, and another. Each one was just as powerful as the last, until the 6th shot. It was slightly less forceful, and then the next one was even less. Eventually I'd sucked him dry, and could no longer taste the salty sweetness. I pulled my face away from his crotch and let his dick pop out of my mouth, and holy SHIT. He had to be at least 12 inches long. And still fucking hard! He wasn't even softening! He lay there, panting, unmoving. His eyes were closed but he had that evil grin on his face, and his head tilted back slightly. His hands were gripping the blanket on the bed hard enough that his knuckles were turning white. I saw cords and tendons of his forearms standing out, he was gripping it so hard. "Thanks, Alex. That was the best orgasm I've ever had, brah." "Dude, you are unreal. How are you still hard?" He stayed how he was, still panting, still grinning. I thought for a moment that he didn't even hear me. But then he opened his eyes and looked directly into mine. "You think I'm unreal?" His dick was quivering, and still hard as ever. I was letting my eyes roam over his entire form, and he was so fucking hot. That hair of his was sexy as hell, too. I'd never met a guy whose hair made this much of a difference, but Bryan's surfer hair made me so hot for him. Well... MORE hot for him. He relaxed his hands and released his grip on the blanket, but his forearms maintained their tensed appearance, now with veins protruding from the skin. He started to sit up and put his weight on his elbows. "Yeah... you're unreal. How... just... how did you get your dick to grow like that?!" "Hmph." He grunted out a short laugh. "It's just the beginning, bro." He sat up all the way and swung his legs over the side of the bed. He grabbed my hands and pulled me to his side so we were sitting together. He turned his face to mine and kissed me passionately, and then stood up. His huge dick was still sticking out from his open fly of his shorts, which still clung to his hips. What a sight to behold! "What's beginning?" I asked him. He turned and faced me as I sat in front of him. He tilted his head a bit to the side and was looking into my eyes. He wasn't smiling anymore. His face was intense, but otherwise neutral. But then he spoke. "I'm sorry you went to the trouble of finding me a workout plan." "What... Bryan? What do you mean?" "I just wanted this to be a bigger surprise, is all. I wasn't lying when I said I was gonna--unghh--grow." He grunted, and I saw his dick grow about another inch longer, and even thicker. "Holy fuck..." was all I managed to say before the real surprise started. I started to hear a faint stretching noise, and the smile returned to his face. I saw movement, and I noticed his shoulders were spreading. I blinked a few times, and yes, they were broadening, pulling his button-down tighter across his chest. But they weren't just getting wider, I could see them swelling under the fabric, too, becoming rounder and more bulbous. And then I saw his neck starting to thicken, with his traps beginning to rise up. "Dude, this feels so good." The stretching noise was getting louder. He brought his arms up, and his forearms were starting to thicken as well. "This is what you--ahhh--wanted, right?" His chest bulged out when he said that, pushing his shirt out and making the cloth pull at the buttons. His forearms were still getting thicker, but he pulled back his sleeve on his right arm and flexed his bicep. And holy fuck. It swelled into a tennis ball, bigger than it was before. He took his right arm and pulled back the sleeve on his left arm and flexed both at once. "You like this, Alex? I want you to enjoy the show." He winked at me, those beautiful blonde curls bouncing as he moved his head. My dick was throbbing hard. So fucking hard I wish MINE would grow bigger just so it could get harder. "Unnghghh" He groaned, and his arms bulged bigger. They were baseballs now. He started pumping his arms, flexing and unflexing. Each time he flexed again, they were slightly bigger. "Fuck, this feels so good. Come on, growwwwww!" And then I noticed his legs. His calves had begun to swell, forming bulges on his lower legs. They were flexing and unflexing, like his arms, but this seemed involuntary. Each time they flexed they'd grow some more. Soon they were baseballs, too, and still swelling. His dick was starting to leak precum, drooling onto the floor. FUCK. Oh my GOD this was so hot. His arms didn't stop growing, they were starting to get to softball size, right in time with his calves. But then I heard some creaking noise, and noticed his shorts were tight in the thighs. They were skin tight. The material of his shorts was so tight it was straining and squeaking a little, and I couldn't believe how thick his legs had gotten. "Oh fuck." I whispered. My dick felt like it was going to explode. "Yeah, fuck yeah, this is what you like, right? You wanted this to happen, so watch closely." He said it softly, but with a strong amount of authority. He lowered his arms and flexed his quads, hard. And then RIIIIIIP! Both legs of his shorts ripped wide open on the sides, starting in the middle and moving in both directions. The seams split wide open. "FUCK! OH FUCK!!" I wasn't even touching myself and my cock exploded, shooting cum all into my shorts. It was everywhere. I wasn't even touching myself!! The wet spot forming was unmistakable, as Bryan once again made me cum harder than ever before. "OHHHNGGG" I kept shooting into my shorts, and I noticed Bryan had an amused look on his face. My jaw was wide open as I looked into his face. He looked kind of proud of himself. "Dude. I'm not even done yet," Bryan said in a low voice. His own dick was still drooling onto the carpet, forming a small puddle. FUCK his dick looked hot. My dick exhausted itself, but as soon as I looked back up at Bryan, he took his hands and tucked his fingers under the waist. He began pulling the waist of the shorts in opposite directions, his arms bulging into striations and clear tendons, until RIIIIP, the remains of his shorts tore apart, leaving his lower body completely bare. My dick immediately started getting hard again. His quads had gotten huge, and each head of the muscle was visible. His legs were touching together, and he widened his stance a bit. They were still fucking swelling, too. Holy shit. I scanned up his body and noticed something else. His lats were growing. His body was taking on that sexy V shape so many dudes wish they had. And his shirt was getting tight, too. His shirt was starting to pull at the buttons, causing gaps down the front. More stretching noises began emanating from his body as his shoulders widened and grew some more, and his lats continued swelling under the fabric. The shirt was becoming skin tight, and the buttons were struggling. "I think it's the perfect time, don't you?" he asked. My mouth was still hanging open, and it wasn't until it registered within my brain that he'd asked a question that I realized how dry my mouth had become. I had to swallow a couple of times before I could answer him. "Wha... time for what?" He chuckled, and got that evil grin. "Time to make some sleeves rip, BRAH!" My dick throbbed hard in my shorts as I realized what was about to happen. And that surfer persona he had was so fucking sexy. I glanced at his arms and wow, they had gotten really thick. The sleeves were skin tight around his upper arms now, and perfectly midway so the edges were right on the highest points of his biceps. He slowly brought his arms up, raising them carefully, until they were straight out from his body and parallel to the floor. He clenched his hands into fists, and then immediately brought his arms into a mind-boggling double-bicep pose. His arms exploded with size, easily surpassing softballs, and the sleeves shredded all the way past his shoulders. "AH FUCK!" I shouted as my balls purged themselves of cum once more, adding to the mess already in my shorts. "Ahh! AHH!" I yelled with each spurt. FUCK! My balls had an endless supply of cum for this dude! I never took my eyes off him, though. He laughed at me, I assume for blowing yet another load. Then he looked like he was taking a deep breath, but I realized his pecs were swelling again, and his lats were still growing. "Fuuuck yeah, Alex. Here we go." He flexed his pecs, and POP POP POP his top three buttons snapped off, flying across the room in different directions. The cloth separated and I could see his enormous chest, huge and defined with amazing striations. Then another POP as the next button popped off. "Fuck waiting!" He grabbed his shirt and ripped it apart, allowing it to fall to the floor in two halves. HOLY FUCK. "Ohhhhhwwwahhh" I tried to say the words but that garbled groan was all I managed to say. He was a god. Standing before me was an actual god. His chest was huge, his abs had become an 8 pack of super defined and pronounced perfectly rectangular bricks, and his lats made him look like he had wings. There were his legs; tree trunks bigger than my waist and calves bigger than melons. And then of course there was his huge dick, still standing hard as a fucking steel rod and leaking pre onto an ever increasing puddle on the carpet. And of course, my favorite muscles, his arms. They were gigantic. Covered in veins, his arms were huge and sexy as fuck. He had stopped growing at this point. My shorts were all wet and sticky, my dick was throbbing hard again, and my mouth was hanging open, practically drooling, as I stared at the specimen before me. I couldn't tell if I was dreaming or hallucinating, but I was becoming convinced that none of this was real. He kept that grin on his face, and started flexing his huge arms, gazing at them lovingly. He would run his fingers over their peaks, prodding them. And then he looked directly at me, into my eyes. "Told ya I was gonna grow for you. How into me are you now?" He chuckled with that question. He grabbed a hair tie from his dresser and pulled his locks up onto his head, and in raising his arms to do so, he made sure to flex his arms, making me drool. He tied it so it sat there like a pile of curly golden hair. "Well?" He asked. I felt paralyzed. I'd never in my wildest fantasies imagined this type of scenario, and yet it was a dream come true. "Hmmm, I'm gonna go ahead and say: you like. The drool hanging from your mouth is all I need for confirmation," he laughed. He flexed his pecs, and ran his fingers over them. He stepped toward me, and grabbed my hand and pulled me to my feet. FUCK! He'd gotten taller, too. He was shorter than me, and now he was at least 3 inches taller. "Let me make you more comfortable, dude." He put his hand into the waistband of my shorts and ripped them right off. My dick sprang up, hard as ever. After cumming so much today, I couldn't believe it was so hard. "That better? No more soggy shorts." I nodded in agreement. He placed his hands on both sides of my face and kissed me. "Relax dude! You're too tense!" He took my hand and placed it on his chest. Holy shit! His chest was hard as steel. So warm, and just so goddamn hard. And then he guided my hand to his bicep. He flexed it, and it bulged up huge. FUCK! His arm was a fucking mountain! "Oh my god Bryan," I finally managed to say. "You're fucking huge. Just... How? How?!" My dick ached. "My body can grow from the right sexual stimulation, as long as it's from the right person. The day I met you, I knew you were the right dude, too. I never knew how to bring any of this up, or even if you were gay, but when you finally said something after all this time, I decided to have some fun with it." He smiled. My hand remained on his bicep, and I didn't wanna move it. The warm stone under my hand was amazing to touch. I took my other hand and ran it over his abs. I felt him shudder as I did so. His dick was still rock hard, standing out, drooling pre. I reached down and grabbed it. "Ohhhhhnnnngyeah" he moaned. Then he grabbed my dick with his strong hand. His forearm rippled with muscle. I damn near came again. What he said next, though, made me want to pass out. "We haven't even had sex yet, and I've still got some growin' to do, bruh." Part 2
