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  1. dangerdanger

    Tomás [ESPAÑOL]

    UNO Conocí a Tomás durante las vacaciones de verano. Yo acababa de recibirme de profesor de Matemática y como el resto de mis amigos había tenido que ingeniármelas dando clases particulares. Por suerte para mi frágil economía el asunto resultó bastante bien y en poco tiempo, gracias a la ayuda del boca en boca y la suerte de encontrar al "Peor Curso de la Historia de la Humanidad", en poco tiempo me encontré dando clases particulares todos los días. Así que cada día visitaba una casa diferente donde encontraba los mismos chicos y chicas que no entendían nada de nada, que si les hablaba de ecuaciones podían llegar a decir que ellos no querían estudiar química y que si por casualidad se me ocurría preguntar que era lo que no entendían largaban respuestas del estilo: —De mitad de año en adelante nada. Así fue como una tarde particularmente calurosa conocí a Tomás. Su mamá me había contactado por recomendación de la mamá de un amigo de él. Tomás tenía diecisiete años y al parecer las matemáticas no eran su fuerte. Lo que primero me llamó la atención fue el tamaño de la casa. Mi padres no eran pobres, ni mucho menos. Tenían su departamento y su casa de fin de semana en el country, pero yo nunca había visto una casa de semejante tamaño en medio de la ciudad. ¡Ocupaba media cuadra! La madre le pidió a una de las mucamas (tenían mas de una) que me llevara al estudio del fondo y se fue ella misma a buscar a su hijo al segundo piso. Atravesamos la casa y salimos al jardín más grande que vi en mi vida. Tenían una pileta olímpica y una cancha de tenis que solo ocupaba menos de la tercera parte e todo. En pocas palabras: una mansión. La mucama me abrió la puerta del estudio y me pidió si me podía traer algo para tomar. Le pedí una limonada. Lo que sucedió después me resulta medio confuso ya que no estaba preparado. Había dado clases a chicos de esa edad y más grandes también. A mis treinta y cinco ahora me daba cuenta de los chico que había sido a mis veinticinco aunque yo en esa época no me daba cuenta. Quizás por eso no asocié lo que estaba viendo con nada más. Un hombre salió de la cancha de tenis después de hacer frontón durante un rato. Llevaba puesto solo un pantalón debajo del cual asomaban unas piernas enormes, largas y musculosas que se tensaban con cada paso que daba. Se podían ver la forma de los músculos con cada movimiento, así como la casi inexistencia de grasa. Eran unas piernas propias de un hombre... y que hombre. Por sobre el pantalón comenzaban los abdominales más grandes y perfecto que hubiera podido imaginar sobre los que sobresalía un pecho enorme y poderoso que brillaba con cada rayo de luz. Todo ese cuerpo de hombre era coronado por unos hombros del tamaño de melones de los que salían dos brazos más poderosos que había visto. Era un cuerpo que emanaba una fuerza impresionante. Una musculatura que parecía estar empujando por crecer todavía más. Se tiró al agua antes de que pudiera ver su cara. Nadó hasta el extremo cerca de donde yo estaba y solo con la fuerza de sus poderosos hombros se elevó hasta salir. Fue la muestra de lo que un hombre era capaz si se proponía crecer, volverse fuerte y solo eso: seguir creciendo. Se elevó en toda su increíble altura y pude ver el rostro de niño de diecisiete años. Agarró una toalla y se acarició apenas cada parte de su enorme y poderoso cuerpo. Todos sus músculos exhalaban juventud, fuerza y una potencia sexual de la que yo ni siquiera había tenido una pizca. Me tendió la mano. —Vos debés ser Diego. Su mano era enorme y fuerte. Sus dedos eran los dedos de un hombre desarrollado y poderoso. Tomó mi mano entre las suyas y al saludarnos pude ver el imposible bicep de su brazo marcándose con el menor movimiento. Yo estaba tan anonadado que un hombre pudiera ser tan joven y tan musculoso que no pude decir nada más que: —Si. Tomás me sacaba más de una cabeza de altura. Era un hombre joven y poderoso. Lo más parecido a un semental salvaje y brillante. La cercanía con sus músculos enormes brillando cerca de mí me hizo perder el hilo de la historia que me había estado contando. Se puso la toalla sobre el hombro y se fue a buscar una remera. Yo quise ser esa toalla.
  2. The fall of the sun stone monastery By Big-Zargo It was a great morning for me and my master Sir Rowan of mourning rise mountain. Sure, it was foggy and gloomy as we made our way to the Sunstone monastery, but we had won a great victory against the witch of the tarnish woods. She was using her file magic to corrupt children and transformed them into red caps who would server her. It was a hard fought battle but the one and were able to save the villages from her tyranny although they were few children who are too far gone to be saved we were able to save most of the children from becoming red caps. I looked at my master he was riding a white horse named Don and currently wearing a light chain mail armor brown leather boots, gloves and helmets. He carried his sword on his waist and his shield on his back his warm brown eyes were looking forward onto the road. We rode quietly for a few minutes as we made our way to the Sunstone monastery and tell Rowan’s face turned around towards me. “Tom my boy, I think it is time to talk about your knighthood. I have watched you grow from a quiet boy into a strong young man, and I think you’re ready for the vowels to the bright one,” Rowan said with a deep kind voice in a serious tone. “I don’t know if I’m ready for my vowels Rowan. I can feel the power of the bright one, but I have not heard one of his messengers speak to me,” I said with sadness in my voice. “I cannot speak for the bright one, but I believe that you’re ready. You just need some more confidence in yourself. I believe you and Theodore should travel to the mountain circle to check on those wizards for me it’s been awfully quiet up there, you two should check on them,” Rowan said with confidence.” “Why must I bring Theodore with me, Rowan? I’ve been Theodore is a nice monk of the Sunstone monastery I don’t think he can make the trip to the mountain circle,” I said with confusion and annoyance at thought talking to the wizards. “I know how you don’t like magic users but not all of them are evil. Magic, power and even our valves to the bright one can corrupt man we may be immune to magical corruption that we are not immune to moral corruption of our mind. I cannot stop you from listening to Sir Gabriel, but his dogged views of magic will lead many innocents to brand the stake of his blind crusade. Sorry about my miniature tirade Tom, I best answer your question. Theodore is needed because a priest of the local Temple to the bright one has died a mysterious death and Theodore volunteered to investigate the matter,” Rowan said. I stayed quiet pondering my master’s wards as in the air way closer to the monastery. As we got closer to our home, we knew something was wrong it was strangely quiet. Rowan had us stop and unmounted from our horses to that we may have on plate mail armor. Remounting on our horses we slowly made our way into the monastery. We heard a shout coming inside the stables. With no hesitation we made our way towards it the horse quickly galloped towards the stables but halfway there the forces began panicking and refusing to go forward. With no hesitation we got off of our horses and began moving forward towards the sound. We heard muffled sounds of it made her way closer. Eventually the fog parted like curtains revealing to us a horrible site. A huge muscular red demon with small red horns pointing up towards the heavens, big beefy arms and huge hands big enough to smother a human’s head in its grip, and his cock his huge monster of a cock… Dear bright one the demon had Thomas up against his cock forcing him to suck on it for that was just too big and meaty for Thomas mouth. With a grunt from the demon huge balls squeezed themselves shooting a load of its demonic cum down Thomas’s throat. He fell to the ground on his butt in a daze. “Speak of the angel and he show up here,” the demon said with a deep to my voice, while turning his face towards Rowan and me. His demonic golden eyes gazing at us with hunger and wrath. “How dare you enter our homes and defile are priests and brothers of the bright one,” Rowan said with such anger that has voice trembled. “What have you done with the other monks and priests,” I asked. I assume that I was not going to get answer from the demon, that he did. Pointing towards the fallen Thomas, we saw how he began to change. His skin had started turning red as curved horns started growing out of his head, both me and my master heard tearing sounds coming from Thomas as we saw his feet new monster feet pop out shoes. Then he had gotten up revealing to us his more changes, his green eyes now glowed like emeralds, his hair had grown back removing his Tonsure hairstyle, his monk’s robes look tight on his body and look now taller. He had quickly removed off his monk’s robes to reveal his new red muscular body, half naked with his pants barely holding on to his muscular thighs. He grinned at us revealing his sharp canines and gear quick flex of his giant muscles. It was if he had lifted boulders and fought off his life. “Who knew falling to evil of this demon… No, my master would be so intoxicating,” Thomas said with a demonic accent. I was in shock father Thomas was a strongly devout man blessed with the power of the bright one, how could he fall to this evil. Then I thought to myself if Thomas could fall to this evil than the other priests of the Sunstone monastery could fall as well or maybe had. Apparently both me and my master had the same thoughts as one each other. Rowan looked at me with a grave face and said. “You must leave this place go to the chapel of dusk-star tell the father Arthur of what happened here gets help get the order of light hammer take the horses and donkey and go!” He yelled out. I wanted to stay fight my master by understood implication, if this demon could corrupt father Thomas and his whole monastery of devout worshipers that might spread like a plague across the whole continent. I cannot let such a thing to happen and definitely since, my master will not allow this to happen now in a fight. I turned around and began running towards the horses, running from my home. But I found my path blocked by other muscular demons, William, Michael, Oliver, and Leo were all blocking my way. These once innocent people were transformed into muscular demons especially Leo, he was big and wider than the rest may be because he was in the blacksmith of the Sunstone monastery. Dammit, I didn’t want to fight these demons especially since they were my family. But I didn’t have to fight them I just had to get past. I brought out my sword and shield and started looking for opening for me to escape. I heard noises coming from behind me and knew that my master was fighting the 15 feet tall muscle demon. “I can’t let you leave here Young squire.” I slowly turned around making sure to keep track of the four demons around me. I saw a man holding a repair, who looked familiar looked to me. Especially with his black mustache and goatee and his Gerrish yellow and purple shirt. I tightened my grip on my sword as I said. “Asher the Bard, I knew something was off about use especially when you play summer sunshine during that girls funeral. That song way too upbeat for a funeral, it was distasteful for such an occasion.” “summer sunshine on the wind was Rose’s favorite songs know. She would’ve wanted me to play it as her funeral,” Asher said while nodding his head. With one lift of Asher’s left finger, I felt my body stiffened and become unresponsive. Against my will I was lifted off the ground and turn facing me to the battle between my master Rowan and the big demon. It looks like my master was winning. Although demon was not bleeding the bunch of slashing burn marks on his skin. That the bright one’s power and my master skills would fail this evil creature. With a burning slash mark on the demon’s hairy chest the fiend was pushed back up against of the stables. “Enough paladin I find myself growing weary of this battle and I find your fighting skills to be lacking,” the big red demon bellowed out. In a flash the demons burn marks healed before our eyes. Empty demonic hands suddenly are equipped with giant demonic sword on his right hand and a short blonde metal rod. Seeing this change from the demon my master switch stances to the warrior’s vigil preparing for the onslaught that was to come. the warrior’s vigil was a defensive posture with my master’s blessed heavy armor and shield by the bright one’s blessing he should be able to handle the big demon’s onslaught. It was a site to seeing my master shield tanking and redirecting the blows of the big demons giant sword while he parried the big demons rod with his sword. Each attack from the demon pushed Rowan back and back. Rowan was pushed to the limit by the demon and forced to use the full powers of the bright one that was bestowed to him. holy light began pouring off of him glowing angelic see-through wings sprouted out of his back, as he began to fight back. The demon switched out the rod for a big plane -looking shield with no adornments and the visible markings. Rowan started his counter with site cut, then a shield batch, then use morning rise technique, then fold up with dusk fall, then fold up with beard taker and a bunch of different types of martial techniques. The demon kept pace with Rowan’s onslaught with his shield and sword. Each attack from Rowan causes the demons shield to glow with the same light as Rowan and as it did so my master started slowing down. With one final cut from Sir Rowen’s sword the demons shield broke crumbling to pieces rather than being slashed in half, but as the shield falls apart my master fell upon the ground in defeat. “NO!!!!!!” I screamed out, in shock. The determination I tried forcing my body to move against Asher’s spell that had restrained me. “Well, that was quite impressive if Great-Z do not have a counter in mind the bright one’s power then Rowan would have had a high chance of winning big Billy. Still, he put up more fight than the other paladins of the Sunstone order. Now what to do with you…Hmmm…. Well at the kill you the bright one might know of our plans for this place, if you keep you just here as a prisoner is a chance you can escape or the bright one might find out. You’re not a paladin of the Sunstone order just the squire…Hmm... Know what I’ll ask Great-Z once I return to the mountain circle. I guess for now it’s best that you just sleep.” With the point of his finger in my word of power everything faded to black. When I woke up, I found myself in a dark smelling dungeon with very few lights in the form of dim torches next to me. When I tried to move, I discovered that was chained up to the wall by my arms. Before I could try to pray for help from the bright one, I heard her clapping sounds. “Clap… Clap… Clap” the torches began to glow brighter before turning blue in the darkness of the dungeon moved away revealing the scene before me. My master Sir Rowan, he was chained up as well with shackles on his wrists holding him up in the air and shackles on his feet preventing him from kicking and or moving and most humiliating of all he was naked. I recognize him by his muscular body his long brown hair that was skewing his face, especially that big scar on his right side of his thigh. I could only see the right side of my master. I turned my face to the right to see the big red demon. Now that was tied up I took a closer at the big red creature called Big Billy, as I thought he was 15 feet tall, extremely muscular big barrel chest he was peppered with black hair allover his red body, his big feet and hands were tipped with sharp black fingernails, he had a face of a brute, with a chin strap beard, no mustache long black hair tied up in a ponytail, two black small horns pointing up to the sky, demonic golden yellow eyes which may be feel fear and something else that couldn’t recognize… Wait… It was lust? That thought brought me down past the demon’s abs to his huge soft cock and big hairy balls. “Well, Well, Well look what we got here. The famous paladin of the bright one Sir Rowan of Sunstone order here to grace and bless us all with his presence,” Big Billy said in a deep sarcastic tone while walking up to the imprison Rowan. With his huge fingers he moved Sir Rowan’s hair away from his face before delicately moving his face up by his chin. “What do you want me, what do you want this monastery and what did you do to Thomas and the other monks of this monastery?” Rowan said with anger and hatred in his voice. “To answer your first question. to you this,” big Billy said. The magical gold ring appeared in his hand. I was barely able to see it, but it clambered in the light. I saw it float down to my master’s cock and slip around his shaft reaching his balls. A sling as the ring slipped on my master cried out in pain. “To answer your second and third question. I took over. With Asher’s help we were able to subvert the eyes of the bright one from this place long me to come in and start corrupting your family, transforming them into muscle fiends things to a combination of my power and great-Z’s. Don’t worry we didn’t corrupt everyone,” Big Billy said while snapping his fingers. More of the dungeon showed revealing the rest of the order of Sunstone, Sir, Kade the clover, Sir Armstrong the mighty, Sir Sam the Swift, and Sir Tybalt the Passionate, all shackled to the wall like me. While the rest of the other brothers and priests were in cages next to the exit. “As you see Sir Rowan, there are very few uncorrupted people left. I could of corrupted this whole monastery by the time you and your squire came back. in fact, I’ll let Thomas out so by the time you got here you can see your feet. To serve the muscle fiend trio as one of our muscle fiends. Great-Z is the most powerful, the most cleverest, wises and smartest of us, of course I would say the one you called Asher would be the more persuasion and charming of us. Well, you can say I’m the muscle of our group,” Billy said while flexing his left arm. “He’ll not be able to get away with this the bright one always finds a way to smite evil,” I said with conviction. “Please with little one, shut up.” with that decoration from the demon, I felt my mouth become numb. The Billy had an evil smile at the idea came to him. “I think I have the fun idea, a sexy idea. I was planning to break your friend first, transforming them into muscle fiends, but I think you be more interesting if I go for, he you first. You’re probably wondering whether that golden ring I clamped around your cock. The special magical item designed by Great-Z to corrupt paladins. Even now it’s subverting your defenses make you more susceptible to demonic corruption in particular to my corruption. By the time last of your friends will have succumbed you have been begging me to stuff my big cock up to your Virgin whole. It would be even funner and more delicious to break you first rather than your friends,” Billy said before giving Rowan a sloppy kiss. At first Rowan resisted the kiss, trying to thrash his head around it but Billy hold on his head was to firm. Eventually Rowan stopped struggling against Billy’s hold and stopped moving relaxing his body. Billy parted with the kiss, Rowan cock became erect. “What have you done to me, you fiend. why am I so God’s Dan horny,” Rowan said Panting out the words? “As we speak the rings power is subverting your divine protection and your strong will. It should take a couple days for the ring to corrupt your spirit but for a little boost from me it should speed up. Great-Z will be pleased at the results,” Billy said with sadistic grin on his demonic handsome face. To me, my master and others horror Billy forced Rowan to swallow his big red cock. My master Rowan struggled and choked on the big meat stick, before Billy let go. Instead of moving his head away Rowan began leaking at Billy’s cock starting from the head and tried making his way to the demon’s balls. I turned my head in discuss and closing my eyes. “Well, Well looks like it took longer than I thought three months rather than a couple of days. How annoying, still either your will is stronger than we thought or the ring is taking its sweet sexy time with you. You must love the taste of my cum by now. You must crave it, every time you see me, and every time you want to worship mine cock more than the bright one. Don’t you Rowan,” Billy said. I turned my face around to see my master and the demon. Rowan was still naked but time has passed his hair was clearly longer and had growing a beard. I realize the disturbing implications of Billy’s statement. If Billy has some form of time of manipulation powers, then we would be in trouble. His power would have to be massive to manipulate time. Clearly Billy was not some dumb brutes the demon had some are a lot of skills magical powers. Whoever this Great-Z that he and Asher mentioned must be very powerful indeed to control a demon with the great power. I pray to myself, hoping that the bright one would answer and sent us free alive or dead. Rowan was doing another round of cock sucking for Billy. I had no idea how many times Billy had force Rowan to suck on his cock but judging by the way my master is pleasing the demon they have been doing a lot. That didn’t know how long it would take for master to break but I pray for strength to him and myself. we Still had hope as long as the bright one lives in our hearts and long as we live, we will make it. “Is time for a test a final test for you Sir Rowan is quite simple I’ll let you leave here a live. It’s quite simple all you have to do is take your squire there and leave. I’ll even sweeten the deal for you if and your squire leave and passed through those stairs up through the monastery I’ll let everyone who has been transformed into a muscle fiend go. Free as a bird, butterfly on the way,” Billy said. With a snap of the demon’s fingers shackles holding me and my master released. I immediately fell to the ground and barely caught myself from hitting the ground face first, but I found that I could barely move as if preventing fall had drain all the strength, I had me. I heard steps coming closer to me. I couldn’t tell if it was my master Sir Rowan or the demon big Billy. All I could do was pray that it was Sir Rowan. I see it be this week if I had the vowels then maybe I could have gone away to get help. I felt myself being turned around and to my delight and horror I saw Sir Rowan; I could see blood red skin spreading across belly and thighs, the golden ring glimmered with demonic energy on my master’s erect red cock. I master easily lifted my body like I was a child in my father’s arm. Each step that my master took I could feel the ring pulse with demonic energy. The closer we got to the stairs the more powerful the forces from the ring became. Each step my body betrays me for my cock began to rise and harden. My master’s breath became more haggard as we got closer to the stairs and our freedom. I silently prayed to the bright one to give my master strength. On the way to the stairs, I heard the others give out encouragement to Rowan in the attempt to give him strength. As Rowan made it to the first step of the stairs in our freedom, we heard the demon make one last temptation. “Would it be fun if you and I plunged are hot cock down your squire’s virgin ass hole and make them squeal like a pig in heat,” Billy said. My master policy before turning around and saying. “No master his virgin ass is mine to take and ravage as I please,” Sir Rowan said in a deep demonic voice. He began walking back into the dungeon and as he did so the others uncorrupted began saying “No” in disbelief. I try to resist but had no strength to get out of my former master’s arms. Each step closer to the rising stone slab made my cock twitch and my ass hungry to be filled by Rowan’s cock. Rowan’s hands trembled as he placed to me on to the stone slab. It was cold as the grave, while in my master’s hands felt hot like the sun. He leaned in close to me and spoke. “You’re like a… Son to me, and I am p…p…pr…oud, proud of you son.” voice changing back and forth from his normal to the deep demonic I heard earlier. “I’m so…so sorry for failing you… You. I am sorry for failing the bri….Uw Fuck boy are you ready to become a real man a real muscle fiend, because I’m stuffing my fat cock down your virgin hole son. Prepare for your knighthood son.” Rowan’s voice completely shifts to the deep demonic tone as his brown eyes turn golden yellow. I knew that I must resist Rowan’s advances but a part of me always wants to obey him a part of the always wants to make him proud and by letting him ravage my ass it would make him happy. Besides I’m about to be knighted by my master. I knew the rings was now effectively, now that it was done with my master. My resolve my resistance broken by a master’s fall from grace. That was pretty hard to think when you Rowan stuffed his fat cock into my ass. at First there was pain then it blossomed in two pleasure as my master’s cock with in deep and the demonic dark magic passed through. In and out and in and out again my master went bringing me pleasure as he did so. We began to transform into our glorious forms. Rowan’s cock started growing inside me, as the dark magic flowing out the ring changing light inside so that I can handle my master’s girth. red began spreading out starting with my cock and where it touched, I changed becoming stronger. Before my eyes I started seeing my cock swelling grow as it turned red. Wherever the red spread to, on our body’s growth followed. Once brown hair became black as midnight on Rowan’s body. Already lean muscles grew and swelled as demonic fire passed through our veins. Starting with my master first, the red started from his belly and thighs and spread-out words. It had crept along reaching his pecs making them swell and grow as they turn red. He started becoming taller and wider as the red reached his neck. It had spread across his shoulders causing them to swell with the strength that could hold mountains. It flowed down into his arms starting with his biceps growing and filling out with strength then reaching his forearm with the veins popping demonic blood through them, reaching hands that’s swell, fingers growing to the size of sausages tipped with black fingernail like clause. Finally, the red had flowed up to his head his teeth sharpen, his face became more masculine, his ears grew point tips, and grew two small cone shape horns on his head. I was so fixated on his transformation that did up in those minds and tell my pecs grew on the tip of my vision. They even notice or know when my hands began massaging my big fat red cock. Unlike my master the red started out spread through my hands rather than shoulders. In fact, I had not even noticed the change in weight into my arms as to the demonic magic that was transforming me ran through my veins. The more had change spread through my body less of the old me remained. The light which would have will let me use the bright one’s power was now turning dark and as it did so, I reveled in it. The whole time as my body was going through these changes, I was feeling hot and tingly. Course I felt all the pain that didn’t matter to me all that did was the power that was flowing through my veins. Even as it had spread to my head. Black body hair started popping out all over my fiendish body peppering my barrel chest, huge arms, mighty back, plump ass, tree trunk thighs, thick calves, and my huge balls. Eventually we had to came and shot are load of cum and sealing our feet. We panted in our afterglow. Rowan moved backwards so that I can get up from the stone slab. I walked forward for a little bit before kneeling so that Big Billy could Knight me, with his big cock. Without even looking I had known that it had grown long as a sword. “I knight thee, Sir Tom Hell Knight of the Fiendish trio. Now suck my cock,” my new master big Billy said. I looked up and saw my master’s long cock shrink and split into two big fat cocks. “Now come my two knights taste your masters seed and rejoice your new freedom from their humanity,” mastered said. We began sucking on our masters’ delicious cocks, and as we did so he bestowed us more power in the form of knowledge and skills. The more we pleasured him the more he grew in our power. My former master Rowan had plenty experience of pleasure in your master and therefore was able to get more knowledge from him. I could’ve have sucked on his cock all day but eventually my master shot his delicious demonic load into our mouths. Rowan and I got up and began examining each other. We have become muscle fiends and we were damn sexy fiends. Rowan was 9 feet tall, big muscular body with the barrel chest, peppered with black hair all over his body a down pointing triangle shaped of further was on his chest, pointing down to a treasure trail that reached his cock and balls. His big muscular body was supported by muscular thighs. I had known without even looking that had the same type of horns as Rowan. I also knew that my body hair was more rounded and spread out like a bear. We both knew that we are stronger, faster, smarter, and more durable than humans, that the powers we once had or potentially could have had, were now enhanced by Fiendish trio’s power. We looked around for our next victims. Rowan could choose from any of the nights and squires from the sun stone order, while I got the priests and monks from the sun stone of order. Brother Theodore’s fat ass was looking nice and plump to me. I made my way to where the monk was held. I could smell the fear coming off of him as I came closer to his cell. Smiling I grabbed the fat pig of a man, his weight being no problem for my new string. Wasting no time, I had him on the floor on all fours. I opened his ass cheeks and with one spit on to his cherry from my demonic saliva he began to moan in pleasure. “I always knew you wanted some dick; you damn fat slut. Does all those vowels of abstinence really give you strength to resist your base urges. Well, it doesn’t matter little fat piggy I’m about to make you into big boar,” I said as I plunged my fat demon cock into his ass. Theodore moaned in pleasure as I was fucking him. Each thrust of my cock triggered him to turn red and grow, starting from his ass. I could feel his back muscles grow tighter getting bigger as his shoulders widening with growth. Red had quickly spread across his body flowing down from his torso to his limbs. His once light brown hair became black as it began spreading across his changing body. Through my connection to Theodore, I could feel his balls swelling growing bigger, his cock becoming fatter and longer dripping the last of his humanity through his cum. Each thrust I was giving him gave was stuffing pounds of muscles into his changing body. Each limb was just as thick as my even a little bit bigger with the fat covering it. When the red spread to his face and to Longhorns grew from his skull, I knew he was ready to come and finish his transformation into a muscle fiend. With the roar from both of us we came, me giving him one last growth spurt as we did some. The smell of sex was in the air as me and Theodore got up. I looked to see the master and Rowan spit roasting Sir Armstrong causing my mouth to water at the sight. Armstrong was turning out to be a big muscle fiend and he was almost done as well with his new massive demonic body. he was going to be 11 feet tall by my estimate and wider than Rowan and me. I decided to look for my next victim among the sun stone order. I found that they were broken or stirring to break, some of the priests and monks were starting to masturbate as our glory some even begging to join us and who am I to say no to that.
  3. geektofreek

    A Conversation with my Son

    I don’t usually like to talk about these sort of things. Personal problems and such. But my son, Aidan.... He’s just growing so out of control! You would think at nineteen-years old he would have stopped or slowed down a little. But no, not him. It’s almost as if his growth just keeps on increasing. Taller, wider, bigger. This never ending factory of testosterone! Especially his muscles. 270-pounds now. I’ve honestly never felt so small and inferior around another man before! “M-“Maybe it’s time you get a girlfriend or something, Aidan...“ I couldn’t help but stutter one night. Right at the dinner table. Watching him obsessively flex between each few bites. So in love with own increasing prowess. His own muscles. He could barley take his eyes off himself. “Meh...” Aidan, grunted in response. Finishing off every last bit of meat. *BURRRPPP “No ones really captivated my attention...” He continued. Giving his mammoth muscle arm a couple of pumps next. 24-inches of hulking teenage bicep. Seeming not even the slightest bit interested in the conversation. No girls. Not even guys. I honestly wouldn’t have cared if he was gay. But it was always just about his muscles. Nothing more. “Plus, I honestly just want to focus on getting bigger...” Aidan, stated like always. Pumping the Everest-sized peak of freaky bicep, right up against his face. Staring at it obsessively. “Bigger?” I stuttered. Actually dropping my fork to the floor. And yet the topic of conversation held me completely captivated. With my curosity finally at a tipping point. I just had to know... How big did my son want to grow? “Well, like... How much bigger...?” So I finally just had to ask. Seeing a bit of surprise in his face. The big wheels in his small head, slowly began to turn. With his face even turning a little red. It was almost as if he was embarrassed to admit. “It’s ok, son... We’re all friends here.” I tried to comfort him. But even my own curiosity wasn’t prepared for the magnitude of my sons muscle lust. “I don’t know, Dad...” Aidan, finally spoke up. “I’ve honestly been having the craziest dreams...” He continued. Already making me gulp. Watching him bring down one his arms. Adjusting himself in his seat. Pulling and tugging at his skintight bulging gym shorts. “Muscle growth dreams, I guess you could say...” He even bit his lips a bit. “Muscle growth dreams?” I questioned. “Yeah, Dad...” Aidan, gulped a bit. “Except sometimes, well... I don’t ever stop growing!” He shockingly continued. “Bigger, and bigger, and BIGGER!” Groaning with this insatiable lust. Cringing the words through his teeth. “J-Jesus, Aidan...” Leaving me to stutter in even more disbelief. Especially as I watched his huge nipples began to harden up. Adjusting himself so much in his chair, it began to creak and crack. Almost as if he was getting horned up. “400... 500-POUNDS of muscle!!” Aidan, unexpectedly snarled. This untamed beastly muscle lust. Suddenly flexing into a most muscular pose. blowing his tank-top apart like paper. Right at the diner table. *RIIIIPPPP* “F-FUCK!!” Making me squeal like some school girl. Shrink into my chair. Suddenly overshadowed by these two absolutely monstrous blimps of muscle-breast. Pecs bigger then watermelons. Twice as hairy as my own. “But you’re already so big, son...” I blubbered in confusion. Feeling as if I had opened up the biggest can of worms. And yet he was nowhere near finished describing his fantasy. “More... and more... AND MORE!” He shamelessly continued. “800-pounds... 900-POUNDS! Urrghhh!” Aidan, really groaned. Grossly bucking his hips, his huge dick, a couple times against the underside of the table. “1000-pounds...” Aidan, shuttered. Whimpered. As if that was the ultimate number. This big ungodly muscle goal. “Unnghh... I’m so sorry, Dad...” Aidan, cringed. looking down at his foot-long boner. Actually lifting the table off the floor. Trying to stop himself. Control himself. “The big pussy crusher”, I heard his friends once refer to it as. “I just get so excited...” Aidan, admitted. Rubbing his gigantic shirtless muscle chest. Flicking his huge rock hard muscle nips. Even though he was embarrassed. But then again, this wasn’t the first time this had happened. Seeing my son uncontrollably horned up was becoming an increasingly awkward event. Usually occurring after a heavy workout. But never so randomly like this. “It o-ok, Son...” I tried to be supportive. “That’s quite the hungry appetite you got there...” I stated admiringly. With his cock still raging out of control. Sliding the dishes slowly towards me. My unsatisfied curiosity drove my ignorance to whole new playing field. “Is it even possible for someone to grow that size!?” I don’t know why I asked. Obviously it wasn’t possible. And yet I just couldn’t seem to stop myself from feeding back into my sons insane fantasies. “I don’t know if it’s possible, Dad... but I want it SO BAD!” Aidan, groaned with unbearable lust. Cringing and biting his teeth helplessly. With his cock suddenly throbbing, raging, what appeared to be a whole inch bigger. I thought he was going to cum! Remembering all those times I had to change his sheets the past couple months. All the wet dreams he was having... Were they really all just about him growing!? “Jees, son... At that size, you’d be squatting semi-trucks.” I chuckled jokingly... *RIIIPPPPP* “SEMI-TRUCKS!? Unnnghh, DAD!!!” Aidan, roared with embarrassment. As he finally cummed uncontrollably. “My LEGS would have to be ENORMOUS!!” He roared with wonder. As if I exploded his imagination. Watching his gym shorts actually blow apart. With his huge horse crushing cock emerging. Engorging to a whole new level of monstrosity. Gushing like a fire hydrant. So much cum I didn’t even think it was possible! Rope after rope of thick warm semen all over the chair, the table, his feet... his gigantic ape-sized hairy muscle legs. “YOU shouldn’t SAY such things, DAD!!!” Aidan, had totally lost it. Groaning in totally agony. A big rumbling pleasure explosion. Tilting his neck back helplessly. What a fucking beast. With his eyes closed in cringing embarrassment. I shamelessly peeked underneath the table... “Oh god...” I weeped even more. How was this my own creation? My own flesh and blood? My own son? Never seeing a cock so big in my life... Not even in the wildest of pornos! And he just couldn’t stop cumming. Leaking so much man-juice all over the floor. Even his shoes. Draining his big bull-sized testicles down to the very last drop. Like he hadn’t had released himself in months. Rumbling our tiny house as he helplessly bucked his huge car crushing muscle butt. “Dad... Please...” Aidan, choked up a bit. Knowing I must have been caught. “Please don’t look...” He even begged me a bit. I didn’t know how else to respond. Raising my head up. Seeing him still panting with his tongue sticking out. His face stuffed around nothing but muscle. Suffocated by his traps and pecs. Drooling helplessly down his colossal hairy chest. “I swear, I’m not gay!!” Aidan, unexpectedly continued. Looking beyond perplexed. “I just really... REALLY like MUSCLE!” He shuttered a bit more. Shooting out one last throat choking load. All his muscles bulging, tensing. “Jesus fuck, son...” Was all I could seem to say. “I guess I better start buying you more chickens then...”
  4. TonnyGiant

