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  1. Caliban11

    Johnny's Bully (complete)

    Johnny’s Bully Part 1 During his time at uni, Johnny had got huge. Since taking up the gym at 16 he’d made incredible gains – his arms had grown from 13 inches to pushing 19; his former pigeon chest transformed into meaty pecs that hung over a ripped and blocky six-pack. His capped shoulders were massive, his quads like tree trunks. He liked to work out twice a day when he could. He ate big. He slept eight hours a night. He definitely juiced. He did everything right to get the perfect physique. In his time at uni he’d dedicated himself to getting big. Early mornings, late nights, gym sessions which got longer as his body got bigger. He hardly went out to bars, hardly socialised at all outside the gym. Even his studies weren’t as important to Johnny as growing was. Strength was everything to him. He’d graduated with a decent-enough degree, and landed himself a decent-enough job in London. At first he found it tough to fit the job around his bodybuilding, but he quickly got his routine down. Six months in, and he was the biggest he’d ever been. And he’d escaped his home town! That shithole where hope went to die. Where the losers from school still lived, in dead-end jobs or no jobs at all, nothing to look forward to except getting pissed or getting high. Not Johnny: He knew he was better than that. Better than those people. Better than Adam Fucking Gunner. Adam had gone to Johnny’s school. Whereas Johnny had been skinny and academic, Adam was a natural athlete. Tall and broad, Adam would have excelled at any physical team sport, except he was too selfish. He liked to lift weights. By the age of 16 Adam already had impressive 16 inch arms, some serious pec size and huge quads. He was also the hardest fucker in school. His muscular frame made him intimidating even to the older kids. On one legendary occasion when he was 15, he’d got into a fight with an 18 year old and knocked him out with his first punch. Fractured eye socket. If anyone doubted before that Adam had the muscle and the balls to back up his big-man image, they didn’t after that. Adam was a bully almost incidentally. He was the most respected lad in school, surrounded by his crowd of buddies – his gym mates, the hot girls, the beta boys hoping to look cool by association. Picking fights with lads was just a bit of fun. It was fun for him to make an older and bigger boy back down just by intimidating the fuck out of him, making him feel weak, and pathetic. It was also fun to pick on the smaller guys, taking the piss out of their skinny little arms and pale, spotty bodies. His mates loved it too. To be honest Adam hardly knew even the names of most of the people he’d picked on. They were nothing to him. Weak, skinny little Johnny wasn’t even on Adam’s radar. One off-hand, casually cruel comment was all the attention Adam had ever paid to Johnny. They were in the school locker room after gym, when Adam and his mates were comparing their pump. As hard as he tried to ignore the bro-banter and the noise of the laughter and the grunts and the flexing, Johnny couldn’t stop himself from glancing over as he fumbled with his shirt. There was Adam, flexing a single biceps in the mirror. The lad he was competing with stood no chance. “Yeah, keep tryin’, gaylord,” he grunted, keeping the flex. “Fuck you Adz,” said the smaller lad with an abashed smile, relaxing his own flex and ceding the mirror to the bigger man. Just then Adam saw Johnny looking at him in the mirror. Slowly he smirked, then, continuing the banter with his mate and tightening the flex on his bi so it swelled bigger, said: “Yeah, you gotta go heavier to grow, bro, or you’ll get beat by fuckin’ toothpick arms over there.” He smirked, and nodded to Johnny in the mirror. That was it. From then on Johnny was known to everyone in the school as Toothpick Arms. In class, at break, that was what everyone called him. Even some of the teachers started using the name. And the girls. At school Johnny’s crush was Stacey Wright. She seemed different to the other girls. A bit shy, to Johnny she was the most beautiful girl in the world. One day soon after the locker room incident, he’d screwed up all his courage to ask her out. At breaktime he saw her on her own and, sick with nerves, made his approach. “Uh, hey Stace…” was as far as he got before they were interrupted by Stacey’s girl gang. “STACEY!! Omigod I swear, Gavin just fingered Chantelle in the girls’ loo, I can’t even….” Then seeing Johnny there: “What the fuck does Toothpick want?” “Uh, toothpick?” said Stacey, confused. Her mates squealed and proceeded to tell Stacey all about Johnny’s wimpy arms and the locker room incident. All the while Johnny just stood there, hot with humiliation and rooted to the spot, as the girl gang shrieked with laughter while carrying away Stacey with them. That was the start of Johnny’s muscle fixation. He needed to get big. He needed to show that cunt Adam Gunner who was the real fucking alpha. And now, five years later, Johnny stood in the mirror in his London flat, flexing his massive pecs and feeling their mass shift under his t-shirt (size large, but still too small). He reached down to grab his shirt and began to pull it off over his head – only it got stuck at his lats. After some grunts and a tearing sound as some of the seams gave way, Johnny got the shirt off and inspected his upper body. Those pecs. So much fucking beef. His nipples looked small by comparison: A boy’s nipples on a freaking man’s chest, it was fucking hot. That six pack. Abs that Ryan Terry would be jealous of. All the girls that Johnny fucked went crazy over his abs. Typical, thought Johnny, when it’s his delts they should really be wet for: Like two massive but proportional bowling balls at the top of each arm. Arms which exploded into nearly 19-inch cannons. Who gives a fuck about abs when you’ve got guns like these, thought Johnny, breaking into an epic double bi which revealed the deep hairy canyons that were his pits. Tomorrow morning he was training back. It didn’t matter if he was late for work. After all, priorities. * * * * * Next evening, about 10pm, Johnny got home after his second gym session of the day. He’d only meant to go heavy on back in the morning and maybe some cardio later, but he’d got talking about bodybuilding with his mate Will at work who’d asked if he could train with him. “Wanna hang with the big dogs mate?” asked Johnny with a smirk. After the leg workout he later put him through, he doubted Will would be back for more. He’d left him in the carpark struggling to get his legs to work his car. 10pm. Shit, Johnny needed to get to sleep soon – he needed at least eight hours to maximise his gains, or he got cranky. Enough time to microwave some chicken. While the microwave was on he checked Facebook on his phone. There was a post from Stacey. Johnny didn’t have many Facebook friends – at uni he’d spent all his time at the gym and so hadn’t met many people besides a few gym bros – but a few of his old school mates had added him. And Stacey. He didn’t know why: Did she think about him ever? Wonder what he was doing? If she hoped to find out she would have been disappointed. Johnny never posted anything. Stacey didn’t post often either, but whenever Johnny saw one of her posts he always felt a stabbing sensation as his mind recalled that past humiliation. But this post. Jesus Fucking Christ. Ad’s gon! The fuckin bastards left us! Not even a fuckin text! Apsalute shitin cunt! She must have been off her face when she wrote that. Johnny didn’t know what any of it meant, so he trawled through the dozens of “U OK hun?” messages and pieced the story together. Stacey had been “seeing” (more like fucking, Johnny guessed) this lad for a couple of weeks before he’d moved in to the house where Stacey lived with her stoner dad. A while later, after missing her period, Stacey had taken a pregnancy test. It was positive. She’d messaged the news to the lad, and hadn’t seen him since. And the lad? Adam Fucking Gunner. As if it wasn’t enough that his bully had been fucking his crush, he had now totally destroyed her. Johnny felt hot, and realised he’d been tensing his muscles so his pits were sweating through his tee. Did he even care? Did people like Adam Gunner ever care about the damage they caused to people’s lives? Did he even know about the damage he’d done? A vein throbbed in Johnny’s neck. Someone had to tell him. And by tell him, Johnny meant beat the crap out of him. And who would do it? Stacey’s stoner dad was a loser, so were her friends. There was only Johnny. He had transformed himself into a real man, a fucking bodybuilder with a physique that made Adam Gunner with his 16-inch arms look like a pissing wuss. Only Johnny, with his bigshot London life and a body that would make Stacey wet. Oh yeah. Wait till Adam saw him. Wait till Stacey saw them together. Who would have the fucking toothpick arms then?! And Johnny growled as he flexed a most muscular, ripping the size large tee under the arms.
  2. GrowManGrow

    My Arms

    If this type of story is your cup of tea, please consider subscribing to my GrowManGrow Patreon page for more like it: https://www.patreon.com/growmangrow 10 inches God, I hate my arms. Let me explain. I inherited a good height from my dad (I’m 6’2”), but none of his bulk. Instead, I got a fast metabolism and a super-skinny frame from my mom, and as a result only weigh about 130 pounds soaking wet. Most of this thinness can be covered up with the right clothes, but not at work. I have a job as an Assistant Manager at a fast-food burger restaurant, Big & Beefy, and we have to wear short-sleeve polo shirts as a part of the uniform. My long skinny arms stick right out of those sleeves for the whole world to see every day. Even when wearing a size small shirt, my arms comes nowhere near to filling up those sleeves. And worse than being skinny, my arms are weak. Really weak. I can barely turn over the fry baskets when they’re full…it’s a real struggle with these twigs attached to my shoulders. I watch some of the female employees do it with ease and wonder how much stronger than me they must be. So yeah, like I said. I hate my arms. 12 inches OK, so 6 months ago a gym opened on the ground floor of my apartment building. It’s a new chain so they were offering a discount, so I signed up. I had tried working out a few years back, but I didn’t make any gains and gave up. I’m not sure what’s different this time, but I have made a little progress. Maybe my metabolism is finally slowing down now that I’m 26? Who knows, but I’ll take it. I’m up to 145 pounds and my arms have grown from 10 inches around to 12 inches. They don’t have any real shape yet, but at least there not so terribly small anymore. And I lifted a very full fry basket the other day and didn’t even have to grunt, so I know I’m getting stronger, too. 14 inches I feel SOOOOO much better about myself since I started working out 9 months ago. I’m up to 160 pounds and have 14-inch arms, and my overall appearance has improved. One of my co-workers said I no longer appeared sickly, which is the only positive comment I’ve had about my looks in years. My size small shirts have been getting really tight lately, so I’m just about ready to move up to mediums. I think two things have really helped: first, I’m eating a lot more than I used to. I’m not sure how many calories I’m ingesting, but it must be somewhere around 6,000 per day. We get all the free burgers we want at work, and I’ve been stuffing myself with them all day long. You gotta eat big to get big, right? I’m not sure about my training, however. I’ve been following this routine I got off the internet, but I think I may hire myself a trainer from the gym to see if I can take things up another notch. 16 inches Big news – and lots of it! Thanks to the advice from my trainer, Miguel, I’ve managed to add another 2 inches to my arms in the last few months. He’s really helped me blow up my triceps and add some decent mass – not just on my arms, but all over. I’m at 190 pounds now which may feel about average for a 6’2” guy, but remember I started way back at 130. So to me, I feel like the Hulk! Also, and maybe I’m burying the lede here, but I had SEX! Yes, for the first time in what feels like forever, I was able to satisfy my carnal desires with another person. Her name is Abigail, and she’s a customer at the burger restaurant. She’d been getting very touchy and flirty, and last week when I was working late, she showed up as I was leaving Big & Beefy and asked I could walk her home since she felt so safe with a “big, strong guy.” Abigail had plenty to say about my body as we walked – she liked my firm pecs, which were about to split through my size medium shirt, and she liked how thick my quads looked in my tight chinos, but she absolutely LOVED my arms. She kept running her fingers up and down the veins and saying how sexy they were, and that really got me hot and bothered. I was already hard by the time we got to her door, and a few minutes later we were fucking like bunnies. This is the kind of thing that is only gonna make me work harder in the gym. 18 inches Miguel cannot believe how big I’ve gotten in such a short time. I’m up to 220 pounds of solid muscle, and my arms now stretch the tape to 18 fuckin’ inches! It’s not just the size, but the shape of my arms that’s impressive – they honestly look like those in the bodybuilding mags. I’ve got a decent peak on the biceps, a well-formed horseshoe shape on my triceps, and great definition between the muscles. And they’re not just for show – Miguel’s workout routine has made me so much stronger, too. Right now I’m curling 200 pounds for reps, which feels insane because I used to struggle with those 5-pound fry baskets just over a year ago. The other guys in the gym are always stopping and watching when I lift my overloaded barbells, and I know some of them are either dying to ask me how I got so big, dying to give my arm a squeeze, or dying to get me in bed and see the rest of my body. They’re definitely noticing at the restaurant, too – both guests and other employees. Everyone is talking about how huge I’m getting, and Abigail has some tough competition for my bedroom time – there’s also Courtney, Selena, and Chet. Yeah, that last one’s a guy, but he gives the BEST blowjobs I’ve ever had. 20 inches I tell you, I’m turning into a fuckin’ monster of muscle. My arms are now 20 inches around at their peak, fully twice the size as when I started lifting. I’m up to 250 pounds and also grew an inch to 6’3” (maybe my body needed more room to accommodate all the fresh beef?). I’m way bigger than Miguel now – I passed his stats about a month ago, and after watching him lick his lips as he stared at me in the gym shower, we decided to give the other members an eyeful when I full-on fucked him with my super cock. God can that man really take it up the ass better than all my other lovers. In other news, I left my job at Big & Beefy. I was getting too large to fit behind the counter, and I’d already blasted through the largest size shirt they had (ironic for a place called Big & Beefy, right?). So now I’m looking for a new gig to support myself and a new source of the 8,000 calories a day I need to keep growing. 22 inches I got a surprise the other day: a text from the owner of Big & Beefy. He asked to meet, so I Uber-ed up to his home in the swankier side of town. Apparently, business has dropped off since I left the restaurant, as there were a lot of guests who came in just to see the hunky Assistant Manager. I told him that I didn’t think coming back to work would be a good fit, and he agreed – and that’s not why he asked to meet. He said he was looking for someone to be the face (and body) for Big & Beefy since he’s about the rebrand the concept, and he thought I would be the perfect model. I was flattered when he asked, and even more flattered when he showed me the agreement and told me how much I would be paid – for a few hours work, I was going to earn more than I had at the restaurant in the past two years. I immediately said yes. I guess I should have tried to be humble and say something like “I cannot believe you think I would be a good Big & Beefy man,” but hell, I am perfect for the job! I just passed 275 pounds and got my arms up to 22 inches. I go sleeveless all the time now – not because I cannot find shirts that fit (I can, but it ain’t easy), but because I want the world ogling my pythons wherever I go. I love every minute I spend in the gym blasting them with weight, making them grow and grow and grow. I’ve also shaved off all my body hair so that nothing distracts from the glory of my muscles, and on the advice of one of my lovers (Selena), I shaved the hair on top of my head and cut off my scraggly beard. She works as a stylist and thought I would look a lot tougher with a cleanshaven head, and she was right – I look like a fuckin’ bull now. Oh, and the restaurant owner, Nick – he not only liked how looked for professional reasons, but also for personal ones. At the end of the meeting at his house, he was trying desperately to hide his boner, but it was really sticking out in his slacks. He’s not my usual type – a bit older and kinda flabby – but I walked right up to him, shoved my flexed right arm in his face, and told him I could tell he wanted me as more than just a model. Nick didn’t even hesitate a second before his hands and tongue were all over my arm – I guess it must have been a while since he had sex, too, or maybe he just really was into me. We ended up spending the rest of the day together either in his bed or in the kitchen chowing down on everything in his fridge. 24 inches Today’s the day of the photo shoot for Big & Beefy, and I am more than living up to my end of the bargain. Just last week I got my weight up past 300, and my arms are now 24 fuckin’ inches around. Truly insane. Yeah, my chest is 70 inches, and my quads have gotten up to 35 inches, but everyone always notices my arms first. It probably doesn’t hurt that I am constantly flexing them and showing them off. They’re just so MASSIVE – not even Arnold in his prime had bigger or stronger arms than me. I was given a 4XL Big & Beefy shirt to wear for the shoot, and it was so snug I could barely get it on. We did some shots of me eating, and then working out. It was funny – they thought they had brought enough plates for the barbell to challenge me, but they were about 75 pounds too light, so one of the production assistants had to run and buy more weight. I ended up curling 300 pounds over and over again for the different shots, and by the end my pythons were so fuckin’ pumped with blood – they must have been closer to 25 inches. The director then took some video of me flexing and damn if my muscles didn’t just rip right through the sleeves while he was filming. It was so HOT and the production team was thrilled with the footage they got. Nick was thrilled, too. He was watching the shoot in the studio but had to excuse himself to the bathroom three times during the day to…well, you know. When we got back home, I fucked him twice and listened to him tell me over and over what a beast I was. Oh, and yes, I moved in with Nick. I made it clear to him that we were just fuck buddies and not boyfriends, and that was fine with him. He set me up my own bedroom, installed a gym in the basement, and even added a full-size pool for me in the backyard. His personal chef makes me whatever food I want, and his personal tailor takes care of all my clothes. All day long I get to eat, lift, and fuck whoever I want. 26 inches The new branding campaign started for Big & Beefy, and it’s been a HUGE success. My face and body are plastered on billboards and posters all over the city, and the restaurants have been packed with customers. Nick told me last night that things are going so well he’s going to take the company public and make himself an even bigger fortune not only for himself, but he plans to share 50% with me. I may use the money to get my own place, but who knows, I’m pretty comfortable right living here and may just stay put. In addition to giving me anything I want, Nick is also a very giving lover…he is happy to pleasure every inch of me for hours on end without expecting anything in return (but he definitely likes getting fucked while holding on to my arms). The only thing that won’t stay put is my size – I’m still growing larger. I’m at 330 pounds of beef and my arms – my truly spectacular arms – are now a mind-boggling 26 inches around. You have to see ‘em to believe ‘em. 26 inches is roughly the circumference of a volleyball, if that helps you picture them. But mine aren’t just shapeless globes – they’re thickly corded with rock-hard muscle, covered with giant veins, and make me look strong enough to lift a car (I haven’t tried yet, but I am willing to try!). My whole body is huge, but nothing makes me feel more like a fuckin’ stud, and nothing else gets the same amount of attention, than my arms. In fact, I got offered $1,000 by a guy at the beach last night just to touch them, but I made him pay me two grand instead (well, I let him suck my cock in the cabana as well). Turns out he was some tech guru and ended up giving me $20K to spend the whole night, which I of course accepted. Also, Miguel still comes over every so often for worship session – I don’t charge him for his tickets to the gun show, since he helped me more than anyone to reach this immense size, and he knows my body so well and makes me cum gallons more than anyone else. Ok, enough writing for now. I gotta get into the gym for another workout. It’s arm day again – to be fair, that’s pretty much every day for me. I’m gonna blast them hard and see if I can pump them up to 27 or 28 inches. Nick’s bringing a friend home tonight and I want to impress them both with the biggest arms in the world. God, I love my arms.
  3. Hey guys! Here is part 2 of what I think will be 3 or 4 parts total! As you will find out in the first line, Part 1 actually occurred in the son's head (stay with me lol!) - but I did that intentionally because when I wrote this I wanted it to be a bit more "realistic." We've all seen a hot guy at the gym or out-and-about that we day dreamed about later on, only wishing we could feel his flexed muscles. It can suck to see a hot guy and fantasize only to come back to reality. Part 2 though, is when that fantasy becomes a reality. What if we actually had the courage to compliment that guy's muscles or ask to see him flex? Better yet, what if the bodybuilder, wanted to? What if the 50 year old muscle daddy we've all jacked off to actually wanted to flex for us and got off on it?? Part 2 is a bit of a slow burn but, as you'll see by the end, Part 3 is going to get VERY hot for the son. Enjoy About My Dad . . . Pt. 2 “Are you okay?” He suddenly asked very concerned, almost like the tone he had used earlier. “What?” I squinting an eye confused at his rapid shift in composure and tone. “Are you okay? I asked you and you just kind of starred off for a second.” He said smiling at me, in front of me having just walked in from work. He was fully clothed. Sometimes he would come in and strip down to his boxers, but not today apparently. I blinked a few times as a sudden wave of disorientation came over me. With this came a wave of self-awareness. I was red, my heart was pounding, and my breathing was heavier since he had walked in. Damn. All of that, just from him walking in the house from work? I needed to get a grip to say the least. “Yeah of course, sorry I didn’t hear you the first time, I just woke up from a nap a few minutes ago so I’m still really groggy, you know how it goes!” I said trying to playoff my embarrassing daydreams as best I could. And that’s all it was. A daydream, a fantasy, whatever you want to call it. Now, to be clear, my dad’s body was not a fantasy. I could still see the outlines of his tick pecs and arms through his shirt. I could even see some of his veins in his biceps actually. But everything past him walking in had been nothing more than some weird scenario my brain had made up. That is not to say it was entirely fictional though. Those things, the things that I confessed to him, the embarrassing, pressing things that I wanted to say were all true. I did admire his new physique. But how on earth could I ever tell him that? Sure it played out well in my fantasy, but in real life, how could it? “Well how about, you get yourself oriented,” he looked at me again with a half-smile in half pity, “and I’ll go change. Are you hungry?” He asked turning away. “Actually yeah I’m starving.” “Okay I should have dinner ready pretty soon actually, it’s nothing fancy, but it won’t take long!” He assured as he walked back into his room. Once he was out of sight I stood and immediately headed for my room, on the opposite side of the living room area. A strong head rush overtook me and I started to lose my balance as my vision darkened. Slowly the world returned to how it should be and I went into my room. Despite the shortness of my daydream, it had put more blood in other places faster than I thought it would. I leaned on my bed for a second and put my head down to catch my increasingly short breath. “Okay get ahold of yourself. Yes, you want to say that, but you can’t.” I tried to assure myself. As much as I wanted to deny it though, this wasn’t the first time I had thought about a situation like that. My dad really had bulked up over the past 2 years, and he had begun to show off his gains far more than he used to. 3 years ago my dad was a bit nervous to wear shorts out of the house, and would only ever wear t-shirts and shorts in doors. Now, fast forward to present day, and he casually walks around in his boxers. Honestly, I’d say he’s half-naked more than he is clothed whenever he’s home at this point. So not only had my dad gotten a ripped body, he was obviously okay showing it off. Making matters worse though, I’m not sure he realized just how confused it made me feel. He casually walks around in tight briefs flashing . . . well . . . all of his muscles and his manly body. I try not to look too often, but it had become more and more difficult not to. He had grown so much in the past few months and he didn’t really show any intention of stopping or slowing down. He was as hooked on getting in shape as I was hung up on his progress. I kept going back and forth in my head for a few minutes, trying to throw reason into the bizzar cocktail my brain had stirred up. Eventually I decided I should probably just lay down for a few minutes, you know actually take that nap I had mentioned before, and see how I felt after I meditated and rested for a few minutes. As I sat in my bed I couldn’t help my mind from going back to all of the thoughts I had just had, and how . . . intoxicating they were. I wasn’t quite sure how to reconcile or reason them, but after a few moments, growing upset with myself, I decided to clear my mind. I didn’t want to think about it anymore. It took a few minutes but before I could even realize it my mind started to wonder off to other random thoughts as I dozed off. I knew a decent amount of time had passed, but I wasn’t sure how much exactly. I knew my dad was cooking in the kitchen, but I wasn’t mentally keeping track of the noises I heard. My half asleep rest was suddenly broken when I heard, “Yo, dinner’s up if you want to eat!” My eyes slowly opened, and for a brief second I just sat up in bed and didn’t really think about anything. I sat still momentarily getting my bearings and checking the time. Only 25 minutes had passed, but it was restful. Just as I swung my leg out, it was like a switch hit, and my brain was right back to wear it had been before I had fallen asleep. What was I going to do? It was such a simple question with a myriad of potential answers. A thought flew through my mind, somewhat unexpectedly. “What if I just told him like I did in my head?” What!? I couldn’t do that! No, there is no way . . . could I? No. I couldn’t tell my dad that. I got up and walked to the door and just as I reached for the door knob my mind started to tilt the other direction. What if I did though? I would feel so much better. Okay yeah, he probably wouldn’t brag about his tight briefs or flex in front of me, but what if I just told him the truth and was honest about it. At least in the first part of my fantasy, it worked out pretty well. I didn’t need to disclose more than I had to, but I could at least be more honest than I had been. I had wrestled with this for so long, even before today, that to suddenly have a clear and lucid solution come to my head, it felt odd. Was I being hasty? I had never felt this sense of confidence before, so why now? I walked to the kitchen continually weighing the different scenarios, but ultimately, as I approached the table I knew. I could at least . . . tell him part of it right? At nothing else I would feel better about it, and maybe I wouldn’t feel so awkward every time he walked around in just his underwear. I pulled out my chair and sat down just as he came to the table with a final dish. He put it onto the table and then sat down across from me. He had changed from his dress clothes into a cream/gray sweater and dark blue jeans. Honestly, I was a bit surprised. He didn’t usually wear that much clothing once he got home, but I guess today he was just feeling fashionable. Either way, his body was still too large to conceal. His sweater was filled out and I could see loose outlines of his shape and masculine build. “Did you fall asleep again?” He asked beaming his eyes at me. His face was striking honestly. His beard, his eyes, his jawline, everything. “No not quite, I just sat for a few minutes.” I said putting food onto my plate looking down. I really didn’t mean for there to be any subtext to that statement but apparently he found some. “I know I asked this earlier, but are you okay?” I looked up holding a spoon in my hand. Was this it? Was this the moment? My face flushed and butterflies flew through my stomach at the thought of actually being honest with my dad. “You’ve just seemed a bit off today, are you sure everything is okay?” He took a quick sip of his wine before placing it back down. Silence fell between us, clearly indicating there was some hesitation on my end. I thought I would slowly work my way into this topic, but . . . I guess there was just no waiting. I put the bowl and spoon down and looked up at my dad, whose expression was neutral, but tinged with a hint of concern. My palms began to sweat as I thought of how to phrase what I wanted to say. My throat knotted up and I could feel my heart pounding against my chest, part in eagerness and part in fear. I was an idiot for doing this, but my lips started to move and, almost as though a flood gate had opened, I couldn’t hold myself back any longer. After all of these months, I finally answered my father honestly. “Actually, um . . . there is something I wanted to talk to you about. . .” I began as I took a deep, hopefully discrete, breath in. Sitting across from me my dad looked so fashionable, large, confident, and mature. Was I really about to say this? For a brief second I hesitated and thought of what else I could say instead. Maybe school was getting tough, or I was having issues with a friend and needed his advice? As all of these different thoughts ran through my head I couldn’t help but feel a sense of avoidance. I had been avoiding talking to my dad about this for so long, I didn’t know how much longer I could bottle it all up. I needed to be honest. I rolled my lips, my mouth going dry, and I swallowed nervously. “Alright so this is going to be a bit . . . odd I guess, but I have been thinking about it for a while and I just want to say it.” My palms became tingly as more adrenalin hit me. “Hey, whatever it is, we can talk about it. If something is bothering you, you can tell me!” He sat up slightly. My mouth hung open for a few seconds as I tried to formulate the right words to use. Trying to let out some of the built-up energy I was pressing my right foot into my left foot hard enough that I should have felt discomfort, but I was too distracted. “Um . . . okay so, lately, over the past few months . . .” This was it. After all of these months, all of my fantasies of being honest, I was finally going to say it. An almost blind confidence came over me, somehow pushing me to blurt out a coherent thought. “You’ve really found a passion for working out over the past few years, but in the past months you’ve really started to well, um . . .” I gestured my hand looking for the right word. “Show progress.” I decided. My dad’s look went from one of concern and near sick to a calmer, albeit curious expression. His face fell into a frown of confusion for a moment before asking, “Well thank you.” He laughed or a second. “But, how does that relate to you?” He adjusted in his seat, sitting up straighter, his sweater bending against his body. I had already started the conversation and, even if I wasn’t fully honest, I had to at least say enough so that I could stop thinking about it. “Well, I don’t know a good way to say it, but basically, since you’ve started working out you’ve made a lot of progress, I mean awesome, but I have been feeling a bit . . . confused lately I guess. I think that’s the best word I know to use for it.” My legs were trembling so hard under the table I was surprised they weren’t making more noise. My shoulders began to tremble as well. I knew what I was trying to say but I could tell I was making as much sense to him as I was to myself. “Oh, well confused how?” He didn’t seem at all put off, but instead curious. So far so good. “You know, okay, let me put it this way. I’m not saying any of this in a bad way, if anything I think the transformation you’ve made is great! But that’s kind of why I am confused. A year and a half ago you would work out and come home, nothing overly noteworthy. But then a few months ago you started to . . .” I almost choked on my words. “Show a bit more. I mean it’s hard to hide I guess. But lately I’ve been feeling a bit conflicted. I’m in college apparently at the peak of my athletic skills, and at 53 you’ve managed to get really, really, fit.” I was about to pause but he nodded his head for me to continue and finish my thought. “So, I guess I’m just confused because at 53 you have gotten really, well, muscular.” My heart sped up at the compliment. “And on the one hand, it’s kind of weird because you know usually guys in their 20s are more athletic than their dads, but on the other hand I actually . . . admire the progress you’ve made.” My speech had started to noticeably speed up. I nodded my head as though to say, “That’s all.” “So yeah, that’s how I’m feeling I guess.” I allowed myself to catchy my breath as he looked down at his wine glass for a second, clearly pondering over what I had just said. Had I said too much? I thought I had sounded normal, and hopefully, somewhat restrained. “Okay so . . .” He started to rock his head back and forth as though a rather simple solution were in reach. “You feel confused, but I guess I’m a bit confused too.” He let out a small chuckle as he spun his wine glass in his hand. “Did I make you uncomfortable somehow?” “No.” I responded a bit too quickly. “No, sorry I’m not being clear, it’s just, I admire what you’ve been able to do but at the same time . . .” “Oh.” He said as though having an embarrassing realization. He blushed slightly. “Do . . .” he hesitated on the next few words he was going to say. “Does it bother you?” He asked almost bashfully. I needed to use the right words, but I was afraid to. How could I be fully honest with my dad about something like this? I had always been incredibly honest with my dad but this was going into new territory I wasn’t sure about. We’re both men. Could I really tell him that he made me feel like less of a man? “I guess I just don’t fully understand what you are saying, but I get at least, that somehow, I’ve done something.” He leaned forward a bit, placing his arms into his lap, flaring out his triceps causing his sweater sleeves to expand under their flexed mass. I paused for a second. We were already into the conversation so it was too late now. I had started it, I might as well keep going, even if his arms were already making me sweat, I knew I would feel better after. “That makes it sound bad. What I mean is . . .” I breathed in and tried to feel as calm as I could so I could say this clearly. “I feel like at 20 something, I should be more muscular and athletic, but I look at you at 53 and, dad, you have a 6-pack. Like you have the build I’m supposed to have at 20, well but you’re even more built than that really. So in a way I kind of feel . . . like . . .” I knew the exact word I wanted but settled for a compromise. “Lesser I guess. I look at what you have been able to accomplish and it’s awesome, truly. There is a part of me though, that feels weird about it. You’re 53, a doctor, and more athletic than I am. But then that’s where my confusion starts.” My thoughts and speech were started to slow and become clearer. “It’s actually kind of what I just said I suppose. You know looking at it objectively: you are 53, you are a doctor, and you still have abs somehow, that most dudes in college are trying to get. So yeah in ways it makes me feel kind of . . . insecure is a good word for it if I’m being honest, but then I also feel . . . I don’t know it’s cool. You are 53 and are more athletic than most guys I know who are less than half your age. It’s awesome you’ve been able to workout so much. You’re smart and . . .” I nearly choked, but managed to disguise it with a pause. “Pretty buff.” I said laughing nervously as I looked down. My clarity was starting to turn back into racing thoughts as I allowed myself to process the honesty I had just used. Holy shit. After months of feeling insecure and unsure of how to approach my dad, if I should at all, I had just told him how I felt. Not entirely, and not the full extent, but close enough. Closer than I had come up to this point. Still, in being so honest, I was afraid of how he would react. I had done my best to say it in a neutral way, but what if he read into it the wrong way? I didn’t want him to feel bad. “Well,” He finally spoke looking down at his hands and then back up at me, his worry had seemed to alleviate somewhat. “First, thank you’re for the compliments, I’ve worked hard so good to know it’s paying off. More importantly though, I’m sorry if I’ve ever made you feel that way, I . . .” He shook his head looking for the right words. “I guess maybe I shouldn’t just walk around here in my boxers, I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.” “That’s the thing though, and I what I am trying to say. Yes, I feel insecure when I see how big you’ve gotten, but at the same time I like it.” “Like it?” He asked quizzically. “Like how?” He asked tilting his head, seemingly in genuine curiosity. Maybe I was going to have to be more honest than I was already comfortable with. To be clear, it was not lost on me that my honesty up to this point had largely been unintelligible rambling. “Well okay, you’ve been wearing more tanks lately. At first when I see how large your arms have gotten that’s when I think, gee I’m 20 and don’t look anything like that. My dad is 53 and has way better arms than I do. But then I think, damn, he’s a doctor and looks that good even over 50. So it’s not that I mind you showing your results, I’m just saying it is a bit confusing that I have both of these feelings at the same time. But between the two, I’d say the admiration is stronger. I’m not asking you to change anything or do anything differently . . .” I took a controlled breath in, perhaps the first I had taken in this entire conversation. I paused and allowed my mind to catch up. Despite my nerves and rapid heartbeat, I was somehow calm and articulate. I didn’t really know where this was coming from, but I sure as hell was not going to question it. “I just have been feeling a bit self-concious about it lately, so I just wanted to be honest.” I nodded my head at him, indicating, in a nutshell, that’s how I felt. “As I said, if it makes you uncomfortable I feel bad about that . . . but, I almost get the idea it’s not discomfort per se. You said you might feel a bit insecure, but, at the same time it doesn’t bother you I wear say tank top or . . . I guess if I don’t wear a shirt. Does it bother you if I don’t wear a shirt?” He asked to clarify. “No, I mean if you want to walk around without one, go for it. Like I said, I just get a little self-concious that . . .” I trailed off afraid to finish my sentence. “That . . .” he pressed slightly. “That . . .” I blinked, finally letting go of my restraint. He wanted an answer, and we had already come too far. “I actually don’t mind when you do. Does that make any sense?” “Okay!” He said as though finally solving a puzzle, which given how I was talking it was a bit of one. His face lit up and his overall mood seemed to switch from quizzical and unsure, to confident and almost, happy? “I think I understand you now.” He let out another laugh, and sat back in his chair crossing his legs under the table. “You do?” I asked a bit unsure of if he really did or not. “Yeah, I think I do, and listen it’s okay.” He reassured me as he brought his eyes back up to me. “I think I can piece together what you are saying. You are a bit insecure now that I’ve started working out more, but there is a part of you that doesn’t mind it.” He said reiterating what I had said before. “So . . . can I ask you a direct question?” He asked looking at me with a more neutral expression, but his overall tone hadn’t seemed to have shifted. I was a bit hesitant to respond in my head, but out loud I responded, “Sure.” “You said you are insecure about me being, well a bit more athletic lately, but you also said you don’t mind it. So do you not mind when I walk around with, say, a tank or without a shirt all together?” He crossed his arms over and put them on the table as he leaned on his elbows. “Yeah I mean, that’s kind of what I was saying before. I think it’s cool.” “So you are okay feeling a little insecure, that doesn’t bother you?” “No, it’s okay like I said the other side of it outweighs that.” I said starting to blush at his pressing questions. “You used the word admiration before. So when I get home and just change into my boxers, you . . . well I’ll ask, you like how I look?” He asked directly. I paused, a bit taken aback by his sudden directness. “Um, well, I . . .” I stammered. “Let me try it this way. You say you feel insecure when you see my body since I started working out, but if you also admire my progress, that must mean you don’t mind how I look either.” He said trying to direct my words. Sensing hesitation from me and let out a small laugh and then looked back up at me. “Like I said it’s okay . . .” he prefaced. “You like how my body looks since I started working out right?” He said looking at me following his blunt statement. “I didn’t say that exactly, I just said . . .” “Dude, it’s okay, you can be honest, you don’t need to feel embarrassed about it.” He said calmly and casually. “Well I just meant that, you’ve put in a lot of work and it’s inspiring.” I said trying to suddenly back track out of the conversation that I had started. We were starting to float into the zone I was trying to avoid. I wanted to be honest, but only to a certain degree. “Listen, it’s okay to admire my progress, you don’t need to be shy about it.” Even though he said this as normally as he would have said anything else, I couldn’t help but notice the cockiness of his words that he said so nonchalantly. My dad had become secure enough in his muscular body he could be cocky and not really think anything of it. In his mind, of course I would admire his work, why wouldn’t why? That only added to my level of fascination. He was hot, and he knew it. “I just don’t want to make you uncomfortable.” I said highlighting the irony of using his own words on him. “You’ve worked really hard to get to where you are, and I just feel bad . . .” “Why though? Like I’ve said I really don’t mind.” “Okay.” I interjected a bit hastily, somewhat embarrassed that he had managed to get this out of me. It was more than I had been ready to admit. Still, I couldn’t deny, it felt good to finally get this out in the open. If I hadn’t been fully honest I just would have bottled more of this up and the process would have repeated. This was better. I was finally able to be honest with him. But I need to make sure we were on the same picture, and I wasn’t just taking his words to confirm my own thoughts. “I guess just to clarify, you don’t mind what?” Realizing I cut him off, I spoke a bit softer. “You admiring my new physique.” He said point-blank almost as though this had been clearly established. “It won’t make me uncomfortable, and . . .” He rolled his lips deciding if he should continue or not. I looked up unsure of what to say, why would he hesitate all of a sudden? For as nervous as I had been, that is how cool he had been up to this point. He nodded his head, having found the right way to phrase it, and gestured his hands from side to side as though telling me something awkward but something that needed to be said all the same. “It hasn’t made me uncomfortable up to this point.” My eyes widened almost by instinct. My mind went blank. For a second I just sat in my chair entirely unsure of what to say or do. Had . . . had my dad caught me before? “You . . .” I started, elongating the vowel unable to put more words in front of it. My dad started to laugh again, like someone had told a funny, but satisfying ending to a long story. “Alright, I’m trying to be sensitive given what you’ve said, but I’m just going to be honest. If you want to check out my progress sometimes that’s okay. Your old man has some big guns, it’s okay to look.” As he said this he brought his arm just barely off of the table and flexed his right arm. Even under his sweater I could still see his arm expand with power and muscle as he flexed it. Even in a large sweater my dad’s muscles still looked like they were going to come through the seams. “And that doesn’t bother you at all?” I asked in genuine amazement, given that he was essentially telling me something I had thought was taboo for so long was . . . apparently completely understandable. “No! Honestly, I wish you had told me sooner that you were feeling so insecure about this. You don’t have to feel bad about checking out my body. Hell I flex in front of the mirror every night, I get it.” He said leaning back in his chair. My dad was not a “bro” per se, but the tone he had just used was one of the most bro-like things I think I’ve ever heard come out of his mouth. Again, he wasn’t outwardly cocky necessarily, but he had adopted a new casual cockiness that was so . . . exhilarating. Now granted I had never seen nor have I seen my dad flex in the mirror, but I’m pretty sure a few years ago he wouldn’t have done it. Especially not every night if he did. Still following this statement I was almost a bit unsure of how to respond. I had been afraid to mention me checking him out, but he brought it up so easily and apparently didn’t have the first problem with it. Luckily after a moment, he broke the silence and I didn’t have to say anything. “So yeah if that’s all that’s bothering you don’t worry about it. Besides, like I said, I’ve caught you checking my arms when I stretch, it’s cool.” “I’m just glad it’s not a problem. I still feel kind of bad, but I’m glad I finally got this off of my chest.” “Exactly, don’t sweat it.” He smiled as he took another sip of his wine. Suddenly a very bad thought went through my mind. One I couldn’t act on, but I wanted to. I had already started the conversation and my dad had already dismissed my apologies multiple times. My whole body felt liked folding in on itself as a rush of heat spread across my limbs. My brain was basically drowning in adrenalin at this point, and my better judgement was a bit cloudy. Still my palms got sweaty again and I could feel my chest get tighter as I considered taking a gamble. A big one. Maybe I didn’t have to confess everything to him . . . maybe I could ask. Just as he put his glass back down and swallowed his wine I tried to appear as calm as I could as I asked: “So to that end actually, you said it’s not a big deal.” What the hell was I about to do?! I knew somewhere deep in my mind this was a bad idea, but I couldn’t help it. I had to at least try. “This might be kind of awkward, and I totally get if you think it’s weird,” he narrowed his eyes slightly and tilted his head. “but . . . you know I really do admire all of the work you’ve put in to getting so in-shape, I guess I’m . . .” At this point my brain was on autopilot, it was almost surreal. My urges were overpowering my logical thoughts, but I still couldn’t quite bring myself to ask the question I had been wanting to ask for months. Ever since I saw my father shirtless for the first time. A second passed and I brought my eyes back to his. He was being patient to say the least. “Ugh never mind, I’m just playing around.” I abruptly, and awkwardly, blurted out. I caved. How on earth was I ever going to ask my dad to flex? It was a stupid idea to say the least, and an even worse ending to my proposition that I didn’t finish. “Oh my gosh,” my dad laughed and leaned his head back a little with a smile. “You were going to ask something, you don’t need to be nervous. I’m serious whatever it is, I’d rather you say it so it won’t bother you anymore. Like a minute ago, you were worrying all this time about checking my physique out, and I couldn’t care less. So go ahead, if you have a concern or a question, say it.” He said in a supportive and caring tone. “You’ve really packed on more mass lately, and it’s pretty cool, so I was just wondering if . . .” I couldn’t bring myself to ask, but apparently I didn’t need to. He let out a small grunt and laugh, putting his head back and then looking back at me, relaxed and calmer than he had been a second ago. “Do you want to see me flex?” He asked, knowing he was taking the words right out of my mouth. My shoulders contracted and my throat seemed to get tight. He had gotten cockier since he started lifting and it was hard not be drawn to it. He was so confident, so strong. I couldn’t help but let out a small laugh as I crossed my arms over. “You know, you ugh . . . took the words right out of me. I know it’s a bit weird.” Ignoring my hesitation, he grimaced at me for a moment, dismissing my worries, before letting a coy smile come across his face. “I’ll flex.” He said with complete confidence and calmness. He then brought his right arm up and flexed his bicep. Even under his sweater, the large mass of muscle contracted and pushed up on the fabric. The sleeve rose and peaked along with his powerful, peaked bicep. My father’s biceps had to at least be 17 or 18 inches. They were so large, and even in his sweater I could clearly see the peak and the bottom of his triceps as they strained the fabric. He had only flexed his right bicep, but already I felt small and powerless in his presence. “See?” He asked as he raised his left arm and formed a full double bicep. Across the table, my father was flexing his large biceps, showing the span of his arms and his lats. He was a tall man, and had managed to build his long arms into masculine, powerful bands of muscle. Looking at his with a wide torso, and his raised, pumped arms, he looked so authoritative. He was only flexing, but I could feel just how much more of a man he was than me. All of this time, I had wanted to see him flex, I had fantasized about it. And now he was doing it as though it were nothing out of the ordinary. “I don’t think you believe me. If you want to check out my body,” he brought his eyes to mine and elongated his arms before contracting them again. “Or if you want to see me flex, I really don’t care.” “Damn.” I breathed out with a small laugh. “So you really are totally okay with all of this.” “Totally. I’ve worked hard to get a body like this so if anything I take it as a compliment.” “Well, you look . . . great!” I complimented. He lowered his imposing arms down to his side but he didn’t break his eyes from mine. “So is that really all you wanted to see?” He raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean?” I asked. “Well you’ve been holding that in all this time, and you just wanted to see me flex my arms?” “Oh, I was just curious like I said, I . . . yeah that . . .” “I can take my sweater off.” He offered casually as though offering me dessert. “You don’t need to do that.” I lied blushing. “Alright.” He lowered his head slightly and got a mischievous grin on his face. “I don’t want to make you uncomfortable, but if you ask, it is getting a bit warm in here. But I know I’ve been getting a lot more vascular lately, and that might be kind of freaky.” He took a sip of his wine, not letting his eyes escape mine. “I don’t think they’re freaky.” I responded. “It’s pretty . . . you know, masculine I think.” “So just ask.” He laughed slightly as he slowly pulled the wine glass away from his mouth and nodded at me in confirmation. How was this happening? After all of these months of trying to steal looks, or turn my head away at just the right time, my dad was willing to show me his muscles? Was it really that easy? Is that all I had to do this entire time? My mind was overrun with thoughts I couldn’t process. Okay . . . after all these months I guess I was really about to ask what I had only dreamed of asking the man sitting across from me. “Dad, could you take off your sweater?” I asked nearly doubling over in my seat from the rush of energy and adrenalin. It felt so good to finally ask him. To finally be honest and admit how much I admired his body. “See! That wasn’t so hard!” He said rolling his eyes and smiling as he stood up from his chair and brought his hands down to his waistline before lifting the sweater off of his hulking frame. I guess I hadn’t really thought it over much, but I didn’t think of what my dad would be wearing under his sweater. I had assumed he was, well, not wearing anything. Somewhat to my dismay he had a black t-shirt on under it. He pulled the sweater off and suddenly his large, masculine, striated arms came into view. As he finished pulling his sweater off, he put it on the chair he was just sitting in. Looking at him now though, I have to admit, the shirt was not all bad. It only came halfway down between his shoulders and biceps. It emphasized the impressive size of his trained arms and hugged against his abs and chest as though it were glued to him. My dad had to have known it clung to his body. He was comfortable enough in his own skin to wear clothes that would show just how ripped he had gotten. A few years ago he would have never worn such a thing. Before I could process enough to say anything he extended his right arm out away from his waist and gripped his fist. His bicep and tricep became distinct muscles and formed cuts along his arm, leading to the many veins that covered his forearm. “Like I said, I’ve been getting a lot more vascular lately. I like having all of these veins. What do you think?” He said looking at his pumped forearm before turning towards me. It seemed like the first time I had been given permission to actually look at his body but some part of me was still hesitant to do so from the long habit I had established. All the same, I looked along his extended arm and took in all of the minute details of his chiseled arm. “I meant what I said,” I giggled in slight amazement. “They really make you seem . . . like . . . built you know?” I tried to repeat the word, “masculine,” but my mouth couldn’t quite get around the word. I was so taken aback that this was actually happening. I figured this wouldn’t last much longer though so I just tried to savor the moment. “Yeah I really like it. I’ve been getting more veins all over honestly.” He said somewhat distracted as he looked up and down both of his arms. He brought both arms down by his sides and turned his fists away from his torso so that his triceps flared out from the side of his already tight sleeves. The back and side of his forearms seemed to separate into multiple groups and bands of muscle, covered in the veins I had just admired. “I’ve been trying to add size lately, and I think it’s starting to show.” He brought his arms up for a double bicep pose as he looked along his right and left pumped arms. His arms formed a beautiful, hard peak. He brought his eyes back to me and smiled. As he rose his arms up his tight shirt strained against his torso and lifted above his belt. I could see a small amount of skin around his abs, but couldn’t really make anything out. Even if I had been able to I couldn’t take my eyes away from my father’s flexed arms. They were so large and full of power. To be clear, my dad’s biceps weren’t just sizeable. They looked like arms that belonged on a competitive bodybuilder. Well, I guess at this point, that is what my dad looked like in general. So dry, full, and cut, his arms were beautiful and manly. “Damn, you have really gotten bigger lately.” I affirmed. “Your arms are . . .” I stopped myself and rethought my word choice. “They’re great.” I said clearly hiding a word preference. “Dude, you don’t need to feel weird about it. You can complement your old man’s arms, that’s fine. I mean I’m flexing them right? I’m just showing off my hard work, you can admire it.” He said very smoothly and permissibly. “Okay.” I said with a nod, cracking a devious smile. The surreal feeling of the situation was starting to fade into a more intense reality sensation. This was happening and my father was completely fine with it. I could even compliment him if I wanted to. He slowly lowered his arms down and let them come downtown his side as his eyes fell in thought for a moment. “So, can I ask you a question actually?” He said squinting slightly, looking at his glass of wine. I was a bit nervous about what he was going to ask given the last 2 minutes of our conversation. I had already been more honest with him than I had intended to be. What else did he want to know? “Of course, I guess we are being kind of honest with one another at this point, right?” “Exactly, and so that’s why I’m just wondering . . . does it bother you that I’ve gotten so built up lately?” He looked back up at me with a look of genuine concern and curiosity. “Bother me?” I squinted in confusion. “I just wonder if seeing your dad . . . with such large muscles might be a lot for a guy in his 20s. You mentioned that you feel like you should be the one with the ripped body, and yet, it’s me. Does that bother you?” I thought for a moment of how to word my response. “Honestly?” I rolled my lips tightly, I knew I was about to be honest with him, on the one hand it was nerve wracking and on the other hand it felt so liberating. “No.” I said keeping my eyes locked on him, resisting the urge to let them study his arms propping his figure against the table. “I mean, kind of. When I look at you, I start to feel kind of insecure as a guy you know? You have a great body and at 53 you are walking around unafraid to show off all of your gains. Meanwhile I feel self-conscious when I take my shirt off in public or at home for that matter. Despite those feelings though, I look at you and how confident and manly you are. Most guys your age have given up on getting in shape, and instead, you have a body most 20 year olds would kill to have. It’s really strange honestly, but . . . like when we went to the beach a few weeks ago for spring break, and everyone was eyeing you as we walked around. It is almost . . . I don’t know what word to put to it exactly, I’m not even entirely sure what this feeling is. But it’s “cool”, I guess, to see people look at your body. And then I think about it, and for some reason, it doesn’t bother me. You are a doctor, a really smart one at that, and you can go to a beach and rip off your shirt and get all of that attention. You are stronger than me, bigger than me, and that should bother me in a bad way, but . . . I guess . . . I don’t mind.” I began my response with a shaky breath but managed, by the end of it, to have a pretty steady voice. I had been honest with my dad, and it felt like a weight being lifted off of my shoulders. “So, me being stronger, more muscular, that doesn’t bother you?” he asked looking for another confirmation. “No. I like that you are so strong. It’s . . . nice. I look at how big and ripped you are, and I can only imagine how strong you have to be at this point.” I rubbed my nose and sniffed for a second before looking back up at him. “I feel . . .” I paused unable to continue my thought. I wasn’t sure if I could say it. To my surprise though, my dad didn’t interject or ask me to finish my thought. I decided to compromise. “Like alright, right now, seeing you in that tight shirt, flexing your arms, you just look so . . . manly, and strong you know?” “So when I flex or wear tight clothes to show off a little, you are okay with it?” “So you do like to show off?” I asked with a sharp smile. For once I had asked him a question. He opened his mouth and let out a laugh for a second. “You know, after a long day at work, it’s kind of nice to come home and just . . . appreciate the work I’ve put in.” He said carefully. “Well in any case I don’t mind.” I said affirmatively, blushing as I said it. “Good.” He smiled at me pulling his arms away from the table. “I wouldn’t want to make you feel uncomfortable. Regarding something else you said though, I guess on the flip side of what you said. You said you like how strong I am, and how ripped I’ve gotten?” He asked with a straight face, but in a light tone. “Yeah, you just . . . you look good.” “Honestly, I have to tell you, I feel good too.” He stood up straight, as his chest filled the front of his tight shirt. It looked like the fabric could barely contain his large pecs. “I have more energy now than I did in my 20s, I have more endurance throughout the day, I feel more alert. Just, overall, I feel fantastic since I started to workout more. And looking in the mirror at night has gotten a bit easier.” We both laughed, but my laugh was noticeably more nervous than his was. “Yeah you know, after two years of lifting and getting bigger . . . fuck I feel good for 53.” I confessed, oddly seeming like had gotten something off of his chest that he had wanted to say. Very ironic given the situation. “You should, I mean dad, I’m 21 and . . . you are so much stronger than I am.” I admitted allowing a small rush of heat to run through me. “You’re probably stronger than most of the guys at school honestly.” “Thanks.” He laughed and blushed slightly, for the first time seeming shy at one of my compliments. “To that end though . . .” I had already pushed the envelope numerous times and it seemed as though my dad was willing to go along with most of it. I wondered if I could push one more time. “This is kind of weird to ask but, you are clearly really . . . strong. I’ve wondered, what it would it be like to . . . well, arm-wrestle.” I proposed not able to look at him. A small silence fell over the table but after a moment my dad cracked a smile. “You want to arm-wrestle me?” He said in confusion, his tone highlighting his awareness of how much larger than me he was. “We both said, you have gotten really fit lately, I’m just curious how fit you’ve gotten. A more . . . measurable way to gauge it I guess.” “I’m down don’t get me wrong . . . but.” He relaxed his stance slightly, “no offense, but you won’t budge my arm.” “I just want to try.” I rebutted with a slight smile, and a surprisingly casual tone given how on-edge I felt. He paused for a moment and then walked around to my side of the table and pulled out the chair next to me. I put my elbow on the table and arched my hand towards him. My father’s large frame moved forward as he placed his monstrously large arm onto the table. Despite its size and mass, he placed it onto the table quietly and delicately. I was trying to conceal the joy I was feeling in that moment. My fantasies got cut short earlier, but a time or two I have wondered what it would be like to wrestle my dad. I knew he could pin me so easily with his powerful body, and somehow that feeling of emasculation was . . . exhilarating. I scooted myself forward slightly so that we could lock palms. Already his palm felt harder and firmer than mine. I knew what was about to happen. “Are you ready?” He asked trying to hide a cocky smile. “3, 2, 1, go!” With that both of our arms tensed as we applied as much force as we could against the other. That is to say, I applied as much as I could against him. My dad’s arm was barely budging. I squeezed against his palm and tried to force my forearms and biceps to move as much as they could, but my dad’s hand wouldn’t even budge. It was like trying to push against a brick wall. I grunted as I exerted more force. He let out a small chuckle as he avoided eye contact with me. In a way I almost felt awkward. I was arm-wrestling my dad and enjoying every second of it. I couldn’t budge him at all, and somehow that feeling of powerlessness was intoxicating. “Damn you’re strong!” I said trying one last time to budge him. I even lifted my body up slightly to give myself more leverage, but to no avail. Another second or two passed before my dad finally looked at me, his arm still firmly in place. “Dad a bit stronger than you had expected?” He said clearly savoring the moment, but trying not to be too forward about it. Before I could answer his grip tightened and my hand moved backwards until it was flat on the table. With almost no effort he had overpowered me. He released his hand and I pulled mine back. He had won so easily, and was even kind of cocky about it. I couldn’t believe an hour ago I was only thinking about these things, and now, I was living them out. I had taken a chance by asking him, but I had wanted to challenge him to an arm-wrestling match for so long. It is was so satisfying to be able to finally ask him, and feel just how powerful of a grip he had. He was right: he was stronger than I had expected. “You weren’t kidding!” I confessed as I pointed to his right arm. “You really have been hitting it lately.” “I warned you!” He said widening his eyes dramatically. “I have to say though, I’m glad that this doesn’t bother you. Me working out so much could be a bit off-putting I guess, or intimidating, but you really don’t seem to mind, which is a relief I guess. Still I wish you had talked to me sooner. You didn’t need to spend all of this time feeling self-conscious.” “I couldn’t agree more actually. It is a huge relief that . . . I guess that we can talk about it.” My mind started to trail for a minute. I had one last idea. “Exactly. You don’t need to feel bad any of it. It’s a change so I’m glad we are on the same page.” He sat back in the chair for a second while I pondered over my next question. “Well . . . that being the case.” My throat ran dry and my arms started to tremble. I was about to ask him something I had only ever thought about. Something I had wanted to ask willingly for months. My tongue felt like sand paper against the roof of my mouth and my teeth almost started to click from the built up nerves. “If . . .” I nearly choked on my words, but I was able to swallow without making too much of a wince. “If neither of us really care . . . would you mind . . . uhm.” I paused one final time before letting the words leave my lips. “Would you mind taking your shirt off?” The next half second of silence between us felt like an eternity. I had asked the question and there was no coming back from it. As soon as the last syllable left my mouth a certain sobriety seemed to hit me. What the hell was I doing?! I had asked him to take his sweater off already, and then I asked him to arm wrestle?! Suddenly I almost felt like I had come out of a dream and I was just now realizing where I was. In fact, this was the part where I should have snapped out of my day dream. But this was not a day dream like before. I had actually just asked my father to take his shirt off. It almost felt like my entire body had frozen over as I waited, only a half second, for his response. My dad turned his head slightly to the side and looked at me, clearly not expecting that question, but not put off by it either. “You want me to take my shirt off?” He asked more to confirm he had herd correctly, what else would he have heard, and that I wasn’t confused. “Ugh,” my mind was still coming terms with the sudden realization of what I had asked him and I couldn’t formulate my thoughts. His face seemed to lighten as he leaned forward slightly. “You just want to see my abs.” he said letting a smile come across his face. My lucidness hadn’t quite left me yet, so whereas before I had been playing into the moment, I was suddenly feeling a cold feet. I had already been able to see my dad flex his biceps and arm-wrestle him, there was part of me that wanted to back out now before I said anything else that might ruin this. Things were fine now, I should probably leave them. “I mean hey, if me having an 8-pack and a big chest doesn’t bother you . . .” He brought his hand to the bottom of his shirt just as he had his sweater and pulled up on the tight black t-shirt. Less than a second later he had already pulled it over his head and off of his now bare torso. He lowered his arms down and simply let the shirt fall onto the floor next to his chair. “. . . I’d rather have my shirt off anyway.” He finished with a tone of sincerity. He extended his arms so they were parallel with his legs and clenched his fists so that his arms, pecs, abs, and lats all flexed into hardened groups of striated muscles. My father’s bare torso suddenly seemed to swell up. His forearms and biceps expanded, causing his veins to become even more apparent than they had been before. His chest tightened into two large, rounded mounds, save for a dent that formed at the edge of each of his chest muscles. His nipples were hard and pointed, fitting for his hard and masculine looking pecs. His 8 pack was on full display, with the lines that separated his abs carving out each one. For as pumped and rounded as his chest was, that was how flat and cut his abs were. The amazing thing was, like I had explained before, my dad wasn’t just fit. He had the body of a full on bodybuilder. His entire body was covered in striated groups of hard muscles that grew as he flexed them. No wonder I had lost with such ease against him, he looked so dominant and powerful. He didn’t just look powerful though, he was. Watching him flex was even more mesmerizing than I had expected. He brought his eyes away from his tensed muscles and back to me, but I didn’t’ even stop looking, how could I? “You liking the gains?” He said in an exaggerated bro voice. “Damn, I honestly don’t think I’ve seen somebody that cut in real-life before.” I confessed taken in by his show of manliness. “Yeah your dad didn’t used to have abs like these did he?” He flattened his stomach and ran his hand over his shredded abs before lowering both hands down towards his belt. He started to bounce his large pecs. Now on some men this would just cause their chest to move slightly. But on my dad, his entire chest seemed to lift up and fall back into place. The entire muscle rippled as he bounced them in sequence. He sat up in the chair as he did, his pecs continued to flex and release, all the while his abs were still visible. Watching my dad bounce his pecs shirtless in front of me, seeing his tanned, sculpted body, I felt a striking, but wonderful, feeling of emasculation. I should be the one with the large muscles and cocky attitude, but instead it was him. My dad was hotter than I was without question. “Damn.” I muttered outload looking at his pecs move. “Oh sorry.” He leaned back in the chair and rose his arms so that his hands were on the back of his head. From there he flexed his arms, abs, and lats. Reclining back, my dad’s arms and torso flexed with testosterone pumped muscles. He lowered his head slightly, but never broke eye contact with me as he flexed his impressive arms. “You probably aren’t used to a man flexing his muscles like this are you?” “Honestly no.” I said with a shaky breath trying to control my breathing and racing heart. Even more than before my hesitation had become more apparent, and I could tell that he was thinking over something in his head. Through all of this, I have to admit, I was surprised at how calm my dad had been. “Tell you what,” He looked down at his socks, but his tone indicated that he had reached a conclusion. “You said this has been weighing on your mind for a while so I can imagine this has been a bit much for you.” He slowly stood up, allowing his body to flow out of the chair in a fluid motion that allowed his various muscle groups to flex and release. “One second we’re just eating dinner and the next, your dad is taking his shirt off to flex. To that end though, seriously don’t feel bad, if you want to check out my gains, go for it.” My eyes came to my dad’s belt and rested there for a moment. His jeans were tight against his built legs, but offered a stark contrast that only enhanced his masculine beauty. His legs and feet were covered, leaving a certain mystery to his body. In contrast, his torso was exposed, powerful, and undeniably strong. Somehow his casualness mixed with his bare chest emphasized his masculine authority. “I’m just happy that you are so, understanding, I guess is the word.” I admitted. “I suppose, but to be honest, I’ve seen you trying to sneak some glances so it’s not a total shock.” He said somewhat matter of factly lifting his eyebrows and scrunching his lips. “You’ve just really made a crazy transformation. It’s hard not to look sometimes. Even compared to the guys I see at our campus gym who are in college, you have a killer physique.” “Not to be conceited or anything, but it is nice sometimes knowing that you can outlift some of the younger guys. Guys in the gym are always surprised to find out how old I am, it’s a big compliment. Especially at my age, it’s a pretty great feeling to still have energy and confidence.” He blushed slightly and adjusted his weight. “I can imagine.” I widened my eyes and looked up at him. “You have to be insanely strong at this point. Your arms are the size of my legs.” I joked trying to slip a sly compliment. “Yeah I mean when I train I try not to just go for aesthetics. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy looking like this, but I also want to have the strength and utility that goes along with it.” “Trust me, I could tell when we arm-wrestled. It was like trying to move a brick wall.” “See! This isn’t all just for looks.” With that he flexed his right arm up making bicep swell up with definition and size. “It doesn’t look bad though.” I responded to his casual flexing. In that moment I couldn’t help but wonder. How strong had he gotten? How hard did his beautiful body feel? We seemed to be having a pretty open exchange, and my resolve had long been worn down. I was still too nervous to ask him what I had always wanted to, especially given how intimidating his body looked as he flexed. But he had already taken his shirt off and humiliated me in an arm-wrestling match, and seeing his half-naked muscular body was overwhelming my thoughts. I didn’t want to ask too much too quickly, which realistically we had long since passed. We passed that as soon as I asked my dad to take his sweater off. And yet, I wanted to feel just how powerful he was. How masculine had my now pumped father become? Seeing him look so manly was oddly intoxicating. I couldn’t resist how euphoric it felt to be submitted so easily. “I didn’t think you’d be so comfortable begin shirtless.” I confessed. “After a long day of working, and then working out before I come home, trust me, I’m ready to get rid of these clothes. So if you’d rather I walk around shirtless all the time, just get used to your old man with an 8-pack.” He paused for a second, looking to the side. “Along that line, not going to lie, I’d really rather not have these socks on all the time either.” My entire body trembled slightly, and my curiosity began to spike at the thought of what he might be alluding to. “Since I took my shirt off and arm-wrestled, I don’t suppose you’d mind paying me back with a foot massage?” The thought of being able to touch my dads feet gave me a feeling of excitement I almost struggled to hide. On top of his powerful, and muscular body, I couldn’t’ help but sometimes take a glance at his feet. “Yeah, I could do that.” I offered unable to restrain a small smirk. “Alright then.” He said with a hint of excitement, almost what one would hear if they had closed a business deal they had had to work towards getting. He moved his body, and extended his leg so that his right foot was now on my leg. His black sock was a stark contrast to his slate blue jeans. I nervously brought my hand to his foot and begin to apply pressure. I looked up slightly, and in my peripheral vision I could see my father’s bare torso, 8-pack, nipples, veins, biceps, and all. I dug my fingers into his dry socks. A faint aroma came across my nose. I continued to rub his right foot, working my way from his hard heel to his soft toes. I allowed my fingers to rub in between his toes against the fabric of his socks. “You said you wanted your socks off right?” I asked looking up for permission. “Yeah you can go ahead and take them off.” He permitted allowing his arms to fall to his side relaxing. I did as I was told and moved my hand up his leg to grasp the edge of the sock and I pulled it down his shaven leg and across his ankle before peeling it away from his foot. Part of the sock was a little damp against my skin. I dropped it onto the floor and continued to rub my fingers against his now bare foot. My dad’s bare foot contrasted even more against his jeans, and consequently against his exposed upper body, giving him a masculine appearance I couldn’t resist. I won’t lie, my dad shirtless and in jeans was one of the hottest things I had ever seen. I had seen him a time or two before, come out from his room in just his jeans and cook dinner. I could barely resist looking at his pecs and abs as he cooked, occasionally looking down at his exposed masculine feet. My dad shaved, likely to better see his muscles, but his feet still had hair on top, which I could feel as my fingers brushed against it. I never thought I would be giving a foot message to my shirtless father, but it was happening. I continued to rub his right foot for another minute or so before he raised up his left foot and had me repeat the process. The entire situation almost became too much for me. I was rubbing his soft, firm feet, taking glances at his body. I tried to be in the moment, and focus on the tips of my fingers as they dug against the soft part of his foot. He leaned his head back and seemed to immerse himself in the sensation of my hands rubbing against his feet. “You give one hell of a foot message.” He said with slight surprise. “If I had only known me being shirtless was the price for it.” He chuckled to himself. He opened his eyes slowly and thought for a moment before lowering his head back to look at me. I instinctively looked back down at his pants and then to my hands. I brought the entirety of his toes into my hand. “So, what do you think?” “About what exactly?” I asked applying more pressure, partially because I was nervous and didn’t know how to respond. “You know, this. At 52 your dad is a doctor and is shirtless with the body of a man your age. Do you feel okay?” He asked with the same concern he had shown earlier when I first brought all of this up. “I mean seeing you like this . . . just your bare feet and no shirt, it’s . . . pretty intimidating honestly. But cool. You look really,” I swallowed hard on just air, my mouth was too dry from my nerves. “manly.” “I kind of get the idea that you like that.” He said ironically laughing to himself. It seemed to break the tension a little and I couldn’t help but match his laugh. Even with just a simple laugh, I somehow felt better. It was almost as though he was acknowledging what I was too afraid to say. We were coming to a mutual understanding. “So what is it about my,” he looked for the right word for a moment, “masculinity that you like so much?” I asked in almost a base filled whisper. I paused rubbing his foot to reflect for a moment. I already knew the answer to his question, I had been asking and answering that same question for months. Ever since the first time he had taken his shirt of in front of me. I allowed my fingers to lightly caress down from his big toe to his heel as I spoke. “I guess . . . truthfully, it’s just cool to see an older guy have such a strong and youthful physique. On top of that you are a doctor, you are really fucking smart, and you still have the muscles of a professional athlete. It’s . . . exhilarating to see you like this. That said though, and to your point, it is intimidating. You are smarter than me and, I’m sitting here rubbing your feet knowing full well, you could totally overpower me with your body.” I laughed looking down as my finger reached the tip of his foot before putting my fingers back around his toes and stroking them. “Not that you would necessarily,” I began, allowing myself to be bolder than perhaps I should, “but if I had refused to rub your feet. And to be clear I wouldn’t because,” I put my fingers between his toes and squeezed them. “You have nice feet, you could have just . . . I don’t know . . .” “Overpowered you?” He said clearly. “Exactly.” I finally looked up and met his gaze. By now my body had released too many rushes of adrenalin, and I just felt in a constant state of heat and energy. But as I looked at his eyes, the energy seemed to become more focused. It wasn’t as wild and sporadic, it felt oddly calm. “I’m not going to tell you you’re wrong, after that arm-wrestling match, we both know,” my father struck a double bicep pose as I held his foot in my hands. “You might be younger, but daddy has the muscles.” Almost by reflex I audibly gulped as I saw his body become hard and striated. He lowered his defined and dry muscles down and looked back at me with a coy smile. “That does make me think though.” He folded his arms over. I don’t even need to explain to you how unbelievably attractive that was. I’m sure I already have. He adjusted himself slightly in the chair as I rubbed his foot slowly. “if you enjoy seeing me be so masculine . . . is this all you want? Or do you maybe want more?” He looked at me and suddenly this situation seemed much more communicative and official than it had a few moments ago. “More? As in . . .” My mind had already gone a thousand different directions, most of them to places I was too afraid to verbalize. “Well let’s start simple. I’m shirtless. Not to be too cocky, but . . . I’ve worked hard to get the results I have, I know I look good. So when I’m shirtless, sometimes I like to show off a bit.” I took a deep breath in. “So, I can put my shirt back on or . . . I could flex a little.” He sat up without breaking his gaze, lowering his foot from my hand. “I assume that would be okay with you?” “Of course.” I affirmed. He rubbed his hands together. “I don’t want to do too much though, are you sure that wouldn’t be too much?” He said lowering his voice. I starred at him for a moment, looking at my dad in just his feet, jeans, and naked torso. “No!” I calmly objected. “No . . . could you . . . flex your muscles?” I asked nervously. “Are you just afraid to say no because of my biceps?” He flashed a sultry smile. “You don’t have to be nervous . . . and besides, if watching your shirtless dad flex isn’t too much . . .” He stood up, causing his powerful body to tower over me. His pants were level with my face, and I couldn’t help but feel emasculated at the thought of what might be underneath. “We can still wrestle later.” I looked up at my dad, shirtless, barefoot, the most imposing I had ever seen him. All of the previous times I had seen him, even when he was just in his tight boxers, he was showing off his body but somewhat involuntarily. This time he knew I wanted to see more. I could almost feel his energy, his dominance. “So after all of this time, you finally have your dad shirtless in front of you. I still think it’s funny how you could have just asked me to take my shirt off and flex for you.” He held his vascular arms out to his side and flexed them in front of me while tensing his pecs and abs at the same time. My father’s entire torso was now flexed with vascular, masculine power. “And at least this time you don’t have to be afraid of looking.” He clarified calmly as he looked down at his arms, watching the veins erupt from his forearms and biceps. My father had the physique of a bodybuilder, there was no question given the size and definition of his arms. He changed his flex into a most muscular, flexing one arm at a time and putting them up to my face. He brought his left bicep to my face and flexed and unflexed it causing the large ball of muscle to drop and become firm in succession. It was mesmerizing to watch his arm shift. “Damn.” I breathed out. “Yeah that’s pretty awesome isn’t it?” He marveled at his own body. “Men half my age don’t have biceps this big.” He stood straight and then spun around on his foot to show his back to me. He put his left hand at a 180 angle with his body, putting his hand on his head, and then put his right arm at a 95 angle to flex his entire backside. Watching his back erupt with muscular definition made me feel the smallest I had ever felt in front of another man. So many muscles came into view my eyes didn’t even know where to begin admiring. Despite the sensory overload, I still processed how firm and full my dad’s jeans were. His ass was firm and filled the back of the jeans, leading down to his thick legs, and back down to his arched foot. I wanted to compliment him, but my mind had gone blank. My words seemed to be in a hazy scramble somewhere in the back of my mind. “I know you usually check my pecs and biceps, but you have to admit, my backs shredded.” He said turning his head across his arm. For the first time, since he had started lifting, I was starting to see a cockier side of my dad that I wasn’t used to. But it didn’t bother me. Despite my inability to form a coherent thought, I somehow managed to verbalize that last though, almost by instinct. “I don’t know that I’ve ever seen or heard you so confident.” I quickly added, “I like it though! It’s cool to see you so confident and . . . powerful.” He pulled his left arm over so that he was no striking a back double bicep. “Well, when men half your age use words like intimidating and powerful to describe you,” he dropped his arms down and turned back towards me, this time flexing his biceps. “I admit it’s a bit hard not to get an ego boost.” He let me look over his biceps before dropping them. He moved his weight back slightly, extending his left leg for support. “It’s interesting though. You seem a little bit conflicted.” “How’s that?” I asked raising an eyebrow at his remark. “You say that my body is powerful and intimidating, and yet you’ve been trying to sneak peaks at me for months. You know I could overpower you, you know how much stronger I am than you, and something about that just drives you crazy doesn’t it?” “It is conflicting I suppose. But like I’ve said, I like it. It’s a bit scary thinking that your dad has the body of a college bodybuilder, but . . . it’s nice. I like that you are the man of the house.” At the end of my last compliment my dad’s face seemed to light up. He thought for a moment before speaking. “Good. I’m glad you like it.” He bounced his large, hard pecs. “And all the better that we agree who the man is here. “When you bounce your chest like that trust me, it’s clear.” I sat up a bit in the chair. “So,” I swallowed with shocking control. “I am a bit curious . . . could you take your pants off?” My body mustered up enough energy to send heat back through my body for the first time in quite a while. I was being bold, but somehow I knew he wouldn’t mind. If anything, I figured we were already this far in, how much bolder could I really get. “Are you sure you’re ready for that?” My dad seemed to be an expert at asking these kinds of questions in such a caring manner despite probably wanting to take them off anyway. “Yeah. Whenever your just in your boxers, you seem so . . . manly.” “Do you want me to just be in my boxers?” He asked in a rasp. I paused for a moment. “Is that okay?” I looked over his pants. “Totally, I’d rather be in my boxers anyway. The real question is though,” he put his hand onto his hips and spread his legs slightly. “How emasculated do you want to feel while you take them off of me?” My eyes shot up to meet his. “You want me to take them off?” “If you think you can handle that.” He lowered his arms back to his side and stepped forward until his body was over my legs. I was sitting, but his body was towering over mine. My face, my lips, were only centimeters away from his abs. He stayed there for a moment, I could smell his cologne radiating from his incredible body. I had never been so close to a man, my body was nearly short-circuiting. “If you want to see me in my boxers, you’ll have to take off my belt first.” He whispered. Doing as he instructed I pulled my hands up and placed them around his belt. My hands were so close. So close to what I was honestly most intimidated of. A complete and undeniable reminder of just how much more of a man he is than me. I let my hands grasp around the black leather before undoing his buckle. My dad remained stationary as I unfastened his belt, my heartbeat picking up with each movement I made. The belt separated, and I began to pull it through his jean loops. Just as the belt came through the final loop my dad reached for it. “I can take that.” He pulled it through the last loop and let it drop onto the floor next to him without paying attention to where he dropped it. His gaze was locked on me. I paused for a moment unsure of how to proceed. In all these months of wondering what it would be like to see my dad take his clothes off and flex, I never once considered that he would let me take his clothes off. “So I can just . . .” “Yeah it’s all you. If you want me in my boxers you have to take my jeans off.” I moment of lucidity seemed to come across me and I couldn’t help but wonder out loud. “Why are you letting me take them off?” He raised his eyebrows quickly in amusement. “You enjoy feeling small compared to me right?” He asked bluntly. “. . . yeah.” “Well by the same token I like showing off a bit. So making you take my pants off for me is kind of fun. I’m going to make you earn this.” He crossed his arms over. “Your making it difficult to concentrate.” I breathed. “I know.” He smirked flexing his crossed arms and pecs. The sides of his pecs rolled up and formed a crease at the side as his forearms, shoulders, and biceps showed their lines of striations. Back to the task at hand, I raised my arm up and first undid the button of his jeans. I pushed the meal through the slit, allowing his jeans to pop open at the top. The veins along his lower abs suddenly became more visible, disappearing below his beltline. I brought my hand down slightly and put my index finger and thumb against his silver zipper. I was really about to do this. I breathed in, subtly, as I began to unzip my dads pants. The zipper came down without much resistance, but I couldn’t help but notice a slight outward curve to his jeans as I unzipped them. Finally it reached the bottom and my dad’s black boxers were in view. Wanting to savor this moment I rose my fingers ack to his beltline but kept them there for a second. His quads and calves were outlined in his jeans, they were slim cut, and his boxers were showing. I couldn’t believe he was letting me do this, but I wasn’t about to question it. A beautiful, smart man was asking me to take his pants off. I began to pull down and watched as my dad’s boxers and legs slowly came into view as I peeled the jeans off. Once I got down to his quads it became much harder to pull them off. His legs were too large, it was like pulling leather off of someone. After a brief struggle, and a few tugs, the jeans were at my dads feet. To pull them off I had to get onto the floor on my knees and pull them out from under his feet as he raised them. I put them off to the side before looking up at my now nearly naked muscular father in complete awe of what I was seeing. I had seen my dad in his underwear before, but I had never see him look so beautiful or dominate. I had never seen any man look that beautiful or dominate for that matter. His quads and calves were both covered in veins and striations, only further accentuated by their incredible size. As I looked over his legs he tensed them causing his quads to flare out and his calves to raise up into hardened spheres. I looked down at his hairy feet and allowed my eyes to slowly travel up his shaven, vascular, thick legs. The striations in his quads were captivatingly defined. With his arms still crossed it was as though my dad was flexing his entire body. “Fuck. Your legs are insane.” It took everything in me not to rub my hands along his large legs. I was so taken aback that I had almost forgotten to take my eyes further. Realizing this, by instinct, I raised my eyes up and stopped at his boxers. Even in black, a concealing color, they looked filled. My father’s underwear left little to the imagination, and it was even more overwhelming than the rest of him. His boxers were lowcut, but on the top and bottom, and were not particularly spacious. I could actually see a vague outline of what was lying underneath. “Enjoying the view?” He shattered my focus and I quickly blinked back to my already impaired senses, embarrassed that I starred let alone even looked. “Oh . . . umm” I had watched him take his shirt off, flex, I rubbed his feet, and even took off his pants, but that still felt like a step too far. “Daddy a little more intimidating now?” He bent his right leg and extended his right arm out to flex his arms. He flexed his right arm, abs, and right thigh, arching his foot to flex his calf. He grunted as he reached the peak of his pose. Seeing my father nearly naked, flexing his muscles, in just his filled boxers . . . I couldn’t handle it anymore. “You umm . . .” He shifted his pose to flex his legs and upper body but putting his arms down along his sides and then moving them into a front double bicep. My words were lost and all I could do was watch. Next he lifted up the back of his underwear to revel his muscled ass before turning to the side and doing a squatted quad and bicep pose. The side and bottom of his leg became shredded, and his glutes seemed to flex in ways I didn’t even know they could. “How about one more?” He offered. My dad had a funny way of saying things so calmly, even though he had to have known how much this was getting to me. He really did enjoy showing off apparently. He turned his back to me and struck a back double bicep. Seeing his bare glutes was incredible. In all the times he had been in his underwear I had never actually seen his ass. But now in front of me, my dad’s ass was tight, large, cut, and flexed. I had never seen a man with such a powerful and firm back, mixed with his exposed ass, I couldn’t resist letting out. “Fuck.” I breathed as I rolled my lips together, the tension building in my body from seeing my father in such a dominant and masculine way. He slowly turned back around. “Now that I think about it this is probably the first time you’ve ever seen my ass. What do you think?” He raised an eyebrow with his question. “Your entire body is, perfect. I mean seriously you’re . . .” I bent my head slightly. My dad opened his mouth to release one of his cute laughs. “You know you can go ahead and say it right?” Obviously too nervous he went ahead. “Do you think I’m hot?” I took a deep breathe and finally after months of bottling up what I was feeling I allowed my tension to pour out. “Yeah. Honestly, yes.” “See you can be honest. I mean dude, I’m flexing my bare ass I front of you.” He let a second pass by. “No, totally, seeing you pose like this. You’re hot. And . . .” I decided to follow his train of thought and be honest. “If you are really okay with me being open and honest. Could I maybe . . . feel your muscles? You’ve been flexing and it is getting hard to just sit here and watch.” I said clearly and articulately. “Tell you what.” He responded quicker than I thought he would. “I think a full body message might be kind of nice actually.” I smiled at his comment but he quickly raised a finger, turning my joy into confusion and almost agitation. “But first . . .” He looked up putting his words together before speaking. “I don’t suppose you’d want to wrestle a little bit would you?” My face froze over immediately conveying my approval. “I can stay in my underwear.” He offered. The only thing that could have possibly been better than feeling my dad’s hard muscles, would be if he used them. This set off a very strange split feeling in me. The idea of being able to wrestle with my dad, feeling his weight and power on me, was beyond incredible. I wanted to feel that. Though there was still a small part of me that was almost . . . afraid. How bad would this hurt? I was certainly no match for my father. “Wrestling could be fun actually.” I smiled nervously as I stood up and looked at him, awaiting a cue. “Where are you feeling?” I allowed my excitement to bubble up slightly, easing my nerves in the process. In the end, my nervousness was stemming from excitement. I had been waiting so long to see my dad like this, and to be able to feel his body against mine, I couldn’t help but tremble with anticipation. “The living room might be a little cramped. I have an idea though.” He turned away from me, flicking his wrist indicating for me to follow him. He walked around the table, through he living room and kitchen area and then back towards his room. There were only two rooms down that hall: the study, and his room. I knew for a fact there wasn’t enough room in the study, or at least not anymore than there would have been in the living room. That left only one option. His room.
  4. GrowManGrow