  21. Links to other chapters: Links to chapters of "The Twenty": "The Twenty" - A Muscle Novel in Progress. Precis, Introduction, Chapters 1 & 2 "The Twenty" - A Muscle Novel in Progress. Chapters 3, 4, 5 - White Cap Training / Hardcore Muscle / A Brief History of Casey Rockland "The Twenty" - A Muscle Novel in Progress. Chapter 6 "The Twenty" - A Muscle Novel in Progress. Chapters 7, 8 - Hardcore Training, Part 1 / Tiffany's Talent "The Twenty" - A Muscle Novel in Progress - Chapters 9, 10 - Good for Morale "The Twenty" - A Muscle Novel in Progress - Chapter 11: Casey Meets the Muscle Squad "The Twenty" Chapter 12, Part 1: A Very Turkish Wrestling Match "The Twenty" - Chapter 12: Part 2 Casey vs. Karim Abdul: A Very Turkish Wrestling Match "The Twenty" - Chapter 13: After the Match "The Twenty" - Chapter 14: In Which Casey Discovers He Likes to Get Worshipped "The Twenty" - Chapter 15: Casey's First Interview with Sergeant Moster "The Twenty" - A Muscle Novel in Progress. Chapter 16 - Hardcore Training Part 2: Casey’s First Herculaneum Workout, and What Happened After "The Twenty" - A Muscle Novel in Progress - Chapter 17 - The Presentation "The Twenty" - A Muscle Novel in Progress - Chapter 18 - The Musclemen Revealed: Inside Zaftig's Lab "The Twenty" - A Muscle Novel in Progress - Chapter 19 - Further Encounters, Part 1 M/M "The Twenty" - A Muscle Novel in Progress: Chapter 20 - Pose and Approve: Further Encounters, Part 2 "The Twenty" - A Muscle Novel in Progress: Chapter 21 - Sam and Casey "The Twenty" - A Muscle Novel in Progress: Chapter 22 - Field Trips for Worship, Part 1 "The Twenty" - A Muscle Novel in Progress: Chapter 24 - Further Encounters 5: Sam and Casey Again, and Moster and the Cadets Chapter 23 Field Trips, Part 2 – Casey Rediscovers Muscle Worship, And Makes a New Friend February 10th, 2022 2110 Hours Casey knew he could trust Ensign Victor. Sam was, after all, a muscle worshipper. And Casey was close to the best there was. Casey had long dreamed of his very own muscle worshipper. The legend that bodybuilders are aloof and don’t want to be worshipped? Bullshit. Bodybuilders wanted their very own private worshippers just as much as muscle schmoes wanted bodybuilders. If Casey knew anything at all, he knew that. He’d learned it in LA. And now he was going to tell Sam all about it. And then tell Sam that he knew just exactly what he was. And Sam, of course, was all ears, all solicitation and comfort. Even as he felt his own excitement growing. He felt his cock, too, burgeoning in his trousers, until he didn’t think he could stand it much more. But of course, he’d have to stand it. At least until Casey was finished talking. And so, Sam listened. Patiently, as it happened. And Casey talked and talked. As Sam’s cock got stiffer and stiffer. “So talk about something else. Do you have friends?” “Well. The guys from the cadet dorm, I guess. But I don’t see them anymore. Guess I don’t get out as much as I’d like.” “No friends outside the compound?” “Naw.” “Are the men of The Twenty your friends?” “Well, I’m one of them….” Casey seemed uncomfortable, so Sam moved on. “Family?” Casey looked down, then looked back at Sam. “The Twenty are my family,” he said after a moment. He paused. ‘Guess we seem to be some kind of crazy cult, hunh?” “Kind of, yes.” Casey seemed to want to ask something. Sam half smiled, waiting. Finally he prompted. “Yes?” Casey was clearly embarrassed, but Sam could see determination in his eyes. “It’ll wait. What else?” “Well, how strong are you?” “Pretty strong. Maybe a little stronger than the others. I can bench 800 pounds. Easy. Curl 350. I run really, really fast, too. Oh, and I’m a good diver. I don’t know how that happened, but I am. I can do anything on a diving board. Don’t even think about it. And I look awesome in a Speedo. But I’m not as strong as Moster. Or Abdul. No one is. They could snap me in two.” Casey didn’t mention the Turkish wrestling night when they got covered in oil and he beat Karim Abdul. No sense in scaring Sam by acknowledging that maybe, yeah, just maybe, he was the strongest man there – and just 19. “I don’t believe that.” “Well, maybe not in two. But he could fuck me up pretty good if he wanted to. He’s an extreme fighter.” “I thought you were, too.” “Well, yeah…. .” “You got thrown out of school for fighting.” “Only once. I only fought once,” he said. “Some guy pissed you off?” Casey smiled. “18 guys pissed me off.” “Wow.” “Yeah, wow. I got ‘em all good, though.” “One after the other?” “All at once.” Casey grinned cockily. “I beat the shit out of all of them.” “Why?” “I got tired of them making fun of me.” “They made fun of you? Sounds dangerous.” “I wasn’t as big then.” “No, of course not. Why were they making fun of you?” Casey looked hard at Sam, and bit his lip. Then he shrugged his shoulders as if determined. He stood up, towering over the table. Sam watched him evenly. Casey reached down and unzipped the steel fly of his pants. He reached his hand in and pulled out his enormous, limp cock. He squatted so that his hips were even with the tabletop. It flopped heavily and noisily on the surface. Thwack. "…. And, boom… there it is,” said Casey. “There it is.” He looked up, shrugged and smiled shyly. “Yes, there it is.” “See, it’s really, really big.” Sam took in the tool’s impossible size for a moment, and whistled. “Yes, I see that. Nice,” he said sweetly. “It’s very big.” “It’s huge,” said Casey, with a sweet blend of sadness and pride. “It’s more than a 15 inches long. It’s like a fucking snake with a life of it’s own. I get hard all the time. I could never hide it in anything I wore. The kids at the home used to laugh at me, call me freak.” “They were jealous, no doubt.” “Probably, yeah, maybe, but fuck. But I got so sick of it.” He started to stuff it back into his jeans. “So one night, I beat them all up.” Sam reached out and lightly touched Casey’s hand. “It’s okay. Keep it out.” Casey looked up, hopefully. “You like it?” “I do.” Casey looked hard at him. He was suddenly shy. He wanted to tell Sam about the field trips for worship, and there was a lot more to tell, too. But he wasn’t certain how it would sound. Sam wanted to help him. “Was there a first time you were worshipped by ‘investors’? By a group of men you didn’t know before?” “Yeah…” “For money?” Pause. “Uh hunh.” Casey was clearly now afraid Sam would judge him. “A lot of money?” Casey didn’t quite know how to tell him exactly how much. “I’m not a prostitute.” “No, I know that. You’re not,” said Sam, looking pensively at Casey’s huge penis extending out of his open fly, lying quietly on the tabletop. “What you are is an uncommonly huge, sexual, handsome 19-year old bodybuilder with a need to show … what you have.” Casey looked at him gratefully. Now he knew he was falling in love with the calm young Navy officer. But even here, in the relative safety of his quarters at Valhalla Labs, and with the gym and training rooms and all the other men so close by, and especially after that wacky muscleshow earlier in the evening to the military brass, the sweet-natured muscle giant was suddenly seized with nervousness. But Sam seemed okay with it. And, indeed, he was. “And…how was it? The first time you were worshipped by strangers?” “Okay. I guess it was okay.” He paused, and his eyes flickered a bit. With excitement, at the memory. “Who were they?” “Some Hollywood dudes.” Sam suddenly recalled. Was that last year in LA the night that…? Oh, God! YES. It was briefly in the TMZ reports late last year, the latest conservative blast against the Hollywood Liberal Elite, some big party night that went south and required some hospitalizations and a lot of huge money. And then – silence on it. All stories withdrawn. No word on it. He’d googled it a few times. Nothing. But Casey remembered. In fact, it was incredible – all those fat old rich men schmoes, and then his new friend Mike later on privately swooning, licking his pecs and swooning over his big biceps and with his sweet little face in his hard butt and then closely inspecting with awe his mighty machine…. But he wasn’t quite sure about how all this would sound to Sam. There was a pause. Sam gazed at the muscle monster boy evenly a moment. “You can tell me all about it. I’m not here to judge.” Casey remembered the night. And his new friend, Mike. “I wonder how I’m gonna tell Sam about Mike?” he worried to himself. After a brief pause, Casey made his decision, and manfully, went on with his story. December 5th, 2021 Los Angeles: 2100 Hours The bus pulled up the drive at 9 PM, the first stop of the evening. It was a large cliff side home high in the Hollywood Hills, lavish and dark, with a glimmering Olympic-sized pool in the back and fountains quietly spraying gallons of illegal water. Beyond and far below, the glittering lights of LA shone in the far distance. Zaftig’s longtime off campus associate, the puny weasel Dr. Shaft, would be waiting inside, in attendance with a group of 9 investors, all quite anxious to see the young gods in action. The bodybuilders filed off the bus in the dark. “Golly, who lives here?” asked Hension, awestruck by the size of the house. “Some Hollywood dude movie producer,” muttered Lang. “Who cares? Time to FLEX.” Casey barely noticed. He was eager, for soon he’d be headed back to his private muscle planet, the place he first visited on the morning his cadet buddies came to say goodbye and stayed a little to admire his muscles. He was all ready to flex for these dudes. He neither knew nor cared who they were. Sergeant Moster, who had gotten off the bus first, quietly barked orders in the large circular drive. Moster, who had gotten off the bus first, quietly barked orders in the large circular drive. “Inspection. Strip down, men,” he commanded. “I don’t want to keep our hosts waiting.” The ten musclemen hopped and danced in the half light, removing slacks, baggies, t-shirts, jeans, shorts, underwear, jock straps, thongs, and boots as poor long-suffering Dr. Irving ran from man to man, frantically gathering up discarded clothing, quickly organizing as to owner, and distributing the proper poser to the proper man. Each poser was personally assigned, custom-tailored to cut across inches south of the lower abs, reveal generous slices of meaty glutes in back, and with frontal sag sufficient to generously reveal the top six inches of root and thick, plunging shaft of each man. The side straps, while thin, were sufficiently strong to hold even at top erection. “Oil up, men.” Bottles of mineral oil were passed around, and the men dutifully applied slathers of oil to their muscles. Finally they were ready, their muscles gleaming in the night. “Line up, squad,” said Moster. “Adjust your posers. When you pull your pants down, I want these dudes to see your top six inches of root and cockshaft.” He had stripped down himself and was now rubbing his own oil in to his mountainous black muscles. “I know with some of you that still leaves another 6 inches or more covered up. Right, Casey?” “More,” said Casey. Still, in the dark Casey turned deep red, still immediately shamed by the thoughts of his huge, unhideable cock. He still wasn’t quite over those years of taunting. Which always flashed his thoughts quickly to Tiffany. Good thing the ginger-haired terror wasn’t with them tonight. Casey always performed better when that boy was nowhere near. “Waring, get over here and do my back.” Waring went to Moster, dutifully pouring oil onto his calloused palms, mixing them back and forth as if he was tossing a muscle salad, and smacked Moster’s broad back hard, rubbing thick oil deep into Moster’s wide lats. The Sergeant felt the man’s rough blisters on his back and smiled. “You’ve been working, Private.” “Yes, sir, I sure have, sir.” The men fell into line, and awaited inspection. Moster paced in front of the muscle lineup and critically appraised his special forces team: Alvarez, Lang, Hension, Schumacher, and Waring. Washington, Abdul, Obatu, Gunst and Rockland. Muscle gods all. He nodded his satisfaction. “Line up according to height. Shortest man first. Private Hension, that’s you.” Hension was pushed to the head of the line. “Put the pretty boy first,” guffawed Obatu. Hension colored deeply, embarrassed as always to be referred to as the group ‘pretty boy’, but obeyed orders. “Dr. Irving, distribute White Caps,” Moster ordered. Irving passed the ration of capsules to the group. “It’s going that be that kind of showing, hunh?” chuckled Obatu. He popped a capsule and within seconds began to envision his powerful sexual fantasies come to life. He tugged slightly on his poser and glanced down to make sure the prominent, pulsing thick veins of his mighty dipping cockshaft were showing. He nudged Washington. “Check it out,” he said. Washington nodded. “Suckable,” he said, busily squeezing his own nipples into pointy hardness. Moster crossed behind the men and walked along, surveyed the lineup of rolling, hard, powerful glutes. He nodded. Huge mountains of gleaming, perfect, rock hard butt. “Butthole inspection,” he announced. Corporal Karim wished he had his butt plug with him, but didn’t betray himself with even a flicker across his stern face. He scowled, but even so Moster knew what the man wanted. He glanced down at Karim’s achingly firm glutes. “You clean, Corporal?” he asked. “Yes, sir.” “Good.” Moster knelt, lowered the man’s posers for a moment to quad height, and quickly inserted his thick fist deeply up inside the man’s butthole, up to his wrist. Karim never flinched. Moster rotated his fist, and just as quickly withdrew, with a butthole POP!, noting to his satisfaction that the Corporal was indeed clean. “Keep your concentration.” He wiped his fist with anti-bacterial lube and moved on to the next man. Hension was looking apprehensive. Moster approached him. “Any women inside?” Hension asked nervously. “Why do you ask, Private?” “Sir, for my best performance, sir, I like to get my face slapped first. And during. By a pretty girl with muscles.” “Not here tonight,” said Moster. “Bend over.” “Yes, sir!” Hension bent over, showing his twin glutes of extreme hardness, shape and striation. Moster lowered the muscleboy’s posers, made a fist, and once again plunged his fist up to his wrist up Hension’s taut butthole, twisting, probing and turning. Like Abdul, Hension never even raised an eyebrow as his welcoming rosebud enveloped the powerful fist. He was excited about lay ahead. His cock began its 12-inch journey to solid stiffness. He pulled his posers back up with some difficulty and wrapped the taut cloth as best he could around his growing engine. Alvarez appeared serene. He knew a good Pose and Approve session was ahead. Lang glanced at him and smiled. Alvarez was best with an audience. An admiring audience. His cock twitched in anticipation. Moster was quick with Alvarez, nodding approval, quickly inserting a probing fist, and moving on to Lang, doing the same. Up the drive at the house, a curtain fluttered. Someone was watching. Alvarez nudged Lang. “What?” asked Lang, clueless. “You see that?” “See what?” Alvarez smiled. “This is gonna be fun.” He stood “Let’s see those biceps, Gunst,” Moster commanded. Gunst complied, and flexed his meaty guns. “26 inches this