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  1. Trio

    Topher's Big Day

    Topher was lost in the forest of that very odd planet, and was starting to get very concerned. Even if he was born in this foreign place, he never got used to its surroundings, to its miasma, and wanted to change that when decided to be a part of the corps of his colony. It turned out to be a bad idea, being at the bottom of the hierarchy, he was put in menial tasks. This was supposed to be his first true mission, to just explore the region, but things went terribly wrong, and there he was, lost. Had his armour, but nothing could shield him from hunger and the dangerous nature, he had to go return to his headquarters. As he walked, not paying attention where he was stepping had a terrible price, caused him to fall on a deep hole. It was fast, he didn’t even have the time to think about it. At its bottom there was a lake, but not of water. It had a different name: Xenomass. Green and thick. His armour absorbed the impact, but his weight was too much for it to float on that piece of substance, even if it was thick. He sank into it. His despair was visible, as no human ever was exposed to the xenomass, and as the miasma, it was supposed to be toxic and deadly, it had no use to no one, and yet he was immersed in it, protected only by his armour. He was scared, but didn't scream, as he figured the armour would keep him safe. After a bit, he started to try to move his body, trying to reach the surface of the lake. Again, bad idea, the substance started to damage his equipment, to corrode it, and then layer by layer he was getting more vulnerable. Finally, it reached the last sheet before entering in contact to his skin. It was a matter of time before Xenomass would touch him. It happened, and the pain was extreme. He screamed, drowning on it, scared and feeling his skin burn, as the xenomass started to invade his last layer, it was quick, all his body was exposed to it. After a huge dreadful first encounter with it, he relaxed. He took it in. Something else, happened. Topher didn't die, but his body was offered to the planet, as a sacrifice, but the planet was benevolent. Exposed to the weird chemicals, he started to grow in size and in muscle. He started to develop. Before, he was a skinny awkward boy, but that started to change. Slowly, Topher was becoming more muscular and thicker, taller. More robust and resilient, tougher. His pecs soon started to grow, becoming large, defined, robust, hard, his nipples followed, and soon were pointing downwards. His abs came to life and were carefully sculpted by the substance, 6, then 8, hard packs, developed slowly but surely, carving into life his strength and endurance. His shoulders would greatly expand, becoming round, thick, huge and large, strong, enough to support a great deal of weight. His arms expanded, becoming huge and as muscular as ever, and so did his legs. Skinny awkward boy no more, he was getting big. The chemicals changed his DNA and the mutation became deeper, his burnt skin transformed, being covered by metalic scales, his teeth grew and sharpened, his feet and hands metamorphosed. His two feet became paws with 3 huge fingers with claws, and his hands were formed by 4 fingers with claws in it, his eyes boiled and melted away, reshaped and were covered by a multitude of lenses, becoming multifaceted, fractal, transformed and superior. All his hair was gone, and a group of horns appeared on his head and shoulders. His heart was obsolete, giving place to a strong plasma producer that would supply his body with his new needs. His lungs were transformed, and he could breathe through his skin, but his nose was kept. He was no human anymore, Topher gave in to a magnificent creature, that was about to come to life. The armour had disappeared, everything merged into him, his dogtag was now where his heart once was. The creature awakened from his frenzy and opened his changed eyes, coming to the surface quickly, and soon, he roared. But he was still human on his mind, so the roar made him scared, Topher soon realized the changes in his body and was desperate, he cried for help and begged for mercy, with his deeper and changed voice, and then he had a need to drink the xenomass, he did it like an animal. Confused and worried, he had no idea he had no need for anything, anymore, that this was a blessing. He could still talk but his voice was changed, similar to a growl, even if he still was the awkward guy in his mind, what was left of him. The self discovery journey was a long one, he spent weeks in the cave, learning that he needed xenomass now like a human needs water. He discovered how strong he was when he had to open passages through the walls, so frustrated he was by coming into dead ends. He discovered how powerful his vision was when he could see creatures hiding beneath the rocks. He slowly started to like his changes, to find beauty in it, seeing his new muscles made his cock awake. He was only vaguely sexually awaken by then, as a human, let alone as the creature, but his new powers made his cock hard, and since he was alone, he decided to relieve himself, he jerked off, first very timidly, then more confidently and finally he was enjoying a pleasure he never felt. He felt so many things when he came, felt aggressive, felt in charge, felt like he was meant to be the creature, he licked the cum in his hands and roared of satisfaction, this was a new beginning for him. This cave was his new home now, as he found out he needed no one anymore, he spent a month living in it after finally discovering a way out. That cave was his home, but he decided to pay a visit to his former brothers in arms. Not as Topher, but as Genesis.
  2. LJackson

    MaxandharryandmaX: A serial (?)

    Okay, here's the start of something new. Let me know if you want me to carry on! What you need to understand is that Harry and I had been friends all our lives, or nearly. When we were in playgroup, I chewed on his toy car. When we went to school together, we taught one another to read. If a teacher asked me what my name was, I’d say: “Max and Harry.” For years, right up till we went to university, people would call us Maxandharry or Harryandmax. Even at Uni, him studying Biological Sciences and me doing Business Studies, we texted nearly every day. For a while, after celebrating our Friendversary, we even changed our Faceboook names to MaxandharryandharryandmaX, till he pointed out it looked a bit gay. I felt a bit sad changing it, but my girlfriend of the time told me he was right. In the years since then, of course, we drifted apart a bit. We were both in London but we would only meet for a drink every couple of months. I guess he slowly started noticing a change in me about summer 2019 when I had made a special effort to get #BeachBodyReady. ‘Shit, mate, you really do have a gym membership, don’t you?’ he said. ‘When are Men’s Health ringing you for a cover feature?’ I was in a short sleeved shirt and I was feeling pretty good about myself back then, but still I knew he was talking shit. ‘Bro, have you seen the guys on Love Island? All I’ve done so far is lose a bit weight really.’ ‘Impressive though,’ he said, sinking the last of his pint. ‘I don’t think so,’ I said. ‘Not yet.’ ‘Well, I reckon Niamh would think so,’ he said. I cuffed his shoulder. ‘She’s not superficial like other ho’s,’ I said. ‘Girls like that sort of thing, though,’ he said. He looked down at himself. ‘They can’t help themselves.’ ‘They like to see we’re taking care of ourselves,’ I told him. ‘Anyway, you’re far from overweight, dude.’ ‘Underweight, if anything,’ he said. ‘I do my heavy lifting with this.’ He tapped his brow, and we both laughed. ‘Mind you don’t go impairing it with two many hipster beers, then,’ I said, getting up to fetch another round. ‘If you promise not to go crazy with this gym stuff,’ he said. ‘You’re fine as you are.’ But I knew he was wrong. By the time we met to toast Christmas, he couldn’t resist squeezing my arm. ‘Holy shit!’ he said, eyes wide. ‘I thought you just had a big jumper on under that coat. You’re huge!’ ‘Not as big as I’d like,’ I couldn’t help saying, blushing. ‘Still a way to go.’ ‘What do you weight though…?’ ‘About 70kg,’ I said, automatically. ‘Roughly 150lbs.’ ‘Whoa,’ he said, ‘I didn’t expect you to actually know. You must be taking this seriously.’ I shrugged. ‘It’s fun too.’ ‘Bet you’re not drinking tonight.’ ‘Maybe just the one. My body fat’s down to 7%.’ I sipped my orange juice. ‘It feels great, though. I’m so alive, so capable. And, bro, let me tell you, the girls are hanging round me like flies around shit.’ God, it felt good.. Harry didn’t seem to feel so, though. ‘Mate, I didn’t need to have another reason to feel inferior,’ he sighed. His mouth was proper down-turned. ‘Niamh,’ I said, testingly. He nodded glumly. ‘I wasn't enough for her, it seems.’ ‘You were too good for her, anyway,’ I said, although I wasn’t sure how true it was. There he sat, a weedy little guy with glasses, maybe half my size. He couldn’t have lifted a weight above his head, let alone bench-pressed what I was doing. He looked pretty pathetic. ‘Maybe you should join my gym. Just to cheer yourself up.’ ‘Can’t think of anything worse,’ he said. ‘Come off it, mate,’ I said. ‘Build a bit of muscle and you’ll feel amazing. Imagine if Niamh sees you on the beach next summer with your shirt off, biceps bulging, pecs rippling…’ I tailed off, thinking how ridiculous this sounded. Even if I could persuade him to take some exercise, I thought, it probably wouldn’t be a good idea for him to take his shirt off on camera. He was still as lean and hairless as when we both set off for University. I wondered, was I naturally superior to him? Niamh would certainly have picked me over him for a mate: law of the jungle. I’ve have shown her a better time, as well. I didn’t like to think how embarrassing Harry must have been in bed. I shook my head to clear it. Harry had been talking to me and all the time I’d been thinking about banging his girlfriend, cucking him in his own bed. Crazy thinking. I interrupted him: ‘I don’t want to hear any shit, mate, you’re coming with me to the gym tomorrow and that’s that.’ He sat back in surprise, held up his hands. ‘Fine. Fine!’ There was a long pause. Finally he laughed and got up to go to the bar. ‘Better get a round in while I’m still allowed, then!’ ‘Skip the crisps this time, okay,’ I laughed back. ‘2020’s going to be your year.’ And to be fair to him, he turned up. He obeyed me, as if I was in control of him. He did the exercises I told him to do. He changed his diet. It became quite fun, turning up to see him at the gym – maybe not as often as I would be there, but at least a couple of times a week. He didn’t enjoy it but he worked hard. At the end of January, he had actually lost a bit of weight – but sadly, he hadn’t put on a single shred of muscle. We stood looking at one another in the mirror. ‘I can’t fucking believe it,’ he said. ‘I’m actually smaller than before.’ ‘I’ve just grown bigger,’ I said, ‘that’s all, mate.’ ‘Bullshit,’ he said. ‘Yes, you’re bigger but look at me. I’m a shrimp. Nobody would guess we were the same age.’ ‘You’re a week younger,’ I told him, shrugging off my sweaty vest. ‘Maybe you’ll always be…’ Again, I didn’t want to say the truth. ‘What?’ he demanded. ‘What were you going to say? Weaker? Smaller? Inferior?’ ‘But only to me,’ I told him. ‘You might put on some muscle by summer. You won’t be strong but you’ll be fit.’ ‘That’s really what you think of me,’ he said, eyes wide. Furious. He looked like he wanted to pick a fight with me, but something rational was stopping him. He’d be mullered in a second. Instead, he ran away. Just grabbed his bag and stormed out. I should have run after him, but I was meeting this girl for dinner. He had told me on Tinder that she wanted me to fuck her like an animal, and I was still wondering how best to do that. I was too distracted. That was half my trouble. MaxandharryandharryandmaX was in trouble for the first time in history. An unshakeable bond, broken by the gym. Or maybe more, I thought. Maybe by masculinity and testosterone. Maybe by alpha male power. It could never be equal again now that I had begun to dominate. February slipped past, and I thought about him every day. I dreamt about him. I dreamt he was watching while I effortlessly fucked Niamh. I was pumped and bigger than ever while I worked at her tight snatch, and he got smaller while he watched me. In March, I finally sent him a message. ‘Miss lifting weights with you. Miss lifting pints even more.’ He replied almost straight away. ‘Maybe we should resume one of those activities. Guess which one.’ ‘Gym’s open longer hours,’ I replied, with a emoji to show I wasn’t serious. ‘Mate,’ he texted back, ‘I wouldn’t go there right now.’ ‘Why?’ I asked, expecting a joke. And so, Harry was the first person to tell me about coronavirus. I thought it was just him making an excuse about not exercising. I don’t follow the news, don’t really do social media; in fact, I was pretty buried in work and working out. I suppose, I also didn’t want it to be true. I was in full denial. And so, inevitably, I caught it. I’m strong. I’m healthy. I don’t even take roids, so no strain on my heart. So I guess I was well prepared for it. Even so, it knocked me out for longer than I expected. Those were some crazy weeks. Maybe the weeks that followed were even stranger. Apart from work, Harry was the main person I was in contact with during lockdown. At first we talked a bit about fitness: my gym had closed. I tried to buy gym equipment online, but there was none available. ‘I must have got the last set,’ Harry told me. He told me it was the one good thing in his life now. It was hard for him - he was still so weak - so I sent him tips over email, links to videos and online advice. He asked me questions about diets and supplements and steroids. I told him to do it all clean, which disappointed him, being the biology scientist – he wanted to make himself into his own experiment. But it was a good thing. It was like we were the same person after all, just slightly out of phase. Except I couldn’t work out, not properly. I did some bodyweight stuff and started running. The muscle just melted away. I ended up looking as lean as a stick of celery. ‘You’re going to end up as my trainer,’ he said, when we talked about it. I didn’t like that. What if he caught me up? So we didn’t talk about it. And the lockdown rolled by. The lockdown was raised. Life began to return to normal. It was September when we arranged to meet again. A few drinks in the same old pub we used to frequent – but first, we would work out together, side by side. It struck me, as I walked towards the bench press: we were equals at last. MaxandharryandharryandmaX had been brought closer together by the quarantine. We had both realised something: his innate power, my humility. At last, we would be best friends once again. The only problem was, he didn’t appear to have showed up. The gym was pretty much empty, and the only person hanging around our agreed meeting spot was a big guy. Proper monster. Shaved head. Lats out to here, waist in here, a real triangle. He looked nearly a foot taller than me and I was worried for a second. In an empty gym, it’s pretty bad etiquette to stand waiting for a piece of equipment. I didn’t want him to think I was trying anything on; he could have ripped me apart. He turned around and the light glinted off his glasses. He smiled. ‘Hey, Max, you made it!’ ‘Harry?!’ I couldn’t believe it. I thought it was a wind-up. He opened his arms inviting me for a hug. Each arm was as big as both of mine put together. The muscle was thick and pumped as if he had just completed a workout, not spent months in quarantine. ‘Harry,’ I said, looking up at him. ‘This is insane. You’re a fucking beast.’ ‘I used the lockdown well,’ he said seriously. His voice had grown deeper. It was like talking to a different man with my friend’s face, one who towered over me. ‘All this came from working out?’ ‘Of course,’ he said. ‘I see you went the other way.’ I looked down at myself, blushing. ‘Yes, I’m pretty small these days.’ ‘How big were you before the lockdown?’ he asked me. ‘Let’s not talk about it,’ I said. ‘Maybe we should –’ ‘Cut the crap,’ he said. ‘I asked you a question.’ ‘About 75kg,’ I told him. ‘165lbs.’ He shook his head in disbelief. ‘You used to seem so big,’ he said. He ran his hands over the huge globes of his chest and the hard, thick ripples of his abdominals, lightly brushing his fingers across the giant vascular boulders of his biceps and the vast shoulder-muscles that framed his firm chin. ‘I’m about 270lbs. 125kg.’ ‘It’s not possible,’ I said. ‘Feel it,’ he said. ‘Then you’ll know how possible it is.’ I laughed and held up my hands. ‘That’s fine, I’ll believe you.’ ‘What is the problem with you?’ he said. He didn’t raise his voice but the authority was clear. ‘I told you to feel it, you little bitch.’ ‘Are you okay?’ I asked him. He shook his head for a second. ‘Sorry, bro. It’s the testosterone. Sometimes I lose control. I mean, it’s true that you’re little. And you’re being a bitch.’ He put a hand over his mouth and blushed. The redness spread down his huge neck where it got lost at the tops of his pecs. ‘Jesus. Just bants, mate. Just bants!’ ‘Will it help you if I – if I feel your muscle?’ I said, putting my hands on his physique. ‘Be careful,’ he said. ‘I’m like a loaded gun nowadays.’ ‘More like a cannon,’ I said, feeling his might. ‘The Incredible Hulk has nothing on you. So you went for the steroids after all?’ ‘No way, you little cunt,’ he said, breathing heavily. ‘Ah, I’m sorry, Max. But no – not steroids, exactly. I did some research. With some friends online. Other biology academics into weightlifting. I was looking for short cuts, and they were looking for ways to build size and strength. I think between us we tapped into something that did both. Workouts combined with certain hormones and particular herbs. It’s all perfectly safe, just a few side-effects.’ ‘Like the anger management issues,’ I suggested. ‘And all this fur.’ I ran a hand through the pelt on his monstrous chest. ‘You really are becoming a beast.’ ‘Fuck!’ he gasped. ‘You touched it! I should have warned you – but I thought it would sound gay.’ ‘Touched what?’ I snatched my hand away but he caught it in a giant fist. ‘You touched my nipple. Fucking sensitive nowadays.’ ‘So what – what does that mean?’ ‘It means,’ he said, ‘either I need to fuck a woman in the next ten minutes or…’ ‘Or what?’ Harry looked toward the changing room door. ‘Or, old friend, you’ll have to milk the cum from my big swinging balls…’ TO BE CONTINUED…
  3. Absman420


    PHOLUS REBORN by absman420 When I got the call that my Grandfather had passed, I had an odd mixture of disappointment and relief. I’d just seen him a few weeks ago, when he’d turned 92, still as spry and troublesome as ever. He’d been a landscaper and gardener since coming to America in his youth -- he claimed it a tie to the old country, the old ways. He knew plants and he knew how to love them -- his garden lush and inviting, alive and ready-to-burst, even up to the end, when HIS heart had burst. (I’d inherited that from him -- not the bad heart, the green thumb -- though I only grew marijuana in the basement of my house.) They’d found him in the garden, dead. It was the Executive Manager of the Home who felt the need to inform me -- but still with his disapproving attitude -- that my Grandfather had been masturbating when he’d died. “And in the garden, of all places!” he’d said with mock indignity. I shrugged -- what should my reaction have been? It was the Home’s Resident Mortician who’d pulled me aside and informed me quietly that my Grandfather had been “remarkably blessed” with “prodigious equipment” and that the erection he’d had when he’d died hadn’t gone down. (Sadly, I’d not inherited that from him -- mine was more pint-sized than prodigious.) It was no secret that my Grandfather was the bane of the old folk’s home -- the sexually-forward, inappropriate old man who wouldn’t leave the ladies alone. Or the nurses. Or the staff. Although they had a soft spot in their hearts for him -- everything else was about his hard spot, the one he was constantly playing with. All in all, they were not sorry to see him go. While in his room, gathering his few personal effects -- the things worth anything -- another old man came in, one of his fellow gardeners, and presented me with a towel-wrapped object, saying, “Big Red wanted you to have this.” I’d never felt like I’d connected with my Grandfather -- “Big Red” -- we both shared the red hair, but that was all. I’d always assumed it was because I was gay -- his generation had their old-school outlooks -- and he believed in big, hearty masculine expressions. Potency with him, above all -- fertility. His garden had been a reflection of that. But he wanted me to have something! See? He’d thought of me! Even in death, there’s hope! Rolling back the towel, I was surprised to discover a clay garden gnome, about ten/ twelve inches long -- but at least not the cheap, Disney-fied version with the goofy red hat and cheeky smile. (That would’ve probably made me leave it behind.) This was significantly older, a hand-painted terracotta statuette of a disheveled old man dressed in rags with a lusty half-smile on his face -- the only other noticeable detail about the sculpt was that the gnome had an obvious bulge. (Like the kind you don’t see that on the modern-day Wal-Mart gnomes!) “He wanted me to have this?” I ask the other old guy, trying not to sound ungrateful, like I wasn’t suspicious of a joke. “A garden gnome?” “Gnomes are powerful symbols of fertility,” the old guy said -- just my luck, my Grandfather was pals with a professor — then he added, “Look it up. You’ve got The Google” and I felt a lot better about my Grandfather’s associates. “It’s been in the garden long as I can remember. Your Grandpappy said he’d had it his whole life!” I took the Gnome -- “Thank you,” I said. “I have the perfect place for it.” -- (Ironically, I did!) -- and after I’d gotten all the business and paperwork and payments at the Home complete -- my Grandfather safely in a box being shipped to the family site -- I headed back to my house, a few hours away, the Gnome resting in a box in the back seat. I DID have the perfect place for it -- my little basement grow. I put it down at the head of a row of a hybrid I was developing -- I aimed its little bulge at the marijuana plants. “Let ‘er rip,” I laughed. “Show me the fertility!” And for the next year, it did just that -- my yield increasing by over 65% -- until I carelessly knocked the little Gnome off the shelf and broke it. And that’s where the story really starts. **************************************** According to “The Google”: Act surprised, the Ancient Greeks had a God for it -- a God of Fertility: Priapus. Apparently his power was manifested in his oversized genitals -- but with the Christian invasion (and forbidden sexuality that accompanied that religion), Priapus and his cock became a demon, or represented as a withered old man with an uncontrollable erection, often pushing his giant cock before himself on a cart. Religion made genitals and their symbology a punishment, a curse -- act surprised. So… Gnomes. Little old men with massive genitals -- a European ode to the Ancients. Little clay gods of fertility for your garden -- Priapus through the ages. (They didn’t become “cutesy” until the release of “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” at the beginning of the 20th century -- Priapus becomes Dopey.) I find stuff like that fascinating. ******************************************** Ultimately, it didn’t matter because the Gnome was just a delivery device. I mean, literally. Just as I was about to buy into the idea that a fertility icon in your garden increases yield, I go and knock the fucking thing off the shelf while tranferring a tray of younglings. Fucking stoner thing to do, honestly. I mean, I tried to “catch” it with my foot -- or at least soften the impact. All I managed to do was scratch myself as it bounced off my sandal -- don’t laugh! It drew blood -- and then shattered on the cement, missing the floor mat because of my interference. Fucking idiot. And I was hoping, you know, maybe some glue? But doesn’t destroying it wreck the mojo? Doesn’t breaking it stop the voodoo that it do so well? Isn’t that the folklore? Immediately I thought of my Grandfather -- now a year in his grave -- he managed to get through his whole life without breaking it! Maybe some glue….? Idiot. So I knelt down next to it and gingerly lifted it up -- the front wasn’t cracked, but collapsed from age, barely more than dust -- glue wasn’t going to help. Fuck. And then the discovery. Something inside the hollowed-out middle, wrapped in what seemed to be very old cheesecloth -- very, very old, like great-grandma’s linen that never came out of the box, faded and brittle and delicate beyond possibility -- someone had planted something INSIDE the Ancient Gnome. Eagerly -- nervously -- I carried the whole mess to my work-table and clicked on the bright, overhead light. I was more afraid of ruining whatever was inside -- especially if it was some sort of message or something. (This was why I wasn’t an archeologist -- it couldn’t possibly be this romantic in real life!) Should I be wearing gloves? I had to break the Gnome a little further to get the package to come out freely. I was a nervous wreck, suppositioning all over the place -- had my Grandfather known about this? Was it my Grandfather who’d planted it? Was this why he wanted me to have the Gnome in the first place? What could it possibly be? The rag or cheesecloth or whatever the hell it was that wrapped it nearly dissolved away, turning to dirty dust even as I tugged on it. Pieces of it came off intact, but it was nothing more than wrapping, no message or clues. Just old -- insanely old -- hundreds of years old. If my Grandfather had known about this, he hadn’t changed anything -- he hadn’t wrapped it in anything new. It was two objects wrapped together. One was an icon, about four inches long, a crude stone carving of an overly muscular man with an enormous phallus -- his dick went practically to his chest -- his eyes dark jewels. The other was a tiny, dark bottle, like a perfume bottle, dark glass, deep blue, a small stopper with a wax seal. Holding it to the light, I couldn’t see through the thick glass, but I could feel it’s age. I spent a few seconds cleaning the bottle, dusting it off and wiping it down gently. Even if there was nothing inside it, the bottle itself was spectacular -- I’d never seen anything like it. I picked up the statue and did the same, wiped it down, cleaned it up, blew off the dust. I was looking in his jeweled eyes when -- I swear -- they lit up, bright red. Not just “caught the light”, not just “sparkled”, they LIT UP and -- I’m not kidding. I’m not making this up -- I had a vision. I heard it speak to me. It said, “PHOLUS” I dropped the little muscular stone like a scorpion -- like a venomous fang. I looked at it in horror as it balanced on its side by its big penis, staring helplessly at the table. What in the name of God? “Name of God!” That’s IT! I pulled out my phone. ********************************************** From The Google: In Greek mythology, Pholus (Greek: Φόλος) was a wise centaur who lived in a cave on or near Mount Pelion. Are you kidding? Pholus is really a thing? A centaur? Weren’t they half-horse? Well, I guess that little statue there is partially-horse, at least. But there was something else. In astronomical terms, Pholus (from Φόλος) is an eccentric centaur (an object classified somewhere between an asteroid and a minor planet) in the outer Solar System, approximately 180 kilometers (110 miles) in diameter, that crosses the orbit of both Saturn and Neptune. It was discovered on 9 January 1992… Wait. What? -- I was born on 9 January, 1992. Pholus and I were twins… which wasn’t funny. It was getting weird. Nicknamed “Big Red,” it’s orbit around the sun takes 92 years and one month… 92 years and one month… my Grandfather -- Big Red’s exact age when he died! Okay, I was fucking freaking out by this time! Too many coincidences. A centaur -- an eccentric centaur -- my birthday -- my grandfather’s orbit -- but that still wasn’t everything. There was one more. When Pholus (from Φόλος) appears in an astrological reading, it represents a spark, a start, grand events set in motion from something small, like shooting oneself in one’s foot, the butterfly effect. When Pholus appears, an unexpected adventure follows. Fuck you, the Google. ****************************************** I leaned against the wall and stared at the work-table for a while, at the askew little icon and the blue-glass bottle. I sat on a stool, smoked a joint, and stared at the stone man, released from his prison, forever erect. How did he talk to me? How had that happened? I’d never heard of “Pholus” before -- I couldn’t have made that up. And even if I had -- there were too many coincidences… there were three different versions of “Pholus” and all of them applied to me! I couldn’t have known about that and “forgotten” -- I didn’t smoke that much weed. No. I’d had a vision -- the icon had spoken to me. Assuming that to be true, I thought, I shouldn’t fear it. If this icon was meant for me -- and it seemed like that was the only conclusion -- then I had no reason for fear. One shouldn’t fear destiny, especially when one knows what it is. Sadly, by the time I worked up enough brave-energy to touch the icon again, nothing happened -- it was just a piece of cold stone. No more flare -- no more sparkle -- no more insight. The little stone dude had a pretty amazing cock… and he seemed so proud… but he’d stopped talking. So, the bottle then. What could it possibly be? Perfume? Wine? Magic Potion? Poison? I mean, it’s ridiculous. I should have it analyzed -- I should find out what it is -- I should know before I unleash some disease, some demon, some genie in a bottle. Maybe ingesting whatever was inside would transform me into a centaur -- well, being gay, maybe a unicorn? I couldn’t see through the deep blue glass, so I didn’t even know if anything was inside at all. I was so busy playing mind-games with myself that I hadn’t realized how much time had passed, even. Sigh. Another joint. Anyway, when I finally got around to opening the stupid thing, it was nearly midnight. The stopper, which was also glass, was sealed with what appeared to be a thick wax. I used a tiny screwdriver to flake it off. It took a little back-and-forth to completely break the seal, but once I did, the little stopper eased out quickly. The Scent. The Scent alone. My cock was rock hard immediately, just on the scent alone -- sex and leather and sweat and metal, the smells of masculinity, from the playful snips and snails and puppy-dog tails of youth to the moment of adult dominance, to the rut of the thrust, the spreading of the seed, it was fertility, the deep, moist earth. It was the Essence of Man. I was compelled to taste it -- I didn’t think twice about it -- it wasn’t until long after the moment that I thought there may have been danger. In the moment, there wasn’t any thought at all, just need -- driving masculine need. Whatever was in that bottle I needed in me. A drop was all -- and barely enough to qualify for the word “drop” -- it rolled lazily out of the bottle like a thick, congealed syrup -- but when it hit my tongue… Orgasm! Immediately, my cock shot -- overwhelming! Like this huge, savage, I’ve-never-felt-it-like-this-before orgasm! Like, so incredibly all-encompassing that every cell of my body was my cock and they were all shooting at once. And then I was able to taste this syrup as it spread across my tongue -- battle and strength and muscle and sweaty maleness mixed with earth and flavored with fire, the taste of heroes and prowess and sweet, hard-won victory. Horse flanks, battle songs and flasks of wine, wrestling for sport and the tight, sweet holes of olive-skinned apprentices -- it was everything dark and earthy, meat and marrow, savagery and strength. It was gloriously masculine. And the aftertaste was dirty, and sexual, and rutted, the nasty, shit-flecked maw of the satisfied fornicator -- the flavor of lust. I was oh, so horny -- I needed to fuck, cock-driven, unapologetic, just lay-in and pound kind of fuck. Not love-making, no gentleness -- playfulness, yes; powerful, definitely -- fucking male on MALE sex! Then came the mental run-down of my fuck-buddy list, too few and too far between, the usual Grindr stall, the seedy bar -- any option. All options. Need to fuck. It was a stranger whose name I sort of remember -- I didn’t care -- all that mattered was the hole. By that time, crazy, stupid needy lust. My little cock was flared and strong, flexing beyond its norm -- serve it, suck it, take it, fuck it. Pholus started the adventure! ************************************************** I woke the next morning in a stranger’s bed, crusty and sweaty, the smell of sex on my breath -- glorious! My cock immediately hardened. He slept on his side, my unknown partner, his back to me, a little blond thing -- his hole was red, swollen, smeared with my dried cum and his ass juices. It smelled glorious -- earthy, sexy -- raw. It was impossible to resist, so I didn’t, licking his hole, loving the taste, digging in and eating. Gripping around his balls, I felt his cock harden with his morning’s piss. Fuck, I wanted that, too. All of it. He woke moaning. “Ohhh, man… stop. I can’t… I’m sore and I gotta pee…” “You taste so fuckin’ good,” I mumbled, slurping his hole. “Lemme just eat it awhile…” “That’s gross,” he said, pulling himself away. “I’m gonna pee -- you should be gone when I get done.” I was laying there with this big hard-on -- I showed it to him. “Aw, c’mon, baby, you can’t leave me like this…” “You got a nice dick,” he said, pulling himself out of bed, “and you sure know how to use it. You fucked me every which way sideways last night and I’m sore as hell right now. But you should be gone when I get done.” “Aw, fuck,” I said, with this impossible hard-on, and these blue-ass balls. Cold little bitch. Where the fuck were my shoes? ******************************************** The Uber driver could smell me -- I could tell. And I know it made him uncomfortable -- he shifted himself in his seat several times. After a while, I realized it was because he had a hard-on, too. That was fucking hot. Cocks were fucking hot. With my fingers, I squeezed mine through the material of my pants while we drove. I knew he saw me -- I didn’t care. It felt too good. Everything felt good. In the shower, I noticed it more in my balls than in my cock -- the growth, I mean -- but also from the undeniable rush of testosterone. The way it felt. I was a man -- all man. I felt like a man -- and I fucking loved it! I gave very little thought to the idea that whatever was in that bottle had adversely affected me -- just the opposite. Whatever was in that bottle had changed me for the better! Somehow, it had awakened something in me -- it had connected me to something greater than myself -- MY masculine essence. I shot off a load in the shower, praising Priapus and Pholus (and Phallus, too!) -- I could phuck them all! Who could deny the power of the cock? Who wouldn’t want this? ********************************************** From “The Google”: Priapism is a condition in which a penis remains erect for hours in the absence of stimulation or after stimulation has ended. Most cases are ischemic. Ischemic priapism is generally painful while nonischemic priapism is not. In ischemic priapism, most of the penis is hard. In nonischemic priapism, the entire penis is only somewhat hard. Aw, fuck man -- that was me in one bold sentence -- nonischemic priapism. My dick hadn’t been flaccid in over two weeks. The only reason it didn’t concern me was because it didn’t hurt -- so why shouldn’t it show itself off? It was a damn nice cock -- it was just putting itself out there. As a matter of fact, it was kind of hot Fucking EVERYTHING was kind of hot! That my sex drive was stuck in high gear was kind of hot -- finding out I have nonischemic priapism was kind of hot. But hottest of all? My dick was getting bigger. My dick, my balls -- bigger. It didn’t help that my cock was semi-hard all the time, it just kept me from noticing it right away. But in the last two weeks, my hard cock had shot up to eight inches! And not in Grindr inches, either -- ACTUAL measurement! And my testosterone production was up, too, like a thousand percent, thanks to my growing balls, over-producing to make up for their past. My workouts had been fucking crazy -- they would just go on and on and I’d never lose energy -- two, three hours. The harder I trained, the hornier I felt, my big cock jutting out before me, struggling against the compression-anything I wore. I swear, I was shooing the guys off like flies -- I think my smell attracted them. I think my sweat was becoming some kind of pheromone or something. I was fucking them in the steam room, the shower, one guy in the janitor’s closet -- I was a fucking beast! A beast with big, low-hanging balls. I thought about going to the doctor, but then I thought, why? What’s WRONG with me? For the first time in my life, it felt like everything was right! I was getting muscular -- not huge, not like one of those muscle-heads -- but BIG, you know? Commanding. Six months after I’d been blessed by the gods, I weighed a solid 235, carrying almost no body-fat. I learned (from The Google) that testosterone was a natural leaning agent, one of the reasons teenage boys (at the peak of testosterone production) looked the way they did -- the more I produced, the leaner I got. So, at 235, I looked fucking awesome, even bigger than I really was! I started getting hairier, too. At first, a thicker pelt on the chest, a scruffier beard -- sexy -- but then my shoulders, my back -- I began having to trim back my bush or it would’ve taken over. I became the King of Manscaping. I ended up with a rough beard -- I gave in on that, otherwise I was shaving two or three times a day. But apparently, the boys liked the way it felt on their holes, so I didn’t sweat it. The hair grew thicker in the grooves of my abs, emphasizing them even more. I was so… fucking… manly! By then my cock was nearly 11 inches long in its constant semi-erect state, displaying itself proudly before me. People REACTED to it -- no matter how I tried to hide it at first, once someone saw it, they couldn’t stop looking. (I do believe it’s hypnotic -- but that’s a point for later.) And to be honest, I loved the attention. I thought I would’ve been freaked or embarrassed by having such an obvious member, but it was the opposite -- the bigger it got, the greater my pride and eagerness to show it off. ********************************************* From “The Google”: Erect penises have appeared in erotic (sexually exciting) art for a very long time. Pictures of men with erections appear on ancient objects and in paintings. In the past, the erect penis was also a symbol or sign of health and fertility (the ability to give life). Ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans believed in gods that had erect penises. Men with larger penises are often thought to be more handsome, manly and powerful. I became a Brand. There was little else I could do, actually. I mean, why WASN’T I in porn? Why wasn’t I sharing my blessing with everyone? I created the “Pholus” Brand -- and I adopted my Grandfather’s nickname, “Big Red” -- Big Red Pholus, that was who I became. My OnlyFans page… I swear, I put up a video of me commando beneath a pair of loose gym shorts, jumping rope in slow motion, and within two days… money was no longer an issue in my life. I set a record for followers within a week and became an “Influencer” on IG so fast I had to look it up on The Google to find out what an Influencer was. Clothing designers -- I had a guy specifically for underwear and jockstraps -- assistants, an entourage, the works! And this was the weird thing: the worship… empowered me. I mean, it… it made me… more than I was. As I did cam shows and live shows and as my audience grew, I grew, too. Not just muscularly (where I was steadily improving), or scrotally (where I was pushing boundaries), I mean spiritually. Can you imagine what it does to your psyche to have guys pay you obscene amounts of money just to touch your cock? To have them beg you to suck it? To love it the way you do? I accepted it -- I welcomed it. I had been blessed by the gods -- I was something more-than-man. A demi-god -- a demi with a semi. A demi-semi-god! I had a destiny. Sex was easy, constant -- I was either seducing or fucking. Wherever I was, whatever I was doing, it was a prelude to sex. I couldn’t have enough -- there was never a moment when I was satisfied, when I wasn’t eager for more. And men fell under my spell -- whether it was my smell, or my aura, or the obvious swell of my cock -- they all gave it up for me, they all became my bottom. There was nothing I enjoyed more than finding the Big Alpha straight-guy at a strange gym and watching him turn into a weak-willed bitch when he’d ultimately yield to my superior cock. The look on his face when he’d first see it beneath my gym clothes, or more regularly, my compression pants -- shock and awe -- the way he’d try to befriend me, like we could be the cocks-of-the-walk together, buddies -- and finally him on his knees in the locker room, in the posing room, wherever, pounding his own cock while he gave in and worshipped mine. It was the way of men to worship gods. And all men worshipped the god of the phallus -- and now Pholus, who seemed the god made flesh. **************************************** More from “The Google”: In Greek mythology, a satyr (Greek: σάτυρος sátyros, pronounced [sátyros]), also known as a silenos (Greek: σειληνός seilēnós), is a male nature spirit with ears and a tail resembling those of a horse, as well as a permanent, exaggerated erection. Early artistic representations sometimes include horse-like legs, but, by the sixth century BC, they were more often represented with human legs. Like satyrs, centaurs were notorious for being wild, lusty, overly indulgent drinkers and carousers, violent when intoxicated, and generally uncultured delinquents. I gained the ability to make others like myself. It began to happen late in the second or third year since my blessing from the gods, my rebirth. My cock was over a foot long by that point, meaty and thick, my pendulous nads nearly the size of oranges -- even at 6’4” 245, they were out of proportion (I didn’t look anywhere near as freakish as I would’ve if I’d remained 5’9”, but I’d grown steadily since my blessing, so I looked like a really big guy with a REALLY big cock. Who knew where, or if it would end.) I was hairy and gruff, balding from too much testosterone, bearded and beautiful. And naked, I was spectacular. I would watch videos of myself having sex because it was so hot, my big, hairy muscle destroying some boy’s sweet pink hole. My favorites were the little tops who thought they were gonna top me. I mean, imagine having a cock like mine and the guy still wants to fuck me? Like, I’d made some of the biggest Alpha males submit to me, reveled in turning them into big muscle bottoms, but there were particular guys -- usually wrestler/ MMA-grappler types -- who wouldn’t fall under the spell of my cock, whose sweat smelled manly, too, and just went forward with the foreplay as if I were some meaty bottom. The first time it happened, it was this hot little Jersey boy, muscular and sexy with some sweet abs, probably 5’8” or 5’9”, tattoos, steroid scars on his back, skinny legs but a dick to die for. It tasted as pretty as it looked. “You gotta let me fuck you,” he growled. “With that cock, you probably never get fucked as good as you should. Lemme show you, baby…” Eating my hole, he won me over -- fuck, I had to reward an enthusiast -- especially the way he buried his face in my hairy, sweaty crack, like he couldn’t get enough. I’d forgotten how good a dick up inside me felt -- I hadn’t bottomed since my blessing -- and I gotta say, Jersey-boy wasn’t as selfish with it as I thought he’d be. He knew how to fuck. On my back, my huge legs spread wide, he stood next to the bed and pounded my hole, my own hard cock resting between the halves of my chest, inches from my chin, fairly leaking my pheromone-laden pre-cum -- even I was under my own spell. “God damn, you tight,” Jersey-boy muttered. “Not damned,” I panted. “Blessed.” “Gonna cum in your blessed hole…” “Yes,” I moaned, placing my hands on either side of his head. “Yes. Give your offering…” When he shot, driving his dick deep into me, his eyes rolled back in his head. In that moment, I felt -- not only my own orgasm -- I felt this energy leave me through my hands and enter him. I wish I could describe it better. It wasn’t like he took something from me -- it wasn’t like I gave him power -- it was more like I awakened something in him. Yet I felt that change in energy -- I was the cause of it. The catalyst. When he opened his eyes, there was something there that hadn’t been before -- a glint, a lust. The corner of his mouth curled into a devilish smile and I felt his cock re-harden inside me, even harder than it had been, and he just started lust-fucking me. What an incredible fuck that was -- the sudden power, the masculinity, the determination -- we were sweaty and breathless and oh, so hungry. I couldn’t even tell you how many times we came, how many moments of utter bliss we experienced -- how much energy we expelled and exchanged. The cock he pulled out of me was nearly twelve inches long, with heavy, obvious balls to match. Twice as big as it had been before -- nowhere near as big as it would get -- it looked magnificently out-of-proportion with the rest of him. He loved it! The next few weeks were a blurry fuck-fest. He matched me for sexual energy and desire -- his sweat was as irresistible, his personality as seductive -- everything we did, everywhere we went ended up an orgy. At the gym, working out together, watching the big straight bodybuilders fall under our spell, envying our big, gorgeous cocks. At the bars, dancing on the bars, they worshipped us, watching us strut and flex. At the bath-houses, where parties could extend into days, they gave us a never-ending supply of holes to fuck. But after a few months, Jersey-boy began to bore me. He was nothing but fucking. No thought, no drive, no interest, no appreciation -- all he cared about was how to put his cock in some guy’s hole. He didn’t need me -- he had his own circle of worshippers, of devotees -- his entourage. I still loved him -- I was bonded to him, my brother and my son; I could feel him wherever he was -- I just needed my freedom. But it wasn’t long before I created others. The same basic type: the cocky, unrelenting top -- the guy who would insist on trying to fuck me, even after seeing my hypnotic cock. Through the years, I’d created about twenty of them -- same way, they’d fuck me and at the moment of their orgasm, I would give them the energy to open themselves to the Primal Force, their Masculine Power. Like me, they grew -- muscularly, scrotally -- all their lusty appetites, but unlike me, they lost their reason, their love for anything but sex. They became this hyper-masculine, hyper-endowed, sexually-driven fraternity -- a herd of hairy, horse-hung men. Modern Day Centaurs. They fucked with me -- around me -- the world became one never-ending sex party. I loved it, every moment of it, my constant libido, my unsatisfied hunger for sex -- to express sex -- to BE sex! With every fuck, with every orgasm, with every of my centaur’s orgasms, I became stronger. Worshipping the act of sex meant worshipping me. For years it grew -- for years I reigned, continuing to grow. I weighed around 270 by my 40th birthday (52 left, I’d joke) and my cock was a magnificent thirty-inches long, half-hard and hanging like a heavy branch from a sturdy tree. My balls dangled like melons, their weight stimulating me more, producing so much testosterone that I just reeked of it. Huge rings hung from my nipples -- another of the same size pierced my septum. (Many of the centaurs had pierced theirs -- cheap horse-symbolism, but still sexy.) I was magnificent. There was not a man who could resist me, not an enemy I couldn’t dominate -- I had the most powerful men in the world begging to serve me, willing to do anything to kneel before me -- the richest men in the world as my benefactors. And all they wanted was sex. Me. I was sex. ********************************* Again, The Google: Apotheosis (from Greek ἀποθέωσις from ἀποθεόω/ἀποθεῶ, apotheoo/apotheo "to deify"; in Latin deificatio "making divine"; also called divinization and deification) is the glorification of a subject to divine level and, most commonly, the treatment of a human like a god. In theology, apotheosis refers to the idea that an individual has been raised to godlike stature. It is the way of the gods to be apart from humanity, but desire to be a part of it. As I got older -- and bigger -- it became more and more difficult to move about in public. The year I turned 54 -- which coincidentally was the year I’d been elevated for as long as I’d been human, 27 years -- I was 6’5”, 290 muscular pounds, still as lean as a teen, with a cock that was nearly forty inches long and balls that hung nearly to my knee. I was graying, sure, but didn’t look my age in the face -- I looked like my Grandfather at the same age. The Daddy-thing worked in my favor. I separated myself from the others. They never stopped -- they never expressed interest in anything other than carousing and fucking around. It was exhausting. There was no appreciation of arts or literature or the expression of creative thought -- everything was directed at sex. Everything. After a while, I found myself bored, seeking more -- though what more could there be? I desired to travel, but travel was nearly impossible. Wherever I went, sex happened. My smell, my aura, whatever it was about me that men couldn’t resist, it didn’t stop -- I couldn’t turn it off. Obviously, I couldn’t fly -- ultimately, the pilot would be unable to resist the inevitable orgy that would happen and the plane would crash. Maybe if the pilot flew with an air mask? Who knows? To me, it wasn’t worth the try. Fortunately, several of my benefactors had yachts -- massive, sprawling things that they were more than happy to offer me. In that way, I saw much of the world, spreading my seed all around the globe. We were anchored off the shore of Mykonos and I was busy fucking my way through the height of the high season -- oh, the gorgeous gay men who summered in Mykonos -- when I heard rumor of another like me. One of the local boys, whose English was far better than my Greek -- together, we spoke the language of Lust -- told me that I reminded him of the stories he’d heard about a reclusive sex god who was said to live up the coast, on Mt. Pelion. An old man with a giant cock -- the stories said he pushed his cock around before himself on a cart -- his smell, like mine, was said to drive men wild with lust, enough to make them impale themselves on his huge penis until they were dead. It was a story locals told for generations, perhaps in an effort to keep the young men from playing in the many caves along the coast. The boy told me this while impaling himself on my huge penis, so I wasn’t sure how much of it was porn-fantasy on his part. But I heard several corroborating stories over the next few weeks, so with little better to do, I had the captain sail us up the East Coast of Greece toward the Pelion Peninsula. And there was someone -- I could feel him. The closer we got, passing the spectacular cliffs and inlets of this ancient coast, the more I became aware of him. This feeling reminded me of the bond between myself and the ones I’d created, the Modern Day Centaurs -- it had the same longingful pull. The call of sex. I followed this call. Going ashore, dressed in linen pants and loafers, shirtless, my hairy beauty exposed to the world, I unerringly led myself up the mountain to the hidden door of a house nearly invisible in the mountainside of Mt. Pelion, as if someone had taken a cave and had Andrew Lloyd Wright develop it into a residence -- the old and the new melded seamlessly together. An olive-skinned beauty opened the door, dressed only in a short linen skirt and sandals. He was spectacular, young and hairless, his pink, puffy nipples sitting atop his tight, muscular chest -- his pink, pouty lips ready to pleasure my cock. But he wasn’t the scent I sought. “Geiá sou,” I said in my sorry Greek. “Eínai o kýrios sas?” The boy smiled -- probably because of the way I butchered his language. “He is expecting you,” he said in perfect English, opening the door to bid me enter. Again, walking through the house was like walking through a cave that had been made into a house, all the stone and slate, with the sleek, LCD lighting and hidden speakers piping in some old folk music -- it was the kind of place one saw on the Rich & Famous Real Estate shows, a little too over-the-top to be believed. NOTHING could’ve been this nice. How much money had this taken? How many years? The boy walked before me, allowing me to view his spectacular ass -- it was hard to decide exactly what to look at, the house or the boy. We descended a short stairs and emerged into a grotto. It reminded me of the Ancient Public Baths, a large pool dominating the space, with several types of hot tubs adorning the circumference and a magnificent, raised dais on one end, almost like a pulpit, where a massive bed sat ready for use. This was the biggest-budget porn-set I’d ever seen -- as if Spielberg were shooting a Greek fuck-flick. As we entered, the boy’s Master stood from the hot tub, his back to us, as two other olive-skinned beauties dressed him in a white, terry-cloth robe. He was nearly eight feet tall, massively muscular, though in proportion with his height, as if someone had taken a super-heavyweight bodybuilder and blew him up to 150%. An older man -- I would put him somewhere in his early sixties -- with salt-and-pepper hair that favored the salt, but long on top and shaved short on the sides -- his grooming was as meticulous as his house. He sported a beard that was a bit longer than mine, but oiled and maintained with an attention mine had never known. The robe didn’t hide the fact that he was hairy, but why wouldn’t he be? He was the perfect man. The robe made no secret of his cock, either. Like mine, it jutted before him like an extra limb, continuously hard and heavy, ready for more. It had to be over three feet long, but the way the boys had placed it in the material, it was hard to be sure. I’d hoped to find out. Hardly the image of a withered old man with his cock on a cart. When we made eye-contact, he smiled -- and in that moment, I recognized him. I didn’t know how -- not then -- but I knew who he was. I’d known him for thousands of years. “Oh my god,” I said. “Chiron!” “Hello, Pholus,” he said in English, with a glorious accent, opening his muscular arms for a hug. “Welcome home!” **************************************** You know the gag by now: In Greek mythology, Chiron (/ˈkaɪrən/ KY-rən; also Cheiron or Kheiron; Greek: Χείρων "hand") was held to be the superlative centaur amongst his brethren, as he was called as the "wisest and justest of all the centaurs". Chiron was notable throughout Greek mythology for his youth-nurturing nature. His personal skills tend to match those of his foster father Apollo, who taught the young centaur the art of medicine, herbs, music, archery, hunting, gymnastics and prophecy, and made him rise above his beastly nature. Centaurs were notorious for being wild, lusty, overly indulgent drinkers and carousers, violent when intoxicated, and generally uncultured delinquents. Chiron, by contrast, was intelligent, civilized and kind, because he was not related directly to the other centaurs due to his parentage. I couldn’t even tell you how long we fucked before we had a chance to talk. It felt like that sexual communication was almost as valuable as the verbal would be. His age was buffered by his confidence and his ability, his skillful love-making knew no bounds. Our cocks were big enough to be inside each other as we faced one another, each fucking the other while we deeply kissed. “I’ve missed you,” he moaned as he shot yet another load into me. “It’s been too long…” “I don’t understand,” I said while he thrusted himself on my hard pole. “This all feels so familiar.” “There will be plenty of time for talk,” he said, bringing me to orgasm. “But first, we must be what we are.” That first sexual coupling lasted nearly a full week. We fucked in the grotto, we fucked in the pool, we fucked in his bed, we fucked in a sling that was hung deep in the cavernous depths of the mountain. He showed me more ways to stimulate someone than I’d ever known -- or experienced! He was a master at pleasure. “Well, I should be,” he said later, sitting upright against a massive pile of cushions. I sat with my back against him, in the crook of his arm -- we were smoking some of my best bud. “After all, I’ve been having sex for thousands of years. I’ve picked up a thing or two.” “Thousands of years,” I mumbled, taking my hit. Then, upon exhalation I said, “So are you immortal?” “Gods exist as long as people worship them,” he replied, taking the joint from me. “And fortunately, we’re gods of rutty, physical sex -- men will ALWAYS believe in that.” He kissed me deeply, sharing the hit he’d taken. Of course, he was a good kisser, too. He had a staff of the most beautiful men, stunning examples all -- they bathed us and catered to us and fed us. I could feel their adoration and pride and… worship. I let it empower me. The myths held some truths: Chiron was a teacher at heart. He told me everything. “Surely you’ve done some research,” he said, indicating the computer screen before us -- (when I made a joke about the Batcave, he didn’t get my reference, so he didn’t know EVERYTHING). “From the myth of Pholus, we get the phrase ‘shooting yourself in the foot’ -- did you know that?” I shook my head and smiled. “After Heracles finished his fourth labor, he was tasked with wiping out the centaurs. Their drunken, sexual carousing was proving too much for the local populace, so he came to Pholus’ cave here in Mt. Pelion — this very cave — to seek a special Dionysian wine to lure the centaurs out into the open. Ultimately, Heracles slew them all with arrows poisoned by the blood of the hydra. After the battle, Pholus, marvelling at the idea that so small a thing as an arrow could kill something as magnificent as a centaur, dropped the poison arrow on his foot, where it pierced his skin and killed him.” “That’s what happened?” I asked. “That’s the MYTH,” he said, taking another hit. “I love this stuff, marijuana. It’s rare that I have any -- I’ve lost my taste for what passes for wine nowadays.” He exhaled and passed back to me. After taking a moment to adjust his huge balls, he continued. “In fact, it wasn’t Heracles, it was a small armada fighting in Heracles’ name that wiped us out — again, time and telling change the story. And it was understandable -- we’d created too many. We got a little… trigger happy in our play -- there needs to be a balance.” “Centaurs…?” “Right! Well, obviously not men with the bodies of horses -- but you’ve seen what they become, what their COCKS become when we change them. Is it any surprise that they became known as ‘horse-men’ or ‘half-man/ half-horse’ to the people who are left to describe them? Mythology has a wonderful way of literalizing the traits of the gods. We are spirits of nature, sexual spirits, not animals -- organized religion has used that metaphor to death. They took our form and made it into their Satan! Yet still, our ways persist -- men still worship us -- religion or not, they put gnomes in their gardens, wards in their crops, they know that fertility IS sex, Nature’s sex -- when the gods are fertile, the land prospers -- we are linked. “No, Heracles’ Armada wiped them out -- nearly all. I’d been hit in the battle and spent the next few months curing myself with herbs and medicines.” He showed me a scar on his thigh, barely evident after all this time. “Rumor had it I’d died -- that’s what the myth said, too -- but that wasn’t the case. I’d just gone into hiding. I WAS too late to help you, though,” he continued, rubbing my pec with the arm he had draped over my shoulder. “You were nearly gone by the time I got to you, so I… did what I could and preserved your essence.” “Excuse me?” He shrugged. “I don’t know how to explain it without getting all technical and metaphysical -- I don’t know if you’ll understand it, even then. Suffice it to say that through physics and arcane sorcery, I captured your essence in a form not unlike your favorite thing: Dionysian wine!” He chuckled then, kissing my head. “I was the one who bottled it and guarded it for several thousand years, waiting for the right man, until it was spirited away from me during one of the many wars of the former century. I didn’t know anything more about it until I heard about you on the internet -- my Pholus, come back to me!” Kissing, kissing, always kissing. “Someone sealed it inside a garden gnome,” I said. “It was in my grandfather’s garden. I honestly think it was meant for him -- his build, his attitude (maybe he was a centaur?) -- he had to have known about it. After his death, it was passed to me, where it Lorded over a bunch of marijuana plants until I broke it… and discovered…’ “Your destiny,” he said, grabbing my cock. I stayed with him after that -- he claimed the cave was mine to begin with -- and allowed myself to be his apprentice, his pupil, his son, and his lover. He was trained in all the fine arts -- music, literature, theatre (he adored musicals!), the sciences, herbs, art. “This is what sets us apart from the beasts we make,” he said. “They cannot appreciate the finer things.” He taught me the art of sex, techniques from people long-forgotten. We played daily with each other, the staff, the local boys, visitors who came just to worship -- it was a scene from the great erotic writers, sexual energy providing the energy for everything, from the ideas to the art to the power for life. On my 92nd birthday, the same age as my grandfather when he’d passed, I was just-over seven feet tall -- still a foot shorter than Chiron -- but with a spectacular body and an unbelievable cock. I was vital, vigorous, and very horny. Chiron had re-grown the hair on my head -- he’d concocted some kind of (very) smelly salve, but it worked! After having been bald for most of my adult life, it was fun to have hair again as an “old” man. I certainly wasn’t was some kind of dried-up prune of a thing pushing my oversized cock before me on a cart, no matter what the stories said. I found Chiron in the hot-tub, soaking in the bubbling water with his arms along the edge of the tub -- even from here, I could smell his scent. “There’s the birthday boy!” he said when he saw me. I laughed. “Your favorite eccentric centaur has made his first complete lap around the sun,” I said, standing in the waist-deep water so my giant cock floated just below the surface, like a small shark. “Then you’re really just a one year old, right?” he asked. “That sounds like a good average -- one year for you equals ninety-two for everyone else. So you’ll be around 8,400 when you’re REALLY 92.” I laughed. “And they say I’M the eccentric one,” I said, leaning forward to kiss him. “I’m saying immortality requires a different mindset.” He began to rub the tip of my cock, right beneath the glans -- of course it started to harden. Horny old fuck. I bent forward and kissed him. “So, what’s next?” I asked. “Travel, I think. I should like to see the world! I’ve never been to the Americas, your former home -- and we should see how your centaurs are getting along. I’m curious.” “You’re just horny,” I said, toying with his cock as he teased mine. He chuckled in our kiss. “Eternally,” he said. We began our normal day -- we fucked -- and we made our plans. *********************************************** We leave tomorrow and have been fucking our goodbyes through the local populace. Our personal staff will travel with us and we have people to watch the cave (not that we expect any trouble -- even the worshippers are dedicated and respectful) and of course everything is connected to everything now, so communication is hardly in the Age of Homer, trying desperately to reach Ithaca. I plan to visit my grandfather’s grave and bury the little stone icon of the muscular man with the giant penis there to honor him. He watched over it for so many years in life, I’d like it to watch over him in death. I will thank him too, properly, for the gift he gave me. That’s the purpose of this story, I suppose -- to honor my grandfather. I’ve taken much of the last week writing it -- to help organize my thoughts -- and I’ve struggled with its theme. Chiron has read it and thinks it’s just fine as it is. “Let it speak for itself,” he said. “You Americans and your obsession with plot. It’s a symbolic piece -- it requires more thought than what’s happening in the plot. Let it be.” And so I do. This is my story -- this is what happened when Pholus was reborn. Thank you, Big Red.
  4. BigZargo12