    I See You

    If this type of story is your cup of tea, please consider subscribing to my GrowManGrow Patreon page for more like it: https://www.patreon.com/growmangrow I see you. Yeah, you. I know you’ve been trying to sneak photos of me with your phone. It’s pretty obvious that’s why you’ve been following me around this grocery store. Of course, I noticed! It happens all the time. Little guys like you are always trying to get pics of me wherever I go. It’s not like I blame you. Just look at me. But you don’t gotta be sneaky about it. If you want a photo so you can jack off to it later, I’ll happily pose for you. Did it not occur to you to just ask for one? Why not? You think I spent all the time in the gym for a body like this *not* to get noticed. I love attention, man. I want people to check me out. Why else would I wear such a tight shirt and these short shorts? Admiration makes me super horny. So be a man and tell me you want a fuckin’ photo. There you go. Happy now, or is there anything else you want? My name? It’s Hank. It’s nice to meet you, Dillon. How old are you? Like 20 or 21? Really? I’m 23 as well. Hard to believe since we look so different, right? You must be what…5’6” and maybe 130 pounds? I’m 6’4” and closing in on 260. Yeah, double your weight. That’s why you see all the chicken and eggs in my cart. Protein, man, to keep me growing. I’m hoping to get up to at least 320 and keep my body fat under 10%. It’s gonna mean a lot of time in the gym pumping iron, but it’s worth it. Since you like looking at big men, Dill, what’s your favorite body part to ogle? C’mon, man, spit it out. Stop with all the fuckin’ shame and secrecy and tell me what gets your cock hard. Big arms, huh? Yeah, I like that on a guy, too. There’s just something about a pair of massive biceps and triceps that scream masculinity, right? To have the power to lift huge weights, crush whatever you want, and take on any other guy in a fight. That’s why I work my arms all the time – they’re up to 22 inches right now and just about to blow through the sleeves on this shirt. See that little tear….soon it’s gonna rip all the way down the sleeve. Go ahead, touch ’em. You ain’t gonna hurt ‘em, Dill. Really dig in there. Pretty hard, huh? Oh, you like the veins snaking across my bicep. Yeah, the blood is feeding my muscles with the protein I had for breakfast. They’re probably growing right now as I flex for you. Getting bigger just so you can be extra impressed, Dill. I’m glad you like them. Do you ever dream about having arms like these? Fantasize about having biceps so strong that you can curl 200-pound barbells like they were nothin’? Peaks as big as bowling balls and as hard as concrete? You do, huh? Me, too. That desire was what made me go to the gym every day for the past 7 years and not leave until I owned the biggest pair of pythons. Nothing makes me feel more like a man than these babies. You like my chest, too? Thanks. I used to think it was one of my weaker body parts, but I’ve really been blasting it the past year to bring it up to par with everything else. Now it’s deep and thick and full of power. Go ahead, you can feel it, too. Who cares what the other shoppers think? I told you – no shame, no judgment, Dill. You like what you like, and I gave you permission, so fuck anyone who tries to give you grief. Reach under my shirt and take a big handful of my pecs. Feel how heavy they are. And when I flex, I bet you can’t even budge ‘em, right? I knew you couldn’t. They’ve just grown too big and powerful for your dainty little fingers. I’ve bet I’ve got more muscle in just my chest than you have in your entire body. I use my mighty pecs to bench around 540 pounds for reps – that’s more than 4 times what you weigh, Dill. Can you believe it? You and three of your little friends could be hanging from the bar and it still wouldn’t be enough to challenge my strength. Oooh, I like the little tickling you are doing – it’s making my nipple hard. I bet you would give almost anything to lick it in bed, right? Suckin’ on daddy’s big muscle tits? I’m making your cock tingle? That’s good to hear, Dill. I like that you said it out loud. I bet you have never told anyone that before in the middle of a grocery store, huh? Tell me again, but do it louder so everyone around us will hear. Nice! Fuck that old lady and her scowl – she just doesn’t understand muscle lust. It can make you do crazy things, right? You see a hot guy, get filled with testosterone, pop a huge boner, and who knows what will happen. God, you’re revving my engine, too. I sure like it when a man appreciates all my hard work in the gym. I like it when he wants me to grow bigger and stronger. If you were my boyfriend, Dill, I’d use my big muscles to keep you safe and protected all the time. I’d be a warrior for you. And I’d – ooh, it feels like your little hand is moving down to my abs. Yeah, they are hard and flat. Most men my size put on a gut, but not me. I fuckin’ want the cobblestones and work damn hard to keep’ em. Takes a lot of cardio to keep the flab off, but it’s worth on it when I take off my shirt and everyone leers with jealousy at the rock-hard ridges in my mid-section. Nothing completes the total package like broad shoulders and a huge chest tapering down to a strong razor-cut waist. Oh, you like fingering those ridges in my abs, eh, Dill? Maybe we can head over to the baking aisle and get some whipped cream in there for your tongue to dig out. Would you like that? I kind of figured you would. You little guys can always go crazy with your tongues. I bet you could do wonders with your tongue up my ass, too. Are you an ass-man, Dill? Not as much as you like legs? Ok, well, check out my stems. 35 inches around of pure fuckin’ steel. Big as my waist! Some guys skip leg day but not me. I will keep squatting until I either puke or faint. Gotta have big legs, man, to hold up this massive body. Mine have grown so huge that there’s no space between them – they’re like two concrete posts right up next to one another. Yeah, rub ‘em. Oooh, nice. You’ve got the touch, Dill. My upper thighs are so sensitive...they are getting warmer…hotter…like burning with desire. I can feel the electricity surging from them to every part of my body. Can you see the outline of my cock bulging in my shorts? Hard to miss, ain’t it? I saw you staring at my size 17 feet earlier and knew you were trying to guess if I was well-endowed in the cock area, too. To answer your question, yes, most definitely. Soon the tip of my footlong penis is gonna get so erect it'll stick out through the bottom of my shorts. Yeah, of course you can touch it. It’s as big and hard as the rest of me because I give it a daily workout as well. And it loves plowing into little guys like you. What’s that? You wanna suck me off? Good, I thought you would never ask. Of course, I’ll let you, but you gotta two things. First, promise me you’ll suck down everything that shoots out of there. Every last drop. Don’t want to waste any of daddy’s special sauce, right? I need you to slurp it all up. Who knows, maybe some extra protein might put some muscle on you. Would you like that, little guy? Yeah, who wouldn’t want to be a muscle stud like me, OK, second, you gotta let me return the favor and suck you off as well. I bet you want to cum all over me something awful, right? Ha, I thought so. Well, I want that get my Hoover wrapped around your cock and balls and feast on what you have to offer. Deal? OK, then. Let’s hit the restroom and get it done there. After that, we’ll go back to your place for a real fucking. I don’t care if you got a roommate. He can watch if he wants, or he can join in. We’re going back to your place to fuck, and then you can make me a huge lunch so I can keep growing, OK? I want to be full of protein for my second workout of the day later on. You can come watch me pump iron if you want. And if all the sweaty action is too much for you, we can go into the gym showers and blast each other again. I knew it was an offer you couldn’t refuse. Now let’s go, Dill, before my cock explodes right here in the vegetable aisle.
  5. tester26

    Sean & Tanner

    Another HSMuscleboy inspired story featuring Sean on summer vacation Tanner and Sean were in Tanner’s backyard during a long summer day, working out on his well-worn home weight bench. Tanner stood 5’ 9” and weighed about 175 pounds. He had wide shoulders, an impressively muscled back, broad sculpted pecs that were clearly defined, and a rock-hard set of abs. As impressive as he was, nothing could hold a candle to his workout buddy Sean. Sean towered over Tanner at 6’6” and over 300 pounds of solid muscle; his chest was close to 60 inches, with biceps at least 26 inches, plate-like pecs and flaring lats that tapered down to a 30 inch waist with eight clearly separated ab muscles that maintained their definition even when relaxed. Each of his muscles bulged under his glowing golden skin, glistening with his sweat, and containing not an ounce of fat. Tanner couldn’t believe how much bigger Sean had gotten in the year since the two last seen each other. They had met at the beach last summer, when Tanner had stumbled upon one of Sean’s legendary orgies that left a trail of overfucked, unconscious admirers. Unlike most of Sean’s partners that day (or any day for that matter), Tanner had somehow managed to fit all of Sean’s 20-inch monster cock in him, and after surviving 3 rounds of power fucking on the beach, the two muscle studs found their way to Tanner’s house, where they spent the night and the following day lifting and fucking. The two studs were finishing their workout, their bulging muscles shining with sweat. In Tanner’s backyard, the two worked out completely nude, having learned that they get so turned on watching each other workout, they spent most of it with raging hard-ons. Today was no exception. Tanner sat up from the bench press and began rubbing his throbbing, dripping, and fully erect foot long cock. “You make me fuckin’ hard just looking at you,” he said. “You like what you see?” Sean said, a smirk crossing his face as he put down the 150lb dumbells he was curling. The compliment make him hard as well, his massive 20-plus inches throbbed out in front of him, as thick as a normal man’s forearm, crisscrossed with pulsing veins, topped by a reddish head as big as a fist, spurting pre-cum like most guys cum. Sean flexed his abs and pecs as he ran his hand over his sweaty muscles. His muscles looked like corded steel as they flexed and relaxed at his command under his paper-thin skin. He started moving his hips up and down as he stroked his big cock. His flexing muscles looked absolutely beautiful as he moved his body. He flexed his massive right bicep for Tanner. "Check these guns, man!" said Sean. As he was flexing his arms, Sean started to lovingly lick his huge biceps. The saliva, combined with his sweat created an incredible sheen over his arms. Next he slowly opened his clenched fists and extended his fingers over the pointed peaks of his biceps. Thick slab-pecs, rolling with muscle control, then flexed hard into gigantic, striated mounds. His pecs defied gravity as they billowed out insanely over his abs and created a huge overhang. His nipples were half-dollar sized and actually were pointing towards the floor because his chest was so huge and thick. Deep cut abs. A naked show of eye-boggling male bodybuilder muscle and cock size. Sean rubbed his hands over his muscles, teasing Tanner, flexing his monster cock, bouncing a few times and finally springing back to straight out, pointing its dripping head right at Tanner. “Look at all this fucking muscle, man. Fucking beautiful, man. Go on, feel it. Oh, fuck man, I feel so goddamn hot. Go on, man. Feel this muscle.” He rubbed his huge thick pecs. Sean massaged his cock by gently flexing his pecs, making his cock leak more precum. “Come on. Oh, fuck, it feels so fucking hot man. Come on.” Tanner stood up and walked over to Sean, his cock dripping pre-cum onto the ground. He rubbed Sean’s hard bicep, veins covering the surface in a thick, corded display. Tanner ran his huge cock across Sean’s arm, tracing the veins with his dripping and sputtering tip. He tweaked the hard nipples that caused Sean to moan as Tanner moved closer to him and began to smell his manly scent and muscular sent coming off his body. Tanner licked his neck as explored his entire muscular body. Sean turned his head, and their lips brushed each other. The two muscle studs kissed for several minutes, their pecs swelling as their nips dueled with each other. Their cocks waved in their own dance, often clashing, often sliding up and down each other. Their abs joined in the dance as each stud in turn bent his knees to slide up against his partner. Their lips never parted but their hands were everywhere, molding, caressing, squeezing. When they hugged, their enormous biceps fought to drag the other guy even closer. Passion grew hotter and hotter and the rhythm of the dance became frenzied as their dicks, already dripping copious cups of pre-cum all over the place, threatened to erupt. As they kissed hard and passionately, grabbing each other’s asses, stroking each other’s broad, tapering backs, floating, lost in time, Sean pulled back and slid his enormous cock between Tanner’s legs —it stuck out a ways past his ass—and pressed the two of them back together. Their tongues attacked each other’s mouths with an aggressive force as they explored each other’s muscular bodies. Sean grabbed Tanner’s hard dick and started stroking it expertly while fucking his legs, rocking his hips gently in and out so that his heavy, massive cock, slid in and out of the tight, hot space between Tanner’s legs. Tanner flexed his thighs, squeezing Sean’s cock as he thrust his own between Sean’s hands. Tanner felt as though Sean’s cock was pushing upward so hard that he might be lifted off the ground. They were immersed in the moment; their pulses pounding, Sean’s monster cock fucked Tanner’s legs faster and faster, his hands on Tanner’s cock jerked up down and around; and Sean’s over muscled frame engulfed Tanner’s perfectly carved body, their mouths locked together, Tanner’s hands stroking his whole body, until suddenly everything went white, and Tanner cried out as he exploded, cum gushing straight up, splashing on their faces and necks. Sean’s beast swelled and flexed in response, and Sean roared as a jet of white blasted out of his cock, hitting the fence 10 feet away. They held on to each other tightly as they rode our their orgasms before they collapsed against each other, panting hard yet still cumming. They slid apart as they caught their breath, Sean’s still hard rod slapping his pecs with a dull thud as it slid out from between Tanner’s legs. “Fuck, Sean, you look so fucking hot. Those muscles are bigger than human, dude.” Tanner reached out to feel the massive slabs of cum-covered, heavy, hard, overhanging beef that hung on Sean's chest, the huge shaft of Sean's cock stood between them, the flared head as big as Tanner's fist, hovering right between their faces. Sean grinned as he felt waves of erotic pleasure sweep through his body at Tanner's touch on his pecs, grinned at expression of desire on Tanner's face, grinned at the sensation of such intense sensitivity that his huge muscles had developed along with their immense size, as sensitive and erotic as his cock had ever been, and he grinned at the ecstatic feeling of masculine power when his eyes met Tanner's. "Fuck, Sean, how big is this fucking thing now? Jeez..." Sean’s grinning ear to ear. "I measured yesterday -- I’m now twenty two point five inches long." "Twenty two? Fuck me..." Tanner stared wide-eyed at Sean, astonished. "Yep, that's the plan!" Sean laughed, gripping his cock and rubbing it along the side of Tanner’s head. "Scared?" Tanner looked at him and nodded mutely. It had been a few months since he last saw Sean, and the last time he ‘only’ had 20 inches. “Awww dude, don't worry. It'll be just like last time, remember? It’ll hurt at first, but then it's 'the most amazing thing ever', you 'can never get enough of this monster cock' “Mmmph!” Tanner pushed up against Sean and kissed him passionately, he was so turned on. "God, dude, you've gotten so much bigger... I can't believe it," his voice is a sultry murmur. The two made their way inside to Tanner’s bedroom. Sean pushed Tanner onto the bed, their cocks throbbing with lust. Sean rubbed his tip up and down Tanner's mouth, teasing him as he stretched his jaw open and licked at it. The slit was so large, his tongue actually reached inside the tip. Tanner went to town slurping on Sean’s massive cock head, making sure to stick his tongue deep down the meaty piss hole to suck out every drop of sticky precum. Eventually Tanner changed tactics, gripping it below the head with both hands to pull as he tried to take the head into his mouth. He gagged a bit, but continued sucking and moving his hand rapidly over his dripping shaft. Eventually he stopped, looked up at Sean and pouted. “Dude, it's too big. I can't even get your head in!" Sean laughed and rubbed his tip across the lower lip being presented. Precum oozed continuously from him now, pooling in Tanner's mouth. "You want me to help?" Tanner wrapped his lips as best he could around Sean's cock, nodding. "Okay!" Unceremoniously, he gripped Tanner's head with both hands. Then he simply pulled, stretching Tanner's mouth around his enormous cock. In just a moment, Tanner's lips were wrapped over the rim of the glans, bulging out his cheeks. Tanner gagged as Sean's head pushed against his throat. Tears fell from his eyes and traced through the precum covering his face. Sean pulled him further forward, the top of his throat starting to distend before he stopped. The angle didn’t allow him to pull Tanner over any more of his veiny monster. Sean flexed his cock and leaned back slightly, lifting Tanner's entire body off the bed. Sean smiled, lowering Tanner to kneel on the bed again before gripping him by the shoulders and starting to work him back and forth. Just an inch at a time, a little of his immense manhood revealed with each motion, but gradually longer strokes. Before long he was sliding Tanner over half his cock at a time, thrusting his own hips back and forth a little to assist the motion. Each outstroke forced a gush of precum out from Tanner’s lips, slopping out onto the bed or running down his chin. Sean’s ballsack was already completely soaked. He started drawing his huge cock out of Tanner’s throat. He got 5 inches out, then slammed home, causing another loud gag. Then, again. And again. Soon enough, Sean was fucking Tanner’s throat, his balls slapping loudly against his partner’s face. All Tanner could do was watch as those balls retracted and then slapped him over and over again, the long inches of that shaft moving away and then back, away and back, and let out an occasional "glurk!" or "gluh" as the thick meat pounded his throat. Tanner could feel every ridge and every vein as it moved up his poor bruised and battered throat. Sean stepped backwards, pulling Tanner with him as his balls fell off the bed. Almost all of his length was being pulled out each time now, fluids splattering into the rapidly growing puddle beneath them. Finally, he pulled Tanner all the way to his root and moaned deeply, holding him there as his balls pulsed. Tanner was almost entirely off the bed now, carried by the nearly two foot weapon impaling him. The feeling of being solely supported by Sean’s cock was too much for Tanner, who’s throbbing cock had not stopped spraying precum as Sean forced more of his monster inside him. Tanner erupted, blasting his load all over Sean’s legs and onto the wall behind him. After half an hour of relentless pounding, punctuated by Sean occasionally pulling out almost all the way and slamming back all the way, Tanner could feel Sean tense up. He started fucking Tanner’s mouth even faster now, and even more precum was leaking out of the teen’s huge cock, finally, he slammed home, hard, and then again, and again. Jets of cum started firing out of the thick head of Sean’s cock, and to steady himself, Sean grabbed onto Tanner’s head and held tight, leaning over him. The contractions of Sean's cock lifted Tanner each time, his body bounced up and down as Sean unloaded. Head back and eyes closed, Sean was breathing heavily while his hands reached down to grope Tanner’s muscles. There was a growing bulge in Tanner's belly, at the end of the distention already running down his torso. He was literally swelling with Sean's cum. Sean looked back down at him, admiring Tanner’s chiseled backside, before gripping his shoulders and starting to slide him off his monstrous schlong. Sean drew himself almost all the way out, leaving Tanner kneeling up with his mouth stretched around the immense glans. Each contraction of Sean's cock pulled the stud up by his head, knees lifting off the ground each time as Sean kept cumming. Finally, Sean pulled himself all the way out, releasing a flood of thick white cum as Tanner collapsed to the floor. His monster cock contracted again, shooting a tremendous rope of cum clean over Tanner and the bed to splash against the wall. Sean grabbed his cock with both hands, aiming down to ejaculate on Tanner. Tanner lifted his head up with open mouth to receive the stud’s seed. Sean's next bolt of cum was even bigger and more forceful, perfectly aimed at Tanner's open mouth. Tanner immediately gagged, mouth filled, slumping back to a seated pose as Sean's cum splashed over his face. Tanner's face was rendered almost indistinct under its deep coating of cum. Sean aimed lower, another immense ejaculation dousing Tanner's shoulders and ripped chest in seed. While he sat on the floor, receiving this unbelievable bounty, one of Tanner's hands slipped down to play with his cock. The very moment he touched his cock, he moaned and convulsed, so pent-up with arousal that a slight touch was enough to push him into orgasm. Sean moaned, continuing to pump out more and more jizz onto Tanner as he lay twitching on the floor. After another couple minutes, a thick puddle of cum spread around Tanner, and Sean stepped forward, gripping Tanner under his shoulders to hoist him up. Sean lifted Tanner until his massive cockhead was between his pecs at his eye level, stroking up and down for a moment. Although his orgasm had passed, cum was continuously leaking from his manhood, a thick stream flowing down Tanner's body and his own shaft. They wrapped their arms around each other, kissing, trying to eat each other’s faces. Tanner rubbed Sean’s ass and back, his hand moving to his pulsing traps, feeling the bumps of hard, powerful muscle. Where Tanner was lying on the floor, there was an outline of his body where was utterly doused in semen. Sean casually tossed Tanner back onto the bed. Tanner landed on his back amidst puddles of cum, Sean clambering up onto the bed and straddling his hips. With his knees either side of Tanner's hips and both hands on his elephantine cock, the head of it reached over Tanner's face, cum spilling down on to his. Tanner grinned, scooting back slightly so the ceaseless flow is splashing into his mouth. he kept eagerly swallowing more, his thirst for Sean's cum seemingly endless despite already being bloated from the volume that was pumped directly down his throat. Sean flexed his cock once, spraying up the wall, before kneeling down. His balls lay across Tanner’s groin, blocking Sean's cock from being lowered further. Tanner laughed at the sight, reaching up with both hands to toy with the head. He took hold of it, fingers gripping the rim of Sean's rock-hard glans and wrapping around with his hands, toying at the slit with both thumbs as cum spilled out over his arms. At the same time, Sean adjusted Tanner's legs, pulling them to the sides, knees bent, to make room for him to drag his gigantic balls down onto the bed. Satisfied with his alignment, Sean shuffled back, pulling away from Tanner's longing hands and back, back, back until that oversized cock is hovering just above Tanner’s asshole. Tanner had a pillow under his head, staring wide-eyed at the stud. Sean's feet were hanging off the end of the bed, he had to move so far back to align his cock with Tanner. Holding himself with both hands, Sean pressed against Tanner's hole, teasing up and down for a moment before flexing his cock again. A jet of semen shot out, splashing over and into his ass. He did it again, then again, Tanner moaned at the feeling of the immense glans pressing against his hole. Sean suddenly pushed his hips forwards, sliding his cock over Tanner's big dick, grinding his manhood against Tanner as he pushed on and on, hips pressed up against Tanner and the tip of his cock just in front of Tanner's nose. Sean grinned down at the teen, rubbing back and forth slightly. "You know, bro, you're right. This thing is way too big." he walked his knees back down, slowly dragging his massive meat until the head was back at Tanner's hole, one of his hands resting on the end. "Are you ready?" Tanner panted with lust. "Yes, please." "Are you sure? This is a big thing to try and take-" "Fuck, Sean, stop teasing me and fuck me alread-yyy!" Tanner cut him off with a scream as Sean pushed the tip of his cock inside. Tanner arched his back and clenched the soaking bedcovers in his hands. Sean leaned his hips forward, slowly thrusting deeper. Just the head of his cock is inside, Sean paused for a minute, rocking back and forth slightly, just watching his partner. With a predatory smirk, he began to thrust. Slowly at first, he steadily started to make ground in Tanner’s vice-like ass. Centimeters of progress turned into half inches, and the bulge in Tanner’s stomach moved higher and higher. Hands hooked under knees, trying to stretch his legs out as far as he could, Tanner peered down and watched with morbid interest as the bulge slowly moved up his stomach and past his belly button. He screamed once more as he simultaneously had the biggest orgasm of his life. A high pressure stream of cum sprayed from his cock onto Sean’s washboard abs. His eyes rolled back into his head and his whole body shook in pleasure and pain. Sean grunted, feeling those hot ropes splatter against his stomach, trickling down the cut lines of his cobblestone abdominals. Sean started to pick up a rhythm. The rhythmic slapping sounds of their bodies meeting filled the room. Tanner heard his bed creaking as Sean’s relentless pounding made it shake and rock and he heard the thudding of his headboard against the wall. The bed creaked and groaned as Sean pulled out, leaving just his head inside Tanner, then thrust forward with a grunt, shoving in some more inches. Sean received a cry of pleasure (and maybe some pain) in return, making him throb and spurt inside. Precum was oozing out of his hole and sliding down his shaft. "Fuck you're so big..." Tanner groaned, his eyes rolling back. Sean was really fucking him stupid. "Give me more of that cock. Show me how a god fucks!" Tanner gradually calmed down, slowing his panting to a normal level and relaxing his hands. When he eventually opened his eyes and looks down at Sean, Sean thrust forward hard. Sean's cock only slid in another inch or so before the resistance was too great, instead shoving Tanner up the bed until he bumped into the headboard. "Oops," Sean laughed, sliding his hands under Tanner's legs and pulling instead. A tremendous distention extended up Tanner’s body, past his belly button now with half of Sean's gigantic cock still outside. Once Sean had driven half of himself in he flexed again, lifting Tanner bodily from the bed and dropping his back into the puddles of cum with a wet schlopping sound. Sean laughed, bouncing him up and down a couple of times, before rising to an upright kneel and leaning back slightly. his cock throbbing with each pulse of his heartbeat, Tanner wobbled and slipped slowly further onto Sean's vast manhood. Sean gripped Tanner's waist, twisting him back and forth as he's worked further and further onto Sean. It reached all the way up into Tanner’s chest, the bulge pushing his abs out. A cracking, splintering sound, like wood giving way under repeated, powerful hammer blows echoed in the room. His entire body convulsed in another orgasm and his tongue lolled out of his mouth. Sean was fucking him stupid, and he still had more cock to find room for. He started speeding up, gradually increasing the pace of this amazing fuck. Tanner’s eyes were at the back of his head, drool leaked from his slack mouth as his body was shoved back and forth. Sean moaned in pleasure, pounding in and out mechanically. By this point, Tanner's shaking didn't stop and neither did his cumming; Sean literally had him in a cycle of never ending orgasms. Tanner’s cock turned deep red as jets of cum blasted endlessly out of him. The bed creaked and rocked, the headboard slamming into the wall as Sean fucked him into the bed harder and harder. More mindless babble flowed from Tanner's lips, mostly variations of "you're killing me" and "I can't stop cumming" - something Sean was used to hearing. Over and over again he pounded, pulling out as far as he could, before slamming back into Tanner's warm depths. "Aww, shit, Sean! Yeah, fuck me, dude! Gimme all you got! Fuck the jizz outa me!" "Shit! Fuck! Aww, shit, fuck, yeah! Gonna cum!" Sean rapidly pounded the teen, balls slapping against Tanner's thighs as his chest bulged out. Tanner whined in pleasure with the first few strokes before falling silent, eyes rolled back in his head as his mouth aimlessly opens and closes. Tanner screamed and moaned as Sean pumped every enormous inch in and out of his abused hole. The entire time his eyes were locked on his bulging midsection; bulging both because of the inhumanly thick pole currently rearranging his insides, and because of the ludicrous amount of seed it had already poured into him. With a splintering crunch, the bed finally collapsed, its frame shattered by Tanner and Sean’s vigorous fucking. The side-rails fell away, and the mattress slammed into the ground. Sean fell forward, his cock still buried inside Tanner’s ass, and ended up slamming into him with all his weight, burying himself deeper in him than either of them would have thought possible. Sean pressed his muscled body over Tanner’s hard torso and blew his load into Tanner, the impact so powerful that Sean had to hold tight to Tanner’s legs. Each flex of his length lifted Tanner's body, splashing his up and down in the pools of cum already covering the bed. After a couple minutes of this Sean slipped out, Tanner's body falling heavily onto the bed as Sean thrust into empty space. A huge flood of cum was released as Sean's cock popped out. From the gaping hole of his ass, thick sperm gushed out of him for more than a minute, and continued to run and drip out in gooey streams after. Sean pressed his still-hard length against Tanner's ass, rubbing back and forth. His monstrous manhood flexed again and a thick stream fired from the tip, passing over Tanner to drench the headboard and pillows. Sean aimed directly at Tanner’s face. The force from his thick ribbon of cum pushed his head back on to the bed, his entire face and neck instantly painted white as his seed splashed off and soaked the bed around him. Sean’s orgasm finally died down. He panted heavily, finally opening his eyes and taking in the room around him. It was predictably, completely white. The bed, ceiling and walls around him were now white, regardless of the color they had been before. A lamp and a bedside table to the right of him were also dripping with gooey semen. A dresser, a mirror, the parts of the floor he could see - they were all drenched. Cum still flowed from his cock as he laid on his back next to Tanner, casually leaning into the thick puddles of his own seed. Tanner sat up, licking cum from his face and wiping his eyes. “You’re incredible,” he groaned. Sean smiled, cock twitching as it leaked cum onto his massive chest. Tanner leaned over, resting his head against Sean’s pecs as he slowly licked the cum directly from his cock. He shifted down, pressing his tongue flat against the head of Sean’s beast before crawling forward. He slowly licked his way down his entire length, down and down and down to where his balls lay on the bed between splayed legs. Cum drooled from Tanner’s ass and dick, mixing with it fresh from the source as it oozed onto Sean’s chest. They remained like this for a while, Tanner slowly cleaning and massaging Sean’s enormous testicles while Sean massaged Tanner’s muscles. Sean rolled Tanner onto all fours. The mattress was definitely ruined. Sean got on his knees and slapped his cock against Tanner's ass, the weight of it causing it to jiggle. He placed the head at the teen’s gaped asshole again, which looks like it could easily take a man's fist, but still appeared inadequately stretched to take the giant wrecker that was moments away from entering him. Tanner looked back over his shoulder, biting his lower lip. He whimpered in preparation of the assault. The white spear was at its 22.5 inch glory. He braced for impact, spreading his knees slightly to give more stability. He shuddered as he felt Sean begin to enter him, the sensation only slightly less painful than the first time. He let out a loud moan as the head fully entered him, his cum filled stomach shaking as the first of what he knew was gonna be innumerable orgasms started to hit. “AAAHHHHHHHHHHH! IT FEELS BIGGER LIKE THIS!” Tanner was having serious trouble handling the doggie style position. The muscle god tightened his grip on the smaller stud’s hips as he prepared to ram his cock home. He thrust his hips and a whole foot of cock sank in, causing Tanner to let out a small scream and spray of cum as his orgasm hit. Sean pulled back out until only his cockhead was in and gave another brutal thrust. Sean pistoned nearly two feet of thick cock in and out of Tanner's spent ass, his fist-sized head bulged out below Tanner’s ribs with each thrust. Every thrust pushed a huge gush of cum back out of Tanner, spurting across both their legs, the bed, floor, and Sean's oversized testicles. Tanner was in total ecstasy with his tongue hanging out of his mouth, prostate completely battered, and belly bulging mildly. His whole body hurt. It hurt so good; he had never dreamed of feeling pleasure like this before in his life. "Like that, ya cockslut? You like this huge cock fucking you like you've never been fucked before?" Sean said, his powerful arms flexing from the effort of using Tanner as a cocksleeve. "Fuck yes! God, you're AMAZING! Don't stop, stud! Fuck me until you're milked dry!" Feeling it was time for a position change, Sean reached over and grabbed Tanner by his arms, which only caused more of his cock to force itself into him. Pulling his arms towards himself until he got a firm grasp on his wrists, he yanked Tanner up suddenly, causing his body to lift off the bed. Head limply lolling to the side, his brain corrupted by the untold pleasures he was feeling. He looked down and gasped. His stomach was tented out obscenely. It looked like Sean’s spear was going to pierce through his skin, it stretched it out so far. His normally ripped abs were pushed out so far he could easily see it from between his pecs. Below the interlocked pair, a pool of their combined sexual excretions was growing larger by the minute. "Holy shit you're so fucking huge!" he screamed, his cock geysering his own loads up into the air. His brain was done at this point and his body was truly molded to Sean’s monstrous rod. Tanner’s whole body shook as he came again, his head going limp and lolling to the side. Sean’s hips were nearly a blur he was fucking Tanner so quickly. Sweat dripped off his face, becoming colored a cloudy white due to the cum that still drenched his figure. He continued to pull his body up and down as he thrusted, only adding to the power of his fucking. The overfucked teen would wake up every minute or so, have another explosive orgasm, and pass back out. Sean fully hilted himself roughly into the battered ass once more. He let out a low growl as he felt his thick cum race up his cock, and into the already filled guts he was planted in. Tanner’s flooded stomach grew at an alarming rate, no cum managing to escape the plug that was Sean’s beastly cock. Tanner could actually feel the cum begin to enter his stomach, then his throat, then his mouth filled and the cum poured from his lips. Tanner moaned and came again, rubbing their combined cum onto his bulging belly. Sean lifted him all the way off, a gigantic geyser of cum in mid-eruption spraying across the ceiling. Sean lost his grip of Tanner’s cum-lubed body, sending him falling forwards onto the bed, face first into his cum-soaked pillow. Sean sat up and aimed back down at Tanner, cum immediately covered his entire body, inch thick layers of cum covering his back. The muscle god aimed back down at Tanner's ass, gaping open with cum flowing freely from it, filling him with another giant spurt of hot seed. Tanner moaned at the sensation and rolled over to watch Sean’s never ending fountain. Sean grinned, hopping onto his knees as he aimed himself higher. His next ejaculation splashed across Tanner's face, filling his mouth in an instant and coating his head. Sean slid forward, laying atop Tanner's body with his monstrous cock sandwiched between them, pressing his meat between their chests as his pyrotechnic orgasm sprayed between their faces. Eventually Sean’s orgasm began to subside, spurts of thick white cum merely hitting the headboard instead of splattering out across its surface. He pushed his cock to the side, shifting the immense head out of the way to kiss Tanner passionately. Their cum plastered pecs and abs pressed against each other, Sean massaged Tanner’s midsection as his cum bulge receded, the weight of Sean’s body helping push his load out of Tanner’s well worn hole. Tanner ran a hand down Sean’s chest, his thumb tracing the bulging, cum-coated muscles. He turned his head to slurp off every last drop of cum from Sean’s softening monster. He took several deep gulps, savoring the salty flavor on his tongue and looked at Sean with a sly grin, he licked his lips. “We should meet up more often,” he said. Sean smiled. “I was thinking the same thing.”
  6. musclelovingtwink


    Chapter 1 When I met Dane, he wasn’t exactly what you’d call normal. Even at that time in his early twenties, he was 6’3” and well over 200 pounds of shredded muscle. We worked out at the same gym. I fit my workouts in around my university schedule, but it seemed like whatever time I went, there he was, dripping with sweat and lifting some ungodly weight. Within the first week of my working out there, he had met my eyes more than once and smiled as he noticed the slack-jawed expression I usually had while I was ogling at his feats of inhuman strength. One Friday night, he stopped in the middle of a set to come right up to me. “You like what you see, man?” he said, flexing an incredible bicep in front of my face for emphasis. It had a perfect split peak and the striations were beautifully visible through his paper-thin skin. “Y-Yeah.” I managed to say. Struggling to tear my eyes away from the immense arm and to look him in the eye. He smiled even wider, showing off a set of perfect, straight, white teeth. Aside from the physique of a god, his jet-black hair and piercing blue eyes made him the absolute picture of beauty. “Good,” he said, “Because I’m gonna be the biggest there ever was.” He stretch out his hand and shook the limp appendage that was my arm. “I’m Dane.” “Lachie.” I replied. What happened next is still a complete haze to me, but the next thing I remember I was in the locker room being fucked senseless by the most perfect Adonis I’d ever seen. Looking past my own face reflected in the mirror as I gripped the sink, I saw the golden god of a man. Like me, his eyes saw nothing but himself. Both his and my gaze raked every shredded inch of his torso. His perfect 8-pack abs crunched with every thrust, beads of sweat rolling over the deep clefts between them. There wasn’t so much as a hint of fat on his whole body, yet his pecs were so thick and so rounded that they hung over the top of his abs, casting a shadow down. In that moment I wished I’d been born a contortionist just so that I could suck the perfect broad nipples that hung below those pecs while he kept fucking me. I felt his hands dig into my sides, knowing bruises would absolutely be there within minutes. The sudden flex telling me he was close to climax. I looked into his face and he spared me the briefest of glances. Sweat dragged his perfect, dark wavy hair down until it just teased in front of his eyes. His lips twisted into a cocky half-grin accentuated by his inhumanly square jaw, and I felt his monstrous cock explode inside me. It truly felt like a bomb going off deep inside me. How one man could hold that much cum inside him seemed impossible, and he didn’t strike me as someone who had dry streaks. He had to take a good step back to pull all 11 inches of still-hard, tremendously thick meat out of me. I slumped onto a nearby bench, absolutely wrecked while he stood for a second still admiring himself in the mirror. The man had just done a workout that would turn the strongest of men to jelly then spent a solid ten minutes ploughing me with the force of a jackhammer and he wasn’t even winded. It only just occurred to me how in the blur of passion I’d let this guy fuck me in the open in a very public bathroom. I was shocked at the lack of interruption, but blushing furiously I realised the amount of noise I’d made had probably warned people not to come in. Hell, it had probably warned people a block away. Still buck naked, Dane strutted past me to open up a locker. God his ass was so huge, round and striated that, had I not been completely devoid of the energy to move, I probably would’ve sunk my teeth in. He swung a leg over the bench I sat on, bearing his still rock-hard cock right in my face. Saying “balls the size of chicken’s eggs” strikes me as cliched, but I’m gonna be honest here, if your chicken was laying eggs this size you’d have your face in a record book. They slung under his cock and just laid out on the bench. “You don’t mind do you?” he asked, and breaking eye contact with his dick (with some effort) I noticed he had a needle and a small vial in his hands. Without waiting for an answer, he drew on the needle and filled it with a clear, faintly pink fluid from the vial before plunging it straight into one of the enormous testicles sitting in front of him. I’m not afraid to say I flinched, a lot. As the plunger of the needle dropped, I swear to god, I watched veins spring up over the surface of the massive ball, and snake their way up the thick shaft. I can’t attest as to whether he was fully hard when he shot up with the strange liquid, but as the veins sprang out from his cock, it definitely throbbed just a little larger. He laughed in that beautiful deep voice. “Sorry about that, but right after is the best time to do it.” He looked at the look of shock and awe on my face and grinned again. “This is some secret shit, real experimental,” he said tapping the vial with a broad finger. “Don’t tell anyone, I wouldn’t want to have to hurt you.” I looked up at him with more shock, and less awe, and he gave me a quick wink. He stood up and turned back to the locker. Once again I was struck, not only by the sheer perfection that was his ass, but also by just how wide his lats were. The man had to be at least three times as wide as me. I noticed the odd protrusion of his veins was still spreading over his form, albeit less intensely than it had at the point of impact. He pulled a pair of white briefs on that struggled to leave anything to the imagination, in fact, the waistband couldn’t match the tightness of his waistline, as his immense cock and balls pulled it forwards. He pulled on some loose gym shorts and an even looser stringer and strutted towards the exit. He turned back at the door, glancing over vein-covered traps to call back to me. “I put my number in your phone, text me.” I looked at the pile on the floor where I’d left my clothes to see my phone sitting neatly on top. Putting aside the fact that it was pin protected, and I hadn’t seen him have any time to do so, I found a new entry in my contacts under “Dane – BF.” I had no idea what the hell had just happened or what I’d got into, so I just pulled my clothes on, and avoiding the stares of everyone in the gym as I made the walk of shame, I headed home to pass out.
  7. The Benefits of a Personal Trainer Part One Vincent and I OK, before I get started, fair warning: this story has a happy ending. Everybody gets what they want, even though not everybody knew what they wanted or what they needed to become at the beginning. Life, right? This is not that kind of story, but full disclosure: Vincent and I met in a public toilet, or rather, outside one. Both of us had been innocently relieving ourselves at the urinals in the rest room of a downtown mall, and as our eyes wandered, we clocked each other. I reddened at getting caught so easily, but he was waiting when I followed him out a moment later. We went for a drink, and in future always told everybody that it was in the bar that we met. The relationship developed quickly and pretty effortlessly from there. I was smitten with this adorable guy with the slightly diffident manner who had appeared in my life. We clicked. We were the same age (28), same height (5’9), and about the same weight, around 150 pounds. Me? I’ve got kind of regular bro features, short red hair, sparse body hair and a lot of freckles everywhere. Vincent wore his dirty blond curly hair long, with a middle parting, framing an angelic face. There was usually a little blond scruff on his upper lip and chin, but this didn’t make any difference whenever he tried to get into a bar; he was always asked to show ID. He was a dancer (but had been sidelined from performance by a knee injury a few years out of dance school; he was transitioning into teaching and choreography by the time we met) with a dancer’s body, not muscular but well-defined. His high, round hairy butt was my favorite part of him from the moment we met. Vincent moved in with me six months after we met. He didn’t seem to mind very much when, after repeated attempts to fuck him when we starting seeing each other, I gave up. I wasn’t working with much in the dick department to begin with and had never been able to stay hard properly to fuck anybody. And I didn’t really want to anyway. As much as I loved all of Vincent, I couldn’t manage it with him, either. Trouble in paradise? Nope: so little did he seem to care that I figured he must have a low sex drive. And I had never liked the idea of getting fucked, so we quickly put that idea to bed, to our mutual relief. Early on, sex became a small part of our strong and settled relationship. There was a dildo, quite a big one, bought by me, in the bedside table drawer, which got used now and then when Vincent’s ass seemed to need it. I liked watching it disappear into his perfect ass after I had licked it until his hole quivered in anticipation, and he always came extra hard when I fucked him with it. I loved that he did not come across as super gay and I think he felt the same about me. Neither of us felt any pressure to “perform” as gay. If we were sexually repressed, it was clear that we had not got together to unrepress each other. We never talked about other men and our devotion to each other made the idea of sleeping around on each other out of the question. A future of domestic happiness seemed to be ahead of us. I know, right? Textbook boring. All that was going to get shaken up, but it took a while before it did, and came out of the blue when it happened. Rex and I When Rex took me on as a client at the gym where he had a personal training business, he warned me that I would need to make a long term commitment if I wanted to see results. Two years later, his firm guidance and my hard work had certainly paid off. Not like one of those staggering transformations you see documented in those ‘My Three Year Muscle Journey’ YouTube videos, not like I had turned into a completely different person. But I had added about 25 pounds of solid muscle, now tipping the scales at a very well proportioned 175 on my 5’9” frame. I was never going to be a muscle beast, but I liked how I looked now. Vincent sometimes made complimentary comments about how much bigger I was than when we met. I didn’t think a lot about Rex in the early days. He was “just” my PT. From the start, I felt kind of complacent knowing I had made the right choice in taking him on. Or lucky that he had taken me on, whichever it was. We did our sessions twice a week - I could afford his prices on the money from my corporate relations job, and some family money gives me a lot of leeway when it comes to discretionary spending - and with very little conversation or personal interaction. I knew increasingly that I trusted Rex to look after me. He radiated strength and calmness. Assertive, for sure, based on an obvious, totally justified and unshakeable confidence in his own skills and personal presence. He was 34 when I met him, with the sort of looks that turn any head effortlessly. I never asked him, but I would say he must be about 6’2”. His mother’s side is German, his father’s Lebanese. He doesn’t take after his mother looks-wise. To look at him, you would call him Middle Eastern for sure. He wears his jet black hair long and slicked back on top, with a high tight fade to the sides, and always had a few days’ dark stubble growing on his strong jaw. But from the neck down, he was a mystery to me. In all the time we trained together, I never saw him wear anything but a baggy track suit, a ball cap usually jammed low on his head. I knew he had to be very big under all that shapeless fitness gear, but had never seen it. He trained himself at another gym. I respected his physical presence, but it was not as if I lusted after him. This was a good thing, from the point of view of me concentrating during our training sessions. Every now and again, though, if he moved in close to guide my movements or tell me how to do something better, I would get a whiff of his scent, which was gone as soon almost as soon as I was aware of it. It always left me momentarily disorientated. Eventually, we started to chat more during our sessions - when I started to need longer rests between sets as I started to lift heavier - usually work stuff from me, sometimes a remark about life at home with Vincent. One time, a long way into training with him, I finally showed him a photo on my phone of Vincent, taken at an event when he was dancing. His eyebrows raised, for a moment, he grunted and nodded, then we moved on to the next exercise. Rex never gave much away about his own personal life; I got the impression that he tended to pick up girls and keep them for a while but was for periods of time unattached. He was always friendly, but maybe a bit aloof. We had just finished our second weekly session one Thursday when he suggested we go to his office for a chat. I followed him through the main gym office into his private room. “Have a seat”, he offered, waving me towards a chair. “Listen, Jason”, he began, his deep rumbling voice friendly but determined, “I have been thinking that it might be time to wrap up our training sessions. You’ve done a good job” - this was Rex’s all purpose phrase for expressing his approval - “and I’m not sure there is much more I can teach you. I don’t like to hold onto clients once they have got the kind of changes they were after. And you are motivated to train well on your own. So how about it? Shall we call time?” I was taken aback. This came out of nowhere. I had learned over our time working together not to argue with Rex. His suggestions usually came across as orders - well mannered, polite, but final. Fifteen minutes later, having aired every reason I could think of to continue the arrangement, Rex would not budge. We were done. But I think I was more surprised than upset, and when Rex shook my hand and pulled me in for a hug, I felt pretty good. I couldn’t actually get my arms around him to return the embrace. I said, wanting to be friendly, that we should do something socially and not lose touch. Rex seemed to think this over for a moment then said, to my surprise, that that we should do that. “Why don’t you invite me to dinner? I’d like to meet Vincent after hearing about him all this time. I would invite you to my place but I don’t cook.” I spluttered that dinner would be fine. I said I would check with Vincent and get back to him with a date. He said, like it was obvious, that the following Saturday would suit him very well. Rex and Us Vincent didn’t seem very interested when I mentioned that Rex would be coming over for dinner the following Saturday. He just about remembered that Rex had been my gym trainer for almost as long as we had been together. “I hope he doesn’t stay too late”, was all Vincent said. “I’m rehearsing a new piece all day and I’m gonna be tired by the time I get back on Saturday.” “I will cook, babe, no problem”, I offered. And nothing more was said. Come Saturday evening, I had everything ready well ahead of 7 pm when Rex was due to arrive. But no Vincent. He finally came through the door just before 7 pm, complaining that the rehearsal had gone on and on, long past when it was supposed to finish. He hadn’t had any time to shower or change at the dance studio, and was still in his workout gear - track bottoms over tights and a cut off t-shirt. The musk he gave off after a day’s work in the studio hit me as we hugged each other in greeting. “Aww babe, that sucks. Everything’s ready, so all you need to do is just go clean up”, I urged. He gave me a quick peck on the cheek and disappeared into our bedroom. I suddenly felt liking following him and bury my face in his ass for a while, but our dinner guest was due any minute. The intercom buzzed at exactly 7 pm. When I opened the door to Rex, I was completely stunned by the sight in front of me. The man at my door could have been related to my trainer Rex from the gym - same height, same hair, same uber handsome face - but there the similarity ended. This was not Rex of the baggy track gear and ball cap. To come to dinner at my place, Rex had chosen a tight, red, fine mesh V neck t-shirt and jeans so tight that they looked like they had been painted on, accentuating every curve of his ass and legs. He wore calf-high snakeskin boots and, around his neck, a chunky gold chain that perched high on his chest mounds. Chest hair was abundant in the plunge of his V neck t-shirt, and short, black hair also covered his forearms. The sleeves were cut high on his shoulders, so tufts of dark curly pit hair from his underarms poked out, too. Rex’s outfit didn’t leave much to the imagination, except for the extent of the package inside the pronounced bulge in his crotch, which drew my attention. “Hey, up here, Jason”, he laughed, catching me lingering over that crotch a moment too long. Fuck, busted already, I thought, as I reddened and muttered a brief, spluttering apology. He waved a hand in friendly dismissal, stepping into the hallway. I pointed him through the door into the living room and as he went in ahead of me, I got a look at the thickness of his massive back and the slabs of triceps muscle to the rear of his huge arms. I had never, in all the time I trained with Rex, imagined he had a body like the one I was now trying and failing to perv over discreetly. So hot, so unobtainably, fantastically hot, I thought. I couldn’t figure out why Rex, who had never given me any reason to believe he was other than 100% straight, would show up at my place dressed to show off his assets in a way that was 100% certain to give any gay man a boner. Like the one I was already struggling to hide as I followed him into the living room. “Jason, have you decided what you are wearing tonight. I thought maybe just a t-shirt and shorts, but - “. Vincent had wandered into the living room, still not showered but stripped down to his dance belt. He stopped talking when he caught sight of Rex, and stood just staring. Rex too a couple of steps towards Vincent and offered him his hand. “Uh, Rex this is my partner Vincent. Babe, this is Rex, who you can see has, uh, arrived.” I laughed weakly. “Oh god, I’m so sorry, Rex, prancing around nearly naked. Running late.” Rex nodded gravely in acknowledgement of the apology, but didn’t reply. He and Vincent stood, still shaking hands. They seemed literally unable to take their eyes off each other. Vincent grinned. Rex smiled and nodded again. “Vince, babe, why don’t you go finish getting ready while I sort out some drinks for us?”, I said, rather loudly, to move things along socially, but really to break the spell between them which was fascinating to watch while making me instantly very nervous. Vincent looked reluctant to leave Rex, but he turned after a moment and disappeared back into the bedroom. Rex watched him go, then turned to me and raised an eyebrow. “Well, now”, he said. “You never said that your partner was so beautiful. Congratulations. I guess I would say you are lucky.” “Umm, it’s sweet of you to say that, Rex. He is something else, isn’t he? Some people think he’s out of my league, but I’m definitely lucky whether he is or he isn’t.” I paused. “I mean, I always assumed … you being straight and all, you wouldn’t want to hear too much about my boyfriend.” Rex shook his head. “Nah. You don’t get it, Jason. I don’t think of myself as straight, or anything else that might slow me down when it comes to getting what I want.” He added, bluntly: “I fuck anything I want.” “Oh, got it. Wow. That’s very … clear.” “And you, Jason, do you get what you want?” “Vincent and I have a really good life together”, I said. “We are monogamous, and in love, and we, umm … we like each other physically.” I hoped that was enough to get us off the subject, but Rex just looked expectantly at me. “How about that drink?”, I said, moving towards the kitchen door. “Whiskey, thanks. No ice.” “We mostly drink wine around here”, I said. “But I know there’s a bottle of really good single malt somewhere that my dad gave me for Christmas a while back. It’s great that it is gonna get opened.” I found the bottle of whiskey at the back of a kitchen cupboard, and had just poured out some into a tumbler when Vincent came into the kitchen, now dressed in a pair of track pants, white Nikes and an old t-shirt advertising his dance school. “Oh my god, Jason, you kept that quiet. You never mentioned that your personal trainer is a super hot muscle tank. I mean, fuck, he is unbelievable. Is he even real? I thought you said he was straight.” I started to explain that what we were seeing was not the look I was used to for Rex, and wondered how I could repeat what Rex had told me about his sexual interests, but I stopped when it hit me that Vincent had not showered and had a hard on. I raised an eyebrow and looked meaningfully at the bulge jutting out of his shorts. He shrugged and grinned. (Vincent? Is that you?, I thought) “Is this for Rex?” He asked quickly, picking up the whiskey. “I’ll take it through to him. White wine for me, please.” He turned in the doorway, a look on his face which I had not seen very often, and not for a long time. Lust. “Jason, baby, this could be fun. Please let’s just go with it.” My hands were shaking as I poured a glass of wine for Vincent, and one for myself. My mind was racing as I realized that something was maybe about to happen that I could not stop and I was not sure how I felt about it. But my own dick was already stirring and with a “Fuck it” whispered through gritted teeth, I went back into the living room. The first thing that hit me when I approached Vincent and Rex was the strong scent of their musks mingled in the air, as if sex had already been going on for a long time in an airless room. Vincent’s slender body was pressed up against Rex’s rock solid muscled body, his hands stroking Rex’s heavy biceps, his face turned up to meet Rex’s. Rex kneaded Vincent’s ass with both his hands. They were kissing deeply. Rex looked sideways at me and raised an eyebrow. I stood, wine glasses in hand, my mouth hanging open. “Jason”, he said. “Have a seat.” Rex and Us I stumbled to an armchair and sat heavily down in it, watching my boy friend make out passionately and shamelessly with this hairy, muscled up sexual magnet who had invited himself into our home. Vincent was now grinding his bulging groin against the inside of Rex’s thigh. A wet spot had started on his shorts. Rex broke off the embrace and stepped back, looking slowly from Vincent to me. “OK, fellas, we are gonna do this, right?” We both nodded in unison, without a moment’s thought or hesitation. “Let’s get you both undressed now.” Vincent looked at me for a second before kicking off his sneakers and stripping out of his top and shorts. His thick, uncut 6” cock stood throbbing and leaking. Rex looked Vincent up and down with obvious approval. Rex looked at me briefly and said, a note of impatience in his voice “Hurry up, Jason.” I stood up, unable to take my eyes off of them while I fumbled with my clothes. Finally naked, my almost 5” dick also leaking freely, I faced them, shaking with nerves and lust. Rex gave me a once over. “Yeah, that’s the body I helped you build, Jason. You did the work, and you paid for it, and you are a tidy unit now. Good job, man.” I sensed there was a bit of condescension in this comment, but stuttered a thank you, anyway. Also, Rex had not actually said anything bad about my dick, which made me relax a bit. “So, fellas”, Rex said, taking a long slug of his whiskey, I don’t want to keep you waiting. You can undress me now.” He sat down on the couch, his legs spread wide, the heels of his boots resting on the floor. Vincent did not hesitate. He went down in his knees and started to struggle with pulling a boot off one of Rex’s feet. I scrambled to do the same, easing the other boot off. Rex lifted his arms high above his head and we pulled the skin-tight muscle t-shirt off. His chest and abs were covered in swirls of short dark hair, thick hard nipples pointing down and out. The musk coming off his pits was intense. He settled back on the couch, clasping his hands behind his head. Vincent crawled up one side, burying his face in one wet, bushy pit and I followed his lead. It was almost unbearably hot, licking and sniffing the deep recess of Rex’s pit. Vincent moaned. After some more of this, Rex said, folding his arms across his chest: “So, take a break guys. Tell me, what do you two like to do with each other?” Vincent caught my eye before licking his lips and swallowing hard. “Mostly we just jerk off together sometimes”, he said, very quietly. “Jason likes to lick my ass. Sometimes he uses a dildo on me.” (Shit, I thought, this is Vincent’s “I cannot tell a lie’ thing.) Rex looked at me. Up shot one eyebrow, questioning. I nodded slowly, to confirm Vincent’s brutal summary of our limited sex life. “So, jerking off a bit and no actual fucking. Shame, guys. But I can see why. I’m guessing you are useless at fucking, Jason. And Vinny here (Vinny? I thought) - you are a bottom if I ever met one. But - sorry to put it this way - lazy as fuck in bed. I bet Jason’s not the kind of guy you are thinking about when you jerk off together. Is that about right?” I hung my head and could feel my face getting red. Vincent sighed and nodded decisively. Rex was right on all counts. “Glad we got all that out of the way. I’d say I didn’t get here a minute too soon. Well, Jason, I guess if you like jerking off you are gonna like what I have in mind.” He smirked at me. “As for you, beautiful”, he said, caressing Vincent’s neck, “no more jerking off for you. I can tell you need breeding real bad, and I’m your man for that.” He stood up, waiting. Without a word or a signal, Vincent and I helped him peel off his obscenely tight jeans. I have no idea how he got into them, but getting him out of them was a challenge. Stripped completely naked, Rex’s full, hot masculine glory was overwhelming. Jutting straight up past his thick pubes and navel, almost to the base of his pec mounds, stood the biggest cock I had ever seen in person, and probably in porn. Definitely over 10”, and thick from root to circumcised head. The definition of well hung. His big, hairy, balls hung low, pushed out from between his thighs. His ass was covered in a light dusting of hair, which became thicker and darker where it disappeared into his crack. Stripped and revealed in all his powerful glory, he seemed to completely fill the room. He looked at Vincent, then me. “Now, I know you two are not used to dealing with a dick like this, but I want you both to get on it and do your best.” He settled back on the couch and folded his hands behind his head again. I reached out to touch Rex’s cock, barely able to believe he was letting me. Vincent cupped and stroked his balls with one hand. Rex grunted and shut his eyes. “Just keep on stroking my nuts, Vinny, while Jason gets this big fucker lubed up with his mouth.” My jaw was aching almost as soon as I started sucking Rex’s cock, but it felt like the most important thing in the world to make him feel good: I kept going. Vincent’s face was buried in Rex’s balls. Rex grunted again and started to thrust his cock deeper into my mouth. The smell coming off his crotch was so hot. I started pumping my dick but stopped myself in case I came involuntarily before anything had really started to happen. Vincent had started jerking his own cock but Rex, lazily opening one eye a bit, noticed this and slapped his hand away. Rex had reached around to play with Vincent’s butt by now, and had one finger deep in his hole. Finally, he sat up and said, decisively: “OK, Jason, that’s enough. Scoot back over to your chair and leave the rest to me.” I reluctantly took my mouth off Rex’s cock and returned to the armchair. He gathered Vincent up in his arms and then turned him over, so his legs were splayed off the couch, his feet resting on the floor. The contrast between them was amazing to see. Rex eased his swarthy, hairy muscle body on top of Vincent’s pale, smooth, lithe body, his club of a cock glistening with my spit, poised at Vincent’s puckered hole. Rex turned to look at me, waiting. Rex paused at that moment and looked over at me. His face held a question. I nodded, hypnotized by what I saw. “Please fuck him, Rex. Please.” It sounded like I was begging when I said it. It was Vincent who was begging, loudly, a couple of minutes later when Rex had worked his cock deep inside his ass. The effortless power of his fucking was awesome to watch. “Is this what you want, Vinny?” “God yes, fuck me, Rex.” “Is this what you need, Vinny?” “It’s what I need, Rex. Please, please”, he yelled. Rex’s hips bucked as he sank his mighty fucker completely into Vincent’s hole, At that, Vincent’s untouched cock spurted heavily and he groaned in ecstasy. Rex continued thrusting fast and hard into Vincent’s ass, and what they were saying to each other became panting whispers. After a while, Rex looked at me briefly, not even noticing me frantically pumping my dick, then nodded one final time. He grunted, roared, and came inside my boyfriend’s upturned ass. For me, it was like having a ringside seat at the live filming of the best porn movie ever. I finally jizzed, whimpering, onto my belly at the same time as Rex finished his conquest of Vincent. Rex pulled his cock slowly out of Vincent and rolled off him. Vincent in turn rolled onto Rex, flinging his arms around his upper body and nuzzling his bull neck. “Whose ass is this, Vinny?” “Yours, Rex. Totally yours.” “Good answer, baby. Jason, eyes up here now.” I looked directly at Rex. “You happy about this, Jason?” I nodded yes. “You think Vinny deserves a cock like mine?” I whispered that he did. “Speak up, Jason, let’s hear you say that again.” In a clearer, louder voice, I said how much I had enjoyed what just happened and how much Vincent deserved to get properly fucked by a cock like his. It felt liberating to say it. Rex and Us Somehow, after all that, we got around to dinner. Vincent went to the bathroom to clean up and reappeared in track pants and slide ons. The only thing we had big enough for Rex to wear was a bathrobe, which Rex pulled on over his wide shoulders and left open at the waist. The two of them settled down on the couch and made out some more while I got dinner on the table. The main thing I remember about that meal is that Rex ate everything in sight. (Feeding the beast, I thought) The conversation was relaxed and mostly unmemorable. Rex asked Vincent about his work at the dance school and Vincent explained about the injury which had ended his onstage career. He complimented Rex on the work he had done with me - “Jason is way bigger than he was when we met” - and admitted that, now that he was no longer dancing himself, he often thought about how much he would like to put on some muscle and size. This was news to me. I imagined my lithe, slim boyfriend muscled up. Hot as fuck. “I hear guys say that all the time who never do anything about it”, Rex said. “I bet you would be a fast gainer, Vinny, as long as you eat enough along with the training. You would have amazing proportions with some more upper body muscle mass and a some more bulk in just the right places on your ass and thighs.” Vincent was hanging on every word of this. “Fact is, I got a vacancy in my schedule, now that Jason has decided to train on his own.” I began to protest that it had not been my idea to end our training relationship, but Vincent jumped on this offer fast, saying he would love to try the gym. Rex considered this for a moment. “OK. First session is free, of course. If we keep going, I will just bill at my normal rate. No mixing business and pleasure, right?” he laughed. After dinner, Rex drank another whiskey then announced he had to go. “Clients from 10 am onwards tomorrow morning, fellas. Got to pay the bills. But I’ll stay longer next time, that’s a promise.” (Next time? OK. Wow, I thought.) He dressed slowly, as we watched. At the door, he shook my hand, looked me straight in the eye and thanked me for dinner. “And thanks for this, too”, he said, nodding toward Vincent, who stepped eagerly into his arms for a goodbye kiss. I didn’t plan to say it, but found myself saying, with real feeling: “No Rex, thank you. For everything.” Then he was gone. Vincent and I slumped against the hallway walls, facing each other. “Well”, he said. “Wow.” I nodded slowly. “Jason, I’ve never been fucked like that before.” “I know”, I said. “Jason, he is amazing. I really, really liked it.” “I know”, I said. He looked at me searchingly. “Did you … ?”, he began. “Oh yeah, I did, too. A lot.” Without another word, we went to our bedroom, stripped and fell into bed. We were both asleep within minutes. I remember wondering, as I drifted off, whether I had just been sort of cucked, or started couples therapy. Or both.
  8. pasidious

