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  1. LionBUff


    BANG BANG BANG “They would stop shooting at us if your lime green head was full or more than HULK SMASH!” Deadpool and Hulk were forced to team up to investigate an Avengers level threat at a warehouse thought to be empty. Hulk wanted to go with anyone but Deadpool, his least favorite “good guy” of all time, but the other Avengers were out dealing with something else. While they were there inspecting the place, undetected, Deadpool started breaking the fourth wall a little too much. When Hulk asked who he was talking to, he told hulk “you need more than a radioactive pea head to understand what’s going on!” The Hulk lost his temper and started beating up Deadpool… who teased Hulk the entire time. As Hulk was yelling the occupants of the warehouse heard them and ran in with the biggest weapons they could find. Bullets flew at them from every angle, and they ran into a nearby room that used to be a walk-in refrigerator. Hulk’s skin is three times thicker than a bulletproof vest, and Deadpool heals instantly, so t\neither of them were being harmed in the slightest by the bullet shower. However, they couldn't discuss any plans with all of the noise. “It’s true reader. Hulk can’t take a joke. We would be done with the adventure if Hulk Poo would control himself.” “HULK HATE HULK POO” Hulk demanded as he slammed both hands on the wall. “SEE. Hulky poo bear proved my point.” “SHUT UP.” “Look, reader… you… I apologize for this green ape’s grammar. He’s doing his best.” “HULK HATE DEADPOOL! HULK WANT OUT!” “We’ll get out of here when you calm down Hulky poo!” Hulk became bigger, growing by 10o pounds of radioactive muscle bulkier than a bodybuilder. “I know you can’t see it, reader… but Hulk’s bulge is enormous! His bulge is popping out of his body like you wouldn’t believe!” “HULK KNOW HOW TO CALM DOWN NOW! HULK NEED RELEASE! NOW! HULK NEED DEADPOOL ASS MILKING MANY MINI HULKS!” “What,” Deadpool said, turning to Hulk. Hulk's purple tip was rising out of his purple pants. Hulk’s body grew more as his sexual frustration added more stress to his already aggravated body. It wasn’t long before Hulk’s entire rope was swinging up to the air. Hulk was so frustrated that sweat was dripping off of the shaft like a leaky pipe. “Dear good reader you should see the size of this literal fucker! “HULK WANT TO DOMINATE DEADPOOL!” “Don’t worry reader, he's just showing off.” Deadpool laid down on the ground facing down just to aggravate Hulk more. However… Hulk was not kidding about wanting to dominate Deadpool's body. As Deadpool laid down, his ass and the bouncy meat on it looked like a comfortable void surrounded by tropical island fruit waiting to be juiced and eaten. Hulk jumped in the direction of Deadpool and landed with all four limbs on the ground in a plank position directly above Deadpool. His heavy breathing warmed the back of Deadpool's neck. Hulk’s salivating mouth soaked the back of Deadpool’s suit. Hulk assumed that this was going to be a good thing because either Hulk would finally calm down and focus on the mission or he was only trying to scare Deadpool into following his orders and was going to back down any minute. The first option was the one Hulk chose as he ripped through Deadpool’s suit. “I’m not ashamed to tell you, reader… this beast can fuck the life out of anything… except for me of course, because I’m immortal. I’m enjoying this. Hulk is hammering me into the ground like he’s trying to dig a hole to China!” GRUUUH GUUUU GRUUUUUUUUUUUUU GRAAAAAAA AHHHHHHHHHHRRRR HR HR HRRRRRRRRR HRRRRRRRRR HMMMMMMMMMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRMMMMMMMMMM M M MMMMMMMM GRUUUH GUUUU GRUUUUUUUUUUUUU GRAAAAAAA AHHHHHHHHHHRRRR HR HR HRRRRRRRRR HRRRRRRRRR HMMMMMMMMMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRMMMMMMMMMM M M MMMMMMMM Hulk threw his waist up and down like an oil drilling rig drilling Deadpool’s body. The wet slapping between the lovers sounded like a crate of fish falling off of a tall building and into the ocean. Hulk’s beefy urns bounced into one continuous blurred motion. Hulk’s animalistic mating was thrusting into and against whatever internal objects were in its way. The paces of Deadpool’s shattered spine were flying out of his mouth like a wood chipper. Deadpool’s body was a cavern of bloody ruins. His ass opening was wider than his head. As Hulk sprung his green cock in and out of Deadpool, Deadpool’s body was getting bigger as Hulk leaked pre. Hulk’s balls were so pent up and frustrated that each squirt of pre would be a normal man’s month of cum. Hulk was dumping his cum like a cow’s udder dumps milk. Squirt after Squirt after Squirt after Squirt after Squirt after Squirt after Squirt after Squirt after Squirt after Squirt after Squirt after Squirt after Squirt after Squirt after Squirt after Squirt after. Deadpool slowly bloated out into a puddle. Most of the cum was unable to escape thanks to Hulk’s girth blocking it in. “HOW DOES IT FEEL TO CARRY HULK BABIE” Hulk screamed “HOW DO YOU LIKE BEING THE MOTHER TO HULK PACK! HULK GONNA MATE TIGHT HOLE LIKE BREEDING BULL!” “LoOOOooo reEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!” Deadpool tried to say something to the audience reading about Hulk’s sex session with him but he couldn’t catch his breath. The chemicals in his brain responsible for positive feelings were flowing through his blood almost as thick as the cum overpowering the same blood supply. That… and Hulk’s cock was blocking his airways. GRUUUH GUUUU GRUUUUUUUUUUUUU GRAAAAAAA AHHHHHHHHHHRRRR HR HR HRRRRRRRRR HRRRRRRRRR HMMMMMMMMMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRMMMMMMMMMM M M MMMMMMMM GRUUUH GUUUU GRUUUUUUUUUUUUU GRAAAAAAA AHHHHHHHHHHRRRR HR HR HRRRRRRRRR HRRRRRRRRR HMMMMMMMMMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRMMMMMMMMMM M M MMMMMMMM GRUUUH GUUUU GRUUUUUUUUUUUUU GRAAAAAAA AHHHHHHHHHHRRRR HR HR HRRRRRRRRR HRRRRRRRRR HMMMMMMMMMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRMMMMMMMMMM M M MMMMMMMM GRUUUH GUUUU GRUUUUUUUUUUUUU GRAAAAAAA AHHHHHHHHHHRRRR HR HR HRRRRRRRRR HRRRRRRRRR HMMMMMMMMMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRMMMMMMMMMM M M MMMMMMMM GRUUUH GUUUU GRUUUUUUUUUUUUU GRAAAAAAA AHHHHHHHHHHRRRR HR HR HRRRRRRRRR HRRRRRRRRR Neither of the lovers said anything for a long time. Hulk continuously moaned like a busted speaker. Deadpool gave up on saying anything. The Hulk’s seamen was filling Deadpool’s blood so much that he could barely focus on the most simple thought. All Deadpool could think about was cum. He could only focus on Hulk breeding him like a cum sponge. Finally…. Huk couldn’t hold back. His gallons of seamen in his urns of seed were boiling over. “HULK SPLASH” He roared and slammed into Deadpool’s body. Hulk’s purple tip was sticking out of Deadpool’s jaw… which Hulk discovered as all of his cum rushed onto the floor. Hulk grabbed Deadpool’s jaw and forced it closed. This closed gaw gripping his tip aroused the nerves up and down his testicles. Hulk was gushing his milk out at a rate of two pints every second. The gooey stew spread out across Deadpool's body. Even Deadpool's bones were soaked in Hulk cum. On a molecular level, Deadpool truly was soaking up Hulk’s seed. Hulk’s sperm were swimming through Deadpool’s genetic coding and changing it to Hulk’s genetic coding. Deadpool’s muscles directly absorbed Hulk’s sweet and salty protein shake. Deadpool’s heart grew to accommodate the masculine transformation as Deadpool literally absorbed Hulk’s strength. Deadpool’s eyes turned bright green. When Hulk finally decided that he had ejaculated as much cum as he had brewed… he pulled his cock out and stood up. Hulk’s enormous log of meat hung there as if Hulk had mated with a tank of yogurt. White droplets rained on the ground below him. The cum soaking his shaft slowly dripped off of him. Hulk stood there, his bulky and meaty chest rose and fell as he admired his partner's beaten up appearance. Hulk admired Deadpool as if it were his first kill of the hunting season. His green bulging muscles tingled as Hulk thought about his true strength as a lovemaking beast.
  2. LionBUff

    The Bull's Bucket

    The Bull's Bucket The sun was rising over Mathew Acres farm as John, a shy and slim 20 year old horse, walked up to the barn for his first day of work. John had been hired to go into the farm every morning at sunrise and milk a bull named “Fulbon.” John had no idea how you could even milk a bull, but he was told the instructions were in the barn. All he knows for a fact is that he was told to wear clothes that can get messy, because it was a messy job. He knew he would be working in a barn, so he expected the standard barn mess, but he wondered why the messy part was pointed out. He assumed the farmer was just being cautious and continued walking to the barn. The barn was an average looking barn, basically what you imagine when you hear the word, but the smell was a bit different. It didn't smell like a barn… it smelled like a gym locker room. He smelled the same musky manly smell he used to smell in the high school locker room. Every time the wind blew, his nose felt like it was dug deep in football uniforms. The smell of musk got stronger as John opened the barn doors. On the left was a door labeled “closet” with a row of large stables next to it. He noticed one stable had leather hanging from it, the leather looked like the arm assist used in a gym to hold your arms as you did pull ups. On the right was another set of stalls the same size as the ones on the left. Only the right stalls had no leather hanging down. It was only the one stall on the left that had the arm rests. John walked in and looked for the stall labeled “Fulbon.” The stall he was looking for was the stall with the arm rest hanging down. The leather arm rests hung about ¼ of the way from the roof of the barn to the floor. He wondered why they were there as he walked up to the stall. The bull was sleeping in the right corner under a large black comforter type blanket found on the top of beds in hotels. The blanket was bulky and covered the bull’s body well. As John approached the door of the stall, he noticed a defining curve in the center of the bull’s body curving up out of the blanket. John assumed this was a casual pillow or awkward fold in the blanket. John looked around the barn and couldn’t find any clue as to what to do. He leaned over the stall door and looked for some sign of instructions. As he leaned in, the door moved an inch forward quickly and loudly. The bull under the blanket woke up to the banging door. John stepped back, worried about what the bull would say. “Are you the new milker,” the bull asked in an intimidating voice filled with frustration. John quietly nooded. “Thank GOD!” the bull smiled and said “the last one was terrible!” “I’m sorry about that,” John said, being polite. “He would always jerk me around like I did something to him... he just wanted to finish and go. Jokes on him though I never gave him all I could anyway.” John stared at Fulbon. “You,” he asked him. Fulbon raised his eyebrow to John and asked him “what did you think you were doing here?” “I thought I would be looking for a bull named Filbon who was going to help me with the milking, maybe he would relax the cows I was milking, I’m not sure.” Fulbon moved the blanket off of himself and stood up. “You’re milking me,” Fulbon said. John looked down at the bull’s male parts that created the bulge he thought was a wrinkle in the blanket. The testicals hung down just above his knees like ripe fruit from a tree, the shaft of the bull looked like a tree limb curving out of his body and down with a head just above where the balls hung. “What?” John knew what the bull said, but internally he wanted the bull to say he was kidding. “Every day I need my seed to be drained so that the seed I make stays as fresh as possible. I need someone to make sure everything is flowing smoothly and to make sure they get everything they can.” John stood there and felt a small blush of excitement. The bull’s male parts looked extremely smooth and soothing, and he could already imagine the wet girth in his hands. “You want me to make you cum,” John asked just to be sure the bull was being serious. “Until I tell you I’m dry, yes. Your job is to fill up the bucket until I tell you I’m all dried up.” John looked around for the bucket but didn’t see anything. “Check the closet,” Fulbon said as he stretched his body trying to wake himself up. John walked over to the closet door and opened it to see a normal looking closet of barn equipment. He looked around the closet until he saw the only bucket in the back corner, which looked like the white paint was peeling off. He grabbed it and walked back to Fulbon’s stall. “Is this it,” he asked. “The one soaked in dry seamen, yes” he told John. “This is all you,” John asked, fascinated that the bull in front of him could make that much liquid. “I’m impressed,” John said, opening the stall door. “It's what bulls do” Fulbon told him, shaking his balls around with his left hand. John set the bucket down in front of Fulbon and asked; ‘What now?” Fulbon put his elbows in the arm rest and flexed his cock to signal that it was time for the milking. John stared at Fulbon’s body, looking over his tone legs and stomach like an art exhibit. John got down on both knees to the side of the bull cock and grabbed it on the end. John started running his hands from the bottom of his cock to about half way, applying just enough pressure to make a soft sloping noise. “Not bad,” Fulbon told him. John smiled as he continued his rubbing motions. He stood there on his knees watching this beautiful cock spring to life in his hands. He could feel the blood dripping in through the thick tendons of Fulbon. For several moments John caressed the warm log in his hands, paying close attention to remain calm both internally and externally. Fulbon didn’t want to admit it this early, but he was honestly enjoying John’s hands. He felt his meat cramp up as John rubbed the bottom half of his cock with such gentleness that Fulbon felt like he was getting a special treatment. Fulbon wanted to mean, he wanted to let go of the pleasure building up in his voice. He also didn’t want John to hear the groans and get arrogant and change what he was doing. Before John came along, he was used to his cock being thrown around like a frisbee in the hands of his previous milker. The only reason he ever climaxed before was to give the milker something to work with. He gave the previous milker as little as possible to encourage the milker to quit. That tactic finally worked when John showed up. Now that John’s soothing hands were caring for his cock, Fulbon thought he would have a true climax today. He was willing to give John everything he could brew if John kept milking him like this. “How’s this,” John asked him without ever losing concentration. When Fulbon opened his mouth to talk, the moan he was holding back belted out all at once. John didn’t jump at all. John simply paused his caresing for a moment and looked up to ask “to much?” “Actually that’s perfect, I don’t remember the last time my shaft was loved by hands this gentle.” John looked back down at the meat in front of his face and said; “I just want you to spill as much seed as possible, and I want you to enjoy it too. Plus, I’m extracting your seed the same way I extract my own seed.” Fulbon laughed and asked “and how do you do that?” “I don’t force the seamen out… I rub myself calmly as I think about another man being in bed with me and the cum just naturally flows out.” Fulbon grinned and said; “Smart. I can see you have a lot of experience with tending to meat.” John tightened his grip but kept the same speed and said “I guess so. I’ve seen a million ways to tend to meat and i've tried them all… by myself at least. I’ve never laid down with anyone.” John felt a brief moment of jealousy and loneliness as he rubbed the bull’s meat. The first time he touched another man’s cock was for a job. He thought about what this meat in his hands would look like spread out on his bed. Fulbon could see the sinking spirits of John and felt bad for him. John was a decent guy who was hard working and knew how to operate another man’s machine. “I’ll tell you what,” Fulbon said. John slowed his rubbing down and looked up at Fulbon. “You’re a cool guy and you’ve never been with anyone else. I’ve been with countless lovers before, and all of them were too violent to enjoy or wouldn’t stop talking, usually both were true. Even outside this milking stand my lovers have been a pain to deal with. You’re the first one I’ve enjoyed… or even respected for that matter. If you tell the farmer you need to come back tonight to try milking me again, because you couldn’t get much out of me today, he’ll let you come back anytime after dark. Just warn him you’re coming so you don’t spook him and you can walk right up here. I’ll be waiting.” John blushed and asked “what about the milk from right now? Won’t he know you’ve already given me your milk today?” “Good point,” Fulbon answered. He then suggested “only fill it up a fraction of the way. Hand him the bucket of what I gave you and tell him this was everything, then say you want to try again at sunset.” “Good idea,” John said as he picked up his movements where he left off. He continued the same movements for a few more strokes then said “let’s try something else.” john took his hands off of the shaft stood up to stretch his legs and arms. As he did that, Fulbon stared at the horse who supprised him with how good he was at his new job. As Fulbon looked at John, he noticed a curve crawling down his left leg. Fulbon felt bad for John because he thought John was hard as a rock and secretly needed release. Fulbon didn’t know how to bring it up, but he didn;t want to be the only one enjoying himself. “Enjoying this,” he asked John. John continued stretching and said “Absolutely! I can’t believe you haven’t cum yet.” “I’m getting there. I takes bigger loads longer to come out.” John nodded in agreement and blushed again. Fulbon then looked back down at the curve in John’s pants and said “speaking of loads coming out, you can loosen up that grip on your pants. I actually find it hotter when the milker’s cock is out too. Plus it feels less awkward.” “You’re sure?” as much as John was enjoying it, he only saw this as a job, and was worried about looking unprofessional. “Don’t worry,” Fulbon assured him, “the farmer never comes up here during the milking, and no one else ever comes either. Until the farmer sees you with that bucket, he stays far away, he doesn't want to risk seeing the process. John trusted Fulbon’s words and took off his shirt. He threw the shirt to the back corner of the barn and took off his shoes and socks, throwing them in the same pile. “I’ve heard a lot about horses,” Fulbon said watching John unzip his pants. As the zipper slid down, John’s long bump in his pants grew a little longer, then popped out of the pant leg and straight out infront of him. “I want to see if it’s true!” “I’ll let you decide.” John put his pants in the same pile and turned back to Fulbon who was still as hard as he’s been all day. John slid the underwear down, kneeling as he did so. When the underwear was at his feet, John stood up and put his hands on either side of his hips. Fulbon knew John was no athlete, which was made obvious by his thin body, but Fulbon was still shocked to see that John's cock was only a few inches shorter with about the same girth. “It’s not true,” Fulbon sarcastically said. Before John could say anything back, Fulbon said “you’re even bigger than I expected. I’m really going to need a taste later.” “Don’t have to tell me twice,” John admitted. He got back down on his knees, but this time he was directly in front of the bull’s shaft. The tube in the center of the bull cock was staring him right in the face like a one eyed snake. John reached his arms out and grabbed one of Fulbon’s testicals in each hand. He played with the thick and round fruit of the bull and shoved his face into the round head. He stuck his tongue out inside of the cock and licked his innerer tube. Fulbon couldn’t help himself any more. This wasn’t just the first time this move was being done on him, but he was doing it so well too. Fulbon groaned and told John “I’m really close.” John didn’t say anything, mostly because his mouth was suffocated against a bull’s meat. John heard Fulbon, and started squeezing the seedful fruit harder. He tossed them around in his grip as if he were trying to shake something out of them. Thanks to his strong grip, John could feel the cramping in his testicles. The sensation of feeling a bull’s seamen about to erupt made him drip cum a little himself. His hands were nowhere near his own seed sack, yet his sperm were starting to swim out anyway. John, lost in the moment, pulled his mouth out of the cock tube and started licking the head like candy. John was still licking the head and teasing the balls when the first squirt hit him in the face. The small load of cum splattered on his right cheek. When John felt this, he moved to the side of Fulbon where he first started and continued using both hands to shake the bull’s fruit. This method produced a few squirts of pre into the bucket, but he knew this wasn’t all his balls were holding. John then experimented with a new strategy and treated Fulbon’s testicals like an udder and squeezed them up and down. One white river lasting two seconds gracefully fell into the bucket. John watched the stream as he squeezed Fulbon’s balls, hypnotized by the shiny and white flow coming out of the other end. John slowed his squeezing and paid close attention to the folds of skin and veins in his hands. This method released a few more rivers of seamen into the bucket. “Keep going!” Fulbon clenched his teeth and opened his legs, trying to get the biggest possible load he could make. “I can still feel more down there!” John kept his hands squeezing the bull’s testicals and moved his head up against the lower curve of the sack. He started licking the curves between the testicals and pressed his tongue in the valley between the two balls. Fulbon and his seamen both felt John’s tongue exploring the underside of his balls. The intense pleasure was enough to send his climax over the edge. Fulbon sprayed a highly pressured stream with more force than his other two cum rivers combined. The white waterfall made a straight line with no slack directly into the bucket. He stood there and sprayed like a can of violent silly string. This agressive ejeculation lasted for a little over a minute. The entire minute, John was underneath Fulbon stimulating the seed as much as he could. The cum river faded into a few drops as the remaining sperm dripped out of his cock. Finally, he couldn’t feel any more milk in his sack. Fulbon looked down to see the bucket of his milk only centimeters away from the top. “I’m done,” Fulbon told John. John got out from under Fulbon’s testicals and looked at the nearly full bucket. The site of the collection of cum made John dump a few loads of cum himself. The site of another man’s seed made his seed want a taste.
  3. I am reposting my first series. It can no longer be found on the site (i tried to find it). There are 19 chapters.. Here are the characters and their story titles (they will appear in others stories for plot points etc.). Just an FYI, some guys listed have not appeared in the stories I have already posted, but are in stories I am working on for this first series. Jay (Jason) and Max – Worship Session Jay – 6’3”, 250, Blonde, Blue eyes Max – 5’11”, 165, Curly brown, Brown eyes Eddie, Ian, and Colin (Ian is G1 and Colin is G2) –Gingers Eddie – 6’2”, 235, Blonde, Grey eyes Ian and Colin – 6’, 190, Orange, Green eyes Ty (Tyler) and Davey – New Gym Ty – 6’2”, 220, Black, Brown eyes Davey – 5’11”, 175, Brown, Brown eyes Ming and Cam – Toy Time Ming – 5’6”, 150, Black, Blue eyes Cam – 5’7”, 170, Blonde, Green eyes Stu ad Kenny – background guys – no story of their own in this series. Stu – 6’0”, 185, Black, Brown eyes Kenny – 6’1”, 185, Blonde ponytail, Green eyes Paulo – future character – no stand-alone story in this series. Paulo – 6’1”, 230, Brown, Brown eyes The ‘Bad Guys’ Ron – Davey’s ex. Shaun, Bull, Ash, and Larry – Jay and Max’s nemeses. Willie – future character Others - some of these appear in the 2nd Series. Roman – Ro – Max’s 17-year-old brother Schaefer – Shae – Max’s 15-year-old brother Evan – one of Ty’s former boyfriends Gran – Jay’s grandmother Franco – one of Ty’s one-night stands Simon – Cam’s first love ** Enjoy and let me know what you think. ** He held me close, his left bicep flexed. My left arm wrapped around his thickly coiled neck for support and closeness. My right arm holding onto his flexed forearm encouraging him to flex his bicep harder. My tongue running along the flat face of the arm, the light tan hair on the muscle moistened by the saliva of my gentle kisses. He moaned, I moaned in response. His bicep was not obscenely large, but just big enough for my tongue to be able to wander around and trace lines on the protruding veins which gave us both the pleasure of knowing the strength it possessed. I switched my attention to the top of the bicep which was a rounded mound and was split into two heads. I upped the intensity and planted sloppy wet kisses on the whole muscle. He twisted his arm to allow me greater access to it. I moved my right arm to the valley between his forearm and bicep in response to the new position. I kissed the top of his bicep ravenously, like it was going to be my last kiss with him. His right hand on the back of my head, gently but forcefully maneuvering it back and forth, encouraging me to worship the entire top of the bicep. My tongue swept through the valley between the two heads. He playfully flexed the muscle, gently trapping my tongue for a brief second. While it was trapped he took the moment to gently blow warm air into my left ear. He used his tongue to caress the outer ear and softly engulf the lobe. The sensation caused me to spurt some pre-cum. It dribbled down my shaft and spilled onto his leg. He felt the moistness and flexed harder knowing he had hit my sweet spot. He lifted his arm up over his head and his triceps were on full display. I re-wet my tongue and went to work. Gently at first, licking from his hairless armpit up the length of his arm to the elbow and back again. He moaned again when my tongue washed over the sensitive short hairs along the bottom of the muscle. I let my tongue linger there, quickly remoistening it and pursing my lips against the hard muscle and hair. I moved my right hand from his elbow to his bicep and began to joyfully massage, egging him to flex it harder, knowing it would cause his triceps to be flexed as well. He responded eagerly. My fingers slid over the wet surface of the bicep squeezing the mounds gently at first then more intently. My tongue on his triceps and right hand on his flexed bicep, my brain was going into overload. More pre-cum escaped my dick and trickled down. When he felt the new moisture on his leg he let out a soft giggle and pushed his tongue back into my ear. This time he had wet his tongue. He swirled it around the cartilage of the outer ear before plunging it into my inner ear. He brushed across the short sensitive hairs and lapped at them. I squirmed but he moved his right arm around my waist holding me tightly to his body. I tried to move my left arm from around his neck so I could create some room between us, but he trapped it there with his shoulder muscles. I tried to roll my head away but he kept pursuing me and eventually he pinned my head to my right shoulder. He playfully pushed his tongue back into my ear and continued to caress the short hairs with his tongue and warm breath. My tongue had come off his triceps due to the new position of my head, but my right hand was still groping his bicep. He lowered his arm but kept it flexed. I applied more pressure to see if I could dent the muscle in any way, but could not. He sensed my intention and my need to feel his strength. He un-flexed and straightened his arm out. I let my fingers caress the length of his arm, from shoulder to forearm. Gently at first. First trip down, my fingernails barely touching the arm, on the way back, a light touch, stirring the short hairs, he squirmed. Next trip down, the back of my fingers touching the skin and drawing zig-zag lines on the muscles. On the way back, my fingernails to gently rake his skin. He shivered and plunged his tongue back into my ear causing me to quake. He kept at it, I kept at it. We both knew we had pinpointed each other’s sweet zone and we were going to do our best to make the other suffer with unfathomable pleasure for a long time. Next trip down I used my finger tips to gently massage the bicep and triceps muscles. Lingering on them for a few seconds, tugging at the skin and hair. On the way back, I was at full force, completely and unashamedly applying full force thru my fingers. He started to flex and I could tell he was smiling. He enjoyed being worshipped and really enjoyed showing off his muscles and strength. He pulled his tongue of out my ear, relaxed the pressure on my trapped left arm and pulled his left arm into a full flex. I moaned aloud and he shifted his legs and jostled his dick higher into my ass. I was in heaven. My eyes rolled into the back of my head. My head rolled on my shoulders. We turned to face each other. His bright blue eyes piercing my dark brown eyes. His tanned skin, and dirty blonde hair complimenting his appearance. He smiled and jostled his hips again to show me his strength. I wrapped both arms around his neck and slowly moved in to kiss him. My dick trapped between the two of us, now steadily leaking pre-cum causing his abs to be sticky. He maneuvered me up and down by using his hips so as to spread the stickiness over all his abs. His left arm was still flexed. Now he was just showing off to get me off. I smiled and just before our lips met, I licked his nose. I laughed, he smiled warmly.
  4. LionBUff

    Gaston’s lesson

    Gaston kicked down the doors to the Beast’s castle. He was here for one simple reason, to kill the Beast and hang his head above his fireplace. “Come out and FIGHT LIKE A MAN,” Gaston roared. Gaston pulled out his gun and began scanning the giant castle. He ran up the stairs, stomping like a drunk horse, and ran into the west wing. Gaston had never been in the castle to know the significance of the west wing, but what he did know was that he had a strong feeling inside of him to head in that direction. As he walked towards the direction of the Beast’s bedroom, he began to smell an overpowering stench that smelled like an old bard that had never been cleaned. “I thought they called you a Beast,” Gaston taunted in a low, slow, and deep voice. “All I smell is a coward.” Gaston approached the doors of the Beast’s room, slowly and carefully. He never loosened his grip on his weapon as he approached the giant doors. He was careful not to make any noise. He wanted the Beast to be surprised by his attack. Gaston walked up to the doors and twisted the knob expecting it to open. However, the Beast’s room was locked. Gaston had an idea and walked over to the left side of the hallway. He took a deep breath, building up energy in his lungs and vocal cords, then screamed; “IF YOU DON’T OPEN THOSE DOORS I’LL KICK THEM DOWN MYSELF! I CAN SMELL YOUR FEAR FROM A MILE AWAY! I KNOW YOU’RE IN THERE!” Gaston hopped that the Beast would come out, and he would shoot him the second his head was in view. Gaston waited for any sign of life. A noise... a movement... anything. For five minutes, Gaston stood there. After what felt like an hour, Gaston heard faint but powerful footsteps approach the doors. BAAM! The doors flew open so fast that they almost fell off the hinges. When the doors opened, the Beast marched into the hallway and right into Gaston’s view. The Beast was still wearing his night clothes, no shirt and a large pair of loose fitting pants. The Beast was facing the hallway, scanning for his taunter, and didn’t see Gaston behind him. Gaston made no hesitation. As soon as the Beast was in view, he fired his gun. His aim was famous for being perfect every time. He shot the Beast’s back exactly in the center. To Gaston’s surprise, the bullet bounced right off. This made no sense to him, because his furry skin was perfectly exposed. Yet, somehow, it didn’t even break the first layer of skin. In a panic, Gaston fired his gun until he was out of bullets. The Beast simply stood there and waited for the gunfire to stop. Every single bullet bounced off his manly body. When Gaston ran out of bullets, the Beast turned his head around to face Gaston. He locked eyes with Gaston and smiled like a king who just found out he won a war. “My muscles are thicker than any metal you’ve ever seen,” The Beast spoke in a rumbly voice. As he spoke, saliva sprayed out of his mouth and all over Gaston’s body. It was at this moment that gaston realized just how overgrown the Beast’s body was. He was 12 feet tall. Every muscle bulged out… a lot. His neck was thicker than Gaston’s arm. His arms were thicker than Gaston’s entire body. His ass cheeks were more round than the wheels of a horse carriage. The Beast looked stronger than 1,000,000 stallions combined. Even the smallest muscles on his body were 50 times bigger than it would be on a normal human. “I’m sorry,” Gaston said as he began to cry. Gaston, the bravest man in town, was filled with fear. He knew the Beast could swallow him whole without any real effort. Gaston dropped the gun and put his hands behind his head. The Beast walked over to gaston and kicked the gun behind him, causing it to slide so far that it was almost out of sight. Once the gun was out of the way, the Beast sniffed Gaston like a drug dog sniffs out a suspicious bag. Gaston stood there waiting for the Beast to attack. Insted the Beast inhaled every scent Gaston produced. His musk, sweat, fear, everything. “I would eat you,” the Beast whispered to Gaston, “But I can’t remember the last time I could ‘relieve stress’ with another human.” Gaston was clueless about what the Beast meant for a few seconds. His confusion ended when he saw the Beast’s python in his pants rip it’s way out effortlessly. The Beast’s veiny rocket shot out of those paints like an actual rocket bursting through the clouds. Gaston couldn't help getting hard himself. He was perfectly straight… as far as he knew… but watching the Beast’s horny body tear through his pants like they were warm butter made him have second thoughts. Sadly, Gaston’s meat was nowhere near strong enough to tear through his pants. Gaston immediately felt more inferior than he ever had in his life when he realized this fact. “Go easy,” Gaston choked out of his anxious body. Gaston watched in horror as the Beast pole of flesh kept growing and growing like a wildfire. Tearing through those pants was only the beginning of the Beast’s sexual nightmare. “Why?” After the Beast asked this question to Gaston, he laughed, then threw Gaston on his shoulder like he was a bag of potatoes. Gaston was almost 300 pounds of muscle, but the Beast lifted him with one arm and carried him like he was 3 pounds. The more Gaston rode on the Beast solid shoulder, the more he thought about the Beast’s… beast, and how incredibly painful this will be. The cock he just saw tear a pair of pants off was wider than an actual tree trunk, and probably harder too. Gaston realized it would be easier to shove an actual tree up his body than to mate with the throbbing creature between the legs of this monster. After Gaston helplessly waited for his fate… the Beast unexpectedly threw Gaston onto his bed. Gaston’s body landed face down on the bed, causing Gaston’s head to slam into the pillow. The exact second gaston’s nosed touched the pillow, his nosed was filled with musk. The Beast didn’t just have musk on him… the Beast could sell his sweat as a cologne. Gaston layed there, worried that the Beast would mistake any movement for resistance. The Beast put both enormous paws on either side of Gaston’s waist and gripped the top of his pants. The Beast pulled his arms away and shredded Gaston’s pants into two pieces. Gaston couldn’t see it, but the Beast shoved both halves of the ripped pants into his gaping mouth and swallowed them like a tiny pill. Now that his pants were out of the way, the Beast stared at his prize. Gaston’s cheeks were used to him running around all day, so they were very sturdy and plump. As the Beast admired his muscular mating partner, he couldn’t help but notice how tiny Gaston’s hole was. The opening to his body was a lot smaller than the Beast expected. Gaston’s back entrance looked like it had never been used before. The Beast grinned, knowing how tight the grip would be. The Beast decided it was time to get serious. He grabbed Gaston’s ankles on either side of his body us used his triceps to pull Gaston’s virgin hole to the Beast’s waist. The Beast began their night together by teasing Gaston. As he pulled the quivering body of his partner to his anxious body, The Beast put his rod inside of Gaston’s cheeks. Gaston moaned as his ass was wedged apart by a Humpback Whale of manhood. It felt like the Beast was pushing his glutes into his hips. The muscles tried to contract back into position, but the devilish dick sprouting out of the Beast wouldn’t let that happen. The Beast slowly and calmly thrusted back and forth, numbing the bottom half of Gaston’s body. The veins below his stomach where pinched closed under the weight of this beam of passionate testosterone. Gaston knew that the Beast was being generous by numbing his body before he became the Beast’s dumping zone of pimped up sperm. As the beast rubbed his pounding creature inside the valley of Gaston’s gorgeous ass, he felt his lust build. He felt the temperature in his fruitful testicals rise. He felt like he was brewing a piping hot soup inside of his hairy sacks. His balls filled with liquid like a glass at a party. The sperm were ready to breed. His liquid was ready to erupt. The beast loved being warmed up by Gaston’s glutes, but he knew he didn’t want to get his inevitable explosion all over his room. His castle was in ruins, but spraying the walls with his cum wasn;t going to make anything better. Part 2 After the Beast warmed his cock, as if he were preheating an oven, he pulled himself out of the valley of Gaston’s ass and put his giant head at the entrance of Gaston’s body. The girth of the Beast’s pink and plump head barely fit into the first 4 inches. Gaston had never taken a cock before, he was always the one giving it. This meant his body was far from ready for the equipment poking him. The beast knew this. He knew Gaston wasn't ready to take him… and he loved it. The anticipation to hear this arrogant prick beg for mercy made the beast throb even harder. The Beast looked into Gaston’s eyes. Gaston was tearing up like onion juice was thrown at his face. His mouth quivered like he was in the arctic in his underwear. Gaston begged the Beast to go easy. Gaston’s cries excited him. The Beast felt his meat grow harder and meaner. Gaston moaned, acknowledging the beast’s growing excitement. The Beast watched Gaston cry every last tear he had for a few minutes, allowing Gaston’s begging to excite him as much as possible. For 5 minutes, the Beast grew and grew. Without any warning, the Beast gripped onto Gaston’s hips. He grabbed Gaston’s hips, then jerked them into his body forcing every last inch of his enormously long and wide staff up Gaston. Gaston’s abs disappeared into a tall, round bulge. Gaston instantly looked like he was carrying an entire pack of cubs in his gut in a fraction of a second. The veins on the Beast’s shaft outlined Gaston’s stretching torso. The Plu,p head poked out of Gaston’s chest like his heart was trying to escape. The Beast felt Gaston’s prostate shatter like a tiny teacup. The violent impact turned his pelvis into a jigsaw puzzle. His spine was pushed out of the way with no resistance. Gaston’s intestines were mashed into jelly. The veiny monster invading Gaston’s interiors destroyed everything it rammed into with ease. Gaston was now nothing but the Beast’s toy. The violent contact between Gaston and his dominating mating partner created a defining SLOSH that shook the castle. Gatson tried to scream. He tried to tell his new master that he had had enough. However, all Gaston could let out was a simple moan. The only noise he was able to produce were moans. He tried moving his mouth. Over and over, he tried to at least say the word “enough,” or ‘I surrender,” anything. Nothing worked. For 20 minutes, Gaston moaned almost endlessly. Only sometimes did he stop to catch his breath. The Beast ignored all of Gaston’s noises. Gaston’s whimpering meant nothing to him. He just kept pleasuring his cock, a stalious machine of meat that never had any contact but his right hand and the occasional bed sheet until now. The Beast took his time to enjoy all of Gaston’s internal organs rubbing against his cock. Gaston’s body desperately tried to push the invading unit out of his body… but those unsuccessful attempts only made the experience more enjoyable for the horny creature. No matter what Gaston did, the Beast kept humping up and down. The skin around Gaston’s torso were stretched in and out like pizza dough. For the entire 20 minutes of pleasure, the Beast did everything he could to keep his milk in the tanks. He tried slowing down, he tried thinking about something else besides Gaston's hot body gripping his cock, but nothing was working. Finally, the Beast surrendered to his lust. The first few quarts of pre streamed out filling Gaston’s stomach. The first load stretched his lower torso up a few inches. His skin grew a few shades whiter around the dumping zone. The second load was 10 times bigger and faster. This load bulged Gaston’s body up so far that the Beast lost side of Gaston’s face. Gaston went into a short cough attack, coughing up a small fraction of the sperm inside of him. The beast pulled Gaston’s waist as close to his body as he possibly could, bracing for the last load. The Beast’s testicals gurgeled like an empty stomach. The muscles surrounding his hairy tubs of milk cramped. The Beast leaned his head back and took a deep breath. He knew this next release would be painful, even for him. The beast pulled back, and pushed his way into a gaping tunnel already lubricated from the previous loads. 12 gallons of piping hot liquid jet streamed out of the Beast body and into Gaston’s helpless figure already bulging out like a water balloon. The pressure behind the Beast’s cum dumping was so great that the Beast felt like all the water in the world was being funneled through his meat at the same time. The muscles in his testicals contracted so quickly that the Beast thought it would have been less painful to have them cut off completely. Gaston’s mind almost shut off completely as his body expanded into a giant white blob. All of Gaston’s blood vessels were transporting nothing but the Beast’s fish. Gaston’s body weight was 95% the Beast’s seed. Every cell in his body was touched by the Beast’s army of sperm. Gaston lost control of all movement. When he cried in pain, his tears were just the Beast’s cum flowing out of his eyes. Gaston began to vomit uncontrollably. His mouth spewed the Beast’s sperm all over the bed next to him. Gaston’s body did everything it could to lighten the load. He even started spewing the Beast’s DNA out of his own cock. Part 2 After the Beast warmed his cock, as if he were preheating an oven, he pulled himself out of the valley of Gaston’s ass and put his giant head at the entrance of Gaston’s body. The girth of the Beast’s pink and plump head barely fit into the first 4 inches. Gaston had never taken a cock before, he was always the one giving it. This meant his body was far from ready for the equipment poking him. The beast knew this. He knew Gaston wasn't ready to take him… and he loved it. The anticipation to hear this arrogant prick beg for mercy made the beast throb even harder. The Beast looked into Gaston’s eyes. Gaston was tearing up like onion juice was thrown at his face. His mouth quivered like he was in the arctic in his underwear. Gaston begged the Beast to go easy. Gaston’s cries did nothing but excite him. The Beast felt his meat grow harder and meaner. Gaston moaned, acknowledging the beast’s growing excitement. The Beast watched Gaston cry every last tear he had for a few minutes, allowing Gaston’s begging to excite him as much as possible. For 5 minutes, the Beast grew and grew. Suddenly without any warning, the Beast gripped Gaston’s hips. He grabbed Gaston’s hips, then jerked them into his body, forcing every last inch of his enormously long and wide staff up Gaston. Gaston’s abs disappeared into a tall, round bulge. Gaston instantly looked like he was carrying an entire pack of cubs in his gut in a fraction of a second. The veins on the Beast’s shaft outlined Gaston’s stretching torso. The Plu,p head poked out of Gaston’s chest like his heart was trying to escape. The Beast felt Gaston’s prostate shatter like a tiny teacup. The violent impact turned his pelvis into a jigsaw puzzle of broken pieces. His spine was pushed out of the way with no resistance. Gaston’s intestines were mashed into jelly. The veiny monster invading Gaston’s interiors destroyed everything it rammed into with ease. The violent contact between Gaston and his dominating mating partner created a defining SLOSH that shook the castle. Gatson tried to scream. He tried to tell his new master that he had had enough. However, all Gaston could let out was a simple moan. The only noise he was able to produce were moans. He tried moving his mouth. Over and over, he tried to at least say the word “enough,” or ‘I surrender,” anything. Nothing worked. For 20 minutes, Gaston moaned almost endlessly. Only sometimes did he stop to catch his breath. The Beast ignored all of Gaston’s noises. Gaston’s whimpering meant nothing to him. He just kept pleasuring his cock, a stalious machine of meat that never had any contact but his right paw and the occasional bed sheet until now. The Beast took his time to enjoy all of Gaston’s internal organs rubbing against his cock. Gaston’s body desperately tried to push the invading unit out of his body… but those unsuccessful attempts only made the experience more enjoyable for the horny creature. No matter what Gaston did, the Beast kept humping up and down. The skin around Gaston’s torso was stretched in and out like pizza dough. For the entire 20 minutes of pleasure, the Beast did everything he could to keep his milk in his tanks. He tried slowing down, he tried thinking about something else besides Gaston's hot body gripping his cock, but nothing was working. Finally, the Beast surrendered to his lust. The first few quarts of pre streamed out filling Gaston’s stomach. The first load stretched his lower torso up a few inches. His skin grew a few shades whiter around the dumping zone. The second load was 10 times bigger and faster. This load bulged Gaston’s body up so far that the Beast lost site of Gaston’s face. Gaston went into a short cough attack, coughing up a small fraction of the sperm inside his body. Then, the beast pulled Gaston’s waist as close to his body as he possibly could, bracing for the last load. The Beast’s testicals gurgeled like an empty stomach. The muscles surrounding his hairy tubs of milk cramped. The Beast leaned his head back and took a deep breath. He knew this next release would be painful, even for him. The beast pulled back, and pushed his way into a gaping tunnel already lubricated from the previous loads. 12 gallons of piping hot liquid jet streamed out of the Beast body and into Gaston’s helpless figure already bulging out like a water balloon. The pressure behind the Beast’s cum dumping was so great that the Beast felt like all the water in the world was being funneled through his meat at the same time. The muscles in his testicals contracted so quickly that the Beast thought it would have been less painful to cut off completely. Gaston’s mind almost shut off completely as his body expanded into a giant white blob. All of Gaston’s blood vessels were transporting nothing but the Beast’s fresh DNA. Gaston’s body weight was now 95% the Beast’s seed. Every cell in his body was touched by the Beast’s army of sperm. Gaston lost control of all movement. When he cried in pain, his tears were just the Beast’s cum flowing out of his eyes. Gaston began to vomit uncontrollably. His mouth spewed the Beast’s sperm all over the bed next to him. Gaston’s body did everything it could to lighten the load. He even started spewing the Beast’s DNA out of his own cock. Once Gaston’s body got rid of as much of the Beast’s seed as it could, Gaston fell asleep. His body was too exhausted from being bred by a passionate monster to stay awake for another second. The Beast was extremely tired too, but he still had enough energy to stay awake for a few more minutes. The Beast considered dumping Gaston out the window and forgetting he existed at all. However, something told him to calm down. Something Told him to spare Gaston. Something told him that Gaston was more than an object to pleasure his lonely cock with. Instead of tossing Gaston’s well bred and well stuffed body out the window, he moved it over to the left side of the bed. The exhausted Beast layed down on the right side of the bed. The Beast wrapped Gaston’s plump and warm body inside of his arms and legs. The Beast gripped Gaston’s warm body like a new body pillow and drifted to sleep.
  5. LionBUff

    Bogo Birthday (Full)

