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  1. Supercrav

    Mon copain Antoine [FR]

    C'est un peu n'importe quoi encore mais bon... -------------------------- Qu'est ce qu'il y a ? Tu n'es pas content que l'on passe l'après-midi ensemble? - C'est pas ça... - Depuis le temps que tu me reproches de prendre mes distances avec toi, alors que ce n'est pas vrai, j'aurais pensé que tu serais un peu plus joyeux que je passe un peu de temps avec toi. - Oui, bien sûr je suis content de te voir, mais c'est que... - Quoi ? - Je n'ai pas envie de sortir. - Sérieux ? Mais on ne vas tout de même pas rester enfermés chez tes parents toute la journée, regarde comme il fait beau dehors ! Allez, bouge-toi on y va. - Mais justement... - Eh mon pote, il faut que tu sortes un peu de temps en temps. Tu sais, rencontrer des gens, avoir une vie sociale... - Oui je sais, toi tu connais plein de gens tu as plein d'amis. - Je n'ai pas "plein" d'amis... enfin, j'en ai normalement, quoi... Mais tu pourrais en faire autant. C'est vrai que l'on se voit moins qu'avant, et tu restes mon meilleur ami, mais j'aime bien voir du monde, rencontrer des gens... Mais toi tu restes prostré dans ton coin. Fais un effort gars, on va aller se balader tu vas voir on va s'éclater. - Oui, mais dehors... - Quoi. - Il fait super chaud. - Et bien quoi, ce n'est pas bien grave, tant mieux, même.D'ailleurs je vais finir par attraper la crève avec cette clim ici... - Mais je vais avoir chaud. - Il ne fait pas si chaud que ça je t'assure, tu n'as qu'à enlever ce pull et te mettre en t-shirt comme moi, tu verras ça ira très bien. - Mais je ne veux pas enlever mon pull. - Ah. Pour quelle raison je te prie ? - Il y a plein de gens dehors. - Et c'est bien pour ça qu'il faut que l'on sorte aussi. C'est quoi le problème des gens dehors ? Ca t'arrive bien de sortir des fois. - Oui mais si je suis en t-shirt, j'aurai les bras nus, et les gens... enfin je vais devoir les montrer. - Quoi, tu ne veux pas que les gens voient tes bras ? C'est juste ça ? Alors là je suis sur le cul. Et parce que ? - Parce que... Je ne... - Hé Antoine. Parle-moi. Qu'est-ce qu'il y a. - Je... Je ne suis pas beau. - Oh Antoine, non ne pleure pas. Mais je... je ne comprends pas. Il faut que tu m'expliques. - Mais il n'y a rien à expliquer, je suis moche je ne ressemble à rien un point c'est tout. - Non mais Antoine, depuis des années, depuis que tu as quitté le lycée, tu passes ta vie à faire de la muscu dans la cave de tes parents, et maintenant tu vas me dire que tu n'es pas content de ton corps et que tu en as honte? Mais alors, à quoi bon avoir installé tout cet équipement là en-bas, pourquoi avoir soulevé toutes ces tonnes et ces tonnes de fonte pendant toutes ces années ? - Justement, je voulais essayer de ressembler à quelque chose, mais je serai toujours aussi laid, je n'y arriverai jamais. - D'accord. Ecoute moi Antoine, il faut que je te parle sérieusement. - Oui ? - Tu me fais confiance, Antoine, oui ? Tu es mon pote d'enfance, tu le sais. - Oui Loïc, je te fais confiance. - Alors écoute-moi bien Antoine, et regarde-moi. Antoine, tu as le corps d'un Dieu. Ton corps est superbe, et pour quiconque aimant le muscle, ton corps est sublime. - Merci Loïc, c'est très gentil, mais... - Je ne dis pas ça pour te faire plaisir ni pour te consoler, Antoine. C'est la vérité. Ton corps est une putain d'oeuvre d'art mon pote. - Mais, comment tu peux dire ça, la dernière fois que tu m'as vu ça devait être à la piscine au collège. - Et déjà t'étais gaulé mon gars. Alors que tu n'avais même pas commencé ton obsession pour la gonflette. - A vrai dire, j'ai toujours été obsédé par le bodybuilding. Aussi loin que je puisse me souvenir. Et j'étais tellement hideux... oui, ça va peut-être un petit peu mieux maintenant, mais franchement... - Tu me demandes comment je sais que ton corps est putain de magnifique ? Mais c'est évident mon pote. C'est l'évidence même. Parce que même sous ton pull c'est évident que tu débordes de muscles de partout. Parce que t'es large comme une putain d'armoire à glace. Parce que tes bras sont gros comme des jambons. On peut même voir la forme de tes abdos à travers ton pull. - Vraiment ? - Mais oui mon gars ! Dans cette ville tout le monde t'appelle Musclor. Pourtant tu ne sors pas beaucoup. Quand j'ai dit à mes potes que j'allais te voir aujourd'hui, ils m'ont tous sorti des vannes à la con. - Pour se moquer de moi ? - Mais non, à me demander si j'avais pris mon matériel d'escalade et mon GPS, si j'avais une bonne mutuelle pour les os broyés, des trucs comme ça. - Je ne comprends pas. - Des blagues sur le fait que ta musculature est tout bonnement colossale, mec ! Sérieusement, je pense avoir senti un poil de jalousie chez pas mal d'entre eux. Je t'assure, je pense qu'il y en a plus d'un qui aurait aimé être à ma place à passer la journée avec toi. - Mais personne ne m'aime. - Ne dis pas de conneries. Il y a même Greg qui a demandé s'il pouvait venir avec moi. Simon aussi, mais c'est surtout Greg qui a lourdement insisté. - Greg ? Le Greg qui se moquait tout le temps de moi en primaire ? - Celui-là même. Je n'étais pas vraiment surpris, il me parle de toi de temps en temps. Surtout une fois où il était complètement bourré à une soirée. Il m'a pris à part et m'a posé plein de questions sur toi, puis il a commencé à délirer, à me demander si j'imaginais ce que ça faisait d'être aussi puissamment musclé