    Married Life - The Series

    This series will show what life is like for a couple. A 92ft giant and her normal-sized husband. I hope to continue if I have a good acceptance from readers. I also hope you enjoy reading and forgive me for my bad English. *********************************************************************** "Where's my tie?" I cursed Derek for hiding my new tie. “Don't be dramatic, little man. I just took your new accessory to wear on my thumb. ”His voice boomed over my head. He was lying on our bed adapted to his 92ft size. In fact, our house was built for him and adapted for me. I am a 28 year old man and I’m 5’10” tall. I'm a bank manager right here in Fort Collins, Colorado. Although I'm from NYC, I decided to live in that city to be closer to Derek after his drastic change in size. Derek Theler, actor and model who became known for his role in the comedy series "Baby Daddy". To tell you the truth, I was never a fan of this series, but I could only see that bullshit for one reason: the scenes that Derek showed his abs. He was always a big guy, a giant for many, for most people. Now, after the transformation, he has become a titan. We've been married since he grew up. When it was still in its normal size of 6’5”, Derek and I had a hidden case. But, this is past. He plays with my new tie tied to the tip of his thumb. He drew, two eyes and a crooked mouth on his fingerprint and started to imitate my angry voice. He at least tried to imitate my voice. With his deep voice it was comical to hear him imitating a voice ... squirt. “Where's my tie, you stupid giant ?! Oh, your brain didn't keep up with your body growth! Comedy actors should be banned from growing up ... oh, don't do that. Oh, don't do that and blah blah blah blah ... you need to relax little man ” Derek snorted and smiled. He leaned on his side, and his hand came towards me. I was on the platform that was placed beside our bed. On that platform was a kind of relaxation room, almost like a second bedroom for me. I asked them to build this for my privacy. I only use that space to change clothes, and in those moments when I want to be away from Derek. It's nice to have some extra space for me besides my playful husband's humongous chest. Trapped in his index finger and thumb that catch me by the edge of my shirt, I was placed sitting on his forehead. It was hot. He had just woken up. He frowned and my fingers were caught between the folds of soft skin on Derek's forehead. I tried to let go, I made a lot of effort, which caused the deep laughs. He smiled and shook his head. "It is very funny to see that the wrinkles on my forehead caught your hands ... HAHAHAHAHA ... you are so small!" “Or are you the one who's too big. Realize that it was with you that things changed. I am still normal ” After speaking the normal word, I swallowed. I just passed a fine line to Derek. Ever since gigantized men began to emerge, they were soon labeled freaks. Aberration was the mildest adjective they used. Some gigantized men have managed to overcome this aggressive treatment by us “normal” size people. There were support groups for giants, which helped them to overcome the rejection by the normal population, and also helped them to control the desire for rampage and the acceptance of the new size. When you are 92 feet tall, physical superiority makes the giant feel entitled to decide on the life of those who are underage. This has already cost many people their lives. These help groups were for giants, as alcoholics anonymous are for us. And Derek, my playful giant, attended giant aid group meetings. He humorously dubbed the group AA for giants. And in this group, giants were taught to control their feelings towards small people. They helped them to see everyone as normal people, and the word aberration was permanently discarded from the vocabulary of the giants. The two other times I used that word in relation to Derek, it was devastating, so we promise never to use it again, or anything that resembles that word. He took me from his forehead, placed me on my private platform and handed me the tie. His smile was gone. Derek got up from the bed. He started to act normally, but I saw in his face that he was offended. As he walked around the room, doing simple things like choosing what clothes to wear, I admired his now titanic body. His bubble butt, round and big as two mountains, was wrapped in the cotton fabric of his underwear. Its broad, massive back could easily be used as a running track for a small person. I had already run a lot on those backs. He turned to face me and caught a glimpse of his toned abs, a perfect six pack, broad chest, massive and defined, pink nipples as big as my head, a trail of little hair that ran from his navel to his groin. The treasure trail. Derek was already a God to me in his old days, and now ... it exceeded all expectations. He leaned down with his hands on his knee and looked at me. I smile sideways, but without any grace, a mechanical smile. “Your tie is beautiful. I'm sure your boss will love it ”his voice boomed. “Honey ... I'm sorry. I didn't mean what I said ... ” “You will be late, Timothy. You don't want to be late on your first day after your vacation, do you? ” he walked away towards the kitchen. I took a deep breath, put on my tie and got off the platform by the ramp. It wasn't tiring, sometimes I went up and down with Derek's help. I followed his thunderous footsteps around the house. The ground shook as Derek walked through the house. I tried to draw your attention to an apology, but it was in vain. He didn't even look at me. Defeated, by the hour, I turned and walked out of the full-size door built for me that was next to the 110-ft door made for Derek. "Until the night, dear" I gave him a kiss before leaving, but he didn't turn to look. Derek was stubborn, sentimental and sweet, but he knew how to throw a tantrum and break someone's patience like any naughty child. He was my giant child, and I loved him, and I know he loved me. And because I knew he loved me, I was upset with myself for implying that he wasn't normal. How stupid I was! ####### I arrived at the bank and greeted all my co-workers. I went into the office of Kevin, the bank manager, who for some reason praised my tie. I remembered Derek. I pushed the sad thought away and smiled at Kevin. “Tim, I have great news! And when I say big, it's because I'm talking about something big. Our new client is a famous guy ... maybe he's friends with your husband ... and speaking of Derek ... how's that big guy doing? Hahaha ... I remember the day I invited you to dinner ... my Camaro is still flat ” Kevin had the ability to speak non-stop. It was annoying and Derek calls him a Hyena. I smiled at the memory of how Derek smashed Kevin's car. My giant husband feigned concern and regret. Kevin cried when he saw the pet car flattened like a cookie. "That was funny ..." I said through laughter, but I stopped myself. "Well ..." Kevin rolled his eyes and went back to talking about our new client "He may be friends with Derek from Hollywood ..." "Kevin, not all actors are best friends in Hollywood, not even giants ..." "But, Mr. Cavill said he knew Derek and that he always watched his show ..." I widened my eyes in fright when I heard our new client's last name. Wouldn't it be possible that Henry Cavill, now a 92ft titan, would be our new client? Yes, he would be. Fort Collins became the destination of many giants after the giantization took place. Perhaps because the mayor and the governor of the state were also giants and ended up welcoming their peers ... in short, Henry Cavill, would be our client and every new renowned client, famous, vip, received a welcome dinner given by me or by Kevin. “It would be interesting for dinner to be at your house, for very obvious reasons. These monsters know each other ... I mean, sorry ... I didn't mean that ... shit " "It's okay, Kevin" I raised my right hand to interrupt him "I'm going to have dinner at our house. Friday, can it be? ” "Perfect" Kevin noticed my irritation and agreed to have dinner on Friday at my place. ####### “Baby, everything will be fine. I will cook. I'll make the best macaroni and cheese in all of California. ”He did a double bicep pose. "Honey ... you know we're not in California, do you?" "Of course I know. Still my macaroni and cheese is still the best. Now, come here little man ... ” He leaned over and wrapped his hand around my body. Lifting me up to his face, Derek looked at me with a sly look that showed how much he wanted to play with me, but I was still ashamed of how I treated him earlier. “I'm sorry, big guy. I didn't mean those things ... ”I closed my eyes and shrugged. "Do not worry. I was pissing you off and you just shot back. I won't let you love me because of nonsense ... I talk a lot of nonsense ”he shook his face imitating a dog. "Sometimes, I don't think I deserve you" smiles. “And yet we have been together for five years. Now, I need to relieve my lust. Come with KING DEREK ROOOOAARR ” He imitated King Kong by carrying his gift. Derek came into our room and sat on our bed still carrying me in his fist. He only wore underwear while I was still wearing the work suit. He placed me among the valley of his powerful pecs and looked at me with a lustful, calculating, penetrating and threatening look. It was the look of a predator. “Take off your clothes, little man. Today I will degrade you until my lust is no longer a problem ”he squeezed his pecs on me, making me almost choke. We agreed that in our room, during sex, Derek was completely free to show his superiority, so he could use words like: bug, pathetic, ant, and others that showed how big, strong and powerful he is and how much I am only a weak human close to him. This “humiliation” excited me. Don't judge me, if you had a giant like Derek Theler, you would know how I feel. I started to undress and quickly I was naked. My clothes were thrown over the length of Derek's magnificent chest. Skillfully, he took each tiny piece of clothing between his fingers and stared. He kneaded the clothes into a ball. “Clothes of pathetic little human” threw the ball of clothes on the floor “Now, walk to my groin and start working on my cock. Be a good boy and satisfy your master, OK? ” "Yes Master" With my heart pounding, my small, erect cock giving me over to Derek. I had no way to hide. I was there, stripped of any shame, given the luxury of my giant husband. More and more as I approached his giant mast, I felt the warmth of his skin on my soles. Walking on his abdomen, I tripped over Derek's incredible and ripped 6 pack. His deep laughs still helped to make me fall, as I couldn't stand. Gathering my strength, I approached the crevasse of the giant stick. That thing was bigger than my whole body. A viscous, translucent liquid spilled from the crack that pulsed every time I got close, It was like I was hungry and I was the meal of the day. Taking a deep breath and containing my own orgasm, I hugged the tip of the stick and bathed with pre-cum. It served as a lubricant. Derek's cock was hard and his veins were as thick as one of my legs. His heavy cock was lying on his divine abdomen. I slid down and lay under the big cock. I hugged as much as I could, but my hands couldn't quite wrap Derek's cock. Using his pre-cum as a lubricant I started to massage and sending shivers down Derek's titanic body I heard his deep throaty moans coming from above me. I massaged with more density and strength than I could apply. While massaging, my own dick was in contact with the hot meat of Derek's dick. I was almost reaching a climax. A huge hand hovered over me and wrapped around my body and Derek's big cock. He pressed me against the hard, oiled wall of his cock. His moans increased as Derek rubbed me up and down on his cock. At first it was slow, but soon it was gaining strength and a fast pace. I was getting exhausted when he roared. "OHHH FUUUUUUUUUCK SHIIIIIT" Derek fired charge after charge, like a giant-sized geyser. His cum flew all over his abdomen. He picked me up and down my body to his balls, with his right hand he continued to squeeze his cock that kept spurting cum and with his left hand he squeezed me between his balls that looked like wrecking balls. I kissed, massaged and stroked Derek's titanic balls to the fullest. And then the shaking stopped and I cum on his balls. I was tired. My sweat was mixed with your pre-cum. I was lifted by Derek's skilled fingers. He lifted me up to his mouth and sucked greedily as if he were sucking the best candy on earth. He drank my pathetic cum and wiped me off with his saliva. After that orgasmic bath, he pulled me out of his mouth and smiled as he looked at me. "I love you, little man" "I ..." I took a deep breath "I love you too, big guy" We still had to plan the next Friday's dinner for our famous giant guest, but that was only after I slept among my titan husband's pecs.
  5. BrandedX2

    Tuck Wants a Loan

    by Brandedx2 (Like this story? Find more tales of huge guys getting taken down a peg at my tumblr and if you have a custom tale you want me to spin up for you, let me know! I do commissions.) People could tell, Rob knew. He had clients to train, he still had a workout to get in himself (if it even mattered, now), so he was stuck there at Global Gym. He had a reputation at Global as the biggest bodybuilder in a gym full of heavy competitors. He was also known as one of the most approachable guys in the gym, imposing in stature but by all means a gentle giant. He had a number of fans in the gym’s clientele, as well as the gym’s owner Clem and his idolizing son Terry. Everybody cheered when he got his pro card the previous year, all in agreement that there wasn’t a more deserving athlete around. Rob was used to having all eyes on him. But after what Tuck had done to him that day, those eyes made his veins cold. Between clients Rob eyed the scale outside the locker room. He’d been avoiding it all day, terrified of what it was going to tell him. He tried to let his eyes, the way his body felt, be enough, but he had to know. He hopped on the scale and looked down: 240. That morning, when he’d weighed himself after getting out of bed, he’d been 284. He’d walked in the gym that size. And then, standing in the locker room, he heard the shrill laugh of his least favorite “client” and turned around to see skinny, tattooed little Tuck in his usual tight wife-beater and cargo shorts, cracking his knuckles and looking Rob up and down with a look that always made the big bodybuilder shiver. “…just a little bit?” Rob said, side-eyeing Tuck, wishing he could get away from the little guy who was inching closer to him. “…just for a little while?” “Big fella!” Tuck said with a laugh. “If I didn’t know better, I’d think you didn’t like having me around. Yeah just a little, yeah just for a little bit.” Rob looked around quickly to make sure no one was around when it happened (Tuck probably didn’t even care—he didn’t care about much) and then Tuck, wiggling his fingers wildly, reached out and poked him. He felt a sudden chill, and just like that, the size drained right out of Rob and into Tuck (forty-four pounds, he would find out later). His shorts fell to the ground and his tank top hung down like a dress without the rest of his bulk to fill it out. By all accounts he was still a big man, but nowhere near the massive size he’d been a moment before. Tuck looked like a heavy-weight prize fighter with all of the extra mass, and he’d even got taller. He shadow-boxed a bit, flexed his new muscles while Rob sadly examined his own diminished form. Tuck gave him a shove (he stumbled forward, not expecting the sudden force and his own lack of mass) and then took off. Rob had clothes he kept in the bottom of his gym bag for the times that Tuck “borrowed” from him; they were his old workout clothes from several years before, back before he’d gained the mass that made him a terror to the superheavyweights onstage. He remembered being that size and feeling big, but going back to it was too much. What was worse, the smaller shorts and t-shirt still looked baggy on him. Rob was used to stretching XXXLs to the limit, and he couldn’t even fill out an XL. Tuck had taken more that day than ever before. There was nothing Rob could do to fight it. Tuck had all the power. He had to play nice and wait until Tuck was done playing around with his mass, until he decided to give it back. That feeling of weakness was almost too much for Rob to bear. “What’s up big man?” said Leon, a big powerlifter and Rob’s occasional lifting partner, taking a break from his heavy squats. Leon used to say Rob was the only guy big enough to spot him. Rob nodded back as they passed each other, terribly aware of the difference in their sizes. Rob hadn’t felt that small next to somebody in awhile. Later on his client Carlos turned to him during posing practice, while holding a front double bi, and smirked in his direction. “Hey, Big Rob, my guns are looking big as yours, no?” Carlos took a step toward him to compare. Rob backed away and swatted at him. “In your dreams, buddy,” he said. “You’re good. Hit the locker room.” Meanwhile across the gym, Tuck was curling a loaded barbell with sloppy form, showing off for a few spandex-clad ladies doing lunges nearby. Girls had always been the core of Tuck’s objectives in stealing size from him, Rob noticed. At the end of the day, Rob paced around the locker room, a little panicked. He hadn’t seen Tuck in a couple of hours, and after searching the entire gym Rob couldn’t find him. “Oh, hey Rob,” Clem said, walking through the gym about to lock up. “I didn’t know you were still here. I can leave you the keys if you still want to work out.” Rob felt a pit in his stomach. What if Tuck took off this time? It would take years to build all that size back, if Tuck’s power even allowed that possibility. “Uh… Thanks, Clem, I think I’m gonna hang out here for a bit if you don’t mind.” Clem smiled and tossed Rob the keys. “You in a heavy cut phase or something?” Clem said, looking him up and down. “You look like you dropped some pounds.” “I’ll be bulked back up again soon enough,” Rob said, praying that was the truth. Tuck strode in with a loose swagger over an hour later. Rob would’ve knocked the kid out if he wasn’t so terrified of the kid. “Sorry, Bobby,” Tuck said, scratching his crotch. “I was plowing this chick out in the parking lot just now. She could not get enough of this!” he said, gesturing to his physique. “Oh, man, what’d you think I wasn’t coming back? Bobby, you wound me, buddy. You really wound me.” Rob shrugged and feigned a smile. “Naw, I knew you were coming back.” “I suppose you want to go back to normal,” Tuck said. Rob bit his lip and clenched his fists. “Man, you are such a big baby sometimes, Bobby. You’re lucky I love you.” Then he flicked Rob right in the forehead. Rob’s mass returned in an instant, and he felt a sudden pain all over as he burst through his clothes. They fell to tatters and Rob stood there, massive and naked, his posture finally relaxing after a brutal day. Tuck burst into riotous laughter at the sight of the giant man exploding out of his clothes. “Bobby, you are ridiculous, buddy!” said Tuck, once again five feet and a hundred pounds. He walked out of the locker room and Rob patted himself down, thankful to be himself again. That was all Rob heard of Tuck for awhile. Usually he could count on a visit from Tuck every month, whenever the little guy was itching for girls at the gym, but several months passed and Rob was relieved to find that Tuck didn’t come around. His career started turning up, as well: he got a huge sponsorship deal, a photoshoot with Flex magazine, and Clem asked him to be the face of Global gym. The first day it was unveiled, Rob looked humbly at the larger-than-life size poster of himself, twenty-feet tall, outside Global gym. He couldn’t believe where his hard work had taken him, and he couldn’t have asked for a better place to do work. Terry, Clem’s beefy son, greeted Rob at the door. “Your picture looks awesome!” Terry said with stars in his eyes. “Thanks Terry,” Rob said warmly. “One of these days you’re gonna be up there.” “There’s Big Hollywood!” Leon said and punched him in the shoulder. All eyes in the gym were on Rob. He couldn’t feel prouder, until he walked into the locker room and saw Tuck standing there. “Bobby! You’re a big deal now, aren’t ya!” Tuck said, arms crossed, a sly grin on his face. “Aw, Bobby, you always clench up when you see me. If I didn’t know better I’d think you weren’t happy to have me around!” Rob looked around quickly to make sure the locker room was clear. “Uh… Tuck, I… what do you… doing?” Tuck smiled. “Relax, big Bobby.” He pulled out a wad of cash. “This time we’re gonna train. Regular. Big man teaches little guy how to lift weights. Deal?” He extended a hand. Rob, relieved, shook it. “Finally want to start adding some mass of your own, huh?” Tuck handed over the cash. “Look, Tuck, if you’re really serious, I can take over your diet, your supplementation… Hell, I can get you juice if you want it. Just say the word, buddy.” Tuck started stripping out of his clothes, stood there naked, a little awkwardly close to Rob. “See, thing is, Bobby, there’s this chick out there right now who will blow your MIND. Huge tits, ass like heaven, body that looks like it was built to fuck… Man, she’s got me DROOLING, Bobby, but she’s only into massive guys. Like big giant freaks your size.” Rob grinned as he put his gym bag in the locker. “Don’t worry, Tuck. I won’t steal her from you.” Tuck, still naked, bounced his eyebrows. “Oh, I’m not worried about that one bit, big Bobby.” Then he grabbed a handful of Rob’s big back. It hit Rob hard this time, like needles everywhere. His body compressed so fast everything was a blur, and he found himself stumbling around, his arms and legs suddenly tangled up. His head ached for a moment, and he felt like he was going to throw up… then the vertigo passed and he looked around, shocked at how much bigger the locker room had gotten. His tank top and compression tights were tented around him, and as he stood he watched his whole body slide through the neck hole. His body—that couldn’t be his body! Still tan, but tiny all over, a size he’d never been even in adolescence: shoulders, arms, legs, chest, all so narrow and bony. Even his dick was tiny now, and he put one tiny hand down to block it. He felt exhausted, and like he was moving in slow motion. Then he noticed the huge shadow cast over him. “Fuck YEAH!” roared a low, bovine voice. The sudden eruption scared Rob so much he tumbled over, his little heart pounding rapidly at the sight before him: Tuck was ENORMOUS, every part of him bloated with massive muscle, skill covered in tattoos which made the presentation all the more intimidating. Tuck aggressively hit a crab shot and grinned at the mirror—Rob had never seen anybody so big! Terrified, he scrambled backwards, eager to get away from the giant man stomping and flexing and growling. “Where do you think you’re going?” Tuck said, tossing his old wife-beater and shorts at Rob. “You agreed to a training session. Only it’s gonna be me showing YOU how to move weights, little man! Get dressed little guy. I’m gonna borrow your old clothes—seeing as you couldn’t use them for anything but a circus tent!” Tuck gave his now-massive cock a swing. “Hopefully I can fit all this in there,” he laughed as he pulled on Rob’s clothes, which fit like skin. “Let’s go little guy.” Rob felt like he was going to be sick as he walked out on the floor. He had to take two steps just to keep up with giant Tuck’s long stride. All eyes were on them—or rather, they were on the massive tattooed beast Tuck had become. Rob was shaking. He was terrified that someone would recognize him, but as he walked out, he realized nobody was even looking at him. That was almost worse. “Grab some dumbbells, little man,” Tuck barked. “Time to do some curls.” He crossed his arms and smirked down his chest at Rob. Rob headed over to the weight rack—how much would he be able to lift? He looked toward the smaller weights. He reached for the 20s, but a young guy—a guy who had asked for Rob’s autograph and some lifting advice the day before—elbowed him out of the way and grabbed them himself. Rob grabbed the 15s and walked over to Tuck, who tilted his chin at him. “What are you waiting for? Curl!” Tuck growled. Rob strained. He couldn’t believe he could get his arms to bend. “I… I can’t…” he said quietly, shocked at how soft and high-pitched his voice was now. Tuck laughed and slapped his knee. “Are you serious? You can’t even curl those?” He walked over and grabbed some 80s. “Lemme show how to curl, little guy!” His form was sloppy but his massive physique still impressed everybody around. Tuck winked at a blonde fitness model nearby. Her name was Catherine, Rob knew; she did only go for monsters. She’d been flirting with him a lot that week, and he’d thought about giving her his number. “Go get some water,” Tuck said, racking his dumbbells and heading over to Catherine. Rob was stunned by the height of the water fountain, which was now at about eye-level to him. He stood on his tiptoes to reach it, barely getting water in his mouth. He turned around and ran into what felt like a brick wall—it was Leon, who looked GIGANTIC to Rob now. “Watch where you’re going,” Leon said politely, yanking little Rob to his feet with one hand. Rob glanced across the weight room and saw beastly Tuck, now making his pecs dance while he chatted with Catherine. He had a little time, he figured, so he quickly headed to the locker room. His gym bag felt massive to him as he fished it out of his locker—it was bigger than he was now! He had to text his clients and reschedule before they showed up. As he struggled with the zippers, he felt a hand on his shoulder. “That doesn’t belong to you, sir!” A strong hand yanked little Rob away from the bag, and another yanked the bag away from him. It was Terry, who was now twice the size of Rob. Terry gave little Rob a shove. “Theft is grounds for termination of membership.” “I-I wasn’t stealing!” Rob pleaded. “I was just… I thought it was mine.” “What’s your membership number?” Terry asked with an eyebrow raised. “0-1-6-1-1,” Rob blurted out, suddenly realizing Terry had no doubt memorized his number. “Uh-uh,” Terry said, grabbing Rob forcefully. “You’re outta here.” Rob begged him to stop, told him he could explain (even though he had no idea what he would say) but still Terry very easily dragged little Rob to the door while everyone in the gym stared at the scene. “My coach!” Rob begged, pointing at Tuck, who was too wrapped up in Catherine’s admiration of his giant body to notice. “He’ll explain!” “Nope,” said Terry, shoving Rob hard. “Beat it, or I’m calling the cops, reporting you for theft and trespassing.” Flat on his back outside Global Gym, Rob stared up at the giant image of himself at full-size and burst into tears. It was too much. He looked up and saw Terry on the phone inside and quickly pulled himself to his feet and walked to his car. He tried the locked doors, realizing that his keys were inside, in a bag that belonged to someone he didn’t look like anymore. He walked around to the opposite side of the car and crouched down as it began to rain. Everything would be fine, he told himself—as soon as Tuck set things back to normal, everything would be fine. Hours later he saw Tuck strutting from the gym, holding Catherine’s hand. Rob stood up and sprinted for the two—but they were on Tuck’s crotch rocket before he could get there. Tuck sped away, never even acknowledging little Rob, stood there in shock, wondering if he was ever going to see Tuck again.
  6. LionBUff

    Quality & Quantity

    Quality & Quantity By: LionBUff (part one) Duncan Heftfield walked into the fancy-looking science building through the glass double doors. The doors were labeled with a white decal that read "Seed Studies." He walked in wearing denim jeans that fit but still displayed his strong stiff body and a casual short-sleeve button-up shirt with shadows along his chest and one down the center of his stomach. His cowboy boots suggested that he wanted to show off his cowboy side while still looking nice. Duncan was told not to release any sperm for the past week for the study of his seed he scheduled. He wanted to get his official breeding license to become a professional horse breeder. He wanted a license to prove he would keep his horse farm full of foals. This was a little more than obvious in the bulge that waved as if it were a boulder behind his zipper. He checked in as if it were another doctor's office, waited, and eventually walked back to meet the sperm specialist. The room he was taken too looked like any other doctor's office except that it had more than one poster of the male organ. As Duncan stared at these maps of the male body, a slim male human walked in with the standard doctor's outfit and clipboard. "Duncan Heftfield, I am Dr. Sporos," the young 26-year-old human told him. He took a quick peek at his clipboard and said "so... you're a 3,000 pound Clydesdale bodybuilder. That alone makes you sound like a god of mating, to be honest," Dr. Sporos said growing a blushing tint on his cheeks. Duncan laughed quietly thinking Dr. Sporos' reaction was adorable and flattering. "The mares always say the same," Duncan pointed out arrogantly. Dr. Sporos looked at Duncan and said he would be surprised to hear otherwise. Dr. Sporos looked down at the bulge in Duncan's jeans to inspect his size and was frozen with lust and amazement to see just how big the lump was under his zipper. Duncan flexed his meat as soon as Dr. Sporos looked down. The golden zipper line seemed to crack a smile at Dr. Sporos, the zip itself jingled as if it were talking. "Anyways," Dr. Sporos said regaining his focus, "you've excelled at all our previous tests. You can shoot your seed at almost twice the distance of the average horse, your cock is more than heavy enough to get the mare to ovulate, the only thing we need to test now before you get your breeding license is the volume and quality. We need to know how much sperm is in your seamen and we need to know how much seamen you can produce in general. Basically, you need to demonstrate the Quality and Quantity of your seed." "Sounds fun," Duncan said smiling. His bulge turned into what looked like a small head breaking free from his jeans. Dr. Sporos noticed the bulge growing and said; "First, I need to check that you're physically healthy for the test. But honestly, I think you're ready!" Duncan stood up and stripped down. Dr. Sporos secretly wished Duncan was a little more dramatic with his undressing as he fantasized Duncan on a pole in a cheetah pattern jockstrap. "Take your time, I don't mind," Duncan said trying to make Dr. Sporos feel more relaxed. For ten minutes, Dr. Sporos' hands squeezed Duncan's heavy sperm sack like he was tenderizing it. He rolled his fingers around each testicle carefully, each individual musky orb was bigger than both Dr. Sporos' fist combined. He squeezed the scrotum the sack hung from as if he were milking an utter. Dr. Sporos felt how pent up Duncan's balls were. The heavy and slimy load slapping against the walls of his testicles felt like a bag of warm slime. Duncan grinned at how carefully the doctor under his cock was examining him. Duncan was half-hard when the doctor reached his cock. Like his sperm sack, the doctor squeezed his thick shaft as if he were milking it. Each inch of the 20-inch veiny pipe was squeezed carefully. After Dr. Sporos confirmed what was already obvious from Duncan's bulge alone he gave himself time to calm his meat down then put his coverings back on to be taken to the lab. It wasn't long before Duncan was in the "Seed Study" lab. This lab wasn't like anything Duncan had imagined, it was instead nothing short of a wet dream of a room. There was a heated seat on one end with a tv on the other end. in the middle was the machine that would extract his seed, a tube with a pipe held up by an industrial tripod with a clear tube on the end closest to the tv that attached to a bucket on the ground. "The bucket is about the size of a mare's womb, it tells us how full your partners will be," Dr. Sporos told him through a speaker on the ceiling. "Any questions?" Duncan looked at the black reflective tv screen and asked: "what's that supposed to do?" Dr. Sporos laughed and said; "Motivate you. When you're ready the tv will turn on and from there it's self-explanatory." "Got it," Duncan responded. "Ready?" Dr. Sporos asked in a slow and deep voice. Duncan unbuckled his belt and unzipped his pants. The sound of him stripping down in that small room echoed loud enough for Dr. Sporos to hear it over the mic. Dr. Sporos blushed to this sound and did his best to stay professional. "If anything goes wrong just yell, I'm going to be listening the whole time for safety reasons. Is that ok?" "Yeah it's fine," Duncan said dropping his pants. Duncan grabbed the bottom of his shirt and guided the fabric around his muscles. Duncan threw his shirt on the ground beside the stand and walked around the machine with nothing on. His heavy, full, musky balls swung around freely as he walked around. He wanted to see every last inch of this breeding machine before he made a mess out of it. He had used almost as many breeding mounts and cum collectors as actual mates but this one looked much nicer. He hadn't even heard of a bucket designed to hold the same volume as a mare's womb but there it was. Duncan remembers the size of every mare he's been with. Each time he finished their stomach was always noticeably inflated, shrunk back down as the mare absorbed all his seed, then grew to be only slightly bigger the day the foals were born. He wondered if the bucket could handle his load. Duncan knew there was only one way to figure that out as he inserted himself into the machine. His mushroom tip was a fraction of an inch away from the tip connecting to the bucket. His cock pushing against the tube turned the tv on in front of him. A logo popped up that read "The Best of Breeding." The top of the logo had a "stream of cum" that splashed out of the "hole" the cock was in and filled the screen with solid white before fading into black and revealing a menu screen. A logo popped up that read "The Best of Breeding."
  7. Scott begins to tell on a personal blog how his life is the son of a house of massive giants. If you have some experience in living with giants in the same universe as Scott, please share your story here ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Today is 7/1/2019Hello everybody, How are you? Hope so. Today I tell a little of my story and what it's like to be the son of a couple of muscular giants and how the giants came to be. I hope you'll excuse me for spelling mistakes, but I have to run with the writing. Soon my parents will be home and I will not be able to type, understand? The ground shakes a lot and it's bad to type.Anyway .... let's start ...It all started after the government decided to insert the growth serum into civilians. When such a serum was discovered, the news spread throughout the world and other countries thought that we Americans would once again impose our will and supremacy. They were not wrong. The serum was injected first into some soldiers for fighting at extreme risk places. Some of these giant soldiers were also assigned to areas of extreme poverty to help those most in need. And others only stayed on the war lines to ensure security.Well, as was said by the government, not everyone could have the serum. It was a very restricted thing. But everything that man touches, with his greed for power, becomes harmful and harmful. The serum was smuggled and replicated and sold for a fortune. The chemical composition of the serum only reacted in men. Men of any age were modified by the serum. After smuggling and the appearance of more giants roaming the land, the government decided to regulate the serum to be sold under the rigors of health laws.In addition to the military, other groups were "blessed" with the serum. Policemen, firefighters, some businessmen, athletes (mostly football players and basketball players, even a special league was created for them), doctors and lawyers could also have the growth serum. The most important requirement to have the serum and its modifications was: to have no history of violence. The part of the society that was becoming giant was mostly made up of gentle giants, a little playful and awkward, but they were all gentle.It was not interesting for the public coffers to have giants of 35ft, with huge muscles, being violent and crushing everything ahead. And that's where my story begins. I am the son of a giant. A gentle giant, married to another gentle giant. I'm adopted. I was dropped off at the door of this giant's house after my parents fled and never heard of them again. I know, it's a sad story, but that's beside the point now.My parents are called Tedd and Kevin, and my name is Scott, or Lil Scott, as my parents like to call me. Tedd is a police officer, is 35'7" tall, weighs many tons of massive muscles coated with a layer of fat. He has a thick, dark beard, and some white hair leaving that grayish aspect.His chest is so wide that I can sit up and talk to him. My dad Tedd is 45 years old and has been in the police force for over fifteen years. He looks young and since he had his body modified by the serum, he has never changed. Whey slows aging.Kevin, 38, is 34'8" tall and has an incredible body. He is all muscle, almost no fat and would make a pro bodybuilder be envious. Kevin, just as Tedd has a body covered by hairs, but he does not wear a beard, as he says it scares many customers who are looking for him. There are still humans who can not coexist with the giants. Kevin works for the public defender. His work is stressful, but he likes what he does. My two parents like to help people. And I ... well ... I'm Lil Scott.And when I'm trying to type the stories in my diary, I feel the tremors on the floor of my room. I know you're both at home. Usually it's my father Tedd who arrives early from his shift at the local police. And today it looks like he's taking my dad Kevin to some sort of date. This passionate couple thing. They will celebrate the five years of marriage. I bought a gift for two ... a couple of giant jockstraps selling on the internet.Damn it! Another shudder and the pictures in my room almost jumped off the wall. Can you wait for me? I'll take a look at what's going on._______________________________________________________10 minutes later...You will not believe it! My dad Tedd invited two more friends to a poker game before heading off to a giant party in the central park where the city's only giant nightclub works. I think I have not talked about it yet, but when the giants became part of society, houses, clothing and even oversized utensils were created to meet the needs of the giants.I know you can not hear me or hear the bangs here at home, but it looks like a herd of elephants is circling the room. It is incredible and frightening at the same time to live among these titans. I know I will not be hurt or stepped on purpose, but it's always good to be careful. In the house where I live, my parents have made a separate room for me and I have everything I need.The giant steps are getting stronger, I think my father Kevin. And soon he will knock on the door of my room to give me a kiss. He's very kind and affectionate to me, not that my father Tedd is not, but my father Kevin likes to talk to me and always asks if I'm dating someone from school. Tedd is more practical and always says I need to study and not date. They are different, but I love them both.I'm going to need to leave ... again ... my father's loud voice Kevin is shaking the windows of my room. I'll be back soon guys!_______________________________________________________Hmmm ... so this is my little boy's blog? This is so cool!I hope my little Scott does not feel offended if I enter anything here. Well, I can not type on the keyboard of Scott's notebook, my fingers would crush the whole thing and I do not want to let my little son upset with me.Well ... let's see here ... what can I say ... I'd better start telling you how I can type here. Well, after the giants appeared a lot of technology was developed to help in the interaction between normal size and us giants. I plug into Scott's tiny notebook a USB cable that attaches to my tablet where there is a voice command program where I can use my son's minor things. It's a formidable gadget and I really like all technology made to help us communicate with you, little men ... heheheheI apologize, I forgot the presentations. My name is Kevin, I'm a big lawyer and I work in the public defender's office in New York. I love eating pizza, I love going to the theater and I enjoy spending the most time with my son and my husband Tedd. I'm 38 years old and 34'8 "tall. Face! I am big enough to smash a car with my knee and there is no way I can fit into their tiny houses now. That would be funny ... I've never crushed a car with a knee ... I'm not violent or anything cruel ... but, I'll put on my wish list the item: smash cars.Assuming you readers of this bolg are all normal-sized humans, here's some trivia about us, the giants. Yes, we were modified by the serum the government created for the soldiers. Our parties are always showered with lots of sex, amazing orgasms and lots of interaction with the little ones. We like the size difference and it makes us excited. Our penises are larger than the largest human ever listed on earth. Our asses can crush homes and our voices are deep.I'm going to tell you a secret: I have a fetish for feet. Yes, I like that my feet are massaged by a tiny one like you readers. I get so turned on that I cum without without even touching me. Tedd likes to rub his furry cannonballs over you. All these jokes are legal and there are no fatalities, for even though they are very large, we have a sense of our strength, and I repeat: we are not cruel giants. But even so ... we like the game of humiliation that our giant and massive size incites.Oh shit! My Lil Scott is coming back and I need to get out. I'll put the notebook in place. Well ... I took Scott's notebook from the side window of his room. He leaves very close to the window so he just stretched his fingers and pick up the little thing. Damn it! I was caught ... he entered the room and saw me stirring and talking on the tabletSorry, puppy! Dad was just sharing some curiosity with the readers of his blog ... not losing his head with his big daddy, okay?_______________________________________________________Guys... my father Kevin was very invasive taking my computer to write on the blog, but from what I saw he left some legal information here. Well ... I promise that someday, when I have free time I will interview each of my giant parents and share our adventures with you.See you next time !!
  8. MuscleStud