    Bogo’s Birthday Chief Bogo laid down in his bed, fully prepared to go to bed. Today was his birthday, which meant that he spent all day celebrating. At work, the officers of Zootopia threw him a surprise party that was going on the entire day. Even after the team responded to the occasional call, they came back to continue the party. After work, Bogo visited his favorite restaurant with 10 of his closest friends and spent hours joking and laughing and having the time of his life. By the time Bogo got home, he was worn out. The time on the clock next to his bed read “11:11.” Bogo saw the time and thought about all those times as a child he would wish for something at “11:11.” Today was his birthday, so he jokingly thought wishing something on your birthday at “11:11” was double lucky. He didn’t believe in luck, at least not that kind of luck, but he still enjoyed thinking about it for fun. “I wish my bed weren’t so lonely.” Bogo didn’t feel too bad about sleeping by himself, but he thought that someone besides him at night would be a nice change. As he thought about what he would want to do when someone joins him in bed, Bogo slowly started to drift off. This proved to be difficult as Bogo continued fantasizing about what he would want to do in bed. Every time he closed his eyes, he imagined a possible mating partner as they played with his body. Bogo knew the only way to go to sleep was to ejeculate it all out. Bogo slept naked, so he didn’t worry about taking anything off. He slipped his right hand down the sheets and started rubbing his fantasies out of his head. His cock grew to an impressive 15 inch length with a 2 inch girth. He pictured a mate squatting down and using their entire body to grip him. As he ran his hand up and down his cock, his motions caused his testicals to bounce around and slap the top of the sheets covering him. Bogo grew tired of his balls swinging around and used his left hand to keep his balls still. As he gripped his balls, he realized just how great his hand felt gripping his sack. He pulsed his left hand fingers repetitively around his balls while his right hand rubbed the cock above. Bogo eventually came, leaving a small puddle on his stomach. The slight moisture from his waisted load irritated him, so he used the dry sheets around him to dry his stomach off. Bogo wished his load were inside someone and not on his stomach as he finally fell asleep. Bogo was asleep for 10 minutes when he heard a knock on the door. When the knock woke him up, a small rush of panic froze him. Was this a criminal seeking revenge? Why else would anyone show up this late at night? Bogo reluctantly walked to the door and looked through the peephole. Bogo nearly fainted when he saw 4 tigers he recognized. The 4 tigers known for dancing with Gazelle were standing there in professional work clothing. Bogo assumed they weren't here to hurt him and cracked the door open. “Bogo? Is that you?” The tiger closest to the door saw him through the crack and tried talking to him. “Yeah why,” Bogo asked with hints of fear in his voice. “We were told to meet you here for your birthday, Nick planned a surprise for you.” The tiger made eye contact with Bogo and winked. “NIck sent you four?” Bogo was good friends with Nick, so he trusted the tiger and opened the door all the way. “He did.” The tiger softly spoke to assure the chief that they meant no harm. The tiger continued explaining his presence and said “he told us you would love our present.” “Depends.” Bogo responded. He looked down at their hands, expecting some kind of object, and saw nothing. He then asked the tigers “what is it?” The lead tiger who was doing the talking for the group grabbed his zipper and gripped a bump in his pants. The tiger squeezed the bump below his zipper, and manually flexed his cock out. Bogo stood there watching the bulge grow in the tiger's pants. “Are we doing this outside?” The tiger asked sarcastically. Bogo realized how hypnotized by the tiger he was and looked up. He motioned for the tigers to come in, then closed the door behind him once all four tigers were inside. “Nice house,” one of the tigers told him looking around. “Where should we hang our clothes?” The lead tiger asked. “You mean jackets?” Bogo asked, thinking he used the word clothes to refer to all of their jackets. The tigers all took off their jackets and gave them to Bogo. Bogo neatly set them aside, then said “I thought so.” “That’s part of it,” the lead tiger said. Then, in unison, without warning, all four tigers ripped their shirts off. The fabric made a thunderous tearing sound as all four shirts melted away in their hands. The fabric split open like a curtain to reveal the tigers bodies underneath. All four did not have a single fat cell. In fact, they were more tone than Bogo remembered. The remains of their shirts hit the ground. The four now stood there looking at bogo as if he were a model photographer and they were modeling their pants. The muscles on their body defined their stripes. The center line on their flat stomachs resembled an arrow pointing to their bulges. In unison, the tigers unzipped their pants and dropped them to their feet. Under the paints were the purple and white underwear that did nothing to cover their breeding organs. In fact, their balls curved out from the edges of the shiney covering. It looked like two white tennis balls falling out of a glittery bag. The tigers stepped out of their fallen pants and walked over to Bogo. “You’ve had a long day.” The lead tiger said. “I bet your legs are exhausted. Just tell us where your bed is and we’ll take care of you. “Down the hall and on the left, second door.” Next thing Bogo knew, he was in the air as the tigers all carried his body to his bed. They carried him like a steel plank at a construction site to his room. When they arrived at his bed, the tigers threw him down on his back facing the tigers. Bogo looked up at the four bulges in front of him. They reminded him of beer taps at a bar. Four choices to choose from, each creamier and richer than the last. Each guaranteed to satisfy him. “Are you a top or bottom?” The lead tiger asked. “I don’t care, I just want to be torn apart.” The tiger standing next to the leader said; “Good, good. We couldn’t agree more.” The tiger put his fingers inside the left side of his underwear and pulled it back. The white tennis balls and prickly log flopped out and hung down. Bogo’s Birthday 2: WILD JUNGLE The tiger beside the one that pulled underwear back did the same move. He grabbed the side of the shiny covering and dramatically pulled it open. This tiger was just slightly bigger than the last, his balls seemed about the same size. His balls did seem to have more veins wrapping around then when Bogo looked at them for a brief second. The third tiger revealed his cock to Bogo, this tiger’s cock was noticeably bigger than the other two. The lead tiger went last. His cock was 4 inches longer than the third. The balls on this tiger looked more like white fluffy pears than tennis balls. His testicles looked more appetizing like he could feed Bogo a bigger meal than the others. “How do you wanna do this, boys,” the lead tiger asked the other three. “We could pound him flat one at a time or give him the “WILD JUNGLE.” “That’s where all four of us stick our wood in like a jungle of wood being crammed up your ass! Jungle because of the tree trunks, wild because we show no mercy!” “Please,” Bogo softly begged in fear of their girth, “one at a time.” The lead tiger jokingly asked Bogo; “All at once?” Bogo's eyes widened when he heard this as he repeated “one at a time!” “WILD JUNGLE” the lead tiger demanded as two tigers laid down next to Bogo on either side. Both tigers laid on their sides so that their body was facing Bogo. The other two tigers at the end of the bed grabbed one leg each and bent them back as far as Bogo’s body would let them bend back. Bogo’s untouched hole was staring up at the two tigers lifting the legs out of the way. Bogo felt a breeze blow up his hole. He was as wide open as he could be… at least before the tigers got to him. The tiger on his left side on the bed moved his waist around as his cock looked for Bogo’s opening. The tiger on the right started doing the same. The head of both cock’s rubbed against Bogo’s ass until they found the hole… preparing to wear Bogo’s ring like a wedding ring. A wedding ring built for a twig being squeezed onto a jungle of the tiger's trees. Bogo’s ass felt just like that ring when the two tigers thrusted into him at the same time. Bogo started crying real tears. His body wanted the cocks out. His ass craved the open air. Bogo howled louder than a wolf when the other two tigers jammed their way up his body. His ass had never touched another man before, and now it was choking down 4. 4 men who were packing a lot of weight in their pants… now packing all of that weight inside him at the same time. The bottom two tigers thrusted in and out while the top two stood stationary and manually flexed up and down. The tiger beside the one that pulled underwear back did the same move. He grabbed the side of the shiny covering and dramatically pulled it open. This tiger was just slightly bigger than the last, his balls seemed about the same size. His balls did seem to have more veins wrapping around then when Bogo looked at them for a brief second. The third tiger revealed his cock to Bogo, this tiger’s cock was noticeably bigger than the other two. The lead tiger went last. His cock was 4 inches longer than the third. The balls on this tiger looked more like white fluffy pears than tennis balls. His testicles looked more appetizing like he could feed Bogo a bigger meal than the others. “How do you wanna do this, boys,” the lead tiger asked the other three. “We could pound him flat one at a time or give him the “WILD JUNGLE.” “That’s where all four of us stick our wood in like a jungle of wood being crammed up your ass! Jungle because of the tree trunks, wild because we show no mercy!” “Please,” Bogo softly begged in fear of their girth, “one at a time.” The lead tiger jokingly asked Bogo; “All at once?” Bogo's eyes widened when he heard this as he repeated “one at a time!” “WILD JUNGLE” the lead tiger demanded as two tigers laid down next to Bogo on either side. Both tigers laid on their sides so that their body was facing Bogo. The other two tigers at the end of the bed grabbed one leg each and bent them back as far as Bogo’s body would let them bend back. Bogo’s untouched hole was staring up at the two tigers lifting the legs out of the way. Bogo felt a breeze blow up his hole. He was as wide open as he could be… at least before the tigers got to him. The tiger on his left side on the bed moved his waist around as his cock looked for Bogo’s opening. The tiger on the right started doing the same. The head of both cock’s rubbed against Bogo’s ass until they found the hole… preparing to wear Bogo’s ring like a wedding ring. A wedding ring built for a twig being squeezed onto a jungle of the tiger's trees. Bogo’s ass felt just like that ring when the two tigers thrusted into him at the same time. Bogo started crying real tears. His body wanted the cocks out. His ass craved the open air. Bogo howled louder than a wolf when the other two tigers jammed their way up his body. His ass had never touched another man before, and now it was choking down 4. 4 men who were packing a lot of weight in their pants… now packing all of that weight inside him at the same time. The bottom two tigers thrusted in and out while the top two stood stationary and manually flexed up and down. The two flexing cock could only flex up and down a few centimeters because the space was so tight. The two cock below those dug into Bogo’s body like two wet jackhammers drilling into a straw. In and out, they pounded Bogo’s ass. Outside of Bogo’s body, Bogo could see the cocks destroying his body. He could see the top two flexing dicks rise and fall as the skin on his lower abs danced. He could just barely see the bottom two cocks stretching the patches of skin in the same area. His lower stomach looked like it was about to give birth to a pack of aliens. Bogo thought a pack of aliens in his torso would be less painful than the male invasion that was actually happening. Bogo’s prostate was nothing but a mushy flat disc at this point, and his body was screaming at him to fix it. Bogo felt every sensation his body was flooding his head with, but he couldn’t do anything about it. The 4 tigers were cramming a WILD JUNGLE inside of him. All Bogo could do was moan. He thought he would scream in pain but he was starting to enjoy it. The pain tolerance of the WILD JUNGLE down inside of his body reminded him of a roller coaster, the anticipation is the worst part. The first pulses of the tigers' incredibly girthy dicks are the worst part. Bogo’s body wasn’t screaming in pain anymore, it was singing in celebration. The meaty invasion went from feeling like he was giving birth to a shaking rock to feeling like a party. The four pounding rods now felt like four good friends hugging him from the inside. “YES, THAT FEELS AMAZING! DO IT HARDER! GIVE ME MORE!” Bogo was thankful the lead tiger didn’t breed him the easy way. He was thankful he did sit there in boredom and take one tiger at a time. All four of the studs mating him at once, in the same hole, made Bogo feel loved. Bogo felt like the king, the master, the alpha of all male bodies. He could lay down with any male, no matter their size, and gladly dominate their mating machines and devour their seed with no limits. No filling would make Bogo’s body too full. “MATE ME LIKE A MARE” Bogo demanded to the tigers. All four tiger’s cocks were throbbing like their heart was in the head of their cock. The throbbing of the other tigers against them made them throb even faster, pulse with more blood rushing in and out. The oven temperatures of the four inside Bogo’s ass, combined with the overwhelming grip on their meat, raised their body temperature beyond fever levels. Their desire to satisfy Bogo’s greedy demands inspired them to thrust in and out faster and faster. The pressure around their scrotums cramped. Their seed and their sperm tried their best to stay inside their testicles. The tigers did their best to hold back their climax. The sperm of the seed inside the tigers were used to breeding multiple mates before swimming out. The WILD JUNGLE ripped Bogo open for six minutes before Bogo’s moaning voice was too loud for the fish swimming in the tiger’s seamen to ignore. Bogo’s cries for a meal of male milk to satisfy his thirst aroused the sperm more than the tigers could help. Six minutes of the alpha male’s ring squeezing their dicks and his deep demanding voice begging to be fertilized could not be ignored by the sperm. Bogo’s voice finally rested as his lustful demands for the male’s meal was satisfied with a violent volcanic eruption of sperm synchronized between all for cocks as they simultaneously exploded a warm and slimy flood inside his body. Pints and pints of white slime swam up his colon. The loads of the tigers weren’t enough to inflate Bogo, but he felt as inflated with cum as he needed to feel. Bogo fell dead silent when the tigers started pumping him with seamen. He could hear the cum flood splashing around his guts. Bogo’s stretched body soaked up the hydrating and soothing liquid of the tiger’s fertile sperm. The seamen and the sperm cells were soaked up by his worn-out body like lotion.
  6. Trio

    Birth of Caesar

    Lo! He comes to the encampment of the sublimes. Its leader, Genesis, come to receive the man. ”You, human, what do you want here?” The man feels intimidated by the enormous creature and his powerful deep voice. His muscles so strong not even Atlas, the one who carries the planet, can compete. His metalic skin is glorious, and he has a number of handmade tags in his chest, proudly being worn, symbol of the sublime soldier. Even intimidated, though, he speaks: ”My life as a human is meaningless. I lost my family in the war and I seek revenge, against this planet, against the enemy, my heart pulses with rage, I want to turn that into fuel to something bigger. I ask to be transformed, to join the sublimes.” There are at least dozen of muscular creatures there, their strong jaws looking downwards to the puny human. Their eyes are compassionate though, lucky man, the sublime soldier, even if ever disciplined, is always looking forward to spread its seed, to transform men into their fellow equal. Genesis speaks: ”tell me your name, mortal” ”I am Lazarus” ”Lazarus, your life is about to change, for good. Saturn will inject the seed into you and you shall become one of us. Should you survive, your existence will be forever changed, and peace will be brought to your mind. You will by DNA be tied to us, you will become a brother and a son, our creation.” Genesis tell Lazarus to come to the center of a plaza made of dirt, Saturn comes and greets the human by beating his right hand against his chest, emitting a metalic sound, also causing his dog tags to bounce. “This is not going to be pleasant, Lazarus, the process is painful.” All the soldiers, naked and with their cocks fully erect, sit to watch the transformation. Genesis speaks. “Transform him”. Lazarus has its pants and trunks stripped down violently by Saturn, who proceeds to penetrate his ass with his cock, and starts fucking him. Lazarus feels nothing but pain, but he screams bravely and resists as he can. Soon, a warm liquid penetrates his body, it begins. All the soldiers shout “BROTHER” and beat their hands against its chests. They watch in respect as the transformation of Lazarus begin. ”AGH!” He shouts as his body is transformed. His shirt rips apart as his pecs become huge, his shoulders become large and dense, fighting against the bull neck of his, stronger and stronger, refusing to be submitted. His abs come to life, the man used to be skinny, now he is like a bull, ready to charge, his screams become deeper and thicker, he stands still and screams braverly. “TRANSFORM!” ”AUH” the soldiers scream. And soon they start to scream “TURN INTO A GOD!” “IS THIS THE BEST YOU CAN DO? YOU STILL LOOK HUMAN” “SATURN, YOUR SEED IS WEAK, I SHOULD HAVE TRANSFORMED HIM” As Lazarus listens to the screams, he laughs in a powerful laughter and screams back. ”I AM TURNING INTO ONE OF YOU! TREMBLE!” ”AUH” His soul is also reformed, his vices and flaws are redeemed, as he turns his back on humanity and turns into a sublime soldier. His skin is covered by metallic scales, his hair is gone, and modified bones make his head and shoulders filled with powerful horns. He screams of pain and pleasure, he transforms. It is over, at last. Genesis comes to greet him. “You by now shall be called Caesar!” ”Caesar I am, I bow to your will, brother” Soon, Caesar receives his dog tags, handmade by the soldiers themselves. What happens next is a celebration, a frenesi of posing muscles, masturbation and working out, an incredible modified masculine scent, filled with testosterone fills the place, Caesar is received well by his brother in arms. He is one of them.
  7. Ziel


    Russel had never felt more out of place. He was a shrimp in a hall of ripped muscle gods. It seemed like everyone at this gym had been going regularly for years, and here he was entering a gym for the first time since P.E. class in middle school. It didn’t help that his work out shirt was comically huge on him. Russel was half tempted to go home and change… or maybe just go home altogether, but he had promised his pal he would at least try to start a gym regimen. In many ways it was only because of Russel’s friend that he was even here today. Russel had long said he was going to start working out. He had always dreamed of having a big, buff body like he saw in the magazines, but he just never seemed to put on any muscle when he tried lifting weights at home. He doubted even having access to professional lifting equipment would help his case at all either, but Russel’s pal, Kurt, was insistent he at least try. Kurt even went so far as to give Russel a new set of workout clothes, a shirt and jockstrap, for Christmas to help him kick off his fitness journey, and it was that outfit that Russel was wearing to the gym this very afternoon. The shirt was a seemingly standard muscle shirt with the caption “Loading Muscles…” on the front as well as a comical loading bar underneath the text. The loading bar was actually completely empty which seemed almost like a cruel joke to the poor, puny Russel. To make matters worse, the shirt was so huge that it hung loosely off of Russel’s wimpy frame. Russel still wasn’t sure if he was wearing it because it was a gift from a cherishes friend, or because he was just too cheap to buy something for himself, or even if he was just motivated by sheer spite, but that hardly seemed to matter at this point. His oversized shirt just made him feel even punier than ever, and his shirt wasn’t the only spacious part of his attire. His jockstrap was a little extra roomy around the Netherlands as well. Russel’s painfully average cock just wasn’t up to the task of filling the ample pouch of the “Enhance” brand strap. Fortunately, he had an old pair of jogging short on over top of the strap so nobody else had to know about his shortcomings in that department. Figuring that even the longest journey begins with a few steps, Russel made his way over to the treadmill. He might not know much about lifting weights, but he did at least know how to jog so the treadmill seemed as good a place as any to get the ball rolling. Russel quickly settled into a routine of jogging along at a reasonable pace while scrolling through a beginner’s guide to working out on his phone. It was strange. He expected to get winded pretty easily since he had never been the most athletic dude, but the more he jogged, the more energized he felt. He felt like he could run nonstop for days! But before he even realized the timer on the treadmill dinged to alert him that he had done a respectable warm-up. Russel hopped off the treadmill and decided to put the newbie guide to weightlifting he had been perusing to good use and made his way towards the weight room. The weight room had tons of mirrored walls all around the place. Try as he might, Russel couldn’t help but catch a glimpse of his own reflection. When he saw himself, he did a double take. He couldn’t put his finger on it, but something seemed different. He wasn’t what he would call fit by any stretch of the imagination, but he was looking healthier than when he had walked in. He chalked it up to the rush of endorphins from the jog and the slight sheen of sweat which had settled onto his skin, but there was something else afoot that he had not yet begun to realize. Russel quickly adjusted his oversized shirt and went back to focusing on his next workout, completely missing the fact that the loading bar on his shirt now had an almost imperceptibly small bit of blue filling the otherwise empty loading bar. The first exercise on his to-do list was a few simple bicep curls. Russel figured he’s be ahead to start light and grabbed one of the smallest set of dumbbells he could find, but after a few experimental curls he quickly realized that five pounds was far, far too light. He quickly moved up to ten and then fifteen pounds and found that those were too light as well. He was surprised to say the least. The guide he was reading didn’t suggest going above fifteen pounds for a lightweight beginner like himself, but here he was hefting a thirty pounder like it was nothing. Perhaps even more surprising was the bulge of a bicep the poked out when he reached the highest point of his curls. Russel was amazed by what he saw. It was a muscle! He had an actual muscle! It was small, sure, but everyone had to start somewhere, and the fact that he actually had some sort of muscle definition to show off on his first day at the gym was beyond a miracle. Perhaps he had not given himself enough credit. He tended to carry a few heavy books around campus. Maybe his nerdery was good for something after all. Russel was not about to rest on his laurels just yet though. If anything, this newfound discovery spurred him on to work out even more. If just a few bicep curls could bring out his latent muscles, just imagine what a regular routine could do! He could be buffed like those babes on the cover of Men’s Health in no time! After what he assumed to be a suitable amount of reps, Russel put up his barbells and made his way towards the bench press station, completely unaware that his loading bar had gained a few more pixels in the past few minutes. Russel loaded the bar on the weight rack with what he thought would be a safe and easy starter weight, and laid down to do a few reps. To his surprise, the bar was incredibly light! He wasted no time in adding more weight to it and trying another few reps. Again, the bar was too light. Before he knew it, he had doubled and then tripled the starting weight before he began to feel even a little strain from lifting. He was so amazed by the amount of weight he was benching that he almost didn’t notice the bulges forming in front of him… almost… Russel’s jaw dropped when he caught sight of the mounds in front of him. From where he was lying he had a front row view of his own chest and could see two very clearly defined pectoral muscles. He had pecs! Sure, they weren’t he hugest pecs he had ever seen. They would even be classified as fairly small by most of the muscleheads at the gym, but they were there, and they were his! He couldn’t believe his eyes. He quickly got up from the bench and turned to check himself out in one of the mirrors on the wall. There was no denying what he was seeing. He was cut! He wasn’t bulky by any stretch of the imagination, but he had some honest-to-god muscles on his body. He had a lean, lithe, swimmer’s build. Russel could barely fathom what he was seeing. He had gained a noticeable amount of muscle since he had arrived, but how!? As if to answer his question something caught his eye. A slight movement down below… Russel glanced down at the reflection of his shirt, and for the first time he noticed the additional blue on the loading bar. “Loading Muscles…” indeed, and from the look of things, he had a long way left to go! The loading bar had barely even begun to fill in. If he was this cut with just a little bit of bulking, he could hardly imagine how huge he’d be when he was done! The sheer thought of it sent a shiver of excitement up his spine and surge of excitement down his groin. Russel quickly adjusted himself down there. His chubby was feeling particularly cramped in the confines of his running shorts, but he paid it no mind. He was far too enthralled by his muscles to worry about a little thing like that. Russel couldn’t wait for more muscles to stack on. His mind was racing with ideas of just how huge he’d grow and how to speed up the process. Was there some sort of catalyst besides the shirt? Did pumping the old irons cause him to bulk up faster? He didn’t know for sure, but he knew there was no harm in trying. If nothing else the rush of endorphins and the pump that came with a good rep was starting to go to his head. He couldn’t wait to really test the limits of what his body was capable of. Russel glanced around the gym for the next station he would try out. There were so many options. He was like a kid in a candy store. Eventually his eyes fell upon the simple, unassuming bar attached to the far wall. A pull up bar. Such a simple device, and yet so full of promise. Russel had never in his life successfully performed a pull up. He was shaking with anticipation as he placed his hands on the bar, and then with the greatest of ease he pulled himself up so that his chin was over the bar. It felt so effortless that he might as well have been picking up a tissue. He could scarcely believe that the pull up bar had been the bane of his middle school existence. He remembered struggling and straining for half an hour to accomplish even a single chin up, but now he was effortlessly doing a chin up and beyond. He could pull himself all the way up until the bar hit his chest. Russel was so caught up in the rush that he did another pull up and another and another. He was a well-oiled pull up machine. He kept going up and down like a pistol, completely unaware of how his body was changing. His muscles were thickening all around him, and weight was packing on elsewhere as well. By the time the rush finally died down and he dropped down from the push up bar, he was feeling something very strange indeed. It was tough for him to put his finger on it at first. It was a strange pressure around his legs and groin, but all it took was a look in the mirror to put two and two together. His shorts were getting incredibly tight on his bulking frame! Russel was amazed at what he saw. During his brief stint on the pull up bar he had gone from twink to twunk! He went from a lean, cut, swimmer’s build to having a thick body that would grace the cover of a fitness magazine. He had quads that would amaze a quarterback! His formerly airy running shorts now dug into his thick thighs, but it wasn’t just his muscles that were filling his briefs to the brim. It was plain to see that his dick had grown as well. Russel could only stand and stare in awe at the outline of his own cock and balls that now pressed so hard against the front of his shorts that he could see the very shape and size of them. He could scarcely believe that thick set of sausage and eggs was his! He had a schlong that had to be closing in on a foot long and every bit as thick as his wrist and a pair of softball sized stones to match! It was hard to believe that just mere moments ago he had had trouble filling out his jock strap. Now he looked like he’d be spilling out in the very near future. Russel couldn’t wait to work out more and grow even larger. He already had the body of his dreams, but still, he wanted to be even bigger, and if the loading bar was any indication he had a ways to go yet. Russel didn’t want to waste any time moving onto the next exercise and getting any bigger. He turned and set up shop at the very next station his eyes fell upon – the pull downs. Russel sat down on the seat and glanced up at the bar above his head. Despite how swole he was looking, he was still pretty much a newbie when it came to working out so he was glad to see that there were guide marks on the bar telling him where to place his hands for ideal results. Russel wasted no time getting to work. He placed his hands where the marks said to and began to pull down on the bar until his hands were even with his thick pecs. He was amazed how easily the bar came down. He hadn’t even bothered changing the weights on it before he began working out, and the guy who had been using this station before him was one of the biggest bros at the gym! Russel could now hit the weights with the best of them and then some! And at the rate things were going he was soon going to dwarf even the biggest musclehead the gym had ever seen. Just imagining what it would be like to be so huge got his huge cock to stir to life in his undersized shorts. His semi was straining hard against the fabric of his too-tiny running shorts. He could already tell that one way or the other something was going to have to give. His shorts were reaching their breaking point in more ways than one, and as he pulled down on the bar over and over again he could actually feel himself getting bigger and thicker by the moment. He could actually hear the sound of his shorts straining against his thickening brawn. The sound of straining fabric just spurred him on to work even harder and reach new amazing sizes. He couldn’t wait to see what he would look like when he finally filled the loading bar. Russel was so fixated on his pull downs and his shorts that he hadn’t even noticed what was going on with his shirt. By the time he finished his reps on the pull-down station and returned once more to the mirrors to check his progress he was in for quite a shock. His once far-too-huge shirt was now looking a few sizes too small. The fabric of his muscle shirt strained across his thick pecs and his sculpted abs. The straps of the shirt now rested firmly in the groove between the thick mounds of his delts around his neck and the bulging mass of his traps around his shoulders, but perhaps what was even more amazing was how much his thick lats spilled out the sides of his open-sided muscle shirt. His wings had grown so thick that they would have shredded clean through the sides of his shirt had his shirt not already been open on the sides to accommodate it, but as amazing as his torso had become, it was hard for him to keep his eyes off the improvements below the belt. Russel’s cock was beyond huge at this point. He put even the most ridiculously hung porn star to shame. His dick was looking more like a third leg which each passing moment. His junk was so massive that it didn’t even fit in his shorts anymore. His package rested on the fabric of his shorts as if using them as a hammock instead of actually fitting inside his shorts. Only the tip of his melon-sized cock head actually fit inside his shorts, and his basketball sized stones were even less contained. With how huge his dick had become it was a miracle that any of it could fit in his shorts, and that was saying nothing of his jock strap. His strap had been a bit roomier than his shorts to begin with, but it was still a miracle that it held his bait and tackle in place as well as they did. The red fabric of the front pouch of his jock strap was so strained that it had taken on a sheer, pink texture. The color of his cock and ball flesh was starting to show through. Russel didn’t waste too much time ogling his new size in the mirror. If the loading bar on his shirt was any indication, he still had plenty more growing to do. He was already larger than the biggest bodybuilder in the gym, and he was still just shy of the 50% mark on his loading bar. Russel next made his way over to the squat rack to do some squats. He loaded the bar down with every weighted plate he could get his hands on. The bar was so heavily loaded by the time that he was done that the metal bar actually started to bend and warp under the sheer weight of the plates. Russel figured that that would be a good enough starting point and proceeded to load the bar onto his shoulders and squat down low. He made it halfway through the first squat when a loud, rending sound split the air. His over-stuffed pants had reached their limit and then some. His body was already too big for his britches, but bending down was the final nail in the coffin. His shorts split open clean down the back leaving his big, beefy ass exposed to ass to see. Russel quickly stood back up and set the weight bar back on the rack. The sheer weight of the bar caused the entire gym to rumble. Russel glanced at his reflection once again in the mirror and realized that his shorts were beyond ruined. They were doing more harm than good at this point, and it’s not like he was ever going to fit into them again, so he reached down and unceremoniously ripped them clean off. The waistband snapped with ease leaving him clad in just his shirt, his strap, and his sneakers. With his shorts no longer interfering, Russel once again set to work on his squats. He once again shouldered the weighted bar and squatted down low. He was amazed at how light the bar felt. He had apparently packed on even more muscles during even just the short interlude. The lightness didn’t bother him though. If anything, it spurred him on to work out even harder to grow even larger. He squatted down low and stood back up over and over again while eyeing his reflection in the mirror. He was enamored with how his muscles flexed and rippled with each rep, but there was something else that caught his eye too. With each squat, his hefty nuts came ever closer to touching the floor, and it wasn’t because he was squatting lower. He could actually see his cock and balls getting bigger with each rep! He soon reached the point where he squatted down low and his nuts touched the floor, but he didn’t stop there. He went again and again, squatting down and standing up, and each time he watched as his nuts reached the floor sooner and sooner in each rep. He soon reached a point where his beachball sized nuts were so massive that they reached the floor halfway through his squats and sat there as he finished his motion. Russel was amazed that his strap had held on so long. The fabric was so strained that it had become nearly see-through. Rips and tears had spread through the fabric giving large, uninhibited glimpses as the bare cock and ball flesh tucked away beneath. By the time Russel had finally had his fill of the squat rack, his jockstrap had more than had its fill of his cock and balls! The fabric of the front pouch split wide open, causing his cock and balls to spill out. Russel stared in awe as his dangly bits spilled forth. He had known his junk was huge, but the pouch had hidden just how huge they really were! His beachball sized nuts dangled down to his shins, and the head of his cock rested solidly on the ground at his feet. He had more than a third leg! His cock was not only longer but thicker than his impressively thick thighs as well. His dick nearly rivaled his thick, sculpted midriff for sheer girth! Russel placed the bar back on the rack one final time and took another moment to admire how huge he had become. His torso was sur burly that his muscle shirt was having trouble adjusting. The front of the shirt had become nearly completely swallowed by the dense chasm between his massive, meaty pecs. Only the loading bar, which was now stretched taut across his top row of abs, could be seen. Russel smirked at his progress. He was already so massive, and yet he was barely 60% done? He couldn’t wait to see how much larger he would become. Russel grabbed a pair of the largest dumbbells he could find and took a seat at one of the benches near the free weights. The bench groaned under his massive, muscular bulk, but held its ground. Russel glanced down and smirked at his bare cock and balls which now rested solidly on the ground at his feet before he hoisted the pair of dumbbells up over his shoulders and began to lift them above his head. He quickly settled into a routine of lifting the dumbbells up over his head and then bringing them back down to around his shoulders, but there was something slightly offer. He was getting so massive now that his muscles were getting in the way! The bulge of his traps around his shoulders made it hard for him to raise his arms straight up, and the bulge of his delts around his neck was so thick that the dumbbell kept bumping into it when he returned his arms to the low position. Eventually his traps got so huge that the his could only lift his arm to a 45-degree angle. He figured by that point that it was time to move onto a new exercise. When Russel stood up to move onto the next exercise he was in for a shock… two shocks, actually. First of all, his lats had grown so much during his brief stint doing shoulder presses that he couldn’t even lower his arms all the way! He lowered his arms as low as they would go, and he looked like he should be saying “Welcome to Chili’s”, but the lack of mobility didn’t bother him. If anything, it got him even more worked up. His already semi-boned cock got even harder than before which brought his attention to the second thing which shocked him. His cock had grown even more! He had sort of assumed that once he had lost the pouch of his jockstrap the growth would stop. After all, his jock strap was now less of a strap and more of a belt that barely wrapped around his swelling hips, but the Enhance brand strap hadn’t stopped enhancing his junk! Even now that he was standing straight up, his nuts rested heavily on the floor at his feet, and his semi-boned cock jutted a few feet out in front of him. He could scarcely believe his eyes. His semi was as thick as his midriff, bulging obliques and all! Even as awed by his own body as he was, Russel couldn’t help but notice how eerily quiet the gym had become. For the first time since he had started growing he looked around the room at the others who occupied the gym with him. All eyes were glued to him and his massive muscles and cock. There were a wide range of emotions displayed in those eyes. Jealousy. Wonder… Lust. Just seeing how hot and bothered the other gym-goers were got Russel even more worked up than before. His semi soon reached rock hard status and then some. His massive cock was so hard it was dribbling pre onto the rubberized floor of the gym weight room. Russel was already so massive that it was getting tough to move, but he couldn’t quit now – not when he was so close to maxing out his download bar, and definitely not when he had such an eager audience to please. The question was, what to do next? He had already gone through every exercise on his list, and he doubted he could even fit on most of the gym stations. That was when an idea popped into his head. At his size, he didn’t need gym stations. He was his own station. All he needed was himself and the two barbells he still had in his hands. All eyes were on him as he moved his massive, nearly-nude form into position. He leaned forward so that his enormous cock was resting on the ground in front of him and then laid down directly on top of it. His dick was so massive that while straddling it as he currently was, his feet could barely reach the ground below him and the tip of his dick reached so far forward that his chin rested comfortably on the puffy glans. Once he was happily in position, Russel set to work on his next exercise. He dropped his hands as low as they could go until he was nearly hugging his fat cock and then raised his arms back up until his arms were spread wide by his sides. The murmur of approval from the crowd made it clear they were enjoying the show. Russel could only imagine what they must be seeing though. With his body as exposed as it currently was, there was no doubt his enormous muscles were rippling with each motion, but that wasn’t all. Russel could feel his cock getting thicker between his legs. He could feel the head of his dick poking further and further forward with each fly he completed, and that was saying nothing of his nuts and muscles. He couldn’t see his nuts to check on them, and he had no way of checking his loading bar either. He just had to trust the invigorating rush that was flowing through him to prove that he was still getting larger and larger. Soon Russel reached a point where his chin no longer rested on the spongy head of his cock. His dick had grown so massive that the tip of it poked out past his own head by several inches, and yet it was still growing. As Russel continued his reps he became aware of something interesting. It was getting tougher and tougher to complete a fly. His arms just wouldn’t go all the way back down. At first, he chalked it up to just his cock getting too fat for him to wrap his arms around, but he eventually began to realize that there was something else at work. Part of him wanted to continue his reps, but the curiosity was getting the better of him. He had to see with his own eyes and verify his suspicions. He awkwardly propped himself up and hopped off of his own cock and turned to stare into his own reflection. Sure enough, it was just as he had suspected. His pecs were now so massive that they impeded his ability to bring his arms together. Russel couldn’t believe how massive he had become. He couldn’t believe that he had been a stick when he had walked into the gym this afternoon. Now he was easily five times wider than he had been before. His broad shoulders were so wide he wouldn’t be able to get through a normal doorway without shifting his weight around, and that was saying nothing of his cock which was every bit as thick as his broad, barrel chest, and then there were his nuts which were each about as large as a Lay-Z-Boy recliner. His pecs were the size of mattresses. His individual abs were so huge that each one bulged out like basketballs. His biceps alone were bigger than his whole head, and his quads were as thick as oak trees! And yet, as massive as he was, he could still see himself steadily creeping up in size. Russel knew he had to be reaching the end of his growth. He was already so massive that he was having trouble moving, and yet he didn’t want it to end just yet. Unfortunately, he couldn’t read the loading bar on his shirt. His shirt had been completely swallowed by his pecs. He awkwardly fumbled as best he could with the fabric and tried to pull his shirt out from underneath his pecs so he could read the loading bar, and to his surprise, when he finally did get a chance to read it, the bar was nearly complete! This was about as big as he would get? On one hand he was glad he wouldn’t grow to immobility, but on the other hand, the rush of getting larger and larger was too great to be ignored. Part of him wanted to keep going. Part of him wanted to get even larger than before. He didn’t care if he outgrew the whole gym! A telltale ding came from his shirt to alert him that the download had been completed. For better or worse, this was his new size. Russel wasn’t too bummed out about it though. He was bigger than he ever dreamed possible. He couldn’t wait to show his new bulk to all his friends on campus, but first things first… he needed to rinse off some of the funk from the powerlifting he had done. He put up the barbells and made his way towards the locker rooms for a quick shower. Russel stopped off by his locker briefly to put up his clothes. He had to pull and tug at his shirt to get it unstuck from between his massive muscles, and when he finally did remove it he had to chuckle at what had become of it. The shirt was so badly stretched out that it looked more like a series of spaghetti straps than an actual shirt. Next came the jockstrap, or what was left of it anyway. That part came off much easier than the shirt. All he had to do was shimmy it down across his thick thighs and then step out of them. With that off, all that was left was to kick off his shoes, which he did with ease. It was strange. He had been pretty much bare-assed naked for half of his gym set, but somehow shedding the last few tatters of his clothes left him feeling awkward and exposed. He never was the most outgoing guy, and he had always been afraid of showering in public like this. He had to remind himself that he was no longer a little shrimp with something to hide. He was massive! He had the muscles of a god and the cock of a whale! He had nothing to hide anymore. It didn’t take long for him to psyche himself up and make his way towards the showers. He was not too surprised to find that he was too large to fit into any of the stalls. He was so huge that he couldn’t even get just his dick into one of them! Still, he wasn’t so quick to be discouraged. There was a showerhead on the side of the wall that was out in the open. It was obviously designed for those who were going to hit the pool and just needed to hose off real quick while still in their suits, but it worked just fine for Russel’s purposes. He shimmied his bulk towards the showerhead, turned the knob, and then did his best to soak up underneath the flow, but he was so massive he could only get small parts of him wet at a time, and that was saying nothing of lathering up. There was no way he could reach his arms around his cock to wash it, and his backside was even harder to reach! Fortunately, he didn’t have to worry about what to do for long. He soon felt the warm touch of a wet washrag against his bare skin. Russel glanced over to see one of his admirers from the gym had made the journey into the showers with him. It was hard to believe how tiny the guy looked. He was without a doubt one of the burliest bros Russel had ever seen before, but even this guy looked puny next to Russel’s new mass. Russel didn’t know what to say. Part of him wanted to thank the guy for stepping in to help out, but at the same time he felt kind of weird having someone rubbing him down like this. Fortunately, the new arrival didn’t seem to be too keen on conversation. His eyes were glued to Russel’s enormous pecs. The guy ran the soapy cloth across Russel’s massive pectoral muscle and sensually stroked the thick mass of brawn. Russel’s pecs were so massive that the guy couldn’t even reach all the way across to wash both pecs. The best he could do was focus on the one closer to him. He’d have to walk around to the other side if he wanted to have any hope of washing Russel’s another pec, but for the time being he was content just to wash half of Russel’s front. The suds cascaded down Russel’s pecs and coursed through the deep trenches of his sculpted cum-gutters before reaching his crotch and dripping off his cock and down his immense nuts before splattering onto the tiled floor below, but soapy water wasn’t all that was splattering onto the floor. Russel was trying to keep a level head as he focused on soaping up the parts of his body he could actually reach, but the sensual rubbing from his new friend was getting him even more hot and bothered than he already was. His rock-hard cock was drooling pre so fast that it rivaled the showerhead for sheer output. Pre oozed out from the tip of his supersized cock head and down onto the floor, and things were only going to get even steamier in the showers. Another set of hands soon found their way towards Russel’s enormous body. This time the hands fixated on his backside, and Russel could only assume that the owner of said hands was just as enrapt as the Russel’s first helper. Try as he might though, Russel could not catch a glimpse of the guy behind him. He just couldn’t turn around enough to look behind him, but he was fine with letting his new helper remain anonymous. The mystique just added to his arousal. Russel soon found himself so hot and bothered that his cock was shuddering with joy as the new arrival soaped down his backside. By the time the newcomer had reached down low enough to start massaging Russel’s massive ass, Russel was so close to cumming that he had to try his hardest to tune out the sensations that were overcoming his senses. Having two helpers was almost more than Russel could take, but soon he had yet another newcomer working over his enormous mass. This guy didn’t seem interested in Russel’s muscles though. Russel could only watch in awe as another cute gym jock strode towards him. Even before this newcomer began soaping down a part of Russel’s enormous brawn, Russel knew exactly where he was going to focus his efforts. The guy’s gaze never left Russel’s enormous cock even for a second. The look in his eyes was even hornier than Russel felt! Russel half expected the guy to start washing his cock with his tongue, but instead the guy soon joined in the other two helpers in lathering up Russel’s body with a washcloth and soap. Russel stared in hormone addled awe as the guy stared down Russel’s enormous cock head, a cock head which eclipsed the dude’s entire torso! The guy silently went about his business as he soaped up and stroked down the spongy tip of Russel’s cock. Just feeling how tiny the dude’s hands felt against his cock drove Russel even crazier than before, and the feeling of the dude’s hands sliding under his foreskin to stroke around the fringes of swollen cock head. Russel almost came right then and there. It was only by sheer force of will that he kept himself from dousing the new arrival in a torrential spurt of spunk. Although, judging by the devious glint in the guy’s eyes, Russel wouldn’t doubt that the dude was hoping for just such a shower. Russel’s mind was almost as foggy as the steamy showers as the three guys works over their respective portions of Russel’s colossal body. Guy A had shifted sides and was now working over Russel’s other pec and the other half of his abs and occasionally even dropping a hand low enough to caress Russel’s inner thigh – the guy’s hand wedged tightly between Russel’s thick quads and enormous cock and ball sack as he did so. Guy B had gotten more adventuresome in his worship and cleansing of Russel’s backside and was now giving Russel’s meaty ass a washing he would never forget. Russel was a very hygienic guy, but even had never spent so much time scrubbing the crevasse between his butt cheeks before. Russel was sure he had even felt a tongue in there amidst the lathers and strokes of the washcloth. Meanwhile, Guy C had gotten even more hands on than he was before. He had climbed onto Russel’s cock as if it was a roadhouse mechanical bull. The guy used his entire, soap-covered body to rub and lather Russel’s cock which dwarfed the dude in terms of sheer girth. Even in terms of length, Russel’s dick had a few inches on the guy’s whole body. It was all too much for Russel to take. Dude A stroking his muscles so tenderly, Dude B massaging his ass, balls, and taint so fervently, Dude C gyrating and grinding his whole body against Russel’s cock so erotically, it all worked together to send him over the edge. Russel tried to hold back, but all he managed to do was forestall the coming torrent long enough to let out a loud, low groan. His moan echoed through the misty showers, and then cum erupted from his colossal cock. Russel was so lost in the ecstasy of his own colossal climax that he couldn’t even comprehend what was happening around him. For all he knew everything faded away into the fog of the steamy showers, but he wasn’t the only one in the throes of orgasm. His three attendants had cum as well. Each one without so much as laying a hand on their own cocks. The group came and came again and again, but the trio of attendant’s loads seemed inconsequential next to the flood of spunk that erupted from Russel’s gigantic cock. After a mere two spurts, there was a standing pool of spunk up to Russel’s ankles, and he was nowhere near done draining his nuts. By the time he was finally spent, the thick layer of spooge had seeped out of the showers, into the locker room, and even out into the gym lobby. The four guys slumped down in an exhausted, post-coital haze and basked in the afterglow and the warm sprinkle from the showerhead. Eventually, Russel’s attendants had recovered enough to continue their work, but Russel took much longer to come to his senses. He was only vaguely aware that the three of them were still rubbing him down, and by the time he had mostly come to his senses, his body had been once more washed and was free from spunk. Unfortunately, the same could not be said for much of the locker room. Russel staggered his way back towards the locker room and over towards his locker. He soon realized a small problem that he had not taken into account during his growth – he now had no clothes to wear! His gym shorts were a tattered wreck. They were useless to him even if he wasn’t too huge to wear him, and he hadn’t brought anything else to wear home – not that anything he owned would even fit him anymore. Even the muscle shirt he had been given by his friend which had once been the largest garment he owned was now far, far too tiny for him. He figured he could maybe force it on over his bulky brawn, but what then? The thing would be so stretched out that it would appear to be little more than spaghetti straps. Russel stared down at the stretched-out garment in bemused fascination. He could hardly believe that this little bit of fabric had completely transformed his life and his body. He had gone from the smallest shrimp to the biggest bodybuilder in the span of an hour! He was even bigger than the biggest bodybuilder by a huge margin! Russel was just about to shove the stretched-out ribbons of a shirt back into his locker when he noticed something odd. The loading bar had vanished! It instead had been replaced by what looked to be a pop-up window. Russel unraveled the shirt as best he could and stared in awe at the new message on the fabric. “A New Update is Ready to be Installed” it read.
  8. Omnipotence

    My roommate is a god (parts 1 - 4)

    Hello everyone. Long time viewer/reader, first-time writer. A little nervous about it, so any and all constructive feedback is welcome! This part is really only meant to be a taster of sorts. I'm 110% open to change. Let me know what you think; super excited that I'm finally contributing! Without further ado: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Part 1: Tom was hovering in midair. He casually motioned his hands back and forth, as if he was conducting some sort of invisible orchestra. In reality, he was using his telekinesis to clean the living room effortlessly and in record time. Empty pizza boxes were pulled upward by an invisible force where they were instantly vaporized into nothingness. Stains off all varieties were simply removed from existence. Empty soda cans were melted into liquid form, which was then dispersed into the surrounding atmosphere. And throughout it all, Tom wasn't even looking at any of it. He was staring absentmindedly out the window. Such was the ease of this godly display of power that he didn't even need to devote his full attention to it. I simply sat and watched his nonchalant display of power with my usual awe. I suppose I could've helped, but how the hell is a measly little human like me supposed to add to this?! Within a minute of initiating the clean, Tom was finished. He turned in midair, hover over to the couch, and lowered himself down onto it. "All done" he said with a smile. His voice was impossibly beautiful and sexy. A deep baritone, masculine voice. "Thanks" I said, trying to pretend I wasn't intimidated my his godhood. Probably wasn't working though. Tom could just read my mind if he wanted to. "Want me to send you to sleep now?" Tom asked, his remarkable blue eyes filling me with a sense of comfort and safety as we made eye contact. I knew what he meant, and what he intended to do. With my mouth instantly going dry, and my body shaking from anticipation, all I could do was nod feebly. Tom stood up, walked to the center of the room, and turned to face me. With a simply wave of his hand, all of his clothes except for his form fitting, jet-black briefs disintegrated. His godly muscles were on display. Tom was 6'8'', and when he wasn't altering his density of using his flight power, he would normally weigh around 300 - 320 pounds. I began working my way down. His shoulders were massive. Powerful, rippling masses the size of cinder-blocks, with prominent traps that my whole hand could just barely cover. His pecs were next. Each one was the vision of perfection. Slabs of concrete; almost perfectly square, beefy, and large enough to cup. Like everything else, they rippled. He bounced them effortlessly, yet could also make them rock-solid at a moment's notice. His whole chest: 60'' His arms were of a similar make. Massive, 25'' machines that I've seen lifting impossible weights. Veins running through them, looking like steel cables, running down into his formidable looking forearms. His biceps and triceps were equally beautiful. His abs were the definition of beauty. A rippling, rock-hard eight pack, where each individual ab was arrogantly prominent, and the deep cuts that ran between them only emphasized how sculpted they were. Although I couldn't see if from where I sat, I have seen his back. His perfect, v-shaped back. Powerful mounds and ridges of muscle covering it all, guiding you slowly to his 33'' waist. And lets not forget to mention the glutes that it leads to. Two bulletproof hemispheres of pure muscle (and no, I'm not exaggerating). His legs put tree trunks to shame. 31'' thighs corded with titanium veins, towering above 24'' diamond-shaped calves. All of this balancing on bizarrely beautiful, size 15 feet. Of course, as a god, Tom's whole body was free of all forms of blemishes and other such imperfections. His skin was smooth and supply; an easily missed detail on account of the muscle that lay beneath. At the moment he had no body hair, although he could if he wanted to. But he wanted to make sure that I could see every striation, every subtle flex as clearly as possible. And so the light dusting of hair that sometimes coated his chest and forearms was willed out of existence. "Ready?" he said, smirking. I would try to describe the beauty of his face, but I don't think the necessary words actually exist. I gulped. Without taking his eyes off of me, he bounced his pecs. It was effortless for him. All other parts of his body stayed motionless; only his magnificent pecs moved. Their dance became increasingly complex; the two mounds moving to a rhythm like no other. Sometimes they bounced in unison, sometimes one at a time, and sometimes they alternated. My cock was as hard as stone. Suddenly, without warning, Tom tensed his abs. My description of them before described them in a non-flexed state. Imagine now what they looked like. Pre-cum soaked my pants. I hadn't even touch myself yet. And I knew I wasn't going to. Tom hit me next with a double biceps. Their peaks! If he had flexed just a bit harder they would've sent out a shock wave. His most muscular was next. His pecs... I began to convulse; my cock couldn't contain my arousal anymore. I came. He made me, without either of us touching it. Such was the beauty of his body and face. He smiled sweetly at me as I slowly began to lose consciousness from the strength of the orgasm. With a single hand and arm, Tom grabbed a fistful of my shirt's collar and smoothly lifted me from the couch. My 5'9'' frame dangled pathetically as he held me at arm's length with such ease. He bent his arm as he slowly brought me in from a kiss on the forehead, still holding me in the air all the while. His other arm simply hung at his side. Throughout all of this, my cock was still sputtering out small amounts of cum, dampening my already soaked underpants and jeans. "Goodnight. I'll see you in the morning" he whispered in my ear, as I finally lost complete consciousness from the orgasm. I passed out at the end of Tom's arm; he still held me as if I weighed the same as a balloon. The last thing I remember was the feel of my own feet dangling in the air. My arms hanging limp at my sides. My chin brushing the side of Tom's hand that gripped my shirt's collar before my head fell to the side. My whole body rendered weak and useless from the hundred orgasms Tom caused me to have in the space of a minute. I loved that feeling. My name is Frank, and this is the story of how I came to meet my roommate Tom. Who, by the way, happens to be an actual god.
  9. TimHayes90