que toi, à se demander les sensations que ton immense force physique pouvait te procurer. Clairement le Greg a de l'admiration pour toi. Je pense même que si ça se trouve, secrètement, il a le béguin pour toi. Une fois j'étais posé avec lui et deux autres potes à la terrasse du café de la mairie, et tu es passé de l'autre côté de la place. C'est Didier qui t'a vu le premier, tu ne le connais pas, et il a dit 'c'est quoi ce monstre !' alors avec Greg on s'est retournés, et j'ai regardé la gueule de Greg à côté de moi, et clairement il avait la bouche bée et des étincelles dans les yeux. - C'est incroyable. - Mais c'est toi qui es incroyable mon Toto, je te jure, t'es un phénomène mon gars. Ne rougis pas comme ça... tu sais, tu n'en as peut-être pas l'impression, mais je suis fier d'être ton pote. - Alors, pourquoi je ne te vois jamais, souvent tu ne me réponds pas... - Oui, je suis toujours à droite à gauche... - Jamais tu ne m'invites à des soirées ou des trucs comme ça. - Bah, tu n'es pas très à l'aise avec les gens, déjà à l'époque si on allait à une fête ensemble, tu restais dans ton coin, tu ne parlais à personne... Et tu me collais un peu aux basques... Si j'allais voir des gens j'avais l'impression de t'abandonner, et si je restais avec toi je ne faisais que ça de la soirée. Ne m'en veux pas, mais voilà quoi, la teuf les sorties c'était pas trop pour toi. - Oui, tout le contraire de toi... Toujours le mec le plus populaire, tout le monde t'adore, tout le monde veut être avec toi... Et puis, tu est tellement beau... Tu as toujours été le plus beau. - ... - Tu es toujours avec des nanas aussi... - Antoine, regarde-moi dans les yeux. Je te demande de me faire confiance. Enlève-moi ce pull. - Tu veux que... J'enlève mon pull ? - S'il te plaît Antoine. Fais ça pour moi. - OK... - Oh... Oh putain de bordel de merde. - Quoi ? - Je savais bien que tu avais des bras énormes, mais les voir en vrai comme ça... Nom de Dieu. - Qu'est-ce-qu'il y a ? - Mais bon sang, toutes ces grosses boules, toutes ces striations, toutes ces veines... C'est... Wow, je n'ai jamais vu un truc pareil. - Tu... Ca te... - Non, c'est magnifique, vraiment. Je n'aurais jamais pensé qu'autant de muscle pourrait être ausi beau. S'il te plaît, Antoine, est-ce que je peux toucher tes biceps? - Je... attends, je vais faire juste quelques pompes avant pour les faire gonfler encore plus. - Ah ? Très bien. - ... Hmmf... Humff... Voilà. Va-z-y Loïc, tu peux y aller. - Oh mon Dieu... C'est un truc de fou... Je n'ai jamais ressenti un truc pareil. Palper ce gros tas de muscle comme ça... Mais il me faudrait combien de mains pour couvrir ton biceps, gars? Hahaha putain trop cool. - Tu veux que je le contracte ? - Ah merde, euh... Mais oui mon gars ! Fais-moi bander cet énorme biceps mon Toto ! Allez mon Toto ! Gonfle-moi ce OH ENCULÉ ! - Gnn... Là tu vois Loïc, je le contracte presque au maximum, le muscle n'est pas vraiment chaud mais je suis plutôt content il a atteint une belle taille. - UNE BELLE TAILLE ? Mais putain de merde Antoine c'est un iceberg ton biceps ! J'hallucine complètement. Et puis c'est tellement dur ! C'est vraiment de l'acier ! Je ne m'étais pas préparé à ça, mais alors pas du tout. Je suis choqué mon gars, j'en crois pas mes yeux, j'en crois pas mes mains. Mais tu dois avoir les plus gros biceps au monde, je ne peux pas croire qu'il soit possible que des biceps puissent devenir encore plus gigantesques que ça ! - Il y a un gars qui s'appelle Franck Lefort qui les a plus gros que ça c'est sûr, après je ne sais pas. - Eh mon gars je vois la fierté dans tes yeux et ça me fait tellement plaisir. Tu peux être fier mon copain, tu peux être grave fier, t'es une putain de montagne de muscles et tu es magnifique. Allez enlève-moi ce t-shirt, il y a tes gros pecs qui me narguent à se dresser sous mon nez depuis tout à l'heure. - Je ne sais pas... Tu sais Loïc le pull c'était déjà un gros effort pour moi... - Dis-moi Antoine, c'est la première fois pour toi que quelqu’un te caresse les muscles ? - Oui Loïc. C'est la première fois. - Et dis-moi Antoine, tu as aimé ça ? - ... Oui Loïc. C'était très agréable. Et je suis très heureux que ça ait été toi. - Et c'était un grand plaisir pour moi aussi, et un grand honneur. Plus qu'un plaisir, une révélation, un grand moment de bonheur. Antoine, je t'en prie, pourrais-tu avoir la bonté de bien vouloir m'offrir la chance de pouvoir admirer ton torse nu ? Regarde, je pose un genou à terre. - Non, rassie-toi voyons... - Attends, ça te mettrait plus à l'aise si j'enlevais mon t-shirt moi aussi ? Voilà c'est fait. Regarde la crevette que je suis comparé à ta fantastique musculature. Je suis ridicule, un rien du tout. - Mais non Loïc, tu es très beau... - Tout ce qui m'importe c'est que tu sois à l'aise et que tu te sentes bien. - D'accord, Loïc... Un petit instant. Il faut que je... Gnnn... Et... Voilà. - ... - Loïc ? Ca va ? - Mec, t'es un Dieu. T'es un surhomme. T'es un mutant. Un super héros. T'es mon héros en tout cas. Je peux...? - Toucher ? Mais bien sûr Loïc va-z-y. - Oh mon Dieu comment c'est lourd, comment c'est gros, et tellement dense, merde, on peut sentir la puissance qu'il y a dedans, putain, c'est vraiment une sensation extraordinaire... Je n'ai jamais ressenti un truc pareil. Et tu te rases le torse ? - Non, je suis resté imberbe. Tiens, touche mes abdos aussi. - Oui, tout de suite. Oh mazette. C'est des briques tes abdos