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  1. Mikeytron

    My Best Friend's Muscles

    My Best Friend's Muscles by Mikeytron I posted this story on metabods over the last few weeks, but I felt I should share it here as well. You can check it out over there if you'd like, as well as several of my other stories - M Part One I posted the human trial to our work Slack expecting the guys to go nuts when they saw it. After all, the results were, in a word, stunning. I didn’t think anyone would react right away, though. It was 2:11 in the morning when I finished preparing the report, sitting in my dark basement, the unhealthy glow of my computer screen the only light. Surely I was the only one awake. I was wrong, though. The channel blew up almost instantly. I guess we’re all nightowls. It would fit the stereotype. “Holy fuck, Rob, these are beyond my wildest dreams,” typed Eli. “Real sci fi shit.” “You sure you didn’t just give all these guys tren instead?” typed Anderson. “No way, these results are better than tren,” Eli replied. “Guys I’m so excited, we’re gonna make a hundred million bucks,” typed Hakan. “Fuck that man, we’re gonna make the biggest bodybuilders the world has ever seen,” typed Matteo. “Haha, you’re always thinking with your dick,” Eli replied to Matteo. “Tell me you’re not hard as a rock right now,” Matteo replied to Eli. “I’m dripping,” Eli replied, with a tongue-sticking-out emoji. You could say ours was not the typical workplace. We don’t technically have a team leader, but the role kind of fell to me, and I knew I had to reel in the others before their excitement got out of hand. Keep their eyes on the prize. They were like puppies, sometimes. Geeky, muscle-obsessed, scientifically brilliant gay puppies. “Settle down everyone,” I typed. “Go jack off and get some sleep, tomorrow we’ve got to plan how to sell this.” “You’re no fun,” Matteo replied with a gif of a cartoon character dramatically weeping. “@everyone Brunch on my rooftop, 11 am. Go get your beauty sleep ladies” Hakan replied. I closed Slack with a smile. I fully intended to take the first half of my own advice. It was definitely wank o’clock. But I had no idea how I’d sleep at all, afterward. This was one of the most exciting moments of my life. We had actually done it. I glanced through the PDF of the results one last time, already painfully erect, leaking pre as I read. 16 week trial. Control group of 25 men, following a workout routine designed for hypertrophy, eating an identical diet. Average muscle gain, confirmed by DEXA scan: 5.7 lbs. Group A, 25 men, taking 100 mcg of the compound daily, following the same workout routine, the same diet. Average muscle gain, confirmed by DEXA scan: 20.1 lbs. Group B, 25 men, taking 200 mcg of the compound daily, same workout, same diet. Average muscle gain, confirmed by DEXA scan: 31.6 lbs. One man in Group B had added 42 lbs of muscle. In a little less than four months. Fuck. I couldn’t help it. Knowing my teammates were likely doing the exact same, I slipped my underwear down, my hard cock bobbing proudly, a pearl of precum glistening in the blue light of the computer screen. I jerked off to the PDF. There weren’t any pictures, just data tables and graphs, but it was more than enough. My thoughts swirling over what we were about to unleash on the world. * Like I said, there are five of us working on this project. It’s too long and too boring to tell how we all got in touch with each other, but we’re all gay, we’re all friends, we all work in biotech or medical research, and we all have a thing for muscle. Not just a little muscle. Not just a little thing. We’re all size and growth fetishists of the most extreme bent. As for our little venture… It started as a side project, something we kept under wraps. It began as empty talk in our group chat, how we wished we could be a team of muscle growth scientists with a stable of ever-growing bodybuilders who we could enjoy at our leisure. It was a running gag for a bit, talking about our muscle growth lab/dungeon. Then the talk took a more definite shape over cocktails one fateful Friday night. The various things we were working on, research papers we had fortuitously just read, some inventive lateral thinking, a few productive what-ifs…. We did the modeling. It looked promising. Then the pandemic hit, and, well… we decided to go for it. Synthesize the compound and see if it works the way the computer says it will. We had so much time on our hands, why not moonlight as a cabal of gay mad scientists in Anderson’s garage or Matteo’s basement? A little borrowed equipment here, a few vials of grey market research compounds there… The theoretical work was already done. Why not see what it does in vivo? The first tests on rodents showed such shocking results, we knew we couldn’t stop there. That’s where I kind of fell into the leadership role. I took care of the paperwork establishing our company. I found the investors to get us off the ground. I filed the patent paperwork. And I set up the human trials. Going around local gyms, recruiting men willing to inject an experimental chemical if it meant they might get bigger. And now here we were, more than a year later, having successfully captured lightning in a bottle. We had an entirely novel compound that induced extreme hypertrophy in a high testosterone environment. It wasn’t difficult to synthesize. It wasn’t difficult to administer. It seemed to have no significant negative side effects. And now we just had to sell it. * “I’ve got the perfect idea,” Matteo said, his dark eyes sparkling. He always looked most adorable when he was enthused about something. We first met on Scruff a few years back, slowly revealing the full extent of our muscle growth fetish to each other over DMs. We met, we fucked like rabbits for about two weeks, and then smoothly transitioned into being friends, like you do. “Yeah?” I responded. The four of us were sitting around a table on the roof of Hakan’s downtown Toronto condo, waiting for our host to return. It was a beautiful summer day. “You’ll love it. We do one last trial.” He could see my face souring, he knew I wanted to launch as soon as we could. “Wait, listen. One last trial, each of us asks our favourite bodybuilder to take our compound for 10 weeks and then we use before and after pics for an advertising blitz. We’ll launch at the end of the 10 weeks so we’ll have plenty of work to do. But the impact from instagram alone would be unreal. Regan Grimes adds 35 lbs of raw muscle and he did it all thanks to, uh… whatever we’re calling this.” “Yeah, Rob, what ARE we calling this?” Hakan, the fifth member of our group, interjected as he approached the table bearing a tray of fizzing champagne flutes and the half-empty bottle. He always had a flair. “Well, why don’t we each come up with our best idea for a name and then have a secret vote,” I suggested, accepting the glass Hakan handed me. “Pfft,” Anderson said, taking a glass. “Everyone will just vote for their own suggestion.” “So ask all the guys from the trial to vote on it too, whatever, it’s a free focus group.” Eli waved his hand dismissively before grabbing his glass. “You’re all ignoring Matteo’s frankly excellent idea.” “What’s your idea?” Hakan asked, handing Matteo the penultimate glass before taking the last for himself. “That we recruit five bodybuilders to be our final guinea pigs and our first spokes-brutes.” Hakan settled into his seat, compressed his lips as if considering. “I like it. Dibs on Iain.” “I already called dibs on Regan, and since it’s my idea I get double-dibs,” Matteo quickly added. “I want Antoine,” Eli added. “If we’re keeping it Canadian.” Anderson gestured imperiously. “You are all such predictable queens.” “Well, what super-heavyweight do you want to sponsor, since you’ve just got to be the iconoclast?” “Joe Seeman.” “Who?” Blank looks from the other guys, although I recognized the name. “And you call yourself a muscle fetishist! Coach Little Joe on Instagram,” Anderson replied with the air of an art snob having to identify Van Gogh’s “Sunflowers” to a room full of ignorant tourists. “Ooooh, yeah, him, he WOULD be really hot with another 30 or 40 lbs of muscle on him.” “What about you, Rob?” All eyes turned to me. I looked around at the guys, their faces shining like kids writing their Christmas wish lists. Derek Lunsford? Hunter Labrada? Nick Walker? Names flickered through my mind, a whirlwind of visual memories, thousands of nights spent with my cock in my hand, scrolling through Instagram and Tumblr and Twitter, gorging my fevered brain on muscle, more muscle, more muscle, more muscle… who would I gift this magic elixir to? What bulging skin-straining roid-freak, already existing at the current limit of muscular possibility, did I want to explode with another few dozen pounds of raw beef? “I need some time to think about it,” I said, but I was lying. I knew exactly who I wanted to blow up. “Anyway,” I said, raising my champagne flute. “Cheers, guys. To muscle. To us.” “Let’s make some monsters!” Matteo exclaimed as he clinked his glass against mine, and we all drank to that.
  2. Note to native-English speakers : I wish I coul translate myself this story, but I know I wouldn't do justice to your language. Any automated translator would butcher it. So if any kind soul feels brave and helpful, you are warmly welcome. The title would be : Ode to manliness Préface : Bonjour amis francophones. Il s'agit de ma première histoire, et ce sera probablement la seule dans la mesure où j'y décris mon fantasme ultime : un jeune homme maigrichon devenant une montagne de muscle, le summum de la virilité telle que définie par nos critères occidentaux. Je ne m'épanche pas en background ni en fioriture : ce qui me stimule, c'est la description détaillée de chaque phases de transformation aussi bien physique que mentale. Voilà, je vous souhaite bonne lecture, voire plus ! Hymne à la virilité Maxime venait de fêter ses 18 ans il y a semaine. Il était un jeune homme assez frêle d’1m69, châtain foncé, les yeux marron, le corps imberbe, excepté un petit buisson pubien. Il passait totalement inaperçu dans la masse des autres adolescents. Cela, conjugué au fait qu’il était enfant unique couvé par ses parents, alimentait sa grande timidité, laquelle s’avérait être une barrière insurmontable avec les filles. Sa vie sexuelle s’était jusqu’alors résumée à deux branlettes par semaine depuis ses 15 ans. Et pour ne rien arranger, son modeste pénis de 12 cm en érection le complexait. Comment satisfaire une fille avec si peu ? Toutes les vidéos porno vues sur le net mettaient en avant des queues de compétition. Il fallait au moins ça pour faire jouir une fille, il en était persuadé. Il venait de s’installer dans une cité HLM en banlieue d’une grande ville pour étudier à l’université. Il tenait à son indépendance, conscient que cela pourrait l’aider à développer sa personnalité. Ce projet fut malheureusement mis à mal par une bande de dealers, à peine plus âgés que lui, squattant régulièrement le hall d’immeuble. Insultes, brimades, et depuis avant-hier, racket. Il était une proie sans défense. Prendre le plus vite possible l’ascenseur était son seul salut. En cette fraîche soirée de novembre, alors qu’il rentrait de cours, il s’approcha de la porte du hall, le cœur serré. Il priait de toutes ses forces que ces voyous fussent ailleurs. Raté. La bande des quatre délinquants était là. Mais quelque chose clochait. Alors qu’il passait à côté d’eux, la tête baissée, les petites frappes ne lui décrochèrent pas un mot. A peine un regard désintéressé, comme s’ils étaient fortement préoccupés. Tant mieux, la soirée n’aura pas été gâchée. Il tourna à l’angle du couloir quand il entendit la porte de l’ascenseur se refermer. Il se préparait déjà psychologiquement à se taper les dix étages par escalier plutôt que d’attendre le retour de l’ascenseur, de peur que les racailles ne se souviennent de lui et lui fasse sa fête. C’est alors qu’une énorme main surgit de l’intérieur de la cabine, entre les portes, pour empêcher la fermeture. L’ascenseur s’ouvrit de nouveau et l’adolescent peina à contenir son effarement. Un homme au gabarit immense se tenait là, le regard avenant. Il devait faire au bas mot 2m10 et on devinait, malgré son pull et pantalon larges, une musculature à faire rougir un taureau. Son physique était tellement impressionnant que Maxime, intimidé, hésita même à monter dans l’ascenseur. Malgré une barbe noire de deux semaines et une mâchoire carrée, il ne lut dans ses yeux aucune agressivité ni malveillance. Cela le convainquit et après une profonde inspiration, il entra dans la cabine, le regard baissé. Il s’apprêtait à appuyer sur le bouton du dixième étage quand il s’aperçut qu’il était déjà activé. Il s’agissait donc d’un de ses voisins de palier. Il ne l’avait encore jamais croisé, depuis son emménagement, il y a deux mois. Personne ne parla durant toute la durée de la montée. A l’ouverture de la porte, le jeune étudiant resta immobile, laissant la priorité au colosse. Ce dernier fit un geste de la main pour lui signifier qu’il lui laissait la priorité. Maxime ne se fit pas prier et se hâta à ouvrir sa porte. Du coin de l’œil, il vit que le géant était son voisin immédiat, à droite de son appartement. Il ne se doutait pas que c’était habité. Curieux qu’une telle masse passe aussi inaperçue au quotidien. Cette expérience remua son esprit jusqu’au coucher. Comment était-il possible d’avoir une si grande stature ? Pour sûr, si il avait le même gabarit, personne n’oserait le défier, et surtout pas les voyous de l’entrée. D’ailleurs, c’était sûrement au passage de ce monstre qu’ils avaient dû faire dans leur froc, au point de ne pas chercher d’embrouille à un maigre ado. Et tandis que Morphée lui rendit visite, Maxime se fantasmait en colosse vengeur à l’encontre de tous ceux qui lui avaient causé du tort. Rasséréné par cette mémorable rencontre, il aborda la journée suivante du bon pied. Le sourire aux lèvres, le moral revenu, et même le soleil était de la partie. Il rentra chez lui en chassant les idées pessimistes mais au moment de franchir la porte d’entrée du hall, les quatre jeunes délinquants se tournèrent comme un seul homme vers lui. - Hé, t’as l’heure ? Il les ignora. -Hé, fils de pute, j’tai parlé. Regarde-moi quand j’te parle. Le meneur s’interposa entre l’étudiant et l’ascenseur. - File-moi ton portable, j’ai besoin de voir l’heure. Face au mutisme de sa victime, le meneur lui asséna une petite claque. - Allez, donne ton portable avant que je m’énerve. Maxime tenta encore une fois de se faufiler vers la cage d’escalier. La petite frappe l’attrapa par le col et le ramena violemment à lui. Il approcha son visage à quelque centimètre du sien et lui ordonna d’une voix basse et impatiente : - File-moi ton portable ou je t’éclate la gueule. L’étudiant craqua. Il céda son portable et se hâta vers la cage d’escalier, tandis que le voleur se tourna vers ses potes en brandissant le téléphone comme un trophée. Maxime ne pensa à rien pendant son ascension vers l’ultime étage. Il se concentrait sur l’effort à fournir pour gravir toutes ces marches. Passé le neuvième étage, il éclata en sanglot. Il n’arrivait plus à contenir sa détresse et son moral plongea littéralement dans les abysses du mal-être. C’est avec les yeux embués qu’il aperçut un colis au pied de sa porte. Sa curiosité lui offrit un instant de répit dans ce moment douloureux. Il s’agissait d’un carton sans aucune étiquette. Impatient de rentrer chez lui, il prit le carton qu’il analyserait plus tard. Il s’écroula dans son lit et se remit à pleurer. Il se sentait si faible, si seul. Et violé. Ses camarades paraissaient si épanouis. Il était certain d’être le seul puceau de sa classe. Le ciel s’obscurcissait. Rien ne semblait pouvoir le tirer de là. De sombres, très sombres idées traversèrent son esprit. Puis il se souvint de la mystérieuse boîte. Il alla chercher une paire de ciseaux pour l’ouvrir. A l’intérieur, une notice et petit flacon en plastique blanc sur lequel était apposé le symbole de Mars (♂). La notice, en plusieurs langues, était plus explicite. Il s’agissait d’un lot de 20 comprimés censés booster la virilité du mâle lambda, sans autre précision. Maxime se demanda comment ce truc avait atterri sur son palier. Intrigué, il poursuivit la lecture. La posologie était d’un comprimé par jour pour un traitement de 20 jours. Ne pas dépasser 2 comprimés par jour sous peine de développer des effets secondaires incontrôlables et irréversibles. Le garçon, vulnérable et psychologiquement instabilisé par sa toute récente mésaventure, vit ce flacon comme un signe, un miracle. Il ignora royalement la mise en garde en se disant que son cas était désespéré et nécessitait une action radicale. Il broya patiemment les 20 comprimés dans un bol, versa la poudre dans un grand verre d’eau et but cul sec. Quelques minutes plus, il fut pris d’une puissante somnolence. Il enfila un caleçon gris, un T-shirt noir et se coucha. Il ne le savait pas encore mais cette nuit serait sa dernière en tant que victime. Chapitre 2 Maxime : 1m69 – 61 kg Pénis (longueur/largeur) : 12 cm/3,9 cm Maxime fut tiré de son sommeil, en pleine nuit, par une sensation dérangeante au niveau de son caleçon en coton. Une sensation mouillée. Avait-il uriné au lit comme un bébé ? Il mit plusieurs minutes avant de recouvrer pleinement ses moyens, puis toucha son caleçon. C’était bien humide. Il ne comprenait pas, ça ne lui était pas arrivé depuis la petite enfance. Était-ce la faute des comprimés ? C’est en frôlant sa verge au moment de toucher qu’il s’aperçut qu’elle était bien tendue. Et si… ? Il approcha sa main de son nez : c’était du sperme ! Bon dieu, il venait d’avoir sa première pollution nocturne. Il en avait déjà entendu parler, sans jamais l’avoir vécu. Il ne sut quoi en penser. Il releva le drap, alluma sa lampe de chevet et constata les dégâts. Il y avait une tâche foncée d’environ 5 cm de diamètre en plein milieu de son caleçon gris. Cela le répugna, sur l’instant. Il s’apprêtait à se lever pour en changer quand il sentit un vague frisson dans le bas-ventre. Son pénis maintenait toujours une solide érection. La plus forte qu’il ait jamais eue, à vrai dire. Il sentit qu’il risquait peut-être d’éjaculer à nouveau, plus tard dans la nuit, et que ça ne valait pas la peine de souiller un autre caleçon. Il décida de rester sur le dos, la couverture repliée sur ses jambes pour qu’elle reste propre. Il fixa à nouveau son caleçon, comme pour être sûr de ne pas avoir rêvé. Son pénis, qui pointait vers la cuisse gauche, était vraiment en très grande forme. Il lui semblait même de le voir palpiter sous le tissu, en rythme avec ses pulsations cardiaques. Amusé, il plaqua le tissu sur son membre pour le mouler. Cela provoqua une montée de plaisir inattendue. Agréablement surpris, il le serra encore plus, accentuant le désir. Traversé par une pulsion, il décida de se masturber de façon classique. Il passa sa main droite sous son caleçon et commença des mouvements de poignet. L’orgasme ne tarda pas, et il fut l’un des plus intenses qu’il avait connu. Il laissa même échapper un râle, ce qui n’était pas à son habitude. Quatre jets opaques s’écrasèrent sur la tâche initiale, ce qui la fit doubler en taille. Il retira sa main de son paquet tout en essayant de se remémorer le bien-être fugace ressenti il y a quelque secondes. Il se rendit compte qu’il venait à son échelle de réaliser une prouesse, à savoir éjaculer autant en si peu de temps après une première fois. C’était inhabituel, et probablement imputable aux comprimés. Si leur effet se limitait à pouvoir se branler deux fois par jour, cela ne l’aiderait guère contre les voyous. Il remarqua alors qu’il n’avait pas débandé ; son pénis, qui finissait de baver une goutte de sperme, était toujours tendu à son maximum. Et une sensation de chaleur traversa son bas-ventre. Il sentit soudainement plus de sang affluer dans son phallus. La pression finit par être assez douloureuse, comme si son pénis allait éclater comme un ballon trop gonflé. Toujours sur le dos, il agrippa le matelas de chaque côté, bascula sa tête en arrière, crispa sa mâchoire, et attendit que ce moment passe. Il lui sembla sentir son pénis se frotter contre son caleçon, ou plus exactement, avancer le long du tissu. Quand la douleur fut dissipée, il jeta un œil plein d’appréhension sur ce qu’il venait de se passer. Il resta coi plusieurs secondes, à la vue d’un phallus plus long que d’habitude. Peut-être était-ce une illusion d’optique ? Il voulut en avoir le cœur net. Il se leva, saisit un triple-décimètre et mesura son membre qui n’avait jamais dépassé les 12 cm. Il crut halluciner. Il s’y reprit plusieurs fois, manipula sa bite et sa règle dans tous les sens et le verdict était sans appel : 16 cm. La largeur demeurait la même : 3,9 cm. Il s’assit dans son lit et contempla son nouvel engin. Il le saisit d’une main, à la base. Auparavant, le gland dépassait à peine de son poing. Maintenant il en était éloigné d’environ 2 cm. Cette vision de cette queue de taille inespérée dans sa main le poussa machinalement à se masturber. A nouveau. Son membre était toujours au garde à vous et ne manifestait aucun signe de fatigue. Toujours assis dans son lit, il ferma les yeux et s’imagina pénétrer une de ces blondasses typiques des films pornos amateurs sur le web. Il tambourinait frénétiquement son pubis contre sa chatte, la faisant gémir de plaisir. Puis il la retourna et la sodomisa. Il serra son poing plus fort pour simuler l’étroitesse d’un cul. Cela ne tarda à faire monter la sauce. Il s’allongea sur le dos et donna des coups de rein dans le vide. Un puissant orgasme lui arracha un gémissement de plaisir, tandis qu’il éjacula cinq jets qui s’étalèrent sur son T-shirt noir, au niveau de l’abdomen. Il resta ainsi pendant de longues minutes pour se remettre de cette incroyable jouissance, tout en continuant de caresser sa queue dégoulinante. Jouir trois fois de suite, avec une quantité croissante de foutre, c’était surréel. Ces cachets étaient miraculeux, mais encore une fois, à part dégouter les petites frappes qui le traumatisaient en leur éjaculant dessus, ce ne serait pas d’une grande aide. Qu’importe, il se sentait désormais un peu plus dans la norme et à la hauteur de ce qu’une fille pouvait attendre de lui. C’est alors que la sensation de chaleur qui avait précédé sa poussée de croissance pénienne refit surface. Le pubis, le pénis et les testicules étaient en feu. La pression sanguine était à son comble dans le membre turgescent, et pourtant elle augmenta encore. Maxime crut que la peau allait se déchirer, mais il ne détourna pas le regard. Il voulait voir si son pénis allait encore grandir. Et c’est ce qui se passa. La peau s’étira comme un élastique et son phallus gonflé à bloc s’allongea de plusieurs centimètres supplémentaires en quelques secondes. La douleur avait été moins importante qu’auparavant, c’était déjà ça. Il fixa son membre comme s’il venait de voir la Vierge. Il paraissait si long, comme dans les films. Il le saisit d’une main, à la base, puis de son autre main, sur la partie restante. Hé bien son gland dépassait ! Il pouvait tenir sa bite à deux mains. C’était plus qu’inespéré, plus qu’un miracle. C’était un don divin. Il attrapa sa règle et mesura un magnifique 20 cm. L’épaisseur avait un peu évolué, à 4,2 cm. Le rendu était quand même assez fin, mais peu importe, il pouvait dérouler un préservatif standard en entier, maintenant, vu qu’ils culminent à 18,5 cm. Maxime avait appris les dimensions par cœur à l’époque de sa puberté, dans l’espoir d’être assez gros pour pouvoir les enfiler correctement. Il avait pris l’habitude de mesurer son pénis en érection toutes les semaines, scrutant chaque millimètre de croissance. Mais il était toujours bloqué à 12,1 cm et avait perdu espoir pour plus à l’aube de ses 17 ans. Cette nuit sonnait comme une revanche sur la vie, et être supérieur à la norme lui conféra un énorme regain d’estime de soi. C’est avec un sourire satisfait qu’il rangea la bête, toujours bandée, dans son caleçon tâché, mais il nota une gêne au niveau de l’entrejambe, comme si le sous-vêtement avait rétréci d’une taille ou deux. C’était peut-être dû à sa bite qui soulevait le tissu vers le haut. Dans le doute, il la sortit, mais le caleçon paraissait toujours inconfortable au niveau des testicules. Il prit ces derniers dans sa main leur trouver une position adéquate, mais rien à faire. Et si… ? Pour en être sûr, il ôta son caleçon et alla inspecter son service trois pièces dans le miroir de la salle de bain. Pas de doute, ses testicules avaient sensiblement augmenté de volume. A vrai dire, son attention avait toujours été jusqu’à présent rivée sur son pénis, ne voyant pas l’intérêt à porter sur ses couilles. De mémoire, il lui semblait qu’elles faisaient à peine la taille de deux balles de ping-pong. Maintenant elles étaient un peu plus volumineuses que ça. Pas étonnant qu’il puisse éjaculer autant. Puis il réfléchit. Ses poussées de croissance semblaient intervenir après chaque éjaculation. Il regarda sa queue bien tendue, palpitante, et se dit que cette taille était bien suffisante pour l’instant. S’il éjaculait de nouveau, il était probable qu’il grimperait à au moins 24 cm, et ne se sentait pas prêt à atteindre ce cap. Tout ce qui venait de se passer était déjà tellement fantastique et improbable. Il ne fallait pas que cela lui monte à la tête. Il remit à nouveau son caleçon tâché et y rangea prudemment sa bite en feu, car de toute façon aucun de ses autres sous-vêtements ne seraient à la bonne taille. Le bref instant où il frôla son membre fit monter en lui une brève bouffée de chaleur accompagnée d’un désir sexuel enflammé. Son gland émit un mince filet de liquide préséminal. C’est la première fois qu’il en émit autant, là où ça se limitait à une goutte juste avant l’orgasme. De toute façon, il savait que cette nuit inaugurerait beaucoup de « premières fois ». Il décida de garder son t-shirt zébré de cinq jets blanchâtres pour se dégouter d’éjaculer davantage. Il s’allongea dans son lit sur le dos, les bras le long du corps, en tenta de retrouver le sommeil. C’était sans compter l’animal excité qui transformait son caleçon en chapiteau. L’élastique était soulevé sur plusieurs centimètres le long de son pubis poilu. Encore une première fois. Il n’était pas habituer à pouvoir voir la base de son sexe pendant une érection dans un sous-vêtement. Cela attirait sa main vers cet endroit. Il voulait agripper fermement son membre et le secouer le plus énergiquement du monde. Non, il ne fallait pas empirer les choses. Il fixa le plafond, mais cette vue uniforme, ennuyeuse, favorisait le vagabondage de son esprit dans les méandres de la luxure. L’image de son caleçon fortement distendu l’excitait au plus haut point. Il sentit un peu de liquide lubrifiant suinter de son gland. Non, il fallait résister à l’appel. Il ferma les yeux et commença à compter les moutons sautant au-dessus d’une barrière. Un, deux, trois, quatre… mais le trentième mouton trébucha car son pénis en érection avait heurté la barrière. L’excitation du jeune homme avait fini par corrompre toutes ses pensées, quelles qu’elles soient. Non, non, il fallait résister. Son pénis continuait de battre la chamade tout en suintant un nouveau filet de lubrifiant. Une belle tâche se forma sur le caleçon, plus haut que la tâche originelle. Une partie du liquide dégoulinait le long du membre turgescent, l’autre gouttait sur ses poils pubiens. Il avait connu des éjaculations moins copieuses que ça. Plus d’une fois, il résista à l’envie de porter sa main sur sa queue, mais rien ne semblait pouvoir le sortir de cette situation. Ses hormones bouillaient, sa bite trépignait d’impatience et sa soif de sexe devenait de plus en plus pressante. Il se laissa à faire quelques lents mouvements du bassin pour soulager un minimum la pression, mais le frottement du caleçon sur le gland ne fit qu’aggraver les choses. Il se résolut à arrêter quand sa bite éjecta un nouveau filet de lubrifiant, le plus gros jusqu’à présent. La tâche foncée était en passe de devenir aussi grosse que la première. Ses poils pubiens évoquaient maintenant une forêt inondée. Le jeune homme en rut devenait incapable de penser à autre chose qu’à des chattes bien remplies. Toutes ces chattes qu’il avait vu défiler sur son écran étaient à sa portée maintenant. Elles lui appartenaient. Il lui sembla pouvoir toutes les baiser en même temps. Son appétit sexuel était à son paroxysme. Il se remit à donner des coups de rein instinctifs et de plus en plus rapide dans le vide. Il s’imagina enfoncer ses 20 cm dans tous les vagins à sa portée et les labourer comme un fou. Encore. Encore ! ET ENCORE ! Sa respiration se saccada, sou pouls augmenta, ses mains se crispèrent sur le matelas et il laissa échapper un râle de plaisir, la tête en arrière, quand il éjacula dans son caleçon. Il avait réussi à jouir sans se toucher, une première (encore une) ! Son gland, plaqué contre le caleçon, expulsa sept jets, plus volumineux et épais que les précédents. Le tissu agit comme un tamis et l’éjaculat d’un blanc éclatant en sortit compact et gluant. Une première boule se décrocha tandis qu’une autre se formait. La partie la plus liquide dégoulina sur son pubis et ses testicules. Tremblant, haletant, gémissant, Maxime mit du temps à s’en remettre. Il n’avait rien pu éviter. Il releva la tête pour constater l’ampleur du désastre. Une grosse boule gluante était tombée sur son abdomen, tandis qu’une autre restait collée au caleçon. Les deux tâches s’étaient rejointes et il y avait désormais plus de gris foncé que de gris clair sur la face avant. Il sentait également du sperme couler sous ses couilles et ses fesses. Ce spectacle d’un vêtement souillé à ce point par son jus l’effraya tout autant qu’il excita. Sa verge, elle, ne débandait pas, et déjà la sensation annonciatrice d’une poussée de croissance se propagea dans son bas-ventre. Chapitre 3 Maxime : 1m69 – 62 kg Pénis (longueur/largeur) : 20 cm/4,2 cm Maxime mémorisa cet instant comme étant les dernières secondes où son sexe aurait encore une taille raisonnable. La sensation de chaleur s’intensifia. Il ne lutta pas. Le sang afflua en grande quantité dans sa verge déjà au maximum. Cela fut étrangement moins douloureux que les autres fois. S’accoutumait-il ? Toujours cette sensation de peau tendue à l’extrême et de bite pelée comme une orange. Le gland continua sa lente ascension vers le bord de caleçon, et s’arrêta in extremis au niveau de l’élastique. Les testicules gagnèrent en volume et s’approchèrent de la taille de deux œufs de poule. Ils pendirent également un peu plus bas, accentuant la sensation d’inconfort à l’entrejambe. Le caleçon était vraiment malmené, avec la moitié de sa surface maculée de sperme et l’élastique soulevé de part et d’autre du bassin. Le très long poteau de ce chapiteau était maintenant presque entièrement visible ; seul le gland se cachait derrière l’élastique. Le jeune homme, qui n’avait pas encore totalement assimilé psychologiquement ses anciens 20 cm, devait maintenant faire face à bien plus long. Il contempla son bambou pendant plusieurs minutes, très impressionné. Il joua même avec, testant sa rigidité, le plaqua contre son abdomen (il dépassait son nombril), le prit à deux mains et constata qu’il y avait presque assez de place pour une troisième main. Il était temps de mesurer. Il saisit son triple-décimètre, en se disant au passage qu’à ce rythme, ce ne serait bientôt plus suffisant, et mesura un solide 25 cm. Mon Dieu ! C’était trop. Il n’en demandait pas tant. L’épaisseur stagnait à 4,2 cm, ce qui fit paraître son membre comme assez maigre. Etrange que la circonférence n’augmente pas de concert avec la longueur. Il pria pour que les éjaculations cessent, et a fortiori la croissance folle de son pénis. Il se recoucha avec le maigre d’espoir de s’endormir, mais il ne débandait pas et sa bite palpitait en rythme avec son pouls. Mauvais signes. La pression du tissu sur le gland le stimulait même. Il décida de sortir le monstre au grand air pour calmer le jeu, mais une sensation, comme un fourmillement, titillait son bas-ventre, comme pour lui signaler que l’usine à sperme tournait à plein régime. Il tenta de chasser cette idée de son esprit. Une partie de lui regrettait même avoir consommé ces cachets. L’autre partie, au contraire, l’incitait à se laisser aller et à libérer ses pulsions. Non ! Si ça grossissait encore, il ne pourrait plus le cacher à son entourage. Que penseraient-ils ? Mais voilà déjà qu’une pulsion sexuelle la poussa à initier des mouvements du bassin dans le vide. La bête, pointant vers le plafond mais légèrement incliné vers le torse, expédia une petite giclée de lubrifiant sur le haut de son T-shirt noir. NON ! PAS ENCORE ! Mais quand cela s’arrêterait-il ? Maxime sut qu’il devait à nouveau se préparer pour encore plus gros. NON ! Il fallait lutter. Ne pas devenir un monstre. Mais comment ? Le jus sortirait, avec ou sans l’aide de ses mains. Ralentir le processus. Oui. Une douche froide était la seule solution qui lui vint à l’esprit. Il se leva en quatrième vitesse en se débarrassant de ses habits, se précipita dans sa douche et fit couler de l’eau. Chaude d’abord. Puis il diminua progressivement la température, au fur et à mesure que la peau s’habituait. Il dirigea le flot sur ses parties. Mauvaise idée. Le jet massait, stimulait le pénis. Et déplaça le pommeau plus haut, sur son abdomen. Le service trois pièces se retrouva sous une cascade d’eau fraîche, et au bout de quelque secondes, Maxime sentit la différence. Son pénis restait bandé, mais l’excitation était passée. Il coupa l’eau et sortit de la douche. La chaleur du bas-ventre et la soif de sexe ressurgirent presque aussitôt. Il fit un pas en arrière et refit couler l’eau. Il ne pouvait pas rester là-dedans toute la vie. Comment faire ? Il pensa à des glaçons, mais il n’en avait pas dans son congélateur. Le temps d’en créer, il serait largement trop tard. Au moins, ce répit sous la douche lui laissait le temps de se préparer psychologiquement à la suite des événements. En sortant pour de bon de la douche, il fit face à son miroir et se rendit compte avec du recul de la taille impressionnante de son chibre. 25 cm pour 1m69 tout maigre, ça envoyait du lourd, visuellement. S’il avait pris tout le contenu du flacon en une fois, ce n’était pas pour démultiplier les effets d’un produit a priori fantaisiste dont il ne connaissait rien. Non, c’était pour un funeste dessein. Un moment de grande détresse qui l’avait poussé à commettre l’irréparable. L’effet était irréparable, certainement, mais pas celui attendu. Il accepta donc le destin qu’il avait choisi malgré lui, avec la réapparition de cette culpabilité de ne pas être à la hauteur en toute circonstance. Une violente pulsion surgit et balaya instantanément toutes ces considérations. Le gland lâcha un énorme jet translucide sur la glace. Le jeune homme n’en revint pas. Aucune de ses éjaculations d’avant sa transformation n’était sortie aussi violemment. Et là il ne s’agissait que de liquide préséminal. La bête qui avait été engourdie semblait vouloir rattraper le temps perdu. L’étudiant ne traina pas. Il réenfila juste son caleçon mouillé pour ne pas éclabousser partout et s’allongea dans son lit sur le dos. Manipuler sa bite pour la ranger dans le caleçon provoqua une grandiose bouffée d’excitation, ce qui fit gémir de plaisir le jeune homme. Du liquide lubrifiant s’échappait du gland par giclée toutes les vingt secondes environ. Des filets translucides et sirupeux dégoulinaient le long du manche turgescent, ainsi que du sommet du chapiteau, directement sur le pubis. Puis le flot s’écoulait soit par les hanches, soit le long des testicules. De gris clair, le caleçon était passé à gris foncé. Sa bite était devenue un arroseur automatique. Pour gazon frisé, bien sûr. Dans une ultime tentative désespérée pour retenir l’éruption, l’étalon agrippa son membre de ses deux mains et serra de toutes ses forces. Ce n’était pas douloureux. C’était même assez stimulant. Il serra sa bite comme pour l’étouffer, la tuer dans son évolution. La réaction ne se fit pas attendre. Le chibre se gorgea davantage de sang, jusqu’à gonfler en circonférence. Plus il serrait pour limiter cette inflation, plus la réaction s’emballait. Son index, qui encerclait la bête, ne put plus toucher le pouce, de l’autre côté. Et ce fut le tour de son majeur d’être séparé du pouce. Le jeune homme en rut ne pouvait plus refermer ses poings sur sa bite, devenue bien plus épaisse. Et le gland avait doublé de taille. OH NON ! Il voulait faire taire ce monstre, le voilà encore plus fort et déchainé. La longueur, elle, n’avait pas changé. Il comprit maintenant ce qu’il fallait faire pour augmenter le volume, mais ce n’était pas du tout le but. Maxime resta sans voix à la vue de cette énorme pièce de viande qui lui servait de bite. Il en avait rarement vu d’aussi énorme sur le net. Et voilà qu’elle se remit à émettre du lubrifiant par giclée entière. Voir cette grosse queue tremper son caleçon avec des sécrétions sexuelles provoqua un déclic dans son esprit. Pas de retour en arrière possible. Embrasser son destin. Ouvrir les vannes. Fatigué de ce combat perdu d’avance, Maxime mis sa culpabilité au placard, photographia son pénis dans son esprit, ferma les yeux et s’imagina l’utiliser avec toutes les femmes de ses pensées. Il visualisa une de ces vidéos au titre racoleur, du style « petite brunette se fait défoncer par une grosse queue ». Sauf que cette fois, c’était lui le protagoniste. L’étalon chevauchant toutes les femelles à sa portée. Il saisit à deux mains son chibre et commença à se masturber, de plus en plus énergiquement. Il le gardait toujours sous le caleçon pour ne pas être éclaboussé. Le plaisir était intense, bien plus intense que la majorité des orgasmes qu’il avait eu auparavant. Et là il ne s’agissait que du plaisir ressenti lors de la masturbation. Qu’est-ce que ça serait avec l’orgasme !? Il accompagna sa branlette de mouvements de rein. Quitte à être foutu, autant y aller à fond. La sensation du gland frottant conte le caleçon humide était extraordinaire, tandis que ses deux mains avaient fort à faire avec le long poteau suintant. Maxime bascula la tête en arrière et se mit à gémir d’excitation, de plus en plus fort. Tant pis pour les voisins ; il en était arrivé à un stade où il n’en avait plus rien à foutre. Seul comptait l’orgasme fameux qui allait se produire. Il se concentra sur ses pensées pornographiques. Sur ces tonnes de chattes qu’il labourait violemment et remplissaient de son jus. Une putain de grosse bite de mâle dominant. Il se surprit à être agressif, à insulter ses partenaires dans ses pensées, du genre « Tu la veux ma grosse bite, salope. Bouffe-la. » Sans doute la surdose de testostérone. Il sentait ses mains se couvrir de lubrifiant, ce qui facilita le coulissage le long de sa queue et améliora la sensation. Tout son corps était en ébullition. Ses coups de reins devinrent frénétiques. Ses râles plus bruyants. Ses mains plus rapides. Son matelas encore plus trempé. Le jus commença à monter. L’extase, déjà haute, atteignit des sommets difficilement imaginables. Ses muscles se crispèrent. Et le sperme jaillit en puissants jets ; onze au total, dont huit très consistants. Le caleçon filtra comme précédemment l’éjaculat, dont la partie la plus crémeuse s’amoncela en paquet compact sur la surface externe du tissu. La partie liquide éclaboussa le pubis et l’abdomen, puis coula le long du bassin et des couilles pour former une flaque sous ses fesses. La dopamine noyait son cerveau et il resta en état de béatitude plusieurs minutes durant. Plus rien ne pouvait l’atteindre. Il fut finalement tiré de sa torpeur par cette sensation qui annonçait une croissance pénienne. Il jeta un dernier coup d’œil à sa queue de compétition et se dit, sourire en coin : « Je vais être un monstre. Je vais être UN PUTAIN DE MONSTRE ». Chapitre 4 Maxime : 1m69 – 62 kg Pénis (longueur/largeur) : 25 cm/6,5 cm Le jeune homme, yeux fermés et tête en arrière, sentit sa longue verge grandir à nouveau. Le gland, toujours bloqué par l’élastique de son caleçon, appuyait de plus en plus fortement. Le sang affluait toujours plus et comme les fois précédentes, Maxime crut sentir son membre sur le point d’exploser. La pression eût finalement raison de l’élastique et sa bite se libéra de l’emprise du caleçon pour se dresser fièrement au-dessus de son bas-ventre, inclinée à 60°. Elle continua encore de s’allonger, surplombant le nombril, les abdominaux, pour finalement s’immobiliser au niveau du sternum. Les testicules se mirent à chatouiller leur propriétaire puis enflèrent un peu plus encore pour atteindre la taille de deux clémentines, très à l’étroit dans ce caleçon devenu bien trop court. Le jeune homme maintenait ses yeux fermés pour mieux ressentir les sensations, mais se rendait bien compte que ce bazar à son entre-jambe prenait des proportions épiques. Lui qui il y a à peine une heure avait encore un pénis de 12 cm, se retrouvait avec un anaconda de 33 cm. Une part d’innocence dans son for intérieur rejetait ce monstrueux phallus, voulait redevenir comme avant. Mais elle fut rapidement noyée par les torrents de testostérone qui coulaient dans ses veines. Ces dernières, d’ailleurs, commençaient à imprimer un relief sur tout le corps, serpentant le long des bras, du torse et des jambes. Sans oublier la bête qui se para d’une énorme veine zigzagant tout le long et qui rajoutait quelques millimètres à la circonférence. Toujours les yeux fermés, Maxime palpa le monstre, les testicules, visualisa l’ensemble puis ouvrit les yeux pour comparer. Il eut presque un mouvement de recul en découvrant son gland si près de son visage. Comme pour le taquiner, le bestiau lui expulsa droit dans les yeux une belle giclette de liquide préséminal. Une partie dévala la joue pour atteindre la commissure des lèvres. Le jeune homme ne put s’empêcher de gouter à ce liquide si familier et pourtant si mystérieux. Il ne trouva pas la saveur fameuse, mais la vue de ce gland, si proche… à portée de bouche… le poussa à essayer de le happer. Sa bite était maintenant suffisamment longue pour pouvoir pratiquer une auto-fellation, au prix d’une petite contorsion. Il écarta les jambes et attrapa ses chevilles pour porter le phallus au niveau de sa bouche. Cette position accentua la gêne créée par l’étroitesse du caleçon qui ne pouvait plus contenir ses énormes couilles. Maxime décida de l’ôter et se retrouva en tenue d’Adam. Il jeta son caleçon par terre comme la vieille serpillère dégoulinante de sperme qu’il était devenu et put reprendre son yoga onanique. Il allait enfin connaître la sensation de se faire sucer. « On n’est jamais mieux servi que par soi-même », songea-t-il avant de gober maladroitement son énorme gland qui l’obligea à ouvrir bien grand la mâchoire. Difficile de ne pas râper la peau avec les dents. En réaction à la sensation mitigée qui en résultait, il se contenta de donner des coups de langue et des baisers bien placés sur son bout rose, ce qui lui procurait malgré tout un plaisir nouveau bien vif. Son pénis le remercia en expulsant encore plus de lubrifiant, dont il avala une partie. C’était un liquide porteur de vie et non un déchet, comme l’urine. Ça ne pouvait donc pas être mauvais. Après plusieurs minutes et de nombreux jets translucides, il sentit la sève monter. N’y tenant plus, il prit son manche à deux mains et l’agita frénétiquement tout en donnant des coups de langue insistants sur son gland. La veine phallique gonfla à son maximum. Le point de non-retour était atteint. L’orgasme arriva. Juste à temps, il goba entièrement les premiers centimètres de queue et se mit à boire tout ce qu’il en sortit. Le goût n’était pas divin mais son instinct lui dictait de le faire, malgré son envie animale d’hurler d’extase. Au bout d’une vingtaine de secondes, il arrêta de compter les giclées qui continuaient à être expulsées au fond de sa gorge. Peu habitué à l’exercice, il recracha une bonne partie et manqua de s’étrangler à plusieurs reprises. Quand l’éruption fut passée, il garda encore un peu son pénis en bouche en le caressant tendrement, comme pour le remercier. Il finit de nettoyer avec sa langue toute la peau qu’il pouvait mettre en bouche, c’est-à-dire le tiers supérieur, puis sortit son membre de cette cache humide et accueillante. Le jeune homme s’affala dans son lit, sur le dos, le menton gluant, le soldat toujours au garde à vous et l’estomac bien plein. C’est alors qu’une sensation de chaleur se propagea dans tout son corps, pourtant déjà bouillant et en sueur. Ses veines, bien apparentes, s’épaissirent davantage et serpentèrent sur chaque centimètre carré de peau. Son cœur battait à tout rompre. Ne sachant trop ce qui se passait, le jeune homme bascula la tête en arrière, mâchoire crispée, poings serrés sur le matelas, et laissa la transformation s’opérer. Jusqu’à présent, son corps était resté mou et dénué de muscles apparents. Son taux de masse graisseuse se mit alors à fondre comme neige au soleil, sculptant des muscles chétifs mais dessinés. Pour la première fois de sa vie, ses abdominaux apparurent. Le processus continua à tel point que sa peau parut comme très fine et prête à se déchirer. Ses muscles, gorgés de sang et d’hormones, se mirent quant à eux à gonfler. D’abord les biceps, qui surgirent du plat de son bras pour former une belle bosse toute ronde, comme si une balle de tennis s’était glissée sous la peau. Une veine apparut au sommet et se ramifia. Les biceps se remirent à gonfler, accompagnés cette fois par les triceps et les muscles des avant-bras. Ces derniers prirent la forme d’un fer à cheval, tandis que le couple biceps/triceps grossit pour atteindre un solide 39 cm bien sec. Ses épaules gagnèrent en volume, son cou s’élargit et sa voix baissa d’une octave presque aussitôt, sans qu’il ne s’en rende compte sur l’instant. Ses pectoraux se raffermirent puis gonflèrent lentement comme deux ballons en plastique. Juste après, sa cage thoracique se souleva, accompagné de bruits de craquement d’os, comme s’il n’en finissait plus d’inspirer. C’était le cas ; son torse venait de doubler de volume. Les muscles dorsaux et latéraux ne furent pas en reste et grossirent fortement, dessinant un dos noueux qui continuait à s’élargir. Ses bras furent repoussés sur le côté au fur et à mesure du processus. Ce n’était absolument pas douloureux, plus semblable à un chatouillis. Les abdominaux, déjà visibles, durcirent comme de la pierre et gonflèrent vers le haut, creusant une vallée au milieu de son ventre. La définition même d’une tablette de chocolat. Ses hanches étaient restées fines, ce qui lui conféra une silhouette en V. Les cuisses maigrelettes enflèrent lentement mais sûrement pour rivaliser avec celles de cyclistes du dimanche. Des poils bruns en surgirent, formant une petite toison sur toutes ses jambes. Les mollets enfin, s’accordèrent avec les cuisses et prirent du volume jusqu’à laisser entrevoir un début de forme en diamant. Le pénis, lui, restait bien bandé mais ne grandit pas. La sensation ne s’était pas dissipée pour autant. Quelque chose se préparait. Maxime avait bien senti qu’il avait pris du muscle, mais il resta tête en arrière, comme prêt pour toute éventualité. Et ça arriva. Un craquement sourd et douloureux qui lui arracha un cri. Ses vertèbres étaient en train de s’écarter. Le jeune homme se mit immédiatement sur le ventre, dos vouté, et subit la douleur de sa colonne vertébrale qui s’étirait. Il était en train de grandir ! Sans bouger le moins du monde, il voyait son matelas défiler petit à petit sous ses yeux. Le bas de l’oreiller… Le milieu de l’oreiller… Le haut de l’oreiller… Puis la croissance stoppa. Avant qu’il ne reprenne ses esprits, ses jambes se mirent à leur tour à craquer. Fémurs et tibias s’unirent pour lui offrir quelque centimètres supplémentaires, et cela en conservant leur volume musculaire initial. Avant qu’il puisse souffler, les bras, à leur tour, s’allongèrent. Il se remit sur le dos et les laissa pendre pendant leur croissance. Ses poings, qu’il gardait fermés, grossirent également pour atteindre la taille d’un pamplemousse. Ses pieds passèrent de pointure 41 à pointure 46. Les rares poils apparents de ses avant-bras devinrent davantage foncés, nombreux et épais. Un léger sillon duveteux se dessina de son pubis jusqu’au nombril, mais ce n’était pas flagrant car les poils étaient englués dans le sperme qui recouvrait son abdomen. Et en dernier (mais pas du moins), sa bite commença également à grossir. Après cette poussée de croissance du corps dans son ensemble, le gland était revenu au niveau des abdominaux supérieurs, toujours à 33 cm. Les énormes veines qui parcouraient l’engin grossirent encore un peu plus, puis il se mit à aller de l’avant. Tout doucement. Il dépassa les abdos, parcourut quelques centimètres vers le plexus puis s’arrêta quand il frôla les pectoraux. Maxime ne mesurera pas, mais il était désormais pourvu d’un gargantuesque 42 cm. Et les couilles de rattraper leur retard en enflant dans des proportions toutes aussi folles. Elles faisaient désormais la taille de deux oranges, gorgées de jus et pendantes. Un filet de lubrifiant s’échappait sans discontinuer du gland, entrecoupé toutes les 15 secondes environ d’un gros jet qui éclaboussait son visage et son oreiller. La prochaine éjaculation serait un véritable torrent déchainé, capable de noyer littéralement n’importe quel outrecuidant. L’étalon baignait dorénavant dans une sorte d’extase diffuse, un océan de pulsions animales qui assaillaient son cerveau totalement submergé. Une jouissance se faisait ressentir sous forme de multiples pics chaque minute, dont certains réussissaient à être plus intenses que les plus faibles orgasmes qu’il put avoir avant le début de sa métamorphose. Cet état de quasi-transe sexuelle le poussait à émettre des râles de plaisir non-stop, comme lors d’une masturbation très stimulante. Il ne s’en rendait même plus compte, totalement subjugué par son nouveau corps. Il caressa ses pectoraux, ses biceps ronds et veineux ainsi que ses abdominaux bien creusés qui irriguaient un ruisseau de sperme vers le pubis. Il ressentit soudain le besoin d’entraîner ses muscles gonflés à bloc par les hormones. Ils débordaient d’énergie et voulaient se dépenser comme des fous. Cloitré dans son studio, sans aucun matériel de sport, il décida de faire des pompes, pour la première fois de sa vie. A peine se mit-il à genoux qu’il fut gêné par son monstrueux chibre dont le gland plaqué au sol l’empêchait de faire le mouvement. Cela le contraria fortement et saisit le premier objet qui lui passait sous la main pour le réduire en pièce. Ce fut son caleçon trempé qui gisait par terre. Il le déchira d’un coup sec, puis encore, puis encore. Il roula les morceaux en boule et les jeta contre le mur. A la vue de ces morceaux de tissus informes, il eut une idée. Rien de telle pour se rendre compte de son évolution que de comparer son gabarit avec ses vêtements. En se levant pour ouvrir le placard, il eut un moment de déséquilibre. Jamais il n’avait vu sa chambre d’aussi haut. Il ne le savait pas mais il culminait à 1m88. Dix-neuf centimètres de gagnés en un éclair ! Quand il se fit à son nouveau centre de gravité, il ouvrit le placard et choisit un vêtement. Il tenta de porter un T-shirt, le plus large qu’il possédait. Il se débattit tant bien que mal pour l’enfiler, craqua quelques coutures au passage et réussit néanmoins à s’en vêtir. Ce qu’il vit lui fit un énorme choc, peut-être plus fort encore que lorsqu’il découvrit sa bite de 33 cm. En dehors de la sensation d’étouffement, l’habit moulait à l’extrême sa toute nouvelle musculature. Les manches, incapables de contenir les bras, étaient retroussées jusqu’aux épaules. Le col était très distendu et laissait apparaître la séparation entre les deux pectoraux. Le bas du T-shirt s’arrêtait juste au-dessus du nombril et découvrait ses abdominaux inférieurs. Cette vision de ce vestige textile à l’agonie sur son nouveau corps provoqua un déclic. Une sorte de transformation mentale, cette fois. Sa confiance en lui venait d’exploser les compteurs. Son appétit sexuel également. Il écarta les bras pour faire une pose classique de bodybuilding consistant à contracter les deux biceps de face. Le T-shirt se déchira dans le dos, puis au moment de contracter, les biceps et muscles des épaules achevèrent les manches. Les yeux grands ouverts pour ne rien rater du spectacle, il gonfla le plus possible sa poitrine et bomba ses pectoraux. Le col se déchira à son tour jusqu’au plexus. Mais impossible de craquer entièrement. Maxime, dont le cerveau était noyé dans la dopamine et la testostérone, y vit un défi. Il réussirait à craquer ce cocon de son ancien corps, à couper définitivement les fils avec son passé encore très récent. Il s’allongea dans son lit en se cognant la tête contre le mur, peu habitué aux nouvelles dimensions de son corps, prit son python à deux mains et constata au passage qu’il pouvait à nouveau fermer les poings autour. Encore un défi. Il comptait se masturber mais prit le temps de serrer de toutes ses forces son baobab pour déclencher une croissance en largeur. Il ne mesura pas sa nouvelle force et même son énorme queue souffrit de sa poigne, qu’il adoucit quelque peu. L’effet escompté se produisit. La bite réagit comme un animal et cage et gonfla en largeur pour se défaire de l’emprise de son maître. Le gland doubla quasiment de volume pour atteindre la taille d’une petit pomme. Comme précédemment, il ne put plus joindre son pouce avec ses autres doigts autour de ce monstre, qui affichait un terrifiant 10 cm de largeur. La vision de cet authentique tronc d’arbre acheva de faire basculer son esprit dans les méandres de la pornographie la plus débridée. En fermant les yeux, il ne voyait plus que des trous. Des chattes à exploser, des culs à déchirer et des mâchoires à déboiter. Il sentit qu’il pourrait baiser la Terre entière. Des filles ou des garçons, il n’en avait plus rien à foutre. Pénétrer, labourer, défoncer, éclater, atomiser… étaient les seuls mots qui l’animaient. Il empoigna le monstre d’une main, qu’il agitait frénétiquement, et caressait ses pecs et abdos huilés de liquide préséminal de l’autre main. Il donna des coups des reins rapides dans les airs mais restait sur faim. Sa bite lui ordonnait de pénétrer un trou. N’importe lequel. Il s’interrompit, mâchoire crispée, la peau rougeoyante et ruisselante de lubrifiant et sueur mêlés. Il réfléchit en bref instant en regardant autour de lui, puis eut une idée. Il prit un couteau de cuisine, transperça son matelas là où devrait se trouver son pénis, puis arracha à la main le rembourrage pour creuser un tunnel. Il transperça l’autre côté du matelas, enleva (ou plutôt cassa) une latte du sommier qui se trouvait au même niveau, puis, tout excité, se mit sur le ventre et fourra son baobab dans ce trou improvisé. Le ressenti n’était pas aussi serré qu’une vraie chatte, mais la sensation différait assez d’une classique masturbation pour faire illusion. Il enfila entièrement sa bite qui ressortit de l’autre côté et s’arrêta à deux centimètres du sol. Puis il releva le plus possible ses hanches en sentant son gland être chatouillé par la mousse synthétique du matelas. Cette sensation inédite décupla son appétit sexuel. Il se mit à faire des mouvements de va et vient de plus en plus rapides, toujours en essayant de faire coulisser le plus de longueur de bite possible. Le gland arrosa copieusement de jus l’intérieur du matelas et le sol. L’étalon se mit à agripper le matelas par les deux bords, tambourina de plus en plus en fortement le lit jusqu’à atteindre huit coups de rein à la seconde, le tout en lâchant de bruyants cris de plaisir. Plusieurs lattes craquèrent. Des fissures apparurent au niveau des pattes du lit. Les voisins, s’ils n’avaient pas encore été réveillés, le seraient maintenant, à coup sûr. Mais peu importe pour le jeune homme qui accomplissait quelque chose d’extraordinaire. Il atteignit un nouveau stade d’orgasme. Du genre qui touche au divin. Quelque chose qu’aucun mortel n’avait pu ressentir jusqu’ici, en tout cas sans usage de drogue. Cela dépassait l’entendement. Le temps qu’il comprenne qu’il était en train de jouir, une flaque de sperme épais et blanchâtre était déjà apparue de sous le lit. Et ça continuait. Il retira précipitamment son baobab du trou en éclaboussant tout sur son passage puis goba difficilement son énorme gland en fermant les yeux. Il eut peur de s’y être pris trop tard, mais il put toute de même avaler sept gorgées de semence. Il s’étala de tout son long sur le matelas malmené en haletant, épuisé, dégoulinant de sueur et de sperme, mais heureux comme un pape. Déjà son corps fumant récupérait et préparait la prochaine étape, et Maxime sut qu’il allait devenir un dieu. UN PUTAIN DE DIEU. Chapitre 5 Maxime : 1m88 – 92 kg Pénis (longueur/largeur) : 42 cm/10 cm La sensation de transformation maintenant bien familière apparût d’abord dans son cou. Les muscles de sa gorge se crispèrent à un point où le jeune homme eût du mal à respirer, comme si une corde invisible l’étranglait. Mais cela n’aurait su entraver l’extase diffuse dans lequel il baignait désormais continuellement. Son cou gonfla en quelques secondes, au point de devenir plus large que sa tête, chose remarquable même dans le monde du bodybuilding. Sa voix baissa encore d’une octave, passant de baryton à basse. Puis la sensation de chaleur caractéristique se répandit dans toute sa poitrine, laquelle enfla en volume comme si Maxime inspirait sans discontinuer. Comme auparavant, ce processus provoqua quelques sons organiques, semblables à des os qui craquent. Le T-shirt qui avait jusque-là résister aux assauts musculaires de son propriétaire était en passe de perdre la partie. L’entaille qui s’était arrêtée au sternum reprit le chemin de l’abdomen, accompagnée de ce son caractéristique de tissu déchiré. De façon régulière, sous la pression de ce torse en pleine croissance, la déchirure parcourait chaque centimètre vers l’inéluctable destination, arrosée régulièrement par de généreux jets de liquide préséminal. Oh miracle ! Elle s’arrêta à cinq centimètres du bord. En effet, la poitrine avait cessé d’enfler. Elle était désormais comparable au coffre des plus grands ténors. Les pectoraux, déjà fort proéminents, se mirent à enfler à leur tour. Deux fois plus volumineux qu’avant, au point qu’une main pourrait se retrouver coincée entre les deux pour peu que Maxime les contracte. Les muscles du dos prirent la relève en augmentant à leur tour de volume, sculptant un véritable haut-relief de formes noueuses et symétriques. Les muscles latéraux, qui confèrent une silhouette caractéristique en V, élargirent encore plus le gabarit du jeune homme en rut, au point totalement démentiel que sa silhouette évoquait dorénavant plus un T (autre fait rare en bodybuilding). Dans les ultimes instants d’élargissement du dos, le T-shirt finit par rompre, devenant pour le coup une sorte de chemisette en bien piteux état. Le bas de cette loque était au niveau de la rangée d’abdos centrale, là où dans un passé très récent il atteignait la base du pénis. Les muscles de ses bras, pourtant bien vascularisés, se parèrent d’un grillage d’énormes veines saillantes encore plus nombreuses, qui les engorgea de sang et d’hormones. Le couple biceps et triceps, qui étaient déjà formidables de puissance, augmenta prodigieusement en taille, de quoi faire pâlir bon nombre de bodybuilders stéroïdés avec ses 51 cm de circonférence. Les avant-bras suivirent la cadence, transformant les membres supérieurs en véritables presses hydrauliques. Même les muscles des mains gagnèrent en volume et force. Des poils bien noirs et drus couvrirent les avant-bras et le dessus des mains. Le monstrueux jeune homme ne percevait même pas ces changements, sa conscience étant anesthésiée par ce doux bien-être érotique dans lequel il baignait en toute quiétude. Cependant, des pulsions sexuelles de plus en plus fréquentes et virulentes essayaient de l’en tirer, ce qu’elles réussiraient sans doute bientôt. En attendant, son corps continua sa transformation. Ses abdominaux, déjà au summum de l’esthétique et de la force, prouvèrent qu’ils pouvaient durcir davantage que la pierre, tandis que le sillon central se creusa encore plus, et les muscles pubiens devinrent si secs et sculptés que sa tablette de chocolat était désormais parée de 10 carrés (autre fait rare à ajouter à la liste). La transformation ignora temporairement l’immense organe palpitant pour progresser dans les jambes, sur lesquelles un immense réseau de veines serpenta et se ramifia pour les irriguer en hormones et nutriments. L’effet fût fulgurant. Les cuisses et mollets de cyclistes devinrent de véritables troncs d’arbres, capables de pousser plusieurs centaines de kilos. A l’instar des membres supérieurs, le duvet sur ses jambes devint une fourrure virile. Une pulsion particulière puissante tira Maxime de sa torpeur. Au même moment, un jet de liquide séminal avait atterri dans son œil, comme pour lui signifier qu’il était temps d’astiquer le baobab. Maxime savait qu’il venait de prendre énormément de muscle, mais seule la jouissance sexuelle lui importait sur le moment. Il allait agripper son titanesque phallus quand il ressentit un chatouillis dans ses pieds assez insistant pour le distraire quelques secondes. Ses pieds, qui faisaient du 46 depuis un quart d’heure, commencèrent à grandir à nouveau. L’étalon renonça à la masturbation et tint les bords du lit pour se préparer à cette phase un peu plus délicate. Il entendit les os de ses pieds puis de ses jambes craquer. Un bref coup d’œil curieux lui fit découvrir d’immenses panards que des chaussures de clown taille 52 aurait du mal à contenir. Tibias et fémurs ne furent pas en reste en grandissant de nombreux centimètres. Les muscles ainsi étirés, moins trapus, semblèrent moins volumineux, mais la sensation de chaleur, qui s’était estompé, repris de plus belle en accompagnant la croissance osseuse. Les quadriceps, mollets et autres ischios reprirent leur augmentation en taille, ce qui les transforma en de véritables piliers de cathédrale, quadrillés de veines toutes plus épaisses les unes que les autres. L’étirement du squelette se poursuivit dans la colonne vertébrale, partie ô combien sensible. Maxime se mit instinctivement sur le ventre et courba le dos, tandis qu’il sentait son gland palpiter et arroser ses pectoraux. Il se positionna dans le lit de sorte qu’il ait de la marge entre son front et la tête de lit. Il se rendit compte à quel point il avait grandi quand ses genoux frôlèrent le bas du lit, laissant ses tibias et pieds en suspens au-dessus du sol. Les muscles entre chaque vertèbre grossirent raisonnablement, lui octroyant quelques centimètres, puis se sont les vertèbres elles-mêmes qui s’allongèrent. La sensation fût moyennement agréable mais son cerveau était encore relativement anesthésié par la sérotonine. Comme tout à l’heure, sans qu’il fasse le moindre mouvement, Maxime voyait défiler son oreiller vers le bas à mesure que sa colonne vertébrale s’allongeait. Ses yeux dépassèrent le haut de l’oreiller, puis le bord du matelas puis la tête de lit que sa tête toucha. La croissance n’était malgré tout pas encore achevée. Il ne recula pas et se contenta de plaquer sa tête contre le bord en arrondissant davantage le dos, lequel formait un arc de cercle de plus en plus ample. Les muscles de la poitrine et du dos reprirent leur croissance pour rendre à leur propriétaire sa silhouette en T. Les muscles latéraux repoussèrent les bras loin sur les côtés, à tel point que le monstrueux étudiant était désormais plus large que son lit d’1m40. La cage thoracique devint encore plus volumineuse, les pectoraux encore plus énormes et les abdominaux plus larges et profonds, au point qu’on pourrait y plonger la moitié d’une main. Ces proportions totalement démentes finirent par avoir raison du lit ! Sans prévenir, les pieds avant cassèrent. Ils avaient été fragilisés par les ébats frénétiques de l’étalon quelques minutes auparavant, puis sa prise de muscle exponentielle eût raison d’eux. Ils ployèrent sèchement sous les 160 kg de leur propriétaire. Celui-ci n’y fit guère attention, se concentrant sur le parcours de la douleur. Celle-ci s’atténua dans les tréfonds de la nuque à laquelle s’ajoutèrent quelques centimètres. Les muscles de son cou paraissaient dès lors un peu moins impressionnants car moins larges. La réaction ne se fit pas attendre avec de nouveau un élargissement de ceux-ci, encore plus rapide que le précédent, qui fit lâcher à la montagne de muscle un petit cri de surprise. Il se rendit compte à ce moment à quel point sa voix était devenue grave et caverneuse, mais il n’eût pas envie d’en entendre plus, sa priorité étant sa bite, toujours palpitante du haut de ses 42 cm. Cependant, la croissance du squelette n’était pas encore achevée. Les épaules à leur tour s’élargirent démesurément au point de faire trois fois la largeur de la tête de Maxime. Ce fût l'estocade pour les lambeaux de tissu qui avait résisté jusque là. La loque qui avait auparavant été un T-Shirt finit par céder sous la pression et tomba sur le lit. Puis les bras et avant-bras s’allongèrent jusqu’à ce que les mains, qui arrivaient au niveau des haches, puissent atteindre de nouveau le haut des cuisses. Les mains elles-mêmes produisirent des craquements tandis qu’elles formèrent des poings de plus en plus gros. Maxime le monstrueux était dorénavant pourvu de deux authentiques boulets de canon, solides et redoutables, au bout de chaque avant-bras. La fourrure noire présente sur cette partie s’épaissit encore un peu. Les muscles rattrapèrent maintenant le retard. Le gigantesque biceps sec et veineux avait pris l’allure d’une saucisse en s’allongeant. Les veines grossirent, se ramifièrent et le firent gonfler dans des proportions bibliques, au point que son seul bras aurait pu cacher derrière lui un ballon de football. Si ses membres supérieurs étaient des presses hydrauliques il y a encore quelques secondes, ils sont dorénavant deux bulldozers nucléaires. La partie qu’attendait avec impatience l’inhumain jeune homme arriva : la croissance de son pénis. Ou plus exactement l’anaconda lui servant de pénis. Tandis qu’il sentait la pression dans son cinquième membre augmenter, Maxime se remit sur le dos. Ses genoux dépassaient maintenant le bas du lit et ses pieds touchaient sans problème le sol. Il ne le savait pas encore, mais il faisait désormais un gigantesque 2m23. L’inclinaison du fait des pieds de lit cassés le dérangeait. Il entreprit de donner de grands coups dans le bas du lit pour rompre le reste, ce qui se produisit avec fracas. Il se réinstalla sur le dos, avec malgré tout cet inconfort dû à la toute nouvelle étroitesse du matelas. C’était un détail face aux assauts insistants de ses pulsions sexuelles débridées qui finirent par reprendre totalement le contrôle de son esprit. Ses deux géantes mains agrippèrent puissamment le phallus écarlate et suintant, puis il se mit à serrer de plus en plus. Sa poigne d’une extraordinaire puissance malmena, et même déforma la pauvre bête totalement prise au piège. Cela en devenait même douloureux mais les signaux d’alerte peinaient à se frayer un chemin jusqu’au cerveau saturé d’hormones du bonheur. La réponse à cette attaque ne se fit pas attendre. Le sang afflua en quantité vertigineuse dans l’énorme pénis et c’est le gland, à l’air libre et dégoulinant de liquide séminal, qui démarra les hostilités. De la taille d’une petite pomme, il passa à celle d’une très grosse pomme, soit l’équivalent d’un poing d’un adulte normalement constitué. Puis c’est tout l’immense mât qui essaya de se défaire de cette emprise infernale en gonflant vertigineusement. Les très grands doigts ne purent bientôt plus encercler totalement l’animal en colère. Des veines palpitantes, de la largeur d’un doigt, apparurent tout le long en serpentant. Cette sensation phénoménale provoqua chez le monstrueux étalon un râle très grave. Son phallus avait gagné, une fois du plus, en affichant une inhumaine largeur de 12,5 pour 40 cm de circonférence. Plus aucun orifice humain ne pourrait accueillir une bestiole pareille, laquelle poursuivit sa métamorphose. Toujours aussi dur comme du bois et gluante de liquide séminal qui s’écoulait non-stop, elle se mit à grandir. L’étirement du squelette avait ramené le gland au niveau de la paire d’abdominaux centrale. Celui-ci reprit son périple serein tandis que les veines continuaient d’irriguer toujours plus en sang. La tête de l’animal parcourut la paire supérieure d’abdominaux, puis le sternum et acheva sa course en titillant les pectoraux, non sans avoir laissé son chemin une trainée gluante, comme aurait fait un escargot bien baveux. Elle envoya sur le visage de Maxime un copieux jet de liquide comme pour saluer sa victoire. Ce dernier ne s’en émut pas, toujours plongé dans un bain d’orgasmes diffus. Bons derniers dans le processus de métamorphose, les testicules se mirent à grossir, passant de la taille d’oranges à celles de pamplemousse bien fermes. L’usine à sperme allait faire un malheur. Il était d’ailleurs temps de l’inaugurer par une masturbation mémorable. Il n’y avait plus de mots pour décrire le service trois pièces. Une bite affichant un terrifiant 52 cm, aussi épaisse qu’un avant-bras d’adulte normal, surplombée par un gland aussi gros qu’un fruit rond et soutenue par deux énormes couilles qui marchaient à plein régime. L’étalon contempla un instant cet engin, satisfait et même impatient de s’en servir sur d’autres personnes, mais ses pulsions lui ordonnèrent de branler tout ça de façon violente. S’il éjaculait et buvait une fois encore son propre foutre, il savait qu’il deviendrait non plus un Dieu mais un Titan. UN PUTAIN DE TITAN. Que la fête commence !
  3. Genetonic

    Totally Stoked

    Ben slouched down in his bean bag chair; closing his eyes he leaned back, exhaling a thick cloud of smoke. Handing the joint to Kenny, he giggled to himself as he felt the weed work its magic, lightening his mood and dulling his senses. Adjusting his baseball cap he felt his arm go weightless for a second, feeling like he was floating in space. Snapping back to Earth, Ben giggled, trying to replicate the sensation. Watching Kenny take a deep hit, he saw his friend’s face frozen, stuck in an eyeless grin. Breaking out into a stream of giggles, Kenny gripped Ben’s hand. “Dude. Where’d you get this stuff? It’s blowing my mind.” Kenny gestured his hands to imitate an explosion coming from his mind. Taking another hit, Ben leaned back. “I don’t know man. I found it growing nearby in a field.” Handing the joint back, “sooooo worth it, am I right.” Bringing the joint to his lips like a cigarette, Kenny lightly puffed it. “Mhmmmm’absolutely my good chap. Absolutely,” he said in his worst British accent. They both erupted in a fit of giggles and snickering. Looking up at the popcorn-textured ceiling, Kenny sighed. Feeling his lungs slow down to a deep, pensive pace, he inhaled softly, smelling the air’s sweetness. His heartbeat calming down, Kenny leaned back groaning to himself. Feeling his dick stir, Kenny smirked to himself. Trying not to throw wood in front of his best friend, Kenny tried to calm himself down, focusing on breathing. Feeling his dick harden more, Kenny couldn’t help it. Palming his light bulge through his sweatpants, Kenny giggled. “Dude, I’m fucking horny.” Ben snickered, “don’t get any ideas,” he chuckled. Hearing the oven alarm go off, Ben managed to stand up, wobbling at first. Bringing himself down the hall, he inhaled, the delicious smell of brownies filling his nostrils. Smiling to himself, he forced his eyes open. Fumbling with the over timer, he shut it off. Putting on his shark-shaped oven mitts, he opened the door, bringing out the aromatic tray of brownies. Banging it on the cutting board, he watched it fall out, small crumbs bouncing down. Putting the tray back in the oven, he shut off the heat. Getting a butter knife, he sliced the brownies, snorting to himself as he wondered if Kenny would fall asleep with a brownie on his lips like last time. Inhaling the steam, they definitely smelled sweeter this time. He didn’t know who was farming it, but they did a hell of a job. Putting the brownies on a plate, he popped one in his mouth. Chewing the soft and chocolatey snack, Ben giggled as he counted down the time until it would hit. It took probably 30 minutes last time, but it was so worth it. Opening the door, Ben stopped giggling for a second, walking in on Kenny jerking himself off. He had found his supply of lotion and tissues and was going to town on his dick. Ben felt his own dick stir at the sight. Kenny had a nice piece, almost as long as his own. Seeing he had his eyes closed, Ben crept up behind Kenny. Whispering, “boo,” Ben watched as Kenny did a half-hearted jump, still slouched in his bean bag chair. Laughing and giggling, Ben watched Kenny look around bewildered. “Not cool man,” Kenny groaned. “Now I gotta start over,” gesturing to his cock. “Why are you jerking off in my room in the first place,” Ben asked, putting down the plate of brownies. “Cause I didn’t feel like getting up,” Kenny snorted. “Whatever man, I’m too stoned to care.” “Awesome,” Kenny sighed, leaning further back as he went back to town, using his other hand to feed himself a brownie. Helping himself to a second brownie, Ben took another hit, feeling his heart start to rise up again in his chest. Falling back onto his chair, Ben left the joint in his mouth, breathing it in. Closing his eyes, he felt his body almost ‘connect’, in a way. He didn’t know how to put it, he could feel every sensation inside his limbs. He could feel his heart beating, his stomach churning, his lungs breathing, his muscles stretching and relaxing. Jumped out of his stupor by Kenny yanking the joint out of his mouth. Waking up to see Kenny still with his pants down, his average dick still in his hands, he was taking one last inhale out of the joint before throwing it away. Ben leaned back, trying to feel his inner ‘connection’ again. Instead, he just felt his dick start to get hard. Squirming his hips, Ben felt his jeans force his dick back. Groaning, he unbuckled and slid down his jeans, revealing his lightly toned legs. Rubbing his dick through his boxers, Ben felt himself regain his inner ‘connection’, only this time he could feel the stretching and pulsating of his dick. He could feel the warmth between his nuts. Massaging the walnut-sized balls, Ben groaned, feeling his stomach churn harder. About to feel the effects of his first brownie, Ben leaned up, reaching over and grabbing some lotion and tissues. Seeing Kenny floating through space, he was eating another brownie, his dick filling his hand. Something felt off about it, but feeling his dick pulse harder, Ben’s attention was drawn back. Leaning back, Ben stretched out his naked legs, feeling his leg muscles stretch and contract. Applying the lotion, Ben shivered, the cool substance enveloping his cock. Massaging and rubbing his flesh, Ben felt his stomach churn again. Swallowing another brownie, Ben felt his hand brush by Kenny’s hand as he grabbed another brownie. Feeling his mind stretch back, Ben felt the brownie hit. His blood pressure felt like it was falling and rising at the same time, his heart beating slower. His skin was buzzing, his dick felt like it had a heartbeat of its own. Widening his eyes, Ben looked around, seeing his vision warp as blood rushed through his ears. Watching Kenny, he could see his friend getting uncomfortable. He tried to say something, but all that came out was a garble. Kenny didn’t respond with more than a moan. He watched his friend slither down his sweatpants, revealing his hairy legs. His mind was slowing to a crawl, but he didn’t remember Kenny being so hairy. Kenny felt his sweaty legs hit cool air as he slid his pants off the rest of the way. He could feel his head pounding as he came down from his high, waiting earnestly for the brownie to kick in and bring him back up. Grabbing his dick again, he bit his lip, feeling his pulse quicken. Looking over, he could see that Ben was gone. He was lifeless except for his hand slowly jacking himself off. Kenny licked his lips, feeling his tongue go dry. He had always fantasized about Ben’s dick. It looked perfect, well-proportioned and blemishless. It looked an inch longer than his own 6-incher, and looked even thicker. Feeling his dick get harder, Kenny grabbed some more lotion, massaging his swollen member. Just as he was about to jerk himself to completion, Kenny was stopped in his tracks as his blood pressure dropped, his entire body blown back into space. Losing muscle control, Kenny leaned back, feeling his dick spasm. His legs were getting itchy again. Mindlessly scratching them, he couldn’t assuage the itchy feeling. Feeling his dick bob around, Kenny’s hand searched as his eyes remained hopelessly closed. Finding his shaft, he groped and stroked it, feeling his heartbeat slow down again. He could feel his heart beating through his dick, each pulse blowing his mind a little. Stopping to massage his nuts, Kenny felt that something was off. His two orbs felt much more sensitive in his hand. Fondling his nuts and jerking his cock again, Kenny felt his dick ache for release. He was getting hornier. He wanted to buck his hips, to jerk off like crazy like he did that morning, but he couldn’t make his hand go any faster. Feeling his dick stiffen up like crazy, Kenny felt that itchy feeling return, only now it was creeping up his hands and arms. Scratching his face, Kenny felt his small chin patch and moustache, and then he felt more. Scratching the growing stubble, he felt the tiny prickling sensation spread across his cheeks and chin, his lips and his neck. Feeling his dick throb at the thought of having more facial hair like he craved, Kenny smirked, going back to massaging his cock. Stretching out, he felt his joints crack. Flexing his forearms as he stretched forward, Kenny groaned. Opening his eyes slowly, he had to blink a couple times before the fuzzy image cleared in his mind. Bewildered, he was watching Ben stretch and squirm in his bean bag chair too, only he looked different. Kenny saw Ben stretch his body upwards, raising his shoulders as he cracked his back. Only when he lowered his shoulders, the hem of his shirt rode higher than before. He could see the bottom of Ben’s treasure trail now. Seeing Ben in a smaller-sized shirt, Kenny couldn’t tell at first whether it was the shirt or his imagination, but Ben looked ripped. His revealing shirt was now tight around his pecs and his biceps, his arms filling out his shirt sleeves much more. His abdominals looked absolutely rigid, hardening into a six-pack as his shirt rose higher. Kenny felt his blood pressure rise as he looked down at Ben’s naked legs. Opening his eyes wider, he saw Ben’s quads visibly thicken. His hairy thighs stretching the leg holes of his boxers. Sitting atop the increasingly tight fabric was Ben’s nuts, each one the size of a lemon and filling out his hairy sack. Kenny starred in wonderment at the thick base of Ben’s cock. Seeing the thick tool rise up higher, all the way to his mushroom-shaped cockhead. He couldn’t tell if his eyes were playing tricks on him, but Ben’s dick looked huge. Feeling his own dick throb at the sight of his friend’s horsecock, Kenny grabbed his own cock again. Looking down, he was blown away by seeing his own cock stretching longer in his hand. Feeling his pulse quicken through his shaft, Kenny jerked it off in his hand, visibly taking in its new size and thickness. The girth was incredible, he was barely able to grip his sausage in one hand. After another stroke, he could feel his fingers being forced apart by the beer-can thick shaft. Taking in the length, Kenny felt his usual range of motion lengthen with each stroke. It felt incredible, so much more cock to jerk off. Squeezing his nuts, he felt the tender orbs swell in his hands. They felt bigger than apples now. Looking over at Ben, he could see his friend was also keeping pace. His own cock was stretching as long as his own, his nuts matching Kenny’s plus-sized orbs. Feeling his legs squeezed, Kenny looked down to see his sweatpants tightening around his growing thighs. His legs were forcing the fabric further apart, his swelling muscles pushing through the material. Sliding them off, Kenny saw his legs swell even thicker. He looked like he could run a marathon without breaking a sweat. His legs were plastered in thick swirls of hair. Pulling his boxer briefs back on, Kenny gasped in amazement at how his dick was bursting out of his normally roomy underwear. Even his nuts weren’t held in by the tight fabric. Sliding them off, his hands brushing his new leg hair, feeling the coarseness. Hearing Ben groan, Kenny could tell why. His boxers were getting too tight around his growing thighs. Lumbering up off his bean bag chair, Kenny wobbled around a bit as he got used to the new thickness of his legs. He also could feel his nuts swinging down and hitting his legs. Feeling the intense heat and hairiness of his legs through his sensitive softball-sized nuts turned him on even more. Massaging his dick, Kenny knelt down next to Ben’s slumbering form. Gripping his boxer briefs, he slid down the tight undergarments. Feeling the incredible hardness of Ben’s legs, even at rest, as well as Ben’s leg hair, caused Kenny’s cock to leak a thick glob of precum. Landing on Ben’s quad, Kenny watched the clear liquid grow in size as his dick sputtered out some more. Licking his lips, Kenny eyed Ben’s growing package. It looked enormous now, the girth now rivaled a wine bottle, and probably exceeded it in length. His cockhead was thick as a grapefruit. Leaning down, Kenny felt his thicker moustache graze Ben’s cockhead. Hearing Ben rumble in his sleep, Kenny gave his cockhead a quick kiss. Scratching his thicker beard, Kenny could feel the bristles thickening in number and growing faster. Feeling his own cock bounce down and hit Ben’s leg, Kenny widened his lips around the enormous cockhead. Feeling the spongy warmth fill his mouth, Kenny moaned. His dick spurted out precum all over Ben’s cantaloupe-sized nuts. Hearing Ben moan again, Kenny drew back, licking his lips. He could see that Ben’s shirt had reached the limit. His pecs were pushing out several inches, forcing the collar down and revealing a swath of chest hair. His biceps had already torn through the sleeves and the hem of his shirt was now at the nipple line, revealing his furry set of brick-sized abs. Gripping the shirt, Kenny tore it off easily. Feeling his own strength barely register tearing off a shirt, Kenny took a moment to admire his own form. Looking down, his pecs were definitely a shelf now. Each one felt like a pillow, a big furry pillow. Scratching his own chest hair, Kenny pulled and kneaded it, feeling the new sensation of having chest hair. Lifting his arm, he could see a thick forest of armpit hair set in a cavity formed between his pecs and his massive bicep. His arm looked enormous, definitely bigger than a football, and quickly approaching a soccer ball. Rubbing his hand down his abs, he looked at Ben’s, picturing his own midsection to look like that. Eight brick-sized abs with ridges and crevices to match a cobblestone street. A thick treasure trail of fur running down to a thick bush encapsulating a monster cock. Two hefty basketball-sized nuts laid out majestically on his hairy thighs. Just as he was about to go back to licking Ben’s cock, Kenny felt a wave rush over him. Hearing Ben groan too, Kenny could only surmise the third brownie was kicking in. Falling back onto his bean bag chair, his legs now extended much farther, his foot hitting Ben’s bean bag chair. Feeling his mind fall backwards again, Kenny stared open-eyed at the ceiling, his heart beat filling his ears again. Managing to lift his arm, his eyes widened at the volleyball-sized muscle of his bicep, matched with forearms that reminded him of a Christmas ham. Even his hand looked thicker; thick, sausage-like fingers attached to a palm that outsized a baseball mitt. Bringing his arm down, he felt his muscle fibers tense and stretch. Bringing his hand to his chest, his fingers grazed his left pec, a thick layer of hair covering it. Scratching it, he could feel his heartbeat pounding. Feeling his pecs swell in his hands, he looked down to see several inches of fur-covered chest meat filling his view. His thick sausage fingers rising higher. He could see his thick beard mixing with his chest hair. Leaning back, his beard still mixed with the chest hairs. Leaning forward again, he could feel his chin get blocked by his pecs. Raising his arm again, Kenny felt his heart race as he saw the massive melon-sized bicep. His forearm looked as thick as his bicep from before. His hand looked bigger too. Thick kielbasa-sized fingers in a hand that looked like it could hold two basketballs. Feeling his feet push out further, Kenny felt his toes hit a fur-covered mass. Managing to push himself up in his stupor, Kenny gasped at his new point of view. The first thing he saw was his pulsating dick. The massive pole extended out for feet in front of him, bobbing and swaying. His enormous cockhead was flaring bigger than a basketball. His eyes glazed over the telephone-pole thick shaft as it curved down, inch after inch until the widening base was obscured by his massive pecs. Looking past his swelling cock, Kenny’s dick spasmed and vibrated uncontrollably as he stared at Ben. He couldn’t even see Ben’s face, just a glimpse of his bushy hair peeking above his unflexed pecs. Each of his massive chest muscles were bigger than bags of concrete, covered in a forest of black hair, and pushing down two nipples that were bigger than shot glasses. Looking at Ben’s enormous midsection, he could hear Ben’s stomach groan through the wall of cobblestone-sized abs. Feeling his own stomach grumble, Kenny’s hand automatically went for the plate of brownies. Picking up the small plate in his mitt of a hand, Kenny instinctively tipped the plate into his mouth, swallowing the rest of the brownies. Licking his lips, his stomach growled again. Tossing the plate aside, Kenny tried to sit up, his glutes outgrowing the bean bag chair entirely. Hearing a loud pop, Kenny’s enormous weight split the bean bag chair wide open, a flood of beads spilling out on the floor. Sitting up, Kenny’s hands mindlessly went to stroke his cock, his eyes glazed over. Reaching where he usually reached, he was met with a thick patch of hair. Feeling his way around, his hands gripped his massive nuts. Picking them up, he could only guess how big they were, his hands feeling totally out of proportion. Dropping them back on the ground, he winced, groaning at the sharp shock wave of pain that tingled his spine. Finding the base of his cock, Kenny massaged and squeezed his iron-hard shaft. Gripping his cock with his new strength, he could feel so much more now. Every nerve ending in his cock felt like it was firing twice as much stimulation, every caress his fingers gave forcing his anus to clench, causing his dick to push higher and higher. Gripping his pole, he jerked it off, double-fisting the enormous mass. Hearing another loud pop, Kenny watched as Ben’s figure slumped down as his bean bag chair deflated. Watching Ben’s own cock bob up and down, Kenny squeezed his anus again. Seeing his dick push up further, he angled his hips. Smacking his dick into Ben’s member, Kenny felt fireworks shoot down his dick. The sensation of rubbing cock on cock was sensational. Every groove and bump from Ben’s network of veins to rubbing his cockhead against the spongy mass of Ben’s own cockhead only made Kenny’s cock vibrate even more. Feeling pins and needles erupt within his cock, Kenny groaned. His stomach churning, he looked over at the empty plate. Just as his mind was clearing, he felt that familiar sensation. As if someone had tackled him and they were both falling off a cliff, Kenny felt his back fall down, his view of the ceiling retreating. Smacking his head on the dresser behind him, Kenny was out like a light. Startled by the sound, Ben sleepily woke up from his slumber. Immediately he began to freak out. Thinking that he was tripping, he looked down to see the tops of two enormous pecs pushing his chin up. A dark forest of hairs crisscrossing the enormous field coming into focus. Looking up and around, he began hyperventilating. His heart beat rising, Ben’s focus was drawn to his central line of vision. He watched as his dick swelled and pulsed, rising closer to the ceiling. It looked enormous, like a whale’s dick. It had to be thicker than a concrete pillar, and it certainly felt as long. Looking down at his hands, he saw two enormous hands that would outsize a lumberjack. Connected to two thick wrists that immediately expanded into the thickest pair of forearms he ever imagined, and to two arms that looked thicker than he was. Glancing from side to side, his eyes traversed the small hills and mountains of his traps as each side went nearly three feet to his massive shoulder. Rising his arms, he felt his mobility limited as his enormous biceps swelled and mashed into his pecs. Flexing his pecs, he could feel their power with how weighted they fell when he stopped flexing them. Taking a deep breath, he pushed them out, watching them swell another couple of inches, filling his vision. Relaxing them, he watched them only shrink about an inch or so, still filling his lower eye line with a sea of chest hair. Hearing a deep moan opposite him, Ben looked past the monolith that was his dick and saw Kenny’s body going crazy. He looked even bigger than Ben and his muscles were flexing and contracting like crazy. Ben felt his dick thicken even more as he watched Kenny’s pecs surge upwards, blocking any glimpse of his bearded face. His arms spread across the carpet, his shoulders broadened. Ben gripped his dick, jerking off his pillar of a cock as he watched Kenny’s dick surge longer and thicker. It was swelling with each pulse. After a minute of growth, Ben was jerking himself off furiously as Kenny’s enormous cockhead was being forced across the ceiling. His dick was thicker than a desk and was audibly throbbing. Ben could hear Kenny’s heartbeat through his throbbing dick. Turning him on even more at his buddy’s unstoppable growth, Ben felt his own cock surge a little bit bigger. Looking up, he watched as his cockhead began brushing against the much thicker underside of Kenny’s cock. Looking down at the sensation of his nuts being rubbed, he saw Kenny’s nuts swelling rapidly, pushing against his own. Ben’s own nuts were the size of pumpkins and swelling, but not as fast as Kenny’s nuts, which just swelled larger than their bean bag chairs. Feeling his growing cock be forced down by Kenny’s widening shaft, Ben aimed his bobbing cock downwards, landing his cockhead on Kenny’s burgeoning chest. His nuts were beginning to take control of him, the constant rubbing and pressure from Kenny’s larger balls was making him need to cum sooner. Rubbing his shaft as his cockhead was scratched by Kenny’s chest hair, Ben felt his nuts squeeze even more as Kenny’s nuts swelled to the size of a couch. Feeling his load shoot down his shaft like a cannon, Ben flexed every muscle in his body. His pecs and arms swelled against each other, his back surged higher, his thighs thickened monstrously, his nuts were swelling closer and closer to Kenny’s size, his cockhead flared and didn’t stop swelling. Cumming endlessly from his position, Ben felt his dick brush past Kenny’s face and hit the opposite wall. Forcing the rest of his load out, Ben took a deep breath, inhaling the familiar but much stronger scent of his load. Before he could start jerking off again, Ben watched as Kenny’s unconscious mass stirred. Rising up, Kenny towered over Ben, even though they were both sitting. He was plastered with Ben’s thick cum, his dark layer of body hair matted down from the stickiness. Staring into the eyes of his hypermasculinized friend, Ben could see that he was still high, his eyes were a dark pink. They both stopped for a moment, looking down to hear Kenny’s stomach churn loudly. Licking his lips, Kenny swallowed the rest of the cum that his tongue could reach. Smiling as he heard his stomach churn louder, Kenny scooped up more cum around him, greedily swallowing the mixture. Ben starred in mindless ecstasy as Kenny’s cock lowered from its own weight, the massive head soon pointing right into Ben’s face. Hearing Kenny rumble again, Ben closed his eyes and opened his mouth.
  4. redkage

