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  1. vitruvian3

    rewarded effort

    some background: i've been lurking this site for over a decade, trying to work up the courage to post something one day. i guess today's that day. this is a relatively short snippet but i'm planning on eventually adding to it. i guess it's my thanks to all of you for providing stuff for me to lurk at for all those years. --- It had been a long year. Trapped inside for most of it, languishing away, Jacob could feel his mind and body withering. Sure, it'd been fun for the first couple weeks- out of work with nothing to do, expenses taken care of by his employer's robust severance cheque... but after he'd beaten his favourite video games for the third or fourth time it had grown quickly stale. And without his friends coming by, well. Bored was putting his mental state lightly. See, Jacob had been a social guy. A real butterfly, as it were. He was cute, was the main reason- though if you asked him he'd probably have a few more choice adjectives to use. Narrative honesty requires that we stick mostly to "cute" here; he was classic twink, not so much skinny as just un-toned, smooth, more pretty than handsome. Looks that got him laid, sure, and pleasurably so. And looks that were definitely not getting him laid anymore: he idly opened Grindr for the third time that morning and was greeted not with invitations but with the silence of an app laid waste by quarantine. God damn it, he thought. It hadn't been the first time he'd had that thought that morning. The thing though that had made quarantine especially grating on poor Jacob's psyche wasn't even the tumbleweeds rolling across the wide road of his sex life. No; it was more troubling. You see, Jacob had been giving himself quite a bit of introspective time. Considering his options, as it were, and what he wanted out of life. And he'd touched upon something he found... worrying. Jacob wanted to be big. Not-- not huge, he told himself. But maybe if he could, you know, get some serious workouts in, really dial in his calorie intake, do a "dirty bulk" or whatever they called it, it'd be nice to have a little meat on his frame. A lot of meat on his frame. Four-plate squat meat on his frame. And the rest of the body to go with it-- thick and powerful and hard and so, so strong. This wanting turned, shall we say, a little more intense. Soon he was fantasizing about himself as an emerging musclebear, hairy and huge and exuding a masculinity that wasn't so much powerful as undeniable. The kind of guy he'd find himself transfixed by at the bars, but the kind of guy whose attention in turn was fixated on those like him. He spent hours browsing sites, looking at powerlifters, at offseason bodybuilders, at a (maybe not so) shocking amount of porn, building his idea of what he wanted to become bit by bit. Reading about how to achieve it, first balking at the requirements, then gradually embracing them. He had all the information he needed. He had a goal. He had the resources. He just needed to put his plan into work. It took a suprisingly long time for him to get up the gumption. Jacob may have been a flirt, but he was shy; changing his body like this would immediately make him the centre of attention in any group. But the yearning was stronger than his self-consciousness. It grew, and grew, and one day-- he woke, stood, looked at himself in the mirror, and decided to start. Was it difficult? Of course it was. Having no access to an outside gym, Jacob started with bodyweight. Squats, pushups, wall-sits, dead bugs, crunches, planks-- he ran through the beginner's gauntlet for as many reps as he could stand. The first day he went through it once, the second day twice. By the end of the month it was easy as breathing. He chalked the progress up to the monstrous amount of food he'd begun to consume; in the mirror, his frame looked slightly broader, his muscles more tight. But not larger. Not yet. The second month, he bit the bullet and began to order weights. An olympic bar and bench came first, some bumper plates next. He began to deadlift, to squat, to press. Dumbbells followed shortly after, and with them curls, extensions, any movement he could come up with. He scoured the internet for more. He ate like a starving man. He ordered more weight. When the first pair of proper plates came in, it'd been three months. When the second pair arrived, it'd only taken two weeks for him to work up to them. He had gone from lifting twice a day to spending his waking hours either eating or lifting. It's not like he had much else to do, he reasoned. And the rush he felt when he looked in the mirror-- He had changed, dear reader. Jacob had taken to lifting like a fish to water. He was lean, not bodybuilder levels, but hadn't had a lot of fat on him to start with. This only made the muscle he'd put on more stark. His legs were thick, quads becoming more clearly separated by the day, his calves hard and heart-shaped. His ass had tightened, risen, round and hard-- every time he saw it over his shoulder in the mirror, he longed for more. His back had widened, the wings of his lats apparent, his traps beginning to rise. His shoulders were rounded, beginning to separate more fully. His chest- he'd worked hard on it, and his pecs had blossomed into hard, gorgeous mounds of muscle. He'd find himself flexing them alternately throughout the day, whenever he was bored; it'd become a hobby of sorts. His arms were incredible, for someone so new to lifting. Thick, hard, and with just the faintest beginning of a vein curving over the peak of his bicep. The real standout, though, were his abs. Jacob had been merciless to them, even when he was doing only bodyweight exercises, and his sadist streak towards torturing his stomach hadn't ceased. His efforts were rewarded with a near-freakishly tight midsection, his abs showing through in a clear six-pack despite his relatively high body fat. His obliques were steel-hard, cascading down his sides and connecting to form a flawless Adonis' belt, an arrow of muscle straight to his dick. He knew how strong these muscles were-- could do a five minute plank without breaking a sweat, had begun to do weighted sit-ups holding two plates on his chest -- but something in the back of his mind still stirred. He wasn't satisfied. More weight was ordered. More food. Jacob began to research supplements, first the ordinary, then when he'd exhausted that endeavour began to dip his toe into the more intense, esoteric, dubiously legal. It only took another month of intense, unrelenting lifting before he plunged deeper. He didn't want to cycle. No, he wanted to cruise; wanted the slow build of his body putting on more mass, becoming more and more intensely hard and strong and masculine with every day he woke. The day he got what he'd ordered, he regarded himself in the mirror before his first injection. He looked good, by anyone's measure; veins had begun to emerge in his arms, which had ballooned from set after superset of curls and extensions. His pecs had grown thicker, deeper, the seperation between them stark. His legs were thick, quads fully obviously separated even unflexed, the muscle heavy and like steel. His ass had become something out of myth, round, high, and tight. It was getting hard for him to find anything to wear that didn't make him look cartoonishly pornographic; if pants fit around his massive thighs and rock-hard ass, they would inevitably bag around his comparatively tiny waist. Speaking of. He had focused even harder on his abs, incorporating ever more torturously long weighted static holds and hundreds of reps of every movement he could devise. Ten minute planks with 150 pounds on his back. Bicycle crunches with punishingly heavy ankle weights. He'd get his ab roller out and spend a few hours before bed performing thousands of reps, unsatisfied until he'd pushed the muscles to failure, and then finish off his day doing crunches until he couldn't move. He'd wake up on the mat, still in his workout clothes, and run his hands down his stomach: like hot steel, his abs tightened with every breath into something even he lacked the words to describe. Four pairs of bricks ran down his stomach, protruding a solid inch unflexed. Obliques beyond description - so hard they didn't feel human - flanked them. When he prepped his shot, pressed the plunger down, and took his first step towards something he couldn't truly even picture, he looked at his reflection and almost came. Not thinking of what he was, already near-Adonis-like in his muscularity, but what he was going to be.
  2. Kashgar

    Tiny Todd

    I step off the bus and feel my stomach drop as I see Jake leaning against the wall, waiting for me. He’s wearing a stained wife-beater and grins when he spots me. My heart starts to race. I feel like I can't catch my breath. I keep my head down and walk past him, trying to pretend he doesn't exist, as if that’ll save me. I know what's coming. There's nothing I can do to stop it. I try to look away, to pretend that I don't see him, but he calls out my name in a sing-song voice. "Oh Tiny Todd?” I feel a large hand close around my shoulder. His breath is thick and sour. “How's it going, little guy?" He grabs my arm and spins me around to face him. He's huge, easily twice my size, and his friends are behind him, snickering. Both slightly smaller, slightly dumber, but tyrannical bastards in their own right. "Where you going, Tiny? Don't you want to hang out with us?" I shake my head, trying to pull my arm free, but he holds on tight. "Please, let me go," I say, my voice barely above a whisper. “I did your homework like you asked.” Jake just laughs and shoves me, sending me crashing into the wall. "Why should I, Tiny Todd? You're such a loser." I feel the tears starting to sting my eyes and I know that I need to get out of here, to get away from him. But Jake just laughs harder and shoves me again. My books go flying and I feel like everyone is laughing at me, like they're all in on the joke. I pick myself up and run, my tears blurring my vision. I run all the way home, to the safety of my room. I lock the door behind me and curl up in a ball, crying until I fall asleep. That's how it always goes. Every day, the same thing. Jake and his friends make fun of me, push me around, and I just take it. I'm just Tiny Todd, the ugly nerd who can't stand up for himself. And I hate myself for it. - I sit down at the dinner table and try to ignore the way my dad is glaring at me. He's been in a bad mood all day and I can tell that this is going to be another one of those nights. I pick at my food, trying to conjure up the willpower to eat, but it's not long before he starts in on me. "What the hell happened to you, boy?" he says, pointing to the bruises on my arms. I shrug, trying to act like it's no big deal, but he's not having it. "Don't you know how to defend yourself?" he says, his voice rising. "You're a disappointment, a runt. Your brother would never let himself be bullied like this." He motions over at Dan, who is sitting across the table, looking smug. Dan is the star of the baseball team, the popular one, the one who gets all the attention. And he loves it. "You need to man up, Todd," my dad continues. "Start fighting back, or you're going to end up a nobody. A weakling." The tears start to prick at my eyes and I can feel my face getting hot. I don't want to cry, not in front of them, but I can't help it. I push back from the table and run from the room, slamming the door behind me. How often do I end up curled up in a ball on my bed, crying myself to sleep? Feels like it happens at least once a week nowadays. Sometimes I feel like the most helpless and lonely person in the world. I hate myself for being so weak, for not being able to stand up to Jake, for not being able to make my dad proud. I hate that I'm not like Dan, who never seems to struggle with anything. He's always the one getting all the attention, always the one who seems to have it all together. And I hate that my dad always compares us, always holds Dan up as the standard that I can never live up to. There’s no one in the world who understands me. I'm so weak, I can't even fight back. I just want to matter, but it seems like no matter what I do, it’ll never be enough. It’s not as if I can just… sprout up a few inches. Pile on a few hundred pounds. Get big. Get strong. Weakness isn’t something you can escape. - I'm sitting in my small, cluttered bedroom, surrounded by piles of books and comics, scrolling through the dark, seedy corners of the internet. My heart is racing, my palms are sweaty, and my mind is a jumbled mess of thoughts and emotions. I've been feeling so lost and hopeless lately, like I'll never amount to anything, and I just want to find a way to make a change. I've been on the dark web before, searching for answers, searching for some kind of solution to my problems. I know it's dangerous, but I also know that there's information here that can't be found anywhere else. It's a place of secrets and hidden knowledge, a place where anything is possible. I'm scrolling through forums and chat rooms, reading stories and testimonials from other people just like me, people who are searching for something more. And then, suddenly, a chat window pops up. "You look like you could use a little help," says the stranger. I hesitate for a moment, trying to decide whether I should respond. I've heard about scams and hackers on the dark web, and I don't want to get involved with anything illegal. But I'm also curious, so I take a deep breath and type a response. "What kind of help?" I ask. "Something special, just for you," the stranger says. "A drug. It'll fix all your problems." My heart is pounding in my chest as I read those words. This all sounds too good to be true. I hesitate for a moment, trying to think of a polite way to decline. "Why are you offering this to me for free?" I ask. "What's the catch?" A pause. "I stole it from a military lab," the stranger says. "And I need a test subject to examine the effects." I feel a cold sweat breaking out on my forehead. This is dangerous, illegal, and probably a bad idea. But I can't help thinking about the bruises on my arms and the way Jake treated me at school. I remember how helpless and alone I felt, and suddenly, I know what I have to do. "Okay," I say, typing my address into the chat window. "I'll do it." The stranger gives me a few more instructions, and then the chat window disappears. I sit there for a few minutes, staring at the screen, trying to decide if I've just made a huge mistake. But then I shake my head and close my laptop and try to steady my breathing. I don't know what the future holds, but I know I have to take this chance. I have to do something. Even if it’s futile. Even if it’s pointless. I close my eyes and try to get some sleep, the pale glow of my monitor reflecting in my eyes. - I wake up, gasping for air, sweat soaking my bed sheets. My pulse beats like a drum, resounding in my ears, my chest heaving. Another nightmare. I swing my legs over the bed and walk to the door. I’m not sure if I need a drink, or if I just want to get some air. Maybe I need to get away. I step onto the landing, and it's then I hear the knock. My heart skips a beat. I freeze, listening, but there's no sound. Was it just my imagination? I shake my head, trying to clear the cobwebs, and then I hear it again. A soft, insistent knock. It's coming from the front door. I'm not used to visitors at this time of night. I'm scared. My mind races with all the things that could be waiting for me on the other side of that door. It could be a murderer. A robber. Or worse, a cop. But curiosity wins out in the end. I tiptoe down the stairs, the boards creaking beneath my feet, and I peer through the peephole. It's too dark to see anything. I creep towards the door, trying to be as quiet as possible, and peer through the translucent window. All I can see is a dark silhouette, and my first instinct is to hide. But he makes no attempt to come inside. I hesitate for a moment, my hand hovering over the lock. Then I turn it and pull the door open. Cold air rushes in. There's no one there. Then I see it, lying on the step. A small, brown parcel. My name is written on the front in bold black letters. I pick it up, a sense of unease settling in my stomach. I tear off the wrapping, and a glass bottle rolls into my hand. I turn it over, reading the label. "Classified". "Top Secret". I hold it to the light to get a better look. What is this? Who would send me something like this? I unscrew the cap, and a few small, white pills spill into my palm. They could be painkillers. They don’t look special, at any rate. Am I really going to down a random pill? I look at my reflection in the brown glass. My eyes are bloodshot. I look like a mess. Sure, why the fuck not? I take one, downing it with a gulp of tap water, and wait. And wait. And nothing happens. I thought that maybe, just maybe, this was the answer I'd been searching for. The solution to all my problems. But no, nothing has changed. I climb back into bed, lying there wide-eyed, listening to the sounds of the night, waiting for something to happen. But nothing does. I eventually drift off to sleep, the bottle of pills still in my hand.
  3. geektofreek

    Outgrowing The House

    Hey guys! Hope everyone has been enjoying the new forum like I have. If you haven't already bookmarked my brand new website, I posted this story earlier today. It's been a long time since I've written a macro story, and while it still mostly focuses on muscle, I'm sure there is going to be something for everyone in this story. Enjoy! ******************************** It was strange to say that someone would want to outgrow their own home, but high school senior Zachary Parker wanted exactly that. He stood there naked in the bathroom, a giant of nothing but muscle and young teen sweat, eyeing his shower like it was the competition. He knew today just had to be the day. The young teen was teetering on 400 pounds of solid muscle after this mornings workout. His body felt so incredibly pumped, so unstoppably huge. He knew immediately as he put one foot into the shower that things were definitely different. The small growths that he had been experiencing were nothing compared to the explosion of muscle that had happened earlier. There was no telling how huge he had grown this morning (with a smashed scale now sitting in his bedroom). All he knew was that the shower began to make this horrific cracking noise, the pipes inside the walls strained, and even the tiles began shattering like glass. “It’s finally happening...” Zach snickered. It was actually almost hard for the muscle teen not to get aroused at this point. He had been fantasizing about this moment for so long, he almost didn’t even know where to start. He figured he would do something that would typically be innocent, washing his body for example. There was almost that sinister chuckle as he popped of the cap. There was no way the shower going to hold, just no fucking way. As he began lathering up his mountainous hairy pectorals, the first bolt blew off the wall, bouncing off his 70 inch muscle chest. Zach just laughed and continued casually washing his chest, hearing the strain of the metal framework, the impending destruction of the all the grout and plaster holding everything together. With a flinch of his giant hairy legs, a flex his mountainous arms and barndoor-wide back, he triggered another small growth. It was almost frightful how comical the young god thought the whole thing was. There was such an overwhelming amount of joy he felt feeling his body squeeze and fill the tiny space, just like when he had outgrown the houses small door frames. With barely any effort, and what felt like pounds of muscle packing onto his frame, his shoulders and legs become wedged and almost stuck between the showers bending frame... STRRRAIIINN CRACK Zach watched in amazement. The cheap walls around him collapsed to the floor like they were nothing to him; childrens architecture in the face of a real god. With his body now totally unleashed, completely exposed, there was almost a part of Zach that wanted to just keep growing until the he filled the entire bathroom. A fun thought, bringing him a small chuckle. He figured though he should probably wait, he wanted to enjoy every minute of this. He arrogantly stepped on the broken shower door and crushed the plastic frame beneath his feet. After the shower it was onto the clothes, his third favorite part of the morning. Everything he wore was a size XXL and up, yet it still seemed to be no match for his hulking muscle boy body. The once super sized varsity football tank barely even reached the upper part of the teens hairy brick plated abs. It was all caught between the teens boulder sized hairy pecs which seemed to almost stretch over a foot off his breast cage, nipples the size of fucking pancakes, the most immense canyon of hair and muscle. Next came his fully tailored briefs, white just the way he liked them. The pouch was specifically designed for the teens heavy nut suck and enormously large foot long cock. Truth be told though, as crazy as it sounded, his manhood was almost starting to look comically average when compared to the size of his gigantic muscle body, small even. Even though Zach was a little disappointed that it had seemed to stop growing like it once did, there was a small satisfaction knowing that he managed to make MELON sized testicles look small. By the time Zach got downstairs for breakfast, he was the definition of obscenity. After his briefs, the giant teen had somehow manage to squeeze himself into his last remaining pair of custom 46X38 jeans. His dad nearly choked on his coffee watching the morning news. Even though he lived with the giant muscle teen twenty four seven, nothing could have prepared him for the way that Zach looked this morning. “You see something you like old man?” Zach taunted, flexing one his gigantic arms. He knew what his dad was looking at, it was the same thing he was always looking out. While his father was mostly straight, he recently learned that the man was a total fag for big muscle arms, and now that his monster teen biceps were a record breaking 28 inches in size, chiseled like some hairy fucking mountain of muscle, engorged in the most disgusting display of vascularity, he knew there was no way his dad would stand a chance. Zach just arrogantly whiffed his own pitts, watching his father's crotch bulge between his jeans. It really was only a matter of time before the old man would crack. Eighteen years old and he was already among some of the biggest muscle studs in the world. He was literally a factory of testosterone, dripping with power, effortlessly packing on more muscle and hair then most bodybuilders could ever dream of. "How b-big are they now s-son...?" His dad could barely ask the question. Zach menacingly thumped a little closer. It must have been his undersized white tank and swollen blue jeans that was making his dad really whimper today. He knew it really was the perfect choice of outfit to show off his unstoppable growing teenage physique. He never understood why so many muscle men hid beneath their baggy gym clothes all day when they could look like this. The clothes were so tight, so painted onto his super roided out muscle-boy body that you could even see detail in his rock hard nipples and firehose sized cock. After all It was because of this his own old man was literally sitting there in his recliner with a full on erection beneath his jeans; no remorse, no hiding, he had totally lost it over his big muscle boy. The drool just wept from his dad’s lips like an endless river, I mean school girls had more control than this. That’s not to say there wasn’t a small part of Zach that was totally getting off on this moment. After all what son doesn't look forward to totally dwarfing their dad when they grow up. “Why don't you take a guess" Zach finally decided to start, raising one of his meaty muscle boy arm. His triceps hung there like huge hairy slabs of meat, while his bicep, it was like looking at a mountain of muscle, swelling bigger with every passing second. The young teen smirked as his unmatchable and magnificent muscle peak went flexing past his own eye level, swelled beyond his own head, squeezed into his own face. It was long until the freaky mammoth peak reach it's full and daunting size of 28 inches. “O-oh my g-god, LOOK at it!!” His father stuttered pathetically "Ooooh yeah that's right, biceps bigger than your fucking waist!” Zach squeezed his bicep that much bigger. It was then he looked down with a sneer and watched it happen like clock work. His fathers cock, like every other man’s, began throbbing faster and faster between his legs; the size of his young muscles, the enormity of his pits, the sheer stench of his musk, even the straightest of men couldn’t handle it. His dad just shamefully began blowing what had to have been the biggest load of his adult life, right in between his own jeans. He clenched the sides of his armchair as he continued to look up, struggling to hold back his cries of pleasure. "You know I'm going to outgrow this entire house right dad?" “Breakfast!" His mom shouted "Yes!!" Zach said with excitement. The teen rested his giant arm, leaving his now humiliated father to soak in his own shame. The entire house now made that daunting thump as he took each hulking step towards the completely loaded breakfast table. His mother like most mornings had prepared a meal large enough for a whole feast; pancakes, sausage, eggs, bacon, potatoes, all piled up like endless rolling hills, enough for ten people at least. Zach felt his large cock bloat between his monster legs like it always did before a feast. The notion that every bit of this food would soon turn into raw muscle was such a get off. He couldn’t wait to get in there and stuff his face so he could grow even more. “Thanks for breakfast mom” Zach gently kissed her on the forehead "w-wow just look at you this morning" Just like his father, his mom seemed to have an extreme attraction for certain parts of the male physique. For years he had been catching her stare down at his monster muscle thighs and epic bubble butt, but just like his dad, this morning she couldn’t resist from full on “deer in headlights” mode. She was especially glancing at his hefty horse-sized teenage package. Zach smirked having to admit his lower half was ridiculously gigantic, in fact it was almost becoming a struggle to walk. He figured, in the same unorthodox fashion as earlier, that he would give his mother an equally as impressive show. “You like these legs mom?” Zach widened his stand, slowly beginning to flex his guerilla sized thighs. It was only a matter of seconds before the blue denim began to snap and tear along what was probably the most muscular legs in the human race. Zach eagerly watched her awestruck face as the first tear had formed along his right leg. The denim fabric was practically painted onto his skin at this point. You could see everything, absolutely every freaky detail of his monstrously out of control thighs. There wasn't a single doubt that they had to 38 inches of bone crushing hairy muscle, yet there they were growing bigger, beefier! SNAP “Ooooh yeah…” SNAP “Get a load of this mom!!” Zach chuckled like a kid at Christmas. Both seams had blown open, relieving only momentary pressure. Lucky for him though, it was far from over. As the arrogant stud flexed even further, It wasn’t long before the rest of the blue denim threads began snapping away off his jeans like power-lines in a thunderstorm. His mom squealed and covered her mouth as the most monstrous hairy thighs began squeezing out of his large denim jeans. Zach had to keep adjusting his stance wider and wider to accommodate the irregular amount of size his ultimate leg flex was taking on. They already had to be a freaky 39, maybe even 40 inches of solid muscle, biggest on the planet! Within his own two feet spread almost further apart than he could bare, the large bulging zipper that contained his jaw breaking cock BURST open. THUMP His mom fainted. “Is she ok!?” His little brother spoke up, watching the whole spectacle from the large breakfast table. When Zach finally turned around, his little brother could see why there mother fainted. Between his barely held together jeans was the teens giant manhood stretching his white briefs between the gaping zipper hole. The poor kid couldn’t even grasp how anyones cock could ever achieve such size. The enormous and freaky cock head looked bigger than his own fist, a piss slit so huge you could stick your tongue down it. “You know I’m starting to think my clothes aren’t going to last through the day...” That’s all Zach said. He knew his giant cock was tenting his briefs through his jeans, exposed for his little brother to lay his scrawny virgin eyes on, but he didn’t care. He looked back down at the opulent breakfast feast and felt his stomach rumble with immense hunger. He began walking forward, feeling the house truly thump this time. Dishes in the cupboards rattles, the floorboards beneath his giant feet almost bent. He knew colossal thighs must have been approaching near the immobile territory. There was such strain and heft to his footsteps, enough even to make Zach wonder just how much bigger he could grow. As he pulled out one of the chairs, even attempting to sit down almost seemed to be struggle. His thighs were just swollen against one another. He widened his stance once more, wrapped his legs around the specially reinforced seat. You could hear his remaining clothes crack and strain. It was always the sound people heard before the teen would burst through his own clothes, before thousands of more dollars would be spent trying to keep him looking somewhat normal and decent. "How much you want to bet I could eat this whole thing Jeremy?" He said with a cocky grin, watching his little brother poke away at small plate of food. With one of his huge burly hands he lifted one of the serving plates up to his face. His monstrous cock just bulged even bigger underneath his briefs as he gazed his hunger upon 24 deliciously scrambled eggs. With one of the now seemingly small forks on the table he began wolfing them down his throat. Only a few minutes later he moved onto the meats, the potatoes, and finally finished off with the pancakes. Of course with all this new fuel being added to his body, Zach started to slowly grow once more. As he consumed what must have been over 20 pounds of food, what remained of his jeans began tearing away hopelessly. He didn’t even have to flex this time, even move, he was just getting bigger! RIIIIIIIIPPPPPP "Fuck yeah, look me grow little bro!" Zach was so unapologetic. He continued to eat like a beast, packing on muscle faster and faster, scarfing down every last bit of food on the table. He even grabbed his brother left overs and lifted the plate to his mouth, dumping the food into his mouth like some dump trunk, finishing it all off with one loud gulp. SNAP The chair collapsed. With his now unimaginable weight, it sounded as if a bomb went off as he went crashing to the floor. His little brother just squealed as the hardwoods beneath his global butt exploded upward, the dust and plaster from the ceiling went falling to the ground, and the walls and windows surrounding the kitchen cracked; It felt as if a fucking 6.0 earthquake had just hit the house, yet It was really just one teens accidental destruction. Zach just laughed arrogantly, slowly picking himself back up. His tank had ripped free during the incident, and what little denim remained on his legs soon began to rip free as he stood up. Standing there now in just his barley strapped on briefs, Zach looked around realizing he must have now stood almost 7’5”! “I think I’m going to have to start thinking of a new goal with the way this house is shrinking so fast...” Zach laughed deeply. The excitement of his impending demolition of his childhood home was getting him so rock hard he couldn’t bare to stop. Jeremy nearly pissed his pants as his own gigantic brother raised both of his large arms in the air. So powerful they seemed, yet you could tell there was significantly more of a struggle to move then there was before. Zach knew within an instant that extreme immobility was beginning to take place. There was no longer a space reserved for the him to wash his hair or even scratch his neck. It was just muscle swelling into muscle. Zach teased though anyways, playfully trying to demonstrate a simple crab pose from his onlooking kid-brother. He barely got half way before his biceps squeezed into his face, his elbows bumped into the ceiling above. His biceps had to to be well over 34 inches at this point, so big in fact they threatened to crush his own face like a grapefruit. Unlike most men though who would cower in fear over this situation, Zach just snickered, and reached his tongue out for one massive worshipping lick. "You know I think I can guess what muscles you like most..." Zach sneered down at his brother “... you like my pecs don’t you?” Zach thumped closer, towering over two feet taller than the barely adolescent teenager. With one of his big hairy knuckled hands he relentlessly squeezed one of his boulder sized furry pecs like some crazed muscle worship video. He almost felt bad taunting him like this, the kid was always so nice, so supporting of his insatiable desires. The fact was though, even a boy of his age wanted to see something like this. “You know I can barely see below them...” Zach chuckled “That’s not to say I don’t want them bigger though” Zach gripped his fist together in front of him, purposely ballooning his mountainous pectorals almost two feet off his breast cage. With the small whimper his brother seemed to release, he knew this was his muscle of choice. It was only a few seconds of growth before Zach literally couldn’t see below them. He grinned with a freaky satisfaction knowing that he would no longer be able to see his own two feet, suck on his own cock, do anything remotely normal. He just proudly kept on growing them until they became so enormous, so astronomically huge, that even his own chin helplessly started to be pushed up. “Are these big enough for you yet little bro!?!” Jeremy whimpered. He had always admired the superheroes in movies with a nice thick set of pecs, but this was taking things to a whole new level. Massive rolling hills of hairy muscle, bigger then fucking tires, now hung from his macro-addicted big brother’s chest. He wanted to lick and worship every inch of this chest, suck on those rock hard freaky sized nipples. As he thought about this though, he heard the strain of something below. He gulped and slowly looked down, not wanting to almost see what he knew had been growing... “Ooooh yea, DIG IT little brother” SNAP Zach’s briefs went exploding onto Jeremy’s head. The poor kid whimpered as the most horrendously musky and pre-cum soaked fabric covered his face. The smell that crept into his young nose was intoxicating, so musky and yet sweet he almost didn’t want to stop smelling. After what must have been finally a few minutes, Jeremy reached up pulled down the yellow cum stained fabric, witnessing the tremendous thump of his brothers head hitting the ceiling. Zach casually reached up and pushed his hands against the ceiling. There was that extra moment you could tell he thought about it, what he was really doing. It was short lived, because only a few seconds later, that thought turned into delightful chuckle. “It’s time the world witnesses a new god...” And with that, Zachary, outgrew his house.
  4. JoeyT24

    A Pectacular Romance Pt. 6

    Chapter 1: https://muscle-growt...r-romance-pt-1/ Chapter 2: https://muscle-growt...r-romance-pt-2/ Chapter 3: https://muscle-growt...r-romance-pt-3/ Chapter 4: https://muscle-growt...r-romance-pt-4/ Chapter 5: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/6733-a-pectacular-romance-pt-5/ "ARRRRGGGHHHHHH!" He shouted as his chest filled with blood and his veins flustered across the surface of the two huge globes. They swelled larger and larger and the cracking of the shower stall became more apparent. The outer portions of his chest started cracking into the tile walls exposing the steel beams that structure the walls of Alex's oversized mansion. After a few more seconds of pushing his chest apart I was finally released from the pec vice and fell onto his expansive inner thigh muscle below as he was still sitting on the shower floor.Exhausted, yet relieved I looked up at the underside of his veiny expanding chest only to see Alex looking down at me with a shocked look as the back of his head and diesel neck smashed into the shower ceiling. He broke through the ceiling tiles and they started raining down in what seemed to be slow motion. Shards were falling right towards my helpless body when Alex's quick reflexes kicked in and he slammed his pecs together before a single shard could reach me. The light from above was blocked out and the blood started rushing to my head all at once. "Little man," his voice seemed sluggish to me and muffled as I couldn't hear him over the rumble of the shower being bursted through, "Are you okay?" I looked towards his deep cut abs and my eyes started to flutter until I drifted off into unconsciousness. Chapter 6 My mind played through the craziest dreams for what seemed to be only a second but must of been a few hours. My final dream was more of a sensation. I could feel the warm sun on my body and feel the thick green grass under my skinny back and between my fingers. It was peaceful until the sky became dark and thunder began repeatedly booming through the air. The thunder claps only got louder and louder and made my body cringe with fear until suddenly they stopped. I relaxed once I came to realize it was only a dream and I slowly opened my eyes as I sat up. Where the hell was this? I was sitting in a huge open field surrounded by thick forest with only Alex's huge mansion about a half of a mile away. Around me on the grassy plain were pieces of machinery and boulders of all different sizes from metal beams, broken down cars, dump trucks, and things of that nature. To my immediate right was an oversized weight bench with stacks and stacks of barbells and iron weights surrounding the machinery. I took all of this in within a few seconds until I realized how the sun was shining brightly in the sky, yet there was a cold cloud that loomed over and shaded this area only. It only took another second to remember this familiar feeling. It wasn't a cloud. It was a shadow. "About time you woke up." It was a deep booming voice from behind me that made my body quiver. I stood up from the ground slowly and turned around. Directly in front of me was a pair of the largest feet I'd ever seen. Slowly, my eyes drifted upwards to a shape that was taller than a telephone pole or a street light. If I were to judge I would say he was clearing 25-30 feet at this point. He was packing a set of legs that made tree trunks look like toothpicks. He had made himself a makeshift thong out of a massive sheet or curtain that was silky and black. It left nothing to the imagination as his huge log of a cock sat to the left and his thick pubic bush bursted from the top of the garment. A light happy trail left sight in the deep crevices of his abdominal muscles that were as large as car windshields--all 10 of them surrounded by cobble stone obliques and matched with a heavy V-shape to his waist. His long arms were covered in veins and his big biceps sat in front of his tremendous lats forming a deep arm pit with thick black hair. The ball of his bicep was now much larger than my entire body when it was unflexed. My mouth fell agape when I shifted my eyes to his chest. His nipples, now as large as my entire chest, pointed directly down at me due to the serious amount of dense muscle his pecs held. His massive pecs were each the size of a small car and they were packed with muscle and held back by a paper thin layer of soft skin.Striations teared across the huge mounds into the distinct dent on the outer portion of each pec. The outer dent alone could have been used for a seat for myself. The striations led across to the center of his chest which had a huge diamond cleft in the middle where the upper and lower pec of each globe met at the center point. His face came into view between the two huge mounds and he smiled down at me flashing his big pearly whites. "What do you think, little man?" He bellowed. "You're so massive--I can't believe it." I said as I marveled over his muscles. He smiled again at how in awe I was and brought one of his massive arms up for me to gawk at. The massive bicep bounced as he twisted his wrist left and right. "You want to play on my big muscles?" He chuckled and looked at the huge bicep ball and then down to me. "Come on, little guy, get a closer look at this big arm!" He was so big it felt like slow motion as he knelt down to grab me. With one big hand he scooped me up under my armpits and wrapped his entire hand around my body. Wind rushed passed as he lifted me up twenty feet off the ground to his level. I looked down and saw things from his view. The ground looked so far away but the real view was checking out his abs from above. Deep groves tore through his ripped midsection and led into his thick pubic bush. I was snapped out of my trance when Alex thrusted me towards his bicep. He held me there in front of the huge bicep ball about a foot away. I looked up to his face and he nodded towards his bicep. "Go ahead, little man, these big muscles are all for you!" I leaned in and kissed the hot flesh. It was so hard like kissing a wall made of steel that had a soft layer of skin over it. I looked down and noticed he was pitching a huge tent in his self-made thong. He loved our size difference almost more than me. I could feel his stare on me as I continued to kiss and rub the big bicep. "Do you want me to flex it for you?" "You mean--it's not flexed right now?" I quivered. His bicep was already bigger than me! I couldn't imagine it getting much bigger. "Not at all, little man. Here, I'll flex it for you!" He placed my small body on the top of the huge mound and I scurried around like a naked mouse trying to get a safe spot. I peered over the edge of his arm and almost fainted at how high I was from the ground. Suddenly the skin on his arm tightened and began moving in every direction. I could feel the muscle underneath me becoming impossibly hard. Huge corded veins began surfacing beneath my body as large and as wide as my wrist. The huge mound below me slowly rose up higher and higher bringing me up with it. I was now even the upper mid section of his whopping veiny forearm that seemed a length away to my tiny size. My cock sprung to full attention over the significant feat of power in his bicep. I sat in a crab-walk pose on the top of his mountainous bicep. Turning my head to his face, "Big guy, your bicep is three times the size of me." "Hell yea, little man! I love it when you talk about me like that!" He bursted. "Like what?" I asked curiously. "Like when you make me feel big! I'm not the best with words but when you make me feel...I don't know, it just gets me so hot when you make me feel like--" "Like a giant?" I cut him off. His confused expression changed to a reassuring smile. His big pearly white smile explained an understanding I hadn't felt between us before. "Yea, little man. I like when you make me feel like a giant. It's you that's making me get so big. I've been growing bigger and bigger ever since I was a boy. But this is clearly something different in me. It's everything about you.. The way you admire my size; the huge difference in power between us; the way you make me feel protective of how fragile you are..Even your cum makes me just keep getting bigger and bigger!" My body quivered with his explanation of his feelings for me. I felt like the most special man in the world. To be selected and cherished by a huge man of his size made me realize just how lucky I was. "I like how you make me feel too, big guy! You have so much power and can crush me at any second, but you're so careful and considerate of what I want. I love it when you show off just how BIG you are!" I squeaked. "Is that so? Well how would you like to see me pump these big muscles up for you?" He smiled and bounced his huge pecs, alternating them like two separate globes. "I thought they were pumped already..You haven't touched any of this?" I said pointing out to the boulders, stacks of cars, and freight trains attached by various steel beams. "These muscles are cold right now." He winked and brought his other bicep up and flexed it. "I can make them much bigger, if you'd like." I gulped hard and nodded up at him. He smiled back and carefully--so as not to let me fall off his bicep mound--maneuvered towards a stack of cars wrapped together with with metal pipes and a steel beam between connected to another stack of cars. It was his makeshift dumbbell. He knelt to the floor to grab the dumbbell with the opposing hand and then rose up to his full height. Looking down at me he began curling the immense weight, watching my reaction to the bicep fluctuating with power. It would bunch up and shake with might as he struggled to continue his reps. The bicep ball turned beat red and was visibly gaining a massive pump. "You like that, little man? Do you like this big bi getting all pumped up for ya?" He said between gritted teeth. A slight sweat broke out on his forehead. "You're fucking massive, big man. Can you pump this one up next?" I eagerly patted the thick muscle beneath my ass. "Sure thing." He passed the huge makeshift dumbbell from the opposing hand to the hand of the arm I was straddling. As he let the weight shift to the bicep I was on I could immediately feel the muscle tense up. He began lifted the huge weight up way above my head and then bringing it back down as he curled the massive amount of weight. The bicep rose up like a huge mountain beneath my body. It was too much for me to handle. I laid out on my stomach across the expansive bicep and started kissing and licking the muscle. "Yea little man, worship these big muscles!" He was getting excited over my loss of control. "It's so fucking big! I can feel it pumping up bigger and bigger!" I said as his reps increased faster and faster. "Yea, little guy! Keep turning me on! Check these babies out!" He threw the dumbbell to the ground making a loud bang. He then threw his bi's up into a double bicep pose. The force of the muscle rising up so fast threw me off balance and a struggled to grab a hold of the something as I slid off the top of the mound. My hand grabbed a rigid vein that was as thick as a tree branch and I tried to pull myself back up but I was too weak. I let go and fell down into the trench between his big bicep and his forearm. I was only about half the size of a pencil to this behemoth so he couldn't even tell I had fallen. The huge mound started filling up again as his forearm flew up into a bicep pose. His thick forearm pushed me against the massive bicep and I was trapped once again. It was getting tighter and tighter each second until I finally could gasp a small shout. Alex quickly relaxed his bicep and peered over the muscle mound until his eyes met mine. "Little man! What are you doing down there?" He asked worrying. "I'm sorry big guy I got caught up in the excitement and lost my balance." I said with a frown. "Aw, little man, you have to be more careful." He said as he lifted his other arm to a pose to show me the power. He picked up a boulder as big as my body off the floor and placed it in the tight spot I sat in on the opposing bicep. "I could have crushed you between my bicep and forearm without even noticing!" He flexed hard and the big boulder was crushed into small rocks that trickled out of the tight space as he released. I patted the big boulder of a bicep next to me firmly. "It's a good thing you didn't!" "It sure is!" He smiled playfully as his huge hand came towards me. He picked me up under my shoulders again and used his other hand to sit me in the palm of his hands. I sat comfortably with my legs crossed like a pretzel in the palm of his one big hand. "It's crazy to think just yesterday you were just a cute little pipsqueak in a bar and now--well.." he brought his hand that I sat in down below his great big chest and looked down at me over them, "now you're a cute really really little pipsqueak in the palm of my hand. He smiled and bounced his big pecs towards me. They were so massive and wide that they filled my entire vision. They bounced around smashing into each other with every leap off of his torso. I starred up at the act in awe and my cock began oozing pre cum. The bouncing ceased and his smile changed to a smirk as he brought his big pinky up to my cock and swiped the pre off. He brought his pinky up to his face. "I love how much these big pecs turn you on, little man--but I especially love making you cum. It's one of my weaknesses yet my greatest strength, little guy. This shit right here makes me get BIG!" He stuck his pinky into his mouth and sucked on the insignificant droplets of my pre cum. I smiled proudly as he looked back down on me. "Hey, little man?" He smirked again. "Yea, big guy?" "I was thinking--now that I'm big enough for it--how about you lay down in my pec cleavage while I pump these big pecs up for ya?" He winked and pushed his pecs out so far that they casted a shadow over me and his face disappeared from view. He leaned back in shock and awe as they separated like the red sea above me. "So, what do ya say, little guy?" He bounced them again. "Please...please, big guy..yes!" I said shocked at first but then ecstatic about what was to come. "Awesome, little dude! I'm gunna pump these big ones up so BIG for ya!" He pushed them out one more time and then turned to his work station. With a few big booms he made his way over to a huge freight train cart. It was perched on top of two steel holder that struggled to keep it off the ground. The cart was filled to the brim with big boulders and car parts as I could see through the openings. Around the area was a bunch of other freight cards of similar sizes. "Close your eyes." A big crash boomed through the open field as his thick, rock hard ass slammed to the ground. I could feel him shimmying around while I was flung around in his clenched fist. He then placed me on his body and I plopped on my ass. I felt my hands around and could tell I was sitting on his big tight abs. "Open your eyes." I slowly opened them and smiled bright. His massive pecs sat high and mighty only a few feet in front of me. He flexed them apart and his face came into view between them. "Get on in here, little man!" he said, tightening his huge chest. I crawled over to his big chest and then started pushing my way between the two big mounds. It was a tight squeeze but I managed to shift between on all fours. The two mounds went about two feet above me on both sides in this position. "Would you..would you mind laying on your back facing up at me? I want to see your face and your cock while I get these big ones all PUMPED for ya." He said bashfully. I smiled and nodded playfully as I maneuvered my way around the pec cave. My entire body was about a foot short on the top and bottom from being exposed of his cleavage--a perfect fit! I placed my ass down and laid down into the two massive mounds looking up at his big face that sat just outside his two pecs. "Let's get this blood flowing!" He said as he raised his huge arms up to the freight on the beams above. He huffed loudly as the freight train was lifted off the beams. It came a few feet above me and his chest seemed to spread wide and felt open until he started lifting it high into the air with his two arms. His biceps pushed his big pecs together and they rose up a few feet on both sides of my body. My arms became pinned to my sides and my face must have given off a panicked reaction because his deep voice came in just in time to soothe me. "It's-argh-It's alright, little guy!" His face was red and beads of sweat formed above his brow. "I've got better control now..I won't crush you in there!" The tectonic plates that were his pecs shifted like big boulders and tightened up giving me a little more room to cozy up. The pec walls became dense road maps of veins to either side of my wimpy body. The warmth of his huge muscles surrounding me was almost too much for me to handle. I grabbed a hold of my prick and the big guy took notice. "Oh yea, little man! You're getting off on my strength I can feel it! Just look at that pre-cum!" He hoisted the big freight train far above and it clanked with the sound of all the dense metal weights it carried inside. "Let's see what your pre-cum can do for these big muscles!" He brought his chin down to the top of his chest and his huge warm tongue slid out of his mouth coming closer and closer to my cock. The tip of his big wet tongue brushed over my cock head and my mind went whirling. I started jerking my dick uncontrollably towards his big face. He slid his tongue back into his mouth and his eyes closed. Veins started bulging out further on the walls of the inside of his pecs. I could see them writhing under the thin, hot skin. Still with his eyes closed, he brought the freight train swiftly towards his chest until it was only a few feet above me and then quickly pushed it back up in a bench press motion. This caused his huge pecs to spread far away from me and seem as though two big hills were being stretched out until he threw his arms away and the two hills rose up higher than before. He repeated the motion a number of times, each second showing more veins. The walls of his pecs were visibly inching towards me from every direction with each rep. "Hey, big guy! It's getting a little cramped in here!" I tried to peep out between a rep, but he couldn't hear me over the sound of his own grunting. "Wor...ship....me!!" He said in grunts. "Pump....these..argh...pecs!!" After about 20 more reps he finally placed the freight train back on the beam above and relaxed his chest with a loud sigh. He looked down at me being squeezed between his huge pecs. "Alright, little man! Check out this pump you got me!" He pushed his pecs together twice for emphasis. My arms and shoulders were pushed in front of my chest squishing my entire body. "This is all just from your pre-cum!" "Yea, big guy! Your pecs are getting so pumped!" I shouted without thinking, in blatant encouragement. My desires couldn't hold back my nerves that he could crush me between his pecs with a simple sneeze. "You've got to cum for me again, little guy.. I want to pump them up even bigger!" He winked and smiled. "Bigger?? Just how big are you going to get?" My voice squeaked with concern. "Aww, little man! Don't be nervous..You know you want me to grow just a little bigger, don't you?" He inhaled and his muscles rose me up a couple of feet. "Well..I think..." I began to sweat, overwhelmed with sexual tension of right and wrong. "I think I can make you cum without trying." He chuckled at my feeble attempt of denial. My eyes grew wide as he heaved his chest and the two mounds shifted away from both sides and became taught like steel mountains. He held the pose and I could see the strain on his face. His chest became red and warm to the touch as the veins doubled in amounts and thickness. "Tell me what you like about my muscles." He asked in a sexual tone. "I...I.." "Do you like how hard they can get?" He tightened his chest even more, making audible sounds of the chords of muscle fighting for space in all their density. "How about I bounce you around in there, little man, would you like that?" My eyes grew even wider and I grabbed my cock and croaked back in moans of anticipation. He flexed one big pec and I flew to the left. He bounced the other and I flew right back. "Oh yea!" He shouted and started bouncing them back and forth. I was being tossed around like a medallion between his huge pecs. He did this for a few seconds until he noticed how thrashed I was getting in there. He pressed the two pecs against both sides to secure me. He then continued his pec dance a little more slow and sensual. I was swooning over the control he had in all of his muscle. "Cum for me, little guy!" He stuck his tongue out and it flopped over my thighs and cock. I was seconds from climaxing but I resisted the urge. He ceased the bouncing but held me tight in the cleavage. He raised his head more to look down at me between his chest muscles. "Look at how big I am, little man..Look at how big you make me!" He pushed his chest out the farthest It's ever been and I was thrusted higher and higher as they pushed out with all his strength. They suddenly release and open wide. I fell about a foot deeper to the base of where the pecs met each other from his breast plate. "I can protect you from anything with these pecs," He smiled down at me. Then it turned into an evil grin: "Or I can crush you with them!" He made them bounce one big time clapping them together over my tiny body. He held out his tongue and like clockwork my cock exploded with cum all over his tongue. For my small size even I was startled by how much cum had just came out of me. I flopped back into the pocket of his big pecs lifelessly. I didn't think I could ever move again after that. Alex was awfully silent for a second until I could feel movement around me. "You don't know how great this feels!" He said, excited. "I can feel my muscles squirming to let loose! I've got to pump them up!" He quickly placed his hands back under the big train above, that outsized him by quite a bit, and started to press the weight like it was a feather. With each lift his chest was audibly expanding and squeezing me a little more. "Check this out, little man!" He looked down at me, "I'm not even breaking a sweat no more!" He chuckled. "It's like the weight is getting lighter!" "I don't think so, big guy...I think...I think you're growing bigger!"
  5. EDIT: Index of Chapters: Chapters 1-3: See below Chapter 4: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/11447-dads-lost-glory-years-updated-may-26-ch-20/?do=findComment&comment=129914 Chapter 5: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/11447-dads-lost-glory-years-updated-may-26-ch-20/?do=findComment&comment=130640 Chapter 6: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/11447-dads-lost-glory-years-updated-may-26-ch-20/?do=findComment&comment=131076 Chapter 7: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/11447-dads-lost-glory-years-updated-may-26-ch-20/?do=findComment&comment=131485 Chapter 8: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/11447-dads-lost-glory-years-updated-may-26-ch-20/?do=findComment&comment=132071 Chapter 9: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/11447-dads-lost-glory-years-updated-may-26-ch-20/?do=findComment&comment=133087 Chapter 10: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/11447-dads-lost-glory-years-updated-may-26-ch-20/?do=findComment&comment=133988 Chapter 11: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/11447-dads-lost-glory-years-updated-may-26-ch-20/?do=findComment&comment=135527 Chapter 12: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/11447-dads-lost-glory-years-updated-may-26-ch-20/?do=findComment&comment=135528 Chapter 13: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/11447-dads-lost-glory-years-updated-may-26-ch-20/?do=findComment&comment=136405 Chapter 14: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/11447-dads-lost-glory-years-updated-may-26-ch-20/?do=findComment&comment=137921 Chapter 15: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/11447-dads-lost-glory-years-updated-may-26-ch-20/?do=findComment&comment=139040 Chapter 16: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/11447-dads-lost-glory-years-updated-may-26-ch-20/?do=findComment&comment=139903 Chapter 17: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/11447-dads-lost-glory-years-updated-may-26-ch-20/?do=findComment&comment=140806 Chapter 18: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/11447-dads-lost-glory-years-updated-may-26-ch-20/?do=findComment&comment=142531 Chapter 19A: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/11447-dads-lost-glory-years-updated-may-26-ch-20/?do=findComment&comment=143838 Chapter 19B: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/11447-dads-lost-glory-years-updated-may-26-ch-20/?do=findComment&comment=144296 Chapter 20: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/11447-dads-lost-glory-years-updated-may-26-ch-20/?do=findComment&comment=144513 So I've noticed lately there's been a real slow-down in new material so I thought i would help out. I have lurked here for years so I thought I should pay my dues and post a story. I haven't written anything since way back in high school English so I have no idea if this is any good at all. Hopefully it doesn't suck. Also, the first few chapters of the is going to be very similar to a well-known story by Musclegod300 (and one my absolute favorites) until I get far enough to take a unique direction. I promise I am not trying to rip you off MG300, please take it as the ultimate compliment, as you are in the top 3 of my favorite muscle story authors ;-). +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Dad's Lost Glory Years Prologue: I had just graduated high school and the summer of my last year at home was winding down. My name is Jed Graves and I had spent the last few days packing up what I could and preparing myself mentally to leave my father behind. Not so much for my sake, I didn't think. More for his. My father, Chad Graves, was an amazing man who had lived a hard life. Growing up he was, plain and simple, a stud. Ever since he was very young he was always one of the most athletic kids in his class. He excelled at every athletic sport he played, even earning starting positions at linebacker on our high school football and baseball teams by his sophomore year. He was a shoo-in for all-state honors in football before a freak back injury ended his season right before the playoffs began. During play he was awkwardly bent over backwards and was nearly paralyzed. The doctors let him know he was very lucky he came out of it with only minor injuries. Consequently, with his athletic prowess, charming yet humble personality and stunningly rugged good looks he was very popular, especially with the ladies. He dated around in his early high school years, even snagging the interest of some the upper class girls. Many of the upper class boys wanted to hate him for stealing some of their women but he such a charming and fun personality that he endeared himself to all. He fell in love with a woman that would become his wife and then my mother when he was just 16 years old. She was the same age and of course, athletic and gorgeous, a track star in her own right. Shortly after came the biggest test of my parents' young life. The virile young man got my mom pregnant and I as born right before his 17th birthday. My father and my mother never once considered terminating the pregnancy or offering me up for adoption. They decided to raise me as best as they could, with my father giving up his athletic pursuits to take part time jobs at nights after school to help raise me. This was certainly a difficult time for both of my parents. With some assistance from my Dad's Grandparents they were able to raise me to toddler-hood while maintaining their slightly above average GPA's and graduating high school. Throughout my infant years my father continued to find jobs here and there. Once he had graduated he settled nicely into a construction job that was ran by a family friend. With his strong, 6'1 frame, the interviewer knew he would be able to haul around the heavy equipment and materials with ease and he was a hired on the spot. He proved to be a hard and courteous worker. He took pride in his work and he knew this would be his only form of exercise that his robust body craved while I was growing up. While my presence was undoubtedly tough on my young parents, they both loved me and each other unequivocally and never once regretted their decision to have me. Our small family was able to scrape by via modest, yet comfortable means through the hard work of both of my young parents. I adored both of my parents and saw my father as my own personal superhero. I especially loved when we would go to neighborhood pool and he would use his thick arms to toss me up in the air so I could try to make the biggest splash I could. Unfortunately, life has a way of throwing you curveballs and when I was 8 years old my mother was killed in a car accident during a winter storm while driving home from her job. It of course hit both my dad and I very hard. However, like every challenge that ever faced him, my father soldiered on and worked even harder to love me and give the best life he could. Growing up my genetic background was easily evident as I also excelled at nearly every sport I did. I too was able to secure a spot of the varsity football team from an early point in my high school career. While I likely could've been just as good at or exceeded my father's accomplishments I never really had that killer athletic instinct that truly elite athletes have. I was happy with just being “good” as opposed to “the star” was enough for me. I saw sports mainly as a good way to maintain my healthy physique throughout high school and rather than as a means to advance my athletic career. I grew to match my father in height at 6'1 on a solid, but not ripped 190 lb frame. In fact, I actually excelled more at academics, earning myself a engineering scholarship to the large state university. Even though I more heavily pursued academics in lieu of athletics my father never once wavered in his support of me. I honestly think he was more proud of me for my intellectual side as he had first-hand knowledge of how difficult life can be without a college degree. While I was growing up my father maintained his healthy strong physique with his hard work at the construction job. Some aged-ness did catch up to him in he form of a layer of softness around his large muscles, but we has still a stud. At only 35 years old he still had no receding hairline. His dark hair was kept short and he had an angular jawline with an almost permanent 5 o'clock shadow that would be the envy of any man. To tease me, my female friends constantly reminded me of his rugged DILF status much to my chagrin. Honestly, I couldn't blame them or deny that I hoped I could become half the man he was when I reached his age. I often told my Dad he should get out and date more often than he did but he never pursued it much further, preferring to spend his free time with me. So here we were, my father and I making the 5-hour drive to the university to drop my off for my freshman year. We moved my stuff into my dorm then went our for a nice meal before saying our goodbyes. The parting was very difficult for both of us, it was the first time I saw my father tear up since my mother passed away. We hugged each other and then he took off for home and I began my college career Chapter 1: Thanksgiving Break College began with a flurry as I settled into my new routine. I called my father at least once a week as we kept in touch. Engineering classes, as well as a regular workout routine, kept me more than busy. It was during the first month that my father told me he had been promoted to a site manager position at his construction job. I was super excited for him as it meant a big pay raise. The only downside was that it meant he would be spending more time in the construction office rather than outside doing physical labor. Due to the lack of physical labor, when my father came down to visit for Thanksgiving he had put on about 20 lbs of mostly fat, bringing him to still healthy, if just a bit soft 225 lbs. My workout routine had been going steadily and I was up to about 200 lbs, adding about 10 lbs. Of course, with the nearly ulimited amount of food at the school cafeterio it was probably only ½ muscle. When I first saw my dad I of course playfully had to give him some ribbing. “Hey Pops, it's great to see you again,” I said as we wrapped our arms around each other in a typical man-hug. I could feel his belly push against me. “Woah, old man what's going on here? Too many hot pockets?” I joked as I playfully jabbed his midsection. He heartily chuckled. “Yeah son, all that time sitting in the construction office this past fall has taken it's toll. Last week I really noticed so I up and joined that new gym that opened up a few blocks from our house this past summer.” The gym he was talking about, 'UrbanFlex', was a national chain known for being a mecca for serous workout addicts. “Oh yeah, that place? You think you can keep up with the dudes that go there?” “Of course, son! I know my way around a weight room even though I haven't been in one a long while. I spent a lot of time in one before you came along and ruined my workout life,” he shot at me with a joking wink. “I can see you are still putting some time in the gym. You are looking more and more grownup, I'm not sure I like. I miss my little guy.” “Aww, Pops, you're embarrassing me. And thanks! I'm up about 10 lbs. Just trying to get half a studly as you, old man!” “You'll never match all this beef, boy!” he said as he threw his arms in front of him for a mock most-muscular pose. I absolutely loved my father and his playful attitude. We had great Thanksgiving weekend here in the university town hanging out and of course, eating way too much once we settled on a restaurant. After our meal we parted ways and looked forward to visiting each other for over Christmas break. Chapter 2: Christmas Break. Four days before Christmas I ended up sharing a ride with one of my female classmates from high school for the trip back home. It was lightly snowing when she dropped me off at my house. With my duffel bag full of clothes slung around my shoulder I entered in the house. My father instantly bound in from the kitchen and wrapped me in one of his patented crushing dad-hugs. Unlike at Thanksgiving, I instantly noticed there was no fluff pushing at me from his belly. After he released and held me at arms length I was able to get a good look at him. He definitely looked much trimmer in his slightly baggy blue t-shirt. He always maintained his fairly muscular arms but now I able to see some more definite veins on his forearms and his face seemed tighter. “Wow, dad you great! What happened to that old-man flab?” “Well I knew this studly young buck was coming home so I decided to get rid of it keep up with him!” He quickly raised his shirt and patted his slim, semi-hairy belly. While he far from ripped, he had a taught waist that was far cry from the pooch he sported at Thanksgiving. “Been hitting that new gym hard. I've lost about all of my office fat. I'm down to 200 lbs, I feel small now just like you, haha,” he added in jest. “You mean you're now studly like me!” I retorted. “Haha, yeah, exactly, we are two peas in a pod! Maybe over break I take you to the gym with me.” “Awesome, pops. That'd be great. I certainly don't want to fall out of routine over break.” We enjoyed a great Christmas. We went to visit my Grandparents and caught up with the extended family. Of course we ate way too much food. I was surprised at how much my father was shoveling into his mouth. “Woah, careful dad, you're gonna gain all that fat back you keep eating like that.” He chuckled, “Maybe son, but I thought I'd indulge myself since its a holiday. Plus actually I've been eating much more heartily since thanksgiving so I'm not too worried.” The day after Christmas we decided to get back into our gym routine. Thirty minutes before we left Dad opened a kitchen cabinet full of supplement bottles, big and small. He started mixing various powders into a cup. “Geez, Dad, are you going a bit overboard with all that?” “No way son. With my new raise and you out of the house I decided I need a hobby. So I'm going see if I can really take this workout thing seriously. Besides, so far I can't argue with the results!” He again patted his trim waist. “You want a preworkout shake, son?” “No thanks, Dad. You go ahead. You need it more than me, old man,” I replied as I faux-punched his shoulder. “Haha, we'll see. The car's warmed up, let's head to the gym.” We grabbed our duffels and headed to the gym. On the way the pre-workout must've been kicking in as I could tell my dad was getting antsy. “Can't wait to throw around some iron, son. This five day break has got me itchin' to get back to work.” We got the gym and headed into the locker room to change. I had heard of these UrbanFlex gyms but it was the first time I had been to one. It truly was a hardcore gym. Unpainted brick walls, loud pounding rock music, a smell of sweat that lingered in the air. The clientele was definitely a step above your average fitness club. Clearly, coming here for the past month was giving my father good motivation. While changing I got good look at his progress. He still had those thick, full, yet soft muscles, but the fat had clearly been melting off. While he still wasn't what I would call ripped, the definition and veins were just beginning to show all over. Standing next to him with my shirt off, his youthful visage and our identical heights and weight, we almost looked like twins. As he changed into his shorts I couldn't help but take a glance at what he was packing. With our superior genes I never got any complaints from my dates. I hung soft at 5” inches and only plumped up to just under 7 inches. Still nicely above average but I was always just slightly disappointed that I was more of a shower than a grower. When my father dropped his shorts he hung about equally to me in length, but was MUCH thicker. It looked like a flesh colored Red Bull can hanging between his legs. I tried to suppress my surprise but I think he noticed and I thought I saw a wry smirk appear on his face as turned and pulled up his underwear. I could only hope that I wasn't quite done growing and could someday match that thick monster. We headed out to the weight room and my Dad gave me the most intense chest and shoulder workout I have ever had. My father attacked the weights with a savagery I could only imagine. As we entered the weight room Pops looked like a caged tiger. As all lifting bros seem to do, we started with barbell bench press. We ended up having very similar strength levels but my father was clearly superior in form and intensity. We worked our way up to 265 lbs. I was able to get it for eight ugly reps but he got it ten, in perfect strict form. We then worked our way through incline and decline dumbbell benches and finally cable flies to finish off the chest. Each set was nearly identical as my father was just able to outdo me on every lift. I couldn't tell if he was getting his normal reps or if he was purposely trying to make sure he outdid me on everything. We then did a full shoulder routine of military presses, lateral and front raises and Arnold presses. During each exercise my father had also been giving me “helpful tips” as he called them, correcting my form and showing me the the best way to perform each exercise. I was getting a little annoyed and I thought he sounded like an overzealous personal trainer. By the end of the workout his light grey t-shirt had turned dark as it was soaked with sweat and was taught against his pumped muscles. I had the usual sweat spots under my armpits and under my chest but looked nothing like the drenched man next to me. “Damn, Pops, look at your forearms, your veins are unreal!” “Yeah, I always get a great pump. I love that feeling you know! You can almost feel your muscles growing, I love it!” Dad was starting to sound like one of those jocky frat guys I hear at the campus gym. When we finished this big handsome guy came over and started talking to us. My dad introduced him as Ted. He was huge, he looked like one of those real bodybuilder guys. He was just shorter than us, about 6' but probably 225 lbs of bulging muscle. He had short brown hair styled up and forward to a point. You could tell he was one of those serious lifter guys as his legs and arms were shaved and he had a light tan even though is was the middle of winter. Plus, he was wearing one those small stringer tank tops you tend to see the big muscle guys wearing. I guessed him to be about 30 years old. “Teddy, my man, how's it going!” Dad said as he slapped Ted's meaty shoulder. “This is my son I've told you about.” The larger cheerful man replied, “Doin' well Chad! Nice to meet, you Jed. Wow, you are a spitting image of your old man, you two look like brothers! You're father is a beast, I've never seen anyone who lifts as hard as him. I learned a couple of weeks ago not to come distract him in the middle of his workout. He was practically screaming at me in front of the whole gym to leave him alone. Won't make that mistake again!” “I already told I was sorry about that, but yes, don't bother me when I'm in my zone.” Dad playfully punched Ted in his chest. Ted and my Dad were having a complete bro-down. Dad added, “I started lifting with Ted just after Thanksgiving. He was the one who taught me how to do all the exercises correctly. About a week ago his work schedule shifted so we don't get to lift together much anymore.” Ted replied, “Well it looks like you're still makin' good progress! Let's hope those newbie gains don't slow down.” “Oh I'll make sure they won't,” my father said with a seriousness that almost seemed ominous. “Well, nice to meet you Jed, see ya' around Chad-man.” And with that Ted turned his wide, defined back to us and headed back to his work out. “Damn, Dad no wonder you have been making such good gains, that guy was huge. His lats were enormous!” “Yeah, he is huge, huh. He told me he's even placed highly in a couple of the local physique shows. Ted showed me how to do things right with the lifting, diet and supplementation. I owe a lot of this to him,” he mentioned as he gestured to his sweat soaked body. On the way home Dad pulled out a couple of pre-made shakes and handed one to me. I almost couldn't drink it because it was so thick. When we got home Dad immediately headed to the kitchen and started pulling out Tupperware containers full of chicken breasts and vegetables. “Son, would you grab the peanut butter out of the pantry?” In the pantry I did a double take. Clearly, a lot of his newly expendable income had been spent on improving his body. Along with our normal foodstuffs it was full of giant supplement bottles of every kind. Proteins, BCAAs, glutamines, vitamins, pills, and other chemical names that I had no idea what they where. “Holy crap, Dad. Do you think you are maybe taking this lifting thing a little to seriously?”. “Haha. Maybe Son! But as the results have kept coming I keep trying adding new things. I've always loved working my body but now that I mostly sit in a office the lifting really helps me de-stress. Plus, if it continues to give me the added benefit of being healthy and looking good then I'm can't complain!” “True, I guess I can't argue with that, Pops.” We sat down to consume a post-workout meal. My father practically inhaled his food. He had to have consumed three whole chicken breasts along with a heaping pile of broccoli and peanut butter toast. All I could do was stare as he just kept shoveling it in. My mind flashed back to this summer watching the hot dog eating contest on TV during the Fourth of July. As he was finishing his meal he finally looked up at me and gave an embarrassed, wry smile. “Sorry, I always get really hungry after a good workout. You not hungry, son?” Breaking my stupor, “Oh, yeah, sorry I guess I was just got lost in my own world.” I started eating. I guessed I ate about 1/3 of the total that he did. “Sorry, like you I guess I tend to get lost in MY own little world when I'm eating. Like Ted has told me, you have to eat big to get big!” “So you are trying to get bigger, Dad? I thought you were just trying to lose some weight to get back into shape?” “Well, sure I want to get bigger, son. What man wouldn't like to be bigger and stronger? I love you to death son and I don't blame you for anything, but when you came around I sorta had to sidetrack my athletic pursuits. I guess now that I have the time and means I'm just making up for lost time,” he said as he patted me on the back. “I guess you could say I'm finally getting to experience my glory years, even if just a tad late.” “I get it Dad. I think you should go for it. You're looking great. You're gonna have to start beating the chicks off with a stick if you keep it up!” I said as he guffawed and walked out of the room. This routine kept up for the next two weeks, the rest of my winter break before I had to return to school. We would go to the gym two days on and one day off. Dad continued to be a madman in the gym and eat like a horse afterwards. Two days after New Years we were at the grocery store when I ran into two of my good female classmates from high school. Amy and Mandy were also back in town visiting their families. They both went to a community college that was only about an hour away. They were two of the more attractive girls from my class and I was proud to say that Mandy and I even dated for a while during our sophomore year. She was actually my first. Inheriting my father's good looks certainly never afforded me any trouble with opposite sex. “Jed! Great to see you!” they both squealed and ran up to hug me. We proceeded to talk about how our early college careers were going. While we were talking they kept glancing at my father. “Jed, is this your roommate?” Amy asked. “HAHA!” my Dad let out huge belly laugh and slapped my back forcefully. “No, girls. This is my father.” “SERIOUSLY JED! Wow, Mr. Graves you look so young!” said Mandy. “It so nice to meet you.” As they shook hands and acquainted with each other I noticed the girls seemed to be acting strange, giggling at his cheesy Dad jokes, whipping their hair. That's when I figured it out. They were totally flirting with my Dad!! “Well I see where Jed got his great looks from,” Mandy stated as they finished up their conversation. “And his body!” Amy added as my face blushed a deep red. She also reached over and gently put her hand on my dad's flannel shirt covered arm. She was totally feeling my Dad up! All the while they were chatting you couldn't pry the giant glowing grin off my father's face with a crowbar. This was obviously a huge boost to his self esteem. “Well it was nice meeting you ladies, we'll be seeing you around” and with that we parted ways. As we checked out and walked back to the car my father seemed to standing up little straighter, had his chest puffed out a bit more. And, ahem, it tought it looked another part of him was bulging more than usual. That night I received a whole slew of text messages from Amy and Mandy telling me how hot my dad was. They were even joking about me giving him their phone number. At, least I think they were joking... It was a little over a week later when we had our last workout together before I had to head back to school. That day we did sort of a full body circuit routine. “To really shock the body,” as my dad put it. I was getting more used to it, but his intensity was still nothing short of intimidating. If I weren't his son I would've been completely scared to go near him. Over the last two weeks the weights he was using were slowing ticking up. Grunting with aplomb, he put every ounce of effort he could in to each rep of each exercise. While it was intimidating, it was also very motivating and I too seemed to be making great short terms progress over the last two and half weeks. After the workout, my father once again soaked, we headed to the locker room. “Hey, bud. I've been texting with Ted and he says I should keep a log of my progress. I brought a notebook and measuring tape. Could you help check my stats?” I thought this would be a little awkward but I agreed. He disrobed to his tight black spandex underwear and, holy crap! We had been coming straight home from the gym since that first workout before Christmas. Since that workout two weeks ago he had noticeably improved. A little less fat, a little better definition, a little better vascularity and of course, a little more size, all over his entire body. To try to control my shock I undressed and and jumped on the scale. I was at 195. I had lost a few pounds but I could tell it was all fat thanks to the intense workouts. “Looking good champ, let me try.” He stepped on and the small weight slammed against the top the balance. He adjusted the weight. “209 pounds” He stated enthusiastically. I was almost aghast. “Wow Dad, 9 lbs is a lot to gain in two weeks. It looks like you gained even more than that in muscle. You've definitely lost some fat, too.” “Yeah I think so too, Son.” He pinched a small fold of skin on his waist. There wasn't much there to grab. You could definitely make out his abs under the ever shrinking layer of fat around his waist. We measured his arms. A nice solid 17.5 inches. Chest, 48 inches. Thighs, 25 inches. He always had huge thighs, that was his genetic gift, if you don't count everything else about him. Waist, 33 inches. “Hey son, what sort of guns are you sporting?” I really didn't want to measure. I knew I had good arms but also knew his were bigger. No man likes to have it pointed out that they are smaller than another man. We had about the same shape, but he had just a bit more size. “I don't know Dad. Hey we better shower and get going.” I tried to distract him. “Nah, let's see those pythons first,” my Dad said again sounding like a frat jock. He wrapped the tape around my arm, “16.5 inches, very respectable son. Certainly not quite on this level though!” At that he through up a double bicep pose and I'll be damned if he didn't look like one of those physique models. Ya, know, the guys who are just not quite big enough to be bodybuilders so they cut all the fat away to get ripped, but not huge. A little less fat and he could certainly hop up on a stage with them. It was a little emasculating. Again my Dad seemed to puff up with confidence as we strode to the shower. “You're going to have to step up your workouts at school if you want to keep up with me!” “Aw, Dad, I'm fine with the way I look. Still better than most guys out there” He shook his head, “Well, suit yourself son. I'm going to go ahead put on a bit more size.” “Well Dad, don't be surprised if you slow down, those beginner gains are always the best.” “Yeah, Ted has mentioned that to me too. Hopefully I can prove you both wrong, haha,” he winked and headed to the showers. After the shower we headed home and he had, of course, another gut busting meal. Sadly, my winter break ended and I headed back to campus the next day. I was immensely proud of my Dad, he was handling his empty nest syndrome wonderfully. On the drive home all I could think about was how much better he was looking. I could only hope to someday look half as good as him. Chapter 3: Spring Break I quickly fell back into the routine of school, which as an engineer meant a lot of study time. The first year and half of engineering school mainly consists of “weed-out” classes. These are classes that are very difficult and are designed to make sure only the worthy students make it through to the upper level courses. During these classes about half my engineering peers won't cut it and will choose different majors. Unfortunately, all this studying meant I was spending less and less time at the campus rec center. My father, on the other hand, was apparently still “crushing it” as he repeatedly noted in his text messages. He had been texting me more and more since I came back to college. I don’t know if he was just excited about his progress or was purposely trying to show off. I suspect a little of both. He had also started emailing me new workouts that he was finding on the web as well as links to sites about nutrition and new supplements. All I could do was roll my eyes at everything he sent me. He was totally obsessed with this workout thing! Apparently, Ted’s work schedule switched again and so he and my Dad were now lifting together again. According to my Dad’s texts they were even hanging out as friends more often. Dad even mentioned them going to the bars a couple of times on the weekend together. Was my Dad, the guy who never dated, going out on the prowl? I was glad to read to that. Growing up my Dad never spent a lot of time hanging out with friends. I knew it was because of the long hours he worked to support our family. So I was happy that he was making some friends, as cheesy as it sounds. One day in February he asked me how my progress was coming along. I told him I was only going to the gym a couple times a week due to all my studying. He replied that he was proud of me not taking my college career for granted. Then he added “Be careful that you don’t become one of those little guys ;-). I don’t want to be TOO much bigger than you the next time I see you”. My heart thumped in my chest. How much more had he grown? Surely his newbie gains had to have slowed down, right? Finally in March, after an exhaustive week of midterms it was time to head back home again for spring break. Some of my friends were headed west to go skiing and invited me along, but I was still a relatively poor college boy so I decided to forego that and save my money and go home. So I hopped in the car and started back for along, needed week off from school at home. I drank a bit too much water on the way home so when I finally got there I was in a rush to use the bathroom. I had to park on the street as Ted's red pickup was in the side slot of the driveway. I barged in the front door and saw Ted's wide, tanned, muscular back in a stringer tank top. The back I remembered from January. He was sitting at the kitchen table facing away from me reading a magazine. “Hey Ted!”, I shouted as I hoofed it to the bathroom. Right as I turned to enter the bathroom the door swung open and I crashed into a meaty pair of pecs in tight t-shirt. I was majorly confused for a second as I realized, I crashed into Ted! “Jed, my man, good to see you!” he said. “Yeah, you too. 'Scuse me, nature calls,” as I squeezed by him and entered the bathroom. While relieving myself I finally had time to process. I had ran into Ted. That means that wide, muscular back at the kitchen table must've been...Dad! Holy cow! From behind he looked huge, just like Ted! I finished my business and headed back out the living room room where I again bounced into some, semi-hairy huge pecs. “Champ, you made it! I missed you, buddy!” I heard as my newly enlarged father wrapped his thick arms around me in a crushing father-son manhug. Once again I was having trouble processing as I was squeezed in a cocoon of rock hard flesh. He smelled like a total jock. That combination of recently showered soap smell combined with just a hint of lingering sweat and muskiness. As he released me I backed up a took a look at him in full. He was standing next to Ted and they now looked more like brothers and than my Dad and I. With a bright grin plastered on his face he let me soak him in. Finally he opened his arms wide, looked down at himself, then back to me and asked, “What do you think?” “Damn, Dad. You are pumped as hell! Have you just been living in the gym since Christmas!?” My father threw back that handsome head and guffawed. His thick, fireplug neck bulging with veins I had never seen before. “Just about, son! I love it. Everyday I feel like I'm getting better and better and getting bigger and bigger. I've got more energy than I've had since high school.” He was standing up straight and had his balled hands resting on his hips in a total superman pose. Only, he was more ruggedly handsome than any actor who had ever played superman. “Wow, that's awesome Pops, I'm still in shock.” “Everyone seems to be saying that to me lately, but I love it! You should see the stares I've been getting when I go to the grocery store or out to the bars. I can't lie it's been a huge ego boost! Plus it's been fun to make 'lil Teddy here jealous, haha!” Ted playfully punched my father's meaty shoulder. The connection made a meaty 'thwack' but my father didn't flinch at all. “Hey! Watch it old man! You been killing it in the gym but you still haven't quite caught up to me!” “YET!” my father retorted. “Hey, Jed, take a look at 19 inches of pure muscle!” And with that he threw up a single arm bicep pose in front of Ted. HOLY SHIT. A big solid ball of muscle mounded up toward the ceiling right in front of Ted's face. I had seen my Dad jokingly flex his arms a few times while wrestling with me while I growing up. He always had large, sturdy arms. But in the past when he would flex his arms would just sort of tighten up. Now, instead of just tightening up his arm actually grew into a softball of muscle. There was a definite line between his biceps and where his meaty triceps reached toward the ground. Running along his biceps was a large cephalic vein you usually only see on the truly muscular guys. All I could do was stare as another wave of emasculation and jealousy flowed through me. Next, that feeling got worse. Ted maneuvered himself around Dad's arm and flexed his opposite arm right in front of my father's arm. His own tanned, massive arm flexed upward and eclipsed my father's huge gun, but only just so. Gawd, it was like watching two bodybuilder's jockying for position during a final posedown of a competition. All the while both egging each other and laughing. It was a muscle lover's dream. “Jed, who's bigger?” Ted asked, still nudging his shoulder into my Dad as they continued their frolicky upright wrestling match. My mouth hung agape and I tried to form the words to reply. “Ted, ya big showoff we know you are bigger,” my dad jumped in. “Ted's bigger but you are really close, Dad.” My father lit up like a Christmas tree at this. My father slapped Ted's big back. “I'll take it! Being compared to this big oaf is a big compliment. We measured the other day, this gun is only one inch shy of big Ted, here.” Ted added “Yeah your pops is right there with me. I weighed in at 232 lb yesterday and what were you, Chad? 220?” “224! Right on your tail big guy!” DAMN! My dad had put on another 15 lbs of solid mass since I last visited! “I keep thinking your old man's gains will slow down but he just keeps growing. He's been matching all my lifts in the last couple of days. You're father is a beast.” Ted then grabbed his coat and headed out. “Well I gotta head back home so I'll give you some catching up time. Good to see ya again Jed, enjoy your break!” Ted left and I and my father and I just stood there staring at each other as I took him in. He looked like he could step on a stage for a novice show with just a couple weeks of dieting to really slice down what little remaining fat he had. “I'm really glad you're back champ. Hey son, no offense but you look a little smaller. Have you stopped lifting?” “Well with studying I haven't been able to stay as consistent. Down to about 190 lbs. Engineering classes are hard.” “Well, I'm glad you are staying on top of you classes and not wasting your education. Even though you could've been a great athlete I'm so proud that you are using that brain of yours. Good thing your mother was smart so you could inherit some intelligence, haha.” “Dad, stop you are one of the smartest, most down-to-earth people I know, even if you didn't go to college.” Dad gave me one of those one-arm side hugs, “Thanks Son. I do hope you can get back into your gym routine, I need someone strong enough to spot me when we lift this summer.” And so began my Spring Break week with Dad. On Sunday I went with him to the gym. I was almost afraid of what I was going to see. Since I was out of practice I was going to do a full body workout, while Dad was hitting up chest. I told him I would spot him in between my sets. We went into the locker room to change. Dad slid off his pants and took off his shirt and proceeded to open his locker. He was wearing a black par of spandex underwear that clung to his meaty thighs and ass. He had a prominent bulge. Was he horned up? It looked like it was bulging more than I remember. He looked like a physique model in his shorts. Like one of those guys you see on Men's Health covers. Not overly huge, but just big and bulgy enough to put those ripped, yet skinny models to shame. A light tan with just a dusting of hair over his front and a bit more hair on his legs. I've mentioned before that Dad always had slightly over-proportioned legs. It's a good thing his spandex trunks were stretchy or else his thighs would've torn the underwear after one set of heavy squats. My dad caught me looking at him again. “You're going to have to stop staring or else it's going to go to my head,” he said with a smug grin. He put on a stringer tank that left no secrets of his buffed physique. We proceeded on with our workouts. Dad began with bench press. I was going through my sets when I noticed he was up to 265 lbs on the bench, the same amount we ended with during Christmas break. I went over to spot him. “You can do a couple more of your sets I'm still warming up.” Wait, what?!? He was still warming up? “Dad, are you sure? This is the most I've ever seen you lift.” “Really, son? This is all I was doing at Christmas? Damn, I was weak.” He immediately saw my embarrassment and apologized. “Oh sorry Son, I was just joking to myself. I know this is what you lifted at Christmas and trust me it is impressive for a young guy like you.” “Gee, thanks Dad” I gave him a wry smile. So I proceeded to do a set of lat pull downs and dumbbell shoulder presses. When I was done I felt a big heavy hand fall on my shoulder. “I'll take a spot now, champ!” “Ok, Dad.” We walked over to the bench. Holy Shit. He had 335 lbs loaded onto he bench. “Geezus, Dad, this is a lot of weight! Ok so are you going for a low rep set of 3-4 reps?” He chuckled that deep,masculine rumbling chuckle his. “Not quite, son. I should be able to get 10 reps easy, just keep an eye on me.” “TEN REPS! This is like 70 more lbs then you were doing three months ago!” “Yeah, it sure is.” He proceeded to bench 10 reps in quick, strict form. Letting the bar come down to touch above his nipples, and then with a light, sexy grunt, lifted the bar straight up, 10 times. After the first set he did the same with 345 and 355 lbs. On the last set I had to help him on the 10th rep. But I was still stunned out of my mind regarding his impressive lifts. My dad got up off the bench after his last set and turned to face me. He now had worked up a light sheen of sweat that covered his body. In just his stringer tank you could see his pecs were red and swollen with effort. His nipples nearly pointing down due to the impressive shelf he had going on. He let out a big exhale “Woo, that was a great pump.” He swung his arms back and forth to keep loose. Every time his arms swung forward his upper pecs bunched upward toward his chin, deepening the already impressive cleft in between. “Shit, Dad...” was all I could say. He warned me against it, but he had clearly left me behind on his lifts. It was amazing and emasculating all at the same time. “He he, thanks Son.” The rest of week was more of the same. Dad continued to blow me away with all his lifts, which all seemed to be 50-100 lbs more than I could ever do. He also continued to blow me away at the dinner table. His meal portions were even larger than the last time I saw him. He had to be eating over 6000 calories per day. Dad was also spending a lot more time on his phone lately. Apparently, Ted had got him set up on Tinder and his phone was constantly buzzing. I certainly couldn't blame all the ladies messaging him. I always heard my Dad was a stud. With his improved body he was now on another level of manhood. I felt bad for all the other local men in the area for having to compete with him. On late Friday afternoon of that week a buddy of mine and I were heading to a city that was about 3 hours away for a concert we had both been wanting to see. Dad wasn't disappointed, he said he had been chatting with a girl from Tinder and that they would to meet on Friday night since I was going to be gone. We headed to the concert but when we got there we found out the the lead singer had come down with the flu and the show had been canceled. We were obviously bummed but were assured we would get a full refund. So we went to a nice restaurant, ate and then decided to head home early. I was wondering how my Dad's date was going. On the drive home I sent him a message letting him know we would be home early. I didn't get any response so I figured it was going well. Finally we got home about 11:00pm. My buddy dropped me off and headed to the front door. As I was about there the door flung open and pretty young woman frantically ran out looking unkempt and disheveled. . It was obviously she didn't want me to see her. And I then I realized why. Is was my friend and fellow classmate, Amy! “Oh, um, hi Jed” she said embarrassed. He hair was a mess “I was just...um...gotta go I'll see ya around.” HOLY CRAP. Amy was my Dad's date. And I know sex hair when I see it. She had totally hooked up with my DAD! My dad showed up at the door shirtless in a pair of gym shorts looking like sexy sated warrior. “Have a good night Amy.” “Om...um...thanks Mr. Graves...I mean, Chad...” she stumbled out. I stared at her in shock as she walked down the drive to her car on the street. “Dad, you know she was in my class right? Don't you think she's a little...young?” “Yes, I know. Son. And don't worry I'm wasn't looking for a relationship. We just had a little fun, that's all.” He stood there leaning against the doorway, proud as a peacock. The moon light shining on his bulging pecs and abs. My dad was a total jock stud. The next morning continued to be a little awkward around Dad. He noticed “Son, please don't make this weird. She's 19 years old and an adult and I'm a red-blooded grown man. Sometimes I have...needs.” I just hid my face in my hands as he spoke. Finally I relented. “I get it Dad, but maybe try to avoid my classmates, if you could.” “Heh, well I'll try son. But I tell ya though, it's getting harder and harder to avoid. It's like this bod of mine has become a supercharged chick-magnet. And I plan on supercharging it further.” “Seriously, how much further do you think you can go? You are already HUGE.” “Well, I think I'm decently big but far from HUGE.” He put an emphasis on the word “HUGE” with a faux most-muscular pose. His body still instantly tightened and seemed to pump up even larger. “But, Ted is going to help me see if I can really get in the realm of huge.” “What?! You're not talking steroids are you? Pops, please don't do anything stupid to your health.” “Buddy, you have nothing to worry about. Ted is going to hook me up with his doctor who prescribes him some HGH and testosterone. And the fact that is is a real doctor means he can monitor me to make sure nothing goes wrong.” “I don't know, Dad. I'm don't like it.” Dad came over and put his hefty right arm on my shoulder and looked me in the eye with a serious face. “Son, please trust me on this. I've been doing my research to make sure I'm not doing anything to jeopardize my future. Have you heard all those new radio adds in the last few years about male medical clinics and low testosterone doctors? What I'll be getting is the exact same thing those people offer. If it were dangerous why would there be so many doctors and clinics out the prescribing this stuff?” “I guess that's true Dad. But you clearly don't need any testosterone, you look like a walking testosterone factory!” He smirked, “Well that may be true son, but why should all the weak beta males out there get this stuff and not the alpha men who will actually put this stuff to good use?” I was surprised that my Dad even knew the term “beta male.” He sounded like a body imaged obsessed bro! “Well, please be careful. After losing Mom I couldn't handle it if anything happened to you to.” Dad wrapped up in his bulging heavy arms and pulled me to his chest, leaned back and lifted me off the ground. It was weird, my now bigger dad made me feel like I was 10 years old again, him giving me one of those dad-hugs that makes you feel safe and secure when you are a young kid. “I love you to death son and I promise I will be careful. This is something I really, really want so I want you to fine with it.” I sighed. “Dad, after all you've been through, you deserve it!” At this, with my feet still hanging a couple inches above the ground still wrapped up in his huge arms. Dad smiled widely and squeezed even harder. “OOOHF! Easy there big guy. You're going to squash me!” Dad set me down and let out a big guffaw. “HAHA, well son you better start lifting again 'cuz those hugs are going to get a lot tighter!” I had no reason to believe that would not be true. The next day I headed to college to finish my freshman year, wondering what Dad would look like when I came back for summer. NEXT CHAPTER: BACK FOR SUMMER
  6. A strange man in a grey hat and coat walks into people's lives. With a quip and a smirk and little white card, the darkest desires of your heart can be yours. But be careful what you ask, some dreams might be best left untrue. (If you are new to Jack and his perverse wish fulfillment, buckle up for a wild ride. For those of you familiar with the original series, I've turned it into a novel with even more intrigue, sex and growth.) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 1: Guys Are Going to Notice. A skinny kid gets a chance to make his ultimate dream come true but learns a lesson about saying too much. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CJ slammed the door to his dorm room. “Pathetic… that’s what that was…. Just pathetic...” He didn’t understand, he was a nice guy, he had career ambitions, but all the girls wanted from him was friendship. He was particularly desolated today. He’d just asked Carly if she wanted to go to the movies with him tonight. They’d been hanging out so much recently, she’d be so nice, he just knew he was doing everything right. He also knew that she had nothing to do when she told him she’d be busy. She’d told him a few days ago that she never did anything during the school week and here she was suddenly busy every day. “What is it about me that they hate?” He said looking into a mirror. In truth he knew. His t-shirt sagged over his bony shoulders. His stick thin arms, rather than filling the sleeves, rattled around inside of them like a puzzle piece that didn’t fit. His torso had no shape what so ever. It was just a wiry frame that clothes were draped over rather than fitted to, as if they were hanging out to dry. People liked him. He had a great sense of humor. It’s just that they always wanted to be his friend and never anything more. Every time a girl rejected him it just sent his confidence tumbling to the ground in shattered pieces. He felt sure it would work this time. He’d been working on Carly for a month. She had begun texting him to hang out after class when she was bored. Surely if anyone would say yes it’d be her. His phone began to buzz from his best friend Tom. He’d told him about the rejection. Tom was always there to swoop in and pick up the shattered pieces. “Hey man, why don’t we go out tonight, get your mind off Carly.” He texted. CJ sighed, he probably should, he thought. But for now he needed to lie down. Later that night he and Tom were at a local dive bar. It was the only one that would take CJ’s fake ID. He was almost 21 but he had the face of a 17 year old. “Don’t worry about her man.” Tom said. “There’s plenty of chicks out there. You just gotta find the right one!” CJ looked into the mirror behind the bar. “Yeah, I just have to find one who’s into adopting lost puppies.” He said, thinking he looked like a stray that had been out on the streets for too long. “Don’t worry man, you’ve got this. I know this girl who just turned single. She may need a shoulder to cry on!” “Every time girls lean on my shoulder they complain that’s too bony and poking them in the head.” CJ said getting tipsy. “Well let her cry on your back. You’ve got to keep trying man.” Tom said, realizing it was time for his friend to get back to his dorm. The two paid up and made their way out to the street then suddenly the worst thing that could have happened occurred. Carly walked past arm and arm with Mike, a lacrosse player from their dorm. CJ looked at his bulging biceps that stretched his t-shirt realizing he’d never have that kind of frame. “Awww fuck...” Was all he said. It was bad enough getting rejected but then getting showed all the ways he didn’t measure up in so clear a way was devastating. Suddenly the alcohol hit and he ran to a bush to throw up. He got back to the dorm alone around eleven that night a complete mess. He kicked his work table, causing the ceramic mascot to fall to the floor and break in half. “Jesus CJ, you should be more careful. That little guy had sentimental value after all,” came a voice from behind. CJ whipped around, and then quickly stabilized himself as he was still very tipsy. He was staring at a large, olive skinned man, wearing a grey stetson, leather gloves, and a dark overcoat, open at the front, revealing a matching three piece suit. The man was staring at him with piercing green eyes. “What’re you? The Mafia?” “Well I suppose that would be one way to end your misery but no, your life isn’t quite that interesting.” The figure said in reply. “Well then who’re you and how’d you get in here?” CJ asked. “The name’s Jack. But I believe the question you should be asking is what I can do for you.” He walked up to the lopsided student. “All your life people have looked down on you for your size. People tease you, call you a refugee, even your family pokes fun at how many of your ribs they can see. You must be tired of that, but fortunately for you, I can help.” “Look I don’t know what yer sellin but...” CJ was suddenly interrupted as Jack leaned forward and put gloved finger to his mouth. “Clarence John Stevens, you should listen more than you speak. Why do you think Carly chose that man over you?” Jack asked. “Well because he’s got muscles and I’m… wait how do you know my name or any of this?” “I know everything about you Clarence. I also know how to help. It’s your lucky night. I can give you anything you ask for.” He reached into his suit and pulled out a card that simply had the name Jack the Giver, written on it in fine flowing script. “Just take the card and make a wish.” CJ took the card and stared at it. “Uhhhh…. What?” “Just make a wish, unless you’d rather spend the rest of your life like this.” Jack replied pointing to CJ’s emaciated frame. “Fine then I wish I had muscles… like crazy muscles… like a sex machine." His mind flashed to Mike and how easy it was for him to get girls. "So big that all the guys are gonna look at me and take notice! Guys like Mike!” CJ said as his mind wandered drunkenly. As soon as he finished the card burst into flame and disappeared without a trace burning his fingertips. “What the hell man!” He shouted to Jack but when he looked up the room was empty. The only evidence that anything had just happened was the tingling pain in his fingers. “Jesus I need to stop with the tequila...” He said, pulling his shirt off and collapsing on his bed and passing out. The next morning CJ woke up with a splitting headache. His body felt funny and he told himself that he should probably take the morning to recoup from last night. Sitting up in bed he stared at the mirror hanging on his wall and gasped. Instead of ribs he was looking at a pair of pecs. His arms were thick and shapely. He looked like a swimmer. “Oh shit… I’m having a stroke…” He said, thinking he was hallucinating. He looked down and felt his torso, the abs he was seeing were real. He could feel them individually. He cupped his right pec in his hand, feeling it’s size and weight. “Jesus I look like a model. That crackpot wasn’t joking.” He stood up and pulled his jeans off, his lower body was toned too and the bulge in his briefs was impressive too. He got ready and put his clothes on for the day. For the first time in his life they fit him beautifully. Things were going to be different now. He couldn’t wait to show his friends, what would they say? He couldn’t wait to see. He didn’t have long to wait before he ran into Tom who was waiting for him on his way to class. “Hey man.” He said to Tom, who was startled at this stranger who came up to him. “Uh… hey...” Tom replied, feeling like he looked familiar but couldn’t remember where he’d seen him before. “You don’t recognize me? It’s CJ.” Tom squinted, he did look a lot like CJ, particularly the face but… it couldn’t be. His voice was deeper and… that body. “Ha ha, nice try man. Is he hiding in the bushes somewhere? I’m impressed, the two of you could be twins almost.” “No seriously… it’s me… I uhhh… something happened last night after you dropped me off at the dorm.” “What…?” The two went back and forth for a few minutes until Tom felt like testing it. “Ok if it’s really you tell me one thing that I’ve only told to you that you’d never tell to anyone else on this campus.” “You mean that you’re secretly into guys?” CJ whispered. “You know I’d never tell anyone that without your permission.” “Shit man!” Tom stared blankly at his now hot friend. “Is this some new protein supplement or something?” “It’s much much weirder.” CJ said and he told him what happened. Then he pulled up his shirt and flashed his abs. “Well… I guess some people get all the luck.” Tom said, feeling up his friend’s six pack to see that it was real. CJ flexed it for him which made Tom’s cock twitch. He quickly pulled away. “So… are you going to try it again with Carly now?” “Fuck her man.” CJ said. “There are plenty of chicks on this campus that didn’t break my fucking heart.” They walked together to the meal hall CJ noticed people checking him out. Curious girls and jealous guys, and dudes looking to measure up were all eyeing him. Not to mention Tom. He could see his friend checking him out whenever he thought he wasn’t looking. He didn’t know what to make of that. More pressing on his mind however, was a table of hot girls. One was particularly hot and she’d been seriously checking him out since he sat down. “Excuse me Tom.” He said walking over to her. “Hey, my name’s CJ, I was wondering if you were busy tonight.” “Uh yeah, we’ve having a girls night...” one of her friends started to talk and the girl gave her a stone glare to shut her up. “My name’s Briana, you have something in mind?” She said. “Dinner at 6?” And they exchanged numbers. CJ’s mind was blown how easy it was with the right body. He couldn’t think of anything else but his date until they arrived arrived at the Italian restaurant at the same time. They walked in together and started to chat away. He’d never had anyone look at him the way she was staring and realized he was actually going to get laid tonight for the first time. The idea made him horny and a strange thing happened. His balls seemed to vibrate and gurgle as if they were hungry for action. They began to swell. He could feel them getting tighter in his briefs. “Yeah so I’ve been into sports all my life. I’m just too busy to sign up for anything varsity...” He lied. Suddenly he felt his pecs bounce in his shirt. “Whoah sorry I guess I just...” It happened again this time his biceps flexed with his pecs. “What the...” Suddenly his entire torso was flexing in unison. But each time his shirt felt a little tighter. He was beginning to grow again. “What’s happening… to you?” Briana said. “I uhh… don’t...” Suddenly his polo shirt began to rip at the V. “Sorry, I have to” RIIIIP another convulsive burst of growth ripped his shirt right in half in the middle of the restaurant. “I’ve got to run.” He said, jumping up, nearly knocking over the table. He reached in his wallet and threw some cash down and ran out. He tugged at the shirt that was pinned on his arms but another flex caused his sleeves to pop off, leaving him shirtless. Every massive rounded muscle was on display. His unfulfilled balls continued to vibrate and swell until they grew to the size of large lemons and caused his 8’’ soft cock to soak cum into his jeans. He ran into his dorm in a blind panic and struggled to pull off his tight jeans before they ripped apart. “Uhhh hello?” CJ looked up to see Tom sitting at his desk staring at him. “What are you doing here?” CJ asked in a panic. “Studying? You said I could study here while you were out.” Tom looked at him. “What were you doing without your shir… woah you’ve been growing again.” He looked at his friend’s completely jacked bod as he struggled with his jeans. He looked bigger than an NFL quarterback. His giant package bounced around in his briefs as he struggled to get them off before they burst. Tom blushed. “Maybe I should leave if you’ve got company coming.” “No! Please stay! I don’t know what’s happening!” He said as he finally got his pants off and collapsed on the bed. “I was eating with Briana and my body started swelling again… in the restaurant… god I was so close to getting laid!” He said banging the wall in frustration. “I’m so fucking horny and I have to hide back here!” Tom watched CJ stretch himself out on the bed, his large semi-hard cock poked out of the top of his briefs and one of the lemon sized nuts bulged from one of the leg holes. CJ had gone from someone he wouldn’t have looked twice at to a complete fantasy just laying there. “I mean there are worse problems...” “God these briefs are killing me.” CJ groaned. “Then why don’t I leave and you can take them off.” Tom said trying to do his best to be supportive but he felt like if he staid in the room much longer he wasn’t going to be able to control himself. “No, please, don’t leave me. I… don’t want to be more alone than I was before this started.” CJ said. He pulled his briefs off and looked at his huge package. “Fuck man this is crazy...” “Uh… yeah… crazy” Tom couldn’t control his throbbing hard on as his friend checked himself out completely naked. CJ was so horny from his unfulfilled date that he couldn’t help but touch his 10’’ member. Some cum started to flow when suddenly he was interrupted. “Awww fuck man, you can’t just do that in front of me.” Tom said going down on his massive cock, flipping his ball cap on backwards to suck it properly. CJ was shocked by the suddenness of it and he grabbed his friend to push him off but it felt so good having his cock sucked. No one had ever given him a blow job before and Tom was clearly an expert. “Woah… you’re really good at this...” “I go to this basement club in the city. I’ve got lots of practice.” Tom said taking his mouth off the swollen cock for just long enough to talk before diving back down on it. That only made CJ’s balls more excited and they began to swell again, flooding his brain with sex hormones. His entire body felt incredible as his muscles grew tighter and tighter, and the pounds slowly piled on again. This time less violently. Tom pulled his shirt off. He’d been working out since highschool, his body was pretty fit. CJ watched his toned friend work on his cock, the hormones and endorphins were imprinting this as hot into his malleable brain that had never done anything sexual with anyone before. He let out some groans… Tom was encouraged and pulled the rest of his clothes off. Fucking his towering friend was going to be the hottest night of his life. He didn’t realize that CJ had grown five pounds since they started. Tom clambered up on top of the massive bod in front of him and wedged the cock between his ass cheeks and started to jerk it with his ass. Fit as Tom was their differences in size were pretty stark. The toned twink was climbing all over a mountain of a man. “Woah… what are we doing?” CJ groaned. “I’m not gay.” “Nobody said you were, stud. We can stop if you want.” He said, slowing down. He’d dealt with virgins before. It was always good to take things slowly. “No… it’s just not how I imagined my first time.” “I think you’re just too much man for just one gender. The girls are gonna love riding that massive pole.” Tom said to egg him on. “Oh yeah?” “Yeah that’s right.” Tom said as he placed his hole on the tip of CJ’s cock. “Just like this.” He said as he sank down on that massive member. As his cheeks got spread apart his eyes rolled to the back of his head in pleasure. “Fuck yeah!” They both grunted. Tom looked amazing going up and down on that huge member wearing nothing but a choker necklace and a backwards cap. That vision along with the feeling of Tom's ass wrapping itself around his massive meat wear seared into CJ’s brain as the hottest thing he’d ever seen. Tom reached for his phone and started snapping pics of him riding that huge monster, getting as much of CJ in the frame as possible. It wasn’t long until he came inside Tom. There was so much cum Tom could feel it pumping him up as he reached down and felt his abs curving around his filling belly. Without warning he came too and pulled out, gushing cum flowed out of his ass as he did. They looked at each other and blushed. “That was the hottest fuck I’ve ever had.” Tom said, looking down, “I was going to go eat but I think I’m full now.” He said holding his ab lined food/cum baby. The two of them cuddled for the rest of the night and Tom helped him clean up in the morning. “I think we should shower off now.” Tom whispered to his 250 lb friend but the showers were out in the hall. Tom grabbed two towels and they wrapped them around their waists and went out to shower. Tom didn’t give a fuck about what anybody thought about his sexuality anymore, he’d just had his mind blown by a massive virgin. They went out into the hall wearing towels so they could shower off in the communal bathrooms. CJ picked the largest shower stall for himself and began to lather up but soon Tom poked his head in. “Mind if I join?” He asked without really waiting for an answer. He just went down on that massive cock as the water poured all over them. Fortunately for them it was 10 am by this point and most people had already showered. CJ gripped the sides of the stall as his body started to add on a few more pounds of raw muscle. Tom looked so small in comparison. However the bathroom wasn’t completely empty and it wasn’t difficult to see what they were doing. Suddenly the shower curtain ripped open and to their shock it was Mike, the lacrosse player that they had seen two nights earlier wearing nothing but a towel. “What’s going on in here?” “Uhh… nothing man… we just...” CJ was at a loss for words at being caught like this. “A bit risky isn’t it? I know the RA really well and she reports shit like this.” He said sternly. Then he whipped off his towel. “I also know she wont be out of class until three.” He said with a grin. Pushing the two of them back into the stall and closing the curtain. Tom gasped “I didn’t know you were into guys, Mike.” He grinned, “I didn’t know I was either… but this seemed super hot, who’s your friend?” He said stroking CJ’s enormous dick. “Uh… Mike… this is… Chris...” Tom said realizing that they didn’t really have any other explanation than to re-introduce him as someone new. “He just enrolled.” “Fuck yeah...” Mike said before licking CJ’s enormous pecs. “Damn that’s fuckin hot.” Tom got doubly aroused by what was happening and began to play with Mike’s nips while putting his cock head against Mike’s ass hole. Mike began to thrust against Tom’s cock as he went down on CJ who dwarfed even this ripped athlete. Three weeks later there was a new attraction at the Tom’s favorite club. CJ or “Chris” as he now went by was the new stripper / rent boy. People paid all kinds of money to fuck him in the back room. All kinds of guys got turned on by Chris which is why you should be careful what you wish for. One drunken line about your male rivals could alter how it comes true. "...all the guys are gonna look at me and take notice!” And they did.
  7. Vasilij