la vache. et sur les côtés t'as des muscles de partout... - Tiens, je te contracte mes pecs. - Oh putain, j'ai failli me les prendre dans la gueule. Mais c'est tellement dur, c'est comme deux putains de rochers ! Et tellement épais, j'ai l'impression que je pourrais mettre tout mon avant bras entre les deux. - Et bien essaie, là je les relâche. - Blam. Les deux grosses masses qui retombent. Attends j'enfonce le bras... Oh putain c'est doux c'est chaud... Ah ça y est j'ai atteint le fond. C'est complètement dingue. - Je vais les contracter un peu à nouveau, ne t'inquiète pas j'y vais doucement. - Oui, ne vas pas me broyer le bras ! Comment c'est beau toutes ces striations qui se répandent sur la surface quand tu bandes ces deux gros tas de muscle. Oh stop, ça commence à serrer là tu me fais peur. Ouf merci, j'ai sauvé mon bras ! - Regarde, je peux les faire danser aussi, sans bouger. A la volonté je peux les faire bondir super vite, je fais ce que je veux avec. - Oh, oh putain c'est trop génial ! Oh, tu... Hahaha ! Hahaha ! HAHAHAHAHA ! - ... - Qu'est-ce qu'il y a, mon Toto ? Pourquoi cette tête ? - J'ai... j'ai peur que tu te moques de moi. - Je te jure que non, pas du tout. Je te jure, je suis en admiration totale, je n'ai jamais rien vu d'aussi beau. Mon Toto, je suis désolé de t'avoir délaissé ces derniers temps, ces dernières années même, je te promets que je vais me rattraper. Je passerai te voir autant que tu voudras, on passera tout le temps que tu veux ensemble. Je réalise à quel point tu es quelqu'un de fabuleux et à quel point tu es important pour moi. Tu sais quoi Antoine, je vais te prouver à quel point je tiens à toi, je veux que tu aies confiance en moi et je veux être là pour toi. Approche-toi. Tu sais à quel point je kiffe me taper des meufs et je m'en tape à tours de bras. Tu sais que je les enchaîne et que je suis le plus gros queutard qui existe. Et bien, si je ne te respectais pas, si je ne t'aimais pas de tout mon cœur, est-ce que je ferais ça. [...] - Wow, oh Loïc... Merci Loïc... Tu sais je me suis toujours demandé ce que ça faisait de... de t'embrasser. - Et il y en a encore plein d'où ça vient ne t'inquiète pas, redonne-moi ta bouche que je t'en remette une couche, s'il y a bien une chose que je sais faire c'est rouler des pelles à la perfection. [...] - Et ça tu vois mon Antoine j'ai jamais fait ça à un mec et je pensais pas le faire un jour, mais tu m'as donné une telle preuve d'amour aujourd'hui, en bravant ta pudeur pour m'exposer tes muscles, en m'offrant la jouissance tactile de leur opulence, le moins que je pouvais faire était de te prouver l'étendue de mon affection pour toi. J'ai bien compris qu'au fil des ans tu aimais de plus en plus ma gueule de beau gosse, et tu vois ce sourire, tu vois ces yeux bleus, ils sont à toi mon copain, et j'ai encore envie de t'embrasser. [...] - Ah quel bonheur de lécher ta bouche en malaxant tes énormes muscles surpuissants, allez viens Antoine, je me rhabille, il est temps de livrer ta surabondante hypertrophie musculaire à l'adoration du peuple ! J'ai hâte de te voir faire spectacle de ce torse nu ultramusculeux, les visages ébahis, les regards pleins de désir, d'envie, de haine, il n'y a pas une seconde à perdre. - Moi marcher torse nu dans la rue, devant tout le monde ? Mais ça n va pas la tête. - Attends ! Tu seras habillé de lumière. Je vais faire un tour dans la cuisine... - Mais qu'est-ce que tu fabriques ? - Voilà ! J'ai trouvé ce truc marron, mélangé avec de l'huile tes muscles vont être d'une belle couleur, et bien luisants ! Je t'étale ça vite fait... Magnifique... - Non Loïc, écoute-moi s'il te plaît ! Pas question que je sorte avec rien sur le dos. - Hmmm... Et si on prend ma caisse, et qu'on va à la plage ? - ... non, même. - Ah, je sais. Je reviens tout de suite. - Qu'est-ce-que tu fais avec un paire de ciseaux ? - Passe-moi ton t-shirt. Tu vas avoir un t-shirt sur le dos. - C'est n'importe quoi. Non. Ne touche pas à ce t-shirt, j'ai assez de mal à en trouver à ma taille. - ... Oh je sais, mieux ! Moi je serai torse nu, comme ça, et toi tu seras en t-shirt ! - Mais Loïc pourquoi tu découpes ton t-shirt comme un sauvage ? - Tiens enfile ça. Voilà. Très bien. - Mais, Loïc... C'est pire que si j'étais torse nu ! C'est juste deux bouts de ficelles sur mes épaules, qui rejoignent un bandeau de tissu autour de ma taille... C'est obscène, mes muscles débordent de partout... - Attends, la touche finale, là... - Mon jean ! - ..Et là ! Magnifique. Le short juste au dessus du genou.... Parfait pour la plage. - Loïc... - Antoine, c'est le début d'une nouvelle amitié pour toi et moi. On va se balader tranquillement tous les deux sur la plage, je serai torse nu à côté de toi tu paraîtras encore plus énorme, encore plus sublime, encore plus surhumain, juste une petite demi-heure et après on va chez moi et on se posera tous les deux tranquillement, tendrement, et je prendrai bien soin de toi. Si ça te rassure, je peux te tenir la main quand on sera sur la plage. - Je ne suis pas sûr... - Penche-toi un peu vers moi que je t'embrasse encore.
  2. Supercrav

    Happy Seinar

