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  1. mmvmgo2011


    Hi all Long time lurker. I thought I'd start a story that's been mulling around in my head for a while now. I'm still not sure where it's ultimately headed - though I'm hoping it won't go where you think it might. I have some ideas for the direction - but nothing concrete. There could be anything - so fair warning - if you're easily offended, or grossed out, or whatever, this may not be the thread for you. I'm planning on keeping each chapter fairly short, but hoping to post updates more often. It's my first ever story - so be kind, or not ... EDIT: I've purposefully not given our main protagonist a name, but will use uppercase HE/HIM/HIS to refer to HIM. I'm gradually editing each entry to fix this after the fact. Apologies if it's hard to follow. ******* CHAPTER ONE It was over. Well, IT wasn’t over, but the race to find a vaccine against the SARS-CoV-2 virus, the virus that caused COVID-19, was done. The company where HE worked had lost the race. There were five or six vaccine candidates approved worldwide, some mRNA based, some more traditional. HIS company had spent billions of dollars, and would never recoup those R&D losses releasing vaccine number six or seven, even if it was more effective. If only it was even slightly effective. The project was shelved and, indeed, the existence of the company itself was now under threat. Word had come down from on high that afternoon; a Thursday. The staff were shocked, but not particularly surprised. Everyone expected the axe to fall at some point — many surprised it took as long as it did. It was always a radical and ambitious plan. A plan that would pay massive dividends if it paid off - not only in immediate sales of vaccine, but in lucrative patents that would forever change vaccine development and progress medical science as we’d known it. As the old saying goes, if it’s too good to be true… A vaccine that reprogrammed the patient’s DNA so that the patient’s own immune system would produce the cells and antibodies necessary to fight the virus would not only prevent COVID-19 disease, it would also prevent transmission of the virus causing the disease, ending the pandemic once and for all. But that was small fry compared to future developments. No more influenza, common cold, herpes, HIV, Hepatitis… any infection known to man — virus, bacteria, fungi — would be cured. And even the big C, cancer. Well, it WAS ambitious. But it was not to be. Though the theory seemed sound, putting the theory into practice proved… challenging. Hundreds of billions of dollars were spent trying to make it work and, though there was some promising early results in vitro, every single tested animal had resulted in horribly disfigured or dead animals. Not exactly ready for initial human trials, let alone approval for final manufacture and sale. The bean counters and lawyers were still crunching the numbers and considering the options, but it seemed that so little progress had been made converting theory into practice that everything relating to the project, from samples to formulas, from notes to equipment, from methods to specialised equipment — everything — was effectively worthless.
  2. londonboy

    Total Control

    The first sounds of wood cracking make the mouths of each man drop open in shock. They had known it was coming, but there was something in the deep recesses of their brains that made them want to doubt it – to build up the excitement. They liked to think I might not be able to do it. This increases the thrill of it all. A few small slivers of wood sprinkle down to the floor as the sound of splintering continues. The sturdy piece of sports equipment being totally defenseless in this battle. It’s just a wooden bat and two hands. But it’s what those two hands are doing to the bat that makes the small group gasp. It’s not held over a knee or an extra padded head – no, the bat is held straight out by two hands keeping it even with the six pairs of watching eyes. Watching without blinking. Who would want to miss a thing. Wood can be so loud as it is slowly destroyed. I smile – making the men moan, for they realize how easy this is for me. Suddenly, the side of the bat snaps open and jagged shards of wood fan out in protest at being so brutally broken. The six do not breathe . . . time stands still for all of them. It’s a mixture of pure adoration of the strength feat displayed before them and a desire to not let their body give in to the need for release that has been building. My strong hands twist the bat at the same time that I pull – wood struggling loudly to still hold on. It’s no use, though. The bat has lost. Chunks of wood fall to the ground as the once strong piece of gear, and sometimes weapon, is completely ripped in two. The ease with which this has all been done astounds the onlookers. I am happy we still have six dry crotches. I like it when the fun lasts a long time. I like the idea of grown men’s balls turning blue from willing their bodies to not ejaculate. I love that they, too, want to wait. Shocked looks of disbelief and soft, incoherent mumblings of doubt as I put the two shattered pieces of wood together pleases me even more. Each man is now completely oblivious to the fact that there are six of them watching. They feel as if they are alone with me. They are the only one beholding this special show of power. Everyone knows the most important rule of this unusual treat – there is to be no touching of private parts unless the okay is given. A side thrill for myself – controlling them in this way. I can tell it is actually painful to abstain from groping, stroking, or yanking – yet, every man obeys as if his life depended on it. Even in the midst of agony, they want to delay gratification. My record is five spewing at the same time. It always seems that there is one man with almost superhuman resolve to hold out longer than anyone else. However, there has never been anyone to last our entire time together without shooting. The record of actual number of orgasms during a session was set by a husky college football player – he offered four loads in the span of our three hours together. No one has come close to beating – forgive the pun – that display of manly virility and endurance. He had to be carried from the room – even hours later, however, his body was just to wrecked to move on its own. When the two halves of the bat begin to splinter in my powerful grasp, the men begin to comprehend the full extent of my power. I watch as I become much more to them than a showman . . . they begin to view me as almost god-like. My chest has swollen to an unfathomable size as the doubled wood begins to crack apart. They want desperately to touch me . . . but that is also something that is forbidden. Imagining what my hard muscles feel like, I know, doesn’t come close to the real thing – but someone might get hurt if their arm was near the splintering wood. I also believe no one would be able to prevent themselves from spewing if they felt my marbleized body. Since I am already pumped with adrenaline and warmed up from breaking the bat in two, destroying the two combined pieces comes even easier. Moans of lustful pleasure erupt from the group as two pieces become four – the bat now a pile of kindling at my feet. The explosion of sound as wood succumbed to my power was deafening, but the grunts of approval echo even louder in the room when I am done. My expanded pecs are now heaving – lightly covered in sweat that sparkles within the heavy fur that cascades over the bulging mounds. My nipples jut out invitingly, causing all six men to wet their lips with their tongues over and over. Each man had been able to hold the bat prior to the show. Watching their minds verify the thing’s density, weight, and supposed strength was part of what I liked most about these events. It made the reality of what I was going to do for them that much more exciting – and they remembered how indestructible the bat had felt in their hands as they looked at the scraps now on the floor. It takes them a while to catch up, to fully understand what my bulging arms – now jacked from the display of power – had done. I always give the men a few minutes to let the severity of my strength sink in – and to give their crotches a much-needed rest. I am the consummate showman – having learned exactly how to edge a guy to the brink of explosion and then giving him the chance to let the excitement recede like a wave going back out into the ocean. Prolonged release was my middle name. I controlled cocks as easily as I destroyed wood. Everyone’s eyes bounced in time with my chest – heaving up and down. It took a lot of strength to demolish the bat, but I also made it much more dramatic than it actually was – as a way of increasing the inner build-up within each man. I promised the kind of earth-shattering splatter that made grown men become dizzy and need to lie down – and never had I not delivered. No man looked me in the eye, they were too mesmerized by my mammoth pecs. I grabbed the metal bar – the length of a pool cue and as thick as a rolling pin – that was leaning against the wall. The surprise, doubt, and lustful excitement doubled on each face. A baseball bat was child’s play compared to this chunk of steel and every man knew it. My grin got bigger and slightly more devilish than before. I watched as each guy seriously questioned what my actions insinuated I was going to do. Surely there was no way, they all thought, which was exactly what I wanted. Wood was one thing, but hard thick metal was made specifically not to be easily manhandled. I was viewed as way too cocky if I thought I was going to do damage to the substantial bar in my hands. Again, the thing was held out for the men to hold – the six of them taking it in their hands and me watching the bar dip downward as they took on the weight. What I held easily, would have been almost impossible for one of them, alone, and was still a strain for all six. I grabbed the bar back – my hands about the same distance apart on the thing as if I were breaking a baguette in two. The ends of the long thing stuck out as wide as the combined shoulders of the men. Sometimes, I wore an old, tighter-than-hell t-shirt as I did my next feat – just to let the thing be ripped to shreds as my body ballooned from the effort of what I was doing. Today, however, I had decided this particular audience was more interested in thick veins popping up all over my body and seeing my wet matted fur darken as I displayed my strength. I had made the right choice – I saw that I had a little group of fur-lovers. Wood, being ripped in two, screams loudly as it’s broken, but the high-pitched screeching of metal being manipulated in ways that it was never intended to move is definitely much more of a thrill. To many men, the destruction of wood by a man’s big arms is feasible, but the destruction of really thick steel – something that is used to keep skyscraper’s standing – in the same manner is the stuff of superhero movies. This time, there is much more doubt in the eyes staring at me. This makes me extremely happy as my arm muscles explode and my face starts to darken from exertion. The first loud sound the steel emits sends the room into chaos. Hands desperately want to tweak nipples, clamp down on balls, or start moving up and down on hard cocks. There’s also a sudden fear that envelopes the group – grown men realizing they are in the midst of someone much more powerful than them, even put together. It’s that slight nervous panic that gets my juices flowing the hardest – and even makes my strength increase. These men are starting to wonder if they have bitten off more than they can chew. They sense that I could do some serious damage to them if I wanted to – and even in the midst of that dread, they get even more excited. There’s the possibility of much more destruction and that turns them on. All of this intense contemplation, however, stops as soon as the metal bar starts to bend. The men have no idea where to stare – the growing arms, biceps becoming insanely big from tension, the bulging pecs growing massive right in front of them, or the middle of the metal bar as it starts to bump upward because it can no longer withstand the power in my grip. The room is filled with the shrieking of metal having to do what it does not want to do. Six uncovered cocks quiver back and forth from the shrill sound and the sight of steel being weaker than my monstrous biceps. It’s clear, suddenly, that one poor guy will not last. The volcano that is the tip of his cock erupts, his eyes roll up into his head, and his body – stiffened like a board – falls over like a tall tree falling in the forest. His body convulses on the floor as his orgasm continues, even though he is now unconscious. Not one of the other men stops to check on or even look at the downed soldier. They don’t want to miss a thing and they know that each of them will go the path of their overwhelmed comrade at some point. The man just couldn’t take it anymore, that was clear from his deep short moan – ending in a loud gasp – and intense vacuum stomach as his balls blasted juice out his cannon like a Las Vegas fountain. Another rule is that every man must be totally nude. I like to see what my show is doing to their body and it’s a lot more pleasurable if they’re totally uncovered. At first, every guy that partakes of my show is embarrassed and self-conscious of his nudity and that of the other guests. That, however, dissipates as soon as I remove my shirt and reveal my bulging, cut-from-marble body. You can’t be self-conscious when you are so turned on by another guy’s body that you forget your own. Each man certainly feels inadequate and small, but that goes away, too, as soon as I start showing off my strength. I look down to affirm that my first victim is still breathing – can’t have a reputation of causing heart failure or cardiac arrest. He’s certainly still alive, still ejaculating, and has the biggest grin on his face – all, even while unconscious. I am constantly amazed how weak most men are when it comes to holding back an orgasm. The dick definitely controls a man’s body, however. It’s not the brain and it’s certainly not the heart. It’s the thing that can make a man’s eyes disappear in his head and his body shake uncontrollably. It’s the one thing – the cock - that can’t be controlled no matter how hard one tries. I love a guy that thinks he won’t get hard during one of my shows. That man is usually the one that shoots rigid the fastest. But even if, by some miracle, a guy doesn’t get a boner just from seeing my huge muscled torso, I can always count on that snapping of wood, as I destroy the bat, to make his cock stand at attention. It’s just the way of the world – strength displays electrify men. That’s why we love the Hulk and Thor. It’s why movies and television shows about Hercules are always so popular. It’s even why we loved Lurch on The Addams Family and Herman Munster – they were super strong and they didn’t even know it. Power demands attention . . . applause – and that’s what a hard-on basically is, your body saying thank you. It’s a man’s way of saying he really, really likes something. My buddy on the floor is now lying in a fetal position and is clearly dreaming of me, by the look on his face. I’m glad I could make his day. When the two sides of the metal bar come together I feel the kind of exuberant satisfaction a normal guy might feel doing something as simple as hitting a homerun. I’ve bent metal like it was nothing more than string cheese. I can tell that two more admirers are about to explode. I know just what will send them over the edge, too. Two massive arms making steel do their bidding is hot as hell, but then when those two arms twist the steel together – making the two ends into one, well that is a whole other level of excitement. I made it look like I was simply twisting a tie that holds the container of a loaf of bread in place. Metal being squeezed together and turned so it looked like only yarn being twirled together. No one in the room was breathing. The metal bar was still screaming from the abuse I was handing out. And, as planned, it became too much for the two guys who had been teetering on the edge of detonation for a while. I love it when I can cause an onlooker to shoot so hard that his cum hits my body – across the room. Sticky white man-milk splattered against my hard abs as one man screamed with the power of his orgasm. He sent semen missiles so hard across the empty space between us that it sounded like fists hitting a punching bag when they landed. I was duly impressed by his pecker power. The man’s face turned a deep purple as three huge volleys of cum blasted at me. The other man’s cock was sticking straight up, so his man-honey sprayed across his own chest, hitting his chin because of his thrusting power. It was easy to see that both men were going to collapse as soon as they were done squirting. The one guy shooting the length of the room made a thick noticeable path of fresh cum on the floor between his body and mine – like an arrow pointing to what had caused his explosion. It was almost sweet to see both men crumple happily to the floor at the same time – smiles of pure bliss on each of their faces and their arms around each other. They were sound asleep in seconds. Three sets of eyes still watched every big muscle on me move. The remaining men had pleading looks on their faces and I couldn’t tell if they wanted me to put them out of their misery and do something to make them explode, or if they wanted me to prolong their agony even more. I knew some men loved to be edged to the point where they could no longer feel their balls or cock – everything down there was just some numb raw exposed nerve too overwhelmed to respond. I was still twisting metal into a spiral, but I knew if I took a step forward with my big body one, two, or all three of them would erupt like matching volcanoes. I was twice the size of each of them. My flexed gun made their heads look like something as small as bottle caps. They were each glued to watching my thick, strong fingers messing up metal as if it were just warm clay. Every now and then their eyes would move to the bulging mass of either biceps fueling the destruction. The screeching of the metal was only equaled by the heavier breathing coming from the now smaller group of admirers. If they had been dogs, their tongues would have been hanging out, saliva would have been dripping to the floor, and their tails would have been wagging hard. As it was, each man’s dick was leaking pre-cum in big white, milky globs. I had simply built up too much pressure in their balls for their cocks to not let off some steam. I looked at the cocks displayed in front of me as I continued to easily twist metal. I realized it was a good thing that I kept my jeans on, for if I had unveiled the giant log between my legs the feeling of inadequacy it would have caused in each of the men might have completely deflated their hard-ons. Men will often deny that they compare the size of their penis to others, but they’d be lying. It is something all men do. It’s like guys that make discouraging remarks about the freakishly big arms of some bodybuilder just to hide the fact that they immediately feel their own arms as fragile and tiny. I’ve found it’s true with every muscle – not just arms. I especially find men staring at my giant hands and seeing in their eyes a mixture of jealousy and a feeling of being less than. Most guys, when I’m around, put their hands behind their backs so no one near will compare the sizes. What they say about big hands is true – just look at the bulge in my jeans, which the small group of men keep doing. It’s like they’re trying to see if the thing is for real. I can’t help but feeling a little more powerful – even more than I already do – when I see that my fat log of a cock is three times, maybe four, bigger than the largest one in front of me – and that’s before I’m even hard. My jeans really don’t hide a thing, but it helps to prevent the guys from feeling too small. I’m done twisting the metal bar. It looks like one huge scary corkscrew. I think how nice it would be to have a bottle of wine large enough for this newly, man-made, specific tool. A big bottle for a big man – yeah, as it should be. I look at the three men in front of me and smile. They seem to get nervous and I realize it’s because I possibly look like I might do them harm. That is not my intent. I merely want to let them know that I am having as much fun as they are, but my smile might come across as a little devious. Showing my strength off for guys is like the most orgasmic experience I can have without actually cumming. I thump the twisted metal in my palm loudly – like a teacher might swat a ruler. It’s time to make the steel bar into nothing but a big metal blob. I grab both ends and, with great ease, quickly bring them together – the thing screaming because it has no power to say no. I keep grabbing ends and bending them together – even when the bar is now four and five layers thick. Soon, there is simply a mass of twisted metal compressed together into something the size of a milk carton. I keep squeezing and pressing until two things happen. First, my body has ballooned into a freakish morph of the hugeness I was to begin with. The strength it has taken to destroy the bar has tensed every muscle on my upper body. I am a bulging mass of perfection. Secondly, the metal is now compressed into a round mass the size of a softball. Grunts of determination let me know one of my remaining admirers is ready to give in to his impending orgasm. I look up – having previously been entranced by what my own hands had done to the metal, since I could tell it was getting easier, and find the largest of the six men with a forehead popping with veins and a body almost as tensed as mine. He is huffing and puffing loudly as he fights to keep from shooting. His arms are still behind him – not daring to grab himself since those were the rules. His cock is throbbing up and down, uncontrollably, as it openly fights the man’s desire to not explode. The poor guy – his body desperately wanted release, but he also wanted to prolong the inevitable ecstasy for many more minutes. He was struggling something awful to not let his cock win – but we all knew the ending of this story. As usual, a man’s tool controlled everything. The bellow that came from his mouth as he dumped his substantial load into a pool on the floor was deafening. He looked like some Italian fountain spewing forth. I kind of thought it would be fun to have some coins to throw into the puddle of juice and make a wish. The dude came for quite a long time. Even the remaining two guys turned to admire how much spunk the guy shot from his body. He was the true definition of a ‘gusher.’ Soon, however, his crotch continued to buck forward, but nothing came out of his cannon. He was just jerking blanks by this point. This continued for a while, however – his body still too excited to quit. The guy was just staring at my arms and convulsing, completely upright. And then he just suddenly stopped and crumpled to the floor. A pile of spent, happy manhood – dreaming of my muscle and what it could do. I dropped the destroyed metal blob on the floor and it didn’t bounce or roll away. It just hit with a heavy thud and sat there. I wished one of the remaining two guys would have tried to pick it up, so they’d see just how heavy it was, but they were too busy watching my heaving chest. Their heads bouncing up and down along with my monstrous pecs – as if in time with some unheard tune. I flexed the huge things in a roll that started from the bottom and went up. Their eyes followed suit. So, six little men came to see the muscle show and now there were just two. The remaining guys seemed in pretty good shape, like they could have a few extra bits thrown into my routine and still last until the finale. I raised my arms slowly – both men gasping as they realized what was happening. I made my biceps swell enormously as I flexed them hard. Eyes widened, tongues hung out, drool dropped to the floor, and two hard cocks leaked more pre-cum. Muscled peaks reaching for the ceiling were just such a big turn on for most men. It was mainly because these two had seen what my arms could do, but it was also because the sight of huge, hard, bulging arms was so synonymous with manliness. I had the kind of guns that made shirtsleeves panic and even heavy material look really scared. I had been doing an unscientific study on what the connection between massive guns and hard dicks must be. The two little ones in front of me had followed the pattern of my observations with perfection. My flexed arms made them whimper like dogs waiting for a treat. Seeing huge biceps caused a need to touch themselves even more than when I was destroying metal. There was just something about giant flexed peaks that made normal, rational men become completely submissive and desperately want to grope, kiss, lick, and feel the hardness. My entire colossal body enthralled them, but it was my arms that made them go mad the most. I, of course, got off on it even more than them. I could see how their small, stick-like limbs were but a fraction of the size of mine. That more-than-obvious size difference – that show of tremendous power even when just standing in front of them and not flexing – was enough to make my balls ache with a need to dominate them. And I could dominate without touching them or saying a word – that was the cool thing. My size put them in their rightful place – it was that simple. They had to turn their heads upward to look at me and their gaze could not take in all of my wide expanse unless they turned their heads side to side. Being this immense demanded submission without a need for rough talk or physical intimidation. They metaphorically handed over their lunch money simply because they couldn’t see my face over the thickness of my pecs if they had been standing close to me. I showed off purely by being, just by standing there – and that gave me much pleasure. My big guns were still flexed and the guys were still whimpering. I dropped my arms and shook them out a little, just to let the un-tensed hard thickness bounce a little. Eyes never left my giant mounds. These two fellas were doing quite well, I was impressed. Their cocks were loaded and ready for firing, but both men were ready for the next part of my show. I knew we were about to enter the failsafe part of the evening. No man had ever made it through the next phase without losing total control of his body. I knew the limitations of my admirers. I knew how to make a cock spew even if its owner didn’t. I was the master of making balls offer me their thick adoring juice even if a guy fully intended to hold it all in. This body was built for milking dudes completely – emptying them until their eyes screamed ‘thank you’ in response to the pleasure I bestowed. I took a few steps forward. As I did, I reached up with both hands and pinched my already hard nubs, poking deliciously out like thick sausages. Daddy needed some loving. It was time for them to physically become part of the act. I knew, more than likely, the thrill for me would be short-lived. Most men couldn’t last very long once they actually came in contact with what they’d been worshipping from a distance for so long. To look at enormous muscle was one thing, but to feel it – to know how hard and thick it was on an extremely personal level – became too much for even most veteran muscle worshippers. I continued to twist my nipples hard as I towered over the two men – having to lean my head forward a little to look at them. Neither guy had grabbed his cock so far – usually me bringing my body this close made a guy finally give up and start pounding his meat for release. There was just something about the heat, the aroma, the beast-like presence my body gave off when a guy was close to it. I could sneak up behind a guy, quietly, and within seconds – if not instantly – he was aware that something gigantic and over-the-top masculine had suddenly moved close. It’s like your body knowing when a dark cloud takes away the sun for a few seconds or when you stand near a skyscraper and sense how tall it really is. My size permeated a room like an elephant had just entered. Both men seemed to realize what I was about to offer. Their faces were full of gratitude, lust, and sheer awe-struck fear from my immense bulk being this close to them. I pinched harder and pulled my nips outward – stretching them, painfully, just to offer a little more warmth to the nubs as I let go. I wrapped my big hands around the back of their smaller-than-my-palms heads and pulled them forward. Lips parted, breathing ceased, tongues came out, and faces lit up like Christmas trees as my areolas inched toward them. I was a king bestowing a huge reward to two peasants. I was the candy maker offering the entire warehouse full of treats to two children. I was the muscle god offering a taste of his immensity to his adoring worshippers. The entire reason I didn’t offer bodily contact early on in the show was reinforced as soon as mouths latched onto my humongous pecs. It proved to be instantly too much for one of my remaining fans. His face had not expected my muscle to feel like concrete. He had also not expected to immediately feel so small and weak. I was simply too enormous to take when a guy got this close. The dude’s hands pressed against my cobblestoned abs – his first mistake. His eyes looked upward over the massive ballooning of my pec and beheld the furry stubble across the bottom of my face. And his lips, the doors of breath, sucked in air as the tight marble-like skin re-emphasized what he already knew – I was powerful beyond his wildest imagination. I was Superman and he was the adoring Jimmy Olsen – small, weak, unable to fully grasp the strength of the being in front of him. The realization that I had worked out for many years to build the kind of body that could destroy baseball bats and metal bars so easily became complete, fully understood, and much more of a known fact as soon as his lips and hands met my body. My obvious power made him instantly feel weak and small, but, at the same time, it released a raging storm of emotion and jubilation within him. He pushed his hard cock against my bulging, rock-like thigh and rubbed ever-so-slightly against my tight jeans. That was all she wrote for him. Hot, gooey, dense cum jetted from his dickhead and covered my giant thigh – making it look like someone had poured a gallon of cream down my leg. Since he was basically pressed up against my immovable body, the guy didn’t flop around that much as he ejaculated. His body just pushed into mine harder and harder as he came – making him shoot even more as he realized I didn’t move and my muscles didn’t even indent a little where he pounded me. It was like light paper meeting concrete – it was easy to see which would bounce away. I felt his body banging against me, but it was the same annoying feeling a fly might cause. I smiled down at him over my enormous pec. I wanted his last thoughts before sleep to be my handsome face and my hard body. Suddenly, he stopped. His eyes stayed open, his mouth was still latched on to my nip, and he remained upright. I could tell, however, that he was out like a light. He had gone to muscle heaven with the four other guys on the floor. Meanwhile, my last admirer was still sucking away on my other nipple, like a baby that’s just woken up from a long night and is hungry like a wolf. I reached up and put my hand on the back of the head of the guy that was passed out. I squeezed a little and pulled back, loving the popping sound as his mouth left my pec. I moved my arm out, so the dude was positioned over two of the other guys and then I let go. He fell slowly down onto the pile of men, immediately curling up, happily. And now we were down to just one muscle worshipper. I could tell he was a little firecracker – built like a fireplug, short and stocky. He was actually standing on his tip-toes so his mouth could reach my nipple. I put an arm around his body and lifted him up, so he didn’t have to stretch so much. He moaned in appreciation without taking his mouth away. The guy’s hands caressed and punched my abs as he sucked away. He knew that touching me was fair game – now that I had latched his mouth onto my pec. He had his eyes tightly closed and I could tell he was willing himself to not spew any time soon. It was amazing that he could feel so much of my hard-muscled body and not lose control. I was duly impressed. I’m sure he realized I could make him squirt any time I wanted to, but we both wanted this to last. I’m sure he was very grateful that I was allowing things to go on his body’s timeline. How could I not, I was loving the fact that he could hold out this long. It was amazing that I knew so much about this guy and, yet, we never exchanged a word. I could just easily sense all that he was thinking and feeling. He was loving the fact that I was holding his body against mine – with his feet off the ground. He was over the moon excited about getting to suck on my hairy, thick nipple. And finally, even though he still didn’t touch himself, he could rub his hard cock against my giant muscled thigh to edge himself on even more. Now that it was just one guy, my immense body seemed to dwarf him even much more than it really did. The dude looked tiny and so breakable surrounded by my big arm. I squeezed him tightly, just to make sure he was real and not some kind of large doll. He moaned in response and my cock thickened as I marveled at how small he looked compared to just my biceps. He was still sucking away, as if that was the only way he could get his sustenance. I compressed my big gun again – loving how the action automatically caused the same response in the guy, a big moan every single time. I felt his little hard-on rubbing up and down against my tensed thigh, with its striations, veins, and hardness. His fists kept smacking into my abs every now and then, a loud noise echoing through the room. I felt the punches, but they seemed more like child’s play than a grown man hitting me. I could tell this last dude was a strength pig. He got off on my body’s ability to withstand him belting me. I knew he loved the muscles, but he loved what they could do a lot more. That made me like him the most. I was a strength pig, too. Only, I was the one with the power. I was the one getting off on the fact that my strength made this guy crazy – crazy enough to throw punches until his knuckles were bruised. And through it all, he just kept on sucking on my teat like it was the fountain of youth and he was nearing one-hundred years of age. It was crazy. The dude was clearly a lot older than me. That should have made him the boss, the dominant one, the leader – but I was simply three times his size and made him forfeit any claim of being in charge. He yielded his power to the muscle boy who was easily holding him in the air. He would have sensed the alpha-ness in me even if I had been in the next room. My size and bulk seemed to fill any void long before I arrived. It’s as if the ground and walls shook as I moved. I was very much aware of how my massiveness caused rooms to feel claustrophobic and how people gave me a wider berth when I approached. It was as if they were all little row-boats and I was an ocean liner in the same harbor. It was important to stay out of my path . . . or my wake. I looked at his tiny hand pressed against the pec he wasn’t sucking on – taking a break from punches. My own hand could cover his two or three times. That realization thrilled me very much and I squeezed his body tighter and longer than before. His moan lasted until I lessened the hug. And, still, the guy slurped loudly at my pec. My nipple registered pleasure, which pulsed down to my dick, as well. The crotch of my jeans was getting tight as I started hardening huge. I contemplated freaking the guy out by undoing my pants and letting my monster cock free, but I quickly realized he wouldn’t have left my pec long enough to notice my enormous dong. He was too busy trying to somehow suck some of my DNA into his body – so he might grow a little. I already radiated so much testosterone that I knew it emboldened him and made him much braver in his actions – hence the earlier pounding of his fist into my abs. It’s like some of my masculinity could be breathed in by him just from being so near. I got off on being so much bigger than the man, there was no secret to that. But I also loved how my size made him lose control. I bet he was some kind of corporate boss, used to ordering men around and expecting everyone to jump any time he told them to. But in this room, he was a little puppy submitting to the alpha who toyed with him easily. I could make him cower if I wanted to – with nothing more than a growl and an intense flex of my huge body. Knowing that fact was good enough, though. I didn’t need to do it. I would let the man have as much fun as he wanted – he deserved it. All of the men did. I looked over at the five still happily in slumber-mode on the floor. Everyone in this room was happy, especially me. Soon I would have caused six explosive orgasms – making a group of men happy beyond their wildest dreams. That’s what I was made to do. That’s why I had pumped enough iron over the years to probably have moved a small mountain. I made muscle fantasies come true. I also got off by showing off. I’d certainly be the seventh orgasm of the night – that was for sure. And I’d make sure to cover them with my hot, thick, fire-hose-like spray so when they woke up they would realize the big man had exploded, too. That would make them hard again, instantly. They would also be upset that they had missed it. All of this was yet to come, however, for I still had a guy presently latched onto my nipple – still sucking like there wouldn’t be a tomorrow. I was pretty sure his jaw must have been pretty sore by this point, but it was clear he had no intention of stopping. I appreciated a guy that could make my man-tits feel good. I also got the pleasurable feeling that this dude’s sucking skills would be amazing somewhere else, too. As great as that sounded, however, we were not here for my benefit – although that was always a by-product of all that I did. I was here to do one thing and do it well – get this guy to have an explosive, mind-blowing orgasm. I knew exactly what my little strength pig needed to get him off. He was definitely into my power, but he had held out through the bat and the metal bar. I instinctively knew what that meant. He needed my next display to include him. He needed to be on the receiving end of whatever it was I did to show off what my huge body could do. He wanted to be fully dominated and feel powerless. He needed me to remind him that someone as enormous as I could easily take care of someone like him – in any way I wanted. He really dreamed of being twisted like the bar of metal or cracked apart like the bat, but we both knew I wouldn’t do that. Besides not being into that kind of rough stuff, I was already hoping this little guy would be a repeat fan. I had a feeling the more we got to know each other the longer he’d be able to hold out and that was always fun. The longer the edging, the bigger the explosion was my motto. Some of my greatest online reviews mentioned how I caused the most intense ejaculations guys had ever experienced. That was the best compliment. I moved my arm away from the guy and he started to slide down my hard body – his mouth staying connected to my pec as long as it could. I was beginning to think he was suctioned on there for good, but he finally dropped to the floor and he looked up at me with the most disappointed face I had ever seen. I simply smiled at him with a look that said everything I wanted to and more. I was smiling, but it wasn’t a friendly smile – it was more of a grin that told the guy he was now my plaything. If it made him nervous at all, his joyous anticipation of what was about to come hid it completely. He realized the time for his orgasm had arrived. The muscled monster in front of him had deemed it so and there was nothing he could do to stop it. I moved toward him, inhaling deeply to expand my chest out even further – pressing my pecs into him. I continued to move, forcing him to step backwards as I turned us both and finally pinned him between my chest and the wall. I pressed in – causing him to moan louder than he ever had before. He couldn’t have escaped even if he wanted to. I tensed my body – just to show him how weak and fragile the wall behind him truly was. He got the message and, again, moaned appropriately. After a few seconds of flattening him like a pancake I stepped back from the wall. I knew exactly what he wanted – what would make him explode. He had given me permission – in his eyes, in his moans, and in his fist pounding appreciation of my strength. He actually begged me to cause his enormous release with dominating power that emphasized my strength as it reminded him of his own weakness. I was only a dominator when I was begged for it. I placed my huge hand around his small neck, so delicate. My v-shaped grip made him moan with so much pleasure that I actually leaked some pre-cum, myself. That was a first. My hand almost reached completely around him. I pressed forward and lifted at the same time – carefully, slowly, and deliberately. His face was full of gratitude, pleasure, and anticipation of what I was about to cause in his body. This man craved release, but not just release through orgasm. He wanted me to take away his need to control everything. He wanted to give up being the boss completely. He wanted me to be so totally in charge of the moment that he’d become insignificant . . . no one begging him for answers, directions, or needing him to make decisions. He wanted the only thing in the world that existed to be my strength . . . my power. His eyes pleaded with me to make him weak. I had never felt so powerful. I had never felt so huge. I had never known such joy – his and mine. He knew how easy this was going to be for me. I lifted his body off the ground, pressing him against the wall as he moved upward. He reached with his small hands to hold onto my wrist, struggling uselessly to try and pry my fingers from his neck. We both knew he was faking and we both knew he was in no real danger, I could drop him any time I wanted. But the thrill of the power in my one arm was still there – still rendering him defenseless. His addiction to being in control and powerful was suddenly thrown out the window as the muscleman in front of him reduced him nothing more than a useless sack in his huge hand. The threat of true damage was always there. I had his body as high as my chest when his cock started to gush his appreciation. I had never wanted a man to ejaculate so much to my strength as I did at this moment. He stared at me with so much joy and incredible gratitude as he shot hot, milky juice all over my body - I almost felt like crying. I had never known such pleasure . . . such dominance. I stopped lifting him when he was even with my face. His body emptied all the pent-up pressure of the last few hours . . . or was it years. Finally, his body was finished . . . completely spent. I squeezed his neck a little tighter, to wring out a few more drops from his dick. And yet, his eyes stared at me. And yet, he smiled. He did not pass out – another first for me. I lowered his shaky body to the floor and kept my hand at his chest, so he wouldn’t fall to the floor. He looked everywhere – at my huge biceps, my bewildered face, my heaving chest, and deep into my eyes. I realized he had never had an experience like this . . . but, if I were being completely honest, neither had I. He wasn’t unconscious. He wasn’t so depleted that he was asleep. And he was still fully hard. It was then that I noticed his gorgeous dark hair with flecks of silver strewn throughout. I also noticed his cobalt blue eyes – like some lagoon that beckoned me to swim nude. It’s also when I saw that he was, indeed, a short, muscled fireplug – much more fit than I had been aware of, at first. He was different from my other admirers – still sound asleep on the floor. This guy was the real deal – a true muscle worshipper who could go the distance with me. There was no telling what he’d encourage me to do in a private session – bend bars tightly around his body, toss him across the room, smash him breathless against the wall with my huge muscles, squeeze him so hard that he was forced to shoot his load just from my hug . . . these were all things that popped into my head as I stared at the grateful man. I was so turned on by all that had just happened I was not fully aware of the fact that the man had unzipped my pants and tugged them down, slightly – the things needing a lot stronger pulling to get over my huge thighs. That was not his goal, however. He just wanted to release my huge throbbing cock, which he did and immediately started pumping it with his small, but very strong, hand. My head tilted back a little, my eyelids closed slightly, and I moaned loudly from his groping. So many of my rules were being broken in this moment, but I didn’t care. This muscled plug of a man – who had let me dominate him in such a thrilling way – wanted to give me something in return. I could tell he also wanted to be bathed in my hot juice. He wanted to have muscle man-jizz rain down all over him. I could tell he had been pleasantly surprised and a little taken aback by the size of my cock. There had been only a slight hesitation, though, as his hand realized it wouldn’t be able to fit completely around the thing. He’d simply have to squeeze harder, which he did. In return, I braced my hands against the wall above his head. I was so incredibly jacked by this time – in so many ways – I decided to please him even more, but at the same time I would be satisfied, too. I pressed my crotch into him – hard. It shoved his body against the wall. His hand pulled away from my cock – both to brace himself against the wall, but also because he knew what was coming. I started thrusting my huge cock against his body – his stomach, his own crotch, his chest – pushing against him hard. I was going to use him the same way a horny teenager might use a pillow to get off. Dry humping his tight body immediately made my juices boil even more within my huge frame. I shoved forward with my dick and he banged against the wall. His moans of pleasure were even louder than mine. I bent my knees slightly and pressed into him at the same time. When I straightened my legs, his feet came off the floor – carried into the air briefly by the power of my hard dick’s thrusting. I looked down at the man and smiled at him being cock-handled so easily. It was magnificent and he was loving every second of it. For the first time in my life, I realized I was completely out of control. I wanted to see his body flop against the wall more, so I humped my cock into him with great abandon. I also knew I couldn’t have stopped my impending orgasm even if my life had depended on it. Suddenly, I smashed my crotch against the dude, pinning him tightly against the wall. I pressed in hard, knowing it made my bubbled ass bulge with tightened muscle. The dude reached around to grab my cheeks and he gasped at their hardness. I then growled deeply and released a river of semen, which actually flowed upward over the small guy’s torso. I pushed into him harder with each gush of my milky man-honey. I knew the dude was going to have some bruises tomorrow, but I also knew he would get hard every time he looked at them. Soon, it was like someone had squirted a gallon of masculine super glue between our bodies. There was a sticky mess sealing us and I continued to smash his body against the wall. As I finally pulled away, he came with me – the drying semen almost cementing us together. He was thankful to be able to finally take deep breaths again – having been compacted and flattened by my huge body. It took us both a few minutes to calm ourselves down and even longer for us to pull our skin apart. He had his hands on my chest, running his thumbs across my large jutting nipples and staring up into my face. I looked back at him, smiling – satisfied beyond what I had ever known before and sensing, deep in my being, that he felt the same. Silently, I brought my face down to his and we kissed. The biggest rule being broken. It was a long, passionate, hard, knowing kiss – that kept us both excited and already wanting much more. I finally pulled my face away from his and stared at him. He slowly nodded – aware of all I conveyed without even saying a word. I reached down, wrapped a hand around his body, and lifted him into the air. We both glanced at his fellow worshippers – still sound asleep on the floor – and then I carried my new little special muscle worshipper from the room.
  3. londonboy

