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  1. Guest

    My gym fan

    Guys! It's my first try as a writer with absolute no experience. English is also not my first language, but I tried my best. Maybe I left mistakes here and there, sorry. Share your thoughts and leave a comment. I'mm newbie in the gym. I've started to workout because I wanted to be more confident and to look cool of course. The first steps were pretty hard, the big machines and the looking eyes. But I tried my best and after a couple of months I started to see results. My chest got bigger and I look a little bit more massive. All in all, my journey was great, except one thing. While I was working out, most of the time a guy was starring at me from the background. He was tall about 6'7, early 30s, massive like somebody who's lifting heavy since 16, brown eyes and a lots of tattoos. I don't remember a day, when he wasn't there. Did I care? Not really. I can't wait for my next session tomorrow. Tomorrow's afternoon: I was walking in the GYM, ready for a good push-day. I used my membership and went to the locker rooms. The smell of sweat and hard work, I love it. At this time, the locker room is always empty. The people who goes to work leave and the people who just got off work starts to arrive. No eyes to judge. I was walking in, when I notice somebody in the corner. Might be a left-behind businessman rushing to make money. So I make myself comfortable and change, fill my bottle and let's go. I love push-day. For start I do some bench press, always start with the compound exercises. Then some incline dumbbel flies, cable crossovers and a couple of dips. I do less, but heavy. Between sets, there is a guy behind my back. I realize, he is my mentioned fan since the start. The mirror clearly shows that he is a massive fan of my moves. He can't take his eyes of me. The same happens to me. He's chest are huge like watermelons and the nipples are in play too. Don't forget to talk about the biceps and the shoulders. Those are basically guns. He is doing deadlifts like a gorilla. I feel my crotcht slowly responding to the show, but not just mine. He likes the view too. Fortunately, I finish my last set. I wipe of my sweat and on my way to the locker room. I don't know what was that, but kinda liked it. Even tough, he is my type. I'm sure, he turned on of his own reflection, not mine. I throw down my suff on a bench and check my phone. While I'm scrolling trough Insta, somebody comes in. Here we go, the afternoon hunks. They always come in late. However, it's not the monster army. It's the guy. He is brick wall in fron of me, sweating hard. The tattoos look more defined too. I stole a moment staring at his shoulder tattoo. It's a tree, covering the whole arm. But I snap back, when he looks at me with an almost devilsih smile. -Hi
  2. Hola, esta es mi primer historia aquí; me inspiré en un video que vi en YouTube; así que si hay similitudes es por eso. También quisiera aportar algo a la comunidad en español que adoran los músculos y el muscle growth. Capítulo uno Un día viernes, finales de primavera e inicio de verano. Yo soy Henrry un científico que se dedica a desarrollar nuevas formas de crecimiento en seres vivos, aunque solo se pueda probar en plantas. Vivo en los suburbios con mi novio, Ben; él es un maestro de parvulario, le encanta cocinar y comer pastelillos, y sí, es obeso. Mi cuerpo es uno más saludable que el de él, soy más alto y soy el activo de la relación; él es un poco más bajo y más gordo que yo, pero aún así lo amo, es mi osito Teddie y el es muy tierno conmigo y todos los niños lo aman, lo conocen como el profesor Teddie o profesor osito, muy tierno la verdad. Ben siempre intenta hacerme feliz cocinando ricas comidas; aunque a veces suelen pasarse un poco de calorías; es por eso que el tiene "un poco" de sobrepeso, yo en cambio tengo un buen cuerpo, delgado y de 1.77, cuido mi dieta un poco más y como menos que él ya que no tendría el corazón para despreciar su comida. En serio lo amo; pero hay algo que me hace querer cambiar; él se estaba poniendo un poco más obeso, lo cuál era normal con su dieta; pero vi un video sobre un muchacho que se veía como Ben y terminó viéndose como una morsa gracias a que nunca cambió su dieta e incluso no podía levantarse de su cama, tenía miedo de que esto le pasara a mi osito, además veía cómo las parejas solían salir a ejercitarse y tenían cuerpos saludables, realmente quería que Ben y yo hiciéramos eso; además que se acercaba la reunión de ex alumnos de preparatoria y varios de mis ex novios y amigos estarán allí y aunque lo ame, muchas personas hablarán de su físico... Ese mismo día en la noche decidí preguntarle si podría dejar de poner demasiadas especias y hacer otra cosa diferente para comer. -Oye, amor. ¿Qué te parece si haces otra cosa que comer? Hemos comido mucho filete y ya estoy aburrido. -Eh? Pero ya casi está todo listo... *decía con su dulce voz* -Sí, pero no sé quiero probar algo diferente a lo que cocinas... -¿No te gusta mi comida? *preguntaba decepcionadamente* -Sí, me gusta pero no sé, quizá algo un poco más saludable, quizá. -Pues... Es que ya preparé todo y no sé qué hacer... -Agh, sabes qué? Vamos a comer (No podía decirle que no, es tan tierno y fue mi culpa por no haberle dicho antes; aunque en el fondo no me sentía a gusto ya que sólo hacía que comiera menos sano) -¡Está bien, a comer! Lo hice con mucho cariño para ti, como todas mis comidas la verdad, já. -Sí, jejé... Decidimos ir a ver televisión un rato, estábamos abrazados y justo pasaron un comercial sobre un gimnasio nuevo. -Oye, mira un gimnasio, ¿interesante, no? -Sí, si tú lo dices... -Vaya, mira sus cuerpos delgados y tonificados, es impresionante. -Hmmp... -Ah, y mira como se divierten usando las máquinas, ¡eso si que es una vida en movimiento! El comercial terminó y Ben me veía un poco descorcentado y decepcionado al mismo tiempo. -Oye, una pregunta... ¿Te gustan más ellos que yo? -Qué? N-no... Solo me parecía interesante. -Pero decías lo bien que se veían y yo pienso que quizás a ti no te gusta como soy... -No, para nada, solo me parecía interesante como eran capaces para moverse así y tener la energía para eso; tú eres perfecto así como estás, eres lo mejor que me ha pasado en la vida, así con tus muchos kilos...estás...bien... -En serio? G-gracias, te amo Henrry. Toma, te compré un pastelillo, es de mi pastelería favorita, fui a comer hoy allí. -Gracias... Así que fuiste allí otra vez, eh? -Sí, me encantan sus pasteles. -He de admitir que también a mi, pero me gustan muchos más los que haces tú. -Ah, sí. Toma, tu pastelillo que te hice esta tarde, olvidé que también te hice uno. -¡Gracias! La verdad no puedo resistirme a sus pastelillos, son tan deliciosos y siempre me recibe con uno y un regalo demás, en serio se nota que me ama, y aunque todos los días me coma un pastelillo, siempre bajo esas calorías cuando corro en las mañanas; hablando de correr; sí, he intentado que se una a mi pero no quiere ir, le da un poco de vergüenza ya que se cansaría más rápido que yo, y no puedo obligarlo... El siguiente día, un nuevo científico llega a la ciudad y se une a los laboratorios donde yo trabajo. Él era conocido por haber hecho investigaciones sobre los cambios del cuerpo humano y sus diferentes tipos, él tenía un cuerpo parecido al mío, solo que con 2cm menos de estatura. Me acerqué a él para saludarlo ya que su trabajo me parecía muy interesante. -Hola, Dr. Magnus, quiero decirle que amo su trabajo e investigaciones. -Hola, tú debes ser el Dr. Henrry, he oído mucho de ti, creo que tú trabajo será muy útil para lo que tengo en mente. -¡Vaya! Eso es genial, estaré dispuesto a lo que sea, con tal de trabajar con usted. -Me alegro mucho. Ven a mi laboratorio luego de la reunión de bienvenida por favor. -Ahí estaré. -Ah! Y por favor no le digas a nadie que te cité. Estaba emocionado, esto podría darme un gran reconocimiento. Me pregunto qué querrá hablar conmigo... Llegué lo más rápido que pude al nuevo laboratorio del Dr. Magnus, era un laboratorio enorme y tenía un gran tanque de agua, enorme en realidad, al parecer él lo había mandado a hacer; quizá haría experimentaciones con el agua y eso. -Ya estoy aquí Dr. -Muy bien, es hora de que hablemos de un proyecto que tengo en mente; pero primero que nada he de decir que he leído tu trabajo y me alegra que hayas tenido buenos resultados. -¡Sí, muchas gracias! Estuve trabajando como loco, aunque es una pena que solo funcione en plantas, esto beneficiará mucho al mundo, espero probar esto en otros seres vivos como peces u otros animales para saciar la producción de comida en el mundo. Para el que no sepa, mi trabajo fue sobre el crecimiento acelerado de plantas y su beneficio para la agricultura; fue exitoso y me parece genial que le haya gustado al Dr. Magnus. -Sí Henrry, espero que funcione en animales; pero ¿y en humanos? -Podría también, pero eso es arriesgarse mucho. -Pues para eso estoy yo, y es por eso que te he traído hasta acá para que trabajemos juntos en esto. -¿y qué es? -Pues verás, existen diferentes tipos de cuerpos humanos; pero ¿Qué tal si todos tuvieran un cuerpo delgado? Sería beneficioso para evitar los casos de diabetes, hipertensión, etc. -A qué se refiere? -Me refiero a que con tu método de aceleración de crecimiento, ¡podríamos acelerar la pérdida de peso en muchos seres humanos! -Vaya... Eso suena realmente bien. -¡Sí! Pero el problema es que no me dieron el permiso de llevarlo a cabo, ya que no les parece bien experimentar en humanos y blah blah blah. Por eso quiero que no le digas a nadie, ser nuestro secreto... -¡Pero eso sería ilegal y para nada ético!.. No lo sé. -A ver, tu experimento fue un éxito y yo he investigado mucho y me he preparado para esto durante toda mi vida; creo que seriamos capaces de llevarlo a cabo y ser exitosos. Además te pagaría muy bien, eh. -Mmm... -Vamos, ¿no quieres arriesgarte y salir victorioso? O prefieres estar conforme y no volver a tener otro éxito... Recuerda que yo pondré la cara por este experimento si algo sale mal, aunque lo dudo mucho; cómo dije me he leído y probado tus experimentos y he estudiado mucho, esto sería el experimento del siglo. -Yo... mmm... Acepto.... -¡Eso es! Me alegra que aceptaras, verás que no te decepcionaré. -Eso espero. Veía como el Dr. Magnus sonreía confiado, la verdad me hacía sentir un poco mejor, es decir, por algo es uno de los científicos más exitosos del siglo. Llegué a casa a las 2:00pm, Ben ya se encontraba dentro ya que hoy no trabajaba. -Hola... -¡Hola!... ¿Estás bien? Te noto algo triste. -No, solo estoy pensativo... Es algo de un experimento importante en los laboratorios y tengo que trabajar mucho. -Oh, bueno, espero que te vaya bien *Se dirijió y dio un beso a Henrry* Te compré algo, espero que te anime. *saca una camiseta para Henrry* Recuerdo que me dijiste que te gustó una camisa y te la compré. -¡Vaya! Gracias amor. *Le da un beso en la frente a Ben* eres el mejor... Eres tan tierno y dulce... -Gracias, jé... Me compré una yo también, aunque me queda algo apretada...y eso que es grande... -Que lindo, jé (Recuerdo que el Dr. Magnus dijo que este experimento volverá a las personas obesas delgadas y les quitara muchos problemas de encima, quisiera ayudar a Ben, en serio...) Oye, ¿tienes tiempo para salir esta noche? -Sip, ¿vamos a salir a comer? O ¿a dónde? -Te gustaría ir al laboratorio conmigo? Me gustaría que fueras, es algo importante... -¿Hay algo importante? Sí es así voy, no quiero decepcionarte... -No, no es demasiado importante, solo quiero que me ayudes con algo, eso es todo. -Pero yo no sé sobre ciencia y eso, no sé en qué podría ayudar... -No te preocupes, irás para ver algo impresionante que he preparado, será fantástico. -E-está bien, iré para ver, me pregunto que será, aunque seguro que es impresionante como todo lo demás que hace *Se dirije a darle un abrazo a Henrry* sabes que te apoyaré en todo. -Gracias, eres muy especial para mi, te amo... (no sé si deba, pero es por su bien) Me dirijí hacia mi habitación para llamar al Dr. Magnus. -Hola? Dr. Magnus creo que tengo al candidato indicado para este experimento. -En serio!? Genial! ¿Quién es? ¿Podrías enviarme una foto? -Es mi novio Ben, es un chico obeso y es perfecto para el experimento... (En serio iba a hacerle esto?) -Vaya, si que es lindo pero veo que lleva un camino hacia la obesidad mórbida, uyuyuy. -En serio!? Usted cree? -La verdad sí, pero no te preocupes, con este experimento todos sus problemas se acabarán y estarás feliz con tu novio, quien sabe quizá hasta sea favorable para cuando realizas relaciones sexuales con él. -La verdad, es un poco difícil tener relaciones sexuales con Ben, no lo puedo levantar al momento de penetración, no siquiera puedo probar muchas otras posiciones ya que suele cansarse rápido por su peso, y hay tanto que quisiera probar... -(Por qué me dice eso?) Sí, es una pena; ya verás que con esto tendrás relaciones como si estuvieras en una escena porno con el mejor pasivo del mundo, jé... -Sí, no puedo esperar y verlo más saludable y más lindo de lo que ya es. -Yo sé que no Henrry, así que te espero a ti y a tu compañero para el experimento. -Ahí estaré. Adiós. -(Agh, realmente espero que salga bien... Hablar de porno me calentó demasiado, pensando en como disfrutaré con mi nuevo Ben, pequeño y delgado, siendo un power botton total... Pero no es tiempo para dejarse ir, tengo que preparar las cosas) Llego el momento esperado, me llevé a Ben a los laboratorios, en su mirada podía ver lo intrigado que estaba, y lo inocente que era; lo que iba a hacer va a cambiar su vida por completo, pero seguro que le hará bien y puede que su autoestima mejore un poco. Entramos al laboratorio lo más rápido y naturalmente que pudimos, dejé a Henrry fuera de el para que esperara a que prepare el experimento. -Hola Dr. El candidato está afuera esperando, hay que preparar las cosas. -Estupendo, todo está saliendo cómo debería *decía mientras veía a Ben sentado afuera por medio de la ventana* Se ve que necesita tu ayuda, a simple vista puedo decir que tiene una baja autoestima y es muy tímido, esto le ayudará a sentirse mejor. -Sí, la verdad se siente un poco incómodo con su cuerpo; cuando iba a la universidad algunos chicos se burlaban de él y aunque no era nada grave lo hacían sentir mal... Pero usted como sabe que tiene una baja autoestima? -A parte de científico también soy Psicólogo y se mucho sobre las personas con solo ver su comportamiento. -Oh, tiene sentido... ¿Y qué hacemos primero? -¿Trajiste todas tus sustancias? -Sí, incluso las que no usaremos, já, como la de crecimiento muscular y testosterona, y la de crecimiento de estatura. *Dice mientras las muestra y las pone sin percatarse en el escritorio de el doctor* -Perfecto, dame las que aceleran el cambio corporal y las que ayudan a quemar grasa. -Tome *Da las sustancias pedidas a el doctor* (Vaya, si que quiero ir al bañó, debería haber ido hace rato) -Okey, primero vierto las que yo traje a este enorme tanque, y luego las tuyas. *Dice mientras vierte sus propias sustancias para acelerar el metabolismo y el maximizador vitaminico, que brinda las vitaminas necesarias al cuerpo humano* -Mmng.... Por favor.... Tengo que ir al baño, Agh. *Dice mientras da varios saltitos* -JAJA, bien ve. Yo estaré aquí. -Gracias. *Sale corriendo hacia el baño* -Muy bien, vamos a verter las sustancias del Dr. Henry y listo.... *Ay, olvidé conectar la manguera para llenar el tanque con agua, lo saldré para que pase por la ventana y llegue hasta acá. -Uff, ya estoy aquí Dr. Magnus... Hmm parece que salió... Oh, no ha vertido las demás sustancias aún *Dice mientras observa las sustancias que se encontraban en la mesa y sin saberlo puso ahí* muy bien, las verteré yo y nos ahorramos tiempo. *Vertió las sustancias completamente y tiró los tubos a la basura* Oh, parece que el profesor está intentando meter la manguera por la ventana, le iré a ayudar. -Gracias Henrry, solo llenamos el tanque y terminamos. -De nada, al parecer esto tardará un poco... -Sí, hay que distraernos mientras se llena, calculo que será media hora para que lo haga por completo... Y bien? ¿Qué le dijiste al paciente? -No le he dicho para que venía, le dije que quería que viera algo conmigo, no creo que le guste que le diga que vengo a cambiar su cuerpo, además le dije ayer que él era perfecto, soy un mal novio... -Bueno, esto lo haces por su bien, así que no pasa nada. Además, imagínate el buen sexo que tendrías si Ben fuer delgado como esos que salen en los videos porno, haciendo diferente pocisiones más atrevidas y ser más flexible para abrirse; también podrías cargarlo y darle todo lo que tienes ahí abajo... Oír esas palabras hacían que mi verga se pusiera muy dura, estoy seguro que después de esto iré a probar el nuevo cuerpo de Ben y sé que me encantará; verlo pequeño, delgado y sano me hace muy feliz. No tendría que preocuparse por su obesidad y sus camisas le quedarían bien. -S-sí, no puedo esperar para ver al Nuevo Ben, Dr. Magnus. -Yo tampoco; además esto hará que tenga más confianza en sí mismo y estoy seguro que eso te hará feliz. -Sí, el merece ser feliz, es muy tierno y amable pero eso hace que muchas personas quieran aprovecharse de él, pero yo lo protegeré de eso, después de todo es y será mi pequeño osito, solo que más delgado. -Oh, mira el tanque ya se llenó. Trae a el candidato por favor. -Voy *Se dirijió a traer a Ben* Oye Ben, ya está todo listo entra. Ben yacía dormido con sus brazos cruzados encima de su barriga que estaba a punto de desaparecer, aunque él no lo sabía. Y aquí termina el primer capítulo, para no hacerlo tan largo, el segundo capítulo saldrá pronto, esperenlo y lo siento si cometo muchos errores o si voy muy lento, no soy muy bueno escribiendo; pero espero que les haya gustado.
  3. pasidious

    Jolias Finally Lets Go - Part 3

    I know, I know. Y'all are probably cussing me out because I haven't had any growth yet. But I've started to dive deeper into writing narratives with lots of dialogue. It's different. I'm trying to imagine this out in a way that seems very real. So please bear with me. Once again, as stated in the first part, this entire narrative contains no character under the age of 18. Also, please comment. I love to see feedback even if you're telling me I suck (hopefully with some constructive feedback too). Part 1 Part 2 _________________________________________________________ I blinked. For that brief second, it was as though time had stopped. But then I ripped my hand out from under his and retracted my arm against my body as though I'd been burned. Truthfully I'd have loved to have kept my hand in his. But the idea that he had somehow at least guessed at what I'd been fantasizing about was startling beyond belief. What on earth would make him guess it was him so fast? And why, oh why did he have to be correct about it? At first he had a startled expression on his face. His brow furrowed and his mouth took on a slight curl of dissatisfaction. But things clicked into place in his own mind based on my reaction, and a smile slowly started to creep across his face. And... yes, he was also ever-so-slightly blushing. "Holy shit," he breathed in that harsh whisper people tend to use when they're trying not to holler. His smile widened. "It really was me, wasn't it?" I looked down at the floor, keeping my face out of his view. Trying to, at least. And then I muttered "No, that's not... that's not it." I'm a terrible liar. I can't commit to a lie strongly enough to get anyone to believe it, and even if they ever do, it's because they're just that gullible and naïve. So even as I muttered those weak words, I knew there was no chance he would believe me. And yet I wasted my time and breath anyway. Like I felt obligated to at least attempt to deny what he'd already figured out was true. And then suddenly I felt angry. Angry that he was somehow amused by this. I saw him sitting there, grinning about this, like it was a joke. And it made me feel angry. I felt my brow furrow. But he spoke again before I could react any further. "Was I any good?" he asked, still grinning, raising an eyebrow. "Better than good," I accidentally blurted out the first thing that popped into my head. I immediately felt my lips pucker again realizing I said out loud something I didn't intend to say. But it was true, not that any type of daydream performance of sex could be measured in any tangible way. And my daydream was shattered before he could even enter me, anyway. But my mind just knew he'd be an amazing fuck. He started giggling. A cute boyish giggle that betrayed his more mature age. "Oh god," he muttered in between his laughs. "So what?" I felt that anger surge to my surface again. "I think you're hot, big deal, it's not like you can't know you're hot already, and I'm so glad you think it's a joke." His giggling subsided but he kept that smile on his face. "It's okay, dude. I'm actually flattered. I think it's pretty awesome that you were daydreaming about me." Then he looked around again even though we already knew no one was close by our table. "Glad to know your dream version of me is good in bed, too," he grinned, showing those shiny teeth of his again. And, looking at his sexy face with those freckles under his blazing red eyes, I couldn't even fathom why I was ever frustrated with him. It all faded away. "Are you hard right now?" he suddenly asked. And truthfully I wasn't. My dick had finally relaxed enough that it wasn't in a constant state of some kind of hardness, and it's probably thanks to the fact that, again, I'd managed to humanize him. "N-no, actually." "Aw, what do I gotta do to make you hard again?" he asked quietly, still grinning. "Well, so far all you've had to do is exist, so, probably not much," I muttered, and felt myself finally allow a smile to creep across my face. Somehow this topic had become more comfortable for me as we continued to talk about it, even though in most any other situation it'd be completely inappropriate. He laughed and said "Good. I like having that type of control over another dude." And then he kept this evil grin on his face. I felt my heart flutter as I realized where this conversation had gone. It was almost like he was completely open to the idea that we may become more than just friends. But I won't claim any type of victory on that until it actually happens. But I still couldn't help but feel excited. "What you into?" he asked quietly, shaking me out of the brief reverie I'd entered. "Like... what?" I asked, feeling my face turning a shade of red. "Y'know... sexually." I looked around and noticed there were maybe like, two other groups left in the place and they were spread far enough apart and away from us that we didn't need to be so quiet. And yet, it felt necessary. "Uhhh... I dunno, dude, like... I've been with maybe like, three guys, ever, and it's usually been quick and simple." "No relationships or anything?" he asked, looking surprised. I shook my head. "Nope." "Why?" I thought about it for a second and couldn't really come up with any real and confident answer. All I could do was theorize. "I guess maybe because other dudes aren't into me? I dunno." "Seems weird. You're a cute dude." I shrugged my shoulders, feeling myself smile again at his compliment. It was such a strange feeling being complimented by this angelic and godly presence in front of me. I felt like I must look like a turd next to him. "Whoa, fuck, it's already 10:45, I got early class tomorrow. You ready to go?" he suddenly asked after glancing at his phone. Shit. I hadn't realized it had gotten so late already and I did have class early as well. "Y-yeah, I s'pose." I reached out again to get the check and as soon as my hand was on it his hand dropped onto mine again. I felt him squeeze my hand. "No, dude, I got this." "That's not fair." "How is it not fair?" he grinned. "I'm the one who asked you to come out." "But--" "No. I got it." He squeezed my hand again and it was almost like my hand turned into a pump that was inflating my cock with each squeeze. His touch was electric, and just knowing his skin was making contact with mine was making me horny again. "Next time," he said, then stuck his tongue out and closed one eye. Impish and sexy. Just... indescribable. And then he squeezed yet again. My cock throbbed. I felt my eyes begin to roll back into my head, and I had to shake myself free from the sexual feelings I was experiencing. I yanked my hand out from under his and once again retracted it against my body. I can't believe his touch alone was having such an effect on me. "Fine. Next time," I said, trying to smile. My cock was still throbbing. "And when might that be?" I asked. "I dunno. When're you free next?" Fuck. I didn't think he'd actually be so agreeable. I somehow believed he'd just tell me he didn't know; the usual way of ending such an inquiry while knowing within oneself there is no intention of ever doing it again. "I, uh, got time tomorrow after classes end for the day. Around 5-ish." "So, like, 'time' as in a couple hours? The whole evening? What?" he asked. "Uhh, I mean, yeah, the whole evening. As long as I don't get dumped on with homework and shit." "So us chilling tomorrow is dependent on whether or not we get homework?" "I... guess?" I replied, not entirely sure how he turned this around to make it seem like he was asking me to hang out. But I loved it. "Guess we better try not to get homework, then." He chuckled. "Come on, let's pay. I def wanna sleep tonight." He grabbed the check and stood up. I subsequently scooted out of the booth and stood as well, realizing my hoodie was still tied around my waist. I decided to leave it there because I couldn't tell if the wetness had dried yet, and either way, my hardon had returned and I knew Jolias, and probably any others, would notice. Jolias paid for our dinners and I sort of felt like a loser for letting him do it, but if he was serious about hanging out more, I'd definitely repay the kindness. We pushed the double-doors open and entered the vestibule briefly before exiting the second set of doors and entering the cold breezy night air. It had gotten colder out. And now I was faced with the undesirable predicament where I either shiver to death walking back or put on my hoodie and expose my still present hardon, in spite of the cold temperature outside. I decided 'Fuck it' and put on my hoodie, and I could tell my hardon was definitely obvious. But I didn't care as much because the hoodie was a welcome reprieve from the cold. And Jolias didn't say anything about my obvious boner even though I'm not sure if he even noticed it. We didn't hesitate long, though, and we started a rather brisk walk back towards the campus and our respective dorms. I actually didn't even know in which dorm he was staying. But we continued walking and even though I had my hoodie on, my teeth were chattering anyway, and I could tell Jolias was cold, too. We didn't speak, we just kept moving. And no, my cock stayed hard. And I think it was my own fault because I still couldn't get it out of my head how this hot dude was walking right next to me. The amazingly sexy guy who held and squeezed my hand. The dude who was the first to know that I was gay on this school campus. And so far, only. And, to me, it seemed like he was potentially interested in more than just friendship. God! My cock throbbed. We eventually reached a point where we both started to diverge, and it took a moment for me to even realize he was going in a somewhat different direction than me. I watched him stop and look at me mere seconds after I'd done the same. "Fuck!" he called out, and briskly walked over to where I was standing. "We're not in the same dorm building." "No, I didn't think so, forgot to ask which you were in," I replied, striving hard not to allow my chattering teeth to interfere with my speech. "I'm in Calvert, which is just down that way," he said, gesturing. "Ah shit, I'm in Carroll," I said, assuming he knew where it was. "Not too far apart," he said, smiling while grimacing from the cold. "Well, now we know where we're living." "Yeah," I said, at a loss for anything else to say. "You'd better get back quick, I know you wanna take care of this thing," he said and reached down and grabbed my hard fucking tent. I gasped as it felt like he was sucking my soul from my body through my dick. He held onto it, squeezing it, and brought his face closer and closer to mine. I thought for sure he was going to kiss me. But then he just chuckled and let go, and started backing away. My mouth was hanging open as I watched him continuing to back away, still facing me. He had a big grin, and called out as he turned to face forward, "Text me, alright?" and disappeared into the darkness, only appearing in full sight when he walked through the light of a courtesy lamp. And for a brief period of time I'd forgotten I was even cold. My mind was spinning, my cock was still throbbing, now harder than ever, and then it crashed down on me that I didn't have his number. I almost called out to him, and then even thought of running after him, but... how needy did I want to seem? Plus, if I'm being somewhat objective here, he was kind of sending mixed messages. Like, why did he make it seem like he was coming in for a kiss, and then not do it? I was probably thinking too much. I spun around to walk toward my dorm which wasn't all that much farther, cursing a storm because I had no idea of how to reach him without waiting until next week's class. I did not want to be the creep who hung around his dorm waiting and hoping for a chance to see him. I shoved my hands into my hoodie pockets to save them from the chill of the air. And my hand felt something inside my right pocket. A scrap of paper of some sort. I pulled it out and had to stop under a lamp to see it. It was the receipt from Denny's. 'How do I have this?' I wondered to myself. I started to ball it up to throw it away when I saw what appeared to be some sort of scribbling. I unballed what I'd done so far and had to get a second look at it, and on the back of the receipt there was a phone number and simply a name written in clearly a dude's handwriting: "Jolias."
  4. Musclesaber