    Metal muscle 3

    Metal muscle part three Metal cabin crash The four middle-age men were playing cards and drinking. Ryan, Paul, Huber, and Lee were all drunk and ready to pass out. As the fireplace began to dim all four men suddenly felt a cold wave of fear and a sense of doom, but that was the only warning they had as the cabin door was forcibly slammed open. The wooden chips shattering everywhere, peppering the four men. Then four huge 8 feet tall metal muscular men stepped through the demolished cabin door, destroying some of the doorframe as they passed through. Each man was overcome by a supernatural wave of fear, causing them to pee their pants. The four sons of Emperor maximum did not wait for these four men to overcome their fear. The first metal man went up to Huber whose back was closest to the destroyed cabins door. With a strong grip the metal man yanked Huber, onto the floor, dislocating his arm in the process. Then swiftly one by one Huber’s arms and legs were broken each making a snapping sound as Huber screamed in pain as the metal man stopped on them. The screams of the pudgy Huber snap others from their feared induced shock but by then it was too late for the other metal men were upon, each yanking them off their chairs and crushing their limbs preventing them from resisting. The sons of Emperor maximum grabbed their victim’s pants and slowly transmuted it into metal. Once the victim’s pants and undergarments became metal it flowed into the metal men revealing the victims naked lower half flaked with bits of metal that were slowly spreading on the skin. Each of the victim’s broken limb began to heal but as they did so metal began to spread slowly covering the broken area. Huber’s arms and legs no longer hurt but now felt heavy and limp. A string feeling was coming from his arms and legs, he tried to lift his right arm only the fine it not responding. When Huber with a tiered full glanced at his right hand, saw and felt the metal slowly spreading from the spot that was broken by this man covered in metal. He drunkenly realizes that he was turning into a metal man. He and his other friends try to resist as each of their legs spread out. Huber saw his metal assailant smiling with the evil grin and glowing red eyes as he felt his virgin ass hole being stuffed by his assailant monsters metal cock. At First Huber felt pain as his fat ass was being stuffed but then that pain transformed into pleasure. He started to feel the metal man move his hips back and forth pulling and plunging his fat metal cock in Huber’s fat ass. Huber could feel corruption spreading across his body slowly changing him. Huber couldn’t resist the pleasurable metallic corruption as he was one of the first to praise the name of Emperor maximum, and with those words spoken Huber’s cock already hard because of the pleasure began to fatten and swell as it was being coded in metal. “By Emperor maximum please keep stuff your hard-fat metal cock into this fat pig’s ass.” Hubert said As He squealed and panted in pleasure. Huber and his friend’s transformation started to pick up. Huber’s fat pudgy body began to swell and harden with growing muscles as metal started to completely cover him. First, he started to stretch out growing tall and tell reaching 8 feet. Then his chest began to widen out words as his pecs started to harden and balloon out pushing his nipples downwards. Bursting his shirt as it slowly became metal and was the absorbed by Huber’s growing body. His neck thickened with muscle; his biceps swelled with growth; His thighs grew until they were larger than tree trunks; His pudgy belly transformed into a huge muscle gut, and as his face was covered in metal his jaw squared out his face became more hard and his eyes turned red. Huber’s body was now completely covered in metal, with no hair insight and extremely muscular. The newly changed Huber moaned as he said, “that the spot,” has he felt his brother of Emperor maximum thrusting began to speed up. Huber grabbed his hard-throbbing metal cock and started to rub it in the rhythm with his partner. Several moments later Huber felt hot metallic cum blast up his ass, and a couple seconds later he came shooting there metallic cum all over himself. Huber felt the cock in his beefy metal ass leave as his partner stood up. When Huber got up from the floor, he saw that most of his friends were converted into huge muscular metal men. Lee was resisting the blessing of Emperor maximum but his will was a waning as half of his once skinny body was covered in metal. The rest of the sons of Emperor maximum surrounded the prone Lee, as his ass was being fucked. Lee tried to plead with his friends. but it fell on deaf ears. The presence of the other metal men began to speed up Lee’s conversion. Lee moaned and then roared as his muscles grew and metal covered the rest of his skin. Several seconds later the man that was Lee panted as his hot metallic cum was reabsorbed back into his metallic skin. Once there were four sons of Emperor maximum now, they were eight. It did not take Ryan, Paul, Huber, and Lee, very long to slowly lose their memories of being human. Their human names no longer meeting anything to them as the sons of Emperor maximum had little of their past lives. Then they heard the voice of the Crystal heart. “Yes, my little brothers spread the blessings of our father Emperor maximum. Once I nearly claimed this world in the name of our father, but 12 Shaman stopped me. This time I will not do this alone, And I will not stop until this world is covered in metal and every man praises the name of our father Emperor maximum.”
  5. BigZargo12

    Metal muscle 2

    Metal muscle part two breaking and entering Samuel Fornes woke up from the sounds of his wife Grace Fornes screaming. Causing Samuel to send up, he might be Old, but no one will hurt his Grace. Samuel saw three pairs of malevolent red eyes and suddenly he knew fear. Before he could muster up the strength to act, he was grabbed and yanked off of his bed. The vice like grip on his shoulder hurt like hell, as he felt a huge cold hand grab his left arm crushing it. Samuel cried out after felt his bones from his left lower arm break. His shoulder was not spared as well as he heard the snapping sound. He heard deep grunts of laughter at his pain. Samuel thought what kind of monsters have invaded my home. Then he felt two hands grab both of his legs, slowly crushing them. Samuel screaming in pain as his bones were being crushed, nearly passed out when he felt a jolt. Then he was lifted up by two arms, belly facing the ceiling and his back facing the floor, failing to use his good arm to escape. When he felt himself crashing down on his assailant’s knee breaking his back with a loud snap. Grace started to scream when she heard her husband’s back being broken. She couldn’t see anything as she tried reaching for the lamp, only to find that the lamp did not turn on when she twisted the knob. Then suddenly she a felt a big hand grab the back of her neck lifting her off her bed, she could barely breathe. Then slowly the room began to light up as the monster who was holding the back of her neck and her lifted up in the air had a glowing lightbulb and its other hand. She saw two huge extremely muscular metal skin man with red eyes completely bald and had wicked grins on their strong faces. Then she saw a broken Samuel on the floor ignoring the fact that the metallic skin men’s huge cocks were erect. To her horror she saw metal slowly covering her husband’s skin. When the metal completely covered Samuels skin he began to grow with metallic muscles. First his body became more defined and trim melting away his jelly belly. Then he began to swell all over with muscle causing his nightgown to tighten and stretch showing off the growing muscles beneath. Eventually his nightgown began to tear showing off his new metal muscular back, then his pants legs showing off some of his huge muscular thighs. Then his striped nightshirt’s sleeves completely burst off showing off his huge veiny biceps as he slowly got up from the floor. With a deep roar he completely destroyed his favorite nightgown. When he turned around Grace saw her husband was now 8 feet tall had, huge beefy pecs, was erect, had Mental skin and had glowing red eyes with a strong square jaw. Samuel walked slowly towards his wife reaching out with his new huge metallic right hand cupping her right cheek. Samuel saw that she was scared with tears in her eyes and a look of pleading hope for her husband to recognize her. Samuel gave her a warm smile and a look of recognition. Grace calm down a little at the site of her husband’s signature smile but her face turned to horror as she felt herself getting stabbed by Samuel whose left hand form into a giant mental knife. Rather than bleed to death she felt metal slowly crept all over her body devouring her and slowly flowing back into Samuel. When Samuel was done consuming his wife, he felt powerful. His hand returned to normal and as one of his new brother who is holding the ones glowing lightbulb crushed it with one hand. The three sons of maximum came up to Samuel and began to feel his new huge metal muscle body. Closing his eyes, he felt his body being fondled. He felt every lick, every squeeze and he liked it. He loved the look in grace’s eyes as he stabbed her. He loved how his bones were broken and reformed. he going to love breaking the bodies men with his muscular arms and legs and see them be reborn as the sons of maximum. He began to masturbate grabbing his huge hard metal cock with his huge right hand and began to rub it. Moaning and grunting at all of the worship of his new metal muscular body. He felt a thick tongue on his muscular back, his huge thigh and left flexing bicep. Eventually he came shooting his thick metallic cum from his huge fat veiny cock. Then all of them heard the voice of the Crystal heart.” They are four more men around to the east of here. Conquer in the name of Emperor maximum.” All four of them could see in the dark all four them could sense life in the unchanged.
  6. BigZargo12