    Muscle cum pt4

    I stomped towards the gym, hungry and almost delirious for cum and more muscle. I was still naked and as pumped as hell since leaving Kyle as a broken man, covered in a sea of my jizz. I broke down the back door to the gym, stealing a tracksuit, which I stretched to its limit, so I could avoid getting kicked out. Although, the idea of someone trying to kick me out made me spurt a gob of pre cum........ I would destroy anyone. I walked into the gym, and the stink of manly power was in the air. I could smell the workout musk and testosterone in the air. It made me half hard. There were 9 real muscle heads in the gym. I needed to find those who were gay and man enough to get freaky with me. So, I walked over to a pillar in the middle of the gym. A foot thick steel beam. I grinned like a schoolgirl when I thought of what I was about to do. I wrapped my 26” biceps around it, as well as my tree trunk legs. For a second some of the meatheads thought I was going to try and use it to poll-dance! “Mmmmm yea. Watch this little girls mffffffff”. I started to squeeze my legs and arms at the same time, putting unbelievable pressure on the beam. “Fucking steel has not nothing on my super body. FFfrrrrrrawwwwww”. All the meatheads were looking shocked, and shock turned to minds being blown as they saw the beam start to warp, and hear the groaning of steel being bent. “More. Come on you lump of shit. Push me. Make me work for it. Test my fucking strength!” I was getting rock hard as I felt blood pump through my veins like a firehose, forcing more mass onto my frame. I thought about how much I used to look like Tom Daly with my tight swimmers body, and how I was now the freak of my dreams thanks to all the cum and roids...... THE ROIDS! AN IDEA! I got off of the beam. It was mangled and twisted, but still relatively upright. I turned to my meathead audience. “I need roids. Tons. NOW. I’m going to rip this motherfucker down. Who’s going to help me get there?” I could demand more cum now, and a load of these meatheads would give it to me. But in my mind, that was my reward for after destroying the beam. Then the true swelling of my mass could start. A ginger beast with a Zac Efron body dashed over with a gym bag. I could see the glint of syringes...... ..................................................................... Kyle was slowly walking back to his old gym. A new man in his mindset. He had spent weeks loyally helping Tim beef up. All of the cum, the worship, everything. And he had been treated like crap. Well, if cum from muscle dudes had made Tim this ultra cocky prick, it can do the same for Kyle. Kyle stopped as he got to the door. He needed to get big and fast. He needed to become a monster like Tim, so he could teach him a lesson. But finding muscle boys to suck would take time. After all, Tim put work into stalking him. Plus had the expensive roids. Plus had Kyle on tap for weeks. “Fuck!” Kyle punched the door. He needed mass. He suddenly had such a taste for it. He didn’t hate Tim for becoming this cocking beast. He had every right to be given his new musclebound body. Kyle just wanted the same rush! Suddenly, an idea. Something Tim didn’t try. Kyle got out his phone, hands shaking, as he called an escort agency. “I need muscle guys. Like 5 or 6 who don’t mind working together” “So you are trying to set up an orgy sir? That will be quite a premium for.....” “Yea yea fine. What can you give me within 48 hours?” Kyle was going to catch up - fast.
  10. The Massive Growth of Dwight by Lorus DAY 1: The pill was called “Enerflex”; I was its inventor (the result of four years exhaustive research), and Dwight answered my magazine ad. I was looking for a human test subject, but the pill's effects would be augmented by the subject’s sheer desire to grow. For example, if a 140 lb geek wanted to bulk up to 175 lbs of lean muscle mass, the effects of the pill would only allow him to gain 35 lbs of muscle. But when Dwight stepped into my unorthodox little lab and met me for the first time, I could tell by the look in his attractive eyes that his desire and hunger for muscle was greater than anything I could previously have hoped for. He said simply: "Can you make me HUGE?" "Yes," I replied, and I must admit to getting a little turned on by the way the slender dark-haired twenty-something placed a tone of emphasis on the word "HUGE". Fortunately my lab coat hid the spot of precum that quickly appeared in the crotch of my corduroys. Dwight was a handsome man of mixed Asian and Caucasian blood (and I couldn’t have asked for a more suitable muscle-aspirant), but at 5'4" and a meagre 130 lbs, he felt that life and genetics had cut him a raw deal. I would change that. I started by taking some blood and tissue samples. I quickly analysed the samples to make sure I had a complete breakdown of his body's chemistry before we began. That was stage one. Stage two involved an injection that would "polarise" muscle cells into bonding 300 % more efficiently with glycogen molecules. The injection filled Dwight with a warming sensation. Stage three was the magic pill I'd invented. I'd showed Dwight the dormouse I'd transformed into a super-rodent the size of a cat. The beastie seemed happy enough, and was quite healthy after the treatment. There were three different strengths of pill dosage: green was moderate growth strength, red was medium to high growth strength, and purple was.... “Lemme guess,” my new subject blurted out, making a swipe for the purple pill, “this was the one you gave to the mouse, yeah?” Dwight popped it into his mouth and enthusiastically dry-swallowed the thing. “Er... actually... the mouse was administered a green strength dose proportionate to its size and weight,” I explained, somewhat bemused by Dwight’s enthusiasm to see this process set in motion. I must admit to having a morbid fascination with what was about to happen in my esoteric lab. “You should take your clothes off and change into a clinical robe,” I suggested, but he paid me no heed. He was wearing a Levi's denim shirt and jeans, both of which fitted him somewhat sloppily. That was about to change. “No way, I want to feel seams splitting, threads, snapping.... buttons popping,” Dwight arrogantly replied. I could feel my cock swelling inside my pants, my head suddenly awash with that feeling we all get when we’re seriously turned-on. And why not? At thirty-five I was many decades removed from your typical image of an aging Hollywood horror-movie mad scientist. “Please come into the next room,” I urged, and led my test subject into an adjoining chamber better suited to what he was about to become. It was a weight room, a private underground gym where we could accurately test his strength as soon as his transformation was complete. And it was there, surrounded by the latest tech muscle equipment, that Dwight began to “fill out”. “How do you feel?” I asked, scribbling frenetically with a pencil onto a chart attached to a clipboard. I was also video-taping the event for analysis later (and lots of furious jacking off). “I feel great,” Dwight snarled, “like I’ve just been rejuvenated. I want to work out so badly, Doc.” “Well time aplenty for that in a few minutes,” I nodded, still jotting down data onto my clipboard. Dwight started to sway a little, staggering on his feet. The process had started. And the growth was nothing short of.....incredible. His shirt and jeans suddenly became quite snug on his frame, denim fabric stretching tolerably as his body began increasing in height and mass. I stopped writing to observe the spectacle, my cock beginning to throb uncomfortably inside my pants. I really had no idea how big he would become, but I wanted to enjoy every metamorphic moment. “Aw yeah.... look at me.... I’m... I’m getting bigger, aw fuck,” Dwight cried, and his energy and enthusiasm had become contagious. He loosened his shirt collar just as the first button popped on the shirt, revealing delicious tanned flesh and the beginnings of a cleft between his burgeoning pec-meats. Dwight growled with delight as he felt the muscle-tits he was growing pushing outwards, forcing the shirt buttons to spawn gaps between them, again revealing more of his beautiful skin. “This is amazing,” he declared, raising both of his arms to flex biceps that were swelling up faster and faster with each passing second. Another button pinged off his shirt with force enough to fly across the room. It struck me on my left cheek and for a moment I was startled. He grew bolder and hungrier for muscle as the growth process accelerated. Dwight’s shirt seams split apart at each armpit, freeing his muscles somewhat, and giving them more space to grow. He growled, infuriated and amazed at how much stronger he was becoming. He flexed his balling biceps a few times and completely shredded the sleeves of the shirt. His forearms thickened into super-muscular hocks striated by ever-thickening networks of hyper-masculine veins. He made fists with both hands and instantly his forearms tripled in thickness, turning the rest of the sleeves into denim confetti. The last of his shirt buttons popped free of the shirt, and with a mighty shrug he hefted off the shirt as his body grew further. It was as if someone had taken a compressed air pump to his muscles and set the dial to max. Dwight’s chest had become two heaving masses of striated beef, the sweat caused by his body’s transformation making his brand new bodybuilding bosoms glisten and reflect light with such masculine distinction. As they grew, so the cleavage between became deep and dark. Below his ballooning muscle-chest, a cobblestone brick path was set into Dwight's abdomen, as lesser muscle-bellies, eight in all, pushed out and became diamond-hard and defined. But the top pair were quickly drowned over by the ever-expanding under-swell of each augmenting pec-belly. The pecs cast deep crescent-shaped shadows over his abs wall, and I wondered if Dwight’s chest would ever stop growing. Likewise his lats were expanding at an incredible rate. Never again would he be able to get his arms to hang straight down and parallel to his torso; his lats would ensure that he’d forever have that “arms akimbo” look that most bodybuilders like to show off. “How do you feel?” I again asked. I was now sweating along with Dwight, and hornier than I’d ever been in my life. I added: “If the growth becomes too much for you, I can administer a counter-agent to negate the effects of the pill.” “No way, Doc. I’m not done growing yet, not by a long shot,” Dwight growled. It was so true... within a minute he’d gone from a 130 lb weakling to the size of a heavyweight competitive bodybuilder. He’d grown in height, too. At this stage I guessed him to be close to 6’. Dwight’s legs were transforming amazingly, too. His jeans had become painfully tight, but he seemed not to mind. The buttons of his fly were straining to keep it together, but as I’d observed with the dormouse, massive expansion of genitalia was also an effect of the pill. Just as Dwight’s burgeoning thighs, hamstrings and calves rendered his jeans a tattered mess of denim, so too did his cock and balls expand, so that metal buttons popped in several directions at once. Now that Dwight was free of the denim, only a black spandex jockstrap concealed his total nudity. Already the jock was working overtime to contain his meat within. Would it hold? It was too early to say. Dwight’s bones cracked and shifted as his body created new space on which to sprout bigger and bigger muscles. After five minutes he was larger than Jay Cutler... and astonishingly he was STILL growing. Dwight just kept getting bigger and bigger. “You’re huge now,” I gawped, not quite fully believing how much of a success this was becoming. “Never.... I can never be huge enough,” he bellowed, and a sexy smirk washed across his gorgeous face. Not only had the pill enhanced his height, weight and muscles, but just about every aspect of what it means to be a man was also expanded on. Dwight had gone from handsome to downright beautiful. Stubble formed on his chin and neck, and thick, dark pubic hair – where he had a little before – had now thickened across his armpits and crotch. The jock was now framed in hair, and still the genitals thickened and lengthened almost obscenely. Dwight could now pull off any bodybuilder’s pose with great finesse. He bounced his pecs repeatedly, rhythmically, and I could almost hear the skin stretching and groaning in despair as it tried not to split beneath the great weight of his chest’s new monstrous muscles. There were stretch marks all over his body as he continued to put on weight. Dwight’s muscle-growth was astonishing. He now flexed ball biceps the size of melons. But I knew he still wanted them bigger.... way bigger. He crabbed down into a most-muscular pose and his muscles heaved and flexed bigger still. More and more veins, some as thick as my pinkie, popped out of Dwight’s skin, looking like the skin had been laid down first and the veins added on top as an afterthought. His definition, proportion, and symmetry were all off the charts. I’d created the biggest bodybuilder alive, but he still wasn’t done growing. Eventually the process began to slow down, much to Dwight’s annoyance. “How do you feel now?” I again inquired. “I feel great. But I want to be bigger, Doc. I NEED to get fucking bigger. I wanna overdose on those purple pills,” he growled determinedly, his voice now deeper and incredibly sexy and masculine. “One thing at a time. You’re STILL getting bigger. We need to be careful about this. Step on the scale, please.” Dwight obligingly muscle-strutted over to the scale, his beefy tree trunk thighs now made walking a bit of a waddle and a chore (like how some bodybuilders get so pumped for a contest that walking off the stage can be a hazard). I could now gaze at the shocking sprawl of the most muscular back I’d ever seen, tapering down to a tiny wasp-like waist, before the most muscular bubble-but in all of creation was framed perfectly by the straining straps of a jock that had become way too tight. Dwight’s glutes were so defined, they were almost an ass on top of an ass, and his hamstrings and calves were astonishing. As he walked, his feet finally annihilated his sneakers, and when he stepped on the scale it read: “467 lbs” “Whoa.... that’s a big number. Bigger than two pro bodybuilders rolled into one,” Dwight exclaimed, and he had to stoop and strain to lean forward enough to read the number on the dial because his pecs were now way too large and obstructed his vision. He’d never be able to see his feet again just by looking down at them. Such a thought excited Dwight and made him want to get bigger. But Dwight was STILL getting bigger. Ten seconds passed, and the readout on the scale changed from “467 lbs” to “486 lbs”. He was gaining about two pounds of muscle every second. I hastily scribbled this down on my clipboard. Astonishing results. He flexed his muscles some more as they became bigger and harder, deftly pulling off each pose in such a controlled and expert fashion. His biceps had swollen to mountainous proportions, and he’d never be able to wear a tee-shirt again, or any kind of shirt for that matter, without having them tailor-made. Laser scanners strategically placed around the gym recorded the bodybuilder’s measurements, but they couldn’t keep up with the rate of such astonishing growth. Dwight’s neck was now 25 inches around, his chest a cold 90 inches, but he could expand it to 108 inches when flexed. His flexed biceps clocked 28 inches, but he needed them to get bigger. And so they grew even further. The more Dwight flexed them, the more they expanded. It took a further two minutes for his biceps to settle at 35 inches, one whole inch wider... (gasp)... than the circumference of his diminutive waist. His forearms were 28 inches (wider than my legs), and his thighs a staggering 46 inches each. But these numbers kept increasing, and the scanners shorted out. I would have to deal with them later. “The experiment is a huge success,” I beamed, wishing I could worship every inch of Dwight’s new muscles with my tongue and groping fingers. I guess I had more than just the interest of advancing the science of health and nutrition in sport on my mind when I devised this program. Dwight towered above me now, 6’ 8” in height. The growth finally stabilised. But he still had that look in his eye, and I could tell from it that he wanted more. “You should rest for a while, and then later we can get you to work out on the weight machines.... see how strong you’ve become.” “Cool,” Dwight replied, bouncing and heaving his massive pecs in front of me. His cock and balls had swollen to gargantuan proportions, and the jock just about held (to my annoyance). “But then you’d better consider giving me more of those pills, Doc. This will do for now, but I want to get REALLY huge.” I would consider granting his request. *** I wasn't at all surprised that with the wondrous cocktail of chemicals that comprised Enerflex now rewriting his hypothalamic and endocrinatic production levels, that Dwight was fully rested after just ten minutes. In the time I'd given him to get refreshed and ready for the next stage of his incredible improvement, he'd packed on even more muscle. I didn’t think that after a day like this I'd be able to get my eyes back to their normal size. Naked as a new-born (yeah, a new-born god), Dwight strutted back into the weight room and flexed his even larger muscles. He'd become cocky to a fault, and I liked it immensely. "Where d'ya want me, Doc?" he eyed up each weight machine with all the enthusiasm of a kid in a candy store. He'd never been inside a gym in his life, and although this was entirely a new set of experiences for him, he took to it all like a duckling to water. "Why not set yourself up on the bench press and we'll get you started with a warm-up weight of, hmmm, say five hundred on the bar... for ten reps? How does that sound?" I couldn't take my eyes off this huge muscle god, but I occasionally had to in order to record data on my clipboard. “That seems kinda light, Doc," Dwight cockily exclaimed, and brought his closed, white-knuckled fists high up over his head. He grunted as he flexed massive, granite peaks into existence, his body continuing to erupt with vast expulsions of super-strong muscle. His skin became very taut and his veins thickened and bored out of his epidermal layer with greater abundance and vascularity than before. He smiled broadly, arrogantly, dominating my entire field of vision as his muscles bulged more hugely yet. It almost seemed that he knew what his new body was capable of before he'd even started it on its first test drive, so to speak. He began loading up the bar with plate after plate, each one 45lbs heavy. I counted ten on each end of the bar. 900lbs. The bar began to sag. "Are you sure about this, Mr Dwight? This is only a warm-up exercise. That amount of weight seems rath---" " I'll decide what I can and can't handle," he snapped, brusquely butting in before I could finish my sentence. I allowed him to proceed. He was excited and curious. We both were. “And cut out the “Mr Dwight” from now on. I’m “Huge Muscle God”. He bounced his pecs several times before assuming the crab pose favoured by so many bodybuilders. The crab pose soon became the most muscular pose, and I almost fainted when his body erupted into an even vaster landscape of incredible, ripped muscle mass. His skin grew even tauter, and I feared he was about to blow himself to smithereens at any second as his muscles heaved and bulged and grew thicker, harder, more striated. I imagined he could hide several pocketfuls of loose change in those striations and the money would never be seen again. He was now off-the-scale-massive. He assumed the correct position on the bench, his gargantuan torso just about able to fit beneath the bar where it sat on its upright struts. He gripped the bar like a pro and jerked it off its supports. He grunted as he took the strain. At first I thought the bar would collapse on him, snapping his neck like a sun dried reed, but Dwight surprised me as he played with the weight a little until it felt comfortable in his mighty grasp. He started to press the enormous weight. He did ten reps, twenty, fifty......ONE HUNDRED reps without breaking a sweat. After I'd lost count of his reps, he returned the bar to its rests and sat up on the bench. The one hundred plus reps had swollen his muscles to even greater proportions. He punched his fists together, and there was a loud "snapping" noise, but fortunately he hadn't broken any bones. "Is there something the matter?" I was eager to ensure that his every need would be met as we got further into this experiment. Dwight mopped a solitary bead of sweat from his right temple and then looked me squarely in the eye. "The weight's too light, doc. Feels like I'm pressing toothpicks." "But your chest looks like it got a good pump there," I offered by way of a compliment. I really wanted to please this young man. Hell, I wanted to be his sex slave until the end of time. "Huh," he snorted, and bounced his enormous tit muscles vigorously until they became massively pumped and striated. He was still getting bigger and bigger. It was phenomenal to observe. Then he brought his arms up on either side of his head and forced out gigantic peaked mounds of massive muscle. His biceps were way bigger than his head, now, and still growing and getting harder and more powerful. I really wondered if there would be any limit to his mega-growth. The scanners in the lab monitored his vitals as well as took measurements. His blood pressure was slightly elevated, but not unexpected. There was also some increased neural activity in his hypothalamus as well as the pituitary gland, but all of that was also to be expected. Apart from that his body was in sound condition, and there were no nasty side effects from the pill to have to deal with later. I hoped this would remain the case. Dwight went from machine to machine. He performed leg presses, squats, lateral raises, concentration curls with free-weights.... every range of muscle-building exercise at his disposal via the provided equipment he indulged in. He set all the machines to maximum and still the outcome was the same each time. They were all too light. He was way too strong for the monitoring of this experiment to continue unless I took some drastic action. I would have to make some phone calls. This experiment was privately funded by a publicity-shy billionaire, Lord Edmund Dunwith, who was difficult to deal with at the best of times. Last time I'd asked him for more money, he'd demanded more results than what I could provide with a dormouse. "Could you step back on the scales for me please?" Dwight didn't have to be told twice. Although his muscle-growth had slowed compared with his rate of hypertrophy towards the beginning of the experiment, he’d still increased his muscle-mass by a couple of hundred pounds since his first weigh-in just a short while ago. The scale now read: “765 lbs”. He had also grown to almost seven feet in height. I craved to know his muscle measurements now, but I’d have to fix the scanner later. For now only his vital signs could be monitored. He was now a giant amongst bodybuilders. “The growth seems to be stopping, er… Huge Muscle God. We should reconvene tomorrow. We have lodgings you can avail of here at the facility, or would you like a ride back to your place of residence?” I wanted to worship him, to feel my tongue trace so many hungry wet lines across his incredible topography, but I daren’t question his sexual orientation. For all I knew he could have a harem of sexy women waiting for him at home. I wanted to get to know him, but small talk regarding his personal life would have to wait until we understood each other better. There were weeks of tests ahead of him yet. “Thanks for the offer of the ride, but it’s a warm, sunny evening. Think I’ll muscle-strut my way across town under my own power, Doc,” Dwight beamed, shooting pose after pose in front of a mirror. His cock had become a massive girder of steel and he seemed proud that it looked incapable of becoming flaccid again. “Well you’ll be arrested if you go out like that,” I advised somewhat comically, “there are some clothes in the next room if you’d like to try them on. My colleagues and I, that is to say, those with a vested interest in the success of this program, sought to anticipate all of the needs of the human subject, including a basic wardrobe. However, considering how well you took to the Enerflex’s effects, the garments we have for you might be a little on the tight side.” “Heheh, I hope so. I’m also starving after all those weights, light though they were. Have you anything to eat here?” There was a loud gurgling noise which almost brought plaster down from the ceiling. It could only have been Dwight’s stomach growling. “Erm... yes. Just me here today, so there are some sandwiches I brought from home in that small cooler over there, and a carton of milk. There might be some potato chips belonging to the night watchman somewhere,” I gestured towards a small partitioned area in one corner of the room. Dwight found the food and wolfed down my four pastrami-on-ryes in less than a minute. He was through the milk in one swift gulp. But he was still hungry. I had not observed this effect in the dormouse, although it was eating the same amounts more regularly than before it was changed. I hadn’t eaten since breakfast, but right now I was too horny, too amazed, by Dwight’s transformation, to want to eat. My erection had subsided somewhat, but when Dwight emitted the loudest belch ever produced by a mammal other than a whale, junior was back to a standing position in my pants. I had to admit that the cute milk moustache on such a behemoth of a bodybuilder was quite endearing. The food placated his appetite enough for the stomach gurgles to stop. Then I showed him where to get dressed. There wasn’t much to choose from. The clothes were mainly a polyester and lycra mix, with just enough nylon, spandex and elastic to ensure he’d be able to get home without returning to his birthday suit and causing major car accidents on the way. Still though, the light purple Henley shirt clung to him like a second skin and only came down just an inch or two below his bulging pec-line, leaving his mammoth, granite ab-wall exposed for all to see. Likewise the stretch jeans were loose at his waist but way too tight at the widest part of his sequoia thighs. I ended up having to take scissors to them and turn them into three-quarter length cut-offs. None of the sneakers provided would fit his monstrous size 22 feet, but luckily we found a pair of flip-flops with an NBA logo on them. Made for a basketball player, they would at least get him home. He ogled himself in the mirror, posing some more and sniggering impishly as he tried to snap threads and rip seams. One thing I really needed to know: "How will you explain this transformation to your family, your friends... your employers?" "Not a problem. My friends are all assholes and scene queens, not worth my time. My family is three thousand miles away and they haven't seen me in two years. And right now I don't have a job. I have plenty of time to grow and worry about explaining it all later." I was satisfied with his answer. Then he asked: “What about my money, Doc?” “Ah yes. It’ll have to be a cheque, Dwight. We don’t keep cash on the premises,” I reached inside my lab coat and took out a cheque book. The sum of $1,500 dollars was already printed on it. I just had to make the cheque payable to Dwight, now the world’s most muscular bodybuilder. I’d developed a crick in my neck from looking up at him. He was magnificent. “Good enough. I’m behind in my rent. This’ll do nicely. And there are five more of these to come, according to the ad?” “Yes, of course. That is the promise. And you also get to keep your incredible new body. The effects of Enerflex are, of course, totally permanent.” “That’s what I like to hear, Doc. See you tomorrow then.” Dwight, now cocky and full of himself, bounced his spectacular pectorals inside his shirt and almost pinged more buttons off it like pellets from a BB gun. Was he still growing? I hoped he’d make it home without alerting the police. He was just about adequately covered, the bulge in his jeans crotch not too evident despite the size of his manhood, so he wouldn’t be breaking the state nudity laws. But he was now the biggest most muscular man on the planet, so I worried about how the public might react. I finally released my cock after he left for the evening, and as I watched via CCTV his massive frame depart this esoteric little facility, I could hold my spunk in not a second longer. As my crème spewed forth in vigorous gouts, I saw on the camera screen that by the time Dwight had reached the outside of the building, his magnificent bodybuilder’s body had burst out of the Henley. And it was like this, stripped to his impeccably taut waist, that Dwight stepped back into general life as a god amongst insects. I had work to do that evening. The scanners needed repairing and I had a lot of data to compile. Lord Dunwith, who funded this operation, would have to be informed. We needed better equipment here with which to accurately gauge everything that Dwight was capable of. If it could all be flown in and installed overnight, then so much the better. Everything would be ready for Dwight when he returned tomorrow. But before I took care of all this vital business, I played back recorded footage of his incredible muscle-growth. I lost track of time as I came over and over. I could only dream of what tomorrow would bring. DAY 2: My apartment is only a couple of blocks from the secret location of the research lab I'd worked at for the past four years in my endeavour to unlock superhuman potential in young males. For security reasons I cannot divulge the location, except to say that it's entrance is secret and looks nothing like what you'd expect a laboratory to look like. We provided a phone number in our ad we'd placed in several men's interest magazines. We needed someone young and fit, and who met the blood type "O+". Dwight was our first applicant, but we had others lined up for enhancement should the initial trials with Dwight prove successful. After day one my expectations were quite high, not to mention my sex drive. I'd known I was gay for twenty years, but with a Baptist minister for a father and a school teacher mother (as well as growing up in a small town in which you were considered abnormal if you weren't shy and retiring from the age of ten onwards), I'd never opened up to them about my sexuality, opting instead to bury myself in the toils of academia for as long as it would take to get to where I needed to be to consider myself successful. I was still a virgin at thirty-five, something I was entirely ashamed of. My fantasy had always been to make the most muscular man on earth an absolute reality. And I had succeeded. Now if only I could make a gay one, why, my greatest fantasies would become a reality. Anyway, the night watchman couldn't make his shift due to a death in the family, the poor guy. I decided to hang around and sleep at the lab, given that someone needed to be here when Lord Dunwith's team of re-fitters arrived to cater to my every need, or rather Dwight's. They worked through the night resupplying our secret little gym with an entirely new suite of workout equipment. I'd also had a proper pantry installed and stocked up with more foodstuffs than you can shake a fork at. There would even be some tailors brought in and sworn to secrecy in the effort to ensure that Dwight was as clothed as we could maintain him at all times. All of this was achieved via many phone calls and supplicant pleas to Lord Dunwith, who eventually agreed to extend my funding. I had achieved so much in just one day. I don't even remember falling asleep on the small but relatively comfortable cot provided in a small room off the main lab proper. I was awakened by Francisco, my lab assistant, at an unknown hour. The look on his face was a mixture of excitement and astonishment. I recognised it immediately, the look of someone having witnessed something so extraordinary and unprecedented, that his mind struggled to accept it without collapsing in on itself. "It works.... the Enerflex, John. Madre Mia," he was still shaking me awake even as I swung my legs to the floor. I craved a hot shower and a change of clothes. "What time is it? Dwight, he's back isn't he!" I knew the answer before hearing it. Francisco had obviously seen Dwight in the flesh, as I'd changed the passwords to the computers in case one or more of the refit team happened to get access to something they shouldn’t, and I hadn't told Francisco what it was. All of the footage I'd shot of Dwight was stored in the computers. "He.... he's monstrous, John. But I think something is not quite right." I suddenly became a mirror for the look of consternation that suddenly washed across Francisco's face. I dry swallowed nervously. What could possibly have gone wrong since Dwight's departure that previous evening? I decided to waste no time in finding out. I rushed out of the room and past some of the astonished workmen who were still putting the finishing touches to what was nothing short of a miraculous refit, considering the short time in which they'd been given to work their magic. I heard noisy rummaging coming from the newly upgraded pantry area, which, like everything else in our esoteric little setup, was now fitted with extra-tall, extra-wide, swinging double doors. As I moved towards the pantry/canteen (call it what you will), Dwight was already returning from within. He had to stoop to get through the doors, despite that they had been refitted to be seven feet tall. He'd grown since leaving here the previous evening, and he'd grown a lot, but not in the way I’d expected. I'd gotten the scanners back working, and so no matter where he went in the test area, his measurements would once again be accurately recorded. The computer attempted to make sense of his current dimensions, which caused a flood of numerical data to ticker across every screen visible to us. "Hey Doc, as you can see, I've been doing some more growing," Dwight beamed, his words broken up by some rather noisy and messy chewing. He'd been into the pantry, an entire refrigerator held in the crook of his arm and dented inwards by the sheer strength of my subject Alpha. He was cramming cooked halves of chicken into his mouth and wolfing them down bones and all. And.... omg... he was GIGANTIC!!!!!! But where his height and musculature had once again augmented, albeit only slightly, his abdomen – where only yesterday evening it was a dense wall of ripped, cobbled steel – was now a huge bloated ball, like as if someone had stuck an air-hose down his throat and bloated up his belly to the vastness it had become. The scanners recorded its circumference at 114 inches around. That was impossible. How did he get like this? Was it a side effect of the Enerflex making itself apparent, something not observed in the dormouse on which I was still gathering data? “Whuh...what happened?” I stammered my words, my voice a mere croak, for my throat desperately required moisture. “You could say that I ‘gut’ me an appetite,” Dwight snorted, patting his massive belly with a thump so loud it almost burst my eardrums. Francisco was scurrying about in a panic, completely useless to me (note to self: hire a new lab assistant pronto). The workmen panicked and fled like roaches rushing away from a sudden splash of light. He lifted the fridge up so that it was level with his face, and then tipped the remainder of the food into his mouth in the same way that a normal mortal might tap out the little scraggly bits from the end of a food carton. Then he ever so effortlessly crushed the brand new fridge and tossed it over his shoulder as though it was a beer can. It was a fridge.... heavier and wider than I was tall. And he tossed it like it was just a few grams of aluminium. “I need to run some more tuh-tests,” I again stammered, and I was now scurrying about like Francisco. We must have looked like a right pair of clowns as we attempted to act like scientists, but only succeeded in mimicking a typical vaudeville comedy warm-up act. My clipboard... it contained the most recent notes I’d taken on Dwight. Could the workmen have moved it? “No need,” Dwight bellowed, his voice having deepened considerably since last we’d spoken. “I conducted some tests of my own last night when I got home, although I wouldn’t really call it home any more, considering I no longer fit into the place. Fuck it, I owed rent anyways. What’s my landlord gonna do, break my fingers if I don’t pay up?” “What... sort of tests?” My question was punctuated perfectly by the look of incredulity I felt washing across my face and pushing out wrinkles where before there weren’t any (well, not many, to put it mildly). “Watch this!” Dwight stepped further away from the pantry doors, as if to take centre-stage on a stage that didn’t exist. He opened his mouth as if to speak, or holler, or maybe to even sing. What emerged from him almost knocked Francisco and myself off our feet. Dwight belched. It was a belch louder than an air horn. We both covered our ears to protect our hearing. Dwight’s gaseous emission lasted for almost a minute. And as he expelled such foulness, we watched, in awe, as his massively bloated mid-section began to shrink and tighten. But not only that, this incredible and unforeseen physical response from him was causing his muscles to grow... to grow to even more incredible proportions. The scanners feverishly recorded his burgeoning dimensions, overclocking my precious computers in the process. His neck thickened from 25 inches to a colossal 36 inches. His traps pushed upwards by at least a thirty degree angle and actually compressed his ears slightly as they fought for more and more space in which to expand. His shoulders broadened by a couple of feet on either side, his deltoid masses expanding from triple-head forms into quadruple muscle-bellies, each one separated by striations so cut and so deep, they seemed to swallow light itself. All of his muscles became more cut in this way. And larger, too, so very much larger. His pectoral muscles had already been balloons of manly beef, jutting out for several feet and casting deep, dark crescent moons below the under-swell of each pec-belly. Now they bulged and rippled more hugely yet, spreading out in all directions like a pair of out-of-control space amoebae from an old science fiction movie. They expanded so far upwards that his head began to lean back, his chin almost pointing upwards. I worried about the pecs restricting his breathing as they pressed into his trachea. How would his body compensate for that? His nipples expanded and thickened, too, soon each one bigger and thicker than the tops of my thumbs. The areola moons around each nipple also increased in size, beyond the circumference of a coffee cup. How I longed to take one of those sensational man-nubs between my lips and suck and suck until I no longer had the strength. Scanners recorded his chest circumference now at a staggering 188 inches. And his chest, like the rest of him, was still getting bigger and bigger. “Aw yeah.... look at my fucking pecs, Doc. They’re so huge, but I want them fucking huger,” Dwight growled, and I didn’t much care for his potty mouth. I’d been raised to abhor profanity of any kind. But I guess these were the most unusual of circumstances. His arms also swelled monstrously, going from 68 inches around his biceps and triceps to a mind-blowing 87 inches. He flexed them to work more blood and Enerflex into them, and the scanners displayed 116 inches across those mammoth mountain ranges he had in place of arms. One of the computers stalled at this point. There was a small bang followed by a puff of smoke as one of the drives failed. Not to worry this time, I’d arranged for a cloud server to be installed in case of hardware failure. No way I would lose any data in that event. Your average pro-bodybuilder had a chest width of about 58-60 inches. Dwight’s upper arms alone more than doubled that number. His lats... omg... they swelled to the size of delta-wings, so huge and gorged on blood and Enerflex that his arms were pushed out even further from his sides. With his lats so huge did he even have sides anymore? As his belly continued to return to normal size (what was normal about him now, you ask?), so his muscles swelled huger and huger... larger than anything I could have imagined (or hoped for. Yes I was loving every second of this and didn’t want it to end). His giant redwood legs thickened and “huged-up”, too. His upper thighs – with quads and hamstrings separated by thick and deep cuts guaranteed to hide a small fortune in change – swelled to almost 200 inches apiece. He’d never be able to walk easily again, but the bodybuilder’s waddle is most definitely the sexiest way a man has ever been destined to move. His calves ballooned up to 120 inches. I couldn’t wait to see how much he could press on the newly installed leg press machine. The sound of bones cracking and repairing as they thickened and stretched throughout his incredible body, was almost as deafening as his mega-burp. But his body was growing in height once again, his entire frame filling out in order to better provide a foundation for his ever-increasing muscle-growth. When his “food belly” finally disappeared, it was replaced by those now-familiar cobblestone brickwork abs. They actually made a popping sound as they, one by one, popped out of his torso and took their place, two upon two upon two upon tw..... omg... he had ten of them now. His waist continued to tighten almost back to the waspish taper it had had only yesterday. The scanners recorded his waist measurement at 44 inches, which, compared with his chest seemed tiny, and he didn’t so much have that amazing V-taper that all bodybuilders strive to maximise, but it was like two “W”s side by side balancing on top of a single “V”. His growth finally stopped once again. He’d grown to almost eight feet in height. He had to be at least five and a half feet wide at the shoulders. He flexed a mesmerising double biceps pose and his body was almost carved up like a jigsaw via the array of veins that were squeezed out across his massive surfaces. His cuts became deeper and deeper, every muscle perfectly separated from its neighbours. He spread his lats and they fanned out wider, his ribcage was now double-jointed, so that he could expand it massively, which had the effect of pushing his hot-air balloon pecs even further upwards. His head had to lean back further to allow for his. The curvature of his upper pecs alone now completely hid his face and neck in this pose. His nipples took centre-stage, now, pert and plump and pointing out of each super-flexed pec. In the relaxed position they would now forever be hidden within the dark shadows cast by the under-swell of each muscle-tit. He relaxed from the lat spread and began to bounce his massive pec-bellies. Their movement beat at the very air itself, creating currents which he fanned towards me. I almost fell backwards from the force. When he did a most-muscular pose, this time the scanners shorted out again, unable to cope with the sheer size of this behemoth, as he squeezed out this most delicious pose, the one that made him look far huger than any other. His veins continued to bulge impossibly through skin so taut that it shone. He’d been wearing shorts when he came in, blue spandex ones (where he’d gotten them is beyond me). His cock and ball sack had also increased in size, but not enough to shred the shorts and render him naked once again. As his thighs increased in size, thanks to more and more flexing, so his manhood was pushed even further outward. His junk had no place to go but out. I could tell he was loving this experience due to the hefty precum staining taking place in his crotch. I could feel my own underwear moistening up, too. “Gotta get on the scale, doc. I need to see how much all this new muscle weighs. FUH..UCKKKK!!!!!” Dwight waddled over to the newly installed scale, one based on the type used to weigh livestock. It had a maximum weight tolerance of two tonnes. I hoped it would be enough. His massive thighs rubbed against each other as he moved, a walk that would be considered ridiculous-looking, had it been observed in anyone other than Hypertrophic Extreme God Dwight. Somehow this muscle giant made it look absolutely beautiful. The scale read: 1374.25 lbs. I saw the number. My tongue fell out of my mouth, lolling like that of a thirsty canine. Then everything began to spin around me before fading to black. Next thing I was aware of was Francisco reviving me with the offensive sting of smelling salts. “Huh-long was I out?” “Not long, just a few minutes,” Francisco replied. He disposed of the smelling salts. I was back on the cot in the little room I’d earlier slept in. "Where is he now," I asked in earnest. "Still in the weight room. He's lost to his posing. He wanted me to set up a camera and tripod to film his back while he poses. He needs to check the spread." Then Francisco added: "He ate all the food. Even a jar of mustard and the jalapeños I brought from home. I think he wants to get gassy again so he can grow some more." For the second time that morning (was it still morning?) I swung my legs to the floor. This time they felt shaky when I tried to stand. "We need to analyse all data, try to assess what went wrong. We need to take a blood sample from Dwight. There may be an unknown anomaly at work here. Did you see the size of his stomach when he arrived here? He must've been eating non stop since leaving here yesterday. Oh damn, I hope he wasn’t followed on his way here." I began to panic at the thought of our secret facility being discovered by a curious civilian, or even a street cop, who'd decided to follow our shirtless muscle giant in order to learn all they could about him. Thankfully Francisco was all too reassuring. "Lord Dunwith took care of that. He sent a vehicle to Dwight's address. No one saw him arrive." I went out to the refitted weight room and found my clipboard. I was so nervous that my hand scrawled shaky letters across the notepaper. Dwight had grown even bigger since I'd passed out. And why not? One of the key triggers or catalysts in the Enerflex compound depended on the recipient's brain releasing endorphins. If someone liked something enough, or even desired something hard enough, Enerflex would work so much more efficiently. In the case of Dwight, his desire to grow more and more masses of gigantic muscle acted as the catalyst necessary to boost the effects of Enerflex. It would appear that the drug had been set to overdrive in his system. But one dose lasted eight hours at most; that had been certainly true in the dormouse's case. But something within Dwight had perpetuated the lasting effects of a single pill. And his abnormal eating habits would have to be monitored closely. But for now: "You're probably wondering about the new weight machines," I said, for once managing to not stammer. Dwight barely paid me any attention, for he was still so engrossed in his posing. "Not really, doc. Except maybe... how easily I'm gonna bust them up with my incredible strength," the hyper-massive muscle man boasted. I found his remark moderately amusing. "This is no ordinary gym equipment, Dwight. There are no plates to screw onto bars, or pins to pull out of one stack of plates and slip into another. No levers or pulleys to adjust. It's all very high tech and works off the principal of magnetic resistance." His curiosity now piqued, Dwight turned to the NASA answer to a bench press. The setup was similar to a standard bench, except the bar worked off magnetic resistance. The mechanical components could be set to recreate any weight via incredibly powerful built-in electromagnets. "How shall I program it? One thousand pounds of resistance for a warm-up then?" I was toying with Dwight, and he knew it. "How high does it go?" I'd expected him to ask that. "Ten thousand pounds," I replied, fighting against yet another stammer. Dwight considered this for a moment. "Might still be a little light for me. But won’t know unless I give it a whirl." I felt one of my eyebrows peaking up like the way Mister Spock's would when he found something to be fascinating. Why not start him off on maximum settings? If they proved too much for him I could always lower the resistance at the push of a button. I did what Dwight wanted and when the machine was set, I gestured to him to assume the proper position on the bench. The machine activated as soon as he began to take the strain. Wait... did I say "strain"? There was no strain at all. With his breathing rhythmic and his sweat glands given the day off, Dwight began to press the bar upwards, methodically and repeatedly, despite ten thousand pounds of pressure pulling against his every exertion. He might as well have been pressing cotton swabs. It was astonishing to observe. He was hundreds of times stronger than I could ever have dreamed of. And he could only get stronger yet. Not even a single grunt emerged from him as he continued to work the weight. He showed no signs of tiring, or giving up. He seemed content to do this for as long as it provided him the pumps. "How do you feel?" My question came after 954 reps. Not a bead of sweat had appeared anywhere on his skin. "It's light, but I'm starting to feel the burn, doc. I reckon another 500 reps will give me the pump I need. But this needs to go higher," Dwight admitted. "I'm sorry, Dwight, but you are pushing the machine to its limit." It was true. There was a smell of ozone in the air, as electrical circuits and other components were pushed beyond their design tolerance. After his 1246th rep, the machine shorted out. To be honest, I'd expected it to break down long before that. He returned the bar to its rest, sat up on the bench and flexed his mammoth pectoral muscles. They were pumped to huge proportions, fresh networks of veins now throbbing out of the skin. His chin was now completely buried in the flesh of his upper pecs, especially when he looked downward. He licked the veins that had come out of the pecs and inhaled his bodybuilder's musk deeply, as if getting off to his size and power. "A half-decent pump. But it could be a lot better. You need to design more powerful machines for me, Doc." We repeated further tests on every other machine. The leg press machine had a maximum resistance limit of 25,000 lbs. Dwight's mammoth redwoods shorted out the machine in less than five minutes. But during that five minutes the pump he received increased the girth of his upper thighs by 27%. 1200 reps apiece with magnetic dumbbells, each one set to 2000 lbs of resistance swelled his biceps up to 120 inches cold. Flexed they peaked at 144 inches, erupting miniature volcanoes both. "I need to get bigger, Doc. How about another pill," Dwight requested after stopping to rest and eat.... pizza, that's right, pizza. He'd sent Francisco out on an errand to bring back ten of the largest cheese, tomato and pepperoni pizzas available in the city. With Lord Dunwith getting the bill, the sky was the limit for the ever-expanding muscle god. Dwight's gut began to swell again, as he gorged on the fattening fare. I grew somewhat pensive, but recorded everything as it transpired. "I don't think that's a good idea yet, Dwight. I'm still putting your blood through some final analyses before we proceed. This gut expansion of yours is not something I anticipated. It may not be good for you to continue to indulge yourself in this way." He paused between demolishing his fifteenth and sixteenth slice of pizza (by now he was picking up slices in both hands, eating at a rate that was beyond even superhuman). I thought he was going to snap and explode with rage for not getting his own way. Instead: "Fair enough. I can grow now without your goddam pills. Look... see my gut? Watch it balloon as I eat more food than an average family can get through in a week," Dwight boasted. I wasn't much of a pizza eater, but these things were huge, easily 30 inches in diameter. A family of four could probably live on one of these monsters for a couple of days at least. Whilst this was going on, I failed to notice Francisco wheeling a large rectangular box into the weight room via a two-wheeled trolley. What the hell was that? By the time my assistant had set up the milkshake machine, Dwight was demolishing the last of his pizzas and rubbing his massive belly as it continued to grow, pushing his pecs even higher so that his head was completely obscured from my view. How he was getting any food into his mouth at all - with so much pec-meat in the way - was a minor miracle to behold. I finally acknowledged the milkshake machine. It was the kind you see in fast food restaurants, with a combination dispenser array designed for making shakes and sundaes of various flavours. "What in blazes is that doing here?" I demanded to know. "Well I...mmmfff...slurp... need something to .... yummm... wash down all this pizza, Doc, mmmfff," said Dwight, his table manners bordering on atrocious. My eyes nearly came out on stalks. This activity went against the grain of my scientific agenda. But curiosity, the kind that turns scientists into human flies, suddenly got the better of me. I had to see where this was going. My arousal was greater than ever. There was something so insanely stimulating at the thought of Dwight blowing up like a balloon, then sucking it all back in (whatever "it" was) before converting it to hundreds of pounds of new muscle. I accepted the idea of the milkshake machine. What I found difficult to digest, however, was the method by which it was about to be delivered to Dwight's digestive system. Francisco attached some rubber hose to the nozzle of the shake machine, and then the free end to a mightily-big plastic funnel, the like of which I'd never seen before. What... was it used for giving an elephant an enema? "Hurry the fuck up, little man," Dwight bellowed, and now he'd wedged himself into one corner, pushing a whole rack of dumbbells out of the way so as to make room. Francisco, it seemed, was only too willing to oblige. My soon-to-be ex-lab assistant promptly obeyed the muscle/gut monster and stuck the small end of the funnel, not only into Dwight’s mouth, but his giant's throat seemed to have no problem at all accommodating the foot-and-a-half-long proboscis through which he would receive the nutritional goop, which Francisco then began to pour into the reservoir at the back of the machine. "Whoa, hold on a goddamn minute there, Francisco," I squealed, using a profanity that would make the hairs stand up on the back of my dear old father's neck. I flitted around to the back of the machine and began to excitedly scribble down the "ingredients" to this super-shake that Francisco was currently putting together. In went the normal liquid shake mix, mostly milk-based and whatever chemicals the manufacturers saw fit to include. Then the syrup flavouring, in this case chocolate, followed by several containers of bodybuilding "muscle milk", creatine, whey, egg protein extract etc. Then Francisco threw in a dozen packets of pancake mix, ice cream, whipped cream, cake mixes etc... it went on and on (where did he find the time to get all this stuff?). I just about managed to scribble everything down; it was important to record exactly what would be going into Dwight's system, but I wasn't totally sure of the ratios. Fuck it, I thought. Oh darn, more profanity. I no longer cared. This wasn't just about science any more, it was about throwing caution to the wind, cocks oozing precum, and my desire to be dominated by the biggest, heaviest and strongest bodybuilder ever to walk the Earth. "Feed me," Dwight almost managed to pronounce correctly, despite that he had eighteen inches of plastic down his neck (how did he avoid the gagging reflex?). Francisco, almost fit to collapse from exhaustion, threw the switch on the shake machine. It rumbled into life, it's innards mixing, churning and drawing this ultra-rich ambrosia further into itself, chilling and emulsifying it, and within seconds the thick goop began its journey along the hosepipe and towards the funnel. With the sensors again on the blink, I couldn't tell how big Dwight's stomach had stretched to, but if I were to guess I'd say it had to be at least 150 inches around (I could have been way off the mark there). What happened next was... was... the SHIT!!!!! It was like the entire room was getting smaller, however, because our eyes were rapt on Dwight's further metamorphosis, everything around us had become superficial, minuscule. As more and more of the super-rich mix "glug-glugged" along the hose – through the funnel and down into the magnificent bodybuilder's incredible body – the bigger his mega-gut swelled. How his skin didn't rip apart as it breached the threshold of elasticity is beyond me. But his stretch marks were so many now, the skin flashing red, then normal again, as it hurriedly repaired and adjusted itself. Soon the shake machine's reservoir was empty and anything that was recognisable as a muscular human being had disappeared behind the biggest belly in all of creation. Not even a pair of feet stuck out from beneath the vast sphere of flesh. The shake machine shut down, obviously designed to do that when its reservoir ran dry. I was at a loss for what to do. I turned to Francisco. "Is there no more of the stuff?" He slowly shook his head, unable to take his eyes off the mega-belly that had swollen to such a vast size that several of the workout machines had been pushed aside by its burgeoning advancement. I feared for Dwight's life, I really did. He uttered not a single sound, and there were no signs of movement. The next minute seemed to last a small eternity. Was I holding my breath in anticipation of the next phase? Next phase? Damn, I didn't know which way was up right now. The centre of my entire universe was a point somewhere on that gigantic belly now taking up a good eighth of the room's volume. Then... a dumbbell clattered to the floor next to the belly. Then another. Then the sound of groaning metal. And... was that... a moan... a sound of distress from a suffering human? I tentatively edged a little closer to my test subject. "Dwight... are you..." "Unnnnnghhh," he uttered, and I was thankful that he was still alive. "Belly...ache," he moaned, for he'd obviously spat out the funnel at this point. I could now see his hands flailing sluggishly on either side of the hot-air balloon that had become of his belly. He wanted to rub his belly, but it was way too large for him to manage this. I wanted to oblige. "I can soothe your discomfort, Dwight. If I rub your stomach it should help with digestion." I so wanted to feel and caress that incredible body. Bellies didn't turn me on nearly as much as muscles, but with Dwight this didn't matter. He was a bodybuilding behemoth, therefore no matter what his shape, the god that he had become demanded my attention and worship. "Suh-sounds guh-good, Doc," he stammered. And so I made physical contact with Dwight, not quite the way I'd hoped to, but it was something to be thankful for. His belly swelled before me, a ten-foot high, twenty-foot wide wall of flesh. I began to rub it, applying as much pressure as I could, but I couldn't dent it. I might as well have been trying to massage granite or steel. But I persisted, working a little vigour into my efforts. Eventually: "Feels good, Doc. Pain is going away now." Unlike my own pain, which was caused by a painfully hard and swollen cock pressing against the inside of my pants. Thank goodness my white lab coat concealed my shame. I kept rubbing him like this for what seemed like a very long time, so long that I began to tire of the activity. Then... A rumbling... deep and guttural and building in pressure. The entire room began to shake. Plaster broke from the ceiling and rained down on us. More weight equipment toppled or crashed. Was it a quake? It couldn't be. We were nowhere near a fault line. "He's gonna belch again," I suddenly realised. "Unnngh.....can't keep it in, Doc," Dwight groaned. The rumbling increased in intensity. Windows smashed and doors buckled in their frames. How much of the surrounding city block would now be feeling these effects? And if this facility could be traced to the epicentre, I feared for the future of my research. Had we taken this too far? Just a tad. "Quick, Francisco, behind that table," I indicated to my lab assistant. There was an overturned table about eight feet away. We had to get to it before Dwight let rip. We barely got to it in time. Dwight erupted on a cataclysmic scale. The room was quickly filled with enough gas to cause a major explosion should there be any naked flames nearby. I worried for the state of my lab next door. Some of the chemicals I used were volatile if mixed. Under these conditions how they hadn't already mixed was a small miracle. The belch went on for what seemed like forever. The smell was nauseating and it was another miracle that Francisco and myself didn't throw up. But then... another transformation. Like before, as Dwight's belly began shrinking back into its taut, sexy muscle-brick configuration, every single muscle in his body began to get bigger... and bigger... and stronger... and so much harder (as hard as my throbbing cock right now? That was questionable). Francisco and I watched, dumbfounded with awe, as Dwight grew so much bigger. Once his belly had diminished enough for him to stand up, he was able to give us a much better show as his transformation endured. He was now pushing ten feet tall. His neck was hard to make out in between a pair of monstrous traps that sloped down to shoulders that now had to be seven feet wide, if not more, each one ending in a bulbous deltoid twice the size of a human head. The bottom half of his beautiful face was hidden behind the biggest, most projecting pair of mammoth pecs I'd ever seen. How big was his chest now? 200? 300 inches? It was impossible to gauge at this point. But when Dwight flexed and bounced them, the currents of displaced air charged across the room and slammed us between our table shield and the wall behind. He flexed his ever-increasing upper arms, and biceps wider than a cow exploded with veins and mass. His forearms alone were twice as thick as an averagely-built man. His belly continued to shrink and harden, his waist once again returning to that gorgeous taper that every bodybuilder endeavours to create. His body continued to hulk-out with more and more mass. It just wouldn't stop. He had to weigh thousands and thousands of pounds by now. And he was STILL getting bigger and bigger. His thighs grew wider than a car, thicker and more striated, and with deeper cuts between the muscles than ever before. Walking would be a major struggle for him now, and yet the thought of him struggling to waddle, much less walk, due to the humongous girth of his thighs, was putting me on the verge of cumming. I gasped and adjusted my cock inside my pants as I marvelled at Dwight's ever-growing calves. Three times the size of a beach ball, I shuddered to think how much bigger they could get. And my libido yearned for yet more muscle-growth. "Yeah, this is what it's all about, Doc. I'm the biggest, baddest, strongest fucker on the planet," Dwight playfully raged. I truly hoped that he wouldn't become a danger to us, or the general public, for that matter. His head almost touched the ceiling. His growth began to slow as his ab-cobbles popped back out, this time twelve of them in two stacks of six apiece. It was the first "twelve-pack" in all of existence. Dwight flared his lats and his upper body just swelled up beautifully. His lats gorged on space and Enerflex and blood and growth hormone and simply swelled up to twenty or more times their previous mass. Dwight's arms were pushed out even further from his sides. But he seemed to be enjoying it. "Look, Doc... my arms are almost horizontal now. I'm...grrrrrrr....trying to press against my lats.....urrrrrrrrrghhh....in order to....unnnngh...get my fucking huge arms down....but...grrrrrrrffff....I can't do it......lats....too big.....want them bigger...grrrrrrrrr!!" He waddled over to the scale. Would it even support his weight now that he'd grown even further? It was an effort for Dwight to move, now, but I found this most arousing. He stood on the scale and just before it was crushed to tiny bits it recorded... "8455 lbs, Doc. Fuck yeah. But I've got to get to ten thousand. I've got to get fucking.....BIGGERRRRRR!!!!!" Dwight was out of control, that much was clear. What could I do to regain control of the situation? There really was only one thing I could do. But that would have to wait. Scientific curiosity had gotten the better of my sense of self preservation. I had to see what happened next. Dwight was like a storm that couldn't be contained, or its movements predicted. He'd flexed every pose capable of a bodybuilder, each time his body ripped into greater hardness and definition, with deeper cuts, more striations, and even greater masses of thick, plump veins. But now he'd grown bored with just posing. He needed to express his strength. He was too big for any of the machines now. But that didn't stop him. He picked up a 200 lb dumbbell. "Watch this, you pussies," he growled. He struggled to get his arms to move around his massive pecs (they must have jutted out at least six feet from his rib cage). But he eventually succeeded in inserting the weight between the two pec mountains. Then he applied pressure, trying to get both his fists to meet so that his pecs were squeezed mightily in-between. As the iron heated up from friction, I gasped when I saw a puff of smoke emerge from between Dwight's mega-pecs. Then he removed the transformed dumbbell, and I almost fainted. He tossed the squashed blob of iron towards us. It still weighed 200 lbs, but it had been compressed into an unrecognisable shape. And he'd made this happen just with his pecs. I was speechless and could only watch in awe at what he did next. He found one of the plates from the old leg-press machine, one that weighed about 300 lbs. It was the size of a very large pizza, and probably ten times as thick. Dwight struggled to pick the thing up off the floor. In the end he gave up and just stomped so hard, his foot actually cracked the concrete, but the shock-wave caused not only the plate to jump into his hand, but Francisco and I almost jumped out of our skins. Then Dwight placed the iron disc between his bicep and forearm and gradually brought the two muscles together nutcracker-style. There was another puff of smoke caused by metallic friction. When he removed the weight disc my jaw dropped open when I saw that not only had the iron been crimped down to the thickness of a razor, but there was even the impression of Dwight's veins on the iron. "I'm the strongest bastard on the planet, Doc. But I need to get stronger." Dwight bounded towards the pair of us, naked and hulking. His cock was almost as big as my entire body. It bobbed and lashed about in a semi-flaccid state, oozing precum with utmost abandon. Dwight's balls throbbed and jiggled, larger than knapsacks beneath his cock. With no room for his junk between thighs that rubbed together as he waddled, the cock and balls had nowhere to hang, and so sticking out ahead of him was their new and final resting place. I must admit to liking that giant cock very much. I wanted to taste it and nurse from its fluids. But it was way too big for my mouth to ever comfortably or reasonably accommodate. Unless.... nah, now wasn't the time. Or was it? What happened next was kind of a blur, and I'm somewhat sketchy on how the events played out. It happened very fast. I just hope that Francisco made it out alive and was a very good liar to the police. But that life is behind me now. I remember hearing wailing sirens... to be expected, considering the gravity of the Dwight-quake that had damaged quite a bit of the surrounding block. I heard the crashing and smashing of masonry, and the indescribable feeling of travelling upwards at a very high velocity. What was going on? I passed out yet again, the last sounds of city life to reach my ears were of police and fire truck sirens, screaming, panicking people, all of which seemed to come from far below. But how? Was I flying? The next thing I was aware of was the feeling of warm sand beneath me. I could smell the salt in the air, and the breeze that nuzzled my skin felt refreshing and invigorating. DAY 3: "Wuh-water," I pathetically gasped. I managed to raise myself to a sitting position. I was still in my clothing, lab-coat and all. The sun was high in the sky. I was on a beach, a tropical island. I'd never seen anything so beautiful. Suddenly a vast shadow was cast around me. Dwight had returned with not only coconuts, but an entire coconut tree. He carried it across one mighty shoulder. It must have weighed many tonnes, but it looked weightless to him. He picked off some of the fruits and then dropped the tree. It would come in handy for kindling later. The huge muscle man sat down opposite me, just about managing to cross his legs without castrating himself. He cracked open a coconut like it was an egg and handed me half. I'd never tasted coconut milk before. It was bitter, but it lubricated my mouth and throat nicely. "How did we get here?" I tried to take in Dwight in his entirety, but my brain was still struggling to accept that he was real. He looked even bigger than before I'd passed out. "I jumped," he replied simply. He began crunching through coconuts, shells and all. I imagined his teeth and jaws would have no trouble crunching through diamonds. "You did....whaaat?" Wherever this place was on the globe, it felt like thousands of miles from my secret lab in the city. "Too much attention drawn to the other place, Doc. I panicked and... jumped. Have to admit, the distance I covered in one leap really surprised me. I think this is an island in the South Pacific. Can't be sure exactly. Geography was never my strong point." "Are you happy with how things played out?" A sober question from me. "Uh, I guess. I want to get bigger, though," he replied with a modicum of regret. "Well you won't get any bigger just eating coconuts. We can't stay here, Dwight." But really, did we have any choice? I thought that Lord Dunwith would have the affluent means, not to mention influence, to hide Dwight for the rest of his life, but did he really deserve to be cooped up like an animal? Not that any cage would hold him, of course. "I can make a paradise for us here," he exclaimed, and for the first time since meeting him two days ago, I looked into his eyes, really looked into them, and for a split second saw just a handsome young man with so many dreams, one of which already came true. Our hearts were suddenly beating as one. "You speak as if I'm Jane to your Tarzan," I replied, speaking without thinking. "Maybe you are, Doc." Dwight had to adjust his seating position as his cock and balls began to swell huge. Was he turned on? It seemed so. "Call me John. Doc makes me feel ancient. I'm only thirty-five." "A good age. I can live with that. I really like you, and can't thank you enough for the amazing gift you gave me." Tenderness now flowed on the currents created by Dwight's words. I was seeing a different side to him... an honest-to-goodness human side. Then he leaned forwards and did something I could never have expected. He picked me up and hugged me. He was surprisingly gentle, too, considering what he could do to cast iron and coconut trees. I was like a rag doll to his child. It was absurd really. He was far too big for me to love properly. Then I remembered... "You need a proper companion and lover, Dwight... someone who can match you in size and strength." I wriggled out from between his mighty mitts and took something out of my pocket. It was a vial containing the purple Enerflex pills. Dwight recognised them immediately and began to drool with excitement. He realised what I was about to do. I tipped the vial into my mouth, caring little if I overdosed. But I had a feeling everything would be okay. Don't ask me how I knew... I just did. "Save some for me, John. I need to grow, too." The look of desperation on Dwight's beautiful face was palpable. "Don't worry, there'll be some left over for later. When I'm as big as you, then we can take the rest of them together. Looks like we have this place to ourselves. Maybe it can be paradise," I said. I began to undress before the muscle-giant.. who would forever be my man. Then I began to grow. The End.
  11. brstealth13