    Supersized (Part 2 Added 11/04/20)

    Hey everyone! A quick couple chapters of a new story I've been working on. Everyone seems really stressed today so I thought I'd post a distraction of sorts for all of the growers out there. This chapter is mainly exposition, but there will be plenty of growth in the next chapter. Supersized Chapter 1: Experiments Max had graduated from college with a masters in biochemistry. He had been looking for a job for months and finally had made it far in the hiring process for a job at a stem cell laboratory that was leading the charge on fighting world hunger. For the last step in the hiring process, two candidates were meant to demonstrate to the board of directors their competency within biochemistry and how they will further the research of the laboratory. “Geez. I’m really nervous for this man. I can’t believe it’s come down to just the two of us,” said Max as he paced back and forth waiting for them to be called in. “Hey don’t worry man. I’m not surprised it ended up coming down to the two of us. We were both leagues ahead of our other classmates when we were in school,” said Ethan as he patted Max on the shoulder. Ethan and Max had gone to the same university for grad school and they were the brainiacs of the class. They had always gotten a kick out of the friendly competition they had between each other, but it was always in good fun for the furtherance of science. They became good friends and were happy that the respective other had made it so far in the interview process. “Ethan, Max, they’re ready for you,” said the receptionist as she poked her head out of the door. The two walked into a large room. There were two tables set up on opposite ends of the room and a table at the front where five people in lab coats were sitting and waiting for the two men to walk in. “Hello gentlemen. Congratulations on making it this far in the hiring process. We have looked at your accomplishments within academia, we’ve interviewed both of you and found that both of you are passionate about this field, now we would like to assess what you two have to offer this research group. We’ve set up your experiments as instructed by the two of you and have read your procedures. Mr. Burk you will be conducting your experiment first. Good luck and take it away when you’re ready,” said the scientist as she sat back down in her chair. Max walked up to the table and saw his experiment materials: five lab rats, a syringe, a beaker of a green liquid, a scale, a wire, and two double A batteries. “Hello distinguished members of the board. My name is Max Burk and today I will present you with my solution on curing world hunger. As you have read from my thesis, I have discovered a way to harness electrical energy and turn it into calories.” Max took out three lab rats from the cage. “This is Charlie, Delta, and Echo. Genetically identical lab rats. I administered my formula to Charlie and Delta one week ago today while Echo has not received the treatment. As you can see, Charlie and Delta are significantly larger than Echo. Charlie is 43% larger and Delta is 87% larger. The discrepancy in sizes are due to the diets we had them on. Echo is currently on a strict dry food diet. I fed him once daily and he has not increased in size at all in the past week. I placed Charlie on a strictly electric diet. I gave him access to 1.5 volts of electricity a day and as you can see, he has gained significant size. Delta’s diet was both an electric and caloric one. I fed him the same amount as Echo and gave him the same volts as Charlie. I’ve discovered through administering both treatments, the specimen will grow twice as much than when it was just the electric access.” “And just to prove that these results are true, allow me to give you a demonstration.” Max set the three lab rats back down in the cage and picked up a new one. “This is Foxtrot. He has not been exposed to the formula and is also genetically identical to the others. He currently weighs 403 grams and after I administer a dose of the formula and expose him to this simple double A battery, he should increase to approximately 420 grams.” Max grabbed the syringe on the table, extracted 10mL of formula from the beaker, and injected it into Foxtrot. The rat spasmed as the formula worked its way into his bloodstream. “To give you a description of what is happening, enzymes are being added to his digestion system that are able to accept electricity as a resource to be converted to energy. He is feeling a small bit of pain at the moment, but the process is brief.” As fast as it started, Foxtrot’s reaction stopped. Max picked up one of the batteries and connected the wire to it. He placed it in front of the lab rat and Foxtrot immediately went to observe it. He began to suck on the exposed part of the wire. Slowly but surely, the scientists in the room watched as the rat steadily increased in size as he continued to suck on the wire. Once Foxtrot had consumed all of the voltage stored in the battery, Max grabbed him and put him on the scale. “422 grams. In just one short session, the rat has gained 5% of its original size.” “This is clearly a phenomenal discovery that you’ve made Mr. Burk, but this is only a small dosage and it has gained a significant amount of size, what will happen when a user has gained enough size and can’t stop gaining size?” asked one of the scientists. “Excellent question Dr. Washington.” Max turned around and retrieved another lab rat from the cage. This rat was larger than both Delta and Echo. “This is Beta. I administered the formula to him 40 days ago. Watch what happens when he is exposed to the same amount of voltage as Foxtrot just was.” Max replaced the battery that Foxtrot had drained with a fresh one. He placed Beta in the cage with the exposed wire and he did the exact same thing as Foxtrot did. But he didn’t gain size like the previous rat. “The formula has now worn off within Beta so therefore he no longer converts the electricity into energy.” “Excellent job Mr. Burk. I do have a question as well. You’ve clearly used the NATO phonetic alphabet to name your rats. So I must ask, what happened to Alpha?” “He was the first rat to be administered the formula. Unlike the other lab rats, he had a larger dose of 50ccs. He grew much larger than the other rats much faster and he had to be terminated. But with your funding, I hope to be able to begin moving to human testing. Thank you.” The room clapped for him as he sat down in the chair next to Ethan. “You were really good. I don’t know how I’m ever going to top that,” said Ethan as Max sat back down. “I’m sure you’ll find some way to top me. Good luck.” “Mr. Rogers. If you’ll present us with your findings?” “Yes ma’am.” Ethan scurried his way to the table to find his own beaker with a red liquid inside, 5 lab rats, a miniature treadmill, a syringe, and a scale. “Ladies and gentlemen of the board, I’d like to present you with my growth hormone.” Ethan turned around and picked up a very large lab rat. It looked to be almost the size of a housecat. “This is specimen 6. I administered my growth formula to him 50 days ago and as you can see, he has grown approximately 600% bigger than his original size. This was not done with any other special food. He received the same food that this rat was fed.” Ethan pulled out a second lab rat that was normal sized. “This is specimen 7. He was given the same amount of food that specimen 6 was. However, specimen 6 did receive 25ccs of my growth hormone as well as an increased amount of exercise.” Ethan set specimen 6 back in the cage and grabbed a rat that was smaller than specimen 6, but bigger than specimen 7. “This is specimen 8. He was given the same amount of food and formula as specimen 6, but he did not receive an increase in exercise like specimen 6. I believe I have found a way for the muscle tissue to break down and rebuild itself sooner than the average specimen.” “Pardon me Mr. Rogers, but FDA will not approve of most steroids that are injected with an animal for purposes of growth. And it is not the best thing for PR at livestock farms.” “That is true Dr. Khan. However, my growth hormone meets the criteria of the FDA. It is nontoxic and does not affect the meat of the animal. And just like Mr. Burk, I’d like to demonstrate this formula so all of you can witness it firsthand.” Ethan picked up a new untouched lab rat. “This is specimen 9. He weighs 396 grams. Once I inject him with the hormone and put him on this treadmill, he will begin to show signs of muscle growth.” Ethan did just that. He took 25ccs of the hormone into the syringe, shot it into specimen 9, and placed him on the treadmill. The rat began scampering across the treadmill. The room anxiously anticipated the rat to grow with minimal results. After 10 minutes of the rat running on the treadmill, there was no visual growth that happened within the rat. Ethan took the rat off the treadmill and placed him on the scale. “Now you probably can’t see it like you could with Mr. Burk’s example, but there was muscle growth within specimen 9. He is currently 409 grams. My hormone is meant to be administered over a longer period of time. I hope to sell this product to the meat manufacturing industry in order to revolutionize how meat is sold and hopefully increase the meat supply.” “That is quite wonderful Mr. Rogers. If you both could leave the room while we make a final decision, but good work, both of you. Even if we do not hire you, each of you have a fulfilling career in the field of biochemistry,” said the head scientist. The two men quickly left the room as the scientists began discussing. “You were great man. That hormone will definitely be a game changer in the meat industry,” said Max as he patted Ethan on the back. “It will, but I messed up my presentation. I was hoping for my demonstration to yield more results like yours did. Your product even cancels the need for food all together. It’s truly incredible,” said Ethan to the smaller man. “Thanks. Hopefully, the research team agrees.” The two of them waited for what felt like an eternity until the receptionist came out again to get them. The pair walked in and stood in front of their respective experiments. “Gentlemen. Both of these experiments are amazing feats of science. But we only have the funding for one new study. So the individual who will be receiving funding is-” A man abruptly cut off the scientist as he barged into the room “Everyone, we must evacuate now! The substance in lab number 6 has become unstabl-” But the man didn’t get the chance to finish. There was an explosion that came from the room next to them. Everything in the room was blasted to the opposite room. Max hit the wall and heard glass break above his head. Liquid poured down his body as a support beam landed on him and knocked him unconscious. For more updates, story ideas, or general MG stuff, Follow my twitter: https://twitter.com/Musclesaber
  5. TonnyGiant

    Married Life - The Series

    This series will show what life is like for a couple. A 92ft giant and her normal-sized husband. I hope to continue if I have a good acceptance from readers. I also hope you enjoy reading and forgive me for my bad English. *********************************************************************** "Where's my tie?" I cursed Derek for hiding my new tie. “Don't be dramatic, little man. I just took your new accessory to wear on my thumb. ”His voice boomed over my head. He was lying on our bed adapted to his 92ft size. In fact, our house was built for him and adapted for me. I am a 28 year old man and I’m 5’10” tall. I'm a bank manager right here in Fort Collins, Colorado. Although I'm from NYC, I decided to live in that city to be closer to Derek after his drastic change in size. Derek Theler, actor and model who became known for his role in the comedy series "Baby Daddy". To tell you the truth, I was never a fan of this series, but I could only see that bullshit for one reason: the scenes that Derek showed his abs. He was always a big guy, a giant for many, for most people. Now, after the transformation, he has become a titan. We've been married since he grew up. When it was still in its normal size of 6’5”, Derek and I had a hidden case. But, this is past. He plays with my new tie tied to the tip of his thumb. He drew, two eyes and a crooked mouth on his fingerprint and started to imitate my angry voice. He at least tried to imitate my voice. With his deep voice it was comical to hear him imitating a voice ... squirt. “Where's my tie, you stupid giant ?! Oh, your brain didn't keep up with your body growth! Comedy actors should be banned from growing up ... oh, don't do that. Oh, don't do that and blah blah blah blah ... you need to relax little man ” Derek snorted and smiled. He leaned on his side, and his hand came towards me. I was on the platform that was placed beside our bed. On that platform was a kind of relaxation room, almost like a second bedroom for me. I asked them to build this for my privacy. I only use that space to change clothes, and in those moments when I want to be away from Derek. It's nice to have some extra space for me besides my playful husband's humongous chest. Trapped in his index finger and thumb that catch me by the edge of my shirt, I was placed sitting on his forehead. It was hot. He had just woken up. He frowned and my fingers were caught between the folds of soft skin on Derek's forehead. I tried to let go, I made a lot of effort, which caused the deep laughs. He smiled and shook his head. "It is very funny to see that the wrinkles on my forehead caught your hands ... HAHAHAHAHA ... you are so small!" “Or are you the one who's too big. Realize that it was with you that things changed. I am still normal ” After speaking the normal word, I swallowed. I just passed a fine line to Derek. Ever since gigantized men began to emerge, they were soon labeled freaks. Aberration was the mildest adjective they used. Some gigantized men have managed to overcome this aggressive treatment by us “normal” size people. There were support groups for giants, which helped them to overcome the rejection by the normal population, and also helped them to control the desire for rampage and the acceptance of the new size. When you are 92 feet tall, physical superiority makes the giant feel entitled to decide on the life of those who are underage. This has already cost many people their lives. These help groups were for giants, as alcoholics anonymous are for us. And Derek, my playful giant, attended giant aid group meetings. He humorously dubbed the group AA for giants. And in this group, giants were taught to control their feelings towards small people. They helped them to see everyone as normal people, and the word aberration was permanently discarded from the vocabulary of the giants. The two other times I used that word in relation to Derek, it was devastating, so we promise never to use it again, or anything that resembles that word. He took me from his forehead, placed me on my private platform and handed me the tie. His smile was gone. Derek got up from the bed. He started to act normally, but I saw in his face that he was offended. As he walked around the room, doing simple things like choosing what clothes to wear, I admired his now titanic body. His bubble butt, round and big as two mountains, was wrapped in the cotton fabric of his underwear. Its broad, massive back could easily be used as a running track for a small person. I had already run a lot on those backs. He turned to face me and caught a glimpse of his toned abs, a perfect six pack, broad chest, massive and defined, pink nipples as big as my head, a trail of little hair that ran from his navel to his groin. The treasure trail. Derek was already a God to me in his old days, and now ... it exceeded all expectations. He leaned down with his hands on his knee and looked at me. I smile sideways, but without any grace, a mechanical smile. “Your tie is beautiful. I'm sure your boss will love it ”his voice boomed. “Honey ... I'm sorry. I didn't mean what I said ... ” “You will be late, Timothy. You don't want to be late on your first day after your vacation, do you? ” he walked away towards the kitchen. I took a deep breath, put on my tie and got off the platform by the ramp. It wasn't tiring, sometimes I went up and down with Derek's help. I followed his thunderous footsteps around the house. The ground shook as Derek walked through the house. I tried to draw your attention to an apology, but it was in vain. He didn't even look at me. Defeated, by the hour, I turned and walked out of the full-size door built for me that was next to the 110-ft door made for Derek. "Until the night, dear" I gave him a kiss before leaving, but he didn't turn to look. Derek was stubborn, sentimental and sweet, but he knew how to throw a tantrum and break someone's patience like any naughty child. He was my giant child, and I loved him, and I know he loved me. And because I knew he loved me, I was upset with myself for implying that he wasn't normal. How stupid I was! ####### I arrived at the bank and greeted all my co-workers. I went into the office of Kevin, the bank manager, who for some reason praised my tie. I remembered Derek. I pushed the sad thought away and smiled at Kevin. “Tim, I have great news! And when I say big, it's because I'm talking about something big. Our new client is a famous guy ... maybe he's friends with your husband ... and speaking of Derek ... how's that big guy doing? Hahaha ... I remember the day I invited you to dinner ... my Camaro is still flat ” Kevin had the ability to speak non-stop. It was annoying and Derek calls him a Hyena. I smiled at the memory of how Derek smashed Kevin's car. My giant husband feigned concern and regret. Kevin cried when he saw the pet car flattened like a cookie. "That was funny ..." I said through laughter, but I stopped myself. "Well ..." Kevin rolled his eyes and went back to talking about our new client "He may be friends with Derek from Hollywood ..." "Kevin, not all actors are best friends in Hollywood, not even giants ..." "But, Mr. Cavill said he knew Derek and that he always watched his show ..." I widened my eyes in fright when I heard our new client's last name. Wouldn't it be possible that Henry Cavill, now a 92ft titan, would be our new client? Yes, he would be. Fort Collins became the destination of many giants after the giantization took place. Perhaps because the mayor and the governor of the state were also giants and ended up welcoming their peers ... in short, Henry Cavill, would be our client and every new renowned client, famous, vip, received a welcome dinner given by me or by Kevin. “It would be interesting for dinner to be at your house, for very obvious reasons. These monsters know each other ... I mean, sorry ... I didn't mean that ... shit " "It's okay, Kevin" I raised my right hand to interrupt him "I'm going to have dinner at our house. Friday, can it be? ” "Perfect" Kevin noticed my irritation and agreed to have dinner on Friday at my place. ####### “Baby, everything will be fine. I will cook. I'll make the best macaroni and cheese in all of California. ”He did a double bicep pose. "Honey ... you know we're not in California, do you?" "Of course I know. Still my macaroni and cheese is still the best. Now, come here little man ... ” He leaned over and wrapped his hand around my body. Lifting me up to his face, Derek looked at me with a sly look that showed how much he wanted to play with me, but I was still ashamed of how I treated him earlier. “I'm sorry, big guy. I didn't mean those things ... ”I closed my eyes and shrugged. "Do not worry. I was pissing you off and you just shot back. I won't let you love me because of nonsense ... I talk a lot of nonsense ”he shook his face imitating a dog. "Sometimes, I don't think I deserve you" smiles. “And yet we have been together for five years. Now, I need to relieve my lust. Come with KING DEREK ROOOOAARR ” He imitated King Kong by carrying his gift. Derek came into our room and sat on our bed still carrying me in his fist. He only wore underwear while I was still wearing the work suit. He placed me among the valley of his powerful pecs and looked at me with a lustful, calculating, penetrating and threatening look. It was the look of a predator. “Take off your clothes, little man. Today I will degrade you until my lust is no longer a problem ”he squeezed his pecs on me, making me almost choke. We agreed that in our room, during sex, Derek was completely free to show his superiority, so he could use words like: bug, pathetic, ant, and others that showed how big, strong and powerful he is and how much I am only a weak human close to him. This “humiliation” excited me. Don't judge me, if you had a giant like Derek Theler, you would know how I feel. I started to undress and quickly I was naked. My clothes were thrown over the length of Derek's magnificent chest. Skillfully, he took each tiny piece of clothing between his fingers and stared. He kneaded the clothes into a ball. “Clothes of pathetic little human” threw the ball of clothes on the floor “Now, walk to my groin and start working on my cock. Be a good boy and satisfy your master, OK? ” "Yes Master" With my heart pounding, my small, erect cock giving me over to Derek. I had no way to hide. I was there, stripped of any shame, given the luxury of my giant husband. More and more as I approached his giant mast, I felt the warmth of his skin on my soles. Walking on his abdomen, I tripped over Derek's incredible and ripped 6 pack. His deep laughs still helped to make me fall, as I couldn't stand. Gathering my strength, I approached the crevasse of the giant stick. That thing was bigger than my whole body. A viscous, translucent liquid spilled from the crack that pulsed every time I got close, It was like I was hungry and I was the meal of the day. Taking a deep breath and containing my own orgasm, I hugged the tip of the stick and bathed with pre-cum. It served as a lubricant. Derek's cock was hard and his veins were as thick as one of my legs. His heavy cock was lying on his divine abdomen. I slid down and lay under the big cock. I hugged as much as I could, but my hands couldn't quite wrap Derek's cock. Using his pre-cum as a lubricant I started to massage and sending shivers down Derek's titanic body I heard his deep throaty moans coming from above me. I massaged with more density and strength than I could apply. While massaging, my own dick was in contact with the hot meat of Derek's dick. I was almost reaching a climax. A huge hand hovered over me and wrapped around my body and Derek's big cock. He pressed me against the hard, oiled wall of his cock. His moans increased as Derek rubbed me up and down on his cock. At first it was slow, but soon it was gaining strength and a fast pace. I was getting exhausted when he roared. "OHHH FUUUUUUUUUCK SHIIIIIT" Derek fired charge after charge, like a giant-sized geyser. His cum flew all over his abdomen. He picked me up and down my body to his balls, with his right hand he continued to squeeze his cock that kept spurting cum and with his left hand he squeezed me between his balls that looked like wrecking balls. I kissed, massaged and stroked Derek's titanic balls to the fullest. And then the shaking stopped and I cum on his balls. I was tired. My sweat was mixed with your pre-cum. I was lifted by Derek's skilled fingers. He lifted me up to his mouth and sucked greedily as if he were sucking the best candy on earth. He drank my pathetic cum and wiped me off with his saliva. After that orgasmic bath, he pulled me out of his mouth and smiled as he looked at me. "I love you, little man" "I ..." I took a deep breath "I love you too, big guy" We still had to plan the next Friday's dinner for our famous giant guest, but that was only after I slept among my titan husband's pecs.
  6. Hola vivo al sur de Madrid y me gustaría encontrar a alguien que me pueda guiar haciendo mis primeros ciclos. Me gustaría dar el paso y transformar mi cuerpo, pero me da miedo porque no sabría hacerlo de manera segura.
  7. LionBUff