    Sophie’s family

    The door to the shower opened and two gigantic teenage athletes came into the locker room, torrents of sex juices finally washed from their perfect bodies. Girl and boy, they were equally impressive and powerful. Sophie took her towel to dry off and started with her firm boobs. Owen saw this and his soft dick, already being the size of an average boner, started swelling. - Still not satisfied, gym boy? - giggled Sophie and seductively licked her lips. - I never am, but I can wait. First let’s go to your house. I’d like to meet your parents. Hopefully you don’t have any issues. - Well, mom doesn’t interfere with my dates, but my dad is sometimes… critical. - Critical? - He thinks I should only date “worthy” men, as he says. It’s not like he bullied my previous boyfriends, but he may want to test you. My dad is a bodybuilder too and he loves to compete. - Some family you have, but it will be fun for me. Let’s go! My own dad doesn’t need me right now and, besides, he already knows who is the man of the house. Sophie lived in a single-family house. When she knocked the door, it was opened by a young man, a few years older than Owen and equally muscular, except he was pale and red haired, while Owen was tan and brunette. - Hi sis, that wimp is your new boyfriend? - How did you call me? - asked Owen coldly, clenching his massive fists. - Don’t be angry, Davis didn’t mean to offend you. Davis, this is Owen. I met him at the gym. - So my dick’s not enough for you, sis? - Wait, you guys fuck each other?! - Owen wasn’t disgusted, after he was fucking his own dad, but he was surprised. - If a pussy is next to me, it is mine. - stated Devis, flexing his half hard dick through the jeans. - Actually, big brother, he might be a little bigger than you down there. - We’ll see. Come in, you should meet dad. They went through the house to the door which has led to the back yard. Even before opening it Owen heard loud masculine hoofs and moans. The backyard was made into a training ground. There have been a lot of empty bars, plates, kettlebells, and simple rocks, even the smallest of which would be challenging for an average man to lift. There have also been a few unusually big and thickly built benches. What impressed Owen the most was the user of the weights - an old and already grey bodybuilder at least equal to his own size, though not as ripped, was benching a bar twice the girth of normal bars in the gym, loaded with ten big plates of each side. - Hey there, kids. - said the giant casually, not even slowing the reps - Let me finish this set first. - Wow, that’s more than my usual weight. How much exactly. - 1500… - the man gritted his teeth and struggled in a last rep - pounds! He racked the weight behind his head and it smashed to the concrete floor. Owen mentioned to himself that the old bodybuilder didn’t have anything spitting him, but this beast was too strong to need any. - Dad, this is Owen. He lives in this town and I decided to date him. - Well hello, boy. I wasn’t expecting to see anyone but my kids being so close to me in size. My name is Mitch. - Nice to meet you. - Owen shaked the old man’s hand. - Hey, pops. Maybe we should welcome him into our family and test if these muscles aren’t just for show? - asked David. - You are right. What’s the matter boy, nervous. Owen actually was, for the first time in his life he wasn’t sure if his strength will be enough. Still, he wasn’t gonna refuse the challenge. His motto was: “Any opponent is just a bitch I haven’t fucked yet”. First came the measuring contest between Owen and Davis. Mitch was the judge and he also ordered what poses to make, while Sophie just enjoyed the view. Both studs stroke one mighty pose after another, but each time Owen managed to flex his a little harder, making his muscles swell an inch more and look more defined. Davis was annoyed and strained to outflex him until his pale skin became red, but Owen was still the winner. - Who’s the wimp now? - There is still manhood to measure. - answered Davis. - Make ‘em hard, boys. Sophie, motivate them. The muscle girl was already horned up after watching the bodybuilding skeptical. Without a second thought she took off her pants and underwear, revealing a pussy still tight even after Owen’s savage assault at the gym. Davis got hard first, his duck rising over his navel. - Check this out. That’s the cock that owns this pussy. - You sure? - Owen smirked. During years of practice in gym and bed alike he learnt to control his penis as well and his muscles. With a simple concentration he made his eight inch soft swell to a foot long fuck-sword in just a few seconds. Then he strained a little more, growling: “Come one, grow you fucker!”, and his duck grew two inches more, spurting pre cum on his own pecs. Both Mitch and Davis couldn’t help, but utter “Wow”. Owen proudly flexed his pecs, catching his dick and massaging it with them. He moaned from the feeling and asked: - Bet none of you boys can give yourself a pec job? - That’s just the first round, kid. Let’s see how much you can lift.
  8. czechhunter69

    Tony the Titan

    Trying my pen at something other than "hulk" stories. Let's see how it goes. Feedback is appreciated. ===================== "I'll see y'all later," Tony slurred, his words barely intelligible as he stumbled out of the bar. The crisp night air hit him like a brick wall, his alcohol-fogged brain struggling to process the sudden shift in temperature. The street was deserted, except for the occasional car speeding by, their headlights blinding him momentarily. Tony knew he shouldn't have had that last shot, but he couldn't resist the sweet burn of the alcohol as it washed over him. As he stumbled down the sidewalk, he felt the weight of the night bearing down on him. His head spun, and his stomach churned with the impending hangover. He tried to hold back the bile rising in his throat, but it was a losing battle. He stumbled and swayed, barely able to keep his feet under him. Despite the deserted streets, Tony was all too aware of his surroundings. The darkness seemed to close in on him, and he could feel the eyes of unseen watchers following his every move. He quickened his pace, but his legs felt heavy and uncooperative. Finally, Tony saw the familiar outline of his apartment building looming in the distance. It was only a few blocks away, but in his drunken stupor, it felt like miles. He gritted his teeth and forced himself to keep moving, one unsteady step at a time. With two more blocks to go, Tony's stomach finally gave out, and he stumbled over to the side of the road, barely managing to avoid face planting. As he leaned over a child's bike parked on the sidewalk, he retched, his entire body convulsing as he emptied the contents of his stomach onto the ground. As Tony leaned over, vomiting uncontrollably, his bleary eyes caught sight of a small black ring box lying on the ground nearby. He stumbled over to it, the chunks of his half-eaten burger falling from his mouth as he picked it up. Opening the box, he saw a men's ring glinting in the pale moonlight. It was a simple design, with a silver band and a small black stone in the center. Tony's foggy mind couldn't make sense of why it was there, but he instinctively closed the box and put it in his pocket, feeling a mix of disgust and curiosity. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, his senses overwhelmed by the stench of his own vomit. The late hour, the deserted streets, and his drunken state made him feel like he was in a nightmare. He stumbled forward, his mind racing with questions about the mysterious ring and how it came to be there. The long night ahead of him and the even longer hangover to come felt like a punishment for his reckless behavior. Tony stumbled into his apartment building and fumbled with the keys in his pocket, struggling to get them into the lock. Finally, he managed to unlock the door and stumbled inside, kicking off his shoes and stripping off his shirt before collapsing onto the couch. He tried to get up and head to the bathroom to take a shower, but his legs gave out beneath him. He crawled on all fours to the bathroom, hoping a shower would help clear his mind and soothe his pounding head. But once inside the bathroom, Tony couldn't resist the cool porcelain of the toilet bowl. He leaned over it, retching again and again until there was nothing left to come up. His head hung limp over the bowl as he drifted into a drunken sleep, the sounds of the night fading away into oblivion. The ringing in his ears drowned out the sound of his own breathing, and the world around him blurred into an indistinguishable mess of colors and shapes. ===== Tony woke up to a pounding headache and a queasy stomach, struggling to piece together the hazy memories of the previous night. He called off work, knowing he wouldn't be able to function properly in his current state. In the kitchen, he rummaged through the fridge, hoping to find something to ease his nausea, settling on eggs and a hair of the dog to numb the pain in his head. Sitting at the table, Tony's eyes fell on the little black box he had found the night before. Though he couldn't remember where he had picked it up, it was worth investigating. He opened the box and saw a ring, examining it closely and feeling the weight settle on his finger. The silver band was smooth and cool, and the square-cut onyx head glinted in the sunlight. The design of a snake eating itself seemed familiar, but he couldn't place it. The ring felt strange on his finger, and he couldn't shake the feeling that it didn't belong to him. Tony pushed the box aside, hoping to forget about it. As he closed his eyes, alcohol and sleep deprivation caught up with him, and the world spun around him. He stumbled to the bathroom, feeling the bile rise in his throat. Leaning over the toilet, he cursed himself for his bad decisions. He heaved and retched, his body convulsing with each violent expulsion, spewing vomit all over himself and the floor. In his drunken stupor, he couldn't aim properly, missing the toilet bowl almost completely. Tony felt a sense of shame and disgust, realizing that this was an all-time low for him. Though he had always been a heavy drinker, he had never let it get this out of hand before. After losing his husband a few months ago, everything seemed to spiral out of control for Tony. Bills accumulated, and he struggled to keep up with the payments alone. Eventually, he lost their house, which was the last straw. It was as though the universe had conspired against him, leaving him helpless. Feeling defeated and isolated, Tony stumbled into the bathroom and shed his clothes. As he glimpsed himself in the mirror, he felt even worse. His skin was pale and splotchy, with dark circles beneath his eyes indicating restless nights and unceasing worry. He gazed at his reflection, feeling like he didn't even recognize the person staring back at him. This was a far cry from the assured and content person he used to be. Tony glanced down at his hand, noticing the ring he had put on the night before. He attempted to remove it, but it refused to budge. He tugged and twisted, but it remained stuck. Panic began to set in as he realized he couldn't remove the ring. He tried everything, from soap to oil, but it wouldn't come off. As he wrestled with the ring, Tony's thoughts wandered back to the previous night's events. The drinking, the vomiting, and now this. It was like a never-ending nightmare. He considered going to the hospital, but the thought of explaining his predicament to a doctor was too humiliating. He attempted to distract himself with other things, but the ring was a constant reminder of his mistake. Tony decided to take a shower, hoping that the water would assist in loosening the ring. As he stood beneath the stream of hot water, he scrutinized the ring again. It was a lovely piece of jewelry, but now it felt like a shackle, a symbol of his imprudence. ======= As Tony scrubbed the vomit off his skin, an odd sensation emanating from the ring on his finger caught his attention. It felt as if the ring was vibrating, sending out pulsating waves of energy that distorted the air around it. Uncertain of what to make of it, Tony frowned. Was it merely a trick of the light, or was something more going on? He held his hand up to the light, closely examining the ring. The silver band glinted in the sunlight, and the square cut onyx head absorbed the light around it. The snake eating its own tail seemed to coil around his finger, almost as if it were alive. Tony shook his head, attempting to dispel the foggy feeling in his head. It was probably just the hangover, he told himself. There was no way that a simple ring could possess any magical properties. After finishing cleaning himself off, he stepped out of the shower and grabbed a towel to dry off. As he stumbled to his room, his head pounded with each step. Collapsing onto his bed, the weight of his exhaustion pulled him under. The welcomed relief of the darkness in the room didn't bring peace, and he buried his face in the pillows, hoping to find solace in the silence. Despite his attempts, he found it hard to drift off into a peaceful sleep, his mind still haunted by the events of the previous night. The ring on his finger felt heavy, a constant reminder of the strange and unfamiliar experiences that had transpired. In the darkness of his room, Tony twisted and turned the ring on his finger, feeling the smooth silver band and the sharp edges of the onyx head. It was strange how it seemed to bring him some comfort, however small. As he traced the pattern of the snake eating its tail, a faint tingling sensation passed through his fingertips. It felt as if a subtle electric current was flowing through the metal and into his skin, but he couldn't be sure if it was just his imagination or the remnants of the hangover. Tony closed his eyes and tried to sleep off the remaining headache, his hand resting on his chest with the ring still on his finger. Despite the discomfort, he found himself feeling an odd sense of security with the ring in place, almost as though it were a protective talisman keeping the darkness at bay. But as he drifted off to sleep, he couldn't shake the feeling that there was something else about the ring, something he couldn't quite put his finger on. ==== Tony was jolted awake by the sound of his phone ringing. Still groggy, he fumbled for it on the nightstand and squinted at the bright screen. He saw several missed calls and messages from his boss. He answered with a hoarse voice, trying to sound alert and professional. "Sorry I'm late," he mumbled, hoping to save face. "Tony, where the hell are you? You were supposed to be here two hours ago!" his boss Steve barked. Tony winced at the sharp tone. He tried to come up with an excuse, but his foggy mind drew a blank. "Uh, I must have overslept, I'm so sorry. I'll be there as soon as possible." “Don’t bother. You don’t need to worry about coming in anymore.” Steve said as he hung up the phone. Tony's heart sank as he realized what had just happened. He had lost his job, and he didn't know how he was going to pay the rent in his current state. He slumped back onto his pillow, feeling defeated and hopeless. As Tony lay there, he could feel the weight of the ring on his finger, causing his heart to race with panic. He struggled to remove it, tugging and twisting with all his might, but the ring seemed to be tightening around his finger. The feeling of being trapped overwhelmed him, as if the ring had become a part of his body. He longed for peace, to feel lighter and not so burdened by… all this weight. Everything in his life felt so heavy, and he didn’t feel strong enough anymore. Suddenly, he felt the familiar sensation of nausea in his gut, and he rushed to the restroom. But before he could vomit, the feeling passed, leaving him confused and bewildered. As he gazed at his reflection again, he noticed that something else had changed too. His eyes widened in disbelief as he realized he had lost a significant amount of weight. He lifted his shirt, revealing his flat stomach that was once hidden beneath a couple layers of fat. Tony marveled at the changes. He felt relaxed, refreshed, and lighter than ever before. He couldn't believe that he had unconsciously wished for this, but the results were undeniable. His clothes felt loose, and he moved with a newfound ease that he hadn't experienced in years. The ring had granted his wish for inner peace and transformed his body in ways he never thought possible. Tony couldn't believe his luck - the ring had actually granted his wish! He couldn't wait to show off his new physique to his friends and maybe even get some attention from potential partners. Then he had a thought, what if he wished to be a little bit muscular? A little couldn’t hurt. His muscles began to ache and he could feel the strain in his joints. He wondered if he had pushed himself too hard, if he had overestimated his own limits with the wish. He decided to take it easy, and rest. After a long night at the bars, this was a lot to process. He collapsed onto his couch and fell asleep, feeling more tired than he had in days. When he woke up, he was surprised to find that his body was a little more muscular. He no longer ached, and he felt more energized than ever. He couldn't wait to see what else the ring was capable of. Tony's heart was pounding in his chest as he lay there, his body consumed by the pulsating energy emanating from the ring. He couldn't believe the change that had just taken place. His once thin and lackluster physique was now defined and toned, muscles bulging in all the right places. He flexed his arms and felt the satisfying burn of newly acquired strength. The power surging through him was intoxicating, and he couldn't resist the urge to explore his new body. With a grin, he traced his fingers over his chest, feeling the hard muscles beneath his skin. His nipples were already hard, and he couldn't help but give them a playful pinch. His hands continued to travel down his torso, tracing the faint outline of his abs, before finally coming to rest on the small lump in his boxers. As Tony's hand ran along the length of his shaft, he closed his eyes and focused on the pleasure coursing through his body. The sensation was incredible, and he couldn't believe how quickly his wish had been granted. His penis grew larger and thicker in his hand, reaching an impressive 7 inches. It felt amazing to finally have a sizable enough dick that he could hold it in his hands and feel its weight. He dragged his fist up and down his shaft, enjoying the growth and throbbing pleasure he got with each heartbeat. He felt his entire body start to tingle with arousal, and he couldn't help but let out little sighs of pleasure. His moans grew louder and more guttural as he felt his body tense with pleasure. Tony's eyes rolled back in his head, and he threw his head back, basking in the intense sensations flooding his body. He felt a surge of ecstasy as the pleasure peaked, sending shivers down his spine. He couldn't believe how incredible it felt to have a larger, more impressive penis. The newfound confidence he felt was overwhelming, and he couldn't wait to show off his new endowment. Tony's body trembled with excitement as he continued to stroke himself, the ring on his finger amplifying his pleasure with each passing second. The electric pulses of energy that coursed through his veins made his muscles twitch and quiver, filling him with a sense of power and invincibility. He couldn't believe how intense the sensations were, every touch of his skin sending waves of pure ecstasy rippling through him. As his cock throbbed in his hand, Tony knew that he was close to reaching the pinnacle of pleasure. The heat within him was building, his balls tightening in anticipation of release. With each stroke, he felt the pressure within him intensify, and he knew that he couldn't hold back any longer. Tony's body convulsed with pleasure as he let out a primal scream that echoed through the room. The hot, sticky cum exploded from his cock, splattering all over his chest and stomach, entangling in his chest hair. The sensation was like nothing he had ever experienced before, and as he lay there, panting and covered in sweat, he couldn't help but want more. He craved the feeling of his cream filling up a muscle twunk, and the thought made his cock stir once again. As he caught his breath, Tony realized that the ring on his finger had unlocked a whole new level of sexual power and desire within him. He was hooked, and he knew that he would stop at nothing to explore every inch of this newfound power. He closed his eyes and concentrated on his next wish, his mind racing with the possibilities of what he could become. He envisioned himself towering over buildings, crushing cars underfoot, and feeling invincible. But as Tony paused, he knew he couldn't make that wish just yet. He wanted to indulge in his newfound power and explore every aspect of it before he became a muscular titan. Then, another thought hit him. He could finally teach Steve a lesson, but he needed to hold off on the growth for a little longer. A devilish grin spread across Tony's face
  9. czechhunter69

    Hulk - Chapter 5: Escaping

    No introduction needed. 4) Exes Once more 3) Alex Loses Control 2) Alex's First time 1) Tom’s final time Source: WB Hunk’s version of Hulk. Alex was at a crossroads in his life, unsure of what direction to take. Overwhelmed by his unpredictable transformations, he felt like a ticking time bomb. The only solution was to distance himself from others and seek refuge in the mountains of West Virginia. Though he knew it was a risky move, he couldn't bear the thought of causing any more harm to those around him. With a heavy heart and a mind full of uncertainty, he purchased a bus ticket to nowhere. Armed with a tent, basic camping supplies, and a map, Alex embarked on his journey to escape and learn control over his transformations. He yearned for seclusion, for a place where he could be alone with his thoughts and his struggles. Yet, amidst his quest for peace, a part of him also longed for excitement, for the thrill of the unknown. Three hours into the silent bus ride, Alex encountered his first challenge. Each bump on the road sent a jolt of electricity through his body, igniting a surge of excitement in his loins. The loose fabric of his pants only added to the problem, as if the very vibrations of the bus were urging the hulk within him to break free. He knew what he needed to do, what he craved the most - to fuck something, anything. It had been nearly two days since he last saw Ryan, and the thought of his lover only fueled his desire. He gripped the armrests tightly, trying to steady himself as conflicting emotions battled within him. On one hand, he yearned to let go and embrace his transformation, to revel in the power it brought. On the other, he feared what that would mean for himself and for those around him. The memories of the destruction he had caused, the lives he had put in danger, weighed heavily on his conscience. As the bus hit another bump, Alex was jolted forward, his cock brushing against his pants. He smiled, feeling it creep down his left thigh. He rotated sideways, taking up the entire row, hoping to ease the tension by sprawling across 3 seats. But he knew it was futile, that nothing could stop the hulk from emerging. The being within him was too vast, too gargantuan to be contained. His mouth was dry, and his heart raced as he braced himself for what was to come. Despite his inner turmoil, the physical transformation that Alex was undergoing was undeniable. He had come a long way from his once lanky and skinny self, and now he was easily tipping the scales at 190 pounds rather than his usual 178. The sleek lines of his frame had given way to the rugged contours of raw powerfully violent masculinity, with not an ounce of fat to be found on his chiseled form. As he looked down, he could see nipples through his shirt, point down. He wasn’t big enough yet to show anything more… yet. Closing his eyes tightly, Alex tried to focus his thoughts and gain control over the transformation, but with each passing moment, it became harder and harder to resist the pull of the hulk. The primal urge to release the beast within was growing stronger with every passing moment, and he felt his body shaking with the force of it. He longed to unzip his pants and let his massive cock loose, to play with the rim of his mushroom head and slowly run his fingers up and down the length of his shaft. As the yearning to transform grew stronger, every inch of his clothing began to stretch, threatening to burst at the seams at any moment. His once loose-fitting shirt exposed a good portion of his broad chest and the seductive trail of chest hair that led down to his chiseled abs. His torso must have gotten longer. Alex's muscles swelled, expanding with power as sweat dripped down his face, and his heart pounded in his chest like a thundering drumbeat. He had to fight the hulk. He had to stay human long enough to get away from other. Alex was on the verge of losing himself, of giving in to the gargantuan beast within him, and he knew that once he crossed that threshold, there would be no going back. "Not now, please not now," he muttered to himself in a deep, husky voice that betrayed the strength building within him. He could feel the vibration of it in his chest, as if his vocal cords were drumming with the force of the transformation. Alex shifted uncomfortably in his seat, noticing how his shoulders bulged and his torso and butt seemed to fill the space, even sideways. His pants were already tightening around his growing thighs, and he could feel his cock straining against the fabric. He looked around the nearly empty bus, desperate for a distraction or permission, but the late hour and the silence only amplified the pressure building inside him, urging him to unleash the hulk. What harm would it be? He could get out of the bus, and run. Nothing could stop him. The bus continued to bounce and sway, every bump sending a shiver down Alex's spine. He looked around, desperate for a distraction, but the late hour and nearly empty bus offered him no respite. All he could focus on was the growing pressure building inside of him, urging him to unleash the hulk. He felt his muscles grow larger, his shirt straining at the seams, and he knew that he was at the largest of human proportions - all muscle. He wanted to let go so badly, it was all he could think about. Every inch of him screamed to punch something, to embrace the primal force within him. As he sat there, his mind racing with the thought of just stroking himself off to end it, he couldn't help but imagine the other 4 passenger waking up and seeing him as the muscle god he already was, and just how godly he could become. He could picture their awe and admiration, their desire to be near him, to touch him. No, that wasn’t quite right, they would fear him. But then he could…. At that idea - he looked around. A nice silver fox, sat just two seats away. The fun he could have with that man if he just kissed him. The man a few seats away snored lightly leaning against his wife, completely unaware of the incredible display of masculinity happening just feet from him. Alex felt a surge of desire, wanting nothing more than to reach out and touch the man, to show him the incredible power that he possessed. But he knew he couldn't, not now, not like this. He repositioned his dick into his waistline, growling in satisfaction, at his own touch. He underwear already soaking wet with precum. Instead, he looked down at his arms, using one hand to feel the muscles as they grew larger and stronger. He could see the veins bulging beneath his skin, and the patches of black hair that were now visible on his chest and arms. He felt like a god, unstoppable and invincible, and the primal urge to let go and become the hulk only grew stronger. As he shift he grunted trying to move in the seat realizing just how much larger he was. As Alex sat there, his mind racing with the thought of transformation, he realized that he couldn't see clearly over the seat just a couple of moments ago. But now, his vision was crystal clear, his eyesight sharpening as he grew larger and more powerful. The anticipation of what was to come sent shivers down his spine, and he couldn't help but imagine the other passengers waking up and seeing him as the muscle god he could become. In his mind's eye, he could picture their awe and admiration, their desire to be near him, to touch him as he touched himself, his own hands massaging his bulging muscles. His fingers grazed over the bulging muscles of his biceps, triceps, and forearms, feeling their rock-hard texture under his skin. He ran his hands down his chest, feeling every curve and ridge of his chiseled abs. His touch sent shivers down his spine as he felt his muscles growing, swelling with power, and his heart pounding in his chest. As his shoulders passed the top of the seat, his legs already pouring into the aisle, Alex knew that he had to be almost 6ft 7” and built stronger than the bus he was riding. His skin was turning a sickly green, veins bulging beneath the surface, a sure sign that the transformation was near. He relished in the feeling of power coursing through his veins, knowing that soon he would take on the green hue of the hulk. And he wanted it, needed it, more than anything. This time was going to be different, he thought, sinking lower in the seats just in case the driver looked up. He didn’t want to give it away too soon. But he also couldn’t help himself, slowly lifting the hem of his shirt, stretching the tight skin, as his abs seemed to pulsate bigger, and bigger. The feeling was orgasmic just to feel his fingers dip between each ab, every dark black hair as standing in contrast to his sickle skin. No, not sickle, he could see some darker green tint to it now. He had to calm down. He didn’t want to, but he had to if only to edge himself. Several bumps shook the bus as the driver hit the rumble strips on the side of the road. He laughed thinking his abs kinda felt like that if he moved his hands over them fast enough. The thought of sharing his transformation with others only intensified his urge. As he felt his mind slipping away, he knew the primal force was taking over. He closed his eyes and gave in to the sensation of his muscles swelling and his senses sharpening. The only way to satisfy the growing primal urge was to let go and become the hulk. He could feel his mind slipping away as the urge took over his body. He shoved a couple of fingers into his pants, but the waistline barely accommodated them now. His erection pressed against his pants, clearly visible. He began to stroke it, running a thick, meaty finger up and down the shaft, completely lost in the thrill of it all. The green skin and muscle began to force the seats around him to make room, creaking and straining as his shirt gave way. Finally, the button on his pants snapped and the zipper gave way, and he heaved a sigh of relief. The desire within him was intense, and as his body grew in size and strength, so did his hunger. Alex's primal instincts were in control now, and all he wanted was to satisfy them completely. His hairy chest was now exposed as his shirt gave way completely, and he could see his abs rippling with each movement. He felt a surge of power that was indescribable, and the urge to let go completely grew even stronger. Just then, an older man walked past Alex's bus seat on his way to the restroom. "Excuse me," the man said, but he was taken back by the unexpected size in Alex's appearance. As he tried to move forward, he found that the aisle was blocked. He tried to go back to his seat, and Alex stopped him again. Alex, now almost fully transformed into the Hulk, growled, "No, you're staying here," as he grabbed the man and pulled him into a passionate kiss. The man was shocked and surprised by the sudden display of affection, but he couldn't resist the Hulk's raw power. As the bus bounced and swayed, Alex's massive form seemed to fill every inch of the surrounding space. The seats around him groaned under his weight as his bulging muscles expanded, pushing him against both seats on either side. Alex's shoulders bulged and began ripping the fabric of his shirt, making it clear that he was far too big for any conventional form of transportation. His torso was so wide that it left no room for his arms, which were forced to rest awkwardly on top of his chest. His massive legs, each one the size of tree trunks, were pressed tightly together, making it entirely impossible for anyone to pass by him in the narrow aisle. The older man couldn't believe what was happening to him. His wife was asleep at the front of the bus, but he could care less about that. One moment he was just walking down the aisle of a bus, and the next he was being pressed against a wall of bulging green muscle. He cupped Alex’s pecs, massaging them up and down impressed he could even move them. He could feel the Hulk's hot breath on his neck as he ran his hands all over his massive frame, feeling the raw power pulsing beneath his skin. He loved the mans chest hair, feeling the sinew ridges from being so dry and cut. There wasn’t an ounce of fat on Alex. But the Hulk took him by his head, forcing his massive cock deep into the man's throat. The man savored the sensation of the Hulk's cockhead brushing against the back of his throat. He relaxed his throat muscles as much as he could, allowing the Hulk to push deeper and deeper. He felt the pressure building in his chest, and he began to worry that he might gag, but he forced himself to relax and let the Hulk take control. He could barely breathe with how large it was. The Hulk's movements became more forceful, his breathing becoming more ragged, and the man realized that he was close to cumming. The man gagged and struggled for breath, but the Hulk showed no mercy. He pounded into the man's mouth, savoring the sensation of his hot, wet tongue wrapped tightly around his cock. The man tasted every inch of the Hulk's pulsing shaft, feeling the rough texture of the skin against his tongue and the salty tang of his precum on his lips. He tasted the saltiness of the Hulk's precum, which had begun to flow freely from the tip of his cock, and he felt it dribble down his throat. It was a musky, earthy taste, and it made him want to explore more. As the Hulk pounded his mouth harder, the man could feel the pleasure building inside him. He felt his own cock begin to throb in his pants, and he knew that he was about to cum as well. Suddenly, the Hulk let out a loud roar, and the man felt a hot, sticky flood of cum shoot into his mouth. He swallowed it eagerly, savoring the taste of the Hulk's seed on his tongue. The Hulk's orgasm seemed to last forever, and the man swallowed every drop of his cum, feeling satisfied and fulfilled. The man sat back on his heels, breathing heavily, as the Hulk withdrew his cock from his mouth. The taste of the Hulk's cum lingered in his mouth, and he felt a sense of pride in having pleased the Hulk so thoroughly. He knew that he had been initiated into a world of raw, primal sex that he could never have imagined before. The Hulk looked down at him with a mixture of lust and satisfaction, and the man knew that there would be more cum from Alex here soon. As the bus buckled under his weight, Alex had no desire to turn back to his normal self just yet. He was reveling in the sensation of his muscles growing larger and more powerful. Suddenly, the vehicle bottomed out, sending the back end of the bus careening down the road. The other three passengers and the driver looked around in alarm, their eyes widening as they saw Alex's green, muscled form expanding and bulging. As the man in front of him fell over and down the aisle, Alex couldn't help but smile. Flexing his arm, he watched the muscle swell from the size of a football to a basketball in mere seconds. The feeling of power turned him on, making him eager for more. Amidst the chaos, Alex heard the man's grunts and moans of pain, as if he had broken something. But then something strange began to happen: the grunts grew deeper, and the man started stumbling to his feet. His muscles began to rip and tear, starting up the sides of his gut, expanding rapidly and then ripping down his neck, exposing a rapidly growing chest. Alex watched in fascination as the man's pain transformed into pleasure, and he ripped off his shirt, exposing dark green skin in a fit of rage. The old man's body continued to expand, muscles bulging and veins popping out from his skin. His biceps grew so large that they tore through the sleeves of his shirt, exposing his rippling shoulders and chest. The man let out a deep roar, his eyes glowing with excitement as he realized the true extent of his newfound strength. Alex could feel a thrill of excitement as he realized that his suspicions were confirmed - he could indeed pass on his ability to turn into the hulk. As the other passengers looked on in horror, Alex couldn't help but wonder how many others he could share his powers with. The possibilities were endless, and he couldn't wait to see where his newfound strength would take him.
  10. Guest