    The Manly Connection

    Part 1 It was a clear, humid August afternoon on the Dan Jensen’s life changed forever. Soon to be a senior in college, Dan had returned home for a couple weeks before the beginning of his final year in school while he was between leases. Life was good; in only 14 short days, he would hop on a plane back across the country to move into an aweesome 2 bedroom apartment with his friend since freshman year, Alex. In the meantime, he was home, and today, Dan had plans to hang out with his other friend from freshman year, of high school this time, Brendan. Dan, around 150 lbs, 5’10”, was super excited to see Brendan. Though they maintained their close friendship even as they attended different colleges hundreds of miles away, Dan had been coming home less and less often during the summers between semesters. This year, though, Brendan had just moved into a new house he was renting near the local state college he attended, with a friend Dan had heard stories of but had never met, Cedric Martinez. Dan was sitting alone in his parents’ kitchen, fanning himself with a magazine on this blazing August day. Across the counter, his phone quietly buzzed and lit up. He answered it. ”Hey B,” said Dan. ”Yoooo dude what is up! You’re finally back yeah?” replied Brendan. ”Yeah, as of this morning.” ”And you’re only here for what, 2 weeks right? Man we gotta catch up! It’s been so long and you haven’t even seen the new place yet, you gotta come check it out.” ”Yeah man, I do. You free this afternoon?” ”Hell yes my dude. My housemate Cedric‘s gone for the day helping his family garden or some shit. I think he’s gonna come back after dinner. You wanna stay for a while? I’ll have him pick up some brews and we can game or something.” Already bored after only a few hours at home, Dan was stoked. “Sounds awesome. Lemme get some shit together so I can stay the night. I know how much beer you always make me drink.” He put the phone between his shoulder and ear and started up to his bedroom, grabbing a backpack and throwing clean clothes and underwear in it. ”Say dude, I was gonna get a workout in this afternoon, you wanna join? I remember you were saying you’ve been pumpin’ iron lately. I’ll give you a great workout!” Brendan suggested. ”Yeah sounds legit,” Dan answered. The two hammered out their plans and Dan finished getting ready, texted a note to his dad, and left in the car his parents agreed to loan him for his time back home. Dan was always a wiry guy, but he had been trying to bulk up for some time, both to feel better about his own body image, but also to hopefully impress the ladies. He had never had much luck with them - and he figured being a skinny 5’10” 145 lb guy didn’t help. Gaining muscle, or any weight in general, was tough for him. Though he had made a little progress and was up to 155 lb these days, he barely had any definition and had a hard time staying motivated. Maybe Brendan could help, though. Based on the pictures he saw on his Facebook, Dan could tell Brendan had rocketed up in mass over the past few months. He pulled up to the white house on the hill as the GPS computer voice informed he’d reached his destination. The house wasn’t too large, but had a long driveway which turned left behind the house to a garage well hidden in the house’s back yard. There, he saw the garage door open and his friend Brendan standing in it with a dumbbell in each hand. Dan stepped out of the car as Brendan turned to greet his friend. “Broooo! You couldn’t wait for me?” said Dan. ”Dan the man, it’s been way too long!” Brendan set the dumbbells down to give his best bud a hug hello. Although it has been some time since they last saw each other, Brendan had packed on some serious muscle. He was wearing short black athletic shorts and a homemade cutoff shirt. His biceps bulged out of the wide holes on the sides of the shirt, smooth, tanned, and bursting with muscle. Dan’s gaze lingered on his friend’s pecs, which were enormous globes of muscle jugging out into a shelf of pure manliness, pushing the shirt tightly outward and exposing a glimpse at Brendan’s sculpted tan body through the huge armholes of the shirt. He lifted his left arm high above his head, stretching as he led Dan into the garage turned home gym, exposing a bushy mass of tangled armpit fur, and leaking out a fierce musky odor. Brendan was everything Dan had wanted to be. He had the body of Dan’s dreams- but how? After all, only about a year ago, the two guys stood in Brendan’s parents basement, also working out, but looking much more similar to each other. They vowed back then to keep trying to bulk up.... but while Brendan had accomplished his goals and then some, Dan was left in the dust, still a relatively skinny guy. ”Alright dude. Let’s get started. I’ve got a chest and bicep day planned out for us. It’s pretty tough so let me know how you’re feeling and we can take a break,” Brendan said. Though the garage was a little small, it boasted an impressive collection of workout equipment. Over in the corner was a power rack fitted with a barbell, a bench, and several heavy weights. There were more dumbbells and a couple of other benches off to the side where Brendan led them first. Behind all this, up against the wall, were several large blue gym mats. ”You guys really tricked this place out!” Dan smiled, selecting a modest 20 lb dumbbell to start doing bicep curls with. “Yeah man, thanks! The mats are Cedric’s, he’s into wrestling. He’s been showing me a little bit here and there.... thinking I might do some rec league in the fall.” Dan and Brendan continued the small talk as the latter showed Dan each exercise and gave him tips on his form. As they went on, Dan started thinking more and more about Brendan’s massive rise in size. Could Brendan have been juicing? Maybe this Cedric guy was a bad influence on him. Still, his friend didn’t seem any different, personality wise. Maybe a little more confident, but how could he not be with guns like those? About 40 minutes in, the head was starting to get oppressive. The two guys were already sweating profusely and finally made the call to ditch their shirts. As Brendan peeled off his drenched cutoff, a massive wave of his manly stench hit Dan’s senses like a wall. It was disgusting, sure. But weirdly, a part of Dan’s brain kind of likes the smell. He didn’t process it as the sort of funky, stinky BO that you often think of. Instead, it was more of a musk. Like a manly, testosterone laced pheromone. Dan was immediately jealous but increasingly obsessed with this smell- questions about it swirling in his head, like, “how can I enjoy this so much?” but more importantly, “how can I make myself smell this way?” and “how can I get more of this without Brendan knowing?” Finally they wrapped up their last set and Brendan led Dan inside. “That was awesome dude,” said Dan. “Holy hell you put on so much beef!” he jokingly, but deep down, seriously, flirted, grabbing at his friends sweat slick pecs. Brendan smiled. “You’ll get there.” They entered the house through the back screen door, which led into a small laundry room. Dan spied a wrestling singlet hanging up to dry and several pairs of jockstraps next to it, as Brendan led him into a hallway which opened up into the living room and kitchen area. For a house occupied by two college guys, it was surprisingly clean and well decorated. The living room had a large leather sectional and huge flat screen tv accompanied by the latest in video games. Across the room, the kitchen was separated from a small dining area by a low counter stacked with appliances and workout supplements. Brendan put his preworkout from earlier away and started making Dan and himself two protein shakes. As he finished with the blender and poured two tall glasses of thick white protein, Brendan roared, “Damn it’s hot! I’m sorry man, I gotta get cool somehow.” Brendan ungracefully pulled down his black shorts, sticky with sweat, revealing his bare, sculpted calves to Dan. More importantly, and shockingly to Dan, Brendan was wear a skimpy white jockstrap with a gray waistband, his massive package soaked in sweat and barely contained by the fabric. Brendan’s bubble ass jutted out, too, barely contained by thin white straps. Dan’s rational, “this is wrong, my friend shouldn’t been acting this way in front of me” brain was quickly losing the battle to the curious and aroused brain. Panicked he would do something embarrassing and out of character, he stammered, “Hey, maybe we should hit the shower?” He quickly gulped down some cold protein shake and held the bottle awkwardly down in front of his crotch to try to cover his stiffening tent in his own workout shorts. ”For sure,” said Brendan. “Let me show you to the bathroom.” Dan immediately realized his miscalculation as Brendan led the way upstairs to his room, treating Dan to a full view of his jock strapped muscle ass, perfectly sculpted, smoothly shaved with just the right bit of hair sticking out of his cheeks. Dan could swear he could even see Brendan’s heavy package swaying between his and they climbed the stairs and turned to corner into Brendan’s bedroom. Dan struggled to keep his boner in check. He just had to make it a little further. Now in the bedroom, Brendan opened the door to the master bathroom and stepped inside. “I’ll just be a minute,” he said, leaving the door cracked behind him. The shower started and Dan breathed a little relief, sitting down on Brendan’s king sized bed. Only a minute later, Brendan emerged, the shower still running. “Sorry man, where are my manners? I should be letting you get clean first.” He mercifully had a towel wrapped around his waist, allowing Dan to maintain some degree of control over his stiffening cock. Dan quickly slipped by into the bathroom. He shut the door tightly behind him. The bathroom was large, with a longer counter covered with various bathroom toiletries, but one thing in particularly seemingly was calling out to Dan. There, on the counter just next to the sink and left of an electric razor in it’s charging cradle was a wet, sweaty jockstrap. Dan almost screamed at his luck that Brendan left this behind for him. He ripped off his shorts and underwear, springing free his 5” cock. He wanted to do everything to this jockstrap- smell it, wear it, rub it all over himself- he wanted to inhabit the smell entirely. He thrust it into his face, covering it completely with the sweat drenched pouch. He grabbed his cock with his other hand, firmly grasping it and letting go of his control. Lightly moaning now, he grew intoxicated by Brendan’s aroma, rubbing the jock up and down his chest, into his crotch and armpits, and back up to his face. His dick was hard as a steel rod; Dan had never felt anything like this before. He glimpsed at himself in the bathroom mirror briefly, staring into his own blue eyes and he saw his mouth covered by a jock, his short light brown hair matted down with sweat itself. Dan was so into it, now, jerking himself as he continued to inhale, fully immersed in pleasure that he failed to hear the sound of the bathroom door opening. “Well now,” said Brendan. “Looks like you’re having fun!” Dan froze. Busted. His face covered still by the jock, he hid behind it in shame as he turned in the direction of his friend’s voice. Slowly, and with great fear, he lowered it and opened his eyes to see Brendan, a mountain of muscle, standing before him with his hands on his hips and a rock hard, 10” long, nearly 2” wide cock of his own. ”Come here you little stud,” Brendan said. Dan leapt into his arms, now fully encased in a muscly grip. Brendan presses his forehead against Dan and held his face between his massive hands. “So you like what you smell, huh boy?” Dan nodded. Brendan’s cock just barely grazed up against Dan’s. “Well let’s have some fun,” he grunted. Brendan plunged his mouth onto Dan’s, kissing him passionately. For Dan, who had never before done this with a guy, the feeling of Brendan’s tongue in his mouth felt strange. Though he had kissed women before, Brendan was more aggressive, more forceful. Dan felt like he could relax for one, and let the bigger man have his way with him. He closed his eyes and let Brendan begin to take control even more, as Brendan brought the full weight of his muscular body against Dan, pushing him backwards against the tile wall of the bathroom. Brendan slurped his tongue in Dan’s mouth, releasing only to playfully taunt him. “I could tell you were squirming at the sight of me even when we were working out.” Brendan reached down and grabbed Dan’s cock, feeling its modest warm length. “Not terrible,” he said slyly. “But it’s hard to understand why you’d be called ‘Dan the Man’ with a piece like this. “Me on the other hand...” He grabbed his own cock and aligned its shaft with Dan’s, proving it was nearly twice as long. Dan loved feeling the length of his cock pressed fully against his friend’s hot meaty schlong. For Brendan, this was an incredible display of dominance; to so clearly impress his larger endowment against Dan’s made him swell with bestial masculine pride. He wrapped his hand around both cocks and began jerking together. Dan, now feeling the entire weight and body hear of Brendan’s muscled frame, returned his attention to the musky smell that got him into this in the first place. Now, with his face positioned just next to Brendan’s pit, he smelled an even greater concentration of testosterone laced pheromones being emitted from Brendan’s hairy armpit. He meekly pushed Brendan’s bicep upward and tilted his head toward the pit, putting his face right next to the faucet, so to speak. “Oh, you like that, do you? Yeah, you loved my jock, ya little freak,” moaned Brendan. “Why not go right to the source though?” He pulled away from Dan now, grabbing the smaller man’s shoulders and pushing him down to his knees. Now face to face with Brendan’s crotch, Dan nearly whimpered in excitement. “You want to smell my crotch, dude?” grunted Brendan. Dan nodded. “No, I wanna hear you say it, dude. Little straight boy Dan, you want daddy Brendan’s cock?” This evidently was enough goading to get Dan to completely share his thoughts on Brendan. “Fuck yeah dude. The minute I saw you I had to know what my bro from high school had been up to. I’m fuckin’ jealous dude. A year ago we were right there at the same stats as each other and you just exploded. And I don’t know what the hell you awakened in me, but I fucking NEED this. I want to BE you but I want to feel everything you have to give too. Now give me that fucking man meat.” Dan lunged forward as Brendan thrust his cock into Dan’s face, smearing the whole length of his meaty tool all over Dan’s wanting cheek and face. The smell was intoxicating; but Dan was starting to get the taste, too. He wrapped his lips around Brendan, fully feeling dominated in the process. He wondered how Brendan must feel, using him like this. On his end, he loved feeling submissive for once. Feeling like his entire purpose was to serve Brendan’s masculine primal urges. As Brendan thrust his cock further into Dan’s throat, he fell into a rhythm of slobbering and sucking deeply on his friend’s 10 incher. Sweet, but salty precum began to leak into his mouth as Dan gagged deeper and deeper on cock, jerking himself feebly in the process. He felt Brendan’s cock pulsing and throbbing, getting closer and closer to emptying the load from his full balls all over and into Dan. God, what would the load feel like, he thought. He tried to imagine it - it would be like the ultimate domination, being sprayed and coated with Brendan’s essence. Would he ever be big enough or manly enough to return the favor? Brendan had done it, so could he? As he thought about this, Brendan quietly slipped his cock out of Dan’s mouth. Brendan started jerking, pointing his tool right at Dan’s open mouth. “Dan dude,” he said seriously. “I cum a lot. Like.... a freakish amount. Just a warning.” Dan nodded and jerked himself off too, the anticipation of Brendan’s “freakish” load weighing heavy in his mind. Maybe it would be- But the floodgates opened right there. Brendan howled, roared, grunted, all at once, unleashing a torrent of cum straight at the ready and willing Dan. A few shots hit him straight in the mouth, some going down his throat and the rest dribbling down his chin and onto his chest. It felt awesome, of course- hot, thick, and of course, bearing the same musky smell as all the rest of Brandon. Dan felt shot after shot fly off Brendan’s cock, getting everywhere; into his mouth, on his chest, on the floor and even onto Dan’s own cock as he jerked. He lost count by now- what was it, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen?! His mind descended into bliss, his own cock slick with saliva and Brendan’s cum, finally shooting his own load onto the floor as his body crumpled under fatigue and bliss into the puddle of cum on the bathroom floor. “Fuck, Dan,” said Brendan, spent and breathing heavily. “Well, now you’re a part of it too.”
  12. ToolShedCub

    Cubs Muscle up

    Cubs Muscle up Amazing Transformations Disclaimer: This is a story about unprotected consensual sex between men. If this offends you then do not read on. If you are under the age of 18 then please close this document. Chapter 1: The Beginning I was a normal 20 year old kid with the exception that he was gay, and attracted to muscle bears (big Muscular hairy gay men). Not only was I attracted to musclebears, but I also wanted to be one. At 5 foot 8 inches and 150 pounds I was quite scrawny and unattractive. Anyway, let me introduce myself. My name is Chad and I live in California. The mecca of gay musclebears. I'm also attending UCLA as chemistry major. One Friday night (yeah I have no life) I was working late in the lab working on a new batch of glow goo (I sell em to the rave kids for some extra cash) when a small quake hit and knocked some extra stuff into my formula. "Great, now I have to start over" I thought when I noticed that some of my mess had dripped into the mouse cage. Oliver (the mouse) was lying on its back twitching and got noticeably bigger. After the twitching was done he got up and seemed to be fine with one exception. The mouse was bending his water nozzle. "Well THAT shouldn't happen" I back tracked through what happened, analyzed the new "goo" and after I determined that it wasn't toxic I ran some more tests. This stuff was great! It seemed to enhance the muscle and bone structure of the one who drank it. Well since I made 5 gallons of the stuff I bottled it up and took it home. I live alone so nobody would interrupt me while I test it on my self. I decided that the best thing to wear was a little pair of running shorts and then setup my video camera and some mirrors to document the experiment. I poured out a full 8 oz helping, stared at it for a bit, downed it and waited. It seemed like forever and then I started to feel funny. Kind of nauseated and warm. Then came the convulsions. My stomach hurt so bad I thought I was gonna die. I managed to look up at the mirror on the ceiling (it wasn't hard since I was laying down) and I saw it happen my shoulders broadened and my chest was getting bigger. More convulsions. It started happening faster. Arms, legs, back, they were all getting huge. My shorts also started to feel really tight too. The crotch bulged up enormously then they ripped and out popped the biggest cock and balls I had ever seen. I was also sprouting fur and then it stopped. I stood up and looked in the mirror. I was BIG. I was a muscle bear. But I wasn't as big as I wanted to be so I drank a few more ounces. After that transformation I looked again and saw an ursine muscle GOD. I had a bit of a tummy but man was I massive. I looked down at my crotch and almost fainted. I was getting turned on by my bod but when I saw my cock I got hard immediately. And it was huge! I grabbed a tape measure. 12.5 inches long and 8 inches around and I was horny as hell! I was taller too. I jumped up to 6'3". I had to share this discovery so I called Jerry. "Jerry, hey u busy?" "No. Why?" Jerry is a long time buddy and bear chaser too. "I was in the lab last night and whipped up something wild" "Oh like what?" "Well come over and see" "Now?" "Sure why not. I think I might be able to fulfill one of your dreams" "What? Ummm.. Ok gimme a sec I have to put some clothes on" "Ok do you still have some of Jeff’s clothes?" "Ya why?" "Just bring them" "Ok be there in a sec" 5 minutes later Jerry knocked on the door. When I let him in he almost died. "What the fuck happed to you?!?!?!" "Remember the quake earlier?" "Yeah" "Well I was makin some glow goo and some other stuff spilled in. This is the result." "Wow. Awesome! You’re huge! Man can I get that big?" "Sure can. Strip down to your boxers and drink this" I handed Jerry 12 oz of the magic Juice. "Swallow this and lay here on the floor. It's safer and u can see your self up there." "Ok" Jerry drank it and laid down. I flipped on the camera and started the filming. "How long does it take?" "About 10 minutes. Let me know when u start feeling tingly" About 7 minutes later he started changing "I feel weird. Kinda like I'm sick. My tummy hurts" "It's Ok that is natural just relax" "Oh my god! What's happening?!" For the next 5 minutes Jerry twitched and grew and became more sexy right before my eyes. The beach towel that I had on started to tent and eventually fell off as my dick reached it's full size. When it was all said and done Jerry laid there sweating and breathing hard like he had run a mile. "My god that was intense?" "It was hot too. Look at your self" "Oh jesus. I'm huge!" "Just like me let's measure each other. You measure me first." "Ok. Biceps... 35 inches, chest...80, waist..42, thighs....40, calves....24 GOD DAMN!" "Don't forget the last muscle. I measured it earlier 12.5x8" "Holy fuck!" "Ok ok. Now you. Bicep....30, chest...59, waist...44, thighs...30, calves...20, and last but not least cock...11x7. Wow were awesome!" "Hell yeah! I'm horny too" "I noticed. I am too" I started rubbing Jerry's massive hair chest tweaking a nip. He moaned and his cock twitched. He grabbed my head and gave me the biggest hottest kiss I have ever had. Our hands roamed our massive muscle bear bodies. Jerry dropped to his knees and swallowed as much of my dick as he could which surprisingly was about ¾ of it. I almost came right there but I survived 20 minutes of the best head in the world. I was determined to swallow his whole dick. I laid him down and dove down. Forcing huge amounts of cock down my throat. Finally I managed to get it all then I backed off and proceeded to give him the sucking of his life. "OH FUCK STOP!" "Why?" "I don't want to cum yet. I want us to fuck each other first" "Ok!" I got out some lube and slicked up my cock. "Is it hot in here?" "Yeah I'm sweating" I got all slicked up, bent Jerry over and started pushing. GOD he was tight! He moaned as I slid inch after inch up his hot hole. When I finally had all 12 inches up in him he stood up and flexed his ass muscles. "FUCK that feels good" "Yeah 12 inches of muscle bear cock! You like that? You like this big dick up your ass?" "Fuck yeah bear FUCK ME!" For the next 30 minutes I plowed Jerry's ass in as many positions as I could think of. God it was hot. I was dripping sweat and I was getting close to cumming. "I'm getting close man" "Fuck yeah do, it cum!" I could feel it build and it was gonna be a big one. Pistoning in and out of Jerry's ass like a man possessed then it happened I came. I roared and let loose the biggest load of my life, that sent Jerry off and there was cum every where. He must have soaked a 4 foot radius and I dumped so much cum up his ass that every time I moved in him it splashed out. I continued to gently pump as we kissed and cuddled and after a while we decided to shower and get some food. After we had fed our face I looked at Jerry. I had an idea. "I think we should recruit more people. Daily orgies would be fun" "Hell yeah but who?" "I have a few ideas." Stay tuned for the next chapter....... Questions? Comments?
  13. Ziel

    Social Dickstancing

    With the pandemic in full swing, Dallas had been effectively furloughed. There was no telling when things would return to some semblance of normalcy, and there was even less telling when he was going to get around to getting another job. He had enough money in savings to coast on for a while. In fact, the only reason he had stuck with his current job as long as he had was because he had been caught up in the constant grind of his daily life. Now that that grind had ground to a halt, he found that he had a unique opportunity. Dallas had long wanted to bulk up, but he never had the time. Now he had all the time in the world! He ordered a weight bench and some barbells from Amazon, and within a week he had his own indoor gym, and as fate would have it, no sooner had he placed the order than he started getting targeted ads in his inbox. He ignored most of these outright. He had done his research before buying his equipment, so he knew what brands to get and what supplements were right for him, but for some reason one caught his eye. He had never even heard of this new supplement before, and the promises were too good to be true. Best of all, the price tag could not be beat. Against his better judgement, Dallas placed an order for the stuff, and within days he had a fresh jug of protein powder delivered directly to his doorstep. With no social obligations to attend to, no work that needed done, and a fridge stocked full of food, there was nothing stopping Dallas from spending the foreseeable future holed up in his apartment, and that’s exactly what he did. On the very first day of his self-imposed quarantine, Dallas set up his weight bench, popped some powder, and really went ham on his reps. He never knew he could have so much energy or bench so much! It was his first day on the weights and yet he was lifting weights like the pros. From that point on, Dallas benched like a man possessed. The breaks he took were few and far between. If not for bathroom breaks and general hygiene, he wouldn’t have even left the weight set he had set up where his couch once sat. He ate and slept at the bench, and all he ate was the powder sent to him by Bulk Enterprises. The days went by in a sort of fever dream. By end of the first day, Dallas realized his clothes felt uncomfortable, but he didn’t think much of it. By the end of the second day, his clothes felt positively suffocating, but he could barely even think about what that meant. When he awoke on the third day, he tried to pull up his gym shorts and found that he couldn’t even get them over his quads. Dallas shrugged and tossed aside his shorts. It’s not like he needed them. He wasn’t going anywhere, and it’s not like there was anyone here to see him. Besides, even if someone did see him, he wasn’t afraid to show a little skin. He looked fantastic, and he felt even better! Dallas continued his fevered exercise regimen sans clothing. The feeling of his bare skin against the cool leather of the exercise bench spurred him on more and more. He loved the feeling of the pump of his swelling muscles. He loved the cool air-conditioned air against his glistening brawn. He loved the way his fat cock and hefty nuts swung between his legs as he did his squats and lunges. He felt like his cock was in a perpetual state of chubbed up. He wasn’t sure if it was just his imagination or if it was a side effect of the constant rush endorphins coursing through his body as he continued to pump iron day in and day out, but he loved how it felt, and he especially loved how it looked. In the few breaks he took from working out, he marveled at how thick his cock looked. He couldn’t be sure, but he felt like it was bigger than it was at the start of the week. For some reason he couldn’t really recall what he looked like at the start of the week. He was sure that he was what you would call “average” but what was average, really? As far as denizens of his apartment went, he was as average as they come, and it had been so long since he had seen anyone else, that he had no real basis for comparison. He hadn’t even so much as turned on the TV since he started pumping iron. The days continued to stretch on with no sign of the quarantine or Dallas’s own exercise regimen letting up. Each day he would wake up, he would scoop some handfuls of powder into his mouth and wash it down with some milk, and then hit the weights. When the sun inevitably set, Dallas would stagger over to the shower and hose off and then pass out for the night. Showering was a major ordeal. It seemed to take him forever to get clean, and it wasn’t because of the stink of sweat. The stall he called a shower was too small for his buff bod and fat cock. Dallas grumbled every time he tried to get in. He knew he had had to make some concessions to get a cheap apartment, but this was ridiculous. What was this? A shower for ants? It was barely big enough to wash his balls! Fortunately, the shower head was mounted on a hose so he could get every angle of his body. Otherwise there was no way he could ever get clean in that cramped stall. By the time Saturday rolled around, Dallas’s powder keg was running on empty. For dinner he upended the tub and pounded the base of the drum hoping to catch the last bit of powder on his tongue. He knew he needed to order more of the stuff, but that would have to wait. They weren’t open over the weekend so the soonest he could even order more would be in two days. Dallas wasn’t fully satisfied with the small amount of powder he had ingested, but he couldn’t even think of eating real food anymore. He shrugged, showered, and laid down for the night. Dallas woke up bright and early the next morning. To say he felt strange would be an understatement. It was as if he was waking up from a dream he had been wrapped up in for almost a week! For the first time since he had started power slamming the powder, he was fully conscious of what had been happening. He looked around his apartment and gawked at what he saw. Everything was so tiny! Dallas’ gawking was derailed by a terse knock at the door. Dallas recognized the gruff voice instantly. “I know yer in there. I can hear ya stompin’ around. Your mailbox has been filled for days. If you don’t empty it soon, I’m gonna start throwing it away!” barked the landlord. Hearing another human voice for the first time in what felt like years was so disorienting for Dallas. Just how long had he been alone in here? It was just a week, right? Truth be told, he hadn’t been counting the days. Each day was a fever dream of food and irons. Somewhere in the back of his mind he had assigned arbitrary days to each exercise. The only real calendar he had to go off of was the date on his phone, and he could no longer remember what day he had started working out. Dallas figured he’d have time to sort things out later. First things first, he felt like he should collect the mail he had been neglecting for what felt like forever. If nothing else, getting some semblance of normalcy back to his life would help him clear his head, but no sooner had Dallas resolved to do this than he discovered the first of many issues. He had nothing to wear! It wasn’t that he didn’t own clothes. He had plenty. He had clothes for every occasion, but the clothes he owned was now tailored for someone several sizes smaller than he. He couldn’t even get a single foot in his gym shorts let alone a leg, let alone two! His t-shirts looked like they were toddler sized! Even his socks were too tiny to fit over his massive feet. Dallas checked the time on his phone. It was still early yet. He doubted many people would be awake this time of day. He could sneak out, snag his mail, and sneak back before anyone even realized he was streaking. With that plan relatively in mind, Dallas set forth. He was amazed when he reached his doorway and found that it was far too small for him. The upper rim of the door frame came up to about his belly button! He was now so tall that his head scraped against the ceiling even while he was hunched over like Sasquatch, and that was saying nothing of his girth! Dallas was now so massive and muscular that he was easily three times as wide as the door frame. Even just one thick, sculpted pec was as wide as the door itself! Hell, even his cock was thicker than the door frame! Dallas gawked at his soft cock which now dangled so low that the tip of it scraped the floor as he walked. Given the way his soft cock jutted out in front of him and draped over his colossal nuts, his softie had to be longer than his legs! Numbers raced in his mind. How tall was he now? Ten? Twelve feet? He couldn’t remember how tall his ceiling was in his apartment. Then how long were his legs? Five feet? Maybe six? His soft cock was at least six feet long!? His cock was bigger than most people he knew! Just thinking about that made his soft cock swell up slightly. He didn’t want to admit it, but the mere thought of dwarfing people with his dick alone got him hot under the collar… if he wore a shirt that is. Dallas knew he’d have plenty of time to take stock of his size later. If he didn’t hurry, he’d soon run into the morning crowd, and the last thing he wanted was to be spotted in his current state. He quickly opened the door and set to work extricating himself from the apartment. Getting out of his apartment was easier said than done. Not only was he far taller than his door frame – almost twice as tall in fact! But he also was far, far wider as well. There was no way to get through the normal way. He had to squat down and try to squeeze through sideways. Even then it was a tight fit. His pecs were so thick that even sideways they filled up just about every inch of the doorway. The door frame groaned in protest as he forced his brawn through the entryway. Finally, he had managed to get his body into the hall, but that still left his bait and tackle. His cock would be easy enough. It was thicker than the doorway, sure, but at least it was still relatively soft. He could squeeze it through. His balls were more challenging. Either enormous nut was far wider than the door, and he could only squeeze them so much before it went from pleasurable to painful. He had to slowly ease each enormous orb through the doorway. Somehow the act of getting his package out of his apartment was therapeutic. It was so absurd in its own way that he couldn’t even think of it as his cock and balls. It was more like moving a sofa out of his apartment than it was pulling his nuts through the doorway. Once every inch of Dallas’s enormous body was into the hallway, he stood up to his full height for the first time in days. The ceiling in the open areas between apartments was quite a bit higher than the apartment ceilings, but it was still a tight fit. His head brushed against the ceiling, and he did have to duck a little bit under the domed lights the dotted the ceiling, and Dallas was so broad and brawny that even the hallway was a tight fit for his wingspan. His triceps pressed against the walls on either side, and his nutsack was even wider! He had to shuffle awkwardly along by pushing his nuts forward with his feet as he moved. He waddled like a penguin trying to carry an egg on his feet only the egg was proportionally several times larger than any egg a penguin would try to carry. Not to mention he had two of them! Despite the awkwardness of the situation, Dallas found himself getting excited. He couldn’t tell what it was that did it. Was it the fear of getting caught? Was it the glimpses of his own buff bod he occasionally caught on reflective black ball covering the occasional security camera? Was it the feeling of his enormous nuts resting solidly on his feet? Whatever the case may be, he was flying at half mast as he waddled. He had always been a bit of a grower and not a shower, and it seemed his growth spurt hadn’t changed that. He had gone from a six-foot softy to almost ten feet of semi-boned wang wobbling in front of him. He had a cock bigger than most couches! Hell, he had a cock bigger than some minivans! Fortunately, Dallas lived on the ground floor. He didn’t have any stairwells to deal with, and he only had a short walk to the mailboxes. No sooner had he reached the mailbox than he realized a flaw in his plan. He had no pants, and that meant no pockets. He had forgotten his key! He knew he’d need to force his back into his apartment, get the key, force his way back out, and then waddle his way back to the mailbox! It was already getting so late that he was surprised no one else had walked out on him. Dallas soon realized yet another flaw in his plan. His cock was now beyond semi’d. His rock-hard twelve-foot rod now jutted out in front of him in such a way that there was no way he’d be able to turn around in these narrow hallways. Even out in the front lobby where the mailboxes were, there was not enough room to turn around. He doubted he’d even be able to get back into his apartment with his hard-on in the way. So where did that leave him? Did he have to wait for it to go down? Did he step outside, get out into the open, and then turn around and go back in? Even if he did that, he’d still not be able to get into his apartment until his stiffy died down. It seemed like the most efficient method of moving things along would be to blow his load, but that presented a whole slew of new problems. Did he do it right there in the lobby? The mere thought of it caused his already rock-hard cock to give a lurch of delight. A gigantic, softball-sized bead of pre formed on the tip of his colossal cock. He didn’t want to admit how much the thought excited him, but it was hard to deny the physical evidence. As luck would have it, Dallas didn’t have long to ponder his plight. The sound of the big gob of pre splashing down on the dingy carpet blow seemed to snap him from his reveries and bring his attention to the tiny figure which now stood directly in front of him. Dallas had not been paying too much attention to his surroundings, and even if he had it would have been easy to miss the sight of the guy who now stood eye to eye with his one-eyed monster. Dallas could only barely see a bit of the dude’s hair poking out above the rim of his puffed-up cock head. “Oh, hey… didn’t see you there…” Dallas said awkwardly. There was a moment where neither person said anything. Dallas fidgeted a bit in place. He felt a bit out of place for more reasons than one. Not only was he bare-assed naked, but his rock-hard cock was now mere inches from this dude’s eyes. Dallas wasn’t sure what the social protocol was on something like this. Even without social distancing rules in effect, what do you even say to a dude you almost bowled over with a cock that’s bigger than his whole body? Finally, Dallas decided to break eye contact between his cock and his co-resident. Dallas pushed down on his rock-hard shaft so that his dick head was no longer pointed directly at the dude’s face. Dallas was shocked to see the identity of the new arrival. Dallas had long had a sort of crush on his neighbor, but he had never been able to work up the nerve to say more than the cursory small talk whenever they passed in the hallway. They knew each other’s names, but that was about it. As Dallas stared down at the dude who now didn’t even reach his belly button, Dallas found it hard to believe that just a week ago Corbin had been a solid foot taller than him! Hell, Corbin had been bigger than Dallas in every day. Corbin was a 6’5, buff bombshell of a bro. Corbin looked like he had walked off the cover of a men’s fitness magazine, and the bulge in his jogging shorts made it clear that Corbin was well above average beneath the belt as well. Now it was Corbin’s turn to ogle how huge his neighbor had become. Now that Dallas had moved his cock out of the way, he could see the look of pure lust in Corbin’s eyes. Corbin looked downright feral. Just seeing the horny glint in his neighbor’s eyes made Dallas’s goliath cock give a lurch of approval. It seemed like that was all the incitement that Corbin needed. He leaned forward and ran his tongue across the tip of Dallas’s enormous cock – all the while keeping his eyes fixed on Dallas’s own. Dallas’s mind was racing. On one hand this was like a dream come true. In fact, he wasn’t even sure if he was actually awake. For all he knew he was still dreaming and the whole last week had just been part of his dream, but it felt so real! But then what if it was real? Was his crush really blowing him right here in the lobby!? Dallas panicked and blurted out the first thing that came to mind, “Hey, uh… aren’t we supposed to be keeping apart?” Corbin chuckled. His laughter was like music to Dallas’s ears. Those sweet tones made Dallas weak in the knees and hard in the cock. “What are you talking about?” Corbin teased, “As I see it, we’re at least ten feet apart.” Dallas couldn’t argue with that – not that he wanted to. No sooner had Corbin planted another kiss on the tip of Dallas’s cockhead than Dallas felt his legs give out from under him. He was so hot and bothered that his knees felt like jelly. The entire building shuddered as Dallas’s massive, muscular form landed flat on its ass. Seeing how much power he had over the titan made Corbin smirk, and seeing the devious smile made Dallas even harder. “That’s right. Just lay back and let me have my fun,” Corbin cooed. Dallas could feel what little self-control he had left slipping. Corbin’s voice was music to his ears, and his massive cock felt so amazing. Just feeling how tiny Corbin’s lips and tongue and hands and fingers felt against his own colossal cock head drove him wild. It was equal parts the feeling of his crush tending to his cock and the sheer scope and scale of his own cock that was driving Dallas over the edge. Corbin just felt so damn tiny compared to how huge Dallas had become. Just thinking about it made pre flow freely from Dallas’s cock. What had once been a single softball-sized bead of pre was now a full-on fountain. Dallas had never been one to leak pre, but that seemed to have changed with the size of his schlong. “Fuck, you’re so hot,” Corbin moaned. Dallas wanted to return the sentiments, but all he could do was moan in bliss as Corbin dug his fingers deeper into the soft, sensitive tissue of Dallas’s glans. “I doubt we have long before people come to investigate…” Corbin mused out loud. For a brief second, Dallas thought this meant Corbin was having second thoughts. Dallas’s heart sunk and his cock ached for relief, but it was soon apparent that Corbin was not ready to quit just yet. “Let’s move things along, shall we?” Corbin asked impishly. Dallas wasn’t about to argue even if he had wanted to. All he could do was lie there and writhe in delight as Corbin played with his colossal cock. It seemed that not only the size had increased astronomically but the sensation as well! Dallas was so wracked with euphoric bliss that he could barely keep his trembling cock from blasting spunk all over the lobby. Dallas heard the sound of fabric shuffling, but he couldn’t quite tell what was going on. He leaned over to the side and craned his neck to try and peer around the solid wall of his own fat column of cock. He managed to catch a brief glimpse of the scene on the other end of his cock, and even just a glimpse was enough to cause his cock to lurch once more causing a spray of pre to arc across the lobby. Corbin had pulled his jogging shorts completely off. Corbin’s own impressive rod was flying free for all to see and standing completely at attention! It seemed that Corbin was almost as hot and bothered as Dallas was! Just seeing a glimpse of Corbin’s cock was enough to make Dallas want to feel it with his bare hands – to taste it on his tongue! Dallas tried to get up, but he only got so far as propping himself up on his elbows before Corbin chided him playfully. “Ah, ah, ah. Remember. Six feet of separation,” Corbin said with a smirk. Dallas wanted to argue. If Corbin was serious about this social distancing, he’d at least be wearing a mask or something, but as it was, Corbin was now wearing nothing at all! Dallas didn’t have the remaining mental faculties to organize such a complaint though. He was completely at the mercy of his own libido and his lewd neighbor. “That’s right. Just sit back and let me have my fun,” Corbin said with a chuckle. Dallas almost came right then and there just from hearing Corbin’s voice, but he was soon glad he didn’t. Dallas wasn’t sure what he was feeling at first. It felt like some pressure around the opening of his cock followed by pure pleasure pushing into the slit. Dallas was so wracked with bliss that he could barely even focus his eyes, but the brief glimpse of his crush that he caught made it obvious what was going on. Corbin had a hand on either side of Dallas’s fat cock and was rocking his hips back and forth and he rammed his cock deep into Dallas’s own dick. Dallas had long dreamed of having his hot neighbor have his way with him, but never in his wildest dreams had he imagined it like this! Dallas could only whine and writhe as the object of his desire fucked his cock as if it was a sopping wet pussy. Dallas could only imagine what it would feel like to have an actual pussy. He doubted it could ever feel as amazing as his dick did in this moment. He wouldn’t trade his massive cock for anything in the world, and that went double now that he knew what Corbin was capable of. Dallas wanted to feel like this forever. He wanted to feel his crush’s thick rod plunging deep into his own colossal cock. He wanted to feel the slap of Corbin’s thighs against the tip of his over-sensitive cock head. He wanted to hear the melodious grunts of Corbin’s ragged breathing as the stud pounded away at Dallas’s pre-drooling slit. Dallas didn’t last much longer. The sensation and the scenario worked together to bring him to climax in record time. Fortunately, it seemed like Corbin was finishing up as well. Corbin rammed his cock in nice and deep one final time and held it there and he grunted and moaned. Dallas could only imagine the torrent of jizz being shot deep into his dick. It was then that the dam broke for Dallas as well. Dallas let out a moan that reverberated through the apartment complex. Cum erupted from his cock and splashed against Corbin’s thighs. Dallas came again and again, completely drenching the object of his desire with spunk with each consecutive shot. Cum oozed down Corbin’s legs and pooled on the carpet. Jizz splashed off of Corbin’s thighs and splattered against the tacky wallpaper, and still Dallas kept cumming. Soon Corbin was spent, but Dallas showed no signs of stopping. Corbin staggered back and braced himself against the wall as he let the warm, thick shots of spunk wash over him. There was no telling how long the two stayed there enjoying the afterglow. Even after Dallas’s cumshots eventually tapered off, the two remained, panting for breath and basking in the euphoria. Eventually it was Corbin who first recovered enough to talk. “When this all blows over, we’ll have to get together for some real fun,” he said with a saucy wink. Dallas could only grunt and nod in reply. He was once again struck by how damn sexy Corbin was. Corbin had always been hot as hell, and somehow seeing him coated in Dallas’s own spunk just seemed to amplify his already astounding allure. Dallas watched as Corbin picked up his drenched jogging clothes and trotted away towards his apartment. Dallas once again admired Corbin’s buff bod. Corbin really had an ass to die for… and did he seem a little bigger than before?
  14. **Note from Author: hey everyone, this is my first ever story on the forum, so be easy on me. I’m heavily inspired by @dredlifter’s hot stories, and I wished there was more content like his, so I decided to start something. Let me know what you think!** “Colton!!” My friend Shawn barrels down the hall, hugging me tight. I had just finished moving my stuff back into my dorm room for my Sophomore year at college, and I was very excited to be living on the same floor as all my best friends. I hadn’t seen them all summer, and to be honest, we weren’t very good at keeping up via text, but I knew we would be able to pick it right back up. “Hey Shawn!” I say, settling down from the hug. “How has your summer been?” “Great!” Shawn says, running his tan fingers through his blonde hair, which has grown out a little bit longer from what I remembered. “I have been skateboarding a lot this summer, and just spending a lot of time exploring the city. You’ll never guess what I..” At that point, our friend, and Shawn’s roommate, James comes out of the floor elevator, arms full of stuff and yells over at us. We run over and start helping him out. We head down to his car, and realize he has at least 4 more loads to bring up, even with all of us helping. “James, I didn’t realize you had so much shit!” I say, lugging a oscillating fan over my shoulder. “Whatever,” James snarks, “You’re young, and you guys are in shape, you can do a few loads.” “In shape” might have been somewhat of an overstatement. I’m about 6 feet tall, 190ish pounds, some of it is muscle, but I definitely like to eat a little more than I like to go to the gym. Shawn and James are about the same height as well, but they’re quite a bit skinnier than me, at about 155 pounds. I was always jealous of their metabolism, but I am proud of the few muscles I have that they would never be able to have. “Yeah, this isn’t gonna be a big deal.” Shawn says, grabbing one of the bigger suitcases and carrying it back towards the dorm. I never really thought Shawn could carry something that heavy, but I’m glad to not have to carry that up later. After a couple trips, we’re pretty sweaty, covered in August sweat, with a few more trips to go. James whips off his shirt, revealing his slender body, and Shawn and I follow suit, although I am always somewhat hesitant to strip, as I’m a little uncomfortable with my extra fluff. I look over at Shawn, and he’s tan as hell and, although still thin, has the ridges or abs and the start of some pecs and biceps balling up as he moves around. “Damn Shawn, you been eating like crazy this summer?!” James notes. “Something like that!” Shawn says, dismissively, as he jokingly flexes at us, his newly existent biceps popping up. He grabs a bottle of water, and I look at Shawn directly for the first time since we have gotten back. Is he a little taller than me? I mean, we’re 20, so he might’ve had some puberty left in him. I hope I’ve got that coming up soon too... He looks good. I guess I’ve always thought he looks good. His blonde hair, his smooth, thin body, and his pretty big dick, which I’ve seen in the dorm showers quite a few times. He’s not shy. Maybe I’m just more self conscious than my friends... I only recently have come to grips with the fact that I am gay. You’d think I would know that, what with all the gay porn I’ve watched since I was a kid, but it took a lot of therapy to undo the religious guilt I felt. I know Shawn isn’t gay, because he’s pretty obsessed with this girl Izzy from his Bio class last semester, and he’s not afraid to share all the details with us. I haven’t told Shawn and James that I’m gay yet, it felt weird to text them over the summer, but I plan to soon. Maybe later this week. Before school ramps up, for sure. We finally finish unloading all of James’ stuff, and we chill in their room for a little while, just catching up about our summers. “I mostly just worked,” James shares. “My dad’s bakery has been booming, and I needed the cash. I’ve gotten pretty good at baking though! Too bad we have to live in the dorms for two years here.. I guess I may not be able to maintain my skills!” “I bet we could bake at Izzy’s place!” Shawn says. We look over at him, surprised. “Oh, haha, I guess I forgot to text y’all, I had my internship here over the summer, and she was actually one of the other interns. We got to talking, and we’ve now been dating for a few months now!” “Congrats man!” I say, crossing my legs, trying not to plump up think of Shawn’s now-wiry body pulsing next to Izzy, “She lives close?” “Yeah, just across the street. You’ll probably have the room to yourself quite a bit, James.” Shawn laughs, and nudges James, winking. We roll our eyes, and James asks, “It is too bad Alex has to drop out over the summer. Do you know who your new roommate is?” I had been planning to room with our friend Alex this year, but a few weeks ago his Mom passed away, and he had to take a gap year. I had hoped nobody else would sign up for my room, but a few days ago someone named Kyle showed up on the housing website. I tried looking him up on social media, but all he had was a Facebook account that hasn’t been updated in 4 years. The profile picture wasn’t even a picture of him, just some artwork from a video game I didn’t recognize. “I don’t know him, but his name is Kyle!” I say. “He seems like a nerd, so we will probably get along, I hope.” “Oh cool. ” James says, “I’m surprised we haven’t seen him moving in yet!” “Yeah, but we have been in here a little while. You guys want to head back to my room with me, and see if he’s in there?” “I’m actually gonna shower up, and head over to Izzy’s place.” Shawn says, “I want to have some ‘quality time’ before we start feeling the stress of the semester. She had something she wanted to give me too, but she said it was a secret.” “Huh.” I say, “You will have to keep us in the loop. What about you James, you in to meet my roommate?” “Nah, I’m pretty pooped. I think I’m gonna crash for the night. I’ll meet him tomorrow!” “No worries. Probably better to not swarm him all at once anyways.” I head out of their room, and head across the hall to my room, the door propped open. I look in, and on the other wall of our room is a giant pride flag, with the correlating desk covered in Drag race stickers, pride kitsch, all the works. “I guess Kyle’s gay too,” I think to myself. I hope he’s hot. Or maybe I don’t. I’m still figuring out myself as a gay guy. Even if he was hot, available, and wanted to fuck his roommate, I wasn’t sure if I was ready. I piddle around the room, setting up my desk just the way I want, anxious to meet my roommate. After about 20 minutes, the door creaks open more, and a little guy, wrapped in a towel, furry chest on display, comes in. “Oh hey! You must be Colton!” He says, “I’m Kyle! Nice to meet you. Sorry I’m just hopping out of the shower. I have been moving in for the past little while!” “Nice to meet you too Kyle!” I stand up, walking over to shake his hand. As I walk over, I realize just how short he is, his eyes about on level with my collar bones. After I shake his hand, and we chit chat for a bit he starts getting dressed, changing locker room style, keeping the towel on even after putting on shorts. He’s a shy little cutie, but not really my type. I’m relieved. I think we’ll get along, and it will be good to have another gay guy around as I work on coming out to everyone. It’s a small school, so I haven’t known any other out gay men. Not that I have been looking, before now. After we settle in, he starts playing league of legends on his computer, headphones on, and I start playing the FFVII remake I tried to finish before school started. Just as I’m getting in the groove, there’s a knock on my door. “Come in.” Kyle shouts at the door, not looking up from his game. “Hey!” Shawn peeks in, “I’m Shawn, one of Colton’s friends. I live right down the hall. I just wanted to swing in to see if Colton wanted to come workout with me in the morning, before classes start.” “Workout?! Since when?” I say. “Just a few weeks ago,” Shawn says, blushing. “Izzy was telling me that she likes her men buff, so I’m trying to fulfill the fantasy.” “Ah! That’s why you look the way you do. I’m in, having some accountability should help me stay to a regimen. What time?” “Pretty early, like 6?” “Yeah, sounds good.” I reply. At this point, Kyle pulls his headphones down and looks over, “do y’all mind if I tag along? I just transferred, and I don’t really know anybody.” “Yeah, totally.” Shawn replies. “Our friend James might eventually join us too, but when I asked him, he looked at me like a maniac. His loss, when the three of us are jacked, he’ll be struggling to keep up!” I find myself crossing my legs once again at the thought of a jacked Shawn, but I laugh, and tell him to have a good time with Izzy. As Shawn heads out, Kyle wraps up his game, and pulls his headphones off and looks over at me. “I don’t mean to butt in, I hope I’m not crashing the party by asking to come along to the gym!” “No way,” I say, adamantly shaking my head. “Why would you even say that?” “I just don’t mean to.. intrude.” He pauses, “I know how it feels to have interrupted time with a crush.” “A crush?” I ask. “Oh!” Kyle asks, “I guess I misread the situation. I just felt some chemistry between you two.” “Well, to be honest, you’re not wrong.” I admit. “I have had a little bit of a crush on him, but I only recently even realized I was gay. I planned to come out to my friends tonight, but it just didn’t happen. I don’t think they’d care, but they’re also somewhat aloof. How’d you know?” “Call it men’s intuition,” he says. “You’re cute. You should be more confident. I mean, he seems straight, so maybe a confident crush on someone else?” “Haha, thanks for the advice, gay oracle.” I joke. “I’m just telling it like I see it. Do you know if there are any cute guys that will be at the gym tomorrow?” “Not sure, I never really go to the campus gym in the mornings. I’m more of an evening workout guy.” “Well, I’ll dress up, just in case.” And with that, Kyle puts his headphones back on and starts up another game. I grab a seltzer out of my fridge, play a little more of my game, and start wrapping up for bed. I’m wiped from the day, and end up turning in for the night pretty quickly. I fall asleep fast, not even disturbed by the clicking of the mouse echoing from Kyle’s rig, which would usually keep me up. I wake up around 5:45 to my alarm, and see Kyle already up and ready, stretching in some tight little shorts and XS JJ Malibu tank, showing off his tight butt, and surprisingly wide back. “Oh hey!” He says, seeing me get up and changed pretty quickly. “Do you want to head over to Shawn’s room, or meet him there?” “Let’s head across the hall. I’m about ready.” I say, slipping on an old t shirt, while brushing my teeth. I leave the room, Kyle following behind, and we head to Shawn and James’ room. I jiggle the handle, the door unlocked like usual, and there was Shawn, ready to go, in a shirt that looks just a little too tight on him, mixing something into a cup. “Hey guys,” he says, keeping his voice low to not wake up his roommate. “Izzy gave me some protein powder last night that her dad’s company makes. Do you want some?” “Nah,” I say. I always feel like my metabolism can’t keep up with the extra calories, I do my best to keep from gaining weight. Maybe protein would help, but I have just never felt comfortable with it. “I wouldn’t mind some!” Kyle pipes up, “I wouldn’t mind bulking up a bit. Maybe I can make up for my height with some more width!” Shawn whips up a water bottle for Kyle, and we head down the stairs and towards the campus gym. A perk of such a small campus is just how easy it is to walk everywhere. We get to the gym and head to the weight area. Shawn and Kyle look a little lost, I know Shawn has never stepped foot in this gym, and Kyle is probably looking at the early morning gym bros. They’re there en masse, the gym is much more crowded than I thought it would be. At least there’s views, and I look over at Kyle, who raises his eyebrows at me, gesturing at all the buff men, giving me a big thumbs up. I gesture over to the dumbbell rack, and start warming up with some 25 pounders. Shawn comes up next to me and warms up with some 10 pounders, and Kyle heads straight to the squat rack. I quickly move up to my max, this summer I was able to curl the 40s for reps, which I have been pretty proud of. I was surprised to see Shawn not far behind, curling the 30s with quite a bit of fervor. I go through my workout like usual, and Shawn follows behind me, obviously copying my workout. I don’t mind, and it feels good to be lifting more than him. Although, not as much more as I thought I would be. He’s only about 10-20 pounds behind me in most lifts. He must’ve really gone for it over the summer, getting those beginner gains before we got here. I look over at Kyle, and he’s talking to a few other guys at the squat rack, his shorts riding dangerously high on his ass, while a few others around him look on. He’s a bottom on a mission, and he’s letting the whole gym know. After about 45 minutes we wrap up with some stretches. Kyle starts talking to Shawn, “that’s the best I’ve ever felt during a workout. That protein powder was great!” “Yeah, Izzy said that it’s a new experimental protein. I didn’t really understand everything she was saying, but it has some preworkout components to it, so it just jazzes you up.” “I definitely feel ‘jazzed up’, but I thought it was just the men in there!” Kyle says, laughing. I laugh too, but I take a quick glimpse at his shorts, noticing he’s sporting a noticeable semi, as is Shawn. Welp, look at that, so am I now. We head down to the showers, and Shawn strips naked immediately. He looks great, his pump making him look even bigger than he did yesterday, and... do I find myself looking up into his eyes? I mean, I guess I noticed that he grew yesterday, but it’s even more noticeable now. I try not to look down, but there I go anyways, and I see his dick, still somewhat hard, looking as great as ever. I quickly head over to a shower stall and lock it, hoping I didn’t stare too much, or my erection was too noticeable. Him and Kyle follow shortly behind, taking the stalls to my left and right. The water starts flowing, and I get in and out. As I walk back to my locker, I notice that Shawn didn’t quite close the stall door all the way, and he’s straight up jerking off in the stall. He’s playing with his nipple while he leans against the wall, and looks like he is in pure ecstasy. Filing that away for later. I change, and, not wanting to wait around too long, head back to my room on my own. About 20 minutes later I hear some laughter coming down the hallway, and Kyle joins me in the room. “Hey Colton! Where did you go?!” “Oh, I just didn’t want to wait around for y’all. I take quick showers.” “Yeah, sorry about that. I usually do too, but I was just so horny, I ended up jerking off in the shower! It’s like I had to!! I have never felt that way before. I’m telling you, Colton, that protein powder is something else. I feel great too!! I mean, look at me! This is the best I have ever looked!” With that, Kyle flexed his arms, and he looks notably more muscular than he did this morning. I must not have been paying attention. I mean, his gym clothes are VERY tight. It is strange that both of them were jerking off in the showers, though. Must be some horny goat’s weed in that experimental mixture too. I may have to give it a go the next time we head to the gym.... To be continued!
  15. pasidious