morning, sir.” “Excellent. Turn around and bend over.” Gunst complied and Moster’s fist entered his butthole. He nodded satisfaction. Moster continued down the line of musclemen, inspecting pecs, nipples, hard abs, and ending with each man by inserting a giant fist up an eager butthole. Finally it was Casey’s turn. “Ever been fisted before?” Moster asked crisply. Casey had to admit it. “Yes, sir.” He turned around and bent over, his perfect butt now in Moster’s face, his fists buried in his obliques, jutting out his butt. It was an incredible ass. Two round globes of muscular golden flesh, perfect, hard-as-nails ovals of sleek construction. Powerful, huge, an incredible human loading dock of rounded power. Inside the darkened buttcrack Moster could see close-up the throbbing, inviting deep of Casey’s perfect butthole. Moster plunged his fist in, and turned it, pulling it out again after a minute. Clean as a whistle. “Good work, Rockland. “ Casey stood, turned and smiled. “I think you’re ready.” He turned to the driver, standing by the bus, impassively staring. “Ferdinand, Dr. Irving, come back in an hour. We should be done by then.” Then, quietly, he asked Irving, “Did the money come in yet?” “This afternoon, sir,” answered Irving. “$35,000.” “Good.” Moster took his place at the end of the line. “Shaft here yet?” “Inside, Sir.” Dr. Irving fiddled with his phone, getting frantic texts from Dr. Shaft. “Good. Give the men back their clothes. Men, get dressed.” Much fumbling and hopping about in the dark. Then - “Move out, men.” The musclemen marched into the entranceway of the one-story cliff side glass house and, single file, marched into the brightly lit living room. Inside, nine manicured, pampered, plumpish Hollywood movie execs, dressed in expensive Italian suits, ties down, were draped around the room, propped up on large plush sofas, drinks in hand, cellphones and Blackberries at the ready, waiting inside. Two or three were handsome enough to gain Alvarez’s slight interest. The smell of marijuana wafted through the air. They’d been drinking. And smoking. And snorting lines of coke. In fact, they all appeared smashed. And ready to see serious muscle. The tenth, a slender young man, sat separately, almost shyly, by himself, across the room on a smaller sofa, right before the vast picture window with the lights of LA twinkling in the distance. “Fucking finally! Bring on the talent!” one of the fat schmoes yelled as the men entered. But as the musclemen got into the room and turned, facing their clients, at full attention, the movie dudes were stunned into silence. “Holy shit…look at them!” "Fuckin' A..." For their part, the musclemen were themselves stunned into a moment silence by the lavishness of the room that extended before them, and the extraordinary view of the city through the plate glass windows, far, far below. The drapes had been opened. The moon shone full in the sky. “Wow,” breathed Lang. “Where the fuck are we?” "Fuckin' A is right," whispered Hension. There were a few moments on silence while everyone was amazed, albeit for different reasons. Sergeant Moster was first to retain his composure. "Gentlemen, thank you for inviting us for the evening. We think we have quite a show ready for your personal delectation..." Dr. Shaft rose from a white sofa. Even as familiar with the muscle in the room as he was, he was never less than stunned each time he saw more than three of the bodybuilders together. The sight of ten of them, including the impossibly giant Sergeant Moster, was enough to momentarily knock the air out of him. “Yes, thank you, and good evening, Sergeant Moster. Good evening, men.” He whispered to Moster. "I'll handle this." Dr. Shaft was excited. The men had not only arrived on time, they all looked….well, incredible. Beyond incredible, in fact. Unreal. Inhuman. The years of P-21 meshed with hardcore raw training had built magnificent muscle specimens unlike the world had ever seen before. No bodybuilding contest – and Shaft had attended hundreds – ever had the kind of raw muscular development that stood before them now. It was as if every muscle on every man had a muscle. Heaped pounds of raw lean man beef. It was staggering. Moster hid his irritation, already planning the next black eye he'd happily plaster on Shaft's face in their next private. “Good evening, Dr. Shaft. Men, you all know ....Dr. Shaft.” Hi, yeah, sure, hello, uh hunh, yeah we see him, etc etc, came from the musclemen. “May I introduce the men to their hosts?” asked Dr. Shaft ceremoniously And the lineup of musclemen turned to their agog clients. Hands at their sides, fists clenched, veins popping, tight white shirts wrapped around massive physiques. Legs spread wide. Quads bursting out of slacks. Biceps about to tear shirt sleeves. Fly bulges loomed to the floor. And the clients, schmoes all, stared back. Breathing. Panting. Disbelieving the universe of muscle they were seeing. Alvarez, Lang, Hension, Schumacher, and Waring. Washington, Abdul, Obatu, Gunst. And Casey Rockland. Team leader, the massive Sergeant Moster. The muscle team was here at last. The clients, schmoes all, stared back. Breathing. Panting. “Fuck, man. They’re fucking huge,” said one of the fattest men. He gulped. “Whatta they gonna do to us?” “You mean…what are they going to do for you,” said Sergeant Moster. “May I present…. nine of the most muscular men on the planet today.” He paused, glanced at his watch. “You have two hours.” He turned to the men. “Men, you may go to work.” The men moved into a line, first marching single file and then fanning out towards the edge of the broad staircase leading down to the sunken living room. At the top step they stopped, stood still, and displayed themselves proudly. Below them, the room of wealthy Hollywood elite schmoes fell into shocked silence, turned their heads, and stared agog at the massive muscle before them. The schmoes were seated together, as if for protection, on a heavy plush creamy white sofa, overloaded with soft, luxurious pillows, extending twenty-five feet across the room from the large picture window. It was a perfect setting for bodybuilder muscle worship. And there they stood. Calm. Blank faced. Each man handsomer than the next. Perfect tanned skin. Waistlines no larger than 32 inches on men each weighing up to 300 pounds – and more. It was going to be a insane night of muscle worship. And a profitable one, too. Shaft had been circulating rumors inside the Hollywood mill for years about this army of ungodly huge and handsome musclemen, and finally had assembled just the sample group of mega-rich movers and shakers that he needed for the initial private presentation. This meant big bucks in the future for Valhalla Labs. Sergeant Moster had delivered as promised, in spite of Dr Zaftig’s worry and misgivings back at the Valhalla Lab. But Shaft had faith. He knew these musclemen. He’d had too many private sessions to not know a little about them all by now. As long as they all behaved, that is, and no one got seriously hurt. They were hard to control, he knew, once they really started flexing and posing and showing it all off with feats of ungodly strength and their insatiable need to dominate. He knew all about his own tendency to wind up in the San Jose ER after particularly enthusiastic sessions with Moster. But, damn, he just couldn’t help it. Shaft had to admit the fantasy of Moster’s (relatively speaking) lightly damaging face punches and the spirited butt spankings he received as punishment for his own poor cock and body and his lame cocksucking was, well, just what he deserved, being the worm he was. And the fantasy memory of all that abuse kept him masturbating feverishly for months after. He hoped his Hollywood schmoes might fare a little lighter punishment than the stuff that he was now addicted to – unless of course they wanted the same treatment? But then, it might get picked up as a tasty little news item, all over TMZ. That couldn’t happen. Could it? It could rock the Hollywood establishment. Top studio heads beaten by massive, crazed bodybuilders in bizarre Hollywood Hills muscle showdown. No. That wouldn’t do. It was all pretty dangerous, but, what the hell. Shaft licked his lips with drooling anticipation and inspected the astounding male muscle display that confronted them all. The ten magnificent young men, plus the-even-huger-still Sergeant Moster, were now lined up, beefy shoulder to shoulder, round and perfect tri-headed delts touching massive delts. They stood in a perfect lineup of muscle on the steps leading from the 20’ ceilinged foyer down into the sunken living room. The entry way was a perfect dais for display, more than 40’ long, roomy enough for a panorama of beautiful beef and rippling vascularity unlike anything the staring schmoes down below had ever seen, or even imagined, before. And even fully dressed in tight, tight t-shirts and ferociously clinging tan slacks, the men were an unbelievable sight to behold. As if carefully posed, men all stood casually with their hands planted on powerful hips, legs spread wide. Muscles gleamed and bulged. Physiques rippled enticingly, displayed for delectation in the clinging super-wide white spandex t-shirts. Every vein, every muscular bulge, every pound of sinew, every cut, every hard-packed slab of fatless lean and bulging male beef was on display for the stunned, wealthy Hollywood insiders. “Jesus fucking Christ,” someone mumbled. “Look at them. They’re not human.” Muscle worship was what these muscle giants lived for. Shaft knew that. Well, it was one of the things they lived for. He was fairly certain they also lived for training, lifting, eating, sex with each other and as many partners, male or female, that they could find. And – of course- getting huger every day. But Shaft couldn’t be sure that muscle worship might not be even more important. And of course, it made sense. After all, weren’t they all getting bigger, handsomer, stronger, more muscular, and more aggressive just so they could be worshipped? It hardly mattered, no more than the original intent of Dr. Zaftig all those years ago when he first started research on creating the ultimate team of massive male bodybuilders. For there they were, eleven muscle gods, still and easy, unmoving, posed, both tense and calm, showcasing magnificent, perfect male muscularity. And there were nine others, just as huge, handsome, and hung as the men before them, back at the lab. The atmosphere in the room crackled. And Shaft could feel it now, could even see the musclemen’s eager anticipation of the impeding worship of their physiques. Their excitement was just beginning to show, starting to loom now, like a faint musky aroma, getting stronger, seeping into the room. They seemed to be getting bigger, to be growing before them. They were certainly measurably heavier in their tight slacks, their flies just beginning to bulge forward and droop down with pointed pushing, with throbbing penis weight, their erections about to bloom and show and push out and forward and up inside their tightening pants. And considering the price tag of upwards of $85,000 the Hollywood elite schmoes had laid out for this private muscle show, inwardly he was relieved that it had all started out without the slightest hitch. And the new man, Casey Whatever His Name was, was there, too, there on the end. The handsomest of all? Shaft wasn’t sure. And, per Zaftig’s regular reports, on his way to being the biggest? And only 19 years old, too. The promise that lay ahead. He’d better be, at a price tag of $15,000 just for his appearance. That shorter man was also improbably handsome. Shaft studied the impressively beautiful Chris Hension, with his perpetual half erection always looming in his pants, thick masculine dark brown nipples, devilish smile and darting eyes; he was certainly a square-jawed piece of eye candy. And then there was Alvarez, always with the thick-lipped handsome Lang nearby – moist lips, always slightly shiny, always recently licked, lips that Shaft just knew glided lightly and lovingly up and down, root to head, over the long, thick penis shaft of his muscle husband Alvarez during their after-hours Pose and Approve sessions. And the scary hairy Karim Abdul, glowering in the middle of the lineup, with the shorter beefslab hardass Schumacher right next to him – weren’t they each other’s nemesis? Maybe they got hard posing together? And that giant Gunst, he of the amazing nearly 28 inch biceps. Shaft hurried over to Moster, just stepping down into the sunken living room, extending a wet hand. “Sergeant Moster, we’re so glad to see you -- ” He was suddenly cut off. Suddenly, from that muscle dais above, came an outraged roar. “Are you who the fuck I think you are?!!!” It was Gunst. He was shouting now, pointing down at someone in the room, at one of the waiting shmoes. All stopped and turned, stunned into silence. On the sofa was sprawled a fat, unshaved, tall mass of slob schmoe, who looked up from his phone, startled and scared. “Yeah, YOU, You FUCKING ASSHOLE!” “Do I know you…?” the schmoe blubbered. “I know you! You fucking asshole! I know you! You preyed on my sister!” Gunst was roaring now. “Get that worthless worm over here!” Waring and Lang stepped down, as if on cue, striding manfully into the room, heading to the creamy white sofa, then grabbing and holding down the particularly fat and ugly Hollywood former studio head, now sprawling agog, to prevent him from bolting. “Never mind, I’ll fuck him up myself…. ” Striding forward, every muscle in his massive frame now quivering with rage, Gunst pushed past Waring and Lang and into the room. The man was an impressive, fearful sight, his veins throbbing, ripped