    Quality & Quantity

    Quality & Quantity By: LionBUff (part one) Duncan Heftfield walked into the fancy-looking science building through the glass double doors. The doors were labeled with a white decal that read "Seed Studies." He walked in wearing denim jeans that fit but still displayed his strong stiff body and a casual short-sleeve button-up shirt with shadows along his chest and one down the center of his stomach. His cowboy boots suggested that he wanted to show off his cowboy side while still looking nice. Duncan was told not to release any sperm for the past week for the study of his seed he scheduled. He wanted to get his official breeding license to become a professional horse breeder. He wanted a license to prove he would keep his horse farm full of foals. This was a little more than obvious in the bulge that waved as if it were a boulder behind his zipper. He checked in as if it were another doctor's office, waited, and eventually walked back to meet the sperm specialist. The room he was taken too looked like any other doctor's office except that it had more than one poster of the male organ. As Duncan stared at these maps of the male body, a slim male human walked in with the standard doctor's outfit and clipboard. "Duncan Heftfield, I am Dr. Sporos," the young 26-year-old human told him. He took a quick peek at his clipboard and said "so... you're a 3,000 pound Clydesdale bodybuilder. That alone makes you sound like a god of mating, to be honest," Dr. Sporos said growing a blushing tint on his cheeks. Duncan laughed quietly thinking Dr. Sporos' reaction was adorable and flattering. "The mares always say the same," Duncan pointed out arrogantly. Dr. Sporos looked at Duncan and said he would be surprised to hear otherwise. Dr. Sporos looked down at the bulge in Duncan's jeans to inspect his size and was frozen with lust and amazement to see just how big the lump was under his zipper. Duncan flexed his meat as soon as Dr. Sporos looked down. The golden zipper line seemed to crack a smile at Dr. Sporos, the zip itself jingled as if it were talking. "Anyways," Dr. Sporos said regaining his focus, "you've excelled at all our previous tests. You can shoot your seed at almost twice the distance of the average horse, your cock is more than heavy enough to get the mare to ovulate, the only thing we need to test now before you get your breeding license is the volume and quality. We need to know how much sperm is in your seamen and we need to know how much seamen you can produce in general. Basically, you need to demonstrate the Quality and Quantity of your seed." "Sounds fun," Duncan said smiling. His bulge turned into what looked like a small head breaking free from his jeans. Dr. Sporos noticed the bulge growing and said; "First, I need to check that you're physically healthy for the test. But honestly, I think you're ready!" Duncan stood up and stripped down. Dr. Sporos secretly wished Duncan was a little more dramatic with his undressing as he fantasized Duncan on a pole in a cheetah pattern jockstrap. "Take your time, I don't mind," Duncan said trying to make Dr. Sporos feel more relaxed. For ten minutes, Dr. Sporos' hands squeezed Duncan's heavy sperm sack like he was tenderizing it. He rolled his fingers around each testicle carefully, each individual musky orb was bigger than both Dr. Sporos' fist combined. He squeezed the scrotum the sack hung from as if he were milking an utter. Dr. Sporos felt how pent up Duncan's balls were. The heavy and slimy load slapping against the walls of his testicles felt like a bag of warm slime. Duncan grinned at how carefully the doctor under his cock was examining him. Duncan was half-hard when the doctor reached his cock. Like his sperm sack, the doctor squeezed his thick shaft as if he were milking it. Each inch of the 20-inch veiny pipe was squeezed carefully. After Dr. Sporos confirmed what was already obvious from Duncan's bulge alone he gave himself time to calm his meat down then put his coverings back on to be taken to the lab. It wasn't long before Duncan was in the "Seed Study" lab. This lab wasn't like anything Duncan had imagined, it was instead nothing short of a wet dream of a room. There was a heated seat on one end with a tv on the other end. in the middle was the machine that would extract his seed, a tube with a pipe held up by an industrial tripod with a clear tube on the end closest to the tv that attached to a bucket on the ground. "The bucket is about the size of a mare's womb, it tells us how full your partners will be," Dr. Sporos told him through a speaker on the ceiling. "Any questions?" Duncan looked at the black reflective tv screen and asked: "what's that supposed to do?" Dr. Sporos laughed and said; "Motivate you. When you're ready the tv will turn on and from there it's self-explanatory." "Got it," Duncan responded. "Ready?" Dr. Sporos asked in a slow and deep voice. Duncan unbuckled his belt and unzipped his pants. The sound of him stripping down in that small room echoed loud enough for Dr. Sporos to hear it over the mic. Dr. Sporos blushed to this sound and did his best to stay professional. "If anything goes wrong just yell, I'm going to be listening the whole time for safety reasons. Is that ok?" "Yeah it's fine," Duncan said dropping his pants. Duncan grabbed the bottom of his shirt and guided the fabric around his muscles. Duncan threw his shirt on the ground beside the stand and walked around the machine with nothing on. His heavy, full, musky balls swung around freely as he walked around. He wanted to see every last inch of this breeding machine before he made a mess out of it. He had used almost as many breeding mounts and cum collectors as actual mates but this one looked much nicer. He hadn't even heard of a bucket designed to hold the same volume as a mare's womb but there it was. Duncan remembers the size of every mare he's been with. Each time he finished their stomach was always noticeably inflated, shrunk back down as the mare absorbed all his seed, then grew to be only slightly bigger the day the foals were born. He wondered if the bucket could handle his load. Duncan knew there was only one way to figure that out as he inserted himself into the machine. His mushroom tip was a fraction of an inch away from the tip connecting to the bucket. His cock pushing against the tube turned the tv on in front of him. A logo popped up that read "The Best of Breeding." The top of the logo had a "stream of cum" that splashed out of the "hole" the cock was in and filled the screen with solid white before fading into black and revealing a menu screen. A logo popped up that read "The Best of Breeding."
  8. I was forgetting that it's set in 2020! https://archive2007.muscle-growth.org/stories/422.html
  9. Well, I already posted this elsewhere, but I thought you guys might get a kick out of it. The Revenge of Jafar : Chapter 1 - "You Can Do Whatever You Wish" I’m not looking for sympathy, I know that 2020 hadn’t exactly been a year most of the world wants to remember, but it’d been a particularly hard one for me. As the Coronovirus spread across the planet and much of the workforce in Britain went into lockdown, my boyfriend, Marcus joined the thousands who were unable to work. I on the other-hand continued to venture into the office to keep the finances of my employer balanced. Working in accountancy might not be a “sexy” business, but as the weeks wore on both Marcus and I were grateful for the regular income. Elsewhere, cracks were beginning to show between the two of us. His casual attitude to cleaning and taking care of our apartment seemed to decline as he filled his days with Xbox Live, microwaveable burgers and watching whatever mindless crap he could find on Netflix. To be fair to him, he’d always been the more chilled-out of the two of us, but our home was slowly transforming into a teenager’s bedroom whilst Marcus transformed at an equally alarming rate. The gyms had closed, the hair stylists had put away their scissors and Marcus was starting to become a victim of these losses. His normally flat, toned stomach had gained a layer of fat whilst his thick arms seemed to be losing definition on a daily basis. I couldn’t complain too harshly, my own physique had never been too impressive - but as a fitness model, the decline Marcus was allowing himself to slide into was somewhat alarming. I’m not saying I only fell for the guy because he had a tight six-pack, cute smile and an arse you could park a bike in… he was charming and sweet, he loved to cook and made me laugh so much. But, as I walked in to our shared home; the place littered with empty Coke cans, random socks and a faint smell of B.O, I was irritated. “Hey Handsome!” I chimed at Marcus as I stepped through the door. He sat on the sofa, controller in hand, headset on, shooting zombies or aliens or God knows what. “You had a good day?” No reply. I stepped between the screen and Marcus. “Hello?” “Oh for fucks sake, Jake! I was winning.” He yelled, throwing the controller down on the coffee table. “I was just saying ‘hello’! I won’t fucking bother now!” He glared up at me. Glancing around the room, I lifted a pair of his worn sweatshorts from the kitchen island, where they’d been left 3 days ago. “Been busy?” I asked. “Oh don’t start with me.” He shot back. “It’s okay for you, you get to go to work”. I stared at him, mouth open, waiting for my mind to find the words, but instead, instinct kicked in. “Oh, I GET to go to work? I GET to wake up at 6am to sit in an office to pay OUR bills? I GET to come home to see MY apartment slowly become a tribute to downtown Beirut?”. And so the argument began. I didn’t mean to be so hurtful, but after weeks of swallowing down little annoyances here and there, the words essentially poured from my mouth. Some time later, after the shouting had stopped, Marcus stomped out of the apartment, a selection of his clothes and carry-able items forcefully stuffed into a holdall. That was three months ago. And I was still struggling to get to grips that the man I’d been with for four years had walked out and not come back after one argument. Fortunately, the world had, in some ways, started to return to normal. Bars and restaurants were open. Shops had embraced the return of their loyal customers and travel restrictions had been lifted. And so, after months of hard graft in the office, I decided I’d take the opportunity to get some sun, unwind and try to get past the events of this horrible year so far. ———————————————————— As I took a sip of my Mojito lounging by the pool of the Shangri-la Hotel, I questioned myself as to why I’d chosen to come to Dubai. As an openly gay man, it wasn’t exactly the no.1 destination to come and cruise for a replacement for Marcus. Still, this late in the year it was the perfect location to get a tan, drink some cocktails and get a little early Christmas shopping done. As I readjusted my sunglasses and sank down into the heavily cushioned sun-lounger, my vision went dark. Lifting my sunglasses, I was greeted by a tall, handsome, dark-skinned man. His black shirt looked painted onto his chunky pectorals and rounded deltoids. Equally black was his impressive thick beard that dipped to the bottom of his neck and framed his square cheek muscles. “You look like a man in need of adventure” he purred. My brain took a second to process his proposition. It came back blank. “I’m sorry?” “Jeep Desert Safari! One on one. A totally Personal experience. Only 500 Dirham.” His deeply accented voice continued, as he pushed a pamphlet into my hand. “I’m sure you’d love it. Out in the sand, bumping and crashing through the dunes.” If he hadn’t been trying to charge me over a hundred quid to sit in a Jeep on some sand, I’d have been certain he was flirting with me. “I… “ I struggled again for words. “I really just want to unwind. Relax by the pool, maybe have a couple of drink..” “Live a little! You’ll love it when the ride gets rough!” He interrupted, his earthy brown eyes penetrating my resistance. And so, less than an hour later Majid and I were blasting down the dunes in his, thankfully air-conditioned Jeep Wrangler. Any pretence of flirtation out of the window as Majid continued to tell me the best places to flirt with the British girls that came to visit and the best places to get a drink where the alcohol wasn’t watered down beyond all recognition. Whilst a small part of me mourned the lack of potential to have a night of wild sex with this handsome Arabian hunk, a rational part of me realised the low potential for this, even if he had been gay, due to my totally average appearance. More immediately, the adrenaline fuelled part of me was genuinely enjoying the G-forces and thrills of driving over the sands. Soon, Majid slowed the Jeep to a standstill atop one of the dunes. Other than the sound of the cooled air rushing from the vents, there was silence. He looked towards me. “We’re well off the typical trails most take here” he practically whispered. “Totally deserted.” I offered, looking out of the windscreen. “Totally deserted desert!” He laughed. I chuckled too, more out of politeness - it wasn’t funny. “Can I get out?” I asked. “You can do whatever you wish.” Majid replied. “Just don’t stay out there too long, you’ll bake your skin.” He laughed again. I reached behind his seat and grabbed my backpack and slung it over my shoulder as I stepped out of the Jeep. The heat was instant and oppressive. I was thankful I’d chosen to wear closed shoes as the sand beneath my feet felt genuinely unbearable to walk on. I reached into my bag to retrieve my phone, opening the camera app, I activated the Panoramic mode and began trying to capture the expansive nature of the sand that surrounded me - only the Jeep giving any frame of reference. As I continued to spin to complete the photograph, something bright reflected against my eyes, briefly dazzling me. I lowered my phone and looked towards the source of the glare. In the huge expanse of sand in every direction, there appeared to be something sticking out of the ground about 30ft away. Trudging towards the mystery item in this brutal heat was torture. Each step a monumental effort. But eventually, I arrived at the source of my curiosity. There, buried in the sand, appeared to be the spout of a teapot. I crouched down and placed my hands around the spout, an eerie coolness tingling on the tips of my fingers. As I pulled the spout upwards, it revealed a pitch black oil lamp. Covered with intricate swirls, and what appeared to be inscriptions, it was almost ice cold to the touch. I raised the lamp to eye level. I couldn’t believe the coolness of the metal against my palms. I pressed it against my forehead and the chilling effect was instant. Pulling it away I looked deeply at the lamp… It was impossible to determine the age, material or even physical origin of it, but it held my curiosity. “MY FRIEND!” Majid yelled. “My friend are you okay?” I whipped around to face him, hiding my literal buried treasure behind my back. “Fine, all good.. just wanted to explore… Laurence of Arabia, you know?” “We should be going. Soon it will get dark!” He offered. “Okay, be right there.” I howled back, stuffing the lamp into my backpack and moving back to the Jeep with a renewed vigour. ———————————————————— I thrust the keycard into the slot of my room’s door, the drive back to the hotel had seemed to pass by almost instantly as my mind became increasingly fixated on the lamp that sat inside my Jack Wills bag. Entering the room, I walked towards the bed and sat down, my fingers unzipping the bag in one fluid motion. Almost like magic, the lamp tumbled out of the opening and onto the crisp white cotton sheets where it sat perfectly on its rounded base. My hands gently cupped around it and raised it to the light, trying to make out the barely visible inscriptions that covered its entire surface. They were so fine, and lightly made that seeing them was near enough impossible. I reached for my phone and opened the Google Translate app. Using camera mode I tried to snap a section of the lamp that seemed to show the symbols “خطر” and “قوة” but the camera seemed unable to pick up the details. I sighed, placed my phone onto the bed and wet my thumb in my mouth. Slowly and carefully I began to rub the insignia on the lamp to try to make it clearer when, abruptly, red smoke began pouring out of the spout. Deep, villainous laughter began to fill the room as the smoke began to coalesce into a solidifying shape. As the smoke became tighter and tighter, the laughter became louder and louder. Before me, a huge, godlike figure began to appear. Laughing heartily, his hugely muscular figure flexed and grew. His skin as red as a bloodstained ruby. Lightning crackled across his impressive frame as he rose higher and higher into the room. His still laughing face seemed fixed in a near instantaneous sneer. His arms large enough to choke an elephant, his deep cobblestone abdominals flexing as his evil chuckling continued. My heart pounded in my chest, fear flushing through my body as he fixed his gaze towards me, his eyes shining yellow without pupils or iris, his thick goatee wrapped around his mouth as he exclaimed in a language I didn’t understand “’iinaa har! huriyat alaintiqam min ealam habsani!” At that point, the world became incredibly wobbly and as I slid off the bed, I began to feel as though I was… about…. to.. faint. Bang. ———————————————————— Jafar glanced at the pitiful human who had collapsed at the mere sight of him. He looked around the room; it looked unfamiliar to the world he knew before being trapped in the lamp. Once again he looked towards the human, and then towards the strange glowing rectangle on the bed next to his cursed lamp. He lifted the item, turning it over in his colossal, clawed hands. “iPhone” he mumbled to himself, and then turned it over and began to investigate it.
  10. LionBUff

    Hanging Herc (full trilogy)