    The locker room loser

    Inspired by a story I've read recently, a short story found its way from my pen to this board. Enjoy! Keith strutted into the deserted gym next to Orchid University. He loved working out late at night, jumping to whatever exercise he felt doing and not having to wait at any of the machines. Not that other guys made him wait. His 6'3 and 242 pound frame not only earned him success on the football field, it also intimidated anyone that got in his way. Not to mention the attention of the girls… He continued past the deserted counter and entered the locker room. He put his bag on a bench and began getting out his shake and towel. "Hi, Keith". The faint voice made Keith turn around and he stared down at the skinny guy that had just entered. He recognized Tyrone, some skinny freshman who worked in the gym. He nodded and returned to his stuff. "What are you training tonight?", the little guy asked, "Or just a quick workout for football?". Great. A talker, just what I need. Why do guys that wanna talk don't go to bars?, Keith thought as he tried to ignore the guy. "Not in a mood to talk? Focused on training, he?", Tyrone went on. Keith turned to face the guy with an annoyed look on his face. He noticed how the shirt hung like a tent on the freshman's pathetic body and how his shorts covered his legs almost completely. He unzipped his hoody and took it off, revealing his heavily muscled torso highlighted by his skintight tank top. Tyrone gulped at the sight of the round shoulders that stuck out like bowling balls to support the thick arms. A smug grin formed on Keith's face at the small guy's reaction. "Training builds muscle. Ya should try it", he said and casually bounced his pecs. "Tough guy, he", Tyrone replied, "Want to test your strength?". He motioned to a weird machine placed at the end of the row of lockers. It was some old-looking grip strength tester. It had an electronic display in the center and below there were four metal handles. "Ya want to go up against me? In a test of strength?", Keith asked laughingly and throw a double bicep pose. His meaty arms swelled to their 20 inches of muscle covered with some fat. "Just for fun", Tyrone said without taking his eyes from the orbs atop the large guy's arms as he moved to the machine. Keith shook his head incredulously and stepped over to the machine, completely dwarfing the freshman. They both grabbed hold of two handles. "Who's the alpha and who's the beta?" The display read off as it sprang to life. "I'll go first", Tyrone said and squeezed the handles with all his might. His 120 body shook and his face turned red from the effort. "POWERHOUSE", the display said. Keith followed. He gripped the handles firmly and clenched his thick fist, his body barely feeling the effort. "POWERHOUSE", the display said, "TIE!" "Seems like were matched", Tyrone peeped, "Let's try again". He repeated his earlier movement, getting another 'POWERHOUSE' reading. Keith couldn't believe this pathetic guy was matching his power. His competitive nature took over and he pressed the handles again. "MUSCLE MAN", the display showed, "Advantage to player one! Next round!". "Not so tough after all, it seems", Tyrone said and continued the game to get another "POWERHOUSE" reading. "What the fuck?!", Keith boomed, "This game is rigged". He summoned his strength, his knuckles turning white as he grabbed the handles. "MANLY", the display showed. Black dots danced shortly before Keith's eyes and a shiver traveled down his spine as he read off the text. "How…", he began and the other words died in his throat as he looked down at his body. His torso no longer strained his tank top. The fabric now sat more loosely around his somehow diminished muscles. He didn't stand out like the heavily muscled guy he used to be, but looked more like someone who worked out regularly. He glanced aside and noticed the other change: the once skinny Tyrone was now filling out the shirt that hung on him like a tent minutes earlier. The guy could now easily pass for a model. "My turn again", Tyrone said in a deepened voice. "No. I give", Keith said and tried releasing the handles but his paws seemed somehow fused to them. "We have to continue the game until there's an alpha", Tyrone said and applied his strength to the handles. "POWERHOUSE!", the display said. Keith gulped as he saw a jolt shoot through the freshman's body. He reluctantly copied his opponent's grab, noticing how the handles seemed to resist. He stared in disbelief at the display as it read "Mr. PUNY". Tyrone looked aside and saw more mass disappear from the football player's body. Their bodies were pretty evenly matched now. "Oh yeah", he grunted as he felt the energy flowing through the handles into his growing body. He grabbed the handles again, now easily pressing into the metal. "POWERHOUSE!!" "Why are there exclamation marks on it?", Keith asked in his weakened voice while he saw another jolt of growth shoot through the now pumped up fitness model-sized freshman that began looking bigger than him. "There's more power in my body now", Tyrone replied in a baritone voice, "your turn". "Do I have to?", Keith muttered. "DO IT!", Tyrone boomed. Keith shook and instinctively obeyed the bigger man. His body shook with effort and his face turned beat red. "WEAKLING" Keith felt another wave of weakness dance through him. His once skintight tank top now hung loosely from his diminished frame. He felt his sweatpants slide down along his thinning legs. He looked down and saw that he had lost every ounce of muscle he'd ever gained. The movement next to him caught his eye. Tyrone saw the mass siphon away from the football player's body and pass through the machine into him. His formerly baggy shirt now clung to his beefed up torso: his swelling pecs pulled the fabric forward while his thickening back pushed the fabric backward and his broadening lats put more and more tension on the seams. The sleeves that used to cover most of his arms didn't even cover his upper arms anymore: his widening shoulders pulled the fabric up to showcase his meaty arms. His baggy shorts now came only halfway on his thick quads. Keith gulped as he had to look up to catch the freshman's eye. The guy now looked like an amateur heavyweight bodybuilder. "Please", he pleaded in an unfamiliar higher voice, "no more. I can't get smaller". Tyrone just smirked and effortlessly tightened his grip around the metal handles, making the machine shake from his force. "POWERHOUSE!!!!!" Keith blinked in disbelief at the display. He refused to look aside as the shadow of the freshman grew and he heard the tearing sound of the ripping fabric. He knew he had no other option than to continue the game. He grunted as he summoned every ounce of force in his weakened body. The handles seemed to resist his grip. "PATHETIC" The letters on the display appeared to turn blurry and a wave of fatigue flowed through Keith. He could feel more size escaped his body and his boxers that used to showcase his meaty ass and lengthy cock fell to the ground. "CALCULATING SCORE", the display showed, "Player two… = BETA BOY!" Keith fell the last ounce of masculinity vanish from him. He felt his balls shrivel to the size of small marbles and pull closer to his body. His cock, once his 10 inches of pride followed this lead: it shrunk to a pencil-thin 2 incher. A ringing sound made him look back at the machine. "Player one", the display said, "… = TOTAL ALPHA!!!!!" "YEAUGH", Tyrone groaned as a final, yet very powerful surge shot through his huge frame. His tight, already ripped shirt exploded into shreds as his huge muscles grew to another level of thickness. A loud snapping sound followed as his shorts and boxers gave in under the pressure of his thickening waist. His head shot up as more height was added to his frame. He grunted as he felt the energy shot into his groin. His balls swelled to the size of lemons and sank lower in between his meaty quads and his 7 incher amassed girth and length, snaking further down against his leg. Without looking at the drained football player, he swaggered over to the mirror on the other side of the locker room. He ripped away the last remains of his destroyed shirt and stared at his nude reflection. "FUARK", Tyrone bellowed, his eyes widening in disbelief at the image of perfection staring back at him. He scanned every inch of his now beastly physique before beginning to explore his new body. His paws groped the protruding rack that hung from his chest, clawing at the hard meat of the half watermelon-sized pecs and testing the weight of meaty slabs; they slid down onto a stony eight-pack made of cobblestones separated by deep grooves. He licked his lips while taking in the size of his perfectly round shoulders that outsized bowling balls and the insane size of the monster arms that hung from them: the muscle on his upper arms twitched underneath the paper-thin skin and seemed ready to explode from it; his lower arms were crisscrossed with cable-sized cords of muscle. His lower body was just as impressive: his quads rivaled young trees in size; they were jam-packed with hard beef that eclipsed his kneecaps; his calves were bigger than most guys quads. He was about to grope the lengthy snake as a faint movement caught his attention. Keith had ignored the giant freshman, knowing he was no match for the guy now. While Tyrone went to inspect his new physique in front of the mirror, the diminished athlete made his move. He slowly released the handles he was still groping, pulled up his now baggy boxers and equally large sweatpants and kept his hand on them to prevent them from falling off again. He cautiously stepped to the door, making sure not to attract the freshman's attention. He grabbed the door handle and tried pushing it down. The door didn't move. He tried again, applying more force this time. "I locked it earlier when I came in". The deep rumbling bass filled the locker room like thunder and vibrated down Keith's weak body. His hand was frozen to the door handle. He heard the heavy footsteps and the large shadow grew on the door as the giant freshman came to him. A paw grabbed his armpit and dragged him in front of the mirror. He glanced up at his reflection and gasped: the ridiculously large clothes hung from his emaciated body and made him look like a kid who had put on his bigger brother's clothes. He peeped as the paw ripped away the clothes and exposed him completely. Tears welled up in his eyes: he looked like a weak boy instead off the hulking athlete he had been minutes earlier. Every trace of muscle that had once highlighted his physique, was gone. The layer of fat that used to give him a bulky appearance now made him look pudgy ad childlike. The beefy football player that dominated the team had been replaced by a meager boyish figure. He couldn't even remember having ever been this small. His 5'1, 105 pound body made him weak and puny by any standard. "Turn around!" The booming command made Keith jump up and he quickly did as he was told. He looked straight at the top row of the most deeply grooved set of abs he'd ever seen. He tilted his head up to stare at the face and instinctively took a step backward as his mind processed the size of the beastly freshman in front of him. The now 6'6, 330 pound Tyrone dwarfed him unlike anything he'd ever done to other guys. His own 242 pound body had been bulky and massive, but the giant freshman didn't seem to have an ounce of fat on him: deep grooves, striations and veins edged along the hulking mass of his hard muscles that pushed against his skin. His square face, shadowed by a five o'clock beard sat atop an insanely thick neck that flowed into a broad line capped with boulder-like shoulders. Striations were visible through the thin skin stretched across the perfectly round delts. A thick vein snaked over the shoulders down on the ham-sized arms and branched off in dozens of smaller veins to feed the huge biceps at the front and the thick triceps that jutted out from the back. The beastly freshman outsized even elite superheavyweight bodybuilders. He looked like an anatomy chart that had come to live and was perfectly proportioned, except for his arms that seemed just a tad too big. Masculinity seemed to ooze from him and hang in the air like electricity around his hulking frame. Tyrone moved in front of the mirror and threw a most muscular. "FUARK", he roared as his muscles exploded in a symphony of harness, striations and veins across his body, "seems like there's a Tyrex in town". The faint 'wow' made him turn his attention back to the former athlete next to him. A smug grin formed on his face as he noted the awe in the frail guy's eyes. "Yo Keith", he said and brought his right arm up in front of his torso and flexed it, 'BADABOOM". Keith's eyes widened while the bicep in front of him exploded in size. The orb of hard meat sprang upward and outward into a pineapple-sized muscle choked in veins. The bicep swelled and hardened some more as the beastly freshman tightened his flex fully, stopping just below 30 inches of pure muscle. The sight of the massive arm hardening inches from his face made Keith's cock race to hardness and spew out a small, watery load that dribbled from the 2 incher. Tyrone noticed the fallen athlete's reaction and felt a jolt go through his own cock while he realized he totally dominated the small guy. He relaxed his right arm, placed his paw atop the guy's bony shoulder and pushed him down. Keith was forced to his knees by the paw that covered his shoulder, upper arm and half of his flat chest. He looked forward and stared straight at the fleshy snake that was lengthening along the thick quad and began rising upward. Within seconds the 14 inch cock was at full length, veins running along the thick shaft and the purple red head pointed directly at his face. He looked up but he couldn't see the freshman's face: the protruding rack of pecs hide it from his view. "Please…", he pleaded but a large paw grabbed the back of his head and the snake was rammed into his mouth. Tyrone grinned as he felt the small guy's hand tug at his right arm that held his head in place. His thick forearms easily withstood the tugging. He pushed more of his cock into the hot mouth. Keith gagged as 10 inches of the fleshy snake filled his mouth. He ceased his clawing and placed his frail hands atop the beastly quads for support as the beastly freshman began pumping in and out his mouth. His vision was filled with the cobblestone-sized abs that flexed on the rhythm of the thrusts. "YEAUGHN", Tyrone roared as ecstasy exploded through his 330 pound body. His lemon-sized balls drew tight and began releasing their thick load into the fallen athlete's mouth. Keith quickly gulped down the first huge load, a second one filling his mouth seconds later. He sucked down as much of the sticky spunk as fast as he could, but the hefty balls kept blasting out loads. Cum began flowing from the corners of his mouth and even from his nose. His vision began going dark by the lack of oxygen. After 10 loads, the snake withdrew from his mouth and blasted a final load onto his face, coating it with liquid heat. The paw released his head and he slumped down to the floor. Tyrone turned his gaze back to his reflection in the mirror. He flexed his left arm, smirking as the huge muscle exploded into a massive orb of vein-covered beef. He would have sworn he heard his skin stretch tight as the monster bicep swelled to its new size. He went over to Keith's gym bag and grabbed his hoody. He ripped off the sleeves and put it on. The zipper could only close over his eight-pack, his pecs protruded so far from his chest that it was impossible to get the zipper up any further. He grabbed a pair of baggy sweatpants from another locker and pulled them on: they fight like a second skin over his gargantuan legs. He threw a final look on the emaciated senior lying on the floor and left.
  11. londonboy