    Voodoo 101: Intro to Voodoo

    Voodoo 101: Intro to Voodoo Ivan was a normal college student. Well, at least he always thought he was normal. He wasn't athletic, but he wasn't skinny or fat either. He wasn't drop dead good looking, but he wasn't ugly fortunately. His grades were C average and he didn't have any special redeeming qualities. There was one thing that did make him "not so normal" however. His eyes, instead of being brown or green like his parents, were a shocking milky white. He wasn't blind or anything, he could actually see just fine. He was getting tired of seeing people freak out whenever they see them however, so he tried to wear sunglasses as much as possible. However, enough people on campus have seen them for him to be labeled as "Zombie," a nickname he'd rather not have. It wasn't as if he asked to be born different. He always wanted to be a normal, regular guy, but because of these eyes of his, he was always made fun of or avoided. After another long day of college, Ivan finally made his way home. Instead of living in the dorms, he lived in a nearby appartment. He had been unlucky and wasn't able to secure a dorm spot, but the apartment was cheap enough to afford and close to the campus. There was only one downside though. As he walked down the hallway, he could already hear the TV in his appartment on full blast. It seemed that his roommate decided to come home early today. Taking a deep breath, Ivan unlocked the door and went inside. In the living room was Austin, his roommate, yelling at the TV like a super fan. It was no surprise though, since Austin was on the football team. There were chips and pretzels all over the floor, a mess he'll clean half assed and then leave to attract ants unless Ivan cleaned it up properly. "Yeah, touchdown!" Austin screamed, jumping off of his chair and pumping his fist, chips flying through the air. One chip actually flew and smacked Ivan on the forehead. Ivan held back his desire to complain about the mess. Austin was the typical jock; big, handsome and aggressive. The football player was 6'5" tall and weighed a good 210 lbs of solid muscle. He was rather good looking, with short brown hair, strong cheekbones and a pair of gorgeous eyes. However, Ivan was secretly more into those muscles of his. Years of training had given Austin a killer body. Large, full and yet shredded, it was a gay man's dream to live with...as long as he didn't open his mouth. Austin more or less left Ivan alone as long as he didn't bug him about it, and even then sometimes the jock gets pissed off about something. And if Ivan tried to complain about Austin's bad habits, he'd get wrestled into submission as punishment. It was the best and worst of both heaven and hell; great eye candy, but a horrible home life as a price. Biting back some choice words, Ivan made his way into his room. As soon as he was in, he dropped his backpack, flopped into his computer chair and shut his eyes. Before Ivan could get comfortable, Austin suddenly entered and dropped a big, musty and beat up looking package on his lap. "Hey Zombie, the mail guy dropped this shit off earlier and made me miss a touchdown!" "Thanks." Ivan rolled his eyes, knowing that the jock couldn't see it through his glasses. With a snort, Austin turned and went back to the living room to continue watching his game. Sighing, Ivan checked the return address on the package. To his surprise, it was from his Uncle Lester from Louisiana. Ivan had never really gotten to know his uncle, and his parents rarely even mention him. Still, there was one thing that Ivan could relate to with his estranged relative, and that was the fact that they shared the same creepy eyes. Tearing off the musty brown wrapping paper, Ivan found a thick old looking book, a wooden box and a card. Picking up the card, he began reading it. Dear Ivan I know this must come as a surprise to hear from your recluse of an uncle. I know I have not been as close like other uncles could be, but there are reasons for why I had not spoken to you. When I first gazed into those eyes of yours, I knew right away you had the gift. Your parents had wanted you to live a normal life, so they forbade me from telling you, but I sensed a great power and natural talent for the mystic arts flowing within you. Rather than letting it go to waste, I have decided to go against your parents' wishes and send you this. I am sending you this book and set as an introduction to the arts. Whether you use it or not is entirely up to you. May the spirits guide you, Uncle Lester Seriously? Mystic arts? Wasn't he talking about voodoo? Did he really expect Ivan to believe all that hocus pocus mumbo jumbo? But...even though he thought that, for some reason he believed it. He couldn't explain why, but when he read that he could use magic, it made...sense, somehow. Like it was as natural as telling him he had a heart or two legs. A quick check inside of the box revealed several small jars, small pouches, fancy looking ornaments and things he couldn't even name. Picking up the book, he read the title. "A Beginner's Introduction of the Secret World of the Ancient Art of Voodoo." Damn, that was a pointlessly long title. Still, one look at this told Ivan that it was the genuine article, for whatever hell the reason was. Everything that he learned should have told him it was completely fake, but it felt as real as the quiz he had on Monday. "I must be going crazy." He muttered even as he opened the book and started reading. * * * For the next few days, Ivan read the book every chance he got. "Intro to Voodoo" held lots of fascinating information. Like the title suggested, it was more like an introductory to voodoo than an actual spell book, though there were a few beginner spells. According to the book, Ivan could use these basic spells as a base and modify them for more advance spells. Out of curiosity he tried one of them out, a simple hex that gave someone a runny nose. He tried it out on several of his classmates to see if it really worked. To his amazement, all of them ended up with a cold, going through a few dozen tissues through class (much to the annoyance of the teacher.) One person with a cold would have just been a coincidence, but ten at the same time? After trying out a few more spells, Ivan had no choice but to accept that this book was the genuine article, even though deep down he already knew that. Perhaps it was this "natural gift" his uncle told him about, or maybe he was just being overly naiive. As his knowledge of voodoo grew, so did his desire to put it to use. There were so many different spells he wanted to try out! Of course, some of the ingredients were a bit...unique. So unique that he had no idea how to get some. One day he was walking home, thinking about his magic studies. He was almost done reading the book, but had only put to practice only a handful of tricks. Oh, if only he could figure out where he could get new books and supplies! Suddenly he felt an odd, tugging sensation pulling at him. Stopping, he looked around, trying to figure out who did that, but there was no one around. Still, the tugging sensation persisted. Well, at least it FELT like tugging, but as far as he knew it, nothing was pulling at his arm or leg or anything. It was more like he was drawn to go in a certain direction. "Ah hell, I got nothing better to do tonight." He said and started following this unnatural sensation. He had no idea where he was going, but was sure of is way somehow. The tugging sensation took him down the street, took several turns and winding paths mixing up his sense of direction completely. Before he knew it, he was standing in front of a shop. It looked normal on the outside, neat and orderly. Through the windows Ivan could see something that resembled a quaint antique shop, but something told Ivan that it wasn't exactly your everyday store. "Well, I've gone this far, might as well enter." He pushed the door open. Above him a bell rang as he entered the store. The inside wasn't nearly as bright or new looking as the outside was. When Ivan looked through the window from the outside, it looked like a nicely organized antique shop, with everyday items. Once inside, that neat shop turned into a crowded mess full of the weirdest, wackiest stuff he had ever seen. There were rows and rows of shelves loaded with all sorts of different things you'd never see in any shop. Chicken bones, crystal balls, colorful gems, ornate chinese lamps; those were just some of the more ordinary objects he could identify. Hanging on the walls and from the ceiling were various dried plants and herbs, dreamcatchers and windchimes, African tribal masks and something that resembled...a shrunken head? "Coming!" A guy's voice came from the back, causing Ivan to jump. For some reason he hadn't expected anyone to be in there. A guy, maybe a few years older than Ivan walked into view, carrying a few dozen books in his arms. When he set them down, Ivan was able to get a good look at him. The guy was pretty ordinary looking compared to his surroundings. In fact, he looked pretty cute. Rich, auburn colored that hung in soft curls, dark eyes that seemed to hold a playful secret behind them. A tall, strong looking body probably built from lifting various heavy objects around the store. He wasn't as muscular as Austin was, but he was still a nice sight for sore eyes. "Thank you for waiting, how may I help you?" The guy greeted him. "Uh, I'm..I'm just browsing."Ivan said. The guy peered at Ivan, making him uncomfortable. "You wouldn't happen to be new at the mystic arts would you?" "Wh-what makes you say that?" Ivan shifted his weight back and forth, not knowing how to react. This guy knew he could use magic? "For starters you look nervous as heck." The guy chuckled. "What if I'm just a regular guy who accidentally wandered in here?" Ivan argued. "Well first of all, you pretty much admitted you were a magic user with that sentence. A regular guy would have said something like 'what? magic?' instead. Second, only people with magic who want to be here can enter." "Is that even possible?" "Oh sure, it's your basic magic shop enchantment..." He trailed off as he looked straight at Ivan. "Your eyes..." On reflex Ivan's hand shot up and checked his sunglasses, but they were securely in place. "Wh-what about them?" "Your eyes are pretty damn awesome!" He said. That wasn't the reaction Ivan had been expecting. "What?" He was surprised more by the fact that they were called awesome and less by the fact that somehow this person managed to see his eyes through sunglasses. "You've got a mystic's eyes!" He remarked. "Those are extremely rare. All of the people who are born with those turn into really powerful magic users." "R-really?" For the first time in his life, someone was actually saying his eyes weren't creepy or weird. Not only that, they were saying it was a good thing. "Yeah, they're pretty respected in the magical community." The guy said. "At one point in time people tried to gouge out those eyes and sell them for quite a lot of money...but that practice has long died out." He said immediately upon seeing the color drain from Ivan's face. "Mystic's eyes lose power the moment they're removed, so it pretty much made them useless to everyone except the person they're born with, so I doubt anyone would be taking yours anytime soon." "Thanks, I feel so much safer than before I came here." Ivan muttered. "Yeah sorry, hey, do you know what kind of special abilities your eyes have given you?" The stranger asked excitedly. "You mean besides give people the creeps?" Ivan felt himself actually relaxing a bit. "Well, since you just started exercising your power it probably hasn't had time to fully develop yet. I'm sure it'll manifest sooner or later...Ah sorry, where are my manners, I tend to ramble on when I find something rare or valuable." He said. "My name is Soloman, owner of this fine establishment you're standing in." Soloman offered his hand. "Ivan." He took the hand and shook it. "So what kind of art do you practice?" Soloman asked. "Um...voodoo?" "Oh that's a fun one." The shopkeeper grinned. "It dabbles in all sorts of different fields. If you become top level, you can even make a zombie or two." "Er, I've seen too many zombiepocalypse movies and video games, so no thanks."Ivan shook his head. Actually it was the fact that his nickname around college was Zombie that ticked him off, but he didn't need to know that. "Hey I just said you can, not that you have to." He laughed. "Well then, back to business. Is there anything in particular you are looking for?" "Well..." Ivan hesitated for a moment, but decided to tell Soloman. It seemed that this person already knew he could use magic, and seemed trustworthy enough. And besides, who knew when he'd get a chance to find another magic shop? "I'm almost done with the book and supplies my Uncle sent me." "Lemme guess, Intro to Voodoo and a basic starter set?" Soloman asked. "Er, the book yes, I'm not sure if it was a starter set." Ivan said. "The two of them are always sold as a bundle." Soloman walked around the counter and to a bookshelf. His fingers glided along the bindings until he found the one he was looking for and pulled it off the shelf. "Here, this one is the next level up from Voodoo 101." Soloman came back to the counter where Ivan was waiting and set it down in front of him. "I also recommend the advanced hex set number two, that's got a bunch of stuff that's used in a majority of the spells. If there are any specialized ingredients or tools you need, just place an order and I should have it ready in a few days time." "Wow. Thanks, you've been really helpful." Ivan looked at the book and set in restrained anticipation. "I wouldn't have any returning customers if I wasn't helpful." Soloman laughed. "Now that'll be forty-nine ninety-five." * * * From then on Ivan made regular trips to the shop. Every time he visited there was something new there to discover. Mostly though, Ivan found he liked talking with Soloman. The guy was very interesting and knowledgeable, teaching Ivan all sorts of things, some of them not even about voodoo. After a few weeks of visiting the shop, though, Ivan began to feel his wallet getting tight. He was after all still a college student, and his new extracirrcular studies weren't exactly cheap either. When he brought the subject up to Soloman, the shopkeeper gave him a solution. "Just sell your work here." He told him. "You're making great progress in your art to the point where you can actually sell some of your stuff." "Can I really do that?" Ivan asked. "Sure, where do you think half this stuff came from?" He waved his arms at all of the items cluttering the shop. "You've showed me a few of the things you came up with, and they're all top quality stuff. Just make a few potions, portable hexes and enchanted objects and I gurantee you there will be a buyer." And Soloman was right. Ivan began supplying the shop with charms, amulets and other items, only to found them sold out the next day. Soon Ivan found himself with enough money to supply his hobby, and then some. One day Ivan went to the fridge to take out his latest work. It was a special salve that would protect a person from curses. It was a very advanced and technical project, but after fermenting it for three days in the fridge it was finally ready to sell. Upon opening the door, however, he found the jar absent. In its place was a pizza box. Not believing what he was seeing, he pulled out the box and looked inside. Three lonely slices sat there innocently, and definetely not his jar. He tossed the box to the side and began rummaging the fridge, searching for the jar. He looked behind every carton, container and junk in there, but there was no sign at all. At that moment Austin walked in, coming home from a day of practice. "Hey Austin, what did you do to the green jar that was in the fridge?" Ivan stepped away from the fridge to confront the jock. "That thing? I tossed it out." Austin said. "You tossed it out?" Ivan felt his anger surge. "I needed that for something!" "Well then you shouldn't have stashed it in the fridge. I needed room to put in the pizza, and it smelled something rank. Do you seriously even eat that stuff?" "It wasn't suppose to be eaten!" Ivan said hotly. "You could have taken the last three slices of pizza and put it on a plate, which would have saved you a ton of room! And not only that, that jar was mine! You shouldn't be tossing stuff that doesn't belong to you!" "Dude, what's your problem?" "My problem is you!" "And what're you gonna do about it, shrimp?" Austin shoved Ivan, causing him to stumble back and knocking his glasses off. "It's your fault for leaving your shit in the fridge, I was doing you a favor throwing it out. Freak." Ivan looked up to glare at Austin. Suddenly as he looked into Austin's eyes, Ivan felt something come over him. All of a sudden he could see things about Austin, personal private things. He could see Austin's desires, his fears, and his secret thoughts. All of it Ivan saw in the blink of an eye. This revelation was cut short when Austin threw his dirty, sweaty towel onto Ivan's face. "Stop looking at me like that with those freaky eyes, faggot." Then he walked away to his room and slammed the door shut. Ivan sat there on the floor for a moment, processing things over. He was furious, yes, but he was also trying to figure out what the hell he saw. Was it some sort of hallucination? No, that wasn't right. It was more like a vision, but loaded with information. Was this what Soloman meant? Was this the power of his eyes? Either way, Austin had crossed a line. Ivan had tolerated that jock long enough, and it was time to teach him a lesson he'll never forget! Marching into his room, Ivan began gathering all of the books and notes he had taken and began devising a suitable punishment for his asshole of a roommate. Austin was a good looking guy, but quite a jerk. Ivan couldn't deny that he thought his roommate's body was hot, but...there was always room for improvement. Lots of improvement, Ivan thought with a broad grin. Besides, Austin was always treating Ivan like shit anyway, so becoming Ivan's guinea pig was fair game. Wasting no time, Ivan began flipping though the pages of his book. With some modifications, there were spells that would produce a very...interesting effect. "This is going to be fun." He cackled. * * * "Damn man, you lookin' swole." Austin looked at his buddy Joey. "Yea, had a good day at the gym, could really feel the pump flowing dude!" Austin flexed his arm for his friend to see. The other jock whistled as a sizable bicep popped out. Joey was pretty decently sized himself at 190 lbs. at 6'3". He wasn't in the same league as Austin, but was close enough to be workout buddies. "Damn man, whatever you're doing, keep doing it." Joey reached out and squeezed the bicep. "Nah, I think I'm going to cut back on the bulking." Austin lowered his arm. "Aw come on, why not?" Joey asked. "I don't want to be too freakishly huge, y'know? And besides, all that muscle would just slow me down." Austin told him. "What a waste, you'd look awesome as the Hulk, minus the green skin of course." Joey laughed, and Austin joined with him. Despite what he said, Austin was a little proud with Joey's compliment. Still, a 5 lbs. gain in less than a week was super impressive to say the least, but he should really cut back. He didn't want to become one of those roided out muscle monsters after all. * * * "I must admit, I've never heard of anyone doing that kind of spell before," Soloman told Ivan, "much less to punish someone for it." "Haven't you ever heard of the term 'too much of a good thing?'" Ivan said. "Besides, if you saw what I did, you'd know this is the perfect thing for him." "I'll have to take your word for it." Soloman laughed. "Let me know how it works out, if it goes well maybe you can make a charm out of it to sell. I'm betting it'll become very popular." "I'll let you know every juicy detail." Ivan smiled. * * * Damn, another five pound gain Austin checked the scale. He checked and double checked the scale, and it still read 220 lbs. Looking into his bathroom mirror, he checked out his reflection. It was very slight, but he could see the difference those pounds had on his body; a little bit thicker, and little bit bigger. He'd really need to start focusing on cutting back soon, otherwise all that added bulk would just get in the way. Already people were giving him looks as he made his way across campus. "Ah well, i'm still pretty hot." He said, running his hand down his sexy 8 pack abs. After a moment of admiring himself, he grabbed his shirt and pulled it on. Once it was on, he tugged at it a little bit, frowning. It felt a bit tighter than usual, but then again, all of his clothes were tight, so it was nothing new. When he drop those extra pounds it'll feel comfortable on him again. * * * Ivan was secretly enjoying watching his roommate slowly swell up. Already the jock's clothes looked tighter, stretching across the growing masses. And yet Austin was oblivious to the real cause. Still, it was a bit slower than Ivan had thought. So, Ivan decided he would kick things up a bit and poured some more power into the spell, right when he saw Austin walk by in a t-shirt that was so tight it looked painted on. "He'll be busting out of that shirt in no time." Ivan snickered to himself, and went to work. * * * Riiiiiip! Austin winced as he heard something give away. Somehow he screwed up with the laundry and all of his clothes shrunk. Now everything was too tight, some of them so tight that they actually tore when he tried to put them on. After much difficulty and destroying a few shirts and shorts, he had finally managed to get something on that morning. However, several hours later his wardrobe was slowly malfunctioning, ripping whenever he reached too far or moved too suddenly. God, how embaressing he thought as he tried to focus on the lecture. However, the teacher was so boring that he felt the uncontrollable urge to yawn. As he raised his hand to cover his mouth, it caused his bicep to bulge and flex past what is sleeve could handle. Riiiip! His bicep exploded through his sleeve. "Mr. Grisman!" Austin jumped in his seat, causing something else to rip. "What?" "You're disrupting the class. If you want to show off your body so badly, do it outside." The teacher pointed at the door. The entire class laughed as Austin's face turned red while gathering his things. As he made his way through the aisles and towards the door, the seams of his pants suddenly gave way to his thich quads, shredding apart at the sides very loudly and making the class laugh again. Fucking hell, I gotta go on a diet right away Austin told himself. But first, he needed to go and buy some new clothes. * * * "He's at the point where he's outgrowing his clothes now." Ivan reported happily to Soloman. "He's that big now huh?" Soloman's hands were busy sorting out a few dozen different feathers into bundles. "One wonders just how far you're willing to take this." "Well, one wonders how far he CAN take this." Ivan said. Soloman paused for a moment to look at Ivan. Whenever he was in the shop, Ivan would take off his sunglasses since the shopkeeper didn't mind them one bit. When their eyes met, Ivan felt a feeling of concern and other thoughts flow into him. Weirdly enough, he felt as if Soloman was also reading him as well. "I'm just concerned that your quest will consume you." Soloman turned away and resumed his task. "I've seen a lot of good men get too wrapped up in revenge and ended up destroying themselves." "Don't worry; I know what I'm doing." Ivan reassured him. "I know you do." Soloman tied a leather string around one bunch of feathers, inspected it carefully, and then moved on to the next one. "Enjoy your fun Ivan, but I suggest having some protection on you in case he ever finds out. You two DO live with one another after all, and if you grow him as big as you say you are, he'll be able to knock your head clear off with one blow." "Don't worry about me; I know how to take him down when the time comes." Ivan reassured him. "In the meantime, I think I'll enjoy watching him blow up." * * * Austin stared down at the scale. It had to be broken. It was the only logical explanation. There was no way he could weigh as much as it said. 246 lbs. "Fucking hell!" He said as he gave the scale a kick, sending it banging against the wall. Now it was REALLY broken. There was no way he could weigh 246 lbs. No absolute freakin' way. His eye caught his reflection in the mirror, and he quickly averted it. He had been avoiding it for the past several days. It was mostly because he didn't want to face the truth. Despite his desire not to, however, he couldn't stop himself from turning and facing the mirror. If the scale was broken, the mirror must've been broken too because the man in it clearly looked like he was 246 lbs. Every muscle on his body was obscenely huge, just like a pro bodybuilder's. His shoulders and lats spread out wide like a barn door, filling the view in the mirror. His chest, which had once been one of his weakest spots, was now as big as two ripe honeydew melons. His arms rippled like pythons, each of them measuring at around 20 inches cold. Maybe I'm just retaining water he thought, that could explain why he looked so big. But in reality, his muscles looked extremely ripped. All of the fat on his body seemed to have been burned off and left him with the best definition he had ever seen. His abs, thankfully, didn't grow bigger, but those 10 packs looked more shredded and defined than they have ever been. "I'll just stop lifting for awhile, that should cut some mass off." He said. If he can cut some mass and keep his current definition, he'd probably be the hottest guy on campus. But that was the main problem. He just kept on adding bulk. It wasn't as if he was lifting harder, and sure his strength gains were amazing, but no one could pack on 35 lbs. of muscle in les than a month! He'll stop going to the gym, plain and simple. He'll just jog and keep to a strict diet, which should work. Picking up his shirt he pulled it over his head and tugged it on. The shirt barely made it halfway when a loud tearing sound filled the air. "SHIT!" He tore the rest of the shirt off and threw it on the ground. It looked like he'll have to go and buy 5XL shirts now. * * * Ivan was ecstatic that his voodoo magic was working so well. He'd hear Austin swear loudly as sounds of ripping clothing filled the air every other day, a sign of his ever growing bulk. Austin was no longer a lean 'super model' nor was he merely athletic. No, now Austin was looking like a full blown bodybuilder, with muscles that could hold it's own in any contest. Soon the jock will reach the same level as a super heavyweight bodybuilder, perhaps even going beyond them. Of course, Ivan made sure that his spells weren't wrecking Austin's health. He may be doing this out of spite, but he wasn't trying to kill him or anything. Austin would be the healthiest musclebound mass monster on campus by the time Ivan was done with him (but that probably wouldn't be anytime soon.) * * * "Fuck man, what the hell is going on with me?" Austin muttered as he looked down at himself...or at least tried to. His chest had grown so thick that it was starting to block his view of anything past them. However, he knew full well what was going on: he was growing bigger. 302 lbs. 302 fucking lbs. He couldn't explain it; it was like his muscles were growing without even trying! He hadn't touched a single weight in a week, and yet every day when he would step onto the scale, he would find the number creeping higher and higher until finally he broke through the 300 mark. He would blame it on the scale being broken again or something, but this was a brand new scale and his reflection in the mirror proved otherwise. Now he was the size of a Mr. Olympia contender, only he was both massive AND ripped. If he took part in the contest, he could probably win easy. "Fucking hell, I'm too big!" Austin reached up and squeezed his chest, trying his best to make it smaller somehow. As his hand squeeze the muscle, his cock within his shorts twitched, prompting him to jerk his hand back. He wasn't...turned on by this, could he? * * * Ivan knew that Austin WAS turned on by what was going on. When he looked directly into Austin's eyes, saw it; a burning desire to grow huge. Despite what he claims, or how hard he denies it, the truth was that Austin liked having a huge body. However, the jock had been brainwashed into thinking that people were disgusted by what he was told as "oversized" and "too huge." Of course, Austin was also worried about losing his speed with all that muscle mass, which was true, but he was never the fastest on the team anyway. And honestly, there were more people who would love to see Austin pack it on than the jock thought. * * * "I don't care how you do it, just stop taking whatever shit you're on and lose all that muscle before the next game you hear me!?" Coach's voice could be heard clear through the building. Fortunetely it was dead at that time so no one else was around to hear Austin get chewed out. It was quite the sight, a 320 lbs muscle giant getting put down by an overweight middle aged man. "Are you trying to get kicked off the team? Is that is!?" Coach yelled. "No sir, I love football, I want to stay on the team." Austin said. Yet somehow it sounded so hollow. "Then stop putting on muscle and start using your head!" Coach banged his fist on the table. "Last game you brought too much attention to you, people are already talking about you taking steroids to boost your game. And you know what? They're probably right." "But coach, I swear I'm not taking-" "Don't give me those excuses! How else does a man gain over eighty pounds in less than two months!?" Coach demanded. Austin was at loss for words. Even he couldn't figure that out. The coach let out a deep breath and sat back down. "Listen, I'm not against you bulking up and all that, frankly it's making you unbeatable on the field. But it's just too much too fast to be natural. If you get any bigger, I'll have no choice but to have to take some tests." "I understand coach." Austin said. "Now get out there and eat a cheeseburger or something else unhealthy." The coach said, dismissing him. Austin sighed as he left the coach's office and stepped out. He had been expecting this for quite some time. Somehow it didn't seem as bad as he thought. It was weird, his spot on the team was in jeopardy, but he didn't seem to care as much as he should have. As he was walking by the gym, he heard a clank. Curious he looked in. Inside was his friend and teammate Joey, having tripped over a barbell. "You okay there?" He asked, coming the rest of the way in. Joey's eyes went wide when he saw Austin...all of Austin. It wasn't the first time someone had that reaction when they say him. Pretty much everyone stared and gaped whenever he walked by, his massive thighs rolling around each other, his clothes appearing painted on his bloated, oversized body. "I, uh, was just, uh," Joey just looked at Austin dumbfoundly. Austin sighed. "I know,you think I look like a freak." "What?" Joey looked at Austin blankly. "Don't try and deny it, you and everyone else think I look like a freak with all these muscles." "I don't think you look like a freak!" "Oh come on, look at me!" Austin grabbed the front of his shirt and tore it off, exposing his body. Joey gasped. Never before had the football player seen anyone so huge and ripped before. Austin's traps and deltoids laid on his shoulder like bowling balls had been stuffed under the skin. Those arms must've been 28 inches around, with biceps the size of Joey's head at least. With every breath, Austin's pectorals seemed to heave outwards powerfully, like two inflating balloons with nipples. Austin's waist was so defined, so shredded he could probably shred cheese on it. Even though Austin didn't take off his pants, there was no hiding those massive tree trunk legs of his, with quads as thick as Joey was and calves the size of hams. "You...want to know what I think?" Joey said softly. "What, that I'm a giant hideous freak?" Austin asked. Slowly Joey looked up, his eyes trailing up those thick calves, the tree trunk legs, the rippling waist, the broad pectorals, the wide lats, the cannonball traps and finally to Austin's face. "I think you look hot." Austin looked at him, not sure if he heard right. "What?" "I think you look hot as hell." Joey said again. "Are you fucking with me?" Austin growled. "Because I'm not laughing." "It's the truth!" Joey took a step back. "I...fuck man, I never wanted to say anything, but I think all those muscles are fuckin' hot. I think the bigger you get, the better you look." "If I get any bigger, I'll be too big for football!" Austin yelled."Coach is right about to kick me off the team because of them!" "I-I know, and that sucks, but I can't help it, I think you look awesome." Joey said. Austin didn't know what to make of this. He wanted to be angry at Joey, he really did. But he couldn't muster the anger up. Joey was his friend, and finding out that he was both gay and into Hulk sized muscles at the same time...well, now that he knew, the signs were so obvious. Joey always was excited whenever Austin showed off his muscles, or bragged about his gains. And those muscle feels, they occured more often and lingered a bit longer than normal. But, all in all, Austin didn't mind it one bit. "Do you...do you really think I look good with all this?" Austin asked. "Oh fuck yeah." Joey said, approaching slowly. "Even if I continue to get even bigger?" Austin could feel the crotch of his pants tighten. "Especially if you get bigger." Joey reached out and placed a hand on a massive deltoid. He attempted to squeeze it, but was met with steely muscle insted. "And...would you be willing to stick around and watch me grow bigger?" "You'd have a hard time keeping me away big guy." Joey said as he pressed his body against Austin's, feeling those hard muscles flex and bulge back. And then suddenly they were kissing. Austin couldn't remember who kissed the other first, but he didn't care. It just felt so good, so...right, that he didn't want it to stop. Soon they were fumbling to take his pants off, peeling the fabric away to expose his colossal lower body. His cock sprang to life from the confines of his boxer, having also exerienced the same growth spurt as the rest of his body, extending to a full 13 inch length. "God it's so huge." Joey gasped as he looked at the massive member. "You don't have to if you don't want to." Austin said, then gasped when Joey lowered his ass on top of it. "Oh I want it. I've wanted it ever since I first saw you in the shower." Joey whispered. "Alright, but don't regret it later." Austin told him, then pierced Joey's ass. Joey cut off a cry that escaped his throat, followed by a deep moan. As Austin began to rock his hips, Joey was worshiping those glorious muscles, his tongue and lips servicing them as best as he could. The more Joey worshiped his muscles, the closer it brought Austin to climax. Soon Austin was flexing his muscles, bouncing his pecs and rippling his abs, and it turned him on even more! Joey couldn't take it anymore and shot his load, cum splattering over those perfect abs. Austin however still kept rocking, flexing and posing, his balls churning and painfully swelling as his seed built up, closer and closer until finally he let out a roar and blew, his cock spewing shot after shot into his best friend. After a full two and a half minutes of shooting, his balls finally emptied and the both of them collapsed onto the gym floor. "That...was...incredible." Joey gasped. Austin looked at him, and listened to those words thoughtfully. "It really was." * * * The bell rang as Ivan walked into the store in high spirits. As Austin grew bigger, Ivan's mood seemed to brighten as well. Who knew turning your roommate into the Hulk could make you...peppy? "Afternoon Ivan!" Soloman greeted him from the counter, a grocery bag already set on the counter. "I've got your usual muscle monster making supplies ready for you." "Thanks Soloman!" Ivan said as he reached for his wallet. "So how big is the giant stud now?" Soloman asked curiously. "Austin is pushing about 360 lbs. now." Ivan reported. "He's gotten so big the people at the big and tall are actually having trouble getting him stuff big enough to fit him." "Geez, sounds like his expenses are just piling up as he grows huh?" "Well he's got a football scholarship and everything, so he can afford it." Ivan said as he handed over the money. "Last game he played he was unstoppable, they just handed him the ball and he plowed his way through all the way to the end zone." Soloman laughed as he handed Ivan his change. "Wish I could have seen it. Anyways, I've got a few people interested in that spell of yours. When you get the chance, enchant a few amulets and charms with it and you'll be making yourself a small fortune." "For now I'll just enjoy practicing it on my roommate." Ivan said as he picked the bag up. "I'll see you in a few days then." "Alright take care!" Soloman said as Ivan left. Ivan got home from another trip to his supply store, his grocery bag filled with ingredients for his spells. So far his work on Austin had gone beyond what he could have ever imagined, and quite frankly he wasn't sure if he wanted to stop. And besides, he already bought the supplies for it, so he might as well put them to good use. As he walked towards his room, he saw that the door was left ajar. He frowned, having remembered closing it before he left. Feeling something was wrong, he slowly opened the door and walked in. Austin was in his room. The360 lbs. behemoth looked positively massive in his small room, taking up much of the space. Around him were his spells books and written notes. All of his drawers were open, revealing his ingredients and tools. "What is all this?" Austin asked. "These books, all these weird stuff, this right here!" He held up the sheets of paper containing all of his muscle growing spell research as well as the pictures and weight readings that he made of Austin. There was no way for him to lie around this. "I've been using voodoo to grow your muscles." He told him. "You did this to me!?" Austin dropped the papers. "You turned me into this...this...THIS!?" He motioned his hand at his body. Every muscle rippled and flexed powerfully. If Ivan wasn't being yelled at, he would have found it incredibly hot. "Call it payback for always being an ass to me." Ivan crossed his arms. Mentally he prepared to throw a hex or two to immobilize Austin as soon as he threw a punch. "You...you..." Austin began to shake violently. Ivan took a deep breath and prepared to take Austin down. Suddenly Austin dropped to his knees, creating a massive THUD that shook the floor. "Thank you." Ivan choked back the activation key. "W-what?" "Thank you...for this." Austin said. Ivan didn't know how to respond. He had expected the huge man to go into a rage and try to kill him or something, but this was the exact opposite of the reaction he had been anticipating. "I...know I was being an asshole to you, treating you like shit cuz of your freaky looking eyes. You probably did this because I was a dick, probably grow into a huge muscle monster. But, I like it. I...I really like it. I like tearing out of my clothes, I like having to squeeze through doorways, I like the stares people give me as I walk by, I like seeing myself get bigger and bigger." "I know you do." Ivan said. "A month and a half ago when I looked into your eyes, I saw everything about you." "You...did?" Austin looked up, flinched slightly as he saw Ivan's white eyes. "And...and you didn't turn me into a tiny wimp instead?" "What can I say, I'm into big guys." Ivan shrugged. "Sure I was tempted, and yeah I did it because I was mad, but honestly I did it because I thought it was the best way to teach you a lesson. And besides, I felt that you needed to figure out what you really wanted instead of going for what other people say." "Thank you!" Austin grabbed Ivan and hugged him tightly. Suddenly the tiny witch doctor found his face being crushed into the valley between two massive pecs, with arms as thick as hams wrapped around him. "Dude, can't breathe..." Ivan struggled to say, but he had to admit he found it hot. "Oh, sorry." Austin dropped his smaller roommate. "I'm still adjusting to being this big. Though, I gotta confess, when I ripped a door off it's hinges the other day, it felt awesome." "I'll bet." Ivan laughed. "Well, now that we've gotten that out of the way, there's something I want to ask you." "Yes? What is it?" "Can you PLEASE pick up after yourself? Your oversized boxers made me almost trip the other day." * * * "It's amazing how much a person could change in so little time. And I'm not talking about the physical changes Austin had gone through." Ivan said, his hands moving through the box of trinkets. "Though a 260 lbs. gain in the span of a two months is impressive enough as it is." Soloman pointed out. "No, what's amazing is how an arrogant jerk could become decent person." Ivan held up a gemstone and inspected in closely. "Who knows, maybe in a few weeks we could actually get along to the point where we could be friends." Finding the stone satisfactory, he set it aside. "That's pretty rare, the subject of a voodoo revenge actually becoming friends with the person who casted it in the first place." Soloman remarked as he placed the rest of the stones back into their box and put them away. "Then again, you are quite the unique individual." "Me? I'm just an ordinary guy with a weird hobby." Ivan smiled as he dug out his wallet. After finishing his trip to Soloman's store, Ivan went back home and was unloading his bag full of spell supplies onto the counter. Now that his roomate knew about it, Ivan didn't have to hide everything in his room (which was a good thing, since it was starting to reek in there.) He was just putting away a bunch of dried herbs when Austin came in. It was quite a sight, watching Austin try to fit his 380 lbs frame through the narrow doorway. Even while turning sideways, his pecs scraped the frame. Once through, he walked towards Austin, his mammoth thighs rolling around each other in a super exagerated bodybuilder waddle. Today he wore a muscle shirt that was true to it's name. The fabric of the 15XL shirt was stretched so tight it was a miracle it didn't tear off when he took a deep breath. "Hey Austin, how was practice today?" Ivan asked as he pulled out a jar of gator teeth from the grocery bag. "I left the team today." Austin reported. Ivan fumbled, nearly dropping the jar he was holding. "You what? Why?" "I just...rather than playing sports, I liked hitting the gym even more." Austin said. "And rather than go through the hassle of getting accused for doing steroids, I thought I should best leave the team before they make a huge deal about it." "And what about your scholarship?" Ivan set down the jar. "I got a bunch saved up," Austin told him, "plus I'll get a part time job. I can probably get one as a bouncer easy with a body like this." He reached out and grabbed his bicep. His hand couldn't even cover half of it, and this was a hand that used to palm footballs. "You're serious about this." Ivan said. "Yea, I am." Austin reached up and scratched the back of his neck. It was an awesome display, his biceps fought with his forearm, his triceps flared out. If he had been wearing sleeves it would have probably burst by now. Ivan looked up at Austin, and Austin met his gaze. For a few brief moments they kept eye contact before Ivan broke out into a smile. "Well I wish you the best of luck roomie." Ivan told him. "Thanks, I know it ain't easy living with me." Austin relaxed a bit. "That's for sure, but you've mellowed out a lot now that you're pushing 500 lbs." Ivan pointed out. "I'm only 380." Austin corrected. "Not for long my friend," Ivan grinned as he took a jar and cracked it open. "Not for long..."
  5. canon

    Destination XXL (m/m)

    (This story plays in the same universe as Muscle Daddy. Just wasn't able to link them together, yet.) Part 1 Daddy Rent went out to the Big and Tall Men’s Clothing store DESTINATION XXL to buy some new clothes for work. He had heard about this store opening and was intrigued by its name. From afar he could clearly see the big letters XXL. Rent parked his big truck and walked to the store. At the entrance their slogan read “Nation's first men's big and tall clothing store for top brands in XXL sizes and up.” There were not many people in the store and the only visible worker turned out to be a tall cute twink. On walking in, the twink waved and said “Hello Sir and welcome to Destination XXL”. He was busy unboxing some items but kept looking my way. I walked around the store and also went a bit closer to him to check him out. He was wearing a store labeled shirt with the letters XXXL on it. Weird, didn’t the store only have XXL on it, Rent thought to himself. But looking at the rather skinny jeans, which left no imagination to how big his bulge is, he assumed it must have been a department joke or his lucky day. Rent walked through the aisles and ended up in the underwear section. The store sold extra large posers and underwear, exposed on overly muscled mannequins. Their muscles and monster bulges were visible to the shoppers and taking a better look at three mannequins standing closest to him he could clearly see the outline for their cock heads, the heavy balls and what looked like veins popping out. There was also a sign next to each mannequin with the size of the underwear and the cock. How strange Rent thought. He never saw a store portraying their clothes that way. “6ft 8, 7.5 inch cock, size XXL”, said the first one. The mannequin was of an amateur bodybuilder, big veins on his biceps and a really huge ass and legs. The second mannequin was shorter but more muscled and also more hung. The label read “6ft 1, 8.5 inch cock, size XXL”. But Rent couldn’t focus too much on the second, as the third mannequin took away his breath. “5ft 11, 10 inch cock, size XXXL”. Due to its normal height, the muscles looked even more ridiculously huge. A pro bodybuilder type with even bigger legs, huge chest and massive arms. But what really caught Rent’s attention was the bulge. It could have literally been considered a third leg due to its thickness and length. A big vein and a huge mushroom head were visible through the bulge. That’s all Rent had to read and see and see to tent up and somehow embarrassingly hide his really large erection. The owner of this store must be very conscious of bulge sizes and maybe also has some bulge or cock fetish. Once slowly gaining some self control again he keeps on walking through the aisles and ends up near the register. On the wall they had big condoms in several sizes. And they also had an open jar with the label “Try me on”, with several of the brands in it. Damn, where am I? How is this supposed to work. I am getting really aroused here. That’s when the hung twink worker comes around the corner and wakes Rent from his trance. “Can I help you with anything sir?” he said with a wide smile and absently adjusting his bulge, which Rent noticed right away. Damn this kid is definitely packing some serious meat. “Ah, no thank you. I just heard about this place from a friend and was just looking around a bit. Also saw those rather large mannequins. Never seen anything like that.” He waved at the mannequins in the underwear aisle but was secretly looking at the twinks bulge seemingly growing bigger. The twink looked at the mannequins he put up there yesterday, smiled, looked back at Rent and saw him checking him out. “Oh yes, it is one of our specialties. We specialize on XXL clothing and everything that comes with living a large life.” He smiled his killer smile again and almost looked like he winked with his eyes a bit when he said everything. “And judging by your size you seem to be in the right store all along. Our store is designed for extra-large male customers. Let me know if I can help you with anything in particular. I am here for you. Especially as there don’t seem to be other people here today. It was way busier on our opening day. My boss had trouble finding coworkers on such short notice so he had to come help out himself. Told him he shouldn’t be so picky on choosing new employees, but he is very selective. Lucky me. I totally fit his desired description.” Absentmindedly rubbing his bulge again. Rent had to stop starring or else he would grow hard again. “Well, I was looking for some new clothes for work and maybe some speedos for the beach, but I couldn’t find the beach aisle. I also have no idea what my actual stats are. Maybe you can help me out?” ... ______ As always feedback is welcomed. Any help continuing or contributing to the story line PM me.
  6. londonboy