    p1 Homul walked down a dark path behind the town's pub towards a cave deep in the mountains of Greece. The path leads to a farmer's house on the other side of the mountains, but there was a special spot along the trail Hormul was after. A dimly lit cage-like door with the words "Firen Flight" greeted him. The door was covering a cave entirely lit by touches that were at least half burned out. A tall man in a Greek shoulder uniform holding a clay tablet guarded the gate door. "May I come in," Homul asked. The intimidating man looked at his tablet to think about his answer. Homul was worried that the Firen Flight wasn't as secret as he hoped and that he would be told to leave thanks to the crowd. He desperately hoped this wasn't true, he desperately needed a break. A friend of his told him how to get to the secluded Firen Flight deep in the mountains and told Homul that it was his favorite way to relax his mind. The man looked down at his tablet and saw that the Firen Flight was well below capacity. "It's pretty slow tonight, go ahead," The guard told Homul. Homul was so excited that he almost tripped over himself walking in. He walked down the dim cave and turned a few sharp corners before walking into a small room. The room had a wooden stage held up by clay on the further end of the room. Between him and the stage was about 6 round tables with no more than 4 men at each. This room was even dimmer than the cave leading to it, the only bright light came from a single hanging lamp on stage. The rest of the light came from tiny torches on the tables. Homul sat down and ordered his food and drink while he waited. Soon, an announcer walked onto the stage and told the room of men that a special guest was going to appear shortly. Homul's order came, and he enjoyed it... at least half of it. Homul was just a little over halfway done with his meal when Hercules himself walked on stage, looking even more muscular than usual! Hercules was wearing a cloth outfit that looked like a traditional Greek warrior's outfit with everything but the helmet on. Hercules' orange hair swung around in front of his face as he walked to the center of the stage. Homul noticed how little the covering worked when he saw a dim outline of Hercule's abs and chest. When Hercules was comfortable with where he was standing, he rested his unnaturally large arms beside him. "I spend all day using this body to fight off enemies," Hercules said bouncing his chest. "All-day, all I do is fight fight fight." Hercules lifted his arms and flexed his biceps while his chest continued dancing. "Well, gentlemen, this body isn't just built to fight." Hercules lowered his arms and rubbed his abs. The creases in the fabric stretched over every curve on his stomach. "These abs aren't just pretty, they can thrust my waist forwards so fast that my pelvis can pound into solid rick and shatter columns holding up the greatest temples." Hercules spent the next minute or two exaggerating his strength. He said that his chest could squeeze a lemon dry in the deep muscular valley, his legs can squat buildings and that his arms could pull a boat on land. As Hercules described his power, Hormul's mind was filled his visions of Hercules thrusting into buildings. The thought of his pelvis crashing and banging into things made him zone out. Hormel's visions faded when Hormul heard a tearing sound. The tearing was so loud that Hormul almost thought the cave was falling. Something else was falling instead Hercules' hands were resting behind his head, his elbows sticking out in a position that displayed everything below them. Hercule's hands were nowhere near his waist, yet the cloths around his waist were tearing off like an invisible hand was yanking it towards them. The fabric stretched outwards and split open as it did its best to keep the growth contained. Hercules wasn't just getting hard, he was sprouting a golden tree coated with wide and long veins. Hercules closed his eyes and clenched his teeth to help him concentrate on flexing his godly cock. The covering became a useless pile of thread resting along the top of Hercule's dick. The fabrics that remained were shaken off thanks to the golden and veiny rod dancing and throbbing, shaking everything off. Anyone with blurry vision would have assumed a snake was slithering out of Hercules' body. "It's getting a bit warm in here," Hercules cried out. He grabbed the top of his top covering with his right hand and the bottom with his left. He stretched both arms out away from the shirt, the left arm stretched down and the right stretching up. His hands brought the shirt with them. The ripping noise was a battle cry challenging any man to a battle of manhood. Seam by seam gave way to Hercule's strength. The shirt was like a curtain drawing back to reveal a gorgeous new sculpture honoring the gods. Only, Hercules was more muscular than the statues. His abs popped more, along with every other fiber of testosterone Hercules possessed. Pre was already dripping onto the floor into a white puddle. "It's so hot in here, I'm even sweating through my cock," Hercules joked. The crowd chuckled, unable to take their eyes off of the swinging utter of sperm hanging from Hercules. "anyways," Hercules spoke in a low and steady soft voice, "I'd rather show you what this body can do. Talking means nothing with a body beating this much testosterone in its veins." That line was the cue for a boulder to be rolled out on stage by thee assistants. "Let's lighten the load for the fine boys," Hercules suggested walking over to the boulder. p2 Hercules set both feet on either side of the boulder and pressed the head of his cock against the rock. Now that the side of Hercules' body was facing the audience, Homul could see the full length of Hercules' dick. Homul guessed that his cock had to be at least three times longer than his own. He could strap a full-sized horse cock on his body, and the only difference would be the color and the fact that his cock had a human shape. The size and veiny texture were the same for both Hercules' cock and a horse's cock. That and Hercules' balls were noticeably bigger. Homul couldn't help but wonder that if Hercules' gentiles could rival that of a breeding horse, how did his hormones compare? Was Hercules' as horny as a breeding horse? Was he filled with the same animalistic desire to spread his seed? Just like the sound of the tearing of Hercules' clothes, Homul's visions and fantasies of Hercules' body were faded out by the sound of ripping. Only this time, Homul wasn't picturing Hercules thrusting into stone on a building, he was watching Hercules thrust into stone right in front of him on stage. Somehow, it was even hotter than he imagined. Hercules' cock was ripping a hole into the stone like his head was an ax. Hercules didn't even look like jamming his dick into a boulder was painful, he was smiling like he was casually thrusting into any another mate. Dust and sand flew everywhere as Hercules pounded his body into the stone. With each thrust, Hercules dug slightly deeper into the rock. His balls swung around vigorously. No one in the audience said anything. They were soaking up the site of Hercules proving how masculine he was. His ability to rip his clothes off with nothing but his cock seemed like a simple party trick compared to this. When half of the harder than rock cock was inside of the boulder, Hercules speed up his thrusting. Homul didn't realize how slow Hercules was truly hammering his body into the stone until now. Hercules was swinging his waste faster than a tree branch in a storm. With each stroke his cock's head made inside the tunnel, it was digging, an eruption of dust flew out of the hole like a small explosion. A faint humming of sloshing filled the room. Homul didn't know if the wet-sounding humming was coming from Hercules' sweaty cock rubbing against the stone, or the sperm in his utter-like sack slapping against the inner walls of his testicles, or both. "If I could," Hercules calmly told the audience, "I would use my body to fight off our enemies. If my body can drill a hole into a rock like this, imagine what it could do to an enemy's skull! I could grab their head and slam it against my throbbing flesh. Their head would shatter into a thousand pieces!" After Hercules said this, the final few inches of his cock entered the stone. When all of his cock was inside, Hercules calmly inserted his cock into the hole he drilled and rested against the rock. Hercules breathed in and out, and leaned his arms on top of the rock, and Homul assumed this was the end of the show. "That was fun," Hercules said, "But it's still a bit heavy, isn't it?" Hercules pulled out, then hammered one final powerful thrust into the rock. A thunderous cracking sound echoed around the room, and the stone split in half. The two halves of the rock fell, revealing Hercules' cock standing there throbbing like nothing unusual was happening. Hercules grabbed the bottom end of his cock with his left hand and the top end with his right. "Ow," Hercules smirked. The audience quietly laughed. The men from earlier came back on stage and picked up one half of the stone as if it were a simple piece of furniture and carried it off stage. They came back to move the other half of the rock, leaving Hercules alone on stage. Once Hercules had the stage to himself, he quickly stretched a few muscles and turned back around to face the audience. "We know how hard my cock is, but how strong is it," Hercules asked the crowd. That was the cue for 4 full-grown men to walk onto the stage. Each of them were wearing classic Greek Armour, including the helmet. The 4 men, one at a time quietly swung their legs over Hercules' cock as if they were about to ride a horse. Once their bodies were standing over Hercules' giant flesh, they all picked their feet off the ground at the same time. Hercules held the 4 men up with nothing but his cock. His throbbing pole of meat held their weight effortlessly. Hercules even placed both hands behind his back to show off the fact that he was holding them up by only his enormous dick. "How many reps can you do," one of the men asked. Hercules clenched his teeth and flexed his dick, the men rose and fell with his cock. "One," Hercules said through his clenched teeth. Hercules flexed his cock just over 60 times before he told the men that he was getting bored. Hercules was bouncing the men on his pole for nearly 10 minutes, so the men were getting bored too. Hercules showed no sign of tiring out, so they just decided that Hercules could keep bouncing them all night and left the stage. When Hercules had the stage to himself again, he lifted both arms and flew his biceps. His biceps were massive. His left bicep had one singular vein sticking out of the top. "I already know how strong my arms are... but how strong is my body below my arms? Not my abs, my balls. How strong is the pressure behind my ejaculation? How far can I shoot a load?" Hercules kept his left arm flexed and used his right arm to point to the back of the room. A man is the same Greek Armour as the other 4 men was holding a Greek vase above his head. "Maybe this far," the man suggested. Hercules lowered his arms, placing his left hand on his balls and his right on his still-hard cock. He jerked his foreskin and measured the distance between the end of his meat and the top of the vase. "Maybe," Hercules said, "but I'll need help if I'm gonna make it that far." Two men walked out onto either side of the stage, both of them brought a small wooden stool with them. Each stool was slightly shorter than Hercules' waist. Both men sat down cracked their knuckles while Hercules rested his arms on their shoulders. "Ready," the man on the left asked. "Fire away boys," Hercules cried out. The man on the left grabbed Hercules' dick with both hands and jerked it so hard that the rubbing of the foreskin against the rod underneath sounded just like a small waterfall. The other man grabbed each testicle in each hand and squeezed the like a cow's utter. Hercules moaned, nearly losing control of his voice. He knew the men were going to do this, but he was still taken away by how aggressive they were. It didn't take long for pre to drip out. "Here it comes!" Hercules positioned his waist upwards so that his imminent ejaculation would shot towards the ceiling. Hercules felt weaker and weaker while his body braced. White liquid dripped from his cock very slowly for a few brief moments. It dripped out slowly, one drop growing on the tip until it was heavy enough to fall. The next round of pre drizzled out in small bursts. One small load after another flowed out, each load heavier than the load most men carry in their entire sack. Next thing Homul knew, a white arch stretched across the room so far that it 2 feet went past the man holding the vase. White raindrops dripped from the white arch creating a white line on everything underneath. Hercules was ejaculating with so much strength that he wasn't just shooting further than even he expected, but the stream of his seed was one solid river soaring over everyone's head. For more time than anyone could count, Hercules spewed seed with more force than a backed-up volcano. A large portion of Hercules' male milk missed the vase, yet it was over half full when Hercules finally stopped ejaculating. The two men massaged Hercules, assuming that eruption was painful. "Round two," Hercules asked the crowd. p3 The next night, Homul walked back to the Firen Flight only to discover that the previous guard, along with Hercules, weren't there. "Sorry little dude," the new guard told Homul as he hung his head in disappointment. Homul was so disappointed that he could almost feel his meat crawl into his waist from being so turned off. "he'll probably be back tomorrow," the new guard told him with a reassuring grin. Homul grinned back to be polite. "Thanks," he said and walked away. Homul's feet felt heavier as he dragged them back into town. He walked through the dark countryside of Greece remembering everything Hercules did on stage with little to no effort. He could hear all of the men in the room cheering Hercules on. In fact, he really could hear someone scream Hercules. He thought it was all in his head until the screaming and cheering for Hercules became too loud for him to ignore. these screams weren't in his head... they were real... but where were they coming from? they weren't coming from his own horny mind, they were coming from someone's horny voice outside of his mind. Homul followed the soft and muffled screams to a river hidden deep in the Greek mountains. The sound seemed to be riding inside the mist rising from a waterfall upstream. The waterfall was loud, but the moans of Hercules' name were louder. Homul walked up to the waterfall certain that they were coming from under the waterfall. "Are you ok," a voice that sounded like Hercules asked from under the waterfall. "I've taken centaurs dozens of times," a voice that reminded him of the guard from last night responded. As Homul snuck up closer the voice continued with "but they feel like tiny fingers compared to you... ok... wow... that's way bigger than anything I've ever taken before!" Something interrupted the voice's train of thought. He could barely get one word out. Homul was now so close that he could see a torchlight from under the water. He discovered that the light was coming from a tunnel under the waterfall. The tunnel walls echoed the heavy breathing of who he assumed was the guard buried under Hercules. "The centaurs might be half horse but they aren't half god... are they?" This confirmed that he was truly hearing the voice of Hercules echo out of the tunnel. "No... they, they, they aren't," the other voice chocked up. "I can feel the difference... centaurs are softer than this!" "How hard can Hercules get," Homul asked himself. "I can see the difference too... your head is poking out and rolling up and down my stomach like a boulder is rolling around my insides!" This was too much for Homul to ignore. He quietly walked into the cave to see this rolling bulge for himself. when Homul cut the corner of the cave he realized the guard wasn't kidding. The two men were on a cheap and quickly-built looking bed, and you really could see Hercules poking through like a ball rolling up and down his skin. The shadows created by the dimly burning torch on the wall behind the bed defined the moving lump in the guard's body. Homul slowly hardened as he watched. Hercules was in the outfit he was most famous for, but the loose bottom half of the outfit did next to nothing to keep Hercules "contained." Hercules was wearing his usual covering, yet, somehow, Homul could still see his balls flapping around. His sack reminded him of clothes drying on a windy day... they were thrown around all over the place. Were his testicles bigger than before? They seemed to be covered in more veins too. Homul assumed his cock was even veinier too, but he couldn't be sure because it was deep inside the guard. "I'm really, close... I'm sorry," Hercules apologized in a sincere voice that was still erotic. "We've been here for a while," the guard said shocked. He took a few more breaths and said "How have you not cum already? I would have cum three times by now!" Hercules was clearly about to say something, but his ejaculation interrupted him. Homul could hear Hercules' cum slapping against the guard's stomach. The bulge in the guard's stomach grew so plump that it covered Hercules' cock completely. His stomach rose and rose as Hercules seemed to have no limit. How much sperm can one man hold? His balls were huge but they didn't look like they held THAT much. When Hercules finished, he rubbed the guard's swollen belly to calm him down. The guard's face was red, bright red, but he was still grinning. The guard loved every last sperm cell filling him up. He felt a million degrees warmer... like he swallowed the sun whole... and he loved it. "God's can't impregnate men right?" Hercules laughed without answering. "Maybe," he said. Hercules pulled his cock out and let his load flow out of the guard's hole. His stomach flattened as the cum poured out like white molasses. "What does that mean," he asked Hercules with a shaky voice. "It's happened before. A god's seed is so strong that it can fuse with the sperm of another man and breed just as much as it would breed a female. "Ok," he said, "I would love your offspring inside of me anyways. If I do get pregnant, I want to breed an army with you. We could impregnate the land with warriors like you impregnate me. "Don't have to tell me twice," Hercules said gripping his testicles... as if to say he wants to breed that army right now.
  11. LionBUff

    Hanging Herc 3

    Hanging Herc 3 The next night, Homul walked back to the Firen Flight only to discover that the previous guard, along with Hercules, weren't there. "Sorry little dude," the new guard told Homul as he hung his head in disappointment. Homul was so disappointed that he could almost feel his meat crawl into his waist from being so turned off. "he'll probably be back tomorrow," the new guard told him with a reassuring grin. Homul grinned back to be polite. "Thanks," he said and walked away. Homul's feet felt heavier as he dragged them back into town. He walked through the dark countryside of Greece remembering everything Hercules did on stage with little to no effort. He could hear all of the men in the room cheering Hercules on. In fact, he really could hear someone scream Hercules. He thought it was all in his head until the screaming and cheering for Hercules became too loud for him to ignore. these screams weren't in his head... they were real... but where were they coming from? they weren't coming from his own horny mind, they were coming from someone's horny voice outside of his mind. Homul followed the soft and muffled screams to a river hidden deep in the Greek mountains. The sound seemed to be riding inside the mist rising from a waterfall upstream. The waterfall was loud, but the moans of Hercules' name were louder. Homul walked up to the waterfall certain that they were coming from under the waterfall. "Are you ok," a voice that sounded like Hercules asked from under the waterfall. "I've taken centaurs dozens of times," a voice that reminded him of the guard from last night responded. As Homul snuck up closer the voice continued with "but they feel like tiny fingers compared to you... ok... wow... that's way bigger than anything I've ever taken before!" Something interrupted the voice's train of thought. He could barely get one word out. Homul was now so close that he could see a torchlight from under the water. He discovered that the light was coming from a tunnel under the waterfall. The tunnel walls echoed the heavy breathing of who he assumed was the guard buried under Hercules. "The centaurs might be half horse but they aren't half god... are they?" This confirmed that he was truly hearing the voice of Hercules echo out of the tunnel. "No... they, they, they aren't," the other voice chocked up. "I can feel the difference... centaurs are softer than this!" "How hard can Hercules get," Homul asked himself. "I can see the difference too... your head is poking out and rolling up and down my stomach like a boulder is rolling around my insides!" This was too much for Homul to ignore. He quietly walked into the cave to see this rolling bulge for himself. when Homul cut the corner of the cave he realized the guard wasn't kidding. The two men were on a cheap and quickly-built looking bed, and you really could see Hercules poking through like a ball rolling up and down his skin. The shadows created by the dimly burning torch on the wall behind the bed defined the moving lump in the guard's body. Homul slowly hardened as he watched. Hercules was in the outfit he was most famous for, but the loose bottom half of the outfit did next to nothing to keep Hercules "contained." Hercules was wearing his usual covering, yet, somehow, Homul could still see his balls flapping around. His sack reminded him of clothes drying on a windy day... they were thrown around all over the place. Were his testicles bigger than before? They seemed to be covered in more veins too. Homul assumed his cock was even veinier too, but he couldn't be sure because it was deep inside the guard. "I'm really, close... I'm sorry," Hercules apologized in a sincere voice that was still erotic. "We've been here for a while," the guard said shocked. He took a few more breaths and said "How have you not cum already? I would have cum three times by now!" Hercules was clearly about to say something, but his ejaculation interrupted him. Homul could hear Hercules' cum slapping against the guard's stomach. The bulge in the guard's stomach grew so plump that it covered Hercules' cock completely. His stomach rose and rose as Hercules seemed to have no limit. How much sperm can one man hold? His balls were huge but they didn't look like they held THAT much. When Hercules finished, he rubbed the guard's swollen belly to calm him down. The guard's face was red, bright red, but he was still grinning. The guard loved every last sperm cell filling him up. He felt a million degrees warmer... like he swallowed the sun whole... and he loved it. "God's can't impregnate men right?" Hercules laughed without answering. "Maybe," he said. Hercules pulled his cock out and let his load flow out of the guard's hole. His stomach flattened as the cum poured out like white molasses. "What does that mean," he asked Hercules with a shaky voice. "It's happened before. A god's seed is so strong that it can fuse with the sperm of another man and breed just as much as it would breed a female. "Ok," he said, "I would love your offspring inside of me anyways. If I do get pregnant, I want to breed an army with you. We could impregnate the land with warriors like you impregnate me. "Don't have to tell me twice," Hercules said gripping his testicles... as if to say he wants to breed that army right now..
  12. LionBUff

    Take It ALL

    Take It All By: LionBUff Damon did his best to stay calm and breath as Marvin dug a cave up his body so wide that he could easily fit his own arm inside of it. Damon was pinned against the wall of a shower at the gym, the running water muffling his moans. The male horse could feel the much bigger horse stretching his belly out against the shower wall. The slapping of Marvin's beast-like horse balls against his sore ass was all he could think about. Damon always wanted another horse to show him how to breed like a true draft horse but this was more than he expected. He knew the breeding shaft of a horse was bigger than his entire leg, but he didn't think he would ever actually mate with one. Yet here he was, just a simple warm body for Marvin to dump his newest batch of sperm. "Next time, don't get caught staring," Marvin demanded. Damon nodded desperately. "I know you want it so you'll take it! All of it!" Damon responded with a weak grunt. "Fill me up!" Damon said through his heavy breaths. Marvin's dick was sliding up and down his core with less and less resistance as squirts of pre-cum lubricated Damon's insides. Marvin was getting close. He almost lost all feeling in his legs as the pressure in his testicles overwhelmed him. "I'll do more than fill you up slut, you'll be lucky if I don't pump a litter of pups into your stomach!" Knowing he was close, Marvin leaned into Damon and pumped his cock into Damon's slim body until he could thrust any further. Damon didn't think his body could stretch so far. When he looked down, he saw his skin bulging in the shape of Marvin's cock, then flatten, then bulge back out. Marvin lost control of his testicles and every drop he had filled Damon with a warm meal of milk. Marvin thrusted one last time and soon the bulge grew into one large bump in his belly. His belly gently and slowly expanded until Damon looked heavily pregnant. Marvin injected Damon with enough sperm to double Damon's body weight. Damon never realized how heavy horse cum was until Marvin dumped it inside him. "Have you learned your lesson yet," Marvin asked. Marvin slapped the round belly filled with his seamen and shook it around feeling proud of the size of his load. "Yes, master," Damon said coughing up Marvin's sperm. 'Good, next time you stare, make sure it's at something you can take, ok?" Marvin carefully lifted Damon off of his cock and set him down on the shower floor. Marvin didn't want to admit it, but he genuinely loved Damon's body. It had been a long time since he breaded a hole that tight, and he wanted to breed Damon again. He hugged Damon as a sign of peace, then told Damon that it was nothing personal. Damon watched Marvin walk out of the shower. His testicles flapped around like they were still loaded with seamen. When Marvin was gone, Damon looked down at his bulging stomach. He rubbed the top of the bump with both hands, he was still in disbelief that he was actually seeing his own belly carrying a load of horse seamen. While he rubbed his bulging belly, he noticed a white puddle below him. He discovered that cum was dripping out of his ass and leaving a slimy white puddle below him. Damon spent the rest of his shower scrubbing seamen off of his legs. The last thing he needed was other men in the locker room seeing cum drip out of his ass and down his leg as he got dressed. This proved to be impossible as more cum dripped down every time he finished whipping it off. After 20 minutes of whipping cum off of his legs, he decided that he would just run out of here as quickly as possible. Damon concentrated on the ground to avoid accidentally starring at someone else. He didn't see the wall of studs waiting for him in the isle of lockers where he kept his stuff.
  13. LionBUff

    Hanging Herc 2

    Hercules set both feet on either side of the boulder and pressed the head of his cock against the rock. Now that the side of Hercules' body was facing the audience, Homul could see the full length of Hercules' dick. Homul guessed that his cock had to be at least three times longer than his own. He could strap a full-sized horse cock on his body, and the only difference would be the color and the fact that his cock had a human shape. The size and veiny texture were the same for both Hercules' cock and a horse's cock. That and Hercules' balls were noticeably bigger. Homul couldn't help but wonder that if Hercules' gentiles could rival that of a breeding horse, how did his hormones compare? Was Hercules' as horny as a breeding horse? Was he filled with the same animalistic desire to spread his seed? Just like the sound of the tearing of Hercules' clothes, Homul's visions and fantasies of Hercules' body were faded out by the sound of ripping. Only this time, Homul wasn't picturing Hercules thrusting into stone on a building, he was watching Hercules thrust into stone right in front of him on stage. Somehow, it was even hotter than he imagined. Hercules' cock was ripping a hole into the stone like his head was an ax. Hercules didn't even look like jamming his dick into a boulder was painful, he was smiling like he was casually thrusting into any another mate. Dust and sand flew everywhere as Hercules pounded his body into the stone. With each thrust, Hercules dug slightly deeper into the rock. His balls swung around vigorously. No one in the audience said anything. They were soaking up the site of Hercules proving how masculine he was. His ability to rip his clothes off with nothing but his cock seemed like a simple party trick compared to this. When half of the harder than rock cock was inside of the boulder, Hercules speed up his thrusting. Homul didn't realize how slow Hercules was truly hammering his body into the stone until now. Hercules was swinging his waste faster than a tree branch in a storm. With each stroke his cock's head made inside the tunnel, it was digging, an eruption of dust flew out of the hole like a small explosion. A faint humming of sloshing filled the room. Homul didn't know if the wet-sounding humming was coming from Hercules' sweaty cock rubbing against the stone, or the sperm in his utter-like sack slapping against the inner walls of his testicles, or both. "If I could," Hercules calmly told the audience, "I would use my body to fight off our enemies. If my body can drill a hole into a rock like this, imagine what it could do to an enemy's skull! I could grab their head and slam it against my throbbing flesh. Their head would shatter into a thousand pieces!" After Hercules said this, the final few inches of his cock entered the stone. When all of his cock was inside, Hercules calmly inserted his cock into the hole he drilled and rested against the rock. Hercules breathed in and out, and leaned his arms on top of the rock, and Homul assumed this was the end of the show. "That was fun," Hercules said, "But it's still a bit heavy, isn't it?" Hercules pulled out, then hammered one final powerful thrust into the rock. A thunderous cracking sound echoed around the room, and the stone split in half. The two halves of the rock fell, revealing Hercules' cock standing there throbbing like nothing unusual was happening. Hercules grabbed the bottom end of his cock with his left hand and the top end with his right. "Ow," Hercules smirked. The audience quietly laughed. The men from earlier came back on stage and picked up one half of the stone as if it were a simple piece of furniture and carried it off stage. They came back to move the other half of the rock, leaving Hercules alone on stage. Once Hercules had the stage to himself, he quickly stretched a few muscles and turned back around to face the audience. "We know how hard my cock is, but how strong is it," Hercules asked the crowd. That was the cue for 4 full-grown men to walk onto the stage. Each of them were wearing classic Greek Armour, including the helmet. The 4 men, one at a time quietly swung their legs over Hercules' cock as if they were about to ride a horse. Once their bodies were standing over Hercules' giant flesh, they all picked their feet off the ground at the same time. Hercules held the 4 men up with nothing but his cock. His throbbing pole of meat held their weight effortlessly. Hercules even placed both hands behind his back to show off the fact that he was holding them up by only his enormous dick. "How many reps can you do," one of the men asked. Hercules clenched his teeth and flexed his dick, the men rose and fell with his cock. "One," Hercules said through his clenched teeth. Hercules flexed his cock just over 60 times before he told the men that he was getting bored. Hercules was bouncing the men on his pole for nearly 10 minutes, so the men were getting bored too. Hercules showed no sign of tiring out, so they just decided that Hercules could keep bouncing them all night and left the stage. When Hercules had the stage to himself again, he lifted both arms and flew his biceps. His biceps were massive. His left bicep had one singular vein sticking out of the top. "I already know how strong my arms are... but how strong is my body below my arms? Not my abs, my balls. How strong is the pressure behind my ejaculation? How far can I shoot a load?" Hercules kept his left arm flexed and used his right arm to point to the back of the room. A man is the same Greek Armour as the other 4 men was holding a Greek vase above his head. "Maybe this far," the man suggested. Hercules lowered his arms, placing his left hand on his balls and his right on his still-hard cock. He jerked his foreskin and measured the distance between the end of his meat and the top of the vase. "Maybe," Hercules said, "but I'll need help if I'm gonna make it that far." Two men walked out onto either side of the stage, both of them brought a small wooden stool with them. Each stool was slightly shorter than Hercules' waist. Both men sat down cracked their knuckles while Hercules rested his arms on their shoulders. "Ready," the man on the left asked. "Fire away boys," Hercules cried out. The man on the left grabbed Hercules' dick with both hands and jerked it so hard that the rubbing of the foreskin against the rod underneath sounded just like a small waterfall. The other man grabbed each testicle in each hand and squeezed the like a cow's utter. Hercules moaned, nearly losing control of his voice. He knew the men were going to do this, but he was still taken away by how aggressive they were. It didn't take long for pre to drip out. "Here it comes!" Hercules positioned his waist upwards so that his imminent ejaculation would shot towards the ceiling. Hercules felt weaker and weaker while his body braced. White liquid dripped from his cock very slowly for a few brief moments. It dripped out slowly, one drop growing on the tip until it was heavy enough to fall. The next round of pre drizzled out in small bursts. One small load after another flowed out, each load heavier than the load most men carry in their entire sack. Next thing Homul knew, a white arch stretched across the room so far that it 2 feet went past the man holding the vase. White raindrops dripped from the white arch creating a white line on everything underneath. Hercules was ejaculating with so much strength that he wasn't just shooting further than even he expected, but the stream of his seed was one solid river soaring over everyone's head. For more time than anyone could count, Hercules spewed seed with more force than a backed-up volcano. A large portion of Hercules' male milk missed the vase, yet it was over half full when Hercules finally stopped ejaculating. The two men massaged Hercules, assuming that eruption was painful. "Round two," Hercules asked the crowd.
  14. LionBUff