    A Muscle Daddy Built To Order

    Even a sexy bodybuilder can get lonely. Most people think we have it made, our big bodies allowing us to have any guy we’d like – at the gym or in the bar. Yeah, that’s usually true, but sometimes we want more. I get tired of going home with guys that just want me to flex and show off – you know, toss them around the room, lift them over my head with one hand, do push ups with them on my back, and all those things. Lately, I’ve been struggling to find someone that could fulfill me in a different way. It’s not that I don’t love being admired and worshipped, but I just desire something more. So the other night I sat down and made a list of all the things I’d really like to have in a partner. Here’s what I came up with: Handlebar mustache (mainly because I can’t grow one) Mature man (I want him experienced and knowledgeable) As big as me or bigger (I want to be cared for sometimes) Cocky (At times, I want to be controlled) Cute or handsome (To match my hotness) Cultured (I want to learn from him) Loving (I want him to be romantic) I looked at the list a few times and decided I wasn’t asking for too much. I also realized it would definitely be very hard to find someone that matched all of my criteria. I was about to give up when I remembered my crazy Aunt Hildie – the one everyone said was different from the rest of the family and the one I had only met two times in my entire life. For some reason, something she had said to me ten years ago when I was a senior in high school suddenly came flying back into my head. She had told me to make sure I looked her up when I was ready to finally settle down and choose a partner for life. The word ‘partner’ had always stayed with me. I had written it off, though, as just some crazy woman talking, but now I found the invitation curious and finally decided to take her up on it. Aunt Hildie lived on an island off of the southern tip of Florida – a place no one ever visited, but she seemed to like it. I wrote her a long letter and explained that I was gay and now that I was twenty-eight years old I had decided to settle down. I sent her the list of criteria that I required in my future husband. I also forgot about the letter as soon as it was mailed. I continued to screw any cute thing that drooled over my muscles and didn’t think about my list again until a box arrived from Florida. It was from my Aunt Hildie and there were seven vials in the box along with a note. The handwritten message was short and to the point saying, “Jason, these will help your dreams come true. Wait a couple of days between each vial. I’m happy for you. Aunt Hildie.” And that was it. The tubes were labeled with a word from each of my seven criteria. I looked at the note again and just smiled at the craziness – not believing that my aunt could actually help me create the perfect mate. Even though all logic said I was a fool, I grabbed the first vial and headed to the gym. What the hell did I have to lose? I entered the hardcore section of my no-frills club and immediately felt the appreciative stares from half the members. I knew I had the kind of face and body that turned heads and it felt good to know that even after seven years of coming to the place – not to mention having my way with many of the members – I still inspired dicks to spring to life and furtive glances to shoot my way. I gazed around the place with no embarrassment being so blatant in my perusal of every man. I was sure almost every gay man there – and a few of the straight guys – were hoping I’d let my eyes linger approvingly on them for more than a quick glance. There weren’t many guys in the place that would have turned me down for a quickie in the steam room or, heaven allowing, some quality time back at my place. It was well known that I got off on being worshipped and had the kind of body that deserved the special attention. Everyone knew I also had the kind of horse dick that most men loved to feel rammed far up into their ass – each man expecting that the simple act of walking would be a burden for a few days after. The simple fact was that I had never had a complaint about my abilities in bed and beyond. Today, however, I was not looking for a well-built muscle worshipping pig or a virgin ass to plow – I was looking for the right man to become my potential pet project. I still thought it was completely crazy to think the vials Aunt Hilde had sent were going to do anything, but a part of me was so gleefully turned on by the idea that I could create the perfect muscle stud partner that I took my time reviewing the clientele of the gym to make sure I landed on the right person for the task. I ruled out all the guys I had fucked before, which knocked off half the people in the place. I then ruled out the straight guys that would be no fun – I wasn’t into converting men – I wanted someone that knew he was gay and liked all the pleasure that came with that knowledge. I then ruled out the guys that were already huge, knowing that half the fun would come from bestowing on some guy the body of his dreams. It was also easy to disregard the young boys – I was looking for a guy with some gray on him. Damn, the thought of some salt and pepper haired daddy growing for me made my cock twitch wildly. After my prioritizing and weeding out of those that didn’t make the mark I finally narrowed it down to two men. Both of them were in their mid-fifties and each had been stealing glances of me in the mirror ever since I had entered the gym. One of them looked like he was experienced with weights – performing his moves with accuracy that made it clear he knew what he was doing – and the other looked as if he had just recently started coming to the gym. He was pretty timid and looked way out of place in the area with the heavy weights. I chose the latter guy – any man that was so desperate to appreciate huge muscles that he’d embarrass himself in the big-man’s area was the right one for me. I caught his eye and then walked across the floor towards him – noting how he was so shocked he couldn’t move or look away. “I’m Jason, cute fella, what’s your name.” My forwardness and the big hand I held out in front of him made the guy suddenly forget how to speak and he just sat there staring. I let my perfect smile beam down at him as he sat on the bench below my massive chest – I even breathed in a little harder just to make my chest expand more dramatically. It was cool to watch the little guy finally give into his urges as he chose to stare at my heaving pecs instead of my face. It was also cool to cause his mouth to drop in awe just from a quick bounce of my two massive mounds – the guy’s eyes bobbing up and down to follow my heaving meat. All of this made it quite clear I had chosen the right candidate for my experiment. He limply shook my hand and we both noticed how my paw swallowed his. “So, pops, you gonna just stare at my chest all day or are you going to tell me your name.” “I’m Roman.” “Speak up there, man. What’s the matter, something cause your mouth to go all dry?” Roman just nodded his head up and down. This made me smile even more. The guy wasn’t even trying to hide the fact that he was in awe of my chest – hell; he was probably in awe of all of me. I moved my big frame down on the bench beside him, making sure my body pressed up against his when we were next to each other. I sat a few inches higher than him, so he had to continue to look up to see my face. It was good, though, that he was able to finally look me in the eye again – I’m not sure he could have handled much more of my massive chest. “You look a little lost in the midst of all these weights, Roman. I’m guessing you’re pretty new to all this gym stuff, aren’t you?” “Yes. I just retired and finally decided to join. This is only my second visit.” The idea of this guy being retired in his early fifties made me happy – I could tell by his haircut and clothes that Roman had lots of money. It wasn’t something I desperately needed in a potential partner, but it helped. The thought of someday doing a lot of traveling with my beefed up muscle daddy thrilled me in a special way. My enthusiasm for all that was possible if Aunt Hildie wasn’t crazy made me move straight to the point with Roman. “Well today is your lucky day, Roman. How about I help you with your initiation into weightlifting. I promise to go easy on you and the hazing phase won’t hurt too much. I’m just kidding – there’s no need to make that panicked face! Let me help you with all this stuff, okay. I think you’ve noticed that I’ve had a little success from working out.” “Uh huh.” The guy was so cute! He just couldn’t get over the fact that I was chatting with him. He also couldn’t keep his eyes locked with mine for even ten seconds. He looked at every part of my body – spending a lot of time at my crotch, obviously intrigued by the bulge that pushed my shorts out in a pornographic way. I decided it was time to move in for the final trophy. “So before we begin, Roman, why don’t you drain this bottle of water I brought.” “I . . . uh . . . have my own.” “Yeah, but mine is fortified with some nutrients to help you recover from the workout. I don’t want you to be in a lot of pain tomorrow, sir.” Roman looked at me with a slightly confused face. I held up my bottle and shook it a little – to help the stuff from Aunt Hildie mix in some more. My biceps was much more interesting to Roman and he actually started to visibly shake as he stared at my bulging arm. I flexed a little to keep his mind off the bottle he was presently taking from my hand. I watched with sheer joy as he twisted off the cap and then downed the enhanced liquid quickly – making it obvious that my arm had made his mouth dry up even more. He made a disgusted face after swallowing the entire contents of the bottle – the stuff in the vial was clearly not tasty. He shook his head back and forth a few times and then quickly looked at me – his face turning red. “Um, I’m sorry Jason, but I . . . uh . . . suddenly feel . . . I mean . . . I can’t control . . . I’ve got to go.” Roman’s hands went quickly to his crotch. I suddenly realized that a side effect of the stuff in Aunt Hildie’s vial was an instant hard-on – one that obviously made you need instant relief. Roman was breathing hard and beads of sweat had already formed across his forehead. I placed by big hand on his shoulder, hoping to prevent him from leaving. I wanted to study the effects of the liquid up close. “You can’t go Roman, we haven’t even started.” “Uh . . . I’m about to . . . um, I mean . . . I’ve got to go to the bathroom. Right now.” “Well, can we meet tomorrow at the same time?” “Yeah, yeah . . . I’ll see you then Jason.” Roman then slid his body off the bench and out from under my large hand. He quickly stood up and started running toward the locker room. I watched as he tried to move briskly, but clearly with a raging hard-on that was making it almost impossible. There was something in this immediate reaction to the liquid that thrilled me beyond belief. I suddenly began to think there was something real about Aunt Hildie’s concoction. I forced myself not to follow Roman – knowing that it might make him feel uncomfortable. I saw him leave about fifteen minutes later – clearly still rock hard and desperately trying to cover the humongous wet stain at the crotch of his sweats. He glanced in my direction and waved timidly as he exited. My own cock suddenly sprung to a happy place at the thought of what had happened and what was to come. The next day Roman did not show up at the gym. I waited for three hours, but he never arrived. I was sorely disappointed and at one point I became fearful that I had caused his death. I thought about asking the gym for his home number, but I knew their policy strictly forbade it. I knew I could probably get the information out of Rex, the guy that worked the front desk at night, if I promised to fuck him senseless – something he loved – but I decided to wait. I had already begun to trust Aunt Hildie in a way that was unexplainable. I returned to the gym at the exact time for four more days and waited three hours each time, but Roman never showed. On the fifth day, however, I was taking a break from benching some heavy weights and looked up to see him walk in. What I saw caused my entire body to start quivering and my cock turned into hard stone immediately. The scrawny older man’s body looked exactly the same, but covering the lower part of his face was the thickest and manliest handlebar mustache I had ever seen in my entire life. It was dark black-brown with gorgeous flakes of gray streaking downward. It was the face of a manly biker, a studly fireman, or a muscle daddy of almost any gay man’s dreams. My entire body was on fire with excitement. It was clear the first vial had worked. I jumped up off the bench and practically ran over to Roman. “Hey man, it’s great to see you. I thought we were going to meet four days ago. Shit, dude, what a great mustache! It looks awesome.” “Um, hi Jason. Yeah, sorry about missing you for a few days, but its been because of this mustache. It’s the wildest thing. I shave twice a day, but every morning I wake up with this same look. At first it freaked me out, but now I’ve grown to like it. It means a lot that you think it’s cool. I didn’t know what you’d think. I’m ready to take you up on your offer to help me work out.” I couldn’t stop looking at his face. I had dreamed of a man with that exact face for years. I said a silent prayer of gratitude to Aunt Hildie and then began to smile. I was in heaven – especially since I knew the second vial was in my bag over by the bench we were now walking towards. I suddenly couldn’t remember what my second criteria had been, but I didn’t care. Part Two What is it that makes a man a man? I’ve decided there is no magic answer to that question. It’s like that old saying, ‘Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.’ Well, I also say manliness is in the eye of the beholder. Many people would never say facial hair makes the man, but I was the one beholding Roman’s beautiful full Fu Manchu mustache and, in my opinion, it made him so-fucking manly. I could not believe how stoked I was just from some intense fur around a guy’s mouth, but the sexy addition to the man’s face made my stomach do somersaults and my cock head press up beyond the waistband of my jock. I was very glad that my cotton gym shorts still hid what I knew was a throbbing purple tip to my broad hard dick. The juices running through my body caused me to speak more freely than I had planned. “Damn, that ‘stache is hot, man.” My unexpected comment made Roman turn a little red but he also broke into a big smile. Seeing the thick hair surrounding such gorgeous white teeth made my knees buckle slightly – a feeling that was foreign to me. I couldn’t believe my tree-trunk like legs would wobble just because of some guy’s mustache – but then I remembered that Roman was on his way to becoming my ideal man and realized my reaction was justified. The smaller man just looked up at me with a face full of newly found pride – the guy was obviously happy with my response. I noticed a stirring in his gym shorts, as well. My impatience got the most of me and I quickly moved into action. “Well, sir, I’m doing arms today – so let’s hydrate ourselves and then get going.” “I brought my own vitamin water today – just to impress you, Jason.” “Um, that’s good. Let’s see what you’ve got. Yeah . . . that stuff is all right, but why don’t you let me add some special ingredients to it – a family secret that will help you grow. It’s helped me a lot.” “I’ll say.” It was my turn for my face to shoot a little red. I had no idea why Roman’s praise for my body embarrassed me, since I was certainly used to men complimenting my size and handsomeness, but I quickly figured out it had something to do with the person he was going to become. I was already anticipating the attitude, the body, and the experience that would someday match the testosterone-laden mustache that hung like a horseshoe on his face. “Are you sure you don’t want it for yourself, Jason?” “No, no, I brought it just for you, Roman. Wait, are you saying I need to get bigger?” “Well, there’s no such thing as too big, is there, Jason?” This time the smaller man’s face turned beet red. It was adorable – the guy was feeling comfortable enough to say what was on his mind, but then immediately regretted it afterwards. I was busy pouring the vial into his open container of vitamin water and too excited to respond immediately. I was extremely thankful that I had lucked into explaining the old family recipe for growing muscles – so I could now freely bring each vial to the gym. I smiled at the still red-faced Roman as I handed him the enhanced water. I was distracted for a second because I could not remember what the second vial was supposed to do to the man and I couldn’t make things too obvious by reading what was written on the side of the tube. I simply put the container back in my gym bag and decided to let it do its work naturally. I figured I would know what the vial’s power was pretty quickly anyway. My hard cock danced a little as I watched Roman down the entire bottle of water in a few gulps. “If this family secret made you look like that, Jason, then I’m not wasting my time sipping the stuff.” “Well . . . uh . . . no, you shouldn’t. Good for you, Roman. So . . . um . . . how are you feeling?” “Good, Jason, good. To tell you the truth, I’m feeling a little . . . um . . . I don’t know . . . uh, a little energized – already. Is that possible?” “Well, with that stuff you can never know. Listen, man, if you start to get . . . you know . . . a little, um, turned on . . . like you did the other day, don’t freak out. It’s just the stuff kicking in. There’s no need to leave this place. You can just go into the locker room and take care of things – okay?” “Okay . . . and as a matter of fact I think I might need to head back there right now. Geez, is this what that secret stuff does to everyone? I’ll be right back.” “Sure man, take as long as you need to calm down.” I spoke to Roman as he quickly walked away, but he didn’t hear me. He was focused on one thing and one thing only – making it to a bathroom stall before he shot a major wad. I could not believe how quickly his body responded to Aunt Hildie’s concoction. I took advantage of being alone and grabbed the vial from my bag – noting that it had ‘mature’ written along its side. My heart started racing and my dick twitched with jubilation as I contemplated what was going to happen to my friend in the next few hours. I couldn’t fathom how my aunt’s brew would enhance the already mature daddy-ness of Roman. My anticipation only increased, however, as I tried to focus on doing some curls to pass the time. Because of my distracted thoughts I became sloppy in my form and started swinging my arms a little too wildly. On my third set I heard a familiar voice – but quickly noted it was somehow different. “You might want to hold your arms more stable, Jason, to get the best results from those lifts.” I turned to look at Roman and I was startled by what I saw. His previous gray-flecked hair was now officially daddified – mostly silver with streaks of black here and there. It was the kind of head that immediately spoke of wisdom and experience. His gorgeous mustache was the same. I looked at my new friend’s face and was amazed by the changes I noticed. His skin seemed more masculine somehow – it was tighter and a little weather worn. It wasn’t ugly in any way – as a matter of fact it was a huge turn on. The wrinkles at the corner of his eyes were more prominent and the manly mustache seemed to stand out even more against newly tanned skin. It was the same face of the Roman of a few minutes ago, but it had somehow gained a maturity and ruggedness that didn’t exist before. My heart was beating hard and I found myself staring at the man – while still unconsciously lifting the weights up and down. “You’re not getting the maximum benefit from those lifts, Jason. You need to pay more attention to form.” “Um . . . what? I’m sorry . . . I didn’t hear . . . oh, the lifts . . . yeah, yeah, I know. I just wasn’t paying attention. Here, is this better?” “Yeah, much better. Now squeeze the flex at the top and hold it a little longer. It might be good to twist your wrist a little more, as well. Yeah, that’s it. Look at how those biceps pop when you do the lift correctly.” I was amazed at how Roman didn’t even notice he was easily giving me advice on lifting – something he hadn’t known much about a mere thirty minutes ago. Not only had the vial marked ‘mature’ made him look like an experienced daddy, it had also given him the knowledge and history of one, as well. My dick started throbbing even more from the excitement of how the vials were immediately affecting Roman. It was clear that his brain had merely adapted to his new knowledge as if he had lived this way all of his life. The mature man reached up and pinched his own nipple as he watched me lift. It was a simple move, but it was an action that spoke volumes. My muscled body turned Roman on very much and he didn’t think twice about enhancing how gazing at me affected him. He latched on to his man-nip poking against his shirt and gave himself more pleasure. He just assumed every man in the world would intensify his body’s gratification. I continued to lift, but became distracted by his actions. I began to swing the weights a little wildly again and my friend stepped up behind me. “Son, you’re not listening to me. Let me guide those big guns of yours.” As soon as I felt his smaller body press into my back and then his hand reach out and grab my forearm, I was a goner. My body shook like a child shivering in the snow and my cock started to ooze some pre-cum warnings. I could not believe that one word would make my brain turn to goo so quickly, but as soon as he called me ‘son’ I was teetering on the brink of offering the sweetest and biggest load of my semen to this man. Roman had not spoken in a condescending way – it wasn’t meant to put me in my place. It was merely a term of endearment – a way for an older experienced man to put a younger guy at ease. He had no idea how his comment affected me. He didn’t know that he could have asked me to turn around and suck him off right then and there and I would have gladly done it. I was lost in his innate manliness. I inhaled deeply as soon as he touched me and I could have sworn even his aroma had changed to equal his new found maturity – now a mixture of sweat, intoxicating older man cologne, and something that could only be described as confidence. His hand guided my arm perfectly and I felt my body respond to him like a baby being held lovingly by his father. Roman had his face near mine and the bristles of his mustache scraped against my shoulder as he watched my movements. This caused my dickhead to spit out a few more gobs of pre-cum in adulation of the man. I leaned back a little so I could feel the warm body of Roman pressing into mine. I could sense that the man understood what I was doing – and his release of a slight chuckle confirmed my hunch. “It looks like I’m not the only one that needs to step into the locker room, huh, Jason? No need to be shy about it, son. It’s just what happens sometimes when you’re pumping blood into those big muscles of yours – other things pump up joyfully, as well. The third stall on the right already has some fresh stains all over the wall, so feel free to use that one. I couldn’t control myself earlier and ended up releasing some Pollock-like artwork across the cement. You could just add a load of your spunk to what I started. I bet we could make beautiful artwork together, son.” The freedom to pinch his own nipple was nothing compared to the new way that Roman thought and talked. His comfortableness with his own body and his own masculinity was so obvious that I became speechless. Aunt Hildie’s concoction had truly given him a maturity that was unfathomable. The man now radiated calmness, understanding, and self-awareness that was so obvious it made him seem light-years ahead of any guy I had ever met. I moved my arm in the way he guided me and I could actually feel a new kind of burning in my biceps. I was a muscle monster compared to Roman, but the new knowledge in the little guy was actually helping me to lift smarter. I knew it would be safer if I excused myself to the back and took care of my raging hard-on, but I didn’t want to leave the invigorating closeness I presently felt with the man. Compared to me Roman was a runt, but he now exuded a maturity that turned him into some kind of master and I felt small and weak next to him. I craved his approval and concentrated on my curls more than I ever had in my entire lifting career. The big man began to purr compliments in my ear. “Yeah, that’s it big boy – feel how that lift is making that biceps pulse out even further. You’re making old Roman, here, very proud. I bet if you pumped smarter for a few weeks we could get that gun an inch thicker without any problem. I can tell you like the sound of that – getting that huge body of yours even bigger. Stick with me, kid, and we’ll make you like a god on Olympus.” The insane new pump I was attaining with Roman’s guidance along with the stimulation caused by his ‘stache brushing against my body and his manly aura flowing over me sent me beyond a point of no return. I simply lost control of myself and exploded in my cotton shorts. My cock started thrusting thick cum as my body shook violently. I, however, did not stop curling the weights. My need to make Roman proud caused me to actually allow the lifting to make my orgasm more intense. I squeezed the lift at the top with so much force that part of the ejaculation was a long constant stream instead of a short projection. It actually felt more like I was peeing instead of cumming, but I knew better – it was just my response to Roman. I didn’t even need to look down to see that my shorts had become soaked in hot lava-like thick paste. I also didn’t care. I had a feeling the man pressing his body into mine from behind liked how I offered my juice in appreciation of his guidance. The smaller Roman accepted my uncontrollable actions as a given – and spoke lovingly so I wouldn’t be embarrassed. “Yeah, that’s a good boy, Jason. Look at all that spunk you pumped out just because you’re excited about growing. Big muscle boys like you just have too much juice bubbling up inside their bodies to prevent these kind of accidents. There’s nothing to be ashamed about, son. You needed to let off some steam because you love your big body so much. Feeling those biceps bulging out harder than before was just too thrilling. The big man’s cock has a mind of its own, doesn’t it? Your shocked those big balls of yours are still churning out some more jism, aren’t you. Hell, son, you’re going to start busting thick wads like this all the time, now that you’ve got an elder coach to take you to the next level. I know tricks that will make your muscles grow and your cock spew in new and exciting ways. It’s such a good thing that you’re still open to learning new things, Jason. Mr. Roman was very proud of you for continuing your curls even as your cock spewed with such force. That’s going to help you to grow big – using the tension of an orgasm to pump your muscles even harder. Yeah, you’re a very good boy.” “Thank you, sir.” I responded in a whisper and with a feeling of obedience equal to a schoolboy in first grade. I felt no shame from my accident or from the fact that my cum was now causing the bench to become sticky and wet. It had been a natural response, just as Roman had said, and I felt safe to accept it as part of my muscle journey. The reassurance from the mature man behind me helped me to go easy on myself, as well. I knew if Roman was okay with something - I was okay with it, too. I started to view his maturity as having been there forever. The shy newbie of an hour ago was almost completely gone from my memory. I had already started to think about the next vial and this was causing my deflated cock to become hard again. Roman took the weights from my hands and I noticed he had to use both of his to carry what I had easily lifted with just one of my big paws. “I think you might want to get cleaned up, Jason. You’ve worked hard today and I think we got a good pump in those biceps. Why don’t you head home because I think you’re going to be ready to shoot off like a rocket again very soon. The hot blood racing through your growing body is going to need a way to release some pressure again in about ten minutes. It’s just what happens to big guys like you. I don’t want you to be dripping your juice all through the gym when that happens, son. That’s not considerate of the other patrons. I’m going to finish my own work out and then I’ll see you here at the same time tomorrow. Does that sound good?” “Yes sir.” Roman seemed pleased by my response and he reached up to tousle my hair. This action caused my cock to shoot fully hard and I swear I came close to shooting off again. The fact that the shy insecure Roman no longer existed was still unbelievable. The mature man that stood in front of me was so comfortable with himself that he made me feel secure and somehow more powerful than ever before. I felt an unexplainable respect for Roman that existed in every fiber of my being. The smaller man didn’t demand this from me – he simply deserved it. I needed to make him notice me, to be proud of me, and to love me. Even though I hadn’t taken any of Aunt Hildie’s magic liquid I knew this was definitely connected to what was in the vials. As Roman changed, so did I. I had absolutely no idea how the remaining vials would impact our relationship, but I suddenly became very impatient. I wanted the muscle daddy of my dreams to be complete. I thought about dumping all the vials into Roman’s water at one time. The mature man clearly didn’t know what I was thinking, but he sensed it was something wrong. “Go home, boy. You’re going to need some rest before we start ‘operation grow Jason.’ You’re also going to need to bust a wad soon over the pump you attained in those huge arms. I guarantee it. You don’t realize it now, but you powered those things harder than you have in a long time. As soon as you flex those guns in the mirror your cock is going to be like a fire hose let loose with no husky firemen to hold it down. You’ll probably want to be home for that explosion.” I simply nodded – fully aware of everything the knowledgeable older man was saying to me. I did not want to be separated from him for twenty-four hours, but I figured my body needed that time to rejuvenate and prepare for what was to come. I began to look forward to the third vial’s transformation more than life itself. Vial Three I thought about Roman for twenty-four hours straight. No matter what I did to try and get the guy out of my head it didn’t work. I watched television and thought about him, I took cold showers and remained hard from thinking about him, and I even dreamed about the guy as I slept that night. I jerked off a record four times during the evening – torn between the memory of the mustached mature man giving me advice and the fact that my body actually ached from growth caused by his papa-like encouraging words. I had never known I could desire a guy so much. My cock yearned for the finished product, which I was building in the older man. I seriously contemplated mixing the remaining vials together and giving them to Roman all at one time. I remembered, however, the warning of Aunt Hildie and the stern unspoken discouragement by Roman. It was like he knew what I was thinking, which was crazy since he didn’t even know about the concoction I was giving him in the mineral water. The man just seemed so much more knowledgeable than anyone I had ever met – that is, ever since he drank the second vial. That next morning, I jerked off a full load and then I made a list of the remaining vials, to put it in my gym bag so I could easily remember what each dose did. The remaining dosages include: As big as me or bigger Cocky Cute or handsome Cultured Loving I was so fucking excited about the next vial that I arrived at the gym early. I sat in my car and jerked off again, since I was so juiced up thinking about Roman getting big. I used an old towel to clean myself off and then finally entered the gym a few minutes before the appointed time. To my surprise, Roman was already there and working out in the big boys weight area. This had been the part of the gym the guy had been sheepish around and all but avoided the day I met him, but here he was lifting some light weights proudly surrounded by huge men hoisting a crap load more than he could ever dream of pushing into the air. The mature daddy didn’t care. He was in his own little zone and moving the weights around like a pro. His form was impeccable and the guy lifted like he had been doing it all of his life. His mustache seemed even sexier than the day before and I could have sworn that it was thicker and even more silvery peppered. The handsome face of the man from yesterday was still there and he even seemed to have gotten better looking – or was it just my imagination. I caught his eye in the mirror as I walked up. “Hey, son. I needed to begin before you got here because the weights were just screaming out to me. It’s like all I can think about now is pushing around some metal myself and getting you bigger than you are now. I’m not sure which one thrills me the most. When you lift correctly, boy, the burn and the after-effects are so rewarding that it makes you want to do it forever. I went home yesterday and could only think about getting back here to toss some dumbbells around and to watch you get bigger. I think I’m a little obsessed, Jason.” “I think I know exactly how you feel, sir. I kind of thought about only one thing last night, too. Might I offer you some of my family enhanced water?” “Hell yeah, son, I’ve been looking forward to the explosion that stuff causes all morning.” I watched him down the entire bottle of water in two gulps and all I could think about was the fact the concoction was going to make him my size or bigger. My cock started getting hard, just contemplating looking at a super-sized Roman. He was going to have the mustache, the muscles, and the maturity of a true muscle daddy. It was a trinity of m’s that I liked most in life. I could tell the older man was sitting there waiting for his usual immediate response to the water – like had happened the other two times he drank the stuff. But to his surprise, and mine, nothing happened. We stared at each other for a few seconds and I forced myself to not look at his crotch to see if he was getting super hard. “You need to go to the locker room, Roman? “No.” “You feel okay?” “I feel fine. Wow, maybe my body is getting used to your enhanced water. Usually by this time I am decorating the inside of a stall with enough of my hot cum to cover all four walls. I’m not complaining, mind you, it’s just a little surprising. How do I look, Jason?” “As fucking great as you did yesterday, sir.” “That’s kind of you to say, son. Very kind. So, shall we start our work on chest today? We need to get those humongous puppies of yours even larger, Jason.” “Yes sir.” “I want to show you a couple of things that will really heighten the pump to your pectoral muscles – emphasizing the lift of all that muscle. I think you’ll be impressed and pretty sore for a few days.” As promised, Roman did put me through some intense lifting. I could feel the burn in my chest immediately and I knew I was pushing the weight smarter than I had in a long time. I had never even thought for a second that I had gotten sloppy in my routine, but the improvements the older man was making to my workout was making it very clear that I still had a lot to learn. It was bizarre to watch Roman guide me in movements that would have been totally foreign to him just two days earlier. I had to keep reminding myself that he had not been this confident knowledgeable silver-haired dreamboat for a long time. It also became very clear that his new awareness of things reached way beyond just lifting. “So, those big nipples are probably feeling more sensitive than you’ve ever thought they could, huh Jason?” “Um . . . yes sir. How did you know?” “It’s because that’s the exact area we focused on with these last two moves. Mine are so tender that every time my t-shirt rubs against them a shot of excitement zooms through my body.” “It’s the same for me, sir. It’s also causing a big problem below my belt, too.” “You think anyone here hasn’t noticed, son? You’ve been sporting that loaded cannon for about an hour. That’s how I knew the workout was treating you right. I promise you the thrill of a lifetime if you go home and tease those hard nubs for a few minutes. You won’t be able to hold back for very long, boy. I guarantee it. I plan on pinching mine so hard that I’ll blast a big wad to the ceiling of my bedroom. It’s even more spectacular if you rub an ice cube over them before you latch onto them, son. Just thought I’d give you a little extra punch to your orgasm.” “Um . . . thank you, sir. I’ll try that.” “Okay, big guy, that’s it for today. I’m starting to feel a slight tingling in my balls and I think it’s a little preview of something big that’s headed my way. Mid-way through our lifting the weights suddenly got very light for me. I think my body is about to change and I want to be home so I can watch it closely. You get home, too, son and take care of that big thing between your legs. I have a funny feeling there’s going to be some differences come this time tomorrow – and I think we’re both going to like them a lot. Have fun with that chest, Jason.” “I will sir. Are you sure you don’t need me to come with you and help in any way?” “Naw, boy, I think this is something old Roman wants to experience alone. I’ll have time enough to show off tomorrow when we meet for our lifting. Thanks for the offer, though. I’ll see you here.” “Have a great night, sir.” “I plan on it, boy, I plan on it.” As Roman walked away I couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed. I still wasn’t sure if Roman’s tingling feelings were a pre-cursor to a change to his body or not, but I hoped to hell they were. It would have been awesome if the change had taken place at the gym, but I also knew, for decency’s sake, it would be better if he were at home. **** I, again, thought about the man all night long – especially each time I felt the pain in my chest. The older man had worked me hard. I took his advice and iced my nipples before I squeezed the hell out of them and shot a huge wad of cum into the air. I got to the gym the next day right on time – eager to see if Roman had changed. I walked into the place and was immediately met with some surprises. No one was at the front counter, there weren’t people all over the space at different stations like usual, and there were cheers coming from a group of people gathered in the free weight section of the big man’s area. I could see that people were gathered around a bench and there was some activity that had everyone’s attention. I pushed my way through the crowd and stopped in my tracks when I got to the front. Everyone was watching one of the huge guys from the gym – a big boy bodybuilder name Jaime – being easily bench-pressed into the air by an even larger dude. The larger man’s form was incredible. The crowd was counting the lifts, now at sixty-two, and showing their appreciation as the over three hundred and fifty pound guy soared up and down so smoothly. That’s when I noticed who was doing the lifting. “Oh my god!” I spoke out loud and Roman turned his now strongly muscled, mustached face towards me, as he lay on the bench. The smile that crept across his face made my knees wobble uncontrollably. The heavy salt and peppered fur surrounding his mouth seemed to glisten in an otherworldly way – his eyes sparkled like he was some beautiful husky Santa Claus. And then there was his furry, grandpa-aged, huge body that glistened with a manly sheen of perspiration. The guy was wearing only a pair of skin-tight cotton briefs – breaking the dress code of the gym - but no one seemed to care. He wasn’t even wearing shoes or socks, his feet obviously three times the size from yesterday. “Hey Jason, how’s it going, man. Jaime agreed to help me warm up today and everyone decided they wanted to watch. I had the best night and morning of my entire life.” To say that the man’s new voice made my balls instantly ache with lust was an understatement. I actually could feel many of the guys standing around me slightly moan in pleasure as the low masculine timbre of Roman’s words penetrated their body. I was not the only guy being turned on by this big muscle daddy’s new thunder rumbling speech. The sound that reverberated in the room was surely the way that mortals had imagined Zeus might speak as he boomed his words form Mount Olympus. I lost focus as Roman conversed briefly with me – my balls vibrating powerfully like I was riding a huge Harley. It was only the sight of my friend’s newly massive arms lifting a huge bodybuilder up and down that brought me back to the reality of what was going on. “I’m beginning to think there’s more to your family’s vitamin water than you’ve been telling me, Jason.” The crowd called out one hundred and Roman brought his arms to the side and set Jaime on his feet. The big bodybuilder looked a little unsteady; obviously he had gotten a little dizzy from the constant up and down motion. Roman kept one of his big hands on the guy’s thigh to help steady him as he got used to being on the floor again. That’s also when my newly huge friend sat up and I gasped so loud that he chuckled at my response. The first thing I noticed was a field of gray hair across the giant expanse that was his chest. The two slabs of beef were so massive and so beautifully hairy that I nearly blacked out. Roman, the elder geek from just a few days ago, was now bigger than me. I noticed right away that the guy wasn’t cut like me or even ripped like some heavyweight bodybuilder, but he was just damn thick – and thick as hell. His muscles bulged in that ‘I can lift a fucking truck’ kind of way instead of that ‘watch me flex’ showman style. Roman now looked like a bull – a bear – a strongman competitor – and a bulging tank all rolled into one. The combination of the guy’s booming voice and the sight of pectoral muscles that each seemed to be as wide as refrigerators was too much for my cock – it shot fully hard in three seconds, causing me to become even more light-headed than before. “Okay, good people, that’s it for today. My friend Jason and I need to work out now. I need to grow this guy’s body even more. Thanks for counting for me. I can see that I don’t need to explain the changes, huh, Jason? Your reaction makes it pretty clear you noticed I’ve kind of grown.” We were now standing there by ourselves. The crowd had dispersed, although clearly disappointed the show was over. I simply continued to stare at the mustached elder Adonis in front of me. The man was simply thick and huge all over. His thighs were pressing against his cotton shorts so hard that I expected the material to explode at any second. His stomach wasn’t ridged like mine, but it was so much more thickly masculine looking that I seriously contemplated switching to the powerlifting look myself. And god, the way his beefy man-tits and bulging arms just ballooned out with so much muscle, it made my mouth start to water and my heartbeat race ten times faster. Hard, hairy meat hung off his body everywhere and made him look like a super-morphed version of his previous self. “Aren’t you going to say something, Jason?” “Um . . . what . . . what was it like?” “The change? It was painful, thrilling, and mega sexually charged all at the same time. It lasted about an hour. I dropped to my hands and knees like some kind of werewolf – right in the middle of my living room – and cried out the entire time. I could hear my voice changing as my body swelled – getting deeper and so masculine that it turned me on even more. I loved watching my chest and arms grow the most. My pecs started to swell up like they were hot air balloons being filled for a morning ride. The feeling was so intense – painful as hell, yes - but so intoxicatingly thrilling that I all but forgot about how much it hurt. Watching my biceps pulse out thicker and thicker is what made my growing cock finally spew like crazy. My arms were so puny before, boy, and look what they became. I now have guns so huge that I can no longer rest my forearms against my sides. And my supersized lats don’t help too much, either, but look at those beautiful things, Jason. I never dreamed what being this big would feel like – it’s unexplainable.” “You are magnificent, Roman.” In my wildest dreams I could not have imagined a more beautiful specimen of man that Aunt Hildie’s concoction had created. The elder muscleman sitting before me was something only seen in comic books – a giant colonel-like gramps with a body the size of four younger men put together. It was also the kind of build that dreams are made of – huge thick muscles that just protruded everywhere. He looked like someone had made him angry and he ballooned into a non-green Hulk. Traps bulged, lats stuck out with major mass, shoulders popped out wide, arms hung like sides of beef, and heavy looking pecs rested on a hard dense midsection. His abs looked like someone had stacked a bunch of logs on top of each other. Roman’s muscles were simply profuse beyond belief - everywhere! Quads that swelled so much they almost looked like two short musclemen’s bodies all by themselves forced his legs to spread far apart. Sitting there, the new senior muscle stud looked unreal – like a photograph that has been photo-shopped to death. It was difficult for me to believe and even harder for me to admit, but Roman was definitely now bigger than me. He clearly outweighed me by a few pounds and his hulking mass was definitely taller and freakishly thicker than my big body. It was such a surreal moment – realizing that my dream man was being formed right in front of me over what was just a few days. I glanced at the mature face, the gorgeous mustache, and then back at the huge body – realizing that all my secret desires were slowly turning into reality. “Don’t think this added muscle means I’m not still wildly interested in growing you, son. We’re going to shape you into something perfect, Jason. This new big body just means that I will be able to work you even harder, man. I’ll also be able to keep up with you.” “What . . . sir? I wasn’t paying attention, I’m sorry. Something huge was distracting me.” “It doesn’t matter, son, just know that I’m still here to help you grow bigger. Now, do you have something for me to drink today? I’m really looking forward to whatever you have planned, although I don’t see how you could ever top what you gifted me with overnight. I now understand why yesterday’s drink didn’t affect me right away. My body needed some time to prepare for such huge changes. It was like some pumped up version of An American Werewolf in London in my place last night. I’m sure people in the neighborhood thought I was murdering someone – because of the beast-like moaning. So, how about that drink?” “Um . . . yes sir.” I handed him the bottle of water with the pre-mixed contents from the vial. I knew what this dose would do to the guy and it made my cock jump with anticipation. I couldn’t even begin to think about Roman having the attitude to match his muscles. He had already taken on some of the characteristics of a muscle daddy – mainly because of the stache, his maturity, and his size – but I knew a huge dose of cockiness was going to make him even more my ideal man. I watch as he swallowed the entire contents of the water bottle in one long gulp. I also noticed that the guy suddenly stood up straighter than he had been just seconds before. His shoulders seemed wider in some way and I could have sworn his humongous chest poked out even further. I suddenly realized that this vial had worked instantly. I gathered that since Roman’s body was now massive and thick the vials didn’t cause him to go into orgasm overload as before – and the change would happen with little interruption to what he was doing. The big man’s eyes seemed to become all knowing and a telling smile crept across his face. My massive dick started to harden as I watched this man begin to realize the totality of his potential. For the first time, Roman was becoming fully aware of his new manliness. The guy was beginning to feel every huge muscle of his body – in complete detail. “You okay, there, Roman?” “If I were any better, little man, I’d be fucking myself. I haven’t felt this good in a long time. Hell, I haven’t ever felt this good. Damn, son, I may have to find a bull to fuck. All this muscle is making me hornier than a battleship full of sex-deprived sailors. You ever see anything like this body, Jason?” “Uh, no sir.” “That’s what I thought, boy. Just look at all my fucking thickness! Shit, I’m so big I look like a skin covered Hummer. Oh fuck, J-man, look how my cock is filling out these cotton shorts as it grows. It makes your mouth water, doesn’t it?” “Yes . . . sir.” “Hell, it makes my mouth water, too, son. I gotta lift something heavy, man, or I’m going to blow a hole in these shorts from blasting off a heavy load. Gotta work out some steam, J-man. Slap three big plates on that end of the bar. Gonna need to press 600 for starters. Shit, I might not make it through this work out. My cock wants to rip through this flimsy material and be free to grow so big it would blow you mind, man. Your old friend here is feeling pretty powerful and has the monster cock to prove it.” I couldn’t move for a few seconds. The change in Roman’s demeanor was instantaneous. Within two days the guy had gone from a skinny-assed elder dweeb to this behemoth, but the most incredible part of the transformation for me was what had just happened – the birth of the muscle daddy’s cockiness. Hearing the ‘stached giant talk about his own body and, especially, his hardening dick was almost too much. It’s incredible to see a huge man with bulging muscles, but it’s much more impressive and a bigger thrill to hear that same guy talk about his body. I loved hearing him acknowledge his own muscled torso, so it increased the pleasure watching Roman get off on his transformed frame. Seeing Roman tense his arms and chest while staring at himself was such an intense sight that I almost missed what the older man had told me to do. It wasn’t until I saw Roman adding some big weights to the end of the bar that I realized I should be doing the same thing on the other side. “You ever think you’d get your old man this fucking huge, Jason?” “Um . . . no sir.” “Yeah, you love this massive body, don’t you? I’ve grown so thick that you can’t remember what I used to look like, can you? You wanted a big hulking daddy, didn’t you J-man.” “Uh . . . yes sir.” “Old Roman loves how his big body has made you a man of few words, boy. I know you want to see what kind of power this huge body can produce – yeah, it’s written all across your face. Shit, boy, turning you into a muscle monster is going to be easy now that you have my body as inspiration. You want to be huge and thick like this old man, don’t you?” “God, yes.” The huge elder muscleman was now leaning over and resting his thick forearms across the bar. His shoulders popped out on either side like matching mountains – the guy being almost wide enough that his biceps touched the weights on either side. I was mesmerized by the man’s beauty and his size. It was too much for my aching cock and I would have certainly spewed if we had not been in a public place. As it was, big drops of pre-cum were seeping out of my dick slit and causing my fat tip to be slicked up real good. I was in total daddy-worshipping bliss. It was clear that Roman knew exactly what I was feeling and he didn’t care if I exploded or not. I even think he enjoyed watching me struggle to keep my composure. There was a glimmer in his eye that had not existed a mere ten minutes before. The guy seemed more aware of everything now – his huge body, the intense reaction his muscles caused in other people, how I basically now worshipped the ground he walked on, and everything else. It also seemed like he expected this kind of response. It was clear that he felt completely natural being this new giant size – as if he had been this way all of his life. He was staring at me with such intensity that I became a little self-conscious and looked down at the ground. “Do I intimidate you, pup?” “Um . . . kind of, sir.” “That’s a good thing, son. I need you a little scared of me if we’re going to grow you big. I need you to want to follow every fucking thing I say to the nth degree. I want you to have a desire so strong inside that it makes you weak at the knees – that’s the kind of devotion that’s going to help you become everything you’ve ever secretly dreamed of - and more. You want to make me proud, don’t you, son?” “Yes, sir.” “There’s not a trophy or award that could come close to making you as happy or proud as a few affirming words from me would, now is there?” “No, sir.” “And a hug from old Roman would send you into orgasmic heaven, wouldn’t it.” “Oh fucking hell yes . . . sir.” “Well son, know that I only show that kind of affection to pups that work hard – real hard. You’ll make this daddy happy by getting bigger. And if you get big enough – I might give you the hug of your lifetime. You got that, son?” “Yes, sir.” “Now watch this massive old man crank out ten with this six-hundred and then you do the same.” “But I’ve never…” “Did I sound like I was giving you an option, boy?” “Um . . . no, sir.” “I know what you’re capable of, Jason. I won’t ask for too much, but I will ask for all that you can give. I’m going to make you sore, son. It’s going to hurt more than it ever has before, but that’s how we know it’s working. You trust me, don’t you?” “More than anyone, sir.” “That’s good son, real good. Let this muscle daddy lead you to greatness.” I watched as the humongous body of Roman slid onto the bench and then the two monstrous arms reached up, lifted the bar off the rack, and then pumped out the smoothest ten repetitions I’d ever seen – with six hundred pounds! I was flabbergasted. This was the small man from just a few days ago – the timid guy so new to the gym. I realized I was going to have to buy my aunt Hildie the best Christmas present ever – for helping me to create the perfect man. Roman slid off the bench and then looked at me. I saw in his eyes the order to follow his lead. I started to get nervous, but then I felt his hand come up and press against my back in a way that gave me some newfound confidence. I have no idea what it was – it could have simply been being touched by the man of my dreams, but I had a feeling it was more. I slid onto the bench and grabbed hold of the bar. I lifted the heavy thing and then cranked out eight presses without any problem – something that caught me totally off guard. I then began to struggle with the final two, but the elder muscleman was right here to help me. “You’ve got this, superboy. It’s no problem for you. Your daddy says that you can’t wimp out now. I want to see those two final presses right now. Make those weights do your will, son – your will. I’m here for you. You’ll make me prouder than shit if you pump out those last two by yourself.” Hearing the encouraging deep masculine voice of Roman helped me to connect with some untapped strength. My arms wobbled a little, but I raised and lowered the heavy bar two more times and then put it back in its resting place. I felt the pump in my chest, arms, and shoulders more than I ever had in my entire life. I looked up to see the smiling face of my elder mentor and I almost burst into tears. I became choked up because of the pleased look in his eyes. I was caught off guard by my reaction – so incredibly happy that I had made the older man proud. I had watched Roman become the muscled daddy standing in front of me and I was ready for his changes, but I had no idea how the change would affect me. I was not prepared for how I would transform along with the big man. My desire to please him was something similar to how a high school jock wants to please his macho coach – especially when that student has a secret crush on his mentor. I could see the pride in the big man’s face. His entire attitude told me that I had done well – and that made me want to please him more. It also made my cock want to shoot off like a rocket. I slid off the bench and watched as the massive guy cranked out ten more reps like it was nothing. I knew before I even lay down on the bench that I would pump out ten more reps - even if it killed me. I wanted to see that look in the mustached daddy’s face again. It took all my concentration and every ounce of my strength, but I pushed my body like a pro – getting to ten with arms shaking terribly on the last three. Roman had to help me a little on the last lift, but it didn’t matter since it had mostly been me. “Look at how your pecs pop, boy. They look like two massive barrels – bulging out with so much muscle. You made your muscle daddy proud, son. Watching you pump out reps with more weight than you’ve ever benched before was enough to make me harder than granite. You almost gained a hug from this here daddy, boy. That’s how hard I could tell you were working. I’m proud son, mighty proud.” “Thank you, sir.” “Feeling it, J-man?” “My chest hurts like hell already, sir.” “That’s good, really good. I’m whipping you into a real man, Jason. Stick with me kid and you’ll be the biggest fucker on any stage you step out on. Want me to grow you more, son?” “Hell yes, sir.” “Yeah, boy, that’s the right answer. I’m going to put you through a little more abuse on that chest and then we’re going to call it a day. I need to go find something humongous to fuck this evening.” “Um . . . I’m . . . I mean . . . I am available, sir.” “Naw, boy, I can’t pound your ass yet for a couple of reasons. First of all, you’re going to be so sore in about an hour that you’re not going to want to move. Those arms of yours aren’t going to be able to budge an inch and that torso is going to be in so much pain you’ll be cursing my name. Secondly, I’ve got a feeling I have a few more bottles of your family’s secret formula before I’m totally changed, right? I saw a list in your bag a few minutes ago and it looks like there are some adjustments yet to come. Am I right, son?” “Yes, sir. There are three more vials . . . I mean, bottles of my family’s secret liquid.” “Hell yeah, then. I think we should wait for a while before we consummate this budding relationship. I have a feeling that you’re somehow the mastermind behind my changes and I want to make sure I’m the finished model before you get to test drive my body. I got a funny feeling that the first few times I fuck something with these huge new muscles I’m not going to be too gentle. I might even need to start with some inanimate objects or some beast-like animal – like a bull or rhino. It might be the only thing that could live through a pounding from me. Yeah, boy, I can see that thought turns you on. Okay, son, it’s time to work on those mega-pecs of yours. Let’s make those puppies bulge out a lot more by this time tomorrow. You ready to do what this muscle daddy says.” “Yes sir.” And with that simple order Roman took me through about two more hours of the most rigorous workout of my entire life. I was like a soggy noodle by the end of our time together. My body was visibly shaking from the exertion. Roman, on the other hand, was like some enthusiastic college kid about to hit the town for his first night of parent-free partying. The guy was so pumped that his muscles seemed even bigger than when we started. His cotton shorts were stretched closer to the ripping point than they had been just two hours before. The guy had more energy than ever and, yet, I was worn out. I could feel the aches beginning already and I knew that I would need to soak in a hot bath within an hour. Roman was standing in front of me, his thick muscles gleaming because of a slight dusting of sweat. He could tell I was in pain. He reached up with his huge hands and grabbed hold of my giant chest – squeezing hard and making me want to immediately fall down on my knees in protest. The pain was incredible. He began kneading the monstrous meat in his hands and I screamed out loud. “Yeah, J-man, that chest is already hurting something awful, isn’t it. That’s a good sign. Let your old muscleman work those puppies a little – it will help with the pain. You did some great lifting today, son. You made your daddy very proud. Now get on home, boy, before you’re too sore to move. I’ll see you here tomorrow at the same time. It might take you a lot longer to get ready tomorrow, son, because you are going to hurt like hell. Remain faithful, though, and come in to meet me. We need to stay on track for getting you sloppy big. There’s a lot we can do in the coming weeks to guarantee your success. I’m here to make you huge, Jason, and I’m not stopping until we’re successful. Now skedaddle, boy.” “Yes sir.” I watched the big man lumber away like some huge bear – a big bear clearly in heat. His beauty and size overwhelmed me. I felt my body tightening up even more, so I gathered my stuff and left – without even taking time in the dressing room. When I got home I soaked in the bathtub for a long time and was so sore when I finished that I had to crawl to my bed. The only part of my body that didn’t seem to be affected by my tiring workout with Roman was my perpetual hard-as-hell cock that gave away my lustful thoughts about the big man. I fell asleep instantly and dreamt of the huge older man that now controlled even my sleeping thoughts. I couldn’t wait to see how the remaining vials would change the guy that was already the man of my dreams. ***** Vial 5 I was so sore the next day I could barely move without crying out in pain. Only thoughts of muscle daddy Roman empowered me to get out of bed, get dressed, and drive to the gym. Each step I took and every time I moved any part of my body I felt a stiffness and soreness that was completely foreign to me. Roman had taught me so many new ways to isolate muscles when working out that it was like I was doing it for the first time – and I was a freaking pro-bodybuilder. My body may have been muscled and powerful, but that morning I felt like a big wimp. I was surprised to see that Roman had not arrived at the place before me, as he had before. I sat in the middle of the weight area and tried to remain still – so nothing would hurt. Some commotion at the front desk caught my attention. I heard Roman’s deep masculine voice before I even saw him and my entire body snapped to attention, especially my cock. When I glanced in the mirrors I saw Roman entering the gym with the bodies of two huge bodybuilders slung over his shoulders. I could tell that both men were unconscious. The big guy was strutting across the floor like he was some huge hunter that was wearing the fur of bears he had recently killed - and he also had one of the biggest stogies I’d ever seen sticking out from between his teeth. He was puffing away with no concern about the ‘no smoking’ policy of the gym, and no one dared to tell him he was wrong. The room immediately filled with the aroma of the cigar – a smell that made my cock shoot even harder. Roman looked at anyone he passed and did the jock thing where he tilted his chin into the air to acknowledge the lesser beings – not saying a word but smiling at the other patrons as their mouths dropped open wide in astonishment. Roman saw it as gift that he acknowledged anyone and everyone else seemed to view it in the same way. The big man noticed me sitting in the middle of the room and headed straight in my direction. “J-boy, how’s the fucking body feeling today?” “Sore as hell, sir.” “Just like the ass of each of these men, son. I rounded them up yesterday as I was trolling the locker room. They were practically drooling as they watched me shower and it was obvious they wanted to see what some time with a real man would feel like. I kept them up all night as I plowed them over and over, not even stopping when they begged for sleep. They just couldn’t keep up with all this muscle power, boy. Old Roman had more stamina than both of these big fuckers put together. I’m not sure they’ll wake up for our entire time in the gym. I haven’t slept a bit, but I still feel fucking great, son. I’m going to put you through a hell of a workout again today. I’m juiced up on adrenaline like you wouldn’t believe. All that fucking didn’t tire me at all. I’m mighty proud of you for getting your hurting ass to the gym today, son. It shows me that you’re serious about growing. I have a funny feeling that you also dragged your sore self here to see what the next round of your family water will accomplish, didn’t you?” “Um . . . yes . . . yes, sir.” “No need to be embarrassed, boy! I know you like all the changes happening to this old man almost as much as I do. Today, I’m dressed a little more appropriate for the gym because as soon as we got to my place last night I challenged these two guys to a wrestling match - with their clothes being the prize. You can see it’s pretty clear who won. It’s a good thing both of them had some posers to wear today. I dressed their unconscious bodies before we came. I didn’t take either of those skimpy things because the tiny material couldn’t come close to covering up all my massive junk – hell, I don’t think it could even cover just one of my mammoth balls. These shorts can barely contain my monster cock, J-boy. Hell, I’m even stretching this triple large tank so much it practically looks like a man-bra. I think I could rip the thing in two with just one large inhale. We might wait and do that as a little post-workout gift to the guys in the gym – you’d like that wouldn’t you, son?” “Yes sir.” “Um, excuse me, um, sir. You can’t . . . you aren’t allowed . . . there’s no smoking in here.” Roman turned to look down at the nervous gym worker standing behind him, the cigar hanging out of his mouth as big as a small log. The huge man used his teeth and lips to make the thing spin a little in his mouth and then puffed a huge could of smoke down towards the little guy. I heard a soft guttural sound turn into a loud growl as Roman obviously thought about how he was going to react to the order from this dweebish man. For a few seconds I was nervous for the smaller guy, but then Roman merely shrugged the two heavy unconscious men off his broad shoulders and quickly lifted his forearms to catch their falling bodies. He then placed both guys side by side on a bench across from me. The muscle daddy then turned back to the worker, pulled the cigar out of his mouth and crushed the lit end into his other open palm. The sound of fire being extinguished hissed throughout the room. The small guy’s eyes grew extra wide and I could see he was actually shaking in fear. Roman took the cigar and crushed it in his hand. He then took the smashed remains, pulled the front of the workers gym shorts slightly out and dropped the mess inside, making sure to press his open palm into the guy’s crotch so cigar could warm his hard dick. The small guy did nothing to protest the big man’s actions. He just mouthed the words ‘thank you’ and walked away. Roman turned back to me. “That’s a pretty hot ashtray, don’t you think? It’s legs today, pup. You think you can handle it?” “Yes sir.” “Yeah, that’s a good boy. I can already sense what you’re going to look like when your muscles start to pop out even bigger, son. You’re making this old man really proud. Time for squats after you warm up. I jogged over here from my house with both of these sleeping beauties flopping around on my shoulders – so I’m good and pumped for our workout. I’ll load the rack for you. We can work out side by side – I’ll use the two guys as my weights. It won’t be enough, but I can pretend. Using them as makeshift barbells should be fun and I’ll bet it will turn you on in a powerful way.” He was spot on, knowing that I was going to get to watch the huge muscle daddy dipping low with two large and mostly nude bodybuilders draped across his expansive shoulders got me fully hard in an instant. I even forgot about the excruciating pain that was shooting through my body any time I moved. I stared at Roman as he loaded the squat machine with enough weight to cave in the roof of a car, but I didn’t care. I was ready to do anything my mentor told me to. I knew he wouldn’t ask for anything I couldn’t do. I loved how the flimsy tank top was stretched to all hell across his body. I kept hearing parts of the material tearing as he moved. I had a feeling none of it would be left by the time we finished for the day. “Now J-boy remember to bring that ass of yours down low and get a good pump even as you come down. Watch the knees, too, son. We want to get those glutes as big and strong as possible – so they give my cock as much resistance as possible later on. Yeah, I can see the idea of my hefty pole battling your tight hole gets you excited, boy. Look at that bulge I’ve caused in your shorts – that’s a beautiful thank you to your daddy. Maybe we can cause a big old wet stain today, too. Speaking of wet things, how about my bottle of water, Jason? Did you bring something special for old Roman?” “Um, yes sir. I almost forgot.” I grabbed the bottle of water from my bag, noticing the pain in my arms and shoulders as I reached down. I also glanced at the list of changes as I pulled the container out. This vial was going to make him more handsome. That thought was almost too much for my cock to handle and I could feel my body fighting hard not to spew. I looked at him closely as he gulped the liquid down. Roman was gorgeous already – huge everywhere, a slight weathered look to his face that added maturity and grace, a mustache that oozed testosterone, graying full hair that made him look like a modern day Greek god, and an air of confidence that almost physically knocked you over when he walked into the room. I wondered how the liquid could possibly improve on perfection. When the big man handed back the bottle I could sense an immediate change in his demeanor. “How do you feel, sir?” “On fire, boy, on fire. I can sense the world on a whole new plane, now. Damn, that’s some potent shit your family has passed down over the years. Son, I suddenly realize just how special I am. I know that might sound really boastful, but I can’t help it. It’s like I can tell what everyone’s thinking – you know, so I can give them exactly what they want. It’s like I have this sixth sense that helps me know how to please each person individually. Damn, boy, what you want is coming through the loudest and clearest of all. Your mind is a jumble of desires, ain’t it son? Yeah, I know you want some ass-pounding sex – and that will come soon enough - but I can also sense you really want this big man to help you grow, too. Yeah, and man I love how you also desire to be dominated a little. You need a big man to take care of you son, don’t you?” “I . . . uh . . . I guess . . . I mean, um…” “No need to be shy, boy. Roman knows exactly what you want and need. And I’ve got the stuff to make all those dreams and desires come true. Fuck, knowing what would please you is making me hornier than a pinned up bull surrounded by a field of heifers. What’s wild is that I can’t read minds, per se, man; it’s more about what you desire and what would satisfy you sexually. I just know somehow that you are aching for a hug or kiss from this big man – but you still got to wait, son. We have two more bottles of water, if my memory serves me correctly. Whoa, boy, I’m suddenly being overwhelmed by the desires of other people in this place. It’s like my body is sending out some kind of signal that, when it hits people, makes them suddenly ‘in tune’ with me. You’d be shocked at what people desire from me?” “Like what, sir?” “Well for one thing, the big guy Jaime, over there, enjoyed having his big body benched by me yesterday so much that he’d really like me to lift him some more – especially over my head. Yeah, that would make him real happy. Well I’ll be dammed; the little guy at the front desk wants me to light up another stogie, son. He’s got a big fetish for smoking musclemen. He loves watching a huge guy sucking in on a cigar and then blowing big puffs of smoke out – especially if the man is flexing at the same time. He’s still hard as hell from watching me put out my stogie against my palm. That got him very excited. He even left the remains of the thing in his pants. That guy over there on the leg press machine wants me to take his place and as my giant trunks push out insane amounts of weight he’d like to sit on my big cock and feel all my muscles growing beneath him as he gets deeply plowed. Hell, this gift you’ve given me will make me a huge attraction to anyone.” I glanced around the gym and realized that every face in the room was either blatantly staring at Roman or shyly stealing glances at him when they got up the nerve. It dawned on me immediately that the vial for making him handsome wasn’t going to do much to his physical appearance, since he was already the man of my dreams. No, this specific dose of Aunt Hildie’s concoction made the man irresistible to everyone – and not just because of his looks, but mainly because it was clear he was a man that could satisfy everyone completely. Having the ability to know what it was a person desired the most – both sexually and romantically – would certainly make you the most handsome guy in the world. This would be true on so many levels. Roman didn’t need to change at all to be handsome to me, but having a mature muscleman that ‘got’ exactly what turned me on made him the most gorgeous guy on earth – not only to me, though. I could sense that everyone in the place wanted Roman and that was an even bigger thrill for me. “Whoa, boy, you need to turn down your orgasmic drive a little. You’re causing this big daddy to overheat. Yeah, the pup loves the idea of everyone in this place wanting his muscle friend Roman, don’t you?” “Yes sir, it’s fucking hot.” “It is, isn’t it? Well, it’s thanks to your family recipe in that water, boy. Like I said yesterday, I think you have a direct connection to what your water is doing to me. I haven’t figured it out, yet, but I feel it in every one of my huge muscles. I can wait, son. I don’t need all the answers now. I only need one thing – and that’s to make you bigger. We’re going to push those big legs of yours so much today that I may have to carry you and the two unconscious guys out of here, since your trunks will be wobbling so much. Yeah, I thought that comment would please you. Okay, son, get up underneath that bar. Give me some powerful squats. Remember to stick that hot ass of yours way out. Let me first load my shoulders with my big man-made weights.” I watched Roman bend over and flop the bodies of the two unconscious bodybuilders over each of his shoulders. He made it look simple, like he was tossing pillows. I knew, however, that each guy was over three hundred pounds. The giant man positioned himself beside me and we both stared at each other in the mirror. I stared because it thrilled me so much to watch him use two huge guys dressed only in posers as his weights and he stared to make sure I maximized every part of my body during the exercise. He was my coach and mentor above all things. “That’s it, boy, squeeze those cheeks hard when you come up. Pretend like you are trying to protect the entrance to your chute from my huge battering ram. Yeah, son, I love how that thought makes you work even harder. Look at that sweat seeping out all over your beautiful body. That means you’re working J-boy. I know you’re hurting something awful, but look at you go. It’s almost like you’ve been squatting this much weight all of your life. Yeah, you’d forgotten that I loaded the bar with a hell of a lot more poundage than you’re used to. Now your legs are getting a little nervous, aren’t they? Don’t give up, boy. This big daddy will not be happy with you if you don’t give him what he wants. Remember, we’re here to make you so fucking big you won’t recognize yourself. And to give you a little more kick to your lifting, remember that I’m going to be growing right along side of you, son.” I had just squatted down low as he said this and his comment caused the exact reaction he desired. I paused briefly with my ass pushed back and my quads burning with pain. It suddenly hit me that Roman, the man of my dreams, was working out with me and this was certainly going to impact his body at the same time. The thought that the muscle daddy of all my secret desires was going to continue to add more bulges to his perfect body gave me more adrenaline that I had ever thought possible. This was just the response that Roman had intended. I cranked out the rest of my squats like some kind of powerlifting pro. I could tell the man was impressed. I certainly wanted to get bigger – but mainly because it would make my mature friend proud – but thinking about him getting bigger was the icing on the cake. I suddenly wanted to work out for an entirely new reason – to make Roman grow. A newfound energy overcame my body and it was like I had busted past some unseen wall or reached a new lifting plateau. There was a new drive in me that stemmed totally from my thoughts about another person. I had never realized how self-centered I had become, but this desire to watch Roman become even more beastlike than he already was, fueled me way beyond my normal tolerance level for pain. “Damn, boy, I just got a big rush of pure love from you. These last few minutes have probably been the most unselfish moments of your entire life. I almost tossed these big men off my shoulders and wrapped my arms around you in a backbreaking bear hug. I have a strong feeling that you started this little project with the water and me for selfish reasons, but suddenly the coin has flipped to the other side, hasn’t it? You desire old Roman getting huge even more than you desire it for yourself. That’s what makes you special, Jason. That’s why we’re going to wait until the last bottle of enhanced water has gurgled down my throat before we even kiss, let alone fuck. You’re making me into some kind of dream deity for yourself, but today you’ve realized that doing it for me is just as – if not more – important. You’re a fucking hundred times more sexy right now that you were even just ten minutes ago, son. I like what’s happening to your soul as much as I love what’s happening to your body. Here’s the real kicker, boy. I feel the same way about you as you feel about me. Yep, I’ve wanted you from the moment you first spoke to me just a few days ago. I have a feeling my desire is mostly physical right now, but over the next few days I think it’s going to grow into something much more. It’s time to wear out those huge legs of yours, son. We both need to work out some sexual tension.” Suddenly, it was like I understood the word ‘enlightened’ for the first time. I didn’t second-guess anything Roman had just shared. I knew it was all fact – like I knew my legs would ache like hell tomorrow. It was true I had intended on making the perfect man for myself, that’s why I had turned to Aunt Hildie, but I had not planned that I would turn into a different man, as well. I was slowly giving up control to this muscle daddy. I had always been the alpha – the dominating one – but suddenly I was learning what it meant to be equals and to actually let someone else lead some of the time. I was beginning to do the unthinkable – love someone else more than myself. And this is what made Roman the most handsome person on earth. For the next few hours, Roman put my thick, skin-covered trunks through the kind of abuse usually reserved for torturing prisoners. I had to stop many times and sit on the bench – completely afraid that my big legs were going to give out at any minute. My huge daddy didn’t mind waiting for me as I rested. He usually continued whatever exercise we were doing – with the added weight of the two unconscious guys and did about three more sets than me every time. Watching the monstrous legs of Roman bulge out with every exercise kept me hard throughout our entire time together. His size was insane – quads and calves that ballooned out way past my muscled legs. I began to become fearful that I would never be able to keep up with this new mega-sized older man. I started to doubt my own abilities – something that had never happened before. My new mentor easily detected my state of mind. “Quit comparing yourself to me, boy. You made me into this fucking huge bull. I think the whole purpose of me growing is to give you inspiration and, hopefully, help build you into something monstrous, too. You need to be patient, pup. I’ve only got one goal in life and that’s to grow you huge, too. There might be quick goals here and there for me, like taking time out to fuck big things, but pumping you up super crazy is embedded in my DNA. My balls tighten and become filled with boiling cum when I watch your muscles straining against heavy weight. I already see what you are going to become, boy, and that vision could easily make me blast a load of my juice across this gym if I let myself be weak. But I’m going to stay strong for you, son - I’m going to wage some hot-daddy war on your body and push you harder than you ever thought possible. You’re going to want to beg me for mercy, but you won’t because deep down you can see where you’re headed, too. You want to grow for your muscled pops so much that the desire is eating you up inside. Hell, you’d lift twenty-four hours a day if you thought it would make me happy – wouldn’t you J-boy?” “Yes sir.” “You get a good picture in your head of your soon to be swole body, son. I want you to latch onto that vision of Jason-the-beast. You’ve thought yourself big for a long time, buddy, but you were just seeing the tip of the iceberg. My fucking huge muscles are here to help you, son. And down the line, when I’m fucking that tight hole of yours senseless, you’ll be awakened to new levels of inner-power, too. I’ll unleash in you desires you’ve never dreamed of, boy. I’m the biggest genie ever released from a bottle – and you’ll have released seven bottles into this daddy by the time we’re done. Today’s water unleashed something powerful in me, Jason. I’ve appreciated all the bottles – but this last one didn’t just change things on the outside, it opened a part of me that would have never even been noticed without your help. I’ve got some kind of direct line now to your deepest desires – to those things buried so below the surface that you aren’t even aware of them yet. I know, instinctively, that rubbing my hard-bristled ‘stache across your inner thighs would make you cum instantly, I know that you kissing your own flexed biceps makes your cock-head ache from need of release, and I know that for the last few minutes you’ve only thought about one thing - sucking on my big hairy balls until you get off. But all of these thoughts pale in comparison to the one basic need fueling you right now, son – to please your huge friend Roman. You want this daddy’s approval so much that you’d do anything and you know deep down that I’d never take advantage of that. I’m going to turn all that burning desire right back into momentum for growing you big. We are both halves of the incredible cycle that completes what you wanted when you gave me the first bottle of water – a mentor, a teacher, a muscle daddy, a boss, a dominator, a lover, a friend, and – most of all – inspiration. I’m all that, J-boy, and then some.” My mind was spinning so much from his words that I merely focused my thoughts on a deep desire to suck his balls – something I didn’t realize existed until he mentioned it and then it was like he had opened the floodgates of my soul. Every atom of my body desired the muscled behemoth in front of me. I wanted his body, yes. I wanted to experience sex with this man, yes. I wanted to grow for the daddy, yes. But there was something else that had blossomed over the last few days and it was the one thing I had never expected when I chose Roman for this journey. I had fallen head over heels in love with the man. And it dawned on me that I was not just in love with the new improved Roman – no, I realized that Aunt Hildie’s concoction had merely unleashed was existed already in this older man. I was seeing what Roman truly was at his core – his life circumstances had just never allowed this much of his true self to materialize. And, in turn, Roman was causing my hidden core to be revealed, as well. We were both becoming what our upbringing and environment had covered up over the years – and it was magnificent. Suddenly, I wasn’t unsure of myself any longer. I could clearly see all of my potential – exactly what Roman saw. I didn’t think of myself as unworthy or not good enough – no, I fully realized I was just a work in progress. That thought released me from so much baggage of my past and caused my love for the muscleman in front of me to deepen even more. “Yeah, my boy is finally getting it. I can sense the new awareness flowing through your body. Aw fuck yes, you are even seeing your full potential now and the thought is making that cock of yours grow harder. You are beginning to open yourself to all of my suggestions and all the growing tips I’ve been giving. Soon, we’ll just work out together and not even need to say a word to each other – we’ll just naturally know how to encourage the other to keep getting huge and more powerful. I may be the one drinking the water, Jason, but both of us are being changed by its power. Feel it, son?” “Yes sir, I do. It’s so amazing.” “Yes it is. I think that we should call it a day, boy. You’ve worked hard, again, today and I’m very proud. I see that the two big boys are starting to come around from their post-Roman fuck slumber and our workout has made me super horny. I think I’ll take them back to my condo in midtown and give them both some seconds. I’m pretty sure they’re going to wake up craving more pounding from my meat. And even if they don’t, they’re going to get it anyway. Your legs steady enough to get you home, boy?” “Yes sir. I might need to rest a little longer before leaving, but I’ll be fine.” “That’s good son. We’ll take a break from working out tomorrow, but I think it’s time you came to my place so we can get to know each other a little better. We’ll meet here at the same time and then we’ll grab some take-out for lunch. I don’t know my way around a kitchen. See you tomorrow, Jason.” “I can’t wait, sir.” Roman hoisted the two awakening bodybuilders back onto his monstrous shoulders and walked away. I watched him leave and marveled at how deep my connection to the man had become. I trusted and loved the guy completely. I was amazed that I felt absolutely no jealousy towards the two men that were about to get to experience the powerful lovemaking of my muscle daddy, but I knew it was just temporary. I knew we had two more vials to go. The big man just needed a way to release the sexual tension that developed every time we were around each other and, especially, after we worked out together. I was also deeply aware of his intense desire for me – something I had not been tuned into before. Today’s vial had been about much more than just making Roman physically beautiful. That was part of the total picture, but he had already been gorgeous to me – the perfect man. The change had been mostly internal for both of us. His beauty clearly radiated from within – his muscles being just icing on the already very tasty cake underneath. I suddenly understood that if Roman went back to being the shy un-mustached skinny guy of a few days ago, I would still love him deeply because I now knew what was buried deep within his soul. I knew who he was at his core. I also knew that I would be able to help him release his inner self, just as he was doing for me. I realized that I would be able to see the huge confident muscle daddy deep in his eyes, even if he didn’t. That’s how Roman could see the huge beast-like body that I would become – even before I could, he knew of my potential because he could see my inner self. Every fiber of my body ached to be held by the big man, but I reminded myself that there were just two vials left. I knew we needed to wait until the finished product was revealed. My excitement about being able to be at Roman’s condo – alone with him for a meal – gave me enough inner strength to wobble my tired ass out of the gym and head home. I was worried that my legs would stop working before I made it to a hot bath, but – as it had been every other day – my cock stayed hard way into the evening. It was a continual reminder of what Roman could easily do to my body. ********** Vial 6 That night I officially became Roman obsessed. My legs could barely support me moving from chair to kitchen since the big man had worked me so hard, but I didn’t care. Every thought and every urge was directed toward the muscle daddy of my dreams. I was still clearly overwhelmed with the effects of the fifth vial – making the man handsome. I don’t know what I had expected from that particular dose of Aunt Hildie’s concoction, but the results had been way beyond my wildest dreams. The man’s muscular tanned mature face was now imbedded in my mind, as was his humongous gorgeous body. I looked at the hulking doublewide stainless steel fridge in my kitchen and it reminded me of the man’s big frame. I tried to distract myself by looking at porn on the computer, but every face seemed deficient when compared to the man lurking in my thoughts. I even found myself looking at heavy pieces of furniture as future things the man might easily lift to show off. Roman was slowly becoming my own personal superhero, if not some kind of demi-god. And all these obsessive thoughts didn’t come close to how I craved sexual pleasure from the big older man. I pinched my perpetually hard nipples and dreamed it was Roman’s teeth nipping at my nubs. I found myself constantly daydreaming of what his thick cock would feel like in my mouth or, better yet, in my pulsing tight ass. Any thought of the big man’s pole actually made my hole pucker with joy – and caused my butt cheeks to squeeze together in anticipation of the overwhelming pain-mixed-with-pleasure when his huge shaft plunged forcefully into my submissive body. Because of these day dreams, I ceased to notice the intense pain that still tormented my body from the recent lifting with daddy Roman. It still amazed me how the man had been able to find ways to push my already huge muscles to new heights. I could feel my big self growing – not just maintaining my size, but actually moving beyond what I thought were my limits. The gray-haired behemoth mentor knew how to isolate parts of my body that I had forgotten existed. It was clearly me having an obsession for the improved daddy since the incredible pain that shot through every part of my body when I moved was quickly becoming a huge turn on. My own cock would shoot harder every time I felt terrible aching in muscles being awakened to new growth, caused by Roman’s expertise in the gym. I stood up beside the chair where I was resting and, while holding on to the arm, I squatted down to feel the mind-numbing pain in my quads and calves – something that actually caused pre-cum to seep out of my throbbing dick head. It was just too exciting to feel this vividly what Roman was causing to explode in my body – both internally and in my muscles. While pushing my wobbling legs back up to standing position, a thought hit me like a ton of bricks. I was head over heels in love. I was legs “thrown over my shoulders” in love. I was “bend my body” over the nearest piece of furniture and spread my ass cheeks wide in love. So much joy enveloped my huge frame with this revelation that I lost control in many ways – my cock started to spew big gobs of Roman-induced juice, tears streamed down my face, and I was forced to sit down because my legs gave out. Since I had chosen to remain nude for the evening since clothes actually caused my sore muscles to hurt even more, I shot volleys of hot jism all over the coffee table and sofa in front of me. My blissful sobs of joy mixed with pain actually caused me to slightly miss the excitement and pleasure of the powerful ejaculation. I, Jason, the more than handsome bodybuilder and huge cock tease, had fallen deeply in love. It was something so unfathomable to me that it actually caught me off guard. I had always been the guy that broke hearts; never meeting anyone that could live up to my expectations so I had merely closed myself off to the idea of caring as deeply as I now did for Roman. I was the invincible muscleman – oblivious to the sting of cupid’s arrow. How in the hell had I suddenly become this blubbering lovesick mound of aching meaty bulges. The answer came quickly – Aunt Hildie’s concoction. A sudden panic attack happened as quickly as the answer had come. Was Roman’s desire for me and my intense love for him simply because of some potion I had given him? The impact of the man’s expertise in lifting could be felt in every muscle of my body, so I knew that part of the vials’ work was true – but what about the inner enhancements? Were those changes just as true? Did the enriched water amplify what already existed in Roman, as I had thought all along, or did it simply create what I secretly longed for? Was I Frankenstein and Roman was my muscle daddy monster or had I merely unleashed the powerful beast living within the man? My cock was actually still dribbling thick cum as my mind tried to sort through all of these questions. Tears still streamed down my face, but the incredible joy I had felt earlier was now gone. My overwhelming desire for Roman was now mixed with worry and fear – that everything bonding the two of us together was built on something made up and false. I tried to force this sudden doubt out of my mind and re-focus my thoughts on the hot body of my muscle daddy, his fucking manly mustache, and his inner masculine maturity that stoked my fire, but it was no good. A budding fear was slowly creeping into all of my lustful thoughts about Roman. With Aunt Hildie’s help I had created the perfect muscled robot – a guy that had no free will. Roman was forced to want me because of what was in the vials – it didn’t come from a deep place in his soul. I now cried because I suddenly felt very alone. The man of my dreams was an obedient slave – created by a magic potion. I fell asleep in the chair, exhausted from all the mental angst raging through my mind. My dreams, however, were still heaven-blessed fantasies of Roman’s muscles and the big man growing my body even more muscular than it already was. I awoke late in the morning with another aching hard-on. The doubt from the evening before was still present in my subconscious, but the pleasure from a cum-filled cock overpowered all other thoughts. Visions of my final dream before waking still lingered in my head and I started stroking my morning wood as I focused on them. I had been dreaming of sitting in Roman’s lap, with his hard cock up my ass, as we both curled heavy dumbbells to pump up our already insanely large biceps. The big man pulsed his crotch into my butt each time we brought the weights up to the peak of the flex – causing me to get some extra punch to the lift. The big man also kissed the back of my neck each time and spoke encouraging words – commenting on the size of my arms, saying how much he loved being inside me, and constantly complimenting my new size. The sensation of being filled by his hefty meat, the tight pump that I experienced each time my arm tensed upright, and the sweet nothings I imagined Roman was saying to me was enough to send me over the edge. My morning wood quickly became a cannon blasting off a repeat round of thick volleys of cum across the room – streaking the same places as my load had the night before. The magazines on the coffee table were going to have to be tossed in the trash and the sofa was going to need a thorough cleaning. Again, my post-ejaculation glow quickly turned into doubt, my mind now being able to return to thoughts about how the vials had created the man of my dreams and that it was all probably fake. I knew there was part of me that wanted to say ‘who the hell cares’ and go forward, living a life of total bliss with a giant muscle daddy. But there was another part of me that knew how much I had fallen in love and the thought of Roman not loving me in the same natural way caused great trepidation. I wanted the big man to desire me because of the person I was and not due to some concoction I had given him. I wanted our first act of joyful man-on-man sex to be something he chose freely and not because of something he drank from a vial. I wanted to know that Roman truly loved me as much as I loved him. A glance at the clock quickly snapped me out of my venture into doubt and self-pity. I noticed that I had slept a lot longer than I had thought and I only had about thirty minutes before my appointed time to meet Roman. I immediately jumped into action – the thought of seeing the huge muscle daddy overruling any anxiety I was feeling. I ignored the cum-covered coffee table and sofa, jumped in the shower quickly, and was on my way to the gym after taking only ten minutes to get ready. When I stepped into the open area of the gym I was instantly greeted with a vision of the gigantic Roman working out in the middle of the room. It was like a hundred spotlights created a magnetic glow around the man. The first thing I noticed – and it made my cock shoot achingly hard in mere seconds – was that the man had clearly grown since yesterday. I couldn’t believe my eyes. Roman’s body seemed thicker at every mind-blowing bulging muscle. The guy hulked out in a way that was intoxicatingly sexy and super masculine at the same time. And the guy was covered in sweat – his skin-tight wet t-shirt stretched so thinly across his body that I could see the matted down hair covering his chest and bulky abdominals. The word that came to mind was tank – the guy was a sweaty tank with beads of sweat dripping from his forehead and chin. The heavy layer of salty liquid covering his body made his arms glisten like the sun. My mouth went dry from the immediate lust that devoured my body. I found that I was breathing heavier – almost grunting like a gorilla in heat – and my body was actually shaking with desire for the older beast. There were a few holes in the flimsy white shirt and I was positive they had been formed during the workout he was obviously ending. I strolled across the room in my khakis and dress shirt, wishing I were nude so I could entice the huge muscle man to take me right there in the middle of the gym. His body, his gorgeous face, and his perfect mustache made me immediately forget all anxiety and doubt that had crept into my mind over the last few hours. The plain fact was that I wanted this man almost as much as I wanted to breathe. Every fiber of my body – especially my rock-hard prick – craved this older muscle god. Suddenly, I didn’t care if the vials had caused him to want me – I was just happy that the mountain of hard bulges chose to give me the time of day, let alone take me under his wing. I was the luckiest guy in the world and I was about to have lunch with the hunkiest daddy in the world. The smile that broke out across Roman’s face when he noticed me walking up made my legs actually wobble with nervousness. I felt like I was in the presence of a Greek muscled deity. “Fuck, son, you dress up nice. Old Roman could almost eat you up, you look so good. I popped a stiff one just from one glance at your fine body. You fill out a shirt like a man’s suppose to, Jason. Thoughts of you, boy, made my workout for the last three hours so intense that I think I packed on five pounds of new muscle.” “I think it’s all in your arms, sir.” “Yeah, you noticed that, did you? I feel the growth there, especially. I lifted some fucking heavy weight as I visualized doing things to your body that when they actually happen you’re going to feel like you’ve died and gone to heaven.” “Gazing on your huge sweaty body makes me think I’m already there, sir.” “Damn, boy, you’ve made my cock pulse up even harder than it was before just from seeing you all dressed up. I’m not sure the clothes I’ve got in the locker room are going to hold a candle to the sexiness you’re blasting off. I may have to buy some new threads to match all of your handsome perfection.” “I think maybe no clothes on you would be perfection, sir.” “You might be right today, J-boy. I lifted enough weight during my workout to equal shoving an entire city block about a hundred feet. I was on fire today, man. I got home yesterday and fucked the hell out of those two bodybuilders again – just because working out with you got me so juiced up. They’re still at home passed out on the bed. They begged me to leave them at home and let them get some sleep. I granted their wish, but only on the stipulation that they’d be out of there by the time I returned for lunch with you. At one point last night, I plopped one big guy on the other’s hard dick and then lifted both men up onto my hard missile – plowing the guy on the bottom so hard that it gave intense pleasure to both men. You should have seen me holding both big bodies up in the air as I stood there pumping my huge rod into that tight ass. My fat balls have become a cum-factory, churning out juice as fast as I can move from one man’s ass to the next. Those big boys probably aren’t sitting down for weeks, Jason.” “I can’t believe it, Roman. You’re just so gigantic everywhere I look.” “Yeah, you like your big daddy’s hot body, don’t you, J-boy?” “Yes sir.” “Well how about I get a little special water from you, son, and then I’ll go throw on my shorts and tank-top and we’ll be on our way to get some grub. How does that sound?” “Incredible. I’m very excited about you having more of my family’s water, sir.” “So am I, son, so am I. I’m beginning to not remember what the vials have done to me, but I know they help me a lot.” I watched as the muscleman drank the bottle of water I handed to him. Droplets of sweat hung off of his handlebar ‘stache and his gray hair was matted down on his head – giving him even more of an older jock-stud look than before. I watched as his muscled neck swallowed the liquid in what was basically one gulp. I imagined the fluid going into his body as my eyes roamed down his mega broad shoulders, over his mammoth pecs, and then down his beautiful solid midsection. I felt myself getting light headed as I took in all of Roman’s beautiful physique and realized that he truly did seem larger. I watched as his face revealed that the water was working its magic. My cock started to stir to attention even more than it already was – something I noticed was happening to his own hefty meat, as well. “That is very good stuff, Jason. Let me step into the back for a few minutes, Jason, and I’ll be ready to go.” “Yes sir.” There was something in the way that Roman excused himself that was totally new and super exciting. I could tell there was a change to his personality, but I didn’t get a good enough glimpse of how the water had changed him to figure out what it was. He still had that unbelievable sexy sparkle in his eye and he carried himself with so much confidence that it bordered on cocky, but there was something definitely different. It was something about the way he carried himself – something in the way he said he’d be ready in a few minutes. I watched every head follow him as he walked by different people in the gym. He caught everyone’s attention and it was clear that each man wanted Roman in a powerful way. As I waited for Roman I began to think it might be necessary for me to beat off before we went to lunch at his place. I had never been so sexually turned on in my entire life. I could not believe that I, a gorgeous hung of a bodybuilder, was head-over-heels in love with someone. It was way beyond infatuation. It bordered on stalker level. I craved Roman on some internal level that I had never experienced before. When I closed my eyes I could picture every muscled curve of his body, every gray streaked hair on his head and mustache, and every beautiful mature masculine part of his face. I began to think that the aches and pains I felt in my body were not from the intense workouts my daddy put me through, but were actually pining throbs of desire for the man. I suddenly started to doubt that going to his condo was a good idea – for fear that I would not be able to wait for the final vial of Aunt Hildie’s concoction before attacking the gorgeous specimen. My erotic dreams of the muscled man were suddenly interrupted when I noticed that the gym had suddenly become as silent as a library. Without even opening my eyes I knew that Roman had emerged from the locker room. I was petrified that raising my eyelids and beholding all of his magnificence was going to make my cock spew with more pressure than a badly shaken two-liter cola. I could not, however, refrain from seeing what was causing the entire gym to freeze in place. What greeted my opened eyes could only be described as what people saw when they beheld an angel in heaven. Standing on this side of the door to the locker room was the beautiful and impeccably dressed body of wet-dream-come-true muscle daddy Roman. The big man was pulling gently on the cuffs of a beautiful light blue dress shirt underneath the jacket of a perfect cream-colored Armani linen suit. The giant man still looked butch as hell, but now there was an air of style and grace surrounding him that made James Bond seem like a hick. My mouth dropped open wide as I drank in all of the man’s tanned hugeness. The handlebar ‘stache looked as tailored as the suit, the man’s head of attractive senior hair looked like it had just been styled by the world’s best hairdresser, and the massive muscled body looked even larger covered by a wardrobe that clearly cost a year’s worth of my salary. When the man finally looked at me it was like lightning bolts shot out of his eyes into my chest – that’s how bowled over I was by his gorgeousness. Clearly defined muscles bulged and relaxed as the man-angel walked towards me. I knew, before he even reached my area of the gym, that the newly improved Roman out-classed me by many levels. I even smelled his incredible cologne before he got close. I had never felt so inferior in my entire life. The only thing that saved me – that made me even remotely capable of speaking to the man – was his intensely confident and inviting smile. “Are you ready for lunch, Jason?” I couldn’t form words for a few seconds. The man was even more stunning up close and personal. I could not take my eyes from his – it was like some powerful light beaming from within him hypnotized me. I closed my gaping mouth, licked my lips, and attempted a smile. By this point I had forgotten he had asked a question. I was simply basking in the beauty of the man – overwhelmed that this god had chosen to speak to me, even though I knew him so well. Roman did not embarrass me by asking the question again or by saying anything. He simply did the polite thing and waited for me to gain control of my body and mind. I suddenly realized that our interaction called for some kind of response from me. I dug deep into my soul and gathered all of my strength in order to offer the only reply that fitted such an astonishingly handsome and well-built classy man. “Yes sir.” Roman bent down and grabbed my gym bag and then held out his hand to me. He held out his beautifully manicured thick manly palm and fingers, causing me to feel like fucking Cinderella meeting the prince as I placed my smaller hand in his. His fingers firmly clasped around mine and his arm didn’t budge as I pulled my entire weight upward using him as my anchor. The man’s massive linen-covered limb stayed in place as my huge body unsteadily stood and pressed into him. As soon as he sensed that I had command over my legs he released my hand and moved his perfect paw to the small of my muscled back to guide me out of the gym. As we walked through the big room I felt a rush of pride flow through my body knowing that everyone else was jealous as hell because I was leaving with this man. I was sure that every person in the place – whether gay, straight, male, or female – wanted to be with Roman. I felt like I had just been crowned queen of some fucking parade and every other girl in town was full of murderous envy. Roman reached out to open the door for me and allowed me to walk through first – a move that was both alpha-cocky and gentlemanlike at the same time. My brain was on stimulation overload as we walked toward the parking lot. In the bright sunlight I was able to regain a little of my own confidence and I stared at my striking friend as he put on what I knew were ridiculously expensive face-complimenting sunglasses. The good-looking mega stud smiled at me and guided me to a dark blue Porshe Cabriolet turbo coup. It was my dream car of all dream cars and the top was already down. Roman opened my door and actually slid his hand down to my ass to half guide-half lift me into the seat. The overtly virile move thrilled me beyond what I could have imagined and my cock actually started to throb achingly from being too hard. “Your obvious arousal, young man, is very flattering. I hope I am not causing you any discomfort.” “No sir.” My answer came quickly because I did not want to disappoint the man in any way. I could not have this hunk of muscle daddy perfection think for a second that anything he did bothered me in any way. That would have made me very sad. I wanted him to sense that I was literally on cloud nine whenever he was around – and even when he wasn’t, for that matter. As he moved around to his side of the car I quickly looked down at myself to make sure I looked presentable for the man. I immediately felt underdressed, not muscular enough, and inadequate in my handsomeness – all new feelings for me, which he must have sensed when he easily squeezed his huge frame into the driver seat. “You look exquisite, Jason.” My heart nearly exploded with delight. Roman had looked deep into my eyes and praised me in a way that melted any self-doubt that had entered my brain. It was a comment that had been mixed with a command, a compliment, and an invitation all at the same time. He was ordering me to be happy with myself – a demand I could not say no to. He was admiring me in a way that thrilled me like a young schoolgirl. And he was requesting that I view myself through his eyes – something that empowered me to rekindle my own self-worth. My cock twitched with excitement – a movement in my pants that did not go unnoticed by my huge date. He smiled to himself and started the car. As we pulled out of the parking lot of the gym I noticed that Roman turned in the opposite direction of mid-town – the area of his condo. “I thought you lived in the opposite direction.” “No, I live at the beach. What made you think that?” “Well yesterday you said . . . um, never mind. I was mistaken. I can’t wait to see your place. Where shall we stop to get lunch?” “I’ve already made lunch for us, Jason. I hope that is okay.” “Oh, yes . . . yes, it’s fine. I just thought you said you couldn’t . . . uh . . . just forget it.” Roman smiled at me – again, it was a smile that put me at ease instantly. I also suddenly realized what was happening. Aunt Hildie’s concoction changed everything – not just the man, but also everything around the man. Roman was not the same guy as the day before. The clothes were different, the car was different, and the house was different – just as his attitude and demeanor were different. I had wanted a cultured muscle daddy and the concoction did not disappoint. This was a little hard for me to grasp as we traveled down the road toward the coast. I knew we were going to what most people considered the ritzy part of town. I was trying to understand how the vials were completely changing the man I had met in the gym just a few days before. It was clear that Roman remembered nothing of his former self and I could not decide if this was a good thing or not. I loved the new improved Roman, but I also had come to love the inner Roman – the original guy I had encountered. I also again wondered if the man I had created only liked me because of the magic in the water. I realized that most men would have said ‘what the hell’ and just accepted things as they were, but I couldn’t do that. I desperately wanted Roman to love me on his own – not because of what I had wished for. Only the big gorgeous body of the elder man sitting in the car helped me to stuff all these feelings deep inside. I wanted to enjoy this day without second guessing everything. I knew the time of reckoning would come with the last vial. I leaned back in my leather seat, turned to look at the smiling face of the man I now loved, and sighed out loud before I even realized what I was doing. It was a sound of contentment and joy. It was also noticed by my huge date for the day. “Happy, Jason?” “Very.” “I’m glad. I’m very happy, too.” “I hope so.” “What is there not to be happy about – I’m tooling down the road with a gorgeous man and the sun is shining brightly. It’s a perfect day.” “I couldn’t agree more. You know, that suit highlights your muscles perfectly.” “Thanks, big guy. I have a gay tailor that seems to only put me in tight clothing. He says when he dresses me it’s like I’m his work of art.” “I’ll say.” “We should get him to make you some clothes. I think he’d love dressing you, too.” “I’m afraid I couldn’t afford your tailor, Roman.” “It could be a little gift from me to you. After all, your family’s water continues to improve my body. It’s the least I could do.” “How much do you remember about your life before the water, Roman?” “What do you mean?” “Well, for starters, how long have you lived at the beach?” “For years. That’s a funny question.” “How long have you been big, Roman?” “Ever since I started working out – in my teens. I mean I wasn’t this big, of course, that’s what your family’s water did to me. It made me get a lot bigger.” “It sure did.” I now understood that Roman was slowly becoming completely the man I had dreamed of when I wrote to Aunt Hildie. Her potion was working perfectly and, yet, I was getting more nervous about its effects. Roman still had free will – since he had not taken the last vial. Since the final drink of water was labeled ‘loving’ and Aunt Hildie had made this liquid for me – it was clear that that dose would make Roman’s huge body, his mature and cocky attitude, and his cultured flair all directed towards me. And while the thought of this made me extremely excited, I began to wonder if it was truly what I wanted. If I was I turning Roman into a robot that automatically became and did everything I wanted, was that truly love? Or was it making him my muscle slave? He clearly remembered drinking the water, but he was slowly forgetting how dramatically it changed him. I must have had a worried look on my face, which Roman noticed. “It looks like my gorgeous boy needs some food, quickly. Hang on there, sport, we’re almost to my place.” We shortly pulled into the garage of what could only be described as the beach house of my dreams. It made sense that the house would be what I liked, since the water was turning Roman into my dream man. As we entered the brightly sun-lit house I recognized a Lucien Freud painting I had always admired, some pieces of sculpture that I had dreamed of owning if ever I won the lottery, and noticed that the place was filled with pieces of my dream furniture. At this point I began to freak out a little. It was like I had created an alternate universe for myself. All of this anxiety disappeared, however, as soon as Roman took off his coat inside the front door. The light blue silk shirt clung to the muscle daddy’s body in a way that was erotically flattering and emphasized the man’s torso perfectly. An overwhelming desire for the muscle god welled up in my body and helped me to forget about being freaked out. I stopped in my tracks and stared open-mouthed at the mustached daddy in front of him. Roman let out a soft chuckle and walked over to close my mouth by placing a thick finger underneath my chin and pushing upward. The physical contact snapped me out of my lustful trance. “I picked this shirt out just for you, sweet boy, so I’m glad you approve.” “What’s not to approve – you look good enough to eat. I think you’ve grown since yesterday.” “I hope so. You’ve gained about ten pounds of muscle yourself.” “No way, I haven’t gained anything in about ten months. I think I’ve hit my plateau.” “Really? Check out the scale in the master bathroom down the hall – I think you’ll be surprised. I’ll pour us some Prosecco and finish getting lunch ready. We’ll eat out on the deck, if that’s okay with you.” “That sounds great. I’m telling you you’re wrong, though, about the added pounds.” I walked down the hall, marveling at every detail of the beautiful home. The master bedroom seemed made for a movie and had all the gadgets and furniture I had ever wanted. I stepped on the top-of-the-line electric scale in the incredible bathroom and was, again, shocked beyond words. I had actually gained about twelve pounds and I instantly knew it was all muscle. Roman’s incredible tips in the gym had worked miracles, even in just a few short days. My head spun in disbelief. I reached out and grabbed hold of the beautifully tiled counter to steady myself. I also let out a gasp because I had thought it impossible to grow any more. Roman obviously heard me, even from down the hall. “I told you so, Jason. Stick with me, kid, and we’re going to blow your mind all the time. Come get lunch.” I was, again, surprised by the changes in Roman when I gazed at what he had prepared for lunch. The day before he had said he did not know his way around the kitchen, but the spread on the table in front of me rivaled anything made by Ina Garten, the Barefoot Contessa. There were some light appetizers, a seafood salad, and a couple of options for dessert. A wine that Roman had chosen specifically to compliment the food accompanied every part of the meal. He explained perfectly how each drink brought out different parts of the dish it was partnered with. I quickly realized that the ‘culture’ vial of water had made the huge man a walking encyclopedia for art, architecture, food, music, and so much more. He had become a true renaissance man with a body to die for. I tried desperately to focus on what Roman was saying as he spoke, but my eyes kept wandering to his fur-covered chest, exposed by the open shirt, and his bulging arms. It became clear that Roman realized what I was doing but he never commented on it – ever the gentleman. The meal was exquisite and I eagerly complimented every part of the meal. Later, after we had rinsed everything and loaded the dishwasher, Roman made a proposal that made my heart stop. “I was wondering, Jason, if you might care to stay the night. I believe it’s okay for me to take the last vial at midnight and we might want to see what comes after that.” We were standing at the edge of Roman’s large deck that stuck out over the ocean. His eyes and entire body seemed to reflect the astounding beauty of the water below. The muscled daddy radiated strength, sensitivity, and manliness – all at the same time. My legs began to wobble from excitement at the idea of spending the night with Roman. I knew the final vial was in my gym bag in the entranceway and, clearly, he did, too. During the meal, however, I had begun to contemplate not giving him the final vial. My fear about Roman not having the free will to choose to love me was causing doubt about finishing what I had begun. I figured I could leave things as they were right now and our relationship could develop naturally. It was clear that we were wildly attracted to each other. My hesitation was not lost on the big man. “What is it, Jason?” “I was thinking you might not want to take the last vial of water. I mean, look at how you’ve changed already. I think it’s enough, don’t you?” “I’m not sure, Jason. I’ve begun to forget what the vials have done to me. I know I’ve taken them and I remember they come from you, but I don’t recall who I was before you shared them with me. I understand, however, somewhere in my gut, that I need to take them all. It’s a packaged deal and we need to trust that. You feel it, too, don’t you.” “No, Roman, I don’t. I can’t explain it all to you, but I think the last vial will change you in a way that’s not good. I originally wanted . . . I mean the original plan was to take them all, but I’m not sure that’s a good idea now.” “I think we should stick to the original plan. You should trust the vials, son.” “How about we don’t make a decision until midnight. Okay, Roman. Let’s just have the evening to ourselves – just as we are right now – and then we can see what we want to do later on.” “If that’s what you want, Jason, then we’ll wait to make the decision. I don’t think I’ll be changing my mind, though. I’ve just got a gut feeling that I need to complete whatever transformation that has taken place.” “You really can’t remember anything, Roman?” “I have a vague memory of growing – both the muscles and the mustache – and I kind of remember having a different personality, but it’s getting more and more sketchy all the time. I just know that you’ve helped me a lot and I want to return the favor by making you grow bigger. I also feel a strong voice in my head that says I shouldn’t be physically intimate with you in any way until after the last vial. My gut tells me that the changes won’t take hold or something like that if we hook up in any way.” Roman’s gut feeling resonated with a similar hunch that was eating away at my own stomach. I had slowly realized that Aunt Hildie’s concoction would only be permanent if Roman drank every vial – but I also had come to understand that the last vial would probably erase all memories of his former self and make him my own hugely muscled adoring daddy boyfriend, but it wouldn’t be his choice. Roman would be responding to the magic of Aunt Hildie’s concoction and love me unconditionally. It was every gay man’s dream - to have a muscle daddy slave - but I had begun to wonder if it was truly what I wanted. I had set out to make the perfect man – and in almost every way Roman had become exactly what I wanted, but I now doubted my dream. I wondered if it would be better to let Roman go back to being the man I had met in the gym a few days ago and love the inner muscle daddy I knew existed inside him - knowing that his mind was clear and his decisions were his own. Or would it satisfy me more to have him be the perfect specimen of manhood now, but understand that he adored me only because of Aunt Hildie’s concoction. I was leaning toward the former because I thought that I would be able to, over many years, release the inner Roman and come somewhat close to what he was right now, but there were no guarantees. “Just because we can’t do anything too intimate until after the last vial, Jason, doesn’t mean we can’t have a little fun this afternoon.” “What do you mean, Roman?” “I mean a guy can still look, even if he can’t touch. I’d like to see you flex for me, boy. It would be good to see what my training has done to you. And if I choose to get a little relief from all this pent up tension, well, there seems to be little harm in that.” My cock, which had become deflated during my inner turmoil about the last vial, suddenly shot back to being fully hard – achingly hard, as a matter of fact. The thought of seeing my muscle daddy work off a little sexual tension was enough to almost bring me to an uncontrollable explosion. At the same time, though, the thought of posing for my dream man intimidated me. I had been a natural exhibitionist ever since I had added my first few pounds of muscle as a young man. I was a champion bodybuilder that usually strutted through the gym like I owned the place. What was happening to me? Roman, the elder muscle god of my dreams; was making me embarrassed about my body – my huge body. It was just that he was so much larger and muscle-packed than me – it caused me to feel inadequate. I looked down at the ground – torn between intense lust at the thought of seeing Roman pump his huge cock and extreme discomfort at the idea of stripping down to some posers for this gorgeous man. Again, the giant muscle daddy in front of me sensed my awkwardness perfectly. “You have nothing to be shy about, boy. You’re fucking gorgeous. Don’t compare yourself to me, son. We’re going to get you this huge very soon. And right now, you’re more muscled than almost ninety-nine percent of the world. Your body gets this huge muscle daddy worked up more than you’ll ever know. Hell, I’d throw you down on this deck and fuck the shit out of that tight ass right now if I didn’t know it would break the spell you’ve been feeding me in that water. We might be tempting fate getting naked and everything, but I’m just not sure I can take being this close to you and not chugging out a big load. How about I open a six hundred dollar bottle of wine, we get a little drunk, and you show off that fucking hot body for your daddy. What do you say, son?” “I say I’ll get the opener while you get the bottle of wine.” We stood there staring at each other for a few seconds. I was seriously worried that we were going to pounce on each other for some throw down man-on-man sex and forget about Aunt Hildie’s last vial. I’d be lying if I said that part of me didn’t wish that we would, but Roman broke the tension by letting out a loud, somewhat uncultured cowboy yell, pounded his huge thick chest with his fists a couple of times and then backed away to go get the wine - never taking his eyes off of mine until he got to the door. I exhaled loudly after he disappeared and immediately sank into one of the oversized cushioned deck chairs. I felt light-headed – mainly because all of the blood in my body was pumping powerfully into my stiff cock – and worried that I might pass out from the excitement Roman caused in my body. I wanted to feel his huge muscles pressed up against my hard body so badly that I worried I was going to burst into flames from the heat he produced within me. I saw the same exact lust in Roman’s eyes. He desired me as much as I desired him – even before he drank the last vial. It suddenly dawned on me that if I could be convinced that Roman loved me unconditionally prior to taking the last vial then maybe the guilt I felt about turning him into an unknowing slave could evaporate from my mind. If he was already a total lovesick puppy – devoted to me – then I didn’t have to worry about what Aunt Hildie’s concoction did to him. I realized I had already begun to rationalize reasons for giving the last vial to Roman – again, a sure sign I was head over heels in love with him. The big man clearing his voice interrupted my mental revelry. I looked up and gasped out loud when I saw my muscle daddy standing over me holding a bottle of wine and realized he had taken off his beautiful shirt. I had seen his upper body many times before, but the intensified sexual tension between us caused me to take in his massiveness in a new and exciting way. “Somebody was dreaming of his muscle daddy so much that he forgot to get the opener.” “Guilty as charged, sir.” “Not to worry, I stopped by the kitchen to lose the shirt and grab the corkscrew.” “Watch out when you say ‘screw’ big man – I may not be able to prevent myself from attacking you.” “No, no, dreamboat, we have to wait until after midnight for all that touchy-feely stuff. That means we have about eight hours to kill. I’m thinking we can find a lot of things to do to keep our hands occupied until then. Watch this little trick I learned today, sport.” Roman pushed out his monstrous pecs and held the bottle of wine in the deep valley between the hard mounds of flesh. He then tensed his chest causing a ton of striations to become noticeable even through the fur covering the huge muscles. I watched in awe and lust as he dropped his hand and the wine bottle stayed tightly in place. I then loved every second of the show as he took the kitchen tool and proceeded to uncork the bottle while he held it in place with just his pecs. Some of the deep burgundy wine squirted out on his right massive pec shelf as he pulled out the cork and I immediately wanted to lick it up – excited about tasting the mixture of his salty sweat and the sweet wine. Roman shook his finger back and forth at me and shook his head from side to side. “Not yet, sexy big boy. Cool your jets. Did you like my trick?” “Look to my crotch for your answer, daddy.” “Ummm, indeed you did. Care for some wine?” “Only if I can slurp it up from within that big crevice between those massive muscled puppies!” “Maybe later on, boy, maybe later on. Right now, you’ll have to settle for a glass. I also think we should simply sit here for a while and sip our wine – before we start your little show. I think we are both too wired for any kind of stimulation right now. We might not be able to control our hands.” “Or our cocks.” “So true, my young pup, so true.” Roman poured both of us a big glass of the wine and almost all thoughts of sex immediately left my mind after he swirled my glass for a few seconds and then allowed me to sip some of the unbelievable aged vino. It was like having a sweet grape orgasm in my mouth. I had never tasted something so incredible. Roman could instantly tell how much I loved the wine and this pleased him very much. He sat down in another deck chair, across from me, and watched intently as I took my second sip. I was blown away by the taste even more the second time. “He likes the wine. I see my boy has good taste.” “Of course. I chose you, didn’t I?” “Smooth, sir, smooth.” “Almost as smooth as your wine, daddy.” “When you call me daddy, Jason, it takes every ounce of my strength not to leap from this chair and throw my big body on top of you. Who knows what would happen after that.” “Daddy, daddy, daddy.” “You, my friend, are incorrigible.” We both took a long sip of wine and stared into each other’s eyes. It was a natural break in the strenuous work of not attacking each other. The air was filled with the kind of sexual tension that was so palpable we both knew that even a stiff wind could send us over the edge. I wanted this elder specimen of muscled daddiness more than I had ever wanted anything in my entire life. I was lost in his confidence and his masculine beauty. I could not believe I had been granted the chance to create my fantasy man. I mentally stumbled for a few seconds when the word ‘fantasy’ crept into my thoughts. Is that what Roman was – just a fantasy? Had I taken away his ability to choose things for himself and would the final vial seal his robotic love for me completely? Suddenly, my mind was clear and I knew what I had to do. I loved this man too much to make him my slave – even if his new body and his cocky attitude was everything I had ever wanted. I made the decision that would cause me great grief, but I knew it was also the right thing to do. “I need to step into the little boy’s room, sir.” “You’ll find that there’s not any room here for little boys, Jason.” “Well, then I need to step into the big boy’s room, sir.” “No fair jerking off in there, big guy. Save that sweet stuff for later on.” “I wouldn’t think of it, sir.” I placed my glass on a side table and slid off the chair. I had to reach down and readjust my hard cock, so it would be easy to walk. This caused Roman to chuckle slightly. I looked down into his beautiful eyes and I immediately got the sense that he knew exactly what I was doing. I thought I saw sadness in his eyes, but there was also some pride mixed in. I was instantly confused and stopped in my tracks. I must have had a quizzical look on my face. Roman smiled at me and then nodded his head. “A man has to do what he’s got to do.” “What?” “I mean, when you have to piss, you got to piss. Am I right?” “Um . . . yes . . . yes, sir.” I moved away slowly and knew that Roman followed my every step. I got the feeling we had not been talking about bodily functions. It really creeped me out when it seemed that Roman knew what I was thinking. I quickly moved into the house. I walked to my gym bag in the foyer and grabbed the last vial. Once inside the bathroom I stood over the toilet like a frozen statue – torn between what I knew was the right thing to do and what my cock told me was the thing that turned me on more than anything else in the world. I did not want Roman to be a robot. I did not want his love unless it was given freely. I knew what I was about to do would mean that the muscle daddy of my dreams would be back to his original dweebish self by morning. I also glanced around the fancy bathroom and realized the beach home would be gone, too. Remembering that the house was furnished and decorated to my own taste hastened my decision – since it was a sign of the big man’s automatic commitment to me. I opened the vial, sighed heavily, and then poured the liquid in the toilet – and flushed. I immediately felt great relief with my decision, but I had to lower the seat cover and sit down to recover fully. I had basically just given up on everything I ever dreamed of having. I had watched Roman change into the muscled senior stud of all studs and now I was giving it all up. But I realized I was sacrificing my own orgasmic happiness because I loved the man – the true man. I had come to love everything about Roman. I hoped that I would one day help him to once again become his present macho muscled self, but I realized it would be a long process. The man sitting out on the deck existed somewhere within the original Roman – I knew that now - but I also understood that it might take a lifetime to help him reach his full potential. I gathered my strength, wiped away the tears that had begun to fall down my cheeks, and returned the vial my bag as I made my way back outside. I inhaled deeply, to regain some confidence, and stepped back out onto the deck. ********** I somehow felt amazingly calm and collected when I returned to the deck and beheld the beautiful Roman. The heat of the day was causing him to perspire slightly and the light layer of water made it look like he had oiled up his big body. He glistened like the water on the shore of a Greek isle. He was lying there soaking up the rays of the setting sun with his eyes closed as I moved near him. I stood there quietly, staring at the beautiful man. He seemed larger than before. I immediately thought it wasn’t possible, but then I remembered all the things that Aunt Hildie’s concoction had accomplished thus far. Maybe the big man was still growing. I tried to remember what Roman looked like before the transformation – and how he would again look this time tomorrow, but all I could picture was the way he was right now – muscled, mustached, and exuding cockiness and culture at the same time. Actually, even I was beginning to forget the old Roman. I tried desperately to memorize how he looked right at that moment so that over the coming years, as we hopefully rebuilt him to this point, I could remember what each part of him should look like. I doubted we would ever reach the perfection in front of me, but maybe we could come close. It didn’t even cross my mind how hard it would be to get Roman to be as confident and knowledgeable as he was right now, but only time would tell. When he finally spoke, clearly having sensed that I was back, he did not open his eyes. “Did you take care of everything, Jason?” “I’m sorry?” “Were you able to set things straight while you were inside?” “Um . . . yes, yes I think I did.” “That’s good. Now, how about a little flexing for your ole buddy Roman?” He finally opened his eyes. There was a new twinkle there that I had not noticed before. I quickly picked up that it existed because the big man was finally overtly flirting with me. I had witnessed him mesmerize others with his charm and I also saw people follow his every move at the gym, but now the man was focused solely on me – and not like he focused on me when we worked out together. No, the look in his eyes was purely sexual and it made my strong legs wobble. Roman was looking at me with a smile that made it clear he would have fucked me silly right there and then if it had not been for the final vial – the vial that no longer existed since I had dumped it down the toilet. Roman’s lustful staring turned me on in a way that I could not explain. I wanted the man more than I wanted air or water. I needed him to live. “Um . . . I’m sorry, Roman?” “Take your shirt off.” I didn’t fully understand what he was asking, but I began to unbutton my shirt just because he had told me to. I would have jumped off a cliff or in front of a charging bus if the guy had ordered it. I was Roman’s puppy – obedient until the end. I suddenly felt a pang of regret for having gotten rid of the last vial. Being ordered around by a huge older muscle stud was such a turn on – such the fulfillment of all my lifelong dreams, but it was also false coming from this man. Roman’s bravado was created by me – and Aunt Hildie’s concoction. In less than twenty-four hours he would be back to the original smallish man I had met in the gym just a few days ago. My present actions with the shirt reflected a need to satisfy the man sitting in the deck chair in front of me. My mind and heart had already begun to plan how I might naturally build up the guy that had been the original cornerstone – the man I had met in the gym that first day. By this point my shirt lay on the deck at my feet. My upper body was completely exposed. “Damn, you’re a beautiful man, Jason. Your size and definition is amazing. I could gaze on your incredible muscles forever.” Roman’s words turned me on in a way that was unfathomable in every way – I didn’t realize I could become as jazzed about someone as I was about him at that moment. Here was one of the sexiest and most fucking built men I had ever seen in my entire life talking about how beautiful and muscular I was – it was so surreal. I watched in awe as Roman unzipped his pants and pulled out the most mouth-watering plump masculine cock I had ever seen – and started stroking the big thing slowly. The muscle daddy of my dreams was getting his rocks off because of my body. This was something I never thought I would live long enough to experience. Suddenly, the deadline of midnight no longer mattered. I didn’t care that Roman would be turning back to the man I had met in the gym a few days ago – it just didn’t matter. Right now, at this moment, he was a huge guy that found me so irresistible that he had to jerk-off as he gazed upon my body. I started to unzip my pants and push them down over my immense quads without having the stud request it. I wanted to please Roman so much that I merely did what I sensed he desired. I could not have guessed how right I truly was. “Aw hell, boy, you are making me crazy. Just look at those huge legs. You’ve got so much muscle in those quads I think it could take me years to count the striations. And those fucking calves are as big as kegs! Jason, you are the most beautiful man in the world. I hope I can prevent myself from cumming too soon – I want to save myself for you later on.” I was hoping the same thing about myself. Seeing the huge muscled daddy stroking his big meat in the chair in front of me was almost too much. I was as hard as stone and leaking a lot of pre. I forced myself to stare at Roman’s face – avoiding his huge body and the pumping of his cock because I knew it would make me explode. I stood there only in my underwear – but my own pole stretched my briefs out in a way that was both indecent and harmful to the material. I wanted to throw my big body down on the even bigger man lying in the chair before me. I wanted it so much that my body actually ached. I could have initiated sex with Roman since the final vial had been flushed down the toilet, but I waited. I waited to honor the fact that he was being diligent in his own control – but also because I wanted to build up the mind-blowing sexual tension that already existed between us. I knew I would have to tell the guy that the final vial was gone. I knew his disappointment would be great, but I also knew – on a certain level – that he could not remember the man he used to be. I had a feeling he would wake up tomorrow and not even remember that he had been the most beautiful muscle daddy that had ever walked the earth – not to mention the cockiest and most cultured. Tomorrow he would only see that there was a giant stud sleeping next to him that was head-over-heels in love with him. I knew that I would still desire Roman after he returned to his old self – because I had glimpsed what existed beneath the surface. I now knew what the man could become – what was possible within him. And that was enough to keep me committed and devoted to him forever. I was certainly ready to re-build the Roman I knew - when he no longer had the body or the attitude that existed right now. “Flex your guns, boy.” My arms went up in the air immediately and I pumped my biceps hard. I needed the big daddy in front of me to be impressed. The pumping of his cock increased a little and he moaned in what could only be described as pure pleasure. The man was staring at me like I was a tall glass of ice water and he had been out in the dessert without any liquid for days. If looks could have equaled intercourse – at that moment I would have been fucked in every orifice possible. I tensed my arms even higher – desperate to make Roman happy. His leaking pre-cum made the rock-hard huge pole glisten as he stroked himself. It still boggled my mind to know that this giant muscle daddy lusted for me so deeply. Both of us were using every ounce of our incredible strength to not jump the other guy’s body. I swear Roman looked even bigger than just a few minutes ago. I was sure it had everything to do with my own desire for him, but he did look magnificent. I didn’t take my eyes away from him. He, however, was not looking at my face – his gaze was locked on my arms. “You’re just fucking huge, boy, and we’re going to get you even larger. I can’t wait until we have to go and buy you an entire new wardrobe. This daddy is going to make his boy look cum-draining gorgeous. I’m going to have to beat all the boys off of you.” “Something that will be no problem for my big muscled daddy, I’m sure.” “You’d like to see me rough up some young whippersnappers, wouldn’t you, Jason. It would be nice to have me toss some guys around just to emphasize to them that you’re my pup. You like the idea of seeing this daddy in action, don’t you, son?” “Yes sir. More than anything, sir.” “I’m built to put people in their place, kid. I’ve got enough muscle to defeat an army for you – if that’s what you want. You just keep getting bigger and posing that gorgeous body of yours for me any time I want and I’ll be glad to rid the world of anything you want me to. Lose the briefs, boy.” My arms came down and I immediately latched my thumbs underneath the waistband of my underwear. I pulled the material out, to bring it beyond my hard protruding dick and then tugged the things down beyond my bulging quads. I then used my right foot to push them over my calves and release them onto the deck floor. I had never been so proud of my body. Roman let out a huge whistle and increased the motion on his cock – the rhythm being steady and intense. “Turn around and let me see what my fat daddy cock is going to get to plug in a little while. Aw fuck yeah, that is one beautiful muscled ass, Jason. Tense those glutes, boy. Let me see the power you got in those cheeks. Oh shit, that’s nice. Remind me why I shouldn’t just shove this big thing up that tight hole right now, son.” “I really can’t think of any reason, sir.” “Shame on you, Jason, trying to trick me when I’m in such a vulnerable state. I know we’ve got to wait until midnight. I’m slowly forgetting why, but I know it’s important. That last vial is going to cement things between you and me – it’s what your family’s concoction is all about. I won’t forget that important point – no matter how gorgeous your ass is. Bend over for me, boy.” I could not believe how much his talking turned me on. I didn’t even need to look at the beautiful man for him to excite me – just his voice could cause my cock to start leaking even more generously. I leaned over and grabbed my ankles – exposing my puckered hole for the muscle daddy. I heard his big hand cease it’s motion on his hard pole – the guy was clearly too close to eruption and needed a break. Roman also let out a low growl-like sound that made it more than clear he was happy with the view between my muscled cheeks. I was amazed at the self-control we were both somehow able to muster. I started to contemplate what it would feel like to have the big cock that beamed so beautifully from the guy’s crotch. I continued to tense my ass – making sure my tight opening quivered appropriately. Suddenly, I heard a big splash in the pool behind me. I opened my eyes and peered between my muscled calves. I saw Roman’s pants in a heap at the base of his chair and then noticed his head pop out of the perfectly blue water a few feet away. “I needed to calm down, boy. Your ass was sending me too close to the edge.” I stood back up and turned around. Seeing Roman’s gorgeous hair and mustache glistening with beads of water sent me into sensory overload. He looked even more beautiful with his upper torso sticking out from the water at the middle of the pool. The man was still staring at my body and I could see the fat head of his cock still sticking up proudly. The sun was almost completely down now – just an orangish-red glow making everything in the area look as if it were on fire. The reflection on Roman’s body was intoxicating and it somehow made his muscles look even more stunning. I stepped to the edge of the pool and then jumped in. I made sure I ended up a few feet away from the big daddy cooling off. I didn’t want to get so close that we would immediately attack each other. The water was perfect and definitely helped to diffuse some of the sexual tension mounting between us. When I stood up and let the water cascade down over my body, Roman had to immediately close his eyes. “Seeing your muscles covered in water is almost too much, boy. It makes everything bulge out even more. This daddy couldn’t be blamed for ravaging your body when it looks like that.” “Ravage away, sir.” “Soon, son, very soon. I promise I’ll be worth the wait. We won’t be coming up for air until the sun is rising. I can guarantee that. You think my workouts made you sore, Jason? Wait until you’re trying to recover from the intense pain my fucking is going to cause. Hell, son, you’ll be bigger tomorrow morning just because of how much I’m going to make that body of yours tense up with excitement later on. And my muscle daddy cum is going to pump your body up something special, boy. I can guarantee you that. It’s gong to feel like you were run over by a Mack Truck tomorrow morning, but it’s also going to be the most glorious sensation you’ve had in a long time. I’m going to feel the same way, boy. My big body is going to ache too, but it’s going to be such sweet pain.” Hearing Roman refer to how his own big body was going to feel in the morning snapped me out of my lust for him immediately. I started to doubt that my decision to dump the final vial down the toilet had been the right one. Even though he was being turned into the man of my dreams and not necessarily his – did that really matter? Wasn’t he benefitting from what I wanted, too? I forced those doubts out of my head since it was too late now, anyway. What was done was done – the huge man before me would be his original smaller self in the morning. I knew it was just important to enjoy his present huge company for right now – and to memorize what we would attain through hard work over the next few years. That is, if it was what Roman wanted. That was the difference – it would be his choice starting tomorrow and it wouldn’t be me forcing him to become what I wanted – what I desired. I wanted to wade over to the big man and hug him intensely. He clearly sensed my need. “Careful there, pup. We’ve just got a few more hours to go. I know I toyed with our libidos for the last few hours, but that was just some intense foreplay. Two huge strong fuckers like us can hold out for a little while longer. It will just make the multiple orgasms that are going to happen throughout the night that much better. You take a little swim and your big daddy is going to go fix us a nice dinner. Watching you flex your muscled body and edging my cock from looking at your tight hole has made me fucking hungry. I’m going to make you something so tasty that your big cock will stay hard just from the food and not only because our bodies are so hot for each other.” Watching Roman slowly walk up the steps at the shallow end of the pool was like watching Poseidon coming up from the ocean. The man’s body was huge and the wet hail only emphasized his muscles more. I loved how Roman didn’t dry off at all. He simply walked into the big house and turned on some lights. I watched him – my hard-on becoming more intense – as he started working in the kitchen completely nude. His huge body moved around the open space like he was in some kind of domestic ballet. I stroked my hard meat under the water. I stood just like that for the hour and a half that it took the big man to prepare our meal. He glanced at me every now and then – especially when he came outside to set the table on the deck, preparing a beautiful space for what would be our final meal in this place. He called me from the pool once everything was on the table and the wine was poured. I stepped out of the water and moved to the chair on the other side of the table. We both stayed completely nude – the night air causing our nipples to poke out strongly. I could have skipped the entire meal if he had offered one of his nubs for me to suck on. There was, of course, another couple bottles of exquisite wine with the meal and by the time we finished everything we both were pretty buzzed. My inebriation made me a little bolder with the man. I decided to tread in some unfamiliar territory. “What if none of this existed tomorrow? How would you feel, Roman?” “What do you mean?” He was opening a third bottle - a sweet dessert wine - and chose to hold the thing between his monstrous pecs like he had earlier as he pulled out the cork. It was a trick I had come to love. My cock – even in my drunken state – was fully hard. Roman knew exactly what kind of response his actions elicited from my body. He did it just to tease me. I also think it helped him to stay hard, as well – knowing I was so turned on. “What if this house didn’t exist, this food didn’t exist . . . even your body didn’t exist.” “Would I still have you?” His question came quickly, without any hesitation, and caught me off guard. I stared into his eyes and noticed the seriousness behind the statement. He stopped in mid pour and just looked at me with a face full of love. I was almost moved to tears. I didn’t blink at all and answered honestly. “Of course you would – I’ll never leave you now, Roman. I know the real you and I’ve come to realize that’s the most important thing.” “Then none of this matters, Jason. You are all that I desire. It’s been that way since the first time we met – even though I really can’t remember all the details of when we met. I do, however, remember wanting you from the moment you shared your family’s secret water. I could do without any of this if I knew I still got you.” The tears flowed now. I couldn’t control them. I’m sure it was partly the wine, but it was also the words that Roman had spoken. I cried because I felt the same way as he did. I wanted the guy more than anything else in the world – even if it meant he came without the changes that Aunt Hildie’s concoction had caused. Sure he was handsome as hell, muscled beyond belief, the kind of confident, cultured stud I had always dreamed of, and had the facial hair of my wet dreams – but all of that paled in comparison to what I now liked about his interior self. I sobbed a little as the tears continued to stream down my face. I knew, deep down, that a lot of what Roman was saying would be gone as soon as he was back to his original self. I still didn’t know how much of his love for me was caused by Aunt Hildie’s vials. I’m sure there was a basic attraction, but I also knew we’d have to build back up to these intense feelings we now carried for each other. I would be at an advantage because I knew what we could become – what we could be together. I would have to work hard to convince him of all this once it was gone. I was ready for the challenge, though. Roman just sat there as I mourned – for what he and I would lose come the morning. But I also cried for joy – for I knew that our relationship would be built on truth and honesty starting the next day. I could wait as we built him back up to the perfect muscle daddy. It was worth the wait. “I think we need new glasses, Jason. I’ll be right back. This stuff will taste better in champagne flutes.” Roman disappeared into the house – and I realized he was doing it to allow me to have the time I needed to work through whatever was causing me sadness. He was too much of a gentleman to pry or cause me to feel uncomfortable. I collected myself while he was gone and was ready to rejoice when he returned. I loved watching his huge body move back out onto the deck in the moonlight. It felt like I truly had every curve and bulge memorized. I was ready for whatever would come. Roman set a glass in front of me and then pulled his chair around the table so we were sitting closer to each other. He picked up his glass and I knew he was ready for a toast. I raised my flute, as well. “Here’s to the future, Jason – whatever it brings.” “To the future, Roman.” We drank in silence. The dessert wine was exquisite, just like the rest, and I loved how tasting it pleased the big man. He savored the wine and swallowed joyously. We finished our glasses without saying a word and then we both sat back in our chairs. Roman reached out and grabbed my hand. It was a bold move, since we didn’t want to do anything that would make us jump each other’s bones, but it was also a comforting move. I needed his closeness at that moment and I realized he knew it, too. We gazed into each other’s eyes and this made him begin to smile with a face full of joy. I felt complete – right then and right there. Even if that feeling never came again, I would remember that moment forever. He seemed different, somehow – even calmer and more confirdent. “It’s two minutes passed twelve, Jason. Time for that final vial.” My heart sank. I knew it was time to tell the truth. I was ready to face the music. I knew it would be hard for Roman to hear, but I also knew it was the right thing to do. I loved him so much that I realized I had to set him free. I needed him to know everything. I was ready to begin our life in a new way. “I need to tell you something, Roman. I poured the last vial down the toilet. Don’t be angry. I want to tell you a lot of things that you don’t remember – that you’ve forgotten because I have been giving you these vials. I think it is important for you to know the truth.” “I know the truth, Jason. You love me and I love you.” “Yes, that’s true, but there’s more.” “You mean that your Aunt Hildie sent you seven vials to make the perfect muscle daddy? You mean that you’ve given me the vials and have loved all the changes? You mean that the last vial – the one you poured down the toilet – was to make me loving and you panicked because you felt that you were turning me into a muscled robot that had no will of his own? Do you mean the fact that you gave up everything just because you wanted me to have the chance for all of this on my own? Have I summed it up pretty well, Jason?” “Um . . . yes . . . but, but how did you know?” “I didn’t know until about two minutes ago. I caught on earlier that you were feeling a little uneasy about the vials. Maybe your aunt put something in the sixth one to help me have some foresight or something. Anyway, when I went in earlier to get the wine opener I switched out the liquid in the vial. You poured just regular tap water down the drain. When we just toasted with the dessert wine you drank what was in the bottle and I drank what was in the vial. The seventh vial was for both of us, Jason. Your aunt knows you very well. The way to make me completely in love with you – the kind of love that knows no bounds – is to show me some act of selfless love, yourself. You gave up everything you ever dreamed of - for me, Jason. You made yourself worthy of unconditional love. The seventh vial only made me completely aware of everything that has happened and, by the way, gave me the chance to choose it for myself. I have total free will right now, boy, but I also know what you did – what you intended to do. I love you even more deeply than just ten minutes ago. And here’s the best part, kiddo, I’m staying just the way you see me right now. Well, that’s not entirely true. I plan on getting larger – right along side of you.” Somehow, everything Roman said sank into my brain fully as he spoke. It all made total sense and I was amazed by the fact that Aunt Hildie had anticipated everything. I was also thrilled beyond belief that the muscled daddy sitting in front of me was going to be staying the same forever. My heart was bursting with love for the giant. I stood up and moved in front of him. I straddled his legs and sat down. Our hard cocks were smashed between our taut stomachs as I pressed my body into his. I leaned my face down. “That must mean I can now do this…” I kissed Roman hard – harder than I had ever kissed anyone in my entire life. I also smashed my body into his hard torso – relishing every mind-blowing feeling his muscles caused in me. There was no way I could ever have imagined what it would feel like to embrace this muscle daddy for the first time – it was everything I had dreamed of and more – much more. I also knew it was the beginning of a lifetime of exciting moments. I was ready for the ride – in more ways than one. I sent a huge thank you thought out to Aunt Hildie before my mind surrendered to all things surrounding my muscle daddy built to order! This post has been promoted to an article
  12. Ras3rGM