    Muscle Slut Blog #5: Day 2/Night 2

    Link to Muscle Slut Blog #1: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/20660-muscle-slut-blog-1/ Link to Muscle Slut Blog #2: Day 1: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/20671-muscle-slut-blog-2-day-1 Link to Muscle Slut Blog #3: Night #1: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/20677-muscle-slut-blog-3-night-1/ Link to Muscle Slut Blog #4: Day #2: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/20686-muscle-slut-blog-4-day-2/ Muscle Slut Blog #5: Day 2/Night 2 So the good news is we have two new members of the Mimbo slut family. Aaron and his boyfriend, Jordan, took their first dose after dinner. The bad news is these studs are already sex-crazed, and I have no idea how we will survive them. If I do not survive, at least I will die with a smile on my face from being fucked to death. LOL…. Seriously, they are fantastic guys, and glad they are becoming part of this crazy new extended family that Dad and Uncle Bob created. So where were we with the blog, oh yes we ended it after Sean, and I first fuck in the bathroom. I looked over at Sean and could not believe what I saw. It was Sean, but it also was not. His body has mutated into a super heavyweight bodybuilder with about 5% body fat. He was massive, ripped, and crisscrossed with veins. He was exceptionally masculine and beautiful. Every muscle was perfect and could be seen individually. We kissed as lovers would and enjoyed exploring each other’s new bodies. I could feel the heat and power radiating from Sean’s muscles as my hands roamed all over. The best was when Sean trapped my hand by flexing his right bicep and pinning it against his forearm. I returned the favor by flexing my pecs and pinning his hand in the deep valley between my pecs. We both stepped on the scale, and I was at 267 pounds, and Sean was at 262 pounds. For me, that is a change of 87 fucking pounds. I asked Sean if he had any idea what was going on, and he said hell no, but who cares. He said he loved it, was still horny, and was ready to fuck me again. I agreed with him. Sean grabbed my hands and led me out of the bathroom and pushed me down on my bed. In the bathroom, we fucked like animals, but now it was lovemaking. It was passionate, enjoying the experience, working on pleasing each other, and of exploration. We licked, kiss, sucked, felt, and explored every part of each other’s bodies. We 69’d each other and drank each other’s load as we came together. We wasted nothing as we drank every drop of cum and the kissed to share the gift that was given to each of us. We took turns topping and bottoming as we explored our new masculine sexuality and sharing this incredible pleasure. I realized that I loved both giving and receiving and could not understand why someone would not want to top and bottom. I guess I am just a slut and proud of it. Even with being new at gay sex, we did an incredible job of making each other very happy. We did do some laughing during our lovemaking session. One was when I was fucking Sean and guess we got a little carried away because we broke my bed. I said it was because of our combined weight, but Sean said it was the force I exerted while fucking him. No matter what, we did destroy my frame bed, and laughed at how we would explain it to our Dad’s. Sean suggested that we just tell them that they don’t make them like they used to. I just think it was because they did not design it to support close to six hundred pounds of weight during sex. Sean, being a total nerd, said that we should use some of our physics knowledge and figure out the full force I exerted. I laughed and told him later because his ass was not completely fucked yet. As we laughed and cuddled, my Dad, announced his arrival home by knocking on my open bedroom door, standing in the doorway with a little smile and major erection, and saying something like it looks like you guys have had way too much fun. I am guessing that I turned as bright red as Sean, and we both shuddered to try to get works out of our mouths. Dad just laughed and said to get cleaned up and come down for dinner that Bob should be here in about 20 minutes. And like that, he just turned away and walked down the stairs. I should have been embarrassed and shocked by Dad catching me fucking Sean. I felt delighted about it. I was proud of my body, and the performance in fucking Sean that Dad had to have seen. I am hoping that he saw the entire show because wasting a good fuck is a terrible thing, and it is better when we get to show off. Sean and I lay in bed to catch our breath and talked about being caught by my Dad. Sean was like me and did not care and said that we did find our Dad’s fucking last year, so they have no room to complain about it. We laughed, and Sean said that we should at least grab a shower since we were covered head to toe in sex. I would have been fine going down still covered in sweat and cum, but we could be nice this time. We got up and walked into the bathroom. It is nice that when we built the house a couple of years ago, Dad wanted me to have a master suite like him. The house was set up with a master and guest room for each of us; Dad’s bedroom was on the first floor with the living area, and mine was on the second level. We have a large unfinished basement that we used for storage and a massive garage for all of our vehicles. Guess one of the benefits was that He and Bob could fuck themselves silly, and we would never hear them. Going forward, we will see who makes the most noise now. LOL. We walked into the bathroom and saw the new me in the mirror for the first time that I could comprehend what I was becoming. It was still my old face but slightly different. More rugged and masculine plus a solid five o’clock shadow that I never had before. I shaved this morning and can usually go two days before I need to, but it seems that is not the case anymore. Might have to start shaving twice a day now going forward or get into having facial hair. The body I was looking at was nothing short of an incredibly sexy stud with a massive well defined muscular physique. Every muscle was hyper enlarged from what I was just a day ago. The most massive professional bodybuilder would pale in comparison to me. As I moved and flexed, the muscles would become more enlarged and ripped. I looked more like some of the morphed cartoons that you see on the internet. With the size, I should hardly be able to move, and it was graceful and beautiful. I felt like my body was designed to handle this much mass with veins extending from the muscle that highlighted the definition and size. Before, I had very little body hair, but now I had some it just the right places. Not enough to cover or hide the muscles and definition but to enrich the look and help to make it manlier. My cock and balls were beyond impressive, even with it not fully erect. My cock was as thick as an empty toilet paper roll and appeared to be at least ten inches long in its semi-erect state. My cut head had a big mushroom head that would scare anyone that is about to be fucked by it. The balls were handling low and lemon size that seemed able to produce large about of cum. I was speechless because I did not look like I did yesterday, but I loved what I had become. Who knew what the cause was, but I loved it. I loved the mass I was carrying, I loved the power that I felt as I flexed and saw the muscles expand beyond my belief, I loved the gratification when the muscles were rubbed or caressed, I loved the sexiness that I felt, I loved the pleasure that I gave and received during the sex we have been having with this large cock, I loved the feeling of showing off the body to anyone that I came across. Most of all, I needed to find out what caused this because I never want it to go away. I saw Sean was engrossed in his body and was sure he was thinking and experiencing the same thing as I was. We talked for a while about our love for what we had become, the love that we have shared, and our hope that it will never end. I pulled him close and quietly said how much I loved him, thankful that I was experiencing this with him, and never wanted him or this feeling to go away. Without a word, he grabbed my head, and we met for a deep and passionate kiss. I wanted the kiss to go on forever and wanted to make love but knew if we did not stop, we would never get downstairs. I pulled away and said that we should get busy with getting cleaned up and get downstairs before they come looking and catch us fucking again. Sean noted that finding us would not be a bad thing but agreed only if we could shower together. I said that was my plan all along. We were surprised that we both fit and took care of washing each other and exploring the muscular beasts that we had become. We did have to quickly blow each other and drink down a load of cum because, as we washed, we became aroused and did not want to head downstairs with our cocks fully erected. I enjoyed showering and washing Sean and knew this would need to become a regular thing. Besides the enjoyment factor, our new size made it impossible for us to reach most of our bodies. We finished the shower in less than 15 minutes and started to dry ourselves off. That also required some assistance because we could not reach. We began to laugh at the thought that we were going to need help with just basic things like showering, but then it dawned on me about what we were going to do for clothes. That caused more laughter as we talked because I said we could just go as we were, but I am not sure our Dad’s would be ready for that. We did finally fit into some workout shorts I had, but even that had issues. One is that they barely contained us, so it bordered on pornographic, and the second was if we started to get an erection, our cocks would just ripped through. It was the best we could do and head down. Found them both sitting at the kitchen table with a smile on their faces as we walked in. Uncle Bob said something about what great looking studs we have standing there and for us to grab a seat as we need to have a group talk. We talked about an hour and covered a lot of things. They both admitted that they were bisexual and have been lovers since freshman year in college. Our moms were also bisexual, and the four were involved in foursomes and groups sex starting in college and continued until we were around five years old. Uncle Bob said that his wife left when she decided she would rather live as a lesbian and ran off with someone she met online. We told them about watching them at the motel and laughed and said they realized the curtain was not closed the next morning. They asked why we never said anything, and we said because we knew you would when you were ready, and it did not change a thing. Uncle Bob said we need to discuss the changes you boys are going through. He said that they had given us two doses of a compound called Mimbo Drops that is designed to improve and enhance men. Their workout buddy Kyle works for the lab that created it and wanted to share it with his workout buddies, but they needed some research on the effect on teenagers, so that is why they gave it to us first. The plan was to change us, and then they will complete the process too. They apologies for not asking, but they wanted us to experience naturally and see how we liked it because it can be reversed before the last dose. They gave us the first dose last night, and the plan was to talk today and see if we wanted to continue, but after seeing the changes, they dosed us both this morning. I looked at Sean and smiled and spoke first and said that I love what this Mimbo Drop has done to improve me and thanked the guys for it. Sean said the same thing only he wished we knew so that we could have enjoyed it more. Our dads laughed and said from what they saw; they did not understand how we could have enjoyed it more. They asked if we had any hangups with being gay as the drops do change your sexual orientation. I said that we had that part WELL under control, and all of us laughed. Sean asked for the third dose now so we could get it started on completing our change. My Dad said that we would need to wait until after dinner as Kyle was coming over and needed to get some blood samples and stuff for the lab before we dosed, plus you have to wait 12 hours between doses. I asked them when you guys were going to join the club as I flexed my biceps. They said that they needed to finish up a couple of items related to work and get affairs in order but wanted to do it as soon as possible. Sean stood up and said that we need some new house rules, and one of them is that it is clothing optional as we had nothing to wear, and these shorts were killing him. I agreed, and we both stood up and ripped our shorts right of and tossed them aside. I said to Sean that we need to properly thank our Dads for the gift they gave us as I walked toward my Dad. I picked him up and realized how light he felt and realized what strength these muscles. I told him how much I loved him and began kissing him. I held him close to my body so he could feel the muscles and power and showing him the love I had for him. I told him to explore and enjoy the body that he created twice. Once in the conception of me and the second was him evolving me. While we continued to kiss, I reached down and pulled off the shorts he was wearing to free his ass and cock for me. I so wanted to fuck him but was scared I would hurt him with my massive rod, so I decided that he was going to get the blowjob of all blowjobs. I was laying him on the kitchen table like you would a baby. He had a large, for a normal human cock, and I wanted it now. I sucked, and service his cock with a passion and determination to get him to cum as quickly as possible. I fondled his balls and played with his ass while he screamed encouragement until I felt his balls tighten and cock swell. That is the moment I knew I was about to enjoy the cum that made me. He came forcibly and pumped an excellent load into my mouth. I sucked his cock like a straw to get every possible drop. I cherished it as it flowed into me and knew that I would definitely be revisiting this cock. I was so lost in the moment that I did not realize that Sean did the same to his father and was right next to me. Our fathers were lost in their post-orgasmic bliss as Sean, and I kissed to share the cum from our fathers. That was the moment that I realized my life had changed for the better. I had never been happier than I knew what had just happened over the last 24 hours and only imagining what will come. Once our Dads recovered and thanked us, we decided that food was needed as Sean and I were starving. We sat and just chatted while the dads got dinner going like we usually did. The primary topic was about the experiences we had over the last 24 hours and some of the more exotic sexual activities that our dads have done. I think this is a good stopping point for the blog as I am getting horny and need to see who is around that I can fuck with.
  9. MUSCLE MATING SQUIRT "I should have never taken that bet at the gym" Oliver, a 300-pound bodybuilding male deer, thought to himself. "Come on Oliver. What are you scared of? Big bucks like yourself can't be scared of a challenge!" It's my fault for listening. I could have left that locker room long before I dug myself into a hole almost as deep as this monster is digging into me. But I just had to prove I was bigger than Magno. That half-orc half manotaur hybrid beast was huge, but I didn't think he'd be bigger than me. Bucks like me are huge, our male figures are seen as thick veiny trophies to all who lay down with us bucks. I guess I'm not the biggest after all. SQUIRT 15 inches was 3 inches too short. When Magno and I agreed "smallest would bottom" I never expected any man to ever pack an 18-inch cock between their legs. I guess that orc manotaur mix got both specie's huge dick genetics. SQUIRT Now he's at my house... stuffing me like a jelly donut. What makes this worse is that even his loads are bigger than mine. This male has already squirted 10 squirts in me and hasn't stopped thrusting his 18-inch dick into me yet. I don't even think Magno has slowed down. It hurt at first, I felt like a telephone pole was being shoved up my core, but all that lubrication from his 10 squirts has made things a lot easier. SQUIRT 11 now. That squirt had to be the biggest yet. I felt that squirt up in my chest that time. I want Magno to think he's only a little more manly than me but even I couldn't breed like this. I'm sure I would have cum all the water in my body by now and this stallion still has cum to spare. I can't lie to myself any longer, he makes me look like a twig. SQUIRT. That one hurt. That squirt drizzled the back of my throat. I only felt a few drops splash against my throat but I didn't know his load would go that deep into me. Things are about to get a lot worse, aren't they? He's grunting a lot more now. His hands just tightened their grip on my legs. I can feel his cock throbbing faster now. These 12 squirts were only pre? Ok, he's slowing down now, what does that mean? Wait, I can feel his rod shaking, why is it shaking so much? WOSH It felt like all of the cum he had left blew out of his dick in one burst that was strong enough to shake my bed. I don't know how much cum he dumped into me but It was enough to make me feel like I gained 50 pounds. His sperm swam through every limb and every joint. Magno's seed is basically my blood now. I wouldn't be surprised if my body has more of his seed than my own blood. This doesn't worry me though, I can't imagine how much pure protein and testosterone I just soaked up. By this time tomorrow, my male hormones will be through the roof. This much male milk might even help me gain a few inches. It would be amazing if this cum can all swim down to my own cock and swell me up. Maybe next time Magno can dock me and make my balls bigger than my head. If I soak up this genetically gifted male's seed regularly I bet I could gain some of his genetics. I bet his protein could make my muscles unstoppable. "That was fun," Magno said holding my legs above me. "Are you done already," I said teasing him. "You couldn't dump half that much cum if I hooked you up to a milking machine!" I laid there for a few seconds to catch my breath before I clapped back. "Maybe I can if you keep filling me up like this," I told Magno winking. "I might have to," he told me winking back. Magno set my legs back down so that my knees were on the edge of my bed and he leaned down. Magno put both arms under my shoulder blades, put his head down next to mine, and squeezed my chest into his. He gripped my muscles into his muscles like my buff body was his new body pillow. I was exhausted from being flooded with his seed, but I managed to build up the strength to hug Magno back. "I'm glad you took up that challenge," Magno whispered. I thought he was being sweet until he said "I knew I was bigger and you proved it. Now all the guys in the locker room will stop asking!" "You're only bigger by three inches," I reminded him. Magno laughed and gripped my body again. I gripped him back. We fell asleep in that position. As I laid there under Magno's boulder-like body, I felt trillions of sperm tails swimming around my body... all swimming towards my chest. The liquid from the seamen felt like it was soaking into my muscles as the muscles extracted the protein and testosterone from Magno's slimy meal, but I could very clearly feel the sperm migrate to my chest. The muscles that absorbed the liquid felt mostly normal when they swallowed his gooey flood, but my chest felt like it was swelling up. There were so many sperm cells piling up in my chest that it felt like his seed was fertilizing my chest muscles. A noticeable lump began to form on either side of my chest that grew bigger as more sperm swam up my body to join in. Did Magno impregnate me? Was this alpha male's sperm so strong that it planted his offspring in me? As I laid there, feeling his sperm grow bigger in my chest and countless sperm cells travel through me, I thought about why they would gather in the chest. Then I realized that the chest, especially one as solid as mine, was actually the perfect spot on a male's body to grow offspring. The chest muscles are huge and can swell up without getting in the way of the male's daily life. Multiplying in the arms or legs would strain a male's body too much, and the abdominal muscles were too small. The chest made the most sense, and it was where Magno's sperm gathered. As Magno laid on top of me, wrapping his stiff muscles around me like a warm blanket, his solid body reassuringly held my muscular body. If Magno did impregnate me, this massive male was ready to multiply with me. He liked me, that was obvious, or he wouldn't be holding me so close. He probably would have at least pulled his cock out before he slept on top of me, if not slept next to me instead of on top, for that matter.
  10. Original Story: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/36778138/ Follow my main FA Account for more stories like this: https://www.furaffinity.net/gallery/lionbuff/ Audio: HANGING HERC Homul walked down a dark path behind the town's pub towards a cave deep in the mountains of Greece. The path leads to a farmer's house on the other side of the mountains, but there was a special spot along the trail Hormul was after. A dimly lit cage-like door with the words "Firen Flight" greeted him. The door was covering a cave entirely lit by touches that were at least half burned out. A tall man in a Greek shoulder uniform holding a clay tablet guarded the gate door. "May I come in," Homul asked. The intimidating man looked at his tablet to think about his answer. Homul was worried that the Firen Flight wasn't as secret as he hoped and that he would be told to leave thanks to the crowd. He desperately hoped this wasn't true, he desperately needed a break. A friend of his told him how to get to the secluded Firen Flight deep in the mountains and told Homul that it was his favorite way to relax his mind. The man looked down at his tablet and saw that the Firen Flight was well below capacity. "It's pretty slow tonight, go ahead," The guard told Homul. Homul was so excited that he almost tripped over himself walking in. He walked down the dim cave and turned a few sharp corners before walking into a small room. The room had a wooden stage held up by clay on the further end of the room. Between him and the stage was about 6 round tables with no more than 4 men at each. This room was even dimmer than the cave leading to it, the only bright light came from a single hanging lamp on stage. The rest of the light came from tiny torches on the tables. Homul sat down and ordered his food and drink while he waited. Soon, an announcer walked onto the stage and told the room of men that a special guest was going to appear shortly. Homul's order came, and he enjoyed it... at least half of it. Homul was just a little over halfway done with his meal when Hercules himself walked on stage, looking even more muscular than usual! Hercules was wearing a cloth outfit that looked like a traditional Greek warrior's outfit with everything but the helmet on. Hercules' orange hair swung around in front of his face as he walked to the center of the stage. Homul noticed how little the covering worked when he saw a dim outline of Hercule's abs and chest. When Hercules was comfortable with where he was standing, he rested his unnaturally large arms beside him. "I spend all day using this body to fight off enemies," Hercules said bouncing his chest. "All-day, all I do is fight fight fight." Hercules lifted his arms and flexed his biceps while his chest continued dancing. "Well, gentlemen, this body isn't just built to fight." Hercules lowered his arms and rubbed his abs. The creases in the fabric stretched over every curve on his stomach. "These abs aren't just pretty, they can thrust my waist forwards so fast that my pelvis can pound into solid rick and shatter columns holding up the greatest temples." Hercules spent the next minute or two exaggerating his strength. He said that his chest could squeeze a lemon dry in the deep muscular valley, his legs can squat buildings and that his arms could pull a boat on land. As Hercules described his power, Hormul's mind was filled his visions of Hercules thrusting into buildings. The thought of his pelvis crashing and banging into things made him zone out. Hormel's visions faded when Hormul heard a tearing sound. The tearing was so loud that Hormul almost thought the cave was falling. Something else was falling instead Hercules' hands were resting behind his head, his elbows sticking out in a position that displayed everything below them. Hercule's hands were nowhere near his waist, yet the cloths around his waist were tearing off like an invisible hand was yanking it towards them. The fabric stretched outwards and split open as it did its best to keep the growth contained. Hercules wasn't just getting hard, he was sprouting a golden tree coated with wide and long veins. Hercules closed his eyes and clenched his teeth to help him concentrate on flexing his godly cock. The covering became a useless pile of thread resting along the top of Hercule's dick. The fabrics that remained were shaken off thanks to the golden and veiny rod dancing and throbbing, shaking everything off. Anyone with blurry vision would have assumed a snake was slithering out of Hercules' body. "It's getting a bit warm in here," Hercules cried out. He grabbed the top of his top covering with his right hand and the bottom with his left. He stretched both arms out away from the shirt, the left arm stretched down and the right stretching up. His hands brought the shirt with them. The ripping noise was a battle cry challenging any man to a battle of manhood. Seam by seam gave way to Hercule's strength. The shirt was like a curtain drawing back to reveal a gorgeous new sculpture honoring the gods. Only, Hercules was more muscular than the statues. His abs popped more, along with every other fiber of testosterone Hercules possessed. Pre was already dripping onto the floor into a white puddle. "It's so hot in here, I'm even sweating through my cock," Hercules joked. The crowd chuckled, unable to take their eyes off of the swinging utter of sperm hanging from Hercules. "anyways," Hercules spoke in a low and steady soft voice, "I'd rather show you what this body can do. Talking means nothing with a body beating this much testosterone in its veins." That line was the cue for a boulder to be rolled out on stage by thee assistants. "Let's lighten the load for the fine boys," Hercules suggested walking over to the boulder. TO BE CONTINUED...
  11. LionBUff

    Bogo Birthday (Full)

    Bogo’s Birthday Chief Bogo laid down in his bed, fully prepared to go to bed. Today was his birthday, which meant that he spent all day celebrating. At work, the officers of Zootopia threw him a surprise party that was going on the entire day. Even after the team responded to the occasional call, they came back to continue the party. After work, Bogo visited his favorite restaurant with 10 of his closest friends and spent hours joking and laughing and having the time of his life. By the time Bogo got home, he was worn out. The time on the clock next to his bed read “11:11.” Bogo saw the time and thought about all those times as a child he would wish for something at “11:11.” Today was his birthday, so he jokingly thought wishing something on your birthday at “11:11” was double lucky. He didn’t believe in luck, at least not that kind of luck, but he still enjoyed thinking about it for fun. “I wish my bed weren’t so lonely.” Bogo didn’t feel too bad about sleeping by himself, but he thought that someone besides him at night would be a nice change. As he thought about what he would want to do when someone joins him in bed, Bogo slowly started to drift off. This proved to be difficult as Bogo continued fantasizing about what he would want to do in bed. Every time he closed his eyes, he imagined a possible mating partner as they played with his body. Bogo knew the only way to go to sleep was to ejeculate it all out. Bogo slept naked, so he didn’t worry about taking anything off. He slipped his right hand down the sheets and started rubbing his fantasies out of his head. His cock grew to an impressive 15 inch length with a 2 inch girth. He pictured a mate squatting down and using their entire body to grip him. As he ran his hand up and down his cock, his motions caused his testicals to bounce around and slap the top of the sheets covering him. Bogo grew tired of his balls swinging around and used his left hand to keep his balls still. As he gripped his balls, he realized just how great his hand felt gripping his sack. He pulsed his left hand fingers repetitively around his balls while his right hand rubbed the cock above. Bogo eventually came, leaving a small puddle on his stomach. The slight moisture from his waisted load irritated him, so he used the dry sheets around him to dry his stomach off. Bogo wished his load were inside someone and not on his stomach as he finally fell asleep. Bogo was asleep for 10 minutes when he heard a knock on the door. When the knock woke him up, a small rush of panic froze him. Was this a criminal seeking revenge? Why else would anyone show up this late at night? Bogo reluctantly walked to the door and looked through the peephole. Bogo nearly fainted when he saw 4 tigers he recognized. The 4 tigers known for dancing with Gazelle were standing there in professional work clothing. Bogo assumed they weren't here to hurt him and cracked the door open. “Bogo? Is that you?” The tiger closest to the door saw him through the crack and tried talking to him. “Yeah why,” Bogo asked with hints of fear in his voice. “We were told to meet you here for your birthday, Nick planned a surprise for you.” The tiger made eye contact with Bogo and winked. “NIck sent you four?” Bogo was good friends with Nick, so he trusted the tiger and opened the door all the way. “He did.” The tiger softly spoke to assure the chief that they meant no harm. The tiger continued explaining his presence and said “he told us you would love our present.” “Depends.” Bogo responded. He looked down at their hands, expecting some kind of object, and saw nothing. He then asked the tigers “what is it?” The lead tiger who was doing the talking for the group grabbed his zipper and gripped a bump in his pants. The tiger squeezed the bump below his zipper, and manually flexed his cock out. Bogo stood there watching the bulge grow in the tiger's pants. “Are we doing this outside?” The tiger asked sarcastically. Bogo realized how hypnotized by the tiger he was and looked up. He motioned for the tigers to come in, then closed the door behind him once all four tigers were inside. “Nice house,” one of the tigers told him looking around. “Where should we hang our clothes?” The lead tiger asked. “You mean jackets?” Bogo asked, thinking he used the word clothes to refer to all of their jackets. The tigers all took off their jackets and gave them to Bogo. Bogo neatly set them aside, then said “I thought so.” “That’s part of it,” the lead tiger said. Then, in unison, without warning, all four tigers ripped their shirts off. The fabric made a thunderous tearing sound as all four shirts melted away in their hands. The fabric split open like a curtain to reveal the tigers bodies underneath. All four did not have a single fat cell. In fact, they were more tone than Bogo remembered. The remains of their shirts hit the ground. The four now stood there looking at bogo as if he were a model photographer and they were modeling their pants. The muscles on their body defined their stripes. The center line on their flat stomachs resembled an arrow pointing to their bulges. In unison, the tigers unzipped their pants and dropped them to their feet. Under the paints were the purple and white underwear that did nothing to cover their breeding organs. In fact, their balls curved out from the edges of the shiney covering. It looked like two white tennis balls falling out of a glittery bag. The tigers stepped out of their fallen pants and walked over to Bogo. “You’ve had a long day.” The lead tiger said. “I bet your legs are exhausted. Just tell us where your bed is and we’ll take care of you. “Down the hall and on the left, second door.” Next thing Bogo knew, he was in the air as the tigers all carried his body to his bed. They carried him like a steel plank at a construction site to his room. When they arrived at his bed, the tigers threw him down on his back facing the tigers. Bogo looked up at the four bulges in front of him. They reminded him of beer taps at a bar. Four choices to choose from, each creamier and richer than the last. Each guaranteed to satisfy him. “Are you a top or bottom?” The lead tiger asked. “I don’t care, I just want to be torn apart.” The tiger standing next to the leader said; “Good, good. We couldn’t agree more.” The tiger put his fingers inside the left side of his underwear and pulled it back. The white tennis balls and prickly log flopped out and hung down. Bogo’s Birthday 2: WILD JUNGLE The tiger beside the one that pulled underwear back did the same move. He grabbed the side of the shiny covering and dramatically pulled it open. This tiger was just slightly bigger than the last, his balls seemed about the same size. His balls did seem to have more veins wrapping around then when Bogo looked at them for a brief second. The third tiger revealed his cock to Bogo, this tiger’s cock was noticeably bigger than the other two. The lead tiger went last. His cock was 4 inches longer than the third. The balls on this tiger looked more like white fluffy pears than tennis balls. His testicles looked more appetizing like he could feed Bogo a bigger meal than the others. “How do you wanna do this, boys,” the lead tiger asked the other three. “We could pound him flat one at a time or give him the “WILD JUNGLE.” “That’s where all four of us stick our wood in like a jungle of wood being crammed up your ass! Jungle because of the tree trunks, wild because we show no mercy!” “Please,” Bogo softly begged in fear of their girth, “one at a time.” The lead tiger jokingly asked Bogo; “All at once?” Bogo's eyes widened when he heard this as he repeated “one at a time!” “WILD JUNGLE” the lead tiger demanded as two tigers laid down next to Bogo on either side. Both tigers laid on their sides so that their body was facing Bogo. The other two tigers at the end of the bed grabbed one leg each and bent them back as far as Bogo’s body would let them bend back. Bogo’s untouched hole was staring up at the two tigers lifting the legs out of the way. Bogo felt a breeze blow up his hole. He was as wide open as he could be… at least before the tigers got to him. The tiger on his left side on the bed moved his waist around as his cock looked for Bogo’s opening. The tiger on the right started doing the same. The head of both cock’s rubbed against Bogo’s ass until they found the hole… preparing to wear Bogo’s ring like a wedding ring. A wedding ring built for a twig being squeezed onto a jungle of the tiger's trees. Bogo’s ass felt just like that ring when the two tigers thrusted into him at the same time. Bogo started crying real tears. His body wanted the cocks out. His ass craved the open air. Bogo howled louder than a wolf when the other two tigers jammed their way up his body. His ass had never touched another man before, and now it was choking down 4. 4 men who were packing a lot of weight in their pants… now packing all of that weight inside him at the same time. The bottom two tigers thrusted in and out while the top two stood stationary and manually flexed up and down. The tiger beside the one that pulled underwear back did the same move. He grabbed the side of the shiny covering and dramatically pulled it open. This tiger was just slightly bigger than the last, his balls seemed about the same size. His balls did seem to have more veins wrapping around then when Bogo looked at them for a brief second. The third tiger revealed his cock to Bogo, this tiger’s cock was noticeably bigger than the other two. The lead tiger went last. His cock was 4 inches longer than the third. The balls on this tiger looked more like white fluffy pears than tennis balls. His testicles looked more appetizing like he could feed Bogo a bigger meal than the others. “How do you wanna do this, boys,” the lead tiger asked the other three. “We could pound him flat one at a time or give him the “WILD JUNGLE.” “That’s where all four of us stick our wood in like a jungle of wood being crammed up your ass! Jungle because of the tree trunks, wild because we show no mercy!” “Please,” Bogo softly begged in fear of their girth, “one at a time.” The lead tiger jokingly asked Bogo; “All at once?” Bogo's eyes widened when he heard this as he repeated “one at a time!” “WILD JUNGLE” the lead tiger demanded as two tigers laid down next to Bogo on either side. Both tigers laid on their sides so that their body was facing Bogo. The other two tigers at the end of the bed grabbed one leg each and bent them back as far as Bogo’s body would let them bend back. Bogo’s untouched hole was staring up at the two tigers lifting the legs out of the way. Bogo felt a breeze blow up his hole. He was as wide open as he could be… at least before the tigers got to him. The tiger on his left side on the bed moved his waist around as his cock looked for Bogo’s opening. The tiger on the right started doing the same. The head of both cock’s rubbed against Bogo’s ass until they found the hole… preparing to wear Bogo’s ring like a wedding ring. A wedding ring built for a twig being squeezed onto a jungle of the tiger's trees. Bogo’s ass felt just like that ring when the two tigers thrusted into him at the same time. Bogo started crying real tears. His body wanted the cocks out. His ass craved the open air. Bogo howled louder than a wolf when the other two tigers jammed their way up his body. His ass had never touched another man before, and now it was choking down 4. 4 men who were packing a lot of weight in their pants… now packing all of that weight inside him at the same time. The bottom two tigers thrusted in and out while the top two stood stationary and manually flexed up and down. The two flexing cock could only flex up and down a few centimeters because the space was so tight. The two cock below those dug into Bogo’s body like two wet jackhammers drilling into a straw. In and out, they pounded Bogo’s ass. Outside of Bogo’s body, Bogo could see the cocks destroying his body. He could see the top two flexing dicks rise and fall as the skin on his lower abs danced. He could just barely see the bottom two cocks stretching the patches of skin in the same area. His lower stomach looked like it was about to give birth to a pack of aliens. Bogo thought a pack of aliens in his torso would be less painful than the male invasion that was actually happening. Bogo’s prostate was nothing but a mushy flat disc at this point, and his body was screaming at him to fix it. Bogo felt every sensation his body was flooding his head with, but he couldn’t do anything about it. The 4 tigers were cramming a WILD JUNGLE inside of him. All Bogo could do was moan. He thought he would scream in pain but he was starting to enjoy it. The pain tolerance of the WILD JUNGLE down inside of his body reminded him of a roller coaster, the anticipation is the worst part. The first pulses of the tigers' incredibly girthy dicks are the worst part. Bogo’s body wasn’t screaming in pain anymore, it was singing in celebration. The meaty invasion went from feeling like he was giving birth to a shaking rock to feeling like a party. The four pounding rods now felt like four good friends hugging him from the inside. “YES, THAT FEELS AMAZING! DO IT HARDER! GIVE ME MORE!” Bogo was thankful the lead tiger didn’t breed him the easy way. He was thankful he did sit there in boredom and take one tiger at a time. All four of the studs mating him at once, in the same hole, made Bogo feel loved. Bogo felt like the king, the master, the alpha of all male bodies. He could lay down with any male, no matter their size, and gladly dominate their mating machines and devour their seed with no limits. No filling would make Bogo’s body too full. “MATE ME LIKE A MARE” Bogo demanded to the tigers. All four tiger’s cocks were throbbing like their heart was in the head of their cock. The throbbing of the other tigers against them made them throb even faster, pulse with more blood rushing in and out. The oven temperatures of the four inside Bogo’s ass, combined with the overwhelming grip on their meat, raised their body temperature beyond fever levels. Their desire to satisfy Bogo’s greedy demands inspired them to thrust in and out faster and faster. The pressure around their scrotums cramped. Their seed and their sperm tried their best to stay inside their testicles. The tigers did their best to hold back their climax. The sperm of the seed inside the tigers were used to breeding multiple mates before swimming out. The WILD JUNGLE ripped Bogo open for six minutes before Bogo’s moaning voice was too loud for the fish swimming in the tiger’s seamen to ignore. Bogo’s cries for a meal of male milk to satisfy his thirst aroused the sperm more than the tigers could help. Six minutes of the alpha male’s ring squeezing their dicks and his deep demanding voice begging to be fertilized could not be ignored by the sperm. Bogo’s voice finally rested as his lustful demands for the male’s meal was satisfied with a violent volcanic eruption of sperm synchronized between all for cocks as they simultaneously exploded a warm and slimy flood inside his body. Pints and pints of white slime swam up his colon. The loads of the tigers weren’t enough to inflate Bogo, but he felt as inflated with cum as he needed to feel. Bogo fell dead silent when the tigers started pumping him with seamen. He could hear the cum flood splashing around his guts. Bogo’s stretched body soaked up the hydrating and soothing liquid of the tiger’s fertile sperm. The seamen and the sperm cells were soaked up by his worn-out body like lotion.
  12. LionBUff