    The Bull's Bucket

    The Bull's Bucket The sun was rising over Mathew Acres farm as John, a shy and slim 20 year old horse, walked up to the barn for his first day of work. John had been hired to go into the farm every morning at sunrise and milk a bull named “Fulbon.” John had no idea how you could even milk a bull, but he was told the instructions were in the barn. All he knows for a fact is that he was told to wear clothes that can get messy, because it was a messy job. He knew he would be working in a barn, so he expected the standard barn mess, but he wondered why the messy part was pointed out. He assumed the farmer was just being cautious and continued walking to the barn. The barn was an average looking barn, basically what you imagine when you hear the word, but the smell was a bit different. It didn't smell like a barn… it smelled like a gym locker room. He smelled the same musky manly smell he used to smell in the high school locker room. Every time the wind blew, his nose felt like it was dug deep in football uniforms. The smell of musk got stronger as John opened the barn doors. On the left was a door labeled “closet” with a row of large stables next to it. He noticed one stable had leather hanging from it, the leather looked like the arm assist used in a gym to hold your arms as you did pull ups. On the right was another set of stalls the same size as the ones on the left. Only the right stalls had no leather hanging down. It was only the one stall on the left that had the arm rests. John walked in and looked for the stall labeled “Fulbon.” The stall he was looking for was the stall with the arm rest hanging down. The leather arm rests hung about ¼ of the way from the roof of the barn to the floor. He wondered why they were there as he walked up to the stall. The bull was sleeping in the right corner under a large black comforter type blanket found on the top of beds in hotels. The blanket was bulky and covered the bull’s body well. As John approached the door of the stall, he noticed a defining curve in the center of the bull’s body curving up out of the blanket. John assumed this was a casual pillow or awkward fold in the blanket. John looked around the barn and couldn’t find any clue as to what to do. He leaned over the stall door and looked for some sign of instructions. As he leaned in, the door moved an inch forward quickly and loudly. The bull under the blanket woke up to the banging door. John stepped back, worried about what the bull would say. “Are you the new milker,” the bull asked in an intimidating voice filled with frustration. John quietly nooded. “Thank GOD!” the bull smiled and said “the last one was terrible!” “I’m sorry about that,” John said, being polite. “He would always jerk me around like I did something to him... he just wanted to finish and go. Jokes on him though I never gave him all I could anyway.” John stared at Fulbon. “You,” he asked him. Fulbon raised his eyebrow to John and asked him “what did you think you were doing here?” “I thought I would be looking for a bull named Filbon who was going to help me with the milking, maybe he would relax the cows I was milking, I’m not sure.” Fulbon moved the blanket off of himself and stood up. “You’re milking me,” Fulbon said. John looked down at the bull’s male parts that created the bulge he thought was a wrinkle in the blanket. The testicals hung down just above his knees like ripe fruit from a tree, the shaft of the bull looked like a tree limb curving out of his body and down with a head just above where the balls hung. “What?” John knew what the bull said, but internally he wanted the bull to say he was kidding. “Every day I need my seed to be drained so that the seed I make stays as fresh as possible. I need someone to make sure everything is flowing smoothly and to make sure they get everything they can.” John stood there and felt a small blush of excitement. The bull’s male parts looked extremely smooth and soothing, and he could already imagine the wet girth in his hands. “You want me to make you cum,” John asked just to be sure the bull was being serious. “Until I tell you I’m dry, yes. Your job is to fill up the bucket until I tell you I’m all dried up.” John looked around for the bucket but didn’t see anything. “Check the closet,” Fulbon said as he stretched his body trying to wake himself up. John walked over to the closet door and opened it to see a normal looking closet of barn equipment. He looked around the closet until he saw the only bucket in the back corner, which looked like the white paint was peeling off. He grabbed it and walked back to Fulbon’s stall. “Is this it,” he asked. “The one soaked in dry seamen, yes” he told John. “This is all you,” John asked, fascinated that the bull in front of him could make that much liquid. “I’m impressed,” John said, opening the stall door. “It's what bulls do” Fulbon told him, shaking his balls around with his left hand. John set the bucket down in front of Fulbon and asked; ‘What now?” Fulbon put his elbows in the arm rest and flexed his cock to signal that it was time for the milking. John stared at Fulbon’s body, looking over his tone legs and stomach like an art exhibit. John got down on both knees to the side of the bull cock and grabbed it on the end. John started running his hands from the bottom of his cock to about half way, applying just enough pressure to make a soft sloping noise. “Not bad,” Fulbon told him. John smiled as he continued his rubbing motions. He stood there on his knees watching this beautiful cock spring to life in his hands. He could feel the blood dripping in through the thick tendons of Fulbon. For several moments John caressed the warm log in his hands, paying close attention to remain calm both internally and externally. Fulbon didn’t want to admit it this early, but he was honestly enjoying John’s hands. He felt his meat cramp up as John rubbed the bottom half of his cock with such gentleness that Fulbon felt like he was getting a special treatment. Fulbon wanted to mean, he wanted to let go of the pleasure building up in his voice. He also didn’t want John to hear the groans and get arrogant and change what he was doing. Before John came along, he was used to his cock being thrown around like a frisbee in the hands of his previous milker. The only reason he ever climaxed before was to give the milker something to work with. He gave the previous milker as little as possible to encourage the milker to quit. That tactic finally worked when John showed up. Now that John’s soothing hands were caring for his cock, Fulbon thought he would have a true climax today. He was willing to give John everything he could brew if John kept milking him like this. “How’s this,” John asked him without ever losing concentration. When Fulbon opened his mouth to talk, the moan he was holding back belted out all at once. John didn’t jump at all. John simply paused his caresing for a moment and looked up to ask “to much?” “Actually that’s perfect, I don’t remember the last time my shaft was loved by hands this gentle.” John looked back down at the meat in front of his face and said; “I just want you to spill as much seed as possible, and I want you to enjoy it too. Plus, I’m extracting your seed the same way I extract my own seed.” Fulbon laughed and asked “and how do you do that?” “I don’t force the seamen out… I rub myself calmly as I think about another man being in bed with me and the cum just naturally flows out.” Fulbon grinned and said; “Smart. I can see you have a lot of experience with tending to meat.” John tightened his grip but kept the same speed and said “I guess so. I’ve seen a million ways to tend to meat and i've tried them all… by myself at least. I’ve never laid down with anyone.” John felt a brief moment of jealousy and loneliness as he rubbed the bull’s meat. The first time he touched another man’s cock was for a job. He thought about what this meat in his hands would look like spread out on his bed. Fulbon could see the sinking spirits of John and felt bad for him. John was a decent guy who was hard working and knew how to operate another man’s machine. “I’ll tell you what,” Fulbon said. John slowed his rubbing down and looked up at Fulbon. “You’re a cool guy and you’ve never been with anyone else. I’ve been with countless lovers before, and all of them were too violent to enjoy or wouldn’t stop talking, usually both were true. Even outside this milking stand my lovers have been a pain to deal with. You’re the first one I’ve enjoyed… or even respected for that matter. If you tell the farmer you need to come back tonight to try milking me again, because you couldn’t get much out of me today, he’ll let you come back anytime after dark. Just warn him you’re coming so you don’t spook him and you can walk right up here. I’ll be waiting.” John blushed and asked “what about the milk from right now? Won’t he know you’ve already given me your milk today?” “Good point,” Fulbon answered. He then suggested “only fill it up a fraction of the way. Hand him the bucket of what I gave you and tell him this was everything, then say you want to try again at sunset.” “Good idea,” John said as he picked up his movements where he left off. He continued the same movements for a few more strokes then said “let’s try something else.” john took his hands off of the shaft stood up to stretch his legs and arms. As he did that, Fulbon stared at the horse who supprised him with how good he was at his new job. As Fulbon looked at John, he noticed a curve crawling down his left leg. Fulbon felt bad for John because he thought John was hard as a rock and secretly needed release. Fulbon didn’t know how to bring it up, but he didn;t want to be the only one enjoying himself. “Enjoying this,” he asked John. John continued stretching and said “Absolutely! I can’t believe you haven’t cum yet.” “I’m getting there. I takes bigger loads longer to come out.” John nodded in agreement and blushed again. Fulbon then looked back down at the curve in John’s pants and said “speaking of loads coming out, you can loosen up that grip on your pants. I actually find it hotter when the milker’s cock is out too. Plus it feels less awkward.” “You’re sure?” as much as John was enjoying it, he only saw this as a job, and was worried about looking unprofessional. “Don’t worry,” Fulbon assured him, “the farmer never comes up here during the milking, and no one else ever comes either. Until the farmer sees you with that bucket, he stays far away, he doesn't want to risk seeing the process. John trusted Fulbon’s words and took off his shirt. He threw the shirt to the back corner of the barn and took off his shoes and socks, throwing them in the same pile. “I’ve heard a lot about horses,” Fulbon said watching John unzip his pants. As the zipper slid down, John’s long bump in his pants grew a little longer, then popped out of the pant leg and straight out infront of him. “I want to see if it’s true!” “I’ll let you decide.” John put his pants in the same pile and turned back to Fulbon who was still as hard as he’s been all day. John slid the underwear down, kneeling as he did so. When the underwear was at his feet, John stood up and put his hands on either side of his hips. Fulbon knew John was no athlete, which was made obvious by his thin body, but Fulbon was still shocked to see that John's cock was only a few inches shorter with about the same girth. “It’s not true,” Fulbon sarcastically said. Before John could say anything back, Fulbon said “you’re even bigger than I expected. I’m really going to need a taste later.” “Don’t have to tell me twice,” John admitted. He got back down on his knees, but this time he was directly in front of the bull’s shaft. The tube in the center of the bull cock was staring him right in the face like a one eyed snake. John reached his arms out and grabbed one of Fulbon’s testicals in each hand. He played with the thick and round fruit of the bull and shoved his face into the round head. He stuck his tongue out inside of the cock and licked his innerer tube. Fulbon couldn’t help himself any more. This wasn’t just the first time this move was being done on him, but he was doing it so well too. Fulbon groaned and told John “I’m really close.” John didn’t say anything, mostly because his mouth was suffocated against a bull’s meat. John heard Fulbon, and started squeezing the seedful fruit harder. He tossed them around in his grip as if he were trying to shake something out of them. Thanks to his strong grip, John could feel the cramping in his testicles. The sensation of feeling a bull’s seamen about to erupt made him drip cum a little himself. His hands were nowhere near his own seed sack, yet his sperm were starting to swim out anyway. John, lost in the moment, pulled his mouth out of the cock tube and started licking the head like candy. John was still licking the head and teasing the balls when the first squirt hit him in the face. The small load of cum splattered on his right cheek. When John felt this, he moved to the side of Fulbon where he first started and continued using both hands to shake the bull’s fruit. This method produced a few squirts of pre into the bucket, but he knew this wasn’t all his balls were holding. John then experimented with a new strategy and treated Fulbon’s testicals like an udder and squeezed them up and down. One white river lasting two seconds gracefully fell into the bucket. John watched the stream as he squeezed Fulbon’s balls, hypnotized by the shiny and white flow coming out of the other end. John slowed his squeezing and paid close attention to the folds of skin and veins in his hands. This method released a few more rivers of seamen into the bucket. “Keep going!” Fulbon clenched his teeth and opened his legs, trying to get the biggest possible load he could make. “I can still feel more down there!” John kept his hands squeezing the bull’s testicals and moved his head up against the lower curve of the sack. He started licking the curves between the testicals and pressed his tongue in the valley between the two balls. Fulbon and his seamen both felt John’s tongue exploring the underside of his balls. The intense pleasure was enough to send his climax over the edge. Fulbon sprayed a highly pressured stream with more force than his other two cum rivers combined. The white waterfall made a straight line with no slack directly into the bucket. He stood there and sprayed like a can of violent silly string. This agressive ejeculation lasted for a little over a minute. The entire minute, John was underneath Fulbon stimulating the seed as much as he could. The cum river faded into a few drops as the remaining sperm dripped out of his cock. Finally, he couldn’t feel any more milk in his sack. Fulbon looked down to see the bucket of his milk only centimeters away from the top. “I’m done,” Fulbon told John. John got out from under Fulbon’s testicals and looked at the nearly full bucket. The site of the collection of cum made John dump a few loads of cum himself. The site of another man’s seed made his seed want a taste.
  15. Original Story: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/36778138/ Follow my main FA Account for more stories like this: https://www.furaffinity.net/gallery/lionbuff/ Audio: HANGING HERC Homul walked down a dark path behind the town's pub towards a cave deep in the mountains of Greece. The path leads to a farmer's house on the other side of the mountains, but there was a special spot along the trail Hormul was after. A dimly lit cage-like door with the words "Firen Flight" greeted him. The door was covering a cave entirely lit by touches that were at least half burned out. A tall man in a Greek shoulder uniform holding a clay tablet guarded the gate door. "May I come in," Homul asked. The intimidating man looked at his tablet to think about his answer. Homul was worried that the Firen Flight wasn't as secret as he hoped and that he would be told to leave thanks to the crowd. He desperately hoped this wasn't true, he desperately needed a break. A friend of his told him how to get to the secluded Firen Flight deep in the mountains and told Homul that it was his favorite way to relax his mind. The man looked down at his tablet and saw that the Firen Flight was well below capacity. "It's pretty slow tonight, go ahead," The guard told Homul. Homul was so excited that he almost tripped over himself walking in. He walked down the dim cave and turned a few sharp corners before walking into a small room. The room had a wooden stage held up by clay on the further end of the room. Between him and the stage was about 6 round tables with no more than 4 men at each. This room was even dimmer than the cave leading to it, the only bright light came from a single hanging lamp on stage. The rest of the light came from tiny torches on the tables. Homul sat down and ordered his food and drink while he waited. Soon, an announcer walked onto the stage and told the room of men that a special guest was going to appear shortly. Homul's order came, and he enjoyed it... at least half of it. Homul was just a little over halfway done with his meal when Hercules himself walked on stage, looking even more muscular than usual! Hercules was wearing a cloth outfit that looked like a traditional Greek warrior's outfit with everything but the helmet on. Hercules' orange hair swung around in front of his face as he walked to the center of the stage. Homul noticed how little the covering worked when he saw a dim outline of Hercule's abs and chest. When Hercules was comfortable with where he was standing, he rested his unnaturally large arms beside him. "I spend all day using this body to fight off enemies," Hercules said bouncing his chest. "All-day, all I do is fight fight fight." Hercules lifted his arms and flexed his biceps while his chest continued dancing. "Well, gentlemen, this body isn't just built to fight." Hercules lowered his arms and rubbed his abs. The creases in the fabric stretched over every curve on his stomach. "These abs aren't just pretty, they can thrust my waist forwards so fast that my pelvis can pound into solid rick and shatter columns holding up the greatest temples." Hercules spent the next minute or two exaggerating his strength. He said that his chest could squeeze a lemon dry in the deep muscular valley, his legs can squat buildings and that his arms could pull a boat on land. As Hercules described his power, Hormul's mind was filled his visions of Hercules thrusting into buildings. The thought of his pelvis crashing and banging into things made him zone out. Hormel's visions faded when Hormul heard a tearing sound. The tearing was so loud that Hormul almost thought the cave was falling. Something else was falling instead Hercules' hands were resting behind his head, his elbows sticking out in a position that displayed everything below them. Hercule's hands were nowhere near his waist, yet the cloths around his waist were tearing off like an invisible hand was yanking it towards them. The fabric stretched outwards and split open as it did its best to keep the growth contained. Hercules wasn't just getting hard, he was sprouting a golden tree coated with wide and long veins. Hercules closed his eyes and clenched his teeth to help him concentrate on flexing his godly cock. The covering became a useless pile of thread resting along the top of Hercule's dick. The fabrics that remained were shaken off thanks to the golden and veiny rod dancing and throbbing, shaking everything off. Anyone with blurry vision would have assumed a snake was slithering out of Hercules' body. "It's getting a bit warm in here," Hercules cried out. He grabbed the top of his top covering with his right hand and the bottom with his left. He stretched both arms out away from the shirt, the left arm stretched down and the right stretching up. His hands brought the shirt with them. The ripping noise was a battle cry challenging any man to a battle of manhood. Seam by seam gave way to Hercule's strength. The shirt was like a curtain drawing back to reveal a gorgeous new sculpture honoring the gods. Only, Hercules was more muscular than the statues. His abs popped more, along with every other fiber of testosterone Hercules possessed. Pre was already dripping onto the floor into a white puddle. "It's so hot in here, I'm even sweating through my cock," Hercules joked. The crowd chuckled, unable to take their eyes off of the swinging utter of sperm hanging from Hercules. "anyways," Hercules spoke in a low and steady soft voice, "I'd rather show you what this body can do. Talking means nothing with a body beating this much testosterone in its veins." That line was the cue for a boulder to be rolled out on stage by thee assistants. "Let's lighten the load for the fine boys," Hercules suggested walking over to the boulder. TO BE CONTINUED...
  16. LionBUff