    Mr.steve & Bruce (part3)

    A longer story than usual, I hope you like it u.u Mr.Steve & Bruce My name is Steve, although I am often called Mr. Steve, I am 74 years old and live with my grandson Bruce, he is my whole life.... His disgusting father, someone I will never consider my son, abandoned him after killing his mother, he was imprisoned and sentenced to life imprisonment, since Bruce was 8 years old he was left in my care for lack of any other guardian, I raised him as my real son, he has always been kind, polite, and with good values, I always call him my baby hehe even though this year he turned 18, he was never very outgoing he was always the introverted and quiet type, I knew he was bis from 16.. and because of that he has always been treated badly, he has been beaten, I remember days when he arrived with bruises all over his body, he was bullied and it was getting worse, I tried to talk to the school but they did nothing, I even threatened to sue but the school protected those bastards just for their money. I decided to take Bruce out before something really serious happened, boys who think they can do whatever they want because their parents have money are very dangerous, but it wasn't enough they wanted to hurt him just for being him, one day Bruce went out and told me that a friend had invited him to see a movie premiere, that day Bruce didn't come back.... It was already 12:00 a.m. and Bruce was not answering his cell phone, when the house phone rang to give me the worst news.... Bruce was hospitalized, I almost had a heart attack and then I remembered those brats, I wanted to cry but I felt a rage I had never felt before but I was so helpless.... I felt pathetic After a while of being in the hospital with Bruce they ended up discharging him and he came home, although he was somewhat changed he was more scared than before, he didn't want to go outside after those guys beat him to the point of almost leaving him in coma it was totally understandable, I felt so much frustration, fortunately the lawsuit I made was supported by many witnesses in the trial and the 5 criminals who hurt my son were sentenced.... But still... I felt weak not being able to protect my Bruce, what if it happened again? I'm just a weak old man I didn't know what to do, until I heard a commercial. "You don't want to be weak anymore do you? Do you want the strength of Arnold or Ronnie Coleman? "Yes" I said as if I wanted an answer "well try our new product that will change you completely... for more information call -" I wrote down the number and called "Hello?" "Hello, who is this? "My name is Steve I saw your commercial on TV and I was interested." "Mr. Steve our commercial unfortunately is discontinued maybe they ran it by mistake, we no longer offer the product." I froze but something told me that I had to insist. "Please sir, I'm going through something difficult, I need something..... Whatever it is I'm 74 years old I'm not old enough to exercise anymore but I don't want to..... I need to be strong, the strongest if necessary.... Please." "Hmm our product is risky sir, that's why the commercial stopped going over I really can't offer it to you, but if you are so needy I can make an exception although you must understand that it is an experimental product and may carry risks to your health, understand?" "Of course, I would do anything." "Anything? All right, I'll give you an address let's find it there Mr. Steve." "Okay, I'll be there tomorrow" "Get ready to change your life completely Mr. Steve? He hung up" I was nervous, I don't know what I had just done, who I was calling or if what I was walking into was dangerous, but there was no turning back now. I went to the indicated address I felt bad for leaving Bruce alone, but something in me knew that from this day on everything would change, I don't know if for better or for worse... but it would change, I was at the place but I didn't see the guy, after waiting for 20 minutes I started to think that everything was a lie or something like that. "Pss, hey you're Steve aren't you?" I turned around and I saw a big guy, he wasn't huge or anything but definitely athletic. "Yeah" I said "Look Steve come this way" I followed him to a secluded spot, he started to pull something out of his jacket I thought it was a dagger and he was going to rob me I got scared, but he pulled out a bag of pills or something. "This right here Steve is the last pills we made before the product was discontinued due to some lawsuits and complaints, there are 20 of them." "Lawsuits? Why? "Side effects like body hair growth etc... it was never anything serious most just wanted to smear us and they got it." He gave me the bag "Because you said they were dangerous and all that?" "Well... I just wanted to scare you, I really don't usually agree to these things." "Hmm okay, I understand." "The whole thing with your grandson I hope it's okay...I'm not going to charge you for this I think you really need it." "Thank you.. by the way what is your name?" "Frank I'm sorry for not saying it sooner because I couldn't trust you without seeing you in person first." "That's okay, thank you very much..." "Let's go before we draw too much attention to ourselves, it was nice to meet you Steve." "Nice to meet you too Frank." After that I went back home and thought about making us a vacation to lift Bruce's spirits.. so we went camping in a nearby forest and rented a hut, change of environment would do Bruce good, he was still quiet even with me, although he was still as obedient and kind as ever, I felt again that helpless feeling.... We went to the camp and settled in, a couple of days passed in which we ate malvadiscos together and Bruce began to open up more. "Grandpa I... I'm sorry if I've been so distant lately it's just that..." "It's okay son... I may not be able to fully understand what you are going through but I know it has been very hard on you" "Thank you.. you always support me in everything, defend me and I .... I'm so pathetic" he started sobbing. "Come here son, please don't cry" I hugged him "you're not pathetic, you're my beautiful grandson, my baby and obviously I will always defend you" But I couldn't protect you I thought. "Go to sleep honey, I'll stay up a while longer" I stroked her hair. "Okay grandpa...see you tomorrow" "See you tomorrow, have a good rest" he deserves it after all. I saw the pills on the counter, I took the package out of the bag, I took out a big glass of beer and poured everything and poured water, I stayed a long time thinking what to do looking until the pills were dissolved, I had in my hands the possibility to change everything, that nobody would ever hurt Bruce again... I drank it... I drank it all without thinking until I finished, nothing happened, 20 minutes passed and there was still no change, I was still the same weak old man as always, I left the cabin frustrated, deceived, I had trusted Frank, I moved far enough away so as not to wake up Bruce even if he screamed with all my strength and it happened... Suddenly I felt a warmth envelop my body, out of my mouth came a grunt, I felt my body heat up and start to GROW?! it was growing, I felt my abs start to form under my shirt, my shoulders got wider, my chest with small pecs, it was working, my legs were growing too when suddenly I heard RIIIIIIIIIP my shirt ripped in the back, it had gotten so wide. And so followed my pants, my new pecs began to push the fabric until it ripped, for the first time I saw hair on my chest and abdomen, it was black despite my white hair and mustache, the same on my shoulders, back, forearms, armpit and pubic, it was thickening, my neck began to thicken my voice went down one, two, three octaves, I now had a bull neck, I had the constitution of a middleweight bodybuilder and I was still "Hmmm yeah.. bigger, I need to get bigger for Bruce, no one will ever hurt my precious boy again, or they'll deal with this old man." I flexed my arms by this point they were bigger than Bruce's head, my pecs started to push my nipples down, my own nipples were thickening and thickening, my thighs were like tree trunks and I was still growing. "Fuck... It feels amazing I don't want it to stop hmmmm yeah... I'm so big and strong now, Ronnie Coleman is going to be dwarfed next to this huge grandpa." I was still enjoying my Growing up until *RASHED* my shorts ripped monstering a huge cock hit my abs and it was as thick as Bruce's forearm, my arms were already twice the size of Bruce's torso, my legs must have almost tripled it by now, by this point I must have been bigger than any bodybuilder in history, my neck thickened again, now I had a dinosaur neck, the hair on my body thickened more, I felt my mustache grow thicker and thicker, my jaw was now strong and angular, it was more manly and I liked it, my hands and feet had also grown a lot, I could wrap part of Bruce's body with one of my paws, although now they were more bear paws, I could wrap part of Bruce's body with one of my paws. I kept growing bigger and bigger I couldn't and wouldn't stop, I was so gigantic now.. fuck I think I could wrap my hand around Bruce's head, he could live under my massive pecs protected from dust, rain and sun.. if that would please me, I was now literally a mountain, a beast, my thick cock had to be bigger than one of Bruce's legs, my arms were triple his size with thick veins all over my massive body, I was sweating heavily smelling my manly smell.. no... monster *grunts*. "Hmmmm yeah fuck yeah this feels good, I thunder my mighty voice, I could get used to this i growl." When I thought I was done.. that wasn't the end, I felt like a train ran over me, an immense power stroke HUH! FUCK!!! WHAT'S GOING ON? my trapezius suddenly overtook my head, my shoulders became even more gigantic, my back exploded with bigger muscle, if my legs used to be like redwoods now they were bigger than any "super heavyweight" bodybuilder's body and I kept getting bigger and bigger and more massive AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA apparently it stopped for a moment, but returned to my pecs.... With every deep gasp or grunt the deep pectoral striations became more marked, my beautiful Bruce... I could engulf his little body between my pectoral cavern now, even though I would NEVER hurt him I felt giant, no.... Colossal was difficult to describe so much power but the most important thing was still missing... I felt a strange warmth envelop my cock, it got so hard I thought it was impossible, and it grew, slowly it grew *grunts* GRHA FUCK MY DICK IS BIGGER it got as thick and big as a tree trunk, my balls swelled enormously, they fell to the ground holding Godzilla's cock, it was so erect it was level with my chest, shit.. it was so full of cum I feel like I could make a fucking tsunami with my cum And it did, I wanted to cum as bad as ever, it was so heavy the floor was being destroyed, my grunts in a thunderous voice.. damn I hope I don't wake up my boy... wait BRUCE NO!!!, DAMN IT I HAVE TO RUN IN ANOTHER DIRECTION BEFORE I DROWN MY BRUCE with a scream so bestial and animalistic that echoed everywhere I forced my monster cock to point to another direction with the strength of my arms and huge pecs, it was so sensitive that it made me scream from ecstasy, so much pre cum was coming out that it could flood an Olympic swimming pool. Grandpa? Suddenly I forgot I had a cumshot that could wipe out an entire town, I heard Bruce's soft voice in my ears I turned as best I could between the beastly pecs that were pressing against me, god.... He was so cute and so small, his skinny body.. shit I must be 20 times bigger than my Bruce or more I don't even know how big I am anymore, he was in his beautiful blue pajamas, seeing his skinny body finished killing me, I couldn't hold back much longer, I growled in what must have been the most thunderous and terrifying voice my little guy heard, Bruce gave a Breathe and a step back fuck I'm scaring him, I hate that so much.. BRUCE... *SCREAMS* MY BOY PLEASE STAY AWAY... I DON'T WANT TO HURT YOU GHRAAAA *GRUNTS* QUICK BEFORE I LOSE CONTROL HUUFFF, I CAN'T ANYMORE.... *GRUNT* YOU ARE SO BEAUTIFUL MY BABY And I exploded GRRRRRRRRRRRROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Between the abysmal feeling of pleasure I remembered what they did to Bruce, and as if it was an impulse a deep rage came out, I felt as if my whole body grew more because of my deep anger and my bestial orgasm. SO POWERFUL, SO MONSTROUSLY BIG, I'M THE BIGGEST I'M THE MOST MASSIVE FUCKEEEEEEEER NO ONE WILL EVER TOUCH MY BABY BOY, I'M NEVER GONNA STOP YOU FUCKING WIMPS, I'M GONNA CRUSH ANY MOTHERFUCKER THAT TOUCHED MY BRUCE.... MY BABY GRHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA everything was destroyed, a run so powerful that it flooded the forest, uprooted trees and rocks in its path, and the hut in which Bruce and his grandfather were living was crushed by the semen. After he began to calm down from the monstrous roaring and my powerful grunts began to subside, I looked for Bruce, saw the landscape of destruction he had made and feared the worst. "BRUCE? SON ARE YOU OKAY? DID I HURT YOU?" No one answered... "BRUCE... BRUCE PLEASE ANSWER SON DID I HURT YOU? NO... NO PLEASE" my huge chest was rising and falling heavily, I was growling like an animal, but in reality I was scared, scared of my power, of having hurt the person I love the most. "G-grandfather..." I heard his voice faintly, he was buried in semen, he was on his knees so small and frail.. shivering from the cold and.. fear, my heart shrank at the sight of my precious grandson in that state My massive body moved on its own, my monstrous paw grabbed Bruce, damn I grew so big he fit in my huge hand, I ripped off his cum covered pajamas pulled him close to my truck sized chest, it felt cold on my skin, my little boy was freezing "Bruce, son I'm so sorry.. I couldn't control myself I thought.. I thought I had hurt you, for a moment I thought I had lost you." He stared at me open mouthed, his little hand came up to my strong face touching and caressing me with his soft touch, he stroked my thick white mustache tickling his little fingers, shit he was so cute and tender, I wrapped my arms around him, my fucking arms were 5 times bigger and thicker than my little boy was wrapped between so much muscle so massive.... I started to kiss his fingers that were kissing my full lips, I wanted to growl so wildly that all of fucking nature knew that he was mine... that nothing and no one was ever going to hurt him ever again. Fuck... My cock was getting hard again, my chest was tightening hard, Bruce ran his hand along the deep pectoral striations, he felt my thick chest hair, his fingers working their way through the hair, he tried to squeeze to see if he could bend my skin, it wouldn't budge.... he was so fucking powerful, my chest was so big he could lie on it without a problem, I couldn't take it anymore, I pulled Bruce closer and kissed him, I wanted to show him the deep love I feel for him, his thin soft lips on my old man moustache, feeling his tongue caress mine, made me growl like a beast, we broke the kiss, I was panting so heavily just the power of my chest forced my boy's whole body to rise and fall just because my pecs were 5 times heavier than Bruce. "I love you son... I want you to know that all this power, all this muscle the reason I became a monster was for you my life, nothing and no one will hurt you again, I'll take care of that..*grunts* I want to be the strongest beast for you, your giant protector *gasps deep* fuck.... I'm getting so hard again" Bruce was shaking, I was still cold in my chest despite the heat radiating from my huge body, I opened my pectoral cavern with my bear paws, I felt so much pleasure I wanted to scream, Bruce got in the middle of those mountains of flesh enveloping him, only leaving his shoulders and head in sight, shit.. he looked so small a simple flex of my colossal chest could have crushed him... but I would NEVER do anything to hurt my precious boy, my thick chest hair wrapped around him like a blanket, I felt his small penis touching one of my deep grooves. I can't help but sigh deeply, causing my monstrous pecs to swell almost swallowing Bruce whole.... "shit.. sorry Bruce, are you comfortable? If you feel like I squeezed you too tight unintentionally or you want out you can tell me anytime, hmmm it feels so good to have you between my chest like this son.... Keeping you warm and most of all safe, feeling your body like this, your little cock on my chest makes me so horny baby." I give a soft kiss on Bruce's forehead, it's precious. "Yes grandpa, I feel hotter.. you are, you are so big and strong grandpa, I..... I love you, being here in the middle of your mammoth chest I feel so protected and saved... I don't want it to end grandpa." Bruce was starting to fall asleep on my chest, laying his head on my dinosaur neck, I felt my nipples get so fucking hard they could easily go through steel, I sat up making a thud I crushed some tree trunk with my ass apparently, I don't care anymore, all that matters is that Bruce is safe and satisfied, I want to keep growing bigger and bigger for my little boy, I touched my abs with my thick fingers, they feel so hard, almost rock solid each one of the 8 pack must be bigger than my boy's torso, my cock.. damn it's so hard again, I feel like I could cum like before but I need to calm down so I don't wake Bruce, I take small breaths so I don't drown Bruce on my chest, I can smell his hair, he smells good. We stayed like that for the whole night... I was still very excited in spite of everything... and Bruce was sleeping so peacefully, so relaxed and comfortable, I almost feel like crying to see my beautiful baby without worries or pain, I felt his soft breathing on my breast "Grandpa?" Ohh he woke up "Yes sweetie?" I said in a soft voice. "Can I come down to your legs?" "Of course you can honey" with huge muscular mastery I opened my monumental chest. "Sorry Bruce, I have to scream, it's so exciting..." GRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA IT FEELS SO POWERFUL.. I felt the little guy go down my huge chest using the stretch marks as a grip causing me more pleasure I immediately calmed down, bruce reached my leg, I didn't feel him fuck.... He wasn't heavy at all, I have to be careful how I move, I couldn't see him because my chest was so massive "Wow grandpa you are so big.... Your leg is bigger than those tree trunks l, so much bigger..... It feels so hard grandpa and you're not even flexing it, it's kind of scary to stand next to a leg that's 6 times my size, with your thick hair and big veins everywhere." "I know it must be a hard thing to process son... but I don't want you to be afraid, I would never hurt you not one bit of my massive body want that, the only thing I exist for is to protect you Bruce, I love you my little honey.
  13. Thefty

    An Adverse Reaction (Part 1)

    Hey guys, my first story on the forum, hope you enjoy, will post up a part 2 shortly. “Sam… SAM, GET IN HERE!” I hadn’t realised that I been instinctively cowering when his voice boomed across our flat. My friends first pointed it out when my hulking roommate invited himself out for drinks with us. It did come as a bit of a surprise to me when they told me this, mainly because Nick had never actually hit me or even threatened to, it’s just that I felt, like somehow, Nick could just bend my will. One of my closest friends at the time said I shouldn’t cower, like a puppy, but stand up to him. I could hear the strain in Nick’s voice though and I hurried into his bedroom. The sight and smell assaulting my senses as I entered; the smell of man went right up my nose in the first inhalation. It was sweat, stale sex, rich testosterone and damp, a kind of damp that you can only find in a student rugby players bedroom. It made my cock kick in its loose, thin, cotton sweats. Then of course, there was Nick, dressed only in a pair of boxers, with his weight bench sat upright, holding one of his 45kilo dumbells in both hands and grinning devilishy at me. “Dude, shoulder press… hand me the other 45!” his dark brows and long but spiked hair giving him a wolfish look. Dodging an empty takeaway carton, a discarded jock, a heap of college notes and at least one used condom, I picked my way to the dumbbell. The smell intensified as I got nearer to him. “Come on man, gotta get this done before Jen gets here” he grunted. I bent down, carefully raising the heavy dead weight. I hefted it over to Nick’s waiting hand as he got into position. I licked my lips as his biceps bulged as he flexed his arm into position. Both his thick pecs flattened out and his delts swelled freakishly, choked with veins from a pump. “Stand back” he ordered. I would like to say I watched, to say that I spotted him, but Nick was a tornado of male energy. A guttural roar emanating from his chest as he flexed the weight soaring toward the ceiling, his form disturbingly accurate. As his arms reached the maximum height, the clink of the dumbbells and the exposure of his forestry of pit hair, made my organ start to pulse in my shorts. As he went for more reps, so the smell escaping from his pits intensified over and over. The room filled with his scent. Looking back, I think that is one of the things that made me capitulate to Nicks demands as my flatmate. As the grunting continued, his shoulders and arms steadily bulging bigger from the pump, I quietly left the room wordlessly. I crept back to my smaller bedroom, put my hand gently on the top of my strictly average, rigid member, and felt it fire off into my pants. My legs weakening, I sank to the floor. My own varsity swimmers physique, feeling childlike compared to Nick’s hulking body. Soon, Nick’s girlfriend would be here, and I would be listening to them go at it for a few hours. I realised that I should probably try and get some sleep before it all kicks off. After cleaning up my own mess I walked down to the kitchen for a pre-bed snack, as I did, I thought about how Nick and I started off fairly evenly matched, how we were actually good mates who moved into this small, penthouse flat, off campus together. The weight set, the benches, bars, all bought with combined part time job salaries of both me and Nick. Now I barely get to use it. As I walked into the kitchen, I noticed his array of proteins adorning the top of the fridge. Is that all it took to make him bigger than me? Irritable, I escaped back to my room, snack in hand. I woke with a start. The all too familiar, rhythmical banging of Nick’s headboard against his wall had woken me. I decided against languishing in bed, getting a semi from the image of Nick’s powerful body fucking Jenna, his fitness-model cover girl. I skulked off to the kitchen and started making pancakes. Down the corridor of the tiny flat, I could hear Nick step up his rhythm and the grunting got louder. “He’s close…” I thought, before immediately regretting it, as I felt my cock thicken. I poured the milk into the blender and turned it on, which nicely drowned out the noise of Nick’s big finish. As I waited for the mixture to thicken, I again glanced up at the top of the refrigerator. Nick was reasonably busy, so I reached up and pulled down the white looking container. I had listened to Nick extol the virtues to protein, and pre-workout and whatever happened to be flavour of the month at the time. But this… this I didn’t know about. Which was out of character for Nick. I looked over the label, it was plain white with black text. Plenty of scientific writing, this was clearly not something picked up off the supermarket shelves. I couldn’t really argue with the results though. Nick had been getting bigger and bigger, much stronger too, all in the last few weeks his progress seemed to have jumped. But he wasn’t just getting bigger, he was getting leaner too. Most of all, Nick was getting bullish, ordering me around, demanding stuff, doing whatever he liked with little consideration, his new strengthened frame easily backing up his command of me. As that last thought lingered in my head I decided I should try some of the shake. Quickly, not wanting to get caught by Nick, I spooned two tablespoons of powder into a protein shaker and quickly poured water in on top. As I was shaking it, excited to see if I could catch up to Nick, I realised the sound of the blender had been masking the sound from Nick’s room. I reached and clicked the blender off and the swirling pancake batter came to a stop. I could hear the sound of my own breathing, and feel the beating of my heart inside my chest. But nothing else, Nick was clearly finished with his girlfriend. I had to get the stolen protein shake back onto the shelf before Nick came into the kitchen. I hefted the white tub into my hands and raised it above my head. “Dude… you made me a post-fuck shake!” I, almost froze at the sound of Nick’s voice, but managed to get the tub back on top of the fridge. My heart pounding at the thought of being discovered, sinking to the level of deception to try and catch up with Nick’s recent gains. As I turned to face Nick a further reality dawned. Stood there, semi hard, straining his boxers, a wet spot visible, his thick muscular topless torso, hard and glistening with sweat from his recent exertion. Nick’s look was not truly one of thanks. He observed me from underneath his thick dark brow, his bulging muscle giving him a menacing look. “Thanks for making it for me, but next time, don’t… it’s special stuff, only designed for me…” Nick almost growled through gritted teeth. “Tomorrow… you…me… college gym… chest day…” Nick continued between big gulps from my protein shaker. Thumping me on the chest with a meaty paw. I said nothing, as I watched the behemouth, swig the luminous orange coloured shake, small droplets escaping as Nick guzzled greedily, landing hapharzardly on his bulging pectoral muscle. “OK!?” Nick yelled, eyes narrowing, before belching loudly. “Yeah, sure Nick, sounds good” Nick eyed me for a few more seconds, turned on his heel and bounced off back to his room. I quickly retreated to bed, the pancake mixture left languishing in the blender. Tomorrow would be a heavy one. The next morning, I was awoken by the deafening bangs on my bedroom door. My head raised from my pillow to find my unimpressive dick had been erect and oozing all night, probably as a consequence of the thought of a gym visit with Nick. This crush had come out of nowhere, but it seemed to be growing stronger the bigger Nick seemed to grow. I dragged myself to the kitchen; Nick was already there, his tight muscle tank straining to hold back his bulging chest. “Time you got up lazy…” grinned Nick “Ready to go?” I croaked “What do you think little man?” he grunted, pulling a crab pose bursting with ripped muscle. As we walked to the campus gym, across the very quiet and expansive campus, the cold bit into my skin, but Nick seemed not to notice. Somehow, the elements only sought to make Nick even more brutally masculine and dominating. Reaching the gym, we headed straight for the weights section, deserted except for a lone American football player grunting softly between reps of squats. I did my level best not to stare at Nick, but mostly failed. His deep golden tan and his coarse dark hair gave him a wealthy exotic appearance, even as he began to warm up his veins pulsed and distended as his a gentle swell began in his muscles. “Chest today…” Nick said visibly bouncing ready to exercise. I berated myself for once again not suggesting a different body part. I only ended up working chest and sometimes shoulders because these are the exercises that Nick wanted a spotter for. I loaded up the bar precariously with extra 20kilo plates just for Nick. Trying his best to ignore me, Nick swung himself down on the bench and got into position in order to begin the workout. In this position, I was rewarded with the vision of the swell and heave of Nick’s chest. Nick on the other hand, would have had to settle for my crotch disturbingly close to his head. “Ready?” Nick grunted, and grabbed the bar, not really giving me time to react. As it transpired I was not immediately required. The new 20 kilo plates seemed like only an extra 5 to Nick’s mounding chest. He couldn’t help himself but smirk as the weight, no doubt felt lighter and easier to manage, than expected. I watched as Nick revelled in the all too familiar sensation in his chest, the pump soared through him, his triceps bulging as his chest bloating from the impact of the weights resistance. Again he pressed it up with ease, his big python plumping down the taught rugby shorts. This had quite literally meant, that whatever he was taking, maybe that new shake, had made him even stronger since last week. “woah dude… this is insane…” I said quietly murmuring watching the spectacle unfold. I watched on, Nick’s chest bulging and swelling as he grinningly pressed the weight, seemingly with growing ease. His arms didn’t shake and his form didn’t falter. His triceps flared, the veins distending along his arms giving him a look of sheer unstoppable power. He racked the weight without any help from me. When it was my turn, plates came off and I got into position, my head now close to Nick’s obscene bulge in his sweats. Not only did it look big, but this close, I could smell the incredible scent of the contents of his jock and it make the usual feelings bubble to the surface. I did my usual workout, my pecs fraught with effort and arms struggling with my usual weight, I watched Nick spot me, as my arms shook with almost half the weight he used, I looked up to him grinning down at me. This gave me the strength to finish my last few reps, but still, it served only to highlight the growing disparity in our muscle strength. The rest of the workout, I was feeling increasingly unhappy seeing Nick blow through all of his maxes and continuing to set new personal bests. I watched, uncomfortably as he nailed every chest exercise with greater than ever strength, amazed as he seemed to cope with anything thrown at him. I was so envious of his success, I figured I had to make a drastic change in my life or I’d get left behind. As I watched Nick strip for the shower, a common ritual after our workouts, that actually, maybe I needed to even the score. Later that night, Nick was out of the flat on a romantic date with his girlfriend. So I sneaked into his room while he was away. If Nick was taking this experimental supplement, there had to be some physical proof, letters, brochures, consent forms; there just had to be something to give me a clue. I needed to get on the trial. As I picked my way through Nick’s room, I found a cryptic letter from the andrology department of our university, now, SCU wasn’t exactly known for its research but, clearly, they were getting something right. However, before I had chance to read the information, I heard the familiar rattle of keys outside of the flat door, in a panic, I threw the letters back into the draw and slammed the draw shut, however in doing so, the cupboard rocked backwards then forwards. I looked upwards, in time to see the contents of one of Nick’s used condoms flow back out of the untied end and splash onto my forearm. I didn’t have time to react; I just bolted from Nick’s room out into the corridor and ran straight for my room. As I closed my door, I could hear Nick and Jenna come home and begin some post-date “activities”. My breathing calmed and my pulse slowed. My attention was drawn to the burning sensation on my right arm; I looked down to see the bright red streak across my supinated arm. I kept looking at it, it was red, and glowing, but there was seemingly no evidence of the disgusting contents of the used rubber. I was feeling hot all over, not just from the burning sensation on my arm, my clothes didn’t feel right on me. In the privacy of my own room, I shucked my clothes and went over to the mirror. I felt a spasm in my gut, then, suddenly, an intense warm glow spread through my body. I looked at myself in the mirror, my pecs hardened, abs tightened. I looked on in amasement, feeling sheer power tear through my body. My traps seemed to thicken, my delts pushed out from shoulders, giving them a fuller, rounded look. I was even convinced I was taller. I felt my legs precipitously thicken, I watched the inner head of the quadriceps surge into view, which only happened when I flexed, and yet, I wasn’t flexing. I looked up at my face, for the first time since I started college, I felt that I looked handsome and healthy. A grin unconsciously spread across my face. I had no idea how this happened, but I absolutely loved it. I posed for a little while longer. Feeling the bulge and play of my newly developed musculature, the heady experience of being taller, if only a fraction… Best of all the sensation that I must have a semi, except my cock was fully flaccid. I gyrated my hips watching the new piece of meat bounce around. It got hard easily and I wrapped my hand around it. My legs nearly gave way as my cock began firing round after round across the room, ribbons of pure white spunk blasted out and still my cock bounced in front of me, as if to fire again. I tucked the raging pole back into my strained boxers and glanced in the mirror. “Fuck yeah” I grunted, trying to flex my abs. Only, I’d never sworn into the mirror before… or actually… in many years. My stomach growled so I went to the kitchen dressed only my boxers. The bulge still present as I walked, for the first time, it seemed to bounce up and down gently as I walked along. I got into the kitchen, surprised to find Nick there, sat alone at the table, also dressed only in his boxers. He looked pale, and not in his usually arrogant vigour. The pale palour even made him look a little less masculine than normal. “You ok bro?” I said, sounding surprisingly manly. “Yeah, yeah, just had a bit of a funny turn…” Said Nick cryptically. The next morning, I woke up for the gym. I casually wrapped my hand around a raging morning erection, the cock, seemed bigger and stronger than I ever remembered. I brushed my hands up my thinner waist, across my flat stomach to the new shallow contours on my chest from my thickened pectorals. My hand found its way to the alarm clock, but it seemed I had awakened before my alarm clock, before Nick had the chance to wake me. I felt incredible after last night’s dramatic turn of events. Not only mentally but physically. I could feel energy just seem to stream out of me, I was ready to lift. The thoughts of stealing Nick’s new experimental protein shake could not be further from my mind at the moment, as a night’s sleep and deliberation had led me to the conclusion it was probablyresponsible for the effects of his potent spunk. I dressed, in front of the mirror, looking at my new body. I smiled as I quickly gave my arms a flex and my fresh, new biceps jumped up in my arms, now slightly less egg like, now definitely more fusiform in their appearance. Quietly dressing and walking out into the corridor, there was no Nick waiting with an annoyed glare, so I made for the kitchen. Nick’s half eaten breakfast was still on the table as he was filling up his protein shaker. “Y.. you’re up?” he croaked. I looked at him, he looked sleepy and tired. He rubbed his eyes and kept blinking at me. He was haphazardly dressed and his hair matted down to his head from the sweat of his night time activities with Jenna. “Are you ok dude?” “Err, just feeling a bit rough.” He answered, still staring at me. “Dude… did… you look like you, *ahem*, you’ve been making progress in the gym…” He continued, still staring at my chest. “Yeah, I think you might be right dude.” I replied, desperately avoiding the urge to show off my chest by flexing in front of Nick. He prepared his shake and we headed out. In the car, as we drove, I could feel Nick’s eyes stealing odd glances at me. I began to regret wearing the sleeveless top as I wasn’t sure if he was actually paying attention to the road. I could feel my balls tingle at the thought of a workout, I couldn’t wait to test my new muscle and I couldn’t wait to show Nick that I was capable of catching him up. As we arrived at the gym, he turned to me before we exited the car. “How did you do it dude?” “Do what Nick?” “How did you get bigger, we only worked out together yesterday, and now, you’re bigger… how?” “Nick, are you ok? I’m the same, just been working out hard.” “Dude, seriously?” “You’re delusional, now drop it” I growled with an uncharacteristic aggressive tone in my voice. Nick clearly got the message and promptly stopped asking questions, but his dark stare intensified. In the gym, Nick’s chest workout was woeful, his lifts were slightly down, he grunted and flailed with his usual weight and made much use of me as spotter. Clearly this bothered him, because he was getting progressively sharp in his statements as the hour wore on. When he had first removed his hooded jumper, he looked sick and, almost smaller. I however, was having a great workout, I loved the feeling of my chest bulging outward, the stretch of the fabric against it, the surge of the feeling of power and pride throughout me, setting new strength goals, took all my focus not to get rock hard. Whilst this was going on Nick, eyed me jealously. I could feel his cold dark eyes burning into me as he reluctantly spotted me for a new personal best. Before we could hit the showers, Nick insisted we do a flat bench press. I felt this was more of an exercise to prove a point instead of the training value of adding in another heavy set, complex lift at the end of the workout. As I pressed the weight up, I felt my body burn with exertion, I felt amazing. I added almost 10kg to my previous bench from yesterday, even with exhausted pectoral muscles from the previous hour workout. Nick racked up his usual weight, and through much straining and gritting of teeth and of course, some help from his loyal spotter, was able to do a few reps at his usual weight. As he racked the weight, it was clear the point he was trying to make, had not been as clearly illustrated as he had hoped. As he stared at me I obliviously fondled my swollen chest muscle. “What?” I asked “Nothing, lets hit the showers…” he said grinning for the first time today. Nick’s mood seemed to improve here as we entered the changing room. As he rather quickly undressed, I rolled my eyes, knowing what was coming. “Coming to shower?” he asked, grinning at me, as he intentionally groped his thick, soft cock, though wanting me to believe it as a mere adjustment for comfort. I undressed at the normal speed, grabbed my towel and followed him into the shower. As I walked in, I watched him slowly lather soap into his thick musculature. His soft cock, swinging gently back and forth as his arms worked above him. I turned my head, to glance at his cock, figuring the water must be colder than usual, as it seemed a fraction smaller than usual. As I got myself under a shower head, I looked over at him again. He was looking at me, but our eyes didn’t meet, he was looking downward at my groin. “Dude, come on, you took some of my protein didn’t you?” he said unexpectedly “Look, Nick, I didn’t…” “Listen, I told you to stay away from it.” He grunted, his eyes looking cruel with a darker hue. I glanced down at me, across my now swollen pecs, my flattered stomach, to my soft cock, I then glanced over at him. His cock looked back to its old size if not bigger, as our eyes met. I realised, that his cock was thickening. Never before had I seen Nick like this, his skin flushing, his cock becoming increasingly aroused. “You uh… need a hand there bud?” I snickered. Within a second he was on me, his powerful hands grabbing both my shoulders. When they wouldn’t yield he dragged me, hanging onto my smaller frame, causing us to collapse to the floor. I struggled against the huge bulk of his weight on top of me. A leg each side of my chest, he positioned himself on top of my pectorals, his big, thick cock growing up and outwards towards my face. His cock brushed my lips. “Is this what you wanted? Stealing glances at me all the time? Well, how does it feel now? Enjoying?” He grunted, thrusting his hips forward at the upward inflection of each question. He took hold of his long, engorging rod and smacked my lips with it. “Please st-“ before I could finished speaking, the salty, musky flavour of Nick’s thick member exploded forth as he sunk the head into my open mouth. His powerful thighs extended on top of me as more of the colossally large pole slid into my mouth. I tried to speak, but the organ took up all of my mouth, I tried to remove myself, but his huge legs pinned me. As he held himself up with one of his mighty arms, another steadied my head as he began driving the mammoth shaft in and out of my mouth. As he began pumping, I could feel a familiar burning throughout my limbs that I felt the other night after getting his cum on my arm. I could feel the precum drip down my throat, rather than fight this, I knew to let it happen, I would reach my goals, and Nick, total unknowingly, would help me. If I hadn’t had his huge rod in my mouth, I’m not sure I could hold back the grin I would have had on my face. I felt trapped as his mammoth legs pinned me, as he pumped himself into my face. I had to focus on breathing, but I could feel his pre already start to work on me, the power swelling within me like a tide. Nick was absorbed in sating his carnal urge, I brought my arms up around his muscular waist, I watched as the veins snaked and squirmed their way to the surface of my biceps, muscle fibres thickening, the individual muscles becoming visible in my forearms. I felt great, I wanted this, I urged it to happen. He grunted above, clearly enjoying himself, just as the effects of his pre began to slacken, I felt his hips increase speed an intensity. As his orgasm ripped through him, I could feel his seed fire into the back of my throat again and again. Greedily, as best that I was able, I sucked down as much as I could handle, gleefully knowing it would be my flatmates undoing. He grunted once again and then withdraw his mighty organ from my slickened mouth, shook the last remnants of his pure white spunk onto my chest. “You tell anyone about this… and I’ll end you…” His powerful body swaggered off back to the changing room, but yet as I watched him leave, I thought I could see a little less definition in his expansive back. As I lay there on the shower floor, I felt the seed I had just swallowed get to work on me. Slowly it burned in my guts, filling me with ever increasing power. I knew then, his act had given me strength beyond anything I could have achieved in a year of gym visits. I felt my ass thicken, broaden and push me up from the floor, I felt less of the floor as my back broadened and dense muscle moved in to cushion the bone. I jumped up, my stronger powerful legs growing at a pace. I glanced down to see my pecs swell, my flat stomach, flatten even more, the first hints of my abdominals erupt from beneath the skin. I grabbed onto the shower bar as more power bolted through my body. I felt the room lower as my entire body lengthened. My mouth let out an involuntary grown as my neck muscles bulged, reaching my arms up to explore my thickening neck, my new, stronger biceps bulged with power. I raced into the locker room, but I was alone, Nick had long since left, I looked into the mirror and didn’t realise the new, taller, stronger and all round more masculine Sam staring back. I pulled a double bicep pose, amazed at the sheer size and power contained within my arms, I’m not sure the average person on the street would consider them big, but I was on my way. They had to be 15 inches around, I estimated. Best of all, the familiar hardening of my cock, had a most unfamiliar quality to it. Looking down, my erection strained the now tighter swimmer trunks, the bolder individual leg muscles fought the elastic. I as I slipped down, the apparently looser waist band, I was more than happy to see my usually unimpressive erection, looked super hard, but also both longer and thicker. My bigger balls pulsed below it, urging me to lift, urged me to fight and to persue. I resisted however, and redressed myself and made for home, I had a plan. (to be continued)
  14. czechhunter69

    Hulk - Alex loses control (Chapter 3)

    Chapter 3 picks up where Chapter 2 left off. If you haven't read Chapter 2, there are links provided below for your convenience. Once again, this story builds upon the narrative of WB Hunk and credit is given to him. If you have any suggestions regarding where the story should go next or what should happen next, please feel free to let me know. 2) Alex's First time 1) Tom’s final time Source: WB Hunk’s version of Hulk. ---------- Sitting in his living room after his shower, Alex was dressed in clothes that no longer fit him, feeling the gravity of the news that he had just heard. The reporter's somber voice delivered details of the catastrophe, each word piercing Alex's heart like a sharp knife. He saw the images of destroyed homes, buildings, and cars that had been thrown around like toys. As the news reporter appeared, Alex noticed the sadness in her eyes, and her solemn face. "We have some breaking news today from Ohio,” she said, her voice trembling slightly. "A gas explosion has rocked the small town of Millfield, causing widespread devastation and leaving over 400 people dead." The camera then cut to footage of the destroyed homes and buildings, revealing a scene of utter chaos and destruction. Smoke billowed from the rubble as emergency personnel worked tirelessly to search for survivors and treat the injured. Watching the footage, Alex's heart sank with a sense of dread and despair. The scale of the destruction was almost unimaginable, with entire buildings reduced to rubble and cars crushed under the weight of debris. Although the images of the destruction seemed familiar, they didn't make sense to him. Alex couldn't comprehend how a gas explosion could cause so much devastation, especially in a small town like Millfield. He tried to piece together what had happened as his mind raced with possibilities. But deep down, he knew the truth - that he was responsible for the destruction, that he had hulked out and caused the devastation without even realizing it. The realization of what he had done as the Hulk was overwhelming, and he couldn't fathom what would happen if he was actually mad. Sitting on the edge of the couch, Alex was trying to wrap his head around the previous night. He remembered seeing glimpses of himself in reflections, and if he were only six feet tall, he would have looked like a bodybuilder. This was bigger than Tom, and he was lost in thought when he heard the creak of the front door opening. His heart skipped a beat as he thought it might be the military coming to take him away for the destruction he had caused. But to his relief, it was just his tall, dorky roommate Ryan. "Alex! I was worried about you. Your phone is saying you were in the heart of the explosions,” Ryan exclaimed as he took his shoes off. Seeing him bend over made Alex cough, trying to distract himself. For years, they had shared their locations just to be safe. Ryan paused, speechless at the hunk that used to be his boyfriend. He couldn't take his eyes off Alex's body. Just the sight of the hunk in front of him, excited him. Alex knew what Ryan was fixated on, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction at the attention he was getting. He knew he looked good, damn good, and he was enjoying the way Ryan's eyes roamed over his tight-fitting shirt hugging his chest and arms, leaving little to the imagination. "What the heck happened to you?" Ryan asked, finally tearing his eyes away from Alex's body. Alex shrugged, not sure how to explain what had happened. "I don't really remember," he said, trying to keep his voice steady. "Well, whatever it was, you look like you could take on an army," Ryan said with a chuckle, his eyes flicking back to Alex's chest. If only he knew the truth about what had happened. Sitting there, Alex's heart raced as he felt a surge of excitement at Ryan's words. He quickly pushed the feeling down, knowing he had to keep his secret safe. "It's just a bit of working out, you know. Trying to get back in shape," Alex said, his voice shaking slightly as he tried to downplay the bulging muscles that were straining against his shirt, more prominent than ever. Ryan arched an eyebrow in disbelief, his eyes fixed on Alex's impressive physique. "Dude, you look like you could bench press a car. You're telling me that's just from a bit of working out?" he said, a hint of disbelief in his voice. Alex shifted uncomfortably, feeling the weight of Ryan's gaze on him. "I guess I've been hitting the gym pretty hard lately," he lied, hoping Ryan wouldn't press the issue. He was going to find out, Alex thought. But Ryan wasn't one to give up easily. "Well, whatever you're doing, keep it up. You're looking hot," he said, his eyes glinting with mischief. Alex's mind wandered, imagining Ryan's hands on his bulging biceps, tracing the veins that popped out from his abs. The thought of Ryan caressing his chiseled chest and abs made Alex's body tingle with anticipation. He knew it was wrong, but he couldn't help the raw power that surged through his veins, making him want more. As Alex continued to struggle with his desires, Ryan's eyes suddenly widened in surprise. "Hey, Alex, are you okay?" he asked, concern etched on his face for the raging boner, evident in Alex’s shorts. Alex snapped out of his reverie, feeling his cheeks flush with embarrassment. "Yeah, I'm fine," he replied, trying to sound nonchalant, as he noticed it as well, tucking it into his waistline. “Sorry,” He laughed. But Ryan could sense that something was off. He sat down next to Alex, his eyes still glinting with desire. Together, they watched as the news described the devastation caused by the “explosion” in Millfield. "what were you doing over there? Your car was on the other side of town," Ryan's mind raced with thoughts of Alex as he asked the question. Something about Alex's muscular physique and sweaty scent drove him mad with lust. Even better than when they were together, Ryan couldn't help but notice how good Alex looked. "I was on Grindr," Alex admitted, causing Ryan's eyes to widen in surprise. "How did you get back home?" Ryan asked, regaining his composure. Alex shrugged nonchalantly, hoping Ryan would pick up on his cues to reconnect. "I don't know, man. It's all a blur," he said, scooting closer and brushing his arm against Ryan's. The electricity between them was still there, and Alex felt a flutter in his chest. He wanted to rekindle the flame and explore the desire that still burned within them. As Alex spoke, he felt the hulk stirring inside him, taking over his inhibitions and making him want to tackle Ryan on the couch. His muscles tensed and his heart raced as he fought to keep the beast at bay. He couldn't resist the urge to lean in closer to Ryan's lips, trembling with anticipation. "Can you just shut up and kiss me," Alex said, his heart pounding in his chest. Ryan grabbed the back of Alex's head and pulled him in. His mind was clouded as the hulk within him took control. He couldn't resist the desire pulsing through his veins. The hulk wanted this, and Alex knew Ryan would eventually want it too. Ryan could stop, he didn’t know where this drive was coming from, but he craved it. He craved Alex. As the transformation consumed Alex, his muscles swelled and strained against his clothing, which threatened to burst at the seams. Ryan couldn't resist the urge to touch and explore his friend's growing body. He ran his hands over Alex's inflating muscles, feeling the sheer power beneath his skin. Their fierce kiss, their tongues tangling as they both became lost in the moment. The air in the room grew heavy with tension and anticipation. The scent of sweat mixed with the metallic tang of adrenaline, filling every corner of the small space. The sound of flesh stretching and bones cracking echoed through the room, drowning out all other noise. Alex's face twisted into a grimace of pain as his body contorted and bulged beneath his clothes. Veins bulged along his neck and arms, pulsing with a wild energy that seemed to radiate from within. His eyes glowed with an eerie green light, and his breaths came out in ragged gasps that sounded almost animalistic. Ryan's eyes widened in shock and fear as Alex's body continued to grow, his muscles bulging and flexing with each movement. Every sinew of muscle visible through his shirt as rips began to creep across them. He felt like a rag-doll in Alex's grasp, completely helpless in the face of this primal force. Ryan heart pounded in his chest, and he could feel the blood rushing through his veins like a raging river. “Oh fuck you’re huge,” Ryan gasped enthralled at his now 6’5 295lb muscle god. Alex laughed as he tackled Ryan, pinning him to the couch, it creaked beneath their weight. Alex's body continued to swell, his skin turning an ominous shade of green as the transformation reached its climax. His eyes rolled back into his head, and he let out a deep, guttural growl that seemed to shake the very foundations of the room. "I'm going to get so fucking huge,” Alex said with a cocky grin, his voice low and menacing. "Watch,” he grunted as he flexed his arm, causing his bicep to bulge and thicken beneath his skin, ripping his sleeves off instantly. Ryan's eyes widened in shock and horror as he watched his friend's muscles grow larger and more defined by the second. With each passing moment, it was as if Alex was packing on hundreds of pounds of muscle mass, surging taller and more powerful by the minute. Easily 7’ as he kissed furiously, captivating Ryan even more. As his skin turned an ominous shade of green, Ryan realized with a sinking feeling that he was witnessing something beyond his wildest nightmares. Ryans clothes annoyed Alex, so he simply ripped it off Ryan, between each intoxicating kiss. The weight of Alex on top of him felt exhilarating, and he ran his hands over the thickening muscle gut, relishing in the power of the hulk's body. Ryan teased his nipples, trying to even dent the skin, to no avail. As Ryan ran his hands over Alex, he couldn't help but be amazed by the sheer size and strength of the green behemoth. Alex's deep green muscles bulged and rippled beneath his touch, with biceps as thick as Ryan's thighs and pecs that jutted out like boulders. The hulk's abs were so wide that Ryan could barely span them with his four fingers, and he marveled at the pulsating veins that criss-crossed the stomach, inviting him further down. The Hulks weight, pressing him deep into the couch. Alex's primal grunts and groans echoed throughout the room, his eyes glowing with an intense, fiery rage as he thrusted his waist against Ryan’s his shorts almost too small to contain him. They might as well have been posers at this point. Ryan's moans and gasps filled the air as he surrendered to Alex's powerful desires, completely unable to resist the hulk's overwhelming energy. With each kiss, Alex's tongue delved deeper into Ryan's mouth, savoring the taste of his submission. Ryan was utterly consumed by the growing dominance of the hulk. As Alex's body continued to expand, his muscles bulging and straining against his skin, his grunts and groans grew almost deafening, lost in a world of raw, primal desire. Ryan felt small and insignificant beneath the massive green creature, but at the same time, he was overwhelmed with excitement and arousal. He eagerly explored every inch of Alex's new body, running his hands over the bulging muscles and feeling the power and strength of the hulk's frame. Ryan continued to explore every inch of the hulk's green skin, taking in the intoxicating scent of his musk. But it wasn't just Ryan who was experiencing a heightened state of pleasure and passion. Alex, too, was lost in the moment, flexing his muscles with each passing second and growling with an unbridled intensity as his shorts gave way. Ryan's mind was consumed by the hulk's overpowering presence. A part of him knew that he was helpless to resist the raw, animalistic desire that surged through Alex's veins. He knew that the hulk was in complete control, and that if he wanted, he could destroy everything and anyone in his path. The realization that the carnage in town was caused by Alex's raw power was both terrifying and exhilarating at the same time. As Ryan lay there, bouncing against a throbbing rock hard cock, he couldn't help but feel a creeping sense of fear begin to seep in. He was helpless, at the mercy of this massive, unstoppable beast that towered over him like a colossus. Ryan could feel the sweat pouring down his face as he struggled to keep up with Alex's frenzied pace The hulk's muscles strained against his green skin as he ravished Ryan's body, his grunts and groans growing louder and more animalistic with each passing moment. The massive hands beginning to bruise and press into Ryan. He loved it. Ryan could feel the intensity of the moment building to a fever pitch, and he knew that he was completely at the mercy of Alex's insatiable appetite. The hulk's eyes glinted with a fiery rage, and Ryan could feel the raw power coursing through his veins. As the intensity of their love-making grew, Alex's hulk persona became even more forceful, As the hulk continued to grow and expand, he pressed his waist up against Ryan’s. The size and power of his massive frame almost too much for Ryan to handle. Alex's muscles were so large now that Ryan could barely reach his glorious pecs, and the hulk laughed deeply as he felt his own biceps, reveling in his newfound strength. The hulk's hard cock pressed against Ryan's body, coating his stomach in a slippery fluid that only made him want more. He moaned deeply as the hulk's pulsating veins criss-crossed over his stomach, inviting him further down. Ryan eagerly explored every inch of the hulk's rippling muscles, his own excitement growing with each passing moment. As Alex continued to press guy his body against Ryan, he could feel the smaller man's eagerness growing. Alex couldn't resist teasing Ryan, his biceps flexing with each movement, as he leaned down to kiss him again. Ryan's arms reached up, desperately trying to touch the hulk's glorious pecs, but the massive size difference made it impossible. Alex grew more intense as he felt Ryan's body writhing beneath him. He could feel the excitement building, and his primal instincts took over. His massive hands roamed over Ryan's body, squeezing and kneading his flesh as he pressed his waist up against him, creating an intense friction that sent shivers down Ryan's spine. Ryan came more than he thought he would. “Can’t even… uhhh!” He roared. "last long." Ryan's eyes widened as he felt the hulk's hard cock pressing against his crack, coated in pre. He couldn't help but let out a moan of pleasure, as his body responded to the hulk's massive size and strength. He felt small and vulnerable beneath him, and yet, at the same time, he felt safe and protected in the hulk's embrace. As Alex reached a towering height hunching over the couch with one leg supporting him and the other tucked to the side of Ryan, he stood at a staggering twelve feet tall, looming over the smaller man. His emerald green skin radiated like a polished jade, every curve and bulge of his magnificent physique accentuated by the light. With every flex, sinews bulged beneath the surface, rippling like rivers of power and strength. The thick, pulsing veins running up and down the length of his massive arms were like tributaries to a mighty river, fueling his immense strength. His traps rose like twin peaks on either side of his neck, framing the immense muscles that ran down the center of his back, while cords of muscle ran up and down the length of his neck like vines in a jungle. As he gripped the couch and Ryan with his bulging biceps, sinews bulged beneath the surface, rippling with power and strength. Each movement sent ripples of power through his broad shoulders and arms, thick with muscle and covered in pulsing veins that seemed ready to burst. Alex's arms were massive and bulging with muscle, each bicep as big as a tree trunk, while his forearms were equally impressive, with cords of muscle running up and down the length of his arms like thick ropes. He flexed and groaned, his eyes locked onto his own reflection in the mirror, marveling at the sheer power he possessed, the thrill of it all sending shivers down his spine. The hulk's chest heaved with each thrust, its powerful muscles expanding and contracting like a bellows, driving him nearer and nearer to an inexorable climax. His hair was wild and thick, covering his broad chest in a thick mat, and the striations running down the surface of his chest were like cracks in a mountain, a testament to his incredible strength. His abs were chiseled and defined, rippling with every movement as he let out a deep, guttural grunt, relishing in the raw power that surged through his veins. The very obvious lats lifting his arms from his sides completed the full view of his spectacular physique, a masterpiece of muscle and sinew, capable of feats that seemed impossible to mere mortals. Alex couldn't help but feel a sense of pride as he flexed his massive biceps, watching as Ryan gazed up at him with a look of awe and desire. He let out a deep laugh, relishing in the power and dominance he felt over the smaller man. "You fucking like this, don't you?" he growled, his voice low and husky. His arms were much larger than Ryan's head, and he couldn't resist the urge to show off his incredible strength. Ryan reached up as if he was a baby reaching for his daddy, and in a way, he was. Alex towered over him, a hulking mass of emerald green muscle, exuding raw power and strength. "I could crush you," he boasted, his voice rumbling like thunder. Ryan wanted more of the hulk's powerful body, to explore every inch of his green skin and feel the pulsating veins criss-crossing his muscles. He just couldn't reach it, and the thought only fueled his desire for the towering beast before him. Alex reveled in his dominance, flexing and grunting as he showed off his massive physique. He completely controlled Ryan, and Ryan loved every second of it. With every thrust, Alex was satisfying Ryan than he ever could in their relationship, pressing his throbbing dick against Ryans taint and then deep into the crack of his ass. Waves of pleasure coursed through Alex's body as he continued to tease and taunt Ryan having bend over just let the little man try to press down on his engorged veins. Pre-cum leaked from him in a constant stream, creating a slip and slide of sorts. As he quickened the pace, the hulk took over completely, desperate to cum. He wanted to force his way into Ryan's tight asshole, but it was too late. As he came, the thick and throbbing head of his cock pumped out so much cum that Ryan could bathe in it. Alex's primal growls echoed throughout the room, shaking it to its core. His grip around Ryan's chest was so tight that Ryan could feel his bones bending under the immense strength of the behemoth. The intensity of the hulk's passion was almost too much to handle, but Ryan reveled in it. As Alex collapsed on top of Ryan, his immense weight and size immediately showcased his true muscle god status. The tension in the room was palpable as Alex's massive body continued to press down on top of Ryan. Despite his heaving breaths, Alex's chest pressed down on Ryan with such force that the center of the couch gave out and hit the floor. The hulk's realization that he wasn't shrinking down only added to the already intense situation as Ryan sobered up from the kiss. Underneath The Hulk, Ryan felt crushed, struggling to breathe against his unyielding mass. His massive body was a sight to behold, every muscle and vein rippling with each breath. As Alex lay atop Ryan, his labored grunts of satisfaction filled the room, leaving Ryan completely engulfed in Alex’s overwhelming musk. Despite the struggle for breath, Ryan couldn't help but feel in awe of the hulk's sheer size and strength. As Alex forced himself off of Ryan, his colossal frame towered over him, making the ceiling creaking and groaning under the weight of his neck. If Ryan could see Alex from the front, he would have seen Alex's chin pressed firmly against his expansive chest. With every step he took, the floorboards trembled under his massive feet, and his grumbling, incoherent frustration grew louder and more intense. The hulk was pissed, and he wanted a third round. Suddenly, Alex clenched his fist and turned back to face Ryan, sending chills down his spine. The look in his eyes was one of pure, unbridled rage. Ryan felt helpless and scared for his life. In a desperate attempt to escape, Ryan scrambled to his feet and made a break for the front door. But it was too late. Alex's booming voice echoed through the small space as he bellowed, "The fuck you are!" With lightning-fast reflexes, Alex dove to the ground and wrapped a single hand around Ryan's chest, bringing him down with him. The force of his movements was so intense that the entire room shook and the walls trembled. The sound of his massive body hitting the ground echoed throughout the house, adding to the terrifying situation. As Alex's grip tightened around Ryan's chest, the air grew thick with tension and fear. His green eyes glowed with an almost supernatural ire, and his rage erupted from every part of him. Ryan knew he was in serious trouble. Ryan could feel the anger radiating off of the hulk in waves, and it was clear that he was completely consumed by it. The fear in Ryan's eyes only seemed to fuel Alex's rage even further, his grip on Ryan becoming even more powerful. Ryan could feel the sheer strength of the hulk as he held him tightly, his heart pounding in his chest. Ryan's body trembled with fear and regret as he realized the gravity of the situation. He was completely at the mercy of the hulk's raw, unbridled power, and there was no escaping his grasp. He smashed a single fist through the floor, right next to Ryan’s head. Roaring in his face. It not only through the floor, but Ryan flinched unable to do anything more. The sound of Alex's deep, menacing voice filled the room, sending chills down Ryan's spine. He could feel the hulk's gaze piercing into him, and he knew that any attempt to resist would be futile. Ryan trembled as he shook his head, his voice barely above a whisper. "I'm sorry, Alex. I didn't mean to do anything wrong," he pleaded, his eyes pleading with the hulk for mercy. But there was no mercy to be found in Alex's primal rage, and he growled low in his throat, his eyes never leaving Ryan's. Alex's grip tightened on Ryan's body, his muscles rippling as he held him tightly. Ryan's heart pounded in his chest, his breaths coming in short gasps as he realized the full extent of his helplessness. He knew that he was at the mercy of the hulk's insatiable desire, and there was no escaping the beast's powerful grip. "You're not going anywhere," Alex growled, his voice low and menacing. The sound sent shivers down Ryan's spine, and he could feel his fear growing with each passing moment. As Alex pressed his body against Ryan's, the sheer size and strength of the hulk became even more apparent against the floor. His traps and massive neck bulged with every movement, while his shoulders and arms rippled with power. Despite the fear that was coursing through his veins, Ryan couldn't help but be aroused by the sheer dominance of the hulk. As Alex kissed him fiercely, his tongue plunging deep into his mouth, Ryan felt a submissive thrill run through his body. The anger and primal passion had undeniable, and it only fueled his lust further. This was a long time coming. Their kisses grew more intense as they both gave in to their desires. Alex's body continued to grow larger, becoming more imposing with each passing moment. He held Ryan tightly, not allowing him to move or resist. The raw power and strength emanating from the hulk was overwhelming, and Ryan felt himself submitting completely to Alex's will. As their lips met again and again, their bodies writhed together in an angry dance of sex and dominance. The sounds of their moans and grunts filled the room, echoing off the walls in a primal symphony of lust as the 15 foot brute came even more this time.
  15. czechhunter69

    Hulk - Exes Once more (Chapter 4)

    Chapter 4 is the perfect time to reconnect with Alex and refresh your memory by rereading the previous chapters. This will prepare you for the thrilling hulk content that lies ahead. The exciting muscle growth that you'll experience in the upcoming chapters will force you to finish, before you're finished with the chapters. I promise. If you're hungry for more, don't hesitate to let me know what you want. I'm always happy to chat and discuss ways to satisfy your cravings. Chapter 5 will be out very soon, as I am not satisfied with this one as it is. 3) Alex Loses Control 2) Alex's First time 1) Tom’s final time Source: WB Hunk’s version of Hulk. Alex's transformation from the Hulk had left him feeling shaken and disoriented. As he gradually regained his composure, he could feel his body returning to its normal state. He was relieved to feel the bulk and muscle mass melting away, leaving him with his familiar lanky runner's body. There was no trace or hint of him having anything more than the body hair the hulk managed to grow. Despite the relief, there was a lingering sense of loss. Alex knew that he would never forget the feeling of power and strength that had come with the Hulk's transformation. As he looked down at his chest, Alex could see that he still had the remnants of the Hulk's chest hair. It was a strange reminder of the transformation, and he felt a sense of attachment to it. It was sexy and reminded him of Tom. He still wanted to transform again, but pushed that aside for now. With a heavy heart, Alex approached Ryan's motionless body. He knelt down beside him, feeling a wave of remorse wash over him. He knew that Ryan's bruises were his fault. The living room was in shambles, and there was a gaping hole in the floor where Alex had smashed his fist a hole through the floor. The hole had to be close to 2ft wide, and from the looks of it - right through a joist. He chucked before realizing just how fucking strong he had to be, to do that. "Ryan?" Alex's voice was uncharacteristically small and quiet. There was no response from Ryan, but Alex could see that he was still breathing. It was possible that Ryan had simply passed out from the shock of it all. Alex felt a sense of relief that Ryan was alive, but the guilt and shame he felt were overwhelming. He knew that he would need to make things right, and to make amends for the damage he had caused. Alex's lanky frame strained as he tried to lift his unconscious friend off the floor. It was a stark contrast to the superhuman feats he had accomplished just moments ago as the Hulk. Instead of effortlessly tossing heavy furniture aside, he struggled to lift even the weight of his friend's body. After several failed attempts, Alex gave up and dragged Ryan out of the room by grabbing him under the shoulders, his feet trailing behind him. The only thing that made this remotely easier was the cum, that acted as a grease to slid him out. The living room was in shambles, and the damage was extensive. Furniture was overturned and smashed, and the smell of sex lingered in the air. He caught a whiff of his own sweat and nearly gagged. Despite the chaos and destruction in the living room, the kitchen had miraculously survived unscathed. Alex quickly made his way over to the sink and drew a basin of warm water. He knew that he needed to clean himself and Ryan up. As he carefully began to clean the cum off of his friend and himself, Alex winced at the sight of the deep and dark bruises already forming on Ryan's body. He was careful not to press down too hard while trying to be as gentle as possible. When Ryan was clean enough, he tended to himself. As Alex continued to clean himself the warm water felt soothing against his skin, calming his nerves. He still couldn't believe what had just happened. One moment he had been in control, and the next, he had lost himself completely to The Hulk. He liked it, a lot more than he should have. He had no idea how to prevent it from happening again, and the thought terrified him. Despite the fear and uncertainty, another part of Alex desperately longed for that small ounce of strength he had felt just before Ryan came home. He knew that he should be grateful for his normal body, but he couldn't shake the feeling of wanting to be more. It was a dangerous desire, and he tried to push it aside, focusing instead on cleaning up the mess and helping his friend. As Alex finished cleaning himself off, he turned his attention back to Ryan, carefully avoiding the bruises that dotted his friend's body. He couldn't bear to look at the damage he had caused, but he knew that he had to take responsibility for it. He couldn’t risk it happening again. Slowly opening his eyes, Ryan first felt groggy and confused, but as he focused on Alex, he felt a sudden rush of fear and surprise. "Alex, what are you doing here?" Ryan scrambled away, his panic rising. "Please don't hurt me again. Just leave me alone!" "Ryan, calm down." Alex tried to reassure him. "I'm not the Hulk, and I wasn't in control of myself." Ryan didn't seem to hear him, still scrambling away, his eyes wide with fear. "Please, just listen to me." Alex pleaded, taking a step closer to Ryan. "I didn't mean to hurt you." Ryan paused, scared that if he didn't listen, Alex might turn back into the hulk. "What's going on with you?" he asked, his voice trembling. "I don't know," Alex said, looking down at his hands. "Tom, the guy I met on Grindr, turned me into this. I can't control it, and I don't even know how I got here this morning." Ryan stared at Alex, disbelief and confusion etched across his face. "What are you saying? How can someone turn you into the hulk?" "I don't know, but it happened, it happened after we had sex,” Alex said, his voice tinged with desperation. "Please, Ryan, you have to believe me. I'm not in control of myself, but I would never want to hurt you. It couldn’t stop it, I swear.” Ryan took a deep breath, his heart racing. He looked at Alex and saw the fear and uncertainty in his eyes. Maybe, just maybe, he was telling the truth. Ryan's voice shook with fear and confusion. "I...I don't know what to do," he said, as he staggered to his feet. Keeping a safe distance from Alex, Ryan took in the destruction in the living room and realized he was naked. As memories flooded his mind, Ryan remembered kissing Alex and enjoying the raw passion between them, worshipping every inch of Alex's hairy, muscled green body. But it didn't make sense. Seeing Alex double in height and quadruple, if not more, in weight should have been where he drew the line. But it only seemed to drive him wild, from what he could recall. They had sex, but Alex never penetrated. Would he turn as well? "Ryan," Alex said softly, sensing his friend's confusion. "I know this is a lot to take in, but you have to trust me. I'm not in control of this." Ryan looked at Alex, his eyes filled with fear and disbelief. "How can I trust you when you turned into some kind of monster?" he asked, his voice trembling. "I don't know how to explain it, Ryan," Alex replied, his voice heavy with guilt. "But I promise you, I didn't want any of this to happen. Tom, the guy I met on Grindr, did something to me. He turned me into this...thing. And now, I don't know how to change back." Ryan listened intently, his fear slowly turning into concern for his friend. "Is there anything I can do to help?" he asked. Alex's heart was heavy with guilt and fear. He couldn't believe that he had hurt his friend so badly. It was a nightmare that he couldn't wake up from. He had always known that he was different, that he had this uncontrollable rage inside him, but he had never imagined that it would hurt someone he cared about. “I need help, and I don’t think I can go to a doctor for this.” "It's okay, Alex," Ryan hesitated, his voice still shaking. Alex could see the fear in his eyes, and it made him feel even worse. "We'll figure this out together. Just promise me that you'll be careful." "I'm sorry, Ryan," Alex said, his voice shaking with emotion. "I never meant to hurt you. Please, forgive me." “I will, once we put on some pants.” He laughed nervously before escaping to his bedroom down the hall. Alex began trying to clean up the living room, as best he could, the smell of his own cum definitely tempted him to eat it. And he did, more than once. There would be no repairing the hole in the floor, or the hurt he caused Ryan. Not today. But a snack might help. As Alex scrubbed at the stained cushions and soaked floor. He was terrified by what had happened and what it meant for him and his relationships with those around him. How could he control something like this? How could he ensure that no one else would be hurt? Despite his frantic efforts to clean up, the stains remained, a reminder of the chaos that had erupted just moments ago. The room felt heavy with the weight of what had transpired, and Alex couldn't shake the feeling of guilt that gnawed at him. That’s when he realized it had been almost two hours since he saw Ryan, and decided to check on him. Just as he approached the door, he knew why it was quiet. He upon the note left by Ryan, his heart sinking as he read the words. The house felt empty and cold. As he re-read the note, his mind raced with emotions. He felt hurt, betrayed, and alone. But deep down, he knew that Ryan was right. He had put Ryan in danger, and he couldn't blame him for wanting to get as far away as possible. “Alex, I don't know what to do or how to feel. I can't even wrap my head around what happened last night. All I know is that I don't feel safe with you here. I'm not going to tell anyone, but I need you to leave. Pack your things and go.” The weight of the situation fell on his shoulders. Leaving was the only answer, but he didn't know where to go or what to do. All he knew was that he needed to lay low until he could figure out how to control himself. He thought about Tom, the guy from Grindr who had somehow caused him to transform into the Hulk. Maybe Tom could help him understand what had happened and how to prevent it from happening again. As he packed his bags, the house felt even emptier than before. He couldn't believe how quickly his life had spiraled out of control in 24 hours. He knew he had to leave, but he couldn't help but feel like he was running towards more problems, than a solution.
  16. geektofreek