    A Muscle Daddy Built To Order

    Even a sexy bodybuilder can get lonely. Most people think we have it made, our big bodies allowing us to have any guy we’d like – at the gym or in the bar. Yeah, that’s usually true, but sometimes we want more. I get tired of going home with guys that just want me to flex and show off – you know, toss them around the room, lift them over my head with one hand, do push ups with them on my back, and all those things. Lately, I’ve been struggling to find someone that could fulfill me in a different way. It’s not that I don’t love being admired and worshipped, but I just desire something more. So the other night I sat down and made a list of all the things I’d really like to have in a partner. Here’s what I came up with: Handlebar mustache (mainly because I can’t grow one) Mature man (I want him experienced and knowledgeable) As big as me or bigger (I want to be cared for sometimes) Cocky (At times, I want to be controlled) Cute or handsome (To match my hotness) Cultured (I want to learn from him) Loving (I want him to be romantic) I looked at the list a few times and decided I wasn’t asking for too much. I also realized it would definitely be very hard to find someone that matched all of my criteria. I was about to give up when I remembered my crazy Aunt Hildie – the one everyone said was different from the rest of the family and the one I had only met two times in my entire life. For some reason, something she had said to me ten years ago when I was a senior in high school suddenly came flying back into my head. She had told me to make sure I looked her up when I was ready to finally settle down and choose a partner for life. The word ‘partner’ had always stayed with me. I had written it off, though, as just some crazy woman talking, but now I found the invitation curious and finally decided to take her up on it. Aunt Hildie lived on an island off of the southern tip of Florida – a place no one ever visited, but she seemed to like it. I wrote her a long letter and explained that I was gay and now that I was twenty-eight years old I had decided to settle down. I sent her the list of criteria that I required in my future husband. I also forgot about the letter as soon as it was mailed. I continued to screw any cute thing that drooled over my muscles and didn’t think about my list again until a box arrived from Florida. It was from my Aunt Hildie and there were seven vials in the box along with a note. The handwritten message was short and to the point saying, “Jason, these will help your dreams come true. Wait a couple of days between each vial. I’m happy for you. Aunt Hildie.” And that was it. The tubes were labeled with a word from each of my seven criteria. I looked at the note again and just smiled at the craziness – not believing that my aunt could actually help me create the perfect mate. Even though all logic said I was a fool, I grabbed the first vial and headed to the gym. What the hell did I have to lose? I entered the hardcore section of my no-frills club and immediately felt the appreciative stares from half the members. I knew I had the kind of face and body that turned heads and it felt good to know that even after seven years of coming to the place – not to mention having my way with many of the members – I still inspired dicks to spring to life and furtive glances to shoot my way. I gazed around the place with no embarrassment being so blatant in my perusal of every man. I was sure almost every gay man there – and a few of the straight guys – were hoping I’d let my eyes linger approvingly on them for more than a quick glance. There weren’t many guys in the place that would have turned me down for a quickie in the steam room or, heaven allowing, some quality time back at my place. It was well known that I got off on being worshipped and had the kind of body that deserved the special attention. Everyone knew I also had the kind of horse dick that most men loved to feel rammed far up into their ass – each man expecting that the simple act of walking would be a burden for a few days after. The simple fact was that I had never had a complaint about my abilities in bed and beyond. Today, however, I was not looking for a well-built muscle worshipping pig or a virgin ass to plow – I was looking for the right man to become my potential pet project. I still thought it was completely crazy to think the vials Aunt Hilde had sent were going to do anything, but a part of me was so gleefully turned on by the idea that I could create the perfect muscle stud partner that I took my time reviewing the clientele of the gym to make sure I landed on the right person for the task. I ruled out all the guys I had fucked before, which knocked off half the people in the place. I then ruled out the straight guys that would be no fun – I wasn’t into converting men – I wanted someone that knew he was gay and liked all the pleasure that came with that knowledge. I then ruled out the guys that were already huge, knowing that half the fun would come from bestowing on some guy the body of his dreams. It was also easy to disregard the young boys – I was looking for a guy with some gray on him. Damn, the thought of some salt and pepper haired daddy growing for me made my cock twitch wildly. After my prioritizing and weeding out of those that didn’t make the mark I finally narrowed it down to two men. Both of them were in their mid-fifties and each had been stealing glances of me in the mirror ever since I had entered the gym. One of them looked like he was experienced with weights – performing his moves with accuracy that made it clear he knew what he was doing – and the other looked as if he had just recently started coming to the gym. He was pretty timid and looked way out of place in the area with the heavy weights. I chose the latter guy – any man that was so desperate to appreciate huge muscles that he’d embarrass himself in the big-man’s area was the right one for me. I caught his eye and then walked across the floor towards him – noting how he was so shocked he couldn’t move or look away. “I’m Jason, cute fella, what’s your name.” My forwardness and the big hand I held out in front of him made the guy suddenly forget how to speak and he just sat there staring. I let my perfect smile beam down at him as he sat on the bench below my massive chest – I even breathed in a little harder just to make my chest expand more dramatically. It was cool to watch the little guy finally give into his urges as he chose to stare at my heaving pecs instead of my face. It was also cool to cause his mouth to drop in awe just from a quick bounce of my two massive mounds – the guy’s eyes bobbing up and down to follow my heaving meat. All of this made it quite clear I had chosen the right candidate for my experiment. He limply shook my hand and we both noticed how my paw swallowed his. “So, pops, you gonna just stare at my chest all day or are you going to tell me your name.” “I’m Roman.” “Speak up there, man. What’s the matter, something cause your mouth to go all dry?” Roman just nodded his head up and down. This made me smile even more. The guy wasn’t even trying to hide the fact that he was in awe of my chest – hell; he was probably in awe of all of me. I moved my big frame down on the bench beside him, making sure my body pressed up against his when we were next to each other. I sat a few inches higher than him, so he had to continue to look up to see my face. It was good, though, that he was able to finally look me in the eye again – I’m not sure he could have handled much more of my massive chest. “You look a little lost in the midst of all these weights, Roman. I’m guessing you’re pretty new to all this gym stuff, aren’t you?” “Yes. I just retired and finally decided to join. This is only my second visit.” The idea of this guy being retired in his early fifties made me happy – I could tell by his haircut and clothes that Roman had lots of money. It wasn’t something I desperately needed in a potential partner, but it helped. The thought of someday doing a lot of traveling with my beefed up muscle daddy thrilled me in a special way. My enthusiasm for all that was possible if Aunt Hildie wasn’t crazy made me move straight to the point with Roman. “Well today is your lucky day, Roman. How about I help you with your initiation into weightlifting. I promise to go easy on you and the hazing phase won’t hurt too much. I’m just kidding – there’s no need to make that panicked face! Let me help you with all this stuff, okay. I think you’ve noticed that I’ve had a little success from working out.” “Uh huh.” The guy was so cute! He just couldn’t get over the fact that I was chatting with him. He also couldn’t keep his eyes locked with mine for even ten seconds. He looked at every part of my body – spending a lot of time at my crotch, obviously intrigued by the bulge that pushed my shorts out in a pornographic way. I decided it was time to move in for the final trophy. “So before we begin, Roman, why don’t you drain this bottle of water I brought.” “I . . . uh . . . have my own.” “Yeah, but mine is fortified with some nutrients to help you recover from the workout. I don’t want you to be in a lot of pain tomorrow, sir.” Roman looked at me with a slightly confused face. I held up my bottle and shook it a little – to help the stuff from Aunt Hildie mix in some more. My biceps was much more interesting to Roman and he actually started to visibly shake as he stared at my bulging arm. I flexed a little to keep his mind off the bottle he was presently taking from my hand. I watched with sheer joy as he twisted off the cap and then downed the enhanced liquid quickly – making it obvious that my arm had made his mouth dry up even more. He made a disgusted face after swallowing the entire contents of the bottle – the stuff in the vial was clearly not tasty. He shook his head back and forth a few times and then quickly looked at me – his face turning red. “Um, I’m sorry Jason, but I . . . uh . . . suddenly feel . . . I mean . . . I can’t control . . . I’ve got to go.” Roman’s hands went quickly to his crotch. I suddenly realized that a side effect of the stuff in Aunt Hildie’s vial was an instant hard-on – one that obviously made you need instant relief. Roman was breathing hard and beads of sweat had already formed across his forehead. I placed by big hand on his shoulder, hoping to prevent him from leaving. I wanted to study the effects of the liquid up close. “You can’t go Roman, we haven’t even started.” “Uh . . . I’m about to . . . um, I mean . . . I’ve got to go to the bathroom. Right now.” “Well, can we meet tomorrow at the same time?” “Yeah, yeah . . . I’ll see you then Jason.” Roman then slid his body off the bench and out from under my large hand. He quickly stood up and started running toward the locker room. I watched as he tried to move briskly, but clearly with a raging hard-on that was making it almost impossible. There was something in this immediate reaction to the liquid that thrilled me beyond belief. I suddenly began to think there was something real about Aunt Hildie’s concoction. I forced myself not to follow Roman – knowing that it might make him feel uncomfortable. I saw him leave about fifteen minutes later – clearly still rock hard and desperately trying to cover the humongous wet stain at the crotch of his sweats. He glanced in my direction and waved timidly as he exited. My own cock suddenly sprung to a happy place at the thought of what had happened and what was to come. The next day Roman did not show up at the gym. I waited for three hours, but he never arrived. I was sorely disappointed and at one point I became fearful that I had caused his death. I thought about asking the gym for his home number, but I knew their policy strictly forbade it. I knew I could probably get the information out of Rex, the guy that worked the front desk at night, if I promised to fuck him senseless – something he loved – but I decided to wait. I had already begun to trust Aunt Hildie in a way that was unexplainable. I returned to the gym at the exact time for four more days and waited three hours each time, but Roman never showed. On the fifth day, however, I was taking a break from benching some heavy weights and looked up to see him walk in. What I saw caused my entire body to start quivering and my cock turned into hard stone immediately. The scrawny older man’s body looked exactly the same, but covering the lower part of his face was the thickest and manliest handlebar mustache I had ever seen in my entire life. It was dark black-brown with gorgeous flakes of gray streaking downward. It was the face of a manly biker, a studly fireman, or a muscle daddy of almost any gay man’s dreams. My entire body was on fire with excitement. It was clear the first vial had worked. I jumped up off the bench and practically ran over to Roman. “Hey man, it’s great to see you. I thought we were going to meet four days ago. Shit, dude, what a great mustache! It looks awesome.” “Um, hi Jason. Yeah, sorry about missing you for a few days, but its been because of this mustache. It’s the wildest thing. I shave twice a day, but every morning I wake up with this same look. At first it freaked me out, but now I’ve grown to like it. It means a lot that you think it’s cool. I didn’t know what you’d think. I’m ready to take you up on your offer to help me work out.” I couldn’t stop looking at his face. I had dreamed of a man with that exact face for years. I said a silent prayer of gratitude to Aunt Hildie and then began to smile. I was in heaven – especially since I knew the second vial was in my bag over by the bench we were now walking towards. I suddenly couldn’t remember what my second criteria had been, but I didn’t care. Part Two What is it that makes a man a man? I’ve decided there is no magic answer to that question. It’s like that old saying, ‘Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.’ Well, I also say manliness is in the eye of the beholder. Many people would never say facial hair makes the man, but I was the one beholding Roman’s beautiful full Fu Manchu mustache and, in my opinion, it made him so-fucking manly. I could not believe how stoked I was just from some intense fur around a guy’s mouth, but the sexy addition to the man’s face made my stomach do somersaults and my cock head press up beyond the waistband of my jock. I was very glad that my cotton gym shorts still hid what I knew was a throbbing purple tip to my broad hard dick. The juices running through my body caused me to speak more freely than I had planned. “Damn, that ‘stache is hot, man.” My unexpected comment made Roman turn a little red but he also broke into a big smile. Seeing the thick hair surrounding such gorgeous white teeth made my knees buckle slightly – a feeling that was foreign to me. I couldn’t believe my tree-trunk like legs would wobble just because of some guy’s mustache – but then I remembered that Roman was on his way to becoming my ideal man and realized my reaction was justified. The smaller man just looked up at me with a face full of newly found pride – the guy was obviously happy with my response. I noticed a stirring in his gym shorts, as well. My impatience got the most of me and I quickly moved into action. “Well, sir, I’m doing arms today – so let’s hydrate ourselves and then get going.” “I brought my own vitamin water today – just to impress you, Jason.” “Um, that’s good. Let’s see what you’ve got. Yeah . . . that stuff is all right, but why don’t you let me add some special ingredients to it – a family secret that will help you grow. It’s helped me a lot.” “I’ll say.” It was my turn for my face to shoot a little red. I had no idea why Roman’s praise for my body embarrassed me, since I was certainly used to men complimenting my size and handsomeness, but I quickly figured out it had something to do with the person he was going to become. I was already anticipating the attitude, the body, and the experience that would someday match the testosterone-laden mustache that hung like a horseshoe on his face. “Are you sure you don’t want it for yourself, Jason?” “No, no, I brought it just for you, Roman. Wait, are you saying I need to get bigger?” “Well, there’s no such thing as too big, is there, Jason?” This time the smaller man’s face turned beet red. It was adorable – the guy was feeling comfortable enough to say what was on his mind, but then immediately regretted it afterwards. I was busy pouring the vial into his open container of vitamin water and too excited to respond immediately. I was extremely thankful that I had lucked into explaining the old family recipe for growing muscles – so I could now freely bring each vial to the gym. I smiled at the still red-faced Roman as I handed him the enhanced water. I was distracted for a second because I could not remember what the second vial was supposed to do to the man and I couldn’t make things too obvious by reading what was written on the side of the tube. I simply put the container back in my gym bag and decided to let it do its work naturally. I figured I would know what the vial’s power was pretty quickly anyway. My hard cock danced a little as I watched Roman down the entire bottle of water in a few gulps. “If this family secret made you look like that, Jason, then I’m not wasting my time sipping the stuff.” “Well . . . uh . . . no, you shouldn’t. Good for you, Roman. So . . . um . . . how are you feeling?” “Good, Jason, good. To tell you the truth, I’m feeling a little . . . um . . . I don’t know . . . uh, a little energized – already. Is that possible?” “Well, with that stuff you can never know. Listen, man, if you start to get . . . you know . . . a little, um, turned on . . . like you did the other day, don’t freak out. It’s just the stuff kicking in. There’s no need to leave this place. You can just go into the locker room and take care of things – okay?” “Okay . . . and as a matter of fact I think I might need to head back there right now. Geez, is this what that secret stuff does to everyone? I’ll be right back.” “Sure man, take as long as you need to calm down.” I spoke to Roman as he quickly walked away, but he didn’t hear me. He was focused on one thing and one thing only – making it to a bathroom stall before he shot a major wad. I could not believe how quickly his body responded to Aunt Hildie’s concoction. I took advantage of being alone and grabbed the vial from my bag – noting that it had ‘mature’ written along its side. My heart started racing and my dick twitched with jubilation as I contemplated what was going to happen to my friend in the next few hours. I couldn’t fathom how my aunt’s brew would enhance the already mature daddy-ness of Roman. My anticipation only increased, however, as I tried to focus on doing some curls to pass the time. Because of my distracted thoughts I became sloppy in my form and started swinging my arms a little too wildly. On my third set I heard a familiar voice – but quickly noted it was somehow different. “You might want to hold your arms more stable, Jason, to get the best results from those lifts.” I turned to look at Roman and I was startled by what I saw. His previous gray-flecked hair was now officially daddified – mostly silver with streaks of black here and there. It was the kind of head that immediately spoke of wisdom and experience. His gorgeous mustache was the same. I looked at my new friend’s face and was amazed by the changes I noticed. His skin seemed more masculine somehow – it was tighter and a little weather worn. It wasn’t ugly in any way – as a matter of fact it was a huge turn on. The wrinkles at the corner of his eyes were more prominent and the manly mustache seemed to stand out even more against newly tanned skin. It was the same face of the Roman of a few minutes ago, but it had somehow gained a maturity and ruggedness that didn’t exist before. My heart was beating hard and I found myself staring at the man – while still unconsciously lifting the weights up and down. “You’re not getting the maximum benefit from those lifts, Jason. You need to pay more attention to form.” “Um . . . what? I’m sorry . . . I didn’t hear . . . oh, the lifts . . . yeah, yeah, I know. I just wasn’t paying attention. Here, is this better?” “Yeah, much better. Now squeeze the flex at the top and hold it a little longer. It might be good to twist your wrist a little more, as well. Yeah, that’s it. Look at how those biceps pop when you do the lift correctly.” I was amazed at how Roman didn’t even notice he was easily giving me advice on lifting – something he hadn’t known much about a mere thirty minutes ago. Not only had the vial marked ‘mature’ made him look like an experienced daddy, it had also given him the knowledge and history of one, as well. My dick started throbbing even more from the excitement of how the vials were immediately affecting Roman. It was clear that his brain had merely adapted to his new knowledge as if he had lived this way all of his life. The mature man reached up and pinched his own nipple as he watched me lift. It was a simple move, but it was an action that spoke volumes. My muscled body turned Roman on very much and he didn’t think twice about enhancing how gazing at me affected him. He latched on to his man-nip poking against his shirt and gave himself more pleasure. He just assumed every man in the world would intensify his body’s gratification. I continued to lift, but became distracted by his actions. I began to swing the weights a little wildly again and my friend stepped up behind me. “Son, you’re not listening to me. Let me guide those big guns of yours.” As soon as I felt his smaller body press into my back and then his hand reach out and grab my forearm, I was a goner. My body shook like a child shivering in the snow and my cock started to ooze some pre-cum warnings. I could not believe that one word would make my brain turn to goo so quickly, but as soon as he called me ‘son’ I was teetering on the brink of offering the sweetest and biggest load of my semen to this man. Roman had not spoken in a condescending way – it wasn’t meant to put me in my place. It was merely a term of endearment – a way for an older experienced man to put a younger guy at ease. He had no idea how his comment affected me. He didn’t know that he could have asked me to turn around and suck him off right then and there and I would have gladly done it. I was lost in his innate manliness. I inhaled deeply as soon as he touched me and I could have sworn even his aroma had changed to equal his new found maturity – now a mixture of sweat, intoxicating older man cologne, and something that could only be described as confidence. His hand guided my arm perfectly and I felt my body respond to him like a baby being held lovingly by his father. Roman had his face near mine and the bristles of his mustache scraped against my shoulder as he watched my movements. This caused my dickhead to spit out a few more gobs of pre-cum in adulation of the man. I leaned back a little so I could feel the warm body of Roman pressing into mine. I could sense that the man understood what I was doing – and his release of a slight chuckle confirmed my hunch. “It looks like I’m not the only one that needs to step into the locker room, huh, Jason? No need to be shy about it, son. It’s just what happens sometimes when you’re pumping blood into those big muscles of yours – other things pump up joyfully, as well. The third stall on the right already has some fresh stains all over the wall, so feel free to use that one. I couldn’t control myself earlier and ended up releasing some Pollock-like artwork across the cement. You could just add a load of your spunk to what I started. I bet we could make beautiful artwork together, son.” The freedom to pinch his own nipple was nothing compared to the new way that Roman thought and talked. His comfortableness with his own body and his own masculinity was so obvious that I became speechless. Aunt Hildie’s concoction had truly given him a maturity that was unfathomable. The man now radiated calmness, understanding, and self-awareness that was so obvious it made him seem light-years ahead of any guy I had ever met. I moved my arm in the way he guided me and I could actually feel a new kind of burning in my biceps. I was a muscle monster compared to Roman, but the new knowledge in the little guy was actually helping me to lift smarter. I knew it would be safer if I excused myself to the back and took care of my raging hard-on, but I didn’t want to leave the invigorating closeness I presently felt with the man. Compared to me Roman was a runt, but he now exuded a maturity that turned him into some kind of master and I felt small and weak next to him. I craved his approval and concentrated on my curls more than I ever had in my entire lifting career. The big man began to purr compliments in my ear. “Yeah, that’s it big boy – feel how that lift is making that biceps pulse out even further. You’re making old Roman, here, very proud. I bet if you pumped smarter for a few weeks we could get that gun an inch thicker without any problem. I can tell you like the sound of that – getting that huge body of yours even bigger. Stick with me, kid, and we’ll make you like a god on Olympus.” The insane new pump I was attaining with Roman’s guidance along with the stimulation caused by his ‘stache brushing against my body and his manly aura flowing over me sent me beyond a point of no return. I simply lost control of myself and exploded in my cotton shorts. My cock started thrusting thick cum as my body shook violently. I, however, did not stop curling the weights. My need to make Roman proud caused me to actually allow the lifting to make my orgasm more intense. I squeezed the lift at the top with so much force that part of the ejaculation was a long constant stream instead of a short projection. It actually felt more like I was peeing instead of cumming, but I knew better – it was just my response to Roman. I didn’t even need to look down to see that my shorts had become soaked in hot lava-like thick paste. I also didn’t care. I had a feeling the man pressing his body into mine from behind liked how I offered my juice in appreciation of his guidance. The smaller Roman accepted my uncontrollable actions as a given – and spoke lovingly so I wouldn’t be embarrassed. “Yeah, that’s a good boy, Jason. Look at all that spunk you pumped out just because you’re excited about growing. Big muscle boys like you just have too much juice bubbling up inside their bodies to prevent these kind of accidents. There’s nothing to be ashamed about, son. You needed to let off some steam because you love your big body so much. Feeling those biceps bulging out harder than before was just too thrilling. The big man’s cock has a mind of its own, doesn’t it? Your shocked those big balls of yours are still churning out some more jism, aren’t you. Hell, son, you’re going to start busting thick wads like this all the time, now that you’ve got an elder coach to take you to the next level. I know tricks that will make your muscles grow and your cock spew in new and exciting ways. It’s such a good thing that you’re still open to learning new things, Jason. Mr. Roman was very proud of you for continuing your curls even as your cock spewed with such force. That’s going to help you to grow big – using the tension of an orgasm to pump your muscles even harder. Yeah, you’re a very good boy.” “Thank you, sir.” I responded in a whisper and with a feeling of obedience equal to a schoolboy in first grade. I felt no shame from my accident or from the fact that my cum was now causing the bench to become sticky and wet. It had been a natural response, just as Roman had said, and I felt safe to accept it as part of my muscle journey. The reassurance from the mature man behind me helped me to go easy on myself, as well. I knew if Roman was okay with something - I was okay with it, too. I started to view his maturity as having been there forever. The shy newbie of an hour ago was almost completely gone from my memory. I had already started to think about the next vial and this was causing my deflated cock to become hard again. Roman took the weights from my hands and I noticed he had to use both of his to carry what I had easily lifted with just one of my big paws. “I think you might want to get cleaned up, Jason. You’ve worked hard today and I think we got a good pump in those biceps. Why don’t you head home because I think you’re going to be ready to shoot off like a rocket again very soon. The hot blood racing through your growing body is going to need a way to release some pressure again in about ten minutes. It’s just what happens to big guys like you. I don’t want you to be dripping your juice all through the gym when that happens, son. That’s not considerate of the other patrons. I’m going to finish my own work out and then I’ll see you here at the same time tomorrow. Does that sound good?” “Yes sir.” Roman seemed pleased by my response and he reached up to tousle my hair. This action caused my cock to shoot fully hard and I swear I came close to shooting off again. The fact that the shy insecure Roman no longer existed was still unbelievable. The mature man that stood in front of me was so comfortable with himself that he made me feel secure and somehow more powerful than ever before. I felt an unexplainable respect for Roman that existed in every fiber of my being. The smaller man didn’t demand this from me – he simply deserved it. I needed to make him notice me, to be proud of me, and to love me. Even though I hadn’t taken any of Aunt Hildie’s magic liquid I knew this was definitely connected to what was in the vials. As Roman changed, so did I. I had absolutely no idea how the remaining vials would impact our relationship, but I suddenly became very impatient. I wanted the muscle daddy of my dreams to be complete. I thought about dumping all the vials into Roman’s water at one time. The mature man clearly didn’t know what I was thinking, but he sensed it was something wrong. “Go home, boy. You’re going to need some rest before we start ‘operation grow Jason.’ You’re also going to need to bust a wad soon over the pump you attained in those huge arms. I guarantee it. You don’t realize it now, but you powered those things harder than you have in a long time. As soon as you flex those guns in the mirror your cock is going to be like a fire hose let loose with no husky firemen to hold it down. You’ll probably want to be home for that explosion.” I simply nodded – fully aware of everything the knowledgeable older man was saying to me. I did not want to be separated from him for twenty-four hours, but I figured my body needed that time to rejuvenate and prepare for what was to come. I began to look forward to the third vial’s transformation more than life itself. Vial Three I thought about Roman for twenty-four hours straight. No matter what I did to try and get the guy out of my head it didn’t work. I watched television and thought about him, I took cold showers and remained hard from thinking about him, and I even dreamed about the guy as I slept that night. I jerked off a record four times during the evening – torn between the memory of the mustached mature man giving me advice and the fact that my body actually ached from growth caused by his papa-like encouraging words. I had never known I could desire a guy so much. My cock yearned for the finished product, which I was building in the older man. I seriously contemplated mixing the remaining vials together and giving them to Roman all at one time. I remembered, however, the warning of Aunt Hildie and the stern unspoken discouragement by Roman. It was like he knew what I was thinking, which was crazy since he didn’t even know about the concoction I was giving him in the mineral water. The man just seemed so much more knowledgeable than anyone I had ever met – that is, ever since he drank the second vial. That next morning, I jerked off a full load and then I made a list of the remaining vials, to put it in my gym bag so I could easily remember what each dose did. The remaining dosages include: As big as me or bigger Cocky Cute or handsome Cultured Loving I was so fucking excited about the next vial that I arrived at the gym early. I sat in my car and jerked off again, since I was so juiced up thinking about Roman getting big. I used an old towel to clean myself off and then finally entered the gym a few minutes before the appointed time. To my surprise, Roman was already there and working out in the big boys weight area. This had been the part of the gym the guy had been sheepish around and all but avoided the day I met him, but here he was lifting some light weights proudly surrounded by huge men hoisting a crap load more than he could ever dream of pushing into the air. The mature daddy didn’t care. He was in his own little zone and moving the weights around like a pro. His form was impeccable and the guy lifted like he had been doing it all of his life. His mustache seemed even sexier than the day before and I could have sworn that it was thicker and even more silvery peppered. The handsome face of the man from yesterday was still there and he even seemed to have gotten better looking – or was it just my imagination. I caught his eye in the mirror as I walked up. “Hey, son. I needed to begin before you got here because the weights were just screaming out to me. It’s like all I can think about now is pushing around some metal myself and getting you bigger than you are now. I’m not sure which one thrills me the most. When you lift correctly, boy, the burn and the after-effects are so rewarding that it makes you want to do it forever. I went home yesterday and could only think about getting back here to toss some dumbbells around and to watch you get bigger. I think I’m a little obsessed, Jason.” “I think I know exactly how you feel, sir. I kind of thought about only one thing last night, too. Might I offer you some of my family enhanced water?” “Hell yeah, son, I’ve been looking forward to the explosion that stuff causes all morning.” I watched him down the entire bottle of water in two gulps and all I could think about was the fact the concoction was going to make him my size or bigger. My cock started getting hard, just contemplating looking at a super-sized Roman. He was going to have the mustache, the muscles, and the maturity of a true muscle daddy. It was a trinity of m’s that I liked most in life. I could tell the older man was sitting there waiting for his usual immediate response to the water – like had happened the other two times he drank the stuff. But to his surprise, and mine, nothing happened. We stared at each other for a few seconds and I forced myself to not look at his crotch to see if he was getting super hard. “You need to go to the locker room, Roman? “No.” “You feel okay?” “I feel fine. Wow, maybe my body is getting used to your enhanced water. Usually by this time I am decorating the inside of a stall with enough of my hot cum to cover all four walls. I’m not complaining, mind you, it’s just a little surprising. How do I look, Jason?” “As fucking great as you did yesterday, sir.” “That’s kind of you to say, son. Very kind. So, shall we start our work on chest today? We need to get those humongous puppies of yours even larger, Jason.” “Yes sir.” “I want to show you a couple of things that will really heighten the pump to your pectoral muscles – emphasizing the lift of all that muscle. I think you’ll be impressed and pretty sore for a few days.” As promised, Roman did put me through some intense lifting. I could feel the burn in my chest immediately and I knew I was pushing the weight smarter than I had in a long time. I had never even thought for a second that I had gotten sloppy in my routine, but the improvements the older man was making to my workout was making it very clear that I still had a lot to learn. It was bizarre to watch Roman guide me in movements that would have been totally foreign to him just two days earlier. I had to keep reminding myself that he had not been this confident knowledgeable silver-haired dreamboat for a long time. It also became very clear that his new awareness of things reached way beyond just lifting. “So, those big nipples are probably feeling more sensitive than you’ve ever thought they could, huh Jason?” “Um . . . yes sir. How did you know?” “It’s because that’s the exact area we focused on with these last two moves. Mine are so tender that every time my t-shirt rubs against them a shot of excitement zooms through my body.” “It’s the same for me, sir. It’s also causing a big problem below my belt, too.” “You think anyone here hasn’t noticed, son? You’ve been sporting that loaded cannon for about an hour. That’s how I knew the workout was treating you right. I promise you the thrill of a lifetime if you go home and tease those hard nubs for a few minutes. You won’t be able to hold back for very long, boy. I guarantee it. I plan on pinching mine so hard that I’ll blast a big wad to the ceiling of my bedroom. It’s even more spectacular if you rub an ice cube over them before you latch onto them, son. Just thought I’d give you a little extra punch to your orgasm.” “Um . . . thank you, sir. I’ll try that.” “Okay, big guy, that’s it for today. I’m starting to feel a slight tingling in my balls and I think it’s a little preview of something big that’s headed my way. Mid-way through our lifting the weights suddenly got very light for me. I think my body is about to change and I want to be home so I can watch it closely. You get home, too, son and take care of that big thing between your legs. I have a funny feeling there’s going to be some differences come this time tomorrow – and I think we’re both going to like them a lot. Have fun with that chest, Jason.” “I will sir. Are you sure you don’t need me to come with you and help in any way?” “Naw, boy, I think this is something old Roman wants to experience alone. I’ll have time enough to show off tomorrow when we meet for our lifting. Thanks for the offer, though. I’ll see you here.” “Have a great night, sir.” “I plan on it, boy, I plan on it.” As Roman walked away I couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed. I still wasn’t sure if Roman’s tingling feelings were a pre-cursor to a change to his body or not, but I hoped to hell they were. It would have been awesome if the change had taken place at the gym, but I also knew, for decency’s sake, it would be better if he were at home. **** I, again, thought about the man all night long – especially each time I felt the pain in my chest. The older man had worked me hard. I took his advice and iced my nipples before I squeezed the hell out of them and shot a huge wad of cum into the air. I got to the gym the next day right on time – eager to see if Roman had changed. I walked into the place and was immediately met with some surprises. No one was at the front counter, there weren’t people all over the space at different stations like usual, and there were cheers coming from a group of people gathered in the free weight section of the big man’s area. I could see that people were gathered around a bench and there was some activity that had everyone’s attention. I pushed my way through the crowd and stopped in my tracks when I got to the front. Everyone was watching one of the huge guys from the gym – a big boy bodybuilder name Jaime – being easily bench-pressed into the air by an even larger dude. The larger man’s form was incredible. The crowd was counting the lifts, now at sixty-two, and showing their appreciation as the over three hundred and fifty pound guy soared up and down so smoothly. That’s when I noticed who was doing the lifting. “Oh my god!” I spoke out loud and Roman turned his now strongly muscled, mustached face towards me, as he lay on the bench. The smile that crept across his face made my knees wobble uncontrollably. The heavy salt and peppered fur surrounding his mouth seemed to glisten in an otherworldly way – his eyes sparkled like he was some beautiful husky Santa Claus. And then there was his furry, grandpa-aged, huge body that glistened with a manly sheen of perspiration. The guy was wearing only a pair of skin-tight cotton briefs – breaking the dress code of the gym - but no one seemed to care. He wasn’t even wearing shoes or socks, his feet obviously three times the size from yesterday. “Hey Jason, how’s it going, man. Jaime agreed to help me warm up today and everyone decided they wanted to watch. I had the best night and morning of my entire life.” To say that the man’s new voice made my balls instantly ache with lust was an understatement. I actually could feel many of the guys standing around me slightly moan in pleasure as the low masculine timbre of Roman’s words penetrated their body. I was not the only guy being turned on by this big muscle daddy’s new thunder rumbling speech. The sound that reverberated in the room was surely the way that mortals had imagined Zeus might speak as he boomed his words form Mount Olympus. I lost focus as Roman conversed briefly with me – my balls vibrating powerfully like I was riding a huge Harley. It was only the sight of my friend’s newly massive arms lifting a huge bodybuilder up and down that brought me back to the reality of what was going on. “I’m beginning to think there’s more to your family’s vitamin water than you’ve been telling me, Jason.” The crowd called out one hundred and Roman brought his arms to the side and set Jaime on his feet. The big bodybuilder looked a little unsteady; obviously he had gotten a little dizzy from the constant up and down motion. Roman kept one of his big hands on the guy’s thigh to help steady him as he got used to being on the floor again. That’s also when my newly huge friend sat up and I gasped so loud that he chuckled at my response. The first thing I noticed was a field of gray hair across the giant expanse that was his chest. The two slabs of beef were so massive and so beautifully hairy that I nearly blacked out. Roman, the elder geek from just a few days ago, was now bigger than me. I noticed right away that the guy wasn’t cut like me or even ripped like some heavyweight bodybuilder, but he was just damn thick – and thick as hell. His muscles bulged in that ‘I can lift a fucking truck’ kind of way instead of that ‘watch me flex’ showman style. Roman now looked like a bull – a bear – a strongman competitor – and a bulging tank all rolled into one. The combination of the guy’s booming voice and the sight of pectoral muscles that each seemed to be as wide as refrigerators was too much for my cock – it shot fully hard in three seconds, causing me to become even more light-headed than before. “Okay, good people, that’s it for today. My friend Jason and I need to work out now. I need to grow this guy’s body even more. Thanks for counting for me. I can see that I don’t need to explain the changes, huh, Jason? Your reaction makes it pretty clear you noticed I’ve kind of grown.” We were now standing there by ourselves. The crowd had dispersed, although clearly disappointed the show was over. I simply continued to stare at the mustached elder Adonis in front of me. The man was simply thick and huge all over. His thighs were pressing against his cotton shorts so hard that I expected the material to explode at any second. His stomach wasn’t ridged like mine, but it was so much more thickly masculine looking that I seriously contemplated switching to the powerlifting look myself. And god, the way his beefy man-tits and bulging arms just ballooned out with so much muscle, it made my mouth start to water and my heartbeat race ten times faster. Hard, hairy meat hung off his body everywhere and made him look like a super-morphed version of his previous self. “Aren’t you going to say something, Jason?” “Um . . . what . . . what was it like?” “The change? It was painful, thrilling, and mega sexually charged all at the same time. It lasted about an hour. I dropped to my hands and knees like some kind of werewolf – right in the middle of my living room – and cried out the entire time. I could hear my voice changing as my body swelled – getting deeper and so masculine that it turned me on even more. I loved watching my chest and arms grow the most. My pecs started to swell up like they were hot air balloons being filled for a morning ride. The feeling was so intense – painful as hell, yes - but so intoxicatingly thrilling that I all but forgot about how much it hurt. Watching my biceps pulse out thicker and thicker is what made my growing cock finally spew like crazy. My arms were so puny before, boy, and look what they became. I now have guns so huge that I can no longer rest my forearms against my sides. And my supersized lats don’t help too much, either, but look at those beautiful things, Jason. I never dreamed what being this big would feel like – it’s unexplainable.” “You are magnificent, Roman.” In my wildest dreams I could not have imagined a more beautiful specimen of man that Aunt Hildie’s concoction had created. The elder muscleman sitting before me was something only seen in comic books – a giant colonel-like gramps with a body the size of four younger men put together. It was also the kind of build that dreams are made of – huge thick muscles that just protruded everywhere. He looked like someone had made him angry and he ballooned into a non-green Hulk. Traps bulged, lats stuck out with major mass, shoulders popped out wide, arms hung like sides of beef, and heavy looking pecs rested on a hard dense midsection. His abs looked like someone had stacked a bunch of logs on top of each other. Roman’s muscles were simply profuse beyond belief - everywhere! Quads that swelled so much they almost looked like two short musclemen’s bodies all by themselves forced his legs to spread far apart. Sitting there, the new senior muscle stud looked unreal – like a photograph that has been photo-shopped to death. It was difficult for me to believe and even harder for me to admit, but Roman was definitely now bigger than me. He clearly outweighed me by a few pounds and his hulking mass was definitely taller and freakishly thicker than my big body. It was such a surreal moment – realizing that my dream man was being formed right in front of me over what was just a few days. I glanced at the mature face, the gorgeous mustache, and then back at the huge body – realizing that all my secret desires were slowly turning into reality. “Don’t think this added muscle means I’m not still wildly interested in growing you, son. We’re going to shape you into something perfect, Jason. This new big body just means that I will be able to work you even harder, man. I’ll also be able to keep up with you.” “What . . . sir? I wasn’t paying attention, I’m sorry. Something huge was distracting me.” “It doesn’t matter, son, just know that I’m still here to help you grow bigger. Now, do you have something for me to drink today? I’m really looking forward to whatever you have planned, although I don’t see how you could ever top what you gifted me with overnight. I now understand why yesterday’s drink didn’t affect me right away. My body needed some time to prepare for such huge changes. It was like some pumped up version of An American Werewolf in London in my place last night. I’m sure people in the neighborhood thought I was murdering someone – because of the beast-like moaning. So, how about that drink?” “Um . . . yes sir.” I handed him the bottle of water with the pre-mixed contents from the vial. I knew what this dose would do to the guy and it made my cock jump with anticipation. I couldn’t even begin to think about Roman having the attitude to match his muscles. He had already taken on some of the characteristics of a muscle daddy – mainly because of the stache, his maturity, and his size – but I knew a huge dose of cockiness was going to make him even more my ideal man. I watch as he swallowed the entire contents of the water bottle in one long gulp. I also noticed that the guy suddenly stood up straighter than he had been just seconds before. His shoulders seemed wider in some way and I could have sworn his humongous chest poked out even further. I suddenly realized that this vial had worked instantly. I gathered that since Roman’s body was now massive and thick the vials didn’t cause him to go into orgasm overload as before – and the change would happen with little interruption to what he was doing. The big man’s eyes seemed to become all knowing and a telling smile crept across his face. My massive dick started to harden as I watched this man begin to realize the totality of his potential. For the first time, Roman was becoming fully aware of his new manliness. The guy was beginning to feel every huge muscle of his body – in complete detail. “You okay, there, Roman?” “If I were any better, little man, I’d be fucking myself. I haven’t felt this good in a long time. Hell, I haven’t ever felt this good. Damn, son, I may have to find a bull to fuck. All this muscle is making me hornier than a battleship full of sex-deprived sailors. You ever see anything like this body, Jason?” “Uh, no sir.” “That’s what I thought, boy. Just look at all my fucking thickness! Shit, I’m so big I look like a skin covered Hummer. Oh fuck, J-man, look how my cock is filling out these cotton shorts as it grows. It makes your mouth water, doesn’t it?” “Yes . . . sir.” “Hell, it makes my mouth water, too, son. I gotta lift something heavy, man, or I’m going to blow a hole in these shorts from blasting off a heavy load. Gotta work out some steam, J-man. Slap three big plates on that end of the bar. Gonna need to press 600 for starters. Shit, I might not make it through this work out. My cock wants to rip through this flimsy material and be free to grow so big it would blow you mind, man. Your old friend here is feeling pretty powerful and has the monster cock to prove it.” I couldn’t move for a few seconds. The change in Roman’s demeanor was instantaneous. Within two days the guy had gone from a skinny-assed elder dweeb to this behemoth, but the most incredible part of the transformation for me was what had just happened – the birth of the muscle daddy’s cockiness. Hearing the ‘stached giant talk about his own body and, especially, his hardening dick was almost too much. It’s incredible to see a huge man with bulging muscles, but it’s much more impressive and a bigger thrill to hear that same guy talk about his body. I loved hearing him acknowledge his own muscled torso, so it increased the pleasure watching Roman get off on his transformed frame. Seeing Roman tense his arms and chest while staring at himself was such an intense sight that I almost missed what the older man had told me to do. It wasn’t until I saw Roman adding some big weights to the end of the bar that I realized I should be doing the same thing on the other side. “You ever think you’d get your old man this fucking huge, Jason?” “Um . . . no sir.” “Yeah, you love this massive body, don’t you? I’ve grown so thick that you can’t remember what I used to look like, can you? You wanted a big hulking daddy, didn’t you J-man.” “Uh . . . yes sir.” “Old Roman loves how his big body has made you a man of few words, boy. I know you want to see what kind of power this huge body can produce – yeah, it’s written all across your face. Shit, boy, turning you into a muscle monster is going to be easy now that you have my body as inspiration. You want to be huge and thick like this old man, don’t you?” “God, yes.” The huge elder muscleman was now leaning over and resting his thick forearms across the bar. His shoulders popped out on either side like matching mountains – the guy being almost wide enough that his biceps touched the weights on either side. I was mesmerized by the man’s beauty and his size. It was too much for my aching cock and I would have certainly spewed if we had not been in a public place. As it was, big drops of pre-cum were seeping out of my dick slit and causing my fat tip to be slicked up real good. I was in total daddy-worshipping bliss. It was clear that Roman knew exactly what I was feeling and he didn’t care if I exploded or not. I even think he enjoyed watching me struggle to keep my composure. There was a glimmer in his eye that had not existed a mere ten minutes before. The guy seemed more aware of everything now – his huge body, the intense reaction his muscles caused in other people, how I basically now worshipped the ground he walked on, and everything else. It also seemed like he expected this kind of response. It was clear that he felt completely natural being this new giant size – as if he had been this way all of his life. He was staring at me with such intensity that I became a little self-conscious and looked down at the ground. “Do I intimidate you, pup?” “Um . . . kind of, sir.” “That’s a good thing, son. I need you a little scared of me if we’re going to grow you big. I need you to want to follow every fucking thing I say to the nth degree. I want you to have a desire so strong inside that it makes you weak at the knees – that’s the kind of devotion that’s going to help you become everything you’ve ever secretly dreamed of - and more. You want to make me proud, don’t you, son?” “Yes, sir.” “There’s not a trophy or award that could come close to making you as happy or proud as a few affirming words from me would, now is there?” “No, sir.” “And a hug from old Roman would send you into orgasmic heaven, wouldn’t it.” “Oh fucking hell yes . . . sir.” “Well son, know that I only show that kind of affection to pups that work hard – real hard. You’ll make this daddy happy by getting bigger. And if you get big enough – I might give you the hug of your lifetime. You got that, son?” “Yes, sir.” “Now watch this massive old man crank out ten with this six-hundred and then you do the same.” “But I’ve never…” “Did I sound like I was giving you an option, boy?” “Um . . . no, sir.” “I know what you’re capable of, Jason. I won’t ask for too much, but I will ask for all that you can give. I’m going to make you sore, son. It’s going to hurt more than it ever has before, but that’s how we know it’s working. You trust me, don’t you?” “More than anyone, sir.” “That’s good son, real good. Let this muscle daddy lead you to greatness.” I watched as the humongous body of Roman slid onto the bench and then the two monstrous arms reached up, lifted the bar off the rack, and then pumped out the smoothest ten repetitions I’d ever seen – with six hundred pounds! I was flabbergasted. This was the small man from just a few days ago – the timid guy so new to the gym. I realized I was going to have to buy my aunt Hildie the best Christmas present ever – for helping me to create the perfect man. Roman slid off the bench and then looked at me. I saw in his eyes the order to follow his lead. I started to get nervous, but then I felt his hand come up and press against my back in a way that gave me some newfound confidence. I have no idea what it was – it could have simply been being touched by the man of my dreams, but I had a feeling it was more. I slid onto the bench and grabbed hold of the bar. I lifted the heavy thing and then cranked out eight presses without any problem – something that caught me totally off guard. I then began to struggle with the final two, but the elder muscleman was right here to help me. “You’ve got this, superboy. It’s no problem for you. Your daddy says that you can’t wimp out now. I want to see those two final presses right now. Make those weights do your will, son – your will. I’m here for you. You’ll make me prouder than shit if you pump out those last two by yourself.” Hearing the encouraging deep masculine voice of Roman helped me to connect with some untapped strength. My arms wobbled a little, but I raised and lowered the heavy bar two more times and then put it back in its resting place. I felt the pump in my chest, arms, and shoulders more than I ever had in my entire life. I looked up to see the smiling face of my elder mentor and I almost burst into tears. I became choked up because of the pleased look in his eyes. I was caught off guard by my reaction – so incredibly happy that I had made the older man proud. I had watched Roman become the muscled daddy standing in front of me and I was ready for his changes, but I had no idea how the change would affect me. I was not prepared for how I would transform along with the big man. My desire to please him was something similar to how a high school jock wants to please his macho coach – especially when that student has a secret crush on his mentor. I could see the pride in the big man’s face. His entire attitude told me that I had done well – and that made me want to please him more. It also made my cock want to shoot off like a rocket. I slid off the bench and watched as the massive guy cranked out ten more reps like it was nothing. I knew before I even lay down on the bench that I would pump out ten more reps - even if it killed me. I wanted to see that look in the mustached daddy’s face again. It took all my concentration and every ounce of my strength, but I pushed my body like a pro – getting to ten with arms shaking terribly on the last three. Roman had to help me a little on the last lift, but it didn’t matter since it had mostly been me. “Look at how your pecs pop, boy. They look like two massive barrels – bulging out with so much muscle. You made your muscle daddy proud, son. Watching you pump out reps with more weight than you’ve ever benched before was enough to make me harder than granite. You almost gained a hug from this here daddy, boy. That’s how hard I could tell you were working. I’m proud son, mighty proud.” “Thank you, sir.” “Feeling it, J-man?” “My chest hurts like hell already, sir.” “That’s good, really good. I’m whipping you into a real man, Jason. Stick with me kid and you’ll be the biggest fucker on any stage you step out on. Want me to grow you more, son?” “Hell yes, sir.” “Yeah, boy, that’s the right answer. I’m going to put you through a little more abuse on that chest and then we’re going to call it a day. I need to go find something humongous to fuck this evening.” “Um . . . I’m . . . I mean . . . I am available, sir.” “Naw, boy, I can’t pound your ass yet for a couple of reasons. First of all, you’re going to be so sore in about an hour that you’re not going to want to move. Those arms of yours aren’t going to be able to budge an inch and that torso is going to be in so much pain you’ll be cursing my name. Secondly, I’ve got a feeling I have a few more bottles of your family’s secret formula before I’m totally changed, right? I saw a list in your bag a few minutes ago and it looks like there are some adjustments yet to come. Am I right, son?” “Yes, sir. There are three more vials . . . I mean, bottles of my family’s secret liquid.” “Hell yeah, then. I think we should wait for a while before we consummate this budding relationship. I have a feeling that you’re somehow the mastermind behind my changes and I want to make sure I’m the finished model before you get to test drive my body. I got a funny feeling that the first few times I fuck something with these huge new muscles I’m not going to be too gentle. I might even need to start with some inanimate objects or some beast-like animal – like a bull or rhino. It might be the only thing that could live through a pounding from me. Yeah, boy, I can see that thought turns you on. Okay, son, it’s time to work on those mega-pecs of yours. Let’s make those puppies bulge out a lot more by this time tomorrow. You ready to do what this muscle daddy says.” “Yes sir.” And with that simple order Roman took me through about two more hours of the most rigorous workout of my entire life. I was like a soggy noodle by the end of our time together. My body was visibly shaking from the exertion. Roman, on the other hand, was like some enthusiastic college kid about to hit the town for his first night of parent-free partying. The guy was so pumped that his muscles seemed even bigger than when we started. His cotton shorts were stretched closer to the ripping point than they had been just two hours before. The guy had more energy than ever and, yet, I was worn out. I could feel the aches beginning already and I knew that I would need to soak in a hot bath within an hour. Roman was standing in front of me, his thick muscles gleaming because of a slight dusting of sweat. He could tell I was in pain. He reached up with his huge hands and grabbed hold of my giant chest – squeezing hard and making me want to immediately fall down on my knees in protest. The pain was incredible. He began kneading the monstrous meat in his hands and I screamed out loud. “Yeah, J-man, that chest is already hurting something awful, isn’t it. That’s a good sign. Let your old muscleman work those puppies a little – it will help with the pain. You did some great lifting today, son. You made your daddy very proud. Now get on home, boy, before you’re too sore to move. I’ll see you here tomorrow at the same time. It might take you a lot longer to get ready tomorrow, son, because you are going to hurt like hell. Remain faithful, though, and come in to meet me. We need to stay on track for getting you sloppy big. There’s a lot we can do in the coming weeks to guarantee your success. I’m here to make you huge, Jason, and I’m not stopping until we’re successful. Now skedaddle, boy.” “Yes sir.” I watched the big man lumber away like some huge bear – a big bear clearly in heat. His beauty and size overwhelmed me. I felt my body tightening up even more, so I gathered my stuff and left – without even taking time in the dressing room. When I got home I soaked in the bathtub for a long time and was so sore when I finished that I had to crawl to my bed. The only part of my body that didn’t seem to be affected by my tiring workout with Roman was my perpetual hard-as-hell cock that gave away my lustful thoughts about the big man. I fell asleep instantly and dreamt of the huge older man that now controlled even my sleeping thoughts. I couldn’t wait to see how the remaining vials would change the guy that was already the man of my dreams. ***** Vial 5 I was so sore the next day I could barely move without crying out in pain. Only thoughts of muscle daddy Roman empowered me to get out of bed, get dressed, and drive to the gym. Each step I took and every time I moved any part of my body I felt a stiffness and soreness that was completely foreign to me. Roman had taught me so many new ways to isolate muscles when working out that it was like I was doing it for the first time – and I was a freaking pro-bodybuilder. My body may have been muscled and powerful, but that morning I felt like a big wimp. I was surprised to see that Roman had not arrived at the place before me, as he had before. I sat in the middle of the weight area and tried to remain still – so nothing would hurt. Some commotion at the front desk caught my attention. I heard Roman’s deep masculine voice before I even saw him and my entire body snapped to attention, especially my cock. When I glanced in the mirrors I saw Roman entering the gym with the bodies of two huge bodybuilders slung over his shoulders. I could tell that both men were unconscious. The big guy was strutting across the floor like he was some huge hunter that was wearing the fur of bears he had recently killed - and he also had one of the biggest stogies I’d ever seen sticking out from between his teeth. He was puffing away with no concern about the ‘no smoking’ policy of the gym, and no one dared to tell him he was wrong. The room immediately filled with the aroma of the cigar – a smell that made my cock shoot even harder. Roman looked at anyone he passed and did the jock thing where he tilted his chin into the air to acknowledge the lesser beings – not saying a word but smiling at the other patrons as their mouths dropped open wide in astonishment. Roman saw it as gift that he acknowledged anyone and everyone else seemed to view it in the same way. The big man noticed me sitting in the middle of the room and headed straight in my direction. “J-boy, how’s the fucking body feeling today?” “Sore as hell, sir.” “Just like the ass of each of these men, son. I rounded them up yesterday as I was trolling the locker room. They were practically drooling as they watched me shower and it was obvious they wanted to see what some time with a real man would feel like. I kept them up all night as I plowed them over and over, not even stopping when they begged for sleep. They just couldn’t keep up with all this muscle power, boy. Old Roman had more stamina than both of these big fuckers put together. I’m not sure they’ll wake up for our entire time in the gym. I haven’t slept a bit, but I still feel fucking great, son. I’m going to put you through a hell of a workout again today. I’m juiced up on adrenaline like you wouldn’t believe. All that fucking didn’t tire me at all. I’m mighty proud of you for getting your hurting ass to the gym today, son. It shows me that you’re serious about growing. I have a funny feeling that you also dragged your sore self here to see what the next round of your family water will accomplish, didn’t you?” “Um . . . yes . . . yes, sir.” “No need to be embarrassed, boy! I know you like all the changes happening to this old man almost as much as I do. Today, I’m dressed a little more appropriate for the gym because as soon as we got to my place last night I challenged these two guys to a wrestling match - with their clothes being the prize. You can see it’s pretty clear who won. It’s a good thing both of them had some posers to wear today. I dressed their unconscious bodies before we came. I didn’t take either of those skimpy things because the tiny material couldn’t come close to covering up all my massive junk – hell, I don’t think it could even cover just one of my mammoth balls. These shorts can barely contain my monster cock, J-boy. Hell, I’m even stretching this triple large tank so much it practically looks like a man-bra. I think I could rip the thing in two with just one large inhale. We might wait and do that as a little post-workout gift to the guys in the gym – you’d like that wouldn’t you, son?” “Yes sir.” “Um, excuse me, um, sir. You can’t . . . you aren’t allowed . . . there’s no smoking in here.” Roman turned to look down at the nervous gym worker standing behind him, the cigar hanging out of his mouth as big as a small log. The huge man used his teeth and lips to make the thing spin a little in his mouth and then puffed a huge could of smoke down towards the little guy. I heard a soft guttural sound turn into a loud growl as Roman obviously thought about how he was going to react to the order from this dweebish man. For a few seconds I was nervous for the smaller guy, but then Roman merely shrugged the two heavy unconscious men off his broad shoulders and quickly lifted his forearms to catch their falling bodies. He then placed both guys side by side on a bench across from me. The muscle daddy then turned back to the worker, pulled the cigar out of his mouth and crushed the lit end into his other open palm. The sound of fire being extinguished hissed throughout the room. The small guy’s eyes grew extra wide and I could see he was actually shaking in fear. Roman took the cigar and crushed it in his hand. He then took the smashed remains, pulled the front of the workers gym shorts slightly out and dropped the mess inside, making sure to press his open palm into the guy’s crotch so cigar could warm his hard dick. The small guy did nothing to protest the big man’s actions. He just mouthed the words ‘thank you’ and walked away. Roman turned back to me. “That’s a pretty hot ashtray, don’t you think? It’s legs today, pup. You think you can handle it?” “Yes sir.” “Yeah, that’s a good boy. I can already sense what you’re going to look like when your muscles start to pop out even bigger, son. You’re making this old man really proud. Time for squats after you warm up. I jogged over here from my house with both of these sleeping beauties flopping around on my shoulders – so I’m good and pumped for our workout. I’ll load the rack for you. We can work out side by side – I’ll use the two guys as my weights. It won’t be enough, but I can pretend. Using them as makeshift barbells should be fun and I’ll bet it will turn you on in a powerful way.” He was spot on, knowing that I was going to get to watch the huge muscle daddy dipping low with two large and mostly nude bodybuilders draped across his expansive shoulders got me fully hard in an instant. I even forgot about the excruciating pain that was shooting through my body any time I moved. I stared at Roman as he loaded the squat machine with enough weight to cave in the roof of a car, but I didn’t care. I was ready to do anything my mentor told me to. I knew he wouldn’t ask for anything I couldn’t do. I loved how the flimsy tank top was stretched to all hell across his body. I kept hearing parts of the material tearing as he moved. I had a feeling none of it would be left by the time we finished for the day. “Now J-boy remember to bring that ass of yours down low and get a good pump even as you come down. Watch the knees, too, son. We want to get those glutes as big and strong as possible – so they give my cock as much resistance as possible later on. Yeah, I can see the idea of my hefty pole battling your tight hole gets you excited, boy. Look at that bulge I’ve caused in your shorts – that’s a beautiful thank you to your daddy. Maybe we can cause a big old wet stain today, too. Speaking of wet things, how about my bottle of water, Jason? Did you bring something special for old Roman?” “Um, yes sir. I almost forgot.” I grabbed the bottle of water from my bag, noticing the pain in my arms and shoulders as I reached down. I also glanced at the list of changes as I pulled the container out. This vial was going to make him more handsome. That thought was almost too much for my cock to handle and I could feel my body fighting hard not to spew. I looked at him closely as he gulped the liquid down. Roman was gorgeous already – huge everywhere, a slight weathered look to his face that added maturity and grace, a mustache that oozed testosterone, graying full hair that made him look like a modern day Greek god, and an air of confidence that almost physically knocked you over when he walked into the room. I wondered how the liquid could possibly improve on perfection. When the big man handed back the bottle I could sense an immediate change in his demeanor. “How do you feel, sir?” “On fire, boy, on fire. I can sense the world on a whole new plane, now. Damn, that’s some potent shit your family has passed down over the years. Son, I suddenly realize just how special I am. I know that might sound really boastful, but I can’t help it. It’s like I can tell what everyone’s thinking – you know, so I can give them exactly what they want. It’s like I have this sixth sense that helps me know how to please each person individually. Damn, boy, what you want is coming through the loudest and clearest of all. Your mind is a jumble of desires, ain’t it son? Yeah, I know you want some ass-pounding sex – and that will come soon enough - but I can also sense you really want this big man to help you grow, too. Yeah, and man I love how you also desire to be dominated a little. You need a big man to take care of you son, don’t you?” “I . . . uh . . . I guess . . . I mean, um…” “No need to be shy, boy. Roman knows exactly what you want and need. And I’ve got the stuff to make all those dreams and desires come true. Fuck, knowing what would please you is making me hornier than a pinned up bull surrounded by a field of heifers. What’s wild is that I can’t read minds, per se, man; it’s more about what you desire and what would satisfy you sexually. I just know somehow that you are aching for a hug or kiss from this big man – but you still got to wait, son. We have two more bottles of water, if my memory serves me correctly. Whoa, boy, I’m suddenly being overwhelmed by the desires of other people in this place. It’s like my body is sending out some kind of signal that, when it hits people, makes them suddenly ‘in tune’ with me. You’d be shocked at what people desire from me?” “Like what, sir?” “Well for one thing, the big guy Jaime, over there, enjoyed having his big body benched by me yesterday so much that he’d really like me to lift him some more – especially over my head. Yeah, that would make him real happy. Well I’ll be dammed; the little guy at the front desk wants me to light up another stogie, son. He’s got a big fetish for smoking musclemen. He loves watching a huge guy sucking in on a cigar and then blowing big puffs of smoke out – especially if the man is flexing at the same time. He’s still hard as hell from watching me put out my stogie against my palm. That got him very excited. He even left the remains of the thing in his pants. That guy over there on the leg press machine wants me to take his place and as my giant trunks push out insane amounts of weight he’d like to sit on my big cock and feel all my muscles growing beneath him as he gets deeply plowed. Hell, this gift you’ve given me will make me a huge attraction to anyone.” I glanced around the gym and realized that every face in the room was either blatantly staring at Roman or shyly stealing glances at him when they got up the nerve. It dawned on me immediately that the vial for making him handsome wasn’t going to do much to his physical appearance, since he was already the man of my dreams. No, this specific dose of Aunt Hildie’s concoction made the man irresistible to everyone – and not just because of his looks, but mainly because it was clear he was a man that could satisfy everyone completely. Having the ability to know what it was a person desired the most – both sexually and romantically – would certainly make you the most handsome guy in the world. This would be true on so many levels. Roman didn’t need to change at all to be handsome to me, but having a mature muscleman that ‘got’ exactly what turned me on made him the most gorgeous guy on earth – not only to me, though. I could sense that everyone in the place wanted Roman and that was an even bigger thrill for me. “Whoa, boy, you need to turn down your orgasmic drive a little. You’re causing this big daddy to overheat. Yeah, the pup loves the idea of everyone in this place wanting his muscle friend Roman, don’t you?” “Yes sir, it’s fucking hot.” “It is, isn’t it? Well, it’s thanks to your family recipe in that water, boy. Like I said yesterday, I think you have a direct connection to what your water is doing to me. I haven’t figured it out, yet, but I feel it in every one of my huge muscles. I can wait, son. I don’t need all the answers now. I only need one thing – and that’s to make you bigger. We’re going to push those big legs of yours so much today that I may have to carry you and the two unconscious guys out of here, since your trunks will be wobbling so much. Yeah, I thought that comment would please you. Okay, son, get up underneath that bar. Give me some powerful squats. Remember to stick that hot ass of yours way out. Let me first load my shoulders with my big man-made weights.” I watched Roman bend over and flop the bodies of the two unconscious bodybuilders over each of his shoulders. He made it look simple, like he was tossing pillows. I knew, however, that each guy was over three hundred pounds. The giant man positioned himself beside me and we both stared at each other in the mirror. I stared because it thrilled me so much to watch him use two huge guys dressed only in posers as his weights and he stared to make sure I maximized every part of my body during the exercise. He was my coach and mentor above all things. “That’s it, boy, squeeze those cheeks hard when you come up. Pretend like you are trying to protect the entrance to your chute from my huge battering ram. Yeah, son, I love how that thought makes you work even harder. Look at that sweat seeping out all over your beautiful body. That means you’re working J-boy. I know you’re hurting something awful, but look at you go. It’s almost like you’ve been squatting this much weight all of your life. Yeah, you’d forgotten that I loaded the bar with a hell of a lot more poundage than you’re used to. Now your legs are getting a little nervous, aren’t they? Don’t give up, boy. This big daddy will not be happy with you if you don’t give him what he wants. Remember, we’re here to make you so fucking big you won’t recognize yourself. And to give you a little more kick to your lifting, remember that I’m going to be growing right along side of you, son.” I had just squatted down low as he said this and his comment caused the exact reaction he desired. I paused briefly with my ass pushed back and my quads burning with pain. It suddenly hit me that Roman, the man of my dreams, was working out with me and this was certainly going to impact his body at the same time. The thought that the muscle daddy of all my secret desires was going to continue to add more bulges to his perfect body gave me more adrenaline that I had ever thought possible. This was just the response that Roman had intended. I cranked out the rest of my squats like some kind of powerlifting pro. I could tell the man was impressed. I certainly wanted to get bigger – but mainly because it would make my mature friend proud – but thinking about him getting bigger was the icing on the cake. I suddenly wanted to work out for an entirely new reason – to make Roman grow. A newfound energy overcame my body and it was like I had busted past some unseen wall or reached a new lifting plateau. There was a new drive in me that stemmed totally from my thoughts about another person. I had never realized how self-centered I had become, but this desire to watch Roman become even more beastlike than he already was, fueled me way beyond my normal tolerance level for pain. “Damn, boy, I just got a big rush of pure love from you. These last few minutes have probably been the most unselfish moments of your entire life. I almost tossed these big men off my shoulders and wrapped my arms around you in a backbreaking bear hug. I have a strong feeling that you started this little project with the water and me for selfish reasons, but suddenly the coin has flipped to the other side, hasn’t it? You desire old Roman getting huge even more than you desire it for yourself. That’s what makes you special, Jason. That’s why we’re going to wait until the last bottle of enhanced water has gurgled down my throat before we even kiss, let alone fuck. You’re making me into some kind of dream deity for yourself, but today you’ve realized that doing it for me is just as – if not more – important. You’re a fucking hundred times more sexy right now that you were even just ten minutes ago, son. I like what’s happening to your soul as much as I love what’s happening to your body. Here’s the real kicker, boy. I feel the same way about you as you feel about me. Yep, I’ve wanted you from the moment you first spoke to me just a few days ago. I have a feeling my desire is mostly physical right now, but over the next few days I think it’s going to grow into something much more. It’s time to wear out those huge legs of yours, son. We both need to work out some sexual tension.” Suddenly, it was like I understood the word ‘enlightened’ for the first time. I didn’t second-guess anything Roman had just shared. I knew it was all fact – like I knew my legs would ache like hell tomorrow. It was true I had intended on making the perfect man for myself, that’s why I had turned to Aunt Hildie, but I had not planned that I would turn into a different man, as well. I was slowly giving up control to this muscle daddy. I had always been the alpha – the dominating one – but suddenly I was learning what it meant to be equals and to actually let someone else lead some of the time. I was beginning to do the unthinkable – love someone else more than myself. And this is what made Roman the most handsome person on earth. For the next few hours, Roman put my thick, skin-covered trunks through the kind of abuse usually reserved for torturing prisoners. I had to stop many times and sit on the bench – completely afraid that my big legs were going to give out at any minute. My huge daddy didn’t mind waiting for me as I rested. He usually continued whatever exercise we were doing – with the added weight of the two unconscious guys and did about three more sets than me every time. Watching the monstrous legs of Roman bulge out with every exercise kept me hard throughout our entire time together. His size was insane – quads and calves that ballooned out way past my muscled legs. I began to become fearful that I would never be able to keep up with this new mega-sized older man. I started to doubt my own abilities – something that had never happened before. My new mentor easily detected my state of mind. “Quit comparing yourself to me, boy. You made me into this fucking huge bull. I think the whole purpose of me growing is to give you inspiration and, hopefully, help build you into something monstrous, too. You need to be patient, pup. I’ve only got one goal in life and that’s to grow you huge, too. There might be quick goals here and there for me, like taking time out to fuck big things, but pumping you up super crazy is embedded in my DNA. My balls tighten and become filled with boiling cum when I watch your muscles straining against heavy weight. I already see what you are going to become, boy, and that vision could easily make me blast a load of my juice across this gym if I let myself be weak. But I’m going to stay strong for you, son - I’m going to wage some hot-daddy war on your body and push you harder than you ever thought possible. You’re going to want to beg me for mercy, but you won’t because deep down you can see where you’re headed, too. You want to grow for your muscled pops so much that the desire is eating you up inside. Hell, you’d lift twenty-four hours a day if you thought it would make me happy – wouldn’t you J-boy?” “Yes sir.” “You get a good picture in your head of your soon to be swole body, son. I want you to latch onto that vision of Jason-the-beast. You’ve thought yourself big for a long time, buddy, but you were just seeing the tip of the iceberg. My fucking huge muscles are here to help you, son. And down the line, when I’m fucking that tight hole of yours senseless, you’ll be awakened to new levels of inner-power, too. I’ll unleash in you desires you’ve never dreamed of, boy. I’m the biggest genie ever released from a bottle – and you’ll have released seven bottles into this daddy by the time we’re done. Today’s water unleashed something powerful in me, Jason. I’ve appreciated all the bottles – but this last one didn’t just change things on the outside, it opened a part of me that would have never even been noticed without your help. I’ve got some kind of direct line now to your deepest desires – to those things buried so below the surface that you aren’t even aware of them yet. I know, instinctively, that rubbing my hard-bristled ‘stache across your inner thighs would make you cum instantly, I know that you kissing your own flexed biceps makes your cock-head ache from need of release, and I know that for the last few minutes you’ve only thought about one thing - sucking on my big hairy balls until you get off. But all of these thoughts pale in comparison to the one basic need fueling you right now, son – to please your huge friend Roman. You want this daddy’s approval so much that you’d do anything and you know deep down that I’d never take advantage of that. I’m going to turn all that burning desire right back into momentum for growing you big. We are both halves of the incredible cycle that completes what you wanted when you gave me the first bottle of water – a mentor, a teacher, a muscle daddy, a boss, a dominator, a lover, a friend, and – most of all – inspiration. I’m all that, J-boy, and then some.” My mind was spinning so much from his words that I merely focused my thoughts on a deep desire to suck his balls – something I didn’t realize existed until he mentioned it and then it was like he had opened the floodgates of my soul. Every atom of my body desired the muscled behemoth in front of me. I wanted his body, yes. I wanted to experience sex with this man, yes. I wanted to grow for the daddy, yes. But there was something else that had blossomed over the last few days and it was the one thing I had never expected when I chose Roman for this journey. I had fallen head over heels in love with the man. And it dawned on me that I was not just in love with the new improved Roman – no, I realized that Aunt Hildie’s concoction had merely unleashed was existed already in this older man. I was seeing what Roman truly was at his core – his life circumstances had just never allowed this much of his true self to materialize. And, in turn, Roman was causing my hidden core to be revealed, as well. We were both becoming what our upbringing and environment had covered up over the years – and it was magnificent. Suddenly, I wasn’t unsure of myself any longer. I could clearly see all of my potential – exactly what Roman saw. I didn’t think of myself as unworthy or not good enough – no, I fully realized I was just a work in progress. That thought released me from so much baggage of my past and caused my love for the muscleman in front of me to deepen even more. “Yeah, my boy is finally getting it. I can sense the new awareness flowing through your body. Aw fuck yes, you are even seeing your full potential now and the thought is making that cock of yours grow harder. You are beginning to open yourself to all of my suggestions and all the growing tips I’ve been giving. Soon, we’ll just work out together and not even need to say a word to each other – we’ll just naturally know how to encourage the other to keep getting huge and more powerful. I may be the one drinking the water, Jason, but both of us are being changed by its power. Feel it, son?” “Yes sir, I do. It’s so amazing.” “Yes it is. I think that we should call it a day, boy. You’ve worked hard, again, today and I’m very proud. I see that the two big boys are starting to come around from their post-Roman fuck slumber and our workout has made me super horny. I think I’ll take them back to my condo in midtown and give them both some seconds. I’m pretty sure they’re going to wake up craving more pounding from my meat. And even if they don’t, they’re going to get it anyway. Your legs steady enough to get you home, boy?” “Yes sir. I might need to rest a little longer before leaving, but I’ll be fine.” “That’s good son. We’ll take a break from working out tomorrow, but I think it’s time you came to my place so we can get to know each other a little better. We’ll meet here at the same time and then we’ll grab some take-out for lunch. I don’t know my way around a kitchen. See you tomorrow, Jason.” “I can’t wait, sir.” Roman hoisted the two awakening bodybuilders back onto his monstrous shoulders and walked away. I watched him leave and marveled at how deep my connection to the man had become. I trusted and loved the guy completely. I was amazed that I felt absolutely no jealousy towards the two men that were about to get to experience the powerful lovemaking of my muscle daddy, but I knew it was just temporary. I knew we had two more vials to go. The big man just needed a way to release the sexual tension that developed every time we were around each other and, especially, after we worked out together. I was also deeply aware of his intense desire for me – something I had not been tuned into before. Today’s vial had been about much more than just making Roman physically beautiful. That was part of the total picture, but he had already been gorgeous to me – the perfect man. The change had been mostly internal for both of us. His beauty clearly radiated from within – his muscles being just icing on the already very tasty cake underneath. I suddenly understood that if Roman went back to being the shy un-mustached skinny guy of a few days ago, I would still love him deeply because I now knew what was buried deep within his soul. I knew who he was at his core. I also knew that I would be able to help him release his inner self, just as he was doing for me. I realized that I would be able to see the huge confident muscle daddy deep in his eyes, even if he didn’t. That’s how Roman could see the huge beast-like body that I would become – even before I could, he knew of my potential because he could see my inner self. Every fiber of my body ached to be held by the big man, but I reminded myself that there were just two vials left. I knew we needed to wait until the finished product was revealed. My excitement about being able to be at Roman’s condo – alone with him for a meal – gave me enough inner strength to wobble my tired ass out of the gym and head home. I was worried that my legs would stop working before I made it to a hot bath, but – as it had been every other day – my cock stayed hard way into the evening. It was a continual reminder of what Roman could easily do to my body. ********** Vial 6 That night I officially became Roman obsessed. My legs could barely support me moving from chair to kitchen since the big man had worked me so hard, but I didn’t care. Every thought and every urge was directed toward the muscle daddy of my dreams. I was still clearly overwhelmed with the effects of the fifth vial – making the man handsome. I don’t know what I had expected from that particular dose of Aunt Hildie’s concoction, but the results had been way beyond my wildest dreams. The man’s muscular tanned mature face was now imbedded in my mind, as was his humongous gorgeous body. I looked at the hulking doublewide stainless steel fridge in my kitchen and it reminded me of the man’s big frame. I tried to distract myself by looking at porn on the computer, but every face seemed deficient when compared to the man lurking in my thoughts. I even found myself looking at heavy pieces of furniture as future things the man might easily lift to show off. Roman was slowly becoming my own personal superhero, if not some kind of demi-god. And all these obsessive thoughts didn’t come close to how I craved sexual pleasure from the big older man. I pinched my perpetually hard nipples and dreamed it was Roman’s teeth nipping at my nubs. I found myself constantly daydreaming of what his thick cock would feel like in my mouth or, better yet, in my pulsing tight ass. Any thought of the big man’s pole actually made my hole pucker with joy – and caused my butt cheeks to squeeze together in anticipation of the overwhelming pain-mixed-with-pleasure when his huge shaft plunged forcefully into my submissive body. Because of these day dreams, I ceased to notice the intense pain that still tormented my body from the recent lifting with daddy Roman. It still amazed me how the man had been able to find ways to push my already huge muscles to new heights. I could feel my big self growing – not just maintaining my size, but actually moving beyond what I thought were my limits. The gray-haired behemoth mentor knew how to isolate parts of my body that I had forgotten existed. It was clearly me having an obsession for the improved daddy since the incredible pain that shot through every part of my body when I moved was quickly becoming a huge turn on. My own cock would shoot harder every time I felt terrible aching in muscles being awakened to new growth, caused by Roman’s expertise in the gym. I stood up beside the chair where I was resting and, while holding on to the arm, I squatted down to feel the mind-numbing pain in my quads and calves – something that actually caused pre-cum to seep out of my throbbing dick head. It was just too exciting to feel this vividly what Roman was causing to explode in my body – both internally and in my muscles. While pushing my wobbling legs back up to standing position, a thought hit me like a ton of bricks. I was head over heels in love. I was legs “thrown over my shoulders” in love. I was “bend my body” over the nearest piece of furniture and spread my ass cheeks wide in love. So much joy enveloped my huge frame with this revelation that I lost control in many ways – my cock started to spew big gobs of Roman-induced juice, tears streamed down my face, and I was forced to sit down because my legs gave out. Since I had chosen to remain nude for the evening since clothes actually caused my sore muscles to hurt even more, I shot volleys of hot jism all over the coffee table and sofa in front of me. My blissful sobs of joy mixed with pain actually caused me to slightly miss the excitement and pleasure of the powerful ejaculation. I, Jason, the more than handsome bodybuilder and huge cock tease, had fallen deeply in love. It was something so unfathomable to me that it actually caught me off guard. I had always been the guy that broke hearts; never meeting anyone that could live up to my expectations so I had merely closed myself off to the idea of caring as deeply as I now did for Roman. I was the invincible muscleman – oblivious to the sting of cupid’s arrow. How in the hell had I suddenly become this blubbering lovesick mound of aching meaty bulges. The answer came quickly – Aunt Hildie’s concoction. A sudden panic attack happened as quickly as the answer had come. Was Roman’s desire for me and my intense love for him simply because of some potion I had given him? The impact of the man’s expertise in lifting could be felt in every muscle of my body, so I knew that part of the vials’ work was true – but what about the inner enhancements? Were those changes just as true? Did the enriched water amplify what already existed in Roman, as I had thought all along, or did it simply create what I secretly longed for? Was I Frankenstein and Roman was my muscle daddy monster or had I merely unleashed the powerful beast living within the man? My cock was actually still dribbling thick cum as my mind tried to sort through all of these questions. Tears still streamed down my face, but the incredible joy I had felt earlier was now gone. My overwhelming desire for Roman was now mixed with worry and fear – that everything bonding the two of us together was built on something made up and false. I tried to force this sudden doubt out of my mind and re-focus my thoughts on the hot body of my muscle daddy, his fucking manly mustache, and his inner masculine maturity that stoked my fire, but it was no good. A budding fear was slowly creeping into all of my lustful thoughts about Roman. With Aunt Hildie’s help I had created the perfect muscled robot – a guy that had no free will. Roman was forced to want me because of what was in the vials – it didn’t come from a deep place in his soul. I now cried because I suddenly felt very alone. The man of my dreams was an obedient slave – created by a magic potion. I fell asleep in the chair, exhausted from all the mental angst raging through my mind. My dreams, however, were still heaven-blessed fantasies of Roman’s muscles and the big man growing my body even more muscular than it already was. I awoke late in the morning with another aching hard-on. The doubt from the evening before was still present in my subconscious, but the pleasure from a cum-filled cock overpowered all other thoughts. Visions of my final dream before waking still lingered in my head and I started stroking my morning wood as I focused on them. I had been dreaming of sitting in Roman’s lap, with his hard cock up my ass, as we both curled heavy dumbbells to pump up our already insanely large biceps. The big man pulsed his crotch into my butt each time we brought the weights up to the peak of the flex – causing me to get some extra punch to the lift. The big man also kissed the back of my neck each time and spoke encouraging words – commenting on the size of my arms, saying how much he loved being inside me, and constantly complimenting my new size. The sensation of being filled by his hefty meat, the tight pump that I experienced each time my arm tensed upright, and the sweet nothings I imagined Roman was saying to me was enough to send me over the edge. My morning wood quickly became a cannon blasting off a repeat round of thick volleys of cum across the room – streaking the same places as my load had the night before. The magazines on the coffee table were going to have to be tossed in the trash and the sofa was going to need a thorough cleaning. Again, my post-ejaculation glow quickly turned into doubt, my mind now being able to return to thoughts about how the vials had created the man of my dreams and that it was all probably fake. I knew there was part of me that wanted to say ‘who the hell cares’ and go forward, living a life of total bliss with a giant muscle daddy. But there was another part of me that knew how much I had fallen in love and the thought of Roman not loving me in the same natural way caused great trepidation. I wanted the big man to desire me because of the person I was and not due to some concoction I had given him. I wanted our first act of joyful man-on-man sex to be something he chose freely and not because of something he drank from a vial. I wanted to know that Roman truly loved me as much as I loved him. A glance at the clock quickly snapped me out of my venture into doubt and self-pity. I noticed that I had slept a lot longer than I had thought and I only had about thirty minutes before my appointed time to meet Roman. I immediately jumped into action – the thought of seeing the huge muscle daddy overruling any anxiety I was feeling. I ignored the cum-covered coffee table and sofa, jumped in the shower quickly, and was on my way to the gym after taking only ten minutes to get ready. When I stepped into the open area of the gym I was instantly greeted with a vision of the gigantic Roman working out in the middle of the room. It was like a hundred spotlights created a magnetic glow around the man. The first thing I noticed – and it made my cock shoot achingly hard in mere seconds – was that the man had clearly grown since yesterday. I couldn’t believe my eyes. Roman’s body seemed thicker at every mind-blowing bulging muscle. The guy hulked out in a way that was intoxicatingly sexy and super masculine at the same time. And the guy was covered in sweat – his skin-tight wet t-shirt stretched so thinly across his body that I could see the matted down hair covering his chest and bulky abdominals. The word that came to mind was tank – the guy was a sweaty tank with beads of sweat dripping from his forehead and chin. The heavy layer of salty liquid covering his body made his arms glisten like the sun. My mouth went dry from the immediate lust that devoured my body. I found that I was breathing heavier – almost grunting like a gorilla in heat – and my body was actually shaking with desire for the older beast. There were a few holes in the flimsy white shirt and I was positive they had been formed during the workout he was obviously ending. I strolled across the room in my khakis and dress shirt, wishing I were nude so I could entice the huge muscle man to take me right there in the middle of the gym. His body, his gorgeous face, and his perfect mustache made me immediately forget all anxiety and doubt that had crept into my mind over the last few hours. The plain fact was that I wanted this man almost as much as I wanted to breathe. Every fiber of my body – especially my rock-hard prick – craved this older muscle god. Suddenly, I didn’t care if the vials had caused him to want me – I was just happy that the mountain of hard bulges chose to give me the time of day, let alone take me under his wing. I was the luckiest guy in the world and I was about to have lunch with the hunkiest daddy in the world. The smile that broke out across Roman’s face when he noticed me walking up made my legs actually wobble with nervousness. I felt like I was in the presence of a Greek muscled deity. “Fuck, son, you dress up nice. Old Roman could almost eat you up, you look so good. I popped a stiff one just from one glance at your fine body. You fill out a shirt like a man’s suppose to, Jason. Thoughts of you, boy, made my workout for the last three hours so intense that I think I packed on five pounds of new muscle.” “I think it’s all in your arms, sir.” “Yeah, you noticed that, did you? I feel the growth there, especially. I lifted some fucking heavy weight as I visualized doing things to your body that when they actually happen you’re going to feel like you’ve died and gone to heaven.” “Gazing on your huge sweaty body makes me think I’m already there, sir.” “Damn, boy, you’ve made my cock pulse up even harder than it was before just from seeing you all dressed up. I’m not sure the clothes I’ve got in the locker room are going to hold a candle to the sexiness you’re blasting off. I may have to buy some new threads to match all of your handsome perfection.” “I think maybe no clothes on you would be perfection, sir.” “You might be right today, J-boy. I lifted enough weight during my workout to equal shoving an entire city block about a hundred feet. I was on fire today, man. I got home yesterday and fucked the hell out of those two bodybuilders again – just because working out with you got me so juiced up. They’re still at home passed out on the bed. They begged me to leave them at home and let them get some sleep. I granted their wish, but only on the stipulation that they’d be out of there by the time I returned for lunch with you. At one point last night, I plopped one big guy on the other’s hard dick and then lifted both men up onto my hard missile – plowing the guy on the bottom so hard that it gave intense pleasure to both men. You should have seen me holding both big bodies up in the air as I stood there pumping my huge rod into that tight ass. My fat balls have become a cum-factory, churning out juice as fast as I can move from one man’s ass to the next. Those big boys probably aren’t sitting down for weeks, Jason.” “I can’t believe it, Roman. You’re just so gigantic everywhere I look.” “Yeah, you like your big daddy’s hot body, don’t you, J-boy?” “Yes sir.” “Well how about I get a little special water from you, son, and then I’ll go throw on my shorts and tank-top and we’ll be on our way to get some grub. How does that sound?” “Incredible. I’m very excited about you having more of my family’s water, sir.” “So am I, son, so am I. I’m beginning to not remember what the vials have done to me, but I know they help me a lot.” I watched as the muscleman drank the bottle of water I handed to him. Droplets of sweat hung off of his handlebar ‘stache and his gray hair was matted down on his head – giving him even more of an older jock-stud look than before. I watched as his muscled neck swallowed the liquid in what was basically one gulp. I imagined the fluid going into his body as my eyes roamed down his mega broad shoulders, over his mammoth pecs, and then down his beautiful solid midsection. I felt myself getting light headed as I took in all of Roman’s beautiful physique and realized that he truly did seem larger. I watched as his face revealed that the water was working its magic. My cock started to stir to attention even more than it already was – something I noticed was happening to his own hefty meat, as well. “That is very good stuff, Jason. Let me step into the back for a few minutes, Jason, and I’ll be ready to go.” “Yes sir.” There was something in the way that Roman excused himself that was totally new and super exciting. I could tell there was a change to his personality, but I didn’t get a good enough glimpse of how the water had changed him to figure out what it was. He still had that unbelievable sexy sparkle in his eye and he carried himself with so much confidence that it bordered on cocky, but there was something definitely different. It was something about the way he carried himself – something in the way he said he’d be ready in a few minutes. I watched every head follow him as he walked by different people in the gym. He caught everyone’s attention and it was clear that each man wanted Roman in a powerful way. As I waited for Roman I began to think it might be necessary for me to beat off before we went to lunch at his place. I had never been so sexually turned on in my entire life. I could not believe that I, a gorgeous hung of a bodybuilder, was head-over-heels in love with someone. It was way beyond infatuation. It bordered on stalker level. I craved Roman on some internal level that I had never experienced before. When I closed my eyes I could picture every muscled curve of his body, every gray streaked hair on his head and mustache, and every beautiful mature masculine part of his face. I began to think that the aches and pains I felt in my body were not from the intense workouts my daddy put me through, but were actually pining throbs of desire for the man. I suddenly started to doubt that going to his condo was a good idea – for fear that I would not be able to wait for the final vial of Aunt Hildie’s concoction before attacking the gorgeous specimen. My erotic dreams of the muscled man were suddenly interrupted when I noticed that the gym had suddenly become as silent as a library. Without even opening my eyes I knew that Roman had emerged from the locker room. I was petrified that raising my eyelids and beholding all of his magnificence was going to make my cock spew with more pressure than a badly shaken two-liter cola. I could not, however, refrain from seeing what was causing the entire gym to freeze in place. What greeted my opened eyes could only be described as what people saw when they beheld an angel in heaven. Standing on this side of the door to the locker room was the beautiful and impeccably dressed body of wet-dream-come-true muscle daddy Roman. The big man was pulling gently on the cuffs of a beautiful light blue dress shirt underneath the jacket of a perfect cream-colored Armani linen suit. The giant man still looked butch as hell, but now there was an air of style and grace surrounding him that made James Bond seem like a hick. My mouth dropped open wide as I drank in all of the man’s tanned hugeness. The handlebar ‘stache looked as tailored as the suit, the man’s head of attractive senior hair looked like it had just been styled by the world’s best hairdresser, and the massive muscled body looked even larger covered by a wardrobe that clearly cost a year’s worth of my salary. When the man finally looked at me it was like lightning bolts shot out of his eyes into my chest – that’s how bowled over I was by his gorgeousness. Clearly defined muscles bulged and relaxed as the man-angel walked towards me. I knew, before he even reached my area of the gym, that the newly improved Roman out-classed me by many levels. I even smelled his incredible cologne before he got close. I had never felt so inferior in my entire life. The only thing that saved me – that made me even remotely capable of speaking to the man – was his intensely confident and inviting smile. “Are you ready for lunch, Jason?” I couldn’t form words for a few seconds. The man was even more stunning up close and personal. I could not take my eyes from his – it was like some powerful light beaming from within him hypnotized me. I closed my gaping mouth, licked my lips, and attempted a smile. By this point I had forgotten he had asked a question. I was simply basking in the beauty of the man – overwhelmed that this god had chosen to speak to me, even though I knew him so well. Roman did not embarrass me by asking the question again or by saying anything. He simply did the polite thing and waited for me to gain control of my body and mind. I suddenly realized that our interaction called for some kind of response from me. I dug deep into my soul and gathered all of my strength in order to offer the only reply that fitted such an astonishingly handsome and well-built classy man. “Yes sir.” Roman bent down and grabbed my gym bag and then held out his hand to me. He held out his beautifully manicured thick manly palm and fingers, causing me to feel like fucking Cinderella meeting the prince as I placed my smaller hand in his. His fingers firmly clasped around mine and his arm didn’t budge as I pulled my entire weight upward using him as my anchor. The man’s massive linen-covered limb stayed in place as my huge body unsteadily stood and pressed into him. As soon as he sensed that I had command over my legs he released my hand and moved his perfect paw to the small of my muscled back to guide me out of the gym. As we walked through the big room I felt a rush of pride flow through my body knowing that everyone else was jealous as hell because I was leaving with this man. I was sure that every person in the place – whether gay, straight, male, or female – wanted to be with Roman. I felt like I had just been crowned queen of some fucking parade and every other girl in town was full of murderous envy. Roman reached out to open the door for me and allowed me to walk through first – a move that was both alpha-cocky and gentlemanlike at the same time. My brain was on stimulation overload as we walked toward the parking lot. In the bright sunlight I was able to regain a little of my own confidence and I stared at my striking friend as he put on what I knew were ridiculously expensive face-complimenting sunglasses. The good-looking mega stud smiled at me and guided me to a dark blue Porshe Cabriolet turbo coup. It was my dream car of all dream cars and the top was already down. Roman opened my door and actually slid his hand down to my ass to half guide-half lift me into the seat. The overtly virile move thrilled me beyond what I could have imagined and my cock actually started to throb achingly from being too hard. “Your obvious arousal, young man, is very flattering. I hope I am not causing you any discomfort.” “No sir.” My answer came quickly because I did not want to disappoint the man in any way. I could not have this hunk of muscle daddy perfection think for a second that anything he did bothered me in any way. That would have made me very sad. I wanted him to sense that I was literally on cloud nine whenever he was around – and even when he wasn’t, for that matter. As he moved around to his side of the car I quickly looked down at myself to make sure I looked presentable for the man. I immediately felt underdressed, not muscular enough, and inadequate in my handsomeness – all new feelings for me, which he must have sensed when he easily squeezed his huge frame into the driver seat. “You look exquisite, Jason.” My heart nearly exploded with delight. Roman had looked deep into my eyes and praised me in a way that melted any self-doubt that had entered my brain. It was a comment that had been mixed with a command, a compliment, and an invitation all at the same time. He was ordering me to be happy with myself – a demand I could not say no to. He was admiring me in a way that thrilled me like a young schoolgirl. And he was requesting that I view myself through his eyes – something that empowered me to rekindle my own self-worth. My cock twitched with excitement – a movement in my pants that did not go unnoticed by my huge date. He smiled to himself and started the car. As we pulled out of the parking lot of the gym I noticed that Roman turned in the opposite direction of mid-town – the area of his condo. “I thought you lived in the opposite direction.” “No, I live at the beach. What made you think that?” “Well yesterday you said . . . um, never mind. I was mistaken. I can’t wait to see your place. Where shall we stop to get lunch?” “I’ve already made lunch for us, Jason. I hope that is okay.” “Oh, yes . . . yes, it’s fine. I just thought you said you couldn’t . . . uh . . . just forget it.” Roman smiled at me – again, it was a smile that put me at ease instantly. I also suddenly realized what was happening. Aunt Hildie’s concoction changed everything – not just the man, but also everything around the man. Roman was not the same guy as the day before. The clothes were different, the car was different, and the house was different – just as his attitude and demeanor were different. I had wanted a cultured muscle daddy and the concoction did not disappoint. This was a little hard for me to grasp as we traveled down the road toward the coast. I knew we were going to what most people considered the ritzy part of town. I was trying to understand how the vials were completely changing the man I had met in the gym just a few days before. It was clear that Roman remembered nothing of his former self and I could not decide if this was a good thing or not. I loved the new improved Roman, but I also had come to love the inner Roman – the original guy I had encountered. I also again wondered if the man I had created only liked me because of the magic in the water. I realized that most men would have said ‘what the hell’ and just accepted things as they were, but I couldn’t do that. I desperately wanted Roman to love me on his own – not because of what I had wished for. Only the big gorgeous body of the elder man sitting in the car helped me to stuff all these feelings deep inside. I wanted to enjoy this day without second guessing everything. I knew the time of reckoning would come with the last vial. I leaned back in my leather seat, turned to look at the smiling face of the man I now loved, and sighed out loud before I even realized what I was doing. It was a sound of contentment and joy. It was also noticed by my huge date for the day. “Happy, Jason?” “Very.” “I’m glad. I’m very happy, too.” “I hope so.” “What is there not to be happy about – I’m tooling down the road with a gorgeous man and the sun is shining brightly. It’s a perfect day.” “I couldn’t agree more. You know, that suit highlights your muscles perfectly.” “Thanks, big guy. I have a gay tailor that seems to only put me in tight clothing. He says when he dresses me it’s like I’m his work of art.” “I’ll say.” “We should get him to make you some clothes. I think he’d love dressing you, too.” “I’m afraid I couldn’t afford your tailor, Roman.” “It could be a little gift from me to you. After all, your family’s water continues to improve my body. It’s the least I could do.” “How much do you remember about your life before the water, Roman?” “What do you mean?” “Well, for starters, how long have you lived at the beach?” “For years. That’s a funny question.” “How long have you been big, Roman?” “Ever since I started working out – in my teens. I mean I wasn’t this big, of course, that’s what your family’s water did to me. It made me get a lot bigger.” “It sure did.” I now understood that Roman was slowly becoming completely the man I had dreamed of when I wrote to Aunt Hildie. Her potion was working perfectly and, yet, I was getting more nervous about its effects. Roman still had free will – since he had not taken the last vial. Since the final drink of water was labeled ‘loving’ and Aunt Hildie had made this liquid for me – it was clear that that dose would make Roman’s huge body, his mature and cocky attitude, and his cultured flair all directed towards me. And while the thought of this made me extremely excited, I began to wonder if it was truly what I wanted. If I was I turning Roman into a robot that automatically became and did everything I wanted, was that truly love? Or was it making him my muscle slave? He clearly remembered drinking the water, but he was slowly forgetting how dramatically it changed him. I must have had a worried look on my face, which Roman noticed. “It looks like my gorgeous boy needs some food, quickly. Hang on there, sport, we’re almost to my place.” We shortly pulled into the garage of what could only be described as the beach house of my dreams. It made sense that the house would be what I liked, since the water was turning Roman into my dream man. As we entered the brightly sun-lit house I recognized a Lucien Freud painting I had always admired, some pieces of sculpture that I had dreamed of owning if ever I won the lottery, and noticed that the place was filled with pieces of my dream furniture. At this point I began to freak out a little. It was like I had created an alternate universe for myself. All of this anxiety disappeared, however, as soon as Roman took off his coat inside the front door. The light blue silk shirt clung to the muscle daddy’s body in a way that was erotically flattering and emphasized the man’s torso perfectly. An overwhelming desire for the muscle god welled up in my body and helped me to forget about being freaked out. I stopped in my tracks and stared open-mouthed at the mustached daddy in front of him. Roman let out a soft chuckle and walked over to close my mouth by placing a thick finger underneath my chin and pushing upward. The physical contact snapped me out of my lustful trance. “I picked this shirt out just for you, sweet boy, so I’m glad you approve.” “What’s not to approve – you look good enough to eat. I think you’ve grown since yesterday.” “I hope so. You’ve gained about ten pounds of muscle yourself.” “No way, I haven’t gained anything in about ten months. I think I’ve hit my plateau.” “Really? Check out the scale in the master bathroom down the hall – I think you’ll be surprised. I’ll pour us some Prosecco and finish getting lunch ready. We’ll eat out on the deck, if that’s okay with you.” “That sounds great. I’m telling you you’re wrong, though, about the added pounds.” I walked down the hall, marveling at every detail of the beautiful home. The master bedroom seemed made for a movie and had all the gadgets and furniture I had ever wanted. I stepped on the top-of-the-line electric scale in the incredible bathroom and was, again, shocked beyond words. I had actually gained about twelve pounds and I instantly knew it was all muscle. Roman’s incredible tips in the gym had worked miracles, even in just a few short days. My head spun in disbelief. I reached out and grabbed hold of the beautifully tiled counter to steady myself. I also let out a gasp because I had thought it impossible to grow any more. Roman obviously heard me, even from down the hall. “I told you so, Jason. Stick with me, kid, and we’re going to blow your mind all the time. Come get lunch.” I was, again, surprised by the changes in Roman when I gazed at what he had prepared for lunch. The day before he had said he did not know his way around the kitchen, but the spread on the table in front of me rivaled anything made by Ina Garten, the Barefoot Contessa. There were some light appetizers, a seafood salad, and a couple of options for dessert. A wine that Roman had chosen specifically to compliment the food accompanied every part of the meal. He explained perfectly how each drink brought out different parts of the dish it was partnered with. I quickly realized that the ‘culture’ vial of water had made the huge man a walking encyclopedia for art, architecture, food, music, and so much more. He had become a true renaissance man with a body to die for. I tried desperately to focus on what Roman was saying as he spoke, but my eyes kept wandering to his fur-covered chest, exposed by the open shirt, and his bulging arms. It became clear that Roman realized what I was doing but he never commented on it – ever the gentleman. The meal was exquisite and I eagerly complimented every part of the meal. Later, after we had rinsed everything and loaded the dishwasher, Roman made a proposal that made my heart stop. “I was wondering, Jason, if you might care to stay the night. I believe it’s okay for me to take the last vial at midnight and we might want to see what comes after that.” We were standing at the edge of Roman’s large deck that stuck out over the ocean. His eyes and entire body seemed to reflect the astounding beauty of the water below. The muscled daddy radiated strength, sensitivity, and manliness – all at the same time. My legs began to wobble from excitement at the idea of spending the night with Roman. I knew the final vial was in my gym bag in the entranceway and, clearly, he did, too. During the meal, however, I had begun to contemplate not giving him the final vial. My fear about Roman not having the free will to choose to love me was causing doubt about finishing what I had begun. I figured I could leave things as they were right now and our relationship could develop naturally. It was clear that we were wildly attracted to each other. My hesitation was not lost on the big man. “What is it, Jason?” “I was thinking you might not want to take the last vial of water. I mean, look at how you’ve changed already. I think it’s enough, don’t you?” “I’m not sure, Jason. I’ve begun to forget what the vials have done to me. I know I’ve taken them and I remember they come from you, but I don’t recall who I was before you shared them with me. I understand, however, somewhere in my gut, that I need to take them all. It’s a packaged deal and we need to trust that. You feel it, too, don’t you.” “No, Roman, I don’t. I can’t explain it all to you, but I think the last vial will change you in a way that’s not good. I originally wanted . . . I mean the original plan was to take them all, but I’m not sure that’s a good idea now.” “I think we should stick to the original plan. You should trust the vials, son.” “How about we don’t make a decision until midnight. Okay, Roman. Let’s just have the evening to ourselves – just as we are right now – and then we can see what we want to do later on.” “If that’s what you want, Jason, then we’ll wait to make the decision. I don’t think I’ll be changing my mind, though. I’ve just got a gut feeling that I need to complete whatever transformation that has taken place.” “You really can’t remember anything, Roman?” “I have a vague memory of growing – both the muscles and the mustache – and I kind of remember having a different personality, but it’s getting more and more sketchy all the time. I just know that you’ve helped me a lot and I want to return the favor by making you grow bigger. I also feel a strong voice in my head that says I shouldn’t be physically intimate with you in any way until after the last vial. My gut tells me that the changes won’t take hold or something like that if we hook up in any way.” Roman’s gut feeling resonated with a similar hunch that was eating away at my own stomach. I had slowly realized that Aunt Hildie’s concoction would only be permanent if Roman drank every vial – but I also had come to understand that the last vial would probably erase all memories of his former self and make him my own hugely muscled adoring daddy boyfriend, but it wouldn’t be his choice. Roman would be responding to the magic of Aunt Hildie’s concoction and love me unconditionally. It was every gay man’s dream - to have a muscle daddy slave - but I had begun to wonder if it was truly what I wanted. I had set out to make the perfect man – and in almost every way Roman had become exactly what I wanted, but I now doubted my dream. I wondered if it would be better to let Roman go back to being the man I had met in the gym a few days ago and love the inner muscle daddy I knew existed inside him - knowing that his mind was clear and his decisions were his own. Or would it satisfy me more to have him be the perfect specimen of manhood now, but understand that he adored me only because of Aunt Hildie’s concoction. I was leaning toward the former because I thought that I would be able to, over many years, release the inner Roman and come somewhat close to what he was right now, but there were no guarantees. “Just because we can’t do anything too intimate until after the last vial, Jason, doesn’t mean we can’t have a little fun this afternoon.” “What do you mean, Roman?” “I mean a guy can still look, even if he can’t touch. I’d like to see you flex for me, boy. It would be good to see what my training has done to you. And if I choose to get a little relief from all this pent up tension, well, there seems to be little harm in that.” My cock, which had become deflated during my inner turmoil about the last vial, suddenly shot back to being fully hard – achingly hard, as a matter of fact. The thought of seeing my muscle daddy work off a little sexual tension was enough to almost bring me to an uncontrollable explosion. At the same time, though, the thought of posing for my dream man intimidated me. I had been a natural exhibitionist ever since I had added my first few pounds of muscle as a young man. I was a champion bodybuilder that usually strutted through the gym like I owned the place. What was happening to me? Roman, the elder muscle god of my dreams; was making me embarrassed about my body – my huge body. It was just that he was so much larger and muscle-packed than me – it caused me to feel inadequate. I looked down at the ground – torn between intense lust at the thought of seeing Roman pump his huge cock and extreme discomfort at the idea of stripping down to some posers for this gorgeous man. Again, the giant muscle daddy in front of me sensed my awkwardness perfectly. “You have nothing to be shy about, boy. You’re fucking gorgeous. Don’t compare yourself to me, son. We’re going to get you this huge very soon. And right now, you’re more muscled than almost ninety-nine percent of the world. Your body gets this huge muscle daddy worked up more than you’ll ever know. Hell, I’d throw you down on this deck and fuck the shit out of that tight ass right now if I didn’t know it would break the spell you’ve been feeding me in that water. We might be tempting fate getting naked and everything, but I’m just not sure I can take being this close to you and not chugging out a big load. How about I open a six hundred dollar bottle of wine, we get a little drunk, and you show off that fucking hot body for your daddy. What do you say, son?” “I say I’ll get the opener while you get the bottle of wine.” We stood there staring at each other for a few seconds. I was seriously worried that we were going to pounce on each other for some throw down man-on-man sex and forget about Aunt Hildie’s last vial. I’d be lying if I said that part of me didn’t wish that we would, but Roman broke the tension by letting out a loud, somewhat uncultured cowboy yell, pounded his huge thick chest with his fists a couple of times and then backed away to go get the wine - never taking his eyes off of mine until he got to the door. I exhaled loudly after he disappeared and immediately sank into one of the oversized cushioned deck chairs. I felt light-headed – mainly because all of the blood in my body was pumping powerfully into my stiff cock – and worried that I might pass out from the excitement Roman caused in my body. I wanted to feel his huge muscles pressed up against my hard body so badly that I worried I was going to burst into flames from the heat he produced within me. I saw the same exact lust in Roman’s eyes. He desired me as much as I desired him – even before he drank the last vial. It suddenly dawned on me that if I could be convinced that Roman loved me unconditionally prior to taking the last vial then maybe the guilt I felt about turning him into an unknowing slave could evaporate from my mind. If he was already a total lovesick puppy – devoted to me – then I didn’t have to worry about what Aunt Hildie’s concoction did to him. I realized I had already begun to rationalize reasons for giving the last vial to Roman – again, a sure sign I was head over heels in love with him. The big man clearing his voice interrupted my mental revelry. I looked up and gasped out loud when I saw my muscle daddy standing over me holding a bottle of wine and realized he had taken off his beautiful shirt. I had seen his upper body many times before, but the intensified sexual tension between us caused me to take in his massiveness in a new and exciting way. “Somebody was dreaming of his muscle daddy so much that he forgot to get the opener.” “Guilty as charged, sir.” “Not to worry, I stopped by the kitchen to lose the shirt and grab the corkscrew.” “Watch out when you say ‘screw’ big man – I may not be able to prevent myself from attacking you.” “No, no, dreamboat, we have to wait until after midnight for all that touchy-feely stuff. That means we have about eight hours to kill. I’m thinking we can find a lot of things to do to keep our hands occupied until then. Watch this little trick I learned today, sport.” Roman pushed out his monstrous pecs and held the bottle of wine in the deep valley between the hard mounds of flesh. He then tensed his chest causing a ton of striations to become noticeable even through the fur covering the huge muscles. I watched in awe and lust as he dropped his hand and the wine bottle stayed tightly in place. I then loved every second of the show as he took the kitchen tool and proceeded to uncork the bottle while he held it in place with just his pecs. Some of the deep burgundy wine squirted out on his right massive pec shelf as he pulled out the cork and I immediately wanted to lick it up – excited about tasting the mixture of his salty sweat and the sweet wine. Roman shook his finger back and forth at me and shook his head from side to side. “Not yet, sexy big boy. Cool your jets. Did you like my trick?” “Look to my crotch for your answer, daddy.” “Ummm, indeed you did. Care for some wine?” “Only if I can slurp it up from within that big crevice between those massive muscled puppies!” “Maybe later on, boy, maybe later on. Right now, you’ll have to settle for a glass. I also think we should simply sit here for a while and sip our wine – before we start your little show. I think we are both too wired for any kind of stimulation right now. We might not be able to control our hands.” “Or our cocks.” “So true, my young pup, so true.” Roman poured both of us a big glass of the wine and almost all thoughts of sex immediately left my mind after he swirled my glass for a few seconds and then allowed me to sip some of the unbelievable aged vino. It was like having a sweet grape orgasm in my mouth. I had never tasted something so incredible. Roman could instantly tell how much I loved the wine and this pleased him very much. He sat down in another deck chair, across from me, and watched intently as I took my second sip. I was blown away by the taste even more the second time. “He likes the wine. I see my boy has good taste.” “Of course. I chose you, didn’t I?” “Smooth, sir, smooth.” “Almost as smooth as your wine, daddy.” “When you call me daddy, Jason, it takes every ounce of my strength not to leap from this chair and throw my big body on top of you. Who knows what would happen after that.” “Daddy, daddy, daddy.” “You, my friend, are incorrigible.” We both took a long sip of wine and stared into each other’s eyes. It was a natural break in the strenuous work of not attacking each other. The air was filled with the kind of sexual tension that was so palpable we both knew that even a stiff wind could send us over the edge. I wanted this elder specimen of muscled daddiness more than I had ever wanted anything in my entire life. I was lost in his confidence and his masculine beauty. I could not believe I had been granted the chance to create my fantasy man. I mentally stumbled for a few seconds when the word ‘fantasy’ crept into my thoughts. Is that what Roman was – just a fantasy? Had I taken away his ability to choose things for himself and would the final vial seal his robotic love for me completely? Suddenly, my mind was clear and I knew what I had to do. I loved this man too much to make him my slave – even if his new body and his cocky attitude was everything I had ever wanted. I made the decision that would cause me great grief, but I knew it was also the right thing to do. “I need to step into the little boy’s room, sir.” “You’ll find that there’s not any room here for little boys, Jason.” “Well, then I need to step into the big boy’s room, sir.” “No fair jerking off in there, big guy. Save that sweet stuff for later on.” “I wouldn’t think of it, sir.” I placed my glass on a side table and slid off the chair. I had to reach down and readjust my hard cock, so it would be easy to walk. This caused Roman to chuckle slightly. I looked down into his beautiful eyes and I immediately got the sense that he knew exactly what I was doing. I thought I saw sadness in his eyes, but there was also some pride mixed in. I was instantly confused and stopped in my tracks. I must have had a quizzical look on my face. Roman smiled at me and then nodded his head. “A man has to do what he’s got to do.” “What?” “I mean, when you have to piss, you got to piss. Am I right?” “Um . . . yes . . . yes, sir.” I moved away slowly and knew that Roman followed my every step. I got the feeling we had not been talking about bodily functions. It really creeped me out when it seemed that Roman knew what I was thinking. I quickly moved into the house. I walked to my gym bag in the foyer and grabbed the last vial. Once inside the bathroom I stood over the toilet like a frozen statue – torn between what I knew was the right thing to do and what my cock told me was the thing that turned me on more than anything else in the world. I did not want Roman to be a robot. I did not want his love unless it was given freely. I knew what I was about to do would mean that the muscle daddy of my dreams would be back to his original dweebish self by morning. I also glanced around the fancy bathroom and realized the beach home would be gone, too. Remembering that the house was furnished and decorated to my own taste hastened my decision – since it was a sign of the big man’s automatic commitment to me. I opened the vial, sighed heavily, and then poured the liquid in the toilet – and flushed. I immediately felt great relief with my decision, but I had to lower the seat cover and sit down to recover fully. I had basically just given up on everything I ever dreamed of having. I had watched Roman change into the muscled senior stud of all studs and now I was giving it all up. But I realized I was sacrificing my own orgasmic happiness because I loved the man – the true man. I had come to love everything about Roman. I hoped that I would one day help him to once again become his present macho muscled self, but I realized it would be a long process. The man sitting out on the deck existed somewhere within the original Roman – I knew that now - but I also understood that it might take a lifetime to help him reach his full potential. I gathered my strength, wiped away the tears that had begun to fall down my cheeks, and returned the vial my bag as I made my way back outside. I inhaled deeply, to regain some confidence, and stepped back out onto the deck. ********** I somehow felt amazingly calm and collected when I returned to the deck and beheld the beautiful Roman. The heat of the day was causing him to perspire slightly and the light layer of water made it look like he had oiled up his big body. He glistened like the water on the shore of a Greek isle. He was lying there soaking up the rays of the setting sun with his eyes closed as I moved near him. I stood there quietly, staring at the beautiful man. He seemed larger than before. I immediately thought it wasn’t possible, but then I remembered all the things that Aunt Hildie’s concoction had accomplished thus far. Maybe the big man was still growing. I tried to remember what Roman looked like before the transformation – and how he would again look this time tomorrow, but all I could picture was the way he was right now – muscled, mustached, and exuding cockiness and culture at the same time. Actually, even I was beginning to forget the old Roman. I tried desperately to memorize how he looked right at that moment so that over the coming years, as we hopefully rebuilt him to this point, I could remember what each part of him should look like. I doubted we would ever reach the perfection in front of me, but maybe we could come close. It didn’t even cross my mind how hard it would be to get Roman to be as confident and knowledgeable as he was right now, but only time would tell. When he finally spoke, clearly having sensed that I was back, he did not open his eyes. “Did you take care of everything, Jason?” “I’m sorry?” “Were you able to set things straight while you were inside?” “Um . . . yes, yes I think I did.” “That’s good. Now, how about a little flexing for your ole buddy Roman?” He finally opened his eyes. There was a new twinkle there that I had not noticed before. I quickly picked up that it existed because the big man was finally overtly flirting with me. I had witnessed him mesmerize others with his charm and I also saw people follow his every move at the gym, but now the man was focused solely on me – and not like he focused on me when we worked out together. No, the look in his eyes was purely sexual and it made my strong legs wobble. Roman was looking at me with a smile that made it clear he would have fucked me silly right there and then if it had not been for the final vial – the vial that no longer existed since I had dumped it down the toilet. Roman’s lustful staring turned me on in a way that I could not explain. I wanted the man more than I wanted air or water. I needed him to live. “Um . . . I’m sorry, Roman?” “Take your shirt off.” I didn’t fully understand what he was asking, but I began to unbutton my shirt just because he had told me to. I would have jumped off a cliff or in front of a charging bus if the guy had ordered it. I was Roman’s puppy – obedient until the end. I suddenly felt a pang of regret for having gotten rid of the last vial. Being ordered around by a huge older muscle stud was such a turn on – such the fulfillment of all my lifelong dreams, but it was also false coming from this man. Roman’s bravado was created by me – and Aunt Hildie’s concoction. In less than twenty-four hours he would be back to the original smallish man I had met in the gym just a few days ago. My present actions with the shirt reflected a need to satisfy the man sitting in the deck chair in front of me. My mind and heart had already begun to plan how I might naturally build up the guy that had been the original cornerstone – the man I had met in the gym that first day. By this point my shirt lay on the deck at my feet. My upper body was completely exposed. “Damn, you’re a beautiful man, Jason. Your size and definition is amazing. I could gaze on your incredible muscles forever.” Roman’s words turned me on in a way that was unfathomable in every way – I didn’t realize I could become as jazzed about someone as I was about him at that moment. Here was one of the sexiest and most fucking built men I had ever seen in my entire life talking about how beautiful and muscular I was – it was so surreal. I watched in awe as Roman unzipped his pants and pulled out the most mouth-watering plump masculine cock I had ever seen – and started stroking the big thing slowly. The muscle daddy of my dreams was getting his rocks off because of my body. This was something I never thought I would live long enough to experience. Suddenly, the deadline of midnight no longer mattered. I didn’t care that Roman would be turning back to the man I had met in the gym a few days ago – it just didn’t matter. Right now, at this moment, he was a huge guy that found me so irresistible that he had to jerk-off as he gazed upon my body. I started to unzip my pants and push them down over my immense quads without having the stud request it. I wanted to please Roman so much that I merely did what I sensed he desired. I could not have guessed how right I truly was. “Aw hell, boy, you are making me crazy. Just look at those huge legs. You’ve got so much muscle in those quads I think it could take me years to count the striations. And those fucking calves are as big as kegs! Jason, you are the most beautiful man in the world. I hope I can prevent myself from cumming too soon – I want to save myself for you later on.” I was hoping the same thing about myself. Seeing the huge muscled daddy stroking his big meat in the chair in front of me was almost too much. I was as hard as stone and leaking a lot of pre. I forced myself to stare at Roman’s face – avoiding his huge body and the pumping of his cock because I knew it would make me explode. I stood there only in my underwear – but my own pole stretched my briefs out in a way that was both indecent and harmful to the material. I wanted to throw my big body down on the even bigger man lying in the chair before me. I wanted it so much that my body actually ached. I could have initiated sex with Roman since the final vial had been flushed down the toilet, but I waited. I waited to honor the fact that he was being diligent in his own control – but also because I wanted to build up the mind-blowing sexual tension that already existed between us. I knew I would have to tell the guy that the final vial was gone. I knew his disappointment would be great, but I also knew – on a certain level – that he could not remember the man he used to be. I had a feeling he would wake up tomorrow and not even remember that he had been the most beautiful muscle daddy that had ever walked the earth – not to mention the cockiest and most cultured. Tomorrow he would only see that there was a giant stud sleeping next to him that was head-over-heels in love with him. I knew that I would still desire Roman after he returned to his old self – because I had glimpsed what existed beneath the surface. I now knew what the man could become – what was possible within him. And that was enough to keep me committed and devoted to him forever. I was certainly ready to re-build the Roman I knew - when he no longer had the body or the attitude that existed right now. “Flex your guns, boy.” My arms went up in the air immediately and I pumped my biceps hard. I needed the big daddy in front of me to be impressed. The pumping of his cock increased a little and he moaned in what could only be described as pure pleasure. The man was staring at me like I was a tall glass of ice water and he had been out in the dessert without any liquid for days. If looks could have equaled intercourse – at that moment I would have been fucked in every orifice possible. I tensed my arms even higher – desperate to make Roman happy. His leaking pre-cum made the rock-hard huge pole glisten as he stroked himself. It still boggled my mind to know that this giant muscle daddy lusted for me so deeply. Both of us were using every ounce of our incredible strength to not jump the other guy’s body. I swear Roman looked even bigger than just a few minutes ago. I was sure it had everything to do with my own desire for him, but he did look magnificent. I didn’t take my eyes away from him. He, however, was not looking at my face – his gaze was locked on my arms. “You’re just fucking huge, boy, and we’re going to get you even larger. I can’t wait until we have to go and buy you an entire new wardrobe. This daddy is going to make his boy look cum-draining gorgeous. I’m going to have to beat all the boys off of you.” “Something that will be no problem for my big muscled daddy, I’m sure.” “You’d like to see me rough up some young whippersnappers, wouldn’t you, Jason. It would be nice to have me toss some guys around just to emphasize to them that you’re my pup. You like the idea of seeing this daddy in action, don’t you, son?” “Yes sir. More than anything, sir.” “I’m built to put people in their place, kid. I’ve got enough muscle to defeat an army for you – if that’s what you want. You just keep getting bigger and posing that gorgeous body of yours for me any time I want and I’ll be glad to rid the world of anything you want me to. Lose the briefs, boy.” My arms came down and I immediately latched my thumbs underneath the waistband of my underwear. I pulled the material out, to bring it beyond my hard protruding dick and then tugged the things down beyond my bulging quads. I then used my right foot to push them over my calves and release them onto the deck floor. I had never been so proud of my body. Roman let out a huge whistle and increased the motion on his cock – the rhythm being steady and intense. “Turn around and let me see what my fat daddy cock is going to get to plug in a little while. Aw fuck yeah, that is one beautiful muscled ass, Jason. Tense those glutes, boy. Let me see the power you got in those cheeks. Oh shit, that’s nice. Remind me why I shouldn’t just shove this big thing up that tight hole right now, son.” “I really can’t think of any reason, sir.” “Shame on you, Jason, trying to trick me when I’m in such a vulnerable state. I know we’ve got to wait until midnight. I’m slowly forgetting why, but I know it’s important. That last vial is going to cement things between you and me – it’s what your family’s concoction is all about. I won’t forget that important point – no matter how gorgeous your ass is. Bend over for me, boy.” I could not believe how much his talking turned me on. I didn’t even need to look at the beautiful man for him to excite me – just his voice could cause my cock to start leaking even more generously. I leaned over and grabbed my ankles – exposing my puckered hole for the muscle daddy. I heard his big hand cease it’s motion on his hard pole – the guy was clearly too close to eruption and needed a break. Roman also let out a low growl-like sound that made it more than clear he was happy with the view between my muscled cheeks. I was amazed at the self-control we were both somehow able to muster. I started to contemplate what it would feel like to have the big cock that beamed so beautifully from the guy’s crotch. I continued to tense my ass – making sure my tight opening quivered appropriately. Suddenly, I heard a big splash in the pool behind me. I opened my eyes and peered between my muscled calves. I saw Roman’s pants in a heap at the base of his chair and then noticed his head pop out of the perfectly blue water a few feet away. “I needed to calm down, boy. Your ass was sending me too close to the edge.” I stood back up and turned around. Seeing Roman’s gorgeous hair and mustache glistening with beads of water sent me into sensory overload. He looked even more beautiful with his upper torso sticking out from the water at the middle of the pool. The man was still staring at my body and I could see the fat head of his cock still sticking up proudly. The sun was almost completely down now – just an orangish-red glow making everything in the area look as if it were on fire. The reflection on Roman’s body was intoxicating and it somehow made his muscles look even more stunning. I stepped to the edge of the pool and then jumped in. I made sure I ended up a few feet away from the big daddy cooling off. I didn’t want to get so close that we would immediately attack each other. The water was perfect and definitely helped to diffuse some of the sexual tension mounting between us. When I stood up and let the water cascade down over my body, Roman had to immediately close his eyes. “Seeing your muscles covered in water is almost too much, boy. It makes everything bulge out even more. This daddy couldn’t be blamed for ravaging your body when it looks like that.” “Ravage away, sir.” “Soon, son, very soon. I promise I’ll be worth the wait. We won’t be coming up for air until the sun is rising. I can guarantee that. You think my workouts made you sore, Jason? Wait until you’re trying to recover from the intense pain my fucking is going to cause. Hell, son, you’ll be bigger tomorrow morning just because of how much I’m going to make that body of yours tense up with excitement later on. And my muscle daddy cum is going to pump your body up something special, boy. I can guarantee you that. It’s gong to feel like you were run over by a Mack Truck tomorrow morning, but it’s also going to be the most glorious sensation you’ve had in a long time. I’m going to feel the same way, boy. My big body is going to ache too, but it’s going to be such sweet pain.” Hearing Roman refer to how his own big body was going to feel in the morning snapped me out of my lust for him immediately. I started to doubt that my decision to dump the final vial down the toilet had been the right one. Even though he was being turned into the man of my dreams and not necessarily his – did that really matter? Wasn’t he benefitting from what I wanted, too? I forced those doubts out of my head since it was too late now, anyway. What was done was done – the huge man before me would be his original smaller self in the morning. I knew it was just important to enjoy his present huge company for right now – and to memorize what we would attain through hard work over the next few years. That is, if it was what Roman wanted. That was the difference – it would be his choice starting tomorrow and it wouldn’t be me forcing him to become what I wanted – what I desired. I wanted to wade over to the big man and hug him intensely. He clearly sensed my need. “Careful there, pup. We’ve just got a few more hours to go. I know I toyed with our libidos for the last few hours, but that was just some intense foreplay. Two huge strong fuckers like us can hold out for a little while longer. It will just make the multiple orgasms that are going to happen throughout the night that much better. You take a little swim and your big daddy is going to go fix us a nice dinner. Watching you flex your muscled body and edging my cock from looking at your tight hole has made me fucking hungry. I’m going to make you something so tasty that your big cock will stay hard just from the food and not only because our bodies are so hot for each other.” Watching Roman slowly walk up the steps at the shallow end of the pool was like watching Poseidon coming up from the ocean. The man’s body was huge and the wet hail only emphasized his muscles more. I loved how Roman didn’t dry off at all. He simply walked into the big house and turned on some lights. I watched him – my hard-on becoming more intense – as he started working in the kitchen completely nude. His huge body moved around the open space like he was in some kind of domestic ballet. I stroked my hard meat under the water. I stood just like that for the hour and a half that it took the big man to prepare our meal. He glanced at me every now and then – especially when he came outside to set the table on the deck, preparing a beautiful space for what would be our final meal in this place. He called me from the pool once everything was on the table and the wine was poured. I stepped out of the water and moved to the chair on the other side of the table. We both stayed completely nude – the night air causing our nipples to poke out strongly. I could have skipped the entire meal if he had offered one of his nubs for me to suck on. There was, of course, another couple bottles of exquisite wine with the meal and by the time we finished everything we both were pretty buzzed. My inebriation made me a little bolder with the man. I decided to tread in some unfamiliar territory. “What if none of this existed tomorrow? How would you feel, Roman?” “What do you mean?” He was opening a third bottle - a sweet dessert wine - and chose to hold the thing between his monstrous pecs like he had earlier as he pulled out the cork. It was a trick I had come to love. My cock – even in my drunken state – was fully hard. Roman knew exactly what kind of response his actions elicited from my body. He did it just to tease me. I also think it helped him to stay hard, as well – knowing I was so turned on. “What if this house didn’t exist, this food didn’t exist . . . even your body didn’t exist.” “Would I still have you?” His question came quickly, without any hesitation, and caught me off guard. I stared into his eyes and noticed the seriousness behind the statement. He stopped in mid pour and just looked at me with a face full of love. I was almost moved to tears. I didn’t blink at all and answered honestly. “Of course you would – I’ll never leave you now, Roman. I know the real you and I’ve come to realize that’s the most important thing.” “Then none of this matters, Jason. You are all that I desire. It’s been that way since the first time we met – even though I really can’t remember all the details of when we met. I do, however, remember wanting you from the moment you shared your family’s secret water. I could do without any of this if I knew I still got you.” The tears flowed now. I couldn’t control them. I’m sure it was partly the wine, but it was also the words that Roman had spoken. I cried because I felt the same way as he did. I wanted the guy more than anything else in the world – even if it meant he came without the changes that Aunt Hildie’s concoction had caused. Sure he was handsome as hell, muscled beyond belief, the kind of confident, cultured stud I had always dreamed of, and had the facial hair of my wet dreams – but all of that paled in comparison to what I now liked about his interior self. I sobbed a little as the tears continued to stream down my face. I knew, deep down, that a lot of what Roman was saying would be gone as soon as he was back to his original self. I still didn’t know how much of his love for me was caused by Aunt Hildie’s vials. I’m sure there was a basic attraction, but I also knew we’d have to build back up to these intense feelings we now carried for each other. I would be at an advantage because I knew what we could become – what we could be together. I would have to work hard to convince him of all this once it was gone. I was ready for the challenge, though. Roman just sat there as I mourned – for what he and I would lose come the morning. But I also cried for joy – for I knew that our relationship would be built on truth and honesty starting the next day. I could wait as we built him back up to the perfect muscle daddy. It was worth the wait. “I think we need new glasses, Jason. I’ll be right back. This stuff will taste better in champagne flutes.” Roman disappeared into the house – and I realized he was doing it to allow me to have the time I needed to work through whatever was causing me sadness. He was too much of a gentleman to pry or cause me to feel uncomfortable. I collected myself while he was gone and was ready to rejoice when he returned. I loved watching his huge body move back out onto the deck in the moonlight. It felt like I truly had every curve and bulge memorized. I was ready for whatever would come. Roman set a glass in front of me and then pulled his chair around the table so we were sitting closer to each other. He picked up his glass and I knew he was ready for a toast. I raised my flute, as well. “Here’s to the future, Jason – whatever it brings.” “To the future, Roman.” We drank in silence. The dessert wine was exquisite, just like the rest, and I loved how tasting it pleased the big man. He savored the wine and swallowed joyously. We finished our glasses without saying a word and then we both sat back in our chairs. Roman reached out and grabbed my hand. It was a bold move, since we didn’t want to do anything that would make us jump each other’s bones, but it was also a comforting move. I needed his closeness at that moment and I realized he knew it, too. We gazed into each other’s eyes and this made him begin to smile with a face full of joy. I felt complete – right then and right there. Even if that feeling never came again, I would remember that moment forever. He seemed different, somehow – even calmer and more confirdent. “It’s two minutes passed twelve, Jason. Time for that final vial.” My heart sank. I knew it was time to tell the truth. I was ready to face the music. I knew it would be hard for Roman to hear, but I also knew it was the right thing to do. I loved him so much that I realized I had to set him free. I needed him to know everything. I was ready to begin our life in a new way. “I need to tell you something, Roman. I poured the last vial down the toilet. Don’t be angry. I want to tell you a lot of things that you don’t remember – that you’ve forgotten because I have been giving you these vials. I think it is important for you to know the truth.” “I know the truth, Jason. You love me and I love you.” “Yes, that’s true, but there’s more.” “You mean that your Aunt Hildie sent you seven vials to make the perfect muscle daddy? You mean that you’ve given me the vials and have loved all the changes? You mean that the last vial – the one you poured down the toilet – was to make me loving and you panicked because you felt that you were turning me into a muscled robot that had no will of his own? Do you mean the fact that you gave up everything just because you wanted me to have the chance for all of this on my own? Have I summed it up pretty well, Jason?” “Um . . . yes . . . but, but how did you know?” “I didn’t know until about two minutes ago. I caught on earlier that you were feeling a little uneasy about the vials. Maybe your aunt put something in the sixth one to help me have some foresight or something. Anyway, when I went in earlier to get the wine opener I switched out the liquid in the vial. You poured just regular tap water down the drain. When we just toasted with the dessert wine you drank what was in the bottle and I drank what was in the vial. The seventh vial was for both of us, Jason. Your aunt knows you very well. The way to make me completely in love with you – the kind of love that knows no bounds – is to show me some act of selfless love, yourself. You gave up everything you ever dreamed of - for me, Jason. You made yourself worthy of unconditional love. The seventh vial only made me completely aware of everything that has happened and, by the way, gave me the chance to choose it for myself. I have total free will right now, boy, but I also know what you did – what you intended to do. I love you even more deeply than just ten minutes ago. And here’s the best part, kiddo, I’m staying just the way you see me right now. Well, that’s not entirely true. I plan on getting larger – right along side of you.” Somehow, everything Roman said sank into my brain fully as he spoke. It all made total sense and I was amazed by the fact that Aunt Hildie had anticipated everything. I was also thrilled beyond belief that the muscled daddy sitting in front of me was going to be staying the same forever. My heart was bursting with love for the giant. I stood up and moved in front of him. I straddled his legs and sat down. Our hard cocks were smashed between our taut stomachs as I pressed my body into his. I leaned my face down. “That must mean I can now do this…” I kissed Roman hard – harder than I had ever kissed anyone in my entire life. I also smashed my body into his hard torso – relishing every mind-blowing feeling his muscles caused in me. There was no way I could ever have imagined what it would feel like to embrace this muscle daddy for the first time – it was everything I had dreamed of and more – much more. I also knew it was the beginning of a lifetime of exciting moments. I was ready for the ride – in more ways than one. I sent a huge thank you thought out to Aunt Hildie before my mind surrendered to all things surrounding my muscle daddy built to order! This post has been promoted to an article
  4. Hi everyone, as a friendly warning this story is very heavy on violence, if you don't like snuff stories, please stop reading and go one of the more suitable stories on the page. As always, thanks to Freakoman2 and Mczapl for their inputs, inspiration and critique (hope you're still enjoying). The Secret Snuffers Society Part 10-Clearing the Board The Interviewer was on his bed, he was completely worn out from exhaustion. One month have passed since the police station take over but he still felt worn out. He was on his bed looking at the ceiling. “Did he made the right call?, would he have gone too far?, which repercussions would be?, did he calculated right?” All those revolving thoughts were at his mind, racing one before the other. “You did the right call” Wolf said, Igor nodded his head. The Interviewer smiled, since the fainting Wolf has grown out somewhat “worried” if that word could exist in Wolf’s dictionary, so Wolf decided strictly that the Interviewer take some time off each night. “We still need you here, I won’t administrate this” was the continuous argument from Wolf at the nagging of the Interviewer, so Wolf and Igor took over some of the activities. Michal could not come back since he was on charge of the rebuild of the Old Red’s former base since many of the Old Red tugs came back to the base and Michal was training them on the SSS ways, but if they would get any status on the SSS ranks, that was to be seen. Igor on other hand became also a Wolf’s lackey he underwent on a brutal training and it showed, Igor was packing muscles at an amazing speed even for the SSS standards. He seemed to be forgotten his former Old Red’s status and embraced his rank has an elite candidate for the SSS. But he plainly refused to enter the colosseum if the Interviewer would not see his advances. Wolf tolerated him in the most part because he had administrative experience, so he could counsel Wolf about how to proceed with the SSS. The Interviewer stood up and went to the bathroom after 15 minutes he came out ad took his usual clothes. The Interviewer felt better, his mind was still racing from the thoughts but the bet was already made and they needed to prepare for the consequences, whichever they could be. There were some issues still waiting to resolve, Ricardo’s discharges, The Old red’s quarters renewal, and Bucks introduction to the SSS. Buck was quite something, he was a big tall and bald bodybuilder, he had brown eyes, well defined muscles covered in a tick layer of grayish fur and had a white/grey bear. He was almost in his mid forty’s. Buck was quite happy to enter the SSS, he had became a training zealot, but he was more akin to Michal’s ways than Wolf’s. However he trained hard and asked also to enter the arena fights, we was already big when he joined the SSS but was getting more defined, and his looks went fiercer. The Interviewer thought that he would be a savage on the arena. But his overall reach was something to be seen. Ivan and Adam were opposite sides, Ivan was getting better with his training but he was clearly surpassed by Buck and Igor. And Adam lagged in his training, so this issue needed to be solved. Those issues took his toll on the Interviewer since no-one could else could help and he needed to solve them. Wolf walked at his side “so, you’re ready?” He asked, “Yes, thank you, other more day and you might think that I’m weak, I won’t die yet” The interviewer said. Both men walked to the Interviewer office, there was a new door already. Ricardo was waiting outside, he was nervous, and to be on the office alongside Wolf was getting him even more nervous. “I, I,” Ricardo tried to mutter some words while entering the room. “Ricardo, what have you been doing all this time?” “I’ve trained hard this time so I can perform even better” Ricardo said with a trembling voice while looking nervously at Wolf. Wolf bounced his pecs casually, but he knew that he could be terrified if someone really knew that there was a possibility of a punishment from him. The Interviewer looked at Ricardo, he kept that swimmers body but he looked more defined, his abs were marked even relaxed and his pecs were messing against the shirt. His legs were covered by a swimmers shorts that let a well rounded and defined legs and a flip flop. He looked more like a beach lifesaver than an SSS guard. The Interviewer thought that Ricardo was deliberately choosing that outfit to make a better impression, maybe that was the case. He looked at his desk, “Ricardo, you know we don’t tolerate any kind of failure do you?” Ricardo looked terrified at Wolf, Wolf turned to him and slowly his hand pawed Ricardo’s head. Ricardo stood silently waiting for the bitter end. “Unfortunately, we are short on personnel since we are taking care of the neighborhood security and I can’t affair to lose an elite guard”. Wolf released Ricardo’s head. “However that doesn’t mean that you’re forgiven, you’ll go with Michal and help him on rebuilding the new SSS subsidiary, we will need the former Old Red’s tugs to become SSS guards to help to establish the safety of the surroundings”. Ricardo nodded his head. “Prepare your things and we will send you to Michals…now go!”. The Interviewer ordered. Then he opened his laptop and begun to tap on the excel. “We got good numbers…but Wolf, you really need to destroy your gym at this rate?” Wolf smiled playfully, “you know pal, I’m getting stronger” he said while flexing his arms, making a crab pose and for a new thing he lifted his shorts and flexed his quads and calves. The Interviewer looked amused. “That’s new” he said. “I’M BIGGER” Wolf yelled playfully. “Also, Igor and Buck destroy a lot of equipment” Wolf said. The Interviewed tapped his laptop. “ from what I’ve heard, Buck is a total killer, Igor is learning quickly”. He tapped more on his laptop. “Ivan is a good, element, he is very capable to organize the guards for the security rounds, he was able to solve the drug dealers problem…with Carlos and you”. “Well…they were fun to crush, we even competed in who crushes more” Wolf said with a grin. “Obviously you’ll win” The Interviewer responded, “I only played with my legs…don’t nag at me!” Wolf said. “Oh yes Wolf I’ll nag” The Interviewer said irritated, “you stomped them so hard that at least two warehouses had cracked walls since you stomped them so hard that the ground trembled, and also I know that it was your Idea to bring them here” The Interviewer tapped his laptop again. “You also destroyed the pavement…I hate to bring construction workers here…if they are not very good candidates we need to dispose of them and I don’t like to do that” the Interviewer kept nagging to Wolf for the increased costs but Wolf ignored most of them. He knew that the Interviewer was pissed because he didn’t let the Interviewer see those executions or that he didn’t do it on the colosseum. He smiled. “I’ve tapped it for you” Wolf said playfully and kept silent waiting for the desired response. The interviewer crossed his fingers in from of his face and his face softened. “Next time you do that on the arena I’ll add the budget here” the Interviewer said in serious tone but Wolf knew that he nailed it for him and grinned. “Buck” the Interviewer said. “What?” Wolf responded. “Buck is strong has I see, he’s is less strong than Michal but he is as vicious as him, I think we need to keep him here”, the Interviewer said. Wolf flexed is pecs “Good, he will be a good training companion” Wolf said. The Interviewer made a video call on his laptop. After some rings Michal appeared on the screen. He was on some open space, like a big parking. Behind him the Interviewer could see a training grounds, a lot of homemade weights and a lot of people training frantically. Near him a battered soldier was on his knees, Michal walked next to him and the Interviewer saw Michal’s hard on. The interviewer covered his face on irritation. “Michal” the Interviewer said, Michal smiled and flexed his biceps “Hi boss” the Interviewer was unfazed but made a light, almost unnoticeable smile. Wolf flexed back “Hi” Both men smiled at the growing irritation of the Interviewer. “So Michal, how the rebuild is going” The Interviewer said. “The construction is going fine, Igor had a good construction teams support, so we could fix the walls and the spaces quickly” Michal said. “The equipment have been bought and it should arrive shortly, the former Old red’s guards have been preselected and they have been training at a neck breaking pace so we can use them to guard the Warehouses surrounding and the neighborhood” Michal reported. “How’ the training going?” The interviewer asked. “Michal walked next to the trembling guard, he stood behind him and palmed his head, then in a sudden movement he crushed the skull, the other guards jumped in fear, Michal wiped his hands agains his tank top “they are still too easy to break, this one was weak, he stopped training and said he was exhausted, so I just gave him a rest” Michal said while rubbing his crotch. “Good” The Interviewer said unfazed. “You should’t kill them too quickly, we still need people here” he said. “I’ll send you good people, I don’t want to give wolf too much toys” Michal said in a teasing tone that Wolf answered with a grin. “Any news on the ‘issue” there?” The Interviewer said. “Maybe I’ll need some help if that happens” Michal answered in a serious tone, Wolf kept his cool but the tone of the conversation suddenly went from a playful tone to a serious one, the soldier corpse was still pouring blood from the head remains, The Interviewer looked at the corpse and then to Michal. “Do you have any problem if I keep Wolf with me?” Michal went serious, “No problem, I think he’s better with you, we still don’t know if we will be attacked here or there, but if you send heavy muscles we will be able to hold better without them destroying our advances in the construction. The Interviewer smiled, he got his response, now he knew that even if the SSS could be attacked, in Michals view, he thought that he could destroy any incoming attackers, but his top priority was to keep the construction repairs up, even he refused to let Wolf go there. Also there was a possibility that they would be attacked not only on the new subsidiary /the old Red’s former base) but on the main HQ. The Interviewer pondered how to place his pieces. “I will lend you two heavy pieces one of my bishops and a knight, use them wisely” the Interviewer said. Michal frowned. The Interviewer knew Michal was confused, “I’ve decided to send Ricardo, he still need training, but he can help you there, Carlos can be of help there; I’ll stay here with Wolf, and Igor, Ivan will be on charge of the safety net outside.” “Would you be able to send me Adam?” Michal said. The interviewer pondered. Adam, he, for some reason was slipping down, he could be a good SSS elite, but he was wounded on the last operation, he recovered, but he plainly refused to train. The Interviewer decided to wait until the right moment appears but unfortunately, then moment have arrived and the Interviewer understood that he could be needed. “I’ll send equipment, and has said Ricardo and Carlos, I still have to decide on that rook… your help will be sent tomorrow morning” Michal nodded, then the Interviewer hung up. “What are you going to do?” Wolf asked. The Interviewer closed his laptop. “Call Adam and Buck…they need to go to the colosseum, while they arrive, let’s go to walk”. He said. Wolf and the Interviewer left the office, the went out of the office warehouse and went to the restaurant, The Interviewer got a coke and Wolf got a beverage can, has usual, he crushed it over his mouth drinking directly from the crushed can and letting the beverage liquid drip to his white shirt, so his muscles adhered to the shirt , the Interviewer let his eyes enjoy the spectacle but kept cool. “Showoff” The Interviewer said, Wolf grinned and bounced his pecs. “Should I rip it?” Wolf asked playfully. “Don’t let that get into your head” The Interviewer said with slight irritation. Wolf just laughed loudly. He loved to tease the interviewer since the first time. They walked to the arena. “What are you going to do?” Wolf asked. “Let’s see” the Interviewer said. I just hope I can get a good result from this mess. The Interviewer was quietly enraged. Wolf saw the Interviewer back, he knew that the Interviewer rarely gave second opportunities like he did for Ricardo, but Adam…he knew exactly that he had an order not to intervene and he was nearly killed. For some reason he managed to only get his leg injured, but Wolf was puzzled about what Buck had to do with this thing, also even he didn’t knew what he would do. After some minutes they entered the arena, Adam and Buck were standing in front of the Interviewer seat. The Interviewer entered silently, he sat on his seat and looked at the space between Buck and Adam’s feet. “So Buck, the Interviewer said, have you been treated well?” Buck nodded, his pecs were big and rounded, his grayish fur were sexy in it’s own way. He liked to bounce his pets and harden his biceps from time time so he looked like a kinda smaller version of Wolf, but he also liked to be on shorts and barefoot, so he looked also like at a stellar version of Michal. “Do you still want to be part of the SSS?” Buck nodded again smiling widely. “Good, you’ll become a warrior, you’ll start on the colosseum, stay alert, we can call you on any moment”. Buck bounced his pecs and flexed his pecs with a “yeaaaaaah yell”, the Interviewer smiled “maybe I got a rook”, he thought to himself. Then he returned to his calmed meditative demeanor. “Adam” he said. “What’s happening to you?” Adam stood there, his eyes were filled with rage. “I thought I will get real power but all you demand is training after training…then the cop’s takeover, I was wounded, I can’t stand the shame” Adam said with a resentful voice. “So you acted recklessly during the mission even If you had clear orders to not intervene? The Interviewer said. Adam stood silently. “You even stopped training even if you know it’s part for all our recruits…do you have anything to say?” The Interviewer was cold, he was on his seat with his hands crossed in front of his face. “I’m sick of this, on the Old Red’s I was a commanding officer, but here…I don’t even have a rank, all you ask me is too train, and train for what?” Adam took his shirt of, the was big and tall but standing in front to Buck and specially with Wolf, “I’m already strong, I don’t need you” Adam said. The interviewer stood silent. “Let’s see Adam, first you where afraid to fight Michal, so you basically surrendered betraying your former companions…then you went to the SSS operation and tried to ‘help’, but when you screwed up, your facade busted isn’t it?” Adam face was in shock, he felt like the Interviewer saw through him. “At least Igor tried to fight using that good for nothing formula but you decided you were too weak, and you are too weak for the SSS, you’re not even worthy of a low guardian for the streets Adam”. The Interviewer stood and clearly said what he thought of Adam. Adam breathing became heavy, he walked next to the Interviewer, Adam was tall, the Interviewer kept looking at Adams face even as Adam was taller and bigger than him. “You’re not so thought…you’re weak, I could kill you at anytime” Adam said sputtering words. “Maybe you can kill me…but you are now and always will be weak”. Adam closed his fist and launched a punch that landed to the Interviewer. “You’re weak small one” Adam said. The interviewer fell on his seat with a thud and moved his hand to the chest where the punch landed. His breathing was profound, he didn’t emitted any pain sound. Wolf walked next to the interviewer “Shall I kill him now?” Wolf asked, the Interviewer took his time, then, after some seconds where he felt the pain, he assessed his own thoughts and emotions, he evaluated the pain. Then he stood seated in a comfy stance “you’re big…but for someone of your size…you don’t hit that well” The Interviewer said. Wolf ripped his shirt and begun to bounce his pecs. “Now you’re mine” Wolf said. Wolf felt a hand on his arm. The Interviewer looked at him and with his hand he made a wait sign. “Adam, I’ll ask you for the last time…want to be part of the SSS?” Adam was dumbfounded, his punches were hard, he even could break bones with them, Igor respected his strength, but this weakling was berating him on his strength?. Adam looked at Wolf, his muscles and understood that he was now in big trouble, he dared to touch one of Wolf’s precious things and he was going to pay the price. Adam tried to run to the open doors but buck tackled him. Adam and Buck stood up, Adam punched Buck chest with all his might but Buck pecs received the punch with only a flex. “You’r really weak” Buck said. Adam punched Buck more in frustration but Wolf reached him. “Now you’re mine” Wolf said. His eyes were red, Adam saw pain and death on his eyes. Wolf was speaking slowly, but there was a hidden rage on his voice that made Adam piss on himself. “Buck, you take care of him” Wolf said pointing at the Interviewer. Buck slowly walked next to the Interviewer, he put a hand on his shoulder and asked “You’re good?” The Interviewer noted with his head. “Adam…now that I have your answer, I’ll give you mine…” The interviewer stood up with his hand over the area he was hit. “You’re not invited anymore to the SSS, even more, you are rejected… Wolf will decide what to do with you” The Interviewer said, then Buck helped him to seat but the Interviewer rejected the gesture. “No offense Buck, but I won’t be a good leader if you treat me like some royalty member” he said with a slight smile that was cut by a small wince of pain. Wolf walked near to Adam. “Hit me…” Wolf ordered. Adam knew that Wolf’s strength were legendary, he saw all the destruction he caused on the police station, Adam wept “So sorry man…” then he fell on his knees and begged for mercy. “Your coward” Wolf said kicking Adam on the stomach, Adam flew backwards and fell over his back, he coughed blood. He stood up stumbling while Wolf slowly walked to him, Adam squirmed back, Wolf grabbed his ankle and the he grabbed Adam’s right fist with his right hand. “You really need to respect those stronger than you” With that said Wolf closed his fist crushing Adams hand. Wolf kep pressing until his own fingers became reddish from the pressure. Blood oozed from between his fingers then Wolf ripped the hand from Adam’s arm. “That’s better” Wolf said. Adam yelled In pain…he tried to squirm free but Wolf was not releasing his bloody forearm stopping the blood flow. “Buck, stop this bleeding” Wolf ordered. Buck took Adam’s shirt from the ground and ripped in in seams, then he used to to make a tourniquet, then Wolf released the forearm. Adam fell on his butt and tried to run again, but this time Wolf simply pushed him to a Wall, Adam flew yelling in horror, his yells where suddenly muffled when Adam hit the wall, the hit forced the air out of Adam’s lungs. Adam revolved in pain on the ground. “You really stepped out of your own league…bug”. Wolf said he then stomped the left ankle with his right foot. “Now you’re a crushed bug, you won’t be able to run, but I still haven’t got all my fun” Wolf said in a quiet, enraged voice while twisting his foot over the crushed bone. Buck walked next to the Interviewer but was excited, he have never been able to see Wolf using his strong against another human being, Buck loved the domination, he even killed the rapist on the police station, but he never saw this kind of brutality, even, when they left the police station he never put too much attention to the scene, since he thought that some red group took over the place. Now he understood that the SSS destroyed the place no the sheer brute strength o his members. His excitement grew and he got a hard on by looking at Wolf’s might. Wolf din’t even cared, he was so focused on Adam that he lost his perception of the place. Wolf then grabbed Adam’s good ankle and yanked Adam in half circle, Wolf was so strong that Adam’s weight didn’t represented any difficulty for Wolf’s. Adam felt like he was on a sick thematic park ride, excepting that theme parks aren’t meant to be painful, or deadly. Wolf kept circling Adam in circles from his good Ankle until Adam almost lost conscience. Wolf flexed his free biceps for show, but kept his grab controlled so he don’t crush the ankle. After some time where Wolf used Adam’s body like a rag doll or a duster, he yanked Adam up so Adam flew upside and went slamming down. Adam coughed blood and tried to squirm using his good left hand and ankle. Buck was in complete awe. “Will I be able to do that?” He asked. “Maybe, with proper training…” The Interviewer said, unfazed, his pain was slowing down so he kept concentrated on Adam’s punishment. Wolf grabbed bot Adam’s knees and yanked them dislocating the femur from the pelvic bones but still not tearing his legs apart. “Kill me your coward” Adam yelled in defiance. “Such empty words” Wolf said while walking next to his head. Then Wolf grabbed Adam’s yaw and pressed a little. “I could just rip your jaw…the pain would be unbearable but I still want to hear your cries and your yells”. Wolf then flipped Adam down like a pancake and put his lefthand over one of Adam’s lower ribs. Wolf pressed one of his thumbs cracking the rib, Wolf pressed the thumb even more until he ripped part of the flesh, the fractured rip protruded from the skin, Wold clipped it using his index and his thumb and ripped it from the body . Adam yelled in pain. Wolf tossed the ripped rip with part of the flesh in front of Adam’s face. Adam was terrified. Wolf sat on Adams ass, like if Adam’s was a horse. If it where for the gory scene they could me seen playing a child’s game, Wolf then leaned in front, just to whisper on Adam’s ear. “Now you’ll feel what my muscles can do”. Wolf then using his legs pinned Adam’s pelvis and grabbed both legs and yanked them forward so Adam could see the crushed ankle and the good one from the side of his eyes. “Oh my, let me give you a better view” Wolf said then he grabbed both legs from the knee and ripped them from Adam’s body. The sudden jolt of pain made Adam scream, Wolf tossed the legs in from of Adam who yelled in agony. Then Wolf pinned what’s left of the lower limbs and grabbing the torso he ripped Adam in ‘half’ so Wolf was seating over his still intact pelvis bone. Buck precumed from Wolf’s brutality and he couldn’t help but grab his dick and stroking slowly while trying to see every second of Adam’s punishment. Wolf adjusted his position over the still ‘intact’ pelvis while still holding Adam’s torso. Adam was still alive…barely, so Wolf decided to add more terror for him, grabbed the libs and in one movement he ripped both arms, the movement was so strong that one of the libs tore from half of the humerus and other from the shoulder. Adam managed a yell. Wolf grabbed Adam’s remaining torso holding from the neck. He stood up and looking at Bud and The interviewer he moved the torso that looked like some kind of bloody and sick marionette. Wolf closed his head to Adam’s ear, he moved his hand and put his fingers inside the jaw. Adam barely tried to bite Wolf’s fingers he only could say “MPFHHHHHH”. Then Wolf whispered to Adams ear “Now you go” Wolf ripped the jaw, Adam opened is eyes in surprise and pain, he tried to move his head but Wolf’s grab was strong. Then Wolf hugged the Torso and crushed it, blood exploded from the lower abdomen and arm remains swell as his destroyed mouth. Wolf released the crushed chest and Adam felt limp, lifeless to the floor. Wolfs put his left foot on Adam’s head. “Insect” Wolf muttered and then he flexed his quads crushing the head on one swift movement. Blood, bone and brains exploited at the Wolf’ foot sides. Buck was already jerking off uncontrollably “Wolf then walked in front of the interviewer, grabbed Buck and tossed him at one side, Buck was so mesmerized on his own pleasure that he didn’t stop even when he fell to the side. Wolf snickered, then turning his head to look at the Intervewer. “Got easy” Wolf said. “We have more important things to do” the Interviewer said. “You’re good?” Wolf asked. “I’m not weak” the Interviewer answered while standing up and walking to the door with a blood soaked Wolf at his side, the Interviewer tried to hide a weak tremble on his hand. Buck reached orgasm and yelled, after some seconds he stood up stumbling, still excited and walked slowly behind Wolf’s back. He found some new excitement in life and was going to enjoy it until the last minute. “Let’s call Carlos and Ricardo, we shall send them to Michal’s place…I lost a bishop, I need to replace it” The Interviewer said leaving the place. Some days after, On the Old Red’s former quarters Michal was standing in front of the training soldiers. “Too weak” Michal said. He was alone, no one there could be a challenge for him and he got bored from that. He tried his hardest to make those weaklings get up but unfortunately the advances were slow. Two months have passed since Adam’s brutal death at Wolf’s hands. Carlos and Ricardo reached the subsidiary base two days after, Carlos was sent to help with the training and Ricardo was on probation, that meant that Michal physically abused him but until this point Ricardo was still alive and his training was more brutal than ever. “You’ll need to learn your place” Michal related to Ricardo at every opportunity, Ricardo was getting stronger by the day but he couldn’t imagine when his “special training” would stop. Carlos was supportive and sometime they trained together at the same pace so they both grew in size and strength. Michal remembered the events following Igor’s defeat and the take over of the Old Red’s headquarters. He sent Igor barely standing on his legs, with his ass almost splitted in half. Michal smiled at the memory, however, somehow Igor resisted it, maybe because the serum worked, of that Igor had a strength he still haven’t found. Adam and Ivan where also good additions, but unfortunately the rest of the former Old Red’s guards where weak They crawled back, many of them where on the nearby cities when Michal recalled all of them, in part thanks to Igor’s already good communication network he stablished when he was the leader. Most of them returned . However most of them were disappointments. Michal sighed. “Not even a good ass” Michal said. after some days of the recovery the diagnosis was bleak some of them where tugs, some junkies that were there only for a quick access to any kind of illegal drugs. Michal tried to rehabilitate some of them, the others were dispatched quickly from this world. Michal tried to made a good selection but even so, there were few good elements, at least for the SSS standards. Igor blushed when the Interviewer confronted him to this but he knew that the SSS was another level, he still had to learn but even so, he had a good level of practical experience that helped find some low level recruits that could be quickly trained for the new security mission on the Neighborhood. But Michal was impatient, so he forced his way on the recruits. The Interviewer had to calm him down before he started to kill the new recruits. They were reinforcing the organization from the consequences of the Old Red’s destruction and the Police Station takeover. The Interviewer soon encountered himself short on personnel, they tried to find people but there were some unexpected difficulties, since there were no cops, and the cleaning of the streets were harder than initially thought. Another raising issue and the main one was the power vacuum, the Old Red’s fall generated made other mobs try to recover the Old red’s remains. Italians, Japanese, and even Latins. Some of those mobs tried to recruit the Old Red’s members, many of them were already too afraid of Michal to defect, others fled before even reaching the base. Michal discussed with the Interviewer what to do, but things were difficult, mainly because the lack of manpower to cover all the fronts. Because of this, they decided to focus on the training on the ranks, fortify the headquarters and the subsidiary base for now. Until this point no other mob tried to make a move, they even kept dealing with the SSS on the warehouses business so they kept playing along until they knew that they needed to act. Michal left the sauna, he walked to Igor’s former office and walked to a window, he looked at the trailing camp, he put his posing strap and tank top as usual, he pondered how much time he could take to train the next bunch of recruits. They stabilized the lower ranks but has he already discussed with the Interviewer, they needed to reinforce the guards before even trying to get more elites or warriors for the colosseum. Michal walked to the training camps, Ricardo was already there lifting weights, he was benching press, Carlos was behind him. Michal saw from the distance that the equipment was on the very of collapse. The weight was so big that the barbell was already curving and the bench itself was creaking from the weight. Michal walked next to them and took the weights from Ricardo’s hands with only one hand and lifted. “So tell me, this is all you’re capable off?” Michal said with a smirk. Ricardo blushed. “For now yes, but it’s unfair to compare us to you…same goes for Wolf”. Michal smirked. Then tossed the weights at the side. Suddenly a bang sounded and something hit Michal’s forehead at the side. Carlos jumped looking at at the sides, the soldiers scrambled and ran in all directions aimlessly, Ricardo stood up and covered Michal and begun to see in all directions. Michal recovered his sense and then he felt a drop of blood from the side of his head and a big deformed mass of metal that resembled some big bullet. Michal recognized it has a snipper rifle bullet, but it was so big that it must have been a vehicle special rifle. Michal tried to look at the side of the shot, suddenly Carlos screamed “there” pointing at a nearby mountain where he was with Ricardo before the Old Red’s base takeover, Carlos begun to run to the point, so Ricardo. Michal stood there pondering what to do and decided to get a vehicle. Carlos and Ricardo ran quickly, they were so laser focused that they pushed sone of the soldiers so hard that they flew at the sides, one was so unfortunate that Carlos pushed at the front and then stomped his head while running. Carlos and Ricardo almost flew by the mount, after some ,intros of running they found a sniper running while carrying a big Sniper rifle that was too heavy to be carried by just one man. They quickly caught the man and took his rifle. Carlos lifted the man over his head and walked to the base. Ricardo, took the gun. “There” Ricardo said pointing at Michal who was driving a jeep. Michal stepped down from the jeep and walked casually to the snipper. The snipper jaw dropped at Michal’s size he begun to mutter some things that seemed prayers with some words in a strange language like “volo” and “pieta”, or something like that. The snipper struggled to no avail to get free from Carlos, he lifted him and tossed into the jeep rear and Ricardo jumped into the car, he held the snipper. Where we go? Carlos said. “To the basement”. Michal said. He drove silently, his breathing was slow, controlled but his face was hardened. When they reached the base, Michal left the car and Carlos noted that the steering wheel was dented on the places Michal held it. He begun to walk to the main building with Carlos and Ricardo following him with the snipper and the rifle. After some minutes the three man and the snipper got to the basement Carlos was holding tight the snipper and Ricardo carried the rifle on his hands. They entered the basement and then Michal took the rifle and tossed the sniper at the basement interior. “Leave” Michal ordered, Ricardo and Carlos stood at his side dumbfounded. “What?” They asked in unison. “go and train more, leave” Michal said in a cold voice that made very clear that if they said something, Michal could retaliate in a very nasty way. Michal walked with the rifle in his hand, he spun it like some majorette but the show was clearly to show his strength. “Who are you?” Michal said. The sniper looked in fear and muttered “M…Mario”. “So tell me Mario, who sent you?” Michal asked while spinning the rifle. Mario looked at his rifle and was wondering how this man could spend his rifle like it was a toy, a toy he wasn’t able to carry at enough speed to scape, a rifle that could’t kill his target even if the same rifle could destroy an armored car. He trembled in fear but dnd’t answered. Michal took the rifle and twisted it like a pretzel. “Who sent you?” Michal asked again. Mario looked at Michal’s arms and pecs, he then lowered his gaze to his legs and he saw a bulge growing inside Michal’s pants. “This can be very enjoyable or very nasty…you decide” Mario tried to run but Michal threw the Rifle that hit Mario on the back and threw him to the floor. Michal grabbed Mario and ripped all his clothes. He pinned Mario to the ground and then, Michal ripped his shirt and posing strap he was huge, angry and horny. “That was my favorite, so you’ll pay it dearly”. Tell me Mario…who sent you? Michal asked, Mario refused to talk. So Michal ripped all his clothes. Mario struggled but Michal was so strong that he handled Mario like he was a doll. Michal breathing became heavier and flipped Mario so Mario was able to see Michal’s face. Michals eyes were cold his nudeness showed a perfectly balanced body with big legs and a big shaft that looked like a third leg. Michal purred “Tell me Mario…Who send you?” Mario kept himself quiet but hugged himself like that could offer some protection. Michal explored Marios’s body, he was a fit tall twink. His white skin was very cared and on his right shoulder he had a tattooed flag with three vertical stripes that Michal didn’t recognized at first. Michal breathing went heavier…he would not be able to contain himself. Michal pinned Mario to the ground and while holding his arms and caressing his abdomen with his hardened cock he approached his mouth to Marios right ear, Michal bit lightly Mario’s right ear like he was caressing him and whit a whisper he said “Who send you?” Mario yelled..”Fuck you” and squirmed to scape, Michal continued bitting Mario’s ear. “Bad choice” he said in a low, almost pleasing voice. Michal bit off the ear and chewed it like it was bubble gum. Mario yelled in pain and squirmed trying to free himself but Michal had him pinned. Michal took Marios leg and spreader them to his anus was exposed. Michal then in a soft calmed voice asked “Who send you?” Mario was in pain so he didn’t answered. Michal rammed Mario’s anus in a slowly deliberate fashion so to cause more pain, the tissued tried to hold but Michal was already an unstoppable ram inside. The tissues begun to tear apart at the trunk that was entering and the pelvis creaked. “Who sent you?” Michal asked, Mario stubbornly and painfully didn’t said nothing. He tried to grab the floor looking for something that could help him but the floor was empty exception fr Mario and the behemoth over him. Michal begun to thrust, slowly, enjoying the pain, the squirms, the punched Mario tried to hit, but all his efforts where futile, Michal was enjoy taking the virgin ass and destroying it slowly and deliberately so he kept control of his movements. From time to time Michal asked “Who sent you?” But he didn’t got an answer, however the flag tattoo already gave him an idea. Michal thrusts went harder, the muscles and ligaments gave pace the Michal’s cock so Michal begun to thrust faster, Mario squirmed, Mario tried to bite, to tear to make a dent on Michal arms but Michal was harder than anyone he could see. For some vague moments Mario forgot the pain, he thought how futile were his efforts when a tank designed bulled barely damaged him. The other thrust forced him to come back to the place his body was. Michal begun to lose himself on the pleasure, he spread the legs too hard and the pelvis broke apart. Michal got furious, he wanted more, but now the pressure on his glans suddenly stopped so Michal decided to thrust even harder, “I’ll get my pleasure one way or another” he said. “You could be a good soldier boy” Michal said and then he begun to thrust faster, harder, stronger, he begun to rip the skin until he reached the abdomen, every thrust Michal con ripped more skin, muscles and guts. Michal went wild, his threes when deeper that his glans felt the vertebrae, Michal lost himself on the carnage and forgot the space and time, there was only pleasure, Michal crushed the vertebrae with his dick forcing the bone against the floor. Blood poured from Mario’s body at every thrust, the basement echoed at the sounds of “Mpfff”, “splooosh” and “aaahhhhh”, Mario barely exited any sound from his mouth, but Michal barely noticed. Michal kept tearing Mario with his cock. Michal grabbed both Mario shoulder ho have a grip and yanked with all his force tearing the limb from his body, Mario was already death, his horrified face with an opened mouth an eyes. Michal feasted n his face while ripping apart the sternum. Michal grabbed the heart and crushed it against his cock. Michal used the blood has lube, Michal stood over his prey. He continued jerking off and put his feet on Mario’s head like a gladiator over his defeated opponent. Michal reached orgasm and the extasis made him crush the head like an eggshell. His cum flew and he yelled in entasis and victory YEEEEEEAAAAHHHH” and fell on his back, breathing heavily as he regained control of himself. Michal grabbed the tattooed arm and left the basement, he walked next to Ricardo and Carlos that where training, the soldiers stopped their training at the sight of Michal’s bloodied body. Carlos and Ricardo stopped his training and stood at attention like they where on the military. Michal tossed the arm at Carlos. Carlos caught the arm in the air, and examine it, then he saw the tattoo. It was a flag with vertical strips, three in total red, white and green. Mexicans, Ricardo said. “No your idiot” Carlos rebuked. “Italians” he said. Michal nodded. “Seems that I need to make a call to the headquarters, the Interviewer needs to hear this”. Some days after the sniper incident Wolf was n the Interviewers office flexing his biceps and feeling his pecs while hearing at the Interviewer. “We’ll need to reinforce our defenses here or we could be attacked by all the other mobs at the same time” The Interviewer said while playing chess on his office with Igor. Wolf smiled “you have me”, “I know Wolf, but you’re strong, not omnipresent..nor does Michal” the Interviewer said with a smirk. “I have one rook, one bishop, one knight and a bunch of pawns” the Interviewer muttered almost to himself. “But you have two queens” Igor said. “I don’t need two queens on the same board” the Interviewer said. He moved his queen and took a rook from the board. “Checkmate” The Interviewer said, then while storing the pieces he said “two mismanaged queens can lead to a stalemate… That’s why I needed to create a new board, so I can make a better use of my stronger pieces so the SSS gets stronger instead of having them competing” The interviewer wondered for some seconds “Maybe later we’ll need them here, but until that time comes, I prefer to reinforce my two boards”. The Interviewer said while storing the game on his desk… and as we did with Adam, sometimes you need to clear the board so you can move more freely. “For know, I’ll need to get more candidates”.
  5. MuscledJunk

    Blood and Iron | Chapter I (02/24)

    Chapter I My first weeks of college had been turbulent for multiple reasons, even though it would not be long before I learnt they were all the same. Since I had started college there had been multiple violent murders in town. All of the victims were male and while a majority of them were students or staff members, found in various placed on campus so brutally mangled that forensic pathologists claim they must have been run over by a freight train, two victims with no college ties were found equally disfigured near the scrapyard on the other side of town. A general sense of panic and dread had come over the town, but I seemed to be the only person who was not particularly concerned. This was because my mind was preoccupied with one of my fellow students: Gustavo. I constantly thought of him, almost every night I would dream of him and wake up with cum-soiled underwear. Whenever I spotted him in hallways or striding across campus I would try to steal as many secret glances as I could. I’ve been obsessed ever since I first laid eyes on him the day I moved into my dorm. I remember it clear as day. I was looking out of my window after having moved in all my things when I saw him carrying three big suitcases with no strain at all. He seemed to be a solid 6’ tall, but that was not what made my jaw drop and dick stiffen. He was wearing an oversized hoodie and baggy pants, but I could tell he was very muscular underneath it. Ever since I could remember I have had a shameful obsession with muscles and muscular men and I had developed an impeccable skill for spotting them. After that one quick peek at him from a very far distance I made it my mission to find everything out about him. He was an American-born Italian, a fact I could have easily deduced after seeing his curly black hair, his dark facial stubble and his always lightly tanned skin. He was 20 years old and majoring in sports science. Wearing baggy clothes, like he did on that first day, was more the exception than the norm for him. Usually he wore a tight shirt that seemed on the verge of tearing apart with the slightest flex of his burgeoning muscles. I estimated him to be a staggering 250 lbs when I first saw him, all of it shredded muscle. He was probably the most muscular 20 year old in the world and looked ready to step on a Mr. Olympia stage. Gustavo did not seem to have many friends and in my first two months of college I never saw him speak a word with anyone. The football team tried to recruit him multiple times but he always refused. I attempted to map up his schedule but he seemed to be skipping many of his classes and have no regular schedule. The only thing I knew for certain is that every time I saw him he would be bigger than the last time. It was then after two months that my life changed forever. Up until then I had been living in my gigantic dorm room on my own without a roommate. The only drawback was that my floor only had a large communal shower without stalls, while rooms on other floors had their own private bathrooms. I quite enjoyed it, because while at 5’8, 140lbs with a slightly below average penis I didn’t have much to be proud of, I loved stealing looks at some of the jocks who showered there. It was then a great mystery when I got an email from the student administration saying a student had requested to move to my floor, because they were uncomfortable with their private bathroom because it was “getting too small”. As I was the only one without a roommate I already knew the student would be moving in with me but little did I know it was Gustavo. I opened the door to my room one day after class to find him already moved in, sitting on his bed as it groaned under his enormous weight. I froze. He was scratching his neck and his bicep bulged against his sleeve like balloon. He wasn’t even flexing hard and it looked to be 23 inches granite boulder. He had gained maybe 20 lbs in the past two months and was a mind numbing 270 lbs. He stood up to greet me and I fainted. When I awoke I was in my bed and he was looming over me, casting a massive shadow. Immediately I began stammering an excuse but he just laughed. “I get that sometimes, don’t worry. Name’s Gustavo by the way”. “I-I-I’m David” I shakingly took his hand. It was massive and sinewed. I could tell he was trying to be gentle with his handshake but it still hurt a little. After that he left to go to the gym and I jerked off furiously. I awaited his return excitedly and could not even eat or sleep. I waited and waited and six hours later it was midnight and he still wasn’t back. I knew monstrous bodybuilder like him had long workout sessions but this seemed excessive. Perhaps he had picked up some girl. I hadn’t heard any rumors of him sleeping with any of the girls from our college, but a god like him with what looked to be a massive dick bulging in his underwear surely fucks a new girl every night. Finally at 2am I heard the door unlock and saw his godly silhouette as he opened the door. He had to step into the room sideways because his shoulders were so fucking wide. I pretended to be asleep, hoping he would feel comfortable to undress right there. When he switched on the lights I was shocked to see him butt naked and covered in blood. My first reaction wasn’t disgust, but to instantly get hard. Even underneath the blood I could see pencil thick veins crisscrossing his body. He was insanely pumped and somehow looked way bigger than today afternoon. He was sporting a massive 11-inch boner that almost reached all the way up to the top of his abs. Tennis-ball thick testicles were pushed out because there was no space between his thighs which looked to be bigger than his waist. I just wanted to lick him. His face, which was so rugged and masculine usually still had boyish dark eyes which made me fall for him but now his eyes looked manic. Like an animal with rabies. There was so much muscle to take in, but before I had a chance he grabbed his towel, switched the lights off again and went towards the shower.
  6. ragmangsm