    Gaston’s lesson

    Gaston kicked down the doors to the Beast’s castle. He was here for one simple reason, to kill the Beast and hang his head above his fireplace. “Come out and FIGHT LIKE A MAN,” Gaston roared. Gaston pulled out his gun and began scanning the giant castle. He ran up the stairs, stomping like a drunk horse, and ran into the west wing. Gaston had never been in the castle to know the significance of the west wing, but what he did know was that he had a strong feeling inside of him to head in that direction. As he walked towards the direction of the Beast’s bedroom, he began to smell an overpowering stench that smelled like an old bard that had never been cleaned. “I thought they called you a Beast,” Gaston taunted in a low, slow, and deep voice. “All I smell is a coward.” Gaston approached the doors of the Beast’s room, slowly and carefully. He never loosened his grip on his weapon as he approached the giant doors. He was careful not to make any noise. He wanted the Beast to be surprised by his attack. Gaston walked up to the doors and twisted the knob expecting it to open. However, the Beast’s room was locked. Gaston had an idea and walked over to the left side of the hallway. He took a deep breath, building up energy in his lungs and vocal cords, then screamed; “IF YOU DON’T OPEN THOSE DOORS I’LL KICK THEM DOWN MYSELF! I CAN SMELL YOUR FEAR FROM A MILE AWAY! I KNOW YOU’RE IN THERE!” Gaston hopped that the Beast would come out, and he would shoot him the second his head was in view. Gaston waited for any sign of life. A noise... a movement... anything. For five minutes, Gaston stood there. After what felt like an hour, Gaston heard faint but powerful footsteps approach the doors. BAAM! The doors flew open so fast that they almost fell off the hinges. When the doors opened, the Beast marched into the hallway and right into Gaston’s view. The Beast was still wearing his night clothes, no shirt and a large pair of loose fitting pants. The Beast was facing the hallway, scanning for his taunter, and didn’t see Gaston behind him. Gaston made no hesitation. As soon as the Beast was in view, he fired his gun. His aim was famous for being perfect every time. He shot the Beast’s back exactly in the center. To Gaston’s surprise, the bullet bounced right off. This made no sense to him, because his furry skin was perfectly exposed. Yet, somehow, it didn’t even break the first layer of skin. In a panic, Gaston fired his gun until he was out of bullets. The Beast simply stood there and waited for the gunfire to stop. Every single bullet bounced off his manly body. When Gaston ran out of bullets, the Beast turned his head around to face Gaston. He locked eyes with Gaston and smiled like a king who just found out he won a war. “My muscles are thicker than any metal you’ve ever seen,” The Beast spoke in a rumbly voice. As he spoke, saliva sprayed out of his mouth and all over Gaston’s body. It was at this moment that gaston realized just how overgrown the Beast’s body was. He was 12 feet tall. Every muscle bulged out… a lot. His neck was thicker than Gaston’s arm. His arms were thicker than Gaston’s entire body. His ass cheeks were more round than the wheels of a horse carriage. The Beast looked stronger than 1,000,000 stallions combined. Even the smallest muscles on his body were 50 times bigger than it would be on a normal human. “I’m sorry,” Gaston said as he began to cry. Gaston, the bravest man in town, was filled with fear. He knew the Beast could swallow him whole without any real effort. Gaston dropped the gun and put his hands behind his head. The Beast walked over to gaston and kicked the gun behind him, causing it to slide so far that it was almost out of sight. Once the gun was out of the way, the Beast sniffed Gaston like a drug dog sniffs out a suspicious bag. Gaston stood there waiting for the Beast to attack. Insted the Beast inhaled every scent Gaston produced. His musk, sweat, fear, everything. “I would eat you,” the Beast whispered to Gaston, “But I can’t remember the last time I could ‘relieve stress’ with another human.” Gaston was clueless about what the Beast meant for a few seconds. His confusion ended when he saw the Beast’s python in his pants rip it’s way out effortlessly. The Beast’s veiny rocket shot out of those paints like an actual rocket bursting through the clouds. Gaston couldn't help getting hard himself. He was perfectly straight… as far as he knew… but watching the Beast’s horny body tear through his pants like they were warm butter made him have second thoughts. Sadly, Gaston’s meat was nowhere near strong enough to tear through his pants. Gaston immediately felt more inferior than he ever had in his life when he realized this fact. “Go easy,” Gaston choked out of his anxious body. Gaston watched in horror as the Beast pole of flesh kept growing and growing like a wildfire. Tearing through those pants was only the beginning of the Beast’s sexual nightmare. “Why?” After the Beast asked this question to Gaston, he laughed, then threw Gaston on his shoulder like he was a bag of potatoes. Gaston was almost 300 pounds of muscle, but the Beast lifted him with one arm and carried him like he was 3 pounds. The more Gaston rode on the Beast solid shoulder, the more he thought about the Beast’s… beast, and how incredibly painful this will be. The cock he just saw tear a pair of pants off was wider than an actual tree trunk, and probably harder too. Gaston realized it would be easier to shove an actual tree up his body than to mate with the throbbing creature between the legs of this monster. After Gaston helplessly waited for his fate… the Beast unexpectedly threw Gaston onto his bed. Gaston’s body landed face down on the bed, causing Gaston’s head to slam into the pillow. The exact second gaston’s nosed touched the pillow, his nosed was filled with musk. The Beast didn’t just have musk on him… the Beast could sell his sweat as a cologne. Gaston layed there, worried that the Beast would mistake any movement for resistance. The Beast put both enormous paws on either side of Gaston’s waist and gripped the top of his pants. The Beast pulled his arms away and shredded Gaston’s pants into two pieces. Gaston couldn’t see it, but the Beast shoved both halves of the ripped pants into his gaping mouth and swallowed them like a tiny pill. Now that his pants were out of the way, the Beast stared at his prize. Gaston’s cheeks were used to him running around all day, so they were very sturdy and plump. As the Beast admired his muscular mating partner, he couldn’t help but notice how tiny Gaston’s hole was. The opening to his body was a lot smaller than the Beast expected. Gaston’s back entrance looked like it had never been used before. The Beast grinned, knowing how tight the grip would be. The Beast decided it was time to get serious. He grabbed Gaston’s ankles on either side of his body us used his triceps to pull Gaston’s virgin hole to the Beast’s waist. The Beast began their night together by teasing Gaston. As he pulled the quivering body of his partner to his anxious body, The Beast put his rod inside of Gaston’s cheeks. Gaston moaned as his ass was wedged apart by a Humpback Whale of manhood. It felt like the Beast was pushing his glutes into his hips. The muscles tried to contract back into position, but the devilish dick sprouting out of the Beast wouldn’t let that happen. The Beast slowly and calmly thrusted back and forth, numbing the bottom half of Gaston’s body. The veins below his stomach where pinched closed under the weight of this beam of passionate testosterone. Gaston knew that the Beast was being generous by numbing his body before he became the Beast’s dumping zone of pimped up sperm. As the beast rubbed his pounding creature inside the valley of Gaston’s gorgeous ass, he felt his lust build. He felt the temperature in his fruitful testicals rise. He felt like he was brewing a piping hot soup inside of his hairy sacks. His balls filled with liquid like a glass at a party. The sperm were ready to breed. His liquid was ready to erupt. The beast loved being warmed up by Gaston’s glutes, but he knew he didn’t want to get his inevitable explosion all over his room. His castle was in ruins, but spraying the walls with his cum wasn;t going to make anything better. Part 2 After the Beast warmed his cock, as if he were preheating an oven, he pulled himself out of the valley of Gaston’s ass and put his giant head at the entrance of Gaston’s body. The girth of the Beast’s pink and plump head barely fit into the first 4 inches. Gaston had never taken a cock before, he was always the one giving it. This meant his body was far from ready for the equipment poking him. The beast knew this. He knew Gaston wasn't ready to take him… and he loved it. The anticipation to hear this arrogant prick beg for mercy made the beast throb even harder. The Beast looked into Gaston’s eyes. Gaston was tearing up like onion juice was thrown at his face. His mouth quivered like he was in the arctic in his underwear. Gaston begged the Beast to go easy. Gaston’s cries excited him. The Beast felt his meat grow harder and meaner. Gaston moaned, acknowledging the beast’s growing excitement. The Beast watched Gaston cry every last tear he had for a few minutes, allowing Gaston’s begging to excite him as much as possible. For 5 minutes, the Beast grew and grew. Without any warning, the Beast gripped onto Gaston’s hips. He grabbed Gaston’s hips, then jerked them into his body forcing every last inch of his enormously long and wide staff up Gaston. Gaston’s abs disappeared into a tall, round bulge. Gaston instantly looked like he was carrying an entire pack of cubs in his gut in a fraction of a second. The veins on the Beast’s shaft outlined Gaston’s stretching torso. The Plu,p head poked out of Gaston’s chest like his heart was trying to escape. The Beast felt Gaston’s prostate shatter like a tiny teacup. The violent impact turned his pelvis into a jigsaw puzzle. His spine was pushed out of the way with no resistance. Gaston’s intestines were mashed into jelly. The veiny monster invading Gaston’s interiors destroyed everything it rammed into with ease. Gaston was now nothing but the Beast’s toy. The violent contact between Gaston and his dominating mating partner created a defining SLOSH that shook the castle. Gatson tried to scream. He tried to tell his new master that he had had enough. However, all Gaston could let out was a simple moan. The only noise he was able to produce were moans. He tried moving his mouth. Over and over, he tried to at least say the word “enough,” or ‘I surrender,” anything. Nothing worked. For 20 minutes, Gaston moaned almost endlessly. Only sometimes did he stop to catch his breath. The Beast ignored all of Gaston’s noises. Gaston’s whimpering meant nothing to him. He just kept pleasuring his cock, a stalious machine of meat that never had any contact but his right hand and the occasional bed sheet until now. The Beast took his time to enjoy all of Gaston’s internal organs rubbing against his cock. Gaston’s body desperately tried to push the invading unit out of his body… but those unsuccessful attempts only made the experience more enjoyable for the horny creature. No matter what Gaston did, the Beast kept humping up and down. The skin around Gaston’s torso were stretched in and out like pizza dough. For the entire 20 minutes of pleasure, the Beast did everything he could to keep his milk in the tanks. He tried slowing down, he tried thinking about something else besides Gaston's hot body gripping his cock, but nothing was working. Finally, the Beast surrendered to his lust. The first few quarts of pre streamed out filling Gaston’s stomach. The first load stretched his lower torso up a few inches. His skin grew a few shades whiter around the dumping zone. The second load was 10 times bigger and faster. This load bulged Gaston’s body up so far that the Beast lost side of Gaston’s face. Gaston went into a short cough attack, coughing up a small fraction of the sperm inside of him. The beast pulled Gaston’s waist as close to his body as he possibly could, bracing for the last load. The Beast’s testicals gurgeled like an empty stomach. The muscles surrounding his hairy tubs of milk cramped. The Beast leaned his head back and took a deep breath. He knew this next release would be painful, even for him. The beast pulled back, and pushed his way into a gaping tunnel already lubricated from the previous loads. 12 gallons of piping hot liquid jet streamed out of the Beast body and into Gaston’s helpless figure already bulging out like a water balloon. The pressure behind the Beast’s cum dumping was so great that the Beast felt like all the water in the world was being funneled through his meat at the same time. The muscles in his testicals contracted so quickly that the Beast thought it would have been less painful to have them cut off completely. Gaston’s mind almost shut off completely as his body expanded into a giant white blob. All of Gaston’s blood vessels were transporting nothing but the Beast’s fish. Gaston’s body weight was 95% the Beast’s seed. Every cell in his body was touched by the Beast’s army of sperm. Gaston lost control of all movement. When he cried in pain, his tears were just the Beast’s cum flowing out of his eyes. Gaston began to vomit uncontrollably. His mouth spewed the Beast’s sperm all over the bed next to him. Gaston’s body did everything it could to lighten the load. He even started spewing the Beast’s DNA out of his own cock. Part 2 After the Beast warmed his cock, as if he were preheating an oven, he pulled himself out of the valley of Gaston’s ass and put his giant head at the entrance of Gaston’s body. The girth of the Beast’s pink and plump head barely fit into the first 4 inches. Gaston had never taken a cock before, he was always the one giving it. This meant his body was far from ready for the equipment poking him. The beast knew this. He knew Gaston wasn't ready to take him… and he loved it. The anticipation to hear this arrogant prick beg for mercy made the beast throb even harder. The Beast looked into Gaston’s eyes. Gaston was tearing up like onion juice was thrown at his face. His mouth quivered like he was in the arctic in his underwear. Gaston begged the Beast to go easy. Gaston’s cries did nothing but excite him. The Beast felt his meat grow harder and meaner. Gaston moaned, acknowledging the beast’s growing excitement. The Beast watched Gaston cry every last tear he had for a few minutes, allowing Gaston’s begging to excite him as much as possible. For 5 minutes, the Beast grew and grew. Suddenly without any warning, the Beast gripped Gaston’s hips. He grabbed Gaston’s hips, then jerked them into his body, forcing every last inch of his enormously long and wide staff up Gaston. Gaston’s abs disappeared into a tall, round bulge. Gaston instantly looked like he was carrying an entire pack of cubs in his gut in a fraction of a second. The veins on the Beast’s shaft outlined Gaston’s stretching torso. The Plu,p head poked out of Gaston’s chest like his heart was trying to escape. The Beast felt Gaston’s prostate shatter like a tiny teacup. The violent impact turned his pelvis into a jigsaw puzzle of broken pieces. His spine was pushed out of the way with no resistance. Gaston’s intestines were mashed into jelly. The veiny monster invading Gaston’s interiors destroyed everything it rammed into with ease. The violent contact between Gaston and his dominating mating partner created a defining SLOSH that shook the castle. Gatson tried to scream. He tried to tell his new master that he had had enough. However, all Gaston could let out was a simple moan. The only noise he was able to produce were moans. He tried moving his mouth. Over and over, he tried to at least say the word “enough,” or ‘I surrender,” anything. Nothing worked. For 20 minutes, Gaston moaned almost endlessly. Only sometimes did he stop to catch his breath. The Beast ignored all of Gaston’s noises. Gaston’s whimpering meant nothing to him. He just kept pleasuring his cock, a stalious machine of meat that never had any contact but his right paw and the occasional bed sheet until now. The Beast took his time to enjoy all of Gaston’s internal organs rubbing against his cock. Gaston’s body desperately tried to push the invading unit out of his body… but those unsuccessful attempts only made the experience more enjoyable for the horny creature. No matter what Gaston did, the Beast kept humping up and down. The skin around Gaston’s torso was stretched in and out like pizza dough. For the entire 20 minutes of pleasure, the Beast did everything he could to keep his milk in his tanks. He tried slowing down, he tried thinking about something else besides Gaston's hot body gripping his cock, but nothing was working. Finally, the Beast surrendered to his lust. The first few quarts of pre streamed out filling Gaston’s stomach. The first load stretched his lower torso up a few inches. His skin grew a few shades whiter around the dumping zone. The second load was 10 times bigger and faster. This load bulged Gaston’s body up so far that the Beast lost site of Gaston’s face. Gaston went into a short cough attack, coughing up a small fraction of the sperm inside his body. Then, the beast pulled Gaston’s waist as close to his body as he possibly could, bracing for the last load. The Beast’s testicals gurgeled like an empty stomach. The muscles surrounding his hairy tubs of milk cramped. The Beast leaned his head back and took a deep breath. He knew this next release would be painful, even for him. The beast pulled back, and pushed his way into a gaping tunnel already lubricated from the previous loads. 12 gallons of piping hot liquid jet streamed out of the Beast body and into Gaston’s helpless figure already bulging out like a water balloon. The pressure behind the Beast’s cum dumping was so great that the Beast felt like all the water in the world was being funneled through his meat at the same time. The muscles in his testicals contracted so quickly that the Beast thought it would have been less painful to cut off completely. Gaston’s mind almost shut off completely as his body expanded into a giant white blob. All of Gaston’s blood vessels were transporting nothing but the Beast’s fresh DNA. Gaston’s body weight was now 95% the Beast’s seed. Every cell in his body was touched by the Beast’s army of sperm. Gaston lost control of all movement. When he cried in pain, his tears were just the Beast’s cum flowing out of his eyes. Gaston began to vomit uncontrollably. His mouth spewed the Beast’s sperm all over the bed next to him. Gaston’s body did everything it could to lighten the load. He even started spewing the Beast’s DNA out of his own cock. Once Gaston’s body got rid of as much of the Beast’s seed as it could, Gaston fell asleep. His body was too exhausted from being bred by a passionate monster to stay awake for another second. The Beast was extremely tired too, but he still had enough energy to stay awake for a few more minutes. The Beast considered dumping Gaston out the window and forgetting he existed at all. However, something told him to calm down. Something Told him to spare Gaston. Something told him that Gaston was more than an object to pleasure his lonely cock with. Instead of tossing Gaston’s well bred and well stuffed body out the window, he moved it over to the left side of the bed. The exhausted Beast layed down on the right side of the bed. The Beast wrapped Gaston’s plump and warm body inside of his arms and legs. The Beast gripped Gaston’s warm body like a new body pillow and drifted to sleep.
  17. RUN, KITTY! --------------- Genre: visual novel, furry, muscle, bara, gay Rating: all ages (demo), 18+ (full version) Developer: Strong & Furry ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/strongandfurry Itch.io - https://strongandfurry.itch.io/kitty VK - https://vk.com/strongandfurry Twitter - https://twitter.com/strongandfurry Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/strongandfurry Discord - https://discord.com/invite/MYrFD2X ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DOWNLOAD DEMO VERSION (Russian and English languages) =========== Android demo version - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.strongandfurry.kitty.trial PC demo version - https://strongandfurry.itch.io/kitty ============ Once upon a cat named Simon, who decided to skip classes at the university, alone with nature - in other words, take a walk through the forest. Knowing this forest like the back of his hand, he never expected that he would be able to get lost there... Yes, and even find himself pursued by an unknown predator, in the forest, where they have never lived... Can he get out of the forest on his own?.. Notice: it's a demo version of game. Full version of game with 18+ scenes will be available on itch.io and Patreon (and also on Steam) after collecting funds for development. Thank you so much! -------------- You can also support us on Patreon to see the full version faster! And you also will get some nice bonuses like concept art, development blogs, characters talks etc. Enjoy big strong furries, if you like them! I would be happy to hear your opinions about plot and art also. I'm sorry I didn't find right thread for this post, I hope it can count as a story. Enjoy!
  18. 3D7fantasy

    3D7 Fantasy Comics Preview

    O LAGO Resumo: Dois jovens namorados decidiram acampar em uma cabana muito isolada na floresta, o local foi indicado por um amigo dos meninos, afirmando que o lago tem um "segredo" muito divertido. página : 01 nos próximos capítulos, os meninos fazem coisas muito quentes XD! PGS: 06,08,10. de manhã, ao acordar, um dos meninos decide dar um mergulho no lago, o que contribui para o delicioso crescimento muscular. Seguindo ... O garoto voltou completamente excitado, seu namorado de olhos arregalados, ele não acredita no que vê. Outra cena quente ocorre com muita adoração muscular! Os dois mergulham no lago e ocorre outra cena de crescimento muscular. Spoiler dos últimos capítulos! Não se sabe ao certo o que tem na água do lago, mas eles dizem que um meteoro com propriedades muito poderosas caiu há muito tempo e está enterrado no fundo do lago, infelizmente o efeito que a água causa não é permanente. Para ver esta cena completa e muito mais, e ainda apoiar o trabalho na minha página no Patreon Espero que você goste!
  19. Jesus

    My first time with a man.

    In this story, my name is real but Charles isn't his real name. The rest, is 100% true Charles and Me. My name is Jesus. Charles and I met at the high school. I was never into sports team, mainly because of the lack of interest and the lack of friends there. As I rejected to join, sports team, some of the great men of the course had chosen me to bullying me. In the othre hand, Charles was so quiet that we never knew if he was with us in class or not. Until one day, and after a being beaten by 3 cowards from the classroom, Charles broke the silence that characterized him and told me that he could help me. His offer took me by surprise because I really didn't have any friends in that course. He was the newest of all. Charles took me to his house where he showed me a gym that his father had in the basement and that nobody had used in a long time. Charles and I began to accommodate everything and in a short time we started training. We spent several months training at his home. We even sought help with his father, amateur bodybuilder himself, who told us what we should do to increase muscle mass. He made us a diet and we bought supplements to boost fat reduction and increase muscle mass. After several months both of us got results. When the end of the school year was approaching, we were leaving high school to go back to the gym, when they came again for me only. Charles stand by me and we get rid of the volleyball team: 6 guys defeated. They didn't mess with us again. We finish that course and continue training. We did it twice a day. One day after the morning training, Charles house was just for us. Both of their parents leave. I decide to do something unusual: I stand in front of the mirror and take off my shirt to see my changes. I flex my biceps, larger than when I started training. Same on my pecs, back. My abs were marked. Charles arrived at that moment. He kept looking at me. He also took off his shirt, so we started comparing our bodies. We take off our tracksuit. The legs showed an unusual volume. We decided to stay in our trunks. Charles shows me his back, and I approach him and when I touch it, my cock began to get hard. Charles felt my cock, and he turned at me and said: - Jesus... I don't know if this... I replied: - I don't know anything about this either, Charles... The fact is that when I realize I had reached into his waist and he was grabbing my cock. I felt his hand of steel and brought my lips to his mouth. He kissed me. I kissed him. I also grabbed his cock. It felt big and throbbed quickly. We got naked. And then we lay down directly on the floor. I was on my back and he was on top of me. We keep kissing for a while. Charles wanted to explore my body and I was excited to have him so close. My hands touched every part of his back and his ass, firm as steel. Our hearts could easily go out of our chests. I told him: Charles, fuck me... Charles brought a lubricant from his parents' room and a box of condoms. He started by lubricating my anus, and after he introduced his fingers one by one. I felt that his fingers made me see the stars. I said: Now please! I'm ready for you Charles! I can't wait anymore!... He said in my ear: Relax Jesus... I will do it with all my love. Do not worry. He lubricated his penis, and he put his cock inside me. He introduced his shaft, and started to move inside and outside. When I felt comfortable, he then introduced his cock. And he started to move me with all the strength of his abs, over and over and over again. We started to sweat. I pressed my buttocks against his penis so he would never take it out of me. I felt his load so hot, so pure, deep inside me. We were exhausted, but we wanted more. He said: Come on Jesus, now you. He put me on my back and put his head between my legs. He started to suck my cock. I licked his balls. He swallow my entire penis in his mouth. I was delirious with pleasure. When he was dilated, he put a condom on me and sat on me. He put his hands on my broad shoulders and I grabbed him by his waist. He bent down and we kissed. We begin to move first slowly, then with more speed and then with all our strength. He asked: - Are you going to finish now? I replied: - No. I'm still hard. He got off and put himself on 4 legs. I penetrated him again. Watching my cock inside her buttocks excited me even more. We continued like this for a long time until in a buttocks grip of Charles, I put my load inside him. We were sweaty. And in the meantime, my cock kept dripping. Charles felt it. He ask me to take my cock out. We lay side by side. We hug and kiss each other. We stay like this for a long time. Charles proposed that we took a shower together. I said yes. Then we do it. We enter the the shower. We could not help it. We lathered and our cocks became hard again. We take off the soap. I grabbed Charles by the waist and put him against the wall. He hugged me with his legs. His anus was just above my cock, hard, hot. I introduced it all. At once. He started going up and down. Meanwhile, I kissed her firm breasts, with her red and hot nipples. I ended inside him. Again. He told me to put my face against the wall. I did it like that. He sucked my balls again. And it penetrated me to the end. I was so excited that I screamed like I've never did before in my life. Charles rammed me with superhuman ferocity and strength. He ended inside me. When he took out his cock, I kissed him and said: You are the love of my life Charles. And he said to me: - And you're mine Jesus. We took a shower to clean ourselves, and went out and dressed again. After our first time together, we decided to train naked, when we could. Our relationship lasted years. Charles became a private guard. I am a school teacher. We live in different countries, but we always are together on anniversaries, holidays and Christmas. Our first time together shall never be erased from our memory
  20. demon577