muscle on a mission, his huge pecs roiling and bursting in his tight t-shirt, his piston-thick arms slabs of disciplined beef, his fists clenched and ready to do damage. Casey was stunned. His mouth open, agape. He’d never heard the normally gentle giant Gunst so angry before, never even envisioned it. And he seemed crazed, pointing down at the terrified schmoe, accusing, now standing wide-legged and in full aggressive mode. “You don’t know me!” he screamed. “I don’t know you, either! What is this??? Dr. Shaft??” Shaft came forward, frightened but trying to maintain control. “Corporal Gunst?...” he started. He suddenly felt Moster’s hand on his shoulders, stopping him, pulling him back. Shaft tripped and fell on the carpet. Moster helped him up, shot him a quick look and a little smile, and putting a finger to his lips, shook his head. He mouthed, “No no.” He smiled. Shaft froze and, regaining his balance, stepped back, and did as he was told. Gunst was now standing above the cowering, terrified schmoe, roaring, his legs spread wide, his thick fists plunged into his obliques, ripped intercostals bulging like bricks, htting a powerful front lat spread. He rotated on his heels to show his lats at different angles. His pecs soared to the ceiling, his nipples went taut and pointed downward to the floor, bulging in his t-shirt, the luscious brown areola outlined. “You wanna see muscles, you fucking asshole?? check out these muscles!!! FUCKING WORTHLESS WORM!!! I’M GONNA SHOW YOU WHAT THESE BIG MUSCLES CAN REALLY DO!!!” From the facing sofa by the picture window, the small pipsqueak pencil neck schmoe was seemingly ignoring it all. Transfixing, he was staring directly at Casey now, seemingly unaware of the threatening Gunst, who was apparently on the verge of beating the fat schmoe to death right across the room from him. Casey, ever sensitive, knew he was being stared at. He turned his head slightly and returned the pencilneck’s gaze. He smiled. The pencilneck smiled back, tentative, shy. Casey began to do a slow, subtle, bubbling pec dance in his t-shirt, his mammoth chest bouncing slightly, right to left, left to right, his nipples taut and pushing powerfully into the tight fabric. He smiled a little more broadly. “You like that?” he mouthed. The pencilneck stared and nodded slightly. He did like it. Gunst was now in full flex fury mode. He glided from his threatening front lat spread into an equally threatening front double biceps. POW! he shouted, Just Look at these fucking guns! BOOM! His monster biceps broiled with iron packed sinew, laced with mammoth, pulsing cephalic veins. BAM!!! he added, extending his meaty arms to their full length, working the fingers of his powerful fists before clenching them into furious fist-weapons. “These are muscles, asshole!” he shouted. “And they’re comin’ to get YOU!” And then he bent, slowly, inexorably, coming closer, this huge mass of muscle and rage, smashing his fist in his meaty palm, and grabbed the schmoe by the shirt front, pulling his terrified ugly face up to his spitting, furious mouth. “I’m gonna FUCK YOU UP. I’m gonna beat the shit out of you, and I’m not even gonna touch you with THESE fists. I’m JUST gonna do it with my pecs. And then with my dick. I’m gonna beat your face bloody with my pecs and my dick!” The schmoe was blubbering now. Casey regarded it all somewhat calmly. He’d seen such behavior before at the Home, of course, and the Twenty were always wild and crazy like this on the gym floor, particularly during White Cap workout nights. They often beat the shit out of each other, bounding back for more. Nothing new here. What’s more, he figured it was probably all an act. Gunst was probably being paid for this interesting little muscle play. It was all working, of course, because none of the other musclemen had moved, as if they knew what was coming. And if there had been any serious, real danger, Karim Abdul and Moster, whose combined strength couldn’t even be gauged, would have stepped in to pull Gunst back and subdue him. More to the point, now he realized he recognized the schmoe from online. Something about how he had abused women for 30 years or more, and was now out of the studio, nationally shamed. Some big fat slob who ruined women’s careers if they didn’t fuck him. But he was still super rich, and he’d profited off of his exploitation and cruelty. Now set adrift in the Hollywood community and unable to work ever again, he was still worth several hundred million, and was not feeling any pain. Until tonight, of course. Now he was gonna get what he deserved. Still, Casey was more interested in his potential new friend, who seemed sober, quiet, respectful, and agog at the size of his muscles. That was just the way Casey figured he’d like them. Quiet and worshipful. As he walked over to the distant sofa, his cock twitched heavily, rolled in his pants, and began to point and grow. His new little fan seemed to be the exception in the room. He sat alone on his sofa across the room, maybe 20 feet away from the group of fat schmoes on the long couch. He was just staring at Casey, longingly, neither talking nor texting. Standing before him now not six feet away, Casey smiled in a friendly way. The pipsqueak smiled back, staring at Casey’s physique and handsome face and his ever-growing crotch bulge, blooming in his tight slacks. Tentative, nervous, a little frightened, shaking. “Hi,” said Casey, friendly. He got closer and extended a huge paw. “I’m Casey.” “I know. I’m….I’m Mike.” Mike reached up to shake hands, frightened and brave, his soft little hand covered by Casey’s enormous mitt. He stared at the pumping forearms as Casey gently shook his hand. He was very careful not to crush the little guy’s fingers. The fat slob was screaming now. “Hey, I’m just here to see a little muscle! You want money? I got a lot of money! I'll give it to you. Leave me alone!! Don't hurt me!!!” Gunst laughed nastily. “You just wanted to see a little muscle??? How about FUCKING HUGE MUSCLE??” He started slapping the man lightly across the face, back and forth, little humiliating stinging slaps that popped and smacked in echoes bouncing across the vast living room. “Ouch. Ouch! Leave me alone….!” “You belong to ME, asshole.” Gunst scooped the fat man (who must have weighed 300 pounds or more) up from the deep, sheltering confines of the plush sofa cushions. Effortlessly swinging the screaming man wide above his head, the man’s legs and feet flying in a circle around the work, Gunst swept the slob high above his head and held him there. Carrying him from the room, he yelled back to Waring and Lang, “You boys can join me later when you’ve finished with this group. But for now - he’s mine!” He turned his head up to the impotently squirming producer and lowered him down to meet his face. He spat his words. “Come to think of it, I’m gonna start you out nice and easy. You like glutes? How about some world-class musclebutt? I sure hope so. Casue I’m gonna sit on your face for the next 45 minutes. You’ll get to see my muscleass up close and personal….” And then they were gone, down the corridor. Silence. The schmoes staring, transfixed. “What was all that about? Who is that guy?” Hension whispered loudly to Obatu. Obatu shrugged. “Some movie producer.” “So why did Gunst go off on him like that?” “Maybe he didn’t like his movies.” “Private client,” said Alvarez. “It’s a put-up job. Extra money.” “This guy is paying Gunst to park his muscle ass on him for 45 minutes?” “No.” Alvarez smiled and whispered back. “The dude’s wife. Extra credit for public humiliation.” “Are the bedrooms through here?” Gunst asked, in the distance, his voice now conversational. “Noooooo…!” screamed the fat man. Down the hall they could hear a door opened. “Would in here be good for you?” Gunst asked calmly. “It’s good for me.” The schmoe’s screams continued for a moment, even after the door was closed. And then, they stopped. Very suddenly. Replaced by another sound, that could only be described as “mmmmpppphhhllllfffffffff…!!!... ..uuummmmm…” Presumably Gunst had undone his belt, lowered his slacks, squatted down his naked perfect butt, and was now getting comfortable on the man’s face. “Let me know if you have trouble breathing,” they heard him say, as if he was asking to pass the salt. Mike had watched in silence, his face surprisingly unexpressive. Unfrightened by Gunst’s outrage. That was interesting. He was clearly more nervous about Casey’s unanticipated friendliness. Casey turned back to the roomful of rich Hollywood schmoes, now numbering eight. For schmoes was what they were, and now, Casey had a pretty good gut level understanding of what a schmoe actually was. A schmoe was a creepy, ugly, fat, rich guy who was clueless, mean, selfish, liked musclemen, and was willing to pay his pleasure, and assumed money was all he needed. That was a schmoe. Casey’s lip curled in contempt. And far from frightened or intimated by the display of alpha male dominance Gunst had just performed, effortlessly carrying a kicking and screaming man over his head and out of the room, the schmoes were now quietly giggling, texting, snorting coke and toking up. They seemed to have enjoyed what they just witnessed. Nasty fuckers, thought Casey. He turned back to little Mike. “You’re not like those other guys.” “No.” “Why are you here, then?” “…..well….it’s my house.” Holy Shit. The Jackpot. That was fast. “Really? This is your place?” Mike nodded. “Yes.” Casey went to the point. “You like big muscles?” Casey asked, excited now. No sense in wasting time with pleasantries, although truth to be told, Casey probably had never heard the word before. “Yes, I do.” “Okay, then, watch this. All for you.” Casey moved fast into a front lat spread, rotating from side to side. “See these fucking pecs? They’re huge. You like this?” Casey’s shirt stretched and seemingly groaned from the strain. “….Golly….” Mike was breathing heavily. “Will ya look at that…?” His hand involuntarily moved to his crotch. Casey winked at him, nodding and smiling, reeling off his obvious talents. “Obliques, intercostals, abs like bricks, pecs like cannonballs, all hard and solid. And that’s just for starters. Here’s a most muscular crab shot.” His shirt fabric began to tear as his muscles exploded with sinew, mass and popping veins. “How about big guns?” he asked, flexing his brutal biceps. “26 inches,” he whispered proudly. “These guns measure 26 inches. You wanna touch ‘em?” Mike nodded, dumbly, reached out with tentative fingers, as Casey bent down to offer a closer view of his huge guns. “Touch ‘em! Go ahead and feel ‘em. Stroke ‘em. Ever felt anything so hard?” Mike’s fingers lightly caressed Casey’s 26 inch right biceps. “Wow,” he breathed, and stared up into Casey’s eyes. “I got great glutes, too,” he said conspiratorially, bringing his face now close to Mike. “It’s the ass of death. You’ll see. You can see them later. Really awesome.” Hey, he thought. This guy was kinda good-looking. Maybe he only weighed about 135, but he was cute. And probably really rich. Casey got even closer, flexed that powerful biceps right under Mike’s nose. “See that vein? It’s like a snake, watch it now…go ahead, lick it. Yeah. That’s right. Lick…” “Casey,” warned Moster. “Not yet.” Casey turned back, straightened up. “Yes, sir,” Casey said. “Join us,” said Moster. Casey looked at Moster, nodded, “Yes, sir. Sorry, sir.” And then returned to look down at Mike for a second. “Just a moment. I’ll be right back. He wants us to flex for your buddies. Don’t be scared. It’s just an act.” Mike was nodding feverishly. Casey could see his fly was bulging, and the bulge was not bad. Not bad at all. Maybe he was hung a little? He hoped so. “Well, you shouldn’t be scared,” Casey added. “The guys may beat up those other assholes a little, but I’ll protect you. I’m strong. You won’t get too hurt. And I’ll flex for you, and you can suck my dick awhile, and play with my glutes, and I’ll suck your dick, too, and maybe I’ll even fuck you, if you can take it. You can fuck me! Your butthole big enough? We all good?” Mike nodded, breathless, staring. “Great!” Casey was excited. This was going to be fun. “I like being worshipped! It’ll be dope. Hang on. This’ll only take a second. You wait.” The words came in a rush. “I…can wait….sure.” “Awesome. I’ll be right back.” Casey bounded back and rejoined the team. He readied himself, changed his face, scowled, and looked mean. Moster hid his smile. He was mightily amused. He should have foreseen that Casey would somehow ferret out the one dude who was signing the checks. The other men of the Twenty were, at the end of the day, too narcissistic to note personalities, character, differences, subtleties. For them, it was only about dominating, posing, flexing, showing off muscle. And the schmoes? Like any muscle lovers who lived closeted, rich, narrow, spoiled lives, they were only in it for themselves. But Casey definitely had possibilities. Moster made a mental note. He must remember not to mention this to Dr. Zaftig. Then he spoke, and his voice brooked no dissent. “Gentlemen, you will now silence your devices. Per the agreement in our mutual contract, there are to be no pictures taken, no recorded video, no texting, no emails, Instagram, Facebook or tweets.” There was a pause. Mike pulled his phone from his pocket and switched it off, looked up at Casey, and smiled. The schmoes stared up at Moster, not moving. “I’m waiting.” Still nothing. “Boys?....” said Moster quietly. Together with Casey, the nine muscle giants took a step towards the big sofa, alert, ready hands at their sides. There was a tense pause. “I didn’t sign any agreement…” one of the schmoes started to protest.