    Machu Man - Part 1

    Below is a new story line. I am a whore for feedback. Please let me know if it pushes any buttons. -ragman Warning: This fantasy story is for adults only. You must be 21 years old to continue. Adult content may include nudity, mature relationships, violence, and extreme muscles and strength. All characters are over the age of eighteen. Machu Man – Part 1 By ragman I was struggling for breath in the altitude, as we approached Machu Picchu. The scenery was breathtaking, as well as the thin air. I was never an athlete, just average. I seemed to excel in academics, and had found mathematics a rewarding endeavor. I had just graduated and was hired to teach at our state university in the fall. So I thought I would take advantage of a student summer tour while I still had a student ID. The mystery of Machu Picchu, how a town could have been built on top of a mountain, out of huge stone boulders, was fascinating to me. The low cost of the student tour to this world landmark, made it something I couldn’t pass up. I meandered around the city on top of a mountain. The size of the stone slabs that made up much of the structure was enormous. How blocks of granite the size of cars were fashioned and hoisted in place was incredible. But more amazing was how tightly the stone slabs fit, how exactly, without mortar to seal them. How could primitive man manage to transport hundreds of tons of solid stone to the top of a mountain and then, with no metal tools or machines, build a city where every stone is precisely placed with perfectly tight seams requiring no mortar? My scientific brain was trying to imagine how such a feat could be accomplished. It seemed truly impossible. My head was filled with incredulousness as I was fumbling with my camera, trying to capture the impossible beauty of our three dimensional world on a two dimensional digital image, when I tripped and dropped my camera. It fell off the path and down the mountainside, but came to rest on a shelf of rock about six feet below the path. I was pissed at my clumsiness, and overreacted to the mishap. Without concern I shimmied over the path down to the ledge to retrieve my camera. It wasn’t until I was standing on the ledge that it occurred to me that I was in a dangerous spot, trusting on the ledge alone. I reached down cautiously to get my camera, putting it in my sweatshirt pouch. As I bent back up, I noticed a glimmer coming from a fairly deep crack in the rock. It looked like a metal sheen. I carefully dug around the object, until it came free. It was a small earthen jar, sealed with a gold top, the reason for the gleam. I put the jar in my sweatshirt pouch. By that time, my disappearance over the edge of the path had caused the guide and others to come to my aid. They helped me climb back up on the path, though I could have managed by myself. I assured them I was fine and showed them the camera I retrieved. I decided not to mention the jar. I don’t know why, I guess I didn’t want to share it yet. We continued the tour of the city. Beautiful stone and rock construction, with running water viaducts, and mysterious obelisks. The scale of the dwelling was awesome, suspended on top of the world. My senses were overloaded with the majesty and the architectural undertaking it took to build it. I was enthralled with beautiful images the entire bus ride back to our lodging, having forgotten about the small jar in my sweatshirt, now in my pack. We barely had time to grab a bite to eat and pack our bags before heading back to the airport for the journey home. ****************** I was moving into my new place just off campus, looking forward to starting my mathematics teaching career. I didn’t have that much to move in, being a recent student with not a lot of furniture or belongings. So, I had rented a furnished townhouse, and was unpacking the last of my stuff. Ah, the knapsack from the Machu Picchu trip, I had quickly packed it when leaving South America, and hadn’t needed the stuff in it, my sweatshirt included. I unstuffed the fleece and felt something in the pouch. The little jar, of course, I had forgotten. I took it out of the pouch and examined it more closely. There were some markings on it. On the face of the small jar was etched a figure, but it was out of proportion somehow, almost fat, but different. And the gold top had a character inscribed, also. It looked like an “8”. My curiosity soon led me to wonder about the contents. I tried to uncork the top, but I couldn’t get the gold stop to budge. I finally decided to try my mom’s remedy and put the top under hot water for a few seconds. I tried again, and the top shifted slightly. I mustered all the strength in my thumbs and jockeyed the stopper out of the neck of the jar. The final millimeter gave with a “Pooh”. A dense cloud of blue gas escaped from the bottle and swirled around in front of me, condensing into a human form. The gases solidified and became solid. Before me stood a young man. He was about six feet tall, my height, with golden hair and blue eyes. His face was young, I’d say, seventeen or eighteen, with tanned skin. He wore only a piece of what looked like leather, in a loin cloth fashion, that covered his man-ness. He was svelte and muscular, like a fitness model, with wonderful proportions. “You have summoned me to serve you, Master,” he spoke with soft resonance. “How can I please you?” “Who are you? Why are you here?” I babbled. “I am yours. You hold the vessel of my control. I am here to obey your every command. You decide my purpose and identity. I will become your perfect companion.” I was stunned to say the least. This couldn’t really be happening, could it? A genie from a bottle, no less. What should I do next? “Please tell me how to begin. I am at a loss for what to say,” I requested. “I am sorry I have caused you distress. I will try to ease your discomfort.” The teenage Apollo approached me and embraced me gently. His touch was warm and enveloping. He exuded confidence and trustworthiness. My defenses were slowly lowering as he moved his strong hands over my body in a caress. “Does that make you less tense, Master?” he asked. “I have many ways to give you pleasure, that you will learn to command. My body can do things no one else could dream of, and you get to do the dreaming.” “I don’t understand,” I replied. “You will just do whatever I ask you to do?” “Yes, Master.” “With what kind of limits?” I added. “Do I just get three wishes?” I asked like a fool. “I have no limits, Master. You can command me to do anything.” “What are we talking about here?” I pondered. “What do you mean you can do anything” “I have the power of the galaxy in my body, the strength of a millions suns. I can do any feat of strength you can imagine, I have inconceivable control of every muscle of my body.” “This is too much to believe,” I struggled. “I need to take a minute.” Perhaps this is a good time to mention that I have always been turned on by muscles, on men or women, but especially men. I have found the muscled male body to be a work of magnificent sculpture, of muscle art. I have curbed or mitigated my private fantasies, relying on internet sites for titillation and amusement, always secretly wanting a muscle mate, to dote on and worship, who would protect me and make my wishes come true. What was standing before me fulfilled a fantasy of my lifetime. “I noticed you were beginning to rub me back, when we embraced. Did you like the feel of my body?” “You are beautifully handsome, and I have a weakness for big, strong muscles,” I was surprised to hear myself admit that to a genie. “You are captivating, and intriguing.” “So if my muscles were bigger, that would please you more?” “Probably,” I nodded. “I haven’t had the opportunity to find out.” “How about this, Master?” The genie tensed his muscles. He expanded outward with the flex, bulging and rippling with growing muscles until he looked like a teenage bodybuilder. “Whoa, that’s amazing how you can flex your muscles that big. It makes me want to feel how hard you are now, how strong you have flexed.” The muscled teen stepped to me and offered his flexed biceps for me to explore. He grabbed my hand gently and placed it on top of the peaked split of his 20 inch arm. It was hard, and warm and alive. He flexed a bit harder and forced my fingers apart with his bulging muscle. “This arm is all yours, Master. You can command it to grow and strengthen with the power of thunderheads, or order it to flex to the ceiling or higher.” I was awestruck with the possibilities of his power. With his confidence and demeanor, muscles and charisma, he was the perfect fulfillment of my wildest fantasies. “Does my demonstration please you, Master?” he asked hoping for approval. “I’ve never been more pleased,” I managed to mutter. “But, I think it’s time for you to call me Mike, instead of Master. That’s my name.” “Very well, Mike. You are unlike the others. You are kind. Thank you for allowing me to please you with my strength. Nothing gives ME more pleasure than using my immense strength and powers to benefit those with good hearts. My vessel has not always been in possession by those who have benevolent thoughts. Regardless, I must obey the commands of my owner, it is my purpose.” “When were you last released from your vessel?” I asked, trying to assimilate what I was hearing. “My last task was building a city of stone on top of a mountain.” “Machu Picchu?” I asked incredulously. “You built it single handedly?” “No, Mike. I built it with both hands, and the rest of my powerful body.” Obviously, he was going to answer me literally. “So, you’ve been in the jar for all this time?” “You are my first Master since Machu Picchu, as you call it.” “Whoa, you’ve got a lot of catching up to do,” I marveled. “It’s been a few years since you’ve been out of your vessel.” “It pleases me that you will be my Master, Mike. I will learn all there is to know so that I can serve you,” he said. “Uh,…. OK.” I responded with fascination. “Can we talk a little more about how this works? I’m not sure I get what’s going on.” “Of course, Mike. Whatever you wish.” he said obediently. “That’s what I mean. Do you just follow me around and do stuff for me?” I was confused. “I’ve got a lot of questions.” “I am here to do whatever you ask of me, Mike. In the past I have been the servant of Kings, and tyrants, alike. I can build you a monument, defeat your enemies, or serve your every physical desire.” “So you have no desires of your own?” I asked. “Only to please you, Mike,” he said humbly. This was going in circles, so I decided to change the subject to everyday matters. “So, where do you sleep? Do you eat?” Stuff like that. He explained his ability to adapt and fit in with humanity. He said he didn’t require food or water or sleep, but, he could consume anything I wanted him to, literally. He told me some of his masters kept him in his vessel while they slept, for fear he would escape, which he could not, or to keep him secret. I asked him if he minded being in the vessel. “It is what my masters’ wished,” he responded, not understanding the meaning of the question. I still couldn’t believe what was happening. I just stared at the loincloth-clad Adonis before me. He started to look around. “How long have I been in my vessel? Where are we Master Mike?” he inquired. “Is this your dwelling?” “Wow, I didn’t think about how many questions you would have, I was so lost in my own wonderment,” I apologized. “Where shall we start?” “Start wherever you wish to begin,” he obediently replied. I rolled my eyes at the repetition of his acquiescence. “Can we begin with you not being so subservient? I’d like you to be a friend, not a slave.” He responded with confusion, “I’ve never had friend, nor do I know how to be one. Would you please teach me, Mast…eh…, Mike, my f-r-i-e-n-d?” he asked sheepishly. “I’d love to, Friend!” I added eagerly. I moved to him and put my arm around his sculpted shoulder and gently squeezed. He was warm and hard and responded with his arm on my shoulder. It was heavier than I expected. “Well, to answer your first question, it’s the year 2014,” I began. “And you are a long way from Machu Picchu.” ******************* I had a few days before I started work, so we were able to spend some time together, getting to know each other, or rather me learning about his abilities, and Machu Man, learning about what pleased me. The experience was mind blowing. I asked for him to demonstrate his true strength. He told me that was not possible, because he had found no limits. I caught my breath, and tried to comprehend what that meant. He picked up an empty wine bottle and placed it between his pectorals. He flexed his chest and his cleavage grew to almost surround the bottle. Then he flexed harder and I heard glass shatter, but he contained the fragments within his cleavage. Next he began flexing each pec and grinding up the glass between them. I could see the pieces get smaller and smaller until the mixture was like fine glass cement. Then Machu Man flexed harder and his pecs began to heat up. He poured on the power and soon the glass dust was a molten blob of glass that continued to get hotter with the enormous pressure and heat he was generating with his chest muscles. The blob began to boil between his pecs, and evaporate in a cloud of silica steam that was thousands of degrees hot. What happened next was my first observation of his true nature. He inhaled the superhot glass steam through his nostrils, like he was smelling roses. After a few seconds the entire glass blob was reduced to steam, by the heat of his muscle pressure, and inhaled completely. I was speechless. “That is one way I fashioned the huge stone blocks of Machu Picchu so they would fit perfectly together,” he commented. I’d soften the side of a stone block by hugging it real hot. Then when I placed it, the stone would flow like lava and seal with the stone next to it.” I heard what he was saying, but still couldn’t fathom the reality. “I’d pile three or four huge boulders on top of each other and carry them up the mountain balanced on one hand, like a waiter holding a tray.” Machu Man held his right hand up with the palm facing up to demonstrate the position. The movement of his arm caused his biceps and deltoids to flex into a perfect display of hard, ripped muscles, with the biceps full and long in their 22-inch flex. He then pumped his arm up and down as if he were lifting a mountain of boulders. His triceps expanded into a boulder of muscle itself as he mimicked a one-arm press. He seemed to notice my fixation with his flexing, enjoying my reaction. “Then I’d start piling them up, building a wall or arch,” he continued to mime, as he would spread his arms wide to pretend lifting a huge block of stone. His pantomime was extraordinary. His chest and arms exploded with striated muscle fibers as he appeared to lift a huge weight before him. Then things got pretty freaky. “Then I would expand my chest really big like this,” he moaned. “Unnnmmpphh.” His perfect pectorals expanded hugely, filling in the space between his outstretched hands, which must have been 6-feet apart. “Then I would flex my muscle fibers really hot, like I did with the wine bottle.” Suddenly the room temperature spiked from the heat of his pectorals as he demonstrated his power. “Oops, too hot for indoors. But, you get the idea,” he continued his skit. “So I’d soften the entire side of a huge block of stone with my enormous chest, then place it where I wanted, and gently press the stone. The softened face would mold perfectly to fit tightly.” As Machu Man concluded his description of boulder masonry, he seemed to misinterpret my enthrallment. “Have I displeased you Master Mike?” he asked worriedly. “I thought you might enjoy my tale. You haven’t said much.” After regaining my composure some, I tried to respond. “Y... you made the city by melting the stone faces with your pecs?” I finally muttered. “Yes, Mike. That is one of the methods I used to make the stones fit perfectly. It only took a fraction of my strength and power to build Machu Picchu. Stone is easily broken and melted with enough pressure. And these muscles can exert more than enough pressure.” Machu Man raised his arms and brought them down into a double biceps pose. This time, with his hands in the classic position, his biceps erupted into twin Matterhorns of peaked spendor, easily eclipsing 27-inches. My junk could take no more. My erection was painfully confined by my pants, but clearly visible. He smiled and pumped another 2 inches out of his peaked muscle mass, then waited for my reaction. I moaned and pumped ejaculate out of my tented member, staining my pants. “I was worried that my muscle story had disturbed you. I am grateful that you seem to be pleased,” Machu Man spoke softly. “I want very much to please you.” ‘I have never heard of a mason that melted his stone for mortar,” I marveled. “I don’t think anyone has called me a mason before,” he replied. “You know, ‘Mason’ would be a good name for you. It’s kinda clever, if I do say so myself, and it sounds strong, with some distinction.” I was pleased with my suggestion. “What do you think about me calling you Mason?” Machu Man started to respond as usual, “If that is wha…… I mean,… I like …Mason. I can identify with the name.” “Awesome,” I agreed. “Awesome?” Mason questioned. “It’s a current slang expression than means ‘better than ever, great, or super good’,” I tried to explain. “I think being your friend will be awesome, Mike,” he smiled. I melted. After I composed myself I began again. “There is so much to teach someone who has been away for 900 years. So much history, so many new inventions, such a different way of life than you know of. We have machines and tools, electricity and nuclear power…. We’ve even traveled to the moon.” Mason gazed around the room as I spoke and took in everything. He didn’t seem to be overwhelmed by it all, indeed, he seemed to soak it all in. “You need to teach me how to operate all these devices,” he remarked as he scoped the TV, computer, refrigerator, oven, and all the furniture. “I will, Mason. You’ll be amazed with all things in this modern world. But, first, I think we need to deal with your appearance.” “Oh?” he wondered. “Do I need to add more muscle to please you, like this?” He stood more erect and flexed a bit all over, causing him to expand his musculature to a pro bodybuilder size. It was breathtakingly amazing how he could grow at will like that. After I stopped gasping, I said, “My god! That’s not what I meant, but you are magnificent. I was talking about your loin cloth. I don’t think you’ll fit in wearing only a piece of hide. We need to put modern clothes on you. Or at least some shorts that make you more presentable.” I was thinking how I didn’t want to cover up his upper body. “OK, Mike. I’ll take this off” Before I knew what was happening, Mason reached for his waist strap, which was made of heavy rawhide, and easily tore it apart, causing his loin cloth to drop to the ground. There in my townhouse stood naked perfection. I stood, waveringly, as I took in his splendor. He was perfect. His proportions were perfect. His muscle definition was perfect. His skin seemed more perfect than I noticed before. His eyes were bluer than I remembered and his golden hair was perfectly silken. And his manhood was…perfect. In its relaxed state his cock hung with throbbing veins snaking around its perfect 8-inch length. His two testes filled his perfectly sized sac and exuded power. Mason stood there with no embarrassment, naïvely actually, and waited for his next instruction. “What should I wear, Mike?” broke the silence. “Uh, er…. Why don’t you try a pair of my undershorts?” I managed to answer. “Here, try these on. They are stretchy and fit snuggly. Then put on these cargo shorts. The legs are bigger so they should fit you better.” “Thanks, Mike. It’s cool that we both are about the same size, when I’m not flexing much.” ‘Not flexing much’? He seemed pretty big to me. How big could he flex? ***************** Finally, I had to report to work. I told Mason he should watch TV, or surf the net, to learn about what was happening in this era. He sat down and turned on the tube. When I got home he was in the same position, with the TV on a news channel and the computer screen flashing pages at an astounding rate. “Have you been watching that all day?” I asked. “That was your command, Master Mike. Though I must say, much of this news is repetitive and opinionated.” That sounded very astute. “I learned how to manipulate the computer so it would show several pages at one time. And scroll faster than it was set up to. So I was able to read all of Wikipedia and all the books in the Library of Congress while you were at work. Mankind has made many advances, but still seems to allow suffering at the hands of religious tyrants or greedy tycoons.” I heard what he said, noticed the computer flashing multiple pages a second, and tried to comprehend his enormous abilities. “There seems to be a variety of disasters around the globe, earthquakes, floods, wars, killings. Do you wish me to stop them?” he asked, matter-of-factly. “You have the strength and power to stop earthquakes?” I was amazed at the concept. “If you command me, Mike.” “I don’t want the responsibility to decide who gets saved, and who doesn’t. And what unintended consequences might result from messing with Mother Nature. Frankly, I was enjoying your company. This is a new town, and a new job for me. It’s kind of stressful dealing with it all.” Not to mention pondering the presence of a god, which I didn’t. “I was wishing you would be my friend, someone I can count on, for support and comfort.” “Of course, Mike. Let me support and comfort you now.” Mason picked me up effortlessly in his muscled arms and held me close. His warm, throbbing body was electrifying. I felt a surge of energy and well-being that made me shiver. “What would friends do after a day at work?” Mason asked. His question caught me off guard. “I guess, they would head to a game, or go get a drink.” “Game? That sounds interesting. What games do you play?” “Oh, I like to play most sports, I just never had the drive to work that hard. I think there’s a baseball game tonight, at the college. Do you want to go?” “If that is your desire, Master Mike.” I flinched a bit. ************************* We headed to our seats in the bleachers. I bought us each a couple of hot dogs and a beer, to teach Mason the proper way to watch sports. He watched me bite into my dog and enjoy the fatty delicacy. I watched him take the entire hot dog, put it in his mouth, and suck it down his throat in one piece. “You might want to chew your food before you swallow it whole, when you’re in public,” I suggested. “Of course, Mike.” He bit off a hunk of his other dog, chewed once and swallowed. “Please don’t waste your money on food for me. I don’t require it.” “OK,” I agreed. “Let me tell you about the rules of baseball.” I hadn’t tried to tell someone about baseball, that hadn’t seen a game before. It’s not that easy to explain. It is truly a unique game. There are no time limits, a team can overcome a seemingly insurmountable lead in the last inning and win. Plays that count are sometimes out of bounds, like foul flies. And other oddities of the game. Mason seemed to learn very quickly. In the bottom of the ninth, our team needed three runs to wins. We had two runners on, with the winning run at the plate, and two outs. The batter swung and popped it up in the infield. “Damn, I wish he coulda hit a home run, out here in the bleachers,” I unknowingly spoke. “As you wish, Mike.” Mason pursed his lips and sucked in like a tornado. The ball reached the top of its arc and was sucked towards the bleachers, caught in the vacuum of Mason’s breath. Once the trajectory was altered and the ball was headed our way, he stopped inhaling and I watched the ball fall from the sky into his outstretched hand. The home crowd went wild with the homerun, the other team was baffled by an easy out turning into a loss. “Shit, did you do that?” I said staring at the ball in Mason’s hand. “It is what you wished,” he said, proudly handing me the ball. I needed to be careful what I casually ‘wished’ for. “Do you want to go to the bar, like friends?” he asked. “Yeah, that would be great,” I answered, holding the ball in my hand, still wondering how he did that. “Except, you don’t have any ID. You can’t get in without ID,” I stated. “I have been smuggled into places in the past, Mike,” Mason said. “I can return to my vessel and you can carry me in your pocket. Once inside, you can release me where it’s safe.” Huh, that sounded possible. We headed back to my place to get his vessel. ************************** I was curious. “Tell me more about how you and this jar work.” “Of course, Mike. My vessel holds the essence of my power. He, who possesses it, possesses me.” “But, it looks quite fragile, like it could break. What happens to you if your vessel is damaged?” I asked. Mason was lost in thought. “I have not been asked that question before. If my vessel were destroyed, I would have no Master to serve. I would have no purpose.” “While I’m your ‘master’, do you automatically protect and save me, or do I have to wish for every rescue, specifically?” I was somewhat embarrassed that my analytical, mathematical mind was asking such lame questions. “When I take human form out of the vessel, it is my purpose to see no harm comes to you, my Master, as I fulfill your desires,” Mason stated. “Do you still wish to go to the bar, like friends?” His frank honesty, his unbelievable power, combined with his manly tenderness, all wrapped up in a six foot tall gorgeously muscled body, was making me forget about the rest of the world. “Or should I just entertain and please you here?” he asked willingly bouncing his pecs. “My desires to please you are greater than for any other master. I feel stronger, more alive, more powerful with you as my Master, Mike. Thank you for caring about me. No one has ever cared about me before.” “Hey, that’s what friends do. They care for and look out for each other,” I said, putting my arm around his muscled shoulders. “I’m the luckiest guy in the world to have found you as a friend. Who else has a friend that can suck a pop-up into the bleachers for a winning home run?” “Did you like that,” he grinned. “I thought you might. I know you didn’t REALLY wish for it, but it IS what you said.” “Why, you son-of-a-gun,” I joshed, punching him too hard in the gut, a mistake that gave me a sore hand. “You even have a sense of humor. I love it.” Mason looked at me softly with a smile. “OK, here’s my real wish, all the time, while we’re friends. I wish you would show your sense of humor often, and I wish you would express your views freely. I don’t want a sycophant for a friend.” “OK, I’ll just be your lover.” I was silenced. “Ha-ha. My second joke,” his laugh was forced. My face was flushed. He saw my reaction. “I’m sorry, I see I may have offended you, my friend,” he spoke with sincerity. “My past owners have often ordered me to perform for them, as well as win wars. I am inexperienced with speaking freely, with humor. I was trying to amuse you. Please forgive me.” He lowered his head in shame. “Hey, come here. I love you, bro. Now that the shock is over, that WAS pretty funny.” I gave Mason a hug. He seemed to be relieved. “So, I know what will make you feel better, Mason,“ I tried to change the tone. “I wish you would pose and flex and turn yourself into the most beautiful muscular specimen on the planet, just for me.” Mason’s eyes lit up, even sparkled, as his posture regained his confidence. “Nothing would give me more satisfaction. Would you please give me a measurement to work from?” he asked with anticipation. “How about 30 inch biceps,” I responded, finally understanding the question. “Ah, probably the upper limit of most men. And a most wonderfully aesthetic size, allowing for beautiful symmetry on my six foot frame.” Mason took off the clothes he was wearing, my shirt and pants, leaving my stretchy boxers. It was convenient that he could wear my size, so we were able to avoid shopping for him, while my budget was tight. I took a comfortable seat on the couch. Mason stood just a few feet before me. “Thank you for asking me to pose for you. Masters of yore did not appreciate my body as an object of worship, with large bulging muscles. They were intimidated with how I could flex my muscles to huge proportions, making them feel insignificant and insecure. They always feared me.” He continued with praise, “You are different. You have a desire, a fascination for seeing my muscles flexed bigger than anyone has wanted me to flex before. Thank you for liberating me with your desires, Mike. I will do my best to please you.” Wow, please me he did. He began with kind of a dance, that was flowing and sensual. His tightly muscled physique was undulated, and defined. Wonderfully sharp and articulated muscle fibers appeared on his lean body. Then his muscles began to grow. His muscle fibers split and bulged anew, adding inches of hard, vascular, teen muscle to his youthful bodybuilder frame. He started to add a second of ‘freeze’ to his rhythmical movements, stopping to flex a pose. Each pose he flexed, got bigger and more defined. His calves mushroomed to 27 inches of diamond hard, angular, vascular, throbbing, double cantaloupes of snarled steel muscle fibers. The tear drop muscles over his knee looked like two fifty pound bags of cement, that would churn into striated ridges of muscles when he flexed, while the rest of his quad exploded with huge cables of criss-crossing sinew reaching at least 58 inches, each. As his routine continued, he would turn around and show all sides of his amazingly muscled body. His bulbous strips of gluteus muscles, his mogul mountain of hamstrings, all stood out with deep crevasses defining each muscle. His two lower back, spinal cables were thickly twisted muscle strands that could hold a suspension bridge aloft, growing even larger and more rippled as they moved up along his spine. His lats flared out in slabs of thick wings, with individual muscle ‘fingers’ squeezing out of the edges of his wide ‘v’ shape, that fought for space with his ballooning triceps. His traps were casings of bulging sausage that came up to his ears. I was having a hard time absorbing everything I was seeing. The absolutely stunning musculature before me, had not been seen by a human before. I felt inadequate, yet in a way, somewhat responsible for the emergence of his new existence. I could only stare and try to comprehend his power, his strength, all that he was surrendering to me to fulfill my desires. He kept dancing and posing, turning and flexing. I witnessed the most intricate and condensed display of abdominal muscle in the world, within a waist that only measured about 28 inches. The narrowness of his waist sharply contrasted the slabs of pectorals and lats that made up his 76 inch chest measurement. He raised his arms and flexed a double biceps pose. The caps of his massive shoulders fought for space between his head and biceps. The bowling pins of his forearms were 22 inches at least. And crowning the statue of muscle perfection, were two multi-headed monoliths of might, measuring 30 inches around. “Please don’t move for a moment,” I managed to whisper. I needed more time to take him all in, to force myself to breathe. Mason smiled at me and tensed a bit more, causing every muscle fiber to harden to steel, giving his body a sheen. I don’t think I was able to blink for over a minute. “May I move now, Mike?” Mason’s voice shocked me to the present. I managed to nod. He relaxed his flex and sat down next to me, putting his massive arm around me, pulling me to the cavern that was formed by his chest, lats and arm. “I am grateful that you found my vessel, Mike. I have never had a master that wanted me as a friend, like you. It is a very rewarding experience. You have opened my being to new experiences, given me new levels of awareness, released….feelings. I don’t believe I’ve had feelings before. I wish you would help me understand them,… friend.” He sounded like a confused teenager, genuinely asking for my help. “Of course, my Master,” I said, reversing roles. “That’s what friends are for.” *******************************
  7. Mrmusclewriter

    ***The Strength of a Bull*** (Part 1)

    Oh Paco, oh Paco, oh Paco, it sounded like a song or perhaps like a joke but it was the way the guys used to sing every time Paco “El Toro” Bautista used to step into the gym ready to train to death as he used to call his pro bodybuilding training. A Spanish bodybuilder, one of the few who went so far in the pro bodybuilder, a life worshipping the iron to build and develop a body that only in few could have around the world. Forget the King of Shred, Andres Munzer that was out of his league, Paco was from another planet. He was huge, massive, and dense, built like a tank. That body seemed to be carved in rock and stones, every muscular group looked like it was made from concrete bricks, every fibre was visible as his skin was made of the thinner fabric with the lowest fat percentage if not the total absence. El Toro was walking towards the weights, listening to that music of his worshippers’, drawing a proud smile on his face. He was walking with all his cockiness, nothing could pass through those huge and sculpted legs, and they were so big, massive and defined that could produce sparks when they touched each other. No t-shirt was big to stretch enough to keep that mole. The sleeves seemed to ask for forgiveness as they were rolled up, those biceps were huge, striated and full of vein, the pectorals ready to tear the t-shirt apart and the shorts tight enough to adhere very tightly to his big quads. The floor lightly shook. At first you had to pay attention. It was like someone was dropping heavy weights after a dead lift. A shadow passed over Oscar as he finished the last reps on his bench press. The man was wide and thick, more massive than any lifter here. Oscar was tired of this worship of this human steer... He walked up behind Paco and tapped his massive shoulder. Oscar noticed his hand looked small next to Paco's shoulder. The handsome Spanish turned brown eyes like shining dark pools fixed on his. Oscar spat in his face! Without warning he took advantage of the moment of blindness Paco had and grabbed his head hooking his arm over the back. He dropped his ass to the gym floor pulling Paco down with him. Paco’s head slammed into the cement floor sounding like a breaking coconut! Oscar hadn't prepared to be buried under Paco's massive body. The thickness of his chest and lats smothered over him. With all his power he kicked Paco's unconscious body off him and stood finally. He kicked the Spanish in the face. Everybody stopped, looked at the two bodybuilders, no one intervened, they kept watching, the worshippers were smiling as they knew Oscar won’t last longer in this life. Oscar kneeled and set over Paco’s massive chest, he punched his face several times, with rage and anger pictured on his face, it was pure violence, Paco could not have the time to cover his face, the attacks was fast and mean for a guy half of Paco’s size. El Toro’s face bounced in every direction of the punches, until Paco blocked the attack locking his hands over Oscar’s wrist. “My turn Oscar” Paco said with an irritate tone of voice. Paco bounced Oscar from his chest, releasing a grip but holding the other wrist and as the Hulk did to Loki, he started throwing Oscar’s body all over the floor and the benches like a ragdoll. The impacts were insane and deadly. Oscar body was hitting everywhere. Paco stopped for a second grabbing back the other wrist and with inhuman power he threw Oscar’s body over the concrete pile just before the entrance of the locker room. Marino screamed, Paco released the hold and his body fell off onto the floor. Paco was furious and angry, rage was loading every moment, Oscar was lying on the floor trying to revive him. “I am sorry Paco, forgive me” Oscar said when Paco approached him. The Spanish didn’t say a word and grabbed Oscar by his silver hair and dragged him into the huge locker room, like in those paint when the Neanderthal does the same to the poor wife. Oscar was slammed onto the locker that produced a loud and metallic sound. “You challenged me and I will take your life” stated Paco. “Please Paco, forgive me, please” Oscar cried. “I will fucking squeeze your stupid and pathetic life out of you, you will be bleeding to Death” Paco replied. Oscar tried to stand up and run away but Paco stomped his back, putting him down on the floor, applying pressure with the right foot. “Stay there Oscar” Paco said and Oscar moaned in pain while Paco was moving his foot over Oscar’s vertebrae as he was putting off a cigarette. The friction was so high that the bones started cracking under Paco’s pressure. Another stomp delivered by Paco and Oscar’s back bent; a loud scream went out from his mouth. Paco kneeled sliding his left leg under Oscar’s abdomen and the other leg over his spine. It felt like the entire Berlin Wall was falling on his back when Paco placed his legs over Oscar’s spine. Paco was not squeezing yet but the pain was already there. Paco’s quads were as hard as rock, dense and powerful. Still in pain for the savage attack Oscar was trying to push the big quads away before it was too late and indeed it was too late, Paco locked his ankles and squeezed. Pain appeared in Oscar’s face that was watching the floor and with a violent movement went up, he tried to scream but no sound got out. His mouth was already bleeding and Paco was only at the 5% of his power, reaching the full power would have meant the death of Oscar’s. “You are already bleeding, what a pussy!” Paco said with an evil smile. Oscar tried to speak but the words were unpredictable, too much pain, already. Paco increased the pressure more; his quads were full of vein and steel hard, his ankle perfectly locked as they were glued together while Oscar’s core was losing volume, becoming thinner and thinner. Due to the savage strength of the Spanish beast, Oscar’s body began bending upwards like a twig under a foot pressure. “It looks like your body is bending” Paco said. “Mmmhhh, please, let me go!” Oscar moaned in pain. “I am not going to break you now, I want to play with your body, take it to the extreme of its resistance and then I will fucking destroy, you know I can kill you” Paco stated with an evil tone of voice. The pressure grew, the vertebrae kept cracking and Paco released the hold. Oscar’s body got back to the original position with a cracking noise, like a part of engine without any lubricant. Paco stood up, bent over his victim, pulled by his air and lifted up. Suddenly Oscar found himself up in the air in a gorilla press, Paco’s right arm was holding his crotch and the left his chest, and he walked over and over the locker room, proud but at the same time crazy as the devil. The door of the locker room opened and two worshippers entered “the arena”. Paco was standing tall and massive, pressing his prey over the air like a gorilla. “Wow, I want to see this” the blonde guy said. “So do I, my friend, there will be blood” the other guy replied. “There will be many broken bones and Oscar dead” Paco replied. The blonde guy felt his cock becoming hard after Paco’s response. Both of the guys set down on a bench and watched the show like in a theatre, they probably needed some popcorn to enjoy the show. “Ready to land Oscar” Paco asked with a laugh. “Please don’t do it, I beg you” Paco slammed Oscar followed by his heavy body pressing him over the floor, like Bill Goldberg was used to do to his victims. A sound of two heavy body echoed inside the room, dust was spread over the air and the floor lightly cracked under the weight. Oscar screamed and split some blood, Paco laughed. “I guess, you have always desired my body over yours, haven’t you Oscar?” Oscar could not speak a work, Paco’s heavy weight did not allow him to properly breathe. Paco stood up and grabbed Oscar by the testicles that squirted for the iron grip, he was violently brought up. Paco performed an over the knee backbreaker, followed by another and another and yet another. Each time Oscar’s back hit Paco’s knee with a violent slam a scream of pain and blood got out from his mouth, his body bouncing semi lifeless like a weak twig over the giant’s knee. With the last backbreaker Paco screamed: “Get the fuck off my knee, you fucking useless bodybuilder”. Paco threw Oscar over the floor like a bag of potatoes that rolled for some feet like a heavy whiskey barrel. The worshipper were sitting on the bench watching to such power destroying that silver bodybuilder that acted so cocky and that was now paying the fees, entirely. They were excited; their bulges were growing as Paco kept destroying Oscar. Paco easily placed Oscar in a torture rack and began bending the silver daddy’s body. His body was bending easily under Paco’s strength as it was empty of its spinal backbone. Lex Luger was nothing compared to Paco applying that hold. Paco applied a long bending session and at the same time squeezed his right leg that became hard as rock and with all the muscles visible as built with pure har cement with an amount of veins that was incommensurable. Oscar yelled the longest and most painful scream in his entire life. “Now, if you still want to keep on worship me and you do not want to finish like this piece of shit over here, I want to play a game with you guy” Paco said to the two guys. The guys stood up, excited and ready. “What do you want us to do Sir Bautista” they both asked Paco. “I want one of you to grab this prick’s wrists, the other the ankles and to pull his body as hard as you can” Paco said. The two guys ran over Paco, they grabbed the designated part of the body and started pull down the victim while Paco was still torturing Oscar. Oscar’s body bent more almost reaching 180 degrees, he was screaming, spitting blood and saliva and his vertebrae cracked loudly. He lost consciousness.
  8. Reposting as it was lost due to the site reverted back to Jan 2022. This is a continuation of my story from the Story Verse 2021 - My time at the Mountain House. I glance down at my ringing phone and see Nona is calling me. It’s 3pm on a Thursday, I wonder what could be up? I answer, “Hey Nona, everything ok?” She responds in the most loving way she knows, even if she’s still a bit authoritative with me, even though I’m 30 and stand 6’3” and weigh 230 lbs., “I’ll need you back at the cabin to do some cleanup work. We have a guest coming in tomorrow and staying for the next month.” I want to groan, but the caretaker’s job is my main source of income. “Ok, I’ll be back in a few hours. Just need to finish a few things for the Carpenters in their backyard.” And some stuff in Mr. Carpenter’s bedroom, which is something I don’t let on to Nona, for fear of having her pull my skin off layer by layer. “Well, don’t be too late. I saw some trees on the east path which need to be thinned.” Her way of telling me to be home sooner rather than later. “Yes, Nona.” We hang up and I toss my phone on the bed. I look down over my fur covered pecs to watch Mr. Carpenter as he keeps bobbing his red-head and full lips on and off my stiff cock. His soft lips and well lubricated mouth allow my ample cock room to slide in and out of him with ease. I keep a nice even breath going and moan, “God, that feels so good PJ.” I feel his fingers dig into my glutes in response. I softly grab the sides of his head and pull him off me, knowing he’ll be upset, but I have to get moving or endure the wrath of Nona. My unit slaps into my hardened furry abs. He looks up with saddened eyes. I pull him up to a standing position, all 5’7” of it. I put my hand behind his head, lean down, and kiss him. He wraps his hands around my back, pulls our bodies together, trapping our raging cocks, and fervently kisses me back. I hear him moan with pleasure. I put my left hand on his right buttock, gently grab hold, bend my knees, then easily lift him up. I’m standing and he is resting in the palm of my hand, still kissing me as if nothing has changed. His 150lb weight is kind of light for me and I know he gets a kick out this. I can feel his rigid cock grinding against my cobblestone abs. I feel pre-cum leaking from both of us and coating both our bodies. I feel his right hand go to my partially flexed left bicep and start to massage and feel it up. I flex it for him, and he groans again. He wraps his legs around my waist and his left arm around my right shoulder. He’s getting close, as am I. I tense my body and move my right hand to his other ass cheek. Once I grab him, I lift him up a bit more and start to nibble my way down his face, then his neck, to his ultra-sensitive left nipple. He unwraps his legs and lets them dangle outside my wide thighs. He stiffens as I lap at it and then use my tongue to coat it with copious amounts of saliva. His bare chest is a nice change from my hirsute chest. I begin to suck on his petit pert nipple and rake my tongue over it some more. I feel him put both his hands behind my head and pull it closer. I allow him to do this and continue my ministrations. He lets out a loud moan and his body stiffens in my arms. His hips jerk forward and upward, his cock between my pecs. I feel his load explode out of him and cover my hairy chest. I flex my pecs and squeeze his still exploding cock in the valley. He groans loader and tries to fuck my pecs. I help him out by lifting and lowering him a few times. I feel another, softer load dribble out and coat me. He softens and his body starts to go limp. I carefully set him on the bed. I still have a raging erection, purple head, with veins crawling all over the shaft. PJ looks at me with sleepy eyes. I grasp my unit and give it a couple of quick jerks. My load quickly travels up and out of me, covering PJ from neck to bellybutton. He flinches as each shot hits him. I grunt loudly with the last load and shake my unit to make sure every last drop is out. He weakly smiles at me and I wink back to him. I lean down, over his small frame, and proceed to lick my cum off him. My warm moist tongue covers his body with renewed moisture, and I feel his body shiver with excitement. I lean over his body, move toward his face and whisper to him, as his eyes shutter shut, “I’ll stop out next week and we can have some more fun.” He gently pats my arm as his eyes shut and he falls into a deep, restful sleep. I lightly kiss him, clean his cum off me, quickly get dressed, squeezing into my black mesh t-shirt and gym shorts, and head downstairs. I walk down the hall to the back door and head to the backyard. I head directly to the rock PJ’s mom wanted moved. It’s about 7 ft long and 3 ft wide. It’s been sitting in their garden for a few years, and she has grown bored with it. I have a wheelbarrow next to it so I can wheel it out to my truck for disposal. I put my hand on the rock and quietly says, “It’s just you and me, and I’m still horned up, so you don’t stand a chance.” My semi-hard unit banging against my leg thru my boxer briefs. I walk around it again, looking for the handholds I had seen earlier. Once I find them, I squat down. I feel my thigh muscles explode and sense blood rushing to them for the upcoming show. I pull on the long end of the rock, moving it to a 45-degree-angle, then quick move my body so I am under it. I let the weight rest on my flexed chest and shoulder. I wrap my arms around the rock. I hug the rock to me and feel my biceps and triceps expand to their full size. I slowly push with my legs and move the rock to a standing position. I tighten my grip, inhale deeply, then tense my entire body. I start to stand up, pulling the rock with me. It feels heavier than it looks. I make sure to use my legs, not my back, as I stand. Once I’m up, I laugh to myself and think, ‘It’s not that heavy.’ I squat down a bit, then explode upward, releasing the rock a bit. I catch it again higher on my body. It’s just high enough that I push up and rest it on my broad left shoulder. I glance at the wheelbarrow and think, why waste a good leg workout. I carry the rock on one shoulder and the wheelbarrow in my free hand to my pickup. I put the wheelbarrow down and with my free hand, open the rear gate. I squat down and let the rock roll off and into the bed. It makes and awful noise as it rolls and comes to rest. I get in the bed, maneuver it to one side of the bed, and secure it with some straps. I start my drive back from town to the cabin, or estate, whichever people want to call it. The rock will look nice in one of the gardens there. I think of my time with PJ and a few other guys in town. If Nona only knew. I’d be dead. Happy, but dead. Leading the life of a straight man for her but sneaking off to have fun behind her back with other men, seems sacrilegious. I’m gay and have been at peace with it for many years. My parents have been coming to terms with it for a few years. Nona and Pappy, when he was alive, had a harder time with it. I sat them down individually and gently explained what it meant to me. Telling them I liked guys over girls seemed like a slap in their faces. Nona took it especially hard as I am the oldest grandson. She patted my arm a few times like my being gay was something that would pass, like a cold or the flu. Dad said to let it go and not to worry about them. It was a lot for them to take in and I was the prized grandson, tall, dark, and handsome. It was something incongruous to them. When Pappy passed a few years ago, it was decided for me that I’d be the one who went to help Nona on the estate, even though I may have had plans of my own. Then it was dad’s turn to sit me down and gently explain how being the caretaker at the cabin was something I was obligated to do. He took me to a nice restaurant in town, one where I had to put on a dress shirt and pants, not a t-shirt and gym shorts. He explained over a few beers that Pappy and Nona had been fixtures at the cabin, which I had known, and it was expected that the Fisher family would take care of the property. He talked and I listened, thinking to myself, ‘I’m 25 years old. I’ve already put my college degree on hold to participate in bodybuilding and fitness contests, and now he wants me to put it off even longer, to help in this family business, of which I know very little about.’ He could see the hesitation and frustration building. “Jake,” he said calmly, “I realize this is not the direction you saw your life taking.” I glance up at him with a knowing look, “but, you have already had some many wonderful and exciting experiences for a man your age.” I smile knowing he is right. He holds up both hands and proceeds to list my accomplishments. “One, all state wrestler; two, holds high school record for bench press and squat; three, holds high school record for unassisted quarterback tackles at 45; four, youngest under 20 body-builder to win first place in his weight class; five, only under 20 body-builder to win the overall at the same competition; six, first 22-year-old to win Fitness champ for his class; seven, then win the overall Fitness champ at the same competition.” I tense my left bicep and feel the softball sized muscle expand the sleeve of my long-sleeved blue striped Oxford shirt. I smile, he sees it and smiles back. “You do know your mother and I are very proud of what you’ve done. We knew from the moment you picked up your first barbell and curled it, that you had innate talent which would allow you to go far in whatever dream you wanted to pursue, be it sports, body-building, or fitness.” I think back to all the events and sports I participated in and remember seeing my whole family there to watch me. Mom, dad, my younger siblings, all 4 of them at that point, and Nona and Pappy. I had my own cheering section. Even when I decided to stop pursuing bodybuilding because I did not want to get into steroids, they were behind me all the way. I sigh, knowing, short of me leaving the area, this is something I’m going to do. I whisper, “Ok.” Dad breaks into a sad smile. He puts his right hand on top of my left one and quietly says, “Thank you Jake. This means a lot to your mom and me. Nona will be happy too.” I glance up at him with a crooked smile, “Well, in her own way.” I chuckle and so does he. He finishes by saying, “I’m sure Pappy would be proud of you too.” I feel him squeeze my hand. I take a chance and ask, “May I ask one or two things?” He nods. “I still need my freedom.” He has a questioning look on his face. “I get that I’ll have to live on the estate with Nona, but I still want to live my life, dad. I’m a grown man. I want to be able to do things, go places, meet people…” I let the last part linger, hoping he knows what I mean. “Jake, I’m on your side for everything you just said.” He smiles and winks to me. I blush. “I’ll speak with Nona and your mom. It won’t be easy, but I’ll do my best.” I nod in appreciation. “Your mom and I have one request of you.” I cower at what it may be. “We want you to get your college degree.” I exhale with relief. He sees it and says, “The caretaker job pays pretty well, and you should be able to take a few courses every semester. We don’t care how long you take, or what you get it in, just please get that degree. It will help you in ways you can’t imagine.” I nod. “Also, with the experiences you’ve already had, and what you’ll pick up from working at the estate, it will give you a solid footing for your future.” Dinner arrives and we both start to eat. I have a medium T-bone steak with a baked sweet potato, and dad has salmon with broccoli. Between bites he says, “We do not expect you to spend the rest of your life at the estate, unless you want to,” He glances at me with a raised eyebrow, but I don’t give any hint back, “But stay until Nona retires or until Steve or Connor are able to help out.” My next two younger brothers, identical twins, but different as night and day, at least to me. I roll my eyes. He sees it and slyly smiles, knowing where I’m coming from. I roll up to the gate of the estate, enter the code, wait for the gate to open, then drive my 1999 Ford F150 up to the caretaker’s house and park next to Nona’s Jeep Cherokee. I leave the rock where it is and enter the house thru the garage. I peel off my work boots and socks and slip into a pair of comfortable slippers I leave there. Nona is in the kitchen, at the table reading over an email on her computer. I’m guessing it has the details for the guest arriving tomorrow. She looks up, sees my dirty t-shirt and shorts, and says, “Can you thin out the Maple saplings before dusk tonight. They are on the east path about 100 yards from the house and 20 yards off the path.” She looks back down at her computer and makes some notes on a pad next to her. As I turn to go, she flatly asks, “How did things go at Mr. and Mrs. Carpenter’s? Were you able to remove the rock as they requested?” I quietly say, “Yes, Nona.” I see her nod without looking at me. “I brought the rock back with me as I think you’ll be able to find a spot for it in one of the gardens.” She turns to me. “I will.” She turns back. The conversation is over. I head back to the garage, pull my work boots back on and then get head out to my John Deer tractor. I start it up and head up the driveway. I branch off onto one of the paths, go the spot on the path where I think she is talking about and park. I quickly make my way to the glen of Maple saplings. I see the clump of about 30 young trees and wonder how Nona would ever find them? I put the thought out my head and walk the area to determine the best and quickest course of action. I jog back to my tractor, grab a roll of tape and a shovel. I head back to the trees as dusk encroaches the area. I quickly mark 10 to 15 saplings. I double check to make sure there is room for me to get them out of the ground without disturbing the other trees too much. I find one of the smaller ones and get a firm grip on the trunk. It’s only 5-inches in circumference, so my hands easily fit around it. I shake the tree a bit to see how sturdy it is. It’s pretty flimsy. I squat down, plant my feet in the soft ground, inhale, and start to lift. As I exhale, I tighten my grip. The tree shakes and the roots start to emerge from the ground. As I finish my exhale, I take a breath to clear my lungs. I squat down again and take another deep breath. I grab the tree a bit lower. As I exhale again, I grip and lift. The tree shakes even more. The roots break free of the ground and dirt sprays everywhere. I toss the tree to the side, clap my hands on my legs to get the dirt off me and think, ‘one down.’ I glance at the sky, then my watch. I don’t have much sunlight left. I move to the next tree, pull it out just as easily, and move on. Half an hour later, it is too dark, and I stop. I’ve taken out 6 trees and have another 9 or so to go. I leave the ones I’ve already pulled out where they are and head back to my tractor. I head back to the house. I enter thru the garage again and see Nona is still at the computer. I smell dinner in the oven. I make my way to the back stairs and head up to my bedroom. I take a quick shower and come back down in a pair of sweats and a long sleeve t-shirt. I help set the table and move the food to it. As we sit, she takes my hand in hers. We say grace. I allow her to take first helping of everything, chicken, rice, and steamed carrots with orange glaze. I patiently wait for her to finish, then fill my plate. She knows what I like and don’t like and is mindful of my diet. She never forces me to eat anything I don’t like, but gently hints I should try new things. There is music playing softly for ambiance. It is some of her favorite 60’s artists. I must admit, some of the songs are really good and I don’t mind listening to it. She leads off the conversation, “Mrs. Carpenter called to say, ‘thank you’. She appreciates your removing the rock. She wondered if you’ll be free at some point to come back and help fill in the hole.” She glances over to me. I finish chewing the piece of chicken before responding. “Yes, I would be happy to.” I think to myself, ‘As if I have a choice.’ “I thought as much and already told her so.” I roll my eyes in my head. “The young gentleman will be here tomorrow, probably in the late afternoon, or early evening. His name is Cole. He will be here for a month.” I pause and look to her. I ask, “By himself? That is a bit unusual.” She nods in agreement. “They did not send too much information, just that this is a last-minute reservation. They were very sorry for the short notice.” I know where this is headed. “I’ll be at the house tomorrow to prepare one of the bedrooms. I have made out a grocery list. Please head to town and gather the items.” “Yes Nona.” “When you’re done with that, please make sure the pool and workout room are tidied up.” I nod and I chew on some carrots. “Were you able to remove all the saplings?” It comes out more of a statement than a question. “Unfortunately, not. I ran out of light.” I see her glance at me. “I’ll finish up tomorrow after I have done the other things.” She nods. We finish dinner. I clear the table, put the left-over in containers, and wash the dishes. I set the dishes on the counter to dry. I head upstairs to do some course work. I’m taking a 2nd level Business management course and a 3rd level Horticulture class at the local college. The management class is pretty straightforward while the Hort class has a lot of Latin terms I have to remember. An hour later I emerge from my room, head downstairs and grab an apple and banana for my snack. I see Nona has shut off the lights and headed to her room. I grab my phone and walk outside. It's a gorgeous night. The night air still has a little bite to it, but that disappear soon as we head into late spring and early summer. I walk over the driveway and onto a path leading to one of the ponds on the property. A few years ago, with the owner’s and Nona’s blessing I put a bench at one of them and cut out a sitting area facing south. On a clear night like tonight, you can watch the stars and moon make their trek across the sky. As I walk to it, the creatures of the night go quiet as I approach and start up their calls after I pass. Crickets, owls, frogs, toads, a few mice, and other assorted animals wander the grounds. I get to the pond; the frogs and crickets go silent. I sit on the bench and tilt my head backwards, to crack my neck. As the vertebra crack, I feel any tension I had slip away. I watch the stars and my brain begins to wander. It’s been 5 years since dad asked me, or rather let me know, I’d be helping out here. Has it been so bad? Eh, not really. Nona tries her best, but she has not come around to me being gay. She doesn’t bring it up, nor does she stop me from doing what I like to do. I think she’s hard on me as a way to compensate, her version of tough love. I’ve seen her with my brothers and sisters and she’s more loving with them, smiling and hugs for everyone. I hate sneaking off to meet up with guys, like PJ. I mean, he’s great, but he’s 8 years younger than I am. Heck, he’s Rose’s age. God, I feel old. But, without Rose meeting him in a bar one night, I would have never met him. She called me the night she met him and gushed about how cute he was and that he and I would be perfect together. She sent me a photo of him, and I thought, yeah, he’s cute, a bit on the small side for my tastes, but one or two dates wouldn’t hurt. I wasn’t dating anyone seriously, so why not. We went out a few times, then he asked me to come over to his place for dinner. I got embarrassed and he saw it. He put his small, freckled hand on top of my monster fist and said, “Jake, you never have to be afraid of who you are with me, or my family.” I sighed at the thought of being accepted for who I am. He saw my hesitation and continued, “My parents accept who I am, and I’ve brought many other friends over. It’ll be fine.” I smiled weakly and nodded. I went home and called mom and let her know, so there wouldn’t be a huge surprise when word got out that I was on a date with PJ Carpenter. She quickly and quietly said, “You need to tell Nona. She’s good friends with PJ’s grandmother and you don’t want her to hear it from some old gossip in town.” I groaned out loud. Mom laughed and said, “Welcome to being an adult and having the difficult conversations.” I chuckle and say, “I thought I already had it with her…” The conversation did not go swimmingly well to say the least. Nona’s final statement to me went something like, “Jacob Daniel Fisher the third, I cannot stop you from seeing who you want to see.” There was no emotion in it. No, ‘I’m happy you met someone, or you’re going to dinner where?’ I sighed and went and had a great time with PJ and his family. They accepted me for who I was and gave me some confidence to continue see PJ without any interference. Nona let it go. PJ and I had our fun, but we both realized the age difference was going to be an issue. He was still in college and partying it up, while I am working on the estate and going to night classes. We still meet up, like today, and have a great time. His parents are very supportive of me and send work my way, regardless of my relationship with PJ. Maybe I should have another conversation with dad. I’m going to be graduating this year and want to know if there are plans in place to have someone take over for me. I start to think about what I want to do after I do graduate. I need to start sending out job applications or completing them online. Need to get my name and face out there, and not just around town, but farther away. Small town life is nice, but there are more opportunities in larger cities. What would that life be like? I’ve barely left the town I was born in, much less lived someplace else. I mean, my bodybuilding and fitness competitions took me to some different cities across the area, but I’ve never traveled west past the Mississippi or south past the Mason-Dixon line. Maybe small-town life is what I’m made for, but I’ll never know unless I try something else. I come out of my thoughts and see the moon is high in the night sky. I see some bats chasing their dinners and hear the crickets and frogs singing their songs. There are lightening bugs all around me. I take a deep breath and feel my long sleeve shirt expand and stretch across my chest. I flex my arms a few times to get the blood flowing again. I slowly stand and stretch my arms over my head and begin my walk back to the house. On the way, I check my messages and see PJ sent me one thanking me for today. I send him a smiley face back and smile to myself. I enter the house through the garage, lock up all the doors and head up to bed. I lay in bed thinking again, would life in the big city be right for me? I doze off. Friday morning comes and I wake to the smell of eggs and bacon. I quickly change into my work clothes and head down. Nona has a plate ready for me and once I sit down, she lets me know she’s going to the house to get things ready. It’s about 9am. I nod and say, “I will head into town and get the grocery shopping done. Is there anything you need while I am there?” “Not today, thank you. Please don’t dawdle. You will need to clean up the exercise room and pool before Mr. Cole arrives, and please remember to clear away the trees.” I nod, not letting on my feeling of being treated like a 5-year-old. She takes off. I get in my pickup and start for town. I call dad. He picks up on the first ring, “What’s she done now?” he asks with exasperation. “Oh, you know, same old, same old.” I say wearily. “Can we meet for dinner tonight, just you, mom, and I?” I sound like I’m begging or whining, but I’m not. “Of course. You want to come here or meet in town someplace?” “Can we meet at your place? Will the others be there?” “Steve and Connor will be at work, Rose and Jen (my other twin siblings) should be on dates, but Tiny…” I suddenly hear Tim yell in the background, “I’m right here dad.” Dad continues, “Oh, my bad, Timothy Mark Fisher will be here as well, grounded for the night at this point.” I laugh to myself. Tim is the youngest of the 6 of us. He’s 23 years younger than I am, which makes him 7. Definitely the surprise baby. Rose and Jen are 22 and Steve and Connor are 26. “But otherwise, we’re good.” “Thanks. Say 6ish?” “I’ll let your mom know.” I get to the store and quickly make my way thru, making sure to get the specific items on the list. Made the mistake once of getting a similar item, and then having to drive back to get the correct one. I pick up one two items for myself and pay for them separately. I make sure they go into a different bag. On the way home, I get some gas, stop for a quick bite to eat, then head back. On the way back, I call Nona and let her know. I ask if I should bring the groceries right to the main house. She says yes. I get back at 12:30. I run into the house and put my bag from the store in my bedroom, then put all the groceries into my tractor and drive to the house. I carry the groceries in and hear a vacuum running upstairs. I put the bags on the counter and put any frozen or cold items in the fridge. I walk out to the pool area and see it needs to be cleaned and swept. I move to the exercise room and start to clean and dust. I wipe off the weights and make sure everything is in its proper place. As I move items, I get a quick workout in. A few sets of curls, squats, and deadlifts. Nobody needs to know, and it helps alleviate some of my stress. I check the linen closet and see there is full supply of towels for the workout room and the pool. I move to the pool supply hut, pull out a skimmer, the pool vacuum, and get started. I get all the leaves off the surface, then submerge the vacuum and begin. It’s a nice day out, so I strip off my t-shirt and get some sun. The heat feels good on my muscles. I close my eyes as the vacuuming motion is repetitive. I’ve done this often enough; I could do it in my sleep. 45 minutes later I’m done. I pack up all the gear then pull out a straw broom and sweep the entire pool area. I make sure to pull out any weeds that have started to grow between the brick pavers. I wipe down all the furniture and make sure no bees have built nests in the area. I double check the propane tank for the gas grill is at least ¾ full and then make sure the grills do not have any caked-on fat from the last guest. I toss my shirt back on and head to the flower garden on the side of the house and do a spot check of the walkway to make sure there are no bird droppings on it. I get a hose and spray down the pavers, refill the birdbath, then water the plants and clean the bench. I glance at my watch and see it’s getting close to 4. As I’m packing up the hose and brushes, Nona comes around the corner with her scissors. She glances around making sure everything is satisfactory. She walks over to the Peonies and cuts a few of them, then goes to the Irises and does the same. I stand silently, waiting to see if my work passes her inspection. As she’s leaving, she pats me on the arm and says, “Looks good Jake. Thank you.” I breathe a sigh of relief. I mention carefully, “I’m heading to mom and dads for dinner tonight. I am going to clear out the remaining saplings right now, but may need to finish tomorrow morning, if that would be, ok?” She pauses and without turning around replies, “Ok.” I finish cleaning up the area, then quickly head to my tractor and down to the trees. I see my pile from yesterday and move to the next marked tree. I squat down, get a firm grip, feel my legs and chest expand, then quickly push up. The tree comes out without hesitation. Dirt sprays my workpants and shoes. I work out my anger and frustration on the remaining trees. When I’m done, I realize I’m sweating profusely and there’s a tear in my t-shirt. I also have a cut on my right forearm. Not too bad, but I will wash it off and put a band-aid on it. I glance at my watch and see it’s 5ish. I head back to the trail, get in my tractor and head back. I wash up, get into a decent pair of shorts and a nicer t-shirt. I head down to the kitchen and see Nona has made her dinner and is eating it while reading a book. “I pulled all the trees out and will remove them from the area first thing tomorrow.” She nods. “I shouldn’t be too late tonight.” She nods again. I quickly head out. It’s a 30-minute drive. The orange sun is low in the sky and dusk will hit us soon. As I drive thru town, I see a dark red Volvo driving slowly thru town in the opposite direction. I glance at the driver and see a cute blonde behind the wheel. I wonder if he’s the guest. We don’t see too many upscale cars around here, so I’m 80% sure he is the guest. I get to my parents and as I enter, Tiny springs from behind the door and grabs me around my midsection in an attempt to tackle me. Tiny is all of 50-lbs soaking wet, with a head of curly dark hair and eyes which match mine. His chances are slim he’d ever do it, but I play along and fall to the ground, making sure he lands on top of me. He puts his hands on my chest to hold me down. I act surprised and say, “Whoa there Tiny. Glad to see mom and dad have you here to tackle any would-be burglars.” His eyes go wide, and a huge toothy smile is on his face. He looks across the room to dad and joyfully says, “See dad, I knew if I worked out, I’d be able to take Monster down.” He rolls off me and I stand up, putting my left arm around him and bringing him in for a hug. He hugs me fiercely, his face buried in my chest. We release and he excitedly says, “Monster, I’m getting bigger.” My eyes go wide. “I’ve put on 2-lbs in the past 2 weeks.” He flexes his bicep for me to see. I carefully put my hand on it and pretend squeeze it. I ease up when I feel his muscle. I whistle and say, “Tiny, you’ll be as big as me in no time. I hope mom has enough food in the house to feed you.” His eyes get bigger at my praise, and he gives me a high-five. “I gotta go tell mom to get more food cuz there’s a second monster in the house.” He goes into a most-muscular pose and growls at me. I drop into one too, put my head against his and we growl together. He runs off to the kitchen and I go sit next to dad. He’s got a smile on his face. “He misses you.” I nod, realizing I miss him as well. “I’ll try to stop by more, maybe come over and workout with him.” I exhale deeply. Dad sees it and gets right to the point. “What’s up?” I look at him with misty eyes. “Come on Jake, it can’t be all that bad, can it?” I shrug my shoulders. I hesitate and start to stumble over my words. They start out as a whisper, “I just cannot seem to please her, no matter how hard I try, or what I do. She’s always…indifferent to me…like…I’m the hired help, not her grandson…” Dad puts a hand on my knee. “Ever since I told her I was gay; she’s been like this. You know, you’ve seen it.” He nods in agreement. “I can’t change who I am, and I want to be happy, but she makes everything…I dunno know…feel…or maybe…” I sniffle back a tear, realizing how much sadness I have inside me. I wipe my face on my sleeve, then look to dad, “Maybe it’s time for me to leave the estate and let someone else help her.” He sighs and sits back in his chair. Of course, this is the moment when Tiny comes bounding out the kitchen with a huge grin. He runs across the room and leaps at me from 5 feet away. I think, ‘oh fuck’. I jump up and catch him mid-air, then allow his momentum to carry us back a few steps. I hold him out at arm’s length, his toothy grin, and floppy hair a wild mess. Mom steps out of the kitchen, sees me holding him, and exclaims, “Timothy Mark, get yourself back in this kitchen right now. How many times have we told you not to jump at Jake? What if he wasn’t paying attention? You could have been seriously hurt.” “Awe mom, I knew the Monster was watching. Besides, he’s never dropped me before.” Mom just shakes her head in frustration. I pull him to me and wrap my left arm under his butt. I tickle him with my right hand, and he squirms, trying to get free. I quietly say, “Dude, I had you, you know that, right?” He’s got a huge grin and shakes his head up and down. “But we need to play it cool in the house.” I wink at him. “I’ll bring you up to the estate at some point and we can play in the pool, just the two of us.” He shouts, “Cool. Will you throw me in like you did the other times?” Dad looks over with a raised eyebrow. I shake my head from side to side at him. He frowns at me. I put him down and he runs back to the kitchen. Mom looks at me with exasperation. “Dinner in 5. I’ll try to control Tiny for you.” “Well Jake…you’re almost 30, a grown man. You have the right to do what you want. Your mom and I are very grateful you’ve stayed there to help. Your grandmother does appreciate it, despite her not showing it very much.” I raise an eyebrow and look at him. “When we talk, she does mention all the hard work you put and how much of a relief it is to have you there, as opposed to a stranger.” I rasp out, “Funny, it never seems that way to me.” He sighs and shrugs his shoulders. “Maybe if she let on a little, to me,” I touch my chest, “that she appreciates my help, maybe I wouldn’t have to come to you to hear it second-hand.” I let out a deep breath. I gather my thoughts for a moment, then say, “Still, when I get my degree, this fall, I want to try something different.” He nods and says, “I’ve already brought this up to her and to Steve and Connor to see if either of them would be interested.” My eyes perk up. “Jake, I just tossed the idea out, nothing formal or anything.” “Oh…did either of them give you any kind of sign, one way or the other?” He shakes his head no. Mom pokes her head in and says dinner is ready. We go into the dining room, and I see Tiny has put his place right next to mine and he is waiting for me. I sit next to him and gently poke him with my right index finger. He giggles and squirms, then pokes me back. I giggle as well. We pass around the food and talk about everything except the issue I’m having with Nona. She dotes on Tiny, and I don’t want him to hear anything bad about her. Tiny starts to gobble his food down and I put my hand on his wrist and gently say, “Slow down buddy. Eating quickly won’t get you bigger, sooner.” He looks at me mid-chew and nods. He slows down. Dinner is fantastic. Roast pork loin with gravy, garlic mashed potatoes, broccoli (for Tiny), carrots (for me), rolls, and some applesauce with cinnamon (for both of us). Tiny talks about his pee-wee football league. I’ve been to a few of his games, but he begs me to come to the one this weekend. “I’ll try Tiny, but we have a guest coming in this weekend and I have some work I need to finish up.” His face darkens a bit with sadness. Mom sees this and immediately says, “Tim, I bet Steve and Connor can make your game. It’ll be great to have them both there. They love watching you play too.” He sighs and says, “I guess so.” She says, “Tim, you know Jake always tries to make your games. Please don’t be upset if he misses one or two.” “Ok.” He says gloomily. “Listen Tiny, I’ll try really hard to make it. When is the game?” He perks up and gleefully says, “Tomorrow at 5.” “Ok, I will try to make.” We fist bump. Mom smiles at me. After dinner mom sends Tiny off to read a book in his room, which is my old room. The three of us sit in the living room again and talk. She says to me, “Jake, she loves you in her own way.” I nod slowly knowing she’s right, but it still hurts that she won’t give an inch to acknowledge it. I explain what I did today and how she reacted, including the part where she said I did a nice job. Dad exuberantly says, “Well there you go.” I don’t know if he’s kidding or not. I look at him sideways and I see a small smile creep across his face. I broach a tough subject for my parents, “What happens when I meet a guy I like?” They fidget a bit, but not as much as when I first came out to the family. I gently say, “See, you do it too. You’re still not completely comfortable with me being gay, are you?” They hesitate again. “This is why I don’t talk about guys I see. I can hardly bring them back to the house. I have no idea how Nona would react, what she’d say, or if she’d even let them in.” Dad puts his hands up for me to calm down. He says, “Jake, yes, it’s still a bit tough for us, but we love you with all our hearts and support you in anything you do and will love and support you with the person you choose to be with.” I feel a ‘but’ coming. “Your grandmother is from a different time. She tries to understand, but she sees her 6’3’ grandson who played football, wrestled, did bodybuilding, and fitness competitions, and there’s a disconnect.” I know what’s coming. “She thinks all gay men are effeminate.” I roll my eyes, probably a bit too much. Mom sees it and scolds me, “Jake, that’s not fair.” I blurt out, “It’s not fair to me. She has watched me grow up. She knows who I am, but I have to walk on eggshells around her because it might upset her to see me kiss a man I like.” I feel a tear roll down my face. They look at each other, knowing I’m right. I sit back in the couch and run my hands thru my hair. I take a few deep breaths to calm down. I see them looking at each other. My eyes dart back and forth. Dad carefully says, “Jake, you’re a grown man. It’s going to be hard, but you need to sit down with Nona and get everything out in the open.” I think, ‘Oh, boy.’ “It won’t be easy for you, but you need to tell how you feel, about everything…not just that you don’t feel appreciated for the work you do, but also about your being gay and how she ignores it.” I look up to meet his gaze and I open my mouth. He immediately says, “No, you need to do this on your own.” “Ok, but you may need to put an air mattress in my room upstairs for when she kicks me out.” I crack half a smile. Mom weakly smiles, but dad has an ear-to-ear grin. I check my watch and say, “I need to get back. Tomorrow is going to be a full day.” We all stand. Mom goes to the stairwell and calls up to Tiny, letting him know I’m leaving. He comes bounding down the steps and makes a b-line to me. I’m ready for him this time. He jumps at the last second and I catch him in both arms. I haul him in for a hug and he wraps both his arms around my neck and crawls up my body. I just stand there and keep my hands close to his body to catch him if he slips. He’s done this a thousand times before, but I’m always careful with him. Once he gets tired, I pull him off me and hold him off the ground. “Ok, Tiny. I need to get back. I have a lot of work to do tomorrow. I need to get it all done so I can come to your game.” I big smile comes across his face. “I’ll try to stop by one-night next week and we can work out in the basement. Gotta get you into monster form if you’re going to rule the field like I did.” I flex my left arm and he puts both hands around it and I let go of him. He dangles from muscle for a few seconds. I lower my arm as he slides off. He hugs me again and says, “That’d be great Monster.” He flexes his arms and goes into another most muscular pose and growls. I mimic him and put our foreheads together again. By the end, we’re both laughing. I move to the door, say my final good nights and head out. I’m still smiling as I pull onto the estate and up to the house. The main house has a few lights on, so I guess he has arrived. I’m tempted to drive up and see if there is a Volvo there. I decide against it. I’ll find out soon enough. All the lights are off in our house. I parked and quietly enter thru a side door. I make sure everything locked up and head to bed with thoughts of Tiny playing football in my head. I wake Saturday morning to bright sunlight streaming thru my dark green curtains. They are partially open, and the windows are cracked as well. A warm breeze filter thru. I roll out of bed, grab a quick shower, and brush my teeth. I head down and see Nona is at the computer, reading an article. “I’m heading up to the house to finish cleaning up the saplings. I then will head up to the lower meadow to trim some trees which have become overgrown.” She nods with approval. “Oh, Tim has a pee-wee game this afternoon around 5. He asked me to come watch.” I look for any sign from her. “I told him I had work to do but would try to make it.” “That sounds nice. I may drive over as well. I have not seen Timothy for a while.” She looks back down at her computer and I take it as a sign to get to work. I grab a couple apples and a banana and head out. I drive toward the area where the trees are waiting for me, but realize I need to empty the trailer. It has some logs in it from previous jobs. I go the work shed on the far side of the property and dump everything out. 10 minutes later I’m heading back. It’s still a gorgeous day. The sun is climbing, and the air is heating up. I have my cap on to keep the sun off my head. I smile again at the thought of Tiny on the football field. I know he’ll try to put on a show if he sees me there. As I near the area with the trees, I park on the path again and head into them. I see a few more which should be pulled out. I mark them and start to pull them out. I’ve got 3 done when I hear a voice call out to me, “Hello.” I turn toward the voice and realize it’s the guy staying at the house. I head his way and call back, “Hello there.” I’m still in the trees and cannot see him, but his voice is sexy, but a bit tentative. I guess that’s to be expected. He calls again, “Hello? My name is Cole. I’m staying at the cabin.” I see him thru the trees, even though he doesn’t see me yet. Man-oh-man, he’s cute. My height looks about my age, but definitely lighter. Blonde hair, trim body, sweat dripping down from his face. I feel a swelling in my groin. I pause to adjust my workpants, so it doesn’t show. I call back, “Oh. Hello Mr. Cole. My name is Mr. Fisher. I’m the caretaker for the property.” He sees me and I see him pause to take me in. I slow my walk, so he can get a good look. I wonder, ‘Is he gay?’ From the way he’s staring at me…maybe…, but a lot of guys give me the once over the first time they see me. Almost like, is this guy for real? I approach and pull off a work glove. We make some small talk, and he keeps checking me out. I nonchalantly check him out as well. He has a bit of a pouch, but it’s COVID season, who doesn’t have one. Arms, not too bad, could use some toning. Nice legs and thighs. Chest, eh, he just needs to hit the gym a bit more frequently. But those dark blue eyes, damn. I could get lost in those. I feel a stirring down below. Uh-oh, the pregnant pause. What do I say? I keep looking at him. He breaks the silence and says he has to head out. I stumble over my words and say, “I’ll be up at the cabin later today, if you need help with anything.” I think, ‘Oh fuck, he may think I’m coming onto him. Dammit. Not want I want to do on his first day here.” He heads out and I get a real good look at his shapely ass. Man, he better be gay. I need me some of that. My unit pushes hard against my workpants. He wants out in the worst way. I quickly head back to the work area and my brain goes into auto mode. There’s no stopping it now. I put my work glove back on and rip some branches off some trees. I need to get a pump in my arms and chest. Need to get my body right to the edge. My biceps flex, muscles coil underneath the paper-thin skin. I feel blood rushing thru them. My chest is heaving, sweat is coating my t-shirt. I squat down in front of a larger tree, one which is not marked for removal, but my needs are urgent. I wrap my arms around the 3-foot circumference trunk, pull my body to it and whisper, “Sorry little maple, but you’re a means to an end.” I grip it tightly, push my legs into the ground, and thrust upward as quickly as I can. My unit rubs against the trunk thru my pants. Lightening shoots down my body. I pull the tree from the ground with ease. I twist my body and quickly turn back and toss the tree 10 feet away. It crashes into other trees, some of them snapping. I growl and feel my unit pulsing. I rip off my gloves, undo and pull my pants and boxers down, and pull out my engorged unit. It's throbbing due to the stimulation of rubbing against my pants, then the tree. I grasp it with my left hand, putting my right hand behind my head. My right bicep flexed, stretching the material of my t-shirt to the limits. I close my eyes and start a slow jerk, hoping to draw out the pleasure, but knowing won’t be able to. I think of Cole and his sexy blonde hair, dark blue eyes, and whatever present he’s hiding under his shorts. My hips buck forward. My fist angerly bangs into my groin and lower abs, turning me on that much more. My movements quicken. I turn my head and lick my bicep. I sniff my sweaty, smelly pit. I lick the sweat off my arm. I imagine PJ’s mouth on my unit and my hands holding his mouth to my groin. He swallows me as best he can, but gags. I relax my hold a bit. I look down and it is now Cole’s mouth on me. My chest heaves and I thrust two more times, then blow my load. I contain my roar, for fear of being heard. Cum shoots out and covers the leaves, dirt, and grass in front of me. A few droplets end up on my shirt and pants. I scoop them off and lick them off my fingers. I lean against a tree and take a few cleansing breaths and scan the area to make sure there’s no one around. Yeah, if Nona had seen me going to town, I’d definitely be staying at mom and dads. I let out a laugh and pull up my boxers and pants. I stuff my still semi-rigid unit into them. I think to myself, I can get a second round later today, after Tiny’s game. I pull my gloves back on and start to move the saplings to my tractor. Some are too long to fit so I find a sturdy tree at the path’s edge, wrap one around it, brace my body by putting a leg on the tree trunk, then pull, using my shoulders to pull backwards. My chest expands again and my legs swell. The tree bends and then suddenly snaps. I release the pressure and let it fall to the ground. I grab another, then the last one. I put them all in the trailer, then go back for more. I get everything loaded and head back to the work shed. On the way back to the lower meadow I decide to check on Cole to see how he’s doing. I stop below the pool deck and walk up. I see him asleep on a lounge chair. A book on Yoga is beside the chair, having fallen out of his hand. I quietly say, “Mr. Cole.” He stirs, but does not wake. Man, he’s a good-looking guy. I check him out again and see his legs are decent sized as well. His chest is bigger than I thought. “Mr. Cole, are you awake?” He slowly wakes and squints. I am between the sun and him. He starts to get up, apologizing for having dozed off. I think, ‘Dude, I could watch you sleep all day.’ He stumbles as he gets off the chair. I lunge to him and grasp his elbow, steading him. “Are you alright?” I guide him to the chair at the table and we sit. I gently chastise him for not warming down and at one point he looks at me and gives it right back by saying, “Yes sir, Sargent Fisher.” I wink, now knowing he has a sense of humor. We continue to talk and asks if the ‘Mrs. Fisher’ is my wife. I laugh to myself and think, ‘Yeah, got a surprise for you Cole.’ I explain the situation as he listens to every word, nodding and soaking it all in. He is very polite and doesn’t pry into my life. I hold back as well. We continue to talk and then I see it. Nona at the French doors, watching us. As she opens the doors, I immediately stand, knowing she’s about to reprimand me in front of Cole. With the same authority as always, she says to me, “Jake, I believe you have some trees to trim in the lower meadow. I think you have taken up enough of Mr. Cole’s time.” I quietly respond, “Yes, Nona.” I turn to leave, but say one thing, hoping he gets my message, “Please remember to fully stretch before and after each jog. It would not do you any good to be laid up while you were here.” He looks at me with a slightly confused look, but it slowly changes to one of understanding. I head down to my tractor and then to the lower meadow. I am frustrated with myself for getting caught up in the moment with Cole. He just seems like a nice normal guy. I now know he’s gay. He may not have said it outright, but the tell-tale signs are there. When I put my arms behind my head and casually flexed my biceps, he practically drooled onto his shirt. I think if I had bounced them a few times, he would have cum in his tented shorts. Yeah, I caught that, even though he tried to hide it well. I spend the rest of the afternoon pumping my arms by ripping off tree branches. It’s so much quicker than having to use a saw and cut them off. It’s also a great workout. I see some logs on the path. I squat down and get my leg workout in. Lifting them, then pressing them overhead. I feel a sweat starting again and it feels good. I see some larger rocks and decide to get some bench presses in. I find a nice large one, lay on the dry path, and proceed to press it. I guess its weight to be around 200-lbs. Pretty light, but I need to go with the weights on hand. I finish my workout, brush the dirt and debris off my shirt and pants. I haul the limbs back to the work shed, then head home. It’s about 4 and I have just enough time to get a shower and drive to Tiny’s game. Once at the game, I see my parents in the stands. I wave and go to join them. I see Tiny in his uniform. He turns, sees me, and waves. I wave back and he flexes his arm. I flex mine and I see him flex harder, trying to mimic me. I wave for him to turn around and listen to his coach. Mom says, “I’m so glad you made it.” I nod in response. “Steve is on his way. Connor got held up at work but may be here later.” “What about Rose and Jen?” Mom just rolls her eyes. “I see.” She laughs. My sisters have lived with 3 protective older brothers, all their lives; one who could seriously hurt one of their boyfriends if they stepped out of line. They are trying to break free. Rose and I are close. She tells me everything. Jen and I are…well…we get along. She gets along better with Connor. From the way they gossip with each other, you’d think they were twins with each other, and not their actual twin. I pull my phone out and shoot Rose a note, asking if she’ll be here. A few minutes later she responds with a ‘maybe’. I send her a frustrated emoji. I write back, “Could you be here for Tiny? He misses us.” She immediately writes back saying, “Don’t play the Tiny card with me, Monster. He misses you. I see him enough.” She adds an “LOL” to let me know she’s joking. I send a winking emoji back. She does the same. Mom asks, “Well, is Rose coming?” “Maybe.” “That means no.” “Not necessarily.” I wink at her. Dad leans over and ask, “How did your day go.” He’s not being too obvious. “Fine. I got scolded for sitting and talking to the new guest.” He frowns. I just shrug my shoulders. “She may come to the game.” His eyes go wide. The game starts and we cheer Tiny on. He plays running back and defensive lineman. There are just not enough kids in the area to have a full team. Heck, I had to play offense, defense, and special teams in high school. The game is exciting, and he makes some really nice plays, including a run for a touchdown. At the beginning of the second half, Nona, Steve, and Rose show up. Nona sits on the far side of dad, and they chit-chat. Gratefully I cannot hear their conversation. Steve squeezes in between Mom and I and they start to talk. Rose and I wink at each other and laugh. We half watch the game and half gossip with each other. She outright asks, “How are things with PJ?” I give her a sly smile. She puts her hand over her mouth and giggles. “I knew it.” “Honestly though Rose, he’s too young for me.” She cocks an eye at me with a ‘what are you talking about meaning’. I calmly say, “I’m 30, he’s 22.” “So?” I whisper, “I think I want to start thinking about settling down, meeting ‘Mr. Right.” Her eyes go wide again, “PJ could be him.” “He’s still into partying and going out.” She nods with a smile. “Me, not so much.” “Stop being a fuddy-duddy, Monster.” I look at her. “Just because you’re a few years older, doesn’t matter, especially if you’re both, you know…” she elbows me in the ribs. I turn to watch Tiny on defense try to crash thru the O-Line. He’s too small. I cringe and say, “I need to get him stronger. He’s too small.” Rose says, “He’s fine. He’ll grow into his size, just like you did.” I off handily say, “There’s a new guest at the house.” She looks at me with her ‘do-tell’ eyes. “He’s kind of cute.” Her smile gets bigger. “I’m 90% sure he plays for my team.” She grabs my right forearm and squeezes. She slyly cocks her head outward and looks down toward Nona and dad. I don’t. She asks, “Does she know?” I shake my head no. She nods. “Rose, when I say he’s kind of cute, he’s cute. Blonde hair, dark blue eyes, pretty nice body, and he was checking me out too.” Now I feel like I’m 15. She squeezes harder and her bites her lower lip with her upper teeth. I hold up a finger and caution her, “I’m going to go slow with him. See what his story is and let it play out.” She nods her head vigorously, her dark curls bouncing around her face. The crowd raises a cheer. We turn to see Tiny scampering down the field with the ball in his hands. He scores another touchdown and Rose says, “You ready for a ‘mountain climber’ after the game?” She nudges me again. I laugh knowing Tiny will be all over me and want to ride my shoulders off the field. “He’s playing well. He deserves it.” The game ends with our team winning. Tiny played really well and I carried him off the field on my shoulders. We all head back to Mom and Dads for some dinner. Nona and I casually talk with each other. She sits next to Tiny at dinner and heaps praise on his game saying he will be a star someday. Tiny, with a huge smile on his face, innocently says, “Just like Monster, right?” She holds her smile, pats him on his arm, and says, “Maybe even better.” Tiny’s eyes go wide and his toothy grim comes out. He looks over to me and smiles. I wink to him. Dinner continues and finishes. We stand around and talk, breaking off into groups of two or three. Tiny wanders around trying to get involved, but not having any luck. I feel bad for him as he doesn’t have a sibling even close to his age. Hell, I could be his dad. Tiny comes up to me and tugs on my shirt and heads to the basement door. I follow and we sneak down. I crouch down so we are eye level. I put my fist up and we bump. I say to him with confidence, “You played well today Tiny. I’m very proud of you.” He smiles. I put a finger up and say, “But we need to work on your strength for when you are crashing the O-line when you’re on defense.” He nods, with a look of discouragement on his face. He knows what I’m talking about. “It won’t be too hard buddy.” I put my left hand on his little right shoulder and softly squeeze. “We just need to strengthen your legs and core so you can push your way thru their O-line. I’ll come up with some easy exercises you can do. I’ll stop over in a few days, and we can do some stuff together, ok?” He nods and leans into me and says, “Thanks, Monster.” He kind of looks at me and I know he wants to ask a question, which is why he wanted to come down here, but is hesitant. His eyes are darting from side to side, then down to the floor. I move my left hand to under his chin and lift it up. I quietly ask, “What’s up Tim?” He looks into my eyes with a sadness. “You know you can ask me anything.” He’s still hesitant. “Why…how come…are you and Nona arguing?” He shifts his gaze to the far wall. I sigh. “I mean…you guys never seem to talk to each other…if you do…well…don’t you love her? Doesn’t she love you?” He sniffles back a tear. I think to myself, ‘Oh shit.’ I need to get mom and dad here and into this conversation right now. I carefully say, “Oh, come on Tiny…you’re just imagining things. Nona and I get along fine.” He looks at me with suspicion in his young green eyes. “We didn’t say a lot here, because we’re always talking to each other at home.” Ok, so I lied to him, so sue me. My 7-year brother doesn’t need to know the truth. I pick him up and toss him over my shoulder. “Ok buddy, it’s your bedtime and I have to get back home to come up a plan to turn you into the next great Monster of the family and football field.” He’s laughing and giggling as we head up the steps. I shoo him up the steps to his room so he can get ready for bed. I find mom and dad talking with Rose. I see Nona and Steve on the patio talking. I gather the three of them into the living room and lay out what Tiny just said to me. Rose’s eyes go wide, mom shakes her head in disbelief, and dad sighs. “I lied to him.” I sigh. “I had to, and I feel awful.” Rose rubs my arm to comfort me. I look at them and say, “I’ll have my talk with her this week to get everything out in the open.” They all nod in agreement. Tiny comes back down ten minutes later. He’s in his PJ’s and is ready for bed. I give him a big hug and fist bump. He heads back up after saying goodnight to everyone. I head out soon after. Rose and I text as I drive home. She wants to be sure I’m ok. I say I am. She sends back a questioning emoji. I laugh and write back, ‘Ok, so probably not, but the talk with Nona is something I have to do.’ ‘Want me to be there?’ ‘No, then it would look like we’re ganging up on her.’ ‘Ok…Love you.’ “Love you too.’ I get back to the house, grab an apple and head to my room. I close the door and put my earbuds in to listen to some music. I grab a piece of paper and sketch out a plan for Tiny. It’s basically some cardio work to build his stamina, and some exercises where he walks around with some weights in his hands. I go online and look up some other stuff and when I finish, I have about 10 different things for him to do. I break it down into chunks he will be able to handle. I see headlights dance off my ceiling, letting me know Nona is back. I hear her come up the back stairs a few minutes later and go directly to her room. Sunday morning. Not much on the work plate today. May head to town to get a proper workout at the gym. I get changed into my gym gear and head down for breakfast. Nona is there with a plate for me. I say thank you and start to eat. “Jake, before you head to the gym, would you mind heading to the house and clearing some limbs off the trees by the dining room patio. I noticed some were overgrown and crowding the area. It shouldn’t take you more than an hour. You can have the rest of the day to yourself once that is done.” I look up and she is looking at me with a smile on her face. She and dad must have talked. “Yes, I can definitely do that.” I say with positivity. “Thank you. I’m going to do a few things around here, then head up to see if Mr. Cole needs anything.” “Ok.” I quickly get changed. Drive my tractor up to the house. I spy Cole running down a different path, away from the house. He’ll be gone for probably half an hour. That will give me time to get the limbs down. I check the house and spy his grocery list on the table. I pull my phone out and take a picture and send it to Nona with a note. “He left this on the counter. Everything else is in order. I don’t think you need to come up.” I put the list in my pocket. A minute later she responds, “Thank you. It does save me a trip. I’m going to head into town to get the items he is asking for. I’ll be gone for about an hour and a half.” I send back a thumbs up emoji. I head out to the dining room patio and open the doors. I stretch my body while I check out the area. The trees back here are mainly firs with some Maples, Poplars, and Birches mixed in. The firs are fine even though the limbs are long and extend onto the patio in spots. I see a few poplars are overgrown and the branches are drooping into other trees. I work my way into the trees, thru the firs, then make sure the Poplar tree branch I pull out will not leave a gap. I grip the branch, stiffen my body, then rip off a branch, carry it out, checking to make sure the area is still secluded. I drop the branch, then get another. I continue until I have several branches on the patio. The area looks much better. Some light is now filtering thru the trees, but the area is still secluded. I begin to haul the branches to my trailer. When I get the last ones out, I walk to the far side of the house and see Cole resting in the flower garden. We strike up a conversation. I ask about his leg. He says it’s fine. His blushes as he asks an off the wall question, “The welcome note your grandmother left said you give massages?” My face lights up. He says some other stuff, but I ignore it. “I think I can squeeze you in. Are you looking for a therapeutic massage or deep tissue?” I think to myself, ‘Do you want me to be clinical or sexual?’ He says, “I think a deep tissue would do the trick.” I smile, thinking, ‘Sexual it is.’ We agree to meet in an hour. I have a hard-on forming. I rush back to the house, notice that Nona is gone, head upstairs, and get a shower. I brush my teeth again, gargle again, and put on a fresh coat of deodorant. My hard-on is still there. I also put on a hint of body spray. I grab a backpack with my massage kit and head to the kitchen and see I still have 20 minutes. I grab an apple and sit at the table. I calm myself down by eating it slowly. When I’m done, I head out to the tractor and slowly drive up. I get there and walk thru the flower garden, hoping he’d be waiting for me there. He isn’t. When I round the corner and enter the pool area, I see him sitting in a chair. Blonde hair slicked back and still a bit wet, cargo pants and nice fitting tee. My unit jumps. I call out, “Hey Cole, right on time.” He doesn’t turn to look at me right away. When he does, his blue eyes dance with excitement. He takes a long look at my body. He’s undressing me with his eyes. I pause, inflate my chest slowly, and partially flex my arms. He looks at my legs, which have been under work pants the other times he’s seen me. I bust him for checking me out, then proceed to do the same thing to him. He only winks at me. We head into the room. I close and lock the door, so we are not disturbed. I also close the window shades and blinds. I set up the table and pat the table. He jumps on. I start to probe him for obvious signs of injuries and issues where I may need to go easy. I ask questions as I go along, and he responds. I can feel him still checking me out. I hit his waist and see his shorts are partially tented. I ask him to take his shirt off. I scan his chest. Not too bad. I can see he hasn’t been to a gym for a while. I ask him to raise his right arm. He does. I poke and prod to see if there are any issues with his shoulders. I coyly take a deep inhale of his armpit, but only smell fresh deodorant. I finish and ask, “Swimmer, runner, or gymnast?” He says runner and swimmer. I decide to ask why he’s here. He’s in decent shape, not married, no side fling, if doesn’t make sense. He starts talking. He leads off by saying he’s gay, but I realize it’s not the main focus of his story. COVID took a toll on him. He still has his job, but the stress he’s under is enormous. The threat of losing his job is almost daily. Add to that a non-existent sex life, no quality gym time, and a poor diet, and I can see why he snapped and lost it. I console him without being judgmental. Everyone’s life went to shit, in some form, due to COVID. I start to think, there are people out there who are in worse situations than I am. Cole seems to be one of them. I think, maybe I should back off and let him get his head screwed back on properly. I look at him and see a loneliness, a need for someone to be there for him, maybe just be a friend. I decide to go slow and see what happens. I offer to help him with his exercise plan. He accepts. I clap my hands together and say, “Drop your shorts and get on the table, face down.” He’s taken aback for a moment, but quickly recovers when he watches my peal out of my t-shirt. We get down to it and I start to work him over. We chit-chat as I move along. He probes me about the social scene and if I get away much. I can tell he’s trying to figure out if I’m gay or not. He’s actually pretty good at being subtle. It’s time to see where we both stand. I tell him to take off his boxers so I can massage his lower back without getting them all oily. He’s hesitant but slips them down. He gets them below his hips, then I take over and pull them off. Man, what a nice ass. My mouth starts to water, and I fight the urge to bend over and nibble on him. I take breath and decide, ‘what’s good for the goose…’. I drop my gym short, toss them into his line of sight, then slip my dark blue posers off and flick them toward the head of the table, hopefully letting him know where I stand. I don’t wait for a reaction. I get back to it. I knead his muscle like I’m kneading dough. I work steadily and firmly. I try one more thing, just to be sure. As I massage his glutes, I pull them apart and very casually slide my index along his crack. He stiffens for a moment then relaxes. I keep at it for another 15 minutes, just working him over. Muscles get pulled and twisted. He groans with pain, then pleasure. I keep staring at his lightly tanned body and think, we could have some fun together. About my height and age, a bit lighter than I am, but there aren’t too many 230-lb 30-year-olds out there. My unit rises a bit, but I look off to the far wall and take a few cleansing breaths to make it subside. I move to the head of the table and work his back from his shoulders down to his waist. I lean over his body and my sweaty chest it practically on top of him. His skin is also warm and has sheen from the mixture of oil, my sweat, and his sweat. I really want to take a lick, just for a taste. Then it happens. My semi-hard unit bumps the side of his head. I know he notices. I can feel him move his head. He wants to see what’s going on down below. I work my way back up his body, lifting my body off his as I go. I get to his neck and boom; he lifts his head to readjust, and I see him peek. He casually adjusts his midsection, to allow blood to flow to his hopefully hardening cock. After a few minutes, I tell him to flip over. Now it’s my turn to inspect the goods. I check him out and do everything I can to keep blood from flowing south. I sense he’s checking me out too. I inhale and let my chest expand. My abs come into relief and my nipples become hard and extend out thru my hairy chest. I see him shut his eyes. I’ve been there before. One way to stay soft, don’t look and think of other things. I get to work. Since we both seem to be on the same page with what we like, I’m going to probe some more. I work over his legs, then climb up on the table. I am hovering over him, my body pressing into his. My face just inches from his. My unit bumping his balls. He’s still soft. I take it another step and let my fingers play with his hairless balls, then go just an inch south and stroke his taint. Boom, erection city. I start to get hard as well. I do his other leg and when I’m on top of him, he opens his beautiful blue eyes. His sadness is less. Now there is excitement, anticipation, desire, conflict. I quietly say, “Hey.”, but keep working. I allow my fingers to trace down his body and into his groin area. I massage his inner leg and his unit goes to a stiff 45-degrees. I think, ‘There we go. Show time.’ I get off the table and stand to the side with my body just in reach of his arm. He takes my balls into his left hand and gently rolls them around. I massage his chest and abs, and when I get to his lower abs, I massage the area and ‘accidently’ bump his unit more often than not. I see him watching me work and his eyes are trained on my chest and arms. I think, ‘Nice, a muscle lover.’ I flex my chest and arms as pre-cum seeps out of him. He plays with my balls, then stops, then starts again by rubbing his middle finger along my length. He wraps his hand around me. I sigh to myself. He starts jerking me, nice and slow. I do the same to him. My hands work as a team. My right is jerking him, my left is down by his balls, massaging and rubbing his taint and hole. He moans he is going to cum. I slow, then yank him three times, and push my finger into his hole. Cum explodes out of him, covering his heaving chest, from sternum to bellybutton. He finishes, then realizes he has a death grip on me. I laugh. He eases his hold but continues to jerk me. I grip the sides of the table as I get closer. My body tenses and I unleash a torrent into his left thigh as I let loose a growl. I smile, ask how it was, and turn to get some towels, squeezing my ass-cheeks for his viewing pleasure. He cleans himself off, then reaches to soak up my cum. I stop him and say, “I’ve got this.” I squat down, easily pull his body to the edge of the table, then lick my cum off him. Not sure why, but I love the taste of my own cum. I will lick it off other guys just so they don’t wipe it off with a towel. The warm, salty taste sliding down my throat makes the journey feel complete. I crack his back and we start to make out. His lips are so soft and warm. I get on top of him, he takes my hat off. Our bodies are mashed together. We pause and decide to take our adventure up to his room. We quickly get changed and head across the patio. I’m staring at his cute ass when he stops suddenly. I bang into him. He says he saw Nona in the kitchen. I think, ‘Fuck.’ Cole thinks quickly and shoos me back into the pool house to wait for him to get rid of Nona. I know her too well. She’ll come out here to clean up. I quickly strip the table, grab all the towels and push everything into my bag. I put a clean sheet on the table. I sneak out of the building and go along the side of the house to the Dining room doors. I know they are unlocked, because I unlocked them earlier. I slip in and hear them talking. I make my way to the front staircase and up the bedrooms. I find Coles and toss my bag into a corner and get onto his bed. I relax my body and start to cool down. I hear him come up and watch him stand in the doorway, but he doesn’t see me. He’s listening intensely to the downstairs. I hear the French doors open and shut. Cole leaves the door and wanders to a different room. I follow. I hear him softly say, “I’m so sorry Jake. I didn’t want you to get into trouble.” I get choked up. He’s only thinking about me, not the trouble he could possibly get into. I gather myself and say, “Please, this isn’t my first time doing this.” He nearly jumps out of his skin. I explain how I got here and see he’s surprised, but not upset. We go back to his room and make out for the next hour. Just kissing and touching, getting to know each other. His skin is softer than I realized and the way he touches me, is almost like he’s afraid, but doesn’t want to be. He wants my permission to feel my muscles, to have me flex for him. I decide it’s time to put all our cards on the table. I ask him to meet me at the pond around 11. He agrees. As I get dressed, he turns away. I calmly say to him, “You know Cole. It’s ok to want to look at me. I think we’re past the ‘is he gay or not’ question, and you obviously like guys with muscles.” We chit-chat for another minute, then I take off. I get to my tractor and head to the upper ridge. Need to get some brush cleared away and make it look like I did work today. After an hour, I’m sweaty again and thinking of Cole. He seemed more relaxed just sitting and talking. We seem to get along. I like his company. He’s different. Yeah, he’s got a thing for my body, but when we talk, it’s natural, almost like I’m talking with Rose. He’s not pretending or acting, he’s just a guy who wants to get to know me. I compare him to PJ. PJ is all about the sex. Not that I’m complaining, but I’d like to actually talk to guy about something other than the size of my arms or cock. I mean, I’ll show off my strength if it will help get me laid, but I’d rather just roll around on a nice fluffy comforter and see where it leads. I realize I’m staring at the afternoon sun and how clear the sky is. I take it as a sign. I decide to have my talk with Nona, today, right now. I drive back and park in the driveway. Her Jeep is there. I go in thru the garage and remove my shoes and socks. She’s sitting on a stool at the kitchen island, looking at a cookbook. She sees me come in and gives me a smile. She’s definitely trying. I scratch the back of my neck with my hand, feeling my dark sweaty wavy hair. I stumble over my words and ask, “Um…Nona…Do you have a minute for a talk?” She turns her head to me and says, “Yes, Jake, what’s on your mind?” Where do I start? My mind goes in a hundred different directions. I want to get it out there, but not be a jerk about it. She sees me thinking and raises an eyebrow. I quietly ask, “Nona, are we okay?” “What do you mean, Jake?” She turns on her stool and faces me. I put my hands lightly on the island and say, “Um, are you happy I’m here…working with you? Would you rather it was someone else?” I look at her, then away. “Jake.” She says it in a way that she wants me to look at her. I do. “Sweetie, you know I love you and want you here with me. The work you do for me is invaluable.” She reaches her hand for mine. I tentatively extend mine. I cautiously say, “But…it never seems like you do…” She looks at me. “I try my hardest and” Now for the tough part, “You barely acknowledge it. Maybe a ‘thank you’ here or there, or a ‘nice job’, but you always seem…act as if…I’m the hired help, not your grandson.” She pulls her hand back. She quietly says, “Oh.” We look at each other and there is a sadness in the room now. “I didn’t think I was coming across that way.” “But from my perspective you are.” Now it’s all coming out. “No matter how hard I try, it seems like you try to find fault. Like the Maple saplings in the glen off the path. I know they took a bit longer to remove, but I don’t know what the rush was. You acted like they had to be removed as soon as possible. Nobody ever goes off the path, and if they do, not twenty yards to that spot.” I find I’m waving my hands in the air. “And when I said I couldn’t get it done in the day or two you indicated, you acted like I had disappointed you and couldn’t do my job.” “And Friday, when I went to town to get the groceries, you asked that I ‘not dawdle’.” I look at her with a confused face. “I knew I had to get back and had to clean the pool and exercise room. I’ve done it before. It just seems patronizing for you to have to tell me.” I take a heavy sign, out of breath and shaking. I wait for her rebuttal. She patiently says, “Jake, I know you know what the job entails, the work involved, the hours it takes to do certain things, but sometimes you seem a bit distracted.” I consider her point. “Why did it take you all afternoon to remove the rock from the Carpenter’s garden?” She raises an eyebrow at me, and I think ‘Here it comes’. “I know it probably took you all of 2 minutes to lift that rock up and carry it back to your truck,” she waves her hand at my body, “but you spent the afternoon there and only came home when I called.” I blush. “And I have my answer.” I blush even more. “The estate, and keeping the grounds up, are my main responsibility and because you are helping me, they are yours too.” I nod, conceding her point. “The side jobs you get, and that I help you get to earn money, reflect on me as to how reliable you are. If you take all day to remove a rock, when it should take 10 minutes, people will start to look elsewhere.” Another raised eyebrow at me. Now she’s skirting my other issue. I tentatively say, “Ok, I will be more cognizant of the time when I work jobs in town.” She nods. “But this brings me to my second issue.” She stares right into my green eyes, piercing them with a look that makes me afraid to say what I need to say. I take another breath, then let it out, “You’re embarrassed that I’m gay.” She sternly says, “Jacob Daniel Fisher, how dare you presume to know what I think or how I feel about your being a homosexual.” “Then can you please tell me, so I have an idea.” I croak out. It sounds mean. “I am afraid to tell you anything about the guys I meet, or introduce you to someone I think you might like because you…” I lose my words as some tears flood into my eyes. I wipe my face on my shirt and try to compose myself. She grabs a tissue and dabs her eyes as well. She softly says, “Jake…I know you’re…gay…and I want the best for you in everything you do, but…I’m…it’s just…” She turns away blots more tears from her eyes. She also dabs her nose as she sniffles. I wait a minute and gently say back, “Nona, I’ve been out for years. The whole town knows.” I wave my arms wide. “If someone doesn’t know, I’m sure there’s some gossip willing to tell them.” She looks up to me with sad eyes. I question her, “Is that it? You think people look down at you…at our family because I’m gay?” She tries to keep her head steady, but I have my answer. I quietly and sternly say, “I’ve got news for you and anyone else who feels that way,” I boldly say, “I’ve been with enough of the men in this town to fill a piece of paper, every line, front and back.” She gasps at my proclamation. “Jacob!” She says forcefully. “No, Nona!” I say right back to her. “I will not let anyone in this small town,” I jab my right index finger into the palm of my left hand, “cause you embarrassment or make you feel lesser because of who I am.” I look at her, trying to read her face. “I bet I know one or two of your friends who are giving you grief…” She looks at me and narrows her eyes. “You can tell Mrs. Sullivan that her grandsons…” She interrupts me, pounding her hand on the island, “Stop it.” My face feels flushed. My legs are weary. I look off to the far wall and compose myself. I walk to the sink and get a glass of water. I fill a second one for her and put it next to her. After a few minutes, I calmly say, “I wish I could apologize for being gay, but Nona, it’s who I am. I just hope you can come to terms with it.” I put my hand on the counter, within reach of hers. She reaches out and pats my hand. “Trust me Jake, I try every day. Some days are easier than others.” The tension eases in the room. My breathing becomes regular again. “Thank you. I’ll take that.” I smile to her, and she smiles back. “Um, two other things. Nothing as dramatic as all that.” I wave my hands in the air and she chuckles. I hesitantly say, “Um, Tiny knows there’s something going on between us.” She looks right me with serious eyes and her hand goes to her mouth. “Yesterday, when he and I went into the basement, he asked if we were, ok?” I pause, then say, “Nona, I lied and said everything was fine, when it isn’t, or wasn’t…” Her eyes darken. “I have never lied to Tiny, and it ate me up.” I feel a tear in my eye again. “We need to make this better.” I wave my hand between the two of us. “If not for our sake, then for his. I don’t want him to think we don’t like each other, and I’m guessing you feel the same way.” She nods her head vigorously up and down and dabs another tear from her eye. “We’ve already started.” She reaches for my hand, and I take hers. “What was the other thing?” “Oh, Cole is gay.” Her mouth opens, then shuts. I think to myself, ‘It’s a start.’ “It’s been two days, but he and I are getting along. He’s a nice guy, Nona.” I pause to let her take in what I’ve said. “He’s had a really rough time at work.” She looks at me. “Stress from COVID and work caused him to snap one day. From the way he tells it, he pulled no punches. His boss sent him here to relax and get himself back together.” She nods with understanding. “He’s asked me for my help with an exercise plan. I want to help him.” She nods again, acquiescing. Last item on my agenda, then I need to hit the gym, “He and I are going to meet at the pond tonight to talk.” She looks at me with concern. “He needs a friend to listen to him and help him work thru his problems.” She softly says, “Ok, Jake. If you think it’s best, I agree.” She reaches her hand out again. I take it and say, “Thank you.” As I turn to walk up the back stairs, she calls to me, “Jake, if you’re interested, Mr. Watson asked if you could help them pack up their house this week. They’re moving west and need some help getting the larger items into the rental trucks. I’m not sure how many days it will take.” I pause and consider the offer. Definitely good money probably won’t take more than a day or so. I could spend the evenings with mom, dad, and Tiny. I turn and say, “Yes, I’d be happy to help. I’ll call dad to see if I can stay with them. They live a few minutes from the Watsons. It’ll save me a lot of travel time every day…unless you need me to come back?” “No. That’s fine. If I need you, I can give you a call.” I smile warmly to her. “Great. I’m going to hit the gym for a few hours, then be back later. No need to make dinner for me or wait up.” I head up the steps and once in my room, make a quick call to dad. He picks up on the second ring, “Uh-oh…” I laugh and say, “No, no. We actually just talked and started to clear the air.” I hear him sigh with relief. “What I was calling for, was, would it be ok if I stayed with you guys for a few nights this week? Nona got me a side job helping the Watson’s pack up for their move, and I figured it would be easier for me to stay with you as you’re only 5 minutes from their place.” “If you’re sure that’s the reason.” There is a heavy dose of skepticism in his voice. “Dad, trust me. Also, it’ll allow me to spend time with Tiny and keep him out of your hair for a while. I can get him working on his new exercise plan.” I can see him nodding in agreement, “Yeah, your mother would appreciate that. I’ll let her know. When do you expect to be here?” “Tomorrow at some point, after I finish at their place.” I pause and add, “Don’t tell Tiny. Let it be a surprise.” Dad chuckles and says, “Your decision.” We talk for another few minutes then hang up. I get changed in my gym clothes, then head to the gym. It’s not too far away and has a nice variety of machines. Also, the eye candy isn’t too bad. Most of the guys there, ok, all of them, know who I am, and that I’m gay, so unless I’m on the prowl, they’re safe from my advances. I laugh when I think about it. I probably have been with most of the gay guys who are members there. I bound back down the steps and out the garage to my pickup. I make it to town quickly and find the gym is not too crowded for an early Sunday evening. I decide to do a legs workout and see there is an open half rack. I set the bar, get a warmup weight loaded on it and then spend the next 10 minutes warming up. I don’t want to pull a muscle by diving into my workout without a proper warmup. I bend and twist and contort my body, making sure all my muscles and joints are nice and loose. I pop my ear buds in, put on some load grunge rock, shake the bar a few times, and get to it. Squats, 135 for 10-rep, 225 for 10 reps, 315 for 10 reps. Take a break, get a drink, cool down. Walk around the cardio machines, see what talent is in the building tonight. Eh, not a whole lot. I nod to some people I know and then head back. Up the weight to 405, put on my weight belt, then do a set of 10. Felt pretty easy. I take a minute break, then do it again. I toss 25’s on each side, shake the bar again, slip under the bar, get into my stance, and knock out 5 reps. The bar clangs back onto the rack. I duck under and out. Sweat is rolling down my cheeks into my skintight light blue mesh t-shirt. The sweat stains make it obvious I’m working out. I loosen the belt, grab my water bottle, and take a long chug of water. I pull the 25’s and put 45’s on. 495. I walk out of the weight room and look for a trainer. I’m big, strong, but not dumb. I know to have a spotter on hand for this weight. I see Dean, the trainer on duty and ask if he can spot me. He laughs and says, “Really, Monster? Aren’t you the one who spots everyone else?” We chuckle and he pats me on the shoulder as we walk back. We chit-chat and catch up on the local gossip. I pop the ear buds back in, twist the bar a few times, get into position under the bar, steady my feet and knees, then push up with my legs. The bar lifts off the rack. I take a step back, position my feet shoulder width apart, tilt my head upward, then slowly lower my body. I feel my ass and hips flare out. My thighs lower to become parallel with the ground. I hold for half a second, then exert pressure thru my legs to lift me up. I can feel the muscles scream with pain as blood rushes in. I stand, exhale, and as I inhale, I descend again. Same motion down and up. I do it a total of 5 times. As I stand on the fifth rep, Dean is right behind me, his hands at my waist, to help guide the bar back onto the rack. It clangs loudly. The rack rocks a bit forward and back. I turn, nod, and we fist bump. I un-rack all but one plate on each side of the bar. I lift the bar off the rack and move it to the floor so I can start dead lifts. I toss another plate on each side. Warm-up weight of 225. I rip thru 10 reps, then increase the weight to 315 for 10 reps. 405 for 10. I check the mirror in front of me to make sure my stance is still shoulder width wide. I also glance at the wall mirror to the side, to make sure I’m keeping my back straight and chest pushed forward thru the whole motion. I don’t want to roll my shoulders and back forward. This would lead to me lifting with my lower back, and not my legs. My workout continues for another hour or so. Deadlifts to Seated incline presses to seated Abductor and Adductor presses. When I waddle to the locker room at the end, my legs feel like jelly, but the pump keeps my spirits up. I get to my locker, strip, grab a towel, and head to the largest shower stall I can find. I turn the water on, get in, and let it warm up while it cascades over my sweaty body. I slowly turn in a circle, making sure my whole body gets wet. I lather up and hit as much of my body as I possibly can. I usually have someone to get my back, but not today, but maybe tonight. The thought of meeting up with Cole relaxes me. To just sit, talk, and listen and not have to worry about being judged or having to explain myself to someone else, is a novelty in this small town. Quite a few people want to be in everyone’s business and if you don’t let them in, they are happy enough to make up stuff about you. I open my eyes to find my left fist is clenched. I turn the water off, take a deep breath and flex my hand to relax it. I look at the tiled wall, see Cole smiling back at me and start to sprout a woody. I let it grow to full size, then take some more cleansing breaths to help it fade. I step out of the shower to dry off. I get changed and head out. I pull into the local diner about 15 minutes before closing time. They know me, so it’s just about acceptable. I ask for my usual, and make it ‘to-go’. Rhonda is working the register and sighs with relief. I laugh and say, “Ronnie, I’m going with ‘to-go’ tonight so you can get home at a decent hour.” I wink to her. She just shakes her head. She yells to the guys in the back, “Monster special, to go.” I hear them yell back, “Monster special to go, got it. Be about ten minutes big guy.” I yell back, “Thanks Carl. Sorry for being a bit late today.” “You’re fine Monster.” He calls back. I pay and leave a generous tip. I sit at the counter, pull my phone out and start playing some games to pass the time. I shoot Rose a text and let her know what my plans are for the week and if she’ll be around. She asks how things are going with Nona. I let her know we talked and started to clear the air. She sends a heart emoji back and says we’ll talk one night. I send her a thumb’s up. I’m knee deep in Toon Blast when Ronnie calls to me and says my food is ready. I immediately turn my phone off and collect my bag. I give her a wink and yell ‘thanks’ to Carl. He yells back and I head out. I sit in my truck, open the brown paper bag and can smell the Bacon double cheeseburger with American cheese. I smell the A1 sauce on it. A side order of fries with Old Bay seasoning, and a large side order of Cole slaw. Then I see it, the shake, my shake, the one named for me, a ‘Monster shake’. A vanilla milkshake with Oreos, chocolate sauce, and fudge. My mouth waters as I see it. I get even more excited when I see they gave me another cup with the leftovers from the blender. I pull out the smaller cup, grab a spoon, pull the lid off, and slowly stick the spoon in. My eyes mist over. I pull the spoon out and it is covered with Oreo bits, fudge, and chocolate. My excitement builds as I bring it to my mouth. I hold it in front of me and stick my tongue out to lick the goodness off the spoon. I’m in heaven. No other way to describe it. It’s just thick enough to stick to the spoon, but once I start to lick it, it melts in my mouth, and slides down my throat, cooling me off. I close my eyes and sigh. I roll down the windows as I drive to the park a few minutes away. The warm evening breeze thru the windows feels nice, calming. I sit by myself at a picnic table in the fading light and savor the meal. Talk about a cheat meal, this is it. My treat to myself. A few people walk by, some families, some couples. I nod to a few I know. They nod back, allowing me to eat in peace. I toss my trash but carry the side cup back to my truck. Just enough left for the ride home. I check the time and see there is plenty. I drive slowly thru town, then back to the estate. I park, finish the shake, then put the cup in the trash. I notice Nona’s lights are still on. I see I have an hour or so before I’m to meet Cole but decide to head to the pond now. It’s such a gorgeous night, why not enjoy it. I walk to the pond and am just a bit disappointed he’s not already there. He probably won’t be here til 11, so he’ll be right on time. I guess he’s conditioned to follow a schedule and be on time, but never too early or, God forbid, a few minutes late. I chuckle, thinking that’s city life. I sit at the bench, stretch my arms out of the length of it and let my head fall backward and relax. I feel some bones crack in my neck and upper back. I stick my legs out in front of me and twist my ankles from side to side and hear the bones crack there as well. I do some light seated stretches and then just let my body relax. Stress leaves bit by bit. After a while I hear Cole walking towards me. Well, I don’t really hear him, but I hear the frogs, crickets, and other night creatures go silent as he walks past them. He softly touches my shoulder. I turn, smile, and pat the spot next to me. He looks calm and refreshed. He sits and I wrap my right arm over his neck to his right shoulder. I grasp his body and pull him toward me. He leans to me and our heads touch. He sets his left hand on my right thigh. I feel warmth in his hand as he softly touches my skin, letting his fingers wander over the muscles. After a while, I softly ask, “Better?”, knowing he may have questions to ask, but knowing they can wait and that he needs this time to just sit and enjoy the view of the night sky. He quietly murmurs, “Yes.” He is unwinding, but it will take time. This is just a small first step. “Good.” I kiss the top of his head lightly. I hug him to me again and release. He asks a final question with some sleepiness in his voice, “How did you know?” I squeeze him again and let his body slowly sink into mine. Our breathing comes into sync. I doze for a bit. So does Cole. I feel my phone buzz in my pocket. Just an alarm I had set so I wouldn’t spend the whole night out here, as I have in the past. Cole is still asleep. I carefully get up, scoop him up and carry him back to the house. After my leg workout, a nice easy bicep workout feels nice. His 175-lb body feels nice and fits comfortably in my arms. He wakes about ¾ of the way back. I shush him when he says he can walk. We make it back, have more fun sex, then fall asleep together. My phone buzzes around 6. I slip out of bed, straighten up the room, make sure Cole is covered up and go to the kitchen. I grab a banana and an apple. I check over his exercise routine. It looks comprehensive, but I find one or two things that would work better for him. I make notations on his sheet. I jot a quick note to him letting him know I will be away for a few days and why. I add some humor at the end, which I’m sure he’ll enjoy. I walk back to the caretaker’s house, go up to my room, grab a shower, then pack for my stay in town. It’s pretty easy for me to pack. I’ve done it several times. Once everything is ready to go, I head down to the kitchen. I’m surprised Nona is not up yet. I make a quick breakfast for both of us. I eat mine while watching the news and weather. I see a storm may roll thru towards the end of the week. I make a mental note. I jot some notes on a pad of my plans for the week, staying with mom and dad, helping Tiny, helping the Watson’s pack. I add a few other miscellaneous items, like working out on my own, meeting with Rose, and checking on PJ. I think back to my night with Cole and how relaxing it was. It felt great to be with a guy who just wanted to sit and watch the moon pass by, without the pressure to have sex. Granted, we had sex, great sex, but I’m pretty sure if we hadn’t done anything, he would have fine with that. I remember he’s still trying to work thru his issues and maybe me being away for a few days will allow him to make some real progress with them. I carry my bags to my truck, make one last trip into the house to make sure I didn’t forget anything – oops, need my books and notebooks for school, then leave Nona a note about breakfast, and head out. It is about 8:30. Plenty of time for me to get to the Watsons. When I get there, the moving truck has not yet arrived, but I see Mr. Watson and his son, Patrick, moving some crates to the yard. I park down the street and walk back. I greet them and we get started. Patrick is a few years older than Tiny, and wants to be helpful. I let him know I appreciate it, but that it will be easier for me to move some of the larger items by myself. His dad nods and agrees. The truck arrives around 10 and by then, we have moved quite a bit of stuff to spots which make it easy for us to load up the truck. It’s 2pm and we’re all sweating. Mr. Watson remarks how there are so many boxes, more than he imagined. I laugh and agree with him. The first truck is pretty well packed up. The driver takes off to the new place, 7 states away. Mrs. Watson and their other sons, Lou and Davis are already on their way there and will meet the truck at the new place. We continue to move boxes and furniture to the now empty first floor and garage. It hits 3:30 and Mr. Watson tells me he’s tired and done for the day. I say I can move some more boxes on my own and he waves me off, telling me to enjoy what remains of the day. I thank him and make sure tomorrow morning at the same time is correct. He wearily nods yes. I smile, clap him on the back, and chuckle. Patrick and I high-five and I take off. I send a quick note to mom letting her know I’m done. She quickly replies and says Tiny is at a friend’s house til dinner. I decide to hit the gym for a quick session and warm down. I let her know I’ll be over around 6. She shoots back a thumbs up. 6pm later, I pull into the driveway in a fresh t-shirt, baseball cap, and wet hair. I pull my bags out and head around back to avoid Tiny trying to tackle me again. I slip in the back door and see mom at the stove. She turns, sees me slip in, and grins. She nods her head to the living room, and I catch a glimpse of Tiny on the sofa reading a book, but with an eye on the door. He knows I’m coming. The kid always knows when I’m in the area. It’s his 6th sense. I silently move from room to room, making sure to not step on the creaking hardwood boards. After 30 years, I know which ones create the most noise. I tip-toe (Yes, a 6’3”, 230-lb man can tip-toe) to the sofa, but out of his view. I slowly lower my hands to his bare ankles and am about to grab him when he casually says, “Hey Monster.” He’s not even looking at me. I nearly jump back, like I was hit with a live wire. “Dude, how did you know?” I ask with complete confusion in my voice. He turns, smiles his knowing smile, and winks at me. I give up. I decide to grab his ankles anyway. I haul him off the sofa and hold him upside down for a minute. I laughingly say, “I’m going to shake the answer of you…How did you know I was there…” I gently jostle him up and down. He’s giggling the whole time. I stop jiggling him, toss him up, catch him at his waist, and spin up right-side up. I hold him at eye level, and he still just winks at me. He calmly says, “We’ve all got our talents Monster…I just know when one of you guys is here.” I just shake my head again and set him down. He gives me a huge hug and asks, “How long are you staying? Just for dinner again?” I nod ‘no’ and his eyes light up. “Over night?” I shrug my shoulders and his face brightens. He runs into the kitchen, and I see him look for my bags. He spots them and comes back and excitedly says, “A few days?” I nod yes. He hugs me again. I squat down so we are eye level again and calmly explain, “Listen big man, I’m helping the Watson’s pack their moving trucks, so I won’t be here during the day,” He frowns a bit, “But I’ll be here in the evenings.” His face lights up. I hold up a finger to calm him again. “I do have some schoolwork to do one night, but after that, you and I are hitting the gym in town and the one downstairs, ok?” He impatiently nods yes. We take my bags upstairs into his room, now our room. I find the air mattress and hook up the fan to inflate it. We make small talk and tells me all about football practice and the books he’s reading. My parents did one thing right with the 6 of us. We all had to be always reading a book of some sort, either for school or for pleasure. They didn’t really care what it was, but it could not be a comic book. Consequently, we have a room full of paperback and hardback books. Rose, Jen, and Tiny are the beneficiaries of Steve, Colin, and my reading tastes. Suffice to say, Tiny is enjoying the Louis L’Amour westerns more than Jen and Rose did. At Tiny’s insistence we get my stuff unpacked then head back down. Dinner is on the table, and I see two extra plates, besides mine. Then I hear the voices. Rose is in the kitchen with mom. Yapping away and gossiping about who knows what. I peek my head in, she sees me, but keeps talking. I wink and so does she. I turn back the dining room and there is Connor. Ever the silent stalker. Right behind me. I nearly jump out of my skin. I narrow my eyes at him and hold up a finger. I point it at him and quietly say, “One day CK (Connor Keith), you’re going to do that and I’m going to unwittingly take a swing at you. Two hits…” Tiny chimes in from his spot at the table, “Me hitting you, you hitting the floor.” I look past CK and nod to him. “Got that right Tiny.” I give him a thumbs up. He returns it to me. I look back at CK and see him grinning at me. In a brotherly tone he asks, “How’ve you been Monster? Sorry I missed you over the weekend. Had junk to do.” I eye him up. One thing the five of us have with each other is a bullshit sensor. Tiny doesn’t have it yet, or if he does, he isn’t saying so. I eye him up and don’t see him fidgeting, so he’s probably being honest. I wrap my muscular arm around his neck and lead him to the table. He sits opposite me. “Well, you know CK, living the dream life at the estate. Rolling hills, heated swimming pool, exercise room, fully prepared meals, steady paycheck. What else could a man want?” I know he’s got a comeback, but I shift my eyes to Tiny and back, so he knows to censor his remarks. He politely says, “My dream life has sand and drinks in it and is a bit further south and east.” We both laugh and Tiny has a confused look on his face. I put my arm around his shoulder, lean down and say, “CK was never a fan of the chilly weather. He likes the beach.” Tiny nods in understanding. I wink to CK with appreciation. He nods back. Dinner comes and goes. Everyone is very talkative. Afterwards, Tiny, CK, and I head to the basement. I pull out the routine I created for Tiny and show him. I made it easy for him to understand. I have pictures of the exercises he needs to do, how much weight to use, the number of reps, and the number of sets. He eyes it up, looking over it a few times. His face scrunches a few times and I know those are exercises he doesn’t want to do. I squat down and say in a low, patient voice, “Tiny, you need to do the ones you don’t like as much as the ones you do like. Trust me, I had a bunch of exercises I didn’t want to do when I was getting big, but I did them and you see how it turned out.” I slowly rise to my full height, and he watches me. He huffs a bit but finally says, “Ok.” He looks up to CK and asks, “Can you help me when he’s not here?” CK immediately says, “Of course little man. I need to do some of those too, so you don’t get bigger than me.” He has a huge grin on his face and winks to Tiny, who laughs. I announce, “Ok, let’s get started. We’ll just run thru some of the basics, so you’ll know the proper way to do each exercise.” Tiny nods. We spend the next hour going thru the workout. We take our time and I make sure they are both on the same page with motion, movement, and muscles worked. At the end, Tiny looks wiped out, but in a good way. He wants to do some more, but I let him know we’ve done enough. I promise to take him to the gym tomorrow. We head back upstairs, and I see Jen has joined us for dessert. We sit back down at the dinner table and have some warm apple pie with vanilla ice cream. Afterwards CK heads back to his apartment and mom takes Tiny up to get him ready for bed. She’s really doing it so Rose, Jen, dad, and I can talk. I rehash my conversation with Nona, including the ugly details. They listen in silence and nod now and then. I finish and Jen comments, “Wow Jake, you really didn’t pull any punches. Is that why you’re here tonight?” The last part comes out just a bit to sarcastic. I open my mouth to rebuke her, but Rose beats me to it. In her normal forthright fashion she says, “Jen, join us once in a while for a meal and you’d be caught up on what’s happening in everyone’s lives.” Eyes flare, eyebrows raise, I cower a bit at the impending maelstrom. Dad sees the tension rise and immediately jumps in with his patient but stern voice, “Girls, enough.” They each take a breath and look at him. “Tim is right upstairs, and he doesn’t need to hear you two going at it.” Jen opens her mouth, but dad’s hand comes up. She shuts it. “Jen, what Rose said is partially correct.” Jen’s face goes a shade paler. “You’ve been MIA for bit and may not have all the facts with what’s going on between Jake and Nona. It came to a boiling point, and he had to get everything out in the open. Now that it is, they can begin to figure what’s next.” Jen takes another breath, puts her hand on top of mine and says, “Sorry Jake, I did not know it had gotten that bad.” I nod with appreciation. We continue the conversation and I let it slip about the guest at the house and his situation. All eyes focus on me, and I see Rose wink. “Ok, Cole, the guest, is gay…and we slept together.” I see dad’s eyebrow raise just the slightest bit. Jen has an enormous grin and Rose just shakes her head. I defend myself by saying, “It was consensual…and I think…I like him…” Eyebrows go higher, questions are forming in their heads. I cut them all off by saying, “I’m going slow. He’s a really nice guy and I don’t want to screw it up. I told Nona he’s gay and that I’m helping him out with his exercises and talking to him about his issues,” I say the next part sternly, “but nothing else.” I look directly at Jen. She nods with understanding. Mom and Tiny come back downstairs. We finish cleaning up and talking. Everyone heads to bed. I climb onto the air mattress and stretch out. My feet hang over the edge, the mattress sinks due to my weight, and the pillows are not that comfortable, but I’m home, in my old room. I’m good. I stare at the ceiling and hear Tiny quietly say, “I’m glad you’re here Jake, even if it’s only for a few days.” I respond just as quietly, “I’m glad I’m here too Tim.” I hear his bed creak. I feel my mattress sink a bit, then sense him next to me. I carefully turn over and feel him move right next to me. His little body snuggles up to me. His dark floppy curly hair against my side. He drapes his left arm over my chest. I carefully put my left arm around his body and corral him to me. He mumbles thanks, then quickly drowses off. I lay there thinking about my problems, then think of Cole’s, then feel Tim’s chest expand and contract as he breathes. I guess I really don’t have it too bad. I smile and think of all the positives in my life. I drift off. Tuesday morning comes all too soon. Tiny is still next to me, his body splayed out, with legs and arms all over the place. I find I’ve been pushed to the edge of the air mattress, and he’s taken up most of it. Blankets are strewn and his body is half covered. I slowly roll off, making sure to not wake him. I pad to the bathroom with all my toiletries and a change of clothes. I take a quick shower. I head downstairs and see mom is making breakfast for me and dad. She looks at me and says, “He slept with you, didn’t he?” I nod. “He misses you.” “I know.” I take a sip of juice. “I hope this week will help.” She nods back to me. I offer, “I could take him back to the estate once Cole leaves and get him out of your hair for a bit.” “That’s a nice offer Jake, but are you sure you’re ready for him full time like that?” I know what she means. I shrug my shoulders. She continues, “He’s a handful even when he’s not hyped up.” We continue to talk about it and decide a simple overnight trip to start would be best. If it goes well, we can extend it. I head out before anyone else comes down. I head to the Watson’s and put in another full day of packing up and moving boxes and furniture. We get done in the blistering heat and realize the house is three quarters done. We decide a few hours tomorrow morning and we should be done. I head back to my parents, get Tiny and head to the gym. The guys see us walk in and make the usual comments, “Whoa, Tiny brought his Monster to the gym. Go easy on him little man. He’s kind of old now.” Tim looks up to me with a grin on his face. I put my hand on his shoulder and gently squeeze. We get changed and I explain to him what we’ll be doing, so we’re on the same page. I also let him know he cannot get any weights without me being there to help him. It’s not a gym rule, but it’s my rule with him, for his own safety. He understands and agrees. We start our workout and I walk him thru some easy body weight exercises he can do. We do a few sets of push-ups. He does six or seven each time, then I do twenty each time with him on my back for some extra weight. I hear him giggling the whole time. We move to pull-ups. I lift him to the bar, put my hands under his feet, and help him as he does three or four. I give him praise for his effort to give him confidence to continue to do them. I have him get on my back like I’m giving him a piggy-back ride and then tell him to wrap his arms around my neck. I do my sets with his extra weight. Dean is standing off to the side, watching Tiny in case he loses his grip. The rest of the workout goes well, and he seems to enjoy being at the gym. A lot of my friends make an effort to come over and talk to him, making him feel welcome. By the end, he’s chatting away with some of the guys, telling them how he’s getting bigger, and will probably be bigger than me at some point. The guys play along and say he’s got a real good shot at it. We grab a quick shower then head to the diner to get dinner for the family. Mom mentioned it would be just the 4 of us so I told her I’d get dinner. I place the order then we sit and chat. Ronnie fawns over Tiny and gives him a mini-Monster shake. The diner is busy, but they’re really quick with take-out orders. We get ours and pile back into the pick-up and drive home. We make small talk and I ask how his reading is going. Does he like the Westerns? He shrugs his shoulders and says, they all seem the same. I carefully say, “Yeah, I thought so too when I was your age, but after a while you will see the differences in the characters. Once that happens, you’ll want to re-read some of them.” I glance over and see he’s a bit skeptical. He says, “Ok, if you say so.” We get home. There are plates on the table waiting for us. I unpack the food and put it on the serving platters. We sit, say Grace, and eat. Mom and dad ask Tiny how he liked the gym. His eyes light up and he goes thru every exercise we did and tells them how much he really like them or didn’t like them. Afterwards, I grab my schoolbooks and head to the screened in porch. I sit and start to read. Tiny comes out, in his PJ’s, sits right against me with his book, and reads quietly. I make notes and highlight items. I see him watch me and look at the pad I’m writing on. After an hour I see dad poke his head out, raise any eyebrow, and nod at Tiny. He’s asking if he’s bugging me. I nod ‘no’ and he winks and walks away. Half an hour later, I glance down and see he’s fallen asleep. The book has fallen into his lap. I gently move my arms to cradle his body. I slowly stand and walk him up to our room. I put him on his bed and pull a sheet over him. I go back down, finish my reading, say goodnight, and head up. I quickly change and get on the mattress. I realize how exhausting the day was, between helping the Watson’s and watching Tiny for a few hours. I nod off fairly quickly. I wake Wednesday morning and feel Tiny is next to me again. He’s face down with his right arm draped over my neck. I untangle myself from him, leave him on the air mattress and get ready for the day. Another quick breakfast, then I’m out the door. A few hours to finish up at the Watsons, get paid, then I’m off to see PJ. I decide to meet him in the park. If we met at his place, I know what would happen. He’s already there and wearing a nice skintight white t-shirt and dark blue mesh gym shorts. His perky nipples are visible thru his shirt. My unit stirs, but I keep it under control. I’m in shorts and a sweaty dark green mesh t-shirt. My hair is a mess under my ballcap, and I know I stink to high heaven. I walk up to him, lean down, and give him a kiss. I say, “Hey sexy, how are you?” His sultry eyes investigate mine and he winks. “So, how’ve you been?” “Missing my muscle stud.” He says coyly. I blush, knowing he means it. The time we spent together was great, and not just the sex. He’s such a sweet guy, but I know I’m doing the right thing. “So, what are you thinking about?” I glance up. “You look like you were a million miles away.” He half smiles at me and reaches his left hand out for my right. I look at his hand, and tentatively put mine over his, then gently rub his soft skin with my thumb. I glance back up. My face gives away my feelings. He frowns a bit. “Jake?” I take a deep breath. I open my mouth, but he pulls his hand back slowly and says, “Don’t say it. I want to remember the happy times we had.” “Please…” I say quietly. I look into his light green eyes, hoping he’ll give me one minute to explain. He nods ever so slightly. “You’re wonderful…your family is great. Rose was right. You are an awesome person and so much fun to be with…” “But…” I look at him again and feel my stomach twist. “I…want…to…find someone…my age.” The last part comes out as a whisper. I gain a bit of confidence and say, “PJ, I’m thirty. I need to find someone who shares my interests,” he smiles at me, and I know why, “besides sex…” He frowns a bit. “Not that we don’t have common interests…it’s just…I feel you’re a bit young for me. You still want to go clubbing and drinking,” I look away and say, “but…I…don’t. I’m sorry.” “Jake.” I look into his eyes again. I see a bit of pain, but more solace for me. “Monster. I love that nickname. It’s so right for you, but not in the way you think I mean it. If that makes sense?” I nod. “You have been wonderful to me as well. I have enjoyed every minute we’ve spent with each other. Yes, Rose was right. You are one of the nicest, most gentle people in this small town.” I blush again. “I just hope ‘Mr. Right’ comes along quickly for you. You deserve to be happy. I’m just sorry, I’m not the one.” He puts his hand back within my reach. I put mine over top and gently squeeze. “If you ever need someone to talk to, I’m just a call away.” I smile at him. “Same for you.” I get up, walk around the table, lean down, cup his head, and kiss him again. I muss his red-hair and say, “Love you, Red.” He puts his hand on my chest, which I flex involuntarily, and says, “Love you too, Monster.” I head back to my truck, breathing easier. I call Rose and let her know what I did, knowing PJ will be talking to her at some point. She offers to come over tonight if I need to talk. I let her know I should be good. The rest of the day is pretty normal. Gym, dinner, workout with Tiny in the basement, schoolwork, then bed. Thursday finds me at loose ends. Tiny is in bed with me when I wake. I lay still and wait for him to wake. When he wakes up and finds me still in bed, he rolls over, climbs onto my chest, puts his hands on my pecs, and says, “I knew you’d still be here today.” “And, how did you know that?” “Monster, like I said, I can tell when one of you guys are around.” I raise an eyebrow at him. “Well, Tiny, I’m free most of the day. What are your plans?” I already know but want him to say it. “I have my reading to do, some exercising, practice, then…I dunno, hanging out with you?” “Ok. I think I can squeeze you in for some bro time.” I reach up and begin to tickle him. He starts to giggle and squirm, trying to get out of my reach. His arms and legs flail around, but his kicks don’t really hurt. After a few minutes, I slow down, and he stops laughing. We get up, get cleaned up, then head to breakfast. Nona sends me a note saying she is going to her friend Helen’s house for the weekend and would I be able to come home tomorrow in case Cole needs anything. I write back immediately and say I will be back in the morning. The day goes as planned. The quality time with Tiny was great. We hit the gym, then the zoo, and finally the bookstore. I told him to find a few books he would be interested in reading. Anything at all. He wandered around for a while. I didn’t follow him but made sure I knew where he was at all times. He’s old enough to know not to wander off, but young enough to be distracted easily. After fifteen minutes, he finds me and has three books in his hands, The Swiss Family Robinson, The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe, and Alice in Wonderland. I think to myself, ‘the kid had got taste.’ We walk up and I pay for the books and for a couple magazines I had found. We head back home for dinner. Mom has a buffet set out and I see a stack of plates, which means only one thing, everyone is going to be here. We show her and dad the books we bought. They approve. We head up to the room and he puts them on his bookshelf. I start to pack a few things into my bags, just to remind him I’m leaving in the morning. We talk about the day and the week, and he says he had a lot of fun and really enjoyed having me over. My heart melts. I wish I could be here more often, but we both know that isn’t possible. He says out of the blue, “CK and Steven are here.” I glance down at him. He smiles to me. I hear the front door open and shut. I can hear the twins laughing about something as they walk past the steps. I wonder what’s up with my brother. I let it go. We head down and a few minutes later Jen and Rose make their appearance. We sit at the table, say Grace, then form a line to get dinner. I go last, as always. Tiny is right in front of me, and watches what I get and tries to get the same. I nod, but make sure he doesn’t get as much as I do. Dinner is a raucous event. There are 7 different conversations going on, with everyone involved in more than one, at any given moment. Rose is sitting to my right and Tiny is on my left. Rose is quietly asking me about PJ and Cole, while Tiny is talking to me and CK about the exercise routine. We’ve all grown accustomed to the way dinner works. No one is left out and everyone makes an effort to talk to everyone else. Once the meal is over, the kids get to clean up while mom and dad relax on patio. They come in after a bit and say it’s started to sprinkle. I turn the TV on and flip to the weather station. I see a storm is moving in and there will be heavy rain over night. I think about going home tonight, but decide I need to spend one last evening with the family. At some point, someone pulls a game out, and we spend the next few hours laughing our way thru Pictionary. The party breaks up around 9 and all the twins leave. Tiny heads up to get changed, and I head to the patio. The rain has stopped, but I know this is temporary. I sit for a while. Tiny comes out and crawls into my lap and we look for constellations. I find a few and point them out. He finds some as well. I see him yawn and stretch his body. I wrap my arms around him and make sure he’s warm. He dozes, then nods off. I carry him up to his bed. I lay on the air mattress and think of seeing Cole in the morning. I hope his week went well. I hope he needs another massage. With Nona being away, we won’t have to worry about sneaking around. A smile comes over my face. I nod off. I wake to Tiny shaking my shoulder. He’s whispering kind of loudly, but right into my ear, “Jake...Monster…you need to get up.” He shakes me again and I’m fully awake. “What’s up Tim? It’s got to be early. Why are you up? Did you have a bad dream?” I’m still a bit groggy. “No, no, no. Jake, it rained a lot last night.” He says with a nervously distraught voice. “I know buddy, I heard it too.” I’m speaking softly, trying to calm him down. “Jake, you need to get back to the estate.” Now he’s worried. “What?” I’m fully awake and am sitting up. He’s right next to me, almost in my lap. His hands are shaking. I put mine over his and hold them firmly. “Why do I need to get back? Did something happen to Nona? “No, no, no. She’s fine…It’s just…there’s something wrong up there…” I stare at him. “I saw it in my dream. It rained a lot.” He’s rambling but insistent. I climb off the mattress and start shoving clothes into my bags. He helps, as much as he can. I say to him, “Go into the bathroom and get all my stuff. Be careful with the razor. Put it all in my carrying case and bring it back.” He nods and heads off. I finish packing and grab my books and magazines. As I’m heading downstairs, dad pops his head out of his room and asks what’s up. I jerk my head to the downstairs, and he follows. I quickly explain what Tiny said. “I want to get back to make sure Nona is ok, if she’s still there. If she’s fine, then I need to make sure Cole is ok.” He nods. “I don’t know where Tiny gets these feelings from, but he’s rarely wrong.” Dad raises an eyebrow at me. “He knew Steve and CK were here before they came into the house last night. We were up in our room. I didn’t even hear their car pull up, but he knew.” Dad just shrugs his shoulders. Tiny is coming down the steps with my bathroom bag. I shove it into one of the others, then head to the door. I squat down and say to Tiny, “Man, I hope you’re wrong this time, but I will let you know if anything has happened.” He vigorously shakes his head. I give him a big hug, then one to dad and I’m off. I think on my way home, I know people who’ve had prophetic dreams, but could Tim be like that? Today was the first time he was really upset and anxious about what he saw. It’s still early and the rain is still falling, but not as hard as it was overnight. By the time I get back to the estate, the rain has stopped, and the clouds have broken. The sun is starting to stream thru. I breathe a sigh of relief. I park at the house, unpack my stuff, and jump in my tractor and head up to catch Cole. When I get to the house, he’s not there. I make quick run thru the house to make sure, but he’s out. I check the paths and see his footprints on a path leading up the slope behind the house. He’ll be a while. I head back to the house and finish unpacking. I throw a load of laundry in and sit to have breakfast. I flip the TV on catch some news and the weather. The radar shows another storm just over the mountains. I figure it will be here soon. I make sure the house is closed up and head back up to the main house. I check it again, but Cole has not gotten back yet. I hear the first rumbles of thunder just over the treetops. The sound is deep and full. Another rumble, the sky grows dark. The house shakes, windows rattle. The storm comes over the top of the hills. The rain starts, hitting the roof and sides of the house like pebbles on a tin roof. This continues for a few minutes. A flash of lightning, more thunder, then the main body makes it over. The winds pick up and the thunder shakes the house again. I hear branches whipping against the siding and the windows. Leaves and debris litter the pool area. A few branches have snapped off and are on the patio. My mind flashes to Cole. I hope he’s found a safe spot to ride out the storm. I check my phone and see there is still quite a large cell heading my way. Nothing for me to do at this point but wait for it to end. Time slows to a crawl. The storm in intense, one of the worst in a long while. I sit by the French doors in the living room and watch the rain pelt the windows and patio. It’s coming down in sheets, or as Nona would say, ‘It’s raining cats and dogs.’. I hear a new sound. I can’t quite place it. It sounds like a locomotive, or a heavily laden dump truck passing by. I move to the upper floor and look out the windows. I spot it out the front window. It’s a mudslide. It must have started at the near the top of the ridge. There is quite a bit of debris in it. I see branches, small rocks, and other plants. The initial wave passes, and I start to worry as it is heading down the path where Cole might be, based on the path he took. I continue to watch then realize I’m clutching the wood frame to the window. My knuckles are white, and my fingers are flexed. I can see the tendons thru my skin. I release my hand and take a few cleansing breaths. I close my eyes and hope he is ok, wherever he is. Ten minutes later, the mudslide has passed, the noise has lessened, and the rain is starting to abate. I take a chance and go downstairs and out the front door. My tractor is parked right there. I get in and start down the driveway. There is a lot of debris, so I go slower than I’d like. I find the path Cole is most likely on and turn off the driveway and onto it. It’s a mess. It looks like this is the direction the mudslide took. I follow it for a what seems like forever, but it’s only a few hundred yards. I’m swiveling my head from side to side. The rain is still lightly falling. I spot him, off to my right. He’s against a large rock. I think, ‘Oh fuck, he’s in bad shape.’ He looks like he got caught in the debris of the slide. He’s shivering uncontrollably. I get as close to him as I can without getting the tractor bogged down in mud. I move to him and scoop him up. He’s freezing. I need to get him back to the house and into a warm bath. Hyperthermia is probably setting in. I slide him onto the bench seat of the tractor, get in, wrap my arm around him to make sure he doesn’t slide off, and start back. It takes even longer to get back. Once back, I get him upstairs, into a warm shower, then the tub. I make sure I’m with him the whole time, sharing my body’s heat. He keeps saying he’s fine, but he does not realize the extent of danger he’s in due to his exposure. He’s also lost all sense of time. It’s early afternoon now. He still thinks it’s the morning. I get him out of the tub and to the bed. I climb in next to him and meditate a bit to ease my rapidly beating heart. It slows. Cole’s breathing slows as well. He drifts off. I drift, but not completely to sleep. I suddenly feel him twisting and thrashing around. I wake and take him in my arms, to make sure he doesn’t hurt himself. He eventually wakes and says he had a bad dream. I get him some Advil and we talk, mainly so he can relax and calm down. I need to take stock and see if he has a concussion or any more signs of hyperthermia. I think I got him into warm water quick enough. After talking for a while, we have sex. I think he wants to thank me for saving him. I just don’t want to exhaust him. As we go at it, I continually watch him for any signs of problems. He seems to be fine. He gets me off, then I return the favor. We fall back to sleep. I wake and sense he’s not in bed. I slowly roll over and see he’s gone. I look toward the bathroom and see the light is off. I get out of bed and look toward the window. The sun is in the east. We slept the night. I hope it helped him. I move to the hallway and hear and smell breakfast being prepared. I wander down, still naked. There’s Cole, moving around the kitchen, making breakfast, and not worried about yesterday. I scratch my balls as I walk to him. He sees me, smiles, and I embrace him. We kiss. Just his touch causes my unit to expand. I struggle to keep myself calm. Not sure what it is about Cole but being around him is having an effect on me. I’m not complaining, it’s just something I haven’t felt in a while, and I need to be sure of myself before I open myself to him. I get dressed, we have breakfast, and he finally gets around to asking me about my body. I know he’s wanted to since we first met on the path, but I’m sure he’s taking it slow too. He also has a bunch of other things to work out so, my body may not be the first thing on his mind, but…maybe it is. His blue eyes penetrate me and make me feel comfortable, at ease. Our talk feels natural, not forced. His questions are ones that make me think. Why did I stop bodybuilding, why am I still here, is school important to me? Questions I’ve asked myself, but never seriously thought about, or really answered. ** Like they say, time flies when you’re having fun. Cole and I are getting closer. We’ve spent quite a bit of time together over the past few weeks. The sex is great, obviously, but our talks are better. He’s opened up to me and shared his life, his ups and down, failures and triumphs. He’s honest and wears his scars as badges. His life has not been easy, but he’s always made the best of what he’s been given. Covid really did shatter him. His solid foundation was shaken, and it crumbled. He tried to press thru the challenges, but the stress got to him. He snapped. I can now see the ‘why’ behind him losing it. We talk…I support him and offer as much mental help as he’ll take. I won’t say he’s hesitant to accept it, but I think he thinks he needs to work thru his issues on his own. Based on his exercise plan, I know he does a lot of yoga and meditation. He seems to get a bit better day by day. I can really see the ‘real’ Cole coming thru. He’s so nice and funny. He’s got a great smile and every time he sees me, I get a warm feeling deep down inside of me. I’ve talked about my family and the issues I’ve had and gotten thru, including the ones with Nona. He listens and absorbs every word. Even better, he remembers, and brings up details I’ve mentioned in passing and makes whole conversations out of them. He’s interested in me, not just my body. ** It’s a Tuesday morning. I’m having breakfast with Nona. She’s outlining my work week. She has a list of items that need tending to. I listen and think I can take Cole with me on some of them. Get him away from the house and farther out onto the property. Let him see just how expansive this place is. She pauses and looks up at me. “Did you get the last item, Jake?” “Yes Nona. The lower meadow needs to be cut and the streambed dredged.” She nods. I say without hesitation, “I would like you, me, and Cole to have dinner tonight, together.” She looks up. Her eyes pierce mine and I can see her studying me. She has questions, but is thinking of how to ask them. I beat her to the punch. “Cole and I have grown close over the past few weeks. We talk almost every day that I am here. We meet up, workout, have meals together…” I pause. She raises an eyebrow. “We’ve slept together…” She tilts her head slightly, registering what I’ve said, but still trying to process it, “…on several occasions.” Ok, her eyes get just a bit wider. “It’s been consensual.” She slowly says, “That was not my concern Jake…” Now it’s my turn to try to read her. She’s not flinching. “…What happens when he leaves? Where will that leave you?” Good question. Where will it leave me? I hadn’t thought about it too much. “My concern is for you, sweetie. I understand you and Cole get along, but he won’t be here forever, and I need to be sure you will be ok when he leaves.” I nod slowly. She reaches her tiny hand to my enormous mitt, covers it, and says, “Yes Jake, I’d enjoy having dinner with you and Cole.” My eyes light up. “I can make a lasagna, if that would be, ok?” I smile, knowing how wonderful her cooking is. I say with excitement in my voice, “Yes, that would be perfect.” I put my other hand on top of hers and gently squeeze. On my way to the lower meadow, I stop by the house and see Cole on the patio. He’s mediating. I hate to interrupt him, but I have to. I walk up behind him as quietly as I can, and he pulls a Tiny on me and out of the blue says, “Hey sexy.” I almost fall backward over a chair. He turns, opens his eyes, and winks at me. “How did you know I was here. Your eyes were shut, and you were facing the other way!?!” He calmly asks, “Jake, you’re what 6’3”?” I nod, “You really are not the silent ninja you think you are.” I scrunch my face, realizing Tiny can probably hear me across the house. I make peace with it. “So, what’s up big guy? Shouldn’t you be in town making extra cash for school?” I wave him off and say, “Plenty of time for that later.” I see his face fall just a bit. “Cole,” I wave my hand between us and say, “Our time together has become more important.” He sighs with a bit of frustration. “Those jobs will always be there. You…on the other hand…well…you won’t always be here. I want to make the most of the time we have…” He gives me a warm smile and stands up. He closes the gap between us. We hug, then kiss, and start to get frisky. I pull away and he looks into my eyes, wondering why. “I have a bit of work to do today in the lower meadow…and…” I hesitate, but just spill it, “…I was wondering if you’d have dinner tonight with Nona and I?” His eyes widen….to the point where the whites completely surround his blue iris’. I put a hand on his forearm to steady him and say with as much positivity as I can, “It won’t be that bad.” His eyes narrow. I tentatively says, “Um…well, I kind of told her about us.” He nearly faints. He knees buckle, but I quickly grab him by his lats and support him. He stammers, “Why, Jake?” He’s upset and it shows. He moves to a chair, and I sit right next to him. I put a hand on his thigh. I squeeze softly and rub his leg. “She starting to come around to who I am. You’re important to me. I want you and her to at least try to get along.” He eyes me up with suspicion. “She’s making a lasagna.” His eyes glaze over. He’s in, I know it. “Well…” I wink at him and squeeze his thigh a bit harder. I see him starting to pitch a tent. “I…guess…I can give it a go…” “Awe dude, you’re the best!” I jump up, pick him up from his chair, swing him around and bring him in for another kiss. This one lasts a bit longer and I start to expand as well. I offer to take him with me today as I do my chores, but he wants to stay here and finish his meditating. I’m kind of let down and he sees it. He comes in and gives me a big hug and says, “Jake, I really do appreciate your help, and the offer to spend the day with you is something I would normally jump at, but today…today, I really want to put some time into my meditating and yoga.” I nod, knowing he is thinking about his own wellbeing first and I must accept that. I lean over and we kiss. I reach my arm around his back and run my hand up and down as a sign of affection. He puts his left hand on my chest, which I flex, and he gropes the muscle. Now it’s his turn to pull away. He pats my chest and asks, “What time is dinner and what can I bring?” “Sixish, and nothing, unless you really want to bring something.” He nods. “Nona cooks for an army, so anything you bring, you may be taking home as leftovers.” I wink and he laughs. We kiss again and I take off. The day speeds by. I’m so excited and nervous for dinner. I send Rose a text and let her know what’s going to happen. She immediately calls me, and we talk for twenty minutes. She’s full of hope for me and says she’ll be sending positive vibes my way all night. I call dad and let him know as well. He’s happy but is also hesitant. I explain we’ve been making progress and I want her to get to know Cole. He asks if Cole is okay with having a meal with her. I rehash our conversation and I hear him grunt. He wishes me luck and asks that I let him know how it goes. I promise to call him. I get home around 5 and take a nice long hot shower. I trim up my beard and make sure to wear a nice pair of pants and shirt. I make my way to the kitchen and Nona is there, bustling around, checking pots and pans and the oven. She’s dressed up too. I start to clean up some of the dirty pots and utensils. She walks behind me and pats my back. She then rubs her hand up and down, like I did with Cole. No words pass between us, but an enormous amount of love is passed. The doorbell rings at 5:55. I almost jump out of my skin. It’s been forever since we’ve had a guest in the house. I walk down the hall to the front door and open it. There he is. Dressed in tan slacks and a Navy-Blue polo. He’s also wearing penny loafers. His hair is still the slightest bit damp, and I can smell his deodorant. Old Spice. I inhale deeply and smile as I exhale. I reach my hand out to him and he takes it. I pull him to me and softly kiss him. He has a casserole dish with him. I can feel the heat from it. I look down and he proudly says, “My Brussels Sprouts recipe.” I continue to smile, but think, ‘oh God, why that vegetable?’ He sees my look, pats me on the arm, and says, “Don’t worry, I won’t make you eat them, but…if you don’t try them, I may be too busy over the next few days and won’t have any openings for ‘Jake time’.” He pats my arm again and walks past me and down the hall to the kitchen. I sulk. Then turn and follow his shapely ass. I let out a low whistle and I know he hears it because he clenches his ass just before he enters the kitchen. Dinner goes well. Nona is on her best behavior and seems to warm to Cole. They make jokes at my expense. I let it pass. Nona tells a few stories from when I was a kid. Cole listens to every word with rapt attention. He glances at me every so often and winks. Nona sees it but doesn’t say a word. I try some of the sprouts. They both watch me like a hawk and take note of every twitch in my eyes and face. I must admit, they aren’t that bad. They are soft, but not mushy. He added some bacon and quite a bit of garlic. There is also some cheese and a light sprinkling of breadcrumbs. Nona asks for the recipe, and he recites it from memory. She quickly jots it down and thanks him. We finish dinner and clean up. I walk him to the door. He’s got a bag of leftovers. As we stand there, I run my fingers thru his lengthening hair. I curl some of it around my fingers. He puts his free hand on my forearm. We kiss again. I whisper, “Pond? 11ish?” He nods ever so slightly and is off walking into the twilight. I smile to myself and see I’ve sprouted a boner. I stand there for a few minutes, just enjoying the sensation. I close the door, move the living room, turn on a light and send a quick text to both Rose and dad and let them know dinner was a success. I walk back to the kitchen and Nona sees me enter with my big smile. She says, “Jake, you’re right, Cole is a very nice gentleman. I can see why you like him.” She walks up to me and takes my hands in hers. She wants to say something but holds back. She shakes our hands and leans up to give me a kiss. She looks at the remaining dishes and says, “They can wait.” She winks at me and nods toward the house. I smile broadly to her, race up the back steps, get changed as fast as I can, and jog up to the house. I run around the side of the house to the patio and see Cole sitting on a lounge chair, watching the stars. He sees me and looks surprised. He starts to rise from the chair. I move to him, swoop down, and sweep him up into my arms. I kiss him. He puts his hands around my neck and kisses me back. His warm soft lips pressing against mine. Warm air passes between us. His tongue invades my mouth and runs along my teeth. My soft beard against his clean-shaven face. I sprout a boner in no-time. I move to the French doors and enter the house. I carry him to his bedroom and lay him on the bed. I strip. He watches and admires my body. He gets off the bed and takes his clothes off as well. We come together. Our bodies merge. The heat between us is intense. His hands wander over my body, front, back, sides…touching, caressing, raking my skin. My hands are draped over his shoulders and hanging down his back. I’m enjoying his ministrations. He backs up to the bed and sits on the edge. He pulls me down on top of him as he lays back. My body covers his. My hair is moist with sweat. He wraps his arms around my back and pulls me completely on him. He squirms a bit, spreading my sweat over his skin. I hear him hum with pleasure. He pulls my head down so it is next to his. His warm breath invades my left ear. I feel his coarse tongue lap at my earlobe. He strikes a sensitive nerve, and my unit goes steel hard. It is pinned between our bodies, but he can feel it grow. He growls, a low hungry noise. He squeezes me harder. I let my complete weight fall on to his body. We sink lower into the mattress. He hums again and whispers, “You ready?” I lean up slightly, turn so we are facing each other, lean back down, kiss him passionately. When we come up for air, I slide off the bed, reach into the pocket of my pants and pull out a condom. As I slip it on, Cole turns over and sticks his shapely ass into the air, offering himself up to me. I push my nose into his smooth ass crack and lick at his hole. I deposit spit there and use my tongue to move it around. I put my index finger on his hole and gently push. I slip into him. I put my face right next to my finger and lick at his hole as I piston my finger in and out. He’s moaning with pleasure. I hook my finger upward and pull back, caressing the upper edge of his insides. I release and he relaxes a bit. I push my middle finger in and expand his hole slowly. I put my face between my fingers and use my tongue to push more spit into him. I then piston my fingers in and out, making sure to coat his insides. When I feel he is lubed up enough, I pull my fingers out, move away from his hole, and gently slap his lily-white ass. He grunts. I slap him again, a bit harder. Another grunt. He turns his head and I see a sly smile on his face. My unit bounces and slaps my rock-hard abs a few times. I quickly flip him onto his back. He raises his legs to his chest. I position myself at his hole and slowly enter him. There’s not an ounce of pain showing on his face. He accepts my presence without question or fear. I push all the way in and bottom out. He lets out a low grunt but has a smile on his face. I lean between his legs and lower my hirsute chest to his hairless one. I thrust my hips forward to make sure I stay in him. His legs wrap around my tight waist, and he locks his ankles together. I start my motion, slowly at first, then I pick up the tempo. Pretty soon I’m going all out, and my balls are slapping his ass cheeks with every push. He’s grunting and moaning with each shove. Our lips are locked together, and he exhales right into my mouth every time I push in. His hands are wrapped around my lats, and I can feel he is clasping one wrist with the other. His body is attached to mine. I could probably pry him off, but I don’t want to. The feeling is wonderful. I decide to show off for him. I scoot backwards to the end of the bed. I slowly lean up, pulling his body with me. I feel him tighten his grip with his arms and legs. I whisper in his left ear, “You have no idea how strong I really am, do you?” He grunts in response. I tease him, “I could pick you up with one hand, shove my middle finger into your ass, plow your ass while standing up, make you cum in my mouth, and not even break a sweat doing it.” I savagely push upward as I’m now standing. His full 175lbs clinging to my sweaty body. I release my hands from his back, spread them out the sides, break our kiss and order him, “Look at my arms, Cole.” I see his eyes glance from side to side, looking at them. Muscles not even flexed, but there are veins crawling all over them. The hair is soaked with sweat. The skin is a deep dark brown due to the blood flowing thru them. A small sign of fear passes over his face. I tense my unit and pull it, and him, closer to my body. His steel pipe is pinned between us and is leaking pre-cum freely. For my next order to him, I say, “Now, release your legs.” I feel him slowly untangle his ankles. His legs fall, and more weight is transferred to his ass, and he sinks lower on my stiff unit. We lean in for a kiss. Last item on the agenda. I growl, “Take your hands off my neck.” Now I see a real sense of panic come over him. I lean back a bit and order him, “Let go of my neck, now.” His hands come off me like he touched a hot stove. His full weight is now on my unit. The thrill of feeling him on me excites me. My unit jumps, and he feels it. He smiles and relaxes a bit. I order him, “Put your hands on my pecs.” He quickly does so. I knew I’d only have to say that once. He starts to grope me. I tighten them, making them hairy steel plates. “Yeah, that’s right, feel the power of your muscle man. Holding you up with only his steel pipe in your ass.” He fidgets and squirms a bit, sinking a bit lower on me. I thrust my hips upward and his body slides up and down with ease. “Keep squeezing those pecs…oh yeah…just like that…twist those nipples…just like you did before… Oh yeah, harder…harder…come on sexy, you can’t hurt me…pretend you’re trying to open a beer bottle...Oh yeah, there you go…That’s how you do it.” His fingers pinch my nipples, and he savagely tugs, trying to pull them off my chest. I stand there and enjoy the sensation. He’s good, really good. I buck my hips again and he moans deeply. My veiny unit plunged deep inside of him. I squat down, ass to the grass, as they say, then quickly stand up. His thin muscular body slides up my long thick pole. My mushroom capped head the only thing keeping him from flying off me. Gravity takes over and he slides back down. His ass hits the base of my unit, and he grunts. He has a smile a mile wide on his face. His eyes flutter open and shut. His fingers and hands roam my chest and arms, sliding over the sweat covered muscles. Veins and striations show on my paper-thin skin like roads on a map. His hands reach for my shoulders. He latches on and moves his body closer to mine. His weight rests on my upper chest. He’s quite light when I think about it. The weight my chest has endured during bench presses makes this feel like a cake walk. His smooth skin on my hairy pecs excites me. I feel pre-cum percolate up my unit and fill the tip of the condom. He must feel it as well. His smile becomes warmer, and he twists his waist, creating friction between our bodies. His face nears mine. He bends his elbows and closes the gap. Our lips meet. He applies soft pressure with his moist lips. The tip of his tongue just breaks the seal of his lips, and it momentarily caresses mine. An electric shock passes thru my body. The hair on my arms feels like it’s standing up. A chill runs down my spine. I move to kiss him harder, but he inches away, keeping our lips just barely touching. His tongue flashes out again and rubs my bottom lip. His warm saliva coats my lip, another shock, just as invigorating as the first passes thru me. I wrap my arms around his back and tenderly press his body to mine, bringing our lips together with more force. He acquiesces. His hands move to the back of my head, and he pulls us together even more. He ravages my face with his tongue. His strong fingers pull on my dark hair and twist it around his digits. His kisses become longer and passionate. Time passes without us knowing. His hands continue to massage my hair and head. My hands run up and down his back, feeling his muscles, and the broadness of his lats, which I had not noticed before. I feel his ass squeeze my unit. I buck my hips again and the friction is incredible. He’s bringing me to the edge. I grasp his lats in my hands. I pull his body away from mine. He lets out a soft whimper. I look him in the eyes and wink with a knowing smile. He smiles back and gives me a wink. I turn my back the bed and slowly sit on the edge. I scoot my way back to the middle, keeping him attached to me. Once there, I release his lats, lay down, and spread my arms out to the sides. My body is open to him. He smiles and sucks in a breath of air. His hands immediately move to my chest. He puts them on me, palms down. I quickly realize he’s only doing it for support. He lifts his ass up a few inches, withdrawing my unit from him. When my tip is about to break free, he shoves his body downward. He impales himself on me. He lets loose a loud grunt. He does it again, then again. On his fourth shove, I thrust my hips upward to meet him. Our bodies smack together. His dick slams into my cobblestone abs. Cum comes flying out of him, spraying in all directions. Thick ropes cover the hair on my chest and abs. A stream laces across my face. His unit bounces off my body, smacking into his. Another line paints his lower abs. He lets his body settle onto my midsection as sweat pours off his face and body. Warm droplets fall onto me. I caress his thighs and run my fingers across his taut abs. He hums. I scoop some of his cum off him and move it to my lips. I lick my fingers and taste his sweetness. Warm and goopy, just like mine. I savor his flavor as it slides down my throat. He watches me then reaches down to my hairy chest, scraps some cum from my hairs, brings it to his lips. He tentatively tastes, then smiles and sticks his fingers into his mouth. I see his tongue maneuver around them pulling the cum off. I watch as his Adams apple bobs, and he swallows. He puts his hands back on my chest and leans down. Our lips meet. I can taste the cum remaining on his lips. I run my tongue over them and lick it off. I feel him put his hands on the sides of my head and hold us together. I relish in his kisses and tenderness. We don’t fight for alpha position. We take turns being in charge or being submissive. I can tell he likes it when I take control. I put my hands on his lats and slide them up and down, feeling his warm body. My cock is still a steel pipe in his ass. Every so often he moves his ass from side to side, keeping me hard. He pushes upright, twists my nipples softly, and squeezes his ass, sending shock waves throughout my body. He lifts his ass up, then slowly lowers it, bottoming out. I shiver. He does it again. I want to grab his waist and take over, but realize he knows what he’s doing. On the shove downward, he opens his ass just a bit more and I slip in that much more. He clamps shut, trapping me in him. He violently moves his ass from side to side, trying to snap my unit from my body. I clench my teeth and close my eyes. The feeling is outrageous. Every nerve on my unit and in my midsection is tingling. I can feel my load building. I feel him lift quickly and slam down. My brain goes into overload and a shock, rockets down my spine to my balls. I grunt. My body jerks as I cum, lifting my hips off the bed, and Cole with them. I feel his hands back on my tightened chest for stability. I jerk again and his body is lifted upward. He tightens his ass as slides up and down my pole. I shiver again and buck. My final loads shoots into the condom. I feel the tip expand. I open my eyes to see a sweaty Cole with a huge grin on his face. He puts his left hand on my right cheek and gently caresses it. I feel sweat drip off my body as well. My chest, legs, and arms are slick. He lifts his ass off my softening unit and lifts his leg off me as well. He lies next to me with his face turned toward my body. I put my right arm under his head. He nuzzles my chest and laps at the hairs. His fingers twist and softly tug at my chest and ab hairs. He lets his fingers slide over my body, taking in everything. His legs slide against mine; our feet and toes intermingle with each other. His breathing slows, but he doesn’t fall asleep. He continues to caress me. I do the same to him. After 15 minutes of just relaxing, he pushes himself upright, smiles at me and nods to the shower. I nod back. I roll off the bed, take his hand into mine and we walk into his bathroom. We’re both up early the next morning. We have breakfast and agree to meet for dinner. I have some work to do and I’m sure Cole wants some alone time to workout and meditate. I kiss him softly as I leave, my hand lingers in his. His warm smile makes my heart ache as I walk down the driveway to my house. I’m sure Nona is waiting with questions. I enter thru the garage, and she is in the kitchen, finishing her breakfast. I see a list of chores on the counter. I pick it up and scan over it. Nothing too strenuous. She politely asks, “How is Cole?” I glance up from the list and see she has the barest of smiles on her face. I happily say, “He’s wonderful.” Then it just comes out of my mouth, “I think I want him to stay…with me.” Her eyes go just the slightest bit wider. “I think he’s the one.” Now her eyes narrow. “Yes, he’s got his flaws and imperfections. Yes, I’ve only known him a month. But we’ve shared so much. He’s opened up to me about a lot of stuff and I’ve done the same with him.” Her eyes widen, guessing I talked about our issues. “We still have a lot of ground to cover, but Nona, I think he cares about me as well.” She smiles a genuine smile. “When we talk, it’s natural. They’re regular conversations. He asks questions about me,” I tap my chest and feel the warmth spreading as I talk about him. “And he honestly cares about what I say and how I feel. I feel the same way with him.” She walks the short distance to me, opens her arms, and I move in for her hug. Her boney arms wrap around my waist, and I feel her pull us together. Her head is just below my pecs. “Oh, sweetie. I’m so happy for you.” Her voice does not have a condescending tone, or a disapproving nature. I feel tears well up in my eyes. She sniffles. We hold the hug a bit longer. We separate and she pats my chest. “Your chores can wait if you’d like to be with him now…” I almost fall over at her offer, but resist. “No, I have work to do, and I know he has plans for the day.” She nods. “I’m going to have dinner with him tonight.” She smiles again. “I have the whole day to figure out how to ask him to stay.” I chuckle softly. She pats my forearm and says, “I’m sure however you ask, it will be perfect.” We hug again and I head upstairs to get changed into my work clothes. I send Rose a text and tell her my plans. My phone rings immediately. The first thing out of her mouth is, “No way…” Twenty minutes later I agree to her meeting Cole before anyone else. The day flies by, or drags, depending on what I’m thinking about. I’ve had a persistent erection and have done everything I can think of to remain calm. Cole’s face is constantly in my thoughts. His lengthening blonde hair, dark blue eyes, and taut body keep me distracted. I grab a tree branch off the ground, wrap it around a sturdy tree, and use my arm and shoulders to pull it backward, snapping it in half. My unit pulses. I find a large tree trunk, one of the largest I’ve seen in a while, and squat down, grab it and lift it up. I figure it weighs around 300 lbs. My arms flex and I hold it against my body. My stiff unit presses against my pant leg. I can feel it rubbing the coarse bark, stimulating me. I can feel my load building but want to hold off. I groan loudly and heave the trunk to the side. It crashes into some smaller trees, knocking them over. It rolls to a stop against a large rock. I take a few heavy cleansing breaths and squat down. I close my eyes and realize this day may be longer than I anticipated. As I calm down, my unit fades. I get back to work. I spend the next few hours cleaning a stream bed of debris and making sure there are no dams to stem its flow. Next, I move to the lower meadow and clear a new path. There are small trees to clear and rocks to dig up. I make good progress. I check the time and realize it’s later than I thought. I pack up and drive back to the house. Nona is out for the day. I quickly shower and put on a bathing suit, flip-flops, and a tight-fitting t-shirt. Oh, yeah, can’t forget the baseball hat. I give myself the once over in the mirror and nod. I take a deep breath, inflating my chest. The shirt stretches to its limit. I head downstairs and out through the garage. I hop into the tractor and head up to the house. It’s late afternoon. The sun is still shining brightly, but a bit lower in the sky. Not a cloud around. I get to the house, park the tractor, and walk around the side, through the garden. There he is, sitting by the pool. Legs in the water, gently kicking. Small waves dance from one end and back. His arms are stretched behind him, palms on the still warm pavers, supporting his body as he leans back. He’s smiling as he watches the sun set. As I approach, he says, “Hey Jake.” I stop, wondering how he knew I was there. “I heard your tractor.” He turns and has a smile on his tanned face. I walk to him, kick off my flip flops and sit next to him, putting my legs into the warm water. He leans over and we kiss. Soft, gentle. His puts his left hand on my back and I put my right hand on his left thigh. I squeeze tenderly. He moves his hand in circles on my back. We break our kiss and I strip off my t-shirt. I slide into the pool and sink beneath the surface. I open my eyes and watch him watch me. He’s still smiling. I swim up to him, break the surface between his legs and stand up. My face is the same level as his. We kiss again. I wrap my arms around his waist and pull him closer. He puts a hand on my chest to stop me. I hesitate and break our kiss. I look him in the eyes and see a slight sadness. I hop up on the ledge next to him again. We start to talk. He’s thinking about work and having to go back next week. He asks why I’m not off getting side jobs to make money for college. I brush him off as gently as I can. “Plenty of time for that later.” He sighs. I rub his leg and with all seriousness say, “Cole, hasn’t this past month showed you that money isn’t everything?” I spread my arms to the valley in front of us. He looks out at the setting sun. It’s orange, red, and yellow tendrils of light bathing the valley below us and the trees around us. This is it, my time to step up to the plate and be a man. I look forward so I don’t hesitate, “I would never think to tell someone what is best for them, but in this case, I think I’m going to make an exception.” We turn to each other. I can feel my eyes are twinkling. “Over this past month, I think we’ve gotten to know each other pretty well,” He cocks an eyebrow at me with a sarcastic smile. I smile back saying, “besides the sex, which is outstanding, but, I mean, you’ve shared your whole life with me, which I doubt you’ve done to anyone where you work?” “Jake…” He interrupts me, but I can tell what he wants to say is stuck in his head. I reach my right hand over and put it on his cheek. I quietly ask, “Will you stay here…with me?” He gives me the smallest grin, then closes his eyes. He’s analyzing it, I know he is. After a moment I say, “Stop overthinking it.” He opens his eyes and looks at me. I continue, “Yes, our sex is great, but I think…no, I know we’ve got something here.” I move my hand between us, touching his leg gently. “I know it…and you know it as well.” He’s sighs again. “Cole, were you nervous when you got your job 9 years ago?” He nods yes, “Did the nervousness go away right away, or did it take time?” He shrugs knowing what I’m talking about. He looks away again and closes his eyes. I give him his space. I’ve made my case. It’s up to him. My heart races. My left hand is balled into a fist as I wait. I tear comes out of his eye and rolls down his cheek. I think, ‘Oh, no…please don’t say no…” He opens his eyes, straightens his back, turns to me, and says “Yes.” I want to pick him up and carry him around the pool area. I want to scream with joy and tell the world. Instead, I lean over and give him a kiss, deep and passionate. He closes his eyes again. He opens them after a minute, sees me still right here kissing him, and he smiles. I think to myself, ‘Our new life together just started.’
  9. Mickyh32