    5 roommate crushes you

    before starting this story I want to point out that he has fetish and violence, this is my first real story and I do not speak English, thank you for your understanding, I speak on behalf of the little person who looks like me. Chapter 1: the presentation your name is Quentin, you were 30 years old is loved muscular men and you were gay, but you were so shy that you have never met, you look only through pictures, you like their muscles that makes them dangerous because it looks like bullies , you often had dreams or muscular men forced to touch kiss their muscle before you crash, unfortunately you knew that in real life nobody does, because you could die or be disabled, but you continue to te masturbate while looking at pictures or videos imagining that he uses their muscle to crush you. You lived in roommate with 5 handsome males each had something special, He had Tom Tom was a 35-year-old policeman, He also had Eric Eric is a well-known footballer who makes girls crack like men. you also had Ben, a wrestler who was extremely hairy everywhere, because he loves these hairs because he could torture with these smells and sweat, it looks like a gorilla, even these buttocks were filled with hair which keeps some smell of farts, the hairs were deep and like a huge forest, he had several takes prefers like taking Cross Rhodes to make feel his armpit or facesitting to make his ass feel is sometimes he fart with facesitting, his wrestling outfit was a simple wrestling slip with boots like randy orton, he loves so much that he always stayed in his outfit and he never changed it. you also had David, a university student David was a tyrant, he likes these biceps and hurts his biceps, he also likes to be admired. If he sees that someone likes his biceps, he will show him very close, because it will hurt him with his biceps, once in school a guy asked him if he can touch his biceps, he accepted When he's finished, he stuck the guy's head into the biceps crack and then he flex hard to hear the bones in his head crack and the man screaming at the power of his biceps. the last roommate is called ridder Ridder was a porn star ttbm hardcord black. all these men always come back in their uniform, because he was obliged to wash them at home, so he leaves in uniform and returns in uniform except ridder who always stay at home, because he filmed these plans in this room, you fantasize on all your roommates when they are in uniform or not, but you were so shy that you try to look at them discreetly even once you have looked through the lock ridder make love through the lock, but what you do not know not all of these roommates were aware, so that from time to time he fucks little poses in the living room, the only thing you knew is that all 5 was very domineering and competitor is also all very brutal like tyrants, but for the moment he leaves you alone. Chapter 2: The divine intervention one day the god decides to have fun and especially to realize your dream, he throws a flash on the house that will change the lives of everyone in this house because everyone becomes invisible so no one can be dead and no blood , but everyone had something special, you had remained normal except that you were spongy that means you could be flattened and you take shape, ditto for the other direction, you can be enlarged but after you take shape but in all the cases you continue to have pain, but the other 5 have them a lot more because they had an unbreakable steel body, he also had a super-strength, with a one-piece tight-fitting suit, and he had all their body that had changed already it was all huge everyone was a little bigger than their penis and he was becoming like gods of muscle because he was very muscular and huge but everyone sees himself a little different, tom had a lot pecs more develop than the others, eric had thighs and legs more develop than the others, Ben had huge buttocks and much more develop and muscular than the others, David, as you can imagine, gets the biceps much more developed, very strong, very hard and muscular than the others, and finally ridder had eight packs like boards to wash super develop and a penis even bigger and longer and harder than the others. The only worry is that he had to eat more protein each person eat for 8 people, and he became more brutal and dominant, he also became a superhero, but he also continues their normal life except that he receives new outfits for their size and set aside because too dangerous even ridder spanked less plan because all these partners was too scared except you who at that time became their slaves and you were so small that they do not pay attention to you in the house and accidents happen often except that you do not mind. Chapter 3: Ben's accident by the time it happened you were sitting on the couch in the middle and Ben had come to sit on the couch when he develops these garment and boot get torn and falls to the ground and Ben loses balance on the couch, he does not notice your presence but see that the couch saw his waist and his ass was like a tight chair, he did not feel that you were stuck in his ass then he starts to laugh when he sees his ass Huge and enormously muscular, he wanted to test several things already he starts to scream and loose a huge stink bomb, for him it was funny because it stank a lot but for you who was in his ass was horrible, you try to screaming but these muscles mask the noise and in addition you could not even move because of the hairs then ben gets up and pats her ass and he feels that his ass was two ultra hard mountains, he decides to see that force and he squeezes all these forces her ass, you scream s pain until your bones crack then you finish flattened and Ben laughs again because he saw, because it was very strong except that these hairs hold you well in place, then ben turns to pick up those clothes tear on the he sees his ass in a mirror when he is bent over, he laughs again then he decides to see how and the depth of his ass he puts it open his ass in front of the mirror and there is a little mouth be, because he you sees in his ass still alive then for a minute he says "you are there quentin, I hope you enjoyed" and then he gets up again still in these buttocks he calls others when all 3 roommates were there he says "what did he do well" said with a smile "look who wanted to play" he bends to show you to the other and you could see that they were all smiling then ben get out of her ass and throw you in the middle.
  21. It was my first day of college, and I decided I was done being pushed around because of my small size and skinny stature. I wasn’t going to be called stringbean, pussy, or tadpole anymore. This is it, I thought, I will finally change into the huge fucking hunk of my wettest dreams. And so, early in the morning before class, I had taken it upon myself to visit the campus gym. As I approached the building, I could see through the windows that there were some seriously jacked bodybuilders in there, pumping muscle with gigantic weights as if they were as light as a pencil. I walked inside and began to lift weights, heaving with all my might but getting quickly exhausted after two sets of fifteen reps. I gazed over at a dreamy shredded twink in a blue tank top, whose veiny arms and hard pecs thrusted as he did deadlifts. He had scruffy brown hair, an amazing jawline, and intense blue eyes that were complimented by the beautiful eyebrows that sat on top of them. He was wearing a pair of gray sweatshorts that cradled his big bouncing ass tightly, and as he turned around, I almost slobbered when laying eyes on the thick, long outline of his huge cock. Seeing me staring at him, he smiled devilishly, put down his weights and walked towards me, his big dick shaking with every step. “Hey,” he said as he sat on the bench next to me, “can I help you with anything?” Realizing my mouth was wide open, I said, “Oh, sorry, I didn’t mean to bother you.” Feeling my average-sized dick hardening in my gym shorts, I crossed my legs, and tried not blush, but I failed. ”It’s okay,” he replied, “you’d be surprised how often that happens.” His sweaty musk smelled so alluring. ”I wouldn’t be that surprised,” I responded, licking my lips and looking once more at his dick, which was creeping out of his shorts. “My name’s Anthony,” he said, smoothing back his spiky hair, “what’s yours?” ”I’m Adrian,” I replied, feeling warmth spreading to every place on my body, and desire inching up my throat. I was about to reach out and run my hand gently over his biceps, when he glanced at his watch. “Oh wow! Sorry, I’m gonna be late to class!” he exclaimed, and bolted out the door, his butt swaying perfectly behind him as he left. Sighing, I returned to my pointless weightlifting, wishing hopelessly that I could suck his cock and fuck his ass. He would never agree to that, though, I thought, looking sadly at my nonexistent pecs and completely flat stomach. Later, in the afternoon, I saw Anthony exiting the locker room as I walked in. He nodded at me cockily, and I nervously smiled back, wanting to say something flirty, but before I could he had rounded the corner. I cursed myself silently and entered the boys locker room. I always hated gym class. I mean, you can’t blame me, a scrawny little white gay kid with barely a hair on my chest, for hating gym. The locker rooms were torture, watching all the ripped straight guys casually removing their boxers in front of me and walking around with their donkey cocks flopping all over the place. They were like stupid alpha wolfs, bantering about which girls they were going to fuck next, comparing their dick sizes, pulling each other’s pants down and laughing hysterically. As I furtively approached my locker, Jason Tyler, who’d gone to my high school, grabbed the waist of my briefs and tugged them towards the ground, snickering maliciously. Jason was a blond dumb jock, with a rock-hard eight-pack that he showed off like a peacock. “Hey, Adrian!” he called stupidly as his cronies gathered around. “Nice four inches of steel you got there,” he mocked, pointing at my fully visible hard-on with glee. ”It’s actually five inches,” I corrected, immediately regretting my decision to say anything. I pulled my briefs back on, which hardly did anything to hide my obvious boner. “Sure,” Jason remarked with a sneer. “Have you seen my eight inches?” he asked, whipping his dick out at me with a grin. “They’re fucking mind-blowing!” As he walked away, whooping like a buffoon, I angrily gave him the middle finger, but he didn’t notice, as he had already begun picking on some other guy. That evening, as I slowly and forlornly walked to my dorm hall across campus, I remembered my goal of the year, to not end up being pushed around, and I glumly frowned, for it seemed as though I would fail miserably. As I entered my dorm building, I discovered a small card pinned to the noticeboard in the entryway. It said “Utterly flabby? Grossly skinny? Want to become a sexier you without fake pills or exhausting exercise? Then come to The Erotic Magic Shop on the corner of Hillsbury and Cedar. We’ve got what you want.” Intrigued, I put the card in my pocket and began to exit the building when I ran smack into Anthony, who was standing in the doorway. ”Oh! Sorry!” I said with a slight tinge of pleasure from feeling his stony abs press up against me. For a brief moment, I could sense his thick meat push onto my dick, and my shorts became moist with precum. ”That was my fault,” Anthony said with a cute smile, his hunky forearms glistening with perspiration in the early evening sunlight. “Where are you going?” “I’m new to this area,” I replied, scratching the back of my neck, “so I don’t quite know. Where is Hillsbury and Cedar?” He proceeded to describe the directions, but I kept goggling at his fucking hot body and his bulging cock, my mouth watering for the warm shot of cum that it would release. After sheepishly explaining that I wasn’t listening, he laughed robustly and agreed to walk with me there. As we walked, I tried not to gawk at his gorgeously muscled torso, or his firm but deliciously bubbly ass, with curved cheeks that rose and fell with each stride, but I couldn’t resist the occasional lustful glimpse. We arrived at the Erotic Magic Shop, finding it ramshackle and decrepit, the sign almost eroded completely off. I told Anthony that he was welcome to go back, and he returned to our shared dorm building, saying that he had to finish some homework. Despite the closed sign on the door, I went in, finding it strangely unlocked. It was dark, dusty, and full of boxes piled as high as the ceiling. “Hello?” I called, to no response. As I was passing down an aisle of boxes, I heard what I thought was someone whispering my name. Adrian, it said. Adrian... I followed it to the far corner of the room, where a small flask with a clear green liquid sat on a table, labeled only with the words “Drink me.” Suddenly I thought I heard footsteps on the other side of a stack of boxes, and, snatching the flask, I dashed out the door and ran hastily back to my dorm. Entering my room, I was surprised to find that Anthony was my roommate. He was sprawled shirtless on his back, laying in camo lycra boxer-briefs on his bed with a book in his hand. The head of his cock was protruding from the protesting briefs, with a drip of precum hanging from his dickhole. His broad shoulders stretched out across the mattress, and his chiseled abs moved slowly with his breathing. ”Wow! We’re... roommates?” I asked excitedly, seating myself on my bed, which was next to his. ”Yeah,” Anthony said with a boyish grin, literally struggling to keep his dick in his briefs. “Isn’t this great?” Smiling anxiously, I ran into the bathroom and locked the door, taking off my jacket and t-shirt. My shorts soon followed, leaving me in my undershirt and briefs. Then I grabbed the flask of green liquid from the pocket of my shorts. I immediately gulped down all of the liquid and stood in front of a full-length mirror, feeling ridiculous just waiting for something to happen. Then I felt it. All throughout my nerves, I felt a tingling sensation of sexual desire. My whole body began to throb with pleasure like a dick blowing its load, and I trembled and shuddered with orgasmic joy. “Fucccckkk!” I cried with ecstasy as I noticed my feet growing larger and veinier in front of my eyes, my toes slowly jutting out. Next my calves began to grow, the swelling creeping up my legs until my thighs and quadriceps had erupted with layers of smooth muscle as well. Then my torso quivered in excitement as my flat stomach shredded into a perfect eight-pack of washboard abs visible beneath my undershirt, which I lifted up, running my hand over my chiseled abs in erotic awe. Suddenly, full round pecs sprang forward out of my chest, ripping the undershirt down the middle and rising like mountains. Hard nipples pointed from their peaks, which lactated milk that oozed like cum down my body. My arms followed, biceps bulging out with a pulsing vein down the middle of each one, my triceps popping forth into hulkish treetrunks. Turning around, I could see my shoulders and back broadening and thickening, tearing the undershirt to shreds as my lats expanded with growing muscles. I groaned with gratification as I looked at my ass, which ballooned and bubbled bulbously against my stretching briefs. I flexed my huge ass, feeling the muscles contract and expand deliciously as my hole twitched with delight. ”Unnnnhhh!” I moaned as I turned back around, feeling a throbbing sensation coming from my cock, which bulged in girth and length with every pulse, my straining briefs almost bursting at the seams as my balls grew to the size of melons. I grabbed and squeezed my thick horse cock, pulling the heavy python from my pants and letting its massive head flop down past my knees, where it swung like a pendulum between my legs, dripping a puddle of cum on the floor. I tugged at the hanging veiny monster and stroked it with both hands, covered in cum. My elephant dick began to harden, pushing up to my pecs, where I licked its hole, flowing and streaming with delicious juice. I rubbed the whole fucking huge cock against the full-length mirror, increasing my pleasure infinitely. “Fuck yeah! Fuuuuccckk!” I yelled, hearing my voice become stronger and deeper as I became ready to shoot my load. The mega-cock spewed a flood of sticky cum, which covered the entire bathroom in a gooey mess. I laid down on the floor in my own cum, feeling incredibly intense waves of indulgence roll over me with every spurt. As my dick flopped back down to just below my knees, I heard Anthony call from the bedroom. “What are you doing in there?” he yelled. “Are you alright?” I grinned with excitement and got to my feet, checking out my wet body in the mirror. I was no longer a scrawny toothpick; I was a fucking beast, with round, firm, and meaty legs that supported my godlike torso, which popped in all the right places. My arms were monstrous, and I noticed as I flexed my basketball biceps that my hands had grown as well. I reached for my briefs, to try and put them back on, and, squeezing each leg into the elastic, I got them to fit snugly around the juicy curve of my thick ass. Grasping my giant floppy cock, which was well over a foot long, I tried to shove it into my stretching underwear, causing a couple large rips to appear in the elastic. After a few seconds of struggling to keep the slippery, luscious piece of meat within the confines of my bulging briefs, I gave up and let the huge head hang blatantly out the bottom. ”Adrian?” called Anthony, “What was that noise?” ”Nothing. I’ll be out in a second!” I responded. Smiling devilishly, I licked my lips and exited the bathroom. (To Be Continued)
  22. Hey guys, on my old account I was a long time reader, just never actually posted any topics. I've decided to write a trans man's story into manhood, and the growth that may follow. I tried something different than the generic potion or magic. I wanted to take an almost scientific (?) approach. There isn't any growth in the first section, but please stick with it as I have many plans for it! _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Chapter 1 My name was Siohban, now I'm Sean. I'm an average guy who has a huge secret from the outside world and my peers, I'm trans. Now, my whole life I felt trapped in my own body, not being who I wanted to be, being forced to be girly. Buy girly things, play with with girly things, be obsessed with girly things. Well that just wasn't me. I wanted to mess around with the lads, fight them, climb trees; not play with dolls all day. Frankly the thought of a tea party with stuffed animals scares the shit out of me. Talking to toys made to entertain children, not to start them imagining Snowy the Cat was a real, living animal. Despite all this, as I went into my teenage years, it just got harder. No more playing with toys. I was expected to make decisions based solely on my gender, and with wars coming round the corner in Ireland, I may have had to help with the war efforts at home, when really I wanted to fight. Now, you may be thinking,"It's your choice, you don't have to be a girl anymore, you can do what you like." No. My parents in no way shape or form would've supported me. And I don't mean this in a light hearted way- they would've kicked me out and left me to rot. See the thing is, in Ireland, especially in this time, being different is wrong. It's digusting and you might aswell die. My father is the worst, and I quote, "Let's just get rid of th' gays, they car' have chidren so what's the feckin point. You might aswell kill the wee bastards." I was 13, just getting to grips with my sexuality. These words have stuck with me, even to my last years of my life. At first I thought I was gay, but I do like guys, I just want to be one myself. For some odd reason, I get all warm inside when I imagine living with a nice bloke, who is good looking and has a good heart (as well as a great dick, wahey) but that's beside the point. I thought this was wrong so I supressed it, I tried to get rid of it. Then came the fateful day of when I decided to come out as trans. Bear in mind, being transgender in my time was not mainstream, it was not "iconic" it was purely frowned upon, but I did it. My mother accepted me, but my dad didn't understand it. I didn't blame him, even I didn't know the term "transgender" until my late 30's. To us it was just a sex change. My father shocked me that day, as he was completely understanding but just confused. Secretly I just thought he was going to be happy to finally be getting a son. I told them I still like guys which also confused them. I had to explain to them that it meant I was technically a gay man. My father just looked at me and started crying. I immediately thought, oh shit, what have I done. But he shook my hand and said he was proud of me, and that he could easily change his views if he let myself teach him how. This was a huge contrast to what he said 3 years earlier about killing all the gays. However as my years went on into early adulthood, he got even more accepting. Pride parades were increasing in Ireland and being gay, trans, lesbian etc.. was becoming less digsusting and more empowering. I was happy being a guy, but I always felt like something was missing. It was a penis. I wanted one so badly, but in the early 2000's it wasn't an option. This brings us to 2019, a time of enlightment and discovery. My father called me to his house, and handed me a piece of paper. It was a medical document stating he paid for a surgery called metoidioplasty. At first I thought it was for him, I asked him whether he was okay. He said, "My bank account ain't, but ye should be." I was confused so I searched it up on my phone. It was a GRS (gender reassignment surgery) as I read more into it tears started to fall down my face. I could finally be a man, a full man. And it was all due to my father's kindness. I hugged him and he told me he loved me no matter the gender. The surgery was booked in, and I was ready. I woke up the next morning, and the doctor was by the side of my bed. He told me the surgery had a few complications. I immediately put my hand near my crotch and I could feel a lengthy penis. I looked down there and it looked around 5-6 inches soft. Very nice. My balls were quite hefty too, I was genuinely shocked my endownment looked so good. I mean, I had a vagina a few days ago. I asked about the complications and they told me I wasn't getting an erection or producing sperm. So they had to induce a lot more testosterone than a usual man would have. They then told me this may cause weight gain and serious hair growth, but I wasn't bothered, I was a man. They gave me a years worth of testosterone appointments, and they wished me a happy life as I left the hospital a few hours later. I was a man who wanted to have sex, but I couldn't as I needed to make sure I could get an erection. I got home, into my flat and stripped down. I examined my penis and all it's features and it was fucking hot, I loved it. I then sat in my arm chair and manspread, and began to stroke my cock. It hurt at first, but then pure pleasure ensued shortly after. It was a euphoric feeling, it didnt take long for an erection to form, which meant the surgery had worked. I felt an ache in my balls, I had read online this is what forming sperm felt like, and I urged release. I continued to wank more and more, getting faster- which was dangerous due to it being put on me literally a day before this- but I couldn't help it, it felt so good. Suddenly I felt my balls push and my cock pull back and white hot steaming ropes of cum flew out of my cock. How I could've produced that much was beyond me, but it was hot, sexy, and masculine, and that's what I wanted. I continued to masturbate throughout the day, constantly pushing out seed until I got bored. I was sticky and I needed a shower. I showered and washed myself and I saw the forms of stubble forming. After close inspection downstairs, pubic hair was also growing. I searched online whether this was normal, to which I got no answers. I just assumed it was normal as I was having testosterone put into my body every month. I did always have a slight feeling that maybe it wasn't, but it was overpowered by the thought of being a man. A few days later I decided to jon the gym, I got my membership card and was ready...
  23. WoodcrusherMorphs

    A new world

    Hey there. Welcome to the gemini universe! Out here an ancient society on earth has released an powerfull spell, causing certain people around the world to gain powers and become quite special heroes and villains.
  24. teroyugi

    The Accident Part 1 (Furry)