    Boar's Blues

    Boar's Blues "How do you feel," Grant asked Barak as he was knelt down on his knees beneath the boar's bloated belly and bloated balls. Grant, a human doctor whose main field of study is male anatomy and health, was visiting an enormous Boar male named Barak at his small hut just outside the small village. Barak hadn't ejaculated in days, and his testicles were screaming for release. "A lot better, but I don't think I'm done," Barak told him honestly. Grant tried to remain calm, but the boar's body was filling him with jealousy and desire. "I've milked 3 loads out of you already," Grant said starring and the wet low hanging testicles. Grant rubbed the Boar's oversized testicles, fascinated by what he was holding. He has never heard of a male of any species cumming this much, but here he was draining Barak's balls over and over and over. "And I feel like I could dump three more loads doc," Barak told him. Barak felt bad for making Grant work this hard, but he also knew how much Grant was enjoying this. He could see Grant blushing from a mile away. "I might need something more stimulating than my hands," Grant said standing up. "Time for my toys," Grant told Barak in a deep gruffly voice. He winked at Barak and walked outside the small hut to his leather bag of supplies. Barak stood there completely naked. He calmly stroked his cock in his right hand and squeezed his sore sack in his left as he waited for Grant to get back. Barak listened to the slimy smacking of his sweat rubbing against his hand and thought about all of the intense matings he has dominated before. The thought of the countless men he's gapped open made his balls cramp up a little, but not enough to pump out another load. He kept himself as aroused and hard as possible while he waited. Outside, Grant pulled a metal rod with a smooth round tip attached to a cord and a small box with buttons on it. The metal tool was splattered with white stains, especially on the main tip where the metal's original color was almost completely painted over with white. Grant pushed the button that was the biggest and only one on the top of the box. A faint humming emitted from the core of the small box. Grant walked back into the hut with the machine humming in his hands. The site of Barak keeping himself hard was something Grant still wasn't used to despite how long he had been under his crotch buried in Barak's plump balls. He froze for a brief moment to admire the girth of Berek's flesh before saying; "This lil' guy is gonna make you spray every drop you've got down there." Barak lowered his eyebrows and scanned the toll in Grant's hands. He had no idea what it was, and he was a little worried. "Um, What's it do," Barak asked in a quiet and soft concerned voice. "It won't hurt, it'll just make your balls feel like you have a million tiny mates breeding your buff body." Barak smirked at Grant's description. "Really," Barak asked, not believing Grant. Grant didn't bother to explain the machine to Barak. Instead, he got down on his knees and held the machine under Barak's balls. He dug his face into Barak's left testicle and grabbed a chunk of the scrotum with his lips. Grant sucked the skin holding Barak's heavy balls and licked the lump of musky meat in his mouth using his tongue to tickle the veins in his mouth. Barak started to moan. His voice groaned like it had a mind of its own. After the fourth moan, Grant took his mouth off the sack. Without warning, he stuck the metal rood into the small wet circle leftover from his mouth. Barak let out a low moan and ground his teeth together. Grant wasn't kidding. The subtle electronic pulse shocking his balls didn't hurt at all, it felt like the seamen that had been stuck inside his body was ready to fly out. His balls twitched like they were trying to bounce out of the sack holding them together. Barak moaned again. He thought his testicles were trying to roll out of his cock. His cock started bouncing in every direction. No one was touching it, but Barak's veiny rod was throwing itself around anyways. His cock was a red blur to Grant. Grant doubled the power of the machine. This made his balls clench even more. Now Barak thought it felt like someone was trying to squeeze his seed out of him. He could feel his heartbeat beating against his bags of seamen. He felt his body preparing to blow an explosive load. His sperm was ready to fertilize anything they could touch, and it wasn't going to do it calmly. The pressure between his legs was too much. He could barely think about anything but breeding. He wanted to warn Grant of the volcano he was about to spray out of his cock. Unfortunately for Grant, Barak's body was too eager to mate. The cum eruption knocked him down to the ground. Barak's seamen jet streamed right into his face and knocked Grant down. Grant whipped the warm slime off of his eyes and looked up and Barak's cock. The white river was flowing so far into the air that Grant had to turn around to see the end of the cum stream. The flow of white didn't end until the other side of the entrance to the hut. Barak was shooting his seed onto the ground outside! "GOD YES" Barak groaned. Grant looked back over at Barak. His balls were visibly pulsing. Barak's testicles transformed into two beating hearts hanging down below his cock. Barak leaned his head back and moaned again. The stream gained more pressure and sprayed further out. Barak was standing, but he opened his legs as much as he could. He wanted his throbbing testicles to have as much room as they could. He thrusted his hips, imagining a beautiful and tight body soaking up his seed. He pictured a mate screaming at him to breed them. He pictured his seamen flooding that hungry body. He could see his cum flowing through the stomach of his mate, and how full his mate would feel. His cum continued spraying out of his buff body with no signs of it drying up. Grant got up and positioned himself under Barak. The balls were still beating like two hearts when Grant used both hands to massage the testicles. He relieved the stress on Barak's scrotum by holding the balls and throwing them around in his hands. Grant even tried resting his head against the boar's balls like a pillow. He sat there, on his knees below Barak's belly, holding the enormous sack of male meat against his head. he could hear the cum being squeezed out of Barak, It sounded like a furious raging river. 2 hours ago Grant had been living Boarton for just over a month now. Boarton was a small town buried deep in the valleys under Mount Kenya. The town was almost completely inhabited by male Boars, something Grant thought would get old fast. He assumed that being the only human would make him the local punch-line. However, the unusually enormous bodies of the males that surrounded him required constant upkeep and maintenance, and the boars around him were thankful that a doctor was there to take care of them. Grant wasn't oozing with testosterone like the rest of the town, but the men respected him as one of their own. He was seen as the man who kept everyone healthy, the small human who kept their big muscles in top shape. As Grant was sitting inside of the local tavern eating a small lunch of sausage topped with vegetables, he couldn't help but look around at the manly mountains all around him. Everyone had biceps bouncing out of their arms. All the men had chests that popped through their shirts, if they were even wearing one at all, that curved out of their wide bodies. They all wore some form of kilt or fabric politely covering what mattered the most. The fabric never did what it supposed to one hundred percent because Grant could see the girth swing against the fabric with every step the males made. The coverings always looked like they were blowing in the wind regardless of the weather outside. Grant always felt jealous of the beasts around him but he knew he was just as important as every other man as he was the one who kept their built bodies in shape. Grant noticed one Boar that seemed to be staring at him from across the tavern while he looked around. This particular boar was sitting at a table with a group of boars who were noticeably smaller but still enormous compared to Grant. The boar that was at the table looked at Grant in the eyes and the other boars pointed at Grant to tell the large boar he had found what he was looking for. The largest boar who was staring at him didn't break eye contact with Grant when he stood up. Grant was on the other side of the tavern but he could see the bulge stretching his covering just as well as he could see the veins that stretched across his bulky body like vines on an ancient tree. Grant had seen countless men that could swallow his head in their cocks, but this boar was giant in every corner of his figure, even by the standards of this town of massive men. The boar walked over to Grant with his covering fluttering. "Hello," the boar told Grant in an intimidating yet calm deep voice. Grant took a quick and deep breath to calm his nerves and silently waved back. "I've heard rumors about you. you're Grant, right?" Grant nodded. He still had some of his lunch in his mouth and he wanted to finish chewing that bite before he spoke to the boar. "I've heard about the stories of you helping my brothers. You've never failed at helping them fix anything from muscle cramps and infidelity to sprained dicks. Well, I was glad to hear that, because I need your help." The boar looked at the lonely table Grant was eating at and asked him "may I sit down?" Grant swallowed the food in his mouth and motioned for him to sit. "What seems to be the problem, sir," Grant asked him trying his best not to stare at his muscular build. "I thought it was infidelity at first," the boar explained, "but my balls keep making more cum. The thing is, Grant, I haven't ejaculated in a few days. I have tried jacking off so many times but nothing comes up. I sit there on my bed, focusing all my senses on my cock and my strokes on my cock. I focus on both hands and their grip. I sit there and think about my seed flowing out. I remind myself of how amazing the release feels, how much I love the warm and thick brew flowing out of my balls and down the veins of my cock, but nothing. I need to figure out what's going on." Grant sat there for a brief moment processing the symptoms the boar was describing. "You said your 'balls keep making more cum.' Yet you can't release any of it? Could you elaborate," Grant asked trying to analyze the boar's situation? "Basically," he stated with a concerned tone, "my balls both look and feel like an enormous blueberry ready to burst. My body is making the regular amount of sperm but that sperm has nowhere to go. I feel like I'm growing offspring down there. It hurts so much that I almost think my sperm has fertilized itself and my balls are now a uterus." Grant visualized the blueberry appearance of the boar's testicles. He knew the boar was probably in a lot of pain, but the thought of a boar's sack expanding as cum endlessly filled his balls up made Grant a little horny. He wanted to feel the bouncy and fruitful meat in his hands. He wanted to dig his face in the warm blueberries between his legs "When, and how, did this start? For example, what do you think caused it?" The boar thought about every detail that could help Grant and said, "A few nights ago my desires were on fire after I met this one horse that was passing through town. He told me he was traveling to breed a village that was experiencing a decline in population and that his seed was going to save them. He bragged about how full of seamen his testicles were, and how many foals he was about to breed into the town, before continuing his journey. That night I couldn't close my eyes without seeing him spray his loads on me. I came so many times that I was basically soaked in cum just like the fantasies I was having about him. The next day my balls were cramping so badly that I was on the bed recovering for most of the day. I haven't cum since. "Well, I can't do anything here," Grant told the boar sarcastically. "Well, when you're done, we can head back to my hut if that's ok." Grant laughed gently and said; "Well, I don't think you want to fix your balls here. I'm sure no one wants to watch the thorough inspection of your blueberry testicles while they eat. I'm sure they look appetizing, but still." The boar agreed and laughed. "I'm Barak," the boar said extending his meaty hand to Grant. Grant shook it and said; "Well, Barak, let's make your milk flow like a raging river!" After Grant agreed to help Barak, Grant picked up his doctor's bag from under the tavern table and left the tavern to head back to Barak's hut about two miles outside of town. Barak lived alone, so his hut was smaller than most. As Barak and Grant talked on their walk, Barak told Grant that he didn't mind living alone because he almost always had another boar like himself keeping him company. Barak bragged that the men in town knew him as a gentle giant who was only aggressive in bed, and this was a well-known fact since almost all of the men in Boarton have experienced his aggressive mating. Barak then told grant that after he met that horse, and seemingly lost his ability to ejaculate at all, the other boar's have stopped sleeping with him. Barak told Grant that he was worried that this may be the end of his breeding days. "Would you be more comfortable standing or sitting," Grant asked as they stepped inside of Barak's hut. "Which is easier for you," Barak politely asked, "it doesn't matter to me." "It doesn't matter to me either, as long as I can access your testicles, we'll be fine." Grant had a brief moment of internal panic as he realized that he was about to see what was under that intimidating bulge. Grant had to tell himself that, despite how big Barak was, this was just another patient. "I was sitting down for a while back at the tavern and my scrotum is a bit sore from rubbing against those stiff seats," Barak explained. Barak thought about which would be more comfortable and said "My balls probably need to hang freely for a while. Let's let these bad boys breathe." Grant looked around for a spot to place his doctor's bag as Barak said all of this. There was enough floor space to put the bag on the floor, but he wanted to keep his bag clean, and there was evidence of Barak's powerful mating all over the floor. "Sounds good," Grant told him. He then told Barak "I'm going to put my stuff outside and out of the way, while I do that, you take everything off. When I come back we'll get started." "Ok," Barak said nodding. Grant walked outside and walked around the left side of the hut (facing the hut). He knelt down and gently placed his bag of the grass. Grant placed his hands on his back and slowly breathed to calm himself down. He was having flashbacks to the site of Barak's enormous bulge swinging around as if it were waving at him. Grant was worried he wouldn't be able to help Barak. If a man who came as much as Barak suddenly stopped cumming, is it even possible to mate again? What if this was the end of Barak's sex life? Inside, Barak was having the same thoughts as he slipped off his clothes. He stood there thinking about the fact that he's mated with every man in town, and that this may be the end of those days. He thought that if this was the end of those breeding days, then he at least had a good run. He stood there and felt the humid air dampen his scrotum. He rubbed his hanging balls, expecting that Grant's hands would be the last from another man to ever touch them. Both men were worried that this appointment would only confirm Barak's fears. However, Grant knew Barak's concerns about never breeding again were just as full of pointless worries as his balls were full of fruitful seed when he walked in. Grant had dealt with tons of men in his career studying the male body, but he had never seen balls like Baraks. When Barak took off his clothes, Grant found himself starring a sack that could fit his head inside of both melons. The size of Barak's male fruit wasn't the only surprising thing. A boar's body was normally brown all over, but the bottom of Barak's balls were faintly whiter than the top. As the weight of the growing load of seamen caused the walls of his testicles to stretch out at the bottom, they became thinner at the bottom, causing the white tint of the seamen to show through. Grant almost thought Barak dipped his walls in milk when he first saw it. The rest of the balls had a faint blue tint because more blood was flowing into them, the blue tint was the same blue tint commonly seen on veins. The veins around the overloaded balls were bulging out more than usual. This was because the more than full orbs of cum were pushing them out of his scrotum. Because the load of seed was heavier than it should be, and the blood beating through his sack had less room to flow, his balls appeared to shake and throb on their own, even though Barak's cock was clearly soft and unaroused. "Well," Grant said with a comically relieved laugh in his voice, "Your body is still brewing seed. The problem is that the seed you're brewing isn't leaving your body. It's just pilling up and stretching your balls out. Grant walked right up to Barak's body and got down on his knees to that his eyes were right at the overflowing sack. He moved closer so that his field of view was almost entirely Barak's right testicle. "That's good to know," Barak said looking down at Grant's head that was between his inner right thigh and balls. Grant lifted both of his hands and put them under Barak's sack. Grant pushed his hand up into the void of heavy cum and squeezed the weight in his hands. "Your balls feel like a cow's udder," Grant told Barak. Grant pushed his hands deeper up the hanging sack and wiggled his hands. The liquid juggled around against his wandering fingers. Grant observed every wave of cum sloshing around. "You may not realize it Barak but you have more seamen inside your body that every male I've helped combined. You don't just have enough seed to mate again, you have enough seed to repopulate this entire town. If all of the men in town suddenly turned into women, the load in this sack you fill every womb with offspring and never dry up. Whatever town that horse was going to should have asked for you because you easily have three times as much cum as even the biggest draft horse. Barak, you won't just breed again, but you won't be able to empty your balls unless every man in town is pumped full of your cum. "So you can help me," Barak asked. Grant grabbed the end of Barak's cock and twisted it like a lid on a jar and said "Gladly." Grant moved his arms up and down as he twisted. The log in his hands was almost as heavy as the sack beneath them. Grant had to use a surprising amount of strength to erect Barak's snake-like meat. Thankfully, the weight got lighter as Barak's cock stretched out on its own. The pole next to Grant's head was a foot and a half long when it finally stopped growing. "The problem isn't that you can't cum," Grant said rubbing his dick with a tight grip, "it's that your load is so heavy that regular sex won't be enough to milk it out. You need an expert on the male body who knows how to make the most stubborn brutes spray like a waterfall. I have made more men release in my career than there are in this town. No cock has ever stayed dry in my hands, the only thing dry after I got a hold of it are the balls. I'm not leaving until those plumbs full of cum between your legs are drier than a raisin. Barak wanted to tell Grant his twisting hands were doing something but the moans of surprised pleasure drowned him out. Part 4 Barak stood in his hut doing his best to tell his body to spill the stubborn seed filling his balls with more liquid than they should hold. Grant was twisting the foreskin with both hands expecting his gentle rubbing to do something, anything. Grant was surprised to see that his gentle caressing wasn't draining out a single drop. Barak was moaning, so his voice said it was at least doing something, but the tunnel to his bulked out balls was completely dry. At first, Grant was disappointed that he couldn't get any cum to leak out... until Barak found a break between his moaning to give Grant a little motivation. "I can feel... It's... Keep going." Grant felt a small spark of motivation and told himself that this tree trunk needed more than twisting to give up its sap. Grant moved his left hand to the tip of the foot and a half long rod. Grant placed his palm on the top of the pink mushroom and ran his middle and ring finger down the tube. He pushed the two fingers all the way down, the edge of the tub touching the top of his palm. The fingers in the tub squeezed into Grant's palm. the other fingers did the same, squeezing the wet mushroom with a tense clamp. Grant moved his right hand to the end of the meaty log. He used all of his fingers on his right hand to shake the foreskin in a random and brutal motion. The volume of Barak's moans spiked in response to Grant's new treatment. The moans oozing out of Barak motivated Grant to keep trying. Grant buried his mouth into the middle of Barak's sack on the bottom of the curve of the sack. Grant knew exactly where the most sensitive nerves where on the sack. Just between the testicles was a lump of skin filled with nerves that told the body when any small disturbance contacted the sack. Grant's tongue tickled this sack with violent licks. The outer walls of the bottom of the orbs felt Grant slap his tongue against them. The nerves assumed this was an incoming threat. The nerves went into panic mode. They cramped just enough to prepare for possible danger. Grant was so focused on making Barak ejaculate that he almost didn't feel the warm milk run down his back. Half a pint of Barak's seed dripped out in heavy droplets, some of it even drolling down into his ass. The warm texture running into his body gave Grant more motivation to keep working Barak's cock. The load wasn't enough to make much of a difference, Barak's balls were still overwhelmed by the weight if his stopped up balls, but Barak was so relieved to finally drain something. Grant thought that this method was only going to work for so long and thought about what else to do. Grant then remembered the placebo effect, tricking the mind into thinking something is working more than it really is. He pulled his mouth out of Barak's balls and speed up his hand movements. "Come on," Grant groaned, seemingly talking to the testicles directly. "You're too precious and powerful to stay stuck down there. What good is it to swim around in those cramped sacks when you could be swimming around a mate's body? You could be fertilizing and multiplying but you're just sitting there." Barak moaned again. "More," Barak told Grant. "You're big," Grant told Barak's sack. Hearing this made Barak think back to the lineup of men who told Barak he was too big, reminding him of how strong and masculine he was. If they weren't complaining about Barak gaping a cave in their ass, they were complaining about the strength of his abbs thrusting into their guts with too much force. "You're strong," Grant continued saying with a growl, "you're fertile. You could breed anyone you wanted. You can turn stomachs into oceans. You could spray rivers deep inside warm bodies of those begging for you to fill them up." Another small leak dripped out of Barak and down Grant's back, once again leaking into his ass. "Show me how powerful you are." "Uuuuuh," Barak groaned, "Yes! I used to breed the biggest bodies in town!" "And you will, the seed that's backed up will satisfy everyone you meet very soon." Barak thought about watching the lower stomachs of past men fill and rise up. Grant changed his motions along Barak's cock knowing Barak was close to cumming. He used both hands to clutch the foreskin and jerked it up and down. As he jolted the foreskin back and forth, he bounced his arms up and down too. The balls started flopping around with the motion of a bird's wings. The load of liquid was thrown around his heavy melons. The weight of the seamen slapping the sides of the testicles was too painful for Barak to hold back. Grant thought that a bucket of water was dropped by someone walking by outside when the first load of cum sprung out. The sound of the cum splashing on the ground out sounded exactly like a waterfall. Barak wasn't prepared for the pressure behind his testicles, and neither was Grant. Barak fell back, his bare rear slapped the bed behind him. His cock shot upwards as Barak's body lost control of his legs. The white jet streaming seed sprayed the ceiling of the hut with so much force that a small hole was poked through the roof. The powerful backsplash rained down on both men while the stream forced its way out of Barak's balls. Grant watched the whole thing without blinking. Both men thought that if there was anyone else in the hut who didn't know what was going on, they would have assumed a hurricane blew the hut away. Barak screamed; "THERE'S SO MUCH! OH GOD IT FEELS AMAZING!" The rushing river of pressure pushing against Barak's pelvis felt like a wave of relief, a tidal wave of pleasure. Grant, still on his knees, walked up to the middle of Barak's wide open legs. Grant knew Barak was enjoying the insense pressure in his testicles, but he wanted to message his balls anyways to make sure the passing of his built up load was as smooth as possible. That, and he couldn't get enough of the warm and firm texture of Barak's scrotum. Grant did his best to soothe Barak's body. Little did he know that the electric tool in his bag was going to spark an explosion of cum even bigger than this one. Barak's breeding strength was just tiptoeing the tip of the iceberg.
  13. Ziel

    Social Dickstancing

    With the pandemic in full swing, Dallas had been effectively furloughed. There was no telling when things would return to some semblance of normalcy, and there was even less telling when he was going to get around to getting another job. He had enough money in savings to coast on for a while. In fact, the only reason he had stuck with his current job as long as he had was because he had been caught up in the constant grind of his daily life. Now that that grind had ground to a halt, he found that he had a unique opportunity. Dallas had long wanted to bulk up, but he never had the time. Now he had all the time in the world! He ordered a weight bench and some barbells from Amazon, and within a week he had his own indoor gym, and as fate would have it, no sooner had he placed the order than he started getting targeted ads in his inbox. He ignored most of these outright. He had done his research before buying his equipment, so he knew what brands to get and what supplements were right for him, but for some reason one caught his eye. He had never even heard of this new supplement before, and the promises were too good to be true. Best of all, the price tag could not be beat. Against his better judgement, Dallas placed an order for the stuff, and within days he had a fresh jug of protein powder delivered directly to his doorstep. With no social obligations to attend to, no work that needed done, and a fridge stocked full of food, there was nothing stopping Dallas from spending the foreseeable future holed up in his apartment, and that’s exactly what he did. On the very first day of his self-imposed quarantine, Dallas set up his weight bench, popped some powder, and really went ham on his reps. He never knew he could have so much energy or bench so much! It was his first day on the weights and yet he was lifting weights like the pros. From that point on, Dallas benched like a man possessed. The breaks he took were few and far between. If not for bathroom breaks and general hygiene, he wouldn’t have even left the weight set he had set up where his couch once sat. He ate and slept at the bench, and all he ate was the powder sent to him by Bulk Enterprises. The days went by in a sort of fever dream. By end of the first day, Dallas realized his clothes felt uncomfortable, but he didn’t think much of it. By the end of the second day, his clothes felt positively suffocating, but he could barely even think about what that meant. When he awoke on the third day, he tried to pull up his gym shorts and found that he couldn’t even get them over his quads. Dallas shrugged and tossed aside his shorts. It’s not like he needed them. He wasn’t going anywhere, and it’s not like there was anyone here to see him. Besides, even if someone did see him, he wasn’t afraid to show a little skin. He looked fantastic, and he felt even better! Dallas continued his fevered exercise regimen sans clothing. The feeling of his bare skin against the cool leather of the exercise bench spurred him on more and more. He loved the feeling of the pump of his swelling muscles. He loved the cool air-conditioned air against his glistening brawn. He loved the way his fat cock and hefty nuts swung between his legs as he did his squats and lunges. He felt like his cock was in a perpetual state of chubbed up. He wasn’t sure if it was just his imagination or if it was a side effect of the constant rush endorphins coursing through his body as he continued to pump iron day in and day out, but he loved how it felt, and he especially loved how it looked. In the few breaks he took from working out, he marveled at how thick his cock looked. He couldn’t be sure, but he felt like it was bigger than it was at the start of the week. For some reason he couldn’t really recall what he looked like at the start of the week. He was sure that he was what you would call “average” but what was average, really? As far as denizens of his apartment went, he was as average as they come, and it had been so long since he had seen anyone else, that he had no real basis for comparison. He hadn’t even so much as turned on the TV since he started pumping iron. The days continued to stretch on with no sign of the quarantine or Dallas’s own exercise regimen letting up. Each day he would wake up, he would scoop some handfuls of powder into his mouth and wash it down with some milk, and then hit the weights. When the sun inevitably set, Dallas would stagger over to the shower and hose off and then pass out for the night. Showering was a major ordeal. It seemed to take him forever to get clean, and it wasn’t because of the stink of sweat. The stall he called a shower was too small for his buff bod and fat cock. Dallas grumbled every time he tried to get in. He knew he had had to make some concessions to get a cheap apartment, but this was ridiculous. What was this? A shower for ants? It was barely big enough to wash his balls! Fortunately, the shower head was mounted on a hose so he could get every angle of his body. Otherwise there was no way he could ever get clean in that cramped stall. By the time Saturday rolled around, Dallas’s powder keg was running on empty. For dinner he upended the tub and pounded the base of the drum hoping to catch the last bit of powder on his tongue. He knew he needed to order more of the stuff, but that would have to wait. They weren’t open over the weekend so the soonest he could even order more would be in two days. Dallas wasn’t fully satisfied with the small amount of powder he had ingested, but he couldn’t even think of eating real food anymore. He shrugged, showered, and laid down for the night. Dallas woke up bright and early the next morning. To say he felt strange would be an understatement. It was as if he was waking up from a dream he had been wrapped up in for almost a week! For the first time since he had started power slamming the powder, he was fully conscious of what had been happening. He looked around his apartment and gawked at what he saw. Everything was so tiny! Dallas’ gawking was derailed by a terse knock at the door. Dallas recognized the gruff voice instantly. “I know yer in there. I can hear ya stompin’ around. Your mailbox has been filled for days. If you don’t empty it soon, I’m gonna start throwing it away!” barked the landlord. Hearing another human voice for the first time in what felt like years was so disorienting for Dallas. Just how long had he been alone in here? It was just a week, right? Truth be told, he hadn’t been counting the days. Each day was a fever dream of food and irons. Somewhere in the back of his mind he had assigned arbitrary days to each exercise. The only real calendar he had to go off of was the date on his phone, and he could no longer remember what day he had started working out. Dallas figured he’d have time to sort things out later. First things first, he felt like he should collect the mail he had been neglecting for what felt like forever. If nothing else, getting some semblance of normalcy back to his life would help him clear his head, but no sooner had Dallas resolved to do this than he discovered the first of many issues. He had nothing to wear! It wasn’t that he didn’t own clothes. He had plenty. He had clothes for every occasion, but the clothes he owned was now tailored for someone several sizes smaller than he. He couldn’t even get a single foot in his gym shorts let alone a leg, let alone two! His t-shirts looked like they were toddler sized! Even his socks were too tiny to fit over his massive feet. Dallas checked the time on his phone. It was still early yet. He doubted many people would be awake this time of day. He could sneak out, snag his mail, and sneak back before anyone even realized he was streaking. With that plan relatively in mind, Dallas set forth. He was amazed when he reached his doorway and found that it was far too small for him. The upper rim of the door frame came up to about his belly button! He was now so tall that his head scraped against the ceiling even while he was hunched over like Sasquatch, and that was saying nothing of his girth! Dallas was now so massive and muscular that he was easily three times as wide as the door frame. Even just one thick, sculpted pec was as wide as the door itself! Hell, even his cock was thicker than the door frame! Dallas gawked at his soft cock which now dangled so low that the tip of it scraped the floor as he walked. Given the way his soft cock jutted out in front of him and draped over his colossal nuts, his softie had to be longer than his legs! Numbers raced in his mind. How tall was he now? Ten? Twelve feet? He couldn’t remember how tall his ceiling was in his apartment. Then how long were his legs? Five feet? Maybe six? His soft cock was at least six feet long!? His cock was bigger than most people he knew! Just thinking about that made his soft cock swell up slightly. He didn’t want to admit it, but the mere thought of dwarfing people with his dick alone got him hot under the collar… if he wore a shirt that is. Dallas knew he’d have plenty of time to take stock of his size later. If he didn’t hurry, he’d soon run into the morning crowd, and the last thing he wanted was to be spotted in his current state. He quickly opened the door and set to work extricating himself from the apartment. Getting out of his apartment was easier said than done. Not only was he far taller than his door frame – almost twice as tall in fact! But he also was far, far wider as well. There was no way to get through the normal way. He had to squat down and try to squeeze through sideways. Even then it was a tight fit. His pecs were so thick that even sideways they filled up just about every inch of the doorway. The door frame groaned in protest as he forced his brawn through the entryway. Finally, he had managed to get his body into the hall, but that still left his bait and tackle. His cock would be easy enough. It was thicker than the doorway, sure, but at least it was still relatively soft. He could squeeze it through. His balls were more challenging. Either enormous nut was far wider than the door, and he could only squeeze them so much before it went from pleasurable to painful. He had to slowly ease each enormous orb through the doorway. Somehow the act of getting his package out of his apartment was therapeutic. It was so absurd in its own way that he couldn’t even think of it as his cock and balls. It was more like moving a sofa out of his apartment than it was pulling his nuts through the doorway. Once every inch of Dallas’s enormous body was into the hallway, he stood up to his full height for the first time in days. The ceiling in the open areas between apartments was quite a bit higher than the apartment ceilings, but it was still a tight fit. His head brushed against the ceiling, and he did have to duck a little bit under the domed lights the dotted the ceiling, and Dallas was so broad and brawny that even the hallway was a tight fit for his wingspan. His triceps pressed against the walls on either side, and his nutsack was even wider! He had to shuffle awkwardly along by pushing his nuts forward with his feet as he moved. He waddled like a penguin trying to carry an egg on his feet only the egg was proportionally several times larger than any egg a penguin would try to carry. Not to mention he had two of them! Despite the awkwardness of the situation, Dallas found himself getting excited. He couldn’t tell what it was that did it. Was it the fear of getting caught? Was it the glimpses of his own buff bod he occasionally caught on reflective black ball covering the occasional security camera? Was it the feeling of his enormous nuts resting solidly on his feet? Whatever the case may be, he was flying at half mast as he waddled. He had always been a bit of a grower and not a shower, and it seemed his growth spurt hadn’t changed that. He had gone from a six-foot softy to almost ten feet of semi-boned wang wobbling in front of him. He had a cock bigger than most couches! Hell, he had a cock bigger than some minivans! Fortunately, Dallas lived on the ground floor. He didn’t have any stairwells to deal with, and he only had a short walk to the mailboxes. No sooner had he reached the mailbox than he realized a flaw in his plan. He had no pants, and that meant no pockets. He had forgotten his key! He knew he’d need to force his back into his apartment, get the key, force his way back out, and then waddle his way back to the mailbox! It was already getting so late that he was surprised no one else had walked out on him. Dallas soon realized yet another flaw in his plan. His cock was now beyond semi’d. His rock-hard twelve-foot rod now jutted out in front of him in such a way that there was no way he’d be able to turn around in these narrow hallways. Even out in the front lobby where the mailboxes were, there was not enough room to turn around. He doubted he’d even be able to get back into his apartment with his hard-on in the way. So where did that leave him? Did he have to wait for it to go down? Did he step outside, get out into the open, and then turn around and go back in? Even if he did that, he’d still not be able to get into his apartment until his stiffy died down. It seemed like the most efficient method of moving things along would be to blow his load, but that presented a whole slew of new problems. Did he do it right there in the lobby? The mere thought of it caused his already rock-hard cock to give a lurch of delight. A gigantic, softball-sized bead of pre formed on the tip of his colossal cock. He didn’t want to admit how much the thought excited him, but it was hard to deny the physical evidence. As luck would have it, Dallas didn’t have long to ponder his plight. The sound of the big gob of pre splashing down on the dingy carpet blow seemed to snap him from his reveries and bring his attention to the tiny figure which now stood directly in front of him. Dallas had not been paying too much attention to his surroundings, and even if he had it would have been easy to miss the sight of the guy who now stood eye to eye with his one-eyed monster. Dallas could only barely see a bit of the dude’s hair poking out above the rim of his puffed-up cock head. “Oh, hey… didn’t see you there…” Dallas said awkwardly. There was a moment where neither person said anything. Dallas fidgeted a bit in place. He felt a bit out of place for more reasons than one. Not only was he bare-assed naked, but his rock-hard cock was now mere inches from this dude’s eyes. Dallas wasn’t sure what the social protocol was on something like this. Even without social distancing rules in effect, what do you even say to a dude you almost bowled over with a cock that’s bigger than his whole body? Finally, Dallas decided to break eye contact between his cock and his co-resident. Dallas pushed down on his rock-hard shaft so that his dick head was no longer pointed directly at the dude’s face. Dallas was shocked to see the identity of the new arrival. Dallas had long had a sort of crush on his neighbor, but he had never been able to work up the nerve to say more than the cursory small talk whenever they passed in the hallway. They knew each other’s names, but that was about it. As Dallas stared down at the dude who now didn’t even reach his belly button, Dallas found it hard to believe that just a week ago Corbin had been a solid foot taller than him! Hell, Corbin had been bigger than Dallas in every day. Corbin was a 6’5, buff bombshell of a bro. Corbin looked like he had walked off the cover of a men’s fitness magazine, and the bulge in his jogging shorts made it clear that Corbin was well above average beneath the belt as well. Now it was Corbin’s turn to ogle how huge his neighbor had become. Now that Dallas had moved his cock out of the way, he could see the look of pure lust in Corbin’s eyes. Corbin looked downright feral. Just seeing the horny glint in his neighbor’s eyes made Dallas’s goliath cock give a lurch of approval. It seemed like that was all the incitement that Corbin needed. He leaned forward and ran his tongue across the tip of Dallas’s enormous cock – all the while keeping his eyes fixed on Dallas’s own. Dallas’s mind was racing. On one hand this was like a dream come true. In fact, he wasn’t even sure if he was actually awake. For all he knew he was still dreaming and the whole last week had just been part of his dream, but it felt so real! But then what if it was real? Was his crush really blowing him right here in the lobby!? Dallas panicked and blurted out the first thing that came to mind, “Hey, uh… aren’t we supposed to be keeping apart?” Corbin chuckled. His laughter was like music to Dallas’s ears. Those sweet tones made Dallas weak in the knees and hard in the cock. “What are you talking about?” Corbin teased, “As I see it, we’re at least ten feet apart.” Dallas couldn’t argue with that – not that he wanted to. No sooner had Corbin planted another kiss on the tip of Dallas’s cockhead than Dallas felt his legs give out from under him. He was so hot and bothered that his knees felt like jelly. The entire building shuddered as Dallas’s massive, muscular form landed flat on its ass. Seeing how much power he had over the titan made Corbin smirk, and seeing the devious smile made Dallas even harder. “That’s right. Just lay back and let me have my fun,” Corbin cooed. Dallas could feel what little self-control he had left slipping. Corbin’s voice was music to his ears, and his massive cock felt so amazing. Just feeling how tiny Corbin’s lips and tongue and hands and fingers felt against his own colossal cock head drove him wild. It was equal parts the feeling of his crush tending to his cock and the sheer scope and scale of his own cock that was driving Dallas over the edge. Corbin just felt so damn tiny compared to how huge Dallas had become. Just thinking about it made pre flow freely from Dallas’s cock. What had once been a single softball-sized bead of pre was now a full-on fountain. Dallas had never been one to leak pre, but that seemed to have changed with the size of his schlong. “Fuck, you’re so hot,” Corbin moaned. Dallas wanted to return the sentiments, but all he could do was moan in bliss as Corbin dug his fingers deeper into the soft, sensitive tissue of Dallas’s glans. “I doubt we have long before people come to investigate…” Corbin mused out loud. For a brief second, Dallas thought this meant Corbin was having second thoughts. Dallas’s heart sunk and his cock ached for relief, but it was soon apparent that Corbin was not ready to quit just yet. “Let’s move things along, shall we?” Corbin asked impishly. Dallas wasn’t about to argue even if he had wanted to. All he could do was lie there and writhe in delight as Corbin played with his colossal cock. It seemed that not only the size had increased astronomically but the sensation as well! Dallas was so wracked with euphoric bliss that he could barely keep his trembling cock from blasting spunk all over the lobby. Dallas heard the sound of fabric shuffling, but he couldn’t quite tell what was going on. He leaned over to the side and craned his neck to try and peer around the solid wall of his own fat column of cock. He managed to catch a brief glimpse of the scene on the other end of his cock, and even just a glimpse was enough to cause his cock to lurch once more causing a spray of pre to arc across the lobby. Corbin had pulled his jogging shorts completely off. Corbin’s own impressive rod was flying free for all to see and standing completely at attention! It seemed that Corbin was almost as hot and bothered as Dallas was! Just seeing a glimpse of Corbin’s cock was enough to make Dallas want to feel it with his bare hands – to taste it on his tongue! Dallas tried to get up, but he only got so far as propping himself up on his elbows before Corbin chided him playfully. “Ah, ah, ah. Remember. Six feet of separation,” Corbin said with a smirk. Dallas wanted to argue. If Corbin was serious about this social distancing, he’d at least be wearing a mask or something, but as it was, Corbin was now wearing nothing at all! Dallas didn’t have the remaining mental faculties to organize such a complaint though. He was completely at the mercy of his own libido and his lewd neighbor. “That’s right. Just sit back and let me have my fun,” Corbin said with a chuckle. Dallas almost came right then and there just from hearing Corbin’s voice, but he was soon glad he didn’t. Dallas wasn’t sure what he was feeling at first. It felt like some pressure around the opening of his cock followed by pure pleasure pushing into the slit. Dallas was so wracked with bliss that he could barely even focus his eyes, but the brief glimpse of his crush that he caught made it obvious what was going on. Corbin had a hand on either side of Dallas’s fat cock and was rocking his hips back and forth and he rammed his cock deep into Dallas’s own dick. Dallas had long dreamed of having his hot neighbor have his way with him, but never in his wildest dreams had he imagined it like this! Dallas could only whine and writhe as the object of his desire fucked his cock as if it was a sopping wet pussy. Dallas could only imagine what it would feel like to have an actual pussy. He doubted it could ever feel as amazing as his dick did in this moment. He wouldn’t trade his massive cock for anything in the world, and that went double now that he knew what Corbin was capable of. Dallas wanted to feel like this forever. He wanted to feel his crush’s thick rod plunging deep into his own colossal cock. He wanted to feel the slap of Corbin’s thighs against the tip of his over-sensitive cock head. He wanted to hear the melodious grunts of Corbin’s ragged breathing as the stud pounded away at Dallas’s pre-drooling slit. Dallas didn’t last much longer. The sensation and the scenario worked together to bring him to climax in record time. Fortunately, it seemed like Corbin was finishing up as well. Corbin rammed his cock in nice and deep one final time and held it there and he grunted and moaned. Dallas could only imagine the torrent of jizz being shot deep into his dick. It was then that the dam broke for Dallas as well. Dallas let out a moan that reverberated through the apartment complex. Cum erupted from his cock and splashed against Corbin’s thighs. Dallas came again and again, completely drenching the object of his desire with spunk with each consecutive shot. Cum oozed down Corbin’s legs and pooled on the carpet. Jizz splashed off of Corbin’s thighs and splattered against the tacky wallpaper, and still Dallas kept cumming. Soon Corbin was spent, but Dallas showed no signs of stopping. Corbin staggered back and braced himself against the wall as he let the warm, thick shots of spunk wash over him. There was no telling how long the two stayed there enjoying the afterglow. Even after Dallas’s cumshots eventually tapered off, the two remained, panting for breath and basking in the euphoria. Eventually it was Corbin who first recovered enough to talk. “When this all blows over, we’ll have to get together for some real fun,” he said with a saucy wink. Dallas could only grunt and nod in reply. He was once again struck by how damn sexy Corbin was. Corbin had always been hot as hell, and somehow seeing him coated in Dallas’s own spunk just seemed to amplify his already astounding allure. Dallas watched as Corbin picked up his drenched jogging clothes and trotted away towards his apartment. Dallas once again admired Corbin’s buff bod. Corbin really had an ass to die for… and did he seem a little bigger than before?
  14. Dangeresque