    I saw him every now and then. Passing in the lobby, of the building where I work. Or on the parking lot. We've been in the same elevator a few times. He goes to the 27th floor. I work at the 19th. I had tried to figure out a pattern for his whereabouts, not to miss any opportunity to see him, but it seemed to be completely random. He could show up any day of the week, any time of the day. There is a handful of companies on the 27th floor. A law firm mainly, consulting agencies of all sorts, but my money was on "HyperCell", a bio-engineering research company. I bet it was the one he was working for, or with. Two reasons led me to think so : first, there always was a few guys with him, and at least one of them was wearing a lab coat. Second, the man was fucking humongous. Not just tall, but insanely muscular. The suit-like clothes he had on him couldn't even begin to hide the immensity of his build. His shoulders were maybe four feet wide, his chest was like a mountain upside-down, precariously balanced on his narrow waist. He walked with his arms at a 45° angle, stiff, one leg carefully circumventing the other with each step he made - I heard some joking under their breath that he was so inflated he couldn't even walk normally, but to me, he had the most graceful, the most elegant moves I had ever seen. The way he managed to control this formidable muscular mass, while keeping his challenged clothes from exploding at every seam, showed a level of skill that only heightened my admiration for the man. Because, yes, I deeply admired this incredible behemoth. I had never seen anything like him, and every time he appeared the sight of him took my breath away. The first time, I just stood frozen in place, my jaw dropped, I almost fainted. For weeks, I dreamed to approach him, talk to him, but there was no way I could find the nerve to do so. The first time we were in the same elevator, I had to grasp the rail as hard as I could, I had never been so close to him, I had never fully smelled his scent before, I was shaking all over, sweating bullets, so much that it attracted the attention of two men of his party. He always had an entourage of several men, business suits and lab coats as I mentioned earlier, and this also was an obstacle to my desire to approach him. Over time, I got a better grip on myself. No pun intended, sure I "gripped myself" aplenty thinking about him, to the point that a sleepless night wasn't uncommon after having seen him. And directly after each one of the few elevator trips I made in his company, I had to rush to the restroom before going back to my desk. At least to clean myself, but usually more. But, sorry for the grisly details, that was uncalled for. So, I needed a plan. I had to be able to talk to him someday, maybe shake his hand. First I had to deal with my nervousness. I wasn't as helpless as I used to be in his presence, but there still was a long way to go. I decided to rely on psychoanalysis. Scanning online reviews, I chose a practitioner who might get the job done. Luck has it, he really was the right one, as he perfectly understood my infatuation for the colossal muscle man. At first, I wanted to pretend I was attracted to some woman at work, but the moment I entered Dr Mitchell's office, I knew I didn't have to. Some subtle elements of decor led me to believe he wasn't a stranger to the liking of hardcore, male bodybuilding. We spoke at length on the subject, and we became quite good friends. After the first few sessions he even stopped charging me. He was dubious about the depiction I made of the man on my mind, thinking I had an exaggerated, idealized view. Of my "Lobby Dick" as he liked to call him. But once I had switched on my phone and showed him the few pictures I had taken of the beast, I might as well have stood up and kicked him in the groin. What really shocked him, besides the size of the monumental muscle man of course, was that he didn't recognize him at all, and positive he had never seen him before. See, Dr Mitchell is extremely knowledgeable about the sport of bodybuilding, and he couldn't believe that an athlete this big could have passed under the radar. This had to be the biggest bodybuilder in the world. For sure, it made my sessions with Dr Mitchell all the more efficient, as he really wanted me to succeed in my objective. But he had no idea how to help me getting rid of the man's entourage. This was an even more trickier part. As a group they just zoomed in and out of the building, up and down the 27th floor. We talked this through, Dr Mitchell and I, or Yvan and I should I say, as we spent the evening at my place a few days a week. He had been to a lot of bodybuilding shows, been around several serious bodybuilders, even had filled prescriptions for growth hormones and steroids for a while but had to stop as he got investigated. Yvan showed me a lot of videos of bodybuilders being interviewed, fans meeting bodybuilders, bodybuilders in casual situations with friends. That helped me a lot with my confidence, in general, these magnificent supermen were a lot more friendly than I thought they would be, considering how intimidating and powerful they are. More importantly, Yvan wanted me to study how these men react, what makes them tick, what pleases them, what turns them off. How glutton they can be for tokens of admiration, crave for signs of respect, appreciative of recognition of their intellect, wary of excessive demonstrations of affection from strangers. Of course that wouldn't tell me exactly what to say, or how "lobby dick" would react, if I ever had the chance to talk to him. But again that helped me being confident, and any pointers were good to get. Because one thing was for sure, if I found a way to have the opportunity to talk to the wonderful man in private, that would be for a short period of time, and I would have to make the best of it. The highlight of a lifetime. It would never be perfect. But there is nothing wrong in trying. ===================== So, any idea for a plan? To get that private moment with the gigantic monster of muscle? Not asking for a follow up, just taking suggestions