  22. Home of the Gods Part Eight-Finale by F_R_Eaky Part One: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/13486-home-of-the-gods-part-one-by-f_r_eaky/ Part Two: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/13487-home-of-the-gods-part-two-by-f_r_eaky/ Part Three: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/13490-home-of-the-gods-part-three-by-f_r_eaky/ Part Four: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/13502-home-of-the-gods-part-four-by-f_r_eaky/ Part Five: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/13527-home-of-the-gods-part-five-by-f_r_eaky/ Part Six: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/14012-home-of-the-gods-part-six-by-f_r_eaky/ Part Seven: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/14350-home-of-the-gods-part-seven-by-f-r_eaky/ Fabian woke very late in the morning. Hoisting himself off the floor, he stretched and massaged himself as the unheated concrete floor seeped cold into his body and his new larger muscles and bones ached with a larger amount of stiffness. He nearly fell over and down again, attempting to walk forward, but learning he needed to do a side kick kind of step allowing his burgeoning thighs to roll forward and around one another. Not to mention his arms felt so big and heavy and swung too much weight when he tried to compensate on his balance. It also didn't help that his arms almost couldn't swing back and forth due to the size of his lats and broadness and thickness of his pectorals. He decided to walk to the bathroom and shower, curious as he heard it running and he remembered not finishing it before being... .... ... could one call it an attack? Before being attacked the day before by three of Gabriel's friends. After walking a few steps he spun around and looked at the door. He swore to God he heard someone pounding on it furiously as though trying to break in by breaking the door down. He didn't hear or see anything. Turning to walk back to the bathroom he heard the pounding again, stopped turned and looked... ... ... nothing. He turned away again, but thought before he began to walk and then took off for the bathroom, pausing and smiling when he realized the noise was the sound of his twenty-one inch long, thick, muscular meaty feet slapping the floor when he walked. But then he heard an actual bang. It sounded like pounding on the delivery truck door that went down the wall and finally to the people entrance. A couple of extreme pounds later and suddenly there burst through Gabriel, looking extremely pissed and screaming at the top of his lungs. "You somehow manage to make my boys go mental. Screaming about some giant Olympian bodybuilder. That's it. You may be a little taller than me, Reid, but I am gonna take... you.... .... .... down?" Gabriel had taken a goodly number of steps into the warehouse before he noticed the hulking figure that was now Fabian. Standing at what was a few inches below the point of where Fabian's lats began to flare out from his abdomen and obliques, Gabriel took in the view as Ian loomed over him and did a most muscular, flaring out his neck, traps, and shoulders, while ballooning out his chest and upper arms. Gabriel whimpered just a little and then slowly backed away before making a dash for the door and running out of the warehouse. Fabian chuckled to himself. "I didn't even have to say anything. I actually didn't have to say a word." He turned and began to walk back towards the bathroom, feeling his cock inflate longer and heavier as the thought of just posing at Gabriel made him turn and run. By the time he made it to the bathroom doorway, it was fully erect and his head was preceding him into the bathroom by nearly two feet. Suddenly there was a tug and a pull on his massive member and when Fabian finally walked through, he looked down to see Reid smiling, holding his cock, and standing right at the point where his lats flared out from the rest of Fabian's body. "You know...anything that sticks out two feet or more from the vehicle carrying it has to be tagged with a red flag. That's the law." "It's already got quite the red head. Isn't that enough?" "It is for me" said Reid smiling as he continued to pull Fabian into the shower, which he had finished up when he woke up earlier. Reid had some personal fun as he helped lather Fabian up, groping and cupping all of the new mountainous muscle bellies that covered Fabian's body. Truly, if he was normal height, he'd be one of the biggest built bodybuilders ever with enviable genetics everyone hoped and wished for. Reid then went through and traced every crevice, attempted to massage Fabian's muscles, before he finally tried to help massage any stiffness out of Fabian's muscles due to sleeping on the cold concrete floor. Eventually he took in Fabian's cock head as best he could, licking and stroking it until both he and Fabian needed to stay in for another shower to get cleaned up. Afterwards, they finished putting together Fabian's new make-shift bed and lay down upon it, talking. "You had me a bit worried, Fabe. As the changes occurred you kept going on about strength and power. I thought you were going to become an asshat meathead." "I was a bit overpowered and overwhelmed by the sensation. C'mon, Reid, you can't tell me you never felt good about standing head and shoulders over most males, or that your stronger and better built than them. I've seen you slightly show off. You like it when you can use your size to play the hero." "I try not to be arrogant about it though, and you were just in full self-lust and power-worship as your body blew up and grew. And who plays the hero now?", Reid said despondently. "Some protector I'm gonna be. You stand just over three feet taller than me! And I know you love to top. When your cock first grew it was fine. Felt great. But now.... You're so big and big and BIG! If we're gonna make out... .... I think I'd have to fuck your cock." "Hey....hey..." said Fabian softly. "We'll figure out some way to make it work out. And just because I'm bigger..." "So much bigger..." "That doesn't mean you still can't stand up for me. And out of all the pricks that are Gabriel's friends, only one stands taller than you, and he's definitely smaller built than you. You're almost a foot taller than average males and bigger built than most sports stars. Don't think of yourself as week and useless to me. You remember the first time you actually hefted a really good decent amount of weight?" "Yeah..." "And the pump it gave the body part you were working out?" "Yeah..." "Or how your clothes felt so much tighter, or better yet the time you first ripped out of shirt by accident?" "Yeah..." said Reid now laughing lightly. "Or the time you finally realized you stood taller than your old man, or most of your school mates?" "Yeah...." "Then think of it from my point of view. I was a very scrawny, 5' 2" tall man. Even average guys towered over me. Suddenly I'm growing up and up and up, my muscles are filling out and out and out. I see average men getting smaller, tall men becoming average - child size, and I can feel a power in my body that's growing more and more the bigger I get. It's just like those feelings you experienced, but they were happening all at once and kept going and growing for like so much... ... ... It was just.... such a huge rush. Such a glorious feeling filling me up." "I can tell." said Reid smirking and reached up and gave Fabian's once again erect cock a pull down to the bed top and then allowed it to spring up and smack Fabian in his abs all the way to just below his chest. Both the men chuckled and then with a gleam in his eye, Fabian grabbed Reid and pulling him, Reid's back to his chest and abs, finally rolled over on his side to lay down with Reid engulfed by his body. Reid lay there feeling the heat pulse through Fabian's cock on his back. "C'mon, love. You gotta let me go." "Spoon." "You're going to make me late for work." "SPOON!" "Really, Fabe, someone has to pay for this warehouse." Fabian lowered his voice as deep as it could go and then softly growled in Reid's ear, "spooooooooooooooooooon." The pair lay there until there was just enough time for Reid to get dressed and get to work on time, but they both wished the moment could last forever. **************************************************************************** That night, started one of the worst times in Fabian's life. It was going on 9 p.m. and Reid was at least three hours late getting home from work. At ten after nine there was a loud thump against the regular door, followed by the sound of several people banging on the truck delivery door. This was followed by the sound of many running footsteps and tire squeals. Fabian cautiously went to the regular entrance door and saw the bottom of it had a large dent inwards. Opening the door, he saw the reason, a large cinder block with a note that read: "You're a giant strongman. That doesn't mean you don't have a weakness. You may not venture out because of your size, but your lover does." At twenty after nine, Reid stumbled through the door, low moaning Fabian's name. There was a gash on his brow in between his eyebrows, both eyes were black, his lips were swollen and if he did move them, blood was coming out of his mouth and hiding his teeth. One hand was black and blue and it seemed attached oddly about halfway up the arm. He had trouble breathing, his work uniform was torn, one shoe was missing, once there he couldn't walk, and his delivery van that he drove home in was nowhere in sight. Immediately Fabian went to dial the emergency number, cursing his new size as his much larger digits constantly pressed more than one number every time he attempted to dial on the much smaller cell phone. Finally he grabbed a pencil and began to use that and called an ambulance. The EMT's arrived to discover Reid just lying inside the warehouse. Fabian knew how the scene would look if he had stayed there. Giant bodybuilder - man beaten to a pulp. He would be blamed and arrested. He left running down into a nearby aqua duct and hiding under the bridge where a road passed over it. Reid wound up in the hospital for two weeks. Punctured lung, three broken ribs, concussion, broken ocular bone, one tooth removed, broken arm, sprained ankle. He was released but still laid up for another three months or so while waiting for bones to heal. Fabian had to take care of things for him on his own. He checked his personal account and then had to make friend with a local whom he not only felt he could trust, but, of course showed what man his size could do if the guy just took off with the card and spent his money. They guy helped move in a restaurant sized refrigerator and enough groceries to store in it. Later Fabian used it to buy some building supplies, only he wasn't going to build onto the warehouse structure. Cinder blocks, mortar, I-beams Fabian used to first make a "bench" that could support him, his weight, and any weight he worked out with. Then he began to build walls onto the ends of the I-beams, small ones at first, then medium, and finally some larger ones. Fabian was seeing red. They had beaten up Reid and he couldn't do anything about it. Well, he soon would. Fabian used the wall and beam segments he bought to make something akin to a set of weights and he began to work out... and work out... and work out. He kept his muscles engorged with blood as much as he could, allowing only for proper rest to ensure growth. He ate until he thought his stomach would burst, and hoped he could transfer all of it to his already enormous muscles.... and he did. Fabian watched on the scale as his weight went up and up....ten pounds....twenty pounds..... forty pounds.....eighty pounds.... one-hundred pounds. He had trouble walking before, now he really swayed side to side as he kicked his legs around one another. Just ten pounds over the seventeen hundred pound mark. One-thousand, seven-hundred, ten pounds of pure muscle. But that wasn't all that Fabian did. Shortly after starting his workouts, Fabian began to noticed odd things. The basket he had been presented with on his induction to the tribe had increased in size and now housed his newly sized cock and balls regardless of whether flaccid or erect. He began to wear it most of the time to keep his cock out of his way when lifting. Some of the cinder blocks had been used to make another shallow pool in the bathroom and a very large natural stone had been placed in the back part of said pool. Wild, tropical flowers had begun sprouting and growing in parts of the bathroom, so Fabian knew he had begun chanting again. Mid-spring is when Reid was finally able to come back to the warehouse, still looking a little tired and drained of color. He opened the door and walked in, staring at the odd sculptures that Fabian had made out of the cinder blocks and I-beams not knowing they were new weights for a giant man, and then out of the corner of his eye saw the massive, Titan like frame of Fabian as he stood up from his make shift bed. Reid wasn't sure what to say or to ask. He was stunned by how much larger, beefier Fabian looked. How much heavier he sounded when he walked. But it was the odd look in Fabian's eye that left Reid speechless and motionless. It was a mixture of a blank stare and determination. Fabian reached out and grabbed Reid like he was a child, carried him into the bathroom and then placed Reid in the small pool like area next to the actual shower. He placed Reid with his back against an very tall, thick, stone, the top of which poked up and out of the floor, a smooth round boulder with a crack in the top. Torches were lit everywhere within the bathroom, followed by bundles of incense of some kind, with a very heady and very musky in aroma. Invisible drums began to be beaten and Fabian began to sing chants louder and louder. He made sweeping motions with his feet upon the ground and urged Reid to do the same. Reid began to mimic the movement out of fear of a what behemoth sized, tranced Fabian might do to him if he did. Soon, Reid's legs were as though they were made out of rubber, stretching out instead of being moved in a sweeping motion. His vision began to blur and his head swooned as the bathroom seemed to heave and undulate, warping, skewing in shape and form. Suddenly the floor beneath him began to feel warm, very warm. Warm enough he began to hop dance instead of making the sweeping motion he had been instructed to perform. At this Fabian began to scream, but not in terror, more in ecstasy, as though moaning in orgasm, and in an orgasm so great he might just expel their own soul when cumming. Fabian had been wearing his basket to hold his genitalia and took it off. Reid