    A Bet

    Here's a very short thing I wrote a while back. Figured I'd share it. _____________________ "Betcha mine's bigger." "Yeah, it probably is." "Aw, dude, that's so lame! Can't you at least try to defend yourself?" "Against what? You telling me your dick is bigger than mine? What do I care if it is or isn't?" In truth, I was curious. Very curious. I wanted to know what his dick looked like. I didn't care if he was bigger than me, but my best friend was sexy and he knew it. I wanted to see his dick. But I couldn't very well let on that I was gay and into him. "It's like... a rite of passage, or something. It's what guys do." "You tellin' me that dudes want to see other dudes' dicks?" I asked. He thought on that for a second. "Well, if you put it that way, it does sound kinda gay." "Kinda?" "We're bros, though. Nothin' wrong with some friendly competition. Better yet, how about a bet? Fifty bucks." "Fifty bucks? I don't have that kind of money." "Fine, twenty." I sighed. Would it hurt to pay twenty dollars to see my best friend's dick? FUCK no it wouldn't hurt. "You're on." "Fuck yeah, that's what I like ta hear. Count of three, whip 'em out." He put his hands on the hem of his shorts preparing to lower them. I did the same. "One... two... THREE." I sort of expected him to be pranking me into lowering my shorts while he kept his on, but I kept my word and dropped my shorts. He did, too. My cock flopped out, hanging plump from being semi-hard from being near my sexy best friend. To my surprise, his was also semi-hard. "Whoa, dude. You got a decent cock, there." "Yeah, so do you." We were each looking at the other's dick, and for almost a whole minute, neither of us said a word. It almost felt awkward, but it really wasn't. I watched his cock twitch from time to time, as though it were fighting from growing harder as he stood there. "We're the same size." "Huh?" I grunted, lost in my own head as I was hypnotized by my hot friend's dick. "Same size, dude. It's a tie." "Shit, yeah, looks like it," I responded, glancing from his to mine and back again. "But fuck, what am I thinking. The bet ain't over yet. Let's see 'em hard." "What?" "Hard. Get hard. Let's see them at full size." Fuck. Just hearing him say that made my cock twitch immediately. It was hot. "How? You got porn on your phone?" I asked. "No, but it looks like you're already starting to bone up, anyway." It was true. I wasn't having any luck suppressing my horniness, and hearing him talk about getting hard was making me hard. I felt my dick throbbing and pulsing, and I closed my eyes enjoying the feeling of getting fully and completely hard, my cock rising and plumping and growing. As soon as I felt it reach full size, high in the air, I opened my eyes again, and looked down and saw his doing the same. It was throbbing, twitching, growing before my eyes. And as soon as his reached what I'd assumed was full size, I saw a bead of pure white pearly precum form at his tip. "Fuck yeahhhh," he said, I assume inadvertently, caught in the moment. "Alright, time to compare." And before I had a chance to respond, he walked forward and pressed both our hard cocks together, comparing their size. "Oh fuck," I breathed, feeling tremors up my spine as excitement grew. He let out one of those whistles guys tend to do when they're impressed or something. "Dude, we are like, exactly the same size." "Y-yeah." "Well, I guess it really is a tie." He stepped back again. "Mmhm." And for a few moments, we both sort of stood there, looking down at the other's cock. Neither of us was calming down, I noticed. His cock was bobbing as it throbbed with his heartbeats. "Fuck, I'm horny." "Me too." "Come on, let's take care of these." "Thought you'd never say so." He grinned and took his cock in his hand and started slowly stroking, closing his eyes. I did the same. "Mmmm fuck, this feels better than normal." "Y-yeah," I agreed, feeling the pleasure welling up within my groin as I stroked my cock right next to my best friend, the object of many of my sexual fantasies. "Oh fuck, dude, I can't get enough of this. It feels so fucking good. Like, I can feel it in my whole body." He was right, this did feel way better than normal. I grunted in response, feeling similarly. There was this sensation spreading through my whole body, like it was my entire body that was being rubbed and stroked, and not just my hard cock. "Bro, are you seeing this? Look at my chest!" I looked over and at first had no idea what he meant. But then I saw it. His chest was thicker than it was before. "What...?" "You too!" he shouted. I looked down and my own chest had swelled up and I actually had pecs. Pecs I didn't have before. I watched as they swelled bigger with each stroke of my hand around my throbbing hard cock. Waves of pleasure were washing over my whole being. I happened to catch my abs taking shape as well. "Oh fuck, keep it coming," he said, almost moaning. I looked over and saw his muscles continuing to swell with each stroke. His arms were growing bigger before my eyes, and I saw muscles toning up and growing. A big vein became visible as it ran the length of his arm, especially on his biceps, but down to his forearm as well. The mark of a toned, muscled, strong, hard forearm. His shoulders began to broaden as they became capped with muscle. They too were swelling with each stroke of his cock. And his traps were rising up. He was starting to look like a gym-rat. "Holy fuck," I breathed, looking at his transformation. He looked over at me and grinned. "Don't forget about yourself, dude." I looked down and saw my own body had undergone a very similar transformation. Muscles had grown all over my body in ways I'd only fantasized. I had protruding pecs, six-pack abs, adonis belt, wide shoulders, bulging toned biceps, and a big thick cock. And they were all growing bigger as I stroked myself. I felt myself suddenly about to reach climax. In spite of the slow stroking, I couldn't ignore the tell-tale feeling of a cum explosion welling up from within my balls. I was reluctant to let it happen, fearing it might stop the growth, but I was also super curious what might happen upon exploding. Would the growth halt? Or would there be more to come? And then I heard him. "Oh god, I'm gonna cum."
  9. pasidious

    Becoming an Alpha - Part 3B

    Part 3A "Come with me," I said, and grabbed his hand. My heart was pounding in my chest. This dude wanted my cock, and I was going to give it to him. And I'd leave this building even bigger than when I entered. He didn't protest in the slightest, either. I pulled him behind me as we exited the cafeteria and entered the performing arts center which was attached to the same building. There was a private bathroom on the second floor with a locking door, and I was going to take him there. We stomped up the stairs and fortunately there were very few people around. The bathroom was unoccupied. I threw open the door and made sure he was inside with me before letting it shut. I locked the door. Before I could even turn around, his hands were feeling up my arms and I almost didn't even want to turn around. There's just something about having your arms felt. You can almost feel your own hard muscle under someone else's fingers. I extended my arms all the way and flexed my triceps, letting the muscle bulge out from behind my arms. "Fuck," he said, and his hands were instantly upon them. My cock was throbbing against the door. I turned around and saw his brief look of disapproval. I flexed my arms again, facing him, my biceps once again bulging up against my sleeves in a double bicep pose. "Jesus your muscles are hot," he muttered, before he reached out and grasped my arms again, this time with much greater fervor than in the cafeteria. Feeling his hands on my biceps was incredible. It's one thing to feel the cloth of my shirt trying to contain my biceps, but feeling someone else's hands against them was even better. My cock was aching at this point. I grabbed his face with my right hand and kissed him hard. He didn't resist and kissed back, moaning within my mouth as his tongue danced with mine. I pulled my face off his and said "Blow me. Right now" as my left hand was already undoing the drawstring. He knelt down and helped me finish the job as our heavy breathing echoed off the bathroom walls. My shorts fell and I was astonished yet again by the sight of my quads. They weren't huge by any means, but they were definitely thicker. I deliberately flexed them, though, to see what I was missing when I was walking to the cafeteria earlier. The individual heads of muscle were almost visible. And this wasn't lost on him, either, as he took a moment to run his hands along my thighs, squeezing the hard muscle. My angry throbbing cock wasn't going to be patient for much longer, though, as I thrust myself forward and slapped him in the face with it. "Suck me, dude," I breathed. My own behavior was confusing my brain as I was saying things and doing things I would never have done in the past. My actions seemed to be guided not by my brain, though, but by my throbbing cock. He didn't waste a moment and instantly had his tongue dancing along my shaft. He licked the length of its underside which sent shivers down my spine. "Mmmm" I moaned, and he increased the speed of his licking. "Fuck, you taste good," he muttered between licks. "Wait 'til you get to the filling," I said, suddenly pleased with myself for such a swift and witty response. "Mmmf" he grunted as he took the head of my cock into his mouth, flitting his tongue all around it. His hands moved back onto my legs and his fingers were kneading the muscle beneath. I took this as a sign to flex, and I felt my legs harden into muscular strength. I watched his hands literally get pushed out by the muscle bulging, but he kept on rubbing the muscle. It felt amazing. So fucking good. It enhanced the feeling my cock was experiencing as his tongue kept its pace licking and flitting around my slit with the head in his mouth. "Ungh" I grunted in pleasure. And then he swallowed more of my cock, taking in more of its length. The heat of his mouth was far more intense than just my hand, with which I'd become all too familiar, which I already knew from my last two blowjobs, but this time it was seemingly more pronounced. I'd gotten too used to just jerking off. The pleasure of a blowjob was intensely greater than just masturbating in front of my computer screen. His tongue was dancing along my shaft, and every few seconds he'd take in a bit more of it. My cock was apparently pretty big, according to the first dude who sucked me off, and this dude was taking in its length like a champ. Slurping noises were becoming more pronounced as he continued to suckle on it, and the pleasure only increased. "Ooof" I grunted again as my entire cock was down his throat. "Hmmhf" he moaned as he continued to suck me, feeling my legs, almost massaging them. It felt sooo fucking good, especially considering the new muscle in my legs. I could see his own cock was tenting his shorts as he knelt before me, but I wasn't too concerned with it. It was hot, don't get me wrong, but I was only concerned with achieving my own climactic pleasure. I had one hand behind his head, running my fingers through his hair. He had silky hair, very nice to touch. But the dual purpose of my hand on his head was to keep his head on my cock, in case he tried to pull off for any reason. He was going to finish this. He gave no indication of stopping, but I felt like I should take measures to prevent any attempts he could make to pull away. I was so close to achieving more growth. Nothing was going to stop it. I flexed my other arm for myself. I was getting really eager for my cock to explode, and seeing my own bicep flex into hardness was enhancing the experience. The sleeve tightened once again around the muscle, the cloth digging into my skin. Such a rush to feel that sensation. "Oh fuck yyyeahhh" I moaned, feeling the pressure building within my balls. My bicep was so defined. I don't think it fully sank in yet that it was, in fact, my own arm. The definition was perfect. A nice vein was protruding from my skin across the peak of my bulging bicep and I could almost see it throbbing as it pushed my blood through my body, getting ready to feed my muscles with the growth I knew was coming. "Ommmfff" he moaned again, and I saw his eyes looking at my bicep flexing. He was a muscle fag, too, just like the last guy who sucked me off. Of course, I knew that I was a muscle fag. But now I possessed a body I could easily jerk off to. And I was getting bigger. There was a wet spot on his crotch, and I supposed he was leaking pre into his shorts. I pumped my bicep a few times, enjoying feeling that cloth tighten around it each time. Fuck yes. It suddenly occurred to me that my sleeves might bust open in a few moments. And just that thought alone sent me over the edge. "Oh god--unghh--here it coooomes..." I grunted and groaned. My arm fell to my side. My cocksucker didn't know it, but I meant that in two ways. My cum, and the growth that will follow. The pressure reached its zenith. That telltale feeling when you know you're about to explode cum through your cock. And I don't mean those weak-ass ejaculations you sometimes get from a lackluster experience. No. This one was explosive. It was the kind that always makes your cock get even harder right before shooting. It was welling up from deep within my balls, and my cock was about to shoot cum harder than a firehose. I felt him squeeze the backs of my legs as he braced himself. He didn't try to pull away, and I was afraid he might when he knew I was going to cum. He held on. But I kept my hand behind his head anyway just in case. I needed him to swallow all of it. It may not have mattered, but every time I grew, the cocksucker swallowed my load. I wasn't going to take any chances. "Oh g--" and my voice caught in my throat as I felt the first explosion launch from my cock. "Ahh!" I shouted with a somewhat failed attempt at remaining subdued. I didn't want anyone outside the bathroom to hear too much. I obviously couldn't see it, but the volley that exploded from my cock felt huge, and he was struggling to gulp and swallow it all. He didn't gag, though, which was good. "Don't you--*huff*--spill a drop--AHH" and I shot again, another strong volley right into the back of his throat. "MMFF" he made a sound. I couldn't tell if it was of enjoyment or otherwise, but I didn't care. "Fuck yessss" I breathed, before shooting once again. I could feel the energy creeping into my muscles. A new show was about to begin. "Ungghgod," I groaned, as I felt what I assume was one last trailing shot. I gripped his hair, a clump of it within my hand. I was glad he had long-ish hair so I could even do this. I pulled him off my cock, and I realized as it slid out of his mouth that it was just as hard and throbbing as before I came. He was panting, and I could tell the inside of his mouth was coated with my spunk. He looked up at me, one eye closed, and I absolutely loved how my forearm was flexing as I held his hair within my hand. "Watch what you just did to me, little boy," I said with a deliberate attempt at deepening my voice. Why, though? I couldn't help but realize I was talking way differently from how I usually would. 'Little boy'? Did I mean to call him that? My thoughts on my strangely different demeanor were going to have to wait, because the power within my body was coming to its climax and I knew I was about to grow. I pulled on his head a little more until he lost his balance and fell backwards, and as I released his hair from my hand, I could feel the first changes happening to my body. He lay on the cheap tile of the floor of the bathroom and didn't make any attempt to sit up. I felt my body pulse. "You're gonna miss the show!" I shouted. He sat up on his elbows and glanced at me with a bemused expression as I stood there, my breaths shallow but deep. His tent was still pronounced in his shorts. My chest was heaving as my cock remained straight up and out, throbbing and still drooling onto the floor. My shorts remained down around my ankles but that's where I wanted them to stay. And my shirt... well, I definitely wanted that to stay on. For now. I wasn't even going to attempt to reconcile how I was still hard and throbbing. It felt too good to care. Nothing beats being hard and horny. "Ohhh fuck--ngh--yeahhh" I groaned, and I felt it happening. The shirt suddenly felt tighter around my shoulders and lats, and I could see within my peripheral vision that my shoulders were growing larger; they were spreading ever-so-slightly farther apart. My cocksucker's eyes widened. "Fuck yes," I breathed, seeing his reaction. "Unghh" I grunted as I felt growth entering my chest. My pecs were definitely swelling as I felt them flexing on their own. The muscle was bunching up against the fabric of the shirt, and it was tightening even further across my chest. I looked down, trying to see what was happening, and all I could see was my chest was pushing further and further out. My growing pecs caused the shirt to ride up and expose my abs. "Holy fucking shit!" exclaimed my cocksucker. GOD I needed to learn their names. I couldn't just keep referring to them as Cocksucker. Or... maybe I could. Cocksucker number one, cocksucker number two, and now cocksucker number 3. They could have their own t-shirts. I laughed inwardly at myself. But then I shook my head. My nerdy personality was rearing its ugly head and I needed to dispel it. He clambered to his feet, almost tripping over himself twice in the process. He had to brace himself by putting his hands on the wall, but his eyes never left my body. He had an almost hungry look in his eyes as he stared at my muscles. It was lust. I could see he was gathering his senses, and I felt my abs etching themselves deeper into my lower torso. My hands ran over my abs, and yes, they were definitely more defined. Tighter. Harder. I chuckled as I felt the orgasmic pleasure across my body as growth continued to flow through my limbs. The only way to describe it was like that amazing feeling you get in your cock as it hardens and grows from sensually intense arousal, only in my entire musculature. My hands wandered lower to right above my crotch, and my fingers traced my developing Adonis belt. "Fuck yeah," I said again, realizing that was a phrase I'd probably be using a lot. Adonis belts are so fucking hot, and I had one of my own. Suddenly my cocksucker reached for me, and I put my hand up to stop him. "Not yet. Still--" and I gasped, feeling my ass suddenly tighten as my glutes bulged on their own, growing tighter against the door against which I was still standing, "--grrrrowwwwwingg" I groaned, and I felt my legs flex uncontrollably and I could feel them swelling against each other. I had to spread my legs wider and I looked down and saw individual heads of muscle in my quads as they defined themselves before our eyes. "Yessss," I breathed, loving the fact that my legs were achieving the definition I longed for. My calves bulged bigger as well, adding mass and thickening my lower legs. I loved how they were tapering up from my thin ankles, creating a stark contrast. They used to be so skinny. My cocksucker looked frustrated as he stood there watching me. He looked almost frantic, and I could tell he was fighting his desire to worship me. Me! What a rush! His breathing was shallow, and I could see he was leaking profusely into his own shorts as his tent remained ever-prominent. He wanted so badly to feel my body. "How the fuck are you doing this?" he asked. "Just watch," I muttered quietly as I waited for the best part to come. And it was coming, alright. That orgasmic erection-like feeling was spreading across my back, and I felt it widening, thickening, made ever-so-more evident by the further tightening of my shirt. Stress lines were appearing in the cloth as it was being pulled much tighter than it was ever meant for. I rolled my more bulbous shoulders forward, forcing the shirt to tighten greater across my back, and I heard threads snap. "Oh yeah, here we go," I said, and repeated the action. Threads continued snapping, and I could feel the tingling entering my arms. FUCK. I rolled my shoulders forward once more and RRIIPPP the shirt tore down the center of my back. "FUCK!" my cocksucker shouted. He whipped his hand around his dick without even taking it out of his shorts and started jerking himself. "More!" I shouted in response, and I actually brought my arms up in front of my face and watched them, waiting for them to follow the rest of my body. My forearms were pulsing before my eyes, throbbing with each beat of my heart. And it was beating fast, I was so excited. Veins were wrapped around them, my muscle-blood fueling the muscle. They thickened, and I knew the best part was coming. "Aww fuck yeah," I cockily said, and flexed my arms up into my new favorite pose, double-biceps. The sleeves tightened around the muscles, and immediately I could tell they were tighter than before. I straightened my arms, and then flexed again. The sleeves dug into my skin, trying to contain my biceps as they throbbed and grew bigger. Threads snapped. I heard it clearly, and the sound even echoed off the bathroom walls. I looked at my cocksucker and his hand was furiously jerking his cock through his shorts. He was panting, and watching me intently as I continued to transform in front of his eyes. I looked from one bicep to the other, the sleeves still holding on. I don't know which threads snapped, but more were about to. I straightened my arms and flexed again, and this time both biceps surged bigger and my sleeves exploded apart, POP! And two mountains had risen from my arms, exposed entirely, each one with a throbbing vein running across its peak. "FUCK YES!" "Oh fuck, oh god," my cocksucker muttered and I glanced back at him to see him still jerking, but a large wet spot growing on his shorts. "Ohh fuck," he grunted again, and I saw his jerking stop, but his hand continued to grip his bulge through his shorts. His whole body appeared rigid as he stood there, his eyes closed. The wet spot continued to grow. Seeing this dude's cock just go apeshit over my growth sent me over yet another edge as my still hard, throbbing, drooling cock exploded once more. "OHHH FUCK!" I hollered as I felt the explosion well up almost instantly and shoot from my dick, spraying my cocksucker right in the face with the first long, hot, white rope of cum. And then another shot, not as big as the first, but large enough that it almost reached him. And then one more, before it turned into a dribble as cum just puddled all over the floor. And... holy shit, I looked down at my cock and did it... look bigger? I'd have to explore that some more later. Right now, I had a shirt on that was ruined, a large tear down the back and sleeves that were ripped to shreds, and shorts I wasn't sure would fit over my thicker legs. And a little cocksucker covered in my cum and some of his own. Oh boy. How do we get out of this situation without drawing any attention? I felt my insecurities creeping back into my brain as I started thinking of how this might go if someone catches us walking out of a bathroom together with cum all over the place. "Shit" I seethed as I bent over and pulled my shorts up my muscled legs. I moved slow to make sure I didn't accidentally rip them. And, as I brought them up over my quads, I was relieved that they still fit, the stretchy cloth containing them. My thin waist was of no concern, but where my legs were thickest definitely showed through the shorts, now. My cocksucker was stirring, as well, and I was almost concerned he might've passed out since he was so quiet. But he was attempting to wipe away the cum from his face with some toilet paper. He saw me looking at him. "Fuck, dude, how did you do that?" "I legit don't know, man. I just grow when my cock is sucked." "Hottest thing I've ever seen in my life." "Hottest thing I've ever felt in my life. Not even a week ago I was a skinny twig. Then I got my first blowjob. And then another. And now the one you just gave me." I flexed to accentuate my new musculature and my bicep exploded from my arm. It was so hot. To see that muscle which was only just a bump on my arm not long ago. "Fuck yeah," I muttered to myself. The muscle on my body made me forget the possible embarrassment over what transpired in here. I looked into the mirror and saw a jock looking back. "Hey, uh, think we could leave separately? I just wanna make sure no questions arise as to why two dudes were in the bathroom together. Not that I care, I just don't wanna waste my time answering them." I continued to look into the mirror. I tucked my fingers into my torn collar and watched my forearms flex as I ripped it apart, rending my shirt down the center and watched my torso come into full view. "FUCK," I said aloud, looking at two thick pecs, a clear six-pack, round shoulders with visible striations, and even traps. I had that coveted V-taper going, too. FUCK, I was hot! My arms bulged at my sides as I held the rag that was once my shirt. "But--" he started to protest, I assume. "Thanks, bro. Here--" I tossed the rag that was once my shirt at him, and it landed over his head and face, "--use that to clean up. I'll see ya around, alright?" and I unlocked the door and walked out of the bathroom, my bare torso on display for all to see. I didn't even care. The few people who were even around looked, of course, but no one complained. In fact, almost every look I got was one of lust or pure wonder. I felt myself strutting as I walked. My mind, at first, wanted to correct myself and walk normally, but the thought quickly dissipated. I deserved to strut. I was hot. And, as I exited the building into the hot sunlight, I realized a tan would look really good. And I realized something else. I definitely did leave the building even bigger than when I entered.
  10. pasidious

    Grindr Growth

    Alright, forgive me, please, but this may be a bit unrefined. I worked on this for far longer than I initially wanted to. It was supposed to be a simple, very short story. And then it became what it is. Weeks after starting it, I finally finished. And I'm not even sure I'm happy with it. But, I hope you can at least somewhat enjoy it. As usual, no one in the story is under 18. _______________ Grindr is probably the worst app ever. Wait. Scratch that. PEOPLE are the worst. All Grindr does is connect us to others. And I've found that people can't read or are just plain dumb. I don't know. Either way, I specifically put in my description that I'm attracted to muscular dudes. It's clearly written. So why, oh, why do I constantly still get a bunch of old saggy creepy dudes or skinny twig twinks? And a ton of fat blobs?? I mean, I know I'm no adonis. I'm not exactly a model, either. But I can't help what turns me on. I can't force myself turned on to settle for whatever I can get. If I have to force myself hard, then I might as well just jerk off. No need to involve anyone else. Grindr continues to be a failed experiment for me. I can't win with it. But there's this one ridiculously skinny twink dude who will not relent. I've ignored him, told him no, told him I'm not into him, and all manner of things to reject him. He still constantly messages me. I'm not one to block people. I hate when it's done to me, so I rarely block others. This dude hasn't done anything in particular to offend me. He's just eager and relentless. I have a pretty big cock. Not gonna lie. Eight inches and thick. I used to think I was average until I downloaded Grindr for the first time and got a glimpse of what else is out there. And the reactions I get when people see my cock... it's astounding. So, yeah, not my words. I have a big cock. Which, I suppose, is why many are hungry for it. But I'm turned on by only one thing. Muscle. Which is a concept lost on many. But this relentless dude. He's another level of dense. He doesn't get it. He is convinced I can make an exception. Like he can do something for me that no one else can. He ain't muscular, so it ain't gonna happen. And I've tried. Lord knows I've tried. I can't force it, though. I've even tried in the past to imagine muscles and muscle growth and anything else I can to get hard and stay hard. But it never works. I need the real thing. And he's convinced he needs my cock. "Dude you need to stop. I can't deal with you every day messaging me nonstop and I've told you a billion times by now I'm turned on by muscle." "You haven't experienced what my mouth can do." "Unless you explode into a muscle god from sucking my cock, I don't think there's anything you can do. You're a twig." Which was the most recent transcription of our conversation thread. And he did suddenly stop after that. He'd usually keep barraging me with more messages protesting my stubborn stance, but I'd never been so direct as in my last message. I guess I finally got through to him. But then two days later I got another message from him. I, of course, heard the telltale alert on my phone and, probably too eagerly, opened the app to see who the message was from. And my mood instantly dropped when I saw it was from him. "FUCKING hell," I thought to myself. I honestly thought he was done. "If I workout, will you let me suck you?" was his message. I wanted to plain ignore the message. I didn't want to acknowledge it. I didn't want to open the flood gates for more constant pestering. I didn't believe for one second he'd actually pick up a weight, and even if he did, he'd never do shit with it. But, somehow, the idea of him working out still intrigued me. I'm so attracted to muscle that I figured, what the hell? Let's see if he does anything. And it ain't like he's ugly. He's actually cute. What if he did add some muscle to his body? "If you workout AND add some muscle, then yeah, I'll consider it." And then silence from him for hours. It was past midnight when I got another message. "How much?" "How much what?" "Muscle." "You mean weight?" "Yeah." "Idk dude, decide for yourself." "I need a goal. Set it for me." I sighed. "Uhh, let's say 20 lbs." "That it?" "Don't underestimate how hard it is to gain muscle." "Don't underestimate how bad I want that dick." "Fine make it 50lbs." Then more silence. An hour goes by. Another message. This time a video. "What the fuck," I think. I figured it'd be some dirty and vulgar video, but it was surprisingly something else. The video started with him pointing his phone at his bathroom mirror at his thin, shapeless body. He's shirtless, wearing only cotton shorts, and he points the camera down at a digital scale. The number reads 102. And then the video ends. And then a text message. "Just showing you my starting point. Made it a video so you know I ain't lying." "Ok" was all I could think of to respond with. Still didn't believe for a second he'd actually do anything. I expected he'd be back to his old self in a day or two, messaging me nonstop begging to let him suck me off. "Ok?" he responded after several minutes. "Yeah." "Don't you wanna see me gain muscle?" "Ngl dude I don't think you'll do shit. I'll be surprised as hell if you do, but most dudes who wanna workout don't realize the amount of pain and effort that goes into it and quit within a month. If that." "We'll see." And then he shut up. He didn't say another word. I expected more pestering about letting him suck my dick, promising he'd be bigger soon or some shit, but he said nothing. A week goes by. I still check Grindr and reject the usual dudes who think I'll go for some geriatric action or some other gross shit. But the skinny twink's tile continues to show up. Which, of course, isn't surprising. What was surprising was the silence. Not one word from him. But then he surprised me a bit. His tile was always blank. Like he was one of those "DL" guys who doesn't wanna be seen. But one day a little over a week later his tile was suddenly a decent face picture. "Huh," I thought to myself. "That's weird." I, of course, can never help myself. I open the Grindr app all the time to check to see who's around. I never know when I might encounter someone new who's interesting or maybe even muscled that may actually wanna meet up. But skinny twink is always there. Always on the app. His tile stays right there at the top every time I open it. Another week goes by and his tile remains the same. His new profile picture still throws me off. I can't understand why he was always blank and then suddenly he has an actual photo of himself. Just a simple image of his face, a cute smile. Nothing too cheesy, of course. Just like a school picture or something. But still, he hasn't said a word to me. I found myself half-tempted to actually open his profile and read if he changed anything there. But the app has that new feature that lets people know when you've viewed their profile. I didn't want to open the flood gates. But then there was a new picture. A different picture. It still showed his face. But he wasn't smiling. I mean, it wasn't like he was scowling or anything. But it was definitely an expression upon his face that was more confident. And what's more, it was a little farther away from his face, showing his neck a bit more. And, in the photo, it was clear he was shirtless. Still could only see him mostly from the neck up, but it was clear there was no shirt worn while the photo was taken. Now, this may not seem like an abnormal thing. "So what?" you may be asking. Well, I just recall a more thin appearance to his neck. Maybe I was imagining things. But his neck looked thicker. And, I also didn't even want to believe it, but his traps seemed to be... well, there. Again, might all be inside my head. Maybe the fact that my imagination was running a bit wild after our last conversation and my mind was playing tricks on me and I actually wanted him to workout and bulk up. Well, hell, I did actually want him to workout. I'd love to see a dude actually pick up weights and gain muscle thanks to me in some way. Just... never thought it'd have been in this particular way. But his relentless pestering has always made me want to dislike him. But I couldn't allow myself to get all excited over what will likely amount to nothing. Maybe he was working out. But he'll still be the same skinny twink in the end. Even if he does gain a little weight. I mean, come on. Twinks never really get thick with muscle anyway. What was I even thinking?? I was surely imagining things, anyway. Why was I thinking about this dude so much? I closed the app and moved on to something else I needed to focus on. As it would happen, I didn't actually bother to open the app again for a few days. Work was consuming a lot of my time and even though I'd often be horny, it's not like looking at the app ever amounted to anything anyway, so I would just look at my usual muscle porn, jerk off, and call it a night. By the time I actually did decide to look at Grindr again, it was maybe four days later. The tiles loaded up on the screen of my phone and, of course, it was the usual faces to which I'd grown accustomed after all this time. This area didn't change much. But skinny twink wasn't there. I was surprised. I guess maybe he hadn't been on the app in a while, either. I sometimes had to wonder to myself why I even bothered with Grindr. It's not like I ever really found anyone worth a damn. I was constantly disappointed, and what few dudes I'd actually talked to who I wanted would ghost me. But, I'd still always log on and check it out. But then he reappeared at the top of my list. And this time it was one hell of a new profile picture. I honestly didn't even know it was him at first. I just saw the pic and said to myself "wow"... because the picture was of a flexed arm. A biceps that had to be the size of a tennis ball flexed into a perfect shape, which is of course something that caught my eye immediately. I touched the tile and got a closer look of the sexy arm, and when I swiped the photo to get another image, I saw his face. At first I thought I'd accidentally swiped too hard and I switched to the next profile, but in seconds I felt my heart thud in my chest as I realized it was the same dude, same profile. Skinny Twink. "No fuckin' way," I said aloud to myself. He had to be stealing that photo and trying to pass it off as his own. But the next image he had on his profile dispelled any doubt. He was mugging for the camera, flexed biceps into hardness, and even the top portion of his now developed pecs were in the image. He had a slight cleft between his chest muscles. "Holy fuck," I said aloud to myself. And then I heard the Grindr alert noise that I received a message. And it was from him. Of course it was from him. He got the notification that his profile had a new view. And it was from me. So, no hiding the fact that I've seen his new muscular development. "Want head?" was what his message said. Of course it did. Even with his new muscles he was still the same guy. I didn't respond. I mean, how could I? What would I even say? I didn't want to gush over his new development. I didn't want to come off as too eager. And I hated myself for now being entirely attracted to him. I DID want head. And I wanted to feel his new muscles the entire time. He wasn't huge or anything, based on the photos he has publicly viewable. But his new muscles were tight and sexy. And, I suspected he'd probably continue growing. I felt my cock throb in my shorts. But then he sent another message. "Told ya I wanted that dick. Like what you see?" He baited me. And I took the bait. "You got good at photoshop, huh?" I said. Immediately he hit back with "Lol!" And then a few minutes went by. I put my phone down thinking he'd say nothing else, but then he came back with "How's this?" and seconds later an image came through. And my dick spurted some pre right into my shorts. He was flexing his arm again, this time with a shirt on, but his bicep was bulging up into the sleeve with no space. He made sure his face was in the image as well, and he was smirking. A new thing for him. He'd smile in his pics, but never smirk. This was a look of confidence. "Just took that one" he said. Trying to remain in control, I replied with "How much?" "How much what?" "How much weight you gain?" I asked. And this time many moments went by. I thought he was trying to come up with some plausible number for me to believe since I was still suspicious of whether or not he was being for real. But then the Grindr alert for a new message came through, and it was a video. I eagerly played it. It was very much like the first one he ever sent me. He was standing in the bathroom in front of his mirror, shirtless, and only cotton shorts on. But the similarities ended there. His shoulders were rounded, broader, and his chest was pushing out when before it was completely flat, almost sunken. And he had fucking abs now. Abs! Nothing crazy, barely a 4-pack, but still, abs! And his arm hanging at his side as he held his phone was taut and had the clear appearance of a worked-out arm. His forearm was clearly thicker, and his bicep was bulging even in a relaxed state. And it was just a brief image as he smirked still for the camera right before looking down at the same scale as before. The digital number read 124. Before I could even respond to the video, he sent another message. "22!" I couldn't help myself and I replied with "Jesus". "Can I suck you off now?" he asked. "I thought your goal was 50." "Dude I'll get to 50 and probably more. But you initially said 20. I beat that. I wanna suck that big cock." And my cock was oozing pre into my shorts just at the idea of being able to touch his new body. I felt myself acquiescing. It wasn't quite registering with me that he grew this much in only a month. But I didn't care. "Fine come suck my dick but if you wanna be sure I'm hard and throbbing you gotta show off those muscles for me" "Dude it's literally the whole reason I started working out" and then "What's your address?" I stared at my phone, marveling at the fact I finally did it. I finally got a dude to workout and gain muscle. And it was, according to him, all for me. I couldn't believe it. "??" He was clearly impatient. And I forgot I needed to tell him where I lived. And I told him my address right away. I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel a certain element of whiplash. I went from rejecting this dude whole-heartedly to wanting him in an instant. And not just to suck my cock. And it was a true testament, for me, that muscles truly are the driving force behind my sexuality. Like, yeah, I liked dudes. But my cock only truly responded to muscles. I paced my place, suddenly nervous about the idea of meeting this dude. And, there was still a part of me that believed he was putting on a good and convincing act. I still partially expected to see the same skinny twink when I opened my door. And I wasn't sure exactly how I'd react if that were the case, but if it was, I was hoping I could withhold my tongue well enough to simply slam the door in his face. But then there was a knock on my door. My heart pounded in my chest. I opened the door, and there he was. He was shorter than I expected him to be, but I shouldn't have been surprised. He was fully clothed, and I didn't know if he wasn't quite used to the idea of having muscle on his frame or if he intentionally did it, but he was fully clothed and it wasn't in the type of clothing a gym-rat wears. Most dudes, when their bodies are burgeoning muscle, seek to show it off in any way possible. I would have expected a sleeveless shirt or something, but he was wearing nerd clothes. A stupid too-large t-shirt with one of the billion Call of Duty logos across the top front. And plain gray joggers with black accents around the quad area. His dirty blonde hair was a bit disheveled but that's how it always looked, even before. But, in spite of this, it was still clear he'd put on muscle. His chest was pushing out on that Call of Duty logo. His developing traps were pushing out of his neck a bit, which actually was made obvious thanks to the oversized shirt having a larger neck hole. And, I wasn't too sure on this, but either his quads were thick and wrapped nicely by those joggers, or it was just an affect of the joggers themselves. Hard to say these days with the trendy pants dudes have been wearing lately. And as he stood there, he had this slight grin on his face, and he gave a little wave in greeting, raising his arm and causing his forearm muscles to writhe a bit. "Can I... come in?" he asked. I didn't say anything I just stepped aside. He stepped past me and entered my home, and as I shut the door I turned around to look at him and he'd already made his way into the living room. "Can you... take off your shoes, please?" I asked. "Oh yeah of course dude," he said, and removed his shoes and placed them by the door where I was still standing, brushing past me as he did so. Looking at his form, knowing what was waiting under those clothes, I knew I should be getting hard, but my nervousness was keeping my cock at bay. I moved towards my sofa to sit down, hopefully to encourage him to do the same. I like to ease into these things. I didn't want to just drop my pants. But as I stepped forward, I felt a hand around my arm and he spun me around. I looked down at his face and he was slightly smiling. "Don't keep me waiting," he said, and immediately reached down and palmed my crotch through my pants. I felt a twitch in my cock from his touch. "Uh, whoa," I said, pushing against his chest with my hand, trying to get him to back off a bit. There was definitely muscle in that chest, too. I felt my cock stir further. And he did. Back off, I mean. He stepped back, and I saw his hands clench into fists a few times, making his forearms bunch. "You said I could suck you!" he practically whined. I couldn't help but grin at that. "Yeah, but slow down a bit man. I also said something else, too. Remember?" "Ohh yeah," he said, grinning back at me. And with that, he didn't even waste a moment. He pulled back the sleeve on his right arm and flexed his bicep, triumphantly raising it in the air for me to see. And holy fuck was it beautiful up close. That tennis ball bicep bulged up into hardness, and I felt my mouth drop open. "Holy shit," I said aloud, not entirely meaning to. "Yeah," he simply said, still with a grin. My cock was swelling within my shorts as I gazed upon his newly built muscle. "How about this?" he asked and flexed his other arm, now in a double bicep pose. He didn't pull the sleeve back on this one but his bicep bulged up into the sleeve, almost completely filling the empty space. "H-how?" I stuttered, feeling my cock throbbing into full hardness. "How what?" he asked, cocking his head, lowering his biceps a bit, but still keeping them half-flexed in the air. "How did you gain this much so quickly?" "Oh!" he responded, lowering his arms completely to his sides. The sleeve on the right arm didn't quite lower all the way and his arm remained mostly exposed, and it bulged nicely at his side. "I, uh, started working out right away after I showed you that first weigh-in. I did everything I could to gain muscle. I eat, like, eight-thousand calories a day, most of it protein foods." I stood there, mouth agape, as he told me how it happened. "I really want to suck your cock. Like, really want to suck it. If building my body is what it takes, then I'll do it." "Looks like you already did it," I muttered. He grinned. "Nah, I'm just getting started. Remember? Fifty pounds was the goal." I felt myself panting. He'd gone from an annoying twiggy pest to this sexy gym-rat who was only going to get hotter if he kept going the way he's been going. And hearing him say what he'd just said was... well, sexy as fuck. "But, uh--" I found myself struggling a bit to find words, "--Don't you like being on the, uh, skinny side?" He grinned. "I did. I definitely did. I never wanted to do this. I'm a twink! But, now--" he paused, and raised his arm and flexed that impressive bicep, "--I'm growing. And it feels amazing. I felt my cock throb. Hard. Usually I have control over my cock, but it throbbed super hard and sent shivers throughout my body. I'd always had little half-baked fantasies about things like this, where I would have a dude workout and get big for me and I'd get to reap the benefits. I just never thought it would become reality. And certainly not this guy. "Looks like I've awakened the beast," he said, smirking that new confident smirk, eyeing my now completely hard dick's bulge protruding from the front of my pants. "Fuck," I said, not really meaning to. It was my generic response to a situation that got my dick super hard. He closed what gap there was between us and stood almost nose to nose with me. He almost looked hesitant, but I suspected he was waiting to see if I pushed him away again. I didn't. His hand reached for my crotch and palmed the hard appendage that was writhing within my pants. His fingers ran themselves over me, caressing the bulge. It sent shivers up my spine. He lifted his other arm and flexed his bicep again, that hot tennis ball bulging up against his sleeve. The sight made me shudder. And my cock throbbed again. And suddenly he dropped to his knees. His eyes looked up into mine, and his fingers began undoing my pants. He almost had a submissive expression on his face, and maybe it was entirely submissive. As a skinny twink he was probably used to being in a submissive role. I wasn't interested in domination in any way. And with his burgeoning physique he'd probably find himself in far less situations where he would be playing a submissive role. My cock was leaking pre into my pants in anticipation. I felt the wetness. I was quite the leaker. I could literally feel when my cock would spurt pre, and it was happening a lot. And suddenly I felt my pants dropped, and my cock bounced out, springing up and flinging some pre across his face. It landed on his nose, lips, and across his cheek. He didn't recoil, though. He had a hungry expression on his face and used his tongue to lick up what it could reach. "Fuck, you taste good," he muttered. "Mmm" I grunted, completely unable to think of any words to say. My body was almost in a catatonic state. I felt my breathing becoming heavy. I was so aroused. "Here we go," he said, and his eyes hungrily averted their gaze onto my throbbing member. And he suddenly went into attack mode. He started licking my cock, I guess as a sort of appetizer. I was already shocked at how good it felt. He was running his tongue all over, and my favorite moments were when his tongue would run over the underside of my dick. "Mmmm" he would moan a little from time to time, enjoying himself. And then without warning he popped the head of my cock into his mouth and sucked. "Oh god," I breathed. "Mmm" he grunted, and I could tell he was smiling. And then he did what I should have been waiting for. I mean, I guess I definitely was waiting for it, but I'd been so enthralled by his licking to this point I let it slip my mind. He flexed. He was kneeling before me, my cock at least partially in his mouth, and he flexed both his arms into a double-biceps. "Ohhh god," I moaned, barely able to contain myself as I watched his tennis ball biceps mound up. I felt my cock throb and pulse as he sucked on just the head. I really hope he didn't doubt me when I said muscles turned me on, but if there ever was any doubt, I'm sure it's gone, now. He was able to hold his flex, his biceps hard balls of muscle, while simultaneously sucking on the head of my dick. "Mmm" he grunted and moaned again. But then he let my entire cock slip into his mouth. He swiftly let it slide all the way, and I felt his throat open as the head entered his actual throat, the size too big for just his mouth. And he kept his arms flexed. Here this dude was, flexing his arms and deepthroating my cock. I'd have been lying if I said I wasn't impressed, but I wasn't able to focus on his skills. All I could see were two sexy fucking biceps as my cock was experiencing pleasures I never knew possible. He was bobbing his head know, throat-fucking my big dick. I felt myself bucking my hips in time with his head-bobbing. I could feel a climax coming, sooner than I'd have thought. "Mmmf" he moaned again, and I was almost certain he knew I would climax soon. And, he didn't slow down. In fact, he took his hands and pulled the sleeves back on both arms and flexed again, his biceps on complete display. His delts were now in sight, too, which had also clearly grown. I definitely had to give this dude an 'A' for effort. He tailored this blowjob for me. And the sight of his exposed bulging muscles sent me over the edge. I felt the explosion welling up. And explode, I did. I bucked my hips wildly, the sensation of cum releasing from my balls into my shaft so intense I almost felt my legs give out. But he could somehow sense this. His arms dropped and he reached both hands to the backs of my legs and squeezed. He was holding me steady as his mouth continued to suck, waiting for the deluge of cum. And I felt it happen. The first explosion. It must've hit his throat hard, because he immediately gagged. And he'd been able to keep from gagging to this point. But he didn't let up or release a single centimeter of my dick. He sucked down every drop. And the next shot came and shot into his throat, as he eagerly swallowed that one as well. "MmMmmmM" he moaned, swallowing every drop of cum I shot. Not a single drop escaped his mouth. I must have shot a good 5 or 6 times, each one as voluminous as the last. I felt myself breathing heavily but shallow, almost like I couldn't catch my breath. Like I'd run a marathon or something, and yet I didn't move from this spot. My orgasm was still subsiding, even though I was no longer shooting. He continued suckling at my cock, coaxing what few drops out that were left. I wanted to collapse onto my sofa, but his hands were lingering on the backs of my legs, squeezing them. When I felt my cock finally beginning to soften, I said "Dude that was probably the most intense orgasm I'd ever experienced." I felt his mouth give one last good suck, before he finally let my dick pop out of his mouth. My dick bounced a little as it continued to deflate. He smirked that confident smirk. "Told you you didn't know what this mouth could do." I almost got frustrated with him as he once again seemed to miss what it was my cock responded to. Yeah, he had a skilled mouth, for sure, but it was his muscles that did the job. "Dude," I said, still somewhat breathlessly, "You got a skilled mouth, yeah, but I'm tellin' ya, it was those hot biceps that did the job." "Oh you mean these?" he asked and flexed his arms again, still in that kneeling position in front of me. His sleeves were still pulled all the way back and now with a more clear mind I was seeing them in a somewhat different light. More clearly. They were sexy fucking arms. Like, really sexy. He had beautifully sculpted arms with veins in all the right places. "Y-yeah," I felt and heard myself stutter. He stood up, but didn't stand back or anything. "Whoa," he said, and it looked like he was about to lose his balance. I reflexively reached out and my arms wrapped around his back, holding him in place so he didn't fall. My arms made contact with a hard, tight body, and he allowed himself to be pulled into me. His torso pressed against me, and I could feel his pecs pressing into my body. It felt amazing. I looked into his face and he had this grin. And suddenly his arms went around my body and he kissed me. I was shocked and my first instinct was to push him away, but I suppressed it, suddenly wanting his lips on mine. We kissed for a few seconds, my hands roaming the expanse of his back through his shirt, and I could feel individual muscles. But then he suddenly pulled his face away, still grinning. "I can feel it," he said. "Huh?" I grunted, not even sure if I heard him right. "Feel what?" I asked, but suddenly realized he may have meant my cock which was hardening again, pressed against his body. "Oh yeah, I guess feeling your muscles against me is making me hard again," I chuckled. "No, man." He pushed me away, this time. Not hard or anything; just enough to get about a foot of space between us. But then he looked down at my rising cock and chuckled. "Well, yeah, that, but not that." I cocked my head, furrowing my brow at him. I was entirely confused at this point. "God your cock is hot," he said, eyeing my cock again. But he shook his head as though he was trying to break out of some sort of reverie. "But no, what I feel is your cum." "Oh really?" I chuckled a little. "Was it a lot?" "Fuck yeah it was a lot, but it's not what I mean." His breathing was getting shallow. "Oooof, yeah, I can definitely feel it." "Okay dude, you're starting to get weird on me." "Am I?" he asked, and once again flexed his arms. One of his sleeves fell down but the other was pulled back still. His biceps exploded into size and were once again making my cock throb. One was exposed to the air and I could see a prominent vein running across the peak. The other was wrapped in the sleeve and pressing against the cloth like a second skin. "Fuck your arms are hot," I breathed, yet again taken aback by how sexy his muscles were. He dropped his arms. "You still haven't noticed yet?" "Noticed what?" I asked, my mind clouded a bit by my once again completely hard cock. But then I did notice it. His chest. It was pushing out of that shirt way more than it was when he arrived. And I knew it wasn't just my imagination because I remember specifically how it looked based on the logo on the shirt. His chest had grown. In the span of less than an hour. "Oh fuck," I said, and then "How are-- How is--- What's happ--" "I'm growing, dude." My dick was still exposed to the air, my pants around my ankles. And it was harder than ever, throbbing wildly as I stood there looking at this former twink. He was still twink-ish when he arrived, but that was becoming a thing of the past. Right in front of me. "H-How?" "All I needed was your cum. Now--ungn--it's time for me to--oh god--get huge." And in that instant, he suddenly grew about an inch in height. He was only about a foot away from me, and I was looking down at him a little, but my eyes were suddenly looking more directly forward. "Fuck yes," he breathed, and then "Ohhh god" and he shot up another inch. His shirt tightened around his chest even further. "Fuck!" I said, not even meaning to. My cock was pulsing and throbbing at this sight before me. "Yeah, watch me grow," he said, and flexed his arms. They both exploded into baseballs, the sleeve tightening to painted-on status on the one arm the sleeve was still covering. The other arm was too big now for the sleeve to even naturally fall on its own. "Grrr" he literally growled as he held his flexed arms, visibly shaking as he was clearly flexing as hard as he could. And I saw his face light up as his arms simultaneously pulsed bigger as we both watched them. "Holy fuck," I whispered. "Yeah, you ready?" he asked. "Ready for wha--" I got out before he swiftly extended both arms and then flexed them again. This time they once again grew bigger, and the sleeve covering his one arm busted open in a loud POP as the threads all snapped. "FUCK yeah!" he shouted, continuing to flex and unflex his biceps. And then he lowered his arms and rolled his shoulders back a bit so his chest was more prominently visible, and what a chest it had become. His cliché Call of Duty logo was stretched across bigger pecs, much bigger than when he walked in. He looked down at his own chest and I watched as he bounced each side individually, seemingly to a tune only he could hear. And then he bounced them both at the same time, really making the front of the shirt jump, with one sleeve bunched up still between his biceps and delt, and the other sleeve hanging like a rag from his other arm. "Oooo yeahhh UNNGH," he practically moaned, and I watched his chest bulge outward in one short burst, like it was waiting for the perfect moment to grow bigger. RRRRRIP his shirt tore down the center as he flexed his newly grown pecs, and a beautiful cleft was visible now. "OH! OHH!" he gasped, and he shot up another several inches in height. I was looking up at him now, my head forced to tilt backwards. And suddenly I was overly aware my cock was standing straight up and out, throbbing intensely with greater vascularity than I've ever seen in my entire life, oozing pre onto my carpet. And there have been plenty of moments in my past when I thought I was turned on and harder than ever before. This, by far, topped any previous moment. I was... afraid? I guess? To even move. Like, if I moved, this entire fantasy playing out in front of me would dissipate and I'd wake up in my bed. His shirt was laughable, at this point, as it was basically a big rag hanging off of him. He rolled his shoulders again, and more rips could be heard as he deliberately pulled it as tight as he could across his back. His lats were wider. "I guess I don't need this anymore," he said, smirking, and took one hand and pulled his shirt off his body in one fluid motion, tearing it apart in the process. He tossed the now useless rag it had become across the room, his biceps bulging impressively as he did so. "Fuck--unnngg--look at me! I love this!" he shouted, flexing his arms triumphantly high in the air. His joggers had ridden up his legs thanks to his increased height. They were only covering down to just below his knees, and the elastic cuffs were stretched really tight around his now-bulging calves. I never got a real look at his legs before now, but I imagine they were skinny stick legs like many twinks have. The kind that had zero muscle tone and you'd wonder how the dude even walked on his own without help. But his calves now were clearly muscular. You know how you can see the calf muscle on an athlete's leg even from the front? That's what his looked like now. And they were twitching and swelling bigger as he stood in front of me. But that certainly wasn't all I could see. Because as I allowed my eyes to finally drift away from his calves, I could finally take a moment to realize his joggers were now wrapped tight around his upper legs, as well. His quads were getting bigger and bigger, clearly, as the cloth was unable to hide any longer the fact there was muscle beneath it. The individual heads of his quads were even visible through the cloth. "I see--nng--you've noticed my--uungh--legs," he said, grunting as he continued to swell before me. "I really liked these--ughh--joggers," he said, and I had the privilege of seeing him flex his legs and hearing RRIIPPP as his joggers tore up the sides, his muscular flesh swiftly becoming exposed to the air. "OH, OH FUCK," I gasped, as my cock exploded cum in a torrent, ropes of my juice shooting out across from me. My body shuddered as I shot blast after blast, before finally subsiding after, I think, 5 shots. "Holy shit," I rasped, breathless. I just came without even touching myself. I opened my eyes, not even realizing I'd closed them, to notice some of my cum landed on his abs. "Shit dude, did you just blow a load without even touching your cock?" he asked, looking down at his own abs and the globs of cum that had landed on him. "Man you really are a muscle fag." "Uhh, I... I think so..." I barely got out. And then "Wait, w-what?" "Well I guess I--oh god--shouldn't let any of it go to waste," he grunted, ignoring my "what," his abs clenching and defining themselves as he spoke. I gasped as I watched him take his fingers, his vascular forearms twitching has he brought his hand down to his abs and scooping up as much as he could and bringing it back to his face, sliding his tongue across his hand, eagerly swallowing up as much as he could. "Mmmm" he moaned, "You really do taste fucking good." I could only just stand there, as realization set in that he just ingested more of what made him start growing into this... beast before me. "A-are you g-gonna... get even b-bigger from that?" He grinned. "I'm not even done growing from the first load." He flexed his arms again to accentuate his point. His arms pulsed and grew even bigger as he did. "AHH" he gasped, as once again his height shot up another couple of inches, his joggers ripping even further. "Oof," he grunted, "There it is. I can--unghh--feel it charging me up again." "Every second--uff--that goes by I think to myself 'that's gotta be it, there can't be more,' and then--unggh--I get even bigger!" "Oh fuck," I whispered, feeling helpless as this former twink continued his transformation into a... well, a god. Looking at his biceps now, my body shivered. They had grown huge. They were bigger than softballs now, and still growing. His height continued to increase to accommodate more muscle on his frame. "Mmmffuck yeah," he muttered, in awe of his own flexed biceps as he looked, almost lovingly, from one to the other. "This power..." he muttered, and trailed off. He lowered his arms and then arched them out at his sides, like he was about to flex into a most-muscular pose, but stopped short. "Ohhh this power welling--ughh--up inside of me!" and I watched in absolute awe as he suddenly surged bigger. His whole body exploded with size in an instant, and what remained of his joggers exploded off his legs and the soft cloth fluttered to the floor. "Ohmigod" I heard myself say. As the rags that were once his joggers fell to the floor, the former twink was now completely nude, and I watched as a gigantic semi-hard cock flopped out from its confines. I don't know how I hadn't noticed it until now; maybe it was the fact he was transforming into a muscle god before my eyes, but his cock was now bigger soft (or at least semi-soft) than mine is fully hard. And I noticed I was once again completely full throbbing hard. He now towered over me. He was easily at least 6'7", maybe taller. He held his arms arched at his sides, and he almost... glowered at me, but his mouth was upturned enough it was still a smirk. "Still... grrrrr" he growled, and suddenly he flexed into an actual most-muscular, his muscles exploding into stark relief, veins snaking all over his body. His cock was swelling bigger, pulsing, hardening, and standing out and rising. "RRRR Still... Grrrowwwwwiiiinggg" he moaned, and continued to swell in front of me. His biceps and pecs were literally throbbing, increasing in size with each throb as his heart pumped blood through his engorged veins. His head was rising up as he grew taller, and his shoulders were spreading even farther apart as hard, striated muscle wove into tight boulders on each side of his head, attached to rising traps that surrounded a strong, thick bull neck. I felt my cock throbbing hard and I could actually feel yet another ejaculation brewing at the base of my crotch. The feeling was intensifying as my wildest fantasy was coming true before my eyes. But I somehow felt a pressing need to keep myself from blowing yet another load; some sort of sixth sense was telling me I needed to keep him from growing any bigger than he was going to get. "Yesssss..." he breathed, his voicing dropping an octave. "God fucking damn..." I muttered. His growth finally seemed to come to a stop as his head brushed up against the ceiling. I could actually hear it happen when it made contact. And, based on his attitude, I don't think he'd have made any effort not to bust right through the ceiling had he grown any bigger. "Fuck yessss..." he rumbled, his chest heaving as he breathed heavily. He launched into a mind shattering double-biceps, and the Cheshire Cat grin that formed on his face was so menacing I almost wanted to run out my front door. "Is this what you like?" he asked, shifting into an impressive side-chest pose. The fluidity of his pose was confusing to me. It's like he'd been practicing bodybuilding poses. His cock was huge, jutting out from his body like... well, cliché as it sounds, a third fucking leg. But, speaking of legs, his actual legs were tree trunks. Giant, decades old Oak tree trunks. I nodded. I couldn't find words. "I think I met my goal of 50 pounds, huh?" he rumbled. I nodded again. "Can I suck you off again?" he asked, finally relaxing his huge muscles and standing relaxed in front of me. He reminded me of The Hulk, just not green. And still with the face of a twink. I didn't know how to respond to his question. Was he actually asking? I wasn't sure I wanted him any bigger. Not in my home, anyway. But, before I could even think of a response, he said "Wait. What am I doing?" and he dramatically raised his hand to his forehead and slapped it with the palm of his hand. "I don't need your permission any longer. I can literally take it by force. Think you could stop me?" he asked, and flexed his impressive mountain of a vascular bicep right in my face. "Uhh..." I made a sound. I had no response. I felt like I didn't want to poke the bear and I couldn't tell if he was being funny. And that was somehow scarier than actually knowing he wasn't joking. "Am I still a twig? Huh? Was I so unworthy of your time when I was just a twig?" he growled. Suddenly his bigger hands were grasping my upper arms. I yelped as I realized he wasn't joking around. And suddenly my feet were dangling in the air as he held me up with no effort, my pants left in a puddle on the floor, my hard cock still leaking pre as it stuck right out from my body, still steel hard. "I'll suck you off when I'm ready, bro. But I wanna test this new dynamic out." Surprisingly, he let me down gently. "Wh-wh-wha--" I stuttered. "Shut the fuck up." Suddenly there was immense weight on my shoulders as I felt him pressing down on them with the palms of his hands. He let one hand off me and wrapped his fingers around his newly giant member. "You'd better get used to sucking dick. I know it ain't your thing, but, I don't care. Open wide." He was so tall now, I didn't even need to get on my knees.
  11. dw2098lj