    https://www.furaffinity.net/view/30295186/ The sleepy town of Quickermore was in disarray as the sounds of police sirens filled the streets. Groups of furs part of the Special Canine Unit (S.C.U.) circled around an individual on the street with their guns pulled out. It was serious business when the S.C.U. were involved. The cop cars and the armed forced circled around their target, a Golden Retriever in a red plat shirt and blue jeans. Strangely, the S.C.U. members were wearing white hazmat suits rather than their usual black uniform and bullet proof vest. "Stay down! You move, we shoot!" One of the officers shouted through a megaphone. He signalled with a wave of his hand and one of the other officers ran up to the Golden Retriever with a pair of rubber green gloves and handcuffs. "Hold out your hands," the officer standing over the dog said. His command was met with an angry scowl from the Golden Retriever. "Do it, dirtbag!" There was trembling in the officer's voice. He was afraid. The dog raised his arms upwards. The crowd of officers took aim and were ready to fire. The officer in front flinched back but nothing happened. The dog kept his hands held upwards. "Well? You going to cuff me or just stare?" The startled officer qu-300-0ickly placed the gloves on the dog and cuffed him. "Eliot Mcframe..." Eli drowned out the voice of the officer as his charges were read. It didn't matter what they were charging him, they were as real as the existence of the tooth fairy. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 6 p.m. in the town police station an Officer Barry, an overweight black panther and Officer Clemens, a slender hedgehog dressed in matching brown police uniforms entered a brightly lit room. To their left was a large two-way mirror from which they could see the captured Eli sitting quietly in his chair, the gloves and handcuffs still restraining his hands. “Alright, let’s get this over with, what do we know about the perp?” Officer Barry asked. His partner jumped at the sound of his superior’s deep baritone voice. “Err, Eliot Mcframe, age 30, Golden Retriever, single, he was a former scientist in the R&D division of Steel Corps,” Clemens replied as he read from a file he carried. Barry stepped closer to the window and glared at the unaware Eli. “So a former egghead for that new company that sprang out of nowhere, and why are we dealing with him? If he attracted the attention of S.C.U. isn’t he their problem now?” “That I don’t know. Something’s shady about this whole thing, they just told us to get information from him about the missing furs, no questions asked.” Barry’s glare turned into a scowl, he faced his partner with a huff, “Typical asshole up top thinking they can boss us around whenever. Don’t they know how much stress we got from our own work?” Clemens closed the file and patted Barry on the back, “Having trouble with the Mrs. again Barry?” The older panther sighed. “She’s just unhappy all the time. It’s like every little thing triggers her. Doesn’t help that she hates this,” Officer Barry pointed to his large gut, “been a year since we last had relations, you know what that does to a guy?” “I can only imagine. Look the sooner we get this done the better. We just need to find out what that guy did with these three people. Their information is in the file. Good luck man.” “Yeah, luck,” Barry pulled up his pants and grabbed the file from Clemens as he headed into the interrogation room. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… The silver steel door of the interrogation room swung open and in came Officer Barry. He dragged the chair and slammed the file on the table as he seated himself in front of Eli. Neither were phased by each other’s presence. Officer Barry flipped open the file and without looking at Eli said, “Mr. Eliot, I’m Officer Barry. I have some questions to ask you about a few townsfolk that you may have come in contact with.” The officer laid out three pictures from his file. From the left a picture of an obese white mouse in a wearing a white lab coat with the Steel Corp insignia on his right chest, and pair of large round framed glasses that seemed too big for his own face. “Let’s start with this one first, an intern at your workplace- Shawn Roulo. A student from New Tech University, studying to get his degree in new age technology. Then, there is your lab assistant Paul Rushmore. There were reports by neighbours, in the last two months he had changed physically dramatically but there were lesser and lesser sightings of him for the past two weeks, and a recent investigation found his home abandoned for some time. What do you know about him?” “…” Eli looked away towards the mirror in the room, “You have someone on the other side watching right?” “That’s not important Eli. Can I call you Eli?” Barry didn’t give the dog a chance to answer before continuing, “This will make our lives so much easier if you just cooperate and answer the questions. Whatever you are involved in now’s your chance to strike a deal before the shit hits the fan.” “You don’t really know why you are interrogating me do you?” Eli asked. The panther’s heavy fist slammed onto the table, “Answer the god damn question, or it’s into the slammers you go, you-“ Barry had to hold his tongue, the last thing he needed was to be charged with maltreatment of the suspect, “Just answer the question.” “Ok… I’ll tell you what you want to know, but I want something in return.” “So you’re confessing? You want to strike a deal now?” Barry’s left eyebrows perked upwards. “I just want to use the washroom after this interrogation. Fair enough?” “… Fine. Now talk.” Eli smiled. “Paul and I were…” ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Steel Corps built their new research and development center in Quickermore three months ago. The massive structure was almost the size of an entire football stadium. Eli and Paul went way back to their college years as roommates, before they worked together to develop nano technology for the company. Paul had always been big for his species, he always blamed it to a glandular problem that cause the mouse to be overweight, but Eli always teased him that it was because of the cheese pies he had daily. They had been working hard on new nanobots that could restore and multiply the muscle cells of a fur at a rapid rate, and were capable of making minute changes to the brain to instill healthy behaviours to the user, making failed diets and broken gym routines a thing of the past. On that day Eli and Paul had just finished testing the latest nanobots and were about to return them back to their specialized vault. “It looks like the nanobots are really working,” Paul said between huffs as he tried to keep up with Eli’s pace. “I know right, just a few more test runs and we finally may have completed this project. Bring on the sweet sweet bonus,” Eli said as he rubbed the metal cylinder filled with the hundreds of nanobots inside against his cheeks. “You know if these things really work, I’m thinking of using it on myself,” Paul said looking at the ceiling. “What?” “Come on man, I’m tired of always being the fat one in the lab, and I don’t want to keep buying my pants from the Big, Extra Wide shop every time. I think the cashier there is silently judging me every time I go there.” “Then find a new shopping place, you don’t need bots in the brain.” They had approached the entrance to the vault, “Hmm, ah crap I forgot to bring my access card. You?” Paul shook his head. “Left mine at home. Why don’t I call the intern to bring yours over from the lab?” So, they waited for 15 minutes whereby a slender green parrot came running to them. “Woah, easy there Shawn,” Eli said as the young bird stopped to catch his breath. The parrot had beautiful blue beads tied to several feathers on his head, a tradition of his race. His lab coat was the smallest the company had but it still looked like he was wearing a coat three sizes too big for him. Shawn held out Eli’s access card while he continued to pant. The Golden Retriever couldn’t help but smile at how adorable his intern was. “Sorry, to keep you waiting Mr. Eli.” The parrot coughed. “It’s ok kiddo, relax, you did good.” Shawn smiled and blushed slightly. He was never used to being complimented. “Now, you two,” Eli turned to Paul, “You two should go to the gym together, then you guys can help each other reach the goals you want. You to lose weight, and for Shawn here to pack on some muscle.” Paul just chuckled, “Hey Shawn, you trying to bulk up for the boys?” “No, not that. I just want to be tough enough to put my jackass of a cousin in his place. He’s staying with my parents for a few months and he is being an ass about me being gay. God, my own cousin!” Shawn threw his hands up in defeat. “Well it takes more than just muscle to get people to respect you, you got to know the right key to capture their heart as well.” Eli swiped the access card and the vault door opened. The three of them stepped into a room made of numerous storage lockers that resembled a morgue. It was even as cold as one. In the centre of the vault was a peculiar machine the shape of a giant shard, but it was made of wires and various computer components. Its function was to deactivate the nanobots completely before they could be kept away. “Alright charge it up Paul.” Eli stuck the canister into the claw like holder. The shard began to hum as Paul keyed in the appropriate instructions. “Hmm, seems like someone used this before us today,” Paul pointed out. “What? We’re the only ones in this section. Who used it?” Eli was worried. Suddenly, the shard’s hum turned into loud clanks and beeps. “What’s going on? Shawn asked, panic washed over his face. “Shut it down!” Eli yelled at Paul. “I can’t, I’m locked out of the commands. It’s overcharging the nanobots!” “Run!” Eli pushed the other two towards the entrance, but it was too late. An ear-splitting explosion erupted from behind them. The shock wave from the explosion them all onto the ground. Red lights washed over the room and alarms blared loudly as the trio picked themselves up. Eli was still dazed from the explosion. Through blurry vision he saw several figures in bright yellow hazmat suits pulling them off the ground. Everything happened so fast Eli couldn’t process what was going on. They were all rushed into a large shared bathroom and were forced out of their clothes. Blasts of cold water hit them before someone with a long brush scrubbed their naked forms. “Woah-hey, watch the tail jerk!” Paul yelled. “Paul?” Eli turned to look for his friend but was smacked in the face by a wet cloth. “Ahh, Mr. Eli, what’s going on?” Shawn complained. Eli couldn’t tell where they all were, but managed to yell out to the rest to remain calm until the detoxification session was over. Before he knew it, they were separated from one another and Eli was brought into a room with just a table and two chairs sitting across one another. The hazmat team had left him a pair of plain white t-shirt and shorts to wear. “Wait here, Mr. Smith will be with you soon,” the fur in the hazmat suit said to him before closing the doors behind him. He wondered where they took Paul and Shawn. The door opened and a black bunny dressed in a dark suit with a white tie came in. His eyes were crystal blue, beautiful, but they looked at Eli with a cold calculated stare. He motioned to the dog to sit as he took his place on the right side. “Mr. Eli, I heard about the accident that just happened. Care to explain yourself why a million-dollar research project suddenly went up in smoke before the day even ended?” Smith asked in a flat tone of voice. As he spoke, he wrote with one hand on a piece of paper without even looking. “Not even a hello Smith?” The bunny just looked back without saying a word. Eli sighed. “ We think someone messed with the shard before we used it. Paul said he saw a record of someone using it before, and it couldn’t have been one of us.” “Interesting, considering that no one has access to the equipment in this section of the facility but you and Mr. Paul… unless did you give your intern a card to the vault?” “What? What are you trying to say? Shawn is a good kid, he has nothing to do with the accident.” Mr. Smith continued to note what Eli said. “Alright, then about Mr. Paul he said he saw a record of someone had used the machine before you two. Did you confirm this?” “I…” Eli paused and his eyes darted left and right as he looked at his hands, trying to find an answer, “I didn’t.” “I see, and I was just informed that the shard itself was destroyed by the blast. No data can be retrieved from it. Very convenient for Mr. Paul don’t you think? He claims someone else has tampered with the tool.” “No! He wouldn’t do that. Why are you trying to make everyone sound like they want the explosion to happen? I’m telling you-NONE OF US DID IT!” The bunny stopped writing and pointed his pen at Eli. “Mr. Eli I am simply doing my job of trying to rule out all possibilities about what has happened. The higher ups don’t want to make a big deal out of this, but the stake holders want answers as to where their investment went. And a mysterious figure tempering with the machine is not an answer they want to hear.” “What do you want me to do? I can’t make the guy who did it pop out of nowhere!” “And I am not asking you to. I am just asking which on your team jeopardized your research?” The bunny cupped his hands together and for the first time had a smile on his face, a disgusting sly smile that Eli wanted to punch away. “No… one,” Eli responded. “Well, then I guess this is all I can get from you today, the investigation will continue, “Mr Smith stood up and approached the door, he turned back to Eli and said, “but effective immediately your team is suspended, the receptionist will inform you about what you will need to do next.” And the bunny left, leaving a stunned Eli sitting alone and hoping that his friends were alright. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… By evening time Eli had returned to his one-bedroom apartment with his belongings. He didn’t get a chance to meet Paul or Shawn at all. Eli heated up one of his frozen dinners and sat it in front of his laptop. He kept looking back at his phone hoping that either of them would respond to the dozens of chat messages he sent right after Mr. Smith left him. Eli almost gave up all hope when the phone buzzed. He swiped the phone open and the first message was from Paul, then Shawn. Paul wrote, “Hey, sorry to have kept you waiting. That Smith guy just wouldn’t let up.” Turning to Shawn’s text “Mr. E, I’m just with the fam, having dinner. Crazy day huh?” Eli’s face lit up, knowing the two of them were ok. He combined their three chats into one group. Eli: Finally, what happened? I was worried sick, are you guys hurt? Paul: I’m fine. Shawn: Ditto *smile emoji*, but that was crazy Mr. E. We made it out ok, but what about the nanobots? Paul: They probably blew up with the canister. Shawn: *a sticker of an otter crying* Damn man, you guys were working on it for so long. Eli: It’s ok. The important thing is that no one got hurt. Paul: That’s true, but sucks about probation until they figure out what happened. Shawn: I can still find another place to work but what about you guys? Eli: I rather not think about it for now. There’s just so much going on today. Paul: Well I know what I am going to do, I’m going to sign up for gym tomorrow. Shawn: What a coincidence, I got my dad to dig out his old weight set too. Eli: Guys, we just nearly blew up. Why are you not more worried about this? Someone could be trying to hurt us for real. Paul: Eh, if they really wanted us dead, I think they choose a more efficient way of doing it. Shawn: Yeah, besides worrying about it, won’t get us anywhere until the investigation is over *wink emoji* Eli: … I guess you’re right. Paul: Eli, you should join me at the gym. Shawn: Or me, I could always use a spotter. Plus, then I can introduce you to the fam. Eli: Guys, guys. Thanks for the offers, but I am satisfied with what I look like. Shawn: *crying face emoji* Eli: Anyways, I’ll talk to you guys later. My body’s really exhausted. Do we want to meet up anytime soon, just to talk? Paul: We’ll have to see, I’m trying to figure out my workout regimen for the week. Shawn: Me too, but I know this awesome bar you’ll love Mr. E. *a link to the bar’s home page* Eli: I’ll check it out Shawn, guess I’ll call you guys when I have it planned out. Shawn: Aight *kissing face emoji* Eliot placed his phone back on the table and breathed a sigh of relief. Tomorrow would be another day. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Eliot kept himself busy with his reading and unsuccessfully tinkering with some projects in his own home. He was fortunate to have his savings to live on as the last thing he needed was going about looking for a new job. The continuing chats with his two co-workers were interesting to say the least. Both Shawn and Paul spoke abundantly on their routines and new diets. Shawn was very active in sending pictures of himself to Elliot, saying it was to track his progress. In each one he was wearing a bright pink tank top and a dark blue denim short. He would always pose with a single bicep flex. Eliot found it strange that by the fourth day the parrot’s arms had visible bulges in his biceps and triceps. The bird’s shorts were also appeared to be shrinking as they revealed thicker thighs. Even the tank top was fitting him better. Eli: Shawn. Shawn: Sup? Mr. E. Just caught me in the middle of my workout ses. Eli: Sorry to bother you, just wanted to check up on how things are on your end. Shawn: Aww, that’s sweet Mr. E. If you’re that worried you can come over and check me out. *flex sticker* Eli: Yeah, that sounds good, see you tomorrow? Shawn: Totally, come by around 12. Eli: Ok, see you then. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. The next day, I came by to Shawn’s place as scheduled. It was a simple suburban house that blended in with their neighbours. Eliot brought over a tub of whey protein as a gift, hoping to humour Shawn’s newfound interest in working out. “Ding, dong!” The door was answered by a burly looking light blue parrot. He wore similar beads on his head like Shawn but they were red in colour. His ample size barricaded Elliot from the inside of the house. His black football jersey barely covered his pudgy gut, but he wasn’t all fat as his brawny arms and pecs made his presence more intimidating. “What do you want?” he asked with a piercing glare. “Err, I’m here to visit Shawn?” The parrot grunted back. Elliot couldn’t tell from the parrot’s half opened eyes if he was even listening to him. The bird turned back inside and yelled out, “Hey, Dick Su-“ he paused, seemingly regretting his words, “Shawn, your friend’s here!” “Working out!” Shawn replied. “He’s in the basement. Just follow me,” the fat bird turned to the side to make way for me. “Thanks. I never caught your name though.” “It’s Jet, I’m is cousin.” “Oh, I see.” The living room was neat and decorated with numerous photos on the wall of many family members. Shawn was easy to spot in all of them being the smallest and thinnest bird in the family. Jet pointed to a door to the right of the living room. “Thanks,” Elliot said, to which Jet replied with a grunt before he walked away. Through the door Elliot was hit by the stench of musky sweat. Down the flight of stairs, he could hear the clank of metal and Shawn’s voice muttering to himself. “Ten… eleven…twelve…” “Shawn?” Elliot reached the foot of the stairs and he saw Shawn shouldering a barbell and squatting. He was impressed by the former intern’s musculature, especially in the ass. Elliot never noticed how full and voluptuous Shawn’s behind was. With each squat the ample flesh widened and flexed. Beads of sweat dripped along the parrot’s back, giving his feathers a nice shine under the dim basement lights. “20.” Shawn backed up onto a rack and released the barbell. He turned to Elliot and grinned ear to ear, “Mr. Eliot, checking me out, huh?” He blushed as the young parrot stepped closer to him. Eliot avoided looking at Shawn but found himself more flustered when he focused on what the bird was wearing. He had on a bright pink shirt worn over one shoulder why the other hung loosely on him. The shirt only covered his chest which had developed a decent pair of pectorals. In fact, his whole body looked like he had been working out for a few months. His abs had become more visible and Shawn looked at least 10kg’s heavier with the added meat on him. “This is for you.” Elliot passed the tub to the parrot. “Sweet, protein! You’re so considerate Mr. Eliot, that’s why I like you so much!” The parrot beamed as he took the gift, “Give me a sec to put this away.” Eliot looked around and was impressed by how much equipment Shawn had. A fully equipped barbell rack and bench, a shelf full of dumbbells with varying weights, and other machines he’d only seen in TV shows, but Eliot never bothered to study them. It felt like a real gym. “So, what you think?” Shawn asked. “Nice set up, looks like you’re really serious about this whole gym thing.” “Well yeah thanks, but I really meant what you think about this?” He raised both his arms and flexed, his biceps bulged slightly. “Wow, not bad.” Eliot’s tail wagged. “Come on, feel it Mr. Eliot.” Shawn grabbed his mentor by the hand and placed it on his arm. Gaining some courage, the Golden Retriever had both hands on his apprentice’s biceps, rubbing them, feeling the hardness of the youth’s hard work. “Damn, can’t wait to see you bigger Shawn,” Eliot said. The bird groaned. “How much bigger you want me to get master?” Eliot didn’t hear what Shawn called him, he was too engrossed with feeling the bird’s pecs. “Hmm, I would want you to be big enough that you’d have a hard time fitting into clothes anymore, heh.” “Yes, master,” Shawn replied.” “What?” Eliot’s finger began to spread apart as he felt Shawn’s pecs expand forward. He thought himself hallucinating, but the longer his hands held onto Shawn’s chest the wider and firmer it got. “Mmm- more” Shawn said. Eliot was rendered speechless. “Feel me master,” Shawn guided Eliot’s right hand onto his abs. The more the dog rubbed the parrot’s stomach he could feel rough bumps forming, first two, then four , then six. Elliot’s face flushed and the front of his pants grew tighter. “Master, I’m growing for you,” Shawn let out. His shirt finally gave in and ripped to shreds as his shoulders widened and his pecs continued to balloon out in size. Shawn’s breathing was becoming shallower. His biceps and triceps swelled up in size forcing his hands apart from his hips as the mounds of muscles grew. Shawn pulled Eliot for a hug and the dog felt something thick and warm poking against his stomach. There was a loud ripping sound coming from below and the warm sensation was quickly replaced by wetness. “Fuck, I’m so big master. Feel me!” He pressed Eliot between his pecs, and flexed, putting pressure against the dog’s head. Shawn’s dickhead met Eliot’s bulge, coating his pants with his warm bird pre. Eliot never felt so much pleasure before, the force of his intern’s muscles on him felt so right, so perfect, and he never wanted it to stop. Eliot stretched his hands to try to hug Shawn but struggled to cover Shawn’s expansive chest. “Yes, lick my pecs master, lick them hard, they are all for you!” Shawn released Eliot and proceeded to hold by the hips and raised him upwards until they were seeing eye to eye. “Fuck, you’re taller now!” Eliot said. “You like?” Shawn winked. “I love it!” The muscular parrot smiled. “You think I could try something?” Eliot asked. “Anything you want master.” “Just do some poses for me while I explore a bit.” Eliot said with a sheepish smile. “Like this?” Shawn curled his fingers into fists, placed them on his hips, and thrusted his shoulders out. His chests tightened revealing the thick bundles of muscle beneath his feathers. Eliot licked his lips. The dog reached out and squeezed Shawn’s pecs as hard as he could they felt hard like granite. Shawn gasped. The bodybuilder sized bird then raised his left arm and flexed it. “How about this master?” Eliot turned his attention to the bulging bicep. He needed both hands to cover the massive bicep. It was as big as a bowling ball. Bringing his snout close Eliot licked and kissed Shawn’s bulging arm. The parrot moaned and a drop of pre escaped his dick. “Gosh, just a bit more and your bicep will be the size of my head!” Eliot said. “Yes, master!” Elliot then felt Shawn’s arm heat up and throbbed. Eliot’s jaw dropped as the bicep he held onto expanded in his hands are grew several inches. “Now, it’s as big as your head.” “This is amazing! We have to figure out what’s causing this!” Eliot said. “But master, don’t you want to play around a bit more?” Shawn bounced his pecs with a devious grin. Eliot’s eyes sparkled. “Well… can you bench press me like those strongmen on TV?” “I think I can bench press ten of you by now.” Shawn flipped the dog onto his stomach and held one hand one his crotch and the other on his neck. Eliot made a sound that was between a gasp and a laugh. “That tickles.” “You mean when I do this?” The parrot’s thick green thumb rubbed against Eliot’s dick. He shuddered. For a muscle-bound bird his hands were surprisingly delicate and careful. “Ngh, not that.” Eliot began to pant as a wet spot grew on his pants with every stroke. “I live to pleasure you master.” Shawn bent his arms down lowering Eliot closer to his head until the bird’s beak nuzzled against Eliot’s hardon. Eliot groaned again. With a mild grunt Shawn raised Eliot back up until his back nearly touched the ceiling, and the cycle of lifts and falls continued without the bird even breaking a sweat. “This is amazing, you’re so strong now!” Eliot said. “Heck yeah!” Suddenly, they heard the heavy footsteps of someone heavy coming down the stairs. Shawn turned to the foot of the stairs only to find Jet staring back at him. His presence instantly killed the warm erotic mood in the air, deflating their members. “What the fuck?” Jet pointed at his naked cousin, “What the hell you fag heads have been doing down here? You? Did you drug up my cuz, you turned him into a freak of nature to get your rocks off?” Jet stormed forward and grabbed Eliot by the collar. “Hands off!” The larger green parrot pushed Jet back with one swing of his arm. He didn’t have a chance to collect himself before Shawn stomped his way forward, forcing him to back off until he hit the wall behind him. Shawn rammed a fist into the wall just inches away from his cousin’s head. Eliot ran over and grabbed the muscle-bound parrot by the hip. “Control yourself Shawn. Don’t hurt him.” Shawn made a wild shriek at the trembling cousin. His bulky frame was no match against the seven-foot-tall titan in front of him. Jet raised his hands to cover his face. “I should pummel you into the dirt for all the shit you made me go through. You’re lucky master’s kind of enough to hold me back!” Shawn threatened. Eliot tried to pull the bird back but he was too heavy to budge. “Shawn, listen to me!” Shawn turned to the dog. “Look,” Eliot motioned towards Jet’s legs. His cousin was tenting through his pants. “I think you two need to go up and have a talk. No fighting,” Eliot raised his voice and looked sternly at his former intern. “Fine.” Shawn pulled his fist away from the wall, “Come on cuz, I’m not going to hurt you. I won’t disobey my master.” Jet refused to budge or put his hands down. Shawn rolled his eyes. He then grabbed the frightened bird by the arm and leg and cradled him off the ground. Jet screamed, but Shawn ignored him and walked off upstairs. Eliot tried to follow them but they entered their bedroom and didn’t look like they were coming out anytime soon. “Ok… guess I will just go,” Eliot said to himself as he exited the house. He hailed a cab and sat in silence the whole way back. Being alone made him realize that he had so much to process, and nowhere to begin. “Paul… driver, change of plans, take me to 53, Oak Street.” Paul might be able to help him figure things out, and if possible, find a way to revert what had happened to Shawn. To be continued… …………………………………………………………………………. If you have a FA account, a fave and comments would really be appreciated
  25. Aquaas


    Hello all. I'm posting my first story here. I'll be doing it in parts, once or twice a week, so as not to overwhelm you all with a massive wall of text. The story is about thirty pages long in a word document and it's the first story I've ever completed. Please be gentle. Smitten The first thing that I noticed was that he was impossibly beautiful. He sat in front of me on the bus, playing who knows what on his telephone while he waited on his stop. I think he must have been really invested in the game, because every so often his face would bunch up in concentration or his thumb would speed to the opposite corner of his device. He was so engrossed that I was able to take him in, really see him. He was a little shorter than me, about five-foot-nine or ten. His hair was dirty blond, streaked with lighter, golden patches. But I knew that this was natural, a product of the time he spent in the sun. His skin was a rich tan, like coffee with a little too much milk. He had a light dusting of facial hair, slightly darker than what was on the rest of his head. But what got me were his eyes. There really isn’t a metaphor for just how blue they were. I would say they were like the sky on a clear day after a week of thunderstorms, or even the color of the sea where the water and sky seemed to blend. They were really blue. I was smitten, without even really seeing his body. Bad things happen when I get smitten. I let my eyes wander down slowly from his face. He wasn’t all that big, but I liked what I saw. His neck was thick enough that I could almost draw a line from his ears to his traps, which stood out enough to be perceptible. He had broad shoulders, at least half again as broad as mine. As he played on his phone, his chest would jerk, moving his t-shirt up and down slightly. I could tell without really seeing that his waist was pretty trim as well from the way that his shirt hung off his body. His biceps would stand out, too. His arms were about sixteen inches around and twitched with each swipe of his thumb. When he reached for his collar and gave it a tug though, I knew I was really in trouble. He was filling out his clothes a little more than he had been when I first saw him. His gray shirt was now stretched a fair bit tighter around his pecs and shoulders, causing the fabric to start to bunch up at the seams. I gasped. Unfortunately, it must have been audible because he looked up at me. I looked away, more slowly than I would like to admit, and I pulled the cord on the bus to signal my stop. This always happened when I thought someone was good looking. Those men tended to become so much more…enhanced after an encounter with me. It wasn’t something I really meant to do. It just sort of happened the first time. * * * I was fresh out of high school when I discovered my ability. I never really thought things like this were possible, but there I was: a sophomore in college because I had done so much dual enrollment in high school and I was out to graduate as early as possible here so that I wouldn’t have to interact with childish people any longer than I had to. I wasn’t a genius by any means, just a very hard worker with no real desire for a social life. Then I met Chris. He was about three inches taller than me and built rock solid. He liked to wear basketball shorts and T-shirts, even in the winter time. He was thicker than most other students his age, and a whole helluva lot stronger too. We sat next to each other in Philosophy 101 and Principles of Leadership 210. I still remember the color of his skin. It was like molten caramel, as if he had spent hours in the sun making sure he was the right shade of golden brown. He was really easy to talk to. I was never very sporty, but he was incredibly athletic. After a few classes, he invited me to come watch him play on the intramural football team. We weren’t really a big enough school to have an official team. I went, and I had a good time, even if I didn’t understand all the nuances of the game. Is football really nuanced? I don’t know. “I’m probably the most boring fan that ever came to one of your games, Chris.” I told him this after a particularly brutal game. His team, the Pygmy Dolphins, had faced off against the frat boy squad. They won, if only by one touchdown. “You were great, Alex! I promise, you were the best fan on the field.”, Chris said, laughing. “Now you’re just patronizing me. I didn’t even shout like everybody else.” “You didn’t need to shout. I could tell you were following the game pretty intently.” “Well… even though I don’t really know much about the game, I did think you were pretty cool. I’m always amazed that people can move like you do.” I smiled despite myself, enjoying our conversation. Like I said, the man was easy to talk to. “You must be tired after your game. Can I give you a ride home?” I was really pushing it. I wasn’t quite sure why I offered to give him a ride. It just seemed right at the time. “Yeah, man, that sounds great. I rode the bus to campus today and the last one just left five minutes ago.” He chuckled. “I guess that’s the price you pay for having fun.” “I would really hate for you to have to walk all the way home or catch a cab.” “Dude, Alex, that’s so awesome. Thanks, man, just let me shower in the gym and we’ll be on our way.” I knew that he wouldn’t take too long in the shower, but I had something to do anyway while I waited. I pulled out a copy of my current project and started to take notes. Really, I was truly the most boring person on campus. I was so thoroughly engrossed that I didn’t hear Chris come up behind me until he said “Whatcha workin’ on there, Alex?” I must have jumped a mile. “Chris! Don’t do that, dammit! You scared the living daylights out of me!” He was sitting there laughing at me. His change of clothes was very striking. He was now wearing a tight, black tank top that hugged every curve of his body. His pecs stuck out and stretched the ribbed fabric. Even his abs were visible through the thin fabric. He wasn’t wearing his normal basketball shorts, but some rather short running shorts that left very little to the imagination. “Fuck, I don’t think I’ve ever heard you cuss before!” he said, guffawing. His pecs heaved and shuddered with every laugh. “It’s kinda funny.” “It is not!” “Chill, brah. It’ll be fine.” His black hair was plastered to his scalp, still wet from the shower. “Everybody fuckin’ cusses.” We both started laughing then. He reached out and grabbed my shoulder as he doubled over slightly from amusement. I felt a shiver run through me then and I withdrew a bit. “Hey, man, it’s getting late. We better get going if you want to wake up on time for class tomorrow.” “It’s only 8:30.” “But you have a 7:45 class with Dr. Furlong tomorrow, right?” “How do you know that?” Crap. I really stepped in it. What straight man would remember his hot friend’s full schedule? He looked me in the eye, as if seeing me for the first time. Save the conversation, Alex, save it! “As often as I’ve heard you complain about the professor not allowing coffee, how could I forget?” This seemed to mollify him as we arrived at my car. Thank god for a good memory! My loose lips could always seem to be overwritten by some memory from a previous conversation. I unlocked the doors and popped the trunk, so Chris could put his gym bag in. As he slid into the passenger seat, I cranked the car up. “Ready to head home?” “Yeah. Let’s go.” I drove as slowly as I dared to Chris’s downtown apartment. He lived over a bar in the downtown area with two other guys: Mark and Francisco. That was the only way they could afford an apartment in such a prime spot. Mark was a little older and currently in middle Georgia on an archeology internship, helping excavate and catalog Native American burial mounds for the national park service. Francisco, better known as Paco, was almost always at the university. As a film studies and cinematography major, he often spent the night on the cutting floor in one of the cots set up by the department. There was a dedicated group of majors. I pulled into the parking lot behind Chris’s building, unlocked the doors, and popped the trunk again. “You comin’ up?” * * * I can’t believe I lost control like that again. The man on the bus…he was just so hot to start with. I can’t move again, change my name again, dye my hair again. I had moved to this city, twelve hours away from ground zero of my first incident, to get away from my first victim. Alex was legally dead, and I was Marlon now. I walked to my apartment and sighed, pulling the keys out of my pocket. I can’t believe that I still missed Chris and my old life. That was more than seven years ago, but I swear I could still hear his voice sometimes, feel his touch on my shoulder. The house key slid into the lock easily, and I opened the door. My apartment was quite modest, just a simple one bedroom. I had saved up over time and bought a washer/dryer combo, and a nice refrigerator and oven. Thinking about that makes me smile a little bit. Unlike many people my age, I actually like washing clothes and cooking for myself. The dryer puts me to sleep, and baking helps me relax. I needed both of those today after the bus incident. I pulled out the ingredients for chocolate chip cookies and started a load of washing. The machine had just filled up with water and started to move when I heard a knock at the door. “Who on Earth could that be?” I asked myself as I went to the door. I guess it could have been the landlord. In retrospect, I should not have opened the door. I did though. “Hey…” Oh my god, it was the hot guy from the bus. How did he find me? “I know this is really weird, but I saw you on the bus. I got off as soon as I could and…kinda…followed you here. I think I should say thank you.” Now that was unexpected. “I mean, you’re the reason I look like this, right?” Shit. He knows. He knows. * * * When Chris asked me to come up to his apartment, I was ecstatic. I could not let that show though. He was straight, I was a closeted gay guy. “Paco might be up there, and he’s been looking for an excuse to have someone else to talk to for a little bit besides me. I mean, sometimes I can be a little…” Chris hit a left bicep shot here. “…overwhelming for the guy.” “Really? You seem so level-headed and easygoing to me though.” I was almost salivating then, but I tried to hide it. His bicep just looked so juicy. Was it just me, or did they look a little tighter than usual? Normally, his arms were about seventeen inches, but right now they looked like they were pushing nineteen. Everything seemed bigger and more defined. “Yeah, but he’s got the hots for me, and I think if he doesn’t get a break from me every so often, his dick might pop right off his crotch. Even if he doesn’t want to admit it.” Chris smiled. “Something I think the two of you might have in common.” Fuck, abort mission, strategic retreat. Of course, my body betrayed me. I turned an almost neon red. “S’okay man.” He reached down and grabbed me by the chin. “I’m bi. So’s Mark. I looked for those two because my sex drive is a nice car: if you don’t rev the motor every so often in different conditions, it’ll rust through and fall apart. I like having some spare gas at the house, just in case the tank runs low.” Fuck him and his crappy metaphors. Fuck everything about him right now. I pulled my chin out from between his thumb and forefinger. “How…” I said, sitting down on the steps up to his apartment. I put my face in my hands. Fuck my life. I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes. They were surprisingly cold on my warm face. “How did you know? I haven’t even told…” I felt him sit down beside me. “Why the fuck couldn’t I control my fucking self?” I sniffed. I couldn’t let him see me like this. There was no way that I was going to let Chris see me cry. “Alex…” His muscular arms wrapped around my shoulders. “I’m sorry. I am seriously sorry. I thought that you were out already.” Again, he gripped my chin between his thumb and forefinger and turned my head to face him. “You just seemed to be so comfortable being the adorkable guy you are, and I thought that, ya know, you were flirting with me coming to my games and driving me home all the time.” He smiled. “I sure as hell was flirting with you when I invited you to that first game.” That was a revelation. He opened his hand and slid it to my right cheek, then a little further back until his fingers curved around my neck at the base of my skull. I couldn’t look him in the eye still, even though he had me facing directly at him. My eyes raked down his torso to his legs. That was a mistake. My cock twitched when I saw the way his little running shorts wrapped his crotch. Was he hard, like I was? No, that wasn’t possible. “Come here, you skinny fucker.” He pulled me in and started kissing me, dragging my hand to his dick. I felt it swell. It swelled, not hardened. This was my first experience with my ability.
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