knew Fabian had become endowed after his last battle with Gabriel's friends, but he still marveled now at the ginormous 16.25 inch, flaccid hung member of Fabian and at how much longer and thicker it became after growing to a 2 foot long erection. Reid knew that Fabian must be spending most of his time walking around nude or in a pair of pants sporting the most obscene bulge ever seen on a man. Erect Fabian's penis didn't stick up like many men's erect penis do, but instead stuck straight out and bobbed as if it was a divining rod made for dowsing. Still hop dancing, his back and arms against the tall rock formation behind him, to help support him in his dance as his head began to swoon more and more, his eyes becoming heavy and tired, Reid began to feel hot and extremely bothered. For some reason he was being turned on. Fabian came forward and removed his shirt, pants, and underwear, and Fabian had already removed his shoes before entering the bathroom. With his small, flaccid cock now flopping around free it began to grow and lengthen to its mighty and full erect status of 7 inches. The heat was growing in him. He felt the heat rising up his body, and felt the heat rising up the stone as well. He thought he felt the air caressing his balls and tugging at his cock. Warmer and warmer he and the rock became, and the hotter they got, the hornier Reid grew. The feeling became so powerful Reid was convulsing more than he was dancing or stomping, the shock waves of pleasure riding over him. Suddenly Fabian let out groans and gasps of ecstasy, his mighty cock having grown even more incredibly long and thick, now spewing forth ribbons and ribbons of cum into the small, wading pool in which Reid was standing. Fabian fell forward upon his knees, taking his hands and rubbing his seed into the ground, groping and massaging, as though fondling some massive muscle or body. The heat kept building and building, Fabian and Reid were sweating profusely. Reid swore he was getting burned on his feet and back as the temperature began to rise higher and higher in the pool floor and the stone. Eventually the ground rumbled and a great gushing sound could be heard followed by a great torrent of water streaming over and down the great rock behind Reid's back. Fabian rose up and backed away as the water cascaded over Reid, drenching him, coating him, and filling up the small wading pool. Striking the pool, part of the water began to hiss, evaporating into great clouds of steam, upon which Reid's head snapped back, he jerked and convulsed, and felt as though someone, something, reached through his dick, into his balls, and pulled out his cum in great strands that felt large enough to be ropes for a sailing ship. Gasping for air, sinking to his knees, Reid saw Fabian approach. "I am Kali'iti'nui no more. I am now, Tanakamaunga - man mountain. We believe that the gods reside in our penis. Although most men of this tribe are raised since birth, being taught exercises and have weights hung to make their penis grow and grow in order to house more gods. You and I were not raised so, but that does not mean you cannot come to greatness, for look what has happened to me. You who so wished to heed the words of the chief and be my protector as he so ordered of you, shall find a way to do so. For your acts of bravery and loyalty, I have made you one of the tribe, and thus at least one god will come to reside in your cock and grant you happiness and prosperity in some form, or so I hope. I thank you. Be blessed, you who have sought to protect me, physically, mentally.... emotionally. You shall take my old name, Kali'iti'nui, meaning small giant, for among most men you are tall and built in stature, and your courage and heart is as big as the men as large as mountains." With that Fabian washed Reid's genitals and groin area with some of the geyser water that erupted from the stone, and then reaching out his hand, grabbed a newly formed basket made by the wild flowers, vines, and ivy growing all around the bathroom. He then placed the basket upon Reid's genitals and tied it around Reid's waist. Reid smiled somewhat punch-drunk like and attempted to say thank you, but fell unconscious into sleep and some of the best fantasy dreams of him and Fabian he ever had of his life. The next morning Fabian woke up to discover the other side of his bed was empty. He could've sworn he had woke from a trance and helped place Reid into bed with him. Walking to the bathroom, he discovered Reid was sitting cross-legged in the ritual pool. His eyes were slightly rolled back, and eventually Fabian could hear a chant coming across Reid's lips. " Ke'atutel'malsaga.... Ke'atutel'malsaga.... Ke'atutel'malsaga.... Ke'atutel'malsaga..." Fabian knew it was not the name of the God of Gods in the Ulpooin pantheon, but he couldn't tell Reid who it was, and Ke'atuka'ine, God of Gods, wasn't communicating any information to him from his cock. Not too long after, Reid simply woke up, took a shower, kissed Fabian and his abs good-bye and reported for work. Around four in the afternoon, Fabian received a knock and a note taped to the entrance door of the warehouse. It was from Gabriel and told him he and his friends were aware that Reid was back to work and that if Fabian didn't meet them downtown, in the back alley behind Reid's workplace, Reid would receive the pummeling of his life, or more likely his death. Fabian was to surrender himself over to Gabriel and his gang for Gabriel to do as he wished, or Reid was through. Fabian nearly broke the door off exiting the warehouse at four-fifteen. Fabian arrived to the back alley and came upon a scene probably similar to what had happened to Reid four months or so before. Reid, as per usual had worked late, making sure he had delivered all his packages and cleaned out his delivery truck. A car was parked behind the delivery van, meaning Reid couldn't leave to go home, other than by foot. That way wasn't an option as Gabriel and his friends had surrounded his way out and had pulled him into the sort of courtyard area created by the loading docks for the delivery service. He had already received a couple of good blows, and being so soon from his recent recovery, he was already swooning from the attack. It was at that moment that Fabian in a very tight pair of hand-made shorts, stepped out of the actually alleyway and its shadows to confront the men. "Ganging up on folks again. With me joining in, I'm pretty sure Reid and I can take you all down." Gabriel spun around to see Fabian and in a flash had pulled out a gun and pulled the trigger. It was an odd sound and sensation happening. It didn't sound like a gun had been fired, and Fabian didn't feel something pierce his flesh and burn going through. Instead it felt like he received an injection, and the world felt as though it was turning and his vision was blurring. "I knew you wouldn't stand by or come quietly and I don't know how you got to the size you did, but I know we couldn't take you, especially when your smaaaaaaaaall boyfriend, who isn't too small to us, except for DeWayne and possibly Fernando, would attempt to join in and take us down. So.... I got an elephant tranquilizer. Figure that'd at least incapacitate you if not make you sleep for the trip I'm going to take you on. But while you're there kneeling in your stupor, my boys and I are going to make sure Reid learns his lesson by sending him back to the hospital again and then he can watch helpless as we carry you away. We've got a tow truck and everything to help hoist you into a truck. Continue, boys." And with that the friends of Gabriel continued their fist-to-cuffs on the already dazed Reid. Arjun kicking Reid in the balls. Michael smacking Reid against the face or boxing his ears. Fernando punching Reid in the gut, while DeWayne bopped him on the head in between Gan Otkai yanking on Reid's hair. All the while Fazzah screamed at him and joined Gabriel in kicking and hit him any way any where possible. Poor Reid was beaten right back to the same condition that they had left him in earlier in the year, and they laughed as they moved to grab Fabian and take him away. But suddenly there was a burst of steam from underground. It came together and made a wall separating the men from Fabian and their ability to exit. The sound of drums filled the air and a chant began to be heard. " Ke'atutel'malsaga.... Ke'atutel'malsaga.... Ke'atutel'malsaga.... Ke'atutel'malsaga..." Fernando turned around to stare at the collapsed Reid, figuring it was his voice doing the chanting.... He was right. "Ga..ga...Gabriel..." He hoarsely whispered. All the men turned around to see Reid currently kneeling on the ground, his mouth barely moving, but his word's clearly audible, although, none of the men standing knew what it was. " Ke'atutel'malsaga.... Ke'atutel'malsaga.... Ke'atutel'malsaga.... Ke'atutel'malsaga..." The men suddenly wished they could back up and out of the area as they began to see and hear Reid's body snapping and coming back into correct position. The cuts on his skin healed up and the bruises went away. Slowly but most definitely surely, Reid began to stand up and did so firmly planting his strong stance. The still connected hose Reid had used to help wash down his van suddenly came to life and stood almost straight out of the nozzle it was connected to. The steam was collecting in the are forming a pool of water beneath Reid. The pounding drum sound became louder and louder filling the air with a rhythmical din. When Reid appeared totally healed, water erupted from the standing hose and fell in a cascade upon Reid's head and washed over his body. "Auugh!" Reid moaned. "Hmmmnff!" Reid blurted again. "Ohhuwah!" And now Reid seemed to be thrusting his hips. Over and over again, Reid thrust his hips and each time the basket of his groin swelled larger and larger and larger. Reid kept moaning and thrusting and his packed kept growing becoming obscenely obvious. His pants grew tighter and tighter in the crotch area. Three mounds were forming, one that looked like an extremely large banana was being carried and underneath were the other two grapefruits. Reid finally let a long low scream out as if he was still growing and couldn't take it, and everyone present watched as Reid's cock tore open the teeth of the zipper on his cargo shorts and then flopped out. And it wasn't just his pecker; his balls helped spread the opening and rip it further apart as they fell and dropped out as well. Reid's cock had grown enormously long and thick and his screams of pain trailed off into a sigh of relief and then a laugh of pleasure. Reid's schlong was growing and getting longer and thicker, and his balls were swelling as well. So heavy...so round.... his prick so long...so thick....so hard.... so veiny. It grew and grew until Reid was just as hung and virile as Fabian ever would be. Reid began to laugh pleasantly at first and then almost a little maniacal, as if some stream of an idea washed over his mind. This was replaced by small gasps and grunts as Reid began to jerk his feet up and down, side to side, stomping and stomping. The seven gentlemen who had just beaten him up stared at his feet to try and see what was happening and then they began to see. The sides of his work boots began to bulge out and curl over the sides of his sole. One large ridge formed in the front of each shoe, soon to become a row of one large and four smaller bulges pushing the front of the shoe over the front of the sole. The heel began to stretch very tightly and Reid's ankles started overfilling the holes that were where the feet entered. In another few moments one could hear and see the straining, exceedingly taut laces snap in surrender, followed by the odd, low, ripping sound of hard leather as Reid's feet out grew his shoes by one, two, four, eight, sixteen, twenty, twenty-four sizes to become thick, meaty, muscular, 21" long man feet. Michael, the man with the giant paws and feet for a man of just 6' 2" or so tall, noticing what might be happening, broke his hypnotized stance of awe and ran to take Reid down. He might of succeeded, but Reid's hands had grown equally as much as his feet had and he swung his arm to deliver his own smack down. Michael was knocked senseless and about half way across the square loading area. Reid's balls had been throbbing, increasing in size and then shrinking, pulling up. Every time they had done so is when Reid's hands and feet got bigger. They started doing so again and as Reid moaned and groaned in greater pain while grabbing a hold of his legs and arms, a small cracking and breaking sound was heard and Reid stood taller....and Taller....and TALLER....and TAAAAAAALLER! His socks which had shrunk from just under his calves with the growth of his feet to just above his ankles shrunk down further to just under his ankles. His shorts moved from his knees to one fourth the way up his thigh, half-way up the thigh, too looking like 1970's sports, short shorts to almost like brief underwear, except despite his trim build his waist snapped the button and now his fly was pulled excessively wide apart. His shirt hem rose and rose above his waist, above his abs, beyond where his lats come in and stopped just under his chest. Not that you could see that because having already been fairly muscular and now three feet taller, every button had been popped off the shirt as his chest stretched the shirt open. The sleeves rode up and up over his mighty upper arms, over his delts, and if the front of the shirt was complete it would've gone from a short sleeve shirt to sleeveless muscle shirt. Swaying a bit as the pain settled from his massive growth spurt, Reid bent forward causing his back to rip the shirt down the back and thus only hang on him via his shoulders. His neck had snapped the collar as well. Shucking the shirt off of his body, he smiled as he noticed that his bending forward had caused his bubble butt to blow out the back of his cargo shorts. He then reached and yanked what was left of his shorts and underwear off of his body as well as using his long toes to pull the now tiny socks off of his feet. He closed his eyes and breathed in a few deep breaths, feeling the cool spring breeze caressing his body. Before any of the now six men could move, Reid began to do small shouts, like power lifters and bodybuilders make before they hoist a weight up. "Uhp..." And Reid suddenly did a side triceps pose. "Ommmph" And into a side chest. "hoop!" Lat spread. "hnngh!" Most muscular, crab shot. "Hup!" Abdominal crunch and front thigh extension. "Hep!" Front double biceps pose. "Hooch!" Back double biceps pose. "HRRRR!" Back, Thigh Bicep, and Calve pose. Over and over and over