    Cumming And Growing

    “Hey Colin, can you come help me get this t-shirt off?” “Dude, I am not your servant. If you’re going to get too big to take off your own shirt, then buy extra ones and just rip them from your body at the end of each day.” “Get over here and help me or I’m going to walk over there and pin you to your bed with only one finger pressed into your back. And you know I can do it. I won’t let you up until you piss on yourself.” It was the same scenario from almost every other evening in this particular dorm room. Joey Tate and Colin Green had roomed together for four years. They had been placed as roomies randomly by the university’s lottery system, but had become best friends within two weeks of their first semester and had been inseparable since. They fully realized that fate had brought them together for a specific reason and now nothing was going to split them up. Colin stepped closer to the muscular senior, who had bent over to make it easier for his friend to pull the super-tight shirt up over his monstrous back and insanely wide shoulders. Once the sweat-soaked shirt had been peeled off, Joey stood back up and Colin had to tilt his head back to look into the face of his roommate. “Anyway, remember, Colin, it’s your fault I’ve gotten this big.” “Are you complaining, Joey.” “No way, man, but you just need to remember that I’m so fuckin’ swollen with muscles that I now need you to do a few things for me – like scrubbing my back, helping me remove shirts, and, best of all, measuring body parts.” “Not to mention doing your laundry, making your protein shakes, and cleaning this shared dorm room.” “Now Colin, you remember the deal we made. It seems to me that you agreed early on that you were getting the better part of this arrangement. I think I remember some moans of pleasure this morning that made it very clear you like your contributions to this relationship.” “Well, yes – yes, I do. I also believe the sounds you gave off at the same time prove how much you like it, too, Joey.” “I wasn’t the one complaining, buddy! Care for a second round? I’m a little juiced up after the gym.” “No sir, we have to stick to our rules. We can only ask our parents for a certain amount of money each semester. Your clothes have to, at least, last the semester. You’ve also already drawn enough attention to yourself - let’s not battle another round of steroid rumors and you having to prove that needles have not been injected.” “There’s only one thing I need sticking inside of me to make me grow, Colin. How about it roomie, let’s make some muscle. I feel like growing some more.” “Down boy. Go take a cold shower. You’re just over-stimulated. You know what lifting does to you.” Joey left the room to head down to the showers at the end of the hall, clearly unconcerned that he was walking around in only his skin-tight boxers. With a body like his it really didn’t matter what he wore – people were going to stare no matter what. Colin missed his roommate’s huge body as soon as it departed the room. He had certainly desired a second round, just like Joey, but he needed to be the clear-headed one in this relationship. Joey tended to have only one thing on his mind at all times – muscles, muscles, muscles – and Colin needed to keep the big man’s urges in check. He started picking up the sweaty clothes Joey had worn to the gym – holding them up to his face to get a deep whiff of the other dude’s raunchy manliness. The stench made Colin hard as hell immediately. His thoughts drifted back to that first semester of freshman year. The two dweeby drama majors had hit it off the first night – even confessing their homosexuality to each other within three hours of meeting. It was clear that both guys wanted to be free of bonds and bullying that had held them down in high school. One thing led to another and before either of them could do anything about it they were initiating both beds by moving back and forth in copulation bliss – multiple times. The sex had been so incredible for both of them they lost count of the times they came and just focused on pleasing each other. The next morning Colin felt like a million bucks, but Joey complained that his body ached like crazy and they both worried he had the flu. By late afternoon he was feeling better and further into the evening he felt so good that they repeated their goal of attempting as many sexual positions in one night as possible. Again, the next day Colin felt like he could run a marathon and Joey had the same flu-like symptoms. It wasn’t until after three weeks of this lustful cycle that Joey’s change started to become obvious. One day he was complaining about how tight most of his clothes had become and how he felt bigger in some way. He told his roommate it was the first time he could actually see muscles on his body – none of them had existed before. This confirmed something else Colin had realized a few days before – that Joey had grown a few inches taler. Neither roommate pursued the conversation after that initial revelation, but it stayed somewhere in the back of their minds. Unfortunately, Joey’s grandmother passed away suddenly and he was called back to his hometown for a week and a half. During this time of separation Colin never woke up with the incredible feelings he had experienced after sleeping with his roommate and Joey didn’t ache in the morning or seem to grow bigger at all. As a matter of fact the now larger man’s new muscles seemed to deflate a little. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out what was happening – even though it seemed far-fetched and bizarre. Both men figured out their chemistry, when combined, did something miraculous. They were excited to share their newfound knowledge with each other when Joey returned, but their desire for sex was too overpowering and they spent the first eight hours after his arrival in bed. Colin could remember like it was yesterday the conversation that happened while they lay in bed fully charged early the next morning. Joey’s bluntness didn’t catch Colin off guard at all. “I grow when you fuck me.” “I know. And somehow I get smarter every time I squirt a load inside you, as well.” “Really? Wow, I didn’t realize that. How’d you figure it out?” “After five days of having sex with you I read all three textbooks for my calculus class from cover to cover and understood them completely. While you were away I lost some of the stuff I had immediately known right after our fuck sessions.” “This is totally whacked! Should we go to the doctor or tell someone, Colin?” “Why? Haven’t you always wanted to be huge? That’s what you told me” “Well, yes, but what if it’s dangerous or we’re causing some unknown harm to our bodies.” “The new hardness I feel in all of your muscles tells me we aren’t causing you any damage. As a matter of fact, I think the opposite is true. Our sex simply enhances your growth…” “And my strength! I lift a little heavier weight after every time I give you my ass or I suck you off.” “And I get smarter. I memorized a thousand Google sites in an hour recently. So let’s not tell anyone. Let’s just keep doing what we’ve been doing. Besides, I’m having the time of my life – aren’t you?” “Hell yes! So, how about you filling my ass for the fifth time tonight, Colin?” “With pleasure, Joey. It’s morning, though.” “Who the hell cares – just make me grow!” And that had been over three years ago. Since then, the two roommates had not been apart for more than three or four nights – ever! They usually had to separate during the holidays, but they had quickly devised plans to work and live together over the summers and they spent all other breaks in each other’s company. Over their freshman year Joey grew bigger than his entire wardrobe by mid-point second semester and that’s when Colin had been smart enough to force some limitations on their lovemaking. They were allowed one fuck session per day and two on special days - like birthdays, anniversaries, holidays, and the like. Joey complained a lot about the guidelines, but mostly because he was beginning to crave getting bigger and stronger. The guy started to have so much testosterone running through his body that even his little toe had macho swagger. He caught on to Colin’s wisdom, though, after he had to keep asking his parents for more money to buy new clothes and they started complaining. By the beginning of their junior year, Joey had gotten so big and strong that he sometimes easily held Colin down on the bed and sucked him off, rules or no rules. He was that desperate for more of his roommate’s powerful cum. He had learned, however, that this couldn’t happen all the time. Joey was now the star athlete on campus and ruled the weight room – something the theatre geek would have never thought possible when he started college. He also had more confidence that every other athlete put together. The young man wasn’t rude or cocky; he just always exuded this masculine aura that made it clear that people should treat him differently. Colin was clearly destined to graduate with top honors and most of his teachers had already given him so much extra work that they were running out of ways to challenge the student. He would be graduating with three majors – something that was almost unheard of. The couple was dubbed ‘the brainiac and the stud’ by everyone on campus and it was a well-known fact that they were lovers. No one ever bullied them or even talked about them behind their backs – mainly because they were such great guys, but also because everyone knew that Joey was strong enough to rip a car apart. No one wanted to be torn in two so they left the lovers alone – even the hotheaded frat-jocks knew not to mess with Joey. The roommates became campus celebrities and enjoyed their life of sex, growth, and enhanced intelligence. Joey returned from taking a shower, his body still shiny with water and his hair matted down on his head. He had an intense lustful look in his eyes when he closed the door and his cock, which had grown huge with the rest of him, was poking out from his boxers like the barrel of a missile launcher on a battleship. Colin instantly knew that the shower had not been enough to calm the savage beast. He also knew he would need to act quickly or Joey’s need for satisfaction would cause him to forcibly extract cum from the smaller man’s body – something that was always very pleasurable, but not the wisest thing since they had already had sex that morning. “Bring that beautiful thing over here, Joey, and I’ll take care of it for you. How about a blow job that will make your eyes roll back into your head?” Joey quickly removed his boxers as he walked over to his roommate. He then put his big hands on his hips and let his massive cock jut straight out towards Colin’s face. Like some kind of experienced hustler or professional cocksucker, Colin opened his mouth and throat completely and took the monster piece of meat deep inside him. It was clear that the man had become extremely talented at giving his roommate blowjobs – able to handle the man’s hugeness without any problem. It took about five minutes of loud moans and the intense sounds of expert sucking to make the big man explode like a supersized cannon. Both men were shocked by the amount of spunk Joey could release, but when you took into account the man’s size and the enormity of his cock and balls, it made sense. Joey had his big hands plastered against the wall high above Colin’s bed as he continued to shove his rod down his roommate’s throat to release a few more powerful blasts of jism. They stood there – frozen in time for about a minute as Joey’s body calmed down from the volcanic eruption. “I still don’t understand why me filling your little body with my juice doesn’t do anything.” “It’s a mystery, Joey. It is crazy ironic that the little guy needs to plow the muscleman’s ass to make him bigger, don’t you think? I do believe, however, that you have come to squeal like a little baby getting his bottle every time I plug you with my cock.” “It’s true. I used to love it just because I knew it would make me grow, but now I actually crave feeling your hardness inside of me. I wish I could go around all day with your cock in my ass.” “I bought you a set of butt plugs, but you never use them, Joey.” “It’s not the same – they don’t throb like your hard meat. It’s kind of like holding a mannequin’s hand. I crave the real thing. And I crave it all the time.” “Well, at least we can give you satisfaction this way and not have to worry about you bursting out of your clothes later in class or on the field. It wasn’t cool two weeks ago when after an intense sex session your quads burst out of your baseball uniform during a game.” “No, but it felt fucking hot! And it felt great having my dick flopping up and down in the breeze. I think Coach Denton got a little light headed when he saw how huge I was.” “Okay, enough with those thoughts, Joey, or you’ll work yourself up into another frenzy. Let’s not make this a day where I have to meet you almost every other hour someplace private on campus and suck you off. My jaw can’t take another one of those.” “Okay, okay. But I can’t help it if all this muscle and testosterone keep me horned up all the time. I just can’t get enough of my little man to satisfy all this hugeness.” “Yeah, like last week when you stood on my bed and pressed my body against the ceiling just so you could have my cock pointing down when you sucked me off – hoping it would mean I’d produce more cum.” “I believe it worked, did it not?” “Only because I got so turned on when you held me in place with only one hand.” “Well, you have gotten really light, you know.” “I’ve stayed the same, you jerk, and you are the one that’s gotten stronger.” Joey bent down and wrapped his beefy arms around his roommate, pulling him off the bed into the air in a loving bear hug. Collin immediately felt a rush of heaven flow through his body. He, too, could not get enough of his massively brawny roommate, but he was the one with the ability – most of the time – to logically avoid allowing Joey to outgrow the dorm room. He knew the massive jock would have liked to be the largest man on earth, but having a college boy bigger than all pro-bodybuilders and world-class strongmen would be a little too hard to explain to the world. This was especially true since the guy had been only a runt of a guy just three years ago. Joey started rubbing the smaller man’s body against his own; actually using Colin like someone might use a pillow to stroke his cock. Joey sometimes didn’t even realize what he was doing – he was just a huge man who had needs and he looked for ways to satisfy those desires without even thinking about it. “Hey perv, put me down, before that log becomes hard again and sticks out between my legs to become a bench for me to sit on.” “I don’t know why I’m so fucking horny today, Colin.” “You’re always fucking horny, dude.” Joey dropped his roommate on the bed and the smaller man bounced up and down. Without any warning or even caring what Colin thought, the big man started slowly moving through a posing routine in the middle of the room. He kept his eyes locked on his roommate because he knew exactly what his actions would do to the smaller muscle whore. “God, I love how I can flex my body and just know how it’s going to make you react. I begin with a side chest pose and it makes your eyes always grow wider. I then raise my arm into a biceps flex and my other arm goes down to my side so you see the chest and the bulging gun at the same time – something that makes your mouth drop open like it is right now. I then slowly move into a most muscular pose and, sproing, you cock shoots hard. But what I love most of all is when I end with a double biceps flex and your hand moves to your meat without any direct order from your brain and that paw begins to instinctively stroke it in appreciation of my muscles. Damn, I can depend on those specific reactions as much as I can depend on the sun rising in the morning. Now if I was really in an evil mood, I’d come over there and force my ass onto that hard pole, knowing you’d last maybe three tight bounces of my body up and down before you offered me some of your manliness, but I want to show you how I can sometimes be the one in control. You may be smarter than all the people on campus put together, Colin, but when it comes to my muscles all those brains can’t prevent you from having all those natural muscle-pig reactions. You want me just as much as I want you. This time brawn wins out, dude – I’m using all of my strength right now to prevent myself from forcing you to fuck me. See, now aren’t you impressed.” “Yes.” “Aw, the boy can only whisper now because he’s so taken with my body. It would be so easy to send you over the edge. What’s up mister smart Poindexter - is all my muscle just too much for your little body?” “Yes.” “Wow, for such a brilliant man, you sure aren’t one for many words, are you?” “No.” Joey bent down and gave the still hard and unmoving smaller man a kiss on the lips. He then stood back up and crunched his abs a few inches away from Colin’s face. The roommate on the bed reached up and ran his hand along the hard ridges as Joey moved his torso from side to side to emphasize his stomach’s perfection even more. Colin hummed in pleasure as he felt how hard Joey’s abs could become. “Happy Anniversary, again, baby.” “It’s funny how we celebrate our fist date and not the actual day we met and fucked, don’t you think, Joey?” “Oh my gosh, not this again. I’m telling you the days we holed up in here and plowed each other’s holes doesn’t count – it wasn’t until three and a half weeks into the semester that we actually put on nice outfits and went out for a date – to a real restaurant.” “Yeah, but we didn’t make it through the entire meal. We so desperately wanted to have more sex that we fucked in the bathroom stall; having to be quiet each time someone came in for anything. The waiter thought we were going to dine and dash, when it was really we just couldn’t keep our hands off of each other.” “I still can’t keep my hands off of you, mister smarty pants, and I say we should use our first date for our anniversary. Let’s not get into this again, please? Now what do you want for your present?” “What were my choices again, Joey?” “Should we write these down, roomie? Cracking a bowling ball, bending or splintering baseball bats, crushing a safe, or poking my cock through cinderblocks – which is it going to be?” “Can I have all of them?” “I told you Colin – at max, two – since I need to save some things for your birthday, as well.” “I hope we are always so poor that we have to give each other hand made presents.” Colin looked up at the crowbar hanging on the wall, which had been bent into the shape of a heart by his huge lover and roommate. He remembered how it had been a special gift since Joey let him actually watch as he easily manhandled the metal into the special design. It was a Valentine’s Day he’d never forget. “Let’s see, if I choose the cinderblocks and watching you do some massive abuse with your cock, you’ll be too horned up at the end for me to convince you that I should just suck you off…” “That will probably happen with any of the choices, Colin. And, besides, it’s a special occasion so I get a second round tonight, anyway.” “So true. I guess I’d like the bowling ball and, for dessert, the thrill of seeing the safe destroyed.” “Excellent choices. I’ll borrow it from the finance office this evening – well, not really borrow since it will be destroyed. I don’t think I’ll be able to return it. And can I have my present now? I know it’s been ready for a while. It barely took you any effort at all, did it?” “No, actually it was harder than I anticipated, but it has been ready for a while. Here you go.” Colin reached down under his bed and pulled out a box, which Joey opened and a used iPhone was revealed. The larger man held it lovingly and looked at his partner. The smile on his face pleased Colin very much. “It’s totally loaded with apps you didn’t have to pay for and trust me, you won’t ever see a bill. I’ve got this thing so beautifully hidden that we’ll be in our thirties and raking in some big money before anyone figures us out. We’ll also get all the automatic upgrades.” “Sweet! Thank you, my smart handsome, boo.” “Anything for you, big man. And remember, I want one more gift. You promised me three homeruns today.” “Hey listen, can we make that two? Coach has been asking me to lighten up a little. The other schools have been complaining that I’m taking all the fun out of sports for the other teams. I think it would be good if I struck out once or just got a base hit.” “What? That’s not fair. You already never swing with your full force…” “Exactly, Colin – and the ball still goes soaring over the entire gym at the other side of the field.” “I love it when that happens. Okay, okay. You’re right. It’s kind of like during freshman year when Coach Denton made you wrestle the assistant coaches of the other teams so you wouldn’t hurt any of the college age dudes. I still remember how shocked those older men would get when you pinned them easily.” “Not to mention how my strength would cause them to get hard-ons whether they wanted to or not!” “Kind of like the hard on I’m sporting right now.” “Colin, stop it. Look who’s getting all horned up now. Let’s wait until this evening. As much as I want more of your super-charged juice right now, I need to get to class. And don’t be beating off when I’m gone. I want you to save that cum for later on this evening. Don’t think that I don’t notice those stains on the wall above the head of your bed. I know you’ve been whacking off thinking about me.” “Guilty as charged! I just have to start thinking about how you have grown over the last three years and I lose control. And usually the explosion comes when I remember those first few strength feats – like the time you hooked one foot under Myron Rosenthal’s chair in Comparative Literature and easily raised his huge linebacker body into the air a few times. With just one foot you lifted all of his three hundred and twenty pounds. And then watching the big jock spring some stiff wood just from you showing off – it was too much. I can still cum instantly remembering that day.” “I am walking out the door right now, for fear that I will stay and we’ll end up not going out for our anniversary later. We tend to stay in bed for at least twenty-four hours when both of us are horned up at the same time. Have a great day, sweetie and I’ll see you at the game.” “I’ll see you then, but you didn’t forget that you promised me a game of hide and go seek with Dale Ewing’s car today.” “You’ll be happy to know I snuck away in the middle of the night and already put it somewhere fun. Oh how I wish I was smart enough to skip my classes and just spend the day looking for a car that my roommate carried off and hid.” “I don’t skip my classes! My teachers ask me to not come so I won’t ask questions that make them look stupid. Did you hide the car so well that it’s going to take me all day like it did last time?” “Definitely. And remember, Dale comes back tomorrow, so I have to move it back to the parking lot this evening. He’s still furious about the time I carried it to the top of the water tower and then forgot about it for a week when you couldn’t find it.” “Yes, we can’t let that happen again – even if I don’t like Dale Ewing at all. There’s no way to prevent him from knowing you did it, since you’re the only guy that could carry a car up a tower. Have a great day, honey.” Again, Colin missed his huge roommate as soon as he left the room. Joey had pulled on some board shorts and a tank top and was out the door after he retrieved his books and sandals. The smaller man’s cock was still fully hard, so he laid back on the bed and let his right hand drift down his stomach to grab hold of the pole, which was sticking straight up. He began to stroke his meat slowly as he imagined his roommate and lover causing a bowling ball to crack with his bare hands and crushing a heavy safe, hopefully by bear hugging the thing into a big glob of metal. A loud moan escaped his mouth from the excitement of the images in his head. Suddenly the door opened and he turned to see his roommate standing there with his massively muscle arms folded across his equally huge chest. “Move your hand away from the loaded cock and don’t put it there again. Don’t make me twist a sheet of metal around your cock and balls to prevent you from touching them for the rest of the day – and you know I can do it.” “You were probably already outside, how did you know what I was doing?” “I heard the moan and shot back in quickly. Remember, my senses are super powered just like the rest of me.” Colin quickly took his hand away from his stiff rod and reached down to grab his underwear off the floor. He pulled them up his legs and stuffed his still semi-hard cock inside. He then pulled on his shorts and looked at his roommate sheepishly. “That’s a good boy, Colin. See you later.” Both men realized it was a good thing that most of the time one of them could step away from the constant need for sex and help keep some order in their lives. It was on the days when both of them lost control of their libidos that the big man’s ass was pounded hard and major growth followed – physically for one and mentally for the other. Part Two It was extremely difficult for Colin not to lay back down on the bed, whip out his hard cock, and return to the thrill of beating off to memories of what his college roommate, and lover, was able to do with his new strength. Colin chose not to do it only because he was scared that Joey’s super senses would either hear him pumping his meat intensely or smell his fresh hot semen as it exploded from his hard dick – even from all the way across campus. Colin knew the big guy could be back in seconds if that happened. He knew, with Joey, everything was possible. Colin was told not to waste even a drop of his precious juice. He also thought about how his own need for sexual release could easily overpower the super knowledge he had attained from fucking his roommate. If the smart man wanted to get his rocks off in a big way, no amount of logic or intelligence prevented him from squirting out some thick milky juice, but the fear of disappointing his big strong man by wasting muscle producing cum was enough to prevent him from dropping his drawers and double fisting his ample pole right there - standing above his bed. Colin decided he needed a cold shower as much as his roommate had just a few minutes ago. He also knew he needed to start looking for the car Joey had hidden somewhere on campus – knowing that it might take him a while because the guy’s increased strength enabled the big man to easily hoist the Toyota Corolla to unthinkable places. Just the thought of Joey lifting a car over his head was enough to make Colin explode, so he knew the cold shower could not come fast enough. The cold water did nothing to calm Colin’s raging hard-on. He was still basking in the afterglow of plowing Joey’s big muscled ass that morning, but was more excited because he knew that the cum he had blasted deep into his roommate’s body was going to make the huge guy grow even more. Colin figured that Joey was in class right now feeling his muscles going through the process of breaking down to then build up even thicker and stronger. That thought made Colin’s cock-head throb with an intensity that quickly told the smaller man to stand still or he was going to explode. Colin was still amazed that Joey’s body was now so big and strong that the guy never went through the post-fucking flu-like pain he had when they had first gotten together. Joey now said he merely felt intense tingling all over his body as his muscles grew – but sometimes it was so intense that the hulking athlete needed to stop whatever he was doing and go shove his cock into a tight place or immediately bring his monster meat to an ‘every part of my body is tensed as hell’ orgasm. Colin loved watching his big roommate’s muscles lose control and every part of him turn to something resembling stone covered in thick veins as he jacked out enough spunk to fill a sink. Colin longed to reach down and grab his cock through his jeans, but he knew he shouldn’t. He looked at the cum stains on the wall above his bed – a constant reminder of the other times he had lost control – and he grabbed his phone and other stuff, leaving the room before he went to a place where there was no turning back. He wanted to save himself for the promised fuck-fest that was going to happen in the same room later that night after Joey and he celebrated their anniversary. Colin looked forward to making the room smell like an entire football team had jerked off at the same time – special occasions for the two roommates usually turned into a sexual free-for-all that lasted for hours. His mind stayed on the wonderful image of Joey’s tight ass opening up for Colin’s hard cock and this caused an obvious bulge in his pants as he travelled across campus. Colin decided to look for the car first near the gym, since that was close to the parking lot where it was usually parked. Meanwhile, Joey was having problems concentrating as he took a test in his literature class. The big man’s ass was aching for more invasions from his roommate’s cum-filled cock. The jock’s body was on fire with change from the fucking he had received that morning. He knew his body would be changing some soon and that is why he had worn a tight t-shirt. When the love of his life and he met for lunch he wanted there to be some rips and tears in his shirt that would reveal the enhanced muscle in a way that would drive Colin crazy. He wanted to make sure that every second they were together this day would be so filled with sexual tension that by the time his smaller roommate plowed his big muscled ass there would be so much juice built up that it would feel like a tsunami was being released deep into his tight chute. Joey craved more muscles and increased power – almost as much as he desired his lover, Colin. Being away from the gorgeous little guy was difficult – Joey wished he could have some part of his body touching his roommate all the time. There was just a sense of security and deep pleasure that came with an embrace, a hand on the knee, or when they were joined by Colin’s muscle growing cock. These thoughts and the effects of the morning sexual deposit his roommate had made in his ass were giving the double-sized athlete a major problem under the table as he took his test. The head of his cock pressed against the bottom of the table like it was going to poke a hole through the wood and granite at any moment. Joey loved how he could hear the heavy piece of furniture creak out loud in protest as he pressed the end of his stiff pole into the wood. He knew he shouldn’t do it, but he really wanted to see the tabletop be split apart easily by forcing his hardness through. Joey thought about how disappointed his lover would be if he destroyed the table and brought attention to himself in the middle of class, so he decided to just continue to press with enough force to give himself pleasure, but not enough to destroy anything. He also concentrated on the test. After about an hour and a half Colin’s search for the hidden car was interrupted briefly by the head of the physics department who wanted to ask the young man’s opinion about a difficult equation he had been working on. Colin found it difficult, as well, and the two had sat on a bench in the middle of campus for about thirty minutes working it out. When the solution was found the chair was so excited that she thanked Colin quickly and then ran off to show the other professors in her department. Colin felt some satisfaction about the equation they had solved but he was frustrated that he had not found the hidden Toyota. His roommate had obviously carried the car to somewhere far from the gym, something Colin wished he could have watched. He searched for a little more before he pulled out his computer and quickly hacked into the security system of the university. He wanted to watch the feed from the cameras around the gym. His cock instantly went hard when he saw his roommate walking across the lawn in front of the gym holding the Corolla over his head. He looked like some modern version of Hercules, hoisting the heavy thing in the air. Joey wasn’t even trying to hide what he was doing so this made it clear he had, again, worked out a deal with the security guards. Last time he hid the car he had allowed the two burly older men to punch his stomach until they exhausted themselves in exchange for them not sharing any information with me as to where the car had been placed. The guards loved Joey and his displays of strength. He probably could get them to do anything for him if he just ripped something apart that was supposed to be indestructible. At this point, when Colin was worried that he’d have to whip his cock out right there in the middle of campus and beat off to his roommate carrying the car – and even showing off pumping it up and down to work out his arms – Joey put the car down and pulled a folded piece of paper out of his back pocket. He then turned toward the camera and seemed to be looking directly into it. Colin watched as his boyfriend unfolded the paper and held it up, the guards clearly knowing they were supposed to zoom in. As soon as Colin saw what was written he became embarrassed. The sign said, ‘Colin, you’re cheating again!’ The guy turned off the computer knowing that his roommate had realized what he would do even as the big jock had lugged the car around campus the night before. It was late by now and the smaller guy knew he needed to head towards the cafeteria to eat lunch with his boyfriend. He entered the crowded large room and quickly saw his roommate’s immense back in the midst of the lunchtime bustle. He walked over to where Joey was sitting, noticing that he was alone at the table but there were five trays of food – obviously left there temporarily by his lunch mates. Joey saw Colin as he approached “Hey there, boo. Give your muscleman a kiss. He has missed you terribly, this morning.” “Oh shit, look at all the rips and tears in your shirt! This morning’s growth was a little stronger than usual, huh?” “That’s because the fucking was a lot stronger than usual, Colin.” “Crap, I love how your muscles poke through the material and highlight themselves. Look at that mouthwatering nip poking out.” “You want a taste, honey?” “Don’t think I can’t see what you’re trying to do. You’re not going to get me so horned up that we do something irrational and uncontrollable.” “Aw come on, Col, don’t you want to step out into the hallway? I found a janitor’s closet that’s kind of secluded. It’s locked, but a slight twist of my wrist could rip the doorknob off easily. We could step in there and you could fuck me against the wall like there’s no tomorrow. We could live out some kind of prison fantasy scenario since it’s such a closed space. I’m already aching for your cock to be back inside of me. How about it?” “As hot as that sounds, Joey, I think I’ll wait for the big explosion tonight in our room. A little build up will make you even more desperate and it will make my gusher even more powerful than usual. Happy anniversary, again, buddy.” “You too, sweetie.” “Joey, who’s joining you for lunch?” “No one, why?” “Dude, there are four trays in front of you loaded with food. At this rate you are going to work through your monthly allotment for the meal plan in one week. Your parents are going to kill us if we have to ask for more money.” “It’s your fault, Colin. You squirted so much cum up my ass this morning that this is the sustenance I need to keep up with the growth that’s happening right now. I can feel my biceps pulsing bigger even as we speak. If you weren’t so horned up when you’re fucking me, we wouldn’t be in this mess. I’ve got to eat to help energize the muscles your juice grows. So, you see, it’s all your fault.” “Man, we have to do something about this. I don’t know if we can afford many more meals like this.” “Not to worry, honey. See Jerry over there at the register – the little guy that keeps staring at me. I just let him cop a feel of my guns every now and then and he only charges me for one meal. I think that’s a fair trade, don’t you?” “Hell yeah, that’s good. See if he’ll give it to you free if you let him grope your chest.” “That’s a great idea, Colin.” “I get them every now and then, buddy.” “Man, Colin, speaking of groping - I’m aching to grope something on you in an awful way, right now. It’s taking every bit of my super strength to keep me from throwing you down on this table right now, beating that cock of yours into attention and then slamming your body into mine from behind. I’m talking about basically forcing you to fuck me. Damn, that would be hot – holding your body with one of my big hands and manipulating you like one of those butt plugs you gave me. Yeah, so fucking hot.” “Calm down there, tiger. Eat some food. That will help. You need to get some calories into that growing body – and fast!” “Yes sir! Come sit beside me and I’ll share some of this grub with you.” As soon as Colin sat in the chair beside Joey the big man reached over and grabbed the side of the solid piece of wooden furniture and lifted it with one hand – taking Colin’s body up in the air with it. He placed his roommate right beside him and then immediately slid his hand down the back of Colin’s pants, making sure his big forefinger snuggled into the warm ass crack. This gave Colin a deep sense of security for some unknown reason and caused the big man to get even harder than he already was because he was this close to the love of his life. A new student – the largest freshman to ever enroll - walked by and looked at the two guys with a face full of disgust. He had not grown used to the two men like everyone else at the university. He was a starting linebacker for the football team and had immediately sensed his obvious weakness when compared to Joey – the stud of all athletics at the school. He decided the bigger guy’s homosexuality was a definite flaw and planned to use it against his teammate. Joey, however, was familiar with guys like this and simply stared him down, while he lifted his other arm into a biceps flex that made it clear his size and power dwarfed the other football player. Joey was so amped up at the moment with Colin’s sweet cum from earlier that day he decided to also emphasize his point in words. “I suggest you move on and let us be who we are, little man, or you’ll quickly find that your eyes are level with the top of your feet. You’ll be seeing everything from your toes’ standpoint if you don’t change your attitude. I’ll smash you like a soda can and make you shorter than my ankle. And look at this here biceps – the size of the thing should tell you that I’d have no problem following up on my little threat.” All color drained from the linebacker’s face as he froze in fear – both from Joey’s words and the size of the alpha’s arm. The freshman kid had never seen biceps so massive. The power in the thing was obvious by its size and the way it rippled as Joey flexed and relaxed. It was pretty clear that the guy was so in shock that he couldn’t move – he didn’t know whether to piss on himself, run screaming from the cafeteria, or apologize to the big man a hundred times. His confusion was not lost on Joey, who dropped his arm and smiled. “You want to see me kiss my boyfriend, don’t you sport?” The linebacker quickly nodded his head up and down; afraid that any other move would anger the giant in front of him. Joey put his hand on Colin’s cheek and pulled his face into his own. They kissed deeply and passionately, Joey moaning out loud to emphasize an unspoken point to the dweeb standing near them. The kiss became even more intense and this caused Joey to press his finger up against Colin’s tensed hole. This, in turn, caused Colin to raise his ass slightly off the chair. The smaller roommate loved Joey’s taunting of the large linebacker, but he could sense that his lover had moved from just teasing to full-blown making out. He feared that he and Joey would end up fucking right there in front of the freshman, so he pulled his face away, immediately missing his roommates hot, wet mouth. Both roommates turned back to the freshman and noticed his face was now completely red and his crotch was bulging with a very large hard-on. When the linebacker saw that the two other men were staring at his crotch he immediately lowered the tray of food in his hands, attempting to cover the bulge in his pants. There was no way he could have covered up the large tool that was obscenely pressing against his pants. He simply let out a little whimper and then turned and quickly walked away, heading out of the cafeteria – embarrassed and no longer in the closet. “Well that was a big surprise, wasn’t it?” “You mean his cock or the fact that he was gay, Joey?” “Both! So let’s eat. I’m starving.” “You’re always starving, big man.” “That’s cause I’m always growing – thanks to your sweet man-milk. That’s another thing I’m always starving for, by the way!” “Like I said earlier, calm down there, tiger. Bite into one of those four hamburgers you got on that one tray. I swear I think you’re going to have to let Jerry the cashier lick your body if you continue to eat this much food.” “I don’t think he’d like the taste of my sweat as much as you do, Colin.” “I especially like it when you’ve just returned from working out and your balls are still damp and the hair is all matted down – that’s when I love sucking on the big things – getting all the salt and some of the testosterone from your body. Shit, I want to bury my face in your crotch right now, Joey. I see what you’re trying to do and it’s not going to work. Eat something right now, mister man.” “I’d like to eat that big sausage between your legs, Colin, and I don’t even need a bun.” “So, you have to give me a clue. I couldn’t find the car today.” “Nice change of subject. I’m not giving you a clue unless you step out to that janitor’s closet with me for a few minutes. I can use my cock to shove in the locked doorknob if that entices you more!” “It does, indeed, but we aren’t going to have a quick fuck in the closet. We’re waiting until after the dinner at a nice restaurant, just like you promised me. Here, eat a hamburger.” Colin picked up one of the double burgers and shoved it in Joey’s open mouth. The smaller man knew that when Joey was growing he became like a young child with low blood sugar. If Colin could get some food in him the big guy’s insatiable need for sex would diminish a little. There was just some wild correlation between muscles getting bigger and the guy’s need for more cum – the desire simply took over every part of his ballooning body. This is exactly when Colin liked his boyfriend the most – when his body was ripping the clothes he was wearing as it grew and the guy’s lust was in overdrive. Joey’s insatiable craving for Colin was such a turn on – and something like a security blanket. The smart smaller man knew if he could get Joey to wait until later that evening their fuck session would be like riding a wild bull – just the way Colin loved it. Joey’s huge body would buck up and down uncontrollably as his roommate plowed him hard. This crazy connection brought extreme pleasure to both men. “Chew, muscle head!” Joey bit down on the burger and more than a third of the thing disappeared. For a second Colin worried that part of his forefinger had been bitten off. And speaking of forefingers, the latest round of sex talk had made Joey want to give his boyfriend some well-deserved pleasure. He had allowed his own thick forefinger to push its way into the small man’s hole and was now massaging the inside of his buddy’s rectum. Colin purred like a satisfied cat sitting in the sun, but did not let on in any way that a finger fatter than some cocks was savagely exploring his hole. Colin used his abdominal muscles to help push his ass up and down on his roommate’s hand, which now cupped his bottom perfectly. “Oh Colin, that feels so good. I love it when part of me is inside you – but not as much as I love it when part of you is inside of me.” Colin twisted his body a little to give himself pleasure. Joey moved his finger back and forth to add to the stimulation. The smaller man began to worry that he was going to give in and insist that they go to the janitor’s closet at any minute. He was only saved because Adolfo Rodriguez, a huge senior that was the biggest guy on the wrestling team besides Joey came up to the table and sat down across from them. Joey kept his finger pulsing in the same butt-pleasing rhythm even as he spoke to Adolfo. “Dolf, man, what’s up?” “I’m back for another try, Joey.” “What? Didn’t last week teach you anything? It’s just not possible to beat me, man. You need to get that through your thick skull.” “I think I can beat you today. I’m almost sure of it.” “I’ll only say yes on two conditions.” “Name ‘em, dude.” “First, my boyfriend, here, gets to continue feeding me. You see, I’m growing, Adolfo, and he wants me to stay nourished. I have to do what Colin says.” The big man had already devoured the three remaining burgers – since Colin had taken one – and was now eating a plate piled high with vegetables. The smaller roommate was shoveling the stuff into the big man’s mouth with a fork. “No problem. It’s actually kind of cool watching Colin feed you. Sarah won’t ever do anything like that for me.” “I know, isn’t it cute? And, more importantly – rule number two, you have to use two hands at first and finally you have to put your whole fucking huge body into it. That’s the only way it’s going to be even slightly fun for me. Last week, my biceps didn’t even need to flex to withstand your strength. I’d like to make seem a little competitive, you know, Dolf? Even though you can never win.” “Sure, sure. That’s all fine.” “Then let’s arm wrestle, dude.” Trays were moved in front of Colin, so he’d be able to continue to feed his big roommate. Adolfo leaned in and grabbed hands with Joey. He then placed his other hand on top – for added power, just as promised. Colin noticed that both of the wrestler’s arms put together still weren’t as big as Joey’s guns. The guy’s finger was still playing with Colin’s ass, as the competition got ready to begin. “How about some of that baked potato, buddy? You want anything Adolfo? You might need a little extra strength.” “Naw, I’m good. So, Colin, you call the start!” Colin placed half of the baked potato in Joey’s mouth and then stood up so he could lay his hands on top of the joined power fists in the middle of the table. Joey’s hand was still in Colin’s pants and the finger was still probing. The smaller man could feel the strength from both men - radiating from the tight entwined fingers. He was suddenly very thankful that no body part of his was in the middle of that powerful grip – since he knew it would be easily crushed. Adolfo’s concentration was intense and it was clear that he had been preparing for this day for a while. Joey was pretty sure the guy had been lifting non-stop, probably even skipping classes, in hopes that he could defeat the mighty athlete. Joey began to think it would be nice to let the other man win, just to make him happy, but then he knew he couldn’t lose in front of his roommate and lover – even if it was a kind thing to do. “Ready, set, go!” Colin sat back down and let out a little yelp when Joey’s finger went deeper into his chute from the connection with the chair. At the same time Adolfo let out a loud growl and started pouring all of his strength into both of his bulging arms. Joey’s hard beefy gun didn’t budge at all. The big arm just took all the abuse from Adolfo’s two big fists like it was nothing. Joey’s face registered no strain and no indication that he was even arm-wrestling. He opened his mouth again – to accept another large part of the baked potato that was in front of him. Colin was simply having a blast – watching his lover wrestle another big dude who was using both of his arms and still losing, while feeling Joey’s big finger deep into his chute. “So what kind of clue should I give you about the whereabouts of the car.” Joey’s nonchalant voice and strain-free voice drove Adolfo insane. The big wrestler let out a second yell, doubled his efforts, and actually leaned against his hands with his entire body. The man was now using his entire weight to try and defeat Joey, but the huge muscleman’s arm was still rock solid in its upright position. Colin knew the big boy’s gun was not going to move. He accepted it as fact. There could have been three huge wrestlers pushing on Joey’s arm and it still wouldn’t have budged even a fraction of an inch. Colin loved how Joey could have a normal conversation as what would normally be called a huge behemoth tried to defeat him in a feat of strength. It just showed how his roommate was becoming even more powerful with each fuck session. The smaller man loved knowing his cum could cause the other guy to grow so huge and strong. He scooped up a fork full of spinach and fed it to Joey. “I don’t know – something that’s not too easy. You know I love a challenge.” “Man, I love spinach. I must be like Popeye.” “Well, your forearms are as huge as Popeye’s, but the problem is they look all proportional next to your fucking huge biceps! I think Popeye would kill to have your upper arms.” “Yeah, that’s so true. Okay – so I need to give you a hint about the car. Something that’s hard . . . okay – I’ve got it. The car is filed between A and Z!” “Okay, before I figure out where the car is, can you slide a second finger in? You’ve loosened me up enough, I think. I’d like a little more pleasure before I have to go. Also, take my lead with Adolfo – you’ll catch on.” Joey used his thumb and three other fingers to lift Colin’s body from the chair and then let his middle finger slide into the smaller man’s inviting hole – just as the little guy wanted. Colin’s ass then slid back down to the chair, a long appreciative moan showed how much he loved the invasion of the thick fingers. This sound caught the struggling Adolfo’s attention and he became more frustrated when he realized Joey was giving pleasure to Colin at the same time the muscular dude was easily defeating his own entire body in arm wrestling. Adolfo was now sweating up a storm and gritting his teeth loudly. He showed no signs of giving up, even though it was clear he could not win. Colin tightened his ass muscles around Joey’s fingers and the bigger roommate immediately caught on to what that meant. The huge muscled gun slowly powered Adolfo’s entire body down toward the table – it was such an insane display of power, one arm winning against a huge wrestler’s whole frame. When Adolfo’s shoulder was just a few inches from the table, Colin released his tensed ass and Joey allowed Adolfo to push his giant gun back up to the high-noon position, but no further. There was no way Joey was going to let his powerful arm go beyond the straight-up position, he wanted to show the huge wrestler just how strong he really was – even though he was still only using a fraction of his total power. Joey twitched his fingers a few times inside of Colin’s ass to show his appreciation for how much fun it was to follow his lead. The two roommates continued to play the tensing and releasing game with Adolfo’s body as Colin thought about the clue. “Let’s see – ‘filed between A and Z.’ I know that doesn’t mean the library, because that would be too obvious and you’ve also lugged the car to the third floor before. You typically don’t hide the thing in the same place twice. The letters could have something to do with writing and that might mean you put it somewhere near the English Department, but two months ago you hid it in one of the huge oak trees in the quad near that building, so I think the clue means something else. It could still mean departments, though. Yep, that’s it, A stands for Astronomy and Z stands for Zoology. Those department buildings are right beside each other and there’s just a thin walkway between them. I have a funny feeling no one is able to cut through there right now because a car has been ‘filed’ sideways between the two walls.” “I’ve really got to stop giving you clues!” Colin smiled at his lover – with a face full of pride. He had almost finished feeding all of the food to Joey. Since his little lover had figured out where the car was and would be leaving soon to take a picture of it with his phone – part of the contest so they could keep a scrapbook – he decided it was also time to end his battle with Adolfo. With one slight push of his arm Joey sent Adolfo’s body crashing down onto the table. The big wrestler let out a defeated yell and just lay there heaving because of exhaustion. He stared up at the victor with deep admiration and jealousy. “How can you be so big and strong, Joey?” “Simple, Dolf, it’s from being fed by my boyfriend!” “But we eat the same thing – and almost the same amount!” “Yeah, but you don’t see what my lover gives me for dessert!” Colin stood up a little and let Joey remove the two fingers from his now loosened ass. Both men immediately missed being so intimately close to the other. Colin turned and gave his huge roommate a ‘thank you’ kiss for the finger fuck. Joey kissed back hard to let Colin know how much he looked forward to being truly fucked later on that evening. Colin ran his hands across Joey’s upper torso while they were lip-locked so he could feel the growth that had happened since the morning sex. He also loved running his fingers over the rips in his roommate’s shirt – excited by how his muscles burst through clothing so easily. They finally pulled apart when they heard Adolfo speak. “I wish my girlfriend would kiss me that hard.” “Get her to punch you in the mouth, Dolf, that’s what I beg Colin to do sometimes. It’s a turn on to feel his punches do nothing to my face!” “I’ll try that, dude.” “Well, fellows, this has been great, but I need to go take a picture of a car. Joey, we can’t forget to return it to the parking lot after the game. We’ll just have time to take a shower together at the gym before we head out to the restaurant. I don’t want to be late since we made reservations.” “Relax, Colin. Remember, I can make the game go quickly if I want to. I’ll just either strike every player out or run all over the field to catch every hit. I promise it won’t last more than an hour and a half. That will give us an hour for the shower…” “No, Joey! We will not shower for an hour – I know what that leads to. And besides, you aren’t supposed to dominate the game, remember? I’m bringing my binoculars so just do the one thing I asked and don’t bring too much attention to yourself. Remember, the coach told you to go easy on the other players. Let other schools get some points every now and then. The video of you making a touchdown with five big guys hanging onto you from this past season is still on YouTube. We don’t need anything like that today, okay? Promise me, big guy.” “That wasn’t my fault, Colin! Those guys were so light. I didn’t even know I was dragging them forty yards down the field.” “It was five grown college football players, Joey!” “Well you fucked me so hard that particular morning I was pumped up beyond belief.” “Wait a minute, you two!” We both turned to Adolfo, who was suddenly sitting up in his chair. He stared at us with a face of disbelief. He looked at Joey and then he looked at me. Adolfo began to shake his head and raised his finger, as if he were requesting a few minutes to sort through something that didn’t compute. “You mean to tell me that you, the hulking muscle monster, actually let this little guy fuck you? That just doesn’t make sense! You should be the one on top, Joey.” “Why? You mean just because I’m so big? Naw, man, I love getting plowed by my man. It gives me more pleasure than you could ever imagine. I crave his cock in my ass every second of the day. You should try it some time, man. You might like it.” “Now you’re talking shit, man. There is no way that I’m letting some runt fuck me. Wait, what am I saying? There’s no way I’m letting any guy fuck me. No offense, Colin. Damn, I need to go see my girlfriend.” Adolfo quickly stood up and started walking away. He stopped a few feet from the table and turned around. He looked at Joey with the same disbelieving face from before. He shook his head – trying hard to grasp what had been revealed. He mouthed the words ‘no way’ and then left quickly. It was clear he was going to find his girlfriend so he could re-establish his manhood. He was baffled that a guy as huge and strong as Joey could offer up his ass to a guy as small as Colin. It just didn’t make sense. “I’m still waiting for you to promise, Joey. Don’t draw too much attention to yourself during the game.” “I promise.” “Let me see your fingers – just as I thought, uncross them and promise again.” “I promise, Colin.” “That’s better, my muscle stud. I’ll see you at the field. Make sure you finish your lunch. I can tell you’re still way too horned up for a ballgame and there’s no telling what you’ll do. Get some more food in to stabilize, okay?” “Yes sir. I’ll miss you, man.” The car was exactly where Colin guessed it would be. Joey had brought a couch from one of the dorm lobbies and the front end of the car – which was now sticking straight up in the air between the two buildings – was resting protectively on the piece of furniture. Colin ran his hand lovingly across his hard cock as he took a picture of the car and thought about how Joey had manhandled the vehicle into an upright position and then slid it carefully between the two buildings. Colin quickly looked around to see if a security camera would have caught all the action, but realized this specific spot was not covered. He made a note to himself to make sure Joey allowed him to watch when the car was removed. This was a pretty good hiding place, but not the best one Joey had ever chosen. His greatest job had been when he took the car and made it into a piece of art. Joey placed it in the sculpture garden near the Industrial Arts building and had bent girders, light poles, and other pieces of metal all around the automobile to make it look like a modern statue. There was so much manhandled steel around the car it was almost unrecognizable. It was still unbelievable that there wasn’t one scratch on the thing. It took Colin and other friends three days to find it that time. A huge crowd gathered to watch Joey unbend and rip apart the metal surrounding the car. Colin and many others could still get hard easily and beat off quickly just by remembering the sound of steel being manipulated by Joey’s big hands with such ease. Colin looked at his watch and saw that it was time to go to the baseball game. Part Three As Colin approached the field he saw that Joey was at home plate helping the team warm up by hitting balls to different parts of the field. His muscular forearms glistened in the sunlight and his massive biceps pressed against the shirt of his uniform. The smaller roommate knew that the growth from the morning’s cum upload into the large man’s ass caused the shirt to be so tight that if Joey decided to flex his muscles the thing would be in shreds in seconds. This thought made Colin doubly excited – maybe Joey would offer a private show and flex out of his uniform after the game. Joey noticed his boyfriend walking up to the fence behind home plate. He smiled lovingly at his man. “Hey, honey, did you find the car?” “Just where I thought it would be – you have to let me watch when you take it out, though. I’ll have to film you lifting the thing – that will be so hot. We have to do that before dinner, don’t let me forget..” “ We’ll have to do it before dinner, since I’m sure there won’t be enough time between dessert and carrying you to bed to go undo that great hiding job. I’m still pretty super-charged and I’m sure this quick game is not going to help me let off some steam; so lifting the car will be good. You also better be ready to pull an all-nighter. I need me some Colin juice and I need it badly. Pull out your binoculars – this next hit is just for you.” Colin pulled the item from his backpack as Joey tossed a ball into the air and then hit it a little harder than the ones he had been popping out to the far reaches of right and left field. The other team members started complaining as soon as the ball skyrocketed over everyone’s head and towards the gym. There was a loud popping sound in the distance and when Colin finally zoomed in on where the ball had gone he was able to see that the thing had been traveling so fast and moving so hard that it actually embedded itself into the bricks of the building. The ball had not exploded upon impact – its force was so powerful that it easily busted into the bricks. Colin could hear Joey chuckling as he returned to hitting the ball a lot softer so it would stay within the boundaries of the field. He was making his teammates work hard to keep up with his constant barrage of pop flies and grounders. “Pretty neat, huh Colin? Who knew a ball could have so much force that it would act like a torpedo!” “I’ll say! I’m glad that thing wasn’t aimed at me. Remember when you tossed that football last year for ninety yards and it still knocked Johnny Thompson down and sent him tumbling for ten feet when he caught it for a touchdown. I think the speed and force of that baseball makes that pass look like child’s play.” “Yeah, I remember that. I’m still pretty impressed that Johnny was able to catch that toss – and hang on to it.” “I think he was scared of what you would do to him if he didn’t. Remember Joey, you’re three times the size of every player and about a hundred times stronger than both teams put together. Don’t get carried away, today. I don’t care how horny you are. Make sure you remember that no one can do what you can do and we need to let the other team think they have a fighting chance. The coach does not want to be apologizing for us kicking their ass in an embarrassing way. They have two mean looking coaches. Let them get a few hits, okay?” “I don’t have to let them win, do I Colin? I hate it when you say I have to lose. You know how I love showing off for you. Can we please have a win today for our anniversary? And you mean to say you think those two pint-sized muscle dudes look mean? I could hold both of them down with just one hand. Why do I have to be so nice?” Joey was now playing the part of a whining child. Both roommates knew that the big guy had not lost a game since his transformation. The only thing Colin did have influence over was how bad the other team was defeated. Bargaining a close score from Joey was like pulling teeth. If he had his way every game he played – in every sport he participated in (which was all of them) – would have been a shut out. Part of showing off for Joey was dominating his opponents with mind-blowing power and speed. Colin had finally pulled the plug on this kind of showing off after Joey had finished a full marathon in less than twenty minutes – and that was with two long stops to chat with people along the way. The big college kid was not even winded when he was done – it was so degrading to the other runners. And three straight sets of acing serves and returns made for a very boring tennis match. The officials also began to complain about the number of demolished tennis balls that were a result of Joey’s pounding hits. It had taken Colin a lot of coaching and reprimanding to get his big roommate to a place where he could play well with others. Contact sports, of course, were Joey’s favorites because he loved feeling how his size and strength easily dominated others, but all athletics still thrilled him. Part of the reason for the intense satisfaction was from growing up too small to play competitive sports and the big guy seemed to be making up for constantly being picked last in middle school. “Play nice, muscle man!” “Okay, okay. Just a couple of homeruns and I promise not to knock the catcher and umpire over when I toss the ball home to get someone out. It’s fun, though, to sometimes mix bowling in with this game and pretend two big guys are pins just screaming to be knocked to the ground. And besides, I know it makes you hard when I show off. You love me dominating other guys – like when I lift big wrestlers off the ground with one hand and slam then back onto the matt. It makes you want to squirt – big time.” “Joey, other people are listening!” “So?” “So do you have to make everything about sex?” “Until you fuck me I do – and then that just makes me want to get fucked even more! It’s a vicious cycle.” “You, my big friend, have a one track mind.” “And you, lover, have a hard cock – caused by my lovely comments. And it’s just aching to be milked by me!” Colin was very thankful that the umpire called for the game to begin. He took his place in the stands and tried his to calm his rock-hard cock down. Joey’s super-pumped batting and his lightning pitching did not help to lessen the pressure below. The huge ballplayer’s own piece of meat stayed hard, as well, and snaked obscenely across his thigh underneath the tight uniform bottoms – even smaller than usual because of the big man’s growth that morning. Joey didn’t wear a cup – mainly because he couldn’t find one big enough and also because no wayward ball was going to do any damage if it hit him in the crotch. A powerful smack to his balls would probably only increase the pleasure and destroy the ball. Despite the conversation about playing nice before the game, Joey showed off for his roommate in numerous ways. He thought it would be another fun gift for their anniversary. He would easily jump in front of fast rolling grounders no matter what part of the infield they were sent and then run quickly to first base – actually having to wait for a few seconds before tagging the batter out. Even though he was the pitcher he ran into the outfield three times to catch what would have been home runs if the big man had not leapt into the air higher than the heads of his teammates to catch the ball – usually forgetting to use the hand with the glove. Colin secretly loved watching how Joey’s teammates had become used to the super stud’s antics and actually stopped paying attention to the game. One of the outfielders actually chatted on his cell phone since he knew the big athlete would easily win the game on his own. The coach and the team loved winning so they didn’t mind Joey showing off during games. It was only the other team’s players and coaches that complained – saying it wasn’t fair or just to allow Joey to play. There were, however, no rules against having a super-strong player and the numerous forced drug tests always revealed that Joey was squeaky clean. The final score was embarrassing and Joey had brought in loaded bases three times – twice with home runs that sailed over the huge three story gym across from the field and once with a grounder that was so hard it knocked over the shortstop, the second baseman, and an outfielder who all attempted to stop it. Joey had to kind of half-skip around the bases so he wouldn’t overtake all three of his fellow players. He could have easily beaten even the guy on third base home if he had wanted to. The big man was all smiles when he walked over to his roommate sitting on the bleachers. He gave Colin a big kiss. “Did I make you proud, boo?” “You always do, big man. You, of course, showed off too much, but you know how I love it.” “I wanted our anniversary to be special and, anyway, I’m still raging from your ass pounding this morning. I think I could bring down a building with one strategically placed punch!” “Let’s not do that, okay, Joey? I want to be able to graduate. Oh no, here come the coach and assistant coach from the other team. Not this again! They have bats and they looked pissed. Promise me no broken bones, Joey. I don’t care what you do to the bats, but the guys shouldn’t even have a scratch at the end of this one-sided fight. Promise me quickly, bro! And no finger crossing.” “I promise – but you never let me have any fun! They’re the ones that are going to start the fight. I should be able to do what I want – even if it does hurt them a little.” “And how in the hell is it a fair fight, good sir, when you can easily toss them as far as you hit the ball today or crush their heads as easily as you pop baseballs? You can do whatever you want, but there will not be pain involved. Do you hear me? And remember, we have reservations at seven and I do not want to be late. We also have to take a shower!” “Yo, meathead, what the fuck do you think you were doing out there?” The two men were larger than normal guys, but still definitely dwarfed by Joey. It was obvious that they were pissed and they kept smacking their palms with a bat to try and intimidate the big guy. Colin noticed some doubt in the assistant coach’s face, but the main guy was so pissed that he was completely missing how huge Joey was and had clearly forgotten all the impressive things he had done throughout the game. There was a part of the smaller guy that was excited as hell about what was to come, as long as his lover didn’t hurt anyone. Colin knew that Joey could forget his own strength easily – and his need to show off sometimes got the best of him. The head coach spit on the ground at Joey’s feet. This was definitely one stupid man. He threw out more insults. “My team had a perfect record until today and your steroid-infused antics pissed me off. I think it’s time someone taught your doped-up body a lesson. I also think we’ll do a little number on your girlfriend here, too. You two disgust me with your public kissing.” “Um, coach, I’m going to let you do whatever you want with those bats to my body – cause it isn’t going to hurt me even a little, but if you think I’d ever let you lay a finger on my boyfriend – his name is Colin, by the way – then you are sadly mistaken. That bat will be shoved down your throat so far that you won’t be able to bend at the waist for the rest of your life before you even mess up one hair on his head. Now Colin, here, has made me promise not to hurt you two at all, but everything else is fair game. I strongly suggest you turn around and the pair of you take your handsome, furry-muscled bodies back home before you are embarrassingly whipped by a college boy.” “Who in the fuck cares what that little pansy ass said! I’m going to personally mess up his dweeb face when we’re done with you, dick-face.” “Oh please, Colin, let me punch his face so hard that he’s knocked into next week.” “No, Joey. You promised not to hurt either of them.” “That’s fine, but you’re going to have to fuck me a bunch of times to make up for this, honey. He insulted you and you know how that infuriates me. If you gave me the word, I’d compact this guy’s body so much he’d be able to lick his own asshole. Hey coach, go ahead and take your best shot. I hope that’s not your favorite bat, though, cause it’s going to be a pile of sawdust when I’m done with it. If I can’t crush you I’m going to need to destroy something else to make up for it and that puny thing isn’t going to give me even an ounce of resistance.” Joey’s words clearly infuriated the coach even more. Joey raised his big arms and placed his hands behind his head – teasing the other guy to swing the bat at any part of his big body. The coach was not only stupid, but he was also a dirty competitor. It was clear the aggressor was sizing up where he could do the most damage when he latched onto an idea. “Since you are an abomination against nature because of the ‘roids and your sexual perversion I think it would be best to destroy your family jewels.” After that quick comment, the angered man pulled the big bat behind his shoulder and swung the thing powerfully into Joey’s crotch – intending to destroy the huge cock and balls that were too prominent to miss. Joey moaned out loud in happy pleasure as the wood splintered against his huge rod. The sound of the bat being destroyed was music to the big man’s ears. To Joey, it felt like someone was giving him a hand job – and nothing more. Pre-cum squirted out from his dick slit in appreciation of the gentle tap. The top half of the bat broke off and fell to the ground. Joey leaned over and picked up the shattered piece of wood. He began to crush it in his powerful paw and loved how tiny flecks of dust fell from his fingers to the ground. The shock of what happened, along with the pain caused by the bat being stopped so abruptly, caused the coach to stand there in disbelief, still holding on to the bottom part of the bat. The older man also stared at Joey’s twitching cock – which was only delighted more by the powerful impact of the thick wood. Joey reached out and took the remaining part of the laughable weapon from the coach’s hands. He held the scrap of wood between his two palms and started compressing his hands. The thing just gave into the pressure and turned into small splinters and a pile of sawdust in no time at all. “Damn, coach, they just don’t make bats like they used to, do they?” The assistant coach, who had watched everything wide-eyed, suddenly became empowered and wanted to avenge his older mentor. With a loud yell, the second guy brought his aluminum bat through the air and smacked it up against the side of Joey’s head. The college student didn’t budge an inch. It was like the bat had hit solid stone. Colin could tell the assistant’s hands felt a quick jab of pain from being stopped so abruptly and he could see the bat wobbling wildly as it moved away from Joey’s cheek. The big man turned to his attacker and just smiled. “And just what did you think that would accomplish? Did you actually think it would hurt me, little man? After seeing the coach’s bat breaking in two on my hard cock you thought your aluminum bat would cause me some pain, just by hitting me in the face? Give me that thing!” Joey reached out and easily pulled the now slightly dented tube from the assistant coach’s hands. As he spoke to the guy, the huge jock made his fingers do what his words were describing. It was fun for both of the college boys to watch the eyes of the older men become wider as Joey worked and their angry faces turn to complete shock. Joey was especially pleased at his teasing of the two burly coaches. “You see, to me this thing is like a tube of toothpaste, dude. I can take two fingers and easily flatten it like I’m squeezing out the insides – but look, I’m merely flattening aluminum – there’s nothing squirting out. And look how easy it is – pretty cool, huh? Now it looks like someone ran over your bat with a huge steamroller – but it was really just manhandled by a huge college boy’ monster paw. Man, gents, being able to smash your bat into something as thin as cardboard makes my cock feel like spewing, but I’m saving myself for my boyfriend, here. You see, today’s our anniversary and we’re going to dinner and then we’re going to have some hot, throw-down, man on man sex to celebrate. Hey coach, do you roll your tubes of toothpaste or do you fold ‘em? I fold those puppies, just like I’m doing to your bat right now. Look how easy it is for me to compact this fucking thing into something the size of a wallet. I think I might keep this as a paperweight – each time I use it I’ll remember the looks of utter shock that are now plastered across your faces. You see, punks, you messed with the wrong guy today. It’s a good thing my honey won’t let me hurt you, because I’d have both of you folded up as tightly as this bat if it weren’t for the promise to my baby. So you’ve got him to thank for both of you not feeling a lot of pain right now. Say ‘thank you’ to my boyfriend, boys.” “Um . . . uh . . . thanks.” “Thank you, Colin.” It was clear that both of the older men were desperate to do anything that would please Joey. What he had done to their bats with so little effort had made them disciples of the college student in mere seconds, but it was their fear of what he might do to them that really made them apologize so quickly. The coaches stared at Joey’s hands as he bent the wadded up aluminum back and forth, folding it one last time, so it was the size of a really thick business card. Everyone could clearly see the impressions of Joey’s thick fingers in the compressed aluminum. The display of strength had been nothing to the big man, it was like he was folding a napkin, but the two men knew the strength that existed in this young man’s hands was not normal. This kid was blessed with power that they could only dream of attaining one day. Joey slipped the folded piece of metal into the waistband of his uniform pants, making sure it pressed up against his hard cock – since he loved how the warm aluminum felt next to his throbbing tool. At the same time he flexed his quads to show off for the men. The uniform was so tight that thick veins snaking across his thighs were clearly visible through the material and the guy’s rod was outlined perfectly. The seams at the side suddenly burst open and everyone got a glimpse of Joey’s creamy skin. Colin could tell that Joey was trying to think of a way to punish the two men without hurting them – which was pretty difficult when it was clear that Joey wanted to cause them great pain to teach them a lesson. He also wanted to defend the honor of his boyfriend. “So just because I’m not going to reach down your throat and pull your balls out of your mouth like some kind of demented magic trick, it doesn’t mean that I’m not angry. You guys threatened Colin and you should know that I’d fight an entire army for my man – and I’d easily win. He’s everything that’s good in my life and he fuels me in more ways than you will ever understand. So, here’s what I’m going to do. I’m going to make this easy on you or I’m going to make it hard – it will be your choice. See how friendly I can be, even to assholes.” Joey reached over and grabbed a pole that was part of the fence that hugged the area around home plate. He ran his finger down the side of the pole and easily snapped the thick wire criss-cross rungs that clung to the pole. It was like someone snapping thread. He then grabbed the pole and pulled it from the ground with a slight jerk of his hand. Colin’s cock started to pulse even harder than it already was when he saw how easily Joey manipulated the long steel pipe – along with its cement base. The smaller roommate’s pleased face made Joey very happy. “You like that, honey? You think of this as an added anniversary gift, okay? I can demolish metal for you any time you like, but this pole is going to be put to good use. Okay, fellows, face each other and wrap your arms around the other like you love ‘em.” “No fucking way, kid.” As soon as the head coach’s words flew into the evening air, Joey held the bar at chest level and started bending the long thing like he was playing with a piece of licorice. It was so easy for the big guy to make steel do his bidding. The sight caused a jolt of excitement at Colin’s crotch. Both of the older men froze for a few seconds as they listened to the sound of metal succumbing to the torture of something much more powerful and then they quickly turned toward each other and quickly went into a manly hug. The fear on their faces was priceless. “Yeah, that’s it gentlemen, grind those hard pricks into one another. Oh, you think I didn’t notice how hard both of you got as soon as I destroyed your bats like they were a toothpick and a pipe cleaner? Trust me, good sirs, when you are as big and strong as me you start to notice all the guys that pop stiff ones when they’re near me. You men love all this college-boy muscle and power. As a matter of fact, I think you both decided to challenge me just to see what I could do. You hear that, Colin. These big men weren’t really angry with me; they just wanted to get me worked up so I’d show off a little. They knew just from my displays of strength during the game that I could easily defeat both of them put together with one hand behind my back, but they wanted to see me prove it. And the way they are rubbing their cocks together right now makes it clear my hunch was correct. I think we’ve got ourselves a daddy coach and his boy-toy – two guys that have been into each other for a while. I bet you guys share a room at every away game and fuck like rabbits, don’t you. “Um . . . yes . . . we do.” “Damn, I knew I was right. Well, this little turn of events makes it easier for me not to punch your faces out your ass, but I still want to punish you. It will actually be showing off a little, so you’ll be happy. Let’s unite you guys in a special way – to signify the secret bond you have.” Joey lifted the bent pole into the air and brought it down around the two guys who were still hugging each other tightly. The big college stud then worked on the piece of steel with his hands until it encircled the guys tightly around their waists. Joey took the two ends and started twisting them together, like it was a twist-tie you find on a loaf of bread. He continued to work the poles together until the thing was so tight that neither man could even think about squeezing out, but he was careful enough to not cause the men anything more than a little discomfort. As easy as if he were working with a little piece of wire, Joey bent the twisted end pieces into a loop. The huge jock then grabbed the ring that held the two men and lifted them both off the ground, easily. Since he hadn’t captured the coaches’ arms under the metal bar, they were still able to grope each other lovingly as they watched Joey manhandle the pole so easily. Both men were turned on beyond anything they’d ever experienced before. They moaned out loud as Joey easily carried their big bodies, joined by the circle of metal, to a nearby telephone pole. Up on the pole, about seven feet high, there was a spike sticking out that was used for climbing. Joey manipulated the loop of the pole until it hooked onto the spike and trapped the two men up in the air. Joey clapped his hands together in appreciation of his handiwork. He stepped back and then looked at Colin. “Satisfied, boss? I didn’t hurt them.” “Good job, Joey, but we can’t just leave them here?” “Sure we can. Their team is showering right now and the bus won’t leave without the coaches. Someone will come looking for them soon and the sad part is that we won’t be here to see the looks on all the players’ faces – especially when these guys try to explain what happened. It’s going to take the fire department to get them down – especially since they’ll need that jaws contraption they use on cars to cut the pole. Did you see how easy it was for me to bend that metal? Pretty neat, huh?” “A fucking turn-on!” Both college students turned to look at the excited face of the head coach as he spoke. It was clear that both older men were on fire with lust for Joey. They were floored by his power and size. Clearly they were also not upset about being tied to a telephone pole with a long piece of steel. They had loved the show so much that they were fine with waiting for their team. The two men continued to rub their crotches together strongly and were still working their hands all over the upper torso of the other guy. Their desire for Joey was being transferred into adoration of each other. “Do we need to leave you two guys alone?” “Yes, please.” Colin and Joey were shocked by the answer from the larger coach. The sexual pleasure Joey’s handiwork created in both older men was so great that they really only wanted some immediate release. It was pretty clear in their present joined position that orgasm was only going to come from each other. It was too difficult to please their partner and watch Joey do strength feats at the same time – they now only wanted to focus on getting off. They probably knew the team would be coming to the field soon and they wanted their cocks to explode before they got there. It was going to be hard to grope and kiss openly when the firemen were working to get them down. The guys weren’t being rude, they just needed to bust big wads soon – the college stud destroying bats so easily and manipulating a steel pole like it was nothing had fired them up too much to hold back from eruption. “Well okay then, we know when we’re not wanted. You two fellas have fun now, you here? It certainly was fun showing off for you. Maybe you can swing by another time and I’ll destroy a car or something for you. Colin, are you ready to have dinner and then fuck a hot guy that just destroyed two bats and pinned two grown men with a big metal pole he easily made into a lasso?” “Not quite, young man. Shower first and then you have a car you need to return to the parking lot.” “Oh goodie, shower time! Maybe we can fit in a quick fuck before dinner?” “You know we can’t, Joey. I just knew showing off your strength would get you even hornier. It’s a quick shower and then straight to the car! I mean it, young man.” The two college students were walking towards the gym when suddenly they heard heavy breathing and grunting like there was a pack of wild animals nearby. They turned around to see where the noise was coming from and could see in the distance that the two coaches were dry-humping each other hard, dangling off the ground where Joey had easily imprisoned them, and it was clear they were near the moment of release. Suddenly the evening air was filled with the orgasmic yelling of both men as they offered their loads to each other. They were sucking face like two lovesick teenagers in between each eruption and after every moan of pleasure. Colin and Joey stood there in awe of the to men and were happy that the big boy’s strength feats had brought so much joy. “Pretty impressive orgasms. How did you know they were gay, Joey?” “They both got hard when I threw the ball to home plate after running out to catch it in the outfield near the fence. I heard the coach tell his assistant how he’d like to see other things that my fucking huge arm could do – and the other guy agreed. Then they started talking about how much my body made their cocks’ ache. I wanted to show off for you today, but hearing how much it turned them on was like icing on the cake. I listened to them talk about me the entire game and did things to make them get harder. ” “You and that super hearing. I’ve got to be careful with what I say – at all times.” “That’s not all you have to worry about – I could sniff you out of a crowd of two thousand – and easily spot you in a stadium from a mile away. I tell you, it has something to do with this incredible bond we have, man. I crave you all the time. When I was bending the shit out of that pole a few minutes ago and when I turned that bat into a pile of dust all I could think about was how much I hoped it pleased you. And I somehow knew that you’d want to see me flatten the aluminum bat before I even began to fold it up – that was all done in hopes that it would make you fuck me like a beast tonight.” “Well it worked, big guy. Don’t worry about that.” “So I made you all hot and bothered, huh, Colin?” “Hell yeah.” “Then how about a quickie in the shower!” “You have a one track mind, sir! No, we must save ourselves for after dinner. I’ll make it worth the wait, I promise.” “You better or I’ll just hold you down with one hand and suck you dry for twenty-four hours. No telling how that much of your spunk would affect my growth. I might end up being bigger than the entire fucking dorm room. I’m going to hold you to your promise of a super fuck tonight, bro.” “Trust me, Joey, I’m going to fill that ass of yours with so much of my cum tonight that you’ll have to walk around nude tomorrow because you won’t fit into any of your clothes. You’ll have to wait until I go buy some new ones for you! I’m going to make you so fucking huge!” “Are you trying to make me throw you down on the ground and sit on your hard cock out here, Colin? Cause I’ll do it right now if you want me to. You have me so riled up now that I could take down a charging bull with one hand or toss a loaded cement mixer a hundred yards with no problem. Name it, honey, and I’ll do it for you.” “All I want right now is a romantic dinner with my man.” “Done. But we’ll need to take separate shower stalls. I can’t be close to your nude body right now or I’ll do something I might regret. Fuck, you make my entire body burn with desire!” “Right back at you, big man, right back at you.” The two students went into different areas of the locker room to shower – even though thoughts of the other guy nude made both men stay rock hard. It was especially difficult for Joey to know that his roommate, the love of his life and the nectar of his muscle, was just eight stalls down – probably soaping us his cum rocket right now. Joey contemplated just busting through the flimsy walls until he was in the shower with Colin. He knew his friend would be impressed and turned on – which might lead to a heavy session of sex, but he also knew that Colin was trying to stay faithful to a plan. The school would also be upset about the destruction. Joey decided to release some of his built-up sexual frustration as he showered, hoping it would keep him calm for the rest of the evening or, at least, until they got back to their dorm room and fucked like rabbits. The big man reached back to his ass and stuck one of his thick fingers into his rectum, immediately pressing against his sensitive prostate. At the same time he shut his eyes and imagined Colin’s cock slammed up inside him – causing all the pleasure. Joey also pressed the head of his own hard dick into the tiled wall, to increase the building eruption. As the big thick finger pressed in and out of his hole his balls started bubbling with increased cum pressure. Joey realized it would take little effort and no time at all to bust a big wad. He increased the rhythm of his probing finger and started jerking his hard cock with his other hand – even as he still bounced its head into the wall. His imagination got the best of him and he ignored anything happening around him. “Oh yeah, that feels nice, Colin, real nice. Fuck me hard, man.” The big guy chose to whisper, so his roommate wouldn’t catch on that he was masturbating a few feet away. Joey would bring his big fist down his huge long shaft at the same time he shoved his strong finger way up into his chute – both feelings bringing him to the edge quickly. He imagined his body being pressed up against the wall as Colin’s hard cock slammed him into the tile with each animalistic shove. Joey loved it best when Colin was rough and fucked him hard, mainly because he thought it made his roommate’s cum have an even higher concentration of whatever it was that made his big body grow – but it was also because Joey just loved getting plowed uncontrollably. Colin was a screamer when they fucked – and that added to the excitement. Joey just grunted and moaned like the huge beast he was – which, in turn, made Colin go wild. The jock bent the tip of his finger as he pushed in and out of his own hole – just to increase the orgasmic jolt to his insides. Pre-cum had already begun to seep down the guy’s big fingers, which worked the hard cock with a fierceness that might have crushed any other man’s cock – but it only brought a lot of joy to Joey. The huge athlete lost control of his body as soon as he reached exploding time. He didn’t anticipate the ejaculation to rock his body so much and didn’t have time to prevent his powerful rod from penetrating through the tiled wall of the shower stall as soon as he started to cum. With a loud growl his cock easily poked a big hole because of its power - tile and cement crumbling away like it was sun-dried dirt being hit by a sledgehammer. “Aw, fuck me Colin – shit that’s nice!” Joey continued to moan and speak in a whisper as he unloaded his spunk into the stall on the other side of the wall, his cock having made its own glory hole. For a second, as his body slammed up against the tile in his euphoric explosion, he was worried his body was going to burst through the entire mass. He was able to control his intensity a little, even as he continued to probe his ass roughly with the big finger. The man was in heaven – knowing he easily burst through the wall with his cock, feeling the joy of spraying a heavy load of cum in the other stall, and having his ass imaginarily fucked by Colin was a close second to the second to the real thing. His cock continued to jerk out a few more spurts of cum and as it did, the steel-like rod continued to crack tile and make a larger hole. Joey loved how his dick was powerful enough to tear through cement without any problem. He thought back to a time when Colin had asked him to make his cock poke through a wood fence on the edge of campus. His smaller roommate wanted to kneel on the other side and suck him off, thinking it would be like some porn movie. Feeling the wood splinter easily because of his cock’s power had been such a turn on for the big man and Colin had loved watching the simple task, as well. Not being able to see the guy sucking his hard cock had been such a kinky pleasure, but Joey had gotten too excited by the blowjob that he ripped apart the fence with his hands, jumped on his roommate, and sucked Colin off without even realizing what he was doing. His need for the guy’s honey tasting spunk had been too much – increased tenfold by the expert blowjob through the fence. Joe’s present orgasm finally subsided and his mind returned to the shower stall. “I see my big boy couldn’t wait, could he?” Joey’s heart stopped for a few seconds as he heard his roommate’s voice from the entrance to the door-less stall. The big man knew he was in trouble. Colin didn’t like it when he jerked off without him or when he destroyed school property without the smaller guy getting to watch. Joey turned his head to face his lover and he smiled weakly, knowing he had been caught red-handed. He pulled his dick from the hole in the wall – knowing it had fragments of cement and tile caked to it. The big man also removed his finger from his ass. He hung his head and turned toward his roommate. “I just couldn’t help myself, Colin. I was thinking about you down in that other stall – totally nude and soaping up that gorgeous dick of yours. You know I can’t make it through images like that – it’s just too much for this big body to handle, thoughts of you fucking me to make me grow or me lifting you up in the air to suck you off. I kind of lost control, man.” “Well the only reason I’m okay with it, Joey, is because I hope it calmed you down a little. You’ve been a huge pile of raging hormones for a couple of days, since you knew our anniversary was coming up. But I can tell by how hard your cock remains, that you’re still horned up in a major way, aren’t you?” “Um . . . yes sir.” “Geez, what am I going to do with you?” “A good fuck would be the appropriate punishment, I think.” This comment made Colin laugh out loud and instantly Joey knew things were okay. The smaller guy tossed a large towel to his roommate and then continued to dry his own body as he stared at his roommates rippling muscles – a sight that always brought him great joy. Colin realized that Joey could not be expected to control his great need for sex or growth – it was too ingrained now in his DNA. It was clear that the smaller roommate needed to be the keeper of rules in the relationship, but Joey spraying a stall with his cum and poking holes in walls was not going to cause any big problems. It was really helpful for Joey to sometimes release the sexual tension that his muscles and power created. The big guy really was one big walking orgasm – caused mainly by his thirst for growth induced by sex. It was actually amazing that the big man controlled his urges as much as he did. It was also clear that Joey’s love for Colin was sometimes the only thing that prevented him from extracting cum from the smaller guy’s body all the time. Colin knew that he would be unable to keep himself from shooting all day long if Joey ever decided to suck him dry constantly or squeezed the spunk out of him by clamping his powerful ass on his growth causing hard cock. Joey’s need for Colin’s love, respect, and affirmation prevented the big man from being a huge beast that fed his urges whenever he desired. It was clear that Joey’s super strength was actually needed to keep the big guy in check – so he wouldn’t become a power hungry hulk. Secretly, Colin longed to help Joey grow into a massive muscle monster. For all of his newfound intelligence and self-awareness there was a part of the guy that completely craved turning his roommate into someone that could crush rocks with no effort or rip apart metal like it was child’s play. Colin loved knowing his cum was creating a superman. He constantly longed to see his roommate’s body burst out of clothes, his cock to slam through metal, or his muscles flex thicker after a great fuck. Colin actually had to control his own urges in the same miraculous way as Joey, but he never shared these facts with his roommate, mainly because he knew it would be the only permission the big man needed to cut loose and grow to insane sizes. Colin thought it was best, for now, to wait before he unleashed the first real superhero on the world. Joey needed to learn how to control his strength some more – he needed to really understand what it meant to be the most powerful thing on earth. “How long were you watching, Col?” “Long enough to see your cock rip through the wall . . . and it was fucking hot, man.” “I know, right? It was almost like I didn’t know I was doing it. I just felt the need to press that big fat dick head against something hard – you know, to make me cum harder.” “I’d say you succeeded – the other stall is covered in your cum, dude. It’s dripping down the wall like someone undid a fire hydrant.” “Yeah, it felt like a shit load of juice.” “Okay, buddy, put on that hot outfit I picked out for you earlier and slap on some of that cologne that drives me wild. You have a car to put back in the parking lot and then I think I’ll make you carry me to the restaurant. I know we said we’d drive, but I think you can work off a little more steam by hoofing it with me on your shoulders.” “Hey, Colin.” “Yes, honey.” “I love you. Happy anniversary.” “I love you, too, big man. Now put that hard tool away and quit trying to entice me into some locker room sex. It’s dinner first, then some heavy foreplay, and finally, for dessert, some muscle growth fucking!” “Sounds like heaven, Colin, it sounds like heaven.”
  7. My best friend was always quite a weakling-he was really tall, 6 foot 5, but never weighed more than 165lbs Until he made some changes... I think it all started some years ago. He just turned 16. At this time My body was already quite well developed. My arms were at 15.75 inches, my legs were big and I had some abs and noticeable pecs. That was when I started working out. I often picked on my friend and fun wrestled him as he had no chance against me (I was 6 feet tall- almost 6 inches shorter than him but weighed 170lbs). It was so funny to see him trying to get out of a headscissor or a headlock by using all his strenght. He someday told me not to humiliate him any longer because he’d feel extremely sad and weak... So when he turned 17 he started hitting the gym too. His first half year transformation was insane! He put on 33lbs! From 165 to 198 lbs. His arms swell like nothing I had ever seen, he probably had 13inch arms but now they were at 15.75! (Mine were 17in at this time.) His legs started to show some muscles and his pecs were already as big as mine. He started to show some abs too. So today, 3.5 years later he’s 20 and took going to the gym quite serious - primarily because he wanted to become a better Football player. We ALWAYS went to the gym together but he gained much faster than I did. He pretty soon was able to deadlift 440lbs several times and benchpress 330lbs once. His legs are at 30inches and his chest at 47inches circumference. His arms don’t look like arms anymore- they passed the 19 inch mark as mine rested only at 18. His abs were fucking ripped and his bulging obliques formed an awesome V-line. He weighed 245lbs and had bulging abs. Just imagine that. People were afraid of him, for example when we went out partying and someone was in his way, they immediately apologised. Also tons of girls felt up his arms and pecs as he bounced them well visible under his tshirt in the middle of the dance floor. One day we were at our flat in the city and had some friends over. We were all quite drunk and made fun of each other. I somehow said something stupid about him. He stood up and “fun wrestled” me. But what was fun for him was hell for me. He grabbed my arms, wrapped them around me, threw me onto the couch, sat down on me, wrapped only one of his huge hands around my throat and said:,, Never disrespect me again in front of everyone else” I was shocked. He was fucking strong. Not even I could have finished him that fast three years ago. He could have killed me in less than 15 seconds if he wanted to... As everyone left he came to me. I thought he’d say sorry or something but instead he just said:,, Now I’m the stronger one of us -,,SHRIMP“! The FAR stronger one! It’s my time to humiliate you now!” I was shook. At that point I was really afraid of him, towering in front of me with his huge muscles. I just said ok, and took some steps away from him, turned around and started going to my room. When he just silently said:,,Now is the time to humiliate YOU...” I turned around and saw how he took off his shirt, uncovering his huuuge pecs and ripped abs. I could almost see the blood rushing through the veins on his chest and arms. I was really afraid at this moment. He threw his shirt to me. “Smell it!” “No, why should i?”, I said “Because I am the alpha now! Sooner or later you’ll smell on it!” He ran to me, grabbed my neck from behind and rubbed his shirt into my face. “But why just smell my shirt, if you could smell... ME!” He turned me around and flexed his arm. “Kiss this biceps.” I just looked at him. “KISS IT!” He pushed my head against his peak and flexed it intermittently. He dragged my head from his biceps over his armpit to his pecs and gave me a bearhug. “Stop! You’re hurting me!” I screamed. He just laughed:,, Hahaha! So what?! That’s not even 50% of my strenght!” He tightened the bearhug even more and bounced his meaty, massive, naked pecs into my face. I got really hard and just hoped that he didn’t notice. My trousers were quite loose and that’s when he noticed. “What have we got here? Lil’ omega boy is aroused by some real steel muscles overpowering him?”, he said as he let go of the bearhug. He dropped me onto the couch. He had me in a headlock immediately. He wrapped his huge biceps around my... my.... mouth?! He really was playing with me... as I wanted to bite his biceps he flexed it, laughed and said: ,,Watch out for your teeth, weakling!” He wrapped his arms around my neck now- totally cutting off my air supply. The only thing that didn’t make me pass out was the fact that he flexed and bounced his 19 inch bicepspeak intermittently. But as he stopped I had to tap. He totally let go of me. I was stunned. It could have been that easy?! His arms were almost half way back at him as he wrapped them around y neck again, layed on my back and said:,, Only weaklings tap...” and he made me pass out. I woke up again. All I saw were his massive calves because he put me in a headscissor while I was knocked out. First thing I noticed were all those veins running down his super hairless tree trunk legs. Wait. What was that? He only took off his shirt before?! And he wore a long blue Jean just before he sent me to sleep... Does that mean that he’s... naked...? ,,Ah, so you’re back, twink! Now you get to feel how it is to be totally humiliated.After tensing his massive quads a few times he somehow turned me around so that now my neck was just a bit above his knee I was facing towards his... cock. I could see his massive, vascular 30inch tree trunk legs. But what impressed me at least as much as his muscles was that cock. It was limp, but really thick and already quite long. It was waaay bigger than mine... actually I‘ve never seen such a massive prick, not even in porn He shove it up my throat and I felt it growing in my mouth.... It filled out the whole space in my mouth as it grew bigger and bigger. It was crazy how big it actually was. Because of his massive tree tunk legs and his overall massive frame his dick was much bigger than it seemed. It already almost filled out my mouth as it was limp. But as it got hard I felt it growing down my throat. Inch by inch. I tried to bend my head backwards but his huge quads were in my way. I gagged and nearly suffocated again because I didn’t know what cut off my airway more, his leg muscles which he flexed all the time or his giant cock... As he got fully erected he started talking to me:,, So, lil weakling! U remember when u were the stronger one of us? Those times are over now and will never come back again! I am the alpha now! No, I’m more than alpha... I’m a god!” He grabbed my hair and moved my head, so that I was giving him a blowjob right now. ,,Well twink, just accept it, I am way stronger than you are.” He started moving his hips. ,,I could easily break you into pieces, just look at my arms, man! They are way bigger than yours! Hmm, if I am a muscle god, u should also treat me like one!” He took my left hand and laid it onto his pec. He started bouncing it. After a while he slid my hand over his rock hard abs. Up and down, up and down with his cock still deep down in my throat. I could feel all his masculinity rush through his cock and his pulse beating in those massive muscles. He then loosened the legscissors and slowly moved my head back from his cock. It looked like it never wanted to end. He pulled out and pulled out, i was really amazed that all that fit inside my mouth. It must have been at least 9inches long... I was totally out of breath as he got up to kneel in front of me on the couch. It was so impressive... he started flexing all his muscles. He did a double biceps pose, flexed his rocky abs, bounced his pecs, tensed his traps. Totally naked. ,,Don’t you get it?!”, he shouted at me as he again reached out for my neck and pulled my face to his chest. He rubbed my face all over those gorgeous pecs and abs. ,,You are my little bitch by now! You are supposed to do everything I command you! I mean, you could try to resist but in the end there’s nothing you could do against me...!”, he said. ,,You should clean up my muscles. Too bad I didn’t sweat by wrestling with u... guess I’d have to work out with you now to get started.” He commanded me to get naked too. He then told me to get on his shoulders to do some pullups. My cock was rock hard all the time and pressing against his lower back. As he went down to do some pushups he told me to get on his back. I did so. He started pushing. It still seemed very easy for him. And then I noticed something. I was in the perfect position to get him in a headlock. Should I really dare to do this? It the only way I could show him that I’m not that weak as he says. I slowly moved my arm under his throat, pulled it back to me And locked it with my other arm. I had him. I had this muscle monster in a real headlock- HIS throat against MY biceps. But what was that? Quite unimpressed he just stood up and started running backwards into the wall. He really bumped me in quite hard but I still had him. I could feel him loose his breath and he started to panic a bit. Now he took together all his left over strength and bowed over, throwing me over his head with my back hitting the floor. Fuck. I probably gonna be dead now. He stood up from his kneeling position and what I saw was frightening. His legs and arms as well as his lower abs and chest were totally covered in veins. They were bulging on his totally pumped muscles. He was breathing very hard and heavy. ,,You really shouldn’t have done that! You know what I gotta do now!!!”, he said really angry. He ran over to me, just like a fucking tank, his pecs were jumping with every step. His massive limp dick was bouncing too. He punched me in my stomach making me go to the ground. Then he wrapped his 19inch arms around my neck, adjusted them a bit an flexed them. I was really afraid that he was going to kill me now... I tapped but passed out again... I came back... I wasn’t dead?! I opened my eyes and saw him towering over me. His massive 30inch legs, his huge cock, those swelling ripped abs, his crazy arms and everything was still covered in those thick veins. He truly looked like an animal. ,,I don’t know why you don’t get it weakling! I am the alpha now, I’m almost twice your size, you stand no chance against me!!”, he said. He wrapped both his big muscular long fingers around my neck and lifted me up with his bare hands- choking me at the same time. I was some inches above the ground, just so that my eyes were on the same level as his. He stared into my eyes like a wild beast right before breaking the neck of it’s prey. In a matter of no time he dropped me and held me in a bearhug. I could feel his massive chest and ripped abs on my limp and weakened body... My cock grew rock hard and pressed against his upper quad. ,,U like that?!”, he said as he squeezed me harder. I wanted to say something but I just wasn’t able anymore. I had no air, no strength and was totally done... ,,Awww, lil boy is so exhausted he can’t speak no more... HAHAHAH WHAT A WEAKLING!”, he screamed and tightened the bearhug even more. I felt his monster cock grow bigger and bigger too-pressing against my (much less ripped) abs. He made me pass out again... I wasn’t even aware that a bearhug could make you pass out... As I regained my consciousness I found myself still in his arms. ,,It’s so easy to overpower you. Guess how easy it would be to kill you! But then I’d have nobody to worship my muscles. Well except all those girls...”, he said. He dropped me on the floor and I was amazed by what I saw... A ripped monster with huge bulging muscles all covered in veins - jerking a huge cock... ,,I sweat just a little, twink. But enough for you to clean me up.” He hit a double biceps pose and made me stand up. I didn’t have enough energy to ask or even just say something anymore. I got his point. He was so submissive... I should have done all this three years ago with him... Back when I was able to do that... ,,LICK THEM!”, he said flexing his biceps. I did so. And I loved it. The salty taste of his testosterone loaded sweat. The form of his arms with all those veins... I cleaned his hole body. From his armpit to his massive chest. He bounced it so his pecs would jump a few inches what made it hard to keep my tongue on his skin. I caught a lot of “underboob sweat”. He grabbed my head and lead it around while I licked his washboard abs. I knew that it’s not gonna be enough for him... he pressed me downwards even more. Now my mouth was at those big balls. They smelled really manly. He didn’t even have to command me. I sucked up all his sweat and started swallowing his massive prick. I wanted to give him the best blowjob he ever received... I felt up his muscles with my hands. As I run my fingers down his abs with one hand and worshipped the inside of his huge thighs he came. ,,Mhhhhh... Now you know your place. I don’t allow you to spit it out! Eat it- it’s extra protein for you!” I really loved his taste. I chewed on it and I hope that his testosterone loaded load will give me a boost in strength... I’ll probably suck him off more often, perhaps I’m gonna become as big as him some day....
  8. Alex opened the door to his shared dorm room, immediately wincing as he took in the smell of sweat and harsh BO. Christ, why had he been forced to room with such a frat boy?! Yeah, Quinn was a nice enough guy, but he was so much of a partier that it made the space almost unlivable, and he didn’t even bring the party home with him! Ugh, they both tolerated each other, but that was about it. He knew Quinn couldn’t stand his ethic…wasn’t his fault if he didn’t go out! Alex much preferred to stay in college with acceptable grades, thank you. And speak of the devil, Quinn walked out of the shower, towel snug around his waist. The total hetero loved to walk around shirtless, showing off his toned, impressive musculature. Alex was straight too, but even he had to admit Quinn did deserve to show off his body. The boy worked out almost every day, so yeah he could be proud of himself! But there was a limit…Quinn’s ego was so full that Alex feared that one more narcissistic comment would pop the whole thing like a balloon. “Hey, Alex! Just finished working out! Have you SEEN my bicep pump?” He flexed more for himself, growling in mock arousal. Alex completely expected his head to explode, but alas, no such luck presented itself. “Looking fine as always, Quinn.” Quinn pouted gently, huffing at his roommate’s apathetic response. God, the little dweeb never gave him his due credit! Didn’t he realize just how BIG Quinn was looking recently? God, only girls and fellow hunks got it. What a shame. Well, actually…maybe that was the key! He needed a fellow hunk! Whipping out his phone, he called up his newly installed app, unable to stop a massive smirk from creeping onto his features. “Yo, Little Al!” Alex sighed, Quinn knowing just how much he hated that nickname. “Yeah, Quinn?” “You ever head of I-See-Ya?” Alex barely looked up from his laptop. “Doesn’t ring a bell.” Quinn chuckled, aiming his phone’s camera at Alex. Instantly, the app began flashing information across the screen…height, weight, body specifics…even some basic personality traits that Quinn had customized and added! “It’s an app where you can just take one snapshot and then customize someone to your liking!” Alex raised an eyebrow, barely listening. “Customize, huh?” Quinn nodded, waiting as the app finally registered fully, dozens of options popping up. Let’s see if the app worked as advertised! “Yeah! For example…if I want to boost your height by…I dunno, eleven inches…” Alex huffed gently. “Then I’d be six foot four…” Quinn flicked open Alex’s “Height” tab, sliding the bar slowly. “You’re right. Let’s go sixteen!” Alex started to roll his eyes, but stopped short as he felt his very bones begin to ache, popping sounds emanating through the room as his limbs began to crack and spasm longer, larger, lankier. His mouth dropped open, a gasp stalling on his lips as his body pushed and creaked taller, taller, taller! His clothes shrank as his limbs erupted with length, pushing well past what Alex was used to! His body didn’t grow too lanky, adapting more mass to keep up Alex’s usual lanky self. But in no time, sixteen enormous inches had been added to his frame, his clothes tight and disproportionate on his now whopping 6’9 body! He shakily turned to his roommate, body trembling. “Q-Quinn…what did you…I’m so uneven…” Quinn grinned, tapping his phone again. “Uneven is right! Gotta make it a nice and pretty number!” Alex squeezed his eyes shut as he swelled upward yet again. Another inch grew into his body…then another…and then one more, leaving him cramped, constrained, and a full seven feet tall! Lifting his head to stare at his out-of-control roommate, his head bumped the ceiling. Gasping in dismay and shock, he shook his head, looking MUCH further down than he was used to! There was Quinn, grinning like a loon, barely up to Alex’s enormously long torso. “Wowww…looking mad good, Al! Great start!” Alex tried to do something…anything…but his new frame was so strange that he could barely stand upright. But he was getting the hang of it, and soon he’d show Quinn just how he really felt. Quinn, however, had other ideas. Nodding to himself as he looked his new toy up and down, he smirked as he began to dial in another, slightly more drastic change. “Now…I think I’ve gotten to the cause of your stupid attitude. You can’t appreciate how BIG I am because you’re a freakin’ toothpick! Gotta have size to respect size.” He hit a few more commands, grinning as he watched Alex jerk and stumble like he’d been shocked by a few thousand volts. His body continued to spasm and heave, frame twisting and quivering as a low moan burst from the taller man’s mouth. Quinn’s eyes widened as he watched Alex’s neck begin to inflate, muscle bulging out of the lean surface. His jawline firmed and hardened tremendously as a bull neck swelled beneath it. Alex’s shoulders began to swell and engorge, huge peaks bursting from his traps as the jerking motion spread down his arms, biceps and triceps clenching and balling into massive, mountainous, basketball sized cannons! His lats gorged and inflated, gentle wings pushing his arms out as his back tripled in width to handle all his new torso mass! His stomach crunched and grooved, abs condensing into brick-like slabs; a formidable washboard set into a solid base. His legs grew and grew, thigh gap slowly vanishing as solid muscle erupted his thighs into meaty teardrops, calves heaving into heavy bulges. And his butt bulked into a massive bubble, huge and meaty and thick! But as huge as all that was, nothing compared to the raw, ridiculous spurt his pecs got. Erupting into huge watermelons of flesh, the firm round muscles sloped downward, popping involuntarily as the huge pec-tits gorged even thicker, nipples swelling to fit his new man melons. Alex moaned loudly as pleasure shot through him, wincing and spasming as his cock spurted and flopped lower, thickening and fattening as it rocketed outward. Even soft, his new dick sagged and swayed just below his knees, balls dropping heavily as pre began to drool from Alex’s tip like a leaky hose. Dropping to his knees as orgasmic delight surged through his brain, Alex couldn’t help but shudder as his ass began to wobble and bounce, cheeks pushing to the side as his asshole flowered and puffed, thick donut evolving rapidly as it gorged visibly between his cheeks. A slimy sheen engulfed the pucker, huge anal ring gorging even further as Alex moaned feebly. His hair curled upward at the end, a cliche coif puffing up at the front as his sides whittled down into a handsome fade. Alex clenched his teeth as his jaw firmed and hardened even further, dense stubble crackling across his cheeks and chin. To finish the deal, a heavy jungle of armpit hair bushed from Alex’s pits as his limbs and torso developed a very healthy dusting of hair across them. Panting in exhaustion, Alex could only drool gently as his body began to relax, aching and sore from its sudden reconfiguration. Quinn, on the other hand, was ecstatic. Licking his lips as he tried to control his joy, he began to fiddle some more. “Oh, this is working so well. Just gotta put…the final…touches in. There! Goodbye, Alex the nerd! Hello Alex the STUD!” Alex gasped gently, but could barely move his body let alone stop his crazed roommate. As Quinn hit the button for a final time, Alex felt his brain quiver. An odd sensation, it felt like a heavy drunkenness was settling on Alex’s mind. But the more he tried to focus on something, the less sense it made. Eventually he found his mind going completely blank! But as quickly as his entire life slipped out from his brain, a new one was rapidly replacing it. Shock over his new freakazoid body was substituted for acceptance: of course he was a giant! He’d always been this massive! And the disgusting ego-maniac in front of him? Naw, he was Alex’s plaything! Always had been. Slowly getting to his feet, Alex grunted as he eyed the essay on his computer. The fuck was that? English work? Bro, he’d gotten this far on his sports ability…no fucking way in hell he was an academic! Eying Quinn, Alex smirked cockily, palming one massive pec idly. “Jesus fuck, you shrink again? Aw no wait, I just got BIGGER.” He flexed hard for the smaller man, bicep heaving to life. Quinn shuddered visibly, eying his phone. “Oh you’re so HOT, Alex. But…I hear that name and I just think of a wuss. How about…?” Alex shuddered, entire identity rewritten in an instant. Quinn wiggled his eyebrows. “What’s your name again?” The massive man furrowed his brow at his roommate. “You fucking stupid, bro? It’s Parker. Par…ker. Sound it out, dumbass.” Quinn feigned smacking his head. “Oh, silly me!” Parker rubbed a hand down his abs, closing a ham-sized fist on his cock shaft. “But I’ve been thinking. I’m at the point where I need constant praise.” Quinn nodded, smirking. With luck, the two of them would just endlessly flatter the other into a cycle of narcissism and growth. That was the plan, anyway! “So I think we need to start awarding me some titles! Let’s start adding things before my name, all right?” Quinn tilted his head, trying to catch on. “So…like, Big Parker?” Parker moaned gently, stroking harder. “Yeah, that’s it. Never wanna fucking hear my name alone again, got it bitch boy?” Quinn chuckled, but it was forced. Bitch boy? Oh no, he needed the same deal. “Gotta do it to me too, Buff Parker! I need the praise too.” Parker chuckled deeply, balls bobbing as he wanked. “I’m the only one in this relationship who gets praise, little man. You’re a fucking pipsqueak.” Quinn grimaced. Probably went a bit too far. As he started to fiddle with his phone, it was suddenly plucked out of his hands by the giant Parker. “The fuck you so obsessed with this thing for?” Quinn’s face paled. No no no! “C-come on, Big Parker! Give it back, not cool.” Parker raised an eyebrow as he eyed the app. “Fucking A, tiny…this for real?” He aimed the camera at Quinn, chuckling. Quinn was helpless, only coming up to the boy’s nipples. Parker smirked wickedly, tapping with some difficulty due to his sausage sized fingers. “Hehe, let’s see…” Quinn gulped. “Parker, please. I-It’s just a joke app. Please give me my phone back…” Parker growled, tapping hard. “TITLE, bitch!! Don’t make me tell you again!!” Quinn gasped hard, feeling his body spasm upward. Again and again he shot up, until he was even with Parker’s chin. God, he had to be six foot eight! Maybe taller! Parker nodded curtly. “Yeah…baby boy’s gotta be small, but not too small. Needs to be able to take a railing.” Quinn blanched at that, but his new height made him unsteady…he still couldn’t grab his phone back. “I-I ain’t a fag, dude!” Parker winked slyly. “Neither am I, but you’re gonna need to love taking my donkey dick. Cuz you’re gonna get it every fucking hour.” Quinn lunged for the phone, but Parker held him back with no effort at all. “Whoa, chill! My new babe’s gonna need to trust me with everything if we’re gonna get along!” He tapped a few more times and Quinn began to relax, feeling his mind grow calmer. Why did he mind if Big Parker had his phone? They shared everything! And he trusted no-one more than the big man! “That’s better…now then, let’s see.” Quinn closed his eyes, moaning as he felt his body beginning to change, spurred on by Giant Parker’s wishes. Shoulders broadened and thickened, arms filled out into gorged cannons, lats flaring gently as his back bulged into a door filler to match Huge Parker’s! His abs shrunk slightly, waist crunching into a tiny little wasp waist even as his pecs ballooned larger, heavier, thicker! They surpassed even Big Parker’s in size, gorging to be visible even from the back! His ass began to follow suit, huge fleshy cheeks heaving with mass as his thighs thickened and bulged tremendously. And just like his new giga-pecs, his ass didn’t stop until it wobbly, bouncy, and visible from the front! Quinn cooed gently, running his hands over his now view-obscuring pecs. “W-wow, Big Parker…” Parker smirked, tapping a few more times. “But wait, there’s more!” Quinn gasped as he watched his areola puff and swell, huge fleshy mountains erupting off his chest as his nipples thickened and fattened, wobbly nubs bobbing with every deep breath! A sudden bloat filled his vision, and a moist juiciness made his touch his mouth. To his shock and joy, he found his lips nearly quadruple their normal size, huge upper and bottom lip fat and kissable in the extreme! Throwing his head back, Quinn couldn’t help but toss his head as he felt a prickling down his neck…down his shoulders…down to his collarbone. Oh fuck, it was his hair! Long and silky, a veritable waterfall cascading down his head, draping over his shoulders and resting just above his burgeoning breast-pecs. And it was blond?! Oh, a beautiful platinum blond. So nice…so nice… “Ohhh…B-Big Parker, you’re the best.” Parker smirked again, tapping away with no hesitation. “You still sound way too straight. Let’s fix that.” Quinn’s Adam’s apple shrank instantly, his mind altering as new vocabulary filled his head, a new identity blossoming inside of him. “Ooooooh…like, that feels so weird, Sexy Parker!” Parker growled teasingly, tapping again. “Yeahhhh…MORE.” Quinn gasped, nails growing longer and longer as his hair crept just long enough to flit over his giant nipples. His eyes lightened to a deep blue, and his wrists got a tad limp. “Mmmmmf fuck me HARD, Big Beefy Parker baby!!” Parker laughed happily, tapping a final button before pocketing the phone. Quinn’s cock grew just a hair, tiny on his now giant frame! A hard blink made him tap his fat lip. Parker feigned confusion. “What’s wrong, honey?” Quinn sighed, running a perfectly manicured hand through his lush hair. “Ummmm like, I know you’re my…ohhh….” He pitched a bit, panting as he bit his lip, cock painfully erect. “My DADDY…oh yeah, that’s it. Like, my Big Daddy Parker. Who am…I again?” Parker grinned. “You’re my pretty Sammy!” Sam cooed happily, clapping his hands together. “Oh, that’s right, Thick Daddy! I’m your pretty girl!” Parker nodded, putting a hand through his new bitch boy’s hair, kissing him on those gigantic DSLs. Patting his blubbery ass happily, Parker sighed as he pulled back. “I think I need to take my lovely toy shopping. Too big for your clothes now.” Sam nodded, daintily placing a hand on his hip as he looked around. “Like, so true, Sexy Daddy Parker. Gotta get a wardrobe change, ASAP! And some new decor…gotta decorate for my Amazing Daddy~” Parker nodded, patting Sam’s quivering mega-pecs. “Damn fucking right. I’m thinking a good tight crop top for those giant super tits…booty shorts and a thong for the mega ass…and some nice high tops. Maybe we can get you a hair tie or two. I love your hair down, but we can experiment.” Sam nodded happily. “Whatever my Perfect Handsome Daddy Parker wants!” Parker smiled widely. “Yeah…you’re mine, aren’t you, my beautiful femme Sammy?” Sam nodded eagerly. “You’re my everything, Pectacular Parker Daddy!” Parker shuddered. “Fuck, I like that one. For me? Can only fucking fit in a tank top now, I’d imagine. Some loose shorts to show off this horse dick…and beer. Jesus FUCK, we’re gonna need lots of beer for me.” Sam giggled, rubbing Parker’s carved abs. “Mmmmmm careful Gigantic Daddy! You may just grow a big beer tummy!” Parker smirked. “You like that, slut boy? Daddy growing a big thick belly?” Sam flushed a bit, rubbing his long hair. “I-It does sound pretty hot~ as much as I love my Shredded Daddy, a Bulky Daddy would be so cuddly and sexy! B-but I want whatever you want, my Pectacular Alpha Daddy Parker!” Parker rubbed his long hair, kissing him on those plush lips again. “I know, doll. All right…I say we go get some clothes, I’m gonna work out like a fucking animal, and then drink my way to a beer gut! What do you say?” Sam giggled happily, rubbing his alpha’s huge arm. “Like, I can’t wait!! Ohhhhh I love you so much, my HUGE, SEXY, MONSTROUS, BEEFY, PERFECT, ALPHA DADDY PARKER!! DADDDDYYYYYYY!!!!!” Just the thought of serving his giant man sent Sam’s cock firing like a hose, jets spurting out as he moaned loudly in bliss, huge lips parted as he orgasmed. Panting hard, he glanced up, grinning sheepishly. “S-sorry, Big Daddy. I promise I’ll wait for permission next time.” Parker grinned, kissing his boytoy happily. “It’s fine, Sammy baby. Let’s go…and if you’re good, I’ll let you sniff my musky pits after the workout.” Sam moaned, already starting to erect again. “Oh my god, yes please, my Perfect Parker Daddy!” Parker possessively put a hand on Sam’s ass, guiding him out. “Hehehe let’s fucking go, my eager little toy!” Sam could only lick his lips, tossing his hair as his whole frame jiggled alongside his gigantic alpha, both having to duck to get out the dorm.
  9. Sseugierus

    Mysterious Artifacts: The Lab

    His wheezing and footsteps could be heard throughout the halls of the lab building as he sprinted past the different doors, almost slipping on the shreds of fabric on the floor, frantically searching for somewhere to hide. Finally, he picked a room and ducked in, cramming himself into a standing cabinet next to some testing equipment and shoving all the cords to one side. It was a very tight fit, but he was able to close the door. Seconds felt like hours as he went over in his head what happened to his colleagues, trying to make sense of a seemingly impossible situation. ~~~~~~~ They had been tasked with carbon dating some ancient artifacts that local archaeologists had recently found. It was oddly suspicious from the very moment that they had received the request. The so-called "archaeologists" said they had found the artifacts under a tree in the local woods, but the woods had been planted when the town was built less than 100 years ago. On top of that, the items had been dropped off when no one was present at the lab with nothing but a note and a receipt for a massive donation, which turned out to be real, and some address for a building in the nearby woods. ~~~~~~~ There was a loud bang coming from down the hall that caused his heart to leap, breaking him out of his thoughts. He tried to quiet his terrified breathing and pleaded that his old co-workers wouldn't find him. His time was running out to attempt to figure out a solution before they found him. Wracking his brain for details and desperately trying to ignore the sounds coming from the adjacent lab, he thought back again to when they were evaluating the dreaded book and necklace. ~~~~~~~ There were 4 of them working on the seemingly easy project, 2 on each artifact. It shouldn't have taken more than a day but so many things weren't adding up. For one, the place where the note had said the artifacts were found was only a short distance from a heavily trafficked area, and the book showed no evidence of being buried in any way. In fact, the book looked brand new, but the carbon dating indicated that the pages were close to 600 years old, and the necklace was the same. The book had an imprint for the necklace, but nothing happened (or so they thought) when the two were combined. Additionally, just being around the 2 things gave everyone a feeling of confusion and uneasiness, and it didn't take long to realize why. Although the book was empty, everyone in the team seemed to be able to hear someone chanting when they got close to it, but it wasn't a language that any of them recognized. At the time, they didn't realize it, but even then, they were already changing. Clothes were tighter, hair was thicker; they were slowly growing into something more. They had been so focused to trying to understand what was happening that they chalked the discomfort up to stress, but were rocketed back to reality when his button broke. Looking back, that may have been the only reason that he was still himself now, as he excused himself to the bathroom to address the malfunction. Distant from the items, he was able to see what had happened to him. His hands were much larger and thicker than they were before. His arms were full with dense muscle that was stressing his shirt and lab coat. His legs and feet were uncomfortably stuffed into his pants and shoes. He looked to his chest, and saw a thick shelf of muscle, the cause of the broken button. His whole body was much hairier than it had previously been, his stubble resembling more than a 5 o'clock shadow on his newly defined jaw. Even his face and head looked thicker and stronger with his hair being fuller and slightly longer. It all confused and terrified him, and also excited him. He felt himself growing more and more aroused as he felt his cock snake down his tight pant leg to where he was used to, then continuing a few inches longer. He rubbed his thick member with his hand and moaned with his deeper voice, feeling himself fill with more power, getting lost in it; the feeling, the strength, the SIZE... only realizing that he was masturbating through his clothes when he heard glass shatter back in the lab. His concern for his co-workers and the artifacts bringing him back to reality. He ran back to the lab, his footsteps sounding more powerful and turning him on again. He threw open the door and saw his colleagues going through some very familiar changes. The two who were working on the necklace were all over each other, looking massive, their clothes torn in multiple places looking like hairy giant bodybuilders in heat, a stark difference from the lanky lab technicians they had been hours ago. His partner wasn't as far along in his transformation, seemingly resisting it, pouring sweat, and grunting as he tried to remove the necklace from the book without and success. The smell in the room was intoxicating, and it was visibly dissolving his partners last pieces of resistance as they made eye contact with each other and with a final pleading look, before being overwhelmed with lust and ripping their pants open at the crotch, giving in to the power. Grunting and moaning as he flexed and grew out of the rest of his clothes. The back of his shirt practically exploding as his giant hairy lats shredded the fabric. His biceps and forearms ripping down the seam in one fluid tear as he flexed. His chest puffing out as hair spread up over his cobblestone abs and up over the vast pecs. Finally roaring as his growing cock came buckets as it grew through the torn up pants and underwear. His partner looked up and they made eye contact again but this time, there was no innocence, there was only lust. ~~~~~~~ Shaking himself out of the memory before getting more aroused and moving his hand away from his raging hard-on, he decided that his only hope was to try to remove the necklace from the book and hope that it would do something so all of them could regain their clarity of mind. Opening the cabinet to get a better listening perspective; The sounds from the other room had stopped a few minutes ago, and panic began to set in. Had the muscle monsters been able to open the exit doors that he couldn't seem to find anymore? Had they just broken down the wall? With that thought he flexed his larger arm, ripping the fabric of his lab coat slightly, thinking of how powerful and amazing the others had looked before he ran away. But he felt more resolved to fix everything now after seeing the look that his partner had given him. That was not the same person that he had been working with for years after he transformed, there was a look of primal hunger with not even a sliver of the person he had previously been. He crept down the hallway, listening the whole way, almost anticipating turning a corner and being face to face with the beasts, but it never happened. Where were they? He made it back to their lab and smelled that sweet aroma from before. He closed his eyes and moaned quietly as he felt his legs slowly grow through the fabric of his pants, leaving him in his threadbare, pre soaked boxers, stretched tight across his quads with the head of his dick poking out through the left leg. He opened his eyes and made his way towards the book as his back widened and thickened, ripping his shirt and coat together down the middle, exposing his extraordinary hairy back. He subconsciously bounced his pecs and grunted as more buttons popped off, showing off his mountainous, hairy chest and powerful core as his body stretched upwards to make room more more muscle. Arriving at the book he grabbed it, not seeing the 3 other figures squeezing into the room, inhumanly large and muscular, and watching him from behind. As he lifted the book up to himself to get a closer look, his larger arms decimated his sleeves, leaving him in just his quickly tightening underwear. With one fluid motion, he easily pulled the necklace from the book, placing the book back on the table and holding the necklace in his hands, waiting for something to change, his mind being overwhelmed with the feeling of raw power pouring into his body. He looked at the necklace once more as his mind slipped away, and placed it around his neck as his body surged in size. Roaring out loud as he turned to face his subjects as his dick ripped out and let loose a torrent of aromatic cum as he reveled in growing bigger and stronger, BIGGER and STRONGER, becoming the largest of the group as the other 3 started to chant in the language they had heard before, all of them continuing to grow until they were larger than the room and walked into the nearby forest, very strong smelling cum leaking out of the largest's massive cock, leaving a trail for those unfortunate (or fortunate) enough to come across it to follow. Shortly after, 2 other behemoths arrive at the building and take the book out of the rubble of the destroyed room, placing it carefully outside of the destruction with a new necklace and a note for the police to find. I hope that read okay. I just felt like writing a new story and this is how it came out. I hope it's interesting enough and has enough growth, I really wanted to try and write a story with no character names and still establish an engaging story. Anyway, thank you for reading, and have a good day
  10. Littlebro

    My guide runner

    Hi everyone,this is my first time to create a story,actually there has some ideas in my mind for a long long time but i don't know how to start it,secondly because my english was poor,sometimes i need to google translate,please forgive me,thanks! this story is about a fantasy guide runner and i really a visually impared person,therefore maybe some situations without sighted and welcome comments for help, here we go, it's thursday night again,it's time for running practice,i arrived the meeting point at 7pm,sooner one of the guide runner Michael who bring me to the sport court,on the way we talk together what is the reason start to run etc,few minutes ago we arrive the sport court,we went to changing room ready for run,suddenly someone patting my back,i felt shocked then ask "who?" "you guess" the guy Answer with a smile, "coach?" I asked, "excelllent phil!are you ready for training tonight?we're going to run on the street,feel happy?" actually i prefer training outside better than running at the court,"sure!" "ok cool,you ready?let me bring you out,probably guys are waiting!" "ok guys!welcome to join training tonight,let's pair up first." "ok phil,there has some new comers,i pair up one of them to you,ok?" "hey Anson,he is phil,help me to take care of him,he run very fast!" "no!don't listen to him,i just relax run." "haha,alright,nice to meet you phil,my name is Anson." "nice to meet you too Anson." "you need to teach me how can i help you,this is my first time being volunteer to serve visually impaired people." "no worries,relax is ok,no stress." "ok." "guys,come for warm up now!"coach yelling with clapping, "phil,hold my arm,let's face to our coach." when i hold Anson's arm,his arm was kind of lean,seems he work outs sometimes, "ok guys,head up for ten seconds!" i was looking for a guide runner who living close to me and go to gym together so that i can being lean, "put your arms at the back and lift it up!" Did Qnson can help?i hope he can. "Phil?We change the posing already,now we put our left leg at the front and bend over,can you get it?" "sorry Anson,ok,like that?" "yes,you did it well Phil." "now fold your left leg at your back and using your left hand to hold it,vi members can rely on your partner for balance." "Ok Phil?" "Ok!"i put my right hand on Anson's right shoulder and i can feel Anson's warm little stands out pecs,does he has abs?six or eight? "guys,that's all for warm up,time for run now!are you ready?" "yeah!"everybody said,we had a belt for us to run with guide runners, "Phil,you usually hold left hand side or right hand side?" "i usually hold on right" "Ok cool,let's start!" "I relax run by usual." "Ok,just tell me if had any change." "who invite you to join this volunteer?" "actually i heard about guide runners for a while,i saw some of the pairs when i join races,it was meaningful then i search on the internet that you guys training here,that's why i am here,how about you?" "i just want to do some exercise and expand my social circle." "i see,that's great!so you like running much?" "not really." "huh?ok." "actually i looking for someone who can bring me to the gym to gain some muscles." "sounds good,you know,i go to gym triple a week,let see we can make it or not." "you don't mind i spend your time?" "it's ok,i do it for fun." "thank you." "welcome." During the run we talking our hobbies,family etc... "Ok guys,we finish today,guide runners please help iv members to bus stops or stations to leave,thanks!" "Phil,what will you take?" "train please." "I decided take the train too,i bring you to the station then." "Thanks!" "where do you live?" "Lok Fu." "I live there too,that's fortunate." "which block are you living?" "block 2." "I live block 3,i can bring you to block 2." "thanks,but......" "it's ok,i have time,no worries." "Here you go,see you Phil,it was nice to run with you,have a good rest!" "Anson,wait." "Yes?" "May i have your number to schedule our time for gym?" "Oh yes,sure!you tell me your number then i call you ok?" "Got it,i have your number now,thanks Anson,thanks for today." "welcome Phil,see you next time,take care!" To be continue......
  11. EmoJock186

    The Str8 Masseur (Part 2)