  3. Hey y'all! Long time semi-lurker, first time story poster. After a lot of thought and encouragement, I've decided to post this ending I've written for one of my favorite stories: "The Superior Machine" (which you should read if haven't!). I was able to reach out to the original author , whose stories you can find here on DeviantArt, and receive his blessing to post this. Big thank you to @tegalus! I don't plan on writing on this story further, but my DMs and Discord (OldFashioned#0021) are open if y'all wanna chat about any of the themes here . I've got plans for more stories, hopefully. Enjoy, and be gentle... “Yes, a 12-inch cock should be perfect… for now.” Nathan mused, mostly to himself as he watched his new power take effect. Looking down at David, he was quite pleased at this latest development. His most recent augmentation had grown his power and strength almost beyond his own comprehension. ‘Of course, virtually nothing is beyond my comprehension now,’ Nathan thought, his stunning angular face almost literally glowing with joyful power. ‘Too bad I can’t say the same for little David here.’ Nathan regarded him with pity as David blubbered and stammered, completely overwhelmed by the incalculably superior being before him. “I-I-I... w-what are… are.. y-y-y…” David sputtered and strained to even put into words the total awe that now seized his mind. Having witnessed the inconceivable yet inevitable conclusion of his own Superior Machine, he still couldn’t fathom how far Nathan had taken his invention in a matter of minutes. His neighbor’s muscular dimensions and masculine beauty already seemed to distort the space around him, like a supermassive black hole irresistibly attracting light and energy. But the revelation of Nathan’s superpowers was clearly wreaking havoc on David’s now relatively simple conception of reality. “Awww, am I too much for you, my little guy?” Nathan teased in his deep, seductive voice. He didn’t have to ask of course. With his telepathy, Nathan could peer into David’s mind with the ease that a college professor could read a children’s book. ‘Hmm that analogy doesn’t quite capture the true scale of my intellect,’ Nathan thought to himself. “David, why don’t you take a little nap?” he said softly, trying to calm David. “That should help you come to terms with everything.” He slowly brought a large hand up to David’s trembling face, gently caressing the terrified man and looking down at David the way one might look at a poor helpless puppy. “Rest up, little David. You’ll need all your energy for what is to come, and you deserve to be there for every moment.” Nathan fixed him with his luminous, steel blue eyes, blessing him with a devastating smile. With a mere thought, he instantly willed David into a deep, recuperative sleep. Cradling him in his powerful arms, Nathan laid his small neighbor on the basement couch. Scanning his brainwaves and observing his breathing rate, Nathan precisely calculated that David would be out for 1 hour and 54 minutes (and 23 seconds), more than enough time to prepare everything for the final stage of his evolution. “My ascension draws near,” he proclaimed out loud. With David subdued for the moment, Nathan had time to contemplate and enjoy the enormity of his transformation so far. Less than an hour ago, he was just a tiny, simple-minded twenty-year-old weakling. Now thanks to his neighbor, he stood on the precipice of actual godhood, omnipotent power just within his grasp. He’d always harbored a secret crush on his hunky college professor neighbor, and was just grateful that he’d chosen Nathan as the first person to see his invention. Of course, he now knew that David only kept him around in order to lord over him his physical and mental superiority. Not that David had ever been cruel to Nathan; he was always kind to him, if occasionally a little condescending. ‘How the tables have turned,’ Nathan grinned, momentarily reveling in the thrilling power he now possessed. ‘Water under the bridge. Once my apotheosis is complete, I’ll bless my creator in unimaginable ways. He will have no choice but to worship me.’ Standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling mirror, Nathan regards his overwhelming musculature, removing the tight tank top to better take in his impossible proportions. Even totally relaxed, every muscle is painfully defined, and his clear, tan skin glows even in the dim light of the basement. From head to toe, his seven-foot body communicated only perfected power. Large, beautiful feet erupted into an enormous pair of calves. The massive, totally smooth muscles swelled up from almost delicate ankles, rippling and bulging sensually with the slightest effort. Huge, godly quads that seemed bigger than an average man’s chest tapered to a svelte waist that would look petite if it weren’t obviously a core made of muscles harder than steel. Columns of brick-like abs lead up to an unbelievably large chest. Growing out of the cliche cannonball shoulders