    Metal muscle

    Metal muscle part one The crystal heart Theodore Copper and his friends/roommate Jackson Stars were just returning home with their nerdy friend, Miles Towers with a heavy chest, that they found in the woods. Once they made room on their table. All three of them lifted the heavy chest onto the table and as they did the old rusty lock fell apart, allowing them access to its contents. Jackson out of blatant curiosity open the chest, to the exhausted protests of Theodore and Miles. Inside the chest was a red crystal heart, not a crystal in a 2-D heart-shaped, it was a literal crystal in the shape of a human heart with veins. The beauty of this crystal heart enthralled, all three of them, who simply stare at it, even while it started to glow and beat, and as it did their hearts began to beat and rhythm with it. Every second Theodore, Jackson and Miles began to feel their hearts crystallize. Each of them falling on to the floor as blood no longer flew through their veins. Then like magic, there newly crystallize hearts began to beat and as it did a metal substance began to flow in their bodies. There veins darkened as the magic of Emperor Maximum started to change them into his metal men, his soldiers, his servants, his children. All three of their souls were heated, crushed and remade, in the image of Emperor Maximum. Every beat of the crystal heart pump liquid metal in their veins, which eventually led into their internal organs. Anything that the liquid metal blood touched became living metal. When it reached their bodies muscle system then the magic started to kick into gear. Each of their right pec was the first to swell with new growth as the skin slowly turned into a type of flexible silver metal. Each beat of their hearts causes them to grow with metal muscle. There shirts and pants started to become tight as patches of skin turned into metal. Each of them grew taller until they each reached 8 feet. Their bodies widening and growing to compensate for the new growth. There once flat chest began to balloon with muscle. There left pec quickly caught up to the growing right pec as both kept growing with size and girth. All three of their bellies began to develop abs, but Miles belly was already fat, so it simply ballooned out. While Theodore and Jackson’s belly developed a hard eight pack abs of steel while Miles was developing a metal muscle gut. Their legs and arms were already started to tone as their wastes widen and trimmed. There thighs swell with muscle like growing tree trunks. Their strain clothes began to rip and tier, revealing their swelling muscular metal skin. There shoes burst from their huge growing metal feet as their shredded shirts and pants completely fell off of their huge hard muscular metal bodies. With Veins full of liquid metal pumping into the huge biceps and lower arms, making them grow freakishly huge. Eventually their metallic blood reached their cock and balls, causing their cocks to become hard, as its swell with girth as liquid metal covered their cocks and growing balls. Their jaws squared out; their noses became more blunt, there eyebrows became more pronounced, and their faces became more harder. All their hair was gone, and their eye became red and the white of their eyes turned black. The three son the maximum got up from the floor using their new strength. Each of them trying to remember who they are. “Is that you Miles” Theodore said as he began to walk towards the changed Miles, who was now huge, like a heavyweight bodybuilder with a case of muscle gut. Theodore placed his right huge metal hand on one of Miles huge muscular metal shoulder. Miles shoulder felt strangely soft, hard, firm and strong. Theodore came closer to Miles as he so did, so he begin to fondle miles huge metallic pecs. Meanwhile, Jackson began to walk towards Theodore’s huge muscular metallic back, with swagger. Miles love the feeling of Theodore rubbing his huge pecs. He loved it when Theodore started touching and rubbing his metal nipples. Miles hands drifted towards the sides of Theodore’s huge thighs, eventually drifting towards Theodore’s muscular metal ass. Jackson began to feel Theodore strong back, feeling all of crevices of Theodore’s back muscles. Theodore stopped fondling miles pecs as miles began to fondle Theodore’s huge metallic arms starting with his shoulders. Miles,” with those metal guns you can properly bend metal.” “More like breaks some bones.” Theodore said with an evil grin eyes glowing red. Miles had a look of concern for a second then his eyes glowed as well, and then he had an evil smile, he said.” With this tool,” Miles pointed to his thick hard metallic cock. “I could spit roast a man to death. Better yet I could break his back with a thrust of my cock, and with my balls, I could smash a person’s ass to dust.” All three of them stopped and looked confused. Their actions didn’t feel normal or like themselves. But as the influence of Emperor maximum grew their attitudes change. Jackson did a double bicep pose and said. “With these guns, I bet I could probably rip a man’s arms off all by myself.” Theodore with enthusiasm said,” I could probably rip a man in half, with mine,”. Miles grabbed his hard metal cock and began to rub it in pleasure at the thought of his masculinity at the thought of crushing things with his huge metallic muscles at the thought of men being broken by his muscles. Living, dead and broken men will become the sons of maximum. This world will belong to Emperor maximum. Theodore and Jackson also began to masturbate. As the thoughts of Emperor maximum completely took hold over all three of them. Eventually miles came, then Theodore and finally Jackson spilling their hot metallic seed everywhere. The thoughts of conquest on their minds.
  7. A lonely small-town Part five the big bad ogres Owen smiled as his plan came to fruition. Benjamin and his gang had fulfilled their bargain. He had to admit that the plan could have completely failed, he was not expecting the police to look for Benjamin as a suspect for the disappearance of Officer Carrick, or that one of the teachers at their high school would be suspicious of Benjamin’s and his friends activities and all those witnesses. But at the end of the day had all he wanted and more. Benjamin and his friends were already his, but the other ones were not he will have to process the people that Benjamin and his friends have captured. Owen had the Carrick prepare cells for his guests as prepared to teleport them. Owen, Michael and Carrick were walking to the place designated for the teleport, with Luke and Johnny carting six medium size chest of gold. Owen said, “there are four nerds: Bob, Timmy, Jeff and, Billy each with specialties that I would like to cultivate allowing me to focus on our next targets. The big bad boys have captured a few other humans as well, one of them being Timmy’s brother named Jason, the math teacher Mr. Noah is useless but I’ll simply his math skills. Noah is to manipulative and has no loyalty, He would do more harm than good, as a powered or focus ogre. Therefore, Mr. Noah will have to be turned into a basic type ogre. The two homeless people will have to be scanned to see the any potential. Finally, there is Benjamin’s mother, I will sacrifice her to the great father and blessed mother.” “You Michael will have Jason. Think of it as your final test. With the goal of turning him into a focus type ogre. Carrick you will escort our prisoners to our cells. Then you will return to the teleport site. By the time you return Benjamin’s and his friends should be turned into ogres and they should be turning the rest of our prisoners into ogres as well. You will insert your dominance on Tommy and by extension his gang. Luke and Johnny will watch our guests wall I perform the sacrifice.” The group of ogres reached the site that Owen designated for teleporting for his prize, Owen began the teleporting ritual. In the sudden flash a group of people appeared, six people standing with nine people tied up. The 20-year-old Tommy and 19-year-old Benjamin walked towards Owen, Tommy should have been panicking or starstruck that the site of five towering hairy muscle beast, but as Owen plan Tommy thought all was well and that he would be receiving his gold. The drink that Owen tricked Benjamin to give to him and his friend, worked like a charm. Owen could feel they are mines as they are wills slowly became his and as their humanity slowly degrade. Benjamin introduced Tommy to Owen as Owen gave Tommy a handshake. Tommy, “I didn’t believe Benjamin went told me that he was kidnapped by ogres but when you send him that gold my ears perked up. We have brought you the people you wanted and more.” Owen smiled, “And for that you will be handsomely rewarded.” Luke walked up and opened an ornate chest with six bronze keys. Owen smiled as he said, “each of those keys opens a chest full of gold, one for each of your gang members.” Tommy was reaching his hand out towards the ornate chest with keys, when Luke close the ornate chest.” Of course, I have to check the prisoners. I have to make sure that you and your gang members got the people I was looking for.” Owen said with a smile and a stern look. Owen walk towards the kneeling prisoners. First one he walked towards was Bob, He was blindfolded. Owen grabbed Bob’s head, With his huge hairy right hand and glimpsed Bob’s mind. Owen smiled as he found a hacker or really a computer programmer one who wasn’t half bad. Then he went to Timmy and read his mind. Timmy resisted Owens mental probing then the end, he succumbed. Owen continued with Jeff then body finding them to be useful. Owen beckoned Carrick and Johnny to come over with the huge cart. Carrick began to pick up the first four prisoners that Owen scanned and placing them in the huge cart as Luke began handing out the locked metal chest to Tommy’s gang. Michael went up to the tide up Jason and lifted him over his huge hairy shoulders and left, heading towards a refurbish a building. Owen went up to Noah, who was a scrawny man with black hair, big long nose and lazy light blue eyes. Owen extracted all of Noah math skills and education, he will still remember his skills for now, but when Tommy gets to him, that will change. Then Owen went towards the first of the two homeless people. He found that Andrew had some skills which Owen extracted finding Andrew to be a useless alcoholic because his wife died in a car accident. Theodore on the other hand was alcoholic as well and schizophrenic, making it hard for him to hold down a job. Once these two become ogres their mines will reset but some of their based personalities traits will remain. Finally, without can, Owen went towards Benjamin’s mother and gently pick her up taking her towards one of the destroyed buildings. As Owen walked past, he gave a nod to Luke, who started handing out keys to the metal chest filled with gold. Then Luke sprinkled dust onto the prisoners as he went behind them and pulled off their blindfolds. When the kneeling Tommy with a greedy smile open the chest box containing gold. A flash of golden light shine all over him and his gang, pushing Tommy back on his ass. Tommy and his friends suddenly felt extremely horny as their mines began to fog up. First hair began grow all over their bodies as each grew different types of facial hair Tommy grew a royal beard, Billy mutton chop beard, Benjamin a goatee, Leo chin strap, Jack a circle beard and hunter a normal beard. Then they began to grow. First, there hairy feet, lengthening and widening and tell their shoes burst in half than snap off as their lower legs grew. When they had huge wide meaty calves than their thighs size began to grow with muscles and tell they were larger than tree trunks, making their pants and shorts tear off of them, revealing their huge hairy defined thighs. There ass was not spared from the growth, and at this point their shredded destroyed pants and shorts were barely hanging on. Each of their erect cock began to swell in the length and tell they reach 10 inches as their hairy balls began to swell out to the size of large oranges. There chest, back and hips widening as they began to grow taller which caused them to show hairy bellies. Then their upper bodies began to grow with muscles befitting ogres. First, there chest began to pack on muscles, causing their shirts to stretch out. Then their hairy pecs balloon out with muscle, causing some of their shirts to tear near the neckline and others to be stretched out near bursting. All of their hairy arms begin and to grow as well, putting even more strain on their clothes. Tommy’s already having four pack abs began to feel hairy belly crunch and swell with muscle finally making his shirt stretch to its lament as his huge biceps and shoulders grew to the new huge size, his shirt and pants completely fell off in shredded tatters. While Billy with his new huge arms, grabbed his tight shirt and ripped it off of him revealing his huge hairy muscular chest and huge hairy belly. Benjamin with his shirt and pants shredded, and on the ground and with one huge hand grabbed his tight boxer briefs and yanked it off, freeing his huge fat cock and balls. Leo being the already muscular before his transformation became larger than the rest of his friends, with his huge wide hairy muscular back so defined that it looks like wings were pressed to it. Jack and the rest of the gang’s necks began to thicken as they are shoulders grew out and their triceps to grow tall and tell they look like they necks were gone. At this point their jaws squared out, their canines sharpening, and skin thickening as all of them skin turned orange but Billy’s instead his already brown skin turning darker shade of brown. Once they were six human men now stood six hairy extremely muscular ogres exuding masculinity. Each with huge basketball size biceps, quarter size nipples pointing down and horny as hell. Tommy’s and his friend’s mines were forever changed each seeing ogres as sexy beast. It was then that the changed Tommy heard groans and then got up turned around only see another ogre with a brown beard and short brown hair, having fun with a blow job with one of the prisoners as right in front of their eyes. They didn’t even notice Noah and Theodore and their sexual bliss. The man started to grow bursting from his ragged clothes, revealing huge hairy muscle beast with a huge hairy plump belly and delectable ass. This site of a man turning into a sexy ogre caused Tommy and his gang of friends to come, shooting hot, sticky stream of cum all over Noah and Theodore. Whose mouths were open through panting as ogre musk enveloping them. With their mouths receiving the gang’s hot ogre cum, they began to change. Noah and Theodore began to swell with muscle and fat. They are clothes began stretch and then tighten as their minds began to be crushed and twisted. Their skin turned orange as their clothes began to stretch apart from showing newly growing muscles. There physical and magical findings fell apart as they gain new strength. There chest widen out to the point that Tommy’s and his gang could see huge meaty pecs and six pack abs. But then they are bellies began to swell the skewering their patents. Then they got up shutting their old human clothes, revealing their huge fat erect cock and their huge round balls. There are jaws squared out their eye problems became more pronounced and their nose became bulleted giving them a brute like look. Hair started to pepper all over their muscular bodies giving Noah a beard and making Theodore’s reach his huge hairy pecs. The two newly changed ogres had a blank lusty look to them as they came spelling their hot cum on the ground. The smell of ogre musk and lust was potent. Then Tommy felt something slip around his thick neck as he felt a hot breath behind his neck making him feel horny all over again. Two thick muscular began to wrap around Tommy’s hairy body feeling and his new ogrish muscles causing him to moan in pleasure as he felt a fat hard cock near his ass. Then Tommy heard a deep growth voice,” yeah you make a fine ogre punk. But I’m going to have to teach you who’s boss around here.” With those words Carrick thrust his fat cock in Tommy’s hungry ass, making him growl in pleasure as the other ogres began to have sex.
  8. A lonely small-town part four every chieftain’s means an enforcer links to the other parts are at the bottom Owen smiled at Michael’s question, “why don’t we just fuck them.” Owen said, “because we want them to be useful. Therefore, if you just plowed the prisoners, they wouldn’t gain any magical abilities and they may lose useful knowledge. Luke and Johnny are more basic because I let my musk fried their brains so that they would be more obedient. Magic requires more independent thoughts. Just me fucking them would turn them into an extremely basic ogre. The milk is important for prep, it helps me in print their purpose and allows them some independent actions. It would be easy to simply make them drink some of my cum and watch them turn. But I’m planning to give him a purpose.” “It was my purpose,” Michael asked. “You purpose is to be my electrical worker. Me giving you powers was an experiment,” Owen said. Owen grabbed a bucket, as he explained his plan. “I’m thinking that we feed them are milk for a couple of days, to prime our officer for his transformation. Plus, this should give me time to imbue him with magic.” Michael said, “you are saying that you just can’t give people magic freely.” No Owen said,” it takes time to grow the magic and split off from me, plus if I were to give it recklessly, they may turn against me and kill me.” Michael looked at Owen and said, “I would never kill you. you gave me this awesome gift.” Michael lifted his right muscular arm as lightning coursed around it. Owen,” the more powerful magic or complex magic I give for this transformation, the more independent they will be. Look at Luke and Johnny,” both ogres turned to face the two other ogres having sex on the stage in the common room. Then Owen and Michael turned their faces back toward each other.” I could have them stop at any time and do work for me or even commit suicide, but you Michael would resist that command.” “So, the more magical ogres I make. The more I must make sure that I am the dominant ogre. If you were to decide to make more ogres Michael. You could attract unwanted attention. Because I do not know how many humans still have magic, and it the descendants of the witch who bound me here still have magic in their blood. Well the best outcome would be banished back to my home world.” Michael looked at Owen with curiosity as he grabbed a bucket and said,” you’re from another world”,” yes” Owen said. “I was just a lonely ogre until I was summoned here to Earth, but I was, to cunning to be bound. Now Michael concentrate your power into your pecs then nipples.” Michael watched Owen’s muscular pecs inflated, as they started to produce milk. Michael closed his eyes as he concentrated his power into his pecs then nipples. He felt his pecs start to inflate with milk. “Good,” Owen said, as Michael opened his eyes. Owen grabbed his right nipple and squeezed, making milk come out. “By us giving our prisoners are milk. We prep them for their transformation, and if we want magical infusion. After”, Michael squeezed his right nipple producing his chocolate milk he said. “You gave me electric powers what powers or you planning to give to them.” Owen finishing his milking his left nipple smiled at Michael. “I’m planning to transform the cop into my enforcer, to make sure when I make more magical ogres. That I can control them, because as I said the more magical or complex the powers the more independent, they will be, and some powers I give them will make them uncontrollable with my direct will. If they were to be let loose, they can cause people to notice us, and my magic has limits.” Owen moved his left hand an around and said, “this town may be my prison but is also my domain.” Michael watched as Owen’s thick hairy pecs, re-inflated after he milk them dry. Then Owen began to milk himself again.” My domain is a source of a chunk of my power, and although through the help of Luke and Johnny. I was able to transport you and bless you. Magic can’t create everything. By transforming people into ogres, my reach expands, especially the more magical power I give to an individual ogre. Michael that’s enough,” as Michael went down to grab a second bucket. Owen smiled, “with his three buckets of his milk. We have a plenty enough of milk to corrupt our officer.” Officer Carrick Cooper was trapped in a cage naked, with Benjamin the punk 17-year-old sharing his fate in a separate cage. He was checking up on Johnny Comepie to see if he knew the whereabouts of Luke Wen. Instead he was captured by two huge hairy muscle beast who were over 10 feet tall. Those monsters even grabbed the kid. He didn’t know what they did to the water, but it tasted funny. For some reason there was a large mirror on one side of the cage. Carrick use to had, short red hair, a mustache a little bit of chest hair. But as soon as one of those muscle monsters gave him a cup of something that looks like chocolate milk. His hair began to grow. His once clean-shaven face had a full on unkept red beard, his short hair grew out, his chest hair became a red pelt, his arms and legs mostly naturally hairless started to be covered with a growth of red hair, and his dreams once pure became gay and pervy. Carrick couldn’t stop masturbating after he had drinking the second cup of milk, but he couldn’t resist. He felt guilty of this sin, and of his thoughts of having sex with hot thick hairy men. After the third day of feeding the cop the corruptive milk. Owen and Michael went down to check on their captives. Benjamin saw two more hairy muscle beast at his cage, one was oranges with black hair brown eyes and had a bushy mustache and sharp sideburn, with a hairy muscle gut and while the other one had dark chocolate skin, dark brown eyes, A bushy beard, with a mohawk, with blue markings on his body, and was extremely muscular with eight pack abs and was hairy with short curly black hair. Then the one with the mustache waived his right arm and said my name is “Owen” in a strange deep accent. “What do you want from me Owen,” Benjamin said with a sneer? Owen replied, “to see if you have any value to me.” Owen’s face turned towards the cage which holding the cop, who Benjamin could see was now hairy and crazed as he saw the cop’s green eyes. Owen smiled as he pointed at the cop and said. “This one will make a good sacrifice giving me more power and a good feast”. Benjamin blanched at the thought of being eaten by these big hairy cannibals. Owen gave an evil grin, “course you can avoid this fate by offering to be useful to me by telling me everything you know.” For the next several minutes Benjamin on his knees and tears in his eyes begged, threatened, and blathered about how important he was and how he may help Owen. Owen phrase his right hand then Benjamin became silent with fear of Owen’s decision. Then Owen turned his palm up to the sky then in a flash a bucket with a brush appeared. Owen looked at Benjamin said, “I’m going to ask you a few questions, depending how these turn out will decide your fate.” Owen’s first question was, “you said that you belong to a gang if so, how many members you have and, what is this gang called.” “we are called the big bad boys, there are five members me, Tommy, Billy, Leo, and Jack.” “Good “Owen said as he nodded his head.” “My second question, what are these people you call nerds?” Benjamin muttered, “They name, Bob, Timmy, Jeff, Bobby.” “My third question, tell me more about these nerds?” Benjamin told Owen everything he knew about Bob and others he and his gang bullied. Owen smiled at the news that Benjamin told him. “My fourth question Owen said. If I were to offer you gold for you and your gangs services, would you take it.” Benjamin nodded his head in approval of the idea. Good Owen said, “as he came to a decision. This is what you will do. When I return you to your town, you will find your gang.” Then Owen with his left hand teleported a barrel, “you will have them drink this barrel of liquid. Note that they only need a cup of this liquid. Then you offer them gold to kidnap Bob and his friends and bring them to me.” With his right-hand Owen summoned a small bag of gold and revealed its contents to Benjamin. Benjamin’s eyes widened with greed and he nodded yes. Owen smiled as he snapped his fingers and Benjamin’s close returned to him. “First thing you’ll need is this,” and with another snap his fingers. A mug appeared before Benjamin’s eyes. “You will need to drink this so that the ring of hypnosis will not affect you.” With some trepidation Benjamin grabbed the floating mug and drink it and impressed by Owens power. Benjamin thought being on Owens good side would make him rich. Owen closed and dropped the small bag of gold, as he made his hands into fists and turned his hands revealing his palms and to items. A golden ring with a glass gem sticking out and a golden chain necklace with a blank tag on it. “This ring will allow you to hypnotize people, by pointing the glass gem at a person you can make them do things you want. It doesn’t last very long, and you can’t make them kill themselves or others. The necklace allows things to go smoothly and by tapping it to a mirror you can contact me.” Then Owen said, “palms up” as he placed his big hands through the bars of the cage. The cage moved around Owens arms making oval shape. Benjamin had his palms out as Owen dropped the two items in his hand. Benjamin immediately put the two items on. Then Owen pulled his hands out of the cage and snap his fingers and the barrel shrank into a flask. Then Owen summoned a bag and placed the flask and small bag of gold in it. “I almost forgot” Owen said with a grin. “If you betrayed me or telling anyone about me, I will kill you, and don’t think you can trick me or that I wouldn’t know if you tell someone. I’m going to give you two weeks to get me those people that I want.” Then the bars on the cage parted making a man size oval shape, as Benjamin walked out. Owen handed Benjamin the bag of supplies and smiled, with a snap of Owen’s thick fingers Benjamin was gone. Michael said, “do you think that the kid will come through.” Owen looked at Michael and said, “he will. When I gave him that drink, he slowly turning into an ogre which will allow me to enforce my will on him, his mind at first then his body at a slower rate, and that drink I told him to give his friends will slowly turn them into ogres and eventually make their way here. The necklace will allow me to implant orders into them without them realizing it. Allowing to gain my strength back and a chance for you and our office here. The chance to convert them into ogres. Don’t worry about giving them purpose I already implanted a purpose into them.” Owen summoned a chair for Michael to sit on. “I’m going to show you how to convert others into ogres. Owen grabbed the bucket with the brush and turned to face the cage with Carrick in it. As I said before, if we just fuck them without preparation they’ll lose most if not all of their memories, by drenching them with our musk we prep them for this transformation allowing us to select certain attributes we want. Once you or more powerful you can choose to imprint a personality of your choosing. Of course, are milk kind it is the same thing but allows us to add to type of attribute like magic, strength, intelligent and/or other skills or abilities.” Owen was now in front of the cage that Carrick was in and took off his loincloth to reveal his fat 10-inch-long cock and huge balls the size of large oranges. Michael unzipped his pants revealing his fat 12-inch-long cock and huge balls that also the size of large oranges and began to rub it in anticipation. Carrick was drooling at the site of these two hairy muscle beasts. The one with the black mustache and sideburns said my name is “Owen, and I know what you want”. As he grabbed his fat cock and squeezed causing some precum to ooze out. Carrick tried to grab Owen’s fat juicy cock, but he was too far away from the cage. Owen smiled at his prison, turned his face to Michael and said. “After a couple days of milk, he’s desperate for our cocks. The longer we make him wait the more lustful he becomes. I want him to be bound to me and order for me to do this I need him to willingly serve me. Too early and they will have a lot more autonomy and if we wait too long, they become extremely dependent on me. This is the perfect time turned him into an ogre.” Owen turned his face back to the last craze Carrick. Owen asked, “Carrick, are you willing to serve me, are you willing to submit and obey me.” Carrick gave a nod and said, “yes master,” then the cage opened up and Carrick came out with his hard-throbbing erect cock. Owen commanded Carrick to turn around, and as he did, he felt a slash as his red back hair fell off his pale skin. Owen began to paint a chain symbol on Carrick back. Each paint stroke made Carrick moan in pleasure. When Owen was done painting on Carrick’s back, he turned around in your and began to lick and suck at Owen’s fat cock. Owen moan in pleasure as Carrick was ravenous in his work. The green chain symbol on Carrick back began to glow brighter the closer Owen was near his climax. Owen beckoned Michael to come and joined. Owen in pleasure said, “to Michael, this one is going be strong one, as he pointed at the glowing green chain symbol on Carrick back. When I hit my climax, it will be your turn to tag in.” Michael stopped rubbing his cock as he saw Owen straightened out and saw his balls clenched up as he moaned out loud, as he came. Carrick greedily drink all of his master Owen’s delicious tasting cum, but he was still thirsty for ogre cum. Owen moved over as Michael replaced him to feed Carrick some delicious ogre cum. Like before Carrick sucked and licked at Michael’s fat cock. Owen went behind Carrick waiting for him to begin his transformation. “Once his done transforming he will want ass, Michael.” As Carrick sucked on Michael’s fat cock, he began to change mentally. He knew he had power, and he knew that he was losing some of his memories. He knew that he could stop he would be free from these sexy hairy muscle beast’s influence forever. But he tried to stop but the taste was so good. As Michael was near his climax, Carrick began to feel his humanity fade away as it was replaced with something new. Michael exploded in Carrick’s mouth, as Carrick drank all of Michael’s cum like his life depended on it. Carrick began to transform into an ogre. First, he felt his feet swell and grow. Then Owen, Michael and Carrick saw the veins crawling from his huge hairy feet, causing his lower legs to grow muscle, as the veins of growth crept up to his thighs causing them to swell with muscle and tell they were larger than a humans head. Carrick felt his ass ballooning out with muscle and a little bit of fat, then his hard cock began grow longer and thicker from 5 inches to 10 inches long and widen to the size of a soda can. His balls grew to the size of large oranges. The growth spread to his spine making him get taller, as he felt his belly balloon out with muscle and tell he had a big hairy muscle gut. He began to widen to compensate for his new growth and muscles as his, shoulders began to widen and grow with muscle. Owen saw Carrick back began to widen and grow out with muscle as his back hair grew back. Then the growth is affected his pecs causing them grow and thick with muscles, his nipples expanded until they were the size of quarters and they were pointing down. Then Carrick’s arms began to grow his once average biceps ballooned out with muscle until they were the size of basketballs, the growth spread to his lower arms and then his hands grew out and tell they were the size of baseball mitts. His face was the final thing to change, his jaw squared out, his nose rounded and grew a little, and his face became more brutish. Carrick said in a deep voice, “I need ass.” Within a nod from Owen Michael turned around showing his ass to Carrick face. Carrick knelt and began to lick Michael’s ass in preparation of plowing it. Michael moaned and pleasure as he felt his cock get hard again. Then Carrick got up and with his right hand grabbed his fat cock as he placed it in Michael’s ass, causing him to moan out. Carrick with his free right hand grabbed Michael’s cock and began to rub it, in rhythm of the movement. Owen with his re-hardened cock dripping with precum, began to rub it on Carrick’s ass, in prep to stuffing his fat cock and Carrick’s ass. When Carrick’s ass lubed up, Owen placed his fat cock in Carrick’s ass, causing Carrick to moan in pleasure. All three ogres were in the sexual rhythm, each moving their muscular hips in time with each other. Carrick smiled as he said, “this is the life,” Michael responded, “yeah it is.” “Yes! Yes! Yes!” Owen said out loud, grinning like a madman. All three ogres began to move faster as they came closer to a climax. All three ogres roared in lust as they all came. Michael’s cum shot out of his fat cock and hit the cage that wants held Benjamin. All three ogres grinning and untangled from each other sprawling on the floor in an afterglow. Then Luke and Johnny showed up, immediately they went to Owen and began to lick his cock clean. Owen thought how he was going to turn the big bad boys into his muscle, but he especially wanted to turn those nerds into big strong hairy ogres that were loyal to him. Links to lonely small town parts one:https://muscle-growth.org/topic/19581-a-lonely-small-town-part-one-bored-and-lonely-ogre/?tab=comments#comment-263961 part two:https://muscle-growth.org/topic/19593-a-lonely-small-town-part-two-ogre-needs-plumbing/?tab=comments#comment-264208
  9. A lonely small-town part three an ogre’s thunder links to part one and two are at the bottom. Owen was using Johnny’s phone to search the Internet for his next victims. Owen realized that he needed a lot of people to make town function. So, he made a list for the people he needed to corrupt. After he attained electricity for his town, he would need to get some construction workers and then he me to feed the construction workers, so we have to get some kind of chef, but a chef would meet food to cook. Owen side in exhaustion, he grabbed his nose with his big thumb and pointer finger and squeezed. Owen knew that there was a college in the town that Luke and Johnny were from. He knew that there were cameras and security in their library. So, Owen made a list of people to kidnapped and to corrupt, the first on his list was the man named Michael the electrical worker who worked on power lines. Then through Johnny he went to the college’s website for information, he knew that they were some students taking classes that would make them good farmers and druids. Owen had Luke and Johnny go to collect Johnny’s stuff from his house. In one of the amended buildings in Owen’s town. Owen was looking through Johnny’s stuff, admiring at Johnny’s flat screen TV. Owen noted that a lot of the people he can get could be found at the college. That would be his next stop after he attained Michael, then he would have to corrupt the two people that Luke and Johnny captured. One of the people they captured was a cop the other one was some kind of punk. Owen smiled to himself, he wasn’t sure what you would do with a punk, but the cop would be useful. His ability to turn humans into ogres had limits he couldn’t spam it and usually took a week to recharge but with Luke and Johnny’s help he could reduce it to a day. Plus, the more Owen turned people into ogres the better he got at it. Luke was a fairly smart guy but now as an ogre he wasn’t bright, often flexing to himself while looking at a mirror. Which made Luke manageable, while Johnny wasn’t very bright as a human, Owen was able to let Johnny keep some of his intelligence, especially how to be a plumber. Owen closed his eyes to see what Johnny and Luke was up to. Johnny was licking Luke’s hairy armpits in worship, Luke had his eyes close in pleasure, as Luke’s bearded face had a smile of pleasure. Luke’s unkept short brown hair his thick bushy eyebrows made him look brutish and masculine. While Johnny’s black hair was slightly longer, and he had a bushy mustache and goatee. Then Johnny made his way to Luke’s lips and they began to make out rubbing their hairy chest together, Johnny’s belly was a lot fatter than Luke’s who had more of a muscle gut, while both for their pecs were firm. Owen opened his eyes and with his left hand grabbed his semi hard cock and he gave it a squeeze and he grown in pleasure at the touch. Then Owen finalized his plans to capture Michael. Owen turned Johnny’s flat screen TV into an Oracle device to spy on Michael. Michael was around 5 feet tall, average build, dark brown skin, with short black curly hair, with a small sharp mustache, an average nose, and dark brown eyes. Michael was wearing his work clothes, as he ate lunch. Owen watched Michael work and tell the end of the day, waiting for Michael to go home. Owen had Luke and Johnny prepare to capture Michael when Owen teleported him to the building that Owen and his ogres set up. It took concentration to make sure that Luke and Johnny weren’t fucking on the job, and prisoners were kept asleep, and tell they could be turned. Several hours later Michael was at his house and taking off his clothes. Within a flash of light, he was teleported. Michael was blinded by a sudden flash of light, then he felt big hands grab him. Michael eyes slowly adjusted to the room he was in. The place was cold and dark with very little light. He noticed this that he was butt naked and, that he was pinned by two hands the size of large baseball mitts holding his arms preventing him from escaping. He could barely see his captive when he heard a door opened and close. He saw the light getting closer, as he saw a large shadow get longer in front of him. When he tried to turn his face around all he saw was a big hairy belly, which made him scared and confused. Then unexplainably he felt extremely thirsty, as he saw a huge hairy muscular arm coming from his left side, holding a flask of some kind of liquid. Michael knew that he should not drink this liquid from this stranger, but he couldn’t resist he was so thirsty. As Michael drank the liquid, he knew this was a mistake. Michael felt itchy as hair started growing all over his body, he especially felt the growth hit his face as he felt a beard growing on his face. Then he felt his dick getting hard. Then suddenly Michael was turned around bumping his face on a big hairy belly. Through the movement of a light source revealed the person that was holding him had thick oranges skin. Then he felt the hairs on his back of his neck stand up on end, as he felt when his new back hair being shaved off and felt when someone painting on his raw back. Then Michael was let go, as he was rubbing his arms at the place they were grabbed. He saw the monster that was holding him to Michael’s eyes the beast was huge. With rippling muscles, a big wide hairy chest, holding a big round belly, and over 10 feet tall. The huge muscle beast was wearing blue jeans size shorts and was bare chested. His face had a dumb smile under its bushy black mustache and had blue vacant eyes, under black bushy eyebrows. Michael heard “leave us,” the voice sound deep with a strange accent. Then the musclebound beast left out the right-side room, then Michael turned around to see in another musclebound beast, but unlike the first who is holding him this one was more intelligent. With its brown eyes that gleamed with cold intelligence, that were partially covered up with thick black eyebrows. Then the musclebound beast said” my name is Owen come satisfied your thirst”. Owen waved his hand beckoning Michael to come, he couldn’t resist as his eyes saw Owens big fat meaty cock that was fully erect and write for the tasting. Michael slowly came closer to Owen’s cock, resisting every step. Michael said” what have you done to me, why am I so hairy and horny”. Owen smiled as he said,” my milk you drank made you ready for an ogre’s transformation, as your taste for a woman’s touch you will find it is gone, replaced with a better taste”. A taste of big hairy ogres and their delicious cocks. As Michael face was near Owen’s uncut cock, he tried to bite it as a last-ditch effort to defy Owen. But it only made Owen more aroused, as some precum squirted out into Michael’s mouth causing him to taste it. The second Michael tasted Owens corruptive cum he began to lick and suck Owen’s cock. Michael was trying to resist but the more of Owen’s cum he drank the more he felt the corruption taking hold. The memories of his family his past girlfriend began to fade as new sexy desires began to blossom. For some reason Owen thought Michael would start to transform by now. It must be the magic that he gave him slowing the transformation down. He knew that it would happen but didn’t know when it will come. Owen moan as corrupted Michael was licking down to his big hairy balls and nibbled on the way up to his cock’s head. Owen began to rub the back of Michael’s head, when Michael with his right arm grabbed Owens left ball sack and squeeze causing Owen to moan louder. Owen felt that he was ready to come, then he said that’s right keep sucking it. Going to be big and strong. Then Owen’s cock stiffened and with a roar Owen came in Michael’s mouth. Michael drank all of Owen’s corruptive cum, and felt his body begin to change. Because Michael was standing up the first thing to grow was Michael’s feet, is starting to get longer and wider length and tell his hairy feet were huge. Then the veins started pop out and spread and as they got to his lower legs they began to balloon out with muscle. When the veins spread to his thighs they grew as well tell they were bigger than a human’s head, making him look odd with big hairy muscular legs. Then the spread to his butt making it grow big firm muscle with a layer of fat. Michael moaned as the growth touched his balls and cock. Right before Owen’s eyes he saw Michael’s hard cock grew from 6 inches to 12 inches, doubling in size and his balls balloon out to the size of large oranges. Michael’s flat hairy belly began to harden and grow eight pack abs, that were sharp and defined even under short curly black hair. When the veins of growth got to his chest, he began to widen out to compensate the new growth of muscle. His hairy pecs thickening out with muscle as his dark nipples grew to the size of quarters and started pointing down. Owen didn’t see Michael’s back but knew it was winding and growing with muscle, as the veins reached his arms. Michael’s shoulders grew as his biceps ballooned out with muscles and tell they were the size of a basketball, then the veins carrying the growth reached his lower arms causing them to expand and then his hands began to grow and tell they were the size of baseball mitts. As the veins reached his neck, Owen can see Michael’s neck bulge with muscle, as his chin squared out his nose became rounder and blunt. With a flash of blue light markings appeared over the changed Michael. Owen saw that Michael had light blue markings over his skin. Both biceps had to blue rings around them in between those rings’ zigzag markings, and the same markings on his middle thighs like his biceps. With two lightning marks on his right pec over his heart. With the concentration Michael using his new powers burned off some of his hair and tell he had a mohawk. Michael went up to Owen and gave him a big French kiss, rubbing their tongues together as they made out, rubbing his hands behind Owens back, and squeezing his hard cock against Owens. Owen felt his cock getting hard again as Michael broke the kiss. Michael licked his two fingers from his right hand, as he said” you’re going to take my thick fat hard cock up your asshole and you’re going to like it”. Owen felt the command of Michael’s voice as he put two fingers into Owens ass, making him moan in pleasure. After Michael widen Owens asshole, Owen been his back a little so that Michael could take his ass. Michael went behind Owen and with his right-hand slapped Owens ass cheek, making Owen growl and pain and pleasure. Michael put his thick fat 12-inch cock into Owens waiting hole. The pain and pleasure of Michael’s cock made Owen moan. Then Michael began to thrust his thick hips, plunging his cock deeper into Owen’s ass. Owen grabbed his hard cock and moved is hips and rhythm with Michael. With both hands-on Owen shoulders Michael and Owen kept in rhythm, as they moaned and grunted in pleasure. Then Owen felt Michael began to ram harder and faster and as he did, so Owen began to rub his cock faster, and tell Michael came in Owen’s ass, causing Owen to squeeze his cock as he came shooting his cum on the floor. Michael with his hot breath whispered into Owens here and said thanks for this sexy gift. Links to lonely small town parts one:https://muscle-growth.org/topic/19581-a-lonely-small-town-part-one-bored-and-lonely-ogre/?tab=comments#comment-263961 part two:https://muscle-growth.org/topic/19593-a-lonely-small-town-part-two-ogre-needs-plumbing/?tab=comments#comment-264208
  10. Link to part one:https://muscle-growth.org/topic/19581-a-lonely-small-town-part-one-bored-and-lonely-ogre/?tab=comments#comment-263961 A lonely small town: part two Ogre needs plumbing Owens was looking at a device called a cell phone, he picked up the small tablet with his big thick fingers, and marvel that it. Through Luke’s memories Owen discovered many wonders and opportunities. Owen wanted to get access to the Internet for its wealth of knowledge, but he needed electricity to do so. In fact, Owen needed a lot of things to turn his prison into a home. He believed that by corrupting a hacker he may get a new type of perspective which will allow him to destroy the magic that keeps him here and turn it this place into his domain. First things first Owen thought to himself, going to need to get some plumbing around here, and thanks to Luke’s memories he knows the man for the job. Looking at the screen of Luke’s phone Owen saw the name of Johnny Comepie. Owen knew that through the perspective of Luke that Johnny an old-time friend, betrayed him when his ex-girlfriend and Johnny were caught cheating. Owen said, “how would you like to fuck Johnny, Luke”. Luke looked up at his master Owen as he pulled his mouth off of Owen’s cock, and smiled at Owen. Johnny was drunk and sad he just broke up with Alina. “That gold-digging witch taking money from me then dumping me, with that bill”, Johnny said in a drunken rage. Johnny stumbled around and went into an alley that he, Luke and some of their friends took to get to their homes. As he went through the alley something weird happened a suddenly it went dark for a second as if he blinked and then he was in a new place he’d never seen before. He was looking at an empty old small town. Then he was grabbed from behind by two strong hands and lifted in the air and carried off. The next thing that Johnny knew he was in some kind of inn. Then he was lowered down on the wooden floor, with big meaty hands holding him down making him kneel. Then Johnny looked around and saw through the mirror his kidnapper, and in drunken horror he recognized Luke. But Luke was a smooth chin and wasn’t this big or this harry giant who towered over him. Johnny said “by God what happened to you. you’re only gone for a month, you’re a fucking monster”. Johnny felt Luke’s right arm began to slacken and then he heard a deep gravelly voice and then, Luke’s hand tightened again. “Hello Johnny welcome to my small town”, Owen said. Then Johnny following the voice saw a monster, he was huge and hairy with a huge barrel chest with huge thick muscular hairy arms with biceps the size of basketballs and hands were the size of baseball mittens, hairy thighs larger than a human head and a big muscle belly attached to a chest fool of black hair with a thick neck that was attached to his head that had thick hairy eyebrows, brown piercing eyes, a shaved head, with smooth dark mutton chops, highlighting his strong jaw is attached to a square chin, with thick lips that was partially covered by thick mustache under a big nose. The loincloth he where looked old and is big bear hairy feet, made him look like a brute of the cave man, by the look of his eyes Johnny could tell that he was intelligent and cunning. Johnny said, “what have you done to Luke, your monstrous freak of nature”. Owen grinned and said, “what I’m going to do to you”. Johnny looked confuse, you mean that you’re going to turn me into some kind of steroid pumped freak of nature. Owen put his left hand behind his back and with magic pulled out a cum staying pair of white underwear and some rope. Owen kneeled, while Luke grabbed Johnny and turned him around so that Owen could tie Johnny’s arms and legs together. Once Johnny was tied up, Owen place the dirty underwear on Johnny’s face forcing him to breathe out of the cum stained underwear. Owen smiled at the tide up Johnny. With Johnny’s short black hair, his and round nose, blue eyes he looked like that character named Mario from Luke’s memories but less fat and skinnier and a smooth-shaven face, but Owen was going to change that. Owen took off his loincloth, and Luke took off his cum stained underwear and placed it on top of Johnny’s head. Johnny could barely breathe through the smelly cum stained underwear. The smell was awful making Johnny tears up, and his nose to runny. Although Johnny somewhat sobered up his head was still foggy. Johnny could feel his mind getting foggy here as he breathed in the mask of underwear, his mind was trying to resist the corruption but in his drunken state it was an uphill battle. Johnny started to feel his dick to become hard, as he can feel the corruption seeping into his mind. Johnny’s love for women started to fade as the corruption reprogrammed him to love hot big hairy beefy men. He began loving the smell of the cum stained underwear, he opened his muffled mouth and began to lick at it. Then he felt the rope that round him being removed, then the three pairs of undergarments were removed from his face. Owen told Johnny to get up and strip his close off. Johnny couldn’t resist the command of this hot sexy ogre and began to strip. Owen grabbed his big fat hard cock and stroke. Owen thought to himself that Johnny is ready to be converted. When Johnny was done stripping, Owen had him come closer. Johnny began to lick at Owen’s big hairy muscle belly, as Luke was rubbing at his 10-inch-long cock. The completely naked Owen with his huge 10-inch-long cock and his large oranges size balls, and horny Johnny, was making Luke’s mouth water. Johnny began to lick at Owen’s hairy belly, as he made his way of to Owens left nipple, and began to suck at it, making Owen moan in pleasure. The second that Johnny began to drink Owen’s milk, hair started growing all over his body giving him a pelt of black fur and sealing his fate. Johnny moved on to Owen’s right nipple and began to suck it. Owen said, “he is a drinker”. Owen had to force Johnny down from sucking his pump nipples, so that the main event can begin. Owen looked at Johnny’s face to find that he grew a big fluffy mustache with a goatee. Johnny started at the tip of Owen’s uncut cock and started to lick towards the balls, causing Owen to moan. When Johnny started back to the tip of Owen’s cock, he began to suck on it, and that is when Johnny began to grow. First it started from his face as his jaw began to square out, then it spread towards his neck causing it to grow with muscle and fat, his back and shoulders began to widen with muscle then the growth spread to his pecs causing them to widen and grow out with muscle and fat, his nipples pointed down as his pecs grew out. Then the changes spread to his arms and belly, his biceps ballooned out until they were the size of bowling balls forcing his lower arms and hands to grow to compensate. Johnny felt his belly balloon out with muscle and fat giving his belly a round appearance. When the growth started affecting his ass, Luke put his thick dick above it, in preparation of stuffing it in Johnny’s asshole. Luke was drooling at the site of Johnny’s hairy ass ballooning out with muscle and fat, as growth spread towards his thighs until they grew larger than a human’s head. Luke stopped his throbbing dick in Johnny’s fat ass, causing Johnny to moan in pleasure as he was still sucking Owen’s fat cock. Johnny’s legs finished as he felt the change into a sexy ogre. Then Johnny’s final growth began with his cock and balls, first his balls began to swell larger than large baseballs, as his cock grew from 5 inches hard to 9 inches hard. Then Johnny felt Owen straightened out and his balls clenched up as Owen came in Johnny’s mouth. Owen removed his fat cock from Johnny’s mouth, while Luke was still ramming Johnny’s ass. Luke and Johnny were moaning in pleasure of their sex, when Luke with both of his hands-on Johnny’s thick shoulders as Luke stiffened and came in Johnny’s ass causing Johnny to come all over the floor. Luke pulled his fat cock from Johnny’s ass, as he backed up and sat his butt on the stage while he watched Johnny lick up all of their cum off the floor. Owen felt good about his newest ogre. With Luke and Johnny’s memories more opportunities appeared for Owen. Owen needed to find someone who can set up electrical systems.
  11. A lonely small town: part one bored and lonely ogre Owen was a lonely and extremely bored ogre, sitting on a destroyed rooftop of the old dead mayor’s house. Owen contemplated the many years since he destroyed this small town, he couldn’t even remember the name of this small-town. Although the witch who cursed him was dead, he still is stuck in the area of the town. Owen still can hunt for food in the forest nearby, he can go far. Many years Owen had gained access to the witch’s spell and gain access to magic, but what to do with it. He could turn objects into food and vice versa, or use magic to control people, but there was no people, or even open portals and bring people and objects to him it’s been so long that he does it even know where people are. Killing the witch who cursed them was fun but was a short-lived revenge. It will still take time for the curse to wear off or to find the right ingredients to dispel it. Owen looked at the destroyed town left in ruin from his rampage. Owen was Pondering what he would do for today, then he felt something, he closed his eyes and he used magically enhance senses, to discover that a human was nearby, and that the human would come close enough to the barrier that kept people away that he could capture the human. He concentrated to see who it was that was so near his territory. Then Owen knew who was coming, it was a male hiker. Owen could lead him to his death but had a better idea and more ambitious idea a more sexy idea. He knew that the hiker would arrive by nightfall. Owen used his magic to make sure that the hiker was stay on course, after that was done, he had to make the town look more presentable. By using the magic that he stole from the dead which and the magic books he found in the town, he began to clean up the town and refurbished it. Owen looked into the large mirror, with his deep brown eyes and saw a unkept ogre. Magic can only control persons so far but for his plan to work he had to make the human feel welcome. First Owen shaved his head bald, using a razor and magic, then he cleaned up his black bushy mustache, he made sure that his sideburns were smooth and sharp. As Owen made sure his face was clean, he looked at his big barrel chest to see sexy black chest hair covering his huge thick pecs and his big muscular belly, making a treasure trail to his loincloth. With his big arms with biceps the size of small boulders with a sprinkling of his black hair covering his arms he removed his loincloth, to find his big fat meaty cock, and his big balls. Owen grabbed his loincloth, and removed it of his body, and sniffed it, only to find that the smell was potent. Owen smiled at the smell of his loincloth and gave his hairy armpits a big sniff. Owen knew that he would need his smelly loincloth to help to enact his plan. Using magic, he gathered some old cloth from the dead townspeople and made it into clothes that he could wear on his big body. After Owen washed himself off, he went and grabbed a cup, and placed it near his left nipple and began to milk it. As Owen’s milk went into the cup, he was an aroused. Owen knew that his milk would be important for the human’s transformation into an ogre. After Owen gathered his milk he, grabbed and placed on himself Brown pants that covered up his big hairy thighs, after that he grabbed a white shirt placed on his hairy muscular body, then he grabbed a leather vest and placed on some boots he made, and finally grabbed a big brown wool hat, and placed it on his head. With his close on, Owen began to put his plan in motion, first he prepared a bed for his guest, then he placed his loincloth under the bed and cast a spell on it so that it wouldn’t smell anything, leaving the loincloth as a contingency. Then he made sure that all of the food was ready, and that the water and beer had some of his milk and it. For one of his last things he did was cast illusion on himself to change his appearance into an old man. Luke was hiking in these mountain areas to get away from his ex-girlfriend who ruined his life, who got him fired from his job and kicked out of his apartment building. Luke was lucky to get his paperwork and some of his money on him but was for he couldn’t even get a ride and was forced to take this trail on these mountains to the next town to escape her influence. Luke didn’t know why he was still walking it was getting closer tonight and soon it may be too dark to see. It was if something was compelling Luke to go this way, even now that something was making them feel uneasy. Then look came to a clearing and saw an old town. The town was nearly empty but one of the building in the middle-had lights coming out of the window. Luke was drawn to that building like a moth to a flame. Luke didn’t notice how the other buildings were cold and empty as he went up to the building with lights coming out of it. As Luke opened the door that looked old, he realized that he was in an old inn. When Luke entered the inn, he heard a bell ring behind him as the door closed. Luke looked around the building and saw a bunch of old tables and chairs next to a big fireplace next to the fireplace was a stage for performers. “Hello traveler my name is Owen and I am the innkeeper of this fine establishment”. Luke turned his face towards the noise, and as he did, he saw a bunch of stools next to a counter, and behind that counter, an old man with a leather brown vest, with a white T-shirt. The old man had sharp white sideburn with a bushy white mustache, thick white hairy eyebrows that nearly covered his brown eyes, with tan skin, and had a lean build and around 5 feet tall. “You look tired my friend why don’t you stay here for the night. Maybe I could make you some food or give you Something to drink”, Owen said. Luke was more tired than hungry and didn’t think it peculiar that Owen was the only one in this inn or town, but he didn’t care. Luke said I would like to purchase a room for the night. Then Owen said that would be $20 in cash. Luke brought out his wallet and brought out $20 placed it on the counter. Owen grabbed the keys to Luke’s room and gave it to him. As Luke went upstairs, Owen grabbed the 20-dollar bill in curiosity he never seen this type of currency before and opened his sack filled with coins and dropped the 20-dollar bill inside. Owen wondered how asking for a couple bronze coins gave him a piece of paper, but figured it was a quirk of the translation spell. As Luke went into his room, he noticed that are no light bulbs only candles. For some strange reason the candles were already let. There was a really big bed Luke thought it could’ve been a king size bed, it had red velvety blankets and looked inviting. In the corner of the room he saw a big black pot then next to the dresser was with bucket had a near next to it, and on the dresser, there was a big mirror on it. Luke dropped his hikers backpack that was filled with his supplies, next to the dresser. Then Luke began to undress, and as he looked into the dressers mere, he saw himself. He had short brown hair, dark Brown eyes, with smooth skin and with a 5 o’clock shadow, he wasn’t fat or skinny just average. That night He slept in bed naked and not knowing why he did so. As soon as Luke fell asleep on his bed the spell on the ogre’s loincloth faded away and its musk began to disperse into the room. Luke’s dreams were of hot hairy muscular men. The musk of the ogre’s loincloth was now beginning to corrupt Luke, because Luke was asleep, he couldn’t try to resist. Luke woke up with morning wood. Luke grabbed his 4-inch hard dick and began to relieve himself using the empty black pot for a toilet. Luke was in a daze as his mind was foggy. His dick still hard and throbbing he went downstairs to the common room naked. When Luke came downstairs, he saw that the room was empty that all of the chairs and tables were gone. Then he saw a cup of warm milk. Luke walked up to the counter and grabbed the cup of milk and blindly drink it. When Luke drank the milk, he suddenly felt itchy all over, he started to grow hair all over his body, and tell he had a new pelt of sexy brown hair, and then he felt his facial hair grow. His 5 o’clock shadow became a glorious full thick beard, the hair on his eyebrows grew as bushy well. Then he noticed that there was a big Mirror on top of the stage. When he got to the mirror and saw himself, he became more roused the site, at his hairy body. Then Luke saw Owen through the mirror, Owen was big 10 feet tall, oranges skin, big with a hairy barrel chest, with thick muscular pecs, and nipples pointing down, with thick muscular shoulders, supporting his thick neck, his biceps were huge bigger than Luke’s head, with a pronounce muscle gut, with thighs bigger then tree trunks, and with big hands and feet to boot. Luke saw that there is hair all over Owens body. Owen’s cock was 10 inches long and thick as a soda can, erect and balls the size of large oranges. Luke saw Owens face it looked the same as before only he looked a lot younger and brutish, with no white hair, only black. Luke turned around to see Owen licking his lips with his thick tongue. Luke didn’t care how this old man became this huge hairy sexy muscle beast. Luke walked towards Owen’s thick uncut cock head and began to lick it. As Luke began to lick and suck on Owen’s cock he began to change. First, Luke began to grow taller from 6 feet to 10, then Luke felt his balls grow to the size of large oranges, then he felt his cock get longer and thicker, then he felt his face change as his jaw became square matching Owens, then he began to grow with muscle and fat. Owen saw Luke’s back and shoulders began to widen out with muscle, then Luke felt his pecs begin to grow and widen until his nipples became the size of quarters and started pointing down. Then his biceps began to balloon out and tell they were the size of large basketballs, when the growth spread to his lower arms, and then Luke felt his hands growing. Then Luke felt his belly begin to swell with muscle and fat, and as his belly grew, his ass gained muscle and small layer of fat. Owen was rubbing the back of Luke’s head as he was changing, and the more he changed the more he could take his cock. Owen saw that Luke’s thighs were growing with muscle he saw the veins under his pelt of brown hair, then that growth is affected his lower legs and finally crept up to his feet, making his feet grow enough to hold his new weight. Owen pulled his hard dick out of Luke’s mouth. Luke got up and growled at Owen, for the loss of his tasty treat. Owen slowly grabbed Luke who is now an ogre and turned him around to face the mirror. Luke was huge with his 10 feet tall height and muscular arms, with a long brown beard and exuded masculinity. Luke rubbed his muscular hairy belly and looking at the mirror. Luke gave a double bicep poses watching how his biceps bulged then, Owen came behind him and licked the back of his neck making Luke moan in pleasure. Then Owen placed his big fat cock over Luke’s big ass, using his precum as lubricant for Luke’s asshole. The pain and then pleasure that Luke felt as Owen’s cock plunged into Luke’s ass, made Luke moan even louder. Then Luke grabbed his throbbing cock, with his right hand and began to rub it, as Owen began ramming his thick cock backwards and forwards in rhythm. Luke with his deeper voice said, “my ex never made me feel this good”. Then Owen said” I’m about to fuck your brains out”, as Owen felt that he was ready to come. Owen began to moan as he ram Luke’s ass, faster and faster and tell with a roar Owen came. When Luke felt Owen’s hot cum in his ass, he came. Roaring as his cum shot out and hit the mirror covering it in the white ogre cum. Luke was on the stage licking his cum off of the mirror. Owen started walking towards the kitchen to grab some food for them to eat. As Owen was walking toward the kitchen, he pondered the knowledge that he gained after fucking Luke’s brains. He now knew where to get more people and now knew about technology and found it fascinating. Once Owen grabbed a cart full of food, he brought out to common room to find, Luke looking at himself in the mirror and flexing. Owen smiled and said breakfast.