    Cody’s text read: “ Here’s his number and address. Tell him I sent you. He’s a big fan and always gives a discount to my clients. Enjoy!“ The masseur worked in the far north of the city. It would take two transfers by subway for a total of 45 minutes. He better be cheap, Sean thought. Outside the air stirred with early summer. It was Sean’s favorite time of year. Hormones were awakening, and the first sight of bare skin excited the senses. A loose tank and shorts would be plenty comfortable, and of course in the hotter months, Sean always went commando. He looked at himself in the mirror. The bright yellow of his shirt set off against the caramel of his toned body. Who was this superhero before him? A grin on his face and a gentle breeze caressing his balls, he set off for the nearest station. Sean had the cocksure stride of a prize bull. Not only was he taller than most men at 6’2, but was stronger, broader and twice as confident. He kept a cool pace. Never rushing as to soak in every bit of attention his gorgeous body — and dick imprint — attracted. Since ballooning to 100kg, Sean noticed more strangers on the street staring at his muscled frame. He felt an odd power. Men craned their necks to glimpse him. Their wives tsk-tsk’d but still darted furtive glances. Their curiosity only encouraged his horny display. A bodybuilder’s life was spent perfecting form, tone and mass to achieve the embodiment of beauty. As far back as the Greeks, the male physique had been worshipped as the height of these ideals. It was only natural these strangers appreciated him. Why deprive them of the pleasure? With that in mind, he slipped off his tank and continued to walk. The sun felt good against his light brown skin. After a solid hour of chasing the pump, his chest and triceps were pink and swollen. A fine sweat formed on his nakedness. Over the winter months, Sean punished his body with round after round of sets, and it showed now. The glistening curve of his torso appeared carved in stone. Indeed, he was as dense as stone. He was a man sculpted by sheer will power and testosterone. Passersby openly gawked. The base of Sean’s cock tingled. Were they noticing his muscles or just his junk growing harder and harder? In a few minutes he’d be at the subway. There was plenty of time to flex here and there. Two women walked by. “Disgusting,” one said while her friend’s eyes tried to bore a hole in his shorts. A group of college boys in baseball uniforms howled as he cut through. “Did you see that guy?” they said to one another. At that Sean pitched a full tent in his shorts. By the time he reached the station, he was on full display.
  12. Just a reminder: You can find BBMikeNJ's stories in the current iteration of the forum by looking here: https://musclegrowth.net/profile/3125-bbmikenj/content/?type=forums_topic&change_section=1 Ditto, you can find his earlier stories in the pre-2007 Archive by searching the Author Index for BBMSN. https://archive2007.musclegrowth.net/index-byauthor.html There are a good couple dozen stories that aren't in either place. As time permits (and I'm retired, so a project like this one is right up my alley) I will be re-posting them here (Mike has kindly granted me permission to do so!) -- RPJ Blue Collar Muscle By BBMikeNJ I hadn't seen Bennie for about four years. He'd been best friends with my next door neighbor, and had done some handyman work around my house. But when he and my neighbor had a falling out, he didn't come around anymore. I'd give him a call from time to time, but he never returned my messages, so I figured he didn't want to come around. I stopped calling him, and found another handyman, but the new guy was no Bennie. Bennie was a handsome blue collar guy, half Italian, half Puerto Rican, where he'd lived until he was 14, and he still had a heavy accent. He didn't lift, but he'd played football in high school, and, at 32 years old, was a swarthy solid ex-jock, albeit with some extra poundage on his gut. He had a thick meaty ass that his jeans highlighted perfectly. He had a great handshake too: big hands, thick strong fingers, his grip just right, not too strong or too weak, although I could always sense some brick-crushing strength in it. And the skin of his palms was surprisingly silky, especially given his occupation. About a month ago, my neighbor moved away. Not long after that, I looked out front and noticed Bennie's work truck parked in the new neighbor's driveway. I heard voices on the porch, and then saw a guy walking to the truck. He was facing away from me, so I couldn't tell if it was Bennie. This guy had a tight fitting work tee on, and his back was bigger than Bennie's had been. Much bigger. Dude had a powerlifter's back, broad and thickly muscled. It vee'd down to his jeans, drawing my attention to his ass, which was stunning. It was like someone took Bennie's great ass and morphed it till it was twice as beefy as before. Rounded and high, his muscular cheeks rolled as he waddled toward the truck. I went out front and headed over to the truck. I wanted to find out how Bennie was doing. Plus, I would have used any excuse to go and talk to this hulking handyman. By the time I got to him, he had opened the driver's door and was standing on the running board, leaning over into the cab. His tee shirt had pulled out of the top of his jeans and just a bit of his crack was showing. With my new handyman, who is fat and not attractive, I turn away when I see the plumber's crack peeking out, but with this guy, I wanted to bury my face in it. "Hey there, man," I said as I approached. "Are you working with Bennie?" I heard him shuffling around in the cab, and his bent head looked out at me thru his right arm pit. "Hey, Mike," he said, as he stood upright out of the cab, and hopped down to the driveway. "How the heck you been?" He put his hand out to shake. "Bennie?" I said in amazement, taking his hand and shaking it, his smooth palm wrapping around mine. It was his hand alright, but his forearms had gotten enormous. The muscles in them swelled as we shook. His blue eyes twinkled at me as he smiled, and his perfect teeth were so white, I wondered if he'd had them brightened. "Yeh, it's me, man. How long has it been?" I looked him up and down, and said, "I'd guess about 40 lbs. of muscle ago." His smile got even bigger. "Yeah, you noticed that, huh? I took up lifting after my divorce. And it's closer to 50 lbs." We broke off our handshake, and his pecs flexed in his tight tee. "Jesus, Bennie, you are huge!" "Yeah, right?" he said. "I started gaining size from my first workout. Haven't hit a plateau yet." "When was your divorce?" "Six months ago." "You've gained 50lbs in six months?" "Yeah, it's wild, right? The guys at my gym are like 'Man, you should totally compete'. But right now I'm just enjoying the crazy pumps I get. Even when I'm working, I get insane pumps. I was just sanding down a cabinet inside, and look at my forearms." Bennie held out his arms and turned his palms upright. There was a vast network of veins pulsing up and down the underside of his forearms. "Whoa," I said. "Yeah. And watch this." He clenched his hands into fists, and his forearm muscles bounced to attention, bulging up and out, shoving the veins up even higher against his taut skin. "Dude," I stammered. "Yeah. And it's not all just for looks either, Mike. My strength gains have been nuts. I mean, I've always had a strong grip from all the carpentry I do, but now, I could crush a brick with my bare hands." He opened up his hands and closed them again, as if he were crushing bricks. He squeezed his fists so tightly that the flesh around his fingers turned white. Then he opened up his hands and wiped them off on his jeans. I noticed how his big legs filled the pant legs tight, straining the seams. "How you been doing? The house holding up on you?" he asked, nodding toward my place. "Huh?" I said, forcing my eyes off his bulging crotch. "Oh yeah, my place. There's always something that needs work...although you might know that if you ever returned your messages," I said teasingly. Bennie grinned sheepishly at me and said, "Yeah, I know, I'm a dickhead about that. I should have come by more, but you know how things were with John. Why don't we go take a look now?" "At my place? You got time?" He looked at his watch. "Yeah, I got time. Long as I don't miss my workout," he said, grinning. He put his hand on my shoulder as we headed across the lawn to my house. His big thumb rubbed into my traps. "Two hours of hardcore lifting, six nights a week now, and I never miss it. Gets me sweating like a pig, and pumped up like someone inflated me with a hose. I can't believe I didn't get into this sooner. I love it." We went into my house, and I led Bennie into the basement. "See that outside wall over there?" I said, pointing to the cinder block wall that was all black with mildew and mold. "Ah, yeah, you got a problem," he said. "Hey, is that a chin-up bar?" "Yeah," I answered. I had put one up between two beams on the ceiling. "How many can you do?" he asked me. "I can work up to 20 if I do overhand grip," I said. "That's good man. I started doing one-handed ones." With that, he reached up and grabbed the bar with one hand, then pulled himself up. He did rep after rep....10...20...25. "Pull down on me," he said. I grabbed him around the waist and pulled. He did 10 more reps, then switched arms. "Hang off me," he said. So I wrapped my legs around his legs and held on. I heard the beams creaking as he did 15 one-arm pull-ups. He dropped down and shook out his arms as I peeled myself off his legs and sat on the floor. "See what I mean about my pump?" he said, and he raised his arms and flexed them. His tee shirt sleeves were pushed back by the rising biceps peaks, which had a deep split in them, and as he squeezed his arms, the split moved from front to back, then front again. His arms were huge, and, as if he knew what I was thinking, he said, "Twenty inches....and growing." I looked up at him in awe. The low ceiling of the basement made him look even bigger than he was, especially looking up at him from the floor. His double-bi shot had made his lats spread out at his sides, and lifted his shirt bottom by about 4 inches, exposing the hairy ridged abs of his lower waist. When he reached down to help me up, I grabbed his hand with mine, and he pulled me up with such force that I banged into his chest as I stood. He didn't budge an inch. "Sorry," he said, "not used to my own strength yet." He turned and walked over to the basement wall to take a closer look. "Yeah, this definitely needs to be cleaned up and sealed." I couldn't take my eyes off his big back, his tee now stained down the middle with sweat, making it cling to his muscle from the base of his neck, down his spine, and to his waistline. He turned to me and said, "I can come back this week and get started on it, if you want." "That'd be great," I said. We headed toward the stairs and I let Bennie go first. My face was inches away from his perfect ass, all muscled up and rounded, pulling the seam of his jeans into his deep crack. We walked out to my front porch and shook hands. I felt the smooth skin of his beefy palm pressing against mine. "I'll call you sometime this week," he said, still holding my hand in his. "Good seeing you again, Mike. We should work out together sometime." "That'd be great," I said again, as if these were the only words my mind could pull together at the moment. He turned and sauntered down the steps. I looked down at his big broad shoulders and realized that he already had the development of a pro bodybuilder. How much bigger could he get? More to cum…
  13. College Finals By BBMikeNJ My first year as assistant professor at a large Midwestern university was coming to an end. Finals were in a few weeks, and things had gone pretty well for me, despite having to teach some remedial-level English courses. I didn't mind teaching to kids who had to struggle with their studies, but the class sized tended to be so large that it was difficult to offer much personal instruction. And because of that, I was worried that some of my students weren't going to pass. One of them was a big football player named Troy. Troy always sat in the very front row of the auditorium where I taught English 101a. He was the biggest student in the class by far, a strapping presence that was hard to ignore. I tried my hardest to look over him, to avoid his big jock good looks, his blond hair and blue eyes, his ease with his own physical superiority. Not that he seemed arrogant about it at all. Every time I did happen to make eye contact with him, he'd shoot me this big brilliantly white smile. Then he would furrow his brow, as if trying his hardest to concentrate on what I was saying. Seeing him sitting there with his legs spread apart like jocks with big legs tend to do. He tended to make me lose my train of thought, especially as the weather warmed, and he started wearing gym shorts to class. His calves were nearly the size of footballs, and were absurdly vascular. One time he shifted in his seat just as my eyes scanned by his calf. I blinked in awe as it balled up into a fist of thick sinew. I had to lean against my desk for support. The other day after class, Troy approached me as I gathered my papers from the desk. "Excuse me, Doc," he said to me, "can I talk to you?" It was a warm spring day, and he was wearing a tank top and football shorts, his hulkish muscularity nearly exploding out of every opening. He walked up so close to me that I could smell his scent, musky with testosterone, but also like fresh cut hay on a fine summer day, with a gentle breeze blowing in my direction. It took everything I had not to flare my nostrils out and breathe him in as deeply as possible. Although not technically a doc yet, as I was still working on my thesis, I didn't exactly correct him. "You can call me Doug," I said, much to my annoyance, since I had promised myself not to let the students call me by my first name. At 28, I was not much older than most of them, and thought that I should maintain a certain air of distinction. So much for that. "Ok, Doc," he said, completely ignoring my request. "Do you think there's anything I could do to raise my grade a little? I gotta pass this so I can come back for football this fall." He stood so close to me that I could feel the heat coming off of him. He was about 6" taller than my 5'11, and probably 70lbs heavier than my 180. He had gotten bigger and bigger throughout the semester, so maybe more than 70. And up this close, his hair was even blonder than I'd realized. He was asking me to help him get a better grade, yet he carried no book and had never taken any notes in class. I knew he was failing, and it was unlikely that there was anything I could legitimately do to help him pass. But I heard myself say, "Come up to my office at 3 o'clock, and we'll see what we can do." "Ah, thanks Doc, I knew you'd come thru for me," he said, as he grabbed my hand and shook it. He put both his hands, big like mitts, around my hand, his fingers thick and calloused, shaking my arm earnestly, grinning at me with teeth that would make snow envy its whiteness. "I'll be there right at 3." Then he turned and walked away. As he walked up the steps of the auditorium, I stared at his big muscle ass, the kind that only football players seem to develop, thick, wide, and high, nearly bursting with power. I stood leaning against my desk for a few moments after he left. I imagined him stripping off his tank top and tossing it to me, still hot with his sweat. I saw myself burying my face in his tank and breathing in deeply as he stood in front of me shirtless, his thickly muscled torso bulging from weightlifting and football practice. I saw him raise his arms and flex them, and his big grin spreading across his face as he watched me breathe in his musk. Then I thought about 3 o'clock. I shook my head and pushed myself away from the desk. What had I gotten myself into? More to cum…
  14. The NON-Fiction part: On March 19, 2015, a group of scientists convened to urge a moratorium on the use of CRSPR technology in humans in ways that would produce heritable traits. Long-term impacts of manipulating the human genome in the way that CRSPR does has far reaching consequences. Since this moratorium was recommended the same week that I decided to write this story, I felt that it would be a very interesting (fascinating, really) way of bringing this new technology into our muscle-obsessed fictional world. If you want to read more that isn’t too technical: http://www.nytimes.com/2015/03/20/science/biologists-call-for-halt-to-gene-editing-technique-in-humans.html - especially interesting are the first and last paragraphs. http://www.nytimes.com/2014/03/04/health/a-powerful-new-way-to-edit-dna.html I have always enjoyed fantastical world of genies and strange serums that can cause growth. Those worlds have limitless ways of being expressed and have infinite avenues to pursue for those of us with fertile imaginations. This story is a little different. Before I started my own journey as a health care provider, I worked in research. Stories that have some grounding in science—and therefore are theoretically possible—make me especially interested. That is where this concept came from. The processes explained in this tale are real. CRISPR, epigenetics, and BDNF are all very real avenues of research. I am taking these processes and applying them to a potentially real-life application that we all love, and get off on…growth. If you are curious and love to geek out about science, Wikipedia is a surprisingly good source of BASIC information. Under BDNF, look for the “neurogenesis” and “cognitive function” headings especially. For Epigenetics, Wikipedia is good, and there are other sites with information. As for CRSPR, the articles linked above are fairly accurate and not too watered down. ============================================================================================= The Impossible Discovery He could feel the heat radiating from his titanic companion. He was no small man at 6 foot 7 inches, but the thing in front of him was much larger, both in height and in shear volume. Without looking up, his eyes met the other at the lower edge of the monster’s pecs if he looked straight ahead into the pulsating wall of man-beef. Its pectorals jutted straight out from the clavicles for inches before beginning to curve down. When the enormous loaves reached apogee from the thing’s body, the skin looked as if it were straining to hold the fibers together. It looked like a course cheese grater had been used under the skin to carve long fibrous strands of individual bundles that erupted explosively with every breath the massive creature took. Rivulets of sweat trickled down the steep sided canyon between the beast’s shredded meat pillows and dumped into a constant stream of warm perspiration winding over and between jutting vein riddled abdominals. His serratus muscles shot out jaggedly from where they seemed to erupt from hidden ribs that had found themselves buried under inches of thick, impenetrable meat. Drops of sweat beaded up and then fell from his nipples and the smaller one resisted latching on and sucking and gnawing on the pendulous bulbs covered with both of their juices. It took every ounce of the smaller man’s self-control to stand still. The heavenly stench of fresh sweat, salty cum, and musty testosterone filled the air around them. It didn’t matter that they were outside. The scent of sex and distilled manhood was oozing out of both of them in waves. The beast stepped back away from his smaller companion. The quads detonated into hundreds of cords that only bared slight resemblance to the anatomy of even a heavyweight bodybuilder. The shear massiveness of his legs could have produced their own gravitational field. Where the leg muscles of a well-conditioned man should have been, dozens of thick arm-sized power cylinders rippled outward as the automaton took his step backwards and away from the smaller one. Waves of striated microfibers strained against the skin and thumb sized vessels coursed just under the surface, pulsating with pure unadulterated strength and might. The monstrous mountain looked over his coffee table sized chest and into the eyes of his companion. His face was flushed and beads of sweat dotted his entire face and shaved head. Veins wandered across his temples and his tri-colored eyes were clear and bright, staring at the man in front of him. “Fuck! That was incredible.” The beast’s voice pounded against his partner. “I can’t believe you are hard again, man.” The small one looked down through his own substantial pecs. He could just see the head of his engorged cock standing straight out from his body at least 16 inches. The tip was oozing thick clear precum in a constant stream. The giant licked his lips—he knew how sweet that viscous liquid was. “I have much more to seed you with, you fucking ape. You want to GROW MORE or NOT? Now turn around and bend over!” “Yes, sir!” The giant beast’s eyes flashed with a look of complete lust and hunger for the smaller man’s cock. “I’m just getting started. By the time I’m done with you, you won’t be human anymore. I’m going to FUCK YOU HUGE!” ================================================================= Skye opened his eyes just a little bit. He felt his boyfriend’s body against his and went back to sleep. It had just been a dream, but a hot dream. He could feel his hard cock throbbing before drifting off again. Next to him, Will’s mind raced. Even lying in bed, wrapped in the warm cocoon of his boyfriend’s embrace, he could not stop thinking of the possibilities that had been shared with him earlier in the night by his brilliant man. They had been talking for hours – since about 6PM--when Skye picked him up at work. He knew that Skye had been working on something for months but with all of his powers of persuasion, could not pry the man’s tight lips free. That’s how Skye operated. He was meticulous beyond measure and more brilliant than anyone Will had ever met. Even Skye’s colleagues and superiors nodded in deference to his mega-charged mental abilities. Will had always been his one-and-only confidante and neither of them had hidden anything from each other since the night that they first met three years ago. That is, until a few months ago when Skye mentioned that he was working on a present for Will and would say nothing else until the time was right. Will had tried repeatedly to get hints out of the man, but to no avail. It had become a game between them and a fun one at that. More than once, Will cozied up to Skye on the couch, in bed, or while walking around town on the weekend and asked him,” Hey beautiful. What are you working on for me?” “You’ll see soon enough, Big Man,” was Skye’s typical response to which Will would proceed to “punish” his brilliant other half by spanking him on his muscular tight ass, or pinching his half-dollar sized nipples, or wrapping his huge meaty hand around Skye’s large responsive cock without warning. Any one of these “punishments” would no doubt start the two on some animalistic fuck session. They could barely keep their hands off each other as it was. The game just gave Will an excuse to paw at his man. It wasn’t as if Skye complained at all. He had fallen head over heels for Will the first time they talked. Like so many love stories in the gay community, theirs started one serendipitous evening at the local gym. Skye was in his last year of his MD/PhD program. Being in a program that graduated him as both a physician and a PhD prepared researcher left very little time for his extracurricular activities. He had been working on his doctoral programs for 6 years and only had one left and he couldn’t be happier. One thing that he always made time for was the gym. It was a space that he could put his headphones on and disappear. He had always wanted to be one of those huge guys that he saw throwing around weights and grunting. He wanted to be enormous, but he didn’t have the time or energy to prepare food, eat many times a day, or spend more than a short time in the gym every day. Even so, he was always secretly lusting after those men. He wanted to touch them, to sleep with them, to be part of their group; but he kept telling himself that his sacrifice would be worth it and it would give him a better future. After he was done with his program, he would be able to devote even more time and resources to his physical goals. One crisp day in the late fall, Skye parked his car at the gym, grabbed his black duffle from the back seat and opened his door. The cool sweet air hit him in the face and he breathed in deeply and smiled. Fall was his favorite time of year. The air just smelled better – sweeter somehow. He walked into the gym and said hello to the workers at the front desk. They were always so friendly to him. He knew that he was a very attractive man with a beautiful tight body so he wasn’t a stranger to turning heads. At 5 foot 8 inches, he wasn’t tall, but the 180 pounds he carried was all muscle bunched up on his arms, shoulders, pecs, and ass. He had bulges where it counted and that made him feel better about his lack of desired mass. That knowledge allowed him to walk with confidence and attract attention where he went. His hair was dark, his eyes an emerald green that often compelled people to ask if he was wearing colored contacts, but he wasn’t he would assure them. He passed the front desk and turned the sharp corner to the left to head to the locker room to change. Coming around the corner, he waived to one of the muscle-bound men next to a squat rack, Jason. The two had become friends, and Skye had fucked the man on more than one occasion. Jason had been the only one at the gym he had messed around with. Just as he put his hand down from his wave, he turned toward the locker room door and ran straight into a hard warm wall. The man before him grabbed him firmly by the upper arms to prevent him from falling, looked down and simply said, “Excuse me,” while smiling like the Cheshire Cat. “I’m so sorry! I wasn’t watching where I was going. I…uh…saw a friend over there. Sorry again,” Skye blathered. Looking up at the taller, larger man, he was immediately overcome with lust. “Damn, man. You are cute! I think I’ve seen you around here before.” Will stuck his large meaty hand out to shake Skye’s. “I’m Will. It’s ok, by the way. I can handle someone walking into this wall of muscle.” He chuckled to himself all the while looking at Skye’s face. The smaller guy couldn’t take his eyes off of Will’s mammoth chest. He towered over Skye at 6’ 3” and weighed at least 230 pounds, maybe more. He was solid and built like a side of beef. A thin layer of fat covered his muscle gut abs, but he looked powerful, like a bull after a good year on heavy feeding. “Hey Will. Yes, I’ve seen you around. You are hard to miss.” Skye couldn’t wipe the smile off of his face. Will wasn’t the largest guy at the gym, but he was handsome and kept his head shaved making him look like a young version of Mr. Clean. He had checked the guy out many times, but he never though that Will noticed. “I’m going to go change, but I’m sure I’ll see you out here in a bit.” Will still hadn’t let go of his hand. All Skye could think about was the size of the guy’s mitts. He had huge hands—like trying to shake a Christmas ham. The skin underneath his knuckles was rough from countless hours with weight bars. He had put time in to get to his size. “Ok, I’ll see you soon, man.” Will just smiled, like he knew something that his new friend didn’t. A few minutes later, Skye walked out of the locker room to start his workout. Will was just waiting, leaning against the wall. “Hey Skye. I am actually done with my workout, but I wanted to know if you would like to meet me here tomorrow and grab some dinner afterward.” The larger man looked timidly at Skye and held his breath. Skye could tell that Will wasn’t used to being so vulnerable and nervous. “Oh…” His face flushed red. “I am so sorry. I can’t tomorrow. I’m leaving for a conference in the afternoon and I wont be back for a few days.” Will looked down at his feet like a reprimanded schoolboy. “Ummm…OK. Well, I’ll see you around I’m sure.” It was Will’s turn to blush and he felt himself wanting to just disappear. He thought for sure Skye had been interested. “I can’t tomorrow, but do you have plans later? Like…in a bit after I workout here? I would love to have dinner with you tonight.” Skye saw the defeated look on the other man’s face change to positive radiance. “I’ll be back to get you in two hours. Is that ok?” “That’s perfect, Will. I’ll be waiting.” A couple of hours later, Will pulled to the front of the gym. Skye had showered and was waiting just inside of the doors. The bigger man jumped out of his car and went to open the passenger door for Skye. “Who said chivalry is dead,” Skye quietly uttered and smiled up at Will. On the way to the restaurant, Skye kept looking over at Will’s face. His eyes were an arresting combination of blue and green with shocks of silver grey around the edge. His eyes were like nothing Skye had ever seen…and he always looked into a man’s eyes. They were one of his favorite parts. In Will’s eyes, he saw determination and strength mingled with desire and passion. He then looked down a bit and onto the fucking battlefield sized pecs that nestled below the bull neck that Will commanded. Will was barrel-chested and from the way he moved, puffing his beefy mounds out, Skye knew he was proud of his pecs. They snuggled into his shirt like a couple of lambs looking for their mother’s teats, except instead of being soft and gentle, the things looked like they could demolish cinder blocks if confronted by them. And crowning each one, Skye could see the plump bud of Will’s nipples. They were pushed out toward the outside third of Will’s meat pillows and faced slightly downward. Skye had an urge within him to reach out and give one a squeeze, but he thought better of it. Will’s shoulders arced out away from well-worked traps and his hard bulbous biceps pressed against his short sleeve shirt leaving little to the imagination. Skye noticed a thick healthy vein emerging from the shirtsleeve and descending down the swollen bicep muscle. When it hit Will’s forearm, the vein shattered into an immense network of smaller tributaries running just under the surface of Will’s thin skin and ended as they fed into his fingers. He then let his eyes lower more and saw that the tight shirt that Will had picked out emphasized the beginnings of a small muscle gut. He could slightly make out the outline of Will’s abdominals (he wasn’t completely shredded), but they were pushed out just enough to make it look like he had eaten a large meal. “FUCK!” Skye thought to himself. He loved big pecs and he loved muscle guts. His breaths became shallower and he felt himself getting hard. He slid his gaze quickly to Will’s legs. They had power in them. He could see that Will’s pants were maybe one size too small--on purpose--and he didn’t mind. He could see the large thigh muscles pressing against his well-faded and comfortable jeans and the large mounds of meat extending past the knee in large teardrop shaped nobs. The man had legs! The tightness of the jeans did nothing to hide the enormous package that Will was wielding. His crotch held a bulge that looked like he was attempting to smuggle some sort of large citrus fruit in his pants. It was impressive. “Oh my god,” Skye whispered under his breath. His mouth was slightly open, and then he saw Will’s body shake a little. “Hey there, Skye….Earth to Skye…” He lifted his eyes from Will’s cock and balls and Will was staring his directly in the eyes…chuckling softly to himself. “I think you are hot too…seriously, I have been checking you out for months. I never thought I would work up enough nerve to ask you out though, until today,” Will casually said. “Me? You were nervous to ask me out?” “Of course! You are so handsome. You have the most amazing tight body. All the guys think so. The big muscle guys at the gym are always talking about wanting to get you into bed but as far as I know, only that giant, Jason, has done it…so, I never thought you’d say yes. I was so nervous to ask you out!” “Well, I’m glad you did, Will. I’m glad you did.” Skye reached over and placed his left hand on Will’s thigh, just above his knee. He swore that he saw Will’s cock jump an inch. Later that evening and after dinner, they sat in the quiet low lit restaurant and just talked. They talked about dreams and fears, of love and heartbreak, and of how much they were enjoying themselves. “Will, tell me a little about you growing up. What makes you tick?” Skye realized that they had discussed many things, but not their pasts and he was curious. “Well, I was raised in this little town far away from the lights of a big city like this. I was obsessed from a young age with getting big. See, my parents are kind of short.” He let lose a rumbling chuckle again. “My dad is about 5 foot 6, I think. I got fucked…sorry…um, I got the short end of the stick in the genetics department…at least for what I wanted. I never thought I would get taller than my dad, but I wanted it so bad. I would lay awake at night willing myself to get taller. I would think about it all the time, even when I was small. I knew that size was power, and I wanted to have that. It consumed me…it still does, to be honest.” “So you are a size and strength man? I think I may be disappointing to you then. If you haven’t noticed, I’m not one of the huge guys, unfortunately.” Skye suddenly felt self-conscious. “Well, I think that big strong guys are amazing, but that’s not necessarily what I am looking for in someone else…for me, I want to get big. Being strong is a perk, but fuck!!!...I mean…um, sorry, I swear a lot and I’m trying to be on my best behavior. I want to impress you.” Will blushed again. He wasn’t used to letting someone have this kind of effect on him. “I am an alpha, damn it! I don’t apologize for shit!” he thought to himself. But he knew in this moment, where he was now, and with this person, he wasn’t the alpha…not tonight. He wanted to impress this handsome man sitting across from him. “Will, feel free to swear man. Fuck. Shit. Ass. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck! See, its OK…just tell me about your desire to be big. When did that start?” A distinct tone of pleading came through as Skye questioned his date. The big guy just looked at his date and smiled. He laughed again. This guy was full of surprises. It sounded like he had found a muscle and size whore…and now he had been given permission to say “Fuck” and not feel badly about it. He was going to be ok, he reassured himself. “I guess it started one winter. I remember it being so cold. Everything was frozen and there was snow on the ground. It must have been January or February and I was about 8 years old. My dad worked out a few nights a week at the local YMCA and it was his “alone” time.” Will shot Skye a look, like he was about to reveal some terrible secret and when he spoke, his voice was quieter. “I went along with him one evening. I can still remember the smell of the place. Sweat, iron, wood, the musty smell of communal showers, and…the smell of men. If you’ve ever been in an old-school gym, you know what I am talking about. Sweat, testosterone, and iron…fuckin’ no smell like it in the world, man.” Will was growing a chubby just thinking about that place years ago. Skye was looking intently into his date’s eyes. He nodded. He had been in those kind of places where the men thrust weight around in an environment that seemed more like a gorilla cage than the slick hypoallergenic gyms so popular these days…his cock twitched. The thought of that smell made him instantly horny too. “So, I went that evening and saw these men. They were big everywhere. Much taller than my dad, much thicker, huge arms, huge pecs, huge legs…and with thick beards. They looked like man mountains. They groaned and moaned and yelled as they pushed around the weights. They were so powerful, and so big….Sooooo big.” Will’s voice trailed off to a whisper. Skye kept getting harder and harder. The tone of Will’s voice was full of eroticism. It was the voice of pure lust. He looked over at Will and the larger man was adjusting his crotch a bit. Skye knew that Will had an enormous raging erection. He could see it on his face and more so, he thought he could smell it on some level. He continued. “I felt something that I had never felt before. The feeling started in the pit of my stomach and worked its way down to my balls and worked its way up to my throat. I remember feeling my heart pound and my chest get tight. I remember my mouth getting dry and my throat closing up.” He paused to slow down his breathing. “ I wanted to be one of those huge guys. I wanted to carry myself that way and be positively enormous.” He paused again for several seconds, not looking at Skye. It was obvious that the story had increased the sexual tension between the two. Then, he looked Skye directly in the eyes and held his gaze for several seconds as if he didn’t know how to proceed. “I wanted to be much bigger and more powerful than they were. I wanted to dwarf them…and I still want it.” He stopped at that and waited for Skye to say something. After a long silence, Skye reached across the small table and took one of Will’s big rough hands. “You got so much bigger than you thought was possible. Will, you are well over 6 feet tall and you are built like a brick house, man. You did it against all genetic odds.” “I know. I think I just forced myself to keep growing and getting bigger. I mean, I put in countless hours in the gym and I was sure to get the best possible nutrition to improve my chances of growing, but I guess when I stopped getting taller a few years ago, I felt that I had still been short changed. I wanted so much more…I still want so much more.” There was a pleading tone to his voice as he uttered the last sentence. The heartbreak of a lost dream emerged and combined with the sexual tension between the two. It was a strange feeling. “Honestly, Will, I understand. I want to be huge too. Maybe not to the same scale as you, but I have been so devoted to my life and profession that I haven’t been able to sacrifice to get there. Someday, I want to be built like you…even more muscular…um, not that you aren’t. I just want to be ripped and huge. Like I said, I understand. “ “Well, that’s refreshing.” Will took his other hand and placed it on the hand that Skye was holding. “That’s not all, Will.” It was Skye’s turn to pause and look uncertain. He proceeded with caution, “I want to be huge and ripped, yes. But I want my man—whomever that is—to be bigger. Much bigger. I want to feel safe and protected, Will. I want to feel that my man is invincible and would level mountains if I asked him to. I want to be able to curl up on his body like a newborn on his father’s chest. I guess, if we’re fantasizing about our dream man, that would be mine.” There was silence at the table for a full minute. Both of the men couldn’t tear themselves away from each other’s gazes. Will gulped, obviously flustered, “So, tell me about you, Skye. We’ve talked about me for a while. Tell me about your life.” “Well, I grew up here. My family owns a few luxury automobile dealerships and I often spend time helping my dad run them when I have some extra time. I love sexy cars! I worked there growing up. Now I am in my last year of an MD and PhD combined program. I am specializing in endocrinology and genetics--gene therapy to be exact. And my PhD work in on something called CRSPR. It is a new way of working with genes and gene expression. It is fascinating. I would be happy to share more with you sometime. Someone I have been working with just won the Nobel Prize for our work on the project. But, now it seems like talking about heavy science would kill the moment we are having.” He laughed a bit to himself. Will just stared into his eyes. Will was in trouble. He loved smart guys. Especially smart handsome one’s with nibbleable pecs, tight waists, and high round asses. “I hope that I get to hear all about your work some day. It sounds interesting!.” Will let go of Skye’s hand, grabbed his napkin and dabbed his mouth. A server was about to walk by. “Can you point me toward the restroom?” The young woman dressed in black pointed to the far corner of the restaurant. Will looked at Skye, “Excuse me for a moment. I’ll be back shortly.” When Will stood up, Skye saw Will’s cock snaking down the side of his tight jeans. The thing looked enormous—and hard. Almost the size of two soda cans one on top of the other. And halfway down his thick massive thigh sat a huge wet spot. As he rose up to leave the table, Skye got a whiff of musk coming off of Will’s crotch in waves. He almost passed out. “Who the fuck is this guy?” he thought to himself as he gawked at Will’s powerful muscled ass walking away from the table in those tight-as-fuck jeans. “Fuck it!” He said out loud to himself as he stood up and walked quickly toward the bathroom just a few seconds behind his muscular date. He went to open the bathroom door and it was locked. Jiggling the handle, he said in a firm voice. His mind was two steps ahead and already had his hand down Will’s pants. “Will, its me. Open the door.” He said it with authority. The door opened slightly. Will stood there with his pants unzipped and had started his attempt at getting the waist of his jeans over his squat-and-lunge induced hockey butt. His beastly cock was standing out parallel to the floor from where his low hanging large balls met his groin. “I think you have something that I want,” Skye uttered in a commanding voice. He shut and locked the door, stepped forward, sank to his knees and put his large warm pouty lips around Will’s manhood and began to suck as if his life depended on it. From that moment on, the two were inseparable. That night was the first of countless nights the two spent together. Outside of necessary absences, like Skye’s conference, they had not spent a night separated from each other in three years. They could not get enough of each other’s bodies, senses of humor, goals, and desires. They shared a passion for pushing themselves to physical limits and became each other’s personal cheering section in the gym. They wanted to be as close to each other’s fantasies as possible. Not only that, they were falling deeply in love. No one ever saw them apart. ============================================================================================== Will still lay wrapped in the warm arms of Skye, wide-awake. The soft snore of his boyfriend was so soothing to him and he always could fall asleep if he heard it. Tonight had been different though. Skye had finally shared with him the surprise he had been holding out on. Will felt numb and for the first time in a long while—slightly scared. If he were to accept this gift, it would mean all of his wishes would come true as well as those of Skye. But the piper would need to be paid. Things would change drastically. Most importantly, there would be the initial separation. He didn’t know if he could survive without being able to touch Skye for hours on end every day. He didn’t know if he could go days without seeing him. He didn’t know if he could stand not being able to wake up to Skye’s beautiful green eyes, full lipped kisses, and smile. He didn’t know if he could withstand a day without the sensation of Skye sticking his fingers into his crack and playing with his tight hole. Skye loved to tease him like that. Skye had a thing for playing with his tight pucker, and he loved it too. He didn’t know if he could go for longer than two days without feeling his giant cock nestle into his lover’s body. He didn’t know if he could bear the thought of going more than those same two days without hearing the moans and cries of Skye as Will plowed his massive cock into his handsome boyfriend’s ass, hitting his prostate and driving Skye wild with lust and love. They both loved sport fucking. Would it be worth it? Skye was more important than his muscle and size obsession, but Skye had a convincing way about him. Skye knew that he could successfully give them both every desire they shared and fulfill their every fantasy—and do so safely. His beautiful man would NEVER put him in real danger and he knew that. Skye was sure, so he was also sure. There was no one smarter than his man. He lay there awake. The sun was beginning to come up and Skye pushed his back into Will’s huge barrel chest, longing for more skin contact even when completely asleep. Will placed his strong veined arm across Skye’s chest and pulled him in tight. He drifted off to sleep for a couple of hours before his other half began to stir. “Will. Will, are you awake?” Skye spoke quietly. He knew that Will liked to sleep in sometimes on Saturdays. “I am, Beautiful.” “I don’t want you to do this if it is too much or if you are unsure at all…I want you to be happy, and I want to be happy. Don’t let the excitement of my scientific accomplishment influence you. I love you regardless of our fantasies.” “Just one more question, Skye. Do you think you can live without me for the first phase? I don’t know if I can stay sane without you. I don’t know if you can stay sane without me. I know from what you said that it would just be the first phase that we can’t be together. But…Fuck, Skye. I don’t want to be separated from you—ever!” Skye pushed his back further into Will’s massive chest and eased his glutes into Will’s semi-hard cock. Then he turned his face upward and said, “I don’t want to be away from you for a single day either. But, you have a chance to fulfill your dream and my fantasy. Do you think it will be worth it?” Will looked down and saw how much Skye wanted this and he knew that he did too. “Yes, my man. It will be worth it.” They spent the next four hours alternating between making love and fucking like wild animals. It was beautiful. The choice had been made. Will lay there thinking about yesterday--the day that changed everything. ============================================================================================== Skye picked Will up at the office building where he worked. He looked giddy with excitement, like a young schoolboy who had kissed his first crush. “I am ready to unveil my gift to you, Will. Everything is in place.” Skye was electrified. “I want to go right home and tell you all about it. I ordered dinner to be delivered in a little while.” “Do you want to go workout?” “I want to share with you what I have been working on…so, maybe we can skip today?” Skye knew that this was bigger than their daily routine. And soon Will would agree. “Ok, you sexy fuck. Whatever you say!” Will was excited because Skye was obviously about to burst. They made their way back home on the busy streets of rush hour. After they had changed into more comfortable clothes, they stood in the bedroom. Skye leaned in to kiss his boyfriend. Will put his giant hands under Skye’s arms and lifted him up easily so they could kiss straight on. It was something that Will liked to do. It made him feel big and strong. Skye liked it because it made him feel safe and protected. Will was a protective man and loved Skye with a ferocity that made others notice immediately. When he picked Skye up so easily, he was communicating so much to his lover. When he lowered him down, Skye took his hand and walked him into the dining room where he pulled out a chair for Will to sit in. Skye pulled out the chair next to him and pulled it closer to his big lover. Their thighs were touching and Skye placed his hand on Will’s massive chest. “Will. I am ready to share my present with you.” He stopped and gathered himself together for the most important sentence he had ever uttered, up to that moment. “Will, I can grant us all of our wishes about your size…and mine.” Will looked at him quizzically. “I can do it Will. I can make you grow into a mammoth man, larger than those men at the YMCA when you were younger. Larger than the biggest guys at the gym. I can do it. I have figured out a way.” Will looked at Skye and knew that he was telling the truth. A lump developed in his throat and he couldn’t swallow. Was Skye telling him that their fantasies could come true? He knew that Skye would never say such things without being certain. It was one of their many shared secrets…this desire for Will to grow and for Skye to not be far behind. “How?” Will said simply and softly. “Do you want the short version or the long version?” Skye looked like he was going to combust he was so excited and turned on. “Short. I wont understand your long version…too many geeky science words.” There was no laugh in Will’s voice, but looking back, they both eventually would think that this was a funny comment. “Ok, I’ll be brief but cover the important stuff.” Skye put his hand against Will’s cheek and reached up to give him another kiss. He knew that once he said what he had to say, their lives and relationship would change—and he hoped only for the better. “First of all, Will, there must be two stages to your growth. The first stage, I have called The Priming. In this stage, we will take advantage of a relatively recent advancement to the field of neuroscience: epigenetics. This pretty much means that your environment will dictate much of what your genetics will produce. For so long, we thought genetics were fixed. Genes were expressed, and bam…there you are. But this isn’t how it works really. Epigenetics claims, and rightly so, that your environment plays a critical role in how your genes are expressed and it does so throughout your life. It involves methylation and acetylation and a lot of other things that are hard to understand, but I want to use an example…” He looked at Will intently. He wanted to know for sure that Will understood what he was saying. “Think of those huge-as-fuck men who are in prison. Their diet is shit! They don’t have much access to extra calories, especially protein, they only have an hour to work out every day, but they are thick as bears, strong as elephants, ripped and HUGE! How do you think that happens? It goes against every bodybuilding principle.” Will shrugged his shoulders and looked at Skye with a questioning expression. “It’s the environment, Will. Something about being around all of that testosterone, anger, fear, violence…their bodies respond if given the proper trigger, like weightlifting. They become huge because their mind and bodies demand it. The environment demands it too. Something happens to their gene expression and different genes are turned on to make them grow into muscle beasts. Regardless of exercise time or quality and quantity of their nutrition, they grow to be huge fucking muscle bulls. It’s quite amazing! For you though, not only will this environmental aspect need to be engaged, but I will need to give you something called BDNF. It is a neurotrophin that will cause new neuron growth in your brain in order to accelerate the changes and magnify them. That part is key.” Will just stared at him waiting for more. “So the first stage is to naturally change the genes that are being expressed in every cell in your body through a high testosterone and high stress environment and then to buttress this change with exaggerating its effects in your brain. We have to put you in a position to have this type of transformation. Your limiting factor, at this point in your life, is your height. Since your growth plates have closed, we will need to reverse the ossification process of your growth plates and activate those bone growth cells again so that you can grow to the limits of your potential…which is much more that your current 6 foot 3 frame. I have been working on such an injection for quite some time. Originally it was to be used for patients with growth deficiencies, but it should work for you as well. You have a growth deficiency in a way…you and I both want you to be so much bigger. I am going to go through the same process so I can grow as well. But we both want you to remain larger than me, so I will not be going through the Priming. That is just for you, Big Man.” Will was starting to look more convinced. “After the first stage, your body will be ready to receive directions to grow from any stimulus. Your bones will be primed to continue lengthening and your brain will be primed to permit expansion of your body in so many ways; organ growth, vasculature, and most importantly, your muscles. Your brain and every cell in your body will be ready to turn on those genes that will make you grow, grow, GROW! That’s where CRSPR comes in.” This process is quite new, but it will harness the willingness of your body to expand and combine it with a genetic transformation. With CRSPR biotechnology, I will be able to completely annihilate every mysostatin gene in every cell in your body. You would pack on hundreds of pounds of muscle without doing a thing--that is if your body hadn’t been primed, but it will have been so I can’t know the amount of muscle you will pack on, but it will be fucking unbelievable…literally. I can insert genes that will activate your growth plates, I can manipulate your organ sizes to compensate for your increased mass…anything we decide to do, I can do it by rewriting the DNA in every cell in your body. Not only will your cells be primed to change, we will be actively manipulating those cells to do whatever we fucking want them to. ” “Skye, is this real?” “Will, we are going to turn you into a god. And I am going to be right there with you, standing at your side as I have been and always will be.” “FUCK ME!” “That will have to wait until later,” Skye forced out a laugh. “What is important about the second phase, or the growth phase, is that the DNA will be rewritten in your cells by means of a massive infection that must be delivered somehow into your system. Once the virus gets in, the viral particles will inject every cell they comes into contact with genes that I can then engineer to splice into your DNA. It will work, and it will be fucking unbelievable.” “How are you going to get these virus particles into me? You know how I feel about shots.” The big man rumbled a forced laugh. “I’m going to infect myself. I want the same genetic mutations to occur in me, remember. And it will be so much more fun that way. We are going to be closer than ever, Will. I am going to infect myself with a load of viral particles that carry these CRSPRs and I am going to fuck the virus into you…It will be like getting the flu, but instead of getting sick, you are going to get fucking HUGE. I am going to literally fuck you into being a monster. GOD that is so hot!” “I agree Skye. I want you to fuck me huge. Fuck me until you dry up… and then keep going.” Will was starting to get excited now. His huge cock leaping up in his pants. He looked at Skye wild eyed with a love that he could no longer contain. “Let’s go fuck each other and talk about this more after dinner.” “I couldn’t agree more, Big Man. I am so turned on right now! They talked into the night after they satisfied each other. Lying there in bed, sweaty and naked, Will’s swollen manhood was still inside of Skye’s gorgeous ass and had been for over an hour. They cuddled, holding each other close—all salty and sticky with cum. “Tell me more about this first phase. If I can’t be with you when it is happening, I need to know what you have planned. And WHY can’t I be with you? How will my mind be rewired to accept this growth?” “This is the tricky part, Will. The most data I can find about men undergoing this strange change is when they are incarcerated. I know this is scary, but I have figured out a way to get you into that environment and then extract you when the time is right.” Will pulled away, his eyes wide. “I have it planned out Will. I need you to trust me through this process. I have been so careful in my organization and for planning every possible scenario…I have flow-charts mapped for every possibility. It will be ok. You will need to be framed for something, arrested, and jailed…but I will have mountains of evidence that will be unleashed on the courts to prove your innocence when the time is right.” “I’m not a criminal! I don’t want to be locked up, man. Is there another way?” “You big beautiful brute,” he reached over and tugged on Will’s pendulous nipple, “I wish there were a better way, but the data supports this type of situation to maximize the results. I will be sure that you are taken out of that environment as soon as possible. I’m thinking probably a couple of months will do with the change accelerants you will have on board. Will, I will be with you in every moment. I will be thinking of you the entire time, just waiting for you to be ripe for the picking.” He leaned over and gave Will a firm kiss. He looked into his big man’s eyes and realized that Will had tears in his eyes. “What’s wrong, Big Man?” “I am so excited by what you are saying, but the most important thing in my life is YOU! Can I be away from you that long? My heart is racing, man. I don’t know…” “I will be able to visit frequently. I will be there as much as I am permitted to be. I will not leave you alone in there, you mountain of fuck meat! You are MINE and I will take care of you, just like you have taken care of me. It WILL work.” Skye smiled and wrapped his arms around his man’s tight muscle gut. “I love you, Will and I will get you out of there as soon as I can. Phase two will be much easier on both of us I think since we will be together, and that’s when the real growth will happen anyway. I know you can do it and I will be waiting for you.” The next day, Skye brought home a briefcase full of syringes and sealed bottles and ampules. They were ready to start the treatments to soften their growth plates, reestablish the osteoblasts that would create more bone, and the BDNF that would allow Will’s brain to remodel itself at an accelerated rate while he was away. Will was a champ, and allowed himself to submit to Skye’s treatments, even though he HATED needles. He had complete trust in his boyfriend. After a few weeks, he hadn’t noticed any changes, but Skye assured him that there wouldn’t be any this early. Somehow, he hoped that his progress could be met without the second part of the plan…his confinement. The injection schedule proceeded for a few more weeks. Then one day, Skye looked into Will’s dazzling eyes. “It’s time, Will. You are ready to go in. The levels of the hormones we have been working on are high. The growth plates in your bones are beginning to soften and that process will continue over the course of the next few months. I need you to tell me that you are 100% sure that you want to do this. We can just stop now and continue on with our regular lives.” It was Skye’s turn to feel worried and concerned. He had been so excited for the past couple of months about bringing his project to fruition; he had rarely let himself think of how lonely he would be without his big, strong boyfriend. What would it be like to spend every day for weeks entirely alone? He loved this man more than he loved himself—far more, he had realized recently. “You sex beast! I am ready. I have complete confidence in you. I am ready if you think I am ready.” “You are.” Skye looked at Will’s big masculine body and felt like he was saying goodbye to an old and trusted friend. He knew that the next time he saw Will, he would have already started to change. Suddenly, a shock of apprehension flooded him. “Am I ready for this? What will happen to him in there? What kind of man will come home to me when this phase is done?” He knew that the BDNF would help in strengthening Will’s mind and would establish stronger connections between the brain he would develop inside the jail and the body that he would start to grow when he was out; but he also knew that he couldn’t predict how Will’s body or mind would actually respond to the testosterone fueled environment that he would be living in. The plan was set to go into effect now and he only hoped that the same happy, loving Will would emerge on the other side—albeit with a vastly superior capacity for growth. “Tomorrow, it will happen Will. So that you are completely caught off guard and are convincing, I think we should keep with the plan of you not knowing what you are going to be convicted of. The less you know about that, the better. Will, do you trust me?” Will took Skye’s chin into his large meaty hand—the hand that had touched him a million times. “You are everything to me. I trust you completely and I will be praying every moment to see you as soon as I can. Now lets spend the rest of the evening together…no talking about anything other than you and me. I want to just hold you tonight and kiss you. I want to do things to you that I will miss for the next couple of months.” With that, Will grabbed Skye’s hand and for the last time for a while, walked him into the bedroom. That night, of all others in their relationship, cemented them together as a single unit. They cried, and fucked, and laughed, and smiled. They spoke of the past and of the future. They made plans to travel and plans to go to the beach in a few months. They held each other gently and they grabbed each other tightly, not wanting to let go. It was the most intimate time that they had ever spent together in their three-plus years of dating. Before they drifted off to sleep, Will got out of bed and walked naked into the kitchen. His muscular back bulging with strong and powerful mounds of muscle. His thighs and calves looked healthy and thick in the light coming through the window. Skye was struck, for the thousandth time, by the majestic power of his boyfriend. He felt a lump rise in his throat and felt that he would die if he could not touch Will for two months. Will returned to the bedroom with something in his hands. “Skye. You look so angelic in the moonlight.” His voice cracked a bit. He was getting emotional now. He felt that whatever Skye had injected into him to cause his brain to expand in its abilities, was weaving Skye into his psyche and it was Will’s intense feelings for his boyfriend that were causing this reaction. Skye was a part of him on a level that he couldn’t explain. He knew it was the BDNF. He knew that he was cementing Skye as his mate for life and that he was now wired to love this man with a ferocious intensity until the day he died. “Hold out your left hand, Skye.” The smaller man held out his left arm toward Will. A large spool of butcher’s twine came out from behind Will’s naked body. Will pulled out several inches of twine, reached over to the bedroom desk and grabbed a pair of scissors, cutting a length from the spool. He looked down at his partner, sitting on the edge of the bed in front of him and gingerly wrapped the piece of twine around Skye’s extended ring finger. “Skye, things will be different from now on…I didn’t know I was going to do this until five minutes ago, but it is the right time so I’m sorry I didn’t make the traditional preparations…but, Skye, will you marry me? I…I uh, don’t have a ring for you now, so I am hoping this will do.” His hands were shaking as he was tying the knot on the twine ring on Skye’s finger. “Yes. With no doubts…Yes.” “I promise to cherish you forever, to protect you from ANY threat, and to make you happy. I hope that is enough for the moment. AND, I’m sure that I will promise you more later.” Will looked into Skye’s deep green eyes as the corners of his mouth turned up into a smile of complete satisfaction. He leaned in and kissed his new fiancé. Skye was shell shocked, but in the best of ways. They hugged for half an hour and fell asleep in each other’s arms. They would look back on this night as one that shaped their future together and one that they would guide decisions for years to come. Skye was ready to grow his man and Will was ready to get HUGE. =============================================================================================== The sun was just starting to come up and Will stretched out to pull Skye into him. He felt cold. His eyes snapped open. He wasn’t there! “Skye? Skye???” His voice had a hint of agony in it. He instantly knew that Skye was gone. The apartment was silent—dead quiet. His powerful frame sat up in bed and walked, naked, into the living room where he saw an envelope with his name written on it. “My Stud Fiancée, Will” William, Last night reminded me of why I love you so much, not that I need reminding. You make me feel like I own the world, and it is because you are mine. I will not take this ring off of my finger for a moment while you are away. My heart is already aching from your absence and my body is already demanding to be with you again. The hardest thing I have had to do in my life was getting out of that bed this morning but I have things to get done before the city wakes up. Know, with every piece of your body, mind, and soul that I love you. I love you far more than I love myself. It comforts me to know that you feel the same way. I can’t wait to build the rest of my life with you. It will be an adventure that is beyond our imagination. I lay awake last night thinking about your proposal and how it was the perfect time, place, and situation. God, you are romantic. I could never ask for a better companion and partner in life. As we embark on this new chapter, understand that everything I have done, am doing, and will do is for you and me. The next page has instructions that you must follow to the letter. I know you can do this, Big Man. Skye Will noticed that a couple of tears had fallen onto the letter and smudged the ink. His heart was flowing over with emotions. He read the letter once more and then moved to the second page. Will, You must follow these instructions exactly as I have laid them out for you. 1.Put on your black hoodie and your black track pants. Take your sunglasses with you when you leave. 2.At 8:00 this morning, leave the house walking and discard this letter several blocks away in a dumpster. 3.Be in front of my dad’s Ferrari/Maserati dealership on the corner of 12th and Madison by 8:20 with your sunglasses on. 4.Stay several minutes and be sure the cameras catch you outside of the windows. 5.Go to our bank on Broadway and Olive and request to open a separate savings and checking account in your name only. Do this when they open at 9:00. 6.Transfer $20,000 from our joint account to your new personal account. I made a $20k cash deposit from my trust cash reserve so the money is there. 7.Walk home directly and wait. Call me at 11AM. 8.When you are in jail, workout as much as possible. Be aggressive. Be an alpha. You are an alpha anyways, so just take that with you and trust your instincts. Be tough, Will. It will help you get through this and improve your brain remodeling. 9.Keep a journal of your feelings and experiences. I will keep one as well. Write what is happening to you, but be aware that your writings will be read by other people so don’t reference our plan at all. In fact, express your rage toward me. It will make it more convincing. 10.I will see how the case goes and try to come and visit if it seems appropriate for me to do so. If you don’t see me for a few weeks, don’t let it bother you. I am going to be pretending to be furious. Whatever my family says to you or about you—and more importantly whatever I say about you—is all an act. I know it will hurt you--some of the things I’ll say-- but it isn’t real. We need to get you into jail and that means making law enforcement and the courts believe that there is reason to hold you. I will not post bail for obvious reasons. Knowing you, it will be close to 7:00 when you get this. Get going, you big brute. Skye That was it. The rest would be in Skye’s very capable hands. Will showered and put the black hoodie and track pants on. He grabbed his shades from the table by the front door. He tucked the love letter into a stash of papers in the drawer by his bed. He wanted to keep that forever. He went into the closet and stuck his nose into the dress shirts that Skye had hanging up. It smelled like what Skye smelled like in the morning. He grabbed Skye’s workout clothes from the hamper and stuffed his nose into those. He smelled sweat and the unmistakable sweetness of precum. It smelled like Skye at the gym and in the car on the way home from their workout. He didn’t want to forget. Walking toward the front door, he paused and took a deep breath. He opened the front door. As he shut it, he turned around and looked at their little cozy apartment memorizing every detail and closed it. The checklist went off without a hitch. He discarded the letter in a random dumpster next to a restaurant between their apartment and the dealership He was at the dealership standing outside of the windows at 8:20. There were several patrol cars there. He stood there, along with a handful of other people, for a few minutes. Skye’s father was there talking with the officers and looked up and made eye contact with Will. He went to the bank, opened the account, transferred the money, and walked home. He did everything perfectly. Walking in the door, he felt so alone. It was only 10:30 so he waited on the edge of the couch until 11:00 on the dot. He dialed Skye’s work number. “Skye. I did everything on the list.” “Good Will. I love you.” With that the line went dead and a lump rose up in Will’s throat. He didn’t move from the edge of the couch for several hours. Around 3:00, a loud knock sounded at the door and he jumped from being startled. Walking to the door he knew that this was the beginning of his time alone. “William Shaeffer?” “Yes? Can I help you officers?” “We have some questions we’d like to ask you. May we come in?” “Sure.” “What were your whereabouts early this morning around 4AM?” “I was here, sleeping, alone.” After several more questions, the officers requested that Will go to the station with them. They said they had video showing Will in his black hoodie and pants early that morning outside of the dealership. They mentioned his new account and him being spotted at the scene that morning looking around outside. By the end of the day, he had been booked into jail pending a hearing for charges of grand theft. =============================================================================================== Will Journal Week 1: I know that my writings will most likely be read by the jail personnel, so fuck off ass holes. I haven’t been able to write for a few days. The first few have been busy with getting used to the place and getting things set for trial. I can’t believe that Skye hasn’t tried to contact me. I mean, I understand that he thinks I was involved in stealing five cars off of his father’s dealership lot, but fuck…I didn’t do it. They’ve stuck me in a cell with three other guys. All of them look like fucking gorillas—Ugly and Huge. They all seem to get along but are constantly giving me shit. They push me around a bit and call me pansy-boy, but they can fuck off. I feel at ease for the most part. Maybe a bit more energetic. I am only allowed one hour per day to workout and the giant muscle guys here pretty much control who gets to lift on the equipment. They think I’m too new to be worthy I guess. I keep thinking about Skye. I just wish I could talk to him about what happened. He hasn’t returned the calls I have tried to place. I have a visiting day coming up, but I know he won’t be there. The food is shit. =============================================================================================== Skye: I have never felt silence to deep as what I felt walking into our apartment tonight. The cops questioned me about Will. I guess they found that new account almost immediately. Smart fucks. I started injecting the engineered CRSPR viruses into my system today. I couldn’t do so beforehand because I couldn’t risk Will getting exposed before the Priming phase. I know that my body will start changing relatively soon since I included a mysostatin knockout in the viral mix. If the infection takes hold quickly, I should notice something in the next week or so. I miss Will. That’s all I can really process right now. The bed looks so cold and I miss his dopey laugh. I can’t think of anything I’d like to hear more than that. =============================================================================================== Will: It’s been another week. It’s hard to find time alone to write. My trial date was set today. It wont be for another 5 weeks! Fuck. I have been working out religiously since I got here. I don’t know why, but the guys have let me work in with them. Maybe its because I have been able to lift their weight. They know I can handle it. Also, my big billowy jail uniform is getting a bit tight in the arms, shoulders, and legs. That’s weird. Maybe they just gave me the wrong size when they replaced this one. I feel strong. My roommates have stopped picking on me. Maybe that’s because John (he sleeps in the bunk above me) tried to punch me in the face yesterday and I just caught his hand and gave it a good squeeze. I heard some breaking and he went to the nurse’s office. I guess he had seven fractures, probably because he punched the walls or something. I know it wasn’t me. I barely put any pressure on his hand. I miss Skye so much. He still won’t talk to me. Although, I did call his work number today and he picked up the phone, not knowing it was the jail number. I heard his voice and my heart melted. I said “hello” and he hung up. This is hard. ============================================================================================== Skye: Will called me at work today. He just said, “Hello” and my heart about exploded. I told him quickly that I loved him and that I still hand my “ring” on. He mentioned quickly that he was keeping his journal and that he was acting as if I were mad at him. He’s pulling this off very well. His voice sounded a bit deeper, but he said mine did too. The conversation was so short. I don’t want the jail records to show he was on the phone for longer than a few seconds. I’m supposed to be ignoring him. God, this is hard. I’ve gained over 5 pounds this week…and it isn’t fat. I feel like I am just sitting at my desk, growing. It is an amazing feeling. I hope that Will likes the new me. I know I’ll be a lot bigger in a few weeks. ============================================================================================== Will: It’s been two weeks since I wrote last. Someone called me a fag the other day. I lifted him up by his neck and threw him across the room. The piece of shit doesn’t know who he’s messing with. I saw my reflection in the window outside the other day. I was lifting a lot more than the other guys and I looked big. Really big. I can see huge veins running all over my body now. My gut it growing but it is solid, hard muscle. My chest is ballooning out and getting chords of muscle I can see after lifting. My fucking neck though…I can’t even get my t-shirts to go much past my ears. My neck is getting huge. I feel fucking powerful. My cellmates stay out of my way. I fuckin growled at John the other day and I though he was going to piss himself. I thought they were huge just a couple of weeks ago. Who’s huge now, you pieces of shit! They tried to gang up on me last week but after I flexed my legs and arms and my uniform busted open along the seams, they haven’t looked at me in the eye since. They see the weight I am lifting. A couple of guys in the pod have started giving me some of their food too. They want me to get big. I think they also want to worship me and maybe even suck my big cock. More of them should give me food. Maybe I’ll start making some threats. I need to eat more to get bigger. I feel like I’m putting on some serious weight now and I feel that this place is beginning to change me. My temper is getting shorter but conversely, I think I am falling more in love with Skye. I didn’t think that was possible. He still won’t talk to me. I try to call every few days. Sometimes he answers, not knowing it’s me. I’m also getting unbelievably horny. I know, I know. I shouldn’t even think it, but I need sex. I need it. I don’t think I can go much longer without stuffing my big prick into some guy’s tight hole. I wish it were Skye’s. I wish that more than anything. So, I am trying to be strong. But it’s getting harder. I just want to lift, eat, and fuck. What is wrong with me? =============================================================================================== Skye: I’ve talked to Will a few more times recently. Never longer than thirty seconds. It sounds like he is doing well and starting to change. There is a sound in his voice that I cant put my finger on. Ya, it’s deeper and rougher, but he talks to me like I am some delicate unblemished flower but then he says things that are surprising—like how he wants to fuck me all the time and how he wants to rip the arms off of this guy that got in his face in the hallway. I know his trial date is coming up and he will be released then, but I am getting worried about his aggressive tendencies. He is obviously ahead of the curve I thought he would be on. He mentioned that he is bursting out of his jail uniform and that he had to move up a size last week. It sounds like he is becoming quite attuned to his growth and is allowing his environment to work on him as I had planned. I miss him. Whenever I hear his voice, I get hard but I feel that my heart is being torn out. I think that the engineered viruses that I have been injecting are really taking hold. I was sick for a few days, but now starting to balloon out a bit. My shirts are fitting tight and my already ample ass is stretching the seat of all of my pants. My strength has increased by over 20% on all of my lifts, especially bench and squats. Maybe that’s because I know Will loves my legs and ass…and my perky chest. Fuck, I miss him and his beautiful dick. It will all be over in a couple of weeks though. I can wait, I guess. =============================================================================================== Will: The only reason I haven’t knocked all of these fuckers’ heads off is because it will keep me away from Skye longer if I get into trouble here. I can hardly stand to look at most of them. They look at me with fear, and they should. I am turning into a fucking GOD and they are all little piss ants. They know it too. A couple of the guys are cool and they are the only ones I really talk to. They don’t seem afraid of me like most of the other guys and they don’t need to be unless they fuck with me in the wrong way. One of the cool guys asked about Skye yesterday. I told him to be careful when he used Skye’s name. I think he knows to be careful about that. No one really brings up Skye anymore because they are worried that they may say something with the wrong tone of voice or something. They should be afraid. I’ll lose my shit and honestly, I don’t know what I’m capable of anymore. I feel like I could pull the bars off of this cell. Everyone else is scared shitless when they see me. I guess it happened after I destroyed any chance of them competing with me in the weight cage. There was this kinda scrawny younger guy—probably 18 years old or so who wanted to do some lifts. He was new, so the guys were giving him shit right away. I usually work out by myself or with one of the cool guys that are chill. Anyway, Jesse (that’s the kid’s name) kind of looks over at the squat rack like he wants to use it. No one was around it, surprisingly, so he walks over all timid and shit. He puts a plate on each side and starts warming up. It actually looked like it was kind of hard weight for him to lift, but he wasn’t going to show it in his face. These fucking bottom dwellers walk over to him, all tough and shit. They start berating him and calling him a pussy fag and other things I can’t even remember. I don’t know why, maybe it’s because I felt some righteous indignation because they called him a fag or something but I walked over, swole as fuck, sweating, and enormous. Veins were popping out of every part of my body and I looked jacked! I put my hand on the little guy’s shoulder, gently, and told him to keep lifting. I turned to face the other guys and they kind of ganged up on me. There were probably 6 or 7 of them and they were big dudes. I told Jesse to rack the bar and load it up with as many plates as he could get onto it. I looked at the fucking ugly ringleader of the little group and grabbed the bar with my left hand. My arms just felt so powerful, I knew I could lift it. The veins were throbbing all along my arm and I could feel them erupting on every inch of my skin. I grabbed the squat bar with all of those plates on it (I don’t even know how many there were, probably 5 or 6 on each side) and lifted it like it was a 25 pound barbell. The color drained from every one of their faces. Jesse got a huge boner, poor kid. But I did too. He asked if he could suck my cock. I sort of wanted to say yes…but I’m still holding strong for Skye. I am turning into a god and I love it. It’s about time people start showing me some FUCKING RESPECT! ============================================================================================== Skye: I only talked to Will for a short time this morning. He sounds different. His voice is so deep. It reminds me of thunder in the distance. He didn’t say much, as usual, but he did tell me that he could hardly wait for his trial. He said that he has outgrown any expectation that either of us had and he wants me to be proud of his development. I told him I was proud of him no matter what. I think he started crying as he hung up. I am up by 40 pounds myself. With the HGH I have given myself after completing the growth plate softening injections, I have also added an inch of height. Not a ton, but I should start growing more as time goes on. I looked at my body in the mirror this morning when I was getting in the shower. My skin looks as thin as onion skin with thick veins running all over the surface. I love that look. My pecs, legs and ass are where most of the weight has gone I think, but my arms are showing great development too. I am lifting so much more than I was just a few weeks ago before all of this started. I can’t wait to see my man next week. We have a wedding to plan. ============================================================================================== Will: This will probably be the last time I write in this little journal. My trial is tomorrow. Skye came to see me during visiting hours today. He said everything was taken care of, but he said a lot more with his eyes. He couldn’t stop looking at me. He looked like he wanted to eat me alive, and I wanted to jump over the table and make him fuck me stupid. I wanted him to lick and suck every part of my overgrown massive body. I wanted to flip fuck…I want to feed him my thick cock and then pump him full of my man juice. He looked like he wanted it too. I have never felt so out of sorts. Just seeing him after all of this time was mind blowing. He looks so buff. I know I am much bigger now, but he looked so fucking good I couldn’t keep my hands off of my cock. He does something fierce to my brain. I can’t explain it. With anyone else, I feel like a deity, like I NEED to be worshipped and respected. With him, I feel like a little boy seeking approval from a superior. I love that feeling. Knowing I could completely dominate him in every physical way yet giving him complete dominion over me…its such a fucking rush. I couldn’t have chosen a fiancée better suited to me. Our visit was a blur to me. I couldn’t stop looking into his eyes. He looked sooooooo good. Fuck me. I’m the luckiest guy in the world. Yesterday, I told the guys that my Skye would be coming for the first and only time and that they’d better show him the respect he deserved as my fiancée. One guy started chuckling a little when I said “fiancée” like he thought it was funny I was engaged to a guy. I walked over to the metal bars on his cell door, wrapped my big fucking fingers around them and pulled them apart. I could feel the muscles in my shoulders, arms, and back burning, but I needed to work off the anger I was feeling. I wanted to destroy him, end his miserable life, but Skye wouldn’t have liked that. He just stared at me wide-eyed after I pulled the bars apart. He let out a little yelp and I just shot him an evil smile. I think they all knew that they’d better show Skye even more respect than they show me. I think I would have lost all control if someone had even looked at him funny Tomorrow will be a big day. I don’t think I like courtrooms. =============================================================================================== Skye: I went to see Will for the first time yesterday. FUCK ME! He is massive. He completely blew away any projection that I had previously made. I am just guessing here, but I’m thinking he is at least 6 foot 8 now. A few inches in a few weeks isn’t bad for anyone! But his mass is mind-blowing. I walked into the visiting room. The inmates were all sitting at individual tables waiting for us to come in. I walked through the door and scanned the room. I didn’t even know it was him. I just saw this car-sized monstrosity sitting at one of the back tables. I locked eyes with him—he was hard to avoid—and realized it was fuckin WILL! He has put on at least 50 pounds, maybe more. I would guess that his has to be nearing 300 pounds solid. An average of 10 pounds a week! Fuck! He looked at me with such a mix of excitement and anxiety. I could tell he was thrilled to see me the moment our eyes me, but the first thing he said was, “Do I look good? Are you pleased?” Like he could ever be anything other than perfect. I told him how incredible he looked and how I missed his handsome face -- and he looked like I had just given him a winning lottery ticket. His smile almost broke his face in half. We chatted a little bit about the trial tomorrow, but mostly about us. We relived that last night together and he told me that it was one thing that he would think about constantly to make the whole situation bearable. Damn, I love that man. A lot of the time, we just looked at each other and smiled. I could see huge powerful and hard orbs and ropes of his new body under the jumpsuit. I told him I couldn’t wait to explore the fruits of his hard work when he got home. I was feeling frisky and said that I would be doing most of that exploring with my tongue. He just let out a deep guttural moan and looked at me with eyes that I can only describe as “crazy.” I know he will be thinking of that comment all night. When the guards told everyone that visiting time was up, I was the last to leave the room. The guards seemed to be OK with me staying a few extra seconds after everyone left. I’m not sure why, but they didn’t rush the two of us. All of the inmates were seated as their friends or family members left. As I looked at Will, I could see great sadness in him but I just looked at his amazing tri-colored eyes and said, “It will be all over tomorrow, and then you are mine again.” He looked at my ring finger, saw the twine ring he had placed on me, and just smiled. As I turned to walk out of the room, the other inmates stood up, stared at me, and nodded as if they were showing me some great respect or something. I didn’t really understand it, but I turned back to Will. He was standing up too, just looking at me. I waved goodbye, knowing I would see him in a day. The other inmates looked at me too. I didn’t really understand what was happening, but it sure felt like they were almost in awe. It was strange. Since tomorrow is Will’s trial, I have everything in place to assure his release. I know that my body is completely saturated with the viruses that will unleash his growth and I know that will begin happening as soon as I get him to the apartment tomorrow. They are starting to affect me in incredible ways now too. My muscle mass is growing exponentially and my height is increasing at a steady rate. Honestly, I am nervous. He is already so far ahead of where I thought he would be. I think he will be unstoppable when we go through with Phase II. I wonder how fast the growth will be. So many unanswered questions. One thing I do know—the man loves me as much as I love him and I didn’t think that was possible. But, I could tell today that it is true. Tomorrow will be a big day. First, court and then I will fuck my fiancée into godhood. ============================================================================================== To be continued…
  15. pasidious

    A Bet

    Here's a very short thing I wrote a while back. Figured I'd share it. _____________________ "Betcha mine's bigger." "Yeah, it probably is." "Aw, dude, that's so lame! Can't you at least try to defend yourself?" "Against what? You telling me your dick is bigger than mine? What do I care if it is or isn't?" In truth, I was curious. Very curious. I wanted to know what his dick looked like. I didn't care if he was bigger than me, but my best friend was sexy and he knew it. I wanted to see his dick. But I couldn't very well let on that I was gay and into him. "It's like... a rite of passage, or something. It's what guys do." "You tellin' me that dudes want to see other dudes' dicks?" I asked. He thought on that for a second. "Well, if you put it that way, it does sound kinda gay." "Kinda?" "We're bros, though. Nothin' wrong with some friendly competition. Better yet, how about a bet? Fifty bucks." "Fifty bucks? I don't have that kind of money." "Fine, twenty." I sighed. Would it hurt to pay twenty dollars to see my best friend's dick? FUCK no it wouldn't hurt. "You're on." "Fuck yeah, that's what I like ta hear. Count of three, whip 'em out." He put his hands on the hem of his shorts preparing to lower them. I did the same. "One... two... THREE." I sort of expected him to be pranking me into lowering my shorts while he kept his on, but I kept my word and dropped my shorts. He did, too. My cock flopped out, hanging plump from being semi-hard from being near my sexy best friend. To my surprise, his was also semi-hard. "Whoa, dude. You got a decent cock, there." "Yeah, so do you." We were each looking at the other's dick, and for almost a whole minute, neither of us said a word. It almost felt awkward, but it really wasn't. I watched his cock twitch from time to time, as though it were fighting from growing harder as he stood there. "We're the same size." "Huh?" I grunted, lost in my own head as I was hypnotized by my hot friend's dick. "Same size, dude. It's a tie." "Shit, yeah, looks like it," I responded, glancing from his to mine and back again. "But fuck, what am I thinking. The bet ain't over yet. Let's see 'em hard." "What?" "Hard. Get hard. Let's see them at full size." Fuck. Just hearing him say that made my cock twitch immediately. It was hot. "How? You got porn on your phone?" I asked. "No, but it looks like you're already starting to bone up, anyway." It was true. I wasn't having any luck suppressing my horniness, and hearing him talk about getting hard was making me hard. I felt my dick throbbing and pulsing, and I closed my eyes enjoying the feeling of getting fully and completely hard, my cock rising and plumping and growing. As soon as I felt it reach full size, high in the air, I opened my eyes again, and looked down and saw his doing the same. It was throbbing, twitching, growing before my eyes. And as soon as his reached what I'd assumed was full size, I saw a bead of pure white pearly precum form at his tip. "Fuck yeahhhh," he said, I assume inadvertently, caught in the moment. "Alright, time to compare." And before I had a chance to respond, he walked forward and pressed both our hard cocks together, comparing their size. "Oh fuck," I breathed, feeling tremors up my spine as excitement grew. He let out one of those whistles guys tend to do when they're impressed or something. "Dude, we are like, exactly the same size." "Y-yeah." "Well, I guess it really is a tie." He stepped back again. "Mmhm." And for a few moments, we both sort of stood there, looking down at the other's cock. Neither of us was calming down, I noticed. His cock was bobbing as it throbbed with his heartbeats. "Fuck, I'm horny." "Me too." "Come on, let's take care of these." "Thought you'd never say so." He grinned and took his cock in his hand and started slowly stroking, closing his eyes. I did the same. "Mmmm fuck, this feels better than normal." "Y-yeah," I agreed, feeling the pleasure welling up within my groin as I stroked my cock right next to my best friend, the object of many of my sexual fantasies. "Oh fuck, dude, I can't get enough of this. It feels so fucking good. Like, I can feel it in my whole body." He was right, this did feel way better than normal. I grunted in response, feeling similarly. There was this sensation spreading through my whole body, like it was my entire body that was being rubbed and stroked, and not just my hard cock. "Bro, are you seeing this? Look at my chest!" I looked over and at first had no idea what he meant. But then I saw it. His chest was thicker than it was before. "What...?" "You too!" he shouted. I looked down and my own chest had swelled up and I actually had pecs. Pecs I didn't have before. I watched as they swelled bigger with each stroke of my hand around my throbbing hard cock. Waves of pleasure were washing over my whole being. I happened to catch my abs taking shape as well. "Oh fuck, keep it coming," he said, almost moaning. I looked over and saw his muscles continuing to swell with each stroke. His arms were growing bigger before my eyes, and I saw muscles toning up and growing. A big vein became visible as it ran the length of his arm, especially on his biceps, but down to his forearm as well. The mark of a toned, muscled, strong, hard forearm. His shoulders began to broaden as they became capped with muscle. They too were swelling with each stroke of his cock. And his traps were rising up. He was starting to look like a gym-rat. "Holy fuck," I breathed, looking at his transformation. He looked over at me and grinned. "Don't forget about yourself, dude." I looked down and saw my own body had undergone a very similar transformation. Muscles had grown all over my body in ways I'd only fantasized. I had protruding pecs, six-pack abs, adonis belt, wide shoulders, bulging toned biceps, and a big thick cock. And they were all growing bigger as I stroked myself. I felt myself suddenly about to reach climax. In spite of the slow stroking, I couldn't ignore the tell-tale feeling of a cum explosion welling up from within my balls. I was reluctant to let it happen, fearing it might stop the growth, but I was also super curious what might happen upon exploding. Would the growth halt? Or would there be more to come? And then I heard him. "Oh god, I'm gonna cum."
  16. lazlostrange