    Jake: The Brother In Charge PT1

    Jack and his younger brother got home from the gym. Jack unlocked the door, “ get inside now boy!” He grabbed hold of dean's shirt and flung him into the house. Dean went flying into the wall with a thud. Dean got back up and rubbed his shoulder. “ Wow master, you threw me like I was a rag doll!” He said in amazement, a huge smile beaming on his face. Jack slammed the door behind him, “ Listen shit bag, You are a rag doll to me boy, a skinny weak runt I'm gonna have so much fun with. Your my slave now, you do exactly what i say boy, I own you, I'm bigger, stronger and far superior than you in every way possible. You go to bed when I say, you get up when I get up, you cook what I tell you to cook, you get the picture boy?” “ Y y yesss master, anything for you, you are by far the biggest and strongest person I have ever seen!” Dean replied. “ Would master like me to do anything?” he asked Jack. Jack walked over to his younger bro, grabbed him by the neck and lifted him high in the air. Dean's feet were dangling at least 3ft off the floor, Dean was gasping for air, his legs flaing about, he looked down at his brothers menacing face, his eyes bulged at the sight of jacks huge, ripped, juicy muscled forearm easily hosting his light body up, Dean also had a view of his brothers immense pecs and collosal shoulders, both rippled with devastating power. Jack finally drops Dean on the floor, Dean coughs and splutters as air returns to his lungs. Jack stood over him his massive bulk dominating the space around them. “ Master would like to know what it feels like for you to be so easily man handled by your brother, how it makes you want to worship my huge muscles and witness my immense power?” he asked. He folded his huge arms across his even bigger chest, both fighting of space. Dean looks up at his brother, watching his huge devastating muscles fight for superiority on his body. “ It feels fantastic master, you are so strong you could lift anything, I would happily let you man handle me all time if it means I get to see your fantastic muscles in action. I would love nothing more than to lay my hands on your perfect body master and feel the power those huge muscles possess”. He replied. Jack smiled menacingly. “ Get up boy, take your shirt off!” He demanded. Dean picked himself up and lifted his shirt off his ripped body and tossed it on the sofa. He looked down at his lean ripped body then up to his brothers gargantuan body, he sighed in embarrassment. “ What would you like me to do master?” Dean asked. “ I want you to flex for me boy, I want to see how small and worthless you really are!” with that Jack shoved his bro towards the wall length mirror, Dean flew across the room and stumbled into the mirror. Jack prowled up behind him, he had a tape measure in his hand. “ Flex your bicep now boy.” Jack demanded. Dean knew better than to disagree so he reluctantly accepted and flexed his left bicep, a small hard ripped peak rose up his arm. Jack sniggered, “ my god so small!” He wrapped the tape round dean's arm, “ Christ you are pathetic boy, 12 inches! “ Dean hung his head,” yes master I am pathetic.” Jack then wrapped the tape round dean's chest and again chortled, “ 28in, disgusting, lift your left side shorts up you weed!” Dean obeyed and lifted his shorts up, his skinny athletic legs had a light coating of hair on, Jack knelt down and wrapped the tape round the upper part of the thigh. “ 23in, you are just one lanky piece of shit aren't you boy, how can you be happy looking like that, I've got broomsticks that are bigger than you, here.” Jack throws the tape at Dean, “ time to see what real muscle looks like boy!” Jack started by flexing his gargantuan biceps, peaks that would make Everest look small rose imperiously up his arm, muscle grew on top of muscle. “ Whoa…….” Dean moaned. His hands shaking as he approached his brothers immense arms, he began wrapping it round the peak, he joined the ends together and read the numbers. “ Fuuuuuckkkkk, 34in master, your a monster!” Jack cackled with delight, “ yes a boy I'm a monster, 34 in arms, the best in the business, I'd wipe the floor in any competition, now my chest boy!” Dean moved the tape to Jacks impossibly pecs, he started to wrap but jacks body was so huge and wide he had trouble keeping it there,” er er er master can you hold the tape please? “ he asked. Jack laughed, “ am I to wide for your pathetic skinny arms boy, there! “ Jack placed a meaty finger on the tape, Dean continued round his brothers bulk, he eventually joined the ends. “ 78in master, unbelievable! “ Dean was mesmerized by his masters sheer size. “ I could fit your skinny assbody in my pec gap and crush you with there power. Dean shuddered with fear as he took the tape away. “ Now my legs boy!” Jack lifted his shorts leg up to reveal the thickest most densely populated leg of muscle anyone had seen, ridges upon ridges of muscle piled high and wide engulfed his quads. Dean gulped hard, “ Sweet Jesus master your legs are freakishly beastly!” He began to wrap the tape round jacks meaty quad, the two ends met, “ 65in master, incredible! You are a collosal behemoth! “ Dean was opened mouthed at his brothers unbelievable body. “ Boy, come and kneel in front of my leg and open your legs,” demanded Jack. Dean knelt down and spread his legs a little, Jack moved closer placing his right foot in the gap in dean's legs, then looked in the mirror. “ Look boy my quad is wider than your upper body hahah” it was true, one of jacks thighs stuck out at least 15cm each side of dean's body. Dean was drooling. “ Master you are a dream come true, you are ginormous, stronger than anything I know, I am nothing compared to you, I'm weak, worthless, I am……….” He was about to continue but got interrupted by Jack. “ Enough of the talk boy, I know your weak, pathetic, worthless, a sad existence. Christ if you weren't my brother i would have destroyed you by now, you see boy, I want more, much more and your gonna help me get it, I wanna grow more bigger and stronger, so the question is do you wanna help me? Choose your answer carefully! “ Jack cracked his bull thick neck, the sound alone sent shivers down dean's spine. “ Y yyyess master anything you want I will get for you just say!” Dean knelt down and bowed before his brother. “ That's a good boy, now I want food, I need to eat big, get cooking for me boy,time to grow!” Jack ordered Dean to the kitchen. Jack got Dean to cook 1.3kg of lean mince, 500g of wholewheat pasta, 4 scope of optimum nutrition weight gainer and 500g of instant oats, it came to a whopping 6151 cals. Jack slammed it down in 20 mins. “ Boy, get down the shops and get me more food!” “ yes master”. Dean put on his coat and went shopping.
  10. dominantmusclemaster

    Dominant Muscle Master

    Edit - Just a warning that this story contains violence, snuff and gore. You have been warned The man was standing with his girlfriend so he clearly wasn’t gay, but it made little difference to me. I wanted him so I would have him and neither his girlfriend nor his sexuality would offer any impediment. I waited till he looked my way once again and then I caught him in my gaze, my beautiful brown eyes boring into his, holding him captive. I walked towards him, keeping my eyes focused on his as I did. “Hi”, I said holding out my hand, “I’m Michael”. I took a deep breath, pushing out my rock hard pecs and tightening my washboard abs, the sight of my perfectly sculpted, muscular body caused him to stammer as he reached for my outstretched hand. “H…hi”, he said, I’m Frank”. I gripped his hand tightly causing him to wince in discomfort. I was using only a fraction of my power and he could tell immediately that my strength was so much greater than his own, as he registered my subtle display of dominance. I turned to the woman next to him and flashed her a dazzling smile, watching as she tried to fight back the lustful feelings my remarkable body was engendering within her. “Are you his girlfriend?” I asked bluntly, although it was clear that they were a couple. She hesitated, taking in the dense musculature of my torso before lowering her gaze to the large, obvious bulge in the tiny trunks I was wearing. If the poor sap hadn’t been standing right next to her she would have denied it, hoping that her availability would give her more of a chance with me, but she eventually nodded her head in acknowledgement. “Yes”, she whispered her voice full of regret. “Not any more”, I said, and her face lit up only to turn to shock as I finished. “Frank’s my girlfriend now”. I turned back, an evil grin on my face. “Isn’t that right little man.” “B..but”, he stammered, “I…I’m not gay”, “You’re dick’s been rock hard since I walked through that door”, I growled, “so don’t give me that shit. You want me more than you’ve ever wanted anything in your miserable little life, don’t you. Look at me, look at my muscles, feel my power, my strength. I’m everything you’ve ever dreamed of being. You want to kneel at my feet and worship me with every fibre of your being, don’t you?” It was too much for the man, for any man, my presence was simply to strong, my body to incredible, my dominance to absolute. He was inferior to me in every way and he knew it. He nodded his head. “Yes”, he said eventually, no longer able to resist the inevitable. “Then drop to your knees and worship me”, I said. Without another word he fell to his knees, he reached out and began to rub his hands over the vast expanse of my muscle packed thighs. “My God”, he gasped “you’re muscles are like steel” “Kiss them weakling”, worship my body with your lips, your tongue. His ministrations soon had my dick hardening, and it began to push obscenely against my trunks as it grew. “Remove my trunks”, I commanded and he immediately began to peel them off me, freeing my spectacular cock and balls. His girlfriend almost fainted as she watched my dick expand to its full length of sixteen inches. Frank could only stare in awe. He would never have believed that any man’s dick could be so long, so wide, so incredibly hard. He looked down at his own erect dick tenting the front of his shorts, harder than it had ever been and oozing precum, yet its eight inches was insignificant next to my supreme appendage. I grabbed the back of his head and pulled him forward, forcing my dick into his mouth. “Suck it”, I commanded, and again he obeyed instantly, cowed into subservience by his now obvious inferiority. The girl watched her straight boyfriend kneel at my feet and suck hungrily on my monster shaft with a mixture of disgust and arousal. She was a beautiful woman with an impressive body and was used to being the centre of male attention, but now she was entirely superfluous. I turned to her, a look of contempt on my face. “You can go now”, I sneered, “I have no use for you”. Without another word I turned back to my new slave. I had already forgotten her and she knew it. Tears welled in her eyes from the pain of my rejection and the betrayal of her boyfriend. She had met me only moments ago, but my body was so perfect my eroticism so all-consuming that I knew my rejection hurt her far more than the loss of her boyfriend. “Frank”, she whimpered, but he completely ignored her. He was in a sexual stupor, completely unaware of anything but my absolute perfection. She called his name one more time before realising that he was lost to her and then she fled. Franks hands roamed up and down my thighs and over my hard muscular ass. His fingers slipped into the crack as he cupped my buttocks and with a cruel sneer I flexed my glutes trapping them in place. He attempted to pull them free but the strength of my glutes was more than a match for his arms. I continued to squeeze, crushing the digits between the hard slabs of my sculpted ass cheeks. His eyes widened in pain as he felt the bones of his fingers grind together but he was unable to scream as my cock effectively gagged him. I increased my thrusting, enjoying his discomfort as I raped his mouth and moments later I exploded in a powerful orgasm, pumping streams of thick hot cum down his throat. He began to gag and I released the vice like grip on his fingers and pushed him away, covering his face with juice from my still pumping cock as he fell to the ground coughing and spluttering. The taste and scent of my cum drove his lust to previously unimagined levels and i watched as his cock twitched involuntary as he released his own load without any physical stimulation. "Is that it", i sneered, "Is that all the sperm your pathetic balls can generate?" Frank had never had such a powerful orgasm, and by the standards of any other man it would have been an impressive amount, but then I'm not any other man. He looked at the wet stain on his shorts and realised that it was a miniscule quantity compared to my prodigious release. I stood over his prone body, droplets of cum dripping onto his stomach from my now limp cock. I raised my arms and flexed in a double bicep pose, causing him to groan in ecstasy as he watched my biceps expand and harden into two balls of unimaginable strength. I began to flex my legs, causing the muscles to swell and recede in a symphony of power. Within seconds my muscle display brought his dick back to life and i reached down and tore his shorts from him as if they were no more substantial than wet tissue paper. I resumed my display, flexing my legs, my abs, my chest, forcing him deeper under my spell with the hypnotic demonstration of my power and control. He lay beneath me moaning softly, so completely in my thrall that he was unable to speak. “From now on you will address me as Master, do you understand?” He nodded at my command his eyes were glazed and a thin trail of drool ran down his chin. "Hey, what the hell's going on here", a voice called out behind me. I continued the erosion of Frank’s free will with my muscle display; my only response was to flex my glutes and back, giving the interloper behind me their own muscle show. The voice walked towards me, "I said what's goi....". As soon as he drew level with me i reached out with one hand and grabbed him by the throat, lifting his entire body off the ground with ease. I turned and locked eyes with the suicidal non entity that had dared to disturb me. It was the receptionist, a skinny teenager that had just recently started the late shift. His six foot, hundred and thirty pound frame looked truly pitiful next to my own, as he hung suspended in mid-air gasping for breath. "You dare to interrupt me, you puny worm", i hissed, tightening my grip on his throat, completing blocking his airway. Within seconds his eyes rolled back, his body went limp and i let him fall to the ground. "Oh shit", Frank said, finally finding his voice. "Is he dead?" "Not yet", i grinned. "Take his clothes off, while i make sure no-one else dares to disturb me". Frank looked as if he was about to question me, until i narrowed my eyes at him. He immediately crawled over to the unconscious body and began to unfasten the boys belt, his dissent completely crushed by my gaze. I walked through the reception and locked the door, it was unlikely anyone would come in now but i wanted to make sure. When i got back Frank had stripped the boy and he was beginning to come round. I stood before him, hands on my hips, my strong, muscular body radiating power and authority. Slowly he stood up and looked at me, trembling in fear. "Please", he begged "Please don't hurt me". He was clearly terrified but my mere presence controlled his body more than his feeble mind could, and i smiled as his cock rose in obeisance to me. "Is that the best you can do?" i asked staring at his now rock hard cock which was barely six inches. "I...I'm sorry", he stammered, "this is as big and as hard as it's ever been". "And yet even limp my shaft dwarfs your pitiful erection", i said, walking towards him and grabbing him under the arms. I lifted him into the air and pinned him against the wall, stepping forward so that he was held in place by my vastly superior body. Anyone standing behind me wouldn't have even known that i held another person pinned to the wall as he was completely eclipsed by my muscular bulk. I took a breath, expanding my pecs and forcing them into his own inferior chest. I could feel his ribs bending against my abs and his sternum make a creaking noise as the thick slabs of my chest muscles crushed against it. I gave the slightest flex of my pecs and he groaned in pain as the pressure increased. No words were needed, he knew i could kill him in the most brutal way with nothing more than the slightest twitch of my mighty pecs. "Please", he whimpered fearfully, although his dick was still rock hard against my abs. I looked down at him my gaze boring through his very soul. I saw his fear and arousal, the only two emotions left to him as i dominated his mind, his spirit bending to my implacable will as easily as his body had bent to my unyielding muscles. I lowered my head and kissed him, my full, pouting lips engulfing his own. I felt his body relax as his fear yielded to his arousal and within moments i felt him tremble as he came all over my stomach. I broke off the kiss and looked at him. The look in his eyes was of absolute adoration. "Did you enjoy that?" i asked softly. He could only nod, to spent from the immense pleasure of the orgasm to speak. "Good", i growled, because now it's my turn. I stepped back and turned him round so that he now faced the wall, handling him as easily as a normal man would handle a doll. I turned to Frank who was watching in an almost trance like state. "Kneel behind me and worship my legs and ass with your lips", i commanded, “i expect to feel them on every inch of skin". I stepped forward again, once more trapping the teenager against the wall. "Please don't" he pleaded, as he felt the tip of my erection against his ass, but it was time to take my pleasure now, so i ignored his pleas and began to push my massive shaft into him. He screamed in pain as i forced my way inside him, slowly stretching his virgin ass to breaking point and then beyond. I clamped a hand around his mouth to stifle his screams, all the better to hear Franks groans of pleasure as he licked and kissed his way up my bulging, muscular calves to my oak like thighs. I noticed that he kept his fingers away from my ass crack, after the last time, but he was diligently covering every inch of my muscle packed legs and glutes with his tongue. I began to pump harder, each thrust driving my immense cock slightly further into the violated teenager’s ass. I also felt a warm spray against the back of my thighs as Frank lost control, and started to cum. Ironically the more damage i did to the teenager the more the blood lubricated the passage, easing his pain a little. The slight reprieve didn't last long of course. A few savage thrusts and i felt his ribs begin to snap as his lower body was crushed against the wall. A few more and my cock was buried deep inside him, destroying everything in its path, his frail body unable to withstand the its sheer size and power. I felt a familiar churning in my balls as my nut sac tightened, and i flexed my pecs, crushing the boy against the wall so tightly that his entire sternum shattered, his body flattening to a fraction of its thickness between the hard concrete wall and the even harder muscles of my body. At that moment i gave a roar of pleasure as i emptied my seed into the now mutilated corpse, my thick creamy sperm mingling with the blood and gore that leaked from his body. I felt another hot spray, over my ass this time as Frank once again succumbed to my immense sexuality, and i was impressed with his ability to keep cuming so often. "Enough", i said to Frank, stepping back from the wall and peeling the remains of the boy from my dick, dropping the shattered almost unrecognisable ruins to the ground. "Go find a mop and bucket, and clean this place up", i ordered, "while i dispose of this". I found a large canvas bag, which was just a little too short to fit the body in, but i soon remedied that by folding him in half, snapping his spine as easily as a dry twig. I also grabbed a couple of fifty pound plates and dropped them into the bag. "Do you have a car here?" i asked Frank when he returned with a mop and bucket. "Yes, it's parked right outside". "Give me the keys", i commanded. He picked up the shorts I had torn apart earlier, found the keys and handed them to me. I hefted the large bag onto my shoulder barely noticing the weight and went out to the car. I noticed there were no other cars parked nearby which meant that the receptionist didn't have one which was good. I dumped the bag in the boot of Frank’s car and headed back inside. It was only then that i realised i had gone out completely naked, covered in blood and cum, luckily no-one had been around. While Frank cleaned up the mess I had made in the gym I took a long hot shower, cleaning the blood and cum from my spectacular body. Once finished a pulled on a pair of black leggings that were stretched so tightly over my bulging musculature that they were practically see through. I often wear leggings in public, I love the way the skin tight material clings to my swollen muscles, hiding nothing of their power and beauty. I usually wear a pair of trunks under them to cover my manhood as the leggings are stretched to transparency, but it was late and I didn’t expect anybody to be around, so I didn’t bother. I covered my upper body with a white compression shirt, my abs, pecs and nipples clearly displayed through the material. I admired myself in the mirror for a few moments, flexing various muscles, threatening to rip my outfit apart with their size. I admired my long thick cock, covered by the leggings, but clearly visible through the material, and then headed back to the gym. Frank had finished cleaning up the mess and had returned the mop and bucket wherever he had found them. I had ordered him to get dressed once he finished and now he stood awaiting my return in a t-shirt and jeans. “Let’s go” I commanded, smirking as I saw his dick press against the material of his jeans at the sight of me. I locked the door of the gym as we left with a set off keys I had found on the reception desk and climbed into the passenger seat of Frank’s car. “Where are we going master?” he asked as he started the car. “The docks”, I said, “just drive, I will direct you”. Ten minutes later we parked outside the gate of the deep-water dock. The gate was secured with a thick chain and a large padlock, but it wasn’t thick enough to prevent my entry, or even test my muscles. “Wait here”, I said getting out of the car and walking to the gate. I grabbed the chain with both hands and began to pull, my biceps bulged, and there was a few moments of resistance before the steel links succumbed to my strength and snapped apart. I dropped the heavy chain to the ground and pushed open the gates, waving Frank through. I climbed back into the car and we drove to the edge of the dock, where I proceeded to remove the bag from the boot and drop it into the deep water. The weights I had added ensured that the bag and its contents immediately sunk to the bottom. I climbed back into the car and Frank had just turned around about to head back through the gates when a police car came driving in. “Shit”, I thought as they flashed us down. They had obviously seen the opened gate on their way past and decided to investigate. I briefly toyed with the idea of killing them; even armed they wouldn’t stand a chance against me, but I knew they would have already radioed back to the station with the car details and license plate. I would have to take an alternative approach, but it would be no less enjoyable. “Stay here”, I commanded Frank and quickly climbed out of the car. I flexed my upper body to the max as I walked towards their now stationary vehicle. My biceps shredded the already overstretched sleeves, my shoulders split through the top of the compression shirt, as rips appeared down the sides and front from my rapidly spreading lats and expanding pecs. The shirt was hanging in tatters from my spectacularly pumped upper body and I simply tore the remains of it from me. The two cops got out of their car and approached me warily, hands on the butt of their pistols. “What’s up officers?” I asked innocently, watching their eyes rove all over my body, trying to take in its absolute perfection. “Jesus Christ”, the older of the two men exclaimed, “you’re fucking huge. Jesus Jack, he’s bigger than you”, he said to his partner, who was obviously no stranger to the gym. “What are you doing here?” the buff cop asked. “I had some rubbish to dump, thought it would be easiest just to dump it in the dock. I know it’s illegal but just saves me the hassle of driving all the way to the dump”. I fixed my gaze on the older cop as I spoke, subtly flexing the muscles in my legs. I could sense he was the weaker of the two, mentally as well as physically. I noticed his eyes glaze over as he stared transfixed at the hypnotic display of pulsing muscle before him. “You cut the chain?” the other cop continued. “Yea, sorry about that”, I replied. “Must have been some heavy duty cutters you used”. “I didn’t use cutters”, I replied. He looked at me quizzically and I raised my arms into a double bicep pose. “I used these”, I continued. “No way” he said, gulping audibly, “that’s not possible”. “Look at me” I smiled, flexing harder, turning my body into a wall of living steel. “Look at my muscles, their size, their hardness. Do you think there is anything my body cannot do?” “I…I..”, he stammered, barely able to think in the face of such extreme strength and power, knowing that no matter how many hours he spent in the gym he could never come close to my size, my density. I turned back to the older cop, who was visibly trembling with desire. “Go to your car and radio the station back. Tell them you have checked me out and everything’s fine, nothing to report.” Without a word the cop turned back to his car to carry out my commands. The bigger cop may not have been as deeply under my spell as his partner, but he was too far gone to question the fact that I was now the one giving orders. I stepped towards the other cop and flexed my bicep in his face. “Feel it”, I ordered. He wrapped his fingers around the rock hard ball of muscle and began to squeeze. I could tell he was putting everything he had into it in an attempt to reclaim some of his masculinity, but he couldn’t make the slightest dent. “My God”, he gasped, “it’s like warm steel”. “Flex”, I commanded him. His body responded before his brain had even registered the command and he raised his arm and flexed it in front of me. I wrapped my fingers around the hard mound and began to squeeze. Almost immediately he gasped in pain as my strong fingers effortlessly overpowered his muscle, crushing into it with childish ease. “Please stop”, he gasped, “Please, you’re hurting me”. “Do I look like I am even trying?” I asked him. “No”, he cried out,” aahh….please…..no more”. “Do you understand just how inferior your body is to mine I asked”. “Yes”, he gasped, “you’re so strong, so unimaginably strong”. I released the man’s arm and turned to his partner who had just come back. “Well?” I asked. “It’s done”, he replied, “I told them we had sent you on your way and we were resuming our patrol”. “Good”, I responded, “now strip”. Both men immediately began to remove their clothes and in less than a minute they were standing naked before me, their dicks erect. “Kneel”, I commanded. Again both men obeyed me without hesitation dropping to their knees before me. My domination of their puny bodies and feeble minds was turning me on and my dick began to stiffen. I placed my hands on my hips and flared my lats, causing both men to moan with desire as they bathed in the glow of my magnificence. With my hands holding the waist band of my leggings in place, my dick began to press insistently against the black material until it simply tore through it with a loud ripping. The sight of my huge, powerful dick bursting through its nylon prison was all it took to crush the any last vestige of the men’s free will. Unable to control himself the smaller of the two reached out and began to stroke my calves, gasping with pleasure as he felt the hard nylon sheathed muscle beneath his fingers. “Did I give you permission to touch me weakling” I roared. The anger in my voice caused him to instantly pull his hand away, but my reflexes were so much faster. I took hold of his wrist and squeezed it painfully. “Aarrgg”, he cried out in pain “Please, i…I’m sorry, I couldn’t help myself, you…you’re just so strong, so powerful, so…so irresistible. “You need to learn your place little man”, I said, “you are nothing in my presence, do you understand?” “Yes”, he groaned. I turned to his partner, savouring the fear in his eyes, and raised an eyebrow questioningly. He nodded his head, confirming that he knew his place. “I am your Master”, I continued, “and you exist only to serve me, you have no will but mine, no desires but mine. You are nothing more than an extension of my consciousness, and as such you are mine to do with as I please. Do you understand your place now?” Both men nodded, “Yes Master”, they said in unison. My huge, beautiful cock was bobbing inches from their faces, the head glistening with precum, and both men stared at it as though in a trance. “Have you ever seen such a large, powerful cock before?” I asked them. The older of the two could only shake his head, unable to speak as my presence overwhelmed his puny mind. “No”, his partner whispered, “it’s incredible”. “You want to worship it don’t you?” I asked. “To pay homage to my incomparable masculinity with your lips. You want to taste my seed, my divine nectar, isn’t that right?” Both men again nodded their assent, groaning in pleasure at the thought of being given such an honour. I released the older cops wrist and began to stroke my member, looking down at the two men. “But I do not deem you worthy of such an honour”, I sneered. I watched impassively as whatever remained of their spirits shattered as I refused them the only thing they now desired. “Please”, the younger of the two men begged, while his partner groaned in despair. “You dare to question me?” I asked threateningly. “No Master”, he whimpered. I was still stroking myself and I could feel my orgasm build. “Despite your insolence and inferiority I will allow you to taste of my magnificence”, I said as I began to cum, spurting thick gobs of creamy sperm over the two men, coating their faces with my virulent seed. The two thralls unconsciously began to lick their lips, tasting my seed, the smell and taste of my powerful ejaculate causing them to respond in kind, coating my lower legs with their own inferior release. I looked down at the creamy goo that now covered my magnificent calves with disdain. “Lick me clean”, I commanded, and both men immediately leant forward and began lapping at my calves, their spent dicks hardening again as the feel of my powerful muscles against their lips enflamed their arousal. I stood before these insignificant whelps like the dominant God I was for a few moments as they greedily swallowed their own cum. “Enough”, I commanded, once they had cleaned off their mess and they immediately pulled away, their bodies instantly responding to my command. They looked up at me, fear, desire, and adoration in their eyes. They would do whatever I asked of them, without question or hesitation. They belonged to me now, their devotion to their Master absolute. “I am finished with you now”, I said, “You may resume your work”. With that I walked back to the car and climbed in. “Let’s go”, I said and Frank immediately drove off leaving the two policemen still kneeling on the ground, covered in my cum. Free from my presence the two men would begin to regain control of their senses. They would get dressed and resume their patrol, but they would never mention what had just happened to anyone. They wouldn’t even discuss it between themselves, shame and confusion over what had happened would make sure of that. Although a degree of self-control would return to them, their lives would be irrevocably altered. Sexual arousal would be impossible unless they were thinking of me, but they would think of me often. I would haunt their dreams, they would wake in the middle of the night in a cold sweat their pathetic dicks twitching as they involuntary orgasmed. Forced to live with the knowledge of just how truly inferior they were they would grow increasingly depressed, unable to take pleasure from anyone or anything, the memory of tonight the only thing that would bring them any respite from their despair. Eventually the thought of living like this, in misery and without my presence to console them would prove too much and they would take their own lives. If they were particularly strong willed their will to live might prevail but they would be a shadow of their former selves, barely capable of functioning as a useful member of society, rendered clinically insane. I gave Frank directions and ten minutes later we pulled up outside my house, on the outskirts of the city. “Take out your dick”, I ordered. Frank immediately complied, and pulled out his throbbing erection, which was dripping with precum. I turned his head so that he was facing me and leant forward. “You have done well tonight little man”. Before he could respond I pressed my lips to his, I felt his body immediately relax as he surrendered to my kiss. For several minutes I kissed him, expertly probing his mouth with my tongue. After thirty seconds I felt his body tense as he ejaculated all over steering wheel, but the overwhelming eroticism of my kiss kept him hard and he came two more times before I released his lips. “Will I see you again Master?” he asked breathlessly, his eyes pleading with me to say yes. “If I wish it”, I replied, “Now go home and dream of me slave”. “Yes Master”, he said as I climbed out of the car. By [email protected]
  11. compactmuscle