  12. Trent considered himself to be an average guy. At his 26 years old, he wouldn’t expect much else to happen in his life for some time. He was a gifted gardener and worked diligently on his craft. One day, getting to bed after a day of work, he saw something that drew his attention. By his desk, there was a dog tag, that wasn't there before. That ornament was so unlike him, he thought, yet he looked to it, and, in curiosity, picked the iron necklace, analyzed it with his careful hands, and in the end decided to adorn himself with it, he passed the dog tag through his head and let the cold metal land on his neck and chest. Then, he went to sleep. That was his intention when he laid in bed. But destiny had other plans for that man. After a while of nothingness, suddenly his whole body shuddered, he squirmed and groaned of pain. He endured this for a while, until finally woke up on an urge to get rid of it, the poor man had no idea where it did come from, was washed by sweat, with his clothes glued by his body with it. He had to shower, no way returning to sleep on such way, so he carefully took off everything and went on straight to get it done. But as he distractedly glazed on the mirror, he noticed himself... or was something of his head... He appeared to be somewhat more muscular. Probably was a sign of madness, he did look good with the dogtag though, he looked so manly. And in a jokingly way, started to flex and hit his chest like an ape, feeling masculine, feeling like a mighty soldier. He then remembered of the shower, and went to it. Was pleasant, to feel the water run free through his chest, abdomen, liquid going softly through his dog tags, that he was still wearing. He then dried up, got new clothes. As he was reaching bed, he fell on the ground on his knees. The pain returned stronger, he roared out of pain and suffering, and extended his arms. Something extraordinary began to happen, he started to grow, slowly, but steadily. His cries of pain echoed, as his body grew in size, and in muscle. That man started to become more and more muscular on a painful and slow proccess, was still roaring of pain, crying and begging for mercy. He had no idea what was happening to him. His shirt slowly started to get tighter, as his body was reformulating, the shirt being squeezed by the ever stronger body, with his expanding muscles claiming space. He only got a clue of what was going on when it started to rip apart. ”Oh shit, I’m growing” Tearing apart, the shirt was, revealing his widening chest, that was getting broader and harder at every passing minute. “This... muscles... shit, gah... I’m... growing!" Ripping apart, revealing more of his pecs. It was a glorious view. His dogtag was glued to his left chest now with sweat, that had a very intense smell, it was thick and was covering all his body. "UGH!" He emited a primal sound now. His body was transforming, in slow motion, the shirt was reduced to nothing, revealing his abs that were carefully being sculpted, carefully, but looking more savage and glorious at each passing moment, it was like he was turning to Herakles from ancient Greece, he thought, and it was a turning point for his mind. As his transformation slowed a bit, he muttered to himself, without realizing that his voice too was changing, becoming deeper and thicker. "How ... can... this be? I am... changing... transforming! I never wanted this!... GRAH!.. Ugh... I am getting muscular, stronger... look at my chest, this is unreal! I... want it... to... stop!" The savage transforming kept going. The pain was there, but he started to feel pleasure with it, as something good was being liberated in him, a rage, deep down him, he always wanted this, just never admited to himself! He wanted to be a muscular man! Yes! A powerful man! Yes! A beast! A.... a God! Inside his head, his changes became dramatic, thoughts of war, glory, being naked slaying his enemies as he needed no shield or armor, he was his own armour, like a mighty cyclops, he wanted to work out in the boiling sun, work like cattle that he was becoming, he wanted to punch, serve, act, plow land just to test his new force that was flooding him like a tsunami, he noticed something else, he wanted to fuck. He wanted to masturbate, and to masturbate his fellow soldiers, exchange powers, his life is war now, war and glory, invaded his mind, making him become a beast inside and out. "GROAR" "ROAR" RAAAHH" "UGH UGAH!" He was bellowing while transforming! "UH UH" He couldn’t talk anymore. His mind was being transformed, reformed. As the flood become stronger, he rose up stronger than his transformation, and with his powerful arms in the air, he screamed. "I AM TRANSFORMING! I AM BECOMING A SAVAGE SOLDIER! A HERO! TREMBLE BEFORE ME! All of this... is being provided by this dogtag, it freed me! Saved my soul! YES! UGAH! my mind is rushing, and the animal inside of me is growing! I am both man and animal, primitive force and... something more is coming! I CAN FEEL IT! MIGHTY GODS, TRANSFORM ME, I EMBRACE YOU METAMORPHOSIS, I RENOUNCE TO MY HUMAN FORM... I BECOME A HERO! TRANSFORM ME! MAKE ME A MONSTER, MAKE ME A PREHISTORIC BEAST!" Now, his body was covered in flames, his whole being was being molden with his new glorious form, roaring, growling, and now crying out of joy and enthusiasm. His clothes long gone, naked, his cock was hard and growing with his body, his balls growing too, his arms and legs getting thicker and thicker, his hair fell down until he was with a tamed short buzzcut. Everything was coming together, the beast within, the soldier he was, gardener no more, being shaped to fit a true sublime soldier that he was primed to be, and to celebrate that, in flames, his skin was being covered in boiling hot metal, that was erupting from his own body, specially from his cock. As his sexual desire grew beyond measure, and while everything else described was happening, gallons and gallons of precum and then cum came out of his nips and cock and his semen became metal that was covering his body now. Stronger and stronger, he was on the last part of his change. This was inside and out, he was turning into a machine beast, his organs were melting down inside his body and were being reconstructed, his heart was washed in metal, new organs produced the nutrients his newly body desperately needed, his eyes became unrecognizable, becoming like the ones of insects, Horns erupted from his head and shoulders, his so much hardened shoulders. Tattoos were starting to erupt in his new skin, and in the end, he growled, on the most unhuman and glorious voice ever to be listened by the ear. "IT IS DONE! I AM THE SUBLIME SOLDIER NOW, PRIMED TO SERVE MANKIND! I RENOUNCE MY HUMAN CONDITION TO BECOME THE SUBLIME SOLDIER, THE DOGTAG GLORIFIES ME, I AM THE REBORN IMAGE OF ZEUS, BUT I AM SERVANT, I CHOOSE TO FIGHT FOR MANKIND, TO SERVE! IN EXCHANGE MANKIND WILL ACCEPT ME! I RENOUNCE CLOTHING, NOTHING IS WORTHY OF HIDING MY GLORIOUS IMAGE! I AM A FREAK, A BEAST, THE MONSTER. Even if I never see a battle, this is my purpose now! Trent! How you evolved! Rejoice with your new life!" Saying that, he looked at his new body, his extraordinary extremely hardened chest, hard as stone, his 8 abs amazingly being exposed, with every vein carved inside them, veins that don't transport blood anymore, but transparent liquid known as the elixir. He could transform every mortal he saw as worthy now, just by letting the liquid rush through their skin. He had a primal urge to spread his seed, but he knew he had to contain himself, and should always astrive to master the art he was now equiped for perfecting: the art of war. His shoulders, hardened and with the powerful horns, were glorious, his dogtag, the special dogtag, pending on his chests, the chain flowing through his chest and thick neck and shoulders like a river. His arms, capable of so much now, of erecting monuments of stone and marble. He was the hero now, the sublime soldier, and he aspired for glory. He looked around his house, he didn't need any of the things he needed before, a job, his job was to serve and fight, food, his body was providing the food, even breath became unecessary, he was almighty. he had a powerful mind, that he controled. He was the sublime soldier. He left the house. And went to present himself to the authorities. He was ready for his new life as the beast.
  13. “I can give you anything you wish for. Just don’t blame me if your wish comes true.” This is a series about a mystical man who shows up to people in despair to offer them what they’ve always wanted. But does he really help them? That’s for you to decide. So be careful what you wish for. You might get more than you wanted.
  14. Here we go. It's been a while since I've written anything. Ive been so busy in the world of finance as well as trying to enlarge and perfect my own body. Now, for two weeks I'm on vacation in Florance, Italy staying in an incredible villa that has a pool, a vineyard right next door, an amazing view... and several hot guys!!! Lying here, I've let my mind start to wander, and came up with this story. Hope you all like it. I've really missed you all!! Comments are always welcome. The Vessel Chapter One: The Water Christophe looked into the pool with wild eyes taking in its sheer size and beauty. How could no one have discovered this before, he thought. It’s huge!! It’s more of a lake then a pool…. The closer he got to the water, the clearer he could hear it calling to him. Was he ready? Was he truly going to take the plunge not at all sure what the results would be? This journey of body and souls had begun 15 years prior. Christophe had always been an attractive man… a confident man… a man who always got who he wanted and what he wanted… a man who took care of his body, his wardrobe, and his mind. In a move of sheer genius, he decided to leave his banking job behind and focus on teaching others to be more like him… the man at the top of the food chain… The Alpha. It started out as some badly edited YouTube videos that only a few people watched, but Christophe persevered, knowing that men needed what he had to offer. After about a year, his videos began getting more and more hits, and as he continued making these, he began offering personal one-on-one consultations and classes. This was where the business took off. By the third year, Christophe was bringing in 2 million a year and knew that if he wanted to grow his empire, he would need to bring on a business partner. A surprise encounter at the mall brought him face to face with Neil Hamilton, a friend and frat brother from University. Neil was everything Christophe was not: he was quite, book smart, overweight, balding, and not at all physically active. What he did have going for him was an amazing sense of humor, a keen business sense, and an amazing imagination. Together they brought Christophe’s business to the next level, and then higher. Soon there were books, speaking tours, TED Talks, clothing lines, magazines. If you could imagine it… Neil would make it come true. By no means an Alpha in the physical sense, he was definitely one in the mental capacity. Now they were both forty-five and living the dream of mansions, yachts, sports cars, and vacations anywhere in the world. Everything was within their grasps that money could buy… almost. As he had grown older, Neil’s had become obsessed with the ‘Fountain of Youth.’ What had once been simply a laughable hobby, over the years became a worrying obsession. When not working on a deal or promotion for Christophe,, Neil had been conducting research in ancient texts, consulting brown and crumbling maps, and flying to distant lands to follow leads. Two weeks prior, Christophe was far from amused when Neil burst into his personal gym with a small package. ⁃ This just arrived!! I Wanted to share it with you. The older man was winded by his race through Christophe’s house, and beads of sweat were dripping down his forehead and onto his face. Although Christophe might not have been in the incredible shape he had once been in, he was far healthier than his overweight friend. Neil stood in front of Christophe who was sitting on a bench,, smiled, and carefully shook the box at him. ⁃ I can’t believe it!! I honestly can’t believe it!! Neil began to tear into the box. ⁃ What is it? ⁃ Exactly what I’ve been searching for!! The box revealed a wooden exterior. With careful hands, Neil slid the lid off and removed the contents: a vial of clear liquid no bigger than a test tube. Neil held it up to the light and looked at it. ⁃ After all this time... ⁃ That isn’t... ⁃ It is! Water from THE fountain of youth!! ⁃ How much did this cost you? 500,000. ⁃ You’re insane. ⁃ I thought so too... but I’ve seen the proof... recordings, etc. ⁃ Fakes! ⁃ No! I watched a man de-age right in front of me on Skype. He lost nearly 30 years in ten minutes. ⁃ Where did it come from? ⁃ The secret has been in this South American mans family forever. You should see him... so fucking hot, and he’s nearly 170!! He looks 30! He’s never allowed it out of his family until now. He’s the last survivor and eventually wants to cover the pool up and retire wealthy. ⁃ What happened to the rest of the family? Why aren’t they living forever? ⁃ I asked that very question... and he tried to explain how after living for hundreds of years... everyone eventually wants a rest. ⁃ So he’s selling this at 500,000 a pop? How much has he sold? ⁃ Only to seven people so far. ⁃ Have you talked with them? ⁃ All purchases are anonymous. ⁃ Of course. ⁃ Come on, Chris!! I brought this from home to share this moment with you. I want you to witness it. Neil took out two latex gloves and slipped them on his hands. ⁃ You can never let the water touch your skin. ⁃ But it’s okay for your insides With a smile Neil unscrewed the cap of the test tube and smelt it. ⁃ I’m hard just thinking about this!! ⁃ If this does work... and that’s a big if... how are you going to explain to the world how you suddenly got younger? ⁃ I’m not. If this works... I’m gone. I have to disappear... just like everyone else. ⁃ What? ⁃ We’ve made enough money to last us four lifetimes. It’s time for me to enjoy it... and I know the business is in capable hands. Neil took a breath and then smiled. ⁃ Wish me luck. ⁃ Wait!! How much do you drink? ⁃ It’s been measured to take twenty years off of me. I’m going to be 25 again. ⁃ And if it doesn’t work? ⁃ A foolish dream of an old man. Before Christophe could stop him, and without thinking twice, Neil downed the entire contents of the test tube. Gently he placed it on the desk, never losing eye contact with Christophe. ⁃ Well? ⁃ Tasted like water... very expensive water. Both men began to laugh, when a sudden look of shock covered Neil’s face. Reaching both hands up to his neck, he proceeded to sputter and cough and fall to the floor. Christophe jumped up from the bench and ran to Nei who wasl lying on the floor and smiling. ⁃ You do care! ⁃ You’re a fucking asshole! ⁃ You should have seen your face! ⁃ I was only concerned with what to do with your body! ⁃ Wouldn’t want anyone to think you mmm... murr... you... something’s... happening... ⁃ What? ⁃ It feels... so good... an orgasm... that keeps... building... and building...FUCK!!!! Christophe watched his friend writhe on the floor in ecstasy. In awe he could see Neil’s bald pate suddenly begin to blossom with dark stubble. Within seconds his hair was gaining length, beautifully covering the top of Neil’s head. Christophe found himself getting aroused watching and listening to his friend in absolute ecstasy, and at the same time seeing the hands of time being reversed. Everywhere on his body his skin was becoming taught and youthful. Even the fat all over Neil’s body was being burned away leaving a skinnier and healthier version of its predecessor in its wake. The hair on top of his head had continued to grow, and was soon joined by the hair on his face. Absolutely swimming in the clothes he was wearing, Christophe couldn’t believe the sight of the thirty... and then twenty-five year old form of his friend. Still he continued to get younger, until suddenly Neil’s entire body went stiff... a load moan escaped from his body... and he collapsed entirely onto the floor, breathing quickly but with a smile on his face. A few moments later the twenty year old version of Neil opened his eyes. ⁃ Fuck!!!!! That was the most intense.... Fuck!!!!! Neil laughed heartily on the floor. With a sudden leap, he was on his feet, his clothes pooling around him. ⁃ Mirror. I need a mirror. Quickly Neil moved to the side of the room that held a full-length mirror, and came face to face with himself. ⁃ It really worked!!! I can’t believe it!! Look at me!! Using hands that felt new and alien to him, Neil tore his clothes from his body until he stood naked before the mirror and before Christophe. Where once a severely overweight man had stood, a swimsuit model had taken his place. With just a dusting of dark hair trailing over his abs and down to his cock, the rest of his chest was smooth and tight. Trying to take it all in, Neil ran his hand over the new mound of his pecs and massaging his nipples. With the other arm he flexed, and watched his bicep and tricep swell. ⁃ I feel so strong!! I’ve never felt like this in my lifel! Raising is other arm to a 90 degree angle, he proceeded to flex this one as well, both arms swelling with power. ⁃ I look a thousand times better now than I ever did in my twenties! It’s like it perfected me! Neil simply couldn’t get enough of his new body. Exploring it from every angle, Christophe had to agree that he was indeed an ideal specimen. ⁃ Look at my cock!! So much longer and thicker than before... and foreskin!! I never had foreskin!!! Neil’s hand grasped onto his soft cock and began to massage it. As if on command, the organ began to lengthen and thicken. Christophe looked on in awe as it grew to an impressive 9” with a fat head even thicker than the mighty shaft it sat upon. He had only been hard for a few seconds when a river of pre began to flow, dripping onto the floor. ⁃ So fucking horny!! Haven’t been this horny since I was a teenager... even then... I was never this horny!! As he continued to stroke himself, Neil looked over at Christophe with a huge grin. ⁃ Suck it. You know you want to. In their business relationship, Christophe has always been the alpha, but now with this youthful stud standing before him, he couldn’t help falling to his knees, and proceeded to lick the sweet lubricant leaking from the swollen head. Shocked, Christophe felt Neil’s hand pushing his head from behind. No sooner had he brought Neil’s cock into his mouth, the new-born man began to face fuck him. Christophe stares intently at the pool remembering the rest of that night. Neil had proceeded to cum a massive load into Christophe’s waiting mouth. No sooner had Neil ejaculated, he was hard again. In a frenzy, he tore the clothes from Christophe’s body and proceeded to plunge his huge cock into Christophe’s ass. When it came to fucking men, Christophe had always been the dominant one. Now he couldn’t help but let Neil take complete control. That night, Neil fucked him over and over again until the older man begged him to stop. Unsatisfied, but yielding to his friend, Neil jerked himself off, another massive load splashing onto his pecs, face, and even above his head. The two lay in silence until finally Neil spoke. ⁃ I need to leave soon. No one can see me. ⁃ Where will you go? ⁃ Who knows! I’ll have to get a new passport... a new identity... but I have plenty of money to buy what I’ll need. Neil sat up and looked at his best friend. ⁃ Join me. Email The Keeper and get your own vial. Let’s live the life we always should have. That night, wearing clothes still to baggy on him, Neil disappeared into the night. He had made several phone calls, set up several meetings to get new paperwork, and had moved nearly all of his money into a new account he had opened a week prior under a new name: Gerald Grey... a distant relative that in a surprise change of his will... everything was left to. Kissing Christophe goodbye, Neil... now Gerald... handed over all he would need, which included signed documents handing over 95% of their holdings to him as well as the contact information for The Keeper of the water. ⁃ Don’t waste time. Join me. Still in awe of what had occurred that night, Christophe walked around his house trying to take it all in. If this could be bottled… if this could be created in mass… he would be even richer than he was now! He could make billions!!!! Arriving in the gym, Christophe saw the vial lying on the floor. Picking it up, Christophe saw one small drop at the bottom. He tipped it slowly over so the water flowed to his waiting palm. As soon as it hit him, colours flashed before his eyes, his cock went hard, and he was ejaculating all over the floor. Falling to his knees, Christophe cried out as more and more cum flowed from his penis. In minutes, it was over. That night he slept fitfully, dreams of the water… him… muscle… youth… power… He awoke with a voice in his head calling to him. He had wasted no time contacting The Keeper, and after three weeks of waiting, had finally received a response. The Keeper wanted the same 500,000 in exchange for a vial of the water that would give Christophe his youth back. In his reply, Christophe had a counter offer: £5 million, but he gets the vial as well as seeing the pool for himself. A strict refusal came minutes later, but a second counter offer was made... then a third... and finally a fourth that was accepted: 12 million in exchange for a vial and a glance at the pool. Met in Montevideo by a pilot working for The Keeper, Christophe was blindfolded and quickly brought onto a small plane. Once settled, the pilot quickly injected him with a sedative that had Christophe asleep before he could even protest. Unbeknownst to the pilot or The Keeper, Christophe had expected such measures, and had a small GPS implanted in an area right under his armpit. This GPS was constantly monitoring both his location as well as his heart rate. If his heart was ever to stop, all the information on where he was and what he had been doing would instantly be released. Also hidden away, sewn discreetly into the lining of his jacket was a small and lightweight pistol, undetectable by any sensor, and even if frisked, it would be confused for a piece of his clothing. Christophe refused to let anything fall to chance. If The Keeper didn’t want to do business with him and share in profits from the pool... he would just have to take it. While he slept, the dreams returned even stronger than before. Muscle… mountains of muscle… power unimaginable… it all could be his... From the darkness Christophe heard what could only be a deafening rumble of thunder. ⁃ Wake up!!! Christophe tried with all his might to pull himself out of the dark waters of sleep that held him in their embrace. ⁃ I said wake up!!! A hard kick in his side which felt like it propelled him several feet assisted in Christophe finally opening his eyes. Trying to focus, Christophe found himself face to face with The Keeper. The man... could this actually be a man... was naked because obviously no clothes could ever cover him. Standing nearly 8’ tall and weighing what Christophe could only gather was 1,000 pounds of pure muscle, The Keeper was a sight to behold. Tanned to a dark brown, jet black hair fell to the middle of his back and covering half of his face was a thick black beard that ended right before the massive plates of his pecs began. Staring deep into The Keepers piercing blue eyes, Christophe’s cock became erect, and he found himself convulsing in a fit of pure ecstasy as he orgasmed over and over. This man... this beast... this god was the epitome of virility... of masculinity. His body... forged in an artist's wet dream, put every bodybuilder to shame. His hairy legs were larger the tree trunks, his chest wider then several men, and his immense soft cock fell down to his knees. The only piece of clothing The Keeper carried was a belt that held a large canteen. The strangest thing of all... if any of this could get stranger... was that The Keepers wide and thick dark nipples leaked a drop of liquid every minute or so that fell and got lost in his chest hair. With one large paw, practically the size of Christophe’s own chest, The Keeper grabbed him by the head and twisted it fiercely to the left. ⁃ Is this what you wanted to see?! His voice, heavy with a Spanish accent, was a rumble that Christophe could feel deep within his own chest. Like a rag doll in the massive mans control, Christophe took his first glimpse of the pool. The pool was actually much wider than he had imagined. Though possible to swim from one bank of the deep blue water to the other, it would take some time and great strength. There was a breeze on the air, yet every inch of the water was still. Strangest of all, unlike most bodies of water, not one bird or animal graced its shores. At first glance it looked like a picture postcard... completely undisturbed.. yet there was something definitely supernatural... otherworldly even. In deep awe and reverence to the waters, Christophe was shaken once again by the massive man and lifted off of the ground. ⁃ Why does the pool want you here??? What does it want of you???? The Keeper gave Christophe a second to answer before shaking him again... his own body feeling as if it could be torn apart at any moment. ⁃ In my dreams I’ve seen you!!! Why??? What does the pool want??? ⁃ I... I... I don’t know... what you’re talking about... ⁃ How did you find me? ⁃ A friend. You sent the water to a friend!! ⁃ Who??? The beast began to shake him roughly again. ⁃ Neil Hamilton! His name is Neil Hamilton!! When The Keeper heard the name he stopped shaking Christophe, lifted him over his head, and hurled him to the ground. The mountain of a man took four mighty steps and was standing once again over Christophe. How small he must appear to this giant... how insignificant. Christophe hated feeling that way, and was quickly trying to figure out how to handle this beast before he was killed. Lifting Christophe with only his left hand, The Keeper brought them face to face. ⁃ When you found me... when you sent your message... I did as always and came to the bank of the pool to ask if it accepted you. Barely had I spoken your name when it screamed out for you... over and over and over!! Never had I seen the waters so agitated. I ran from the bank... hearing your name screamed from behind me. For weeks I stayed away from the water... wanting to refuse you... but screams only got louder!!! Louder and louder. Christophe attempted to grasp the gun that was attached to his coat, but The Keepers agitation grew to such a frenzy that he threw him once again to the ground. ⁃ To stop the screams, I accepted you... but then you requested to come here!! Here!!!!! Why did you want to come here!!!! I refused... but then the dreams came. Your face! I saw your face!!! The longer I refused you, the worst it became until I finally had to allow you to come... but on my terms!!!! My terms!!! Moving toward him again with steps that shook the earth Christophe lay upon, he tried to back away, but a foot as large as most of his torso pinned him to the ground. ⁃ Now for once the pool is silent... and now you have to die. Removing the canteen from his waste, the man proceeded to unscrew the cap that held the contents within. ⁃ It will all be over so quickly. You’ll drink and grow younger and younger until you cease to be. Don’t worry... it’s painless... my family never knew what happened to them... The Keeper moved his foot higher till he was standing on Christophe’s neck causing him to open his mouth, gasping for air. Lifting the canteen, he began to pour the liquid in the area of Christophe’s lips and nose.. Unable to breathe, Christophe was still able to move his head from side to side, not allowing the water to enter his mouth, but to fall on his face. As each drop hit his skin, Christophe felt a new strength invigorate his body giving him more will to survive. ⁃ No!!! You must never touch the water!!! Only I could touch the water!!! The man took his foot off of Christophe’s neck and leaned down to lift him up by his shirt. ⁃ The pool called me to be it’s Keeper... so I walked in to my waist, and this is what I became. The pool now wants you... but it never will!!! It’s mine!!! The Keeper lifted the water close to Christophe’s mouth, but stopped suddenly when the gun went off, and the bullet entered his chest. Dropped to the ground... Christophe watched The Keeper stagger backwards and try and look down at what had happened... but his immense pecs didn’t allow him to see below. Using his hand, he lifted some of the flowing blood to his face... and began to laugh. ⁃ You think a bullet can harm me?! I’m immortal!!! I’ve lived for over 500 years!!! In awe, Christophe watched the bullet be pushed from the open wound and then quickly close and heal. Christophe fired again... this time hitting The Keeper’s stomach... and the same thing occurred... the creature laughing even harder! ⁃ More!! I can do this all day!! Knowing there were only three bullets left, Christophe lifted the gun once again, and like David with Goliath, hit The Keeper directly in the eye. Startled, the man fell onto his ass with a thud. Watching the Keeper maniacally claw at his eye to remove the bullet, Christophe could see that it was already beginning to heal. Wasting no time, he approached The Keeper with speed given to him by his brief contact with the water, and shot him in the other eye. A scream that shook the trees erupted from The Keepers mouth. With one bullet left, he directed the gun right to the top of the massive cranium and fired, blowing off a small portion of his head and skull. In shock the mountain of a man fell backward onto the ground with a thud. Seeing that his wound was already beginning to heal, Christophe reached into the hole and began to frantically rip at The Keeper’s brain... pulling pieces of it out. Seeing that this was futile since it would only begin to grow back, Christophe did the next best thing. Taking the canteen, he brought it to The Keepers mouth and emptied the contents, forcing him to swallow. Within minutes, just as all of the wounds were nearly healed, The Keeper began to moan... and then quickly de-age. Quickly the beast shrunk down to the size he had once been before he stepped in the water... a skinny teenager... then a boy of ten... then five... four... three... two... a baby... then a fetus... then nothing. Falling to the ground in exhaustion, Christophe came to terms with what he had done... and a smile crept onto his face as he realised the pool was his. Only he knew where it was... what it did... and he would make trillions from it. Every rich person would pay greatly for a chance to live longer... and they would keep returning to him for more and more!! The business was endless... and he controlled it all!!! Standing, Christophe walked on shaking legs to the pool and looked at its wondrous depths. It looked so cool in the heat of the sun... so welcoming... On the wind he heard it again… calling to him… It wants me, he thought. It has always wanted me. Christophe took a step closer but stopped himself. Was this what he wanted? Was he to be the new Keeper? Would he allow the waters to alter him so that he became a mountain of power? He had always been an Alpha of a man… and now the pool wanted to give it all to him… to live beyond the life of an Alpha. In his mind… images of strength and power unimaginable were projected. His fingers moved quickly over his shirt as he began to unbutton it, swiftly removing it and his jacket. Is this what I want? Is this what I’m to be? Removing his trousers and underwear, he stood before the water naked, his 5” cock harder then it had ever been. If I am to be the next Keeper… I want so much more than you gave to him!!! I want you to propel me even further!!! I have never accepted half-measures. I want it all. A warm wind blew onto him and caressed him. Yes, he thought… but what is everything? Is it what I truly want?? As the new Keeper… what will I be? Refusing to turn back, with one step, his feet entered the pool, and he let out a loud moan. Even slightly covered... less than an inch... he could feel a source of power entering his skin and propelling itself through his body. Wanting more... craving more.. he continued to walk... trying to stay conscious as wave after wave of power coursed through his body. Within moments, as the water covered his chest his body began to spasm continuously from the onslaught of power that was swiftly flowing into him. This feeling is intoxicating... I can’t get enough. This was never what I had intended to happen... yet I was called to be the new Keeper and must take on my new mantle! Moving out still further from the shore, Christophe submerged his entire body into the waters... something even the original Keeper has never done. Screaming beneath the water, electric currents began to enter every pore causing the water to bubble around him. No longer in control of his own body, his mouth opened up, and Christophe drank deeply. The same current that was invading the exterior of his body found another passage as he continued to feed on more and more water. As he ingested more than any had ever drunk before... Christophe felt his entire body filling with new life. Not only was his body getting younger... but his skin, bones, and muscles had begun to throb... Still drinking more and more, and still fully submerged in the pool... Christophe feared he was overdosing on the power that was ravaging him. He felt sick to his stomach as his abdomen expanded and tightened... but still he took on more. Just when he thought his body couldn’t take any more power, he found that the onslaught was getting more and more powerful. Fearing yet welcoming the unknown of what he soon would become... Christophe’s 5” Cock went rigid, and he felt that at any moment his entire body was going to cum. As the power continued to gain strength, Christophe had a sudden realisation... he was never meant to be the new Keeper. The pool had no need for a Keeper… No!! It wanted more! It wanted him to become The Pool itself! With this realisation, Christophe’s body began to tense up and become rigid as his back muscles began to swell and grow. Larger and more defined they became... and showed no sign of stopping anytime soon. Beneath the water Christophe screamed as his scapula and collarbone began to expand and fracture, making horrid cracking noises as they grew wider. Watching in shock as his arms proceeded to move further and further away from his body as his back continued to grow wider, he realised that he could now breathe safely under the water as the two were merging together. The pain was agonising but Christophe desired this as he knew his body was being made mighty to hold all of the power the pool had to offer... more then anyone had ever understood or had been a part of. Christophe moaned in ecstasy as his shoulders proceeded to expand wider than any entranceway, and the growth showed no sign of stoping. The bones in his shoulders proceeded tobecome thicker and longer as his trap muscles became further developed. Already much wider than the original Keeper, Christophe knew he would never be able to hold himself upright unless held by the mighty hands of the pool. His delts were becoming thickened and rounder...his upper back packed fully with bulging muscle... his traps mountainous and permeating with strength. ⁃ What am I becoming??? Already My back has surpassed that of The Keeper... Never again will I be able to walk down a hallway built for human’s as I’ll be way to wide!! I can barely turn my head now my traps are so high... my back more muscular than that of a bull’s! With an eruption that rocked the whole pool, Christophe’s lats began to swell, pushing his arms even further from from his side ⁃ It is like 8 bodybuilders were used to form my back... and still I’m growing!! My back is now beyond any human comprehension… and I love it!!!! I can’t believe how quickly my upper back, shoulders and traps had become so monumental!! The pool is propelling me far from the realm of human possibility. Taking more of the water within himself, Christophe screamed for the entire power offered to him by the pool. He was willing to lose his humanity... willing to rise above all other human and be used as the pools tool. With the intake of more of the pool, Christophe’s neck began to bloom into a Roman column of muscle. Each moment he felt it grow larger... it became more difficult to move his head from side to side. Soon his neck was two columns shoved together... then three... As his neck grew further, his traps rose up higher until they fused with his neck right behind his ears. As his lats proceeded to swell even greater, Christophe knew his back must resemble that of an enormous cobra!! If watching from above, one would noticed that the water in the pool was slowly going down as if by evaporation. The bank began to grow larger as more and more of the pool’s essence was fused with Christophe. Soon, the calm lake began to slowly begin to rotate to the left, creating the beginnings of a whirlpool. The sound of cracking that resembled trees being split in two could be heard in the Amazonian rainforest. Far from the destruction of trees... this was the creation and growth of Christophe’s hands and arms as they began to lengthen. Within minutes his arms had surpassed his legs and continued to grow. ⁃ How massive... am I... to become?! The pool no longer needed to be ingested through Christophe’s mouth as his body had begun to mutate to enable the water to flow directly through every pore and orifice. Not to be outdone by his own arms, Christophe’s legs and feet began to elongate as well. To his surprise, it was his hands and arms that hit the bottom of the pool first, and then his legs, enabling him to stand for the first time. Attempting to look up and down, Christophe concluded that the entire pool was nearly 60 feet deep, and he was floating perhaps fifteen feet from the bottom. If he had been on land, he would have been towering above the ground... nearing the height of trees. With his feet planted firmly on the floor of the pool, Christophe proceeded to get taller and wider, his back so filled with peaks and valleys that it resembled a mountain range. The thickness of his neck and traps made it virtually impossible to turn his head anymore, and the human part of Christophe began to be inundated with thoughts of how impractical his size was becoming, yet he was calmed by the pool and began to comprehend his future life as a creature of power and muscle... of instinct... of brute strength. He was becoming new for the world to worship. Lifting his own hands in the water, Christophe marvelled at the sheer size. His palm... fuck... it was becoming wider then his own chest, and each finger... they were quickly surpassing the thickness of his legs!! Above Christophe, the whirlpool was beginning to gain speed and strength... it’s core the man named Christophe the pool was evolving. From above, a muffled scream could be heard as his torso began to snap, pull, and lengthen. As his body became taller and longer, Christophe could see that he was slowly being propelled to the surface. How tall am I now, he thought. Have I reached twenty feet yet? Will my head ever hit the surface, or will I need to crawl out of this pool? Christophe did his best to raise his arm over his head and found that if he were ten feet higher, his fingers would have been breaking the surface... and still he grew. As his back proceeded to grow even wider and more packed with muscle, Christophe began to feel the start of swelling in both of his pecs, and soon after, they were joining the rest of his body exploding with size. Like two king size mattresses growing from his body, Christophe’s pectorals grew firmer, larger, and rounder. The sensation of blood being pumped through his body, feeding his growing muscles made him feel light headed yet free. Stretching his neck forward as much as he could, Christophe smiled as his pecs gained complete control and mastery over the top part of his chest. Moving his immense right hand over his pec, Christophe let out a lewd and guttural moan as his fingers brushed over his nipple. Having never felt such a sensation in his life... Christophe began exploring his nipples more, grabbing onto both and squeezing them first tentatively... then tighter. His cock... so tiny and so far away from his pecs, got harder still and shot a massive wad of precum into the pool. Just as his pecs and chest grew bigger still, so did his nipples; larger, thicker and with wide brown areolas. Fuelled on by his intense nipple play, Christophe’s pecs continued to expand, growing feet after feet from his chest. The chasm between his pecs was now so deep, and as his pecs competed for more and more space, it grew tighter and tighter. Taking his hand, Christophe tried to force his way into the deep canyon, but found it was impossible as his own body fought him. These are the pecs that will soon topple mountains just by my flexing, he thought. Never had the world seen a man so massive... a man so mighty... a man with so much power!! Out of all of the world, I was chosen! Me!!! Since his traps, back, and lats were still getting larger, this new growth brought him more ecstasy and fantasies of his future. The pool was creating a vessel far larger more immense then even Christophe had ever thought. If he knew the plans the pool had for him… how gargantuan…. how colossal he was to be… would he have stopped? The pool promised strength and power… and now it was giving it to Christophe a million fold. As Christophe became lost in thoughts of the creature he was to become, his lower torso and abs began to inflate with muscle. One by one his abs exploded with size, but The Pool had no need for The Vessel to have have a simple six-pack. As his body grew and mutated, it would need more muscle mass to control it, to hold it up, so now he possessed an astronomical sixteen pac, each flexing and fighting for rooms. As the whirlpool grew stronger, and more and more water was sucked into Christophe, he continued to grow. As his head inching up toward the surface, his pecs began fighting each other to find more room in which to grow, both so weighty with mass that his nipples had begun to point down. While his chest expanded, his internal organs and ribs began to swell as well. Since Christophe’s head had only grown a small bit compared to the mountain his body was becoming, it began to become bound between his traps, which now grew mightily past his ears. Barely visible since both his pecs and his deltoids were eclipsing it, his neck had grown thicker than his own waist. Christophe’s top half was now so immense with lats wider than he could imagine. How wide am I now, Christophe wondered as there was no way he could comprehend his size in mere inches or meters. My chest has to be larger than a car... and getting bigger every second!! His abs and waist had proceeded to grow in leaps and bounds. Compared to his chest, no matter how wide and thick his waste became, it would always be the ultimate wasp waist. Each continued to grow wider and thicker forcing Christophe’s Adonis belt to sink in deeper and deeper. When his head was only five feet from the surface, Christophe’s legs started to quake as his feet began to thicken with muscle. Taking on mammoth proportions, both of his calf muscles stretched up and out, swelling so much that the diamond shape of the two heads began to expand outward on all sides and take up more room over his ankle until it appeared that his foot formed right from my calf. Christophe cried out in rapture as each muscle group erupted in size, and a titanic rumbling sound announced the birth of his new elephantine quads. Finding it impossible to hold onto his tiny cock with fingers so massive, he moved again to his other source of pleasure, his nipples. As Christophe pinched, squeezed, and stroked his nipples, he found that he quickly had to widen his stance as the medial and lateral muscles of his quads swelled. With each widening of his stance, it was only moments later that he could feel his quads fighting against each other for room. For a moment, Christophe thought he was shrinking as he realised he was suddenly getting further away from the surface. With a relief, he realised that it was simply his amassing weight that was forcing him to sink into the soill, and that he was still increasing in size. By the third time of spreading his stance wider to allow his quads more room, Christophe realised he could no longer stretch any further. With and exclamation of relief, his pelvis broke and grew, enlarging his stance. As his waist got broader and broader, his upper body was forced to widen even further to maintain his tapered look. As his pelvis cracked and grew three more times, Christophe felt the muscles in his ass start to grow. How long have I been underwater, he thought... how long have I been growing... how much more will I grow? The more I grow, the more magnificent I feel... and my confidence grows to rule this globe... I am becoming pure power... Wanting to feel his massive ass, Christophe tried to touch it with his hands, but soon discovered that his last were spreading so wide that it was virtually impossible for his arms to even reach his backside. Once again, trying to widen his stance even more to accommodate his inflating quads, his rectus burst forth, emerging as two massive teardrops that dipped over his kneecaps and forced him into a bow legged position for comfort. With happiness and resignation, Christophe knew that from now on he would be forced to walk with a crouched gait. Christophe’s legs were now so massive, so engorged, and so muscle bound that they were nearing redwood proportions. My existence as a mere human is ending, he thought... This was never what I wanted but now I can only beg for more. ⁃ Enter me fully!!! I give you this body as your vessel!! Fill me completely that when I walk... this insignificant world quakes beneath my feet!!! With those words, Christophe’s metamorphosis went into overdrive, and he gritted his teeth in both agony and ecstasy as his pelvus broke and grew for the sixth time, extending his waist even more and forcing his stance to be forever bowlegged. Within seconds of gaining hundreds of pounds more of mass... Christophe’s head burst out of the pool like a fetus leaving the womb. Laughing hysterically, Christophe realised that he now stood nearly 65 feet tall. Around him he could see the water spinning faster and faster with him as it’s focal point. With a cry that scattered every bird for miles around, Christophe’s arms began to shudder with a welcomed burning sensation as finally his upper arms joined the rest of his body in its symphony of growth. Lifting his arms out of the water and flexing, Christophe grinned as he watched his upper arm quickly bloat with size and strength… his biceps and triceps becoming thick and dense. A second shout of delirium erupted from Christophe as his clavicle fractured and enlarged to create more room for upper body growth. The prominence of his upper muscles made it difficult to bend his arms even to flex, forcing them to fall slowly down. As the strength and size of his arms continued to grow, Christophe knew that now he could destroy a building with his very hands, pound a mountain into sand… throw a tree miles away… and his strength only grew as his forearms surged with new size. Even the muscles of his hands would easily be able to pulverise the strongest substance to dust. What will the world see when they finally look upon me, Christophe thought as he grew further out of the pond, his pecs now leaving the water behind. I’ve allowed myself to become a total freak… a human monster… a creature of unstoppable strength! The water was soon touching his first set of abs as he surged even larger, his muscles becoming more grotesque with size. I must be 80 feet tall now and still there is so much water to enter me… to fill me! Throughout his growth, Christophe’s head had become only slightly larger then when the day had started. As the water began to enter him faster and faster, and as he proceeded to get even larger, the bones that formed his head began to fracture, stretch, grow, and re-fuse again larger than before. Trying to hold onto his head but finding the size of his lats and his traps made it impossible to reach, Christophe could only feel every aspect of his face getting larger to match his body. Larger and larger and in the throws of agonising bliss… Christophe’s neck muscles grew thicker to support the new weight of his cranium. As his eyes tripled and then quadrupled in size, his cheekbones, mandible, and nose grew as well. Finally, as his chin grew and squared off, and his brow ridge became more prominent, his traps burst larger and more massive than before and fused once again to just below his ears. Looking around at the world, the shrinking pool seemed so far below him as it barely covered his cock. Then, just as his whole body surged even taller… even bigger… Christophe knew this was the moment he had been waiting for, and he cried out as a massive wave of ecstasy hit him. He could feel his cock getting harder than it ever had been before, but it was his balls he really felt it in. He could feel them constantly filling up and churning… filling up and getting heavier. Soon, although he couldn’t see them over his pecs and abs, he could feel his balls swelling… growing larger… and as they grew, Christophe began to get hornier. Very soon his testicles were pulling down on his sack, blowing up like a water balloons Christophe began to pant as he felt his balls become even more hefty. I can barely concentrate, he thought. My mind… so full of lust.. of cock… of fucking… of muscle… MY MUSCLE!! While his balls tripled again in size, Christophe’s penis begins to squirt pre-ejaculate in larger and larger amounts, continuously throbbing and flexing, and getting noticeably thicker. Taken over by pure animal lust, Christophe closes his eyes tight, scrunches his whole massive face, and he could feel the mounting pleasure as his penis began to swell nearly to its bursting point. Smiling, Christophe could hear and feel the flesh of his cock ripping and repairing itself as his cock began to grow thicker… and thicker… longer… and longer… his heart beating faster as more and more blood was pushed into his cock. The weight of his own cock and balls was getting so vast that he could feel them starting to pull on his groin. His balls, growing at the same rate as his mighty shaft could be heard audibly churning more and more seed. Instinctually, Christophe wrapped his hand around his cock and found it was now so thick that he could barely get his own hand around it. As he stroked, pre flowed freely mixing with the remaining water of the pool. Another wave of intense pleasure hit him as blood was forced more into the head causing it to swell and give Christophe the impression that it just might rip in two. Feeling it with his hands, never had he felt a head so thick and meaty and with such a massive piss-slit!! Soon Christoph was using both hands to stroke himself as his cock and balls grew even more titanic. Every second his whole body was growing, but now it seemed it was all mostly focused on his cock. Grunting, Christophe tugged on his cock, feeling it stretch in his hand. - Need… to… fuck!!! Even when I cum…. I know I won’t be satisfied!!! I’m never… going to… be satisfied!!! I’ll live forever… constantly horny!!!! My whole body… so hard… so colossal! Christophe’s cock quickly became as thick as his own forearm, and together his whole body joined in a symphony of growth. As he stroked harder and faster, he realised that his cock was now becoming more sensitive as his body evolved to have thousands more nerve endings embedded throughout it. Opening his eyes, Christophe could finally see his cock over his pecs… so thick and long. Looking around as he stroked, he could see for miles over the trees. I must be at least 80 feet by now and still I grow… the pool only up to my ankles now… soon I will be completely filled… As his balls grew more and more immense, he began to grow even faster, adding on hundreds of pounds of muscle each minute. Christophe’s whole body flexed and grew as his newly evolved testicles sent massive amounts of testosterone flooding into his body and his final evolution went out of control. Like The Keeper, hair erupted all over his body, growing thick on his face and chest. So out of control was his evolution that, where one follicle would once have grown, he now had five or six, making his growing beard thick and dark. Within minutes, Christophe had a full beard that lengthened as he grew. His pecs, now coated in a pelt of jet black hair, grew even more immense so that no matter how much hair he had in his chest… no matter how thick… nothing would ever hide the musculature. Christophe could feel the hairs on his arms and legs growing as well, trailing down onto his hands and feet, and within minutes his underarms had a forest of long jet black hair. With his hands he could feel his pubes growing denser as they covered his pubic mound and ever expanding balls. Veins thicker than pipelines erupted all over his body to further feed his musculature. As this new body needed larger amounts of blood for his elephantine heart to pump, new arteries and veins were formed to send more blood coursing to his muscles. Christophe’s cock, now longer then his arm grew even thicker as pipe-like veins took root, crisscrossing the entire surface and feeding it. So immense was his cock that it stood out as a monument to all things muscle… to all things masculine… to all things powerful. Joining in the constant leaking of precum, Christophe’s nipples began to leak as well. Moving his hand from his cock to his nipples and then moving it as close as he could to his face… he realised that what was flowing out of him were waters from the pool. I am now the pool… he thought. The smell of the water was intoxicating as it emitted the most intense musk of masculinity and sex. The final waters of the pool was quickly being sucked into his feet, and Christophe felt all of his senses become heightened… as he screamed out in one last surge of evolution… his voice became deeper… a rumble of thunder… His body surged even larger as Christophe became the man he always wanted to be… Shooting up taller and thicker with muscle, Christophe let out a roar. Completely filled now with the water, his intellect also grew… the history of the pool… the history of this globe… now resided within him. Taking in his kingdom, Christophe knew he stood larger than 100 feet and weighed as much as a mountain. He was now more powerful than anything on Earth. He was indeed the true Alpha Male… more supreme than anything to come before or after him. As he began to walk, leaving behind an empty crater, he breathed in and discovered he could smell everything… every plant… every tree… every creature. What have I done, Christophe thought. What am I now? What does the pool have instore for me? This is too much even for me to handle. As I walk, the ground shutters… I tower even above the tallest tree… my musculature… nothing has ever existed such as me. Calming his sudden human fears, the wind of his new world blew through his long black hair and caused his titanic nipples to harden and to leak more of his waters. I am now the Vessel, he thought. I am now beyond the Alpha. Soon the chosen would flock to him… soon the chosen would drink from him… soon he would have an army to command… soon he would fuck… - YES!!! SOON I WILL FUCK!!! THE WATER WILL MULTIPLY GROWING EVEN STRONGER… EVEN MORE POWERFUL. The Vessel… which had once been the human Christophe DuPres, stopped walking for thirty minutes to stroke himself to orgasm, his roar echoing for miles as he showered the world down below with his water… with his seed. He was beyond anything imaginable. Soon the world would see him and worship… and what had begun millions of years ago would finally come to fruition. Smelling the air, The Vessel turned in the direction of the Ocean. Yes… it thought… soon we will merge and I will be complete once again!!!
  15. A few weeks ago while flipping through a few of my old Classic Physique magazines, I found myself reading the back pages with a few old “Quick Grow” schemes promising results for sale. As a kid these concoctions and creams always caught my eye with the promise quick growth and a miracle cure! While looking through, one stood out among the rest: “Uncle Pop’s Chest Cream and Pec Shine!” 555-876-8008 Call Now and Never Look Back! 1982 This ad definitely gave me a chuckle and caught my attention. I wasn’t sure if it was the bourbon after work or smell of my lit cigar but something in me grew the courage to actually call the number for a gas and see if they answered. I was taken aback when someone answered and let me know that 19.99 plus shipping and handling was all that kept me from “Uncle Pop’s Chest Cream and Pec Shine!” I figured why the hell not, I had gotten this far and called, why not send away for it! I gave them my information and sent away for this back page miracle cure. Next thing I know a few weeks had gone, I got home to find a small box on my front door step. I never actually expected for the package to arrive but there it was! A small box stamped. “Uncle Pop’s Chest Cream and Pec Shine!” Well what do ya know, they actually came through and sent it! It had a been a long rough week, between work and the gym and every day troubles I needed some fun and a chance to relax. I brought the box in and set on my coffee table. After getting a few things done around the house I was finally able to settled down with a drink and cigar to enjoy my evening. I had plans to hit the bar with a few friends later that night but I had plenty of time to have a quick stiff drink and finish off an old cigar. I took a drink and started fiddling with the box, just a simple cardboard box, wrapped in twine, no receipt, no address. They must’ve dropped it off at my place for me. I relit my cigar and rubbed my chest, sore from this weeks workout. No matter how hard I tried my chest was stubborn as hell! Maybe the cream was just the ticket I needed! I chuckled internally knowing it was bullshit and at the most it would shine up my chest hair and catch some light! Figured, fuck with it all and let me try some on! I was still wearing my long sleeve from work so I slowly undid a few buttons right down to my belly. Strain from my gut pushed my shirt open and I could look down at my hairy chest, I let out a sigh wishing it would fucking grow already! I took a hard drink, put down my glass and began to open the box. A small 5 oz cream slid out with a twist cap on top. I twisted off the cap and inhaled a strong menthol scent and it flared through my nose eyes like nothing before. Between drinking and that strong whiff I was wide awake and felt my nose tingle, suddenly the cigar smoke in the room smelled stronger and my senses felt heightened. I grabbed a thick dollop of cream and sat back and gently started rubbing it all over the inside of the my pecs, slowly spreading outward and my over my nipples. The menthol took over the air and my nostrils. As I wiped down over my chest, I could feel my chest tingle and my hair stand up from excitement. The sensation felt amazing and any breeze of air would ignite the menthol burn on my chest. I grabbed more cream and lathered up both hands. Exploring and covering my entire chest, I reached down to my end of my tits and began to use my cover each nipple, rubbing, pulling and gently clamping down and tugging on my hard tits! The sensation felt on fire and I was blowing air on each nipple, my body shivered and felt electricity shoot through my chest. My nipples felt thicker and harder than ever before. I used my fingers to play with my newly thickened nipples, running my under over each meaty tip, ending with tight tugs. Blowing cool air at each tit to feel made the tingle shoot through my body! I couldn’t understand how amazing and hard my pecs felt. The temptation and new feeling on my chest and nipples gave me rush! I took another drink and sucked down on my cigar. The menthol heightened everything from my taste, touch and smell! I could feel my erection tighten in my jeans from playing with my chest. I unzipped myself to allow room for the tightening in my crotch. I couldn’t stop rubbing my chest harder and harder, the cream slid through my chest air and down around my erect thickening nipples. I closed my eyes and took in the strong scent of menthol and drifted for a second or two. While sniffing and tugging I felt my chest warm up and tense up, it felt like a flex after a heavy chest pump. I swore it was just arousal but I opened my eyes and my chest had doubled in size! The mound between my pecs had created a slick valley of cream, hair and muscle! My work clothes suddenly felt tight on my chest. I stretched it open and released a few buttons. I slid my shirt apart and my chest had reached a few more inches of girth and roundness! My hands went over each mound and reached over and around 2 inch thick nipples drooping over and gently reaching my belly. I could not help but to tug, stretch and pull my erect tits as far as I could. As my chest over flowed from my shirt all I could do was stare down between my pecs and and use my right arm to help cradle the mass in front of me! I pushed my right arm under me and slid under my giant tits! I was pushing my new grown tits up to my chin and rubbing my chin deep in a valley of hairy creamy muscle! It was everything I had every wanted. I reached over to my thick left tit and tugged hard at that newly formed thick meat of nipple weighing on my massive pec! I had to completely undo my long sleeve and cup each mass of muscle and feel the weight my growing pecs! My thick nipples slipped between each finger, the nipple thickness separating two digits with a mass of nipple. I sat back in my chair and stared down at this newly formed ridges of muscle and thickness. I couldn’t help but keep running my hands over my new massive pecs. I never thought I would ever reach this level of growth! I could grab each tit and bring them up to be tasted and fondled against my chin! A new level of total muscle growth and chest domination! As I looked down at my newly formed massive chest and giant nipple nubs I couldn’t help but sit back and molest my giant chest in front of me. I must’ve spent longer than I am imagined in ecstasy teasing my tits exploring my massive inhuman pecs when suddenly I heard the doorbell ring….
  16. roboprobo