    Beyond Ascension

    Chapter 1 “We are live now here at St. Dominique Square witnessing a fire incident that happened at early 8:19 this evening. The fire that started from the 27th floor of the tower was now scattered all around burning the rooms nearby. Unfortunately, water hose brought by the firemen are unable to reach the said floor and might result in shortage. In the meantime, helicopters and rescue team were up in the air trying the best they can to save people affected by the fire inside” The whole reporting was shut in silence when a familiar sound of wind whooshing caught my attention. I am Jan Lewis, I am a live news reporter for our City's local TV News station. Right now, I am currently covering a live report about a fire incident but was caught shut by the sudden appearance of a being I consider ascending into godhood. His name was Sean McConley. Right after I heard the sound. I knew who it was. I was expecting him to come right here any soon. Sean came flying very fast breaking any sound barrier on his way to the building covered in fire. To him, this was just as easy as holding back his pee. Sean floated on top of the building based on what we are witnessing down in the ground. Sean crossed his mind as if motioning he was all done for this. He started blowing a strong gust of wind coming from the wide expanse of his chest. A mighty blow that with his complete100th use of force, could break the entire building in half and cause a lot of damage and worst, death. But Sean clearly had the control to not cause this simple mistake. His blows were so strong and quite cold that everyone below felt all of it. It even lifted my tux and nudged my cameraman a bit. Sean continued his blows and flew around the building. The helicopter on top even flew apart from the building to make way for whatever this god is planning on doing. A few minutes, the Fire miraculously slows down and down evaporating only to smoke until the last hint of red fire can no longer be seen from below. When it was all done and everyone began to settle, Sean flew closer to one of the walls in the room. Sean motioned his entire right arm back and coiling his entire fist. When he finally got the momentum, he punched his entire right fist against the building wall. A punch that had already been received by a handful of mountains, asteroids, trucks, buildings, bridges, and all only to break into pieces and disintegrate effortlessly. The wall was no exception to the mighty force of this god and disintegrated immediately upon impact from the hands of Sean's punch. When he was all done. He turned around and spoke towards the rescuer inside the helicopters. 'People are still in there. I'll give the rest of the assignments left with you boys!.' I just don't want to steal any jobs from you guys. After his last instructions he gave to the rescuer team. Sean flew down from the 27th-floor level and landed with a soft thud in the ground. Firemen and Police were circling the area to make sure no citizen gets hurt down near the building. When he came down. Sean rests both his hands in his hips. Posing a bit looking like a proud handsome boy accomplishing another task in school. He was looking for something around the sea of bystanders and finally saw it. He was staring in our direction, or at me. Even after his heroics status, Sean is not your typical humble comic book Superman. He always desires attention. Everything he does, he always makes sure that the media covers it. Sean McConly started treading his feet supporting very heavy big wide thighs and an Adonis of upper body. Truly a Greek god walking amongst mortal men. Well, this statement couldn't get any more lies because on his way towards us, I could get enough size reference between him and the people within the area. I was sure of it. He was tall. Or taller than the last time I saw him. I turned my attention a bit towards the cameraman to queue him 'Are you taking this?'. I asked. To which he replied. 'Yes sir'. Sean was nearing towards us until he was a good 6 feet away. The closest thing people were standing near him. And the rest? All their heads only reached Sean's quite visible bulged in his spandex suit. A suit soon I'll learn to fail in containing a beastly man inside. 'What’s up. Mr. Jan Lewis?'. I suddenly turned around the camera as if Sean's recognition of me was my cue to start doing lie news. ‘Look who saved the evening guys. It's the one and only Sean McConley!. I'm so sorry Mr. McConley but did you happen to grow taller the last time I---we saw you?' I turned back to him but was shortly surprised by his bulge's close proximity to my face. He moved a good foot towards me and even I failed to notice it. 'OH, yeah I'm sorry. Maybe I'll just, wait a minute' Right after my question, Sean must have realized his entire frame was too big to capture by my camera so he decided to kneel down, his left knee on the ground and his right, supported his entire upper body. Even in a kneeling position, Sean's entire body was twice the expanse of mine, and his head a good 2 feet ahead of me. The Cameraman decides to step back a little getting a good and complete frame shot. 'That's it, baby' Sean placed his wide right palm at my back as if assisting me from falling. His palm was as wide as his entire body. Proportioned greatly that it entirely covered the expanse of my back. 'Uhmm about that. Yeah!. I certainly grew. In fact, I might possibly have grown more on the way here. You know, from all that rush, it probably triggered my growth hormones and added a new spurt' He was just talking directly in front of the camera and turned looking towards me in that last sentence. 'Wow. You kept getting magnificent every time we lost a good sight of you. Tell me, where have you been before on your way saving people from the fire?' 'Ohh …Ummm. Hmm, where was I?. O Yeah. I was in in the Philippines. You ever heard of Mayon Volcano?. Yeah. It recently became active. So I had to assist in filtering the volcanic dust and redirected the possible lava flow. But unfortunately, I could have underdone it a bit. Haha. Folks there were pissed. The Mayon didn't look perfectly coned shape after that. I'm sorry?'. Sean motioned a two peace sign on the TV to show his sincerest apologies. 'Ahhh. But I'm pretty sure most of them were grateful from that onslaught of the dust you filtered right?' 'I hope so'. Sean tilted his head to the side. An expression of ‘maybe but who cares right?’ 'So Mr. McConley, what are we expecting from Mr. Superman next time we'll saw him on screen huh?' 'Maybe showing his boyfriend live?. How would you feel about that?'. Sean turned around his entire frame a bit. Making an expression on his face as if waiting for my own answer. 'Well! Hahaha. That would surely intrigue and break millions of hearts of everyone who's got the hots for you Mr. McConley'. My emotions of flutter and can be heard by my speaking voice when I replied back. In the middle of my speaking, I heard Sean gave a silent chuckle and motioned his entire body to stand up and loom around everyone. 'But for now, that would be the entire coverage of this news. This is Jan Lewis, see you next time’. 'And Cut'. The cameraman finished off my entire sentence and queued that the camera was no longer running. I turned around to see a looming Sean McConley in front of me. I looked up to him and met him eye to eye. His deep ocean blue eyes staring right back at me. The blond tips of his fore hair waving from the nightly wind. I saw his entire face coming down on my side of my face. He whispered right in my ear. 'Meet me in the tower, Jan'. And with that he stood up back again straightening his posture and turned around walking towards the place he landed. He placed both his arms in his hips and a strong wind began circling around him then 'boom' Sean McConley flew towards the night sky. Unable to be seen. Chapter 2 Walking towards my Apartment Building is a proven point that finally, I'm coming home ready to burst out of my formal clothing and dive into my bed after a very exhausting day. But I went to the Local Station first after the Fire incident before going home. --------------------------------------------flasback------------------------------------------ I entered the office and met with praise and congratulations after covering another interview of Sean McConley. It's not that it is rare, but my coworkers noticed that I get frequent interviews with him. And it seems he intends to be interviewed by me only Amongst all spoken praises, my boss's words only mattered more to me right now. Her name was Victoria. An old name in the news industry after working as a researcher, documentarist, to a world renown reporter to supervising an entire TV News station. A simple good remark from her smells promotion for me. 'Wow, Lewis, I couldn't get to understand why the odds are always on you when it comes to having interviews with Sean McConley'. Victoria said as I entered her room. 'Thank you. Victoria, Sheer Luck I guess?' 'Oh noo dear, I don't believe that. It's as if you ave a pattern to where Sean McConley might be. I even began thinking you two had something in mutual connection after your asn't for your interview earlier. The Camera caught you blushing by the way'. 'Is that professionally appropriate?' I thought in my head. But instead I replied, 'Huhuh. Believe me, I don't'. 'Lie'. I thought again. The conversation went beyond that until I felt the urge to go home and finally relax. I settle my things on my desk and hopped on my Audi outside the station. -----------------------------------------------present------------------------------------- I finally got to the hallway towards my apartment door that always takes me a good 5-7 minutes from the ground floor up to my room. It took me long because I'm living on the highest level of the entire Tower building. Apparently, I owned the whole level and made an entire house out of it. And not just the top floor but owning a portion of the roof top as well. As per requested by only one person that happened to text me, Late. My phone rang as I nearly reached my door *Want a ride?* I immediately texted back before reaching for the knob *Too Late.Already here* The click of the door informed me that the door was left unlocked. Expecting me to come inside. I entered inside, shut and locked the door. Removed my sandals. Taking a few steps towards my soft couch and threw my bag before slamming my entire body. Everything was sore. I closed my eyes and heard the squealing sound of the shower all the way from my bathroom. 'Really? You really cornered me earlier'. The sound of water splashing on the bathroom floor came down to halt as it was replaced by the turn of the nozzle followed by loud footsteps vibrating across the room. Thud Thud Thud! 'Yeah! What was about earlier?' I opened my already tired eyes and stared at the magnificence right in front of me. It was him, Sean McConley standing here in my home. Top naked and only wearing a bathroom towel that looked like a table napkin barely covering his middle body. A half-naked Greek God. A body covered with less body fat only to be replaced by pure muscle. His 6 shredded and packed abs rightfully placed to the most righteous core in the world. 'I'm saying is, you should reconsider what I said to you about introducing you as my ---' Sean hesitated to finish his sentence while moving his right arm behind his head. Unintendedly flexing his basketball sized biceps striated with all muscled that gave justice to his entire body. One of the aesthetical part of his entire newfound body. --boyfriend?' Yes!I am Jan Lewis and I have a long secret relationship with the Sean McConley. But, Sean and I knew each other even before his new life stature. ---------------------------------------6 years ago------------------------------------------- When we met, Sean was far from what he is. Before he ascended from being a human, from gaining powers and before he was perceived as a god by some, Sean was just my college friend. We met during my first year in the University. I was studying communications back then and he was studying Archeology. We introduced names after we bumped into one of the university nights held by the students after a hell week of exams. It was a typical party where everyone gets drunk and dance. Sean, even in his normal human state was already beyond average. He stood 6 ft. 2, lean and heavy, has toned body after playing for the University's soccer team. A hobby he decided to try out on. I wouldn’t lie when I said Sean was one of the finest athlete in our school. In every game, he would be on the school papers and local news after their victorious streak when it was their time as players. When there was no training, it was either he’s in the gym molding his physique. Sean even when he was an average human, have in mind to project power and intimidation. Being one of the tall and bulk student in campus, everyone has eye on him. And even I. While Sean was living in high profile, I wasn’t. I was a communications student hiding behind baggy clothes and messy hair. I do however attend parties just like the one where Sean and I meet. I was holding my party cup in hand taking sip minute by minute making sure not to empty it soon while I was busy observing every student in this house party I got invited by a friend. Honestly, I am a pretty anxious guy when it comes to people and big events like this where faces are everywhere. There are people I sure know and I don’t but I found it hard to start conversations first. That’s why I decided to head for the house’ wine cellar room maybe I could meet some weird alcoholic guy who would dare to have a conversation with me not sober. I toured around the house to search for that specific room and what surprised me was that everyone was kissing, humping and having physical contacts everywhere. How is Public Display of Affection seems to be okay for everyone now? When I got to the Living room, it was only the sight I noticed and everybody was shouting and 2 poor beings was put on a freak show enjoyed by people. No, this is certainly not it. I turned around immediately when I accidently bumped into a large person spilling my drink all over his white tight shirt. The guy I bumped into was no other than Sean McConley staring at his shirt draped with red wine. His two arms lifting it in the air with a shocking expression in his face. ‘WTH!?’.If I was to interpret it. ‘Ohh shit!. I’m sorry. I didn’t. Oh my gosh’. I began being frantic when my clumsiness for the night finally was activated and I have involved another person with me. And what were the odds that Sean McConley would be that person. ‘Dude!.No it’s okay. Don’t worry. I guess I’ll just go to our frat house to change clothes’. I was caught by surprise by the gentleness of Sean’s attitude. I didn’t know he could be this polite. My prejudice towards Jocks has really poisoned me after seeing lots of jock portrayals in teen movies. But right now, I began to think maybe not all of them. Sean might be the exception. ‘No! Don’t! I live next just one building away and maybe I could just lend you clothes, I really felt the responsible for tainting this. I’m really sorry. While I was speaking, Sean moved his two hands in my shoulders. Surprisingly, this movement has made me to regain composure and became less frantic. This was the safest moment I had ever felt. Even after the commission and noises plus the incident between us two. ‘Okay, If you’ll insist’. Sean smiled back to me. And I smiled back. The two of us headed outside the house, me leading the way and him following me. I rushed outside trying to keep it less subtle and not attract any attention. Unfortunately, the spilled wine over Sean’s white shirt has attracted many. So I tried ducking my head lower and act as if Sean wasn’t following me. I don’t want for everybody to know that I who was a nobody did this to Sean. On our way to the Porch Steps, Sean was stopped by a woman holdingher own red cup. She teasingly stopped Sean on his path and touched his biceps. ‘Who did this to you big boy? You know it’s not that hard to ask me if you want me to clean that up’. The woman said. ‘Oh here it goes again, another innocent man being objectified for being unbelievably pretty. ‘Hahah. Sometime Sam. Sometime’. Sean responded to the woman, named Sam while reaching his hand that was touching his biceps and moved it to the side. Sean continued to follow me down the steps. I led the way towards my dorm building while Sean was still following me behind. I really felt the need to have a conversation but I was too anxious. We finally got into the room. I really hope my roommate wasn’t inside. I opened the room and luckily, the room was all for ours. ‘Dude, you have a pretty neat room. Are you sure this is a guy’s room?’. Sean chuckled. And immediately realized the backhanded message behind what he said. ‘I’m sorry. I mean. That’s purely a compliment. My homies couldn’t get their room as clean as this. You would be a pretty good roommate.’ Fortunately, I was a fan of baggy clothing and I might find few loose shirt that could fit perfectly to Sean’s chiseled body. I finally found a checkered baggy red polo shirt. So far, this was the biggest shirt Upper ware I have and hopefully this fits him. ‘Here, I think this was the biggest shirt I only have here. I think this would fit you’ Before grabbing the shirt I handed, Sean crossed his entire arm at the bottom of his white shirt and pulled it up undressing him. In that fast moment, Sean McConley was naked in front of me. His act of undressing himself has given me millions of ideas battling around my imagination as I saw his muscle moving and crunching accommodating his entire body’s movements. When the white shirt was finally out of her body, he curled it into a ball and wiped the remaining wine on his rippling abs. It’s true, If Sean was magnificent wearing only sweat jerseys, he was beyond now looking naked. While I was admiring all of this sight. I compared my filthy frame to Sean. My 5.6 ft height and thin arms was nowhere to be compared to his. My arms can be broken easily by a matchstick after seeing his flexed arms as he continuously wiped his body. I was completely awestruck that I was at the same position earlier. My admiration to Sean has completely disrupt all my sense of time. Sean finally finished his body and threw his white shirt to the side of my bed. He grabbed my polo shirt and unbuttoned it first before wearing it covering his body. I’ve always thought that shirt was my biggest shirt but when Sean wore it, I didn’t realize how small really I was. Sean’s biceps completely molded the sleeves of my shirt and even when he buttoned the shirt only at his chest, The shirt barely looked baggy in him than when I wore it. A funny realization came into me I reminisce something in my mind. He looked like the giant lumberjack Paul Bunyan from children’s book. He had the physique and maybe the proportion if only magnified but with the exemption of beards. Sean pulled the Polo shirt down sending me a message that everything is well. ‘Did that fit?’ I asked. Sean looked into me with those deep blue oceanic eyes and I fell into oblivion as he replied with those red lips and rosy cheeks. ‘Perfectly, it’s surprisingly comfortable. I like tight garments by the way. So don’t worry’. After that, Sean head back to the party but I decided not to. I wouldn’t let everyone see us together. I don’t want any wrong intuitions. Especially that I was being rumored lately of being gay. So I insisted. Sean left my room and closed the door while I sat on my bed. I mysteriously felt my bottom damp and continuously dampen my shorts. I jumped out and looked at my bed. There it was, Sean’s wine spilled shirt. -------------------------------------------present-------------------------------------------- 'No! Sean. We talked about this' I replied still staring at his unconscious flexing. Sean has been asking me to bring me with him and introduce me to the world as his official boyfriend He has grown accustomed of the lustful stares and banter he would always receive from all people, Woman, Man and even the elder ones. But I refused the idea. 'I just don't want to stop people from making moves. I'm starting to get annoyed from all of it Jan' . He would tell me. From my part, I refused the offer since if I am about to achieve my dream of becoming a successfully know anchor like my Boss Victoria, I had to make a name for myself. Not with the influence of Sean. But every time I tried, I am constantly kept on getting pulled towards him . Everywhere I go, he was there. And I always get to interview him giving me an ample hint of the spotlight. But this reason was unbeknownst to him. So I just redirected the conversation. 'How did you get taller?' I said it sounding like I have a lot of questions going on in my mind. Sean gave me an interesting smile and he whoosh!. He disappeared and reappeared less than one second swaying a few hanging picture frames side by side from the wind impact. He came back hugging a stool against the wide expanse of his chest. 'Yeah, about that. Could you measure me first?' He sounded like a kid having excitement before opening his christmas presents. A few months ago, Sean and I decided to attach a measuring tape across the wall after he hs undergonne mysterious growth spurts. Looking from his moment on, we both knew we had to add another tape on top to cater his next growth spurt. He has shown massive additions in height and it frequently happened just in the course from months of change, to weeks to days and even half a day. Just earlier this morning, Sean measured a good 11 ft in height. His entire body parts were proportioned to it as well. So during the time we were on our own errands, I’m guessing he had grown 2 feet alone. And we both knew what the only thing that makes him grow is. The feeling of arousal after an increase of his libido. Standing with a pen and book in my hand while he was setting the stool making sure it's safe for me to stood on, I re-instigate my intentions for asking the question. 'So, won't Mr. McKinley going to tell me what made him grew 2 foot in half a day?' As he finished, he looked down on me. I started standing on the stool and did my job while listening to his explanation 'Okay, so it's true I went saving in the Philippines. Buuutt, I got horny on the way, and I was flying through the Ocean with no man around, no papparazzi, nothing, just the fishes and seagulls.' I pushed his large head towards the wall and leaned it as it keeps on moving with him talking and talking. I took his measurement. I wrote it on the notebook. I made my way through his biceps down to the rest of his body parts. 'And?'. I responded 'And I just felt that I needed good release'. 'Where?'. He unlearned his head and looked at me. 'Are you listening? I said in the middle… of the sea'. He replied with conviction 'What do you mean?. It's all water there' 'Exactly'. And by that, my measurement were put on pause when I felt his entire body moving up. Covering a 2 feet of vertically moving upwards. He's levitating 2 feet from the ground. 'What? You were jerking off flying on top of the ocean?' I was surprised. 'Yeaaahh!!!!!. Honey, It was so cool. Well you know I couldn't just let a large clump of goo if I happen to stop by and jerk off in an island. So, it would be better If I'm near water, for easy cleaning. Dang. Believe me, It feels really good. Jerking off while flying. Maybe you could do it to me while I take you on a ride’. I finished measuring and recording the parts of his upper body and so I hopped off the stool and started measuring frim his soles up to his middle part. The body part I always intend to measure last. 'Yeah, I'm just concerned about the sea creatures who died from that seedy business of yours'. I proceeded in measuring his feet and thighs since I couldn't take this teasing much longer. I am all eager to look the thing everyone has been dying to know about. Sean McConley's hood. I placed the book and pen on the stool and looked up to the giant's face on top of me. The facial features of a perfect sculpted demigod looking right down on me. Give me a look of lust and pure sexual tension. 'Now, down to the last part' I grabbed hold of the bath towel wrapping around his waist. I intently added more smooth gesture on the way touching the towel to make it more sensual. He slowly humped his hips back and humped forward slowly to meet my reaching hands. Offering himself to me. But I decided to tease him a Little more. I parted my hands a short distance from his towel as I saw his erection slowly coming to life. Pushing the very fabric covering it. The Bulge now was bent downward from the restriction, I glided my hands and brushed it up and down. Touching him but not really due to the fabric in between. He let out a loud and soft moan. 'Hmmmppff'. 'But you still haven't told me' I brushed it accelerating the speed. 'why you were'. I stopped brushing his manhood and gripped the base of it. 'Horny'. I gripped it more. Coiling it but surprisingly, I coiled it enough for the tips of my thumb and middle finger to barely touch tip to tip. Sure it's bigger 'Hmmppppff... ooOoh. You tease'. Sean replied. He encircled my arms and chest with his two hands. The span from his index and thumb finger of his two hands was large enough to meet index to index and thumb to thumb. If he wanted to press his hands inwards, there is no doubt he could end my life like a pulp. I could already picture my blood and crushed organs splattering around the house. Sean lifted me up and brought me up. My feet dangling as he walks towards the dining table in the Dinner wood Table. Knocking a few couch and chairs on the way. To him, he felt like wind was knocking him. I heard his footstep's thud so strong and solid. Suddenly, it was replaced by the sounds of cracks from tiles being stepped on by Sean. Sean placed me on top of the Wooden Table 'You really wanna know?' Sean no longer has sweet and exciting and cocky attitude in his voice but has a serious, dominating demeanor. I was frightened a little. He's channeling his dominant persona on me. 'Ye-ah'. 'But you still had one thing to measure left. So stop teasing me'. I was laying down with my butt against the table, with my hands at the back supporting my entire leaning weight. Sean's body was hurdling on top of me. He positioned his hands on the table beside me locking me in place. . His other hand grabbed the towel and unwrapped his erected manhood. What surprised me was not only the elongated state of his shaft but also the widened girth. His cock covered in steel hard veins popping out of its skin. Fueled with blood as high quality as melted gold. 'Come on, grab your fucking tape and measure this thing while it's .... hard' Sean tried his best to maintain the erected state as I work on measuring his shaft. The slight touch of my hands sends Sean to closer deep arousal and climax. He cupped my entire back of my head with his hands. Brushing it up and down. 'Tell me, how long is it'. 'It's 1 ft and 1 inches Sean. Wow, that's just so.... I found it hard to finish my sentence when he started humping his hips. With this motion, the edge of his cock poked my face, my chest, neck, and mouth. ‘I know. The diameter?'. Sean asked. '4….4.16 inches’. I replied. 'Hhhhmmppfff' 'And how tall was I?' Sean began smiling. '13 ft and 5 inches' I replied. Slamming his cock to my face. 'And still fucking growing Jan. You should measure me again after tonight' Sean's fingers came around in front of my face and slamming it around my mouth. Opening it. He then inserted his entire shaft inside my mouth 'Hmmmppff. THAT'S IT. BABY'. Sean rocked it in and out. I really tried my best to swallow an entire foot of cock in my throat and not to gag from the sheer size. 'Now you know why I was so horny earlier Jan?Cause of this' . He rocked it again. I can feel the tip of his cock brushed past my Uvula down to my throat. 'Everything. And I mean every THING around me are so small, so puny, so fragile' He humped his hips much faster now. 'A quarter of my strength and I could easily snap a person like a twig. As I was heading way towards that fire incident. I was just flying on top admiring everything below. And you were just all so Tiny compared to me. Soooo Weak. While me here,' He grabbed hold of my head tighter and pushing it inwards his cock. Burying it deeper and deeper down my neck 'I could begin to imagine that there will come I time where all of you were no longer taller than my pinky finger. So stay with me Jan He rocked it deeper 'As' And deeper ‘I’ And deeper. Sinking himself and pausing right there. I know what's about to happen. He's planning on aiming his cock down my tbroat and expecting me to swallow all of it. But from the time we made consistently made this, I know how handful Sean's cum are. One shot and it's enough to fill half a bucket. What more could it be now that he's grown. I tried to resist it and kept on pushing myself. But failed to do so. 'ascend to' He grabbed leaned his entire body on the table using his free arm and I heard a groan from the wooden table. The hanging chandelier on top of us were and all the picture frame were all swaying back and forth. The lights also were turning on and off. 'godhood... Aaaahhhh Fuuccckk!' I felt Sean's first massive load travelling down my throat forcing its way through. My entire mouth was filled with his cum that it dripped down from my mouth and even stuffed my nose. Sean looked down at me and released his grip. Unplugging his mighty cock from my mouth ready to burst another cum. 'Look at me Jan. Look how I grow'. I wiped a portion of cum around my eyes and tried my best to look at him. He was standing there in front of me. His hands beating his own cock up and down. He wasn't finished yet. Not like me that even I failed to recognize that I already came a while ago. I watched Sean as his entire body expands more and more. Adding more his height as his bone lengthening and becoming more and more solid. His muscled striating, cramping and moving with its own. A sign that all of Sean's cell were splitting half and millions for nanoseconds to accommodate his growth spurt. He pointed his slit in front of me and another load shot me and covered my entire body. Some of the fluid scattered all around the table. This could already fill a bucket. Sean went on and on unleashing the next load. He even pointed his own shaft towards the living room and couch as his head keeps on pushing further up. His entire biceps, bigger and chest pecs wider as ever. Sean finally felt his climax falling down and began to regain consciousness. He looked at my apartment everywhere and had finally noticed the extreme size difference of everything around him . Everything was surrounded with thick white cum. He looked down and searched for the table that was surprisingly covered with white liquid. And a part of it was slightly moving. It's no other than me Sean reached out his hands and coiled his hands around my chest. Comparing his new size with me He brought me up to his face and admired the vast size difference. 'Want to measure me again?' Sean chuckled. Chapter 3 I woke up feeling a bit dizzy from Sean’s onslaught on me last night. Sean even before his Human upgrade was truly a beast in making love. He always exert a dominant character and I the submissive one. A predator to feed on his prey. That’s the very same reason where when we were in college, almost every sorority girls prefer to flirt with Sean over his friends and always tries to win him for a night. A night with him was truly an intense moment of love everyone could ask for. A night serving and worshipping Sean’s herculean body. And to think this was all when Sean were considered normal. Last night was by far the heaviest load he unleashed to me. My body was entirely coated in his cum so I had to take a shower before hopping to bed. While he, grabbed a dirtied cloth and wiped clean the entire dining room barely wiping all his cum. Eating there would never feel the same again. Unfortunately, Sean can’t take a shower since he can't afford to break the bathroom walls from an attempt to enter the room. As for me, I just let the water to cascade in my body and decided to not wash my body with soap so that few scent of his musk will still remain to me even when we’re asleep. After the two of us finished, we went straight to the bedroom and Sean had to duck and squeeze himself into the room and created cracks and a bit of small debris of rocks falling to accommodate his body's passage. I stood up from my bed but noticed Sean is not here. I looked around and saw the wall that was just yesterday, plastered with cracks, now entirely open and bigger chunks of cement wall are on the floor. He broke through again. I moved the blanket and took careful steps to not get my feet hurt from the broken stones scattered around the floor. I headed to the living room near the apartment window overlooking the city skyline. There he was, naked with only a blanket wrapped around his thighs and undeniably taller. He did not notice me at first while he was staring straight to the window mirroring himself with a double bicep pose. Each biceps the size of my entire upper body strained with muscle and strength. A source of power that could move not just cars but entire trucks, planes, ships and undoubtedly, buildings. He followed his stance with a wide lat spread. His back tensed more and more with muscled contracting and taking form. His skin that could survive bullets and hell, missiles even if no one has ever dared to try it on him. All of this owned by the one man I truly adored. Standing too tall in front of me doing poses. The man who almost drowned me with his seed. The sofa beside him barely reached his shin. And his head only 2 or 3 feet apart from the dangling chandelier. The chandelier was surprisingly swaying to and fro in every Sean's movement. A motion that testifies how truly great and omniscient my boyfriend was. But instead of cowering, I decided to interrupt him 'You know I’ve already seen enough of those to hide it with a blanket'. I said. Sean looked at me through my reflection on the window and then turned around giving me a smile. 'Yeah, but I'm afraid few of your neighbors from across the building might see right through this glasses. As much as I want attention, I promised myself that only you could take peek with my dick, so far'. Sean at the end of his sentenced, moved his fingers and slowly unwraps the blanket in his waist. When it untangled, Sean and his entire body immediately disappeared like a blink. 'AHHHHH! SEAN!??' I was caught surprise. Sean was gone. I ran towards the exact place he has been standing earlier but... 'Ughh'. I hit an invisible wall that is so hard, hard as steel. I hit my head first from the impact of my running and I stumbled back falling with my butt and touched my head to ease it from pain. 'Owww' I said. While I was sitting in my butt with the floor, I felt 2 large hands coiling around my waist and I was lifted in the air. Though I felt two hands holding me, it looked like I was floating looking in the glass window’s reflection. I was cradled looking like a baby floating. When I felt another invisible wall in my side, I examined and tried touching it. My sense of touch has sent me a familiar feeling that I didn’t fail to recognize it. It was Sean’s abdomen. I trailed my hand a little and felt the uneven wall that was his steel-hard abs. I couldn't be mistaken. 'I know what this is. Come on, your invisible now??' My surprising guess of his new ability made Sean to reappear into existence. Resting me with his two hands. 'A power I got from last night. Well, actually I think there is more than this one but I can’t really test it here. I might blew up this tower and that would be a lot of work saving the people down streets. He lifted me further up in his face and held my body like I was a cat. ‘I should measure you?' 'Oh, I measured it while you’re asleep. I'm 16.7 ft tall now' Sean smiled widely He coiled me with only one hand and did a bicep pose with his other arm, He moves it closer to me and I can feel the expanse of his arms. So strong and intimidating and I know he could cut me in half with just those. 'Now I can do heavier stuff with this' Sean proudly said. 'Like what?'. 'Uhmm, like lifting this entire tower and move it somewhere else? You want me to try?. I always like that scene in Superman Returns you know when superman lifted the entire krypton island from the sea? I think I can do those, just one hand’. Sean flexed it more harder as he speaks making the veins bulge even more 'Yeah I know baby'. I said while looking at the flexed state of hi biceps. Sean puts me back in the ground. Now that I get a closer look, we really had a large height difference. My field of vision was only leveled with his calf. 'Where you headed too?' I asked him as he wrapped the blanket again. 'Ohh I'm just going to the City’s Military base. I'm just going to ask for some suit. You know, a guy like me who has done lots of service in this city, the world not included, had quite few privileges you see. Like asking for another sponsorship for a new large suit'. Sean lowered himself down and kissed the top of my head. ‘Bye’ 'How will you get out?' Sean flew upwards towards the ceiling and rest his palms underneath the it. 'Babe, with me, outgrowing needs bigger doors’ Sean effortlessly pushed the ceiling up and it created cracks and then a huge hole where his large body could fit through. Sean flew upward and he was up in the sky. I wondered if angels descending from heavens has the same scenery as Sean floating on top of my apartment and breaking the roof. 'I promise I'll fix it. Don't worry, rain won't come while I'm around' Sean gave me a handsome wink. And as if by coincidence, the sky rumbled with Thunder the same time he gave me that wink. His wink simultaneously rumbled the sky reminiscing those thunders whenever the clouds warns the people for an upcoming rain. But the sky looked brighter than day and there were no signs of an upcoming rain. ‘Was that…… you?’ My voice was shaken and rattling from shock. Sean replied with a bit of a smirk. ‘What did I told you about more than one’. Sean’s entire body vanished into thin air. But I was complacent that my boyfriend wasn’t gone. He was just invisible for the sake of people seeing a flying naked man on the sky. ‘Whoosh’. The strong gust of wind informed me that Sean already flew in top speed. Gosh he's so hot -----------------------------------------6 years ago----------------------------------------- The next day after the house party where I spilled a wine and draped it over Sean’s shirt, I was thinking over and over again on what should I do with Sean’s shirt. So the whole day, I just washed the shirt clean with laundry. I had to add extra steps in cleaning this white shirt thanks to my roommate for guiding me on how to properly bleach it. I expected the white shirt to fully dry in the afternoon so I could return the shirt immediately. But odds really weren’t on my side as I went home with the Sean’s shirt wet. So instead of trying hard on drying it. I just let the shirt to completely dry for the night and return it to Sean tomorrow when we met at the hallways. It was already 4:15 in the afternoon and I haven’t seen Sean walking around the campus for the whole day. It has always been a problem for having a wide campus grounds even looking for people in places inside. ‘Where could he be? I waited outside the fountain campus for a while thinking of a chance I could see him since this place is exactly the center place of the entire campus. A few minutes of waiting, I still failed to see Sean walking around. But I saw his group of soccer friends already drenched in sweat or could it be, shower? I’m not exactly sure. These were the people that Sean could be seen hanging out together. They were all wearing their soccer shoes draped in mud and dirt. That’s when realizations kick in. It’s Monday and was always the time of the week where Soccer training are scheduled. Sean must be with them. However, there no Sean, so I redirected my vision to where they came out and it was in the Athlete’s locker room connected to the shower and the University gym. The perfect place where Sean might have been. I knew for a fact that someone was still out there since the lights are still lit. I headed my footsteps there and when I reached the door through the boy’s locker room, the door was barely closed. I heard the metal bench inside still clanging up and down as if someone was putting on weight on it from sitting, standing or any movements. So I decided to push the door open and expect to see Sean there fixing his shoe and fully dressed ready to head home. But the sight right in front of me as I open the door startled me and left me speechless. This was not what I expected to see. I was right. Sean was there but with no shoes and undress completely naked on top only with his Jersey soccer shorts. Sean was sitting in the metal bench, his legs open, but what startled me was Sean was with a woman. The woman was right on top of Sean crossing her legs around Sean’s torso and moving her body up and down, humping it dry while her lips lustfully kissing Sean’s. I recognized it was Sean since the man was entirely huge compared to the woman sitting cross-legged around him. There was no other student who were as huge as him. Sean seems to enjoy this completely as Sean’s reciprocating movement of humping has caused the sound of the metal bench clanging. A sound I mistakenly heard earlier. And the sound of his moans grew louder and louder every time the woman moves sways her hips. ‘HhhmMMMm’ . Then another sound of two lips kissing. I watched as the woman’s other hand were hidden in between Sean;s body and her. I searched for that hand and there I saw it brushing Sean’s already hardened bulge. Brushing it smoothly. Sean responded every stroke with moans that guilty to say, even sent me sexually aroused. Sean was assisting the woman’s motion by resting his palm under the woman’s but lifting it up and down. The butt perfectly cupped by Sean’s huge hands. As if the woman was weightless. I moved my bag in front of me as I felt my dick slowly hardening. How I wished it was me. The two were like wild animals with the woman really wanted to devour Sean’s flesh while caressing Sean’s wet blond hair. This was all a steamy scene to look at that I felt bad interrupting. A thought came into me that I should head outside slowly before Sean caught me peaking like I was staring straight out of a porno scene. Unfortunately, my immediate solution for the situation failed me when I turned back and my entire shoulder bag swayed and hit a corner of the locker that made a loud sound contributed by all the metal zippers that made contact to the steel locker that created a metal banging sound. Sean was the first to hear the sound and he immediately opened his eyes. We met eye to eye and while the woman was still unbothered by the sound I made. She really was a dried whore. I saw Sean’s face with a glint of guilt and so before the woman notices me, I immediately head outside. That’s when I heard Sean shout ‘No!Wait’. Upon hearing his call, I immediately stopped at my attempt to get out of the scene. As if Sean was speaking right through me and I, as one of his soon to be subject willingly obeyed. I should have continued heading outside. I froze for a moment then I heard sandals heading outside the locker room. It was the woman heading outside as I heard the tantrum in her steps after my unintentional interruption of her shot towards Sean Mcconley. The woman walked past me and I cower in my stature as I saw the woman even a good inches taller than me. I immediately recognized the woman as I met her eye to eye. It was the disappointed face of Kelsey Williams, our University’s graduating Student Body President. A senior compared to Sean and I. Kelsey looked at me with pure anger but then decided to continue walking outside still creating those heavy steps. ‘You can come in now’. I heard Sean from inside the room. I went inside and fished out his white shirt. ‘I really am sorry, I should have knock. Gosh, I’m screwed all right?. I….I promise I won’t tell anybody. I’m just here to return you these’. My voice was already shaken afraid of getting Sean pissed. This man could punch me in the face and may left me here with an injured body while I was helpless enough to protect my self. ‘Shhh stop it. Okay relax, I’m not mad. And besides, even if you haven’t interrupted us, the news will still reach everyone. But thanks to you, Kelsey might postpone another rumor to tell’. Again, similar to party night, Sean do have something in him that keeps me calm and reassured whenever he talks. ‘Ohhh, now I recognized you. You were the one who spilled a drink on me. I’m sorry but what was your name again? I’m not quite sure if we’ve introduced already’ Sean held his hands and grabbed the shirt I offered him. And yes, I also realized I haven’t mentioned my name since the first time we met. ‘It’s Jan… Jan Lewis’. I replied. ‘Ohh, thanks Jan. But you know, there is really no need for you to return this. I have 20 of these. So I wouldn’t even know if this were lost. I like these by the way. It’s pretty fit and tight. I always feel bigger in these’. Sean who was still topless, unfolded the shirt and decided to wear it instead of grabbing new clothes in his bag. There was it again, the sight of Sean’s muscle contracting and stretching as he dresses himself. I really felt guilty staring at it like forever. ‘I should probably head home’ I said while Sean was still undone dressing. ‘No! Wait’. Sean said while still struggling to wear the shirt. It must have become tighter. I suddenly felt the urge to move and turn around when my Bag hit another side of the locker and ‘bang’. It was so loud and it vibrated the entire rows of locker. Unknown to me, a 55 pound dumbbell was on top of the locker and my commotion with the locker vibrated it to move it and rolled on the edge where I was exactly standing below. I looked up and everything was like in slow motion as a heavy material was already heading in my direction to hit my head and worse, disfigure my face. But I also felt Sean moved behind me. Sean’s athlete instinct really helped me in this accident when he also saw the dumbbell falling on me as he finished undressing. Sean used his left arm as a Baseball Bat and hit the 50 pound dumbbell redirecting the fall to the side. Sean’s action was so fast that I even failed to see it or was I just closing my eyes as I met my demise?’. ‘BOOM!’ I heard a loud sound that I perceived like a pistol has unloaded near me. I even felt the smallest vibrating sound after a second of closing my eyes. I was still closing my eyes and waiting for that dumbbell to hit my face. After a minute of without any movement. I opened my eyes. I looked around and felt Sean’s right arm as my whole back was leaning against it. His left hand still on the position as he attempted to hit the dumbbell. From my almost bent position after my foolish attempt to shield my self, I can get a good view of Sean’s wide shoulders and arms that miraculously left unharmed even after that hit for the dumbbell. It was truly built well with muscle and meat. I looked at Sean’s face but he wasn’t looking at me. He was staring at where the Dumbbell might head to. I followed his line of sight and I was stunned at what I saw. The locker where I last saw the dumbbell right before I saw Sean move was now disfigured and broken and has a wide hole the size of the dumbbell. It was as if a bullet has passed right through it. But only the size of the dumbbell, Wow! Sean’s hit must have had a huge impact that it created a whole. Was this possible? I stood up from my bent position and looked straight at Sean. I was expecting a surprise look at him as I expect him to be startled by what happened too. This wasn’t natural. Sure the dumbbell might created a dent in the locker but creating a hole?. Sean looked at me with a look of guilt instead. ‘I’m sorry. Are you okay?’ I ran outside unable to process what just happened. I can’t deal with what happened right now. Plus, it was a school property that was damaged. I don’t want any involvement to it. When I head the door outside, I was even more surprised at what I saw. The dumbbell was outside, half buried in the soil ground. I traced the direction of its trajectory and there I saw another hole on the wall. Connected to the Locker inside. This is beyond imaginable. So I continued running. ------------------------------------------present--------------------------------------------- As I was staring on top of the hole on my roof that Sean just effortlessly created, I can’t stop reminiscing the time I discovered the first time Sean showed me one of his powers. That very same hole he created after using his arm as a bat for hitting the dumbbell when we were at freshmen. An incident that started to awoken a hidden desire inside of him. A desire to show the world what he is capable of and how he is continuously developing and discovers the vast extent of his power. A lust for desire and search for greatness that I helped him achieve. ‘Ring! Ring! Ring!’ I heard my phone rang on my bedside table where I placed it last night. I rushed inside and careful to avoid the broken wall. I should call someone to clean this. I luckily got on time before the ringing ends and hit the green button on screen. It could be Victoria. ‘Hello!?’ I said. ‘Hi! Is this Lewis?’ I heard a familiar voice on the other side of the call. ‘Yes, this is me. I’m sorry but is this Dr….’. I reluctantly asked but was cut off when the other person completed my sentence. Now, I’m certain who this could be. ‘Yes Jan, this is Dr. Robert Addams. I have an update about Sean’s last test, but I’m afraid we have to do a new one. I saw your interview with him last night and he seems to look different. You know what I mean. Bigger. Our latest record might be irrelevant after his sudden change. He is off -charts’ ‘Yes Dr. Addams. Thank you, I’ll text you whenever he’s vacant’. I answered back. Off-charts? ‘Sure dear. I assure you, it’ll only the three of us. As it has always been. Bye’ Dr. Addams was the one who ended the call. Shit, another test again. Sean was never delighted in testing him. ‘What for?’ he would say. Oh and by the way, it wasn’t just me who were with Sean all this time. There was also Dr. Addams to witness his greatness even before we met. Chapter 4 There was a buzzling sound of mixed noises of murmuring people, cameras and beeping cars that were gathering around the police barricaded area of the City's Main local Bank. The bank has been the major source of finance and monetary transaction in this city since the early rise of our city's economy. But unfortunately, a long century of safety and silence was broken when a group of 2 thieves came inside and hijacked the bank with almost 76 people working hostage. Their main objective for stealing and keeping hostage? Money. https://casa-del-patio.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/koninklijke-munt-e1585753954124.jpg 'Mr. Wellington and accomplice. This is the police and we have barricaded the entire Bank. There would be no way for the two of you to escape. There is only one way for you to go so pleaes release the hostages immediately before it turns NOT good for the rest of us.' The Major Police Officer said speaking behind his megaphone. His attempt for negotiation was just rejected by the two thieves. 'No!.' Wellington said. 'I am not scared of you! Or any of your minions. The hell if even your cheap McConley comes and try to stop me!. Even He! Won’t make me do any shit! BOOM! A loud thundering sound came from the clouds having a resemblance to Lightning Thunder when Sean fell with a huge impact on the ground. To him, it was the least he could do to show a little intimidation to the thieves, especially to Wellington after putting his name in vain. But for the people on the ground, the impact still was catastrophic enough to create a crack on the pavement where Sean’s almost 3 ft sole stood, the gravitational impact of his body weight shattered the car windows and damaged a few eardrums of some people that stood nearby where he landed causing them to loose balance . Everyone felt the ground shake from a 4km radius. Sean was in a kneeling position similar to what Henry Cavill looked like when he first took flight in the movie, Man of Steel. A few seconds for this posture to make sure all people should give him reverence for possessing higher power. A man equivalent to god has descended from heaven to pass judgement on the people inside the Local Bank, that for Sean, only looked smaller than the last time he saw. Sean straightened his back to stood in his superhero pose. His left hands on his hips and the other, holding a scrapped metal molded into a ball of silver and black paint. The metal ball in his hands though would be larger next to a normal sized man was incomparable to Sean. Next to him, the metal ball looked like a Swiss ball. That bouncy rubberized ball used in fitness and yoga classes. He looked like a Fitness trainer but only difference was that, he was only wearing a tight tan colored short spandex. The boxer was so nude it was identical to his skin tone. Unless someone gets a closer look, he was naked from afar. As days goes far, Sean's costume became too revealing and exposing too much skin. A debate we’ll constantly have later but I know he’ll just try to shrug it off and shift to different topic. https://corporate.bjornborg.com/en/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2016/03/BJORN_BORG_PICTURE-04.jpg 'Did I just heard my name?' Sean brought the metal ball in front of him, his two hands on the opposite sides, Sean began adding pressure in the ball as if sandwiching it with his arm strength. A loud sound of metal clicking, twisting, stretching and bending can be heard around the area. Sean started to walk while pressing and twisting the ball. From everybody's viewpoint, they all had a good reference point of how tall and Huge Sean is compared to the Police officers near his way. Similar to mine, they all barely reached is calf. Finally, the metal ball was nowhere looking like a Swiss ball but just a scrap of flattened metal distorted in every angle. Sean placed the entire thing in his left hand. ‘god that made me pump’. I shouldn’t show off too much or I could burst out with this shorts’ he thought after a rush of strength travelled through his spine. The same feeling he would have when his body adds on an ample height. Sean looked at the ball in his hands, Thinking what he should do next. Sean then addressed his message to the thieves ‘You and your company should better look for another ride home Mr. Wellington! Or you could ride with the Police Car… or you could take a ride with me. Though, it’s unequivocal if you could survive riding in Mach Speed. Too bad I saw your Sedona Van a few blocks from here’ The bank was elevated 10 stairs from the ground and Sean stopped at the end of the steps reaching down the bank. Sean flew upwards and was astonished at the height difference with him and the Building. He was half the height of the building. Making the building standing just over 50-60 ft from the stairs. Sean finally has an idea in mind what to do. With his ball in his left hand, he lifted it behind his left ear. As if a Baseball player ready to throw the ball. He used his non-throwing hand to point it at the direction he wanted to hit. Sean glanced for a moment at the people outside to see if everyone was aware of what’ll happen next. To his amusement, he gave a subtle smirk when he saw everyone was already covering their ears afraid to damage their ears further of the next thing Sean will do. In a swift second, Sean threw the ball in a sloped trajectory downward. The metal ball hit right through the wall and created a large hole. Chunks of broken cement wall scattered all inside the building that shocked the entire people hostage. The ball who was travelling faster from the impact hit the tiled floor. The ball was buried halfway in the ground upon impact. A feat of how strong Sean’s throw could be. An unfortunate man on its path would no longer look like human after the great impact. Instead, only a smudged remains of blood and flesh could only survive from the throw. Fortunately, thanks to Sean’s heightened senses that he picked the exact spot to hit no one with precision. Everyone inside the bank shouted from the instant scenery and was replaced by dust and walls being broken and falling. The two thieves including Mr. Wellington who were pointing each of their guns at the hostage earlier was caught off-guard from the commotion. They had no time to retain composure when Sean’s massive body emerged from the hole he created. His broad shoulders enlarged the hole further as his dense skin made contact to the brittle structure. The dust continuously faded unveiling the Nude 17 ft giant. On his way to his landing, Sean spoke 'You see, I would never take pride in dealing problems that involves you, hopeless human, especially now that I'm beyond what I was before. My job was supposed to check in typhoons, earthquakes, falling buildings, bridges, lifting mountains and many worldwide events. And for you? A puny human to pull out such act of defying my name and calling my attention is a challenge I never knew I needed. Until now' Sean's eyes suddenly turned bright red. Sean was right. Wellington defied a god and used his name to no purpose. Sean was slowly only treading slowly towards the Mr. Wellington. Each diamond calves heaving from the striations of his muscle. But the intimidating demeanor of Sean overshadowed the brave attitude Mr. Wellington showed earlier. At that moment, any futile act of escape would look no good in front of this divine being. Wellington only cowered and as he felt his limbs weakening as Sean reached him only feet apart. Wellington tried looking up but could no longer see the full view of Sean’s face when his entire van sized pecs blocked Wellington’s sight. The only thing he could think of was the red flaring gaze of Sean which he already knew what it could do to his flimsy body. He saw the similar red gaze before on television and sometimes on street when he would burn a hole in a building, wield a broken metal and to a few accidents Sean made. When he once accidentally hit the wing of a flying plane when he first unleashed this power a few months ago. Luckily, Sean has stored abilities in hand to assist the falling plane with almost 50 people in ride put to safety. Wellington only teared up from the sight when he felt a large hand coiling around his neck. The grip was barely choking him but enough to lift him upward and met that red glaze up close. Sean even though gritting his teeth in anger only confused Wellington’s state of reaction upon seeing how beautifully sculpted this young god’s face were. He has a truly handsome young features regardless his age. A magical being that came out of greek myth. Wellington’s feet was hanging steadily then attempted to kick it in the air when he felt the grip around his neck getting tighter. He tried looking for any remorse written in Sean’s face only to fail his hopes upon seeing the grin in his face. Sean’s bicep even though revealed his veins and muscle did not look like he was exerting too much force on chocking this human. Sean spoke ‘I’ve lifted entire houses and cars with this arms’. Sean amplified his message when he flexed his other hand as he speak. ‘Then I moved on to lifting an entire bridge, to ships, to houses and to god knows how heavy I could lift. I’ve already broken lots of trunks with just this grip and reshaped your car and to think I would waste just an ample of my strength to lifting and choking another weightless human being is a downgrade and a disrespect to my power’. Sean tightened his grip to Wellington’s neck than resulted in a much reddened skin of the thief’s face. Wellington could already feel his end as slowly, he could no longer feel the air passing in and out of his chest. Wellington’s eyes are already balling out and he could barely talk any word from the struggle. ‘But honestly, I don’t think I’m holding anything right now. So I wouldn’t mind ending your life here without any effort. As I said, you are weightless and so is any of your kind and just like them, you are not a waste of strength’. Wellington already accepted his fate under the hands of this raging god. The grip was getting tighter and Wellington could feel a few of his vocal muscles being damaged from the force. Unbeknown to Wellington, Sean’s other hand was already brushing and stroking Sean’s package as Sean during his toying moment with Wellington only awoken a sexual arousal inside him. As a longtime boyfriend of Sean, he has sometimes shown hints of being a sadist when it comes to making whatever that is making him aroused. It was unknown to any but only to Sean on what made his grip kept on getting tighter. Was it his lust or his anger towards the puny human in his hands? Sean continued to stroke his hidden manhood covered by the tan colored spandex shorts. His red flaring glaze only shone brighter and brighter red that slowly blinded his victim’s eyes. Wellington only struggled more and more but he also heard this young god’s attempt to suppress a soft moan. ‘HmmmHhh’. Fuck’. Sean drank all the ecstasy as he felt another surged of growth coursing through his spine. Sean brushed his package up and down accelerating faster but at the same time tried on storing the feeling to grow for later. There’s only one person right now whom he would want to show this growth. Me Hostages inside the bank was the first people to see what were the deepest desires lurking beyond this reverent hero for a long time he has served their safety. They are among the first few to bear witness of how this once benevolent savior could be the one to possibly make their lives meaningless at the feet of this ascending god. They even compared the entire scenery of what would Zeus look like holding a man only to jerk off from the puny being’s struggle. Who would anticipate a sadist god could both show them how lust and fear could go hand in hand. A mixed of emotions were all that everybody felt. At the meantime Sean was toying Wellington, Wellington’s accomplice already regained composure and also witnessed the struggle of his friend. He slowly positioned himself as he also loaded the gun and point it at the god. An act of defiance to a god only to save whatever hope is left for his friend. He had a perfect shot at the giant’s head when suddenly, he saw Sean’s hand brushing and stroking his package. ‘You fucking shit. I always knew you were never a good deal. You horny piece of’ ‘BANG!’ A sound of shotgun could be heard outside the bank building and that’s the cue for the entire police to intervene. Sean was only disappointed when the sound halted his act of jerking off and choking Wellington. Though he knew a gun had hit his side of the face, he barely felt any pain from the driving bullet. He couldn’t even remember how many guns were pointed at him for the rest of his life only to deform every bullet that made contact anywhere of his skin. The hardest material ever to exist in the world. And only to keep on getting tougher as his body attains extensive heights no human could begin to comprehend. Sean’s face looked smug as another being dared to defy him once again. ‘Damn, what should I do with all of you guys. I’m beyond disappointed.’ The accomplice who was at one moment looking at the god across the other side of the building suddenly shifted his entire view when he felt his feet dangling at air and his face pressing a very hard wall. His entire body was dragged up and down to a protuberant wall of tan colored fabric. He realized the swelling wall his face was being brushed on was no other than the swelling bulge of Sean. He felt his entire back of the head being cupped by a large hand. He looked up but only to see a 2 red glowing eyes looking down at him. Constantly moving up and down as Sean brushed the thief’s face at his bulge. Sean moved his head in the sight of the thief below then to Wellington only to add up to more arousal. ‘Ooohhh fuck. Oh I know why you called my attention. Robbing was the least of your desires. You wanted me to intervene at the first place right? You didn’t robbed any money even when you’ve already hostaged everyone right?Hmmmhhh Bet you want to see me.’ Sean’s hips were pushing it to the other thief’s face. The thief only struggled more as he felt the entire grip of his head compressing more and more. He could already feel his skull ready to burst and explode. All of his life to be wasted only for the excitement of this god. ‘There you have it boys. A premium account. Just savor all this body and muscle while you still can. Hmmmff. Ohhh my. Come on now. You wanna know what’s the prize forpossesing too much power?This. Sean pressed the thief’s head onto his bulge and only to be pressed once again by Sean’s hips. Can you feel this. Huhh? Sean really wanted to reach climax but he already felt the police outside getting in. So instead, he moved his head up to the side and closed his eyes for the last time and unleashed 2 red beams of light that burned upward and hit the rope where the grandiose 9 ft chandelier was hanging. ‘BZZZZ’ ‘AAAAHHHHHH’ This unleashing of beam was enough to fuel out a few of the energy he is already having. Or else, another growth spurt would soon course through his body. But even from his restrain, Wellington in his hands and his friend at Sean’s bulge could feel a sudden addition of size. They felt it, Wellington felt as Sean’s skin expands on the touch of them. This was a short relief for Wellington as he felt Sean’s grip getting loosened from the growth. His friend on the other part of Sean’s body could feel the hardening manhood inside but at the same time, he could feel the fabric stretching and becoming thin. In any moment, ready to be ripped and unleash a hardened mammoth cock. The wheezing sound of Sean’s eye beam continued on for a moment when the thief felt the inner side of the fabric his face were being stroked on was becoming wet. He felt as the wet substance who was Sean’s pre cum oozed out of his spandex shorts and even dampened the fabric that also dampened the thief’s face. The police who were shortly stopped by the falling chandelier after blocking their way inside finally saw Sean holding the two thieves in his hands and the other at his crotch. The Major Police Officer felt the need to interrupt whatever Sean was doing. He was unsure of what was happening so he called out. ‘McConley, that’s enough. The police will take care of them’. Sean just heard the police officer and looked straight at them. At this time, his eyes were no longer flaring. Sean loosened both his grip. The fall of the two were high from the ground especially to Wellington who were lifted up higher. ‘THUD’ Sean looked down at his frightened victims who could no longer move to stand as Wellington was still coughing and the other thief,…. What Sean saw astonished him. The other thief was brushing his wet side of the cheeks after it was dampened by Sean’s pre-cum. The thief then used his hand he used to wipe the scented cum and licked it. Enough cum to taste the manly remains of Sean. And it tasted good. Sean smiled. ‘Geez, I should have shared with you longer instead. You hungry ant. Who’s horny now? Huh?’ Sean placed his both hands at his waist. Sean was finally with himself for a slight moment as he was still holding the same urge of growth earlier. Then he heard a familiar voice from his super sense of hearing. ---‘Dr. Addams, you know he’ll be here soon. We can wait for your test he’s probably on something else right now’ --- Sean only looked to the police officer who ordered him earlier. Sean bent his knees into a low squat then ‘BOOM’ Sean flew upward in a very instant speed. Sean propelled himself with so much force that the two thieves was kicked out from the force and flew outward a good 5 feet away. The motion only adds another injury as parts of their ribs broke upon falling back to the ground ----------------------------------------Dr. Addam’s clinic--------------------------------- After I received Dr. Addam’s call. I immediately dressed up and head on to the parking lot at the ground floor. Like Sean’s Doctor, I am as eager as well to have a scientific insight of what’s with the rapid changes on Sean’s body. I fished out my keys and turned on the built in radio on my way. A habit I developed as a full time news reporter. I wasn’t exactly surprised at what was in the radio. It was Sean, again, mixed with buzzling voices of everyone in the scene. It was a bank robbery that for sure as hell, a very light task for Sean. Well, everything has nowhere to go but to become lighter and lighter when we’re talking about Sean. That man was destined for everything in the world to be futile around him. Luckily, Dr, Addams’ place was located far at the eastern side of the city. His personal clinic and what he also considered as his personal home was standing overlooking the coastline. This secluded place was perfect for Sean and I to temporarily shelter him as he was still on discovery of his powers a few years then. Back when he was more of a Supermanesque being than an actual god. I hopped of my car and rang the bell of Dr. Addam’s 1 story clinic. Though not an impressive building, I knew the big guns were at the back of this property. A very large hangar where lots of equipment that Sean has used to test his strength were stored and developed. Dr. Addams has a real fascination to Sean’s abilities that Sean slowly considered him very obsessed. So obsessed that it was no longer about Sean’s infinite growth and power but as Sean felt the lustful attitude Dr. Addams has shown. The door opened and I was greeted by the 37 year old man bearded with age. Quite honestly, Dr. Robert Addams could be a very fine man when I imagined himself young. He was tall, well-built and has a pretty youthful face even for his age. ‘Jan! I didn’t expect you to be here so soon’ The Dr. hugged me. I accepted his warm welcome and he led me to his office room where we were to have a short chitchat while waiting for the Man to come. ‘I thought Sean will come with you on your way here. Oh, I’m not going to ask you where he is because I already saw it in the news. Actually, I think you came just the right time. The incident was actually about to settle when you rang the bell’ Dr. Addams was fixing his lab coat and grabbed a few of his pen ’Yeah, I know. Uhmm Dr. Addams, you know he’ll be here soon. We can wait for your test he’s probably on something else right now. Why don’t you just explain to me first what was happeni.…’ ‘THUD!’ I didn’t have the chance to finish my sentence when a strong quake rattled the entire ground. All the pictures and apparatus was swaying back and forth. A few glassed Lab equipment were also shattered from the vibrations. The dust in the ceiling fell off from the roof from the impact. A phenomenon that only one nexus being capable to create. We heard another thud of 2 footsteps but only a bit lighter. The first impactful one must have been his landing. But his footsteps already enough to cause nausea to both me and the Doctor. We were holding onto something waiting for the quake to stop but was only put onto another shock as the entire window pane turned dark and as if everything outside was turning dark. But still it was safe to know at the same time, that it was just the wide expanse of Sean’s godly body that was looming over the entire building. ‘Tap Tap’ Both our heads turned toward the sound that came from one window where Sean’s large fingers were tapping. ‘OUTSIDE!’ We both panicked as we heard the loud ominous voice of Sean outside. His voice became louder. We stumbled on our feet on our way outside using the back door exit that would led us to where Sean was standing. When we got out, Dr. Addams and I made a surprised look as we saw no longer an ordinary fit man proportioned to only to accommodate his height. But Sean was instead magnified more and more. From the last time I saw him this morning, he was 16.7 ft. But compared to now? He sure added a good another 5 ft. in my own estimate. Sean was staring at our surprised look as the two of us shrank in front of him. He placed his hands on his hips and I saw how his Spandex shorts that was surprisingly colored with tan were trying its best to contain whatever that python size he was trying to hide. To add my surprise, I saw a darkened round spot in his crotch. I would joke him as a child peeing in his pants but Sean’s statuesque should be taken as a joke. This man, my boyfriend ejaculated on his way or when he dealt with those thieves? Sean looked at us with a very handsome smile. Both radiating a worried eyes but all in all, an amused look. ‘Sean? What the!? I said exasperatedly ‘FUCK?? YEAH, WE’LL HAVE A TALK ABOUT THAT LATER’. Sean looked at me with a bright smile and then turned his look at Dr. Addams. He gave him a very bossy look that only frightened whatever fear the Doctor has in him. ‘AS FOR YOU, WHY DON’T WE GO ON THE TESTS ALREADY? WHAT DID I TELL YOU ABOUT NOT NEEDING ANOTHER ONE? Sean grabbed Dr. Addams by the collar in between his thumb and index finger. Sean brought him to his face. Dr. Addams only looked as tall as Sean’s arm. He has grown a lot just for a few hours. Sean for a brief moment looked with a stern eye. But as he absorbed his current size compared to the ever so tiny Dr. hanging in his fingers. He shifted a stern look to a soft chuckle. ‘DANG! WHY IS EVERYBODY SHRINKING!? YOU’LL JUST KEEP ON GIVING ME REASONS TO GROW’. Sean laughed and Dr. Addams had to cover his ear from this young God’s voice. Chapter 5 ------------------------------------------6 years ago---------------------------------------- ‘You sure you aren’t coming?’ A question my roommate, Matthew, has asked me while I was pretending to skim all my papers scattered on my desk. An act of concealment for my disinterest to attend the unceremonious party held tonight for the victorious feat of our University Soccer’s Team. To which, unsurprisingly, McConley ended the game as this season’s MVP. A notable MVP award for the entire University Soccer’s League history since Sean was the first ever player to be awarded only at his first match as a first year athlete. ‘No. I’ll just pass tonight Matthew. I have stuff to do and it’s on due tomorrow’. Simultaneously raising the paper I was holding in my hand to emphasize what I meant about work. ‘False work’. Matthew meanwhile was grabbing his coat as he listened on my babble while I uttered a false excuse. Honestly, I’m quite unsure of my disinterest. I sure attended several of this events in the past even though I had little to no company in going. A hollow attempt to socialize as an introverted gay guy who just doesn’t want attention. I really am not a fan of procrastination and so the ‘stuff’ I meant earlier was already done a few weeks ago. Maybe I was just drained and unmotivated or was I just using an excuse to deny the invitation so I wouldn’t expose myself to another interaction I would probably have with Sean. It was almost 3 months of me walking around campus only redirecting my way whenever I saw Sean heading to my path. Sometimes, I would see him first or him seeing me that often resulted in the two of us unintentionally meeting eye to eye whenever I pirouette my attention to the surroundings. A stare that would often last long more than 10 seconds. The kind of look a person would give when there’s a gut feeling of talking to someone only to hold back due to humiliation or fright of intimidation. We have been avoiding connection after I witnessed him accidentally creating a hole in the locker room after he saved me from the falling 50 lbs dumbbell falling on my head 3 months ago. The whole campus the next day was in complete shocked of the anonymous hole that just suddenly appeared. Most of the Soccer Team, Sean included, was put in question on the mysterious hole that unsuspectingly, were the ones who used the rooms the evening before. The dumbbell that hits the wall was nowhere to be found either. But all of them denied anything that has to do with it. Sean lied about being there last and his friends backed him up in providing a false alibi that they all left the room in unison. Who would even dare to create a false accusation on a hulking being like Sean that could disentangle a person’s jaw by the expanse of his arm? Kelsey, who I caught having an intimate moment with Sean didn’t spoke any word about it. Afraid of suspension if the campus knows what She and Sean did. As for me, no one would suspect a quiet, invisible, and not athletic nerdy student to walk inside the locker room. Even if I dare to involve myself, I could envision the look of grimaced of everyone. I could hear a possible rumor spreading that a gay student has fed his fetish in the boy’s locker room peaking behind the soccer athletes as they undress and wet themselves of sweat after an entire afternoon practice. Especially that the finest man to ever walk on campus was on the team. I was starting to create a false memory in my head as I saw trickles of water sprawling in the majestic body of Sean. His hands brushing his dampened hair as he tried his best to cleanse the dirt and the virile sweat that I could already smell from a distance. The motion of his lifting arm has caused his biceps to roll in protrude in big ball exposing his hairy pits. Sean moved his palms to the wall letting the smooth flow of shower to fully wet his body. I saw the tiled wall starting to have cracks as he inadvertently pushed more hand mass force to the wall that crumbled the brittle structure. I was having a hard on when Matthew spoke things about what happened to the game that contributed more to my Euphoria. ‘Dude! You should’ve been there earlier. The game was intense. The other team had called more medics than to add more in their scores. Damn! When they said McConley was a beast, it was just an understatement. He literally bulldozed most of the other team player’, man. It’s like everyone who was in his way just kept on breaking another bone or sent flying outwards. There was one time he kicked the ball so strong that it accidentally hit the goal keeper in the head. That poor guy only regained consciousness when he was already strapped in the spinal board’ Matthew’s utterance of the event only added to my already hardened cock. I had to press it between my legs afraid of Matthew seeing a bulge in my pants. The events of the locker room just went on a flashback in my mind. ‘Really?But wasn’t he put on break. I mean, isn’t that inappropriate for a game and for him to continue?’ I asked curiously. ‘Of course man, he was put on break. But Sean didn’t looked exhausted for a break at all. He was just put on pause after one of his kicks exploded the first soccer ball. Coach Parker must have thought Sean was super game faced. That man looked intense. He could injure all the team in there. But fortunately, halfway during the game, the other team realized they should avoid Sean when he’s with the ball. Or else they would need to put those injured players back. They were out of men when Sean returned in the field. Hahha’ I was just left speechless of Matthew’s news. It wasn’t just a coincidence perhaps. Sean must have onto something. There’s no way a normal man could injure another team buy himself. It was just unordinary. Finally, Matthew decided to head outside as he finished his news about Sean. ‘Oh ok Jan. I should probably go by now. I know Sean would be there. He’s the MVP. You sure you don’t want to see him?’ Matthew said teasingly me with a wink giving me that ‘I knew you would give in to that’ look. Matthew was one of the first person who knew I had thing for men. And teasing me against a guy like Sean was the most obvious choice he could use against me. Sean was just that appealing even for guys. Matthew was my roommate. But instead of utter denial, my expression failed me when Matthew saw me blushing red and in silence, I was caught. ‘Whatever, bye Jan’ Matthew said with a giggle closing the door behind. Right at the moment after Matthew closed the door, I stood up and went to the knob and closed it. I ran straight to the bathroom and closed the door again. Matthew’s story had sent my Euphoria to extreme places. I felt my hormones rushing. A spike of my testosterone has boosted my horny state. Putting my fingers in the strap of my pajamas, I pushed it down together with my boxers. My 4-inch cock tried its best to stood up and be in a hardened state. I grabbed hold of the shaft and slowly brushed it up and down from the base along as I continued my lustful imagination earlier where Sean was washing his body and crunching the brittle wall in the boy’s shower room. I moved my hands up to my cock. Imagining how this small cock of mine was so small next to Sean’s. I haven’t seen his once yet but this did not stop me from creating my own version of Sean’s mammoth cock. It’s unequivocal to say Sean had the humungous size of cock given by his height and immense size. Almost everyone had their fair dumbfounded moments as they were put on pause admiring the subtle bulge that was often visible when Sean wears pants, jeans, and even in his soccer jersey shorts for most of the time. I recalled Sean’s moans when I saw him lifting Kelsey up and down his thighs. But I replaced Kelsey with myself. I was the one kissing him, travelling my tongue along his neck. I can feel his pecs hitting my soft and fragile body in every humps he and I both make. Sean continued to moan as we felt all the walls in the locker room shake from his ominous moans. I’m not exactly sure why I included fantasizing about that. I travelled my hand in Sean’s firm bulge the same way I caught Kelsey brushing it. The sensation of my hands stroking my cock helped me in that fantasy and I moved my eyes up my eyelid as a few drops of cum spewed out from my cock slit. By the last tiny drop of cum I unleashed, I was left exhausted and ready to head on the bed for sleep. My body was layed flat in my bed for a good 20 minutes and I felt my consciousness drifting somewhere else. A repercussion of the sudden drop of my endorphin levels after I reach climax. My eyelids started to close gradually when a phone rang across the room. I stood up thinking it was mine or my alarm since I have a different ringtone. Otherwise, Matthew might have left his phone, again. Convincing myself to stood up notwithstanding the drowsy feeling, I head on to Matthew’s side of the bed. There I saw a rectangular light emitting from the blanket sheets. I pulled the blanket and turned it to the side and there was the phone of Matthew ringing with an anonymous number. I hit the green button to answer the call. ‘Sean!!!? Hey man, is this you?’ I heard the familiar voice of Matthew on the other side. I also felt the upbeat music playing a far distance around him. So I had the thought of Matthew being at the party already. ‘Yes. You left your phone’. I replied. ’Oh thank goodness. I thought I lost it again on the way here. This is from my friend’s phone by the way. Uhmm are you still up? I think I’m going back to the dorm and fetch that. I just need to find a ride around here. Uhmm, just wait. Please don’t hang up yet.’ As much as I want to wait for Matthew to come along and grab the phone, my drowsiness has already vanished and It would take the rest of the night to go back to sleep again. So I offered Matthew in return to make use of the remaining time. Besides, I can already hear a drunk Matthew from the way he formulates his words. ‘You know what Matthew? I already finished my homework. Maybe I’ll just head there and give you this instead so you won’t have to ask for ride back and forth’ I willingly offered. ’Really? Are you sure? You know what? I wouldn’t reject that if that’s what you want. I also highly doubt I could find someone to drive me there. Everyone was enjoying the night! WOAAH!’ I pulled the phone distant from my ear after Matthew shouted with a loud voice that broke the stereo. ‘Okay Okay. Just wait, I’ll just change my clothes’ ‘Yeah! Oh and don’t worry, I’ll find us a ride back there. Thank you man’ ----------------------------At the University Gymnasium/Venue------------------------ I didn’t change my sleeping clothes but only over wore it with a coat and boots to cover my body from the shivering cold night as I walk towards the venue. From a distance, I could already hear the music and mixture of people’s voices inside the Gymnasium. Mostly, shouts coming from the soccer players who were the celebrants of the night. I was few steps towards the door when I saw cars and a 24 ft truck used for loading heavy equipment. A truck that can be often seen when another family moves in the neighborhood. The truck has a spray painted white body and a rolling back door. I peeked at the sides only to see the logo of ‘Alice’s catering and events services’. The Dean must have sponsored this victory party with foods and decorations. https://www.movers4you.ca/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/24-Ft-Box-Straight-Truck.jpg Passing the doors in the venue has introduced me with loud voices coming from people and the music. Different colored disco lights were scintillating the entire gym. Thinking that the school has anticipated the victory of the team was a good assumption to make. This looked more prepared than what I expected from an unceremonious party. I spanned out my sight to search for Matthew in the sea of people dancing, drinking and playing in the center floor. And there he was already slightly tripping as he walk heading towards my direction. ‘Lewis! You came! Dude, Thank you. I owe you one now’ I fished out Matthew’s phone from my coat pocket and handed it to him. ‘Here, why don’t you ask for a food, drink, or whatever is in there and you can sit at the bleachers or talk to someone you know. It won’t take long so don’t worry. The party is already ending so we’ll be heading home soon. Thank you very much. Muwahh’ To my surprise, Matthew cupped my cheeks with both his hands and brushed his cheeks in the hind part of his palm that were touching my cheeks. From a different perspective, it would look like Matthew kissed me if it weren’t for the hand in between our cheeks. The scent of alcohol came out of Matthew’s breathe that I attempted to part my face during our cheek to cheek moment. Matthew then turned around and left me in edge of the crowded people. The band and the disco jockey where at the other side of the gym. They were elevated a good feet above the floor so I had a good view from standing near the exit doors. I also saw a few familiar faces of Sean’s teammates up the stage jumping and each wearing a formal wear. I tried to look for a vacant seat on the left and right sides of the gym where guys like me used to stay overlooking the entire population of students as they enjoyed their youthful life while I was ostracized. There I found a perfect spot on the far right side of the bleachers where lights won’t reach me I’ll be the black knight sitting at the edge of the tallest tower in Gotham witnessing the entire people below as they commit the very unusual crimes during the night. A perfect spot. I took just a few steps towards that direction when I felt something immense brushing the underside of my arm. The snake-like sensation went on for a few seconds until I felt a large palm pressing my stomach halting me in place. I tried resisting the force as I knew this was an arm coming from a larger human. I felt the solidity of the palm as it effortlessly coiled my upper body. I looked down and saw the veiny hands of the mysterious guy. I had an initial intuition of who it might be but I was too afraid to process my thought since the other latter could be that I was now in the hands of another school jock to prey on me for the rest of the night. I turned my head around so that the palms where now pressing my back instead. I caught the familiarity as the hands pressed my back. The similar feeling when Sean let me lean on to him during that Locker room incident. And by no mistake, I was right. It was Sean McConley in a tight white polo shirt buttoned up completely. An unprepared necktie is hanging around his cervical area. My thought of process was shut in place when I saw the novice face of Sean. His ocean eyes staring down at me once again recalling that exact moment of feeling I had during the last incident 3 months ago. https://ibb.co/bP4z4MY ‘Sean?’ An expression of shock was all over my face. ‘I’m sorry Jan. But I need to talk to you’. Sean said with a deep masculine voice that I felt vibrating my entire body travelling from his chest to his arms and to his palm that was supporting my spine. ‘No. I’m sorry too but I have to go’. I tried pushing his entire upper body from mine but I was helpless. Sean was unfazed by my repelling movement. The more I push myself outward, his arms would just make my body closer and closer to his until I felt both my front body touching his. I felt it all. From the outlines of his pecs, the ridges of his strong abdomen, his biceps touching my own arm as he flexed a little in exerting a bit force, and even the bulge that touched my naval. It was a short memory as I felt a good 6 inches rod, surely flaccid, sandwiched by his thighs and my stomach. Even in between the fabric, I felt all the immensity of a man could have while hiding barely. Sean brought me up his shoulders as I squirm myself to repulse whatever he was planning on doing. Sean lifted me like a child as I kicked my feet in the air heading outside the venue. I had a good view of his back as he curled his right arm around my body. His shoulder blades supporting my entire body weight like I was nothing. The broad expanse of his back was larger than my own, doubled. I saw hints of stretched fabric. The seams of his white polo short parting in each side. His muscles ready to burst out at any moment. Sean finally found a place so the two of us could talk. He puts me down and stood up in his immense height. In my point of view, my head is few inches lower than his shoulders. I haven’t seen the height difference earlier since Sean was crouching down over my body. Even if this was our 3rd close interaction, I obviously felt Sean was taller the last time I saw him. But that was the least of my concerns now. I observed my surroundings and noticed we were at the back side of the 24 ft truck I passed walking earlier. The perfect hideout for the two of us. Especially for Sean where all other cars parked could not hide his height. The average roof of cars would only rich his elbow. ‘What do you want? If it’s about that locker incident, that was 3 months ago and I assure you, I didn’t mention anything about that day to anyone. Now if you could just go inside and leave …’ I was stuttering most of this words talking in front of Sean. Sean then rested his hands in his pouch listening to me. As I’m nearing to approach the end of my sentence, Sean shushed me through putting his index finger vertically across my lips. A motion I didn’t expect to turn out sexier as I felt Sean’s virile scent coming from his fingers. A scent I began to have familiarity. It’s like Sean has been constantly beating his meat and smearing his pre-cum all over his hands every time we lost sight of him. ‘Quiet! I don’t care whose fault was that, but why were you avoiding me?’ Sean asked still giving me that innocent yet naughty look. ‘Me?’ I pretended to look guilt free ‘Yes, you. So stop your act and answer me’ Sean’s question has left me aghast as I try to think of an excuse. Was it about the incident causing us an unsure punishment after a school property was damaged? Or was I frightened at Sean’s unexplained show of strength? I tried searching for the best answer but formulating single word was hard enough. So instead of lying, I replied. ‘I don’t know. I’m not sure of what I saw that moment Sean. And I promised myself to be left unbothered but I know I’ll just keep on recalling that moment in my head. It was unexplained. So I thought avoiding you was a choice. We weren’t talking before, so I don’t see the point of me not talking to you was any of your concern now’ Sean removed his hands from my mouth when I uttered my first sentence. I was crestfallen as I would prefer to have the divine smell of Sean. He returned his hands at his pouch and stared at me. I just can’t control my feeling as I felt my cock becoming alive hiding behind my pajama shorts. Luckily, if it weren’t for my oversized coat, It would be a hard time both speaking and hiding my erecting dick simultaneously. Sean always had this effect on me. ‘Yes Jan, we’ve barely talked before but I can’t stop thinking about what’s in you either’ I felt blushing in my cheeks. The shadowed night has saved me a lot to hide my reddened face after Sean’s last statement. Was I expecting all this time differently? But no, I had to make sure first. ‘What do you mean?’ I asked having a slight hope. Sean looked at the 24 ft catering truck beside us. He walked closer towards it and my gaze followed his movements. ‘Uhmm, Here, let me show you. Why don’t you just move back a little’ I have no idea what was about to happen. Upon following his order, Sean just bent his knees, squatting lower since his knees were almost the same level as the truck’s bumper. I saw the seams of his Pants rip as the materials could no longer hold the confines as his quads flexed harder and harder as he bent. Sean puts his hands at the bottom edge of the truck. We both heard a squelching sound of metal underneath the truck’s frame the moment he grabbed hold of the bumper. ‘Sean? What are you doing?’ I asked. ’Jan, you’re the first person I will tell and show about this but I was innately stronger than any of you. I mean, I had an abnormality when it comes to my strength. I can lift more than what I’m supposed to lift. Or what an average human my age can. Let’s just say I’m above average? But I don’t think I was just a few exemption until I discovered this after the incident’. I remained a good sight at Sean while he was talking. He was constantly fixing his stance and knees on what the better position should he start on. At the last of his sentence, Sean looked up at the sky. He was exerting a strong immobile force when I saw veins coming out of his throat. The veins were travelling up his head as he flexed harder, stronger. If the weight of the truck were to be reshaped into a heavy weights, Sean was no doubt performing a dead lift. ‘Hmmpff. Ahh come on! I’m there!’ I heard Sean’s voice as he exerted more force. ‘Sean? Are you okay? What are you doing?’ Sean must have felt my footsteps approaching him. ‘No! Stay there. I got this’. The strain in his voice just didn’t help his struggle so I had to trust him in this and avoid disturbance. A few seconds later, I saw the Truck vibrate a bit and the back tires creating a sound as if a good weight was removed on top of them. There I finally saw what was Sean was doing. The back tires were slowly lifting from the ground. Sean was finally bent lesser than before. But I saw something quite noticeable. The ripped seams of his shirt were now bigger than before. As if his body stuffed more mass and volume that the fabric could no longer house it inside. ‘Yeah! Here it is. Are you watching? Jan? Look at this, I’m all settled’ The sight over everything in front of me was overwhelming. It was hard to form any words in response to Sean. Sean was literally lifting the back of the truck. As far as I noticed, the longer he stayed in that position continuously adding more force, Sean’s face was slowly returning into an effortless look. An abatement of his strength. The Tires of the truck was now almost 2 ft from the ground. And Sean now has straightened his back. His entire biceps was flexing during his feat causing his sleeves to rip starting from the selvage. His vainly packed arms could replace my thighs as his arms and my thighs could now have the same girth size. Compared to my thighs, these were full of hard muscles and less fat. Sean turned his head and looked at me. Giving me that sweaty handsome face. Sean’s breathing came from relaxed to breathing continuously and back to the relaxed state. ‘Sean? Okay I get it now. You can put it down. That would injure your back’. I uttered with a voice of concern. But Sean just ignored me. Instead of lowering the entire weight back to the ground. Sean gave me a smile and turned his attention to his arms admiring his own muscle as it struggled from the weight. ‘Damn, I haven’t felt this pumped for a long time. What do you think Jan? Should I lift it more? Huh? Like this? No wonder why all my teammates always praise me for lifting more than they could’ Sean further lifted it up. His arms pivoting up. The entire weight of back of the truck were now supported by Sean’s arms. I felt Sean’s body shake as he lifted the bumper until it was the same level as his chin. ‘Uuuurrghhh. Come on. More. I’m near there. Uuuurggghh’. Sean successfully lifted the entire back of the truck until it was in a diagonal form. The back of the truck at almost 8 ft from the ground. An eight feet difference from Sean’s height added by the 2 arms stretched upward supporting the weight. I can now see the entire bush of Sean’s exposed pit as his shirt failed to contain him any longer. But the silence was completely replaced of utensils, boxes and steel things falling from shifting it unusually from the horizontal position inside the truck. But thanks to the loud music inside the venue, no one heard about the chaos outside where the trucks were parked. ‘Okay that’s it’ With after proving his point, Sean lowered the entire truck back to the ground. But this time, it was different, Sean lowered all that weight he struggled earlier with ease. Sean bent down and removed his hands from the bumper. Sean turned towards me. I tried to move closer to Sean and admire whatever else I could contain more what I just recently discovered. Sean wasn’t huge and muscular. He possessed a strength of more than hundred men. ‘Wow. Not bad for testing a truck for the first time’ Sean gave himself double bicep pose and spreads his entire back. Another sound of fabric ripping can be heard as he did so. Sean kissed his mountainous biceps while my smaller and fragile self was staring endlessly at his posture. Earlier, I was lower than his shoulders, but now, I could clearly see I am leveled at Sean’s human head’s size pecs. I just swallowed a gob of spit as I admire the mythical being in front looming above me. Sean returned his attention at me and smiled. ‘You like this?’ --------------------------------------------present------------------------------------------- ‘YOU LIKE THIS?’ I drifted back to consciousness as I saw my 21.8 ft gigantic boyfriend still dressed in his tan colored boxer shorts, lifting and examining a similar 24 ft catering truck from 6 years ago. Meanwhile, Dr. Addams was setting up his equipment and computers for the test. I remembered it clearly how he was grinding hard in lifting the entire back of the truck when at nearly 7 ft in height. But that version of Sean would cower to what he would become 6 years later. Now, Sean was looking back in the truck he was lifting and continuously lifting and turning it 360°. It’s as if he were lifting the biggest pillow at the store with how easily he was flipping it and examining everything around it. As if Sean were not lifting 13 tons of weight in his hands. Sean looked at me again when he didn’t receive any answer. ‘BABY!? HEY!’ Sean must have noticed me drifting from somewhere else as I was staring intently at my massive boyfriend’s muscle,admiring his strength and endless power. So Sean took a small tiptoeing motion. The softest tap of his toes immediately rattled the entire hangar as I lost my balance a little and felt a slight vibration that made me dizzy for a moment. I looked at him again but with confusion. ‘I SAID, DO YOU LIKE THIS?’ ‘What? Where?’ Sean transferred all the truck’s weight in one hand,lazily sandwiching it between his sideand arm like a pillow. Sean chuckled and rolled his eyes. Sean used his other free hand to point out what he was referring to. ‘I MEANT THIS.’ Then I realized what Sean was talking about. His new costume. His tan colored boxers. I answered, staring at the bulge where the dark wet spot was now slowly drying up. ‘Yes, if only you hadn’t peed on it’. I teasingly replied. ‘WHAT!? THAT’S NOT PEE. YOU KNOW PRETTY DAMN WELL I CAN HOLD BACK PEE. IT’S… UGHHH I CAN’T HELP IT’. Chapter 6 ‘Okay, Sean. As usual, the weights for strength will be tested out later. So first, if you have anything stored for us, you’re free to show it now.’ A soothing voice of Dr. Addams is echoing everywhere as he spoke these words in front of the microphone connected to the speakers that vibrated the entire hangar. Dr. Addams and I are standing inside a control room entirely covered with a specialized glass material hardened to protect us from whatever accidents may occur at any time. Looking at my side where the doctor was crouching in front to reach the microphone, and his palms resting on a table where buttons and screens are visible, I noticed his forehead still sweating after Sean facetiously picked him up by the collar earlier, with only the giant’s fingers. The Doctor is still having that state of shock from Sean’s sudden movements. He unanticipated everything he witnessed. From Sean’s developed physique, Sean’s heightened stature to Sean’s immediate shift of expression. We both remembered Sean looking threatening when he picked up the poor guy only to be replaced by his rumbling laugh after not containing himself as he saw their massive difference in size. ‘DANG! WHY IS EVERYBODY SHRINKING!? YOU’LL JUST KEEP ON GIVING ME REASONS TO GROW’. These were the exact words that almost damaged the Doctor’s ears due to his body’s proximity to Sean. Even if I was standing in the ground, mesmerized by Sean did not guarantee my safety as I also covered my ears from the godly voice. If it hadn't been for the attempt to protect both our hearing, Dr. Addams had probably lost the sense to hear. ‘OKAY, COOL’ I turned my gaze to the person who owned that ground-shaking voice. Sean is on the other side of the glassed wall. He turned around to face us and bent down to put the truck he was holding to the ground. Sean stood up and was not comfortable with the space he was in. The truck in his feet only contributed to the tight feeling of his surroundings so Sean swayed his right leg and kicked the 13 tonne truck to the sides. This action caused the truck to roll on its sides. The thing felt the huge impact from Sean’s kick as it halted in the far side of the hangar with a dented part. It landed in an odd position and did not look functional at all. A look of pride can only be seen in my boyfriend’s face as another fragile thing loses its integrity from his effortless kick. Sean started showing his invisibility. He is like a bulb switching on and off as his body keeps on glitching. It’s like he just erased his existence in reality, every time he went invisible. Dr. Addams asked Sean what it feels like when he uses it. ‘What does it feel like using this Sean? Do you think you can hold it for how long?’ ‘HMMM, ACTUALLY DOC, IT’S LIKE NOTHING, IT’S NOT DRAINING ANY OF MY ENERGY AT ALL. IT’S LIKE TWISTING A KNOB AND HOLDING IT TO KEEP THE DOORS UNLOCKED. AND I THINK I CAN HOLD IT LIKE FOREVER! I COULD JUST REPOSITION MY WRIST SO I CAN KEEP THE KNOB IN A TWISTED PLACE. YOU GET THAT?’ Sean is looking up at the ceiling thinking of the best metaphor he could provide. An ability as usual as this can be barely comprehended by normal humans like us. What are we to perceive anything a god can? Nothing. Sean proceeded on the next power he wanted to show. But Sean couldn’t focus on doing it inside the hangar so he requested to test it outside. Dr. Addams let Sean’s request but the doctor and I instilled it to be inside and watch on screen for another precaution. Starting from lifting his arms at his sides with his biceps and palms facing up the ceiling, Sean looked at us with a sedated face. Every vein in his arms can be seen pumping a strong rush of blood traveling around his body. His shoulder’s striations pulsing from his slight exertion of strength. Sean slowly closed his eyes as he tried to dig deeper in his consciousness on how to activate this power. ‘I HAVEN’T TESTED THIS FOREHAND BUT I FELT IT THIS MORNING. I HAVE NO FAMILIARITY WITH THE ENERGY NEEDED YET BUT I THINK IT’S NOT MUCH……OHHH…..WAIT….. HAHAH…. THAT’S, OKAY. RIGHT, I’M RIGHT, IT’S NOT MUCH Sean’s eyelids opened up unveiling a weird-looking eyeball. Sean still kept that threatening look but it slowly became noticeable. The round pupil in his eyes no longer subsumed that oceanic blue pigment but instead replaced by a grey pupil. The color of his pupil forewarned me of something. It has a similar hue of the clouds coming up together darkening the land below. The grey-colored eyes of my lover resembled the similar sky that darkened the entire land as it signals an upcoming heavy rain. THUGGSSHHH..ZZZZ I jumped in hysteria as I heard bickering sounds of thunder from the sky outside. The skies lighted up for a very brief second brightening the entire land as streaks of lightning emerged from the heavens. I continued staring at Sean who still had that odd eye. He smiled at me as he hinted to me of what was happening. A minute ago, Sean’s arms were just lifted horizontally in a T position doing nothing but flexing a bit. Right now, as if the lights provided by Dr. Addam’s place was impotent to brighten up the area, the veins in his hands prominently towards the tip of his fingers, emit a hint of purplish-blue light. The straw-sized veins of Sean connected to the tiniest path of his arteries shone brighter resembling a streak of lightning as it wrapped around his arms. Sean closes both his fist tightly into a ball that formed 2 orbs of light at the end of his hands. All the bulbs scattered at the ceiling of the hangar did nothing but only somber more as the light in Sean’s fists continued to emit a stronger light. Slowly, the brightness became unbearable to his audience’s eyes as we tried to turn our gaze and shield our eyes with our arms. I could no longer see Sean behind the light but I felt it moving and swaying back and forth accompanied by loud footsteps. THUD THUD THUD! ‘OKAY, THIS COULD BLIND YOU ALREADY, I’LL JUST BE OUTSIDE’ The giant footsteps slowly lose their strength as Sean headed outside. Sean stepped at the grass and looked up at the sky, darkening upon his command. The clouds crumpled together blocking the entire view of the stars. The news weather in the entire country suddenly shifted drastically after an unpredicted climate change occuring at this hour. People in cities living nearby Dr. Addams were ordered to immediately evacuate. Unknown to everyone, their mighty savior was at fault for this alarming event. ‘What is he doing?’ I didn’t let the Doctor’s both confused and alarming voice bother me while I was staring straight at the screen looking at my boyfriend’s back. Sean was standing barefoot in the grass facing the ocean. His arms now were resting at his sides still shining brighter. The light almost damaged the camera from the glitching screen as it became too sensitive from the light my gargantuan boyfriend was producing. Sean faces upward to the sky as he lingers every ounce of energy travelling from something he can’t even explain yet to the tips of his hands. He felt the need to release the surge of energy after building it up. Sean lifted both his hands again and flexed his entire torso. He was performing another one of those bodybuilding aesthetic poses. https://i.ytimg.com/vi/7tTzVwHtGRI/maxresdefault.jpg Sean eases off his tight fist and small sparks of lightning come out from his fingertips. He raised it up in the sky while it shone brighter and the small streaks of his own lightning coming out and spanning everything that is conductive. Few screens darkened when one of Sean’s versions of lightning struck the cameras outside. Sean raised his right hand higher than the other, flexing it more and more. The gradual strain he kept on adding in his arms only added to the blinding light. The cameras left could no longer capture the end of Sean’s recital of power. The last clip we only saw on the screen was the flexing posture of Sean while his raised hands illuminate. The screen went white for a short second then it blackened as all the electricity in the entire building went out of power. The entire room we were in was completely obscured by darkness. From outside, the doctor and I heard a loud thunder of lightning. We felt how close the sound originated nearby the hangar and not coming from the clouds up in the sky. Back then, I thought the sound of lightning from the sky was deafening. But it was a different deafening moment when the lightning is sourcing out from a closer distance. When the lightning was produced by someone’s body. The exploding sound did not just weaken our legs but also provided a white noise in our ears. For a moment, I thought I was completely deaf. We would later know that Sean’s act of flexing contributed a lot to unleash the power building up inside him. He described the feeling in detail when a lightning came out at his fingertips hitting the clouds above him. Darkness was what we all saw and we only relied on what we heard outside. The white noise elapsed and everything went silent for a moment. A short second of drizzling rain and then a strong current of rain came after from the clouds. Suddenly, the light in the hangar came back to life. Each light was turned on successively. Every engine roared of power upon receiving a surge of electricity. I was crouching down and shielding my ears when I heard Sean’s footsteps that rumbled the ground. Sean’s fingertips were emitting another of those tiny lightning. I cast around and saw it again inside the hangar. The lightning was now shooting out of Sean’s fingertips like a web of power through pointing his finger in each of the bulbs in the ceiling. He uses his index finger again and whooshes it as it releases a streak of electricity. Sean’s other hand was resting at his hips while his other hand was doing all the work. Sean uses his power to be a human generator providing every equipment inside of the voltages it needs to power it on. If I will compare him to another comic character, he’s more than fit to become Thor, God of Thunder. I looked at my majestic boyfriend’s hair as it was slightly dampened from the rain. He always looks hotter when he is out of the shower and this rain is the closest thing he could have for now. Later on, Dr. Addams would describe this ability of Sean as Electricity and Weather Manipulation. The Weather thing still is just a theory since all of us are unsure of which really depends. It could be that Weather is just a side effect when Sean uses electricity or it can be used separately or both hand in hand. And besides, rain was the only weather Sean has tried. Knowing Sean, he is always up to be challenged. ‘HONESTLY, I WAS JUST THINKING OF RAIN WHEN I FELT THE CLOUDS MOVING CLOSER TOGETHER. I KNEW THAT THE FRICTION CAUSES THE LIGHTNING TO COME OUT AND THAT EXCITED ME A LOT. BUT I BET I COULD CREATE A HAIL STORM OR A SNOW AMIDST THE SEASON, DOCTOR’ As if the damage done by Sean isn’t enough to exhaust his energy, Sean offered to test it again for his amusement. But Dr. Addams had enough for that power and he is too afraid of casualties from the other side of the country. A man could have been hit by one of those lightning. The doctor couldn’t even begin to think of the possibilities if Sean tries it for another one. ‘No, Thank you Sean. That’s enough for today. I think we should stop here for now. You could try your theory about your powers any time you’re going to save a place or whatever. You could send snow to tropical countries next time to test it out. Jokes aside, I’m not sure if my equipment for testing your strength is safe to use after that power interruption. I should check it first. Maybe you could do it in another time while I work on this new….powers you had’ Before heading home, Sean let Dr. Addams and I work on measuring his body Stats. Dr. Addams mentioned a device he is working on. It was a chip he could plant into Sean so we won’t have to measure Sean manually. I thought it was a reasonable alternative since Sean is becoming too tall for me to measure. I would have to stand on top of an entire two story house to measure my boyfriend’s height. ‘YOU GUYS ARE THAT SMALL?’ Sean joked. Dr. Addams walked us out of his clinic. Well, it was only the two of us since Sean couldn’t pass inside the tight confines of Dr. Addams’ place. So he flew up instead and met me on the other side. ‘DOCTOR? I THINK YOU SHOULD RENOVATE AND EXPAND YOUR PLACE. I CAN FIT HERE NO MORE. SAY WHAT? UHMMM JUST ASK ME. I’M UP FOR SOME DEMOLITION’ My boyfriend gave us a front biceps pose as he uttered his offer. There is no doubt he could ruin the Doctor’s place in one stroke. After saying our goodbyes, we are walking towards my car. Sean is behind me, pacing carefully, afraid to accidentally step his tiny lover in a mush. I had to walk faster since Sean had to adjust his footsteps. A little to him is too much for me. He could cover the distance I had to take to reach my car in just 3-4 wide steps. His legs were almost triple my height. If Sean is at normal height and downsizes himself to fit our current proportion, Sean can be mistaken as a guy walking out his puppy. On our way, Sean spoke. ‘YOU STILL REMEMBER OUR FIRST TIME THERE, DO YOU?’ I am constantly looking up at his handsome face while giving my replies. ‘Yes! Of course. Why do you ask?’ Sean must have realized he just puts himself in a hot seat when I ask him back. He raised his right hand at the back of his head and scratched it from his embarrassment. He was like a shy teenage boy asking someone out on a date based on his expression and body language. Even from that Alpha Male persona people always perceive him to, he still sometimes had that cute innocent boy in times he tried to talk to me. ‘UMMM. COME ON! YOU KNOW WHY I’M ASKING JAN. I BET YOU LIKE THAT PLACE MORE THAN THE DOCTOR DO. HAHA I STILL REMEMBER ME FUCKING YOU THERE WHEN YOU FIRST MET ROBERT.’ Sean at first was blushing red telling me all those. He was right, Dr. Addams’ clinic is a special place that helped our relationship grow. Sean and I did our first there. As a matter of fact, that is where I lose my virginity to Sean. ‘DAMN! THAT WAS GOOD OLD TIMES. WHO WOULD’VE THOUGHT? BACK THEN, I CAN HARDLY FIT MY DICK IN YOUR TINY ASS. BUT NOW? MAN! I COULDN’T EVEN FIT MY BOD IN THAT TINY BUILDING TO FUCK YOU INSIDE. HAHA TALK ABOUT GROWING! I NEED TO PENETRATE MY COCK IN THAT CUBE FIRST BEFORE I GET INTO YOUR HOLE. GGGRRR FUCK!’ I paused my footsteps halfway to my car as I heard Sean’s babble ended up in his stricken voice. When I looked at his face, I was baffled at what I saw. Was he really in pain? Or pleasure? The new boxers of Sean did serve as proof that Sean is having another erection after hearing sounds of stretched fabric accommodating his growing manhood. ‘Sean? Are you okay?’ Sean looked down at me with only one eye as he tried to conceal the feeling of growth. ‘I THINK WE SHOULD GO HOME TOGETHER. RIGHT NOW!I’VE BEEN HOLDING THIS SINCE THAT ROBBERY. UGGHHH. GET IN THE CAR NOW BABE. PLEASE!’ I ran a few steps towards my car and opened the driver seat. ‘PUT YOUR SEATBELT ON JAN! WE’RE MOVING FAST SPEED. NO NEED TO TURN THE CAR ON’ As I fastened my seatbelt, I felt my car swaying sideways a little. I looked at the side windows and saw the ankle of my boyfriend at each side of my car. He was standing on top of my car sandwiching it between his feet. Sean bowed down and grabbed hold of my car’s sides. He is careful enough to not dent the metal sheet as he did so. But even his small tap already damaged a few portions of my car. His momentary euphoria and trying to suppress the feeling of growth did nothing to help him suppress his super strength in control. A second later, Sean finally positioned his grip better. I see the road in front of the car moving down and down until all I see is the entire city skyline. My stomach felt motion sickness when the car not only lifted up but also rotated upwards. Luckily, I fastened my seatbelt as all my weight transferred in my back. Sean rotated my car vertically so that he could get a glimpse of me inside. He just bowed down his head and saw me pressing my back and head at the driver’s seat. The upper portion of my car is in contact with his chest giving me that feeling of heavy breathings as it moves coordinately to his inhales and exhales. My entire front view of the car is replaced by Sean’s still handsome face although with a hint of a stricken feeling. And then, Sean floated himself up and up to the sky. With a blast, Sean flew towards our home. Flying faster than a flying jet. Few trees in the ground swayed and swayed as a strong gust of wind passed on to them. Some even were uprooted from the impact. --------------------------------------In the summer of 1st year---------------------------- Ever since that victory night where Sean showed me lifting the entire back of a 24 ft catering truck, we both have been talking together for the rest of the school year. But we were just only talking in text messages and keeping our friendship out of the sight. Sean would constantly update me about his condition. At first, he thought his increase in strength would just settle there. But no. Sean would often find a bigger truck than the last time and try to lift it more. He would tell me ‘It’s just a way of keeping my strength in check. Lewis, bodybuilding works that way. Weight just keeps on getting lighter and lighter until you’ll finally reach a limit. As for now? Nahh, I haven’t’ One time, Sean sent me a video of him standing at the back of a dump truck. He wrote *Lewis, check this out. I was walking outside campus when I saw this truck parking alone. No worries, there were no people around. Look, it’s bigger than that catering truck* I pressed the play button and saw Sean standing at the back of the truck. He was wearing a tight under armour shirt, exposing his body’s pectorals and bulging veins, tight jogging pants and Nike shoes. By the looks of it, he was on his Saturday morning jog. Going outside alone, he probably stationed his phone next to a pole or stone to lean it, capturing a worm’s view of his entire body. I mysteriously had an erection upon seeing the view so perfect. I was looking up at Sean’s massive body. All drenched in sweat. Sean did that same pre-lifting position he did at the victory night. He settled his palms under the bumper. Then again, as if the weight is not more than that 13 tonnage truck that he lifted the other night, Sean lifted it first with struggle and relaxed his entire muscle halfway of his lifting. During the course of the year, Sean often sends me a small clip of him flexing his arms and chest in front of the gym mirror or just a picture of him top naked inside a bathroom. Accompanied by messages like *Check out this guns Lewis* *Dude. Do you workout? You could watch me lift all these weights like nothing* *Man, I feel shredded us f*ck. Look!* Quite honestly, if it was any other guy but Sean, I may be weirded out from this outlandish. However, I wouldn’t have it any other way. I even find this as a privilege rather than bizarre. Sean lets himself be free and displays his outstanding body in front of me, nobody. In every video and image, Sean possesses that look of pride. He is proud of what his body has excelled and could get any prouder of what is yet to come. But every time I kept on receiving all these messages, I couldn’t help myself to abstain from masturbating while holding the phone, staring at Sean’s images and playing all his videos, flexing all that herculean muscle. By the end of the school year, the friendship I had with Sean continued to stay in low profile. I thought it was just an acquaintance with him but our relationship has grown more than what I had expected. But still, rumors are still spreading about Sean’s weekly hookups with girls in the sorority and even a few of our middle aged professors. Just weeks before the finals, Sean has asked me something. *Lewis?* *Yes??* *Any plans this summer?* Just a short recap about my life, my parents both died when I was young so I was being fostered at my grandmother’s place for all my life. I have always been a grandma’s boy. But due to age bringing up her memory problems, my grandmother couldn’t live by herself back in our Island town. Right before I headed for college, we both decided to put her in a place for the aged where she could get the assistance she needed instead of staying in our house alone while here I was, an entire sea away from home for the next few years. Therefore, I really don’t have any place to go and spend my summer but only in this tiny cube of my dormitory room. *Umm. I’m not going anywhere this summer. I Have no plans Sean. Why?* . . . Three dots appeared on the screen after I sent that last message. It took a while for Sean to respond since the dots kept on reappearing. I have the intuition that Sean is thinking about what to reply to in my text. Then a message pops out. *Cool!!! Maybe you’d like to go with me and spend summer with my friend. Well, he isn’t just a friend but my doctor! I already told him about my, ‘you know’. And he offered me to stay in his clinic for the rest of summer so he could check up on me. He said he prepared new weights and gym equipment for me there so I could workout. I’m planning on getting bigger for the next season Jan. That dude has enough space for two. It’s overlooking the sea. I remembered you telling me you lived on an Island back in your home. Maybe you’d like to come?* A thought of interest came to me as I read those right. Sean Mcconley wanted to spend the entire summer with me. For whatever reason, I couldn’t turn down the offer. I’ll just wilt myself here inside for 3 months. Besides, I felt the need to take a break from the school environment and have time for myself. Myself with Sean. *Sure! Just plan it ahead before finals so I could prepare. Thanks BTW* -----------------------------------------Summer-------------------------------------------- ‘Robert told me he has an emergency out of town. So he said we’ll just stay here for a while. He’ll be here for dinner. Good thing he taught me where his spare keys are. Just wait a second’ Holding my luggage while staring at Sean’s movements as he crouches down in front of a palm tree to search for the hidden spare keys of this clinic building of Doctor Addams, I felt fortunate to have a perfect view of Sean’s ass tightening his denim jeans. Sean had already explained to me how most of his clothing became enduring as time went by. He told me how his muscles get even more swollen. By the looks of it, Sean really looked bigger than when I first saw him at school. I can see Sean struggling to crouch down and bending his legs to reach the keys as his calf muscles just fill up the tight confines of his jeans. If it weren’t for the ripped designs of his Jeans, I would think the muscles of his legs caused the rips. Luckily, my jacket secured the slight erection hidden behind my shorts. Thanks to the warmer weather in this place, earlier, I decided to tangle the sleeves around my waist and created a mini skirt out of my own Jacket. ‘Ahhh here’ Sean and I headed inside and stayed in one of Dr. Addams private rooms where a single bed for patients is stationed in the middle and a couch at the other end of the room. Sean laid down in the bed exhausted from the travel we took. It was late afternoon when we arrived so we had more time for the two of us to talk before night falls. Well, a lot more has happened than talking. Sean told me how he met the Doctor. He said Dr. Robert Addams was his doctor ever since he was an infant. He couldn’t remember when was the first time he saw the doctor since Robert was originally his mother’s friend. This place was older than him, he said. The freshest memory he has was his mother bringing him to this same place when he was a child till he grew up before his mother Rebekka died of cancer at age 10. ‘I’m sorry’ I said in between our conversation. ‘No. It’s good. Since I was a small kid, my mother already told me she would leave this place soon. I didn’t know it at that time but it just happened’. He said. Sean knew just a little detail about his mother’s history. All he knew was that Rebekka has shown signs of cancer upon his birth with Sean. Dr. Addams explained to him that he is a miracle baby considering the rapid effect of cancer spreading in his mother’s body. Sean grew up inside the womb completely unaffected by the disease. The doctor even joked about him about the doctor’s plan on investigating Sean as a fetus. ‘I thought your immunity to cancer was the cure we’ve all been looking for boy! If it wasn’t for your mother’s plea? You could have ended up in my lab sleeping tightly in the bottles’ An old banter that the Doctor used often to threaten the young reprimanding Sean. The doctor ever since thought Sean is a different child. Even within an early age, he was the taller guy in class showing no signs of unhealthiness. Even though he often visits the Doctor, Sean really wasn’t going due to illnesses but because of a few enhanced abnormalities he had as a growing child up to his teenage phase. ‘Remember when I said I was stronger than average Lewis? I meant it. Robert said it to me when I was like 11. Until I reached 15, I would constantly go here every summer since he needed a big hand for lifting a few of his lab equipment. So when I told him I’m planning on bulking up for soccer? He even bought me gym equipment so I could work-out here during summer. That’s why when I told him about what happened in that locker room, the guy was thrilled. He offered to let me to stay for another summer.’ Sean pulled up his shirt up to his chest to reveal those perfectly shaped abs. He partnered it with a single bicep pose with his free arm. For some obvious reason, I was having a hard on in the entire course of our conversation. Sean has something special in him that both of us didn’t know yet. When I went further with his life story to abate my erection, I asked for any information about his father. Sean just replied ‘I never met him or ever knew anything about him. My mother refuses to talk about my old man. But all I knew is that my mother was a nurse in service for the military. But she left the job after she became pregnant with me. I have a guess he was a soldier. I even considered going to the military just so I could look for my father. What do you think of Lewis? Do you think I could pass?’ Sean continued his flexing as he stood up and looked at his reflection at a nearby mirror. There is no doubt of his assumption. Sean truly possesses a military presence in every way. I always thought he had a similar appeal as those hunk soldiers on instagram every time I stumble in images so I can have something else to jerk on. A picture came into my mind of a massive version of Sean wearing a tight military sleeveless undershirt, camouflage pants, a military cap, and boots sitting on top of a queen sized bed. The bed should have been bigger but it only looked smaller beneath Sean’s size. Sean is spreading his legs open and he is working his cock with something else. His one hand holding a bottled beer and the other gripping another human’s torso as he uses the poor human’s body as his own sex toy. The giant version of Sean in my mind pleasured himself as he worked on his cock through inserting it to another person’s human sized anus https://www.coiledfist.org/gallery/album315/IMG_0659 ‘Fuck!! Why the fuck are you all tight!?’ The human felt the entirety of Sean's cock coming in and out of its butthole grinding his organs inside. The puny human at first felt immense pleasure upon the insertion of Sean’s cock. But the person failed to foresee that Sean would insert it all the way. The small human felt the tip of Sean’s cock hitting its rib cage and its hip bone breaking in half after failing to contain the massive cock girth. As if its state isn’t filled with immense pain, the tiny human lingered all life left as it felt Sean’s cum dribbling like a gun from Sean’s cock. The human’s body is not supposed to be a repository of this gallons and gallons of hot viscous liquid so the rest of Sean’s cum went drooling out of the human’s nose, mouth and ears mixed with its blood after Sean’s semen outburst. Sean’s grip to the tiny human’s torso only got tighter. I heard bones popping and breaking from the pressure of Sean’s strong grip. Sean finally reached his climax so he removed the tiny human’s body from his cock and threw it away across the room like a used condom. My imagination just got wilder and wilder as the feeling of needing to beat my meat only grew stronger. I interrupted a flexing Sean in front of a mirror. ‘Uhhh. I’m sorry Sean. But I really need to pee. I need a bathroom’ Sean stopped at flexing and looked at me. He saw me standing up crouching and putting my hands in front of my middle body part. A posture to hide my erection. ‘Ohh sorry. Just the left side of that door and you’ll see the bathroom sign at the end of the hallway. You want me to show you?’ ‘No!! Thanks!’ Refusing Sean’s offer is the best way to hide my true intention in going to the bathroom. I have other plans than pissing in a bowl. When I finally get in the bathroom, I’m in a rush removing my pants and underwear to let loose my so hardened erection. I started beating my cock up and down and trying to recall that erotic imagination I had earlier. Images of Sean’s videos of flexing, lifting both trucks, and including the incident in the locker room almost half a year ago came back to me as it kept on overlaying my imagination. My memories of Sean and this erotic fantasies only added up in my libido. Sean is an aphrodisiac in human form filling all my desires and lust every time I think of him. My reverence for him is so out of this world and I am one of the luckiest people to uphold this privilege. I am thinking of Sean’s bulge forming in between his tight pants or shorts he wore around campus or practice. I recalled the giant Sean using that poor human as a masturbating tool till he wasted its life just to attain his climax. Deeper parts of me wished I was that human. I am all open for the possibility of becoming Sean’s toy for sex even if it costs my life and be turned into a disintegrated human form. Even in my futile ways just so I could serve Sean in every way. When I’m already nearing my climax, I heard Sean speak and his voice sounded on top of me. ‘I knew it!!!Hahaha, You should apologize to your ‘poor little guy’ for lying Lewis! You weren’t going to pee!!! Hhaha I caught you.’ I pulled back my pants in a rush as I was already in humiliation. Sean saw me masturbating right after our conversation. My conscience came back to me and guilt filled my process of thought from what Sean has witnessed. I should have noticed earlier that the cubicle walls only reached 6 ft in height. Though it was enough for my 5’5 ft height to hide, Sean could just effortlessly stand on his toe and take a peek at the cubicle I was in. I only saw Sean’s eyes and forehead beyond the cubicle. ‘Sean!!? I’m sorry. Please don’t be mad’ Feeling the tears already welling up from embarrassment, I covered my face with both my palms and I sat on the bowl. I already was in mixed emotions from halting my orgy and the humiliation I am currently in. Sean removed his head from the cubicle and walked towards the door. Sean knocked at the door, vibrating the wooden material. ‘Come on. Open this Lewis’ To not further add my comeuppance, the best way to avoid that situation is to obey whatever Sean says during this moment. For the entire time of this conversation, Sean spoke with a serious monotonous voice so I am unsure of what his current thought is. Is he angry? Does he feel objectified? While reaching the cubicle lock to open it, I am uttering the exact same words. ‘Sean! I’m sorry. Promise! I’ll just buy a ticket back to school and you can spend your summer here alone. Please. I’m sorry!’ I am pleading in front of Sean and tears are coming out of my eyes. I have nothing else to do but to think of many ways to avoid Sean. Sean looked unbothered by my plea while letting his body lean on to the other side of the door frame. Sean pulled out a phone from his pocket and looked at it. As if my embarrassed-self failed to reach its quota, Sean is holding my phone in front of me and tapping something on screen ‘Shhh! I saw your password when we were sitting side by side in the bus on the way here by the way. Are you jerking….. with my pictures!?’ Sean flipped the phone so I could see what he was saying. I had a habit of saving Sean’s videos and pictures into a separate album on my phone. Sean must have fiddled my phone on my way to the bathroom that led him to see the album dedicated to all his pictures and videos. I just nodded my head as a sign of yes since I could no longer form any words to defend myself. ‘And were you jerking off thinking of me when I caught you?’ Sean gave me an interesting look in the face as I nodded my head again in agreement. I was finally caught in the act and I couldn’t even begin to save myself from the hopes of embarrassment. I am the most horrible friend Sean had and my guilt will always haunt me from that. Thinking back, I was objectifying Sean all along. Maybe that was what I meant about having more than friendship. A tool for masturbation. I only quailed myself and covered my entire view of Sean by hiding behind palms. I felt a strong grip round my arms as Sean pulled me up to stand. He forcefully grabbed me out of the cubicle and turned me around the lavatory across the other side of the bathroom. The lavatory is attached to the wall and a mirror is on top of it. Sean pulled my other hand from hiding my face behind it. I am trying to fight Sean but I am beyond helpless. We both knew how strong Sean has gotten. I would have to learn how to lift a dump truck to level his strength. Sean slowly spoke these words with a deeper huskier tone. ‘You sneaky little shit’ Sean grabbed hold of my two arms sandwiching me in between his massive grip. He lifted my entire body from the ground and pushed my butt on top of the edge of the lavatory. Sean is like a parent making his child sit on top of the dinner table being careful to not let me fall. Due to Sean’s height, the lavatory is in perfect height as his hips. Sean positioned his one leg in between mine so both our legs are in an alternating position. My bent knees felt his bulge crotch as he pushed himself closer to my body. I sensed his manhood growing harder inside that denim fabric. ‘I’m sorry Sean. Please, just tell me how to make it up to you. I’ll do anything you want me to do. Anything’ Sean looked up at the ceiling thinking of what to say. ‘Hmmmm. You naughty boy. I should better teach you a lesson. You know that right?’ I looked down as I finally felt his cock fully erected behind his jeans. His crotch touching my knees proved it all that Sean is in arousal from my revelation. I nodded my head in agreement and looked him in the eye. Sean placed a finger beneath my chin and pushed it up meeting his eyes filled with lust. ‘First?.... You should learn how to ask’ Then as if all my fantasies came to life, Butterflies flew inside my body as Sean lowered down his head and kissed my lips. His massive tongue penetrates my mouth and uvula as he works his way on me. My erection suddenly came back to life as I felt his hips swaying and pushing my knees. Sean grabbed my butt and pulled my entire body towards him. It is real. Sean McConley is humping his massive body towards me. I could almost feel myself losing breath as Sean devoured every air I had in my lungs. He is a beast when it comes to intimacy. Sean would only stop kissing me every time he attempts to undress his clothes. Sean pulled back his head and undressed his tight shirt. Ripping fabric can be heard as the tight sleeves try to get rid of Sean’s underarm. But the fabric just paves the way for the mighty strength that Sean possesses. I worked my kisses down as I felt Sean’s hand on top of my head pushing it down teaching me where I should head to. I saw his other hand unzipping his jeans then I had to halt for a moment. I should tell him about my inexperience. ‘Sean? I haven’t done this before’ Sean jokingly replied. ‘No doubt Lewis! I told you. You’re having lessons with me’ https://ibb.co/X8Vm5Dy Sean successfully unzipped his jeans. His hidden manhood could already breathe a fresher air after being packed in tight clothing. Through stepping the bottom part of his jeans, Sean pulled back his right feet to undress it and the same thing for the other. The primary subject in most of my erotic fantasies is finally standing in front of me, naked with only his white boxer shorts. Similar to Sean’s previous clothing, the boxer also managed his ongoing erection so helplessly. The elastic waistband is being stretched more in front and not completely touching his torso’s v-line. His erection pushes the fabric so much. Sean’s 8 inches angry cock rested itself on top of my thighs. The tip of his cock reached my left thigh. Sean moves his other hand and grabbed mine then positioned it on top his cock hidden in the fabric of his boxers. Sean then coiled his massive hands around his cock with my hand following his motion as it rested in between. Sean then slowly did a push and pull motion from the base of his cock to the tip while pinching it a little along the smooth motion. My cock couldn’t take it anymore as I felt my pre-cum already forming at the tip of my penis. ‘Big right!? Ahhh fuck you’re hands are good little Jan. Maybe I should ask you in my dorm room more often. Now, what do you think first when you masturbate in my pictures huh?’ Sean removed his hands and my motion halted staying on top of his cock. He was pissed at the moment that I stopped massaging his cock. Sean rested his hands again and told me ‘Do it alone. Fuck. Ahhh’ He asked me another question while removing his hands again leaving my hands alone as I continued stroking his hardened manhood. ‘Was it my biceps? Man, it’s the very first bare part of my body that everyone could get a glimpse of. Was it? Did my arms turn you on Lewis?’ Sean positioned his right arm on the mirror behind me to support his body as he leaned just so I could get a closer look of his biceps. Sean flexed it harder and harder. The manly spunk coming out from his armpits only tensed the already hotter atmosphere between us. Every veins in his arms fill up the expanse of his skin. Sean growled a little as he flexed more and more. The mirror behind me suddenly cracked from the unintentional strong force Sean’s hand. The mirror formed cracks surrounding his palm that was resting on the mirror. ‘Ahh shit! Don’t tell the doctor about it or I’ll turn your own body like that. You don’t think I can’t do that to you. Do you? Sean pushed his hips closer to me causing his shaft to slide along my thighs and his cock poking the side of my waist. The feeling of his clock closer to mine heightened my lustful senses. Sean is no doubt gifted in every way. ‘Ohh I know! You must have spilled your wine at me on purpose just so I could undress in front of you huh!?’ The hand he used to form a crack in the mirror lowered down and is touching the back of my Head as commanded my nose to brush one of his nipples. ‘You’re a better tactician than I thought, little boy. Shit! Ugghh. Yeah, I remembered your shirt. I think I packed it together with my things. Haha I should tell you, I liked how absorbent the material is. I’ve been constantly using it to wipe my ahhh…. cum since you gave it to me. That never met the laundry once. But I think I’m not disappointing you. right Lewis?’ I nodded my head in agreement while intentionally brushing my lips in his nipple that caused him to moan. ‘Ahhhh. FUCK’ Sean uses both his arms to cradle me outside the bathroom and back into the patient room where he found the perfect spot for the two of us. He rests me on the bed and my view on top is filled with his entire upper and body looking down at me. Sean pulled down his boxers letting me see in full view the true size of his manhood. It is angrier and more detailed with veins pumping with blood. It wasn’t what I expected since it exceeded more! ‘Turn around!’ Sean said it in an instant way and I obeyed him that easily. I turned around lying on my front on the bed. I felt the tip of Sean’s hand pulling the waist of my shorts revealing my own manhole. He uses his hands to pull my middle body up and I felt his massive cock resting at my back spine for a moment. ‘You’re tight Lewis. I like it. Don’t worry, just like everyone told me, this will definitely hurt. It’s normal’ Just like every thing coming into life, first, I felt the tip of Sean’s cock touching my anus. I could already feel his tip surrounding my butthole sending me to an upcoming feeling of euphoria. Sean was first struggling to place it as it kept on sliding down. His cock accidentally slid and poked my perineum part in between my anus and balls. The poking sensation is stronger than it should be because it automatically causes my hormones to kick in higher gear. Small amounts of pre-cum are already forming again. At first, I was afraid to disappoint myself. I want all of this to last longer. Tired of his attempt, Sean assisted his shaft holding it in place and penetrating my entire hole. The odd sensation was too much for me to take in that I couldn’t suppress a loud moan. ‘AAAHHWW’ ‘Shhhh. Quiet Lewis’ After initially poking my insides, Sean used a minimum of force to not break any part of my body into mush when he humped his hips forwards causing his cock to insert in full length inside my body. Sean securely puts a hand around my mouth to help keep my mouth shut from his unexpected stab of my behind. ‘FucK Lewis! I haven’t fucked anyone this tight. It seems you could give back the pleasure in any way. Fuck. Ahhh’ Sean grinded his entire body while holding my waist in place. Sean had to tighten his hips a bit since my body would just follow the direction of his waist instead of meeting it oppositely. That’s how tight I was. Sean grinded it fast then transitioned to slow and slow motions. Everytime, I could feel Sean’s cock hitting something inside my lower stomach. I could only pray that he won’t damage anything in my body apart from my anus. Sean kept on grinding it back and forth. The bed we were doing it on buckled a little and the metal headboard hitting the walls causing everything that was hanging to sway from the vibrations. But I didn’t bother with everything around me as I can no longer sense everything around aside from the humping and grinding movements of Sean’s body. Also, I could hear the soft moans Sean is giving after feeling that tight body surrounding his manhood. I even failed to recognize that my puny cock is already unleashing cum followed by another pump and last. But Sean wasn’t done yet. He just kept on grinding and grinding until I felt something odd inside. The linings of my butthole slowly kept on getting tighter and being stretched out causing me immense pain. It would seem like Sean’s cock girth is expanding minute by minute. Though wishing it would last long, I can’t help the pain that I spoke to Sean trying to talk him out. ‘AAhhh. Sean please! It’s getting tighter’ I plead. Sean must have heard my foolish request for him to stop since he decelerated his movements. But he shouted in reply ‘SHUT UP!’ After that response, I only tried to hide my struggle waiting for Sean to finish himself. After a few minutes, I felt the inside of my stomach getting hotter and hotter, scattering around inside. Then again, the similar feeling came back followed by another. Sean is pumping his cum inside my body like a milk. I almost threw up from the realization but Sean just finished himself after 6 successive pumps of his cum. I felt Sean’s entire upper body weight resting on top of my back after removing his deflating cock. The two of us were completely out of breath but I was more struggling than him after trying to contain his body pressing me. I felt Sean’s arms inserting below my stomach as he hugged me, locking me with his entire body. Then Sean turned me up and him resting at the side of the bed. I looked him in the face and noticed he was entirely slightly buffer than earlier. But that is just the least of my worries after I found myself shrinking into the unknown while staring at his bright blue eyes. The two of us layed there for a good hour until Sean received a text message from Dr. Addams already coming. -----------------------------------------present---------------------------------------------- ‘HAHAH. YOU REMEMBER THE FIRST TIME WE DID IT DON’T YOU BABE!? HHAHHA YOU’RE A LUCKY GUY AFTER LOSING YOUR VIRGINITY TO ME!!! YOU WERE TIGHTER BEFORE BUT NOW!? YOU CAN’T EVEN WRAP YOUR ENTIRE ARMS AROUND MY COCK GIRTH. HAHAHA. TALK ABOUT GROWING! BUT HANG ON JAN!! AT LEAST YOU COULD STILL GIVE ME EVEN THE SLIGHTEST PLEASURE IN RETURN. YOU OWE ME AFTER I’VE ALREADY GIVEN YOU MORE ORGASMS THAN BEFORE I’LL REACH MINE. RIGHT? YOU COULD JUST LOOK AT ME AND CUM COMES OOZING OUT ALREADY. YOU DON’T THINK I WON’T FEEL IT WITH MY SUPER SENSE?SO YOU CAN’T HIDE IT ANYMORE’ Sean’s loud babble only rattled my entire building as he continued boasting his growth while pleasuring his cock. I tried to bend my ears to the side since I couldn’t cover it with my own hands. My entire arms and legs are hugging Sean’s human sized shaft as per his order when we got home. He manhandled my entire body like a doll and commanded me to wrap me and hug his erected cock. He told me he was dying to do this to me ever since this morning. ‘UGHHH WRAP IT. HUG IT TIGHTLY. AND THAT’S HOW YOU’LL FEEL ME GROW’ And true enough, during the course of him brushing my wrapping body along his shaft, I felt his girth expanding slowly. Growing and Growing filling up my interlock arms. Until only fingers were left holding together so I wouldn’t fall on the floor. Sean is coiling his fist around his cock with me inside stroking it. Sean tried his best to not exert more force and moan lighter, afraid to break the glass windows in my apartment. The growing sensation of his manhood kept on going until I could barely touch my fingers to wrap it around. Sean must have felt my arms slowly losing grip as his body kept on blowing up to massive proportions. This realization contributed to Sean’s excessive pride. Sean then cupped my back and pulled me out of his growing and lengthening cock. This was it. The day I was too afraid that would come. I can no longer help Sean pleasure himself. No single man could. Sean pulled me up then moved me on top of his very defined ridges of his abs. ‘YOU’RE BETTER SAFE HERE. LOOK AT ME….’ Sean returned his hands in stroking his cock while his other hand resting on top of my body serving as a roof of what is yet to come. I looked to the side while sitting with my legs to the side and felt Sean’s abdomen rising up and lowering down as he breathed air in and out. Looking at Sean masturbated himself without me. His hands flexed more as he added tighter grip around his cock. He never applied more pressure like this when we would do it together. Sean can finally let loose a little for many years of making sure of my safety. I looked to the other side and Saw Sean’s face tilted up looking at me and back to working his cock. ‘AHHHHHHHH!!!! FUCCCK! I’M SORRY BABY. BUT I THINK YOU REALLY HAVE TO RELOCATE SOON!’ Sean could no longer hold it back as he was about to unleash the loudest moan together with a strong blast of cum. His toes curl as an effect of his increase in arousal. I heard his cock firing a strong gallons of hot white liquid shooting upwards to and hitting the kitchen cabinets encased with wooden doors. The doors couldn’t take the strong impact of Sean’s cum as it crumpled and breaking it. Sean redirected the tip of his cock towards the chandelier and fired it with another blast. The impact hit the small bulbs and exploded everything. The broken chandelier sparked a little but only settled after Sean completely covered it with his cum. Sean shot his cum in every part of the room; to my couch, my bedroom walls and even a few gallons splattered in my windows and curtains. He is right, I really need to relocate soon. This place is already a mess. In the middle of it all, here lies my boyfriend. The person responsible for ruining my place, my home. Everything in Earth keeps on shrinking around him including me resting on top of his abdomen. Sean leveled up his game and will keep on getting taller, bigger and powerful as long as he attains his godhood. ‘FUUUUUUUCK!!! AHHHHH’ During his last shot, Sean’s eyes glowed red. The similar threatening glare everybody in the world is most afraid of. That one power where he could easily kill someone just by looking straight at him. The red gaze of Sean only grew brighter and brighter trying to not unleash a strong beam of light that could damage the entire integrity of the building’s roof. He would cause a lot more damage than his cum cannon. Sean squeezed out the last batch of his hot white liquid by gripping his cock. Sean’s red glaze subsided together with his deflating cock. The sound of destruction is slowly replaced by Sean’s heavy breathing. Sean tilted his back looking at me. Everything I witnessed as of this moment really has hit me hard. Sean has been holding back this kind of pleasure for so long. As his body grew, Sean’s needs grew as well. I couldn’t keep up with him anymore. He is growing beyond anything. He needs more than me and I can’t promise himself of that. I should have foreseen it all before going with Sean that Summer. But before I could overthink much further, I looked back at Sean and gave him my smile. ‘I THINK WE SHOULD STAY AT ADDAM’S FOR A WHILE’ ‘Yeah, we should give him a call’ I said in agreement ----------------------------------------------Earlier----------------------------------------- ‘Hello, Doctor’ ‘Hi’ A soft almost whispering voice of Dr. Addams is the only voice that can be heard inside his office. The doctor is holding a telephone in his ears while looking at his 2 guests outside. Me, alongside Sean as I ran towards my car. Thankfully, Dr. Addams secured his office with a noise cancelling device so that this mighty hero standing just outside his office won’t hear this conversation he is about to have with the person on the line. Behind the blinds, Robert stared at Sean’s heavy movements and felt the vibration of his footsteps sending it towards his building. Doctor Addam’s other hand is mysteriously placed inside his pants as he tries to work on his own erection. Ever since Sean returned from 1st year of college and heard news from the TV during his games, he’s been an avid fan and couldn’t wait for every summer to come and ask this young stud to stay in his place again. But the doctor has long been holding his disappointment everytime Sean always brought me along, preventing him from having an intimate time with Sean. Robert looked back at me as I entered the car ‘I shouldn’t have let you in my place before’ Doctor Addams continued to beat his meat tougher this time as he saw every muscle of Sean’s back as the giant walked towards my car. Placing my car in between his legs and lifting it up. The strength that Sean developed is truly outstanding and beyond everything he can comprehend. The doctor savored every last bit of the scenery as he tried to save the picture of Sean’s biceps as it curled into a ball trying to lift the tiny car. The other person heard what the doctor had said and mistakenly thought it was meant for her. ‘Excuse me Doctor!?’ The doctor instantly regained his consciousness back to reality as he heard the disgusted voice of the person on the other end. ‘I’m sorry Miss. I just wanted to say, I have an update about Subject X. And I’m trying to prove out this my theory soon’ The whole building rattled as a strong earthquake came where Sean was standing earlier as the epicenter. Sean would always cause the entire ground every time he propelled and landed himself. The doctor accelerated his stroking motion as he tried to process how strong Sean is becoming through the years. If only he had discovered it first before I did, I wouldn’t be on the way for him and Sean. ‘Good! You better do it fast Addams, this has been going on for too long and that kid just keeps on getting more powerful. We should know how to restrain him soon. Before it gets worst’ Said by a woman’s voice in stereo. ‘Sure Miss. I’ll call you soon. Bye’ The Doctor ended the line and threw his phone on the nearest couch. Robert tilted his head as he kept on playing everything he witnessed earlier at the hanger. He sexualized what just Sean did to her when Seann arrived with a rumbling land in the ground. Robert recalled the strong fingers that collared him and lifted him up to his massive face. He remembered how frightened he was but at the same time his feeling of arousal after the unexpected mass difference between the two. Sean is slowly taking up his rightful place in this world and he is glad enough to oblige in everything that the giant requests. He is no longer a human but more of being deserved to be worshipped. Robert wanted to feel the giant’s close proximity and smell that manly sweat Sean always releases. Robert finally felt the need to unleash and cum filled his entire underwear. But his hands became the primary victim as it drooled and scattered all around his fingers. Robert slowed down his breathing then pulled out his fingers from his pants. The doctor was trying to look for a napkin near his desk but couldn’t find any. He remembered that his water system was probably damaged from the sudden power interruption caused by Sean. So the doctor thought of other ways to clean his hands off and finally thought of something. Doctor Addams grabbed the sides of his lab coat and used it to wipe his cum off his hands. Chapter 7 ‘SMASH’ A sound of shattering glass, as a result of either breaking windows, exploding bulbs, falling vases, or picture frames, resonates across my already dismantled home. The vibrating sound completely pulls me out of my verge of awakening. My lids opened up welcoming me with a view of the sky above while it continuously awaits for the Sun to rise completely. It is no wonder why I awakened with the view, lying my entire back on something dense and imperfectly plain cushion. The mildly inebriated mind of mine lingering the feeling of becoming conscious, for the first few seconds, plucks most of my memory from last night’s events. I started waking up from lying down by dragging my arms up to my sides causing it to rub a slick substance from the cushion. Using my elbows to push my upper torso to rise, I felt the slick substance like a drying glue, resisting my motion, pulling me down due to my back skin’s affixture to the underlying gluing substance. My hair only worsens the struggle when the substance pasted my hair to whatever this thing I was lying all night. Ceaselessly, my memory returns upon spanning around my home. It is wrecked in every way. The expanse of the sky that I foresaw is a result of the massive hole in my ceiling. Broken beams and concrete are visible from the edges of the hole which I remembered, Sean widening it last night as he punched a way for his gargantuan body to enter. The massive hole held no resemblance to the elevated ceiling I admired the first time I moved here. When Sean successfully created a hole with enough size for his legs to get inside and step on the floor, his chest with a size equivalent to double the size of his waist is the next challenge for his complete entrance. My entire view of my boyfriend’s pectorals up to his head was completely blocked by the ceiling as its edges concealed his body. I was staring up closely where Sean’s legs were standing 4 feet away. Sean must have sensed my midget body standing near him so he lifted his toes and pushed me away from being underneath the structure he planned to obliterate. At first, I mistakenly thought his attempt to pry me was foot worship so I tried to hug and licked it on our contact. The toes I was completely infatuated with for a moment wiggled my body causing me to fly a few inches from where I was standing. If Sean wasn’t careful in holding back his super strength, that kick could have thrown me across a wall turning my body into goos of blood and broken bones. My slight dizziness faded away while Sean raised his arms, facing it downwards with a tightened fist. With very ample force, Sean rocked his fist down on the ceiling breaking it like graham biscuits. I saw his fist coming out from the ceilings with the concrete rubble raining down to the floor. My boyfriend continued to widen the space by effortlessly elbowing the edges added by blasting it with his flaming red glaze that molted the metal beams. Looking above my red-eyed boyfriend, my fantasies became more disturbed as I tried to picture him, the god of destruction wrecking my very home. I continued my gaze and circulated it to my surroundings. My kitchen completely looked defeated by the white liquid of Sean’s semen when he launched it towards that direction with a force capable to break the wooden cabinets and shatter the glasses encasing my kitchenware. The sofa beds and coffee table I often used for house guests are completely soaked by Sean’s semen. The softly padded upholstery looked filthy from the shards of glasses and concrete that mixed well with the slimy liquid. The chandelier no longer looked grandiose on the floor as Sean’s red hot eye beams blasted its chord causing it to unhang itself from the ceiling. If not in the walls, the white copious cum of Sean flooded the whole floor of my home. Everywhere I look, the only safest place I could stay for now to avoid broken pieces of glass and stone puncturing my sole is on top of Sean’s pool-sized lower abs where I rested for the whole night. The part of his unearthly body that I mistook as a cushion. In the center of all this destruction lies my giant lover with my tiny body on his abs as he uses his right arm to support his truck-sized head. I can’t hold back an erection after seeing the entire view of Sean’s body spreading everywhere where my eyes could. Due to his size and underlying immense power, it feels like Sean is not here completely based on my limited view of his body as a whole and at the same time, feeling his presence like a god being everywhere near. His folded arms in between his head and the floor cause his biceps to curl into a ball of muscle. It is no doubt that the strength this certain muscle holds could crush everything that stays on top of it. I looked at Sean’s other hand lying straight slightly slanting from his torso. His palms facing down and his fingers slightly curled with each tip plowing the tiled floor serving as 5 pillars of power creating a cavern that could fit a human inside. In the center of the caved-like position of his hands, a broken vase stood helplessly. Pieces of the ceramic structure were scattered everywhere. This must be where the broken sound came that awakened me after Sean unintentionally crushed it in his sleep. My discernment that the vase underneath his palms completely crushed into nothing could have been me if he held grasp of my fragile body instead. I envisioned myself squirming in pain as his legs-sized fingers trap me in and apply the minimum effort to break my bones and organs inside. My helpless body oozing blood from my eyes, nose, and mouth as I continued to be a subject of my own boyfriend’s strength. He could end my life unintentionally. It has always been easy and continuously became easier for him in the passing days. But amidst all dilapidation of the things my ascending boyfriend has caused, the weariness after witnessing all my years of hard work crumbled in just one amorous night is instantly neglected upon seeing the sleepy face of Sean. Resting his eyes completely unbothered of the shards and debris scattered in the floor where he laid. Unlike my sensitive body, his indestructible skin is more than the dangerous sharp objects can wound through. One swift movement in his sleep could just easily break into pieces like a snap. He was right when he told me that the safest place I should stay onto is here in his abdomen. Heaving up and down together lifting my body up then down as he breathed a massive air. I kept looking at Sean’s face abundant with fine young features. He looked like a character coming out of a renaissance painting, something out of a myth or religiously depicted art. Staring intently after a long second, a super dense material fell from above and hit my head pushing me forward with my face dumping into Sean’s naval. Good thing the force that knocked me down was not so heavy to injure the back of my skull. I turned my gaze at what was the thing that hit me. The semi-hardened erection I had earlier completely hardened was caused by the thing that caught my sight. Sean’s cock almost similar to my height or even half a foot taller with a girth size much bigger than my chest knocked me and almost crushed my head after it sprung up and bent down to his abs. Sean is sporting massive morning wood. An erecting dick is caused by the active testosterone rising in the morning. Even in the absence of stimulation, Sean’s dick competes with my petite physique. Urge to touch the angry creature in front of me increases more and more as I continued to stare at it. Figuring I wouldn’t like to disturb a sleeping giant, stimulating my own penis is what I did. My right hand working up and down my shaft while turning my gaze from my fragile dick then next to my boyfriend’s dick standing like a telephone pole shadowing most of my body from the morning sun. Bawdy images played in my imagination as my deepest desires awaken. I was daydreaming and in my dream, I’m in a similar place resting on top of Sean beating my meat. Sean is still snoozing from his unresisting moment of sleep. Images of Sean’s body growing inside my room lying on the floor flash in. My cognitive state slowly slipping away as I passed through the boundaries of my reality. ‘I know you can grow more than this Sean. Please. Grow for me. Destroy my home, this tower if you could. No one will hold you responsible. Just don’t hold back’. The messages I whispered in my thought hoping my boyfriend hears and grants my wish. I felt the skin behind my back started stretching and widening in surface and the cock in front of me grew bigger and wider in size. Blood passes through the veins bringing every cell in Sean’s body to activity. I began to whisper again and again. Worshipping the giant manhood that manifests my boyfriend's size and power. ‘That’s it. Please! Grow! Destroy everything in your wake Sean. Grow for me’ Every praise I stated contributes to Sean’s growing body. His 2 legs lengthening in size. Knocking every piece of furniture that rests along the path where his growth takes place. The 2 feet widening doubling in size after a minute. Sean’s thighs grew bigger as well. Each muscle in his calf emphasizes more and more. The cock growing like a batter in the oven after being heated up of desire and steamy worship his body omits. The torso where I was lying expanded more and more filling the spaces of my apartment. His resting head and curled biceps became a monument of force and power as it tries to keep in proportion to all his body are doing. Sean’s entire body grew from his 30 ft height to 60 ft. The kitchen Island moves to the side pushing it more and more to the dishwashing area attached to the wall as his sole touches it. Knees folding up after the resistance of the furniture it applies to accommodate Sean’s body. His knees stood 10 ft in the air almost reaching the ceilings then after a minute, pushing the ceiling more widening the already widened hole. Debris of concretes falling and traveling along with his Shin before it falls to the ground disintegrating into rubble. The wall that separates my room from the living area buckled, opening it revealing my bed. His elbow reaching the ceiling and also denting it contributing to a bigger hole. Sean’s tip of his head reached the glass windows overlooking the city. My worries began to sneak in when the glass emits a breaking sound. Lines of crack scattering all over the glass windows reaching its edges. Then after the continuous growth, Sean’s head obliterates the glass breaking it into thin pieces, and falls from 200 ft from the ground. The unfortunate cars and people walking on the sidewalk below became the first victim of Sean’s growing presence. Their last hope? Sean McConley appears from the sky and saves 17 people as they stood frozen looking at the glass pieces falling on them. But they all died not knowing the only person they thought could save them from a few seconds before death is the same person that caused it. Sean’s lying head stood almost 7 ft in height. His nose bridge reaching the tip of the window’s edge causes the cement wall to break easily. The part of Sean’s body where I was resting widens from queen size to king size to entirely the size of my bedroom. I moved into a table position with my 3 limbs in pushing myself up and the other hand working on my cock looking at Sean’s face from the far end. His toes push more and more to the kitchen until the wall that supported it could no longer oppose the force. The wall breaks into pieces and another debris falling 200 ft. from the ground. A massive piece of the wall, having a similar size to a taxi car fell on top of a small coffee shop standing across the tower. 2-morning shift cashiers and 3 people having their morning sip of coffee became nothing more than a lifeless bug after a car-size boulder fell from the sky. The crowds below started running away from the building when they saw a massive head covered in blond hair coming out of one end of the tower and 2 feet on the other. Even from the disoriented position of Sean, the growing giant sleeps restfully with his eyes relaxed. The growth did not end however due to my continuous praise. Suddenly, Sean’s straightened hand lying on the floor moved on top of me. His hands reached touched the back of his cock and gripping it, tightening and loosening. His entire arms above me descending and ascending back on top of me as he moved his hands caressing his massive erection. Every time h lowers his hands to his cock’s base, his arm continuous to lower and near my body. I laid on my back again to watch how a giant plays with his endowment. Witnessing the scenery did not disappoint me. A pre-cum drips out of his cock slit. Few drops fell down wetting my face. The smell of Sean’s cock is a divine scent that smells heavenly. Sean’s instinct wiped the liquid oozing from his cock and wiped it up and down his cock. Sean lubricates himself resulting in him moaning louder enough to be heard by me. ‘Ummmpphh’ Sean’s body continues to grow rapidly, doubling in a minute to triple and growing exponentially. The pre-cum kept dripping in my face and Sean’s arms keep on getting bigger. My top view looked like a massive dump truck falling on top of me ready to squish me at any moment. The gooey liquid that came out of Sean’s cock grew proportionally with his body as well. More fluid to lubricate his shaft. My face became entirely wet. A few drops and I can barely breathe from the pre-cum that obstructed my airways. But I tried my best to not be easily defeated by Sean’s cock. The wet pre-cum slid down my back and causing my body to slip to the side of his abdomen. Sean’s breathing contributed as his abdomen raises higher creating a steeper slope to slide. It started slowly but accelerates as I near the edge of his 10 pack abs. I hear Sean moan in his sleep. Or as I thought. ‘AaaaHhhh’ ‘No! Shit’ I frantically uttered as I felt myself falling towards the tiled floor. ‘OOPS’ Before my body gets in contact with the ground beside Sean’s torso, Sean’s massive hand caught my body and cupping me. His hands were now the size of a human bathtub. This is how much his body has grown. But what struck me is that he is conscious this entire time. He knew I was falling and he moves his hand just to trying to catch me. I raised my head higher and there I saw Sean’s massive face looking at me, tilting his head to watch my tiny body resting nervously on his hands. Sean gave me a smile. My boyfriend is awoken this entire time when I thought his growth destroys my apartment unintentionally during his sleep. But I was wrong, Sean must have played along pretending to be still in sleep. His morning wood was an effect of his body’s changes to his growth raising his growth hormones to a higher extent. Sean’s body buckled the floor beneath us. I felt the abrupt feeling of falling off a whole floor. The occupants beneath Sean’s body became a lifeless mush mixed with broken cement and dust. A poop covered in sand. It is disturbing but my boyfriend looked happy. Sean moved me below his cock slit still continuously dripping pre-cum. Then after a few seconds. Sean’s cock pulsated more and more preparing itself to unload a force of the liquid. ‘WHACK’ Sean’s white cum came out like a water hydrant and splashed up in the sky before landing on Sean’s chest and a few in his cheeks. The last drop of his first pump of cum drips to my body coating me entirely. I was bathing in white glue. I searched for air helplessly while wiping the semen around my nose and mouth. Then I felt my body moving up and again and lifting me towards Sean’s face. When I had the vision, I met dazzling eyes. It is half the size of my entire body. Then I was lowered back and saw Sean’s smiling mouth. White liquid dripping at the left side of the cheek. ‘Do it. Please!’ I begged my god to do anything he is pleased. Then without further question, Sean knew what I was pertaining him to do. Sean gave me a smile and he positioned his hands gripping me like a popsicle ice cream. My legs were coiled by his hands and my upper body was still drenched with his cum, outside his coiling hands but closer to his mouth. I looked up at Sean and signaled him to do it. Sean opened his jaw and my gaze shifted from the view of the sky then to his white pearl teeth and then his inner mouth’s lining. My upper body was inside his mouth. Sean closed his mouth and I felt his teeth sandwiching my body. His teeth are so strong that a few of my rib bones cracked with the slightest bite of his teeth. My view darkened as I was stored inside his mouth. My feet still feeling his coiling hands pulls me outward again. His lips moving from my torso then reaching my head as he pulls me in and out like a lollipop. Sean’s tongue licked me inside as he takes a taste of his own cum. ‘Hmmmppp’ I felt the walls of his mouth vibrating in his every moan. Sean pulled me in and out at a much faster rate. Coating me wet. Sean lets go of my feet and pushed my full body inside his mouth. Sean is growing still based on the expanding cave of his mouth. My boyfriend could now swallow my hole. Sean fastened his stroking motion and cum fires out of his cock. Falling outward to the unfortunate bystanders below the ground. Walls still falling from where Sean rests. Everyone is looking up to the sky watching a god work himself. The darkened and weird place I was in resulted in my claustrophobia coming out. My heart rate races up. Sean’s tongue moved to the side putting my head in between his upper and lower molars. Tears welling up in my eyes but I couldn’t feel it dripping due to Sean’s viscous saliva. The molars press both the side of my head holding me in place. If I could see Sean’s face. Sean closes his eyes and moved my body to his side of the mouth like gum. He continuously enjoys the euphoria as he finally decided to push his teeth more. I felt the force becoming tighter. My skull feeling the pressure ready to break. I shouted my muffled cries but no one could hear me. Then in a whim. Sean closes his jaw entirely crushing my head into pieces. Volley and Volley of cum came out of Lover’s cock. Sean rested both his hands at the back of his head as he swirled my body inside his mouth sipping my blood and body liquids. Then Sean finally decided to end my lifeless misery with a gulp. I felt my hands dampened as small amount of cum drips down my cock. ‘THAT’S CUTE!’ I drifted back in reality as I heard the godly voice of my boyfriend on top of me. I looked around and turned my body in all fours. I stared up at my giant boyfriend chuckling. He is making fun of my attempt at short-lived masturbation. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I ran panicky towards the News Station for my Job after almost 30 minutes of being late. Sean and I had to secure the Apartment before we part ways. He told me his plans on demanding things in return for his Service from the government. ‘DON’T WORRY, MAYBE I’LL CHECK ON DR. ADDAMS ON MY WAY TO SEE IF HE’LL LET US STAY THERE. I’M PRETTY SURE I WON’T FIT IN THIS YOUR APARTMENT AFTER A WEEK OF GROWING’ Sean said still lying on his back. One supporting his head and the other pinching his abs as he stared at my little frantic movement from getting ready for work. I just nodded in agreement. I really had no time to discuss this further since I’m in rush. I jumped out of the elevator and walk towards my office. Victoria, my boss texted me this morning to meet her. She told me no detail just that it’s a big assignment she loves me to be involved in too. Reaching her office door, I knocked on the wooden material to notify her that I’m already here. I turned the knob and was surprised by her loud welcoming voice. ‘Ahhh! Finally! Come, Sit here. I have a very special assignment for you next week. You better come prepared’ Stabilizing myself after the rush arrival, I sat on the chair in front of Victoria’s desk. Where she stood in heels with her body leaning forward resting her palms on the desk as support. I looked at her but she didn’t meet my gaze. Her gaze staring away across the other side of her office. I followed her line of sight. She was looking straight at the videos of Sean flashing on the screen. It was mixed footage of Sean captured during news, and other people’s phone footage. One footage was of Sean when he was a guest in a bodybuilding show. He flexed for the camera and the gasps of the audience echoed at the back. There were also pictures of him flying above the sky. His using 2 cars as weights for his super strength show off. Sean’s isn’t just occupied by saving the world. He also shows up in shows to perform. Lifting trucks, tanks, showing what his Super Punch could do to almost anything. Also a picture of him that got us into an argument a year ago displays shortly on the screen. It was a magazine picture of him sitting in a wide bed. His legs speeded on the other side together with 5 women, all models, posing around him. Sean’s hands rested at his side while 2 women hug it maliciously. The other one wrapping her arms around his neck and 2 women touching his feet. It was a scandal that compromises our relationship in the past. Just as I realized, the latest images of Sean were during last week where he stood 17 ft. Yes, the world didn’t saw him during the weekends. Everyone is unaware of his current size. Their superhero surpassing every size and strength unimaginable. ‘Umm Victoria? About that assignment you have for me?’ During the course of my job here and working with my boss. Victoria isn’t so subtle in showing her infatuation towards Sean. She has always been fascinated by my Boyfriend. If only she had known what’s going in between me and her Idol, she definitely should tone it down. She told me once that she will die to have at least a short time with Sean and ask questions to interview him. That’s why she always praises me whenever I get to interview him instead. I told Sean about her sometimes. Sean knows that my stupid boss has a thing for him. He just shrugged off the idea every time I tell him. But deep down, I know how he liked being praised and idolized. The very adoration he often receives from people when they saw him is a heroine to Sean’s pride and ego. This secret I told him is the exact reason why Sean wanted me to interview him. He told me we could use it as an advantage for me to be promoted. If I get to interview him more than any other news station, then Victoria will continuously applaud my job. Getting a higher chance for promotion. ‘Yeah! About your assignment, I want you to interview Sean Mcconley ’ ‘What!?’ ‘You heard me Lewis, and since we have no direct contact to him…..You know I’ve been wondering why Sean doesn’t have any manager for him. He could at least hire someone so that we could have a direct line to contact him. So, I suggest the next time you two meet again, you ask him. Or if not, find other ways. Once this project gets complete, I’ll probably talk to the management about your promotion’ Victoria said My mind couldn’t abruptly process every detail she told me. The only thing in my mind as of the moment is that after all reporters in this station, I was chosen. I need to interview Sean, my secret boyfriend. ‘And it will be live’ She further added There is nothing much I could say. Everything Victoria orders must be taken into action. The struggle I will be facing is obviously not on how to contact him but on how I could contain my composure when I’ll soon have to interview him in life where billions of people will be watching. So, I just let the situation pass my worries. I still need that promotion. ‘Okay’ I replied confidently --------------------------------------------Palace------------------------------------------- Tents were lined up along the sides of the country’s palace. The home for Alex Loosevelt, the country’s elected Secretary of Defense. A once image of strength and justice soon changes as he and his men stood outside the palace building awaiting their god’s arrival. He puts on a long-sleeved white shirt for this day trying to look well in his meeting with Sean. Sweats trickled in the sides of his forehead as he held a radiotelephone in his left hand. The static sound emanates from the device before he heard another person’s voice. ‘Sir? Mcconley is already coming. He is 5 miles ahead from your location. He could be down there any second. He’s just flying casually’ Loosevelt raised the RT near his mouth and speaks with a reply. ‘Okay. Thank you’ Loosevelt settled himself first, looking at his sides where 20 armed men line up behind him. The President is nowhere to be found in the palace after he took a special meeting outside the country last week. To Loosevelt, he thought the President was just making an excuse to avoid meeting Mcconley. Afraid of what he could do to him. That’s why in agreement, Loosevelt requested lines of protection as the least the president can do when he bravely welcomes Sean. Loosevelt raised his phone again and pressed the RT and signaled everyone of Sean’s arrival. ‘Okay guys, He is coming any seconds. Make sure you’ve cooked enough food’ Under the roof, tents were filled with at least 28 people wearing culinary uniforms and Hats. Their catering trucks parked outside the palace as they arrived early in the morning to prepare the food Sean has requested before. Yesterday, when Sean arrived at the palace grounds completely naked standing 17 ft in height, everyone working inside was astounded by the sight of his foot and a half long cock swaying side by side as he walked towards the building and knocked the old walls. --------------------------------------------A day ago---------------------------------------- The President including Loosevelt is shocked by the sudden vibrating movements. The President is too afraid to face Sean so Loosevelt took responsibility and came outside to hear what Sean wanted. When he got outside, he saw Sean’s massive stature crossing his forehands in front of his chest. Looking pissed at the time he spent waiting for the bugs to come out of their manhole. If he wasn’t as kind enough, he could just easily punch the roof of the wall just to speak his terms. Sean looked directly at the balcony stated on the 2nd floor of the palace that leveled with Sean’s forehead. Loosevelt rested his hands on the rail and looked at Sean. When the two guys meet, Sean didn’t like how this bug is level with his sight. With the desire to assert his domination, Sean lifted himself up the ground floating in midair putting Loosevelt down him. Loosevelt timidly backed off as he saw Sean’s head rose high in the sky revealing his shoulders then his chest and folded arms in front. But what really took him in silence was the massive organ hanging in front of Sean’s waist. Sean intentionally raised his body higher so that Loosevelt has a perfect sight for his cock. One of his body’s features where he took pride in. Sean notices the staring game Loosevelt is having with his cock so he tried to get his attention back by uncrossing his arms and coiling one hand at his cock swirling it in the air like a rope. Sean gave Loosevelt a handsome grin. ‘QUIT IT MAN, I KNOW YOUR BOSS IS PUSSY COWARD TO MEET ME SO HE SENT YOU. I JUST WANT TO SPEAK MY TERMS IN EXCHANGE OF THE SERVICES I DID. I SAW A BANK ROBBERY ON THE WAY HERE SO THIS SHOULDN’T TAKE LONG’ Loosevelt looked up above and met Sean’s gaze trying his best to listen to the Giant instead of getting distracted at his glorious face. ‘Good morning Sean, Yes! What can we do for you now?’ Sean raised his cock higher emphasizing his point as he spoke. Even the calmest state of Sean’s dick intimidated the tiny human in front of it. ‘THIS!? WHERE ARE THE CLOTHES, I ASKED YOU BEFORE? I NEED TO HIDE THIS GUY UNLESS YOU WANT ME TO GO FLY IN THE AIR NAKED’ Sean’s cock pulsed at the thought of it all. ‘Okay, it’s already finished. I hope it stretches to your size Mcconley. I didn’t know you’ve grown so much. You looked smaller last night when I saw you on news’ ‘AHHH! GOOD, AND YES I’VE GROWN A LOT IN JUST A NIGHT. SURPRISING RIGHT!? SO YOU BETTER MAKE AN EXTRA CLOTHES WITH LARGER SIZES BECAUSE I MIGHT NOT BE AS HUGE AS YOU SEE ME NOW! I’M PLANNING ON GETTING BIGGER! Sean raised his hands and gave Loosevelt a biceps pose. The sight of 2 massive balls flexing harder stripped every manly persona Loosevelt has. He couldn’t compete with this guy in any way imaginable. Loosevelt nodded his head and followed Sean’s talk. ‘BUT ANOTHER REASON OF ME COMING HERE IS TO TELL THAT COWARD PRESIDENT TO PROVIDE MY FOOD FROM NOW ON! I WANT HIM TO SEND ME LOADS OF FOOD. EVERY DAY’ ‘But I thought your body can no longer feel hunger Sean?’ ‘YEAH!!! BUT I MISSED FOOD. I MISSED EATING! AND I THINK THAT’S NOT SO MUCH THING TO ASK. AFTER ALL, I’VE DONE LOTS OF THINGS FOR THIS PLACE AND FOOD IS NOT THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK. RIIGHT? Sean brushed his abs making the movement sexier. Loosevelt agreed. Sean brushed his chin thinking. ’LET’S SEE…….HOW ABOUT WE START TOMORROW HUH? MY FIRST MEAL, HERE? I HAVEN’T FOUND A PLACE TO SHELTER MY SELF SOON AS I GET BIGGER. SO YOU WON’T MIND ME EATING HERE RIGHT?’ Loosevelt nodded again. He was left with no words to negotiate with this god. ‘COOL’ Sean lifted himself slowly before realizing one thing. ‘OHH! AND JUST MAKE SURE YOU’LL COOK ENOUGH FOOD! BECAUSE YOU GUYS WON’T LIKE A GIANT MAN GET HUNGRY’ ‘Yesss!!! Of course Sean. We’ll make sure of that’ Sean gave Loosevelt a wink before he flew outwards the sky and knocked the tiny human on the floor. Loosevelt could no longer keep up with his heart rate as he slowly drifted away from consciousness fainting from nervousness after seeing Sean. ----------------------------------------A day later------------------------------------------- An 8-seater long table is placed at the palace’s front yard just next to the Catering people who were hired to cook for Sean’s special meal that he requested yesterday. Everyone keeps on going from the kitchen tent to the wide table. The chefs cooked meals enough to feed 2 families celebrating Christmas Day. At the center of it all is a massive Roasted Pig. Different kinds of Freshly sliced fruits surrounded the main dish circling the table. Other dishes were also lined up at the edges, Fried chickens, Stakes of Beef, and Tuna Salad all served in 3-5 plates. The preparation for Sean’s meal is so extravagant. The People taking pictures outside the palace notices the large foods catered inside. They all thought there was another celebration being held in the palace. But they are all wrong. Loosevelt kept on asking the persons behind the phone to fasten the things before Sean’s arrival. Loosevelt couldn’t get enough sleep last night after a days-long of overthinking of how much food Sean wanted to eat. The restless face of Loosevelt can be seen from the baggy eyes he has. He couldn’t afford to piss off Sean. He prayed and prayed that this food was budgeted accordingly and that he would satisfy Sean. Loosevelt started to worry again after he created a false outcome in his head if what if Sean thinks the food was not enough to feed his hunger. His heart rate raised higher and higher and just got worst when sounds of parting clouds as Sean punch through the sound barrier and followed it by landing on the palace grounds. Two out of all the tents couldn’t resist the air that hits it after Sean’s landing. Everyone for a 10-mile radius felt the ground quake upon Sean’s arrival. The people nearer to Sean’s location stumbled out of balance. The hot oil that was still on the stove waved inside their cooking stove and overflowed hitting on a chef’s face. The chef shouted in pain after a hot boiling oil washed his face. The medic rushed towards the injured chef after everyone regains balance. Everyone was mesmerized by Sean’s naked body. Every woman brushed their thighs as they saw the flaccid dick of Sean swaying at his footsteps. Sean looks at Loosevelt standing in front of the palace with men in arms protecting him. ‘As if they can stop me’ Sean thought and gave the 20 huge and buff soldier built men holding their pistols ready to get in act if Sean does anything to Loosevelt. Sean paced 11 steps forward to get a closer look at them. His super senses can detect their body slightly shaking from freight. The more he draws himself closer to them, the stronger the nerve impulses rise. He liked it. He likes to bath in every bug’s fear. ‘HELLO LOOSEVELT, WHAT’S WITH THE SOLDIER TOYS YOU GOT THERE? YOU PREPARING FOR SOMETHING? Sean moved his head to point at the men standing behind Loosevelt. He rested his hands at his hips waiting for Loosevelt to respond. Loosevelt swallowed a gob of saliva as he realized how much Sean has grown after just a day. He was in shock. Right now, he felt himself sinking to death as he saw Sean naked in front of them. ‘Shit, his clothes. His clothes weren’t finished yet. I’ve made the wrong calculations. Sean has doubled in size ‘Oh don’t worry about the…them Sean. It’s just my guards in case things went….. went downhill’ Sean expected the answer but didn’t like how backhanded Loosevelt said it. ‘ARE YOU MAKING A POINT LITTLE MAN. YOU WANT ME TO SHOW YOU AND YOUR GUYS WHAT ‘DOWNHILL’ MEANS?’ Sean moved further igniting his hands with sparks in command. The same lightning threads he unleashed yesterday at Dr. Addam’s Hangar. The first time he let the world see another ability he discovered. Sean’s eyes started to glow white and sparked a little making the people below step back and the soldiers point their guns up at Sean’s face. Sean thought of how foolish these guys could be. Did they know these weapons no longer work to him like years ago?. He was as little as these guys when he realized how thick and bulletproof his skin is. And it has grown thicker and stronger as years go by whenever he added height and power. Nothing has ever punctured or lacerated his skin. He is lucky unlike these men hoping their toys to calm him when things go downhill as Loosevelt says. ‘I could kill you in just one look you shits’ Sean thought. He clearly has the upper hand here. As always. These midgets are just so brave to even try. ‘Noo!!! Sean. Please.I’m sorry I shouldn’t have said that. Ummm It’s just that I…. we still need to guard ourselves in case you don’t like the food’ ‘OKAY….. SO, WHERE’S MY SHORTS?’ Sean looked around and tries to see any large fabric prepared for him. But there was none. ‘I’m so….sorrry Sean, we didn’t expect you to grow double in size in just a day. I’ve sent the wrong sizes and we haven’t even finished it yet’ ‘ARE YOU SERIOUS!!!!??’ An angry voice of Sean rattles the walls of the palace and few antique glass break inside after Sean shouted in anger. But Sean thought letting Loosevelt pass for his incompetence. The Sparks igniting around Sean settled and shuts off in his command. He has shown better control for this ability in just a short period. ‘WELL, IT’S NOT LIKE I’M ASHAMED OF MY DICK. BUT, YOU GUYS NEED TO LEARN SOMETHING!. BUT FOR NOW? YOU JUST SIT STILL THERE AND PRAY THESE FOODS ARE ROCKIN. LET’S JUST HOPE YOU COOKED ENOUGH FOR A MAN MY SIZE!’ Sean walked towards the table where his foods were prepared. He can’t believe what he saw. From the moment he took notice of the amount of food served for him, he damn well knew Loosevelt is in trouble. But Sean wanted to play along. He can’t wait to put Loosevelt in his place later. Sean first pulled the whole roasted pig and brought it in his mouth. Loosevelt’s face turned in shock. That was supposed to be the heavy meal for Sean. But yet, he just swallowed it in whole like some appetizer. Sean slowly lifted the side dishes and turned the plates over his mouth in just one gallop. Sean had to admit how delicious the foods were. But he isn’t full yet. Sean ate the fruits tossing them like grapes. One by One shooting inside his teeth. The larger fingers of Sean could barely hold a few of the fruits carefully so he just unintentionally crushed a few in upon contact with his super-dense skin. By the time Sean took the last bit of the food, Loosevelt’s heart raises up. Sean looked at the tiny guy who offered him food. ‘THAT’S IT?’ Sean wiped a few food left on his mouth and cheek. ‘Yes …Yess Sean. ….I’m so so sorry. You should have told us you grew double so we could……’ ‘SHHHH SHHH’. Sean walked towards Loosevelt’s direction. The giant bends down and pinched Loosevelt’s back of his shirt. The poor man hangs in the air like a kitten being dragged up. Few Gunmen was frozen in place and the others raised their guns pointing at Sean as he lifted Loosevelt up. But their shaken limbs couldn’t risk pulling the trigger. ‘ARE YOU INSULTING ME? DID YOU JUST BLAME ME OF YOUR INCOMPETENCE HUH. YOU SHOULD KNOW BETTER’. Sean looked at the gunmen nearest to him. The brave man is one of the guys pointing his rifle directly at his face. Sean thought of how vulnerable this human is. Sean shot a red blast of his gaze in the little guy’s direction. But Sean isn’t aiming for the head. Sean’s hot baring gaze heated up the gun he is holding. The man shouted in pain as he instantly felt the gun heated up then melting metals dripped in his hands causing him to yelp in pain. The guy fell to his knees and Sean halted the blast but still contained the red light and he stared at each of the remaining men. ‘TRY IT AND I’LL TURN YOU TO CRISP’ Sean spoke in a serious and calm voice. Making it more threatening. Loosevelt’s feet are still dangling in the feet when he felt his body swaying side by side as Sean took steps forward heading outside the Palace Gates. He looked up at Sean’s line of direction. ‘No. He can’t’. The realization that Sean plans to bring Loosevelt outside the Palace and Humiliate him in front of the crowd. Loosevelt squirmed and kicked his feet in the air. His hands reached Sean’s fingers holding his shirt and tried to pinch it. Sean grinned at Loosevelt’s attempt of getting loose. The pinches he received from the small fingers feel like a tickle in his hands. Sean reached the gate. The Guards positioned at the Palace Gates were no longer to be found. Sean looked at the gate that just only leveled with his nose. Thought it’s tall, Sean knew well how flimsy and thin the metal of the Gate was. Sean raised his feet and gave the gate a might kick. Loosevelt covered his ears from the denting sound of the metal. The concrete frame of the Palace Gates disintegrated letting the bearing of the Gates get loose. In just one forceful kick, the gate fell in front laying flat on the street. The bystanders ran away from the scene but few people just stared at Sean frozen in place. Admiring his great physique. Sean stepped outside the palace gates and his direction heading to a water fountain where a statue of the first President in the country is standing. The sculpted stone is made from a special granite that originates from the country’s famous volcano. The Statue is a century older than Sean and every building in the country. The granite statue of a man wearing in tux stood the same height as Sean. But the only thinner compared to Sean’s bodybuilder physique. The crowd gasps in shock when they saw the Giant holding loosevelt like a kitten. They all grabbed their phones and captures the scene to be uploaded online. Sean stopped at the foot of the Fountain loosened his hands from gripping Loosevelt’s cloth. The tiny human rolled on the ground just a closer distance to his feet. ‘How tiny’. Sean gave an exchange look to his feet and then to the tiny human next to it. In addition, to assert his dominance, Sean lifted his feet from the ground and placed them on top of Loosevelt. Loosevelt’s view of the sky turned dark as he saw the giant’s sole descending upon him. Sean let a portion of Loosevelt’s head not fully cover it by his pressing tow. He wiggled the toes that cause Loosevelt to sniff his foot. Sean at first was gentle to apply pressure on his victim. But he couldn’t resist applying more and more pressure just to hear Loosevelt yelp in Pain. Loosevelt felt his ribs being pressed to the ground. The puny human suppressed the pain but he can’t longer prolong it after Sean just keeps on adding the pressure while he is still silent. ÁAaahh. Please’ Loosevelt cried as he finally felt his ribs fracture. Sean finally stopped adding weight after he finally heard his scream. ‘That’s it that’s what I wanted. Sean thought. Sean looked at his crying victim and he couldn’t help his cock but pulse slightly signaling an erection. Sean raised his head and looked at all the people surrounding him. Just by standing, Sean can now see everyone’s head. He pretty damn well knows that he is the only view they could all see. Sean flexed his calf muscles turning his feet pressing on Loosevelt to pivot causing his victim's body also to move side by side. Sea raised his biceps higher and flexed them. He could hear all the women including those closeted gays giving a slight moan when they saw him flexing at the center. Sean spoke up addressing everyone. ‘LISTEN YOU GUYS. DON’T GET ANY WRONG IDEA. THIS MAN JUST DID AN UNSATISFACTORY THING I GAVE HIM AND I’M JUST GIVING THIS GUY A DISCIPLINE. YOU GUYS SURE KNEW WHO THIS IS RIGHT?’ One of the bystanders responds to the giant. ‘Yeah!! Good for him. Do everything you want Sean. He really is no use in this country. Pretty sure he and his party hacked the voting system just so they could sit in position’ Sean just chuckled of the thought. ‘OKAY OKAY WOW. I’M SORRY LITTLE DUDE BUT I’M NOT HERE ABOUT THAT. I JUST WANTED EVERYONE TO KNOW THAT FROM NOW ON. ALL OF YOU GUYS WILL BY MY WITNESS FOR AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN ME AND THE GOVERNMENT. I’LL JUST LET THIS PUSSY HERE TO PASS FROM WHAT HE DID. WITH THE CITIZEN’S CONSENT, IN EXCHANGE OF MY SERVICES FOR THIS COUNTRY, I WANT THE GOVERNMENT TO PROVIDE ALL MY FOOD FROM NOW ON! THEY WILL ALSO PROVIDE ME MY SUITS AND EVEN A PLACE TO STAY. THAT WON’T BE A PROBLEM RIGHT?’ Sean’s voice rattled the entire ground and made the water on the fountain to ripple. With mixed voices. All the crowds respond to Sean’s terms. They all agreed ”Yeah Sean, you did more for this country. A food is really not so much a request. I could sponsor you. I own a bakery a few streets from here. Julie’s bread and pastries. I saw you buying there when you were. …umm a lot little than your size now’ ‘YEAH DUDE. I KNOW THAT PLACE. THANK YOU. THAT WOULD BE GREAT’ Sean liked the short chitchat with the guys. A lot of stores actually followed the bakery owner’s words saying they want to sponsor him as well. Sean returns his attention to the guy underneath his feet. Any minute from now, Loosevelt could faint from the pressure. Loosevelt saw Sean’s face descending on him. Sean bent down to get a closer look at Loosevelt. Loosevelt couldn’t help but be mesmerized by the size of his predator. Loosevelt felt his heart sunk down as he saw how beautiful Sean’s eyes are. He couldn’t believe that at one point in his life. He saw a face of a god. With eyes mixed with threat and innocence. With his already battling faith, he is ready to plead for this god to end his life’s misery. It would be better to die than to walk on earth after being humiliated. ‘Please Sean’ ‘WWHAT!?’ ‘Just Kill me. You can re elect another person more competent to manage your fo---’ ‘SHUT THE FUCK UP!’ Sean punched the ground just a few feet above Loosevelt’s head. He saw stones and asphalt flying on top of his head as the ground cracked from the impact. Loosevelt saw Sean’s eyes glows red ready to shoot another beam of light to melt Loosevelt’s body along with the ground. ‘I DON’T JUST KILL DIM WIT. YOU’VE JUST INSULTED ME AGAIN. Sean moved his hands that he used for punching. Using his index and Thumb fingers, Sean pinched Loosevelt’s skull. He tried to move it sideways careful not to snap Loosevelt’s neck. ‘Yup, you guys are so brittle’. Loosevelt couldn’t help but bite his jaw from the pressure of his skull being pressed by two large fingers. ‘I COULD STILL USE YOU FOR NOW. A SECOND CHANCE. BUT THE NEXT TIME THIS HAPPENS AGAIN’ Sean stood up and up. Sean finally decided to remove his feet from Loosevelt’s body. The poor guy could now breathe accordingly after the pressure pressing him was removed. Sean looked at the statue beside him. Sean used his one hand and coiled it around the first president’s head. The head is just the same size as Sean’s hand. The difference between his fist and the granite rock looked like a tennis ball inside his hands. With a simple bend to the sides, Sean decapitated the humanoid statue. Sean returned his gaze to Loosevelt still lying on the ground. ‘WATCH’. Sean's eyes were still looking at Loosevelt frightened face. Sean moved his hands with the statue’s head on top of Loosevelt. Sean started to crunch the metal. His eyes started to glow red and directed a red blast on the statue heating it up. The veins of Sean’s fist glowed white adding to the heat he is producing to heat up the rock. Sean pressed the granite rock so hard that it started to shrink in size. The bystanders saw as the once head of the first president’s statue started to glow. Sean just keeps on adding pressure. Loosevelt saw Sean’s face giving off a smile. Sean lingers how easy this thing he is doing could be. He just crunches the rock-like clay in his hands and it started to deform at his will. Pressing it, shrinking it in size. Sean’s red gaze stopped and he lastly pressed the rock with all his might. Veins already popping in his hands. And he only did this with just one hand. When everything settled. And the sound of crunching rocks silenced. Sean used his mouth to blow air to the hot rock. Cooling it in place. Loosevelt felt the hot air followed by cold air hitting his entire body. Sean opened his palm and looked at Loosevelt. Sean placed his hands next to Loosevelt and then let a shiny material slid down from his palm then halt next to Loosevelt’s body. Everyone was surprised by what they saw. A crystal clear rock rolled down on the ground after slipping from Sean’s palm. The rays of the sun hitting the crystal materials blinded most of the bystanders. Sean smiled and raised his body up to a straight position. The crystal material that came from the granite head of the statue was shrunk in size, molded into a different material with Sean’s fingerprints embedded around the new rock structure. It was a diamond, reflecting the light rays of the rainbow. Everyone was shocked. What more could this god not do? ‘THAT, I THINK THAT’S ENOUGH TO BUDGET MY FOOD RIGHT!? IF THAT IS STILL NOT ENOUGH, I CAN DO THAT AGAIN, I’LL JUST MAKE SURE I’LL MIX IT WITH YOUR REMAINS!’ And with a loud bang, Sean flew outwards the sky leaving a lying Loosevelt next to a diamond rock half his size. He stared up in the sky processing everything in his mind. Is this world still a better place?.
  17. QuoteTheRaven