    Becoming an Alpha - Part 2

    Part 1 Let me know what you think! ________________________________________________ I loved it. I mean, I absolutely loved it. I'd never gotten a blowjob before, and the experience was... phenomenal. My cock had never been so hard and throbbing. It was so intense. I got back home and couldn't help myself. I dropped--threw--my gym bag onto my bed and went straight for the mirror. I had a full length mirror, which I was SO thankful for right now. I stood there, gazing at myself. I was sort of out of breath, since I definitely rushed back, so I was breathing rather heavy, and I watched my shoulders rise and fall with my deep breaths. My wider, bigger shoulders. My chest was pressing outward in my T-shirt, which I absolutely loved. I had an actual chest now, which was so much more amazing than I ever imagined. It wasn't a huge chest, but it was something. I'd been waiting for this moment. I pulled the sleeves back on both of my arms and flexed into a double-bicep pose, and FUCK. My arms rose into these little balls of muscle that were definitely just little mounds of soft flesh this morning. Any dude watching me right now would still be all like "he's too small to be showing off" but I didn't care. I was bigger than I was before. And it felt so... fucking... GOOD. I pumped my arms a bit, flexing and unflexing, watching the muscle rise and fall. It was such a hot sight. And it was ME. Not another guy. ME. And my dick was of course responding. I felt myself getting harder and harder, and it was to my OWN muscle. I lifted up the bottom of my shirt and... YES! I had some abs. It wasn't a tight six-pack or anything, but there were bumps there. A start of a six-pack. The sign of an athletic body, even though they weren't defined. My dick throbbed. I saw a wet spot forming on the front of my pants. Which was quicker to happen than normal, but I was super turned on. So, I pulled my pants off and let my big throbbing dick bounce up and slap my new abs. Some pre drooled onto the carpet. I also took notice of my bigger, thicker legs. I flexed them and marveled at the muscles that formed when before I had nothing. It was incredibly hot. I pulled my shirt over my head and threw it, now standing completely nude, and yes, I was definitely looking more like I hit the gym than I did before. I laid down on my bed, shoving my gym bag to the floor, and gripped my cock with my hands. I shuddered. Pleasure was shooting through every fiber of my being. I began jerking myself off, rubbing my hands up and down on my angry, throbbing member. It felt SO GODDAMN GOOD. I sighed. I kept jerking myself, getting faster as the pleasure increased. I felt really pent up even though I'd just blown a load not an hour before. I felt the clear pressure of impending ejaculation, and I didn't stop. I had no interest in edging myself. I wanted it to happen NOW. And BOOM. My cock exploded. Cum shot out of it into the air, and I swear, that first white volley came within an inch of the ceiling. I heard myself moan. Another shot, almost as high as the first. FUCK! I've never cum so hard before. These are powerful shots. BOOM. Another shot, tapering off, but still feeling intense as that first. Each shot was rising into the air then falling right back onto my chest. My new pecs. Splattering all over. As soon as it was just a dribble, I lay there panting, cum all over myself. It took a moment to realize that I didn't grow like last time. So it was confirmed. At least as far as I was concerned. I needed a blowjob to grow. I cleaned myself off and showered. I was starting to wonder if it'd be better to shower at the gym. Either way, I needed to come up with a plan to get another dude to blow me. It only took 19 years to get my first blowjob, so what's another 19 years? NO. I couldn't think like that. I could definitely make it happen. Maybe I needed to show off the goods a bit more. Get my dick more on display. Fuck. But then I had an idea. Who did I know that was gay? I had to know someone. It was a pretty big college, so there had to be plenty of gay dudes around who'd wanna suck my dick. But then an idea struck me. Grindr. I'd fiddled with it in the past, but I got bored of the weirdos on there who I was simply not interested in. But now I was at college and I'd be able to see all the guys nearby who were gay and potentially looking for some fun. I took out my phone and redownloaded the app, and I was eager to get someone to blow me so I was moving swiftly. I laid down on my bed and set up my profile. I didn't even bother with a picture. I just made my tagline say "horny" and started browsing through the people who were online. I actually did see several dudes on there that I'd seen in passing, one of whom was even in one of my classes. A lot of the squares were blank, which told me a lot of guys still liked to stay incognito. Which was fine, all I needed was someone to suck my dick. I didn't really have the desire to initiate conversation with any of these guys. I was still nervous about the whole thing. I mean, I definitely wanted some head, but it just still felt weird doing this stuff. But I would think back to how it felt getting sucked, and the feeling of my muscles swelling... my cock was getting hard again just thinking about it. I started to nod off laying there. I hadn't received any messages, and I was getting kind of bored. But just as soon as I was about to drift off to sleep, I heard an alert from my phone. I immediately opened the app and saw the message and the sender. He had a profile picture, too. All he said was "Hi." He was attractive, with short brown hair and a dark stud in each ear. No visible blemishes on his face, which was a plus. I sent back "Hello." "Wyd" "Nothin much just chillin in my room hbu" "Looking?" "Just for some head but yea" "pic?" I sent him a face picture. I had some actual photogenic selfies saved to my phone which I used rather than taking a brand new one right now. "Nice" and then he also said "Dick?" Fuck. I guess it never occurred to me to get a pic of that. "Hang on," I responded. I needed to get hard, and fast. I switched apps on my phone and went into my photo gallery. I, of course, had photos of muscle saved in there. "Guys next door" type of muscle. My favorite. Nonchalant flexes. I started with my favorite one, a dude about my age grinning cockily and flexing a pretty big bicep still wrapped in a shirt sleeve. His arm was big and his shirt was the perfect size to accentuate his biceps. The sleeve was tight around that bicep. I felt my cock rapidly swelling within my shorts. I switched to another photo. This one was another amazing photo to look at for a guy like me. Two dudes in this one, but one was skinny standing next to his friend flexing a double bicep, his sleeves pulled back, and grinning. The skinny friend was looking at him smiling, but I could tell he was envious as hell. I loved to imagine the skinny friend feeling his muscled friend's biceps after that pic was taken. My cock surged in my shorts, growing to full size, and I quickly moved to another photo. This one had another guy around my age standing in front of his bathroom mirror taking a selfie of himself just standing there, completely naked. He wasn't flexing, just totally relaxed, but his body was amazing. Full pecs, 6-pack abs, round bulbous muscular shoulders and thick defined arms, and his cock was standing straight up. And my own cock was now throbbing hard. I quickly whipped my cock out and positioned my phone to take a photo. I snapped one, then another, and then yet another. I got multiple angles. I saw some pre beginning to seep out of my tip, and I was sure to get a pic of that, too. I didn't want to waste time so I opened Grindr again and sent one of my new dick pics to my new potential friend. "Fuck thats a big dick" "Yeah?" "Fuck yeah man youd destroy me thankfully i just wanna suck you hehe" and then "Got any more?" I sent him another one. "Shit yeah your dick looks delicious" and then he sent another pic of himself with more than just his face. Another selfie but it was taken from farther away to show his torso, but still clothed. He was cute, for sure. "Come over" I sent, along with my dorm location. "Ooo your close" he said, then "BRT" It took a moment for that to sink in. FUCK. I had another dude coming to my room to suck my cock. He'd be here in mere minutes. FUCK. I looked in the mirror and fixed my hair and made sure I looked alright. I had a cool shirt on, I think, and I had a clean pair of gym shorts on. I took my bottle of cologne and spritzed a tiny amount on myself. I felt so nervous. I was pacing the room, butterflies in my stomach. I'd never done this before. It seemed so odd to me to be doing this. I never imagined myself in this position. I kept checking my phone, thinking he'd have sent a message I didn't hear canceling on me. I also kept double-checking my appearance in my mirror. I had a brief moment in which I took notice of my new frame after my first blowjob. My shoulders were noticeably wider, and I didn't realize until now how much higher the bottom of my T-shirt reached now. If I raised my arms, part of my stomach was exposed. I did really fill out this shirt more. But then suddenly I heard the knock at the door, which sent the butterflies in my stomach into overdrive. I had to take a deep breath. Not wanting to appear too eager, I slowly walked over to the door, sluggishly looking through the peephole and seeing it was indeed him, and unlocked it. I gripped the knob, and again, slowly turned it and opened the door. He stood there, looking me right in the eye, and smiled. "Hey," he said. I felt myself swallow, but my mouth was dry. FUCK I needed to get over this nervousness. I stepped aside and said "Come on in, man." He walked in and stood there as I shut the door. "What's up?" he said, as we awkwardly stood there. "Uhh, to be honest, I've never done this before, so I'm kind of nervous," I confessed. "It's alright man, I get it, I just wanna please you," he smiled, "Come on." He took my hand and guided me to my bed and pressed his hands into my chest til I sat on the end of my bed. He sat down beside me and put his hand on my leg and slowwwllllyyyy slid it up, then down my leg, occasionally allowing his fingers to knead my quads. I felt some stirring in my crotch area. "You're even sexier than I thought you'd be," he said. I felt my face go red, and I couldn't think of anything cool to say so I simply said "Thanks." He let his hand become more adventurous and it inched its way closer to my dick. I felt myself getting harder. I felt myself shudder, and the sexual tension was starting to become overwhelming. My nervousness was still there, and I had this overbearing uncertainty as to how to behave in this situation. I didn't know what my hands should be doing. Should I be touching him, too? Should I be doing the same thing to him? "Relax, man. Let me please you," he almost whispered, and then his hand grabbed my cock through my shorts. "Whoa..." he said rather loudly. His reaction was genuine, and I still had trouble believing my cock was something so amazing. He stroked me through my shorts and let his hand travel the entire length. "You're fucking big. Like, the pic you sent didn't do it justice." "Thanks," I said, sheepishly, while trying to refrain from squirming. His hand on my cock felt SO GOOD. "Stand up for me, sexy," he said. Then added "Please." I stood up, and he followed suit. He put his hands on my shoulders, then kissed me right on my lips. I was surprised a little, but it felt so right. I liked the kiss. At first it was pretty subdued, but then he really got into it, and I returned the kiss just as hard. We both let our tongues entwine, and my hands had moved to his hips, and very quickly, I pulled him into me, and I felt our hard cocks press together. It was a hot feeling. He moaned a little, his mouth still on mine. His hands began to move, his hands running down my arms, stopping at my upper arms. He gripped them, and squeezed. He broke the kiss, and said "Oooo someone's got some muscles," and I honestly didn't know how to respond. I wanted to kiss some more, but his attention was on my arms now. He was squeezing and running his hands over them, and then he said something that surprised me more than anything else had so far. "Flex for me, sexy." "What??" I said, with a little more surprise in my voice than I'd intended. "Please? Show me your biceps. They feel big. I wanna see." "Ummm, alright," I said, again, sheepishly. I brought my right arm up and flexed it the way I always see other guys do it. Held it parallel to the floor and straight out from my body, and bent my arm while tensing the biceps. My arm contracted into the nicely sized ball of muscle that had grown since my first blowjob. I saw his eyes watching it the entire time I did it, and they widened when my bicep appeared in its fully flexed glory. I hadn't moved the sleeve back, though, so some of it was still covered. "Hot," he whispered. I started to lower my arm and he said "No! Not yet. Please keep it flexed." So I flexed again, and he pulled the sleeve back himself, exposing my entire upper arm and part of my shoulder. "Fuck," he breathed, while reaching his hand up and running his fingers over the ball of muscle. He then wrapped his fingers around it and squeezed, and to my own surprise, there wasn't much give, if any at all. "It's so hard, too," he said. I was feeling pretty good about my muscular development right about then. I'd never had anyone compliment my muscles before, and here was this dude practically drooling over my biceps. So, I felt a bit more confident. I lowered my flexed arm, which made him open his mouth to protest, but I quickly pulled the sleeve back on my other arm and went into a double-bicep flex. "FUCK!" he exclaimed, and immediately had one of his hands on each of my arms. My cock was throbbing hard at this point, and I could feel pre leaking. "Fuck," he said again, and I watched as he took one of his hands and started jerking himself through his shorts. He then dropped to his knees, and tugged on my shorts. "Please?" he asked, his eyes looking up at me like a puppy. "Fuck yeah," I heard myself say. "Mmmm" he voiced his approval, and slowly pulled my shorts down, allowing my cock to finally break free from its confinement. As soon as the elastic band of my shorts moved far enough, my cock bounced out, standing straight up, and some pre flung out and hit him on his chin. "Wow, you're already leaking," he said, then used his finger to wipe his chin and licked it. "Sweet," he said. And then he didn't waste any time. He immediately popped the head of my cock into his mouth and used his tongue to run around my tip. My whole body was filled with electric pleasure, and the tingling was running through every fiber of my body. "Ohhh god..." I moaned, and I felt myself getting hornier. My cock literally felt like it was growing harder with each passing second, and the feeling of his tongue flitting around the head of my cock was astronomical. It left me bereft. My moaning signaled him to turn up his sucking a few notches. He slowly took more of me into his mouth, sliding his lips down my shaft centimeter by centimeter. His tongue expanded its domain, running all over, and he had his hands gripping the backs of my legs, squeezing and massaging them. To be completely honest, that was making it feel so much better. "Unnghhfuck," I moaned, feeling the cum welling up within my balls, the pressure building. My whole body was tingling in the same way it was last time, and I knew I was going to grow again. I needed to cum. I flexed my dick, feeling it throb hard, and my pleasurer could surely feel my dick pulsing. He sucked harder and harder, even emitting some slurping noises. "Ohhh god, fuck!" I exclaimed. The pressure was reaching its peak, and I could tell I would cum any second. "UNNGHH" I grunted, as the pressure breached its containment threshold. "I'm cumming!" I yelled, and I felt the fine sensation of cum shooting into my shaft, and then out of my tip. It was strong and forceful, and my dick throbbed hard with each shot, swelling just a tiny bit each time. He took every shot in his mouth, spilling none, and gulped loudly as he swallowed all of it. To be honest, though, I wasn't all too concerned with my orgasm. Yeah, it felt amazing, but I was almost shaking with excitement for the aftermath. After my fourth shot, I figured I was done and gently pushed him off my dick. I wanted to see myself grow. He looked surprised as hell when I pushed him away, but I wasn't concerned right now, and I had a feeling he wouldn't be either in a moment. "Watch what you just did to me," I said, before he could protest what I did. I felt it welling up within me. I walked over to the mirror, a new girth and weight in my crotch as my dick swung between my legs oozing cum onto the floor. He looked confused as hell when I saw his face in the mirror. I smirked, and focused my attention my body. I stood there, relaxed, watching my entire body. It was still a shock to see my newly toned body from the growth that already occurred. My chest was heaving and my heart was pounding, and I couldn't tell if that was an effect of my excitement or if it was the reaction taking place within my body. "Ohhhh fuuuuuck," I moaned, and I felt like my entire body was experiencing an orgasm as I watched all of my muscles swell bigger. My pecs visibly grew and pushed out from my chest, my slight cleavage becoming more of a valley. My abs clenched and tightened, and I watched as six bricks etched deeper into my stomach. My legs thickened, and it felt incredible to feel my thighs touch each other. I flexed them and watched my quads burst into definition, heads of muscle visible when before, I'd have assumed I had no muscle at all in my legs. "Holy shit," I heard from behind me. I saw his face in the mirror and it was of pure astonishment. He almost looked fearful. "Yeah--ungghhh--get a good look, I'm still--grnnn--growinggggg," I managed to get out before I felt my arms involuntarily flex and pulse, and I watched as they grew slightly bigger and thicker with each heartbeat. Veins were coursing over my arms, and I clenched my fists and watched my forearms thicken and swell into the arms you'd see on a real gym-rat. The kind you'd see on a guy and you'd just KNOW he was strong. "Ohhhfuck yeah, fuuuck yeahhhhh..." The words came out of my mouth but I wasn't even thinking them. The sensation in my arms was overwhelming my senses, and my favorite muscles were growing. Biceps are the mark of dominance and power, and mine were growing. I watched my biceps throbbing bigger with each pump of my heart, thickening and growing. And then I saw my arms angling more outward from my body, and I realized my lats had been swelling a little bigger. It was astonishing even for me to see how my arms didn't just hang at my sides, they were angled out now. FUCK. And my shoulders swelled up some, too, widening with my lats, and I now had obvious traps, eliminating that "pencil-neck" appearance I once had. "SHIT! This is so hot!" I heard my cocksucker exclaim, and I noticed he was standing now, watching me in the mirror intently. His dick was standing straight up. I turned around and looked him right in the eye. "You like this?" I asked, standing there with my chest heaving from my heavy breaths. I gestured at my own body, completely nude. He nodded rapidly, and I saw his eyes darting from body part to body part. His dick was oozing precum. "How about this?" I asked, and made my pecs jump and bounce. FUCK! I could never do that before. Again, he nodded rapidly. I flexed my legs, next, and they once again exploded into definition, and my quads were impressively bulging. I couldn't wait to try on some old shorts to see how they fit me, now. "You like muscle? Well, watch THIS," I said, then flexed my arms into a double-bicep pose, and I felt this immense power as I did it. I felt fucking strong as hell. "Fuck yeah!" And then I watched him shut his eyes, his body shuddered, and his little dick exploded cum all over the floor. He didn't shoot very much, but he definitely came. "Ohhhhgodnngggh" he moaned. I dropped my arms and chuckled. "Okay, well, I hope you enjoyed the show, dude, but I got other things to do, so here are your clothes--" I handed him his clothes, "--and I will see you around!" and I guided him out of my room and shut the door. I went back over to my mirror and couldn't believe what I saw. I was so much bigger than before. I was almost huge. My arms were hot. So hot. I loved biceps, and I really wanted to see if I could rip through some sleeves. "Fuck yeah," I said to myself, as I imagined the ways I was going to enjoy my new body.
  16. MY GRANDAD’S MUSCLES [Omnibus Edition with a new instalment coming soon] My father’s father became a recluse after his wife died. I never saw much of my grandparents growing up, but Grandad had a good reason for not showing up for Granny’s funeral. It was because my deadbeat father was there, and that was enough of an excuse. They’d hated each other. My father was never sober for more than a few hours at a time. My mother was just as bad, only her poison of choice were prescription painkillers chased down with as much weed as she could get hold of. So yeah, Grandad sold his business in the city and moved west to run a farm. It had always been his dream to completely get out of the rat race and live off the grid. We wrote to each other after he moved away. To be honest, I’d not seen much of him as a kid. He was always busy running his gyms. He had four of them. Once he’d even offered my father an olive branch by giving him his own gym to manage, if only he’d get off the booze. But dear old Anthony Ridge was too far gone, and his liver was on its last legs. Alcohol doesn’t just destroy your body and mind. It also wrecks family units. Speaking of ‘units’, we lost our home in 2010 because our mortgage arrears were crazy, so we had to move into a unit in a trailer park after the bank took back what was theirs. I didn’t really mind. There was just the three of us. And the unit was small enough not to accumulate too many possessions that could be thrown around during drink-fuelled rows. At least my father never raised his hand to me. He fell asleep one night with a lit cigarette in his mouth. My mother had already collapsed into bed, high from her cocktail of back pain meds and weed. I was staying over at my friend Rod’s place, which was what saved my life. By the time the fire brigade got the fire under control, the unit was just a smouldering shell of its former self. After my parents were laid to rest, at a modest ceremony attended mostly by my mother’s side of the family, I got a letter from my Grandad. He wasn’t one for using phones, so letters were his thing. He asked me how I was doing. I was staying at Rod’s; he’d been my crush since early secondary school, and for a time it was just me and him. But now he’d gotten Cindy Fleming up the duff, and both of them just just gone 18, so things weren’t good between Rod and his folks. Too many arguments. And since the unforeseen pregnancy Rod and me started quarrelling more than I cared for. When I told this to my Grandad in a letter, the reply I got back inside of a week said simply: “Come and live with me.” The letter came with train fare and a map on how to reach the farm. I had just finished my final exams at secondary school, so it was either get a job at a fast food place, or go live with my hermit grandparent. I really didn’t have great prospects, and Rod and me were drifting in different directions anyway. I decided to accept my Grandad’s offer. I took with me only what I could carry. Rod’s dad wanted to drive me to the station, but I declined. I needed to stand on my own two feet anyway. Besides, the train station was only a few minutes away by bus. The train ride took three hours. I arrived in the quaint village of Dundrevan just when it started to rain. It was a little after four in the afternoon. I took shelter in a tavern not far from the station. It was a poky little place; only two customers, one an elderly man nursing a pint in a corner. The other was a guy about my age, very handsome, but clearly drunk. Just as I entered, the barman was advising him he’d had enough to drink and to stop tearing up beer mats and flicking the pieces everywhere. “Do you do hot food?” I asked the barman. Only toasted sandwiches were served here, but I hadn’t eaten since breakfast at Rod’s, so anything would be welcomed. So I had a toasted cheese and ham sandwich and pot of tea. I never touch alcohol; I vowed from an early age never to turn into my father. When the rain stopped I decided to follow the map route to the farm. It was about a mile outside the village, but I didn’t mind the walk. The sun had come out and it even started to get a bit warm. I considered taking my shirt off; we Ridge men are blessed with really great genetics. I didn’t work out at all, but I looked like I did. Although my skin was a tad milky, my chest and abs were quite defined. I had a bit of muscle on me, and I wasn’t afraid to show it off. But this place was really deserted, so no one would see me. Or so I thought. I made my way down a narrow laneway with honeysuckle bushes to my left, and seemingly endless wooden fencing with the bark left on, to my right. At the end of the lane I was about to pass a phone box, when someone stepped out of it and looked at me as though he’d known me all his life. “Fuck me, lad. If you’re not related to big Gordie Ridge, then I’m a monkey’s uncle.” The man was in his forties, a bit overweight, with a comb-over to hide his bald patch. His shirt looked like it hadn’t been ironed, ever, and he smelt of onions. But he seemed jolly, and at least he wasn’t carrying a knife with intent to rob me of my duffel bag. “Er, he’s my Grandad. I’m going to stay with him at his farm,” I said simply. He was right in the sense that facially I looked more like my Grandad than my father. “Well now, this is the thing. You’ve got quite the walk ahead of you, lad. And you might want to cover yourself up there. You have to pass the convent and you’ll give the nuns heart attacks with all those muscles on ya!” I liked this man immensely. “I’m not really that muscled,” I said, feigning bashfulness. Like I said, I didn’t work out. What I had on me was a natural thing passed down. Pity my late father decided to abuse his body rather than maximise on what nature gifted him with. “Well no… no you’re not, if you don’t really mind me saying. But the folks around here are somewhat in awe of Gordie Ridge. He’s like a folk legend around these parts. But you can tell you’re a chip off his block, definitely. My name’s Silas, by the way. Silas Brandywine at your service.” “I’m Stephen. Stephen Ridge,” I said, putting my shirt back on. I didn’t want any nun fatalities on my conscience. “Why are people in awe of my Grandad?” I thought back to when I last saw him. I was seven, so ten years ago. He was big, then, but nothing jaw-dropping, although back then I viewed him through the eyes of a kid. I remember seeing weight-lifting trophies at his house, but I’d only been there a couple of times. Silas eyed me with a twinge of curiosity that made his eyes gleam and his ruddy complexion to bloom as he concentrated his visual summary of me. “Haven’t seen him recently, have we, Stephen Ridge?” The community police officer in an archaic Fiat Panda trundled past, sounded the horn at Silas, who summarily waved back. This was the kind of place where everyone knew everyone, and was about two decades behind the rest of the world. “Not since I was a nipper, Silas,” I chirped, trying to be pleasant. I was tired from the journey, but I was grateful for not having a short fuse. “Oh well then, I might give ye a bit of advice, kiddo.” Silas drew closer to me as though he were about to reveal the secret to life itself. “When you faint at the sight of him, make sure you land on something soft, lest you crack your head right open to let out the shock.” “Er, okay… I think.” I decided to continue on my way. I stopped just before the convent. A mischievous thought ran through my mind in which I was topless once again and flirting with the nuns working in their apiary, causing them to come over all flushed and taken by my boyish good looks. I decided against it. Did they even have an apiary? For some reason I believed that all monks and nuns kept bees. After the convent the map told me to cross a field as a shortcut. I walked for another fifteen minutes, maybe. Then I came to a red iron gate, recently painted by the looks of it. A sign nearby said: “Ridge Farm. Keep Out!” So I’d arrived. I wondered how many acres of land my Grandad owned. It was the only farm for miles around. I couldn’t see any livestock, but maybe he wasn’t that kind of farmer. Then I saw the out-buildings beyond a range of oak trees. There were three white, rectangular sheds; obviously these were the nucleus of Grandad’s farming enterprise. Beyond that nothing but trees, trees, and more trees. The house itself was typically rural, probably a hundred years old or more. There was a barn and a pen in the courtyard with six pigs in it. So maybe he was a pig farmer. But if so why did he only own six pigs? My Grandad was in the barn. I could hear him singing, although I couldn’t put a name to the tune. There was a lot of clanking of metal, and grunting to go along with the singing. I didn’t want to frighten him by just appearing at the door; he was in his sixties, after all. Isn’t it dangerous to sneak up on an old person? Then I noticed an old-fashioned bell sitting on a windowsill up at the house. I opted to use it to announce my presence. The grunting, singing, and clanking noises ceased. I’d gotten my Grandad’s attention. He came out of the barn. I looked at him. My breathing seized up. Silas Brandywine had been right about one thing. I fainted. *** When I came to I was lying on a couch in what could only be the living room of the farmhouse. I immediately noticed the renovations; the door frames were taller and wider than standard door frames. The ceiling, too, looked higher than you’d expect a ceiling to be. The interior furnishings were rustic and old fashioned. A painting of a milkmaid milking a cow hung over a spartan mantel. A grandfather clock in a corner ticked somnolently. Shafts of dying sunlight permeated the room in which dust motes seemed to hang, fixed rigidly in time itself. I instinctively felt my head for evidence of injury, but there was none. I was thankful for that. As my senses grew more attuned to my surroundings, my nose picked up the delicious smell of… was it beef stew? I got up from the couch, a little wobbly on my feet, but I soon regained my balance. I followed the smell of the stew to the large kitchen at the rear of the house. It needed to be big, because my Grandad was, well… HUGE! He was shirtless, save for an apron which he let hang untied at the back. His back was the widest, most muscular back I’d ever seen. And there wasn’t a hair on his back or shoulders, unlike my dad who seemed to have gotten the hairy gene from my grandmother’s side. He wore khaki cargo shorts and was barefooted. I gauged his height to be between 6’ 10 and 7’; the Ridge men had always been tall. I myself stood at an impressive 6’ 4”. At 18 I probably wasn’t done growing yet. My dad had stopped growing at 6’ 5”, the waster. He could have been impressive, instead of a deadbeat. Gordon Ridge wasn’t a weight-lifter; well, maybe he was in his younger days. But now he was utterly a bodybuilder, and the biggest, most muscular man I’d ever seen. “Uh...Grandad?” “Hope you’re hungry. My beef stew is the best in the world, Stephen. You’re probably famished from your trip.” My Grandad turned around. I feel terrible for admitting this, but my dick instantly firmed up at the sight of him. Yeah, I know we’re related, but I wasn’t prepared for what he had built of himself. I blamed my stiffy on a chemical impulse in my brain, or something like that. He was incredibly handsome. So what if he was sixty-four? He’d been stunning-looking in his youth, as I recall. Time had been good to his brand of handsomeness, with lines of age in his face that would look destructively hampering on others. But on him they gave him a wisdom that commanded respect, along with his obvious size and strength. Thank heavens I hadn’t tucked in my shirt; it hid my arousal well. I really didn’t want Grandad to get a ‘pervy’ vibe from me. I didn’t want him to know I’m gay, not yet anyway. I had no idea what he thought of such things. I hoped he wasn’t a homophobe like my father was. “I could use a hot meal, thanks.” I tried not to stammer. But he could clearly tell I was astonished by how he looked. He was overwhelming. “You’ve grown up well, Stephen. You were only a bean when last I saw you. What are you, six three, six four?” “Four,” I replied shakily. Grandad’s smile was warm and reassuring. I had nothing to fear here. “I was shorter than you at that age. But as you can see, a lot of growth came later.” He wasn’t smug, or modest, so when his arm raised up to form a single bicep pose, I think he did it without realising. A huge, melon-ball bicep formed and bulged upon his command. My eyes nearly popped out of their sockets. He picked up on this and played it down with a chuckle. All he said was: “Thirty-one inches. So far.” He winked proudly and went back to tending to the stew. He suggested I wash up before supper. He told me where the bathroom was. I was so relieved to get up there so that I would masturbate, get that over with, and, hopefully, keep my arousal to a minimum. This is purely chemical with me. There is no way I would allow myself to develop an unhealthy attraction to my own progenitor. When I returned to the kitchen, there was a big bowl of stew waiting for me. Grandad was already seated on the other end of the big oak table. He tore off a chunk of bread from a sizable loaf before handing it over to me. “I like to dip the bread in and use it like a spoon. Then I just drink down the remainder out of the bowl. I don’t get many guests up here,” he said between chews. A quivering smile formed on my lips, so I decided to copy his method, and dipped some bread into the stew. It was very tasty, and he didn’t skimp on the beef either. The obvious elephant in the room was his physique, but he didn’t seem interested in bringing it up during our first meal together. “Thank you for taking me in, Grandad. I was at a bit of a crossroads,” I said. I can’t remember ever eating a meal this good. My mother had never been one for cooking. Dinner had almost always been take-out back then. Living at Rod’s had been better, but because both his parents worked, dinner was usually more convenient than nutritious. This was new to me. I ate three big hunks of bread and finished all the stew in my bowl whilst Grandad helped himself to seconds, and then thirds. “Sorry, but I have to eat big to stay big,” he said, after demolishing the third bowl. He let out a very loud and very manly belch, then leaned back in his big farmhouse chair and patted his cobbled belly. He still had the apron on. I really hoped he’d remove it. But sitting opposite him gave me plenty of time to take in the enormity of this man. He really was a super-human in every sense of the word. His rugged, handsome head was supported by the thickest bull-neck I’d ever seen. It just seemed to widen as it sloped down to his mammoth traps, and they in turn sat on shoulders capped with thick, rippled deltoids. He had to be at least five feet wide at the shoulders, maybe more. His chest was just beautiful; thick, bloated pectoral masses that made the neck of the apron look like a length of yarn threaded through a handkerchief. I loved the way he had to lean forward and hunker down over his bowl so as not to get any stew on the table. This position highlighted his shoulders best, for he flexed and bulged his muscles without thinking. His biceps and forearms looked powerful enough to snap concrete blocks in two (I had no idea as to feats of strength he’d demonstrate for me later). “Um, you don’t wear shirts then?” Oh why did I go and ask that? I could’ve asked him about the farm, and what he did here, but I had to let my dick do the talking instead. I hope he didn’t take offence. He smiled and ran a finger around his bowl to pick up the last dregs of stew, which he then sucked clean. His bad manners at the table made him human. His muscles made him a god. “I mostly wear just jockstraps when I’m alone here. I get them specially made. Really comfortable and with just the best support a man can get. But the shorts are out of respect for you being here.” Oh my god, I felt myself thinking. That is the hottest thing I’ve ever heard. I think I needed to wank again. My Grandad was not only super-huge, he was super-sexy. I had to think about the nuns at the convent I’d passed earlier, running around in only their knickers whilst chased by swarms of angry bees. That helped with my arousal a little. “I wear jocks sometimes. Rod and me were on the school rugby team, but we sucked at it.” I just wanted to keep the subject of jockstraps alive. “Who’s Rod?” “My best friend. I was living with him and his family for a bit after the… you know.” I didn’t want to bring up the subject of the fire. I knew enough about Gordon Ridge to know that he never discussed anything to do with his son. “It was good of them to put you up like that. But I’m kin. Your place is with me now.” Grandad got up to clear the bowls into the sink. He emptied what was left of the stew into a plastic container and placed it in the fridge. I helped by washing up. Later Grandad said he was going back to the barn. “What do you get up to there?” I asked, as if I didn’t already know. “Bodybuilding,” said Grandad with a smirk. He took off the apron and chucked it into a basket he kept for dirty laundry. I could finally get a proper look at his torso. Every muscle was just popping out of him. He was ripped beyond belief, but carried immense size also. I couldn’t begin to guess at his weight, but he was at least three times as big as a Mr Olympia super-heavyweight competitor. Why the hell did he shy away from public life and waste all this muscle on a lonely farm in the middle of nowhere? If I looked like him I’d be all over the internet, doing talk shows, winning trophies, being fucking amazing and loving every moment. I guess he had his reasons. “Oh Grandad, you’re enormous,” I couldn’t keep myself from mouthing. He smiled warmly, his face creasing up with wrinkles that only complimented his good looks. “One day, maybe,” he said simply. My erection bloomed under my shirt. The thought of this white-haired behemoth actually getting bigger than he was now almost made me bust a nut there and then. “You… you, don’t think you’re… er… big enough?” I stammered. My cock hurt inside my shorts. It needed adjusting. “Nope… not by a mile, Stephen.” And to illustrate his point he flexed a most muscular which caused alarmingly defined muscularity to burst from his skin. Every last part of him heaved with muscle clarity, and as he grunted and groaned — leaning into the pose with rising force — his face and neck flared red from the effort. He kept flexing, demanding more blood to course into his muscle fibers. I felt my own blood coursing as I witnessed this incredible spectacle. “I’ll never be big enough,” he grunted, this time changing to a full lat spread pose. His upper body widened and thickened; his pecs heaved upward and deep striations cracked across their mighty surfaces. He partially rolled up his shorts before lifting his arms to clasp the back of his head with his hands. He then pulled his abs taut. They almost crunched with definition. He rolled his mighty thighs one after the other, and the clusters of muscles there boiled with size and ferocious power. He relaxed and flexed, alternating between the two in order to give me quite the show. I don’t think he was aware of his own erection, but I could see the tenting happening in the front of his khakis. It didn’t feel weird. We were two guys hanging out, right? Then he said: “Come to the barn. Watch me lift.” My mouth formed an aghast “O” shape. I was related to probably the biggest bodybuilder in the world, and now he was inviting me to watch him lift. I had two choices: I could accept his invitation, and, hopefully find some way to ‘relieve’ myself again without him noticing, or I could run for the hills back to Rod’s place and put all this out of my mind. But Grandad had shown me nothing but kindness, so it would have been wrong of me to run out on him, especially now that night was fast approaching. Once the pigs were put into their night enclosure, Grandad and me went into the barn. It smelt a little of pig-shit, but he filled his lungs with a great deal of it and it seemed to energise him a little. I supposed I’d have to get used to the smells of farm life. It was as typical a barn as barns come, although there was a squat rack, bench, and free weights present. As he lit oil lamps I could see more things, specifically a leg press machine and another for doing lat pull-downs. He pretty much had his own gym here; he used to be in the business so he used what he needed to isolate every muscle-group. But there was nothing magical about the set-up here. How, then, did he get so big? There was also a scale in the barn, one you see at livestock fairs. Obviously a standard human scale was too small for my Grandad. He stepped out of his shorts and flung them over his shoulder. It was as though he was suddenly unaware that he had a guest. He went over to the scale and stood confidently on the pressure pad. “Hunngh! Only five up from yesterday,” he grunted. He looked disappointed. “Five… pounds?” I couldn’t believe what I’d heard. But then he’d just eaten a lot of food, so the scale was obviously picking up on that. “I gained fifteen pounds on Wednesday. That was a good day. Only five since yesterday. Gotta lift now, Stephen”. Oh well, at least he was aware of me again. The jockstrap looked amazing on him. It was white and black; the thick black waistband married well with the white pouched front and supporting straps at the rear. He was beautiful to look at. Every last inch of him was manliness exaggerated beyond belief. And as he muscle-waddled over to the bench to begin his evening presses, his dick meat and weighty gonads bobbed and swung heavily before him. He was very hung, but then, so was I. Well, not as much as he was, but I had a dick worthy of a porn-star. Those Ridge genes again. Fifteen pounds, did he say? But such gains so quickly were impossible. Maybe there was something in the water. But if that were so, then the few people I’d so far met from the village didn’t reflect this theory. It had to be something else. I couldn’t chalk it up to just genetics alone. If that was the reason, then… did it mean that I, too, had the potential to look like Grandad? I was stunned to silence as I watched him deftly load up the bar with crazy amounts of weight. I did a quick count of the plates and added the weight up to be… fuck… a metric tonne? Could a bar really hold that much? Maybe this gear was specially reinforced for Grandad. Didn’t he need a spotter? He positioned himself correctly on the bench, and gripped the bar firmly enough to make his knuckles glow white. He eased it off the rests and took the strain. It wobbled a little at first, but as his confidence grew, so did his strength. He let the bar come down near his enormous pecs. Then he pressed up, slowly at first, but once a rhythm kicked in, a man/machine synergy came into effect. I watched Grandad own the iron, play with it like it was a toy, and press it repeatedly, over and over. It was as if his chest grew with every inhalation, every measured, controlled movement. And when he exhaled, it was audibly masculine in its output. By the time he’d hit his seventieth or eightieth rep, he was screaming like a man possessed. I actually felt a little scared of him at this point, but I was as rigid as my erection, now, transfixed to the spot and unable to stop myself from being ‘blown away’ by the power of my father’s father. He got up from the bench when he was done, and flexed his pecs a few times. Then he cupped each one firmly and felt up their combined mass. “Good pump there,” he said simply. He pounded them a little, like the way gorillas sometimes do with their chests. It was so manly. I turned around to adjust my junk in my pants. Grandad didn’t seem to notice. He’d already moved over to the leg press. The machine was set to two tonnes. I couldn't believe the numbers. “Climb on up, Stephen. I could do with the extra weight,” Grandad said with a smirk. “Oh, er….I,” I didn’t know what to say. I suddenly felt awkward. And I really wanted to shoot another load. “I hope you’re not afraid of heights, lad. You’ll be helping me out around the place, and some of the work will involve climbing. You’ll have to get used to it.” His tone was more adamant-sounding now. I was fine with it. I wasn’t one for freeloading off my generous grandfather and had every intention of pulling my weight and doing my fair share (whatever that turned out to be). “Er, okay. I’ll get right up there, Grandad,” I responded. I gingerly climbed up onto the carriage of the machine. Not the most comfortable thing to sit on, I must add. I had to somehow wedge my arse between the weights and the foot plate, although my feet occupied the side of the foot plate opposite where Grandad’s feet were positioned confidently and correctly. Looking down at him from this angle — where he was seated at an incline — he was all chest and groin, both of which bulged almost obscenely. He was clearly erect himself, but that was fine. We were two guys hanging out, right? He was just showing off, getting me to climb onto the carriage. I mean, I only weigh about 225, so my weight on top of two fucking tonnes was negligible. “Ready? Hang on to your britches,” said Grandad. And he began to take the strain. At first I thought he was going to tear some muscles and lose to the weight. I had visions of tumbling off the thing. But this didn’t happen. He began to push the colossal weight; it barely looked as if he was straining. His face showed only determination; other than that it was devoid of emotion. He almost looked disappointed at how easily his juggernaut legs pushed both the weight and his grandson upwards, over and over. I held on as best I could, but after thirty or so repetitions, I began to feel seasick. Grandad sensed this and decided to let me off. “The machine is maxed out. I'll need a new one designed. Maybe there's a way to lash two together, one for each leg.” He suddenly seemed lost in thought. “Your legs definitely got a good pump there,” I remarked, and this seemed to please my progenitor to the point where he blasted out one pose after another. I wanted to ask him what his secret was. But I decided it could wait. I needed to use the toilet in order to ‘rub one out’ again. But before I could leave the barn: “So you like your old Grandad’s physique, huh?” Grandad bounced his hefty pecs over and over. I couldn’t help but notice how his cock was so swollen and hard, it had pushed the waistband of the jockstrap away from his body. I felt inwardly disgusted for allowing my gaze to linger there. If he noticed, he didn’t seem to care. “You’re like nothing I’ve ever seen before.” He came over to me and ruffled my brown hair, like he did when I was seven. I didn’t mind if he still saw me as that little kid from ten years ago. “Ever thought about bodybuilding?” I shrugged. Sure, I had inherited the best genetics a guy could ever hope for. Maybe I could do more with my body. “Not really. I just try to focus on not ending up like dad!” SHIT, I shouldn’t have mentioned him in Grandad’s presence. “That alcoholic piece of CRAP!!!!!” Grandad’s temper erupted. From what I knew of him, I’d always seen him as an easy-going, never angry type. But now… He swelled up in size; was it my imagination or did he really have the power to ‘hulk out’? He did that growling “Incredible Hulk” pose you often saw the character do on the show just before the Hulk ripped off the remains of his shirt and after Bixby changed into Ferrigno,. Muscles and veins bulged hugely under his skin. There was the back half of a broken tractor just outside the barn. He jogged over to it and began to lift it off the ground. How much did half a tractor weigh anyway? Seething with