    Biker Muscle

    Also known as "Big Dan". This story dates from the 1990s, I believe. The first five original parts were written by Michael Yoder (myoder). TCCowboy wrote the sixth part. This version was preserved by fred2001, with slight corrections by me. Big Dan Part I Dan was a biker. He liked being on the open road and only took jobs when he needed the bucks for food or a good workout. His favorite jobs were construction and logging - anything that worked his huge muscles hard and helped him grow. He was a huge man and wanted to be even bigger! He was 35 years old stood 6'8" and weighed 480lbs. His neck was a thick 25" around and his shoulders spanned 38" across his back! His chest, thick with dark brown hair was an incredible 75". His biceps stretched the tape at 26" but he wanted them bigger. His hairy forearms measured 22" and his wrists were nearly 10" around. His waist was 36" and his abs jutted out like bricks. His thighs were an amazing 40" and his calves were blown to almost 29". He was a giant, totally powerful and totally in control. His hair shoulder length, thinning a little on top and he kept it brushed back, and he wore a mustache that framed his sneering lips. After one his construction jobs, Dan went down to a gym near the Italian district. The place was small, but he noticed the men coming out were big. He figured this would be a good place for him to pump up. He wandered into the small, dark gym and paid for a workout. He stripped into some shorts and immediately grabbed the heaviest weights he could find and started pumping. The other guys were astounded at Dan's incredible strength - warming up his arms with 200lbs! He pumped out 20 reps and put them down looking for bigger weights. He settled on 250lbs for another 20 reps. His arms were ripped and huge, but he wished they could be bigger. Then a guy came over and started talking with Dan. "Hey, big guy! You wanna get bigger?!" Dan put the weights down and looked over. This guy wasn't as tall as Dan - only 6'2", but he was big! He rivaled Dan in muscle size, and probably strength. He said his name was John. "Bigger than this?!" Dan said. "Yeah, Fuck man, I wanna be the fucking biggest freak around!" He flexed his pumped 26" biceps and grunted. "Fuckin' huge, man. You can make me bigger?" "Yeah," the guy said handing Dan 4 small blue pills. "Take one of these, workout for a while and you'll pump so huge you won't believe it. Forty bucks." Dan grabbed his wallet and paid the guy. "If this doesn't work, I'll pound your fucking ass man!" He swallowed one of the pills and started to bench press with 500lbs. He completed a few reps and suddenly felt dizzy. He put the weight back on the rack before it crashed onto his chest. The dizziness persisted for a moment, and then Dan felt a rush - like fire in his veins. The rush ran through his whole body as the steroid took effect. Then he felt a rush of power and grabbed the 500lb barbell. Now it felt like a toothpick! He hefted it up and down, pumping out 20 reps, 30 reps, 40 reps! "Not enough weight!" he shouted, jumping up from the bench. He grabbed another 500lb barbell and started doing curls with it! "Yeah! Fuck man, this is wild!" He watched in the mirror as his arms expanded before his eyes. The 500lbs was like nothing to him as his power increased with every passing second. He wanted more weight. He grabbed the leg press machine - loaded down with plates and lifted the whole thing over his head with a shout of power! He sneered at the puny men gathered round to watch this incredible feat. He pressed the 1500lbs of machine over his head like a toy! "BIGGER! FUCKIN' BIGGER!" He looked in the mirror and saw how his T-shirt was stretched tight over his massive and expanding muscle. The veins in his neck and arms were like thick ropes, Striations were bursting through his skin. His dick was getting bigger, too, he could feel it growing in his shorts which were stretched over his massive quads! He was mesmerized by his reflection and tossed the machine down with a tremendous crash! "Somebody measure me, man!" He held his gargantuan biceps up and flexed. His shirt sleeves tore away. He rolled his big pecs and the shirt ripped open falling to the floor in shreds. He flexed every muscle as the guys measured him. "Biceps - 30"; chest - 80"; waist - 40"; thighs - 40"; calves - 34"... Everyone gasped as Dan posed and flexed his superhuman body. He hit a most muscular pose and gritted his teeth looking like a wild man. His muscle was huge and cut. His dick started growing in his shorts, getting longer and thicker and the admiration he was getting was making it hard, too. He knew before long the shorts would give out. Then he pulled out the other pills and downed them all. "Don't!" John said. "You'll get too big!" With one massive hairy hand, Dan pushed John away as the pills took effect. The dizziness lasted a little longer than before, then the rush pressed through Dan's veins like a train. He looked in the mirror and watched as his body started to grow. The shorts fell away quickly as his thigh expanded and his dick sprang out - huge and hard as a rock! "MEASURE MY FUCKING COCK, MAN!" He bellowed. His voice was deeper and he felt like he was soon going to be the strongest and biggest man on the planet. "15 inches! and 11" around!" they gasped. Dan grinned knowing his dick was bigger than any of their puny ones. Even the largest guy couldn't have a cock harder and bigger than this horsedick - fuck even a horse couldn't! Dan walked over to a weight bench and grabbed four fifty pound plates. He flexed his rock hard cock a few times and then placed the plates one by one over the head of his massive dong. The weights stayed in place as his huge cock flexed. Two-hundred pounds lifted by this monster's prick! "FUCK, THAT'S HOT!' Dan bellowed, showing off the power of his mammoth dick. "JOHN, GET OVER HERE!" John came closer and Dan picked him up in one hand. The giant man, muscles bulging and still growing placed the 250lb man on his dick straddling the massive prick. Then Dan lifted John and the weights with his cock! 450lbs lifted by the muscle dick! "RIDE MY MUSCLE COCK!" Dan bellowed as he flexed John up and down. John grabbed onto Dan's mountainous hairy pecs and Dan threw his head back and laughed as he flexed them for John. John got so hot reveling in the power of Dan that his cock stiffened and he shot in his gym shorts. "FUCKIN' MUSCLE STUD!" Dan shouted. "I'M GETTIN' BIGGER BOYS. LOOK AT THIS!" He flexed his biceps and the peak rose up almost to his fist! His forearms were thick and hard. The triceps extended down in a mass of veins and his muscle was twisted and pumped. He lowered his arms although they sat out at a angle pushed out by his incredible lats. He had to be 3 feet thick! All muscle, all man! His chin rested on top of his pecs and when he flexed his huge hairy pecs, the striations looked about 2 inches deep, hair furrowed through the thick cords of muscle. His abdominals were like slabs of beef stretching over his gut and jutting out in a deep six-pack. His thighs were ripped and every muscle in his quads and calves were striated and thick. He turned around and spread his back. Even relaxed it was cut with mountains of muscle. His traps raised over his shoulders like twisted mountains of brutal flesh! His cock flexed and pulsed with his excitement as he grew bigger. "TIME TO MEASURE ME AGAIN!" he shouted. "EVERY FUCKIN' INCH!" They wrapped the tape around his obscenely huge muscles and called out the measurements. "Neck - 28"; chest - 90"; biceps - 37"; forearms - 30"; waist - 46"; thighs - 48"; calves - 38" Dan laughed as each measurement was read off. "Measure my dick, too" They taped it at 19" long and 14" around! "YEAH! YOU LITTLE GUYS EVER SEEN A REAL FUCKING MAN BEFORE!" Dan's muscle and power had peaked now and he was so hot he knew he was going to shoot off soon. In a burst of strength he gathered up the guys and sat them on top of a long bench. He lay under the bench and pressed it. It had to weigh 2000 lbs. He pumped out 30 reps without stopping and then stood up with the bench in his huge hands. He held it high overhead and started pumping more. His cock flexed with his inhuman strength and the guys were so turned on by his power they started jerking off too. Sweaty hard bodies all swarmed over Dan - like ants on a huge beast. Dan laughed insanely as these huge bodybuilders climbed on him! "WORSHIP THIS MUSCLE, YOU PUNY MEN! WORSHIP MY MASS AND POWER!" He stood still as they used his body like monkey bars, chin raises off his massive arms, pushing at his thighs trying to move them, straddling his 19" rock hard cock as he flexed it for them! Finally, they all started shooting hot loads all over Dan's body. Their total worship of his muscle got him hot. He flexed his cock, throbbing it more and more and shot a load that sprayed over all of them. He was the biggest man in the world, and this was going to be just the beginning of his adventures...
  12. Zombies and Gods Chapter 1: Arthur The desolate street of a once vibrant city lay in ruin. Burnt-out and rusted husks of vehicles littered everywhere, with vines and plants overgrowing features like trash cans and nonfunctional street lights. Cracked concrete, boarded up windows, crumbling buildings; the age of man was edging closer and closer to extinction. All that roamed the city now were animals...and zombies. Mindless savages, once human, wrapped in rotting flesh, meandering their way around. Waiting to be excited and enthralled by stimuli. Preferably a tasty human survivor. Hoards just wandering, waiting to run into an unlucky person by pure luck. The human population was in scarce supply these days. Most were zombies, the rest of what was left were dead. Only a scattering of humans settlements remained; holed up behind fortified walls and armed protection. Most settlement believed themselves to be the last. Such was the reality of how few remained. And yet, for all the zombies and all the survivors, there was another faction. A one-man faction. Or rather, a one-god faction. Arthur came soaring in from nowhere, having leapt from several dozen miles away. His unbelievably muscular legs came crashing down on a woefully unprepared zombie. Not that there was anything it could ever have done to save itself from him. The creature was pulverized into a puddle of blood and gore as Arthur's beautiful feet, diamond-like calves, quads akin to tree trunks, all wrapped in smooth, silky, immaculately clean skin came bearing down on it. The it was the road's turn. Cracks sprang forth from the point where Arthur's feet made contact with the concrete. A small crater formed. Arthur stood perfectly balanced at the center. His arms folded, as the had been for the entire jump and landing. It had all been so effortless for him. The zombies blood stained the lower halve of his legs. Above this, above his godlike quads, were two things; a 9-inch flaccid penis on one side, and the most beautiful, plump, fantastically shaped ass on the other. Moving up we come to the most sculpted, most ripped, most muscular eight-pack set of abs one could imagine, flanked by similarly built obliques. Arthur loosened his arms, revealing a jaw-dropping pair of titanium pecs. Two massive, bulbous, striated pecs with a deep crevasse in-between. His nipples were perfect too; the right color, the right size, and so inviting looking. On either side of his pecs were lats so big that even unflexed they were clearly visible and noticeable. To the sides were arms so big, so constantly pumped, that they looked more like concrete than the actual concrete. Below these were obscenely muscular forearms and hands. From the biceps to the hands was a level of vascularity that liked like lightning. Boulder-like shoulders supported these arms, with traps large enough that a normal-sized human hand couldn't cover even half of them. The zombies behind Arthur had the honor of gazing upon this back; a topological map of rippling muscle tapering down to an enviously narrow waist. Plus a decent view of his insanely build triceps. Topping everything off was his head; a beautiful, masculine, charming face. Deep blue eyes, perfectly aligned teeth that dazzled when he smiled, a sexy as fuck jawline complete with its own rippled cheek muscles (yes, that's right; Arthur has cheek muscles!). Clean shaved with a head full of perfectly groomed, thick, lush, jet-black hair. The icing on the cake was his skin; smooth, silky, free of hair, and not a single blemish of any kind anywhere. At a height of 7' 5'', his looks and physique alone made Arthur a god. And that's not even mentioning is actual superpowers. When the dust from Arthur's landing settled there was a brief moment of silence. The hoard of zombies were briefly caught off guard by Arthur's arrival. But once they realized what was happening, their barbaric instincts took over. Howling and growling like animals, they charged towards Arthur from all directions. Arthur smirked; this was going to be fun and easy. The zombies immediately tried jumping him. Their razor sharp claws and teeth thrashing. Of course not one of them made even the smallest mark on Arthur's body. Arthur just looked down at them and smiled in amusement at their futile effort. Their small fragile hands just bouncing off of his statuesque physique. Arthur put his hands on his hips and adopted a sexy pose. It was just natural for him to always look so damn good. After letting the zombies enjoy their last few moments by letting them think they were going to actually make a meal out of him, Arthur began to casually stroll forward. Of course the zombies couldn't do anything to stop him. He just started walking slowly and the zombies were simply pushed aside. Arthur laughed at how easy it was. Suddenly, Arthur grabbed one zombie by the head and lifted it clean off the ground, holding it over two feet in the air (only then was it at eye-level with Arthur). Arthur looked at it. He felt sorry for it. Or rather he felt sorry for the human it had once been. Whereas that human had been transformed into a monster by a simple bite, another bite saw Arthur somehow ascending to godhood. While lost in thought, Arthur simply crushed the zombies head, popping it like a grape, drenching part of himself and the other zombies in its blood. Shaking the thoughts of pity for long dead humans out of his head, Arthur refocused on the zombies. Grabbing another, he flung it over his shoulder, send it flying for possibly hundreds of miles. Another he simply picked up and then tore in two at the waist, spilling entrails and blood. Arthur laughed. "Time to bring out the good stuff!" he declared, giving a double bicep pose, as if the zombies were a crowd of admirers waiting to see such beauty. But first, he closed his eyes and focused. His super-hearing immediately blocked out all sounds from the zombies and the surrounding environment. He was zeroing in on human heartbeats; heartbeats he could hear from a hundred miles away. He didn't detect any. "Good" said Arthur, talking to himself as he normally did. "I can let loose without have to worry about any little humans getting hurt" he said to one of the still attacking zombies, as if it could understand him. Arthur poked it in its head. His finger went straight into the things skull and directly to its brain. The zombie was killed instantly. For Arthur it felt no different than poking thin air! Taking a deep breath, Arthur began to whistle. His superhuman vocal chords began unleashing vibrations of such an intense level that all zombies caught in their path were liquified. Aside from them, glass shattered, stone cracked and crumbled, metal deformed, and any poor and unfortunate animals in the way got liquified too. By the time Arthur finished whistling (after about ten seconds) half of the area immediately in front of him for about a hundred feet was heavily damaged (more so than it already was) and about a third of the hoard were now just red puddles. "Too easy" muttered Arthur, smirking. A zombie had run up to the right of Arthur and began thrashing at his arm. Arthur felt nothing of course, and so grabbed the thing by its neck and lifted it right into the air, one-arm style. He brought it closer to his face. The zombie clawed at Arthur's hand and forearm in vain. Letting out an exhale, Arthur breathed superheated air right at the creature's head, barbequing it at a temperature of hundreds of degrees. The things head melted like ice-cream. Dropping the lifeless corpse, Arthur turned to the rest of the hoard and let out another, larger exhale. Zombies left and right burst into flames, the remains of vehicles exploded, metal bars and posts began to melt and deform, and some of the closer building were set ablaze. The air was full of ash, smoke, and the smell of burning flesh. Arthur then pursed his lips and started blowing, unleashing air colder than even the depths of the Arctic. The buildings that had caught on fire were instantly saved. Arthur didn't want to cause too much damage to them; human survivors might one day have a use for them. Only a handful of zombies from the hoard now remained. Deciding to take care of them the old fashioned way, Arthur charged. Five were crushed to pieces as Arthur knocked them down and then casually walked over them. Two were lifted by the backs of their necks and then slammed into Arthur's pecs. One was just crumpled like a sheet of paper by Arthur's fingers. Arthur then sank his fingers into the remains of a larger delivery truck. With only one arm he hoisted it so easily into the air above his head. Taking aim, he launched it at a group of about a dozen zombies. All of them were flattened. With only one left, Arthur tore a large chunk of the road out with a single hand, and then proceeded to throw the three hundred pound chunk at the zombie with such speed and force that it took the creature's head right off and then kept going for another few feet before smashing into an old storefront. The decapitated corpse stood for a few more minutes before tipping over. And that was it. Now there was just silence. Nothing but the sound of the wind and a few birds. The occasional crackle of a flame from the still-burning zombie corpses. Arthur felt quite pleased with his work. Another hoard taken care of. The world was now that bit safer thanks to what he just did. I might not have made a huge difference, but it was something. Arthur felt like this was his purpose. After miraculously gaining superpowers from a bite that was supposed to zombify him, Arthur resolved to killing these things off as best he could for the good of the human survivors. Arthur looked down at his flawless naked body. Well...almost flawless. He was covered in blood, soot, dust, and dirt from his couple of few minutes of fun. "Time to find a river or something" he said. "Want any help?" said a voice from behind him. Turning around, Arthur looked up to see a man perched on the top of a ruined bus. But it wasn't a man. He was tall, like Arthur. Muscular, like Arthur. Beautiful, like Arthur. The man smiled an absolutely gorgeous smile. His vibrantly green eyes practically glowing. He exhaled, and Arthur felt superheated air all around him. He wasn't at all affect as he was totally invulnerable, but the road beneath him cracked and then slowly began to liquify. The man stopped exhaling as Arthur looked back up at him. "Yeah, I thought I was the only one too" he said, registering the look on Arthur's face.
  13. Thanks to Dredlifter for the idea suggestion of this little thing - or maybe it will wind up being a big thing. I haven’t written a story like this in a long time - at least 4 years. I hope you will bear with me for a slow burn introduction here and getting my “verbal” chops back into shape. But the fun stuff will start coming next chapter. I am open to any and all feedback as I want to re-hone my writing abilities. Critiques are welcome -------- To Protect and Serve - Chapter 1 - The First Morning Prelude: Just imagine - You’re standing at attention with your peers in your best Class-A Uniform. All around you in the auditorium your friends, family, and fellow officers who can come are here to see the solemn occasion. A freshly earned, freshly shined badge has just been pinned on your chest by the Sheriff. You raise your right hand and take the oath. The oath is a bit different from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, but we boil its meaning down to one phrase - “To Protect and Serve.” So many have taken the oath. Some who took it did little things that made a big difference, while some risked their lives and paid the ultimate price. And some … well … some are special. This is the story of one of those special ones - no, he is even more than that. Though it was not his intention nor mine, he went beyond special. How do I know? He saved me. He has given me a life I could never have dreamed possible that first early morning. And what happened to him? Well, a transformation that is better in the telling. To those who take the oath as seriously as he did; To those who give it a new and bigger meaning as he did; to those who change more than they can imagine by repeating those words as he did, this story is dedicated. This is the story of what could happen if you could protect and serve many thousands of people, and just one man, me, in ways beyond your wildest imagination. ~ Gabriel York ----- A deceptively small man hung his duty shirt onto a dry cleaners hanger and placed it in his locker. As he stood bare chested in the cool air, he appeared to be hiding his body, but he had nothing to be ashamed of - having a lithe but very tight build under that shirt. Nicely shaped, mounded pecs accompanied hard small orange sized biceps. A tight 6-pack graced his lower abdomen to an impossibly small looking waist. He was way better than most men of his age, no “dad bod” here to be sure. But, the man always felt self-conscious in the locker room despite the room being empty. He wasn’t one of THEM, something that had haunted him since high school. He lifted one booted foot and then the other onto a wooden bench before him. Loosening the laces and pulling the side zipper, he removed each boot. He held them in his hands like precious artifacts for just a moment, remembering the first time he put these on. Soon it would be his last, he mused. His time could go on as long as he wanted. But -- he questioned why. What had he done to stay on? What good had he really done? REALLY made a difference? It took but a few more minutes for him to put on his civilian duty clothes (a departmental polo, slacks,and loafers), secure his badge to his belt, and close his locker. Most locker rooms were replete with all sorts of combination locks, but not here. A few men and most of the women officers used them, but it wasn’t exactly necessary. You couldn’t be in a much safer place after all. Deputy Sergeant John Declann closed his locker for the millionth time and went to collect his personal sidearm from the gun locker clerk. He had no sooner than entered the hallway from the locker room, he heard a truly tremendous booming upper bass voice: “WHOA, ONE SIDE DECLANN.” Declann immediately pulled back into the doorway and looked up … and up, to see 5 men in a tight formation with shields and cell-entry equipment. Each one of them was every bit of 6 foot 4 inches plus - although tactical boots always made you look taller than you were. They were more like 6 foot 2 without them - but still, they all out-weighed John by at least 60 pounds of muscle. At his 5 foot 7 inches in height and in normal shoes, he felt positively TINY seeing them pass by. That was sort of the point of those uniforms - to try and intimidate anyone who saw what was coming - and it always did, at least it did Declann. They were in helmets and wore thick padded vests, under which were black t-shirt with black BDUs and those boots below. While those clothes were technically “loose,” they did little to hide every oversized muscle in their massive bodies. Gigantic arms stretched forth from sleeves that seemed to be straining to the breaking point. 2 pairs of arms were thick, powerlifter looking, and 3 more were supremely cut muscle. The CERT - Cell Extraction and Response Team - blew past him looking like they were heading to Mary-pod - the maximum security section. No doubt it was to remove an offender from a cell for morning counts who did not want to be removed. There was no question, he WOULD be removed, no matter what it took. The injury inflicted was entirely the offender’s choice. And, that amount of muscle and its overwhelming power could do plenty of that. Declann had tried out for both the CERT and SWAT teams years ago. But at his 165 lb, it was deemed he just did not have the physical size necessary. “You have all the skills needed and more Deputy Declann,” he had been told. “You should be proud of that. But some other officers just beat you out in the scores. And we need you on the streets. That is where you belong.” Funny, he thought in a moment of jealousy. It was always those guys who were of larger than life proportions that got the spots, even if their skills were not as good as his. After the group had passed, Declann walked down the hall toward the sallyport and stopped. He always did it at times like this, halting at the Officer’s Gym. He looked inside. It was rather quiet, normal at 0545 and shift change. Still, he could see some of the remnants of workouts by the big guys on the force. 45 pound plates left on the sides of incline bench press rack. What looked like 5 plates on a side on the bar on the squat rack. Dozens on the leg press sled. It was a bit of a mess, in truth, but most well used gyms were. Now, Declann was no physical slouch. He always kept in shape and his skills honed as the primary martial arts instructor for the Sheriff’s Office. He could have done well in that room, even though he was pushing 40 years old. Could have grown. But, he sighed and went on. There was just a part of him that never wanted to face big men in the gym. The injustice of being mocked for his smaller size and unfamiliarity with the equipment the one time he went in blazed in him still all these years later. He guessed the big men thought it was good natured fun, but it hurt Declann deeply. So, he kept to his body weight fitness room and small dojo set up in the garage at home. That made him feel less conspicuous. When it came to them, John always saw himself as a small man in boots that were a size too big. And yet - to so many others, he wasn’t that at all. He was everything that made police work an honorable profession. --- John Declann had wanted to be a police officer for as long as he could remember. Since his youngest days, he had been fascinated by police dramas on TV, how they always seemed to catch the bad guy no matter the odds. How they always saved people in distress. In his mind, there was no better calling. No better way to spend his life. He had the mind to be anything he wanted. He excelled in most subjects in school and was a top flight musician. But, those pursuits were not where he heart lay. He was a cop at heart by his teenage years, and he did everything he could to prepare himself. He took JROTC through high school, where he picked up his interest in martial arts and started Aikido lessons. Though he wasn’t the best team sports, he blasted through the competition at his dojo. He became quite fit from the military style calisthenics workouts he adopted during ROTC summer camps. And, that fitness matched perfectly with his blooming skills with his hands and feet on the mats. Before high school was over, his featured had matured into those of a very fit, handsome young man with striking brown eyes. And he had his first degree black belt, the first degree of many. It took a nearly a year after graduating high school to get his first small town commission to the force. He spent his first 18 months in the jails, and then took and passed his Colorado POST exams. He had been a road officer ever since. Now, he was a Sergeant in the Boulder County Sheriff’s Office - an area not unknown for large scale crimes as it held the University of Colorado. “The Berkeley of the East” though had its full measure of minor offenses. But the area wasn’t exactly the worst gang spots in Denver either. He had for served with true distinction for nearly two decades since - being decorated for bravery multiple times for saving civilians lives under fire. He had saved those intent on suicide. He had even delivered a baby once in a convenience store, and the story made the local news. He had had plenty of hands-on run ins with offenders, but he gave way more than he got, never having much more than a bruise or a black eye on occasion. He just never saw what the community and his immediate superiors did - a good man, serving the people Boulder and the kids of the University the best way he knew how. --- John went out to his car - an unmarked Dodge - cranked it, and began the slow crawl toward the Turnpike then Wheat Ridge. One of the things he learned in his own initial officer training long ago was to never live in the county you worked in. It could always lead to problems with local offenders. So, it was up and over the Flatirons toward home. Even though traffic volume was already increasing as it spread toward Denver in the morning rush, his mind wandered as if on empty roads. He made the necessary turns though the city and came proximate to the University entrances, but was running his schedule through his mind. He was due for a weigh in at the doc’s today. And they usually took his measurements too. Height, waistline, all that stu -- John’s senses caught something in the barely lit dawn. Someone moving way too fast to be normally jogging to the right of his car. Moving toward campus. John slowed his vehicle and his brain went into observation mode. It captured the scene in moments with his practiced eyes and mind. A young man -- looking to be just outside of college age but could still belong to the University. Short, black hair. Trimmed beard. White button down shirt and navy slacks. Looked like there was some money invested in those clothes, certainly not cheap. Behind him, perhaps eight or so paces, was running - and running faster than the first - a white young man, shaved head, jeans and ratty t-shirt, tatted with jailhouse tattoos that stood out even under the fading street lamps. And, then John caught sight of a gun in the rear waistband of the second’s jeans. Semi-auto by the outline. Instinct took over. John turned his car in an instant, hit the flasher toggle for his lights, and wound with wildly fast, yet practiced precision toward the danger. Less than 20 seconds later, John pulled his car to a stop where his instincts said he could cut this off. “Boulder County Sheriff's Office -- ON THE GROUND NOW” John yelled as he leapt from his car and drew his weapon virtually simultaneously. The running suspect didn’t listen, just as John had expected. He instead broke his pursuit of the well-dressed man and taken off toward a side alleyway. But, John was good at his work. The offender was fast, but John - was FASTER. He holstered his weapon as he calculated his movements nearly autonomously. He had chosen his intercept point well. John calculated the takedown, knowing an almost undisputable, universal law - 95 percent of offenders have no idea of how to fight, and the remaining 5% seldom need to fight. And this one looked like the former. It took a few seconds, but just a few, for the whole pursuit to be over. Exactly two PPCT strikes and a normal compliance take down and the suspect wa on his back, with John twisting his arms and putting the handcuffs on. He never even had to hurt more than the punk’s pride. Once secured, John kept his knee in place just under the lower shoulder blades, cuffed arms resting on his quad, knowing a bodyweight advantage and leverage would be critical with this man who slightly outweighed him. “What’s your name?” John demanded as he patted down the suspect and quickly removed a 9mm weapon and several baggies of what looked like methamphetamine. “Fuck you” was the response. John smiled a bit and gave a half chuckle under his breath. He loved this a bit too much when it happened, and some mischievous streak in him just drove him to do it. “OK, Mister Fuk Yu. I am placing you under arrest for possession of an illegal firearm and possession of controlled substances. You have the right to remain silent …” John mirandized the “Mr. Fuck,” pulled him up to his feet, and maneuvered him the few yards to his car. He put the offender in the back seat and locked the door of his unmarked. The guy was going nowhere. Now, to more important matters. John made his way toward the young man being pursued - who had by now stopped and was almost collapsed on the sidewalk. Declann withdrew his cell, called 911, and requested uniformed officers to his location. He was upon the man on the sidewalk just as he hung up. John immediately knelt down to do a quick assessment of his condition. There were no obvious signs of trauma at the first once over. He then took a more careful look at the victim’s features. While he certainly wasn’t of student age, he was still under 30, John guessed. And, he was a very nice looking under 30 to boot. Blue eyes setting off dark, intense features. Old enough to just have the barest hint of a wrinkle at the eye but nothing else. John noted a rather slim body - the size of his own would have been were it not for his training in Aikido and Krav Maga. John felt a twinge of attraction.Yes, John was bisexual, but no one cared among his superiors anymore. Besides, he had always kept that part of himself separate when on duty. “You OK Sir? I can’t see any obvious injuries. Do you need an ambulance?”John asked as he came and sat down at the man’s level. “Thank you . . . . officer, thank . . . you.” The man panted in reply with a pronounced British accent. “I was . . . just going toward my . . . lab . . . after my tea . . . when this fellow . . . started chasing me screaming at . . me. ” The young man was now gathering his breath, becoming easier to understand. John was a bit surprised to hear that English accent coming from him. Not unheard of, but still unusual in Boulder. “Did he assault you in any way?” The Englishman finally looked up to see John’s slightly older but obviously concerned and kind face. He visibly relaxed as he looked into John’s light brown eyes. “No, he never caught me but he was close. I am not exactly in running shorts and shoes here. But thanks to you, I’ll be OK. I do not know what would have happened if you had not arrived when you did.” “With what I found, I suspect he wanted to mug you. You are rather well dressed for campus, if I may observe. And, forgive me, if he heard you accent, you may have looked like an quick target as a tourist. When the uniform officers get here, you will need to give a statement to them, or you can give it to me if you prefer. We need to make sure this scumbag gets what he deserves.” “Of course. Anything I can do to assist, although I would be much happier speaking to you.” the man said giving just a hint of a smile. It was then that the uniformed officers in their black and white vehicles showed up. John excused himself for a moment, let the uniforms know what was going on, and allowed them to take the offender back to the jail for booking. John then returned to the man still sitting on the sidewalk. Pulling out a notebook he kept on him for times like this, John got all the pertinent information as he had done thousands of times before. Name, description of what happened, when, and why, if he knew. Any details the young man, who he had come to know as Gabriel York, may have remembered before, during, and after. As he took the statement, John became even more convinced this was an attempted mugging, perhaps for more drug money, maybe even more if that weapon came into play. Knowing he had all he needed, John said, “Finally, is there a way we can contact you if we have further questions. The staff from the District Attorney's office will be sure to want to speak with you about testimony if it comes to that. Although with the evidence we have, this one will probably plea. This is not his first time in jail.” Gabriel reached into his pocket for a very expensive-looking leather wallet and removed a business card. “This is my lab contact information. I am easiest to reach either here on campus or with my secretary. My other lab is ...a… well ... it is easier to reach me here. Again I can’t thank you enough, Sergeant.” “Believe me, Dr. York, it was my pleasure. I am just glad you are safe and sound.” John said. “Are you OK to go on your own or would you like me to escort you to your lab? I would be happy to do so.” “Thank you sir, but I think I’ll be fine. My lab is just over the hill in the Biological Sciences building.” Gabriel replied. “OK” John said, handing Gabriel a card of his own with his name, rank, and contact information on it. “This is my card. If you need anything or remember anything else, please do not hesitate to call me anytime, day or night.” ‘Of course. Sergeant Declann.” The Englishman arose with a friendly hand from John. Almost as an afterthought as he was leaving, York turned around. “Oh, Sergeant Declann, by the way. I do ….ah… certain work down at the Federal Center in Denver. I will have to report this incident to my superiors there and to the British consulate. In case there is testimony or something as you said. They may wish to speak with you. Just to make sure. You understand?” John nodded. Ah, he works with the feds as an international scholar of some kind, and the red tape must be dealt with. “Of course. No problem at all. I’m proximate to the Federal Center half the time anyway.” York nodded an ascent and turned again to walk away. John stood a moment watching - and admiring - Dr. York move until he was sure he was alright AND that he was moving toward the Biology building. He turned around and began to make his way back to his car. As he did, he looked down at the card: Gabriel York, MD. PhD., FACS Research Director/Professor of Medicine Advanced Bio-neurological Applications Project University of Colorado School of Medicine Hmmm, John thought. He looked a damned sight young to be in such a prestigious job, a full professor under 30 and with two doctorates at least. And a fellow of the ACS -- so why talk to the Consulate? John’s “detective sensor” started to sound off in his mind. This advanced applications thing wasn’t a program he was familiar with, but there were so many new research projects on campus these days. But, as soon as the “alert” came, he let it go. Probably a government grant given what he said about the Federal Center. John was reviewing the incident in his mind for his own after action report as he pulled onto the highway. Suddenly, there was a loud roar of a horn and air brakes. John never even saw the tractor trailer that plowed into his car, crumpling it in an instant like so much tissue paper and driving it 30 yards down the highway. *** Two Hours Later *** Trauma room one at the University of Colorado Hospital was abuzz with activity. At least a dozen doctors, nurses, and specialist technologists in yellow plastic smocks and shields hovered over a trauma bed doing a myriad of tasks to the man laying there. “What do we have?” the lead trauma surgeon said as he came into the room and took up control of the life-saving operation. On of the smocked figures raised up and stepped back, raising his shield. “John Declann, caucasian male, age 39. Boulder County Sheriff’s Deputy. MVA - car versus tractor/trailer. Passenger was in a seatbelt with airbags deployed but required extraction by fire-rescue. Initial assessment shows superficial cranial abrasions, with most likely a simple concussion. No evidence of other cranial, brain, or upper spinal injuries. Seat belt bruising pattern is highly indicative of internal organ disruption, but nothing so far on physical examination and plain films of the abdomen. Lacerated and collapsed left lung, reinflated with chest tube. Pneumothorax proximate to same lung injury also responding. Initial x-rays show compromised T-12 vertebral body and possible pelvic fracture. No apparent lower limb trauma beyond cuts and bruises from extrication from the vehicle. CT scans are coming up now for the spinal and pelvic injury areas. This was a driver’s side T-bone crash. I think that this guy’s level of fitness is why we’re talking about saving his life and not pronouncing him. ” the lead resident efficiently rattled off. The lead surgeon took a look at the patient, and agreed with the resident’s assessment. John was alive because of his trained, flexible, body and more than a little random chance. But what kind of life was it going to be? The doctor walked over to the computer terminal screens and pulled up the CT scans. The pelvis showed a simple left side Ilium fracture. Non-displaced. Something the orthopods could deal with easy enough. He then flipped to the scan of John’s spine -- and frowned. “Fuck,” he said under his breath as he looked. He sat down on a stool and zoomed, in, out, rotated, and closely examined the different views provided by the technology. The burst fracture was unmistakable and at precisely the worst spot for leg function. As he walked back to John, the doctor barked orders to the residents and nurses, while he removed an ink pen from his pocket. He ran the pen up first one foot and then the other. Goddamnit, he thought. The veteran doc’s heart sunk even more. “Get neurosurg here stat. Tell them severe impact, burst fracture at T-12, CT visualization and reflex response indicative of cord injury.” The room went silent for a moment before carrying on. It was always hard to treat an officer. Much less for this. The supervising physician turned and again just looked at the radiology. The soft tissue injuries were no walk in the park, but were easily fixable, recoverable in just a few weeks, the pelvis in a couple of months, except …. that. There was no hope for that, in his experience. This man would be paralyzed. Five minutes later the head of neurosurgery looked at the same CT scans, and came to the same conclusion. No hope. They could do an exploratory, check and see if by some miracle there was just pressure on the cord from a fragment, but not likely. Better to just do a vertebral stabilization with the orthopods, but his chances to recover function … Declann had been stabilized and was ready for transfer to have his lung laceration repaired. As he was about to be moved, another man in a white coat burst into the trauma room. One look from him toward John, and his eyes moistened. “I...I...can’t believe it.” the black haired man wept at the side of the bed. “I had to be sure.” The man almost looked skyward, “Why him?” Gabriel tenderly wiped a finger down John’s cheek. “Gabriel?” the head of neuro looked up. “What are you doing here? Do you know this man?” “This man, he saved my life this morning, not even four hours ago. Kept me from getting mugged by this man with a gun. Everyone heard the crash and when I saw that the wreckage was his car. Is he going to be OK?” Gabriel was out of breath and had obviously lost clinical detachment between the events of this morning and the shock of seeing the officer who had been so kind and patient with him lying there. He would have been removed if treatment were still going on, but it was basically complete save moving him to OR. The two attendings just nodded toward the computer screens with the radiology still on it. Gabriel walked from John’s head side, looked, and was overcome with remorse and guilt. Had he just been at his normal time, 15 minutes later, none of this would have happened. But, he just HAD to check on a minor experiment. And now, this man lay here because of him. Gabriel zoomed in to the machine’s maximum sensitivity. He looked again and again. Through a choking voice, Gabriel looked around and almost whispered. “Jack, can you send me these scans please? To my secondary lab.” The lead neurosurgeon looked horrified, searching for a reason not to. “Gabriel. You can’t be serious. You know I can’t do that. It violates protocol, federal law--” Gabriel cut him off, almost angrily “Jack you know I can take care of that with one call to Washington.” “What are you going to do?” Jack asked, never having seen such anger in the young, brilliant surgeon and scientist. “IF I can, if there is anything I can do, I am going to try and help this man.’ “You can’t have a man as a lab r--. I can’t sanc---” Jack stumbled. Gabriel stood to his full height, taking on an almost military bearing. “You know I can and will go over your head if I have to. I will have him removed if I must.” Gabriel took a breath and seemed to calm a bit. “Jack I am not promising that I can or will do anything, I do not know if there is anything to do. But I have to try. I owe it to him. He is here because of me. I have to try or I’ll never forgive myself.” Jack knew Gabriel could follow through on his threats in an instant. He had seen some small manifestations of Gabriel’s connections to political power before, and he knew that interference in hospital functions was the very least of what he could do. As much as Jack detested it, with this kind of anger Gabriel could bring down the mountain on top of his whole hospital. But, as it was, there was nothing anyone could do for Officer Declann, not even York. Jack just silently waved his fingers in a gesture of defeat, nodded an ascent, and transferred access to Gabriel as primary attending physician. “Thank you Jack. I owe you about 10 times over for this.” “I WILL HOLD YOU TO THAT,” the older surgeon replied, his voice suddenly sharpened. “And I insist on one thing. Before you present him any of those things you do that I do not have a clue about, you will at least get his consent.” Gabriel looked like he had been shot himself and his voice shook, “I would NEVER do anything to harm him.” York turned on a heel and left the room, walking out of the ER doors, and toward his car in the parking lot. As soon as he was in the vehicle with the door closed, he pulled from his pocket an encrypted cell phone with just one number it could access, locked to his fingerprint. A male voice answered in military precision, “Yes, Doctor York?” “Codeword Ariana. I want the full computer network prepped for simulator study based on some CT scans that will be coming from CU Trauma ER shortly. Run the program with emergent parameters and stand by to report when I get there. Not a proof of concept level scan, Don, but full cellular level calculations. I am leaving the hospital now. We have 24 hours at the most to complete simulations. And...ah.. Don. This is important to me, personally.” “Yes SIR,” the sharp voice on the other end said. Gabriel could not quite understand what he was feeling, this pull toward this man. He didn’t know the man existed six hours ago. Sure, there was guilt and anger and sadness. But, he just could not remove from his mind those eyes he saw this morning. Those haunted, caring brown eyes. Something about him. This John Declann. He did not know what. But he saw it in his eyes. He deserved more than this, and Gabriel would find out why. He would make it happen, he willed it to happen as he drove toward the freeway. This good man would walk again.
  14. Shade

    The Alpha Male 3

    Part 1, Part 2 Training Myles had been extra cautious since the incident with Mr. Fong a week ago. After a change of clothes for me, we had flown directly to Myles’ home in the south on his private jet. And I noticed that Myles carried Fong’s case with the formula with him. It never left his person until we arrived at the house, and then it disappeared from view. I suspected Myles had a safe or vault of some kind, but this was my first time at his house. My inspection was quick, and we established the necessary security protocols and perimeters. Not that Myles had much to fear with me there protecting him. Myles had called in extra men from Mack’s team. Enough so that I was not working around the clock to provide protection. Not that it seemed like we had anything to worry about. Perhaps I had given Fong enough of a fright he wouldn’t try his luck. All my food was provided, and as Kyle remarked jokingly – several times – I was in danger of eating them out of house and home. What concerned me more was my inability to train. My body tensed a bit, and I flexed as I finished laps in Myles’ Olympic swimming pool. The swim had felt good, but what my body craved was the exertion of muscle on steel. The longer I waited, the worse it became. And I knew that when I got like this I could become a danger to others. “You look tense,” said Myles, watching me from the side of the pool. I hoisted myself up, careful not to shatter the stones around the edge of the pool. “I need to train Mr. Boudreau.” I felt the rivulets of water run down my hair, and cascade off my body. The sunlight gleamed against the muscles of my skin, glittering with tiny droplets of water, and I stretched a bit, feeling the energy in my body, the tenseness of muscle, and the power I could harness just under my skin. I felt like a thoroughbred. And Myles watched my movements with great interest. More discerning even than Kyle, and yet his eyes were more guarded. I could not tell what he thought of me. And his body had no obvious tells. “I know,” said Myles. “I’ve been a bad host.” “I am not your guest sir. And you’ve been a very good boss.” I picked up my towel, and began to dry my body. “There are some old train yards, about twenty miles or so that way.” He pointed east, in the direction of the city. “I’ve heard that guys like you use them sometimes. You should look into it.” “Thank you sir. I’ll do that.” He didn’t stay to watch me, and as he went inside I sighed. I admit I was a little disappointed by his lack of interest. Myles was so handsome and confident. So good at what he did. His gaze always made me feel hot and flushed, and a touch uncertain. Well, enough day dreaming. I had work to do. * * * I came inside from a patrol of the grounds. Stu and Greg would be taking over from me soon, and I had the evening off. So I considered what Myles had said to me earlier. I stood stiffly with my wide back towards the wall, surveying the large room in front of me. It was opulent, but tasteful. And quite masculine, I thought, in an old fashioned way. Myles had unexpected tastes. Kyle sat on a luxurious leather sofa. He was angled in such a way that he was facing me, several notebooks and papers lay neatly on the couch beside him, along with his phone – which was never far from hand. He ran a hand through his hair as he read something on his iPad, and I had begun to recognise this distracted gesture having seen it now a thousand times over the past week. “Mr. Palmer?” “Yes?” He looked up at me, and his eyes focused. I liked the way that Kyle could forget anything in the world, even me, when he was engrossed in reading. “How much does a locomotive weigh?” He cocked his head, but then his hasty fingers went to work on the shiny surface of his toy, until he found what he was looking for. “Anywhere over one hundred twenty tons each apparently,” he said. “Why do you want to know?” “Just curious.” He regarded me for a minute. “Myles says you have a competition coming up?” “Yes sir. In a week.” “Myles sounded quite excited about it. Not much makes him excited.” “Mr. Boudreau plans to attend?” I wasn’t expecting that. “We’re both going.” “I hope that you’ll both enjoy the competition sir.” “Feats of strength is it?” His voice feigned disinterest, but his eyes begged me, suggesting otherwise. “It will be a competition amongst certain men to see who is the best at the required tasks.” “And who will be the best?” he wondered. “Me obviously.” “You sound awfully sure of yourself.” I grinned at him, and he started, taken aback. A smile from me was a rare thing. A cocky smile was something he’d never seen before. Walking over to Kyle, I gently reached under him with my left arm. And I lifted him as if he had the weight of a feather until he sat perfectly balanced in my palm. I extended myself to my full height, which was now lately grown to nearly seven feet. “Fuck!” he muttered. “You are strong!” He reached out to touch the shelf of my pec outlined in my well tailored suit jacket. As his fingers grazed the fabric, I flexed the muscle, causing the pecs to bounce. A massive ripple of power rose through the striations like a wave, and he pulled his fingers away like he’d received an electric shock. I heard a moan escape his lips. I brought him even closer to me, and my right hand reached over to take his hand in mine. He was a full grown man, and not that small by normal standards, but my hand eclipsed his. I pressed his palm against my chest. Then I pressed my hand firmly over his, but careful not to inflict crushing pressure. His hand was trapped where it was. Though he made no attempt to escape, however futile it might have been. “It’s like steel,” he moaned. “Harder than that.” “Yes...harder....” He licked his lips. “What is that I feel underneath?” he asked, breathless. “That’s my heart beating.” I squeezed his hand, just a little. And in that second he lay his head against my chest, his breathing coming harder. Then he shuddered. I set him down as gently as I’d picked him up, putting him right back where I found him. I did not fail to notice the growing wet spot on this trousers, nor miss the hardness of his cock. “You should never doubt me Mr. Palmer. Never.” And I left him there to think about it. * * * I stretched in the last rays of the sun, as they were sinking slowly over the horizon. It was an early spring night, and the weather was still cool – but warmer here than where I’d been recently. Stripped to the waist, I flexed my muscles. Stretching them. Enjoying how the tension eased as the fibres were pulled taut. I was wearing a pair of gym shorts made out of a new elastic material, and some extremely large gym shoes that I’d had especially made. As I had finished stretching, and as the dusk fell, day turning into night, I crouched like a panther. This was my time, and I needed to work my muscles. Feel them pull. The energy coursed through my veins. I leapt forward, my quads pumping under me, as I took off like an Olympic runner. Only faster. I felt myself cross the massive expanse of Myles’ lawn in a few strides, not even up to full speed. I neared the large stone fence surrounding his property, and hurled myself into the air. Feeling the wind strike my face as I became airborne – soaring, even if only briefly, through the night and clearing the fifteen foot wall easily. My body came down hard on the pavement outside, and I felt the asphalt give as I landed. The stones and tar being pushed by the force of my body in motion, and I ran. I ran. And ran. Short of lifting, running was one of the best ways I’d found of using my body. Legs pumping, calves flexing. Hamstrings squeezed. The engine of my body powering forward, and then my lungs filling with air, pecs bouncing, and back tensing. I put on the speed, and ran faster. Not having dared to try such a speed in a long time. I’d chosen a route that avoided most people. And where I was going was very much the other side of the tracks. The abandoned part of a once mighty manufacturing area. Too soon I arrived at the site originally suggested to me by Myles. It seemed a perfect spot, and I leapt into the air again, easily clearing a large chain link fence a good couple feet above the barbed wire on top. And as I landed, the dirt around me shifted, the earth compressed, and dust rose up in a cloud. I looked down and saw that I’d created a massive indentation. “What a way to make an entrance!” An older man shone a flashlight in my direction, a crooked grin on his face. “Are you Larry?” I asked him. “That’s me. I’ve seen some of you boys before, but usually you just rip the doors off. Ain’t never seen anyone jump the fence like that.” I glanced back at the gate. Then at Larry. “Now what would be the fun of that?” I stood up, as fully as possible. My chest swelled in front, the pecs full and round, nipples at a southward trajectory. My shoulders were as wide as goal posts, and each delt twice as big as a bowling ball. I put my hands on my hips and emphasised the v-taper of my broad back that I knew was obvious, with a narrow waist that almost made me look top heavy. The guns were swollen and I could feel their crushing power even when they were relaxed like that. But I wasn’t just massive from the waist up. My legs, like trees, were solidly planted in the ground. Larry looked me up and down, and he paid special attention to the deep valleys that separated the quad muscles, the massive tear drop shape of the muscle that hung there. And the calves below, of which I was especially proud, for they were like nothing else on the whole world, and harder than diamonds. “Jesus! You’re a big fella ain’t ya? All you guys are big. But there aren’t many I’ve seen bigger than you.” “No one’s bigger than me.” “Naw sir. I got a good eye for this sort of thing. You’re not the biggest. There was a fella in here nigh on about a month ago yesterday, and he was a lot bigger than you. Jacked up sort of dude. What is it you call ‘em? Juicers?” “Big muscle doesn’t mean much if you don’t have the strength to back it up.” “Ain’t that the truth sir. Well I was just telling my littlest one Shawn the same thing the other day. Shawn, I says to him, cause the boy just don’t listen, if you’re gonna get to the all state wrestling championships, you’re gonna have to build up some strength in those arms. Kid just don’t know. His ole dad on the other hand, I was all state twice.” Larry’s chest swelled up with pride, and I smiled at him. I’d only just met him and I had a bit of a soft spot for the guy. “Anyway, mister. The place is yours – if you got the money.” Thankful again to have the bonus Myles gave me, I had tucked a wad of hundred dollar bills into my shorts. I pulled it out and tossed it to Larry. If he had any complaints about where it had been stored he didn’t say anything. “Much obliged sir," he said, pocketing the money. Then he stood there. “Well thanks,” I said, flexing my guns. “Time to put these to the test.” “If it’s all the same to you man, I wouldn’t mind watching.” “Just don’t get in my way,” I warned him. I walked forward, eager to survey my new training equipment. It was like a graveyard of old trains. And some appeared to be quite battered. Across the way some old tracks had been torn up and twisted like pretzels. Clearly some of the other fellas from the Circuit had stopped by. Not that I doubted Larry’s word. My hands squeezed tight into fists, and I walked over to a particularly aerodynamic pretzel. The rail itself was light, and I took a minute to unfold the complicated tangle until I had made it straight again. I ran my hand along the rail, until I was pleased that it was as smooth as it had been when it first was manufactured. Larry looked on with a keen interest. Knowing I had his full attention, I folded the rail in half, and then in half again. I squeezed the steel together, forcing it to conform to my grip, and it gave way as it was made ever smaller. When it was finally folded as much as I judged the steel could handle, I began shaping it into a ball like it was putty. The metal heated in my hands, warmed by the energy I was exerting against it. I felt the ball of the metal thick, and tight, but I forced it ever smaller, expelling out all possible air, squeezing it until it became about the size of a basketball. Larry whistled. And I then hurled the ball, like it was a baseball, letting it rocket towards an old warehouse building far across the wall. The sound of the impact could be heard throughout the yard as the steel tore a hole in the building, and then out again from the other side heading far into the distance. “That’s pretty good, big man,” hollered Larry. “I’d like to see some of you big boys play some baseball.” “That was good for start,” I said. “But we got a lot more to go.” I walked up to a big old train engine. A rusted out locomotive that probably could carry a 13,000 ton load over the mountains. It sat on the track. I put my left hand on the front and pushed. The locomotive was heavy, and its workings rusty. It resisted me. But I wasn’t a man to be resisted. My triceps bulged, and the wheels squealed, forced to move. I pushed, walking it forward with the power of my arm. Soon it was moving. Forced backwards on the track towards some freight cars. They were unloaded, and I walked the train into them, pushing both the locomotive and the freight cars back, and I grunted with the extra exertion. There were maybe ten cars in a row. And each weighed about 30 tons unloaded. Then I squeezed the metal, and pulled. And now I felt my bicep react, straining against the weight to make the whole chain of vehicles stop. The cars that had been going backwards groaned, overpowered. And my young muscle pulled. And pulled hard. As I stepped back the locomotive came with me, grudgingly, but I didn’t give it a choice. The cars that had coupled themselves to the locomotive came as well until I pulled it back to the starting point. I brushed the dust from my hands and repeated the exercise with my right arm. That was fine for a warm-up. I reached under the front of the train and I lifted it up. Back muscles complained, and I howled. Roaring, I pulled. I forced my quads to obey, and the train came with me. I stood up, and up. Reaching my full height. The train must have looked comic, as it was balanced on my palms, and I arched my back in the perfect deadlift form. Then I held the weight. I counted out slowly in my mind. My body screamed its resistance, every nerve on fire, as I managed to withstand the pressure. In fact I was enjoying the pain. I lived for it. Because it meant I was getting stronger. When the slow count of five minutes was reached I set the train back down, letting it rest perfectly back on the track. Looking like it had hardly been disturbed. “Damn, man! That was an impressive lift. That big engine there’s at least two hundred tons.” Larry spit. I grunted acknowledgment. As I took a breath, resting a second, my mind wandered. I hadn’t always been this strong of course. When I was thirteen, I’d had a nemesis. Billy Nickerson. He was one of the meanest sons of bitches I have encountered before or since. He took great pleasure in inflicting pain. And he was cruel. Maybe I sound bitter because I was his victim. A shy introverted junior high kid just trying to mind his own business. But I don’t think that was just the case, although I certainly resented him. And of course owed him something as well. Without him I wouldn’t be the man I am today. When Billy had kicked my ass six ways from Sunday on the last day of eighth grade, with half the school watching and laughing, I had vowed that I would never be the victim of his or anyone else’s bullying ever again. I joined a gym the next day. What surprised me is how easily I took to it. When I felt like I couldn’t lift any more. When I felt like a failure. Like a pussy. Just how Billy had described me over and over again. It was then I’d feel something roaring through me that wouldn’t let me quit. Wouldn’t let me stop. Each day I went to the gym and each day I put more weight on the bar. And when I returned to school after the end of summer I was so transformed most of the students thought I was an entirely different person. But Billy recognised me, I made sure of that. That fight on the last day of school, now long past, was the last one I’d ever lost against another person or myself. Within a few months I could break every powerlifting record I could find. Within a year I was doing things even I recognised as superhuman. By the time I was sixteen, I’d become unstoppable. And no one, and nothing had stopped me since. “That other fella did fifty of them deadlifts, with that engine over there.” I looked at the other engine. It was bigger than mine. I could see it was thicker, heavier. Made for pulling the very biggest of loads. And it was a little battered. Like someone had taken a couple swings at it. “Fifty you said?” “Yep.” I got under it and lifted, experimentally at first. It was heavy. Maybe the heaviest thing I’d ever lifted. “Two hundred fifty tons that one.” “Fuck!” I hollered. I squeezed my fingers into the metal underneath and felt the handholds of someone else. I gripped even tighter. Good form was everything. And I powered it up. I felt for a moment on the way up that I was going to drop it. But I didn’t. I wasn’t going to. At the top of the lift I grunted, and I let it down and did another. Then another. Then another. Nothing was going to defeat me. No matter how big and heavy it was. I felt the sweat bead on my forehead, even in the cold night air, and my natural body heat increased. I hollered again. I powered up fifty reps, and when I got to fifty-one. I let the train slam back down on the track. “FUCK YEAH!!!!!!” I roared out. “Take that MOTHER FUCKER!” My arms contracted, and I flexed a most muscular at the train. “Looked like that might have been a little tough on you,” said Larry, “Those last few sets.” I GLARED at Larry. But he didn’t seem cowed. “In fact, that big fella I mentioned. You know he did those lifts one handed.” “What?” My voice edged with danger. “Oh, yeah. He tried for fifty one-reps but he couldn’t quite manage. Not one-handed.” I chuckled. No big man was showing me up. Don’t care who he was. Reaching under I grabbed the vehicle in a tight grip with my right hand. I squeezed so hard that the indentations already there formed even more deeply under my fingers. When I tugged, nothing happened. From the side I heard Larry chuckle. But I pulled even harder, forcing my body to obey me. When Larry saw what I was managing, I heard him swear. The first rep was the hardest. And it was very hard indeed. I felt the sweat pouring off my body like a hose. Each rep coming on. When I got to twenty I burned. By the time I hit thirty I was in agony. But I was not going to stop. This was light, I told myself over and over again. If that big pussy could do it, anyone could do. I was THE MAN. When I finally hit fifty, I heard Larry exclaim. When I hit sixty, he was shouting obscenities. By eighty he was my biggest cheerleader. “Don’t you fucking give in,” he screamed at me. “Lift that fucker!” I powered through. Ninety-eight. Ninety-nine. One hundred. Then I switched hands. Larry started frothing at the mouth. He came right up to me. And was shouting right beside me. Daring me to equal what I had just accomplished. And I did. Oh, did I ever. I finished, setting it down gently. “Fuck!” Larry told me, “I ain’t seen lifting like that before.” “You ain’t seen nothing little man.” I pulled up the engine with both hands. Not just pulled, but tossed. The front of the engine flew into the air and it kept going, then it flipped over, falling onto it’s back in a massive heap, deforming the rails beneath and caving in its roof. “I bet no big fucker has ever done anything like that before!” I pumped my fist into the overturned locomotive. It not only caved in the metal of the machine, it moved the crushed engine back a good ten feet. “Hell no big guy. That was truly a first for me.” I was uncomfortably aware of the fact that the log in my training shorts had grown mighty big and thick. It was straining even the elastic of this new material. Although I was pleased to see the material held. “How much does this one weigh?” “That’s three hundred tons big man.” I reached under it and tipped it on its side. Then turned, braced my back against it, and grabbed the axels of the mighty wheels. With a good grip, I muscled it up onto my shoulders, and stood all the way up. The weight was crushing, and I felt my legs wobble, but I would not falter. I took a deep squat. Ass to the floor. “FUCK!” My quads were ripped apart by the pressure. Glutes screamed in agony. But. I. Stood. Up. I did another. And then I did it again. I felt the flare of the power in my balls. And my cock, now solid, tented my shorts. When I reached ten reps I thought I was going to quit. But I knew I had to keep going. I never usually repped less than one-hundred. The first half were agony. The second half felt my muscles respond. The surge of adrenaline filling them and the weight got lighter, and easier. When I reached the end I set the weight down. Legs burning, I lay on the ground and let the engine cover me. Then I pressed it up. Over and over again. Repeating my usual routine for two hundred reps. Benching what I could squat. I stood up, and Larry’s expression told me everything I needed to know. I pushed down my shorts, and my cock was at full capacity, a thick log of blood and muscle that was longer than my two massive fists put together. My balls fell out with them, large and hairy, like big pieces of fruit hanging ripe. I turned to the train and brought my hands down, crushing them into and through the metal. I pulled the big machine towards me, off the rails, twisting them, and brought it to my cock. I pulled it onto myself and crushed it down against me, creating a tight space to fuck. I kept crushing it until it was half the size it had been. Then I thrust my hips. And it was bliss. The metal tearing and rending as I fucked. My god! I rolled my eyes back and fucked it harder. It tore asunder under my onslaught. Such a big machine become so very fragile. Unable to withstanding the pounding. Soon it was obvious it was falling apart and no longer able to sustain my cock. I walked to the next engine and fucked it too into oblivion. Then a third. Then a fourth. Finally I felt my balls heave, pouring out my steaming hot cum. And it hit the machine and filled it, tore through it, and burst out the side. I backed away. Sated. My cheeks flushed, and I felt heat pulse through my body. The fog in my mind cleared and I felt I was returning to some semblance of myself. I shifted my muscles, and felt them ache. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d had a workout with soreness. Not for years. Larry surveyed the damage. Even he looked stunned. “Ain’t nothing like it! You trashed the place!” “Sorry about that man. Listen it’s been real, but I gotta go.” “Come back and see us again,” said Larry. “Please!” I winked at him before I took off running. This time though I ran right through the fence. Read the Next Part
  15. armwreslr

    The Kid Freak (Part 6 Added)

    This is my first story. I intend on expanding it or continuing it. Let me know your thoughts. THE KID FREAK Oliver is just entering 12th grade, when he starts to notice some changes happening to him. Oliver had always been a tall, skinny, geeky kid with dark hair and green eyes. His mother is a Chemistry professor at a local college. She always encouraged her son to study, get good grades and perhaps be a professor one day. When Oliver wanted to play sports, she generally discouraged it. It’s the beginning of 12th grade and there’s a party at Candy Johnson’s house. Candy is a popular girl because she’s not just beautiful, she’s smart as well. Her parties always attracted the jocks and the nerds, a rare mix. Oliver is hanging with a couple of his World of Warcraft buddies, when an arm wrestling match breaks out between a couple of the big jocks at the kitchen table, Big Mike, from Oliver’s high school, and Brock, from a rival high school. They were both shirtless. Big Mike is 6’ tall, 230 lbs, but he’s not lean. He’s got brown hair and a scruffy face. He’s pretty thick. Brock is 6’1” tall and weighs 210 lbs with blonde hair and blue eyes but is pretty lean. The match starts, and Oliver is mesmerized by the test of strength. Both guys have pretty big arms, but Brock’s arms are more defined with a nice peak to his biceps. After about 30 seconds, Brock puts Big Mike down. “It’s getting easier to beat you, Fatty,” says Brock, with a big smile on his face. Big Mike responds, “The only reason you can beat me is because your father is a pro arm wrestler!” “He’s actually the Super Heavyweight World Champion!” says Brock. Brock catches Oliver staring at him. “You wanna arm wrestle, Nerd?” asks Brock. “Umm…no.” Oliver’s friends push him over to the kitchen table. Melvin, a nerdy, skinny kid with thick glasses, says, “C’mon Olly! You’re stronger than you think!” Brock puts his elbow on the table and wiggles his fingers. Oliver looks around at everyone staring and slowly puts his elbow on the table and locks hands with Brock. Big Mike starts them up. “Ready, Go!” Brock and Oliver start slow. Brock is smiling because he knows he has total control. He’s going against a skinny geek. Brock starts to put some real effort into putting Oliver down, but he’s noticing it’s much harder than expected. Big Mike says, “C’mon Brock, stop playin’! Put him down!” Brock pushes harder, but Oliver is not going down easily. Melvin pulls up the sleeve of Oliver’s oversized t-shirt to reveal a small, but ripped and peaked biceps. Big Mike’s eyes show surprise. “Holy shit! I didn’t expect that from Olly,” says Mike. Brock is sweating and now putting maximum effort into beating Oliver. After 45 seconds, he finally puts Oliver down. “Holy shit, Oliver! You’re a lot stronger than I expected. You put up a real fight!” exclaims Big Mike. Brock butts in, “No way, dude. You tired me out. I would destroy him fresh.” Big Mike pulls Oliver aside. “Have you ever lifted weights?” Oliver responds, “No. My mom never let me play any sports. She just wanted me to study.” “Bro, let me train you. You have incredible potential,” says Mike. “You really think so?” “Fuck yeah, I do. Somehow, you’ve built some muscle and strength from doing nothing. Let’s see what you can do if you actually lift weights and challenge yourself.” Oliver agrees to do it. *** Oliver shows up to the football gym with Brock, after all the players have left. “Let’s get some baseline measurements, Olly. Take your shirt off and jump on the scale.” Oliver looks around. “No one is here, buddy,” says Mike. Oliver takes off his shirt. “You’re quite skinny, but you don’t have an ounce of fat.” Oliver has a lot of veins showing as well. Oliver steps on the scale. “Okay, your height is 6 feet tall, and you weigh 155 pounds. Let’s measure your arm.” Oliver flexes his arm and a small, but ripped and peaked biceps appears. Mike measures it. “Wow, Olly, you’re not big, but your bicep is peaked and has great shape. It’s almost 15 inches.” “Really?” asks Oliver. “I swear. When you start to add size, I wouldn’t be surprised if you could be a serious bodybuilder.” “But I want to be strong, so people like Brock can’t pick on me or make fun of me anymore.” “Olly, there is something about you. I think you could be, not just a bodybuilder, but maybe one of the strongest bodybuilders.” “I’m just a nerd,” says Oliver. “I know it appears that way, but something in my gut is telling me different,” responds Mike. Mike takes a couple more measurements. Waist, 27 inches. Quads, 23 inches. Mike takes Oliver over to the bench press. “I’m going to test your strength in different exercises to get your baseline max in each exercise. Then we can measure again every few months.” Oliver agrees. After several warmup sets, Mike puts 155 lbs on the bar. “Anyone that can bench press their bodyweight for 10 reps is considered to be in good shape.” Oliver takes the bar and starts to bench press. He presses it 10 times very easily. “Yes! Too easy!” says Mike. Mike loads 225 lbs. Oliver bench presses it for 5 reps. Mike loads 275 lbs. Oliver bench presses it for 1 rep. “Holy shit, Olly! I knew it! I knew there was something about you.” Oliver is surprised. “Is this considered good?” “Bro, you’re skinny as fuck weighing 155 lbs, and you just bench pressed 275 lbs! And look at yourself in the mirror!” Oliver goes to the mirror. He’s never seen his muscles pumped. He’s sweaty and shiny. His chest is showing a little thickness and rips like he’s never seen before. Abs are shredded. He flexes his arms, and they appear bigger and more ripped. Oliver finishes the rest of the tests. He ended up squatting and deadlifting 305 lbs. He curled 120 lbs on a straight bar. Oliver and Mike agree to keep training together and to keep everything under wraps. No showing off, and Oliver will continue wearing baggy clothes to hide his gains until they decide to reveal them. *** Over the entire 12th grade and into the summer, Mike trained Oliver in secret, nearly every day. Mike and Oliver were shocked at Oliver’s gains. The main state college branch is in their hometown, and freshman year has started, so Mike takes down Oliver’s stats and tests his strength. Height, 6’. Weight, 180 lbs. Biceps, 18.5”. Waist, 28.5”. Quads, 25”. One rep maxes…Bench press, 495 lbs. Straight bar curls, 225 lbs. Squat, 725 lbs. Deadlift, 755 lbs. Oliver asks, “So, honestly, Mike, how do you think I’m doing?” Mike shakes his head in astonishment. “Bro, you’ve far exceeded my expectations. In one year, you look like a real competitive bodybuilder, but what’s blowing my mind, is your strength to weight ratio.” “What about it,” asks Oliver. “You totally don’t get it, do you,” asks Mike. Oliver has a blank stare. “Bro, at this rate, you’re going to be benching over 600 lbs in a few months and maybe you’ll be the lightest person to ever do that,” Mike exclaims. “Whoa…” Oliver is blown away. “I had no idea.” Mike nods his head. “Maybe it’s time for you to test your strength against others.” Oliver smiles. *** A couple months later, it’s time for Candy’s yearly party. Big Mike takes Oliver with him. It’s chilly outside, so Oliver wears a jacket. Oliver and Mike go into the house. It’s quite warm with all the kids partying. They go into the kitchen, where there are about 15 guys and girls. Mike grabs a beer for Oliver. Oliver takes a sip and looks at Mike. He processes the taste. He looks at Mike and smiles. “I never thought I would like beer, but it’s actually pretty good,” says Oliver. An hour goes by, and Mike and Oliver drink about 6 or 7 beers, when Oliver’s nerdy friends show up. “Oliver!” screams Melvin. A big smile comes across Oliver’s face. Melvin shakes Mike’s hand and then Oliver’s. “It’s been a year, since I’ve seen you, Olly,” says Melvin. “I know. Big Mike here has been training me, so I haven’t had a lot of time. I miss you guys.” “Yeah, I knew something was up, and when I just shook your hand, it’s so much bigger,” says Melvin. “Come here. I want you to feel something,” says Oliver. Mike smirks. Melvin comes in close. Oliver flexes his biceps by his side. His jacket arm fills out. Melvin’s eyes get big. He puts both hands around Oliver’s biceps. “Oh my God, Oliver!” Oliver’s heart rate increases with the exhilaration of his friend. “Your arms are massive and hard as a rock!” Oliver smiles and looks at Mike, who nods back at him. “I can’t wait to show you what I can do with this muscle,” says Oliver. Mike says, “It won’t be long. Look who showed up.” Brock walks into the kitchen with a couple friends, Jeff and Scott, both pretty big guys. He’s wearing a tank top and looking bigger and leaner than last year. Brock sees Big Mike. “Yo, Mike! You’re looking bigger than last year,” says Brock. “I am bigger,” replies Mike. “Not as big as this,” says Brock. Brock hits a double biceps shot showing off his 18-inch biceps. “That’s true, but your arms aren’t as big as Olly’s,” says Mike. “What? The nerd I beat last year?” asks Brock. “I wouldn’t call him that anymore, Brock. Show him, Olly.” Oliver steps forward and looks at Mike. Mike nods his head. Oliver is sweating profusely from wearing the jacket in the hot house. Oliver slowly unzippers his jacket. First a glimpse of his chest and then his abs. He removes his jacket and a few audible gasps come from some of the kids in the kitchen. “Oh my God,” says Melvin. Oliver is standing there, dripping sweat, pumped and totally ripped with thick slabs of muscle and not an ounce of fat. Even Mike is shocked. “Show the arm wrestler some real arms, Olly,” says Mike. Oliver hits a front double biceps shot. His arms are ripped with huge peaks, hitting 19.5” with a thick biceps vein. “You may be big, but I’ll destroy you in arm wrestling. I just won the state championship,” exclaims Brock. Mike says, “Let’s do this!” Brock takes a seat at the end of the long kitchen table as does Oliver. They put their elbows on the table and clasp hands. Some of the kids start recording video with their phones. Jeff starts them off. “Ready, Go!” Brock screams and hits first bringing Oliver’s arm down about halfway. Brock laughs. Brock leans in with his shoulder putting all his weight into it to put down Oliver. Mike screams, “C’mon Olly! Don’t let him intimidate you! You’re stronger than he is! Get angry!” Oliver screams and starts pulling hard. His biceps vein starts to pop thicker, and the cords of muscle of his biceps start to increase in prominence. Oliver bends his wrist activating his huge forearms, pumping bigger. Oliver’s biceps start to peak larger as he starts to move Brock’s arm up. “Jesus, look at the kid’s arm,” says one of the guys watching. Oliver pulls his arm almost back to the center position, when Brock grabs the side of the table with his free arm. He screams and using all his strength pulls Oliver back down to the halfway point again. Mike screams, “Brock is cheating grabbing onto the side of the table!” Jeff responds, “No way, bro. Arm wrestling tables have pegs on the side to grab, so it’s fair.” “Okay, but the table is too long for Olly to grab the side with his hand,” retorts Mike. Jeff just shrugs his shoulders. Melvin screams, “C’mon Olly. Show me that muscle, that strength!” Oliver grunts loud and pulls hard, but he can’t move Brock. “No way you can pull through this!” Brock laughs. Oliver screams and pulls with everything he has. At first, he doesn’t move, but after a few seconds, Oliver starts to move Brock’s arm back. Jeff screams, “No way! He’s doin’ it!” Scott adds, “Yeah, and he’s doing it with just one arm!” Oliver’s skin is paper-thin showing all the muscle fibers in his cannonball shoulder and his biceps and triceps, rippling. His biceps is peaking extremely high as he gets back to the center. Melvin says, “Jesus, his arm is more massive than Brock’s!” Brock gets angry and screams trying to pull Oliver back down, but Oliver is ready for it and holds him there. Brock tries several times but can’t break through. Oliver screams and starts to pull Brock down. Oliver’s abs and chest are completely shredded as those muscle groups help with the effort. Oliver’s biceps vein is pumping huge amounts of blood to the muscle as it continues overpowering Brock’s efforts. Brock screams and tries will all his strength to stop Oliver, but Oliver’s ripped muscle is just too strong. “Yeah,” screams Oliver as he continues pushing Brock’s arm down. Oliver stops his assault with Brock’s wrist three inches above the table. He looks at Brock. Oliver shifts his weight and arm position so that he’s just using his triceps. “Give me everything you have,” says Oliver. Brock screams, trying to pull with everything he has. Oliver’s triceps explodes as he takes everything Brock has and overpowers him, slowly pushing Brock’s arm down. Scott says, “Holy shit! The kid’s just using his triceps to overpower Brock! That’s just raw strength!” A few seconds later, Oliver pushes Brock’s arm to the table. Mike screams, “Yeah! You did it, Olly!” “You cheated! You had to have cheated,” said Brock. “Bullshit! I even let you use both hands,” screams Oliver. Brock looks around the room. “You all better delete those videos before I beat your asses.” One of the kids says, “Sorry man. I think that kid Joey was live on Instagram.” “I’m gonna kill him,” Brock screams. Brock runs out looking for Joey. Oliver turns to Mike, “I was acting.” “What,” asks Mike. Oliver responds, “Yeah, he was very easy to arm wrestle. I just screamed for effect.” Mike smiles. “Son of a bitch! You’re getting too strong!” Mike and Oliver grab another beer. All of a sudden, there is a commotion out back by the pool. Mike and Oliver walk out to see what’s going on. Everyone is surrounding some big man, trying to get autographs. “Holy shit! It’s Grip Master,” screams Mike. “Who’s that,” asks Oliver. “He’s a huge professional wrestler that beats his opponents in unbreakable wrestling holds,” Mike responds. “Candy’s older brother is friends with him,” he adds. As Mike and Oliver approach, some of the kids gasp as they see Oliver, pumped and sweaty from his arm wrestling match. Grip Master, who has a shaved head and is 6’5” tall and weighs 310 lbs, looks over to see what’s going on. Mike says, “Hey Grip Master! Huge fan! Could we get a pic with you?” Grip Master responds, “Well, shit, this guy is going to out angle me.” Mike says, “Naa, he’s a kid. He doesn’t even watch pro wrestling.” Grip Master asks, “Wait, he’s a kid?” “Yeah, he’s just 19 years old, but he’s a KID FREAK.” “How big are you,” asks Grip Master. “I’m 6 feet tall and weigh 205 lbs,” says Oliver. “You look much bigger than that,” says Grip Master. Mike adds, “What’s freaky is his strength. The kid bench pressed 585 lbs yesterday in his workout, and he did it easily.” Grip Master gives a skeptical look and says, “I seriously doubt that. I can bench press 680 lbs, and I’m much bigger than him. No one can bench press 585 lbs at his bodyweight.” Mike responds, “It’s true! If we had a bench press here, Olly could show you.” Mike thinks for a second. “What if he could break one of your unbreakable wrestling holds? Would you believe him if he could do that?” Mike asks. “Yeah, but we all know that’s impossible,” Grip Master responds. Oliver adds, “Please, let’s try it. I want to test my strength against you.” Grip Master starts to walk around Oliver, slowly, eyeing him up and down. Mike starts recording video on his phone. Grip Master slips behind Oliver and wraps his arms around Oliver’s torso from the back, putting him into a reverse bearhug, pinning his arms by his side. Oliver winces in pain. All the kids gather around to watch this test of strength. Some are recording it with their phones. Grip Master lifts Oliver off the ground, shaking him and crushing him. Oliver tries to pull his right arm up. His shoulder is ripped and pumped as he puts forth the effort. His arm starts to slowly slide up, especially will all the slippery sweat. He frees his right arm and starts on his left arm, pulling up. Grip Master is tightening his hold, but Oliver is strong enough with the slickness of his body to pull out his left arm. Now Grip Master tightens his hold enough to push the air out of Oliver’s lungs. He starts coughing. “C’mon Oliver! You have to break his grip,” screams Mike. “No way he can do that,” screams one of the kids. Oliver breaths in deep and screams, hitting a massive front double biceps shot. Gasps from the crowd as they are in awe of his massive and shredded physique. Grip Master’s hold is that he’s grabbing his right wrist with his left hand. Oliver crisscrosses his hands, grabbing Grip Master’s right fist with his right hand and grabbing Grip Master’s left hand with his left hand. Oliver screams and starts pulling apart as if he’s trying to bend the bars of a steel cage. His biceps explode in size with thick biceps veins pumping massive amounts of blood to his incredible ripped muscle. Every muscle fiber can be seen. His lats expand with the massive effort being put forth. Grip Master is holding the grip in place. “Nice try kid, but you’re going to have to try harder than that,” says Grip Master. Oliver screams and pulls harder. His biceps seem to be getting larger with the effort as well as his forearms. Sweat is dripping down his heaving chest and his chiseled abs. Grip Master seems to be starting to labor a bit. One of the kids says, “This kid is ripped as fuck, and he’s making Grip Master work!” Hearing that excites Oliver. Oliver screams again increasing the pressure. Grip Master starts to breath heavy. Another kid says, “This kid’s arms are huge.” “Yeah, and his strength is insane,” responds another. Oliver goes nuts after hearing that, screams and pulls with everything he has. His ripped biceps are nearly exploding with every muscle fiber showing through his paper-thin skin. His shoulders are huge, round and ripped. Abs are shredded. Oliver looks down at his own body, in awe of his incredible strength. He slowly starts to pull apart Grip Master’s unbreakable reverse bearhug. “Yeah,” Oliver screams as he feels himself overpower the strongest grip in professional wrestling. Oliver can hear the kids… “Impossible,” “No way,” “He’s breaking free!” Oliver slowly pulls his hands apart. Grip Master screams and, using his incredible chest strength, stops Oliver. Grip Master tries to close it back up, but somehow Oliver’s arms and shoulders begin to overpower Grip Master’s incredible chest strength, continuing to pull apart his arms. Grip Master falls backwards, staring at his hands in shock. He then looks back at Oliver as Oliver turns back around. Oliver screams and hits a front double biceps, with biceps that must be over 20 inches, pumped. Mike walks over to Oliver. “Believe it now, Grip Master,” asks Mike. “Hell yeah. I’ve never felt that much power before from anyone!” Oliver smiles. *** Another year goes by. Mike continues training Oliver in secret. Somehow Oliver continues making incredible gains in size and strength. Oliver’s latest stats are: Height, 6’. Bodyweight, 230 lbs. Biceps, 22 inches. Waist, 30 inches. Quads, 28 inches. Oliver’s strength level is incredible with a 685 lb bench press, 275 lb strict straight bar curl, 960 lb squat and a 980 lb deadlift. His bodyfat is as low as it has ever been. “How would you like to test your physique against bodybuilders and your strength against arm wrestlers, powerlifters and strongmen, all in the same day,” asks Mike. “Hell, yeah, but where can we do this?” “At the Arnold Classic this weekend. It’s two months away. Let’s see what kind of gains you can make until then.” responds Mike. Oliver says, “Let’s do it!” *** Mike and Oliver are in their hotel room at the Arnold Classic. They are lying in their beds resting. “You awake,” asks Oliver. “Yeah, what’s up?” “My mom hasn’t really spoken with me much about my gains. I thought it was weird because she never encouraged me to do any athletic or physical activity. It was always about studying. So, I asked her if she was shocked by my transformation,” says Oliver. “Okay,” responds Mike Oliver continues, “She says she wasn’t. She met my father in a one night stand. She never even got a picture with him, but he was an incredibly built man with muscles everywhere and no bodyfat. What made her lust for him was an incredible feat of strength he performed.” “What did he do?” “A car accident happened in front of a gym. He was training after hours. My mom was waiting for a taxi, when a car went out of control up onto the sidewalk and hit and ran over an old man. His leg was pinned under the tire. Without thinking, my father put his hands under the passenger side of the car, screamed and lifted the side of the car up. She pulled the old man out from under the car.” “Holy shit,” exclaims Mike. “Yeah, that night they went to dinner together and had sex. He left the country never to be seen or heard from again. She suspects that he was likely married and ashamed. She never told me all this because she didn’t want me to go down that path.” “Oh man. I’m really sorry to hear that.” “Here’s the interesting part. My mom asked how he got so strong. He told her the usual stuff about lifting heavy weights, but he also told her he had a rare genetic mutation that not only allowed for good muscle growth but allowed for the muscle to contract extremely hard. His nervous system was also somehow enhanced. A year after I was born, she got me tested, and I have the same condition as my father.” “Wow! This is incredible. I wonder what your limits are,” said Mike. “I don’t know, but I’m going to push myself to get stronger than any human alive,” exclaims Oliver. “Hell yeah!” Mike jumps out of bed. “Since we’re going to hit bodybuilding first, let’s put on your last coat of tan,” says Mike. Over the next hour, Mike paints Oliver’s skin with the bodybuilding posing tan making his skin dark, which shows the cuts and rips in Oliver’s muscle much better, especially under bright lights. Mike gives him a pair of posing trunks to wear under his clothes. Mike and Oliver enter the ballroom where they have bodybuilding. The press conference just ended, and they’re getting some photos and videos of Rob Coulson, last year’s Arnold Amateur champion, who is competing at the pro bodybuilding competition. He’s considered to have some of the best arms in bodybuilding. He’s a top contender to win. Off to the side of the stage, Mike has Oliver strip off his clothes. Mike quickly puts a light coating of oil on Oliver’s body. While Rob is hitting some poses, Oliver jumps up onto the stage from the ground, which grabs everyone’s attention, since the stage is very high. A couple whistles from the small crowd still there with photographers. Rob laughs at Oliver jumping up on stage. He hits a front double biceps shot. Oliver stands next to him and hits a front double biceps shot. A few audible gasps from the crowd. Oliver’s arms appear to be bigger than Rob’s arms. Not only that, he’s so ripped that you can see every muscle fiber in his arms, chest and completely shredded quads. Rob’s girlfriend screams for him to do his money shot, his back double biceps. So, Rob and Oliver turn around. They both hit their back double biceps shot. “Oh my God,” says Rob’s girlfriend. Oliver has him beat on his best shot, with bigger, more peaked arms, larger and more ripped shoulders and a much wider back. Oliver’s hamstrings are also bigger. One of the photographers says, “Who’s this kid? He’s destroying Rob.” Mike steps up and says, “His name is Oliver. He’s 20 years old and just getting into bodybuilding.” The photographer screams, “20? Are you fucking kidding me?” Someone screams, “Hit a most muscular shot!” Rob and Oliver turn around and both hit a most muscular crab shot. Oliver is matching Rob’s size from a muscular standpoint, but he’s much more shredded. Oliver’s chest is completely ripped with monster shoulders and traps. The biceps veins are nearly exploding they’re so thick. Abs are like steel armor. Oliver’s quad sweep is also wider and denser than Rob’s. “This kid could have won the show,” exclaims one photographer. Rob gets angry and walks off the stage. Mike gives the photographers contact info for Oliver. Oliver jumps off the stage and puts on a pair of shorts over his posing trunks. They exit the ballroom and go to the main wing of the expo where they have all the other events and activities. About as soon as they enter the expo hall, a bunch of people come over wanting pictures with Oliver. He’s shirtless and wearing shorts that show off his massive quads and calves. They make their way to the Animal Cage where they are starting a bench press competition. Mike registered Oliver for the contest. There are 10 competitors, most are big and fat, but powerful men. Oliver weighs in at 245 lbs and is easily the leanest competitor. The biggest and strongest competitor, nicknamed Grizzly, is 6’5” tall and weighs in at 330 lbs. Grizzly says, “Boy. You a bodybuilder? Cause you gonna git hurt here. This ain’t no play time in the gym. This is big boy weight.” He laughs. Everyone submits on written cards what their first lift will be. The announcer gets on the microphone. The announcer says, “Okay folks. We’re getting started with 405 pounds on the bar, and we’ll finish with Grizzly with 675 pounds…wait…there must be a mistake here. Who is Oliver? Oliver raises his hand and says, “Me sir!” Someone in the crowd says, “Holy shit! He’s jacked as fuck!” Announcer asks, “You’re opening with 685 pounds? Is that a mistake? Because no one has ever opened with that much weight, and honestly son, you don’t look like you could do something like that.” Oliver responds, “Yes sir. 685 pounds is my opener. I want to make sure I get the lift, so I can go heavier.” Announcer asks, “So this is easy for you?” Oliver says, “Yes sir.” Grizzly yells, “I smell bullshit! No one can beat me in bench press, especially not some bodybuilder!” The competition starts, and Oliver warms up. They get to Grizzly, and he presses 675 lbs, with a huge effort. The staff loads 685 lbs onto the bar. Oliver lays down on the bench. The crowd quiets down to watch. Oliver grabs the bar. Announcer asks, “You want a liftoff young man?” Oliver says, “No sir. I got this.” Oliver lifts the bar off the rack. He slowly lowers the weight and touches his chest, holding the bar there.” Judge says, “Press!” Oliver pushes the bar back with incredible power. It flies up. Judge says, “Rack it!” Oliver puts the bar back. He gets a good lift signal. He jumps up and hits a most muscular shot. He’s sweating profusely. The crowd goes wild. Grizzly throws down his belt. Everyone submits their lifts. Oliver is doing 720 lbs. Grizzly finds out and puts 725 lbs for himself. Fifteen minutes later, 720 lbs is loaded onto the bar. Oliver sits on the end of the bench and flexes his pecs several times. His chest is shredded and sweaty. Mike comes over to give him a liftoff. Mike says, “You got this Olly. Let’s put this guy out of his misery.” Oliver screams, “Hell yeah!” He lays on the bench. He nods his head for Mike to give the liftoff. He lowers the bar and holds it on his chest. Judge says, “Press!” Oliver screams and presses the bar extremely hard. The bar goes up steadily and fairly quickly. Judge says, “Rack!” Oliver racks it and get a good lift signal. He jumps up and hits a double biceps shot. Someone from the crowd, “Jesus, this kid is an animal.” Grizzly is up. 725 lbs is loaded onto the bar. He sits down. He sniffs a bottle of smelling salts, throws it aside and screams. He lays down. His spotter gives him a liftoff. He lowers the bar and stops on his chest. Judge says, “Press!” Grizzy screams and pushes. The bar goes up very slowly. It gets stuck halfway up, but after a couple seconds, he screams and is able to slowly push through to a lockout. Judge says, “Rack!” Grizzy racks it. He sits up, and his nose is bleeding. He stands up and then stumbles. A couple staff help him to his chair. Everyone is submitting final lifts, except for Grizzy. He’s going to stick with his last lift of 725 lbs. Mike says, “That last lift went up really fast. I don’t know…you think you could do 750, or is that just too much?” Oliver thinks for a couple seconds and says, “Fuck it! Let’s do it!” After 15 minutes, it’s Oliver’s turn. 750 lbs is loaded onto the bar. Announcer says, “This kid has already broken records today. Now he’s going for 750 lbs, more than three times his bodyweight. He’s completely ripped up, and he’s only 20 years old!” The crowd cheers. Oliver sits on the bench, flexing his chest and arms. He lays back and screams. Mike comes over and grabs the bar. Oliver nods his head for the liftoff. Mike does it and steps back. Oliver takes a deep breath and lowers the bar. He touches and holds the bar on his chest. The judge waits an extra seconds before giving the signal. Judge says, “Press!” Oliver screams and starts pressing. His chest is pumped and shredded. His triceps are popping out and ripped. The bar slowly goes up. It slows down near the halfway mark. Oliver screams again using his chest power to press the bar high and higher, until he finally locks out. Judge says, “Rack!” Oliver racks the bar. The good lift signal is given. The crowd erupts in cheers. Grizzly walks out. Oliver hits a huge most muscular shot. Mike comes over and gives Oliver a hug. Mike says, “Bro! I’m blown away!” “Me too man! I can’t believe it! It’s like nothing can stop me!” Mike says, “Maybe nothing or no one can!” They exit the cage and go onto the next event. Mike says, “I think you’re going to like this next event. It will really test your strength like nothing has before.” Mike and Oliver enter the Bending Arena. Oliver’s eyes light up. There are all kinds of things to bend here, including nails, thick bolts, tools, including wrenches. They have steel bars to bend like on World’s Strongest Man from the 1980s and 1990s. A big sign says… “WHOEVER BENDS THE THICKEST BAR TODAY, WINS A FREE SET OF CAPTAINS OF CRUSH GRIPPERS!” Mike and Oliver go over to the steel bars. Jake is managing the challenge. “Wow, you must be a bodybuilder,” says Jake. Oliver says, “Well, I…” “He’s really a power bodybuilder,” says Mike. Oliver smiles. Jake says, “Well, you’re in the right spot if you want to test you strength.” Oliver asks, “What are the Captains of Crush Grippers?” Jake breaks out all the grippers ranging from Captains of Crush (CoC) 1 all the way to a 4. Jake says, “They range in strength from level 1 to level 4. Only 5 people in the world have ever closed a number 4.” Oliver says, “I have to try that!” Jake says, “Okay big boy, let’s start you off with a number 2. Most bodybuilders can barely do that.” Oliver takes the number 2 and puts it in his hand. He closes it, and his forearms pump up. He closes it for reps. After he hits 20 reps, Jake stops him. Oliver says, “I’ll take the number 4 now.” “I don’t think you should jump up to it right away, but here you go.” A crowd starts to form to watch Oliver. Jake records video using his phone. Oliver places the number 4 gripper in his hand. He takes a couple deep breaths, screams and squeezes as hard as he can. He closes it. Jake screams, “Holy shit!” Oliver lets it open and closes it again. And again. Veins are snaking in his forearm pumping it close to 19 inches thick. And then he holds the gripper closed for 20 seconds. Jake screams, “Yeah! What a pump!” Mike says, “Bro, your forearm is massive!” Oliver flexes his forearm for the camera. Oliver says, “Let me bend some bars.” Jake says, “Normally I’d start someone with a 1/2” thick steel bar to try, but you’re much stronger than the guys that usually come over here. Here’s a 5/8” thick steel bar that’s 4 feet long.” Oliver grabs the bar and holds it at either end. Jake continues, “So before you try anything, let me tell you how to properly bend…Wait!” Oliver starts pushing on the bar, trying to bend it. Jake says, “Hold on man! You can’t bend it in front of your body like that. It’s impossible!” A guy from the crowd says, “Have you ever seen anyone so ripped?” Oliver screams. His chest and abdominals are shredded. His biceps are popping. Another scream and slowly the bar starts to bend. Jake says, “No way!” Oliver continues pouring his strength into bending the bar in front of his body. After a few seconds, the ends of the bar touch. Oliver drops the bar and hits a double biceps shot, screaming, “Yeah!” Jake says, “Holy shit! I did not expect that.” Mike asks, “What’s your thickest bar?” Jake responds, “Well, it’s called the Ultimate, and it’s not really meant to be bent.” Mike asks, “What do you mean?” Jake says, “Well, it’s 1 and 1/4 inch thick cold-rolled steel at 5 feet in long. It’s believed that no one can really bend it. That’s why there is a cash prize for anyone that can bend it just with their upper body and make the ends touch, wins $100,000. That’s just impossible.” Oliver’s eyes get big and says, “I gotta fuckin’ try it!” Jake says, “You can try it, but no one has even come close to making the tiniest of bends in the bar. It’s still perfectly straight.” Mike asks, “How quickly would Oliver get the money if he does it?” “It’s an instant bank transfer,” says Jake. Jake gives Oliver the bar and a thick bath towel. Jake says, “This time you won’t be able to bend it in front of your body.” “So, what do I do?” Jake responds, “Fold the towel and put it on your head for protection. Put the bar on top, using your head as a leverage point. Bend the bar down as far as you can, then put it behind your neck and bend it until the ends touch.” Oliver folds the towel and puts it on his head. The crowd is getting really big now. Oliver places the bar on top and grabs the ends of the bar with his hands. Mike screams, “You can do this Olly! No one has ever bent a bar this thick! You’re gonna do it in front of all these people, not as some fat strongman, but as a ripped-up power bodybuilder. No one has ever seen anything like this before! You can do it!” Oliver takes a couple deep breaths and screams. He pulls down hard, but the bar doesn’t budge. He takes a break. Jake says, “I told you bro. You can’t do it. No one can.” Oliver goes nuts and screams and pulls with everything he has. His biceps explode into huge ripped peaks. His lats flare out wider than ever. His abdominals contract as hard as they ever have before. At first, nothing happens, but after a few seconds, a squeal comes from the bar. The bar starts to slowly bend under Oliver’s strength. His lats are contracting so hard, you can see every muscle fiber. Oliver screams again pouring all of his strength into the task of bending the thickest steel ever bent by a human. The crowd starts talking… “Oh my God!” “He’s doing it!” “He’s fuckin’ ripped up!” “That’s just raw strength!” Jake is in complete awe of Oliver’s ripped strength. Jake says, “He’s bending the unbendable!” Oliver bends the bar halfway and stops for a second. He screams again and continues bending the bar until it’s about a 90-degree angle and can’t bend further on his head. He’s sweating profusely. He drops the bar behind his neck. Using his chest, he tries to crush the bar in, but it’s still a bit too wide for that. Oliver tilts the bar behind his neck, so that the end in his left hand is now down by his hip. The end of the bar in his right hand is above his head. Bracing the left end against his body, Oliver screams and pulls down on the bar with his right hand. Someone from the crowd says, “Jesus Christ! Look at the kid’s arm!” Oliver’s 22-inch right biceps explodes into ripped glory pulling the bar down, dripping sweat. His abs contracting hard to stabilize his core. Oliver screams again! The impossible to bend cold-rolled steel tries to resist, but Oliver’s biceps is just too strong, bending it more and more. “Yeah,” screams Oliver as he dominates the bar. Now the bar is at a 45-degree angle. Oliver centers the bar behind his neck, with his arms on both ends of the bar. Oliver screams and pushes the ends of the bar towards each other. His chest and abs are ripped to the bone. His chest is heaving and pumping blood as massive amounts of strength pass through to his hands. Oliver screaming and pushing slowly presses the ends of the bar towards each other. After several seconds, the ends touch. Jake, in utter disbelief, faints for a moment. Oliver lifts the bar from his neck and throws it to the ground. He hits a huge most muscular shot as the crowd cheers and then a huge front double biceps shot. Mike then hugs him, and Oliver hugs him back. People in the crowd come up to congratulate him and get pictures. Finally, Oliver gets a bank transfer from Jake’s company. Mike says, “It looks like we just have one more stop.” Oliver responds, “Arm wrestling!” Mike nods his head. Oliver adds, “You think Brock’s Dad, Titus, will accept my challenge?” “Well, he is the Super Heavyweight World Champion, so he may not take you too seriously. You’re only 20 years old, and arm wrestlers always think they can destroy bodybuilders. But, you do have some money that you can put up to sweeten the pot.” Oliver says, “Yes!” On the way to the arm wrestling competition, they stop to get some burgers and refuel. Oliver eats six double cheeseburgers and six orders of fries. They finally arrive at the arm wrestling contest. It doesn’t start for another 15 minutes. Mike speaks with the promoters to try to get Titus to take on Oliver. At first the promoters said no because Oliver hasn’t competed and earned a spot to challenge Titus. When Mike offered Titus $20,000 to take the match, he accepted. Announcer says, “It’s time to get started! Up first is a best of three supermatch between your current super heavyweight world champion, 6’3” tall, 350 pounds of solid mass, with 23-inch arms and 20-inch forearms…Titus!” Cheers from the crowd as Titus walks out. The announcer continues, “His challenger is a complete unknown but considers himself a power bodybuilder, 6’ tall weighing 245 pounds of completely ripped muscle, 22-inch arms and only 20 years old…Oliver! The usual audible gasps form the audience. Brock looks up in shock. Brock says, “No way! Oliver is challenging my Dad? Jesus, he really packed on some size.” Titus and Oliver both come to the table. Oliver asks for his arms to be measured since it’s been a couple months, and he still has a pump from the bar bending. The referee measures Oliver’s arm. The referee says, “It looks to be…22 and 3/4…wait…23 inches…matching Titus!” “Looks so much bigger than Titus,” says one guy from the crowd. His friend responds, “Yeah, cause he’s got a huge peak and the muscle is completely ripped up.” Oliver smiles. The referee measures his forearm. “The bodybuilder’s forearm is 19.5”, just under Titus!” Oliver smiles and nods his head. Titus says, “You think cause you have a little muscle you can challenge me? Kid, I have over 20 years of experience in arm wrestling. I know every technique and trick in the book, and I haven’t lost a match in over three years! No way you can beat this arm!” With that, Titus flexes his right arm to cheers in the crowd. Oliver responds, “I’m tired of your son bullying kids, so I’m going to teach you a lesson. I don’t need any arm wrestling techniques or tricks. I’m gonna beat you with raw strength!” Oliver hits a double biceps shot, totally ripped with a light coat of sweat for shine. The crowd starts talking… “That kid’s arms are bigger than Titus’!” “Have you ever seen someone so shredded?” Titus gets mad and slams his elbow on the pad. Oliver grips up and squeezes Titus’ hand. Titus tries to pull out, but Oliver’s grip is too strong. Finally, Oliver lets Titus slip out and re-grip. The referee starts the match. “Ready, Go!” Titus hits hard, but Oliver holds him. Titus hits harder and pulls Oliver’s arm down just a bit off center. The crowd doesn’t know how to react. “That kid is holding back Titus!” Titus screams and goes all out trying to pull down Oliver. Oliver does go down a little until Oliver screams and starts pulling with everything he has. He stops Titus and starts to pull Titus back up. Oliver’s arm is incredibly shredded showing every muscle fiber working. His chest is ripped and sweat is pouring off his body. “Yeah,” Oliver screams. Oliver gets their arms back to the center starting position. Brock screams, “Arm Lock! Dad, use your Arm Lock!” Titus shifts his weight and his arm position, essentially locking his arm into place, making it very difficult, if not impossible to move. Oliver is confused. He’s not sure how Titus is blocking him from pulling his arm down. “Yes, just hold him there, Dad! He’ll burn out soon,” screams Brock. Another grunt from Oliver, but he can’t move Titus. Titus smiles. “No one has ever broken through my Arm Lock, kid. Not even the strongest arm wrestlers,” says Titus. “I’m a power bodybuilder, and this ripped muscle is gonna bust through your Arm Lock.” Titus laughs. Oliver screams and pulls harder. His biceps seeming to pump larger, and his forearms expand with corded muscle trying to push through his paper-thin skin. Titus’ smile goes away. “This kid has some serious muscle,” says someone from the crowd. “Yeah, his biceps are really peaked, but I don’t know if he has the strength to pull through Titus’ Arm Lock. It’s impossible,” says his friend. Oliver hears this talk from the crowd. It gets him very excited. Oliver screams again and pulls with everything he has. His chest is shredded and pouring on the strength that can bench press well over 700 lbs. His biceps and forearms that curl nearly 300 lbs are increasing the pressure that no one else can create. “You can do it,” screams Mike. “This kid…I’ve never seen so much ripped muscle,” exclaims someone from the crowd. Oliver very slightly moves Titus’ arm. Titus’ eyes are wide, and his head is shaking with the effort to contain Oliver. “Fuck yeah,” screams Oliver. “Impossible,” says Brock. Oliver looks over at Brock. Brock is in shock. The crowd starts talking… “The kid bodybuilder…he’s doin’ it!” “That’s pure, raw strength!” Titus screams, trying to stop Oliver, and he does for a second, but the kid bodybuilder’s strength is building. His ripped muscle contracting harder. Oliver starts pushing through the Arm Lock with every muscle group engaged including his back with crazy striations, his biceps with impossible peaks and his chest just ripped to the bone with massive forearms at the lead. As Oliver is pulling Titus’ arm down, closer and closer to the pin pad, Titus does a King’s Move, dropping his body below the table and stretching out the arm to make it impossible to pin due to the angle of the arm. Brock screams, “Good move, Dad! Hold him there and burn him out!” Oliver continues pulling Titus’ arm, but it’s completely stuck. It’s even harder than his Arm Lock. After 10 seconds of pulling, Oliver isn’t making progress. Mike screams, “Olly, do a shoulder press! Stand up tall and use your shoulder and bodyweight to press his arm down!” Oliver stands up tall and starts pushing with just his triceps. He doesn’t lean over and use his shoulder and bodyweight. Titus is smiling. He’s in a good position. The King’s Move doesn’t use much energy. It’s all about leverage, angles and the arm’s natural straight arm end range. “No one can push through my King’s Move, kid! It’s ten times harder than my Arm Lock!” Oliver grunts loud and pushes hard. Titus’ arm is like hardened steel. It’s just not moving. “You can’t do it, Olly!,” screams Brock. Oliver screams and starts pushing with everything he has! His triceps shows every cross-striation. His shoulders are shredded. His biceps vein looks massive and mean. His chest is heaving with ripped abs and sweat pouring off him. Titus’ smile turns to gritting teeth. “If this kid’s ripped muscle pushes through Titus’ King’s Move, it will send me over the edge,” whispers a guy to his friend right near the table. This excites Oliver even more, somehow allowing him to push even harder. His ripped triceps start to very slowly move Titus’ arm towards the pin pad. Oliver looks down at the guy watching and sees his eyes getting bigger and the guy says, “Oh my God! He’s doing it!” The guy starts shaking. Oliver screams again, pushing more! His triceps is exploding. The crowd starts speaking again… “This kid’s strength is insane! He’s doing it with just his triceps!” “This kid bodybuilder is beating the strongest arm wrestler at his own sport!” “No! You can’t!” mutters Titus. A cracking sound starts to come from Titus’ arm. “Stop! You’re going to break his arm,” screams Brock. Oliver backs off. “Want to give up, so I can spare your arm,” Oliver asks. “I’ll never give up!” “Good, cause I wanna see how strong these triceps are,” yells Oliver. Oliver looks directly at Brock. He screams and pushes again. His ripped triceps is monstrously huge. Titus’ arm moves slightly. It’s getting stuck as the bones near the elbow start touching. Titus’ arm is nearly at the pin pad, but now it’s completely stuck. “You think he could break his arm,” someone asks from the crowd. “No man. I don’t think it’s possible,” replies another. Oliver gets excited and goes nuts! He screams, and his triceps responds somehow pushing harder. “Yeah, I’m gonna do it,” screams Oliver. Titus starts to scream. His arm starts to slightly bend under the strength of Oliver’s triceps. Oliver looks at Brock. Brock has his hands on his head in disbelief. Oliver screams again pushing as hard as he can with just his triceps strength. About three seconds later, a grinding sound and then…SNAP! Oliver breaks Titus’ arm. Titus’ hand hits the pin pad. He pulls his arm away grabbing it for support. Oliver slams his fist down onto the pad, crushing the pad and bending one of the thick steel supports holding the table up. He then hits a double biceps shot at Titus. Incredibly ripped biceps explode to over 24 inches with high peaks. Lats flare out like wings. Abs shredded. Sweat pouring off his body giving it a beautiful shine. Cheers and shock coming from the crowd. Mike gives Oliver a hug. “I knew you could do it, Olly,” says Mike. “I couldn’t have done all this without you, Big Mike,” responds Oliver. “Maybe you should call me, Little Mike, from now on.” They laugh. Brock runs over to his Dad and takes him away for medical attention. Someone from the crowd says, “Bro, you broke the table.” Oliver looks at it. There are four steel support bars that run from the base on the floor to the tabletop. One of them is bent inwards. Oliver bends down and grabs the bent support bar at the middle of the bend with his left hand. His other hand is on the tabletop for support. Oliver grunts and starts pulling. His biceps and forearm explode as does his lat. Very slowly, Oliver starts bending the support bar straight. “No way! This kid is bending fucking steel,” says one guy from the crowd. “Jesus, his arm strength is off the scale!” Oliver completely straightens the support bar. He then hits another double biceps shot at the crowd. The crowd cheers. The crowd comes over to Oliver for pictures and autographs. Oliver looks at Mike. “Let’s keep doing this shit! I want to see how strong I can get!” Mike responds, “Hell yeah kid!” THE END
  16. Hi guys I have transferred this story over from the old forum. Pt 4 is still getting written I will have it out ASAP BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ, Bobby Jr presses the entrance buzzer outside HM Longside Prison and waits. A few seconds later the door unlocks, "Enter" came the voice from the intercom. Bobby Jr walks in and heads to the sign in desk. "Bobby Jr here to see Bobby Sr" he tells the officer sitting at the desk. The officer looks at Bobby. "You look just him!!" The officer replies as he hands Bobby a visitor pass. "Head over to the search area then to the waiting room, then they'll call you from there." Bobby takes the pass and heads over to the search officer who goes over his body with a metal detector. After this is done he directs Bobby to the waiting room. This was Bobby Jr's weekly visit to see his father. Bobby Jr is 18 and his father has been in prison for around half his sons life. Bobby Sr was sent down 6 and a half years ago following the reopening of a case in which he was accused of assault and lethal battery at the age of 18. At the time he was accused of crushing a young mans head in at a illegal underground fight club, at the same event he brutally murdered his brothers friend. Other incidents include the savage beating of his next door neighbours son and 2 on duty police officers. At the time their was amazingly no overwhelming evidence to tie him to the murders. That was until 6 years ago when the case was reopened following the recovery of a bodycam during the demolition of his house, which was found to belong to one of the deceased police man. A trial ensued and Bobby Sr was found guilty and sentenced to life imprisonment. Bobby Jr had been waiting around 5 mins when the visitation officer came to get him and lead him and other visitors to the prisoner visitor room. As they were walking to the room Bobby got a message, he had a quick glance and it read, " All is in place BB, 8PM tomorrow at the old location" The message was finished with a punching emoji,a boxing glove emoji. An happy but slightly unerring evil grin became etched on Bobbys face. He quickly replied back " fucking yes, can't break a family tradition!!" The door to the visitor room opened, Bobby Jr walked in and instantly saw the mirror image of him sat at the table only difference being his dad was 20 years older. Bobby bound over and gave his waiting father a hug. "Oooomphhhhh" cough cough, " pretty strong like I was at your age son!" Bobby Jr's bear hug nearly squeezing the life out of his dad. "Looks like the test affect has taken hold, looking broad son! Told you you could trust Vasily!" Bobby let go of his dad and chuckled, "seems I've more than definitely acquired your freaky genetics dad, 250kg for 10 on bench press earlier, won't be long till I'm hitting 300kg and yes I'm looking huge, got pics to show you later." Bobby takes a seat opposite his dad. "So son how has the 'other' training been coming on? You managed to break my record yet hahaha? Also last week you told me you were waiting on further info about the event, so come on tell all?" Bobby Sr enthusiastically asks. Bobby Jr again etches the unerring evil smile on his face, reaches into his pocket and gets his phone out. " I thought you'd never ask pops, your record was 6 padded and 4 steel in one hour?" Bobby asks as he scrolls through his photos, his dad nods in agreement. "Take a look at these!" Firstly Bobby shows his dad a photo of his basement gym, the boxing area completely empty and time stamped at 1456pm. Bobby scrolls across to the second pic, time stamped at 1556pm, the pic made his dad's eyes bulge, the boxing area was now full with 12 completely destroyed padded boxing bags and 8 mangled steel columns. " Double what you got dad, fuuuuuuck I'm something special aren't I!" Bobby exclaims. "Damn son you seem to be a shit tonne stronger and more powerful then I was at 18, I can safely say your definitely gonna own this event, whatever it is." Bobby's dad beams with delight as he knows his son will most certainly be carrying on his work in some way. " So son I'm intrigued to see what Vasilys test has done in helping you with your physique, as I said earlier your looking broad!!" Bobby Sr asked. He wasn't wrong. Bobby Jr's frame belying his 18yrs, even through his super tight clothing you could see the orbs that formed his shoulders, 2 juicy thick slabs of pec stretching his top, every bend of his arms forced his biceps to bundle n bulge into a powerful peak. " Just look at this, took this fresh after a upper body session this morning!!" Bobby Jr selected the pic and showed it to his dad. Bobby Sr eyes again bulged when he saw his sons large physique. "Fucking hell son, lean but sweet Jesus you have a shed load more muscle than I did, seeing that I can now understand how you destroyed more bags n colums then I did. Please tell me your gonna be putting all that power and muscle to good use!!" Bobby Sr asked. Bobby Jr's eyes lit up, he smiled once again, " Now that you mention it! You see, there hasn't been any sort of meet ups like you did back when you were my age with Uncle Johnny, so I started asking round a couple of months ago and low and behold I've managed to get one up and running, same location as back in your day too, got confirmation on the way here for tomorrow being launch night. Can't wait now! Been a while since a D'eath has competitively broke a few bones and the odd skull!!" As his dad was about to answer the buzzer went for time up. They both got up and embraced each other, "Can't wait to hear how you've done son!" Bobby Sr whispers into his sons ear. Bobby Jr acknowledges him, "Off course, no one's gonna beat me!" With that he turned and left. As he was walking out he got his phone and made a call, " Hey its me, on my way back, is everything ready?" An evil grin came across his face as he listened to the reply, " Excellent, why wait till tomorrow to start!" He ended the phone call. Bobby arrived home around 20 mins later, he was met by Vasily, "So where is the little shit Vas?" Bobby asks as he peels his top off, his huge frame glistening slightly from having the top on, he cracks his bull thick neck and rough calloused knuckles. " He's In the area down the basement sir!" Vasily replied, " this one should not take you too long!" Bobby turned back and looked at him, " The short n sweet ones are just as enthralling, I'll let you know when to make the call!" Bobby opens the basement door and shuts it behind him. He walks down the stairs into at first a dimly lit but we'll equipped basement gym. He turns a corner, and there in the middle of the floor is The Area, which has more light surrounding it. Stood in the middle was a guy in his mid 20s,blindfolded, stripped to the waist, his body was uncomparable to the mass of Bobby's, he was thin and athletic, Bobby must have had at least 90lb on him. The guy could hear Bobby coming. Bobby entered The Area, "Name?" He barked at the guy. " S s s ssimon" came the fear laden answer. "W w w w wwwhooo aare you?" Bobby reached out and tore the blindfold off, with the other hand he instantly wrapped it round Simons thin neck and easily hoisted him 4ft off the floor. "Your not Simon anymore…….." he brings Simon face to face with him, "..... your practice!" Bobby tightens his grip round his neck and swings the rest of his body round on to his collosal shoulders and beefy traps, he uses his other hand to steady him. He then lifts Simons body up and few feet then slams it down hard across his traps and delts, to Simon it felt like being bashed against solid stone, each slam met with a loud masculine grunt and the crunching of bone. After 6 shattering slams Bobby let's Simons broken body fall on the floor, he turns round and looks down at the bruised body. Simons breathing now slow, painful and crackly. Bobby kneels down next to him, grabs his head and sits him up, Bobby lifts his right muscular arm, his deep, sweaty, hairy teen pits oozing a masculine scent, he rams Simons head deep inside and holds it there, Simons body begins to convulse, he is fighting for breath but Bobby's pit is suffocating what life is left. After around 30secs Simons body goes limp, for extra reassurance, it wasn't needed but Bobby loves to experiment, he tenses his tricep and slams it down on to the side of Simons head, a dull crack broke the silence, Bobby lifted his arm and saw a sizeable dent in the side of his victims head. He pushed the body off him, he got up and made his way back upstairs, he opens the basement door, Vasily is sat waiting. Bobby smiles at him, " 3mins 26secs! Quickest yet! Make the call! " Bobby continues upstairs to go and shower and change. Vasily began a video call. The organiser of the fight club wanted evidence that all competitors have what it takes to go "All the way!" Vasily began walking round the dead body paying close attention to the deformed torso and broken head. A few mins later the voice of the organiser spoke, " This is acceptable, full confirmation is now given to attend tomorrow, Bobby will be the youngest competitor, he will fight first." The call ended. The next day Bobby woke up at 8, he looked at his plan for the day, all it read was, food, 2hrs push workout including boxing, inject, more food, and in capitals FIGHT NIGHT. Bobby made his way downstairs to the kitchen were Vas was preparing his pre workout breakfast, as well as it being fight night it was also the start of a major bulk phase for Bobby, he turns 19 in 2 months, the goal, to be the biggest, strongest, meanest 19yr old there is. His starting cals would be 7250 per day, with a steady increase every few weeks. Bobby sat down in front of 2 huge plates of food. Vas had prepared 4 bagels, 300g oats mixed with 80g of protein powder and 2 rump steaks, a whopping 3066 cals. Bobby demolished it all in 15 mins. "That didn't even touch the sides, I'm feeling good about today, feeling STRONG" he flexes his unpumped 18 n half inch bicep."Time to go and destroy my chest!!" Bobby leaps off his chair and heads down to the basement, Vas follows with a medium sized zipped up black case. Once in the basement Bobby heads straight to the bench press. "Load that to 100kg man while I stretch!" Bobby orders Vas. Vas nods and loads the bar to the required weight, " thanks, now fuck off and get the punch area ready, gimme 20 and 12 I'm feeling goooooooooood!" Bobby says. "Yes boss, enjoy your workout!" Vas replies as he walks to the other side of the expansive basement gym ro prep the punch area. Bobby peels his tee off, he loves to workout topless, seeing his muscles bulge before his very eyes. He lays down on the bench, grabs the bar and easily hoists it off, he then fires out 50 perfect reps, 100kg nothing to him. He racks it, looks at his reflection, his pecs already bulging, he adds a further 50kg, again easily getting 25 reps. His pumped pecs, still with enough power for more. Bobby whacks it up to 200kg, 17 reps. He stands up, " No more fucking games, I'm doing it!!" He screams out. He adds a further 100kg to the bar, his previous best was 250 for 10. "ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHH" He screams, he instantly lays back down, grabs the bar, he slowly but steadily hoists the bar off, as he lowers his arms begin to shake, but he growls as it gets lower, he then begins pushing up with all his strength,it goes up a little easier, " YOU PUSSY ONE MORE" he yells to himself, again the bar lowers, pain etched on his face, but he wasn't giving up, again he begins to push up, he slams the weight back on the rack,he gets up and looks at his reflection in the mirror, his pecs were beet red and bulging with sickenly pumped muscle, he grabs a near by mug, he squeezes it into his pec gap, he twists to the side and hits a side chest pose, as his pecs bunch up they inflict a devastating amount of power on the mug, CRRRRACCCKKK, within seconds it's in pieces and fell to the floor. He begins to march purposefully over to the punch area, Vas had only just finished putting the last steel beam up. "Move out of the fucking way!!" Bobby barks. Vas knows by now that when Bobby is in this mood he does well to stay clear, he leaves the area. Bobby descends on the first of 20 punch bags, his fists primed ready, "1" bam,bam,bam SMASH, "2" bam bam bam SMASH. With unerring power and accuracy Bobby begins a 3 punch demolition job on the punch bags, after every 3rd punch the bag explodes, as the onslaught continues his punches get harder and harder, he breezes through the rest, with one to go, he composes himself, his knuckles crack as he clences and unclenches his fists, he primes his left fist, BAM, SMASH, with one punch the last bag obliterates. "The Power!!!" He strides over to the 12 steel beams and begins a similar destruction job, after only 6 punches on each the beams buckle and give way to Bobby's ridiculous power. Once he had finished he strode over to where Vas was standing. In one hand Vas had a 2500cal gain shake and in the other a 2ml syringe of a misty coloured liquid. Bobby grabbed the shake and downed it in seconds. "Do it" he orders Vas, Vas pins the needle into Bobby's meaty delt. The super mix of Test Enth, Test Cyp, Tren, Deca, Winny, Dbol and Growth starts circulating through Bobby's body. "Time to rest now Vas, need to get myself mentally prepared for tonight." Bobby heads off to his room. It's 830pm later that day, Bobby and Vas have arrived at the designated place for the fights. They are both sat in the competitor zone along with the other fighters. Bobby looks round, a focused and powerful look etched on his face, he sees that he has a physical size advantage over a few of the other fighters, but the power he knows he has means that he is not afraid of the bigger ones either. Deep down he wants to test himself against the much bigger fighters but also can't deny that he'd like to completely annihilate one of the smaller ones too. "OK Bobby," Vas says, " your first on remember so remember the rules, you have 5mins to either snuff the fuckers or put them in a worse condition then you come the end. That's the only 2 ways you win, if it's feeling easy, put on a show like I know you can!!" Bobby turns and cracks a little smile, " if anyone lives I've not done my job right Vas, I've run various scenarios in my head, I know what I'm gonna do!" Bobby quickly returns to deep concentration. At 845pm a announcement tone comes through the speakers, BING BONG, " Could Bobby and Martyn please make there way to the fight zone. Without even a acknowledgement of Vas Bobby gets up, he looks and sees Martyn. Martyn was one of the smaller fighters, his physique was one of a seasoned gymnast, he looks over at Bobby, his eyes easily giving away that he finds Bobby's bigger physique intimidating. They both make their way to the fight zone, they meet in the middle, Bobby's physique easily dwarfing his opponents, his dominating gaze fixed on Martyns ever growing look of worry and trepidation, Bobby cracks his neck and bounces his bulging pecs in intimidation. After being reminded of the rules by the organiser they separate to their respective ends. A bell indicates the start of the 5min timer. Bobby strides in whilst Martyn moves more cautiously, Bobby moves closer and let's fly with a few ghost punches, he purposely leaves his midsection exposed hoping his opponent would take the bait, he did, Martyn aims a hefty punch at Bobby's midsection, it's met with a dull thud, a slight wince appears on martyns face, laughing and sensing strike 1 Bobby loads up his left fist and let's fly with a strike plum in the centre of martyns face, Martyns nose shatters as he collapses onto the floor, he stays down, in and out of consciousness, " Get up and fight!" goads Bobby. Martyn gingerly gets to his feet, "4 mins remaining" came the call. Martyn advances once again letting fly with punches but Bobby easily blocks or dodges. Bobby gets closer, letting fly with a quick one two to Martyns midsection, Martyn stumbles back against the padding, Bobby senses his opportunity, he moves in quicker, with fists super charged he begins a rapid punching onslaught to the midsection of Martyn, left,right quicker than the eye can see, Bobby's fists connecting with organs and bone in equal devastating fashion. Bobby's punches are so hard, bone starts breaking through skin. After 20secs of constant beating, Bobby stands back and aims one final punch the the side of Martyns head,he hits the floor in less then a second, his body gyrating as he is rendered unconscious. Bobby bends down and with one hand scoops up Martyns nearly lifeless body and brings it closer to his, with his other arm he proudly flexes his clearly pumped bicep and begins to parade around the fight zone. " Let it be known that the D'eaths are back and I fear no-one!" Bobby announces him self and then with one powerful squeeze of his arm he shatters Martyns spine and let's the lifeless body drop on the floor. He walks off back to the competitor zone where Vas is waiting for him. "Enough of a show!" He snarls as he walks past him. The fight club is weekly so Bobby's next round would be a week later. After a quick freshen up they start making there way home. Their route home takes them through a industrial estate,with it now being pitch black it was difficult to see what was around them. They were nearly through it when suddenly there came a flash of light from the left, quicker then they could react two figures appeared and dragged them into a building. THUD, Bobby's spins round and sees that Vas has been knocked out. "Vas!' He turns back round and is met with a rocket powered punch to the face, Bobby collapses to the floor, as he looks up he sees a huge figure of a man, bending closer to him, he feels himself getting dragged up, then BANG, another hit to the face, a third is attempted but a familiar voice intervenes. "Enough for now Ivan, get him up" came the voice. Bobby feels himself getting picked up and sat on a chair, Firstly he looks at his attacker, a tall broad guy in his mid 20s, he had the physique of a off season pro bodybuilder but the strength of many a men, it takes a lot to knock Bobby of his feet. His gaze then turns to the man approaching him. "Uncle Johnny??" Bobby asks in surprise. "Hi Bobby, I see you've already been made welcome by Ivan here, its amazing how strong those Russians get, now before I let him continue, how's your father doing inside, miraculous how that bodycam footage just appeared wasn't it haha!!" Johnny replied. Bobby, slightly groggy but able to speak, " You fucking traitorous bustard, it was you, you thought my dad was mean, well wait till I get my hands on you!!" Johnny smiles, " tut tut boy, think its time you learned some manners, over to you Ivan" Johnny replies as he walks away. Ivan walks over to Bobby, he picks him up one handed from the chair, he then head butt's him twice, shattering his nose, he throws Bobby on the floor, he grabs him by his tee and slams him hard back first on the floor twice, he then grabs Bobby by his arm hoists him till he is on his tiptoes then begins pounding his midsection, Bobby is a tough nut but even his defences are starting to weaken now. Ivan grabs him with both hands and lifts him over his head and launches Bobby against the wall. Bobby lands with a thud. Ivan walks over , kneels next to him, lifts Bobby's head and aims two powerful punches to his face, knocking him cold out. Ivan gets up, walks out and locks the door behind him. After what only felt like seconds the darkness was slowly pierced by the Bobbys eyes reopening as much as they could and letting the light in, at first everything was a blur and he could hear mumbling noises which sounded like his name being called out. After a few more minutes his eyes got used to the light and the mumbling became distinctively clear, he was hearing the familiar tone of Vasily calling his name, " Bobby, bobby can you hear me!!" Bobby shirked and nodded his head, as of yet unable to speak due to his face being in a bad way from Ivans beating. He looked around and saw that he was in his bedroom, he tried to sit up but pain shot through his back, he winced and stayed lying down. Vasily leaned forward, " Don't try to move yet Bobby, your still in a bad way but im slowly fixing you. What did that thug do to you man?? Don't be mad at me as im kind of to blame! You see until last night i thought i was still pals with your uncle Johnny, he approached me some months ago and ask to me to come up with a anabolic which gifted both size and strength in rapid time, i explained to him that i would need to test it before drafting a final product, but your uncle was having non of it and didnt care for the testing, and who am i to question a D'eath!! So reluctantly i set about making the anabolic, i sent it off to Johnny but heard nothing. So i assuming he used it to create that freak from last night!" Bobby tried to smile but he couldn't, " No need to apologise Vas, you werent to know, but one thing is for sure they are going to pay!!" came bobbys slow croaky response. Vasily took Bobbys hand in his, " That is in hand young sir, because you see, i made 2 anabolics for johhny but only gave him the one, the other i have kept since and been constantly tweaking it, adding new variants to it, i ran the final compound through a modelling system this morning, i entered all your stats and figures into the system and it came back with a 100% compatible match, so once your all better we can start to pump you full of it, it works just fine by itself but it also makes you very very hungry so were gonna combine it with a very high calorie food plan, i estimate the full course will take 5 days, so lets get you better and get you HUUUUUGE!!" Over the next few weeks with help from a physician, Vasily got Bobby back on his feet, stretching, getting used to being active again, slowly increasing his calories in readiness for the huge mass eating phase coming up. Bobby slowly got back to gym work, he'd not touched a weight in 4 weeks but he could still rep out 150kg like it was nothing. Finally 4 weeks after the incident Bobby was ready to begin the 5 day growth phase using Vasilys improved formula. (the following part im doing as a diary entry style as wanting to focus more on the good stuff later on!!!) Day 1, 2ml jab on waking. Morning weight: 180lb. Breakfast cals: 6500. Bench press( 10 reps): 200kg, Deads(10 reps): 270kg. Squat(10 reps): 220. Lunch cals: 4500. 100 pull ups. 100 press ups. Teatime cals: 4500. 1 min timed: 20 bags, 10 steel columns. Pre bed cals:1000. Day 2, 2ml jab on waking. Morning weight: 220lb. Breakfast cals: 8500. Bench press( 10 reps): 270kg, Deads(10 reps): 310kg. Squat(10 reps): 260. Lunch cals: 6500. 150 pull ups. 150 press ups. Teatime cals: 6500. 1 min timed: 35 bags, 22 steel columns. Pre bed cals:1500. Day 3, 2.5ml jab on waking Morning weight: 300lb. Breakfast cals: 10500. Bench press( 10 reps): 295kg, Deads(10 reps): 340kg. Squat(10 reps): 295kg. Lunch cals: 8500. 210 pull ups. 210 press ups. Teatime cals: 8500. 1 min timed: 42 bags, 30 steel columns. Pre bed cals:2000. Day 4, 3ml jab on waking Morning weight: 380lb. Breakfast cals: 11500. Bench press( 10 reps): 330kg, Deads(10 reps): 390kg. Squat(10 reps): 320kg. Lunch cals: 9500. 260 pull ups. 260 press ups. Teatime cals: 9500. 1 min timed: 51 bags, 37 steel columns. Pre bed cals:2500. Day 5, 3.5ml jab on waking Morning weight: 450lb. Breakfast cals: 12500. Bench press( 10 reps): 400kg, Deads(10 reps): 470kg. Squat(10 reps): 360kg. Lunch cals: 10500. 310 pull ups. 310 press ups. Teatime cals: 10500. 1 min timed: 70 bags, 50 steel columns. Pre bed cals:3000. Bobby woke up on day 6 and made the familiar walk to the bathroom for his morning weigh, he can hear and smell his breakfast getting cooked downstairs by Vasily, he gets to the bathroom and before he even looks in the mirror he gets on the scale, he looks down at the number, the scale reads a staggering 502lb!!! He looks in the mirror and sees the final result of the past 5 days. "Fuuuuuuck!!!" came the deep loud cry form Bobbys mouth, " there is definitely gonna be no stopping me now!!" This is what Bobby saw in the mirror: Underneath his still youthful but rugged bearded face were what can only be described as 2 large atlas stones covered in thick dense juicy lean muscle that made up his shoulders both looking big enough and powerful enough to do brutal damage to anything it touched. Leading down to a gargantuan set of arms, both look they would stretch the tape close to 30 inches and easily bigger then some guys heads, quads and even waists. He looks at his pecs, both thick enough even unpumped to stand a dumbbell vertically on the shelf. Flanking the chest were some insanely thick wide lats, even unflexed they were wider than some flexed lat spreads, they added to what was already some incredible overall width, shoulder to shoulder Bobby had to be at least 3.5ft wide, add at least another 1.5 when flexed!! Make no mistake about it this was lean mass gain of the highest order, his body still holding a relatively low amount of body fat which made his muscles bulge and make his overall appearance look frightening which was the ultimate goal. Bobby bound downstairs to the kitchen where his colossal breakfast was waiting for him, Vasily took one look at Bobby, smiled and nodded his head. "Yip its safe to say i got that formula spot on, that thug stands no chance against you now Bob, your at least twice his size and ALOT stronger too!!" Vasily added. Bobby proudly flexed his huge guns, peaks bigger then anything they had both seen formed on his arm, rising nearly past half way up his forearm, underneath his arm revealed 2 dark cavenous pits, easily big enough to house the luckiest of heads. " You got that right Vas, that fucker stands no chance im going to fucking annihilate him, destroy him, make him beg to stay alive!! But im a D'eath and revenge is my only game!!! I need to test this strength and power on some unknowing souls, get it sorted Vas!!!" Bobby barked. Again Vas just smiled, " that is all in hand, i knew you'd want to have a trail run, so last night i took the liberty of getting hold of a said soul, he should be round in an hour, whilst your having fun down there i'll be finding out where Johnny and his thug are camping out and we can pay them a visit tonight!!" Bobby cracked a dominant smile, " Your the best Vas, im heading down to prepare, bring the soul down when he gets here!!!" Bobbys marches off down to the basement to prepare. Upstairs, Vasily was using all his contacts he could to find the whereabouts of Johnny and Ivan, every now and then the silence getting broke by the loud growls and the banging of extremely heave weights by Bobby in the basement. Around 45 mins later the bell rang, Bobbys soul was here. Vas got up, opened the Basement door, he was met with a powerful stench of teen muscle sweat and musk, " He's here Bob, get ready!" he said. All he got in reply was a bone shivering growl!! Vasily got to the door and opened it, in front of him was a guy in his early 20s, he looked around 200lb, slightly muscled but more fat, a casual gym goer you;d say, he had a bright red t-shirt on, emblazoned on the front were the words, SOME GUYS LOVE MUSCLE WROSHIP, GET OVER IT! Vas smiled, " You must be Rob, come in, Bobby is downstairs waiting, i'll take you down!!" Rob smiled, " Thanks man, ive never seen Bobby on the scene before, must be new, im looking forward to it!!" He follows Vas. Vas opens the basement door and leads Rob down, quietly locking the door behind him, once downstairs he leads him to The Area, where there is a single chair in he middle of the lit up area, Vas point to chair. " Take a seat Rob, i'll go and get him for you, i hope you enjoy it as much as he will" Vas says as he walks off, Rob sits on the chair and waits with giddy excitement. A few mins later Bobby broke the deathly silence, " So you must be Rob huh, well Rob im Master Bobby, get a load of this!!" Bobby steps out of the darkness and into the lit up Area. Rob looks up at the huge 500lb monster in front of him. " WHHHOAHHHHHH!" came robs response. " Jesus you are huge!" Rob gets up, to any other guy 200lb would look big, but next to Bobby Rob looked pathetically small. Bobby looks at him and gives him a bone shivering evil grin, " its time to have some fun!!" Bobby growls. Without giving Rob any time to reply, Bobby moves in quickly, grabs Rob by the neck of his tee and tosses him up in the air as though he were a tennis ball, he threw him with such power that Rob collided with the ceiling in less then a second, and such was the force his body cracked the cement in the ceiling. Robs body landed on the floor with a thud, his limbs shattered and facing in all sorts of directions, his breathing slow and crackly, his life 85% took out of him by a single throw from Bobbys monster arm. Bobby marches over and looms over his prey, he reaches down grabs Rob by one of his broken arms and lifts him effortlessly of the floor, his feet dangling in the air, he pumps up his huge pecs, he brings Robs head towards them , he rests his chin on top of his bulging left pec and lets go leaving Rob being held up by his awesome pec size and power. With Rob hanging from his pec, Bobby places his hands on both sides of Robs torso and begins to squeeze, within a matter of seconds Robs breathing was drowned out by the loud shattering of bone inside him, skin begins to break and bone cut through, blood seeps out all over but Bobbys grip remains strong, Bobbys hands condensing Robs torso as easily as squeezing a sponge, Bobby looked into Robs eyes and watched whatever life was left drift away leaving a mutilated corpse at Bobbys devastating disposal. The only part of Robs corpse that was not mutilated was his face, although bloodied and bruised from the impact with the ceiling it remained in one piece. Bobby quickly set about putting that right, he grabs the back of Robs head cups it in his hand and brings the head away from his pec, he raises the body slightly, he tenses his pecs and with the same force in which he tossed him up to the ceiling, he brought Robs head down on his tensed pec, CRAACCHBOOOOM. Robs lifeless head combusts, splitting his head in all different directions. Bobby tosses the unrecognisable mound that was once a human on the floor, grabs a towel and wipes the blood off his pumped huge muscles. He marches back upstairs to Vasily. " Please tell me you have more good news Vas!!" Bobby asks. Vas looks at him and nods confidently, "we got them!"
  17. londonboy