    Ejaaz gets Jacked Up (Finished)

    QUARY AND THE MUSCLE FAGS OF KURAI by Quote the Raven (c) JANUARY 2021 Of Quarium, all that could be shared I put forward in an ode. Chapter 1 - Desert (Sahra’) In April each year, Kurai temperatures climb to ninety degrees. They stay there and higher for half a year. - The Non-Arabs’ Guide to Kurai. A hollow concrete form in the center of the Narra al Maktoun Solar Farm 43 kilometers south of Kurai City in Kurai fills a structural role — spacing or reinforcement or something similar. The form sits invisibly amongst hundreds of acres of concrete footings and shiny black glass regiments in an otherwise barren landscape. Ejaaz Eud’laat does not know the purpose of the form, only that he has purposefully found it to shelter in its shaded interior. He swelters as he tapes reflective foil sheets to two cement openings at either end, working wall-to-wall, end-to-end, eight layers thick. The sheets block him in making it more suffocating, stifling and hot than this early July day already is. When the changes start though, the layered separation will not increase the heat, but will do the opposite and enable and protect cold. As Ejaaz endeavors at the curtaining, nerves unsteady him. They tremor his hands and intensely roil his gut. But desire pushes coveting in his veins so extreme that the rhythm of his heart pumping almost throbs aloud the needing of his efforts. He talks to himself. “You’ve done this before, Ejaaz. You’ll do this again. You can do it. You will.” When the layers of sheeting hang completed, he thinks, Get out of these clothes. Robes and keffiyeh that served his former obesity swamp off roomily and effortlessly from his coiled composition — a composition that now only strictly-dieted, intense university cricket or endurance athletics or champion swimming would have forged. He’s never done such training, though, has he. He never went for sport, fuck it, some did, but why could he never have taken to it. He does see now and feel now so palpably how worth it it would have been. He’s never put in years of those kinds of workouts — any fucking kind actually — or that disciplined, necessarily regimented, eating — The eating of the cast iron, forged iron will. He’s never cleaved himself to the half decade that would have forged this goddish muscly whippetness. Oh fuck it up, if only he had fucking done exactly that, what a jack he would have been all along, more so month by month, year by year. With the layers of sheeting and the concrete’s one-foot thickness, the space is dark now, it steams with heat. That’s too be expected — he resists the temptation to doubt how it will work. He drips with boiled sheens of fluid. The way he’s prepared the space, the change to the temperature will surely happen — won’t take long. He knows he knows that. Perspiration almost flows from his so recently chiseled jaw and rolls down his so new hard flat brown front. He takes a giant draft of ionized water. It really is the perfect environment now that it’s sealed off — what is to happen in his body will make it work — hard, foot-thick muffling and insulating walls, ultimately remote, and undiscoverable. And just how fucking remote it is, that is the key really — the ultimate reason for choosing here... oh yeah if he could be a betting man why wouldn’t he put money on that. But, fuck, he’s betting much more than money isn’t he anyway. His eyes fall to this body and he is greedy with it. It is indescribably beautiful so shredded and hard and chiseledly trim. Fuck yeah. He knows this is just the start. His eyes go also to his briefs. A snicker disrespects the member there. You’re good, baby, you really are, he thinks, I’ve been ok with you, have made you work, but really, you’re still so nothing. You’ll preen so much more, won’t you baby. Both you and muscle, when you’re both big fuck bold boys, I’ll preen you hard won’t I, fucks, you are both just part of what I’m meant for. Prior use has him to this result — improved from so pitiful, so grossly worse than average, so ignorable or really contemptible — the photo of fucking contemptible — doughy, mr full-on gigantic fat load, obese as a fucking fuck — just twenty-one days ago at 20 years old. Doses have changed him so much already haven’t they though? For sure, but changed him only because of his enduring their evil heinousness, uggghh — abiding the fucking heinous torturing violating heinousness — Allah dammit — oh well, he’s done it now — three times — but he won’t stop now — can only dream now to do it over and over and over and over and over and over again. He mouths, “I. HaVE. to.” He crouches into the wall. Remote, concrete-reduced warmth kisses the hard little sweet curvy sweat ass he has cheated himself to now. He wants it fucked right now, but thinks, Thank you. His ass is so perfectly bubbly, little, rock hard.... round. Ohh. It’s so Hard. Unnh. The location gives desolation — his torture chamber will be effectively and brutally unhearable. This jury-rigged, just-passable buffer will grow to be an ample deep freeze chamber against the outside heat, and will let cold accumulate and oh so drive the compound to work. “Fuck you,” he enunciates, knotted inside.“Fuck the fuck.” Bad language has emerged in him destroying what he was. Self-abuse, even just three doses worth, have rape-assaulted him, roughened him, made it so dirty words vulgarize the changing him — oh how they overthrow his twenty years of prissy, pussy, repressive, Arab-old-lady dictated, fucking mores. Urges ejaculate all over that fucked submissiveness, don’t they? His upper lip curls back from his teeth and his breath makes an exhaling snarl. He reaches out now and eases a vial from a cooler. “Fucker!” he spits. It is this vessel’s transforming compound that births the emerging man’s crudities. Tilting the vial, its liquid shifts between silver, green, gold, and blue. Saliva attempts to gather in his mouth, but his pouty lips crack from heat, and from both the charge and the fears. Opening it, the tube puffs a vapor cloud — a shimmering fog. “Slut,” he seethes, “I hate you,” but also he adds, “I fucking worship you, baby.” He’s so incredibly tempted to snort the Quarium, right then and there, and just have it over, just have it so that he feels...feeeEeeEeels it all here and now — euphoria, greatness, grandeur — everything. But he exerts every last tiny kernel of his too limited willpower — snorting isn’t the way. He needs what’s harder but so much more. So, instead, a syringe draws up the liquid beneath the mist. The liquid is called Quarium. “It’s go time. It is. Now is the time to go. To say go. To do it. Please! Come On. It’s go go go go go fucking go gotime to go.” The dose, Quarium loaded all behind the needle, threatens now and he points the ministration at his so alien taut trim crushingly desirable obliqued side, determined to survive and thrive, but not able to escape feeling totally in danger. He’s engaging in absolute self-deceit when he says, “This is completely safe and easy, Ejj!” What, without exaggeration, would be described as unlimited fear jarringly jitters his hand as he attempts entry and the needle jabs a slashing plunge, nothing that remotely approximates a calm, controlled pin. Nearly no part of Ejaaz’s conscious brain can register anything but anxious terror at this moment. The insertion tolerates the gross inaccuracy of his stab though and offers a still acceptable option for pushing in the dose. Just be fucking brave and do it, dammit, Ejaaz!! a shred of his will finally proffers, penetrating into the haze of his alarm. A workable command, his fingers, almost on auto-pilot, squeeze; rivulets thread continuous cold virulence into his flesh. “Yess,” he hopes to say, but more rawly what comes out is “NOOOoOOOoOoOOO!” — so emotional, so afraid at what he knows in an instant is to be intolerable excruciation. The green-silver squelches in, indifferent to any feeling — particularly the rising pulsing fear. The serum, loosened, oozes. It is irretrievable. The poison takes occupation, assumes its subject territory. Ejaaz clenches.... resistance the definition of fucking futility though. Like his prior uses, it’s possible to feel the liquid chill consuming his veins, spilling everywhere through his flesh, ignoring humanity. The blood’s additive pushes advancements depravedly into his body, pillaging, cold-raping, violating progressive landgrabs as it goes. Panic pushes Ejaaz’s stomach into his throat. Ejaaz prays if it would just spew from his mouth, oh, if only that would possibly carry this bottomless fucking fear and destruction from his body. “Oh AllAH. FUCK the great god Quarium!” he shouts. And then, because his brain is heavy already, he slurs, “You NASTY naStY nassttyt..... fu..fu...fuck-devil...” From the wall, he lists forward and then falls forward. The ripped trim body that is so very very hot — perfect long toned curved legs, cinched ripped waist, jockey shoulders, and rocking swimsuit-model arms, and all still new to him — languors out ravishingly as he smothers into the pillow of the thermic insulating sleeping bag prepared there. A deepening ice age gradually and progressively submerges him, annexing his sylvan flesh, his wiry, whippety torso and limbs, his blood, his bones, his genitals — all that had been obese, fetid, abhorrent just weeks ago. Unconsciousness claims him. **** Twenty hours pass. If unconsciousness cleft the ice shelf of his mind from the main and sank it in North Sea waters, the berg breaching the surface reawakens him. Insulated by foiled layers at the tunnels opening and the sleeping bag, while Ejaaz is gone from this world, his temperature and that in his crafted space dropped to below 0C/32F degrees. In the chamber, rime coats walls and ceiling and everything, even the foiled barrier. It’s a cold dark freezer of isolation — extreme to a degree far eclipsing even any previous shot. Brutally bare except for orange underwear, Ejaaz’s raw skinned body prostrates a heartbreaking, snowstormed, make-model purple corpse — hipbones and ribs and solidified sinews. He’s so abominalized he’s almost beyond aching — but he aches, aches gravitationally. Hoar glazes his skin and the cloth over his tantalizing pubes. Fog streams in and out of his ajar mouth. Invisible Kelvinic blades mutilate his striated flesh in the shoveling thousands. Daggering vectors spear viciously into his drop-dead skull. He can’t move, he’s so ice-tombed. “Noooo,” he whimpers, “enshallah, pleahhe.” Then he gathers his objections and yaps, “No” — A sound agonized and croaky struggles out because his vocal chords both harden in one position and because hour after hour of comatose screaming have sanded them raw. His sublime jaw mainly freezes open in place. Outside, the high unchallenged sun flames. Sand scorches about the foundations of al Maktoum, baked worse than a kiln. Concrete and steel footings sizzle. Four square miles of black glass horde sunlight then dazzle it back into the sky. How can it be so inhospitably hot when the nondescript concrete form hidden in the middle of it all shudders with the nihilation of outer space. In the tunnel, it is Quarium in Ejaaz that generates endothermic extremes, terraforming the concrete to match the exterior of McMurdo Antarctic Scientific Base upon a months-long night. Unabated by searing heat and injected instead of sniffed, Quarium molecules failed to bind to Ejaaz’s cell receptors, instead entering into his cells. Destiny now unfolds. If instead there were heat — i.e., baking direct Arabian sun — and if sniffed, it would be different. In that situation, Ejaaz’s cells’ receptors would have received the Quarium and bonded, then caused a cloning of cells to explode. A warm environment causes Quarium to make fleeting Shadowcells — desirable musculoskeletal replicas. They flourish in ratios of up to two dozen or more for each native cell. With sniffing and heat, before a Quarium user’s eyes, an Arab guy’s sweaty, perspiring body expands in girth and power with growth. Shadowcells in him proliferate as uncontrollably promiscuous as a nation’s worth of bare-assed bubbly-butted submariners occupying every square inch of a sirening 1960s erotic cartoon steamy island poster. The unbridledness of the cells’ replication rams guys’ growth — explodes them into objects of lust — sizeable, full, meaty, snorting, dripping things, like massive studs, like big bull cocks, like brimming djinns — full of libido and power — cut, jacked, huge. It happens in proportion to the Quarium and the thermic source and the guy. With extreme heat and Quarium molecules, any poxy loser becomes gorgeously muscular. Cells mass and magnificate him. They hyper masculinize him — the new found grodiness rages in a metamorphosed rippling gay or bi or even straight fagbeast who has hijacked all the trappings of ultra bodybuilding, porning masculinity while the baking heat persists. But the external heat always abates eventually and the circulatory system’s pace recalibrates, and the shadow cells subside upon loss of energy. So one ought understand: an inhaled administration of Quarium (misted up one’s nose) when done in great heat expands and then subsides. Orgasmic flexing swells into exquisite being, parades conquering raunchy triumphancy, narcisses and exhibits erectionally, ejaculates climaxingly, and then disappears as the dissipation and reabsorption of shadow cells unfold. Contemplate, a wimpy faggot sniffing Quarium with some loser friends in the dazzling Arab summer morning. See their unworked little bodies bulk up and grow fantastic before their lechery eyes. Imagine them narcissistically swept into the lording of the gigantic bodies they receive, ostentatiously wearing bikinis cut so low and so tight that they more than show off what they’ve drugged for themselves, that it reveals every aspect of what they have done on purpose — the hugening of their mountainous chests, bouldering of monumental shoulders, crowding of climbing backs and traps, rising of their incredible biceps, expansion of their enormous curving asses, and the unbelievably thick legs that stage behind awesomely transformed barely-clothed-over himbo dicks and balls. They earthquake their strength and vitality, oozing the enthrallment to feel such vast beef across their bodies, weighting them down, mountaining them up, widening them like the Ranhad T’maad span, arching them toward the sky from the great asses they have, planting them in the ground with their bridge truncheons of legs, expanding torsorally with monolithicality. They feel all these things for every minute of the Sun’s journey across the sky. And then shift to consider the late day sinking disappearance of the sun, the hot blast easing, the moisture-sparse air of an arid land not retaining the heat it has gained. Envision the gentle cooling from that. And, in conjunction, conjure the thought of thumping heart rates that release orgasms the kind of which these fuck-nothings would piss just to realize existed. They would spuge-detonate after eight or thirteen hours of oversized, so-bare-they’re-more-vulgar-than-naked raunchy foreplay. Afterward, their cumming-eased heart-rates back down from porn-horny pace. Understand that a diminished, fever-broken bloodflow brings less energy to cells, tires the hosts of those blood cells, has them doze, and know then that shadow cells in the temporary Mr. Olympians say goodbye. Over hours, the cells aerobate until a quarter day later, neither the Quarium, nor anything the Quarium dingle-servingly wrought in the sniff-poxy-pansies exists any longer. Individuals who for soul-joying hours ass-humped as gluttonous gargantuans, muscling more extremely than Grimes or Kai Greene or baby Forslin or Marcello, revert to exactly the fagstupid putrid nothing fucks they had been. But, that is not Ejaaz here, that is not him now. ———————
  18. dw2098lj

    The Car Salesman - Chapter 2

    Chapter 2 With every step and every breath in of the cold winter air I felt as if a spell was lifting. My attraction to Karl and fixation on his huge muscles and enormous cock was being replaced with sheer disbelief at what had just happened. Slowly my thoughts were becoming my own again as my mind raced through the events of the last couple of hours. How had I as a straight man, who’d never had any interest in other men, let myself be used by that gym-rat, the epitome of everything I despised? As I turned the key in the front door of my house and heard the lock click open I came to a sudden realisation. I had been drugged. It was the only explanation I could think of to explain the bizarre events of today. Somehow Karl had fed me some illegal substance which had an abnormal and extreme effect on me. But how had he done it? I’d not had anything to eat or drink whilst I was there and to be honest the effects had been almost immediate, pretty much from the start of our encounter. It was then, sat in the dark on the sofa in my living room, that I remembered the strange but seductive scent coming off Karl that I’d noticed as soon as I met him. Still dazed from the afternoon, I could almost hear the cogs of my brains turning over, trying to connect the dots. Finally, something clicked and I remembered the strange looking bottle, “Alpha Scent”, which I’d glimpsed in Karl’s desk. Yes, that was it! Clearly this scent had some pheromones or something in it that caused extreme desire in whoever smelt it. Ridiculous as it sounded, it was the only possible explanation I could come up with. The longer I sat there on the sofa, the more my confusion and embarrassment were replaced with anger. Luckily for me, my wife wasn’t due home from work for 2 hours – I needed a plan. *** Two days later I was sat outside Karl’s office, waiting to pick up my new car. My heart was racing at the plan I’d concocted but I was confident that it would work, having spent several hours over the last few days perfecting it. A few minutes after I arrived, Karl’s office door opened and an attractive woman in her early 40s left. I could tell from her harassed look and the fact that her blouse wasn’t buttoned up correctly that she had just been subjected to the “Karl” treatment. The huge man himself appeared in the doorway a few seconds later, his shirt unbuttoned at the top, covered in a sheen of sweat from his most recent workout. “Give me two minutes Joe,” he called, grabbing a towel from behind the door and heading down the corridor to where I guessed the showers were. I nodded in reply, glad that Karl clearly had a strict routine between clients, something that my plan relied on. As soon as the shower room door had clicked shut I leapt up, pleased that there were no other staff members around (for obvious reasons Karl’s office was away from everyone else). I opened the door to Karl’s office before sneaking in and shutting the door quietly behind me. I hurried over to his desk, not knowing how literal Karl’s “two minutes” would be, and opened the top draw. I picked up the strange bottle, turning it over to read the label on the back: “Instructions: Use 2 sprays for instant results lasting 24 hours. Re-apply after showering”. There was no mention of what the “instant results” were but I could have a good guess. Conscious of the time, I pulled two bottles out of my pocket, one an empty aftershave bottle, the other filled with water that I’d dyed purple to match the fluid in the “Alpha Scent” bottle. I quickly poured the contents of the “Alpha Scent” into my empty aftershave bottle which I put safely in my pocket. I then substituted it with the dyed water from my other bottle before screwing the top back on and replacing the strange bottle in Karl’s top drawer. The colour wasn’t an exact match so I’d have to hope Karl wouldn’t pay too much attention to it. It was then I noticed something. In my rush to get into his office and steal his treasured secret, I hadn’t noticed that Karl’s masculine scent still filled the room, even though he was no longer there. I found myself inhaling deeply, yet again allowing his aroma to fill my head. Images of his full, thick chest and bulging veiny biceps immediately flashed across my mind. I started to imagine the feeling of his big manly cock deep in my tight ass, to feel him plough me with all his strength and power. All thoughts of my carefully worked out plan left my head as I noticed that my cock was rock hard and throbbing. I unbuttoned my jeans, letting them fall to the floor before pushing down my tight boxer briefs, letting out my aching cock. I wrapped my hand around it, jerking slowly as I thought about running my hands over his swollen chest and ripped abs. I was excited to think that Karl would be back at any second and I wanted to be ready to please him. I found myself getting into position on his desk as I had the other day, face down, ass ready for him to slide his cock in as soon as he came through the door. Suddenly the blinds rattled and a gust of wind blew in through the open window. It hit me straight in the face, clearing my head and allowing just a second of rational thought. That was all I needed – I immediately jumped off Karl’s desk, pulled up my boxers and jeans and ran out the door, all without taking another breath. My heart was racing as I settled myself in the chair outside Karl’s office just as the door to the shower room opened down the corridor. Karl looked pristine yet again, freshly showered and in clean smart clothes, a confident smile on his face. Thankfully the feelings of lust had past as quickly as they’d started now that I was out of the confined environment of Karl’s office and I was able to focus once again. “Right Joe, let me just get your keys and we’ll have you sorted in no time,” Karl said as he passed me, entering the office I’d only seconds ago vacated myself. I was sure I’d left everything as it should be but still my heart was racing. I suspected that Karl would be re-applying the “Alpha Scent” after his shower but would he notice straight away the swap I’d made? My entire plan hinged on this moment. A minute later Karl came out, his confident smirk plastered to his face as usual, the keys to my new car in one hand, the final agreement in the other. “Let’s go out to your car then Joe,” Karl said, with no acknowledgement of the events of the other day but more importantly, no evidence that he’d noticed the swap at all. “Sure thing Karl,” I said, trying to sound more relaxed than I felt. As I followed behind, I tentatively inhaled, but there was nothing, no trace of the alluring odour and my head remained clear. When we’d reached the car, Karl showed me around the outside again before we got in. Once inside, I was aware yet again how much space Karl occupied but it didn’t seem to affect me as it had done the other day. “Well Joe, here’s the key… I just need one more signature from you,” Karl said, handing me the final agreement. As I signed, I noticed that Karl had his arm up on the window again and was casually flexing his biceps as he looked across at me. I smiled as I handed the agreement back to him. “Right Karl, I’ll be going then if that’s everything,” I said confidently. “Oh yeah, erm, sure Joe,” clearly surprised by my lack of interest in his flexing muscles, “unless you want to go for round two,” he added, attempting a deep seductive voice which just sounded hollow to me without the effects of the “Alpha Scent”. He rested one of his giant hands on the equally giant bulge in his trousers but even this didn’t affect me. “No thank Karl,” I said, still trying to stay at ease, “I’ll be going now. Thanks for your help.” “Erm…ah…well, no problem, Joe,” Karl said as he prised himself out of the car, clearly confused at my resistance. “See you around Karl,” I said through the open window as I started to pull away. As I left the forecourt I smiled as I caught sight of the giant muscle man in my rear-view mirror, a look of intense confusion on his face. Little did he know it was only just beginning. *** Twenty minutes later I was standing in my bedroom at home, the bottle of aftershave, now containing the “Alpha Scent” in my hand. I hesitated, torn between sensibility and the desire to try it on myself before my wife got home and see what effect it had on her. We’d been trying to think of ways to liven up our sex life and I hoped this would be the answer, causing her to experience the same indescribable lust for me that I’d experienced for Karl. But then again, I didn’t really know what the true effects of this spray were and I suspected it definitely wasn’t legal. In the end my desire and curiosity won out and before I knew what I was doing I’d squirted two sprays on my neck. The pure “Alpha Scent” smelt great, kind of woody but other than that there was no noticeable change in me. I started to feel a bit stupid as I stood there and suspected that I had just gone to extreme lengths to steel what was essentially just a bottle of aftershave. At that moment though a strange warm feeling started spreading from my neck, where I had sprayed the “Alpha Scent”, down into my chest. It felt as though my shoulders and chest were pulsing with energy, the warm feeling spreading out into my arms too. Suddenly, I noticed that my normally loose-fitting blue t-shirt felt a bit tight around my chest and I looked down to see that my chest was actually starting to swell. “Fuck, I’m growing,” I said out loud, unable to help myself. I watched and felt as my biceps started to expand too, pulsing as they got bigger, huge veins popping up under the skin. My arms felt like they were surging with power and soon they were straining the sleeves of my small top. Without even thinking, almost on instinct, I brought both arms up into a double biceps, flexing hard the muscles which until now had been tiny and pathetic. I heard the loud RIP as both sleeves split down the seam, bursting open to allow my biceps and triceps to continue growing. “This feels fucking amazing,” I called out, my voice noticeably deeper and more masculine, as I continued to flex and pump my biceps. The warm feeling had now reached my groin and quads and the most amazing sensation hit me, like I was having a continuous orgasm. Waves of pleasure flooded through my veins as I looked down to see that the bulge in my jeans was swelling slowly, pushing out as I felt my cock grow. My expanding quads were quickly filling out my jeans too and I could hear the material creaking as it struggled to contain them. My attention was then pulled back to my still swelling chest, which was now way too big for the size ‘S’ T shirt. My back too was expanding, pulling the shirt even tighter and stopping me from being able to breathe properly. “GGGRRRRRRRRRR,” I roared as I reached up to the neck of the t shirt, pulling it straight down and hearing the fabric tear as I ripped it off in one go. “FUCK, I’m a beast,” I screamed, looking down at my exposed torso, as I threw the shredded top on the floor. Beneath my swollen pecs I could see the little bit of body fat I had disappearing, exposing tight ripped 8-pack abs which pushed up like cobble stones. I ran one of my hands down them, enjoying the feeling of ripped muscle under my fingers. Beneath my tiny, tight waist, my quads were still growing, feeling so tight in my jeans that I knew that I needed to get them off soon. No sooner had I thought this I heard another rip and realised it was too late. My huge quads had torn the fabric on either side of my jeans and I could see the exposed muscle underneath. I flexed each of my humungous quads in turn, extending the tear on either side with colossal grunts. I then reached down, grabbing the waist band with my two hands and pulling down to complete the job, ripping my jeans off and throwing them on the floor. “I’m so STRONG,” I roared, unable to hold back as I started flexing, the growth now slowing and the warm feeling starting to subside. I looked at myself in the mirror on the wall – I now had the body of a serious weight-lifter, not quite as big as Karl, but still pretty huge. My face too looked more masculine, chiselled, with a sharp jaw-line with a light dusting of stubble. My torso had a covering of dark, manly hair that had sprung up in the last two minutes on my previously hairless body. The bulge in my boxers was verging on obscene as my rock hard cock tented the fabric. I quickly pulled off my boxers, feeling as my much bigger cock slapped up against my abs. “FUCK,” I moaned, as I looked down at my throbbing cock which was at least 8” long, about 2” longer and much thicker than before my growth spurt. A steady stream of pre was leaking out as I continued to flex in front of the mirror, appreciating my new muscle body. I ran my hands over my pumped chest, amazed at the weight of my pecs and noticing the deep defined valley that ran between them. I flexed each bicep in turn, trying to wrap the other hand round each mound of marble-like muscle to no avail. The huge veins which had popped up during my growth were still there and snaked like a road map down my bulging biceps and forearms. Still flexing, I wrapped one hand around my thick cock and started jerking, feeling the pleasure quickly rising in me. “MMMM, you’re a beast Joe,” I moaned to myself, so turned on by my own muscles. I couldn’t stop running my other hand over my torso as I jerked, marvelling in the feel of the solid muscles now strapped onto my previously weedy frame. Only minutes ago I’d been a tiny 33yo, with a bit of a beer-gut. Now I was a total alpha muscle stud. This thought drove me on closer to climax as I let out low, deep moans and grunts. I jerked my cock faster, still flexing as I watched in the mirror. “Oh fuck,” I moaned, “I’m gonna fucking shoot…”. I worked myself up more and more, relishing the new length and girth of my cock and the sticky pre-leaking from it. Huge grunts escaped my mouth as my massive chest heaved with each breath drawn in. Within seconds I felt my full, aching balls tighten and I had nearly collapsed to the floor in the most intense orgasm of my life, surpassing even when I’d been with Karl the other day. It was like my whole body exploded in pleasure, each of my newly engorged muscles flooding with an indescribable sensation. “AAHHHHHHHH,” I screamed in ecstasy as rivers of warm cum erupted from my huge cock, splashing over the mirror and floor, the final few spurts dribbling down my huge ripped quads. I gazed at the sight in the mirror – I was amazed at the huge hunk of muscle standing in front of me, his colossal chest heaving over tight ripped abs and an enormous thick cock still leaking cum onto the floor. I couldn’t believe this muscle stud was me. I ran my hands up over my cobbled abs and thick chest, feeling sweat and cum mingling together over the rock solid muscle underneath, before falling backwards onto the bed in blissful exhaustion.
  19. pasidious