    Power Toons

    Power Toons – Part 1: Power Boost This is a story of extreme muscle growth, hyper endowments, gay sex in anal, oral, and other varieties. There are also instances of watersports, male lactation, transformation, feats of strength, and foot fetishism. If none of that floats your boat then read no further. This story also features the characters of Goofy Goof aka SuperGoof, Louie Duck aka Captain Muscles, and Pluto the Dog aka Mickey's pet and they are copyright Disney, however this story is not used to make profit off of them and is merely an erotic fanfiction intended for entertainment purposes only. Also while there are buff toons in this story it is not tied to the B.U.S.T. Club story written previously. It is it's own thing. That being said, if you are still with us after all that then please enjoy! Some might say that in a world where most animals walked on two legs and were able able to speak like humans, that Pluto was an oddity of a dog. He continued on as a normal dog might and was the favorite pet of a certain famous mouse. He was mostly normal as far as cartoon dogs are concerned, or he was until the events of the short cartoon known as: Doggone Biscuits. In that cartoon he got extremely fat from being over fed dog treats, but then Minnie Mouse helped him lose those pounds through exercise. Due to an extreme event at the end of the short cartoon, Pluto was forced to lift millions of pounds to save Mickey and Minne and because of that his muscles swelled to ripped proportions the likes of which he had never known. Since that day Pluto the dog was immensely muscular and super strong. He even snuck off the the local toon gyms but found that none of the weights there seemed to present him with a challenge... even lifting the gyms themselves barely taxed his immense muculature. Needless to say he won a lot of dog shows and Mickey was very proud of his canine friend. One day, Mickey and Minnie were off to go on a vacation cruise that was blocked out for a full month, and so they needed a dog sitter for Pluto. That's where Goofy came in. It was a hot summer morning when he went to Mickey's house. Goof dressed in a Hawaiian shirt, shorts and flip flops to help beat the heat and his signature Goofy hat. He had kept up his secret identity for a while, never letting on that he was actually Supergoof and before he left his home, he went to the peanut garden out back behind his house, picking some fresh ones and rinsing them off with a hose before tucking about two dozen of them under his signature hat. As he did just that he saw a muscular canine with a top hat and torn up overalls walk by but stopped to lean on the picket fence to his back yard. It was the big bad wolf. “Hey there Goof. What are you up to?” asked Big Bad. Goofy was extra sure to tuck those peanuts under his hat. He donned his hat and said, “Oh just going to Mick's to do some dog sitting.” The Big Bad Wolf nodded slowly, “Taking some snacks for the road?” Goofy adjusted his hat, “Oh uh yeah. I always take some goobers with me. Never know when you're gonna get hungry.” “Could I trouble you for a few?” asked Big Bad. Goofy was sweating bullets, “Gawsh I would but I just picked them all and I promised Mick I'd share some with him so... speakin of that I gotta get goin. Nice talking with ya Big Bad.” The wolf nodded and watched as Goofy headed off. He waited till the car left before he hopped the fence and went through the garden to pick some goobers of his own. He took a note from Goofy and put about a dozen under his hat. He hopped back over the fence as he talked to himself, “He'll never miss em'. Off to the city to see what I can scrounge up next...” Goofy pulled up to the house of the mouse a few minutes later. He met with Mickey by the front door on his friend's way out. Mickey gave him a list of what to feed Pluto, told him to walk the dog three times a day, and that he should never be disturbed when he's exercising or cleaning himself. Goofy thought the last instructions seemed a bit odd but paid it no never mind as Mickey handed over a house key and was on his way in a car that had luggage stacked ten feet high on top of it. The six foot seven inch tall Goofy watched the car swing down the street and away with a toony pitter putter till it was out of sight. Turning to face the house he saw the ranch style house was larger than he would have thought. Every part of the front porch was reinforced. Normally he would have to duck under most doors to keep himself from knocking his hat off but he saw his friend's door was a good ten feet tall and five feet wide. Unusually large for a mouse that stood a little more than half the height of Goofy himself. He twirled the keys and put them in his pockets then opened the door. Goofy noticed as he entered that everything seemed larger and more reinforced in Mickey's house than he remembered. There was a musty smell in the sizable house with ceilings that must have been fifteen feet tall. Mickey's house felt out of sorts from how it used to be. In the kitchen even the fridge and cabinets were oversized. Everything was much larger than it had been. He walked through every room, flip flops clacking against his feet, noticing that the master bedroom was made up nice but the spare bed room looked even bigger than Mickey's room with a massive bed and the strong musky scent of manliness permeating every inch. He felt a swelling below his waistline just from the scent but shook it off and wondered where the darn dog was. Nothing in the backyard or anywhere in the single floored house... then he remembered the basement. He approached the basement door and heard a clinking from down beyond that door. The door was bigger than the front door, ten feet tall and ten feet wide. He opened the door and the clanking was far louder. He saw the doors and the stairwell down to the basement seemed to be sound proofed but once it was open the clanking came through in a rhythm like a slow cranking engine pounding away. It made the floors of the house vibrate. Goofy clapped down the reinforced stairs of the massive staircase and at the bottom he noticed that the stairs went around a corner with lights lining the way down. He turned another corner and kept going down. It must have been ten stories down before the stairs opened up to reveal a massive domed building under the ground, like a warehouse underground that was entirely open and at least eight stories tall. He looked around and saw subway tunnels from an old system that used to be under there and what appeared to be whole trains that were compressed into plates that stacked atop each other one on top of the other with giant poles up the middle. The plates went across nearly to the sides of the subway tunnels and were stacked up nearly to the ceiling. There were cables and poles that held them together and a massive rod that met in the middle at the very bottom as though it were a weight set. Laying on a bench of stone that was cracked and broken by sheer masculinity alone, the golden furred dog lay back, pressing the massive weights up and down over and over in a riged repetition. Not only was he totally naked but his massive junk was the biggest that Goofy had ever seen. The balls were like volleyballs and his massive flaccid cock must have hung down to his knees. Goofy would have expected Pluto to have a dog dick but it was totally humanoid and so long and thick that he didn't process it as a dick at first. Once he had it only added to his sense of awe at the god before him that was once his best friend's dog. Goofy just watched with his jaw dropped litterally to the floor and his eyes bugged out. The 14 inch boner he sported went out the bottom of his shorts and dripped precum on the ground as he watched. He lost all track of time watching Pluto press that weight, his beer can thick cock eventually could take no more and he came down his own leg, spurting to the ground and all over his feet. It was more than he could ever remember cumming but it did snap him out of his trance. Pluto sniffed the air and held the weights up. He then racked the weighs and sat up, covered in a sheen of sweat after hours and hours of pressing impossible weights. He saw Goofy and smiled. Then he stood up and goofy saw why the doors were so big. The massive dog walked over on two legs and his footfalls shook the stone ground beneath his massive feet. The massive dog was ten feet tall and six foot wide and as he walked up to Goofy he blocked out the light. He looked at the smaller man over his pecs and kept up his grin. Then he walked past the man with Goofy's eyes following him all the while, watching that gold-furred ass as the giant dog walked by him. The dog stopped at the staircase and gave a massive flex, showing off a bit of his massiveness swelling and growing from the back before pointing to Goofy then making a come hither finger waggle. He walked up the stairs with his watcher practically floating behind afterwards up to the house level once more. Back in the house, Pluto sat on the floor by the kitchen table and leaned back on the wall with his hands behind his head, casually flexing his huge muscles. Goofy followed in and stared at the dog before Pluto pointed to the list on the counter, indicating that he wanted some food by patting his belly and licking his lips a moment later. Goofy took a good look at the list for the first time and saw he should mix up Pluto some protein shakes and get him his juggs of water from the fridge. Goofy opened the fridge to see two massive barrels of protein shake already mixed up. They were fifty gallon barrels of the stuff and so he took off his white gloves then cracked his knuckles before setting in to move those barrels to the dog in his care. He struggled to get them out and set them on the table in front of the dog, then got out a third barrel labeled as “Pluto's Water”. He set the water jug down and saw that one half of the fridge was filled with steaks, each one labeled for the day's food it was meant to be for. By the time he set the water jug down, Pluto had already sucked down the first barrel of shake. He immediately picked up the water jug and started chugging before alternating between that barrel and the second barrel of protein shake. Goofy closed the fridge doors and watched the dog drink down the barrels with one in each hand, held aloft effortlessly. The tall man felt his boner starting to return as he swallowed hard. When Pluto finished he let out a loud burp that rattled the whole house and shook all the furniture. After he pat his full belly with a satisfied “Ahhhh,” before he stood up and then walked up to the smaller man, scooped him up, carried him to the living room the plopped down on the couch with goofy still in his arms. His weight caused the remove to pop into the air. Pluto caught the remote with one ear and hit the power button with his other as he turned on the tv to some random nature show. Pluto sat Goofy on his lap as he reclined back to watch, massive gold-furred dog arms draped over the man watching him. That huge dog member fighting for room with the huge balls and the colossal leg muscles that were under Goofy. He wasn't watching the show just the dog. He watched the testees and cock shift around as Pluto occasionally adjusted himself. Then he heard the stomach behind him rumble behind abs harder than steel. The muscular dog slid goofy off of him then started walking towards the front door. Goofy watched from the couch as Pluto put on a massive green dog collar with a gold P medallion hanging from the front. It only hooked in on the last loop and even then only just. Goofy just stared at the massive animal and saw Pluto point to a long leash hanging by the door. Goofy stood up and walked over to the leash, taking it in hand as he said, “You wanna go walkies?” Pluto jumped up and down with excitement, shaking the whole house and almost knocking Goofy off his feet while nodding happily. He leaned down and presented his collar. Goofy hooked on to it then the massive dog stood and faced the door as he crossed his legs and started doing a pee dance, rumbling the ground under foot. He lead the dog outside then closed the door behind him. The lock barely latched before Pluto took off. Goofy's flip flop sandals were left behind in a poof of smoke with his signature, “Yahhh hoo hoo hooeeee!” He almost flapped behind Pluto as a cape as the dog ran through the subdivisions at incredible speed, making the ground tremble and quake with every step. Each footfall cratered the ground as he ran, cars and trees bounced up in the air as he ran through all the way to the city, deep down town. He stopped suddenly and Goofy spun around him and wrapped around the muscular dog like a slap bracelet on the end of a yoyo. The six foot, seven inch tall black dog man popped back to normal, his shirt buttons all undone, leaving his chest exposed as he stood barefoot in the street next to the dog he was sitting. Pluto got down on all fours then sniffed a red fire hydrant nearby. He then nodded, stood back up, took aim, and fired. Goofy and the people on the sidewalks were not ready for what happened next. A torrential flood unleashed from Pluto's humanoid cock. The initial blast was so powerful that it ripped away the fire hydrant and blasted off part of the street around it. He lolloed his tongue as he let out a relieved AHHHHHhhhh and washed away not only the fire hydrant and debris down an alleyway but redirected the flow of the water. Goofy watched as he peed for what must have been a full minute flooding down the hill and washing upon the nearby buildings. People ran away scared down the street, but not the Big Bad Wolf who watched the whole ordeal from an alleyway across the street. Goofy stared on in terror still as the flood died down. After the last couple dabs it was raining water in the street from the broken hydrant. That is until Pluto reached down and squeezed the water line closed in a single meaty hand. Goofy was soaked and stared on as Pluto turned to face him, the massive dog's cock started to swell. Growing from 16 inches soft to a fully hard 42 inches of pipe harder than the hardest steel. Goofy stared at the boner that had begun leaking precum and Pluto pointed to the man then to his steel cock, with a very clear indication. Goofy shook his head, “Um... Maybe we should make walkies back home... kinda public and kinda big... so um... lets make walkies back home, Pluto... come on...” Pluto shrugged and ignored him, instead grabbing a nearby car and lifting it with a single hand. He plunged his huge cock into the trunk all the way down to his balls then started fucking it, thrusting in and out, beating the bumper in with his massive swelling balls till it was pounded inward. Goofy almost watched on in horror and tugged on the leash, trying to stop him, “Pluto! No! Bad Dog! Stop that! Pluto! Pluto? Stop that!” He reached out and got too close to the swaying dog's hips and was bounced back by mighty butt cheeks into the alleyway where the Big Bad Wolf was hiding. Big Bad ducked behind a dumpster and kept watching as Goofy got to his feet. He looked around to make sure no one was looking, but didn't see the hiding wolf watching from the shadows. Goofy took out a couple supergoobers and replaced his hat. He popped one in his mouth and swallowed the peanut whole. His outfit immediately changed and he was suddenly wearing a whole body set of long red underwear, with the letters SG in white on his chest, and a blue cape. He looked down to wiggle his toes seeing he was still barefoot and his hands were still ungloved. “Huh guess if I'm not wearing my shoes and gloves then they just don't come with the outfit,” he looked to Pluto then to the other goober in his hand, “This looks like a two goober job.” He then swallowed the second goober and suddenly his red long underwear filled out with huge muscles, and a bigger package, not as large as Pluto's but they'd have to do. He took off and flew over by the dog of destruction. Big Bad walked out from behind the dumpster then looked at the hat full of supergoobers he nabbed earlier that day. He talked quietly to himself under the sounds of the car crunching, “Goofy Goof is SuperGoof? And these peanuts turn him into that? I gotta see how this plays out.” While the wolf contemplated his future as the Super Bad Wolf, SuperGoof took on the dog in his alter ego's care. Pluto kept humping away at the car, his massive hips denting in the back till his huge cock pierced further in pounding into the back seat of the empty car. SuperGoof grabbed onto his arm and despite his massive strength couldn't pry the dog free or force his movement, he went to the front of the car to try to pull it away and ended up only ripping off the front bumper. He went to the undercarriage and took hold of the car's frame. On gripping it he was able to rip it free from Pluto's hands and tossed it to the side. The dog was left holding scrap metal from the side of the vehicle when the cool air hit his precum slickened cock. And that was all it took. He came. The blasts of cum from his massive canine balls were so powerful they put his previous urine stream to shame. The heroic SuperGoof had just flown, albeit accidentally, directly into the line of fire, while leaping for the dog to bring him elsewhere by force. The blast was so powerful that it hit SuperGoof and knocked him through an office building, he was sent rocketing backwards as a tidal wave of toon dog cum washed through the city streets like the creamy filling from a double stuffed Oreo commercial. After the horny dog kept cumming, he punched his massive throbbing and still hard cock through the side of the nearest apartment building then kept humping away, shaking the whole city block. Toons ran out of the building in droves, slipping in the cum filled streets and making splatted cum angels like it was snow somehow on that hot summer afternoon. Meanwhile, SuperGoof was still being rocketed, soaked in the initial concussive blast as he tried to regain his composure and return to some level of an ability to fly. However, he found himself saved, caught in the strong and muscular embrace of another flying hero. It was none other than the buffest hero from the Quack Pack known as Captain Muscles. He was really Louie Duck, Donald's Nephew, who had been transformed by a super hero machine. He was clad from the neck down in skin tight green spandex with a yellow cape flapping on his back and a white circle on his chest that had an image of a flexing arm in the middle. The thong area was a darker green material, much like his gloves and booties, and said thong was filled out to, what some might consider, beyond capacity. The white feathered, green eyed duck had a green backwards baseball cap atop his head and every inch of him was covered in muscle upon muscle upon muscles, hence his superhero name. He had never seen SuperGoof up close before and after catching him the recognition was instantaneous, “Uncle Goofy? You're SuperGoof?” The recognition was mutual, “Louie? You're Captain Muscles?” They both looked the other over with Louie being far more muscular than Goofy. He heard the commotion from the city as he flew over and said, “What's going on down there Unc... er... SuperGoof?” “It's Pluto, Lou... I mean uh... Captain Muscles. He's gotten super buff and is out of control. I'm not sure he means to be doing what he's doing but we can't let him just keep blowing off steam like that. I tried to stop him but even as my extra super strong SuperGoof form I'm not strong enough to get him to calm down,” SuperGoof explained, “Gawsh... He's not a bad dog... but his master's out of town and he got a bit too frisky is all... plus he's super duper strong so... unless you know how to boost my strength more... I can't do anything against Pluto.” Louie thought a moment then started flying super fast to the warehouse district on the edge of the city, “I have an idea SuperGoof! Hold on tight!” They zipped through the sky fast as a flash. Louie didn't know if he was stronger than SuperGoof despite his muscles and thought that he could collaborate with his personal hero. They crashed through the wall of Von Drake Labs only to come across a machine labeled as: Super Hero Machine. Goofy started to shiver and then in a flash he zapped back to his normal self, wearing his hat, open Hawaiian shirt, and shorts that went half way to his knees and were filled out well by his prodigious bulge. Louie looked him over and said, “Neat trick. So you can just change back and forth?” “Ah hyuck! Naw. I have to eat these,” he pulled off his hat and dumped his remaining super goobers into his hand, “I call them my super goobers. One makes me SuperGoof. Two makes me even stronger and I've never had more than that... not sure what it would do. How about you?” Louie activated the super hero machine and jumped inside. He stepped out as his normal Quack Pack self wearing green shorts, a green tank top and a green cap. He was fit but no where near as big as Captain Muscles. He gave a little flex and said, “My brothers and I use Von Drake's Super Hero Machine to turn into our hero forms and fight crimes... Even then I don't know if I would be stronger as Captain Muscles than you would be as SuperGoof...” “How long does it last?” “Till I get back in and change back. Why? Are the peanuts powers temporary?” “Ah yup... but I wonder...” Goofy trailed off Louie Duck quirked an eyebrow, “You thinking what I'm thinking?” “Take a bunch of super goobers, then get in that hero contraption and make the powers even more powerful?” Louie nodded. They knew they had to act fast and so Goofy handed off half of his goobers to the younger duck. They gave a final mutual nod and then downed them all. Louie transformed back into Captain Muscles but his musculature was even larger, the super suit he wore was stretched super thin over his even more gargantuan buffocity. The bulge in his thong pulled it down as his prominent chest pulled the top of the suit upwards, giving him a very sexy midriff. His leggings were more like shorts that couldn't meet with his booties over the leg muscles any more and his top was more like a short sleeve shirt that couldn't meet up with his gloves due to the even more massive muscles either. Goofy's transformation happened in a flash as well his muscles stretching his super goof suit tight over muscles that matched those of Captain Muscles as well. The suit that normally went to his wrists and ankles now went to his elbows and knees. The slightest flex threatened to burst him from his suit at any moment. In point of fact the flap in back had popped open to let his bulbous muscle ass free in the wind, now only covered by the blue cape around his neck. They looked over one another and walked stiffly over to the super hero machine, trying to keep from ripping out of their clothes naked from the muscle bulges and tremendous cocks that threatened to burst free any moment. Louie activated the machine and the pair stepped inside after barely squeezing through the door. There were flashes of light and smoke exploded from the machine as bolts popped off. When all was said and done, the door was too small and so massive black hands reached out to bend and force the doorway wider. Out from the light and smoke stepped Goofy first. He had silver super shin guards and forearm guards on his him with a silver belt at his waist that held up a massive and overstretched red thong that was barely keeping him decent with the size of his bulge far overshadowing that of Pluto's. At his neck he had a blue cape claspsed by a massive silver buckle on his chest that had the letters UG on it. Then out from the machine walked Louie wearing an outfit almost identical to that of Goofy's except the gauntlets were gole, the thong was green to match his backwards cap, and his cape was golden as well. The massive gold buckle emblem on his chest had the letters AB embossed in it. Goofy flexed with muscles equally as impressive as Pluto's if not more so and he said, “I'm not GuperGoof any more. You can call me UberGoof now.” Louie returned the flex and his muscles swelled just as massive. He looked to his hero and fought to hold back a hard on as he said, “And I'm not Captain Muscles any more. I've been promoted to Admiral Buff now.” “Lets go safe the day AB,” said UG as he took off at faster speeds than he had ever been capable of before. AB followed after both breaking the sound barrier on initial takeoff. They went so fast they didn't even notice the Big Bad Wolf had watched their every move from the hole Louie knocked into the building on entry. The black and white streaks of light zipped through the city till they found the massive dog now on his third building. Pluto just finished cumming again, filling the building to the brim with his spunk as it literally exploded from the windows. He withdrew from the building but his massive, now 50 inch, cock was still throbbing and hard. Then got swept off his feet and carried out of town at lightning speed by a duo of massive hunks so fast that he didn't know what had happened at first. Pluto was carried miles out into the woods and the duo let him go, slamming him into the side of a mountain, shaking the trees apart and punching a crater into the mountainside with a 400 foot radius that went 200 feet deep into the solid rock. When the dust, dirt, bristles and brush settled... Pluto was laying on his back unharmed and still fully aroused. He rose to his feet a bit disoriented till he shook his head and looked up to see the massive double barefoot and nearly naked adonises before him. Hearts popped into his eyes and they bulged profusely as he looked at the sexy heroes panting as his tail wagged happily. He took a begging dog posture as he sat on his haunches, looking to the heroes. Louie quirked an eyebrow at the super dog and crossed his arms over his chest as UberGoof floated down towards Pluto saying, “Now Pluto, you've been a bad bad boy today. Running off like that, destroying all that property with your strength and then flooding the streets, destroying cars, flooding buildings and then refusing to come back from walkies when I told you to.” Pluto looked down in shame, just glancing up at UberGoof with his eyes, seeming ashamed of his actions. UG wagged his finger at the dog, “Now are you sorry for what you did?” Pluto nodded shamefully. UberGoof nodded, “And you are gonna help us clean up your mess and then repair all the stuff you broke, right?” Pluto nodded again but now with eyes closed as he looked downward. Goofy nodded again and crossed his arms, “And you promise not to be a bad boy any more, right?” Pluto didn't respond but then Goofy came again, “RIGHT?!” Pluto nodded rapidly before looking down again. Goofy landed before the dog and opened his arms wide, “That's all I needed to hear. Good boy. Come here, pal.” Pluto immediately perked up and leaped into Goofy's arms, licking him rapidly in the face as the hero hugged him. Louie floated over and looked at the pair, “I'm surprised we didn't have to have a bigger battle or anything.” Pluto hugged UberGoof as he talked, “Ahyuck! I told ya he wasn't a bad dog. Just a little horny is all... speaking of... we might need to take care of this before getting this fella back home,” Goofy then pointed to Pluto's still throbbing 50 inch boner that only seemed to swell larger, adding another 4 inches in length just since they began their super hug. Goofy turned to face Louie, just in time to see the young hero moan as he watched the pair. His tremendous cock tore his belt and thong off his body as it exploded forth. His balls swung low down by his knees as the massive humanoid, pink, duck cock hardened. He couldn't help himself as he floated closer to set down on the stone ground before UberGoof. UberGoof in the meantime had set on the ground and stood, setting Pluto down as well. He watched the young ward grow and felt himself give into his desire at long last. His thong swelled with his massive dark cock. He held Pluto close in one arm as Louie walked up to him, his massive white feathered chest smooshing into the impossible UberGoof muscles as Goofy held him close the the waist and they kissed. They embraced passionately and frenched long and hard with each other. That was it for Goofy's thong and belt. They ripped free with a tearing sound then a pop as his massive cock sprang to full hardness. In the end Pluto stood at full mast of 56 inches, while Louie had him beat at an astonishing 64 inches but neither of them added up to Goofy's full 72 inch monstrosity that throbbed so hard it practically made thumping noises in time with his heartbeat. Louie withdrew from the kiss to look Goofy in the eyes before Pluto raised a hand and placed it aside Goofy's face, guiding their mouths together in another long kiss. As they made out, goofy reached down to stroke the cocks of his massive lover, making them both moan. Louie kissed along Goofy's neck and then down his pecs while he made out with the massive gold-furred dog. Louie's kisses traced down his shoulder then onto his black, gargantuan bicep. Goofy raised his arm and flexed it for the young duck. Admiral Buff leaned down and pressed his muzzle into the pit of the massive superhero, sniffing hard and taking in his powerful musk. It wasn't a stench but rather smell that was enticing. Something he couldn't put his fingers on even though his fingers were very much upon it as they traced over UberGoof's muscles. Goofy raised both arms to a double bicep pose and Pluto went to his other arm, licking and sniffing the pit, taking in the masculine scent as his hands also traced over the impossible musculature before him. Goofy flexed his arms and trapped the faces of Pluto and Louie under his arms between his triceps and lats, forcing them to stay in there. Louie managed to pull his face from the pit only to stand before the UberGoof head on, then he flexed his mighty pecs and they swelled bigger and bigger with each pounding flex till he engulfed the head of the dark dog god before him. That was when Goofy litterally stepped up his game. He reached up his massive leg to bring his super strong, long, and powerful foot to Louie's cock. He flexed his tremendous toes on that cock head and was able to engulf the head of the huge humanoid duck cock entirely with the ball of his foot and his massive black toes. Louie moaned as precum spurt through those powerful toes. The duck had to reach down and squeeze the base of his own cock to keep from cumming and in the process his pecs released UberGoof's head. He fell to his knees with his mouth open wide and he sucked with the power of a tornado to draw the other muscle toons towards him. Goofy led cock first and it was engulfed by the warm mouth of his white-feathered ward. Louie sucked UberGoof's cock and swallowed it down as the massive dark dog stepped atop his huge member like a step ladder. Goofy's toes curled over the sides of that massive duck member as he stroked it. He lowered his arms and started doing different flexes, releasing Pluto who was spurting precum like a fire hydrant. Pluto saw Louie raise an arm to a bicep flex and just kept flexing his muscles bigger and bigger, that massive bicep growing up higher and higher like a mountain. The dog pounced that bicep and latched on, wrapping his arms and legs around it as he humped the huge invulnerable muscle that was now larger than his whole body. He sucked on the top and made Louie moan around Goofy's cock. Goofy let out a small Gawsh as he started to massage his own pecs. He watched Pluto rise past him on a mountain of muscle and then he saw one of Pluto's legs dangle down and couldn't resist. He reached up a hand and drew Pluto's foot to his mouth to lick and kiss over the sole. Pluto continued to hump, hug, suck upon and moan atop his duck muscle mountain and moaned louder when Goofy began to suck upon his mighty toes. He flexed toes that could crush a train over the tongue of his master's best friend and the tongue responded with equal strength to move the toes. That was when the rumbling came... The ground shook with the terrible power as Louie was the first to orgasm. Millions of gallons forced their way through his shaft, vibrating and massaging Goofy's feet as he stood atop it. UberGoof actually put one foot by the head and let the millions of gallons wash over the top of his foot and the massive toes, spraying the flow all over himself, Louie and pluto. UberGoof moaned and was the second to fire off. He came with just as much cum. Louie was strong enough to swallow it all down and his stomach and innards were strong enough to hold it but his belly swill swelled bigger and bigger regardless, not as big as it should have been for holding millions of gallons but hefty nevertheless. Pluto was the last to hold off and was able to do so even as the other two finished. Minutes later, after the cum blasts died down and the snow was shaken off the mountaintop in a series of quaking avalanches. The three relaxed. Pluto hopped off still just as hard as the other pair. Louie and Goofy stared at each other then to Pluto who whimpered at them with puppy dog eyes. The pair were unsure what he wanted till he pointed to their still hard cocks and then bent over, spreading his ass and presenting to them as he waggled it in the air a bit showing off. The heroes smiled to each other and had no objections whatsoever to his obvious proposal. Louie lay on his back beside the dog then pulled Pluto atop him. He then wedged that massive humanoid cock between his pecs and elicited a moan from the mighty Pluto. Goofy approached and then pressed his slickened member against the massive golden dog ass cheeks, he got on his knees with his balls and cock atop Louie's. Then the pair of them pulled the dog slowly down their cocks, stretching him wide and making Pluto howl in pleasure as no one had probably ever been stretched as good as those two cocks stretched him on their entry. Pluto humped Admiral Buff's tremendous pecs and the Admiral rewarded him with licks on the underside of his cock as he did so. At the same time AB and UG were humping in unison into the mighty golden dog. The titanic, thick, throbbing super cocks bulged Pluto's belly so good. He was lost in pleasure as they humped and fucked with a power none of them had ever been able to before. They had no idea it could feel that way. They were so lost in pleasure they didn't even notice they were plowing into the side of the mountian. They continued to fuck, faster and faster like pistons plowing through solid rock and earth till they came out the other side... and when they had... came they did. Pluto blasted off first with a load more powerful than his previous loads combined. The huge cocks within him were squeezed to the point that they couldn't take it and unloaded both at once. The millions and millions of gallons of seed were contained in the dog and bloated his belly as Louie's had been... but then it was too much and started erupting out of his ass around the cocks and also out of his mouth with a stream double that of his own. Minutes later when the forest was painted white with their seed, the orgasms finally slowed from triple volcano to waterfall to gentle stream. The superheroes pulled out of the dog sat pet and the three snuggled near naked on the ground. They all went soft and lay together. In a poof all three were back to their normal selves. Pluto was a regular dog, Goofy was back to his shorts and open Hawaiian shirt, and Louie was back to his tank top, shorts, and backwards cap. Pluto licked their faces and looked them over as they rose to their feet. Goofy looked himself over and said, “Gawrsh... that was really somethin', huh?” “Totally, but I feel powerful still like I could...” Louie said as he flexed his lithe muscles and in a flash he transformed into Admiral Buff. He relaxed and returned to normal. He repeated the process a few times over, “Sweet! We can change back and forth whenever we want now!” Goofy flexed and became UberGoof and tested it back and forth, “Ahyuck! That is pretty nifty!” He and Louie remained AB and UG as they looked to Pluto who was his happy normal dog self again. Pluto then flexed and transformed into a super hero with a costume that was just like AB and UG's own. He kept his green dog collar and on to it was attached a green cape. The emblem that hung from it said SP on it with blue forearm and shin guards like those of AB and UG and the green belt on his waist held up a blue thong that barely contained his bits. He looked to the others and hit a few poses. Louie looked to the dog tag turned medallion and said, “Wow, he's SuperPluto now! That's awesome!” They took in the destruction they caused and UberGoof nodded, “Sure is but I think it's time we all went back to the city and cleaned up the mess our new super friend made. No hanky panky in the city this time guys.” Goofy wagged a finger and all three agreed as they flew back to the city to clean up after the dog's mess. Back at Professor Von Drake's lab the super hero machine was going off yet again. The machine turned off and from within came a menacing laughter. A massive clawed hand ripped the top of the machine off and three massive super beings flew up through the roof of the warehouse then headed for the city. To be continued???
  15. TonnyGiant

    Magic cookie

    After an agonizing day at work, Joshua was finally home. As soon as he walked through the door of his apartment in the city, he found his boyfriend taking up all the space in the room and his now huge feet obliterated the kitchen walls. The apartment was getting tiny in the face of the massive muscle mass of her boyfriend Tomy. Hesitantly, Joshua approached her boyfriend's huge, massive thigh. With shaking hands, he touched the hot skin and felt the firmness of the massive flesh. "Jesus Christ, what happened to you Tomy?" The giant tilted his head, which was already tilted so as not to smash the ceiling, and looked at his little boyfriend. "I think I grew a little, Baby" He showed it to little Joshua and a packet containing two white cream-filled cookies. “WHEN I EAT A COOKIE I BEGAN TO INCREASE MY MUSCLES, AND THEN I EAT THE SECOND AND NOW I'M HIGHER ... LET'S GO, BABY. EAT ONE OF THESE AND GROW TOGETHER WITH ME! ”He thundered and the apartment walls vibrated, knocking the shelves to the floor. Without thinking twice, because he loved his boyfriend deeply, Joshua ate the first cookie and soon his muscles were so large that his clothes turned to lint in a matter of seconds. Joshua roared, let out a thunderous belch, and then ate the second magic cookie. Minutes later, Joshua and Tomy became muscular gods who had no intention of stopping growth. They were now extra, mega, titanic. The city was at the mercy of the two muscular giants, one with hairy chest and one smooth, and both beautiful. “I NEED A KISS, MY GREAT BABY” Joshua thundered pulling Tomy's head “FUCK, MY WELL! SO ALL THE SHIT HUMANS SMALL WITNESSED OUR LOVE STORY ”Tomy replied with an evil smile on his face and kissed his gigantic boyfriend. “WE CAN FUCK THE WHOLE CITY, WE CAN DO ANYTHING, BABY” they laughed and the city structures shook, trembled. Some buildings crumbled like wet toilet paper only with the impact of the sole of the titans' giant feet. The skyscrapers didn't reach the toes of the giants in love. It was a matter of seconds until that city disappeared from the map altogether. And then, what would be the fate of the world?
  16. TonnyGiant