    Bro Fam

    Eventually, you RELISHED your growth going out of control. Sure, you'd officially flunked out of your second year of college but economic analytics was harder than you anticipated... Thankfully, you were very lucky to have such a strong group of bros to support you. And they certainly did- when you initially told them you'd wanted to start working out more seriously, they actually gave you bags of supplements and 'lifestyle' tapes. The tapes were weird (all about 'motivation', working out, or dieting) and even when you always found yourself waking up towards the end of them you'd watch them religiously. Hell, the guys eventually started making your meals for you, too and it didn't take long for the gym to become second nature for you. You got BIG. Your confidence burst through the roof and you were cocky or even mean; you deserved it! Nobody could have gotten as jacked as you, nor as strong. Regardless, you were always kind to your bros. They were the ones making you big, too. Hell, after a while you started feeling like they worshiped you, in a weird, communal way. Each one would bring you a can of weird beer of a brand you couldn't pronounce and of course you'd end up shotgunning it as a challenge. At some point doorways were becoming a challenge due to your width- that's when the guys would laugh at your wide, stumbling gait but still help you get upstairs to bed. The side effects made EVERYTHING bigger. Some of the bros bought you new shoes every time your feet started getting cramped in your current pair. One day you'd dozed off again after a weird lifestyle tape, waking up with an excess of morning wood and one of your younger buddies sucking on your long toes. You felt embarrassed but there was something about when he asked you to flex for him that kept you laying comfortably on your increasingly smaller bed. He'd ask you questions about wanting your growth and if you liked it; you'd answer with honesty as you milked your fat cock, his chuckle making you smile naively as he moved to massage your huge feet and massive legs. You were getting massive and it felt awesome! All you could really think about was getting bigger and having fun with your bros. After a while it wasn't weird at all to find yourself flexing or working out in the basement, naked, and you consistently found yourself serving the guys however they asked. You almost cried when the school told you you'd failed all your classes; you couldn't even remember the last time you'd even gone. The guys told you it didn't matter, you could still live at the house and to not even sign up for another semester if you didn't want to. So you didn't bother with school. Hell, you used to consider yourself a rather smart guy but nowadays you could barely keep up with complex conversations your bros have at home. The guys would laugh when you gave a ditsy comment and tell you to show of your tits instead. You'd happily peel up (or ripped off) your shirt, showing off your massive pecs. You loved showing off, after all! They called you a good 'himbo' and directed you to administer twice the doses of supplements you were accustomed too. You explained to them your pectorals were seemingly increasing size even faster than the rest of your body, feeling sore almost every day. They gladly began giving you more thorough daily 'massages'. Nowadays you find yourself practically shaking the earth beneath your heavy steps, your quads and hams so wide you have to move in an awkward waddle. Your time is religiously spent in the basement gym or with your loving bros. Sure, they graduate and new ones come in, but you always find tight relationships with them. The guys worship your massive, sweaty body and always make sure you're well-taken care of. You've lost track of how many years have gone by and sometimes wonder if you're not really getting any older, either. You're fucking huge. Sometimes the guys are sweeter and love letting you strut around with a proper alpha male cockiness. Others are meaner, tricking you into tight situations or letting your huge pecs go without milking for days at a time, letting you murmur in discomfort like a proper bull in heat as your pecs start looking overdeveloped even for your massive frame. A rare few actually manage to fit your huge cockhead in their mouths. Some manage to fit you inside them (dangerously) but most often you enjoy feeling a bro sniffing and lapping your hairy, muscled pucker before stretching it out with their fat bro cock. For as much as you have to eat, absorbing protein through your bros' thick cocks is a benefit you gladly enjoy. There isn't often a party where you turn down a proper pose down, letting all the guys worship you as they pump you full of beer and cock.
  17. This is the first of a two part story. I had written this back in October as a story to amuse myself. I never thought I would put it out there for the world to read... but since you have all have welcomed my other stories so kindly... here it is!!! I rewrote some of it to give it better flow, etc. The second part is a little crazier... involving more transformation, muscle, destruction, etc. If you aren't into that... let this part be what you read and that is it. This has an ending. If you are into stuff a little wilder... I'll post Part 2 soon!! I hope you enjoy it!!!! Comments and suggestions always welcome!! Tell Me You’re Mine PART ONE I watched as Richard tried once again to fight against the ties that bound him to the leather/wooden cross. I couldn’t deny that he looked hot naked, handcuffed, and with a ball gag in his mouth. No, I scolded myself!! Don’t look at him. Don’t think about him. He’s a means to an end and that is all!!! I leaned once again over the smoke coming from the silver bowl and inhaled... the sharp odour calming my nerves. Soon this would all be over. Soon I would have what I desired. This wasn’t how it originally started. I had gotten home from the gym, horny as fuck with the knowledge that tonight was the night I had been waiting and preparing for for years. I hopped on the hook-up app I often used for quick fucks, hoping he would be on... and I wasn’t disappointed. There he was... Richard from the gym... built, young, cocky, and obviously out for NSA fun. It had been a while since I had seen him at the gym, but perhaps that had been for the best. My pic on my profile was recent, but the lighting might have made me look a little buffer and a little younger then I really was. As I began sending a message to Richard, three guys hit me up at once. Quickly looking at their profiles… one of them was passable and might be an option... but no... only Richard would do. I sent my message and waited to hear back. It wasn’t long before he had taken the bait. I was older then Richard by about ten years, but my picture shows me at my best: an athletic man with black hair and ice blue eyes. Our initial conversation went well, so I decided to simply go for it and asked him if he wanted to play. Sending my location, Richard was glad to know my home was only six blocks away from his own... a fact I already knew. Yeah, this had all the makings of a perfect quick hook-up for him... we could each get off and he would have plenty of time to meet-up with some friends. When I showed him my dick pic... that sealed the deal. He would be over in ten. When Richard arrived, he commented on the slight silver at my temples and stated that it was a sexy addition, and one he approved off. I took his coat, offered him a glass of very fine red wine, and then we began kissing on the couch. Now, my body is not as muscular as Richard’s, and I’m not as tall as he is, but I do have a tight runners build that was obvious, by the bulge in his pants, that he respected. Also, once we had stripped out of our clothes and were naked, I was able to prove, to his eager mouth, that I truly was sporting an XL endowment. After nearly fifteen minutes of kissing... deep and passionately, Richard wanted to move it to the bedroom, but I let him know I had other plans. How adventurous was Richard feeling? Sure I could easily fuck him... but why not put a little handcuff play into the action... I could see the wheels in his head spinning behind his eyes. No, Richard, he was thinking. That’s how guys get killed… I hardly know this guy. But, the leaking of his cock was screaming: Yes!!!! This guy is totally normal!! His cock won out. Richard took a gulp of his wine, texted a friend where he was just in case he disappeared… always a smart move, and followed me down the hallway. The room, the prize of my house, was a large conservatory that I had converted into a personal library with shelves and shelves of hardback books, some intricately bound and other centuries old. They were the result of my decades of research, and I knew each one practically by heart. The ceiling is over thirty-five feet high, and the sun can easily be blocked out with shades that moved electronically. I knew he was impressed by the sheer size of the room, joking it was bigger then three of his apartments. What really took Richard’s attention were the tools of my play: masks, hoods, gags, handcuffs, dildos of all sizes, and a multitude of paddles and whips. The collection was lit by several dim pin lights, but my prize was what took centre stage: an imposingly large wooden cross padded with leather, raised up on its own circular platform. Nervous, but ultimately turned on as well, Richard took in the entire room in awe. His laughter echoing in the enormous room, he said he had never read 50 Shades of Grey... or seen the film... but he had heard of the ‘Red Room’ and imagined it had to be something like this. I told him I hoped mine was a little classier then Christian Grey’s. Quietly I came up behind him and began to gently kiss his neck, my arms wrapped around him, my hands stroking his abs. ⁃ I’ve never done anything like this before. I’m usually pretty vanilla. ⁃ We don’t have to if you’re not comfortable. ⁃ No! No... I want to. ⁃ Are you sure? I want everything to be totally consensual. Richard lowered my hand down to the his hard cock signalling the affirmation of his desires. I turned Richard around and pulled him toward me, our bodies pressing together while we passionately kissed. Within moments and with expert hands, I was exploring every inch of his body, traveling my tongue over every muscle. Richard’s cock began to leak pre-cum again as his excitement mounted. Lapping it up with my tongue, I succeeded in taking Richard’s entire cock in my mouth, deep throating him like a champ. Richard placed his hands on the back of my head and began to massage my scalp, tremors of ecstasy running through him. ⁃ Let me worship your body. It’s so beautiful, so built. I want to lick every inch of it. ⁃ Do it!! I looked into Richard’s eyes and pushed him toward the cross. Willingly, Richard allowed his arms to be placed on the cross bars, and he let out a low moan as I grabbed his hands and locked them swiftly and dominantly into the handcuffs. I did the same at his feet. Then, to make the picture complete, I covered his eyes with a leather mask. As promised, I worshiped, licked, and sucked every inch of Richard’s quivering and flexing body. My tongue traveled into crevices no tongue had ever reached, and Richard bucked his pelvis uncontrollably as an orgasm appeared on the horizon. I wrapped my mouth around Richard’s cock and brought him closer and closer to explosion. Seconds away from coming in my mouth, I pulled back and looked up at Richard. ⁃ You like that? ⁃ Yeah!!! ⁃ Want me to finish you off? ⁃ Oh yeah!!! ⁃ Tell me you’re mine. ⁃ What? ⁃ Tell me you’re mine. ⁃ Fuck!! I’m yours! Do it!!!! I attached myself to Richard’s cock again, and with my hand began to massage his balls. Unable to hold on much longer and entirely under my sway, Richard felt his balls rise up in his sack. ⁃ I’m gonna... I’m... I removed my mouth seconds before Richard shot and captured his release in a small silver bowl I had hidden near the base of the cross. Using my hand, I milked more and more cum from his balls until Richard cried out that he couldn’t take anymore. Beginning to already go soft, Richard’s masked face looked down at me and smiled. ⁃ Fuck, man!!! Richard chuckled as he shook his head. I stood up, took off the mask, looked at Richard, and kissed him once again. His cock started to get hard again, but playtime was over. Richard watched in silence as I walked to the side of the room and opened a cabinet. Inside was a large copper bowl. Removing it, I walked back over to Richard. Placing the bowl on the floor, I looked up at him with a grin and quickly bound Richard’s waist to the cross with thick rope that had been lying on the floor, hidden in the shadows. When that was complete, I removed a sponge from the bowl, and starting with Richard’s feet, began to wash him with the mixture of goat milk and other herbs I had prepared the night before. The mixture was warm to the touch and had a spicy smell emanating from it. ⁃ Damn that smells good. Very sexy. What are you doing, man? I looked up at him, his cock hard and throbbing, a grin on his face. ⁃ I’m cleansing you. ⁃ What? ⁃ Cleansing you. Preparing you. ⁃ For what? ⁃ For the ritual. You will be the soul I give in place of mine. Richard laughed, believing that I was joking, but when he looked in my eyes, he knew I was totally serious. He attempted to free himself as I began to wash him again, covering his softening penis with the sponge. ⁃ You’re fucking with me… right man? You’re totally fucking with me!!!! Silence. I began to wash Richard’s abs. Richard was attempting to loosen himself from his binds but found it was virtually impossible. Panicking, I could hear his heart racing in his chest. He tried to reason with me as I began to cover his pecs with the milky substance. ⁃ Please let me go man. ⁃ You gave yourself to me. ⁃ We were fucking around!! You know we were! I didn’t give you anything! ⁃ I asked and you responded. You even gave me your seed. You are mine. ⁃ HELP!!! SOMEONE!!! HELP!!! ⁃ No one can hear you. Believe me. But if you’re going to be difficult... I walked to the opposite wall and pulled a ball gag from its place. Upon my return, Richard attempted to move his head from side to side, but in my position now I was a little stronger and a lot faster. Eventually, Richard was gagged. Screaming over the ball was useless, and trying to move his head away from me proved futile as I concluded the cleansing by covering his neck and face with the milk. When he was completely covered, I took the bowl and poured the remaining over Richard’s head, cascading over his hair and dripping down his muscular body. Swiftly, knowing time was of the essence, I moved to another cabinet, removed red and black candles and began to place them strategically around the room. When that was completed and all 36 were lit, I returned to Richard with a pot of black paint and a paintbrush. With expert hand, I began to use Richard’s body as a canvas, covering it with intricate symbols that only a very few could read. These were runes forged at the beginning of time, instructions of how to carry out my desires. Richard tried to cry out again, but I found he was becoming weaker over time with fear. It took nearly thirty minutes, but with my expert hand, the job was complete and Richard’s entire body was covered in markings. I moved away and stared at my work admiringly. For so long I had prepared for this... for years... and now it would actually be happening. I left the room for a moment and returned with a large brass bowl filed with kindling. Placing this down in front of Richard, I struck a match and lit it. From a shelf on one of the bookcases, I returned with both a silver bowl and a silver knife. Walking up to Richard, I began to chant the invocation under my breath while moving the knife in elaborately choreographed movements. Trailing the knife in patterns on his chest, Richard barely felt the moment when I cut him just below his left pec. As the blood flowed, I captured it in the silver bowl. It was by no means a mortal wound nor one that might leave a scar. Even if it had been mortal, in a few minutes it wouldn’t matter to Richard. Nothing would matter to Richard. As the blood continued to drip, I captured some on my hand. With this, I began to stroke Richard’s penis again. Despite being in total fear for his life, Richard’s cock was hard once again. Stroking him faster and faster until he came a second time, I allowed his ejaculation to merge with his blood in the silver bowl. From the first bowl, the bowl with his first ejaculation, I used his semen to pain the last symbol, the one that would let Astaroth know that Richard was mine. When finished, I poured the rest of the ejaculation into the other bowl and sat myself on the floor behind the open flames. Placing the silver bowl on top of the burning wood, I began the Invocation, calling the most powerful of all demons to me. The incense and herbs I threw into the silver bowl began to float on the air. My volume was raised as I became more and more frantic, wrapped up in the incantation I was weaving. I could feel the energy in the room changing; I could feel that he was here. He simply just needed to show himself. Finally, after waving the silver knife in different directions, I stood up, and raising the bowl over my head, I screamed the demon’s name. Over and over I called for him... ⁃ Astaroth!!! Astaroth... most powerful... even more powerful then his father, Lucifer! Astaroth… hear your servant!!! Astaroth... receive my gift... Astaroth… find me worthy!!! Astaroth!!! Fill me with your power!!!... Over and over again I repeated this chant until the room grew cold, there was a great wind, and the candles all blew out simultaneously. A moment passed... then two... when suddenly all of the candles were lit once again by some supernatural hand. I kneeled down on the floor and began the invocation once again with even more passion and fervour. He was close… so close… this was the furthest I had ever gotten before. A pillar of smoke began to rise from the silver bowl, growing thicker and thicker, filling up the room, until a long clawed hand shot out from within it. I watched in anticipation as a face made entirely of fire emerged from the smoke. On top of the demon’s head were thick ram horns the curled upward. Pulling its way out of the smoke, the creature emerged fully formed. The smell that came with the creature, a mixture of rotten eggs and death, made me feel both physically ill and excited at the same time. I had prepped for this moment... and now it was here. The concept that this was actually happening hit me again as Astaroth moved toward Richard. As it walked, it left behind burnt hoof prints in the stone floor. Still existing on two planes, the creature looked to be created from both flesh as well as the thick smoke that trailed behind it. Eventually, as it gained strength, it succeeded in fully crossing over into our realm. Once the flames that had covered its body disappeared, it’s skin looked horribly burnt, but the longer it remained in this world, the more like human flesh began to appear. It wasn’t tall... maybe 5’6, and walked on black hoofed feet. It’s legs were entirely covered in long jet black hair, but this didn’t hide the immense penis that erupted from its crotch. It’s chest was also covered in hair, but it was quite muscular, a tight firm body any man would have wanted. The only difference was that it had a human eyeball in place of each nipple. These eyes looked independently around the room, leaking tears of flame. It’s face... perhaps at one time had been human, but now most of the flesh had been burnt away revealing a skull that appeared more wolf or jackal then human. It’s eyes glowed blood red and were reptile-like. From its snout, sharp long fangs emerged, and instead of a tongue, a living snake. What remained of its hair was long and black, and traveled from its head down its back. Finally, it dragged behind it a powerful serpent tail that left a trail of ooze wherever it lay. Moving toward Richard it sniffed him before moving its claws over the patterns that I had drawn there. After taking the time to read what I had placed on Richard’s body, it turned to me and spoke. ⁃ Egnahcxe ni tseuqer uoy od tahw? The creatures voice was serpentine yet quite deep, with smoke emerging as it spoke. Expecting this, I held a large mirror high above my head. From within the glass, smoke began to blossom until it exploded outward repeating Astaroth’s words: ⁃ What do you request in exchange? ⁃ I want power. ⁃ Elaborate. ⁃ Make over my body. Sculpt it as mighty as can be. Form my sex into a colossal tower. Let me stand above the masses, forever young, forever virile, forever healthy, preaching our master’s name. In exchange, I give you my slave. ⁃ And he comes willingly? ⁃ He is mine... proclaimed so by his own words and deeds. It was his seed that called you. It moved up to Richard and smelled him again. Too frightened to move, Richard allowed the serpent tongue to travel over his face, down his neck, and over his pecs. It was obvious the demon was examining him... but would he accept him in trade? ⁃ Yes... it is writ that he is yours to exchange. Richard tried to cry out, to deny that he was mine, but the gag made it impossible. Astaroth looked from me to Richard. The gag, the rope, and the handcuffs were suddenly released, and he was free. Wasting no time, Richard tried to run for the door, but Astaroth was too fast. In a split second, he had leaped onto Richard’s back and brought him down to the floor. Richard screamed out as Astaroth opened its mouth and began to insert Richard’s head in. Like a vacuum, it swallowed his shoulders, then his chest, his torso, his legs, and finally his feet. Within moments, Richard was gone. Throughout time, history rewrote itself, and Richard ceased to ever have lived... ever have existed... remembered by only me. His soul was now hell bound, sent in exchange of mine. Once Richard had been ingested, Astaroth turned its head to look directly at me. ⁃ The deal has been made, and the payment received!! Young and virile you forever will remain. Tall and mighty your body shall become, and a monument to our master your sex will be. Smoke flowed out of the silver bowl and slowly began to swirl and wrap itself around my body. My heart began to beat faster as my fate lay before me. What would Astaroth make of my instructions. What was I to become? What I had written on Richard’s body... was that possible? Could a human grow so massive... so tall... so powerful? For a second I feared what I had written. This room I stood in... my sanctuary would be like a dollhouse. Was this what I wanted??? Oh yes, I thought with a grin!!!! Yes!!!!!! As the smoke wove around my body faster and faster, an unholy cry began to pierce my head. ⁃ Screams! I hear screams! ⁃ Yes!!! It is the energy of the thousands of souls preparing to power your body. My penis got hard thinking about the power I was soon to possess, the smoke swirling around every inch of my cock. The smoke began to pick up speed until it was like a storm wrapping itself around my body. Lightening burst from the smoke and began to strike my body over and over again. I embraced the power invading me. I had never felt anything so incredible. The sound of the smoke storm was now so loud that I could barely hear myself think. Above the storm, even louder, were the screams of thousands of tortured souls crying out from hell. ⁃ You are willing to accept what gift I give you? ⁃ Yes!!! Fill me with ultimate power!! Make me mighty!! ⁃ As you request, so I do!!! The storm sped up even faster, covering me in a shroud of pure darkness. Suddenly and without warning a smoke tentacle broke away from the source and shot itself into my face, forcing its way into my body. Following its lead, more and more of the smoke storm rocketed its way into every inch of me. I welcomed it, trying to digest it all. Eventually, I had swallowed the entire thing, and those souls had taken up residency within me. ⁃ Yes!!! I can feel them within me!! I feel them changing me... altering me... so much power!! I never expected so much power!!! ⁃ But a taste. Now I complete you!! Astaroth released a jet of fire from its mouth, and once again it wrapped itself around me, this time with even more force then before. I wanted to shield my eyes from the bright flames swirling around my body, but it was impossible to not watch. This was the power that would change my body... my world forever!!! ⁃ Yes!!!! Give me even more power then I can imagine!!! The flame shot up in the air and then down into my open mouth. I wanted to scream out in ecstasy as my whole being quaked as it filled with what the demon had gifted me. What felt like an eternity lasted a few minutes as what had entered took root. Suddenly I was afraid of what I felt... I was afraid yet turned on by my desires. ⁃ I... I can feel my humanity being stripped away... I’m.... no... no... I’m no longer human... am I? ⁃ No. ⁃ What am I becoming? ⁃ Exactly what you requested. The earth will soon quake beneath your feet. The world will shudder when it sees you. Never has there been a more beautiful... more monstrous creature then you. All I could hear in the room was my own breathing and the thousands of souls preparing to power my transformation. No longer was I human. I had been stripped of that by this creature, but did I care... perhaps for a moment but that was all. I was too eager for my conversion to start. I breathed several times in and out... The power was welling up inside of me, ripping through my body and altering every cell. Uncontrollable spasms hit my body over and over again as the power prepared me... burning through me. Unexpectedly, the creature released a jet of fire from its mouth once again, this one longer then the first, and again it shot directly into my mouth. Screaming out, the onslaught forced me to the ground. What was this creature doing to me?! So much power existed inside my body now… much more then I had asked for. I was unable to control my limbs as I flailed on the ground receiving more energy then a nuclear bomb!! When the smoke cleared, the room was illuminated only from the red glow coming from... yes... coming from my eyes!! My eyes no longer saw as a human saw... but what was I becoming? When I spoke next, my voice was filled with steel. ⁃ Fifty thousand souls are prepared to fuel my transformation... to make me power incarnate!!! Shakily, my body still spasming over and over from this onslaught, I rose to my feet and faced off with the creature. Sporadically, flames would erupt from my body and a howling emerged from my mouth when I opened it. I was intoxicated by what I felt. This had far surpassed what I had imagined it would be like... yet like every addict, I knew what I wanted and that Astaroth had more to give. On shaking legs, I approached it. ⁃ Be careful what you ask for. ⁃ I need it all!!!! ⁃ Then take it!!! The creature smiled, flexing its muscles for me. Yes. He was the well from which I had to drink. I had the power of fifty thousand of souls in me prepared to fuel my metamorphosis, but I needed more!! Falling to my knees in front of it, I took my hand and placed it on the creature’s mighty shaft. Stroking it, it quickly rose to a swollen 15”, flames dripping from the head. As I nervously licked the head, one drop touched my tongue... my brain exploded as I witnessed in one second all of the power Astaroth held. Needing more, I wrapped my mouth around the mighty head and began to suck it, taking as much of the shaft down my throat as I could. Minutes passed. Astaroth’s claws dug into the back of my head forcing me to take much more of its cock then I thought I ever could. I could feel my body quaking with power as I mined for more. I sucked and stroked the shaft demanding it give me what I deserved. Eventually, Astaroth began to grunt and groan, breathing heavily due to my expert mouth. ⁃ Turn back now, human... while you can!!! This warning only caused me to suck and stroke harder until finally the creature reached orgasm, and unloaded its powerful load inside of me. As he deposited it in my stomach, I felt like I was being electrocuted. I no longer could control my body as I convulsed from the onslaught of what was being bestowed upon me. I continued to suck on its shaft, determined to drain it all… until with one mighty blow it threw me off its cock and to the middle of the room. I tried to stand but couldn’t. I had ingested too much power and my body was unprepared to digest it all. My whole body was pulsating with life. My entire body began to shift, to throb.. my skin began to bubble. This tapped force was attempting to surge out of my body, seeping my pores, releasing flames when it ruptured. My entire being had overdosed on power and was being ravaged by it. I felt lightheaded and sick to my stomach at the same time. I put my head in my hands and felt my face and skull give way as it pressed and merged around my hands. Never had I felt anything like this onslaught of power, and it was it was getting more powerful by the second. As I tried to stand again, my entire being began to smoke as if I were burning from within. I could only chuckle at what I was going to become, and knowing it was about to happen at any moment made my 8” cock go hard. From the reflection of the glass on the ceiling, I could see my eyes were shining a bright blue now. Soon… I could feel the power rising up within me as if my whole body was about to cum. It was getting stronger and stronger. A sudden burst of laughter erupted from my throat as I realised my time as Darren was over and that a new creature was going to take my place. ⁃ I will be the mightiest creature to walk this Earth!!! I will take what is rightfully mine!!!! I will exist at the top of the food chain!!! Nothing... will ever... stop me... AGAIN!!!!!!! My whole body suddenly stopped fluctuating and tensed up, my back muscles beginning to cramp. It felt as if hundreds of hot nails were being hammered into my traps at once. I released a scream that bounced around the room and was echoed by the thousands of souls within me. As I screamed, I could feel my back beginning to swell with muscle. Larger and more defined it became, and still it continued to grow. My collarbone and scapula made gruesome cracking noises as they fractured and then expanded, growing wider… my arms moving further away from my body. The pain was agonising but welcome. This is exactly how I had wanted it. My body was being tortured to make me even more mighty. For what seemed like hours, but was only minutes, my shoulders extended, becoming wider then any door, and showed no sign of slowing its growth. As the bones continued to stretch longer and thicker, my shoulder muscles began to join in the development of my traps. I was determined to stand, but the orgasmic rush of growth proved too much for me, and I fell once again to my knees. ⁃ My shoulders... my delts getting so round and thick!!! My whole upper body stretching wider and wider... my upper back... so filled with muscle and strength... my traps getting so concentrated... my... ARGH!!!! My upper body surged even wider. There would be no way possible that I could ever walk through a normal door again, my shoulders were simply too wide. My traps were riding higher and rounder on my shoulders giving me the look of a bull that I had always longed for. With a sudden eruption, my lats began to swell, pushing my arms even further from from my body. I couldn’t believe how quickly my upper back, shoulders and traps had become mountainous, and far from the realm of human possibility. With all of this muscle, it was as if four bodybuilders had been fused together to create my upper back, and still I continued to bulge and grow. ⁃ More!!! My hunger is insatiable. Make me bigger!! Make this body a monument to your strength!!! I cried out in orgasmic lust as my neck began to swell into a Grecian column of muscle. I tried to feel it with my hands, but they were now too far away and too short to even reach my neck!! Moving my head with ever growing difficulty, I could feel that it was so dense and muscle bound that it must look more like a quad then a neck!! As my traps continued to rise up higher and higher and started to fuse with my neck, my lats continued to widen until, to my joy, my upper back resembled that of a immense morphed cobra head. The horrific sound of cracking filled the room even louder then before as my arms and hands began to lengthen. ⁃ Fuck!!! Look at these arms??!! They’re getting longer then my legs!!! How big am I gonna be??!! ⁃ Monstrous. The creature hadn’t spoken until now, but simply watched with glee as my body was racked with pain and the birth of what I was becoming. I looked up when it spoke in shock, awe, and desire. ⁃ Freakish. Never on Earth will there have been one to rival your size or mastery. ⁃ Yes!!!!!!! Grow me!!! Stretch me!!! Don’t stop!!! Ever!!! Hearing my plea, my legs and feet began to lengthen along with my arms and hands. Although still top heavy, I could finally stand! My legs were so long and wobbly that I must have resembled a newborn pony. Standing for the first time, I was shocked at how tall I was, yet even more surprised when my hands dragged on the floor. The ceilings in the refurbished conservatory were over 35 feet high, and here I was standing a little above what I estimated at ten feet. I couldn’t help but laugh as I took in my new view of the world. ⁃ Look at me... towering above you... towering above everything!! I continued to get taller, my inhumanly wide and muscular back began to resemble a flesh-like shell, it was so mountainous with peaks and valleys of muscle. The thickness of my neck and traps made it virtually impossible to turn my head, and I found I had to turn my whole body if I needed to look around. I was being hit by the impracticalities of my new size, but I didn’t care. I revelled in them and I wanted more. I ceased to care about a normal life and wanted to exist purely as a creature of brute strength and muscle. I lifted my growing hand and marvelled at the sheer size of it. Each finger was much longer then my own head and thicker then three or four of my old fingers put together. My palm... fuck... that is where I gaped at the size... the palm of my hand was growing to become nearly as large as my own chest!!! As I continued hurling into my metamorphosis, I could feel this energy burning up inside of me. ⁃ The screaming in my head is getting louder... all of this dark energy erupting inside of me... fuelling me!!!! My torso soon joined in with my arms and legs, and loudly begun to elongate. The snapping and pulling of my body was soon so excruciating that my own screams merged with the moans of the souls erupting from me to create a symphony of terror. As my body developed taller and longer, I laughed through my pain thinking that I must resemble the urban legend of Slenderman made flesh. As the ground fell further away and the ceiling came closer, I tried to rationalise how tall I was becoming. Was I nearly fifteen feet tall now? The more my torso stretched, the quicker my arms and hands, legs and feet finally began to look in proportion to my body... but my own body was so out of proportion to every human on earth!!! Stumbling, I moved around the room on my stick legs, my enormous feet rocking the very foundation of my house. I’ll never be able to get out of this room without tearing the whole thing apart, I thought with excitement. How tall am I now?! The ceiling is getting so much closer!! I reached up my arm and found that I it wasn’t as far away as I thought it was!! Soon I would be able to easily touch it with the tips of my finger!!! Fuck!!! The ceiling that was too tall for a ladder, and soon I would touch it with my own hand... and still I grew. Contemplating how much larger I was to become, I felt an itching beginning to rise in both of my pecs. The itching became an irritation, and then the irritation became stabbing bolts of pain. I screamed out, a sound the whole neighbourhood must have heard as my pecs began to explode with size. Like two massive inflatable rafts attaching themselves to my body, my pectorals simply blossomed, quickly getting firmer and rounder. The sensation of feeling my blood engorged muscles grow made my head spin. Looking down as much as my neck would allow, I saw these massive globes coming to life, taking over the top half of my chest. I rubbed my hand over the right one, and nearly collapsed as my hand brushed over my nipple. My nipples had never been sensitive before, and I never understood nipple play, but now... fuck!!! Now I could!! With each beat of my heart, my pecs swelled larger and larger. Using both of my hands, I grabbed my nipples and I squeezed them. Colours formed in front of my eyes and my head spun with ecstasy. I squeezed them again and twisted them at the same time, releasing a low moan from my throat. They were the most sensitive things I had ever felt. As if they were trying to enrapture me to play with them more, they both suddenly began to get larger and thicker, the areola getting wider and browner, and the nipple bursting with size until they both were nearly the length of a human finger. My pecs, fuelled by my intense nipple play grew even mightier, extending feet from my chest. The sensation of feeling my blood engorged pecs grow fuller made me want to roar. I looked down at Astaroth who appeared so tiny now compared to me. ⁃ Look at my pecs... getting so full... so heavy with muscle. I can’t wait till my whole body feels this way... weighing thousands of pounds of muscle!!! ⁃ Thousands of pounds? Too small!! Thousands upon thousands upon thousands of pounds!! Your muscle mass making the very earth tremble!! No scale ever strong enough to weigh how heavy you really are. His words swam in my head as I watched my pecs beginning to find more room to grow on my body, rising up while being forced down at the same time. The gap between my pecs was so deep, but it also grew tighter as they took up more space. I took my hand and placed it down into the gap, and felt the pressure being forced on it by these two powerful masses. Soon I would be able to crumble boulders between my pecs, or splinter trees just from flexing them together. Never have pecs been so mighty My abs and lower back began to burst with muscle at the same time to prevent my upper body from collapsing down upon it. My back, lats, and traps were still gaining mass, and I could just imagine how I looked. My traps rose up to near my ears, now giving me the guise of either having no neck at all or one so massive that it rose simply from my back. My abs exploded one by one, but there was to be no simple six-pack for this body. With my hands I felt, since I couldn’t see anymore below my pecs, that my own body was mutating and I now possessed a twelve pac!! With my knowledge of the male anatomy, I was aware that most humans have, at most, eight muscle bellies making up their ab muscle, but here I was with my abdomen divided in 6, with each becoming thick and as dense as cinder blocks. Fuck!!! How I wanted a mirror in this room!! ⁃ As you command. Vanished were the walls of bookshelves and toys, my chamber was now composed entirely of mirrors. Every surface… every wall… even the floor and ceiling were mirrors. There wasn’t even a door anymore!! Everywhere I looked I saw me, and what I saw freaked and thrilled me!! Astaroth watched as I took in my half formed body. The first thing I noticed was my head. It had only grown a small amount with the rest of my body, and my eyes still glowed a bright blue with no pupils at all. My head was tightly wrapped in between my immense traps, which now rose mightily past my ears. My neck, larger then my waist, was barely visible, as my pecs and deltoids simply covered it up. Finally, my lats caused my upper body to curve away from my body but then taper back in. How wide was I? I had no way of knowing in inches or feet how big I was, but at this size, it simply didn’t matter. My upper body had to be larger and wider then a car... and still I grew!! My lower torso... my abs... a brick wall didn’t do it justice!!! Each ab alone was a testimonial to muscle, and jointly created a pure work of mastery. Each crevice in the wall of abs, along with my newly forming Adonis belt was so deep... so so dark. My waist... no matter how thick, as it had to be over 50 inches, was firm compared to my massiveness of my chest giving me the ultimate wasp waist. I smiled at my reflection, and looked down at the Astaroth. ⁃ The birth of a monster. ⁃ Only the beginning... My legs began to tremble and quake as my feet began to grow longer and to thicken with muscle. Stretching upward, both my calf muscles began to take on mammoth proportions. They swelled up so thick that, the diamond shape of the two heads began to expand outward on all sides and take up more room over my ankle until it appeared that my foot formed right from my calf. My calf muscles stretched upward toward my kneecaps, but a titanic rumbling sound announced the birth of my new elephantine quads. I cried out in exhilaration as each muscle simply erupted in size. I could only drool over how massive they quickly were becoming. The lateral and medial muscles of my quads immediately became so swollen that I had to widen my stance. Each time I did, and created a little more room for my balls, they would quickly take up all available space. In no time at all the rectus emerged as two massive teardrops that dipped over my kneecaps and required me into a bow legged and crouched position for comfort. I was resigned that for the rest of my existence I would be forced to walk this way, and it made me supremely happy. By the fifth time I had spread my legs, this time as far as they could possibly go, I heard a familiar cracking noise and knew it was my pelvis breaking to enlargen my stance. This caused my waist to broaden as well, which only forced my upper body to grow more as well to keep my tapered look. As I felt my gluteus grow, I cried out. I had been growing for nearly thirty minutes now, and with each change and alteration to my body, the more orgasmic it felt. I moved my hands to try and feel my swelling ass since even with the mirrors I had trouble seeing it, but with my widening lats, I had difficulty moving my arms to even touch it. ⁃ My body... how did I ever exist in anything but this body you are forming for me!!! I am indeed becoming monstrous as you said. ⁃ And you shall remain this way for all eternity... immortal as you requested. ⁃ Fuck!!! I had forgotten that... ⁃ Never ageing... never sickening... never dying... existing as you are for eternity... pure power!!! I clenched my jaw and grit my teeth as I felt the agony of my pelvis bone breaking and growing again, extending my waist more and causing my stance to become far more unnaturally bowlegged. My legs were now so muscle bound, so massive, and so engorged, that some might say they bordered on the grotesque, but I only cried out for more. Every time I stepped now, the entire house shook and the stone floor beneath me cracked and shattered to dust from my insurmountable weight. In no time at all, I knew this entire house would come