    Cumming And Growing

    “Hey Colin, can you come help me get this t-shirt off?” “Dude, I am not your servant. If you’re going to get too big to take off your own shirt, then buy extra ones and just rip them from your body at the end of each day.” “Get over here and help me or I’m going to walk over there and pin you to your bed with only one finger pressed into your back. And you know I can do it. I won’t let you up until you piss on yourself.” It was the same scenario from almost every other evening in this particular dorm room. Joey Tate and Colin Green had roomed together for four years. They had been placed as roomies randomly by the university’s lottery system, but had become best friends within two weeks of their first semester and had been inseparable since. They fully realized that fate had brought them together for a specific reason and now nothing was going to split them up. Colin stepped closer to the muscular senior, who had bent over to make it easier for his friend to pull the super-tight shirt up over his monstrous back and insanely wide shoulders. Once the sweat-soaked shirt had been peeled off, Joey stood back up and Colin had to tilt his head back to look into the face of his roommate. “Anyway, remember, Colin, it’s your fault I’ve gotten this big.” “Are you complaining, Joey.” “No way, man, but you just need to remember that I’m so fuckin’ swollen with muscles that I now need you to do a few things for me – like scrubbing my back, helping me remove shirts, and, best of all, measuring body parts.” “Not to mention doing your laundry, making your protein shakes, and cleaning this shared dorm room.” “Now Colin, you remember the deal we made. It seems to me that you agreed early on that you were getting the better part of this arrangement. I think I remember some moans of pleasure this morning that made it very clear you like your contributions to this relationship.” “Well, yes – yes, I do. I also believe the sounds you gave off at the same time prove how much you like it, too, Joey.” “I wasn’t the one complaining, buddy! Care for a second round? I’m a little juiced up after the gym.” “No sir, we have to stick to our rules. We can only ask our parents for a certain amount of money each semester. Your clothes have to, at least, last the semester. You’ve also already drawn enough attention to yourself - let’s not battle another round of steroid rumors and you having to prove that needles have not been injected.” “There’s only one thing I need sticking inside of me to make me grow, Colin. How about it roomie, let’s make some muscle. I feel like growing some more.” “Down boy. Go take a cold shower. You’re just over-stimulated. You know what lifting does to you.” Joey left the room to head down to the showers at the end of the hall, clearly unconcerned that he was walking around in only his skin-tight boxers. With a body like his it really didn’t matter what he wore – people were going to stare no matter what. Colin missed his roommate’s huge body as soon as it departed the room. He had certainly desired a second round, just like Joey, but he needed to be the clear-headed one in this relationship. Joey tended to have only one thing on his mind at all times – muscles, muscles, muscles – and Colin needed to keep the big man’s urges in check. He started picking up the sweaty clothes Joey had worn to the gym – holding them up to his face to get a deep whiff of the other dude’s raunchy manliness. The stench made Colin hard as hell immediately. His thoughts drifted back to that first semester of freshman year. The two dweeby drama majors had hit it off the first night – even confessing their homosexuality to each other within three hours of meeting. It was clear that both guys wanted to be free of bonds and bullying that had held them down in high school. One thing led to another and before either of them could do anything about it they were initiating both beds by moving back and forth in copulation bliss – multiple times. The sex had been so incredible for both of them they lost count of the times they came and just focused on pleasing each other. The next morning Colin felt like a million bucks, but Joey complained that his body ached like crazy and they both worried he had the flu. By late afternoon he was feeling better and further into the evening he felt so good that they repeated their goal of attempting as many sexual positions in one night as possible. Again, the next day Colin felt like he could run a marathon and Joey had the same flu-like symptoms. It wasn’t until after three weeks of this lustful cycle that Joey’s change started to become obvious. One day he was complaining about how tight most of his clothes had become and how he felt bigger in some way. He told his roommate it was the first time he could actually see muscles on his body – none of them had existed before. This confirmed something else Colin had realized a few days before – that Joey had grown a few inches taler. Neither roommate pursued the conversation after that initial revelation, but it stayed somewhere in the back of their minds. Unfortunately, Joey’s grandmother passed away suddenly and he was called back to his hometown for a week and a half. During this time of separation Colin never woke up with the incredible feelings he had experienced after sleeping with his roommate and Joey didn’t ache in the morning or seem to grow bigger at all. As a matter of fact the now larger man’s new muscles seemed to deflate a little. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out what was happening – even though it seemed far-fetched and bizarre. Both men figured out their chemistry, when combined, did something miraculous. They were excited to share their newfound knowledge with each other when Joey returned, but their desire for sex was too overpowering and they spent the first eight hours after his arrival in bed. Colin could remember like it was yesterday the conversation that happened while they lay in bed fully charged early the next morning. Joey’s bluntness didn’t catch Colin off guard at all. “I grow when you fuck me.” “I know. And somehow I get smarter every time I squirt a load inside you, as well.” “Really? Wow, I didn’t realize that. How’d you figure it out?” “After five days of having sex with you I read all three textbooks for my calculus class from cover to cover and understood them completely. While you were away I lost some of the stuff I had immediately known right after our fuck sessions.” “This is totally whacked! Should we go to the doctor or tell someone, Colin?” “Why? Haven’t you always wanted to be huge? That’s what you told me” “Well, yes, but what if it’s dangerous or we’re causing some unknown harm to our bodies.” “The new hardness I feel in all of your muscles tells me we aren’t causing you any damage. As a matter of fact, I think the opposite is true. Our sex simply enhances your growth…” “And my strength! I lift a little heavier weight after every time I give you my ass or I suck you off.” “And I get smarter. I memorized a thousand Google sites in an hour recently. So let’s not tell anyone. Let’s just keep doing what we’ve been doing. Besides, I’m having the time of my life – aren’t you?” “Hell yes! So, how about you filling my ass for the fifth time tonight, Colin?” “With pleasure, Joey. It’s morning, though.” “Who the hell cares – just make me grow!” And that had been over three years ago. Since then, the two roommates had not been apart for more than three or four nights – ever! They usually had to separate during the holidays, but they had quickly devised plans to work and live together over the summers and they spent all other breaks in each other’s company. Over their freshman year Joey grew bigger than his entire wardrobe by mid-point second semester and that’s when Colin had been smart enough to force some limitations on their lovemaking. They were allowed one fuck session per day and two on special days - like birthdays, anniversaries, holidays, and the like. Joey complained a lot about the guidelines, but mostly because he was beginning to crave getting bigger and stronger. The guy started to have so much testosterone running through his body that even his little toe had macho swagger. He caught on to Colin’s wisdom, though, after he had to keep asking his parents for more money to buy new clothes and they started complaining. By the beginning of their junior year, Joey had gotten so big and strong that he sometimes easily held Colin down on the bed and sucked him off, rules or no rules. He was that desperate for more of his roommate’s powerful cum. He had learned, however, that this couldn’t happen all the time. Joey was now the star athlete on campus and ruled the weight room – something the theatre geek would have never thought possible when he started college. He also had more confidence that every other athlete put together. The young man wasn’t rude or cocky; he just always exuded this masculine aura that made it clear that people should treat him differently. Colin was clearly destined to graduate with top honors and most of his teachers had already given him so much extra work that they were running out of ways to challenge the student. He would be graduating with three majors – something that was almost unheard of. The couple was dubbed ‘the brainiac and the stud’ by everyone on campus and it was a well-known fact that they were lovers. No one ever bullied them or even talked about them behind their backs – mainly because they were such great guys, but also because everyone knew that Joey was strong enough to rip a car apart. No one wanted to be torn in two so they left the lovers alone – even the hotheaded frat-jocks knew not to mess with Joey. The roommates became campus celebrities and enjoyed their life of sex, growth, and enhanced intelligence. Joey returned from taking a shower, his body still shiny with water and his hair matted down on his head. He had an intense lustful look in his eyes when he closed the door and his cock, which had grown huge with the rest of him, was poking out from his boxers like the barrel of a missile launcher on a battleship. Colin instantly knew that the shower had not been enough to calm the savage beast. He also knew he would need to act quickly or Joey’s need for satisfaction would cause him to forcibly extract cum from the smaller man’s body – something that was always very pleasurable, but not the wisest thing since they had already had sex that morning. “Bring that beautiful thing over here, Joey, and I’ll take care of it for you. How about a blow job that will make your eyes roll back into your head?” Joey quickly removed his boxers as he walked over to his roommate. He then put his big hands on his hips and let his massive cock jut straight out towards Colin’s face. Like some kind of experienced hustler or professional cocksucker, Colin opened his mouth and throat completely and took the monster piece of meat deep inside him. It was clear that the man had become extremely talented at giving his roommate blowjobs – able to handle the man’s hugeness without any problem. It took about five minutes of loud moans and the intense sounds of expert sucking to make the big man explode like a supersized cannon. Both men were shocked by the amount of spunk Joey could release, but when you took into account the man’s size and the enormity of his cock and balls, it made sense. Joey had his big hands plastered against the wall high above Colin’s bed as he continued to shove his rod down his roommate’s throat to release a few more powerful blasts of jism. They stood there – frozen in time for about a minute as Joey’s body calmed down from the volcanic eruption. “I still don’t understand why me filling your little body with my juice doesn’t do anything.” “It’s a mystery, Joey. It is crazy ironic that the little guy needs to plow the muscleman’s ass to make him bigger, don’t you think? I do believe, however, that you have come to squeal like a little baby getting his bottle every time I plug you with my cock.” “It’s true. I used to love it just because I knew it would make me grow, but now I actually crave feeling your hardness inside of me. I wish I could go around all day with your cock in my ass.” “I bought you a set of butt plugs, but you never use them, Joey.” “It’s not the same – they don’t throb like your hard meat. It’s kind of like holding a mannequin’s hand. I crave the real thing. And I crave it all the time.” “Well, at least we can give you satisfaction this way and not have to worry about you bursting out of your clothes later in class or on the field. It wasn’t cool two weeks ago when after an intense sex session your quads burst out of your baseball uniform during a game.” “No, but it felt fucking hot! And it felt great having my dick flopping up and down in the breeze. I think Coach Denton got a little light headed when he saw how huge I was.” “Okay, enough with those thoughts, Joey, or you’ll work yourself up into another frenzy. Let’s not make this a day where I have to meet you almost every other hour someplace private on campus and suck you off. My jaw can’t take another one of those.” “Okay, okay. But I can’t help it if all this muscle and testosterone keep me horned up all the time. I just can’t get enough of my little man to satisfy all this hugeness.” “Yeah, like last week when you stood on my bed and pressed my body against the ceiling just so you could have my cock pointing down when you sucked me off – hoping it would mean I’d produce more cum.” “I believe it worked, did it not?” “Only because I got so turned on when you held me in place with only one hand.” “Well, you have gotten really light, you know.” “I’ve stayed the same, you jerk, and you are the one that’s gotten stronger.” Joey bent down and wrapped his beefy arms around his roommate, pulling him off the bed into the air in a loving bear hug. Collin immediately felt a rush of heaven flow through his body. He, too, could not get enough of his massively brawny roommate, but he was the one with the ability – most of the time – to logically avoid allowing Joey to outgrow the dorm room. He knew the massive jock would have liked to be the largest man on earth, but having a college boy bigger than all pro-bodybuilders and world-class strongmen would be a little too hard to explain to the world. This was especially true since the guy had been only a runt of a guy just three years ago. Joey started rubbing the smaller man’s body against his own; actually using Colin like someone might use a pillow to stroke his cock. Joey sometimes didn’t even realize what he was doing – he was just a huge man who had needs and he looked for ways to satisfy those desires without even thinking about it. “Hey perv, put me down, before that log becomes hard again and sticks out between my legs to become a bench for me to sit on.” “I don’t know why I’m so fucking horny today, Colin.” “You’re always fucking horny, dude.” Joey dropped his roommate on the bed and the smaller man bounced up and down. Without any warning or even caring what Colin thought, the big man started slowly moving through a posing routine in the middle of the room. He kept his eyes locked on his roommate because he knew exactly what his actions would do to the smaller muscle whore. “God, I love how I can flex my body and just know how it’s going to make you react. I begin with a side chest pose and it makes your eyes always grow wider. I then raise my arm into a biceps flex and my other arm goes down to my side so you see the chest and the bulging gun at the same time – something that makes your mouth drop open like it is right now. I then slowly move into a most muscular pose and, sproing, you cock shoots hard. But what I love most of all is when I end with a double biceps flex and your hand moves to your meat without any direct order from your brain and that paw begins to instinctively stroke it in appreciation of my muscles. Damn, I can depend on those specific reactions as much as I can depend on the sun rising in the morning. Now if I was really in an evil mood, I’d come over there and force my ass onto that hard pole, knowing you’d last maybe three tight bounces of my body up and down before you offered me some of your manliness, but I want to show you how I can sometimes be the one in control. You may be smarter than all the people on campus put together, Colin, but when it comes to my muscles all those brains can’t prevent you from having all those natural muscle-pig reactions. You want me just as much as I want you. This time brawn wins out, dude – I’m using all of my strength right now to prevent myself from forcing you to fuck me. See, now aren’t you impressed.” “Yes.” “Aw, the boy can only whisper now because he’s so taken with my body. It would be so easy to send you over the edge. What’s up mister smart Poindexter - is all my muscle just too much for your little body?” “Yes.” “Wow, for such a brilliant man, you sure aren’t one for many words, are you?” “No.” Joey bent down and gave the still hard and unmoving smaller man a kiss on the lips. He then stood back up and crunched his abs a few inches away from Colin’s face. The roommate on the bed reached up and ran his hand along the hard ridges as Joey moved his torso from side to side to emphasize his stomach’s perfection even more. Colin hummed in pleasure as he felt how hard Joey’s abs could become. “Happy Anniversary, again, baby.” “It’s funny how we celebrate our fist date and not the actual day we met and fucked, don’t you think, Joey?” “Oh my gosh, not this again. I’m telling you the days we holed up in here and plowed each other’s holes doesn’t count – it wasn’t until three and a half weeks into the semester that we actually put on nice outfits and went out for a date – to a real restaurant.” “Yeah, but we didn’t make it through the entire meal. We so desperately wanted to have more sex that we fucked in the bathroom stall; having to be quiet each time someone came in for anything. The waiter thought we were going to dine and dash, when it was really we just couldn’t keep our hands off of each other.” “I still can’t keep my hands off of you, mister smarty pants, and I say we should use our first date for our anniversary. Let’s not get into this again, please? Now what do you want for your present?” “What were my choices again, Joey?” “Should we write these down, roomie? Cracking a bowling ball, bending or splintering baseball bats, crushing a safe, or poking my cock through cinderblocks – which is it going to be?” “Can I have all of them?” “I told you Colin – at max, two – since I need to save some things for your birthday, as well.” “I hope we are always so poor that we have to give each other hand made presents.” Colin looked up at the crowbar hanging on the wall, which had been bent into the shape of a heart by his huge lover and roommate. He remembered how it had been a special gift since Joey let him actually watch as he easily manhandled the metal into the special design. It was a Valentine’s Day he’d never forget. “Let’s see, if I choose the cinderblocks and watching you do some massive abuse with your cock, you’ll be too horned up at the end for me to convince you that I should just suck you off…” “That will probably happen with any of the choices, Colin. And, besides, it’s a special occasion so I get a second round tonight, anyway.” “So true. I guess I’d like the bowling ball and, for dessert, the thrill of seeing the safe destroyed.” “Excellent choices. I’ll borrow it from the finance office this evening – well, not really borrow since it will be destroyed. I don’t think I’ll be able to return it. And can I have my present now? I know it’s been ready for a while. It barely took you any effort at all, did it?” “No, actually it was harder than I anticipated, but it has been ready for a while. Here you go.” Colin reached down under his bed and pulled out a box, which Joey opened and a used iPhone was revealed. The larger man held it lovingly and looked at his partner. The smile on his face pleased Colin very much. “It’s totally loaded with apps you didn’t have to pay for and trust me, you won’t ever see a bill. I’ve got this thing so beautifully hidden that we’ll be in our thirties and raking in some big money before anyone figures us out. We’ll also get all the automatic upgrades.” “Sweet! Thank you, my smart handsome, boo.” “Anything for you, big man. And remember, I want one more gift. You promised me three homeruns today.” “Hey listen, can we make that two? Coach has been asking me to lighten up a little. The other schools have been complaining that I’m taking all the fun out of sports for the other teams. I think it would be good if I struck out once or just got a base hit.” “What? That’s not fair. You already never swing with your full force…” “Exactly, Colin – and the ball still goes soaring over the entire gym at the other side of the field.” “I love it when that happens. Okay, okay. You’re right. It’s kind of like during freshman year when Coach Denton made you wrestle the assistant coaches of the other teams so you wouldn’t hurt any of the college age dudes. I still remember how shocked those older men would get when you pinned them easily.” “Not to mention how my strength would cause them to get hard-ons whether they wanted to or not!” “Kind of like the hard on I’m sporting right now.” “Colin, stop it. Look who’s getting all horned up now. Let’s wait until this evening. As much as I want more of your super-charged juice right now, I need to get to class. And don’t be beating off when I’m gone. I want you to save that cum for later on this evening. Don’t think that I don’t notice those stains on the wall above the head of your bed. I know you’ve been whacking off thinking about me.” “Guilty as charged! I just have to start thinking about how you have grown over the last three years and I lose control. And usually the explosion comes when I remember those first few strength feats – like the time you hooked one foot under Myron Rosenthal’s chair in Comparative Literature and easily raised his huge linebacker body into the air a few times. With just one foot you lifted all of his three hundred and twenty pounds. And then watching the big jock spring some stiff wood just from you showing off – it was too much. I can still cum instantly remembering that day.” “I am walking out the door right now, for fear that I will stay and we’ll end up not going out for our anniversary later. We tend to stay in bed for at least twenty-four hours when both of us are horned up at the same time. Have a great day, sweetie and I’ll see you at the game.” “I’ll see you then, but you didn’t forget that you promised me a game of hide and go seek with Dale Ewing’s car today.” “You’ll be happy to know I snuck away in the middle of the night and already put it somewhere fun. Oh how I wish I was smart enough to skip my classes and just spend the day looking for a car that my roommate carried off and hid.” “I don’t skip my classes! My teachers ask me to not come so I won’t ask questions that make them look stupid. Did you hide the car so well that it’s going to take me all day like it did last time?” “Definitely. And remember, Dale comes back tomorrow, so I have to move it back to the parking lot this evening. He’s still furious about the time I carried it to the top of the water tower and then forgot about it for a week when you couldn’t find it.” “Yes, we can’t let that happen again – even if I don’t like Dale Ewing at all. There’s no way to prevent him from knowing you did it, since you’re the only guy that could carry a car up a tower. Have a great day, honey.” Again, Colin missed his huge roommate as soon as he left the room. Joey had pulled on some board shorts and a tank top and was out the door after he retrieved his books and sandals. The smaller man’s cock was still fully hard, so he laid back on the bed and let his right hand drift down his stomach to grab hold of the pole, which was sticking straight up. He began to stroke his meat slowly as he imagined his roommate and lover causing a bowling ball to crack with his bare hands and crushing a heavy safe, hopefully by bear hugging the thing into a big glob of metal. A loud moan escaped his mouth from the excitement of the images in his head. Suddenly the door opened and he turned to see his roommate standing there with his massively muscle arms folded across his equally huge chest. “Move your hand away from the loaded cock and don’t put it there again. Don’t make me twist a sheet of metal around your cock and balls to prevent you from touching them for the rest of the day – and you know I can do it.” “You were probably already outside, how did you know what I was doing?” “I heard the moan and shot back in quickly. Remember, my senses are super powered just like the rest of me.” Colin quickly took his hand away from his stiff rod and reached down to grab his underwear off the floor. He pulled them up his legs and stuffed his still semi-hard cock inside. He then pulled on his shorts and looked at his roommate sheepishly. “That’s a good boy, Colin. See you later.” Both men realized it was a good thing that most of the time one of them could step away from the constant need for sex and help keep some order in their lives. It was on the days when both of them lost control of their libidos that the big man’s ass was pounded hard and major growth followed – physically for one and mentally for the other. Part Two It was extremely difficult for Colin not to lay back down on the bed, whip out his hard cock, and return to the thrill of beating off to memories of what his college roommate, and lover, was able to do with his new strength. Colin chose not to do it only because he was scared that Joey’s super senses would either hear him pumping his meat intensely or smell his fresh hot semen as it exploded from his hard dick – even from all the way across campus. Colin knew the big guy could be back in seconds if that happened. He knew, with Joey, everything was possible. Colin was told not to waste even a drop of his precious juice. He also thought about how his own need for sexual release could easily overpower the super knowledge he had attained from fucking his roommate. If the smart man wanted to get his rocks off in a big way, no amount of logic or intelligence prevented him from squirting out some thick milky juice, but the fear of disappointing his big strong man by wasting muscle producing cum was enough to prevent him from dropping his drawers and double fisting his ample pole right there - standing above his bed. Colin decided he needed a cold shower as much as his roommate had just a few minutes ago. He also knew he needed to start looking for the car Joey had hidden somewhere on campus – knowing that it might take him a while because the guy’s increased strength enabled the big man to easily hoist the Toyota Corolla to unthinkable places. Just the thought of Joey lifting a car over his head was enough to make Colin explode, so he knew the cold shower could not come fast enough. The cold water did nothing to calm Colin’s raging hard-on. He was still basking in the afterglow of plowing Joey’s big muscled ass that morning, but was more excited because he knew that the cum he had blasted deep into his roommate’s body was going to make the huge guy grow even more. Colin figured that Joey was in class right now feeling his muscles going through the process of breaking down to then build up even thicker and stronger. That thought made Colin’s cock-head throb with an intensity that quickly told the smaller man to stand still or he was going to explode. Colin was still amazed that Joey’s body was now so big and strong that the guy never went through the post-fucking flu-like pain he had when they had first gotten together. Joey now said he merely felt intense tingling all over his body as his muscles grew – but sometimes it was so intense that the hulking athlete needed to stop whatever he was doing and go shove his cock into a tight place or immediately bring his monster meat to an ‘every part of my body is tensed as hell’ orgasm. Colin loved watching his big roommate’s muscles lose control and every part of him turn to something resembling stone covered in thick veins as he jacked out enough spunk to fill a sink. Colin longed to reach down and grab his cock through his jeans, but he knew he shouldn’t. He looked at the cum stains on the wall above his bed – a constant reminder of the other times he had lost control – and he grabbed his phone and other stuff, leaving the room before he went to a place where there was no turning back. He wanted to save himself for the promised fuck-fest that was going to happen in the same room later that night after Joey and he celebrated their anniversary. Colin looked forward to making the room smell like an entire football team had jerked off at the same time – special occasions for the two roommates usually turned into a sexual free-for-all that lasted for hours. His mind stayed on the wonderful image of Joey’s tight ass opening up for Colin’s hard cock and this caused an obvious bulge in his pants as he travelled across campus. Colin decided to look for the car first near the gym, since that was close to the parking lot where it was usually parked. Meanwhile, Joey was having problems concentrating as he took a test in his literature class. The big man’s ass was aching for more invasions from his roommate’s cum-filled cock. The jock’s body was on fire with change from the fucking he had received that morning. He knew his body would be changing some soon and that is why he had worn a tight t-shirt. When the love of his life and he met for lunch he wanted there to be some rips and tears in his shirt that would reveal the enhanced muscle in a way that would drive Colin crazy. He wanted to make sure that every second they were together this day would be so filled with sexual tension that by the time his smaller roommate plowed his big muscled ass there would be so much juice built up that it would feel like a tsunami was being released deep into his tight chute. Joey craved more muscles and increased power – almost as much as he desired his lover, Colin. Being away from the gorgeous little guy was difficult – Joey wished he could have some part of his body touching his roommate all the time. There was just a sense of security and deep pleasure that came with an embrace, a hand on the knee, or when they were joined by Colin’s muscle growing cock. These thoughts and the effects of the morning sexual deposit his roommate had made in his ass were giving the double-sized athlete a major problem under the table as he took his test. The head of his cock pressed against the bottom of the table like it was going to poke a hole through the wood and granite at any moment. Joey loved how he could hear the heavy piece of furniture creak out loud in protest as he pressed the end of his stiff pole into the wood. He knew he shouldn’t do it, but he really wanted to see the tabletop be split apart easily by forcing his hardness through. Joey thought about how disappointed his lover would be if he destroyed the table and brought attention to himself in the middle of class, so he decided to just continue to press with enough force to give himself pleasure, but not enough to destroy anything. He also concentrated on the test. After about an hour and a half Colin’s search for the hidden car was interrupted briefly by the head of the physics department who wanted to ask the young man’s opinion about a difficult equation he had been working on. Colin found it difficult, as well, and the two had sat on a bench in the middle of campus for about thirty minutes working it out. When the solution was found the chair was so excited that she thanked Colin quickly and then ran off to show the other professors in her department. Colin felt some satisfaction about the equation they had solved but he was frustrated that he had not found the hidden Toyota. His roommate had obviously carried the car to somewhere far from the gym, something Colin wished he could have watched. He searched for a little more before he pulled out his computer and quickly hacked into the security system of the university. He wanted to watch the feed from the cameras around the gym. His cock instantly went hard when he saw his roommate walking across the lawn in front of the gym holding the Corolla over his head. He looked like some modern version of Hercules, hoisting the heavy thing in the air. Joey wasn’t even trying to hide what he was doing so this made it clear he had, again, worked out a deal with the security guards. Last time he hid the car he had allowed the two burly older men to punch his stomach until they exhausted themselves in exchange for them not sharing any information with me as to where the car had been placed. The guards loved Joey and his displays of strength. He probably could get them to do anything for him if he just ripped something apart that was supposed to be indestructible. At this point, when Colin was worried that he’d have to whip his cock out right there in the middle of campus and beat off to his roommate carrying the car – and even showing off pumping it up and down to work out his arms – Joey put the car down and pulled a folded piece of paper out of his back pocket. He then turned toward the camera and seemed to be looking directly into it. Colin watched as his boyfriend unfolded the paper and held it up, the guards clearly knowing they were supposed to zoom in. As soon as Colin saw what was written he became embarrassed. The sign said, ‘Colin, you’re cheating again!’ The guy turned off the computer knowing that his roommate had realized what he would do even as the big jock had lugged the car around campus the night before. It was late by now and the smaller guy knew he needed to head towards the cafeteria to eat lunch with his boyfriend. He entered the crowded large room and quickly saw his roommate’s immense back in the midst of the lunchtime bustle. He walked over to where Joey was sitting, noticing that he was alone at the table but there were five trays of food – obviously left there temporarily by his lunch mates. Joey saw Colin as he approached “Hey there, boo. Give your muscleman a kiss. He has missed you terribly, this morning.” “Oh shit, look at all the rips and tears in your shirt! This morning’s growth was a little stronger than usual, huh?” “That’s because the fucking was a lot stronger than usual, Colin.” “Crap, I love how your muscles poke through the material and highlight themselves. Look at that mouthwatering nip poking out.” “You want a taste, honey?” “Don’t think I can’t see what you’re trying to do. You’re not going to get me so horned up that we do something irrational and uncontrollable.” “Aw come on, Col, don’t you want to step out into the hallway? I found a janitor’s closet that’s kind of secluded. It’s locked, but a slight twist of my wrist could rip the doorknob off easily. We could step in there and you could fuck me against the wall like there’s no tomorrow. We could live out some kind of prison fantasy scenario since it’s such a closed space. I’m already aching for your cock to be back inside of me. How about it?” “As hot as that sounds, Joey, I think I’ll wait for the big explosion tonight in our room. A little build up will make you even more desperate and it will make my gusher even more powerful than usual. Happy anniversary, again, buddy.” “You too, sweetie.” “Joey, who’s joining you for lunch?” “No one, why?” “Dude, there are four trays in front of you loaded with food. At this rate you are going to work through your monthly allotment for the meal plan in one week. Your parents are going to kill us if we have to ask for more money.” “It’s your fault, Colin. You squirted so much cum up my ass this morning that this is the sustenance I need to keep up with the growth that’s happening right now. I can feel my biceps pulsing bigger even as we speak. If you weren’t so horned up when you’re fucking me, we wouldn’t be in this mess. I’ve got to eat to help energize the muscles your juice grows. So, you see, it’s all your fault.” “Man, we have to do something about this. I don’t know if we can afford many more meals like this.” “Not to worry, honey. See Jerry over there at the register – the little guy that keeps staring at me. I just let him cop a feel of my guns every now and then and he only charges me for one meal. I think that’s a fair trade, don’t you?” “Hell yeah, that’s good. See if he’ll give it to you free if you let him grope your chest.” “That’s a great idea, Colin.” “I get them every now and then, buddy.” “Man, Colin, speaking of groping - I’m aching to grope something on you in an awful way, right now. It’s taking every bit of my super strength to keep me from throwing you down on this table right now, beating that cock of yours into attention and then slamming your body into mine from behind. I’m talking about basically forcing you to fuck me. Damn, that would be hot – holding your body with one of my big hands and manipulating you like one of those butt plugs you gave me. Yeah, so fucking hot.” “Calm down there, tiger. Eat some food. That will help. You need to get some calories into that growing body – and fast!” “Yes sir! Come sit beside me and I’ll share some of this grub with you.” As soon as Colin sat in the chair beside Joey the big man reached over and grabbed the side of the solid piece of wooden furniture and lifted it with one hand – taking Colin’s body up in the air with it. He placed his roommate right beside him and then immediately slid his hand down the back of Colin’s pants, making sure his big forefinger snuggled into the warm ass crack. This gave Colin a deep sense of security for some unknown reason and caused the big man to get even harder than he already was because he was this close to the love of his life. A new student – the largest freshman to ever enroll - walked by and looked at the two guys with a face full of disgust. He had not grown used to the two men like everyone else at the university. He was a starting linebacker for the football team and had immediately sensed his obvious weakness when compared to Joey – the stud of all athletics at the school. He decided the bigger guy’s homosexuality was a definite flaw and planned to use it against his teammate. Joey, however, was familiar with guys like this and simply stared him down, while he lifted his other arm into a biceps flex that made it clear his size and power dwarfed the other football player. Joey was so amped up at the moment with Colin’s sweet cum from earlier that day he decided to also emphasize his point in words. “I suggest you move on and let us be who we are, little man, or you’ll quickly find that your eyes are level with the top of your feet. You’ll be seeing everything from your toes’ standpoint if you don’t change your attitude. I’ll smash you like a soda can and make you shorter than my ankle. And look at this here biceps – the size of the thing should tell you that I’d have no problem following up on my little threat.” All color drained from the linebacker’s face as he froze in fear – both from Joey’s words and the size of the alpha’s arm. The freshman kid had never seen biceps so massive. The power in the thing was obvious by its size and the way it rippled as Joey flexed and relaxed. It was pretty clear that the guy was so in shock that he couldn’t move – he didn’t know whether to piss on himself, run screaming from the cafeteria, or apologize to the big man a hundred times. His confusion was not lost on Joey, who dropped his arm and smiled. “You want to see me kiss my boyfriend, don’t you sport?” The linebacker quickly nodded his head up and down; afraid that any other move would anger the giant in front of him. Joey put his hand on Colin’s cheek and pulled his face into his own. They kissed deeply and passionately, Joey moaning out loud to emphasize an unspoken point to the dweeb standing near them. The kiss became even more intense and this caused Joey to press his finger up against Colin’s tensed hole. This, in turn, caused Colin to raise his ass slightly off the chair. The smaller roommate loved Joey’s taunting of the large linebacker, but he could sense that his lover had moved from just teasing to full-blown making out. He feared that he and Joey would end up fucking right there in front of the freshman, so he pulled his face away, immediately missing his roommates hot, wet mouth. Both roommates turned back to the freshman and noticed his face was now completely red and his crotch was bulging with a very large hard-on. When the linebacker saw that the two other men were staring at his crotch he immediately lowered the tray of food in his hands, attempting to cover the bulge in his pants. There was no way he could have covered up the large tool that was obscenely pressing against his pants. He simply let out a little whimper and then turned and quickly walked away, heading out of the cafeteria – embarrassed and no longer in the closet. “Well that was a big surprise, wasn’t it?” “You mean his cock or the fact that he was gay, Joey?” “Both! So let’s eat. I’m starving.” “You’re always starving, big man.” “That’s cause I’m always growing – thanks to your sweet man-milk. That’s another thing I’m always starving for, by the way!” “Like I said earlier, calm down there, tiger. Bite into one of those four hamburgers you got on that one tray. I swear I think you’re going to have to let Jerry the cashier lick your body if you continue to eat this much food.” “I don’t think he’d like the taste of my sweat as much as you do, Colin.” “I especially like it when you’ve just returned from working out and your balls are still damp and the hair is all matted down – that’s when I love sucking on the big things – getting all the salt and some of the testosterone from your body. Shit, I want to bury my face in your crotch right now, Joey. I see what you’re trying to do and it’s not going to work. Eat something right now, mister man.” “I’d like to eat that big sausage between your legs, Colin, and I don’t even need a bun.” “So, you have to give me a clue. I couldn’t find the car today.” “Nice change of subject. I’m not giving you a clue unless you step out to that janitor’s closet with me for a few minutes. I can use my cock to shove in the locked doorknob if that entices you more!” “It does, indeed, but we aren’t going to have a quick fuck in the closet. We’re waiting until after the dinner at a nice restaurant, just like you promised me. Here, eat a hamburger.” Colin picked up one of the double burgers and shoved it in Joey’s open mouth. The smaller man knew that when Joey was growing he became like a young child with low blood sugar. If Colin could get some food in him the big guy’s insatiable need for sex would diminish a little. There was just some wild correlation between muscles getting bigger and the guy’s need for more cum – the desire simply took over every part of his ballooning body. This is exactly when Colin liked his boyfriend the most – when his body was ripping the clothes he was wearing as it grew and the guy’s lust was in overdrive. Joey’s insatiable craving for Colin was such a turn on – and something like a security blanket. The smart smaller man knew if he could get Joey to wait until later that evening their fuck session would be like riding a wild bull – just the way Colin loved it. Joey’s huge body would buck up and down uncontrollably as his roommate plowed him hard. This crazy connection brought extreme pleasure to both men. “Chew, muscle head!” Joey bit down on the burger and more than a third of the thing disappeared. For a second Colin worried that part of his forefinger had been bitten off. And speaking of forefingers, the latest round of sex talk had made Joey want to give his boyfriend some well-deserved pleasure. He had allowed his own thick forefinger to push its way into the small man’s hole and was now massaging the inside of his buddy’s rectum. Colin purred like a satisfied cat sitting in the sun, but did not let on in any way that a finger fatter than some cocks was savagely exploring his hole. Colin used his abdominal muscles to help push his ass up and down on his roommate’s hand, which now cupped his bottom perfectly. “Oh Colin, that feels so good. I love it when part of me is inside you – but not as much as I love it when part of you is inside of me.” Colin twisted his body a little to give himself pleasure. Joey moved his finger back and forth to add to the stimulation. The smaller man began to worry that he was going to give in and insist that they go to the janitor’s closet at any minute. He was only saved because Adolfo Rodriguez, a huge senior that was the biggest guy on the wrestling team besides Joey came up to the table and sat down across from them. Joey kept his finger pulsing in the same butt-pleasing rhythm even as he spoke to Adolfo. “Dolf, man, what’s up?” “I’m back for another try, Joey.” “What? Didn’t last week teach you anything? It’s just not possible to beat me, man. You need to get that through your thick skull.” “I think I can beat you today. I’m almost sure of it.” “I’ll only say yes on two conditions.” “Name ‘em, dude.” “First, my boyfriend, here, gets to continue feeding me. You see, I’m growing, Adolfo, and he wants me to stay nourished. I have to do what Colin says.” The big man had already devoured the three remaining burgers – since Colin had taken one – and was now eating a plate piled high with vegetables. The smaller roommate was shoveling the stuff into the big man’s mouth with a fork. “No problem. It’s actually kind of cool watching Colin feed you. Sarah won’t ever do anything like that for me.” “I know, isn’t it cute? And, more importantly – rule number two, you have to use two hands at first and finally you have to put your whole fucking huge body into it. That’s the only way it’s going to be even slightly fun for me. Last week, my biceps didn’t even need to flex to withstand your strength. I’d like to make seem a little competitive, you know, Dolf? Even though you can never win.” “Sure, sure. That’s all fine.” “Then let’s arm wrestle, dude.” Trays were moved in front of Colin, so he’d be able to continue to feed his big roommate. Adolfo leaned in and grabbed hands with Joey. He then placed his other hand on top – for added power, just as promised. Colin noticed that both of the wrestler’s arms put together still weren’t as big as Joey’s guns. The guy’s finger was still playing with Colin’s ass, as the competition got ready to begin. “How about some of that baked potato, buddy? You want anything Adolfo? You might need a little extra strength.” “Naw, I’m good. So, Colin, you call the start!” Colin placed half of the baked potato in Joey’s mouth and then stood up so he could lay his hands on top of the joined power fists in the middle of the table. Joey’s hand was still in Colin’s pants and the finger was still probing. The smaller man could feel the strength from both men - radiating from the tight entwined fingers. He was suddenly very thankful that no body part of his was in the middle of that powerful grip – since he knew it would be easily crushed. Adolfo’s concentration was intense and it was clear that he had been preparing for this day for a while. Joey was pretty sure the guy had been lifting non-stop, probably even skipping classes, in hopes that he could defeat the mighty athlete. Joey began to think it would be nice to let the other man win, just to make him happy, but then he knew he couldn’t lose in front of his roommate and lover – even if it was a kind thing to do. “Ready, set, go!” Colin sat back down and let out a little yelp when Joey’s finger went deeper into his chute from the connection with the chair. At the same time Adolfo let out a loud growl and started pouring all of his strength into both of his bulging arms. Joey’s hard beefy gun didn’t budge at all. The big arm just took all the abuse from Adolfo’s two big fists like it was nothing. Joey’s face registered no strain and no indication that he was even arm-wrestling. He opened his mouth again – to accept another large part of the baked potato that was in front of him. Colin was simply having a blast – watching his lover wrestle another big dude who was using both of his arms and still losing, while feeling Joey’s big finger deep into his chute. “So what kind of clue should I give you about the whereabouts of the car.” Joey’s nonchalant voice and strain-free voice drove Adolfo insane. The big wrestler let out a second yell, doubled his efforts, and actually leaned against his hands with his entire body. The man was now using his entire weight to try and defeat Joey, but the huge muscleman’s arm was still rock solid in its upright position. Colin knew the big boy’s gun was not going to move. He accepted it as fact. There could have been three huge wrestlers pushing on Joey’s arm and it still wouldn’t have budged even a fraction of an inch. Colin loved how Joey could have a normal conversation as what would normally be called a huge behemoth tried to defeat him in a feat of strength. It just showed how his roommate was becoming even more powerful with each fuck session. The smaller man loved knowing his cum could cause the other guy to grow so huge and strong. He scooped up a fork full of spinach and fed it to Joey. “I don’t know – something that’s not too easy. You know I love a challenge.” “Man, I love spinach. I must be like Popeye.” “Well, your forearms are as huge as Popeye’s, but the problem is they look all proportional next to your fucking huge biceps! I think Popeye would kill to have your upper arms.” “Yeah, that’s so true. Okay – so I need to give you a hint about the car. Something that’s hard . . . okay – I’ve got it. The car is filed between A and Z!” “Okay, before I figure out where the car is, can you slide a second finger in? You’ve loosened me up enough, I think. I’d like a little more pleasure before I have to go. Also, take my lead with Adolfo – you’ll catch on.” Joey used his thumb and three other fingers to lift Colin’s body from the chair and then let his middle finger slide into the smaller man’s inviting hole – just as the little guy wanted. Colin’s ass then slid back down to the chair, a long appreciative moan showed how much he loved the invasion of the thick fingers. This sound caught the struggling Adolfo’s attention and he became more frustrated when he realized Joey was giving pleasure to Colin at the same time the muscular dude was easily defeating his own entire body in arm wrestling. Adolfo was now sweating up a storm and gritting his teeth loudly. He showed no signs of giving up, even though it was clear he could not win. Colin tightened his ass muscles around Joey’s fingers and the bigger roommate immediately caught on to what that meant. The huge muscled gun slowly powered Adolfo’s entire body down toward the table – it was such an insane display of power, one arm winning against a huge wrestler’s whole frame. When Adolfo’s shoulder was just a few inches from the table, Colin released his tensed ass and Joey allowed Adolfo to push his giant gun back up to the high-noon position, but no further. There was no way Joey was going to let his powerful arm go beyond the straight-up position, he wanted to show the huge wrestler just how strong he really was – even though he was still only using a fraction of his total power. Joey twitched his fingers a few times inside of Colin’s ass to show his appreciation for how much fun it was to follow his lead. The two roommates continued to play the tensing and releasing game with Adolfo’s body as Colin thought about the clue. “Let’s see – ‘filed between A and Z.’ I know that doesn’t mean the library, because that would be too obvious and you’ve also lugged the car to the third floor before. You typically don’t hide the thing in the same place twice. The letters could have something to do with writing and that might mean you put it somewhere near the English Department, but two months ago you hid it in one of the huge oak trees in the quad near that building, so I think the clue means something else. It could still mean departments, though. Yep, that’s it, A stands for Astronomy and Z stands for Zoology. Those department buildings are right beside each other and there’s just a thin walkway between them. I have a funny feeling no one is able to cut through there right now because a car has been ‘filed’ sideways between the two walls.” “I’ve really got to stop giving you clues!” Colin smiled at his lover – with a face full of pride. He had almost finished feeding all of the food to Joey. Since his little lover had figured out where the car was and would be leaving soon to take a picture of it with his phone – part of the contest so they could keep a scrapbook – he decided it was also time to end his battle with Adolfo. With one slight push of his arm Joey sent Adolfo’s body crashing down onto the table. The big wrestler let out a defeated yell and just lay there heaving because of exhaustion. He stared up at the victor with deep admiration and jealousy. “How can you be so big and strong, Joey?” “Simple, Dolf, it’s from being fed by my boyfriend!” “But we eat the same thing – and almost the same amount!” “Yeah, but you don’t see what my lover gives me for dessert!” Colin stood up a little and let Joey remove the two fingers from his now loosened ass. Both men immediately missed being so intimately close to the other. Colin turned and gave his huge roommate a ‘thank you’ kiss for the finger fuck. Joey kissed back hard to let Colin know how much he looked forward to being truly fucked later on that evening. Colin ran his hands across Joey’s upper torso while they were lip-locked so he could feel the growth that had happened since the morning sex. He also loved running his fingers over the rips in his roommate’s shirt – excited by how his muscles burst through clothing so easily. They finally pulled apart when they heard Adolfo speak. “I wish my girlfriend would kiss me that hard.” “Get her to punch you in the mouth, Dolf, that’s what I beg Colin to do sometimes. It’s a turn on to feel his punches do nothing to my face!” “I’ll try that, dude.” “Well, fellows, this has been great, but I need to go take a picture of a car. Joey, we can’t forget to return it to the parking lot after the game. We’ll just have time to take a shower together at the gym before we head out to the restaurant. I don’t want to be late since we made reservations.” “Relax, Colin. Remember, I can make the game go quickly if I want to. I’ll just either strike every player out or run all over the field to catch every hit. I promise it won’t last more than an hour and a half. That will give us an hour for the shower…” “No, Joey! We will not shower for an hour – I know what that leads to. And besides, you aren’t supposed to dominate the game, remember? I’m bringing my binoculars so just do the one thing I asked and don’t bring too much attention to yourself. Remember, the coach told you to go easy on the other players. Let other schools get some points every now and then. The video of you making a touchdown with five big guys hanging onto you from this past season is still on YouTube. We don’t need anything like that today, okay? Promise me, big guy.” “That wasn’t my fault, Colin! Those guys were so light. I didn’t even know I was dragging them forty yards down the field.” “It was five grown college football players, Joey!” “Well you fucked me so hard that particular morning I was pumped up beyond belief.” “Wait a minute, you two!” We both turned to Adolfo, who was suddenly sitting up in his chair. He stared at us with a face of disbelief. He looked at Joey and then he looked at me. Adolfo began to shake his head and raised his finger, as if he were requesting a few minutes to sort through something that didn’t compute. “You mean to tell me that you, the hulking muscle monster, actually let this little guy fuck you? That just doesn’t make sense! You should be the one on top, Joey.” “Why? You mean just because I’m so big? Naw, man, I love getting plowed by my man. It gives me more pleasure than you could ever imagine. I crave his cock in my ass every second of the day. You should try it some time, man. You might like it.” “Now you’re talking shit, man. There is no way that I’m letting some runt fuck me. Wait, what am I saying? There’s no way I’m letting any guy fuck me. No offense, Colin. Damn, I need to go see my girlfriend.” Adolfo quickly stood up and started walking away. He stopped a few feet from the table and turned around. He looked at Joey with the same disbelieving face from before. He shook his head – trying hard to grasp what had been revealed. He mouthed the words ‘no way’ and then left quickly. It was clear he was going to find his girlfriend so he could re-establish his manhood. He was baffled that a guy as huge and strong as Joey could offer up his ass to a guy as small as Colin. It just didn’t make sense. “I’m still waiting for you to promise, Joey. Don’t draw too much attention to yourself during the game.” “I promise.” “Let me see your fingers – just as I thought, uncross them and promise again.” “I promise, Colin.” “That’s better, my muscle stud. I’ll see you at the field. Make sure you finish your lunch. I can tell you’re still way too horned up for a ballgame and there’s no telling what you’ll do. Get some more food in to stabilize, okay?” “Yes sir. I’ll miss you, man.” The car was exactly where Colin guessed it would be. Joey had brought a couch from one of the dorm lobbies and the front end of the car – which was now sticking straight up in the air between the two buildings – was resting protectively on the piece of furniture. Colin ran his hand lovingly across his hard cock as he took a picture of the car and thought about how Joey had manhandled the vehicle into an upright position and then slid it carefully between the two buildings. Colin quickly looked around to see if a security camera would have caught all the action, but realized this specific spot was not covered. He made a note to himself to make sure Joey allowed him to watch when the car was removed. This was a pretty good hiding place, but not the best one Joey had ever chosen. His greatest job had been when he took the car and made it into a piece of art. Joey placed it in the sculpture garden near the Industrial Arts building and had bent girders, light poles, and other pieces of metal all around the automobile to make it look like a modern statue. There was so much manhandled steel around the car it was almost unrecognizable. It was still unbelievable that there wasn’t one scratch on the thing. It took Colin and other friends three days to find it that time. A huge crowd gathered to watch Joey unbend and rip apart the metal surrounding the car. Colin and many others could still get hard easily and beat off quickly just by remembering the sound of steel being manipulated by Joey’s big hands with such ease. Colin looked at his watch and saw that it was time to go to the baseball game. Part Three As Colin approached the field he saw that Joey was at home plate helping the team warm up by hitting balls to different parts of the field. His muscular forearms glistened in the sunlight and his massive biceps pressed against the shirt of his uniform. The smaller roommate knew that the growth from the morning’s cum upload into the large man’s ass caused the shirt to be so tight that if Joey decided to flex his muscles the thing would be in shreds in seconds. This thought made Colin doubly excited – maybe Joey would offer a private show and flex out of his uniform after the game. Joey noticed his boyfriend walking up to the fence behind home plate. He smiled lovingly at his man. “Hey, honey, did you find the car?” “Just where I thought it would be – you have to let me watch when you take it out, though. I’ll have to film you lifting the thing – that will be so hot. We have to do that before dinner, don’t let me forget..” “ We’ll have to do it before dinner, since I’m sure there won’t be enough time between dessert and carrying you to bed to go undo that great hiding job. I’m still pretty super-charged and I’m sure this quick game is not going to help me let off some steam; so lifting the car will be good. You also better be ready to pull an all-nighter. I need me some Colin juice and I need it badly. Pull out your binoculars – this next hit is just for you.” Colin pulled the item from his backpack as Joey tossed a ball into the air and then hit it a little harder than the ones he had been popping out to the far reaches of right and left field. The other team members started complaining as soon as the ball skyrocketed over everyone’s head and towards the gym. There was a loud popping sound in the distance and when Colin finally zoomed in on where the ball had gone he was able to see that the thing had been traveling so fast and moving so hard that it actually embedded itself into the bricks of the building. The ball had not exploded upon impact – its force was so powerful that it easily busted into the bricks. Colin could hear Joey chuckling as he returned to hitting the ball a lot softer so it would stay within the boundaries of the field. He was making his teammates work hard to keep up with his constant barrage of pop flies and grounders. “Pretty neat, huh Colin? Who knew a ball could have so much force that it would act like a torpedo!” “I’ll say! I’m glad that thing wasn’t aimed at me. Remember when you tossed that football last year for ninety yards and it still knocked Johnny Thompson down and sent him tumbling for ten feet when he caught it for a touchdown. I think the speed and force of that baseball makes that pass look like child’s play.” “Yeah, I remember that. I’m still pretty impressed that Johnny was able to catch that toss – and hang on to it.” “I think he was scared of what you would do to him if he didn’t. Remember Joey, you’re three times the size of every player and about a hundred times stronger than both teams put together. Don’t get carried away, today. I don’t care how horny you are. Make sure you remember that no one can do what you can do and we need to let the other team think they have a fighting chance. The coach does not want to be apologizing for us kicking their ass in an embarrassing way. They have two mean looking coaches. Let them get a few hits, okay?” “I don’t have to let them win, do I Colin? I hate it when you say I have to lose. You know how I love showing off for you. Can we please have a win today for our anniversary? And you mean to say you think those two pint-sized muscle dudes look mean? I could hold both of them down with just one hand. Why do I have to be so nice?” Joey was now playing the part of a whining child. Both roommates knew that the big guy had not lost a game since his transformation. The only thing Colin did have influence over was how bad the other team was defeated. Bargaining a close score from Joey was like pulling teeth. If he had his way every game he played – in every sport he participated in (which was all of them) – would have been a shut out. Part of showing off for Joey was dominating his opponents with mind-blowing power and speed. Colin had finally pulled the plug on this kind of showing off after Joey had finished a full marathon in less than twenty minutes – and that was with two long stops to chat with people along the way. The big college kid was not even winded when he was done – it was so degrading to the other runners. And three straight sets of acing serves and returns made for a very boring tennis match. The officials also began to complain about the number of demolished tennis balls that were a result of Joey’s pounding hits. It had taken Colin a lot of coaching and reprimanding to get his big roommate to a place where he could play well with others. Contact sports, of course, were Joey’s favorites because he loved feeling how his size and strength easily dominated others, but all athletics still thrilled him. Part of the reason for the intense satisfaction was from growing up too small to play competitive sports and the big guy seemed to be making up for constantly being picked last in middle school. “Play nice, muscle man!” “Okay, okay. Just a couple of homeruns and I promise not to knock the catcher and umpire over when I toss the ball home to get someone out. It’s fun, though, to sometimes mix bowling in with this game and pretend two big guys are pins just screaming to be knocked to the ground. And besides, I know it makes you hard when I show off. You love me dominating other guys – like when I lift big wrestlers off the ground with one hand and slam then back onto the matt. It makes you want to squirt – big time.” “Joey, other people are listening!” “So?” “So do you have to make everything about sex?” “Until you fuck me I do – and then that just makes me want to get fucked even more! It’s a vicious cycle.” “You, my big friend, have a one track mind.” “And you, lover, have a hard cock – caused by my lovely comments. And it’s just aching to be milked by me!” Colin was very thankful that the umpire called for the game to begin. He took his place in the stands and tried his to calm his rock-hard cock down. Joey’s super-pumped batting and his lightning pitching did not help to lessen the pressure below. The huge ballplayer’s own piece of meat stayed hard, as well, and snaked obscenely across his thigh underneath the tight uniform bottoms – even smaller than usual because of the big man’s growth that morning. Joey didn’t wear a cup – mainly because he couldn’t find one big enough and also because no wayward ball was going to do any damage if it hit him in the crotch. A powerful smack to his balls would probably only increase the pleasure and destroy the ball. Despite the conversation about playing nice before the game, Joey showed off for his roommate in numerous ways. He thought it would be another fun gift for their anniversary. He would easily jump in front of fast rolling grounders no matter what part of the infield they were sent and then run quickly to first base – actually having to wait for a few seconds before tagging the batter out. Even though he was the pitcher he ran into the outfield three times to catch what would have been home runs if the big man had not leapt into the air higher than the heads of his teammates to catch the ball – usually forgetting to use the hand with the glove. Colin secretly loved watching how Joey’s teammates had become used to the super stud’s antics and actually stopped paying attention to the game. One of the outfielders actually chatted on his cell phone since he knew the big athlete would easily win the game on his own. The coach and the team loved winning so they didn’t mind Joey showing off during games. It was only the other team’s players and coaches that complained – saying it wasn’t fair or just to allow Joey to play. There were, however, no rules against having a super-strong player and the numerous forced drug tests always revealed that Joey was squeaky clean. The final score was embarrassing and Joey had brought in loaded bases three times – twice with home runs that sailed over the huge three story gym across from the field and once with a grounder that was so hard it knocked over the shortstop, the second baseman, and an outfielder who all attempted to stop it. Joey had to kind of half-skip around the bases so he wouldn’t overtake all three of his fellow players. He could have easily beaten even the guy on third base home if he had wanted to. The big man was all smiles when he walked over to his roommate sitting on the bleachers. He gave Colin a big kiss. “Did I make you proud, boo?” “You always do, big man. You, of course, showed off too much, but you know how I love it.” “I wanted our anniversary to be special and, anyway, I’m still raging from your ass pounding this morning. I think I could bring down a building with one strategically placed punch!” “Let’s not do that, okay, Joey? I want to be able to graduate. Oh no, here come the coach and assistant coach from the other team. Not this again! They have bats and they looked pissed. Promise me no broken bones, Joey. I don’t care what you do to the bats, but the guys shouldn’t even have a scratch at the end of this one-sided fight. Promise me quickly, bro! And no finger crossing.” “I promise – but you never let me have any fun! They’re the ones that are going to start the fight. I should be able to do what I want – even if it does hurt them a little.” “And how in the hell is it a fair fight, good sir, when you can easily toss them as far as you hit the ball today or crush their heads as easily as you pop baseballs? You can do whatever you want, but there will not be pain involved. Do you hear me? And remember, we have reservations at seven and I do not want to be late. We also have to take a shower!” “Yo, meathead, what the fuck do you think you were doing out there?” The two men were larger than normal guys, but still definitely dwarfed by Joey. It was obvious that they were pissed and they kept smacking their palms with a bat to try and intimidate the big guy. Colin noticed some doubt in the assistant coach’s face, but the main guy was so pissed that he was completely missing how huge Joey was and had clearly forgotten all the impressive things he had done throughout the game. There was a part of the smaller guy that was excited as hell about what was to come, as long as his lover didn’t hurt anyone. Colin knew that Joey could forget his own strength easily – and his need to show off sometimes got the best of him. The head coach spit on the ground at Joey’s feet. This was definitely one stupid man. He threw out more insults. “My team had a perfect record until today and your steroid-infused antics pissed me off. I think it’s time someone taught your doped-up body a lesson. I also think we’ll do a little number on your girlfriend here, too. You two disgust me with your public kissing.” “Um, coach, I’m going to let you do whatever you want with those bats to my body – cause it isn’t going to hurt me even a little, but if you think I’d ever let you lay a finger on my boyfriend – his name is Colin, by the way – then you are sadly mistaken. That bat will be shoved down your throat so far that you won’t be able to bend at the waist for the rest of your life before you even mess up one hair on his head. Now Colin, here, has made me promise not to hurt you two at all, but everything else is fair game. I strongly suggest you turn around and the pair of you take your handsome, furry-muscled bodies back home before you are embarrassingly whipped by a college boy.” “Who in the fuck cares what that little pansy ass said! I’m going to personally mess up his dweeb face when we’re done with you, dick-face.” “Oh please, Colin, let me punch his face so hard that he’s knocked into next week.” “No, Joey. You promised not to hurt either of them.” “That’s fine, but you’re going to have to fuck me a bunch of times to make up for this, honey. He insulted you and you know how that infuriates me. If you gave me the word, I’d compact this guy’s body so much he’d be able to lick his own asshole. Hey coach, go ahead and take your best shot. I hope that’s not your favorite bat, though, cause it’s going to be a pile of sawdust when I’m done with it. If I can’t crush you I’m going to need to destroy something else to make up for it and that puny thing isn’t going to give me even an ounce of resistance.” Joey’s words clearly infuriated the coach even more. Joey raised his big arms and placed his hands behind his head – teasing the other guy to swing the bat at any part of his big body. The coach was not only stupid, but he was also a dirty competitor. It was clear the aggressor was sizing up where he could do the most damage when he latched onto an idea. “Since you are an abomination against nature because of the ‘roids and your sexual perversion I think it would be best to destroy your family jewels.” After that quick comment, the angered man pulled the big bat behind his shoulder and swung the thing powerfully into Joey’s crotch – intending to destroy the huge cock and balls that were too prominent to miss. Joey moaned out loud in happy pleasure as the wood splintered against his huge rod. The sound of the bat being destroyed was music to the big man’s ears. To Joey, it felt like someone was giving him a hand job – and nothing more. Pre-cum squirted out from his dick slit in appreciation of the gentle tap. The top half of the bat broke off and fell to the ground. Joey leaned over and picked up the shattered piece of wood. He began to crush it in his powerful paw and loved how tiny flecks of dust fell from his fingers to the ground. The shock of what happened, along with the pain caused by the bat being stopped so abruptly, caused the coach to stand there in disbelief, still holding on to the bottom part of the bat. The older man also stared at Joey’s twitching cock – which was only delighted more by the powerful impact of the thick wood. Joey reached out and took the remaining part of the laughable weapon from the coach’s hands. He held the scrap of wood between his two palms and started compressing his hands. The thing just gave into the pressure and turned into small splinters and a pile of sawdust in no time at all. “Damn, coach, they just don’t make bats like they used to, do they?” The assistant coach, who had watched everything wide-eyed, suddenly became empowered and wanted to avenge his older mentor. With a loud yell, the second guy brought his aluminum bat through the air and smacked it up against the side of Joey’s head. The college student didn’t budge an inch. It was like the bat had hit solid stone. Colin could tell the assistant’s hands felt a quick jab of pain from being stopped so abruptly and he could see the bat wobbling wildly as it moved away from Joey’s cheek. The big man turned to his attacker and just smiled. “And just what did you think that would accomplish? Did you actually think it would hurt me, little man? After seeing the coach’s bat breaking in two on my hard cock you thought your aluminum bat would cause me some pain, just by hitting me in the face? Give me that thing!” Joey reached out and easily pulled the now slightly dented tube from the assistant coach’s hands. As he spoke to the guy, the huge jock made his fingers do what his words were describing. It was fun for both of the college boys to watch the eyes of the older men become wider as Joey worked and their angry faces turn to complete shock. Joey was especially pleased at his teasing of the two burly coaches. “You see, to me this thing is like a tube of toothpaste, dude. I can take two fingers and easily flatten it like I’m squeezing out the insides – but look, I’m merely flattening aluminum – there’s nothing squirting out. And look how easy it is – pretty cool, huh? Now it looks like someone ran over your bat with a huge steamroller – but it was really just manhandled by a huge college boy’ monster paw. Man, gents, being able to smash your bat into something as thin as cardboard makes my cock feel like spewing, but I’m saving myself for my boyfriend, here. You see, today’s our anniversary and we’re going to dinner and then we’re going to have some hot, throw-down, man on man sex to celebrate. Hey coach, do you roll your tubes of toothpaste or do you fold ‘em? I fold those puppies, just like I’m doing to your bat right now. Look how easy it is for me to compact this fucking thing into something the size of a wallet. I think I might keep this as a paperweight – each time I use it I’ll remember the looks of utter shock that are now plastered across your faces. You see, punks, you messed with the wrong guy today. It’s a good thing my honey won’t let me hurt you, because I’d have both of you folded up as tightly as this bat if it weren’t for the promise to my baby. So you’ve got him to thank for both of you not feeling a lot of pain right now. Say ‘thank you’ to my boyfriend, boys.” “Um . . . uh . . . thanks.” “Thank you, Colin.” It was clear that both of the older men were desperate to do anything that would please Joey. What he had done to their bats with so little effort had made them disciples of the college student in mere seconds, but it was their fear of what he might do to them that really made them apologize so quickly. The coaches stared at Joey’s hands as he bent the wadded up aluminum back and forth, folding it one last time, so it was the size of a really thick business card. Everyone could clearly see the impressions of Joey’s thick fingers in the compressed aluminum. The display of strength had been nothing to the big man, it was like he was folding a napkin, but the two men knew the strength that existed in this young man’s hands was not normal. This kid was blessed with power that they could only dream of attaining one day. Joey slipped the folded piece of metal into the waistband of his uniform pants, making sure it pressed up against his hard cock – since he loved how the warm aluminum felt next to his throbbing tool. At the same time he flexed his quads to show off for the men. The uniform was so tight that thick veins snaking across his thighs were clearly visible through the material and the guy’s rod was outlined perfectly. The seams at the side suddenly burst open and everyone got a glimpse of Joey’s creamy skin. Colin could tell that Joey was trying to think of a way to punish the two men without hurting them – which was pretty difficult when it was clear that Joey wanted to cause them great pain to teach them a lesson. He also wanted to defend the honor of his boyfriend. “So just because I’m not going to reach down your throat and pull your balls out of your mouth like some kind of demented magic trick, it doesn’t mean that I’m not angry. You guys threatened Colin and you should know that I’d fight an entire army for my man – and I’d easily win. He’s everything that’s good in my life and he fuels me in more ways than you will ever understand. So, here’s what I’m going to do. I’m going to make this easy on you or I’m going to make it hard – it will be your choice. See how friendly I can be, even to assholes.” Joey reached over and grabbed a pole that was part of the fence that hugged the area around home plate. He ran his finger down the side of the pole and easily snapped the thick wire criss-cross rungs that clung to the pole. It was like someone snapping thread. He then grabbed the pole and pulled it from the ground with a slight jerk of his hand. Colin’s cock started to pulse even harder than it already was when he saw how easily Joey manipulated the long steel pipe – along with its cement base. The smaller roommate’s pleased face made Joey very happy. “You like that, honey? You think of this as an added anniversary gift, okay? I can demolish metal for you any time you like, but this pole is going to be put to good use. Okay, fellows, face each other and wrap your arms around the other like you love ‘em.” “No fucking way, kid.” As soon as the head coach’s words flew into the evening air, Joey held the bar at chest level and started bending the long thing like he was playing with a piece of licorice. It was so easy for the big guy to make steel do his bidding. The sight caused a jolt of excitement at Colin’s crotch. Both of the older men froze for a few seconds as they listened to the sound of metal succumbing to the torture of something much more powerful and then they quickly turned toward each other and quickly went into a manly hug. The fear on their faces was priceless. “Yeah, that’s it gentlemen, grind those hard pricks into one another. Oh, you think I didn’t notice how hard both of you got as soon as I destroyed your bats like they were a toothpick and a pipe cleaner? Trust me, good sirs, when you are as big and strong as me you start to notice all the guys that pop stiff ones when they’re near me. You men love all this college-boy muscle and power. As a matter of fact, I think you both decided to challenge me just to see what I could do. You hear that, Colin. These big men weren’t really angry with me; they just wanted to get me worked up so I’d show off a little. They knew just from my displays of strength during the game that I could easily defeat both of them put together with one hand behind my back, but they wanted to see me prove it. And the way they are rubbing their cocks together right now makes it clear my hunch was correct. I think we’ve got ourselves a daddy coach and his boy-toy – two guys that have been into each other for a while. I bet you guys share a room at every away game and fuck like rabbits, don’t you. “Um . . . yes . . . we do.” “Damn, I knew I was right. Well, this little turn of events makes it easier for me not to punch your faces out your ass, but I still want to punish you. It will actually be showing off a little, so you’ll be happy. Let’s unite you guys in a special way – to signify the secret bond you have.” Joey lifted the bent pole into the air and brought it down around the two guys who were still hugging each other tightly. The big college stud then worked on the piece of steel with his hands until it encircled the guys tightly around their waists. Joey took the two ends and started twisting them together, like it was a twist-tie you find on a loaf of bread. He continued to work the poles together until the thing was so tight that neither man could even think about squeezing out, but he was careful enough to not cause the men anything more than a little discomfort. As easy as if he were working with a little piece of wire, Joey bent the twisted end pieces into a loop. The huge jock then grabbed the ring that held the two men and lifted them both off the ground, easily. Since he hadn’t captured the coaches’ arms under the metal bar, they were still able to grope each other lovingly as they watched Joey manhandle the pole so easily. Both men were turned on beyond anything they’d ever experienced before. They moaned out loud as Joey easily carried their big bodies, joined by the circle of metal, to a nearby telephone pole. Up on the pole, about seven feet high, there was a spike sticking out that was used for climbing. Joey manipulated the loop of the pole until it hooked onto the spike and trapped the two men up in the air. Joey clapped his hands together in appreciation of his handiwork. He stepped back and then looked at Colin. “Satisfied, boss? I didn’t hurt them.” “Good job, Joey, but we can’t just leave them here?” “Sure we can. Their team is showering right now and the bus won’t leave without the coaches. Someone will come looking for them soon and the sad part is that we won’t be here to see the looks on all the players’ faces – especially when these guys try to explain what happened. It’s going to take the fire department to get them down – especially since they’ll need that jaws contraption they use on cars to cut the pole. Did you see how easy it was for me to bend that metal? Pretty neat, huh?” “A fucking turn-on!” Both college students turned to look at the excited face of the head coach as he spoke. It was clear that both older men were on fire with lust for Joey. They were floored by his power and size. Clearly they were also not upset about being tied to a telephone pole with a long piece of steel. They had loved the show so much that they were fine with waiting for their team. The two men continued to rub their crotches together strongly and were still working their hands all over the upper torso of the other guy. Their desire for Joey was being transferred into adoration of each other. “Do we need to leave you two guys alone?” “Yes, please.” Colin and Joey were shocked by the answer from the larger coach. The sexual pleasure Joey’s handiwork created in both older men was so great that they really only wanted some immediate release. It was pretty clear in their present joined position that orgasm was only going to come from each other. It was too difficult to please their partner and watch Joey do strength feats at the same time – they now only wanted to focus on getting off. They probably knew the team would be coming to the field soon and they wanted their cocks to explode before they got there. It was going to be hard to grope and kiss openly when the firemen were working to get them down. The guys weren’t being rude, they just needed to bust big wads soon – the college stud destroying bats so easily and manipulating a steel pole like it was nothing had fired them up too much to hold back from eruption. “Well okay then, we know when we’re not wanted. You two fellas have fun now, you here? It certainly was fun showing off for you. Maybe you can swing by another time and I’ll destroy a car or something for you. Colin, are you ready to have dinner and then fuck a hot guy that just destroyed two bats and pinned two grown men with a big metal pole he easily made into a lasso?” “Not quite, young man. Shower first and then you have a car you need to return to the parking lot.” “Oh goodie, shower time! Maybe we can fit in a quick fuck before dinner?” “You know we can’t, Joey. I just knew showing off your strength would get you even hornier. It’s a quick shower and then straight to the car! I mean it, young man.” The two college students were walking towards the gym when suddenly they heard heavy breathing and grunting like there was a pack of wild animals nearby. They turned around to see where the noise was coming from and could see in the distance that the two coaches were dry-humping each other hard, dangling off the ground where Joey had easily imprisoned them, and it was clear they were near the moment of release. Suddenly the evening air was filled with the orgasmic yelling of both men as they offered their loads to each other. They were sucking face like two lovesick teenagers in between each eruption and after every moan of pleasure. Colin and Joey stood there in awe of the to men and were happy that the big boy’s strength feats had brought so much joy. “Pretty impressive orgasms. How did you know they were gay, Joey?” “They both got hard when I threw the ball to home plate after running out to catch it in the outfield near the fence. I heard the coach tell his assistant how he’d like to see other things that my fucking huge arm could do – and the other guy agreed. Then they started talking about how much my body made their cocks’ ache. I wanted to show off for you today, but hearing how much it turned them on was like icing on the cake. I listened to them talk about me the entire game and did things to make them get harder. ” “You and that super hearing. I’ve got to be careful with what I say – at all times.” “That’s not all you have to worry about – I could sniff you out of a crowd of two thousand – and easily spot you in a stadium from a mile away. I tell you, it has something to do with this incredible bond we have, man. I crave you all the time. When I was bending the shit out of that pole a few minutes ago and when I turned that bat into a pile of dust all I could think about was how much I hoped it pleased you. And I somehow knew that you’d want to see me flatten the aluminum bat before I even began to fold it up – that was all done in hopes that it would make you fuck me like a beast tonight.” “Well it worked, big guy. Don’t worry about that.” “So I made you all hot and bothered, huh, Colin?” “Hell yeah.” “Then how about a quickie in the shower!” “You have a one track mind, sir! No, we must save ourselves for after dinner. I’ll make it worth the wait, I promise.” “You better or I’ll just hold you down with one hand and suck you dry for twenty-four hours. No telling how that much of your spunk would affect my growth. I might end up being bigger than the entire fucking dorm room. I’m going to hold you to your promise of a super fuck tonight, bro.” “Trust me, Joey, I’m going to fill that ass of yours with so much of my cum tonight that you’ll have to walk around nude tomorrow because you won’t fit into any of your clothes. You’ll have to wait until I go buy some new ones for you! I’m going to make you so fucking huge!” “Are you trying to make me throw you down on the ground and sit on your hard cock out here, Colin? Cause I’ll do it right now if you want me to. You have me so riled up now that I could take down a charging bull with one hand or toss a loaded cement mixer a hundred yards with no problem. Name it, honey, and I’ll do it for you.” “All I want right now is a romantic dinner with my man.” “Done. But we’ll need to take separate shower stalls. I can’t be close to your nude body right now or I’ll do something I might regret. Fuck, you make my entire body burn with desire!” “Right back at you, big man, right back at you.” The two students went into different areas of the locker room to shower – even though thoughts of the other guy nude made both men stay rock hard. It was especially difficult for Joey to know that his roommate, the love of his life and the nectar of his muscle, was just eight stalls down – probably soaping us his cum rocket right now. Joey contemplated just busting through the flimsy walls until he was in the shower with Colin. He knew his friend would be impressed and turned on – which might lead to a heavy session of sex, but he also knew that Colin was trying to stay faithful to a plan. The school would also be upset about the destruction. Joey decided to release some of his built-up sexual frustration as he showered, hoping it would keep him calm for the rest of the evening or, at least, until they got back to their dorm room and fucked like rabbits. The big man reached back to his ass and stuck one of his thick fingers into his rectum, immediately pressing against his sensitive prostate. At the same time he shut his eyes and imagined Colin’s cock slammed up inside him – causing all the pleasure. Joey also pressed the head of his own hard dick into the tiled wall, to increase the building eruption. As the big thick finger pressed in and out of his hole his balls started bubbling with increased cum pressure. Joey realized it would take little effort and no time at all to bust a big wad. He increased the rhythm of his probing finger and started jerking his hard cock with his other hand – even as he still bounced its head into the wall. His imagination got the best of him and he ignored anything happening around him. “Oh yeah, that feels nice, Colin, real nice. Fuck me hard, man.” The big guy chose to whisper, so his roommate wouldn’t catch on that he was masturbating a few feet away. Joey would bring his big fist down his huge long shaft at the same time he shoved his strong finger way up into his chute – both feelings bringing him to the edge quickly. He imagined his body being pressed up against the wall as Colin’s hard cock slammed him into the tile with each animalistic shove. Joey loved it best when Colin was rough and fucked him hard, mainly because he thought it made his roommate’s cum have an even higher concentration of whatever it was that made his big body grow – but it was also because Joey just loved getting plowed uncontrollably. Colin was a screamer when they fucked – and that added to the excitement. Joey just grunted and moaned like the huge beast he was – which, in turn, made Colin go wild. The jock bent the tip of his finger as he pushed in and out of his own hole – just to increase the orgasmic jolt to his insides. Pre-cum had already begun to seep down the guy’s big fingers, which worked the hard cock with a fierceness that might have crushed any other man’s cock – but it only brought a lot of joy to Joey. The huge athlete lost control of his body as soon as he reached exploding time. He didn’t anticipate the ejaculation to rock his body so much and didn’t have time to prevent his powerful rod from penetrating through the tiled wall of the shower stall as soon as he started to cum. With a loud growl his cock easily poked a big hole because of its power - tile and cement crumbling away like it was sun-dried dirt being hit by a sledgehammer. “Aw, fuck me Colin – shit that’s nice!” Joey continued to moan and speak in a whisper as he unloaded his spunk into the stall on the other side of the wall, his cock having made its own glory hole. For a second, as his body slammed up against the tile in his euphoric explosion, he was worried his body was going to burst through the entire mass. He was able to control his intensity a little, even as he continued to probe his ass roughly with the big finger. The man was in heaven – knowing he easily burst through the wall with his cock, feeling the joy of spraying a heavy load of cum in the other stall, and having his ass imaginarily fucked by Colin was a close second to the second to the real thing. His cock continued to jerk out a few more spurts of cum and as it did, the steel-like rod continued to crack tile and make a larger hole. Joey loved how his dick was powerful enough to tear through cement without any problem. He thought back to a time when Colin had asked him to make his cock poke through a wood fence on the edge of campus. His smaller roommate wanted to kneel on the other side and suck him off, thinking it would be like some porn movie. Feeling the wood splinter easily because of his cock’s power had been such a turn on for the big man and Colin had loved watching the simple task, as well. Not being able to see the guy sucking his hard cock had been such a kinky pleasure, but Joey had gotten too excited by the blowjob that he ripped apart the fence with his hands, jumped on his roommate, and sucked Colin off without even realizing what he was doing. His need for the guy’s honey tasting spunk had been too much – increased tenfold by the expert blowjob through the fence. Joe’s present orgasm finally subsided and his mind returned to the shower stall. “I see my big boy couldn’t wait, could he?” Joey’s heart stopped for a few seconds as he heard his roommate’s voice from the entrance to the door-less stall. The big man knew he was in trouble. Colin didn’t like it when he jerked off without him or when he destroyed school property without the smaller guy getting to watch. Joey turned his head to face his lover and he smiled weakly, knowing he had been caught red-handed. He pulled his dick from the hole in the wall – knowing it had fragments of cement and tile caked to it. The big man also removed his finger from his ass. He hung his head and turned toward his roommate. “I just couldn’t help myself, Colin. I was thinking about you down in that other stall – totally nude and soaping up that gorgeous dick of yours. You know I can’t make it through images like that – it’s just too much for this big body to handle, thoughts of you fucking me to make me grow or me lifting you up in the air to suck you off. I kind of lost control, man.” “Well the only reason I’m okay with it, Joey, is because I hope it calmed you down a little. You’ve been a huge pile of raging hormones for a couple of days, since you knew our anniversary was coming up. But I can tell by how hard your cock remains, that you’re still horned up in a major way, aren’t you?” “Um . . . yes sir.” “Geez, what am I going to do with you?” “A good fuck would be the appropriate punishment, I think.” This comment made Colin laugh out loud and instantly Joey knew things were okay. The smaller guy tossed a large towel to his roommate and then continued to dry his own body as he stared at his roommates rippling muscles – a sight that always brought him great joy. Colin realized that Joey could not be expected to control his great need for sex or growth – it was too ingrained now in his DNA. It was clear that the smaller roommate needed to be the keeper of rules in the relationship, but Joey spraying a stall with his cum and poking holes in walls was not going to cause any big problems. It was really helpful for Joey to sometimes release the sexual tension that his muscles and power created. The big guy really was one big walking orgasm – caused mainly by his thirst for growth induced by sex. It was actually amazing that the big man controlled his urges as much as he did. It was also clear that Joey’s love for Colin was sometimes the only thing that prevented him from extracting cum from the smaller guy’s body all the time. Colin knew that he would be unable to keep himself from shooting all day long if Joey ever decided to suck him dry constantly or squeezed the spunk out of him by clamping his powerful ass on his growth causing hard cock. Joey’s need for Colin’s love, respect, and affirmation prevented the big man from being a huge beast that fed his urges whenever he desired. It was clear that Joey’s super strength was actually needed to keep the big guy in check – so he wouldn’t become a power hungry hulk. Secretly, Colin longed to help Joey grow into a massive muscle monster. For all of his newfound intelligence and self-awareness there was a part of the guy that completely craved turning his roommate into someone that could crush rocks with no effort or rip apart metal like it was child’s play. Colin loved knowing his cum was creating a superman. He constantly longed to see his roommate’s body burst out of clothes, his cock to slam through metal, or his muscles flex thicker after a great fuck. Colin actually had to control his own urges in the same miraculous way as Joey, but he never shared these facts with his roommate, mainly because he knew it would be the only permission the big man needed to cut loose and grow to insane sizes. Colin thought it was best, for now, to wait before he unleashed the first real superhero on the world. Joey needed to learn how to control his strength some more – he needed to really understand what it meant to be the most powerful thing on earth. “How long were you watching, Col?” “Long enough to see your cock rip through the wall . . . and it was fucking hot, man.” “I know, right? It was almost like I didn’t know I was doing it. I just felt the need to press that big fat dick head against something hard – you know, to make me cum harder.” “I’d say you succeeded – the other stall is covered in your cum, dude. It’s dripping down the wall like someone undid a fire hydrant.” “Yeah, it felt like a shit load of juice.” “Okay, buddy, put on that hot outfit I picked out for you earlier and slap on some of that cologne that drives me wild. You have a car to put back in the parking lot and then I think I’ll make you carry me to the restaurant. I know we said we’d drive, but I think you can work off a little more steam by hoofing it with me on your shoulders.” “Hey, Colin.” “Yes, honey.” “I love you. Happy anniversary.” “I love you, too, big man. Now put that hard tool away and quit trying to entice me into some locker room sex. It’s dinner first, then some heavy foreplay, and finally, for dessert, some muscle growth fucking!” “Sounds like heaven, Colin, it sounds like heaven.”
  18. My best friend was always quite a weakling-he was really tall, 6 foot 5, but never weighed more than 165lbs Until he made some changes... I think it all started some years ago. He just turned 16. At this time My body was already quite well developed. My arms were at 15.75 inches, my legs were big and I had some abs and noticeable pecs. That was when I started working out. I often picked on my friend and fun wrestled him as he had no chance against me (I was 6 feet tall- almost 6 inches shorter than him but weighed 170lbs). It was so funny to see him trying to get out of a headscissor or a headlock by using all his strenght. He someday told me not to humiliate him any longer because he’d feel extremely sad and weak... So when he turned 17 he started hitting the gym too. His first half year transformation was insane! He put on 33lbs! From 165 to 198 lbs. His arms swell like nothing I had ever seen, he probably had 13inch arms but now they were at 15.75! (Mine were 17in at this time.) His legs started to show some muscles and his pecs were already as big as mine. He started to show some abs too. So today, 3.5 years later he’s 20 and took going to the gym quite serious - primarily because he wanted to become a better Football player. We ALWAYS went to the gym together but he gained much faster than I did. He pretty soon was able to deadlift 440lbs several times and benchpress 330lbs once. His legs are at 30inches and his chest at 47inches circumference. His arms don’t look like arms anymore- they passed the 19 inch mark as mine rested only at 18. His abs were fucking ripped and his bulging obliques formed an awesome V-line. He weighed 245lbs and had bulging abs. Just imagine that. People were afraid of him, for example when we went out partying and someone was in his way, they immediately apologised. Also tons of girls felt up his arms and pecs as he bounced them well visible under his tshirt in the middle of the dance floor. One day we were at our flat in the city and had some friends over. We were all quite drunk and made fun of each other. I somehow said something stupid about him. He stood up and “fun wrestled” me. But what was fun for him was hell for me. He grabbed my arms, wrapped them around me, threw me onto the couch, sat down on me, wrapped only one of his huge hands around my throat and said:,, Never disrespect me again in front of everyone else” I was shocked. He was fucking strong. Not even I could have finished him that fast three years ago. He could have killed me in less than 15 seconds if he wanted to... As everyone left he came to me. I thought he’d say sorry or something but instead he just said:,, Now I’m the stronger one of us -,,SHRIMP“! The FAR stronger one! It’s my time to humiliate you now!” I was shook. At that point I was really afraid of him, towering in front of me with his huge muscles. I just said ok, and took some steps away from him, turned around and started going to my room. When he just silently said:,,Now is the time to humiliate YOU...” I turned around and saw how he took off his shirt, uncovering his huuuge pecs and ripped abs. I could almost see the blood rushing through the veins on his chest and arms. I was really afraid at this moment. He threw his shirt to me. “Smell it!” “No, why should i?”, I said “Because I am the alpha now! Sooner or later you’ll smell on it!” He ran to me, grabbed my neck from behind and rubbed his shirt into my face. “But why just smell my shirt, if you could smell... ME!” He turned me around and flexed his arm. “Kiss this biceps.” I just looked at him. “KISS IT!” He pushed my head against his peak and flexed it intermittently. He dragged my head from his biceps over his armpit to his pecs and gave me a bearhug. “Stop! You’re hurting me!” I screamed. He just laughed:,, Hahaha! So what?! That’s not even 50% of my strenght!” He tightened the bearhug even more and bounced his meaty, massive, naked pecs into my face. I got really hard and just hoped that he didn’t notice. My trousers were quite loose and that’s when he noticed. “What have we got here? Lil’ omega boy is aroused by some real steel muscles overpowering him?”, he said as he let go of the bearhug. He dropped me onto the couch. He had me in a headlock immediately. He wrapped his huge biceps around my... my.... mouth?! He really was playing with me... as I wanted to bite his biceps he flexed it, laughed and said: ,,Watch out for your teeth, weakling!” He wrapped his arms around my neck now- totally cutting off my air supply. The only thing that didn’t make me pass out was the fact that he flexed and bounced his 19 inch bicepspeak intermittently. But as he stopped I had to tap. He totally let go of me. I was stunned. It could have been that easy?! His arms were almost half way back at him as he wrapped them around y neck again, layed on my back and said:,, Only weaklings tap...” and he made me pass out. I woke up again. All I saw were his massive calves because he put me in a headscissor while I was knocked out. First thing I noticed were all those veins running down his super hairless tree trunk legs. Wait. What was that? He only took off his shirt before?! And he wore a long blue Jean just before he sent me to sleep... Does that mean that he’s... naked...? ,,Ah, so you’re back, twink! Now you get to feel how it is to be totally humiliated.After tensing his massive quads a few times he somehow turned me around so that now my neck was just a bit above his knee I was facing towards his... cock. I could see his massive, vascular 30inch tree trunk legs. But what impressed me at least as much as his muscles was that cock. It was limp, but really thick and already quite long. It was waaay bigger than mine... actually I‘ve never seen such a massive prick, not even in porn He shove it up my throat and I felt it growing in my mouth.... It filled out the whole space in my mouth as it grew bigger and bigger. It was crazy how big it actually was. Because of his massive tree tunk legs and his overall massive frame his dick was much bigger than it seemed. It already almost filled out my mouth as it was limp. But as it got hard I felt it growing down my throat. Inch by inch. I tried to bend my head backwards but his huge quads were in my way. I gagged and nearly suffocated again because I didn’t know what cut off my airway more, his leg muscles which he flexed all the time or his giant cock... As he got fully erected he started talking to me:,, So, lil weakling! U remember when u were the stronger one of us? Those times are over now and will never come back again! I am the alpha now! No, I’m more than alpha... I’m a god!” He grabbed my hair and moved my head, so that I was giving him a blowjob right now. ,,Well twink, just accept it, I am way stronger than you are.” He started moving his hips. ,,I could easily break you into pieces, just look at my arms, man! They are way bigger than yours! Hmm, if I am a muscle god, u should also treat me like one!” He took my left hand and laid it onto his pec. He started bouncing it. After a while he slid my hand over his rock hard abs. Up and down, up and down with his cock still deep down in my throat. I could feel all his masculinity rush through his cock and his pulse beating in those massive muscles. He then loosened the legscissors and slowly moved my head back from his cock. It looked like it never wanted to end. He pulled out and pulled out, i was really amazed that all that fit inside my mouth. It must have been at least 9inches long... I was totally out of breath as he got up to kneel in front of me on the couch. It was so impressive... he started flexing all his muscles. He did a double biceps pose, flexed his rocky abs, bounced his pecs, tensed his traps. Totally naked. ,,Don’t you get it?!”, he shouted at me as he again reached out for my neck and pulled my face to his chest. He rubbed my face all over those gorgeous pecs and abs. ,,You are my little bitch by now! You are supposed to do everything I command you! I mean, you could try to resist but in the end there’s nothing you could do against me...!”, he said. ,,You should clean up my muscles. Too bad I didn’t sweat by wrestling with u... guess I’d have to work out with you now to get started.” He commanded me to get naked too. He then told me to get on his shoulders to do some pullups. My cock was rock hard all the time and pressing against his lower back. As he went down to do some pushups he told me to get on his back. I did so. He started pushing. It still seemed very easy for him. And then I noticed something. I was in the perfect position to get him in a headlock. Should I really dare to do this? It the only way I could show him that I’m not that weak as he says. I slowly moved my arm under his throat, pulled it back to me And locked it with my other arm. I had him. I had this muscle monster in a real headlock- HIS throat against MY biceps. But what was that? Quite unimpressed he just stood up and started running backwards into the wall. He really bumped me in quite hard but I still had him. I could feel him loose his breath and he started to panic a bit. Now he took together all his left over strength and bowed over, throwing me over his head with my back hitting the floor. Fuck. I probably gonna be dead now. He stood up from his kneeling position and what I saw was frightening. His legs and arms as well as his lower abs and chest were totally covered in veins. They were bulging on his totally pumped muscles. He was breathing very hard and heavy. ,,You really shouldn’t have done that! You know what I gotta do now!!!”, he said really angry. He ran over to me, just like a fucking tank, his pecs were jumping with every step. His massive limp dick was bouncing too. He punched me in my stomach making me go to the ground. Then he wrapped his 19inch arms around my neck, adjusted them a bit an flexed them. I was really afraid that he was going to kill me now... I tapped but passed out again... I came back... I wasn’t dead?! I opened my eyes and saw him towering over me. His massive 30inch legs, his huge cock, those swelling ripped abs, his crazy arms and everything was still covered in those thick veins. He truly looked like an animal. ,,I don’t know why you don’t get it weakling! I am the alpha now, I’m almost twice your size, you stand no chance against me!!”, he said. He wrapped both his big muscular long fingers around my neck and lifted me up with his bare hands- choking me at the same time. I was some inches above the ground, just so that my eyes were on the same level as his. He stared into my eyes like a wild beast right before breaking the neck of it’s prey. In a matter of no time he dropped me and held me in a bearhug. I could feel his massive chest and ripped abs on my limp and weakened body... My cock grew rock hard and pressed against his upper quad. ,,U like that?!”, he said as he squeezed me harder. I wanted to say something but I just wasn’t able anymore. I had no air, no strength and was totally done... ,,Awww, lil boy is so exhausted he can’t speak no more... HAHAHAH WHAT A WEAKLING!”, he screamed and tightened the bearhug even more. I felt his monster cock grow bigger and bigger too-pressing against my (much less ripped) abs. He made me pass out again... I wasn’t even aware that a bearhug could make you pass out... As I regained my consciousness I found myself still in his arms. ,,It’s so easy to overpower you. Guess how easy it would be to kill you! But then I’d have nobody to worship my muscles. Well except all those girls...”, he said. He dropped me on the floor and I was amazed by what I saw... A ripped monster with huge bulging muscles all covered in veins - jerking a huge cock... ,,I sweat just a little, twink. But enough for you to clean me up.” He hit a double biceps pose and made me stand up. I didn’t have enough energy to ask or even just say something anymore. I got his point. He was so submissive... I should have done all this three years ago with him... Back when I was able to do that... ,,LICK THEM!”, he said flexing his biceps. I did so. And I loved it. The salty taste of his testosterone loaded sweat. The form of his arms with all those veins... I cleaned his hole body. From his armpit to his massive chest. He bounced it so his pecs would jump a few inches what made it hard to keep my tongue on his skin. I caught a lot of “underboob sweat”. He grabbed my head and lead it around while I licked his washboard abs. I knew that it’s not gonna be enough for him... he pressed me downwards even more. Now my mouth was at those big balls. They smelled really manly. He didn’t even have to command me. I sucked up all his sweat and started swallowing his massive prick. I wanted to give him the best blowjob he ever received... I felt up his muscles with my hands. As I run my fingers down his abs with one hand and worshipped the inside of his huge thighs he came. ,,Mhhhhh... Now you know your place. I don’t allow you to spit it out! Eat it- it’s extra protein for you!” I really loved his taste. I chewed on it and I hope that his testosterone loaded load will give me a boost in strength... I’ll probably suck him off more often, perhaps I’m gonna become as big as him some day....