    Camjerk 2

    Here is the second part of Camjerk. I hope it's as good as you expect! Please let me know what you think, even if it sucks. Part 1 ______________________________________________ My cock twitched, and I felt a surge of cum shoot into the shaft and launch from the tip into the air, landing on my keyboard, and then more spurts, hitting my face, my shirt, and even more on the keyboard. I shot volley after volley, until it was just dribbling down and onto my hand. I sat there, out of breath, panting, looking at my dick as the remnants of my cum-fest drooled down my hand and my dick. That was a huge load, surprisingly so, after the load I already blew so short of a time ago. I looked back at the screen on my desk, and there he was, the person responsible for my ejaculation. My heart was thumping in my chest. I didn't know how to respond to him. But then it occurred to me that he had the wrong person. He must have me confused with someone else. That's gotta be it. There's no way he's my neighbor. I finally removed my hand from my dick. Everything was a mess, but at this point, I was fully invested in this dude. Nothing would stop me from enjoying this. But what do I say? I wanna see more, and if I tell him he's surely thinking of someone else, he might disappear. But he spoke first. "Dude, you there?" He was simply sitting there now, a concerned look on his face. I didn't like how I couldn't see his entire body anymore, but it was still so hot seeing him from the abs up. His arms were bulging, and he wasn't even flexing. His pecs were jutting out, nipples pointing down, and they had such hot pec cleavage. His abs were clenching as he would lean forward and back in his chair. His obliques were prominent, too. So fucking hot. "Dude?" He called for me again. I looked at his face and he was so cute. He looked worried. I let out a sigh, and I guess I had to say something. Me: i'm here. "Oh okay, you had me worried there for a sec," he said. "Thought maybe you logged off." Me: no i'm here. "Well then don't leave me hangin' dude! How 'bout it? Wanna come over?" He was smiling, and his traps were bulging. I don't know if he was flexing them on purpose, but they were looking pretty big just then. And I felt my dick beginning to plump up again. But I had to come clean. Me: I have to be honest with you, i don't think i am who you think i am, i have no private info in my profile and there's no way you could know who i am. you mustve gotten lucky with my name. It was harder for me to care about my typing and spelling with my hands still covered in jizz. But I'm guessing he didn't mind my less formal style. "No, Mike, I know exactly who you are. I've passed you in the hall a bunch of times and I think you're hot. And uhhh... I hope you don't get mad but... funny thing about ground floor apartments is I can see inside your place. I swear I was just trying to learn more about you to see what you like, and I happened to catch you on this site. Sooo I decided to make my own account and hoped you would join my room." What. The. Fuck. He fucking watched me looking at dudes on this site? Which means he most likely watched me jerk off, too. "Please don't be mad, dude." What the fuck do I say? I mean, I'm definitely putting up better goddamn window treatment, for sure. I looked around and had to make sure no one was watching me this second. I sighed. I looked back at my computer screen and saw his cute face. All the anger I was initially feeling washed away. Well, his cute face AND his big bulging muscles made me rethink my emotions. Me: ok prove to me you know i am who i am. what do i look like? He grinned. "You're about 7 feet tall, have a mullet and a beard, and you like to dance naked listening to Toby Keith." I couldn't help but laugh at the last part. He had to be joking. And then he chuckled. "I'm kidding. You're around 6 feet tall, you have hair kind of like mine... wavy, but a darker brown. Not long, but not exactly short, either. Green eyes. Kind of athletic looking, but hard to tell because you often stay pretty covered up. The few times I've seen you wear shorts your lower legs look pretty thick. You tend to wear button-down shirts, and I believe you were wearing one even today when I saw you earlier." He stopped, keeping that smile on his face. Fuck, though. He was right. And I was wearing a button-down shirt today. Me: how'd you know about the Toby Keith thing? He laughed. "Well, guess I got lucky with that. But dude, was I right about the rest of it?" Me: yeah, i guess you do know who i am "Awesome! So, then, how about it?" Me: i guess this is all a bit too surreal though, i mean how could i believe a dude who can literally grow muscle and get huge would just happen to live in the same building as me AND want to meet me? "Dude you just watched it happen multiple times, and as for seeing how real I am, I guess you'd have to come over to find out." He winked. I pondered the situation for a few seconds. My heart was pounding, in truth. I knew already that I wanted to go meet him, to see how real this all was. Watching him grow in person would be infinitely better than just seeing it on a screen. But I also wanted to have some additional fun, first. Me: alright i think i might just take you up on that offer. but first... I sent that message, and I watched him read it. He sat in that chair, reading his screen, and I was still in awe looking at his muscled body. His round, bulbous shoulders rose and fell as he breathed, his arms bulging at his sides. His triceps really stood out, and it was so hot seeing how much they bulged and how I could see them even from the fronts of his arms. And they still had that vascularity, both arms had a prominent vein running down each that really stood out. "But first what?" he said, but immediately after that there was that telltale "DING" noise. I tipped him again. "Oh fuck, oh fuck..." he pushed himself away from his desk and stood up. His dick was only semi-hard now, but I expected it to grow and harden soon. He grinned. "So you do want me even bigger, huh? Watch." Just hearing him speak now was making my dick harden up again. He stood, arms at his sides, and I watched as his abs clenched. "Ohhh yeah..." he moaned a little. His pecs started to inflate some more, pushing out, growing bigger and bigger. His obliques became even more prominent, really making that V line stand out even more. That V line was so hot. And fuck, his abs. I watched as two new bricks etched themselves out, and he had a perfect 8 pack. He flexed into a double bicep, and I watched his arms rise up into huge boulders. "Watch this," he said. My dick throbbed. He turned around so his back was facing the camera, and holy FUCK. His back was a sight to behold, now covered with muscle. His arms still flexed, I watched them growing and throbbing, pulsing bigger and bigger with each of his heartbeats. "Unnghhhh!" I heard him moan, and his lats were widening more. His wings were flaring, and his V-taper was becoming more and more pronounced. "Oh fuck yeah, this feels so fucking good, dude!" And wow, I've never noticed glutes before, but with his back to me, I could see his ass growing. I could actually see the striations in his ass muscles, and he was even flexing them occasionally. I watched them bulge and contract as they grew. My dick was throbbing so hard, and oozing pre again. AGAIN. His ass was so amazing to look at, and I just wanted so badly to... well, I had to be honest with myself. I wanted to fuck him. "AHH!" My attention snapped back to his growth and I saw him suddenly shoot upward another inch in height. "Oh fuck yeah," he said, softly. FUCK. And his legs were swelling. He dropped his arms and turned back around, and I saw his arms hanging at an unbelievable angle from his body. Those lats were huge, even unflexed. I could now see his quads again as they grew, each head of the muscle clearly defined. His legs were pressing into each other now, and he had to widen his stance. And then... "Ahhhhh" he mostly sighed, and I watched his amazing dick starting to harden. It pulsed bigger and bigger and BIGGER, growing in time with his heartbeats, until it was standing up and hard as a steel pipe. And then it continued growing, thicker and longer. "Fuck yes, I love when my dick grows..." he said. His dick grew at least another two inches longer, and amazingly thick, and it was even beginning to leak pre. He flexed into a most muscular, and even growled a little for me. "Grrrrr!" I didn't even have my hand on my dick, and I came. I exploded. My dick suddenly throbbed harder than I'd ever felt before, and a huge volley of hot white cum shot out and straight up, so high it almost hit the ceiling, but dropped back down and splashed onto my keyboard. And then another shot, hitting my chin. It splattered all over. And then several other shots that continued coating my computer area with my spunk. I relaxed and just let it happen until it was just a slow dribble running out of my tip and down my shaft. He continued flexing on camera the whole time I was cumming, seemingly aware that I had reached my limit of sexual arousal. Or maybe not. I'm guessing flexing is what I'd do, too, if I'd just grown huge muscles, regardless of who was watching or what was going on. I was breathing hard, almost out of breath from my explosion. I could only sit there and watch him flexing those amazing muscles. But then he turned to the camera and walked back to his desk, pulling his chair back behind him and sitting down. Again, his frame took up considerably more space in the video shot than it had before. His shoulders were so wide now they were off the screen. He adjusted the camera upward since he was too tall to stay in the frame after that height increase. "So dude, did you enjoy that?" He said, smiling that smile. His face was even cocky, now. And that made this all that much hotter. Me: what do you think "Sweet! I did too, I love growing so fucking much. I bet you made a mess, huh?" I was becoming overly aware of how much of my spunk was everywhere. I'd probably have to buy a new keyboard altogether. I love how he already knew I loved watching him grow again, and what happened as a result. "So, how about it? You wanna come over?" he asked again. Me: hell yes i wanna come over "FUCK yeah!" he exclaimed. He even pumped his fists into the air. It was cute. It also made his arms flex, which was hot. "I'm on the next floor up in 2C. When can I expect you?" Me: uhhh as much as id like to run to your place right now, i think i ought to clean myself up first. ive made a big mess. give me some time? He laughed a hearty laugh. "Alright alright, but remember I know where you live so you better come over." He flexed his big gun right in front of the camera to emphasize his "threat," and then laughed some more. More of a giggle that time. And god, have I mentioned he was still cute, even as a muscle beast? Me: yeah i know where you live now too ill be there asap "Sweet, dude, can't wait!" He flexed a double bicep one more time, then clicked something with his mouse. The screen went blank and it said "The model is offline." I sighed. My dick was hardening, yet again, as I thought of going to see him for real. Plus that final flex he did before going offline made my heart flutter, too. FUCK! What was I waiting for?! I jumped out of my chair and started removing my clothes. They were covered in jizz. I used my undershirt to wipe off what mess I could from my desk and chair. I'd have to clean it all for real when I could, but I didn't want to waste any more time. I threw my clothes onto the floor near my hamper. I'd have thrown them in, but it just felt strange mixing them with my "normal" dirty clothes. Completely nude, I walked to my bathroom to shower. I didn't want to go see this dude all dirty and sweaty. I turned on the water, waiting for it to heat up. I looked into the mirror, and thought back to what he said about my being "athletic" looking. I guess my own time in the gym has paid off. I had a bit of a chest formed, pecs that were kind of full and pushing out. My arms weren't big or anything, but they were defined. I flexed an arm for myself, and I guess I could admit I had a nice ball of a bicep. And I did have abs, so there was that. Barely a 6 pack, but they were there. I looked down at my calves and remembered how he said I had "pretty thick" lower legs. Yeah, I guess my calves might even be my best muscle, really. I ran a lot, even before starting going to the gym on a more regular basis. I loved how they would bulge when I walked. I always thought big calves were sexy. Steam was permeating the air, and I realized the water was hot already. I flexed for myself once more, thinking about how great it must feel to grow. My dick twitched and started to grow a bit, but I went and adjusted the water temperature so I could shower. I stood in the shower, feeling the water washing over my body. My dick remained in a semi-hard state. My mind was picturing... wait, I never even got his name! Well, whatever his name is, I kept picturing and replaying in my mind the times that he grew on my computer screen. I had to keep refocusing on the task at hand; showering quickly. My dick kept twitching and pulsing, wanting to grow hard, and then I'd be tempted to jerk off again. No time for that. I washed all the jizz off my body, and made sure to shampoo my hair really well. I'm sure I got some cum there, too. And then the image of him when he was still skinny as a rail popped into my head. Watching him throw his head back as his shoulders broadened for the first time, and flexing his skinny arm and watching his bicep take form and swell. FUCK my dick was growing fast. Soon it was standing straight up. I shuddered, and kept my hands away from my dick as I rinsed off the remaining soap from my body. I hopped out of the shower, my dick bouncing as I did, and toweled off. I needed to get moving. I didn't want my "date", for lack of a better term right now, to be kept waiting. I went to my bedroom and quickly got dressed, pulling on a simple black T-shirt and cargo shorts. I went back to the bathroom and fixed my hair so it wasn't all over the place, and I couldn't help but notice that I did look pretty athletic. My shirt was hugging my body quite nicely. I never bothered to really check myself out, but my "date" made me start thinking about it when he said I looked athletic. I was actually really happy that the gym was doing me some good. I put my shoes on and left my apartment, being sure to lock the door behind me. I headed up the stairs, and then made my way to the end of the hallway where 2C was. My heart was thudding in my chest, pounding faster and faster as I approached the door. I wasn't sure what to expect. I mean, I had an image in my mind of what would be standing in the doorway when the door was opened, but this all seemed too surreal, like I was dreaming. I was so nervous. I took a deep breath, and knocked on the door. I couldn't believe what I saw when the door opened. It was him. But, it was... pre-transformation him. He was shorter than me, maybe around 5'9", and he was super skinny. "Hey," he greeted me, smiling. He was fully clothed again, wearing a black T-shirt, like mine, and another pair of red gym shorts. My mouth had to have been hanging open. I was expecting the muscle-bound guy who I saw on the Camjerk website! "Come in, dude!" he said as he stepped aside. I tentatively stepped forward, entering his apartment. His place was similarly laid out. The kitchen area was just inside the doorway, and beyond was the living room area. To the left was a short hallway that led to the bedroom and bathroom. His place was pretty clean for a guy so young. I mean, I wasn't much older, but usually 21 year-olds aren't so focused on cleanliness. "I, uhhh, suppose you might be wondering why I'm this size again." I nodded. "Funny thing about my ability is when the source is cut off, I begin to shrink back to this size. Which is okay! I love to experience it over and over again." He grinned at me. That face... up close, and real... it was even cuter. He was so attractive. I felt my dick twitch. I started to wonder what his plan was, if he had one at all. Was he going to grow again for me? Was he going to have me on cam with him while he got tips from other people? I realized just then that I was making this awkward. I hadn't even said anything to him yet. "Yeah! I mean... I'm sure it does feel great. To grow, I mean," I finally blurted out. I was stuttering. "I'm Zach, by the way. I realized earlier that I never told you my name. Come on, let's go sit. Want anything to drink?" he asked. "Nah, man, I'm okay for now." "You sure? I've got beer, now that I'm old enough to buy it," he chuckled. I smiled, and laughed a little with him. "No, man, I'm good. For now, anyway." He gestured towards the sofa in the living room. It was pointed at a surprisingly large TV that was mounted on the wall. We both walked over to it, and he sat down. I sat down next to him, and we both didn't say anything for a few seconds. I didn't know what to say, really. I just stared at the blank TV screen as though there was something on. I had to say something, though. This felt too awkward, and I wanted to see where things went. "So, what's the plan?" I asked. He giggled. "I don't know, dude. I wasn't even sure you'd come over, to be honest. But, uhhh, I just wanna finally say it in person. You're hot." He blushed just then, his face turning bright red. I chuckled a little. "You know I think you're hot already. I came like, three times watching you on cam. Made a mess of everything. Didn't even touch myself for at least one of those times. And you're super cute." I felt the blood rush to my face and knew I was turning red as well. He grinned. "So, I have to ask, are you gonna try to grow again?" He smiled a mischievous, almost evil smile. "Of course, dude. Like I said before, I wanna see how much fun we can have without computers separating us." "Well, then, do you wanna go to your computer so you can get back on cam?" "Oh no, dude, that's just one way. A tip is like appreciation, right? So, there's other ways I can feel... appreciated." The smile that followed that statement was definitely evil. I felt my dick stir. He then said, "Have I mentioned yet that you look really hot? I've never seen you wear such a tight shirt before. Nice pecs." He nodded towards my chest, and I guess my chest was pushing it out a bit. And then he put his hand on my leg, and slowly slid it down toward my knee. Oh god, my dick was definitely growing and pulsing now. I leaned toward him, and he toward me, and we kissed for the first time. It was a soft kiss, light, but it felt so nice. My dick responded with a throb, and butterflies entered my stomach. We smiled at each other. "Ready?" he asked. Fuck. I wasn't sure I'd be able to keep from cumming too soon. "H-how are you gonna do it?" I asked in response. "Just play along, and you'll see," he said, almost in a whisper. "You're already hard," he said, definitely in a whisper that time. He nodded toward my crotch. He lightly brushed his hand over it, and it made me shudder. He took his hand away, and flexed his skinny arms. There was barely a mound rising up on each. It was almost something you'd expect to see as a joke, and I felt ashamed for even thinking that. "Feel them, Mike," he said, still whispering. He said to play along, and my heart was pounding. I reached my hands over, and placed them on his biceps... or what would usually be considered biceps, had there been any there. I rubbed them, squeezed a little, and let my fingers slide along the length of his arms. "Now feel my chest," he commanded, a little louder this time. I put my hands on his flat chest, and felt it through his shirt. I let my hands run from one side to the other, and even ran them down to his stomach. His abs weren't there anymore, but his stomach wasn't exactly soft, either. My hands ran back up his torso, and I let them graze his shoulders. Then up to his traps and neck. "Oh fuck, oh fuck... yeah, this feels amazing, dude. I'm picturing it, what it'd be like if I was bigger, and you feeling me up, and I can feel it. Oh fuck, it's happening... unnghhh." And holy fuck. He threw his head back, like he did when he first grew on Camjerk, and I saw it happening again. For real. His shoulders were widening, growing, rounding out. They were getting bigger. And his traps were slowly taking shape, rising up slightly, swelling. I saw some movement under his shirt, and his chest was beginning to push out. Two mounds were slowly taking shape under the fabric, and I could feel my dick throbbing in response. FUCK! He raised his head again, looking at me, smirking. "This feels even better than before, dude." He straightened his arms out, and started flexing them again. This time, though, his biceps were taking shape. He flexed, and then unflexed, then flexed again. Each time, his biceps bulged up bigger than before. "Fuck yeah, oh yeah," he'd grunt with each flex. He squeezed out one final flex with his arms, and they stopped swelling. "Oh god, dude, that felt so good." My dick was throbbing so hard in my shorts, and I could feel the wetness of pre leaking into the fabric. FUCK I didn't want to cum so soon, but I didn't know if I could take much more. I didn't want to soil my clean shorts already, although the pre was already kind of doing that. He kept his arms flexed, and they were already pretty hot. Nicely shaped, bulging up, and I could already see those veins from before. But then he took his right hand and placed it under my chin, and pulled my face to his and kissed me. Hard. "Mmmmf" I gasped with his mouth on mine. His tongue entered, and I attempted to wrestle it with my own. I felt his hand running up my leg, and I mean up, not down like last time, and I shuddered. If he touched my dick, I'd probably cum. Luckily he pulled away, and broke the kiss. "You ready for more?" he asked, somewhat cockily. "Dude, I don't know if I can keep from cumming..." I bashfully responded. He glanced at the tent I was pitching, and smirked. "Duh, dude. That's the point. If I'm not making you cum, then I'm not doing my job. And, uh, I'll tell you now, it helps." And then he grabbed my wrists with his hands and placed them on his newly formed pec muscles. "Ohhh yes..." he breathed. I took the hint and let my hands press and feel his now harder chest, and let my hands roam over his newly formed muscles. I made my way to his arms, and they felt way better than before. They were harder, and felt muscly. I moved my hands to his legs and prodded them through his shorts, and they too were more muscled. I heard him gasp. "Shit, dude, I can feel it coming again. Oh god, yeah, here it comes, it's happening!" He closed his eyes, and his mouth was hanging open as the sensation washed over him. God it even looked like it felt good. My dick was oozing pre, throbbing, and my shorts were getting wetter and wetter. And then I saw it happening. He was swelling all over. His shoulders were growing bigger, wider, and I could see his traps rising up again. This time they became more pronounced, pushing the collar of his T-shirt up. His chest was pushing out of his shirt, creating definite outlines in the fabric. His eyes snapped open, and he grinned. "Fuck yeah, dude, I wanna grow so big for you," he said, and I felt my dick spasm. I was so close to exploding into my shorts. I could feel it. And then I saw his lats taking form again, pushing out against the sides of his shirt. He lifted the bottom of his shirt and his abs were taking shape again, getting back some definition. And his legs, I saw them pushing up against his shorts as he sat there. Then, he flexed his arms. They bulged, bigger than seconds before, pushing up into the fabric, filling the space that was left in the sleeves of his shirt until they tightened. He straightened his arms and flexed again, grunting, and the sleeves were even tighter, digging into his skin. I felt the pressure in my crotch reach its peak as he flexed his arms, and I felt the sharp sensation of an ejaculation erupting from my balls and into the shaft of my cock, shooting through its length and out of the tip. "FUCK!" I yelled, as I felt shot after shot of cum shooting into my shorts, a hot wet sensation expanding throughout. "Oh fuck," I said again. I shuddered, and I heard Zach chuckle. I looked over at him, and he had an evil glint in his eyes, and a smirk on his face. "Dude, you just came for me, and--oh fuck--this is about to get--ungghh--really fun!" His neck thickened and his voice deepened a little. His traps swelled upward again. He stood up from the sofa and planted himself in front of me, and I caught a glimpse of his calves swelling and bulging. He caught my gaze and said "It's only just beginning," and flashed that smile again. "Unnghhfuck" he moaned, and he started growing. His chest was really swelling fast, pushing out, pressing into the fabric of his shirt, causing stress lines to form. His shoulders were broadening again, growing bigger and bigger, and his sleeves were riding up his arms. What little space left in his sleeves was gone, and now even unflexed, his arms completely filled them. And fuck, his legs were pressing into his shorts, now. Once again, he looked like a junior bodybuilder, and was still growing. And then I felt my dick starting to harden again. Jesus, I wonder how much I could cum in one day? My balls were producing cum just for Zach. "Ohh yeah, I love this part, don't you?" My attention was brought back to Zach when he spoke, and I quickly realized what he was going to do. He had his arms raised, and I was excited to see it happen. "Unghh" he grunted suddenly, and he grew upward by maybe an inch, surprising even him. Small tears could be heard as his shirt was giving up the fight to contain his torso. "No fair! I'm flexing out of this shirt!" he exclaimed, and I guess I had to agree, it's hotter to see him flex out of a shirt. My dick agreed with a throb. He raised his arms up, and then BAM! Flexed into a mind-blowing double-bicep, his arms exploded with size, and the enormous sound of tearing cloth resounded through the apartment. RRIIIIIIP!!! The sleeves exploded, ripping all the way to the collar of his shirt, the sleeves reduced literally just to shreds. "FUCK YEAH!" he exclaimed. He took the remains of his shirt and ripped the rest from his body, leaving his torso bare. "Fuck that shirt, dude. I want you to see these muscles!" "OH fuck, Zach..." I gasped, my dick throbbing, pitching a huge tent in my shorts. "Yeah, dude. Fuck yeah. Getting fucking huge, right?" I nodded rapidly, feeling pre leaking from my dick again into my already soggy shorts. He grinned, but shook his head. "No, no I'm not. This is small. You wanna see me get huge? Come on, we're not behind keyboards anymore. Make me huge, dude!" He bent down and flexed his arm in my face. The bicep bulged up, huge, with a large vein running its length. I felt my inhibitions disappear with that muscle bulging in my face, and I moved my face closer and gave it a kiss. I kissed his bicep, and then sucked a little on the peak. I licked it, and then ran my tongue all around it. I heard Zach chuckle a bit, which then turned into a small moan. "Ummff..." I stood up, grasping his arm with my hands, and stood face to face with him. He kept his arm flexed, and I squeezed it with my left hand. But then I took my right hand and started rubbing him all over, starting with his pecs. I poked the now larger muscles, feeling the rocks they'd become. So fucking hard. I ran my hand to his abs, and traced my finger along the crevices between the bricks, and I could feel them clenching with his breaths. My hand wandered back up to his lats, and then to his back, where a vicious terrain of muscle had developed. My left hand never left his hot bicep, the muscle pulsing under it. My right hand wandered up to his traps, and fuck, they felt so amazing. I loved traps, and I knew Zach did, too. "Oh god, yesssss..." Zach breathed. And then I bent my knees and put my face near his chest, and ran my tongue up his pec cleavage. "Oh fuck, dude, FUCK!" I could feel Zach shudder beneath my hands, and I knew I had to be doing amazing things, priming him for an epic growth spurt. I brought my hands down, both of them, and put them on his ass. His glutes had grown a little, and I squeezed each cheek. I felt him flex, and my dick throbbed, squirting more pre into my shorts. "Oh god, yeah, fuck yeah, bro it's coming, get ready... watch me, look at what--unnghh--you've done to me...." I stepped back, and got a good look at him as he stood there. His mouth was hanging open again, almost like he was moaning with no sound. His arms were hanging at his sides, and I noticed his triceps were bulging. I saw his chest heaving from his heavy breathing, and then I saw something else. His chest was growing. His pecs were ballooning outward, swelling, as his nipples pointed more and more downward. And then I saw his traps rising up towards his ears as his shoulders broadened even more. "Ohhhhh yeahhhh this feels so good!" he moaned. He started to flex his chest, bouncing his pecs. His abs were developing further, becoming more and more defined, and it was definitely an 8-pack again. Watching his abs clenching with his breathing and movement was so fucking hot. And his obliques were becoming more defined as well, making that V-line really stand out, and fuck, who doesn't find a V-line sexy? But then I heard a soft rip. I looked toward the source, and I realized his legs were growing, too. His quads had gotten so big his shorts looked painted on, and then I heard another rip. "Fuuuuck..." Zach whispered. "Gonna flex, dude, make these shorts disappear..." he whispered again. And then he did it. He flexed his quads as hard as he could, and his shorts exploded all the way up to the waistband, his legs bulging with pure muscle, huge defined quads exposed to the air. His shorts were just flaps of cloth hanging from an elastic band around his waist. And his legs were still growing. He then took a moment to flex his calves, and they too were growing bigger and bigger. But then I noticed his arms. They were being pushed farther away from his body by his growing, swelling lats. And what lats they were! FUCK! They were becoming wings, and his arms were growing, too! He flexed his right arm, looking at it lustfully. It exploded with size, peaking high into the air, veins wrapping all around. He flexed his other arm, and it was even bigger. He was beyond bodybuilder big, now, and I felt a strong compulsion envelop me. I stepped forward, pressing my body into him. My hard dick pressed against his abs, and I wrapped my arms around him, feeling his back muscles. I placed my hands on his ass feeling the insanely hard muscle. I squeezed like I did before, and his ass was rock hard. FUCK! I was grinding my dick into his body, and I felt the cum welling up from my balls as an imminent ejaculation was developing. And then my dick exploded, shooting more cum into my already wet shorts, and I continued pressing my dick into his hard body. Shot after shot of cum squirted into my shorts, and I moaned. Zach chuckled. "I love how much you're enjoying this," he said. He flexed his arms, and I reached up and felt them. "You just came again, and--fuck--I can feel it coming." Butterflies entered my stomach again as I realized he was going to grow more. "Ahhh! AHH!" he yelled, as he shot up several inches in height, soon towering over me. His body was expanding in every direction now, growing more and more, packing pounds of muscle onto his frame. "Oh god, this is bigger than I've ever gotten before!" His height was continuing to increase, and his muscles continued growing. The waistband of his shorts snapped off, and the remains fluttered to the floor, and he now stood completely nude. He turned around, and flexed his biceps, making his back bulge, and his ass was phenomenal. His glutes were so muscled and big, and I realized now that I wanted nothing more than to stick my dick into his ass. I dropped my shorts, finally freeing myself of the mess I was wearing. My dick sprang out, hard again already. Or maybe I never went soft. It's hard to be soft around this much muscle. Zach had to be around 6'5" now, and considerably taller than me. And definitely more muscular. But he stood there, flexing his biceps, with his back to me. He then straightened his arms and finally flexed his triceps, and holy shit, they were amazing. His triceps were perfect horseshoes, and absolutely humongous. And yes, from behind, his traps were really evidently huge. He almost looked like he had no neck. But, he kept his back to me. I could hear my own breathing as I looked at him and lusted after his body. My eyes drifted back to his ass, and I could see striations in his glutes, and I felt my dick throb. I stepped forward, and pressed the head of my dick into his crack. He gasped. "There's the fuckin' tip I want, dude," he said, gasping again, as I pressed harder. "But I need more than just the tip. Give me all of it." I didn't hesitate, and pressed myself all the way into him, and it felt amazing. It felt like we were two puzzle pieces meant to fit together. His hole was so hot, and I could feel his muscles clenching around me like a loving caress. I started fucking him from behind, ramming myself into him. The waves of pleasure radiating around my body were like nothing I've ever felt, and Zach started grunting and moaning. "Oh fuck, dude, yeah, fuck me, unghhhh," he moaned. "This is--oh fuck--the biggest tip I've ever--nnnggggg--gotten!" And then I saw it. Every time I thrusted into him, he grew and bulged all over. Another thrust, and his muscles swelled. And then again, only this time his height increased more. I was already getting close to cumming, and I increased the fervor of my fucking. More and more I fucked him, and he continued getting bigger and bigger, grunting with each thrust. I felt the unmistakable pressure building up in my crotch, and I knew I was gonna cum. "Fuck, Zach, I'm gonna cum!" "Do it, dude. Fucking cum in me," Zach breathed, his massive body heaving. And that was it. He clenched around my dick once more, and I felt the explosion take place that launched cum through my shaft and into his ass. I continued thrusting into him, feeling shot after shot of cum leaving the tip of my dick. And fuck, it was a lot. I noticed there was even some dribbling out of his hole. I've never cum this much before at once, much less in an entire day. My dick was wild for Zach. "NNghhhhhaaahhhhh!" Zach moaned loudly, and from behind him I saw his own cum launching into the air as he shot his huge load all over the room, hitting the walls, furniture, even the ceiling. He had to be over 7 feet tall, much taller than me now. But then I heard a familiar noise. A "DING" sound. I heard Zach chuckle. I looked around, and saw a red light. It was attached to a fucking camera! I looked at Zach, who'd turned around to face me. "Zach, what the fuck..." I started, but he spoke over me. "Mike, dude, that tip was for you." And then I felt my entire body throb, and immense pleasure surged through my limbs. I was growing.
  20. FREaky

    Wet Dreams May Come Part 10

    Wet Dreams May Come - Part 10 by F_R_Eaky Part 1: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/2388-wet-dreams-may-come-part-1/ Part 2: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/2402-wet-dreams-may-come-part-2/ Part 3: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/2407-wet-dreams-may-come-part-3/ Part 4: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/2419-wet-dreams-may-come-part-4/ Part 5: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/2420-wet-dreams-may-come-part-5/ Part 6: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/2426-wet-dreams-may-come-part-6/ Part 7: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/2437-wet-dreams-may-come-part-7/ Part 8: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/2451-wet-dreams-may-come-part-8/ Part 9: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/2487-wet-dreams-may-come-part-9/ The morning sunlight shone in through the balcony door windows casting themselves upon a very broad and muscular human landscape. Highlighting ridges and bulges that rose up and peaked while helping to create shadows in deep crevices and valleys that were the definition of the ridges and bulges that loomed so high. A forst of thick brown hair covered and spread out most of this landscape and it too caught highlights and glinted in the sun while ocassional portrusions of what looked like massive reddish pythons wound in and out of the hair, or an deep olivish colored mound and button rose just out of the top the hair line, or in once section there emerged a great flesh colored worm coming up out of the earth in some of the densest thickets of forest that was the hair. This worm lay stretched out for quite a good long length, but then warmed by the rays of the sun, it began to stir and become awake, oozing out longer, growing thicker and harder, calling the great red pythons to come dance inside of it. Slowly it began to rise...Rise....RISE! Up, higher and higher towards the sky, up off of the great rolling landscape that was a man's muscles to become a great, solid, smooth, standing monolith dedicated to the power, strength, and lust that was man. But it would never complete its rising. So long and so thick this worm was that once done in its growing it was too long, too thick, too heavy to completely support itself. It hung only halfway to its zenith and there fought against gravity which attempted to pull it down. It jutted out at an angle from the landscape now and hovered, bobbled, bounced, trembled as it continued to attempt to rise up and gravity struggled to pull it down. Suddenly it would rise up, part of the valleys and mountain peaks moved on their own engulfing and ecompassing this great monolith and pointed it staight up and out from the land itself. And then a deep rumble was heard from the belly of the earth itself. "Oooooooh.......... Devon.... This... this morning erection.... it causes pain somewhat in my penis. It throbs so hard, so full, like it shall grow again or burst apart. Yet...ooooh....yet when I reach out and touch it.. HMMMMMMMmmmmmnnnnnn ....the feeling is so....enjoyable." "It's even more enjoyable when it is burried deep in someone you love." Drake heard Devon's voice a bit far off and raised his head to look in that direction; all he saw was his mounding pecs and the head of his prick floating above it on the horizon. Cursing his body for blocking his view, Drake positioned himself and sat up on his elbows, all while fighting and struggling to get there as his lats, back, and chest, fought with his arms and forearms for space. Eventually he got into the position he needed and looked across the bedroom to see the human that was helping him, the man with whom he has fallen in love. He nearly did a double take, for he had almost forgotten the events of the day before. Expecting to see tiny little five foot one inch tall, lanky built Devon sitting in a chair at his computer, instead he saw a great hulking brute of a man with a back and shoulders as wide as the computer desk, if not wider, that sat kneeling on his knees on the floor and yet his head still rose higher and taller than mounted monitor. And oh what site that Drake did see, underneath that wide as a bracket back, beneath the oh so tiny and tapered waist, were two glorious globes of hard, bubbled, muscle that made up Devon's ass, and those looked as if they were perched upon two ginormous feet. The sight send a powerful surge through Drake's bowling sized balls, which in turn set it up and through his enormous shaft and out his piss slit. "Ahhh--AH-HA! OOOOooooooooooohhhh HOO HOO Ooooooohhhh HO! HOO! ooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.............................." Devon turned his impossilby thick and most muscular neck to turn his head around to look back at Drake, just in time to see the gyser shot of Drake's cum blast out of his cock and soar up to hit the overhead ceiling fan and light fixture. Drake collapsed upon the bed, smiling dreamily, while Devon sat up on his knees a bit staring at the ceiling. Nothing happened. "Well... no more magic in your cum. You alread spewed the wand out last night and it was destroyed upon impact with the wall. So I guess, it's safe to say with your new name and no powers your Dad will have a little bit harder time trying to trace you down, nab, and change you back." Drake groaned. "Yes.... but he knows I was here, he will try to come back. I'm surprised we did not hear from him in the middle of the night." "We might have but I put all this stuff up. If you look at the mess in front of the balcony door you'll find, iron scissors, salt, oatmeal, clover, st. john's wort, rowan tree branches and berries, plus items scattered and thrown about, and there's a stream of running water outside. Well there was. I turned it off this morning when I got up." "All of those things are protections against the fey. You are very wise." "No, just a good study. Info the Druid gave to me. The rest of the windows and drains are all protected as well." "So what are you doing?" "Pondering and thinking about what to do with our situation...situations. We need to get you the trappings of being human, and I believe we have to get you nine of them." "Why nine." "It's part of what your father said to me yesterday, 'The only way this seed shall leave my tree, is entrapping him by men's ways: three times three.' Three times three is nine. So I'm thinking we need to get nine things that somehow declare you human." Drake sat up ernestly with a worried look upon his face. "Can we do that? Can we find nine ways to list me as human?" "I think so. It might be possible. With your name change that's one, which will be proved by a birth certificate once issued. We could get you a driver's licnese, but there's a couple of problems with that." "What are the problems." "One it's extremely rare for folks here in London to have a car. Not enough space and room for all of them. I only have one because the boss sends me on trips up north or over to France from time to time, to frequently to rent a car. However he pays for the extra taxes on the car as well as the garage space. So it wouldn't really be an item you should use or have, so I don't know if that would count as one of the human trappings since, here you don't need it. Another reason is, we've grown. Not just me, but you as well. You're even bigger and larger than before. At eight feet tall with an extreme bodybuilder's build, you'd have a near impossible task trying to squeeze into a car. Hoever, I think were at least a foot taller than that now." "So we can not ride anywhere? We can not travel?" "Oh, we can ride somewhere and travel, if we're on something like the underground or bus. There would be room for us, barely in there, although we might bang up and stretch the doors a bit getting in and out. And that leads us to another set of problems, my apartment. We're taller than the ceilings are here and much stronger than the plaster and brick work for the walls. We will need to move. We can't live here comfortably." "Oh no... does our size hinder us in making me human?" "Maybe...maybe not. Do titles count as trappings of humans to fey magic?" "They would if listed specifically as a human thing." "Then we might be able to get you a plethora of human titles in one go. The Guinness Book of World records lists amongst their items things in human proportions. If you've grown as much as I think you've grown, we might be able to get you listed as the world's both living and historically tallest man, if not at least tied for it, but you would be the reigning man as you'd be the tallest living and historically the one you'd tie with is passed away. That would be trapping two. But you might be able to walk away with a few more titles such as World's Tallest Bodybuidler, World's Most Perfectly Developed or Most Muscular Man, Man with the World's Biggest Feet and Hands, World's Strongest Man -even proportionately to your size, and that would give your trappings three, four, five, and six." "We'd only have three more to go? How soon can we make this happen?" "Well, depends upon the people at the Guiness World Records Office. When can they get us set up? I also have two other ideas for two other titles you could claim, well both of them would be shared with me, but I don't think that would be a problem since no other human will ever come close to matching us, and you need me and I need you for the other title to work. Plus that title could also function as a trapping on its own as it is a certificate required unto its own." "I am willing to take any chance, any risk. What do we do?" "Well, the first thing we need to do is get ourselves washed and dressed as best as we can, and then we have to pack up things we will need. We've done a lot of damage here and it's going to need to be repaired. Also we need to find a place to go and live now. And that means I or we are going to need to make a boat load of money." "How can we get that all done and done quickly?" "With friends and new acquaintances. As best as I could with this huge paws, I've already been on line to friends and gotten some things taken care of. One set of friends is coming over with a truck and a panel van to move us and some of my stuff. We're moving onto their property to rent out a barn they don't use. It's old, made of stone, and very solid, more like a house, but it has extremely tall and broad spaces in which we can walk around. They're already talking with High Priest James who is going over to the barn to cleanse and prep it against fairy attack. My coworker Charles, once he calms down from seeing my new self on camera this morning, is coming over here with some contractor friends to begin work on repairs to the apartment, and after those are done, he'l clean up and bring back any of the fairy protection items we leave behind so workers can't be taken and questioned." "These things will all cost money, as you say?" "Yes." "Do you have enough to pay for all of this?" "No. I don't. But I think I've come up with a way to help take care of that. But you'll have to do some acting, as will I, cause I'm not usually into doing or acting like an arse, but we will need to be rude and cocky to pull off what I think will make us a ton of money." "What do we need to do?" "Well first off, bend down near my head...yes... look here at the green light... now make a face like you're mad... growl if you want to. mad! MADDER! GRRRRRR!" (click-click) "Ok....the rest you'll have to trust me on, later tonight. Right now I need to post this picture up here.... which this by the way may give us another human trapping for you... write up a little advertisement and.....send. And now I need to type in here on this forum website.... 'Wanted: as large of a man as we can find. Preferably someone who is both tall and muscular, thinks they're hung, who enjoys the company of other big men and enjoys a competition of being a big man, but isn't adverse to possibly losing the battle of being the biggest man about town. Definitely looking for someone who likes muscle, height, cock size worship giving and receiving. Please contact at [email protected].'" With that Devon shut down his computer and began to pack it away, after looking at Drake and becoming stiff as a board. The two went off into the kitchen to roll around and have some fun. They just barely got themselves cleaned off, the kitchen cleanned up, and themselves dressed when Devon's country friends showed up. ******************************************************************** The day was a flurry of activitiy. Devon's friends, Harry & Deanna Howsham, helped Devon & Drake get packed what little clothing they now had that would fit them, all cooking utensils and food, and Devon's computer and computer desk. Everything else, which wasn't broken or torn, a picture was taken of, and posted for sale on the internet and placed into the living room of the arpartment. All the while Devon's coworker, Charlie, had his crew come in and remove the broken bed pieces, the torn clothing, the damaged parts of the wall, and throw it all away in the garbage and prepped the bedroom and bathroom for major repair work. Meanwhile, Harry Howsham had several friends that worked in a woodworking shop, whom he gave rough estimates on the size and weight of Devon and Drake, and had them make appropriate sized tables, chairs, couch, and bed, as fast as they could. They would make semi-sturdy structures now and come back with something sufficiently stronger and durable to the two giant behemoths later. While the woodworkers were bringing in plus sized furniture, James Whitehart had shown up with several members of his Druidic circle and began to careful prune and plant shrubs, plants, and ornamental garden structures here and there as well as cleansing the barn, blessing the barn, and with the woodworkers help, make new thresholds, frames, and sills, for doors and windows containing salt, oatmeal, and iron, with box planters full of clover, st. john's wort, and several other flowers known to keep fairies at bay. They even managed to get several folks to run a branch off of a creek and back on one side of the barn so that fairies would have an obsticle of running water if approaching on that side. Once there, Drake helped Deanna unpack the kitchen items and put them in the new installed cupboards, and then went up to the loft and made the bed once the woodworkers had brought that in. At the beginning of the evening, it was starting to look as if it was a set of "Extreme Hogwarts Makeover: Hagrid's Hut." The old place looked comfortable and fit to live in, except for very large people. The only thing that looked a little odd was that While Drake and Deanna unpacked their items, Harry and Devon unpacked Devon's computer, plus a few new electronic pieces and went about setting them all up over the barn. At about seven in the evening, everyone had left except James Whitehart, who said he would be back in the morning, winking at Devon as he left, and Harry and Deanna. "I can't thank you two enough for this." "Oh, don't mention it. You always were a good man, still are. I can't believe what has happened to you, but if you're sure about him, and with all these sudden changes....well, you were bound to need some assitance to pull through. We're happy you thought us close enough to help you out." "Well, again. Thanks for helping us out. It certainly means a lot to Drake and I." "Now, we'll be back to discuss some things with you about the 'house,' at the end of the week. It really is a huge barn, and even at your size could probably have about two more bedrooms, plus a craft or hobby room or something. Let us know what you'd like to do and we'll help you get it planned. Oh, and watch it... the bathroom isn't exactly finished, although the toilet is in and connected, so's the really large tub, but the floors haven't been completed in there yet..." "I'm sure we can manage for the now." The Howshams leaving, Devon went inside and sat Drake down to give him some pointers over what was happening next - a way to earn some money. A young man had answered Devon's advertisement, and he sounded like he would be perfect. His name was Ed, or more formally Edwin, Edwin Clayworth. He seemed to have a fairly laid back attitude in his communication, with just a touch of cockiness, but then again why shouldn't he be cocky? "Mr. Wiltshire, I am responding to your advert and hope that you will find me a good candidate. I do not mind being on camera or recorded. A man my size winds up sticking out in a crowd most of the time anyway, so I am quite used to attention from other people. You said you needed a fairly good sized man, I think I can accomodate that. I am 6' 10" tall, approximately 288 pounds or twenty and half stone, size 18 US Men's shoe or 17 UK, with a 48 inch chest, 19 innch upper arm, 22 inch thigh, and a 17.5 inch calve. Although not a full fledged bodybuilder yet, I am working my way up to becoming one, and I am pretty much bigger than most blokes I meet. There are some taller than me, but usually none built as big and I plan on getting bigger. Still, if I met someone who was bigger built than me, bigger built and taller, it wouldn't bother me, I would probably ask for some tips on weight training. Hope to hear back from you, Edwin "Ed" Clayworth." "So is he considered a big man, and what are we going to do with him?" "Normally, he would be considered quite a big man. Definitely give someone pause to think before picking a fight with him. However, he's going to look very small to us, if I have done my calculations correctly. As far as what we are going to do with him.... we're going to have our way with him. We'll see how much he wants to take it, how far he will go, but we're going to do it all in front of this camera here. And there... and there... and there... I have the all posted over the house. I put up an advertisement this morning about us two, how big we were and that we were going to do some comparisons tonight." "How will this help us make money?" "There are a lot of guys who like big men." "Like them like you like them?" "Yes, some even more so. They especially like it if you can do comparisons between a big man and small man. Well this is going to make them jump at their computer screens and click away at our show because we have a very big man, who's going to look very small to us, showing how extremely huge we are. Folks will pay to watch it, and they will pay a decent price." ******************************************************************* Devon filled Drake in a little more about what they were going to do and then the two sat in what was now the dining room and waited. At approximately seven-thirty p.m. there was a knock on the door of the barn. Devon called out. "Who is it?" "Uhm... my name is Ed Clayworth. I was told to meet a Mr. Wiltshire here?" "Yes! I'm him. I'm a little busy right at this second, just go ahead and let yourself in and sit in the living room." Ed opened the door and proceeded to walk through it. Looking up at the frame, he suddenly stood up and smiled. "Nice... a door I can actually walk through. Don't see to many of those." Ed then stepped in to the living room and took a look at the furniture and other things around himself. "What the.... am I on show where they trick people? This furniture is rediculous, even for someone of my height?" "Sorry? Did you say something?" Devon called out? "Uhm just marveling at your furnture. Looks hand crafted, homemade." "Yes, it is." Devon's head popped over an above a wall. "Sorry for the delay, just putting something away on a high shelf. While I'm putting away the last of it, could you tell me more about yourself." "Yeah...sure.... Well I'm attending college right now, on a rubgy scholarship. That's why I'm working out all the time. Training for rugby. Quite physically demanding, ya know?" "Yes...yes... quite demanding. Are you one of the bigger players on the team?" "Yes... the biggest on my team actually. I don't think most of the teams we play with have any men my size." "Yes, you must be equivalent to that one Scotish professional player.....what is his name?" "Richie Gray. Yeah... I'm as tall as him, about as big built too, but I will be getting bigger than him soon. Amongst the professional teams though, there are quite a few more men who are tall, some taller than I am, but not many." "It's hard to find men taller and bigger built than you?" "Yeah... many taller, but the taller you get, usually the lankier you are, the harder it is to put on muscle mass. So, it's kind of rare to find someone really truly bigger than me." Devon stepped out from behind the wall and walked into the living room. "Well, I think you'll find I'm a rarity." "FUCKIN' HELL!" "It's ok, calm down." "Calm down! You're not for real. Bloody hell! You're a walking animatronic you are." "No...No I'm not. I'm a real man." "No, you're not. No man is a big as... SHITE! Fuck man, you're bigger than Hagrid!" "Why don't you come over here and see just how big I am. Come on... Mister big rugby player isn't afraid of me are you?" "NO!..... AH..YES! LOOK AT YA! I LOOK LIKE A FUCKIN' SCHOOL BOY NEXT TO YOU!" "Calm down... calm down......just asking you to come over and stand next to me." Ed stood there for a while staring up and down Devon, but finally, slowly walked over and stood next to Devon. "Where the hell do I come up to you on your....for God's sake can you even see past your chest!" "Actually looking straight down...no, I can't." "And your shirt is on and I can tell how far they stick out...for the love of....crimmeny." and Ed looked down on the floor and saw Devon's feet. "Holy shit! You're not even wearing shoes... your ....your...." and Ed made motions with his hands above his head.... "So much taller than me and none of it is even shoes! You're standing there.... flat...bare...footed. WHAT SIZE ARE THOSE THINGS!" "Well I tell you what, Mr. Big. Why don't you grab a tape measure out of the end table on the left side of the couch and you tell me how big they are." And Ed went to the end table, opened the drawer and grabbed the tape measure and pulled out the tape measure. Kneeling down next to Devon's legs and feet, he lifted up Devon's pants leg just a bit and then ran the tape measure along the side of Devon's foot. He then fell backwards on his ass and sat there and trembled. "Well, rugby man, what does it say?" "It... is said...." and Ed ran his hand through his hair and breathed a little hard. "It said they were twenty-two and two-thirds inches long. What size shoe is that? They don't make shoes that size..." "Go over and look on that computer there. There is a page on it for a shoe size calculator and tell me what size they are." Ed made his way over to the computer and called up the site Devon mentioned. He put in the numbers and leaned back in the chair....finally he stammered, "F...For...forty-six quintuple D in the US, forty-five in the UK." "Wow, that seems pretty big." "That's twenty-eight sizes larger than what I wear!" "And what do you wear?" "Size 18 in the US, 17 here in the UK." "Why don't you come back over here and place your foot next to mine. Take your shoe and sock off.... let me sit down here on the floor, and then just place your foot..come on.... that's it. Heel to heel...and see how big your foot is." "Just over half..." "I'm sorry?" "Just over half way. My foot howver only comes up to the ball of your foot. It doesn't even reach your toes." "And yours is a big foot size?" "Yes..." "You sure?" "yes...." "I wonder how big my foot is compared to the rest of you." And Devon lifted up his leg and moved his foot onto Ed's torso. "It nearly covers all my torso.... Oh my god..." "Oh, now don't worry, Ed. I have a friend who is just amazed at this as you are." "Really? That there's someone a fucking gigantic as you? I don't think anyone could ignore it." "Oh, he is amazed at my size, but not because it's so big. Drake! Drake could come out and join us please." Drake came out from the dinning room to join Devon and Ed, and took a seat behind Ed when Devon asked for him to do so. "You see, Drake is like me, and he was just surprised there was asomeone as big as him." "HA! HUH! HUH! OH...MY....GAWD!" "Drake put your foot upon his back like I have on his front." And Drake did so and the two men sandwiched Ed between their gargantuan feet. "I think Ed is trying to say something..." and Devon motioned to move their feet away. Ed fell over sideways, gasping for breath, but not because Devon and Drake had crushed him. "Two.... hooo...hooo...two... two of you! There's two giant men...." "Yes, let's all stand up again now and see what were checking on before, where Mr. Big here comes up on me, or on both of us Drake. Drake, could you assist me by pulling up on the bottom of my shirt there, please." Drake reached around Ed and lifted up the bottom of Devon's shirt, so they could see where Ed came up to on their body. It appeared that even standing 6' 10" tall that Ed only came up about abdomen row above Devon or Drake's bellybutton. Not that Ed noticed this, all he got was a full wall of abdomen and oblique muscles in his face. Letting out a yelp and almost putting his hand out to touch Devon's abs, he pulled his hand back, ran it through his hair and began to stammer some more. "THE BRICKS! Your.....your abs are like actual stone bricks, like the size used in making your house! They're so defined, so huge!" "Did you want to touch them? I saw your hand go out. Go ahead, it's ok. I don't mind." Ed reached out and began to grope and fondle the abs and obliques of Devon, his fingers getting numb as he tried to really feel into the crevices and pinch or bunch an ab and make a dent in it. "Drake, let's take off our shirts so Ed can not be inhibited in his exploring our torsos." And the pair helped each other pull off their shirts, but then Devon looked down at Ed and said, "Ed, did you bring the two extra shirts, jeans, and underwear, like I requested?" "y....ye....yes..s..ss...ss.." "Good let's see how each other's looks. Take of the shirt you're wearing and lay it on that chair over there. Then here is one of our shirts and we'll each take one of the shirts your brought..." Of course the comparison was now where even close. Devon or Drake's shirt look like a rain poncho on Ed, even at 6' 10" tall the shirt still came down to his knees and there was so much material swimming around him for such less girth than he had. Had the shirts been made out of stronger material one might have been able to capture and hold Ed captive in them. Meanwhile Devon and Drake attempted to each pull on a shirt of Ed's, which didn't come anywhere near to happening. They couldn't even get the first shirtsleeve past the forearm before it blew out the sleeve section on the short sleeved shirt. They never got to see how their chest would do in the small confines of Ed's shirt because their soulders, delts, lats, and back were so much broader and thicker and harder than Ed's that attempting to pull the whole shirt up, over, and on, caused the shirts to just rip in half, straight down the middle. "Ed, big guy, what size shirts were those again?" "Doub...double X, double long." "And that's a big, big man's shirt?" "yes..." "Perhaps we should look at the pants now. Drake give Ed your pants, and are these the extra pants you brought us, Ed?" "y...y...ye...yess.ss.ss." "Step into ours and let us see where they come up to you..." "They come all the way up to my neck." "And does you big thick legs need both legs to stand in?" "No, mine both fit in one leg of yours." "...in one leg of ours, and yet you're a big man with big thighs that are going to develope even bigger aren't they?" "....I thought so..." "And let's Drake and I see how yours fit now." And the two attempted to pull on a pair of Ed's jeans, but again, not much to be seen. The waist band along didn't make it up past the calves. Devon and Drake's calves were so big it was causing the button on Ed's waist band to strain, let alone when they go the pants worked up beyong that point, their calves totally sheredded the side pants seam at the thigh area. Sloughing off the tattered remains of Ed's clothes, Devon suggested that they flex biceps and see how they compared. However, Ed was taken aback by the large bulges in Devon and Drake's underware and asked about those. "Oh, we'll get to those in a minute. First we need to look at our upper arms. Can you flex for us, big man?" Ed flexed, rather meekly, and Drake measured his arm at a nice and solid 19" which would be fairly big to some, definitely a good starting point for a young man beginning to build muscle, but then within a front camera range, Devon placed his arms behind Ed's and flexed and one just saw this small hill that already dwarfed Ed's upper arm, suddenly grow and rise and rise into this mountainous peak that made Ed's arm look miniscule. Worse than that, Drake brought his arm in front and flexed and one couldn't see Ed's arm at all, as if it wasn't there...didn't exist. The pair then rose them up and flexed them in front of Ed's head. You could see Ed's mouth go agape and his eyes glaze over. He couldn't believe how big these arms were, how full, how developed, how cut and defined, and there were four of them on two guys that hung like enormous wings out from the sides of their body when relaxed. Devon handed Ed the measuring tape and had him wrap them around Drake's upper arm, then he wrapped them around Devon's upper arm. After which Devon called for the mark on the tape for his and Drake's arms. "Forty-eight and a half inches.... good gawd!" "Forty-eight and half inches...and do the veins looked raised up on our arms or any other part of our body?" "Yo....your very vascular, but they...they don't looked pumped if that's what you mean?" "They don't looked pumped. So that measurement was a cold measurment then?" "Yes." "Just over four foot thick arms....cold. COLD!" And Devon flexed them hard, and Drake then did a most muscular pose, and then Devon picked Ed up one handed and sat him on his right bicep and began to flex his bicep up and down, causing Drake to rise up and go down with each flex almost as if he were riding a rodeo bull. Then Devon put him down and proclaimed, "I think it's time we now looked at what you asked about earlier. Ed, if you please, remove your underwear." Ed stood there for a moment, shaking, but finally, slowly, removed his underwear and stood naked. "And Mr. Big here seems to be a fairly well endowed young man. How large are you when erect Ed?" "Uhmmm e...eleven and half inches." "Eleven and half inches. And can you get erect for us now so we can see?" Ed stood there trembling and shook his head no. Devon gave Drake a wink, and Drake picked up Ed one handedly, brought Ed's crotch area to his mouth and proceeded to make several large sucking sound while rubbing his godly sized thumb across Ed's nutsack. Ed made several yelps and hollers, then Drake stood him back down on the floor, where Ed leaned and grabbed onto Devon's thight and buttocks for support, with a look mixed with fear and awe, and then flushed with embarrasment for despite how he was feeling, his body loved it, and without him wanting it to, his cock suddenly sprang to life, it's full eleven and half inches long. "And now Drake it is our turn." The two giants stepped out of their underwear revealing to massive schlongs even for their height, that hung long, thick, and heavy over their bulging thighs and massive balls and ball sacks. Their thighs so large they fought each other for room and in doing so pushed the bulbous ball sacks forward, which in turn thrust forward the huge, pendulum hanging pricks that were Devon and Drake's cocks. "Mr. Big, would you like to help us become aroused?" Ed stood and shook his head no, but he couldn't help but stare at the giant anacondas the two behemoths called penises. So the two leaned in over Ed and began to kiss one another deeply and play with each others nipples and in no time at all the young man eyes widened in terror as he saw what he thought were already too big of cocks for any men to have begin to become longer, fuller, harder, veinier....second by second, minute by minute, the cocks appeared to grow ever longer, greater in girth, harder and fuller than before until finally they stuck out, way far out, from the groins of the giants at a downward angle bobbing and fighting to continue their climb and rise upward. "Ed, if you please the measuring tape...." Ed shakily took the measuring tape and placed on end against the base of Devon's cock. Holding it there he ran the tape long the top of Devon's cock, holding it in some spots to then continue pulling it along, until finally he reached the end of Devon's cock. He wrote the number down and then proceeded to measure Drake's cock. When he finished he walked a bit away from the two men, his eyes wide open. "And how big are we?" "Three fff.....three....Three feet in length when erect." "Three foot long cocks. I think that's pretty big, how bout you, Ed?" "y...yes..." "Well, we've bounced you up and down on our upper arms, we've picked you up one handed, we've split your clothes into ribbons, we've become thouroughly confused on how you are a big man, Ed. But now... now it's time for bed, and we want you to come with us." Ed looked up in horror at the two men, but could do nothing as with a nod, Drake picked up Ed one handedly and they began to walk up the stairs to the loft and the bed. "Don't worry, Ed. We're not going to have our way with you. That would cause untold damage to your body. However, we want you to have your way with us, until such time as we've released our loads." The other cameras went off, except for the ones pointed near the bed. From the time the show started to the time it got to this point there were over one million people viewing this broadcast. For this section the pay became even greater for you got watch them have fun with Ed and Ed have fun with them and then just watch as all three of them slept in this gigantic bed. Surprisingly the number of viewers increased. It took Ed about an hour long to jack off Devon, an hour and half to jack off Drake. Both of the men sent out blasts of cum that completely soaked the bed, if not part of the floor and the ceiling, coating part of each other and all of Ed. Ed then laid down between them proceeded to attempt to jack off, but suddenly Drake's hand moved a rubbed Ed's balls between his thumb and forefinger, while Devon's thumb and forefinger took take of Ed's prick. The first stroke had Ed crossing his eyes and the whole seen pretty much went: Stroke stroke, rub rub, stroke... AH-HUH! AAAHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhh and Ed collpased on the pillows between Devon and Drake. All while millions of views sat glued to their computers just watching, waiting to see if either giant's cocks became fully erect again.
  21. dw2098lj

    The Car Salesman - Chapter 1

    This is the first story I've posted so go easy on me! It takes a while to get going but hopefully you'll enjoy it - I've got a few ideas to take this further The Car Salesman It was the worst possible timing. Two weeks into my new job and a month before Christmas my decrepit car had breathed its last. The stupid worthless piece of shit, which had caused me endless pain over the last 2 years, had finally given up on life. It was for this reason that I was making my way across the showroom forecourt for my meeting with Karl, the car salesman. I had an increasing sense of nervousness as I got towards the door which in my mind was entirely justified. You see, I am of the opinion that Car Salesmen will occupy the same part of hell as estate agents and lawyers and I was fully expecting to spend the next 2 hours being lied to, tricked and conned out of my hard-earned money. These thoughts were broken by the sight of the man-mountain waiting for me in the doorway. It turned out that Karl was about 6’2 and built like a tank, with I guessed way over 250lb of solid muscle to his name. He was wearing a long-sleeve tight white shirt with an accompanying tie and equally skin-tight dark blue trousers. Great. A gym-obsessed arrogant bastard as well. I could feel my stress level rising even more. “You must be Joe,” he called loudly, when I was about 10 feet away, smiling broadly. I took in his masculine face, dark hair and lightly tanned skin. He must have been a couple (or more) years younger than me, maybe mid-20s. “Y-yes, that’s me,” I replied stupidly, immediately cross with myself for showing any sign of weakness in front of this overconfident gym-jock. He reached out his hand and I shook it, trying not to wince at the strength of his grip. I noticed that his huge manly hand completely engulfed my own and I could feel the callouses on his palm from the many hours he spent lifting weights. “Come on in, we’ll get started,” he said, finally letting go of my aching hand as he turned to lead me into the building. I followed behind, noticing how wide his back was, pulling his tight shirt to the limits, but tapering down to an impossibly small waist. I was irrationally irritated, never having been interested in lifting weights myself, and always slightly annoyed with people who did. I just didn’t get it. Travelling in Karl’s wake, I was also struck by the scent coming off him. It was oddly sweet, nutty but undeniably masculine, likely a combination of aftershave and his own natural smell. I pulled myself back from the brink. Why the fuck was I noticing these things?! Once inside Karl’s spacious office, I settled myself in the comfy chair in front of his desk and watched as he walked round to sit opposite me. I found my eyes tracing down from his chiselled jaw-line, a slight hint of 5 O’clock shadow there, to his huge neck. The muscles there (traps, I heard the distant voice of my A-level Biology teacher saying) pushed out the buttoned up collar of his shirt to an extreme. It was a wonder he managed to do the buttons up at all. I then took in his unbelievably wide shoulders before focussing on his chest. His pecs jutted out from his body, pulling the fabric of his shirt tight so that there were gaps between the buttons in the middle. I could see a glimpse of smooth tanned skin underneath. As Karl moved and gestured his muscles flexed and relaxed under the surface of his clothes, like an elaborate dance played out for me. It was hypnotising watching his biceps pull the sleeves of his shirt tight, desperate to break free with every movement. Suddenly I realised that Karl was talking (well of course he was) and probably had been for some time. What the fuck was I thinking? I’d not listened to a word he’d said for a good 5 minutes. I tried to drag myself back to the present, away from my thoughts about this gym-rats bulging muscles when I noticed something even stranger than my distraction. I was rock-hard. My not-unimpressive cock was aching painfully in my tight jeans, throbbing with lust. Now I was properly confused. Well, a bit more than that and many other things besides. I was straight I told myself…married…and happily so. I’d never even looked at a guy like this before let alone got hard over one. But I couldn’t ignore it and the bulge in my jeans wouldn’t let me deny it. I tried to calm down, to re-focus my attention back on what Karl was saying, desperate to make sure I wasn’t going to be conned. Unfortunately, Karl chose that moment to lean back in his chair, lifting up both arms and placing them behind his head, the epitome of confidence and control. This movement caused his biceps to flex, the tight fabric of his shirt like a second skin on his bulging muscles. My cock ached even more as I realised that if he flexed hard he would easily rip the thin fabric. What the fuck was happening to me?! Next, and totally inexplicably, my eyes were drawn downwards. Now that Karl was leaning backwards, away from his desk, an obscene bulge in his tight blue trousers was revealed. It was colossal, like the proverbial python in his pants, the outline of his cock snaking down his left trouser leg. Suddenly I had a vision of ripping off those quad-hugging trousers, unleashing the beast underneath and taking his thick long cock in my…. Wooaaah! Where the fuck was I going with that? Why, aged 33 was I suddenly thinking about sucking another guy’s cock for the first time?! Suddenly Karl was standing up, snapping me out of my reverie. “… so are you ready to go then Joe?” I heard him say, clearly repeating himself. “R-ready?” I replied, trying to gain some control. “For your test drive,” he said, the look on his face suggesting he thought I was either a bit slow or very unwell. “Oh yeah, sure,” I hurried to reply, standing up as well. Karl was very close to me and again I noticed the strange, intoxicating scent coming off him and I couldn’t help but inhale deeply. This was a big mistake as it made me feel dizzy, my entire mind filled with his masculine smell and also visions of Karl ripping off his smart work clothes to reveal mounds of bulging muscle underneath. I nearly had to sit straight back down again but somehow managed to keep it together. “Great, well follow me and we’ll go for a spin,” Karl said, seemingly oblivious to the turmoil going on in my head. With that, he walked out of his office and I followed on behind, my eyes feasting on his solid, round glutes, jutting out below that tight waist. I noticed that his quads were so big he walked with his legs slightly apart, almost awkwardly, something that 20 minutes ago I would have found totally ridiculous. Now, however, his sheer size was driving me crazy, irrational lust pumping through me. We settled into the car, well I settled whilst Karl squeezed himself into the passenger seat, clearly far too big for the small car that I was intending to buy. “I’d need a car with a bit more head and leg room myself,” he joked, at ease. “But this’ll be perfect for you Joe”. I laughed awkwardly, uneasy at the comparison and as much as I tried to deny it, unbelievably turned on. “Right, take it away Joe. Turn right off the forecourt and I’ll direct you,” Karl continued and I noticed for the first time how deep his voice was. A strange juxtaposition to his boyish face and smooth skin. I gently eased the car away, forcing myself to focus; ideally I wanted to get through the next twenty minutes without killing us both. To my credit (and surprise) it went well to start with. I concentrated on the car, examining its acceleration, ride and general comfort as we took it on a drive around town. Karl kept up a near constant stream of conversation in the way that only people trying to sell you something can. I picked out the odd word but was mainly focussing on the car and not the young behemoth next to me. We came to a red light and I brought the car to stop, setting the handbrake. Karl was still talking and in order not to be rude I looked across, a near-fatal mistake. My cock, which had somewhat deflated during the drive, immediately jumped and started to grow again as I saw Karl’s arm rested up on the window. He was gripping the handle above the window which meant his bicep was gently flexed. From this angle I could see how much the fabric was struggling to contain the rock solid muscle underneath. I imagined trying to wrap my hands round it – I knew they wouldn’t reach – and wondered what it would feel like to try and squeeze his biceps. Inexplicably I found my gaze falling southwards again, past Karl’s mammoth pecs and further down to the bulge in his trousers. It was an amazing sight, his thick cock tenting the material obscenely, making my mouth water with lust. I had an urge to unzip his fly, pull out that beast and suck on his hot big cock head. I wanted to gradually slide more and more of his thick hard man cock deep into my mouth, tasting his pre in the back of my throat, before feeling him shoot his huge load in me. “Joe…Joe…JOE! The light’s green,” I heard Karl’s voice cutting through. I immediately looked up and back towards the road, noticing that Karl had a slight smirk on his face. Shit. He’d seen me staring straight at his huge junk probably with a look of deep desire on my face if my thoughts were anything to go by. I jerked the car into gear, pulling off and nearly stalling in my haste but Karl didn’t give any further clues that he’d seen me staring at him. Ten minutes later, as we got out of the car and made our way back to Karl’s office, my head was racing. I’m not gay, I told myself over and over. This was ridiculous – I’d never had any thoughts about other guys, not like I was thinking about Karl. My mind kept flicking back to the way his over-developed muscles made his clothes strain, the way they flexed and swelled with every movement and not least about the huge bulge resting between his tree-trunk quads. I imagined being on my knees, his huge thick man cock sliding between my lips… The door slamming behind me snapped me out of my racing thoughts. We were back in Karl’s office, me sat opposite him across the desk again. “So Joe, what do you think?” Karl asked, pushing a contract across the table, “ready to sign on the dotted line?”. I hesitated. I really hadn’t been paying enough attention to make this decision, far too distracted by the muscle beast sat opposite me. “Erm, well I’m not sure Karl,” I replied feebly. “I think I’ll need some time to think about it.” “Time is not something I have Joe - I can only offer you this deal today,” Karl said, to the point and confident. “I just don’t know Karl, maybe I can call you later to decide?” I attempted to negotiate, desperate to get out of this place and restore some normality to my thoughts. “Hmm, that won’t work for me Joe. But perhaps I can offer you something to sweeten the deal,” Karl replied, a smirk on his face. He got up out of his chair, huge quads straining the fabric of his trousers, and walked round the desk to shut the blinds across the windows. I watched, confused, as he then walked behind me and I heard a soft click as he locked the office door. What was going on, I thought for the millionth time today. “I’ve seen the way you look at me Joe,” Karl said, typically straight to the point, his voice deep and seductive. He’d returned to stand in front of me, one foot up on the desk so that his huge quads and obscene bulge were right in front of my face. “You can have all of this if you want,” he added, gently grabbing his bulge in one hand and running a big hand across his chest with the other. “You just need to sign for it…” “I-I d-don’t know what you mean…” I stammered pathetically, suddenly more nervous than I’d been in my entire life. “I-I’m not Gay,” I added with no confidence at all. “Sure, you’re not Joe. But who wouldn’t want some of this?” Karl purred as he undid his tie, discarding it on the floor. I watched in amazement as he began to slowly unbutton his shirt, revealing bit by bit the deep groove between his two huge pec muscles. I wanted to scream at him, to tell him to stop it, to run for the door but found I couldn’t move or speak, completely transfixed by what was going on in front of me. “I can see you want me Joe…why deny it?”. Karl was still smiling, utterly confident. “Just admit to me Joe…you can’t resist this muscle body…you’re hard for me…I can see,” he added, looking at the bulge in my jeans. He was right – I was harder than I’d ever been in my life before and he knew it. My heart was racing, pure lust flooding my veins as thoughts of this giant hung muscle stud filled my head. “Yes…” I whispered feebly, without thinking. “Yes, what?” Karl replied, his shirt now completely undone. I had a glimpse of his ripped abs, what looked like an 8-pack, sitting beneath the huge overhand of his pecs. “Yes, I want you,” I said, knowing deep down it was true. Karl smiled broadly in response, starting to run his hands over his exposed chest and abs, leaning back seductively so that they flexed tightly. “Well you know what to do then Joe…just sign on the line,” Karl said, closing in on the deal, one of his hands drifting downwards to grab the thick bulge in his trousers again. My eyes followed his exploring hands, imagining that it was mine tracing the outline of his abs, feeling the weight of those enormous pecs and heavy cock. “Please…Karl…” I let out involuntarily, lust now totally taking over. “Let me…” “Let you what, Joe?” teased Karl, clearly enjoying his effect over me. “Let me feel your muscles…flex for me…I need to…” I moaned, the words spilling out as I lost control. “You mean flex these guns?” Karl asked, bringing his arms up to pull a double biceps. He flexed hard, his guns exploding, the thin fabric of his shirt pulled so tight over the peaked mounds of muscle. He gently pumped his guns, flexing harder each time as the muscles filled with blood until eventually I heard a small ripping sound as the seam began to pull apart. “Oh fuck,” I exclaimed, amazed by his strength and power. “You like that straight boy?” Karl said, still flexing as visible gaps formed on both sides of his shirt sleeves, exposing the pumped muscle underneath. “The straight guy is hungry for this Muscle God and his Huge Cock isn’t he…?” “Oh fuck yes,” I replied, giving in. “I need you…please…”. “You can have me Joe…all of me…you just have to sign the contract,” Karl replied, unrelenting. “How can I trust that you’ll keep your side of the bargain,” I asked, one final part of my logical self still present. “You can’t Joe…but isn’t this worth the risk?” he replied, gesturing at his hulking frame and then starting to undo his belt. With that I was totally overcome, all logic leaving me. I reached for the contract, pulling it across the desk and scrawling my signature on the dotted line before I had time to change my mind. I then looked up to see Karl standing right in front of me, a huge smirk on his face, his belt undone and his trousers falling to the floor. As he stepped out of them I took in the sight of his colossal bulge, barely kept in by the sexy white jock strap he was wearing, the outline of his thick cock clearly visible. With his trousers off, he took one further step closer to me, straddling my legs, one of his tree-trunk quads on either side and his magnificent chest and abs right in front of my face. Karl was so close to me that his masculine scent was intoxicating, rolling off him and causing me to inhale deeply. “Looks like taking that risk has paid off Joe…” Karl said, his deep voice incredibly seductive. I couldn’t think of a reply as Karl reached down, taking both of my hands and placing them on his vast chest. I ran my hands over and between each pec muscle, feeling the solid mass underneath as he flexed hard. I then reached up to push his shirt off his shoulders, wanting to see all of him. The shirt got stuck on his massive upper arms and Karl had to help by pulling it off and throwing it to the floor. I continued my worship of this studs upper body, my hands exploring his chest and shoulders before moving onto his biceps. He pulled a double bicep pose again and I reached up to put my hands on each mound of muscle. They were rock hard beneath my fingers, like marble, with barely any body fat and as much as I tried to squeeze I couldn’t budge them at all. “Fuck yeah,” Karl growled. “Look how strong I am…” As he flexed his guns, huge veins popped up, snaking across his paper-thin skin like a road map. Fuck this stud was ripped. Still holding onto his biceps, I leaned in closer, licking up the groove between his cobbled abs. I looked up and saw the amazing overhang of his chest and nearly shot a load right there. Karl was looking down at me smiling, Godly and powerful. “Get on your knees,” Karl ordered, taking a step back. I didn’t hesitate, dropping onto the floor in front of him. “It’s time for you to realise your potential as my cock whore Joe,” he added, looking down at me. “Mmm yes Sir, please make this straight boy your cock whore,” I moaned, desperate for him, immediately submitting with no questions asked. “Take off my jock,” Karl barked. “Don’t touch my cock yet…” Obediently I reached forward, taking the straps of his jock and starting to pull it down, revealing inch by inch of his thick cock, until it was completely exposed. I realised that Karl’s jock had been deceptive, hiding some of the size of his enormous manhood. His soft uncut cock was at least 6 inches and thick too, resting on the two globes of his big balls. A Greek God would have been happy to have a cock and balls like his. Karl stepped out of the jock before reaching down and picking it up. Before I knew what was happening he had it pressed in front of my mouth, holding the back of my head to stop me pulling away. “Smell it straight boy,” Karl ordered. My initial reaction had been to resist but within an instant an animalistic instinct had taken over and I was inhaling deeply. The same scent that was rolling off Karl filled my head but with the added musk of his cock making my head spin and my heart race. My mouth was watering and almost reflexively I opened it and felt as Karl pushed the jock into my mouth. I could now taste him too and for the second time had to try hard not to shoot my load there and then. “Good boy,” Karl purred as he removed the jock from my mouth, discarding it on the floor with the rest of his clothes. With the taste of his cock lingering on my tongue, I was desperate to have the real thing in my mouth, hungry to suck on his huge man meat. “Suck on my cock, whore…just the head to start,” Karl ordered, clearly reading the desperation in my eyes. I leaned in, resting my hands on his thick quads as I wrapped my lips around his cock, sucking his cock head in my mouth. It was better than I could ever imagine, making me feel more complete than I’d ever been in my life. His man meat tasted amazing as I sucked, bobbing my head back and forwards on his huge cock head, swirling my tongue round, hungry to please him. It wasn’t long before I felt his cock starting to grow in my mouth and Karl started to let out low guttural moans. “Mmmmm…fuck yeah that feels good cock boy.” I looked up to see Karl throwing his head back, eyes shut, arms flexed above his head, groaning in pleasure. Without being asked I started to take more and more of his cock into my mouth, as if I’d done this a thousand times before. He was now fully hard and I guessed around 10 inches, his thick girth forcing my lips apart as I felt his cock hit the back of my throat. Karl moaned even more deeply, grabbing the back of my head and starting to thrust his cock more and more into my mouth. “Fuck, this straight boy loves my cock,” Karl growled, thrusting faster, oblivious as I tried to control my gag reflex. I was so hard knowing that he was using my mouth solely for his pleasure, with no concerns for me. Suddenly, Karl pulled his cock out of my mouth, leaving me feeling empty. I tried to lean forwards and take his manhood back in my mouth but Karl held me back, slapping me on the side of my face with his heavy tool. “Stand up, slut,” he ordered, always in control. I obeyed instantly. “Take off your jeans and pants,” he added. I did as he asked, taking off my t shirt too for good measure, both of us now fully naked and standing opposite each other. The comparison between us was humiliating. Without warning Karl grabbed me by both arms and lifted me up, his huge biceps bulging but dealing with my weight with ease. He put me down next to his desk before pushing me over so that I was face down, bent at the waist with my feet on the floor. With a click of realisation I realised too late where this was going. “No Karl…stop…I can’t…” I whimpered, trying to move but unable as he had kept one of his strong hands resting on my back. “Yes you can Joe…I know you want it,” he replied, completely relaxed. “You’re too big Karl….I’ve never done it before,” I pleaded, a sense of fear rising in me. “Don’t worry Joe, we’ll work up to it,” he said and I could hear the smirk on his voice. There was a sucking sound before I felt his wet finger pressing on my tight hole which immediately tightened in response. “Just relax Joe, I know you want me in you,” Karl murmured. I tried to relax, knowing it would be worse if I didn’t. He pressed his finger against my hole again but this time my ass relaxed and I felt it slide into me. After the initial flash of pain I was left with the most amazing feeling as Karl started to move his finger in and out. “Oh fuck,” I moaned into the desk. Karl worked my ass harder and then he hit a spot in me that made my whole body shiver, pure pleasure throwing through me. I let out a long moan and then had an epiphany, realising that his cock in me instead of his finger would magnify this feeling a thousand-fold. “More…”I begged simply, now desperate to have my ass filled. I felt as he slid his finger out of my hole followed by another sucking sound as he got another finger ready. He then pressed both against my hungry hole and I groaned as he entered me again. My ass felt amazing as he began finger-fucking me with two fingers. I was moaning over and over in pleasure as Karl kept up a constant stream of dirty-talk. “You’re my little straight cock whore aren’t you?” he taunted. I knew it was true and moaned as he started to fuck me harder and faster, pushing my ass back so that he would enter me even more. Soon I was getting used to the feeling of his fingers and was yet again hungry for more. “Please Karl…I need your cock in me,” I begged. “Say that again slut boy,” he ordered in reply, pulling his fingers out of my ass, leaving it feeling empty. “I need that huge muscle cock in me…..please…..” I moaned, still lying face-down on the desk. I heard as Karl rummaged in a draw for something…lube I hoped. “Mmmm yes you do Joe, you need this huge man cock in your tight straight ass,” he teased. “What does that make you Joe,” he added. “Oh fuck I’m you’re Cock Whore,” I practically shouted. “I’m a slut for your muscle and Huge Cock…please FUCK ME”. With that I felt the enormous head of Karl’s cock pressing up against my hole. I moaned as he started to push forward, entering me inch by inch, the pain in my ass building as he opened it up. “Oh fuck,” I screamed, “you’re so big!”. Still he kept sliding in…how much more could there be to go?! A lot, it turned out but eventually I felt Karl’s balls resting up against my ass and knew I’d taken it all. Karl held still, letting me get used to his huge size and thick girth and slowly the pain was replaced by the most amazing pleasure I’d ever experienced. I was now complete and knew my place in the world as Karl’s cock whore. Slowly Karl started to slide his cock in and out of my tight hole, each time going a little bit further and building up speed. “Fuck…that feels amazing,” I moaned. For the first time I looked up and realised there was a mirror behind Karl’s desk reflecting what was going on behind me. Karl was holding me by the waist, his bulging guns flexing as he started to plough my ass, veins popping and a sweat developing on his wide chest and shoulders. He started to fuck me faster, letting go of my waist and bring his arms up into a double biceps as his cock still drilled into me. “Fuck yeah, look at these guns,” he roared like an animal. “They’re so FUCKING HUGE!!”. He kissed and licked each one in turn before putting his hands back on my waist. I screamed in pleasure as he pulled me back further onto his cock, feeling his amazing strength and power completely dominate me. “Oh FUCK….your cock is so BIG,” I screamed. “Own this fucking straight boy ass,” I moaned. Karl was now thrusting his cock in and out to the hilt, fast and deep, letting out loud masculine grunts as the sweat continued to pour off him. His stamina was amazing and he didn’t let up at all as he owned my virgin ass. I watched in the mirror as he flexed his chest and biceps, his abs continuously pulled tight by the fucking. After a few minutes I knew that I wouldn’t be able to hold out much longer, my cock ready to shoot a huge load over the desk despite not touching myself. “Please Karl….I need your load in me,” I begged as he continued to thrust. “Yeah slut? You want me to breed that straight ass?” he thundered. “FUCK! YEAH! Please cum in me,” I moaned. Amazingly, Karl picked up his pace even more, slamming even harder into my ass, balls slapping with each thrust. His deep masculine grunts filled the room and I knew he was getting close. “Cum in this straight boy ass,” I begged, coaxing him on and pushing my ass further back so that was as deep in me as possible. “Oh FUCK slut,” he screamed. “I’m gonna fucking…..”. I felt as his cock swelled in my ass and with a final roar he ploughed into me one last time. I felt his huge load filling me up as my own cock exploded over the desk in the most intense orgasm of my life. Karl collapsed forwards on top of me, sweat pouring off us as we both bucked and moaned from our amazing relief. The huge weight of Karl lying on top of me made the feeling even more intense and I thought I would die if it didn’t end soon. It was several minutes before our breathing began to settle to normal and I had a chance to lift my head off the desk. In the mirror I could see the huge mass of Karl resting on top of me, his massive back swelling with each breath he took. I looked embarrassingly tiny in comparison but I didn’t care, knowing that he owned me now. In my post-orgasm daze I noticed something strange out of the corner of my eye - an odd-looking purple bottle in the open drawer of Karl’s desk. It was upside down and I’d only managed to read the words “Alpha Scent” on the label before Karl’s huge harm loomed into view and the draw was slammed shut. My confusion was quickly replaced by contentment as I drifted into an easy sleep.
  22. lasergaser14