    Oh shit...Dad is a GIANT

    "Hey, bro ... what's missing to finish the formula?" Jason shouted as he walked down the stairs straight to the basement. Jason and I have been nerdy best friends since high school. Today we are 25 years old, and we are still nerds, skinny, pale and dark-haired. Our bodies are free of hair, we have small feet and we still suffer from some old bullies. As is the case with Brad, the sturdy 6'4” tall defender weighing 290 pounds from the school's former football team. After so many years, Brad is still the same asshole bully ever. And we are still your punching bag. “Hmm… I think a touch of lemon. Dad and I like lemon.” I grabbed the bottle of fresh lemon scent. I put three drops of lemon essence into the two bottles containing the formula. The fresh lemon scent is refreshing and reminds me of my father. My massive daddy. Zac Durval is head coach of the school's football team. He was coach at the time of Brad and coach when I was high school. Dad has always been a competitive, muscular, hairy, big guy everywhere. But, he always respected me, protected me, because I inherited my mother's thin and fragile genetics. Well ... I wish I had inherited my dad Zac's strong and divine genetics, but that fate didn't give me away. As I lightly shook the bottles containing the formula, I remembered how my father always encouraged me to work harder on my body to gain some muscle, but it was always impossible. "Now, dad... I'll be as big and muscular as you," I whispered to the bottle. The liquid that formed inside the bottle became a more yellowish color, resembling passion fruit juice. I capped and put the two bottles in the bottom of the fridge. Jason and I destroyed any trace of the recipe for the miracle formula. We decided to leave a single copy in my email. "Well... now just wait for the whey ingredients to stabilize and then new life, bro" Jason grinned and gave me a high five. “New life, bro, yes, new life,” I answered the high five. “Brad will never use us as a punching bag.” “We will be the two biggest stallions in the neighborhood. I can already see it in giant letters: Jason and Fred, the massive best friends.” Jason had a great imagination. This whole situation for him was as if it had been taken from a comic. The two nerds who created muscle-transforming serum and size would change the world. It was still in the testing phase and we would be the test subjects for this miracle formula. If by my calculations everything went well I would go from 5ft high to 8'5” high and jump from 100lbs to 580lbs of massive muscles. That would also be the case with Jason. We have the same weight and the same height. After the formula we would be muscular gods, furry, fierce bears, studs with sticks so big it would barely fit into our pants. “You know, Fred… I've always imagined that day since we started building the formula. I dream of the day when I will tear my clothes like the real Hulk, watching my muscles grow to extremes and then roaring horny ... damn! Speaking of horny ... ” he tightened his groin “We'll have decent cocks hahahaha ” “You're crazy, Jason…” I punched him lightly on the shoulder. “Why wear clothes if we can get naked and feel our muscles grow? I think I'll rather go undressed and see my hard-on thumping my new abdomen ... will we have 6 or 8 packs of abdomen?” I lifted my shirt and examined my pathetic abdomen. "Oh God! We'll definitely have better abs than that.” Jason pointed disdainfully at my flat, skeletal belly. “I think we'd better get to work, bro. We have an all-night shift at the hospital.” I grabbed my backpack getting ready to leave the basement. Jason followed me and we left my house straight to central hospital. We are nurses at the city's central hospital. Since the career of scientist didn't work for either of us, we decided to help take care of people. As we enter the hospital, we see Brad coming out with his arm in a cast. Even hurt, he passed us and did not miss the opportunity for us to irritate. “HEY! If it's not the usual worms Jayson and Freddy ” laughed out loud. “Brad, that's enough. Leave the boys alone ” Came my father's deep, hoarse voice right behind Brad. Zac and Brad, since school days are classmates even with the relationship of coach and student, gym partners and bodybuilding friends. Weight lifting both just do together. There are two muscular bulls playing in the gym. There is no one bigger than the two there. "Erm... dad... hello..." I nodded shyly to my dad. "Hello boy! Have a nice shift, buddy.” He leaned over and ruffled my hair, as he always had since I was a child. "Good night to you too, little Jason," he nodded to my friend. When Dad and Brad got out of our way, we entered the hospital for our night shift. We talk more about how our muscles will look the same as my father Zac's and Brad's, or even better and bigger than them. All the excitement about growing up was taking our attention away from work, so we decided not to talk about it until tomorrow morning when the serum was stable to be consumed. "Let's focus on work, bro," I waved at Jason. "And after work ..." Jason did a double bicep pose, forcing his arms, but nothing came up. I smiled and threw a clean towel in his face. We usually followed for hours without knowing what would happen next. ************************************************** ***** "FREEEEEEED ... bro ... you need to see this" Jason shook me. It was time for rest, taking a nap when my friend ran up to me and shook my shoulders screaming for my name. “Oh fuck… Jason… what the fuck is going on? The end of the world? Have we been invaded by monsters? ” I yawned and rubbed my eyes. "A monster ... that's right ... that's right ... you need to see it for yourself, bro" Jason pulled me through the hospital corridors. I grunted and pulled my arm back as we stopped at the hospital reception. TV was on on the news channel. The image I saw was a creepy thing. I only heard of such monsters in comics, fairy tales or even Japanese movies. Was it a movie? No ... it wasn't any movie. The news featured a mature, massive man with huge muscles and a pair of huge, hairy pecs who was "playing" in the city center. The giant was almost 150ft tall and his body would make a Mr. Olympia bodybuilder shit with envy. "How is this possible?" I choked. “They say this giant passed through the region where we live. Do you have any idea who that is? ” Jason whispered in my ear. There were three helicopters capturing the images of the titan. There was another helicopter that was military and was also monitoring the giant's movements. Some buildings only reached below his pecs. The giant was smiling as his deep laugh was caught by the news helicopters. There were people on the roof of the building waving wildly at the giant. He looked down and smiled with a thumbs up. His face was not completely apparent on camera, but we can see his perfect toothed smile framed by a thick gray beard. "Shit ... I've seen that smile somewhere" I said staring at the TV. Spotlights with bright lights protruded from the monster's titanic body. His huge pack of eight was covered with gray hair. The lights jutted lower as we caught a brief glimpse of the huge monolith the giant sported between his legs, and the vision was very rapid, as soon a huge black stripe was placed on the news broadcast. A horde of sighs echoed through the crowded hospital reception. "Jesus Christ! You saw the size of that… oh shit…” sighed one of the local doctors. Suddenly I feel a chill down my spine as they catch the giant's words. His deep, booming voice makes my body tremble. He has a lot of power exhaling even by the tone of his voice. “HEY, LIL FRIENDS…” he cleared his throat trying to control the tone of his voice. “Oh .. Well… I'm sorry about that, but I'm not here to hurt anyone. I just want to have fun with my new size hahahaha ... and think that I got this way after drinking a lemonade made by my son. This is very crazy hahahaha ” Then, to prove some point to people, the giant raises his arms and did a double biceps pose. He let out a short roar as he flexed his arms hard, but then lowered his arms and flexed his powerful pecs. The people on the building roof applauded and waved. The giant smiled and waved back. Then he looked up toward the helicopter lights and his smile grew more mischievous. "Want to see something cool a giant can do?" Everyone on the roof waved excitedly. At the hospital reception, we were all amazed that a man had become such a massive and ... sexy giant. Wait ... did he say he drank his son's lemonade? Shit! I felt the air drain from my lungs. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. "This can't be happening," I choked out. "Fuck! Did he get a helicopter ?!” shouted one of the doctors. I looked back at the TV and saw the moment when the giant pulled a helicopter from one of the news agencies between his fingers. He tore off the propellers as if they were made of paper, and carefully places the crew on the roof of the building. People scream, scared, but the giant doesn't care much. The giant realizes he has caused some commotion, so he quickly warns that he will not hurt anyone by calming people ... or at least trying to calm down. "I'm still getting to know my strength all this size," the giant smiles, a mischievous smile. Before he took off the helicopter's propellers making the business stop working, the camera caught his face. His strong jaw was full of a dense gray beard, his nose a little crooked from years of soccer practice and fighting, his sea-green eyes from tropical beaches, and his mischievous but seemingly tender smile. I would recognize that face anywhere. That smile was unmistakable. That giant was my father Zac. The giant took the helicopter between his fingers, examined it carefully to see if anyone was still trapped inside, but it was all clear. He turned to the people, who were now his audience and who later became faithful followers, and said that he would test his strength once again and that no one needed to worry. He placed the helicopter in his palm and slowly closed his fingers. You can hear the creak of metal being twisted by the pressure exerted by the giant's fingers. Then he opened his hand and showed everyone a twisted iron ball. "FUCK! I'm so strong ... I think I'm unstoppable hahahaha ” People on the roof of the building, at the hospital reception and even at the White House, were startled by the giant's statement. If he was discovering his unstoppable strength and dominance, he was short of wanting to claim the world as his own. But, I think we were rushing. Zac was my father, I knew him very well and I know he would do nothing to harm anyone. At least I thought I knew him well. "Oh shit ... my dad is a giant," I swallowed. "Did he take both bottles, Fred?" Jason stared at me. "I don't know ... how is it possible that he got that big?" “If he only had one bottle, maybe the other one is still there. We can use to reverse this and...” Suddenly a commotion hung over the hospital. People were scared and were pointing at the TV with trembling fingers and wide eyes. I stared at the TV one more time and what I saw made my heart stop. If it wasn't enough for my dad to be a massive giant ... there was another titan out there matching him. And this new, muscular titan, a huge god with a dick bigger than a boing 737 performed first. "HEY RUNTS ... HERE IS BIG BRAD AND I ARRIVED FOR FUN" THE END.
  17. tereshky

    127 inches - Jack the Giver

    A porn star learns that not everyone has the same idea when you say you want to be "huge". -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chad gripped Blake by his cut waist as he pounded his rounded ass cheeks. “You like that stud?” He whispered into his ear. The jacked bottom groaned and ran his hand down Chad’s side. “Oh yeah babe...” He grunted back. Chad’s massive cock drilled away at his partner’s ass. It would soon be time for Blake to cum. His body was massive, with every inch of him bulging with muscle that flexed and bounced as he bobbed on the other’s cock. Sweat was dripping down the deep cleavage between his pecs. He had done this hundreds of times, he needed to make sure his body was positioned perfectly before he blew his load. Chad’s fingers were moving their way through the dimples and creases of his back muscles, occasionally giving his massive biceps a squeeze. Blake’s thighs were bulging from the action of thrusting himself onto that massive cock. He closed his eyes, pointed his chin up, thrust his head into the other’s neck and shouted and covered his own pecs with his jizz. “CUT!” The director shouted as Blake panted against Chad’s chest. The two relaxed as the film crew went over the footage. “I dunno… we got his cock in there… I keep telling you to shoot it so that it makes his cock look normal.” The cameraman shot back, “Why can’t you just get a cock extender on it?” “Because how do you get a cum shot with a fake cock blocking the jizz? Hopefully we got enough footage to patch things up in editing.” The director shouted indelicately, causing Blake to blush. He hated when people mentioned his… deficits. You see, while Blake had a massive, perfect physique and a face that could have made him a movie star, his cock was about four inches long fully hard. Being a failed actor, porn was the only thing that he knew how to do to pay the bills, though his deficiency meant he had to peddle his ass at a discount. His relatively cheap price meant he got a lot of work though. Many directors could cut the film in such a way that actually hid how small Blake really was, focusing primarily on his perky bubble butt, broad pecs, and insanely handsome face. His fellow actor was losing his sex flush as he toweled himself off but Blake was still bright red as he listened to the conversations of the director and producer as they spoke in the corner. They were talking about him and they didn’t give a damn if they were overheard. “Yeah Tom I know he’s got the best bod for the price but I’m getting tired of cutting great material because that tiny cock’s in the shot. We end up cutting so much I start to wonder what the point is. Maybe we could just shell out the money for someone with the complete package.” Blake hated this part of things. There was no place to go while they talked about this stuff. He had to stay so they could get the odd shots that could be spliced in later during editing. “Alright, Blake! Grab a cock extender for the next few shots.” The director tossed him a strap on cock and it was back to work. It was 8 pm before they were done and Blake could go to his own room in the hotel. He was looking forward to having dinner brought up to him but as he walked into his room and heard. “Alright now give him your best show.” Two guys that he didn’t recognize were fucking each other doggy style on his bed. Given his line of work, he didn’t find it disgusting but it was definitely poor porn etiquette. “What’s going on in here? The filming rooms are down the hall.” Blake said annoyed. “We’re not filming,” came the stranger’s voice. “This show is for you.” Blake walked further into the room until he could see a man in a three piece suite sitting on a chair looking through a rectangle made with his fingers, pretending to record. “I don’t know Blake, they’re listless and unimaginative. They’re not nearly as good at faking it as you are but they do have one asset you can’t compete with.” The two men rolled over and showed off their 8’’ cocks. “Look at them. They’re not as buff as you, they’ve got one third of your talent, and I’d say their faces are quite common. Yet they’d bring home just as much money as you because of those schlongs and they’re not even that impressive as far as porn cocks go.” “Alright, you guys, out!” Blake had enough of being demeaned. He certainly wasn’t going to let it continue in his own room. “As you wish.” The man pulled out a green stone that he wore as a necklace from behind his tie and to Blake’s horror the two men shriveled up until their bodies were no more than smoke-like shadows that were sucked into the amulet. “What the fuck is going on here!?” Blake shouted, suddenly terrified of his visitor. “What did you do to them?” “Them?” The stranger looked up at Blake. “Nothing, they’re fine. I just think servants get in the way when you don’t need them.” Blake turned and ran out of the room blindly down the hall back into the filming room he’d just left. There were four guys running a train on the bed. None of them looked up. “Tom! There’s something freaky happening in this place!” Blake gasped, trying to catch his breath from the shock. “Oh? I haven’t noticed.” Blake looked up and saw the four men were being filmed by the same well dressed man from his bedroom. What’s more, the camera was like something out of the 40’s with a spinning reel. He suddenly realized he didn’t recognize any of the actors on the bed. He stood there stunned unable to process what was happening to him. “You know you’re a rather excitable fellow. You act like you’re being robbed but this is your lucky day.” The man said. “My name’s Jack.” He said turning around so Blake could see his bright green eyes. “I… I… I’m not going crazy!” Blake stammered. “Of course you’re not. At least not yet.” He turned and shouted at one of the people on the bed. “No not like that, pretend you’re enjoying it! I’ve seen more passion at a funeral!” Jack put his eye back up to the camera. “You’re about to lose your mind though. You see, you’ve made plans to go hang out with some friends that you know in LA and you’re all about to get wasted and then do a bunch of coke to help get your mind off the fact that you’re really good at what you do and everyone around you treats you like a piece of garbage. Your friend will invite a bunch of people over and in the drug induced frenzy, one of those guys will take you to a back room and make a wise crack about the size of your cock. Then BANG!” Jack clapped his hands. “A fist to the face, a broken jaw, and you’ll spend the night in jail because you forgot how big you are… everywhere but one place that is.” Blake slowly backed away to the door. “Oh go on then…” Jack said turning to him again. “We don’t have to talk. I’ve got other people I can help tonight.” “What do you think you can help me with?” “Why, the one part of you that isn’t perfect.” Jack said looking back to the camera eyepiece. “The one part of you that god didn’t put that much effort into. The one part… Jesus Rob if you’re going to move like that you’re just going to put people to sleep!” He interrupted himself to shout at one of the men on the bed. “How can you help me with that?” Blake asked. “My card.” Jack looked up from the camera and pulled out a card from his suit pocket that simply said, “Jack the Giver” and handed it to Blake. “Just take it and make your wish.” “I...” Blake started. “Go on.” Jack said. “I wish...” Blake stammered. “I wish I had a huge cock.” The card burst into flames and his cock started to tingle. As the smoke cleared and the sensation in his cock died down he noticed that people were shouting at him. “Blake? Blake! BLAKE!” “Yeah? Huh what?” He looked up and saw his director standing in front of him. There were three guys on the bed who he knew as well as the cameraman who had filmed him earlier. “What… do… you… need?” His director was red in the face. “You’re just standing there burning things while we’re trying to film!” “I… uhh…” Blake slowly turned the door knob and walked out, afraid he had just had some kind of mental break. The director turned to the cameraman. “Jesus if I could work with ONE guy who wasn’t on shit…” Blake made his way back to his hotel room and slowly opened the door expecting to see Jack but the room was empty. “Hello?” He called out but the room appeared untouched. The bed was perfectly made, with no sign that two guys had just been fucking in it. “God I’m losing my mind.” He called down to the front desk and asked if anyone had asked which room he was staying in and they said no one and so he ordered his dinner and had it brought up. After a little food he felt better. “That must have been a hallucination... I’m working too hard.” He looked in the mirror and flexed his biceps, stretching the fabric of his sleeves. He bounced his large pecs in his tight t-shirt. He was a hot man. “Why do I let people treat me like crap? I’m a great catch and I’m fucking good at what I do.” His friends were expecting him and they always had fun when he was in town. First he had to shower. He smelled of sex and lube which wasn’t how he liked to make introductions. Peeling off his tight t-shirt he checked out his hot torso in the mirror. He loved the way his meaty pecs overshadowed his defined eight pack. His bulging traps framed his neck perfectly. He loved that his veins bulged like lightning bolts in his arm. It was the next part he didn’t like. Pulling down his pants. He pulled down on his waistline and prepared himself for the sight of his tiny dick, but when he dropped his shorts to the floor he was surprised. “It’s not that bad...” Perhaps it was the lighting in the bathroom but his cock looked normal. “I don’t know why they can’t just light the room better when we film, it looks fine in here.” He flexed for himself in the mirror, turning himself on as he watched the shadows dance along the muscles lining his abs. His cock hardened and Blake’s mouth gaped. That was no trick of the light. Measuring his cock with his hand (a trick he’d learned from his job), he realized he was every bit of six inches. “I mean… it’s not massive but… I can fucking work with this!” He hopped into the shower checking it again to make sure he wasn’t hallucinating. The cock was real. He stroked himself as the shower water ran in rivers between his pecs and around his abs. He stroked himself and tweaked his own nipple until he came in the shower. Holding his dick in his hand, it looked even bigger. It might have been a trick of his mind but… he measured the size with his hand and he was definitely just under 8 inches. “Fuck yeah!” He said to himself. “Give me five years! I’m owning my own studio!” “That’s a big turn around for less than four more inches. I’ll never understand humans.” Jack was suddenly standing in the bathroom. “Holy shit man! You gave me my life!” Blake jumped out of the shower and gave Jack a huge, wet hug, too overjoyed to notice how annoyed it made him. Jack pushed him away and looked down at his water stained clothes. “No touching!” He said taking a moment to recover his composure. “So what are you going to do with the rest of your...” But Blake had already left the room. He had toweled off and was throwing on his clothes and getting ready to hit the town. “So that’s how that feels...” By 11 pm Blake was at his friend’s house surrounded by a group of LA’s hottest. Some of them he knew, most were new to him. A few of those new faces knew who he was though. He’d been in quite a few porn films, and they wanted him to sign their asses. Only his friend Ryan knew about his reputation for being “a little lacking down there.” The rest of them had been fooled by camera magic. After an hour, Ryan shoved Blake into the kitchen to chat with him alone. “Hey, the guys out there are really pressuring me to get you to take it all off but I’ve got you covered man. They think we’re in here talking about it. I’ll go out in a few minutes and tell them that you like to leave work at work.” “Heh, I don’t mind if you don’t. What’s the worst that could happen? My pics get posted and someone sees my dick?” He laughed. “Ugh… yeah…” Ryan said thinking his friend had had too many mollies. The two of them had been fuck buddies for over a year and he knew what would happen to Blake’s reputation if people posted pictures of his small cock all over the internet. “Look why don’t you just take your shirt off, you can make a splash, and they’ll go crazy. There’s no need to confirm any rumors.” Blake laughed, “There’s only one rumor I want to confirm.” He smiled and unzipped his pants and pulled out his cock. Both of them gasped. Ryan was shocked because he’d never seen an 8’’ soft cock before and now he was seeing it on someone he knew to be tiny. Blake was shocked because it hadn’t been that big half an ago when he’d gone to piss. Ryan tugged on it in disbelief. “Shit that thing really is all you! Did you have some kind of surgery or something?” “Heh, does it matter?” Blake said pushing Ryan against the refrigerator trying to make out with him because he had in fact had too many mollies. “Whoah can you even get that thing up like that?” Ryan said pushing Blake back, he wanted his questions answered. That particular question, however, was answering itself as Blake’s piece of meat began to rise up above his waistline. He was speechless, which was how Blake liked him so he peeled off his shirt and bounced one of his massive pecs in his face. Ryan was hypnotized by all of this and merely stroked the giant cock that was in front of him. “Ryan do you have anymore… vod...ka?” One of Ryan’s friends stood frozen in the kitchen doorway. “Well… I’d say you got him to do it.” Blake turned towards the intruder, his massive meat swinging like a sword. “Holy shit is that even real?” “Touch it...” Blake said confidently. “I… ugh...” The newcomer stuttered awkwardly as he reached out and felt Blake’s throbbing veiny cock. Before long Blake had rejoined the party. A few enterprising individuals had taken his jeans, undies, and shoes and ensured that he had no clue where they were hidden. Any awkwardness was offset by the fact that he seemed perfectly at home interacting with people in the nude but people found it difficult to get over how massive he was. Even his porn fans didn’t remember him being THAT big in his videos. The night wore on and everyone got more drunk (and high) and it started to feel natural that they had a naked porn star at the party. They were well connected and this was LA. Soon people started taking liberties. Blake’s cock had long gone soft and people started egging him on to get it hard again. Soon someone reached over and started stroking him. The pleasure caused Blake to roll back on the couch as his cock started to inflate again. “Fuck I can barely get my fingers around it.” The guy said as he worked the massive piece of meat. Blake groaned as several other hands joined in. His cock swelled until it reached his left nipple. The combination of the booze and the drugs made everyone forget that it wasn’t that big the first time he’d whipped it out. Of course several phones were out recording everything. “Holy shit, I didn’t know they got that big!” Someone shouted. “Come on Blake! Do that famous pose you do!” Of course all of Blake’s films had featured him bottoming so his famous pose was straddling someone else. The molly and the attention was really driving him by this point. It was great to be naked in front of a group of people and not have to listen to how his cock was causing problems. So he straddled a hot guy sitting next to him on the couch, thrusting his ass while bouncing his enormous pecs. The guests were stunned but loving it. “Fuck…. I can’t believe this is happening.” “So fucking hot...” “Somebody grab Mike’s shirt!” Mike was the attractive man that Blake was currently grinding against. Several sets of hands quickly made his shirt disappear. He reached around and squeezed the porn stars massive pecs and pulled that ripped back against his own chest. “Ha! Look! He’s into it!” A few more minutes and Mike had all of his clothes pulled off and he was grinding his cock against that massive bubble butt. This seemed too much like an invitation and clothes started flying everywhere. Blake felt all kinds of bodies pressed up against him as an orgy broke out. He felt someone’s cock probing his hole but there were too many guys for him to tell who it was. Soon he felt it slide inside of him. The excitement caused his cock to swell and grow up the cleft between his pecs, getting thicker and thicker. His balls were swelling to the size of fists and those who weren’t preoccupied were frozen as they watched what was happening. They weren’t the only ones. Blake was stunned as his cock bumped into his chin and swelled to the thickness of a 2 liter and still the stranger continued to pound away at his ass. Soon his massive member was pushing up beyond his face and the shaft was growing as thick as his waist. His balls dangled down the couch as they swelled to the size of basketballs. Blake tried to move but the shaft was extremely sensitive and the feeling of his muscles rubbing against it caused him to shoot jets of cum onto the wall. Soon his balls were the size of watermelons and Blake was being pulled down by the massive weight of his cock, growing double the length of his torso. Every movement caused him to spray jizz everywhere. People were backing away in the room fearfully, wondering if what they were seeing was real but the mystery man behind Blake kept fucking away. His cock grew to the end of the couch and bent up against the wall as his nuts grew to 200 lbs a piece. Blake was like an appendage on this massive 10 ½ foot cock. Trying to move only caused more rubbing which caused him to cum more. Everyone stared in silence. Some were wondering how high they must have been to hallucinate something like this for others it simply blew their minds. All but one person seemed effected by the site, the guy who was fucking Blake. Of course to Blake this was obviously no hallucination. He was completely immobile. He’d have to be carried everywhere he went. He was scared and horny as his cock was so sensitive that even the drafts of air in the room made him precum. His struggles made him jizz. The walls and the couch were already ruined. Then suddenly everyone heard the clicking sound of an old movie camera. They looked back to see a well dressed man winding a camera reel. “No no! Don’t fuck him like that! You’ll put everyone to sleep!” So it was that Blake became known as the 127 inch porn star. After five years of making videos of himself hosing rooms down with his fire hose as guys fucked him, he did manage to buy his own studio. He found that spending his new found riches was a little difficult however because trying to move his massive girth simply made him cum buckets where ever he was. So be careful if you should ever get the chance to wish to be “huge”. Huge means different things to different people.
  18. Bahamut6sic6