    The Car Salesman - Chapter 5

    It's be a long time coming - sorry about that - but here's chapter 5. There will be more (I've already started chapter 6). Here's links to the previous chapters as it's been a while: Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 I’d heard from friends into fitness that there was only one gym in our town worth visiting and as I walked in I could see why. The huge space was packed with an enormous array of equipment, most of which looked like medieval torture devices. Fuck yeah, I thought. This is my kingdom now. At this time of day my kingdom was pretty quiet, the main patrons being middle-aged women, presumably driven to working out by absent husbands. There were a couple of cougars standing close to me, just on the other side of the cross-trainers. They were talking, gossiping I guessed, clearly not much working out going on. I noticed that one of them, a blonde in her 40s wearing skin-tight lycra kept glancing in my direction. I felt so confident in my new muscle body that I couldn’t help giving her a little flex of the guns and a seductive smile. She nearly fell over in response. As I strutted across the gym floor I noticed that heads, both male and female, were turning. Some were trying to hide it, others who were perhaps close enough to smell my scent literally stopped mid rep to stare at my hulking frame. Out of the corner of my eye I spotted one guy running on a treadmill stumble as he caught sight of me, only just saving himself from falling in a dramatic heap on the floor. I smirked, feeling my cock stir slightly at the attention my Muscle-God body was getting. Pausing for a second, I considered where to start my workout – not on the treadmills or cross-trainers, that was for sure – instead, I headed straight over to one of the sitting chest press machines, squeezing my huge torso in behind the handles. It was an incredibly tight fit. Now what? Everything felt both incredibly alien but also entirely…well, right. I reached down for the pin, and slotted it in about halfway down the weight rack – I’ve got to start somewhere, I thought to myself. Grabbing the handles, I began to press forwards and back with ease, incredible ease – my mammoth pecs barely felt like they were doing any work at all. Despite never having lifted a weight before in my life I could tell that my form was perfect – my newly muscled body just knew what to do. 10…20…30…40…50 reps passed without me even realising – I’m not even sure I started counting straight away. It felt like I could have kept going forever – I mean, who knows, maybe I could…?! “Ha, this is too easy,” I chuckled to myself as I set the handles back and reached for the pin again, moving it to the very bottom of the rack. Let’s give this a go. Without pause I started another set and immediately noticed the slight strain the extra weight was putting on my chest. It felt good. In fact, it felt fucking incredible as my pecs started to fill with blood and I experienced my first ever ‘pump’. Looking down, I swear within a couple of reps, veins started to pop up over my chest, which was exposed above the muscle vest I’d bought the day before at a local sportswear shop. 5..10…15…20 reps passed and I started to slow a little. My colossal chest muscles were screaming with fatigue but I carried on, forcing them to grow. I needed more size. “Twenty-one…twenty-two…twenty-three…” I grunted out loud. It felt like my pecs were going to explode. “TWENTY-FOUR…TWENTY-FIVE…” I screamed, loud enough to turn even the heads of people who weren’t already staring as I let the weights fall back onto the stack with a crash. I looked down at my swollen, aching pecs. “Fuuuck…” I moaned as I reached up and massaged the pumped-up slabs of muscle with my big hands. My pecs felt incredible under my fingers…firm, strong and full of power…so fucking masculine. I let out a low moan as I realised that my cock was semi hard in my tight gym shorts, clearly visible to anyone looking in my direction. Rubbing one hand down the length of my rapidly swelling cock, I continued to worship my enormous pecs with the other, moaning all the while. I thought I’d never be able to stop worshipping my insane torso when I remembered that I could make the feeling even better. My body needed more. I never wanted to lose that incredible pumped feeling. “Again…!” I grunted to myself as I grabbed the handles once more and started my next set. The reps flew by and I felt so fucking powerful as the pump grew more and more intense. Each rep flooded my massive muscles with blood, my vest rapidly stretching to breaking point. I looked down to see the deep valley that formed between the immense mountains of my pecs as they contracted with each rep. A light sheen of sweat was starting to cover each mound of muscle, soaking through the fabric of my strained vest. The smell emanating from my exposed pits was intoxicating, even for me. “I’m…a…fucking…BEAST!” I roared, a word between each of the final reps before dropping the handles and smacking my fists into each of my engorged pec muscles. “Fuck YEAH!” I screamed, throwing my head back. My heart was racing as I closed my eyes and took great, heaving breaths, my mind focussed on only two things. Lifting more. Growing. “Excuse me pal…” said a male voice nearby – weedy, pathetic in nature. I opened my eyes to survey the source of this interruption. Standing in front of me was a personal trainer I’d passed on the way in – the one delegated to man the reception. He looked to be in his early 20s, blonde, not in bad shape with an athletic build and a bit of muscle on his tall frame. Nothing in comparison to me, however. “What?!” I asked, gruffly, still panting from the exertion of my last set. “Erm…well…I was wondering if you could keep the noise down buddy?” he asked, feigning confidence, pretending we were friends. I laughed, deep and booming. “No, I don’t think so,” I replied simply, my voice a growl, the matter closed. I was ready for my next set and began to position myself, eager to make my muscles explode even more than they were already. “Well…pal…I’m really going to need you to keep the noise down,” he persisted. “Some of the other gym users are starting to complain.” This time there was no laughter. Instead, I prised myself out of the chest press machine and stood to my full height, taking one step towards this irritating pretty boy who, I was pleased to see, immediately looked nervous. “Now…buddy…I don’t want any trouble,” he pleaded, a slight quiver in his voice. I saw red. “I AM NOT YOUR BUDDY!” I roared, before grabbing under both of his arms and lifting him up towards the ceiling. It was as if he weighed nothing. I could have destroyed him right then, showing him what this muscle beast body could do, and I very nearly did. At that moment though, I noticed the bulge forming in his shorts, right in front of my face and knew that the AlphaScent was taking effect. I laughed – a great, deep, booming, laugh – as I set him back down on the floor. “Oh dear…it looks like you’re getting a bit too excited,” I mocked, looking pointedly at his small bulge. “No…p-please…I’m n-not,” he stammered, trying to hide the bulge with his hands. “You can’t help it boy…I mean just look at this massive body.” I pulled a double biceps, mere inches in front of his pathetic face. With my pits exposed, he was hit with the full effects of the AlphaScent. “You want to touch these muscles, don’t you boy?” I asked, my voice low, masculine. He nodded. He couldn’t resist what was in front of him. “Speak up!” I ordered. “Yes…” he moaned, now not bothering to hide the tiny bulge in his gym shorts. “Yes, what?” “Yes…Sir” he replied immediately, breathing deeply and inhaling more of my masculine scent, unconsciously edging even closer to me. I wanted to get back to my workout, but I had time for a quick bit of fun. Most of the other gym users had stopped their workouts to turn their heads and stare. Let’s give them something to stare at. “Lick boy,” I ordered, putting one hand behind my head, bicep bulging, and placing my hairy pit in front of his face. He didn’t even pause. The young personal trainer, who I suspect had never done anything with another guy before, buried his face in my ripe pit, tongue out, and licked hungrily from bottom to top. “Mmmmm….fuck…you taste good,” he moaned, reaching down with one hand to rub his pathetic cock whilst he inhaled deeply. He couldn’t stop himself and dived in to lick my manly pit for a second time… “Oh no…I think that’s enough,” I teased, pushing him back with one strong hand. He resisted, desperately trying to make it back to my sweaty muscle pit. “Please sir…let me…I need…your…” He could barely speak, overcome. “That’s enough,” I barked. “I’m not finished pumping these massive pecs yet.” He fell silent, clearly eager to watch. I looked around – a few gym goers were walking fast towards the exit, throwing nervous glances over their shoulders. Others were rooted to the spot, unmistakeably transfixed by the sight in front of them. There was another, not insignificant, group who were subconsciously edging closer and closer. Perfect. “Need more weight,” I growled, looking around until I spotted a workout bench nearby. It was already set up with a barbell over the top and a few plates left on by the previous user. I sauntered over, knowing that the desperate PT was following close behind. “This will do,” I rumbled, picking up more plates from the floor and loading them onto the bar until it was bending downwards at both ends. As I lay down on the bench, the muscle-hungry PT stood himself by my head, as if ready to spot me. Ha. Like I’d need a spotter. I un-racked the bar, holding it straight above my pecs before slowly starting to lower it. “Fuuuuck,” I growled, a mixed feeling of pain and pleasure spreading across my chest as I relished the increased weight. At the bottom of the rep I glanced down – it looked like my pecs were going to fucking explode in front of me. As I began to push the bar up, I noticed the PT reach for the small bulge in his shorts, unable to resist rubbing his cock through the fabric. “Oh no you fucking don’t boy,” I growled at the top of the rep. “Hands behind your back until I say you can touch that pathetic twig.” He obeyed immediately, an almost pained expression on his face as he watched me power through the next few reps. My whole body felt alive with the pump as veins popped up all over my arms and upper chest and sweat dripped from me. The previously loose vest was getting closer and closer to breaking point, stretched across the colossal mass of my pumped pecs. “Fucking…muscle…alpha…” I grunted, gasping for breath between each word, urging my body to obey. To lift. To grow. I managed the first five reps without too much difficulty. Through reps six and seven though, my arms started to shake a little, my tortured chest screaming for relief. I thought rep eight would be my last as I brought the bar down to my chest and began the long press back up again. **RIP** “Oh FUCK,” I moaned, looked down to see that a small tear had formed in the middle of my vest as the fabric started to pull apart, the huge globes of my pecs stretching it in opposing directions. The boy had noticed it too. “Oh my God,” he moaned. “You’re going to explode out of that vest…” From below, I could see that a euphoric look passed across his face. “Oh fuck…I’m going to cum…” he groaned, still resisting the urge to touch himself. The thought of this previously straight young jock cumming handsfree just from the sight of my mammoth body, spurred me on. “NINE…” I screamed, lowering the bar once more. As I pushed up, the rip in my vest started to travel southwards. “Oh fuck,” the boy moaned, his body starting to writhe in agonised pleasure. “TEN…” I bellowed, the sound escaping me like some animal in heat. I paused at the bottom of the rep, looking up at the PT as he suddenly bent double, a wet stain appearing in the front of his shorts as he started to orgasm, his cock shooting forth load after load of cum. My own cock was rock hard in my shorts, inches of throbbing, leaking man-meat snaking down my muscular quad. “FUUUUUCK” I screamed, pressing up one final time, my gigantic pecs swelling up in front of my eyes. It was too much for my poor vest which tore even further, exposing my beyond-pumped pecs in their entirety. Letting out a final grunt, I re-racked the bar before sitting up and reaching down to grab the tatters of my new vest. With one pull I ripped it from my sweaty, engorged, pumped torso and threw it to the floor. “I’M A FUCKING BEAST!” I roared, once again hitting my aching pecs with both fists before pulling a massive most muscular pose in the face of the still-orgasming personal trainer. On instinct I reached into his gym shorts, scooping his huge, sticky load onto my fingers. “THIS LOAD WAS FOR ME SLUT!” I yelled in his face before reaching up to feed him his own seed. He didn’t hesitate, hungrily licking my hand and sucking on my fingers, not wanting to waste any of his own load. Once he’d got every drop, I grabbed his top with both hands and tore it down the middle, exposing his own toned torso. “Take these off,” I ordered, gesturing to his stained gym shorts. He immediately obeyed, slipping them down to the floor and kicking them off to the side. He stood in front of me, naked, his tiny cock still rock hard above his smooth balls. He had a great body, clearly having spent a long time in the gym but it looked like nothing standing next to my colossal mass. I suddenly became aware of others, remembering that we were not alone in this gym. I looked up to see that there were between five and ten gym goers left, surrounding me and the PT – a mix of men and women – all of them with a look of pure lust on their faces, intoxicated at the sight and scent of me. Some of the guys already had their cocks out and were jerking them furiously, overcome by the scene in front of them. The blonde cougar I’d seen earlier was closest and first to act. She walked towards me and started pulling off her gym clothes until she too was standing in front of me completely naked. “Oh baby,” I moaned, taking in her hot body, my rock-hard cock seemingly getting even harder in my tight gym shorts. “You’re so fucking big,” she responded simply, starting to grind her exposed pussy against my massive, tree-trunk quads, moaning all the while. “Yeah baby,” I grunted, pulling a double biceps pose. “You love this huge muscle body, don’t you?” She moaned some more, and nodded in response, biting her lower lip in the sexiest way. Still grinding on my upper leg, her hands explored my pecs and biceps and she dug her fingers into my aching muscles. “You too boy…worship your alpha,” I ordered to the personal trainer. He joined the cougar and I groaned as two sets of hands roamed over my swollen muscles, both moaning at the sensations my body provided. I pulled different poses, flexing all muscle groups in response to their squeezing, kissing and licking. Pecs…biceps…quads…abs…lats…delts…triceps… Flexing over and over. A constant stream of poses… The boy couldn’t keep away from my muscle pits, repeatedly burying his face in there and inhaling deeply. The cougar couldn’t help grinding her pussy and tits over whichever part of me was closest. I shut my eyes and enjoyed the feeling of being worshipped, groaning and grunting, my cock aching as it leaked what felt like gallons of pre. Suddenly I was aware that there were more than four hands exploring my body and my eyes sprang open. The sight in front of me nearly made me cum there and then. The other gym goers had all stripped naked and were crowded around me, cocks hard, pussies exposed, all of them moaning and lusting over me. “I’M A FUCKING GOD,” I exploded, increasing the intensity of my flexing in response to the sea of worshippers around me. I loved how they jostled with each other for room, desperate to get as close to me as possible. I felt someone grab the waistband of my gym shorts and pull them down, letting out my rock-hard, aching cock which whacked up against my cobbled abs. “Mmmmm…that feels good,” I moaned, as unseen hands wrapped around my man-meat and began to stroke. To be worshipped by this many people was driving me insane, causing me to let out deep moans which reverberated in my expansive chest. I marvelled as the group collectively pushed me backward, forcing me to lie down on the workout bench behind me. They were being turned crazy by this fucking alpha muscle God as they continued to grind against me. None of them spoke except to utter expletives and worship in equal measure. “Shit…his biceps…” “So fucking massive” “Mmmm…look at these quads…” “So…masculine” “…enormous fucking pecs…” Their naked bodies pressed in, surrounding me as I looked up at the ceiling – I could barely move except to bounce and flex my muscles for their pleasure. So many hands and mouths were exploring every inch of my massive body, still jostling against each other for prime positions. I looked down to see two of those gathered, one girl and one guy, start to suck on my big sexy nips. “Mmmmmm….yeah…fuuuuck…worship me,” I moaned, so turned on by the attention I was getting, gradually losing control. The sensation was almost overwhelming. The young PT was standing to close to my head, his tiny cock directly in my eyeline as I looked up. He was furiously jerking off with two fingers of one hand whilst his other hand explored any inch of me he could reach. He was out of control, moaning constantly as he grabbed my delts…my pecs….my biceps…my traps… Without any warning his whole body began to convulse as he had his second massive orgasm of the day. Huge streams of cum shot from the end of his pathetic cock, splattering across my pecs and abs and running down the deep crevices of my upper body. “Fuck man…” I moaned, about to object to him shooting his load all over me. My words died in my mouth, however, as three other guys also started to erupt, covering my torso in great ribbons of their cum as they screamed in orgasm. Fuck. Is this what being an alpha means? Getting covered in other dudes’ cum? I wondered how the fuck Karl dealt with this. Perhaps I applied too much of the AlphaScent or maybe I applied it too soon before coming to the gym… These guys were going insane… I was distracted from my confused thoughts by the feeling of someone pressing down on my rock-hard, aching cock. Through the mass of bodies in front of me I could just make out the hot cougar who had positioned herself to straddle my midriff. She was slowly lowering herself down onto my impressive tool, her wet pussy encompassing me. “FUCK baby,” I moaned, “that feels incredible”. All thoughts of other guy’s cum left my head as I started to buck my hips, driving my thick cock up inside the hot blonde. Her big tits started to bounce as I pummelled her with my man-meat. “OH FUCK, take this massive cock!” I roared, starting to fuck her hard and fast. I was out of control. A beast. An animal rutting. The cougar reached down to run her hands over my pumped, swollen pecs and then my abs, all the while moaning and bucking on my enlarged cock. “Feels…so…big…” she moaned, between each of my thrusts. She started to massage her own breasts in total ecstasy. The rest of the group continued to worship my God-like body with their hands and mouths, grinding on me, driven muscle-crazy by the sight in front of them. Even the guys who had just cum were still jerking their still-rock-hard cocks as I flexed and fucked. I pulled my arms up into a double biceps again and immediately the PT started to grind his cock on my granite muscles. “So strong…” he moaned, rubbing his tiny tool over my enormous biceps, leaving a trail of sticky pre-cum over the swollen peaks. Within seconds he had shot yet another load, just as big as the first two, covering my biceps in his man juice. I grunted in response, ready to object to being covered in his load yet again when I noticed how fucking good my bicep looked with his cum running off it. I was surprised that thoughts of bringing my bicep to my mouth and licking his massive load off my swollen muscles filled my head. “Fuck!” I growled, as I continued to pound the attractive cougar. Her pussy felt so good around my swollen cock. Someone tweaked my big sexy nips. “FUCK!” I screamed in response, bucking my hips on the workout bench. An incredible feeling was building in my aching balls… I thrust up hard and fast. There were hands over my biceps…my pecs…my delts. Someone was licking my quads. “FUCK!” I roared, sweat pouring off my engorged pecs, trickling down my abs. The cougar bounced on my massive tool. The feeling was getting more and more intense… I looked down, gasping. My whole body was covered in sweat and rivers of cum. I felt someone massaging my swollen balls. “FUUUUCKKKKK!” I screamed, as I could take no more and my cock started to explode. My whole body writhed and bucked, cum shooting up deep inside the cougar who also thrashed around in her own orgasm. “SUCH A FUCKING GOD….!”. It felt like the feeling would never end, my whole body on fire with pleasure, my cock still erupting rivers of warm cum. Before I knew what was happening, though, the cougar had been pulled off my cock and fell, semi-conscious to the floor. She was immediately replaced by someone else – it was the young personal trainer. He’d grabbed some lube and I watched as he applied it liberally to my cock and his hole. “What the FUCK guys?!” I barked, trying to get up from the workout bench. The bodies around me closed in, pressing down on my upper body as they continued their uncontrolled worship of my divine body. I couldn’t move. Fuck. “STOP…!” I roared, desperately trying to free myself. I didn’t want to fuck a guy. It was no use. I felt the PT starting to lower himself. My cock was still rock-hard and now pressed against his tight, lubed-up hole. “Please…” I moaned. Too late. My massive cock head popped through his virgin hole. “Fuck,” he screamed, moaning as he continued to lower himself onto my cock. He didn’t pause once, clearly hungry for my massive tool. As I watched, the most amazing feeling developed in my cock and balls. “FUCK, that feels incredible!” I roared, forgetting my previous objections. Spurred on by my pleasure, the PT lower himself all the way, so that I was balls-deep inside him. Instinctively I began to thrust upwards as he simultaneously started to ride my masculine man-meat. I was nearly thrown unconscious by how incredible this felt. “I’M…A…FUCKING…MUSCLE…BEAST!” I screamed between thrusts, watching as his tiny cock bounced, flipping up to hit the bottom of his abs over and over again. I was still surrounded by a huge number of bodies. Hands continued to worship me. Mouths continued to lick and kiss. The cougar lay comatose on the floor. The PT rode my cock like he’d been taking dick for years. I still lay on the workout bench, barely able to move for the pressure of bodies on top of me. I reached down to grab the PT’s tight waist, pulling him down deeper onto my raging cock. He screamed in response, his eyes rolling back. “Give me your massive cock,” he moaned, his hands exploring my huge arms and flexed pecs. I obliged, slamming into him hard…forcing myself deep inside him. “Feels…so…good,” he whimpered, slamming his hips down. He was getting close. I was desperate to shoot another load. “You’re gonna take my load bitch…” I moaned as I fucked him faster and faster. For the second time, I felt the most amazing feeling building in my balls. My whole body felt like it was going to orgasm at any moment and my vision started to close in, black spots appearing at the edges. “FUUUUUUCK!” I roared as my cock swelled up and started to erupt deep inside the muscular jock. The first time I’d ever cum inside another guy. “FUCK…FUCK…FUCK!” I moaned desperately as my hips bucked and my cock continued to spurt cum inside him. I could feel my consciousness slipping. The darkness around the edge of my vision, expanding. I was going to blackout at any second from pure pleasure. Instinctively, I reached up to grab his tiny cock, only having to stroke it just once before it erupted in front of my eyes. He shot his biggest load so far, massive globs of cum covering my already saturated pecs and abs. As he continued to ride my cock some of his cum flicked up onto my face, trickling down into my mouth. I moaned as I gave in and swallowed it hungrily. The darkness expanded. *** I came back round to the sound of continued moaning and grunting. The incredible feeling in my cock and balls was sustained. It felt like it would never end. My eyes slowly opened and I took in what was going on – bodies still surrounded me but the PT had been replaced by someone else. Another woman, around the same age as the cougar, was now taking her turn on my cock, bouncing on my still-erect man-meat. I groaned as, once more, the darkness closed in. *** There was a different feeling this time. Still, I was aware of someone bouncing up and down on my aching cock but there was something else going on. A new sensation. I opened my eyes and moaned. A guy was standing over me, his fat cock stretching my lips as he fucked my throat. Someone else was riding my cock. A heap of semi-conscious bodies lay on the floor. I felt as the cock in my mouth swelled and started to convulse. Rivers of hot, sticky cum shot down my throat. Fuck. *** Before opening my eyes once more, I surveyed my senses, trying to work out if it was over. I could tell that my abused cock was now resting soft on my abs. There were no hands or mouths pressing into me. There was nothing in my mouth, except for the taste of another guys cum. The whole place smelt of sex. I gradually opened my eyes and gazed downwards. My enormous pecs continued to heave with each of my deep breaths, covered in a mix of sweat and cum. Beyond, my abs too were covered in various body fluids which filled the deep ridges between each cobbled muscle. I sat up slowly, my whole body aching, feeling the blood rush down from my head and nearly blacking out once more. I managed to cling onto consciousness and took in the scene in front of me. “What the fuck happened?” I moaned out loud.
  12. NewGuy71

    Late Night at the Gym

    Hey guys. This story was co-written with NovelAI's Sigurd model, using the new Custom AI Module feature wherein I basically fed the AI trainer ~600KBs of muscle theft stories and this was the result. Late Night at the Gym It's late and you're working out in a mostly empty gym. The only other people around are the night staff, but it's mostly a skeleton crew. You prefer the quiet, however, as opposed to working out while the gym is crowded and full of jocks and fratboys. You're not some scared weakling, but you're not a big guy either. You've been working out at this gym for a year already, and you've yet to put on any real muscle or size. You're starting to wonder if maybe you're just destined to be a small Asian twink forever. You're finishing up your workout when you spot one of the personal trainers, Tyler, walking up to you. The handsome blond towers over you at 6' 4", and his tight muscle tee and gym shorts leave little to the imagination. His muscular 240-pound body is the product of years of hard work, and you've always wanted a body as ripped and sculpted as his. Tyler grins as he approaches, "Hey, little man. Working hard, tonight?" Despite his intimidating size, the bodybuilder has always been helpful and friendly towards you. Probably because you've fooled around together in the locker room more than once after a late-night workout. You eye the outline of the obvious semi in the bigger man's gym shorts. "Yeah, but it looks like someone wants a workout of a different kind..." "Oh yeah? Well, if you're up for it." His biceps bulge as he crosses his arms with a smirk. You can't help but stare at the huge muscles flexing beneath the thin fabric of his shirt. Your cock twitches inside your sweatpants as you imagine burying your face in those massive pecs, worshipping them with your tongue. It doesn't take long before you find yourself sitting in Tyler's lap in the empty locker room, doing just that. Both of you had stripped off your shirts, and the muscular blond sat on the bench with his arms behind his head as you proceeded lick at the exposed muscle before you. You licked the sweat off the handsome bodybuilder's impressive pecs, swirling your tongue around his nipples. He moans softly into the air as you suckle at his fat buds, running your hands all over him. You press against his chest, feeling how much larger and thicker he is compared to you. How could anyone possibly resist this hulking titan? A thick, heady musk billows out of the blond's exposed pits. You inhale deeply, drinking in the scent of masculine arousal until it becomes too intense for you to bear. You break away from his torso and kneel between his legs, licking eagerly at the pungent treasure trail leading down to his groin. He lifts himself off the bench as you pull of his shorts. You moan lustily as you bury your nose deep in the dense patch of hair surrounding his shaft. His manly scent is even thicker now, and you run your hand along his impressive length. Not only was Tyler blessed with good looks and great muscle building genetics, but unlike most bodybuilders he had a great cock too. At 10.5 inches of thick, white manmeat, it was a wonder how the blond was so humble. You wrap your lips tightly around the big tip, sucking it greedily into your mouth. You bob up and down slowly, savoring every inch of his magnificent tool as you give him a blowjob. "Fuck! Corey, you're gonna make me cum!" The muscular blonde grabs the back of your head and starts fucking your throat. You stare up at the heaving bodybuilder as you deepthroat him. Thankfully, you don't have a gag reflex, and he slides in and out of your tight throat with ease. You watch in awe, Tyler's impressive physique on full display. From his handsome, chiseled face to his large traps and wide, cannonball shoulders... from his massive pecs to his broad lats and amazing eight pack abs... from his bulging biceps and tree trunk thighs... Tyler has everything you've ever wanted. A strange, burning desire pools in your guts as you worship the bigger man's cock. You want his size, his power, his muscle... more than anything. A stray thought passes through your mind, 'If you want it so badly, why don't you just take it?' Tyler groans, a strange weakness passing through his body as he continues to enjoy his blowjob. "Mmmh, fuck yeah, little man. I'm about ready to bust my nut." You gaze hungrily at the huge slab of meat jutting out from Tyler's crotch, your own dick twitching in your pants. You can feel the heat rising in your body, the fire spreading throughout your veins as you imagine the giant manhood inside you. No... not inside you... on your own body, as if you were the one with the huge cock instead... You start to pant, drool running down your chin as you continue to suckle at the thick, veiny shaft. "Uhhhnnngh, mmmmm," you moan around his throbbing prick. The blond groans as a second wave of weakness passes through him. It feels like something is leaving his body, pooling in his balls as he prepares to cum down your throat. "Ahhhhh, fuck yeah, little man." Tyler's eyes roll back into his head as he cums in your mouth. He pumps his hips, thrusting his massive cock hard and fast into your face until he can't hold on any longer. With a final grunt, the blond hilted globs of hot, thick semen explode out of his huge, throbbing tool. You guzzle down his cum, enjoying the way Tyler's thick seed slides down your throat. It feels strangely warmer than usual. You glance upward and stare with shock as you watch the massive bodybuilder start to shrink before your eyes. Tyler, lost in the throes of orgasm, starts losing height and muscle as he continues to cum into your mouth. An odd warm sensation fills your muscles, and you suddenly realize you're growing! You're getting bigger and stronger by the moment. You look up at Tyler, who continues to lose pound after pound of muscle as he seemingly cums his size and power into your hungry gullet. In mere moments, the blond looks more like a fitness model than a huge bodybuilder. Conversely, your skinny body has bulked up considerably as you slowly gain Tyler's lost height and muscle. As his orgasm peters out, you pull your lips off his cock, staring down at the once enormous tool that belonged to your idol. His cock is still above average, but far cry from the massive tool it was once. Your dick is still rock solid, and you let out a low moan of lust as you stroke it through your sweatpants. You gasp as you realize how much bigger it feels. The blond personal trainer collapses onto the bench beside you and passes out with a sigh. You stare at the still impressive man lying on the bench. You realize that you've somehow managed to steal some of his size by drinking his cum. You can hardly believe it. You stare the newly grown muscles on your formerly skinny body. You're not massive by any means, but you look like you've been working out regularly for years. You sit up and reach out a hand towards Tyler's chest. The muscular man moans softly as your fingers wrap around his pecs, squeezing them roughly. Even your hands are bigger, covering more of the diminished bodybuilder's pecs with ease. A hardness presses against your stomach, and you look down to see Tyler's still hard now 7-incher. Could you steal even more muscle if you sucked his cock again? Your mind races as you imagine growing even bigger and stronger. You lick your lips hungrily as you imagine the size and power you could gain if you sucked Tyler's cock. The thought of having more muscle, strength, and size than most men is enough to make your cock twitch. It's too late to stop yourself. You've already started to suck on Tyler's big, fat prick. It's still pretty thick, but it fills your mouth much more easily than before! You gulp down the first few inches of Tyler's manhood, missing the way his meaty pole stretched out your mouth. You can't help but run your tongue all over the length of the rod, savoring its salty flavor as you take the rest of his manhood into your throat and start sucking. The unconscious blond moans, even in his sleep, as you tease him closer and closer to orgasm. "Mmmhnnn, fuck yeah, little man. That's a good cock sucker." Tyler's voice sounds muffled as he mumbles to himself. He groans and thrusts his hips, fucking your mouth and throat. "Oh, god, I'm gonna cum!" You can't resist the urge any longer. You want his size, his power, his muscle, everything! You need his cum! As his cock swells in your mouth and he cums down your throat, you feel your own body start to grow. It's not just your muscles. Your cock grows as well, stretching out, gaining inch after inch of length and girth. You can't get enough. You keep on swallowing his cum, filling your belly with the thick load. You pump your growing cock as you drain the personal trainer of his size. Tyler's thick semen spills into your throat. He thrusts his hips, pumping hot cum into your mouth and down your gullet even as his continues to lose size. His muscles wither away as he shrinks to the size of a young athlete. The once impressive cock still cumming down your throat is down to about 4 inches, and continues to lose size and girth along with his balls. On the other hand, as more and more cum fills your stomach, your body keeps on growing. Your arms and legs swell with new muscle, and pecs start to jut out from your chest. You groan as your spine stretches upward, giving you more height, and your shoulders broaden. Your lats become so wide they give you a pronounced V-body shape, and your biceps bulge to the point that your forearms are nearly as big around as your upper arm. Your abs also stretch outwards, becoming defined and chiseled, as your glutes, quads, and calves grow. Soon, Tyler looks less like a young athlete and closer to a young boy as you siphon the last vestiges of size, muscle, and masculinity from the former bodybuilder. Your growth slows as the blond's ejaculation peters off. His dick becomes flaccid, his muscles shriveling up and disappearing as you continue to drink down every drop of cum that remains inside him. "Ahhhhh... ahhh, fuck," you moan, staring at the now soft 1-inch cock between your lips. You can't believe how much bigger and stronger you've gotten by stealing Tyler's size. You rush to a mirror to check out your new muscles. They're incredible! You stare in the mirror, admiring yourself. What you see isn't your usual skinny frame anymore. The bodybuilder's musculature has given you a truly massive physique! Not only are your pecs and arms bigger, everything about you is huge! You can't help but let your eyes linger on your cock. It's still rock hard, and seems even bigger than Tyler's original 10.5-inch dick. Your cock feels like it's made of steel, and the veins and blood vessels seem to be bursting out of your member. You stroke yourself slowly, watching in awe as you jack your monster cock. It's easily twice as long as what you had before. Your balls feel swollen, your testicles huge, and your scrotum hangs heavy on your shaft. You've never felt more powerful or virile. You freeze as you hear a quiet, high-pitched moan behind you. Turning around, you spot at the emaciated form of your former idol as he lies passed out on the bench. He's a shell of his former self, shivering in the cool air of the locker room. A gnawing sense of guilt fills your gut. Tyler didn't deserve this. He was always kind, not only to you but to everyone who came to the gym. The blond was always willing to help, to support you, to motivate others and help you get better. He deserved better than this. You turn back to the mirror to gaze upon your incredible form. You place a hand on the mirror as you trace your impressive muscles with your eyes. It was everything you ever wanted, but you couldn't keep it. You didn't want it, if it meant doing this to Tyler. You had to give him back everything you stole from him. You grip your thick, veiny cock as you strode over to the bench where Tyler lay unconscious. You press the fat head of your cock between his lips. A strange weakness filled you as something seems to gather in your balls. "I'm going to make everything right, Tyler. Don't worry." you murmur as you start to cum into the sleeping blond's mouth. Even unconscious, Tyler seems to naturally gulp down all the cum with ease. You watch with relief as his skinny form started to grow, even as you began to lose your own size. "Fuck yeah, take it all back!" you groan as you continue to cum. You pump your hips, fucking your thick, veined meat into Tyler's open mouth. His tongue laps at your shaft as he swallows your load. Soon, the blond regains more and more of his impressive physique as he grows to the size of a young athlete, then a fitness model. Your cock shrinks along with your body as you empty more and more of your balls inside Tyler's mouth. Eventually, the handsome personal trainer was once again at his original huge size. Every single inch of height and pound of muscle restored to his massive frame as you shake the last of the cum from your softening cock. Once again, you were nothing more than a scrawny twink. But at least Tyler wouldn't have to suffer. You dress as the blond continues to slumber on the bench, but when you turn to leave you find yourself pinned to the lockers by a massive wall of muscle. You look up into the smirking face of Phil. The huge black man was a pro bodybuilder, and at 6'6" and 270 pounds of muscle, he was even bigger than Tyler! His attitude was pretty shitty though. Unlike Tyler, the hulking bodybuilder was mean, aggressive, and totally full of himself. "Well, lookie here..." he grunted in his deep, bass voice. "A couple of faggots having some fun? How about you service a real man, boy?" He steps back and forces your head down to his crotch where a massive footlong cock pokes out the leg of his gym shorts. You resist at first, but then realize this is a golden opportunity. The man was huge bully. An arrogant waste of space that didn't deserve his size or muscles. Why not take them for yourself? Reluctantly, you pull down Phil's red gym shorts, revealing his huge 12" horsecock. It was massive! You'd never taken a dick that size down your throat before, but before you could even think about it, the massive bodybuilder forces his incredible schlong into your mouth and down your throat. For the first time in forever, you actually choke on a dick as your throat tries to stretch to accommodate the oversized member. The huge cock stretches your mouth wide, filling your cheeks as the tip feels like it reaches all the way down to your stomach. You gag as he starts to fuck your mouth with his monster tool, his big balls bouncing off your chin. He grabs your head, forcing you deeper onto the shaft of his cock as you struggle to breathe through the thick, fat cockhead stretching out your esophagus and pressing against your lungs. You try to pull away from him but he's too strong. He holds you firmly as he thrusts into your mouth into a series of powerful strokes, fucking your face. You can barely breath around the enormous cock buried so far down your gullet. But then... you start to feel a familiar desire swirling inside you. Meanwhile, Phil pauses for a moment as a surge of weakness pulses through him, but the big man doesn't stop fucking your throat. He ignores the odd feeling of something leaving his body and making its way to his huge balls as he gets closer to shooting his load. "Mmmhnnn, yeah, take my load, boy!" Phil groans, burying all 12 inches of his fat prick down your throat. You feel a warmth start to fill you and you realize the huge bodybuilder is cumming directly into your stomach! You're overwhelmed with the thick, hot spunk as it fills up your belly. You hear a groan behind you and realize Tyler is waking up. "W-what the? Phil! What the hell are you doing?! Stop-" The blond tries to intervene, but pauses when he sees Phil slowly start to shrink. "Oh my god," the blond moans as he watches the biggest man in the gym start to lose size and mass. "What's happening to him?" Tyler asks in shock as the black bodybuilder continues to unload. He glances at you, and his eyes widen when he realizes that not only is Phil shrinking, but you're somehow growing... Phil's cock shrinks as well. His thick member and balls shrivel as his massive frame starts to wither. The once imposing black man is now approaching Tyler's size and continues to shrink further. 'Is... is Corey... stealing Phil's size?!' Tyler though incredulously once he realized where Phil's lost mass was going. You moan around the shrinking cock in your mouth as you start to grow again. Your arms and legs swell as your chest bulks up with new muscle. Every pound of muscle, every inch of height and cock the black bodybuilder loses is transferred to you. Your clothes grow tight, then with a loud ripping sound you shred your torn clothes as your new muscles burst through them. "Ahhhhh! Fuck!" Phil cries out as he continues to shrink. His muscles soften as his bones shorten. Soon, the former pro bodybuilder starts to look more like a college freshman as you continue to drain his masculinity. Eventually, Phil is reduced to 5' tall skinny twink as you finish absorbing the last of his testosterone and manhood. He collapses to the floor, unconscious. "Holy shit, that was intense..." Tyler murmurs, his own cock rock hard and leaking from the sight he just witnessed. He looks at you, a bit stunned as you stand up and up and up. With the height you've stolen from Phil, you're now even taller than the blond personal trainer. He stares with a flushed expression on his face. You're about to explain when you feel a hand caress your cheek. "Incredible..." Tyler breathes in awe. "You're fucking huge! You're the biggest Asian guy I've ever seen, Corey!" The big man strokes your muscular body, admiring the sheer size and strength that you've gained. "Yeah, I guess I am." You say softly, looking down at your still naked idol. "Do... do you like it?" Tyler seems to think for a moment. He smiles and nods his head as he reaches out to grip your massive cock. It's so thick! He can't believe how much bigger and thicker your member has become. "I'm not sure what to call you anymore," Tyler says, stroking your enormous cock slowly. "You're so big..." "Well..." you begin, unsure of yourself, "How about... boyfriend? I really, really like you, Tyler." You smile, letting him know that you're serious. The blond bodybuilder blushes, but he can't help but nod his agreement. He strokes your huge cock, marveling at the length and thickness of it. "So, um, mind if I try out this monstercock between your legs?" Tyler asks with a nervous laugh. "Sounds good to me!" you chuckle. You cross your arms, showing off your impressive, massive physique as you step closer to the blond. His eyes go wide as he takes in your immense size, but then his blush returns. You grab him by the shoulders and push him down onto the bench, forcing your cock into the handsome young man's mouth. "You're so fucking huge!" Tyler moans around your shaft, but he doesn't resist as you start to fuck his throat. The blond boy eagerly swallows every inch of your veiny dick as he moans in pleasure. "Oh yeah," you groan as you enjoy the tightness of his throat around you cock. Eventually, the blond pulls off and turns to brace himself against the locker as he presents his ass to you. He's a little smaller than you are now, but he's still a big guy in his own right. "Fuck, you're beautiful, Tyler!" you gasp as you position your cock at the entrance to his asshole. The blond grunts as you slowly push through his sphincter. "Mmmmmmhnnn! Fuck yes, Corey... Oh god! That's amazing!" the blond moans as he feels your cock stretching his insides. Slowly, you press inch after inch into the bodybuilder's hot hole until you're buried balls deep in the man's ass. "Holy shit! I didn't realize you were so fucking big!" Tyler cries, amazed as you start to pump your cock in and out of his stretched anus. "I am now," you chuckle as you reach down and squeeze the tight buns of your new lover. You stroke his hair lovingly, loving the way he responds to your touch. "That's it, baby!" the muscular blonde cries as you thrust harder and faster into his ass. "Faster! Fuck my hole with that big cock!" You obey the request, pounding his perfect musclebutt hard and fast. Your body is covered in sweat and you pant heavily. Tyler is enjoying the massive cock stretching his hole when you suddenly pull out. He tries to protest, but the handsome personal trainer yelps as you spin him around and lift the bodybuilder into your arms. He wraps his legs around your waist and his arms encircle your neck as you position your oversized cock at his hole and slide back in. "Oh fuck!" Tyler groans once he realizes what's happening. "I... I can't believe you're strong enough to pick me up and f-fuck me midair... that's so hot!" He laughs, looking over your shoulder as you slam your hips forward. You grunt with each impact. You bury your thick meat into the muscular 240-pound bodybuilder, using his own weight to force him to take every inch of your cock. "OH GOD! FUCK! YESSSS!" Tyler screams as he cums, shooting a huge load all over the two of you. It's impossible to miss the spurts of cum flying everywhere as you continue to plow his tight asshole. "You're... you're gonna make me cum too!" You pant, as his inner passage rhythmically massages your huge cock. "I'm going to shoot my load, Tyler! I'm so close!" The blond bodybuilder moans as he watches you explode inside him. He's never felt such pleasure from sex before. It makes him wonder if he could ever be satisfied by another man. He looks down at you only to realize you're shrinking. "W-wait! Corey! Something's happening!" he protests until he realizes that he's growing alongside your diminishing form. You grunt as you pour load after load of size and muscle into the handsome blond. "Giving you... ugh... what you deserve, Tyler. You need to be... bigger!" The growing personal trainer holds on tight, still impaled on your now shrinking cock. Eventually, your legs give out and you collapse onto the bench with Tyler in your lap, unable to handle the growing man's increasing weight. The two of you pant as you finish cumming in Tyler's ass, the muscle transfer ending as well. After a moment, the blond asks, "What... what did you do, Corey?" "I transferred some of Phil's size and muscle to you," you say, smiling as you feel the last traces of your orgasm subside. Tyler blinks at you, before he slowly pulls himself off your softening cock. He stares at his body in awe. From what you can tell, the blond is now even bigger than Phil was. You probably gave him 40, maybe 50 pounds of muscle, in addition to a bit of height and cock size. He turns to inspect himself in the mirror. Each muscle is bulkier and more swole than it's ever been before! The blond's arms are thicker, his shoulders wider, and his legs are massive. He runs his hands over the bulging muscles of his shoulders and chest. "Holy shit!" Tyler exclaims, looking at the reflection in the mirror. "Is that a ten pack?!" he says as he traces the deep grooves and rows of his abdominal muscles. "Yeah, I guess so," you chuckle, checking out your new physique yourself. You're now about 6'3" and 220 pounds. Still impressive and more than you've ever hoped for. "I'm fucking huge!" Tyler chuckles. "But why? Why didn't you just keep all this size for yourself." He turns to look you in the eye. "Oh..." you say as you start to blush. You rub the back of your head awkwardly as you reply, "Well, I just really like it when you're the bigger guy, Tyler. You'll always be the bigger man to me." Tyler's eyes soften and he wraps his arms around you. He presses his lips against yours and kisses you gently. Your cock stirs at the feeling of his body against yours. The two of you break apart and Tyler stares down at you with lust in his eyes. "How about we take this back to my place?" You start to nod when you pause. "Uh, sure. But I think I'll need to borrow some clothes. I don't think my old ones will fit now, huh?" you admit. "Oh, they definitely won't!" Tyler agrees with a laugh.
  13. tester26

    Dreaming of Sean

    This is meant to take place after "Sean puts on a show" and has some more extreme elements to it. Dreaming of Sean Every night since Mark had been to the club it had been the same dream. He’d lay in bed and close his eyes, surrendering to the dark. When he opened his eyes, there he was. Sean. Sean was nearly seven feet tall, wearing a pair of compression pants and nothing else. He towered over Mark like a giant, showing a leering smile. Two massive arms crossed over his chest, the exposed skin showing muscles upon muscles upon muscles. There was no subtlety or svelteness to his form. A powerful, chiseled musculature rippling with striations, a massive chest showed plate-like pectorals protruding above what seemed like a rack of ten abdominals as defined as cobblestones. God, was he three hundred pounds? He didn’t have an ounce of body-fat on him! He looked like he could bench press a school bus. His thighs were like tree trunks, corded with muscle, and spread wide without regard for modesty. Even restrained by his pants his manhood was on full display, the skintight cloth stretched tightly over the thick, veiny meat. Sean had, without a doubt, the biggest, thickest, longest cock he had ever seen! The shaft extended from his pubis down between his thighs to his knees. Massive veins crisscrossed the heavy shaft here and there. Sean’s cockhead was the size of two fists, and behind his grotesquely thick shaft hung a pair of massive, sloshing balls, each with weight and volume of grapefruit, the heft causing the large sack containing them bulge out obscenely in front of him. “Sup dude?” Sean said. Sean lowered the waistband of his compression tights and his cock didn’t just fall out. It flopped out. It didn’t just hang, it swung. “God...damn!” Mark gasped, his eyes transfixed. He’d never seen such a heavy, thick, brutal length of meat! Every night, it seemed even bigger! Sean’s cock was thicker than his arm and almost as long. It hung down past his knee, bulging with veins, the head a circumsized, engorged knob that seemed larger than both of his fists put together. “Like what you see?” Sean said, uncrossing his arms and flexing. A tongue-tied Mark nodded, eyes wide as he stared at the physical embodiment of his wildest fantasies. Oh fuck, he’s so fucking huge, he thought. Mark inhaled and looked head-on at the massive prick helmet and fat pisshole that was bobbing in front of his face. It seemed cavernous, big enough to take his tongue inside. He couldn’t help imagining how that would feel… poking his pink tongue tip against that hole and feeling it slide inside that dickslit, so large he could actually tongue-fuck it. It needed to be big because it was a delivery system for all that nasty cum in those big nuts! He licked his lips. “Get those lips around my dick,” Sean growled, wearing an ultra-confident grin. Sean gripped his shaft and bonked Mark on the lips with his meat, Mark made a groaning noise and didn’t resist as Sean rubbed his lips and nose against his prick helmet, marking his face with the touch of his grapefruit-sized knob. he gasped at how big and spongy the helmet-shaped head was. It gave against his lips, but not too much - there was an insistent firmness beneath the flesh of that knob that was just just enough to allow his lips to press in against the turgid tissues beneath. Taking some agency, Mark dragged his face down over the bulbous rim of his glans and encountered the raised, fat cum-pipe on the underside of his shaft. The network of veins carrying blood to his prong seemed to throb under his loose grip, and even that detail excited him. He exhaled sharply as he let his shaft fall to the side of his head and looked left to deliver a full-lipped kiss to one of those bulging vessels. He reached out a hand to heft and cup Sean’s bulging nutsack; it was smooth and sweat-glistening and oh-so-heavy. The sloshing, churning feeling of his balls, and the way his scrotum spilled over the sides of his palm as he tried to hold it up, the testicles hanging like two fat ostrich eggs, made Mark’s insides turn to jello. “Damn…” he said, “This shit belongs on a horse!” Sean pressed his spongy, leaking cockhead against Mark’s mouth. He opened up and groaned as the thick meat began to stretch his lips and burrow into his mouth. His jaw creaked as he began to open his up, exploiting and pillaging another unclaimed land, but his eyes were fearless. Glrruuuuuuuuuuuuurk! Sean’s monster dick burrowed into his throat. His eyes reddened and his lips stretched into a tube shape as the flesh of his cheeks and face was morphed into a tube shape around Sean’s dominating fuckpipe. his eyes were wide with effort and surprise as his throat was taken and his neck bulged with the intruding cock shape. The sounds he made were of struggle, tension… and arousal. And he wasn’t even a third of the way in. Sean had a grip on his hair and his powerful muscles allowed him to control his face with ease, dragging his up and down the first eight inches of his shaft, soaping up his meat with his spit as he struggled to breathe. He felt something pouring down into him and realized it was Sean’s pre-cum. Sean was leaking like a faucet, and even his pre-cum was amazingly thick. Sean pulled out of his mouth with an audible “pop!” and spit flew in a sheet down the floor. He gasped, breathing hard from the lack of air, but his eyes never moved from the bulbous, cum-leaking cocktip that was poised just in front or and above his face. Sean maintained his hand’s grip on Mark’s hair and pushed him down lower, making him sink to a spread-kneed, ass-on-calves position, and then stroked his length in front of him, milking himself over his face. Sean’s hand was large, but still barely able to encircle his own girth. “Please fuck my throat with your monster cock!” Mark wailed. Sean surged forward, towering over him and drilling his cock back into his mouth, straight down into his guts. He didn’t stop at the back of his throat and his showed his no mercy. He was powerful, muscled, relentless. “Fuckin’ take every inch!” Sean roared, clutching Mark’s head with two hands and powering down his sucking, spasming throat, coring him down to the guts. He didn’t stop until he was in his guts - until his fat prick helmet was pummeling Mark’s stomach and pissing fat gouts of pre-seed into his belly. The outline of his nearly two-foot rod was visible beneath his skin as it utterly dominated him. Mark was gagging, his eyes squinting, his cheeks puffing out lewdly and his lips pulled out into a sleeve shape around Sean’s prong. he made constant gagging and heaving noises like an animal: Hrrrrrrrgh! Hrrrrrrrrrrrrrk! Glrrrrrrrrrrgh! he was being utterly skull-fucked by a monster cock… ...and he was fucking loving it. his body shuddered to orgasm and he creamed himself, squirting powerfully right through his pants and making a puddle of the floor. His hands wrapped around Sean’s hips and dug into his ass, clutching his muscled glutes and pulling in him, wanting more, wanting to get fucked deeper, harder, more viciously by this bull! Sean wrapped two hands around his head, sunk his hands into his hair and obliged, digging into him with short, grinding thrusts, scraping and abrading his throat and guts with the veiny, bulging texture of his enormous, twenty-inch meat.

“Here it comes!” Sean spat, his breath quickening after a few minutes of ripping up his guts with his pipe. Mark grabbed Sean’s ass tighter and an orgasm tore through his body. Sean began to cum deep inside him, straight into his stomach. Slllrg. Spppprt. Splllllrg! Mark could feel the powerful, virile ropes of nut as they splattered inside him. He felt Sean’s sperm pouring into him, and felt his rock-hard muscles tensing as Sean marked his insides, spewed his cum into his belly like an alpha-wolf marking his territory. He could feel the hot, boiling weight of it sizzling inside him, unlike anything he’d ever felt, and the pressure of that girthy cock stretching his throat was intense. It seemed to last forever, but in reality it was only perhaps twenty seconds of intense spurting before Sean pulled his still-ejaculating cock from his throat and hosed him down, coating him head-to-toe in white. Mark leaned forward with his mouth open, extending his tongue. Sean erupted into the back of his mouth with finger-thick, jelly-like ropes of glistening white semen, filling it to the brim almost instantly, making him swallow. Gulp. Gulp. Gulp. He was a mess. Absolutely covered in cum. For a moment, they only regarded each other. Sean looked down at his cum-covered worshipper, idly stroking his still spurting cock. He gave a satisfied sigh and a smile. Mark crawled forwards and swooned as he observed the length and caressed it with two worshipful hands. He leaned in to plant a reverent kiss on the still-hard cockshaft, pressing his cum-covered lips together with a smack and inhaling the scent of dick with an exaggerated breath before looking up with childlike enthusiasm. Then he raised his eyes up at the cock’s owner and spoke again. “Master, may I have the honor of having my ass split open by your godhood?”

Sean smiled and nodded. Mark leaned forward onto all fours, in a doggy position. Sean moved into position behind him. Sean’s massive cock bounced against Mark’s back as he got on his knees and grabbed Mark’s ass. Sean pulled his hips back and entered Mark without regard for his comfort. “Oh fuuuuuuck!” he grunted. “It’s fucking… destroying... my ass!” Six inches of penetration became eight, and there was the first creak of his hips as his colon was expanded into the shape of that monster cock. His massive pole drilled into his bowels, stretching them, turning his intestinal tract into dick sleeve and making his ass-cheeks split around his him. He began to withdraw and thrust, and Mark was ragdolled helplessly, his toes curling, his flesh bouncing with the sordid, moist impact of his pelvis. More and more meat slid into him. He felt like his stomach was being forced up into his throat. But the feeling of being so full… so utterly stuffed with dick… was the greatest thing he had ever experienced. He pushed back harder as he moaned and talked dirty, skewering himself. He was cumming constantly - the pressure of that monster cock inside him was causing his own cock to spurt with every thrust - and yet he would not stop. Mark howled, loving how he was being used by this stud - by this god of sex. Sean snarled and thrust his hips, slamming into Mark as he simultaneously pulled him onto his cock, his muscled arms flexing so hard they looked fit to burst, veins emerging all over them. "You like this huge horse cock inside you?" Sean moaned in his ear. Mark must have been on his third orgasm now, his mind nearly breaking from the pleasure. "Y-yes...GOD yes..." he said dumbly as he was used. “Yes… thank you, God…” he groaned, his voice stuttering with each impact. His face became a mask of orgasmic bliss as his bowels were abraded by foot after foot of cock and his ass slapped by Sean’s big, swinging ballsack. Sean lifted his hind legs up into what was almost a wheelbarrow position, standing Mark nearly on his head as he drove forward and down. “Unnnfff… fuck… so fuckin’... big!!” 
SLLRRGH. SLLLLCH. Meaty sounds were heard as Sean’s softball-sized cocktip cleaved through Mark’s guts. The thrusts continued for three or four more minutes, Mark shuddering and climaxing the entire time. Sean hilted himself at last and grunted; hot lances of thick cum hosed down Mark’s spasming, dick-gripping asspipe and pooled deep in his guts. He brought a hand to his belly and rubbed the spot where Sean’s cocktip was bulging beneath his skin, caressing himself reverently in that location as it expanded slightly with the massive load of semen inside. “Aw fuck yeah,” Sean sighed, as he lowered the two of them to the floor. He flexed his immense muscles as he twisted Mark around his cock and suddenly clasped the back of Mark’s neck, pulling him in and planting his lips on the other's, kissing him feverishly. Mark wrapped his legs around Sean’s firm ass, squeezing it roughly. The two of them were moaning loudly, Sean letting out a particularly powerful groan as Mark kissed his neck.

“Thank you for fucking me, God,” Mark moaned, breathily. He was in heaven as he groped Sean’s titanic muscles, running them over with his hands and tongue and lips. Sean just smirked and flexed for Mark, bring both arms up and flexing his towering biceps, which Mark was quick to kiss and touch and squeeze, lost in a daze. Sean continued to pose and flex, letting out the occasional "yeah..." as his perfect, enormous muscles bunched up and throbbed, hard as marble, driving Mark up the wall with the pleasure of worshipping him. He could feel Sean’s cock beginning to throb in him again. To Mark, the feeling was both familiar and alien. Was Sean getting…bigger? “Aw yeah….aw fuck yeah!” Sean moaned as he realized what was happening. The muscles on his massive frame found new space to grow and expand. His mammoth chest lifted and thickened so that the split between his giant pecs could easily hide an average man's hand. Sean sat up and repeatedly flexed his super-sized chest. He moaned as one muscle after another in his arms grew in volume to fill the spaces from shoulder to elbow and from elbow to wrist. His biceps split into huge lumps of throbbing power. His triceps hung like giant hams, each of the three heads fighting for room. He flexed, his biceps so large now he could barely touch his head with his fist. He brought his bicep to his face and lovingly kissed it. Simultaneously, Sean’s lats expanded and pushed his arms further outward. The traps and deltoids of his shoulders grew into melon shaped masses of power. The V-taper, already impressive, took on even more dramatic shape. His legs thickened even more rapidly. His calves, mighty and thick, split into two perfectly shaped diamonds each threatening to tear away from the bone. His throbbing penis, still hilted inside Mark’s ass, began to expand. Mark screamed. The pressure was intense. It felt like his whole ass was being folded into itself, so large was the genitalia expanding in him. It felt like his ass was on fire. Every nerve ending felt like it was being pulled apart. Sean’s cockhead alone felt like it filled his entire body. The scream turned into a loud moan as Mark felt his cock erupt in another orgasm. The pain also brought pleasure, and it felt his entire body was cumming from the feeling of his glans alone. His entire body shook for several seconds before coming to a stop. Mark panted once more in exhaustion, opening his eyes to see he had been pushed upwards by Sean’s growing member, at least a foot of elephantine cock now outside of him. Sean grinned wickedly, rising to his feet with Mark impaled helplessly on his meat. Mark was suspended in the air; he desperately reached for Sean as he tried to steady himself. Sean began to pull Mark up and down his fuck pillar. his cockhead never left his ass, but his shaft fucked in and out of it, gaining ground with every thrust. Sean really got into and bucked his hips ferociously, entire feet of cock entering and exited Mark in seconds. he felt his cock bulldoze its way up his body, the tightness bringing exquisite pleasure. his cock flexed several times involuntarily, sending Mark’s body flopping up and down, his stomach smacking into Sean’s massive chest. Finally, he felt his cockhead slam into the entrance of his throat through his stomach. Sean’s thrusts got harder. he fucked his cock into Mark with renewed force, his cockhead audibly slamming into his throat. Despite the fact that his cock still hadn’t made it through, the bucket loads of precum that spewed from its tip did. Mark’s mouth was perpetually open at this point, handfuls of semen falling out of his mouth. Sean thrust once more, pulling Mark by his legs at the same time, and his cockhead finally penetrated into his throat. It felt like his neck would explode. Sean’s inhuman cock took up every inch of space in it and more. his cockhead outline could be clearly seen from the outside, and cum continued to fly out of Mark’s mouth. his glans fucked up into his throat once more before entering his mouth, the tip of it immediately showing through his mouth. With another pull on his legs, his cockhead fully protruded out of his mouth. A loud cracking sound could be heard as his jaw dislocated from his size. Sean had pushed his entire cock through. His worshipper was now completely impaled, and Sean looked in triumph. Mark’s eyes bulged in their sockets at the sight of Sean’s cock sticking out of his mouth. The feeling was indescribable. His whole body felt like it was wrapped around his cock and literally was. He could almost feel nothing but the beating and pulsing of Sean’s cock and now it was becoming the only thing he could see or smell either. As Sean continued to pull him down, more and more of his shaft came into his view. He could see every detail of his cock, every vein, every thick emasculating inch. his cock had become his whole world. With every bounce more and more shaft pierced through until it was all he could see. Then, he felt his ass cheeks touch Sean’s solid abs. Sean let out a loud groan. He began to fuck into him, his cock entering and exiting his mouth with every thrust. Feet of cock penetrated his body with every moment, and still even more stayed snugly inside. His balls rumbled once more and his cock pulsed angrily. Sean roared as he finally let loose. Cum rocketed out of his cock at an intense velocity. It sprayed up onto the ceiling and splashed back down below. Sean grabbed Mark’s hips and pulled his upwards, slowly dislodging him from his cock. Cum sprayed out of his mouth, making it look like he was throwing up gallons of white paint. When Sean finally lifted him enough so that his cockhead was once again lodged in his stomach, he let go of his human condom. Immediately Mark’s stomach ballooned out. he was still spewing cum in a rapid torrent, but it didn’t help. There was just too much for his body to handle. Mark felt another flex as Sean’s cock started to blast another stream. But this time, his body couldn’t handle it and he was forced off of Sean’s cock, the cum literally rocketing him up. The force of this cumshot sent him higher and higher on the cum spewing monster until he was finally forced off and sent sprawling into a cum drenched pile on the ruined carpet. Mark looked up at Sean, his god, flexing the most massive musculature ever seen as he blasted a fire hose of cum straight at Mark. “AW FUCK YEAH!” He heard Sean yell as his vision went white. The steaming hot blast of liquid woke Mark with a start. He opened his eyes and looked down as his cock sprayed him again. "FUUUUCK!!!" he groaned as he came uncontrollably. He writhed and moaned, running his hands down his soaked body, up his throbbing cock. He breathed heavily, pecs heaving, the air permeated with the smell of his cum, his body wet as though he had just come out of a bath. He cock softened, spurting its last weak wads of cum. Mark was speechless and exhausted. He fell back asleep, looking forward to his next dream.
  14. NewGuy71