    Twin Devil

    Hey there! It’s been a while. Just got a little short one for you! Oh and I’ve been building together a story archive on my Patreon for those of you interested. With stories included from my all 9,000+ usernames (musclegod300, teenmusclegod, soccerstud88, etc...) Enjoy! TWIN DEVIL “God damn, bro... Why am I growing so much bigger than you!?” Joseph, boasted in front of his twin brother, Alex. Flexing his hugely eclipsing bicep. High above their small gawking heads. A whopping 20-INCHES now! Not just one-inch bigger… not just two-inches bigger, but THREE whole inches BIGGER than his supposedly identical twin brother. “Just look at all this fucking muscle!” Joseph, chuckled with power. Even his voice was a little deeper. Rumbling Alex’s ear drums in its sultry resonance. “But you’re growing bigger than EVERYONE Joe!” Alex, whimpered a bit. Given the fact that they were barely 18-years old. Compared to everyone their age, Joe was a freakin monster. Besides their height, five-foot-eleven, he was the muscle alpha king of the school! With history breaking proportions. A size that most guys wouldn’t achieve until their college years. “Haha, that’s true… But you’re supposed to be my twin, right? I mean, what happened there?” Joseph, mocked a bit. Especially now that he was close to 25-pounds heavier. All muscles too! Alex swelled with envy, jealousy and confusion. His brother had always enjoyed working out more. And he had been trying just as hard at the gym. But the five extra pounds of muscle on Joe a few months back, quickly turned in 10-pounds. And then 10-pounds, into 15-pounds! And then once his brother started eating way more, lifting hugely bigger, it was simply all over. He just couldn’t seem to keep up! “Well, I’m trying as hard as I can!” Alex finally admitted. Practically whining at this point. Flexing his comparatively small 17-inch bicep. “We’re supposed to be identical...” And that’s when he really whimpered a bit. A line that, Joseph, was repeatedly beginning to love. “Haha, I guess not anymore, bro...” Joseph, chuckled. Really rubbing salt in the wound. “Like seriously, do you see anything identical about this!?” He continued and suddenly widening his stance, deploying his grossly huge wing-sized muscle lats! With a wider back, shoulders and chest. His huge spherical pecs pumping and swelling across his broad manly chest. His arrogant comment only seemed just that much more cemented. There wasn’t really anything identical about them at all anymore! Joseph's abs had been growing more chiseled, rippled, unbelievably powerful. With more heads of muscle then you could count. And his legs had turned into these testosterone raging powerhouses of skull crushing devastation, big as an APES. Twice the size of his brothers. Even his butt had grown to an unreal global horse crushing proportions. Big enough to snuff some girls face out. “Just imagine if I keep growing like this...” Joseph, relentlessly boasted. Tickling his own overflowing teenage ego. His wild imagination. “We won’t even look like brothers, let alone twins!” He chuckled powerfully. Finding it honestly hilarious. “Would you WANT that!?” Alex, squealed like some little girl. But his question went unanswered. As his literal twin devil flexed and posed. Relishing on his own fantastical changes. “I mean, my armpits are hairier than yours...” And then, Joseph, really hammered it in. “I’ve got more chest hair...” Lifting up his ready to burst bulging muscle-shirt. Showing off more and more of their dramatic comparisons. “And you won’t BELIEVE what else is growing…” Joseph, powerfully chuckled. Reaching for his zipper. Alex, just thought his brother was going to show off his freakishly growing diamond cut muscle thighs. Or maybe his super massive veiny bulging bodybuilder calves. But then as he pulled the zipper down, unbuckling his button, this huge white mound of brief fabric fell out from the zipper hole opening. “O-OH F-Fuck, JOE!” Alex, practically squealed. Watching this snake, an African python of a penis, with one huge gross gushing eye. The biggest cock-head and piss slit he had ever seen. Clearly painted on his nearly transparent tortured briefs. The same ones Alex was currently wearing. Joe, snickered sinisterly as he continued to pull down his jeans completely. Giving his big dick a couple ruthless pumps, right in front his brother. Almost dreaming about this moment. “Aw, yeah bro…” Joseph, groaned in deep lust. “You ever seen a dick this big?!” He proudly stroked himself a couple more times. Making himself bulge up a little. Just to give a real sense of its size. Leaving Alex absolutely frozen. They had seen each other naked so many times. More than you could count! But now it was like staring at another man entirely. Not even a relative, let alone a brother or twin. This unrecognizable monster penis among mortal men. At least a FOOT LONG! Thicker than a BEER can! Not just 2x, 3x, or even 4x bigger than Alex’s, but in a whole different league! “HOW is this POSSIBLE!!?” Alex really began to weep. With actual tears of envy in his eyes. His twin brother really was some sort of male muscle alpha predator! The truly superior twin. “Jesus, Joe... It’s like you’re going through some kind of growth spurt again!” Alex, suddenly stated. Seconds away from blubbering up from overwhelming envy. A line that he would instantly regret saying. As he watched a light bulb go off in his brother's head. “Haha! Fuck yeah!” Joseph, laughed. “A growth spurt!? That’s just what I NEED!!” And then he exclaimed. Unexpectedly loving the idea. “That means I would start growing everywhere!” He chuckled delightfully. Playing into his brothers outlandish words. His freakiest of fantasies. “Not just muscle... But I would grow taller!” Joseph, wildly grinned. Adding his own fantasies to the mix. Feeling his dick really began to bulge. “I’ve always wanted to be over 6-feet tall...” Joseph, happily admitted. “Y-YOU have!?“ Alex, squealed once more. “Well yeah! Haven’t you? I mean, we’re so close already! OR maybe 6-foot-five, Haha!” And yet his twin brother continued. With his dick throbbing, twisting and turning like some big snake. “All the way up to 7-FEET TALL!” Jospeh, roared shockingly. With his cock throbbing out of control! “O-Oh, g-god....... 7-FEET tall!? How could ANYONE want to grow SO BIG!?” Alex was absolutely baffled. Still weeping. As he watched his twin brothers raise his colossal 20-inch volcanic muscle arms, high above their heads. Displaying his future dream height. With his MUCH BIGGER cock suddenly springing the biggest leak against his briefs. “DEAL with it, BRO!” Gushing torrent after torrent of pre-cum. “I’m just clearly meant for BIGGER THINGS!” ***************** And then later that night... “Oh man... 7-feet tall...” Joseph, almost felt haunted by the impossible fantasy. Standing there in the bathroom mirror. All while brushing his teeth. Feeling his cock bulge and tingle again. All that blood surging just to fill his enormous member. As he thought about that rush of power he felt earlier... “I want it SO bad...” He groaned. Feeling his cock actually begin to leak. Fuck, he was so horny. “Alex, already looks like such a DWEEB!” And then he continued. Chuckling out loud. Drooling out some toothpaste as he fantasized. He just loved being bigger so much. “I wonder how small he’ll look in a few months...” He chuckled devilishly. As his dick really began to bloat up. 8-inches… 9-inches… 10-inches… Already straining his undersized briefs to their limits. “Or even in a few years!” Joseph, groaned with lust. With his cock reaching its full foot long pussy crushing power. As he imagined growing not just 40-pounds bigger, or even 50-pounds bigger... But 100-POUNDS BIGGER! “Unnghh, fuck. 100-POUNDS!? Why does this turn me on so much!?” Joseph, grunted. Feeling queer as fuck. Almost trying to control himself. But the level of power he felt was next level. He wasn’t just boning harder then he ever had before. But he was about to cum! Totally hands free! “And at 7-FEET TALL, Alex, would be standing no bigger than the TOP of my PECS!” His cock gushed and rumbled over the awesome idea. Harder and harder as if it was somehow making room to grow bigger. 12-inches… 13-inches… 14-inches! “ARGGH, and then I’d still want BIGGER! 8-FEET TALL! UNGGHHH!!” Joseph, roared. With his dick looking 15-INCHES! Causing his briefs to suddenly SNAP under the enormous pressure. “More and more and MORE until the little RUNT is staring at my belly button!!” Joseph, groaned in ecstasy. “With so much muscle and power I could lift a SEMI-TRUCK!” Tilting his neck back and letting his cock EXPLODE a fucking GALLON huge load of CUM all over his bathroom mirror. Rope after rope. His cock throbbed and throbbed. It just wouldn’t stop. Joseph could only laugh at his display of alpha manliness. “UNGH, yeah… I WANT it so BAD...” He grunted it sheer bliss. Finally squeezing out the last huge drop. Experiencing the biggest orgasm of his life. “Better get ready Alex…” END
  17. This story will contain some themes of incest. Please do not continue if that is disturbing to you. Chapter 1: I was driving up to my Uncle Ryan's house. At age 35 he was my dad's younger brother. I hadn't seen him in years, in fact, it was before Covid lockdowns. He lived in the opposite end of the state and often missed events due to his intense work schedule or from Covid outbreaks. He was my favorite family member growing up. Ryan was always the life of the family and I had missed not seeing him the past couple years. But now I was coming to live with him for a while. I was granted a partial scholarship to a university only a few minutes walk from Ryan's house. My uncle graciously opened his home to me so that I wouldn't have to take out loans. I eventually got to his house, pulled into his driveway and stepped out of my car to open my hatch. It was hot and humid in the early August sun. As soon as the trunk slid open I heard, in a deep resounding voice, "Hey Andrew! How's my favorite nephew doing!" I turned around and it was my Uncle Ryan. He was an extremely handsome man with a thick head of graying hair that was cut high and tight. Ryan also had a very short and trimmed beard that nicely accentuated some of the rounder features of his face. He was a taller man standing at 6'0" only a couple inches taller than myself. He kinda had a bloated stomach and love handles poking through his shirt, although his arms were bulky with a good bit of muscle, despite not having a ton of definition. He began to hug me tightly with a large layer of fat between us two. Uncle Ryan wasn't always like this. Growing up he really got into bodybuilding in high school and college and really packed on a lot of solid muscle. Family trips to the beach were always a treat when I got to see him without his shirt. Every year he grew more as his physique improved. His body was absolutely magnetic to me at the time and didn't understand. Growing up I jacked off to the thought of Ryan flexing his muscles for me, letting me feel him up. It's kind of embarrassing to admit but Ryan helped me to realize that I was gay. On top of that, he inspired me to pursue my own fitness goals. Since I graduated high school I had taken a year to work and save money, then a couple more years going to community college. All the while I signed up for a gym membership and dove into bodybuilding. I wasn't massive but at 5'10" and 170 pounds I felt that my body was quite respectable - at least that's what the sexual attention I got from men seemed to indicate. It was somewhat deflating to see Ryan hadn't been able to keep up with it. Being only 22 I was excited about how much room I had left to grow. "I'm so glad you made it Andrew! I'm excited to have somebody come stay with me for a while. Now, why don't I help you get your stuff into the house." Ryan said to me. I replied, "Sure, that'd be great. I didn't pack much since I knew you would have most of the furniture. I just brought clothes, electronics, and personal items." We both gathered the luggage and went inside his fairly large sized 3 Bed, 3 Bath home. Ryan lead me into a room that was fairly empty - only a bed, a dresser, a night stand, and a desk and chair - that had an in-suit bath attached to it. "Here's where you'll be staying, Andrew. Please, make yourself at home. You're going to be living here for the next few years, so no need to act like a stranger. All my Wi-Fi and streaming passwords are on the fridge." "Hey, thanks Uncle Ryan again for letting me stay here with you. You don't understand how much this means to me!" "No worries, man. I love having you over. Now I am going to go to the store to get stuff to make meals for the week. Do you need me to get you anything?" "I think I should be fine, Uncle Ryan. I just need to spend sometime putting away all my stuff and getting settled, but thanks." "Alright, sounds good. I will leave you to it then! I am running some other errands so I will be back in a couple hours." After Ryan had left to go the store, I really began to unpack all of my belongings. I hung my shirts up in the closet, put my other clothes away in the dresser. I also brought with me my supplements that I had been taking and protein powder. Looking the the bag I found a huge box of hundreds of little packets of powder that I had bought from a mutual acquaintance. They are supposed to be stirred into water to drink. He swore up and down that they're perfect for losing fat and gaining muscle fast. This dude was huge and he came with a good recommendation. I had bought them last week and had been using them but they didn't quite seem to be working all that well for me. It was disappointing to say the least, especially because of how expensive the box was. I gathered all of it and put it on the kitchen island to ask Ryan where I could store them when he got home. I went to Ryan's massive living room and sat down on the comfortable sectional couch and turned on the television. It was so nice to be out of my parents house for a while, even if it was my uncle's house. I suddenly was filled with excitement for this new chapter in my life - I'm finally getting out of my hometown! [...] "Hey Andrew! Dinners ready!" Ryan called out from the kitchen. I came out of my room to join him there. I saw that he had already set the table and made me a plate - it was grilled chicken and sautéed vegetables. Simple, yet it looked absolutely fabulous. I sat down at the table with Ryan and we began digging in. "I saw all those supplements you had on the kitchen table, Andrew. Looks like you're really getting into bodybuilding. Look at how big those arms are!" He said taking a glance at my biceps that were showing ever so slightly through my shirt sleeves. I blushed ever so slightly and replied saying,"That means a lot coming from you, Uncle Ryan. You know you were the one that inspired me to get into working out?" "Really now?" Andrew replied with a surprised tone in his voice, "Well, it's somewhat of a shame that I haven't kept up with it these past few years. Work has really taken over my life since covid began. I am hiring some new people to take off a lot of stuff off my plate but now I have really just lost the motivation to keep it up. I even have a garage full of gym equipment that I don't use anymore. Maybe you can put it to good use?" "I'd be glad to!" I said, I was going to look for a place to workout but now I don't even have to step out of the house. "Great, now excuse me. I gotta use the restroom. I'll be right back." Ryan got out of his chair and walked to the hallway bathroom and shut the door. Across from me I could see his food and a large glass of water. I looked over to my supplements on the counter. I got up and walked over to them and grabbed some of the powder that dissolves in water. The powder wasn't doing much for me but maybe it would help Ryan to at least feel more energized. I ripped off the top and poured it into his water. Frankly, I don't think he'd notice. The powder really doesn't have much of a taste to it and it dissolves quickly. I heard him flush and begin to wash his hands. I hurriedly threw away the packet and sat back down at my seat. Ryan almost immediately opened the door and came back in to the kitchen. He sat down and took a big gulp of water, sitting his glass down. He made no mention of the water or any odd taste or smell. Both of us sat at the table and caught up for hours and hours. It was so enjoyable to spend time with Uncle Ryan again. He was personable and carried great conversation. Having started dinner at 6:30 it was nearly 10:00 by the time we had to call it quits. Ryan had to go to work tomorrow - it was going to be a dreaded Monday. My classes won't start for another week or so, so I just made plans to explore the town and campus a little bit. I helped him to clean up - I noticed he drank all of his water. I don't know how much of it would help but I was intent to keep slipping him some every day I could. [...] The next morning I got up about 6:30 to go workout in the garage. Before getting there I hear a loud grunting sound. I opened the door and there it was Uncle Ryan curling some heavy weights in front of a mirror he'd hung up on the wall. He was wearing a gray shirt that was large on him and absolutely soaked with sweat. His hair was a messed and matted down with tons of sweat. I couldn't tell if it was the workout but here certainly looked pumped and slimmer than he did yesterday. He saw me come in, as he placed the weights back on a rack and sat down on a bench. He turned my way, "Good morning, Andrew. Sorry I'm taking up your time in here. I just woke up this morning and felt this desire to pump a little iron, something I hadn't felt in a while." "Oh, that's no problem Uncle Ryan. In fact, I wouldn't mind if we worked out together. I think it'd be a good motivation tool. Do you need me to get you some water?" "That would be great, Andrew. I have a big bottle of water in the fridge I carry with me throughout the day. I usually fill it up before I go to bed. Could your bring that to me," he replied between huffs of trying to get some air. I went inside to the kitchen to get his water. Of course, I picked up another packet and put it in there. I could sense it was working well for my uncle. I took him his water as he began to slowly down it. I absolutely knew that both he and I were in store for some great times ahead.
  18. Guest

    The delivery guy

    I was preparing my protein shake as the sound of the intercom echoed through my apartment. I made my way toward the entry and answered. “Parcel for Mr. Barnes”. “Come on up. Number 312”, I replied and opened the door. A few minutes later someone knocked. I opened the door and looked at the USPS delivery guy. I had to look slightly up to look into his eyes, his height had to be around 6’3 as I was 5’10. But the guy was lanky: the uniform hung lose on his bony frame that I guessed to be around 160 pounds. “Mr. Barnes”, he said as he looked up from his tablet. “Whoa. You’re Jake Barnes. The bodybuilder.”, he added with joy. I nodded with a grin as I saw his gaze travel along my torso that filled my tight tank top. “I’m a big fan. Follow your Instagram daily”, he rattled on, “Are your arms really 18.5 inches?”. “Not pumped, they are. Check for yourself”, I replied and raised my right arm. My bicep balled up as the muscle flexed. It formed a nice orb and pushed up a thick vein against my skin. “Wow”, he let out as he stared at my flexed arm, “Looks even bigger than on your pics”. “Go ahead. Cop a feel”, I said and hardened my flex a bit more. “For real?”, he asked incredulously and his right hand hesitantly reached for my bicep. I nodded to encourage him and felt his fingers grope my flexed bicep and trace along the prominent vein. “What do you think, kid?”. “Geez. It’s so hard. Like touching a hot rock”, he let out in awe. “You have a parcel for me?”, I asked and lowered my arm. “Oh right. Here you go. Just sign here, please”, he replied and handed me the tablet. He took back the tablet. “Oh, could you give me some advice: I’ve been working out for two years now, but can’t get any results”, he asked. “How old are you?”, I asked. “19”, he replied. “I’m 29. Took me seven years of hard work to build my physique, kid. Just train hard, eat clean, get enough sleep, use the right supps and never give up”, I said. “And ow many days a week do you train? How many exercises?”, he asked. “What’s your name, kid?”, I asked. “Brad Harding”, he replied. “I’ll send you a copy of my workouts when I started working out”, I answered, “Nice to have met you, Brad”. “Have a nice day, Mr. Barnes”, he said. “Call me Jake”, I stated and watched him walk to the elevator. I closed the door and walked back to the kitchen. “You brought me my supps, kid”, I said to myself as I opened the parcel and took out my supply of roids for that week and the note of my coach. The next day I checked my messenger and saw that Brad had sent me at least three messages to thank me for the routine I had sent him. A week later, Brad brought another parcel and we ended up talking some more about working out. He returned another week later with my third dose of roids. I plunged the needle into my ass and injected my daily amount. For some reason my body wasn’t reacting to the roids as usual: my strength had only gone up slightly and I wasn’t seeing any results. I phoned my coach and explained my concerns. “Your body has adapted to the roids, Jake. This isn’t your first cycle, is it?”, he asked. I chuckled. He knew damn well I had been roiding ever since we had started working together. “So, what do you propose?”, I asked. “I’ll get you something more potent. Some grade A stuff that should do the trick”, the coach replied, “I’ll send it asap.” Two days later, Brad was back with another parcel. “Here you go, Jake”, he said. “Thanks”, I answered and took the parcel, “How are the workouts going?”. “Real good. Thanks for the advice”, he said with a grin, “You look a bit bigger too”. “Pumped from my workout”, I stated with a smile and causally flexed my arm. “Take care, Jake”, he said and walked away. The next two weeks Brad brought me two more parcels on Monday. And then ,the third week on the new stuff, the results came in: my muscles began looking more ripped. I couldn’t wait to see what the final results would be after eight weeks… The next week, autumn arrived: temperatures dropped, rain poured down and strong winds played with the trees. Brad kept brining my weekly parcels, but was now completely hidden in his long coat. At the end of the eighth week my body was ready for competition: I weighed a nice 195 pounds, just below the limit of the light heavyweight class, but every muscle rippled on my body as I moved. I was ripped unlike what I had ever been and my tan only accentuated my muscles. I had been going to the tanning salon for the last two weeks after every workout. The next morning, I injected the last dose of the roids from the parcel Brad had brought a week earlier. He was due to bring my final parcel today. I went off to the gym and returned by the end of the morning. I checked the status of my parcel online and noticed the message ‘DELAYED. Not sure when we will deliver’. “Fuck”, I yelled out, “I need my parcel today. Better message him”. I opened my messenger account and sent a message to Brad. A minute later his reply came in. ‘Hi, man. Things are crazy today. Probably won’t make it’ ‘Need my parcel today. LIKE REALLY NEED IT!!!!’, I sent back. ‘Out of the area for now. OK if I bring it over after work?’ ‘What time?’, I replied. ‘8.30-9 pm’. ‘OK’, I sent back. ‘C U later’. I put my phone aside and dove onto the couch to get some extra rest before my second workout of the day. I arrived back at my apartment at about 8 p.m. after my gym session and my visit to the grocery store. I put the groceries in the fridge and headed into the bathroom for a quick shower. I stripped off, walked into the shower and turned on the water. I turned around to face the opposite wall that was covered with a lengthy mirror. A large smile formed on my face as I inspected my reflection: my cycle had made me more ripped than ever. My muscles rippled beneath my paper-thin, tanned skin with every breath I took. At 195 I was just below the weight limit for my class as a light heavyweight, but my bodyfat had to be below 5 percent. I playfully bounced my ripped pecs and felt my 7 incher smack against my six-pack. I began stroking my cock as the hot water cascaded down onto my back. Within seconds I was panting and shot my load. I closed my eyes to enjoy the feeling. I let go of my softening cock and began soaping my body. I rinsed off the soap, turned off the water and grabbed a towel to dry myself. As I was nearly finished, I heard a banging sound: someone was knocking on the door and calling my name. I wrapped the towel around my waist, went over toward the door and opened it. “Brad?”, I said as I looked at the visitor. “Yep. Here’s your parcel, man”, Brad said and handed it to me. “Wow. You look amazing, Jake”, he added as he looked at my naked torso. “Thanks, man. Really appreciate you bringing it over. Want to come in?”, I asked. “Why not? No one’s waiting for me”, Brad said and entered. I put the parcel aside and turned around to see him staring at my body. “Impressive, man”, Brad said as his eyes scanned my torso, “You look sharp. Like more ripped than a few weeks ago.” “Final phase of my prep before my next show, Brad”, I replied, “Takes my body to the next level”. I hit a few poses to display my form. “How much do you weigh?”, Brad asked without taking his gaze from me. “195 and below 5% bodyfat”, I bragged and went into a double bicep pose. Brad nodded appreciatively. “I still have to thank you ,man”, he said. “What for?”, I asked as I lowered my arms. “For this”, Brad said grinningly and took off his baggy coat. I gasped as his frame came into view: the top five buttons of his shirt were undone as it would have been impossible to get them closed across his thickly protruding chest; his short sleeves were ripped from trying to contain the insane mass of his now boulder-like shoulders. “Don’t know what you had ordered, but man was it powerful stuff: made me grow from 165 to 230 fucking pounds of muscle over the last three months”, Brad said. My mind tried processing his remark: that kid was now 35 pounds of muscle heavier than me. “Check it out”, Brad added and stripped off his shirt. I stared at his huge body: muscles bulged all across his torso and flowed into each other. His traps gave his neck the size of a bullneck and sat thickly atop the hard line of his wide shoulders; his boulder-sized, perfectly round delts capped his shoulders and gave him an awesome v-taper; his arms hung relaxed yet heavily meaty like hams at his sides; his pecs jutted forward atop his chest and made his nipples point down; below them and obscured by them, his eight-pack rippled on the rhythm of his breathing; his milk-white skin made him look like a marble statue. “Wow”, was all I could mutter. “Wow indeed”, Brad replied and raised his arms in a devastating double bicep pose. His biceps mounded upward and outward, the peaks reaching 21 inches as he flexed his arms fully and pushing up a web of blue veins against his pale skin. “How…”, I began. “21 inches unpumped”, Brad interrupted me. I gulped: 2.5 inches more than my own arms that were my best body part. “Go ahead. Cop a feel”, Brad said and hardened his flex some more. I licked my lips as the thick ball atop his arm swelled further. “For real?”, I asked and I heard my voice crack while I spoke. Brad nodded to encourage me. Slowly, I closed the distance between us and placed my hand atop his right bicep. Like he had done the first time we meet, I let my fingers grope the hard mass of the flexed bicep before tracing the veins that shot across the surface. I blinked as I felt the bicep harden even more under my touch. “So, what do you think, Jake?”, Brad asked. “Geez. It’s so hard, Brad. Like touching a hot rock”, I said in a total copy of his words to me during our first encounter. Then, I corrected myself: “Not a rock. A freaking boulder”. I felt my cock inflate below my towel as I tried denting the flexed bicep. “Check this out”, Brad said and lowered his arm, brushing off my hand in the process. I saw him place his hands on his hips and flare his lats. I took three steps back instinctively and inhaled sharply as he seemed to get twice as wide. “No need to be afraid, man”, Brad said grinningly at my reaction. “Geez. You look so fucking ripped, Jake. The definition of your muscles is unreal. So impressive. Flex your abs, man”, he added. I placed my hands behind my head, making my 18.5 inch arms bulge in the process and clenched my abs. I felt the grooves between my abs deepen as my six-pack hardened into a corrugated landscape. “Wow, man”, Brad let out admiratively. He stepped toward me and reached for my six-pack. A grin formed on my face as I felt his right index finger trace the contours of my abs, follow the deep grooves separating the individual muscles. “Man. I don’t have that kind of definition”, Brad said as he let go of my six-pack and copied my pose. I watched his stomach harden into an intimidating eight-pack that did lack the definition of my six-pack: my tan and way lower bodyfat gave me an edge . “Your abs are better than mine, Jake”, Brad said without hesitation, “but my pecs are bigger than yours”. He lowered his arms and looked down into my eyes. “Come on, man. Touch ‘em. Feel my pecs. You want to, don’t you?”, he added. I nodded and gulped. Or tried to as my mouth was completely dry. “Thought so”, Brad said while he encouraged me to worship him. I took a step closer and slowly raised my hands to touch his protruding pecs. I felt the heat radiating from the rack of muscle as I moved in. A moan escaped my mouth when my hands made contact with the marble-like, hot muscle. My deep tan contrasted sharply with his milk-white skin and I couldn’t help but notice that my hands looked somewhat small atop his chest. My dick hardened further underneath my towel as I rubbed his meaty pecs. “Ow yeah”, Brad grunted. “You know how the guys at the gym are calling me these days?”, he asked. I nodded ‘no’ without taking my hands and eyes from his pecs. “Hardbody”, Brad growled and flexed his pecs. I saw striations and veins exploded across his chest as his pecs turned into concrete-like hardness under my hands. “Wowughn”, I grunted and my cock creamed my towel. “Guess you did really wanted to worship me”, he said with a large smile at my reaction. “You have always liked feeling other men, eh…Sean?”. I blinked when I heard him call me ‘Sean’. I hadn’t heard or used that name ever since I’ve gotten into professional bodybuilding. Before those days, I had done some gay porn to earn easy money in college. It must have been 7 years ever since I had heard that name again. I looked up into his eyes. “I found some of your videos on the net”, Brad said as he looked down to meet my gaze. “Where’s your bedroom?”, he asked. “Don’t look so afraid, Jake”, he said in a reply to my look, “We both want this. Hell, your still touching my pecs.” I looked at my hands that were indeed still rubbing the mass atop his chest. My lust for his body took over and I turned away to walk over to my bedroom. The shadow falling over me and his heavy footsteps behind me made clear he was following. I turned around as I heard he sound of metal hitting the floor. I stared down in awe: his quads were as impressive as the rest of him: the separate heads of the muscle were clearly outlined on his heavily muscled legs; the fabric of his boxers was straining to contain his thick legs and showcased a hefty package in the front. “Right”, Brad let out and ripped away my towel to expose me completely. “Still hard or hard again?”, he asked coyly. Before I could react, he stripped off his boxers and my gaze fell onto his hefty, yet only half-hard cock. Its girth already rivaled that of my cock but surpassed it as he got harder. I had taken my share of cock in my days as a bottom and sure, I had gotten a good 50 pounds heavier but I doubted I would be able to take him. Then again, I wouldn’t be able to resist him as he had 35 pounds of pure muscle on me. “Brad”, I began. “It’s okay, man”, Brad interrupted me and gently stroked my hair to calm me, “I won’t hurt you. I promise. I owe my fantastic body to you. I’ll go gentle to thank you.” His soothing words and gentle strokes calmed my nerves and I climbed atop the bed, motioning him to join me. I saw him fish a bottle from his pants, put a good amount on his hands and rub it onto his now rock-hard 9 incher. Lube, I thought and I felt my ass clench in anticipation. Brad smiled at me and stepped into the bed. He positioned himself on his knees at the end. He grabbed my ankles and pulled me toward him. I felt him place my legs atop his wide shoulders. Goosebumps exploded across my body as I felt the head of his cock position itself against my clenched ass. ”Brad, I…”, I muttered and stared up into his eyes. “Calm down, man. I’ll go easy. As slow as you want”, Brad replied and ruffled my hair once more. “Ready?”, he asked. I nodded. “Oaughn”, I groaned as the thick head of his 9 incher entered me. My back arched up from the bed and my hands clenched into the bedsheets as the cock pushed past my clenched defenses. My own 7 incher smacked into my six-pack. I felt him stop. “Does it hurt, Jake?”, Brad asked with genuine concern. I didn’t know if it was hurt or lust that filled my body and mind. “Deeper”, I groaned to encourage him. I closed my eyes and groaned louder and deeper as he invaded me further. I felt my ass stretch along his thick shaft as It slid deeper inside me. Stars exploded before my eyes and in my head as 7 of his 9 inches were inside me. I blinked as I felt his pubes brush against my ass in a signal that he was fully inside me. “Does this hurt, Jake?”, Brad asked once more before he began sliding out of me. I nodded ‘no’ and inhaled deeply when his 9 incher left my ass. Despite the amount of cock I had taken back in the day, I felt strangely empty. “Good”, Brad replied and moved in to kiss me on the mouth. His kiss overpowered me and his tongue searched its way into my mouth. I began feeling lightheaded and then, he broke our kiss. I grabbed the back of his head and brought his ear to my mouth. “Back…inside me”, I growled. Brad placed my hands atop his meaty chest, his paws grabbed my sides and he positioned his 9 incher against my ass. “Unghpf”, I moaned as he invaded me again. My hands clawed into his chest but didn’t dig into the hard muscle. I wanted to arch up from the bed but his strong paws easily held me in place. My eyes rolled back in pleasure and I closed them as he buried his 9 incher completely inside me. I felt him move backwards inside me, but this time he didn’t draw fully out of me: he kept the head of his cock inside my ass and began pumping his 9 incher in me. Every time he was fully inside me, his cock hit a spot inside me that sent shivers of pleasure through my 195 pound body. I heard his breathing fasten, felt his mighty pecs heave more and his strokes getting longer, harder and deeper. Brad moved back in to kiss me. The moment his lips touched mine and he was fully inside me again, I felt my balls draw tight and the dam containing my orgasm brake. “BRAD”, I groaned while he devoured my lips in a deep kiss. I shot my load in between our bodies. My cum splattered against the bottom of his protruding pecs before sliding down onto his eight-pack. More loads blasted from my cock and creamed both are muscular stomachs with my sticky juices. Pure euphoria coursed through my veins as the most intense orgasm I had ever lived washed over me. I felt my cock soften a bit as the last load dribbled from it. Brad broke our kiss and stared directly into my eyes. My eyes widened as I felt Brad’s cock swell and twitch inside me. I groaned as he rammed it even deeper inside me. I felt his pecs clenching under my grasp, sending another jolt through my deflating cock. And then, he came. His deep roar echoed against the walls of my bedroom, hurting my ears. His paws clenched hard into my flanks, digging into me. I felt his 9 incher explode deep inside me, filling me with liquid heat that spread through me. He kept filling me, flooding my intestines with his cum, building up the pressure in my ass before I felt his juices leak from me. It seemed like an eternity before he pulled himself from me. An audible pop accompanied by a hefty flow of his cum followed as his cock left me. Brad looked down on me, smiled and moved in for another kiss. “Way better than I thought”, he said after he broke our kiss. I just nodded, my head was still spinning from bliss and exhaustion after the fuck of a lifetime. “Could use a shower, though. Didn’t know you would cum this much after blowing your load in your towel worshipping my pecs”, Brad stated grinningly. “Care to wash my back?”, he asked playfully, got up and walked out. I stared at his massive back, admiring the mounds of muscle atop it. I licked my lips and got up myself, ignoring the painful sensation my worn out ass sent through me. I clenched my fists in anticipation as I heard the water of the shower being turned on…
  19. momoware

    Fantasy Future Muscle Chapter 4

    Standard forewarning: violent sex scenes, birthing etc...enjoy! ______ Backstage dozen of spectators had gathered, having heard to the news, to see the lifeless corpse of the biggest, most muscular man that ever existed (for now). It was a mountain of hard flesh that elicited sighs of awe from the onlookers. There was muscle on every toe, on his elbows, even the brow of his face had developed a thick muscular cover. The display of shock and reverence was shortlived, and within moments worshippers had begun climbing onto the body and fucking every hole and crevice they could find. Giant bodybuilders, including Wyman, thrusted their dicks in between the massive pecs, under his armpits, between his fingers. It was an orgy unlike anything ever witnessed before. I made the most of this, and headed back onto the stage, that was now empty. I decided to gather as much of that muscle baby's semen as I could find before it became useless. It was easy to identify, as he had become so large after a certain point that the individual sperm cells were around two or three inches long and swam around, lost in the auditorium. High on testosterone and my own future enormity, I caught as many of these spunky, hormonal fish as I could and devoured them, as I began to feel my body undergo a big change. I woke up in my hotel room three days later. As my eyes opened, the rest of my body coursed with blood, and I attempted to control my new muscles. It wasn't easy, but I figured that my own body could only evade my control for a short time. I rolled over out of the bed and rose to my feet. The ceiling that I had called extremely high and daunting when I arrived at the President Hotel, now barely covered my head. The testosterone production process in my body had sped up dramatically, and the sheets of my bed were soaked with my jizz, and thick hair, much like that of the muscle baby I had to thank for tis new body, covered my entire being. My first task was to shave. As I entered the bathroom I saw the scales on the floor next to the doorway. They were scales without an upper limit, which was necessary as this hotel hosted the largest men on earth whenever the Mr Planet competition was in town. I remember standing on them when I first arrived, they read 415 pounds, a measurement which at the time turned me on beyond words. I now stood at 13"5, almost twice my previous height, and with great excitement I placed my huge, strong, hairy feet onto the scales. 1337 pounds. I instantly ejaculated, all over the scales, all over the bathroom floor. The flow was too great and it flooded into the bedroom, over the balcony and I would later discover a pool of my ejaculate that had poured over the edge and into the ornamental pond of the hotel's grounds. Like the muscle baby whose semen I had devoured a week before, in spite of being 8 feet in length, my cock was so heavy that it hung to the floor even when totally erect. I began to run the shaver all over the acres of furry muscle and an hour later I was cleanly shaven and ready to be worshipped. The thick, matted, sweaty hair I had just removed from all over my body now filled the bathtub, and I left it for the maid to fix, not knowing really what to do myself. 3 in the afternoon, and I received a knock at the door. I was thrilled, I had arranged a worship session that only I was in on. It was with Martin- I had anonymously invited him to my room, with the intention of him falling over at the sight of my magnificent new body. I bent down to open the door, but when I did all I could see was a gigantic foot and the start of a leg. I was speechless, clearly I had been mistaken in assuming that I was the only one to drink the muscle baby’s potent semen. "Hey Franco!" Martin's voice boomed as he greeted me. So he knew it was me, I thought, I guess he saw me in the audience, or Jean Marie told him about me, "I don't think this is going to work, we should head down to the auditorium." "Agreed!" I replied, attempting to gently burst through the wall, but instead ripping the entire fourth floor of the hotel apart. We marched side by side, two giant men looking forward to our reunion in the underground vault. We arrived down to the auditorium where one week prior we had witnessed the Mr Planet competition. The drama of the event and the damage done to the arena by the muscle baby had remained, it had actually been decided to abandon this venue and seek another one for future expositions. The spunk on the floor had evaporated and there was a crumbly crust of dead sperm all over the ground. Martin told me that in the statistics compiled after the contest, it stated that 140,000 litres of spunk had been expelled onto the stage that day. We turned on all the lights and then finally got to see each other eye to eye. He stood opposite me, truly magnificent. I don't need to describe every detail, you know what a bodybuilder looks like. I gazed in adoration at those calf muscles, that even in the competition had been magnificent, but now were totally absurd. The lower portion of his leg was twice as wide as it was long, and the muscle jutted out in several directions like a gemstone. His quads at their thickest point were three times the circumference of his slim waist, and he, like me, stood with a giant cock facing the ground. His ballsack was so heavy with balls the size of children that it touched the ground, and dragged as he walked. I was lucky as my scrotum was not loose but instead hung tight, just under my cock. Our huge, virile bodies produced testosterone at such a rate that we, just like the muscle baby responsible for our growth, were in a constant state of arousal, and whereas the muscle baby was constantly masturbated by a team of assistants, we managed just whacking it very three or four minutes. Needless to say, behind us was a river of no less than one hundred thousand litres of spunk from our half hour walk down to the auditorium. "I arranged for a friend to meet us here," Martin told me, as we walked nearer to one another and embraced, "Wyman thinks he’s coming down for a rematch. Silly little man."
  20. Hi everybody. As I said I publish here a little story of mine in Italian language. If there is any problem about language rules (eg. It must be published only stories in English language) I will remove it immediately. Thanks! I. A volte succede che al centro della vita di ognuno non succeda di trovarci più niente, che importi più di finire il solito trantran quotidiano e aspettare di tornare a letto e ripartire per il lavoro il giorno dopo. I saluti per strada non vengono colti o sono un piccolo fastidio di tutti i giorni, e che si passino le giornate a scansare la gente. Che non fosse il caso di continuare così lo sapeva benissimo, ma era dopo la fine della storia con Luca, quando aveva deciso di spostarsi, che le cose erano peggiorate. In un posto nuovo, una città dove a parte il lavoro non c’è molto e lo stipendio finisce tutto nell’appartamento dell’hinterland e, per le emergenze, l’auto, non è facile uscire da tutta la confusione. Che poi lo sapeva perfettamente Michele che alla fine l’unica cosa da fare era prendersi del tempo per sé. Ma la palestra non sembrava fare al caso suo: c’era tornato dopo tanti anni, i risultati non erano granché arrivati. Fisico magro, media statura, qualche pelo bianco nella barba un po’ rada e i capelli non più folti come una volta: una persona comune, tra i tanti profili che scorrono su Tinder. «Un’altra giornata buttata, alla fine. Pazienza» pensava mentre saliva in metro verso casa, dopo un altro appuntamento forse andato a vuoto. L’altro ragazzo era sembrato abbastanza gentile, ma anche distaccato. Lo aveva guardato un po’ con sufficienza a un certo punto. Michele aveva lasciato un po’ perdere la palestra ultimamente e sapeva che si notava bene la cosa e che avrebbe dovuto forse cambiare qualche vestito. Non era mai stato troppo sicuro di sé, ma adesso stava facendosi tutto molto più complicato. «Non sono un gran figo o un palestrato, e così sarebbe molto più semplice, ma non è andata così, che ci devo fare? Dai, alla fine ci penso troppo» era stata l’ultima cosa che aveva realizzato prima di andare a letto. § La mattina si era alzato con un po’ di malessere. Non gli sembrava di aver bevuto così tanto la sera prima. Più che mal di testa, un dolore generale alle articolazioni. «Eh, ho una vita troppo sedentaria». Aveva fatto colazione, si era infilato i vestiti di fretta ed era corso al lavoro. Tutto sommato la giornata era corsa abbastanza veloce rispetto al solito, anche se aveva continuato a sentire qualche piccola fitta alla schiena, alle gambe, qualche prurito, qualche fastidio in generale. Alla sera si era iniziato a lavare: certo, a trent’anni uno il proprio corpo lo conosce bene, ma alla fine può succedere di trovare qualche sorpresa. Qualche centimetro di girovita era scomparso. Michele pensò subito che doveva essere stato per via del suo impegno, stavolta mantenuto, di mangiare un po’ meglio. «Forse è la volta buona che mi rimetto anche a fare sport». E così era uscito per una corsetta. Il passo reggeva il ritmo, forse, anzi, riusciva a correre in modo un po’ più sostenuto di quello che pensava e programmava. Aveva sciolto i muscoli con tranquillità, con un po’ di stretching prima di tornare a casa, darsi una sciacquata e rimettersi a letto. «Tutto un discorso di motivazione: se ci metto e mi concentro, mi riprendo». E intanto, sotto le coperte, la mano scivolava lungo il suo petto e toccava il cavallo dei pantaloni. Scherzava, ridacchiava: «Ahah, che cazzata, però pensa che figo che sarebbe se fossi un palestrato». Accarezzava lentamente il suo cazzo che, anche se non voleva ammetterselo, si ingrossava all’idea di quella fantasia. § Michele si alzò con una notevole erezione, quella mattina. Se ne accorgeva a pisciare e pensava che gli sembrava più turgido e duro del solito. «Stronzate». Si era cacciato di nuovo a lavorare, ma stavolta con l’idea di tornarsene a casa per la corsetta che voleva fosse la sua abitudine serale. E mentre correva ripensava a come, quando era al liceo, facesse molto più sport e più atletica, che era un ragazzo normale, come tanti, ma che si piaceva molto di più, che in spogliatoio non guardava con disagio a quelli che erano più grossi: tanto prima o poi li avrebbe raggiunti. «Ma alla fine, se tengo duro, magari ce la faccio». La corsa era finita ed era soddisfatto. Saliva in appartamento con l’odore buono e salato del sudore, contento di sentire che si era sfogato e si era impegnato. La bilancia, implacabile, doveva decretare quanto fosse fuori forma. Invece qualcosa di imprevisto lo aveva immediatamente scosso. § Michele, come da carta d’identità, era alto 1,77. La bilancia pesava 79 kg. «Non posso aver perso due chili in due giorni». Ma il suo fisico parlava per lui, che era ammutolito. Lungo il petto la superficie della sua pelle bianca, pallida e solcata da un po’ di peluria, non scendeva più fino alla vita con tutta quella ciccia che aveva iniziato a fargli schifo. Il girovita sembrava restringersi, come ai vecchi tempi del liceo: d’altra parte lui era abbastanza fortunato, pensava: era una questione genetica e sapeva di avere la vita sottile. Il primo spessore degli addominali, leggeri e appena abbozzati, iniziava a intravedersi nel riflesso dello specchio. Qualcosa non quadrava in generale e, preso da uno scrupolo insolito, aveva rovesciato il cassetto delle cose vecchie lasciate dal padrone di casa per tirare fuori un metro da sarta. Anche il metro sembrava confermare una impressione che gli era saltata in testa così, di punto in bianca. Di statura sembrava misurare 1,80. «Ma dai, è assolutamente impossibile. Sarà la stanchezza o sono pazzo. La gente non cambia così di botto». § Finalmente sabato. Aveva un gran programma per quel sabato: tornare in palestra. Alla fine c’era sempre quella vecchia promozione valida, la prima entrata sarebbe stata gratis. Si era alzato presto, era motivato, si sentiva pieno di energia. Michele non sembrava neanche più riconoscersi in sé stesso per questa improvvisa sensazione di ottimismo e di fiducia. E non sembrava neanche più l’uomo allo specchio. Si era rasato il giorno prima, ma la barba, anche se appena appena, spuntava già sul suo viso. Più che altro, il pelo sembrava distribuito più uniformemente e sembrava più scuro del solito. Li toccava con la mano, poteva sentire che coprivano meglio la superficie del suo viso. Le occhiaie erano sparite, anche qualche ruga precoce. Ma quello che lo aveva stupito di più erano state due altre cose. La più evidente gonfiava i suoi pantaloni quella mattina. Toccò il suo uccello duro e turgido: non era possibile ma gli sembrava più grande del solito. La tentazione di farlo era forte: e infatti cedette al desiderio di controllare la lunghezza e lo spessore. «Cristo, non lo facevo da quando avevo quindici anni». Invece dei soliti 15 cm, poco più o poco meno, c’era qualcosa di nuovo: 16 cm abbondanti, 16,4 per la precisione. «Sono pazzo, sto impazzendo», pensava strusciandosi la faccia e gli occhi coi pugni mentre osservava come, un po’ alla volta, si contraessero le fibre muscolari del suo avambraccio. Il suo corpo non era più il suo corpo, ma quello di un atleta, di un maratoneta, di qualcuno che avesse preso sul serio l’atletica: altro che la corsetta della sera. E, soprattutto, il metro da sarta non aveva mentito neanche quella volta, o almeno gli aveva confermato l’impressione che aveva avuto. La carta d’identità sbagliava di brutto, ormai: 183 cm. § La giornata in palestra era stata memorabile. Michele non aveva trascurato nessun gruppo muscolare. L’entusiasmo, la passione, la curiosità, lo avevano spinto a una lunga sessione: prima le braccia, il petto, gli addominali, lo squat per i glutei e le gambe. Era molto soddisfatto, mentre si avviava allo spogliatoio per lavarsi pensava a come più di qualche sguardo si fosse concentrato sul suo corpo che stava crescendo e cambiando. Era curioso di vedere dove sarebbe potuto arrivare. «Forse sono pazzo o è una cazzata ma sta davvero succedendo qualcosa e devo approfittarne il più possibile finché dura». Era corso a casa stremato, i muscoli indolenziti e una gran fame. Era crollato a letto. Però era contento: «Stiamo mettendo su massa, sta andando tutto bene». La notte aveva fatto un sogno prevedibile: ormai la sua unica fissazione era diventata prendersi cura del suo corpo e così aveva sognato di trovarsi nudo, muscoloso e gigantesco su una spiaggia, ammirato e venerato: l’atmosfera era confusa, le immagini sbiadite ma quella notte gli sembrava in qualche modo di rivedersi nel ragazzo della spiaggia, nei tratti del suo viso. § La mattina seguente si era alzato tutto contento di poter tornare ancora in palestra ma, suo malgrado, si era accorto che era cambiato tutto un’altra volta. Il suo fisico si era fatto più grosso e sodo: le spalle erano larghe come quelle di un nuotatore, i pettorali sporgevano di qualche centimetro, gli addominali erano ormai chiaramente evidenti, così come le braccia, i bicipiti e le gambe. Si era sempre lamentato del suo culo, piatto e secco, ma il suo sedere sembrava non essere più così basso. Le scarpe e i vestiti non erano più della sua misura e si era dovuto arrangiare alla bell’e meglio per andare da Zara e trovare qualcosa da mettersi. D’altra parte, diceva il suo ormai fidato amico, il metro, era alto 1,89 e sembrava che sarebbe ancora cresciuto. Ma c’era anche qualcos’altro che gli sembrava essere diverso. Era sempre stato molto rigido nei movimenti, gli sembrava di riuscire a sciogliersi più facilmente: pensava che però la flessibilità si può allenare e recuperare anche abbastanza in fretta con una regolare attività fisica. Quello che lo faceva un po’ mettere in dubbio era il suono della sua voce che sembrava abbassarsi, diventare più profonda, potente, maschile. Ormai aveva dato per acclarato che la sua barba stava rapidamente crescendo più nera, setosa e folta: non intravvedeva un millimetro di pelle, follicolo dopo follicolo sembrava tutto crescere e fiorire per esaltare la mascolinità e la virilità del suo viso. Anche i capelli stavano cambiando decisamente colore, diventando di un nero corvino. Eppure, altrove nel suo corpo, notava come la peluria diradasse e tutto sembrasse portare a una pelle liscia, glabra, setosa e stranamente di un colorito più scuro, abbronzato. § Aveva accettato di scambiare il numero dopo due chiacchiere con quel tizio rosso di capelli. Un gran bel fisico: gambe sottili, forse, ma un bel culo e sei addominali duri come il marmo. Erano finiti un po’ a caso a casa sua: le intenzioni erano chiare e il gioco era a carte scoperte ma Michele quella volta non aveva dovuto fare nessuno sforzo di seduzione. Il ragazzo era stato un docile schiavetto fin dal primo momento: aveva cominciato a baciarlo ossessivamente in viso mentre quasi gli strappava i vestiti dal petto, poi aveva iniziato a leccare i suoi pettorali larghi e generosi, indugiando sui larghi capezzoli sporgenti. Michele mai aveva provato così tanto piacere a farseli mordicchiare e succhiare, mentre il suo schiavo scendeva lentamente, avvinghiato alle sue spalle possenti e maschie. Aveva continuato a baciarlo e a contare gli addominali con la lingua. «Sei, sette… otto». Ma come otto? Cosa stava succedendo? Perché? Ma non importava. Michele era tutto perso nel narcisismo di vedersi riflesso nello specchio dell’armadio con quel ragazzo che, era sicuro, non l’avrebbe cagato di striscio qualche giorno prima, succhiare avidamente ogni centimetro della sua pelle e poi massaggiargli dolcemente la larga e vastissima schiena sudata. Si era aggrappato alle sue natiche forti e rotonde e aveva proseguito ingoiando con avidità il suo grande uccello e leccando le grosse palle. Michele ci aveva dato dentro, mentre il ragazzo sembrava impazzire di gioia. «Mi fai male, piano!» ma le sue grida soffocate venivano ignorate da quell’uomo possente e muscoloso che torreggiava sull’altra figura mentre spingeva con violenza la testa del suo amante contro la sua larga dote. Michele non aveva mai durato così tanto prima di venire. Il ragazzo aveva già sborrato in gran quantità, ma quando toccò a lui gettò un ruggito disumano. La casa sembrava tremare con quell’urlo selvaggio. Con violenza e forza a lui sconosciute la sua sborra esplose nella bocca del ragazzo che ormai era in seria difficoltà: sembrava eiaculasse per minuti, tanta era l’eccitazione. Non aveva mai provato un piacere così grande in tutta la sua vita, nessuno dei due. La serata era finita con lo schiavetto dolce e remissivo che lo massaggiava nella doccia, prostrandosi come un servo davanti al padrone per baciare i suoi piedi forti e grandi. § Quel giorno a lavoro era stato tutto molto strano. I colleghi, di fatto le uniche persone che vedeva spesso, erano abbastanza sconcertati e avevano chiesto varie cose. I più, però, avevano nicchiato o fatto finta di niente. A Michele non importava più niente, anche di farsi vedere così cambiato. Alla fine aveva deciso che era inutile e aveva chiesto tre giorni di ferie al capo. L’uomo, forse, era stato intimorito anche dalla superiore statura dell’uomo e dall’indole, che era come cambiata in un colpo. Michele era uscito già verso l’ora di pranzo e si era di nuovo cacciato in palestra. Pensava che quasi non ritrovava più se stesso non solo nell’immagine e nella figura che gli passava davanti agli occhi, ma anche nel suo atteggiamento. Era aggressivo, sicuro, menefreghista. Gli piaceva questa nuova personalità. Ma era cambiato davvero tutto: per esempio il suo viso. Riconosceva i suoi tratti soliti e abituali ma sembravano avere qualcosa di diverso: gli zigomi erano più alti e evidenti, anche se nascosto dalla barba, si intuiva il profilo della sua mascella squadrata. In qualche modo gli suggeriva sia un’impressione di virilità che di eleganza e di grazia. Non ci aveva mai fatto caso, ma qualcosa nella sua mente ora lo spingeva a pensare che essere maschio e forte volesse dire non essere solo quella bestia che stava diventando, ma anche di fare un’impressione più sottile, più dominante, già solo dall’aspetto. Non gli sarebbero servite minacce o preghiere. Il suo sguardo fermo e il suo corpo gigantesco avrebbero fatto da soli il proprio lavoro: fare paura e sedurre al tempo stesso. Non voleva saperne di prendere misure di alcun tipo, era corso in palestra quel pomeriggio, per restarci il più possibile. Non voleva focalizzarsi su altro. Si era fatto mandare da un sito online dei vestiti di diverse misure, progressivamente sempre più grandi, non voleva restare nudo. Certo, non che gli sarebbe dispiaciuto: il senso del pudore sembrava svanito e si compiaceva della sua ritrovata mascolinità e del suo nuovo esibizionismo. §§ II. Qualcosa si era spezzato. Dopo i primi giorni di entusiasmo e di frenesia, ancora una volta era stato colpito da un’apatia e da una profonda irrequietezza che non aveva conosciuto. Era una bestia di 1,94, si misurava continuamente ma la sua improvvisa crescita si era bloccata. Pesava 98 kg, anche se era in una fase di bulk: ormai da un mese e mezzo le cose non sembravano cambiare. Si era fatto visitare da andrologi, endocrinologi, specialisti di ogni tipo, su pressione dei colleghi e dei suoi capi. D’altra parte, pensava, era un altro modo di rosicchiare ore di permesso e passare il tempo in palestra. Ma tutto era improvvisamente apparso come fermo e immobile. Michele amava il suo nuovo corpo, e le grandi possibilità che intravvedeva dietro la sua aumentata massa muscolare, la sua statura, i tratti del suo volto che erano leggermente cambiati, la sua voce tonante e profonda, il suo nuovo atteggiamento che evidenziava consapevolezza e autorevolezza. Si spingeva ad osare qualche battuta e qualche presa in giro che prima non si sarebbe azzardato a fare, poteva permettersi libertà che prima non avrebbe riservato a sé stesso. L’entusiasmo dei primi giorni aveva ceduto il passo a uno stato di eccitazione e di vera e propria ansia. Era come se ormai le sue aspettative fossero cambiate tutte a un tratto e si portassero a tutto un altro livello. Non era più quel ragazzo qualsiasi, normale, della porta accanto, ma un maschio alfa dominante che trasmetteva al primo impatto una sensazione di potenza e di rispetto. Le prime serate dopo la sua vera e propria trasformazione erano state fenomenali. Non aveva mai avuto così tanta sicurezza, non si era mai ritrovato così tanto d’accordo con l’idea che il sesso che aveva fatto quelle volte fosse tutto un gioco: ed era stato il miglior sesso della sua vita. Tutto sembrava essere diventato molto semplice. § Ma un giorno si era reso conto che in realtà quello che aveva non era che un assaggio di quanto avrebbe potuto avere, e dopo tutto, non aveva. La frustrazione si era fatta strada in modo sottile, insinuante e sotterraneo e Michele aveva cercato di nascondersi che avrebbe voluto essere più di quello che era. Poi tentennava e ammetteva a sé stesso che doveva già sentirsi un miracolato per quella cosa inspiegabile che era successa. Però il pensiero tornava a battere sempre sullo stesso punto. Se ne era accorto nelle ultime volte, a letto con qualcuno dei suoi nuovi e frequenti amanti. Il viavai non lo soddisfaceva più e si sentiva sempre più imperfetto, per ironia della sorte, proprio nel momento in cui forse non poteva avere di più dalla propria vita. Eppure quella fissazione si era sempre fatta costante e all’euforia iniziale, dopo i primi momenti di eccitazione per le nuove abitudini e piccole attenzioni che aveva dovuto dedicare alla sua nuova statura e allo spazio che i suo muscoli necessitavano in vestiti più larghi e in movimenti più controllati. La sua imponente presenza lo costringeva a un nuovo modo di vivere. E se all’inizio aveva trovato tutto questo una novità conturbante che solleticava la sua libido più nascosta, che fino ad allora aveva sottovalutato, come il suo desiderio di sentirsi superiore agli altri anche in un modo animalistico e primitivo, col passare del tempo era diventata la banale quotidianità. Aveva iniziato anche a perdere colpi a letto e a sentirsi qualche volta in imbarazzo. Era incazzato con sé stesso per questa situazione che lo stava scoraggiando e sfibrando. Com’era possibile sentirsi privati di qualcosa proprio nel momento migliore della propria vita dopo un dono della fortuna così inatteso e prezioso? § Michele ormai non usciva quasi più se non per lavorare e trascinarsi in palestra, nella remota speranza che si ripetesse il miracolo e di getto si stagliasse davanti a lui di nuovo quel riflesso che desiderava ormai giorno e notte, di vedersi ancora più grosso e più grande. Ma i progressi erano tornati a essere quelli di una persona comune, seguendo i lenti ritmi della natura e il cerchio sembrava essersi così chiuso. Michele sapeva di sentirsi ingrato ma questo non lo aiutava e credeva che sarebbe stato inutile parlarne, perché nessuno avrebbe potuto capire come ci si potesse sentire frustrati e abbattuti dopo quello che gli era successo. L’ossessione di crescere e la sensazione di stare fallendo lo stavano ormai lentamente consumando. Aveva iniziato a disertare anche la palestra, prima in modo intermittente, poi in modo sempre più continuato. Misurazioni, statistiche, programmi, schede, tutto era fallito. Anche la costanza e l’attenzione all’alimentazione. Stava scivolando in uno stato di depressione e di preoccupante ansia. Quel sentimento di estraneità rispetto il resto della città, quel nodo alla gola che lo aveva preso quando si era appena trasferito, solo, lontano da tutta la sua rete di amicizie e di conoscenze, l’aveva ripreso nella sua morsa. § Era stato in una giornata grigia e uguale alle tante che ormai vedeva davanti a sé che aveva preso la decisione di provare a tornare in palestra. Vedeva concretamente i segni del suo declino e deperimento: il tono muscolare sembrava iniziare a vedersi meno, iniziava nuovamente ad ingrassare, il viso si solcava ancora di occhiaie e borse, che rivelavano la sua stanchezza. Non aveva in mente niente di eccezionale per quella giornata, giusto quel minimo di esercizio per provare a fare qualcosa. E in effetti non successe niente di memorabile, dopotutto i risultati dei carichi e le ripetizioni che era riuscito a sostenere erano forse anche più deludenti dell’inizio. Alla fine aveva ricevuto qualche saluto dai suoi compagni di palestra che l’avevano riconosciuto e gli chiedevano che fine avesse fatto. Avevano notato la condizione non proprio eccellente, ma erano stati abbastanza garbati senza farglielo notare o insistere. D’altra parte, lo sapeva benissimo, non potevano non essersene accorti. Quella cortesia e quell’accortezza lo toccavano e lo ferivano, Michele era un leone ferito che soffriva, quella persona fragile che pensava di non essere più. Non voleva più trasmetterla quella impressione ma era inutile, la stava palesando a tutti. Comunque, quella sera le cose sarebbero cambiate definitivamente. § «Ehi Michele, scusa se mi permetto, ti ho visto prima, di là. Tutto bene?» «Ciao, figurati. Insomma, un periodo di merda» «Ah ok, mi dispiace… Eh era tanto che non ti vedevamo mi sa» «Mi rendo conto, ho abbastanza lasciato andare, poi la motivazione è andata a puttane» «Immagino, comunque hai pensato a, boh… cercare un aiuto, qualcosa» «In che senso un aiuto?» «Lascia fare, ti do una mano, poi per carità… Resti tra noi, in caso vedi tu cosa fare». § Pensava che procurarsi «la roba» fosse molto più difficile, ma alla fine era una questione di contatti. Fino ad allora le proposte le aveva avute ma al momento non ci aveva voluto pensare. Tutti dicevano che fosse una novità, eccezionale, mai vista prima, risultati pressoché istantanei. Che bisogno ne aveva lui che aveva guadagnato decine di chili di muscoli in pochi giorni? Lui che era un prodigio, un miracolo della natura, di queste robe? Ma alla fine quella sera era tornato sui suoi passi. La cosa doveva restare discreta e quel tizio dello spogliatoio con cui non aveva mai scambiato molto altro che due parole, alla fine, la sapeva lunga. Gli aveva passato il contatto del suo uomo di fiducia. Faceva il buttafuori in un locale. Alla fine si immaginava questo tipo di passaggi come una cosa losca da organizzare in quartieri degradati, con gente incappucciata e passaggi di denaro sottobanco. In realtà niente del genere. Il tizio della «roba» era stato molto cordiale al telefono e l’aveva invitato a passare a lavoro poco prima dell’apertura. Una stretta di mano, qualche spiegazione su come usare «la roba» e niente altro, dopo un saluto. Certo, lui doveva conoscerla bene, «la roba». Era un armadio: più basso di Michele ma molto, molto più grosso. Le spalle larghissime, il collo gigantesco e le gambe che i pantaloni non riuscivano a nascondere. E anche lui non poteva celare la sua invidia. Comunque, aveva preso quello che gli spettava, sistemato i conti, ed era tornato a casa. Niente di combinato in modo strano, losco, segreto: tutto sommato la cosa era avvenuta alla luce del sole. Insomma, non gliene fregava niente a nessuno. Chissà perché, questo lo aveva rassicurato. Gli sembrava più giusto e normale. § Certo, era pur sempre un’iniezione intramuscolare, mica una cosa da niente, quindi bisognava fare attenzione. Ma l’idea che gli effetti potessero rimetterlo a posto e migliorare la sua condizione e, con questa, anche il suo umore, lo eccitava. Si passò una mano sul pacco e lo strizzò vigorosamente. «Se non va con questa…». Aveva preparato attentamente la sua dose e si era sistemato bene. Prima di iniziare si era preso qualche minuto di pausa per non pensare a nient’altro e stemperare quel pochino di tensione che aveva addosso e andare a colpo sicuro con la siringa. Un gran respiro e via. Non aveva mai avuto paura degli aghi e questo l’aveva aiutato, aveva premuto con la forza necessaria, ma tutto sommato anche con delicatezza. Iniziò a premere lo stantuffo e a spingere piano e con dolcezza. Rimosse con cautela e iniziò a premere con un batuffolo di cotone. Aveva digrignato i denti sentendo la pressione del liquido, cosa che gli aveva sempre dato qualche brivido e fastidio. Per il resto, tutto regolare. Ormai era tardi, avrebbe aspettato un pochino prima di andare a letto. Si era sistemato sul terrazzo. Quella sera, in quel brutto angolo della città, dove i condomini stipavano la gente alla fine della periferia, poteva comunque sembrare bella: c’era un leggero vento che scompigliava i suoi capelli neri e giocava con la sua barba, mentre il cielo sembrava molto terso. Il tempo di fumare una sigaretta, pensava, e poi sarebbe tornato dentro. Ormai era quasi alle porte l’inverno, pensava giocherellando con la manica del pile. Sorrideva e pensava come, nonostante tutto, potesse essere contento di quello che aveva. Anche se quel pensiero fisso, di poter crescere ancora, sembrava tornare alla carica. Michele non ci voleva pensare. § A distrarlo da tutto c’aveva pensato la sua testa. Un’improvvisa fitta alle tempie, un capogiro. Tutto era nero e non vedeva più. Un momento di panico nel blackout generale e si era sentito svenire e cadere. Era riuscito ad aggrapparsi alla ringhiera. Cosa cazzo stava succedendo? §§ III. Il pavimento era freddo e duro e lo sentiva lo stesso, anche se era mezzo intontito e riverso al suolo. Lentamente iniziava a riaversi e riprendere conoscenza. Le immagini, un pochino, sembravano farsi più nitide: sopra la sua testa c’era il cielo stellato di quella notte di fine autunno. «Dai, adesso mi rialzo, piano…». Aveva provato lentamente ad appoggiarsi sulle mani per alzare un po’ la schiena, inarcandola leggermente, e rimettersi in piedi. «Quella merda mi ha fatto male, cazzo». Ma non aveva fatto in tempo a finire di bisbigliare la sua maledizione a quegli stronzi che gli avevano venduto uno sconosciuto pacchetto di steroidi e a sé stesso, che lo aveva pure pagato caro, che improvvisamente si era sentito mancare un’altra volta. Si era aggrappato alle inferriate della ringhiera una seconda volta per non spaccarsi la faccia sul pavimento e respirava affannosamente. «Mi sta venendo un infarto, cazzo.» Il formicolio era risalito lentamente dal braccio fino al suo cuore: era convinto che a momenti avrebbe smesso di battere e l’avrebbero trovato così, morto riverso in terrazza. Ma le cose erano andate anche peggio. Negli anni successivi avrebbe provato a spiegarsi per dare almeno un’immagine di cos’era stata quella istantanea e lacerante sofferenza che aveva pervaso tutte le sue ossa e ogni fibra dei suoi tendini in un solo colpo. Un dolore inenarrabile, semplicemente. Come se di un tratto si spaccassero tutti i tratti del suo scheletro. Aveva cacciato un urlo mostruoso e si era sentito definitivamente perduto. Aveva echeggiato per tutta la strada. Qualcuno aveva probabilmente sentito quel casino, pensava, e gli era sembrato di intendere lo scricchiolio di qualche finestra e qualche porta. A un tratto però, si era come riavuto, respirando con fatica. Si sentiva annegare da dentro, ma la sensazione era durata poco per fortuna. Alla bell’e meglio si era rimesso in piedi, laboriosamente e con grande sforzo, si era aggrappato al corrimano ed era riuscito a spingere la porta-finestra, praticamente trascinandosi in casa, fino al grande specchio del corridoio. Aveva un’espressione stralunata e stravolta, si sentiva male come mai in vita sua e cercava di afferrare il telefono nelle tasche della tuta per chiedere aiuto. La mano aveva appena raggiunto il cellulare che questo era subito caduto dal suo palmo. Il tremore si era fermato, per fortuna. Sembrava un momento di calma apparente. Poi di nuovo quel dolore terribile, anche se tutto era durato un istante, e tutto era sembrato confinato dal cavallo dei pantaloni in giù… Michele semplicemente non poteva crederci o si sentiva molto confuso, cercando di spalleggiarsi al muro. Le scarpe da ginnastica che teneva in casa gli erano improvvisamente più strette e fastidiose: non capiva cosa succedeva, faticava a tenere i piedi fermi e in poco tempo perse il baricentro e cadde a terra. La scarpa sembrava contorcersi e strizzarsi: ma forse non era la calzatura che si muoveva. La caviglia sembrava ingrossarsi, poi fu finalmente chiaro tutto. I suoi piedi iniziavano ad espandersi e crescere: il fastidioso dolore che sentiva era lo stesso, accelerato, che aveva provato nei giorni della sua improvvisa e miracolosa trasformazione nella fase della crescita e della pubertà. Crescevano e diventavano sempre più grandi e più larghi, più lunghi, robusti e maschi, degni di un uomo della sua potenza e virilità. Non fermavano di crescere e slanciarsi, diventando sempre più possenti e intimidatori. Michele non ci aveva mai pensato ma lo realizzava adesso, di capire quanto trovava belli, sexy e mostruosamente minacciosi quei piedi inumanamente grandi e sproporzionati al resto del corpo, capaci di dargli una stabilità e una fermezza che non aveva mai sentito. Calpestava con soddisfazione quello che restava dei brandelli dei calzini e delle scarpe. Si guardava allo specchio, mentre improvvisamente sentì un tremore all’altezza del polpaccio: gli arti inferiori iniziavano lentamente e poi sempre più velocemente a svilupparsi ed estendersi in lunghezza. I suoi pantaloni venivano tirati e stirati verso l’alto, mentre le sue gambe lo portavano a vette fino ad allora mai raggiunte. Soffriva, ma l’eccitazione di quella trasformazione lo stava anestetizzando dal dolore fisico che lo aveva fin prima sconvolto… Le sue gambe lunghissime e tornite come colonne di alabastro, ma che sembravano adesso così sottili e leggere in confronto a prima, lo proiettavano come un’immagine sottile e allungata nello specchio. Era così disarmonico: ma non fece in tempo ad accorgersi che anche il suo busto iniziava ad estendersi e stirarsi. Era il momento più doloroso di tutto il processo ma faticava a emettere un solo suono di dolore perché il suo petto, i suoi polmoni, il suo cuore, tutto il suo organismo si stavano velocemente espandendo. Pile e maglietta sembravano sostenere a fatica i ritmi della sua crescita, mentre Michele ammirava i nuovi pinnacoli di mascolinità e di bellezza che stava toccando. Era il turno delle sue braccia, che iniziarono ad allungarsi a dismisura lungo le maniche della felpa: i polsi erano distantissimi dagli orli. Tutta la sua massa muscolare si era distribuita su tutta la superficie espansa e aumentata del suo corpo e il tono muscolare sembrava essersi drasticamente ridotto. Ma si era sicuramente ridotto qualcosa, osservava compiaciuto guardando il suo girovita che, se ne accorgeva cingendolo con le mani, era diventato più sottile e longilineo. Infine, aveva sentito qualcosa succedergli in bocca. La sensazione era terribile. Michele si era immediatamente portato le mani ai denti, sembrava glieli stessero strappando tutti. Tutto si era dilatato e spalmato lungo il resto del viso. Qualche secondo che sembrava un’eternità, poi era riuscito, tra le lacrime, a riprendere fiato e guardarsi di nuovo nello specchio. Michele non era più lui. O meglio, qualcosa rimaneva dei suoi vecchi tratti. Ma l’uomo allo specchio che si intravvedeva nel riflesso, aveva qualcosa di totalmente diverso. § La fronte perfetta era incorniciata da una capigliatura foltissima e corvina: i suoi capelli emanavano riflessi lucenti e contornavano splendidamente l’ovale del viso raccolto in una forma simmetrica, insieme elegante e maestosa. Ogni elemento di quel volto sprigionava il suo essere maschio e la sua bellezza rarissima e struggente: le sopracciglia meravigliosamente arcuate, spesse ma non esageratamente pesanti, che facevano risaltare la bellezza dei suoi occhi castani scurissimi, grandi e spalancati in un’espressione di stupore e di consapevole autocompiacimenti. Le ciglia nere, lunghissime e sensuali, sembravano quasi come fossero un leggero tratto di matita, sottolineare lo splendore del suo sguardo animalesco e virile. Il naso, leggermente irregolare e aquilino, esprimeva tutta la sua possanza del suo profilo maschio, robusto, che non aveva lati delicati, ma solo perfetta armonia tra i suoi tratti duri e marcati inquadrati in un insieme incantevole e dolcemente minaccioso. Sorrideva leggermente, con un ghigno colmo di lussuria e desiderio, arcuando le labbra carnose perfettamente circondate dai suoi baffi lunghissimi e neri come la notte. Erano voluminosi, setosi e maschi come la sua lunga barba corvina: univano al fascino dell’estrema virilità una consistenza estremamente piacevole al tatto, una liscezza e una morbidità che conferivano alla sua immagine animalesca e belluina anche un’intrigante sensazione di sofisticatezza ed eleganza. Sotto lo spessore della barba poteva indovinare una mascella squadratissima e angolosa. «Cazzo ma questo sono io». L’ammirazione per il suo viso celestiale e aggressivo insieme scomparve di fronte alla percezione che aveva della sua stessa voce, del passo più puro e profondo che si fosse mai udito. E non era solo l’estensione ad essersi abbassata di più di un’ottava, ma anche gli stessi colori e le nuances della sua voce, che si arricchiva di sfumature, raschi rauchi e sexy, di una risata diabolicamente echeggiante e di una potenza vocale che non avrebbe mai immaginato. Rideva, rideva di cuore sentendo il riverbero mostruoso e annichilente del suono della propria voce, mentre il suo sorriso innaturalmente bianco e la dentatura armoniosissima si rispecchiava brillando alla luce tenue del corridoio. § Poi venne un’altra di quelle strane fitte che lo avevano perseguitato tutta la sera. Ormai però le guardava con simpatia e complice fiducia perché sapeva avrebbero fatto qualcosa di benefico per lui e il suo corpo. Il suo avambraccio sembrava tremare e involontari spasmi iniziavano a fare vibrare tutte le fibre del suo corpo, dalla cinta in su. La felpa iniziava a stargli stretta e troppo compatta, cercò di disfarsene e di spogliarsi ma prima che potesse avvicinare le sue lunghe dita, i suoi trapezi iniziarono a pulsare sempre più insistentemente, come si flettessero da soli, accumulando a ogni colpo sempre più massa e compattezza. Michele tastava il suo collo che si ingrossava sempre di più cercando di seguire nello specchio quello che non riusciva a capire ma il suo sguardo era fisso nel vuoto, ammirato com’era del fenomeno prodigioso che si stava ripetendo su di lui. Il collo era taurino e sproporzionato rispetto al resto del corpo ma le spalle ci misero poco a riprendersi: in uno strattone inconsulto e inspiegabile, il tessuto della maglietta e della felpa ricevettero un colpo durissimo. La cerniera della felpa si stracciò in un solo istante e cadde ai suoi piedi giganteschi. Il deltoide iniziava a gonfiarsi e a diventare sempre più voluminoso e torreggiante sulle sue spalle larghissime. La maglietta si strappò come fosse carta velina sul lato dietro, ma Michele non fece in tempo a voltarsi che lungo la sua schiena lunghissima, proporzionata alla sua stazza gigantesca, i dorsali e il dentato esplosero con un crescendo di potenza. Due colonne larghissime e mostruosamente sviluppate di puro muscolo ora innervavano di una forza titanica quella che poteva essere non più la schiena di un uomo ma di un toro, forse, per le dimensioni e le curve assurdamente pronunciate che la sua mano sentiva al tatto lungo quella superficie sterminata e infinita. La maglietta si sfilacciava e slabbrava definitivamente, aprendosi in un lungo squarcio. Non aveva fatto in tempo a compiacersi che dal suo deltoide ipertrofico la sensazione di formicolio tanto sperata si era progressivamente spostata al suo bicipite. Iniziava a lievitare prima dolcemente, poi sempre più con convinzione e rapidità. «Cazzo, sono Schwarzenegger, sono un dio!» tuonava la sua voce ferina e inumana. Il braccio era gigantesco, pulsava tutto circondato da vene spesse e larghe come una delle sue dita, di dimensioni ben superiori a quelle di una persona normale, e pompavano il sangue che aiutava le sue fibre a nutrirsi e crescere senza fine. Si stava perdendo nell’estasi della contemplazione di quello spettacolo impagabile, pensava che non esisteva uomo al mondo con dei bicipiti e dei tricipiti così densi, che irradiavano potere in modo tremendo e minaccioso, così vascolari e machi, quando si accorse che l’ondata di calore che fluttuava nel suo petto stava concretizzandosi in un’altra sorprendente evoluzione. I suoi muscoli pettorali sembravano popolarsi di fibre sempre più minuziosamente separate e visibili a occhio nudo. Michele grugniva con approvazione e lussuria, contraendoli freneticamente, mentre a ogni rilascio sprigionavano sempre più forza e impressionante grandezza. Lo provava a toccare con le sue mani muscolosissime e possenti, mentre raggiungevano il loro stadio finale ma doveva arrestarsi a constatare come pure i suoi grandi palmi e le lunghe dita non riuscissero ad avvolgere completamente lo spessore sterminato dei suoi pettorali. Provava a sostenerne il peso mostruoso con le sue braccia, ma si accorgeva come il suo petto fosse semplicemente irraggiungibile. I suoi capezzoli erano inturgiditi e puntavano vistosamente verso il basso, spinti dalla muraglia di carne spessa almeno un palmo della sua mano. Li toccava gustandosi tutta la nuova sensibilità che avevano acquisito, sprimacciandoseli e strizzandoli. Rideva e grugniva: quegli strattoni che poteva riservare ai suoi pettorali sovrumani avrebbero strappato lembi di carne dal petto di qualsiasi uomo ma la sua natura superiore lo rendeva immune alla forza erculea dei suoi bicipiti colossali. Ormai ridotta a un cencio striminzito, la tshirt cadde di dosso. Immaginava cosa lo avrebbe aspettato adesso: la mole squadrata e perfetta degli otto blocchi degli addominali che lentamente si gonfiavano e si espandevano. Li poteva tastare e toccare con gusto e divertimento, sentendo come fossero duri e spigolosi come diamanti. Ma mentre si perdeva a contemplare la sua tartaruga eccezionale, i suoi pantaloni esplosero sul di dietro. I suoi glutei iniziarono ad arrotondarsi sempre di più. Li toccava e li impastava con le sue mani, sentendo come fossero ormai diventati due blocchi di acciaio che, appena li tendeva, si disponevano seguendo il disegno delle mille striature che li componevano. Appoggiatosi a terra, si accorse come il suo culo gigantesco e maschio facesse svettare il suo bacino e lo tenesse, anche da seduto, in una posizione molto elevata, tanto era il suo volume. Era come se dietro la sua carne, che provocava con schiaffi potentissimi che avrebbero steso chiunque, si nascondessero due globi, due veri mappamondi di marmo, ma ricoperti dalla sua pelle liscissima e perfetta. E poi furono i suoi quadricipiti e i suoi polpacci ad avere la meglio: i pantaloni si stracciarono lungo la scriminatura della coscia, mentre la separazione dei fasci muscolari dava il colpo di grazia alla tenuta del tessuto e alle sue mutande, già ormai distrutte dall’esplosione dei suoi glutei erculei. Si ammirava con uno sguardo goloso, notando come il solco delle sue natiche straordinarie prolungasse innaturalmente i muscoli della pelvi anche al di sopra dei suoi quadricipiti ormai raccolti attorno a un fusto così duro e largo da incutere terrore in chiunque guardasse quelle gambe straordinarie, apollinee e al tempo stesso che esplodevano in potere e larghezza. Larghe gocce di sudore solcavano anche la superficie arcuata e tornitissima dei suoi polpacci sterminatamente infiniti. Michele guardò allo specchio e sorrise ancora una volta. La trasformazione, pensava, non era ancora finita. § Il suo cazzo era eretto ma sembrava ridicolmente piccolo di fronte a quel ben di Dio mostruoso che era diventato il suo corpo. Lo accarezzava mentre iniziava a sentire, a tratti, dei flussi di sangue o di non sapeva cosa, inondare e ingolfare, come in una risacca, tutta la sua verga. Il suo scroto iniziava lentamente a pendere e a gonfiarsi: sembrava non rispettare più le leggi di gravità perché i suoi testicoli larghi come noci di cocco, erano duri e sodi come i suoi muscoli. Certo, pensava, anche la sua pelvi doveva essere muscolosa e possente per sostenere l’attrezzo di smodate dimensioni che ben presto avrebbe completato il suo corpo da sogno. E forse, avrebbe avuto più forza lui nel suo uccello che molti bodybuilder nel loro corpo. L’asta iniziò prima a stirarsi ed allungarsi mentre l’accarezzava dolcemente con le mani, poi a gonfiarsi, dalla base progressivamente fino alla cappella. Tutto si induriva, si inturgidiva e si confermava della stessa forza dell’acciaio ma sotto il caldo e suadente tocco della carne di un uomo possente. Il cazzo risaliva e risaliva, finché passò l’ombelico. Un ghigno animalesco si stampò sul suo viso. La trasformazione era completa. § Era la personificazione della forza e del potere. Aveva faticato per misurarsi, gettando in pieno scompiglio la casa. Aveva provato a sedersi ma il divano era crollato sotto il peso dei suoi muscoli mai visti. Avrebbe scoperto con fatica di essere alto ormai 2 metri e 25: roba da fare invidia ai più alti giocatori dell’NBA, pensava tra sé e sé. Non poteva misurare il suo peso ma notava con soddisfazione che non una fascia di grasso era depositata sul suo corpo: era probabilmente al di sotto del 4% della percentuale, come un’atleta di Mr. Olympia pronto a competere: solo qualche giorno dopo una bilancia industriale avrebbe rivelato la meravigliosa cifra di 195 kg. Statistiche del genere le aveva toccate nella storia della disciplina qualche mito del calibro di Lou Ferrigno. 67 centimetri di bicipite lo incoronavano al di sopra dei sogni di chiunque avesse mai ardito competere, così come i 59 centimetri dei suoi polpacci mostruosi che terminavano nei suoi piedi inumani, di numero 55, e i 90 dei suoi quadricipiti animaleschi. Tutto contornava il suo girovita assolutamente strettissimo, largo come uno dei suoi quadricipiti che, così raddoppiando, davano la misura del vero e proprio triangolo sinuoso e imponente che era costituito dal suo petto e dalle sue spalle grottescamente larghe, che si estendevano con tanta larghezza da dare la vaga impressione di poter pareggiare la sua statura. Ma il suo principale orgoglio era quel petto rigogliosissimo e che si protendeva talmente all’esterno da rendergli quasi difficile la vista del resto del suo corpo: da punto a punto, contava ben 175 centimetri. E poi c’era il suo cazzo smisurato, al quale non poteva dare dimensioni o descriverlo, tanto era robusto e massiccio, più di mezzo metro, ben 56 centimetri di splendore per una circonferenza abnorme, di oltre 25 centimetri. Era un cannone bestiale e capace di eruttare sborra come mai avrebbe potuto credere. Michele si contemplò ancora una volta allo specchio. L’ultimo passaggio del suo cambiamento aveva ulteriormente lisciato la sua pelle, che ora era ovunque morbida, uniforme, piacevole al tatto come fosse velluto o damasco della più preziosa qualità: non un’ombra di imperfezione su quella carne setosa e invitante, non una smagliatura, una cicatrice, un minimo segno, tanto da sembrare artificiale in ogni angolo del suo corpo. Non un pelo al di sotto della sua barba rigogliosissima e maschia: neppure nel buco del suo culo, profondo e lontanissimo dalla superficie dei suoi glutei. Sorrideva al pensiero di chi mai avrebbe potuto meritarsi il premio del suo buco così oscuro e difficile da raggiungere, passando per quei muscoli tremendi e titanici capaci di sopportare la pressione di squat inimmaginabili. Ma era tutta la sua struttura fisica ad essere cambiata. Si sarebbe accorto col tempo di come la sua anatomia, semplicemente, non fosse più umana. Lungi dall’essere impedito nei suoi movimenti, il suo corpo poteva prodursi, pur con tutta la sua massa, in scatti felini e mosse di rara flessibilità: erano le sue ossa e i suoi tendini ad essere stati trasformati e modificati in modi lontanissimi dal canone del normale corpo umano. Tutto questo gli sarebbe tornato immensamente utile nel sesso che avrebbe fatto, un’esperienza gratificante e totalizzante per tutti i suoi partner. Però era il momento di cambiare la propria vita e iniziare a mostrarsi al mondo. Michele si voltò verso la finestra. Guardò con divertimento: era rimasta aperta. Qualcuno doveva aver sentito tutto il rumore che aveva fatto e qualche sagoma appariva dalle finestre per cercare di capire. Forse avevano intravisto la sua silhouette mostruosa. Michele era un gigantesco apollo mediterraneo, dai tratti marcati e sensuali, la carnagione abbronzatissima e liscia come la pelle di un bambina: era ora che tutti lo ammirassero. Uscì in terrazzo. Sapeva i curiosi sarebbero arrivati. Uscendo, dovette muoversi con cautela per non distruggere il telaio dell’infisso, ma rimase sorpreso dalla destrezza con cui compì la mossa, perché le sue scapole muovevano chili e chili di muscoli con una mobilità impressionante. Avrebbe impersonato la potenza e la grazia, la virilità e l’eleganza col suo corpo impossibile. Era un’utopia fatta carne. Si sedette sui suoi glutei possenti e iniziò a fare stretching e divertirsi a espandere i suoi muscoli in scioltezza in tutte le dimensioni. Le gambe chilometriche sfondarono semplicemente il ferro della ringhiera, quando i piedi abnormi toccarono, deformandole, le sbarrette, mentre Michele con la sola presa delle dita le strappava in un mazzo di cinque o più alla volta. Il ragazzo timido era definitivamente morto. Urlò: «guardate il vostro nuovo dio!» mentre iniziava a sfruttare i vantaggi della sua inaudita flessibilità e succhiava il suo enorme cazzo cui imprimeva movimenti e mosse ardite e sinuosissime: altro dono della sua trasformazione era quella nuova coordinazione neuromuscolare che gli consentiva di controllare totalmente ogni fibra del suo corpo. Nessuno avrebbe mai potuto fare guizzare e controllare così deliziosamente ogni singolo muscolo, esaltandone le forme. La sua forza si mescolava a quel tocco di inusuale fascino che emanava: non era solo brutalità e violenza, ma qualcosa di più sottile. I curiosi, poi futuri adepti, non dissero di no all’invito del nuovo signore che li chiamava. Quel titano muscolosissimo e straordinariamente dotato che si succhiava l’uccello chilometrico su un terrazzo della periferia era destinato a finire in più di un video, in più di una foto, diventando improvvisamente popolarissimo. E mentre una piccola folla si assiepava a godere il privilegio di assistere a quella scena di incredibile sensualità, scopriva che ne poteva trarre piacere non solo dalla vista, ma anche dall’odore acre, intenso e maschio, animalesco, che i fiotti potentissimi di sborra, a una pressione inimmaginabile, spandevano nell’aria. Fiumi di sperma che inondavano la bocca del gigante. Le stille cadevano lungo tutta la parete e la facciata della palazzina. La folla si assiepava. Gli effetti benefici di quel testosterone rappreso in sovrumana quantità nel suo sperma non sarebbe sfuggito ai suoi adoratori, mentre, prima che sotto il peso della sua massa straordinaria, cedesse il pavimento, Michele si ritirò, convinto di aver dato abbastanza prova della sua nuova virilità e di avviare così una nuova vita. Il dio ebbe l’impressione e poi la certezza di essere l’unico degno, sulla faccia della terra, di potersi chiamare Uomo.
  21. Lutz