anger, my grandfather lifted the machinery over his head like an average human might lift a toddler onto their shoulders. Then he ripped it to pieces and flung the pieces far and wide. I prayed they wouldn’t hurt someone. “I did everything for him,” he barked, and the pigs nearby began squealing and adding to the ruckus. I think Grandad needed to calm down. I was genuinely scared now. He made a most muscular pose and more and more huge muscles bulged insanely all over him. Was he… growing? Snarling like a slavering beast, he tore up a length of fencing, posts and all, and hurled them into a far field. Then he muscle-bounded around to a garage area, and I almost wet myself when he single-handedly ripped the door off the garage and then dragged a four-wheel drive outside where he could better pick it up. My Grandad was lifting a fucking jeep like is was made of balsa wood. “I even gave him his own gym. But what’d he do? Got fucking wasted again. Didn’t even try the 12 steps. Well I’ll give him 12 fucking steps alright. GRRRRRAAAAAWWWWRRRR!!” I’d never seen a jeep do an impersonation of an aircraft before. How high did he throw it anyway? I listened for a crash sound. After thirty seconds, nothing. A minute passed. Maybe it came down in a lake. Who was to say? I was terrified of my Grandad now. I shouldn’t have mentioned my father to him. I plucked up the courage to leave the barn where I’d been standing just inside the entrance. My Grandad was rampaging about the farm, looking for more things to destroy. Out of sheer desperation, the pigs broke out of their enclosure and ran for their lives, squealing noisily. Grandad made eyes at the house itself. If he could throw a jeep so far, then he could easily demolish a house with his fists. Where would we live then? I needed to intervene. “Grandad… stop… please. Anthony’s dead, remember? I promise I’ll never mention him again. Just please don’t smash anything else.” That seemed to calm him down. My Grandad was even bigger now. I couldn’t believe such a thing was possible. He was totally naked since his ‘hulk out’ had caused his junk to grow to humongous proportions. Somewhere about the farm, his jock lay in tatters. His mighty chest heaved with every exerted breath. It looked as though he was still pumping up. It’d been a crazy day. My massively muscular Grandad was a giant of a man, and completely naked before me. Strangely, my erection had subsided, and I was glad I could think with my brain again. He was silent for a time. Then: “I’m sorry about that, Stephen. I’ll go put some clothes on.” A kind, warm smile returned, replacing a face of pure malice and rage. “Just a jockstrap will do, seeing as you’re used to that and all,” I remarked, trying to further lighten the moment. Then I took my shirt off, just because it seemed right. I left my pants on, though. That would have been weird. Grandad gave me the once-over and nodded his approval. “You should lift, lad. You remind me of myself when I was your age. Although, I had a good fifty pounds on you. Come inside. I have an apple pie in the fridge. I always eat pie after a workout.” And so that was how my first day went living with my super-strong, massive bodybuilding Grandad. I’d probably spend the night beating off in my new bed. Turned out the pie tuckered me out and I decided to turn in. Grandad was bigger now, so he struggled in places around the house that weren’t designed to accommodate his new size. He’d have to make more renovations. But at least there still was a house to renovate. *** I suppose it was to be expected Grandad would have me up at the crack of dawn; it was the farming way, right? Despite his massive size, I hadn’t heard him come into the bedroom to open the curtains, leave a cup of tea on the nightstand beside my bed, and also a special gift next to it. But he’d been in and out without waking me; the first rays of glorious morning sunshine permeating the room was enough to rouse me out of a somewhat restful sleep. I swung my feet to the floor, rubbing sleep out of my eye with one finger, whilst taking the teacup up to my lips with the other. The tea had sugar in it; I normally took it just with milk. But I didn’t mind. It was a nice gesture. An even nicer gesture was the other gift he left me: a brand new jock-strap; I guess these were now my ‘work clothes’. Anyone else might have been creeped out by this, but I didn’t feel that way. My Grandad was an exceptional person, and I liked to think this was his way of bonding with his grandson. It was all good in my book. I decided to ‘break it in’ immediately. This helped to waken me up and begin acclimating to my new life at Ridge Farm. It was so comfortable and it made my package look awesome. I looked at myself in the mirror (yup, the room came with a full-length mirror). The jock really did my body justice. I felt so manly, and looked so athletic. Had my first night at the farm caused changes to my body? I thought I looked more muscular, but maybe it was wishful thinking. I was tall, therefore any additions to my muscularity would have to be significant ones, right? Still, I found myself ‘making muscles’ to my reflection, and within a couple of minutes I was erect as fuck. I wondered how long it would take my milky skin to get tanned as I worked outdoors. Grandpa’s skin tone was so healthy. He really didn’t look sixty-four. I decided to take a quick shower and beat off under the spray. I would probably be horny for the rest of the day anyway, so maybe it was best I ‘milk’ myself as early as I could. When I went downstairs — wearing only my new jockstrap plus the sneakers I arrived in — Grandad was slaving over the stove again. This time he didn’t wear the apron. That pleased me. He, too, wore only a jockstrap. I will admit to the guilty pleasure of sprouting a semi at the sight of his massive delta-back supported by a waspish waist, which itself drew its foundation from the biggest, juiciest muscle-butt I’d ever seen. It bulged gorgeously out of the straps of the jock which framed it perfectly. The muscle dimples that popped in and out of the glutes as he worked on breakfast were a sight to behold. His legs worked clumsily against each other for space, but he had it nailed down. There was something so arousing to see a bodybuilder get so huge that it made walking look awkward. But there was nothing awkward about Gordon Ridge. He was truly magnificent. “Good morning, Grandad,” I said simply. He turned around, looking huge. He smiled at me, noticed I was wearing the gift he’d left me, and then nodded his approval. “I hope you like porridge,” he said, “It’s very nutritious. This is my special recipe, lad. A healthy body is required for labouring on the farm.” A healthy body? In his case that was an understatement. He beckoned me to sit at the table where there was a place set out for me. Next to my bowl was some sort of milkshake in a tall glass. I gingerly sniffed at it. “What’s this?” I inquired. “My morning shake. It’s full of all the essentials. I rounded the pigs up single-handedly. But you’re going to help me repair the fence I smashed last night.” He appeared somewhat rueful. His rage of the night before actually seemed like a dream to me now. He ladled a hearty two dollops of porridge into my bowl. The breakfast had an ‘earthiness’ to its aroma. I couldn’t put my finger on it, though. Still, I was as hungry as a growing 18 year-old can be, so I dug into my breakfast, and was pleased when it came with two rounds of wholemeal buttered toast. Grandad sat down opposite me to eat. His appetite was as massive as he was. He was already through his first bowl of porridge by the time I’d taken my fourth spoonful. I must admit that he was a really good cook. “Your strength is incredible, Grandad,” I couldn’t wait to say. He smiled gratefully. I think he was glad I was here. A guy like him shouldn’t spend so much time alone. Although, I had yet to learn how he associated with the local village folk. Silas from yesterday mentioned he was a legend to the people around here. “I could be stronger,” he said simply. I had to comment: “Is that, like, a curse to a bodybuilder?” “What do you mean?” He eyed me through air that could have been sliced apart with a knife. Did I say the wrong thing? Oh, I really didn’t want to piss him off again. I liked this house. I didn’t want it reduced to rubble. “Er… um… I didn’t mean anything sinister, Grandad.” I chose my words carefully. He remained silent. I nervously dry-swallowed and felt my stomach churning up butterflies. My bottom lip started quivering. I spoke slowly, carefully. “I mean… do you feel, sometimes, that you can never be big enough? Are there limits to how huge you’d like to be?” Please, please, please, don’t hulk out on me, I thought to myself. Did I mention Anthony this time? I hoped that my Grandad didn’t isolate himself from society because he couldn’t control his temper. He broke the ensuing silence by chewing a piece of toast noisily. Then he knocked back his morning shake before getting up to refill his porridge bowl. After what seemed like a small age, he answered my questions. “Yes to the first question; no to the second.” Then he opened a kitchen drawer and took out an old newspaper. He handed it to me. “Turn to page four,” he instructed. I opened the newspaper. The date at the top was from two years ago, not long after Granny’s funeral. The main article on the page read: “CHILD LABOUR RING FOILED BY FLYING TRACTOR” In the early hours of Monday morning, an organised syndicate of illegal child labourers had their operation destroyed by a tractor when it struck their base of operation, a hitherto abandoned creamery near the village of Dundrevan. Five of the six men, all non-nationals, suffered minor injuries, whilst one remains in a critical condition in hospital. Police who shortly after arrived at the scene discovered twenty-two children — also non-nationals, with ages ranging between 8 and 14 — wandering about the area in a state of apparent confusion. The children are currently being cared for at the Sisters of Mercy convent where they are being treated for shock and malnutrition. Examination of their living conditions revealed that the children were being used to manufacture narcotics intended for sale both here and abroad. Police are keen to question the men involved, and it is not currently known how a tractor happened to fall from the sky with precision enough to end this brutal crime against innocent children. I was a little confused, not sure what Grandad was expressing by showing me the newspaper. He then opened up: “The nuns tipped me off about the place. This fucking place. Honestly, one police man, and he’s close to retirement, too. He couldn’t investigate a pimple on the end of his nose. So the Mother Superior came to me. She said she was passing there one day and heard what she thought was a child getting beaten. And where was PC fucking Plod at the time? Playing cards and drinking gin with Silas Brandywine. No wonder those human trafficking bastards set up shop here. Perfect place to get away with all kinds of shit.” Grandad paused to flex his muscles. He brought both arms up to a double biceps. When he said his biceps were thirty-one inches yesterday, they looked thicker than my waist now. Veins popped out of his skin and seemed to help him inflate himself bigger. I was hard as a rock again, but I was seated at the table, so he didn’t notice. “So I did what any father would do. I saved those kids. The tractor was here when I bought the place, but it was shot. I’d staked out the creamery myself, getting the layout and all that. My hearing is pretty good, and I could tell that the children weren’t in the main house, but in one of the outbuildings, probably used to store the dairy products prior to shipping when the place was operational. It was heavily padlocked, which wouldn’t have been a problem for me.” He paused to crank out a most muscular. OMG, he looked bigger — way bigger — than yesterday. That could only mean his strength was increasing by the hour. I had to ask another question: “Why didn’t you just bust the kids out there and then?” “I guess I have a flair for the dramatic, Stephen. Plus, I couldn’t tell if those wankers had guns or who they were connected to. Was it a localised operation, or was there something bigger behind it?” He shrugged, causing his massive pecs to heave and flex. Veins erupted across his shoulders and chest. “I planned to demolish the entire house, but my aim was off. Fortunately the tractor hit the part where most of them were sleeping. It’s a disappointing miracle only one of them was seriously injured. But he lived. They all were extradited back to whatever shit-pile they crawled from. The kids were all orphans, but I hear they’re doing well in foster homes and such.” “That part of the tractor from last night. Was it…?” “Yup, the very same. After the police were done with their investigation, they just up and left. The buildings were demolished for safety reasons and what was left of the tractor was just lying there when I returned a few weeks later. I decided to keep it as a memento.” “Aren’t you worried the cops will connect you to the incident through the tractor remains?” Then I remembered: he completely destroyed what was left of it last night. “Pimple on the end of his nose,” Grandad reminded me, referring to the local constabulary’s incompetence. I had to ask another question: “What does your heroic deed do with how huge you want to get?” Oh I hoped this question wouldn’t set him off again. I silently cringed and my erection subsided. Grandad didn’t answer immediately. For a moment he was lost to his flexing. He performed weight-free bicep curls before me, his attention rapt on the bulging balls of muscle that erupted out of his arms as he flexed and pumped them. He grunted with something akin to minor satisfaction. “Back then I weighed less than half of what I do now, which of this morning is one hundred and twenty-five stone.” He paused to allow me to take that one in. Wait, he said ‘stones’. I had to do some mental arithmetic. I couldn’t believe the number. “You’re over 1700 pounds. Grandad… that’s… it’s…” I didn’t have the words. “I plan to weigh over a tonne before the week is out, lad. See what I did back then to free those kids? I must be way stronger now. I moved here to get away from shit. I was stressed out trying to keep my businesses afloat. Too many gyms completely saturated the market and my profits were diminishing. Before I knew it I was taking out second mortgages on the properties, but haemorrhaging capital faster than new bills get printed. And your grandmother’s cancer was so hard to bear.” He didn’t elaborate. I hadn’t known Granny all that well; you can blame ‘dear old dad’ for that one. But Grandad was opening up to me, now. And that was a good thing. It helped me to acquire a better understanding of the person he is, and the events that led to him looking the way he does. But there was more to learn, and I’m sure he’d tell me when he was good and ready. “But I have to get stronger, Stephen. If those fuckers — or their associates — ever come back here, I want to be so fucking strong, they’ll shit out of their windpipes in fear when they see me. No child will ever again unduly suffer on my watch.” He performed a full lat spread. Fuck, he was huger than when he last did that pose. His muscles opened up and expanded in all directions. His upper pecs seemed to suck his head down into them. He liked the feeling so much that his junk swelled massively into the biggest boner I’d ever seen. He was hung like a horse; no… his made horse dicks look small. “And then there’s the… wall,” he said, sombrely. My eyebrows peaked with curiosity. I was already tugging my pud with one hand beneath the table. If Grandad noticed, he didn’t respond. We were just two guys hanging out, right? Perfectly natural for blokes to get off to one another’s manliness. It’s only hormones and chemical exchanges, nothing more. Okay fuck it… I fancied the shit out of him. My own grandfather. But it’s not like he’d been in my life much prior to this. We’d been pretty much estranged because of the bad blood between a father and his son. Couldn’t I just pretend that we weren’t related, simply to make masturbating less awkward? Wait, what was this about a ‘wall’? “Wall?” I’d been close to coming, but I was glad I didn’t. My curiosity got the better of my libido. Was he speaking about a real wall or a figurative one? I had to know more about what was going on here, especially now that I’d put down roots. In fact, I’d yet to learn about how important a role ‘roots’ played in all of this. “If you’re done with breakfast, I’ll show you around more of the farm,” said Grandad. Then he did a side-chest pose and his muscle-tits gobbled up a huge amount of space. Dimples and striations erupted across their masses. My dick went from semi-flaccid to rock hard in a heartbeat. “Oh shit,” I groaned, my words emerging as a panicky croak. I leapt up from the table, my jockstrap hugely tented out in front of me. I cupped all that I could of the bulge with my hand and made a beeline for the stairs. I had to get to the bathroom. But before I got to the upper landing, I came swiftly, my body and organ convulsing in unison. I staggered on the landing as the orgasm overwhelmed me. Once in the bathroom I locked the door and massaged my dick further where it poked out of the jock pouch. Sticky creme coated my dick and my pubic hair was slick with it. I needed to take a shower. Then I noticed that one of Grandad’s jockstraps had been left in the well of the shower. I guess he’d forgotten to chuck it in the laundry. I think I did a bad thing then, but you can decide for yourself. I picked up the jock and attempted to wear it. It was wet from the shower, but I didn’t care. It was a kinky thing to do, right? But fuck it, this new life of mine was exceptional, and full of the unexpected. Of course, I was lost inside the jock. The pouch was huge; it had to be for Grandad. The straps at the back hung loosely below my arse, hardly touching it at all. The waistband was also loose around me. I had to hold the jock with one hand to keep it up. I finally gave up and let it fall to the floor. Then I picked it up and took a little sniff. It smelt of the extremes of bodybuilding. It reeked of manly musk. It cooked in the juices of sweat and precum coaxed into being by the heavy lifting of massive weights, over and over again. It sang of strength and power and ever-increasing mass. It shone with magnificent, masculine muscularity that showed no signs of ever stopping. It was the garment of a god. I wasn’t worthy to hold it, much less attempt to wear it. I stepped into the shower and turned on the warm spray. Then I wanked again… and again. How I came three times in just a few minutes was a mystery. But there was power in this place. And I think it was rubbing off on me. I wanted it to. I wanted to be just like Grandad. *** In less than half an hour my Grandad brought me on a tour of the farm. I hate to say this, but there really wasn’t much to see. The pigs were the only livestock he owned. I asked him about this as he led me from one utility shed to another. He showed me where the generator room was. It was hooked up to several solar panels, plus a single wind-powered turbine some ways off. I hadn’t noticed the tall propeller on a stick when I’d first arrived the day before. Together the devices gave the farm all the power it needed. Grandad was off the grid and didn’t owe shit to anyone. Another building housed nothing but composters, which Grandad said was great for the soil and helped him get rid of household waste with little pollutants. He went on to explain that his toilets drained into a tank that fed into the compost. Nothing was wasted. I guess a big man produced a lot of crap. “The pigs aren’t for eating, but they serve their purpose. Although… lately I haven’t needed to use them much.” He didn’t elaborate until he took me to the field farthest from the farm. It was populated primarily by oak trees. Each tree was a mighty old thing, with a presence that felt ancient. Grandad perhaps sensed my curiosity and explained. “Last year one of these old girls got struck by lightning. Only quick reflexes from your old gramps here stopped the entire plantation from burning down. Still, wasn’t much left of her when I pulled her remains right out of the ground and cut away a cross-section.” “Don’t tell me, you didn’t use any equipment to pull up the remains, right?” I think Grandad liked the fact that I was interested in how things operated here. “Well, I used a saw to cut through the stump, but I used my strength to rend the stump from the earth, yes.” He bounced his huge pectoral masses with lofty pride. Then he added: “I wasn’t as big then as I am now. It took me a good ten minutes to get the stump out of the ground. The roots went down a mighty ways. But I won through in the end.” “You’d probably do it in half that time now. You’re huge.” I didn’t need to remind him. “Halve that time again, then lop off another minute,” he said with a smirk. “So you examined the age of the tree from its rings, yes?” There was a keenness in my voice now. He heard it and it pleased him. “Indeed. The lifespan of oak trees can vary. The really old ones can live for over five hundred years. But these babies… they’re far older. I needed a really strong magnifying glass to count those rings from the cross-section. Each ring counts for one year of growth. I gave up at seven hundred and fifty.” “Wow… so they’re something special then.” I wondered where this was going. “Not just the trees themselves, Stephen.” He hunkered down to dig for something between the roots of the nearest oak. In less than a minute he produced something round and dirty, like a clump of soil matted with leaf clutter. He tossed it to me. “What do you make of that?” I don’t know why I did it, but I immediately brought the object close to my nose. It’s odour was familiar. It was the same ‘earthy’ smell I’d gotten from the milkshake he’d made for me earlier. “What is this?” “You’ve never seen a truffle before?” “Aren’t they fancy chocolates?” “No… real truffles are fungi. But unlike regular mushrooms, they don’t put up parasols to spread their spores. They reproduce underground, amidst the root structures of trees. Different trees can produce different types of truffle. There are white ones, black ones, red ones, and so on. And some of their names are associated with the trees under which they spawn. I’m not going to go all scientific on this. I’ll keep it simple.” The truffle I held felt like it weighed about a half pound. I cleaned off the soil and revealed its somewhat greenish-purple hue. It looked like it was faintly glowing, too. Grandad had more to say on the subject. “They spread their spores via animals that dig them up and eat them. Pigs are great at this, although dogs are better. I’m not overly fond of dogs, and I picked up those pigs for a pittance. I originally had twelve. But four died of either old age, or twisted guts. Don’t worry, I didn't waste the meat. A man’s got to grow, right?” A lat spread just for the fun of it reminded me that I was in the presence of a muscle giant. “So you just let the pigs wander amongst the oaks and they dig up the truffles for you?” Grandad nodded enthusiastically. “Well, I need to be present, else they’ll scoff them up real quick. I usually just clap my hands when they find one and they obediently drop the booty. That one you’re holding in your hand — even though it’s a small one — will fetch about two hundred quid. I once unearthed one that weighed over eight pounds, but it’s quality was way beyond what you’re holding. It bought me that jeep I flung into the air last night.” He paused to frown and lament his questionable actions of the night before, but he chirped up quickly enough. “I hope it didn’t kill anyone, although I think we’d have heard something by now. I no longer fit inside cars, so it’s not really a loss.” After a short pause: “Try some,” he insisted, indicating I should eat the smelly fruiting body. “Seriously? You want me to eat this?” “Yup, just rub off the excess soil and start chewing. It’ll do you good to try it. I want to test a theory.” So I was to be my Grandad’s guinea pig. Speaking of the pigs; he said some of them died from twisted guts. I hope that wasn’t from eating the truffles. “Well, you obviously know best,” I said, but I really wasn’t fond of the idea. “You had some in your shake this morning. It’s fine. Truffles are an expensive addition to cooking, highly prized in top restaurants the world over. These ones… well, they’re special.” I decided to trust my Grandad. I cleaned the tuber as best I could and then tentatively sliced some off with my teeth. It was like chewing a really dry potato, or what I imagined that would be like. There wasn’t really any flavour; more an aroma than anything else. So I chewed, and chewed, and finally forced the bolus down my throat. I coughed a few times and my eyes watered up. Grandad grinned broadly, then he slapped me on the back, hard enough to leave a red patch. I almost went flying; I guess he sometimes forgot how immensely strong he is. “Oh grow a set of balls, lad. Now tell me if you feel any different.” I didn’t feel anything. Not at first. But then… something happened. I felt a tightness all over. It started beneath my arms. I wasn’t sure I cared for the feeling at first, but then I realised I was growing. That feeling under my arms came from my expanding lat muscles. The tightness was followed quickly by a warm, tingling sensation. “Oh fuck… is this really happening?” “It sure is, Stephen. You think I got this way just by bodybuilding?” The feeling continued. My muscles were growing, expanding, gaining more dominance over the rest of me. My neck thickened, along with my traps and delts. My shoulder bones widened to better accommodate the new muscle mass. My — oh fuck — I was getting pecs… better than the modest ones I sported before. Slabs of manly chest muscles sprouted from my front and hung weightily; okay, nothing like Grandad’s, but hey, I shared much of his genetics, and now he’d revealed to me something about this place that turned men into gods. My abs and obliques tightened and toned up, sprouting bulges that made my midsection look beautiful. I looked down at myself and watched as six bellies popped out of my abdomen and became ripped and hard. My six-pack was better than it had ever been. I fanned out my arms to better accommodate my new lats. I couldn’t wait to see myself in the mirror. I felt tickled by the muscles that sprouted from my back, and I instantly shot up in the dick department. I didn’t care about having a boner. I didn’t want this feeling to end. My legs, too, gained size, with defined cords of muscle that stretched my skin tight. My calves grew big and hard and I marveled at the veins that effortlessly popped out of them. I brought my arms up to form a double biceps pose. I looked at each taut but prominent upward bulge, and my dick got harder and harder. “Fuck, Grandad. This is… it’s… it’s… incredible,” I exclaimed, completely in muscle-growth reverie. Was it okay to be this self-absorbed? I didn’t care. I never wanted this feeling to end. But it was over all too quickly. Maybe this was a dream. I pinched myself to see if I would wake up. The pinch itself was interesting. I could barely grab any skin. My body fat was far less than it had been. I’d gained quality muscle, nothing else. “Huh,that’s it?” “For now, lad. But you’ve proven something to me. The truffles work best at the beginning. The more we eat, however, the less effective they are. To get to my size you have to put in serious training. Lately I’ve been spending most of my waking hours just bodybuilding, and bodybuilding, and body-fucking-building. But it’s not enough. To achieve my ultimate goal, which is ultimately endless, I guess… I’ll need help to fully unlock the potential of these truffles.” I was now hooked on a feeling. That feeling was muscle-growth. “I want to be huge, Grandad. It’s got to happen,” I almost barked anxiously. I flexed my left bicep over and over, twisting my wrist and squeezing my fist so as to make my forearm pop like crazy. With my other hand I cranked one off, not even realising I was masturbating in front of my Grandad. He didn’t seem to mind. “You’ll get there. After all, you’ll have the best trainer. But it’s not going to be easy. When I first grew after tasting a truffle, I gained a little more than you did. I was already big from weightlifting. But I wasn’t a bodybuilder; I’d never had that kind of conditioning. But a few more truffles changed that.” To emphasise, he matched me pose for pose. We growled and goofed about for a bit, enjoying our muscles and our erections. Grandad really felt and behaved younger than his years. I wanted him to be a pal as well as a mentor. “Next time I found a better quality truffle. I ate it all, but gained a little less muscle than before. This has been going on for almost two years. Of course, I don’t always find good quality truffles. I tried experimenting with different varieties. I’d go out into the wilderness and uproot whole trees: poplar, spruce, ash etcetera. I replanted them here. I hoped, somehow that if their root structures produced truffles, that I could sort of mix the spores about, to create new strains. But the supplanted trees didn’t thrive. The oaks always overwhelmed them. So I’m basically left with one variety of truffle.” “But all we need is one variety, right? These things are magical,” I added. He nodded. “Well there is an exact science to it. I contacted a scientist colleague of mine from way back. I’ve been supplying him with truffles for over a year now. The results have been mixed, but he’s been working to isolate the muscle-growth properties of the truffles using radiation and various refining techniques. So far the results have been promising. I’m waiting for him to get back to me soon so I can get a concentrated dose. But he moves around a lot, due to the somewhat unethical nature of his experiments.” He paused to lose himself to his thoughts again. I could tell he was dreaming of getting absolutely HUGE! But if muscle-enhancing truffles weren’t enough, there was more to discover at Ridge Farm. He took me to one of three rectangular white outbuildings, the ‘sheds’ I’d seen upon my arrival the day before. Each one was devoid of windows, and the only way in was through a single, heavily padlocked door. There was also a thumb scanner (very fancy). He unlocked the padlocks and placed his thumb on the scanner. A red light on the panel turned green and there was a little ‘beep’ sound. He showed me in. There was nothing inside but a stairwell that led underground. Overhead a fluorescent light hummed more loudly than I cared for. He led me down a passageway that seemed to go on forever. His shoulders scraped the sides of the passage and he commented on this: “I’ll have to widen this passage. Getting too big for it. I like the feeling.” Eventually we stopped. There was nowhere else to go. The passageway ended, opening out into a roundish space, and dominated by what appeared to be a large, black metal wall. Track lighting along the ceiling of the shaft gave us plenty of illumination. “I found this quite by accident. I was clearing some trees to make land for ploughing, shortly after I bought the farm. I didn’t know at the time I would become a truffle farmer. I just wanted to get down and work the land and see what inspired me. It helped me with the grief process, I guess. “I wasn’t anywhere near the size I am now; I’d not yet discovered the truffles. But the building above is where a sinkhole once formed beneath my feet. I fell twenty feet into this shaft, although back then I had to crawl through it. I’ve widened it since then, and put in the lighting. I thought I was done for, but I could see where I was going, when really I should have been blind in the darkness. There was something down here emitting light.” He paused to allow me to take it all in. Suddenly he had me thinking of spacemen. “Feel the ground. It feels warm. And somewhat soft. At least when I fell I didn’t break anything, although I’d dislocated my shoulder. And it hurt like hell. But I was made of tough stuff, even back then. Here, feel the metal wall, too.” I did just that, and I could feel vibrations and a little heat emanating from the wall. “Where we are now is directly below the field of oak trees where the truffles grow. Something beyond that wall is providing them with the muscle-growth properties. Something I’m determined to discover. There’s only one problem.” I looked at him with all the incredulity I could muster. This was so much to take in; it bordered on surreal. “I can’t get through that wall. I’ve tried everything short of blowing the shit out of it and risking destroying the oaks above. No more oaks means no more truffles. There is only one way to get through that wall,” said Grandad somberly. I said nothing, but I already knew what his answer would be. “We’re going to bodybuild. We are going to build our fucking bodies to gigantic proportions. That’s the key to getting through this wall. Brute strength. Enough of it will reap the ultimate reward. Forget everything about yourself that came before this day, lad. From now on Stephen Ridge is a bodybuilder. And may we both be damned if you don’t become as big as me… or even bigger.” I was reeling from this. I actually felt light-headed as my cock got harder still. And it felt huge when I held it in my hand, rubbing it gently as I quietly got off to my Grandad’s plan. “Oh fuck… I’m gonna come. Grandad, I can’t fucking hold it in. Suh-sorry for… this… unnnnnghhhh!!!!” I just about managed to get my dick out of the jock pouch before shooting a big, salty load at the very wall we were now both determined to breach. Grandad didn’t mind. We were both men; NO! Not men. We were bodybuilders. Grandad soothed me with nothing but fondness and conviction. He believed in me. So much had happened in less than a day, but my path in life was now set out before me. I had to ask something: “What if we do get through that wall — when we’re both big enough and strong enough — what then? What if whatever’s behind that wall is locked in there for a reason?” “We’ll never know unless we try. It’s a mystery I need solved.” And as if to emphasise his point, Grandad pushed against the wall. He pressed with all of his strength, grunting noisily as he channeled every last ounce of his incredible might. His body exploded with size and power. His skin almost burst apart from the strain of new muscles bulging, getting impossibly bigger. Veins erupted all over him, carrying blood to every muscle fiber. “WHY WON’T IT FUCKING MOVE?????” For the first time since I’d been here, his exertions got the better of him. But his body looked beautiful beneath a patina of sweat that made his muscles glisten. “Hey… it’s okay, Grandad. Give it time. When I’m as big as you, we’ll both bring it down.” I placed a reassuring hand on his bicep. I felt its power and its hardness. It was mind-blowing. I had another question. “You said that each time you eat a truffle its effects are lessened. But if that’s so, how come you look like you’re growing right in front of my eyes?” A valid question, I thought. “Let me show you the next building to this one,” he said simply. At that we headed back to the surface, leaving the ancient mystery of the metal wall behind. The next building was locked the same way as the first. Grandad soon had us inside. My jaw dropped. The interior was about sixty feet by thirty. And it was crammed full of bushels of truffles, all of which had been cleaned thoroughly. They were bigger and smelt mustier than the one I’d eaten earlier. “They’re better quality truffles. I’ve been stockpiling them. They’re worth hundreds of millions of pounds. Occasionally — maybe one out of several thousand — I find an absolute pearl. A truffle of extremely high quality. I’ve found ten of them so far, each one weighing about six pounds. I sent two to my colleague for his research. The other six… well, this is why I’m the size I am today. And bodybuilding, of course. It’s how I continue to make massive gains. The better quality truffles reap the greatest rewards. Then I grow, so I can lift heavier weights and eat larger amounts. Rinse and repeat, lad.” I was held aghast by this revelation. “Please tell me you have more of them left. I want to grow huge so badly, Grandad.” My appeal didn’t fall on deaf ears. “I kept one for you, yes, lad. However, I’m a little reluctant for you to try it just yet.” Panic rose in me. I had been bitten by the muscle-growth bug, and now I was addicted. I wanted more, so much more. “But if I get huge now, we’ll be able to get through that wall sooner. What if there are even greater ways to grow our muscles beyond that wall? It could be a spaceship that crashed here thousands of years ago. Or… or… it could be the meaning of life or shit like that. Grandad, don’t hold back on me now. Not after showing me all this.” If I sounded frantic, I couldn’t help it. I was a kid denied sugar all of his life who’d suddenly discovered a lollipop. “It’s the best quality I’ve ever found. I could have easily used it on myself, to maybe pack on another five hundred pounds or more. But I’m sixty-four years old. You, however, are still going through puberty. That means you still have elevated levels of growth hormone in you. You’re not done growing yet. I’m a little scared to give you such a hefty dose so soon. You need to be introduced gradually to such potency. You could potentially grow to thousands of pounds. Your height would be incalculable. And if you consider my hulk-out rage from last night, and the damage it did, you could be out of control with testosterone- and truffle-fueled outbursts you may not be able to suppress.” He stopped talking, but rubbed my shoulder soothingly. “We need to do this right,” he said after a time. “You just need to trust your Grandad.” I calmed down and nodded my understanding. I then asked: “What’s in the third building?” “Something you need to see. I warn you… it’s not for the faint of heart,” my Grandad cautioned. “I need to see it. Please.” I had my cool head back. I was thinking clearly. Grandad nodded and so we went to the third building. It was just a big refrigerator. I felt instantly cold, but it didn’t seem to bother Grandad. It looked like a room where autopsies are carried out. And I wasn’t wrong. There was a large reinforced table in the centre of the room. A hulking mass lay on it, covered with a shiny, metallically-woven blanket. “One of the pigs was pregnant when I got them. She was the first to ingest what I believe might have been a high-quality truffle,” my Grandad said. He removed the blanket from the elephant-sized mass. The thing underneath was quite dead. It was the biggest pig I’d ever seen. It was also hugely muscled. “She died giving birth to it. She had three in all; two females. This was the male. I think the effects of the truffles only affect males. That’s why the mother and its siblings weren’t affected. It grew to this size in three days. But the critter was brain-damaged and couldn’t use its legs; a mercy, I guess. Had it gotten loose, there’s no telling what damage it could have caused. I euthanized it with poison to stop its heart. It took a lot to kill it, too.” “Why do you keep it here?” I was a little horrified. I suddenly wanted to take Grandad’s advice and be careful where the truffles were concerned. “I know… I should be rid of it. My colleague, Dr. Weiss, took plenty of tissue samples for his research. He was based here, for a while. But he likes to move around for reasons I won’t go into.” “We should burn this to the ground, and everything in it. It doesn’t feel right having this here, Grandad”. “I agree. We’ll do that after we fix the fence and then have lunch.” I was eager to get to work doing chores around the farm, so I could test out my new muscles. I weighed myself on the regular bathroom scale. The readout said “277”. I was amazed. I’d gained over fifty pounds, just from chewing on a low-quality truffle. I couldn’t wait to break that scale and have to use the big one in the barn. Then I thought about the dead monster pig. But I trusted my Grandad. He was experienced in the use of the truffles — and learning more about them all the time — so I knew I would be fine as long as I followed his advice and learned all I could from him. I knuckled down to work, eat, learn… and grow! ONE YEAR LATER Rod came in a massively long spurt as his dick responded to his third time eating a truffle, each one of better quality than the last. It never got stale to watch him engulfed in the throes of orgasmic muscle-growing bliss. His response to the truffles had been even better than mine. Okay, he didn’t share the exceptional Ridge genetics, but he’d already packed on more than one hundred pounds of muscle after just two truffles. We had to respect the potency of these miraculous, earthy fruits. Too much too soon could be catastrophic. I had my ‘little’ Mr Olympia in Rod, now. But he wouldn’t be little much longer. His growth was phenomenal so far, as was mine and Grandad’s on a daily basis. “Are you ever done jizzing?” I laughed when his body shuddered near the end of his climax. Even though I outmuscled him by nearly three thousand pounds, seeing him react to a growth spurt of his own, always made my dick super-hard. At thirty-six inches long, and twenty inches thick, my dick was beyond formidable. I couldn’t wait for Rod to get big enough so I could fuck him without ripping him a second arse hole. “I’m a major jizz machine, Ste,” said Rod, cupping as much spunk as he could so he could give it to me as a tasty treat. I loved to taste all that my boyfriend could provide. Today marked our sixth month as a couple, so it was an anniversary of sorts. A lot had happened in a year, but I’ll keep it brief. Grandad continued to bodybuild and grow bigger and bigger. I benefited from his mentoring so well, and also from controlled but consistent doses of high-grade truffle. It so happened that only the best quality truffles didn’t perish, so most of what Grandad had stockpiled in the second white building eventually turned to mush. But they made great compost, as Grandad hated to waste anything. When his height reached twelve feet and his weight close to eight thousand pounds, Grandad decided we needed to move. I was fast approaching eight feet in height and I weighed just over three thousand pounds. We needed a third body to help bring down the mysterious underground wall. So far Grandad and me could only dent it, but it proved that we were getting stronger and eventually, one day, we’d get beyond it and find out the secret to the truffles. But we were too big now to avoid eventually drawing unwanted attention. Okay, living pretty much in isolation helped, and the good folk from the village nearby were okay living near two amazing giant muscle men (with a third well on the way to massive ‘muscledom’). They would keep our secret. Still, though, Grandad felt somewhat exposed. With help from Doctor Weiss, we moved in secret to an isolated island off the west coast (airlifted by helicopter inside a metal cargo container under cover of darkness is no way to travel, believe you me). There we could live a happy life, build another farm and continue to bodybuild our incredible physiques. I went back to see Rod three months after moving to Ridge Farm. By then I looked bigger and better than any Mr Olympia winner. Rod couldn’t believe it was me, and when he popped an instant boner at first sight of me, I knew then what I’d secretly suspected all along. He was as gay as I am. Okay, he’d accidentally got Cindy Fleming pregnant, but they split up when he admitted this to her, and she didn’t want the baby anyway on the grounds she was too young to be a mother. So she put the tyke up for adoption. This left Rod a free agent. When he saw the bodybuilder I’d become after just three months, he had plenty of questions. So he listened when I told him my amazing secret. He wanted in, although he was cautious. I talked it over with Grandad, and he agreed that Rod should come live with us. I craved a boyfriend, and we needed a third huge bodybuilder to help bring down that wall. Grandad was now very rich after investing some of his monies earned from regular truffle farming in the stock market. He could afford to employ a permanent security team to guard Ridge Farm on the mainland. As soon as we were big enough — and we needed to get Rod up to a massive size, too — we’d return secretly to the underground shaft to work on the wall. Grandad wanted Rod and me to have a special day, just to ourselves. So he packed us a hefty lunch of about a million calories to get us through the day. We were down on the beach on the south side of the island. The spray from the ocean felt delicious on our naked muscle-bods. It was a strikingly beautiful summer afternoon. This place really was a paradise. It was the ideal habitat where muscle-gods could grow in private and not give a shit that we’d outgrown the regular world in favour of our own veritable Olympus. “We should have asked Gordon to join us, you big bodybuilding bulge-monster,” said Rod, and I loved it when he called me playful names like that. Then the truffle kicked in, and he began to grow. It wouldn’t be as much as the last time, as the effects of the truffles diminished with each use, so he’d have to hit the weights big time if he was ever to catch up with me. But he got more and more beautiful with every pound of muscle gained. I, too, had a lot of catching up to do with Grandad. He really was something to behold. Today he was tending to the oak saplings and truffles he’d salvaged from the mainland plantation. He’d decided to raze the original oaks to the ground and destroy any chances of truffles falling into the wrong hands. A muscle-growth epidemic would prove disastrous. Now that the oaks were no more, he decided he’d nothing to lose trying out explosives on the wall. As he’d suspected, the C4 did nothing. But the new oak plantation on the island was doing well, so far. Thanks to the compost formed of the spoiled batches of stockpiled truffles, the new oaks grew at an extremely accelerated rate. Within a year they were already nurturing new truffles in their root structures. Now and again Grandad would find a high-quality one, and he was only too happy to share it with me and Rod. His desire to grow bigger and stronger would always be with him, and we had the power to grow forever, if we so desired. But he usually took a slightly smaller dose of truffle than he provided to me and Rod. We needed to grow, and get bigger and stronger. So much bigger. We never wanted this feeling to end. Rod packed on even more muscle as we rolled around on the beach making love. I let him enter me often, and soon he’d be big enough for me to fuck him. I really couldn’t wait for that day. Later we ate a lot of food, then made love again. We went for dips in the ocean and tested our strength by hurling boulders around. Rod got a great pump out of lifting weights he couldn’t even attempt prior to his latest growth spurt. “One day we’ll get through the wall, all three of us,” I said to him as we lay on the beach, tired from our exertions. He was small compared to me, but I loved to engulf him in my massive musculature whilst cooing softly to him in his ear. “I hope the power to grow even huger is in there. It has to be if it’s been feeding the roots supporting the truffles all this time,” said Rod. “Yeah we need to get huge. I’d love to one day make Grandad look like a baby standing next to me,” I quipped. “He won’t like that,” came back Rod’s jovial remark. I loved him so much. I kissed him over and over. “But what’ll he be able to do to me? I’ll be the biggest bodybuilder ever. He’ll have to step aside and let a real man take charge. GRRRRR!!!!” I made a huge single biceps pose. At my command sixty-six inches of rock hard, steel muscle flexed and bulged, big enough to almost blot out the sun. Rod grew instantly hard again. Then we fell asleep in each other’s arms and only when the rising tide lapped at our exceptional muscle-bods, did we rouse ourselves awake and head back to New Ridge Farm. It had been a good day. But it could only get better. Grandad was making beef stew. Even MORE amazing muscle growth to come, and will the secret of what's behind the wall eventually be revealed?
  17. pasidious