  19. This story was originally posted in the old forums, but has been dormant for quite a long time. So I am posting the previous parts here today and will post part 5 tomorrow. Hope you enjoy! AFTER THAT NIGHT My name is Benjamin Carter but everybody just calls me “Benny.” Actually they call me many things like “faggot,” “queer,” “cocksucker,” “dick rider” and most commonly “twink” which despite being nothing but a mere euphemism for the previous terms is at least “cuter” than the rest of them. The story I have to tell starts by recognizing the fact that I am a twink, though it’s actually very easy to recognize one of us, we are that blatantly flamboyant type of homosexual guys who are not ashamed to celebrate our freedom and life style. Some are disgusted with the fact that we dress and behave in such manner, but I usually don’t give a damn. Despite whatever most of people might think about me, I know I am not a girl; I love being a man and I especially love to fuck men. By fucking I mean everything that might get one to blow, I'm not attached to labels. It’s true that I love bottoming but whenever I hook up with a guy who says that he is a “top,” it means he’s still not ready to fuck with such a highly sexual being like me. This kind of prejudice is something to expect from most of the narrow minded population, especially when you are a 19 year old 5’6” 130 toned pounds of blond, artificially-tanned, fake blue eyed guy who currently wears orthodontic braces with a different color elastic band on each tooth, and dressed in 7 for Mankind skinny jeans with a bright purple Ralph Lauren fitted T-shirt and matching red and black Puma racing boots. Fortunately I have friends who understand me, mostly because we are all variations of the “twinks.” (Day Zero – 11.32 pm) We were all cramped inside a bright yellow '08 New Beetle heading to this beach club on a Wednesday night, when the car suddenly died on us. It went completely kaput and we couldn’t start it. The road was deserted with exception of the occasional jocks that only stopped to make fun of us. “What’s the matter girls? Your Barbie car run out of batteries?” they hollered, throwing their beer cans towards us. I was starting to feel nervous about the situation. “You should try Triple A again!” I whimpered once again, which caused Diego to roll his eyes. “I told you they don’t answer! Besides, there’s nothing wrong with the car! I know this shit, I used to work on my dad’s workshop remember?” Diego is a 21 year old dancer who wants to become a famous Broadway performer, and I think he’s got a great future ahead of him. After all, he’s a hot 5’8” Cuban guy with a very light mocha skin tone and hazel eyes, he’s got those naturally pouting lips for which most women pay thousands of dollars. Mister Castillo’s got some nice wired muscles on his 160 pounds body. He’s also in the Diving Team of our university because he got a full scholarship right after high school. It’s unnecessary to mention that he’s got one of the best-looking booties in campus, the Kim Kardashian kind of ass, only much firmer and muscular because it’s all manly and tight inside those painted over denim pants. “We can’t get a signal here, which is quite weird since we are not that far from the city!” The other “sport twink” of our group is Kenny Chang, a Chinese-American gymnast who finally came out once he got a full scholarship to the university. His parents still don’t accept it, but Kenny is much happier and outgoing now. The shortest of us at 5’4” Chang weighs whopping 156 pounds of hard, solid muscles, developed after years of hard training and dedication. We finally convinced him to let us style his perfectly boring black, ultra-straight hair and now he’s got a cooler spiked hairdo with golden highlights that give him that extra edge during competition. “Maybe we should go back anyway, I don’t feel like clubbing tonight!” Corey is our emo fellow; he is only 18 years old at 5’10” lanky, paper white dude weighing 125 pounds, which means he is too damn skinny. Corey dyes his hair in a raven black tone and keeps this weird 80s New Wave shape; he’s got deeply grey eyes and soft, pink, thin lips. He wears only black from head to toe and keeps quiet for most of the time, although he’s actually a very sensitive guy, the kind who writes poems and composes music. He once affirmed to be in a platonic relationship with some guy, something which I confess that I don’t get (whether you’re getting action or not). Anyway, Corey always carries this little black notebook where he keeps writing stuff and Diego once told me that his muse is one particular guy of the Track and Field Team. “Are you fucking crazy? I am not wasting all this style with you guys! They’ve told me this club is his favorite, and I am totally hooking up with my Adonis tonight!” I refused to let go of any chance to meet muscular hot guys, which were my obsession. Diego just closed the lid and chuckled. “Dude, you’re just sick! I told you it doesn’t happen like this!” It was my turn to roll my eyes. “And how else is it supposed to happen? I can’t talk to him in the gym, where he’s surrounded by those Neanderthal buddies of his!” “What are they talking about?” Kenny asked Corey, who just continued reading that little book of his. “Benny’s new crush, apparently some new guy at their gym. You know how fast you guys fall for those hulking stacks of insensitive beef.” Corey’s answer surely teased Kenny. “Well, at least we can talk to our muscle guys, while you just keep writing poems for a dude who doesn’t even know you exist!” Chang replied, but Corey remained quiet. “I don’t want him to notice me; I just want to watch him in all his glory. His muscles are toned with hard work and athletic efforts, not just some muscular augmentation provided for pure vanity.” “Whatever you say won’t change the fact that he is a track and field jock. And jocks are the worst type. He doesn’t notice a guy dressed in black whenever he’s training? I’m surprised they didn’t kick you out of the stadium.” “Why don’t you just stop fighting and help us push the car?” I yelled at Chang and Corey. “Hey, hey, hey! Nobody is pushing my car, it’s a very delicate system, what if we damage something?” Diego surely loved that car. “So what? You’ll just ask your sugar daddy for another car…” I said very maliciously. Diego was known for using his charm to lure wealthy older gentlemen to sponsor and spoil his expensive taste. “Hey at least I get gifts from people who like me instead of that bitter grandma of yours!” Diego snapped. He knew that my money always came attached to lots of guilt, since I was the only living relative of Eleanor Carter, the famous owner of a cosmetics company. By all means, I am filthy rich, but I couldn’t be happier to have moved away from that horrible little world, but then I have all this money to spend on clothes and accessories. “At least, I don’t need to suck on old farts to get my bills paid!” “You’re just mad because it’s been almost a month since you last got a cock inside you!” he replied with his usual beautiful mean-spirited face. I was about to give him the proper answer when suddenly, my eyes felt so damn heavy, then my knees went weak and the last thing I remembered was trying not to fall on my pretty face. I opened my eyes, looked at my watch and noticed the time. Three whole hours had gone by and I couldn’t even remember what had happened. I just realized I was at the passenger seat while Diego sat at my left, with Corey and Kenny in the back seat. “Guys…are you alright?” I asked touching Diego’s shoulder. He woke up at once, jumping inside his skin, almost giving me a heart attack. “What happened?!” “Are you asking me?” I replied, just as shocked as he was. Kenny groaned. “Oh shit…how did we get back here?” Corey opened his big green eyes and his paleness looked even more livid than the usual. “Are you guys alright? I feel so weird…” “When did we get to the car, anyway?” Diego whispered, but I was really impatient. “Who cares? See if it starts now, I wanna get the hell out of here!” My friend turned the key and the engine started normally, which made me feel instantly relieved. Diego just drove us back to my apartment that we all shared. It was only 2 am, but nobody felt like clubbing, for some reason our bodies felt really weird although I couldn’t say I was in pain, there was this unexplainable numbness all over my body. We all noticed that 3 hours of our day had just disappeared, but none of could explain such a mysterious thing. Although and each one of us came up with an explanation for such a phenomenon, when Corey tried to compare our case with an episode of AMAZING STORIES, we all knew it was time to get some shut-eye. Day 1 (6 am) I have never been a morning person, and especially after our previous weird night I thought I would sleep well past noon, but when I woke up so early, feeling unusually energized I couldn’t stay in bed. I got up only to find my roommates were all eating breakfast. Kenny and Diego always had those disgusting vitamin shakes that I hated. The two of them exchanged looks as I sat down without my usual “morning face,” and when Corey also joined us in the kitchen at such an early time in the morning, they seemed worried, but I didn’t want to talk about their crackpot theories. “Make me one of those…double!” I asked Diego in a way that he preferred to oblige rather than talking about his creepy ideas. “I want one, too…” Corey added and soon we were all digging in hyper caloric beverages like there would be no tomorrow. I don’t know if it was the lack of alcohol in the morning, or just anxiety, but I ended up drinking four helpings of that thick shake, and so did my friends. We all seemed particularly hungry that morning. Diego and Kenny went to train, and since I only had an afternoon class I’d normally sleep in, but on that particular day I felt like I should go to the gym to burn off all those extra calories I’d consumed. My friends knew I only went to gym for two reasons: cruising for new muscle guys or parading my most recent sportswear acquisitions. But on either occasion I’d always chosen evenings, when most of the big guys trained. As you might have already guessed, I’m a “muscle queen” – the kind of twink who loves to watch massive guys as they parade their humongous muscles. Therefore I don’t really go for heavy training, but I simply kill in Tae-Bo and spinning classes, especially when the trainer is a hot muscle guy. Since most of the huge guys already know me, they just play along with my flirting, though I have gotten some nice action in the gym. Most guys doing a cycle are just too horny, I have to watch out for their temper is also flared, but everything pays off because I love to give head in public places. So there I was, all fabulous in my trendy working out clothes, a large gym bag, and my D&G sunglasses. I also wore those cut-off clothes and a red headband to keep the sweaty hair from my face and was sucking on a huge squeeze bottle every three minutes. I must confess that I love the solid fear the mere view of my twink quintessence sends in the heart of most guys. Although they’d never admit, they simply run away from me when I enter the weight area. That morning, however, fortune smiled at me because there he was: Dwayne, my newest crush. At 22 years old and 6’2” 240 pounds of solid muscle, he’s got the most perfect physique with large, thick shoulders, amazingly thin waist and 6-pack washboard, cheese grater abdomen. The thing I liked most about Dwayne was his strong, silent demeanor. He actually didn’t mind when I just stood there staring at his amazing muscles, he surely had what it needed to succeed in bodybuilding. Besides his killer physique, he was so manly, yet beautiful, definitely the dazzling tex-mex features: the short dark buzz cut hair, nice olive complexion and the rugged manly face that just begged to be kissed! He also had that kind of charisma and charm that all-star bodybuilders radiated. Anyway, there I was just pretending to do some boring cardio machine while staring at Dwayne working his marvelous muscles. I felt something different inside me, some kind of newfound courage. Acting against my initial instincts, I walked towards Dwayne and simply asked for some workout tips. To my utter surprise, instead of yelling at me, that delicious muscle hunk actually spent a couple of minutes giving me some pointers, and then he also told me he could be my personal trainer for a friendly fee. Well, since money was not an issue, I’d scheduled to start my routine the very next day at 7 am sharp. Okay, so it was not anything extraordinary but at least I got his card with his cell phone number, email and all sort of contacts! Besides, I could get a closer look of that hot muscle guy and still enjoy a nice workout, maybe I’d soon be giving Diego and Kenny some competition in the physique department. I was getting sick of them making fun of me being “too skinny.” Truth to be said, I actually never cared about it before; I mean I love being with huge men, not being one myself. After spending the morning at the gym, I got back home to find Corey in his usual moody self. I knew pretty well that guy loved to look depressed all the time, and he certainly abused the eyeliner. God knows how much I love the benefits of foundation and lip gloss, but that dude had forged those thick black eyes which did not favor his delicate features at all. “Do you think I should work out?” he asked me bluntly. “Why are you asking this all of a sudden? I thought you hated going to the gym." “I still do, but for some reason l feel like I need to let off some steam you know? And if I was in better shape maybe I could…look better?” Corey was so shy that sometimes I wonder how he got the nerve to come out, but I know that once he gets an idea he’s stuck with it. “Honey, you should definitely work out. You’re one tall, lanky dude, and if you want to be noticed you gotta make sure you have something to show off!” I kind of suspected the reason for such unexpected interest, but Corey surely needed a reason to get out once and a while and meet new people other than reading depressing stuff. “Maybe you’re right… but I’ve always be that lanky all my life, what if it doesn’t work on me?” “Your timing couldn’t be better! I just talked to this gorgeous muscle hunk at the gym and he’ll be my personal trainer. I could just phone him and tell he’s got another client! And don’t worry about paying him; I can cover for you until you find another job.” I gently brushed his shoulder. Corey had just finished undergrad and was applying for majoring in Literature, but ever since he lost his job at the bookstore he was living with Mother Goose here – I guess it’s not nice to have this huge penthouse apartment and living all by myself, so I just brought my best friends to move in with me. Corey opened a very discrete smile which I knew was quite a lot, for him, so I hugged him in a very cute way. “Ok, so now we have the perfect excuse to go buy you some hot gym clothes!” I cheered. “Oh… there’s no need for that. I could wear a T-shirt and sweatpants.” He tried to dodge the bullet but I wouldn’t take no for an answer. “Nonsense! You’re not going to my gym all dressed in black! Besides, I am dying to take you shopping, and get some hot pants so you can flaunt that massive cock of yours!” “You don’t need to remind me about my deformation,” Corey replied, noticeably embarrassed. He truly had a nearly eleven inch monstrous cock between his pants. That fucking anaconda was just so thick and delicious, we have all played with it, but for some reason Corey is traumatized with his humongous endowment. “Deformation? Corey, you are fucking blessed! You know how many men would kill to have something your size? I know you don’t like topping, but sometimes we can’t ignore Mother Nature, I mean a cock like yours was made to be worshiped.” Once again he produced a faint smile which clearly indicated I was finally getting through his shell. He finally opened the fly of his pants and unleashed the humongous piece of meat. “If you promise not to buy me that neon-colored stuff you love, I’ll let you suck me. I know it’s been a while since we last played, but then again you’ve been lonely for quite some time as well.” That was the Corey I really knew, so I just couldn’t refuse such a generous offer. I got down on my knees. “I promise, nothing flashy and bright, now let me see if I can still suck on a cock like that!” Judging by the way Corey moaned and grunted I still had my golden lips. I made sure my roommate enjoyed as much as possible. With a cock like his, most pleasure comes from blow jobs or hand jobs, especially because most of guys get scared of such an enormous endowment. I worked my way down his balls and the thick base of his manhood and soon Corey’s eyes rolled inside their orbits out of pleasure. It actually only took me a little more than five minutes to get Corey to shoot, which probably meant he was also experiencing a dry spell. He warned me and tried to take his cock out of my mouth but I held him inside my throat for some reason. I am not usually a swallower, but after chatting the humongous Dwayne I felt kinkier, so as Corey erupted inside my mouth I simply took the time to savor his load. And that was a hefty load! I sucked his cock dry and grinned back at him. The donkey guy perspired a lot, so his make-up was running. I offered him one hankie and took another for myself. “Now that was refreshing…” I said cleaning the corners of my mouth very delicately like someone who had just feasted on a rare delicacy. “You… are amazing at that… Can you teach me?” “It doesn’t need much explanation, just lots of practice! How about we have lunch in the mall? I’ve just had a horse's cock for an appetizer, now I could eat the rest of it!” I chuckled as Corey blushed intensely, but I was actually very hungry…Day 2 The next day I woke up bright early and very excited to go the gym and have my first work out with my delicious personal trainer, and so was Corey, now dressed in his much more vivid (though still too blend for my spicy taste) working out attire, including tights spandex pants that made his donkey sized endowment more than obvious. Of course that made him nervous at the beginning, but after some pep talk he was ready to embrace that he was a horse dicked bottom, I have also convinced him to leave the dark make up for moments where he would not be sweating, and he actually looked much cuter in this washed version. After another hefty breakfast we headed to the gym where my delicious hunk Dwayne already expected his two new clients. Dwayne didn’t disappoint me in the fashion area, for he knew tight polo shirts did wonders for very muscular guys like him, I just wished the whole fitting was better, because it still looked very baggy under his amazing torso, but then again that was not any Ralph Lauren neither Lacoste (note to self: get Dwayne some name brand polo shirts). Those trunk sized thighs of his were barely covered in his spandex pants, and although he was no Corey in that department, Dwayne didn’t disappoint me there either. “So, why don’t we start with some basic stuff? We can take your measurements tomorrow, it’s better for me if I get to know your preferences by evaluating your performance, so I’ll have your profile outlined.” I liked the fact that my personal trainer wasn’t just a big wall of muscle, and he actually studied his business, I trusted him much more now (although I still lusted after him very much). Dwayne led us straight to the weight area and helped each one in a different machine, but since I was paying more attention to the way his pecs jutted inside his tight shirt I still don’t know their names. I started with the thingy for bicep crunches while Corey went straight to the chair where you have to squeeze with your thighs in order to move the weight, which was funny because I could catch the precious moment where Dwayne noticed the enormous size of my emo friend’s junk, he surely tried to play cool, but a trained eye like mine notices even the slightest reactions when it comes to checking on other man’s equipment. I gotta tell you that I expected my first day on weight training to be much harder than it actually was, maybe Dwayne was taking easy not to scare us, but he did quite remark that I was stronger than he first expected, which I supposed to be some kind of compliment so I promptly smiled and performed each exercise as he instructed me, although I won’t bother you with the details on how many “reps” for each “series” and other boring details. Let’s just say that Dwayne is a very good and dedicated trainer, he took his time to show us all the right movements and even played along while I said silly things and sounded as innocently flirty as I could, while Corey just stood there silent and focused, but flushing whenever I made a comment on his donkey sized dick. Dwayne smirked and said that my roomie was certainly gifted (which was all an allegedly straight man would admit in front of practically strangers). After we were done with our routines, we headed to the restrooms while Dwayne went to meet his other clients. Like I said before, I was expecting to be much more physically tired, when in fact I felt such a rush of energy, which I quickly redirected into pure sex drive and judging by the way Corey’s cock bobbed he also preferred to channel his own share of extra energy into such obvious choice. It felt very fun to give head in the gym restroom. Corey pressed the back of my head against his enormous dick and guided me as I pleased such huge member, the warm water splashing over my back. At first, it was quite difficult to breathe, but I’ve been blowing cocks for years now, so I knew it was better to just keep sucking as long as I could hold and then recover my breath while my hand replaced my tongue. It actually didn’t take long to get Corey to blow, but there were two main problems: #1 was that he just came so much and I was so hungry for his seed that I kept drinking it all and #2: we were so fucking horny that we went like four times! Whenever I got Corey to go dry, he got on his knees and sucked my own cock and so forth! Fortunately it was a lazy day and we had locked the door, so we could finish our kinky friendly suck just in time to unlock the door and let some other guy use the showers as we toweled our wet bodies. We headed back home, but first we stopped by this ALL YOU CAN EAT buffet, the kind of Empty-Carbs-High-Fat Haven that I wouldn’t even consider going until a couple of days ago, now I was so fucking starving that I needed all the food that could be quickly given to me. Each one of us could tell by the looks on the regular customers that they weren’t used to see two skinny guys eating five or six plates of pasta before heading to the grilled meats session, but we didn’t care for them at all. Once we were back at home, Diego and Kenny were just ready to eat lunch, which was a regular feast of low fat protein and complex carbohydrates. Although we were supposed to feel full for the next three generations, for some reason both Corey and me simply attacked the food without even remembering that we had been stuffing our faces for almost two hours. I felt that eating was just as good as fucking now, and for that reason it is needless to say that we engaged into the amazing orgy we had after lunch. It started pretty innocently, Diego just called me in the kitchen to help him with the dishes and I was more than happy to play along, because he knew I was the worst disaster in doing any house chore. When I got there he just hugged me and kissed me so fucking hard, I thought I would pass out, we made out like two wild animals, and he finally led me to the back room where we 69´d for about a good hour, exchanging our loads and exploring our bodies with newfound intensity. When we got back to the living room, Corey was groping Kenny’s thick muscles telling the Asian guy all about his first day at the gym. My gymnast roommate commented that he had the best train of his life, his muscles didn’t feel tired with such hard work and he performed much better as well. It was the perfect excuse for me to tell about Dwayne and his glorious physique. Diego just flexed his own perfect curvaceous muscles and said he felt stronger and he also could do much heavier lifts with no great effort. Suddenly, we exchanged worried looks remembering about the mysterious events of that night. On one side, Diego and Kenny were indeed used to physical hard work, so they simply assumed that they were in a good gym day and that’s all. However, since Corey and I were never into heavy lifting before, our own perspectives couldn’t be used as a good standard. In any case, we decided to change the subject, and in absence of anything more interesting to do, we ended up in another round of dripping wet sex – I have to say that my roommates were getting really kinky fucking buddies. Day 3I woke up even earlier than the previous day, only to find out my roommates were also up and very active already. Once again we had a humongous breakfast with smoothies and protein shakes, fresh fruits and lots of chicken breast in whole bread sandwiches. Despite the ravishing hunger we all felt in the morning, once again we were sharing out thoughts about “that night.” Diego thought we had a spiritual experience, while Kenny chose to believe that we were intoxicated by something in the air, because he claimed to remember a strong smell right before passing out. Corey pointed out that he remembered a strong light from above, but none of us let him start on his alien encounter theory because that would be the creepiest thing. So, to make him feel better I gave our Emo roommate one very nice complimentary blowjob and this time Kenny and Diego joined us in this masculine brunch. With those lips, Diego was definitely a great cocksucker, but he also enjoyed many toys, including one he called “Alejandro” like the Lady Gaga song. That distinguished gentleman was an 18 inches long massive black rubber dildo that we all love to play with. Kenny gladly helped Diego to take the most of Alejandro he could, while I continued working on Corey’s smaller, yet still massive, cock. My Emo roomie was in fact very horny because he came not just for me but also twice for Kenny, meanwhile Diego had a great time with his rubber friend. After a whole hour of messing around, we realized that there was still a whole day ahead of us, so I gave the guys a ride to campus. I dropped Kenny and Diego at the university, and then Corey and I headed to the gym for our second training session with Dwayne on whom we actually left a very nice impression for our first day. However, when the handsome Dwayne measured me, I must confess that I was surprised to notice that I weighed 142 pounds instead of my usual 130. I didn’t feel bloated and my stomach was harder than ever, maybe it was broken, but Dwayne assured me that it was a precise scale. The same thing happened to Corey, who weighed 135 pounds according to their readings. Although we were the skinniest guys in the weight training area that morning, we did every bit as good as on our first day, proving to be much stronger than our hunky trainer first thought. It seemed he would have to prepare a more intense program since we both said that we wanted to gain more mass. “I’ve already set everything for you in the weight area, and since you’ve done so well yesterday I decided to go for a more determined approach and challenge your physiques a bit harder!” “Oh, dear… I love when you talk dirty like that!” I said deliberating seizing my time to grab onto Dwayne’s massive arm. He seemed awkward but not disgusted which was already a good sign to me, so I quit joking and got ready for the routine. The funniest thing was that it didn’t feel more challenging; in fact it felt easier than yesterday. I looked at my side and noticed that Corey didn’t seem to feel the same way, but he was doing very nice nonetheless. Meanwhile, Dwayne was just staring at how easily we performed our exercises. He couldn’t stop congratulating us for such great performance, but I thought he was just kissing my sweet ass to gain some extra money (which I would pay him anyway). After the workout we took our showers and of course I noticed that Dwayne had been checking me out constantly. Sure, I didn’t have Diego’s amazing derriere, but I had this tight, tiny bubble butt that he would love to squeeze while driving that huge cock of his into my hungry ass. It was then I noticed Corey’s monster was fully hard again, so I chuckled and offered to give him head again. Usually, Corey was far too shy to do it in a public place twice in a row, but I guess the pump got us horny instead of tired. I closed the locker room door and went on heavily sucking Corey’s monstrous cock. It felt so dangerous and kinky! I didn’t need much effort to get Corey to shove another load down my throat, for some reason I was turning into a little cum pig, and my partner certainly didn’t complain. Once we were finished fucking for the time being, we showered and returned to our daily deeds. Before getting back to class, we stopped once again by that all-you-can-eat buffet. I usually only have small salads, but lately I craved things like beef and chicken breasts or tuna steaks! I was actually eating my third plate before I noticed. The weirdest thing was that although we had been stuffing our faces for practically two days, my skinny jeans didn’t feel tighter around my waist, although the thighs felt much tighter than I remembered. “Corey, do I look fatter?” “Why do even ask that? You’re all ripped and shredded, you have a 6-pack abdomen already, do you know what I’d give to have one of these?” Corey smiled as he felt my very tight and sculpted abdomen. I wasn’t muscular or very developed like Diego or Kenny, but I sure had one nice cheese grater. “Heh, that Dwayne is a real miracle worker! You’re not doing badly either…” I hit his chest and the once saggy flabby sunk chest looked and felt much fuller. “Don’t you think it’s weird that we are already showing such results on our second day of train?” I just rolled my eyes. “Oh don’t you even start, friend. I’ve worked my pretty tight butt for two whole days, I’m glad I have something to show. In fact, this new 6-pack will look amazing with a new yellow fitted T, I’m gonna rock on the dance floor!” Corey just shook his head because he knew it was useless to argue with me, but when we were heading to the parking lot he just pulled me by the arm and we were suddenly at the nearest drugstore, where he pushed my protesting to the scale, something that I surely didn’t appreciate. “See, it says that you’re 155 pounds! That’s exactly 13 pounds heavier than your weight before we head to the gym.” Corey said in a low worried tone, but I just felt angry. “And you said I wasn’t fat at all, you’re such a lying queen, Corey.” The tall guy just pushed me out of the scale and replaced me, it read 152 pounds, which was an even heavier gain, considering his previous read this morning. “See, I don’t look any fatter either…I think we are just getting heavier because of the increase of our muscular mass.” “Really? And here I thought we were just bloated with gas…” I replied bitterly and got out of the store before the homophobic little man behind the counter said anything. “Benny, you don’t understand…no one gains 15 pounds in one single day!” “That machine is probably broken. Didn’t you see how old everything inside was?” I dismissed the argument with one very theatrical hand movement, especially because my pretty eyes caught a new Nike store that opened right across of the parking lot, and I suddenly needed that new fitted T for displaying the new 6 pack I now possessed. When we finally got back to the apartment, carried with lots of bags for me and my still somewhat reluctant Corey, we found out Diego had cooked a lot of food and it actually didn’t feel like we had just had an enormous lunch. “I’d probably shouldn’t be eating that much, huh Corey? I’ll gain like 25 pounds after that meal…” I teased my roommate while devouring another serving and Diego quickly noticed the way Corey reacted. “What is going on with him?” Diego asked me while Corey kept his bags in his room. I explained him how Corey got obsessed with our weight gain, but since neither of us were getting any fatter, he was just overreacting as always, but this time Diego didn’t seem to be on my side. “Funny you should mention that, my choreographer also pointed out that I looked quite bigger, not that I got any fatter, but I’ve gained 22 pounds ever since last time we weighed. I’m not finding any difficulty, quite the contrary…I’ve never danced with such freedom and power before.” “So what? You’re training harder and got bigger, that never happened before?” I was still very skeptical. “Hey guys…” Kenny entered, his first reaction was to attack the enormous table set for us, but in the last moment he simply backed off. “I don’t know if I should…coach said I gained 18 pounds in one month, he’s afraid I’m getting too muscular for the team, he pointed out that my ” Kenny complained and it was our turn to look puzzled. “So are we all gaining weight like that? We are not bloated, or fatter, it’s all muscular mass increase. What’s the problem? We just happen to have a healthy life style and it’s paying off.” “Benny, since when have you been healthy? You had more liquor on you than anyone I’ve known.” Corey said from the hallway. “Damn, are we gonna start this again? Look, I don’t know what the fuck happened to us that night, but I’m not gonna try to associate it with everything that happens to us from now on. I know you guys were muscular before, and you’re getting even bigger now. That’s no big deal, and Corey let’s face, we might be heavier but we’re not anywhere near becoming musclebound like these two!” I finally vented it out. “Dude…we are all at the same side here. None of us know what happened that night, but whatever it was, it took three hours of our night and certainly left consequences.” Corey affirmed so calmly that he scared the hell out of me. Kenny hugged me silently, then it was Diego who joined the friendly touch, he kissed our cheeks and gently lowered his hand onto Kenny’s butt, and suddenly we were making out. At that moment, I knew I preferred fucking than talking about that freaking weird night, so I just lowered my arm to reach for Diego’s cock while Corey seemed to admire Kenny’s muscular back as well. This time, however, after sucking on Corey’s cock we let our Donkey Boy enjoy Diego’s 8-incher, which was not as huge as his but quite respectable, and our emo lad surely enjoyed puffing on that fine Cuban cigar. We fucked each other until very intensely, and each one seemed to gain a newfound taste for cum, because we were just sucking the milk out of each other like there was no tomorrow. I know I took the samples from each one of them, and they also had my very hefty load down their throats. After nearly two hours of such shameless orgy, we became a sweaty creamed mess of muscles and cum, so we just took a shower and stuffed our faces with the feast that we postponed to fuck. It was funny because after stuffing our faces and fooling around all afternoon, we collapsed in the living room and woke up around 10 pm. I wished to tell you I had some kind of revelation dream about that night, but I just slept like a log, so comfortable next to my roomies that when I woke up, I simply didn’t feel tired or anxious anymore. The room was dark, and the shadowed bulks of my sleeping friends were so cute I decided to leave the lights off. I just went to the bathroom to empty my bladder and almost had a heart attack when I saw the man looking back at me in the mirror! The 130 pounds meek blond twink was gone, and in his place there was this very handsome muscular dude! I didn’t know how and why, but my muscles had changed and grew much bigger sometime during my sleep. I palmed my chest, feeling the hard globes of muscle, going down to the impressive knots of my abdominal muscles, then I felt how hard and thick my thighs were, not to mention my hard striated arms, they just looked so hard and strong! The size of my muscles made me instantly hard and it reminded me that my cock was not the same anymore. The once average sized penis became a huge 10 inches long and very thick cock, it was just so much heavier and its augmented girth now felt heavier even for my bigger and more sensitive balls. My neck was so much thicker and muscular, and I even noticed my beard had grown much harsher, it was still the same blond shade in which I dyed a week before, but that was weird since my original hair color was brown. My eyes also felt weird, I felt my contact slipping but the eyes remained green for some reason. Even my lips were much more beautiful than they used to be! I was green eyed buffed 5’9” 200 pounds muscular blond hunk with a 4 o’ clock shadow beard. My muscles were just so hard and thick, they were covered with a perfect layer of hair that made them feel so nice to the touch, and at the same time, I could see their striations and veins right underneath my flimsy skin. I screamed for my friends, and when Corey entered the bathroom, we both went quiet, because he too had changed quite a lot. From his once skinny bean pole look he just looked like a muscular rower athlete decided to become one these power rock star! His pale skin turned into gorgeous porcelain fair tone, the blond hair he insisted on dying black had now turned completely into such intense of blackness that it almost seemed blue in the shades, the silky texture and shine were only possible in shampoo commercials, not to mention that now he had a full mane on his head. “Benny, is that you?” Even Corey’s voice sounded different now that his neck was so thick with muscles and the once sunk chest now exhibited two massive plates of pectoral manly glory with such fat, long pink nipples which demanded to be kissed, twitched and nibbled. The muscularity of his new physique was enhanced by the thick veins crossing the valleys and peaks of the impressive frame he now displayed. “Oh, shit…Corey!” I said pointing down at his cock. His once thin frog legs had turned into trunk sized thighs which could only belong to powerful animals like bears, especially because of the dark hair covering them, and the pubic area had turned into a thick dark forest, but all these details were easily forgotten once the unbelievably huge cock of Corey had turned into an alabaster baseball with the foreskin totally recomposed. The monumental flagpole now had the skin that had once been cut when Corey was still a little boy; the balls had also increased tremendously and looked like a couple of extra-extra-large organic eggs. That cock had to be over 14 inches long, and I wasn’t sure if Corey was even fully hard yet, the guy was in complete shock. “Damn…look at me!” He replied looking at his merciless huge cock, but then he quickly screamed at the moment he noticed his new face. The frail features were replaced by strong, masculine rugged lines. His eyes became icy blue almost like grey spheres whose beauty was enhanced by what seemed to be some kind of war paint, they were dark and yet so manly, and his perfectly trimmed goatee now framed the juicy delicious lips. Corey had turned into a 6’2” 250 pounds epitome of dark side hotness, and I couldn’t believe how much more muscular his body became in such short span of time. Neither of us wanted to leave the bathroom but when Diego and Kenny screamed back in the living room, we just rushed towards the hallway, feeling how much narrower it was now. “That…is wicked!” Diego just danced out of ecstasy. The once hot muscular dancer became a full throttle Caribbean muscle god! He became a 5’10” 285 pounds solid wall of muscle! The sheer definition and the thickness on my roommate made Victor Martinez pale in comparison, he was just the perfect combination of human genes to produce a glorious specimen of muscular manliness. Diego’s traces were already so beautiful, but they now seemed amplified, for his contours were just so deliberately hot that all his brawn and sinew had turned into a freaking masterpiece of sensuality! The way he danced naked only made his engorged 13 inches long cock slap loudly against his hips, but he didn’t complain, he actually enjoyed it, his butt moved and shook so vibrantly. His muscular arms guided the movement of his hips and the feet moved so manly, so dominantly; the balls hung so heavy, the smoothness of his body remained; the sweat ran down the fjords of his enormous muscles. Diego’s bald head now was perfect; it only gave the impression that his body was cast out of an impossible mold and filled with perfect bronze, which made him and outrageously sexy muscle dancer. It started from the very wide shoulders and the handfuls of muscle that formed his neck, the deltoids jutting to reach for his ear lobes, the amazing size of his veined biceps and the wicked shapes of his forearms, all the way to his monumental pectoral plates pressing against each other with his fat dark nipples. “Shit…I don’t want to wake up from this dream!” Diego said as he looked at me, and I could feel the flooring cracking as he moved towards my direction, his hands grabbed my muscular butt and the mocha skinned behemoth quickly made me dance with him. Even with so much weight added to his enlarged frame, Diego moved with his usual grace if not even more dexterity and control. He guided me in this improvised salsa presentation that we had rehearsed for self-entertainment, but now our muscular bodies seemed designed to dance sensually and even though there was no music, just the rhythmic counting on my partner seemed to be enough to send my body into a sensual melody. We ended up our little number with a very theatrical pose, and those dangerous hazel eyes penetrated my soul, Diego was such an intense dancer that all his partners ended up kissing him, and I was no exception, especially now that he became a freaking mixture of bodybuilder and salsa champion! “So should I save the next dance?” Kenny asked sheepishly and both Diego and I noticed that he would not be back on the gymnastic team, although powerlifter should be the most appropriate option. Kenny had become the most muscular among us, at 5’8” he weighed 290 pounds of immensely developed muscle! The shade of his skin changed to match the perfect dark fiery red tone of his spiked faux Mohawk hairdo. Our Asian roommate now paraded such a masculine confident muscular new frame, his muscles didn’t look quite as shredded as the rest of us, but he definitely was the biggest among us, he didn’t have any extra fat, it was simply excessive muscle bulk. Kenny guy looked like an off-season bodybuilder, but truth was that all his muscles were just overdeveloped rather than covered by fat layers. Not to mention that his turtle-shell 8 pack stomach was simply a powerhouse of sexiness, the perfect ultra- developed muscle gut that still couldn’t eclipse the immensity of his foot long cock that demanded attention. Kenny’s oversized, overdeveloped muscles now made him look so manly, so powerful. We all looked at him with newfound respect, and somewhat envious. We all wanted to feel like that too, what could be the secret of his growth, and how could we get some of that too? “Damn, Kenny, you look like you could take three Sumo wrestlers at once!” Corey admired the new size of our resident gymnast, but Kenny replied by simply lifting the new Rock Muscle God in the air with one hand and picking him in the massive 24 inches of his bicep. “You can say that again, dude, but you certainly seem a good way to warm up for them…In fact you all seem skinny compared to me now…but that’s okay I’ll give you some pointers to get big fast!” The new Kenny also had this very manly Asian styled goatee that made him look more authoritarian, and judging by the way Corey enjoyed when he stroked the thing while admired the new Rock muscle star, our new looks worked really well. “Well guys, I don’t know about you…but this new body of mine is just aching for a night out!” I said with a high pitchy tone that I still could produce on my much thicker and lower voice. “Well, last time we blacked out and turned into muscle gods…I’m curious to see if the thunder strikes twice the same place.” Diego said flexing his 22” biceps on my face. “Heh, I wish I could find Dwayne now, he would freak out now, huh Benny?” Corey laughed and we all joined him, and 45 minutes later we were all ready to party, but for obvious reasons we took two separate cars and headed to a local club; the four of us would never fit Diego’s new beetle! More to come…soon( I hope) Day 3 (continued) Although we didn’t go to an exclusively gay night club, we were pretty much the center of all attention. People simply couldn’t stop staring at us, but who could blame them? Our muscles were harder, thicker, stronger and overall much hotter and smarter (although that’s not a hard goal) than any overly bronzed Fanta-shaded Guido on Jersey Shore, so we certainly earned those fist-pump action we got as soon we entered the dance floor. Starting with the new 5’9” 200 pounds of muscle hunk version of yours truly dressed in skin tight denim CK pants, black fitted V-necked T by Ralph Lauren and Italian leather sandals – I pretty much knew that my muscle man-tits were just really great, especially those huge nipples poking through the fabric, I have to confess that I adored the feeling of my muscles flexing while I danced, provoking guys and girls all over the place. The audience also savored the amazing 6’2” 250 pounds of Neo Power Metal-Muscle Rock God Corey wearing a white wife beater along with the hottest black leather pants in the world to emphasize the bulge of his stud sized cock. Corey’s wild dark mane moved so sensually when he rocked that massive new body, not to mention the contrast between his alabaster flawless skin and the dark war-paint that suddenly appeared around his ghostly icy blue eyes, which gave him a dangerous, edgy yet very attractive look. Diego simply killed with the 5’10” sizzling hot 285 pounds of massive mocha toned muscles, completed with the delicious spice of his Latin elegance dressed in all the glory of his dark grey trousers and bright powder blue satin shirt whose first 4 buttons couldn’t be closed because of the immensity of his pectoral plates of brawny deliciousness (for the sake of my fashionista’s reputation, I have to tell you that we did try to dress him in a traditional shirt, but the sleeves simply busted once he tried to stick those trunk sized arms into them). When Diego paraded around the floor like the most dominating booty-shaker alpha-male, everybody just gasped at the sight of his curvaceous muscles. And who could ever ignore Kenny, the undeniable “Wall of Muscle”? At only 5’8” he certainly served as hard evidence for those who defended that shorter bodybuilders had advantage over taller ones. Although he was only 5 pounds heavier than Diego, Kenny’s 290 pounds clearly looked more powerful than the rest of us, especially because had that amazing fiery red faux Mohawk and the perfectly trimmed goatee that only enhanced the masculinity of his overly muscled frame. We certainly had trouble to find something that would pass the challenge of covering Kenny’s über muscular frame, so we had to settle for simpler clothes: cargo pants (which looked incredibly tight on those massive thighs) and a dark blue Under Armour sleeveless shirt that the monstrous gymnast usually wore for his training sessions. The overall effect was simply impressive, Kenny suddenly looked like a professional strength athlete, but for the first time in his life, he loved all the attention he was getting, and the “rice queens” certainly surrounded him. With our egos buffed along with our frames, we soon started the mating games. I noticed Diego making out with this hot German guy, a 6’5” volleyball-type player with shaggy blond hair; very hot indeed. Meanwhile, Kenny was flexing for a couple of very hot young college guys who seemed impressed (to say the least) with his uncanny size disappeared with this very muscular black dude, on whom I had my eyes. Corey was talking to a very popular jock in our campus, and I’m sure the guy had no clue that such powerful dangerous looking Rock God was the same dude who religiously watched him training. I have to admit that I desperately hoped that my unexplained transformation helped me to put an end to my dry spell, but I still felt somewhat self-conscious about my body, maybe it was because I was the “smaller” of our house. I was so much bigger, muscular and hotter than ever, I was dressed to kill, but still felt like the old days when compared to my roommates, and that fact certainly bugged me, I knew I was the smaller to start with so it would be normal to remain the smallest after the growth, but I didn’t think it was fair at all! All of a sudden, I noticed this bouncer who couldn’t stop staring at me. I smiled back at him and he chuckled. He had strong, masculine Middle-Eastern features with this shaved, bull-necked, barrel chested look. The guy had to be over 6’3” and was so muscular and powerful, he probably was bigger than Diego or even Kenny.Even in the poorly lit dance floor, a quick glimpse was sufficient for me to notice the tan line on his left finger, which told me that huge man was probably married, belonging to that kind of guys who keep their wives at home while they look out for hot twinks to fuck, something I particularly found hypocrite and disgusting. However, since I had absolutely no moral standards at night, I just danced my way closer to the immense guy with a shameless flirting look in my face. “Hey there…” I greeted the huge guy, but he pretended to pay attention to something said in his earplug, which actually gave him this hot “bodyguard” look, and I was totally ready to be Whitney Houston to his Kevin Costner. “I’m sorry, work stuff, you know…” His accent was very strong, and it only made me attracted to that impressively muscular man dressed in black. I looked at the oversized jacket he wore and imagined how thick those arms could be, we surely could get some store tips for Kenny and Diego, although I highly doubted these guys would want something so outdated. “Oh that’s okay, your work is to keep us safe us right?” I noticed that my usually flirting tone had changed; it wasn’t so girly anymore, although still charming and very sexy. “You bet that, sir. But a guy like you surely knows how to defend from mean dudes, right?” The bull-necked man’s voice was deep and husky, his tiny brown eyes undressed me and I surely didn’t mind posing for him while pretending to be casually dancing. “Oh, I wouldn’t say that…I’d certainly still need a big man to watch over my…back” That was all I needed to say; the immense guy just looked at his side and placed a huge hand on my back, roughly escorting me to some kind of “authorized personnel only” place, which was in fact a little bigger than a broom closet with a desk, some boxes and for comfort, a futon on the ground. The huge man just locked the door behind him, quickly opening his immense suit. “Get undressed and bend over, bitch.” The gorilla sized man certainly knew how to behave like one, but I was so freaking horny that I decided to play along. “Oh, yes sir…” I said while shaking very sensually. I took off my clothes and threw them aside, while the enormous dude struggled to take off his arms from the suits. “Let me help you with that, big guy. You’re so huge; we don’t want you to ruin your work’s wardrobe…” I whispered and helped him to get rid of the jacket; then I gently pulled the lower part of his immense turtle neck black shirt while he slowly managed to retrieve the thick strong arms inside the ridiculous piece of clothing. (I know that guy lacked any sense of style, but with muscles like his, I’d forgiven any style sin). “You’re…very big too…I like that…a twink with muscle!” The man surely enjoyed the special treatment I was giving him. “Well, I am not nearly as big as you, sir.” I replied while taking care of removing his pants, and judging by the chubby bulge on his boxers, I was pleasing him very much. The guys had a very thick and yet decently sized cock, which meant I would have lots of fun. The huge man groped my ass and squeezed it hard, but for some reason I didn’t think he squeezed hard enough, so I just reacted by grabbing his thick, hard buttocks and squeezing them the way I wanted him to squeeze mine, but for my surprise, the huge man produced a surprised yell, which made me stop immediately. “Damn, blondie. For a little guy you’ve got quite some grip on ya!” His voice was so manly, so powerful. The guy was 6’4” and weighed 300 pounds of hard, beefy muscle, how could he even feel my hands squeezing his butt? Maybe he was just trying to humor me, after all a guy of his size could easily break me in half couldn’t he? I have to admit I was kind of disappointed because he didn’t feel so tough as he seemed. “I just wanted to show you, I like things rough…” I whispered, feeling suddenly much naughtier. The shaved headed muscle bull chuckled and picked me up in his massive arms, holding me above the ground, my new muscular legs quickly embraced his wide waist, and I went straight to his hairy nipples, sucking and nibbling those puppies with my very experienced tongue. “Damn…I wish I were like you, sir; being so huge, so thick, and so massive!” I liked that he had that turtle shell kind of abs; I love ripped bodybuilders on the magazines but I certainly appreciated much better the off-season extra beefiness in daily life. He seemed to enjoy showing off for me as well, placing me over the desk and flexing those massive hairy pecs of his for my pleasure. I just giggled and hugged his huge physique closer to me; then I lowered my head and pulled his boxers with my teeth. After much teasing, I simply yanked those tight things and admired the impressively thick cock getting harder as I played with it very gently. “I’m gonna destroy your little ass, pretty boy!” he growled while pressing my head against his crotch. The bouncer had a decent cock, really thick one which was very pleasing to suck. I grinned and was about to roll a condom over the fireplug, when suddenly this overwhelming urge happened. It was like I couldn’t see or think clearly. I just attacked that man’s cock furiously, sucking him so hard and with such eagerness he gagged and gasped with the way I treated his manhood. “Damn… you’re GOOD! Oh… fuck… easy… easy there, man. OUCH! Your teeth!” He tried to take my head off his cock, and got surprised when he wasn’t capable, although he was 100 pounds heavier than my current frame. He ended up smacking the back of my head, hoping that the pain would made me let go of his cock, but I actually didn’t feel a thing, but the sudden commotion reminded me that I was probably hurting him, so I just stopped and looked at him. “Sorry there, hun. I got carried away. Now just relax and let me do my job, okay?” I gently pressed my index finger over his lips, and for some reason instead of just snapping on me, the muscle bull just moaned and sucked hard on it, so I was free to continue my blow job. It was so weird listening to my own voice but it felt like it wasn’t me at all. I mean I could feel the whole thing, yet I acted so strangely, like instinctively or something. The bouncer grinned once I came back to his cock. This time I was much smoother, yet he couldn’t stop moaning and gasping – it didn’t take much until I had him cumming in my throat. I did try to stop, I knew all about the risks. It’s fun to drink my roommates' cum, because they are all obsessed with DST testing, but this was some stranger muscle man I had just met! I could be getting into some really dangerous game, but there was this hunger inside me and I needed to satisfy it. The bull-necked muscle guy came for a much shorter time than I anticipated. To make things worse, he was already looking ready to roll over and sleep, but I wasn’t his wife and I would not tolerate that. So, I simply lifted his whole 300 frame from the ground and shook him, I still don’t know how it was possible, but I simply did, I lifted that enormous guy and didn’t feel any heaviness at all, I was just so horny and hungry for more of his seed that lifting his 300 pound frame didn’t feel hard at all. “Hey, big guy, you said you would pound my ass, now you’re gonna do it!” It was that hunger once again, the huge man suddenly seemed scared, nonetheless; I lowered him back to the ground as we kissed very intensely. Although he had just come, his cock went full mast again and this was my chance to have some action with someone else other than my roommates! I once again lifted the bouncer and brought him back to the desk, which was wobbling and squeaking under his weight, but I didn’t care. The guy he was just too intoxicated with my sudden strength display. I bent over, exposing my cherry to him and ordered him to start. “Damn…you’re one fine piece of bubble butt!” He shut that thick cock inside my butt, for some reason I was so moist that his cock went easy inside me, and then my huge muscle bull fucked raw and roughly like he promised, though I still wanted more. He unplugged so I could find a better position leaning against the desk, and he quickly got back to his rhythmically plowing on my ass. Yet, it was not enough, I wanted to feel more strength inside me, the hunger inside me grew once again so I just punched the desk and moaned as he slammed that thick cock inside me. I wanted so much more, at some point I broke the desk out of excitement, it had been so long since I last had such nice muscle man with me. “Fuck…you’re so hot! Oh damn…I can’t hold anymore, oh fuuuuuck!” When my bull came, shooting his hot man milk inside of my ass, I actually roared like a lion or something even more powerful. I flexed my buttocks so hard because I wanted that cum inside me so badly, I guess I actually hurt the guy at some point and he screamed and punched my back, but I didn’t feel a thing! Meanwhile, I shook my moneymaker to feel more of his cock inside me and ended up lifting him off the ground, supporting his weight on my thighs. I felt so good, so damn sexy, then I just realized the guy was desperately trying to get off my ass, I stood up and the force on my pelvis was so intense that I accidentally sent the bull across the room, but before I could help him, the guy shouted words in some language and ran for his life. I guess he got really scared with so much unexpected strength, but for some reason I wasn’t freaked out at all, so I just got dressed again and decided to have something to eat at the bar, and asked for everything in the menu that could resemble like a decent meal (thanks god for Steak with Fries and Tuna burgers). I sat at a decent table in a dark corner and waited impatiently for my order, feeling increasingly hungry until the food was delivered and I was ready to dig in when I was surprised in a very good way. “I can see why you’re so hungry, you certainly need lots of food to keep such impressive muscles and dance floor moves.” It was Dwayne, my personal trainer and most recent crush. I was so caught off guard, my mouth hung open and saliva dropped over the table cloth until I could manage to mutter a decent answer. “Why thank you…Do you care to join me? I certainly ordered too much because I didn’t know what to choose you can share the carb guilty with me?” “Well, I’m Dwayne, and I usually don’t have dinner with guys whose names I don’t know yet.” The personal trainer offered his hand to me; I shook it and felt so excited to have a chance with the current hunk of my dreams. I almost ruined everything by telling Dwayne my real name, I realized that my improved looks made it almost impossible for my own personal trainer to recognize me, after all he wasn’t expecting to find a taller, bearded and much more muscular Benny Carter only two days after joining the gym. “Hey, Dwayne I’m Leopold… but you can call me Leo” I must confess that I was terrible on thinking on my feet so I ended up using my real middle name instead of something better. The hot muscle tanned guy shook my hand and sat next to me. We sure looked hot together, especially with all the food at the table. I just smiled and asked the waiter for extra plate. “So, Dwayne, can I presume that you checking me out while danced?” I asked between mouthfuls of food. Dwayne giggled; he just couldn’t take his eyes off me. “You can presume that, but then all the eyes were on you guys. I must say that’s the most muscular entourage I see in a long time.” “Oh…well, we all have very good genetics, and discipline to work out and respect our bodies.” I repeated the same mumble jumbo he told me over the past days and it caused a very nice impression on my sudden dinner guest. “Heh, that’s great to see you guys think that way, can I presume now that you’re all very close?” I chuckled, taking even more food into my mouth and vanishing with the steaks in record time. “Well, yeah, actually they’re my roommies.” I blushed. “That’s great…I actually was wondering if you could give me some contact on that amazing Asian muscle monster!” Dwayne brutally crushed my heart with that question. “You came here just so I could introduce you to Kenny?” I gasped. “Yeah, he’s such a hot guy, I wanted to talk to him but he vanished from the club.” Dwayne confessed his cruel hidden agenda. I took a long sip of my light beer, trying to disguise my frustration. I placed the bottle down and shot Dwayne with a mean hurt look. “How dare you? I thought you were checking me out, I thought you wanted my muscles! Damn…why am I so small?” I voiced my thoughts and it obviously got Dwayne in a defensive mode. “Sorry, Leo…It’s not that you’re not hot…it’s that I am into very massive guys, you know?” That was the final straw, the last drop. I felt so angry, so envy of the size of my roommates. I just squeezed the bottle in my hands and it broke easily, making Dwayne nervous. “Look, Leo…I am sorry dude…let’s just forget about everything ok? I’ll even pay for the food.” “I am not Leo…I mean…shit…” I suddenly felt this surge of strength rushing through my body and grunted while my limbs twitched. Dwayne then approached me very worried. “Dude, what’s going on? Are you alright, should I call for help?” He asked me in a tender tone. I looked at him and we both witnessed when my shoulders expanded, growing wider and thicker almost instantly. The sinew on my impressive muscles continued to increase as we went both silent. “What the fuck is happening?” Dwayne asked, but he still tried to keep it low, for some reason he didn’t want to alarm people. “Take me out of here, please…” I touched his shoulder and my arm just busted through my sleeves, revealing a nearly 20 inches of muscular perfection, and Dwayne just nodded. He thought I couldn’t walk, but in truth I was not weak, I was getting stronger by the second, and my cock was so hard inside my pants, they would probably bust my pants too. “Okay…follow me.” Dwayne led me by the arm, which was very convenient because I could pretend to be drunk as he escorted me straight to the VIP bathroom. If only people knew that I wasn’t exactly about to puke, but to outgrow my already skin tight clothes. “Shit, you’re all bloated and swollen; maybe you’re having an allergic reaction…” “Does this look like a rash to you, Dwayne?” I asked harshly, flexing my nearly 22 inches around guns right on his shocked face, and to my nice surprise, he went not only went instantly quiet, the perfect hunk guy who had the nerve to ditch me over Kenny simply attacked my hard vascular arm. I watched with enormous pleasure as the hunky personal trainer worshipped my growing muscles with his desiring tongue, he licked and took several bites of my growing arm, feeling the hardness of its expanding contours. I giggled as he tried to dent the augmenting forms of my body, knowing in advance it would be just useless. I guess that my giggling must be pretty unique because when Dwayne heard it, he just stopped worshiping my growing muscles, he suddenly went livid and took several steps back. The strongly lit bathroom helped the hunky guy to realize the man behind the growing muscle body. “That can’t be possible…” Dwayne then gently touched my hair and my beard, feeling my face with his fingers in attempt to deny what his eyes had finally realized, and his final proof came when I smiled openly, revealing the multicolored pieces of my dental bracers. “FUCK….BENNY CARTER? Is that you?” Dwayne gasped and his hands groped my chest and squeezed them with all his puny strength. I simply giggled again and pretended that was just a casual encounter. “Damn…took you long enough to recognize me huh, D? Don’t worry…I know it’s pretty much to take in at once, and I’m still growing!” I giggled and flexed my pecs one side at a time, just so he could play along with me. Dwayne had to fight the urge to stick his face between my freaking awesome hairy growing pecs. “But, how is this even possible? What the fuck are you taking?” At that point I just rolled my eyes. “Come on, do you think that if they had invented something that could make a guy so fast, you wouldn’t already know about it? I didn’t take anything…it is just happening, and not just with me…my roommates as well.” Dwayne gagged while I pushed his neck against my face and we kissed so roughly that I actually felt like he was trying to break it by biting my lips, but at that point I was so aroused that I simply ignored his attempts and only stopped kissing when both of us were almost out of air. “Fuck…you’re hot!” Dwayne confessed as he paced. “That’s what I’ve been trying to show you. Now shut the fuck up and fuck me, pretty boy!” I stood up and suddenly we both realized that my body was still like 3 inches shorter than Dwayne’s, but I was already much more muscular and massive than his impressive 240 pounds. The tanned hunk gasped and his cock was hard against my now 8-pack massive and ripped stomach, I was developing the same kind of turtle-shell kind of stomach that looked so impressive on Kenny, and given the width and wicked thickness of my shoulders and chest, it just made me look so impressively muscular that I knew that Kenny’s got nothing on me at that point. “Damn, Benny you’re just insanely muscular!” Dwayne whispered as he squeezed my biceps and shoulders. “Well, I’m actually insanely horny right now, big guy…or should I say little guy? Damn…it’s still confusing to be so massive, but I love every second.” I giggled. It was then Dwayne decided to check on my engorged 14 inches monster hard cock which was actually much bigger than he could imagine, his eyes widened. “Oh fuck…I’ve never taken cock on my butt…I don’t know if…” I silenced him with another fearsomely rough kiss, which he accepted very nicely this time. “And who said you would be taking cock tonight? I’m a massive muscle bottom hunk, is there any problem with that?” Dwayne realized my question was just rhetorical but he still waved his head obediently. “I’m glad you understood that you’re on top, but I’m the one on charge here…now, let’s get out of here, I’m not gonna fuck twice in this place when I have a perfectly soft king sized bed for a muscular queen like me!” I actually missed my diva moments like that one, my body was becoming so masculine, but I still was the same twink underneath all those layers of muscle! “But, you’re barely naked and still growing!” My hunky trainer alerted, pointing to my humongous muscles and the immense sausage between my immensely thick hair legs. “Well, I do think it’s kind of embarrassing…but still less revealing than some girls’ outfits…Wait I have an idea…” I asked Dwayne to get back on the room where the bull necked bouncer and I were fucking and retrieve his clothes. The guy was so freaking scared that he probably was halfway through the southern frontier right now. I spent those minutes looking at my growing body and even rehearsing some poses for a private show, knowing that Dwayne was so horny and curious about my growth that he simply would do anything I asked him. “You were right, these clothes were just tossed there…I think they’ll do a much better job to cover your…amazing muscles.” Dwayne blushed as he handled me the customized sized black suit, but I certainly didn’t feel much excited about wearing such unflattering clothes. “Oh, damn…that fabric is so cheap it’s gonna give me rashes!” I complained while squeezing my tree trunk sized thighs into the trousers. It was obvious that my huge cock also didn’t help, so I had to tuck it somehow along with my left thigh. “I only hope this thing is stretchy enough!” Dwayne helped me to get into the horrible turtle neck shirt. “Oh, if my stylist sees me in these, he’s gonna have a cow!” I whined while my humongous arms stretched the fabric beyond its limits, and the sleeves simply tore apart, which forced us to rip them off, and my neck and deltoids took care of busting the disgraceful forms of that ridiculous turtle neck. “I don’t think we’ll need that right?” Dwayne tossed the jacket to the corner and smiled back at me. “Right, now let’s get out of here; I’m growing bigger and hornier as the moments pass”. I said as I led Dwayne by hand. Despite my comment, of course I insisted that we went through the dance floor, so I could parade my newest muscles and my current catch to everybody. “My car is just that way, Benny” Dwayne realized that going through the crowded dance floor was a very slow process, but very pleasing nonetheless. “Okay, but I have to teach these guys a few things about booty shaking!” I just danced my way, flexing and teasing every guy and girl who gasped at my humongous size. I have to admit that when you had a body the size of mine, people don’t actually care about the style rules, they just think it’s hot. We eventually got to the parking lot and Dwayne opened the door for me. “Shit, Benny you’re looking so massive, your chest is gonna rip this shirt any moment now!” The hunky personal trainer commented as he entered his Ford pick-up, noticing that I was far too muscular to let him drive comfortably inside the cabin. “Well, I am glad…my first growth happened while I blacked out, at least now I’m enjoying every moment. I wonder if the others are growing like me…” The mere thought suddenly brought me down. I loved my roomies but I was enjoying the idea of being the biggest, I just hoped that whatever happened to me didn’t infect them…at least not so intensely. “So, why are you all growing anyway?” The tanned guy was gently insistent, so I just took a deep breath and told him about the fatidic night. Dwayne took us out of the place, but his mind still tried to encompass the unexplainable events. “Maybe you guys should be tested for some kind of intoxication…” “That’s nonsense; we’re all perfectly healthy, as you can attest for yourself!” I flexed my arms and they simply felt like warm pieces of titanium against my flimsy skin. “Well, whatever it is…it’s changing your physiology, perhaps we should look for medical help!” I knew he was only trying to help, but my massive muscles ached to flex and my cock wanted to spew, not to mention that I still wanted to feel Dwayne’s cock riding my über muscular derriere, so I just placed a hand on his shoulder when he stopped at the traffic light. “Okay, Dwayne you have two options : you can take me to the hospital and have they check me like a freak, or you can take me to bed and fuck me all night long. Are you really gonna waste the chance to fuck the most muscular butt in the world?” I asked while easily flexing my chest so hard that it ripped the fabric of my borrowed shirt, which was actually a favor to fashion. The hunky Texan bodybuilder/personal trainer just gulped and stepped on the gas and turned to the left, which made me happy because I knew there were no hospitals that way, but for my own surprise we were suddenly parking at the gym.“What the hell are we doing here?” I was very disappointed with at that little man, but he actually just started kissing me and we made out for five a long time before he finally explained me his intentions. “I just thought we could test your strength levels…I mean, you’re so massive but something tells me that you’re quite much stronger than you look!” “And what makes you think that?” I asked puzzled. Dwayne smiled and showed the passenger door, and only then I noticed the indentations of my thick fingers on the metal, and all I did was opening the thing. “Damn…did I do that? I’m sorry, Dwayne I’ll have you refunded.” “Don’t worry, but now I guess you are just as curious as I am about the extent of your strength huh, not to mention that we have some very precise measuring equipment here, and I just happen to have the keys…so are you gonna waist this chance Leopold?” Dwayne asked as he opened the doors for me. I just giggled and lifted the 240 pounds muscle man by his collar, only to tease him. “If you ever tell my middle name to one single soul I’ll have you squashed like a bug.” Dwayne laughed. “Don’t worry; I just want you to squeeze me when I’m fucking you…” (to be continued) Part 4 (The earlier hours of day 4) Dwayne had convinced me to stop by our gym club to check my awesome new stats (like I need his machines to tell me that I now looked simply “massilicious”. Anyway, I guess he was just trying to make up for the terrible slip he had committed earlier, and for that reason I just played along, especially because I could get off those cheap clothes I had to borrow from that bouncer. I was right, by the way. Unnatural fabrics give me rashes. I could feel the red areas even on my flimsy skin. I felt so relieved to be out of the tightness of them. Standing nearly buck naked with the white boxers which looked almost like a thong on my immense thighs and crotch bulge, I just watched as Dwayne got ready to take my stats. “So, first we have to take your measurements…for scientific purposes…” Dwayne said in flattering tone. “Yeah, I can see your Einstein all excited about that…” I teased. Dwayne blushed. “I can’t help it…” My dutiful personal trainer carefully checked every single stat on my engrossed figure, and at each new number he collected, I could tell that he was almost sure that it was some sort of new world record. “Well, you’re 5’10 and ¾ inches tall, which is actually a tremendous height growth spurt at your age…” I lifted the guy off the ground. “Are you implying that I’m old?” “What? No…it’s just…” Dwayne noticed I was giggling, my dental bracers showing through my opened smile, so the hunky personal trainer relaxed a bit. “Still…you’re 378 pounds of sheer massive muscle, which is by any means awesome! If you were an Olympia contender, the other guys up stage would like toothpicks at your side. Your height/weight combination makes your physique breath taking!” Dwayne commented still lifted off the ground. “Well, maybe I can compete with them. I have one hot bright pink thong that would make me just phenomenal on stage…” “I… don’t think they allow something so…peculiar, but you would certainly look awesome!” Dwayne petted his cock and I could tell he lusted after my humongous muscular butt and the monstrous legs. “So, what about all these measurements you took? Care to tell me what they mean anyway?” “Are you kidding? Shit…Benny, how I can put this…Everybody is just crazy with the size on Jay Cutler’s 31.5 inches around. Well, yours are 38 inches around!” “Really? That’s over three feet around, are you sure, my thighs are that massive?” I casually commented and flexed them, creating real tsunamis of contracting fibers through the rugged surface of my ginormous quads. Dwayne just nodded. “Y-yeah, they’re amazing…But they’re just the tip of your muscle iceberg. Your calves are 28.5 inches around, which is bigger than most bodybuilder’s arms. They’d kill for 25 inches arms and your calves are even bigger!” I giggled. “The guys always said I had thin legs…I bet those new calves are actually big as bulls huh? But wait, if my calves are the size most bodybuilders would love their arms to be…” “Your arms are 32 inches around. I couldn’t believe the number so I took the measures three times, this number is fantastic. Normally, guys want their calves to be nearly the size of their arms for symmetry issues, but you are so massive that your arms can be that immense! Shit, your arms are bigger than Mister Olympia’s thighs! That’s just powerful!” I flexed the monstrous peak right in front of Dwayne’s face and heard him moaning intensely. “So what do you think about my waist? I mean, I’m eating so much latterly that I fear I’m gaining a gut...” Dwayne reacted almost like I’ve insulted him. “Are you crazy? Benny, your waist is 34 inches around, it is actually just the same as Jay Cutler’s. The “thickness” you might think comes from the size of your abdominal muscles, each one of your impressive 8 knots is so massive and thick that they mount around your waist and make you seem so much larger than you used to be, but that’s…so hot. I mean most of huge bodybuilders have “steroid guts”, I’ve seen my fair share of them, but in your case…that’s just so…freaking hot!” “And what do you have to say about those huge pecs of mine?” Dwayne gasped. “They would be my favorite part of you…if I could ever choose just one part to be my favorite…I mean they’re freaking 72 inches around! They’re bigger than the measuring tape “What do you mean? I’ve been eating like a maniac, all this extra bulk has to have some fat on it too…” “I thought that too, but I can’t find any! Your muscular tissue is so thick that it can grow denser and the fat levels on you are even lower of those before the growth. You don’t look like those competing bodybuilders on stage, all hungry, drained of water and most of their strength. You look so healthy, powerful, the perfect offseason glorious thickness but with the same shredded, rugged condition that wins competitions!” “You sound like surprised with that…Does it mean I am more than you have imagined mister “I only like super massive guys?” I chuckled, though noticing that it actually stung a little more than I originally planned. “I…am sorry about that Benny. I didn’t know it was you, but that’s no excuse for treating you in such manner…” “No, you don’t have to, I overreacted anyway. You were just being nice…” I hugged him and noticed he was chuckling, and then he just told me the reason. “You didn’t even notice that you were holding me off the ground for all that time, did you?” Dwayne chuckled, feeling excited about my enhanced strength. “Well, you’re so light I just forgot I was holding you, it feels like holding a grain of salt. You just feel the weight of your own arm…” I teased him, but Dwayne’s got a naughty mind on his own. “Which takes us to the next part of our experiment…I hope you don’t mind but I called someone else to join us…” “Who did…” I didn’t even finish the sentence and the deliciously augmented figure of Corey running into the room. “Dwayne…are you alright? What happened? Where’s Benny?” The muscular Emo was so nervous he didn’t even notice my humongous bulk, which was great because it gave me the opportunity to compare my body with my roomies. I simply groped Corey’s butt with a strong grip and he nearly jumped off his skin. “I’m right behind here sweetie!” I greeted Corey flexing my augmented guns and he turned even whiter. “F-fuck…Benny, you look…HUGE!” “Please don’t be offended, Corey, but I expected something more elaborate from an English graduate…” I gently laughed at his shocked expression while continuing to flex my humongous muscles right in his pretty face. “Take it easy with him, Benny…I texted him while you were dancing in the club. The poor guy was just too worried about you.” Dwayne said still comfortably set on my arms. “Damn…I’m still carrying you, aren’t I? Doesn’t it bother you?” Dwayne waved his head with utmost sureness. “Of course not, I am so glad you are that strong, it will only make our tests even more impressing.” “What do you mean by that?” Corey suddenly overcame his shock. “Oh you know how obsessed Dwayne is with numbers and data…he wants me to display a bit of my super strength to him.” I forced a casual tone on my explanation, and Dwayne suddenly understood the reason for him being summoned. “Damn…I can’t believe I ditched my precious Geoffrey because of some fetish…” Corey sighed but I cheered him up with a nice grab of his humongous cock. “Cheer up, Corey. You know that playing hard is the best way to conquer your guy. Besides…you can see my humongous muscles in action! In case you didn’t notice, I’m quite much heavier than you now…” Corey’s attention was drawn back into my humongous physique, and he cupped my huge pecs and we kissed very tenderly. The way our muscular bodies rubbed against each other made loud sounds, almost like rocks rolling over each other, and Dwayne surely enjoyed being the delicious filling of our massive beef sandwich. “That reminds me, how did you get to grow that big? None of us did.” Corey didn’t know but his question just made me so freaking happy that I lifted him off the ground as well, holding these two muscular men, who were both taller than me, and yet so less muscular and impressive than my magnificent brawniness. “Gee…I don’t know. I just fucked some random muscle guy and when I noticed I was blowing up like one of these cartoon shows…” I commented casually, knowing it only raised more questions than answered them. I have to say that Dwayne actually had a very clever and naughty idea to compare the strength levels. He personally started each test, using his maximum cargo on each exercise, to demonstrate the “normal” strength level a man of his impressive physique would develop after years of serious training and dedication. Then, Corey followed our personal trainer – although my augmented roommate was not that much heavier than Dwayne himself, we were both impressed that he could perform the same routine for much longer periods and dealing with a total cargo at least 50% heavier than Dwayne had lifted. “Wow…I didn’t realize I was that much stronger than you Dwayne!” Corey looked so adorable with his blushing cheeks. I was actually very impressed with my donkey boy, although now we had to call him a true stallion, his cock had grown so much bigger and thick; it looked mind-blowing massive between his own muscular thighs. “I have to say I didn’t expect such strength difference from someone who’s not even 20 pounds heavier than me, but then again, you guys have been through a unique experience. “As a matter of fact, there are thousands of reports of other third degree encounters…” Corey was about to start again, but I simply wouldn’t let him do it. “Anyway, now that you bitches have attempted, can a REAL man show you what’s strength all about?” I teased them both and flexed my humongous arms and made each one kiss the heavy peak in a sign of respect to the soaring mountains. I tried the same cargo Corey had finished, but it simply didn’t work, the weights were too light. Then, we tried doubling the same amount, but the effect was the same. We tripled, quadrupled and finally we had set every single weight available in the gym, and I was lifting the humongous cargo with one pinky finger, repeating the exercise for over 100 times and still it didn’t even feel like I was doing any effort at all. “Are you sure, there’s nothing heavier I could lift? I could lift the machines with all their weight, they seem heavy enough…oh perhaps not, that would cause a real mess…” I casually said while I continued performing flawless reps with my pinky finger. “There’s nothing else I can think of…we could try lifting cars, but we’d have to wait until the morning members arrive…” “That’s a nice thought; maybe after we fuck for the whole night, I come back and lift their cars with one hand only.” I teased my very impressed and hard cocked personal trainer. “Holy crap, you’re a powerhouse, Benny!” Dwayne said in a low tone as he watched me, and I just blew him a kiss. “Now you believe me? Nothing in this world could have made a skinny weak guy like Benny into this super strong musclebound stud!” Corey still tried to persuade Dwayne with his alien encounter theory, but the personal trainer was lost in his own naughty thoughts to even consider such ridiculous hypothesis. The loud sound of the steel plates being crushed, bent, twisted and simply molded my huge muscles like fresh dough easily shut his mouth. I actually didn’t even realize what I was doing, I guess I was really irritated with the fact that I was actually considering Corey’s idea. I suddenly felt my hunger and lust boiling inside my body. The same surge of power rushing through my muscles, each veins thickened with an unexpected explosion of renewed muscle flex. I knew my body now demanded more growth, and I subconsciously knew how to give in to such cravings. “Cut the crap Corey…Why would any super advanced civilization come all the way to Earth just to change a bunch of twinks into muscle studs? There’s just no sense in this! Now shut the fuck up and come here because I want to suck on your huge cock! And you Dwayne, better stick your own pecker in my butt or I’m gonna hunt you down!” The reflection of my humongous hairy muscular physique was so amazing that for one moment I didn’t recognize the manly, powerful, glorious bearded blond muscle god that demanded to be properly serviced by the other hunks in the room. Corey went immediately quiet and walked towards me, trying to get out of his leather pants as fast as possible, but in the end, I simply lifted him off the ground with a single finger and ripped them with my bare teeth. Corey gasped as he noticed that I was so much stronger than he could ever imagine, my moist lips engulfed his humongous cock and gently laid on the bench, lifting my humongous hairy thick legs so my sweet Dwayne could find my cherry among all that massive fur and muscle. I was sucking the 6’2” 250 pounds hunk like he was nothing but a giant lollypop, and there was even more pleasure for me to hold him so effortlessly in the air. Corey didn’t mind, he was actually having the time of his life, being sucked and lifted at the same time. Meanwhile, I noticed the lack of any worshipping action on my lower body. “Dwayne, you’d better get inside me, you’ll not like to see me in a bad mood, or perhaps you will, because I get much stronger than I already am…” I chuckled. Truth was that I couldn’t see much because of my humongous hairy pecs and the freaking thick thighs. “D-don’t worry Benny, I just heard your stomach roaring and thought that you’d like a protein shake…or a few dozen of them…” Dwayne said from the juice bar. “Oh, in that case, you’re excused. Just make sure you have made everything you can to feed me properly.” I could hear the blenders working and licked my own lips before getting back to suck Corey with even more voracity. “Erm…could you make some for me too?” My roommate begged, his own muscular stomach was aching for food, but as my sucking action grew hungrier, Corey went quiet. He was just in pure ecstasy because of the intensity of the situation. I actually didn’t realize but being the ultra-strong musclebound stud made even the simply facts much different. For instance, if I lifted all that weight without any effort, can you imagine the kind of suction I could apply on lips? I’m glad Corey was much more resistant than before, so he was able to enjoy and actually surviving my hungry blowjob.Dwayne got back with lots of shakes and even some providential tuna steaks right in time. Corey screamed at the top of his lungs as I sucked him dry like a little juice box. I never felt so hungry for his cum before, but I was so strong that it didn’t take much for me to dry him out. So I just lifted my torso and set him on the ground, right in time to grab a full blender of fresh strawberry protein shake. “Damn…Benny, you’re on fire tonight!” Corey still felt dizzy, but he quickly claimed his own blender of protein shake. “Heh, I know…but your horse long cock really kept me motivated.” I said between gulps and bites. Dwayne chuckled. “You should take a look at yourself, Benny. You have cum and milk mustaches over your own blond facial hair!” I looked at the peculiar reflection and smiled, my fluorescent dental braces shone in the poor lit room and we all chuckled. Suddenly, we were all surprised with another sound. I felt the boiling again and then my cock was growing like never before. It was so intense, the monster sized phallus grew like it was being stuffed with more mass, I gasped as it easily reached, then surpassed Corey’s freaking monster. “Dammit… What are you waiting for? Suck me Corey! Dwayne, you’d better get on my butt now, or I’m not answering for my behavior!” I said throwing the empty blender away. The two guys didn’t take a second to oblige – Corey positioned, his cock went down my throat and he sucked on my humongous obelisk, while Dwayne found his sweet way between my muscular cheeks. I felt so intoxicated by the hunger and the pleasure, my senses were fuzzy, but I could tell we were enjoying like never before. I had Corey’s cock in my mouth and applied even more strength to my sucking, which made him roar and try the same with my own cock, and although he wasn’t even close to my strength, the feeling was actually incredible! Meanwhile, Dwayne also pounded my ass with all his puny strength, which was the greatest compliment I could get from that petite muscle hunk. I could hear his groaning and the loud sound of his balls slapping against the hardness of my butt, I knew he would be very much in pain after the rush of adrenaline ceased, but it was just so intense that I loved every single moment, squeezing my butt on occasion, just to make him feel my absurd strength, and in such moments he actually took long bites on my calves, letting me know when to let go of his tiny little pecker. Dwayne came first, filling my gut with his manly seed, and I felt his warmth entering me. Then, I just flexed and relaxed my butt in such fast movements that I somehow brought Dwayne into cumming a second time, which felt so surprising he kept punching my steel hard abs, and yet I felt nothing. Corey and I came almost at the same time, when my rock musclegod’s spunk squirted down my throat I suddenly felt like an atomic bomb of pleasure had exploded inside me. I just flexed all my muscles and felt my own flood of man juice filling Corey’s throat. The poor gasped and gagged, but there was no way he could escape the flood of my monster cock. Dwayne eventually slipped from my moist muscular bubble butt, he just collapsed in the ground, barely able to stand up. Suddenly, he jumped up in shock. “Fuck…Corey’s growing too!” He announced and I noticed my roommate’s body growth spurt spreading across his shoulder blades, then his own chest thickened as he threw his head back. I have to confess that for one moment I feared Corey would outgrow me. Fortunately, that moment was soon gone. “Shit! Benny, you’re growing too!” Dwayne pointed even more shocked as my whole figure bubbled with violent growth spasms, I just chuckled and reached for Corey’s shocked face, kissed him so intensely, we both made out as our muscles grew bigger. That was the best thing ever – making out while both of us were growing, we could worship the expanding biceps, the ballooning chests, the augmenting thighs. Each part of our bodies grew thicker, wider and the fibers multiplied underneath the flimsy skins of our glorious bodies. Our cocks rubbed against each other, their thick veined surfaces, slippery because of our insane amounts of pre cum, our lustful kisses and desiring tongues bathed the expanding areas of our bodies. However, the best part of making out with another growing guy is to know that you’re growing much faster and in much more intensity than him. No matter how amazing Corey’s muscle growth happened, it simply paled in comparison with my own expansion. I knew I had a condescending grin on me. “Don’t worry, Corey, just your Wheaties and you will be big like me…or not!” I just laughed realizing my body grew in real waves of intense power. In fact, at some point we both realized I was looking at Corey at eye level. There’s something special about the realization that you’re now taller, maybe it’s a stupid sensation of self-assurance, but Corey’s awkward smile when he noticed that he was no longer taller than me was priceless. It only seconded the even more awkward smile when I was looking down at him! “Benny, you’re growing so fast…so powerful!” Dwayne said as he jumped in my arms and we both kissed each other in a furious passion. I guess the little guy was really into muscle freaks, and that particular muscle freak was growing even more humongous. The muscles on my body grew in such raging waves of multiplying fibers that it felt like I was in some kind of reality morphing software. The dimensions of my marvelous figure only augmented and looked manlier, stronger, harder and so much more muscular! Corey joined Dwayne in the worship of my physique, despite the fact he was growing bigger as well, but it was the same than trying to see stars during a sunny day, you simply forgot they are still there! Nonetheless, Corey continued to grow more muscular, he was actually even more of a rock musclegod than before. Standing at 6’6” at 420 pounds of hard alabaster toned muscles and totally smooth except for his love trail and crotch, my hung stallion now had a huge 20 inches soft cock. His long raven black hair now made him look like some kind of man-lion, he actually seemed so much agile and gracious, his smile almost sounded like a real purr. “Fuck…I feel awesome!” His voice tone was so good to hear, and judging by the shock expression on Dwayne he could make a guy cum just by speaking his name. However, as most impressive as Corey’s new body was, he just couldn’t compare to my new size. I’ve kept growing for many minutes before Corey’s growth subsided, and I could tell Dwayne was just impatient to get my freaking new stats. “Holy mackerel, you’ve grown to 6’8 and ½ inches tall, that’s almost one whole foot taller than you were right when you stepped in the gym!” “Yeah…and I only grew like four inches…there’s really something about you huh?” My timid musclegod rocker blushed. I looked down at Corey and kissed the top of his pretty head. “Damn…you guys look so cute I could eat you both!” Dwayne had to bring two scales so he could take a more accurate reading of my weight. “That’s… 778 pounds! Fuck…Benny you’re heavier than Jay Cutler, Phil Heath and Branch Warren all together!” The guy screamed in such ecstasy, he hugged me and kissed my body in a cute worship frenzy Corey had a puzzled expression on his face, but I waited until Dwayne recovered from his hyper aroused state. “And these guys are important because…” Corey started. Dwayne chuckled. “They’re the top 3 bodybuilders in the last Olympia show!” “I still don’t get it…” Corey felt a bit ashamed. “Heh, it has to do with their on season weight: Cutler competes in the range of 274 pounds, Heath goes for about 245 and Warren got onstage at 250 pounds! That sums up to 769 pounds and I’m 9 pounds heavier than the three alpha dogs of the sport!” I casually affirmed. It was Dwayne’s time to seem impressed. “I didn’t know you followed their carriers so closely…” “I must have read it in some site while I browsed for naked pictures of bodybuilders. Anyway, if I were to compete, you’re saying they should give to me 1st, 2nd and 3rd places? That doesn’t seem quite fair…I guess I must grow so much bigger than all the prizes go to me!” I chuckled and kissed the over excited bodybuilding fan. Corey and Dwayne took my powerful measurements. I actually didn’t care much for the actual number as my little darling Dwayne, but his excitement made me all so pride of being so huge for my little guy. “Your chest is 110 inches! That’s so much that I am speechless, it feels so amazing and powerful!” Dwayne whispered in my ears.“Don’t worry, babe, I’ll let you shave and massage my freaking massive nipples…” “Funny thing is that your arms are 55” when you’re not even flexing, and when you do, they reach up to 70 whole inches! That’s just so impressive, it’s like your fibers get much thicker than they should be!” Dwayne commented. “Well, I guess I have to bring them to 70 inches cold to see how much they go flexed huh?” I teased him, but judging by his look as he kissed the peak of my flexed guns, that was a promise I had to realize. “Oh come on! Your legs are 78”! That’s more than my own chest!” Corey faked a protest and just blushed when he measured my other monster. “And I guess you’re the hung freak in our household now…that’s 29 inches…soft, if you call that soft…” “Oh, it is soft…for the time being…but if you keep teasing me, you’ll have a new measurement…” “Well, isn’t it interesting?” Dwayne mentioned as he checked something on his tablet. Noticing he had our attention, Dwayne showed us the graphics he had improvised to display my growth compared to Corey’s. “Benny, you told me that you had sex with a bouncer before you went to the restaurant right?” I nodded. “Yeah, I was starving…” “Did you have sex in the club too, Corey?” “Of course not! I mean, I was talking to my precious Geoffrey and we were about to go to his place…”Dwayne smiled. “Am I wrong to assume you had sampled the bouncer’s cum?” “Okay, I confess, I’m a cum pig!” I said rolling my eyes, but Dwayne just kissed me again. “Let’s not forget that you also had an intense workout, although your strength doesn’t consider it to be intense at all, your muscles were pumped, and then you felt hungry and horny at the same time. You had Corey’s cum inside you twice, and he had your sample too; the two of you ate a lot too before your growth spurts started…” “So, you think these facts are causing the growth? But we’ve been sucking and having each other’s cum for a long time…” Corey argued, but then Dwayne brought the most important detail. “Yeah, but I bet it got different after that night, right? I mean you guys have never been to a gym before, and all of a sudden you do so well on your first day? No sore bodies? No angst? I’ve noticed your strength levels were already much higher than I could expect from guys in your condition, but you were almost at the same level, with Corey winning by just a small percent, until tonight of course.” I looked at Corey and he shrugged. “So, what is your point?” Dwayne smiled. “I don’t think I have any point, it’s just funny to realize that your growth spurts are preceded by hunger and lust, not to mention the fact that if you now have a birth mark exactly like mine…” The personal trainer showed the spot behind his left shoulder to Corey and they both located the very same mark on my left shoulder. I barely could see it in the mirror reflection but that was indeed startling, especially because Corey had no sign on his augmented body. “I had never noticed it there before!” I casually commented, but the two of them seem to agree with me. “And although your cock was massive, it wasn’t bigger than Corey’s until AFTER you drank his cum…” Dwayne commented. “Let’s not forget that Dwayne’s cum was only inside you as a matter of fact.” Corey chuckled as they realized I grew closer to their conclusion. “So, how do you think that happened? I just got it from you?” Dwayne nodded. “Well, a birth mark like that is genetic, but I think you have absorbed more than just it, if you look carefully…your marvelous body is an improved version of mine…I don’t want to brag, but my body always had this impressive shoulder/waist proportion that gives me some advantage in the comparison with guys who were even bigger than me.” “Wait…so I took Corey’s freakishly huge cock gene and made mine even bigger? Not to mention that I have features of your own physique only made better?” I asked excited. “Well, it makes sense in theory. You must acquire some features from the guys whose cum you drink, I don’t know exactly how it happens.” Dwayne explained. “Wait a minute…Benny…what if you had to assemble a workout routine for an elderly man who had injured his left arm during an accident?” I opened my mouth to comment on how stupid and useless Corey’s question was, but something else came out of my mouth. It was the very detailed exercise routine with the number of reps and all the especial care that situation demanded. When I finished, Dwayne’s eyes were just as wide as mine.“H-how did you know that?” Dwayne asked Corey. “I remembered he quoted the competition weight of those bodybuilders by heart. I know Benny well enough to realize he would never know any sports fact by heart. Unless, if you call naming all of Kim Kardashian’s ex-boyfriends a sport…” We all laughed at that, because he was absolutely right, it was only then I remembered I had Corey’s traces as well, so I closed my eyes and recited something that came into my mind, and Corey quickly came to shut my mouth. “Are you crazy? That’s the poem I’m working for Geoffrey, you have no right to make fun of it!” “Oh, I’m sorry…I didn’t know…but it’s good. It reminds me of the earlier Langston Hughes’ work…” I casually commented. “Stop that now, you’re giving me the creeps!” Corey demanded. “Damn… I’m sorry…these things just came to my mind. I feel so marveled like...” “…when Karl Lagerfeld met Kimora for the first time! I didn’t even need to have your gifts inside me to guess that part.” Corey chuckled. “Wait a minute…knowledge isn’t passed by genes is it?” I asked Dwayne, but then I answered myself. “Some species display they have inborn knowledge about situations they have never experienced before, which can be some kind of genetic cargo.” Dwayne chuckled. “I guess that you are a better, bigger and more muscular amalgamation of all the men you’ve fucked Benny.”I brought my little Dwayne into my arms and kissed him passionately. “Well, why don’t we continued with our experiments then?” “I’d love to…Shit…look at the time! It’s almost a quarter to 5, the janitors will get here in a few moments!” Dwayne gulped as he noticed the mess we created: the empty blender cups, most of which were broken, steel plates crushed, the bars were bent like pretzels, and there was cum everywhere. “Damn…Dwayne I am sorry…I’ll cover the damages.” I instinctively looking for my checkbook, but only then I realized it was still back at the club. The tanned little guy just kissed my arm and caressed it tenderly. “Don’t worry, big guy…I can still clean it and come up with an excuse, but not if you monsters are here…” Dwayne said as he threw his car keys to Corey. “Make sure you put the big monster guy in the back seat okay? And please let him be careful…I know he’s absorbing our DNA, but his strength levels are much bigger, Benny can be dangerous if he is not focused.” “Whoa…take it easy, I’m not some monster….” I tried to protest, but right then Dwayne pointed to the plates I’ve crushed without even realizing, so I went quiet. Corey and I went back to Dwayne’s car, and I carefully entered the back seat, feeling so cramped, but trying not to damage his property even further. Corey was not little by all means, but he still managed to drive that pick up down the street. “Damn…this is the best night out ever!” Corey chuckled as he looked at my grinning face. “I think Dwayne is falling for me…” I said blushing. “Heh, I guess you became his wildest dream…” Corey commented casually as we passed by some dark alley. I looked at my side and noticed something. “Hey isn’t that Tristan over there?” I pointed to the very pale red haired boy dressed in skimpy baby-look shirt and white denim shorts. Judging by the way he ran, we could tell the guy was in trouble. Right then we devised a bunch of jocks chasing the poor twink. “Stop the car, Corey…” I ordered. “Benny, don’t do anything stupid. We can call 911 and these guys will all run away…remember what Dwayne said, you’re too strong now…” The right side of Dwayne’s car flew away as I forced my way out. Corey still screamed for me, but I was possessed. I just walked towards the bastards, and by that time they had cornered Tristan. “Please…I don’t have any money…” He cried. “We don’t want money from you, queer. We want some blood!” The tough looking guy spat on his face. “That’s good, because I’m about to take a lot from you!” The power in my voice tone scared the hell of them. I immediately devised the shine of the blades. “What the fuck do you want freak?” The guy asked trying to sound angry, when in fact he was just really scared. I simply reached for him and lifted the puny dude by his collar. I heard the several blades trying to penetrate my naked monstrous muscular body, but they simply broke in pieces. Someone else produced an aluminum baseball bat and took a good swung at my back, but it just resulted in the destruction of the expensive equipment. I reached the shocked little guy and picked him as well, and for some stupid reason, those morons thought they could outrun me, but they actually found a much more determined Corey waiting for them right at the corner of the street. “What do we do with them?” Corey asked while holding three of them. Meanwhile, I had the remaining 5 in my powerful bear hug. “They’re not important…” I threw the scumbags inside the dumpster and turned my attention to the shocked Tristan, who was even more scared now. “Please, don’t hurt me…” I gently hugged him. “It’s okay now, those guys won’t hurt you…” before he demanded any explanation, Corey touched my shoulder. “We have to go…the police soon will be here and we still have the matter of Dwayne’s car…” “Thank you so much!” He screamed as we ran down the dark street, back to rest of Dwayne’s pick up. I just held the right door and tossed it on the trunk of the vehicle, squeezing my humongous built back inside. Corey started the car and drove us towards home, he was quiet for most of the time but I still felt my blood boiling inside my veins. “You did the right thing, it was a bit impulsive, but you did the right thing, Benny.” He said after all. “Thanks for the help, sweetie. I just felt so angry…” “You’re not turning into some kind of gay superhero are you?” He finally had the urge to ask and we both laughed really hard.“Well, I could design a fantabulous costume if I wanted. Something that would put Lady Gaga into shame, the only problem would be that I’d have to make bigger versions of it.” Corey suddenly gulped. “You really want to take this further huh?” “Of course…we still have two delicious sources back at home! Can you believe how much bigger we will be with Kenny and Diego’s gifts? That would be an awesome start.” “Start of what?” I had Dwayne’s knowledge of physiology, and although I knew they weren’t enough, they would have to do for now. “The start of something very interesting.” End of part 4
  20. Hello All, This is one I tried to write the same time last year for the Fourth of July but never finished. Now this year I have….still not finished it yet, but I feel I got if off to a good start and hope to have the conclusion up in the next couple of weeks or so. I just wanted to get it up before the Forth of July was over and it looks like I barely made it. As for the Forge I am having a some writer’s block with that one but I hope I will get part three up soon after I conclude this story. Swelling with Patriotism My friend Devon invited me out to the countryside this year for 4th of July. I normally see the fireworks down on the waterfront in the city, if I even go at all. Don’t get me wrong, I like an excuse for food or drinking as much as the next person but often it is just hot, crowded, and filled with overpriced vendors. Most of my family lived pretty far away from me now so there wasn’t family thing I could go to. He had been going his friends place out there for a couple of years now. He always seemed excited about it when it was coming up, almost weirdly so. The claustrophobia of the city was starting to get to me so I figured why not. Dev picked me up outside my apartment. He said I should wear something with a flag theme or at least red, white, and blue to “get in the spirit”. So I put on a red polo, some navy shorts, and a white belt. It looked preppy as hell, but it was all I really had to fit the theme. When I got in the car he laughed and in his best New England WASPy accent “Oh my! We must hurry to the country club or Mumsy and Dadsy will ever so irate!” To which I replied with an extension of my middle finger. “What do you want from me? This is all I had to fit the theme. Some of us don’t have a wardrobe that looks like an American flag exploded all over us.” He was decked out in a tank and shorts with the stars and stripes all over it. “The socks are a bit much.” “Where is your patriotic spirit Chris?” ‘ “Patriotism is fine but this borders on gaudy jingoism.” “Hey, the party my friend throws may change your mind. Him and his Marine buddies really go all out.” “Wait, Marines? Oh, I get now. I know why you want to go to this party.” His sheepish look confirmed it for me. Devon had a huge thing for military men, Marines especially. “How many are there going to be?” “30 to 40 of them usually.” “It’s like a buffet for you. I bet you snag at least one or two.” It was amazing how he did it. When I first came to the city as a fresh faced gay boy just out of the closet, we struck up friendship and he took me out to my first few gay bars. He could always spot them, especially before DADT stopped. They’d come from the nearby Marine base with the buzz cut and nervous air about them, worried they were going to get caught. He’d saunter on over, talk them up and 90% of the time would hit a home run. He wasn’t manipulative or anything, he just had a way of putting you at ease and under DADT a lot of these guys needed to be put at ease. His tight swimmers body with just the right amount hair probably helped too. “Yeah, there might be one or two.” He said it so weird, like it was an understatement. “Aren’t we confident?” “I have a good feeling. Besides, you might find one or two you may like. I know you don’t have the same thing for Marines that I do but there will be plenty of chiseled, bulging Marine bodies for you too.” He had me there. Muscle was my thing. Strength too. Like comic book level stuff. Big bulging tight bodies that could crush steel in their bare hands. I remember when Devon found the story I wrote for that website. I was so embarrassed, but I should have known better. He just laughed it off and said “Pretty hot. They should be in fatigues.” So predictable. “A little over the top on the size though.” He said. “And I’d be worried about breaking bones having sex with someone who could punch a hole in concrete.” Not that I didn’t like your everyday displays of strength. A Marine doing 200 push-ups straight in a row. I could get into that. After an hour we arrived at the place. It looked look like a big sprawling property with a spacious country home and even a barn, though I doubted it was much of a farm, just one of those big properties people buy for the space and scenery. “How big is this place?” I asked Devon. “Over 100 acres.” “Seems a little much for a party of 30 or 40.” “There will be other people, too. Besides they’ll need the room for the other festivities.” “Other festivities? You’re being mysterious today.” “Just trust me. Have I ever disappointed you before?” “No, never.” I couldn’t argue with him there. I owed some of the best times of my life to him. “Good, let’s go and meet the guys.” We went around to the back of the house and came upon the party. Some 80 odd people were there mingling with each other in one of the most over the top, decked out flag paraphernalia I had ever seen. Flags on banners. Little flags on the tables with flag table cloths. Various foods with flags on them or red white and blue themes. Flag clothing on everyone. Well, about half of everyone. The other half were clearly the Marines. Now, I know most Marines usually keep fit but these guys were some of the most perfect forms of the male body I have seen. Their bodies ranged from relatively small super ripped fitness models to heavyweight bodybuilders, though even the smallest of them couldn’t be less than 200 pounds and 5’10”. Instead of red white and blue they were all wearing camo pants with either tight grey tee’s or tanks with Marines emblazoned on the front or tight camo tee or tanks. They seemed to be tailor made to accentuate every bulge and sinew in their bodies. As I stared into the mass of dream men Devon laid his hand on my shoulder and said “You know what I want to hear.” “I should never doubt you.” I replied “One of these days you’ll remember that. Let me introduce you to some of…..” “Hey boy!” I turned around to see the source of the gruff, gravelly voice. Staring me in the face was the word “Marines” stretched tight across a pair of hard, succulent pecs. Looking up I saw the perfect vision of a jarhead. Clean shaven with a perfectly formed flattop of brown hair. A first glance would say he was in his early thirties but carried an air and facial expression that made him seem older and unquestionably in charge, including a cocky smirk. It sat on top well-formed beefy body of about 220 lbs of pure muscle. “Hey Sarge.” Devon said breathlessly and with a big dopey grin on his face. The guy must have been one of his conquests from last year’s party, though he didn’t look like a guy you could call a conquest. Probably the other way around. I guess Devon met his match. “Who’s your preppy friend here?” Sarge looked me over with an unmistakable predatory look. Oh yeah. He must have been the one chasing Devon last year and turned the tables on him. No wonder he wanted to come back this year. He must have liked someone picking him out from a crowd instead. “The name’s Chris.” I extended a hand out to him. “I don’t usually dress like this. I guess I should have bought something a little more festive and casual.” He reached out to take my hand in a nice firm grip, one clearly meant to establish his dominance. “Didn’t mean anything by it, boy. Looks good enough on you.” The comment caused that smirk of his to inch up a little bit higher. “Thanks.” “Met Devon here at last year’s party. Got to know each other real well. I hope we can do the same.” “Oh, come on Sarge! Don’t hog everyone to yourself.” Unnoticed, another one of the Marines had come up beside me. He was tall, at least 6’5” and packed to the gills with brawn. He wore a camo tank exposing his vascular arms and the deep cleft in his chest. He had a light mocha colored skin hinting at a biracial ancestry along with his head of tight curls. His eyes were a bright green and when he noticed that I noticed him he flashed me a big white smile that, unlike Sarge’s smirk radiated nothing but warmth and friendliness. “I don’t know what you are talking about Daryl. Just being friendly with the new boy.” “I know you Sarge. You’ll keep them all to yourself the whole time. Let them come and get to know everyone. What do you say, um, sorry what was your name?” “Chris.” "Want to come join me?” As he said this he put his big paw in the small of my back gently while gave me more of his big bright smile. “Sure!” I said, probably a little to excitedly. “I’d like meet everyone else.” This guy really revved my engine. “You guys go ahead.” Devon said. “I’m going to catch up with Sarge. I’ll see you later.” And with that, Sarge put his arm around Devon like he was a prized possession and shuffled off to another part of the party. Meanwhile, Daryl gestured me over to the party so I followed, his hand still on my back and guiding me there. “Those two will be off having fun for a while,” I said to Daryl “so I guess it will be just us right now.” “Well, I hope you find me just as fun.” His hand was now rubbing me gently up and down my back. He was definitely flirting with me. “What are the odds of two very handsome gay Marines at the same partly?” Daryl chuckled a bit and said “What do you mean?” “I mean, I know there are plenty of gay Marines but it’s kind of lucky that there are such two fine looking ones at the same 4th of July party.” “You mean Devon didn’t tell you? Look around you Chris. Notice anything?” I looked around at all of the guests and then it hit me. It was all men, though that didn’t mean anything by itself. No, it was the way the stood just touch too close to each other, touched each other in subtle way, and look at each other like no two straight guys ever would. “Oh!” “Good job, Eagle Eye.” laughed Daryl. “Hey! I just got here. I would have put it together eventually.” “Why didn’t Devon tell you?” “He’s been mysterious about this whole party since he invited me. He likes to surprise people for his own amusement.” “Here let me take you around.” This time a put an arm around his back too now that I knew no one else would look at me askance. So we mingled together for a while, meeting all the guys. As I had already observed before all the Marines were built like brick houses. Some of them were clear show offs. More than a few offered to let you touch their biceps while they flexed or showed off how many push-ups or pull ups they could do. One guy, Eric, an Asian guy with clean shaved head did about 50 handstand push up in a row. As for the other guests most of them were decked out in flag apparel, though a few of them like me just threw together whatever red, white and blue thing they could find. All of them were new to the party like me. After make our way through the crowd I asked Daryl if we could grab something to eat. Partly because I was hungry, but also to get some time to know this man. After we grabbed our food from a Marine in a “Kiss the Cook” apron, (an offer that was taken advantage of several times from what I saw) we found a table we could sit at. “So, how did a whole bunch of gay Marines come together and start having a 4th of July party? Were you like a support group for each other?” “Something like that. We were all in the same program together and we just stayed close.” “Must of have been a hell of a program for you guys to all keep in touch this long afterwards.” Daryl just laughed and said “You have no idea. Enough about me though. Let me hear about you. I know that Devon is all about the uniform, but I’m guessing you have another interest.” As he said this Daryl began to squeeze and flex various muscles. His chest, his arms, his traps all began to twist and bulge under his command. “Is it that obvious?” “Well, you didn’t turn down any invitation to feel some guy flex out there.” “Guilty.” “I thought so. Though, I am a little disappointed. You never asked to feel mine.” I smiled and said “You didn’t ask.” With that he flexed his bi right in front of my face. I reached out and cupped the monstrous thing in both of my hands, eventually beginning to move them all up down the arm as a felt every thick vein and bulge on it. Few minutes later Daryl puts his arm down and feeling the moment was right I leaned in for a kiss. However, he put a finger on my lips, stopped me and said, “No, not yet. After the fireworks.” “Why?” “Trust me. I will be worth the wait.” “Great, now I have another mysterious one.” “Please?” Despite being a big hulk of muscle he flashed me some of the cutest puppy dog eyes I had ever seen. “Fine, but there better be fireworks both figurative and literal.” “I promise.” So we spent the rest of the day together just talking with each other and the other guests until it got dark and they announced it was time for the fireworks. We went out a little further in to the big yard and to where they had set up a stage in front of a tall flag pole and a nice sound system. One of the non-Marine guests was up there doing a sound check. “What’s he there for?” I asked. “Oh, he’s going to sing the National Anthem during the fireworks.” “Wow, you really go full bore don’t you.” “Where’s your patriotism?” “I have a healthy sense of patriotism, but you guys seem to be cramming all of the symbols in at one time.” “It makes for good show. You’ll love it.” I still thought it was a bit much, but who was I to judge. Everyone started to gather around and soon all the lighting and equipment was ready to go, including a nice bright spotlight at the top of the flag pole. Then, as someone was raising a couple flags on the pole everyone went silent. All the non-Marines we especially excited, looking like they could barely contain themselves, except the newbies like me. They looked just as confused by all the excitement as I was. When the flags reached the top all the Marines stood at attention in unison and saluted the American and Marine Corps flags. Even Daryl, a guy I had gotten to know that day as being pretty laid back, was standing completely ridged. Soon I saw the fireworks begin as they exploded their colors across the sky. Then the music for the Star-Spangled Banner began and the singer, in nice sonorous voice began to sing. Oh-oh say can you see… As he began sing and I put my hand over my heart I could feel a buzz in the air, like something big underneath the surface was staring to begin. What so proudly we hailed…. It was partly intangible, like the excitement I saw in everyone else was beginning to spread to me. But I also could swear that heard something over all the noise and commotion. Like a stretching sound. Whose broad stripes and bright stars…… When I looked over at Daryl I could have sworn he had gotten bigger. As I Iooked more closely I realized where the stretching sound was coming from. His already wide lats were expanding causing him to strain his tank top to the limit. O’er the ramparts we watched…. The sounds of threads popping began as his expanding body was causing his shirt to surrender to the pressure. Those same sound started to come from all around me as I Iooked around and saw that all the Marines were starting to grow. And the rocket’s red glare….. The feeling was also growing, changing from excitement into…arousal. An intense arousal that was taking me over. As the Marines’ growing bodies continued to rend their clothing into rags my horniness grew until, without even thinking about it, my left hand started to find its way to my cock, slowly rubbing it through my pants until I was rock hard. Gave proof through the night…. I wasn’t the only one. Anyone who wasn’t a Marine was currently fully erect. They were either pawing at their groins over their pants or had already brought out their dicks into the open air as I was currently trying to do. As my hand tried to satisfy the uncontrollable urge to touch my cock I looked over to Daryl, continuing to be perfectly still while saluting the flag, to see his growth had already accelerated to the point that his tank and even his pants had been halfway reduced to rags. His already large chest had doubled in size causing a large tear down the front to match the tears in the sides caused by his now gigantic lats. Both his ankles and rippled midsection were visible as he also appeared to have grown taller, easily past 7’ at this point. His thighs had almost completely destroyed the legs of his camo pants and his shoes had already split the seams and the soles were being crushed by his growing feet. Oh, say does that star-spangled banner yet wave…. As the buildup to the crescendo of the song began the growth accelerated so that in a couple of seconds what was remaining of the Marines’ clothes quickly exploded off of their bodies until they stood there in all their naked glory, including thick shanks of meat between their thighs that defied any normal human dimensions. O’er the land of the freeeeeeeeeeee……. As the singer held the note I saw Daryl’s cock inflate to full hardness in the blink of eye, causing a loud thwack as hit him just below his pecs. Two bowling ball sized testicals hanging down below in a large sack. All of his compatriots quickly followed as most of the other regular guests, including me, had managed to free their cocks and were furiously jacking them with their left hands as their right stayed over their hearts. And the home of the braaaa-aa—a—aave… As the singer finished the song he collapsed on the stage, apparently unable to hold back an orgasm he had been suppressing this whole time. Other guests around me had also released at this point. I was on the edge myself when Daryl suddenly snapped out of his trance and came to. Looked over and down to me from his new found height and smiled as he grabbed the front of my shirt and lifted me as if I were nothing till we were face to face. Then he grabbed the back of my head and pulled me in for the most intense kiss I had ever had in my entire life, making the load I was holding back shoot out in one intense moment of bliss. When he was done Daryl pulled be back and said “Well, was it worth the wait?”
  21. londonboy