are an intimidating pair of arms consisting of massive biceps and triceps flowing into steel-cable forearms. Taken individually, each muscle group would be considered freakish and grotesque, but together created a collection of exquisite curves and planes that transcended human beauty. Sitting atop this mass of incredible brawn was the face of an angel. Nathan’s features were almost feminine in their beauty but totally masculine in their eroticism. A stubble that looked at once perfectly groomed yet totally natural adorned a square jaw that exuded a manly strength, and sharp, azure eyes hinted at the limitless power growing inside. Without any other movement, Nathan sends subtle waves of flexing muscle fibers across his body. His beautiful physique literally shimmers with muscular power, like ripples in a pond, as Nathan closes his eyes in ecstasy. This surreal display was effortless for him, but it still delivered him absolute pleasure to feel the command he had over each one of his millions of muscle fibers. Continuing to ripple his striated perfection with his powerful mind, Nathan began a slow, sensual, and fluid dance. His powerful limbs, packed with muscle, moved with a grace and flexibility that would have brought even the harshest Bolshoi ballet masters to tears. Every part of him undulated and shifted in the ultimate expression of his perfected physique. The erotic display would have sent even the straightest guys in to blinding orgasmic bliss, unable to contain their worship for this fledgling deity. Suddenly, Nathan moves into a most-muscular pose, nearly doubling the size of his muscles and bringing hundreds of veins to the surface of his perfect skin. Already rock-hard, he wills thick ropes of cum to shoot out of his glorious cock, coating the entire mirror surface and sending shocks of bliss across his shredded body. Just for fun, he dances his pecs with total ease, every fiber from bottom to top, sending spasms of brutal power across the thick slabs. ‘Maybe David would like to lick the mirror clean, as a treat,’ Nathan thought wickedly. With supreme confidence, Nathan strode over to the once-improved Superior Machine. ‘Simple David,’ thought Nathan. ‘It is truly a wonder that his meager intellectual capacity was able produce such astonishing results.’ The first adjustments Nathan made to the machine, at an IQ of 256, now seemed child-like in their design. Nathan calculated that his current IQ was at 1835, a number that represented so much debilitating mental acuity and power that it was practically meaningless to normal humans. Even so, Nathan could still perceive limits to his power, and he intended to dwarf that number by orders of magnitude, and knew the key to his inevitable godhood lay not in his powerful muscles, but in the unlocking of his potent mind. Without even touching the machine, Nathan perceived all of its remaining flaws and inefficiencies, using his ability to see the entire spectrum of light waves. ‘What silly, simple mistakes my own supposed genius made,’ Nathan chuckled to himself. His final adjustments to this machine would increase its current improving capabilities by a factor of 100,000. He shuddered with utter euphoria at the mere thought of this final augmentation. With a speed that a normal human would struggle to perceive, Nathan made all of the necessary changes in the hardware and programming of the machine in a matter of seconds. The Superior Machine was now truly worthy of use by a being as superior as Nathan. In the mirror, Nathan surveyed his soon-to-be literally divine physique one last time. He effortlessly played with the deep striations and thick veins that covered the topography of his vascular body. ‘Even in this primitive form, my feats of control and strength are mind-bending,’ Nathan marveled. He flexed every single fiber in his body, totally enraptured by his own spectacular beauty. ‘I’m practically irresistible to myself!’ The veins on his body formed lightning patterns across his body, only hinting at the nascent power that coursed through them. Nathan brought his self-worship so a close, his telepathic sense telling him that David was about to wake up. ---------------- David’s eyes fluttered as he vacillated between sleep and wakefulness. Half-remembered dreams of phenomenal power wavered in his semi-consciousness. ‘I remember leading little Nathan down into the basement… and… no, that’s impossible.’ David furrowed his brow. ‘It must have been a dream,’ he surmised. “David,” a soft but incredibly deep and arousing voice called from the other end of the basement. “Who’s there?” David responded with a touch of fear in his voice. ‘Oh little David,’ Nathan thought. ‘His primitive brain literally couldn’t hold in the memories of my evolution. No matter.’ “David, it’s me. Nathan,” the deep, impossibly sexy voice proclaimed. A large figure of unbelievable size, symmetry, and beauty approached David. Using his psychic power, Nathan sent calming energy into David. ‘He’ll have plenty to freak out about soon,’ he grinned. He then projected into David’s mind the events of the day. “Nathan… it’s really you. It worked!” David was in awe of the perfect man before him. Nathan’s every movement was imbued with an unbearable grace. His physique literally stunning David into silence once again. “Well technically,” Nathan replied,”the adjustments I made have brought me to my current advanced form.” He teased his neighbor with a subtle pec bounce, waves of muscle fiber rolling across the wide expanse of his chest. “But my current status will not last long.” Confused, David wondered, “W-what do you mean, N-Nathan?” He was still reeling from the revelation of Nathan’s perfection. Nathan laughed a deep, gentle laugh, the most beautiful sound David had ever heard. “Oh little guy, don’t worry. I won’t ever revert to my previous, pathetic form.” He gifted David with a mind-blowing double bicep pose, threatening him with a touchless orgasm. With a subtle gesture of his hand, Nathan sent another psychic wave of calming energy. “No, I have loftier ambitions that your limited mind cannot yet begin to comprehend.” At this pronouncement, Nathan sent a sensual, subtle wave of rippling muscle up and down his body. That did it. David's newly enlarged cock sent huge spurts of cum into his slacks, blinding David in total pleasure. Nathan merely smiled down at his neighbor. Overwhelmed by the power of this newly created stud, David began licking and kissing Nathan’s wide, powerful feet. “Whoa there!” Nathan chuckled softly. “There's no need to worship me like a god… yet.” He fixed David with a penetrating, yet comforting stare. David sat motionless at his feet, paralyzed by the deep blue pools of Nathan’s eyes. “That weapon between your legs,” he glanced at David’s still bulging crotch, “is just your first gift.” Nathan reached down and gently caressed David’s handsome face, a single tender finger running down his jaw. “As my creator, you deserve to bask in the perfect power you have unleashed.” Nathan smiled serenely at his budding little worshiper. ‘The first of many,’ he mused. After allowing David to caress his smooth, powerful legs, Nathan ended the mini-worship session. “Follow me, little guy,” Nathan ordered as he made his way to the perfected Superior Machine. David struggled to catch up with Nathan’s long, powerful strides. “I know you will struggle to comprehend what I have so easily done to your machine, but you deserve to see its current and final modifications.” With a glance from Nathan, the machine came to life instantly. The bright display somehow looked sleeker than before, despite the fact that Nathan had changed virtually nothing about the exterior of the machine. As Nathan explained his complicated yet elegant improvements, David gazed at his former invention. ‘Of course,’ he thought. ‘It’s so clear, so obvious now.’ Nathan smiled, David’s every thought equally obvious to his superior brain. Nathan leaned down to give his neighbor a tender, yet passionate kiss. David nearly came again. Nathan looked upon his little toy with amused pity. “David, you are about to witness my final improvement. After this, the extent of my power will be unfathomable to lesser beings such as yourself. I am ushering in a new era in the history of the universe, and it’s all thanks to the primitive little invention you were so excited about today.” Nathan gave David another soul-shattering kiss, nearly crushing him with the strength of his rippling, muscular bulges. Out of breath, David stood back from the path of the machine, unsure of what was to come. Nathan stood majestically in front of the machine, a totally relaxed god-in-waiting. With a blink of his eyes, the machine began its final program. The display read: “INITIATING NEW PROGRAM . . SUBJECT DNA LOCATED AND RECOGNIZED” A white hot beam of energy engulfed Nathan’s body for a split-second “8475630930 PARAMETERS MEASURED. CALCULATING PROGRAMMED MODIFICATIONS” Instantly, the same white beam shot out, totally engulfing Nathan and blinding David momentarily. The machine powered down. The world tilted. The universe trembled. The key had turned. The circuit was complete. Nathan shuddered and moaned in the sheer bliss and delight of total omnipotence. His feet slowly left the ground as he began to hover in midair, fully entering his godhood, eyes closed, arms outstretched, and face tilted up toward the universe he now controlled. As infinite power flooded his body, he began emitting a soft, divine glow, and his remaining clothes completely disintegrated. He began his refinement. His already flawless skin took on a beautiful luster and shine resembling the finest velvet, while his dark- golden hair thickened with silken strands to an unattainable beauty. From head to toe, muscles in his increasingly shredded body rippled and flexed as his cells became vessels for pure cosmic energy, and his body became a reflection of the infinite power contained within. Still floating about a foot off the floor, Nathan opened his divine eyes. The entirety of the universe with its infinite dimensions was within his total comprehension. He knew the position and speed of every subatomic speck of matter in existence, and could effortlessly control every single one simultaneously. Growing proportionally to an even 8 feet tall, Nathan furiously rippled and flexed each of the trillions of muscle fibers now gracing his perfect body. This godly feat used up one trillionth of the power of his omniscient brain. Slowly, gracefully, Nathan lowered himself back to the floor. The earth shook. Every part of his body was perfectly sized, perfectly shaped. No model or bodybuilder had achieved these proportions and symmetry. He was true physical perfection. As he subtly shifted his weight, his muscles erupted in the most erotic display of sensual bulges