    The Outline

    Here's a little one-off story. Hope you all like it. __________________________________ I knew what he liked. He told me himself. We hadn't seen each other in a long time, probably over a year. In fact, we never really ever hung out together, just the two of us. We'd only ever really seen each other in passing or at a mutual friend's party. I wasn't exactly overt with my homosexuality, but I knew he was gay. But he called me out on it fast. He somehow knew I was gay without knowing much about me at all. He'd randomly messaged me out of the blue and asked if I was gay, and I was thinking, "how the hell does he even know?" We'd never ever hung out or even spoken more than just a few sentences with each other and only in passing. But he somehow knew. But whatever, I didn't care. I wasn't overt with it, but I wasn't really hiding it, either. Even after that night, though, when he called me out on my gayness, we'd barely speak. We'd sometimes message each other and just make small talk, but nothing more than that. Still never hung out before. But one time he mentioned something that piqued my interest. He told me he liked when dudes walked into his store wearing gray sweatpants. I was like "why?" and he said that he liked seeing well-endowed bulges in them. He found that really sexy. So, just the other night, it randomly popped back into my head. The fact that he liked seeing bulges in sweatpants. For some reason, I wanted to fiddle with this some more. So I randomly messaged him and said "I bet you're missing the cold weather because now you won't be seeing any gray sweatpants for a while," and he responded with "oh it's better now, because they're wearing basketball shorts." I thought, "wow, that was a better response than I could have imagined." I like to play dumb sometimes to see what responses happen, so I said, "why is that better?" and he said "because it's thinner material and much easier to see free-ballers' cock outlines," which was pretty much the response I expected. But I couldn't help also thinking that he was right. That IS pretty damn hot. Seeing a dude walk in nonchalantly going about his day with his cock outlined behind thin fabric. So I played with this conversation for a little while, asking him what was hot about it, and if he thought bigger truly is better (to which he said YES), and I even asked him if he liked to see a cock already hard, or if he likes to see it grow. Of course he said it's hotter to watch it grow, but hot nonetheless if it's already hard. He also said he prefers growers and seeing a big difference between soft and hard. He even sent me a picture example of the cock outlines he likes, and it was of a young guy (probably early 20s) taking a selfie in the mirror, shirtless with his nicely muscled body tensed, and a very clear cock outline through his thin shorts. He was certainly hot. So, this is how I found out exactly what he liked. And I planned on exploiting that for my own benefit. Well, for both our benefit. He worked at a Verizon Wireless store as a manager. He was responsible for selling phones and phone plans, among other responsibilities, and thanks to the pandemic, he'd often be working alone due to reduced labor and hours. I was going to pay him a visit. I had no need for a new phone or anything, but I did have another need. So, I put on some thin gym shorts with no underwear and a T-shirt, and headed to his store. Now, I'm a thin guy, but I had some definition and muscle, thanks to my at-home exercising, but I had a grower of a cock. Nine inches long and thick as a soda can when hard. I walked into his store and saw him sitting at one of the tables, and he of course stood up when he saw me walk in. "Hey!" he said, thinking this was a plain old visit. "I didn't know you needed a new phone." "I don't, I just figured I'd stop by and visit." Of course, at this moment, my dick was completely soft, so no sign of it through my shorts. "Oh, so what's up?" "Nothin' much, really. Just bored. You been busy?" "Nah, I've had a whole two customers all day, and if I count you, three." I chuckled a little. "Damn, that's gotta make the day go slow," I said, but I decided to get the ball rolling. I adjusted my cock through my shorts and made no effort to hide it. His eyes were immediately drawn to this movement, and I was glad he saw. "Y-yeah, it feels like two days should have passed but it's only been six hours." Seeing him watching my crotch now was honestly turning me on. I honestly love the idea of a dude seeing my hardon through my pants. I felt my cock twitching within the confines of the thin gym-shorts fabric, and he wasn't doing a very good job of hiding where his eyes were. "My eyes are up here, dude," I said, laughing. "Fuck," he said, averting his eyes and looking to his right. I just laughed some more. "No, I want you to look. Watch." And this is where I felt my cock really surge. He turned his head back and looked directly at my crotch, and I felt my cock growing wildly, throbbing and swelling with my heartbeats, bigger and bigger, and its outline was soon very clear through the material. "This is what you like, right?" I asked. He just nodded his head. I grabbed my cock with my right hand and squeezed, and felt it continuing to swell. I only held it for a few seconds, and then let go, but I swear his mouth was watering. "Yeah, I'm getting sooo hard," I said, and I could tell he was getting super hard too. His pants weren't as revealing, but I definitely saw a tent. I was completely and fully hard now, my cock throbbing hard, and yes, its outline was clearly displayed. "So, what're we gonna do now?" I asked. He didn't waste any time. He grabbed my hand and pulled me into the back room, away from the front windows, and then grabbed my cock through my shorts. FUCK it felt good. My cock has been in need of some attention. "Oh yeah, feel my hard cock," I said. He ran his hand over my cock, squeezing it, pressing it, and it felt amazing. I was getting more and more turned on. "Something else I know you like," I said, and flexed my arms for him. "Holy shit," he said, and I didn't really have much muscle, but seeing me flex was still something I knew he'd like. I'd been working out a bit and I had some newly decent arms to speak of. I'd even worn an older shirt so my arms would be more pronounced within the tighter sleeves. He reached up and put his hands on my biceps, and squeezed. My muscles weren't huge, but I loved showing them off, and it felt even better having them felt. My cock throbbed within my shorts. I could feel the telltale sensation of pre oozing from my tip, wetting the fabric of my shorts. "You like that?" I asked, knowing full well that he did. He nodded. I grabbed his left hand and guided it under my shirt and put it on my chest. My small but still hard and pronounced pecs were pushing out, and when I felt the palm of his hand make contact, I flexed my pecs and let him feel the hard muscle. "Holy shit," he said again. He prodded the muscle and pushing and squeezed, and then his fingers sought out my nipple and pinched it. "Unnghh" I moaned, the sensation overwhelming. His hand then ventured down to my abs, which, again, weren't phenomenal, but still there and pretty defined. He ran his fingers over the bricks of muscle, and I was in heaven. I loved having my body felt. My cock was throbbing so hard right now, and definitely oozing more pre. His hands then ventured to my back and stayed under my shirt. He was definitely enjoying feeling my body, and his hands were roaming all over the place. He pressed himself into me and I could feel his hard cock pressing into my own throbbing dick. It felt hot as fuck. But then, while I was distracted by my cock sending shivers down my spine, I felt his lips make sudden and hard contact with my own, and I instinctively pressed back with the kiss. It was a passionate kiss, and we held it for what felt like hours. Our tongues were intertwining, and we were definitely fighting for dominance. He either let me win or I'm just stronger. Either way, my tongue dominated his mouth, and he continued kissing me without breaking away. But he seemed pretty good at making a distraction, because while I was reeling from his sudden kiss, my attention was snapped back to my cock. My throbbing hard drooling cock. The front of my shorts was so wet. He had slipped his hand beneath my waistband and grabbed my cock. And as soon as he squeezed, I felt a moan escape my throat, and a much louder one escaped his simultaneously. "I've been waiting for so long to finally see your cock," he said while pulling his mouth from mine. And before I could even think of a response to that, he took his other hand and hooked his fingers beneath my waistband and pulled my shorts down, allowing my cock to reel out in all its glory. I heard him gasp when he saw it in the flesh. "Aw yeah, I'm just... I'm just gonna--" and then he got on his knees and swallowed my cock. All of it. He took every inch of it into his mouth and immediately bathed it in his tongue, wrapping it all around and sucking hard. My eyes rolled back into my head and I felt like I could collapse, but I had to stand strong. He continued his sucking, deep-throating my big dick, and I was feeling this amazing euphoria I'd never experienced before. He was an amazing cock-sucker. I watched as he took his own dick out, and using one hand, started jerking himself while sucking on mine, gripping the back of my leg with his other hand. I'd noticed some time ago, after I'd started working out and building my body, that flexing my biceps while jerking off would somehow enhance the feeling. I'd get even hornier and harder. So, without even thinking about it, while his mouth was working my dick, I flexed my right arm, marveling at how nicely shaped and round my biceps had become. I flexed and unflexed, watching my ball of muscle expand. I pulled my sleeve over it, and flexed again, and FUCK was it hot to see how tight my sleeve was wrapped around my arm. My dick was throbbing and pulsing, and I felt hornier now than ever before. I heard a gasp, and I saw him looking up at my arm as I held it aloft, flexed hard, and then "...Mmunngggh" he moaned, shutting his eyes, briefly lapsing in his sucking, and I watched his entire body visibly shudder as I saw his dick shoot cum all over the cheaply-carpeted floor. Just seeing that made me want to blow my load. I felt my dick angrily expand and my balls contract, signaling impending orgasm, but I mustered the willpower to hold it in. I wasn't ready. But I was fucking close. He opened his eyes again, looked back up at me, and I smirked back at him. "Fucking close, man, keep going," I said, and he didn't hesitate. He took my cock down his throat, past his epiglottis, and was clearly a pro at resisting the gag reflex. His tongue was furiously running itself over my thick veiny shaft, and I saw him looking up at me expectantly. "Oh, is this what you wanna see?" and I flexed my arm again. "Mmmm" he moaned, and I felt my cock throbbing harder and harder. "How about this?" I said, and brought my other arm up, flexing both as hard as I could. The sensation of my growing biceps flexing into rocks in my tight sleeves was too much. "Oh god, oh god, it's coming, I'm cumming!" I exclaimed, and I felt his lips contract around my cock. "Unnghhhhh!" I moaned, and I felt the massive amount of cum running into my shaft and exploding out of my tip. "Fuck!" I exclaimed again, not even meaning to. I felt shot after shot explode from my dick, but unlike what I was used to, ever single bit of it was unseen. My cocksucker was swallowing every drop. Which was impressive, to say the least, because I was a huge cummer. I regularly shot six or seven times. But this wasn't a regular occasion. I felt my body shiver and shudder, and the sensation of this orgasm was rocking me to my core. It was intense beyond belief, and it felt soooo gooooood. "Unngh" I moaned as the sixth volley launched from my cock, and then the seventh. "Mmmmm" he moaned, and I was glad he was taking it all. After the ninth shot, I finally felt it dwindle to just a dribble, and then one more dry shot. He sucked for a bit longer, making me squirm, and then pulled his lips off. He said nothing, not yet. He took his hand and milked my still mostly-hard cock, and I watched as a little more cum oozed from my tip, and he took his tongue and licked it all off. He then fell backwards and collapsed on the floor, laying on his back, and I watched his chest heaving up and down, completely out of breath. Finally, he spoke up, "Fuck, dude. That was hot." "Yeah, it was. You're amazing at that." "What, sucking dick?" he laughed. "Yeah, I've had a lot of practice, but I've wanted to suck your dick for years now. I finally got to today." "Fuck. Really? That long?" "Yeah." "Well then. Maybe I'll surprise you again sometime," I said with a wink. "Fuck yeah, dude. Please. Or maybe I'll visit you at home," he winked back. "Just do me a favor." "What's that?" "Flex more next time. It's hot as FUCK." I laughed. "Alright, will do. I'll hopefully be even bigger then, too," I said, then lifted the bottom of my shirt and flexed my bicep. And then, I watched as his little dick started growing again.
  18. Guest

    The dominant species (4)

    “Come on. One more!”. Keith grunted as he pushed up the dumbbells higher above his head. His shoulders were burning, his face was beat red, his heartbeat was pounding in his ears. Matt’s deep voice urged him to finish his set. His arms started shaking as his shoulders began to give out. He felt he was losing his struggle against the dumbbells, that were shaking and began moving downwards. “Don’t give up, man!”. Keith felt Matt’s paws position themselves at the bottom of his elbows and suddenly the weight fell less. “Yeaughn”, he groaned as he completed his set. He let the dumbbells drop to the floor and sank down atop the nearby bench, inhaling deeply as his sweat-soaked shirt hugged his torso. He grabbed his shaker and raised it to his mouth. His pumped shoulder protested. “Told ya ya could do it. Good work, bud”. Keith looked aside as his roommate moved toward the rack and got ready to grab a pair of dumbbells. Matt’s triceps jutted out prominently from the back of his arms as he grabbed hold of the dumbbells. Keith gulped down another sip of shake without taking his eyes from his roommate. “Yeah. New max”, Matt growled between his clenched teeth as he began his fifth set of shoulder presses. His arms moved up and down fluently as if the heavy weight didn’t bother them at all. “8…9…”. Keith noticed that his roommate’s face began getting red and his arms began trembling mildly. He got up to assist. “No, man… Ya could get hurt”, Matt said, “10…11…andeuh…12”. He lowered the weight back down and gently reracked it. “Some lateral raises to tip things off?”, he said while he sipped down some water. Keith knew his big roommate didn’t expect an answer. He just nodded and copied his movement, trying to avoid the obvious difference in weight both of them were using. The next morning, Keith was standing in front of the bathroom mirror that filled half the wall opposite of the shower cabin. Wearing nothing but his boxers, he stared at his reflection. His body was ripped and toned, but clearly lighter than before. His weight of 220.3 pounds had dropped to 198. He was back at his weight when he had started at Orchid University a year earlier. He still got his share of attention of the girls, especially since his reputation of wearing them out had spread, but his body lacked its former buff size. He now looked more like a fitness model ready for a shoot instead off the bulkier jock he had been. His arms were a very nice 16 inches now, but no longer the impressive 18 inch guns he had flexed as much as possible only three weeks ago. His six-pack did looked more impressive without the layer of fat at the bottom. “Yo, Keith. Ya in here?” His roommate’s deep voice tore Keith from his inspection and his hands let go of his abs. “Yep. What’s up, man?”, he said and walked out of the bathroom. His feet actually shuffled back a bit when he laid eyes on his roommate. The past week, Matt’s miraculous growth had continued. He now stood 6’4 tall and had packed on another 24 pounds of muscle, making him now 283 pounds. Even though he just came from his bed, his muscles looked fully pumped and ready to burst through his paper-thin skin. His thickened traps formed a thick mass at the back and sides of his neck; his shoulders had broadened and rounded further and formed a frighteningly strong line that supported his huge, 23 inch arms; even the vein running over his shoulders and down along the thick biceps had thickened and branched off in a network of several smaller ones that fed the thick muscle and snaked along the back of his arm onto the thick triceps; his chest was a broad, protruding shelf of muscle that rippled with every breath he took; the separation between his two pecs was a bit obscured by their mass; the protruding pecs and the visible lats formed a deep, dark armpit from where his ripped obliques ran; the top row of his ripped abs were darkened by the shadow of his protruding chest; a week earlier his six-pack had suggested a fourth row of abs at their bottom, now, his six-pack had morphed into a ripped eight-pack with a small treasure trail running from his belly bottom down into his boxers and a few veins topped the bottom row and disappeared into his boxers; his quads had also gathered more mass and the different parts of the muscle were visible as cords atop his legs; his boxers looked more filled than before as his legs stretched the fabric. The faint tanned color his skin had developed only highlighted every ridge of his muscles further. “Keith?”. Matt’s voice tore Keith from his inspection and made him look up. His gaze travelled along the bare torso before settling at his face. Matt’s face had become more squared, but still had some boyish charm to it: it only had a hint of a mustache and some light stubble around his chin; otherwise, his cheeks were as smooth as the rest of his torso. A glint of mischief in his eyes only added to the boyish charm of his face that contrasted with his beastly bod. “Yeah?”, Keith asked as he looked up into his roommate’s eyes. “Picture time”, Matt replied and tossed his phone at his smaller buddy. Keith caught the phone a bit clumsily. He raised it until he got a good image and his roommate filled the screen. He took the picture. Ever since Matt had begun growing, he’d asked Keith to take a picture at the start of the week. Going through these pictures, it was the third he took, made clear how much his roommate had grown: in just three weeks, the guy had evolved from a muscular jock with the looks of a fitness model to a more heavily muscled jock with a body that rivaled that of most amateur bodybuilders into a very heavily muscled gym rat that looked like he spent every spare minute in the gym and could step on stage in a professional bodybuilder competition. That last thing was true: Matt had been working out twice a day since the last week and even skipped more and more classes just to lift weights. Matt took back his phone from his buddy and looked at the pic. A grin formed on his face as he inspected the image. “I look like I feel: unstoppable”, he said and tossed his phone aside on his bed. “Don’t know what’s happening to me. Since I got back on campus, my energy is through the roof. Like there’s pure testosterone flowing through my veins…” “Well, that’s about right”, Keith reacted thinking back at the results from his roommate’s latest blood test taking on order of their coach: as he had thought, his buddy had tested negative on any possible steroid, but his testosterone ratings had been off charts. His body was producing huge amounts of testosterone and the more elaborate tests had proven it was a natural process. Matt hadn’t even noted his smaller roommate’s remark and just continued: “… Having the best workouts of my life: lifting heavier, harder and longer. Feeling my muscles grow bigger and bigger. And not just my muscles. Fucking hornier than I was when I was 15.” He grinned at his roommate and raised his right arm. Keith watched in awe as a boulder rose up atop his buddy’s arm. His eyes were fused to the swelling bicep. “Fuck. Look at the size of my bicep”, Matt said and flexed his arm into an intimidating, 23 inch orb of steely meat. He let his left hand test the hardness of his flexed bicep and played with its mass as his fingers traced some of the veins that snaked across the boulder. “Come feel my arm”, he said as he returned his gaze on his roommate. “Wh…at?”, Keith muttered without taking his eyes from the flexed arm. Matt closed the distance between them and his left hand grabbed his smaller buddy’s right wrist. Keith let the strong hand raise his wrist. He could feel the 80 pound heavier man’s strength. He sighed as he inhaled and the strong, manly scent of musk that escaped his roommate’s deep armpits filled his nose. His knees buckled slightly as his hand was placed atop the rock-hard bicep. “Ya like that, don’tcha?”, Matt let out as his smaller roommate’s fingers roamed the surface of his flexed bicep. He felt his cock starting to swell inside his boxers. “You’re so big… And hard”, Keith mumbled in disbelief as his other hand joined in and tried to stretch around the boulder-sized bicep. Even combined, his two hands couldn’t span the entire girth of his roommate’s upper arm. The remark filled with awe sent another jolt through Matt’s cock. He hardened his flex some more, prying open the two hands groping his bicep. Keith’s eyes widened as the rock-hard bicep overpowered his grip. He noticed a stirring motion and his gaze was drawn down toward the tenting boxers. The organism inside Keith was going wild from the scent giving of by this big male and grabbed full control of its host’s body. Wordlessly, Keith’s body kneeled and pulled down Matt’s boxers. Matt blinked as he felt cold air around his now more than half-hard cock when his boxers were lowered. “Keith, what are…”, he began but stopped speaking as he felt his roommate’s mouth close around the head of his cock. “Fuck”, he groaned as the hot wetness of his roommate’s mouth enveloped more of his cock. He closed his eyes and felt his cock harden completely. He had never felt anything for a guy, but being worshipped and having his muscles admired always turned him on. He felt his roommate’s hand grab hold of his ass and swallow his cock deeper. In between jolts of pleasure, his mind noted that his buddy couldn’t take in his entire cock. A faint grin formed on his lips: his embiggened 10.5 incher proved to be more than anyone could take in. Even the five girls he’d had this past week hadn’t been able to swallow the full length of his cock. The organism inside Keith was desperate for the liquids produced by this big male. It felt the salty taste an small rush of energy as the preliminary fluids leaked from the hard organ inside its host’s mouth. Another groan of pleasure escaped Matt’s mouth. His roommate’s tongue swirled around his shaft as he began to suck. The rhythm of the sucking was an entirely new sensation: it began at full force, so hard he thought his roommate was going to suck his cock from his body; then, his buddy slowed down and sucked very, very softly. The combination sent shivers down his spine and faint trembling movements through his mighty body. He heard sounds escape his mouth that no one had ever made him produce: animalistic sounds; begging sounds; needy sounds. The organism sensed that the large male was on the verge. It noticed the fastening breathing and array of noises produced by him and felt more preliminary liquid leak from the hard organ. Feed me, it thought and sent a final command through its host’s body. Matt felt his roommate’s hands clamp harder onto his meaty ass. His hands grabbed the sides of his buddy’s head as he bucked his hips. Then, suddenly, his roommate sucked him deeper and harder than before. The sudden force of the suction pushed him right over the edge. His eight-pack clenched in a hard convulsion and his orgasm exploded from him accompanied by a deep, loud, resonating roar as his cock spewed its first load down his roommate’s hungry throat. He felt slightly lightheaded as his buddy swallowed his entire load greedily. The rhythm of his sucking didn’t even slow down as his 10.5 incher kept blasting out more heavy loads. The organism felt the energy as the hot, sticky liquid filled its host’s stomach. More, it thought. Matt bellowed a second time as he kept cumming. His larger balls kept rushing out more bursts of cum. The intensity of the orgasm washed over his 284 pound, muscle-filled body. In between the all-consuming pleasure he felt the hands atop his ass get looser. The organism felt its host’s body get weaker by the lack of oxygen. It sent a command through the nerve system to pull away. As its host’s hands released the hard surface, it felt the large male’s hands tighten around its host’s head. Matt just grabbed the sides of his roommate’s head a bit tighter to keep the smaller guy in place: he wasn’t ready just yet to get his cock out of the warm, wet mouth. His balls blasted out 2 more loads before his orgasm finally wore down. He released his buddy’s head and inhaled deeply, letting a rumbling sound escape his mouth. He didn’t know how long he stood there, but a thud tore him from his pleasure-filled state. He opened his eyes and looked down to see his roommate passed out on the floor. He pulled his boxers back on and bent down to pick up his roommate. As he did, his head travelled through a cloud that seemed to hang above the passed out guy. As he inhaled, the cloud seemed to disappear. He grabbed his roommate and gently placed him atop his bed. As he stood back up, he felt a rush of energy shoot through his body. “Gym time”, he said to himself as he pulled on his workout gear, grabbed his gym bag and went out. Late in the afternoon, the team was getting ready for practice. As was now usual, most of the guys were talking about Matt’s recent growth. Some respectfully for his hard work, others in almost pure awe of his size and a few in pure jealousy. Soon enough, the team rushed out on the field to train. By the end coach had them play a match and like always Sean and Matt were selected to form teams. Sean picked his usual bunch of seniors and juniors, but some of the guys walked a bit reluctantly toward him knowing they had to take on Matt. The two teams jogged out to take their positions as some of the cheerleaders filled the stands to watch. Matt grinned as he saw some of them point at him. “Focus, big guy.” Keith’s voice made Matt return his attention to t he upcoming game. “Right”, he said with a grin toward his roommate, “Let’s crush ‘em, men!”. His team roared and took their position. Matt stared at Sean, who threw him a nasty look. “Ready to do your magic ‘Flash’?”, he asked as he turned to his roommate. Keith nodded and grinned at his new nickname. Ever since his fast reflexes, his teammates had called him ‘Flash’. The game got underway and Matt’s team took the lead: most of the juniors and part of the seniors avoided getting in his way, giving him more time to scan the field and pass the ball. He launched his passes with laser precision and Keith then finished things off by shooting through the defense like lighting. Sean was yelling in anger at his teammates. He was not going to lose a game against fucking freshmen and sophomores. Matt once again received the ball from one of his teammates, shoved an opponent aside and scanned the field for his roommate. He saw Keith standing wide open and launched him the ball. Keith stared at the ball, caught it and made it to the endzone. He looked at the ball and tossed it on the ground, feeling the rush of another score made. “KEITH!” Keith recognized his roommate’s deepened voice and looked up. Or tried to. Before he could fully lift his head and look away from the ball, a wall seemed to hit him. Sean had been waiting for his chance: he had noticed Keith staring at the ball on the ground and made his move. At full speed his body could do some serious damage. Keith grunted in pain as the 242 pound, thickly muscled quarterback slammed into him and rove his body into the ground. His helmed head slammed hard against the ground and made his vision go dark for a split second. Sean pushed himself of the 45 pound lighter guy and sprang to his feet. “Sorry, Summers”, he said sarcastically, “Big guys just can’t stop in a flash when we’re at full speed. Not that a runt like you would know.” Keith coughed and tried to inhale deeply as pain spread through his body. He noted some noise, seeing a faint shadow shove Sean aside before sinking back into blackness. Matt rushed over as he saw his buddy being slammed into the ground by the quarterback. He tossed the guy aside and took his passed out roommate in his arms. He carried the guy over to the nurse as coach ended practice. Half an hour later, Matt was reassured by the nurse and left his buddy to rest. He marched back to the locker room and stripped off his gear. As he was bare-chested, he heard footsteps coming from the shower zone. He turned around and saw Sean standing there. “Is your girlfriend okay, pretty boy?”, Sean asked sarcastically. Matt felt something snap inside him. He stepped up toward the quarterback until they were almost nose against nose. They both were 6’4, but Matt had 40 pounds of pure muscle on the other guy. “think this team gonna have a new quarterback real soon”, Matt said and slightly flexed his chest. Sean flinched instinctively as the bigger man hardened his chest. “Whatever”, he muttered and walked past him.
  19. TimHayes90

    Muscle cum pt3

    Worth continuing? It had been a few weeks since my session with Super Kyle. A few weeks since I became Mega Tim. I’ve done nothing but from suck him off, and then lift tons of iron as my body became supercharged by his testosterone cum. I’d left my work - I couldn’t go 8 hours in an office without roaring into a most muscular and power wanking in front of a mirror! Kyle, however, was starting to lose his appeal to me. “Babe. I just can’t again. My ass still hasn’t recovered from last night. Your dick is like the hardest and biggest dildo, and your power is like a jackhammer as you fuck me. Plus you’ve drunk my cum so much to blow up that I hardly jizz a teaspoon load. I just need a rest”. Kyle looked up at me, exhausted and weakened. I saw something different. I saw a weak sack of shit who wasn’t man enough to keep feeding me. I saw a little bitch who couldn’t take my super dick anymore. “You know what Kyle, I am done with you anyway. You see, I need more. It’s like coccain. I just need my next hit. I need to be bigger, that means I need more muscle cum to amp up my workouts. Your dick is spent”. “No wait! I’ll never find a stud like you again! I just need a little break that...... I decided to shut him up by dropping into a crab flex “Ggrrrrrrrrrrr. FUCK YEA. look at me. Don’t you want me to be mmmmmmmmmm BIGGER?! Well, I need more than your dick can give me. Oooooo” I started to feel the tears running down my face as the strain of my flex took hold. I was a mountain of veins and swollen muscle. Almost twice as large as I was a few weeks ago. But I want to be able to smash my way through walls. I was still too small. Kyle launched himself at my feet. “NOOO! Your the ultimate muscle boy fantasy. A real roid monster like on those websites. I’ll do whatever I need to. I’ll help you get bigger gggaghshdjd” Kyle started to splutter as I grabbed him by the neck. “You’ve made me so much more than a man. Drinking the cum of a muscle stud started me on this. But I need freakier dicks in me. I need people who have abused their bodies for years with roids and unsafe workouts. I neeeeeed it”. I licked his handsome face like an alpha animal licking prey. He still made me so hard, but I’d researched a gym for true meat heads downtown. I’ll find what I need there. I’ll bloat and bulge and become unstoppable. This twunk can’t get me there. I drop him unceremoniously to the ground as I force shorts and a shirt across my swole frame. I take a final look at Kyle and decide to give him a final show. “Hey Bitch. Something to remember me by”. With that, I took out my 10” dick and placed a 100lb weight on it. With extreme muscle control, I flexed my dick and launched the weight into the air, embedding it in the ceiling. “I’M FUCKING SUPERMAN. AND I WANT MORE”. I exploded into a most muscular, destroying my shorts and shirt. I couldn’t stop myself. Kyle looked like it was too much for his mind. He was on his knees, and finally blasted onto his back due to my cum shot. As I walked from his house, naked and huge, I had only one thing on my mind. My next cum meal from this new gym and pushing myself to the next level. However, something else happened. Kyle, spluttering in the sea of cum I left him in, broken, had come to a realisation. If cum had made me this cocky beast, maybe it could make Super Kyle into Ultra Kyle! Kyle started to get a little boned thinking about it.....
  20. Dangeresque

    A Plague of Supermen

    The following story is a commission from a person who wishes to remain anonymous and it is an example of a story that is approximately 5500 words in length. A story of that length at my current commission prices, being 2 cents a word, would run about $110 USD. Let me know what you think and if you want to commission a story from me perhaps? Anyway... on with the show... There had been a rash of very destructive break ins throughout the city in the past few weeks. Every time it happened, people went missing. There were also very violent acts of vandalism where people seemed to vanish afterwards. Once a whole city bus was seemingly torn in half and in the aftermath, every person on board it had vanished to the aethers. In every case there were no traces of the people who would have been the victims. Then one Friday morning... everything changed. The police received a panicked call from the head technician at the water treatment plant. He was babbling on about some kind of muscular guys tearing the place apart. Literally destroying the place. They sent out five cars. Ten cops total. None of them knew that the world was about to change, much less how much their lives were going to be different from that day forward. It was a ten minute drive from the city along a narrow road up through the hills to the water treatment plant. As they got closer the roads got rougher, shifting from well maintained blacktop to gravel by the time they pulled into the parking lot. The facility resembled a factory with exhaust pipes and the whole shebang. The massive metal doors, surrounded by an arch of brick, looked as though they had been torn from the building and tossed to the sides. The brick frame was a good 15 feet tall and was smashed on all sides as though something large had been rammed through and into the building after the doors were torn asunder. The cops pulled up without lights or sirens. They were immediately worried for the plant worker that called them in a panic after seeing the state of destruction on that door. Guns drawn, the ten cops made their way to the point of ingress. Five of them on one side of the entryway and five on the other. They peeked in and saw no immediate threat and so they snuck further into the building. After while they saw what appeared to be cracks in the concrete floor, like mini craters that had what appeared to be large footprints in the epicenters. They followed the footprints in and up. Stairs were practically crushed into a ramp and when they reached the top of the stairwell... that's when they saw them. That's when they saw the supermen. There were four of them. Two of them were behemoths with muscle upon muscle stacked and built beyond what should have been physically possible. They stood eight feet tall with golden skin that practically glowed with strength and power as they always seemed to be glistening with a light sheen of sweat. One with long blond hair that went half way down his back, the other had short black hair accompanied by a short beard, goatee, and a hirsute body to match. The cops were easily able to see their golden tanned bodies because there was nothing to obstruct the views. The super pair seemed unconcerned with the police who were quietly approaching. At first the cops only thought there were two, that is until they saw the other pair. The other two supermen were not the same as their bretheren. They were more god than man. They had muscles that put the supermen to shame. Stacks upon stacks of over inflated beachballs stuffed inside where all the muscle groups should be. They were fifteen feet tall each, or they would be were they able to still stand. The bulging muscles of their calves lifted them from the ground from the sheer swollen gargantuitude of their magnificence. They sat back upon massive testicles the size of small cars which made for perfect godly thrones. Their arms stood out to their sides and their pecs were so large that they squeezed their chins from the front while their neck and back muscles hugged their heads from the back. They were in essence completely immobilized by their super-powered and tremendous muscles. They could only watch as their less big yet still impressive companions manuvered their bodies. The super men pinched, tore, and moved thick steel and iron water pipes in their hands like they were made from tin foil. They molded the shrieking metal just as easily as clay in their super powered hands and wrapped the now merged, out-going, water pipes around the eight foot long members of the immobilized muscle gods they were taking care of. The cops could only watch in awe as these behemoths that were men got their massive, precum leaking cocks, hooked up to the city water supply. The pipes that would normally supply water appeared to have been twisted shut and one could only assume it was by hand, given their incredible muscularity and displays of strength in hooking up the muscle gods. The gods began to flex and thrust what little they could against the pipes, those pipes grinding and squealing against the impossibly hard flesh of their eight foot long mega cocks. The commanding officers, sergeant Cole and detective Bayer motioned for everyone to move forward. They ran up, guns drawn, voices raised and called for the super men to stop everything. “You two! Stop what you're doing and put your hands up!” shouted sergeant Cole. The super men only grinned and seemed to ignore the police's instruction as they hooked up the muscle gods. The police were a mere fifteen feet away from the massive men when the super men turned to them. The blond muscle god pointed to them and said, “Fear not little men. You are all going to be like us very soon. You. The city. The world. All is well.” He walked towards them with arms out stretched. His foot long soft penis began to erect as he stepped closer. The police inched backwards and Bayer called out, “Stay the fuck back! Get back now! This is your last warning!” The superman did not stop and the cops opened fire. The bullets impacted his skin with thwaps as the lead flattened on his impenetrable skin and fell to the ground leaving nary a trace on his perfect body. The eight foot tall giant erected full and stood with his hands on his hips as the laughed. His two foot long cock was thick as a two liter bottle of soda and became the central target for the cops as they reloaded. They fired essentially exclusively at the massive cock, thinking it a weak point of the man. They found themselves wrong as the bullets bounced off his cock just as easily as the rest of his body only the effects were different as it caused him to stop smiling and start moaning. He found his cock thickening and it expanded another six inches, rounding out at thirty total. Then he came like a firehose from balls the size of coconuts. He held his hands on his hips and aimed his cock at one of the officers, blasting the man from his feet and plastering him against a wall with so much force that the wall buckled in from the mere pounding of hundreds and hundreds of gallons of super man seed. The black haired super man, now fully hard, with a member to rival that of his fellow super man, jumped over the throbbing muscle gods and landed with a footfall that cracked the concrete under his five hundred pound muscle frame. He rose slowly to his full eight foot height and walked to the nearest cop then grabbed the man by the shoulder. The policeman punched and kicked as he was lifted from his feet. He even threw his unloaded weapon at the massive man but nothing seemed to phase him or even make him bend in the slightest in any way he didn't want. The super man held the police man aloft by his neck single handed and with his other hand positioned his gargantuan cock, setting the man's rump atop the tremendous head. The policeman punched the mighty muscular arm that held him single handed. “Please! No! Please stop for the love of god!” cried out the policeman. The dark haired super man tilted his head, gallons of precum spurted against the pants of the officer, soaking through and lubricating against the massive member. He grinned and spoke in a deep booming voice, “God? We are your gods now little men... and you shall service us as we please...” The god then unceremoniously pushed the man down onto his tremendous immovable rod and despite the man's cries and pleas it continued to go in further and deeper. He pushed in at a steady pace, the massive cock stretching the officer wide and ripping free his pants. The giant cock made the officer's belly distend till the buttons popped off his uniform shirt. The officers were so distracted by the display they hardly noticed that the blond super man had grabbed another of their ranks and was inserting himself in much the same way. They could only watch on in horror as the giants fucked their coworkers. Their friends. Stretching them wider than should have been possible. There must have been something in their precum that kept their victims alive as they were fucked by the godly men. The police then heard a tearing sound coming from the pool of cum that had blasted their friend. Suddenly officers Stanton rose from the cum and stood a seven foot seven inch tall super man, totally nude as he walked from the cum and brushed it from his frame. He walked to officer Yates and lifted him just as the other super men had lifted the other officers and Yates cried out, unable to fend off the impossible strength of his former friend. Stanton the super man bear hugged his fellow officer and flexed his massive muscles in time, hearing the bones of the lesser man creak and groan against his impossible and invulnerable body. His newly massive cock erected at a full twenty inches of ass splitting terror and he thrust inside his former friend. The three super men then fucked and started to pick up the pace. The remaining six officers backed off and knew they were no match for the super men and whatever their plans might have been. They had backed down the stairs in full retreat and made their way for the door when the three super men came in unison. All three of the fucked officers were fucked full of hundreds of gallons of super cum, inflating their bellies till they were the size of small cars. The former officer Stanton however was still fully slickened from his fresh super cum coating and the legs of his fuck toy slipped from his powerful grip. The man was only half full when he lost control and with the grip loosed, officer Yates flew off that cock like a cum rocket and shot across the water treatment plant, landing by the entrance as the officers were running off. Yates reached up and grabbed sergeant Cole by the ankle before he could run off and said, “Wait! No time to explain... I'm turning... They have one mind... I saw it... they have headquarters under the Main Street Gym...” he coughed up a gallon of super cum and then with a big breath he said, “Go there... stop them... run... or I will fuck you into one of us...” They saw Yates begin to shrink in belly size just as he began to swell in muscularity, bursting from his clothes. Luckily he let go of Cole and the officers fled to their cars. Cole and Bayer got in one cop car and sped off, followed by one officer in each of the other four cars behind them. They sped down the road back towards the city when they felt a boom from behind them and then saw something in their rear view mirrors. The super men were jumping hundreds of feet through the air in bounding leaps that hurled them with incredible speeds. They went around the bend and saw a man, the former officer Yates explode through the treeline and land on the hood of the car furthest back, crushing it into the ground with 600 pounds of super powered muscle fully on display. He spun in the air while he soared, landing so he faced the cab of the car. His feet landed first, stopping the car instantly, and his massive three foot erect cock slammed down on the roof of the car, collapsing it inward. Yates reached down and tore open the roof in one swift motion, so fast that the officer in the car didn't even have a chance to impact the steering wheel in front of him. He tore the seat up in another swift thrust of his arms, lifting the cop out so fast that he had no chance to react. Yates then shoved his cock through the metal and fabric of the seat and into the cop still held in place by his reinforced seat belt. The cop in the seat cried out in pain as he was entered by force but the police who drove off weren't as concerned by that as they were busy seeing the other two transformed officers landing in similar fashion to Yates. One landed cock first on the trunk, impaling the car to the ground through the screaming metal and pavement. He stood with his cock alone lifting the car off the ground. Another landed in front of a car in a squatting position, facing a car, so that his three foot cock impaled the vehicle and stopped it dead as it drove forward. His cock went in through the engine block, ripping into the body of the car as the vehicle had no way to harm his impenetrable form. He grabbed the car and pulled it further along till his cock penetrated the cabin, causing him to cum in an instant. The former cop turned super man erupted with hundreds of gallons of white hot seed that flooded the cabin of the car and filled it with incredible speed, almost full to bursting after just the first shot alone. The super men continued to fuck and blow loads of incredible proportions and the two remaining police cars drove on to the city. The three remaining police happily sped back to the precinct, they were very rattled but there was a job to be done. The sergeant called all the remaining police from their precinct to gear up and head out. They couldn't answer questions as to what they faced only that it was the most danger they had ever been in. No one would have believed a description... It was something that had to be seen. With the three from the water treatment plant and those from the precinct there were a total of 24 officers in full swat gear that made their way to the Main Street Gym. They couldn't help but notice the streets were strangely quiet and practically abandoned as they made their way into the gym. The gym itself was empty but the armored swat team searched around as though it were hostiles in every corner. They found nothing but there was a door in the back from which they heard clanking, churning, and grunting coming from. The cops, lead by sergeant Cole, opened the door, saw a long winding staircase and with the door opened smelled an overwhelming manly musk mixed with the scent of cum. The sergeant was not to be deterred as he led his men, armed to the teeth, down the stairs. They must have gone down at least five stories before the concrete stairwell opened up to reveal a massive chamber. A chamber that stretched in all directions and was supported by massive pillars which must have spanned the entirety of the city just five stories down. Lights hung from the ceiling and tremendous silos covered as far as they could see in this under-city layer. The cops stared on in awe as they saw a red-haired superman, a black-haired superman, and four blond haired super men all wearing gladiator style sandals and loin cloths that bulged with massive endowments. They were all carrying shipping crates and loading them into trailers that they then carried and set on massive elevators that carried them up to warehouses all around the upper-city. There were ten immobilized muscle gods who had their cocks hooked up to milking machines. The muscle gods all moaned and seemed to be unleashing massive loads that were drained and flooded into silos all around the under city. The silos then drained into massive machines that were filling bottles of fluid in a production line. The sergeant picked one of the bottles off the line to examine it and saw that it said: Protein Super Shake Things weren't making sense but then he saw a man behind a desk. A big man with a deep tan and dark hair who was kicked back, smoking a cigar in leisure. The swat team ran in and cried out for everyone to put their hands up and freeze. The muscle gods were in no position to stop cumming and getting sucked while the supermen simply ignored the swat team and continued on with their work tirelessly. The man in the chair spun around and stood, standing seven and a half feet tall. He adjusted his tie as he started to walk towards the invading forces. “Gentlemen. You all know me,” smiled the big tan man smoking the cigar, “It's all okay. You can put the guns down and just give in. It's all going to be just fine.” Sergeant Cole was aghast, “Mayor Sandow? What the hell are you doing here? What's going on?” The Mayor puffed his cigar and grinned, “Well I suppose the jig is up. It's all coming to a head today so why not tell you everything? You're all going to know soon enough anyway.” The squad kept at arms but were by and large ignored by the supermen. They kept a lock on the super beings as the sergeant said, “Mayor I think you are in danger. We need to stop these... people... like now... They're doing something horrible.” The Mayor laughed and said, “On the contrary. These super men are mine. They are all my doing. You see... before I was mayor of this town I was a scientist who had been rejected because of my theories on muscle growth and strength enhancement. I was able to develop them here... Below the gym I owned in a secret lab. But then I tapped into something bigger... some other dimensional force that imbued me with a power greater than I could have imagined. I found that those who I shared my seed with were imbued with immense strength and better yet... they were completely under my control. I found that there was pretty much nothing I couldn't do... and so with my first acolytes I built this place. Everyone who ingests either my or their cum becomes super men all linked up to me... We found that the more super cum someone ingested the more they progressed to what I've come to call... the super gods. So big and strong that their muscles make them immobile. We're not sure if they'll ever change back but they essentially become unstoppable cum factories with an endless supply.” “I... see...” said the Sergeant. “So then I started testing my protein super shakes on people... which are just more super cum in a fancy bottle. One taste and you're hooked. One bottle and you're swole. More than that and you're one of us. Super strong and able to cum a nearly endless amount of super seed. The more cum you take in the stronger you get till you become one of the immobile super gods. Right now and for the past several weeks we've been shipping off the shakes around the country and the world with the worldwide launch ready to go any minute now,” smiled the Mayor as the city above them began to rumble and shake with dust coming down from the ceiling, “Take that back... the launch just started and now this city... and most of the country will soon be mine... then the world. Only a matter of a few hours I would say.” “I think what I heard there is you take the head off the snake and the rest of the snake will die,” said the sergeant, “Men fire at will! Stop the mayor and the rest of these muscled fucks!” “You think you can harm gods?” asked the Mayor, “If you need proof we are not to be trifled with then by all means... do what you must and see for yourselves.” The mayor then proceeded to hulk out, as it were. His whole body convulsed with power as he flexed his biceps first. His entire body swelled inches bigger in every direction, drawing the suit from loose to tight his biceps flexed free of the suit, stretching the under shirt to it's max right away. Another light flex and the biceps burst from the top. He then flexed his legs and his calves and feet burst free from his suit and shoes alike. Stretchy socks kept his feet clothed but his thighs had other ideas as they flexed bigger at the same time as his forearms, leaving him in torn cut off shorts and more of a vest than a suit top now. He flexed his chest and rump in time and those huge hairy pecs tore free from his suit jacket, dress shirt, and under shirt all in one go while his massive and tanned nipples erected. A massive full body flex freed him of all his clothing except for his very stretchy socks, leaving Mayor Sandow in nothing but tatters of his former clothing... except some overstretched pinstriped dress socks. No longer the seven foot seven inch “weakling” he was before, the massive man now stood a full twelve feet in height. The mayor began to walk towards the officers and when he was a mere 25 feet away he stopped and began to flex for the men, putting on a show as his two foot long soft cock with boulder sized balls hung down low on his massive frame. He was so self obsessed that he barely noticed all the bullets bouncing off his frame and ricocheting into the concrete walls and floor. His invulnerable body let everything bounce off. He looked up to the officers when he saw a grenade land at his feet. It exploded and literally blew his socks off. The Mayor chuckled at the pleasurable feeling of the shrapnel bouncing off his cock and balls. His cock began to swell in size, throbbing, lengthening, and growing with every heartbeat of his tremendous body. The supermen in the underground cum factory were all taking notice now as their progenitor was under attack. They casually walked to the gun fire, their hardening cocks ripped free of their skimpy loin cloths till they tore up between two and three feet hard, paling in comparison to the cock of their creator which was now five feet long of throbbing barrel thick cock flesh that bounced with his every move. The cops had brought three bazookas with them. One they aimed at the Mayor. Two were aimed at the approaching supermen. The giant men didn't flinch as the bazookas were fired. A blond super man took one square in the chest, a red-haired superman took one directly in the shoulder while they mayor took a blast square below his cock right where his dick met his balls. The concussive explosions were enough to knock the cops on their asses as they held up their riot shields to keep from being hit by the shrapnel. But as the smoke cleared they saw the supermen simply dusting off their hairy muscles as though someone had just poured some soot upon them with black marks left on their superior and unharmed muscles in cartoonish fashion. The mayor had to squeeze his cock at the base to keep from cumming right then and there at the force of the impact. The six super men, now naked except for their sandals, dashed at superhuman speeds to the riot shields of the cops and in unison bashed the shields aside by the strength of their giant cocks alone. Those eight cops who guarded the front line for the remaining sixteen who hung back were all knocked from their feet. They didn't have time to get up before they were each snatched up by their reinforced body armor. The six super men each inserted their massive cocks into the rears of an officer each, super precum lubed pulling down to the hilt with cries of pain turned pleasure. Two of the six each held an extra officer in their free hand but then they each made sure to hold 3 officers each. One in each hand and one on their cocks. 18 of the 24 officers were essentially incapacitated in such a fast amount of time that no regular human in the room had time to react to it. Only six men managed to remain free of the super grips. The Mayor snapped his fingers and said, “Men? Hook them up to the machines and bring those extras into our ranks.” The six supermen walked with officers yelling and hanging off their cocks, while others flailed in their grips and placed the ones in their hands into throne-like metal chairs which instantly clamped down on their wrists and ankles. “Feed em'” said the Mayor and the super men obeyed, flipping a switch which brought automated hoses to their mouths that latched onto their heads and began to pump super cum directly into their stomachs with resounding gushes. The men in the chairs squirmed as their bellies distended with super cum flooding into their bodies while the supermen used their held cops like cock sleeves that slorped up and down over their precum spurting super dicks. One of the dark-haired super men felt like showing off by walking up to the other cops and flexing his cock alone, bouncing the cop attached to it and his cock-bloated belly around like a windmill while he posed and did a sexy stripper kind of dance. Mayor Sandow walked up and picked up a cock toy of his own that he held atop that barstool thick cock head of his. A single spurt of high pressure precum blasted a hole in the officer's pants and pumped a cup and a half of clear viscus fluid up his rear. Nothing could prepare a human for the entry to come... that is except for Sandow's precum. It was a powerful transformative fluid that rendered a man elastic, even moreso than the precum of the supermen did. It made whoever ingested it impervious to harm by whatever super human was about to use them for sexual pleasure. With the man lubed, the mayor thrust into him and the five remaining cops watched in terror as the mayor fucked the armor off their friend while still others were filled by super cum from pumping stations designed to make new supermen and that alone. The six supermen finished almost simultaniously and pumped hundreds of gallons of super seed into the cops they held and fucked like cock sleeves. The five free remaining cops didn't stay to see the aftermath of the invulnerable super men and fled back up the stairs. They were half way up when they heard the roars from below of newly formed super men who were ready to fuck and destroy just as much as those who fucked and came before. There was a rumbling as the supermen burst through the staircase entrance and they could feel the thooms of heavy destructive feet tearing apart and cratering concrete with every rushed and powerful step. They were on the final flight when the super men caught up to them. Two more were taken right away and got fucked from both ends by newly formed and extra horny supermen. Only three remained. Sergeant Cole, Detective Bayer, and Officer Collins were the only ones who made it back to the gym. Collins didn't make it out. A superman burst through the floor. His best friend, officer Yang, was now a nine foot, hyper muscled, hyper hung, feind with a three foot cock that was as thick as a three liter bottle of soda. He watched as Collins ran off into the gym and gave chase, lifting whole racks of weights and bending them overhead like they were made of cardboard before tossing them aside. He caught up with his friend and then pressed his cock to the mouth of the officer, slowly forcing it's way inside. Yang took his time and fucked the throat of his best friend slow and hard, the punches he knew meant nothing because soon his friend would see the light and find a new way of life for them to spend together. Collins was deemed lost by Cole and Bayer as they ran out from the gym into a city street that was more chaos than they could have imagined. The fire hydrants were erupting with super cum from the water treatment plant, splashing down in the streets. Parts of the sidewalks were buckling from the repeated cum eruptions from up state. People were fleeing in the streets, running. Cars were crashed into light poles and there were some that looked to be lodged into the upper stories of higher buildings. They then saw how they got up there as they watched a superman fucking a minivan and as he came the eruption not only filled the cab nearly to bursting, buckling out the metal of the doors but it blasted from his cock as the metal tore in his hands and launched the car hundreds of feet into the air. A bus sped down the streets towards the officers when a super man walked in front of it and stood with his hands on his hips, facing the bus which stopped dead in it's tracks, molding around his body in the crash. The bearded man looked over his shoulder and said, “You're welcome little guys,” before he lifted the bus single handed and started to use it to masturbate his four foot throbbing iron girder of a cock. Cole and Bayer ran through the streets watching super men catching up to people and just jamming their cocks down throats and up various lower orifices and cumming till they inflated like balloons only to have them transform into super beings that ran off to fuck again. The man with the bus filled it up with a mere few spurts. They ran down an alleyway in the hopes that they could get away from the chaos, but that was not meant to be. The fifteen story apartment building next to them suddenly lifted up off it's foundations and they saw none other than Mayor Sandow holding it aloft with a single hand as he stroked his precum spurting mega cock with the other. The Mayor smiled and held the building up almost nonchalantly as he said, “Gentlemen. I see you haven't enjoyed yourselves yet... quite a shame... let me show you what enjoyment is...” Then he started to walk towards them and the ground shook and quaked with his every step. The alley way seemed to be far too narrow for him even with one building removed so with a swift side kick he removed the other building, exploding one side out through the other and giving him some room to walk. He then held the building over the cops as they crab walked back and just stared on in awe. The mayor said, “This is what true bliss feels like...” He then thrust his six foot invincible cock into the building and pounded it over and over, holding it with both hands so that he wouldn't slip and let the pleasure end too soon. His massive boulder balls swung and slammed the under side of the first floor, quaking it and making his cock tremble with delight. “I was holding back before but this is what a real load looks like little men...” then Sandow came. Came would be the wrong word. It was more like he erupted. Every spurt of his cock was enough to fill an entire floor of the the massive building. Gush after gush. Thousands upon thousands of gallons until he roared and unleashed his final and biggest spurt of cum to date. That final spurt exploded the building and rained down cum over the city with the building itself firing off and landing in massive chunks a mere twenty feet from where the last two cops cowered. From the wreckage rose hundreds of supermen. All fully erect, super strong, and ready to fuck the old world into a new one. The mayor stood over the last two cops and smiled as he said to the supermen, “Have at em boys. Make them like us. Make em huge.”
  21. Trio