    Workout in the Afternoon

    Hello guys, this is my first try ever in writing something up here apart from comments. This is something I've send to two members and friends on here and thought why not share it. Feel free to comment and criticise. I am sorry for the different sizes of text, this is written on my phone. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You walk into the gym after a normal day of work. Stress on your mind. After changing you immediately go to the bench and put on your max weight. Your muscles ache and burn as they start to swell in a massive pump with every lift, every set, every rep. Your chest strains against your shirt, forcing it to ride up your stomach. Your shoulders and lats flare out, pressing against your arms which in turn are trying to bust your sleeves even when relaxed. Another rep on the benchpress, the weight is getting lighter and lighter. You get off the bench and put another 45lbs on each side and repeat it time after time, raising the weight until you reach 1000lbs. More than you ever lifted. You lie back down and grip the barbell, your hands seem bigger than ever, swollen with muscle and bloodvessels. You derack the barbell and let it sink to your chest, the arms of your shirt split as your biceps flex. You push the barbell back up, a growl coming from within your chest as you relish in the feeling. Another rep and another follow with perfect precision as on the fourth way up RRRRRIIIIIIIIPPPP At the lowest point, your wide and voluminous chest strains the shirt so far, that it slits in the middle of your chest. Same with the back as you lift it back up. The weight gets too light. You re rack the weight and readjust the height. You tug at the bench and rip it off the rack. Ignoring the damage you step in the narrow space and place the barbell on your back. You start to squat with 1000lbs. As you lower yourself you notice blood rushing through your legs and glutes. With each rep you do, more and more blood fills your lower body. Your legs swell and strain against your shorts as you stand up. Getting down is becoming difficult, so you widen your stance, your shorts straining, begging for mercy. You feel your cock chub up and lengthen as you watch yourself in the mirror infront of you. Massive legs, bigger than normal peoples torso, Your upperbody broader than a barndoor. You lower yourself for another rep. As you reach a 45 degree angle, your shirts quads rip open the legs. at ninety degrees your cock presses hard into your shorts fabric. Past 90 degree, after ass to the grass, your pants split and fall to the floor. Your engorged muscles and erect dick on full display. Only your shirt clings for dear life on your body, half torn, half to small. Barely feeling the weight anymore, you grin at yourself and start to do shoulderpresses with 1000lbs. You barely hear the gasps and dropping weights around you, as you press out rep after rep. The splits on your shirt get bigger and bigger as your traps, and shoulders strain against it. Your Arms brush against your head on the way up, you enjoy the feeling of your biceps pressing against your ears since they are an erogenous zone. RRRRRRRIIIIIIIIPPPPPP Your short gives way and sails of your massive body. As you push yourself further your Body starts to get a red hue as your skin turns red. BOOOOM plaster rains around you and you briefly look up with a smirk, noticing only now that you grew. You pushed the weight into the floor above. The ceiling mere inches away from your head. You stand on your tiptoes, your had brushes the ceiling, but your feet immediately touch the ground again. You drop the barbell onto the floor with a loud crash, cracking it. You press yourself up against the ceiling and press. Cracks form across the walls and around the floor above. You exert more pressure. BOOOM CRACK BOOM The floor above raises as you lift it up. GRRRRRRRR You grow taller, your skin already crimson, plaster rains on you. GRRRAAAWWWWWW You tilt the floor and KABOOOOOM Smash it ino through the wall on the street. Sun blinds your eyes. You get into rage "Hulk blinded, Hulk smash" GRRRRRRRRR You jump through the wall, your rage letting you explode in size as you land, a car flattened under your foot. You leap into the air and You wake up You lay on the floor, your bed your room is a mess. The ceiling has cracks on it and the wall into your livingroom lays in rubble. Your bed is broken, your bedsheet ripped into shreds, you mirror is spanked and your closet is nowhere to be seen. As you lay there a breeze blows around your massive erection. You turn to your window and see it is broken, the frame destroyed in shape that looks like your closet. As you stare at the wall, the smiling sun blinds your eyes. You try to shield your eyes but it is enraging you. Your skin turns greenish and then a deep crimson red. You leap through the wall next to the window "Hulk blinded, Hulk smash". But instead of dropping down from your appartment, your feet connect with the street. Smirking you look around, your erection hitting buildings like a wrecking ball. GRRRRAAAAAWWWWWWLLLL You let out a roar, shaking Big Apple and you jump into the blue sky, the street where you stood no more.
  22. In May of 2020, geektofreek posted this short story: A Conversation with My Son I liked the scenario so much that I wanted it to continue. I wrote an extension of the conversation for my own pleasure, squeezed quite a bit of private enjoyment from it - - and then sort of forgot about it until yesterday. With all due respect and credit to geektofreek who hasn't been around any of their previous platforms for a quite a while, I decided to repost the original story followed by my extension. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. Warning: The son in the story is 19 years old. Although there is no sexual contact between the father and son, their conversation is undeniably sexual. If this is likely to bother you, don't read it. ********************************************* A Conversation with My Son by geektofreek (Part 1, slightly edited) I don’t usually like to talk about these sorts of things. Personal problems and such. But my son, Aidan.... He’s just growing so out of control! You would think at nineteen-years old he would have stopped or slowed down a little. But no, not him. It’s almost as if his growth just keeps increasing. Taller, wider, bigger. This never-ending factory of testosterone! Especially his muscles. 270-pounds now. I’ve honestly never felt so small and inferior around another man before! “M-Maybe it’s time you get a girlfriend or something, Aidan...” I couldn’t help but stutter one night. Right at the dinner table, watching him obsessively flex between bites, so in love with own increasing power, his own muscles. He could barely take his eyes off himself. “Meh...” Aidan, grunted in response after finishing off every bit of meat. *BURRRPPP! “No one’s really caught my attention...” He continued, giving his mammoth muscle arm a couple of pumps. 24-inches of hulking teenage bicep. Seeming not even the slightest bit interested in the conversation. No girls. Not even guys. I honestly wouldn’t have cared if he was gay. But it was always just about his muscles. Nothing more. “Plus, I honestly just want to focus on getting bigger...” Aidan stated like always. Pumping the Everest-sized peak of freaky bicep, right up against his face, staring at it obsessively. “Bigger?” I stuttered, dropping my fork to the floor. And yet the conversation had me completely captivated. With my curiosity at a tipping point. I just had to know... How big did my son want to grow? “Well, like... how much bigger...?” I finally had to ask. Seeing a bit of surprise in his face, the big wheels in his small head slowly began to turn with his face turning a little red. It was almost as if he was embarrassed to admit. “It’s okay, son... we’re all friends here.” I tried to comfort him. But my curiosity wasn’t prepared for the magnitude of my son’s muscle lust. “I don’t know, Dad...” Aidan, finally spoke up. “I’ve honestly been having the craziest dreams...” He continued, already making me gulp, watching him bring down one of his arms, adjusting himself in his seat, pulling and tugging at his skintight bulging gym shorts. “Muscle growth dreams, I guess you could say...” He bit his lip. “Muscle growth dreams?” I questioned. “Yeah, Dad...” Aidan, gulped. “Except sometimes, well... I don’t ever stop growing!” He shockingly continued. “Bigger, and bigger, and BIGGER!” Groaning with this insatiable lust. “J-Jesus, Aidan...” I stuttered in disbelief, especially as I watched his huge nipples begin to harden, adjusting himself so much in his chair it began to creak and crack, almost as if he was getting horned up. “400... 500-POUNDS of muscle!!” Aidan unexpectedly snarled his untamed beastly muscle lust. Suddenly flexing into a most muscular pose, blowing his tank-top apart like paper right at the dinner table. *RIIIIPPPP* “F-FUCK!!” Making me squeal like some schoolgirl, shrink into my chair, suddenly overshadowed by these two monstrous blimps of muscle-breast, pecs bigger than watermelons and twice as hairy as my own. “But you’re already so big, son...” I blubbered in confusion, feeling as if I had opened the biggest can of worms. And yet he wasn’t nearly finished describing his fantasy. “More... and more... AND MORE!” He shamelessly continued. “800-pounds... 900-POUNDS! Urrghhh!” Aidan really groaned, grossly bucking his hips, thumping his huge dick a couple times against the underside of the table. “1000-pounds...” Aidan shuddered, whimpered, as if that was the ultimate number. This big ungodly muscle goal. “Unnghh... I’m so sorry, Dad...” Aidan cringed looking down at his foot-long boner lifting the table off the floor. Trying to stop himself, control himself. I once heard his friends refer to it as “The big pussy crusher.” “I just get so excited...” Aidan admitted, rubbing his gigantic muscle chest, flicking his huge, rock-hard muscle nips even though he was embarrassed. Then again, this wasn’t the first time this had happened. Seeing my son uncontrollably horned up was becoming an increasingly frequent awkward event, usually occurring after a heavy workout, but never so randomly like this. “Look, son...” I tried to be supportive. “That’s quite the huge appetite you’ve got there...” I stated admiringly. With his cock still raging out of control, tilting the table, sliding the dishes slowly towards me. My unsatisfied curiosity drove my ignorance to a whole new playing field. “Is it even possible for someone to grow that big?!” I don’t know why I asked. Obviously it wasn’t possible. And yet, I couldn’t seem to stop myself from feeding into my son’s insane fantasies. “I don’t know if it’s possible, Dad... but I want it SO BAD!” Aidan groaned with unbearable lust, cringing, and gritting his teeth helplessly, with his cock suddenly throbbing, raging, appearing to be a whole inch longer and thicker. I thought he was going to cum! I remembered all those times I had to change his sheets in the past couple of months, all the wet dreams he was having... Were they all about him growing!? “Jeez, son... at that size, you’d be squatting semi-trucks,” I said jokingly... *RIIIPPPPP* “SEMI-TRUCKS!? Unnnghh, DAD!!!” Aidan roared with embarrassment as he finally came uncontrollably. “My LEGS would have to be ENORMOUS!!” He roared with wonder, as if I just exploded his imagination. I watched his gym shorts blow apart with his huge horse-crushing cock emerging, engorging to a whole new level of monstrosity, gushing like a fire hydrant, so much cum I didn’t even think it was possible! Rope after rope of thick, warm semen all over the chair, the table, his feet... his gigantic ape-sized hairy muscle legs. “YOU shouldn’t SAY such things, DAD!!!” Aidan had totally lost it, groaning in total ecstasy from a big rumbling pleasure explosion, tilting his head back helplessly. What a fucking beast! While his eyes were closed in cringing embarrassment, I shamelessly peeked under the table... “Oh god...” I was even more astonished. How was this my own creation? My own flesh and blood? My own son? I had never seen a cock so big in my life... not even in the wildest porn! And he couldn’t stop cumming, leaking so much man-juice all over the floor and his shoes, draining his big bull-sized testicles to the very last drop, like he hadn’t released himself in months, rumbling our tiny house as he helplessly bucked his huge, car-crushing muscle butt. “Dad... please...” Aidan choked up a bit. I knew I must have been caught. “Please don’t look...” he begged me. I didn’t know how to respond. Raising my head, I saw him still panting, with his tongue sticking out, his face surrounded by muscle, suffocated by his pecs, drooling helplessly down his colossal hairy chest. “I swear, I’m not gay!!” Aidan unexpectedly continued. “I just really... REALLY like MUSCLE!” He shuddered a bit more, shooting out one last throat-choking load, all his muscles bulging, tensing. “Jesus, fuck, son...” Was all I could say. “I guess I’d better start buying you more meat, then.” *************************************************** Part 2 - The Conversation with My Son Continues by FallenAway “Jesus, fuck, son...” Was all I could say. “I guess I’d better start buying you more meat, then.” Aidan moaned and looked at me, half surprised and half worried, maybe. “Let’s double your portions. How does that sound?” His chest expanded with a huge breath, and his monstrous cock started tilting the table again. “Dad! What are you saying?” “I’m proud of you, son. I love you. I want to help you follow your dreams. How about triple portions? Is that enough?” “Aww, fuck!” He groaned and arched his back, popping eight bricks of hard abdominal muscle into sharp relief. “Dad! That’s enough!” He exhaled and paused, flexing the huge balls of his biceps again. “For now…” He started to relax. “That’s my boy! No limits, right? Do you need heavier weights? Should I buy some old cars for you to lift?” “JESUS, FUCK!” His body went rigid, and the table finally rose high enough to send all the dishes crashing to the floor. “I’m sorry, Dad! It never got that big before! I didn’t mean to…” “There’s nothing to be sorry about, son! You’re a growing boy. No… you’re a man now. And I’m going to help you become the biggest, strongest, most muscular man who ever lived! How does that sound?” “Unnnngh…” Aidan tensed all his muscles. “Fuck, that sounds great, Dad! I can’t believe you’re not mad at me.” “Mad at you? What for? For being a fucking muscle stud? I couldn’t be prouder! Besides, I wouldn’t dare get mad at you. With all that muscle, you could probably pick me up with one hand and throw me through that wall!” “GOD, DAMMIT!! Don’t SAY that Dad!!” He grimaced. “I mean… I’ve thought about that… and you’re right, I could. But fuck! I don’t want to do that!” “I know, son. I’m just saying, I know you could. It’s obvious. But you won’t need to do that, because I will be happy to do anything you want that will keep you growing and help you to look even better than you do right now. You’re a beautiful young man, Aidan.” He was rubbing his thick chest again. “Really? You think I look good like this, Pop?” “Hell, yeah, son! You know I’m not gay, but any man who looks at you must be wishing he looked like that. I could never dream of looking as good as you, and that’s why I’m so amazed and proud to have such strong, handsome son. Like I said, anything I can do to help…” “Well… I’m gonna need bigger clothes…” “Obviously! We’ll have to get things that stretch a lot, and they’ll show off your muscles better.” “Cool. And… this is kind of weird, so you can say no if you want, but…” He stood up and put one of his big hands over his much bigger dick out of modesty. “Could you help me trim my body hair? It’s coming in so thick I can’t keep up with it, you know?” “I can see that.” His body was stunning. So huge and tall and… so powerful! It was hard to believe he was only 19. “I don’t want to shave, though. I want to look like a real man, so if we could just keep it short and sexy, less like a gorilla, you know?” “I know exactly what you mean, I agree. A man should have some body hair, in moderation. We might have to trim it every couple of days, son. And that’s fine with me.” “Thanks, but honestly it needs to be done every day. You wouldn’t believe how fast it grows. My butt crack looks like a forest, and I can’t reach back there… Sorry, Dad! That’s gross. I don’t expect you to do…” “It’s fine Aidan, really. Don’t forget, I used to put diapers on that butt! Although it wasn’t as big and hard as it is now. It looks like a couple of boulders!” “Fuck yeah!” He turned sideways and flexed so his ass looked higher and rounder. “That’s from all the squats. The girls love my ass. They can’t keep their hands off it.” He smirked. “Jeez, Dad, I can’t believe you’re being so cool about this. I really appreciate it.” “Not a problem, I want you to be happy. Um, can I suggest something?” “Sure, Dad. Of course.” He did a side flex and admired his thick biceps and triceps. “Well, I think you’ve been spending so much time in the gym that you never get out in the sun. No offense, but you’re rather pale. Don’t you think you would look better with a good tan? When you were younger you used to get as brown as a chestnut in the summer when you spent more time around our pool.” Aidan smiled as he looked down at his bumpy abs and his tree-trunk quads. He blushed a little. “You’re not the first one to say that. I’ve been so focused on getting bigger I wasn’t paying attention. I guess that would look hot, especially after you trim all this hair.” “You’re gonna look like a fucking god, son. I mean, you already do, but you’ll be a golden god.” He smirked again. “The thing I hate though, Pop, is trying to get tanning oil all over my body.” He turned his back to me. (He was right, his butt crack did look like a dark forest.) “That’s a lot of area to cover.” He flexed his back and spread his lats. Muscle rippled everywhere. “I can’t reach my back now that my arms are so fucking huge.” He raised his arms into a double biceps pose. I could feel the heat coming off his body and felt a little lightheaded. “You see the problem, Dad?” He looked back at me with a sparkle in his eyes. “Um… that’s not a problem, son. That’s a goddamned wonder of the world! How did you get so big?” He turned around to face me again, squeezing his big, soft dick. “Lots of lifting, and a hell of a lot of food. You know that. You buy the groceries.” It was true. I had been spending a lot more on food lately, and it was just the two of us in the house since his mother died years ago. I know I wasn’t eating more than usual. Maybe less, in fact. Aidan took a step closer to me. “So, what do you say, Pop? Do you think you can help me get that tanning oil all over my huge body? Or would that be too weird?” “Weird? No, why would it be weird? You need help, and I’m here to help.” “Uh huh. You keep saying that. I know you want me to take good care of this.” He ran his hand up and down one side of his torso, feeling his smooth teenaged skin. “So, I’m thinking, since you work from home now, you can start the day by cooking us a nice big breakfast like you do on Sundays, except every day. A dozen eggs, bacon, oatmeal. You don’t have to eat it if you don’t want to, but I need a big breakfast, okay.” He stroked his abs. “Okay. That makes sense.” His skin was so smooth and tight against his muscles. I really did want him to take care of it. “Then I can use that fuel for my first workout of the day in the basement. You can get something done for a while. Unless you want to watch me lift. Maybe you would like that.” He flexed one massive bicep again and looked at it, then at me. “Maybe. I would be curious… If it’s okay with you.” “Hell yeah, I like an audience. It helps me grow.” He smiled that crooked smile again. So fucking handsome! He continued, “While I'm lifting you can towel me off between sets because I sweat a lot. That’s why I drink gallons of water every day.” It was amazing to see how much he could swallow in one go, with his big Adams apple bobbing up and down on his thick neck. “You’ll want to rub me nice and dry so it will be easier to trim all this fucking hair.” He widened his stance and let his dick and balls dangle while he ran both hands over the silky black hair on his muscular thighs and calves. He dragged his hand up his furry abs and chest. I was thinking carefully about how much hair to leave on each part of his body to enhance his gorgeous muscles. I wondered how I would handle his bush and his balls. He snapped his fingers. “Are you still with me, Pops?” I startled a bit. “Yes, of course, son. I was just… planning.” “Alright, I’ll need a big protein shake after each workout, so make sure you have those ready to feed my muscles. They get really fucking hungry after I lift!” He flexed both arms again and growled. “I’m sure they do, son. I’m sure they do. I’ll have what you need. Don’t worry.” “Great. I’ll drink my shake while you start trimming the body hair. Make sure you get a top-quality trimmer. I don’t want any snags from some cheap, dull blade, okay?” He gave me a look to make sure I knew he was serious. “I’ll get the best, Aidan. Only the best for you and your body. Trust me.” “I trust you, Dad.” He reached out and squeezed my bony shoulder. It was the first time he had touched me in a long time. It felt nice. “After the trimming, I’ll need a shower.” “Of course.” I waited for him to go on, but he didn’t. “Would you want…? I mean, would you need…?” I couldn’t say what I was thinking. I felt my face flush. His smiled a little and reassured me. “I would never ask you to do anything that would make you uncomfortable.” I felt… relieved? “But… if you want to… I mean, it would be fine with me if you wanted to join me. Then you wouldn’t have to shower earlier. It would save you some time, and it would really help me if you could make sure I get all that hair rinsed off. And I can’t wash my own fucking back anymore, because, well, you see how big I am. And I’ll be getting bigger…” My heart was thumping, thinking about my son getting bigger. “You don’t want me to get acne on my back, do you, Dad? How would that look?” “Terrible. It would look terrible son. Your beautiful skin…” “I know, I need to keep it that way. And guys shower together all the time at the gym. ‘No homo,’ as they say, right Pops?” He grinned. “I trust you, Dad. Even though I’m fucking irresistible!” He threw another pose and laughed. “I’m just kidding! We understand each other, don’t we?” He playfully shoved a huge fist against my shoulder. I understood. I really did. “Of course, son. I would be honored to shower with you if it will help. I only hope it doesn’t bother you to look at my old body. I’m just an ordinary human, unlike you.” “Heh! I like that, thanks! It won’t bother me. Matter of fact, I like to compare my muscle bod to smaller guys. It makes me feel so much bigger and better. Because I am. It’s just a fact.” “It is, you’re right. No point in being modest about it. You’re the finest specimen of a man I’ve ever seen.” “Thanks, Dad. I’m so glad we can talk about this now. I thought you were going to try to talk me out of growing as big as I want to. And I never thought I’d be standing here all fucking naked with you in the dining room. This is so cool.” “It’s a new experience for both of us, son. It does feel good.” I couldn’t stop scanning his body. How could that be made from the same genetic material as mine? He looked like a different species. “So after our shower, you’ll want to get that tanning oil on me right away. It would be good to lock the moisture in while I’m still wet. We might as well do that out by the pool. I can spread out on one of the lounge chairs while you put a nice shine on these muscles. Now that I think about it, you need to get a bigger, sturdier lounge chair. I’m so fucking tall and massive now, I don’t think the ones we have will hold me anymore. Even at my current weight, I’ll just crush them. Look for a metal one, and make sure it has a 500 lb. weight limit. That should do it… for now.” My heart fluttered. I felt like I should be writing all this down, but I knew all the details would be burned in my memory. “What kind of tanning oil do you want?” “Good question. Just get the most expensive kind. You don’t want to take any risks with this.” He gestured to his magnificent physique. “Buy it by the case. Like I said, there’s a lot of area to cover, and you’re going to want to rub it in thoroughly. And I’ll be naked, by the way. I don’t want any tan lines, and a ‘golden god’ should have a golden dick to match, right?” Aidan grinned. “I can’t believe you called me that, Dad. That’s a real boost to my self-esteem. Not that I’m lacking in that department.” He made a smug, goofy face. I couldn’t help but wonder how he would get an even tan on that monstrous cock. I had to ask. “Um, to get that… golden dick, as you called it… wouldn’t you have to make sure it stayed… full size… so all the skin would get tanned?” “Heh! I’m glad I have you here to think about things like that, but I don’t think that’ll be a problem. I can stay hard for as long as I want. You’ll see. It’s a top-quality tool that does whatever I ask it to do.” He squeezed his fat prick for emphasis, and continued mapping out his, and my, daily schedule. “I figure I’ll need about an hour in the sun – that’s a half hour each for front and back in the middle of the day – that should get me nice and brown in no time.” “Yes, your skin always tanned so beautifully. I don’t think you ever got a sunburn.” “I’m sure you’ll keep an eye on me while I bake to make sure I don’t get overdone. Especially the delicate parts.” He winked. “You can do that while you’re making lunch. I’ll need a fuck-ton of lean protein every day, brown rice, lots of vegetables, milk, eggs, yogurt. That’s the ideal, but I can eat pretty much whatever I want, and it still turns to muscle.” He flexed a fat bicep again and admired its shape. “Did I ever tell you about the time I ate twelve whole pizzas at Giovanni’s?” “I don’t think so. I’m sure I would have remembered that son. I’ve always admired your appetite.” “Yeah, one of the guys at the gym challenged me to eat six pizzas in one sitting. I think he was trying to sabotage my routine. But I said, "Fuck that! I’ll eat twelve!" And I made him sit there and watch me do it. He barfed just from thinking about it, but I felt fine. In fact, I had a milk shake for dessert.” He flexed his abs and pulled at the thin skin that wrapped around each block of muscle. “I’m still ripped as fuck, as you can see.” He smiled that cocky smile that oozed superiority. “Then I picked the guy up and carried him into the restroom. I shoved him into a stall, whipped out my dick, and blew a huge load all over him. I just splattered him until he was soaked! God, it felt good. He deserved it. Then I went back to the gym for another long workout, and I lifted heavier than ever. That dude never came back to the gym. Probably gave up weightlifting. He knew he couldn’t compete with this.” Adrien did a beautiful full body flex and admired himself. Hmm. That was a side of my son I hadn’t known about. But it didn’t worry me. “Now that I think of it,” I said, “I do remember a large charge from Giovanni’s on my credit card. I thought you bought pizza for all your friends that day.” “Fuck no. That was all me.” He patted his hard, cobbled gut with a self-satisfied smirk. “Anyway, after lunch, I’ll go to the gym for my heavy workout, and you can get your stuff done. That’ll take about three hours. When I come home, I’ll need my protein shake, and then I’ll take another shower.” “Okay. Will you want me to…” “No, Pop. I’ll want some privacy. I get really horned up after those workouts and I need to pump out a few fat loads just to calm down. Honestly, it wouldn’t be safe for you to be in there. You saw what happened at the dinner table. I don’t have a lot of control when I start fantasizing about getting bigger and stronger, massive as fuck...” He groaned and grabbed his dick again, squeezing it hard to keep it from inflating. His forearm bulged with the effort. “I understand son. That’s perfectly normal for a young man. Nothing to be ashamed of.” “I’m not ashamed of it at all. I love what my dick can do. But I’m not sure I would call it normal. In high school the guys used to call me ‘the geyser.’ None of them could blow as much or as hard as I did. And it’s even better now.” “I must say, I was astonished by your… productivity earlier. I had no idea a man could… make so much…” Aidan blushed and smirked. “That was so fucking embarrassing, Dad. But you handled it well. I still can’t believe you’re not upset. I mean, look at that puddle on the floor! And all those broken dishes. I never lifted a table with my dick before, but… damn that’s fucking hot now that I’m thinking about it.” “It was… impressive, son. I’m not gonna lie.” “Do you want me to clean that up?” “No, no! I’ll take care of it. Do you want to finish going over our schedule?” “Uh, I think you’ve got the general idea. I eat, lift, get groomed, catch some rays, eat again, lift like a fucking mad man, come home, and empty my balls in the shower…” “Then you’ll want dinner. And, as I said, I’m going to feed you triple the amount of meat you’ve been getting. I want to see you really pack on some beef. It’s time to take this seriously.” “Uh… yeah. I mean, I thought I was, but I guess I could step things up.” “If you want to reach those goals, you’d better.” “Okay. Thanks, Dad. Um… do you think those goals are realistic? I was just telling you about my dreams…” “Dreams can come true son! And I’m here to help you make that happen.” “So, when I said I would keep growing, and growing, to…” “400... 500 lbs. of muscle, to start. Yes, I was listening.” “FUCK!” He grabbed his huge dick as it expanded. He sucked a huge breath into his massive chest. “Dad, maybe we shouldn’t get carried away…” “Why not? You must dream big to get big, son! Why not 800… 900 lbs. of hard, powerful muscle?” “JESUS, FUCK! Dad, it’s going to happen again!!” His muscles started to swell as if they were being pumped up. His cock lengthened and hardened into a massive, shiny club. His whole body flexed, and he groaned loudly. I could tell it felt good, but he was trying to hold back. “Aidan, it’s okay! Let yourself enjoy it! You deserve everything you’ve worked for.” He started stroking his cock, now slick with precum. “I want to see how far you can take this. I want to see what you look like at 1000 lbs. Make me proud, young man!” “OH, GOD! DAD! IT FEELS SO FUCKING GOOD!” He let go of his cock and watched it stretch just a little bit longer and a little bit thicker. The head was huge and purple and constantly oozing. His giant balls plumped up and pulled his sack taut. My son flexed his enormous biceps and looked at me with an expression I couldn’t quite read. It was cocky, for sure. He was grateful, I think. But there was something else… He growled and stepped closer, towering over me. Flexing his hard, hairy pecs. He reached out and grabbed a handful of my shirt with one hand and effortlessly hoisted me into the air. “Fuck, yeah, Pops!” He flexed his other arm as hard as he could and pulled my face close to his. “I could throw you right through that fucking wall!” I looked into his eyes and said, “I know, son. Of course, you could.” He smiled a little. “But you know I won’t.” “That’s right. But I like knowing that you could.” “FUCK!” He moaned, and his cock spit out more precum. “Why does that bone me so much?” “Because you know I want this as much as you do.” “Uuuugh! Yes!” He lifted me higher and arched his back. Veins popped out on his abs, visible through the silky black hair. “I fucking knew you would help me! I don’t know how, but I fucking knew it! Maybe it was in one of those dreams…” “Maybe. Does it matter?” “Are you sure you’re on board with this? Are you willing to do everything I asked you to do?” “Hell yes, Aidan! I can’t wait to get started. This is gonna be great! I can’t wait to see you squat a semi-truck.” “OH, FUUUCK!! YOU’RE THE BEST DAD EVER!” He shook me in his fist like a rag doll. “I’m gonna hug the shit out of you! I hope I don’t break you!” He lifted me over his pulsating monster of a cock and pressed me against his hot chest and abs, wrapping his massive arms around me as gently as he could for someone so strong. It felt amazing. “I’M SORRY, DAD, BUT I’M GONNA MAKE A HUGE FUCKING MESS! I CAN’T CONTROL IT ANYMORE!” I patted a slab of muscle on his side. “That’s okay, son. Let it go! Enjoy it!” “UUUUUUUGH!!” He groaned in ecstasy and let loose probably the biggest load of cum he ever produced. I heard it splattering against the far wall and the ceiling. Jet after jet after jet, as if he hadn’t just pumped out a huge load under the dining room table. I patted his thick, hot muscle again. “That’s my boy! You did great. I’m so proud of you!” The End
  23. himrbicep