    His Now

    Hey guys, I've been a long time lurker on this site, but this is my first time posting something. Hope you all enjoy! His Now "Broooo... are you sure you have to go?" Kyle Harding whined at his older brother in front of the Departures gate. Thankfully, his classes had ended early today and he'd been able to make it just in time to see his brother off at the airport. Brad just chuckled amusedly. "Dude, I've been working super hard this year just so I could place at competition, you know that." The younger Harding pouted up the brown-haired man and sighed. "Yeah, yeah, I know... It's just... I'm gonna miss ya, bro." The older man's eyes softened. He patted Kyle's head, gently running his fingers through the younger's golden locks. "It'll just be a few weeks. I'll be back before you know it!" Brad reassured him. Kyle nodded and gave his brother more cheerful grin. "Yeah! I'm sure you'll kick ass too!" he crowed. Brad grinned widely and flexed with a front double bicep pose. His favorite grey muscle tee barely held itself together as it stretched tight around Brad's impressive arms. "Fuck yeah, man! You know it!" he responded cockily. The 24-year-old bodybuilder had put on 20 pounds of muscle in the last year, bringing him from a solid 226 to a whopping 246 pounds of muscle since last year's competition. Brad swooped in and pulled his younger brother into a tight hug. "But I am gonna miss ya..." he whispered in the smaller boy's ear. Kyle hugged him back as tight as he could, allowing himself a moment to just bask in his older brother's comforting scent. Ever since their mom had passed away a few years ago, the men of the Harding family had bonded more closely than ever. Maybe a bit too close if you believed some the rumors of the Harding brothers, but few would ever say so in earshot of either. The younger Harding groaned inwardly, feeling a twitch in his groin, and quickly pulled back with a red face. "Brad, you should go! You still have to get through carry on inspections!" he reminded the bigger man. The older brother just laughed as he turned toward the gate to get in line. "Yeah, yeah, I'm going." he said with a grin, "Take care of dad for me, okay?" Kyle just nodded, though he wondered why their dad hadn't come along to say goodbye himself. He had just dropped out at the last minute, saying something had come up and he wouldn't be able to make it. The blond Harding wiped the frown off his face and enthusiastically waved to his brother as the line started moving. "See ya, Brad! Good luck at the competition! Take care!" he shouted. Brad waved back just before turning a corner and heading around a wall, quickly moving out of sight. Kyle's waving hand slowed to a stop, and he watched for a moment as more and more people arrived at the Departures gate: a young lovely-dovey couple excited for their honeymoon trip, an older couple reminding their increasingly irritated son about all the things that needed caring for in the house, a pair of twin girls saying goodbye to their father... Kyle shook his head in aggravation. What exactly was so important that his dad couldn't come and say goodbye to Brad before he left for his competition? He sighed to himself as he turned and made his way back to the parking lot. Kyle narrowed his eyes as he spotted his dad's car parked in the driveway. His father was clearly home right now, so why hadn't he come to the airport to send off his oldest child? The young man parked his car on an open sidewalk and walked to the house. He went to use his key, only to find the front door unlocked. He stared as the door slowly swung open. "What the..." he murmured, a spike of dread shooting down his spine. Kyle stepped inside and locked the door behind himself. "Dad! You in here?" he called out in a loud voice. Not hearing a response, Kyle moved deeper into the house until he heard a loud thump from upstairs. His lips drew into a thin line as he quietly reached out to grab a poker from the fireplace. "D-dad? Was that you?" he called out again from the bottom of the stairs. Once again, there was no response. Steeling himself, the youngest Harding slowly crept up the stairs and into the empty hallway. Looking around, he didn't see anything out of place. There hadn't been any signs of a struggle or robbery downstairs either. Suddenly, he heard a soft, pained moan from down the hallway. It seemed to be coming from his father's room. Thinking the worst, Kyle dashed down the hallway and through the door wide open. "Dad! Are you alrig-" he stopped as his jaw hit the floor. There, on the bed, was his 40-year-old father on all fours being railed from behind by a guy clearly half his age. Kyle face bloomed scarlet as he took in the scene, his father moaning not in pain, but clearly in pleasure. "Ohh... fuck... harder...!" the Harding patriarch moaned as the other man obliged him. "Fuck you're hot, Mr. Harding! Unf... and you're so fucking tight!" the younger man moaned from behind. Kyle gasped, his eyes lighting up with recognition at the voice. It was Mike Hayes from his English Lit class! He and Mike shared some classes at Gold State University, but they weren't really friends. Mike wasn't a big guy, he and Kyle were pretty much the same size, but with his bright green eyes and handsome, pretty-boy face, he was quite popular. Kyle didn't like him very much, especially his rather arrogant my-way-or-the-highway attitude. But that still didn't explain what Mike was doing here or why he was having sex with Kyle's father. "D-dad! What the fuck?!" the blond screeched. Jake Harding's eyes shot to the doorway, as if noticing his son for the first time. "Kyle! W-what are you-ugh... d-doing here?" he grunted through his own moans. Mike just gave Kyle his usual smirk, undeterred by an audience. "Give us a moment, kid." he said as he pounded the older man, "You can have him back once I'm done." Kyle stumbled backwards before turning and fleeing out the door. He ran to his room, shutting it behind him as he slumped to the floor. "What the fuck..." he groaned. Did his dad really skip out on saying goodbye to Brad just so he could fuck with a younger man? In his haste to escape, Kyle had forgotten to close the door to his dad's room. The sounds of sex echoed down the hallway. Kyle grabbed his headphones from his desk and jammed them on his head. Scrolling through one of his playlists, he clicked a random song and let the music drown out the sounds of moaning and slapping flesh. Hopefully, they would finish up soon. An hour later, Kyle stepped out into a silent hallway. He turned toward his father's room with a frown and strode over to find it empty. He headed down the stairs into the kitchen where he found Mike finishing up a meal at the table. He gave his dad an odd look while the older man hovered strangely nearby, like some sort of servant. "Dad?" Kyle questioned in confusion, "What are you doing?" Jake jolted at his son's question. "Err... serving Mike his dinner...?" he replied uncertainly. Kyle boggled at his dad. "What...? Why?" Mike rolled his eyes and interrupted before Mr. Harding has a chance to respond. "So... you've got a pretty awesome place here, Kyle." he began, "It's close to campus... your dad's a fucking DILF with a really tight ass..." He gave the blushing man a filthy look before continuing, "I think I'm gonna move in." The disgust Kyle was feeling was instantly replaced with shock and disbelief. "But... you can't just..." he started in protest. Mike just turned to Mr. Harding and said, "It's fine, right? It's fine that I move in." It sounded more like a statement than a question. Jake Harding's eyes glazed over for a moment, before clearing as he replied, "Y-yes. That should be fine." Kyle's jaw dropped for the second time today. "What?! Dad! You can't be serious!" Mike pushed his chair back and stood with his classic smirk. "Great! I'm gonna go and choose a room, then!" He left the kitchen and headed upstairs followed by a quiet Mr. Harding and a protesting Kyle. Kyle paled when Mike stopped in front of Brad's room. Ignoring the other man's sputtering, Mike opened the door, and stepped inside. Brad's room was the second biggest room in the house, next to the main bedroom. The walls were covered in pictures of bodybuilders and motivational posters. Trophies from old competitions lined the walls and workout equipment was scattered throughout the room. A huge king-sized bed, Brad's most recent purchase, sat in the middle against one of the walls. Mike gave the room a cursory glance before nodding. "Hmm... this room looks pretty good! I'll take it!" He chuckled as Kyle glared at him. "You can't! This is Brad's room!" Kyle turned to his dad expectantly. "Dad! What are you doing? You have to stop this!" However, to his horror, his father simply nodded along with Mike. "Sure. You can have Brad's room. Make yourself at home." Jake Harding ignored his son's horrified shrieks and continued, "If you need, I can give you a ride to your old place and help move stuff too." Mike stepped up to Mr. Harding and gave him sly grin. "I'm sure you could. You've obviously kept yourself in pretty good shape for your age." he said as he cupped the older man's firm chest. "Mmm... very nice indeed." Kyle couldn't take it anymore. He fled back to his room. Grabbing his phone off the desk, the blond was halfway through composing a text to his brother before realizing there was probably nothing Brad could do in his current situation. He was probably mid-flight already and texting the older Harding now would only worry him and probably screw with his performance at competition. Kyle was so deep in his thoughts he didn't hear the door to his room swing open. "Hey, roomie. Whatcha up to?" a voice inquired from behind. The young man spun around to find Mike leaning against his door frame, a smirk on his face, green eyes alight with amusement. Kyle glared at him. "I'm not gonna let you do this, Mike... I'll..." he started as the other boy's smirk only grew wider. "You'll... what?" he asked with a laugh, cruel and uncaring. "Geez, Kyle. You haven't realized it yet?" He shrugged as he continued. "It doesn't matter what you want, because everyone will just do as I say." Kyle squawked as the other man swept into his room and sat on the bed uninvited. "Everyone except you, of course." Mike said with a raised eyebrow, "But I suppose it doesn't matter in the long run, because as long as everyone obeys me, nothing you say or do will matter." Mike stood and made to leave the room. "But you can keep trying, I suppose. It won't make any difference." And with that, the other man was gone. Kyle quickly locked the door and fell to his knees, frustrated tears sliding down his face. In his heart, he knew that what Mike had said was true. The other boy always got his way, no matter who he talked to. His voice had a strange power that Kyle could never hope to oppose, no matter how he tried to resist. Kyle's only hope was that Brad would be able to fix things once he returned. He had to. The next few weeks were filled with nothing but disgust, anger, and frustration for Kyle as Mike proceeded to fuck Kyle's dad on practically every surface of the house. Eventually, the youngest Harding resorted to hiding out at his friends' places to avoid constantly seeing his father in compromising positions. A few weeks after, Brad finally returned from competition. Surprisingly, Mike had allowed Mr. Harding to join Kyle in picking up his eldest son. The two waited together at the arrivals gate in the airport. Kyle was practically vibrating out of his skin in anticipation. Surely, Brad would be able to fix things, and everything would go back to normal, right? The young Harding held on to his hopes, his spirits rising when he spotted a familiar face in the crowd leaving the gate. "Brad!" he shouted in glee as he rushed towards his older brother, wrapping the bigger man in a desperate embrace. "I'm so glad you're back!" The older man leaned back in surprise as he held his brother close. "Whoa! Geez, kiddo. Where's the fire?" His eyes widened when his younger brother started to sob uncontrollably. The pro bodybuilder looked to his dad who just shrugged in greeting. Between sobs, Kyle managed to get out, "Bro... you gotta do something! Mike! He just, moved in and... he took your room, and dad just let him..." Brad's eyes grew wider and wider with each work spilling forth from Kyle's mouth. He turned to his father. "Dad... what the hell is going on...?" he demanded. Jake Harding just gave his son a plain look. "Well, Mike said he wanted to move in, so he moved in. Your room was the only unused room in the house, so he took it." Brad gave his father an incredulous look. "What the fuck, dad? Really? You just let this guy move in and do whatever he wants?" He gaped as his dad gave him a helpless look. Turning back to the brother crying against his chest, he ran a soothing hand through the younger man's hair. "Shh... don't worry, Kyle. Big bro will take care of everything." he murmured as he gave his dad a disapproving frown. Eventually, the three of them made their way to their dad's car and headed home. The closer they got to their house, the more Kyle's dread grew. Something bad was gonna happen, he just knew it. The frown hadn't left Brad's face during the entire ride. "So..." Brad began, "tell me about this Mike person." In a shuddering voice, Kyle told him about Mike, about the way everyone just does as he says and how Mike always gets his way. Kyle watched his older brother's face as his eyebrows rose higher and higher. He knew from Brad's expression that the older Harding didn't truly believe him, and that would probably be his downfall. The blond slumped back into his seat for the rest of the ride. A part of him held onto his hopes, but the more practical side of him argued that he was leading his beloved older brother to a slaughter. The rest of the car ride continued in awkward silence. When they finally arrived home, Kyle steeled himself and followed his dad and older brother into the house. He followed Brad as the older man marched right into the house with his bags and headed straight to his room where they found Mike lounging in his bed. "What the fuck?!" Brad roared upon seeing the younger man making himself at home in his room. Mike grinned widely upon seeing them, and it was then that Kyle realized he had made a mistake. He had effectively delivered Brad to the gallows, and his brother was going to pay the price. "Wow!" Mike said as he got up from the bed to greet them. "Damn, you're hot. You look even better up close!" Brad jerked an arm back when the younger man tried to grope his bicep. "What the fuck, man? Who the hell do you think you are?" Mike just ignored the bigger man's question and looked him straight in the eye. "Strip." he commanded. Kyle watched as his big brother's eyes suddenly glazed over and he started to strip the clothes off his impressive body. He pretended to be shocked, but a darker part of him whispered that he knew this would happen... and he let it happen. Mike's face brightened as the older Harding stripped off his white V-neck shirt, revealing his thick pecs and incredible eight-pack abs, soon followed by his jeans and black boxer-briefs. "Holy shit..." the younger man murmured as he took in the buffet of muscle before him, "You're fucking ripped, dude!" Brad just nodded. "I've been working on this body since I was 13 years old." he admitted. "Fuck..." Mike moaned as he stepped closer to inspect Brad's hard worked body. He gripped the bigger man by the sides, stroking his thumbs across the bodybuilder's rippling abs. "Do you shave?" he asked the older man with a raised eyebrow. "I always shave before a competition." Brad replied. "I'm pretty hairy, otherwise." Mike's grin only grew wider. "Excellent." he murmured as he moved his hands up to the bigger man's pecs. He pinched Brad's nipples, smiling when the older man moaned in response. "Ooh, sensitive!" Kyle could only watch as Mike continued to explore his beloved brother's body. A part of him wanted to intervene, but another part couldn't help but think how hot it was to watch his big bro get felt up right in front of his eyes. Eventually, Mike ended his inspection and instead went to open a drawer next to the bed, pulling out a large bottle of lube. He commanded the bigger man to bend over the bed as he stripped off his shorts and carefully spread lube over his 7-inch cock. "Mmm... I'm gonna really, really enjoy this." Mike groaned, all the while looking Kyle straight in the eyes as he lubed himself up. Once he was ready, the young man moved behind Brad and pressed his cock against the bodybuilder's tight hole. "Relax." Mike commanded as he pressed in. Kyle couldn't believe himself. He stood in the doorway, shocked and turned on as Mike thrust inch after inch of dick into Brad's ass, forcing the bigger man to take his cock. He proceeded to watch for the next hour as the other boy used Brad in a variety of positions, enjoying his size, strength, and submission. "Unf... big body... and big cock to boot..." Mike moaned as he kept pounding the bodybuilder's tight hole. He gripped the other man's impressive cock in one hand. "What is this, 10 inches? Maybe 11? Hella thick too... you're the whole package, ain'tcha?" After one particularly vigorous fuck, Brad found himself splayed out face down on the bed. Mike turned to Kyle with a smirk. "Mmm... your brother's got a great body AND great ass, Kyle." he sighed in satisfaction. "But, let me guess... you thought your big bro would save you from... all this." Mike gestured lazily around himself before continuing. "Sorry to disappoint, but the truth is... Brad was always my real target from the start." The other man placed his hands on Brad's wide back, rubbing circles into the thick muscles. "I remember the first time I saw him..." Mike began, his green eyes taking on a nostalgic look. "He came to pick you up one time while I was withdrawing money from the ATM near the parking lot." He turned his gaze down to the thoroughly fucked bodybuilder. "I knew from the moment I saw him, I just had to have that body for myself..." Kyle face shifted to a confused expression. What the hell was he talking about? He soon discovered just what Mike meant when the other man's arms suddenly sank into Brad's back up to his elbows. Mike looked over his shoulder with a pleased grin and said, "I always get what I want, Kyle. And now, I'm gonna claim what's mine!" Kyle watched with growing horror as more and more of Mike slid into his older brother's bigger form, merging with him. Eventually, it was just Mike's head sticking out awkwardly behind Brad's. Slowly, Brad's huge body pushed itself off the bed into a standing position. His head hung limply in front of Mike's, eyes blank and empty. The youngest Harding watched as one of his older brother's big hands came up and pressed down on his own head. Slowly, Brad's face sank beneath the surface of his skin until it disappeared completely, leaving behind nothing but smooth, empty space. Kyle fell to his knees in despair. "Brad! Noooo!" he cried mournfully as his big brother seemed to disappear forever. Mike's head slid forward to fill the void, slotting itself onto its rightful place on the pro bodybuilder's muscular body. "Oh, fuck...!" Mike moaned as he completely assimilated the older man, Brad's memories, knowledge, and skills flooding into his mind, "Fuck... fuck... fuck!" "Noooo! This can't be happening!!" Kyle sobbed. "Yessss!" Mike cried out in pleasure. Brad's body shook as it orgasmed. "Fuck!" Mike grunted as his new body convulsed, spilling rope after rope of thick, bodybuilder cum all over the bed in front of him. After a few moments, he turned to Kyle, his huge cock still standing tall and proud. "Damn! Look at this body!" Mike roared as he examined the massive form he had stolen and claimed as his own. His eyes drifted downwards, to where the Brad's cock- no, his cock was sticking straight up against his belly. It was so much bigger than his old one. "Holy fuck, it's huge!" he declared, stroking his big, hard erection. "It's perfect. So damn thick!" He grabbed a ruler from the nearby desk and measured it. "Mmm... fuck! 10 and a half inches! I knew it!" he crowed in delight. "And these balls..." Mike groaned as he cupped the low hanging orbs, "So fucking big..." He tossed the ruler back onto the desk and went to stand in front of the full-length mirror. He had to take a few steps back to get his reflection to fit in the frame. "Goddamn, these muscles! Look at these biceps!" he grunted, flexing them in a double bicep pose. "They're massive!" Mike ran his big hands over the rest of the body, enjoying the feel of the ripped muscles under his fingers. "And fuck! These pecs!" he growled as he groped the thick mounds of muscle. The brunet pinched one of his nipples roughly with a soft moan. "Mmf... feels so fucking good..." The brunet brought a hand down to his eight-pack abs and stroked the hard, toned muscle, slipping his fingers between the deep grooves and valleys. "These abs are incredible..." he murmured, flexing and unflexing his cobbled torso. "Unf... and his scent... my scent..." Mike lifted an arm and pressed his nose into his own armpit, taking a deep whiff of his new musk. "So fucking manly!" Mike turned his gaze back to Kyle, still kneeling on the floor. "Poor, poor Kyle..." he teased, "Big brother's gone! I'm all that's left of him..." He smirked as he continued to flex. "But… don’t worry. I'll take care of this body he so generously gifted me. His big, strong body... belongs to me now." His gaze dropped to Kyle's pants where an obvious tent was forming. "Oh? What's this?" Mike's smirk turned predatory. "Don't tell me... you're actually turned on by all this?" He brought a hand down to his hard, 10.5-inch cock. "Is this what you want, Kyle? Big bro's fucking huge cock?" he asked in mock innocence. The younger man paused, but couldn't help himself and Kyle shamefully hung his head. Mike smiled wickedly at his answer and grabbed the boy's chin, forcing him to look up. "Well then..." Mike whispered, "Brad's gone... and this is my body now, so why don't you go ahead and suck on this fat cock?" He sat himself on the bed and spread his muscular legs, his huge member hard and leaking. Kyle hesitated for a moment before he slowly took a step... and then another... Moments later, he sat kneeling on the floor between Mike's legs, staring straight up at him with a fierce blush on his face. Mike raised an eyebrow at him. "Well...?" he said as he gestured expectantly at his shaft. Kyle's gaze kept switching between Mike's face and the big dick in front of him. A part of him wanted it... but he had to resist! He couldn't do this! The other man just rolled his eyes and sighed. "Okay, fine... I know what you really want." Mike tensed his body and started to grunt while Kyle just watched in confusion. The youngest Harding's eyes widened in shock when a tuft of brown hair began pushing its way out of Mike's chest. Slowly, Brad's head resurfaced until it hung limply just below Mike's. He locked eyes with Kyle and gave him a mirthful grin. Mike gripped Brad's head between his hands and lifted it up, pressing his face into the back of the other man's head. Kyle watched in horrified fascination as Mike drew the older Harding's face up around his, wearing him like a mask. Moments later, Brad's head was back on his shoulders, his eyes closed with a peaceful expression on his face. Kyle stared. "B-Brad?" he whispered, afraid to break the illusion. The older man jolted awake before turning to the youngest Harding. He smiled gently. It was Brad's smile. But Kyle's faint spark of hope was quickly snuffed out when Brad's kind smile quickly morphed into Mike's cruel smirk. "Is this what you wanted?" he taunted, using Brad’s voice. He stroked his stubbled chin appreciatively. "I'm back, little bro." Kyle gasped as a surge of heat made its way through his body. It was Brad's face, his voice, his body, his expressions... but Mike was completely in control. Kyle felt his resolve start to crumble. 'Brad' spread his arms wide. "C'mere, bro. Give your big brother a hug!" he invited. Almost robotically, Kyle stood and fell into his older brother's welcoming arms. 'Brad' wrapped his muscular arms around Kyle, pulling him into a familiar embrace. Kyle took a moment to relish it, returning the hug and allowing the imposter to fool him for just a bit. The moment was soon shattered by familiar hands roving his body in distinctly unfamiliar and un-familial ways. "Mmm..." Kyle shuddered as a deep voice whispered into his ear. "You know what big bro needs?" Strong hands forced Kyle back to his knees and gripped the back of his head, bringing his face to 'Brad' hard cock. He stared at colossal member, its thick, heady musk filling his senses. "Big bro needs a blowjob from his favorite little brother..." 'Brad' cooed, "C'mon, taste it. You know you want it..." Slowly, Kyle felt his mouth open wide and engulfed 'Brad's' throbbing shaft. "Mmm... fuck!" the bigger man moaned as Kyle swallowed inch after inch of his dick. Inwardly, Mike marveled at how much more sensitive Brad's cock was compared to his original one. 'Brad' leaned back on the bed as he watched Kyle bob up and down on his cock, taking it surprisingly deeper and deeper into his throat. "Hmm..." he moaned, gently rubbing the back of Kyle's head, "Someone's been keeping secrets from big bro, huh?" 'Brad' laughed when Kyle stared up at him with wide eyes and a mouthful of hard dick. "Oh yeah!" he grunted, "Suck the cock of the big brother you love so much!" He pressed Kyle's head down, forcing more of his cock into that tight throat. "Yeah! Deep throat this huge cock!" 'Brad' growled. "Take it all in!" "Nnngh..." Kyle groaned as he sucked harder, his lips stretched around his brother's big cock. 'Brad' felt his balls start to churn, the sensation of his new body edging closer and closer was incredible. "Fuck! This body feels so good!" 'Brad' exclaimed, "I'm gonna come!" With a deep growl, he erupted in Kyle's mouth. 'Brad' shot his load deep in the smaller man's throat, bucking his hips up as he forced Kyle down his shaft to the root. The other boy choked as he found his face buried in thick pubes. The intoxicating smell made him quickly cum in his pants as shot after shot of 'Brad's' creamy seed made its way down his throat. "Ahhh! Fuuuck!" 'Brad' grunted as Kyle swallowed the last few drops of cum. Eventually, the cock in his throat softened and Kyle was able to slide off, the huge member leaving his mouth with a loud pop. 'Brad' sighed and relaxed back onto the bed before pinning Kyle with a glare. "Now get out! I want some time to myself, so I can explore this awesome body your big brother so generously donated to me." Mike commanded with a smirk, dropping all pretenses of role play. Kyle's eyes widened as he scrambled backwards, red-faced. "Uh... okay..." he said, wiping a smear of cum from the side of his mouth. Mike watched with amusement as the smaller boy left, closing the door behind him. That 'big brother' role play thing was actually pretty hot, he'd have to try that again sometime in the future. He stood and stretched lazily, before striding over to the mirror to take a closer look at his new body. Peering closely into the mirror, Mike rubbed a hand over the stubble on his strong, square jaw and poked at his large nose. "Hmm... pretty good, I guess." he said after a moment of consideration. Brad's face was really masculine, and his dark blue eyes weren't bad to look at. Bringing his hands to the side of his face, Mike pulled forward until tufts of black hair sprouted from the back of his head. Slowly, Mike pulled his head free until once again Brad's face hung beneath him like an empty shell. Quickly tucking Brad's head back into his chest, Mike re-examined himself in the mirror and grinned. "Much better!" he chuckled as he took in his familiar bright green eyes, high cheekbones, and five o' clock shadow. Mike had always been quite proud of his looks, but now that his pretty-boy face was atop Brad's incredible body... "Fuck..." he moaned, "I'm perfect..." Taking a step back, Mike ran a hand over his massive chest, feeling up towards his wide shoulders and around his thick traps. His other hand traced down his lats to his thin waist, before moving inward to rest at his core. "Unf! Look how ripped this body is!" he marveled. He slammed a fist into his abdomen, testing the solid rack of muscle. Drawing upon Brad's memories, he tried a few poses, admiring the view of his muscles from all angles. Mike turned to the side to check out his assets. He gave the impressive mounds of muscle a smack, chuckling in satisfaction. "Damn... bro got booty!" Mike mused, "Nice." He smirked cockily into the mirror. "Thanks for the great body, Brad. I'll make sure to put it to good use." The next morning, Kyle and his dad were having breakfast at the dining table when Mike finally made an appearance downstairs. Both father and son froze as they took in the young man's new appearance. Kyle swallowed hard. Mike was dressed in a familiar grey muscle tee, the same one Brad had worn the day he left for competition. It looked great on Mike's new body, stretching tight around his arms and chest, accentuating his muscular torso. The young blond cursed the traitorous dick hardening in his pants. "Hey, boys" Mike greeted casually as he walked into the kitchen and took a seat at the table. He grabbed a plate and piled on some bacon and eggs. "Good morning." Mr. Harding gaped at Mike. "W-what the...? What happened to you?" he asked bewilderedly. Mike just shrugged. "I just took Brad's body for myself, that's all." Jake's eyes narrowed as he studied the younger man. "What do you mean, 'took his body'? What are you saying?" "I mean that your son sacrificed himself so I could have this amazing body of his. You don't mind, right?" Mike responded with a smirk. The older Harding wavered as Mike's voice washed over him. "O-of course not." he mumbled. "You deserve that body more than Brad did..." Mike nodded and smiled smugly. "Well, good, because it's mine now." he declared. "And... I'm gonna fuck you with this huge cock tonight, so be prepared." Mike purred, his voice dark with promise. He spread his muscled legs and patted the straining bulge in his shorts. Jake gulped nervously, but couldn't deny the other man's words. "Uh... sure..." he said weakly. Mike turned to Kyle, who gulped at the sudden scrutiny. "And, as for you, Kyle..." he began while pouring himself some orange juice, "If you're good, I might be willing to let 'big bro' take care of you, every now and then." Mike flexed an arm for effect. Kyle shuddered, but couldn't help but nod as a blush spread across his face. "Ugh... f-fine..." he stammered, looking away. Mike grinned as he dug into his breakfast with new vigor. It was gonna take a lot to fuel this new body of his. As everyone settled down to eat their breakfast, Mike couldn’t help the self-satisfied smirk the found its way onto his face. He could hardly believe it. He managed to get Brad's hot bod AND a sexy DILF to fuck. Even better, he finally found a way to control the one guy who was seemingly immune to the power of his voice! Life was great for Mike Hayes, and it was only going to get better from here on out.
  15. Hey guys, I'm a few hours early, but figured why not.. It's a long one. Enjoy! I was working as a financial analyst in this topsy-turvy, Covid crazy market and it had taken its toll on my mind and body. I was told I needed to get away. Life had become too complicated and stressful. A few weeks in the mountains, away from everyone, including my phone and computer is what it eventually came down to, and not by choice. I was barely sleeping and ended up being cranky during the day, which would put my co-workers on edge. I would eat poorly, when I ate. No breakfast, fast food for lunch, and maybe take-out for dinner, if they delivered to my office. The pouch had returned and others had noticed. My 6’1”, 175-pound swimmers build had fallen off as I had not been to the gym in what seemed like forever. My once toned muscles were sagging or replaced with a layer of fat. My dark blue eyes had dark circles under them and my normally well-kept blonde hair was unkept, long, and showed signs of gray. After the incident on the office floor, my boss, Chuck, pulled me into his office and laid it out for me. Chuck hired me 9 years ago fresh out of college. He saw I had knack and a spark for understanding and predicting stocks. He said I could go far if I put the right attitude and aptitude toward my work. And I did. For 9 long years, I devoted my life to the job. Working late, overtime, weekends, not taking vacations, whatever it took to get the job done and to keep the clients happy, and rich. But, at the same time, I also led an active personal life, dating men who shared the same passion for life as me, working out religiously, eating sensibly. I had been on track for promotions, and got them. Then Covid hit. My life went sideways. Dating came to a screeching halt. Everyone was afraid to go out and meet, even for a quick cup of coffee in the park. This is to say nothing of the market for the first few months, and the lay-offs most companies were doing. Everyone in the office was petrified of screwing up, knowing the company was looking for a reason to trim the fat to keep a healthy bottom line. Then the gyms closed. That hit me hard. I have some weights and equipment at home, but like most people, I relied on the gym. I tried to buy stuff online, but the backlog was weeks, if not months. I gained a few pounds, but figured I could adjust my meals to compensate. Yeah, that didn’t work. Skipping breakfast was bad, but compensating later in the day made it worse. 15 pounds later and my mood darkened. I was irritable at work and home. Staying up too late, worrying about my job, my weight, my sex life, my everything… Chuck watched the slow spiral. He would casually mention to me to take a few days off to recharge and clear my head, but I shrugged it off. I had work to do. Who would get it done, if not me? Then I snapped. It just happened one Thursday. The computer would not work, the paper in the copier jammed, someone made a quiet comment I thought was about me, and the flood gates opened. Next thing I know, Chuck and I are sitting in his office, door shut, blinds closed, him looking at me with the concern on his face only a friend would show, and me…deflated. My energy gone, my breathing shallow and restless. I sat slumped in the comfortable leather wingback chair staring at nothing in particular, but Chuck was right in front of me, in a similar chair, not behind his desk. My sleeves rolled half way up my arms, shirt partially untucked, sweat stains on my chest and under my arms. My eyes red and puffy. My throat dry. He softly says, “Cole, you better?” He hands me another cup of water. I take a sip; the cold water feels harsh as it goes down my parched throat. “That was quite a show out there.” He’s calm and not passing judgement. I’m still hazy as to what I did, but I can imagine it was pretty bad. I glance up, and he cracks half a smile to let me know he gets it. I shrug my shoulders, not sure how to answer his question, but knowing I want to just cry. It’s still inside of me, this pain, thought of failure, how my life will never get back to what it was a few months ago. I feel his strong hand on my shoulder, giving it a squeeze to let me know he’s here for me. He leans back into his chair, his piercing brown eyes, looking at me. “Cole.” He says it in a manner that he wants me to look at him. I look up. “I need you to take some time off.” I shut my eyes, knowing this was coming, but am still stunned to hear it. Right now, my job is all I have left of my life, to take that away, even for a day, I’d be lost. “I know you hate to take a day off, unless it’s absolutely necessary, but…” I look at him again, “It’s necessary.” He says resolutely. I sigh. I gather myself and say with as much of a positive attitude as I can, “Ok, I can take a long weekend, say next Monday and Tuesday?” Chuck shakes his head from side to side. I open my mouth, but nothing comes out. He puts his hand on my knee and quietly says, “I’m not talking a few days, Cole. I need you take a few weeks off.” My head snaps up and when I open my mouth to protest, he squeezes my knee, letting me know to be calm. I take a few breaths and another sip of water. “Buddy, whatever is inside of you has been building for a while. A few days won’t cure it. You need to get away from this.” He spreads his arms around the room. “A few weeks at minimum.” I stare at him and think ‘My job is my life. What will I do?’ He senses my thoughts. He says, “You will still have a job when you return, but as of the end of work today, you’re on vacation.” “But, my clients, my files, my…” I stammer. “Will be taken care of.” He says without hesitation, his eyes looking directly at me. “But…” I say with a slow, unsure voice. “We will handle it.” I fidget in the chair, looking around his office. “Cole, the company existed before you got here, it will survive a few weeks without you, trust me.” I sniffle. His hand tightens. “You will work through your pain and come back a stronger man.” There’s no getting around this. I know I need to take the time. He’s half offering, half ordering me to do it. I need to accept that he’s trying to help. “Ok.” I whisper. I think for a few moments, “Can I take my...” “Nope.” He says decisively. “Work phone, laptop, anything else work-related stays here.” I frown, but know he’s right. He checks his watch. “Listen. Here’s what I’m going to do for you.” I glance up at him. He’s got a devilish smile on his face. “The company owns a cabin in the mountains. About 4 hours away.” I’ve heard about this place. The highest people in the company whisper about it in the hallways as some kind of Eden in the woods. “This time of year, nobody is there.” He says this spreading his arms wide. “Let me check with the big-wigs and if it’s open, I’m going to block off a month for you there.” I sigh thinking of the cost. God; food, travel there, packing, what do I take… My mind has wandered and Chuck’s voice brings me back, “…are the nicest caretakers around.” He’s smiling at me. “They will take care of your every need. You just ask, and they will get it for you. Now, I don’t mean go overboard and have steak and lobster every night with a nice Pinot, but don’t live on stale bread and water either.” He winks at me and I crack a smile. “Ok.” Chuck claps his hands in victory. He stands up, puts a hand out to me and I stand to shake it. He pulls me in for a hug. “Remember, this time away is for you to recharge. A month in the mountains, away from this rat race.” He rolls his eyes. “Maybe I should go out there,” He points to the office floor outside his office, “and let it all out.” I smile, thinking what I sight that would be, and now realize what I sight I must have been. My smile fades. “I guess I need to apologize to a bunch of people before I go.” He just looks at me and nods, knowing it won’t be easy. “That will be the toughest thing you have to do for the next month.” His hand is on my shoulder. He squeezes and continues, “Go out there, do your thing, apologize, and get your stuff ready. The moment I get the ‘ok’, you’re out of here.” I glance at my watch. He sarcastically says, “Leave that at home too. Up there, live your day by the sun, not your watch.” I crook an eye at him and ask quietly, “How’d you get so good at this?” He wraps an arm around my shoulder as he leads me to the door. He says with all seriousness, “You’re not the first person to stumble. I’ve been where you are.” He pats me on the back as I open the door. He points his finger at me. “Give me half an hour, and be ready.” I nod and walk across the floor to stares and not-too-subtle glances as his door shuts behind me. ** The four-hour drive on a late Friday afternoon was pretty easy. The directions were straightforward. Me in my burgundy 2019 Volvo S60 4 dr. sedan, driving west into the dusk, toward an apparent palatial estate of a mountain house. I was thinking ‘cabin in the woods with an outhouse for a bathroom and your bath is the creek half mile away’, but Chuck made it out to be a bit more than that. Not sure if he was buttering me up, or if I was exaggerating it in my head. He made me promise not to take any electronics, including my cell phone, Ipad, headphones, even my Movado watch had to sit this one out. He said there is a phone in the house, but it only calls to the caretaker’s home. ** As I pull off the main road, I realize how remote the place is. The driveway is a narrow gravel path. I click on my high-beams and take it nice and slow. On either side of the road is a dense tree and shrubbery line, well-manicured and in pristine condition. I guess it’s to keep the spectators from getting a view of the estate or house or log cabin, or whatever is at the other end of the driveway. About ¼ mile later, I come to the iron gate he mentioned. I roll the window down, punch the code into the keypad and silently pray the gate opens. Once I hit enter, I wait a second or two and then a spotlight comes on and the gate slowly rolls to the right. I notice a well-placed camera under the light. They know I’m here, that’s for sure. As the gate finishes opening, I think, ‘Well, that’s one hurdle down’. On the other side of the gate, the path widens and becomes a wide cement paved road. I breathe a sigh of relief. The road winds thru another wooded area for about a mile, then the tree line ends and the road heads up an incline. I see meadows on both sides of the driveway. I can see house lights in the distance and some off to the side, about half mile away. I figure one set is the cabin, the other, the caretaker’s home. I follow the road up and it winds back into a tree line. After about 3 minutes, I pass the turnoff to the caretaker’s house, which I catch a quick glimpse at and think, ‘it’s a pretty nice place in-and-of-itself.’ I roll on for another 3 minutes. The trees end and the road pours onto a circular brick paved driveway leading to an actual log cabin. The lights are on, in anticipation of my arrival. ‘Shit’ I think to myself. ‘Pretty fucking nice.’ It’s a log cabin, but not the one from Little House on the Prairie. More like a large two story ‘A frame’ house with decks and patios around it. I park my car, get out, and grab one of my bags. I walk to the front door and put the key in the lock, thinking ‘last hurdle’. If the key works, I’m golden, if not, I’m sure the cops will be here rather quickly. The key works. The door opens to a wide two-story foyer with recessed lights and hardwood floors all around. I do the quick check of the house, nobody here. I grab the rest of my bags from the car, lock it, then head back inside. I relock the front door and carry my bags to the living room. As I set them down, I see the fireplace is on, real logs, not a gas one. I head to the kitchen area on the other side of the open space and find a note. The handwriting is immaculate and is definitely feminine. Dear Mr. Cole, Welcome to the cabin. Mr. Fisher and myself are here to help you with anything you need. Please feel free to call us using the phone on the kitchen wall. It is a direct line to us, no need to dial. It will ring automatically on our side. The refrigerator is fully stocked. If there is anything you need, food wise, please let us know. If you would like me to make your meals, just let me know and we can create a menu based on your preferences. Linens are changed every 3 days, unless you request them to be changed more often. Laundry can be done when requested. There is a pamphlet on the counter with instructions on how to work the hot tub, whirlpool, and sauna. You will notice there are no TVs or radios in the house, nor is there an internet connection. The cabin was designed for the occupants to rest and relax. There is a library off the living room with a full selection of classic novels and some more modern tomes. If you would like a massage or help with exercising, please let us know. Mr. Fisher is very adept at helping people work out their kinks. The workout room is in the pool house, next to the pool. We took the liberty of turning the heater on in the pool as it is still chilly here at night. Graciously, Mrs. Fisher. I re-read the letter and put it down. I look around again and get my bearings. I go the fridge, open it, and find Mrs. Fisher was correct in that it is fully stocked. I see a selection of white wines from Pinot Grigio to Riesling. There are a couple different bottles of beer as well. I pull out a Stella and see the bottle opener on the side of the fridge. I check the freezer and find a frosted Stella glass on the middle shelf. I think, ‘Yeah, I could get used to this’. I pour the beer and start to wander around. The living room is sunken, and is also 2 stories with a balcony overlooking it. The furniture is rustic, over-sized, leather, and very comfortable. The walls have artwork from local artists. I do not recognize the names, but their work is outstanding. The fieldstone fireplace and hearth sit along the outside wall and there are French doors on each side. The curtains on the doors are closed, but I wander over and take a look out. Right outside is a brick paver patio leading to the rectangular pool. The light in the pool is on and casts a green blue light into the clear night sky. I turn back toward the house and see the door to the library off to a side. I click the light on and peek inside. I see floor to ceiling oak bookcases crammed with hardback books. There are windows on the far side of the room and two leather Duncan overstuffed sofas with rolled arms sitting opposite each other in the middle of the room on top of an Oriental rug. There is Cross Island lift top coffee table between them with a vase of fresh white Peony’s and purple and pink Irises. I click the light off and turn to see the dining room. There is a Florentina dining table and chairs in the middle of the room. I see a James Moder Wide Palace Ice Light chandelier hanging over the table and a Mahogany buffet table at the far end of the room. The hardwood floor is covered by a Channing Persian-style Hand tufted wool rug. There are more French doors leading to a private patio with a glass table and set of 6 chairs. The view opens to a wooded area and a small fountain. I come back thru the foyer and I’m back in the kitchen. I refill my beer, and take a look around. The fridge is a Viking 36-inch-wide French door in brushed stainless steel. Next to it is a matching granite counter top which extends around the whole kitchen. The stove, also Viking, is a 48-inch, 6 burners in stainless steel. The island has the same granite top with a deep sink. The pantry door is shut. No need to check it out, as I’m sure it’s full of food. The cabinets are glass with mullion inserts. I see plenty of fine Blue Willow China and then regular daily use plates and glasses. I grab my bags and head back to the foyer and up the steps to the 2nd floor. Again, hardwood floors throughout, with a carpet runner. I see three bedrooms; all seem to be master suites. I find one with a made bed and assume this is my room. It has a vaulted ceiling with exposed wood beams and a Hunter Ceiling fan hanging down. The king-sized bed has plenty of pillows for me and the dark blue spread compliments the lighter blue area rug under the bed. I see a walk-in closet on one side of the room and a bureau against the wall opposite the bed. There are French doors on the opposite side of the room. I walk to the doors, open them and step out onto a 10-foot wide by 20-foot-long balcony, overlooking the front yard and nearby woods. I can hear the crickets chirping. I take a deep breath and can feel some of the tension leave my body. I step back inside and pull the doors shut. I step into the master bath and see it’s just as impressive as the rest of the house. Double vanity, walk-in shower, heated towel rack, and a large soaking tub, with enough room to fit two adults. I put my empty beer glass on the night stand and flop onto the bed. I close my eyes and think, ‘No wonder this place has been kept a secret.’ I run my hands over my face and suddenly feel tired. I decide to call it an evening. I notice there are no clocks in the room. I remember what Chuck said, ‘Live your day by the sun’. I pick up one of my bags, pull out my bathroom items and put them on the bathroom counter. I pull out my PJ bottoms and change into them. I head back to the bathroom and finish up in there. I take a look at myself in the mirror and am suddenly ashamed of what I see. Tired from a simple four-hour drive, bags under my eyes, a flabby stomach where a six-pack used to sit. I glance away embarrassed, but then look back, and stare at my reflection. I say out loud, “Cole, you have a month to get your shit together. You better fucking do it.” I suck in my gut and can see glimpses of my six-pack. I think, ‘There’s still hope.’ And smile to myself. I turn the lights off and head to the bed. As I lay down and pull the covers up, I realize how quiet it is. No city noises. No cars, subway, planes, people, or TVs from the neighbor’s apartment. No one on the street yelling obscenities at their boyfriend or girlfriend. No kids shrieking or parents fighting. Just peace and quiet. I drift off. I wake the next morning, Saturday morning. No clue what time it is, but I know it’s well past the time I would normally get up as the sunlight is streaming into the room thru the curtains. I stare at the ceiling fan and the wood beams beyond it. My mind drifts to work. Did I set my out of office response? I did I update the message on my phone? Then I remember what Chuck said as he was ushering me out, “Cole, we’ll handle this, you handle this.” And he lightly tapped the side of my head. I take a deep breath and let my body relax as much as I can. After a few minutes, I get out of bed and pad into the bathroom and do my thing. After I wash my hands and run some cold water on my face, I get changed into a pair of dark blue nylon gym shorts and a yellow dry mesh t-shirt. I pull out my size 11 Brooks Cascadia trail running shoes and head downstairs. The fire is out. Oops, I probably should have put it out last night before I went up. Have to tuck that away for next time. The house is flooded with sunlight. I head to the French doors and pull them open. The sun is half way up the morning sky. Guessing it’s either 10 or 1030. The morning chill has worn off and the day is heating up. I walk out onto the patio and see the pool and deck furniture. There is also a Weber Genesis II Stainless steel gas grill off to a side. I wander around the pool to the pool house and take a peek inside. It’s fully loaded with equipment. I’ll have plenty of time to get re-acquainted with everything. I start to stretch. I sit on the warming brick pavers and can feel the tightness in my muscles. This run won’t be fun, but I have to do it. I’ve got to start somewhere and right here, right now is the best place and time. After 10 minutes, I feel loose, or loose enough not to do any permanent damage. I head to the edge of the patio and look out over the woods and fields below. It’s absolutely gorgeous. I take another deep breath and jog off the edge. I head down an obvious path and it winds into the woods. I take it nice and slow to start, remembering I’ll have to climb this hill to get home. I get a mile or so into my jog and find the path has leveled out. The trees are thinning as well. I come to the edge of a meadow and I see a pond in the middle of it. I continue my jog thru the warm fresh air and the path takes me right to the pond. I see an area has been cleared and there are a couple of benches there, creating a sitting area which faces the pond. I can hear frogs croaking. They fall silent as I pass them. As I circle the pond, I decide this makes a logical turning point and I head back. I get back into the wooded area and am half way up the hill when I see a green John Deere 3032E tractor and trailer in the middle of the path. I slow my jog and come to a walk as I near it. I call out, “Hello?” I hear a deep manly voice respond from in the trees, “Hello there.” I glance around, but do not see the man who called back. I try again, “Hello? My name is Cole. I’m staying at the cabin.” The voice comes back, a bit closer this time, “Oh. Hello Mr. Cole. My name is Mr. Fisher. I’m the care-taker for the property.” I can now see him emerging through the oaks and pines. My breath catches. When I think care-takers, I think an elderly married couple who live on the property as a way to make some extra money for their retirement. She dresses in flowery printed dresses and has gray hair bundled up on her head, held there by bobby pins and maybe a scarf. She’ll have an apron on all the time and probably has gardening gloves stashed away in a pocket. She’ll smell of apple pie and has a warm, grandmotherly smile, which puts everyone at ease. She’ll pinch your cheeks and want to hug you every time you see her. He’ll be dressed in overalls, a flannel shirt, and Workhog XT VentTEK work boots, even in hottest August. He’ll be wearing a straw hat and have a sprig of grass in his mouth. There’ll be a red and black bandana in his back pocket to wipe the sweat off his brow; and his hands will be calloused and worn, but strong and nimble. There will be a pair of old work gloves hanging out of his other back pocket. He’ll look at you, squinting thru one eye, pointing his pinky at you as he dispenses valuable life lessons. The man who stepped towards me, was not that. I had to shut my mouth for fear of gaping at him too long. Mr. Fisher was probably my age, but he was 6’3”, easily 230-pounds, and not wearing overalls or a flannel shirt. Wavy dark brown hair, matted down by the first signs of sweat, cover his head. He has 5-day stubble on his face. High cheek bones and a strong jaw line help define his face. He’s wearing a sweaty dry-fit mesh t-shirt, that is snug around his chest and free flowing around his tight waist. His arms are like ham hocks hanging off his shoulders. His biceps are engorged with blood due to the work he was doing before I interrupted him. I see veins crawling over them. He’s wearing tan work pants and I can see he does have on work boots. I laugh to myself, ‘I got one thing right.’ As he steps thru the trees and closer to the path, I see his bright green eyes size me up in about a second. He pulls off a work glove and sticks his hand out. In his deep voice he says, “Good morning Mr. Cole. How are you today? Did you sleep well?” I break my stare, glancing from left to right, then cautiously back at him. I look into eyes, smile, and say, “Good morning Mr. Fisher. I’m doing well today, thank you. Yes, I did sleep well last night. Probably one of the best nights of sleep in a very long time.” We glance at each other again, and I say, “Great morning for a run.” He nods, wiping sweat from his face with the back of his wrist, his bicep bulging, I stare at it a bit too long and he notices. I quickly add, “I haven’t been able to do this,” I nod toward the trail “in a very long time. I’m glad I did.” I look back at him and he’s grinning, chest puffed out, sweat stain running down the deep crevice between his pecs. My tongue quickly flicks out to wet my lips. I try not to stare, but the sight of his body makes it hard not to. I feel a twitch down below. I shuffle my feet and lean against a tree to stretch my calf muscle, trying to casually hide my excitement. I embarrassingly say, “Need to stay loose. Don’t want cramp up on my first run.” I nervously smile to him. He just watches me with a grin that I think means he knows what’s up. I say, “Yeah, the house is bigger than I thought, and I have it all to myself.” I cringe and think to myself, ‘Fuck, I hope that doesn’t sound like I’m asking him to come over’. He smiles back, “Yeah, the cabin is on the large side when there’s just one person there.” Now the awkward silence. It lasts for just 10 seconds, but seems like eternity. My breathing which had been heavy due to the jog has slowed. His sweating has eased, but he is still breathing deeply. His chest rising and falling. I notice his pert nipples thru the fabric. I break the silence, “I’m sorry to have bothered you, Mr. Fisher. I’ll let you get back to work.” I smile to him. He looks me over once more and says in a confident tone, “Since this is your first jog in a while, you will want to take some extra care in your warm down. Remember to stretch everything or you may cramp up later today.” I nod in appreciation. “I’ll be up to the cabin later today, if you need help with anything.” ‘Oh fuck, did he just come on to me?’. I look at the path, thinking, ‘Not sure Chuck would appreciate me getting it on with the help on the first day.’ I look back at him and graciously say, “Thank you. You know where I’ll be.” He winks at me. I turn from him and start my jog back up the hill, trying to keep my inflating unit from banging my leg. I get back to the house, run up to the bedroom, grab a towel, lay on the bed, and proceed to jerk off, remembering what the gorgeously muscular Mr. Fisher looks like. Afterwards, I shower, shave, and get ready for the rest of the day, I head to the kitchen and look for the microwave. I find it and spot a clock on it. ‘Ha!’ It’s around noon. I open the fridge and find more than enough ingredients for a salad. I fill a plate, grab a glass of ice water and head to the pool area. I wander back in and go into the library. I don’t find a classic I’d like to read, but spot a book on yoga and relaxation. ‘What are the odds’ I think to myself, rolling my eyes. I pull it down and head back out. I take my time enjoying the salad and realize I’m eating fresh vegetables, like picked off the plant within a few days, not something I hurriedly grabbed at the local mini-mart that was God knows how many days old. I savor every bite. I start to read thru the book. Much of the first few pages are common sense tips, which I need to re-incorporate into my life. Get decent sleep, drink plenty of water, stretch your neck, etc. I move from the patio table to a deck lounge chair and continue to read. The warm sun is overhead. A gentle breeze runs between the house and the pool house. Next thing I know, I’m re-awakened by the sound of Mr. Fisher’s voice. “Mr. Cole?” I hear distantly. “Mr. Cole, are you awake?” My eyes slowly open, the book has fallen to the ground and my hands are laying at my sides. I squint thru the bright sunlight to see him standing near me, but off to the side. “Good afternoon Mr. Fisher.” I groggily say smiling to him. I quickly collect myself and continue, “Sorry, guess I dozed off.” He smiles back to me. I turn, get up, and my leg cramps. I stumble a bit and fall toward the patio table. He is by my side in a flash, gripping my elbow with a strong hand. I reach my other hand to the table and steady myself. With concern in his voice, he asks, “Are you alright?” His hand still holding me, his fingers tight on my skin. I can feel the warmth of his body and can smell the sweat on him. He easily guides me to a chair and I sit. “I am, thank you.” He slowly releases my arm and takes a seat next to me, his eyes scanning my body. “I guess the jog and sun wore me out more than I thought.” He nods. My leg cramps again and I wince in pain. I reach for it. “You didn’t stretch after your jog, did you?” He asks in a knowing tone. I sheepishly nod no. I can’t really tell him I was busy taking care of a raging hard-on, rather than stretching out. “Ok.” He stands, pushes his chair back and turns to me. “Turn your chair.” I do. “Stick your leg out as much as you can.” I attempt to straighten it, but it sits at a 30-degree angle. I hear him chuckle lowly. He reaches both hands out and takes ahold of my calf. I can see the muscles on the lower part twitching. He sees it as well and starts to gently massage the area. His strong fingers rub, then dig into the muscle, loosening the fibers. The cramp eases after a few minutes of his ministrations. I sigh in relief. He hears it, smiles, while still looking down, and says, “I guess ‘lesson learned’, Mr. Cole?” I hear a bit of sarcasm in his voice, but can tell he’s not being malicious. I give it right back to him, “Yes sir, Sargent Fisher.” He glances up and winks. “Also, you can just call me ‘Cole’. The ‘Mr.’ part makes me feel like old.” “Ok, but only if you call me Jake. ‘Mr. Fisher’ are my dad and my Pappy.” He stands up and gets back into his seat. He crosses his legs and his huge work boots clunk into the table. We both laugh. Now the conversation starts to flow. “Ah, so you and your wife are the caretakers?” I ask digging for info. “No.” I raise an eyebrow. “The ‘Mrs. Fisher’ is my Nona.” I nod in understanding. “Nona is still able to get around and do things, but Pappy passed away a few years ago. I was brought on to help and do the heavy lifting. Kind of say, I like the gig. The work isn’t too bad. Just maintain the estate and help the people who stay here with any issues, you know like cramps in their legs.” Now it’s his turn to raise an eyebrow and smile at me. “Sorry to hear about your grandfather.” He nods in appreciation. “Is there a lot of heavy lifting?” He shrugs his boulder shoulders. “How big is the estate?” “It’s a couple hundred acres.” My eyes get large. He sees it, smiles, and says, “Yeah, we don’t get too many ‘regular people’ here.,” He uses air quotes. He looks at the house and pool. “Usually, it’s one of the execs looking to bring side-fling up for a good time weekend. Or maybe one of their families over a holiday.” He’s very nonchalant about it. He puts his hands behind his head and intertwines his fingers. His biceps flex and I try not to stare. “There are quite a few paths to maintain. And I have to mow the meadow area every few weeks, but besides that, and taking down a few dead trees every now and then, not much really happens.” “Sounds like a pretty sweet gig, like you said.” “Yeah, I get to look after Nona as well. She’s not as young as she thinks she is anymore.” We both chuckle. “I mean, she still can put me in my place with a glance, but she makes a mean lasagna, so I am happy to help out.” “Must be hard on your social life, being so far from town…and people?” “Eh, I sneak off once the chores are done.” He says with a knowing wink. “Town is not that far, comparatively speaking.” I give him a sly smile and ask, “You ever bring a date up to ‘the big house’, just for some fun?” I spread my arms around and say, “What girl wouldn’t like this view.” I think to myself ‘and a view of your body in a speedo or less.’ He lets out a raucous laugh, “If I brought a date here, I think Nona would have my hide.” I notice he didn’t say ‘girl’, but ‘date’. Maybe… “I think my leg is feeling better and I’m sure you have better things to do” I am cut off by the French doors opening. I turn to see a spry elderly woman walk out. Must be Mrs. Fisher. Jake immediately stands, he looks down at the ground. She speaks with authority in her voice, “Jake, I believe you have some trees to trim in the lower meadow. I think you’ve taken up enough of Mr. Cole’s time.” He quietly says, “Yes, Nona.” He turns and starts to walk to the path. When he gets to the edge, he turns and says to me, “Please remember to fully stretch before and after each jog. It would not do you any good to be laid up while you were here.” I take his meaning as something other than what he says out loud for his Nona. He turns and I see his broad back descend the hill. I hear tractor start and drive away. “Mr. Cole.” I turn to Mrs. Fisher and see she is half of what I expected. She’s about 5’3”, maybe 100 pounds. She’s got the gray hair and gardening gloves, but past that, she’s her own person. “I’m sorry if my grandson was bothering you. Sometimes he gets chatty with the guests.” I see steel in her eyes and realize not much gets past her. Now I can see why Jake hasn’t brought any dates up here. “I hope you got settled in last night.” I nod. “Very nice. Would you like me to prepare any meals for you? I see you found something for lunch.” She glances at the dirty plate. “I did, thank you. I made a salad. The vegetables were very fresh. Much better than I am used to in the city.” She smiles. “As to making meals for me…” She looks at me like she really wants to cook for me to show off her skills. “Maybe a dinner or two a week?” She nods ok, but I can tell she’s disappointed. “Maybe more as time goes on.” I wave my arms around and says, “This is new to me and a bit overwhelming right now.” She nods, “Maybe in a few days, after I get comfortable. Right now, I need to spend time thinking some things through and I’m not sure what my appetite will be like. I would hate for you to cook a full meal and I only eat a small portion of it.” “I understand.” She responds flatly. “If you change your mind, just let me know.” I nod. “I’m going to make a quick check of the house and I’ll leave you be. May I take the plate in?” I get up to hand it to her. She turns to go but I ask a question, “May I ask what the weather is going to be like for the next few days? I’d hate to be out on the property and get stuck in a rain shower. Not having a radio or TV, makes it rather hard to find out.” She smiles and with a slightly condescending tone in her voice says, “You’re on one of the highest points of land around. You’ll be able to see and hear any storms while they are far enough away.” I try to let it go and say, “Thank you Mrs. Fisher.” I return to the lounge chair and lay back down. I pick up the book and flip to the page I was on prior to falling asleep. I hear the French doors shut. The rest of the afternoon is uneventful. I read a few chapters of the book. I grab a yoga mat from the exercise room and try a few of the easier poses. After that I go for a swim. The water is warm, but not too warm to make it uncomfortable. I wander into the exercise room and do a light chest and arm workout. I’ve got a month to get back into shape. No need to pull something on the first day. I make my dinner, some salmon, vegetables, and rice. I find a bottle of Pinot Noir and remember what Chuck said, but then think, ‘he’s not here’. I open the bottle and let it breathe while the salmon is resting. I find a loaf of sour dough bread and cut off a few slices. I take everything back to the patio and sit to enjoy the meal in the fading light. After I clean up, I grab a pen and paper and map out my plan for the upcoming week, while sitting in one of the one leather chairs in the living room. Not having my cell phone calendar makes it a bit tougher, but I manage to put a rough schedule together. It includes jogging daily, working out, reading, and yoga. I also write up a quick meal plan based on what I saw in the pantry, fridge, and freezer. I realize I will need to contact Mrs. Fisher for a few more items. I write up a quick grocery list and leave it on the counter with her name on it. Maybe she’ll pick it up next time she comes up. I grab a Granny Smith apple and head back to the patio. Night has set in and I can hear owls in the surrounding trees. I also hear crickets singing their song in the grass outside the pool area. I begin to take stock of my life and realize that while I may not be able to afford an estate like this one, I can afford to get away for a week every now and then. I take a few deep breaths of the clean, fresh mountain air and stare up into the night sky. The stars are so clear. I try to make out some constellations, but am woefully bad at it. I’ll have to check the library for book on them. I move to a lounge chair and lay for a while, just watching the sky and listening to nature. I nod off once or twice and decide to call it a night. I get another restful sleep. I wake to the sun streaming in again. I decide to move quicker today. I get a quick shower, don’t bother shaving, and brush my teeth. I get into my jogging gear and head down. I notice the grocery list is still on the counter. I head out to the exercise room. I stretch for a full ten minutes, as I found a stop watch in the room. I head down the same path as yesterday, but at a slightly faster pace. It feels nice. I get to the pond and head past it this time. I go to the far edge of the meadow, and re-enter the wooded area. The path leads up an incline and then opens to another meadow, this one overlooking the next valley. The path splits and I take the left branch. I have a feeling this one will lead toward the gate house and driveway. I continue on for another half mile and come thru the woods to the driveway. I’m a few yards away from the gate. I start to jog up the hill on the grass beside the drive. I get to the caretaker’s house and slow my pace. I glance in and see it is a 2-story cottage with a work garage off to the side. I see a beat up 1999 Ford F150 pickup and a later model Jeep Cherokee in the driveway. I don’t see Jake’s tractor. He must be on the property somewhere. I turn and continue up the hill. I get to the main house and slow my pace. I enter the circle in front of the house and see his tractor. The attached trailer is loaded down with tree limbs. I see the limbs were broken off, not sawed. Some are pretty thick and I think, ‘Jake must be one strong man to break limbs that size.’ I glance around, but do not see him. I walk to the side of the house and go thru a grape-vine covered arbor to the side yard. I pass thru beds of annual and perennial flowers. I stop to smell the ones in bloom. Such a soothing effect. I see a bench near a birdbath and sit for a bit. The shade of an old elm tree protects me from the sun. I feel a slight warm breeze. It feels nice. I hear Finches, Thrushes, and Bluebirds in the trees around me. I guess I’m interrupting their time at the bath. I spread my arms over the back of the bench, slouch down a bit, close my eyes for a minute, and let the calm and peacefulness of the moment sink in. His deep voice hits me from behind, “They smell nice, don’t they, Cole?” I open my and turn to face him. His green eyes penetrate me. “How was your run?” I saw you take off a while ago.” “It felt nice Jake, thanks for asking. I’m glad I pushed myself to go further this time.” I ignore the fact that he saw me leave. He’s going to be around the house and property and will see me, even if I don’t see him. I take a look at him and see he’s in another sweaty t-shirt and tan work pants. His arms are pumped again. I guess there was some heavy lifting to do, or breaking branches. He sees me looking at him and smiles. He glances at my leg and asks, “How does calf feel? Any signs you’re going to cramp up again?” “I don’t think so. I was just about the go into the exercise room and warm down.” He nods. I take a chance and ask, “The welcome note your grandmother left said you give massages?” His face brightens. “How do I get on the list for one?” I ask with a sly smile. “I mean, given your size,” I wave my arm toward his body. “I’m sure your schedule is booked solid.” He laughs and says, “I think I can squeeze you in. Are you looking for a therapeutic massage or deep tissue?” He crosses his arms over his huge chest and waits for my answer. “I think a deep tissue would do the trick.” “Figured as much.” He looks me over again and says, “What are your plans in about an hour or so?” “Besides a whole lot of ‘not much’, nothing really, just reading and looking at the scenery.” I try hard not to stare at his muscles. “I guess I can be free.” He booms, “Perfect.” He inflates his chest and stands up a bit straighter. “Be in the exercise room. I need to head back to the house, get cleaned up, and get my gear.” I turn to walk to the back of the house and as I pass him, he puts his hand on my shoulder, squeezes, and quietly says, “You’ll feel like a new man when I’m done with you.” He winks at me again and turns toward the front of the house. I think, ‘yeah, I’m sure I will.’ The thought of his hands rubbing my body gets me hard rather quickly. I head around the house and quickly go upstairs. I take a hot shower to ease my erection and to wash the sweat off me. I decide to shave. It only takes a few minutes due to my poor beard growing genes. I get dressed and head to the kitchen. I grab a fresh mango from the counter, squeeze it to make sure it’s ripe, then cut it. I get the fruit out and put it in a dish. I check the microwave and have 15 minutes. I sit at the counter and enjoy the sweetness of the fruit. I put the dish in the sink to clean later and notice the grocery list is gone. I head to the patio and wait for Jake. A few minutes later I hear him coming thru the flower garden on the side of the house. I want to immediately turn and look at him, to see what he’s wearing, to see if his muscles are on display or are covered up. Has he shaved his sexy beard off, or left it on for my pleasure? He calls out to me, “Hey Cole, right on time.” With some jocularity in his voice he says, “It’s always nice when the client is on time, or even early.” Now I turn to see him. My heart starts to race and blood is diverted to my groin. His still wet hair is pushed back over his head and covered by a dark blue baseball hat. The hat is on backwards and there a few hairs sticking out the front and falling on his forehead. He didn’t shave. I smile inwardly as I take in his face. Those green eyes and winning smile. That scruffy beard. I would love to run my fingers over it, just to feel the coarseness of it and the underlying jawline. He’s wearing a bright green tank-top which fits him like a second skin. His chest is pumped and his pert nipples are clearly visible, and more prominent than I thought. I wonder how sensitive they are and if I can make him fidget with delight as I twist or nibble them. I see a few dark hairs at the top of his pecs. His arms. My oh my. They must be 18-inches, unpumped, with veins crawling over them. His shirt is tucked into a pair of dark gray mesh gym shorts. His waist must be 31 or 32-inchs. I can see his abs thru the shirt. My mouth waters. Those mesh shorts, they seem to be a size too small for his tree trunk legs. God, what those tan workpants were hiding. His quads are rippling with muscle and his hairy calves are enormous. I see his has flip-flops on, but even his feet look manly. I see him smiling at me as I finish taking him in. “You get a nice look?” He asks. I blush. “Dude, don’t worry, I get it all the time.” ‘I bet you do’ I think to myself. He’s carrying a backpack which must hold the massage oils. I stand up as he nears me, and remember we’re about the same height. He’s just wider and sexier. He glances up and down my body, and now it’s his turn to blush, as I catch him looking. I wink at him. I say, “So, let’s do this.” We head in. He quickly clears off an exercise table and pulls a sheet out of one of the cabinets along the wall. He spreads it over the table and pats his hand on it, motioning for me to sit. I do. He gets in front of me, squats down, his legs exploding with muscle, and starts to poke and squeeze and expertly assess my body. He starts with my feet and moves upward. He asks if anything hurts and about previous injuries. I answer, staring at his hat and his muscled forearms. As he gets to my midsection and chest, my semi-erect cock is partially straining my shorts. He completely ignores it. I’m guessing he’s seen it happen before. He stands and works on my shoulders for a second. “Please take off your shirt.” I do. His eyes wander down my body, taking in what used to be a toned torso. He asks me to sit up straight and I do. He puts his fingers on my clavicle and presses in. He raises my right arm and uses his other hand to apply pressure to my side chest and upper rib cage. He releases my arm and takes a step back. He looks me in the eyes and asks, “Swimmer, runner, or gymnast?” “Swam in high school and college. Did some cross country in high school too.” He nods. “It shows. You’ve got that nice lean build. Your muscles are there, but just need to be toned up.” I nod but with embarrassment. “Cole, it happens. Life gets in the way. You skip a day at the gym, then it’s every other day. I get it.” I look him in the eyes and see not an ounce of judgement. “May I ask what brought you here? You aren’t the typically guest. And, for a month?” I sigh and give him the abbreviated version, including the part of me being gay. He just listens, nodding every so often. He gently puts his hand on my thigh and says with sincerity, “I’m sorry.” I look at him with appreciation. “I must say, you have one nice boss to give you a month off so you can get yourself back on course.” I think to myself, he’s absolutely right. “Well, now that’s it’s out in the open, you can develop a course of action.” I smile to him and proudly say, “I sketched out a plan last night after dinner. Trust me, it involves a lot of exercise and working thru some stuff up here.” I tap the side of my head. “Well, I can’t help you with that, but I’d be more than happy to help you with the exercise part.” I look at him with a bit of skepticism. I tentatively ask, “Won’t your grandmother be upset that you’re shirking your work responsibilities?” He shrugs his boulder shoulders and says back, “Well, part of my job description is to make the guests feel at home and help them with whatever they need.” His green eyes dance with anticipation. A slight smile comes over both our faces. He claps his hands together and excitedly says, “Drop your shorts and get on the table, face down.” I’m partially taken aback, but I see he is taking off his t-shirt. He turns back to me and his chest is enormous. The dark hairs I saw earlier were just a taste. His pecs have a nice dark mat of curly hair which trails down between his pecs to his abs. From there it disappears into his shorts. I turn away, face the other direction and slip my shorts down over my growing erection, leaving me in just my boxer briefs. I kick them off and slide back onto the table, making sure I don’t ‘free willy’ by accident. I lift my midsection and make sure everything is pointed in the right direction. I hear him laugh softly again. He pats me on the shoulder and says, “Cole, don’t be embarrassed about getting an erection around me. You wouldn’t be the first guy to admire and appreciate my body, and God willing, you won’t be the last.” He pats me again and bends down to open his bag. I hear him open a bottle oil and put some on his hands. He puts the bottle on the table, leaning against my leg. As he starts to work my calf muscles, I decide to take the bull by the horns. “So, what’s the social scene around here? I mean you can’t spend all your free time with your Nona in the caretaker’s house. Where do you go to cut loose?” He hums a bit and says, “I get into town every so often.” He’s being vague on purpose. I desperately want to ask him if he’s gay, or at least bi, but he has my right foot in his hands and I think he could break it if he wanted to. “There are a few bars and restaurants to hang out at.” I wonder if any of them are gay bars. There’s a lull in the conversation as he continues his work. He asks every so often if the pressure is enough, not enough, or too much. I let him know he could go a bit harder. He does and I immediately feel it. I moan as his fingers dig thru the tense fibers in my Adductor Brevis and Adductor Longus, releasing the pressure. He then moves to my Gracilis muscle and gives it a workover. He is quickly moving from one side of the table to the other, adding oil to his hands as he goes. He hits each side with equal pressure and attention. After he finishes there, he moves over my boxers and right to my lower back. I hear him open the bottle and say, “Be ready, this may not be as warm as my hands.” I feel a few drops of oil hit my spine. It’s not chilly, but it’s not nearly as warm as his hands. I tense, then quickly release. He puts his hand on the oil and starts to move it around, coating my entire lower back. He hesitantly says, “Um…Cole…It would be easier for me it you took your boxers off.” I knew that request was coming. “Just so I don’t soak them with oil.” “Ok.” I buck my hips up and carefully slide them down. Once they are around my thighs, I feel his strong fingers take ahold of them and slips them all the way off. There is a pregnant pause and I wonder if he’s staring as my ass. Next thing I know, he tosses his shorts into a pile in front of me. Then a few seconds later, a pair of dark blue posers. I guess this is his way of answering my unasked question. He immediately gets back to work. His strong fingers nimbly move around my lower back and side rib cages. He applies pressure, stretches the muscle out, then relaxes the hold. He does this over and over again, moving up my right side. When he gets to my shoulder blade, he stops, walks around the table so he passes in front of me and starts to work on my left side. He moved too quickly. I didn’t get to see anything except his muscular legs. More oil, then he starts to work on my glutes. His fingers grab ahold of the muscle, and he kneads it, like it’s bread dough. Because of the pressure he applies, as well as his strong fingers, I can feel him practically rubbing my hip bone. He keeps at it, his fingers grabbing, pulling, releasing. I notice his fingers are moving closer to my crack. I feel three fingers dip into my crack, but they just grab the muscle and he pulls it toward him. He holds it, then I feel his index finger slide up and down my crack. Now that was not my imagination. He releases as quickly as he started. He goes to the other side and does the same thing, except, no finger on my crack. He gently slaps my ass and says, “Done down below. Shoulder, arms, and neck time.” He puts just a bit of oil on my upper back and uses both hands to spread it around. He still standing off to a side. “Cole, you’ve got nice wide shoulders. It shows that you were a swimmer. They taper down to a nice waistline too.” “Thanks.” I say back. “But that waistline is hidden under a layer of beer and fried food.” He laughs and says, “We’ll work on getting it back. It shouldn’t be too hard, or take too long.” He starts to apply deep pressure to around the area and I moan again. It feels so good. When he’s done with the shoulder, his picks up my arm and starts to work the Triceps. He grips my arm with his fingers and uses the pads of his thumbs to press into the muscle. He works the whole area, then does the sides of my biceps. He works his way down to my hand and gives it a work stretch as well. He grabs each finger individually and pulls on them. I feel the muscles lengthen, then contract when he releases. I’m in heaven. He walks around the back of the table and basically reverses what he just did. He starts with my hand and works up to my Triceps and shoulder blade. As he finishes there, he walks to the head of the table, so he is right in front of me and starts to work on my neck and upper shoulders. My head is forced down over the edge of the table, so I can only see is lower legs and feet. Again, he applies deep pressure and I feel bones crack and tendons loosen. His fingers quickly find any knots or bulbs and expertly break them up. I squirm a few times, because it actually hurt. He says, “Sorry, but I need to break them up or you’ll still have pain.” “I get it and am glad you’re doing it, but I’ll be a lot happier when you’re done.” He lets loose his deep laugh. He continues his torture and I squirm some more, but slowly movements begin to feel normal, still deep and strong, but it’s like he’s hit his grove and is just working on autopilot. Then I feel it. His unit bumps the side of my head, near my right ear. He is leaning over my body to reach my middle back and I can feel his warm sweat drip off him and onto me. His hairy chest is touching my upper back as he reaches further down, to my lower back. I feel the bump again. Due to his body practically laying on top of me, I am not able to turn my head. He starts to lean back up and is drawing his fingers up my spine. He is using both hands and is pushing the muscles from both sides. I can feel my spine crack. I moan again. He says, “You think your spine is cracking now, just wait until I crack it for real. You’ll be in heaven.” I think, ‘Already there Jake.” He’s at the nape of my neck. He’s standing up and the pressure is off my head. I lift it to readjust the position and catch a glimpse of him. 6-inches flaccid, shaved groin, cut. I cautiously inhale his scent. Sweat and Old Spice. Nice mix. I feel blood rush south again. His fingers work their magic, digging into the side of my neck, getting between the fibers, and spreading everything out. He finishes my neck, then says, “Just to let you know, I’m going to massage your head. Not sure if you’ve ever had it done, but it feels great.” I feel the fingers of both his hands encompass my skull. He applies gently pressure and starts to move his fingers around. My skin feels like it is being pulled off my head, then put back on. He takes his time and makes sure he gets every part of my scalp. When he finally finishes, I’m breathing heavily. He hears me and says, “See told you.” “Not that I doubted you, but sounded more painful than it actually was.” “Ok, turn over. Time to work over your topside.” Gratefully my erection has faded. I turn over and see him scan my body from head to toe. I’m looking up at his body, from his belly button to his shelf pecs and pert nipples. I see he cobblestone abs, with ridges of muscles just waiting for a tongue to coat them with saliva. ‘Fuck, blood rushing south.’ My erection starts to rise, but I close my eyes and block the image of his body from it. I start to fade. I hear him walk to the end of the table and I feel his oily fingers grab my left ankle, lift it up, and put it on his shoulder. I keep my eyes shut to avoid looking his face and spectacular chest. He starts to work on my leg, squeezing and relaxing the muscles in my quads and groin area. When he has loosened it enough, he climbs up on the table and moves forward compressing my leg against my chest. I feel his flaccid unit bump my balls. Not a word from him. He pushes down three or four times, each time he hits me. I can feel his warm breath just inches away from my face. I smell peppermint gum each time he exhales on the downward push. He very slowly eases off. He does the same with my right ankle and leg, but when he is massaging my groin area, his fingers dance under my hairless balls. Just for a second, they gently stroke my taint. I am unable to hold back my erection any longer. It grows pretty rapidly to its full seven inches. Jake just continues to work my leg over. He does the same compression and now I feel his unit is no longer flaccid. There some heft to it. It bangs into me and I can feel his head hitting my balls. I take a chance and open my eyes. He is right above me, maybe 6 inches away from my face, his bright green eyes looking directly into my dark blue ones. He smiles to me and quietly says, “Hey”, but keeps on going. As he eases off, his fingers run down my torso and trace down groin area, rubbing my super sensitive inner leg. My unit goes full mast. I hear a low chuckle. He climbs off the table and walks up the left side. He puts his hands on my chest and starts to massage my pecs. He’s not as aggressive here. Just rubbing the muscles back and forth, loosening them up. I can feel his unit poke me in the side. He’s erect as well. I take a chance and turn my hand over and allow my fingers to caress the inside of his muscled quad. He doesn’t seem to mind and keeps on working. I feel him adjust his stance and my hand is now right under his balls. I put my hand into a cup shape and he moves his body again so they are resting in my hand. I slowly close my hand and let my fingers softly touch him. I hear him hum as his fingers pause. His fingers work their way to my abs. He uses the palms of his hands, as well as his fingers, to rub the muscles. I release his balls. He pauses and looks down at me. I look up and he just nods. I cup him again. He smiles and goes back to work. I get a bit more playful and use my fingers to softly pull down on his ball sac. He moans again, a bit louder. My unit is at full mast and sticking up at a 45-degree angle. He maneuvers his fingers under it and caresses my lower abs, bumping my unit more often than not. He’s looking down at it over his heaving chest. His breathing is deep and paced. I can see sweat trickling down the sides of his face, into his beard. His biceps are engorged with blood, pumped up, and sweaty as well. He glances to me, sees me looking at them and flexes them slightly. My unit gets that much harder. I release his balls again, but immediately rub my middle finger along his length. He flinches and pauses again. He puts his right hand flat on my lower abs and lets it rest there. I look at the ceiling, feeling we have crossed a line, and there is no going back. His left hand comes to rest on my balls. His fingers begin a slow dance, caressing the area, and stroking my taint. He flips his right hand over and I feel him softly take hold of me. I let out an audible sigh while looking at the ceiling. He does as well, in response. I move my fingers to grasp his girth. I take hold and slowly move my hand right and left. He does the same. My chest is now rising and falling in unison with his. Our hands are moving at the same pace, we have the same grip on each other. I feel the warm skin around his unit slide easily as I jerk him. His body moves closer to the table. His legs are against the side of it. His unit is poking into me. My movements become quicker. He matches me. I glance toward him and lick my lips, just at the beauty of his body and face. He turns and sees my tongue slip back in my mouth. He grins and moves his left hand further under my body. I feel him poke around my hole, but not enter it. He just caresses the hairs there. That in combination with his jerking me, and me having a hold of his unit, sends a lightning bolt down my spine. I mumble, “Cumming.” He slows his motion for a second, then gives me three quick yanks, each one more aggressive than the last. On the third one, the finger on my ass dips inside me. I cum, shooting my load like a rocket out of me. The first load coats my face and upper chest. The next two, my chest and abs. The last one coats his hand. He slows his jerking motion and comes to a stop. I realize I have a death grip on his unit. I croak, “Sorry.” as I ease my grip, but don’t release him. “Now worries.” Is all he says, smiling down at me. I continue to jerk him and see his body tense up. He grips the edge of the table with both hands and I see his biceps flex as his abs compress into his body. His chest inflates. He growls as he lets loose. His cum blasts into the side of my body. Four distinct shots hit me and stick to my sweaty body. When he’s done, I slowly release him. He takes his hands off the table and turns to put his ass on the edge. He takes a few deep breaths to cleanse himself. He pats me on the chest and asks, “Feel better?” I wink at him in response. “Good to hear.” He leans back down to his bag and pulls out a couple towels. I see his very shapely muscular ass for the first time. I whistle lowly. He flexes his glutes and stands up. He turns and winks as he hands one to and uses the other to clean himself. I get my face, chest, and abs. I move to clean my leg and he puts his hand on top of mine, stopping me. He winks and says, “I’ve got this.” He easily slides my body to the edge of the table, squats down, and proceeds to lick his cum off my body. His warm rough tongue runs along my body, scooping and pulling the warm glop into his mouth. I lean up and watch. I reach my hand down and grab his nipple and squeeze. He shuts his eyes tightly and moans. As he finishes, he stands, reaches a hand down to me and as I take it, he pulls me to a seated position. “Do you want me to crack your back now or later?” “Might as do it now, since we’re both soft.” He chuckles. “I mean, if we waited, I know I’d sprout another boner just from your touch.” I pat his plate like pecs, which he flexes for me. “Ok. Lay back down on the table.” I do. He explains what he is going to do. “Don’t take this the wrong way, but I’m going to climb on the table with you, but next to you.” I grin and wiggle my eyebrows. He just shakes his head. “You will lean up and take a deep breath and hold it. I will wrap my arms around your back. When I say so, you exhale completely and lean back. I will squeeze as you go down and your back should crack.” “Gotcha.” He climbs on the table with me, but on my right side. His flaccid unit trapped between our bodies. I lean up, take the breath and hold it. He wraps his pythons around me and grips his wrists behind my back. He says, “Now.” I exhale and lean back. I feel his biceps squeeze and grow larger. I keep exhaling and falling back. Suddenly I feel my vertebra crack, just like he said. I am flat on the table looking into his eyes, which are just inches away. I move my left hand to his face and stroke his jawline. It feels as masculine and strong as I knew it would. He leans down and kisses me. Not a quick peck on the lips, but a full lip to lip, tongues moving around, feeling each out, kiss. His warm breath enters my mouth and mine goes into his. We stay lip-locked for a minute or two. My left hand moves to the back of his head, pushes off his baseball hat, and pulls him closer. He does not object. I feel his biceps constrict and pull our bodies closer. We stay at it and he carefully rolls his body on top of mine. We break the kiss and I whisper, “You know, this might be a little easier on a king-sized bed.” He smiles. “You don’t happen to know where one is, do you?” He lets out a laugh and quickly rolls off me. He extends his hand to mine. I take it as he easily pulls me up. I get off the table and quickly pull my shorts back on. He does the same. I exit the room first and head to the house. I come to an abrupt halt halfway across the patio. Jake bumps into me, his bigger body pushing me forward another step. He says, “Why’d you stop?” “I saw movement in the house, in the kitchen. I think your grandmother may be in there.” Any hope of more romance is flying out the window as we stand on the warm brick pavers. I start to panic. “What if she sees us together?” “Cole, we’re both adults.” I nod hesitantly. “What’s she going to do, ground us, send us to bed without dinner?” I turn to him and see his smile. “This isn’t the first time this has happened to you, is it?” He sheepishly shakes his head no. I decide to be the adult for the next few minutes. I tell him, “Ok, I’ll go in and see what she’s up to and how long she’ll be. You get your ass back into the exercise room until I come back.” Now he wiggles his eyebrows at me. “Calm down big guy.” I pat him on the chest and push him back toward the smaller building. Once he’s in it and shuts the door, I go thru the French doors into the living room and kitchen area. Mrs. Fisher is there, as I thought. She is putting groceries away. I am as polite as I can be. “Good afternoon Mrs. Fisher. How are you today?” She looks over to me, sees me sweating and says, “Good afternoon Mr. Cole. I’m well, thank you. How are you? You look flushed and worn out. Is everything ok.” I think, ‘Couldn’t be better. Your grandson gives fucking awesome massages.’. I instead say, “I’ve been in the workout room for quite a while. I lost track of time.” “Well don’t overdo it.” Her voice shows some concern. “Thank you. I was just about to change my clothes and go for a swim, then get in the whirlpool for a bit.” “Very well. I’m done here. I was able to find all the items on your list.” She smiles to me and adds, “I’m glad to find someone else who also likes Brussels Sprouts.” I nod with a smile. “Unfortunately, Mr. Fisher does not like them.” ‘But he likes to lick his cum off my body.’ I say to myself. “That’s too bad. If you cook them just right, they’re very flavorful.” I head to the foyer. “I must head upstairs and get changed. I feel kind of sticky in these clothes.” “Have you seen Mr. Fisher today? I see his tractor is outside, but I don’t see him?” I hold my composure and say, “I did see him earlier when I finished my run, but have not seen him since.” “Ok. Have a nice swim. Call me if you need anything.” “Thank you, I will.” I hurry up the steps and to my bedroom. I stand in the open doorway and listen for a door to open and shut, any door, which would indicate she’s left. After a minute I hear one of the French doors open and close. I say to myself, ‘Fuck’. What if she goes to the exercise room to clean up? I quickly move to a bedroom which has a view of the pool area. I get there just in time to see her open the door to the small building. My heart sinks. She’s going to find Jake in there and then it’ll all be over. I keep watching intensely. Nothing yet. Maybe she’s giving him the riot act. I murmur softly, “I’m so sorry Jake. I didn’t want you to get in trouble.” From behind me I hear him calmly say, “Please, this isn’t my first time doing this.” I nearly jump out skin and thru the window. I turn to see Jake standing there in just the dark blue posers. He smiles at me and wiggles his eyebrows. I point my finger at him and quietly say, “You!” He laughs. “Why are you whispering? It’s not like Nona can hear you.” I shrug my shoulders. I walk to him and put my hand on his chest as I lean in for another kiss. I ask, “How did you get in the house? I’m pretty sure Nona would have seen you come in the living room or foyer.” “Yes, but the French doors in the dining room are not visible from the kitchen area.” I grin like I’m 15 and trying to sneak past a hall monitor in school. “Once you and Nona got into your discussion, I slipped past and came up here. I went into your bedroom and waited. Apparently, you were too distracted and didn’t see me.” I gawk at his body and blush. “Thought so.” I turn to the window when I hear the exercise room door shut. She has the sheet in her hands and leaves by the walk on the side of the house. I say to Jake, “She took the sheet. Hope the washer is down at your house and not here.” “It is. It’s also a different sheet.” I turn to look at him. He winks. “Like I said, not my first time.” He extends his hand and I take it. We walk back to my bedroom and climb on the bed. I lay on my back and let him crawl on top of me. We proceed to make out for the next half hour. Just kissing and touching. Hands wandering over each other’s bodies. I feel up his muscles. He tenses each one as my hands pass over them. He does the same to me, letting his hands wander and caress my body. We roll over and I’m on top and he’s under me, with his hands on my hips, gently caressing them. Remarkably, we both remain flaccid. We’re just getting to know each other. I push up off him and lean up. I splay my legs on either side of his torso and look down at his muscular chest and midsection. I’m amazed and wonder how he got in the shape he’s in. It cannot be from yard work at a mountain cabin. My warm fingers wander over the sweaty muscles, just softly touching them. He sees me studying him. “You’ve got questions, don’t you?” I bite my tongue and nod, embarrassed. I want to know everything about him, but think I need to slow down. God, I’ve been here two days and have already had sex with the help. Chuck would be on the floor laughing at me. “What are you doing later tonight, say 11?” “Probably trying not to fall asleep, or better yet, trying to get some sleep.” We both laugh. “Want to meet me down by the pond? We can just sit and talk.” He reaches a hand to my arm and caresses my forearm and elbow. He is trying to help. I smile. “Ok, great.” He moves his hands to my waist and he helps me off him. I sit on the bed and he gets up. He’s facing me and stretches his body upward. God, what a specimen. His wavy dark hair is disarrayed. His sexy scruffy beard and green eyes compliment his hair. He puts his arms over his head and reaches them upward. I see he shaves his pits, but I’d still like to lick them and nuzzle my nose in them for a while. His forearms and biceps are just big enough that he cannot bring his hands together while they are overhead. His sweaty hairy pecs have visible muscle striations crisscrossing them. His torso tapers to such a small waist it seems weirdly comically. His flaccid unit and balls are pushed forward and sitting on top of his quads. I see veins crawling over his legs like a city road map. I look away to keep my brain from sending blood to my groin. I hear him grunt, then he relaxes his body and I catch his arms fall down. He sees that I’m trying not to look at him. He moves to a side, just out of my sightline, and sits on the bed to pull on his clothes. “You know Cole. It’s ok to want to look at me. I think we’re past the ‘is he gay or not’ question, and you obviously like guys with muscles.” I let out a soft grunt. “I don’t mind you looking at me.” I sigh, unsure if he’s being nice or something else. “You can ask me anything tonight.” I glance over to him and see his head is turned toward me. He’s smiling. “You were very honest with me about what happened in your life. It would only be fair of me to be just as open with you.” He finishes pulling on his shorts. He stands, grabs his tank-top and squeezes into it. He leans down to me, softly takes ahold of my chin and brings his face to mine. He softly kisses me on the lips. He whispers, “Cole, don’t let your anxieties hold you back from having some fun.” He kisses me again, leans back and says, “I need to take a few trees down along the upper tree line.” He points to me and firmly says, “11, or I will have Nona give you your next massage.” I cough out a laugh. “Needless to say, she’s all business, unlike me.” He winks and is gone. I hear the front door open and shut. His tractor comes to life and the sound of the engine fades as he drives away. I sit on the bed for a bit, reflecting back on what has happened in two short days. Could life really be this simple? Is the life I have back in the city worth the stress? So many questions about Jake run thru my mind. I want to write them down, but that would look kind of silly if I show up and pull out a list. “Yes, Jake, my first question for you tonight is in 3 parts, and each part has 2 sub-questions.” I get off the bed, pull on a pair of board shorts, drench my body in sunscreen, head down to the kitchen, make a quick salad, and head out to the pool. It’s 2:30. I eat the salad slowly, enjoying the freshness of the food, and the views over the valley spread out below. Not a cloud in the sky. Temps in the mid-80’s according the thermostat on the side of the pool house. My mind wanders back to the cluster-fuck my life had been a few short months ago. Working 10-to-12-hour days, running co-workers ragged, and pissing them off at the same time. Trying to hook-up using an on-line site, but being disappointed most of the time. Using those disappointments as an excuse to fuck other people over. I can see the spiral now. God, what an asshole I was. I feel a tear run down my cheek. I continue to look at the valley. The green trees and grass swaying in a gentle breeze. I spy some deer at the far end, just doing their thing. Not a care in the world. I go back in and grab the yoga book. I get a mat and sit on the patio. I check the index and find the chapter on meditation. I read thru it and get the main points. I put the book aside and get into a cross-legged position, with my back straight. I put my hands on my knees, close my eyes, and lightly touch my thumb and index finger. I breathe in thru my nose to a count of 4, hold it for a count of 4, then exhale thru my mouth to a count of 6. I repeat this several times, then lengthen the counts to 6,6,8, then 8,8,8. My minds wanders. I picture a shallow slow-moving stream with some rocks in it. As a thought enters my mind, I let is pass down the stream and out of my mind. I think of the stress of work, and let it float away. The bad experiences dating, float on by. My poor personal choices; they are larger and take more time to pass, but they do. I keep the breathing pattern intact and gently bounce my fingers to help ease any stress the creeps in. After a while, the stream looks like one in the valley below me. My head is clear and my breathing is calm and paced. I feel my chest rising and lowering at the same pace as my heart. I slowly open my eyes, but continue the pattern. I twist my head left and right and feel little to no pain. I uncross my legs, bring my knees to my chest and wrap my hands around them, hugging them. I feel another tear run down my cheek, but this one is of happiness, serenity. I sit for another 5 minutes, then slowly get up and walk to the pool. I wade into the warm water and let it encompass me. I lower my body until just my neck and head are above the water line. I put my back against the wall and squat down. I slowly wave my hands and create a rippling effect in the water. I let the waves move around me and soothe my body. I sit there, with the sun beating down on me. I close my eyes again. My arms slow, the waves dissipate. I nod off and when my lips hit the water, my eyes open. I climb out the pool and go to a lounge chair. I move it into the shade of an umbrella, lie down, and am asleep in seconds. I wake to find it is dusk. The last sliver of the sun is setting over mountains at the far end of the valley. The yellow, red, and orange tendrils of light are bathing the valley and trees. I watch as it fades. Night encroaches from behind me. I sit and watch the stars make their appearance, getting brighter with each passing minute. Crickets soon start their songs. I see fireflies (lightening bugs) start to emerge from the grass. Frogs join the chorus. Then the owls. My eyes become accustomed to the darkness. I can smell the flowers from the garden, and almost taste the honeysuckle along the backside of the garden. I hear other noises in the dark, nocturnal animals waking to live their lives. I get up and slowly move into the house. I click on a minimal number of lights. I check the time and see there is still plenty until I meet with Jake. I head upstairs, get a quick shower, brush my teeth, and change into tan cargo shorts and a light t-shirt. I put on some socks and pair of walking sneakers. I head to the kitchen and cook up another piece of salmon and some veggies. I eat on the patio. I sit and let the stillness and calmness of the evening envelop me. After a while I go back in, check the clock, and see it’s about time for me to head to the pond. I don’t need a flashlight as the moon and stars provide enough light for me to navigate the path easily. As I approach the pond, I see Jake’s darkened figure sitting on one of the benches, waiting for me. I near and put my left hand on his right shoulder. He turns, smiles, and pats the spot next to him. I sit. He puts his right arm around my shoulder and hugs our bodies together. I lean my head to his and put my left hand on his right thigh. We sit. No words pass between us for a while. All I feel are the muscles in his arm slowly moving as he caresses my right bicep. Our breathing is in sync. He quietly asks, “Better?” I murmur back, “Yes.” “Good.” I feel him turn his head and kiss the top of mine. He gently squeezes my body to his again and releases. More time passes. I softly ask, “How did you know?” His answer is a squeeze on my shoulder. All my other questions float away, like the leaves on the stream from my meditation. We sit and watch the night progress. The moon makes its slow arcing trek across the sky. Frogs and crickets and other unseen animals sing their songs and scurry thru the meadow, avoiding us. I drift again. I wake to find Jake is carrying me back up the hill to the house. My head is against his shoulder. His breathing is still slow and steady. I can feel his biceps supporting me, but they don’t seem to be flexed or impacted by my added weight. I touch him on the chest and he looks down. He grins. I say, “I can walk.” He winks at me and keeps walking. We get to the house, I open the door, and he carries me up the steps to my room. He sets me down on the edge of the bed, strips off his clothes, and pulls me up and helps me out of mine. He softly grabs my face in both hands, pulls me toward him, and kisses me. Long, slow, and passionate. I feel my unit spring to life. His rises as well. He turns us around, so his back is to the bed. He releases me and falls to the bed and moves to the middle. He extends and arm to me. I take it, and he pulls me down, on top of him. Our warm bodies sink into the comforter. Now it’s my turn to put my hands on his face and pull him in for an extended kiss. I reach my left hand to his right nipple and grab it thru the silky dark hair covering it. I tweak it tentatively. He sighs into my mouth. He splays his legs around my body and locks his ankles together, drawing our bodies that much closer together. Our units bump and grind each other. We’re both at full mast and I feel moisture leaking from him, or me, or both of us. He wraps his arms around my back, hugs my body to his, and just holds me. We continue to kiss. Neither of us battling for alpha dog position. Just letting the moment take us where it wants us to go. He shows off more of his strength by rolling us over. He’s on top. He untangles his arms from my back and undoes his legs. He leans up, puts his meaty hands on my chest, and plays with my nipples. Now, it’s my turn to relish the feeling. I close my eyes and let him play. He’s gentle, but masterful. He’s hitting all the right button. I feel my unit spasm under the weight of his body. He feels it too and moves his hips from left to right to spread out the fluid. He stops massaging my chest, leans down, and whispers, “Ready?” I slowly open my eyes and see him smiling at me with a twinkle in his eyes. I nod yes. He gets off the bed, picks up his shorts, and I see a yellow tinfoil wrapper shimmer in the faint light. I hear him rip it open and then he surprises me by coming back to the bed, leans down, and put it on me. My unit had faded a bit, but his strong fingers remedy that. He encases me, lets some drool fall from his mouth onto the tip of it, then he coats me. I put my hands behind my head and let him do his thing. He straddles my body, grabs my unit, and positions me at his hole. He winks and slowly lowers himself onto me. I feel my unit break his sphincter and enter his muscled body. He slides down in one movement, not a moment’s hesitation. I moan as his muscles constrict around my pole. He massages me as I move in him. He settles his ass onto my groin. His full weight is on me, but it feels like nothing. I tentatively thrust upward. In the darkness of the room, I can see he smiles and wink again, letting me know it’s ok to do what I want to do. I push up some more. He takes it, his body accepting my presence. My body feels free. I move to put my hands on his thighs and rub the muscles there. It feels like rubbing warm granite. I thrust upward some more, with urgency. He bounces on me. When we come down, he grinds his ass into me, coaxing a bit more of me into him. I feel him release another round of pre-cum. It lands on my lower chest. His hand moves to spread it around. I see him move his index finger toward my mouth. I open and he slowly inserts it. I lick at it, pull the sweet fluid off, and swallow. My body warms as his pre-cum slides down my throat. I feel a tingle. I continue to thrust upward for several minutes, but Jake shows no signs of pain or of growing tired. I, on the other hand, am getting tired from all the work. Not that I haven’t had someone sit on my unit and ride it, but Jake is different. He’s got the stamina to allow him to just ride for a long time. As I tire, my motions slow and finally I lay on the bed. Once he realizes I’ve stopped, he leans down, rubs his beard along my cheek, and asks, “You ok Cole?” I hear the concern in his voice. I respond, “Yeah, just tired from today. I’m sorry.” He softly runs his strong fingers thru my hair and whispers, “Shh. It’s fine.” He kisses my cheek. He pulls off me, turns and pulls the condom off, and proceeds to put his lips on my rock-hard unit. He licks it and uses his right hand to keep it pointed up. Then I feel him swallow me. Again, no hesitation. He swallows me to the hilt. My groin in his face. I feel his tongue massage and caress my pole. He applies more saliva and starts to bob up and down. I look at the ceiling and grab the sheets. He’s an expert. His strong fingers move from holding me erect to gently massaging my balls. I feel his pinkie poke at my hole. My load builds quickly due to the fore-play and I know I won’t last too much longer. When I’m close, I pat his muscular shoulder to let him know. He continues to face-fuck me and then I feel his pinkie dip into my hole and piston in and out. I unleash my load. He swallows every drop. I hear him gulp, then slurp. After a minute he carefully pulls off and my softened unit drops to my abs. I’m breathing heavily, but feel very relaxed. He leans up on the bed, grabs his unit and starts to stroke himself. While he does it, he moves to straddle my chest, putting his unit right at my face. I lean up and lick his bulbous head, being rewarded with a glop of pre-cum. I move my elbows to support my position and take just his head into my mouth. He continues to jerk. I see his body tense and hear him groan, “Cumming” in his deep sexy voice. I immediately swallow him as far as I can. He grunts as all the muscles in his body flex, and he unleashes his torrent. I swallow every drop, just like he did. I stay on him, maneuvering my tongue around, until he softens. I slide off him and his unit swings down to my chest. He sighs, looks into my eyes and says, “Dude, you’ve got talent.” He winks at me in the dark, and I wink back with a grin. He carefully gets off me and walks to the bathroom. I hear him flush the condom down the toilet. I hear water running and a minute later he is back. He puts a hand on my abs and quietly says, “The towel is warm.” He puts the washcloth on my abs, then gently rubs down toward my crotch. He cleans the area, then takes it back to the bathroom. He’s back in a minute and slips onto the bed with me. He lies next to me, but props himself up on his left elbow so he is looking at me. I turn my head and can make his face out in the dim light. He’s still got a smile and his eyes are bright. I reach my left hand over to his face and stroke his beard. The hair is soft and luxurious. He leans down to kiss me again. He puts his right arm over my body and grabs my left shoulder. He rolls onto his back and pulls my body closer to his. He lets his left arm drop onto the bed and my head falls onto the bicep. His unflexed muscle feels like a soft pillow. I drape my left arm over his broad chest and close my eyes. My face is next to his armpit. I lightly inhale and smell his relaxing aroma. I feel his hand on my back, lightly tracing and caressing circles. I fade out. I slowly wake the next morning and sense Jake is gone. I am under the covers, but still naked. I look around the room and he straightened up before leaving. My clothes from last night are neatly folded on the dresser and when I walk into the bathroom, the towel from last night is hanging over the shower, drying. I do my morning routine and when I’m done, I get ready to go for a run. I head down to the kitchen to grab a bowl of cereal and see the note he’s left for me. Cole, I hope you enjoyed last night, I did. Being with you makes me very happy. For someone who had a lot of stress in his life four days ago, you have done a tremendous job in letting it go. I hope you will be able to get back to the ‘real you’ very quickly. I cannot wait to see who that person is. I glanced over your workout plan and made a few notations which I think would benefit you. Unfortunately, we will not be able to see each other for a few days. Nona has asked me to go into town and help a family friend pack and move. I should be back by Friday. The extra money I make with these side jobs help me financially, so I take them when I can, I hope you understand. Nona will be able to give you a massage, if you need another. If you can wait, I’d be more than happy to give you another when I return. Jake. I smile. He has a great sense of humor and am glad he is able to make money doing side jobs. I’m a bit upset I will not see him for a while, but meeting him was a bonus. I can use this time to work on getting my head straightened out. I grab my workout plan and see his notes. They make sense so I add them where he indicates. *** The week flies by. I make notes on my plan everyday as to what I did, so I can show Jake when he gets back and we can make adjustments. It’s now Thursday night. I am finishing up my second workout for the day, legs. Ugh. Now I know why I tended to skip them at the gym. My body doesn’t like me right now, but in a day or so, it will be very grateful. I walk into the kitchen and pull a steak out of the fridge to come to room temperature. I grab my plan and a pencil and I review what I did: Monday: 45 min jog, breakfast, back and shoulders, 2 hours yoga and meditation, lunch, pool/sauna, second workout – row for an hour, pool & reading – The Dubliners by Joyce. Dinner, 30 min yoga Tuesday: elliptical for 30 mins, breakfast, chest/arms, whirlpool, lunch, 2 hrs. yoga & meditation, 45 min jog, pool, more Joyce, dinner, 1 hr. walk, pool Wednesday: breakfast, yoga, sauna, Joyce, lunch, jog for 45 mins, pool, nap, back and full body stretch. Sauna again. Dinner, pool, finish Joyce. Thursday: 2 hr walk, breakfast, pool, start Tolkein, lunch, chest/arms, meditate for an hour, list out things to improve my work life, whirlpool, legs, dinner, pool. I smile to myself. I made a plan and kept to it, for the most part. I did tweak an item here or there based on how my body was feeling, or how my brain was feeling. Tonight, I am going to reward myself. On Monday I had found a carton of chocolate peanut butter ice cream in the freezer, but made sure to bury it behind some other stuff so I wouldn’t be tempted to eat it. I get the gas grill fired up and go upstairs to get cleaned up. I just wash my face and brush my teeth. When I get back to the kitchen, I check the steak and take it to the grill. I turn the heat down and put it on. I close the lid and head back inside to get the vegetables ready. I skewer some mushrooms, broccoli, and pineapple chunks and take them out to the grill. I check the steak and put the kabobs off to a side where the heat is lower. Back in the kitchen, I make a salad and get the Brussel sprouts peeled and trimmed then into a pan to sauté with some sea salt, cracked white pepper, and garlic. While they start to cook on medium heat, I go flip the steak and turn the kabobs. The meat only needs another few minutes to finish. I pull the veggies off and take them inside and set them on a platter. I take my salad out to the patio and set my place. I pull the steak off, turn the grill off, and put the steak on the table to rest. I finish the sprouts, lightly glazing them with some chicken stock. I put them in one bowl and the pull the veggies and pineapple off the skewers and put them into a second bowl. I bring them outside and sit to eat. Dusk has settled. I eat and watch the sunset. It never gets old watching the light fade and the stars come out. I notice something new every night, be it a constellation I did not know, or the sound of dove cooing in the dark as it settles down to sleep. Half an hour later, I’ve moved to a lounge chair, gotten a small bowl of ice cream, and am settling in to read another few chapters of The Silmarillion. I hear the phone ring. I am startled as I thought I could only call the caretakers on it. Apparently, they can call me. I get up to answer it. “Hello?” It’s Mrs. Fisher, “Good evening Mr. Cole. I am sorry to bother you in the evening.” “It’s ok, I was just outside reading. Is everything ok?” “Yes, it is. I wanted to let you know I will be away for the weekend. I am leaving tomorrow mid-morning and will return Sunday evening. Mr. Fisher is expected back tomorrow at some point. If you need anything, he will be happy to help you.” I think to myself, ‘You got that right.’ “Thank you very much for letting me know. Have a nice weekend.” “You as well.” The line disconnects. I look at the receiver for a moment, shake my head, then put it back. I go back out the patio and finish my ice cream. I get the feeling Mrs. Fisher knows more about her grandson’s activities than he knows. I watch the moon rise and makes its trek over the sky again. As I look to the sky, I’m still in awe of how many more stars I can see. In the city, due to the light pollution, only the brightest stars are visible. Out here, with less pollution, many of the lesser stars are visible. What a difference a couple hours ride makes. I head to the kitchen with my bowl and book. I check the time and see it’s pretty late, so I head up to bed. I leave a window cracked open, as usual, to let the fresh air into the room. I know this is one reason I’m getting restful nights of sleep. I change into my PJs, do my bathroom routine, then crawl under the covers. I stare at the ceiling and think maybe the city life is not for me. It’s only been a week, but whatever magical spell the country, and this house have over me, I don’t think I want it to end. Slowly I fade out. When I wake, something feels different. I slowly open my eyes and hear it is raining. Not a hard, pounding thunderstorm, but a nice soaking rain. I walk to the patio doors, open them, pull up a chair, and sit in the doorway. The rain pitter-patters on the patio and in the trees beyond. It’s very peaceful. I continue to sit and listen. I close my eyes and meditate. After a time, I open my eyes, see the rain has slowed, and decide to go for a walk. The clouds are breaking up and I should be ok as long as I stay on the path. The air feels a bit chillier than normal, so I pull on a pair of sweatpants and a long sleeve t-shirt. I head to the kitchen, grab an everything bagel and head out. I head out the back path which leads into a heavily wooded area and up a slope. It feels great to be in the fresh air. There are droplets of rain still falling from tree branches and leaves. The oaks, pines, and cherry trees are tall and full of foliage. The path winds around while steady going up. One or two areas are slick with leaves and mud, but I take it slow and make out well. At one point there is a break in the trees and I can see the whole valley and the house down below. The clouds have broken and sun is starting to stream through. I crouch down and stare. My breathing slows and becomes even. After a bit, I get up, stretch and continue along the path. It eventually makes its way back down the slope. A half hour later and I’m now below the house, looking up from a meadow, but not the one with the pond. I cannot see the house from this spot. I see the clouds have gathered again and look like they’re going to open up at any moment. I follow the path and it leads to the far side of the meadow and back into the woods. I don’t run or jog, but am not looking around as much. I am 10 yards short of the woods when the skies open up again and it starts to downpour. I am soaked by the time I get into the trees and relative safety. I squat down again and listen to the rain fall. About 30 minutes, later the rain is still falling at a steady pace. I decide to head back the house, hoping the path I’m on leads to it. I figure it must wind its way there at some point as it seems all the paths I’ve followed, start and end at the cabin. As I start, I notice little stream-lets along the sides of the path. Water is running down to an unseen stream. I’m ten minutes into the walk back, all of it up hill, when I hear a strange loud crashing sound. I cannot quite make out what it is, but whatever it is, it is quickly getting close to me. I look around for a safe spot, but do not see anything. I leave the path and look for a tree with a sturdy low branch. I see a clump of maples and oaks nearby and head to them. Through the rain I grab the lowest branch I can find and climb up. I move up another two or three when the noise becomes deafening. Then I see it. It’s a mudslide coming down the hill and it’s carrying quite a bit of debris with it. I try to climb up a few more branches to be safe, but there are none. I pray the ten feet I’m up is sufficient. The mudslide hits the trees I’m in. The trees sway due to the pressure to the trunks from the water and debris being moved along. One or two smaller maples give way and slide downhill. I see a couple good sized rocks or boulders (is there really a difference?) and they bang into the trees as well. I few hit my tree and jar it, but the tree holds firm. I slip a bit on the wet tree limb, but continue to grasp the trunk. Then I see it as well as hear it. A large conglomeration of tree limbs, rocks, water, and weeds are heading down the path. It extends 20 feet off each side, meaning my tree is in the path. I decide to sit on the branch to minimize my chance of falling out. I grab the trunk with both hands and hold on tight. When it hits, the tree shudders and I feel the vibration throughout my whole body. It’s as if someone is continuously shaking my body with their hands. I feel water and branches brush my feet, ankles, and lower legs. The noise is deafening. I could yell for help, but: there is nobody around and: they’d never hear me. It goes on for a few minutes. I get a whiff of a foul odor and realize there is something dead in the debris. The water has a brackish look to it and it’s not as I expected, not that I have much to compare it to, except the odd Youtube video. Then it happens. The tree leans over due to the pressure from the debris below. The roots start to pull up from the rain loosened ground. The tree creaks and whines. I hold on as tightly as I can. I hear the trunk start to splinter. It’s a loud cracking sound, then the tree falls backward into the mudslide, and I with it. It makes a ‘whooshing’ sound as the treetop comes down thru the surrounding trees. We fall 80% of the way and come to a jarring stop. I quickly realize I’d been holding my breath and had squeezed my eyes shut. The jarring rattles my teeth and by body slams into the trunk with enough force to push the air out of my lungs. My grip loosens. I look around for a nearby branch to grab, but am too slow to grab it. I slide off the branch and fall into the mudslide. I feel rocks and sticks hit and poke at me. The water is cold, colder that it would seem and it is very viscous. My wet long sleeve t-shirt and sweatpants become water temperature very quickly. My mind starts to wander. Can I get hyperthermia or can I drown? Who will find me? What will Chuck say about me dying in a mudslide? I feel a stick jab me in the stomach. I’m immediately brought out of my thoughts. I look around for something to grab onto as I travel down the hill. I try to maneuver my body so I can see where I am being taken. Then I see it. There is a large rock in our path and I am heading straight for it. I try to get my legs in front of me, with the hopes that I can brace my body for the impact. It works to a degree. My body still slams into the rock and my teeth clatter together, but I am able to get a grip on the rock as I slide over top of it. I cling to the rock as my hands slip. I get another grip and can feel my fingers scraping along the rock to keep ahold of it. I feel a ledge in the rock and dig my fingers into it and grab. I stop sliding, but mud and debris still moves around me, hitting me in the face and body. I close my eyes and hold on as best I can. Slowly the onslaught abates. I realize I am shivering and taking shallow quick breaths. I glance around and see I’m about five feet off the ground. There is still some water moving below me, but I decide to take a chance. I slowly release my grip and slide to the ground. My legs are cold and wobbly. I stumble back into the boulder I was just laying on. I put my back to it and squat down. I let my body relax and try to get my breathing back to normal. It takes several minutes, but I eventually calm down. I brace against the boulder and slowly stand. I hear a new noise on the path, but it’s not the same as the mudslide. It’s muffled and distant, but gets louder over a few minutes. It’s Jake’s tractor. I move to the side of the boulder facing the path and wait. I see him coming down cautiously, looking from side to side. He wearing just a t-shirt, shorts, and his work boots. There is concern on his face. When he looks in my direction, I put my arms up and wave as best I can. They feel like hundred-pound weights and I only get a few waves in before my arms tire and fall. But it’s enough. He sees me and turns the tractor in my direction. He sees my condition and comes off the path and right down to me. He stops within 5 feet, jumps off, and comes to me. He easily scoops me up, and without a word, carries me to the tractor and gently eases me onto the bench seat. As he restarts the tractor, he wraps his right arm around me and hugs me to his body, not worrying that my cold wet clothes are soaking him. He quickly maneuvers us back onto the now rutted path and heads back to the house. It takes longer due to the damage, but we make it back in one piece. I notice tree limbs are down in quite a few spots and one or two smaller trees are down too. He drives right to the front door of the house. As he pulls to a stop, he is quickly out and to my side. I slide to him and he scoops me up again and we head into the house and up the steps to my room. Still not a word from him, but still the concerned look on his face. I croak out, “I’m ok.” He glances down, smiles a bit and says with all seriousness, “Need to get you into a warm bath quickly.” He doesn’t say another word. He carries me into my bedroom, gently puts me down on the edge of the bed, and looks into my eyes, one at a time. He’s checking for a concussion. He puts his warm hands on the sides of my face gauging my temperature, then points a finger at me to stay here. He turns and goes into the bathroom and I hear him turn on the soaking tub. A minute later he reappears, comes to the bed, kneels down, and starts to take my sneakers off. I try to help, but stop as he is doing a more efficient job. Once my shoes and socks are off, he stands, but then leans back down, hooks his right arm under my left armpit and lifts me up. He half orders me, “Put your hands on my head when I squat down.” I nod and do what he says as he gets down. He unties my sweatpants, pulls them down, along with my shorts and underwear. He then lifts my legs, one at a time and pulls everything off. He eases me back to sitting on the bed. He grabs the long sleeve t and pulls it off, then takes off my t-shirt. He scans my body and his look of concern does not ease. I glance at myself and see mud everywhere. There are cuts and scrap marks on my torso and legs. My fingers are cold, white, shriveled, and raw. I can feel clumps of dirt in my hair and on other parts of my body. I realize I’m still shivering. He stands me up and half carries me into the bathroom. I see steam coming from the soaking tub as it is still filling. He steers me to the shower. I sit on the edge of the tub while he turns the shower on and get it to a warm temp. He turns the water off from filling the tub. Then he strips. He’s done in seconds and is lifting me up again. He opens the shower door and helps me in, as he comes in with me. He pulls his warm body to my cold one and holds me for a minute, letting his warmth penetrate me. The mud and dirt wash off my body. Some splashes onto Jake, but he continues to hold me. After most of the mud has washed off, he grabs a bar of soap and quickly washes my entire body. Not a crevice is missed. He helps me rinse off then opens the door and walks us to the tub. I start to feel warmer, but Jake still looks worried. He helps me in, making sure I don’t slip. The water is hot and I very slowly lower my foot into it. He has a vice grip hold on my elbow and arm. Eventually I’m in and I slowly sit. As the hot water hits my ass, I stop and clench my glutes. He still has a hold of my arm. I ease in and start to relax. He looks me over and climbs in slowly. I move over as much as I can to give him room. The water sloshes around due to him getting in, but I am used to it now. He sits right next to me and slides his right arm behind my back and grabs my right side. He pulls me to him. His body is still warm, almost warmer than the tub water. I whisper again, “I’m fine.” He replies with concern still in his voice, “You had the beginning stages of hyperthermia. I had to get you warm as quickly as I could.” He turns his head to mine and I feel his warm breath on my ear. He tenderly kisses it. We stay in the tub until the water cools. Every so often he reaches over with his left hand and feels different parts of my body. First my legs, then my arms and hands, then my chest. I feel like a chicken his is poking to see if it’s cooked or not. He quietly asks, “How do you feel now?” I close my eyes and do a quick check of my body, squeezing my fingers and toes, bending joints that bend, and when I’m done, I say, “Besides a few tender spots or cuts, I feel better.” He nods and slowly gets up. He steps out of the tub and grabs some towels. I start to stand and he is back at the edge of the tub, extending his arm to me. I take it and step out. He has a towel waiting for me in his other hand. He wraps it around me and gently blots the water off me. When he’s done, he quickly dries himself with a second towel. He then gets a third one and wraps both of us in it. He pulls our bodies together so his body heat is shared with me. I hold onto him as tightly as he is holding me. We stand for a good five minutes, then my legs start to tire. I pat him on the chest and he releases the towel. We walk to the bed and he pulls the covers back and helps me in. He slides in next to me and pulls me close again to share body heat. His breathing is calm and paced and my heart rate slows to match. I eventually drift off. I’m back in the tree. This time I’m yelling for Jake to help me. I scream his name, but he’s nowhere to be seen. The tree starts to fall again, but this time it falls completely into the mud. I’m covered in it, trapped under a branch, and starting to drown. I flail my arms in an attempt to get the limb off me, but cannot. It is too heavy. I call out Jake’s name again and muddy water flows into my mouth, cutting off my voice. I gurgle and more water comes in. I start to lose consciousness. I wake with a start, sitting bolt upright, and am hyperventilating. Jake’s arm comes around my back and caresses my left arm. “Must have been a really bad dream.” I look into his eyes and see pain. “You mumbled my name several times, then called out, and then stopped.” My breathing slowly calms. “I was back in the tree, but it was different this time. I was drowning.” He leans over and kisses me on the side of my head. I lay back down. I’m fully awake now and do a quick scan of my body. I have a headache and feel some aches and pains where sticks or rocks hit me. I’ll be bruised up in a day or so. Jake must sense my pain as he climbs out of bed, goes into the bathroom, opens a cabinet, and returns with a bottle of Advil. He opens it and hands me three. I sit up and move so I am against the headboard. Jake sits next to me. I down them dry. I ask, “How dd you know where I was? This property is huge.” I wave my arms wide. “I could have been on any of the paths.” I turn to look at him. He smiles, leans over, softly kisses me on the lips, and says, “When I got back, I came up to the house to surprise you, thinking you’d stayed inside due to the rain, but didn’t see you. It had let up at that point, so I checked the house and pool house, but didn’t see you. I checked all the paths leading away from the house and found your footprints leading up the slope. I figured you’d be gone for a while so I went back to my place. I checked the weather,” I give him an odd look and he says, “Yes, we have a TV and internet in our place, come-on.” He winks at me and continues, “and saw another large storm approaching. I drove back up to the house to see if you’d come back. Then it hit. I couldn’t drive the tractor out for fear of getting into an accident, so I waited it out.” He takes a breath, caresses the side of my face with his hand tenderly and continues. “When the storm finally let up, knowing the path you had taken out, and where it goes, I decided to go the other way in hopes of meeting up with you. Then I heard the mudslide.” His face grows dark. “I had to wait it out, I’m sorry.” Now it’s my turn to caresses his bearded face. “I knew you were down there somewhere, but had to wait for it to pass.” I nod. “I’m glad I did. It’s pretty bad out there Cole. We’ve had mudslides before, given the layout of the property, but this one was pretty bad.” I pat his hairy chest and say, “It’s over and I’m going to be fine. Just some bruising, but otherwise I feel better.” I watch his eyes scan my body again. I see a slight smile come over his face. “Now if there were a way for me to reward my rescuer?” I arch an eyebrow and look down his body toward his flaccid unit. It stirs and we both smile. He jokingly says, “Only if you’re up for it.” I check my hardening unit and smile. He does as well. He scoots back down the bed so he is flat on his back. He puts his arms behind his head, opening his body to me. He flexes them and softballs appear. I lick my lips. I climb on top of his midsection, reach my hands to them and grope them. He flexes and they become nice and hard. My mouth starts to water. I lean down and we kiss. I nuzzle his beard inhaling the scent of the soap we used. I nibble at his left ear lobe then move to his flexed arm. I kiss it softly, then more fervently. He moans. I start to lick it, slobbering my saliva all over it. My rock-hard dick is pressed into one of his granite hard pecs. I go back to kissing, then move south to his hairless armpit. I kiss and lick it. I feel him put his right hand on the back of my head and gently hold my face in place. I use my tongue to ravage the area. He moans again and releases his grip. I nibble and kiss my way to his left nipple. I soak the hair around it with warm spit, then slather my face in the wet hair, coating my face. Now it’s my turn to moan. I feel my unit rubbing against his muscled body. He puts his right hand on my back and traces his fingers up and down my spine. I shudder at the sensation. He hardens his pecs and I playfully tweak his right nipple with my left hand, while I continue to bite at his left one. He squirms and I increase my ministrations. I kiss my way down this cobblestone abs to his bellybutton, with my hands feeling his muscled ribcage along the way. His navel is surrounded by a mat of curly dark hair. I purse my lips and coat the area with fluid. I push some into the hole, then use my tongue to spread it around. He is groaning with content. I move a bit farther south and my chin bumps into his erect dick. I pull off his body a bit and grab him, near his base. He’s thick and veiny. I softly pull him to a 90-degree angle and enjoy the view I have. I re-wet my lips and lower my head to his. I open wide and take his head into my mouth. I slosh my tongue all around it, coating it with copious amounts of saliva. I run my tongue along the underside and my tastebuds scrap the nerves. He squirms again. I move to his slit and wiggle my tongue in it. I feel a warm glob of pre-cum bubble out. I suck it down quickly. It slides down my throat as my body instantly tingles and warms. I change the position of my body so I am now between his muscular legs, and start to bob my head up and down. With each down motion, I push further down his unit. He spreads his legs, giving me easier access. He’s about 8 and half inches and has a nice girth. I eventually get my nose to his shaved groin and hold it there. I tickle his hairless balls with my right hand and stroke his taint. His unit is pushing against the back of my throat. I seal my lips around him and suck as hard as I can. I run my tongue along the length and hear him groan again. I feel his hands on the sides of my head. They hold me in place for a few seconds, then lift me up a bit. He starts to move my head up and down at a nice slow pace. I continue to slather fluid on his unit and keep the vacuum seal I have on him. He bucks his hips a bit and I feel him push past my uvula. He quickens the pace and I go with it. His strong fingers keep a firm, but not painful grip on me. He’s now bucking his hips up every time he pushes me down. I put my hands on the bed to steady my body. I start to move faster on my own and he releases me. He moans and puts his left hand on the right side of my face and caresses it. Saliva is leaking out of my mouth, down his length, and onto his groin. I pull off for a second and catch my breath. He smiles at me and says, “You’re good.” I wink and go back down on him, all the way to the hilt. I push my nose into his groin and gently shake my head from left to right. He groans loudly and puts his hand on my head and pins me down. I relax my throat as he slips down a bit. As I breath thru my nose and with every inhale, I smell his now sweaty musk emanating from him. I move my hands from the bed to his ass. I reach under them and grab a hold of his glutes. He bucks his hips up to give me easier access. I cup each glute in a hand and squeeze as hard as I can. Mr. Muscles flexes his glutes and they become rocks. I pull up on them and my face is buried in his groin. I hear him croak out, “Oh…oh…oh…fuck…” and feel his load travel from his balls, up his shaft, and into my throat. I relax as much as I can and let the cum make its way down. I continue to suck him, but also use my tongue to clean up any leftover cum still in my mouth. I slowly pull off, careful to not let me teeth touch him. When I’m finally off, I sit back on my hunches, look up to him, and see a gratifying smile along with a very sweaty body. Perspiration is running down his cheeks and arms. His chest is still heaving and there are sweat droplets there too, damping his chest hair. I crawl up his body, my raging erection dragging along his rock-hard abs, and lie on his chest. I feel him constrict his abs, trapping my unit in the deep crevice between the left and right sets of muscle. I kiss him while I move my body back and forth. Pre-cum leaks from me like water from a 50-year-old faucet. His strong abs flex and he milks my unit. We continue to kiss, but now it’s my turn to moan. I feel him put his hands on my back and wrap his arms together. He pulls me closer to him and pins my unit down. His tongue invades my mouth as he squeezes me harder. I feel him flex his whole body and my brain spasms. My balls tighten and my load quickly travels my length and shots out, onto him. I moan into his mouth and he just kisses me, pulling my breath in. After I finish one of my longest releases, he slowly unflexes his body and takes his hands off my back. I put my hands on his chest, push myself up, and stare down at him. His green eyes twinkling at me with a bit of mischief in them. He winks at me and rubs his right hand on my abs and chest. He says, “You look good. The workouts are definitely paying off.” I tighten my re-emerging abs and he rubs them again and gives me a low whistle. “Thanks.” I reply. I roll off him and cuddle up close to his warm sweaty body. Our musky odors join together and delight my senses. I feel him put his arm around my back and pull me a bit closer. I drape my left hand over his chest and let my breathing slow. I feel his chest slow as well. We both fade out. I wake to find he is still next to me, but sleeping soundly. His chest is rising and falling steadily. I watch him for a while and admire his body. I slip out of bed, careful to not wake him. I grab a pair of PJ bottoms, put them on and tip-toe to the bathroom, shut the door, and take care of business. I quietly walk out of the bedroom and head downstairs. I go into the living room and see sunlight streaming into the room. The air is nice and warm. I go to the French doors and open them, letting in a warm breeze. I move to the kitchen area and start to make breakfast for two. I realize I don’t know what Jake likes to eat or doesn’t like, except that he doesn’t like Brussel sprouts. Eh, oh well. I pull out the carton of eggs, some bacon, and potatoes. I get everything going when I hear him come down the stairs. He’s still naked, but looks Godly. His brown hair is a product of bed head and he’s scratching his balls. He walks to me and pulls me into an embrace. “Morning sexy.” He coos to me. I kiss him and use all my strength to keep my dick from pointing north. He has no inhibitions and his unit perks up. I break the embrace, point the spatula at him and jokingly say, “Breakfast first, then I have stuff to do.” He feigns sadness. I point at his now erect unit and say, “As much as I want to do embarrassing things to you, it will need to wait.” He smiles again, pulls me back into an embrace and says, “I hear you. I have things to do as well. Let’s check your plan for the day and see where we can schedule in some ‘Jake’ time. You know, maybe 5 or 6 hours of it.” We both laugh. He goes back upstairs, gets into his clothes and is back down. He helps me finish making breakfast and we eat it on the patio. I figure now is as good a time as ever to ask him some questions. I start tentatively, “So…” I glance at his body. “I did some competitive bodybuilding when I was younger.” I nod. “I had the genes for it and the knack. I won a few, then lost one or two to guys who were on stuff.” He looks out over the valley and continues, “I just didn’t want to deal with side-effects or drama that comes with being on a cycle, so I never got into it. Because of that, other guys just got bigger than me. I knew I could compete, but realized they were outpacing me, if that makes sense?” “It does. Do you regret stopping? I mean, you still look like you could win any competition if you walked onto a stage right now?” I wave my hand over his body with admiration. “Nope.” He says firmly. He puffs his chest out. “I’ve seen what steroids and growth hormones can do and it wasn’t for me.” He smiles. “I did get into some fitness competitions and did well in them, well enough to make some money for school.” He’s got an ear-to-ear grin. “That’s great. What did you study?” “I’m still doing it. I’m taking Business classes. I want to open my own property management business. I figure running this place has taught me enough to have a firm base.” He still smiling and I smile with him. “Wow, that’s awesome. How much longer ‘til you’re done?” “I have two more classes, so by the end of the summer.” I nod. I decide to broach another question, “So I was checking out your tractor and trailer the other day and saw all the branches.” He smiles, knowing where this is going. He flexes his right bicep. “Ok, I guess that answers that question?” He laughs. “Just because I gave up bodybuilding doesn’t mean I gave up training. Not to sound conceited, but just because I’m not as big as those guys are, doesn’t mean I’m not as strong, or stronger than they are.” This explains why he was able to carry me back from the pond without a problem. “Also, it’s fun to test my strength trying to pull a dead tree out of the ground, or to move a large rock from a path, or to carry a sexy blonde hunk back from the pond.” My unit springs up and tents my PJs. He sees it and grins, wiggling his eyebrows at me. I look at him and point my finger, “No, I have to get stuff done.” He mischievously runs his tongue along his lips. “Stop it.” I say as forcefully as I can, while my unit bobs back and forth. He slowly flexes his right bicep. The softball appears. I groan. Suddenly he unflexes his arm, stands up, grabs the plates, and mockingly says, “Too bad, I really wanted to lift you up and make love to you standing up. But, you’re right, we both have things to do.” As he turns to walk into the house, I see him flex each glute. “You’re just mean, Jake.” I hear him laugh. We clean up and decide to meet up for dinner. We kiss and he takes off. I hear the tractor head down a path, most likely to clean up from the storm. ** I spend the next two weeks increasing my workouts and really getting my head screwed on properly. Jake spends time with me, when he can. He would spend a couple days a week in town doing odd jobs or helping out, to make money. Once or twice, he took me with him while he was doing some work on the property. He actually liked to show off his strength to me and would tear trees from the ground, roots and all, or lift large rocks over his head and tell me how much they weighed, before tossing them to the side with ease. Snapping branches off trees was his favorite thing to do. He’d pump up his arms by curling me, then walk over to a dead tree, and grab the limb. He’d flex for me, then rip the limb off with ease. I’d get hard, he’d get hard, then no more work would get done. Weekends were always just for us. Our time together became more meaningful. We talked more about our lives, our hopes and dreams, and what we really wanted. With the exercising and balanced diet, the weight I had gained, fell off. My body was back to a toned swimmer’s body. My abs re-appeared and my biceps started to grow and take shape again. On my third Saturday here, Jake surprised me in the afternoon. Nona had called on Friday to let me know she’d be away for the weekend, visiting some friends in town and wouldn’t be around, but that Mr. Fisher would be here, if I needed anything. I was relaxing by the pool, reading more about relaxation techniques when he came down the slope from behind the house. I didn’t hear his tractor. He called out to me, “Hey sexy.” I turned and saw he was in tan work pants, a black dry-mesh t-shirt, and his work boots. He was covered in sweat. His brown hair matted down under his baseball cap, and sweat stains around the crotch area of the pants. I stared at him for a moment and licked my lips. His arms were swollen from the work he’d done and there was sweat dripping from his brow to his cheeks. He walked right to me, leaned down and kissed me on the lips. I got a salty taste of his sweat. His meaty arm was on my shoulder. The weight felt good. We broke the kiss and I looked at him again and said, “Working hard, or hardly working?” I wink at him and he lets out a low chuckle. “Eh, a few saplings on the upper ridge needed to be thinned out. Figured I’d get it done before the heat kicks in.” He stands back up and starts to stretch. He raises his hands over his head and his shirt pulls out from his pants. His hairy abs come into view and I can see they are covered with sweat and matted to his rock-hard body. His pants drop a bit in the front and I get a view of his goodie trail. I lick my lips. His biceps swell over his head and he grunts as I hear some bones crack. He lets out a satisfied, “Ah….” And looks back down to me admiring his body. He smiles and reaches his meaty left hand to me. I take it as he easily pulls me up from the lounge chair and into an embrace. I take a deep breath and inhale his sexy, sweaty musk. He wraps his arms around me and softly asks, “Are you done your morning workout?” I nod yes. He kisses me and smiles. “Have you eaten lunch?” I nod again. Another kiss, this one deeper and longer. “So, I guess you’re free for a little bit, before your afternoon workout?” My cock starts to swell and now it’s his turn to smile as he feels it rise up in my shorts, against his solid thigh. I look him in the eye and ask, “How about you? You done your morning workout?” He nods yes with a wicked smile. I move closer and we kiss. I lower my voice and ask, “Have you eaten lunch?’ Another nod. I wrap my left hand around his neck and pull him close so we are cheek to cheek. I whisper, “So, I guess you’re fr…” His face turns and we start to kiss again. My right hand wanders up his left arm to his sweaty bicep. I let my fingers wander over the muscle, feeling the fibers of muscle as they twitch and coil. He raises the arm, flexes, and the muscle becomes hard. I suck in air and continue to grope him. He tenses it even more. My hand cannot cover the whole head of the muscle. My unit throbs in my bathing suit. He breaks our kiss, much to my dismay. He quickly sheds his t-shirt and starts to undo his belt. I squat down and untie his work boot laces. He puts his meaty hand on my head to steady himself. His hand encompasses my whole head. I feel him gently squeeze. When the boots are untied, I stand up, and put my arm for him to use to control his balance. He takes it and quickly kicks off the boots, his socks, then his pants. He’s standing in front of me in a purple posing bikini thong. I almost lose my load. I suck in a breath of air. His unit is rising as well and filling out the thong. We come back together and start to kiss. He ravages my mouth. My hands ravage his body, groping his wide back, his muscles lats, and then back to his chest. He puts his hands on my ass, squeezes my cheeks roughly, then pulls my body against his. Both our rock-hard units grind against each other. I dip down a bit, then rise up, causing more friction. He moans, tenses his body, then easily lifts me up. I wrap my legs around his tight waist and lock my ankles together. I wrap my arms around his shoulders and pull my body as close to his as I can. Sweat is pouring off both of us due to the mid-day sun and the feverish activity. He turns and slowly walks us to the pool. He takes us in, one step at a time. The warm water surrounds us and envelopes us. He walks us to the deep and pushes my back against the wall. I am still clinging to his body as he supports me. We continue to kiss. I run my fingers thru his hair and feel how soft and silky it is. He shakes his head and sweat comes off. He steps back from the wall, breaks our kiss, looks me in the eyes. His are twinkling. He smiles and softly asks, “Ready?” He takes a breath of air, inflating his muscular hairy chest, and holds it. He starts to descend into the water. I take a breath of air as well. He easily takes us both to the bottom and squats down. We both have our eyes open and are looking at each other. I close the distance and our faces touch. I purse my lips and start to kiss him again. I put my hands on his chest and tweak his nipples. He smiles at me thru the water, a few air bubbles slip from his lips, and I feel him tighten his grip on my ass. He squeezes with one hand, then the other. He alternates for a few beats, the squeezes both at the same time. He starts to stand up, pulling me up with him. His unit is straining the posers. We break the surface and our kiss. We both inhale and immediately go back to kissing. My hand goes to the nape of his neck and gently caresses the area. He walks us to the shallow and moves to sit on the stairs. I untangle me legs and arms. I stand and he moves to turn me around so my back is against his chest. He wraps his hands around my waist and feels up my abs. He growls into my right ear, “Sexy swimmer. I told you that you’d get back into shape.” I put my right hand on his forearm and feel the coiled muscles under the skin moving and twitching. The warm sun is beating down on us. I feel completely relaxed and at ease. I softly say back, “Well, you did help me quite a bit. Not sure how I can repay you for your help.” “I have one or two ideas…” I feel his rough tongue laps at the back of my right earlobe. He warm breath stirs my unit even more. I squirm a bit. He tightens his grip and says, “Consider this part of your repayment.” His hard unit pokes me under my left thigh. I can feel it wants to escape. I reach between my legs and take ahold of it softly. Jake sighs. I start to gently stroke it. Nice long movements. I feel his body become tense. His muscles constrict, his grip around my waist a bit firmer as his biceps expand. His teeth nibble my ear a bit rougher. His breath is coarser and not as paced as it usually is. I slow my movements so he does not release yet. I feel him slowly calm and his body returns to normal. He whispers, “That felt nice.” I massage his poser again. “Hmmm. I need to make you feel just as great.” I pat his forearm and say, “Just my way of saying ‘Thanks’. No reciprocation is needed.” He starts to stand, taking me up with him again, “But I want to.” Who am I to argue with a muscular brown-haired God? I turn to face him and see a mischievous grin on his face. He reaches out, puts his arms under my armpits and easily lifts me up, his biceps expanding. He carries me out of the pool and back to the lounge chair. He sets me down and I lean over to him for a kiss. He puts a finger up, indicating for me to hold on. He leans over to his work pants, rummages around in a pocket, and pulls out a condom. I raise an eyebrow to him and, with a smile ask, “You always walk around with condoms in your work pants?” He winks, kisses me, and replies, “Only since you arrived, sexy.” I blush. “Never know when the mood will strike.” He ogles my tanning body. My unit is pointing down my leg, but is bulging out, creating a funny ‘three-legged’ look. He steps closer, grabs my girth, and gives it a few squeezes with expertise. His fingers move up to the knot holding the suit up and he deftly undoes it. I put my hands on the sides and quickly push it to the ground. My unit springs northward, brushing his leg, then bouncing off my abs. His fingers rake my trimmed pubic hair, then move to my freed unit. His calloused hand has an erotic feel as he pumps me. He steps back, looks down at his bulge, then looks back up into my eyes. I reach out and grab the sides of the posers and skillfully slide them down his tree-trunk legs. His unit also bounces up and off his furry rock-hard abs. He hands me the tin-foil wrapper. I rip it open and hold the condom. He glances down at his unit, then winks at me. I kneel, swallow him to the hilt, and coat him with a layer of saliva. I slide off and slip the rubber on him. I jerk him a few times to make sure it’s not too tight. He puts his hands under my pits and lifts me to a standing position. I start to turn to the patio table to present my ass to him, but he grabs my arm, keeps me facing him, and winks again. He pulls me close, leans to my ear, and whispers, “Paid in full.” He grabs me by my waist, hoists me up with ease, and lowers me to his tip, his biceps flexed but not showing any sign of strain due to my added weight. I reach around and position him at my hole. I relax and let him slide into me. Down…down…and down some more. I hit his crotch and my feet brush the ground. I let out a heavy sigh, as does he. He moves his hands back to my ass. I grab his softball-sized biceps and grope him. He flexes and effortlessly starts to lift me up and down. Pre-cum starts to immediately dribble out of my steel pole and slide down into the valley between our bodies. It gets caught up in the hair on his mid-section. Blood rushes thru the veins in his arms. I can see them pulsing as he lifts and lowers me. I wrap my hands around the mounds and feel the power coursing thru them. I close my eyes and imagine him holding back the mudslide with a few tree trunks. His legs dug into the wet ground, his thighs and calves exploding as they fight to stay still and hold back the onslaught. His chest heaves as he sucks in air and steadily blows it out. Sweat pours off his head, down his shirtless hairy chest, to his soaked skin tight mesh shorts. I stand on the ground behind him, hand on his back to steady him, as if he needed it. He turns, smiles, and says ‘climb on my back.’ I do as he asks. He tells me to ‘wrap your arms around my neck and legs around my waist, and hold on tight.’ I do. He casually asks, ‘Ready?’ and before I have a chance to respond, he drops the tree trunks and jumps ten feet in the air to a nearby tree. He lands on a sturdy branch, turns his head and says, ‘Don’t let go.” I think to myself, why would I want to. He squats down and the muscles in his legs coil with energy, and when he pushes off, we explode off the branch to the next one. He leaps to another tree, then another. Soon we are above the mudslide and away from any danger. He takes one final jump and softly lands on the muddy ground. My body is snug to his broad chest, my hands draped over his neck. He starts to walk us back to the house. I let go of his neck and slide off him. He turns, scoops me up and kisses me full on the lips. ‘Why walk, when I can, and want, to carry you, sexy man?’ I wrap my arm around his neck and let him do his thing. Who am I to argue with him? I place my hand on his chest and feel the muscles twitching and pulsing with every step he takes. My unit starts to rise in my shorts. He sees the bulge and laughs. ‘Hold on for two more minutes, Cole, we’re almost there.’ I come out of my dream and croak, “Close…” He pulls me off him, tosses me up a few feet, catches me in his arms, lays my on the lounge chair, leans over, and swallows me completely. He expertly moves his tongue around, massaging all the sensitive nerves under the mushroom cap of my unit. I grip the sides of the chair, tense my body and let my load fly. As it leaves me, Jake opens his throat and swallows every drop. After I’m done, he uses his tongue again and carefully cleans me off. I soften. He lets me slide out of his mouth. He moves up my body, nibbling and kissing along the way, until he’s at my chest. He sucks on a nipple. I put my left hand on top of his head and push him down. His teeth latch on and his tongue gently runs across the tip of the nipple. My unit stirs. I reach my hand to his unit, which is still sheathed. I pull the condom off and jerk him. He moans and warm air splashes onto my chest, along with some saliva. I get a firmer grip, knowing he likes rough play, and try to pull his dick off his body. He lets out a deep, animalistic growl. He climbs on top of me, his sweaty body covering me completely. We are chest to chest and head-to-head. I wrap my legs around his thin tight waist and squeeze. He grinds his body to mine for a few minutes, heating up his muscles. We kiss and nibble at each other. I’m now at full mast. He tenses his body, rears back, pulling me with him. He climbs off the chair with ease, walks to the side of the pool and says, “Big finish little man.” He turns so his back is to the pool and falls in, my body coming down on top of his as he hits the warm water. I am clinging to him, so our bodies don’t bang together. I feel him release as we hit. He holds me tight and sinks to the bottom, still shooting his load. The water around our midsection becomes cloudy with cum. I soon realize, I came as well. After we both finish, we untangle from each other and float to the surface. Our heads break the water and we take a deep breath of warm air. I take a few steps toward the shallow end and regain my balance. He’s right beside me. I feel him take my hand in his. He gently squeezes. I turn and we kiss. He breaks the kiss, smiles, and says, “Two loads within a few minutes of each other. I’m impressed.” I blush and say, “Well, I had some incentive.” I let my other hand roam over his chest. He flexes it and it becomes hard. I glance down and see his unit is starting to match his chest. Mine is not far behind. We climb out of the pool and go to the lounge chairs. We spend the rest of afternoon, relaxing under an umbrella, just enjoying each other’s company, and several more rounds of aquatic activities. ** Nona and I warmed up to each other. She made her lasagna one day and brought some of it over. The three of us had dinner together. It was excellent. I made her some of my sprouts and she really enjoyed them. ** I could feel my body righting itself, getting back to where I should be, before Covid hit and before I became obsessed with my career. I started to reassess whether my job was right for me. I have other skills that would help me get a job someplace else. ** I am nearing the end of the last week. We’re sitting by the pool, legs dangling in the warm water as the sun sets. Jake knows this and has spent the last three days with me. I told him to go do the other jobs, make the money he needs for school. He brushes it off and says, “Plenty of time for that later.” I sigh. He looks at me and with all seriousness says, “Cole, hasn’t this past month showed you that money isn’t everything?” He spreads his muscular arms wide and waves to the view around us. I look out, over the valley and meadow below, to the mountains in the distance. The red, orange, and gold streaks of sunlight painting the valley. I know what he means, but the thought of having to be back at work Monday morning has stirred my old life awake inside of me. “I would never think to tell someone what is best for them, but in this case, I think I’m, going to make an exception.” I turn to him. He’s smiling at me, those twinkling green eyes, his sexy wavy brown hair, the dimples in his cheeks, I think he’s going to change the direction of my life. “Over this past month, I think we’ve gotten to know each other pretty well,” I cock an eyebrow at him with a sarcastic smile, and he smiles back saying, “besides the sex, which is outstanding, but, I mean, you’ve shared your whole life with me, which I doubt you’ve done to anyone where you work?” “Jake…” I pause, not sure what to say, but knowing what I want to say. He reaches his right hand over puts it on my cheek. He quietly asks, “Will you stay here…with me?” My heartbeat quickens. I grin. I nibble on my lip. I close my eyes and think for a minute. But then I hear him say, “Stop overthinking it.” I open my eyes and look at him. He says, “Yes, our sex is great, but I think…no, I know we’ve got something here.” He moves his hand between us, touching my leg gently. “I know it…and you know it as well.” I sigh, knowing he is right. I’m still tentative. “Cole, were you nervous when you got your job 9 years ago?” I nod yes, “Did the nervousness go away right away, or did it take time?” I shrug knowing what he’s talking about. He rubs my leg in a caring way, letting me know he’s here for me. I look back into his eyes, and see them dancing with excitement. I look away and think to myself, ‘I know what he says is true, and yes, I want to stay here with him,’ A tear falls from my eye, ‘but…my life in the city’. Then I remember what it had been like, and not just the past year, but the last few years. I straighten my back, brush the tear away. I turn to him, grin, and say, “Yes.” He leans over and we kiss, deeply, lips locked together and tongues playing with each other. I close my eyes, as he holds our heads together with his strong hands, and see the last of my worries and anxieties flow down the stream and out of my life. I open my eyes and Jake is still right there, my new life.
  16. Caliban11