    CREO Pt. 2

    And here's part 2! No growth in this section, but a little more exploration and clarity--and don't worry, there's growth in part 3! Do feel free to leave a comment--I can't tell you how great it makes an author feel! Jimmy couldn’t keep his hands off himself. He had spent his life lusting after handsome, muscular men, jealous of them and the charmed lives they seemed to lead--and here he was, finally one of them. The remnants of his orgasm were still on the mirror when he started fondling himself again, fisting his dick and sliding his free hand up and down his abs. The temptation was simply too great: who could blame him for wanting to worship himself for a little while, after having finally emerged from the tunnel of self-loathing into a bright new reality? Embarrassingly, though, Jimmy wasn’t getting hard again. He was breathing heavily, and he felt as eager to jack off and cum as he had been mere minutes ago--but perhaps his stamina, always on the lower end, hadn’t increased with his new body. “Creo,” he asked, “what’s my sex drive?” “A sex drive is hard to measure,” the app said, “But at the moment, you have a higher sex drive than five percent of men in your demographic.” Ouch. Five percent. That...didn’t feel great. “And you can increase it?” he asked. “Of course. How would you like to compare?” “I wanna be better than all of them,” he said quickly. Then: “Wait. Actually…” he thought for a moment. “Do you have like...a list of sexual stats I can look at?” “Of course.” The screen clouded over for a moment, and then a series of stats with moveable bars and option toggles appeared. The first bar was for libido. It was currently set at 5/100. Jimmy quickly put his finger on the screen and dragged it all the way to the right. The phone’s screen turned red, and a warning dialog appeared: “Warning. Sex drive in excess of 90/100 might cause several dysfunction in everyday life. Not recommended.” That did seem reasonable, Jimmy decided--he slid the bar back down to 80. That was still pretty good. The next bar was for control. It was set far to the left. Jimmy pursed his perfect lips, then bit his lower lip, tapping the bar. An informational dialog appeared: “Sexual control dictates how much control subject exerts over sexual activity. Value of 0 (left) is no control; value of 100 (right) is complete control (erections and orgasms at will). CREO recommends between 25-75.” Jimmy nodded: that seemed reasonable. He moved the indicator to 50--then, smirking, pushed it closer to 70. He wanted to be in control. He liked the idea of getting spontaneously hard when he saw himself in the mirror, but he also wanted the option of defusing the situation, or cumming on command. The final bars were for volume of precum and semen. Jimmy set them both to the higher end: he didn’t want to deal with literal buckets of his own cum, but he liked the idea of being able to easily fill up a glass if he wanted to. Licking his lips, he scrolled to see if there were any more bars: there weren’t. “Okay, Creo. That should do it.” “Adjusting,” Creo said, with a gentle chime. There wasn’t any pressure this time: just a sort of cool wave that swept over Jimmy’s body. He looked down at his dick, wrapping his hand around it, and gave it an experimental tug. It responded almost instantly: despite just having dropped the orgasm of his life onto the mirror, it looked like he was ready to go again. Hell yeah. Jimmy loved his new dick. It was long, uncut, and thick, with a powerful vein running along the top; after a couple strokes, it was rock hard, and if he let go, it stood up straight, smacking against the middle of his eight pack, leaving a dribble of precum in the crevice. He grabbed it again, rubbing his thumb over his leaking slit and rubbing the clear, sticky liquid down his throbbing length in lieu of lube. “God, look at my arms,” he grunted, his eyes falling on his bunching and flexing bicep as he began to pump his dick. “How am I this fucking hot?” He met his own gaze in the mirror, and it all became too much for him: he came a second time, bare minutes after his first, shooting a much more substantial load over the mirror. Jimmy’s third orgasm in his new body was less than a minute later: he put his hands behind his back, looked down at his still-hard cock, and thought about cumming. He was back at full mast in ten seconds, and as soon as he looked in the mirror again--yet another load. Finally satisfied and feeling pleased with himself, Jimmy grabbed the shorts Creo had supplied him with, pulled them on, and fell onto his bed with his phone. “Okay, Creo,” he said once the shorts were on. “So what kind of stuff can I do with you?” “CREO is a consensual reality alteration app,” the phone said in the same pleasant, androgynous voice. “Our capacities are limited to personal circumstances, and must be agreed to by the subject affected.” Jimmy chewed his beautiful lower lip. “So I can’t just ask you to change my roommate,” he said. “I’d have to tell him about this, and get him to agree to it.” “That is correct.” That was probably a good limitation, although it certainly put a damper on some of the fun that Jimmy could have. In thinking about his roommate, though, another thought occurred to him. “When my roommate shows up, will he notice that something’s changed? Or will he just go with it?” “Default is for reality alteration to be noticed by proximate entities, but you can alter that in the settings.” Jimmy nodded. He’d have to remember to change that setting. “And is it just body stuff? Or can I like...ask you to make me rich?” “Of course you can. How much money would you like?” Jimmy didn’t immediately answer, and instead began asking the app questions about its limitations. He was beginning to realize that he had an enormous amount of power at his fingertips, and that it would be useful to have a better sense of how it worked, rather than just...going crazy with it. He learned a couple of important things. The first was that he couldn’t change anyone’s feelings or personalities. He couldn’t make someone love him, couldn’t make an asshole less of an asshole, couldn’t make someone who was angry with him suddenly forget their rage. It seemed that his powers were more or less limited to the physical, material world. When it came to those physical, material changes, the boundaries were a little bit fuzzier. Jimmy learned that he could change a general situation: he could, for example, make things so that he and his roommate were students at a prestigious institution, rather than the local college they were attending. He couldn’t, however, change his roommate’s major, or even make him into a better roommate. Changes that supported other changes were possible: for example, Jimmy could make himself wealthy, in the process making his parents billionaires, but he couldn’t make a separate change that affected only his parents. By the time he was done thinking through his questions, he was scratching his head, the beginnings of a headache beginning to form. Figuring that he had to be organized about this--at least to a degree--Jimmy groaned, reached across to his desk with a newly long-and-jacked arm, and grabbed his laptop. He pulled it open, loaded a new Word document, and typed “JIMMY’S BEST LIFE” at the top. He was about to start listing things he wanted to have happen in advance of formulating the changes for the app when he heard the front door of his apartment open. He quickly checked the time--it was close to midnight, and it sounded like his roommate was coming home. “Happy birthday, dude!” a voice called from the kitchen. “Made it just in time! You like your gift?” “Yeah, thanks!” Jimmy called before clapping his hand over his mouth. His voice had changed dramatically--there was no way Seth wouldn’t notice. He’d completely forgotten to change that setting--the one that would keep his roommate from noticing any changes--and now he didn’t know that he could do it in time. He grabbed the phone, and started frantically tapping it, hoping to find the app’s settings, and failing. He heard things go silent outside in the apartment. “Everything okay in there?” “Yeah, just getting ready for bed!” Jimmy’s heart was pounding. Where the fuck were they? Why was this so hard? Wouldn’t it be easier to just ask the app to change its own settings? But Seth would hear... “You don’t sound like Jimmy,” Seth said, his voice getting closer. His footsteps were outside Jimmy’s door. “I’ve got a cold,” Jimmy lied weakly. “Bullshit,” Seth said, opening the door--and then stopping to gawk at the teenaged fitness model sprawled on Jimmy’s bed. “Dude, what the fuck?! Where’s Jimmy?”
  23. Part One: Brock and Ben (a five part story of sex, romance, and outrageously muscular male bodies. This first part is something of a bildungsroman for the gay muscle set - a lot of growth, but only some of it physical. Originally written and posted on my tumblr. Part two to follow tomorrow..... I hope you enjoy) Ben waved from the sidewalk as his parents’ car pulled out of the parking lot, turned right on the avenue, and disappeared behind the gleaming anonymity of the newly-built student center, handily adjacent to the handsome Edwardian dormitory that would be his home for the next eight months. They had safely ensconced their son in his dorm room, had taken him out to supper at a chain restaurant, and were now making the five hour drive back to their tiny hometown. It was early evening, pleasantly cool,that period of September when the days still feel like summer but the nights carry the hint of autumn. The distant sound of frosh parties called to him, but Ben stood still on the mercifully empty sidewalk, took long slow breaths of the cool fresh air. He wanted a minute to collect himself, to think. Ben had never been away from home for more than a week. His parents were so protective of their eldest son, so talented, so intelligent, so polite, so perfect – it was exhausting. Stifling. Ben had purposefully selected a University some distance from his home town so that he could grow, explore, be dumb, be rude, be flawed. Really, though, Ben’s big plan was to gay it up big time. His little hometown, surrounded for dozens of miles by sparsely populated wilderness, had few if any possibilities for a horny closeted teen with low self-esteem and overprotective parents. But he was at University now, in a city now – his heart galloped when he considered the possibilities, equal forces of hope and fear warring across the vast battleground of thwarted adolescent desire. He timidly came out to his parents in the weeks before the move. His mother reacted as if some precious object had been dropped to the floor, cracked in some irreparable way – not angry, but so, so unhappy, which was worse. Ben could have dealt with anger – could have responded to it with anger of his own, could have cloaked himself in righteousness. This terrible grief? It opened an unspeakable gulf, a great chasm. It couldn’t be answered. After that conversation the topic never came up again, but the tension in the house was palpable. But now Ben was free. Free to do … what, though? For years now he’d been waiting for this moment. Here he stood, alone in the city, free to be himself, to recreate his identity, to follow his pleasure – but in those daydreams of this moment, he’d never actually imagined whatspecifically he would do. It was just abstract – “I want to be free!” And so now he was free. So now what. Back home, he’d stand before the full-length mirror late at night, after everyone had gone to bed, stand shirtless, or naked even, and assess himself. A furnace-like teenaged metabolism kept him slim, about 145 lbs at 5’11”, but a life of limited physical activity kept him mostly toneless – his body was a long, thin column of pale flesh, his limbs graceful but exceedingly slender, his tummy soft. He had striking features, though – not cute, but powerful, a sharp roman nose, piercing blue eyes, thick black hair, firm full lips that added an attractive quality to smiles and sneers alike. His female friends, most of whom knew he was gay, always told him he was handsome – regal, noble, prince-like, languid, words of that nature. But Ben had trouble believing it. In those midnight self-assessments, he felt great anxiety – would this be enough for anyone? Would anyone ever desire this portion of flesh that he called his own? He was struck by a dilemma unique to homosexuality. Unlike their straight counterparts, gay people can (and frequently will) look at their own image and ask themselves that dreadful question: “would I fuck me?” And Ben, in his heart of hearts, knew the painful answer was “no.” Ben liked big men. Ben liked really, really big men – muscular men. Ben’s dirty secret was that he jacked off to bodybuilders, browsing incognito on his laptop after everyone else had gone to bed. And what muscle man would want an inexperienced skinny-fat twink full of neuroses? Enough. It was time to head inside. He had a new life to build – and potentially a room-mate to meet. He was assigned a double room, two twin beds on opposite sides of a cinderblock shoebox, but when he and his parents had moved his belongings in, earlier in the day, the other side of the room appeared vacant, unclaimed. * Ben turned the key, opened the door, and stopped in his tracks as he laid eyes on his roommate for the first time. He was sleeping. He was face down on the tiny twin bed and he was sleeping. He filled the bed. He overfilled the bed. He was wearing a jock and nothing else. Ben’s eyes darted all over the gigantic sleeping form but continually came to rest on the ass, like a compass needle finding north. That ass! Twin marble peaks, a work of art, jutting high and proud into the air, spherical, taut, framed perfectly by the bands of the jockstrap. The rest of him, though! He was too tall for the bed, too wide for the bed. Not just his big bare feet, but his calves – the size of those calves! Like cantaloupes but covered in hair and veins, even at rest! – his calves in the air past the foot of the bed, his elbows in the air off the side – his forearms angled back towards his body, his hands buried under the pillow beneath his head. Ben could see him taking slow, even breaths, could watch his massive back, overfilled with gnarled knots of muscle, rise and fall. His back was so thick and overmuscled that there was cleavage over parts of his spine. He was definitely asleep. Ben’s mouth was dry. He still hadn’t moved from the doorway, his hand still on the knob. Ben was painfully, throbbingly, aching erect. The air smelled of … it was like a spice, like an unusual wood, a little musky but not unpleasant. Ben realized that he was smelling him. This was what pure potent masculinity must smell like. It was only about 8:30 at night. There was a big frosh party, involving the whole house, in the common room on the ground floor. Should he wake this guy? No, not until he took care of this boner. A guy this big – probably a football jock. Probably straight. Possibly cool with gay guys, but possibly not – but in either case, probably not cool with being perved over. In any case, perving out on this guy would be a … . suboptimal first impression. Ben very, very silently shut the door behind him, slowly and silently crept across the floor to the closet-like ensuite bathroom, quietly shut and locked the door, turned on the fan to create some background noise, dropped his pants, and began furiously masturbating his average-sized but nicely-shaped uncut cock. It barely took him twenty seconds to cum. He had to stifle his moans. But still his mind was flooded with images of his unconscious roommate. Fuck, you pervert, you don’t even know his name, what the fuck is wrong with you? But he couldn’t stop thinking about that alabaster mountain of ass. It was so big, so round. It looked so firm, yet so inviting … . Ben couldn’t believe it – his cock was still a mess of semen from the first orgasm, but he hadn’t softened one bit – if anything, he was harder than ever, his mind flooded with images of the musclebeast asleep on the other side of the door. Oh fuck. It had been, what, two or three minutes? But he had to go again. He began beating his meat once more, churning his still-fresh cum into a froth, using it as lube. This time he managed to last for maybe ninety seconds, but the orgasm was, if anything, more intense than the last. He tried his best to stay silent, but he couldn’t help it – a single groan escaped his lips as he shuddered, his dick spasming in an orgasmic variant of dry heaves, contracting with all its might to force more cum out when his balls were already drained dry. Ben was panting, trembling, couldn’t catch his breath. “Oh shit,” he muttered to himself. “Shit.” And then there was a tap on the door. A deep, friendly baritone voice rumbled through. “You OK in there, buddy?” “Yeah! I’m good!” Ben said, immediately cursing how high and strangled his voice sounded in comparison. “Uh, sorry to wake you.” He surreptitiously flicked his hand into the sink, shaking gobs of cum free. This was a surreal introduction, through a locked door. Not ideal. But maybe for the best – face to face, Ben could never have kept his composure. “No biggie, man, I fell asleep by accident anyway. Name’s Brock. I take it you’re the roomie? All that theatre stuff belongs to you?” “Uh, y-yeah,” Ben said, trying to quietly rip off some toilet paper to wipe away the rest of the evidence of his double orgasm. “Kinda a theatre dork. I’m not studying it though. I guess you’re a sports guy.” Ben heard Brock chuckle through the door. “What makes you say that?” “Dude, I saw you.” “Oh yes? Well, why don’t you finish up in there and me and you can get a late dinner, get to know each other a bit better.” Ben had, of course, already eaten, but he wasn’t about to say no to a guy like Brock. “Absolutely. Just, uh, give me a couple of minutes to finish cleaning myself up.” “Take your time, dude.” Ben leaned over the sink and slowly exhaled. He looked in the mirror, stared in his own piercing blue eyes. “Hoo boy,” he muttered to himself, breaking his gaze to turn on the water, wash away the cum, splash some cold water on his face. “Woah.” * Brock turned out to be a great room-mate. He was very friendly, very relaxed. He was indeed a “sports guy,” a football player and a powerlifter, but he was academically gifted, wasn’t interested in coasting on his abilities on the football field. “Besides, this school’s football team isn’t great,” Brock said, giving his yard-wide shoulders a little shrug. “I just like playing. It’s not a career. I’m thinking PhD – maybe history? Or maybe something with a bit more real world application, but still in the liberal arts. Oh, don’t look so surprised, Ben. You know they assign roommates by SAT scores?” “I did not know that,” Ben said. “But it makes sense. Sorry. I’m just … I come from a pretty remote area, pretty small town. I’m the first person in my family to go to college, I don’t know how any of this works. And all the football players at my high school were goons. No offense.” “Hey, I used to be pretty goonish, too. Came to my senses probably about halfway through high school. Glad I did.” The student center food court was nearly empty, maybe ten or fifteen people scattered through an area that could seat three hundred. Ben kept darting his eyes out the window, or to the dark Dairy Queen counter, closed for the day, or to the janitor slowly approaching with his floor-buffing machine. He was hyper aware of looking at Brock the correct amount but not more than the correct amount. “Jeez dude, you’re jumpy,” Brock said with a kind smile, leaning back in his chair, stretching his arms over his head. Ben allowed himself to look briefly at his roommate. The thin cotton t-shirt he had on stretched to its limit to contain his bowling-ball biceps, the thick corded ropes that were his triceps, the twin mounds of pecs, their uppermost cleft visible above the poor tortured collar, a collar that had already given way in places to Brock’s thick traps and wider-than-it-was-tall neck. This shirt lifted up as Brock stretched, revealing his stomach, thick bloated abs bowing out in a luxurious curve, a cute little innie belly-button almost lost in the crevice between his abs, a faint trail of blonde hair leading down into his shorts. Brock laughed and the abs snapped to attention, his midsection suddenly a tight six-pack. “Eyes up here, dude,” he said. “Oh god, sorry, sorry, sorry,” Ben stammered, gaze shooting back to the distant janitor. “Dude, relax. I’m playing with you. I don’t mind. Hey. Hey. Look at me. In the face, heh. Serious though, look at me.” Ben did as he was asked, making eye contact with his new room-mate for the first time. His eyes were ice blue, paler than Ben’s, but just as intense. Almost a wolf’s eyes. He had close-cropped fair hair, thick features, a heavy brow, but his mouth was curved into a friendly smile. “I know I’m big. It didn’t happen by accident, trust me. I like being big. I like it a lot. And I like being looked at. You’re not going to offend me, OK? So, you know, relax. We’re going to be sharing pretty close quarters for a long while,” he said, throwing up a double bicep. The thick glob of muscle jumped into a hard ball; his skin was noticeably paler around the peak, where it stretched to its maximum to contain the burgeoning muscle. “You’ll get sick of seeing me do this pretty soon, I’m sure,” “Never,” Ben said before he could stop himself. He felt his face flush crimson, but Brock only laughed. “OK, then, you can help me track my progress. Hey, speaking of – you gonna eat that?” Brock’s hamburger had long ago disappeared, while more than two-thirds of Ben’s remained on his tray. “I actually had supper with my parents earlier,” Ben said. “Hey, so did I,” Brock said, grinning. “So, uh, you don’t mind …?” Ben shook his head ‘no,’ and Brock’s grin broke into a full smile as he slid Ben’s tray over to his side of the table. “Great. Gotta keep my calories up if I wanna grow.” Ben felt his mouth go dry again. He had the urge to start looking all over the vast empty food court, but he forced himself to keep his eyes on Brock, as instructed. “You, uh, you want to get bigger?” “Mmf,” Brock said, his mouth full of burger. He swallowed. “Fuck yes. But in all honesty, this size is basically ideal for football. So I shouldn’t get more than five or ten pounds heavier than I am right now. 285, if you’re curious. But yeah, dude, when I quit ball, I wanna grow. No such thing as too big,” he said, tearing into the burger again. “Woah,” Ben said, overwhelmed again. “You’re, ah, you’re almost double my weight.” “What’s double your weight?” “290.” “Gimme a couple of weeks.” The hamburger finished, Brock wiped his mouth with a paper napkin then grinned at his roommate. “I think we’re gonna get along real well, roomie.” * It was Halloween. Ben was drunk. The dormitory party was winding down. He’d come as Dream, from Neil Gaiman’s Sandman series, but it really wasn’t much of a costume for him – the diaphanous black clothes came from his own wardrobe, the spiky black hair was his own, the white facepaint was from the campus drugstore – the only elaborate flourish was the black contact lenses, from a costume store downtown. But people kept thinking he was dressed as “that guy from Limp Bizkit,” and Ben had stopped explaining after the first few times. Ben had made some other friends, but his roommate Brock was the only one he felt any sense of closeness to. Brock had, naturally, come as the Incredible Hulk, but Ben had lost track of him midway through the party, and he hadn’t seen him for a few hours now. The party was dying. It was late and Ben was drunk. Time to leave. The stupid black contact lenses were bugging his eyes, anyway. He tossed his plastic cup into the overflowing garbage bin and called out goodbyes to the remaining people he knew, exiting the dormitory’s ground floor common room. Brock and Ben lived on the top floor – Ben now knew that not only were roommates assigned by SAT scores, but that the floors were divided that way, too, with the smartest kids on the top floor. Ben waited by the elevator for several minutes, eventually losing patience and deciding that seven flights of stairs wasn’t all that bad. Probably someone was passed out in the elevator doorway on some floor between the bottom and the top, Ben figured. He was winded by the time he reached the top of the staircase. “Fuck,” he thought, “am I that out of shape?” The truth was that the freshman fifteen was slowly creeping up on sedentary Ben, whose metabolism was slowing, as it inevitably would. In clothes he still appeared lean and lithe, but shirtless, in the mirror, he was soft, pasty – still thin, at about 155 lbs, but with no muscle to speak of. It disheartened him more than he let on, especially when Brock paraded around shirtless (he was almost always in some state of undress), his skin stretched taut over the massive boulders he called his pecs, his delts, his biceps. Ben finally reached the door to their room, unlocked it, opened it, and saw Brock’s naked back, the green body paint half worn away, his enormous round glutes in the air, looking even paler because they were untouched by green – but this time Brock wasn’t sleeping, and the glutes weren’t still, weren’t reminiscent of a marble statue, some Grecian hero in repose. This time, Brock was straddling a second figure, and those massive marble glutes shifted and flexed as he thrusted. Ben let out a strangled squawk, yelled “sorry!” and turned to hastily exit. Then his drunken brain finally processed some other key piece of visual information. Brock was not fucking a woman. Brock was slamming his thick veiny cock into Wolverine’s hairy, meaty butt – or rather, James from Third Floor who’d shown up to the Halloween party as Wolverine, with big veiny biceps and thick hairy forearms that looked the part, to his credit. “Sorry!” Ben squawked again, regaining his composure, beating a quick retreat. His heart was thumping faster than when he’d finished climbing the stairs. Brock was gay?! Brock’s voice from inside the room, calling to him. “Dude, you OK? I forgot to put a sock on the handle, I’m an idiot.” “Yeah!” Ben answered. “Just, uh, take your time finishing, I’ll go for a walk, be back in a half hour or something, yeah. Um. OK! Bye! Have fun!” What. ‘Have fun?’ Why say that? Ben rushed to the elevator. Idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot. Then he remembered that the elevator was apparently broken. He turned on his heel and rushed in the opposite direction, to the stairs.Fuck. Idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot IDIOT. Ben walked out of the dorm. It was a little chilly outside, but not too bad. It was a black night, no moon, no stars. He walked down to the little duck pond halfway across campus. Drunken Halloween revelers passed occasionally, hooting and hollering. Ben smiled and did his best to respond in kind, but his heart wasn’t in it. When he arrived at the pond, he sat down on a bench. He could see some people toking up in the gazebo on the other side of the pond, but mercifully he seemed to be alone. He stretched out on the bench and looked at the sky, giving a long, slow exhale. OK. So your friendly musclebound roommate is also gay. It’s like a big gay fantasy, just like the kind you’d have daydreaming in Grade Twelve math class. Except it’s real. But you are not in love with this guy. You are not allowed to be. If he was interested in you, he’d have made a move already. He’s confident. He knows you’re turned on by his body. If he wanted you he’d have taken you by now. So you need to put that thought out of your mind right now. Immediately. Crush that thought under your heel. Do it for your own good. OK. Ben’s stomach was doing flip-flops. How would this change the comfortable room-mate dynamic that he and Brock had established over the previous eight weeks? Ben didn’t want that dynamic to change. He liked it. It was nice. The little shoebox of a room he shared with Brock – it was maybe the first place in the world where he felt more or less comfortable, more or less at ease. And now he probably wouldn’t feel comfortable there, would he? Ben let out another long sigh as he lay on his back by the pond. The sky was absolutely featureless and awful-looking. “So, who are you supposed to be, that guy from Limp Bizkit?” asked a voice. Ben sighed. “No. Not to be rude, but please leave me alone.” “Doofus, it’s me. I’m not going to leave you alone.” Ben sat up. Brock stood nearby, arms crossed. He was wearing his 4XL peacoat but appeared to have only underwear on underneath it. His face was still smeared with Hulk green. “Look, dude, you’re upset, and I wanna talk it out with you so it doesn’t ruin our friendship. Or our living situation.” Ben blinked. He had come to think of Brock as a friend, but this was the first time either of them had used the word. “But what about James?” Brock snorted. “He’s a dumb fuck,” he said, “but boy does he have a hot ass. Sorry. Don’t repeat that. All I mean is, he’s not a boyfriend or a friend or anything. We were just, yanno,fucking. Something I notice you don’t do, by the way.” “I didn’t know you were gay,” Ben said. “Um, I don’t think I could have been more blatant on the day we met,” Brock said. “I didn’t get that. You have to remember, I was basically raised by wolves.” “Funny, I’ve seen your mother on Skype, she doesn’t look like a wolf.” “Haha. You know what I mean. I, uh, I don’t know these rules that everyone else seems to know. I don’t get what people mean half the time. I swear I’m not an idiot. This is just all new to me. Anyway. No. I did not know you were gay. I thought you were just a friendly non-homophobe straight dude. This is legitimately new information for me.” “Dude, I invited you to leer at me all you wanted and told you I like it – OK, but whatever, I believe you. Miscommunication happened. We’re getting sidetracked.” Brock sighed. “OK, so what has you upset then? I think I know but if I guess wrong I’ll sound like an arrogant prick.” Ben looked away, at the guys smoking pot in the distant gazebo. The faintest acrid whiff of weed reached his nose. If mother dearest could see me now. He screwed up his courage. “You’re absolutely everything I ever wanted in a man, Brock.” “I know. That’s why I’ve never done anything with you.” “What?!” Ben’s heart jumped. “Isn’t that cruel?” “No, it’s kind,” Brock said. “Look, OK, this is real talk. I say this as a friend – and we are friends – and I care for my friends. You have a lot of work to do. You need to become more self-confident, to become the man you want to be, rather than the frightened boy your parents and your hometown created. And this isn’t an insult or a criticism! You’re doing that work, and that’s one of the reasons I really admire you. But if we got together, it’d be a disaster. Either you’d hate me by Christmas, or you’d become absolutely devoted to me, suffocatingly devoted, which isn’t something I want in a partner. I mean, I’m not even looking for a partner of any description right now. But if I fucked around with you, like I fuck around with guys like James, well, it’d break your heart, I think. And I’m not going to do that.” There was silence as Ben processed what Brock had said. “I get it,” Ben said. “But it still hurts a little to hear.” “Growing always hurts,” Brock said, not unkindly. “Is it going to be weird between us now?” Ben asked. “Yeah, for a little while,” Brock said. “But we’ll get over it. We’ll be better friends because we had this conversation. Underneath all that anxiety you’re scrappy. You’re gonna grow from this.” Ben sighed again, looking out over the black lake. ‘Scrappy.’ It wasn’t a word he’d ever applied to himself. He tried it on for size, found he kind of liked how it felt. Scrappy. “You’re right,” he said. “About everything. I guess you really are smart. OK. Let’s go home. I need to take these fucking black contact lenses out before they blind me.” “Alright, let’s get out of here, Wes Borland.” “Oh, fuck you!” Ben joked, punching Brock’s massive shoulder, then pretending he’d hurt his knuckles on those massive meaty deltoids. “Mosquitos out tonight,” Brock remarked neutrally, looking in the opposite direction, pretending not to notice, scratching his shoulder where he’d been punched. He looked back toward Ben. “Oh, did you hurt your hand somehow?” And so the roommates walked home. * It was January now. Ben stood shirtless in the tiny ensuite bathroom in the dorm room he shared with his massive football-playing roommate Brock. He stared at his pasty, unimpressive body in the mirror. A term of cafeteria food, frosh boozing, and little physical activity had left him deeply unhappy with his body. Usually, Ben never allowed anyone to see him shirtless, but this time he’d left the bathroom door open. Brock sat at the desk, reading a book about the Russian revolution for his history class. The difficult aftermath of Halloween had passed. Ben was fairly confident that he now felt a brotherly affection toward Brock, that their social dynamic was much healthier, something approaching an easy equality. He had a question to ask Brock. It was an important one. He had wanted to ask for some time now. But in previous months he’d been too nervous, too worried. Now, he was trying to be ‘scrappy,’ was trying to be the kind of man he wanted to be. So he screwed up his courage, walked out of the bathroom, still shirtless, and stood facing Brock expectantly. Sensing his presence, Brock looked up. “Woah, dude, the glare. Warn me before you do that so I can put on my sunglasses.” “Brock, I want… I would like you to show me how to work out. I don’t like my body and I want to do something about it.” Brock grinned. “Good for you, guy. I was wondering when you’d ask me that. I’d be more than happy to help. Oh, what’s that look for?” Ben scowled. “You knew I wanted you to show me how to lift?” “I can read you like a book. Actually, I can read you easier than a book,” Brock said, casting an evil glance at the thick, jargon-heavy academic tome on his desk. “Seriously though, it’s obvious you love muscle on other guys. Why shouldn’t you want some for yourself?” “Well, yeah, exactly. But if you knew, why didn’t you invite me without me asking?” “Uh, because I want you to grow as a person, maybe? You can’t be timid when you enter the iron game. You gotta have some grit, some spine.” “OK, OK, I get it. So I’ve grown as a person. I screwed up the courage to ask. So are you gonna do it?” “Already said yes, didn’t I? You’re rolling out with me at 630 tomorrow morning. No complaints about the time. I want you to be wearing your game face. You’re gonna feel weak and small but if you give it your all and push yourself people will respect you. You got decent shoes, gym clothes? Good. OK. You’ve got your marching orders. Now let me get back to the fucking Romanovs.” Brock picked up the book, his tricep forming a giant sleeve-straining horseshoe as he hefted the tome. He opened the book, appeared to begin reading – god, the way his chest mounded up towards his face when he held the book in that position, chin down, like he could scratch an itch on his pecs with his stubble – but then he paused, looked up, made eye contact. Fierce blue eye met fierce blue eye. “I’m proud of you, bro. I want you to know that. Today’s the first step on a long journey for you.” * Ben took to the gym like he was born for it. All the anxiety and neuroses melted away when he was under the bar. He’d clamp his fingers around the iron like he intended to break the bar in two. Those intense blue eyes, that strong roman nose, those proud full lips, would all curl into a snarl. He had a scholar’s approach, too – sometimes overthinking things, but always, always doing his homework, always striving to improve his form. He was brutally meticulous with his diet. “Newbie gains” was a phrase that entered his lexicon. Firm lumps sprouted on his arms; his thighs and butt started to fill his jeans in new, surprising ways. Just a few weeks in, he was brushing his teeth and was startled to see his tricep and forearm twitch in time to his brushstrokes. “You’re doing real well,” Brock said. He’d coached him for the first few weeks, but then allowed him to go his own way, more for scheduling reasons than anything else – between maintaining a 4.0 GPA, football practice, and his own lifting sessions, Brock didn’t really have time to babysit Ben in the weight room. But the regulars soon accepted Ben as one of their own. His dedication and focus could not go unnoticed. As January turned to February turned to March turned to April, it became clear that Ben wasn’t going anywhere – he became a regular in his own right, trading nods with other regulars who lifted when he lifted, sometimes even having brief chats about nutrition and form in the longer rests between heavy sets. The first time someone asked him to spot them on a bench press, Ben played it cool, but he could barely contain his pride – it was like a sign that he belonged there, now. It was nearly the end of term. Ben’s pudgy middle had melted away, and he had added a solid 30 lbs of lean mass to his once-slender frame. He was still far from a mass monster – far even from a bodybuilder – but, even clothed, anyone with a trained eye could see that he lifted pretty seriously. Brock was in the bathroom, shirt off, designer briefs straining to contain the double boulders of his ass, his thick cock and generous balls stretching the pouch. His stance was wide to accommodate his freaky-big quads, which, nevertheless, pressed together midway down to his knees. He was throwing poses into the mirror, crunching his abs, flexing his arms. “Dude,” he said, sticking his head into the room he shared with Ben, “whatcha weighing these days?” “Uh, I dunno, like 175, 178. Why?” “Get in here.” Ben set aside his book, stood up, and walked over. “What?” “Shirt off,” Brock said, gesturing at Ben’s chest. Ben shrugged. Four months of changing in the locker room had erased most of his former modesty. He shucked his shirt, which offered surprising resistance as he tugged it off – he realized, with a surprise, that maybe he was getting too big for it. “Look at us, bro,” Brock said, shuffling so he stood behind Ben. Wider and taller by a fair margin, Brock filled the mirror’s frame without even trying. But, Ben was shocked to see that he held his own. Brock’s pecs were enormous, bulbous really, like two halves of a beachball pushing out from his ribcage, his big nipples pointing toward the ground. But Ben’s pecs were square, high and tight, with a little cleavage between them – and they were particularly full towards his collarbone. Brock grunted his approval. “You’ve been hitting that incline press, haven’t you? Your pecs are really coming in, nice and full. Throw me a bi.” Ben grinned and flexed his right arm. Brock reached over, adjusted the angle. “What, are you teaching me to pose?” Ben asked, joking. “Yes,” Brock said, quite seriously. “Oh! Uh, this OK?” Brock nodded. “Throw up the other arm, now.” Ben did, and Brock similarly adjusted it. “Try and remember this angle. Makes the arms look bigger from the front.” “Dude, I thought you weren’t a bodybuilder.” Brock often corrected people who mistook him as a bodybuilder – he was a powerlifter. “No, I’m not a bodybuilder. But you are.” “What.” “Don’t believe me? Just look in the mirror, bro.” Ben cast a critical eye in the mirror. He let the double bi fall and experimentally flexed a few other areas. Wherever he flexed, a muscle jumped in obedient response. But he was hardlybig. “I guess,” he said, skeptically. “But I’m still really small.” Brock smirked. “And the fact that you said that is what tells me that you’re gonna get huge,my friend. Look at you. You look like an underwear model. You’ve got that small-boned frame, those striking facial features, a perfect 5’11” height, and now you’ve got nice, toned, ‘not too big’ muscles – in most people’s eyes, you’re almost an ideal male specimen.” Ben caught Brock’s gaze in the mirror, held it for a moment. “But we’re not ‘most people,’ are we?” “No sir, we are not,” Brock said. “Like I said. You’re a bodybuilder. Lat spread.” Ben did his best attempt. Brock’s serious demeanor broke a little. “Hoo boy,” he said, “we’re gonna have to work on this one. Flare the lats. Bring the shoulder-blades down. Better. Not there yet but better.” Ben grinned. “Well, why don’t you show me how it’s done, big guy?” Wordlessly, Brock turned. There was barely enough room in the small bathroom for both of them; his huge glutes and his ultra-thick back thrust into Ben’s face, pushed him back against the sink. Brock’s back was jam-packed with more meat than his frame could handle. He brought his arms and shoulders up, and then back and down, flaring his lats out out out out out, wider and wider and wider. “Fuck!” Ben heard himself say. “Dude, I haven’t noticed, but can you even fit through our door?” “Gotta angle myself sideways a little bit,” Brock grunted, flexing. He shifted into a rear double bicep pose, the caps of his deltoids crowding up towards his face, the peaks of his biceps reaching up towards his fist. “Not that I’m complaining.” “Holy shit,” Ben said, taking it all in. He was so close to Brock that he could see the beads of sweat forming on his lightly tanned skin, could see the angry red stretch marks where Brock’s muscles had grown faster than his skin could handle. “How big are your arms, even?” Brock exhaled forcefully. “Haven’t measured for a little while. Almost 24” last time I did.” Ben whistled. “Dude, I thought you couldn’t get any bigger because of ball.” Brock dropped the bicep pose and turned to face Ben. “Watching you grow this term, I guess I got inspired. I made a decision. I love football. But it’s a distraction. What I really want in life is this: to be the most massive muscular motherfucker I can possibly be. So I’m quitting the team. Which brings me to something else.” “What’s that?” “You’re not going back to that Podunk shithole for the summer, are you?” “What else can I do?” “Me and you. Let’s rent a little house – I got a friend who’s moving out and we can take his place. Spend the summer lifting and eating. Let’s grow, you fucker. Let’s get absolutely fucking massive. Blow some minds when we show up for the start of term in September. Whaddya say?” Ben’s head was spinning. “That’d be the best thing in the world,” he said. “But I don’t know if I can afford it.” “Talk to Tom at the gym. They need a student to work the front desk over the summer. It pays OK. He’s seen you working out, sees how dedicated you are, how you’re a no bullshit kind of person. You even rack weights other people leave on the floor, you fucking boyscout. He says the job’s yours if you want it. I’ve got an offer to bounce at a club. Maybe when you get a little bigger you can join me there, if you want. Money won’t be a problem. So whaddya say?” Ben turned to the mirror, took a long look at Brock’s massive, pumped frame, the way his skin stretched paper thin over every unbelievably bloated muscle. Ben popped his pecs. He liked how they had a bit of swell and sweep to them, the beginnings of roundness, the littlest line of cleavage. But he had so much more to grow, so much more size to gain. He wanted to be as big as Brock. No. He wanted to be bigger than Brock. He wanted to have trouble fitting through doors, to have people stare when he walked past – he wanted to be a 320 lbs superheavyweight bodybuilder. Become the man you want to be. And that’s what you want to be. So that’s what you’re gonna be. “What do I say?,” Ben finally answered, a grin splitting his face. “Big brother, do you even have to ask? This summer. Me and you. Four month grow-a-thon. Fuck yes. Let’s do it. Let’s get huge.”
  24. Absdisplay

    Shopping for new clothes

    (I threw a few visuals in the story. The pictures are all of my own bod btw) Shopping was never really my thing, I never really put too much effort into my wardrobe. I was the kind of nerd, even at 19, whose mom bought him his clothes, and although she always made sure to select matching outfits, I was never able to guarantee that they would match on any given day. Today I wore a checkered shirt with a striped pair of shorts. My friend Aaron was quick to comment. "Dude, I'm no runway model but stripes and checkered patterns is a no go." I looked at him like he was my nagging mother. "Don't need to tell me how to dress. At least I can find clothing that fits without stretching." I looked over to a nearby table directly at Mike, a comparatively fit jock who wore 2 sizes too small to show off. I mean he sure had a bit of muscle, much more than I had, but nothing to be impressed about. "You shouldn't be talking, you can't even do 10 pushups." "Hey!" I replied defensively. In fact I could do 10 rather easily, maybe 20. But okay, I didn't really know the first thing about a gym. But hey, the interest was there, I'd pick it up if I wasn't so embarrassed and self-conscious about myself. Lunch ended faster than I had hoped, and everyone scuddled out like ants in a waterfall. "I'm going to take you shopping, Steve." I looked up at Aaron. "No way! I wanted to finish this escort mission, tonight. It's probably going to be the whole night..." "C'mon! That can wait. I'll drag you there if I have to." I was reluctant but after several minutes of annoying me, Aaron managed to get his way. I was pretty easy to persuade if you asked enough times. "All right, just get on my bus after phys ed. I'm in walking distance of the outlets." Physical education was the last class of the day. And I was dreading it. Today, climbing was on the plan, and while that sounded pretty cool, it was rather frustrating for someone with no technique and no biceps to compensate, plus a number of rowdy students egging on their peers at every opportunity. Candace was one of the best climbers in the class. She weighed no more than a feather and had been climbing avidly since her early childhood. Samuel was a lean dude with some good skills, but he was certainly full of himself. He'd made sure everyone was aware of the new abdominal muscles that were becoming visible. But Mike of course would mention it didn't count on a skinny dude. Still much more than I could imagine... As Samuel was finishing up a relatively difficult trail, I was watching the clock edge toward 2:45. And although the final seconds were excruciatingly slow, time did not in fact stop, and we were all released promptly to change before the buses left. I hurried into the locker room and changed as quickly as I could, back into my never matching outfit. I must have been in too much of a hurry, because I knocked over my backpack, spilling all my books and pencils onto the ground. Damn, I thought, as I noticed my bottle of allergy pills had fell out inconveniently and the contents had spilled out onto the floor. Fuck it, I thought. I need these today, or I am going to be suffering at the mall... I quickly collected the scattered pills and, somewhat embarrassed, hurried out of the locker room into the halls. It didn't take long before I ran into Aaron and we were making our way over to bus 7. I had a car and had really wished I had taken it now, since bus 7 is the worst of all. It stops literally everywhere and the bus driver is too frail to prevent chaos running loose on the bus. But it didn't take all that long before we were approaching Aaron's street. I was feeling a bit uneasy from the ride and my nose a bit stuffy, so I took an allergy pill or two for good measure. We didn't even bother stopping by Aaron's place once we left the bus. I was just hoping we'd be through ASAP so I could still fit in my escort mission tonight... Achoo! "I thought you took an allergy pill in the bus," Aaron said dishearteningly as I swallowed another one. "Yeah, but it didn't seem to help very much, what's another going to hurt?" "Can you OD on them?" "Fuck if I know! I don't think a handful of allergy pills is going to kill me, though. Don't scare me, dude!" "You're fine!" Aaron said reassuringly. "Let's check out this store here, I haven't been in here before." "All right, fine." We hopped into the next shop and Aaron started to compare styles and price tags. I was a bit overwhelmed to be perfectly honest, but Aaron assured me that he would take on the burdon. "Your clothing is baggy as shit. Get with the times. Slim fit or skinny?" "Ummm I don't know. Slim." "Have you tried to wear skinny before? It might look good on you." I rolled my eyes. Why did he even bother asking? "C'mon, give it a shot. Just try it on." "All right, but hey Aaron, I'm not feeling so great. I am feeling... Idk I'm like sore everywhere." "Maybe from the climbing? Stop trying to get out of this. Would you rather have your mom buy you clothes til your retired?" "Okay, okay just give me the jeans. I'll go find a changing room." A nice woman who had clearly overheard much of our conversation had then pointed me toward the next changing room. There was a line of three but it was bearable. The one guy in front of me was just checking his phone and in front of him was a young couple. They were rather cute and looked fairly athletic. *BUUURP* Oh fuck! I quickly raised my hands to cover my mouth. That was embarrassing. The dude in front of me clearly noticed my gassiness, but the couple seemed unphased. Aaron came over with a couple of shirts and a laugh on his face. "Dude, use your manners. Never heard something like that come from you!" I became a bit red in the face. "XS? Don't you think that's a bit small on me?" "You are small Steve! I got an XS and an S, just see what fits you and what your comfortable in." "Looks like just a plain white tee to me, you call that fashion?" "Sometimes less is more, just get your ass in there and try it on!" And so I did. I unbuttoned my striped shorts and carefully removed my plaid shirt. I don't recall it being so difficult this morning... I put on the skinny jeans - damn, now I get why they call them that - followed by the XS T-shirt. But before I could walk out to show Aaron, I heard a worrisome noise come from the jeans. No! Did they just tear?? These must have been really skinny. Oh no! What am I supposed to do now? They're going to make me buy them and I don't even really got in them. This is just turning out splendid! I cried inwardly. Maybe no one will notice? I looked up at the mirror to identify where the tear could be. But I was not braced for what I saw. Holy fuck! I think I said this aloud, quietly but nonetheless... I looked up and saw how the white XS T-shirt clung helplessly to my body, wrapping itself through what appeared to be deep crevices criss-crossing across my torso. Since when did I have a six pack? I lifted up my shirt and indeed underneath "hid" six blocky abdominals made of dense muscle. Above them were two massive chest muscles that I had never seen before. And there was no chance at hiding my nipples. This shirt was definitely a few sizes too small. You could even see veins snaking their way viscously down my enlarged arms. I looked like a normal size dude with a serious pump. And there it came again! The sound of fabric giving way to my growing muscular body. What the hell do I do now? My legs look ridiculous. "Aaron! Can you give me the slim fit? And some baggy jeans to try on?" "Dude, show me how it looks. It can't be that tight on you." Aaron tried to open the non-lockable door to the changing room, but I used all my new found strength to counter his attempt. "Dude I need my privacy!" RIIIP. "What was that?" Aaron asked, rather worrisome. That was the T-shirt... I looked up at my rock hard body. Oh wow, what is happening?? Everything looked denser and thicker with every moment. Under the direct overhead lighting, my abdominals were casting unbelievable shadows to reveal what could be mistaken for an 8-pack. Yes, that's 8, at least when I flex them tight. Riiiiiiiiip No, no, no! I squealed audibly. The jeans were no more. I stood there now in just a skimpy pair of boxer briefs that I recall used to cover much more of my lower body than they did now. "Steve, is everything all right?" "Um yeah, everything is fine." I was a bit enchanted by my new form. "Please Aaron, get me a size 40." "Are you kidding me? I'm getting you a size 32. Don't fuck with me." Aaron headed off and I peeked out through the door to examine the battleground. Thank God, no one was waiting in line. Just an older woman a ways off in the corner, too busy with her phone to notice anything real. Now's my chance! I scurried out of the changing room, nearly naked and ran down the hall to where the bathroom was. As I forcefully slammed open the door, a younger guy turned around, clearly startled to see the 135 turned 180lb shredded beast slam open the door in undersized boxer shorts. I rushed to the stall and locked myself in. Fuck, what am I going to do now? Is this going to go away? Maybe I should just wait? Great, and my backpack is still in the changing room.... Wait the backpack! The pills? Did they do this to me? What the hell is going on here? "Steve!" Aaron shouted, peeking into the men's bathroom. "Are you in here? Are you ok dude?" I decided to answer. At least I could lock the door here. "Yeah, um I think it's my allergies. Could you give me the pills in my backpack?" "Sure... Back in the changing room?" "Yeah, I forgot them there." Aaron hurried off to the changing room, while I ran my hand over my bodybuilder torso. It felt hard as fuck. How did I become this built? I stretched my leg and watched the fibres form along my quads. They were turning blue with veins. Ew! But to be perfectly honest, I was noticing myself get hard everywhere... It wasn't long before Aaron has returned with my backpack. I rummaged through my bag hectically until I found the pills. I examined them briefly and noticed that there were two different types of pills in the bottle. What the -? "What the fuck did you do to these jeans? Do you dislike shopping that much?" It took me a bit before registering Aaron. "Um, Aaron, I don't know what to say." "Hey, you have to pay for them, not me. Dude just get out, take another pill and let's get back to shopping like normal people." "Normal people? There isn't anything normal about this!" "What are you talking about dude? What's up with you today." "Aaron, don't be startled. I'm going to show you what's up." Aaron murmured an okay and braced himself for the worst. I gathered my senses and prepared myself for who knows what. Then I unlocked the bathroom stall door and stepped out into full exposure. "Oh my - you're hot! Wow what happened to you, dude? I'm - I'm - I'm out of words." I blushed. "Now you get why I ran out of the store like that, I'm not ok." "Not OK? You look like a muscle freak," bewildered, Aaron reached over for a reality check. He gently placed a finger on my taut abs. I was a bit sensitive and backed up a bit at the touch. He was in utter amazement. "Have you already flexed? Your body looks so crazy." I was still a bit shy, but I raised up my bicep and formed it into a thick ball of veiny muscle. The muscle separation was astounding. "Dude, that's incredible. What did you do?" "I have no clue what happened." I considered telling him about the pills but decided to keep that my little secret for the time being. "Um can you please buy me some larger clothes now?" "All right, all right. I can't promise they'll fit right if you don't want to come and try them on, but I can promise they won't rip." I reassured him that my growth had appeared to stop, at least for now. He came back with a black T-Shirt and a loose pair of jeans and a belt. They didn't fit well, but they weren't really tight either. Your couldn't even tell I was a shredded beast, I looked more like a regular jock type that could be more fat than you hoped. We silently made our way out of the mall, making a quick pit stop at the next restaurant to quell my rumbling stomach, and then continued to the downtown train station. Aaron said he'd accompany me on my way home. While we waited on the train, Aaron then brought up my transformation again. "Do you think you've grown at all since we were at the mall?" "Um no I don't think so." "Show me what's underneath again, it's just crazy." "I'm not going to lift up my shirt here with all these people!" I was being shy. Once or twice, Aaron lifted up my baggy sleeves to peek at my arms, but I was quick to hide them again. Why was he doing this? I didn't ever think he could be gay. Maybe he's just a bit taken aback, I know I am! We sat for around twenty some odd minutes in the train. I caught a few stares and even a pleasant smile from a handsome man in his early thirties. I tried to smile back, much unlike me to be frank. About 15 minutes into the ride, the wagon fills up with loud rumbling sounds. I blushed immediately. "Was that your stomach?" Aaron whispered. "Um, yea. I don't know what's gotten into me but I'm hungry as hell again!" "I'm not so surprised, you got muscles to feed." Again I blushed as the thirty or so year old man clearly heard Aaron confirm my musclehead status. "Dude, why so shy about it? If I suddenly had your shreds, I'd have walked out of that store shirtless." The man across the isle was definitely looking intently on me. And although I had avoided direct eye contact at any cost, I felt that I had looked him up and down a bit too inconspicuously. Aaron tugged again at my shirt and this time succeeded in lifting it up, at least enough to reveal half of my eight pack to the guy sitting across from me. I think his jaw dropped. I blushed now more than ever before and quickly re-adjusted my shirt so that my body was no longer on display. I elbowed Aaron, slightly frustrated. "Stop that," I whispered nervously to him. "What are you going to tell your mom when you get back home?" "Huh? Um, I don't know. I didn't really think of that yet..." Damn, Aaron's right. There is no hiding 50+ lbs. of near instant muscle gains. "I'll have to sneak into my room, I don't know!" "And avoid her until you move to college or what? And school tomorrow?" I think the guy across the isle was a bit taken aback by the word 'school'. I had a young face, sure, but the way I filled out this relatively baggy clothing seemed to indicate I could have been a college jock. The rest of the ride, we remained silent and, no, I didn't talk to the man in the train. We made it back home and I said my goodbyes to Aaron. Then I braced myself for my entrance. It was rather anticlimactic, in fact. I hurried upstairs without really being noticed, since my mother was too involved in trying out some new dinner recipe. It definitely smelled delicious... And to be honest, I was starved! Nonetheless, I decided to skip out on dinner. I told mom that I wasn't feeling well and hid my mysterious monstrous body under my sheets as she walked in with a portion. "You don't have to eat it now, but you have to eat it! I worked hard to get this recipe right!" "Thanks mom," I did begrudgingly, trying my best to shop her as quickly as possible from my room. "At least change into pijamas, Stevie. I don't want you falling asleep again in your jeans." I was getting impatient. What would she say to this!? "Mom, I'm tired." "All right, all right I'm heading out. Get your rest. Sleep well, dear." As soon as she left, I garbage collected the meal in what seemed like a single motion. Fuck, I was really starved. I then played a bunch of video games until I dozed off for the night. The best morning, I had waken up to the bright rays of sunlight gleaming through the windows right behind me. I rubbed my eyes into the focus and was quite amazed by the mountain range of abdominals before me. The way the sun shone on my abs - oh my god, I've never seen anything like that before. I ran my hand down my shredded core. As I flexed them, they popped out like never before. I grabbed my unit down below and began to pleasure myself at the view of my washboard abs. I have to admit, my abs are HOT! "Steve, how are you feeling? If you don't get down here, your sister is going to get the car." What!? No. I need the car, there's no way I'm taking the bus today. I hurried out of bed and showered like my life depended on it. Out of habit, I attempted to slide on a plaid shirt of mine, but just a tug of the fabric left it in two, buttons flying across the room. I rushed over to my bed and investigated the area. "Mom, where's my clothes?" "Are you kidding me? I did a load of laundry just yesterday, do you really need me to come up and pick out matching clothing?" "No, mom it's fine, I found some nice dress shirts to wear." That was the right answer that kept her at bay. But alas, I was still empty handed and unable to fit into anything I owned without it looking like compression gear. I rushed down the staircase, making more noise than ever due to my shear size, in nothing but my stretched out boxer briefs. Unfortunately, my dad was just as slim as I used to be, meaning there was little improvement to find in his closet. So I rushed out of the front door and across the front lawn into hiding. "Aaron, I need new clothing." I texted. He replied immediately. "Did you grow again?" "No. The same size will do." "Okay, my brother has some that might fit, but he's not quite your size." "Ok." It had to suffice. "See you soon!" Once again, my stomach grunted in dissatisfaction. I was hungry, my god! I rushed into the house, snuck quietly into the kitchen and rummaged what I could find from the fridge. I noticed mom had made me some breakfast and downed that while I was at it. Plus the water she had filled for me. "Thanks mom!" I shouted. "Erin can have the car, Aaron is picking me up in 10 minutes." "Don't forget your allergy meds," she cried back. "I put one in your water, by the way." "Thanks! Um -" that's when it hit me. There's a good 50-50 chance that whatever I just downed was not my allergy pill. Oh no! I hurried over to my backpack and checked that the pills were still there. How many of these strange pills were there? Oh no, oh no! Did I just take another one? I locked myself, stressed out to the max, in the downstairs bathroom and waited till either my muscle mass exploded once again or till Aaron texted me that's he's arrived. Luckily, the latter happened first, at which point I darted out of the house and into Aaron's car. "Hey hey!" He held out a fist for me to bump. "What's up, big guy?" "Can you just give me the clothes?" "Yea, they're in the back seat. Here. It should fit ok, as long as you don't get any bigger!" He chuckled a bout of irony. "A white shirt, great....You're a great help." I said sarcastically, knowing that if I fit into the clothing, I would look like Mike from lunch, except shredded as fuck. I struggled exorbitantly to get into the clothes, but indeed they "fit". My abs weren't really visible yet through the shirt, it still had a bit of room left. But my nipples are full on display. Same with my biceps. There was no hiding my body. "Enjoy it dude, I don't get why you want to hide yourself. So what, you're a fitness freak now." "Overnight? What are people going to think of me?" "If they're like me, they'll probably just think, damn he's got a hot body." I blushed profusely at Aaron's comment. "You don't have a sweater or anything? Nothing bigger I can wear?" Aaron grinned with approval as he looked my outfit up and down. "Why don't you keep your eyes on the road," I said, trying to be witty. As Aaron drove us to school, I was looking primarily in the side-view mirror. I could see the reflection of my arms, filled with thick veins beyond belief. I swear it looked like I was starting to get a pump. I flexed the arms a bit and watched as the fibres shot up and down beneath my fatless skin. My arms were truly staining the seems of my white shirt, but I was not worried it would tear today. We still had a ways to go before that would happen. "Hey Steve, are you zoning out?" "Um what?" "Did you complete the mission last night?" "No, I wish. It's a long ass mission. It's fine, tonight I'm in. Do you want to join?" "Sure, no shopping tonight," Aaron laughed wholeheartedly. "But maybe you want to go to the gym?" "To the gym? Since when do you lift?" "I don't, but don't you want to put your muscles to the test, Steve?" I hadn't thought of it really, but I certainly noticed that my strength and alertness were through the roof since yesterday. "Um I don't know. I don't really belong in the gym." "Have you looked in the mirror dude? You could step on stage with your body." "But I have no clue how to even lift! And I don't want this to get worse." "Worse?" Aaron said, taken aback. "Dude, everyone wants a body like you, why are you acting like a victim?" "Aaron!" "Flex that arm!" "Aaron, what the fuck?" "Flex! Show me those guns!" "Aaron, stop!" "Biceps pose, c'mon. Now!" Then, despite my unwillingness, my rose my thick arm up and solidified my biceps into a vascular ball of dense muscle mass. Fuck, my arm was seriously huge! And look at Aaron, his mouth was wide open and filled with pride in me. "Dude, check that out, your arm is absolutely shredded." "It's so strange." I bounced the bicep up and then down with rhythm. "Get used to it, I don't think your body is going to change anytime soon." I gently placed my finger on my massive arm and followed the disgustingly thick vein down from my shoulder to my forearm. It felt pretty good, not going to lie. "Chest out, head up. Let's go, Steve." And there we were, stepping foot out of Aaron's hammy down Jeep and onto the school grounds. I got looks for sure as I walked alongside Aaron to the side entrance. Not so surprising to be perfectly honest. I found my locker and stuffed my backpack into it forcefully. I hesitated for a moment, took out my bottle of mixed pills and stared at it briefly. I didn't take any but stuffed the bottle back into my backpack and left my locker without another thought. "Steve? Is that -um- you?" I turned around to greet Samuel. I blushed right away. "Wow, I'm impressed!" You could see he was overwhelmed and didn't know which body part to focus on. It all looked so spectacular. He lifted up his shirt to reveal his abs. They weren't all too bad, a 6-pack in good lighting or a 4-pack in the usual setting. "Check these babies out," he said, smacking his abs. "How about you? You on your way to a sixpack?" I was a bit flustered. "Well, not really. I don't have a six pack." I didn't lie at least. "Seriously? Let's see it." 5 minutes since school started and I've already got people asking me to flex. So much for subtle. "Come on, show us what you got." At this point it was becoming more and more difficult, as more bystanders were gathering around for the big reveal. "All right, I'll show you what I got." I don't think I had much of a choice anymore. Stop I lifted up my shirt in agreement and tightened my abs for good measure. I heard a number of gasps and moans of astonishment. "The dude's peeled!" "O M G, I don't think I've ever seen an eight pack before!" "Can I feel it?" And after a brief moment of fame, my shirt returned to its starting position. And before I could really process anything that had just occurred, I found myself sitting in the back of Mr. Aldrich's math lesson. I was a bit bored today, even though I usually enjoyed math. I was a bit distracted I guess, and I kept getting strange pings in my stomach, like something was missing. I want really hungry yet, but I could definitely eat. But it just felt strange, I guess. It got worse and worse as the lecture continued, to the point where I had to excuse myself from class. I hurried to the bathroom, feeling a bit confined in my gait, due to the sheer muscle mass in my legs. I washed my face and took a brief look in the mirror. I smiled as I bounced the mass in my chest, one after the other. Damn, that's pretty neat. I kept the rhythm going and increased the amplitude. My shirt tightened briefly with each jumping movement of my chest. I kept at it, enjoying the muscle dance egregiously. "What are you doing?" I heard a voice approach behind me and see Li appear in the mirror. Li was a jock himself, one of the best in school. He didn't have my level of muscle definition but he was a bit bigger and sported a six pack himself. "Whatever it was, keep going!" He said. "I'm sorry, I'm -" "It's all good, I do the same shit when I go to the bathroom." He pulled up his sleeves and then raised both biceps into a double biceps pose right behind me. "Wow," I cried, "you're strong." His biceps were perhaps slightly bigger than mine, but didn't have the insane vascularity mine had. "What's wrong?" He asked me, as I motioned my head to my forehead in pain. "Headaches... Cramps... I don't know what's going on." I tried to rush to the toilet, but Li held me back. "Everything okay?" My expression clearly said no. My clothing felt tight to the extreme. If I was right in my intuition, the fabric wouldn't hold much longer. "Ooooohhhhhhhh" I moaned. I felt a jolt of pleasure rush through my body. I turned to look into the mirror and watch what I knew to be my next transformation. Li stood directly behind me, watching in amazement as my lats started to flare to unknown extremes. My shoulders put on instant mass. My body felt heavier and denser. I twitched my pecs in unison and kept them flexed while I heard the fabric stretching to no return. I could see the chest fibres tighten into dense dried out mutant almonds. My upper chest was blue with cords of unfathomable vascularity. My nipples were on edge. I then looked down to see what was going down below my chest - tried to at least. My chest was starting to get in the way of my view. But the view I had was spectacular, as soon as my body busted through my shirt. "Oh my God!" I heard Li proclaim. He was already so free as to start exploring my growing muscles with his hands, cupping my massive boobs and grabbing at my shredded as fuck 8-pack. My pants managed not to burst but I could see nonetheless the absurd definition of my legs. And my third member was bigger and harder than I've ever seen it. I just couldn't help it anymore. "You're a total muscle freak," Li said in admiration, as I outgrew him in every way. I would have blushed at his muscle worship if I wasn't extremely turned on by it. "Thanks," I murmured. "I want to lick your biceps clean!" I don't know what came over me in that moment, but I didn't hold back. I struck a biceps pose and watched how my worshipper buried his face into my muscle. His warm tongue felt fantastic along my shredded arms. I flexed harder and harder until Li felt as if he were overpowered. "What a muscle God!" He squealed.
  25. Guest

    (Un)even rivals (9)

    Nine Three days had gone since Jeremy had taken the beating from Ted. His heavily muscled, 265 pound body felt better with every passing hour; his recuperation working overtime to repair the damage. He actually felt capable of getting up from the mattress for the first time since his confrontation with the teen beast. A faint sound made him look aside and he saw his smaller former rival, now trainer awake. Chris opened his eyes and looked straight at the huge bodybuilder on the mattress next to his. A faint smile highlighted the muscle god's face and he asked: "How do you feel today, Jeremy?". "Way better, man. My body has nearly recovered", Jeremy replied and sat up. "Is it true that you stole my muscles?", Chris asked as he got up, walked over to the other mattress and sat down, facing the 100 pound heavier man. Jeremy stared down to avoid his former rival's gaze. "I… ehm…", he mumbled. "Is it?", Chris asked again as he put his hand under the muscle god's chin and gently lifted up his head to make eye contact. "Yes", Jeremy muttered ashamed. "Why?", Chris inquired. "I… I was tired of coming in second behind you. I mean, you're a year younger than me and still outclassed me during our competitions. I tried bulking up but lacked the vascularity to even face you in the final. Roids weren't an option. I found a website about voodoo, with a spell to realize my greatest desire: grow freaking huge. You were the only one that stood between me and dominating the sport…", Jeremy told. "And what about my cousin?", Chris interjected. "I needed some body fluid for the spell. Your cousin wanted to get back on you and needed a clean urine sample to get his gym membership. So we made a deal: he would get me a sweat drenched shirt of you and I would hand him one of my urine samples.", Jeremy continued. "That's why he wanted to arm wrestle. And why he stretched the struggle on purpose", Chris shouted in his higher pitched voice. Jeremy nodded. "You know what happened then: I used the spell and grew huge on your size. I even gain muscle more easily from my workouts now." "You probably stole my good genetics too", Chris added, "I always hated working out, but my muscles responded insanely fast. I only train twice a week and got this body. Well, not this one, but you know what I mean". "Can you forgive me, Chris?", Jeremy asked softly. "Off course, man. I no longer have to work out any more. And your body looks way better than mine ever did. Drives me mad just to look at you", Chris said and kissed the muscle god on his lips. The kiss surprised Jeremy, but he instinctively returned it, making his strong tongue snake into the smaller guy's mouth. He put his hands underneath his lover's ass to lift him up but felt the small guy shiver. "What's wrong? I'm not going to hurt you", he said as he broke the kiss. "I know", Chris replied, "It's my cousin. He's been raping my ass the past days. He made me chose between him beating you up every day or dominating me." "You let him rape you just to protect me? He's 200 pounds heavier than you. I'll protect you from now on", Jeremy said and took his smaller lover gently in his arms in a protective reflex. "Would you dare to take him on again?", Chris asked and let his frail hands roam the thick muscles of the wide torso he was pressed against. "I wouldn't stand a chance, but to protect you, yes", Jeremy said, enjoying the feeling of his muscles being groped. "And what if we would even the odds a bit?", Chris stated and wormed himself free from his bigger lover's hold. "How?", Jeremy asked and watched the smaller guy walk over to his own mattress. "My cousin left the papers with your voodoo stuff in here to make me see how you stole my muscles", Chris said as he took the papers from underneath his mattress, "but he forgot to take out the page with the spell on it. I've read and reread the entire text. As I get it, the spell is still active in me but apparently your current size is what you want to be". "I don't want to take any more muscle from you. Not after everything you did for me", Jeremy replied abruptly. "Not what's left of my muscle, I like my current size too. Not having to bother to go to the gym anymore", Chris stated, "But I could use the spell to take tom's muscle and pass them to you through me." "Why not your cousin's muscles? I'ld be freaking massive!", Jeremy asked. "He's too big to control him during the transfer. He would beat you up before you could match him. You're already bigger than Tom so you can easily dominate him. Then you'll be big enough to take on my cousin", Chris said. "Off to the gym", Ted boomed in his deep baritone voice. He roughly pulled Tom's head from his cock and shoved the 205 pound bodybuilder away. He got dressed and strutted out off the bathroom. Tom waited to get up from the tilled floor until he heard the door slam shut and the beastly teen's car race off. He wiped the sticky remnants of the teen beast's orgasm from his face and wrapped a towel around his muscular waist. He walked through the hallway on his way to grab some breakfast when the small Chris emerged from his room. "You have to see this, man", Chris said to the 40 pounds heavier bodybuilder and went back in his room. "What?", Tom asked and stepped inside. "ME!", Jeremy boomed and grabbed the bodybuilder's wrists. Tom struggled with all his might but his opponent outsized him by 60 pounds of pure muscle. He tried resisting but the bigger god head-butted him and he crashed down. "Put him on the bed", Chris said to his huge lover. Jeremy did as he was told and swiftly tossed the knocked out bodybuilder atop his mattress. "Now strip", Chris said. He pulled away Tom's towel and took off his own clothes. He looked at how the nude Tom eclipsed him completely. He looked up and stared at the naked, muscular perfection as Jeremy stood next to the bed and dwarfed the other bodybuilder. "Go stand at the end of the mattress", he said to Jeremy as he laid down and put his head against the naked Tom. Jeremy moved as instructed and looked down on the two smaller men lying on the mattress, his dick plump at the thought of growing even bigger. "What are you waiting for, big guy? Get your cock in me. I want to feel you grow massive", Chris said. Jeremy blinked at the remark but noticed the determined look in his smaller lover's eyes. He slowly sat down on his knees at the end of the mattress and pulled the smaller guy toward him. He gently eased his now fully hard 7 incher inside his lover without removing his gaze from the smaller guy's blue eyes. "Fuck ", Chris grunted in pleasure as he felt the huge bodybuilder's pubes brush against his ass. His back arched up in sheer bliss and he fell back down, his head touching the knocked out Tom's torso. "Ready to grow beastly?", he asked and looked into his already huge lover's eyes. Jeremy nodded, his lust as strong as his smaller lover's one. "Here we go", Chris said, " Gargak Profundis atque venerabilis, Ggrrtjzaku dzedzikoirku! Translatio vigoris mei et essentiae meae, Ggrrtjzaku dzedzikoirku!". A surge of power shot through his 159 pound body as a wave of hotness flowed from the knocked out bodybuilder into him. At the same time a coldish weakness formed in his stomach and a draining feeling formed in his ass. "Yeah", Jeremy grunted as he felt a jolt of hotness tingle along his rock-hard 7 incher and flow into him. The feeling spread across his 265 pound physique. He closed his eyes and threw back his head in pleasure. The mixed feelings of warmth and cold, strength and weakness whirled through Chris. His lust for turning his lover into beastly perfection intensified the spell and he felt the power flowing from his ass into the throbbing cock inside him. Jeremy's eyes were still closed in pleasure as he felt a warm pump flow from his rock-hard 7 incher into his stomach and spreading across his thickly muscled frame. "Mugh", he groaned as he felt his steely muscles harden all over his godly body. . His body surged with growth, powered by Tom's muscles and Chris' desire to make him colossal. Chris' eyes widened in lust and admiration as he stared at the unbelievably hot scene unfolding in front of him: his huge lover evolved into sheer, colossal muscular perfection. Veins exploded across the growing masses of hard, meaty muscles as the 265 pound bodybuilder swelled beyond huge. His already broad shoulders doubled in width as his delts turned into cannonballs; his meaty pecs tripled in size, forming half-watermelon-sized slabs of beef that made his nipples point straight down and formed a rack that obscured half of his developing six-pack; his six-pack evolved accordingly and his abs grew into cobblestone-sized, hard bricks and turned into an armor-hard eight-pack; his 22 inch arms ballooned to 35 inches in mere seconds, turning his thick arms into meaty hams hanging at his sides; his heavily muscled quads that were positioned beside Chris' torso, thickened into tree-sized pillars of muscle and pushed into the smaller guy's sides. Chris' legs, wrapped around his swelling lover's torso, were pushed open as the strong lower back broadened and overpowered them. His ass, stretched tight around the growing cock deep inside it, was pulled up as the huge bodybuilder also grew in height. The sight and feeling of his heavily muscled lover growing in front and inside of him was too much for Chris. His own throbbing 7 incher twitched and smacked against the corrugated landscape that was the beastly eight-pack. "Jeremy!", he yelled out in lust as he exploded against the cobblestone-sized abs, his meager load squirting into the deep ridges between the thick, hard muscles. Jeremy opened his eyes as he felt the liquid rub against his stomach and heard his former rival groan his name. He gazed down and noted how childishly small His lover looked next to him. A grin spread across his face as an idea crossed his mind. "Wrap your legs around me. tight", he rumbled in his deepened baritone. The muscle god's deep voice vibrated in Chris' body and made him blow another load against the steely eight-pack. Instinctively, he did as he was told and tightened his legs around the marble-like hard torso. Jeremy felt the legs tighten against his more-than-hard lower back. He then stood up in a swift motion, his tree-sized quads flexing in the process. With his ham-like arms hanging at his sides, he supported the small guy's weight with his rock-hard cock. The pleasure combined with the look of utter reverence in the small guy's eyes sent him over the edge. He grabbed hold of his lover with his right paw, covering half his torso as his cock exploded hard and violently inside the tight ass. He saw his lover's stomach bloat as load after load of his thick spunk blasted in him. After ten heavy shots, his orgasm cooled down and he slowly pulled the small guy from his cock. His eyes widened as inch after inch of thick, meaty cock appeared from the frail ass. "Like it? I thought your cock should match your colossal muscle. So I adapted the spell a bit", Chris said with a grin and let his hands roam the stony mass of the muscle god's 35 inch right arm. Jeremy simply stared at his now 15 incher that protruded proudly in front of his majestic body. "Yeah! Huge like Ted!", he boomed in his deepened voice and put his lover gently down on the mattress. "But way better looking. Your proportions are perfect. Seems like you grew taller to match your new size", Chris said in utter amazement. Unlike his bulky looking cousin, Jeremy still maintained his perfect symmetry, looking like a colossal, yet capable-of-swift-movements athlete. Jeremy simply looked contest ready: his paper-thin skin was wrapped tightly around his bulging muscles; striations were visible on every mound of hard beef even though he stood fully relaxed. Jeremy threw a few poses to showcase his new physique, his skin stretching to accommodate the new girth of his massive, vein-decorated muscles. "Fuck! Look at my bi's! Boulders of beef!, he said as he raised his arms in a double bicep pose, making the meaty mounds swell into their now 35 inches. He lowered his arms and bounced his pecs. The protruding rack of muscles danced atop his chest, striations and veins undulating across the half watermelons crammed under his stretched skin. He shook his tree-sized left leg, making the incredible mass of his quads role from left to right, and flexed it: deep canyons exploded aside the thick heads of muscle fed by veins snaking over them. His slowly deflating, still half-hard cock jolted and smacked against the steely hard leg. "Thanks man", he said as he relaxed his leg and looked down at his small lover on the mattress, "you made my bigger beyond my wildest dreams. Even after I stole your size. How can I ever repay you?". He gently grabbed hold of the smaller guy's armpits and lifted him off the mattress. "We'll figure something out, big guy", Chris said, enjoying the feeling of being hoisted up by the most beautiful man he'd ever seen. He wrapped his arm around the muscle god, or tried to. His huge lover's back was so wide that his arms didn't make it past the massive, cannonball-sized delts: his frail hands grabbed the meaty mass of the rear delt, unable to dent the hard surface. He leaned into the massive body, the protruding rack of pecs pleasurably pressing against his own weak chest, and kissed the muscle god's lips. Jeremy returned his smaller lover's kiss. He wrapped one anaconda-like arm gently around the 159 pound guy to support him, his free paw grabbed the back of the guy's head and pulled him in; at the same time, his tongue invaded his lover's mouth. Chris was overwhelmed with pleasure and his cock raced back to hardness between his own softened abs and the concrete-like eight-pack. Black dots began dancing before his eyes as the muscle god kept kissing him. He tapped the rear delts with all his might to make clear he was in need of air. Jeremy grumbled at the soft tickles of his small lover against his shoulders. He opened his eyes and noticed the dark red color of the guy's face, realizing he was suffocating. He broke the kiss. Chris inhaled deeply as he let his body rest against the hot, hard surface of the now colossal Jeremy. The sound of the back door slam shut signaled Ted's return. "Yo, Tom!", the beastly teen boomed as he tossed his gym bag on the floor. "Where ya hidding, ya runt?", he yelled as he took a gallon of milk from the fridge, mixed it with an insane amount of protein powder and gulped down the impossibly large drink in three long gulps. "My cousin's bony ass will have to do", he said to himself and strutted out off the kitchen. The sound of the heavy footsteps slowly climbing the stairs vibrated through the house as the teen beast went up. Chris jumped up on his mattress as the door of his room was ripped open violently. He instinctively crawled back against the wall as his massive cousin swaggered inside. A smug grin formed on Ted's lips at his weak cousin's reaction and at the look of fear in his eyes. He slowly walked toward the mattress against the furthest wall of the room. His cock twitched in anticipation inside his boxers. Despite having jerked three times in the shower after his workout, he was ready for another round. "STOP TIGHT THERE!" A deep, booming command filled the room, rolled against the walls and rattled the windows. Ted turned around in surprise. The grin disappeared from his face as a huge man worked his way through the door. "Who the fuck…?", he asked without taking his eyes off the colossal bodybuilder. "Don't you recognize me?", Jeremy asked and stood still just inside the room, "I did get a little bigger since our last meeting". He clenched his right fist, making his forearm ripple with strength as its corded muscles tensed and his upper arm harden in the process. Ted's eyes glistened as he recognized Jeremy. He scanned the massive muscles on the guy's bare torso and noticed he was wearing a pair of his sweatpants that were nicely filled out by his legs. "Let's ditch this", Jeremy said and moved toward the teen beast with one long stride. He grabbed the guy's shirt and tore if off his beastly body in a swift motion, exposing the other giant's torso. Standing 6 feet tall, Ted had to look up to look in the now massive Jeremy's eyes. He took an instinctive step backward. Chris stared at the two giant's. At 6'5, Jeremy towered above his cousin, but the beastly teen's muscles looked bigger on his more compact frame. Coming direct from the gym, his cousin's shoulders and arms were still pumped. "No longer the biggest stud", Jeremy said to Ted and bounced his pecs as he spoke, "Let's go and don't bother us ever again!". Ted looked at the half watermelons dance atop the other giant's chest. He closed his right paw in a fist, pulled back his massive arm and slammed it with all his might into the deeply grooved eight-pack in front of him. Jeremy blinked in surprise: the sledgehammer-like fist had hit his cobblestone-sized abs at full force with a loud smack but the punch had bounced off the steely hard surface without even denting it. "That all you got?", he asked mockingly and returned the favor. Ted couldn't believe that his devastating blow hadn't done any damage. Before he could react, the other giant slammed his own fist into his six-pack. He grunted faintly as he felt his strong abs give in slightly. He threw another punch against the eight-pack, but Jeremy clenched his abs just in time, making the punch bounce off once more. Jeremy saw the look of disbelieve on the beastly teen's face and hit the guy's six-pack a second time. This time his fist encountered a fully flexed brick-like wall, not giving in the slightest. Ted didn't give the huge bodybuilder any time to pull back his thick arm: he grabbed hold of the guy's massive shoulders and pulled him down. Chris saw the two giants slump down and continue their fight on the floor. It was a pile of heaving, sweaty muscle that rolled back and forth, paws locked into each other and straining as the two muscle gods fought for dominance. Ted somehow ended up on top and threw a hard punch in Jeremy's face, bruising his left cheek as the bodybuilder turned his head to avoid the punch. Ted grabbed hold of Jeremy's clawing arms and pushed them down to the floor behind the guy's head. "Not so tough after all", he grunted as he tried to bring down the massive arms completely. Jeremy fought back and managed to block the teen beast's advance. His tree-sized arms shook with effort against the inhumane strength of his opponent. He suddenly gave in and pulled with all his force, making the beastly teen lose his balance and fall forward over him. Ted rolled over the other giant and quickly jumped back on his feet. He turned around and saw Jeremy charge at him. He braced his 367 pound body for the impact but the momentum of the bodybuilder's 365 pound body threw him backward against the wall. The wall cracked with a loud sound and in a cloud of dust, the two giants knocked through it and crashed into the master bedroom. Ted blinked his eyes in mild pain: his back ached a bit from breaking through the wall. He looked around and a hard punch slammed into his six-pack. "Ugh", he grunted as some air was forced out of him and his abs dented in. "Get up!", Jeremy groaned as he withdrew his fist and took a step back. Ted stared up at his colossal opponent. He closed his paw around a thick, wooden beam between the debris from the wall. He sprang up and smacked the beam hard against the massive Jeremy's protruding chest, shattering it to shreds as it made contact with the slabs of muscle. "ugh", Jeremy grunted in surprise and pain at the impact. He stumbled back a bit, more in surprise than in pain. Ted moved in and punched the huge bodybuilder's lower back, hitting him in the kidneys. "Ugh", Jeremy groaned a bit louder and sank down on one knee as a second sucker punch hit him in the kidneys. He felt the beastly teen's hands pass underneath his armpits to take him in a full nelson. He leaned forward, pulling the teen beast off balance. Ted released his grip to regain his balance and his opponent was up in a flash. He reached for the massive Jeremy but the guy made the same move and their hands locked together. Chris didn't dare to move. He followed the fight by the sounds coming from the other room. He knew the two giants would crush him, even by accident, if he got in their way. Jeremy and Ted stood fighting to get the upper hand, their huge anaconda-sized arms straining and bulging from the effort and their hands moving back and forth. Ted threw everything he got into the fight, but the other muscle god did the same. Their faces were red from the effort, their chests heaving and their mounds of muscles pumped with blood. Ted felt his strength fading slightly: he'd worn out his muscles in the gym earlier. His legs started to shake slightly as he summoned more power to stand his ground. Jeremy noticed the hardening strain on the beastly teen's face and felt the faint quiver go through the guy's 35 inch arms. He suddenly stopped pushing. Ted was taken by surprise by the other muscle god's maneuver: he lost his balance and fell forward, smacking into the massive torso in front of him. Jeremy had anticipated this and unlocked his hands from the other bodybuilder's. He wrapped his arms around the beastly teen's torso and applied a bone crushing bear hug. Ted squirmed in the vice-like grasp. He clenched his fist to make his arms swell and harden. He summoned every ounce of strength and managed to loosen the hold. Jeremy felt his hands slide apart as the beastly teen squirmed and flexed in his grasp. The 367 pound guy's power couldn't be denied and he had to release his bear hug. Ted inhaled deeply to refill his lungs with oxygen. He didn't allow his opponent to recover: he quickly wrapped his own 35 inch arms around the bodybuilder's torso and pressed with all his remaining strength. "Ugh", Jeremy grunted more in surprise than pain. Despite the beastly teen's efforts, his own muscles withstood the attack. He could even feel the 367 pound guy's power wear off. "YEAH!", he roared deeply as he broke free from the hold and shoved the teen beast back hard. Ted was caught by surprise as he was overpowered for the first time in years. "No", he blurted in disbelief and fell backward. It felt like juvy all over again: for an instant he was once again the wimpy, skinny boy being picked on by the bigger guys. Jeremy moved in: het grabbed the beastly teen's sweatpants and lifted the 367 pound guy up. "Now leave us alone!", he roared and threw the teen beast through the door, sending him crashing into the bathroom. He felt all powerful after taking down his colossal opponent and began flexing his superb physique in the large mirrors against the furthest wall. Ted shook his head and blinked his eyes. He was lying in the middle of the bathroom along with the contents of the cupboard he'd knocked down when he flew in. He noticed a familiar, black, little box amidst the heap. He opened it with shaking hands and 6 doses of the new designer steroids he was on, rolled in his paw. He grabbed an empty syringe and filled it with three doses. He lowered his skintight sweatpants and overstuffed boxers and injected the thick fluid in his left testicle. He repeated the process for his right testicle. A rush of warmth, energy and adrenaline radiated from his balls into his body. He pulled his boxers and pants back up and got up. He turned around and saw the other colossal bodybuilder flexing in the lengthy mirror inside the master bedroom. Jeremy ogled his majestic physique in the mirror: he couldn't wait to get on stage and crush his puny competitors. He couldn't even call them 'rivals': he would outclass them in every way possible. He closed his eyes as feelings of dominance and victory filled his mind. A hard blow on his lower back made him come back to reality. A second one knocked the wind from him and made him slump down on one knee. In the mirror he saw Ted standing there. "Didn't have enough?", he asked as he got up. Two heavy punches on his upper back made him sink back down. Ted saw the look of pain on the massive Jeremy's face and stepped back, motioning him to get up. Jeremy got up and turned to face the beastly teen. He moved in and once more, their hands locked into each other to fight for dominance. His 35 inch arms bulged and shook as he pushed with all his might. His pumped muscles started to burn from the earlier fight. Ted 's equally meaty arms shivered also but he could feel the designer steroid doing its work: the massive dose injected into his balls was forcing them to produce testosterone beyond human levels. He felt his arms pulse with power as the tremendous amount of testosterone began releasing into his bloodstream. Jeremy felt fatigue and cramp spreading slowly across his bulging arms. He would swear that the beastly teen's resistance was stronger than before he'd beaten the guy and seemed to get stronger with every passing second. Ted saw the increased strain on his huge opponent's face and felt the mild, but now steady shiver go through the 365 pound bodybuilder's massive arms. More energy flowed into his own anaconda-like arms with every surge of testosterone his balls released into his bloodstream. He felt his own strength increasing and the resistance in his grasp grow weaker and weaker. Jeremy couldn't prevent the shaking of his mighty arms: fatigue and cramps tormented his bulging biceps and corded forearms. Sweat was rolling from his forehead over his cheeks from the effort. He flexed his tree-sized quads, his legs hardening into an impressive sight, to summon every bit of strength left inside him. Ted felt the increased power of his opponent against his grasp, but his freshly energized and continually fed arms repelled the attack. Jeremy's entire body was starting to tremble as he fought with everything he had against the beastly teen. He suddenly stopped pushing and pulled to throw the teen beast off balance. Ted's colossal body didn't budge an inch as the 365 pound bodybuilder tried pulling him in. Jeremy knew he was in trouble as his maneuver failed: spasms and cramps shot through his body as he felt his strength waning further and further. "My turn", Ted said in a somehow deeper voice and yanked at his opponent's hands. Jeremy instantly lost his balance and smacked against the rock-hard torso of the teen beast. His head shot back and he groaned in pain as the beastly teen's meaty arms closed around his own hyper-muscled torso. Ted didn't flex his arms or clench them together: he simply held the 365 pound bodybuilder in his steely grasp. By now, the testosterone was flowing rapidly into his muscles, making them swell and harden. Jeremy tried squirming free, but his fatigued muscles protested. He knew he had to let them recover and pretended he passed out to fool his opponent. He felt the steely grasp tighten and harden with every passing second. He inhaled deeply and made his move. He summoned every ounce of strength he could scrape together in his 365 pound body and squirmed with everything he had. Ted felt the massive Jeremy's resistance, but it was no use: it felt feeble and didn't budge his hardening arms a bit. The testosterone coursing through his body and now flooding his muscles had totally refreshed his energy levels. The time Jeremy had taken to make his own muscles recover, Ted had grown 20 pounds heavier. Jeremy opened his eyes and a look of pure horror filled his face: the beastly teen that held him tightly secured in his grasp was clearly growing. He tried resisting, but his own majestic body didn't move an inch inside the vice-like hold. An evil grin spread across Ted's lips at the look on the huge bodybuilder's face. It felt like the guy was getting lighter and lighter in his grasp, but he knew it was his own body that grew beastlier with every passing second. His once 35 inch arms were rounding the 40 inch mark as he felt his growth slowdown. His body now matched Jeremy's exactly in height, but he outsized the 365 pound muscle god by 50 pounds of pure, hard muscle. Jeremy howled in pain as the teen beast hardened his biceps and made the stony boulders dig into his own heavily muscled flanks. "Let's end this once and for all", Ted growled in an insanely deep baritone that rattled the windows and hardened his flex. Jeremy flexed with all his remaining might to withstand the crushing power but it was no use: he passed out as his ribs gave in with a sickening, cracking sound. "Yeah!", Ted boomed as he crushed the 365 pound bodybuilder's ribs. He pulled back his right arm, made a huge fist and smacked it hard into the muscle god's face. The stony fist sank deep into the once epitome of male beauty and now bloody mess that was Jeremy's face. "NO!" The weak cry made the beyond colossal Ted turn around. He saw his puny cousin standing in the opening of the shattered wall. He tossed the now lifeless Jeremy hard on the floor and moved toward his childish-looking cousin. "Ya're next!"… The end?
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