    Too Big - Part Eleven

    Atlas walked around to the driver’s seat and slid into the car. He looked over into his small friend’s face and both men instantly knew they were starting new chapters in their lives. It felt like dawn, but daybreak was hours away. The big man flexed his right arm and Adonis reached out to feel the mammoth peak – hard, big, and almost unimaginable. The giant looked at the small hand that was touching his massive gun and shivered with delight at how tiny it looked. “Atlas, my big man, I think you have a severe fetish for lifting other men in the air – I’ve picked up on a certain theme in the stories from your past and through your actions in this short time I’ve known you.” “Well, Mr. Sexy, that’s hardly a secret. You know why I lift guys, don’t you?” “No, why?” “Because I can.” With that statement – and with a big grin on his face – the giant slid one of his massive hands under the tight ass of his riding buddy. Atlas was amazed by how he could hold the entire bubble butt within his palm. Adonis felt his body slowly raise off the car seat – his huge friend easily lifting him with one arm. It was done to show the small guy just how powerful the other man was, but it was also to give both of them a thrill. It certainly worked. Atlas held Adonis in the air with ease – even bouncing him up and down a little in his hand, as if he were nothing more than a soccer ball. “I could palm your ass and hold you upside down.” “Are you trying to turn me on?” “Yes.” “Well, it’s working.” “So, the little guy likes to be lifted, huh?” “You know I do. But before you start spinning me around on top of one finger, I think it would be best if we headed to your place. I’m thinking we can come up with a lot of things to do there.” “I know we can.” Atlas put the small man’s body gently back down on the seat. Adonis was, again, amazed at how little effort his huge friend exerted to maneuver another man around in any way he wanted. He was like a toy in the man’s gigantic paw. Atlas couldn’t resist the temptation of grabbing Adonis’ hard cock and giving it a squeeze – the giant let out an appreciative moan. Adonis smiled and then reached over to latch onto the rock-hard monster between Atlas’ legs. Atlas gave the little man a surprised look. “Turn about is fair game, big man. It’s fair game.” Atlas waited for the little man’s brain to catch up with what his hand was holding. Suddenly, Adonis’ face took on a shocked, scared, and very happy look. His small fingers didn’t come close to wrapping around the thick, long pole it felt through Atlas’ pants. You couldn’t really call the thing a tool, because tools could fit in a toolbox. This thing could not. Adonis was pretty sure he could not even have fantasized a cock this big. The small man’s heart started racing and his mouth went totally dry. Clearly, Atlas knew what kind of reaction his giant cock would cause. “Are you a size queen, Adonis?” “Only when referring to the size of a man – all parts of a man. I’m a size queen for humongous hard muscle – all over a guy. This monstrous thing is just icing on the cake.” The smaller man let go of the throbbing mega-dick, knowing full well any more groping would cause a delay in the departure. He wanted to be at Atlas’ house. He loved how the big man took up most of the space in the car, but he wanted to be able to take in the man’s complete body all at one time. He also wanted Atlas to be able to show off. It was time to leave. Atlas, as if reading his small friend’s mind, started the car. “Big man, why don’t you tell me another story about your friend, the Professor, while we head home. Maybe, this will prevent us from wanting to immediately jump each other.” “You just love my stories, don’t you?” “Especially if they involve your size and your strength.” “Then I think I have the perfect one for you, Adonis. The perfect one.” “Spin away, my good friend.” It was a Friday afternoon and I was right where I was every week at that time – in our home gym lifting, ready for my Little Prince to return home. He came into the room – immediately smiling since I was only in some skimpy cotton shorts, just as he always wanted. I was lying on a bench doing some presses, happy with how the increased weights made my pecs swell up to humongous proportions and bent the reinforced bar menacingly. The Professor walked over to me, losing his blazer and tie on the way. He tried to straddle my massive upper body – just like he always did – but, again, acted shocked and lustful when he realized he couldn’t get his legs comfortably that far apart. He settled for straddling my hard-as-hell midsection and then placed his hands lovingly on my sweaty, stone-like, heaving chest. His fingers tried desperately to press in my muscle, but his actions were futile. My skin wasn’t giving at all. This caused a long low moan to be emitted from my little admirer and it made him sound like he was a purring lion. He slid one hand down between my engorged slabs of pec-meat and I tensed, trapping his mitt, teasingly. This made him even happier. I finally released his hand and he continued to try and knead my heavy, hard muscle as he talked. “I think it’s time I showed you off?” “What?” “The chair of my department – you’ve heard me talk about Dorian – is having a dinner party tonight and I told him I’d be bringing someone.” “What do you mean ‘show me off?’” “You know exactly what I mean. And I know the thought of it turns you on, too, my Gentle Giant. Dr. Dorian Grant is a good friend and I’d like to walk into his party with you at my side and watch everyone’s jaw hit the ground while their crotches turn tight from instant hard-ons.” Professor Norman Michaels knew exactly how his words would affect me. I had already become semi-hard, just from the heavy lifting earlier, but his little proposition for evening fun had brought my cock to raging hard-on status. The Little Prince knew two indisputable facts about me – one, I loved showing off, and, two; I loved showing off for him more than anything in the world. My little lover had never asked me to show off in front of other people he knew. We had gone to a local biker bar and other places where we knew no one for me to display my size and strength, but this was the first time I had been requested to do the same with his co-workers. As a matter of fact, this would be the first time I was meeting any of his friends. I had doubted there was any way for my Little Prince to excite me more than he already had, but I was sorely mistaken. I was so turned on at that point I reached up, grabbed the heavily weighted bar off of the rack, and cranked out ten perfectly performed reps while the Professor manhandled my hard pecs. After replacing the bar, I looked at the smaller man with a smile. “And how might your Gentle Giant show off at this soiree, Little Prince?” “Oh I don’t know, maybe we could have some little sign between us that could entice you to squeeze the hand of someone I don’t particularly like a little harder when I introduce you and you shake to say hello. You know, just to let them feel the kind of power you have in those big guns. Maybe the opportunity will come up for you to take off your shirt and flex a little – like if I accidently spilled wine on you or if some tipsy guest merely makes a request to see all of your bulges. Watching all of those men taking in your humongous beauty for the first time would be a lot of fun. And who knows, maybe one or two dinner guests might be bold enough to flirt with you – even with me right there – and invite you to show off by lifting them. I know how much that turns you on – picking up some guy. And we both know it turns me on a lot, too. Even if all those fun things didn’t happen it would sill be nice to have some of my friends meet the giant man I love so much. It’s merely an added benefit if you happen to get to show off.” The little man knew how to make me churn out copious amounts of cum inside in the same way a superb chef knew just how to make perfect rising dough. The Professor was now squeezing my hard nipples – intent on teasing me with his actions to match the effect his words were having. He was fanning the flames of my desire into a raging fire – trying to create an explosion to make the afternoon perfect. The master was playing me and I loved every second of it. The idea of lifting some of his co-workers was almost enough to send me over the edge, but I forced my inner strength to match the power in my huge arms and I prevented, for the moment, my impending momentous ejaculation. Having all these smaller men standing around me – as I towered over them flexing my arms to a chorus of ooos and ahhhs, not to mention a unified saluting of hard dicks – made me feel like Gulliver with the little people. Maybe two or three of them could climb all over me as I flexed – like I was some kind of human jungle gym for schoolboys. And then the idea of grabbing two of them at the back of their britches and curling them as the rest of the crowd counted – now, that would feel mighty fine. My Little Prince knew I was lost in thoughts about what pleasures the dinner party might bring for both of us. “So, does my big man want to come to the dinner party and make me very happy?” “Making you happy, Little Prince, is the only thing I ever want to do.” “Wonderful. What should be our sign for you to squeeze a guy’s hand a little harder than you really should?” “Um, let’s see. How about you say this is my ‘good’ friend when you don’t want me to squeeze and then you just say this is my friend when you do want me to squeeze.” “Splendid! This is going to be so much fun. I may encourage you to squeeze hard on all the guys just to see what happens.” “That’s entirely up to you, my Little Prince. I am merely your muscle boy – happy to do your bidding all night long. You definitely know that your showing me off to your friends is going to please me to no end. I might need to take some extra underwear and a second pair of pants!” “You and me, both!” “As much fun as tonight is going to be, I was kind of hoping we could still have our regular Friday afternoon happy hour right now. I’ve been thinking about you all day, Little Prince, and when I started my workout my juices were already boiling – but now they’re just screaming for release.” “Are they now, Gentle Giant? Well, let’s see if I can help you with your little . . . I mean your very big dilemma.” By this point the Professor knew me as if I was merely an extension of himself. We connected perfectly on so many levels; he knew how to get me off in seconds. He typically liked to prolong my agony and keep me edging for as long as possible, but tonight he thought it would be best to thank me in advance for all the fun I was going to cause at the dinner party. We called our little gathering in the gym on Friday afternoons our ‘happy hour’ because we both ended our time together with huge eruptions of pleasure. After a few minutes of rest, we’d then continue on with our chores – the Professor moving to the kitchen to prepare some scrumptious meal and I would continue to build up my muscles just for him. Tonight, however, we had the excitement of the dinner party to fuel us on even more. There needed to be showers, the picking out of the appropriate outfit, and some pre-party cocktails prior to our departure – so this encouraged my Little Prince to be a lot more direct in his approach to the lovely ending of happy hour. He had become a master at getting my rocks off. The Professor unbuttoned his shirt and let it slide off his body –onto the floor. He then pulled his small frame up on top of my huge chest – still swollen from the workout. There was enough sweat on my body to increase the pleasure of him sliding across all of my hard bulges. He did it slowly – both to please me, but also to feel every muscle he could. I could clearly feel his hard-on against my abs – even through the material of his pants. He brought his face to mine and I was totally helpless when I realized what he was going to do. He had decided to be very direct – to, as the say, go straight for the jugular. Before he wrecked me he decided to add a little to the anticipation. “I’m going to kiss the cum out of you, big man.” When you give yourself to someone – when you truly decide that you love someone with your entire being – you become defenseless to his powers. He can hurt you or thrill you with simple actions – a few words. I knew, in the deepest part of my soul, that the Professor would never intentionally hurt me, but he could be relentless with his teasing – his foreplay. I think it was because he realized it was the only power he had over me. I was just too freaking strong for him to hurt me in any way, so he teased me, instead. He used to say he was going to hit me with his car one day just to prove that I was stronger than the metal that was his vehicle. The Professor knew my weakest spot – the one thing he could do to easily dominate me. He brought those juicy luscious gorgeous lips down to mine – ever so softly. Just to tease me until I was ready to crush boulders or lift bulldozers. He gently rubbed them back and forth against my own – making me moan with anticipation so loudly that it echoed throughout the house. The hurricane force that was building in my crotch was going to make this one of the happiest afternoon happy hours ever. The small man pulled out all the stops and tortured me even more. “Want me to kiss you, my big super man?” “Oh hell yes!!!” He lightly bit my lower lip with his teeth – making his plump lips press into me a little more. I was going out of my mind with thoughts about my upcoming release and the incredible moment when his lips would fully smash into mine. The Professor was a world-class kisser. He knew how to work his lips in a way that would make me quiver – the huge strong stud reduced to a begging child. At moments like this I wanted his kiss more than anything in the world. I would have stopped armies, stampeding elephants, or rockets just to feel his lips fully on mine. This is when he became master and I was completely at his service. He looked into my eyes with what seemed like all the power of the universe and whispered. “Boom” With that simple signal, he pressed his warm, moist mouth against mine and sucked in hard at the same time. My cock responded with what could only be described as a titanic explosion. My ass and lower back came up off the bench with the first hard, long ejaculation – easily taking my Little Prince’s body up with it at he same time. My ass slammed back down on the bench and then a second, third, fourth, and many other gushes thrust me back into the air. It was like the Professor was riding a bucking stallion that needed to be tamed. The smaller man never took his lips from mine. He abused my mouth as I gushed – just to increase the power of my squirting. I couldn’t think straight – all I did was register his manly lips and my crotch convulsions. It took me a few seconds to realize the Little Prince was busting out a huge load at the same time. Finally, my crotch stopped power thrusting and my head stopped spinning from the exertion. The Professor was still exploring my mouth with his lips and tongue and I immediately shot hard again. His cock, however, had beaten me to the full mast position. It was difficult to believe, but I thought the little guy could recover from his massive orgasms a lot quicker than I could. It took a long time for my heart to slow down, my eyes to roll back into place, and my body to relax. He pulled his lips from mine. “That was quite a load you offered up, my Gentle Giant. You recovered yet?” “I’m still a little wobbly. It’s your damn incredible kisses. They wreck me every time. It’s the only moment I actually feel weak.” “I like that. It’s the only time I feel somewhat powerful around you. Shall we shower?” My only response was raising my body off the bench and standing – easily taking his body up with mine. I held him against my side with one arm as I walked to the master bathroom – definitely feeling the large gob of sticky cum in my shorts. I held him as I reached in and started the shower, putting my hand under the water to see if it was getting warmer. I then started unbuckling the Professor’s pants and letting them drop to the floor. After that, I pealed his sticky underwear from his body and down his legs – as if I were a child undressing a doll. The guy was still rock hard – just from being carried by my massive arm. Geez, he was turning into a Class-A muscle whore and I loved it. He pushed my shorts down, clearly pleased that I wasn’t wearing underwear and then used his foot to get them even lower. I stepped out of them as he pushed off his socks. Once we were both nude I stepped into the large double-headed shower. I grabbed him at the waist and held under the water so he could scrub himself with soap as his feet dangled a few feet off the floor – something he loved. After we had rinsed him off, I moved around so I was under the water and he lathered up as much of my big body as he could. I then spun his body around so he was upside down – one of my favorite things to do – so he could scrub my cock, balls, and legs. I couldn’t leave him like that for too long – all the blood drained to his head and he became a little dizzy, but he had learned to finish the cleaning pretty quickly. Once we had rinsed my big body off, I held him at the handles so he could turn off the water. I stepped out of the shower and for the next five minutes we both got hard as we toweled off each other’s body. The Professor stopped and had both of us turn toward the big mirror. “Look at that, you could put four of me together and I’d still not be as big as you. That’s so amazing. The size difference turns me on so much.” “I think you already know what it does to me.” I smiled at his reflection, but then I went back to staring at what he had commented on. All my life I’d been huge. Teachers had to look up at me starting almost as far back as elementary school. When I was thirteen my hand could engulf those of any adult – and now they were even bigger. I out lifted every guy at my school – as well as every coach. Small doorways were a pain. Small seats drove me crazy. Everything I held seemed so small. But here, standing next to the Professor and looking at our reflection in the mirror was when I felt the biggest . . . the strongest. The man could almost walk under my humongous protruding pecs without even ducking. My body made him look like some little kid who had been given a grown man’s face. Next to my arms his looked like those of a stick figure you used to draw in first grade. If I moved in front of him, his view of the mirror would disappear and his body wouldn’t appear at all in the reflection. I saw how the Professor was incredibly handsome – and could turn an eye in any room he walked into, but next to me he looked so small – so delicate. I had never wanted my hugeness so much or my strength – as I did when I looked at us together. I wanted to throw my body into a most muscular pose just to see all of my bulges pop out so freakishly huge next to his – to show off for him, but it was something more, too. I wanted to be a giant – to be really big – so he didn’t have to be. I wanted him to be so happy being the little guy – just because he knew he was loved by someone as big as me. I wanted him to see himself as I did – just as I wanted to see myself as he did. I loved how I towered over him because I knew he loved it, as well. The Professor sensed what I was feeling. It helped us both feel the power of the moment even more, my Little Prince moved over in front of me – just to emphasize the difference to the max. “Oh hell yes.” I couldn’t help myself and said the first thing that came to mind. This particular view was always just too much for me - and the Professor knew it. I believed he also loved it just as much. My chest was so much wider than his broad shoulders. My own shoulders were higher than his head. I ballooned out beyond him like a tree might dwarf a sunflower. I swear it looked like he was David Banner and I was what he looked like after he turned into the Hulk. It dawned on me that this idea might be great for Halloween. One of my pecs, alone, made his head seem so tiny – and then to be surrounded by both of them only made him look even smaller. When you compared our bodies, it didn’t seem possible that I was only nineteen. My arms bulged out wider than my shoulders – they were just so thick. Comparatively, the Professor’s arms looked miniscule – like the thin arms of a skeleton. I moved up behind the smaller man – so his head was between my mammoth pecs – hard muscle on either side of him. He smiled and let out an appreciative moan. I tensed my big slabs of meat so it compressed his head – both of us staring at how my pecs could almost engulf him up to his ears. He looked into my reflection and spoke softly. “Let’s flex our guns.” My Little Prince brought his arms up and his small knotty biceps poked upward when he flexed. My boyfriend’s arms were definitely what people would have called fit and normal. We both looked at his well-defined athletic peaks and smiled in appreciation. The Professor was in no way ashamed of his physique. On the contrary, he was proud of what years of swimming and bicycling had done for his age-appropriate appearance. He knew he was hot. However, he also knew my body was something beyond normal – almost beyond comprehension. I slowly brought my humongous arms up into a double biceps pose – the things high above his own since I towered a good foot and more above him. The small man’s enthralled face made me even prouder of my arms than I already was. I flexed hard – really hard – wanting the Professor to be very pleased. His huge smile, the slow intake of air, and the steady whistle he emitted told me he was. When triceps hang down like the giant parts of icebergs hidden under water and biceps shoot skyward like mammoth mountains it’s hard not to notice. There was really no way to compare our arms. It was like comparing a Hummer to a kid’s toy matchbox car. I was pretty sure all the muscle in his body didn’t equal that of what existed in my arms. We stared at my bulges towering over his head, ballooning into something a hundred times thicker than his arms, and clearly possessing something that was equivalent to fifty times the strength. This is when I truly felt massive – when the comparison to another man was so up close and more obvious. I wanted the Professor to know how he affected me. “You make me feel invincible.” “You certainly look it. Those aren’t arms – they’re ocean liners. I could hang a hammock for myself under either one of those. And you’d easily hold me in the air all day.” “If that’s what you wanted.” “You’re power fills this entire room . . . not to mention your size.” “I want to be huge so it makes you happy.” “You have no idea how happy I already am.” “I’d say that thing sticking up between your legs gives me a pretty good idea.” “We should compare those muscles, too.” I saw the glint in the Professor’s eyes as he returned to the side of me. We looked into the mirror, this time even a little more intently. His cock was truly beautiful and it stuck up beyond his navel and was what most people would call big. Mine, however, rose upward until it nudged the bottom of my humongous bulging pecs. The difference was astounding. “That thing shooting up from your crotch looks as big as a bar stool.” “”Well, I do hope you’re planning on sitting on it a little later on.” “You know I am.” We stood there, silent, taking in the tremendous difference in our tools. Mine was thicker than the Professor’s forearm. He brought his arm over beside my raging hard-on as if to give proof to what I was thinking. My huge rod made his wrist look weak. Within the context of my monstrous body, the size of my cock looked appropriate. It was only when you put it next to something else – a two liter bottle of soda, a baseball bat, or another man’s arm – that its enormity became blazingly apparent. My Little Prince loved to stare at my mammoth meat and fondle it lovingly, amazed that he could not wrap his hand around its thickness. The almost unfathomable length pleased the older man in a totally different way, though. He had become very adept at accepting all of my battering ram into his body. He said it brought him more joy than I could ever imagine. I was in awe of his ability to open himself to so much muscled invasion. “I think that humongous thing might be your hardest muscle.” “It is when you’re around, Little Prince.” “Look how the young college boy’s cock dwarfs the older man’s piece. It’s like you’re the daddy and I’m the toddler noticing the size difference for the first time. It’s impossible for you to hide that thing.” “Yeah, that’s always been one of the burdens of being huge. My dad noticed how big I was getting down there when I was pretty young and he warned me about what kind of troubles might arise from being so well endowed. He actually warned me that it would frighten some people.” “It doesn’t frighten me . . . it only turns me on.” The Professor brought his body closer to mine, so our hard-as-hell schlongs would be closer together. Mine was bulging with thick veins and you could see it pulsing from how excited I was. His meat was gorgeous – long, hard, and curved, like a sword. I licked my lips in appreciation of what had filled my mouth on numerous occasions with the sweet juice of my Little Prince. I also held my breath, always blown away by how my cock looked like a giant redwood tree growing beside his little weed. The Professor reached over and stroked my loaded missile teasingly a few times. I wrapped my own huge hand around his cock and we both loved how my thumb overlapped my fingers because my palm was so big. “We really should be getting ready for the party.” “I’d rather ignite the party that’s churning something fierce in my balls, Gentle Giant.” “I swear, I’m the giant man, but your insatiable need for orgasm puts me to shame. Your body is never fully emptied, is it?” “Not while you’re around. Seeing your muscled body causes me to have eternal springs of my manhood constantly gurgling within me. Your bulges aren’t going anywhere so how could I ever be empty?” I wrapped my big arm around his neck – both of us looking at the reflection and loving how my biceps made his head look so tiny. I pulled him into me, so his face came in contact with my colossal right pec. I wanted to thank him and I knew a mouthful of my hard nipple would please him tremendously. His lips parted and my thick nub popped into his warm, wet mouth. My entire frame shivered as he began to suck. Having the Professor doing anything remotely sexual to me would never get old. It was like the first time – every time. I was lost in my adoration of the man – I was a slave to my desire. His lips, tongue, and warm mouth thrilled me in a way that could not be described – could not be replicated by anyone else. This was my Little Prince sucking on my massive chest and that made everything right in the world. As he went to town on my jutting cork-sized lump of meat, I stared at our reflection in the mirror. Everything I needed in the world was in that one picture – my man and my big body, which pleased him. I raised my arm into a strong biceps flex – instinctively, for him. He was too busy chowing down on my nip to notice, but I knew he would want me to show off. He sensed what I was doing without even looking. A small hand went into the air and found my hard gigantic peak – both of us knowing it was too big for him to miss. His lips left my nipple briefly. “Tense it harder, boy.” I had never met a man bigger than me. I had been so huge all of my life that I simply felt my size was normal – that everything in the world was supposed to be little. I could also have easily crushed the small man beside me. I towered over him the way a skyscraper might dwarf a one-room shack. I could lift the back of his car off the ground with no effort at all. Hell, I could lift him into the air easily with just one hand. All of this, however, meant nothing when the Professor called me ‘boy.’ We had stumbled on this fact accidentally one evening during sex. Our foreplay had consisted of me lifting weights while he massaged my body and power-sucked my cock. I stood there with a loaded bar curled up to my chin while he pumped my cock with his hand. Both of us could sense how close I was to spewing, so the Professor increased the motion of his hand and then – for the first time – bellowed out an order, saying ‘Cum for me boy!’ I don’t think he planned on calling me that; it just came out in the lust-filled moment. Neither of us, however, could have imagined how my body would react. My cock shot straight out from my body like a cannon. My crotch thrust forward with enough force it made my kneeling Little Prince fall backwards. I nearly dropped the weighted bar I held because the blast that fired out of my cock was like some kind of super torpedo jetting across the room. I showered the Professor with so much cum it looked as if he had been slimed like one of the guests on that old children’s show. My body ejaculated for what seemed like an eternity. I finally stopped spewing, placed the barbell I had desperately held onto down on the ground, and then fell onto a nearby bench. My chest was still heaving from the release. “What the hell was that?” “I don’t know, Little Prince. You called me ‘boy’ and I lost control.” We stared at each other – deciding, without using any words, that there was no need to analyze what had just happened. It would merely become useful information for our developing relationship. From that day forward, the Professor chose to save his new weapon for special moments. If I was holding him in a tight bear hug he might whisper ‘tighter, boy’ just to get me to lose control and squeeze harder without even planning to. Or if I chose to not shave for a couple of days and my testosterone laden body had pushed out heavy fur on my face, while we were kissing he’d say something like ‘beard burn me, boy’ and I’d end up kissing him so hard that he’d have a reddened face for days. Or, if we were in bed and I wasn’t already fully hard – because I was usually asleep, he’d put his mouth next to my ear and whisper, “get hard, boy,” and my body would immediately respond by my rod shooting to full attention. No matter what the time, how tired I was, or how many times I had already gotten off. There was just something about the little man – who had a body smaller than one of my arms – calling me ‘boy’ that got me harder than ever and quicker than ever. I wanted to be his muscle boy more than anything in the world. I wanted to please him as much as I wanted air. To have him give me an order . . . a command was such an unbelievable turn-on that I fell in love with the man on an entirely deeper level. My selflessness – when it came to my Little Prince – became even more pronounced, much more of an automatic response. I found myself craving moments where he might tell me to do something. I wanted to do his bidding all the time. The Professor, however, wanted us to be equals and only saved his daddy-like orders for when we were sexually turned on. And that was why he told his ‘boy’ to flex his arm harder. “Oh hell, yes sir.” My peak shot up higher, the massive arm bulged thicker, and I moaned loudly as I tensed my arm with all my strength. I couldn’t feel the Professor’s hand exploring my biceps – the thing was too hard to register his small delicate hand. I was tensing with every ounce of might I could muster – and the rock that was my arm clearly made the Professor happy. He doubled his efforts on my nipple, which only sent me closer to the edge even more. My Little Prince, however, knew of untapped powers within me. He could be so relentless when it came to my strength. “Harder, boy!” My body was no longer my own. It simply responded to the Professor’s request like a racecar answers to a floored gas pedal. I was pretty sure I was already flexing my arm to its fullest potential, but the Professor knew better. His awareness of what my body was capable of was almost eerie. He was always the one that could get me to blast beyond my goal weight in lifting or add another half inch to some muscle on my body. I had grown bigger and become stronger in the short time I had lived with him more than I had in the last five years. I called him the muscle whisperer because my body always obeyed him – even when I seriously doubted what he was suggesting. I watched in the mirror as my peak swelled higher and thicker as my clenched knuckles turned whiter from the pressure I was exerting. Even my chest had gotten too hard for the Professor to comfortably suck on any pec meat. He chose to simply tease my aching nub with his teeth as he gazed upward at my obedient enormous biceps. His little hand slapped against the hard mound of muscle loudly and I could tell it stung his palm a lot. I, of course, felt nothing. “Release.” I exhaled and let my arm drop immediately. I hadn’t realized how much energy I had been exerting. A light sheen of sweat covered my upper body. I shook out my arm – since it felt like it had just finished curling a house. I looked down at the smiling Professor. He stared at me in a way that made my heart swell bigger than my arm. The man constantly exuded nothing but love. It was like his aura was the most calming and empowering thing I had ever encountered. Surely, gazing into his eyes was like being rewarded with a glimpse of heaven. I put my big hands around his upper arms and shoulders - always marveling how my palms covered so much of him - squeezed, and then lifted. He came off the floor as if all gravity had just disappeared. I smiled as I thought about the earth’s pull not being strong enough to match my power. I brought the small man up so our faces were inches apart. “My body would do anything you asked.” “I know. And all I want to do is get your body bigger and stronger.” I brought my face into his and kissed him as I growled in appreciation. His mouth responded to my advancement with a strategic attack – making me curl my toes against the floor and my hands to tighten around his arms. The man’s kiss could make it seem the world had stopped spinning. I became light headed anytime his lips latched on to mine, because I knew the passion he would cause would be like a tidal wave hitting the beach. His kisses were my kryptonite. They could make me feel so weak I sometimes had to look down to make sure I was still huge. My rock hard cock was now twitching against my abs and his lower body. I held him in the air without any trouble – easily forgetting that he was a grown man. My strength was just something I took for granted. The Professor, however, liked to remind me that I was not invincible. At least, when it came to him. He had a surprise I couldn’t see coming. He pulled his face slightly away from mine and as he spoke our lips bushed against each other. “Let me feel you spew, boy.” You couldn’t really call him evil since he did it to give me pleasure. However, he fully understood what using a simple word – a three-letter word – could do to my body. Suddenly, a volley of cum shot up and smacked both of us under our chin. The next rope of thickness shot up beyond our heads and rained down on us. I shook so much I was a little worried about dropping the Professor. My body spewed for the man as if I had been building an orgasm since birth. As I came I wondered if it would always be like this between us – such powerful explosions that it felt like the earth was moving. A river of my dense man-milk oozed down my cobbled abs and all over his body. We continued to kiss until my balls had forced out every little drop. Instead of being spent, however, I felt energized and frisky. I pulled his body away from mine – remembering I still held him in the air. “Now we have to shower, again. You are an evil man, Professor.” “And you, my big friend, are the hot muscled superhero stud that could convince this villain to change his ways.” “Why would I want to do that when your evilness clearly gives me so much pleasure? I’m all sticky with joy because of you. I love the idea of being your superhero, though. You should give me a superhero name.” “You mean besides ‘Gentle Giant?’” “Yes. That’s my pet name. I need a superhero name for when I’m showing off for you.” “That’s easy. I’d call you Muscle Boy.” Again, the master knew what he was doing. It was almost as if he had steered the conversation to this point on purpose, but that wasn’t possible. He hadn’t known what I would say. His super hero name, however, was such a turn on – so appropriate for what I wanted to be – I actually spurted some more juice in lustful response. Again, my entire frame shook and this made the Professor laugh. “You gotta warn me before you say such things, Professor.” “And where would the fun be in that?” As my response, I released my grip on his shoulders and let him drop back on the floor. He had not expected that and he rocked back and forth a little – as if he might fall. He reached out and braced his hands against my still-sticky rock-hard abs. My body immediately tensed to give him pleasure. He moaned a little in appreciation. He then pushed harder – and then harder, still – to see if his hands could do anything to me. Not only did my body not move – my abs pressed his hands back towards him when I tensed them more. “You’re like a living, breathing, muscle covered fortress. I still don’t know how the universe could pack so much power in one human being. See, I punch you – and hard – and you feel nothing.” As he spoke, his hands followed the narrative. I looked down at his fists smacking into my stomach – the sound of the punches registering, as well as the yelps of pain as the Professor’s fists met something so unyielding – and loved, loved, loved how I felt what only seemed like a slight thump of a finger. I was getting turned on again, because my Little Prince loved my obvious power so much. He punched numerous times – staring at my speed bump like abs the entire time. He then started rubbing his hands all over them – appreciating the hardness, as well as the incredible muscled definition. I had never been more proud of my hard muscled college-boy body. “Just imagine, Professor, what I’m going to look like in ten year’s time.” “I can’t. You’re so perfect now, I find I hard to think about you being bigger or stronger. It just doesn’t seem possible. I press against your abs and it feels like I’m pushing against a mountain. Sometimes, when you’re asleep, I climb on top of you and it feels like I’m resting on some warm boulder. Even when you’re asleep – completely relaxed – you’re the hardest thing I’ve ever felt. I can beat off just from thinking about how hard your muscles feel every time I touch them.” “Hey, you better not be beating off without me there to watch!” “Are you kidding? I can’t go two hours without needing release. That’s what you’ve done to me. You’ve made me like a kid that’s just had his first orgasm. I will start thinking about you – your size, your strength, a particular muscle, something you’ve done that I used to think wasn’t possible – and I immediately need release. I have gone through about four boxes of Kleenex in my office just this week alone!” “Oh hell yeah! The thought of you whipping out that gorgeous cock of yours in your office and yanking out a big load makes me want to bust out another massive wad!” “Hold on there, tiger, we really should start getting ready for the dinner party. A lot of fun and games awaits us there! It’s time the world met my Muscle Boy.” “You can’t call me that and ask me to not spew. It’s one or the other, Professor.” “Fair enough, my Gentle Giant. Let’s shower, again, and get ready.”
  22. Chilis

    Pirate Adventures

    Hello everyone! This story will take a different twist after part 1. Oliver is 18 years old. Marcus is 39. The Captain is 20. This story takes place in an old time when pirates were still a thing. Hope you all like it! Feel free to leave suggestions and comments! ------------------ Part 1 The sky was clear, the tides appeared to be calm and the temperature was… well, bearable. Oliver thought that luck was finally on their side. He had boarded this ship weeks ago, and since then only disaster had followed him and the crew. Terrible storms, huge waves, assaulting rival pirates, killing mermaids and even a giant kraken. It had been days of tiring work and lots of dead, but it looked like he could finally have a break from disaster and relax. The boy pulled out a small mirror from his bag and tried to fix his hair. He had messy blonde hair, freckles and a small nose. His green eyes glanced over his face, satisfied with being somewhat adorable looking. He then looked down through the reflection and sighed. Regardless of his attractive facade, Oliver was very disappointed with his body. He was slightly athletic thanks to his sailing job, yet he still felt very skinny. If he wasn’t wearing any clothes, he could’ve seen his thin arms, his flat chest, and his rib bones showing a little. At least he had some decent abs… “What ya doin’, pretty eyes?” Oliver blinked and lost the attention on his mirror. His pal Marcus had showed up out of nowhere, putting an arm around his shoulders. The man was middle aged, ugly as they come. He was missing several teeth, had a dirty beard, and a belly so inflated that Oliver thought it would pop like a bubble at any moment. But despite his disgusting looks, the blonde boy and the hideous pirate had become friends even before boarding the ship. Marcus was fun to be around, and he had a gentle heart, always willing to help his smaller companion. “Looks like our problems are finally over, eh?” Marcus said, extending his arm towards the vast ocean. Oliver chuckled “We shouldn’t let our hopes get too high. I bet another disaster is about to hit us. This is just the sea making fun of us before it does”. “Eerr… aren’t ya a positive one” Marcus went serious all the sudden, observing the horizon “The tide Gods haven’t been generous with us this trip. But I assure you, we will reach the new lands in no time now. The Captain is making sure of it”. The blonde boy frowned “The Captain…”. Oliver had mixed feelings about the Captain. The guy was only a few years older than him, and both of them were younger than everybody in the ship. Still, Oliver was treated like a subordinate, while everyone respected the Captain in an almost religious manner. The blonde boy could see why though… The Captain’s only presence imposed respect and fear. The young man was two heads taller than Oliver, and his body was built with gigantic muscle able to crush anybody that opposed him. The Captain’s frame was lean, yet large enough to stretch out his clothes. He had long dark hair, and piercing blue eyes that sent shivers down your spine whenever you looked at them directly. One large scar went across his nose, while a smaller one decorated his chin. He was a gorgeous, yet terrifying person. Oliver had admired the Captain at first. However, as time passed in the sea, the blonde boy began to envy him. Whenever they were in trouble, the muscular man would save everyone with his powerful body. The Captain was the one that defeated all of their invading enemy pirates with merely his fists. He was the one that wrestled the kraken down. And the one that made the mermaids forget about eating them by making them fall in love with him. Meanwhile, Oliver was sent to clean and cook, unable to defend himself from all the threats, or to help his dying crew friends. “He is a brave man, that one..” said Marcus all the sudden, burping before continuing talking “I have to admit, when I met him I doubted someone so young would be able to navigate the seas. I didn’t even think he could control a whole crew!” “Well, he hasn’t gotten us to the new lands yet…” said Oliver in a low tone, but Marcus didn’t listen to him. “But I am telling ya! After seeing how heroic and strong the Captain is, I have no more doubts about him! I would follow him to the end of the world, ya know! We could all learn more from him…” Marcus seemed to be daydreaming about the young man, and that made Oliver uncomfortable. “Are you in love with him or something?” the blonde guy said, teasing his friend. Instead of being offended, Marcus bursted out laughing “HAH! Aren’t we all on this ship!? Some are saying he is even a demigod, I’m telling ya!” Oliver didn’t expect that answer. He rolled his eyes and walked away. “Yeah, whatever. I’ll see you later, I am not done mopping the main deck” More weeks passed without anything eventful happening. Oliver cleaned, mopped, and cooked as always. He felt relieved that there were no more life threatening things going on, but a new problem was starting to arise. The crew was feeling uneasy; they should've been approaching the new lands by now. However, the ship was still sailing across the vast open ocean, with no shore to be seen anytime soon. Oliver’s friends began to fear that they were going in the wrong direction, but everybody respected (or feared) the Captain too much to demand answers. Besides, the Captain was not seen around the ship much anymore, as he stayed in his cabin most of the time, unless he came out to give orders. Oliver mostly felt unbothered by the situation. Or that was until one night the crew organized a meeting to see who would go ask the Captain about the trajectory of the ship. The filthy pirates started to discuss what to do calmly at first, yet the conversation quickly turned into a heated discussion. “I am not going over there! Have you seen the arm of that man!? It’s bigger than my leg!” someone said. “You are a coward! He is our Captain, he wouldn’t hurt us for a simple question” someone else argued. “Then why don’t you go ask him!?” a third one demanded. “Anyone know if we have more whisky?” added Marcus, clearly drunk. “He deserves respect, he is a demigod! Didn’t you see how he beated up that kraken!?” another one yelled. People kept screaming and pointing fingers. Oliver was just sitting in the corner, cleaning his tiny mirror with some cloth. He listened for a while and tried to ignore the noise. The accusations and demands kept getting louder, and Oliver was feeling more frustrated by the second. The boy clenched his teeth. “Be quiet!” he said, but he was so small that nobody noticed him. He grunted in rage and stood up. “SHUT UP!” he yelled “You are all pathetic! I’ll go talk to him!!!”. This time the crew heard him, and they went silent. All eyes were on Oliver, and he immediately felt embarrassed. Then everyone started laughing. “You!? The Captain will crush you with his finger alone” one person said. “Hah! The Captain is three times your size!” another mentioned. “Seriously guys, where is the whisky?” Marcus commented, scratching his head. “Go back to the kitchen, boy!” someone yelled. Oliver’s face turned red and he clenched his fists in rage. He gave the crew a defiant expression, and stormed out. The crew just kept laughing behind him, thinking that the blonde boy had gone to cry in his room. But Oliver felt a bright flame inside him, and he headed to the Captain’s cabin. “Stupid pirates, you’ll see” Oliver stood in front of the cabin’s door for a moment. He raised his fist with hesitation, doubting if he should do this after all. Then he remembered the crew laughing at him, and he knocked the door with rage. No answer. He knocked again, and again. Only the sound of the waves against the ship could be heard. Oliver was about to knock a fourth time when the door opened. The blond boy almost fell down on his butt as the huge frame appeared in front of him. “C-captain. A-ahoy!” Oliver managed to stutter. The Captain was so tall that his wide chest was facing Oliver’s face. The young man was wearing elegant sailor clothes, but he had ripped his shirt’s sleeves off to reveal his enormous arms. He looked down at the blonde boy, and Oliver felt some kind of hatred and admiration towards him. The Captain had a youthful face, almost the same as Oliver, but that was the only similar aspect between the two. The large pirate had a prominent beard that was trimmed short with a knife. His hair was bushy and heroic looking. He was bigger, stronger, and more attractive than anyone on the ship. Oliver frowned, frustrated with the idea that this guy was almost his same age, yet more of a man he would ever be. The Captain tilted his head without saying anything, awaiting for Oliver to speak. His chest was raising up and down, his breath clearly displaying the power his body possessed. Oliver swallowed, and then stood firmly “T-t-the- c-c-rew...” He shut his mouth, enraged that he was too nervous to talk. The Captain simply chuckled and turned his back to him. “Come in” Oliver looked at the back of the Captain, twice his own torso. He walked inside and observed the cabin. The place was filled with mirrors, way too many for a normal room. The desk was full of maps and other sailing objects. From the window, the moonlight sprayed it’s brightness over the frame of the large Captain. The man was looking at one of the many reflective glasses, his blue eyes locked on his own body. “Beautiful, isn’t it?” said the Captain. Oliver raised an eyebrow, unsure of what he was talking about. “What is?” The Captain raised his arm and flexed. His biceps rose up like a mountain, muscle stretching his skin thin. The blonde boy couldn’t stop staring, amazed by how hard and strong the muscle looked. “My body, of course…” commented the Captain. Oliver narrowed his eyes, confused. He looked away and pretended that he was not drooling over the sculpted body of the Captain. “S-sure…” Oliver answered “Um… s-sir. The crew has b-been wondering…” Suddenly Oliver felt a stream of courage running through his being “The crew… The crew has been wondering if we are going in the right direction! We should be arriving in the new land by now, but there is nothing out there except for the ocean! We are starting to question if you are actually capable of navigating this ship. After all, you are just a boy like me” Oliver spoke so quickly he felt almost out of breath when he finished. He looked at the Captain with an exhilarating smile, and instantly felt regret as the man turned to face him. “We are not going to the new land” said the Captain blandly. “W-what?” Oliver felt even smaller while the muscular man approached him. The Captain snatched him by the neck and lifted up his body. He wasn’t choking him, but he was still grabbing him firmly like a puppet. “Was I not clear? We are not going to the new land” the Captain smiled. His smirk would’ve looked terrifying, if his face wasn’t so perfectly handsome... “I have other goals in mind... I might be stronger than anyone in this pathetic ship, but I still can’t navigate a ship on my own. You silly pirates were a great help to get me across the sea though. Thank you” The man flexed the arm he was holding Oliver with, muscle bulging out everywhere. He grinned more “I suppose there is no need to pretend I care about you all anymore, as we are approaching our destination” Oliver started shaking, trying to set himself free “W-what are you doing!? The crew respects you, why are you betraying them like that!? Where are we even going!” The blonde boy grabbed the Captain’s arm, trying to push away. It was like holding a pillar of rock, and Oliver wasn’t sure if he was aroused or scared. He was envious, for sure. He also felt so helpless. The Captain chuckled. He moved Oliver, pulling him towards him. He was now carrying him in his arms. The blonde boy could feel all the hard muscle around him, while the Captain hugged him with his mighty arms like a baby. “Don’t worry, I do not intend to hurt any of you” he locked his blue eyes with Oliver’s “Aren’t you pretty? I might keep you around... I bet you’d like it” Then he walked to one large mirror and smashed Oliver against it. The Captain pushed his frame against his, and started thrusting with his whole figure. Oliver felt like a beast was smashing him, muscle pressing against his own body, pure raw strength overpowering him. The Captain was simply looking at himself flexing, almost making out with his reflection, while Oliver was getting squished. “I am such perfection. Look at my muscles, so strong, so powerful. You are feeling the full power of a perfect being!” Oliver tried to push him away or escape, but it was useless. The Captain’s body was too large and muscular for him to do anything. Nevertheless, the blonde boy soon was now longer scared; he was moaning, his hand grabbing and touching every part of the muscular man. Oliver felt so much admiration, and so much rage and envy… “That 's right. You know your place now” said the Captain, still observing himself instead of the blonde boy “I’ve been watching you, you know? You are the only pretty thing in this hideous ship. Except for me, obviously. You’ll be a great pet” The Captain started thrusting harder, his huge bulge rubbing against Oliver, evidently hard. The mirror started to crack, unable to contain the muscle strength “We are going to a place where I will obtain all the power I deserve. A forgotten place by many, but not me. I will take what’s mine” “I-I… I will not let you get away with his” Oliver managed to yell “I’ll tell the crew. They won’t accept this” The Captain laughed out loud. He then began kissing his reflection, flexing his muscles all over Oliver, pushing him harder and harder against the surface. The mirror finally gave in and broke in pieces. The blonde boy let out a scream of pain, arousal and surprise. The Captain stepped back with a proud grin, breathing intensely, and with his sweaty muscle shining under the moonlight. Oliver just dropped to his knees, and noticed that his crotch was wet. He looked up to the captain, feeling pathetic and defeated. The Captain was still full of energy, and he continued flexing his big muscles while watching them bulge up and harden. Without even bothering to look at Oliver, he said “What is the crew going to do about it? They think I am a demigod! And to be honest, they might be right…” The muscle man grabbed the blonde boy by the shirt and lifted him up. Without warning, he kissed him softly “You and everyone in this ship will keep doing what I say. And you are staying here, with me. There’s nothing you can do about it, my pet” Oliver wanted to run away, to punch him, to scream for help. But he felt so tired, so weak. His vision got blurry, and before he could say anything, he passed out.
  23. dw2098lj

    The Car Salesman - Chapter 2

    Chapter 2 With every step and every breath in of the cold winter air I felt as if a spell was lifting. My attraction to Karl and fixation on his huge muscles and enormous cock was being replaced with sheer disbelief at what had just happened. Slowly my thoughts were becoming my own again as my mind raced through the events of the last couple of hours. How had I as a straight man, who’d never had any interest in other men, let myself be used by that gym-rat, the epitome of everything I despised? As I turned the key in the front door of my house and heard the lock click open I came to a sudden realisation. I had been drugged. It was the only explanation I could think of to explain the bizarre events of today. Somehow Karl had fed me some illegal substance which had an abnormal and extreme effect on me. But how had he done it? I’d not had anything to eat or drink whilst I was there and to be honest the effects had been almost immediate, pretty much from the start of our encounter. It was then, sat in the dark on the sofa in my living room, that I remembered the strange but seductive scent coming off Karl that I’d noticed as soon as I met him. Still dazed from the afternoon, I could almost hear the cogs of my brains turning over, trying to connect the dots. Finally, something clicked and I remembered the strange looking bottle, “Alpha Scent”, which I’d glimpsed in Karl’s desk. Yes, that was it! Clearly this scent had some pheromones or something in it that caused extreme desire in whoever smelt it. Ridiculous as it sounded, it was the only possible explanation I could come up with. The longer I sat there on the sofa, the more my confusion and embarrassment were replaced with anger. Luckily for me, my wife wasn’t due home from work for 2 hours – I needed a plan. *** Two days later I was sat outside Karl’s office, waiting to pick up my new car. My heart was racing at the plan I’d concocted but I was confident that it would work, having spent several hours over the last few days perfecting it. A few minutes after I arrived, Karl’s office door opened and an attractive woman in her early 40s left. I could tell from her harassed look and the fact that her blouse wasn’t buttoned up correctly that she had just been subjected to the “Karl” treatment. The huge man himself appeared in the doorway a few seconds later, his shirt unbuttoned at the top, covered in a sheen of sweat from his most recent workout. “Give me two minutes Joe,” he called, grabbing a towel from behind the door and heading down the corridor to where I guessed the showers were. I nodded in reply, glad that Karl clearly had a strict routine between clients, something that my plan relied on. As soon as the shower room door had clicked shut I leapt up, pleased that there were no other staff members around (for obvious reasons Karl’s office was away from everyone else). I opened the door to Karl’s office before sneaking in and shutting the door quietly behind me. I hurried over to his desk, not knowing how literal Karl’s “two minutes” would be, and opened the top draw. I picked up the strange bottle, turning it over to read the label on the back: “Instructions: Use 2 sprays for instant results lasting 24 hours. Re-apply after showering”. There was no mention of what the “instant results” were but I could have a good guess. Conscious of the time, I pulled two bottles out of my pocket, one an empty aftershave bottle, the other filled with water that I’d dyed purple to match the fluid in the “Alpha Scent” bottle. I quickly poured the contents of the “Alpha Scent” into my empty aftershave bottle which I put safely in my pocket. I then substituted it with the dyed water from my other bottle before screwing the top back on and replacing the strange bottle in Karl’s top drawer. The colour wasn’t an exact match so I’d have to hope Karl wouldn’t pay too much attention to it. It was then I noticed something. In my rush to get into his office and steal his treasured secret, I hadn’t noticed that Karl’s masculine scent still filled the room, even though he was no longer there. I found myself inhaling deeply, yet again allowing his aroma to fill my head. Images of his full, thick chest and bulging veiny biceps immediately flashed across my mind. I started to imagine the feeling of his big manly cock deep in my tight ass, to feel him plough me with all his strength and power. All thoughts of my carefully worked out plan left my head as I noticed that my cock was rock hard and throbbing. I unbuttoned my jeans, letting them fall to the floor before pushing down my tight boxer briefs, letting out my aching cock. I wrapped my hand around it, jerking slowly as I thought about running my hands over his swollen chest and ripped abs. I was excited to think that Karl would be back at any second and I wanted to be ready to please him. I found myself getting into position on his desk as I had the other day, face down, ass ready for him to slide his cock in as soon as he came through the door. Suddenly the blinds rattled and a gust of wind blew in through the open window. It hit me straight in the face, clearing my head and allowing just a second of rational thought. That was all I needed – I immediately jumped off Karl’s desk, pulled up my boxers and jeans and ran out the door, all without taking another breath. My heart was racing as I settled myself in the chair outside Karl’s office just as the door to the shower room opened down the corridor. Karl looked pristine yet again, freshly showered and in clean smart clothes, a confident smile on his face. Thankfully the feelings of lust had past as quickly as they’d started now that I was out of the confined environment of Karl’s office and I was able to focus once again. “Right Joe, let me just get your keys and we’ll have you sorted in no time,” Karl said as he passed me, entering the office I’d only seconds ago vacated myself. I was sure I’d left everything as it should be but still my heart was racing. I suspected that Karl would be re-applying the “Alpha Scent” after his shower but would he notice straight away the swap I’d made? My entire plan hinged on this moment. A minute later Karl came out, his confident smirk plastered to his face as usual, the keys to my new car in one hand, the final agreement in the other. “Let’s go out to your car then Joe,” Karl said, with no acknowledgement of the events of the other day but more importantly, no evidence that he’d noticed the swap at all. “Sure thing Karl,” I said, trying to sound more relaxed than I felt. As I followed behind, I tentatively inhaled, but there was nothing, no trace of the alluring odour and my head remained clear. When we’d reached the car, Karl showed me around the outside again before we got in. Once inside, I was aware yet again how much space Karl occupied but it didn’t seem to affect me as it had done the other day. “Well Joe, here’s the key… I just need one more signature from you,” Karl said, handing me the final agreement. As I signed, I noticed that Karl had his arm up on the window again and was casually flexing his biceps as he looked across at me. I smiled as I handed the agreement back to him. “Right Karl, I’ll be going then if that’s everything,” I said confidently. “Oh yeah, erm, sure Joe,” clearly surprised by my lack of interest in his flexing muscles, “unless you want to go for round two,” he added, attempting a deep seductive voice which just sounded hollow to me without the effects of the “Alpha Scent”. He rested one of his giant hands on the equally giant bulge in his trousers but even this didn’t affect me. “No thank Karl,” I said, still trying to stay at ease, “I’ll be going now. Thanks for your help.” “Erm…ah…well, no problem, Joe,” Karl said as he prised himself out of the car, clearly confused at my resistance. “See you around Karl,” I said through the open window as I started to pull away. As I left the forecourt I smiled as I caught sight of the giant muscle man in my rear-view mirror, a look of intense confusion on his face. Little did he know it was only just beginning. *** Twenty minutes later I was standing in my bedroom at home, the bottle of aftershave, now containing the “Alpha Scent” in my hand. I hesitated, torn between sensibility and the desire to try it on myself before my wife got home and see what effect it had on her. We’d been trying to think of ways to liven up our sex life and I hoped this would be the answer, causing her to experience the same indescribable lust for me that I’d experienced for Karl. But then again, I didn’t really know what the true effects of this spray were and I suspected it definitely wasn’t legal. In the end my desire and curiosity won out and before I knew what I was doing I’d squirted two sprays on my neck. The pure “Alpha Scent” smelt great, kind of woody but other than that there was no noticeable change in me. I started to feel a bit stupid as I stood there and suspected that I had just gone to extreme lengths to steel what was essentially just a bottle of aftershave. At that moment though a strange warm feeling started spreading from my neck, where I had sprayed the “Alpha Scent”, down into my chest. It felt as though my shoulders and chest were pulsing with energy, the warm feeling spreading out into my arms too. Suddenly, I noticed that my normally loose-fitting blue t-shirt felt a bit tight around my chest and I looked down to see that my chest was actually starting to swell. “Fuck, I’m growing,” I said out loud, unable to help myself. I watched and felt as my biceps started to expand too, pulsing as they got bigger, huge veins popping up under the skin. My arms felt like they were surging with power and soon they were straining the sleeves of my small top. Without even thinking, almost on instinct, I brought both arms up into a double biceps, flexing hard the muscles which until now had been tiny and pathetic. I heard the loud RIP as both sleeves split down the seam, bursting open to allow my biceps and triceps to continue growing. “This feels fucking amazing,” I called out, my voice noticeably deeper and more masculine, as I continued to flex and pump my biceps. The warm feeling had now reached my groin and quads and the most amazing sensation hit me, like I was having a continuous orgasm. Waves of pleasure flooded through my veins as I looked down to see that the bulge in my jeans was swelling slowly, pushing out as I felt my cock grow. My expanding quads were quickly filling out my jeans too and I could hear the material creaking as it struggled to contain them. My attention was then pulled back to my still swelling chest, which was now way too big for the size ‘S’ T shirt. My back too was expanding, pulling the shirt even tighter and stopping me from being able to breathe properly. “GGGRRRRRRRRRR,” I roared as I reached up to the neck of the t shirt, pulling it straight down and hearing the fabric tear as I ripped it off in one go. “FUCK, I’m a beast,” I screamed, looking down at my exposed torso, as I threw the shredded top on the floor. Beneath my swollen pecs I could see the little bit of body fat I had disappearing, exposing tight ripped 8-pack abs which pushed up like cobble stones. I ran one of my hands down them, enjoying the feeling of ripped muscle under my fingers. Beneath my tiny, tight waist, my quads were still growing, feeling so tight in my jeans that I knew that I needed to get them off soon. No sooner had I thought this I heard another rip and realised it was too late. My huge quads had torn the fabric on either side of my jeans and I could see the exposed muscle underneath. I flexed each of my humungous quads in turn, extending the tear on either side with colossal grunts. I then reached down, grabbing the waist band with my two hands and pulling down to complete the job, ripping my jeans off and throwing them on the floor. “I’m so STRONG,” I roared, unable to hold back as I started flexing, the growth now slowing and the warm feeling starting to subside. I looked at myself in the mirror on the wall – I now had the body of a serious weight-lifter, not quite as big as Karl, but still pretty huge. My face too looked more masculine, chiselled, with a sharp jaw-line with a light dusting of stubble. My torso had a covering of dark, manly hair that had sprung up in the last two minutes on my previously hairless body. The bulge in my boxers was verging on obscene as my rock hard cock tented the fabric. I quickly pulled off my boxers, feeling as my much bigger cock slapped up against my abs. “FUCK,” I moaned, as I looked down at my throbbing cock which was at least 8” long, about 2” longer and much thicker than before my growth spurt. A steady stream of pre was leaking out as I continued to flex in front of the mirror, appreciating my new muscle body. I ran my hands over my pumped chest, amazed at the weight of my pecs and noticing the deep defined valley that ran between them. I flexed each bicep in turn, trying to wrap the other hand round each mound of marble-like muscle to no avail. The huge veins which had popped up during my growth were still there and snaked like a road map down my bulging biceps and forearms. Still flexing, I wrapped one hand around my thick cock and started jerking, feeling the pleasure quickly rising in me. “MMMM, you’re a beast Joe,” I moaned to myself, so turned on by my own muscles. I couldn’t stop running my other hand over my torso as I jerked, marvelling in the feel of the solid muscles now strapped onto my previously weedy frame. Only minutes ago I’d been a tiny 33yo, with a bit of a beer-gut. Now I was a total alpha muscle stud. This thought drove me on closer to climax as I let out low, deep moans and grunts. I jerked my cock faster, still flexing as I watched in the mirror. “Oh fuck,” I moaned, “I’m gonna fucking shoot…”. I worked myself up more and more, relishing the new length and girth of my cock and the sticky pre-leaking from it. Huge grunts escaped my mouth as my massive chest heaved with each breath drawn in. Within seconds I felt my full, aching balls tighten and I had nearly collapsed to the floor in the most intense orgasm of my life, surpassing even when I’d been with Karl the other day. It was like my whole body exploded in pleasure, each of my newly engorged muscles flooding with an indescribable sensation. “AAHHHHHHHH,” I screamed in ecstasy as rivers of warm cum erupted from my huge cock, splashing over the mirror and floor, the final few spurts dribbling down my huge ripped quads. I gazed at the sight in the mirror – I was amazed at the huge hunk of muscle standing in front of me, his colossal chest heaving over tight ripped abs and an enormous thick cock still leaking cum onto the floor. I couldn’t believe this muscle stud was me. I ran my hands up over my cobbled abs and thick chest, feeling sweat and cum mingling together over the rock solid muscle underneath, before falling backwards onto the bed in blissful exhaustion.
  24. FREaky

    Wet Dreams May Come Part 10

    Wet Dreams May Come - Part 10 by F_R_Eaky Part 1: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/2388-wet-dreams-may-come-part-1/ Part 2: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/2402-wet-dreams-may-come-part-2/ Part 3: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/2407-wet-dreams-may-come-part-3/ Part 4: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/2419-wet-dreams-may-come-part-4/ Part 5: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/2420-wet-dreams-may-come-part-5/ Part 6: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/2426-wet-dreams-may-come-part-6/ Part 7: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/2437-wet-dreams-may-come-part-7/ Part 8: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/2451-wet-dreams-may-come-part-8/ Part 9: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/2487-wet-dreams-may-come-part-9/ The morning sunlight shone in through the balcony door windows casting themselves upon a very broad and muscular human landscape. Highlighting ridges and bulges that rose up and peaked while helping to create shadows in deep crevices and valleys that were the definition of the ridges and bulges that loomed so high. A forst of thick brown hair covered and spread out most of this landscape and it too caught highlights and glinted in the sun while ocassional portrusions of what looked like massive reddish pythons wound in and out of the hair, or an deep olivish colored mound and button rose just out of the top the hair line, or in once section there emerged a great flesh colored worm coming up out of the earth in some of the densest thickets of forest that was the hair. This worm lay stretched out for quite a good long length, but then warmed by the rays of the sun, it began to stir and become awake, oozing out longer, growing thicker and harder, calling the great red pythons to come dance inside of it. Slowly it began to rise...Rise....RISE! Up, higher and higher towards the sky, up off of the great rolling landscape that was a man's muscles to become a great, solid, smooth, standing monolith dedicated to the power, strength, and lust that was man. But it would never complete its rising. So long and so thick this worm was that once done in its growing it was too long, too thick, too heavy to completely support itself. It hung only halfway to its zenith and there fought against gravity which attempted to pull it down. It jutted out at an angle from the landscape now and hovered, bobbled, bounced, trembled as it continued to attempt to rise up and gravity struggled to pull it down. Suddenly it would rise up, part of the valleys and mountain peaks moved on their own engulfing and ecompassing this great monolith and pointed it staight up and out from the land itself. And then a deep rumble was heard from the belly of the earth itself. "Oooooooh.......... Devon.... This... this morning erection.... it causes pain somewhat in my penis. It throbs so hard, so full, like it shall grow again or burst apart. Yet...ooooh....yet when I reach out and touch it.. HMMMMMMMmmmmmnnnnnn ....the feeling is so....enjoyable." "It's even more enjoyable when it is burried deep in someone you love." Drake heard Devon's voice a bit far off and raised his head to look in that direction; all he saw was his mounding pecs and the head of his prick floating above it on the horizon. Cursing his body for blocking his view, Drake positioned himself and sat up on his elbows, all while fighting and struggling to get there as his lats, back, and chest, fought with his arms and forearms for space. Eventually he got into the position he needed and looked across the bedroom to see the human that was helping him, the man with whom he has fallen in love. He nearly did a double take, for he had almost forgotten the events of the day before. Expecting to see tiny little five foot one inch tall, lanky built Devon sitting in a chair at his computer, instead he saw a great hulking brute of a man with a back and shoulders as wide as the computer desk, if not wider, that sat kneeling on his knees on the floor and yet his head still rose higher and taller than mounted monitor. And oh what site that Drake did see, underneath that wide as a bracket back, beneath the oh so tiny and tapered waist, were two glorious globes of hard, bubbled, muscle that made up Devon's ass, and those looked as if they were perched upon two ginormous feet. The sight send a powerful surge through Drake's bowling sized balls, which in turn set it up and through his enormous shaft and out his piss slit. "Ahhh--AH-HA! OOOOooooooooooohhhh HOO HOO Ooooooohhhh HO! HOO! ooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.............................." Devon turned his impossilby thick and most muscular neck to turn his head around to look back at Drake, just in time to see the gyser shot of Drake's cum blast out of his cock and soar up to hit the overhead ceiling fan and light fixture. Drake collapsed upon the bed, smiling dreamily, while Devon sat up on his knees a bit staring at the ceiling. Nothing happened. "Well... no more magic in your cum. You alread spewed the wand out last night and it was destroyed upon impact with the wall. So I guess, it's safe to say with your new name and no powers your Dad will have a little bit harder time trying to trace you down, nab, and change you back." Drake groaned. "Yes.... but he knows I was here, he will try to come back. I'm surprised we did not hear from him in the middle of the night." "We might have but I put all this stuff up. If you look at the mess in front of the balcony door you'll find, iron scissors, salt, oatmeal, clover, st. john's wort, rowan tree branches and berries, plus items scattered and thrown about, and there's a stream of running water outside. Well there was. I turned it off this morning when I got up." "All of those things are protections against the fey. You are very wise." "No, just a good study. Info the Druid gave to me. The rest of the windows and drains are all protected as well." "So what are you doing?" "Pondering and thinking about what to do with our situation...situations. We need to get you the trappings of being human, and I believe we have to get you nine of them." "Why nine." "It's part of what your father said to me yesterday, 'The only way this seed shall leave my tree, is entrapping him by men's ways: three times three.' Three times three is nine. So I'm thinking we need to get nine things that somehow declare you human." Drake sat up ernestly with a worried look upon his face. "Can we do that? Can we find nine ways to list me as human?" "I think so. It might be possible. With your name change that's one, which will be proved by a birth certificate once issued. We could get you a driver's licnese, but there's a couple of problems with that." "What are the problems." "One it's extremely rare for folks here in London to have a car. Not enough space and room for all of them. I only have one because the boss sends me on trips up north or over to France from time to time, to frequently to rent a car. However he pays for the extra taxes on the car as well as the garage space. So it wouldn't really be an item you should use or have, so I don't know if that would count as one of the human trappings since, here you don't need it. Another reason is, we've grown. Not just me, but you as well. You're even bigger and larger than before. At eight feet tall with an extreme bodybuilder's build, you'd have a near impossible task trying to squeeze into a car. Hoever, I think were at least a foot taller than that now." "So we can not ride anywhere? We can not travel?" "Oh, we can ride somewhere and travel, if we're on something like the underground or bus. There would be room for us, barely in there, although we might bang up and stretch the doors a bit getting in and out. And that leads us to another set of problems, my apartment. We're taller than the ceilings are here and much stronger than the plaster and brick work for the walls. We will need to move. We can't live here comfortably." "Oh no... does our size hinder us in making me human?" "Maybe...maybe not. Do titles count as trappings of humans to fey magic?" "They would if listed specifically as a human thing." "Then we might be able to get you a plethora of human titles in one go. The Guinness Book of World records lists amongst their items things in human proportions. If you've grown as much as I think you've grown, we might be able to get you listed as the world's both living and historically tallest man, if not at least tied for it, but you would be the reigning man as you'd be the tallest living and historically the one you'd tie with is passed away. That would be trapping two. But you might be able to walk away with a few more titles such as World's Tallest Bodybuidler, World's Most Perfectly Developed or Most Muscular Man, Man with the World's Biggest Feet and Hands, World's Strongest Man -even proportionately to your size, and that would give your trappings three, four, five, and six." "We'd only have three more to go? How soon can we make this happen?" "Well, depends upon the people at the Guiness World Records Office. When can they get us set up? I also have two other ideas for two other titles you could claim, well both of them would be shared with me, but I don't think that would be a problem since no other human will ever come close to matching us, and you need me and I need you for the other title to work. Plus that title could also function as a trapping on its own as it is a certificate required unto its own." "I am willing to take any chance, any risk. What do we do?" "Well, the first thing we need to do is get ourselves washed and dressed as best as we can, and then we have to pack up things we will need. We've done a lot of damage here and it's going to need to be repaired. Also we need to find a place to go and live now. And that means I or we are going to need to make a boat load of money." "How can we get that all done and done quickly?" "With friends and new acquaintances. As best as I could with this huge paws, I've already been on line to friends and gotten some things taken care of. One set of friends is coming over with a truck and a panel van to move us and some of my stuff. We're moving onto their property to rent out a barn they don't use. It's old, made of stone, and very solid, more like a house, but it has extremely tall and broad spaces in which we can walk around. They're already talking with High Priest James who is going over to the barn to cleanse and prep it against fairy attack. My coworker Charles, once he calms down from seeing my new self on camera this morning, is coming over here with some contractor friends to begin work on repairs to the apartment, and after those are done, he'l clean up and bring back any of the fairy protection items we leave behind so workers can't be taken and questioned." "These things will all cost money, as you say?" "Yes." "Do you have enough to pay for all of this?" "No. I don't. But I think I've come up with a way to help take care of that. But you'll have to do some acting, as will I, cause I'm not usually into doing or acting like an arse, but we will need to be rude and cocky to pull off what I think will make us a ton of money." "What do we need to do?" "Well first off, bend down near my head...yes... look here at the green light... now make a face like you're mad... growl if you want to. mad! MADDER! GRRRRRR!" (click-click) "Ok....the rest you'll have to trust me on, later tonight. Right now I need to post this picture up here.... which this by the way may give us another human trapping for you... write up a little advertisement and.....send. And now I need to type in here on this forum website.... 'Wanted: as large of a man as we can find. Preferably someone who is both tall and muscular, thinks they're hung, who enjoys the company of other big men and enjoys a competition of being a big man, but isn't adverse to possibly losing the battle of being the biggest man about town. Definitely looking for someone who likes muscle, height, cock size worship giving and receiving. Please contact at [email protected].'" With that Devon shut down his computer and began to pack it away, after looking at Drake and becoming stiff as a board. The two went off into the kitchen to roll around and have some fun. They just barely got themselves cleaned off, the kitchen cleanned up, and themselves dressed when Devon's country friends showed up. ******************************************************************** The day was a flurry of activitiy. Devon's friends, Harry & Deanna Howsham, helped Devon & Drake get packed what little clothing they now had that would fit them, all cooking utensils and food, and Devon's computer and computer desk. Everything else, which wasn't broken or torn, a picture was taken of, and posted for sale on the internet and placed into the living room of the arpartment. All the while Devon's coworker, Charlie, had his crew come in and remove the broken bed pieces, the torn clothing, the damaged parts of the wall, and throw it all away in the garbage and prepped the bedroom and bathroom for major repair work. Meanwhile, Harry Howsham had several friends that worked in a woodworking shop, whom he gave rough estimates on the size and weight of Devon and Drake, and had them make appropriate sized tables, chairs, couch, and bed, as fast as they could. They would make semi-sturdy structures now and come back with something sufficiently stronger and durable to the two giant behemoths later. While the woodworkers were bringing in plus sized furniture, James Whitehart had shown up with several members of his Druidic circle and began to careful prune and plant shrubs, plants, and ornamental garden structures here and there as well as cleansing the barn, blessing the barn, and with the woodworkers help, make new thresholds, frames, and sills, for doors and windows containing salt, oatmeal, and iron, with box planters full of clover, st. john's wort, and several other flowers known to keep fairies at bay. They even managed to get several folks to run a branch off of a creek and back on one side of the barn so that fairies would have an obsticle of running water if approaching on that side. Once there, Drake helped Deanna unpack the kitchen items and put them in the new installed cupboards, and then went up to the loft and made the bed once the woodworkers had brought that in. At the beginning of the evening, it was starting to look as if it was a set of "Extreme Hogwarts Makeover: Hagrid's Hut." The old place looked comfortable and fit to live in, except for very large people. The only thing that looked a little odd was that While Drake and Deanna unpacked their items, Harry and Devon unpacked Devon's computer, plus a few new electronic pieces and went about setting them all up over the barn. At about seven in the evening, everyone had left except James Whitehart, who said he would be back in the morning, winking at Devon as he left, and Harry and Deanna. "I can't thank you two enough for this." "Oh, don't mention it. You always were a good man, still are. I can't believe what has happened to you, but if you're sure about him, and with all these sudden changes....well, you were bound to need some assitance to pull through. We're happy you thought us close enough to help you out." "Well, again. Thanks for helping us out. It certainly means a lot to Drake and I." "Now, we'll be back to discuss some things with you about the 'house,' at the end of the week. It really is a huge barn, and even at your size could probably have about two more bedrooms, plus a craft or hobby room or something. Let us know what you'd like to do and we'll help you get it planned. Oh, and watch it... the bathroom isn't exactly finished, although the toilet is in and connected, so's the really large tub, but the floors haven't been completed in there yet..." "I'm sure we can manage for the now." The Howshams leaving, Devon went inside and sat Drake down to give him some pointers over what was happening next - a way to earn some money. A young man had answered Devon's advertisement, and he sounded like he would be perfect. His name was Ed, or more formally Edwin, Edwin Clayworth. He seemed to have a fairly laid back attitude in his communication, with just a touch of cockiness, but then again why shouldn't he be cocky? "Mr. Wiltshire, I am responding to your advert and hope that you will find me a good candidate. I do not mind being on camera or recorded. A man my size winds up sticking out in a crowd most of the time anyway, so I am quite used to attention from other people. You said you needed a fairly good sized man, I think I can accomodate that. I am 6' 10" tall, approximately 288 pounds or twenty and half stone, size 18 US Men's shoe or 17 UK, with a 48 inch chest, 19 innch upper arm, 22 inch thigh, and a 17.5 inch calve. Although not a full fledged bodybuilder yet, I am working my way up to becoming one, and I am pretty much bigger than most blokes I meet. There are some taller than me, but usually none built as big and I plan on getting bigger. Still, if I met someone who was bigger built than me, bigger built and taller, it wouldn't bother me, I would probably ask for some tips on weight training. Hope to hear back from you, Edwin "Ed" Clayworth." "So is he considered a big man, and what are we going to do with him?" "Normally, he would be considered quite a big man. Definitely give someone pause to think before picking a fight with him. However, he's going to look very small to us, if I have done my calculations correctly. As far as what we are going to do with him.... we're going to have our way with him. We'll see how much he wants to take it, how far he will go, but we're going to do it all in front of this camera here. And there... and there... and there... I have the all posted over the house. I put up an advertisement this morning about us two, how big we were and that we were going to do some comparisons tonight." "How will this help us make money?" "There are a lot of guys who like big men." "Like them like you like them?" "Yes, some even more so. They especially like it if you can do comparisons between a big man and small man. Well this is going to make them jump at their computer screens and click away at our show because we have a very big man, who's going to look very small to us, showing how extremely huge we are. Folks will pay to watch it, and they will pay a decent price." ******************************************************************* Devon filled Drake in a little more about what they were going to do and then the two sat in what was now the dining room and waited. At approximately seven-thirty p.m. there was a knock on the door of the barn. Devon called out. "Who is it?" "Uhm... my name is Ed Clayworth. I was told to meet a Mr. Wiltshire here?" "Yes! I'm him. I'm a little busy right at this second, just go ahead and let yourself in and sit in the living room." Ed opened the door and proceeded to walk through it. Looking up at the frame, he suddenly stood up and smiled. "Nice... a door I can actually walk through. Don't see to many of those." Ed then stepped in to the living room and took a look at the furniture and other things around himself. "What the.... am I on show where they trick people? This furniture is rediculous, even for someone of my height?" "Sorry? Did you say something?" Devon called out? "Uhm just marveling at your furnture. Looks hand crafted, homemade." "Yes, it is." Devon's head popped over an above a wall. "Sorry for the delay, just putting something away on a high shelf. While I'm putting away the last of it, could you tell me more about yourself." "Yeah...sure.... Well I'm attending college right now, on a rubgy scholarship. That's why I'm working out all the time. Training for rugby. Quite physically demanding, ya know?" "Yes...yes... quite demanding. Are you one of the bigger players on the team?" "Yes... the biggest on my team actually. I don't think most of the teams we play with have any men my size." "Yes, you must be equivalent to that one Scotish professional player.....what is his name?" "Richie Gray. Yeah... I'm as tall as him, about as big built too, but I will be getting bigger than him soon. Amongst the professional teams though, there are quite a few more men who are tall, some taller than I am, but not many." "It's hard to find men taller and bigger built than you?" "Yeah... many taller, but the taller you get, usually the lankier you are, the harder it is to put on muscle mass. So, it's kind of rare to find someone really truly bigger than me." Devon stepped out from behind the wall and walked into the living room. "Well, I think you'll find I'm a rarity." "FUCKIN' HELL!" "It's ok, calm down." "Calm down! You're not for real. Bloody hell! You're a walking animatronic you are." "No...No I'm not. I'm a real man." "No, you're not. No man is a big as... SHITE! Fuck man, you're bigger than Hagrid!" "Why don't you come over here and see just how big I am. Come on... Mister big rugby player isn't afraid of me are you?" "NO!..... AH..YES! LOOK AT YA! I LOOK LIKE A FUCKIN' SCHOOL BOY NEXT TO YOU!" "Calm down... calm down......just asking you to come over and stand next to me." Ed stood there for a while staring up and down Devon, but finally, slowly walked over and stood next to Devon. "Where the hell do I come up to you on your....for God's sake can you even see past your chest!" "Actually looking straight down...no, I can't." "And your shirt is on and I can tell how far they stick out...for the love of....crimmeny." and Ed looked down on the floor and saw Devon's feet. "Holy shit! You're not even wearing shoes... your ....your...." and Ed made motions with his hands above his head.... "So much taller than me and none of it is even shoes! You're standing there.... flat...bare...footed. WHAT SIZE ARE THOSE THINGS!" "Well I tell you what, Mr. Big. Why don't you grab a tape measure out of the end table on the left side of the couch and you tell me how big they are." And Ed went to the end table, opened the drawer and grabbed the tape measure and pulled out the tape measure. Kneeling down next to Devon's legs and feet, he lifted up Devon's pants leg just a bit and then ran the tape measure along the side of Devon's foot. He then fell backwards on his ass and sat there and trembled. "Well, rugby man, what does it say?" "It... is said...." and Ed ran his hand through his hair and breathed a little hard. "It said they were twenty-two and two-thirds inches long. What size shoe is that? They don't make shoes that size..." "Go over and look on that computer there. There is a page on it for a shoe size calculator and tell me what size they are." Ed made his way over to the computer and called up the site Devon mentioned. He put in the numbers and leaned back in the chair....finally he stammered, "F...For...forty-six quintuple D in the US, forty-five in the UK." "Wow, that seems pretty big." "That's twenty-eight sizes larger than what I wear!" "And what do you wear?" "Size 18 in the US, 17 here in the UK." "Why don't you come back over here and place your foot next to mine. Take your shoe and sock off.... let me sit down here on the floor, and then just place your foot..come on.... that's it. Heel to heel...and see how big your foot is." "Just over half..." "I'm sorry?" "Just over half way. My foot howver only comes up to the ball of your foot. It doesn't even reach your toes." "And yours is a big foot size?" "Yes..." "You sure?" "yes...." "I wonder how big my foot is compared to the rest of you." And Devon lifted up his leg and moved his foot onto Ed's torso. "It nearly covers all my torso.... Oh my god..." "Oh, now don't worry, Ed. I have a friend who is just amazed at this as you are." "Really? That there's someone a fucking gigantic as you? I don't think anyone could ignore it." "Oh, he is amazed at my size, but not because it's so big. Drake! Drake could come out and join us please." Drake came out from the dinning room to join Devon and Ed, and took a seat behind Ed when Devon asked for him to do so. "You see, Drake is like me, and he was just surprised there was asomeone as big as him." "HA! HUH! HUH! OH...MY....GAWD!" "Drake put your foot upon his back like I have on his front." And Drake did so and the two men sandwiched Ed between their gargantuan feet. "I think Ed is trying to say something..." and Devon motioned to move their feet away. Ed fell over sideways, gasping for breath, but not because Devon and Drake had crushed him. "Two.... hooo...hooo...two... two of you! There's two giant men...." "Yes, let's all stand up again now and see what were checking on before, where Mr. Big here comes up on me, or on both of us Drake. Drake, could you assist me by pulling up on the bottom of my shirt there, please." Drake reached around Ed and lifted up the bottom of Devon's shirt, so they could see where Ed came up to on their body. It appeared that even standing 6' 10" tall that Ed only came up about abdomen row above Devon or Drake's bellybutton. Not that Ed noticed this, all he got was a full wall of abdomen and oblique muscles in his face. Letting out a yelp and almost putting his hand out to touch Devon's abs, he pulled his hand back, ran it through his hair and began to stammer some more. "THE BRICKS! Your.....your abs are like actual stone bricks, like the size used in making your house! They're so defined, so huge!" "Did you want to touch them? I saw your hand go out. Go ahead, it's ok. I don't mind." Ed reached out and began to grope and fondle the abs and obliques of Devon, his fingers getting numb as he tried to really feel into the crevices and pinch or bunch an ab and make a dent in it. "Drake, let's take off our shirts so Ed can not be inhibited in his exploring our torsos." And the pair helped each other pull off their shirts, but then Devon looked down at Ed and said, "Ed, did you bring the two extra shirts, jeans, and underwear, like I requested?" "y....ye....yes..s..ss...ss.." "Good let's see how each other's looks. Take of the shirt you're wearing and lay it on that chair over there. Then here is one of our shirts and we'll each take one of the shirts your brought..." Of course the comparison was now where even close. Devon or Drake's shirt look like a rain poncho on Ed, even at 6' 10" tall the shirt still came down to his knees and there was so much material swimming around him for such less girth than he had. Had the shirts been made out of stronger material one might have been able to capture and hold Ed captive in them. Meanwhile Devon and Drake attempted to each pull on a shirt of Ed's, which didn't come anywhere near to happening. They couldn't even get the first shirtsleeve past the forearm before it blew out the sleeve section on the short sleeved shirt. They never got to see how their chest would do in the small confines of Ed's shirt because their soulders, delts, lats, and back were so much broader and thicker and harder than Ed's that attempting to pull the whole shirt up, over, and on, caused the shirts to just rip in half, straight down the middle. "Ed, big guy, what size shirts were those again?" "Doub...double X, double long." "And that's a big, big man's shirt?" "yes..." "Perhaps we should look at the pants now. Drake give Ed your pants, and are these the extra pants you brought us, Ed?" "y...y...ye...yess.ss.ss." "Step into ours and let us see where they come up to you..." "They come all the way up to my neck." "And does you big thick legs need both legs to stand in?" "No, mine both fit in one leg of yours." "...in one leg of ours, and yet you're a big man with big thighs that are going to develope even bigger aren't they?" "....I thought so..." "And let's Drake and I see how yours fit now." And the two attempted to pull on a pair of Ed's jeans, but again, not much to be seen. The waist band along didn't make it up past the calves. Devon and Drake's calves were so big it was causing the button on Ed's waist band to strain, let alone when they go the pants worked up beyong that point, their calves totally sheredded the side pants seam at the thigh area. Sloughing off the tattered remains of Ed's clothes, Devon suggested that they flex biceps and see how they compared. However, Ed was taken aback by the large bulges in Devon and Drake's underware and asked about those. "Oh, we'll get to those in a minute. First we need to look at our upper arms. Can you flex for us, big man?" Ed flexed, rather meekly, and Drake measured his arm at a nice and solid 19" which would be fairly big to some, definitely a good starting point for a young man beginning to build muscle, but then within a front camera range, Devon placed his arms behind Ed's and flexed and one just saw this small hill that already dwarfed Ed's upper arm, suddenly grow and rise and rise into this mountainous peak that made Ed's arm look miniscule. Worse than that, Drake brought his arm in front and flexed and one couldn't see Ed's arm at all, as if it wasn't there...didn't exist. The pair then rose them up and flexed them in front of Ed's head. You could see Ed's mouth go agape and his eyes glaze over. He couldn't believe how big these arms were, how full, how developed, how cut and defined, and there were four of them on two guys that hung like enormous wings out from the sides of their body when relaxed. Devon handed Ed the measuring tape and had him wrap them around Drake's upper arm, then he wrapped them around Devon's upper arm. After which Devon called for the mark on the tape for his and Drake's arms. "Forty-eight and a half inches.... good gawd!" "Forty-eight and half inches...and do the veins looked raised up on our arms or any other part of our body?" "Yo....your very vascular, but they...they don't looked pumped if that's what you mean?" "They don't looked pumped. So that measurement was a cold measurment then?" "Yes." "Just over four foot thick arms....cold. COLD!" And Devon flexed them hard, and Drake then did a most muscular pose, and then Devon picked Ed up one handed and sat him on his right bicep and began to flex his bicep up and down, causing Drake to rise up and go down with each flex almost as if he were riding a rodeo bull. Then Devon put him down and proclaimed, "I think it's time we now looked at what you asked about earlier. Ed, if you please, remove your underwear." Ed stood there for a moment, shaking, but finally, slowly, removed his underwear and stood naked. "And Mr. Big here seems to be a fairly well endowed young man. How large are you when erect Ed?" "Uhmmm e...eleven and half inches." "Eleven and half inches. And can you get erect for us now so we can see?" Ed stood there trembling and shook his head no. Devon gave Drake a wink, and Drake picked up Ed one handedly, brought Ed's crotch area to his mouth and proceeded to make several large sucking sound while rubbing his godly sized thumb across Ed's nutsack. Ed made several yelps and hollers, then Drake stood him back down on the floor, where Ed leaned and grabbed onto Devon's thight and buttocks for support, with a look mixed with fear and awe, and then flushed with embarrasment for despite how he was feeling, his body loved it, and without him wanting it to, his cock suddenly sprang to life, it's full eleven and half inches long. "And now Drake it is our turn." The two giants stepped out of their underwear revealing to massive schlongs even for their height, that hung long, thick, and heavy over their bulging thighs and massive balls and ball sacks. Their thighs so large they fought each other for room and in doing so pushed the bulbous ball sacks forward, which in turn thrust forward the huge, pendulum hanging pricks that were Devon and Drake's cocks. "Mr. Big, would you like to help us become aroused?" Ed stood and shook his head no, but he couldn't help but stare at the giant anacondas the two behemoths called penises. So the two leaned in over Ed and began to kiss one another deeply and play with each others nipples and in no time at all the young man eyes widened in terror as he saw what he thought were already too big of cocks for any men to have begin to become longer, fuller, harder, veinier....second by second, minute by minute, the cocks appeared to grow ever longer, greater in girth, harder and fuller than before until finally they stuck out, way far out, from the groins of the giants at a downward angle bobbing and fighting to continue their climb and rise upward. "Ed, if you please the measuring tape...." Ed shakily took the measuring tape and placed on end against the base of Devon's cock. Holding it there he ran the tape long the top of Devon's cock, holding it in some spots to then continue pulling it along, until finally he reached the end of Devon's cock. He wrote the number down and then proceeded to measure Drake's cock. When he finished he walked a bit away from the two men, his eyes wide open. "And how big are we?" "Three fff.....three....Three feet in length when erect." "Three foot long cocks. I think that's pretty big, how bout you, Ed?" "y...yes..." "Well, we've bounced you up and down on our upper arms, we've picked you up one handed, we've split your clothes into ribbons, we've become thouroughly confused on how you are a big man, Ed. But now... now it's time for bed, and we want you to come with us." Ed looked up in horror at the two men, but could do nothing as with a nod, Drake picked up Ed one handedly and they began to walk up the stairs to the loft and the bed. "Don't worry, Ed. We're not going to have our way with you. That would cause untold damage to your body. However, we want you to have your way with us, until such time as we've released our loads." The other cameras went off, except for the ones pointed near the bed. From the time the show started to the time it got to this point there were over one million people viewing this broadcast. For this section the pay became even greater for you got watch them have fun with Ed and Ed have fun with them and then just watch as all three of them slept in this gigantic bed. Surprisingly the number of viewers increased. It took Ed about an hour long to jack off Devon, an hour and half to jack off Drake. Both of the men sent out blasts of cum that completely soaked the bed, if not part of the floor and the ceiling, coating part of each other and all of Ed. Ed then laid down between them proceeded to attempt to jack off, but suddenly Drake's hand moved a rubbed Ed's balls between his thumb and forefinger, while Devon's thumb and forefinger took take of Ed's prick. The first stroke had Ed crossing his eyes and the whole seen pretty much went: Stroke stroke, rub rub, stroke... AH-HUH! AAAHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhh and Ed collpased on the pillows between Devon and Drake. All while millions of views sat glued to their computers just watching, waiting to see if either giant's cocks became fully erect again.
  25. dw2098lj

    The Car Salesman - Chapter 1

    This is the first story I've posted so go easy on me! It takes a while to get going but hopefully you'll enjoy it - I've got a few ideas to take this further The Car Salesman It was the worst possible timing. Two weeks into my new job and a month before Christmas my decrepit car had breathed its last. The stupid worthless piece of shit, which had caused me endless pain over the last 2 years, had finally given up on life. It was for this reason that I was making my way across the showroom forecourt for my meeting with Karl, the car salesman. I had an increasing sense of nervousness as I got towards the door which in my mind was entirely justified. You see, I am of the opinion that Car Salesmen will occupy the same part of hell as estate agents and lawyers and I was fully expecting to spend the next 2 hours being lied to, tricked and conned out of my hard-earned money. These thoughts were broken by the sight of the man-mountain waiting for me in the doorway. It turned out that Karl was about 6’2 and built like a tank, with I guessed way over 250lb of solid muscle to his name. He was wearing a long-sleeve tight white shirt with an accompanying tie and equally skin-tight dark blue trousers. Great. A gym-obsessed arrogant bastard as well. I could feel my stress level rising even more. “You must be Joe,” he called loudly, when I was about 10 feet away, smiling broadly. I took in his masculine face, dark hair and lightly tanned skin. He must have been a couple (or more) years younger than me, maybe mid-20s. “Y-yes, that’s me,” I replied stupidly, immediately cross with myself for showing any sign of weakness in front of this overconfident gym-jock. He reached out his hand and I shook it, trying not to wince at the strength of his grip. I noticed that his huge manly hand completely engulfed my own and I could feel the callouses on his palm from the many hours he spent lifting weights. “Come on in, we’ll get started,” he said, finally letting go of my aching hand as he turned to lead me into the building. I followed behind, noticing how wide his back was, pulling his tight shirt to the limits, but tapering down to an impossibly small waist. I was irrationally irritated, never having been interested in lifting weights myself, and always slightly annoyed with people who did. I just didn’t get it. Travelling in Karl’s wake, I was also struck by the scent coming off him. It was oddly sweet, nutty but undeniably masculine, likely a combination of aftershave and his own natural smell. I pulled myself back from the brink. Why the fuck was I noticing these things?! Once inside Karl’s spacious office, I settled myself in the comfy chair in front of his desk and watched as he walked round to sit opposite me. I found my eyes tracing down from his chiselled jaw-line, a slight hint of 5 O’clock shadow there, to his huge neck. The muscles there (traps, I heard the distant voice of my A-level Biology teacher saying) pushed out the buttoned up collar of his shirt to an extreme. It was a wonder he managed to do the buttons up at all. I then took in his unbelievably wide shoulders before focussing on his chest. His pecs jutted out from his body, pulling the fabric of his shirt tight so that there were gaps between the buttons in the middle. I could see a glimpse of smooth tanned skin underneath. As Karl moved and gestured his muscles flexed and relaxed under the surface of his clothes, like an elaborate dance played out for me. It was hypnotising watching his biceps pull the sleeves of his shirt tight, desperate to break free with every movement. Suddenly I realised that Karl was talking (well of course he was) and probably had been for some time. What the fuck was I thinking? I’d not listened to a word he’d said for a good 5 minutes. I tried to drag myself back to the present, away from my thoughts about this gym-rats bulging muscles when I noticed something even stranger than my distraction. I was rock-hard. My not-unimpressive cock was aching painfully in my tight jeans, throbbing with lust. Now I was properly confused. Well, a bit more than that and many other things besides. I was straight I told myself…married…and happily so. I’d never even looked at a guy like this before let alone got hard over one. But I couldn’t ignore it and the bulge in my jeans wouldn’t let me deny it. I tried to calm down, to re-focus my attention back on what Karl was saying, desperate to make sure I wasn’t going to be conned. Unfortunately, Karl chose that moment to lean back in his chair, lifting up both arms and placing them behind his head, the epitome of confidence and control. This movement caused his biceps to flex, the tight fabric of his shirt like a second skin on his bulging muscles. My cock ached even more as I realised that if he flexed hard he would easily rip the thin fabric. What the fuck was happening to me?! Next, and totally inexplicably, my eyes were drawn downwards. Now that Karl was leaning backwards, away from his desk, an obscene bulge in his tight blue trousers was revealed. It was colossal, like the proverbial python in his pants, the outline of his cock snaking down his left trouser leg. Suddenly I had a vision of ripping off those quad-hugging trousers, unleashing the beast underneath and taking his thick long cock in my…. Wooaaah! Where the fuck was I going with that? Why, aged 33 was I suddenly thinking about sucking another guy’s cock for the first time?! Suddenly Karl was standing up, snapping me out of my reverie. “… so are you ready to go then Joe?” I heard him say, clearly repeating himself. “R-ready?” I replied, trying to gain some control. “For your test drive,” he said, the look on his face suggesting he thought I was either a bit slow or very unwell. “Oh yeah, sure,” I hurried to reply, standing up as well. Karl was very close to me and again I noticed the strange, intoxicating scent coming off him and I couldn’t help but inhale deeply. This was a big mistake as it made me feel dizzy, my entire mind filled with his masculine smell and also visions of Karl ripping off his smart work clothes to reveal mounds of bulging muscle underneath. I nearly had to sit straight back down again but somehow managed to keep it together. “Great, well follow me and we’ll go for a spin,” Karl said, seemingly oblivious to the turmoil going on in my head. With that, he walked out of his office and I followed on behind, my eyes feasting on his solid, round glutes, jutting out below that tight waist. I noticed that his quads were so big he walked with his legs slightly apart, almost awkwardly, something that 20 minutes ago I would have found totally ridiculous. Now, however, his sheer size was driving me crazy, irrational lust pumping through me. We settled into the car, well I settled whilst Karl squeezed himself into the passenger seat, clearly far too big for the small car that I was intending to buy. “I’d need a car with a bit more head and leg room myself,” he joked, at ease. “But this’ll be perfect for you Joe”. I laughed awkwardly, uneasy at the comparison and as much as I tried to deny it, unbelievably turned on. “Right, take it away Joe. Turn right off the forecourt and I’ll direct you,” Karl continued and I noticed for the first time how deep his voice was. A strange juxtaposition to his boyish face and smooth skin. I gently eased the car away, forcing myself to focus; ideally I wanted to get through the next twenty minutes without killing us both. To my credit (and surprise) it went well to start with. I concentrated on the car, examining its acceleration, ride and general comfort as we took it on a drive around town. Karl kept up a near constant stream of conversation in the way that only people trying to sell you something can. I picked out the odd word but was mainly focussing on the car and not the young behemoth next to me. We came to a red light and I brought the car to stop, setting the handbrake. Karl was still talking and in order not to be rude I looked across, a near-fatal mistake. My cock, which had somewhat deflated during the drive, immediately jumped and started to grow again as I saw Karl’s arm rested up on the window. He was gripping the handle above the window which meant his bicep was gently flexed. From this angle I could see how much the fabric was struggling to contain the rock solid muscle underneath. I imagined trying to wrap my hands round it – I knew they wouldn’t reach – and wondered what it would feel like to try and squeeze his biceps. Inexplicably I found my gaze falling southwards again, past Karl’s mammoth pecs and further down to the bulge in his trousers. It was an amazing sight, his thick cock tenting the material obscenely, making my mouth water with lust. I had an urge to unzip his fly, pull out that beast and suck on his hot big cock head. I wanted to gradually slide more and more of his thick hard man cock deep into my mouth, tasting his pre in the back of my throat, before feeling him shoot his huge load in me. “Joe…Joe…JOE! The light’s green,” I heard Karl’s voice cutting through. I immediately looked up and back towards the road, noticing that Karl had a slight smirk on his face. Shit. He’d seen me staring straight at his huge junk probably with a look of deep desire on my face if my thoughts were anything to go by. I jerked the car into gear, pulling off and nearly stalling in my haste but Karl didn’t give any further clues that he’d seen me staring at him. Ten minutes later, as we got out of the car and made our way back to Karl’s office, my head was racing. I’m not gay, I told myself over and over. This was ridiculous – I’d never had any thoughts about other guys, not like I was thinking about Karl. My mind kept flicking back to the way his over-developed muscles made his clothes strain, the way they flexed and swelled with every movement and not least about the huge bulge resting between his tree-trunk quads. I imagined being on my knees, his huge thick man cock sliding between my lips… The door slamming behind me snapped me out of my racing thoughts. We were back in Karl’s office, me sat opposite him across the desk again. “So Joe, what do you think?” Karl asked, pushing a contract across the table, “ready to sign on the dotted line?”. I hesitated. I really hadn’t been paying enough attention to make this decision, far too distracted by the muscle beast sat opposite me. “Erm, well I’m not sure Karl,” I replied feebly. “I think I’ll need some time to think about it.” “Time is not something I have Joe - I can only offer you this deal today,” Karl said, to the point and confident. “I just don’t know Karl, maybe I can call you later to decide?” I attempted to negotiate, desperate to get out of this place and restore some normality to my thoughts. “Hmm, that won’t work for me Joe. But perhaps I can offer you something to sweeten the deal,” Karl replied, a smirk on his face. He got up out of his chair, huge quads straining the fabric of his trousers, and walked round the desk to shut the blinds across the windows. I watched, confused, as he then walked behind me and I heard a soft click as he locked the office door. What was going on, I thought for the millionth time today. “I’ve seen the way you look at me Joe,” Karl said, typically straight to the point, his voice deep and seductive. He’d returned to stand in front of me, one foot up on the desk so that his huge quads and obscene bulge were right in front of my face. “You can have all of this if you want,” he added, gently grabbing his bulge in one hand and running a big hand across his chest with the other. “You just need to sign for it…” “I-I d-don’t know what you mean…” I stammered pathetically, suddenly more nervous than I’d been in my entire life. “I-I’m not Gay,” I added with no confidence at all. “Sure, you’re not Joe. But who wouldn’t want some of this?” Karl purred as he undid his tie, discarding it on the floor. I watched in amazement as he began to slowly unbutton his shirt, revealing bit by bit the deep groove between his two huge pec muscles. I wanted to scream at him, to tell him to stop it, to run for the door but found I couldn’t move or speak, completely transfixed by what was going on in front of me. “I can see you want me Joe…why deny it?”. Karl was still smiling, utterly confident. “Just admit to me Joe…you can’t resist this muscle body…you’re hard for me…I can see,” he added, looking at the bulge in my jeans. He was right – I was harder than I’d ever been in my life before and he knew it. My heart was racing, pure lust flooding my veins as thoughts of this giant hung muscle stud filled my head. “Yes…” I whispered feebly, without thinking. “Yes, what?” Karl replied, his shirt now completely undone. I had a glimpse of his ripped abs, what looked like an 8-pack, sitting beneath the huge overhand of his pecs. “Yes, I want you,” I said, knowing deep down it was true. Karl smiled broadly in response, starting to run his hands over his exposed chest and abs, leaning back seductively so that they flexed tightly. “Well you know what to do then Joe…just sign on the line,” Karl said, closing in on the deal, one of his hands drifting downwards to grab the thick bulge in his trousers again. My eyes followed his exploring hands, imagining that it was mine tracing the outline of his abs, feeling the weight of those enormous pecs and heavy cock. “Please…Karl…” I let out involuntarily, lust now totally taking over. “Let me…” “Let you what, Joe?” teased Karl, clearly enjoying his effect over me. “Let me feel your muscles…flex for me…I need to…” I moaned, the words spilling out as I lost control. “You mean flex these guns?” Karl asked, bringing his arms up to pull a double biceps. He flexed hard, his guns exploding, the thin fabric of his shirt pulled so tight over the peaked mounds of muscle. He gently pumped his guns, flexing harder each time as the muscles filled with blood until eventually I heard a small ripping sound as the seam began to pull apart. “Oh fuck,” I exclaimed, amazed by his strength and power. “You like that straight boy?” Karl said, still flexing as visible gaps formed on both sides of his shirt sleeves, exposing the pumped muscle underneath. “The straight guy is hungry for this Muscle God and his Huge Cock isn’t he…?” “Oh fuck yes,” I replied, giving in. “I need you…please…”. “You can have me Joe…all of me…you just have to sign the contract,” Karl replied, unrelenting. “How can I trust that you’ll keep your side of the bargain,” I asked, one final part of my logical self still present. “You can’t Joe…but isn’t this worth the risk?” he replied, gesturing at his hulking frame and then starting to undo his belt. With that I was totally overcome, all logic leaving me. I reached for the contract, pulling it across the desk and scrawling my signature on the dotted line before I had time to change my mind. I then looked up to see Karl standing right in front of me, a huge smirk on his face, his belt undone and his trousers falling to the floor. As he stepped out of them I took in the sight of his colossal bulge, barely kept in by the sexy white jock strap he was wearing, the outline of his thick cock clearly visible. With his trousers off, he took one further step closer to me, straddling my legs, one of his tree-trunk quads on either side and his magnificent chest and abs right in front of my face. Karl was so close to me that his masculine scent was intoxicating, rolling off him and causing me to inhale deeply. “Looks like taking that risk has paid off Joe…” Karl said, his deep voice incredibly seductive. I couldn’t think of a reply as Karl reached down, taking both of my hands and placing them on his vast chest. I ran my hands over and between each pec muscle, feeling the solid mass underneath as he flexed hard. I then reached up to push his shirt off his shoulders, wanting to see all of him. The shirt got stuck on his massive upper arms and Karl had to help by pulling it off and throwing it to the floor. I continued my worship of this studs upper body, my hands exploring his chest and shoulders before moving onto his biceps. He pulled a double bicep pose again and I reached up to put my hands on each mound of muscle. They were rock hard beneath my fingers, like marble, with barely any body fat and as much as I tried to squeeze I couldn’t budge them at all. “Fuck yeah,” Karl growled. “Look how strong I am…” As he flexed his guns, huge veins popped up, snaking across his paper-thin skin like a road map. Fuck this stud was ripped. Still holding onto his biceps, I leaned in closer, licking up the groove between his cobbled abs. I looked up and saw the amazing overhang of his chest and nearly shot a load right there. Karl was looking down at me smiling, Godly and powerful. “Get on your knees,” Karl ordered, taking a step back. I didn’t hesitate, dropping onto the floor in front of him. “It’s time for you to realise your potential as my cock whore Joe,” he added, looking down at me. “Mmm yes Sir, please make this straight boy your cock whore,” I moaned, desperate for him, immediately submitting with no questions asked. “Take off my jock,” Karl barked. “Don’t touch my cock yet…” Obediently I reached forward, taking the straps of his jock and starting to pull it down, revealing inch by inch of his thick cock, until it was completely exposed. I realised that Karl’s jock had been deceptive, hiding some of the size of his enormous manhood. His soft uncut cock was at least 6 inches and thick too, resting on the two globes of his big balls. A Greek God would have been happy to have a cock and balls like his. Karl stepped out of the jock before reaching down and picking it up. Before I knew what was happening he had it pressed in front of my mouth, holding the back of my head to stop me pulling away. “Smell it straight boy,” Karl ordered. My initial reaction had been to resist but within an instant an animalistic instinct had taken over and I was inhaling deeply. The same scent that was rolling off Karl filled my head but with the added musk of his cock making my head spin and my heart race. My mouth was watering and almost reflexively I opened it and felt as Karl pushed the jock into my mouth. I could now taste him too and for the second time had to try hard not to shoot my load there and then. “Good boy,” Karl purred as he removed the jock from my mouth, discarding it on the floor with the rest of his clothes. With the taste of his cock lingering on my tongue, I was desperate to have the real thing in my mouth, hungry to suck on his huge man meat. “Suck on my cock, whore…just the head to start,” Karl ordered, clearly reading the desperation in my eyes. I leaned in, resting my hands on his thick quads as I wrapped my lips around his cock, sucking his cock head in my mouth. It was better than I could ever imagine, making me feel more complete than I’d ever been in my life. His man meat tasted amazing as I sucked, bobbing my head back and forwards on his huge cock head, swirling my tongue round, hungry to please him. It wasn’t long before I felt his cock starting to grow in my mouth and Karl started to let out low guttural moans. “Mmmmm…fuck yeah that feels good cock boy.” I looked up to see Karl throwing his head back, eyes shut, arms flexed above his head, groaning in pleasure. Without being asked I started to take more and more of his cock into my mouth, as if I’d done this a thousand times before. He was now fully hard and I guessed around 10 inches, his thick girth forcing my lips apart as I felt his cock hit the back of my throat. Karl moaned even more deeply, grabbing the back of my head and starting to thrust his cock more and more into my mouth. “Fuck, this straight boy loves my cock,” Karl growled, thrusting faster, oblivious as I tried to control my gag reflex. I was so hard knowing that he was using my mouth solely for his pleasure, with no concerns for me. Suddenly, Karl pulled his cock out of my mouth, leaving me feeling empty. I tried to lean forwards and take his manhood back in my mouth but Karl held me back, slapping me on the side of my face with his heavy tool. “Stand up, slut,” he ordered, always in control. I obeyed instantly. “Take off your jeans and pants,” he added. I did as he asked, taking off my t shirt too for good measure, both of us now fully naked and standing opposite each other. The comparison between us was humiliating. Without warning Karl grabbed me by both arms and lifted me up, his huge biceps bulging but dealing with my weight with ease. He put me down next to his desk before pushing me over so that I was face down, bent at the waist with my feet on the floor. With a click of realisation I realised too late where this was going. “No Karl…stop…I can’t…” I whimpered, trying to move but unable as he had kept one of his strong hands resting on my back. “Yes you can Joe…I know you want it,” he replied, completely relaxed. “You’re too big Karl….I’ve never done it before,” I pleaded, a sense of fear rising in me. “Don’t worry Joe, we’ll work up to it,” he said and I could hear the smirk on his voice. There was a sucking sound before I felt his wet finger pressing on my tight hole which immediately tightened in response. “Just relax Joe, I know you want me in you,” Karl murmured. I tried to relax, knowing it would be worse if I didn’t. He pressed his finger against my hole again but this time my ass relaxed and I felt it slide into me. After the initial flash of pain I was left with the most amazing feeling as Karl started to move his finger in and out. “Oh fuck,” I moaned into the desk. Karl worked my ass harder and then he hit a spot in me that made my whole body shiver, pure pleasure throwing through me. I let out a long moan and then had an epiphany, realising that his cock in me instead of his finger would magnify this feeling a thousand-fold. “More…”I begged simply, now desperate to have my ass filled. I felt as he slid his finger out of my hole followed by another sucking sound as he got another finger ready. He then pressed both against my hungry hole and I groaned as he entered me again. My ass felt amazing as he began finger-fucking me with two fingers. I was moaning over and over in pleasure as Karl kept up a constant stream of dirty-talk. “You’re my little straight cock whore aren’t you?” he taunted. I knew it was true and moaned as he started to fuck me harder and faster, pushing my ass back so that he would enter me even more. Soon I was getting used to the feeling of his fingers and was yet again hungry for more. “Please Karl…I need your cock in me,” I begged. “Say that again slut boy,” he ordered in reply, pulling his fingers out of my ass, leaving it feeling empty. “I need that huge muscle cock in me…..please…..” I moaned, still lying face-down on the desk. I heard as Karl rummaged in a draw for something…lube I hoped. “Mmmm yes you do Joe, you need this huge man cock in your tight straight ass,” he teased. “What does that make you Joe,” he added. “Oh fuck I’m you’re Cock Whore,” I practically shouted. “I’m a slut for your muscle and Huge Cock…please FUCK ME”. With that I felt the enormous head of Karl’s cock pressing up against my hole. I moaned as he started to push forward, entering me inch by inch, the pain in my ass building as he opened it up. “Oh fuck,” I screamed, “you’re so big!”. Still he kept sliding in…how much more could there be to go?! A lot, it turned out but eventually I felt Karl’s balls resting up against my ass and knew I’d taken it all. Karl held still, letting me get used to his huge size and thick girth and slowly the pain was replaced by the most amazing pleasure I’d ever experienced. I was now complete and knew my place in the world as Karl’s cock whore. Slowly Karl started to slide his cock in and out of my tight hole, each time going a little bit further and building up speed. “Fuck…that feels amazing,” I moaned. For the first time I looked up and realised there was a mirror behind Karl’s desk reflecting what was going on behind me. Karl was holding me by the waist, his bulging guns flexing as he started to plough my ass, veins popping and a sweat developing on his wide chest and shoulders. He started to fuck me faster, letting go of my waist and bring his arms up into a double biceps as his cock still drilled into me. “Fuck yeah, look at these guns,” he roared like an animal. “They’re so FUCKING HUGE!!”. He kissed and licked each one in turn before putting his hands back on my waist. I screamed in pleasure as he pulled me back further onto his cock, feeling his amazing strength and power completely dominate me. “Oh FUCK….your cock is so BIG,” I screamed. “Own this fucking straight boy ass,” I moaned. Karl was now thrusting his cock in and out to the hilt, fast and deep, letting out loud masculine grunts as the sweat continued to pour off him. His stamina was amazing and he didn’t let up at all as he owned my virgin ass. I watched in the mirror as he flexed his chest and biceps, his abs continuously pulled tight by the fucking. After a few minutes I knew that I wouldn’t be able to hold out much longer, my cock ready to shoot a huge load over the desk despite not touching myself. “Please Karl….I need your load in me,” I begged as he continued to thrust. “Yeah slut? You want me to breed that straight ass?” he thundered. “FUCK! YEAH! Please cum in me,” I moaned. Amazingly, Karl picked up his pace even more, slamming even harder into my ass, balls slapping with each thrust. His deep masculine grunts filled the room and I knew he was getting close. “Cum in this straight boy ass,” I begged, coaxing him on and pushing my ass further back so that was as deep in me as possible. “Oh FUCK slut,” he screamed. “I’m gonna fucking…..”. I felt as his cock swelled in my ass and with a final roar he ploughed into me one last time. I felt his huge load filling me up as my own cock exploded over the desk in the most intense orgasm of my life. Karl collapsed forwards on top of me, sweat pouring off us as we both bucked and moaned from our amazing relief. The huge weight of Karl lying on top of me made the feeling even more intense and I thought I would die if it didn’t end soon. It was several minutes before our breathing began to settle to normal and I had a chance to lift my head off the desk. In the mirror I could see the huge mass of Karl resting on top of me, his massive back swelling with each breath he took. I looked embarrassingly tiny in comparison but I didn’t care, knowing that he owned me now. In my post-orgasm daze I noticed something strange out of the corner of my eye - an odd-looking purple bottle in the open drawer of Karl’s desk. It was upside down and I’d only managed to read the words “Alpha Scent” on the label before Karl’s huge harm loomed into view and the draw was slammed shut. My confusion was quickly replaced by contentment as I drifted into an easy sleep.
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