    An American in London

    A little something based on a news story from a few years ago: https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2018/feb/16/us-tourist-punched-police-officer-at-buckingham-palace AN AMERICAN IN LONDON Matt had been an officer in the Metropolitan Police for three years, but he reckoned the most boring patrol was Buckingham Palace. Nothing but tourists taking selfies; it was just about the easiest shift in the job. Today they were expecting a convoy for some Royal. Matt didn’t care about the details. He just had to make sure the barriers were clear. “Yo Matt!” said his colleague Rob as they crossed paths. “Any weekend plans?” “Hitting the gym tonight,” said Matt. “Chest day.” And he squeezed his pecs together. “Have to say man,” said Rob, “looking fucking swole these days!” He looked jealously at Matt’s 18 inch guns. At 6ft even, Matt was a solid 225lbs of jacked muscle. In his uniform he was pretty scary: shirt pulled tight around a big chest which balanced out his big arms; traps merging into a thick neck; impressive lats which made his arms stick out slightly for that big-man strut. Out of uniform, it was clear he was serious about bodybuilding: big full pecs hung over a solid six pack; huge quads with impressive sweep and detail which finished off the X shape. Rob glanced around him before sidling up closer to Matt. “Hey man,” he said under his breath, “you know, if you're on gear…it’s cool. Seriously, it’s cool, man! Maybe…”, and Rob lowered his voice even more, “maybe you could hook me up, bro?” “Ha!” said Matt, “All natural dude!”, and he bounced his heavy pecs under his shirt as he moved on. He’d jumped on the juice six months ago, and since then he’d exploded. But he wasn't going to tell Rob that. Rob was his mate, they’d had a few gym sessions together, but you couldn't be too careful when you were on the force. The minutes ticked by. Matt felt like he had an itch he couldn’t scratch: here he was, psyched up for his session that night, all this pent-up aggression inside him, and no way to use it. Just a bit of action, that’s all he wanted: a lad getting a bit lairy with the Palace guards, that would do it. Just a chance to flex some muscle. Just then, Matt sensed a disturbance in the crowd. Hand immediately on his taser, he looked over to where a group of Australians had been taking pictures. Pushing his way through them was the biggest man Matt had ever seen. He must have been at least 6’6” but his height was the least special thing about him: the guy was jacked. Like, beyond jacked. He was wearing a cheap t-shirt with some band on the front. The arms strained over guns that must have measured at least 23 inches, Matt thought. As the man pushed his way through the crowd Matt got a clear view of him. Jesus, he was built like a fucking colossus! He was about 50 foot away from Matt, but Matt could feel his density. He knew that this man was as powerful as the biggest guys in his bodybuilding gym. There was something off about the way the man was walking, and Matt could tell instantly that he was seriously drunk. Christ, thought Matt, what could a fucker like that have been drinking to get so pissed? The dude’s built like a brick shithouse. The guy was making his way over to one of the Palace guards, right next to where the barriers had been set up in preparation for the Royal convoy. Matt could see that his colleague Rob had clocked him and was stealthily moving towards him in case of trouble. Oblivious, the man continued his drunken swagger over to the guard. Now he was standing right in front of the guard, so close that Matt could see the guard shuffling a couple of steps backwards, clearly intimidated. The guy made him look a total wimp. With his sideways view Matt could see the thickness of the giant’s physique, the huge capped delts and the thick lats jutting out under the thin material of the tee. Matt felt a rush of envy. This guy was fucking goals. “Hey dude!” the guy slurred, looking down at the guard. Matt noticed an American accent. “Cool hat, bro!” And he laughed the too-loud laugh of the man off his face and not in full control of his body. “Wanna…wanna lemme try it on?” The guard wasn’t a small guy – about six foot, more fit than jacked – but he quivered before the huge guy. The giant made a move towards the guard, as if to grab the hat. “Armed police, stand still!” As soon as it looked like the guy was about to get aggressive, Rob jumped into action. Matt watched as Rob pointed his taser at the beast in front of him. Rob was a bit of a powerhouse himself, but he wasn't risking anything when dealing with this muscle freak. The man stopped what he was doing turned his head towards Rob. “Now back away slowly sir,” shouted Rob, taser still poised. Adrenaline pumped through his body and he could fee his heart thumping beneath his thick chest. Yeah, it was on. But instead of backing away, the man started moving towards Rob. As Rob registered the situation, the adrenaline rush gave way to cold terror. He stood rooted to the spot, watching the fabric of the man’s tee jump and twitch. He was bouncing his pecs as he came for Rob. Jesus, how big were those fucking things under there? “Hey man! You're a cop, right? A little British cop! That's cool man!” Rob backed away as the man staggered menacingly towards him. Little! Rob was fucking packed with muscle! Ok, he wasn’t a freak like this guy… Rob was still trying to process the sheer size of the man in front of him. He, Rob, was big. He knew that. He did know it. So why did he feel small and weak? Why did he automatically back away as the guy moved towards him? Oh Jesus. In a man-to-man fight with this guy, how long would Rob last? Oh shit. Next to this guy Rob was less than little. Fuck, next to his buddy Matt Rob was a little man, and this guy made even Matt look like a fucking shrimp! Rob kept the taser pointed at the man, but he was now in panic mode. “A little British cop! Hey, little British cop man, know any cool jokes?!” He was practically on top of Rob at this point. “Stay where you are!” Rob shouted again, sweat darkening his shirt around the pits. But the man just smirked, and took another step to square up in front of Rob. Rob was hit by a powerful scent of sweat and muscle coming off the beast in front of him. Whether it was fear or jealousy for the man’s size, something exploded in Rob’s brain. He fired his taser. The electrified prongs buried themselves in the mountain’s thick chest. By now Officer Matt had caught up with Rob. Immediately seeing Rob had discharged his taser, Matt prepared to cuff the muscle monster as soon as he was debilitated and had fallen to the floor. Except the freak was still standing! Matt couldn’t believe what he was seeing. The beast let out a deep grunt as he was hit by the taser’s intense voltage. All his muscles flexed, and Matt fleetingly felt a grudging respect as the superb build of the dude really popped even better under the pressure. Amazingly, he was withstanding the pain! How the fuck was that even possible? The dude must have balls of steel! Incredibly, the beast began to move his huge arm, lifting a massive hand towards the taser wires in his chest. How the fuck could he be doing that? Matt fired his own taser, which landed in the guy’s abdominals this time. Instead of a grunt the beast let out a bellow so loud that Matt felt it in his gut. As he bellowed he clenched his fists and his arms balled up into the biggest, veiniest balls of arm muscle Matt had ever seen. But still the big man didn't go down. After bearing the pain for a few seconds he once more made a move to rip out the tasers from his mighty upper body. Rob and Matt holding the ends of the weapons stood transfixed by the power of the monster in front of them as he tore out the taser prongs with a roar. “Fuck yeah!” he roared, and threw up his arms into a massive double bi, chin thrust out as he cockily turned his head between each peak. And then with his eyes fixed on Matt’s, he grabbed his own shirt by the collar with a single huge hand and ripped it off his body. He bounced his pecs as he watched Matt – Matt the muscle man, Matt the amateur bodybuilder – eye up his superior physique. The pecs were huge slabs of muscle, the upper pecs the fullest Matt had ever seen, creating a deep fissure between the chest muscles. The square lower pecs were thicker still and finished off with two large dark nipples. The beast’s eight-pack was powerfully defined, but there was nothing emaciated about the guy’s look. He looked full and dense. His cannonball delts exploded from his shoulders, but they did nothing to hide the immense size and weight of the guy’s arms: biceps thick and veiny with muscle; triceps bulging out the back of the arm. His wide lats were thick and meaty. Matt wanted to grab a handful to see what they felt like. Huge traps and a column of muscle for a neck gave the beast a brutal, caveman energy. Fuck, this dude made Matt look like a little fitness pretty boy! Then things started happening very quickly. The beast had forgotten all about Rob, but now focused all his attention on Matt. He rounded on the bigger cop, rolling his massive shoulders. Matt’s police training kicked in, and he automatically reached for his baton. But before he could pull it out the muscle monster grabbed Matt’s 18-inch arm, stopping it dead. For a drunk man he was fucking quick! With his big mitt around Matt’s biceps, he squeezed. Matt cried out in pain as he felt his big gun get compacted by strength much greater than his own. He dropped the baton and it rolled away. The big man balled up his free hand into a fist and jack-hammered it into Matt’s gut three times before releasing the officer from his hold. Matt felt like he’d been hit by a tanker. He crumpled to the floor, winded by the force he’d felt through his bullet-proof vest. As soon as the muscle beast’s attention had switched to Matt, Rob had made a retreat. He immediately radioed for back-up. He felt ashamed that he’d been so easily dominated by a bigger, better man. One pissed-up American roider was all it had taken to trounce two of the biggest guys in the London force. Rob tried to get his head around it: He trained hard at least five days a week without fail; in his normal life he felt like a big, powerful man. But when it came down to it, he was nothing. He was a weak, fucking pussy. He was nowhere near the level of this beast of a man. The fucking chest on the guy! The fucking legs! So much insane density! No matter how hard he worked, Rob knew he’d never be in the big boy leagues. He heard the back-up sirens in the distance. He’d failed; failed as a cop, failed as a man. And he deserved it. Rob knew the experience would change him forever. Matt lay on the floor, hunched over his battered gut. Where the fuck was Rob? The monster was standing over him, taunting him. “What the fuck man, I barely touched ya! Jesus, are all you British dudes such fuckin’ pussies? Come on man, get up, show us what you can do!” Matt looked up from where he lay at the huge beast standing over him. Matt could see the massive overhang of the guy’s chest. The thickness was unbelievable, how much could the guy bench – 450lbs? 500? Why the hell was Matt thinking that?! But he couldn’t help it. The guy had Matt’s ideal physique – it was everything he wanted, it was the reason he trained every day, sometimes twice a day, vomited during leg day, pumped his body with Dbol and test and tren. And he was still nowhere near reaching it. And here was some tanked up Yank, with the physique of a fucking Greek god. Matt collapsed to the floor again, humiliated in his defeat. But the big man wasn’t having it. “I said, get up.” His voice was meaner, and more dangerous. Matt slowly got up on all fours, alternately dry-heaving and taking in big gulps of air as he tried to get his breath back. Too slow for the big Yank, who grabbed Matt’s shirt by the back of the neck and dragged him to his feet. Matt stood swaying on his feet in front of the beast. “Let’s see what you got then bro!” said the beast, looking over Matt’s physique. He smiled to himself. He recognised a fellow brother-in-iron when he saw one. “Hey, not bad man! You got some decent size on ya!” Even while he struggled to recover his breath, Matt still felt a twinge of pride that a specimen like this was complimenting his own build. Then he looked over the massive meat of the beast’s upper arms, and his 18 inch guns felt like fucking twigs again. The beast took a step back. “Now, hit me bro!” He held out his arms, leaving his torso completely open. Fuck, Matt wanted to do it so badly! He wanted to see how strong this absolute unit really was. But his professional instincts took over. He reached for his baton. Shit, he’d dropped it earlier. He reached for his handcuffs instead. He spoke, loudly and clearly: “Sir, back-up is on its way, if you just come quietly no one will get hurt.” His heart was pounding as he fumbled for the cuffs. “Now, put your hands on your……” “You shit-for-brains or what? I’m gonna fuck you up either way, dude, so just, fucking, HIT ME!” And the big Yank lurched forwards, still with his arms out and his torso exposed. Instinctively Matt stopped reaching for the cuffs and landed a colossal fist right in the man’s gut. Oh, fuck!! Pain radiated up Matt’s arm as his fist hit the man’s eight-pack. Oh, shit!! How can any man be as fucking strong as that?! He began to shake out his hand to ease the pain, but the man was on him. “Fuck yeah! These things ain’t just for show!” And he flexed his abs and cockily strummed his fingers across them, showboating his superior shape before the smaller muscle cop. “Again! Hit me again! Come ON!” And before he knew he’d done it Matt landed another hit, this time to the beast’s jaw. The big man’s head turned to one side with the impact before slowly turning back to Matt. In disbelief, Matt struck again from the other side. The beast’s thick neck twisted, but again returned slowly to its starting point. Jesus Christ! What was this fucker made from? Matt had taken boxing classes before making the switch to bodybuilding, and knew how to deliver a textbook punch. Nothing else would do now: this strike would have to finish it. His huge arms flexed to the max, he launched a devastating right, generating power from the shoulder and aiming to follow right through this freak’s solar plexus. But the big man was done playing. He caught Matt’s fist with a dull thump. Then slowly, he squeezed down on it. Oh fuck!! Matt didn’t even know a human could have a grip like that. He thought he was going to pass out from the pain. The beast started laughing as he overpowered the cop with one hand. He lifted his spare arm slowly into a single biceps flex. Despite the pain, Matt watched the colossal muscle grow. How big was that thing? How did it keep getting bigger?! So hard! How was that much size and vascularity possible?! The beast flexed his cannonball arm directly in Matt’s face, still laughing at the little muscle cop. “Yeah man! This is muscle Murica-style! USA!” He mashed Matt’s face into the bigger muscle and then down into his monstrous hairy pit, forcing him to inhale his salty man smell. Fuck, even the dude’s smell made Matt feel small. So fucking big! So fucking strong! It didn’t….. How could….. How was it…….. Matt peed himself. The big guy on the force, the amateur bodybuilder. A fucking weakling. Afterwards, Matt was told he’d passed out. Back-up had arrived and managed to bring the man down. He was arrested, went to court and got an eight-week suspended sentence. He was asked to pay Matt and Rob £200 each in compensation. Matt refused his. SIX MONTHS LATER The Zoom connection was a bit shaky, but seemed to have stabilised now. Matt stood in front of his laptop in his kitchen, hands on his hips, sweating and breathing deeply. He was wearing nothing except briefs which he’d hitched up to uncover his impressive quads. A voice from the laptop said “Now, go again.” Matt didn’t move for a few seconds, looking down at the floor as he continued to take deep breaths, his cut abs heaving in and out. The voice spoke again: “Stop fucking around man, let’s go! Front double bi, now!” Matt took one last deep breath and faced the camera, carefully planted his feet, rose his arms above him and pulled them down into a massive double bi. “Really squeeze. Don’t bring them so far forward.” Matt made the corrections, his arms shaking from the flex. Another drip of sweat rolled down his face. His arms measured at just over 20 inches. A massive improvement, but not enough. “Ok, front lat spread, let’s go!” Matt adjusted his stance, hitched up his arms and unfurled his colossal lats. His lat development had surpassed even his biceps. But still too small. “Ok, not bad. Now, side chest!” Matt carried on through the mandatories. It was the fourth time he’d done them that afternoon, and the sweat was pouring off him. “Ok, take a breather,” said the voice. Matt pulled up a stool and sat in front of the laptop so he could speak to his new coach. The Big Yank, The Beast, had been Matt’s coach for about six months now. Ever since that encounter six months ago Matt had been a different man. He thought he knew what power was before, but meeting the Beast had changed that forever. He knew he would never be happy until he had pushed his body beyond anything he’d previously thought possible, until he’d achieved something at least in the same sort of league as the Beast. While the Beast was in custody Matt had paid him a visit. “I wanna be like you,” he’d said. “Tell we what I have to do, and I’ll do it.” A week or so later, before the Beast flew back to America, he’d gone for a training session with Matt to see what the cop could do. After the biggest chest session of Matt’s life and a flex-off in the posing room, the Beast had agreed to take him on as a client. “But you gotta commit 100%. This has gotta be your life now. Ok?” Matt quit the force the next day. He got a job in a gym, started an Instagram and an Only Fans to help pay for all the juice he would need to take if he was going to play with the big boys. And he trained. He trained with the biggest lads in the gym, and worked so hard he got a reputation as the maddest, hardest worker in the place. He logged all his workouts with his coach, and they checked in every few days for a physique update. The Beast designed his training split, his nutrition plan, and his cycles. And Matt had fucking grown: 275lbs at 6 foot, an absolute monster. But still not big enough. And now, Matt had just finished another check-in with his coach. “Ok, decent progress,” said the Beast. “But the delts are overpowering the chest. You need to get your upper pecs up some. No fucking slacking, man! You need to keep pushing!” “Yeah, I know man, sorry,” said Matt, sheepishly. He scratched his thick pec which twitched with size. “We’ll get you back on track next week little dude. When are you arriving?” “Tuesday, 11am.” “Cool, see you then. Better say bye-bye to those baby muscles bro, cos by the time we’re done you’re going to be fucking next-level!” Matt was flying over to stay with the Beast. Nothing but food and lifting for a whole month. It was going to be awesome. He couldn’t wait. And maybe – if it went well – he could stay over there permanently. Every session being the session of a lifetime. Coach pushing him beyond anything he thought was humanly achievable. Spending every minute of his life just doing what Coach tells him to do. Matt flexed his right arm into a single biceps. It was huge. He smiled: He was going to make this look fucking puny.
  17. MuscleAndBulge

    The Life Changing Discovery

    This is my first attempt at a story. I wrote and posted it on MetaBods a couple of years ago and then didn't return to it until recently. I hope you enjoy, and look forward to new chapters in the future. This is the story Stew, a short and scrawny teenager. But after he discovers a magical artifact, his life becomes bigger and better. ~~~~~ Stew was a typical teenage guy. He had just started college, but he was off for the summer. He studied at a local school, so he lived with his parents. Stew had only made a few friends in high school, but he was trying to get out of his shell more now that he was in college. He had made a few friends in his program, and he had even gone on a few dates with some guys he’d met online. Stew was trying to be more outgoing, since he had been more introverted in high school and wanted to push the limits of his comfort zone. The sun was setting on a Saturday evening at the beach. Stew’s family liked to drive there and spend the day whenever they could. It was a bit of a family tradition. Stew didn’t want to go swimming after they had finished eating, so he unpacked his metal detector and set out looking for random things around the beach. After spending over an hour searching with nothing more than some broken jewelry and some pocket change to show for his effort, he decided to expand his search. He headed over some rocks away from the main part of the public beach. He figured he’d try some place that hadn’t been picked over by dozens of other metal detector enthusiasts. He got to another stretch of shore, but this one was much rockier and filled with seaweed. This must be why no one bothered with this stretch of beach. He started his sweeping pattern and set to work. After a few minutes, he got another hit. Pulling out his trusty spade, he set to work digging it up. He heard the telltale “ting” of metal on metal, letting him know he had found his target. He carefully excavated it and found what appeared to be some sort of metal lamp with ornate design covering the sides. He stashed it away in his backpack to take a closer look at it later. The sun had almost set now, and he was sure the rest of his family was getting ready to leave. He packed up his gear and made his way back to the parking lot. ***** Later that night, after they got home and unpacked everything from the car, Stew brought his stuff to the basement. Stew was the youngest of his brothers, and the only one that still lived with his parents. So, he had most of the basement to himself, and he set it up like a rec room. There was a couch, a TV, some chairs, and a desk to do homework in the corner. When he set down his backpack, he heard the clank of the things he had found at the beach and it reminded him of the strange lamp he found. He took it out of his backpack and sat at his desk to take a better look. It had some corrosion from being in the wet sand for who knows how long. Stew took out a rag and started to scrub some of the dirt away and get a better look at the designs on the side. Starting on one side, he worked his way around until he was back where he started. He squinted to take a better look and brought it closer to his face, when suddenly, it began to vibrate. Startled by this, he let go of it and it clattered onto the desk. It started to glow and rattle more violently. A plume of smoke started to come out of the opening, and the rattling seemed to slow down. The smoke started to become denser and take shape. A muscled torso of a man started to form before him, and stew noticed how buff and toned he was. It reminded of the men’s fitness magazines he had hidden away when he was too young to have his own computer. The man finally came into view, with teal skin and pointed ears pierced with several earrings. Stew and scooted back several feet during the events and was now staring at the strange new guest in his basement hideout with his mouth agape. “Hello” said the floating figure. “My name is Awah’Toh. I am the genie who lives in this lamp. I am here to grant you three wishes” “Holy shit” was all Stew could manage to come up with. The genie tilted his head curiously and said, “why would you bless feces?” This snapped Stew out of his awestruck lack of words. “Genies are real?” He said. The genie looked down and himself, then to the lamp, and then back to Stew and said “Clearly.” It appears a genie can be sarcastic. “So… you can actually grant me three wishes?” “Yes. However, there are limits on my magic. I cannot bring back the dead. I cannot control other people. And I cannot grant immortality. Besides this, I can give you anything you desire.” “So kinda like in Aladdin?” “Who?” Said the genie, puzzled. “Never mind.” Stew said, as his mind started to race with possibilities of what he could ask for. His mind went over the events of the days and started thinking of the beach. He thought about why he didn’t want to join his family when they went swimming. Stew was a rather small for his age. He hadn’t gotten a huge growth spurt in high school like a lot of his classmates had and seemed to have peaked at 5’6”. And he had little to show in the muscle department. His cock was nothing impressive, maxing out at 4” hard. He hated taking his shirt off because it would show off how thin and small he was. That’s why it had been a few years since he had gone swimming at the beach. Being in the water with nothing but his swim trunks showed off everything he didn’t like about his figure. As though a light bulb went off in his head, he made eye contact with the genie and asked “this isn’t one of those monkey paw situations where these wishes turn out to be curses or something, right?” “I’m not familiar with this, but I can assure you, I wish you no ill will” “Alright then. I wish I could make my body bigger” He said decisively. “Very well” the genie nodded slowly, then pointed his fingers at Stew. There was no light and no sparks. Nothing but some fingers pointed. “Did it work?” asked Stew skeptically. “Why not give it a try? Think of the changes you want and see what happens” After finished his hand motion, the genie crossed his arms over his chest. As he did so, his muscles flexed and showed off their size. This gave Stew all the inspiration he needed. He concentrated on these muscles and thought of how he wanted the same thing. His body felt strange. It wasn’t unpleasant, perhaps even good. As thought a thousand tiny hands were massaging his skin at once. He looked down at himself and saw the changes unfold. His chest started to expand under his loose-fitting shirt. His arms were getting thicker too, making his sleeves tight. His shirt was now too tight for him. Moving his arms made the shirt bunch and stretch in ways Stew was not familiar with. His jeans were also becoming snug around his legs as he filled them out more and more. The changes slowed to a stop. Stew started to touch his arms and chest to make sure they were real, and sure enough they were very real. He looked at the genie and smiled. “This is amazing!” “I’m glad you enjoy my handiwork” he said with another slow nod. Stew’s mind was going wild now as thoughts started jumping around inside his head. “How big can I get?” He asked with an excited tone. “You never wished for a maximum size, so there isn’t one” Awah’Toh said matter-of-factly. This brought on another wave of excitement for Stew. He looked over at his computer and remembered the pictures of morphed muscle men he had seen online. He thought about one of his favourite photos and held the image in his head. But before he did anything else, he ran over to the old full-length mirror that had been stored in the corner of the room after some renovations. Stew was now ready and thought about how he wanted to look like that morphed man with the exaggerated features. He watched in the mirror as his muscles once again started to expand. His shirt got tighter and tighter until the seams started to rip, and his new flesh started to spill out of the tears. He got caught up in the moment and flexed to see how it looked in the mirror. Just then, his shirt reached its limit and fell off in tatters, revealing Stew’s now bulging and growing torso. His muscles continued to expand, his shoulders getting wider and his pecs growing outwards until Stew’s chin bumped into them as he tried to look down. His abs formed a tight eight-pack of fist sized bulbs that each cast their own shadow. His biceps were the size of bowling balls and his triceps looked twice as big as a normal bodybuilder’s would be. After scoping out the changes that happened above his waist, Stew realized that his jeans looked like leggings and the seams were held together by threads. Shortly after he realized how strained they were, he bent over to examine the damage. This caused his muscles to flex. Almost like rip-off pants, they fell away from his legs, leaving him standing there in nothing but his underwear. “Wow” Was all Stew could say. He turned around, inspecting his new proportions in the mirror. He would flex and turn and flex and turn, amazed by the results. He loved how he looked now. The feeling of his new strength felt amazing. But after a few minutes of looking at himself in the mirror for a few minutes, something started to bother stew. He looked at his junk. It was covered by his briefs. He had worn a special spandex pair for his trip to the beach, just in case he decided to go swimming. His cock had felt small before, but with his new swollen muscles grown to huge proportions, it looked comically small under the blue stretchy fabric. “Is something wrong? Are you not satisfied with your wish?” Piped up the genie. Stew felt sheepish all of a sudden. “Does… Does it work on uhh…” his voice trailed off, embarrassed by what he wanted to ask. It was comical how this gargantuan wall of muscle was fidgeting with the waistband on the only piece of clothing he wore. “Can it work on my cock?” he finally blurted out. “You wished to make your body bigger. Your cock, as you call it, is part of your body, is it not?” Stew’s heart began to race with the new ideas coming to mind. This time Stew simply thought about how he wanted a bigger dick. He didn’t think of anything for inspiration. Just simply: bigger. Then, on command just like his previous changes, his underwear began to fill. The change was slow at first. His dick started to show through the fabric, outlining the growing member. It slowly grew to fill the pouch, then it began to push beyond the boundaries of what was normal. It stuck out further and further in front of him, growing to the size of a cantaloupe. Stew could finally see the bulge over his pecs. This was substantial, because of how huge his pecs were now. Looking in the mirror again, Stew surveyed his new addition. He touched the bulge with his whole hand. His bulge jiggled somewhat, then a shock of pleasure coursed threw his cock. This surprised Stew. It was as though the sensitivity of his cock had grown along with the size. He rubbed the front of the pouch, feeling it stretch as he pushed it from side to side, enjoying the sensations that went along with the motions. Stew was beyond excited now. He couldn’t believe that this person he saw in the reflection was actually him. He loved every crevice and curve his body now had.
  18. tester26

    Sean puts on a show

    Based loosely in HSMuscleBoy's world. Heavily influenced by stories from soccerstud88 (not sure if current username), musclebuff, and others. Sean puts on a show "Aw fuck yeah..." Sean smirked in the green room mirror. The teen took one last look, relishing over his perfect choice of outfit, the one that he picked out just to display his pumped muscles; a skintight red shirt and blue jeans. It sounded innocent enough, but it didn’t leave a single inch of his young muscle body untouched, nothing left to the imagination. His fat round pectorals started the whole show, so big now in fact that his shirt actually got caught between the unimaginably large cleavage. Next came his arms, flexed they were a round 28 inches, swollen with so much muscle, his sleeves couldn’t find anywhere else to go but up. Deep iron plated abs rippled, anatomically carved obliques to match. One of Sean’s favorite parts was how his shirt just barely reached the top of jeans. It revealed just enough to let people see the bottom of his brick-like abs, his narrow waist, and his chiseled adonis belt pointing down to his bulging jeans. And that was all just the upper half. Down below Sean grinned over what must have been the most extreme set of muscle legs the world had seen. Calves that were bigger than most men’s thighs stretched his jeans near his knees, quads that were bigger than most grown men's waist, so swollen into one another, Sean couldn't even put his own two feet together. Then came the grand finale, the juicy center of it all. A 14 inch long, thick as a soda can, completely soft monster cock resting atop a pair of orange sized balls, leaving a bulge so x-rated, so obscene, that even his own zipper looked as if it would pop at the slightest hint of his cock getting hard. “Fucking alpha stud...” he whispered to himself. He was ready to put on a show. Sean made his way to the stage, feeling his clothes strain and struggle against his bulging muscles. He had to be careful not to rip through his clothes. He needed to save the show for the crowd. The audience murmured and shifted in anticipation. Soon the curtain in the middle of the stage opened and Sean stepped out to gasps and cheers. Sean stood with his feet spread apart and arms swollen from his chest, grinning at the crowd. The threads of his Red T-shirt snapped and groaned with every breath he took. You could see the outline of every muscle on his gigantic torso through the fabric. His jeans were filled to the brink of destruction with muscle, and obscenely showed off the outline his monstrous manhood and huge testicles. He palmed his growing denim bulge and snickered, knowing his muscles were so huge that his clothes would simply shred to pieces from a simple flex. “Sup dudes?” Sean said with a smile. Music started to play as Sean paraded around the stage, giving everyone a good look at his musclebound, golden alpha body. He stopped in the center of the stage and instinctively slowly raised his arms up colossal arms. The threads snapped and stretched even more, Sean couldn’t help but smirk feeling so unbelievably powerful and strong. His cock started to swell up in his jeans, he could feel his posers start to dig into his ass crack. He paused for a moment to relish on what was actually happening. He suddenly raised his arms up and placed his hands on the back of his neck hearing a loud RRRIIIPP. What emerged made the audience gasp. “UGNN” He groaned feeling his biceps explode through the fabric, all 28 inches of them. Enormous biceps ballooned from all angles of his upper arm. His forearms were bulging hams already glistening with oil. He crunched his abs down and flexed his arms as hard as he could. His 8 pack was pumped already and his pecs were heaved up so tight against the shirt it started to look transparent. He took a deep breath and flexed his pecs with loud groan watching the left one tear through the fabric. His lats flared wide, shoving his arms out and back. He paused, allowing the crowd to see and appreciate his physique. “UHH God Look At Me….Fuckin MUSCLE!” Sean hit a most muscular pose feeling the shirt rip half way up his spine unleashing even more of his body. With clenched teeth he snarled and grunted, flexing his back over and over until the remainder of the shirt was shredded to pieces. He watched the remaining fabric dangle lifelessly around his mammoth traps. Sean ripped the remaining fabric to the floor hitting another massive pose. “AW YEAH!!” Sean glanced at the men around the stage and noticed that a few had their hand on their hardening crotches, squeezing and rubbing their dicks in appreciation. Sean struck a double bicep pose as he paraded around the stage. The peak of his biceps now reached the palms of his hand, completely filling the space within his flexed arm. He grunted like an animal, beads of sweat appearing on his upper body. He brought each arm to his lips, kissing his biceps worshipfully. Groans came from the crowd and men began to cum at the sight of the teen god. “Fuck ya dudes, cum for me” Sean said with a smirk. Each flex was like a wave of euphoria for the big teen. The crowd's cheers were all music to his ears and he simply rolled along the stage like the big boulder of muscle that he was. The huge stud brought his arms down again, sending another wave of bounces through them. Each powerful pectoral muscle bounced against his chin, pressing his head from side to side with the swells of mass. Sean reached up to grip against them, almost suggestively squeezing them to his face, practically covering it while he tensed them harder than ever. He flexed his enormous biceps again and drooled just looking at their throbbing size and power! Completely intoxicated he couldn’t help but slowly start to lick each one. He let out a light moan as he licked and cleaned every inch of them, kissing and making out with his own muscles. No other man had the masculinity, the muscles, the sheer dominance he had. He lowered his arms to his waist and began to flex his legs one at a time. The massive bulge mounted between Sean’s legs was convulsing and growing. The blood that was rushing to his thighs was also pouring into his enormous dick. A shaft the thickness of his massive forearms started pressing outwards, straining the already weakened zipper of his overstretched jeans. The heavy balls were pulsing and swelling, pumping out superhuman quantities of testosterone as they prepared to discharge their load. His jeans became painfully tight before he heard a loud SNAP as his left leg burst through his jeans. "SNAP!" his other leg burst through. “FUCK YEAH!!” With a final snap Sean’s zipper exploded, unleashing his giant, rapidly hardening manhood. His bright red posers, already soaked with pre, stretched tightly over his package, his monster cock stretching the posers so far that they only covered the head. He crossed his arms behind his head and with a quick flex, the overloaded posers snapped, his meat slapping his abs with a loud smack. Several in the audience screamed. The dark red head of the superhuman man pole was enormous. The thickly veined shaft continued expanding until the cock head was level with Sean’s pecs. The floor of the small auditorium was becoming slippery with the quarts of cum shot from the male audience members, wild with desire. A group of men had congregated towards the front, reaching on-stage in worship of the incredible muscle man, begging him to take them, fuck them, piss on them, degrade them. Some were drooling, others had fainted. “Aw fuck yeah, check it out dudes.” Sean groaned, as he stroked his monster cock. He began to flex his legs as hard as he could watching more of the fabric tear from his immense size, feeling so unbelievably powerful and strong. He squatted down while flexing his entire body letting out a roar of power watching the rest of his tree trunk legs burst out of the fabric. He flexed them over and over feeling the muscles push up against each other, spreading his feet further and further away from each other across the cold floor. He then ripped off what remained of his pants, the crowd going wild as he did, whoops and hollers sounding through the performance area. Sean raised his massive arms up above his head, his palms outstretched on the back of his neck. He closed his eyes, tilted his bull neck back against his palms and began gyrating his hips, his muscled stomach and bubble butt flexing in response. He was incredible! His chest was humongous, his massive slabs of pec muscle narrowing down to a tiny waist of 28". His hips were narrow yet his buttocks were large rounded mounds of pure muscle, and his thighs were an incredible 39" with 29" calves. He turned and did a side chest so that everyone could see the stupendous expanse of his huge pecs narrow down sharply to the tiny waist. The rigid 20” monstrosity jutting from between his legs pointed proudly between his pecs, smearing precum over them and sliding in his cleavage. He turned and showed his back, the muscles rippling hard with every slight movement. Cries of awe went up from the crowd. "And Now for the Grand Finale.." He wrapped his hand around his prick and started slowly stroking, from the thick root of his monster all the way up to the swollen helmet. When he reached the spongy head, he rubbed and teased it, groaning and sighing, and his cock bulged and lengthened in response. It was a colossal shank of masculine power dripping pre and throbbing hard. It was red and shiny and hard as steel. He stood there, looking into the audience, with a hard-on as thick as an arm and nearly two feet long rising up from his loins and throbbing. His balls dangled heavy and full. The mouth of his prick was drooling a steady flow of pre that cascaded down the thick, hard shaft like honey. He lifted his arms and flexed his muscles into full bloom. The biceps swelled and rose up to meet his clenched fists. His lats flared out like wings. His chest spread insanely wide as his pectoral globes rose and displays the insane cables of raw brawn stretching across them. And at the center of it all was his cock, red and hard and hungry for attention. He smiled as he released the flex of his awesome muscles. Then he licked his lips again, leaned forward, and pressed his long tongue to the drooling head of his cock. He licked it again, sucking off the pre and licking it from his lips. Finally he wrapped one hand around the thick stalk, pulled it towards his mouth, and began to suck his own prick. His cheeks sank with every suck. He closed his eyes and moaned and started shifting his hips. He was fucking his own mouth! Sean stood sideways to the audience, his lips locked over his own dripping cock head and with loud slurping sounds he drank down his precum. Both hands traveled up and down the length of his rod, and he turned and twisted so everybody got incredible views of his rigid, leaking dick, now even harder and leaking more. His groans became faster and louder, muffled by the incredible bulk of his bloating cockhead, and his hands became blurs as they rode the amazing length of his shaft, and then, throwing his head back and roaring as he came. He locked his lips over his meat once again, and the audience groaned in awe as they watched as Sean drink his load, torrents of cum running out of the corners of his mouth, drenching his cock and pubes. After a full minute, he pulled his cock out of his mouth, still throbbing hard and spurting. He grinned and clenched his fist, flexing his entire body. The slit of Sean’s swollen throbbing cock head dilated and a thick volley of man juice shot up, slapping the ceiling of the auditorium with globs of sperm. Another blast of equal force rocked the stage. A third cumshot erupted with less force, but lasted a good four seconds. The stream looked like it was coming from a giant cum drinking fountain, spilling into a large pool on the stage. A fourth shot hit the top of the stage curtains, drenching them. They in turn released a steady rain of cum as the milky liquid dripped down. As he continued flexing, stream after stream blasted out of the superhuman teen. The stage was soon awash in sticky, milky cum. Sean hit one colossal pose and roared as his monstrous cock thickened and unleashed a river of cum towards the back of the room. Dropping his pose, Sean grabbed his cock and slid it through his deep pec cleavage. His cock flared and grew even thicker. He fucked his pecs, his cock sliding slickly through a couple of inches of its own cum which settled in the valley of his huge pecs. Sean practically bathed himself in his own cum, rubbing it all over his body, his massive muscles glistening under the stage lights. He felt his balls tighten again and he aimed his hose at the audience, his shaft so incredibly thick that he used both hands in unison, stroking up and down. Despite the huge volume of cum already expelled, His elephant bull balls rose to the occasion again. He flexed every muscle in his body, and a thick stream of hot milky liquid shot out over the eager audience. Men were shrieking with pleasure, blowing their little loads as the naked muscleman blew his massive one. For a full minute jet after jet bathed the audience’s faces. Eventually, Sean’s orgasm ended, and he let his dick flop down between his thighs, a few bubbles of cum still oozing out, dropping onto the ground. Sean grinned widely, nodding proudly to himself as he surveyed the damage. He was surrounded on every side by a teeming throng of cum drenched worshippers, marinating in pints and pints of his own spunk. Overcome with lust, another person crawled up on stage, quickly pulling off his cum covered clothes. He looked to be about Sean’s age; he had an angelic face and a modest build, looking like a fit swimmer. Despite his good looks and fit body, he was absolutely dwarfed by the teen god he had been jerking off to this whole time. He kneeled at Sean’s feet, reaching out to feel Sean’s massive thighs, his hard erection pointed at the object of his infatuation. “Aw yeah dude, all this fucking muscle and cock making you cum?” Sean looked down at the kneeling stud and smiled, his semi hard meat dripping cum into a growing puddle at his feet. With both hands, he hefted his cock until the head was eye level with his new partner. “You like that, buddy, don't you? You like my huge cock? Man, you're so hard I bet you could cum just from licking the head of my cock. Suck it.” The new worshipper grabbed Sean’s cock - it took both of his hands to encircle that big log. The kneeling teen went to town slurping on Sean’s massive cock head, making sure to stick his tongue deep down the meaty piss hole to suck out every drop of sticky cum. Sean quickly became hard again, his throbbing beast renewed by the new worshipper. The audience groaned, several members jealously whining about not thinking to rush the stage first. Sean gave a vicious thrust with his hips and sank about half his monster cock down the kid's throat. He loved the way that felt, stretching a mouth and throat impossibly wide, feeling the awesomely tight smooth flesh strain to contain his giant dick as it throbbed and swelled. “Fuck Yeah! That feels incredible.” Sean pulled out and let the bottom come up for air. His face was wet and slobbery with cock juice and spit. The teen eagerly laid down and put his legs up, letting Sean punish him however he wanted. Sean’s monster cock rammed into his welcoming hole with a soft squelch, and he started pumping away. The impaled teen screamed and moaned as Sean pumped every enormous inch in and out of his abused hole. The crowd began to whisper and shuffle watching the spectacle unfold. The collective group gasped loudly as the giant cock sunk into him to the base. Low whispers from the audience. "What a slut, he must be a porn star, How is that possible, he is a freak, Wow he must be so loose." “You like my fucking horse cock dude? Gonna stretch you out so much you won’t be able to walk for a week!” Sean growled. "Oh my god yes fuck me with your monster cock, Stretch out my slut holes." the bottom screamed. "I'm a slave to your giant cock, Fuck me until I cant walk, Destroy my ass, I only exist to get fucked." The crowd grew quiet as they listened to the feverish moans on stage. All guests jaws hung agape as they watched Sean force his giant meat into his new partner. The sounds of huge balls slapping against his body echoed through the building. A bucket appeared on stage, pushed by a helpful stagehand, presumably hoping to limit further damage from Sean’s voluminous orgasms. Sean lifted the teen up, standing as he used the smaller man as a fucktoy. "Oh god yes, fuck me harder." he screamed. "Yes...yes...God yes...Oh GOD! Yes! Aw...FUCK!" Sean jackhammered his partner until suddenly, Sean slammed the teen’s slim torso all the way to the base of his cock and roared - thick spurts of cock snot painted the insides of the bottom’s guts white until it started leaking out of his ass pump by pump into the bucket under the two of them. It looked like almost a gallon of baby batter got fucked into the bottom twunk’s little hole, while he begged for more in loud moans. "Yes oh my God yes, Impale me, Wreck my ass, Destroy it, Ruin my ass, Fuck me with your horse cock, Make me a fuck toy for your donkey dick, Wreck me with your giant cock." he screamed before the cheering crowd. The crowd began yelling towards the stage. "Fuck his brains out, Destroy his ass, Make him your bitch, Wreck that ass, Destroy him, Break that bitch, Fuck that slut." The crowd had erupted into an angry mosh of lust for the slut on stage. Sean roared again as cum rocketed from his titanic cock. Sean groaned and shook with bliss, egged on by the crowd. He would push his cock as deep as possible and groan with pleasure, then pull the cum-coated monster out, dripping with cream, before pushing it back inside. At one point he withdrew it entirely and the crowd could all see the dripping mouth of his prick spray a sudden, thick rope of cum into the audience, before being shoved back inside with a wet, delicious sound. Sean unloaded three huge loads into his fucktoy. At the end of it, Sean’s new worshipper was in total ecstasy with his tongue hanging out of his mouth, prostate completely battered, and belly bulging mildly. Every one of Sean’s full-length pumps made a loud splash of jizz spurt out of his ass into the cum bucket, and his fist-sized head could be seen bulging out right below the boy’s ribs with each thrust. Finally Sean pulled out, a waterfall of jizz pouring out of the teen to fill the bucket nearly to the brim. His massive cock swung down between his thighs, spurting the last dregs of cum directly into the bucket. “Thanks dude, that was fun.” Sean laughed as he pulled his delirious partner in for a deep kiss and lowered him to the ground. The thoroughly fucked teen wobbled bowlegged for a second before he dropped to his knees, falling forward to slurp off every last drop of cum from Sean’s veiny monster cock. Looking up at Sean, he took the bucket of cloudy jizz up to his lips, he took several deep gulps, savoring the flavor on his tongue, before dumping the rest on his head, letting himself soak in the sex juices. “Aw fuck yeah dude!” Sean moaned, the sight of the drenched teen causing his cock to spurt involuntarily, drenching a lucky spectator. The crowd cheered. With one hand the cum-covered teen smeared the ocean of cum towards his open mouth. With his other hand he scooped up fistfuls of cum and stuffed it into his still wide open ass. He laid spread eagle on the stage, coated in a ridiculous amount of cum scooping the thick sticky white fluid up in his hands and stuffing it into his mouth and asshole. With a moan, his eyes rolled back in his head and he went limp, passing out. Sean smiled as he surveyed the room. There was hardly a man in sight who wasn't positively soaked with cum. The majority had jizz splattered over at least part of, if not their whole, face. Many of the men had heads of hair plastered flat with sperm. About a third were fully unconscious, their hands still wrapped around their sore cocks, blissed out expressions on their faces. With one final flex and smile, the teen god left the stage.
  19. Another new story following the current saga i'm writing, this time of Marfik from Live A Hero. Hope you all enjoy~ Word Count: 5473 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The cooling Autumn breeze has finally arrived. The sun’s heat was much milder than the past few months. The orange leaves provide beautiful landscapes as they fall from the trees. But the temperature hadn’t dropped too much. It was the perfect time to go out for some exploring. Marfik had been enjoying his time travelling the world. This time he had found himself in the autumn forests of Europe. He decided to make this adventure interesting, packing only what he needed to survive, and travelling without a proper guide. He had hoped to find any abandoned mines, treasure troves, cave systems, anything to satisfy his cravings for archaeological findings. Several days ago he had found himself a nice rural village to stay in for a couple of days. It was a cozy little town. A small village of about 100 people, but the warm cottages, lively people, rich meat and vegetables provide a hospitable stay for Marfik. It was much more relaxing than the last town he had visited. Remembering it still gives him chills. As he stayed in the town, each day he would travel towards different directions for about several miles to find anything interesting. Sometimes he would stumble across bountiful caves, others nothing. Sometimes he would even ask the locals if anything peculiar happens to their homes and most of the time nothing. But today, this little adventure would have an impact of astronomical consequences. He had packed all the necessary items for his quest, and set eastward of the town. The weather had been the same as the previous days, albeit a little warmer than usual, but nothing blasting due to the season. He had travelled for several miles, but a lot longer than the previous days. The east had provided much more to Marfik than he realised. He passed through gorgeous floral fields of yellow, orange and red flowers. Then a forest of every shade of orange you can find. And lastly, the destination that would change him forever, the base of a mountain. It was quite a peculiar mountain, it was the only one ever around the whole area, but it didn’t have the right elements to be a volcano either. Marfik walked around the base of the mountain for a while, admiring the beautiful surrounding forest beside him. Soon, he heard rushing water. A waterfall! He had run out of water for several hours and needed to refill. He soon located the waterfall and the river connecting it. As he began refilling, he noticed small crystalline particles flowing from the river. He never saw any signs of it from the waterfall, and it looked like it came from the middle of the river and the currents diverged it to spread evenly across the river. Marfik deduced that there is a tiny cave entrance somewhere behind the waterfall. Marfik packed up his things and began to tread around the waterfall carefully, stepping onto the rocks, trying to not fall or get himself wet. Who knows what those crystal particles in the river are. After trudging carefully clinging onto the walls, he noticed the wall had ended on a sharp degree. He walked a bit more. With his intuition correct, he found the entrance to the cave. It was so small it could only fit one person. He took a deep breath, and ventured into the cave. The floor was wet, as it flowed opposite the way Marfik was walking. Each step he took, he could hear the crunching sounds of the crystals he was stepping on. As he walked through the cave, the area widened, giving his massive body more room to breathe. He took out his flashlight, and shone into the cave. The walls were blue, likely made of lapis lazuli, but they shimmer as the light bounced off of them. After a while of walking, the crunching crystal floors sort of phased out. Marfik had passed by the source of the leaking crystallized water without realizing. The walls were now so far apart that echoes could bounce off the wall. Hard to believe the walls once squeezed Marfik. Soon, he realized that the walls and floor were completely smooth, with some intricate patterns carved within them. He had entered a labyrinth of sorts. Jackpot he thought. Finally a worthy exploration for the mighty Marfik. But what does this labyrinth have to offer? Marfik had come across many different rooms. All of which seemed to be remnants from the past. Giants square rooms in the caves, each room containing different things. One room looked like it hosted the residential area of those that lived here. With old rotting wood buildings within the caves, tons of piping systems that carried water, and farm plots which used the light of the crystals as ways for the plants to photosynthesize. While Marfik was studying these ancient ruins, he deduced that these ruins were thousands of years old. Likely the very first human civilisations to walk this earth. And yet, they had the capabilities that far surpassed the technologies that the town Marfik was at, had. There was another question in his mind. Why was there only one entrance to this cave of the past? Why are there wooden items and farmlands in the caves? Couldn’t they have lived outside the caves? Perhaps this culture of humans was driven into the caves by some unknown circumstance. He may never know, but damn would he try to figure it out. Studying a long lost human culture had peaked his interest. He had to know more. As he strolled along the rooms, he had noticed that this wasn’t just a small village. It was a city. There were so many square rooms, stretching across beyond his vision. Maybe it was a Kingdom. Studying the residential cave rooms, he deduced that there were probably ten thousand plus humans that had lived here. Sure they may look small compared to modern skyscraper cities, but with the civilization being as old as time, where humanity never even reached over 1 billion total humans, this was remarkable. But as he travelled more inward, he noticed something odd. While the ceilings remained the same height all throughout, the floor seemed to get deeper and deeper with each room. The rooms also got even larger. Even the residential houses got bigger. He entered one house which was intact, to find furniture as tall as he was. He felt so miniscule. Tables which end on his chin, chairs where the seat reached his torso level, giant ovens. It looked like the deeper he went, the bigger the past humans lived here. The relics were still of the same age as the previous rooms. Meaning that both giants and regular humans had lived peacefully within this mountain, perhaps even sharing the same culture. Soon he ventured for what felt like hours, entering bigger and bigger rooms, feeling smaller than ever. More of the same cultural relics remained, but they were increasing in size exponentially. Once he thought he saw a regular sized house with a cracked entrance, but after some inspection, it was a giant teapot that had shattered. How big were these humans? After a while, he reached the end of the kingdom. The grid-like kingdom had its borders, and Marfik could finally relax. His legs sore, muscles aching from all the traveling. It was cold in the caves but he was still sweating a lot. He decided to lean against the smooth rocky walls. Perhaps he could sleep at night. And so he did, passing out the moment he sat and closed his eyes. The next day he woke up, refreshed, and ate his breakfast that he saved in his pack. As he ate, he began to study the patterns on the walls he was leaning on. It was remarkable. It contained paintings from people his size. In fact, there were paintings that only giants could make as well. It appeared that even though the humans and the giants were separated by the square rooms, some humans seem to freely roam into the giant rooms and even paint on the walls with them. As he walked along the walls, he noticed a small pathway. A human sized pathway. Was there another room beyond the giant’s dens? He walked into it. The pathway was long and dark. His flashlight illuminates the straight and narrow path. More paintings can be found on the walls. It seemed to depict the history of this culture. A strange artifact that belonged to them was capable of making humans into giants. But other cultures fear that power, so a war broke out but this culture hid into the caves. The kingdom seemed to be their home for a long while. The artifact was sealed away to prevent its power from being misused. The culture split the humans and the giants, but they were still able to roam freely. And that was it. That was all Marfik could decipher. He was utterly fascinated. How could a culture as interesting as this be so forgotten? Or perhaps they want to be forgotten to hide the powers of the artifact. It was sad to see the culture lost forever, extinct. Oh how he would love to meet the giants. As he walked further into the corridor, he saw a light. He must be reaching a room soon. And he did. His eyes widened as he saw the most beautiful room he had ever seen. A spectacle if you will. Shining crystals of every colour forming an illuminating rainbow across the ceiling. Streams of clean mountain water pour from the walls onto the floor, creating a small pool of water around ankle deep. Lots of beautiful foliage lines the walls and well crafted pillars in the room. He had never seen plants like these before. But the most interesting thing he was, was a pedestal. A pedestal that held a glowing crystal. It was shaped like a dodecahedron, with some spikes protruding from some of the faces of the crystal. It glowed and changed colour slowly. Marfik was utterly drawn to it. He thought it could possibly be the artifact that was long forgotten. Would he dare touch it? Would it give him the means to be a giant? Never once did he ever think of being a giant. But with the power sitting right in front of him. He got hard. He wanted to know what it was like. He was lured by the powerful aura of the artifact. His rational side knew he wouldn’t be able to handle the consequences, after all, how would he live his life as a giant. But it was all too late, somehow, subconsciously, he was already holding the artifact in his hand… The glow of the crystal wafted around his body. His body now glowing the same hues as the crystal. Marfik felt the power and energy from the crystal itself. He had never felt this much power coursing into his body. He knew he had found the lost relic. But how big was he going to get? Soon he felt his clothes tighten. His body was stretching. He could feel himself growing bigger. And he loved every minute of it. His body began to sweat. He groaned and moaned. Some surges of growth gritted his teeth. He tried to hold on to the crystal as much as he could. His growth was quite painful, maybe it was why some giants stopped growing at certain sizes, maybe the growth was too painful. But he had to know what the crystal had to offer. His muscles started bulging. They were already massive. He'd receive compliments and stares from random passersby of his muscles. But they were much larger now. He limped forward, trying to stand close to the walls. The crystalline walls showed his reflection. He wanted to see how big he was becoming. His body ached, he groaned louder, noticing his voice getting deeper too. Surprising since he already had such a husky voice. He could feel his mind numbing, his vision blurring slightly. Soon, his muscles were starting to grow faster. It seemed to accelerate the more he held onto it. Soon he couldn't breathe properly. His rapidly expanding muscles were starting to press and stretch the fabric of his clothes. Soon his ears caught the sound of tears. The seams of his clothes were beginning to lose the battle. His muscles far outpower the strength of his clothes. Each surge of growth, more of the seams tore. The painful growth worsened, but a feeling of pleasure started appearing as he grew. Which kept him holding onto the crystal longer. Soon his grunts and moans had a pleasurable tone to them. He could feel his dick throbbing and growing in his pants. He knew how uncomfortable it gets when he's at his max length. This discomfort was much worse. He looked down to find his dick almost twice as long and wide as his previous max. He held the crystal with his left hand, and decided to give his bulge a nudge with his right. The utter sensitivity of his cock made him moan louder than ever. It also made his growth accelerate faster... Soon his muscles started bursting out of his clothes. The pain intensified as his muscles grew bigger and bigger. The buttons on his shirt burst off, flying with such high velocities it shattered a crystal hanging from the walls. He bent down slightly from the pain. Looking down, he saw his heaving pecs swelling larger and larger. His sweat began to soak up into his chest hair. The smell of pec hair and musk was delightful to his nose. His nips began to thicken and harden too. The cold wind blowing onto his nips pleasured him. He was still holding the crystal with one hand and his cock with the other, but he so desperately needed to work his nipples too. He placed the crystal onto his cleavage and secured it. Thankfully his thick pecs could hold on to it, and the crystal was still able to transfer its power into him. Now he was able to work his left nip with his hand. He squeezed it hard, pinching the fat nipple as it swelled. The strokes on his cock became more violent. His bulging muscles were now tearing through his clothes. Loud rips can be heard everywhere. Pieces of his clothes dropped onto the floor. His muscles had grown so huge, he was as thick as he was tall, and his growth kept on accelerating. His pants began to tear apart as well, revealing his trunk size legs. So thick and hard that every time he lost balance, the floor cracked with each step. His cock had gotten so huge and thick, it tore through his pants and underwear. He moaned loud as that happened, and it kept on inflating. His cock was growing faster than the rest of his body. It rose up, smacking onto the slabs of abs. He could barely hold his own cock with one hand. His cock rose higher and higher, coating his furry body with his precum. The hairs on his body started to grow longer. His once carpet-like body hair turned into a full forest. His chest hair now covers more of his pecs. His happy trail fur grew longer too as with his pubic hair. More regions of his torso became covered in thick, sweaty, grey fur. Soon, his happy trail connected to his pubic regions, creating a long growing forest from his pecs down to his cock. His armpit hair too grew longer, creating a trail down to his lats. His arms, back and legs were now sprouting a small layer of grey fur too. His body was becoming hairier by the minute. His entire body was now covered in hair. Even his hair and facial hair began to grow longer. His beard now connects to his sideburns, creating a thick coat of hair, falling all the way meeting his chest hair. The rubberband holding his ponytail together snapped as long luscious hair began to grow, falling all the way down, ending around 3 quarters of his back. As he sweated more, it glistened his newly forming hair, making it grow faster and longer. The heat generated and stored by his fur made him hotter and sweat more, repeating the process. His musk wafted all across the crystal room, stinking it up a lot. The scent, the sweat, the heat, the energy, the pleasure, all culminating together into a concoction of growth. The thickening giant pulsing and growing. Shockwaves of growth surged across his body. His muscles are building up and up, violently thickening. His muscles were so thick and large, he finally tore through every piece of clothing. Ripped fabric either fell onto the floor or stuck right onto his thick muscles, then coated with his sweat. His mind was getting all woozy. His growth was getting faster and faster. His mind couldn’t handle such growth. His body is pumping up. His biceps were bigger than his entire head. His massive pecs the size of beach balls. His enormous legs are now thicker than redwood trunks. His muscles were so huge that they were now fighting for space, pushing each other just to find space to grow. He was barely mobile, but his sheer strength was still able to carry all of that weight. His thickening muscles were now being covered with a forest of white fur. Covering so much skin that you couldn’t see any of it anymore. But his bulging muscles still managed to be seen amongst all that fur. He had truly become quite a beast. Veins also began to pulse out everywhere across his paper thin skin. He moaned and groaned, as the pleasure from his growth was sending him to nirvana. His dick had grown bigger, its head meeting his own. His dripping pre soaking his beard. In no time, he began to shove it into his mouth. He stroked his cock with all his might as it thickened more and more. His cock growing so heavy, he was being pushed down, like gravity got stronger. With his cock touching the floor, he decided to thrust forward, the friction providing extra pleasure and growth to him. He kept squeezing his nipple with his other hand, sending shockwaves of growth all over his body. His nipple is so fat, that his hand can no longer completely surround it. But he squeezed as hard as he could. He worked his cock and nipples as hard as he could. His rational mind, lost in the growth. He wanted more. The growth, accelerating. The cave space around him felt smaller and tighter. His once interest in discovering the history of this cave, filled with only lust and the urge to grow. His mind was nearly consumed by growth. The little rationality he had left, he thought about how this crystal was how the hidden society of men were able to grow into giants. They probably had kept the crystal hidden in order for men to not grow any bigger. But here he is, the next bearer of the crystal. He wanted to know more about the crystal, and more about himself. How much more was he capable of growing? Marfik kept on sucking his cock. His sweaty body created small pools of sweat, only to drip into the cave river near him. His cock bent more, as the length of his rod was growing faster than the rest of his body. He was standing on all fours, unable to stand up. His cock moved and cracked across the stone floors, creating a massive dent. Not wanting his cock to burst free from his mouth and grow, Marfik rolled on his back. His cock was still chubbing. Hard yet he was able to move it around. He bent his now body length cock around in order to keep working on his cock. His balls, moreover, were growing at the same rate as his cock. His balls inflate bigger than his glutes, providing a soft cushion for him to sit on instead of the hard rocky floor. He was turning into a full beast. His body hair had grown so outrageously long and condense that it was hard to even see him as human. The entire front of his torso, pecs, abs and all, were coated in at least 5 inches of grey hair. And it was spreading fast. His back muscles soon followed, pasted by thick grey hair. Eventually they were growing to the sides, slower as humans don’t grow hair on the sides of their bodies. His armpit hairs kept growing longer and longer, reaching downwards all the way to his quads. His arms and legs too were starting to coat with fur. While not as dense as the rest of his body, it was nearly impossible to see the skin underneath all that hair. His torso however was completely hidden in grey fur. His pubic and ass hair were growing much faster than the rest of his body, almost like it was as long as the hair on one’s head. But Marfik’s hair was much longer than that. His facial hair grew a dense bush of fur, his sideburns meeting with his moustache and beard. His beard grew long and reached his pectoral muscles. His man bun grew longer and denser. The now ponytail kept growing, eventually reaching the floor tiles. The increased density of hair snapped the band that tied it together, allowing a cascade of hair to flow freely all over the cave floor. He was now like a yeti. A huge hulking monster covered in beastly fur. His body surged more and more. If it weren’t for all that fur, he would have noticed his body completely covered by veins. His body pulsed with growth. The slow growth became large spurts followed by fast growths. This coincided with how brightly the crystal pulsed. His mind whirred. His brain was being filled with new information. Information that the crustal was sending to Marfik. His mind was blessed with the knowledge of the ancient humans who lived in the caves. His rational mind snapped back as he was entranced by his special interest in archeology and history. He would have never thought that this was how he was able to learn about the history of this place. But coupled with growth powers, who could say no? The crystal spoke to him about its infinite powers. It was a blessing from a higher power to the ancient people on Earth. It would bless them with growth and powers beyond what they can imagine. However, the power can only be given so much. The crystal, following the graces of the higher power that created it, would give a limiting amount of power to individuals. Those who sought only power, or the destruction of others will only receive so much. Those who wish to discover the powers of the crystal were only given so much. Till now the crystal has yet to create a man of true godly proportions. Marfik asked why, and was answered. The higher power craved men who want to grow big only for the sole reason of growing bigger, to fuel the higher power’s certain niche. Marfik asks if he was a suitable candidate… The crystal pauses for a moment and accesses Marfik. He didn’t desire power or destruction, he only seeked knowledge. But he also liked growing bigger, in a much more sexual slant and wanted to be bigger due to his fueling his kink of growing huge. The crystal shines, a beacon of hope has arrived. “You are almost worthy. But to test if you are truly worthy… Will your vessel be able to grow and handle all the power and growth?” “I won’t know if I don’t try.” “Then so be it. Marfik, you will be the first human to satisfy my creator using me” “What do you mean by using you?” “The creator is actually human, but they crave to see men grow as big as possible. In any universe, and any method, the human want to see men bigger.” “So… If a lot of men grew bigger, who would be the biggest?” “A tengu god named Akiha Gongen. You wouldn’t know him, he’s from a different universe” “Then I’ll aim to be even bigger!” “Impossible, he’s far too massive, and I can’t grow someone that large either…” “Then at the very least, make me as big as possible!” “As you wish...” The crystal shined, greater than ever before. The power of the crystal flowing into Marfik’s body. He sweats. His fingers and toes clenched. He gritted his teeth. His eyes rolling back, his body shuddering. The veins on his body rippled. His body growing in pulses, one after another, sending shockwaves of growth all throughout his body. The cave shook with each pulse. His muscles, bloating with size. He writhed around as his body kept getting bigger. The pain, the pleasure, overwhelmed him. As he pushed around, his limbs smacked hard against the cave walls and ceilings, causing massive cracks around. The tremors kept getting worse as his body continued to swell. His balls inflating so quickly that it pushed Marfik’s body upwards. His balls too pushed against the entrance to the crystal room, blocking anyone else from entering. The river water around him was now cut off as his body interrupted the peaceful path. The colossal man was now around 50 foot tall of pure beef, with his back wider than he is tall. His muscles swelling past mobility, Marfik could only sit on his testicles trying helplessly to move. His pectoral muscles covered nearly 60 percent of his view, with his chest hair obstructing another 20 percent. His body hair continued to grow and flow all around. His body was now completely covered in thick, dense fur. He looked like a complete beast. His hairs began to flood the cave floor, creating a knee level pool of grey fur. His face also had changes as well. The once chiseled, rectangular face now morphing into a more brutish state. His jawline expanded and thickened. His facial hair is becoming more dense. His head morphing into a whole new level of masculinity. He groaned and moaned as his jaw cracked and moved. His lips slightly thickened, and his teeth sharpened slightly. Soon enough his body was filling the whole cave system. His muscles pushed against every inch of the cave walls. It cracked. Rocks were falling onto Marfik, only to not damage his skin at all. He moved his body around, trying to find any space, but it was all in vain. He grunted and moaned harder as the walls began to press against his body. The pleasure and pain from his skin rubbing across the cave walls only made him hornier. His growth accelerated from there. As no more space was left to grow in, the cave began to crack. The walls were losing the battle as Marfik’s body was far stronger. “MORE!” He yelled, as he stood up. “BIGGER!” He cried, as his cock slammed into the entrance wall, its length reaching the other side immediately. “STRONGER!!!” He moaned he punched through the walls with both of his fists. “MORE POWER!!!” He bellowed at the top of his lungs as he had the biggest growth spurt he had ever experienced. The crystal room was immediately demolished to rubble and dust, leaving nothing behind. Marfik walked with what little mobility he had left in him. Entering the previous gigantic room, the once massive city hosting hundreds of giants felt extremely small and tight. As he walked, he could feel the power surging more and more. His body gained more height and mass with each step he took. The magnitudes getting worse with each step. His hairs were not moving as he walked as they grew longer, remaining the same length as it did. “MMMmmmphhh…” He grunted, feeling the weight and length of his massive cock. His cock was already thicker than his waist, and 3 times as long as his entire body height, soft. He kept working that huge cock, feeling it chub in his hands. His balls swelled larger behind his body. The diameter of each testicle had exceeded the height of his own body. Two giant boulders stood behind the behemoth. He coiled and twirled his cock around, trying to get the head to reach his own mouth. He first slung his cock behind his back, before carrying the remaining length onto his hands. Then he twirled it into a loop before shoving the cock head in his mouth. He now sucked and worked on his cock. Precum oozes from his lips, hitting the floor. To the average human, this drop would be a death sentence. As he writhed around, his growth accelerated, and a similar feeling occurred. His body was now bigger than the surrounding buildings of the giants who onced lived here. His fluids began to pour out immensely. Waterfalls of precum and milk gushed out at sonic speeds, flooding the entire cave system. His mouth wasn’t able to handle all the gushing pre. Letting go, his cock fired like a hose on the loose. “FUUUuuuckkkkk… AhhhAHHH… ARRGGHHHH!” He screamed as his body continued to gain in size. His cock danced around, smashing across all the buildings around him. His balls reached the ceiling, cracking it open revealing the bright sun. His hair grew so long it was impossible to distinguish any part of his body. His muscles had swelled so fast that his height was not able to keep up. Marfik’s mobility was really starting to take a huge toll. But that didn’t matter in the long run. His body stacked up more height and muscle. In almost an instant, his body touched the ceiling. And in another instant, his body broke through the entire cave. His body rose, faster and faster. The mountain beneath him utterly destroyed. His cock grew harder and longer. The once 3 times height soft cock now reached an incredible 15 times long hard cock. Everything around him became smaller and smaller. “MMM...MMRRRHHOAAAARRRRRRGHHHHHHHH!!!!” A sound barrier breaking roar shook the whole earth. Marfik had ascended to a godly state. His cock pulsed out solar systems worth of cum into the vast emptiness of outer space. It kept on going and going. And Marfik kept on growing and growing. In the infinite vastness of space, his body still absorbed the crystal’s powers. From solar systems to galaxies, galaxies to clusters of them, he kept growing. His mind was utterly consumed in deep growing bliss. It was impossible to even think anymore. Universes to Multiverses, Multiveses to the Omniverse. The great walls of reality broke as Marfik kept on growing. Each layer like the cave, he kept breaking out of it with ease. As he broke the barriers, he finally saw what the crystal had shown him. Akiha Gongen, well, the many infinite versions of him. Some were smaller, but some were bigger. In fact, most of them were infinitely bigger than Marfik. He felt puny, but it all made sense now. The grandiose display of pure brute godhood that is Akiha, he couldn’t compare. The crystal started to lose its powers. Overtime, all of it had been given to Marfik. And soon, the new god’s growth had come to a close. As he finished, he opened his eyes to see one of the Akiha Gongens. This one was exactly Marfik’s size, muscles, height, cock, hairs and all. It was like looking in a mirror. Though Marfik and that one of infinite Akiha Gongen’s looked to be the same size in muscle mass and size, of course they both look different in general. The white furred beast talked to the black furred beast. “You must be the biggest one…” “Indeed I am sorry for my summoner, they wanted men to keep getting bigger.” “Oh don’t worry about it too much. I enjoy this size… And frankly, you’re not so bad yourself~” “Well this is just one of the infinite amounts of me that exist” “I like this one the most~” “Aww shucks” “So how big are we?” “I would say, probably the size of the Ultimatum, powered by infinity” “The what now?” “I’ll explain everything later~” “Well then, how big is your real body” “Even I can’t comprehend that, not even the real body does. And to be frank, all the bodies are the real just, just split because of how much we grow, but i get ya” “So do we just keep sitting like this as big?” “Pretty much~” “Can we fuck?” “Oh yes~”
  20. Guest