    A Sinister Change

    Hi All Don't know why but I thought I'd repost my old story that I wrote for the old forums back when I wasn't himrbicep. I feel like I haven't contributed to this forum since its rebirth. Its a kinky story, and quite dark in places, but I have a feeling some people on here will enjoy it in its fullness haha. I apologise, where I wrote it in parts some is first person and some is third person, hopefully it's not too jarring. Enjoy! And feedback or opinions please let me know I've always been a fan of longer stories myself, so it's a big one! x I guess I ought to start this story with a look at the past, because that’s where it truly began. At the age of 7 my mum and I had just moved into a completely new neighbourhood. Looking back now it was perfectly delightful, but being a young strong minded individual I was still sulking about leaving the estate I’d grown up on. It was a beautiful day, and the house was truly a beauty. White picket fences, a little balcony on the front, nicely trimmed hedges and all that jazz. Truth is my dad had died, I hardly ever saw him while he was living and so I guess the fact he’d gone and left a fair bit of money behind was only a good thing as far as I was concerned. I jumped out of the truck, now I was actually here I was a little less stroppy, but I still couldn’t help be extremely nervous. My name is Charlie by the way, at the age of 7 I was a pretty cute little kid I guess. Light brown hair that stuck up wherever it wanted to, and little blue eyes that were forever sparkling, I used to play outside a lot, and so while at such a young age I was by no means athletic looking, I was definitely fit. I went bounding up the front path and into the house, the massive staircase twisted up and around onto a long slightly darker landing, I remembered where my room was and went running to see… nothing. It was still empty, the only thing in it was my bed, but that was boring, I didn’t want to sleep. I trotted gently to the window to check on my mum, and could see her looking through a couple of boxes in the back of the car whilst waiting for the lorry with the rest of our stuff. It was then I saw someone else out of the corner of my eye. Another kid, who looked to be about my age was playing in his front garden next door. I went running downstairs and out the front door and stuck my head up over the fence, but suddenly found myself with nothing to say. I stared at him, and he stared blankly back at me. “Hello?” he said after a horrendously long silence. I sort of smiled and made a ‘heh’ noise. For some reason I had gone shy. He looked at me like the strangest thing he’d ever seen and I suppose I can understand why. After another couple of seconds he dropped his football and moved closer towards the fence. “I’m Chris” he said plainly, and this time smiled, and I don’t know why but that smile made me so happy I found myself able to talk. “I’m Charlie” I replied simply “I think we’re neighbours now” I added, and the two of us smiled together. Over the next month Chris and I became the best of friends, we were never apart, when we were at school we sat together, and talked behind our books when we were supposed to be reading, and when we were home he was at my house or I at his, and we would make cushion forts, kick a football or something along those lines. My favourite game however, I decided was wrestling, and while we were never technically any good, and we just had fun doing it, there was something really enjoyable about the closeness. Chris had the brightest blond hair you’d seen and sparkly blue eyes and pouty lips and was ever so slightly bigger than me, this almost indefinitely meant I never won, but for some reason that I could not at that age fathom – I didn’t care. I was almost pleased about it, as though letting Chris win was the right thing to do, and me being on the floor underneath him was where I should always end up. There was not a thing about our playing that was sexual at that age, it was just boys being boys, but we were incredibly close, and promised to be best friends forever. Our promise was kept, and we got through four years of junior school, never leaving each other’s side, we still would play outside after school, or sometimes on video games now, and we loved each others company. I had grown a fair bit, and I loved being one of the taller people in class, in fact the only person that made me feel small was Chris, because he had grown even more. The teacher would often mention his size, he wasn’t a freak by any means, but if we all stood together his head poked out above ours, and he was slightly thicker too, most of the kids my age looked like stick insect human beings, apart from Jim the ‘fatty fat fat’ of the class. Why Chris grew faster I didn’t know, I didn’t even consider it, we lived pretty much the same lifestyle, but I guess he just had different genetics to me. I wondered sometimes when we wrestled, and I ended up on the floor underneath his ever heavier weight, just how big he was going to get. By the time we left school he was really starting to grow fast, and I could notice little muscles bulging on his body, you wouldn’t know I had muscles looking at me! But I didn’t care that Chris was bigger, we were best friends, and he could always win wresting matches whenever he wanted, he didn’t have to try very hard at all either, and I still got that strange bubbly feeling inside when he won and was on top of me. The summer holiday that year was a horrible one. My nerves about finally joining the big school were taking over my life. I had gotten used to being the oldest and one of the biggest and now I was going to be the smallest. Chris didn’t care so much, he never really worried about anything much. It was nice to know I would have him beside me. Or so I thought. I remember that day more than any other in my entire life. The day Chris told me he was moving away. I cried inconsolably, I didn’t understand why he had to leave, how he could let his mother drag us apart. It wasn’t fair, and I knew I would never have another friend like Chris. I remember the day I waved goodbye to him and his mother sat in the front of the delivery truck. Tears were streaming down my face and I couldn’t stop them, Chris just looked rather glum, ever the tough one in the friendship…. __________________________________________ But that was over five years ago now, and I look back on it with a sort of appreciation that I had a friend as good as Chris. I had gone to secondary school, and it hadn’t killed me, and I had done pretty well through it, I made some close friends- Clare and Liam the closest, and life was going fine. Today in fact is my first day of sixth form, when I can begin to study towards my A-level examinations. I turned up to school feeling rather pleased with myself, sixth formers had to look smart, and I had a great suit on that I thought I looked quite nice in. I was about six foot now, still slim built, with a hint of athleticism I suppose, so I guess I turned out ok, and was hoping to attract some attention now I didn’t have to wear the old grey school shorts and socks! I went down one of the halls to my new registration group and sat down, everyone was buzzing excitedly and catching up on their summer holidays past. The register was taken and I started to head down the halls for my first biology lesson, I was aware at that point of someone coming down the corridor, and it wasn’t until I did a double take that I noticed the size of him! He was about six foot four I would say, and extremely broad, he wore a suit also and filled it out almost to bursting, he must be a new student, I would have remembered a tank like him. I remember briefly thinking that I wish I could be a little bigger in shape as I went to pass him but the next thing I knew I was shoulder barged so incredibly hard I slammed into the locker and fell to the floor. The corridor thank god was pretty empty so I don’t think anyone saw. I stood up rubbing my head and drew my gaze up the enormous form in front of me; the handsome face was sneering at me with some sort of proud amusement. It was then I recognized the face in front of me, my mouth dropped open and my heart beat faster in my chest. “You always were the small one Char” he said in an incredibly deep voice, and without further ado strut off down the corridor chuckling. I stood frozen for a minute, gob smacked by what had just happened. That was Chris, there was no denying it.. but how much bigger had he gotten, and why had he just shoulder barged his old best friend with the force of a train? Biology passed by without much special occurring, that said if something special had happened I wouldn’t have noticed it, to say my head was somewhere else would be an understatement. Chris was huge; I could hardly believe the change in him. If I looked in the mirror now I could still see the young boy I had grown up from in my features, but Chris was so far from how I remembered him it was hard to believe he was the same person. I kept wondering why he had barged me so hard, I was 99% sure it wasn’t an accident. Maybe he was just being old jokey Chris, heck, if I were as big as him I would probably want to show it off a little, especially to get a reaction from someone who hadn’t witnessed the change in progress. Something deep inside of me however felt like something had changed, that our relationship wouldn’t be able to simply carry on as magically as it used to, if you’ve seen the film Fox and the Hound.. I kinda felt like the fox right now. Still, we had always played rough when we were little, maybe he just didn’t realize his strength these days and was just playing around like we used to in the front yard. I hoped so, and I definitely wanted to speak with him soon. My next class was English, and I looked around the almost full classroom for my now gargantuan friend, but he wasn’t there. I noticed Liam towards the back and went to sit with him instead and told him about what had happened, he told me to be careful and stay away but I laughed it off and thought nothing of it. Lesson after dull lesson occurred and I still didn’t see a sign of Chris, which is tricky with him being the size he was. I arrived at gym class slightly earlier than the rest of the class and had changed into my loose polo top and shorts and was sat on a bench in the gym awaiting the rest of the class. The students were filing in one by one and I was suddenly aware that I didn’t really want to see Chris in this class, he was too big, and as if by some cruel fate no longer had the thought finished passing through my mind when the coach walked in… followed closely by Chris. If he had looked big this morning in his suit he looked positively insane in his PE top. The fabric was stretched so tightly across his body that you could tell exactly what his body would look like if he had been naked. His arms were what first caught my attention, great basketball sized biceps hung from the short sleeves, criss-crossed with veins the thickness of my little finger almost. His forearms were thick and strong, and so veined they looked almost like a road map of some point. I glanced back up to look at his huge shoulders and thick bulging neck and my eyes bulged slightly as I took in the largest chest I’d ever seen, his shirt was stretched ridiculously tight over it, and you could tell there was a deep crevasse in between the two pecs, his nipples had so much muscle packed behind them that they were pointing down almost to the floor and made two large bumps in the material. The t shirt wasn’t tight across his abs like it was the rest of his body purely because the jutting of his pecs pulled the material forwards almost like an awning. His thighs erupted out of his obscenely small shorts like tree trunks of pure power and mighty bulging carves bulged out of his lower leg, his shorts I noticed with an afterthought looked pretty tight too. I swallowed hard as he walked down the gym to sit on one of the further benches; he didn’t so much as glimpse at me. I watched him go past, his expansive back almost resembling the sails on a passing ship as he went, tight muscular round buttocks rolling against each other as he walked under the tight pale blue cotton. I wrenched my gaze back to the coach, mouth slightly open, and was distantly aware of the creaking of the bench at the end of the gym. “Welcome to your first term of Physical Education in the sixth form” he started, the coach was a big man by any standards but after watching Chris enter the room none us were in the slightest bit impressed. “We’re starting this half term with wresting” he announced, and a small part of my soul died at that exact moment. “As it’s the first week we’ll just have some practise bouts and I’ll come around and check how much you remember from last year. I’ll let you choose your own partners, and we’ll have four matches going on at any one time in each corner of the gym. GO” he finished, blowing his whistle, and I stood immediately looking for Liam with an almost terrifying urgency but before I had even made a move a large strong hand had a grip on my shoulders. I turned feeling ready to faint, as I was met with the same smug cocky grin I had seen in the corridor earlier “For old times sake?” he asked, feigning an innocent expression, before steering me onto a mat. After a few moments more everyone else had found their partners, and the first four partners were ready to begin. I stood facing my opponent, trying my absolute hardest not to vomit. Another whistle blew and before I knew what was happening something that I could only compare to a rhino launched itself in my direction, I was thrown to the matt with such force that my head bounced with a sickening thud and then I was shoved onto my front and my arm was pulled behind me so forcefully I was slightly surprised it didn’t dislocate. I felt his ton weight resting on the small of my back, it didn’t hurt but the sheer weight of him was almost making taking breath difficult. “Bring back memories does it?” I heard a snicker in my ear. Several of the other students had laughed at the quickness of the fight, and a couple more had gathered round to watch the next, I wasn’t looking forward to it. Chris climbed off of me and I slowly got up trying to catch my breath and trying not to look too defeated or embarrassed. We got back into the starting positions, and I could see he was looking pumped, his muscles slightly red, almost as if anticipating more. Another whistle blew and this time I managed to take a step forward, I’m not sure what I had planned, but it didn’t matter anyway. Two large hands grabbed onto my waist so tight I thought I might burst, the next thing I knew my body was rising up in the air as if I weighed nothing at all and I was being turned upside down. I felt his head in between my thighs, and was powerless to do anything as he jumped forwards ready to slam me into the ground. I hit the floor hard, and the weight of the man landing on top of me forced every particle of air in my body to come whooshing out loudly. The class burst out laughing and just to add to my embarrassment Chris’ crotch was directly over my face. Winded as I was I was powerless to do anything and wriggled my head in vein slightly only to feel the biggest cock imaginable flop down my cheek. Through the thin material of Chris’ shorts I could feel the heat of it, and it felt to be about 7 inches long, completely soft!! I wriggled frantically now, completely freaked out by what used to be my best friend in the whole world and the class was roaring with laughter now as I tried useless to push up against Chris’ monstrous thighs, it was like trying to life a steel car off of my body. Chris purposefully got up as slowly as possible, and managed to rub his enormous crotch right across my face once more. He finally got up and I went running off into the changing rooms embarrassed out of my mind. As the locker room door closed behind me the laughter was drowned out, and I sat in the cold silence for a second, feeling my face glowing with blush. I look down totally dismayed, I had a raging erection. What had happened to Chris, why was he being so nasty to me? What was happening to me, getting turned on by a beating from another man? I didn’t have time to think as I head the door swing open once again, I did my best to hide under some nearby clothes. I sat trembling under the coats and was all too aware of the heavy footfalls coming in my directions. I thought for one fleeting moment they were going to continue and go straight past but silence fell over the room as the person stopped walking. I knew who it was without having to look; the person on the other side of those coats was almost radiating hugeness. I was starting to feel a little sick. I could hear a deep chuckling building up on the other side of the material and could feel myself going red in the face. “Pathetic” the voice said simply, and then a vice like hand grabbed my through the clothes haphazardly piled atop me and pulled me up into the air again with no effort at all. I was dropped onto the floor directly in front of him, but didn’t manage to land properly and slipped clumsily down onto my ass. I looked up nervously at Chris and… he seemed bigger. I couldn’t tell if it was the angle I was at or not, but from my position on the floor he looked to be at least 6 foot 7, and the pump he had gotten in the gymnasium was still evident, and then a bit more muscle seemed to have appeared on top of that. I stared, shutting my mouth quickly as I realized it was hanging open. Being so close to his feet part of his face was obscured by the jutting chest that hung off his frame. I felt no need to continue staring up at him like this, I didn’t want to fuel the man’s ego, and so I began to rise slowly, though the shaking in my knees made my hope of looking graceful impossible. I stood to my full height, and there was no denying now the change in him, I had to look up to see his strikingly handsome face, and I felt myself shiver at the thought of what Chris could do to me here on my own. “Why’d you run away?” he growled and I decided not to answer him, I thought it was fairly obvious. “I wasn’t finished with you” he added, and that thought scared the life out of me, I would have ended the lesson resembling pate if we had continued any further. He took a step forward so that his almighty chest thumped into me, though at his new height his chest was hitting me more at chin level, and I stumbled back. He grinned evilly. “What’s happened to you?” I asked, trying to sound brave, but my voice quivered betraying me. Again he laughed, and his vast chest shook and his abs contorted and twisted under his top. He looked down at me once again, taking another step forward and forcing me to stumble a pace backwards. “Nothings changed at all, I was always better than you and I still am” he said grinning. “But we were best friends” I said, I heard myself and realized I sounded as though I were begging. At this he took a large step and his chest thumped into me so hard that I was caught of balance and went stumbling backwards until I hit back hard against the wall, smacking my head hard enough against the brick to make me temporarily see stars. Through the fog in my brain I could see him advancing and he didn’t stop until his mammoth body had me pinned against the wall. “Lets get one thing straight little man; I don’t need friends like you anymore,” he paused as he raised his hands into the air “I’ve got these babies now” he said and flexed triumphantly. I couldn’t help but gasp as the biggest bicep muscles I had ever seen in my life burst into life in front of my eyes. The huge peaks of muscle split, rising higher and higher bursting with veins and emitting such evident power I knew then and there he could kill me with them. Despite the intense fear his muscle display was causing me, his show of power and the inexplicably manly smell that was wafting from his deep manly pits was causing a reaction in me I couldn’t even begin to explain, and one I hoped to high heaven Chris wouldn’t notice. He flexed his chest now, and through the top I could veins and striations formed in ways I didn’t know possible, the muscles in his chest, which if I’m honest felt more like rocks, were forcing their way into my chest as though it were made of butter and I could feel myself being crushed against the wall behind me. “You were nothing then… and you’re less than that now” he said, and clearly the friendship we had shared as children meant not a thing to him now. My arousal and fear left no room for sadness at his remark, and my erection was almost painful now. He relaxed his chest and I was able to take a breath in at long last. He shook his head slowly, as though I truly disgusting him, and I felt myself averting his gaze in shame. “I’ll be needing your lunch mo…” he began, but stopped suddenly, and I looked up to see what had stopped him, hoping against hope that he had spotted more worthy of his interest than me. I almost died when I saw him looking at the all too obvious, though not exactly impressive, tent in my shorts. I began jabbering, trying to explain that I wasn’t gay, that he wasn’t turning me on, tried to say anything that would stop the unavoidable beating that was heading my way. He made his way towards me far quicker than he had before and I felt a huge hand wrap firmly around my throat, and my feet left the floor as I was slid effortlessly up the wall. He held me up maybe three feet off the floor, and I began choking something fierce. The force of his grip was so strong my choking was practically useless; there was no way consciousness was staying with me today. I tried to kick my legs but his mammoth chest had them pinned almost painfully against the wall, my fingers worked frantically in vain to try and get him off me, but I soon realized that my two hands working together were powerless to even remove one of his fingers. Despite the seriousness of the situation I found my eyes becoming fixed on the almighty biceps and triceps that kept me up here as though I were a feather, and I was aware that my erection was still throbbing in my shorts, which was probably angering him further. The veins in his forearms popped up in relief as the hand tightened itself tighter around my pathetically fragile neck. I could feel my wind pipe getting close to collapsing, and my vision began fading as I knew I was about to pass out when “Chris?” called a voice from the other end of the changing room, it was the coach. I felt the hand release me and again I fell badly, though this time I managed to land on my feet. I let out a huge gasp and then a cough, but Chris obviously wanting to hide my presence slapped a hand over my mouth with such a force that my face stung from the force of the slap. My body was still trying to get more air into my lungs and I choked still, the sound muffled in the large hand over my mouth. I was in pain, and gasping for breath to stay conscious, and yet somehow I found myself wanting him to put one of those big manly fingers into my mouth for me to suck on. “I’m here coach; I think that little guy took off. I’ll be right out” he called down the changing room, and I prayed to God to bless the man that had saved my life. “I’m not surprised” replied the coach “he looked like a 5 year old girl next to you” the coach continued clearly unaware I was present. A whole new shade of red made itself apparent across my face and Chris looked at me with a smug grin. “This isn’t over” he said simply, venom in his voice. He removed his hand, and strutted round the corner towards the exit of the room. I slid down the wall and burst into tears, my hopes of a friendly reconciliation shattered. My first day of school had gone from an exciting new chapter in my life, to a brand new nightmare thanks to a changed face from the past. _____________________________________________ Charlie sat in his room that night feeling sick to depths of his stomach, his homework, which would usually take half an hour or so had been delaying him for at least an hour now. He couldn’t get the images of today’s meeting out of his head, he couldn’t ignore the soreness around his neck from where the strong hand had crushed into the skin, and by far worse of all, he couldn’t do anything about the random insatiable erections that kept popping up in his boxers. He slept uneasily that night and awoke in the morning mortified to find he’d had a wet dream, he couldn’t remember at all what he’d been dreaming about, but Charlie was fairly sure he knew. Charlie began to pack his things ready for another day of school and for the first time in as long as he could remember he found himself not wanting to go, wanting to pretend to be ill and stay at home, where he knew he wouldn’t bump into a certain someone. But no, there was nothing to be achieved by doing that, and so with as much false confidence as he could muster he made his way to another day of school. The first lesson was fairly normal in its long boring lecture like style, and indeed second period passed without a single mishap, but the one thing that Charlie really did notice, was that wherever he was, he could here someone whispering about the huge new kid, and Charlie couldn’t help but get down a little every time he heard it. Indeed out on the school field during their morning break much talking behind hands was going on, and Charlie headed with much anticipation to where he and Clare and Liam usually hung out, behind a secluded patch of trees where they could have a laugh in their own space, as he paced down the sloping grass he felt his phone vibrate and smiled when he saw Clare ringing him, he didn’t answer as he knew she’d be hurrying him on like she always did and he began to run down to where the trees were. As soon as he was round the corner a foot tripped him and Charlie went skidding across the ground. With his heart immediately in his throat Charlie span round onto his back to look up into the one face he wanted to see less than any other, before he could begin to get up a huge triumphant foot had slammed Charlie back on the ground with a woomph, and struggle though he might, there was nothing he could do. Charlie met the cold gaze of his recent tormentor, and then found he couldn’t look at them anymore and averted his gaze. ‘Little fag can’t stay away’ Chris said slowly, twisting his foot on my chest softly almost as though contemplating whether to crush it or not. ‘Guess you wanted another beating to go home and whack that puny little cock to huh?’ he said in a mocking tone and the blush that seemed to be a permanent feature on Charlie’s face recently made its way across his nose and ears. ‘Chris I’m not gay’ he replied, stunning himself that he even managed to speak a word let alone a sentence. ‘Not gay…’ Chris laughed, bending down to pick Charlie up with one hand on either side of his head, lifting him until his face was crushed against the mammoth left pec of Chris’s enormous chest, hard nipple pressing just below Charlie’s bottom lip through the thin sleeveless vest. Immediately the naturally manly smell of the body in front of him made Charlie feel light headed, ‘then do you mind explaining the pathetic boners you keep springing every time you get near my muscles?’ Charlie shook his head slightly, the rock hard nipple rubbing against his chin. Chris let go and Charlie dropped the two inches or so to the ground, gasping quietly as he realized that the bottom of Chris’ pecs were now level with his forehead, though he didn’t understand it, nor want to believe it, Chris had grown massively again over night and was probably now just over seven foot, how was that even possible!? After a second or so of silence Charlie sighed quietly, ‘I don’t know what to say… I’ve never seen anyone as big as you before’ at this Chris snorted as though it were obvious that no one could be bigger than him ‘and I just’ Charlie paused trying to think of the words ‘I just see how big and powerful and strong you are and it makes me feel so small… like you are so much better than me.’ Charlie didn’t get the chance to say another word as Chris had burst out laughing, ‘I am so much better than you,’ he said with a cocky smirk ‘you are a pathetic little nothing that should be thrilled I even know who you are, and you better think of a fucking good reason why I shouldn’t snap you in half and leave you here for the worms.’ He said, his voice getting quieter as he continued. Charlie visibly shook where he stood, not a clue in the world what to say, ‘for old times sake?’ he said hopefully, but Chris shook his head ‘not good enough.’ Charlie looked back down at the floor again, trying to stop the tears in the corners of his eyes as he realized he was about to sell his soul to the devil. ‘I’ll do anything you say for the rest of my life’ Charlie said quietly, almost hoping that no one would hear him say it. ‘Anything?’ came the deep voice of the man stood above him, and Charlie nodded silently, looking up to the most sinister smug grin he had ever seen in his life. ‘So if I should need some last minute homework doing for me?’ Chris asked and again Charlie nodded in silence, ‘or if I should need some money for food’ he continued and Charlie once again nodded. ‘What about…’ Chris went on, his grin spreading further across his face, ‘what about if my sweaty manly pits need a good clean after a heavy workout?’ Charlie gawped open mouthed, stunned by what the man in front of him had just said, he stood stunned, trying to process what he’d just heard, when he noticed Chris lifting his left arm up above his head, and vest he was wearing allowing for a view of the manly crevasse that Charlie’s new tormentor had mentioned, a large hand cupped the back of his small head and Charlie found himself forced forwards until he could see nothing at all, and all he knew was the feel of the hot skin against his face and the incredibly strong smell now filling his nostrils like a drug. As he shifted his head slightly, Charlie could feel the tendons of Chris’ biceps towards the top of his head, and other ligaments and muscles he didn’t know the name of beneath his nose and chin, the wideness of Chris’ seemingly ever growing lats meant that Charlie was surrounded on all sides by thick muscle, and Charlie suddenly found himself losing control of himself. Charlie stuck his tongue out frantically, moaning slightly as he felt the hard bulging muscle under Chris’ skin, moaning slightly as he tasted the manly sweat that didn’t disgust him in the way he quietly knew is should, the light masculine hair tickled his face as Charlie wanted to more and more to be able to have his face over every part of Chris at the same time, he slid his head up, his tongue sliding from the pit to the underside of Chris’s gargantuan arm, that seemed now to easily be as wide as his own head. Charlie couldn’t explain it, but Chris’ skin, whilst being so silky in texture still allowed for the feeling of the steel like chords beneath it, and every inch of him tasted incredible, Charlie moaned to himself again as his tongue lost itself exploring crevices and ridges of rock solid muscle. Charlie almost creamed in his pants when he heard Chris whisper ‘fuuck’ under his breath, clearly enjoying the seeing to that Charlie was giving him, Charlie didn’t know who was more surprised by this turn of events, but he didn’t dare argue. Charlie’s cock was now rock hard against the hugely wide thigh he straddled comfortably, and he was about to begin thrusting when a heavy shove knocked him to the floor roughly. Chris laughed to himself, looking down still with a certain look of disgust. ‘Guess I may be able to find a reason to keep you around’ he smirked, before walked away, looking bigger than ever, and leaving Charlie with a face full of sweat and an erection he was sure would last forever. _______________________________________________ I awoke the next day feeling extremely tired after what could only be called a restless night’s sleep. I found myself once again dreading the day ahead and what it would bring but felt such a hypocrite having spent most of the night furiously masturbating, thinking of how Chris’ muscles had felt against my face, how powerful he was, whilst I smelled his sweat that had dried on my face. As it happened I had a relatively uneventful day at school, I mean sure I had passed Chris in the corridor and my insides had pretty much turned themselves inside out with fear, but he had simply smirked at me and walked on by. He was easily six foot eight now I looked properly, and while he hadn’t grown height wise much more his muscle had clearly not stopped expanding. He looked like a younger blonder bigger Zeb Atlas strolling down the corridors. The next day again I found myself feeling on edge pretty much all day but again made it through the day without any cause for concern. It was the Friday of that week I went into school feeling a tiny bit better, my body didn’t ache anymore in the areas Chris had gotten rough with and I was starting to think I might just have to suffer evil glances and occasional extra pieces of homework on Chris’ behalf. It was lunchtime and I didn’t have too long until classes started back up again so I ran to get my bag that I’d thrown in the P.E changing rooms before I ate. I retrieved my bag and went to have a quick piss, I had drunk far too much today. I was about to put my cock back in my pants when a large hand grabbed me by the face. It was so quick I didn’t even realise it was a hand at first, I couldn’t see a thing and in less than two seconds I felt myself pushed against a wall. I heard one of the toilet cubicle doors locking and began to tremble slightly; all too aware of what was beginning. ‘Didn’t want you getting too confident around here’ he said, his now familiar sneer planted firmly across his face. Whether it was me getting more attracted to him without realising or something else he seemed to be more handsome every time I saw him. ‘Why me?’ I asked simply, a tone of resignation in my voice, his smile grew even more as he let me go and laughed gently. ‘Don’t tell me you aren’t enjoying it Char’ he said with an almost playful hint in his voice that took me back to us wrestling as kids. ‘You may have noticed I’ve grown a lot since we were kids’ he continued, and I bit my tongue rather than risking my life by giving him attitude. ‘Since I’ve hit puberty I’ve noticed I enjoy exerting my power over people,’ he paused slightly as if recalling memories of such events and then spoke again ‘but more recently I’ve noticed that not only do I enjoy it immensely, but... it seems to make me grow.’ My mouth opened and I squinted slightly ‘that’s crazy Chris... it’s not possible.’ He laughed cruelly ‘the effects have been very very small for the last few years and I figured that just wasn’t going to do anymore, and then I remember you and me as kids.. what a pussy you always were and how you always seemed to be your happiest when I was kicking your ass’ I blushed furiously and shook my head ‘that’s not true!’ I lied quickly, so quickly in fact it gave me away instantly. ‘I figured that if making a small guy submit to me makes me grow, what would happen if I managed to find someone that actually enjoyed it, who felt in his guts like being a bitch was all he was born for..' I shook my head again more forcefully this time as if trying to fool myself more than him ‘it’s not true, you’ve gone mad’ I almost begged. He stared at me silently for a second or two, my heart seemed to beat loudly in slow motion as his hand reached for the collar of his sweat drenched gym polo and yanked. His forearm bulged and with a loud rip that almost sounded like a bang his shirt was in tatters on the floor. His magnificent tanned pecs quivered no more than a foot away from my face and my eyes glazed over, my chin drooping as I stared in amazement at the body of the young god in front of me. His chest was indescribable, striations spread from the crevice in the middle of his chest outward, his enormous nipples lured my eyes to them and I wanted nothing more than to suck them onto my tongue. His huge powerful shoulders supported basketball size biceps both sporting a fat blue vein that pulsed across them and his abs, which I had never seen uncovered, stood fast like 8 solid bricks. ‘Gone mad have I?’ he mused quietly, ‘we both know I didn’t look like this when I barged past you in the corridor on Monday. Even then I felt a tingle in my core when you gazed up at me from the floor.’ I was stood now in silence, no matter how insane it sounded, or how much trouble I was now undeniably in he was definitely bigger, and if he was right and I was the key to that growth then there was a whole load more trouble coming my way. ‘Im afraid I’m starting to like being one of the biggest people on the planet’ he growled, his eyes now piercing into mine with such an intensity I felt like crying ‘so you’re gonna be my bitch from now on whether you like it or not.’ With that he moved towards me and bent his knees, he pushed his pec into my chin and my head was forced sideward against the wall, he straightened his legs still pushing into me and I felt his now erect nipple slide up the side of my face like a marble. I turned to face him, my nose resting in between his pecs and slowly slid my tongue upwards. He had obviously just finished a work out as I managed to catch a large amount of sweat on the end of my tongue, he tasted so good, so manly ‘like my man sweat bitch?’ He grinned a huge grin before flexing his colossal bicep with a grunt ‘get your mouth on this slut’ he growled and before I knew it I was whining like a bitch in heat, sliding my tongue and my lips over the hardest thing I have ever felt in my life, I wanted to kiss, lick, rub and smell it all at once it was so overwhelming. In the corner of my eye I could see Chris watching me and I moaned loudly as my wandering right hand made contact with his freaky quad. I rubbed and squeezed with my puny little fingers, sliding them along the separations in his muscle until the both of us froze when the back of my hand made contact with his cock. I looked him in the eye and without looking down gave his mighty cock a squeeze; I could just about get my fingertips to touch around its thickness. I almost wanted to take my hand away it was so hot, but Chris’ meaty hands pushing down on my shoulders made it clear he had other plans for me. I knelt there in front of him for what seemed like forever, his thighs so thick that they filled my whole field of vision and acted as the perfect backdrop to the biggest dick I’d ever seen. It looked somewhere between the 10 and 11 inch mark, thick as anything and bursting with the sexiest veins I had ever seen. I had never sucked a cock before... or even thought about it, but staring at this giant piece of meat I can’t deny I wanted it. Clearly Chris had become bored with me staring as he suddenly shook his hips side to side as quick as he could and his massive dong slapped my face with such a force that the first hit made me yelp. The second and third still stunned me but I was more embarrassed than anything to think that a guy my age had a cock that was probably stronger than my entire body. I took the hint though and once again gripped his firm meat in my now tiny looking hand. I slowly lent forwards and kissed the head, spongy but hard, I kissed again, pleasantly surprised by the taste. Slowly my tongue slid along the bottom of his bulging head and he hissed, eyes closed, head rearing back. I squeaked loudly as he suddenly grabbed a fistful of my hair and shoved, I thought his dick was going to push my tongue down my throat and I felt my lips stretch to their slutty limits. My mouth was forced wide open as his huge meat rubbed over my tongue and I spluttered as it hit the back of my throat, he pulled out and shoved back in several times with me gagging for air and trying to push his thighs away but of course any such attempt was a waste of time. After a couple of minutes he grunted and shoved all the way in, I’d never felt anything like it, I could feel inch after inch of his cock moving down inside my throat as his head stretched open my gullet on its way down. I felt my neck physically bulged and my eyes streamed with water as Chris looked down and moaned loudly ‘fuck yes, take it’ I could hardly breathe but still found my tongue lapping the underside of his dick as he raped my mouth with such an intensity I wondered how long it could continue. At several points I honestly thought I would pass out, his cock was so huge I simply couldn’t breathe and if it wasn’t for the occasional moment where he withdrew his cock slightly further than usual I would have been a goner. I found myself squeezing his massive thighs, looking up as his huge muscle tits bouncing with his thrusts, seeing the pure pleasure on Chris’ face did something to me I can’t explain, part of me did want to be here serving him. ‘I should warn you’ he said suddenly, and the sound of this deep panting voice both surprised and aroused me ‘the bigger I’ve gotten the more I’ve cum, you might wanna get out the way.’ For some reason I moaned at the thought of his hot spunk, maybe I hoped it would make me grow in the same way he did, but I decided to stick around. He thrusts became even harder and more sporadic and his grunts got deeper and louder, I could see his chest and biceps twitching and he withdrew so that just his cockhead was in my mouth. ‘You asked for it fucker’ he grunted through gritted teeth. What happened next I could never have expected in a million years. His first shot of cum was so huge it completely filled my mouth to overflowing, the excess pouring out in thick slimy clots over my bottom lip onto my school shirt. The sheer force of the thick creamy spunk hitting the back of my mouth forced my head backwards and off his cockhead, and while I was still leant back reeling at what had just happen his second shot was now out in the open and free to hit me square on the bridge of my nose. Again the force of it was so extreme I went to shout but my mouth was still so full that I just gargled more spunk down my front. I winced as it slammed into my nose and flowed with speed up along my forehead and out across my cheeks, I sat there in disbelief drinking every drop I could while shot after shot after huge big thick hot slammed into my face. After what must have been twenty or so helpings he stopped, legs trembling slightly, and sneered down at me completely covered in his load, my chin dripping pathetically. I peeled my eyes open, gasping when I looked up to see he had easily grown another ten pounds in the time he had been fucking my mouth. Even more muscle bulged on his frame, he looked simply incredible. ‘I knew it had to be you’ he said in between pants ‘I fucking told you didn’t I you little bitch?’ he laughed. ‘Good luck cleaning that off before next lesson’ was all he said before he opened the cubicle door and walked away. I waited until I heard the changing room doors close, I don’t know how long it was after that I stood up, it wasn’t until that moment I felt my jaw, and my throat, and realised everything ached in the extreme. I looked down at my school uniform and was speechless, I looked like a blue whale had just used me as a fleshlight, my clothes were completely drenched in his thick load and there was a puddle on the floor where I had been kneeling. I walked over to the sinks and started to cry when I saw myself in the mirror. There wasn’t a spot on my face that wasn’t covered, my hair was thick with it like shampoo and my hair stuck up on top of my head where he had grabbed me. I looked a complete and utter state. I used the back entrance and ran for all I was worth until I got home, uselessly trying to cover my face, my hair, my clothes. When I got home I sat on my bed and stared at myself in the mirror, stunned by what had happened, stunned by what the two of us were becoming, and hating myself for scooping the cum off my face and into my mouth. I awoke on Saturday morning flooded with relief that I didn’t have to go to school, to face the questions of why I had suddenly left the day before, to face Chris. I spent the rest of the day lazing around the house, resting my aching limbs, rubbing moisturiser on my stretched out lips and stalking the muscle monster’s Facebook in the dirty hope of finding a picture I could stroke it to. As Sunday rolled by it was already three in the afternoon and I had to go to pick up a few things in the local store. I kept my tracksuit bottoms on and slipped on a loose fitting pair of sneakers, heading in through the front gates of the church ready to take the short cut through the graveyard. Since I’d left my house I couldn’t escape the feeling I was being followed, and halfway through the trees and graves, the afternoon sun causing everything to be tinted gold, I shivered. Looking to my left there was nothing but a few bugs humming lazily in the air and above me blue skies stretched forever uninterrupted. Gazing over to my right my heart missed a beat as I saw in the distance, stood amongst the gravestones farthest away, Chris. I waited only long enough to see him move a fraction of an inch before turning, filled with complete fear, and running off the path and onto the grass to the left. Hopping over vines and growth and dodging between graves I was too scared to shout or look behind me, my only comfort was that I had been quite a way in front of Chris and the head start might be enough to get me home safe. In a happier moment I would have been proud of myself for running faster than I ever would have thought I could, but instead my thoughts were interrupted by the undeniable sound of bare feet thumping along the ground behind me and getting louder very quickly. In desperation I tried to change direction in the hope that the bigger man would be unable to follow but before I knew anything else two gigantic arms had completely engulfed me and the force of a now 6 foot ten Chris running at full speed hit me like a train. We went flying through the air, me straining for air against the tree trunk arms that had wrapped around me like snakes, and then landed hard on the ground. Chris’ full weight came down on top of me and I tried to scream in agony but as his huge muscular bulk landed on top of me I was completely winded and could only scream silently like a tortured fish. ‘That was fun, you should run every time’ growled Chris, his mouth somewhere above my ear as he held me still, I tried kicking my legs but every inch of me was pinned down by his massively powerful body. I lay there in the moment’s silence completely hating myself. Every time I saw this man I was filled with fear and dread, today more so than ever; and yet as soon as I heard his voice or felt his body I was so turned on I couldn’t think of anything else in the world than doing as he said. Since Friday’s meetings I also had to admit that as I lay underneath him I also craved the feeling of his giant man cock and his thick load in my mouth. ‘Unfortunately for you I’m starting to like growing more and more,’ he continued the smirk on his face audible in his voice. ‘All those sluts at school that follow me around don’t worship me half as well as you do.’ His huge forearm was under my chin and his weight on top of me pushed it hard into my neck and I could feel my head was starting to swim. He pushed himself up with his arms just long enough for me to take in a large gulp of air, grabbed me with one of his huge hands and flipped me effortlessly onto my back so I was now staring up into his achingly handsome face. I noticed now his shirt was gone and I flushed with embarrassment knowing that not only had I had a head start on him, but he had also managed to remove his shirt whilst running and still caught me with absolutely no effort. ‘Don’t pretend like you haven’t missed this Char’ he purred, before stretching his arms out above my head, linking his hands and lowering his colossal chest over my face. His pecs were so huge by this point that my nose could just about touch his breastbone in the gap between his pecs while the rest of his thick heavy chest muscle squeezed down and covered my whole face. He didn’t even need to say anything before I started to lick the sweaty rock hard sinews of his muscle tits. With his hands outstretched in front of him his armpits were fully open to air and even squashed underneath him I could smell his musky smell and found my head buzzing with the excitement of it. I realised that my hands were free and rushed to slide them from his ribs, around his impossibly wide lats and began stroking the thick mounds of his back muscles which bunched and rippled as he moved slightly. At a minute or so of this I slid my little hands back round underneath him and stroked up and down on his solid stomach, moaning slightly into his chest as my dainty fingers found each bump of his abs. Up and down I lovingly caressed when after a short while my eyes opened as my hand bumped into his gigantic cock, which had become hard at all this attention. I grabbed it with my fist and squeezed as hard as I could, he growled like a feral animal above me and I felt his body vibrate slightly as he did so, ‘that’s it, make me feel good, I think I can feel myself growing already’ he said and this turned me on beyond belief as I started sliding my hand up and down the thick meat. He pulled himself up and sat on my chest, I could hardly breathe under him but didn’t dare say so for fear he would stop what he was doing, once again I was truly under his spell. As I stared at the God like man in front of me my mouth hung open, my eyes glazed over with lust, and I moaned quietly as he tore his shorts off with one strong hand. The cock that pulsed in front of me now was even bigger than it had been the last time I saw it only a few days before. It looked now to be around 12 inches, from down on the floor I could feel the heat radiating from it, smell that pure sexual alpha male smell. The veins that rippled all over it stood out in bold relief almost full to bursting, I had never been so turned on in my life. I stuck my tongue out eagerly as he used three fingers to push against the base of it, bringing it down with a thump across my face. It half obscured my vision and I trembled with both excitement and fear as I realised it was now longer than my face. I licked the underside, feeling content in a way I still couldn’t quite understand, I could do this all day if he asked me, though I didn’t want him to know that. He raised himself off me slightly and roughly rubbed the giant head of it all over my face, smearing me with gobs of thick juice as it leaked over my face, he spent a long time just rubbing it side to side over my lips. Looking up into his face he had a look of wonder and pride on his face and clearly found it arousing to see how much power he had over me, and how physically superior he was. I licked my tongue around the head as I had done the day before and he growled, an evil smile flashing down at me. He used his thick cock to slap my face and shoved in roughly into my mouth a few times clearly enjoyed himself. In a move so quick I hadn’t seen it coming he put both his hands under my armpits and lifted me up, we stood facing each other for a moment silently, his huge cock pressed directly into mine as if to show me how pathetically small mine was. He didn’t move or show any expression on his face and it dawned on me he wanted me to make the first move, to admit to both myself and him that I really did want this. I looked at the floor slightly ashamed, also not wanting to blow a load in my pants looking at him, and quietly said ‘I’m ready to suck you again.’ He laughed looking triumphant, fisted his cock a couple of times. ‘I know you are’ he said confidently, ‘but you forgot this isn’t about what you want, and I don’t think my cocks gonna fit down that tiny throat of yours anymore.’ I stared at him for a half a second in confusion before gasping as I realised what it was he had meant. I wasn’t ready for it. I had never taken a cock in my ass in my life and one as big as his would hurt worse than murder, I began to tremble and shake my head ‘I can’t,’ I squeaked terrified ‘I can’t take it!’ He smiled another sick smile ‘Oh but you will.’ I turned in a desperate attempt to run, even though he had caught me before and I made it no more than two paces when his large powerful hands clamped both my hips in a vice like grip, I wailed as he began pushing down and though I tried to resist it his arms proved more powerful than my legs and they gave way. One hand left my right hip and reappeared on my neck pushing my face into the grass and turning my butt up into the air, he ripped my shorts off effortlessly and paused for a second watching me shake underneath him ‘not a bad ass Char.’ I heard him spit a few times and could hear him rubbing his cock head with spit, then again a few more times and this time I felt spots of warm wetness hit my hole with surprising speed. Two fingers came from nowhere and shoved themselves inside me and I groaned as they felt themselves around my tight virgin chute. After a minute or so they were gone and I knew what was about to happen. I felt the head of his cock against my hole, it felt even bigger now that I couldn’t see it, like a powerful sweaty tennis ball at my innocent backside. I started to cry a little, pleading to the universe more than anything else ‘no no no no no’, there was a seconds silence and then I heard him hiss ‘yes!’ Both hands went back to my hips with their iron hold and he push forwards with such force had he let go I would have slid forward across the grass. The pain was indescribable. I screamed into the floor as I felt inch by inch of his mighty cock force its way into a hole that was simply not big enough for it. I could cry at this point, but instead gaped and shuddered as inch after further inch carried on up inside me so far I could feel it rising up inside my stomach area. He leant back to a kneeling position and the pure strength of his erection lifted me from the ground, stretching my hole to near breaking point, bringing another scream from me as my back thumped into his incredible chest. My own weight went against me now as I slid down the last two inches of his cock and felt my burning cheeks land on his rock hard veiny thighs. His right hand clapped over my mouth and pushed my head back against his shoulder and the other pushed down on my left thigh to stop me from trying to remove his cock. He stayed there motionless, as his thrilled cock vibrated and jerked, each time stirring my lower organs and causing more pain inside me. He was clearly relishing the feeling, I could feel his heavy breathing through the pecs and nipples that pushed into my back, hear him swearing under his breath and feel him continue to flex his thick cock inside me. As we stayed in that position, my weak body spread across his larger one like butter over toast the unbearable mind numbing pain lessened a little, not much mind you, but enough that after a while the tears that had been running down my face onto Chris’ hand stopped. Precum was oozing out of his cock now so much this it was already running out my hole down his cock and dripping from his orange sized balls, I wandered momentarily whether it was that that was soothing my insides. So lost in the feeling was Chris that when it finally dawned on him he could start fucking me he jumped slightly with the excitement, again the movement caused his cock to move my insides around once more and I squeaked through his thick hand. ‘Get ready for the ride of your life bitch!’ He started bucking his hips slightly, and as he did a couple of inches of his cock started leaving and entering my ass, being so tight my inner walls gripped him to such an extent that the friction of his movements caused me to shudder, my eyes rolling back in my head as he moaned appreciatively. He slowly but surely began upping the power and his thrusts were becoming so powerful that his hips against my ass cheeks were literally starting to throw me in the air a little. As he pushed up his cock would push deeper than it had gone before, his balls and thighs on my ass and then as he stopped I would rise up in the air, like one does at the top of a rollercoaster, almost floating on his mighty tool. Then he would lower his hips back to their starting position, sliding his cock out of me a little before gravity began to force me back down his cock with a slurpy squelch that ended with me thumping down on his cock and forcing the head of it deeper inside me still, each of these weightless moments were proving to feel truly good and I would whine in pleasure, before falling back down onto the wide base of his cock and grunting as the pain came rushing back. I was starting to look like one of those children’s toys, with Chris being the small wooden bat that would hit the little red ball (me) which bounce around anchored to the bat by elastic (his cock.) He gave a loud shout of effort that made me jump before thrusting into me so hard I slid all the way up his cock until only the head was left inside me stretching my sphincter beyond belief, he had removed his hand from my mouth at this point and I let out a shout as he grabbed both my ankles and spun me 180 degrees so that when I slid back down his monster I was facing the now even larger muscle god. My hands immediately went to squeezing his huge rock hard muscles tits, so large now that my hands really didn’t cover very much of them, but as I played with his thick meaty nipples he groaned and cooed appreciatively and gave me a grin that said nothing other than ‘I own you.’ My fingers danced on the bulges of his sweaty abs as my nose drifted near his shoulder so I could smell the musk of his pits and despite the pain of the situation I knew in my heart I would do it again, as many times as he wanted over and over. His grunting began to get more sporadic, panting and moaning with rhythm as his thrusts became harder and faster. His huge hand grabbed my throat and with a huge squeeze that almost crushed my windpipe he began to push me back. I was now in a very awkward position that probably would have been painful if his one hand on my neck hadn’t been strong enough to support my weight. I was bent backwards now like one of the crab positions you see gymnasts do, my head now at the same height as my well filled ass with my torso forming a high bridge between the two. I moaned and made all sorts of embarrassingly effeminate noises as his cock touched parts of my innards now that I didn’t know could feel so good. As he started thrusting all the way into me again I couldn’t help but briefly wonder where it was all going, how it all fit in. My thought process was interrupted when I heard him give an animalistic growl of lust. ‘O fuck yeah’ he shouted ‘that’s the hottest thing I’ve ever seen, my monster cock’s destroying your insides little bitch’ he moaned and as I craned my neck up I could just about see over my ribs and couldn’t help but gasp in shock. The flat tight smooth skin of my stomach was now bulging outwards with every thrust from his mighty tool, like a baby kicking in a woman’s tummy I watched as my skin stretched tight around the thick head of his cock. We took it in turns to place our hand over the bump as it rose and give it a quick squeeze before he withdrew and this pleasured him more than anything that had gone before. He swung me back up with a scream so that we were once again face to face and spat in my face ‘gonna cum.’ He kept his one hand around my neck again and then squeezed my ribcage with his other. ‘get ready bitch’ he grunted before using his hands to slide my whole body up and down on his cock like a giant human fleshlight. I squealed as I flew up down so fast it blurred my vision and made my head hurt. With a final large shout he pushed my right to the base, his pubes tickling my tender cheeks, muscular thighs against mine. ‘Fuuuuuuuuuuuuu’ he shouted and I screamed with renewed pain as his first huge load shot inside me so fast I thought it may have ruptured something. He continued to swear and call me all manner of names as shot after huge thick shot flew inside me, I could feel myself filling up and was now crying from the sensation whilst still being thoroughly turned on. I could feel cum squirted out my hole and down his cock now and I knew I was full and could take no more, I screamed and threw my fists against his chest which were now bulging with hundreds of veins but his eyes were now rolling back in his head such was his ecstasy. Still he shot inside me and I looked down and noticed my whole lower stomach bloating like a pregnant belly from the sheer volume of his spunk. Without warning he craned his head down and forced his large tounge into my screaming mouth. His tounge, now a good 7 or so inches long was so thick and powerful my tounge could hardly move against it, in fact as it slid down into my throat I couldn’t help but struggle to breathe around it. A minute or so later he finally stopped and leant back relaxing, I was panting and moaning and he laughed at me as he came down from his ecstatic high.. ‘O i needed that..’ he chuckled before looking at my little hard cock ‘and so did you if you’re man enough to admit it.’ He gave his body a quick once over, clearly pleased with how he looked. He laughed again triumphantly upon seeing my bloated cum belly, now sticking out a good six inches from where it would usually be. ‘Damn I seeded you good huh’ he said giving it a stroke, he then pushed hard with a finger into my gut and I cried out as I felt a large spurt of cum dribble down his still hard cock. ‘We’re gonna have to do that again soon’ he said with a last cocky grin. He pulled his mighty man dick from inside me and I whimpered as he threw me into the grass, cum flowed from my hole in streams and as my vision began to fade I turned to watch his amazingly muscled glutes walking away. I fainted in the grass, leaking.
  24. Hello there! Just joined recently and wanted to write a story, so this is my first attempt at it. This chapter will mostly be set up, so not a ton of action at this point but hopefully it will set the scene. If you're more interested in the action I would recommend skipping to Chapter 4, when it is complete. The other couple chapters beforehand are just a small bit of exposition for those interested but probably not completely necessary. Warning: this has some religious tones in it and if that makes you uncomfortable I would recommend not reading this. Chapter 1: I woke up to the sound of my alarm blaring in my ear. I absolutely hate that sound, jolting me out of a deep sleep. I had to give myself a pep talk to get out of bed, "come on John! Time to get up, you don't have time to lay around!" It was a Sunday morning and it was time to get ready to go to church. I sat up and stretched my body - flexing my toned 15 inch biceps as I contracted my arms. I stood in front of my bedroom mirror shirtless, just my tight underwear on. I flexed a little looking at my defined abs, nice set of pecs and toned arms on my 6' body. I'd really been hitting the gym for 5 days a week for quite a while, eating as often and as clean as I could. I was proud of my body at 28, I had worked really hard to improve my health and to maintain a weight of 185lbs. As much as I'd like to flex a bit I really had to get going - it was nearly time for church and I'd slept in a bit. I changed my underwear and put on a nice pair of khaki pants and a blue button-up shirt. The clothes weren't very form-fitting but I definitely could see some definition from my shirt. I styled my brown hair into a neat, handsome comb over. After brushing my teeth and lacing up my blue flat-footed shoes, I was ready to go! I stepped out of my small 1000sqft 2bed 1bath home. I climbed into my sedan and headed to church that was only a few minutes down to the corner. I've been going to Faith Church ever since I'd moved here to the South. The people there are very friendly and I always enjoy going to the services. It's especially been nice being a part of something since I've moved away from most of my social connections and family. I text back and forth but rarely ever see anybody in person. Honestly, sometimes it was hard to go. I'd been deep in the closet my whole life. I've known I've been attracted to men since a young age. I remember seeing men on underwear packages in the store looking at their muscled and defined torsos. Or shirtless men on the front of men's fitness magazines. I knew that I wanted to look just like that when I grew up. I am not really sure where the envy began and when the attraction started. Growing up in an evangelical background I felt so much shame and confusion around my own attractions. Yeah, I liked taking a look at men's bodies; I wanted to be desired and to desire another man. Being with someone was something my straight peers got to indulge in but in my context I would never be able to enjoy the same relationship. Not me. Honestly, it just filled me with a touch of sorrow. I had very deep connections with friends but now that I was separated by distance we have started to drift a part. It's made living here quite hard even though I needed to move here for my career. I can't say that I wasn't jealous of them too. They were all finding partners, getting married, having children. Meanwhile, I was drooling over meat heads at my local gym. Well after stewing over that less than savory stream of thoughts in my head for the thousandth time, I finally had arrived. There were small groups of families filling the front door of the church with stained glass panels all around the church. I quickly got out of my car and shuffled my way to my usual seat in the back corner of the church. No one really talked with me apart from a few waves and "Hey John!" 's since church was just moments from starting as the piano player began playing a hymn. I settled into my seat, looked through the bulletin, and opened my Bible. I started looking around to see if the pastor was getting ready to welcome everyone to church. Just as the music slowed and the pastor stood up a MAN walked by and sat just in front of me. I didn't quite get a good look of his face but he had a thick head of well-styled, faded brown-hair with just a few strands of gray here and there. He was wearing a really nice smelling aftershave. And he was absolutely fucking massive. He was wearing a tighter red and grey shirt made of a cotton fabric, but the definition of his muscles couldn't be hidden. His traps were huge and encroached upon his girthy neck whose muscles flexed and moved with every little adjustment. I could see his big delts and wife back that fanned out giving him an imposing figure. The pastor began speaking, "welcome everyone. Let me go over a few announcements..." I couldn't pay attention whatsoever. I began to clam up and my dick began to engorge. I looked around and thankfully no one was near me. I was getting a full hard-on in church, as I placed my bulletin over my pants to hide my thick boner from popping out of my pants. Should I be thinking of another man this way in the middle of church? "Please stand and turn to hymn 330. 330" the music director said in a booming, hearty voice. I quickly scrambled for the hymnbook and stood up pushing my dick against the pew in front of me. While the beautiful specimen of a man stood up simultaneously. I quickly looked at his body. His body had a very pleasant shape with his wide back slimmed into his midsection. His shirt was tucked in to a nice pair of tight-waisted gray pants. His glutes bulged out of his pants and his quads were noticeable in the upper part of his pants. I sang along to the hymn but kept getting distracted by the extremely attractive man in front of me. I began to feel a little bit guilty about lusting after this man in church. But this was the story of every person I've been allured to. They were a nice piece of meat for me to look at but remained a forbidden fruit. Men were nice to fuel my fantasies but never to be had. It was frustrating. I thought to myself, "John pull yourself together. Pay attention. Pay attention. Pay attention." But I just can't. The entire service I hardly paid attention to the pastor giving a sermon, any of the liturgy, or the multiple songs. The whole service was my sexual frustration running through my head over and over again. Eventually the whole congregation stood up as the pastor prayed a long and winding closing prayer to dismiss us. It was strange having my head up in the clouds the entire service. All I could think about was what the front of this man looked like as I could hardly even get a side profile. "... Amen." the pastor said loudly, as the congregation replied, "Amen." "You are free to go," he said as the whole congregation gathered their items and began to get ready to depart for home or a restaurant. The man in front of me turns around to gather his items from the pew. He was even more perfect than my mind could conjure up during the service. He was around 5'9" and weighed around 230lbs. Man, was he handsome. He looked to be around his mid-30s. His hair was quite immaculate, and he kept a very short beard on his face tracing out a strong, chiseled face. He had dashing, kind, deep blue eyes. His lips were full and formed a joyful smile. His pecs filled out his tucked in shirt quite nicely, as a sligh outline of his nipped poked through his shirt. I had to jump at my chance immediately. I immediately blurted out, "Uh. Hello sir! My name is John it's nice to meet you." He looked up with a large smile and confidently brought out his veiny hands to shake mine. I obliged and shook his powerful hands. He gripped my hand confidently. "It's nice to meet you John. My name is Charlie!" he said in a deep, confident voice. "Well, we're glad you came this morning Charlie. I hope you found the service to be uplifting!" I said with a slight nervousness in my voice. I was in the precense of one of the most handsome men on earth, it was hard for me not to be. "Oh, yeah. I loved it. I thought the sermon was quite thought-provoking. I just moved to the area, so I have been visiting some churches here and there." Charlie replied, leaning on the pew behind him and cross his arms, causing his forearms to flare up underneath his shirt. " Oh, well, I am new to the area too. If you're looking for a friend maybe we could trade numbers and explore the city together?" I said with eager anticipation. "Oh, well that actually sounds great! I haven't really found anybody to hang out with yet and being single it's been kinda hard to adjust to everything here." My heart just melted. I can't believe that this was actually working. Maybe this was all just a bad idea, getting this close to an absolute hottie was a mistake. But there was no way I'd pass up getting to know this dude. I quickly handed him my phone, opened my contacts, as he did the same for me. I typed my information into his phone. "I'll text you sometime this week, dude! I gotta head out here soon but we'll figure out some time to hang out." Charlie said, shaking my hand again. It amazed me how confident and friendly he was. He was so comfortable in his own body. He was just the type of man I dreamt of when I was younger. He typified everything I loved about men and their personalities and body. The rest of the day my thoughts were occupied with nothing but Charlie. I've been so good about not jacking off, watching porn, or lustful thoughts. But Charlie completely derailed that and threw me for a loop. I edged the whole day thinking about his body. Eventually before I went to bed I completed my nightly routine of taking a shower and planning out my next day. I stripped off all my clothes down to my underwear. My dick was so hard, as I looked down at my bulge in my underwear. I began to rub myself through the fabric. It had been so long since I'd released any sexual tension and I was ready to burst. I pulled my underwear down releasing my dick as it flopped out onto my flat stomach. I began to think of Charlie stripped down to his underwear. His strong muscles drenched with sweat and pumped up beyond belief. His handsome, manly face looking down at his ripped body, heavily breathing as his chest quickly expanded and collapsed. "So... Fucking... Handsome... Uufffffhh" It was too much to think about much further. I began to cum all over my own body. The orgasm was one of the most intense I'd ever had before. I was so tired afterwards I didn't even want to clean myself up. It all felt so guilty but felt so amazing. I fell asleep with my cock out and cum all over my body...
  25. ragmangsm

    Machu Man - Part 1

    Below is a new story line. I am a whore for feedback. Please let me know if it pushes any buttons. -ragman Warning: This fantasy story is for adults only. You must be 21 years old to continue. Adult content may include nudity, mature relationships, violence, and extreme muscles and strength. All characters are over the age of eighteen. Machu Man – Part 1 By ragman I was struggling for breath in the altitude, as we approached Machu Picchu. The scenery was breathtaking, as well as the thin air. I was never an athlete, just average. I seemed to excel in academics, and had found mathematics a rewarding endeavor. I had just graduated and was hired to teach at our state university in the fall. So I thought I would take advantage of a student summer tour while I still had a student ID. The mystery of Machu Picchu, how a town could have been built on top of a mountain, out of huge stone boulders, was fascinating to me. The low cost of the student tour to this world landmark, made it something I couldn’t pass up. I meandered around the city on top of a mountain. The size of the stone slabs that made up much of the structure was enormous. How blocks of granite the size of cars were fashioned and hoisted in place was incredible. But more amazing was how tightly the stone slabs fit, how exactly, without mortar to seal them. How could primitive man manage to transport hundreds of tons of solid stone to the top of a mountain and then, with no metal tools or machines, build a city where every stone is precisely placed with perfectly tight seams requiring no mortar? My scientific brain was trying to imagine how such a feat could be accomplished. It seemed truly impossible. My head was filled with incredulousness as I was fumbling with my camera, trying to capture the impossible beauty of our three dimensional world on a two dimensional digital image, when I tripped and dropped my camera. It fell off the path and down the mountainside, but came to rest on a shelf of rock about six feet below the path. I was pissed at my clumsiness, and overreacted to the mishap. Without concern I shimmied over the path down to the ledge to retrieve my camera. It wasn’t until I was standing on the ledge that it occurred to me that I was in a dangerous spot, trusting on the ledge alone. I reached down cautiously to get my camera, putting it in my sweatshirt pouch. As I bent back up, I noticed a glimmer coming from a fairly deep crack in the rock. It looked like a metal sheen. I carefully dug around the object, until it came free. It was a small earthen jar, sealed with a gold top, the reason for the gleam. I put the jar in my sweatshirt pouch. By that time, my disappearance over the edge of the path had caused the guide and others to come to my aid. They helped me climb back up on the path, though I could have managed by myself. I assured them I was fine and showed them the camera I retrieved. I decided not to mention the jar. I don’t know why, I guess I didn’t want to share it yet. We continued the tour of the city. Beautiful stone and rock construction, with running water viaducts, and mysterious obelisks. The scale of the dwelling was awesome, suspended on top of the world. My senses were overloaded with the majesty and the architectural undertaking it took to build it. I was enthralled with beautiful images the entire bus ride back to our lodging, having forgotten about the small jar in my sweatshirt, now in my pack. We barely had time to grab a bite to eat and pack our bags before heading back to the airport for the journey home. ****************** I was moving into my new place just off campus, looking forward to starting my mathematics teaching career. I didn’t have that much to move in, being a recent student with not a lot of furniture or belongings. So, I had rented a furnished townhouse, and was unpacking the last of my stuff. Ah, the knapsack from the Machu Picchu trip, I had quickly packed it when leaving South America, and hadn’t needed the stuff in it, my sweatshirt included. I unstuffed the fleece and felt something in the pouch. The little jar, of course, I had forgotten. I took it out of the pouch and examined it more closely. There were some markings on it. On the face of the small jar was etched a figure, but it was out of proportion somehow, almost fat, but different. And the gold top had a character inscribed, also. It looked like an “8”. My curiosity soon led me to wonder about the contents. I tried to uncork the top, but I couldn’t get the gold stop to budge. I finally decided to try my mom’s remedy and put the top under hot water for a few seconds. I tried again, and the top shifted slightly. I mustered all the strength in my thumbs and jockeyed the stopper out of the neck of the jar. The final millimeter gave with a “Pooh”. A dense cloud of blue gas escaped from the bottle and swirled around in front of me, condensing into a human form. The gases solidified and became solid. Before me stood a young man. He was about six feet tall, my height, with golden hair and blue eyes. His face was young, I’d say, seventeen or eighteen, with tanned skin. He wore only a piece of what looked like leather, in a loin cloth fashion, that covered his man-ness. He was svelte and muscular, like a fitness model, with wonderful proportions. “You have summoned me to serve you, Master,” he spoke with soft resonance. “How can I please you?” “Who are you? Why are you here?” I babbled. “I am yours. You hold the vessel of my control. I am here to obey your every command. You decide my purpose and identity. I will become your perfect companion.” I was stunned to say the least. This couldn’t really be happening, could it? A genie from a bottle, no less. What should I do next? “Please tell me how to begin. I am at a loss for what to say,” I requested. “I am sorry I have caused you distress. I will try to ease your discomfort.” The teenage Apollo approached me and embraced me gently. His touch was warm and enveloping. He exuded confidence and trustworthiness. My defenses were slowly lowering as he moved his strong hands over my body in a caress. “Does that make you less tense, Master?” he asked. “I have many ways to give you pleasure, that you will learn to command. My body can do things no one else could dream of, and you get to do the dreaming.” “I don’t understand,” I replied. “You will just do whatever I ask you to do?” “Yes, Master.” “With what kind of limits?” I added. “Do I just get three wishes?” I asked like a fool. “I have no limits, Master. You can command me to do anything.” “What are we talking about here?” I pondered. “What do you mean you can do anything” “I have the power of the galaxy in my body, the strength of a millions suns. I can do any feat of strength you can imagine, I have inconceivable control of every muscle of my body.” “This is too much to believe,” I struggled. “I need to take a minute.” Perhaps this is a good time to mention that I have always been turned on by muscles, on men or women, but especially men. I have found the muscled male body to be a work of magnificent sculpture, of muscle art. I have curbed or mitigated my private fantasies, relying on internet sites for titillation and amusement, always secretly wanting a muscle mate, to dote on and worship, who would protect me and make my wishes come true. What was standing before me fulfilled a fantasy of my lifetime. “I noticed you were beginning to rub me back, when we embraced. Did you like the feel of my body?” “You are beautifully handsome, and I have a weakness for big, strong muscles,” I was surprised to hear myself admit that to a genie. “You are captivating, and intriguing.” “So if my muscles were bigger, that would please you more?” “Probably,” I nodded. “I haven’t had the opportunity to find out.” “How about this, Master?” The genie tensed his muscles. He expanded outward with the flex, bulging and rippling with growing muscles until he looked like a teenage bodybuilder. “Whoa, that’s amazing how you can flex your muscles that big. It makes me want to feel how hard you are now, how strong you have flexed.” The muscled teen stepped to me and offered his flexed biceps for me to explore. He grabbed my hand gently and placed it on top of the peaked split of his 20 inch arm. It was hard, and warm and alive. He flexed a bit harder and forced my fingers apart with his bulging muscle. “This arm is all yours, Master. You can command it to grow and strengthen with the power of thunderheads, or order it to flex to the ceiling or higher.” I was awestruck with the possibilities of his power. With his confidence and demeanor, muscles and charisma, he was the perfect fulfillment of my wildest fantasies. “Does my demonstration please you, Master?” he asked hoping for approval. “I’ve never been more pleased,” I managed to mutter. “But, I think it’s time for you to call me Mike, instead of Master. That’s my name.” “Very well, Mike. You are unlike the others. You are kind. Thank you for allowing me to please you with my strength. Nothing gives ME more pleasure than using my immense strength and powers to benefit those with good hearts. My vessel has not always been in possession by those who have benevolent thoughts. Regardless, I must obey the commands of my owner, it is my purpose.” “When were you last released from your vessel?” I asked, trying to assimilate what I was hearing. “My last task was building a city of stone on top of a mountain.” “Machu Picchu?” I asked incredulously. “You built it single handedly?” “No, Mike. I built it with both hands, and the rest of my powerful body.” Obviously, he was going to answer me literally. “So, you’ve been in the jar for all this time?” “You are my first Master since Machu Picchu, as you call it.” “Whoa, you’ve got a lot of catching up to do,” I marveled. “It’s been a few years since you’ve been out of your vessel.” “It pleases me that you will be my Master, Mike. I will learn all there is to know so that I can serve you,” he said. “Uh,…. OK.” I responded with fascination. “Can we talk a little more about how this works? I’m not sure I get what’s going on.” “Of course, Mike. Whatever you wish.” he said obediently. “That’s what I mean. Do you just follow me around and do stuff for me?” I was confused. “I’ve got a lot of questions.” “I am here to do whatever you ask of me, Mike. In the past I have been the servant of Kings, and tyrants, alike. I can build you a monument, defeat your enemies, or serve your every physical desire.” “So you have no desires of your own?” I asked. “Only to please you, Mike,” he said humbly. This was going in circles, so I decided to change the subject to everyday matters. “So, where do you sleep? Do you eat?” Stuff like that. He explained his ability to adapt and fit in with humanity. He said he didn’t require food or water or sleep, but, he could consume anything I wanted him to, literally. He told me some of his masters kept him in his vessel while they slept, for fear he would escape, which he could not, or to keep him secret. I asked him if he minded being in the vessel. “It is what my masters’ wished,” he responded, not understanding the meaning of the question. I still couldn’t believe what was happening. I just stared at the loincloth-clad Adonis before me. He started to look around. “How long have I been in my vessel? Where are we Master Mike?” he inquired. “Is this your dwelling?” “Wow, I didn’t think about how many questions you would have, I was so lost in my own wonderment,” I apologized. “Where shall we start?” “Start wherever you wish to begin,” he obediently replied. I rolled my eyes at the repetition of his acquiescence. “Can we begin with you not being so subservient? I’d like you to be a friend, not a slave.” He responded with confusion, “I’ve never had friend, nor do I know how to be one. Would you please teach me, Mast…eh…, Mike, my f-r-i-e-n-d?” he asked sheepishly. “I’d love to, Friend!” I added eagerly. I moved to him and put my arm around his sculpted shoulder and gently squeezed. He was warm and hard and responded with his arm on my shoulder. It was heavier than I expected. “Well, to answer your first question, it’s the year 2014,” I began. “And you are a long way from Machu Picchu.” ******************* I had a few days before I started work, so we were able to spend some time together, getting to know each other, or rather me learning about his abilities, and Machu Man, learning about what pleased me. The experience was mind blowing. I asked for him to demonstrate his true strength. He told me that was not possible, because he had found no limits. I caught my breath, and tried to comprehend what that meant. He picked up an empty wine bottle and placed it between his pectorals. He flexed his chest and his cleavage grew to almost surround the bottle. Then he flexed harder and I heard glass shatter, but he contained the fragments within his cleavage. Next he began flexing each pec and grinding up the glass between them. I could see the pieces get smaller and smaller until the mixture was like fine glass cement. Then Machu Man flexed harder and his pecs began to heat up. He poured on the power and soon the glass dust was a molten blob of glass that continued to get hotter with the enormous pressure and heat he was generating with his chest muscles. The blob began to boil between his pecs, and evaporate in a cloud of silica steam that was thousands of degrees hot. What happened next was my first observation of his true nature. He inhaled the superhot glass steam through his nostrils, like he was smelling roses. After a few seconds the entire glass blob was reduced to steam, by the heat of his muscle pressure, and inhaled completely. I was speechless. “That is one way I fashioned the huge stone blocks of Machu Picchu so they would fit perfectly together,” he commented. I’d soften the side of a stone block by hugging it real hot. Then when I placed it, the stone would flow like lava and seal with the stone next to it.” I heard what he was saying, but still couldn’t fathom the reality. “I’d pile three or four huge boulders on top of each other and carry them up the mountain balanced on one hand, like a waiter holding a tray.” Machu Man held his right hand up with the palm facing up to demonstrate the position. The movement of his arm caused his biceps and deltoids to flex into a perfect display of hard, ripped muscles, with the biceps full and long in their 22-inch flex. He then pumped his arm up and down as if he were lifting a mountain of boulders. His triceps expanded into a boulder of muscle itself as he mimicked a one-arm press. He seemed to notice my fixation with his flexing, enjoying my reaction. “Then I’d start piling them up, building a wall or arch,” he continued to mime, as he would spread his arms wide to pretend lifting a huge block of stone. His pantomime was extraordinary. His chest and arms exploded with striated muscle fibers as he appeared to lift a huge weight before him. Then things got pretty freaky. “Then I would expand my chest really big like this,” he moaned. “Unnnmmpphh.” His perfect pectorals expanded hugely, filling in the space between his outstretched hands, which must have been 6-feet apart. “Then I would flex my muscle fibers really hot, like I did with the wine bottle.” Suddenly the room temperature spiked from the heat of his pectorals as he demonstrated his power. “Oops, too hot for indoors. But, you get the idea,” he continued his skit. “So I’d soften the entire side of a huge block of stone with my enormous chest, then place it where I wanted, and gently press the stone. The softened face would mold perfectly to fit tightly.” As Machu Man concluded his description of boulder masonry, he seemed to misinterpret my enthrallment. “Have I displeased you Master Mike?” he asked worriedly. “I thought you might enjoy my tale. You haven’t said much.” After regaining my composure some, I tried to respond. “Y... you made the city by melting the stone faces with your pecs?” I finally muttered. “Yes, Mike. That is one of the methods I used to make the stones fit perfectly. It only took a fraction of my strength and power to build Machu Picchu. Stone is easily broken and melted with enough pressure. And these muscles can exert more than enough pressure.” Machu Man raised his arms and brought them down into a double biceps pose. This time, with his hands in the classic position, his biceps erupted into twin Matterhorns of peaked spendor, easily eclipsing 27-inches. My junk could take no more. My erection was painfully confined by my pants, but clearly visible. He smiled and pumped another 2 inches out of his peaked muscle mass, then waited for my reaction. I moaned and pumped ejaculate out of my tented member, staining my pants. “I was worried that my muscle story had disturbed you. I am grateful that you seem to be pleased,” Machu Man spoke softly. “I want very much to please you.” ‘I have never heard of a mason that melted his stone for mortar,” I marveled. “I don’t think anyone has called me a mason before,” he replied. “You know, ‘Mason’ would be a good name for you. It’s kinda clever, if I do say so myself, and it sounds strong, with some distinction.” I was pleased with my suggestion. “What do you think about me calling you Mason?” Machu Man started to respond as usual, “If that is wha…… I mean,… I like …Mason. I can identify with the name.” “Awesome,” I agreed. “Awesome?” Mason questioned. “It’s a current slang expression than means ‘better than ever, great, or super good’,” I tried to explain. “I think being your friend will be awesome, Mike,” he smiled. I melted. After I composed myself I began again. “There is so much to teach someone who has been away for 900 years. So much history, so many new inventions, such a different way of life than you know of. We have machines and tools, electricity and nuclear power…. We’ve even traveled to the moon.” Mason gazed around the room as I spoke and took in everything. He didn’t seem to be overwhelmed by it all, indeed, he seemed to soak it all in. “You need to teach me how to operate all these devices,” he remarked as he scoped the TV, computer, refrigerator, oven, and all the furniture. “I will, Mason. You’ll be amazed with all things in this modern world. But, first, I think we need to deal with your appearance.” “Oh?” he wondered. “Do I need to add more muscle to please you, like this?” He stood more erect and flexed a bit all over, causing him to expand his musculature to a pro bodybuilder size. It was breathtakingly amazing how he could grow at will like that. After I stopped gasping, I said, “My god! That’s not what I meant, but you are magnificent. I was talking about your loin cloth. I don’t think you’ll fit in wearing only a piece of hide. We need to put modern clothes on you. Or at least some shorts that make you more presentable.” I was thinking how I didn’t want to cover up his upper body. “OK, Mike. I’ll take this off” Before I knew what was happening, Mason reached for his waist strap, which was made of heavy rawhide, and easily tore it apart, causing his loin cloth to drop to the ground. There in my townhouse stood naked perfection. I stood, waveringly, as I took in his splendor. He was perfect. His proportions were perfect. His muscle definition was perfect. His skin seemed more perfect than I noticed before. His eyes were bluer than I remembered and his golden hair was perfectly silken. And his manhood was…perfect. In its relaxed state his cock hung with throbbing veins snaking around its perfect 8-inch length. His two testes filled his perfectly sized sac and exuded power. Mason stood there with no embarrassment, naïvely actually, and waited for his next instruction. “What should I wear, Mike?” broke the silence. “Uh, er…. Why don’t you try a pair of my undershorts?” I managed to answer. “Here, try these on. They are stretchy and fit snuggly. Then put on these cargo shorts. The legs are bigger so they should fit you better.” “Thanks, Mike. It’s cool that we both are about the same size, when I’m not flexing much.” ‘Not flexing much’? He seemed pretty big to me. How big could he flex? ***************** Finally, I had to report to work. I told Mason he should watch TV, or surf the net, to learn about what was happening in this era. He sat down and turned on the tube. When I got home he was in the same position, with the TV on a news channel and the computer screen flashing pages at an astounding rate. “Have you been watching that all day?” I asked. “That was your command, Master Mike. Though I must say, much of this news is repetitive and opinionated.” That sounded very astute. “I learned how to manipulate the computer so it would show several pages at one time. And scroll faster than it was set up to. So I was able to read all of Wikipedia and all the books in the Library of Congress while you were at work. Mankind has made many advances, but still seems to allow suffering at the hands of religious tyrants or greedy tycoons.” I heard what he said, noticed the computer flashing multiple pages a second, and tried to comprehend his enormous abilities. “There seems to be a variety of disasters around the globe, earthquakes, floods, wars, killings. Do you wish me to stop them?” he asked, matter-of-factly. “You have the strength and power to stop earthquakes?” I was amazed at the concept. “If you command me, Mike.” “I don’t want the responsibility to decide who gets saved, and who doesn’t. And what unintended consequences might result from messing with Mother Nature. Frankly, I was enjoying your company. This is a new town, and a new job for me. It’s kind of stressful dealing with it all.” Not to mention pondering the presence of a god, which I didn’t. “I was wishing you would be my friend, someone I can count on, for support and comfort.” “Of course, Mike. Let me support and comfort you now.” Mason picked me up effortlessly in his muscled arms and held me close. His warm, throbbing body was electrifying. I felt a surge of energy and well-being that made me shiver. “What would friends do after a day at work?” Mason asked. His question caught me off guard. “I guess, they would head to a game, or go get a drink.” “Game? That sounds interesting. What games do you play?” “Oh, I like to play most sports, I just never had the drive to work that hard. I think there’s a baseball game tonight, at the college. Do you want to go?” “If that is your desire, Master Mike.” I flinched a bit. ************************* We headed to our seats in the bleachers. I bought us each a couple of hot dogs and a beer, to teach Mason the proper way to watch sports. He watched me bite into my dog and enjoy the fatty delicacy. I watched him take the entire hot dog, put it in his mouth, and suck it down his throat in one piece. “You might want to chew your food before you swallow it whole, when you’re in public,” I suggested. “Of course, Mike.” He bit off a hunk of his other dog, chewed once and swallowed. “Please don’t waste your money on food for me. I don’t require it.” “OK,” I agreed. “Let me tell you about the rules of baseball.” I hadn’t tried to tell someone about baseball, that hadn’t seen a game before. It’s not that easy to explain. It is truly a unique game. There are no time limits, a team can overcome a seemingly insurmountable lead in the last inning and win. Plays that count are sometimes out of bounds, like foul flies. And other oddities of the game. Mason seemed to learn very quickly. In the bottom of the ninth, our team needed three runs to wins. We had two runners on, with the winning run at the plate, and two outs. The batter swung and popped it up in the infield. “Damn, I wish he coulda hit a home run, out here in the bleachers,” I unknowingly spoke. “As you wish, Mike.” Mason pursed his lips and sucked in like a tornado. The ball reached the top of its arc and was sucked towards the bleachers, caught in the vacuum of Mason’s breath. Once the trajectory was altered and the ball was headed our way, he stopped inhaling and I watched the ball fall from the sky into his outstretched hand. The home crowd went wild with the homerun, the other team was baffled by an easy out turning into a loss. “Shit, did you do that?” I said staring at the ball in Mason’s hand. “It is what you wished,” he said, proudly handing me the ball. I needed to be careful what I casually ‘wished’ for. “Do you want to go to the bar, like friends?” he asked. “Yeah, that would be great,” I answered, holding the ball in my hand, still wondering how he did that. “Except, you don’t have any ID. You can’t get in without ID,” I stated. “I have been smuggled into places in the past, Mike,” Mason said. “I can return to my vessel and you can carry me in your pocket. Once inside, you can release me where it’s safe.” Huh, that sounded possible. We headed back to my place to get his vessel. ************************** I was curious. “Tell me more about how you and this jar work.” “Of course, Mike. My vessel holds the essence of my power. He, who possesses it, possesses me.” “But, it looks quite fragile, like it could break. What happens to you if your vessel is damaged?” I asked. Mason was lost in thought. “I have not been asked that question before. If my vessel were destroyed, I would have no Master to serve. I would have no purpose.” “While I’m your ‘master’, do you automatically protect and save me, or do I have to wish for every rescue, specifically?” I was somewhat embarrassed that my analytical, mathematical mind was asking such lame questions. “When I take human form out of the vessel, it is my purpose to see no harm comes to you, my Master, as I fulfill your desires,” Mason stated. “Do you still wish to go to the bar, like friends?” His frank honesty, his unbelievable power, combined with his manly tenderness, all wrapped up in a six foot tall gorgeously muscled body, was making me forget about the rest of the world. “Or should I just entertain and please you here?” he asked willingly bouncing his pecs. “My desires to please you are greater than for any other master. I feel stronger, more alive, more powerful with you as my Master, Mike. Thank you for caring about me. No one has ever cared about me before.” “Hey, that’s what friends do. They care for and look out for each other,” I said, putting my arm around his muscled shoulders. “I’m the luckiest guy in the world to have found you as a friend. Who else has a friend that can suck a pop-up into the bleachers for a winning home run?” “Did you like that,” he grinned. “I thought you might. I know you didn’t REALLY wish for it, but it IS what you said.” “Why, you son-of-a-gun,” I joshed, punching him too hard in the gut, a mistake that gave me a sore hand. “You even have a sense of humor. I love it.” Mason looked at me softly with a smile. “OK, here’s my real wish, all the time, while we’re friends. I wish you would show your sense of humor often, and I wish you would express your views freely. I don’t want a sycophant for a friend.” “OK, I’ll just be your lover.” I was silenced. “Ha-ha. My second joke,” his laugh was forced. My face was flushed. He saw my reaction. “I’m sorry, I see I may have offended you, my friend,” he spoke with sincerity. “My past owners have often ordered me to perform for them, as well as win wars. I am inexperienced with speaking freely, with humor. I was trying to amuse you. Please forgive me.” He lowered his head in shame. “Hey, come here. I love you, bro. Now that the shock is over, that WAS pretty funny.” I gave Mason a hug. He seemed to be relieved. “So, I know what will make you feel better, Mason,“ I tried to change the tone. “I wish you would pose and flex and turn yourself into the most beautiful muscular specimen on the planet, just for me.” Mason’s eyes lit up, even sparkled, as his posture regained his confidence. “Nothing would give me more satisfaction. Would you please give me a measurement to work from?” he asked with anticipation. “How about 30 inch biceps,” I responded, finally understanding the question. “Ah, probably the upper limit of most men. And a most wonderfully aesthetic size, allowing for beautiful symmetry on my six foot frame.” Mason took off the clothes he was wearing, my shirt and pants, leaving my stretchy boxers. It was convenient that he could wear my size, so we were able to avoid shopping for him, while my budget was tight. I took a comfortable seat on the couch. Mason stood just a few feet before me. “Thank you for asking me to pose for you. Masters of yore did not appreciate my body as an object of worship, with large bulging muscles. They were intimidated with how I could flex my muscles to huge proportions, making them feel insignificant and insecure. They always feared me.” He continued with praise, “You are different. You have a desire, a fascination for seeing my muscles flexed bigger than anyone has wanted me to flex before. Thank you for liberating me with your desires, Mike. I will do my best to please you.” Wow, please me he did. He began with kind of a dance, that was flowing and sensual. His tightly muscled physique was undulated, and defined. Wonderfully sharp and articulated muscle fibers appeared on his lean body. Then his muscles began to grow. His muscle fibers split and bulged anew, adding inches of hard, vascular, teen muscle to his youthful bodybuilder frame. He started to add a second of ‘freeze’ to his rhythmical movements, stopping to flex a pose. Each pose he flexed, got bigger and more defined. His calves mushroomed to 27 inches of diamond hard, angular, vascular, throbbing, double cantaloupes of snarled steel muscle fibers. The tear drop muscles over his knee looked like two fifty pound bags of cement, that would churn into striated ridges of muscles when he flexed, while the rest of his quad exploded with huge cables of criss-crossing sinew reaching at least 58 inches, each. As his routine continued, he would turn around and show all sides of his amazingly muscled body. His bulbous strips of gluteus muscles, his mogul mountain of hamstrings, all stood out with deep crevasses defining each muscle. His two lower back, spinal cables were thickly twisted muscle strands that could hold a suspension bridge aloft, growing even larger and more rippled as they moved up along his spine. His lats flared out in slabs of thick wings, with individual muscle ‘fingers’ squeezing out of the edges of his wide ‘v’ shape, that fought for space with his ballooning triceps. His traps were casings of bulging sausage that came up to his ears. I was having a hard time absorbing everything I was seeing. The absolutely stunning musculature before me, had not been seen by a human before. I felt inadequate, yet in a way, somewhat responsible for the emergence of his new existence. I could only stare and try to comprehend his power, his strength, all that he was surrendering to me to fulfill my desires. He kept dancing and posing, turning and flexing. I witnessed the most intricate and condensed display of abdominal muscle in the world, within a waist that only measured about 28 inches. The narrowness of his waist sharply contrasted the slabs of pectorals and lats that made up his 76 inch chest measurement. He raised his arms and flexed a double biceps pose. The caps of his massive shoulders fought for space between his head and biceps. The bowling pins of his forearms were 22 inches at least. And crowning the statue of muscle perfection, were two multi-headed monoliths of might, measuring 30 inches around. “Please don’t move for a moment,” I managed to whisper. I needed more time to take him all in, to force myself to breathe. Mason smiled at me and tensed a bit more, causing every muscle fiber to harden to steel, giving his body a sheen. I don’t think I was able to blink for over a minute. “May I move now, Mike?” Mason’s voice shocked me to the present. I managed to nod. He relaxed his flex and sat down next to me, putting his massive arm around me, pulling me to the cavern that was formed by his chest, lats and arm. “I am grateful that you found my vessel, Mike. I have never had a master that wanted me as a friend, like you. It is a very rewarding experience. You have opened my being to new experiences, given me new levels of awareness, released….feelings. I don’t believe I’ve had feelings before. I wish you would help me understand them,… friend.” He sounded like a confused teenager, genuinely asking for my help. “Of course, my Master,” I said, reversing roles. “That’s what friends are for.” *******************************
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