down around me simply due to my very existence, and that had me begging for more size and mass. As best as I could, I lifted my arms above my head and found that with some manoeuvring I could easily place my palms against the mirrored ceiling. By this time, I was over twenty feet tall, no doubt nearing twenty-five. My deltoids had grown so dense with muscle that it wasn’t easy to lift my arms above my head, but at this time it was still a possibility. My arms began to shudder and ignite with a blissful burning sensation as I finally felt my upper arms join the rest of my body in its symphony of growth. Flexing my upper arm, I watched as it quickly bloated with power, my biceps and triceps becoming thick and dense as stone. I wanted to scream out as my clavicle fractured and enlarged to create more room for upper body growth. The prominence of my upper arms made it difficult to bend my arms, forcing them down off of the ceiling. So much strength were in these arms now. I could easily rip apart a tree or a boulder with my bare hands, and my strength only increased as my forearms surged with size. My hands... fuck... the muscles of my hands expanded until I knew that by the time I had broken out of this house, I would be able to crush coal into diamonds and diamonds into dust. I glanced at myself in the mirror again, a creature of pure muscle. I saw myself as the world might see me: I was nightmarish, I was a mutant of muscle, I was freakish... I was beautiful!!! A beast of pure strength and power. I did a full body flex, and watched as my whole body became even more grotesque as it surged larger. When I released the flex, my body maintained the pump I had gained. Until this moment, my head had remained the same size as when I had first begun this journey, but with an unanticipated flash of pure torment, the bones that formed my entire cranium began to split and re-fuse larger. I tried to keep my eyes open to watch this happen but it was truthfully a frightening sight. My skull swelled and grew first until my head resembled an immense light bulb. My neck muscle continued to thicken to support the added weight of my new head. Soon my eye sockets expanded, as did my eyes. I had thought I understood pain with my last growth, but this surpassed even that. As my eyes doubled and tripled in size, I was afraid they were going to explode. My upper head looked alien, but as my cheekbones and nose began to grow as well, I could see that very soon I would look like me again... just a leviathan version of myself. My chin grew and squared off at the same time my brow ridge became more prominent. Fuck!!! This was now the head of a true Brobdingnagian!!!! My traps, afraid of being left behind, soon grew more immense and once again fused above my ears. I felt a peculiar feeling in my abdominal wall, and looked gain at myself in the mirror. It was odd to know I would never truly see my lower half again due to my immense pecs, but that only made me smile with happiness. That was how I wanted to live. My abdominal muscles were growing larger... lengthier... stretching down like thick tentacles toward my pubis. This was it, I thought. This was the moment I had been waiting for, and my body was preparing itself for it!!! I thought my body was evolving my pubis to be more muscular in order to hold the massive cock I was soon to have, but I was only partially correct. The tentacles of muscle forced their way into my penis and I could only cry out as the greatest surge of ecstasy hit me. Further and further this tentacle of muscle invaded my penis, starting at the base... forcing it to grow longer and thicker, transforming it from tissue into a shaft of pure muscle. My cock was becoming as the rest of my body was... nothing but bulging, pulsating, throbbing muscle!!! I whimpered as this metamorphosis occurred, as my cock was inundated with muscle to become this hard and thick shaft. My muscle cock, because what else could I call it, grew tremendous, nearly as thick as my own forearm, and just as my body continued to grow more massive with muscle, so did my cock. I wrapped my hand around what had once been my old cock, and instantly felt the difference. My muscle cock was no longer pliable with a soft feel but hard as the rest of my body was. I stroked it and felt it flex for the first time, growing even more tremendous in my hand. It was more sensitive then my original flesh cock, as my body evolved to have thousands more nerve endings imbedded throughout it. I could only drool as wave after wave of pleasure besieged my body as I stroked this new muscle cock, watching it grow even more colossal. The tentacles of muscle eventually reached the head, and I watched as this too was transformed into muscle, more bulbous and wider then ever before, the slit a vast open cavern. This was exactly the cock I had wanted, and watched as it expanded and lengthened until it grew even larger then my arm, the head mushrooming even fatter until it was thicker then my fist. I roared... I actually roared as my balls began to widen. I could feel the testosterone in my body being forced into overdrive, as my evolved testicles became a power plant to fuel my last metamorphosis into a being of total size and total masculinity. My head spun as my evolution went wonderfully out of control. As my balls grew immense and sent out shockwaves of testosterone fuelled by the hundreds of thousands of souls within me, I grew even faster, adding on hundreds of pounds of muscle each minute. Hair erupted all over my body, growing quicker and thicker on my face and chest. My hair growth was so out of control that where one follicle would once have grown, I know had five or six, making my newly grown beard thick and dark. Within minutes, I had a full beard that lengthened as I grew taller, my head nearing the thirty foot ceiling. My pecs were covered in a pure pelt of jet black hair, but no matter how thick the hair on me was, it couldn’t hide the musculature beneath it. The hairs on my arms and legs lengthened, trailing down onto my hands and feet, and my underarms had a forest of long jet black hair. My pubes grew denser as well as they covered my pubic mound and ever expanding balls. Thick hose like veins rose up all over my body feeding my musculature. New veins and arteries were formed doubling and then tripling the amount the human body had. My body needed this larger amount so my massive heart would be able to pump the required power throughout my body. My cock muscle, now nearing the length of my leg, grew even thicker as pipe-like veins took root, crisscrossing the entire surface and feeding this monster. The head... ugh!!! The head grew even larger, nearly the size of my cranium. My cock was indeed more then simply a devise for reproduction. It was a monument to all things muscle, all things strength, and all things masculine. Leaking a constant flow of precum, my entire body began emitting the most intense musk... sexual and masculine. Still the world spun around me as my whole being went into overdrive. ⁃ Changing... becoming... something else... all of my senses are becoming heightened... becoming... my voice...so deep... more like a rumble of thunder then a voice...yes...becoming even stronger... becoming... yes... a being of pure instinct... I feel as if I am transforming into something more animalistic the more masculine I become. ⁃ This is what you wanted. ⁃ Was it...??? ⁃ You wanted to be the alpha.. reign supreme over everything.., I am giving you that... ⁃ Yes... The largest surge of power shot through my entire body and I let out a massive roar, which shattered the walls of mirrors. This new evolution was wanted... asked for... but unexpected. I didn’t truly realise what it was I had desired, and now I was receiving it. ⁃ What is happening now... I’m... I’m becoming smarter... my intellect doubling... no tripling... Ha!!! Quadrupling!!! I’m smarter then any man alive!!! How is this happening??!! My brain... taking in so much information at once...YES!!!! Smarter then any human!!!! More powerful then any human... more supreme then any human!!! I am indeed the ALPHA!!! I breathe in and I can smell everything around me... every person, every creature. I am now the apex predator!!!! I have evolved past humanity into what humanity wishes it was!!! About to crash through this ceiling... soon I will be forced to reveal myself to the world... their superior... their ruler... and yet... can I say it... YES... I want more!!! My head smashed into the ceiling, the mirror and metal shattering and falling apart around me. As my growth surged one last time, my head appeared over the roof of my house, my shoulders where the mirrored ceiling had been. I had broken free of my womb and now planed to enjoy the playground that lay before me. The wind of my new world blew through my long black hair and caused my titanic nipples to harden. At one time I would have been embarrassed for the world to see me naked, but now that was the only way the world should see me!! How else would they bask in my magnificence? Worship their... could I say it? Could I speak the word?? YES!!!! Worship their new god!!!
  18. KING REX 2: THE HORDE OF FUTURE-HEROES PROLOGUE/ CHAPTER 1: The End of Time/ Horde Headquarters By absman420 PROLOGUE: The End of Time Decay. Entropy and decay as far as the eye could see. Even the empty wind moved nothing but sand, already having worn down any obstacle that may have stood in its wake -- eroded any object that may have existed in the past. Simply put, if not nearly impossible to imagine, there was nothing here. A vast and endless nothing. It was his domain -- the Time Stalker! His dull and faded robes, tattered and worn, covered his dry and withered flesh -- it had been years since he’d pulled back his hood to reveal a face he’d long since forgotten. Even if he remembered his own identity after all these billions of years, who would he reveal it to? Alone in his domain -- alone for time immeasurable -- the Time Stalker revelled in his ultimate victory, seeking only ways to push this final entropy backwards through the ages, to the beginning of Time itself, so that he’d be Master of All! Of course, there were those who stood against him. Time and again, the Horde of Future-Heroes had thwarted his plans. Misguided children! Noble Cockroaches! Their lifespans were barely more than a blink of the eye to one such as the Stalker -- yet, they’d disrupted his every effort. Inspired by the heroic exploits of the teenaged Superion a thousand years in their past, these youths banded together to unite their planets and carry on the Superionic Ideal, becoming the Horde of Future-Heroes! So many of them, easily two dozen at the least. Each of these heroes had one distinctive super power that made them unique and for a while a teenaged Superion traveled to the future to join them in their adventures. The Time Stalker knew the way to strike at them was through their relationship with Superion. Remove Superion from the equation and the Horde would have no inspiration. He’d tried many times -- in one instance, the Stalker had gone so far as to snag a moment of time itself to create a Pocket Universe, where Superion hadn’t gained his powers until adulthood, thereby negating the motivation for the Horde’s formation. Even THIS did not stop the Future-Heroes -- it merely made a continuity blip that repaired itself (and blew itself up again) multiple times, a recurring Crisis, rebooting and three-booting the Universe over and over. And STILL the Horde existed! There had to be some way to stop them... At that moment, something in the Time-Viewing Globe caught his eye. On one of the Multiple Earths, a trans-dimensional portal had opened. Upon closer examination, the Time Stalker saw what had happened, not only to the Superion of that world, but to the Justice Club as well! Maybe this was the tool he needed to defeat the Horde… or at least distract them. It took little effort to divert the portal and bring the entity using it here, to the Time Stalker’s domain. As it shimmered with an almost mirror-like finish, the oval-shaped portal opened and a being fell through, as if pushed. A male humanoid with a hyper-augmented musculature and oversized genitalia. An impressive specimen to be sure, dressed in purple spandex shorts that were banded at the waist and thigh with golden metallic bands, somehow emphasizing his endowment, purple boots, no gloves -- but golden gauntlets -- no shirt either, but somehow a metallic lightning bolt seemed attached to (a part of?) the skin of his massive pecs, a short white cape held around his thick neck by a golden tassel, and a bejewelled crown atop his square-jawed, handsome head. Wary, but not fearful, the man stood, taking in his surroundings, facing the hooded entity before him. “Where am I?” he growled. “And what are you? Death?” The Time Stalker chuckled, something he so rarely did, he couldn’t remember the last time -- so many years -- “I do not reap,” he said in his dry, raspy voice. “I sow. I sow carnage and entropy. The End of Time is so much more than mere death, mortal. I am the Time Stalker and this is my domain. And you, King Rex, as you would have yourself known, will soon be a tool for me in the defeat of the Horde of Future Heroes.” “I serve no one’s will but my own,” said the King, crossing his arms before his massive chest -- impressive, to be sure -- striking a posture of resistance. “I seek not your permission,” the Stalker hissed. “You will play out my orchestrations without even realizing it. Just by being yourself, King Rex, you will be my unwitting pawn.” And with that, Rex lashed out, opening his arms and releasing his power -- wave after wave of invisible mass, intent on weighing his opponent down. The power that had felled Superion. The Time Stalker shook it off as if it were little more than a pest, a nuisance. Deep within the shadows of his hood, Rex could almost see his smile. “Yes,” the Stalker said quietly. “That will do perfectly. But first, taste MY power…” With but a slight gesture, the Stalker deflected Rex’s attack and launched his own, a blast of chronal energy that hit Rex square in the chest -- it would’ve knocked him over if Rex’s mighty legs hadn’t already been braced. As he felt it rush past him, the chronal energy seemed to wash away the years as it went, like coarse sand would erode an object rushing by. When it was over, he wasn’t sure exactly what was different at first -- yes, he was slightly smaller, his muscles leaner, but still massive. No… it was his skin -- his skin was tighter! Tighter, smoother, softer, like when he’d been a boy. And that was when Rex realized -- the Time Stalker’s chronal blast had made him younger! He was no longer a full-grown man in the prime of his life -- now Rex was barely more than a teen. A hyper-muscular, over-endowed teen, to be sure, but a teen nonetheless -- maybe twenty on the outside. Even the hair on his head was youthful, shaggy and unkempt. And was he sporting a weak, teenaged beard? “What the hell…?” Even his voice had more tenor -- less of an edge. The Stalker was pleased. “Perfect,” he mumbled, chuckling. “Perfect. You still retain your powers and abilities, of course. And your lusts -- at your new age even more difficult to resist. But now you’ll fit in with the Horde, a contemporary, and so they’ll accept you. After that, it’s only a matter of time -- and time is what I know so well. And what I have so much of.” The Stalker made another gesture and a new trans-dimensional portal opened, shimmering just like the first, the one that had brought Rex here. “Go then and spread your sexual chaos,” the Stalker schemed aloud, “but not as King Rex, not yet. Not at YOUR new age.” He chuckled. “It’s not trite enough for them. Let them know you instead as Power Teen.” As he spoke, the Time Stalker seemed to grow, nearly eight feet tall by the time he said, “Do this for me and I promise you a reward that will shake the very foundation of continuity.” “Reward?” Rex asked, finally interested. Rex felt himself pushed, though there was no one to push him. But he felt pushed, for sure -- hands on his chest, shoving him into the trans-dimensional portal. He tumbled backwards through it -- his super-strength nothing in the face of this force -- and landed, unceremoniously, on his ass, on a weird sort of plastic-feeling pavement, so different from the decayed, unstable sandy surface at the End of Time. This new place was super-clean, sleek in a souped-up, science-fiction kind of way, notable for the absence of litter and pollution as much as the bright, metallic colors. As he stood, brushing some errant sand from his muscular ass, Rex realized that he was standing on a Pavilion of sorts, and there were quite a number of people milling about. Young people -- some of them in their early teens -- some of them not even HUMAN -- dressed in garash, stylized superhero garb. “Attention, Candidates…” The announcement caused Rex to turn around, where her faced a large building that was shaped like the back-end of a retro-styled rocketship sticking up out of the ground, brandished with a large letter “H”. In front of the “H”, a holographic banner read, “Horde Tryouts Today.” ********** HORDE HEADQUARTERS -- Earth The Horde Future-Hero Pavillion Before Rex could gather his thoughts, the announcement continued. “Welcome to Horde Membership Tryouts. We will begin our initial screening here on the Future-Hero Pavilion. When it’s your turn, tell us your real name, your planet of origin, the codename you’d like and a summation of your powers. Be prepared to demonstrate your powers as well. If you pass this phase, you will go inside the clubhouse for the next stage. Thank you and good luck.” Rex smiled as he realized the obviousness of the Time Stalker’s plot -- still, he wasn’t sure why he should play along. Infiltrating and corrupting this Horde could be a fun way to spend the day, no doubt, but that a being like the Time Stalker wanted so badly for him to do it, he wondered if he should. Really… what was in it for him? And then, as if on cue, the clubhouse doors opened and two of the Horde emerged. Because of his position -- Rex was near the back of the crowd -- he had to stand on the balls of his feet to see. On the left was something that looked like a human and a computer were merged together -- blue skin, with obviously fake light blue hair, but the rest of him was almost completely bio-circuitry, living, breathing AI. He wore a sleeveless white jumpsuit, tucked into light gray boots -- a heavy belt strapped around his waist that seemed to have multiple controls and functions. “Smartiak 6,” someone next to Rex said, in awe of the being. “He has a computer mind -- a twelfth-level intelligence with an all-too human heart.” He DID look like a computer had fucked someone, thought Rex -- but it was fleeting. As he tried to imagine what kind of cock Smartiak 6 had, he saw Smartiak’s companion. It couldn’t be…? Yet, somehow it was. Superion. But not the Superion that Rex had transformed into His Royal Consort -- this was a younger version, at least a decade younger than the Superion Rex knew. How could Superion exist as a youth a thousand years in his adult future? Was this what the Time Stalker had been talking about when he’d said Rex would “shake the foundation of continuity”? This youthful Superion had the same costume as his adult-self, the same S-shield across his chest -- but he had the build of a highly-trained teen athlete, a gymnast or a swimmer, lean and tight -- spectacular abs, Rex noted -- not the heavy musculature he carried as an adult, even before Rex augmented it. But it couldn’t be…? “It couldn’t be…” Rex mumbled aloud. The creature next to him took that as a cue to talk. “It is!’ the creature said, waving one of its many hands. “Everyone knows the legend: inspired by the deeds of the universal hero Superion, the Horde began as a club for young superheroes. At first, it was just a few Adventures. But as they became popular, the three founders when back in time a thousand years and recruited a youthful Superion to join their ranks, eventually becoming known as TEEN SUPERION AND THE HORDE OF FUTURE-HEROES!” “‘TEEN Superion’...?” “I know,” the creature said, giggling. “Isn’t he DREAMY?” Teen Superion was dreamy, indeed, Rex thought, glancing back at the young hero as he and Smartiak 6 stepped onto an electric platform hovering under the banner reading “Horde Tryouts today” -- his sleek musculature and those teeny, tiny hips, Rex just wanted to pound his hole. “Good Morning, Candidates!” Teen Superion announced in a strong, youthful voice. “We want to welcome you to this first round of Horde Tryouts. When it’s your turn, tell us your name, your proposed code-name, your planet of origin and be prepared to demonstrate your power.” There were quite a number of applicants, although most had little to offer in the way of actual power. Many seemed to be more sight-gag oriented, superfans with ridiculous code-names like “Fruit-Ripening Boy”, “Chlorine Kid” or “Ida Eyeballs”. Smartiak 6 would deny them and then Teen Superion would make some sort of comforting quip. Still, the hopeful would-be heroes were disappointed -- they’d lost the universe’s biggest talent show. And then they called on Rex, who suddenly realized he’d been standing in line without knowing it. As he approached the platform, he saw that same look in Teen Superion’s eyes that he‘d become so accustomed to when men first saw Rex’s hyper-muscled body and hyper-masculine endowment -- that moment of shock and envy. Of course, Teen Superion had no way of knowing that Rex had already enslaved his future self. That made this moment all the more delightful. “I am Rex of Earth,” he said with some amusement, legs spread, hands on hips, displaying himself proudly. “Code name: Power Teen. Aside from super-strength and my obvious physical prowess, I have the ability to give and take mass and strength away from someone. If I were battling Teen Superion, for example, I could take sap him of his strength -- or, if he were my ally, I could ADD to his strength, if such a thing were ever necessary.” “Fascinating,” said Smartiak 6, obviously contemplating Rex’s potential like Rex was a chess-piece. “Can you give us a demonstration?” asked Teen Superion, hopping down off the platform, a confident smirk on his face. Although the same height, Rex outweighed Teen Superion by at least fifty muscular pounds. Still, the super-teen held his stance, defiant -- Rex couldn’t help but remember Teen Superion’s adult self kneeling at Rex’s feet and sucking Rex’s mighty cock. Now it looked like Rex was going to get to seduce Superion all over again. The thought turned him on, regardless of the temporal chaos it would cause. “Gladly,” said Rex, lifting his arms in a grappling stance, as if he were about to begin a wrestling match. Moving so quickly he was little more than a blur, Teen Superion zipped behind Rex and put him in a Full Nelson -- it was like being in an iron vice, immovable and solid. Rex seemed helpless. “Well, I guess that ends that pretty quickly,” Teen Superion said smugly -- Rex enjoyed the feeling of Teen Superion pressing against him. “Not quite yet,” said Rex, bending his arm and gently touching Teen Superion. Almost immediately, Teen Superion’s hold weakened. “What’s happening?” he asked, suddenly breathless. Left with less strength than a normal human, Teen Superion’s Full Nelson was easily broken by Rex, as he effortlessly flipped the young hero onto his back on the Pavilion before them. He held Teen Superion against the ground with just his flat hand. “Now what do you think?” he quietly asked the helpless hero. Teen Superion smiled weakly. “I propose Full Horde Membership!” he said. [CONTINUED IN CHAPTER 2 -- COMING SOON!] *********** From the Fanzine Column ABSMAN BLABS, MAN: A “LASS”, A “LAD”, ALAS AND ALACK A word about the HORDE OF FUTURE-HEROES. Debuting in 1958 in PASSIVE COMICS #247, the original eight-page HORDE story was largely a throwaway idea -- Teen Superion, visited by three Super Teens from the future, is invited to join their superhero club. After initially failing in some rigged initiation tests, there are knowing laughs, and that’s the end of that. All in all, a very simple and childlike adventure, reminiscent of most PASSIVE COMICS from the Silver Era. The Horde caught on though, and readers demanded more. The Horde’s adventures began appearing regularly in TEEN SUPERION comics as a backup, but became so popular that the book’s name changed to TEEN SUPERION AND THE HORDE OF FUTURE-HEROES and eventually, with issue #259 took over the title completely, renamed simply THE HORDE. Most of the Horde Members are identified to be in their mid-to-late teens during this era -- but it wasn’t until the 1970’s that the Horde had aged enough to include “Space Opera” elements into the storyline -- romance, intrigue and betrayal. Hot artist Matt Grail launched himself to fame bringing sweeping changes to the Horde’s costumes and modernizing the design of the 30th century -- making it look strangely like a sci-fi disco-fest -- lots of skin and lots of hair (on the girls and the boys! [Magnetic Boy’s black corset got this writer through puberty!]) Horde members married, had children, yet still kept the Lad/ Lass, Boy/ Girl honorifics in their code names. (With the exception of the infamous “Adult Horde” story that appeared way back in PASSIVE COMICS #354-355) Horde fans did the math -- there had been 14 Horde Leaders with a leader’s term lasting roughly one year. So by that measure, many of the Horde were in their mid-to-late 20’s still calling themselves “Boy” and “Girl” to “honor their inspiration”, Teen Superion. A time may come in the future when the Horde Members update their names to match their adulthood, but there are many who believe an Adult Horde may not have the same magic and innocence -- perhaps that’s true. It certainly wouldn’t have the same impact to see the Adult Horde dealing with the horrors of middle-age, chronic pain and male-pattern baldness -- but maybe a little more adult tone would be okay. Let them have SOME sex -- especially Smartiak 6, doesn’t a computer deserve a little love?
  19. So this is a story I decided to write on a whim as an excuse to procrastinate from coursework I'm supposed to be doing that is very very loosely connected in some way to this, which is how I justified to myself wasting a couple of hours on it. In any case, I hope you enjoy it and I hope I don't offend any Potterheads on the forum (seriously, please don't execute me, I just thought the magical premise lent itself well for muscle growth stories) and instead I hope you appreciate the nods and references here and there. As always, feedback is always welcomed. HARRY POTTER & THE DRAUGHT OF VIGOUR Harry: Longbottom! Neville: Hello Harry *He says in an unamused yet friendly tone* Harry: ah it’s good to see you mate *Harry replies while patting Neville’s back* Harry: well come on, come in, it’s chilly outside isn’t it? It’s been 2 years since the Battle of Hogwarts, and former Hogwarts colleagues Harry and Neville had gone on to start the following chapter in their adult lives. They had remained friends after Hogwarts and Harry had invited Neville over for a Saturday night of eating terrible food and indulging in the stories of their lives. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Harry: hahahahaha. Neville: you don’t have to be such knob. Harry: *laughter trailing off* well you are correct that it wasn’t the nicest gesture, however, I honestly wasn’t aware that it took till the following morning for someone to find you on the common room floor. Neville: well it’s not as if I could undo Hermione’s curse on my own. Harry: at the very least that act of bravery is what won Gryffindor the House Cup during our first year, so cheers to you sir. *raises his wine glass* Neville: it does feel quite nice being acknowledged by the ‘chosen one’. *he says in a sarcastic tone* Harry: sod off. Neville: what a time to be alive though, despite the second wizarding war. Harry: a lot of things have changed, a lot of people have changed, I was taken aback when I came across Luna again the other day, she’s still quintessentially Luna though. Oh! *Harry half-jogs to another room* Neville: what are you doing? *hears rummaging* Harry: digging this out *Harry appears back in the room with a shoebox* Neville: what do you have in there? Harry: all kinds of stuff from back in Hogwarts *Harry says while sticking his arm further and further into the shoebox* Neville: where is your hand going? *Neville said, perplexed* Harry: oh this? I asked Hermione to put an extension charm on this box to store a lot of my old things. Incredibly handy, but why can’t I find those photographs? I have a couple of albums from our time at Hogwarts. Neville: maybe you have too much stuff in there, let’s take some of them out. Harry: Alright, here *Harry said as he started passing items off to Neville* After a number of things had been pulled out. Neville: okay let’s take a break, now. You really ought to clean that thing once in a while, this all can’t be absolutely necessary anymore. Harry: they are memories, some great, others torturous, but memories nonetheless. Neville: really, this is a memory worth keeping? *He says while holding up a 6th-year Herbology textbook* Did you ever even use this? Harry: I don’t believe so, it was around the time everything started falling apart. Neville: why is it so tattered already then? Harry: I’m not sure... *Harry says while taking the book from Neville and turning open the cover* ‘This Book is the Property of the Half-Blood Prince’ *Harry read out* Neville: The Half-Blood Prince? Harry: it was Snape’s pseudonym, I used his copy of Advanced Potion-Making during my 6th year as well and it had all sorts of changes to potions and spells he developed on his own in them that improved upon the ones in the book. Neville: You arse, so that’s how you did so incredibly well in that class. You could have passed the knowledge along. Harry: well not every spell in there was for good. I am very curious to see what he came up with in Herbology however *Harry said as he started to skim through the pages of the book as Neville leaned in as well to see* Neville: wow there are so many notes written in the margins. Harry: it was the same with his Advanced Potion-Making textbook, the man was a bloody genius. Neville: ‘draught of vigour, enhances exponentially the physical strength of the person who consumes it, a single sip causes.....e..t.......opp......i....ex....t....e’ *Neville read on a page they came across while going through the book* I can’t read this part, it’s smudged. ‘...sulting in magnified male physical traits’ Harry: well I believe the rest is rather clear, I think that bit simply went into more detail as to how it happens. Neville: magnified physical traits and enhanced strength, rubbish, it sounds too good to be true. Harry: this is one of Snape’s potions though, THE Severus Snape, it must be real. Neville: how come Snape never fit the description of someone who drank this potion then? Harry: it was Snape, do you really see him walking around resembling Hercules considering his personality? Neville: you’re not wrong. Harry: it’s most likely also temporary. Neville: what makes you think that? Harry: the ingredients, I know some of them are used in brewing Polyjuice potion, and that only lasts a couple of hours. It might be a variation on a transformation potion? Neville: isn’t Polyjuice brewing restricted? Harry: I have plenty of stories to tell *Harry says with a smug look* Neville: well that’s apparent. Harry: should we try it? Neville: are you sure about this? Trust a potions recipe a random student came up with? Harry: it’s a potion Snape came up with, the potions master Severus Snape. Neville: are you sure this Half-Blood Prince character was Snape? Harry: how do you think I won that bottle of Liquid Luck back in the day? Neville: blimey Harry, that’s how you bested the mighty Hermione? Harry: I’m telling you, his notes would make Slughorn green with envy. Neville: so... enhanced strength you say.... Harry just smirked in response. Neville, luckily for Harry, excelled at Herbology, and had the ingredients at his disposal, he loved to collect samples of even the rarest plants and fungi he could get his hands on, so they locked up and made way for Neville’s apartment for a night neither is sure to forget. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Neville: leave your coat wherever you like, could you start a fire and prepare my cauldron for me? Harry: certainly *he said as he lit a fire and reached for the cauldron* Wow, an Induro 1816, this is a high-quality cast bronze cauldron, with lion head handles and custom engraving. Neville: keen eye. I inherited it from my great- great- grandparents. Catch Harry. Harry: got it *Harry said, catch the jar Neville had tossed him* Got everything we need? Neville: yes, are you sure we should do his? Harry: just imagine the possibilities. Neville: very well. And so Neville undertook to brew the potion while Harry read him the instructions and recipe: Add 4 leeches to a bubbling cauldron..... ........... ....... stir counter-clockwise exactly 55,5 times without............ Shred the...... Then pour in spoonfuls of ground tuberose until the potion turns a pale.... ..................... ....occasionally.......... ......... Add 3 drops of Mandrake sap and wave your wand to....... ........... while adding.... ...... Let boil for an hour and proceed to add a bundle of knotgrass..... .................thus allowing the mixture to............... Add a Devil’s Snare vine with...... .................... Finally, stir 6 times clockwise and twice counter-clockwise while simultaneously waving your wand until the mixture ceases to bubble and add 10 leaves from a Whomping Willow, one at a time. The resulting draught should be white in colour, having the consistency of troll mucus and an aroma reminiscent of damp mossy forest and tanned leather. Neville: *sighs out in relief* It’s finally done. Harry: *sniffs over the cauldron* What a very specific smell, mossy forest and tanned leather. Neville: I don’t have a problem with the smell as much as I do with the way it looks.... doesn’t it remind you of.... Harry: I thought best not to mention it *Harry quickly interjected* But I’m glad to hear I wasn’t the only one with it in mind. Neville: are we sure we want to try this? *Neville said with a dubious look on his face as Harry poured them both a cup of the potion they had just brewed* Harry: cheers! *Harry clanks his cup against Neville’s as they both down the concoction* Neville: wow *he coughs a bit* Harry: that’s bloody awful, it’s like a stale minge Neville started to feel the effects of the potion first, he felt a dizzy spell coming on, he struggled to breathe and felt really agitated and disoriented. At the same time Harry was starting to feel tingling all over and broke out in a cold sweat, his heart was racing, he felt as if a bout of nausea was about to overcome him. Feeling ill distracted them from noticing some of the other effects of the potion that were becoming more noticeable; their veins were engorging, becoming fatter and more prominent on their skin as main veins spread into countless branches all over their bodies. Then their hearts started to pound, harder and harder, reverberating in their heads, their veins pulsing in unison with the heart beats. Harry: fuck, fuck, FUUuUCK *Harry screamed as the growth kicked in* With each pulse through his veins, his muscles started to swell. First only a bit at a time, slowly filling his sweater, causing it to fit his body in a much more complimenting way. Then suddenly his left arm jerked into the air and starting from his deltoid down to his biceps and triceps, then finally his forearms his muscles swelled, growing twice their size in an instant, tearing the sweater sleeve apart. As the feeling rocked Harry down to his core and drool ran from his mouth in absent-minded ecstasy, the growth started to spread to his right side, his left pec, trap, neck and lat swelling bigger, and bigger with each breath until another violent jerk made them and his entire right size explode in size in a wave that raced towards his fingertips, catching up to his left arm, destroying the remaining sleeve and neck of the sweater, the leftovers falling down to the floor revealing his (currently) disproportioned body. At the same time, Neville was undergoing the same transformation, he grabbed his head with both his hands as his body pulsed and grew until his shirt and trousers were taught. Then as the growth rocked through his lower body, first through his right glute, then his quad, and finally his calf, ripping his pant leg to pieces and forcing him to lean onto his underdeveloped left leg until the growth targeted that one as well, the sudden growth on that side now causing him to lurch and collapse on to his knees, when his already muscular legs doubled in size once again, forcing him to use his hands on the floor to steady himself while his trousers left this world behind, and revealing a pair of boxers that were desperately trying to contain something very large that was growing thicker and stiffer. Harry’s growth meanwhile had started to make haste travelling downwards, his abs and obliques bulging one by one, and a deep Apollo’s belt forming on top of his hips giving him a thick and meaty core, this was followed by his glutes bulging outwards, blowing the middle seam of his jeans right open. Neville in the meantime was screaming to high heaven as the growth spread through him much more violently, rushing upwards making his entire upper body bulge in size, then again, then again, then one more time tripling in size in a wave of growth that knocked the air right out of his lungs, his upper body becoming ridiculously wide while maintaining a relatively trim waist, that spread into his massive legs when your gaze travelled further downwards. At the same time, his cock, fully erect and poking out the top of his boxer’s waistband and his oversized balls which stretched the rest of the fabric to its max, were growing with each wave of growth that rocked him as well, his cock grew purple and the veins became grotesquely engorged, and then one wave and the cock stretch longer and swelled thicker, and his balls swelled larger causing tears to come from his boxers, then again even larger, then once again, when Neville’s underwear finally gave out and he moaned in ecstasy, his cock lodging itself between his enormous pecs, eliciting an obscene moan from him as it swelled one last time becoming menacingly thick and squirting out a large glob of precum. At the sight of his ridiculously muscled and well-endowed friend arousal overcame Harry like a feral animal’s instincts, the tear in his jeans’ rear spreading towards the front of the pair of pants as his growth sped up, his cock tearing right through everything bursting forwards in all of its glory, freakishly large and as thick around as a bodybuilder’s arm, although even then not as thick as Neville’s. It smacked hard against his abdomen with a loud and wet *THWACK*, drooling precum like a river. The growth continuing down his legs, destroying what little denim had remained desperately hanging onto his frame. When it seemed as if any more stimuli would fry their young brains, the effects of the potion finally started to subside. The profuse sweating stopped, and they slowly started to regain their bearings. Neville: Christ *Neville said as he began to stand up* Harry: bugger, that was a wild ride. Neville: you can say that again.... holy shit Harry... *Neville said as the sight of his newly enhanced friend finally registered in his brain* Harry: Looks good huh? *he said as he strikes a double bicep* Although I can’t say I dislike my view. Neville: what are you talking abou.... *Neville’s words trailed off as he took in his own physique, exploring all his new glistening muscles, flexing here and there* Wow Harry: I don’t think it’s quite fair that you got to have this thing though *Harry says, lust and envy tinging his words and coming through in his eyes as he grabs Neville’s bigger cock* Neville: FUCK! Harry what the... SHIIiiiiIT *Neville tries to get out as Harry swallows his cockhead in one fell swoop, Neville instinctively pushing Harry’s head down further, forcing his monster cock down his friend’s throat with his newfound strength* yes yes yes, fuck YEAH! Harry: *cough cough cough* down boy, that thing can kill now, although I know of another hole that’s up to the challenge *Harry says as he bends down, laying his chest on the table nearby, presenting his rear to Neville* Neville without saying another word walks over and ploughs his cock into Harry’s ass down to the hilt prompting a guttural roar from Harry that quickly transitioned into a lascivious moan as Neville pulled out halfway and plough back in again this time with a tad more care into his actions. In and out, again and again and again, he rammed his massive cock into Harry. Flipping Harry halfway on to his back, Neville pulled out all the way then rapidly ploughed halfway into Harry making him grunt, he pulled out again, then rammed it in again halfway, repeating this a few more times before getting back to fucking Harry like he wanted to kill him. As he came closer and closer to his climax Neville picked up the pace and the strength with which he rammed Harry, he fucked faster and harder, and harder and harder and even harder, pushing Harry to the edge himself until they both yelled out in unison when Neville rammed him one last time, him coming into Harry and Harry shooting his load into the air where it then came down pouring like torrential rain unto them and the table. As they came down from their stupor they started to slowly shrink back. Neville: oh man, it’s not permanent? No! I wanted to stay like this. Harry: haha well then it really would be too good to be true if it were permanent. Besides, there is only so much of your animal fucking that I can take before I die. Neville: that’s not really my problem now is it *Neville said trying to be smug, his façade slipping just a bit as his cheeks blush pink* Harry: look at him, all that hot air filling your muscles went to your head? After about half an hour of slowly shrinking down, they stopped shrinking at a good 8kg (18lbs) heavier than they were prior to drinking from the draught. Harry: hmm I guess there is some carryover from the potion after all, or it just takes longer for the last bits to leave our systems. Neville: well I did enjoy being the hulking beast, but I suppose I can live with this much *he says while flexing his arm and admiring his new above-average bicep* Harry: well.... as you are aware, we did brew a whole lot of the draught of vigour, there is always more experimentation to be had, we should figure out if this amount of extra size will be left over after every use don’t you think? *Harry says in a sensible tone* Neville: as true men of the magical sciences we should be methodical shouldn’t we now? *replies Neville in the same tone* Harry: you always were a very reasonable man *says Harry as a smirk appears on his lips* -- The End --
  20. Unionlolol