again Reid kept cycling through the poses and each time he did so, his muscles swelled bigger....larger....thicker....harder....fuller....denser....broader....veinier.... His calves inflated into giant pulsing hearts and finally a throbbing diamond shape. The thighs ballooned and grew into a collection of swollen tear drop shapes like a bunch of water balloons. His abs formed bricks fit for the Great Wall of China, while his obliques bunched and formed such as to look like a great lattice work was plastered on Reid's sides. His lats grew out so wide and thick it looked like he could jump from a plane and join para-gliders without the need for the special winged suits. His arms flared out more and more at greater angles from his body as his upper arms inflated and grew until one swore he had a football stuffed in where his biceps should be. A pair of thick muscular shapes looking like Clydesdale sized horseshoes hanging off the back of the arms. Forearms so thick and powerful they matched the size of Reid's calves. Shoulders that were so full and round and with such density, surely they were world globes stolen off of statues of Atlas holding up the world. His chest barreled so thick and round, so wide and full, he could see nothing standing directly in front of him. Even his erect cock had a hard time sticking out beyond it to be seen. His traps rose and rose like some great range of mountains and his neck swole as thick and round as segments from the Giant's Causway. Reid now strode over to the side of the building, kicking his legs out to the sides in order to move forward. Grabbing a hold of a large iron bar embedded into the brick building, he ripped it free from the mortar and then proceeded to bend it into an arch. He growled as he did so, his voice lowering and lowering in extreme bass tones, while with each degree the bar bent, the hair on Reid grew out and out, thicker, fuller, feathery, until his red hair hung halfway down his back and his hair glistened like glitter all over his body. Throwing the bar in front of Gabriel and his friends, Reid raised his hands above his head and struck a victory pose. At the same time several glowing balls of light came down and anyone watching swore they entered Reid's cock through is piss slit. Once that was done Reid turned and glared with a smirk while bellowing out a name. "GA-BRI-EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEL!" It echoed throughout the little loading square, and as Gabriel realized he was looking up to Reid as much as he did to Fabian, he actually pissed his pants. "I am not Reid.... I am NOT Kali'iti'nui..... I AM MALSAGAMAUNGA - MEANING TWIN MOUNTAIN!" The god that had inhabited Reid at his initiation by Fabian was Ke'atutel'malsaga, the god of twins and he had chosen to make Reid Fabian's fraternal twin, so to speak, in order for him to be able to protect Fabian, for it takes someone of equal size and strength to protect another man so large. Another spray of water streamed out of the hose, splattering all over Fabian, and the heavy drowsiness he felt began to leave him. His vision cleared, his heavy body, although still feeling heavy, was light enough for him to manage it again. Standing up behind the six men, Michael only just now coming to from Reid's smack down, Fabian growled and struck a most muscular that cause the men to scream and wish for a way out. The drums that had quieted down quite a bit began to pick up their rhythm and loudness. Gabriel's posse began to hold their hands over their ears and look around in bewilderment. Fabian and Reid oohed and moaned in both pleasure and pain as their cocks throbbed so hard, they stuck straight out of their bodies without any bobbing whatsoever. "Friends of Gabriel," Spoke Fabian, "Leave and leave now. Correct your ways or know that we will be here to take care of you. Go.... .... .... NOW!" Fabian's words echoed so loudly it took a good five minutes and several blocks of reverb before the echo faded away. The pair was pretty sure that all six men pissed their pants as they quickly ran away leaving Gabriel all alone. As the drums thundered away, Fabian and Reid began approaching Gabriel, stroking their pricks. Gabriel turned and turned, basically spinning round and round, beginning to whimper and cry. "Two great acts...." "...have been done..." "...in order to...." "...bring us into...." "...the fold...." "....Great acts...." "....do not come...." "....without a cost...." "....some kind of...." "....sacrifice must be made...." "...We will gladly...." "...take a soul....." "...who cannot...." "....be redeemed...." And at that moment, Fabian and Reid stood their ground and suddenly bellowed in ecstasy, and released a load of great, long, strands of cum that spewed in great loops around Gabriel and once coated, as Fabian and Reid moaned and shot off more of their load, Gabriel shrank....as the pair grew....as Gabriel shrank....and the men Grew....and Gabriel became smaller.... and they giants got ever bigger...... For each inch the gods took from Gabriel, they seemed to give two, four, or six inches to Fabian and Reid. By the time all was said and done the hulking forms of Fabian and Reid stood twelve feet six inches tall, twenty seven inch long size US Mens 59 shoe feet, and weighing three-thousand, three-hundred, ninety-three pounds, with cocks that had grown to three feet long. The once decently sized and bullying Gabriel was now only 5' tall, exceptionally thin and week, and just barely stood mid-thigh to Fabian and Reid. The giant pair of men bent at their waist so they could see Gabriel and whispered in growling tones, "You can go now." Gabriel did not have to be told twice. He gathered up his now ill, extremely loose fitting clothing and ran as best as he could back to his apartment where it is said he wept and wept and made a decision never to leave, and especially not to do missionary work. Meanwhile back at the square Reid approached Fabian and the two muscle giants began to grapple and wrestle one another. Eventually the two pulled one another into the other and began to kiss deeply, passionately, frantically. The mammoth manhoods began to rise and become engorged with blood, and they backed off a bit to hoist them up, cock heads between their pecs, and then move back together, holding one another and grinding their hips so their erect phallics began to rub each other up and down. After several minutes of frotting, Fabian picked up Reid by Reid's ass, flinging and wrapping the massively mounding legs and meaty feet of Reid around his waist. In this position he pushed Reid towards Reid's truck, causing the back doors and much of the roof to cave in, followed by the tires blowing out, once almost 7,000 pounds or three and half tons of male muscle collapsed upon the delivery van floor. With the small amount of height difference, Fabian took advantage and plunged his prestigious pecker into Reid's cavernous hole. Reid's neck arched as his head tilted back. He reach up to grab around the driver's seat for support and wound up pulling it, breaking it free from it's stationary position in the van. The two thrust and rocked, twisted and pounded. Whatever part of van's shelving that didn't collapse when the two fell into the van, their motion now knocked, dinged, and bent, deforming the pieces from ever being usable again. Reid pushed on the walls while grunting and moaning in pleasure and pain. And behold, the van's wall's did bulge out in massive mounding bulges with gigantic hand prints in the center. The front of the van was taking a beating as well, for with each thrust Fabian was giving, he pushed the van into the loading bay wall. Headlights, grill work, bumpers, were no more. In what seemed like hours to them, Fabian finally started herky-jerking out of control. The spasm of sexual bliss was washing over him and with one last thrust he shot a load so powerful, so large, that Reid swore it came up into his mouth a bit all the way from his ass. The very thought of which had him spewing over his head to coat the front of the van and shatter the windshield. The pair went home to the warehouse, which was now a bit cramped, but luck was on their side, actually. Six other gods came to reside in the protruding penis of Reid. The gods of: luck in chance, money, plant fertility, crafting arts and technology, stamina, and handsomeness. By the time they were done with Reid, he had the face of a modelesque, GQ man, with the body of a giant bodybuilding, muscle god, and knowledge of electronics and furniture making as well as financial savy. It wasn't long until Reid was financially independent, and then they bought a much larger warehouse and converted it into something that nearly looked like a grand Edwardian mansion with furniture built their size so they looked somewhat normal when they had flex and sex shows on the internet. That proved to make them very rich financially. Which was good, as folks passing by at night in front of their house swear from time to time they still hear the savage beats of the wild jungle drums and that more and more shadows are cast upon windows of very large, tall, and hung men.
  23. Shahrazad2

    A Couple of Hunks

    (Note, like a lot of my stories, the people in this are based on real people, at least in the beginning. I adjusting names and certain details to make the story more interesting, but I need to give credit where it is due. Let me know what you all think) Stewart and Henry were a married couple. Fortunately for me, their relationship was open, and they enjoyed inviting other guys to play with them. I was only an Italian-American college grad 20 something, kinda lanky, curly-haired and gangly, but 6'2" tall. While I'd been fascinated by twinks in high school and athletes in college, something about the settled, strong, somewhat chubby bodies and easy demeanor of Stewart and Henry drew me. Stewart was Irish-Scottish-American, and worked in some sort of number crunching company. He had bright, twinkling hazel eyes and buzzed hair and a round baby face with a boyish grin and stubble on his lips and chin. He was only about 5'7" tall, but he had a 7 inch long, thin dick that loved attention. His body was also nicely hairy all over, but his fair skin was marred by eczema, and though he said it was about the best it had ever been, he really loved it when I massaged him with the lotion to sooth his discomfort. I admit I was initially surprised, but once he explained the condition and I saw how much he loved being touched I thought of him as a lovable teddy bear, and several times I drove over to their townhouse just to massage him while he watched TV. Stewart's hairy body was fun to touch and play with, and he was very sensual. After a lifetime of being unable to touch anyone for fear of being seen as too gay, I loved caressing him. Stewart was also the more openly horny and the one who was more talkative, and it was he who initially invited me over when we were chatting on Adam4Adam. He liked trashy tv shows and dramas, and he also liked me. Henry was Cambodian-American, and worked as a manager for a mental health company. He had taken his husband's last name, and I was a bit in awe of him. He stood a bit taller than his husband at 5'11" and his body, though soft and smooth, was somewhat stronger from helping the orderlies care for patients. His dark brown eyes seemed to look deep, and he didn't talk much, but he would chat with me on facebook when his busy schedule allowed, and he was always polite and gentle. His skin was a rich bronze, and mostly smooth, except around his loins. His hair was longer than his husband, but only enough to flop neatly on his head, though he sometimes buzzed the sides and back. His dick was thicker than Stewart's, and its shape was sexier, too. Where Stewart got off quickly, Henry liked to take his time with me, both of us cuddling and caressing each other, stroking and sucking and and holding each other as we came, and then cuddling and making out afterwards. Sometimes, while Stewart would get off early and go clean up, Henry and I would spend longer and longer periods in bed, making out and exploring each other's bodies. I admit, if I found Stewart cute and playful and fun to take care of, I yearned for time spent with Henry. He was usually busy, though, and so I became more a friend to Stewart than a friend with benefits to both of them. One evening, though, Henry was working on something while Stewart and I reclined on the couch with his lotion, and while burly Cambodian was usually silent when he had a project, tonight he seemed especially focused on his laptop and some odd device, which looked like a combination of a tablet and a stereo and a whisk. "What's going on," I asked in a whisper to Stewart, who shrugged, and murmured back, "Some sort of mental health psychosomatic reinforcement subliminal message projector thing... there've been a few rowdy patients at Henry's job lately, and he's been trying to invent something to help them make breakthroughs, lower addiction symptoms, etc... doesn't seem to be working too well, if his temper is any indication. Poor guy has been beating himself up over trying to make it work, but I think his coworkers have written it off as a lost cause already. But the good news is he's made some progress on other stuff. He found a new experimental skin cream for me... it's supposed to work wonders... want to try it out?" I smiled. Stewart is cute when he wants something, though his condition can't be comfortable. "Sure thing... but let me wash my hands first... maybe make your husband take a break and start you on it," I reply as I get up, go to the restroom, and, out of habit, close and lock the door. It's not that I'd mind if either of them barged in on me if I was doing things far more private than washing hands, but it's just one of my quirks. Through the door, I heard the following: "Henry, hon, could you at least get me started before Mikey gets back?" "Ugh... I'll need to wash my hands afterwards if I'm going to be working on this piece of junk, but yeah, I could use a break, babe. I swear it is picking up kinky porn channels or something instead of projecting anything. If I could just find the right medium, I'm sure it'd work. Even now it is just loading." "You'll get it right eventually, hon." "Thanks babe. Oof... this jar is sealed tight." "C'mon, big guy, you're really strong... you can open it." "Grrr... I'll show you strong, sexy... finally!" I heard Stewart's mild, teasing applause, then, a moment later, "Ooo... thanks... that feels good, hon." "Yeah, it is nice and smooth... kinda tingly, though, mayb-" Henry was interrupted by a sudden electronic hum, which continued for several minutes. I