    Post Workout

    The sun hung high in the midday sky baking the land with its unyielding rays. The heat causing all those who lived in the cities and suburbs to take shelter inside their air-conditioned homes or office buildings. When someone, human or fur, ventured out under the cruel sun's rays they stuck as close as possible to the shadows of the buildings to try and keep as cool as possible. The heatwave had gone unbroken for the past week and there seemed to be no signs of relief on the horizon. All in all, everyone was miserable and longing for a break from the intense heat. Everyone that is except one. Almost fifty miles away one creature was enjoying the heat for all he was worth. His smooth darkly tanned skin soaked up the rays like a man dying of thirst. The sheen of sweat that coated him reflected the light slightly making him almost shine like a beacon. Every inch of his body rock hard and packed with muscle that bulged and bounced with every movement he made. If any had been around to see him they would no doubt be left in pure awe at his sheer size and bulky stature. Though his muscles wouldn't be the only aspect of his physical form that would leave them unable to believe what their eyes were seeing. Standing at an incredible fifty feet high Riley was one of the few human macros around and of them one of only a handful that took an active role in shaping his impressive body. Whereas other giants were more than happy to let their height be the only impressive thing about them. Riley took extra pleasure in keeping up a constant workout routine in order to make his massive body as bulging with muscle as possible. This was achieved by many different ways, primary of which was his pension for carrying increasingly massive boulders and when in a city bench pressing a building or two. But his favorite part of bulking up was the source of his protein. As the giant human grunted hard lifting the massive chunk of rock above his head for the hundredth time, he tossed the rock with a mighty grunt sending it crashing down on top of an old abandoned farmhouse. The structure didn't even get the chance to explode in a cloud of rubble, the entire building was instantly and completely flattened by the sheer size of the rock dropped on top of it. Letting out a loud moan of pleasure as his muscles screamed their relief at finally having dropped the weight, Riley began his post-workout stretching to ease his cramped and tired muscles. His body covered from head to toe with sweat that dropped from him and fell on the ground like a musky rank rain. The giant's callous hands ran over his body, basking in the feel of his own mighty form. Each muscle harder than steel and bulging in a way that would make any bodybuilder envious. Few things in life gave Riley more pleasure than worshiping his own body, a fact made clear by his massive cock swelling and growing harder the more he rubbed and touched himself. In no time at all the tanned member stood proud and fully erect. Thicker than a truck and longer than a plane the massive head covered by a thick foreskin pulled back just enough to show the pre dampened opening. His sack hung low in the high heat, each ball the size of a house and storing several hundred gallons worth of hot potent seed. Wrapping one of his rough hands around the shaft Riley gave his pride and joy a few slow firm strokes watching mesmerized as the muscles of his arm bunched up then relaxed with the action. As his breathing grew deeper and more intense Riley had to force himself to stop stroking his shaft. Despite his desperate need to cum and flood the land around him in his seed he knew that it wouldn't be fully satisfying. There was a very important element missing if he was going to fully enjoy himself and get the relief he wanted. After a few more stretches and a few times of slapping his cock against the palm of his hand just to get him extra horned up, the macro human began to stomp his away from his impromptu workout area and towards the city on the distant horizon. Each step he took covering several miles and sending small tremors through the ground. Riley paid no attention to where he out his feet or what was in his way. Though he did pay enough attention to knock over any of the large metal towers the puny insects used to communicate with one another. An unnecessary act but with that lose the bugs would panic more and that was just extra fun for him. Even at his incredible size, it took Riley almost twenty minutes to approach the city, to his interest he couldn't hear the screams of terror or fear that usually signaled his arrival. As he got closer he couldn't even see swarms of frightened tinies scrambling in the streets to get away. Riley pondered this for a moment wondering why he wasn't being met with the usual fanfare that signaled his arrival at a city. It wasn't until a bright beam of sunlight reflected off a building's windows and directly into his eyes that he realized the reason. Despite him enjoying the heat and it has a much-lessened effect on him at his size he was still mildly hot. If that was the case then the smaller folk would definitely be feeling the heat and trying to stay inside and avoid it at all costs. A grin spread over Riley's face, that was okay he knew exactly how to get the bugs out of their hiding spots and he would take great pleasure in the act. With deliberate steps, the giant began to stomp his way closer to the city. The now increased vibrations caused the small cars and trucks to jump and rock encouraging their alarms to begin wailing. Riley knew that would partly get some attention but if he really wanted a swarm of the pathetic creatures to come swarming out into the streets he would need a bit more. Once he was close to one of the buildings, brick and stone structure that came up to Riley's knee, the giant pulled his foot back and with great force kicked it hard enough to shatter it to bits. Debre flew in all directions as the building exploded with the force of a bomb blast. Rubble pelted the street and hit against other buildings, mixed in with the wood and stone was a few bodies. Or rather chunks of them, the force of the kick along with the shrapnel had shredded any living creature to bits. Riley's cock gave a heavy throb and a thick drop of pre-gathered at the opening of his cock. Only the tip of his foreskin kept the pearl from falling to the ground below. Now the screams began, they were few and faint at first but soon they grew into a fever pitch that was like music to Riley's ears. Finding another building about the same size as the first the giant placed one of his feet on the roof and began to slowly increase the pressure. Loud cracking filled the air as the roof slowly began to cave in, his sensitive ears could pick up the panicked screams coming from inside the building. Just before his foot came down all the way and flattened the building a small crowd of tiny weaklings came flooding out of the front. Chuckling as several of them stopped to gape up at him Riley lifted one of his arms up and flexed making his already bulging muscles stand out even more. A thick vein running over the boulder of his bicep pulsed and throbbed in time with his hard and now fully leaking cock. The thick string of pre that fell from his cock head landed on the street and the splatter of it caused several of the bugs to fall over and get trapped like a bee in honey. Now that the ground had a steady swarm of the little fuckers Riley knew he could have his real fun. Lifting his foot again he swung it over the densest portion of the crowd. Wiggling his toes for a moment Riley brought his foot down carefully until he could feel the crowd wiggling and struggling under his sole. Carefully he began to increase the pressure more and more. It took less than a second for him to feel bones beginning to break and the resulting crunch as a few were flattened under his heel sent a shiver of pure lustful pleasure through his mighty body. Finally, when he pressed his foot flat over the squirming bodies they popped with a wet squish. A flow of thick sticky blood pushed its way up between his toes and around the outside of his foot. Twisting his foot Riley really ground the bugs into the crumbling street. The act causing the others to increase their screaming and their pathetic scrambling. This was the part he loved most and he took several long minutes to bask in his pleasure. Bending down the giant mass of muscle scooped up a dozen of the tiny fuckers in one hand. They screamed and tried to jump free but Riley kept them all cupped in his palm. Bringing the handful up to his hard cock he gripped his shaft and gasped having to grab hold of a taller building to help support him as the wiggling and thrashing sensation against his cock rushed through him. Carefully at first, he began to stroke up and down his length, the mass in his hand adding an extra layer of pleasure to his masturbation. Soon though he grew too eager and gripped his cock harder popping each of the wiggling bodies like grapes. A thick layer of blood and gore coated his shaft and rained down onto those left running around his feet. The loud squishing that came from him jerking off with the blood quickly faded as the blood began to thin and dry out. Riley didn't mind, it just meant he wouldn't blow his load too soon. As he moved further and deeper into the city Riley continues to smash buildings and insuring a never-ending stream of little bugs were constantly swarming around his feet. Each step he took signaled the end of another dozen or so lives. From time to time the giant would scoop up another handful of them and grind them against his hard cock though he soon had to stop since more than once he grew too close to climax and ended up flooding a whole street with his pre that shot out of his cock like missiles. Those that got caught up in the thick goo were either quickly drowned or slowly died from the heat of the bodily fluid. One of Riley's favorite things to do with the bugs, however, was to slowly crush them between his massive bulging muscles. Bending down the giant human picked up two or three at a time and carefully places them in the crease of his elbow between his massive bicep and thick and knotted forearm. He then very slowly flexed his arm until he felt them beginning to break then he would stop. After a small pause, he would begin to flex once again until he heard the crunch and snap of bones. He'd then stop again and listen to their pathetic cries and watch as they flopped about with blood oozing from their mouth, eyes, and ears. Then in one quick motion, he would flex fully splattering their meat soup bodies and rubbing the gore over his muscles. After doing the with both arms he would repeat the process with his massive pecs. Stuffing a dozen into the gap between each muscle of his chest and slowly crushing them into a paste that would run down and over his washboard abs. Within a half-hour of his rampage starting a good portion of Riley's body was coated in wet and drying blood. Placing his hands on his chest the massive male squeezed his pecs several times before running his large rough hands over his body smearing the blood all over himself. Small shivers of pleasure shook his body as he basked in the sensation of the blood coating and cooling on his hot skin. Bits of meat hanging from different places on his body. Entrails and other bloody organs catching in the cracks and crevasses of his muscles hanging like grotesque decorations. Once his initial fun subsided the macro would then begin to partake of his favorite source of protein. Scooping up handfuls of the little bugs Riley held them up above his gaping mouth and let them all free fall into his mouth. Most would land directly on his tongue, but some would miss and bounced off his face, shoulders, and chest only to tumble the fifty feet down to splat wetly on the ground. Once his mouth was full Riley would close his jaws and begin to noisily chew his meal. Blood oozing from the corners of his lips and soaking his stubble rough cheeks and chin. A mighty gulp would send the mess down his gulley and into his stomach where the acids would instantly begin to dissolve any who might have been able to avoid his tombstone like teeth. On some mouthfuls, though the giant wouldn't chew, the feeling of a massive ball of melting bodies wiggling and thrashing around in his gut was such an intense and erotic feeling he couldn't avoid swallowing a few mouthfuls down whole. On those times he would stop his rampage and have to grip the base of his shaft squeezing it hard until the thrashing in his stomach stopped. After a few handfuls the streets had nearly emptied the residents either having been swallowed down or trampled on. Licking his bloody lips Riley didn't worry. He knew the city was far from empty. Approaching one of the buildings he peeked inside and saw to his delight crowds of the little fuckers huddled inside cowering in fear. Standing up straight Riley pressed his messy and bloody cock head against the building and with a hard shove pushed his cock through the glass, wood, and concrete. He shoved in until he was balls deep and his massive sac was pressed up against the outside wall of the building. Grabbing hold of the structure Riley began to rock and thrust his hips grinding his cock in and out of the building. As his pleasure grew the greater his thrusting became. For a time he lost himself to the sensation and it wasn't until the building began to crumble and collapse that he stopped his thrusting and watched the building fall. None of those who had been inside the building had survived the collapse and Riley could see their twisted and mangled bodies half-buried in the rubble. Chuckling deeply to himself Riley slapped his rock hard cock several times knocking the rubble off his shaft. The concussion from the slaps causing the windows in the buildings near him to shatter or fracture. The act made him think of a wolf he used to know who could shatter windows and sometimes cause the little fuckers heads to pop just from the sound of his howl alone. His musing was interrupted by a sudden explosion and a slight sting in the middle of his back. Turning around annoyed Riley saw a series of tanks lining up in the street behind him. Rows and rows of soldiers flanked each tank, their green pattern uniforms making them look even more like bugs. Riley turned to face a small force clearly trying to protect the city. His gore coated body gleaming in the hot sun and he spread his arms wide giving the troops a clear target to shoot at. There was a small pause before the tanks began to fire and the soldiers dropped to their knees and started to fire their tiny guns. Riley just stood there with his arms spread wide. The majority of the tanks blasts his large chest and popped in small clouds of dust and debris. Riley couldn't help but laugh as the whole thing felt more like mosquito bites rather than an actual attack. After almost five minutes the explosions and gunfire halted. Making a big show of it Riley brushed his hands over his chest and abs knocking away the rockets and bullets that had gotten stuck in his thick skin. His cock was as hard as ever, if not more so. Looking down at the group of soldiers he could see the shiver of fear rush through them like wind through a cornfield. Moving forward the giant grabbed one of the tanks in both hands and crushed it into a ball as easily as a can. Once that was done, he dropped the ball on top of another thank causing it's wheels to blow out and a thick cloud of black smoke to billow up from it. The soldiers yelled and screamed as they started trying to run away. Taking a few short minutes to crush the remaining tanks under his foot he then turned his attention to the fleeing soldiers. It took Riley only a few minutes to block off their escape routes and to corral them all into one densely packed crowd. He used the rubble from the buildings and thanks to creating a small enclosed pin for the soldiers who stood cowering in his shadow. With a wicked grin on his face, Riley crouched over them, his massive cock and low hanging balls dangling over their heads. Adjusting his position the giant lowered himself down until his cock was submerged in the middle of the huddled crowd. Without pause, he began to grind and hump into the crowd. The screams of fear quickly turned into ones of pain as the collection of tiny humans and furs were crushed and ground into a bloody meaty soup from the giant's cock and balls alone. His pre-mixing with the gore causing the mess to be slippery and slicker than before. The street under his cock cracked and shattered as he put more force behind his thrusting and it took every ounce of Riley's self-control to keep from blowing his load. For a time he laid there panting heavily as his excitement slowly faded down to a more reasonable level. Pushing himself up he took in a deep breath enjoying the smell that came with his deviating rampage. Looking down at what was left of the soldiers Riley laughed seeing a massive indent vaguely in the shape of his large cock and balls. Streaks of blood and meat coated the broken and crumbled street. With the exception of a random body part here and there, there was hardly anything recognizable of the soldiers. The blood and pre began to pool into the deep divot he had made in the street and the sight amused him greatly. Once his composure was back in place Riley stood and went back to what he had been doing before the sad excuse for an armed force showed up. More buildings fell to his rampage and once again the streets were filled with the tiny bugs. As he watched the crowds flee an idea came to the macro, one he enjoyed very much. Moving closer to the center of the city Riley found a good and mostly clear area. The buildings that were there easily flattened out under his feet or found themselves ripped up by the foundation and hurled dozens of yards away crashing into other buildings. Moving to the center of the area Riley lifted one of his large feet and brought it down with all his might onto the concrete of the street. The material crumbled easily and shattered into bits. Again and again, he stomped the area creating a massive crater several feet deep. Dropping to his knees Riley began to scoop out the loose dirt and clutter creating a large hole in the ground. The act was slightly difficult due to his massive cock constantly getting in the way as it hung straight out from his blood-soaked crotch. Even so, he still managed to dig out a deep enough depression for what he has in mind. Smirking he stood back up and began scooping up handfuls of the little bugs and dumping them into the pit. The first few handfuls fell to their deaths since he didn't bother being gentle when putting them in the pit. The third and fourth though survived but he was sure they had several broken bones from the height of the fall. Beyond that, though the rest of the handfuls Riley dropped in seemed to land without much trouble judging by the way they got back up and tried to scramble up the walls of the pit. Thankfully the dirt was now too loose and shifting that every time they tried they'd fall back down. When the pit was half full of wiggling crying bodies Riley decided that it was good enough for his idea. Next came a slightly harder task. Looking around the giant spotted a few of the extra-long busses the bugs liked to use to get around. Picking them up Riley peeked inside but to his annoyance each one was empty. Bus after bus he picked up and looked at was completely deserted of passengers a fact that greatly angered the macro human. It wasn't until he happened to turn at the right moment and saw one of the busses quickly driving away that he struck gold. Despite the speed, the bus had been traveling at it only took a moment for Riley to stomp over and pick it up in one hand. Lifting it up to his eyes he looked inside and saw to his delight it was positively packed full of the little fuckers. A mixture of smooth-skinned humans and furs all huddled together in fear. They screamed in terror as he smiled at them, his bloody lips and teeth cracked in gore taking up their whole window view. Carrying the bus back to where the crater was Riley sank down to his knees, his legs spread wide around the outer lip of the hole and his hard leaking cock and balls dangling over the mangled ball of bodies. Adjusting his grip on the bus so it was standing straight up, Riley chuckled as the action caused a series of panicked screams to erupt from the inside. Working his tongue around the inside of his mouth for a few minutes the giant raised the front of the bus up to his lips and very carefully let a thick glob of his drool fall from his mouth and onto the windshield. It was tinted slightly red thanks to the blood that still coated his tongue. Using his free hand Riley smeared the spit over the front and sides of the bus costing it liberally in the slime. Once satisfied he reached behind himself and used his spit-soaked fingers to tease and toying with his pale puckered hole. Groaning loudly as his thick rough fingers sank a few inches into his ass Riley bit his lips and shivered. A thick stream of pre leaking from his cock and landing directly on top of the pile of bodies in the pit. Once he felt loose enough Riley placed the front of the spit-lubed bus at the opening of his ass. Relaxing as much as he could and pushing out so his ass hole opened wide Riley began to slowly push the bus full of little fuckers inside him. The screams grew to a fever pitch as the front of the bus crunched and bent slightly but thankfully that was all the damage the bus took at the moment. The massive vehicle turned sex toy sank inch after inch deep inside Riley's ass sending shivers of pleasure through him. The crowd trapped inside screamed and scrambled over one another, making the whole thing shake and vibrate in a perfect imitation of a vibrator. Once the bus sank in up to the back wheel Riley began to pull it back out just as slowly as it had sunk in. He only pulled it out a few feet before sinking it back in again. Again and again, he repeated the process pushing the bus in then pulling it out. All the while his free hand ran up and down the length of his thick cock the foreskin pulling back to show off his gleaming cock head. The hole filled up a quarter of the way with his pre and any of those at the bottom who hadn't died from the fall or been crushed by the weight of the other bodies on top quickly drowned in the thick syrup. Finally unable to fight the urge anymore Riley pushed the bus back into his hole until he felt the back wheels. Then using his pointer and middle finger he pushed the last few feet of the bus deep into his musky tight hole. Arching his back as the bus sank in and pressed right on his prostate Riley fell forward bracing himself up so he didn't fall fully onto the ground. The new position forced his cock deep into the mound of struggling screaming bodies. He felt several of them pop blood smearing over his cock head and shaft. Now fully lost in his lust the mountain of a man began to hump and grind his massive cock in and out of the wet pile of bodies. Each thrust causing bones to break or body parts to rip from their sockets. A constant stream of pre continued to fill the pit drowning more and more of the pathetic occupants. Likewise, each thrust or clench forced the bus to wedge itself deeper and deeper into Riley's mighty muscular ass. The constant pulsing and clenching of his internal muscles causing the tube of metal to compress more and more around the screaming bodies inside. The heat in his cock and balls continued to grow hotter and hotter and Riley knew that at any moment he would blow. He tried to hold off for as long as possible, his massive mountain of a body gleamed with fresh sweat as his hips rocked back and forth. Just as he was sure he couldn't hold on any longer, the bus buried deep inside his ass collapsed completely. The crunch of metal and bones followed by the flood of blood and gore from the destroyed bodies was the final button to be pressed. His floodgates opened wide and the tidal wave of hot cum that had been bubbling in his balls for days finally burst forth. It traveled up his shaft and erupted from his cock head in jets as powerful as a rocket to space. The screams from the hole quickly faded away to struggling gurgling cries as the thick hot cum filled the hole quickly. Each throbbing pulse of his cock pushed another dozen gallons of cum up his shaft and into the hole. His climax lasted for minutes though to Riley it felt like days. His whole body shook and shivered as if he had just spent a whole day running at top speed. When he began to come down from his orgasmic high he collapsed to the side. His muscled arms shaking and unable to hold his weight for a time. His still rock hard cock pulled free from the mess of cum and blood. The whole shaft was coated in the mixture along with a few bodies that clung to it due to the sticky mixture. Panting heavily Riley watched his cock continue to spurt and leak his seed down into the hole. A lazy smile spread over his face as he watched the tangle of bodies struggling to swim to the surface. A few made it but the thickness of the load kept them from staying there for long. When they would try to wipe their faces free of the suffocating slime they would instantly begin to sink again. The heat of the load was so intense that many of them had been instantly cooked alive by it. The ones who survived were in so much shock that they didn't seem to register the fact that large bits of their skin and muscle had been melted away. Riley continued to lay there and watch the show, his cock growing softer and softer though never fully deflating. Finally, after roughly ten minutes, all signs of life in the cum filled out were gone. All that remained was a slowly dissolving mass of broken and mutilated bodies sinking to the bottom. The heavy smell of blood, death and hot cum filled the air and Riley couldn't help but breathe deeply of the smell. It soothed and relaxed him to the point his eyelids began to droop lower and lower. Yawning loudly he figured, where he was at the moment was as good a spot as any to rest for the evening. Stretching out, his muscles cried in protest at the movement and he couldn't help but laugh. The rest would give his muscles a chance to recover both from the workout and the post-workout fun. When he woke up he would find a lake or something to wash himself off in. With the sun high in the sky and the heat soaking into his darkly tanned body, Riley began to doze off a content smile on his face. The city around him nothing but an empty ruined ghost town just like so many others he had visited before. — I commissioned this story from a friend named, smounged1989 over on FA, about a month ago and I gotta say this turned out better then expected, don’t know if you guys would like a sequel to this or not? Maybe another bodybuilder/power lifter you have in mind?
  19. Austinevenson42

    Write Caption Stories With Me!

    Not sure if there is already a caption stories thread going on, but I thought we could start one up fresh for 2018. Essentially, pick a hot picture of a muscular guy you really like, then write a paragraph or two that provides some sort of context for it. I don't know about you, but I don't tend to have the time to write a whole story, yet I still want to contribute something. This is an awesome way to get hot ideas out there that maybe one day could evolve into full stories, or it's also a great way for people who haven't written something on here to take a crack at it. You can even get advice or new ideas from fellow writers that can hopefully improve your work(s), or inspire you to do something else! Lastly, just make sure that your content follows all of the rules, keeping everyone 18 and older. As long as you follow the rules and write about muscles, feel free to write whatever you want. I am really looking forward to the amazing stuff some of you will come up with. Happy writing! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Do you know what it's like to be a muscular hunk? I honestly didn't know until my junior year of college when I started working out. I had been the most average guy you could possibly imagine until I decided to make a change and hit the gym. I knew nothing about working out at all, but somehow that summer it all just clicked. The results kept coming and coming, then, by September, I was unrecognizable. Where there was once a flat chest I had two giant mounds of pecs, where I had twigs for arms I now had massive boulder sized biceps, where I had a little chub on my stomach I now had sculpted rock hard abs, where there was once bone I not had the broadest of godlike shoulders, and I could go on and on. Literally everyone started treating me differently, like I was clearly the alpha wherever I went. I was practically a bodybuilder now, with a physique that could honestly only be accurately described as a sex machine. I became a walking orgasm like you wouldn't believe... Guys, girls, you name it, everyone wanted a piece of me. You don't need to go looking for sex with a body like mine, it just comes in, and your muscles just seem to know exactly how to handle it all. Some nights I just go from person to person, room to room, never tiring, just fucking like there is no tomorrow. I literally leave some people destroyed, unable to take any more, but my muscles, my monster cock, they're just always thirsting for more. The best is just when I'm laying in my dorm room watching Netflix or something, and people text me begging to come over. Most of the time I just tease them though, because I've become that kind of fuck, but when I get in the mood I pick a lucky one to come over. After I just rip their body apart for the whole night, orgasm after orgasm, they somehow manage to get up in the morning, and I tell them to call me when they can handle it again--like they weren't going to get back to me anyways, right. I do honestly feel bad though when people in relationships beg and beg for me to fuck the shit out of them, like my older brother's girlfriend or my younger brother's boyfriend, but what can I say, I'm a fucking animal. Call me a bad guy, or say I have too much sex, but, honestly, look like me, and try to do otherwise. I dare you!
  20. galaxymuscless