    Becoming an all-powerful God

    Hi there! Long time lurker, this is the first time I’ve decided to post some content. I know stories have been posted about this topic before, but I wanted to make my own tribute to one of the hottest scenes ever created. Enjoy (and please forgive my English). Jafar felt his body pulsing with magic energy when he was ready to make his final wish. He had become the most powerful sorcerer in the world. But somehow he wanted more. He wanted ALL for himself. He put all his lust for power together into his final wish when he yelled: ‘I wish to become an all-powerful God!’ He was overwhelmed when the ultimate power beam striked him in his chest. Even the most powerful being on Earth wasn’t prepared for the immense amount of power he was about to receive. His body and mind rapidly changing, the Genie’s blue form suddenly shrinking due to all of the power needed for the ultimate wish. ‘Yes! YES! THE POWER!’ Jafar yelled. His body form rapidly changed from that of a monstrously big snake to that of a true God. His face reshaping into a cruel yet extremely handsome face, exuding manliness, beauty and power. His torso quickly inflating, exhibiting insanely growing slabs of muscle conforming mountainous pecs. A brick wall of abs rapidly appearing underneath, with deep cleavages forming between each individual muscle. Huge shoulders spreading to the sides the size of watermelons, then of wrecking balls, then of mountains! Immense muscled arms hanging beneath, solid, veiny and almighty. ‘THE ABSOLUTE POWER!!!’ Jafar was laughing manically, eyes going blank. He moved his head backwards, he inflated his mighty chest while he breathed deeply, he clenched his fists with his godly strength. He was overcome by power. Two immense legs were holding his growing form, the size of tree trunks, and finally the size of towers, every muscle visible, striated and sculpted. Finally an inhumanly big cock appeared between his legs, obscenely growing to meet the size of a god’s. It was hard and veiny, with a mushroom head on top. It was pointing upwards while it continued to enlarge, and was followed by testicles that appeared to be squeezing, beating, as if they were pumping more power into an already godly muscle-bound being of pure power. ‘I HAVE BECOME A GOD!’ His voice boomed. ‘THE UNIVERSE IS MINE TO COMMAND! TO CONTROL!’ His newly formed body was truly that of a god. Jafar felt his muscles pulsating with endless power, and he loved it. He was aroused by it. He knew he had become the ultimate being on Earth. He was so overwhelmed by his own power, that soon he was lost to the ultimate feeling of his sensitive and insanely big godly cock. He started to stroke it frantically with his right powerful hand, while he flexed his left bicep admiring its new mind-blowing size and strength, laughing and moaning while he speeded the process. ‘Al! What are we going to do now?’ Jasmine asked desperately. Aladdin was paralyzed at the sight of such a perfect being, newly formed in front of his eyes. ‘Al, there’s only one way of resolving this. You still have one wish left, remember?’ The Genie continued. ‘You have to become a God’. Aladdin stared at the Genie. ‘But I do not wish power for myself, besides it may kill you!’ Al said, begging for another solution. The Genie stared directly at his eyes and tenderly said ‘You are our only hope’. Aladdin knew there was only one thing he could do. ‘Genie, I wish to become an all-powerful God!’ He wasn’t prepared for what was about to happen. The Genie used the remaining of his powers to make the ultimate wish come true. The beam hit Al in the middle of his torso, clothes disappearing instantly. His young, well-toned, bronze-tanned body was suddenly fed with a such an immense source of power, it was immediately forced to grow with muscles beyond his imagination. It started with his abs, quickly inflating and protruding under his skin, forming a chiselled 8-pack, each individual muscle continuously growing in size and definition. As if the wish was spreading through his body, obliques appeared at the sides, and the most impressive Adonis belt underneath. His pecs were the next part to be empowered, his torso quickly gaining volume and unbelievable mass. His pecs were so massive that they fought for space, forming a deep cleavage between them. His frame was further endorsed with wide lats, then his shoulders were raised upwards and separated from each other while they ballooned with no end in sight. The empowering magic spread to his biceps, now inhumanly big, with muscle appearing over muscle endlessly, and to his triceps, now perfectly visible and striated. Finally his former forearms gained so much muscle they looked rock-hard, veiny and virile. Huge and solid hands seemed to bring perfection to his godly arms, which now Al felt as the ultimate weapons of power. Aaah! AAAHHH! Al yelled while he flexed his biceps and clenched his fists at the sides of his waist. Meanwhile, muscles in his thighs had become to enlarge, size spreading downwards. Even with his legs separated they gained so much mass that they started to push each other away, with diamond calves appearing underneath, and mountainous glutes at the back, also struggling for space and perfectioning his rear view. To complete his enhanced godly body, a mammoth cock was growing while Al could only stare in awe. It was enlarging beyond his imagination, pointing upwards, pulsing veins spreading through its shaft until they reached the throbbing mushroom head. Al’s now perfectly handsome facial features showed pure joy and pleasure. Al had to admit that the feeling of becoming the ultimate male, a pure being of raw power, an almighty muscle-bound God, was pure pleasure. But, unlike Jafar, Al didn’t give in to his overwhelming power, his lust and his godly condition. He was resolved to fight Jafar. ‘NOW I AM READY TO SHOW YOU MY POWER’ Al boomed with a new deep powerful voice. While Jafar was reaching his sexual climax, lost in his own pleasure, Jasmine quickly grabbed the Genie’s lamp and exclaimed ‘I wish that Al overpowers Jafar and becomes the world’s true and only God!’ With the combined powers of Jasmine’s sincere wish, the Genie’s magic and Aladdin’s godly powers, Al forced Jafar’s wreckless being to disappear. He shot a power beam that connected him with Jafar. ‘NO! NOOO! MY POWERS ARE THOSE OF A GOD! YOU CAN’T DEFEAT MEEE!’ Jafar boomed with despair. ‘I’M SORRY JAFAR, THERE CAN ONLY EXIST ONE GOD IN THIS WORLD, AND PEOPLE IN AGRABAH HAVE CHOSEN ME!’ Al confidently replied. ‘Al! It’s a God you’re fighting with!’ The Genie shouted. ‘He can only disappear if you absorb his power! There’s no other way!’ ‘WHAT?’ Said Al, suddenly realizing what to do. He forced Jafar’s immense powers to abandon him and fuse with Al’s already inhuman body. ‘YES! YEEES, I’VE WON! NOW I AM THE TRUE GOD OF THIS WORLD! Al’s voice shouted more powerful than ever. While Jafar’s godly powers were being drained, his once obscene muscles were shrinking, his cock, once the ultimate piece of manhood, disappearing. And at the same time, Al’s body prepared for the incoming godly amount of power being forced into it, his cock pulsing as in anticipation. Al thought nothing could be more powerful than the divine being he had become, but he was just about to be proven wrong. His body started to reshape, evolving, forced to accommodate another god’s powers within him. Muscles exploded all over in newly immense size, looking hard as steel, feeling hot as fire, each muscle fiber visibly striated, veins popping all over, feeding his muscles with endless power, pulsing obscenely. His once human frame was now monstrously deformed. His eyes had gone blank, his jaw looked more square than ever, a fearsome smile appearing on the most virile face imaginable. His mammoth delts almost engulfed his head, his massive pecs protruded onwards, his shoulders were separated even further, wide slabs of muscle conformed his lats, arms became truly almighty, his abs reshaped into a the most impressive 10-pack, his legs were powerful enough to hold the whole world. And his cock grew so disproportionate in size that it now reached his head and almost matched his waist in width, its surface almost entirely covered in thick veins, its cockhead pulsing, beating, while divine seed started to ooze, then drench, then his cock shooting semen like a throbbing cannon. ‘YEEEEES!!! I’VE BECOME PERFECT! LOOK AT ME PEOPLE OF AGRABAH, LOOK AT THIS BODY, I’M THE DEFINITIVE BEING OF POWER! I WILL RULE THIS WORLD AT MY DESIRE, AND THERE WILL BE PEACE, HAPINESS AND ENDLESS PLEASURE FOREVER.’ And with that, Al forced his massive godly body to take a more suitable and human-like form, still unable to hide its endless power, with chiselled, solid, and massive muscles, a perfect manly and beautiful face, and an obscenely big, hard, throbbing cock pointing forward. His imposing frame walked towards Jasmine, with lust in his eyes. ‘So princess, do you want to reign by my side?’
  21. Taking a breather after my competition gave me a chance to sit down and write this. I usually write after I work out, which I'm sure you can all understand has me pretty worked up already!!! I felt we needed some background to what was happening, so here you go!! Hope you enjoy it. Leave comments at the bottom. I love reading them, and they always give me ideas on how to proceed. The Test Chapter Five: A History Lesson As Jacob was licking the lengthy piss-slit of Chad… or rather… Eros’ massive cock, he unexpectedly felt as if here were going to be violently ill to his stomach. Having no desire to bother the several hundred men worshiping his friend, he unobtrusively walked outside the bathhouse to get a bit of fresh air. Jacob realized a lot of time had passed since the sun was starting to rise. It also must have rained since there were puddles of water on the ground. The cool air was beginning to make him feel slightly better, but instead of going back inside, Jacob sat on the ground and tried to comprehend what had happened to Chad. As he was rethinking the past 10 hours, a tall man in jeans and a t-shirt appeared from the shadows. From what Jacob could see, he was probably in his twenties, tall, had a nice muscular build, and shaggy brown hair. He’s probably going into the bathhouse to worship Eros, he thought. Instead, the man quickly walked right up to where Jacob was sitting. - Sorry I had to make you feel sick, Jacob, but it was the only way to break you free of the pack and from Eros’ essence. - What? Who are you? - A friend. Believe me. Now, we don’t have much time, and I have a lot to tell you. The man grabbed Jacob by the arm and started to pull him up from the ground. - Wait a minute. Who are you? - The dead man who’s going to save your life, possibly your whole planet. The man grabbed onto Jacob again, but this time visions exploded in his head. In a moment, he saw Declan transforming into Chaos, the Cyclops destroying the gym, the heart being ripped out of his Declan’s son, and the birth of the Minotaur. - Asarualimnunna has already birthed four monsters tonight, and I’m sure a fifth is not far away. He’s getting stronger and soon will be unstoppable. - The gem is doing all of this? - The owner of the gem: Asarualimnunna. - Look, I’m sorry. I just don’t understand how... - I’m trying to help you, Jacob, and I don’t have much time. At dawn and dusk the walls between the realms are at their weakest enabling me to cross over and speak with you... but my time is limited. So, we can argue about who I am, or we can go into that Starbucks and you can have a coffee while I tell you how all of this insanity began. What’ll it be? The man could see that Jacob was still hesitating. - You’re going to have to trust me. Five minutes later, the two men were sitting down at a table in Starbucks, but only one of them had a big mug of coffee before them. - Can they see you - Of course. - Thank God. I was afraid they were all going to think I was crazy. - You’re worried about what some people will think seeing you talking to yourself when there’s an insane Minotaur running around? - I guess when you put it that way. So… Who are you then? - You would know me as Alexander the Great, and I was the first person to let loose Asarualimnunna upon this world. - Alexander the Great? Really?? - Of course I was simply known as Alexander back then, and I was leading my men into battle once again... Jacob sat and listened to the ghost’s tale. How much crazier could this night get? Sex God’s, a Cyclops, his own boss practically turning into the devil, and now Alexander the Great was sitting having coffee with him. I was Young. My father had been assassinated two years earlier, and I was invading what you would now call Asia Minor in my campaign to take control of The Persian Empire. My men and I were in constant battle with the Persian King, Darius III, and as we pushed further and further into his land, I took control of cities, claiming them under Macedonian rule. One day my men and I arrived in a midsized market town. I ordered my men to began going from house to house taking the supplies we needed to continue our journey. Most villages, even when defeated will fight back, but this one, it appeared like everyone had lost the will to live. When questioned, they spoke of a piece of the sky falling and landing in the forest close to the village. Since that happened, men had gone missing, found soon afterward mutilated. Being the reckless boy that I was, I told the Wiseman of the village that I would personally kill the creature that was terrorizing them if, in exchange, they would vow their allegiance to me and welcome my men with lodging, food, drink, and sex. A deal was made, and the next morning I was off on my horse hunting who knows what. The villagers claimed that a monster had fallen from the sky, but I was rational and held no faith in superstition. It was probably a boar, or a wolf, and would be killed easily. The further I went into the forest, the quieter it became. As the forest became more dense the further I went, my horse suddenly fell to the ground and began seizing until it died an agonizing death. Fearing the evil that had killed my horse, I would have run back to the village and gotten my men, but I had vowed to destroy whatever it was, and needed to prove that their new ruler was indeed as powerful as I said I was. Sword in hand, I silently walked into the heart of the forest. No sound was made, not even my footsteps. It was as if I had suddenly gone deaf. The heat was also unbearable, and got worse as I walked. I soon arrived at a massive crater in the ground. The licked clean bones of both men and animals littered the ground. I knew that this must definitely be the lair of whatever had fallen from the sky. I climbed down into to crater, ready to meet death if it came for me... except nothing appeared. I was very much alone. For hours, I scoured every inch of the wasteland, but found nothing but bones. One thing I did notice was that if a bird or a bug or an animal happened to wander into the wasteland by mistake, they instantly were struck dead... except for me. I alone lived in this crater of death. Sweating and near exhaustion, having climbed over mountains of bones, I finally arrived to what I believed was the center. Surveying the area around me, prepared to return to the village and come back the next day, I was attacked from behind. Something not very big but incredibly strong had leaped onto my back and was trying to strangle me. I fell to the ground and rolled over with the creature on my back, but still it’s talons held on. The most amazing thing was that as I fought, I was able to flip it so that it was no longer on my back, but on my chest...and when I did... it was completely invisible. I know it sounds insane, but I could feel the weight, feel the talons cutting into my skin, and feel the hot breath on my face, but the creature itself was concealed. We fought for what seemed like hours, neither getting the upper hand until suddenly it jumped off. I circled around trying to figure out where it would attack from next, when a wave of utter pain hit me in the head and sent me tumbling to the ground. I covered my ears and closed my eyes, but still I felt as if my senses were being attacked from the inside. As I crumbled into a fetal position, I heard a voice speak to me inside my head. - What are you called, human? - Alexander!!! - You are a mighty opponent, Alexander. By all right, you should be dead. I could fight for eons and never tire, yet unexpectedly you appear as a close equal. As you can see from what lays around you, I have played with plenty of men, and I have always won... yet you compete as if you have nothing to loose. I like that. - Where are you? - All around you. Inside you as well. I am everywhere. - Show yourself so we can fight fairly, man to man. - What makes you think I’m a man? - You speak like a man. - This is the first time I’ve ever used these words. I learned this language from all of the knowledge in your head. I’ve learned many things from you, Alexander, and I want to propose a partnership. Within you I see war... domination... plunder... death. I want to join you in your campaign. I want to see that you get everything you desire. - What do you gain from helping me? - Food. I feed on what you would call anger… fear... I will help you defeat your enemies, and in exchange, you will give them to me. - Why can’t I see you? - Although to you I appear strong, I am still very very weak... still so far away... you will help me gain strength... - How can you help me? - See what I can give to you. In my exhausted state, an immense surge of energy entered my body. I was no longer tired. I felt like I could run for days, battle for weeks, fuck for years! I felt incredible… totally unstoppable. - Just a taste my friend. I would give more but I need to feed. Will you help me so I can help you? I felt like a thousand fires had invaded my body. I felt so alive. I feared what this creature might be, but I had read enough tales to know that despite its boasts, I had defeated him in battle and fearing for its own life, it would serve me. Feeling unstoppable, I made my request known. - You serve me, correct? You are at my command? - I am here to serve… but only in exchange for what I need. Once again my body filled with a wave of unstoppable energy. My cock hardened, and suddenly I was having the most incredible orgasm of my life. Cum shot out of my cock harder and harder, and the orgasm went on for minutes. When it finally died down, I lay on the ground spend but exhilarated. - Do we have a deal, Alexander? - Yes... yes. We have a deal. When I could finally stand, the creature hopped on my back again, but this time to be carried by me. I returned to the village and let the Wiseman know that I had vanquished the massive beast that had invaded their forest, and that prosperity would return to them once again. That night I was given many men and women for my pleasure, and I fucked every last one of them without tiring. Three days later we were back in battle again. King Darius’ men were strong, and with little death on our side, were defeated. Fifty of the Persians were rounded up, but I forbid my men to kill them. I instructed them to leave me alone with them. I could feel Asarualimnunna on my back panting and drooling with excitement as I approached the prisoners. Before they even knew what was occurring, it had leaped off my back, and the invisible force was ripping them apart, tearing out their hearts and feeding. Within minutes it was over. Blood was everywhere, including on me. I couldn’t believe the slaughter I had just witnessed. I felt sick to my stomach, when from out of the mass of bodies, something stirred. A young man completely covered in blood crawled out. He walked over to me and began to stroke my face. - Now you can see me. Does my form please you? I was repulsed yet excited. This creature had caused such devastation, yet now stood before me with such magnificence. Within moments we were kissing, and among the carcasses made love for the first time. When we were alone, he would maintain his form, but never showed himself to anyone else. I would have thought I was imagining him if it wasn’t for the bi-monthly feedings that he required. His hunger was becoming larger and soon required more and more men to devour. I now could see why he desired to pair with my campaign as we were constantly battling the Persians to push further into Asia. I was gaining more and more reverence from my men as they assumed it was I who singlehandedly was killing our enemies when asked to be alone with them. Six months passed, and Asarualimnunna and I continued our relationship in secret. In all honesty, he was a remarkable companion. When we weren’t making love, he would tell me of all of the worlds he had seen, what the universe was like, and what lay beyond that i could not see. Talking with you now, I can admit that I did indeed fall in love with him. Even his hunger I rationalized with his need to survive. Just as I needed food and water to live, he needed the hearts of my enemies. Each time he did feed, his form grew more substantial. He was able to remain visible for longer, his slight body grew more muscular till it matched mine in size, and his knowledge of our world grew as well. It was as if he was gaining all of this from the men he consumed. With the knowledge the dead men had possessed, he would tell me where it was best for us to attack, what strategies I should use, where their weak points were, and what areas held the greatest riches. It was Asarualimnunna who finally led us to the area of Anatolia or what you would now know it as modern day Turkey. This battle proved to be one of the most demanding we had faced. Our enemies numbered in the thousands, and Darius himself had taken command of his armies. Outsmarting us, he gathered reinforcements and brought them behind us, cutting off any supplies or any means of escaping. We were surrounded. When I questioned Asarualimnunna why he had suggested this move for the campaign, he smiled and told me that his strength had grown much stronger, and it was now time to show what else he could do for me. He commanded me to bring 10 of my mightiest warriors to my tent that night. Invisible so they would believe it was I bestowing my wisdom on them, he instructed me to have them circle around he and I. I then required each man to strip down naked, and told them that because of their might in battle, I was going to anoint them with the power of the God’s to help defeat our enemies. Although doing as I requested, they must have thought I had gone mad. Suddenly, a great light began to emit from the invisible Asarualimnunna, and entered directly into each of the ten man. They all screamed out in agony as the light engulfed them. I was terrified, wondering what he was doing to the men who trusted me, when after a moment or two they each started moaning out in ecstasy and began to grow. Each of my men, already big and muscular to begin with grew even larger, gaining more and more muscle mass. Enjoying the power they were gaining, they each screamed out for more. Their legs exploded into massive columns of muscle, their arms became fighting machines, enormous enough to hold the most massive of swords. Their chests became two immense plates of muscle, leading down to their abdominals, which burst into mammoth bricks of muscle. Their backs became engorged with unearthly muscle, each stretching wider and wider. They cried out for more, and more was bestowed upon them, each gaining an unbelievable amount of mass and size. Greater they grew, taller, thicker, and wider in every way. Even their sex organs proceeded to grow grander to fit their new bodies. Just when I thought they couldn’t gain any more, they all began to ejaculate, covering the room with their seed. When it was over, when the light faded, standing before me appeared ten men who now possessed the strength of 50 more warriors, and could now rival the Gods in size. They dropped to their knees, thanking me for the gift I had bestowed on them... that I had found them worthy to become the massive figures they now were. I conveyed to them to take what was given and to defeat the Persians, and with a mighty frenzy, left my tent and proceeded to do just that. Within a day we were victorious, and the weakened Asarualimnunna was able to feed once again, this time on his largest meal of thousands of men. This devouring of so many seemed to drive Asarualimnunna into a frenzy, and he demanding we march more and more often into battle so that he could feed. He was no longer even waiting till we were alone with the prisoners to devour them. In front of my men, an invisible force would begin to rip open the Persians and devour their hearts. In his mania, he sometimes forgot who was who, killing and devouring some of my own men. He would return to my tent and show himself to me, bloodied but bursting with power. Even in my anger at what he had done, he would kiss me and tell me it was all for me... that he was helping to form a world were I would reign supreme. We would have sex, and afterward as I lay there alone, I wondered what this creature was I had unleashed on the world, and what he would do when we were one day at peace. Would he accept that? Destruction and chaos appeared to make him stronger, and as he grew more powerful he was becoming harder and harder to control. Several times, I even discovered that he appeared before my men in my own guise, persuading them to march on for more annihilation. My own men were becoming just as blood hungry as he was. Under his guidance, he had me march my men into the largest and bloodiest battle of our campaign. The 10 super warriors held their ground, but many of the smaller men fell around them. Days upon days of battle waged on until finally I succeeded in defeating King Darius in single combat. With the king finally as my prisoner, the victory was mine. Asarualimnunna fed on thousands of men that night leaving a mass grave of destruction behind him. My own men were out of control, following the super warriors in senseless killing, raping, and torture. I was king of nearly the entire world as we knew it, but it was slowly going insane around me. King Darius, wanting to prove his loyalty to his conqueror asked to meet with me in his throne room I now called my own. Wallowing before me, he pleaded with me to allow him to serve under me, desiring to prove his love and loyalty to my name. Prepared to kill him myself so that he could not one day rise up against me, Asarualimnunna appeared from the shadows naked and completely covered in blood. He stopped my sword with one hand and stood before Darius. This was the first time he had appeared to someone other then myself, and was acting as if he were the conqueror and not me. - How will you prove your worthiness to your new lord? - I will serve him until my last breath, spreading the word of his might. - You are willing to do anything for Alexander? - Anything. - Are you his soldier? - I am more then that. I will be his warrior. I will destroy any that get in his path. An aura of light beginning to surround both Asarualimnunna and Darius, and in a frenzy I questioned what he was doing. - There are more worlds to conquer, my love. New riches to acquire, and new souls to feed upon. I am giving you your new warrior. I grabbed onto Asarualimnunna to try and stop him before it was too late, but the light burst from within him and hit Darius squarely in the chest. Darius screeched the most horrible of noises, but soon was laughing, relishing what was being given to him. - Yes!!! Make me stronger!! Make me mightier!! Make me into the warrior you see fit for me to be!!! Darius’ torso exploded with muscle, ripping the fabric that he had been wearing. Larger and larger his chest grew, becoming even more superior then the 10 men Asarualimnunna had fashioned before. I soon understood something was different this time when I perceived the teeth in Darius’ mouth becoming longer and sharper. - I can feel my whole body changing, filling with the power of infinity!!! I am being reborn to better serve! Darius screamed out again as his torso began to grow lengthier and even more muscular. His arms were bloated with size, veiny and packed with more and more muscle, his upper arm becoming larger then my own head, and still it grew. Darrius’ upper body was becoming too much for his smaller lower body to carry, and he collapsed onto the floor, supporting himself with his colossal arms. With the most unearthly cracking sound, his whole upper body shifted and sat up even further on his lower half. From the smaller lower half, his legs began to grow longer at an alarming rate. Within minutes both legs were taller then I stood, and each had gained two additional joints on which to bend. They were muscular legs, greater then my own, but it was their length and additional joints that made them frightening. If Darius were able to stand on those legs, he would be taller then any building man had ever built. With several horrid cracking sounds, both legs shifted on his body till they protruded out of either side of his torso. His feet burst out of his sandals, and the toes of each one began to merge together till they became one unit on each foot. These feet twisted and broke till they pointed down, almost making it look like Darius would walk on spikes. With a sound that I had never heard come from a man, Darius howled in agony, yet the look on his face was one of complete joy. Darius tried to stand, but this was nearly impossible with the way his legs now grew from the side of his lower torso. As if listening to Darius’ screams for more power, his body soon adapted to his request and six more multi jointed legs ripped out from the side of his body. Darius laughed like a lunatic and begged for more as his body continued to evolve. As his new legs grew lengthier, his lower torso began to grow longer and even more bloated with muscle. When the six additional legs rivaled Darius’ orginal for size, he once again tried to stand. Looking at the monstrosity that was being created before my eyes, I realized what he was becoming. His lower half was that of a massive spider, and the upper half a giant beast of a man. What was Asarualimnunna creating this creature for? It continued growing bigger and more mighty. Thick plates of skin began to grow out of the lower half making Darius’ body nearly impenetrable. His legs: long, muscular, and hairy also became covered in an outer shell to prevent anyone from wounding him in battle. - My hands!!! Darius screamed and laughed as the fingers on his hands began to merge together into three sections, creating giant claw-like appendages. He admired the strength of his new extremities, snapping them open and closed. With them, I knew he could cut through anything. Still Darius continued to transform. His mouth grew wider and longer, until when he opened it, it split into four sections with razer sharp teeth and dripping saliva. Another scream forced this horrifying maw open as a massive horn exploded from the center of his forehead, curving upward. His eyes also grew larger, blacker, nearly filling the upper half of his face. When he stood on his legs, he rose to the height of the ceiling. His chest and arms became harrier and harrier until his upper body was completely covered in long brown hair. Still the creature grew more muscular. An appendage burst from a shaft just underneath the back segment, and I realized this was Darius’ new penis, long, thick, and veiny. From his back segment, a thick stinger grew which would be able to easily pierce through several men at once. From an area just below the stinger, Darius began secreting a sticky webbing material. Admiring his own new body and revealing in the power that had been bestowed on him, the creature that had once been Darius roared a final time and began to ejaculate all over the room. Asarualimnunna fell onto the floor, exhausted from emitting so much power into this beast. - Go and bring me back more to feed on, Arachnus. Bring me thousands upon thousands of your own people! They must be punished for every going against me. Show the world your might!! Make them fear you as the warrior you are!! Go!! Arachnus burst through the wall and out into the night. Screams could be heard rising up in the street as people witness this atrocity for the first time. I had to stop it. As I went to grab for my sword, Asarualimnunna grabbed my leg. - Come to me, Alexander. Carry me into the other room. I’m too weak to walk. - What have you done? - I created even more might to serve you. - You need to stop it. It’s going to kill everyone. - It will bring me humans to feed on. It will return when I have enough. Darius was simply a test. Soon he will bring me enough so that I can make you even more mighty then that servant. I can’t wait to see what you will become. You will be beautiful. - What? - You will be my greatest creation...and together we will rule. - No. I refuse!! In his weakened state Asarualimnunna laughed. - Do you think you can refuse me anything?? As soon as I feed you will become what you were always meant to be!! - No!! Before either of us knew what had happened, my sword pierced my lovers naked body. There was no blood, but from within, a light began to emanate. Shocked by my betrayal, Asarualimnunna pulled himself off of my sword and tried to crawl away. - You fool!!!! What have you done??!! From the beautiful blonde man, Asarualimnunna transformed into his real form. After all of this time, I had forgotten what I had felt that first day we had fought in the forest, but now I could see for myself what it truly was, a small grey demon with claws. It dragged itself across the floor, but I was quick and impailed it again. The light from within grew brighter as Asarualimnunna screamed out. Filled with a supernatural force that I believe was watching over me, I grabbed the grey body, and with all of my strength sunk my hand into its chest just as I had seen it do many times before. From within, I grabbed onto its heart and pulled, ripping it from its source. The heart came out in my hand, and as I watched, began to harden and turn into a black gem. Asarualimnunna screamed one more time and disintegrated into a pile of ash. I learned later that the creature that had once been King Darius did the same thing he moment the heart had been removed. It was over. I held the gem knowing this was the source of all of its power. I tried to shatter it, but it seemed indestructible. Over the years, I tried many ways and paid many men to demolish it, but it couldn’t be destroyed. In the end, I requested it be buried with me with the warning. Hundreds of years later it would be stolen from my resting place, but with no idea how to use it, and thinking it was simply a gem, it passed from hand to hand until it was buried and left for your friend to find. Now Asarualimnunna is back and even stronger then ever. My time is nearly up, and I can feel my power fading. Find the gem, Jacob. You and Eros must find the gem and destroy it before Asarualimnunna can rise back in this world. Eros will need to bring more strength to your side, and when the time comes, he will know how. I hope it isn’t too late. He already has three warriors on his side and Chaos is hunting for the next. Find the gem, Jacob. If not... your world is doomed. With that... Alexander disappeared.
  22. The previous six parts are here: Meeting the Coach: Massaging the Super: Making the Rounds: Mocking the Hosts: Moving the Needle: Managing the Transition: Mastering the Formula: “Mmm Jessie, that feels insane. It is like being stroked, except it is your mouth doing the work instead of your hands.” The hugely-muscular coach and his client are spending some of their free time just hanging out in Jessie’s room by the window exploring each other again. The younger man has pulled Victor’s pants off and is playing with his coach’s meaty pecs, licking and tugging on both erect nipples lightly with his teeth and tongue. Victor’s thick and veiny cock is sitting on Jessie’s chest underneath his neck, throbbing and lightly leaking onto his client’s fairly tight t-shirt. Aberdeen stops chewing on them when he feels Victor start to get close to bursting. “This is really fun Vic. I wonder how much longer you can last. Why don’t we find try and find out.” Jessie runs his hands between Victor’s sweaty abs and traces his fingers along the contours of his coach’s huge pec mounds, squeezing and rubbing them slowly as he moves back into position to nurse on the thickly-developed man’s nipples once again. Victor moans deeply as he rubs his young partner’s hair with his strong hands and feels his balls making more cum. He has been edged for quite some time since Aberdeen arrived back into his room. Dumas’s large veiny cock bounces violently and throbs as a sticky ribbon of precum has attached itself to Jessie’s shirt. The young stud can see it out of the corner of his right eye as he stops to move down to hold it in his left hand. He kisses Victor’s cock on the sides of his shaft before running his tongue along the underside of his cock head to lap up the precum. He lightly smirks as he stretches the ribbon out from the piss slit about a couple of feet as it drips down onto his shirt. He moves back in as Dumas grunts continuing to rub Jessie’s hair. He is not going to last much longer at this rate. Jessie squeezes Victor’s huge balls with one hand and his bloated shaft with his other one stroking forward with his tongue out as another thick strand of precum flows into his mouth. Dumas is moaning loudly now as he pushes Jessie down over top of his shaft. “YES! It feels so good Jessie. So…..FUCKING……GOOD!” The young stud chokes a few times before situating his throat to the point that he can feel the precum flowing down into his stomach. He works Victor’s shaft with his mouth slowly making the older man breathe heavier as the sweat pours profusely down his body. Jesse is soaking his entire shirt with perspiration as they both hear a knock on the hotel room door. Aberdeen stops sucking so he can cough as his coach quickly pulls his raging shaft out. He is so close to the edge and yet he can’t cum. They try to compose themselves before they proceed towards the door. Jessie decides he will go since he still has his clothes on. Victor moves over to an area of the room where the person at the door can’t see them as he opens the door.” “Who are you?” “Mr. Aberdeen, I am an assistant to Arliss Mancari. He has sent me to take you to the medical arena for your procedure.” “Ohh it is that time already? Well I will let Victor know then and we will be there in a few minutes.” The man shakes his head no. “No, you don’t understand. I am to escort you to the arena. Mr. Dumas will meet up with you in a bit. I would suggest that you change into looser clothing because you will not be in those beyond a minute or two.” Jessie looks down and agrees. “Alright, give me a couple of minutes and I will be back then.” He closes the door halfway and rushes over to where Victor is in the room. He is still completely nude. “Are you going to be alright Vic? You were so close to blasting me that I wonder if I should have just finished you off?” The sweaty beefcake laughs as he watches Jessie strip out of his soaked clothes and rushes over to put on the outfit he was given for the procedure. The shirt and shorts are not as loose as the ones that Thomas wore, but that is partly due to the fact that the once-scrawny nerd had no muscle definition. Victor is starting to calm down slightly as his cock dangles a few strands of precum off the end of his cockhead. Jessie sees it and wants to lick it off but Victor stops him from approaching. “NO! No Jessie, you have to go. I will be fine. This is actually perfect because when I do go out there and see you explode into the man you were always meant to be, I will lose control and have the most amazing orgasm of my life. Get going! I will see you in a bit.” The fit young nerd is feeling more confident about himself now than he ever has before. The man with him grabs his left arm and rushes him down the corridor into the main lobby and down another hallway past several rooms which have colossal-sized men in them. He makes quick glances inside each one of the rooms and notices that most of the men are either watching their TV monitors or are talking amongst each other. It appears that they have just finished relieving themselves from a previous ceremony. Jessie attempts to hide the tremendous bulge in his shorts, but it is too obvious especially when the two men eventually meet up with Arliss, who is waiting for him at the end of the corridor they are in. He smiles as he extends his immense arms out to hug the young man. Jessie wraps his arms around the hairy stud and takes in his scent for a few moments before letting go. “Taking in the atmosphere are we, Jessie? I have to say that the last time I saw you I don’t remember you looking so ripped. Did Victor already get you started on the growth cycle?” Jessie laughs as he slowly rubs his crotch on Arliss’s huge right quad. The thick muscle daddy shakes his head no a few times to completely quash what he is doing. “Now now, you shouldn’t entice the man that will be controlling your fate from here on out. We need to get you prepped…” Jessie stops him mid-sentence as he steps back to give him an idea. “I just wondered if, maybe, the doctor who makes these serums for us could give me one that could, uhh maybe, make my body grow even bigger than originally planned.” The huge Italian puts his thick right hand on the nerd’s right shoulder and gives him a sly look. “I knew there was something different about you Jessie. That time we spent together was quite memorable for me and I am willing to accommodate your request. Is this simply for you or are you also doing this for Victor?” “Both actually, he told me that guys that win the lottery don’t realize they can request to be upgraded. I figured since me and you shared some time with each other earlier that maybe something could come out of this.” “You would be right, you devious cutie. I will let Dr. Doblones know and he will meet with you in private. This is going to be amazing.” Arliss motions for the man that came with Jessie to contact the doctor. The muscle daddy is now rubbing the young man’s facial stubble with his free hand. “Do you want this to be private between just you and Victor? Or are you willing to let the others watch as well? They are likely pretty drained from watching the last guy change.” “Hmm, I have never thought about that. Yeah I think maybe it is better if this happens in front of a gallery of one. Unless you want to watch it happen as well?” Jessie winks as he reaches over to slide both of his hands underneath the thick Italian’s loose tank to make contact with his furry pec meat. The big hunk moans softly as he quickly answers him. “You better believe I want to watch you become a fucking god. You have to remember, I have tasted your delicious sauce young man, and it was quite tasty. Heh, I shouldn’t talk that way because you are not doing this for me, but…if you are willing to let me experience this along with Victor, then I will accept your invitation.” Arliss and Jessie lean in to kiss each other on the lips and embrace for a few moments again. It is obvious that they are fond of each other, but still manage to keep their hormones in check. The younger man is leaking precum through his shorts now. They pull themselves apart again. “This is great Jessie. You are going to be amped for this. We don’t normally want the clients doing this, but in your case, it will get the serum flowing quicker throughout your body.” They both hear someone behind them clearing their throat. They turn and it is Dr. Doblones. He looks at Jessie and motions for him to follow him into a side room. Arliss waves goodbye as they enter the room and sit down at a round desk with two chairs. The doctor gets his tablet out and puts it on the table for Jessie to see what he wants to show him. “Mister…Aberdeen…what a pleasure it is for you to request an upgrade. The serum that will be administered to you will feature an experimental myostatin inhibitor that has only been used one other time. And before you ask, no it was not used on a human. The recipient was a gorilla that we called Edison. We figured that since they are closely related to humans that they would likely respond to the serum in a similar way.” The doctor then plays a video showing his medical team administering the serum to the gorilla, who is inside of a 10 x 10 metal cage. The beast is surprisingly calm after they remove the syringes from its body. Dr. Doblones is seen in the background watching intently at the animal’s reaction. It isn’t long before it starts grunting and arches its back. The hair begins falling off in huge piles as its muscles begin swelling all over its thick frame. The gorilla was already well over 300 pounds to begin with, but within seconds grew an additional 100 pounds. The doctor is seen directing people to hit the animal with arrows filled with some other type of fluid. The gorilla’s sheer mass was starting to become too much for the cage as the metal bars were beginning to buckle under the sheer power of the swelling monster behind them. Jessie is both horrified but turned on by the rapid growth he is witnessing in the video. After nearly fifty arrows are shot into the hulking beast, it collapses onto the ground. Several medical personnel move in to assess the animal as it quickly starts to shrink back to where it began. The doctor is seen motioning for the video to stop and it ends. Dr. Doblones reaches down into a small bag beside him to pick up two vials and places them in front of Jessie’s face on the table. The doctor smiles as he looks into the young man’s eyes to examine them. He can tell that the man is a bit conflicted by what he just saw. “Okay Mr. Aberdeen, I want you to tell me the truth about what you just saw in that video. Did it terrify you? Were you surprised at how large the animal grew? I have been watching your reaction from the moment the video started to where it ended. While I know you are scared by what happened to the gorilla, I could tell that you were also excited by how enormous it became in such a short amount of time. It may even surprise you to know that Edison is still alive. *picks up his tablet and swipes a few times before he shows a camera shot of Edison to Jessie* There he is, and he is as calm and collected as he was before the procedure.” “The point I am making here is the experimental serum was successful. While we did have to shoot Edison full of the reversion, that was also proven to be successful. He quickly returned back down to his normal size once again and is perfectly fine. We knew here at the lab that there was a chance that he would be out of control because he is not human and doesn’t have the control that we do. The point is if something goes wrong with this, we can fix it. *picks up the right vial* THIS is the serum. I am ready to give this to you. *picks up the left vial with his other hand* THIS is the reversion. We are fully prepared for your procedure. Okay, talk to me young man.” Jessie is still staring at the tablet with the camera still on Edison. He is grinning now. The doctor is also grinning. “Before I came to this place, I would have never even considered doing something like this, but everyone has opened my eyes to new and unimaginable desires. What happened to that gorilla is ridiculously scary but at the same time it is highly pleasurable to see him just revel in it. I want that same feeling for me and those people that are close to me.” The doctor stops him. “No, this is for you. Look, you are the first person this is being offered to after we have successfully managed to control the whole scene. You are different Mr. Aberdeen, and yes, you are right. You have changed since you have been here. Physically your body has started to change, and we haven’t even done much yet. Mr. Mancari, Mr. Dumas, and myself have been grooming you for greater things. The food you have been eating here had small traces of the serum in it. This need you have has slowly been building up inside your brain. Your chemistry with both of these men you have been around has developed because deep down you have always wanted this kind of affection, which is why you are sitting here with me right now. Your mind is now telling you to plunge that serum into your veins and to leave normalcy behind.” Jessie is now looking at Dr. Doblones and is shaking his head yes. He is in amazement, and feels totally fine with what has happened. “Yes, you are right. I mean…I know what you did was completely ludicrous, but I also know that what you are doing for me is a tremendous gift. My life was so broken before I came here, and now I feel like I will be rewarded. *pauses to take a breath* Okay, let’s do this. What happens now?” The doctor motions for Jessie to get up at the same time he does as they leave the room and go down the hall. The doors are now all closed except for one that is at an angle. They walk through it where about ten medical technicians are set up in different stations. Each one appears to have a different purpose. There is a huge chair with titanium restraints attached to it for arms and legs. Jessie immediately knows that he is going to be sitting there for the procedure. The doctor picks up a different outfit from the one that Jessie is wearing. “You won’t be wearing those rags you are wearing anymore Mr. Aberdeen. You are going to be needing fabric that is much more durable. *has Jessie feel the material* This fabric is also highly experimental. On a normal human frame, it is loose and unremarkable so when you put the shirt and pants on, you will think it looks ridiculous. Once the growth cycle kicks in though, you will be testing the fabric and how far it will go until it gives way.” The fit young man can’t help but to bounce his cock a couple of times as he is handed the outfit. “Go change behind the chair, nobody will bother you there. When you are done, sit down in it and try to calm yourself down. I know you are excited, which is fine, but we do need to get you hooked up to the channeling system for the serum to travel through.” Jessie rushes to pull his old outfit off and slides the new one on in mere seconds. He jumps into the chair which doesn’t budge an inch. It is quite obvious that it was built to withstand a lot of abuse. End of Part 7 Motivating the Mind: Marking His Territory:
  23. Motivating the Mind: “Mr. Aberdeen…please take a deep breath and settle down. I am excited myself to get this process moving along, but you will give yourself an aneurysm before we even start.” Dr. Doblones is now busy trying to get a few of his medical technicians to jot down some of the things he is telling them. They are being instructed to attach a specialized IV bag on to the back of the chair to a four-way channel that will lead over and under Jessie’s arms and legs. He will have four syringes impaling his major arteries to get the serum into his body. He then finishes his instructions to go stand in front of the eager client. “Okay young man, I am going to turn this operation over to Arliss, if he will get here…” The huge hulking hairy stud is walking briskly into the medical arena with a smile on his face. Dr. Doblones looks over at him and winks. “Alright, Mr. Mancari will be entrusted with the transition. I know you two will get along just fine. *tries not to show emotion* I honestly don’t know what will happen, but I do know that it will be unforgettable for all of us. I will be looking down on the transition until I know that you will be okay Mr. Aberdeen. I have a feeling though this is going to go off without a hitch.” Jessie can see Victor off in the distance from where they walked in. He is wearing a loose tank and a pair of shorts along with a pair of sneakers on. He is called out by the guy in the chair from about hundred feet away. “Vic…hey come over and join us? I could use a little more support here. Remember your promise?” The doctor and Arliss turn to see who he is talking about and notice him too, hiding in the shadows outside the door. The man in the lab coat moves toward him which prompts Victor to start walking in the other direction. He is quickly told to stop walking by Dr. Doblones. “Victor Dumas stop walking. Get back here.” He sighs before turning back around after moving a few feet away from the door. “Normally I wouldn’t allow you to go in there but you two are bonding in a way that I rarely see here. You can probably calm him down as well so you will also be included in the transition. Just make sure that you and Arliss don’t fight over him too much. He will likely have his way with both of you so try not to destroy the room like what usually happens in the other wings. Have fun Mr. Dumas.” The doctor proceeds down the hall into the main lobby as Victor waddles his way over to the other two at the chair. Arliss is locking Jessie into the chair’s restraints by way of an expandable material that will obviously be tested by Jessie’s growth cycle. He is making sure that they are secure and tightly affixed to the sides of the chair as well. The young man is wondering how his small frame would possibly get to the point of even testing the limits of those restraints. “I mean…am I going to get THAT big? The space between my forearms and the titanium is practically double, maybe even triple. *feels his cock twitch* MMMMM, I shouldn’t feel so much pleasure in this but I do.” Victor studies the apparatus behind the chair since he has never seen such an arrangement before. He is fascinated by how it will be transfused into Jessie’s body. The syringes are being attached to the serum chambers by two medical technicians who are now showing both Arliss and Victor on how to correctly insert them into Jessie. They finish their instructions and leave the area. The two huge studs look at each other briefly before searching for just the right arteries to impale. Victor leans in to kiss the young man on the lips before going back to doing what he was instructed to do. “I am a bit nervous I am going to hit the wrong one Jessie.” Jessie squeezes his arms to make the veins pop out and find their way to the surface. Both Arliss and Victor laugh and shake their heads no. “Well…that is fine and all cutie, but we are supposed to put these thick needles into an artery. It will likely hurt really bad when we do this so we will do them one at a time. There will be two in your legs too.” Both hunks think they have found the right one in both arms as Victor tries to distract his partner. “Were you just trying to edge me earlier Jessie or was that supposed to go the distance?” “Ohh I was definitely trying to make you…AHHHHHH! ! ! !” Arliss slowly jams the thick syringe into the young man’s right arm until he thinks it is secure. It is a successful effort on his part. Jessie is obviously in a bit of distress. “Okay cutie, you were nice enough to let me join you and Vic in this experiment, what do you think will happen once…you know…the other you comes out?” Jessie is trying to focus on Arliss to answer him. “I…uhh…I don’t know. I mean…I wonder if the other me is a bit of a douch…AHH SHIT SHIT SHIT…” Now Victor is pushing his syringe into Jessie’s left arm until he thinks it is secure enough. It is a tougher ordeal partly because his partner’s left tricep is a bit thicker than his right one. The lottery winner is hunched over in pain with his head in his lap as the sweat starts pouring down his face and back. Both Arliss and Victor give him a minute or two to compose himself. “Okay buddy, Vic and I are going to have to do the same to your legs. I hope the pain isn’t as bad down there.” They both slide a part of his shorts up so they can view his lightly hairy, but nicely firm quads to search for the biggest artery they can find. Jessie rises back to his original position and is trying to calm himself down again. Instead of making chit-chit again, both of the hulks decide to stick him at the same time. Jessie yells in pain as they quickly slide the syringes into his quads and get back up to their feet to give him some tight hugs. He is crying a bit from the ordeal. “We are sorry cutie. We know that the pain is awful. The good news is though you probably won’t even know they are there in a few minutes.” The remaining technicians in the medical arena are now checking to see if the entire system is going to be operational. When they check Jessie’s attachments, they give the two huge hulks a thumbs up as they leave the area. Victor stands up and leans against the chair above Jessie’s head while Arliss finds the button that starts the IV transfer into the four chambers. He flips it as the serum slowly starts flowing into each tube. Victor is now rubbing his partner’s face and chest with his hands. He is quite nervous and Jessie can tell. “It is going to be alright Victor. I am at peace with whatever happens here. I pretty much have no choice at this point, the real me will be emerging soon enough.” Arliss and Victor watch as the serum finally meets up with Jessie’s insides. The young man involuntarily jumps at first before sighing a few times as he feels it start to flood his arteries and vessels. Mancari is checking the lottery winner’s vitals to make sure nothing drastic changes. He jumps again as Arliss finishes just to make him react and laughs. Both of the big guys look at each other in bewilderment. “Are you doing that on purpose Jessie? This stuff must be making you relax and goofy. I don’t think I have ever seen you do that…” Before he can even finish his sentence, Victor reaches over to feel something happening to his partner’s left arm. Jessie is lightly moaning as his cock jumps a few times in his shorts. He does not appear to be in pain anymore. Instead, he leans back in his chair and has a smirk on his face. The big hunks are now paying attention to nearly every square inch of his body to see what is about to occur. “MMM…I can feel it invading my brain now. There is no doubt about it that this is what I have always craved my entire life.” He can feel the muscles in his arms and legs starting to burn as his body proceeds to reprogram itself according to what his mind is telling it to do. He is now flexing them making the veins stand out once again. He turns to look at Victor and grins. “Victor…I think the transformation is about to start because I am feeling the urge to grow myself now. It is the strangest sensation I have ever felt, but I LOVE IT! I can’t really hold it back since this stuff is continuously flowing into me.” He laughs as he feels both of his arms straining before they finally start to swell. Victor can feel Jessie’s bicep and tricep growing beneath his left hand, eyeing the veins as they begin expanding just beneath the young man’s skin. Arliss can feel the same thing happening with his right arm, rubbing each thickening vascular branch and muscle fiber as they slowly stretch his skin. Jessie can feel the same thing happening in his quads as well. “YYEESS!! AWW FUCK! What a feeling! I think I can feel my legs reacting now.” The growth is more rapid in his legs as both Victor and Arliss look on in total disbelief as they see and hear the muscles in both quads stretching and growing closer together. The gap that was present between his legs is quickly evaporating as his shorts are being forced upward into his midsection. Jessie is clearly becoming more eager to grow as he looks over at both of his arms and sees the swelling start to move down into his forearms. At the same time, it is closing in on his calves and feet. Arliss lets go of Jessie’s arm and moves away from him to take in the sight of his young friend’s transformation. He is now located far enough back to where he can watch the IV solution empty. He undoes his pants and pulls his erect cock out to let it start dripping precum beneath him. Victor lets go of Jessie’s other arm to get on his knees. He is anticipating the scenario that he has always dreamed about for his partner. Jessie speaks again. “GIVE IT TO ME! ! ! This is all I want now.” He grunts feeling the veins and muscle fibers stretching the fabric holding his forearms in place. Even his fingers and palms are growing thicker as he grips the chair. Sweat coats his entire body as veins pulse beneath his shirt and along his neckline. The muscles beneath his knee are stretching and growing thicker as leathery sounds can be heard beneath his ankles. His feet are expanding as the fabric in his shoes begins to stretch to try and accommodate its growing inhabitants. His calves are growing wider making him moan deeply. Both Arliss and Victor can clearly see them jutting outward from his legs. There are new branches of veins and capillaries forming in places that previously had nothing to show. The fabric that is wrapped around Jessie’s ankles is being stretched as the fabric draws closer to the clamps that are holding them in place. The young man’s lower half, besides his crotch, is glistening with new muscularity, hugely veiny with peaks and valleys of thick densely constructed power. Arliss gets the attention of Victor and motions that the IV is not even half empty yet. His thick rod is lightly dripping precum down his shaft and he is breathing quite heavily. Next obviously, the serum will be moving into other areas such as Jessie’s chest and head. The growing young stud’s shoulders are swelling, making the fabric over top of them sound like there is water inside of a balloon. He laughs as he leans forward to show them that his back and ass are starting to react. There are tons of sounds radiating from his back as muscles begin to emerge from out of nowhere. He is growling as his two glutes inflate in seconds, nearly stretching the back of his shorts to their limits. “OHH FUCK…MMM…ohh shit Victor…the sensations of my ass growing like that is stretching my hole as well. It feels like someone pushed a foot long into my butt. I am leaking soo much…” He is breathing heavy now as the serum saturates his torso and his vocal cords. His voice goes an octave deeper and it is exciting him. He finally feels his testicles and penis being influenced. It is the meeting of the minds as the serum is now fully melding with Jessie. He growls again as he feels his spine crack and pop a few times. He is getting taller. As a result of this, he is growing more muscles in his back as the veins and cords of muscle fibers leading up into his delts are starting to test the limits of the doctor’s fabric. His traps are now forcing his head forward even more as they stretch across to his engorged shoulders, which are still somehow hidden beneath his shirt. He can no longer sit back in the chair as he starts to feel his chest react. “Watch my pecs Victor…*feels them start to swell*…FFUUCCKK!!!” Arliss moans loudly watching Jessie’s pecs inflate, not realizing that the young man’s cock and balls are also starting to grow. The two formerly thin chest muscles are stretching the shirt, pulling the fabric and creating a giant gap at the top. His nipples are growing as well as they protrude just beneath the fabric. They are as hard as they can be. He is in total ecstasy feeling his entire stomach area reacting as his abdominals are completely visible beneath the fabric in eight nearly perfect slabs. He is not even close to being satisfied as he feels his pecs bunching up on each other trying to break free from the fabric that is keeping them from breaking free. “SSHHIITT…this damn fabric is too strong. Victor…heh…my cock wants to say hello by the way. You should come and take a look.” Victor moves over and sees Jessie’s cock slowly stretching out the side of his shorts. It is spitting precum down the side of his right leg. It is also quite obvious that he is sporting a huge set of testicles as they are stretching the fabric in the front. Dumas is done watching now and leans down to start slurping on the huge young man’s thick 10” cock. He is able to shove part of Jessie’s cock down his throat and is sucking on him. Arliss is so turned on now by the transformation that he shoots several ropes of cum on top of the two men. Jessie laughs hysterically knowing that he is making both of these insanely gorgeous men lose their minds. His neck is now stretching thicker and beefier than before as the hair on his head falls off and new veins form all over the top. He can feel the muscles bulging as his face as he begins to sport a blocky and more masculine look. He is mostly hairless now, but doesn’t even seem to notice it. He grunts feeling his cock being massaged vigorously. Victor gulps down the river of precum that comes oozing out every few seconds. He can feel Jessie’s raging ballsac beside his face and wants badly to empty them. “YYEESS Victor…worship my big cock…I hope you are leaking as much as I am because I am about to unleash my fury on your throat.” He can feel his testicles starting to contract. “Get ready for a HUGE surprise.” Victor chokes as Jessie’s huge cock starts pumping thick gobs of cum down his throat. It is spilling out all over his face and shirt. He can’t take anymore as the thickly-built young man shoots a few jets over to where Arliss is standing. They hit him in the chest as he moans in delight. He is in awe of Jessie as he tries to get Vic’s attention again. “Hey Vic…the serum isn’t done. That was just 60% of it. That means he is going to grow again.” Jessie overhears them and smiles before trying to sit back in his chair. He is slightly uncomfortable, but there is no pain. He is taking a breather after launching his missile at both of them. “How big am I right now guys? I want to know. I feel good, but not great. This first phase was like an awakening for me, but I need more, WAY MORE!” The serum continues to flow into the huge young man. Arliss starts to evaluate him as he walks over with his cock still dangling. He is drenched in sweat as his clothes stick to him. The same can be said with Victor as well. “I would say you are probably a good 280 Jessie. You just added probably 120 pounds to your frame. Those arms are easily 22, maybe 23 inches. Gawd, your forearms though…probably close to 18 or 19 inches and that is HUGE.” Jessie lets out a few very deep manly grunts as he starts to feel the serum penetrate his mind again. “I guess it is time for round two then guys. This time, I will get to dictate the growth and I can guarantee that I will get out of this chair somehow.” End of Part 8 Marking His Territory:
  24. Here is the fourth chapter of The Test. This took me a while to write as life kept getting in the way along with some serious workouts!!! This muscle growth/transformation scene would probably be me if i was confronted by the power of the gem. Sure, I would want to be cool like Chaos, but I'm just a big brute... so I know what I would become!!! Enjoy, and if you have any ideas for further mythical transformations/muscle growth... let me know!! The Test Chapter Four Vengeance Elliott Wade got out of the taxi in front of UEL research building. His flight had landed two hours ago, and once he had gotten through customs, he ran to catch a taxi. Thankfully, the skinny, bearded man only had a backpack and didn’t need to wait for any luggage and therefore beat the crowd to the taxi stand. He would have gotten an Uber but didn’t want to risk the waiting time it might take just for a cheaper fare. He needed to get to Jacob and he needed to get to him now. Ever since he had found that gem, there had been trouble. Putting the pieces together may have taken a little while, but now that he thought he might know what was going on, he was in a race against time. First, there was the day he found the stone. It hadn’t seemed odd at first, but why had the other guys who were excavating in his section both come down with a stomach flu on the same day? They all ate in the same canteen, but only Elliot hadn’t gotten sick. Then there was the strange obsession that had flooded over him when he unearthed the gem. He never would have kept such a significant find to himself, yet something told him to hide it and keep it a secret. Then there was the night of the thunderstorm when the gem had disappeared completely. He hadn’t realized it was gone until the next day. Elliott had seen it the night before when he hid it away in the coffee can, so that’s exactly where it should have been the next day; yet it wasn’t He couldn’t have the other men search for it since no one knew he had it. Finally, there was the blank email to Jacob with the attachment he couldn’t open. It all would have remained a mystery if it had not been for the scroll found in the earthen pot. Inside was a crude drawing of some sort of creature pulling itself out of the earth. Human men and creatures of a variety of assortment surrounded the hole it was crawling out of. A gem emitting a ray of light was hanging over he creature, lighting it’s path as it burst from the ground. When he had shown it to the other men, they had all agreed with each other that it was a fable of some kind that obviously translated into destruction brought about by greed. Elliott knew it had to mean more since he had seen the very gem from the drawing with his own eyes, but once again how could he talk about the gem without telling about his part. Not knowing who to turn to for confession, Elliot decided to call his ex; Jacob, but his phone was out of service. His phone at the University continually went to voicemail, and every email Elliot sent to him bounced back. It was as if Jacob has single handedly been removed from this earth... at least for when it meant Elliot getting in contact with him. Concerned what was going on with Jacob as well as remembering the strange email sent to him from Elliot’s own account with the attachment he couldn’t open, Jacob decided to get the next flight to London and see if everything was alright. Heavy winds, severe rain and lightning threw the plane around the sky like a child’s toy. A couple of times Elliot swore they were going down, but the skill of the pilot get them safely to Stanstead Airport. He caught a taxi quickly and gave the driver Jacob’s address. The taxi had barely traveled for three minutes when a text appeared on his phone. Elliot took a quick look at it thinking it would only be from his excavation partner, but noticed that it was from Jacob. It was a picture of the gem, glowing a deep amber colour. The text: ‘I think I know what it is,’ fell right underneath it. Realizing that Jacob was at the universities research building and obviously in more danger then he originally thought, Elliott gave the driver the address of his new destination. How did Jacob have the gem? What did he mean he now knew what it was? Why was it now glowing amber when it had been emerald when he found it? Eliot felt sick. Something was very wrong. Now as he stood before the large stone building, Eliot realized the storm he thought he had left behind had followed him as the wind began to pick up and lightening illuminated the dark sky. It was 3 am, so he didn’t expect to find any professors or students swarming around the building, but as he unlocked the door and stepped into the foyer, the building felt deathly quiet. All of power was off in the building so he had to cling the stairs up to fourth floor only by the light of his cell phone. Slowly he entered Jacobs research lab. He called out Jacob’s name, but the silence at his words up. It was dark, so he could only make out a shadowy apparatus taking up most of the centre of the room. On a pedestal stood the gem glowing a deep amber. Elliott races over to it, but just as he got close, the gem disappeared . ⁃ Looking for something? Elliott turned quickly around and found himself standing across the room from an incredibly handsome blonde man. It was dark in the room, but Elliot was able to see the man perfectly as if he were glowing from within. dressed in khaki pants and a tight vest that showed off each of the taut firm muscles that made up his body. The man looked perhaps 20 or 25, no more, but Eliot sensed he was older then that... much older. Elliott opened his mouth to speak, to question the man why he was in Jacobs room, when a bolt of lightning kept from his fingers and into Elliott’s chest. ⁃ Quiet!! The bolt threw him backward, but Elliott never hit the ground. Instead, he floated in midair, immobile, and unable to speak. Although he knew he should be afraid of the man, he suddenly realized that he wasn’t. Something was drawing Elliott to him... seducing him as he walked gracefully toward him. ⁃ Your mortal world has only three more days before I am released. Three days before I feed. Many worlds have I come to, and many worlds have I stripped barren. I know what you are, Elliot. That is why I called you. Everyone believes Elliot to be so kind, so helpful, such a great guy... but I know better. Oh, Elliott. We are going to do wonderful things together. Trust me. You’ll never be the same again. ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** Two men stood before the semi-detached house on Queensbridge Drive. Both were tall and muscular, one all in black, the other bearded, and dressed in jeans and a T-shirt with a long brown coat that fell nearly to his thick calves. They would never have seemed out of place in the hipster community if it weren’t for the fact that the one in brown was barefoot and wearing sunglasses at three in the morning. They quietly spoke to each other for a moment, and then the one in brown walked away from the house, positioning himself about 50 feet away. The man in Black walked toward the door, and as he did, he began to change. His whole body got shorter and lost most of its muscle tone, surrendering itself to age and fat. His long hair appeared to retract into his head, and turned grey and thin in some areas. An energy of power still revolves around him, but it was partially hidden by a skin he despised... a skin of mediocrity, Placing his hand in his right outer coat pocket, he discovered his keys, just where he had left them last night. He also found an object that had been given to him for safe keeping, told he would know what to do with it when the time came. Chaos... or rather... Declan fingered the gem which caused his penis to plump up a little. Soon... he thought. Soon. Declan opened the door and stepped into his sons flat. Shoes lay in the foyer, and coats were flung haphazardly on the coatrack. Never one for housekeeping, it was actually neater then his son usually kept it. Declan considered his 34 year old son Brendan a complete failure. Given every opportunity, he still succeed in doing nothing with his life. He floated from job to job, never lasting with one career for very long, and never having much direction in life. If it wasn’t for his ex-wives money, he didn’t know how Brendan would have survived. She paid the rent in this flat and transferred thousands of pounds a month into his Lloyd’s again. To Declan, Brendan had only one thing... anger... and that anger was definitely going to help his father out now. From the foyer, Declan could here the TV on in the sitting room. It was no surprise that he found his son asleep, surrounded by some empty bottles of Guinness, and a lone wine bottle. Looking down at his sleeping son, he felt disgust mixed with a surge of adrenaline. Finally, he was going to be of use for something. Over and over again Declan kicked the couch Brendan was asleep on. ⁃ Brendan!! Wake Up!! Get your ass up, Brendan!! I need to talk with you. Awaking from what he thought could only be a nightmare, he realized was only his reality as he came face to face with his father. ⁃ What are you doing here? ⁃ We need to talk. ⁃ We have nothing to talk about, this is my flat. Get the fuck out! Brendan stood up to confront his father. Even though he was a good head higher then his dad, it never seemed to help since he always made him feel so small. Now with the power of liquor still in his system, he was going to throw the man he despised out. ⁃ You’ll listen to me, Brendan or I’ll make you listen to me, and you won’t like that. ⁃ Please just get the fuck out, Dad. We have nothing more to talk about. Yes, I was fired... yes I asked Mum for more money. It has nothing to do with you. I thought you were going away, anyway. ⁃ Something happened to me today, Brendan. Something that has changed everything, and even though I hate to admit it, you have a part to play. ⁃ I think you’re drunker then I am. Just get the fuck out. Brendan walked through the dim room, and ran smack into a walk... or at least he thought it was a wall. Destruction, still uncomfortably disguised in the skin of a hipster, grabbed Brendan by the arm and shirtfront and lifted him into the air. Brendan struggled against the attack. He swung his arms and legs trying to somehow unbalance the hipster so he could run away, but he only succeeded in knocking off his sunglasses. In shock, Brendan stopped moving when he noticed the brute only had flesh where his eyes should have been.... nothing else. ⁃ Shit move, mate. The flesh on the brutes forehead began to pulse and flow with life. Within moments, the flesh parted and a giant red eye appeared in the centre of his forehead. Brendan screamed. What evil had his father gotten himself involved in? Angrily, Destruction lifted Brendon higher and with one quick move he threw him down into a pile on the floor. ⁃ I think our father was talking. With the wind still knocked out of Brendan, Destruction lifted him up by the neck and held him four feet in the air. ⁃ Don’t kill him just yet, Destruction. No matter how much I hate to say it, we need him. Moments away from blacking out, Brendan was lowered to the floor, but still remained held in the large mans grip. His father approached him smiling. With a swift movement, Declan punched Brendan in the stomach. As he continued to speak, he repeated this action over and over again. ⁃ When I say I need to speak with you, I need to speak with you. I didn’t want it to come to this, but you forced my hand, Brendan. Why does everyone force my hand!! Declan kneed Brendan in the balls, causing him to fall to his knees. The brute standing behind him picked him up again, prepping him for more blows from his father. ⁃ I was given a gift today, Brendan, a gift I shared with your new brother behind you, and a gift I wanted to share with you, but you always make it so difficult. Punch! Punch!! ⁃ I wanted your anger to fuel you into what I knew you would become, finally being of some use to me, but now you are to be prepared for something more. Punch!! ⁃ My creator needs a place to hide something precious to him, and although I wish it could be me, I can’t do everything!! As he spoke, the figure before Brendan began to change till his father stood before him, but looking a thousand times crueler, and a thousand times more powerful. Age had been stripped away from him, and in his place stood the man Brendan knew his father always wanted to be. Brendan pissed himself as massive wings burst from his back, and an enormous scorpion tail erupted from the place above his ass. ⁃ A taste, Brendan, of the power I now possess. I can tell from your reaction you find me as remarkable as I feel. I would show you my true form, but I don’t think you could handle it at the moment. ⁃ Enough time has been wasted, Chaos. Give the boy to me. Another man appeared from the shadows. This one was blonde and muscular, and looked even younger then Brendan. With his right hand, Chaos removed the gem from his coat pocket and held up the glowing amber item. Gently the blonde man took the gem from his father and held it for Brendan to see. ⁃ Look at it, Brendan. Look at the power it holds. The anger you embrace inside of you is going to evolve you into something beautiful. Never should one like you get near something like this that holds such power, that magnified such inner desires. Your father, a psychopath, got a hold of it, and look at him. You will make the perfect soldier, but I need something more for you. My enemies have come for this, and I need to hide it someplace where they’ll never look. That’s where you come in. As the man held the gem closer to Brendan, it began to glow even brighter. ⁃ Delicious all consuming vengeance fuels your soul, Brendan. You hide it deep down in your soul. Let’s show the world, shall we? With his right hand, the man reached forward and pressed against Brendan’s chest. If he had been able to scream out, he would have screamed bloody murder as he felt the powerful hands tip through his clothing and enter his skin. Further the man’s hand went until he was buried up to his wrist in Brendan’s chest. It was inconceivable that Brendan wasn’t bleeding out onto the floor, but not one drop fell. A coldness entered Brendan’s soul as the man found what he desired, and with a quick tug, ripped out Brendan’s heart. The organ was still beating as it rest in his hand. With hunger in his eyes, the man’s mouth opened to reveal razor sharp teeth. His mouth opened wider and wider till it was an all consuming hole. With one quick movement, the man dropped the heart in its mouth and began to chew. When his meal was complete, he licked his lips and smiled. A spasm went through the man and every muscle in his body began to swell and grow. Pound upon pound was added to his frame until he must have gained at least 20 lbs. Just as quickly as the growth started, it ended. ⁃ Delicious, but sadly not enough for my liking. I’ll have plenty more to feed on, won’t I , Brendan? You’ll bring them to me, won’t you? Brendan tried to speak, but he found an all consuming cold had overtaken his body as if the frozen North had taken root ⁃ Awww... feeling empty are we? You’ll bring them to me when the time comes, won’t you, Brendan? When the time comes you will betray your kind and let me feed on them... won’t you? If you say yes, I’ll make all the emptiness go away. ⁃ Yes.... yes. Anything. Tears began to fall from Brendan’s eyes. As he looked down, he could see the massive hole the man had made. He was truly empty. The man, who was now nearly bursting out of his white shirt, raised the amber gem up to Brendan again. ⁃ Let’s fill you up, shall we? The man took the gem and brought it closer to Brendan’s chest. Suddenly, it started beating of its own accord. Slowly, the man began to bury it deep in his chest. ⁃ Think of all the world owes you, Brendan. Think of every wrong ever caused to you by everyone you know. Think of the vengeance you will herald. Brendan could hear the beating of the gem deep within his chest. Soon the cold and emptiness was disappearing and was being replaced by warmth. The warmth felt good, the warmth felt so welcoming.... the warmth was all consuming. From a spark, an ember was formed in his chest, then a flame, then a roaring fire. Brendan could feel it completely engulfing him. He was now filled with the fire of ten thousands suns. ⁃ Vengeance is mine, sayeth the Lord!!! Suddenly the man turned to vapor and disappeared. The power Eros, Chaos, and Destruction had felt was only a mere whisper to what was passing through Brendan. Every molecule of his being was on fire, fuelling itself for the transformation that was set to occur. The gem, finally having found the perfect host cracked open. Tentacles emerged from the center, and slithered their way around his core until they latched onto his brain and reproductive organs. The gem, used to granting and magnifying deep desires, quickly extracted Brandan’s desire for vengeance. The picture it created of what Brendan wished to become terrified him. ⁃ No!! That isn’t me!! Brendan screamed... but the gem knew he was lying. Why had Chaos and Eros been the only truthful ones, the sentiment gem wondered. That was why they were polar opposites, always destined to be at war; foundation and annihilation. As Brendan tried to fight the changes that were about to occur, the gem pulsed, forcing his lats and pecs to erupt in size, and tearing to pieces the button-up shirt he was wearing. As Brendan’s chest and wing-span continued to grow out of control, his small puny arms were being held away from his sides. As his wing span grew even wider, his shoulder muscles and traps began growing larger and higher, preventing him from turning his head at all. Soon they had completely engulfed the sides of it, nearly swallowing his head completely. His pecs persisted to swell, becoming plumper and broader. In seconds Brendan’s chest had been enhanced by hundreds of pounds, and didn’t look as if it intended on stopping soon. Just as his traps struggled to engulf the side of his head, his ever enlarging pecs tried to smother him from below. Higher and higher, he raised his head until he was nearly looking completely up, and his pecs lay just below his chin. I’m going to be smothered by my own body, he began to panic. I need to get out of here, he thought and began to try and move toward the door, but his own body fought him. As he moved forward, his father grabbed him and held him in place. ⁃ Just let go, Brendan. Be the man you always should have been. Don’t disappoint me again. ⁃ Yes Brendan... listen to your father. The gem spoke quietly to Brendon in a voice that was close to singing. ⁃ Listen to his voice and let it enrage you. Let me take that rage and let me magnify it ten- fold. Let me keep magnifying it till you become your father’s worst nightmare. Let me enable you to have the power to one day destroy him... when the time is right... The gem could feel the resentment beginning to simmer inside of Brendan, breaching the wall. To sway him further, the gem reached down and started magnifying the amount of testosterone produced in his body. Each testicle began to inflate like a balloon being crammed with water. As his testicles started to grow, the gem flashed images of every injustice his father had ever inflicted on his family. Running like a film in his mind, Brendan could see the belittling, the snubbing, the smacks, and the punches. Played repeatedly were the times that Bendan witnessed Declan hitting his mother. Each memory got increasingly graphic and violent as Brendan attempted to fight it. Larger and larger, the gem continued growing his testicles... more and more testosterone flooded his system. They amplified until there was no room in his trousers to grow in comfort. That didn’t stop the gem as it willed them to keep developing, keep magnifying their power. Brendan’s zipper started to bend and warp as his immense balls continued to grow. As his balls gushed with testosterone and his brain crammed with the images of everything he despised, Brendan looked up into his father’s eyes. Suddenly Brendan felt angry. No... Brendan wasn’t angry. Brendan was furious... The gem flashed more and more images as it raised his testosterone level to near astronomical levels. This was happening because of his father. Everything happened because of his father! The world wasn’t safe with someone like his father in the world!! The weed needed to be destroyed!!! The gem whispered so only he could hear: ⁃ Soon. Soon we will take vengeance on your father and all on this globe like him. When the time is right, I promise. Let me set you free, and together we wash this world clean. Brendan stared one last time at his father and Chaos made his first mistake: Chaos smiled. ⁃ I’m going to make you proud, Dad. Watch me grow!! Brendan released himself... emancipated the gem to wreck havoc on his body. Brendan’s pants finally ripped, releasing his mammoth testicles. Still bound in his boxer briefs, it wasn’t long before the compression became insurmountable and his testicles won the battle, releasing themselves from the binding fabric. As the power courses through him, his whole body began to quake violently. Chaos expected to see agony flash over his face, but instead he saw pleasure... he saw ecstasy… he saw desire. Perhaps Brendan really was his son! As Brendan cried out, his voice dropped five octaves, and his legs commenced growing. ⁃ The power!! The fucking power flooding through me, altering every cell in my body! It’s Changing me completely. Do it! I grant you free reign!! Change me!! Make me mighty! Make me powerful!! Make me completely unrecognizable. Make me monstrous!!! Brendan started to stand as his quads and calves blew up, getting grander and more superior. The trousers legs that he was still wearing entirely disintegrated with the rapid influx of growth. His pelvis snapped to permit his legs to stand further and further apart. ⁃ More!! His quads detonated with size again becoming broader, becoming thicker, filling more and more with impossible muscle. Just when it was virtually impossible for his quads to develop any more, his pelvis snapped and extended again giving him more room for further inches to pack on. His waist was incredibly wide now, around 40” in diameter and still growing, even though there wasn’t an ounce of fat on him. Brendan was becoming a human completely made of muscle. Even his abdominal muscles defied description. They were practically as thick as bricks, and had at least five inches of depth between every one. His belly button was entirely buried among the masses of muscles, and would never be seen again. Chaos watched as his son tried to stand on the legs that were being formed for him. The muscles that now enveloped his legs were practically unimaginable by human understand. One would say they were larger then redwood trees… but that would even be underestimating their size. Each leg had to weigh nearly 400 lbs. alone, and still they grew. ⁃ Bigger!! Make me mightier!!!! Let me finally make my father proud!! As his quads and calves overflowed further with muscle… Brendan started getting taller. It was just in time, thought Chaos, or he had run the serious risk of becoming immobile. His feet burst out of his trainers with an explosion that sent the leather flying to several parts of the room. All Brendan could do was laugh as more and more of his desires came true. ⁃ Look at me, Dad!! Going up!!! Along with his feet, Brendan’s hands began getting lengthier, and each finger getting thicker with muscle. Brendan curled his hand into a fist as he admired the massive hands he now had. From his hands, the muscle began moving up his forearms, amplifying them to tree trunk proportions in order to be able to hold the dinner plate sized hands he now possessed. As his lower arm augmented beyond even the dream of any body builder, his bicep and triceps began swelling so large that Brendan had some trouble bending them. The chest that connected these two buttresses of power had never stopped expanding and enlarging and now had to be wider then Brendan was tall, and still he continued to grow up and out. ⁃ Why did I ever deny myself this??!! What was I ever afraid of?? It is the world that should be afraid of me! To Destruction, Brendan he was becoming a monstrous spectacle of pure muscle. He was swelling so large, packing on so much muscle that it was becoming beyond any rational thought of what a man should be. His back was so wide, his arms so immense, his legs so colossal. Where would it all end? Brendan’s neck, having fallen behind the surge of growth quickly made up for it as it thickened and extended. No longer lodged between his immense traps, his neck surged with power, looking as mighty as his arms or his legs. The elongated muscles of his neck expanding and pulsing every single time he moved his head. Brendan laughed again loudly as he saw his father’s staring at him. ⁃ Look at you, Dad!! I know exactly what you’re think! What is he becoming?? What does he need all of this muscle for? Just you wait, Dad! It’s going to be a beauty. Brendan’s last words were caught in a grimace of pain. ⁃ My feet! Look at my feet! The flesh on Brendan’s massive feet began to move around of it’s own accord. Soon flesh began to cover the spaces in-between his toes until they no longer resembled human feet. Brendan screamed out as both of his broke in half shattered at the same time, forcing him to stand on what looked like tip-toe. The lower half of his foot began to harden into what could only be described as two immense hooves. Stomping around the room on hooves that continued to enlarge, Brendan had never felt more alive. Pound upon pound of muscle filled his body unrelentingly as he continued getting taller, bigger and more immense. He was nearing the ceiling of his home now, and deep down he knew he had only started his transformation. Thick brown hair began to sprout over his pecs, and traveled down to his abs. His arms also began to be covered with hair, but it was his crotch and legs where the hair changed texture and consistency. Unlike his chest hair, the hair on his legs was longer, straight, dense, and quickly filling every available space of flesh. Soon his entire bottom half was concealed by brown hair, and not an inch of skin could be seen. The loudest cracking of bones was heard by Chaos, and he looked up from his son’s monstrously hairy legs to his face. The entire skeletal structure of his face was being altered. First his nose became flatter and more prominent, filling up the whole center of his face. Then his cranial area became wider and his mandibular region began to get thinner. Through it all, Brendan cried out in both pain and ecstasy. He was finally becoming the creature he was always born to be. On either side of his head, two mounds began to develop. Pulsating on their own, they finally erupted, and the thickest bullhorns imaginable emerged. Long and impressive, the horns grew and then twisted and grew longer again. Lifting his head, Brendan slammed his horns against the ceiling and a large portion of it caved in. The power coursing through his body was so addictive that he wanted more and more… never wanting it to end. The mighty Minotaur stood before Chaos in all of its glory. Brendan roared, and the sound filled the entire house. His stomping destroyed the flooring, and his immeasurable muscle mass threatened to take down the walls as he moved. ⁃ Feel the house quake with my power, Dad!!! The voice coming from the Minotaur no longer even closely resembled Brendan’s voice. The dominance and supremacy that he now commanded with his simple words made everyone take heed. Brendan’s bull cock began to grow to match his body. When unsheathed, it had to be nearly twenty-five inches in length and ten inches around. Veins crisscrossed the entire circumference feeding each inch with more blood so that it could pump even larger and more superior. Instead of pointing straight out, Brendan’s cock curved up, and he could finally see it passed his pecs when it grew far enough out and up. Pre-cum was continually flowing from his cock, powered by the immense objects that could only be called testicles, although they were so much more. Brendan stroked himself, and his whole body prickled with a mix of power and sexual excitement. Sudden movement to his right made him look over, and there was the one eyed freak with his own double cocks out, masturbating and drooling at the sight of him. Worship me, he thought. You are nothing compared to me. ⁃ More!!! I need more!!! The Minotaur once known as Brendan snarled and scraped around the room, the gem imbedded in his chest continuing to fill him with its might. As he moved around, the Minotaur was forced to walk with his limbs further apart as his leg muscles grew even mightier. Soon forced into a partial squat his quads grew even more monstrous. As his back erupted further with muscle, the Minotaur roared in ecstasy. At the same time the vertebrae of his backbone burst through the skin of his upper back until he had seven foot-long bony yet razor sharp protrusions traveling up to his neck. The beast lifted its hands up as best as it could and watched as his fingernails grew lengthier and sharper, transforming into black claws. The black flowed quickly from his nails like ink onto his hands and up his arms creating two sleeves of tribal tattoos. The cartilage of his nose sprouted like a thick tentacle out his right nostril, and rounded upward until it impaled itself in his left nostril. The bone quickly turned a gold colour until it resembled a large nose ring. The skin from both of his nipples proceeded to do the same until he had two substantial nipple rings. The beast’s cock head had continue to swell and grow, dripping continually with pre until the whole room smelled of sex. Its hand went down and began slowly stoning his magnificent shaft. As he did, a thick tentacle of skin shot out of his cock head and curved under until it pierced itself into the space where his shaft ended and his head began. The flesh thickened and hardened becoming another piercing to adorn his body. As the transformation continued out of control, Destruction found himself more and more turned on by the beast’s muscle. Shedding his human guise, he transformed himself back into his true form till he stood before the Minotaur completely naked, and stroking his two immense penises, longing to worship the new born god. Sensing the desire emanating off of Destruction, the beast turned and walked up to him. With one quick movement, it was behind Destruction holding him in a headlock. Destruction made no indication to fight, in fact he welcomed the attack. Licking Destructions neck with his long fat bull tongue, it slathered the dripping pre onto its mammoth cock and Destructions quivering hole. Lining the humongous head up with its entry point, and with a roar, Vengeance impaled Destruction onto its cock, balls deep. As Vengeance animalistically fucked Destruction, he lifted both of his sharp claws and savagely impaired them in Destructions back, drawing them down. Instead of the blood that Chaos expected to pour out of Destruction, a metal flesh-like material began to ooze out of the incisions. The silver flesh slowly crept up onto Vengeance, completely coating his fingers and hands, and then began twisting corkscrew-like up his fore arms and then upper arms creating silver bands. At first Chaos believed that the supernatural flesh was making some sort of a bizarre shell on the beast that was once his son, but he was only partially true. As Chaos watched further, he saw that where the silver ran up Vengeance’s arms, his flesh became pure metal, tattoos and all. This was no armour. The silver liquid was completely merging with Vengeances’s own flesh and turning areas of the beasts body into pure living metal. The metal quickly continued it’s journey around Vengeance’s body. The backbone protrusions were soon completely covered, and the thick pointy boney masses began to thicken further and glow. They soon began to take on a silver sheen as the living armour began to cover them. The metal continued to drip down Vengeance’s back and wrap around his immense chest creating a breastplate of impenetrable armour. Even Vengeance’s chest hair turned to metal as it continued traveling over his body Soon the metal forged its way down Vengeance’s mammoth arms until they too were covered with metal weaving. He’s becoming part animal, part machine Chaos thought. He’s covering his body with metal creating a tank like covering. The liquid metal traveled up from his back and covered most of the column like neck. It moved up the Minotaur’s face till it was covering Its eminence horns, and they were both completely made of metal and sharp as blades. Vengeance continued riding Destruction harder and harder, pulling further and further out, and slamming his cock all the way back in. He could feel himself getting closer and closer to the breaking point. Once he saw Destruction shooting his load all over the ceiling, wall, and floor, he pulled out and continued roughly pumping his enormous cock. The metal continued down to flow. Each ab muscle became thick metallic blocks of steel, warm to the touch, but harder then any metal known to ma. Soon the silver flowed down and coated his mammoth prick creating a phallus of pure metal skin. Revealing in the monster he had become, Vengeance began to shoot his load. As his seed hit the walls and floor, the acidic nature of its liquid began eating through the material. As he continued to revel in his orgasm, a thick black tail began to form on his ass. Larger and fatter it grew, rising off of the floor, swaying and pulsating with a rhythm all its own. Unlike the body it had sprung from, the tail was black hairless. In fact, it looked more like scales then skin. Higher and faster it grew till it finally cracked and split into three separate branches all attached to one thick root. These branches swiftly pealed opened, and to both Destruction and Chaos’ awe saw that the tail was composed of three cobras. Still he continued to cum more and more feeling one last change overcome him. With a mighty roar, Vengeance shot flames from his mouth and snout, and lightning shot from his eyes. The gem had given him pure power to control. Lifting his hand, he willed the air to become a massive fireball. Taking a quick glance at his father, he threw it, nearly missing his head... a deliberate error. Vengeance bellowed in his deep gruff voice, words becoming difficult for him to speak with his bull mouth filled with its thick tongue and sharp teeth. ⁃ I am pure power!!! I am a creature birthed from the fire and the will of the heart that now lays within me. I have supreme power!! From the shadows, the blonde Asarualimnunna chuckled, his form taking on more substance as he slipped onto the fourth realm. Soon his growing armies would fetch the worshipers to him, and he could feed. As Vengeance continued to bask in his own unlimited power, his eyes turned bright red, and as he willed hit himself, lightning shot unceasingly through the roof of the building and continuously into Vengeance's body. The electrical power seemed to add hundreds of pounds more of muscle mass to his already bloated frame. Once again, his massive silver cock began shooting load after load of its acidic seed. Vengeance roared with laughter, reveling in the mighty creature he had become. For the first time, Chaos was afraid... and it was of his own son.
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