    Becoming 0605

    Hello to you who may read this story, first of all I would like to thank Hialmar and DieselMass for the wonderful pieces and for inspiring me to write this homage to their style. Second, I was torn between making the story a full dialogue or fully description based, this is the final result, let me know if it is confusing, but well, hope you enjoy it ——————————————————— He wakes up on this cylinder, naked and there is this dog tag posing on his pec, with the number 0605. Panic rises fast.. -Hey? What is this? Why am I trapped here? What is this on my neck? Why am I naked? Let me out! LET ME OUT! PLEASE! SOMEONE!- The place appears to be desert, he keeps on screaming for help even so. Soon the cylinder starts to be filled with a thick liquid, the contact with his skin hurts him. -UGH! AAH! THIS BURNS! LET ME OUT LET ME OUT! He keeps on screaming and the liquid slowly fills the chamber. This one is dense, at a certain point it becomes hard to move, the substance slowly burns his skin and he keeps on screaming until the chemistry on the substance makes him quieter. The room is quiet now, he is floating on the center of the cylinder. It’s like he’s back into sleeping, but he’s wide awake. It all happens on his mind, where his ears start to capture sounds. -INTERNAL DIALOGUE- ”You have been selected for the program”. What do you mean, selected? I want to get out. ”Negatory, you will be made useful by the process.” Process? ”You will obey” I don’t want to obey. ”You soon will obey” I doubt that. Ah this hurts! “The process is being felt by 0605, it begins” This hurts so much! Agh! What is happening to me? My whole body, I feel stronger! My muscles, I feel them. ”You will be made present” What do you mean? Ahh! My pecs! They burn! My skin! If I could just move! Ugh! Ah! ”You will be remade” My abs! What is happening? What is this?! It hurts! Ahh! ——————————————————— He feels pain as his body transforms, and the voice keep on going. He feels pain, as his pecs expand, his abs come to life, his traps are remade, his quads become stronger. He is transforming. Ah! This hurts so good! Aahh!!! Aaaaahh!! Aa augh ”You enjoy the procedure” This is starting to feel good! Agh! My pecs, they are getting bigger! If only... Ah! My abs! I wanna feel them! ”You become the soldier” I become the soldier? ”Reprogramming your mind” Agh! This is getting better! I must... I must fight this! I need to return to... my life! Ugh! Such... pleasure! My penis is getting... is it expanding too? Ugh! It feels... stronger now! I am... a soldier! With a body like this... I should... Gah... indeed be a soldier... it’s getting... It’s getting better! Must... fight... Look at my arms! My arms! So big! So strong! Ugh! Ugah! Oh... I am... a soldier! Oh Fuck! Look at my... cock! It’s huge! I want to... fuck! My abs! My fucking cock! I need to... transform. My body! Ugah! Uhh! Uhh! UHH! I WANT MORE! I WANT TO GET BIGGER! I’m becoming... a fucking God! Tremble... humans! YES! I WANT MORE! I WANT... 0605 WANTS FUCK!!! LET ME FUCK! ”iniciating metamorphosis” WHAT THE... AAGH!!! FUCK! MY SKIN! BURNS! AGHHHH!! BOILS!!! Reform. My bones, AGAH! Expanding! Must, be, more. Must, be, monster! 0605 wants fuck! ——————————————————— He is transformed, his body is expanded, his muscles are glorious, his horns are powerful, his metallic skin increases his potency. Only one desire on his mind now: to masturbate, and masturbate others. The liquid soon is absorbed by his body and the cylinder opens, he is able to move. He jerks off furiously and groans on a thick dense voice. UGHH UGHHH FUCK MORE! 0605 A GOD! UGH UGAH! He masturbates strongly and when he comes he roars vigorously, after that, he licks every drop of cum he can, like a starving beast. He is reformed, and ready for action. He is Soldier 0605
  22. So those of you following my "Muscle University" thread will know that I've been working on this - a spin-off story featuring and told from the point of view of the Deano character. For anyone who needs a recap, Deano was the antagonist of that story who spent most of his time harassing Woody for things like flirting with gay dudes on Instagram and wearing pink trunks to Posing Practice 101. But while Woody was reluctantly falling for this new roommate Luke, it turned out Deano was secretly harbouring secret for Woody. This takes place over the summer following the lads' first year at Montgomery University of Bodybuilding & Fitness, where Deano goes back home to help out as his dad's infamous hardcore bodybuilding gym with Woody and Luke and the events of the first story very much still on his mind. I've also set up a Twitter account in Deano's name here and I've been posting and interacting with some lads from here as Deano. I'll also be tweeting the events of the story as I post chapters. Thought it would be a fun extra thing to do to go with the story! DEANO’S SUMMER (A MUSCLE UNIVERSITY STORY) One I can’t stop thinking about it. It just keeps going round and round in my head. The image of the two of them together. Why the FUCK did I go to the Watson House gym on the last day of term? I was doing fine before that. Honest I was. I hadn’t been thinking about him for half as much time as I used to. But now, as I’m on the train from London to Brighton - the last leg of my journey home, all I can think about is what I saw yesterday when I walked into my favourite gym at university. Sebastian fucking Wood in that black vest he always wears, playfully knocking his shoulder against Luke Henderson’s. I know it doesn’t sound like much. But it just did something to me. The way Woody was looking at him. (You should have seen the way he was looking at him.) The grin on his face. And the way Henderson was looking back at him. It’s like the image is ingrained in my memory. Every time I think about it, it feels like someone’s twisting all of my insides. I’m so fucking glad my first year of university is over. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve loved being a student at the Montgomery University of Bodybuilding & Fitness (or Muscle University as a lot of us call it). I get to train and study all things muscle-related with a whole school of fellow meatheads and bodybuilders. What the fuck’s not to love? The teachers are awesome (some more so than others). I get to hang out with other budding bodybuilders all day. And I’m one of the best lads in my year. At least top five anyway. But the last few months have been a bit weird if I’m being honest. There have even been times when I’ve found myself looking forward to the end of term. To going back home to Brighton for the summer. I guess it all started when Johnny Hoxton forced me to do an assignment for the end of term bodybuilding show with him. Sebastian Wood. With his big, thick pecs which hang over his perfect, blocky abs. And all of his shiny posing trunks. (Why does any bodybuilder need THAT many pairs of trunks?) And that smile. That jawline. And the way he’s just sickeningly good looking. Like he doesn’t even have to try. And the way he fucking struts around campus like he’s God’s gift. Mr fucking Perfect. The dude even smells amazing. And all of his twatty put-downs and one-liners which he thinks are SO fucking funny, when most of the time they’re not. Who the hell is Chris Hemsworth anyway? And while I’m thinking about it - what kind of twat name is Sebastian? What kind of twat name is WOODY? Sebastian “Woody” Wood. The bane of my Muscle University life. He didn’t even bother me that much to start with. Okay - I thought about him. Like, a lot. I even thought we might become friends at some point. I kept imagining how that would happen. Like, one day we’d suddenly start talking and just hit it off and that would be it. We’d be mates. We’d hang out. We’d go to the gym together. He’d come round to my dorm room. In that black vest, he always wears. And those skinny jeans which look painted on. His thighs bulging underneath the denim material. His big arse barely contained by it. But then he showed up. Luke Henderson. The biggest fucking joke to ever set foot on campus. I’ll never forget that first Posing Practice 101 when I first saw him. I couldn’t believe they’d let him into the uni. That was definitely Johnny Hoxton’s doing. There’s no way Mike Hancox would have let Henderson in. Hancox is definitely the best teacher at Montgomery. He used to compete in the nineties and early noughties and he’s basically a fucking legend. I can tell he doesn’t really like Woody either. Unlike Johnny Hoxton, who practically lives up his arse for some reason. Hancox’s face when Henderson rushed into that first lesson wearing that stupid Lego t-shirt was fucking hilarious. The dude looked like he’d barely seen the inside of a gym. Okay, maybe that’s a bit of an exaggeration. He definitely had some muscle on him. But a student at a university for bodybuilders? What an absolute joke. He wasn’t even wearing posing trunks for fuck’s sake. The one and only requirement for Posing Practice 101. He had to do the whole lesson wearing his boxer shorts. And not just any old boxers either. Bright yellow Harry Potter boxers! The weird thing is, at the beginning, Woody seemed to have a real problem with him as well. Hancox forced Luke to do a pose off with another student and Woody volunteered. He really fucking showed him up. I think I started to like him even more after that. But then something even weirder happened. For some reason, they became friends. Woody and Henderson. I suppose it was because they were roommates. Spending all that time together. I sometimes wonder what would have happened if me and Woody had been roommates instead. Whether we would have become mates. Or maybe even something more. Anyway, everything changed after that. For some reason, the fact that they were friends really bothered me. And then I took the piss out of Henderson because he was trying to hit a most muscular in Posing Practice (I mean … you should have fucking seen him!) and Woody just flipped and went mental and pushed me really hard and we kind of had a bit of a fight. And then Johnny fucking Hoxton made us do that stupid joint assignment together for the end of term bodybuilding show (which I’m still pissed that I didn’t get to compete in) and that’s when things got kind of complicated. My train is slowing down on the approach to Brighton station. People around me are starting to shift in their seats, grabbing their bags and luggage and putting their jackets on. I always feel this kind of poignancy whenever I come back home. I guess I feel kind of safe here. Or at least safer than I do when I’m at Montgomery. In moments like this, when I’m looking out at all the buildings and houses and I know the sea is behind them, it’s easy to forget that things at home aren’t exactly perfect. I don’t know what it is about Brighton. There’s a sort of energy to the whole town that I’ve never felt anywhere else. I love the way all the lamp posts and railings on the seafront are painted green. And the way the streets and roads dip up and down. And the sound of the seagulls wherever you go. It feels like everyone is here because they really want to be. I feel strangely proud that I was born and raised in a place so many people seem to be drawn to. (To get an idea of what Brighton looks like… https://www.instagram.com/brighton/ ) I notice a few people looking at me as I walk through the train station. I suppose it’s not every day you see a tank sized junior bodybuilder casually walking (okay - it’s probably more like waddling) with a suitcase dragging behind him. I’m pretty decently dressed too. My body’s covered up by my favourite black Montgomery University hoodie, which I’m now regretting wearing, because I’m pretty fucking warm. Apparently it’s gonna get really hot this week so I guess I should get used to this kind of attention. I swear it would be worse if I wasn’t only five feet, five inches tall. Someone like Woody must get gawped at wherever he goes. Ugh. Fucking Woody. And now my insides are clenching again as I think about my fellow Montgomery classmate. What are the chances he and Henderson will decide to drop out and not return to Muscle University for our second year? God - that would just solve all of my fucking problems. There’s the usual line of taxis at the front of the station. I get this weird feeling when I spot my brother’s red Ford KA. Like I’m both comforted and guarded. I guess there’s a certain version of myself that I adopt when I come back home. Or more so, when I’m around my brother and my dad. I throw my suitcase in the back seat and then climb into the front. “Alright, twat face!” Josh says to me with a big grin. I smirk and do my belt up. “Managed to get through a whole term without getting suspended this time?” he jokes, as we pull away from the station. My chest tightens. I give him a fake sarcastic smile and look out of the side window. He blasts the radio up. Some dance tune is playing and he’s singing and bopping along. Josh never changes. He has this kind of larger than life energy about him. It’s like he only has one setting. And it’s always “on”. Sometimes it’s contagious and charming. Other times it's just bloody annoying. “You do know dad’s not gonna let you just bum around for the summer?” he says. He’s got this smug smirk on his face. Josh always seems to get some kind of satisfaction out of my misfortune. I pull a face. “What’s he expecting me to do?” “Help out at the gym!” For fuck’s sake. I guess that was a given. I hate how my dad just expects me to help out at his gym. It’s not the worst thing, to be honest. But … I don’t know. I guess I had thoughts of maybe doing something different this summer. “I was actually thinking of looking for a job,” I tell Josh. I don’t know why I’m nervous to confess that. I shouldn’t be nervous. Josh immediately screws his face up. Like it’s an absurd notion. Me actually getting a job and doing something away from him and dad. “Why? You know Dad’ll pay you!” Ugh. That’s really not the point. “I know that!” Josh still looks completely baffled by the idea. “Anyway, what would you do?! I mean … who’s gonna employ YOU?” he teases, with a smirk. I flash him another fake, sarcastic smile. “Maybe you could be one of those naked butler dudes?” Then he gasps. “Or a Dream Boy? Nah - you have to be good looking for that!” I shake my head and roll my eyes. “Now I could be a fucking Dream Boy!” I fold my arms and look out of the window again. My brother’s now crossed the line into “bloody annoying”. “Maybe one of those gay clubs on the seafront will hire you as a go-go boy?” My stomach clenches. I don’t respond or look at Josh. I just keep looking out of the window. “Jesus - what’s wrong with YOU?” he cries, hitting me on the shoulder. “I’m tired. And you’re annoying the FUCK out of me!” This big grin emerges on Josh’s face and I can’t help but smile back. Here’s the deal with my brother. I love him and everything, but … God - let’s just say it wasn’t easy growing up having Joshua Watkins as my older sibling. Josh was that guy at school that ALL the girls fancied. No matter what year they were in. He was like a fucking celebrity, for God’s sake. And he’s only gotten more handsome with age. He’s got this part bad boy, party pretty boy thing going on. A shaved head. A ring in his nose. And he’s got these big puppy dog eyes. He got those from our mum. He’d probably fit in in a boy band just as much as he’d fit in in prison. He’s done a few bodybuilding competitions too, so he’s pretty big, but he doesn’t take it as seriously as me and dad do. He’s too much of a party boy. I don’t know where he gets his height from. Me and dad are both short arses, but Josh is six foot tall. So yeah - I was pretty jealous of him growing up. The number of girls who were shocked when they found out we were brothers. I’ll never forget that one girl from the year above when I was in the school canteen that one time. “YOU’RE Josh Watkins’ brother?!” she cried, with her face screwed up. She obviously couldn't believe that demigod, boyband member worthy Josh could be related to me. “Oh - Smithy’s having a birthday thing tonight. You’re coming, right?” Ugh. “Mmmm. I dunno!” “WHAT?!” Josh cries. “Fucking YES - you’re coming!” Smithy is one of Josh’s old school mates. Something weird happened when I started going to the gym, packing on the mass and competing as a junior in bodybuilding competitions. Josh and his older mates all suddenly wanted me to hang around with them. I guess it was kind of cool being initiated into your older brother’s friend group. Most of them are decent lads. Some are pretty beefy too. Okay - most of them are pretty beefy. I think they respect me cause I’m Josh’s little brother. Oh - and I’m a tank sized pocket rocket bodybuilder with biceps bigger than ALL of theirs. Honestly - I like hanging around with them, but they’re all just so full on. I’m really not sure if I’m in the mood for that tonight. “I’ve just spent, like, eight hours on three different trains!” I protest. “Don’t be a fucking pussy. It’s your first night back.” Josh turns the music up. I roll my eyes, but this unexpected feeling of excitement rises up in my chest as I look out of the side window again and see the sea past a row of differently coloured houses in a street that feels like it could only be in Brighton. I mostly just want to go back home, collapse on my bed and watch TV all night. But there’s this other part of me that really wants to go out with Josh and his mates tonight. With anyone in fact. Maybe this is what I need. Maybe this will take my mind off Montgomery University. Make me forget what happened yesterday at the Watson House gym and what has been going through my mind over and over ever since. “Fuck it!” I say to Josh. “I’m in.” “Good lad!” he says, slapping my shoulder again and cranking the volume of the music up even more. I slump down in my seat and close my eyes. Taking the music in. The sound of seagulls in the distance. Thinking about tonight. Only tonight. And absolutely, unequivocally, not thinking about the way Sebastian Wood was smiling and looking at Luke Henderson in a way that no one has ever looked at me before.
  23. This is my first story. I like to think that my writing gets better as the story unfolds. Of course there are always misses and hits, but please continue to read, and give me your feedback. Authors live for your feedback. The Wall I’m a successful Wall Street executive. My life is good. In fact, sometimes I think it is too good. I don't complain. My office is in the city, and I have a nice home on Long Island from which I commute to work every day. My work days are long and sometimes stressful, but I enjoy the challenges, and I decompress by obsessively working out in the gym and working in my garden. The garden is beautiful, but I always thought that it was lacking a few defining structures; so, when the idea hit me that a beautiful stone wall would create the backdrop it deserved, I hired a reputable landscape contractor who could make my ideas into reality. I was so excited. Monday was to be the start of the new wall project, and I had been thinking of little else for weeks. Unfortunately, the garden, where usually I love to entertain, was about to become a construction zone. So, the weekend before, I decided to invite my friends John and Ernie over for lunch by the pool and an afternoon swim. They accepted and had asked if they could bring couple of their friends along that they thought I would enjoy. You see, John and Ernie are toned and attractive enough, but they know I what really like is muscle -- lots of it. I get off on big, beefy, masculine men - physical men who enjoy rough housing and showing off. Nothing turns me on like a big man who’s willing to rip off his shirt, wrestle me into a bear hug and show me that he’s at least a strong as me. I work out a lot myself, and at 6’2” and 245 lbs, I make a worthy competitor. I like feeling the strength of other men, and I love being tested and felt up and appreciated by big men even more. I had left a note on the front door for Ernie and John and their friends to let themselves in and meet me on the terrace by the pool. They arrived single file down the garden path - first John with a big hug and a whistle, and then Ernie with pat on my rump and a tousle of my hair. Then, Ernie made his hands into fists and started pounding on my pecs. “Someone’s been working out!” Another whistle. Then with a squeeze, “You’re gonna need a binder for these things if they get any bigger, Max.” Then Ernie doubled back for grope of my arm and said, “Oh wow! I can’t get my hands around it. You may be getting too big, or is there such a thing?” Now Ernie and John know I love a little admiration and that I don’t really have a limit for too big; so, I knew they were up to something when they started fawning over me and teasing. I also know that Ernie and John are aware that throwing a little admiration my way goes straight to my dick, and I was just starting to chub up a bit when their two friend showed up next, sending me straight to full mast steel in seconds flat. John said, “Maxie, if you’re not careful, you may get as big as our friends Eric and Lars here.” Gulp... “Max, meet Eric and Lars. Boys, this is our host Max.” Oh my God. Two men of my dreams, Eric and Lars were big and tall and looked like superheroes in shorts and polo shirts. Eric was fair skinned and dark haired, and Lars was golden all over – hair, skin and eyes - like a lion. I was slack jawed and salivating, and they looked pretty hungry for me as well. With a firm squeeze of my rump Ernie said, “Well, isn’t anybody going to say anything? Hellowwww? Gentlemen…?” Knocking on the top of my head, “Hellowwww... Is anybody in home? ... Earth to Max!” Startled back into civility, I offered my greeting to both Eric and Lars, and we said our polite hellos while continuing to survey each other’s physiques like hungry wolves eyeing fatted lambs (or in our case, like other hungry wolves. I couldn’t stop staring, and I couldn’t seem to maneuver my hardon into a less obvious position. It was straight up, hard as a rock and going nowhere. The attraction was so strong, that I think it was actually uncomfortable for Ernie and John, although, Ernie could always come up with a quip or a bitchy remark to lighten the tone. “OMG, you three! get a room! Or should I just jerk you off right here so we can get that lunch we were invited for today. AND DRINKS! I'm sure we were promised DRINKS!” Then nodding to the iced pitcher by the grill, “Maxie, my dear, get it in gear. Those margaritas are not going to serve themselves!” Long story short, the afternoon was fantastic. Besides being absolutely gorgeous hunks of prime muscle beef, Eric and Lars were also interesting and witty and delightful. They were just so damn sexy that I couldn’t stop staring and fantasizing. Every hearty laugh expanded a massive chest. Every lift of a fork flexed bulging biceps. A twist and stretch near the end of the meal made Eric’s shirt rise up above his navel, exposing the base of a rippling 6 pack. I stayed hard for 2 hours. When lunch was through, I offered the pool to my guests and indicated a changing room just off the deck. Eric and Lars acknowledged acceptance with a nod and set off to get changed, but John and Ernie declined, saying that they had eaten and drunk too much and needed a nap instead and would just head home early if I didn’t mind entertaining Eric and Lars for the afternoon. John gave me a wink and a peck on the cheek, while Ernie just groped me in the crotch and said, “I’m sure you three can find something fun to do without us,” and then, “I hear Lars is quite flexible.” A few minutes later, Eric and Lars emerged from the pool house, and I didn’t know if I would pass out right there or just cum in my shorts. My God, those boys could fill out their speedos. And talk about perfection, each in his own way the definition of what manliness should be. Eric was fair with a swirling pattern of dark hair on his chest, a defined trail down the middle of his abdomen, with more abundant hair over his thickly muscled legs. Lars was golden all over, with honey colored skin and a light dusting of golden hair all over his chest, forearms and legs that shimmered in the sunlight, making him look like a salted caramel ready to be sampled. Both of them were hugely built. Eric had absolutely enormous legs, butt, back and arms. Lars had the biggest pecs hanging over the tightest abs and most defined atlas belt I had ever seen. I was slack jawed, and they were all grins. I think Ernie and John must have alerted them ahead of the game that they could have some fun with me, and when they dropped their towels on the chaises and started rubbing suntan oil onto each other, then I had to get in on the action. I walked over, and Lars started flexing his pecs, bouncing the huge slabs up and down and saying, “Hey, Eric, have you noticed how Max can’t stop staring at my pecs. I think he might be a chest man. What do you say, Max? Do you want to help Eric put some sunscreen on my chest?” Before I could reply, Eric said, “No, Lars, I think he’s an arm man. Look how his dick twitches in his pants when I flex like this.” Eric flexed a huge arm in front of my face, and true to form, my dick twitched and pumped out some precum that made a wet spot on the front of my shorts. Lars then said, “You know, I think John and Ernie said that more than anything else, Max would like to flex for us. I could definitely go for that. Why don’t we get him out of those clothes and see what he’s got. From the tent in the front of his shorts, I don’t think we’ll be disappointed.” Eric then grabbed my shirt by the hem and pulled it up over my head while Lars unbuttoned/unzipped my shorts and pulled them to my feet. It happened so fast I could hardly react, but my dick responded, all nine inches of it, throbbing straight up toward my pecs and leaking copious precum as my guests made their inspections. Eric let out a low whistle and moved close behind me, pushing his own hardon up against my butt while reaching around me to rub sunscreen onto my chest and shoulders. “Hey, Lars, his chest is almost as big as yours, but I think you should get closer so that we can more easily compare.” Lars nuzzled up front, grinding his still speedo-covered erection into my hardon while flexing his pecs and his abs. “Hey Eric, he does have an amazing rack, but I think I’ve still got him beat. What about his arms? They look pretty big. Why don’t you each flex a biceps for me so I can decide who’s is bigger?” Eric’s right arm appeared in my peripheral vision and flexed into an enormous peak just beside my right cheek. I couldn’t help but turn my head and begin licking it, and I thought I might cum right then. Lars interrupted, “No! No! No! Do not cum yet. You may not cum until the comparison is through. Okay, Max, flex that big arm for me and let me see how yours feels compared to Eric’s.” I flexed with all my might, turned on like I had never been before and somehow willing myself not to come until permitted. “Oh, man, Max, your arm is as big as Eric’s, but I think his peak is still higher." My dick was shuddering like crazy, and the precum was leaking in a continuous stream. "Yeh, big man, you and Eric are close in the arm department, but his back and ass are like nothing you’ve ever seen and can't be beat by anyone. Turn around, and Eric can drop his trunks and you’ll see what I mean.” With that, still sandwiched between the two musclemen, I turned around and then watched as Eric took a step back, turned around and raised his arms into a double biceps. My hands were instinctively all over his arms and shoulders, and my cock was shuddering but somehow still under control. “Rear lat spread,” commanded Lars, and Eric complied, lowering his fists to his waist and forcing the wings of his back to spread as wide as any back I had ever seen. Then, while Eric was still flexing, Lars reached around and pulled Eric’s speedo to the ground. That ass was magnificent. High, tight and covered with a light dusting of hair. As Eric shifted weight from one foot to the other, the landscape of his gluteus muscles flexed and rolled. I could see some glistening sweat and a tuft of slightly thicker hair at the base of his spine, disappearing into the top of his ass crack, and I nearly blew my load again. I had never seen and ass that beefy and beautiful before. I needed to be inside that ass, and I needed it right then. Seeming to sense my need, or maybe revealing his own, Eric leaned over and grabbed his ankles. Then Lars grabbled a glob of precum from my dick and lubed Eric’s hole. Then Lars commanded me to flex my own double biceps pose while he positioned my dick at Eric’s hole. He then shoved his own 8-inches into me, which in turn forced me to enter Eric with a single thrust. Mphggh! It was pleasure beyond anything I had ever dreamed. With Lars fucking me and squeezing my biceps while I was fucking Eric and feeling his big muscle ass, I finally came, buckling over Eric at the same time that Lars came and buckled into me, and Eric came and nearly buckled to the ground. I must have pumped a gallon of cum into Eric. Lars was still feeling my arms and my pecs and ramming my ass, and I just kept cumming and cumming, worshipping Eric’s huge muscled body from behind while myself being worshipped the same. Finally, we were done and exhausted and laughing and lightly wrestling and flexing and feeling and then doing it all over again in the opposite direction and several different combinations. Eric and Lars stayed for the night and most of the following day. Then we said our farewells, and they were gone. Like I said, the weekend was relaxing. Now it was Sunday evening, and I needed to get ready for the week. Let me know if you enjoy the story so far. I can continue it if you like.
  24. pasidious

    Becoming an Alpha - Part 1

    Hope this isn't too cliche! I know I've been spotty with posting stuff, and I apologize. I've had a lot of trouble maintaining interest in any one story I've worked on. Part 2 __________________________ I'll admit. I was never an alpha. I always wanted to be, though. I'd see the other dudes in the locker room or at the park or at the mall or... well, anywhere, really, being cocky studs because they had the confidence and bodies to prove it. It was always frustrating in high school to have to be in the locker room with these athletes and watch them flexing their arms, comparing with each other, showing off, and I'd have to hide in the corner somewhere hoping not to be noticed because, let's face it, I had no body to be proud of. I wasn't fat, but I still had, like, zero muscle on my frame. I wasn't athletic, though I may have always tried my best when I had to. Watching them flex their muscles would always turn me on, though. I'd see a dude flex and instantly my dick would twitch and start growing, harder and harder until full throbbing hardness, even well after the image of the flexing, bulging muscle had left my view. And it wasn't just seeing flexing muscles that would get me hard, either. I could simply be at the mall and see a group of friends walking together, some or all of them with tight, athletic, muscular bodies hiding beneath tight-fitting clothes. Sometimes, to me, that was even hotter than bare-chested Adonises. I could never explain to myself or make sense of how that would sometimes be hotter to me. There was just... something about a dude with a hot sexy muscular body wearing a tight shirt. It probably had something to do with how he clearly knew he was sexy, and deliberately put on clothes that would showcase it. But anyways... I'd grown up through middle school, high school, and now in college with this insatiable lust for muscle and simply seeing it. I'd had plenty of jerk-off sessions simply from looking at sexy dudes flexing or showing off their amazing muscled bodies. Coming into college, I'd felt that we were all a little more mature and too busy to make time for mocking each other, so I finally decided to try to add some muscle of my own to my frame. I figured there could be nothing hotter for a guy like me who loves to simply SEE muscle than to have some of my own that I could see any time I wanted. So, I decided to make use of the campus gym. Of course, being an amateur, at best, I was mostly guessing how to exercise. But I'll admit it did feel good to get these pumps going with my biceps and chest, and even my legs. I'd love to see the veins crossing all over my muscles as I worked them. And I was right, in college guys weren't really trying to make fun of me. I'd get some looks, sure, but no one ever said anything. And the gym was often pretty empty, anyway, since most of us were busy with studying and schoolwork. After a few weeks of trying to add my own muscle, I was starting to feel a little worn out and discouraged. I'd been doing my best, but I wasn't seeing any progress. I had a particularly hard workout one day, in spite of my discouragement, and upon entering the locker room, I saw another dude in there. It looked like he was getting ready to work out. He hadn't changed yet. I thought "Oh great. I'd better go to the opposite side of the locker room so he doesn't see how skinny I am." In spite of my success at remaining under the radar, I still had my fear of being mocked. Unfortunately, it wasn't a very large locker room, so even as far away from him as I could be, I could still see him well enough, and he could see me. I removed my sweaty T-shirt, and tossed it into my gym bag, and put on my clean one. I turned around and briefly caught a glimpse of the other dude, and... fuck. He was in front of the mirror, his sleeve pulled back, and was flexing his bicep. It was a really nice ball of a bicep, too. I did the classic double-take, and saw him running his hand over it. And then he proceeded to flex his other arm and do the same thing. Of course my dick started growing rock hard. And fast. I felt my cock head sliding across the fabric of my shorts, the friction sending jolts of pleasure through my entire groin and shivers down my spine. "Fine time to get horny," I thought to myself. I forced myself to look away from him, realizing further staring would get me noticed and I was already throbbing. I didn't want to start leaking, too. I sat down on the bench to remove my shorts and change into my jeans. I slid my shorts down, noting the unbearably obvious tent in my boxers. I couldn't help but enjoy the pleasure of feeling the hem of my shorts slide over my cock as I pulled them off. "Whoa...!" I heard it, and it took me way too long to realize it wasn't a sound that I had produced. I stood up, spun around, and pressed my back into the lockers, seeing the other dude had been right behind me. I saw his eyes, and they weren't meeting my face. They were staring down at my crotch, which I realized was still standing straight out. "Dude, that is one huge cock," he said. "W-what?" He finally look up into my face. "Your dick, dude. It's huge. I've never seen a dick that big." Trying to be nonchalant, I responded "Y-you haven't actually seen it, i-it's covered by my boxers..." "Shit, dude, it's still obviously huge, it's gotta be at least 7 inches!" He said. He was right, too, because like most guys, I've measured it. But I'd never really bothered to compare myself to other guys in that department. I'd always assumed I was average size. "And, uh, you could fix that right now, if you wanted. Lemme see it," he said. "Uh... I--" I started to say. But he advanced toward me, and my back was already against the lockers. I grabbed my boxers and pulled them down for me, and I was too frozen in place to even try to stop him. My dick bounced out of its confinement, my cock head red and full of fury. "Holy shit, dude," he said. "Can I...?" he asked, and before I even knew what exactly he was asking, he had his hand on my dick, squeezing it and stroking it. I felt myself shudder. My mind was showing images of this dude flexing his biceps just moments before this, and it was making my dick throb hard. But then he knelt down and began licking at the head, still stroking with his hand. "Fuck yes," he said while taking his mouth off for a moment, then proceeding to try to take all of my dick into his mouth. I heard him gag a bit, and I felt his throat close around my dick. But fuck, it felt really goddamn good. I'd never felt this much pleasure from my cock, before. He resumed his sucking, running his tongue all around me, my cock throbbing and twitching, "MMMMmmm yeah," I heard myself say, without meaning to. He seemed to take that as encouragement, and increased the fervor with which he was sucking. I rapidly felt the intense pressure of impending orgasm approaching, and I felt a tingling around my entire body. "Oh... Ahh!" I said, once again unintentionally. The pleasure was too great. It was intense as fuck, more intense than anything I've ever felt before. I felt him grab onto the backs of my legs and squeeze, and I knew it was time. I was cumming. The first shot exploded from my cock, and I use that word because that's what it felt like. An explosion of cum. I shot super hard. And more was about to come. But I also felt my dick swell, still in his mouth. It was insane. It was like my dick got harder while I was shooting a load. "Mmmf..." I heard from my pleasurer, and then another shot came. But this time I felt more tingling around my body, and suddenly I felt myself grow. My entire body swelled bigger. It was like getting an erection, but it was that feeling around my entire body. I saw my forearms grow thicker, and my chest pushed out, causing my T-shirt to tighten a bit across my formerly completely nonexistent pecs. "Unngnhhh" I breathed, trying to contain my expressions of exuberance. I felt another shot explode from the tip of my swollen cock, and he sucked it down his throat, eagerly swallowing as though it were life-giving water after having spent days in the desert with none. And again, I felt my whole body swell, my eyes rolled into the back of my head. It felt ridiculous. I'd have never imagined this feeling, not before, not ever. I looked down again at my forearms and they were writhing with veins and tendons, and they had the look of a gym-rat's forearms. The kind that showed a person was strong. Another shot blasted from my cock, and I knew it was dying off. I stood there, reveling in the feeling of having my dick sucked for the first time ever, by a stranger, no less, and even though I had already reached orgasm, it still felt amazing to have this jock sucking me off. He popped my still semi-hard dick out of his mouth, and while it shuddered and descended, he took his own muscled forearm and wiped it across his mouth. And he then stood up and looked me up and down, my lower half exposed still but my torso still wrapped with my T-shirt. "Dude, that was the best dick I've ever sucked," he breathlessly said, still eyeing me up and down. "You're a lot more fit than I thought!" I looked down at myself and saw that'd definitely grown some. My legs were definitely thicker, and I literally watched my forearms swelling with hard muscle as I blew my load down this guy's throat. I smiled sheepishly as I looked back at him and said "Thanks." We heard someone else entering the gym and we both turned our heads to the entrance of the locker room. He looked back at me and said "Maybe we can do this again sometime," and shot me a smile. "Sure," I said, not really realizing to what I was agreeing. Like I said, I'd never gotten a blowjob before, and this was a new experience for me. I was still in a stupor over what had just transpired. I grew. It was like all the work I'd put into my body had suddenly decided to take shape all at once, and the trigger was a blowjob. He turned and walked away, exiting the locker room. Turns out the people who had entered the gym were girls so we'd still have had our privacy for a while longer, but I was glad he decided to leave. I pulled on my pants and put the rest of my shit in my gym bag. I started to leave the locker room but, as I passed by the mirror, I couldn't help myself. I stepped backward a few steps and looked at my reflection. I saw wider shoulders and a new chest that was protruding outward a bit. Not a lot, but enough that I actually didn't look like a total weakling. I checked the entrance to the locker room again, as though it'd matter, and I quickly pulled the sleeve back on my right arm and flexed. I saw a nice little ball of muscle rise up, and a nice vein was protruding at the top. Definitely bigger than before. I smirked. I saw myself smirk. It felt great to flex and not feel ashamed of my own arm. I had an actual bicep. And I definitely wanted it bigger. I wanted all of me bigger. Part 2 ____________________________________________ Also, does anyone have any of my old stories saved from the Unfiltered section that used to exist? I'm not asking for it to be posted here or anywhere. I'm simply asking if someone would be willing to send me any copy they may have saved. Again, to be clear, not asking for it to be posted here. If you have them or even just one of them and would like to send me a copy, please send me a private message.
  25. CuminSeed


    I've been here for quite some time now and decided to contribute. Apologies in advance for mistakes (not a native speaker) and heavy narrative. I'm open to comments, suggestions, criticisms, what-have-yous. And... most importantly, I hope you guys enjoy! ——————————————————————— I To say that I was attracted to him wouldn't suffice. Something deep inside me was magnetized, to a point that I was aware of his location. It was, much to my annoyance, beyond my control. Don't get me wrong, I don't like, love him; I don't even know him. He had just moved in to the next unit two weeks ago unusually late at night. It was a bit addling but I was more fixated on the uncomfortable squeezing on my lower abdomen that seemingly came along with him. It wasn't painful nor did it restrict me in any way. In fact, I had a liking for it. That was until it dawned on me that it was in synch with him, that it ebbed upon his disappearance and intensified at his presence. I was overcame with dread at the notion of it. Numbing fear seeped into my limbs and I willed myself to breathe. I couldn't afford to lose my composure after coming all the way here. He just felt similar but he wasn't... Him. It shouldn't come as a surprise that I avoided the new tenant at all cost afterwards, which was a tad effortless as I could literally feel him. The squeezing, however, didn't dissipate one bit. Quite the opposite actually because continued exposure soon turned it into hunger, an alarming sign that the entity inside me was no longer slumbering. As it increasingly became harder to ignore him, the more I felt him trying to reach out for me. I could feel him lingering in front of my door for a moment when he passed by at times, or the occasional jerking whenever I accidentally make a noise noticeable to him. I would have been creeped out under normal circumstances but the whole thing didn't feel... malicious, not even a bit. In fact, it felt innocently soft but muddled with what I could only assume as longing. It brought me back to a time when my childhood friends, one by one, stopped playing with me. I sighed, someday maybe. That someday came too early though as I closed my door, panting. As I was on my way home from the gym, a familiar knotting shrouded my abdomen. Today, he decided to shift from his usual schedule and it was too late for me to realize. I caught a glimpse of him lounging on the common yard while I made a frantic dash towards my unit. He tried to wave a friendly gesture but he barely got a chance to introduce himself. I just hoped that my quick frenzy gave him the impression of urgency. And it did, although he reacted not the way I expected him to. Some people would have just dismissed it, as I thought they should, but I should have known better. He wanted company and this was an opportunity for him. I felt him approach closer and closer to the door. He stopped at his usual spot. I froze and contemplated what to do next and so did he, I felt. There was a long silence outside, a heavy contrast compared to the loud ringing in my ears and the steady beat of my heart. This noise, however, was muted by a knocking. I thought I was hearing things at first but my fear was confirmed when I heard it again, albeit stronger than the previous one. I stood there paralyzed in front of him with just this oak barrier separating us. He knocked once more and next thing I knew, I was now face to face with him. Clearly, we were both surprised by what happened but he recovered his composure faster. I locked eyes with him in disbelief, my left hand tightened its hold on the handle when a voice, deep but solemn, broke my panicked state as he introduced himself. "I, uh, is everything okay? I saw you rushing on your way home and uh, it got me a bit worried..." he said with a concerned look on his face. "Ohhh... Sorry, name's Gale from next door." he then reached out for a handshake. The hunger intensified and made my stomach churn. My sight shifted from his eyes to his waiting hand and then back up again. "Uh, seems like now's not the best time." he forced a chuckle as he withdrew his hand and slightly scratched his head in embarrassment. I thought I could at least feign normalcy but at this close, I don't think I'll ever be prepared for anything around Gale. The rumbling inside of me strengthened and implied that in the tug-of-war for control, I was at the mercy of this entity inside me. To live a secluded life, I chose a place at an impractical distance from civilization. I jumped on the leasing opportunity for this place that happened to be at the tail end of the urban sprawl; somewhat touched by development, collaged heavily with nature, but accessible to necessary amenities. The only problem was it was a duplex. Risky but hoping for a neighbor that I wouldn't be interested in at the very least seemed easier. O how wrong I was. This man, Gale, has got to be the most beautiful joke life offered me. At first glance, I immediately noticed how bulky he was. He managed to pack a ridiculous amount of solid mass into his medium build, like an inflamed gymnast who suddenly got into bodybuilding. He doesn't look too massive but he feels compact, dense to the point that he emanates a slight aura of heat, if that's possible. He wears a peach shirt one or two shades darker than his skin tone. This shirt is a bit loose for him at the bottom but it fits his shoulders and chest snugly. The sleeves strained as he raised his arm to scratch his forehead. He stared at the floor uncomfortably as if trying to find a way to get out of this situation as much as I do. "I better go. It was nice meeting you." he returned his gaze to me and we were back again to where we started. Suddenly, I was overwhelmed by this compulsion to not let him leave. As he turned his back to face his unit across mine, I winced. The sensation inside started to ache as it got stronger and I struggled to contain it. I willed myself to stop but it managed to connect words in my head and to my shock, formed something coherent enough to make sense. "eyes, you. Your eyes." He looked back surprised and flashed a smile akin to a child's. "Ah, so the man could talk!" "Your eyes, they are—" "Yeah, I know they are weird." "—beautiful." "Ow... Didn't expect that." They both resemble the sky but at different phases. His right, cerulean similar to that of the morning sky while his left, a stark gray like the clouds before a thunderstorm. "Hence, the name Gale. My iris shifts constantly as if a storm was brewing." And he was not kidding, as soon as he said that, I saw the gray emulsion in his left iris swirled and it was mesmerizing. I thought it was something I could only see when I stir my coffee after adding milk. The last place I imagine it would happen was in someone's eye but here we are. "I've just moved here two weeks ago and uh, it's kind of lonely without human interaction. You are my only neighbor right now so as much as possible, I don't want things to be awkward between us." The growling inside of me was deafening and in my exhausted state, felt myself slowly relinquishing control. However, I still managed to give a quick nod. He smiled gleefully at this but it changed quickly as he noticed how sickly I must have looked like by each passing moment. "Are you okay?" "Huh?" "You are turning pale." "I'm... alright. This is just how I look like." "Uh, no. No, you don't." "Look Gale, it was nice meeting you but you were right when you said now's—" I flinched as the entity retaliated with a sharp pain on my abdomen. "—not the right tissss—" I hissed as the pain doubled over from sharp to excruciating. It pulsated all over my body, with my abdomen as its core. I gritted my teeth and my knees started to tremble. Gale sprung to action as he offered himself to support me from falling. "No don't!" but it was too late. The moment he touched my skin, the spark was ignited. I felt him jerk a bit from the sudden jolt the contact caused but he ignored it as it didn't feel top priority. The pain ceased immediately and was replaced by the familiar pulsing warmth, slowly traveling across my body until it reached my hair fibers. As I let myself be enveloped by this warmth, I slowly regained awareness of my surroundings. I opened my eyes to the sight of his back, radiating heat that's distinctly his but felt a bit stronger than before. I detached myself from his torso and wondered why he hadn't moved since. "Gale?" he was holding my arm with his eyes closed but his mouth slightly agape. Before I could ask him again, I felt the warm sensation travel from its usual course but as soon as it reached the tips of my skin, Gale tightened his grip, tensed his muscles then stifled a guttural moan. His aura smoldered, skin warm to the touch. A thin layer of moisture started to form at the perimeter of my glasses. "oh no... Gale, wake up." Gale was lost deep in this sensation that was foreign but surely, a welcomed visitor for him. I was alarmed when another wave hit me. "Gale, snap out of it!" I jerked my arm away but his grip was too forceful. He slowly raised his head in pleasure and let out another satisfying moan. I was a bit turned on seeing it up close. This time, however, there was something different. I noticed the small gaps in his sleeves were slowly diminishing as his arms started to balloon rhythmically with his breathing. It didn't seem like he was exhaling anymore, just continuously expanding in front of me. We both glistened in sweat as it felt increasingly hotter by each pulsation. Seemingly free from the entity's clutches, this was the first time I was able to take in his appearance. His face topped with a short wavy hair was masterfully sculpted on all the right places: his prominent jaw structure was matted with a stubble that wasn't professionally-shaped but nonetheless suited him; his left eyebrow was bisected by a small scar that could be attributed to lightning if paired with his storm gray eyes; his lips were plumped and magnetizing. All in all, he had a face that no doubt would demand a second look. However, what attracted me the most was his scent. He emitted this distinct minty fragrance like that of the forest after it rains. Cool and soothing. I reveled at what I was witnessing but it didn't come close to how he was feeling. By the time I retracted my arm again, his chest was pushing at the fabric which now acted like his second skin, coincidentally of similar color. His nipples were jutted down obscenely as it carved itself on the material. The sleeves piled at the top end of his biceps as they failed to cover its continuously engorging size. However, faced with his delts, the odds were still against it. I could see clearly the physique he was hiding underneath his now thin, sweaty shirt. To say that he trained rigorously was an understatement, I doubt I could match his even if I doubled my training efforts. I could see the ridges separating each muscle and it was goddamned perfect. It was like looking at a breathing, anatomical muscular system with a thin layer of fat to make it seem realistic. If this is what they examine at med school, I'd graduate with flying colors. I was distracted by the grunt that escaped his lips, a different response as his breathing became irregular. I looked carefully at how he expanded, starting from his traps downwards, flowing like a calm sea current. Each current breathe new life and power to each member of his already dense musculature. The power snaked through the veins of his arms and as it slowly covered its entire mass, it swelled. He had to readjust his stance as his body consumed more space than before. His pecs unforgivingly stretched the garment again and I heard it snapped softly at the sides. I looked up at him and saw him grinned, eyes closed focused solely on his growth. His grin was replaced by a snarl as the wave pushed back lower his plumped pecs to his abs and obliques. Each slab made its definition known as it etched its form on the wet and surrendering shirt, the last pulse pumped up his 4th abdominal layer. His obliques were by far, his best part. It was chiseled symmetrically and was so full, it protruded together with his abs. I followed the surge travel down through the contraction of his abs and obliques to his pubic region which made him hiss and heave a sharp intake of breath. His pecs pushed the material upon doing so, further worsening the tear. I could see the side of his nipple peeking as he slowly widened the gap between his thighs. As soon as he did that, his shorts bulged at the center explicitly. It stayed a bit upright for a few seconds until it descended. The material rested itself above my knee and I felt it press deeper as it swelled in size once more. This was enough distraction for him as I felt his hold loosened. I managed to slip my arm off despite the spectacle I was viewing at first-class seat. It felt wrong to objectify someone this way, without his permission. This was also the first time I saw something like this happened. Connections do not end up like this. We have to talk about this first. "Gale, look at me." He was breathing like he just finished a workout set. The contraction lingered even after we've lost touch. "I thought... Hnnngh... You liked..." he paused. "I'm sorry. It just felt so good. *pant* All of a sudden, I was like—" "Gale." I interrupted as I was massaging my wrist, a bit numb from the ordeal. Gale soon started to feel his wrist as well despite no damage inflicted upon it. The connection really was made. "What... What was... How did this happen?" "Now that's what I want to hear."
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