was a little unnerved by their sudden silence, turned the sink off, and called out, "Guys, you ok?" In unison, both Stewart and Henry nearly moaned, "We ok," their voices sounding strangely flat over the continuing mechanical buzz. I finished drying my hands, opened the door and stood there in shock. Stewart and Henry were frozen in place, the new skin cream smeared over Henry's hands and Stewart's belly. But the skin cream was glowing with a strange golden light, and both men's expressions were blank. It was like they were awaiting something. At the same time, the device Henry had been working on was vibrating, the whisk-part shaking as electric arcs danced between the metal frame. I went over to examine the screen and saw the following message: Medium for personality and physiology alteration found. Connection made... suggestion waves interfacing with subject(s) physiology. Subject 2 has dermal errors... Medium can make repairs with heightened stimulation. Authorize? Y/N? I thought for a moment. Should I do this? Would it really help Stewart's skin? What if it made things worse? How long would this effect last? I took a deep breath, and typed "Y" The device flashed, and the gel flowed over Stewart, coating him entirely. I rushed over to try and pull it off his face, but in a moment, it seemed to have sunk into his skin, save for a few globs in the jar and on Henry's hands. But Stewart started to moan and lean back out of his husband's touch, running his hands over his body and writhing in what looked like pleasure on the couch. "Yeah... oh baby, yeah, yeah, I've never felt this good... fuck yeah!" he cried out. He opened his eyes and locked them with mine. "Mikey, fuck me, please fuck me, I need to get fucked! Fffffuck!" he growled out and yanked off his shirt, exposing his shoulders. I thought for a brief moment that he had snapped out of his earlier trance, but his eyes, though heavy lidded and sex-driven, were still unfocused. I noticed, though, that his skin seemed slightly more clear than before. I made up my mind. "Ok Stewart, I'll fuck you... pants off," I command, pulling off my clothes as I spoke. Something about Stewart seemed stronger, more alluring. No more the cute, sympathetic pup, now, physically tearing his pants and briefs off his legs and revealing a surprising bulge, long and slim and hardening. His neck and arms and chest all seemed thicker, more fire plug powerful, but he also seemed an inch taller. "Fuck yeah, Mikey! Only it's Stu, fuck, not Stewart. Stewart's a dweeb's name, and I'm... fuck... I'm all man." He really was changing before my eyes. His neck was thicker, and his biceps were flexing as he growled and cursed. I was surprised to see a tribal tattoo forming on his arms and shoulders, and his hair seemed to be reshaping into a military high and tight. His facial stubble was thickening. As I positioned myself, I noticed that Henry was still frozen in place, his eyes locked on the empty air where Stewart... Stu... had been when they first froze. But his pants are noticeably bulging, as if he can sense what is going on and can't help but be aroused. I took a deep breath, and slid into... Stu's hole. He felt tight, and he was flexing, his bulky body showing hard muscle underneath a daddylike meat. His cock flopped onto his gut, which was starting to show roid-abs, and he moaned loud and long, his voice deeper as his chest and neck muscles started to swell. His sweat smelled muskier, deeper somehow. I was finding myself lost in his body, seeing how responsive he was to each thrust of my dick. Then I noticed that he was actually getting a bit taller with each thrust. Where Stewart's rash had been, Stu only had flushed skin from the lust he was experiencing. His eyes were rolling back in his head, and nothing but profanity spilled from his now bearded lips as a newborn daddy hunk who lay on the couch beneath me. Eventually, I heard the device beep, and it seemed to trigger Stu's responses. He roared out, "Oh fuck... oh goddamn fucking FUCCCCKKKKKK!" Cum splattered from his dick and across his bulky, hairy chest muscles, and he seemed to pass out in a sexually satisfied stupor. I pulled out, but he didn't seem to notice, just began to snore. I noticed that his cum was soaking into his skin just like the lotion had, though. I went over to the device to see what it had to say about the situation, and saw the following message displayed: Medium for Personality and Physical Alteration suitable. Subject 2 responded extremely well. Save (rename) - Subject 2: __________ I began to type "Stu" into the blank, but autocorrect finished for me and saved him as "Stud." Searching databases... "Stud" qualities applied. Details downloaded from 34,768 pornographic films (see list). Increasing sex drive. Lowering inhibitions. Seeking open relationships or opportunities to spread genetic material. Intelligence shifting from academic to physical and socially and sexually driven. Subject 2 saved as "Stud." "Oh geez... I hope that doesn't make things worse." I mumble to myself, before the device beeped again. I looked to the screen and saw a new message. Medium for personality and physical alteration insufficient. Please apply greater quantities of the medium to Subject 1's epidermis. Failure to do so promptly could result in brain damage from extended halted mental operations. I looked at Henry, and saw that drool was starting to spill from his lips. "Oh geez oh geez oh geez," I yelped as I grabbed some dishwashing gloves from the sink to avoid getting any of the stuff on me, and yanked open Henry's button down shirt to expose as much of his golden skin as possible. I took the jar from his hand and began slathering the lotion onto his body, watching as it glowed brilliantly under the stimulation of the device's signals. When I'd practically emptied the container, I dropped, it, pulled off the gloves so they landed on Henry's bare feet, and returned to the device, where I was relieved to see a new message waiting for me. Medium for personality and physical alteration found. Connection made... suggestion waves interfacing with subject(s) physiology. Subject 1 experienced mild brain damage. Repairs must be made to allow continued functioning. Authorize? Y/N? Without hesitation I pressed Y. I wanted Henry safe and whole. The device flashed again, and the gel coated all of Henry's body, remaining for longer than it had on Stewart before sinking into the bronzed Cambodian skin. Henry showed signs of life, animating and moaning low and loud. Unlike his husband, he didn't say any words... in fact, it seemed like he was acting far more primal and animalistic than Stewart had. He began to growl, deep in his throat and belly, and flex his muscles... which were beginning to pump and swell, making his remaining clothes look that much tighter. Veins seemed to swell in his neck and torso, as if pumping with the gel. His gut seemed to be pushing towards me, but "roid gut" abs were forming on its expanse as well. Henry's shoulders seemed to be getting broader, and his breathing was louder as the changes swept through his body (and presumably his mind). His neck was getting thicker, more bull-like, and I heard his spine crack as he began to get taller. Soon, he was approaching my height! Henry's clothes seemed smaller and smaller, but he took a step towards me, reaching out with hands that spasmed as a response to his arm muscles starting to grow. I felt those twitching, throbbing hands grab me... and push me aside! Instead of doing anything with me, like Stewart... or Stu, or Stud, I suppose... had, Henry went straight for his husband's passed out form on the couch. He bent his knees and flexed with a grunt, and began to flex more seriously. Shockingly, his muscles seemed to bulge and pump and swell even more! In a moment, his shirt had torn off his broad, veiny shoulders, revealing a body that had grown into the muscle, massive gut bulging under pillow-sized pecs capped with erect nipples. As his body continued to flex and expand, soon his pants too started to tear off... and perhaps in preparation for my visit, he hadn't been wearing underwear underneath. His cock, now a solid, massive monster, thick and vein-covered, flew up and smacked his belly as the tattered remnants of his old life fell to the floor. Even his socks ripped off his now bigger bare feet. The newly naked beast of a man wasted no time, leaning forward to bury his face and tongue between the cheeks of his husband's new hairy, unblemished muscle butt. I could hear loud slurping sounds as Henry... or the man who'd been Henry... began to rim Stu's stud ass with long strokes of his tongue. Stu began to moan and wake up. With a string of dialogue that I was starting to recognize from certain porn movies, Stu left no doubt about that. "Oh fuck, hon, you're so big! Look at those muscles... yeah, eat out that tight ass. Our little friend didn't fill me near enough. I need your big meat. Give it to me, hon... give me that. Huge. Fucking. Dick!" Henry complied. It was really hot to watch his body move, his head rising from his partner's hole, his hard dick, now almost as thick and long as my forearm, dripping precum as he lined it up, then placed his big hands on his husband's hairy shoulders and thrust inside the smaller man. The couch, a well-weighted thing that had withstood a lot, actually moved with the force, and Stu's language turned, if possible, even more profane. There was no effort to make sense, just variations on the theme of fucking in between gasps of breath with each thrust Henry made. Until Stu did something that changed things... he renamed Henry: "C'mon, Hank, stop holding back and pound me! FUCK!" Henry... or, I suppose, Hank, now... froze, despite Stu's extremely vocal complaints. "H-hank..." he moaned, his voice rough. "I-I'm H-Hank..." "Yeah, you are, HUNK, now fucking fucking FUCK ME!" yelled Stu. He probably shouldn't have said that. Henry's face seemed conflicted. "Hank... Hunk... Hank... Hunk... Hank... Hunk." As Stu continued to scream profanities, I moved forward, stood on tiptoe (for Henry had inched taller over the last minute or so), and murmured in his ear. "Some people call you Henry or Hank... or even Hunk." Henry's huge, muscular body stilled at my words. "I call you beautiful and powerful and genius and brilliant and sexy and the greatest man I know." Henry's body was shaking as his mind tried to accomodate all the changes it was undergoing at the words I spoke. "You're... Stu's... husband. A hard worker. Really gentle and strong and understanding at the same time. I wish I could call you mine." The world seemed to stop. Was I really going to do this? If I said the right thing, I could claim this mountain of a man for myself, maybe more deeply than anyone else ever would. But... if he didn't choose me, then his only interest in me would be flat and mechanical, right? It wouldn't be real. Henry deserved better than that. Hank deserved better than that. I deserved better than that. I thought for a minute to choose my words carefully, my mind made up, as I blocked out Stu's grumbles, I took a deep breath. "... but you're your own man." He seemed to shudder and sigh, and a smile moved across his lips as he nodded, seeming more at peace. Then, he abruptly returned to fucking his husband like it was the only thing that mattered. Henry... Hank... picked up Stu and started fucking him in mid-air, smooth lips against bearded ones. The harder and faster Hank thrust into his love, the more weight seemed to melt off him. Hank went from bulky to more powerfully built, with greater and greater definition. Cut muscles were revealed across his back and torso, and his ass showed incredible striation as his hips sped up. Sweat gleamed over his body as his huge biceps and powerful legs flexed, and, still sucking face, both men came. I could hear Stu cussing against his husband's kiss, though the words were muffled, and Hank's whole body just shuddered as they coated each other in their seed... which also seemed to melt into their flesh almost immediately. Both men then sank to the ground, wrapped in each other's embrace and drifted off to sleep again. I went over to the device, and found that it had overheated and died, its internal circuits fried sometime during the events of the evening, leaving it as a useless molten piece of junk. The lotion container that Stewart had needed was likewise entirely empty. I tried to clean up, but the guys wouldn't be moved from their spot on the carpet, so I settled in on the couch to be there for them when they woke up. Everything's different now. Stu and Hank (or Stud and Hunk, as they sometimes refer to themselves) have a voracious sexual appetite now, especially for each other. They're the only ones they can really cut loose with, since they are so much stronger and more durable than other men. That hasn't stopped them from pursuing careers as rising stars in the porn world. The public loves Stu's rough and tumble Daddy Bear style, and he's taken to the leather world as well. Meanwhile, at 7'3," Hank is one of the tallest, most powerfully built men out there, and he's seen as the strong, stoic type. Their old minds and memories are hazy at best, and Hank especially seems to be a completely new man. Their sex drives are through the roof, though, and they seem ready to try new things, so they've moved across the country to settle in to new lives where they won't have to encounter their old friends and family. I get a Christmas card each year from them, usually with palm trees and naked guys on it. And, of course, I have ordered every film they've starred in. Nobody knows what went wrong with the weird device and the gel. No one was ever able to replicate the same results with either product. The doctors gave each man a clean bill of health, but their psychiatrists said it might be years before they mentally and emotionally recover from the changes... if ever. They said that Henry and Stewart's nerves must've been hijacked by the malfunctioning device's signal through the medium of the gel, and through those nerves, the rest of their physiology was similarly affected. But doctors and shrinks became compromised after I found one worshipping both partners. It seemed that people just couldn't keep their hands off Hank and Stu... including Hank and Stu. When they left, they were both too into exploring their new muscles and minds that they spent an increasing amount of time having sex and exploring their changes. They didn't even say goodbye. As for me? I'm just living my life, just a normal guy who had a brush with greatness. I'm hoping someday, someone or someones will love me that much.
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