    My Captions ENGLISH and SPANISH

    SPANISH Un día mi hermano menor se compró un extraño videojuego durante una venta de garaje, el juego se llamaba "Quest for muscles" y parecía una copia barata de skyrim en el explorabas un mundo abierto mientras peleabas con monstruos y subías de nivel. Sin embargo, había ciertos detalles que eran inquietantes el avatar de mi hermano era una copia casi idéntica de el incluso en el cuerpo era flacucho y bastante más bajo que la mayoría de los npc además cuando lo subía de nivel en lugar de estas comunes como Magia, inteligencia, destreza habían sido remplazados por cosas como bíceps, tríceps, pectorales, estatura, etc. cada vez que el personaje de mi hermano subía de nivel estos stats aumentaban ligeramente. No le di mucha importancia y dejé a mi hermano con su videojuego mientras yo me fui a dormir me costó un poco por que escuchaba ruidos de mi hermano aun jugando. "En algún momento se cansará" pensé mientras me quedaba profundamente dormido, ala mañana siguiente me desperté y los ruidos del videojuego aun sonaban ahora si estaba enojado ese enano había estado jugando sin parar toda la noche. Ese fue el colmo camine hacia su cuarto para darle una paliza por no parar de jugar. pero algo hizo detenerme al abrir la puerta en lugar de encontrarme a mi escuálido hermano menor en su lugar había un hombre gigante, sus piernas eran tan largas que sus enormes pies colgaban unos cm sobre la cama, pero lo más impresionante era su físico, sus bíceps eran del tamaño de melones, uno de sus pectorales era más grande que mi cabeza y a través de sus apretadas ropas se podía ver unos marcados abdominales. sin embargo, Lo que hizo que me congelara es cuando vi la cara del hombre gigantesco, unida por un grueso cuello estaba la cara de mi hermano menor con todo y sus gruesas gafas de nerd, sus ojos estaban fijos en la pantalla de la tv y en sus manos tenía aun el control de la video consola el cual se veía diminuto en sus enormes manos. En ese momento volteé a la pantalla y pude ver al avatar de mi hermano ahora con un cuerpo enorme matando a unos monstruos y subiendo de nivel."Genial! ¡Al fin llegue al nivel 100!" grito de repente mi hermano en una voz ahora más gruesa y varonil volteo hacia mí no se había dado cuenta de mi presencia y sonrió con una sonrisa malévola"Hola hermano una disculpe creo que me quede algo adicto a este juego, pero creo que valió la pena" dijo mientras hacía saltar sus redondos pectorales yo solo me quede en espectáculo mientras mi hermano "pequeño" se levantaba de la cama y su cabeza se elevaba más y más y más.... ENGLISH One day my younger brother bought a strange videogame during a garage sale, the game was called "Quest for muscles" and it looked like a cheap skyrim copy in which you explored an open world while fighting monsters . However, there were certain details that were disturbing the avatar of my brother was an almost identical copy of the even in the body was skinny and short most of the npc looked taller than his avatar, in addition when he was leveling up instead of the common stats like Magic intelligence, dexterity they had been replaced by things like biceps, triceps, pectorals, stature, etc. every time my brother's character level up these stats increased slightly. I did not give much importance and left my brother with his video game while I went to sleep ,it took me a while because I heard noises of my brother still playing. "At some point will get tired" I thought while I was sound asleep, the next morning I woke up and the sounds of the video game still sounded now if I was angry that dwarf had been playing without stopping all night. That was the last straw I walked to his room to give him a beating for not stopping playing. but something made me stop when I opened the door instead of finding my scrawnt younger brother in his place there was a giant man, his legs were so long that his huge feet hung a few cm out of the bed, but the most impressive was his physique, his biceps were the size of melons, one of his pectorals was bigger than my head and through his tight clothes you could see some marked abs. However, what made me freeze is when I saw the face of the gigantic man, joined by a thick neck was the face of my younger brother with everything and his thick nerd glasses, his eyes were fixed on the TV screen and in his hands he still had control of the video console which looked tiny in his huge hands. At that moment I turned to the screen and I could see my brother's avatar now with a huge body killing monsters and leveling up."YEAH!, finally reach level 100!" Suddenly my brother shouted in a voice now thicker and more manly, he turned towards noticing my presence and smiled with a malevolent grin"Hello, brother, sorry I think I was somewhat addicted to this game, but I think it was worth it" he said while bouncing his round pectorals I just stayed in shock while my "little" brother got up from the bed and his head was it rose more and more and more ....
  21. The previous six parts are here: Meeting the Coach: Massaging the Super: Making the Rounds: Mocking the Hosts: Moving the Needle: Managing the Transition: Mastering the Formula: “Mmm Jessie, that feels insane. It is like being stroked, except it is your mouth doing the work instead of your hands.” The hugely-muscular coach and his client are spending some of their free time just hanging out in Jessie’s room by the window exploring each other again. The younger man has pulled Victor’s pants off and is playing with his coach’s meaty pecs, licking and tugging on both erect nipples lightly with his teeth and tongue. Victor’s thick and veiny cock is sitting on Jessie’s chest underneath his neck, throbbing and lightly leaking onto his client’s fairly tight t-shirt. Aberdeen stops chewing on them when he feels Victor start to get close to bursting. “This is really fun Vic. I wonder how much longer you can last. Why don’t we find try and find out.” Jessie runs his hands between Victor’s sweaty abs and traces his fingers along the contours of his coach’s huge pec mounds, squeezing and rubbing them slowly as he moves back into position to nurse on the thickly-developed man’s nipples once again. Victor moans deeply as he rubs his young partner’s hair with his strong hands and feels his balls making more cum. He has been edged for quite some time since Aberdeen arrived back into his room. Dumas’s large veiny cock bounces violently and throbs as a sticky ribbon of precum has attached itself to Jessie’s shirt. The young stud can see it out of the corner of his right eye as he stops to move down to hold it in his left hand. He kisses Victor’s cock on the sides of his shaft before running his tongue along the underside of his cock head to lap up the precum. He lightly smirks as he stretches the ribbon out from the piss slit about a couple of feet as it drips down onto his shirt. He moves back in as Dumas grunts continuing to rub Jessie’s hair. He is not going to last much longer at this rate. Jessie squeezes Victor’s huge balls with one hand and his bloated shaft with his other one stroking forward with his tongue out as another thick strand of precum flows into his mouth. Dumas is moaning loudly now as he pushes Jessie down over top of his shaft. “YES! It feels so good Jessie. So…..FUCKING……GOOD!” The young stud chokes a few times before situating his throat to the point that he can feel the precum flowing down into his stomach. He works Victor’s shaft with his mouth slowly making the older man breathe heavier as the sweat pours profusely down his body. Jesse is soaking his entire shirt with perspiration as they both hear a knock on the hotel room door. Aberdeen stops sucking so he can cough as his coach quickly pulls his raging shaft out. He is so close to the edge and yet he can’t cum. They try to compose themselves before they proceed towards the door. Jessie decides he will go since he still has his clothes on. Victor moves over to an area of the room where the person at the door can’t see them as he opens the door.” “Who are you?” “Mr. Aberdeen, I am an assistant to Arliss Mancari. He has sent me to take you to the medical arena for your procedure.” “Ohh it is that time already? Well I will let Victor know then and we will be there in a few minutes.” The man shakes his head no. “No, you don’t understand. I am to escort you to the arena. Mr. Dumas will meet up with you in a bit. I would suggest that you change into looser clothing because you will not be in those beyond a minute or two.” Jessie looks down and agrees. “Alright, give me a couple of minutes and I will be back then.” He closes the door halfway and rushes over to where Victor is in the room. He is still completely nude. “Are you going to be alright Vic? You were so close to blasting me that I wonder if I should have just finished you off?” The sweaty beefcake laughs as he watches Jessie strip out of his soaked clothes and rushes over to put on the outfit he was given for the procedure. The shirt and shorts are not as loose as the ones that Thomas wore, but that is partly due to the fact that the once-scrawny nerd had no muscle definition. Victor is starting to calm down slightly as his cock dangles a few strands of precum off the end of his cockhead. Jessie sees it and wants to lick it off but Victor stops him from approaching. “NO! No Jessie, you have to go. I will be fine. This is actually perfect because when I do go out there and see you explode into the man you were always meant to be, I will lose control and have the most amazing orgasm of my life. Get going! I will see you in a bit.” The fit young nerd is feeling more confident about himself now than he ever has before. The man with him grabs his left arm and rushes him down the corridor into the main lobby and down another hallway past several rooms which have colossal-sized men in them. He makes quick glances inside each one of the rooms and notices that most of the men are either watching their TV monitors or are talking amongst each other. It appears that they have just finished relieving themselves from a previous ceremony. Jessie attempts to hide the tremendous bulge in his shorts, but it is too obvious especially when the two men eventually meet up with Arliss, who is waiting for him at the end of the corridor they are in. He smiles as he extends his immense arms out to hug the young man. Jessie wraps his arms around the hairy stud and takes in his scent for a few moments before letting go. “Taking in the atmosphere are we, Jessie? I have to say that the last time I saw you I don’t remember you looking so ripped. Did Victor already get you started on the growth cycle?” Jessie laughs as he slowly rubs his crotch on Arliss’s huge right quad. The thick muscle daddy shakes his head no a few times to completely quash what he is doing. “Now now, you shouldn’t entice the man that will be controlling your fate from here on out. We need to get you prepped…” Jessie stops him mid-sentence as he steps back to give him an idea. “I just wondered if, maybe, the doctor who makes these serums for us could give me one that could, uhh maybe, make my body grow even bigger than originally planned.” The huge Italian puts his thick right hand on the nerd’s right shoulder and gives him a sly look. “I knew there was something different about you Jessie. That time we spent together was quite memorable for me and I am willing to accommodate your request. Is this simply for you or are you also doing this for Victor?” “Both actually, he told me that guys that win the lottery don’t realize they can request to be upgraded. I figured since me and you shared some time with each other earlier that maybe something could come out of this.” “You would be right, you devious cutie. I will let Dr. Doblones know and he will meet with you in private. This is going to be amazing.” Arliss motions for the man that came with Jessie to contact the doctor. The muscle daddy is now rubbing the young man’s facial stubble with his free hand. “Do you want this to be private between just you and Victor? Or are you willing to let the others watch as well? They are likely pretty drained from watching the last guy change.” “Hmm, I have never thought about that. Yeah I think maybe it is better if this happens in front of a gallery of one. Unless you want to watch it happen as well?” Jessie winks as he reaches over to slide both of his hands underneath the thick Italian’s loose tank to make contact with his furry pec meat. The big hunk moans softly as he quickly answers him. “You better believe I want to watch you become a fucking god. You have to remember, I have tasted your delicious sauce young man, and it was quite tasty. Heh, I shouldn’t talk that way because you are not doing this for me, but…if you are willing to let me experience this along with Victor, then I will accept your invitation.” Arliss and Jessie lean in to kiss each other on the lips and embrace for a few moments again. It is obvious that they are fond of each other, but still manage to keep their hormones in check. The younger man is leaking precum through his shorts now. They pull themselves apart again. “This is great Jessie. You are going to be amped for this. We don’t normally want the clients doing this, but in your case, it will get the serum flowing quicker throughout your body.” They both hear someone behind them clearing their throat. They turn and it is Dr. Doblones. He looks at Jessie and motions for him to follow him into a side room. Arliss waves goodbye as they enter the room and sit down at a round desk with two chairs. The doctor gets his tablet out and puts it on the table for Jessie to see what he wants to show him. “Mister…Aberdeen…what a pleasure it is for you to request an upgrade. The serum that will be administered to you will feature an experimental myostatin inhibitor that has only been used one other time. And before you ask, no it was not used on a human. The recipient was a gorilla that we called Edison. We figured that since they are closely related to humans that they would likely respond to the serum in a similar way.” The doctor then plays a video showing his medical team administering the serum to the gorilla, who is inside of a 10 x 10 metal cage. The beast is surprisingly calm after they remove the syringes from its body. Dr. Doblones is seen in the background watching intently at the animal’s reaction. It isn’t long before it starts grunting and arches its back. The hair begins falling off in huge piles as its muscles begin swelling all over its thick frame. The gorilla was already well over 300 pounds to begin with, but within seconds grew an additional 100 pounds. The doctor is seen directing people to hit the animal with arrows filled with some other type of fluid. The gorilla’s sheer mass was starting to become too much for the cage as the metal bars were beginning to buckle under the sheer power of the swelling monster behind them. Jessie is both horrified but turned on by the rapid growth he is witnessing in the video. After nearly fifty arrows are shot into the hulking beast, it collapses onto the ground. Several medical personnel move in to assess the animal as it quickly starts to shrink back to where it began. The doctor is seen motioning for the video to stop and it ends. Dr. Doblones reaches down into a small bag beside him to pick up two vials and places them in front of Jessie’s face on the table. The doctor smiles as he looks into the young man’s eyes to examine them. He can tell that the man is a bit conflicted by what he just saw. “Okay Mr. Aberdeen, I want you to tell me the truth about what you just saw in that video. Did it terrify you? Were you surprised at how large the animal grew? I have been watching your reaction from the moment the video started to where it ended. While I know you are scared by what happened to the gorilla, I could tell that you were also excited by how enormous it became in such a short amount of time. It may even surprise you to know that Edison is still alive. *picks up his tablet and swipes a few times before he shows a camera shot of Edison to Jessie* There he is, and he is as calm and collected as he was before the procedure.” “The point I am making here is the experimental serum was successful. While we did have to shoot Edison full of the reversion, that was also proven to be successful. He quickly returned back down to his normal size once again and is perfectly fine. We knew here at the lab that there was a chance that he would be out of control because he is not human and doesn’t have the control that we do. The point is if something goes wrong with this, we can fix it. *picks up the right vial* THIS is the serum. I am ready to give this to you. *picks up the left vial with his other hand* THIS is the reversion. We are fully prepared for your procedure. Okay, talk to me young man.” Jessie is still staring at the tablet with the camera still on Edison. He is grinning now. The doctor is also grinning. “Before I came to this place, I would have never even considered doing something like this, but everyone has opened my eyes to new and unimaginable desires. What happened to that gorilla is ridiculously scary but at the same time it is highly pleasurable to see him just revel in it. I want that same feeling for me and those people that are close to me.” The doctor stops him. “No, this is for you. Look, you are the first person this is being offered to after we have successfully managed to control the whole scene. You are different Mr. Aberdeen, and yes, you are right. You have changed since you have been here. Physically your body has started to change, and we haven’t even done much yet. Mr. Mancari, Mr. Dumas, and myself have been grooming you for greater things. The food you have been eating here had small traces of the serum in it. This need you have has slowly been building up inside your brain. Your chemistry with both of these men you have been around has developed because deep down you have always wanted this kind of affection, which is why you are sitting here with me right now. Your mind is now telling you to plunge that serum into your veins and to leave normalcy behind.” Jessie is now looking at Dr. Doblones and is shaking his head yes. He is in amazement, and feels totally fine with what has happened. “Yes, you are right. I mean…I know what you did was completely ludicrous, but I also know that what you are doing for me is a tremendous gift. My life was so broken before I came here, and now I feel like I will be rewarded. *pauses to take a breath* Okay, let’s do this. What happens now?” The doctor motions for Jessie to get up at the same time he does as they leave the room and go down the hall. The doors are now all closed except for one that is at an angle. They walk through it where about ten medical technicians are set up in different stations. Each one appears to have a different purpose. There is a huge chair with titanium restraints attached to it for arms and legs. Jessie immediately knows that he is going to be sitting there for the procedure. The doctor picks up a different outfit from the one that Jessie is wearing. “You won’t be wearing those rags you are wearing anymore Mr. Aberdeen. You are going to be needing fabric that is much more durable. *has Jessie feel the material* This fabric is also highly experimental. On a normal human frame, it is loose and unremarkable so when you put the shirt and pants on, you will think it looks ridiculous. Once the growth cycle kicks in though, you will be testing the fabric and how far it will go until it gives way.” The fit young man can’t help but to bounce his cock a couple of times as he is handed the outfit. “Go change behind the chair, nobody will bother you there. When you are done, sit down in it and try to calm yourself down. I know you are excited, which is fine, but we do need to get you hooked up to the channeling system for the serum to travel through.” Jessie rushes to pull his old outfit off and slides the new one on in mere seconds. He jumps into the chair which doesn’t budge an inch. It is quite obvious that it was built to withstand a lot of abuse. End of Part 7 Motivating the Mind: Marking His Territory:
  22. Motivating the Mind: “Mr. Aberdeen…please take a deep breath and settle down. I am excited myself to get this process moving along, but you will give yourself an aneurysm before we even start.” Dr. Doblones is now busy trying to get a few of his medical technicians to jot down some of the things he is telling them. They are being instructed to attach a specialized IV bag on to the back of the chair to a four-way channel that will lead over and under Jessie’s arms and legs. He will have four syringes impaling his major arteries to get the serum into his body. He then finishes his instructions to go stand in front of the eager client. “Okay young man, I am going to turn this operation over to Arliss, if he will get here…” The huge hulking hairy stud is walking briskly into the medical arena with a smile on his face. Dr. Doblones looks over at him and winks. “Alright, Mr. Mancari will be entrusted with the transition. I know you two will get along just fine. *tries not to show emotion* I honestly don’t know what will happen, but I do know that it will be unforgettable for all of us. I will be looking down on the transition until I know that you will be okay Mr. Aberdeen. I have a feeling though this is going to go off without a hitch.” Jessie can see Victor off in the distance from where they walked in. He is wearing a loose tank and a pair of shorts along with a pair of sneakers on. He is called out by the guy in the chair from about hundred feet away. “Vic…hey come over and join us? I could use a little more support here. Remember your promise?” The doctor and Arliss turn to see who he is talking about and notice him too, hiding in the shadows outside the door. The man in the lab coat moves toward him which prompts Victor to start walking in the other direction. He is quickly told to stop walking by Dr. Doblones. “Victor Dumas stop walking. Get back here.” He sighs before turning back around after moving a few feet away from the door. “Normally I wouldn’t allow you to go in there but you two are bonding in a way that I rarely see here. You can probably calm him down as well so you will also be included in the transition. Just make sure that you and Arliss don’t fight over him too much. He will likely have his way with both of you so try not to destroy the room like what usually happens in the other wings. Have fun Mr. Dumas.” The doctor proceeds down the hall into the main lobby as Victor waddles his way over to the other two at the chair. Arliss is locking Jessie into the chair’s restraints by way of an expandable material that will obviously be tested by Jessie’s growth cycle. He is making sure that they are secure and tightly affixed to the sides of the chair as well. The young man is wondering how his small frame would possibly get to the point of even testing the limits of those restraints. “I mean…am I going to get THAT big? The space between my forearms and the titanium is practically double, maybe even triple. *feels his cock twitch* MMMMM, I shouldn’t feel so much pleasure in this but I do.” Victor studies the apparatus behind the chair since he has never seen such an arrangement before. He is fascinated by how it will be transfused into Jessie’s body. The syringes are being attached to the serum chambers by two medical technicians who are now showing both Arliss and Victor on how to correctly insert them into Jessie. They finish their instructions and leave the area. The two huge studs look at each other briefly before searching for just the right arteries to impale. Victor leans in to kiss the young man on the lips before going back to doing what he was instructed to do. “I am a bit nervous I am going to hit the wrong one Jessie.” Jessie squeezes his arms to make the veins pop out and find their way to the surface. Both Arliss and Victor laugh and shake their heads no. “Well…that is fine and all cutie, but we are supposed to put these thick needles into an artery. It will likely hurt really bad when we do this so we will do them one at a time. There will be two in your legs too.” Both hunks think they have found the right one in both arms as Victor tries to distract his partner. “Were you just trying to edge me earlier Jessie or was that supposed to go the distance?” “Ohh I was definitely trying to make you…AHHHHHH! ! ! !” Arliss slowly jams the thick syringe into the young man’s right arm until he thinks it is secure. It is a successful effort on his part. Jessie is obviously in a bit of distress. “Okay cutie, you were nice enough to let me join you and Vic in this experiment, what do you think will happen once…you know…the other you comes out?” Jessie is trying to focus on Arliss to answer him. “I…uhh…I don’t know. I mean…I wonder if the other me is a bit of a douch…AHH SHIT SHIT SHIT…” Now Victor is pushing his syringe into Jessie’s left arm until he thinks it is secure enough. It is a tougher ordeal partly because his partner’s left tricep is a bit thicker than his right one. The lottery winner is hunched over in pain with his head in his lap as the sweat starts pouring down his face and back. Both Arliss and Victor give him a minute or two to compose himself. “Okay buddy, Vic and I are going to have to do the same to your legs. I hope the pain isn’t as bad down there.” They both slide a part of his shorts up so they can view his lightly hairy, but nicely firm quads to search for the biggest artery they can find. Jessie rises back to his original position and is trying to calm himself down again. Instead of making chit-chit again, both of the hulks decide to stick him at the same time. Jessie yells in pain as they quickly slide the syringes into his quads and get back up to their feet to give him some tight hugs. He is crying a bit from the ordeal. “We are sorry cutie. We know that the pain is awful. The good news is though you probably won’t even know they are there in a few minutes.” The remaining technicians in the medical arena are now checking to see if the entire system is going to be operational. When they check Jessie’s attachments, they give the two huge hulks a thumbs up as they leave the area. Victor stands up and leans against the chair above Jessie’s head while Arliss finds the button that starts the IV transfer into the four chambers. He flips it as the serum slowly starts flowing into each tube. Victor is now rubbing his partner’s face and chest with his hands. He is quite nervous and Jessie can tell. “It is going to be alright Victor. I am at peace with whatever happens here. I pretty much have no choice at this point, the real me will be emerging soon enough.” Arliss and Victor watch as the serum finally meets up with Jessie’s insides. The young man involuntarily jumps at first before sighing a few times as he feels it start to flood his arteries and vessels. Mancari is checking the lottery winner’s vitals to make sure nothing drastic changes. He jumps again as Arliss finishes just to make him react and laughs. Both of the big guys look at each other in bewilderment. “Are you doing that on purpose Jessie? This stuff must be making you relax and goofy. I don’t think I have ever seen you do that…” Before he can even finish his sentence, Victor reaches over to feel something happening to his partner’s left arm. Jessie is lightly moaning as his cock jumps a few times in his shorts. He does not appear to be in pain anymore. Instead, he leans back in his chair and has a smirk on his face. The big hunks are now paying attention to nearly every square inch of his body to see what is about to occur. “MMM…I can feel it invading my brain now. There is no doubt about it that this is what I have always craved my entire life.” He can feel the muscles in his arms and legs starting to burn as his body proceeds to reprogram itself according to what his mind is telling it to do. He is now flexing them making the veins stand out once again. He turns to look at Victor and grins. “Victor…I think the transformation is about to start because I am feeling the urge to grow myself now. It is the strangest sensation I have ever felt, but I LOVE IT! I can’t really hold it back since this stuff is continuously flowing into me.” He laughs as he feels both of his arms straining before they finally start to swell. Victor can feel Jessie’s bicep and tricep growing beneath his left hand, eyeing the veins as they begin expanding just beneath the young man’s skin. Arliss can feel the same thing happening with his right arm, rubbing each thickening vascular branch and muscle fiber as they slowly stretch his skin. Jessie can feel the same thing happening in his quads as well. “YYEESS!! AWW FUCK! What a feeling! I think I can feel my legs reacting now.” The growth is more rapid in his legs as both Victor and Arliss look on in total disbelief as they see and hear the muscles in both quads stretching and growing closer together. The gap that was present between his legs is quickly evaporating as his shorts are being forced upward into his midsection. Jessie is clearly becoming more eager to grow as he looks over at both of his arms and sees the swelling start to move down into his forearms. At the same time, it is closing in on his calves and feet. Arliss lets go of Jessie’s arm and moves away from him to take in the sight of his young friend’s transformation. He is now located far enough back to where he can watch the IV solution empty. He undoes his pants and pulls his erect cock out to let it start dripping precum beneath him. Victor lets go of Jessie’s other arm to get on his knees. He is anticipating the scenario that he has always dreamed about for his partner. Jessie speaks again. “GIVE IT TO ME! ! ! This is all I want now.” He grunts feeling the veins and muscle fibers stretching the fabric holding his forearms in place. Even his fingers and palms are growing thicker as he grips the chair. Sweat coats his entire body as veins pulse beneath his shirt and along his neckline. The muscles beneath his knee are stretching and growing thicker as leathery sounds can be heard beneath his ankles. His feet are expanding as the fabric in his shoes begins to stretch to try and accommodate its growing inhabitants. His calves are growing wider making him moan deeply. Both Arliss and Victor can clearly see them jutting outward from his legs. There are new branches of veins and capillaries forming in places that previously had nothing to show. The fabric that is wrapped around Jessie’s ankles is being stretched as the fabric draws closer to the clamps that are holding them in place. The young man’s lower half, besides his crotch, is glistening with new muscularity, hugely veiny with peaks and valleys of thick densely constructed power. Arliss gets the attention of Victor and motions that the IV is not even half empty yet. His thick rod is lightly dripping precum down his shaft and he is breathing quite heavily. Next obviously, the serum will be moving into other areas such as Jessie’s chest and head. The growing young stud’s shoulders are swelling, making the fabric over top of them sound like there is water inside of a balloon. He laughs as he leans forward to show them that his back and ass are starting to react. There are tons of sounds radiating from his back as muscles begin to emerge from out of nowhere. He is growling as his two glutes inflate in seconds, nearly stretching the back of his shorts to their limits. “OHH FUCK…MMM…ohh shit Victor…the sensations of my ass growing like that is stretching my hole as well. It feels like someone pushed a foot long into my butt. I am leaking soo much…” He is breathing heavy now as the serum saturates his torso and his vocal cords. His voice goes an octave deeper and it is exciting him. He finally feels his testicles and penis being influenced. It is the meeting of the minds as the serum is now fully melding with Jessie. He growls again as he feels his spine crack and pop a few times. He is getting taller. As a result of this, he is growing more muscles in his back as the veins and cords of muscle fibers leading up into his delts are starting to test the limits of the doctor’s fabric. His traps are now forcing his head forward even more as they stretch across to his engorged shoulders, which are still somehow hidden beneath his shirt. He can no longer sit back in the chair as he starts to feel his chest react. “Watch my pecs Victor…*feels them start to swell*…FFUUCCKK!!!” Arliss moans loudly watching Jessie’s pecs inflate, not realizing that the young man’s cock and balls are also starting to grow. The two formerly thin chest muscles are stretching the shirt, pulling the fabric and creating a giant gap at the top. His nipples are growing as well as they protrude just beneath the fabric. They are as hard as they can be. He is in total ecstasy feeling his entire stomach area reacting as his abdominals are completely visible beneath the fabric in eight nearly perfect slabs. He is not even close to being satisfied as he feels his pecs bunching up on each other trying to break free from the fabric that is keeping them from breaking free. “SSHHIITT…this damn fabric is too strong. Victor…heh…my cock wants to say hello by the way. You should come and take a look.” Victor moves over and sees Jessie’s cock slowly stretching out the side of his shorts. It is spitting precum down the side of his right leg. It is also quite obvious that he is sporting a huge set of testicles as they are stretching the fabric in the front. Dumas is done watching now and leans down to start slurping on the huge young man’s thick 10” cock. He is able to shove part of Jessie’s cock down his throat and is sucking on him. Arliss is so turned on now by the transformation that he shoots several ropes of cum on top of the two men. Jessie laughs hysterically knowing that he is making both of these insanely gorgeous men lose their minds. His neck is now stretching thicker and beefier than before as the hair on his head falls off and new veins form all over the top. He can feel the muscles bulging as his face as he begins to sport a blocky and more masculine look. He is mostly hairless now, but doesn’t even seem to notice it. He grunts feeling his cock being massaged vigorously. Victor gulps down the river of precum that comes oozing out every few seconds. He can feel Jessie’s raging ballsac beside his face and wants badly to empty them. “YYEESS Victor…worship my big cock…I hope you are leaking as much as I am because I am about to unleash my fury on your throat.” He can feel his testicles starting to contract. “Get ready for a HUGE surprise.” Victor chokes as Jessie’s huge cock starts pumping thick gobs of cum down his throat. It is spilling out all over his face and shirt. He can’t take anymore as the thickly-built young man shoots a few jets over to where Arliss is standing. They hit him in the chest as he moans in delight. He is in awe of Jessie as he tries to get Vic’s attention again. “Hey Vic…the serum isn’t done. That was just 60% of it. That means he is going to grow again.” Jessie overhears them and smiles before trying to sit back in his chair. He is slightly uncomfortable, but there is no pain. He is taking a breather after launching his missile at both of them. “How big am I right now guys? I want to know. I feel good, but not great. This first phase was like an awakening for me, but I need more, WAY MORE!” The serum continues to flow into the huge young man. Arliss starts to evaluate him as he walks over with his cock still dangling. He is drenched in sweat as his clothes stick to him. The same can be said with Victor as well. “I would say you are probably a good 280 Jessie. You just added probably 120 pounds to your frame. Those arms are easily 22, maybe 23 inches. Gawd, your forearms though…probably close to 18 or 19 inches and that is HUGE.” Jessie lets out a few very deep manly grunts as he starts to feel the serum penetrate his mind again. “I guess it is time for round two then guys. This time, I will get to dictate the growth and I can guarantee that I will get out of this chair somehow.” End of Part 8 Marking His Territory:
  23. Marking His Territory: “Let me look at your eyes for a minute Jessie.” Victor peers into his partner’s piercing greenish-blue eyes and notices something unusual about them. “Whoa! The serum is actually making a part of your irises turn red Jessie. I am a bit concerned that you are not going to be the same man I fell for anymore. Are you still feeling like you are in control, or are you sharing a mind now?” Jessie is now trying to adjust himself so he is more comfortable for when he decides to keep going. He smiles up at his lover and keeps motioning for Victor to lean in. They kiss each other deeply, which definitely gets his hunky coach to react. He can feel a surge move through his body all the way down to his cock which jumps in his pants. They move away from each other again. “Does that reassure you just a little Victor? It is true that I am not completely the same, but the serum is starting to get too confined and is running out of room in my body.” He turns to look at his other mentor. “How much is left in the IV now, Arliss?” The huge hairy hulk takes a peek and is still quite surprised. “Looks like about a quarter of it is still left cutie. Well…I should say hunky since the cute part of you has since disappeared.” Jessie turns back to face the front again. “Well then…I guess I better get the show moving along once more.” Jessie starts to grimace as he squeezes his legs and feet. The fabric in his shoes quickly start ripping apart as his feet burst free. Victor is shocked to see how large they have grown. The same can be said for the rest of his lower half as well as both of his mentors watch as his quads begin squeezing together and mashing each other, growing bigger and thicker with each passing second. His calves add even more veins to their already freaky appearance. They are now larger than some muscular beasts’ triceps. His shorts are now literally painted to the top of his quads as his enormous hamstrings slowly rip the underside fabric. “RRAAWWRR! I need to be BIGGER, and GROW FASTER!” He leans forward before grunting and squeezing his upper body as he feels the fabric in his shirt start to give in to his power. His laughs loudly as he feels his explosively growing delts and upper back start to destroy the middle as it splits nearly in half. He then sits up and leans back to puff his chest outward as the shirt practically disintegrates under the intense pressure from his expanding pectoral mountains and silver dollar sized areolas. His heaving pecs bounce several times once they are able to break free from the confines. He is feeling the most intense rush of his life. “FUCK…I HAVE to destroy this chair…SERIOUSLY! I MUST HAVE MORE SIZE…MORE MUSCLE…MORE…COCK…” Jessie’s cock is now swelling to the point that it is starting to tear through the side of his shorts. His balls are ripping the seams beneath them as his massive glutes do the same to what remains of his pants. He is being lifted up slightly higher again because of the added thickness of his immense ass. His cock flops away from his leg and down the front of the chair as it hangs freely and starts drooling precum onto the floor beneath him. His ballsac, now filled with two baseball-sized testicles, is slightly mashed underneath his swollen rod. His shorts are now destroyed besides the waistband, which clings desperately to his expanding muscle gut which has completely burst through the rest of his shirt and is jutting out nearly as far as his immense 70” chest. His pecs have swelled all the way up to his face now as he tries to sit his head on their shelf. He is moaning and grunting at the same time as he takes turns looking at both of his expanding arms. “COME ON GUYS…GROW FUCKING MASSIVE FOR ME…I…HAVE…TO…BREAK…FREE…YES…YESS…YYYEEESSS…” Whatever fabric was clinging to his arms is being destroyed as both of his entire arms swell even bigger and thicker than they were. His bloated triceps are starting to make contact with the back of the chair as Victor and Arliss can hear it squeaking loudly under the pressure. Arliss is moaning loudly and as he runs his hands up and down his soaked clothing watching Jessie become an absolute monster. Jessie’s forearms are literally begging for mercy and throbbing wildly as additional veins and capillaries form beneath the skin. His hands have swollen again and are hanging over the edge. He is about to do what he has set out to do the whole time and wants to savor every last second and minute of it. Victor is slightly concerned that he is going to be severely outmanned by his partner, but is in complete awe of what he is watching him become. Arliss is obviously unconcerned and is in complete ecstasy. The serum is almost entirely inside the muscle behemoth at this point which is great news; however, the bad news is, that means that Jessie is not done growing. He isn’t even talking anymore because he is now concentrating on his restraints. The two older men can hear odd noises coming from the doorway that they entered earlier. They are being locked in. It appears that Dr. Doblones suspects what is about to happen to Jessie and doesn’t want him to get out. In the back of Victor’s mind, he wonders if he should go and try the find the antidote in case this gets out of hand, but he is frozen in place, and can’t stop watching his partner’s transformation. In an intensely powerful voice, Jessie turns to his lover and says, “WATCH THIS VICTOR! RRRAAAHHH…” The colossal muscle monster flexes his forearms and ankles as the metal starts to bend like paper. He is also literally pulling the chair out of the floor. He stands up with the whole apparatus attached to his back before gripping the sides of the chair and pulls it downward as the arm restraints creak loudly and his wrists bust through the top of them. He can barely reach one of his 30” guns over to his right hand to place a finger inside the fabric that is still attached to his right wrist. He rips it off to release his right arm which swells a bit more before it finally stops. He grins over at Victor. “I am getting closer to freedom Victor. Are you ready for me?” He grunts as he reaches over to rip the fabric off that remained to let his left forearm finish growing. He then reaches down to tear his ankle restraints off. He yanks off the waistband still attached to his muscle gut and starts to examine himself for a bit. His cock, now a 16” dong, flops from side to side, and has created a giant puddle beneath his immense feet. He notices how huge it is and places his hands on the giant rod to give it a few strokes. The intense rush of the serum inside of his ballsac makes him nearly spray cum everywhere. He stops quickly since he does not want to release it just yet. He is able to stand up as much as he can to take a breather for a few more seconds before he looks over at Victor again. “MMM…I hated that chair. Let’s see if I can turn around and tear this fucker in half.” He turns and starts grunting loudly as he leans down to pick it up in his giant hands. He grimaces and yells in delight as the apparatus squeaks before finally buckling beneath his astounding power. He has somehow torn the entire structure into two halves. The needles that were placed into his arms and legs earlier are now barely even visible inside of the bloated veins. He remembers that they are still inside of him and slowly slides them out before tossing them out of the way. Arliss has now rushed over to another part of the medical arena to avoid him for the time being. Jessie laughs once he notices that his mentor has fled. “Now wait a minute Arliss…you wanted me to be here, remember? You are getting off on me right? Well…I am FUCKING on cloud nine over it; however, I have a gift to give to my Victor.” Victor is still frozen in place as Jessie waddles over to where he is standing. The muscle monster with his 30” biceps, 25” forearms, 75” chest, bloated ab rack, flared lats, cavernous delts and traps, 60” quads, 20” calves, size 20 feet, and an ass that juts out several feet slowly picks his partner up and runs his massive veiny hands underneath his partner’s ass to tear an opening inside his pants and underwear. “Hello beautiful…” Victor is making nervous sounds as he feels Jessie searching for his quivering hole. The behemoth tries to calm him down as he finds his destination and slides two of his beefy fingers in and out of his coach’s ass. He smacks Victor’s thick glutes with his free hand and holds him up against his swollen chest. “You know what is amazing Victor, I have enough serum inside me right now to feed to you. And since we are such a perfect match for each other, I think maybe…just maybe…” Jessie stops finger fucking him to position his giant cock to where it will slowly enter his frightened coach’s relaxed anus. “Just stay relaxed Victor. I have to be able to…MMM…YYEESS…the serum should be able to find its path inside you.” The behemoth pushes his immense cockhead inside Victor’s swollen hole to start thrusting. “Jessie…I don’t think you fit…UHH…AHH…you will hurt me…” “Just let me thrust inside you a few more times Victor…MMM…MMMMM…YES…YYEESS…YYYEEESSS…” Jessie pushes his cock a bit further into Victor’s hole so he can start launching his cum into his partner’s body as Arliss watches on in the distance. He is mesmerized. The monster grunts loudly as his partner can do nothing but let him dominate him. Jessie grips him in a loving way as he hugs Victor’s body up against him. He is eager to make his partner as big as him. Within just a minute or two, it is obvious that Victor is already feeling something happen because he is staring into his partner’s eyes and looking dazed. “UHH FUCK…you are right Jessie…I can feel it rushing through me. It is flooding my mind with massive amounts of hormones and…AND…it feels INCREDIBLE!” Victor can feel it heating his muscles up. He wraps his hands around Jessie’s head and they lock lips. It isn’t long before the hulking behemoth can feel his partner’s tight hole start to swallow his massive cock. The hairy stud moans deeply into Jessie’s mouth and throat as his glutes start swelling inside his pants. They slowly rip through the seams before finally freeing themselves. The hungry top grips him tightly so he can feel every change happening to his partner. They stop kissing to focus on the situation. “OHH FUCK YYEESS! ! ! This is exactly what I want for you Victor. I want to grow you…” He squeezes his mammoth cock further inside his partner to pump more of the serum into him. He thrusts a few more times to spray more cum. Victor’s pants can no longer withstand the two expanding tree trunks that are emerging from within its confines. The shredded fabric tumbles to the ground as the thickening muscle fibers and vascular canyons are completely visible as he wraps them around his master’s powerful waistline to satisfy his lust for more. All of the thick fluffy hair that was on Victor’s body is now falling off as well as Jessie feels his partner’s cock contracting and swelling against the pocket between his pectoral mountains and the top of his two engorged abs. The growing bottom’s cock is mating with his partner’s pecs and is getting close to losing control of its self. His big ballsac is pressing up against Jessie’s musclegut as they both throb against each other. Victor is breathing heavily feeling it moving up into his chest and back. “COME ON VICTOR! Spray my tits with your hunger for growth! We are made for each other…even the serum knows this.” After adding another inch or two to his calves, Victor’s midsection and lower back begins to thicken outward even further than it was before. His shirt is stretching from the bottom up as his abdominals’ strain against the flimsy material. He is moaning loudly. Jessie stops thrusting to give him some time to concentrate on the growth. The behemoth is massaging Victor’s thick 13x8 hose with one of his hands and is rubbing it against the overhang of both of his massive pecs bouncing them as he squeezes several ribbons of precum out of his partner’s wet shaft. He rubs some of it onto his pecs before licking the remainder with his tongue. He shivers in delight. “MMM FUCK…don’t cum for me yet you hungry beast…I want you to massacre that weak fabric. You know what you have to do…” Victor laughs and grunts feeling his lats and delts stretching and pulling the shirt to its limits. He can also feel his pecs trying to reach his chin as his neck muscles and traps begin destroying the seams on the top of the shirt. The sensation of his swollen nipples tearing through the fabric is enough to make Victor soak his partner’s smooth, cavernous terrain in thick white rivers of cum. He is completely lost in his transformation now. “OHH MY GAWD…MORE…MORE…MMMOOORRREEE…” The shirt is being decimated from all directions as his swelling upper body makes quick work of the fabric as it sticks to his expanding frame. He gasps feeling the growth moving through his gigantic inflating shoulders and down into his swelling biceps and triceps. There are deeply-rooted rumbles emanating from both arms as his 22” guns…surpass 23…then 24…and finally hit the 25” mark before they finally stop. Once again, the sensation is so intense Victor unloads another massive river onto his partner’s throbbing chest. “FUCKING YYEESS…I love you so much Vic. Let’s make those forearms as big and veiny as possible.” The nearly full-grown muscle bottom yells in ecstasy as his forearms shake and tremble as they make the same deep rumbling noises. The veins start expanding and growing as the 17” muscles of power beneath them begin their new growth cycles. “FUCKING GROW BOYS…I want you to make him cum so much that he can feed me his boys from here.” “AHH…AHH…wait Jessie…FUCK…OHH GAWD IT FEELS SO GGGOOODDD! ! !” Both forearms stretch and swell past 18…then 19…20…21…Victor can feel his balls quickly filling up again as Jessie arches his partner’s cock towards his mouth. He opens up and sticks his tongue out laughing and watching Victor nearly lose his mind. Once his engorged forearms pass 23”, his cock starts flexing again as they both yell loudly anticipating the most intense orgasm yet. The newly enhanced Victor sprays his partner’s face and chest with several more jets of thick cum. As his partner finishes growing, Jessie decides to try and move his nearly 380 pound lover’s spurting cock up to his thirsty mouth to drink down its remaining contents. It is a nearly impossible task, but he is going to do whatever it takes to make it happen as he quickly lays down on the ground and sits Victor on top of him to shove his partner’s hose down his throat. Victor moans loudly as Jessie gulps several times shoving more and more of the massive tool inside him. The exasperated bottom is completely spent as he tries to lie back on his partner’s incredible quads to rest. Jessie finally drains Victor’s balls and slowly pulls his partner’s cock out of his mouth to let it sit on his musclegut and pecs. His cock bounces wildly against his equally impressive lover’s chest. It is obvious that the huge behemoth needs one more release himself. “Victor…don’t go to sleep on me just yet…I need you to make me cum one more time…” The cum-soaked top instantly feels two powerful hands stroking his cock slowly and methodically as precum flows freely down his cock again. The two muscle monsters are completely unaware that Arliss has moved over beside them and wants desperately to be involved, but is a bit scared to get too close. As Victor maneuvers his position over enough to start licking and massaging Jessie’s immense rod, the remaining hairy stud left in the arena joins him as well. He is finally noticed. “AHH YES…I never forgot about you Arliss…MMM…let’s see what I have left in the tank for you then. Let’s help our good buddy out Victor.” Arliss is transfixed on Jessie’s huge cockhead and slurps loudly on the river of precum coming out of the slit. He is dazed from the emotions flowing out of his brain. Victor lets him completely take over as he moves out of the way so Arliss can focus as Jessie moans watching his close friend hunger for more growth. He doesn’t want to tell his mentor that he is nearly free of the serum, but he still wants to see if he can at least make him challenge his clothing. “YYEESS…work me over GOOD Arliss…make me lose control…I want to grow you so bad…” “MMM…Jessie…I need it…grow me please…” He can feel the load stretching his testicles and knows it is going to be a good one. The need to feed Arliss is actually making him produce more hormones than he thought. “Okay hunk…slow it down…savor it…make me feel it…Try and stick that beautiful ass over top of my cockhead.” Arliss yanks his pants off and moves over top of the behemoth. Jessie studies his friend’s lower half and moans as he motions for him to try and sit on the very top of his rod. The hairy stud spreads his ass just enough so he can try and squeeze it inside his tight hole. He grimaces feeling it stretching his anus slightly. Jessie shakes his head no and has him pull it out. “Nah…let me do this for you. I am going to just jerk it out and feed you that way. Are you ready? Let’s do this Arliss.” He has his mentor sit beside his cock on his left quad as he strokes himself. He is moaning and grunting loudly, trembling feeling it sloshing inside his ballsac. He is not going to last long now. He arches his cock towards Arliss and tells him to catch as much of it as he can. The hungry stud wants Jessie to stop stroking so he can be in control of it. “MMM…YES…milk me Arliss.” The river immediately coats him as it continues to flow out of Jessie’s cock. He gulps as much as he can down his throat, choking and moaning at the same time. This goes on for the next couple of minutes until the cumming behemoth finally passes out from the orgasm. Arliss feels a bit of heat radiating throughout his body, but it isn’t what the other two experienced. He grunts trying to make himself induce a transformation of his own, but it doesn’t seem to make a difference. He is disappointed. He notices that Victor has also passed out behind him as he attempts to get up to his feet again. He is drenched in cum himself as the tight shirt he is wearing clings to his impressive hairy chest. He is envious of his friends, and wanted what they have, but knows that the serum is limited. He hoped there was enough for him, but he wasn’t quick enough. He wanders over to where the antidote IV is and picks it up. He can hear the cameras above him moving in his direction and stops to look at them. He smiles knowing that he can reverse the whole process if he wants to. The question is, will he do it or not? End of Part 9
  24. MuscleMorphing

    Redneck Boyfriend

    So I got this new boyfriend... he's a bodybuilder that I met at the gym... I know, I know, it's f'ing crazy! This guy is crazy! Totally not my type. You know I go for clean-cut guys, boys with metro style and model-quality muscle. So this guy drinks Bud, listens to death metal and country, and drives a freakin HUGE pick 'em up truck that's dirty as shit. So much for my Mercedes driving pretty boys. And you know I always top... I banged the fuck out of those twunks! Well get this, uh... the first time we met at the gym he hit on me hard, I mean aggressive. Dude wanted to hook up BAD. So we go back to my place and he proceeds to tear me a new asshole with his thick ol' cock. I've never taken anything like that before. I'm usually the one plowin ass! This muscle freak dominated the fuck out of me and then completely unloaded a metric shit-ton of cum all over my face! I was still trying to process the whole experience days later. All I could think about was that ripped muscle monster man-handling me. My asshole was just starting to feel better when he hit me up on facebook, "Hey man, sorry about the other night. I'll take you out for some dinner to make up for it." I was totally confused. This guy was the polar opposite of my type. In fact, I hated tatted up redneck honky-tonk fucks. But I just couldn't resist. So, he picked me up in his dirty-ass pickup truck. I had to climb all the way up in like I was scaling Mt Everest or something, diesel fumes stinking, rumbling and loud as fuck. Anyway, he took me to a fairly nice restaurant and was actually very nice, even gentlemanly I might say, and not stupid either. Plus I got to stare at his freaky forearms all evening, inhumanly thick, crisscrossed with popped-up veins. This guy was definitely a bodybuilder. His shoulders were so broad it was like out of a comic book, and his traps pushed the collar of his shirt up to his ears. This country boy was starting to grow on me. I stared at his ass while walking back to his truck like I was an adolescent boy or something. His wranglers could barely contain his muscle butt, and bodybuilder thighs made the jeans look more like leggings. I did my best to burn in my memory the image of his massive bulge as he helped me up in the truck. This dude had a fucking hog, and some serious bull balls to match. He drives me back to my place. "Come in for another drink," I suggest, and he agrees. "You know I'm a bodybuilder right?" he asks inside. "Yea, looks like it," I answer. And before I know it he's peeling off his jeans to reveal his massive striated quads, crazy rock hard and ripped to shreds. Not only that, but he's not wearing any briefs, just a tiny, skimpy pair of competition briefs with spaghetti-thin straps and a MASSIVE bulging pouch that is STRETCHED to its limits. He reaches down and adjusts his package. Oh fuck! He's wearing a cock ring! After the adjustment, everything gets shoved back in the pouch resulting in a MONSTEROUS bulge that defies gravity and sticks way out, macho as fuck! "I need to practice my posing. Wanna help me out?" "Uh, ok," I managed to eek out. The shirt came off a fraction of a second later. His waist is tight, narrow, shredded. His chest, arms and back are huge, swole, jacked up, very unlike a normal 'fit' guy. This is different. This is bodybuilder different. I mean, I'm fit. I hit the gym hard and take some pride in my muscles being big and well defined, but when I get next to Dillon, I look like a ten year old boy. His pecs stick out past his stomach and create deep shadows, emphasizing their size. They ripple and pop with each little move. His arms are massive like a comic book hero's, only his are real, and right in front of me. God those triceps stick out... normal people do not have arms this thick! His delts sit like huge round cannon balls on top of his arms and his traps pop out for that extra freak factor. Fuck! He hasn't even started posing yet and I'm rock hard! By the end of my private muscle show, I was naked from the waist down with a raging hard on and Dillon's cock was fully erect laying flat up against his stomach, while his balls continued to occupy his posers, making a bulge that would still be the envy of most bodybuilders. So I walk over on my knees and start to suck... clearly he was waiting for this, because he started to face fuck me. That fucker had me licking his cock and sucking his tip for no more than 30 seconds before trying to shove that huge thing down my throat! I fell back choking and gagging. I've never trained my gag reflex or practiced deep throating, and now he thinks I'm going to swallow that monster?! Crack! He gives me a good firm slap across my cheek. Fuck! I used to be the one slapping little bitch twinks around in bed. Acting like a dominating muscle stud. I couldn't even begin to try and slap this guy around. And before I could even finish my thought, I felt his strong hand on the back of my neck guiding his monster cock back towards my mouth. Well, no time to train my gag reflex or practice with a dildo because Dillon just decided he was going to do it anyway! I couldn't believe something so thick and so fat could even fit in my mouth, let alone go down my throat... all the way down my throat. Holy fuck his giant bull balls were all the way up to my chin, my eyes felt like they were popping out. My neck felt like it would explode. His hand let go and his giant python slid back out of my throat, allowing me to gasp for breath, my face red and saliva dripping from Dillon's monster. I coughed, hacking, trying to catch my breath. He does it again. Oh my god it hurt! He goes in and out a bit and lets go again. I gasp for breath again as I stare at this muscle beast about to gag me again with his monster cock. His ripped sinewy abs are rippling and heaving as he breathes, huge thick heavy pecs tower over his tight narrow waist. Now I understand those tats. I hate tats, but these are war paint... heightening his intimidation, making him look scary. His cock comes back for a full-on face fuck. In and out, in and out, hard. I literally don't know if I'm going to survive this, and then right as full panic sets in, he pulls back out and blasts my face with cum. I've never seen cum like that... he just blasts me over and over and over, painting my face with thick cum. It's all over my lips and mouth, up my nose, dripping from my brow, in my hair, on my chest. Fuck! I've hardly caught my breath before he throws me on my hands and knees and I could feel the cool lube being squirted on my exposed asshole, then the intense pain of his long thick cock entering my ass. Fuck! What kind of monster is this guy? I though he was done, now he's gotta stick it in another hole. I'm looking over at myself in the hallway mirror, cum all over my face, cum dripping from my ear, a look of despair... He's got a fist full of my hair holding my head up and back as he rides me. I see his huge arm extended out, packed with muscle on top of muscle. His arm measurement has to be as big as my leg measurement, fuck, bigger... and he's shredded! His tricep is popped, sticking out like crazy with striations and veins. And his unflexed bicep is just sitting there on top of his arm like some massive mound of meat. And those forearms... intertwined with thick woven ropes of muscles. Popping out like some enormous giant muscle group. What a fucking muscle monster! Dude's in full on beast mode! I though he was going to go soft after blowing that load, but no, he's still rock hard and plowing me like a mother-fucker. He's got to be at least 12 inches... feels like 24. Thank god it wasn't long before he flips me on my back, pulls out and shoots AGAIN all over my chest and 'abs'. "Nice job city boy," says Dillon as I lay there about to cry. He's trying to sweet talk me with his country twang. "Wasn't so bad now, was it?" Fuck yea it was bad, I thought. I'm trying not to loose it. "Pose some more," I manage to get out laying on my back. He smiles. His cock is softening and hanging down, but still engorged and full. His muscles are swole, pumped up from all the exercise and excitement. I can't believe his body. I've never been with a bodybuilder before. He starts hitting poses, abs and thigh, double bicep, most muscular. Fuck, this guy looks bigger than the pros. I'm now rock hard and beating off furiously. "Hey Dillon, try those posers back on," I shouted out, gaining more confidence. He smiled and happly obliged. I love a good bulge, and a rediculously obscene bulge it was. He struggled to cram everything back into the pouch. "That's a good look for your next comp!" I said, his swollen package barely contained by the fabric. I feel like I'm in a fantasy. "Yea! Extra points for the complete package!" he agreed grabbing his bulge. I can't hold it anymore and I blow my load all over myself. Shot all the way up to my face! Coating myself with more cum on top of all of Dillon's. He's still flexing away like some sort of porn star/muscle monster/bodybuilding champ. What a fuck! I slip back on my briefs, and Dillon re-applies his skin tight wranglers before sauntering back out to his truck, shirtless, shoeless glistening with sweat in the street lights, and he drives off in the middle of the night. Facebook again, Dillon is keeping in touch. We're asking about each other. Talking about our growing relationship. He sends me a ticket to his upcoming bodybuilding show, and I'm ecstatic! I've never been to a competition before, although I wacked off to a few on TV. Competition day comes, damn this is a good seat. How the fuck am I going to conceal my hard on while watching a parade of muscle studs?! Anyway, Dillon show up on stage for comparison and my heart skips a beat... fuck he looks good, tan under the stage lights. OK, he's not bigger than Phil or Kai like it seemed before, but god damn is he huge and shredded! You know, after a good workout, I used to think that I looked like a competition ready bodybuilder... haha was I fucking wrong! And oh my god, the package between Dillon's legs is beastly! Everyone else on stage looks like they have a little colored triangle patch in front of their crotch, but not Dillon. He's got a fucking PACKAGE! What a stud. The other competitors are looking over, catching quick glances of what a real man's bulge looks like. Dillon's acting like nothing, just smiling big, oh shit, he just found me and winked. Is he getting hard? His swelling cock is starting to strain his posers, but he's able to keep it under control. There's no way that thing could contain Dillon's fully erect cock! They turn for a side pose and his bulge is obscene, sticking out, packed FULL to the limit. Everyone else's bulge disappears behing their thighs, but not Dillon's. Nowhere for that to hide. My non-expert eye can't quite tell if he's going to come out on top or not. The pre-judging is over and Dillon comes out to say hi... wearing nothing more than his skimpy competition posers... "I made the cut to be in the evening show," he said excitedly. Dam he looked hot! This is the first time I really ever saw him up close like this. He was musty smelling and sweating from all the posing. My eyes lingered at his massive protruding package, and scanned across his impossibly thick muscled quads. "Yea, that's awesome!" I said, despite the fact that my mind was way elsewhere. There's nothing more that I wanted to do than sling those briefs under his gigantic nuts and start sucking that cock! He clearly noticed me staring... "Hey, I'm doing a special posing routine just for you," Dillon said as he grabbed his package with a wide open grip and shook it a little, giving a coy grin. God, you could just see the weightiness of it. It's substantial size and mass made evident by the grab. "Noticed how turned on you were the other night by my package, so I'm highlighting it in my posing routine." And with that he winked and went back stage. Damn, it always seems as though I'm left staring at that rock hard muscle butt has he walks away! Any what the fuck does a special posing routine mean? The evening show begins, and several other bodybuilders go first. They are hot... it's like foreplay... they pose to music, acting cocky and strutting around. I have to admit, they're fucking jacked! Then Dillon comes on stage, and he looks HUGE. Instaboner for me! And it doesn't take long for me to see what's special about his routine. In the prejudging he was very calculated, doing all the mandatories and nothing extra. Now he was one fire! I swear to you he didn't stop touching his posers. Every pose he did he managed to tug and pull on those thin little poser straps, making his package bulge up, down, sideways. There was no overlooking the fact that he was HUNG AS FUCK. Dillon made it cocky and in your face. He tugged up hard on both straps for his lat spread. He hooked both his thumbs under the straps and tugged his posers down low, low, low to show his abs. Fuck, I thought I saw the top of his dick for a minute... One pose he grabbed just one of the straps and pulled it so far out I though it might snap! God his package was huge! There were even a few times where he just grabbed it, made some 'fuck yea' faces to the audience. I was cumming in my pants. He ended up winning the overall despite being marked down for "inappropriate posing gear". Best of all, he immediately hustled me back to his hotel room. Blew off all the interviews, gave up any extra money from post-contest photo shoots, said he'd pick up the trophy and check later. Back in the room, he immediately pulled off his sweats. Fuck! Dillon still had his posers on...
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