    Hello, this is the first story I’ve released. I’ve definitely read some better ones but I hope you enjoy this one. Bigorexia I never thought that it would get this bad- the total loss of control I felt. It forced me to consume everything on my path to becoming a behemoth. I no longer had restraint. Anything that could make me grow was a no brainer. It wasn’t always like this. When I was growing up muscle was always something I admired, but never something I needed. That changed when I turned 18 and looked in the mirror. Something was wrong with me. I saw my skinny fat body and questioned why I looked the way I did. Why wasn’t I working out enough? Why was I not bigger? Surely by this age I should at least look somewhat like those men- those gods I admired!? A spark was ignited in me that day. The embers of my need to grow were lit and soon the flame would overtake my every thought until I awoke engulfed in the wildfire of growth. I went to the gym that very day. I got weird looks from most, but I didn’t care what they thought because I already knew I needed to get huge. I hit the weights like a beast. I pumped my minuscule chest, my rail arms, and my chicken thighs until the burn felt good. I waddled to the grocery store and bought as much as I could to fuel my growth. The next morning I felt bigger, even if just a little. The soreness, the extra weight in my step. But when I looked in the mirror I was still a small weakling. I retreated to the gym in a blur and repeated for the next 6 months. In that time I put on 35 lbs of size onto my frame and I still felt like an ant. Some of the guys at the gym saw my dedication and grew to respect and even befriend me. But I didn’t like to talk to them still. All they would do is tell me I looked bigger and more cut but I couldn’t see it, and it pissed me off. That was the day I went to talk to Gary, the biggest guy in the gym, a hardcore bodybuilder type. He said that I looked frustrated and I told him why. He told me, “if size is what you want I could lend you some gear”. My heart froze. This is what I needed, something to accelerate my growth. It turned me on a lot. I could see myself blowing up with size, just filling up everything around me. I said yes of course and started a light cycle. My light stack turned into a normal one and then a big one. By the end of the year I was on so many drugs it took me hours every day just to get them all ready (along with my meals and workouts). I lived in the gym and I gradually approached Gary’s size as we worked out together every day. He would compliment me saying, “I have no idea how you’re able to handle all that gear! You’re gonna be the biggest guy in the gym soon”. Why would he lie to me like that? He wasn’t lying, but it felt like it! Every time I looked in the mirror I felt the same- not big enough! I needed to explode with size if I was ever going to be satisfied, so that’s what I searched for. I crammed myself into the computer chair at the library, since I had sold most of my things to pay for my growth. I looked into experimental methods to get huge, like bigger than Mr.Universe huge! I was about to give up when I saw a message in my email. It was anonymous, but the subject read “Growth Formula”. It said that they were a government organization dedicated to creating a super soldier. They were struggling to find consenting adults to test the serum on because most military soldiers did not want to get that big. I was intrigued to say the least. They said that they had their eyes on me for a while because they thought I had something called “muscular dysmorphia”. They asked if I was interested in trying the serum. I was gone by the end of the week. In the facility there were closed cell doors in long hallways all around. I wondered what was in them but knew better than to ask. They put me in a room with the serums but there was a problem. No mirror. I asked if they could put me in a room where there was a mirror so I could watch and they obliged, what was the worst that could happen? I shot up the serum and was sent into pure ecstasy. By this time I was about 245 lbs. and stood at 6’2”. I was a decent sized guy in retrospect. I could have settled, but I just wasn’t built that way. I watched in awe as I began to inch taller. Gradually my limbs and appendages stretched to accommodate what it felt like would be a wave of intense growth... it was. I saw that little image of me in the mirror balloon with size. Adrenaline filled my body and every muscle pumped up with pure mass. If felt like heaven! Not only were my muscles growing, but my dick started to expand, longer and longer and longer. My chest was pumped up to the size of two beach balls pushed together, my arms were the size of what my legs used to be, and my legs were long, thick, stalky masses of pure size that held up my even wider upper body. I finally looked like a god, yet I somehow felt disappointed. I could feel the power of my new godhood, yet when I looked in the mirror I was still inadequate. The next decision I made would change everything. The mirror room they put me in was considerably smaller than the ones they put the other test subjects in, and I saw them pick up the serum syringes from the lab down the hall before we stopped by the room. Part of me wished I could settle for the inhuman size I was then, but I knew it was futile. So I bunch up my newly powerful fist and break through the wall and start running towards the lab. I leave broken glass, dust, and screams of panic in my wake as I move my immense 1,000 pound body at amazing speed. Alarms start to go off and the door to the lab almost closes- but I just barely beat it. I am inside the room alone. All the scientists and guards had evacuated, for good reason. I hear banging on the doors, so I need to act fast. I recognize the syringes and pick on up, then two, then five. Then I stop and think for a moment what could go wrong. Would I overdose and die on the spot? Would it matter? No. I realized I no longer had control over what I would do once I saw my reflection on the glossy floors. I was nothing. I needed to be bigger. I needed to be as big as I possibly could to ever feel satisfied. So, I grabbed a bucket, emptied all the syringes into it (at least 25), and started drinking. It burned going down, but it tasted soooo good. The serum itself didn’t have much flavor, but the taste of growth was a flavor unmatched. I felt my body swell taller at an alarming rate. By the time I drank the whole bucket down I reached the top of the warehouse sized lab, and I was nowhere close to being done. Then the growth started. I saw my pecs jump in front of me, blocking my view of anything even remotely under my head for about 5 feet. My rhino sized delts stretched to the edges of the room as my pterodactyl lats quickly pushed up my person sized arms up. I gave a quick flex, then another, and then another. It was beyond wonderful. From under my massive pec shelf I see a telephone poll like cock begin to inch upward and I simply couldn’t resist. I pull it into my mouth and begin to suck, only increasing my ecstatic growth and pleasure. The rest was a blur. I must have sucked the giant cock for what felt like hours. I would feel my self excel in height and then blow up with size repeatedly several times, each time better than the last. I was a veritable giant now. The entire facility was smaller than my legs and I was able to see everything around me as if I were looking down from a helicopter. I was now the biggest living thing on the planet and I finally felt some semblance of satisfaction. My titanic body absorbs the sun pleasurably. The fire of my desire seems to have calmed. But every day of me enjoying my giant-hood as the new leader of Earth I wonder, what would it feel like to be even bigger?
  21. Several years ago, i wrote many stories of bodybuilders growing on here. I also morphed pictures of bodybuilders to be bigger. I left it do die. Now I decided to bring it back, rewritten in a new format, with more detail and a proper story, but no morphs. Enjoy part one. Most stories will be semi connected to one another, so this story is also tangentially related to the Housamo stories. Word count: 2103 “If you can see this, hear this, then Humanity has somewhat survived. Thank goodness. If not, then maybe you’re an alien being who has discovered the ruins of our Planet Earth. Unless, these aren’t ruins, and humanity has survived. Has the future prospered even as everything happened? Has the once mass chaos and destruction from my time been fixed, and we were able to break free of this great wall and advance? I wouldn’t know, but I hope the future is great.” The man had a deep voice. A soothing one. I’ve been studying his recordings for quite some time now. I had no idea what happened in the last 5 to 7 years. But it would seem a great apocalypse had taken place within those 5 to 7 years… The man introduced himself as Dr. Strong. A man of great physique and mind. He dedicated his life studying one of humanity’s greatest mysteries. A mystery that I’m continuing the legacy of. “Date, 15th September 2020. I think it is… I can’t remember quite right. I’ve been hiding in this bunker for a long while. Even though the date is only 15th September, and the last of my research happened in August, it feels like it has been 30 whole years since then. Which is why I’m hoping, whoever survived this ordeal, continues my research for me. A lot more questions than answers have been created since my involvement. I hope one day humanity finds an answer to everything.” The man spoke true words. Many strong gravitational forces have caused Earth’s sphere of spacetime to go haywire. While the outside regions of the solar system remained normal. Anyone on Earth has experienced a strong difference of time. I discovered his tapes on the 10th May of 2021. Today is the 15th May and yet, on my clock, it's been a whole year that has passed. Time on Earth has dilated and slowed. Anyone here would ask why. Well let’s hear Doctor Strong’s answer. “Back in 2012, I began my research into humanity, a specific research, on males. This world is vaster than we knew, but it appeared that we never researched it because it involved myths. And lack of evidence made it hard to prove anything. But there was a reason why I knew, why I wasn’t blind by it all. Maybe I had gone insane back in 2012, but after years of research and proof. All my efforts proved true. But I messed up, and now humanity has to pay the price. My research yielded fascinating results. Many men grew much bigger than we once thought capable. But some grew bigger than expected. Some even grew bigger than the Earth. But it appeared that the amount of men growing increased greater, at rates faster than one could imagine. Due to the extreme sizes these men grew, their gravitational influence warped the fabric of spacetime, and time on Earth, from our perspective, has slowed tremendously. But we still followed our calendars, for our planet was still affected by the Sun…” Thankfully, Dr. Strong’s research did not fail that terribly. While most of the Earth had been destroyed. Over the course of 2020-2021, humanity has spent the now warped time fixing everything up. While only a few months passed on our calendar and the outside universe, it had been nearly a decade or two within our perspective. Humanity has started anew, back on its feet, we regained back to 7 billion humans, if not 8 or more. And while many damages have caused the continents to change, we survived, and our technologies advanced. If only Dr. Strong knew that his technologies, while causing the end, started a new beginning. And I can’t fault him. It wasn’t his intention. He only wanted to know more about this world… “In my years of research, I had found something grand about humanity. There aren’t 7.8 billion of us. There were more. Hidden in plain sight. Trapped in bubble universes hidden on Earth, unreachable to the average human. These bubbled dimensions hosted tones of humans. Only men, and these men were huge. Beyond massive. Bigger than any bodybuilders on Earth. In fact, these places leaked into our natural world. Because men from our world grew bigger, and escaped into the bubbled dimensions to avoid being killed or killing others.” His research sounds like a lot of bullshit. And it probably was back then. But he kept finding new things. Travelling the world, he found artifacts, walls of texts, writings and symbols. And in every country, every culture, one thing stayed the same. Men had been growing bigger than natural, since the dawn of humanity. From our earliest ancestors hunting animals with spears, to the early agricultural settlers, to the egyptian and mayan periods, to the dark ages, and until now, men had been growing. “Robert Wadlow, famous for being the tallest man alive at 8’11” was actually on the cusp of being like those other men I’ve researched. But these men were much stranger. They were a minimum of 9 feet tall. But unlike Robert, they were built. Very built. Their muscles were much bigger, much denser than even the biggest bodybuilders. Bigger than the biggest powerlifters. Larger than even the largest man alive. And that’s what they had in common. They broke the natural laws of human growth. They were taller, bigger and stronger than the common man. And if they appear to be bigger than what society deems acceptable to live, they would vanish into the bubble dimensions.” Dr. Strong’s adventures were quite interesting. I have all the artifacts and writings he found while seeking knowledge. That’s also how I came across these tapes of his. And really, not a single culture was left out. Every corner of humanity had at least one case of men growing so huge they disappeared. It seemed that these occurrences were more common than realized. But how common were they. If there were more than 7.8 billion natural people on Earth, how many men were added. How much was the total population of humanity. Well it appeared that it was more than we realized. In fact, there were 50 billion men that were phased into the new bubbles. “Despite countless evidence of these bubbled dimensions. Despite countless evidence of the existence of 50 billion other men, who were either born in the bubble dimensions, or outgrew our own planet, no one seemed to know anything but me. But I knew the reason why. While it knew what I saw was real, I knew no one wouldn’t believe me. So instead of trying to prove the existence of the cause, I need only to prove the existence of the effects. The cause can come later. Because I knew the cause of it only was a sneaky little thing that probably went into hiding.” The sneaky thing was something I never saw for myself. And I doubt I would ever. But what Dr. Strong described was unexpected. A young looking person of unknown gender. Long black hair and brown skin. But that’s what he thought he saw anyways. The figure seemed to move quickly, dashing constantly. Mists of black surround the figure, and their eyes were always covered as the figure always cloaked themselves to prevent others from seeing them. The mists didn’t seem to endanger anyone. It was probably another way to cloak themselves. “I saw how the figure moved. Like light they bounced, but when standing alone, silent and unmoving. They stare everywhere, probably so that people don’t see them. And that’s when I saw it. They either touched a man swiftly, or used some sort of other method, like magic or pills. They never seemed to use the same method twice to grow their men. But one thing always stayed the same. They were capable of erasing memories. But I had a proper cloaking technique, so I was never caught. But the first time I saw them, I somehow wasn’t a target of their mind erasing, so I always remembered their existence.” However, during Dr. Strong’s last few tapes, it seemed to tell me that the figure had either been caught, or made a huge mistake. For the tapes after that made no mention of the figure and the apocalypse began to occur. I can only theorize that the figure had screwed up so badly from growing too many men that they escaped. Probably out of this planet or whatever. Or maybe even escape in one of the bubble dimensions. I wouldn’t know, I have never been able to go in one myself. “The figure had grown too many men at once, and at such a fast rate. This was the cause of the apocalypse. Too many cities destroyed all at once. I saw the figure, looking nervous. It was like they knew they had done it. They knew they had gone too far. While they tried to escape, I tried to stop them. I needed to confront them. I had a lot of questions to ask. But before I could even reach them, I was stopped. A large man had come to protect them. A tall, dark skinned man, with blue wings, a black horn, and white hair. He was hulking, around 51 feet tall. He took the figure by his hands, scolded the figure. I could only hear one word from the figure. ‘Akiha’. But that was it. With a dimensional spell, as I could only describe it. The two disappeared, never to be seen again. And that’s when the apocalypse started…” We know the cause, but we don’t know the reason. Still, I hope to be able to see the person that started it all. There’s billions of men trapped in their pockets of universes. I wonder what they are doing now. The figure seemed to have godlike powers, but they seemed to act like a human on impulse. A type of all powerful human with no care for what goes on. Was this all a fetish to the person? Was growing men the only thing they liked? Because the person who saved the person from Dr. Strong was another gigantic man. But with monstrous traits. I could only imagine who this Akiha is… Somewhere in another Universe, another Tokyo- “My summoner what were you thinking! Have you been doing this the whole time?” “Akiha… I didn’t mean to…” “Just tell me what happened, the damage has already been done.” “Well… Seeing as how I spent countless loops, thousands of years in this Tokyo. After finally beating the game, I could finally go back to my home, the other universe, the other Earth. But my home Earth isn’t the same as this Earth. There are no mythologies becoming reality. No giant buff dudes roaming around. I forgot how boring my universe was. So I decided to go back in time and just, mess around. Make men who I think were hot and make them extremely huge!” “Wasn’t growing men in this universe not enough for you. Look at me! I’m already the biggest of your growth creations! What more could you ask for!” “I just had to… I don’t have a proper reason. I just wanted to…” “Well you’re going to fix this somehow.” “Don’t worry. I’ll make sure humanity is able to fix itself while I’m gone. I’ve written a proper history such that the Earth would go back to the way it was, as though I had never messed around in the first place. It would take a couple of years, but the gravity of all the men I grew would slow down time. Once everything is fixed, I will move time back to its original speed. And life will go on as per usual.” “I’ll take your word for it. But one last question.” “Hmm?” “Were there any other universes that you travelled to in order to grow more men?” “Yes…” “Any of them grew bigger than me?” “Of course not! You will always be my biggest creation. With your infinite size, infinite hyper muscles and fats, infinite multi body parts, infinitely huge balls, guts and pecs bigger than your main body, infinitely long balls and nipples, 3 nipples on each areola on each pectoral muscle, with each areola also having extremely huge bumps, infinite density making you one particle, and infinite cloning with infinite bodies floating all in space, each 1 quark difference in size, no one can ever be bigger than you, or even come close to your size and stature!” “Thank you, that’s all I need to know…”
  22. AUTHOR’S NOTE: Welcome to PHOLUS REBORN – the novel. You may remember my short story by the same name. To me, that story always read like the outline of a novel, all “tell” and no “show,” so I finally got around to expanding it. The following is a excerpt from the new novel, avail as an ebook and paperback on Amazon – CLICK HERE. SOME EXPOSITION: Red has ingested a magic potion (Dionysian wine) that has been slowly transforming him into the centaur, Pholus, granting him an amazing body, irresistible pheromones, and an incredible “horse” cock. Red’s housemate and lifelong friend, the straight boy AppleJack, creates the “Pholus Reborn” brand, an online porn empire , an immediate success. Red/ Pholus has recently discovered the ability to create other centaurs and sets about establishing a herd. He has already recruited the beautiful twunk rodeo rider, Pokey Dakota and the porn star Colt Cavalier. After his transformation into a centaur, Pokey’s hair turned bright blue. *********************************************************** The Hipster Barber Shop, Dunn’s, was more-or-less on the way to the gym, so it wasn’t hard to steer Pokey in. “This is my guy,” I told him. “He’ll clean you up.” “I like the smell of this place,” Pokey said as we went inside. “The leather ‘n such – I reckon it’s sorta manly.” There were a few more people in the shop than when I’d been here last, a second cutter in the back corner chair – another hipster with a beautiful beard and a top-knot smoking a cigar. He and his client were deep in it, chatting away, completely ignoring the rest of us. Dunn had just finished at the register so was there to greet us. “Pholus!” he exclaimed, unconsciously touching his package, bowing slightly. Clad only in a leather vest and two heavy silver necklaces, leather gauntlet on one wrist and assorted beads and bracelets on the other, the same black jeans and sneakers as the last time I’d seen him. Once again his beard and hair were manicured to perfection. “I’m honored! What can I do to be of service?” “Hello, Dunn,” I said, smiling, hitting him with a wave of pheromones. (Pokey reacted dramatically, leaning into me and whispering, “Go, Captain Overkill,” as he teasingly poked me in the side. I barely glanced at him.) “Something I hope you can help me with,” I said to Dunn, pulling the baseball cap from Pokey’s head, releasing his cascade of uncontrolled azure locks. “This.” “Oh, my!” Dunn said. I smirked. “Yeah… it needs…” “Some style,” Dunn finished, studying it academically. “I mean, the color’s gorgeous – whoever did it did a spectacular job.” He put his hands through Pokey’s thick hair, examining it – I hope Pokey found it as erotic as I did. From the smell coming off him, he did. “I mean, it’s got highlights, lowlights, beautiful tone… why didn’t they cut it? What’s wrong with you kids today?” He looked Pokey straight in the face. “Fear not, I can make your boy beautiful,” Dunn said, glancing from him to me. “He’s not my boy,” I said, handing Pokey his hat. “But he is part of my tribe, so he needs to look his best.” “Got it.” He turned to Pokey. “First, let’s go wash this good. It looks like there’s some glitter or something in it.” Pokey laughed and cast a glance at me before heading back with Dunn. Dunn turned to me as they were walking to the sink and I made a motion to my beard and mouthed, obviously, “LOSE THIS!” Dunn frowned and turned away, back to his project. One guy sat in the waiting area, clearly perturbed that I’d cut him in line – I could read it coming from him. Only in entitled hipster barber shops would a guy think to give attitude to me, a six-five, two-hundred eighty-five pound musclebeast, but that was the world in which we lived. “Some of us were in line,” he said. I smiled and hit him with a heavy wave of pheromones. “Thank you for letting us in,” I said, gently touching the head of my cock through my tight gym shorts – they kept no secrets. “Your generosity pleases me.” “Um…” He sniffed the air curiously. “You’re welcome?” he said, crossing his legs in an attempt to hide his sudden, swollen erection. “I mean, anything.” He bowed his head in shame, but couldn’t keep himself from looking at me, now that I’d made him infatuated. “Anything for you.” I smiled – weak-willed mortals. “Exactly,” I said, winking. “Anything for me.” Then I moved to the far side of the waiting area, where I could keep an eye on Pokey, but have some privacy while I texted AppleJack. ************************************************************************ @me: You still mad? @applejack: I’m not mad. Not exactly. I guess I’m disappointed. We’ve been friends our whole entire lives, Red. I can’t believe you’d think you had any better ally. @me: There’s nobody I’d rather have at my side. you know that! @applejack: Yeah, except you won’t make me a centaur. @me: C’mon, AppleJack. That’s not fair. It’s not that I don’t want you to be. @applejack: You make that dimwit kid a centaur! You make some porn star you just met a centaur! But your oldest friend… who, coincidentally, CREATED your whole brand… no, he gets to stay human @me: To make you a centaur, we have to have sex. @applejack:… @applejack:… @applejack: Like, what do you mean? What specifically? You don’t have to FUCK me, do you? Is that why you only pick porn stars and rodeo clowns? @me: Haha @applejack: I mean, I think I could do anything OTHER than that. You know, get super-high… @me: Actually, it’s just the opposite. You’d have to fuck ME. @applejack:… @applejack:… @applejack: I think I could do that. @me: hahaha @me: Except… It’s not just mechanical. We have to be “into” it for the mojo to work. @applejack: I think you owe it to me to try. @me: But what if it turns you queer, Applejack? Have you considered that? @applejack: So what great things am I doing as a straight man? When was the last time I even dated someone? College? Women don’t want me, Red. They never have. so what if it turned me queer? to have a cock like that… @me:… @me:… @me: Okay. We’ll try. But I can’t make any guarantees. @applejack: Thank you, Red. This means everything to me. @applejack:… @applejack:… @applejack: No pressure. @me: We’ll talk when I get home. Find some good flower. something that will fuck me up @applejack: I have the perfect thing. TTYL. Wear something sexy. Haha. @me: Hahaha ******************************************************************** His words echoed through my mind. “Why not me?” In all the years I’d known AppleJack, I think we’ve had two fights – and I’m not even sure I’d call them “fights,” maybe arguments at best – and even those were from our early days of sharing a living space, when we were both learning our boundaries. The closest we got to arguing now was sarcasm – we’re so codependent on each other that we might as well be married. I couldn’t even imagine a time when we wouldn’t be together – he called it my “Golden Girls” fantasy. “Why not me?” I’d never seen him so genuinely hurt like that – so raw. And he’d been right – I’d done nothing to deserve what was happening to me. I’d won the lottery. I’d drunk a magic potion, not gotten Odysseus back to Ithaca. What right did I have to deny anyone? It just kept coming back to the ugly truth: I didn’t find AppleJack attractive. His horse-face and his dumpy body – I think the reason we’d remained friends as long as we had was because I wasn’t attracted to him. Lusting for AppleJack would never be a chapter title in the book of my life. That said, wasn’t I supposed to be some rutty-sex demigod? Shouldn’t I have been, like, “Yeah, cock!” and just… found the inner drive? “Why not me?” Because I love you, but I have no lust for you. But I could never say that to him. Because I loved him – and I didn’t want to lose him. ********************************************************************** I looked up and noticed that Pokey and Dunn had disappeared – they’d been nearly finished so it didn’t take a genius to figure out why they’d gone to the office, or the back room, or wherever the hell they were. Pokey was no doubt “letting” Dunn suck his cock – that was what Pokey considered tipping. I was actually sorry I wasn’t getting to watch, frankly – Dunn could suck a good cock. I’d almost gotten distracted by my phone again when they emerged, Pokey leading the way, jubilant. Dunn had done a hard fade on the sides and back of his head and pulled the rest of Pokey’s blue cascade back into a ponytail. He looked like a European Soccer player or a super-hip lower east side douchebag. It wasn’t just the haircut – Pokey’d had his septum pierced, and a big silver hoop hung from the base of his nose, a small blue bead decorating it. His ears, too, matching hoops and beads. “Well, look at you!” I said, smiling. “Look at me!” he said, spinning and posing. “Ain’t I gorgeous?” Dunn, a dizzy smile on his face – and if I didn’t miss my guess, the taste of cum in his mouth – opened the cash register, removed all the money and offered it to Pokey. “Your tip,” he said, tears of joy in his eyes. “I know cutters don’t usually tip the clients, but it was such an honor to work with you. I want you to have it.” “Aw,” Pokey said, reaching for the money. “You’re so sweet…” I admonished him. “Pokey,” I said quietly, “not appropriate. Release him.” “No, it’s okay,” Dunn said to me, as if explaining. “I want him to have it!” “No you don’t. He’s doing something to you to make you think that.” “Red!” “Let him go, Pokey…” There was a moment – but with a dramatic sigh, Pokey obeyed, and I could almost feel the reins lifted from Dunn. “Spoil sport…” he mumbled. “You got a beautiful haircut, boy. Be grateful.” I looked at Dunn, who seemed to be wondering why he was standing there with the contents of the till in his hands. I hit him with my own wave of pheromones. “Put the cash back in the drawer, Dunn,” I said to him. “Forget it happened.” Dunn whispered, “Yes, my Lord,” as he swiftly obeyed, his erection renewed in his tight black jeans. “Ohhhh,” Pokey said, knowingly, “I reckon I get it now! You want him for yourself…” I chuckled. “Not just for me,” I said. “For US… get me?” Pokey hadn’t put two and two together – I needed to be more obvious. “A Dun IS a kind of horse,” I said quietly. Pokey got it. “I reckon it is,” he said, nodding while considering. “That’s about as right as rain. So… you gonna make him an offer or do you reckon we should talk to Cavalier first?” Talk to Cavalier first? I thought. Why? I didn’t need his permission to create centaurs. I mean, I knew we’d had this “Herd Master” thing we’d thrown around during sex, but was that serious? Did that take away my power to make my own choices? But before I’d had the chance to voice my thoughts to Pokey, Dunn interrupted. “Make me an offer?” Dunn asked, suddenly curious. “You like his hair that much?” He reached over and began stroking Pokey’s head affectionately. Pokey, like a good pony, leaned into it. “I do,” I said, smiling. “You’re a helluva groomsman.” He laughed. “Always taming the beasts,” he said, playing with Pokey’s ponytail, pulling on it gently until Pokey leaned his head back. “And so you guys want me to be a centaur? That’s cool.” “How’d you figure that?” Pokey asked, pulling slightly away from Dunn, but still keeping an arm around him. Dunn shrugged. “I looked you up after you did your voodoo on me last time,” he said to me. “You’re Pholus – reborn! – I read your story on your website, magic potion, transformation. It’s super-hot. And then you and the kid here show up today and he’s got blue hair – no shit blue hair. It’s totally real – it’s not dyed, it’s not affected – it’s porous and healthy… and blue. And then he hits me with the same smell-thing that you had – pheromones? – and I realized it was all true. You’re magical beings – you’re no-shit Centaurs.” He opened his arms in a welcoming gesture. “So make me an offer! Transform me! What do we gotta do?” ************************************************************************ Turned out there was a massage table in the back room of the barber shop where Dunn did piercings. It was a tiny room, barely enough space for the three of us – I’d tried to send Pokey off to the gym, but he’d insisted on watching this time – the same smell of leather and old smoke that hung comfortably throughout the shop was here, mixed with alcohol (shaken, not stirred) and nervous sweat. As soon as he’d shut the door, Dunn and I began kissing. He was playful, skilled – I’d never kissed a man with a pierced septum before, the weight of the jewelry on my lip was sexy. I sat on the edge of the table and he pushed his way between my legs while we made out. I unbuckled his belt and opened his jeans. Commando, which pleased me, Dunn’s impressively thick cock sported a PA, silver and heavy – he shaved his balls, but his bush was groomed very naturally. Otherwise, I could see his trail leading up under his leather vest with the same black with flecks of gray that decorated his chest, his upper pecs hidden by his beard. “Lemme eat you out,” he mumbled. “I’m dying to get a taste… dying… let me pleasure you before I fuck you.” He slowly dropped to his knees, sliding down my muscular torso, stopping briefly to suck my nipple (“We’re gonna pierce these,” he whispered.), then slid his tongue and the tip of his nose down the center groove of my abs. But instead of continuing to my cock, he spun me round so I faced the table and then yanked my shorts down, exposing my big, muscular ass, but trapping my cock. He spread my cheeks wide, breathed in deeply, losing himself in my scent, and then got to work, lovingly – skillfully – pleasing my hole. I leaned on my forearms, feeling my cock get hard somewhere out of my reach. I’d never experienced someone as talented as Dunn eat me out. I mean, I’d met guys who were into rimming and ass-play, enthusiasts, but they were weekend warriors compared to Dunn! Even Cavalier, with all his professional experience, couldn’t evoke the feelings I was having now – this was a man born to eat ass! I was starting to believe he was going to give me an oral anal-orgasm. An oral analgasm. My inability to access my own cock was killing me, adding to the excruciating pleasure. And there was Pokey, as predictable as a porn plot, climbing up on the head of the table, pulling his big, hard cock out of his shorts and slapping me in the face with it until I took it in my mouth. “I thought you were gonna watch,” I said, allowing the whole of his plum-sized glans in my mouth, tasting the salty-sweetness of his pre-cum. “I am watching,” he responded, forcing me to take more. Dunn had me so open and sloppy wet that when he dropped the heft of his PA-enhanced thickness into my hole, it just slammed against my prostate in big, solid reverberations, a weighted log pounding into me. He slapped my ass cheek. “You like that, demigod?” he asked roughly. “Say yes.” I pulled my mouth off Pokey’s cock. “Yes,” I said, breathing heavily. “Good,” he growled in my ear. “Suck blueboy’s cock and get ready for the best mortal fuck you’ll ever have.” He wasn’t just talking. Cavalier may have been a professional, but his fuck had been all-business, a bit of “these are my standard moves and now it’s your turn with them” – I mean, I’d enjoyed myself, but it was nothing compared to the fucking I was getting from Dunn. Here was a guy who wasn’t only skilled, he was passionate – he loved the act. And Dunn was clearly experienced. A young top could learn a lot from him – I’d hoped Pokey was truly paying attention. I knew I was. “You ready for my cum, demigod?” he asked. “You ready for MY offering?” “Give it to me,” I said, removing my mouth from Pokey’s cock and masturbating it. “It’s the price of apotheosis!” He paid that price in full. The energy was so great, even Pokey shot his load, filling me from both ends with my favorite filling. I was curious if Pokey could feel the transfer of energy that changed Dunn from human to beast. From the way Dunn was reacting inside me, he could definitely feel something – our bond was forming. “It’s happening,” he said, slapping my ass with both hands. “Oh fuck, Pholus, this is incredible!” Pokey laughed. “I reckon the incredible’s just starting,” he said. “Look at your body!” Dunn hadn’t been in any kind of real shape – he’d moved with the grace of someone who’d known some sort of athletics at some point in time in his life, but he clearly had no regular gym routine now. He was someone you could hang clothes off of, though, and he looked like a model with his slick hair, his massive black beard, and all that silver jewelry. He was the kind of guy you’d look at and say, “Man, with a body, he could be unstoppable!” Well, now he was unstoppable. Like Pokey, he hadn’t gained much muscle mass – he retained his leanness, his lanky build – but now he was more like a swimmer or a Greek statue, ripped, tight, every striation visible, every muscle sculpted to perfection. He opened his vest and revealed his abs to us, flat and smooth, again, not an ounce of fat, but hairy and tempting, eight-pack or not. His cock – I’d used the word “log” to describe it earlier, but now it actually was, thick and heavy, the foreskin holding on as best it could. The PA seemed small now compared to how it appeared before. We all watched his cock grow to its new full size, rock hard, rivaling Pokey. “Your turn,” he said to the boy, that familiar glint in his eye. Pokey smiled, stripping his shorts off as he slid down the table. “Yee-haw,” he laughed. “Show me what you got, big daddy. Let’s see how long you stay on the ride.” He ate Pokey’s ass while I ate his, losing myself in his hairy crack, his scent – I felt like I could identify any of my centaurs by smell alone, each was unique and individual. And while he fucked Pokey, I fucked him – and he was amazed at being able to take my cock. Physics be damned – we were magical beings now! We’d been loud and shameless – we’d been beasts – grunting and screaming and unapologetically fucking in the backroom of the barber shop. They could definitely hear us – they could probably smell us over the after-shave. But damn that had been a nice way to spend the morning – and Pokey’d gotten a great haircut! When we went back into the shop, nobody was there – even the other cutter had taken off. “Looks like we scared ‘em all away,” Dunn said, flexing his arms in the wall mirrors. “Damn! This is fucking awesome!” “You just wait,” Pokey said, redressed and ready to go. Dunn kissed him lovingly. “Anytime you want a good fuck, boy, you just drop in.” He patted Pokey on the ass and sent him toward the door. Then he hugged me. “How can I ever thank you for this? This incredible gift?” I winked. “Just keep my beard looking neat,” I said. He smiled. “That’s the price of immortality? I’ll pay it.” He kissed me and I could taste Pokey’s cum on his breath. “Thank you, Pholus. I’m yours forever.” I snorted. “In a thousand years, I’ll remind you you said that.” AFTERWORD: Thank you for reading! If you liked this selection, feel free to buy the whole story HERE on AMAZON
  23. tester26

    Teenage Destroyers

    This was an attempt to write a snuff story that is based on the Teenage Destroyers series on Snufflovers. It may not be to your tastes. You have been warned. TEENAGE DESTROYERS PART 7 "You should have seen the tight bitch I fucked last week. For a virgin she sure screamed like a whore." Nick chuckled to his friend Tony. "Too bad she wasn't able to take all of my cock." "I'm fucking tired of bitches complaining about getting fucked. Whatever hole I pound, I wanna go hard and fucking balls deep, man." Tony agreed. At only 18, Tony and Nick looked sculpted from marble with 8-pack abs, ripped muscle, and big, firm asses. They were fucking 300-pound teen musclegods. Most days, they showed up at the gym without shirts, their bodies were accentuated by the sweat that glistened off their smooth skin as they worked out. "Fuck, all this talk about bitches has me so fucking boned up, I wouldn't mind a blowjob from a faggot." Tony squeezed his semi through his loose red basketball shorts. Nick's eyes scanned around the lockers, spotting Tom, a thin seedy-looking punk a few lockers away pulling a blunt out of his locker. His lips curled into an evil smile. "I've got an idea. " Nick said, as he slipped off his shorts. A grin of understanding curled on Tony's face and his eyes expanded with glee and quickly stripped as well. "Ah shit...fuckin' love you dude." Nick and Tony rush and corner Tom against his locker. "What's up bitch?" Tony announced. A sound, barely perceptible escaped Tom's lips. "So you're the asshole stinking up the lockers with your fucking blunts, huh?" Nick boomed. Tom shuddered, his head barely reaching up to the shoulders of the two studs. He was less than half the size of either Nick or Tony, and his eyes were filled with a mix of lust and fear. Before him was the naked, hulking body of the teenage bodybuilder Nick. Tom speechlessly ogled the vast expanse of the pectoral muscle that blocked his exit from one side. Nick's arms hung loose at his sides, the biceps unflexed yet still so unbelievably huge and wide. Tom's eyes admired the solid rack of abdominal muscles, then followed the curves of the sculpted obliques as they flowed into a pair of legs so heavily laden with muscle that no one could doubt their monstrous power. Between those pillars, Nick's thick 12 inch cock stood at full attention, nearly pressing into Tom's belly. To his side was Tony, nearly equal in mass and just as naked. His pecs were swollen from the blast he'd just given them. His deltoids were huge and rounded, still engorged with blood from the overhead presses, the detailed serrations still visible. He grinned evilly and he stroked his own massive cock. "Time to teach you a fucking lesson!" Tom didn't stand a chance. Nick picked him up and easily picked him up and threw him onto the bench. "Ahhh!!" the punk cried as he struck the edge of the bench. To Nick, Tom was just a toy. A fucktoy that he could use and brutalize in any way he wanted. And God did he want to! He wanted to use his hard 12 inch cock like a weapon to stab the little shit with. He wished his cock was twice as long and three times as thick, so he could fuck the little shit until his organs had turned into mush. He'd use his horse cock to fill Tom up with so much jizz, it would be forced to drip out of his mouth, nose, ears and eyes. Nick straddled the punk, pressed his ass on the boy's upper body, and squeezed his muscular thighs to pin the kid's arms in place. Meanwhile, Tony got on his knees in front of the bench, his massive cock at the perfect height to enter the fuckbag's mouth. Tony immediately shoved his cock head in the punk's mouth. The 11 inch dick was the biggest, longest, fattest thing Tom had ever had in his mouth. He had less than a third of his rod in when he hit the back of the Tom's throat. Tony applied strong pressure on the kid's head and felt his hard dick continue its long journey down the slut's pipe. The massive tip was acting like a snow plow, sending the small organs to the sides, bumping against his little heart, rearranging his tubes and slowly making its way down the punk's body. It was pure delight for the muscle teens to watch all 11 inches of thick teen cock make its way deep in Tom's throat. "Holy fucking shit, yes!!!" The stud shoved the toy's head down with cruelty to get the large base of his huge cock in the slut's obscenely widened mouth. Just as Tony's trimmed pubes touched Tom's stretched lips, Nick felt a bump under his ballsack. "Fuuuuuuuuuck, man! Your cock is poking through his stomach. I can feel it on my nuts, it's fucking crazy." Tony enjoyed the incredible feeling of having all 11 inches of his enormous cock buried to the root in someone's throat. Even when Tom started to choke and tried to move his head, the way he squirmed felt amazing. Occasionally, Tony would withdraw enough to let the living cumdump breathe before he shoved all the way back in, his balls slapping over Tom's nose and eyes. Nick got up and Tom's arms immediately flailed around but Tony quickly pinned them down to the bench. With one hand, Nick lined up his footlong cock to its target and brutally thrust his whole cock into the kid's colon with a sickening squish. Tom's head was shoved hard against Tony's crotch and the gigantic cock was pushed even further down, the outline of his dick head clearly visible through Tom's chest. Tom's scream was muffled by Tony's meat as he was violated by a second, even larger, cock. "Fuuuuuuuuuuck, that's so freaking hot!" Tony panted. "That's it, slut, feel my cock push against your little heart. You got muscle all around you! Huh you like that? Bet I could snuff you with just my dick. Shoot you so full of cum your goddamn head would explode!" They pulled almost all of their thick poles out of Tom, and then rammed all of themselves back into the small, frail body as hard as they could. In perfect sync, Tony and Nick pistoned their living toy with long hard thrusts. The former ravaged the punk's throat and punched the bottom of his stomach, all the while smashing his teen balls on Tom's eyes and nose. The latter battered the kid's internal organs, forming a footlong fuck tunnel that ran from asshole to sternum. The punk's esophagus and colon were so incredibly tight as they gripped and moved with the teens' cocks. Both teens kept changing the speed, tilting the punk backwards so that Nick's massive tool was pushing against the toy's stomach walls and making it bulge out. "Fuck! You can almost see the veins on your dick through the bitch's stretched guts," Tony marveled. Nick rubbed his hands over the bulge, enjoying the feeling of Tom's insides wrapped tightly around his shaft. Tom was used like a fleshlight, with such wild abandon that when both studs pulled out, it looked as if Tom deflated. But when the two teen gods shoved their pricks back to the hilt, Tom's small body seemed to double in size. Their cocks bumped against one another, as they raped the young punk, was just the cherry on top of the muscle sundae. "This fuckbag is tight as shit, man!" Nick shouted. "I know, bro!" Tony screamed. "His throat is clasping my dong like a motherfucking vice-grip!" Both teens increased their speed at which they pummeled Tom's throat and colon, slamming their massive teen tools in the most ferocious manner, not caring if the living cumdump could take it or not. Sweat ran down their tight abs and dripped all over Tom's body. But they were already close. Their thrusts became more erratic, and out of sync. They both held Tom's sides, four big teen hands squeezing the punk's mid-section, almost completely encircling it. The studs felt both their massive cocks move in and out of the teen beneath their fingers. Jabbing their massive fucktools balls deep inside the rag doll one last time and their cocks spasmed, shooting pure alpha cum into the middle of the punk's blown up body. Somehow, the punk managed to stay conscious during the whole ordeal. But with all 23 inches of cock pulsating each time a jet of hot teen semen shot inside him, Tom had no influx of oxygen and started to choke. He couldn't see nor hear anything besides his own heartbeat drum in his ears, while he frantically hit whatever he could with his small fists. But the slut's panic only fueled the studs' lust, and made them shoot even harder inside the boy. Tony and Nick came deep inside the little fuckbag for close to a minute. After their body wrenching orgasm, the 18 year old gods haphazardly pulled their dripping, still rockhard dicks out of Tom's holes. It was a bit surreal to watch nearly 24 inches of solid teen meat withdraw from the skinny body of a punk. Cum poured out of Tom's gaping ass like a waterfall as he coughed up Tony's load, gasping for air. Nick and Tony high fived over the punk's wrecked body and quickly switched places. Nick took the boy's head while Tony faced the narrow sloppy ass, and they pushed their jizz-covered, rock-hard shafts inside the worn out sextoy. "Fuck Tony, his throat is as tight as his ass..." Nick said as they both bottomed out. "I know, bro! I feel your jizz sloshing around in his guts! Let's see how much damage we can really do with our mother fucking cocks." Tony laughed. With almost 2 feet of massive dick buried to the hilt inside the punk, the two 18 year old teen jocks began to stand. They meticulously went from kneeling, to squatting, without ever pulling out. When they were on their feet, they started to rise while stepping to the side, away from the bench. Nick and Tony stood in the middle of the locker room: two god-like figures with firm round buttocks clenched with enthusiastic depravity, tight abs glistening with teenage sweat as their granite hard tools kept Tom in place. The studs were perfect fuck machines and had every intention of testing how relentlessly... ferociously... and remorselessly they were going to hammer and crush this punk's insides with their mighty pricks. The first fuck had just been a warm-up. Now they were ready to go all in... without any mercy for their toy. The studs hadn't started thrusting yet. They just kept their schlongs buried to the root inside Tom and looked directly at each other with an evil smirk. Both let go of the boy at the same time and put their hands behind their heads, showing off their muscled bodies. The punk was face up, suspended three feet above the ground, supported only by two rock solid teen dicks buried deep in his guts and the pressure from the studs' hips against his face and his ass. Once again, Tom suffered from a cruel lack of oxygen. His head was turning purple and he frantically moved his arms in the air, not even trying to hit the jocks using him. The studs grinned as the punk started to convulse, his little dicklet hard as a nail. But the ripped studs didn't budge. Giving up an inch would allow Tom to slide off Nick's dick and catch a breath. Tom shuddered and began to shake more violently. His little body was being spit roasted by 24 inches of massive teen schlongs. Nick and Tony could feel the fuckbag spasm around their cocks, his throat and ass muscles tightening, deliciously squeezing their fucktools. "Shiiiiiiit Nick, his insides are milking my cock! I can feel his heartbeat on my dick!" said Tony. "Fucking A, man! His motherfucking throat is getting tighter every time he tries to breathe!" Nick's own fat cock stretched Tom's esophagus to the limit, almost dislocating Tom's jaws. But the cumbag's spasms and shuddering slowed down, then suddenly stopped. His arms and legs came to a complete halt, and dropped on either sides of his body as he passed out. Finally, Nick and Tony moved their right hands under the punk to help support his weight and slowly pulled out, until just the heads were in Tom's holes. His insides stopped contracting and the teens were ready to enjoy another mind-blowing fuck. Tom automatically sucked in air while Nick's fat member left his throat. Of course that was only momentary. Both teen gods immediately pushed their shafts balls deep back inside the fucktoy. Not wasting any time, the 18 year olds sped up their thrusts, taking their dicks almost all the way out before they slammed them back to the root. They were still amazed by how deep they could shove their monster cocks and it felt so deliriously good to have their balls slap against the cumbag with every forceful stab. One can hardly imagine what it looks like when two huge teen cocks, each of them being almost the size of a baby's arm, punch fuck a punk boy's skull and ass in perfect synchronicity. Two incredibly sexy teen studs using every muscle in their massive teenage bodies to thrust their thick shafts without mercy, deliberately trying to destroy and break their living fucktoy in half. The athletic teen studs rammed the punk with such wild brutality it looked as if their cocks were going to tear through Tom's chest. Tom was twisted in such a way that his head was forced closer to his little butt and his guts was pushed upward. In that angle, Tony and Nick's porn-sized cocks slammed against the small chest and made it bulge out. The frail cum-filled body was being ravaged with unspeakable violence, but none of the teenage boys gave a shit about his well being. Tom's lifeless arms and legs bounced around with each sadistic jab as the studs used the punk like a punching bag for their cocks. They never spent more than a half second inside or outside the fuckbag. Instead, they constantly slammed the slut's ass and face with such ferocity that he would certainly be covered in mean, dark bruises before sundown. "Aw yeah, you're just a fucking toy. I'm gonna pulverize your guts. Fuckin drown you with my load!!!" Nick grunted. "Aw fuck dude," Tony growled, "Gonna break you, you little shit! End you with just this fucking monster cock! GONNA FUCKING DESTROY YOU!!!!" Nick and Tony slammed their cocks one last time inside the boy's unconscious body and began to breed the punk, completely dousing his insides with their thick, white seed. So much jizz was shot inside the punk, his stomach bloated like a balloon. About half of the 18 year old's mammoth rods tented Tom's stretched out belly and they could clearly see their heads pulse and nearly pierce through Tom's bulging chest with every jet of thick teen spunk. The two teens moaned in pleasure as they rode our their orgasms. Something about being drowned by two enormous loads caused Tom to cough and seize, but not wake up. Too caught up in their orgasm to care, the two teen gods rammed their 12 inch cocks in so roughly that Tom's head touched his butt, breaking his spine in half. *CRACK!!* "UH!-" the punk moaned, his soft body stopped twitching and went limp. Tony felt his cock brush against Nick's tool, their pricks only separated by two condom-thin membranes in the middle of Tom's body. Their huge teen dick heads touched inside the kid's guts, so close that Tony could feel Nick's cock throb as it blasted cum into the fucktoy. Nick pulled his hips back, adjusting himself before pushing his massive cock deep until he felt the dying punk's heart against his spurting cockhead. He moaned as he felt it pump desperately against his hard meat. He thrust his hips again, crushing the heart between his cock and the punk's ribs. "Aww fuck yeahhh..." Nick groaned. The two muscle gods slowly wound down, their cocks still pumping cum into the boy, as they savored the final moments of sexual pleasure and the feeling of the dead boy's spastic twitches. "That's good stuff..." Tony mumbled. Tony let out a long sigh as his cock fired the last of its spunk. "This is so fucked, I can feel your cock pulsing against mine!" He moved his hips from side to side, rubbing his tool against Nick's, and both of them shuddered. The studs slowly let the dead, cum-filled punk slide off their slick, deflating cocks right onto the bench with a thud. Long strings of cum, hung from the teens' cocks to the punk's gaping holes. Two rivers of white, tinged red with blood, poured out of the cum-bloated corpse and onto the ground. "Shit man. Now THAT was good." Tony smiled and looked at Nick. Nick grinned and flexed his enormous guns and began to feel the rock hard muscle with his other hand. He shook his quads, and lovingly caressed the muscle for a moment. "Yeah..." he shook his head with satisfaction. Nick slapped him a high-five.
  24. If this type of story is your cup of tea, please consider subscribing to my GrowManGrow Patreon page for more like it: https://www.patreon.com/growmangrow Part 1 Bryce Starr was used to being the biggest person wherever he went. Thanks to the tremendous genetics, a rigorous workout schedule, and a ton of supplements, he had reached 6’4” tall and 320 very beefy pounds by the time he was 20 years old. Everything about him was huge: his arms, chest, thighs, and especially his ego. He liked being with both the guys and the ladies, and he used his body to get whatever and whoever he wanted. Our story starts on the first day of the fall quarter in Bryce’s junior year of college – it was already warm outside by 8:45am as Bryce walked from his dorm room (which he did not have to share with anyone due to a very accommodating fan in the housing office) and into the campus square. He was wearing an incredibly tight blue t-shirt and khaki shorts, and he got more stares than ever thanks to a growth spurt over the summer. Bryce decided to give the other students a bit of a show by bouncing his boulder-like pecs and then stretching out his chest as wide as possible. He could feel his shirt starting to strain, and as he pulled his arms outward, it split down the front. The eyes of those who were watching grew even bigger as Bryce's muscular torso bulged outward from the torn fabric. "I should be pissed," he thought, "but that was the fucking greatest thing ever. I guess I gotta find another shirt before class." He could have walked back to his dorm and changed there, but a quicker solution would probably be found at the nearby campus rec center. The staff kept a lost and found room there for items left behind in gym lockers, and Bryce had an all-access key given to him by the football coach in case he ever needed to get into the weight room during off-hours. The big stud entered the center and strode to the lost and found, unlocked the door, and went in to see if there were any oversized shirts in the bins. He was pawing through the items when one of the university’s janitors, Myron Turner, quietly came up behind him. Myron was the exact opposite of Bryce in terms of his physique – where people would call Bryce a he-man or stud, the 5’2 and 95-pound Myron was described as a wimp or a weakling. He was also the opposite in terms of looks – Bryce had short blond hair, a cleanshaven face, square jaw, and tan skin, Myron had long thinning dark hair, an unruly mustache, a rounded chin, and pasty skin. "Uh, excuse me, what are you doing in here? You know, um, this room is for campus employees only,” said Myron. The big muscleman could sense the fear in the speaker's voice. He turned around slowly to reveal his Herculean chest poking through the ripped fabric of his shirt, and the smaller man gasped at the sight. Bryce leaned down to take a look at the janitor’s badge and read his first name. "Hey there, Myron, I’m Bryce. My shirt just about ripped right off, and I’m looking for a new one. I knew I was getting a lot bigger over the summer, but I had no idea I would be hulking out of my clothes. I was hoping to find something to cover up, you know. You do want me to cover up, don't you?" Myron didn't respond, but just kept staring at the 20-year-old hunk in front of him. His gaze seemed particularly directed at Bryce's chest and arms. Bryce grinned, knowing his massive muscles were mesmerizing the janitor. "Cat got your tongue, Myron?" Myron continued just to stare, so Bryce reached down and hoisted the janitor off the floor with virtually no effort from his superhuman biceps, and then held him so that the two were eye-to eye. "Myron, do you like my muscles?" The janitor finally blurted out, "Well, yes, but I’d like them better on me. I’m tired of being so small. It sucks when even the tiniest freshman girls are bigger and stronger than me. It’s so unfair.” Bryce laughed. “Well, who said life was supposed to be fair? Some people are meant to be big and strong, and others are going to be small and weak.” “I’d give anything to be like you," Myron said. “Anything.” Bryce put the janitor back down and laughed. “What could you possibly have to give for muscles like mine? You’re a fuckin’ teeny tiny janitor.” Myron brushed off the insult and took a shot with the only thing he had to offer. “I have a passkey to all the professor’s offices. If I helped improve your grades on their computers, would you help me become a stud like you?” Bryce didn't really care about improving Myron’s miserable life, but he did need to pass his courses so he wouldn’t get kicked off the football team. "You've got a deal, little man. If you can prop up my grades so I don't have to waste time studying, I can show you some routines to get bigger." Myron instantly agreed, and two set a time and date to meet at a gym in two away from the campus. Bryce didn’t want to be seen by his friends at the campus rec center working out with a nerd. The sessions started out positive, as Bryce demonstrated to Myron some basic exercises and spotted him as he pumped iron. But Bryce was easily distracted – he wanted to go back to the rec center and show off his increased strength to other students, he wanted to go to parties, and he wanted to get laid – so he began to leave Myron more and more on his own. Sometimes he would show up and get the janitor started and leave early, but other times he would just send a text with a list of exercises. Within a month, Bryce had stopped making any effort at all to help Myron. This infuriated the janitor, so he strode up to Bryce one afternoon at the rec center and quietly gave him an ultimatum. "I've done all you wanted. I’ve raised your grades to a passing level, but you know what? I can change them back to Ds and Fs just as fast. I need you to really help me.” Bryce was surprised at the threat, as he never thought Myron really wanted to work out with him. He figured the little man was just gay and wanted to worship Bryce's bulging muscles, but it turned out that Myron was a hardcore heterosexual who really wanted to score with the ladies. Unfortunately, not many women were attracted to his weak physique and below-average looks. But Bryce did take Myron’s words seriously. He needed to play college ball so he could eventually get drafted into the NFL and earn his millions, and he could kiss those dreams goodbye if he flunked out. "OK, I'm sorry, Myron. I promise to do better." Myron smiled. "Thank you. And I expect results – I want to get much, much bigger by the end of the school year. I want to be hulking out of my clothes, too.” The muscleman nodded and agreed to meet Myron a few hours later for their next workout. But Bryce knew that hard work wasn't going to be enough for the janitor to get bigger – it can be next to impossible to seriously bulk up when you're starting with a small frame...unless you have a little outside help. He considered looking for some steroids, but Bryce figured he would have to go deeper and darker for the type of transformation that Myron desired. "Of course, I don't want him looking too good," thought Bryce. "I'll improve him enough just to get some pussy, but certainly not enough that he would be any real competition for me." He hopped into his truck and drove to the more east part of town, where he knew the artsy folks had some pretty strange shops. Bryce eventually found a parking space on the street and got out to look around. After a few minutes he noticed a place called, "Wildest Dreams," and figured he would give it a shot. He crossed the street and went inside, and a little bell tinkled as he opened the door. The place was dark and cramped full racks containing old books, strange figurines, and bottles of colored liquids. A thin man came out of the back room – he was wearing all black from head to toe, and looked a little like an emaciated version of Lance Armstrong. "Hello, sir" said the clerk as he eyed the very large body of his latest customer. "How may I help you today?" Bryce shot the shopkeeper a smile and flexed his chest a little, as he typically did the first time he met someone. "Hey there, buddy, what kind of place you got here? Why is it called Wildest Dreams?" "Well, we help people overcome obstacles and accomplish things they never thought possible." "Well, I have a friend who wants to get big like me. I mean, he's obsessed with turning into a muscle stud, even though he's kinda on the wimpy side. But I owe him a HUGE favor and he's not going to let me forget that debt until I help him grow big. So, I was sort of hoping you might have something..." The clerk interrupted, believing he knew what was coming next. "You would like something to make this friend grow more powerful?" "Correct," said Bryce. "You got anything that can help?" The clerk then leaned a little closer to the Bryce. "Well, I have three things that could possibly do the trick. But I cannot create something from nothing – I need some raw materials in order to make these new muscles for your friend." "OK, what are my options?" asked Bryce. "The first is a potion that basically copies your essence – your spirit, your strength, and your confidence – and gives it to another. It's a very powerful formula, but it may end resulting in your friend getting as big as you." "And the second?" asked Bryce. "The second is similar, but it transfers essence from the buyer to another person. So you'd lose some of your power, and he'd gain it. I could make a weak version so he would not take too much of your essence, but ultimately you wouldn't remain as big as you are right now." "And the third?" "The last option is a little different. You would give up your ability to gain more essence, which basically means your friend would take all of your muscle-building ability. All the of power you have now to grown bigger and stronger would go to him. That doesn't mean you'd be weaker, but you'd never be able to get any bigger...and he would." Bryce did not particularly like any of the choices offered to him. He felt that the second option of him losing some of his own powerful physique was not acceptable, and the third option of never being bigger than he was presently was also not good for him – he enjoyed growing and getting bigger more than anything. The first option of giving his spirit, strength, and confidence to Myron concerned him the least as he did not think that the janitor could possibly maintain the discipline to be as big as he was over time. Bryce decided to go with option #1, and he flirted with and flexed for the clerk to get the price down to a reasonable amount. After the mini-worship session, he headed for the gym to meet Myron and went straight to the locker room. He took out the vial he was given and thought about the clerk's very specific instructions: each of them was to drink half of the solution, with the giver going first and the getter going second. As long as they both drank half, the getter would end up getting an exact duplicate of the giver's essence, and the process would happen fairly gradually. But Bryce thought of a better plan in his head, even though he actually had no idea if it would work. "What if I take more than half? That will leave less for Myron, and he won't get nearly as big as me." It seemed logical, so that's exactly what he did – Bryce downed 3/4 of the vial and was swallowing it when Myron walked around the corner. The teacher was already dressed in his black tank top and black athletic shorts, looking like a little kid in the get-up of a bodybuilder. "Thanks for making it this time, Bryce. I was beginning to think you weren't going to hold up your end of our deal." Bryce smiled. "You ready to get bigger, Myron? Turn yourself into the ladies’ man you've always wanted to be?" Myron nodded vigorously. Bryce held out the remaining solution. "Great, drink this first. It'll help boost your performance during the workout." "What is it?" asked the teacher as he took the small vial into his hand. Bryce took a step closer and hit a most muscular pose, almost ripping his tight white t-shirt off of his 6'4" 320 pound body. "Just think of it as man juice. It'll help turn you into a man like this." Myron didn't hesitate and gulped the solution down. "That's good, Myron. Now go warm up on the treadmill, and I will join you out there in a minute." The janitor left, and Bryce changed into his workout clothes. He took his sweet time, enjoying the gawking from the other men in the locker room who were jealous of his massive physique, and he made extra sure they were able to see his thick 10-inch cock when changing into his shorts. Myron followed instructions and headed for the treadmills. Because the gym catered mainly to hardcore lifters, not many people used that the aerobic equipment, so Myron did not have to wait for one to be available. He hopped on the first treadmill he came to and began walking at a medium pace. After about a minute, Myron began to feel a little dizzy, so he stepped off and sat down in a nearby chair. He was not sure what was happening at first, but then realized he could feel his body growing bigger and bigger, and he watched as his chest muscles thickened. "Fuck, yeah," he said under his breath. "It's working." About 30 seconds later, Bryce came around the corner to see Myron sitting down. "What's going on? I thought you were going to warm up?" he asked. Myron stood up, and Bryce was surprised that the little guy wasn't so little anymore. He was sprouting muscles all over his body. "Whatever you gave me is more than just warming me up, Bryce. It's making me hot!" The former weakling hit a most muscular like Bryce had done a few minutes earlier, and as he did so, his chest and arms filled up the once-baggy tank top. Myron smiled and just said, "Boom!" Bryce was shocked. "What the fuck is happening? I thought it was supposed to be gradual!" Myron continued to swell up, adding pound after pound of rock hard beef and inch after inch of height. He also gained access to Bryce's memories as the essence transference continued, so he knew exactly what was going on. "You didn't follow the directions, Bryce, that's what the fuck is happening. In trying to keep me from getting as big and swallowing 3/4 of the potion, you caused the reverse to happen. I'm going to get even bigger than you!" Bryce tried to keep control, but he was getting more frustrated at the thought of losing his place as the alpha male of the campus. "No way!" Myron smiled as he stretched up his arms and his torso seemed to grow right with them. 5'4", 5'8", 6'0", 6'4"....he continued to grow upward and outward. The poor tank top couldn't take it anymore and snapped right off, revealing the torso of a well-sculpted bodybuilder, and the shorts were so tight they threatened to shred as well. Bryce looked down and saw that, beneath the janitor’s football-sized calves, Myron's shoes tore off as his feet grew from size 7 to size 17, and soon after the socks exploded off as well. "But the clerk said you wouldn't get bigger than me!" said Bryce. Myron, however, didn't stop growing. He sailed past Bryce in height, stopping at about 6'10", but his body continued to bulge up with muscle. 300 pounds, 325, 350 375, 400...and he just kept getting bigger. "Even better, Bryce, I'm getting access to all your abilities, too. All those years learning about sports, becoming more and more coordinated and skilled. I'm getting all that talent as well, in fact I'm getting an enhanced version of your abilities. I'll be an even better athlete than you." Bryce wanted to run away, but he was too frightened to move. "But...but...why would that matter to you? You're a janitor!" Myron laughed with his now much-deeper voice. "Correction, I was a janitor. Look at me, Bryce. In addition to your memories and enhanced abilities and strength, the potion is also copying your youth. I can feel my body regenerating everything back to the time when I was 20. I'm going to re-invent myself as a classmate and take over the school. You'll just be second fiddle now...or maybe lower, depending on what I do to you." "But...but...that's so unfair!" "Ha! Who said life is supposed to be fair?" replied Myron, hitting a double bicep pose for the first time in his life. "Nice, right? Making you look a little puny. I bet I can curl whatever you normally squat.” Bryce didn't know how to respond, as Myron's muscles were clearly much larger. Finally, as he sailed past 425 pounds to his final weight around 450, Myron's shorts couldn't take it anymore and ripped right off of his body, leaving him only wearing an extremely tight pair of white boxer briefs that had a cock bulge so big that there was no doubt it was also longer and thicker than Bryce's manhood. The giant man took a step forward and stood with his massive chest right in front of Bryce's face. "Oh, yeah, one more thing...I’m bi now just like you. So we’re going back to my house to have a little fun.” Bryce gulped. Everything about Myron was enormous and wide and pumped, and he couldn’t help but feel a little afraid for the first time. “Why would I go with you?” he asked. Myron smiled. “Because of the essence transference, I know all about you now. I know you enjoy dominating others, but really you’re dying to be dominated yourself. You’ve been desperate for an even bigger man to take control, but there was never anyone more powerful than you…until now. And I’m ready to take on that challenge.”
  25. Hello guys, it's been a long time since I posted a story, I was very busy latest months and hard to hold on to writing (imagining a story is easy, writing it is more difficult) but the desire to post a new hot story was stronger. So this story was a commission that someone asked me few months ago. But the story will probably more longer than I previewed so for to avoid to make you wait again for several months or me to loose motivation, I decided to split it in several parts. I hope you will still enjoy this first chapter. As usual, all reviews are welcome, even negatives. This story is based on the character of Harvey Kinkle of the old cartoon "Sabrina The Animated Series". In one of episodes (called Harvzilla because at the end, he tranforms himself in a dragon like Godzilla), he uses a magical spray and becomes more and more muscular. Fun fact, I saw this series when I was younger and weirdly, I remembered perfectly of this episode in particular, I wonder me why..... mmmmmh maybe because of that ). Oh yes and of course, this story takes times several years after the official series (so yes, Harvey is over 18y old !) I also warn than when it's a commission, so I try to respect the desire of the one who asked me this commission (so here, he wanted a gay relationship even if in the serie Harvey was in love of Sabrina, so don't be surprised if it diverges from the serie) Again, don't hesitate to give me your opinions, it will allow me to make the following parts even better. Enjoy ! ========================= Part 1: The promise ========================= I was preparing myself for my wrestling match. I practice this sport for a few years now. However, I don't have the body of a wrestler. I was skinny, average tall, 5'10", and weak. Fun fact: my nickname was Harvzilla but I didn't have anything of "Godzilla", on the contrary, I should have been called "Weakzilla". But I don't know, I love this sport. Even if I lose often. And for not to change... I will probably lose again today: I heard my opponent was new in this college, but he was already famous. I really ask me why. Ok, this is time. I put my white shirt and my green tank top and I went to the field. When I arrived on the field, the hall was crowded. What the fuck ? Usually, there weren't as many people... and I don't think there were here for me. I was starting to warm up when I heard the public shouting. What the fuck ? I looked the entrance. I don't know describe what I felt at this moment... I was immediately hypnotized by those blue eyes, this perfect nose, this amazing jawline, with a perfect mouth, his blond hair seemed divine. And his skin... Gooosh, he had a natural tan. Never I had seen a so beautiful face like this. And it was just the beginning... because there was not only his face which was incredibly beautiful. His body... HO-LY FUCK...HOLY MOTHER FUCKING FUCK ! We were almost same tall mmmmh although not, he was taller but what was sure, that was we didn't have the same weight and for cause: below this angelic face, there is a fucking muscular neck, which was almost wider than his head and this neck was surrounded by two mountains that came out of his back, his shoulders were canonballs, his sleeves were very tight cause his two big ripped guns, probably 18 inches, nice veins were browsing them, his forearms were so fucking muscular and venous, and fuuuuuuuuuuuck: bigger than my arms, his pecs were two enormous balloons, which pushed clearly against his shirt and tank top, his nipples were clearly visible and were obviously pointing down. Despite his singlet, I could see clearly six bumps (and they were not flexed !), perfectly symmetricals. Gooosh ! I'm going to avoid kicking this brick wall muscle. I could also see his adonis betl, cut to the axe. Below, his bulges suggested the size of his "package" and obviously, it was an XXL package. Next then came his legs, hem sorry, his tree trunks. I could see the bumps of his quads trought his short. And his calves were like two boulders implanted under his skin. Goooooooosh ! It was not possible, I must have been in the wrong sports hall. Was I to a wrestling match or a bodybuilding contest ? Because this god could clearly participate and win the first place very easily. The referee started the match. I caught his hands and I tried to push him but fuuuuuck he didn't move, even not only one inch. Personally, I used my whole strength but him, he seemed to not provide the slightest effort. Goooosh, I was totally surpassed by his strength. Then, very easily he started to push me backward. I tried to resist but nothing to do. He seemed amused by the situation because he fixed me, in smiling abut not badly, rather interested. He stopped, did one or two steps back; waited few seconds, then he smiled and restarted to push me. But now, he forced really. I couldn't do nothing, I was absolutely overwhelmed... and the next second I was out of circle. Shit, one point for him... The second round started, I tried to put him on the ground, so I surrounded him. And shiiiit, his muscles were so fucking hard, so warm. I couldn't help to feel his amazing abs. I'm sure he noticed because he has had a little laugh. Of course, he didn't move, not even a bit. And suddenly... I was on the ground. I didn't understand what happened. He lifted me as I weighted absolutely nothing and the second after, I was on the ground. Then he belted me. I tried to escape me but nothing do. I could feel his enormous weight on me, I was a fucking stick compared to him. And my shoulders touched the ground. The match was over... Of course, I already lost but never like this. I was absolutely powerless against him. He could have crush me if he wanted. I had lost but weirdly, I had loved this match. Really loved. I had loved to feel his body, this amazing and powerful body and I don't know but I think he noticed it and... I think he loved too. He walked towards me and shooked my hand, welll, more exactly, he broke my hand. Shit, his strength was so incredible. "Nice match !" he said in smiling. Oh fucking god, even his voice was amazing. Strong and deep, like his godlike body. "Eeehh... thanks..." Nice match ? I have been pulverized. He has literally played with me like a cat with a mouse. "Don't worry hahaha. You will win maybe one day" he said in laughing. "What ?" "You reaction. I know what you think: I have been pulverized isn't ?" "Wha...But how do you..." "I'm used to it. And don't worry, it will not be our last match. You can still enjoy hahaha !" Oh shit, he has noticed. I turned all red. Then he added. "And sooner than you think..." with a strange look. "What ?" "Don't worry, you will see... very soon" And he went with his coach. "Well Harvey... you are sorely lacking in training, as usual" said my coach, disappointed. "Yeah......" "Well, go shower, we talk about this ... carnage... later" Ten minutes later, I was in the showers. Weirdly, I should be disappointed by this match, one more defeat, however I don't know why but I was only able to think about one thing: Pedro. I remembered the moment where I saw him, his godlike body, his godlike muscles, his angelic face. Goooosh. My heart was beating quickly, I felt hot. But why ? Why did I feel this for this guy ? The only time I felt the same thing, it was when I saw Sabrina for the first time. And then I understood: was I just... in love ? In love of Pedro ? But... I mean, Pedro is a boy and... No, it's not possible, I can't... but I couldn't finish my phase when I heard: "Hello !" Th...this voice ?! I was so in my thoughts that I didn't hear him coming. Pedro ? Pedro was here, next to me ? I turned my head and...... HOLY MOTHER FUCKING SHIT OF FUCKING GOD OF FUCKING SHIT OF FUCKING GOD. Yes, Pedro was next to me, under the shower and obviously... naked. And yes, I was not wrong, really not: this guy was a FUCKING GOD ! Blue eyes His head was surrounding by huge traps, his shoulders were canonballs, his arms were so huge, 18 inches at least, with a big vein, and in talking of veins, his forearms were covered with it. His pecs were two balloons and below, there was six fucking boulders which exploded out of his stomach, perfectly symetrical. His adonis belt seemed to be cut with an ax, with an incredible set of veins. My eyes widened when I saw his "monster". Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck ! Look this dick ! Look this FUCKING DICK ! It...it wasn't humanly possible... Holy crap ! His legs looked like trees, ripped, venous, covered of muscular bumps and his calves were two fucking boulders. Even his feet was inhuman. "This too, I'm used to it hahaha" he said in laughing. "What ?" "You've been looking at me from head to toe for 2 minutes" he said in smiling. Oh crap ! I turned all red again. "But yeah, I understand you, it's amazing isn't ?" "What ?" "This one, it's amazing isn't ?" he said in flexing his 18" gun. Holy shit, I could feel my heart beat very quickly and above all, I was totally horny... but how can you not be horny by this perfection ? And what he says didn't help me. "Do you want to feel ?" Oh crap, oh fucking crap. I was hard instantly ! Shit Harvey, calm down, calm down, he must not notice it. "Y...Y...Yeah". I swallow and approached to him. My hand landed on his amazing mountain. Oh crap, I was right: hard as steel. "So, do you like ?" he said in smiling. Shit ! Shit shit shit ! I was going to cum ! But no Harvey, out of the question, you must no cum, you must no cum you MUST NO c... Unfortunately, I saw three milky jets come to smash against his brick wall abs. At this moment, I think i turned redder than a tomato. Oh crap, oh fucking crap, oh fucking shit of fucking crap ! "........................." he looked me in saying nothing. Crap, I'm dead. I'm fucking dead. Then he approached to me. You are dead Harvey, you are fucking dead. From red I went to blue. But what happened next, I would never have imagined it. He placed hi hands behind my head, he looked me, right in the eyes and... he kissed me. I remained stoic during few seconds. He was kissing me ? HE was kissing ME ? Pedro WAS KISSING ME ??? My whole body was shaking, but not of fear, no it was joy and hapiness. Fuuuuuuck, the most improbable scene I had imagined was happening !!!! He broke the kiss. "I told you that you would see soon haha" Oh crap, never I would imagine this. "Well, do you want to continue ?" he said me. I looked him for few seconds... and I threw myself on him. Honestly, I wasn't myself at this moment. My hand was everywhere, I felt his traps, I went down to his incredible shoulders, feeling each striations, I followed the pipe which roamed his humongous guns then his incredible forearms. I put my hands on his two muscular balloons and he made them bounce ! Oh crap ! I devoured his nipples then my tongue went down, going through every crevice of his amazing sixpack. I followed the incredible markdown of his adonis belt. And finally, I arrived to the boss. I had never sucked a boy. I didn't think I would ever do it. But here, I was in automatic mode. I swallowed mythe head in my mouth and I began to suck. Pedro started to moan. "Oh shit it's so GOOD !" he yelled. I sucked, and sucked, and sucked. Pedro moaned then roared, louder and louder. "OH SHIT OH FUCK AAAAAAH AAAAAH AAAAAH OOOOOOH NNNNNNNGGGGGGHHH OOOOOOOH OOOOOH OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK !!!!!" And Pedro came, and came, dand came. I felt a sticky warm liquid flow down in my throat. Gosh, even his cum was so delicious. He shot about 15 charges before stopping. "Oh fuuuuck.. ha...ha...ha...ha..ha...shit....it...it...was.... absolutely...ha ...ha...ha...ha....amazing" said Pedro in panting. I was going to answer him when suddenly he lifted me, stuck me against the wall and kissed me again. I had still cum in my mouth but he didn't care. Our tongue intertwined. Gosh, evenThen, he turned me to face the wall. "What the fnnnnnnnnnnnnnGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA". I didn't have time to understand when his huge python entered into me. OH FUCK, OH FUCKING FUCK! OH FUCK FUCK FUCK ! It was the first time that I was getting fucked. And gosh, it felt so FUCKING GOOD ! My eyes rolled back, my mouth was open and I was moaning and drooling. The feeling was just unbelievable. Oh fuck, oh shit, oh fucking fuck ! Quickly Pedro accelerated the pace and started to groan, slowy at the beginning then more louder and quickly. I don't know how long it lasted, or how many times I felt his monster enter and leave my ass but each penetration sent me a wave of pure pleasure. It was the most intense feeling I felt of my life and it could continue like that for the eternity. But the pleasure was very too much, fortunately when I was about to pass out, Pedro came. "nnnngggaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!!!" I felt again a warm liquid fill my rectum. I was just able to do glutural moans, lost in an extreme pleasure, my eyes were rolling back. It was so INCREDIBLE ! Yes, I would never have imagined that I would live this today. for a moment I thought I was even in a dream but no, it was the reality. Pedro, the most amazing muscle god I have seen of my life, had just fucked me. And then it was over. Pedro was panting. "ha....ha....ha...ha...you see ? I told you you will see soon ! And gosh, you know very well suck dude hahaha !" "Honestly... I didn't know it myself..." Pedro laughed. "But I don't understand, you love me ? Really ? But why ?" "Honestly, I don't know how to explain it either. But when I saw you, instantly, I knew it; I knew it that I wanted to fuck you, but I didn't think it would happen so quickly... and I have to admit that I did not expect the blowjob. It was a true surprise and shit Harvey but you are really fucking good for that" "Haha maybe. So next time could swap places no ?" "Ah ? You want to fuck me ? Interesting" said Pedro with a little smile. "Ok ! But at one condition... "One condition ?" "You will have to earn your place ! You want my ass ? Okay, no problem: we will determine that by a wrestling match, the winner will have the right to claim his trophy ? Ok for these rules ?" "A wrestling match ? But... Pedro, I could never win against you. I mean, you have literally pulverized me today, never I could win against you..." "To be honest, without training, no, you will not to be able to win. Never" he said in flexing his huge 18". Fuck, if I wasn't empty, I'm sure I would have ejaculated again. "But... if you train hard, maybe you will have a chance. So now Harvey, you know what you have to do. Beat me and this ass will be yours... but if you lose I will claim my trophy. Okay ?" "............ Pedro ?" "Yes Harvey ?" "I will fuck you... I will fuck you like you've never been" "Hahaha, I don't want to scare you but nobody ever succeeded. I am always the one who fuck" "Not for longer. I will succeed, I promise you !" "Well, I can't wait to see this hahaha" said Pedro in smiling maliciously. From this moment, I had only one desire: fuck him. Pedro, I promise you that I will claim my trophy, by any way !
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