and flexes. A beatific smile appeared on his glowing face, and David, having somehow miraculously held on to consciousness until this point, instantly blacked out while his dick shot a few more ropes of cum. “Perfection,” Nathan intoned out loud. His already deep voice was now imbued with pure sensual pleasure. Had David been awake, he would’ve felt the powerful tones reverberate not only throughout the room, but through his body, sending tingles of ecstasy to his very core. Nathan took in a breath so deep it threatened the structural integrity of the entire house. Walls rattled and few windows burst, but using his telekinesis, Nathan automatically repaired them. “This mortal structure cannot withstand even my most gentle breaths.” With a small gesture from his hand, Nathan lifted the still unconscious David into the air telekinetically, slowly bringing him into his divine embrace. “Little David,” Nathan gently cooed to his creator. “Let’s go somewhere we can both truly appreciate my omnipotence.” In the blink of an eye, the god and his disciple disappeared into thin air. ----- For the second time in as many hours, David awoke completely disoriented. He was in the middle of a lush verdant field, surrounded by spectacular mountains. The deep blue sky was totally clear, and the sun shone down with a pleasant, gentle warmth. David recounted the events of the last two hours: Finishing his incredible invention Inviting little Nathan to shock his small brain with his superiority The machine malfunction Nathan’s transformation and apotheosis into a literal god… “Good to see you are accepting the new reality,” a deep, resonant voice called from behind him. David turned around to see a sight that threatened his already tenuous grasp on his sanity: Nathan, in all his divine splendor… Just standing there, totally relaxed in his magnificent perfection, it was clear Nathan had evolved to an incomprehensible degree. His massive 8-foot frame was packed with brutally powerful muscle, thousands of veins shoved to the surface of his luminous skin. Atop this godly body was an achingly beautiful face wearing the expression of ultimate serene omniscience. Since his final transformation, Nathan’s head had grown slightly, the temples and forehead lined with thick veins, pulsing with power as they fed his limitless brain. A tight, blue speedo, matching his glowing eyes, encased his huge cock and perfectly hugged the contours of his powerful ass. “Of course, I could just change reality if I wanted to,” Nathan said with an arrogant, smug smile on his face. David shuddered at that casual declaration of power. “W-where are we, Nathan?” David stammered. They were definitely not in the large city he called home, but he didn't recognize the landscape either. Nathan’s feet left the ground as he began to hover a foot or so off the ground. He floated for a moment, just reveling in his awesome power. David was helpless to do anything but stare as the god floated gently toward him. “Everything you see is my creation,” Nathan stated simply. “It took a few nanoseconds, but I created a couple billion dimensions for my amusement.” David, confronted by this unimaginable power, could do little more than tremble. “It was laughably easy for a being like me, but your puny brain would shatter before even hoping to understand such a simple concept.” Nathan raised a flexed bicep to David’s face, subtly rippling the fibers in complex patterns. “I created this simple one because the others are far too complex for you to even perceive.” He then flexed his 8-pack abs, rolling and undulating them with total control. “I needed a place where I could show you the totality of my all-encompassing power,” he stated reverently while he continued his graceful, mid-air posing routine. “So I simply willed it into existence.” After a mind-blowing most-muscular, Nathan brought his lips to David’s ear. “Cum for me, David,” he commanded, modifying his godly vocal frequency to precisely stimulate all of David’s erogenous zones at once. David convulsed in rapturous pleasure as he experienced his third hands-free orgasm of the day. Jets of cum shot out of his thick cock, staining his slacks with large splotches of fluid. With a small twitch of his fingers, Nathan disintegrated David’s clothes, leaving him completely naked. With another gesture, David began hovering alongside his god. Nathan inspected him with his piercing eyes, the thick veins feeding his brain pulsing as he instantly memorized his toy’s complete molecular structure. “While your endowment is prodigious for a mortal, I’m afraid your physique is woefully inadequate for my godly desires,” Nathan said disdainfully. He twirled his powerful finger and rotated David in the air. “Yes, this soft, feeble form simply won’t do.” David felt a little insulted. He had worked hard for his tight body. While no fitness model, he turned heads at the college where most of his fellow professors were either stick-skinny or obese. He had muscle definition and size that many men would envy, and felt perturbed at Nathan’s harsh dismissal. David was suddenly thrown back to the ground as Nathan rose dozens of feet into the air. “INSIGNIFICANT FOOL!” his powerful voice rang out through the mountain valley. Terrified, David watched as Nathan grew to 12, 50, then 100 feet tall, his eyes turning a fiery red. “DON’T YOU REALIZE WHAT I AM!” Nathan shouted directly into David’s mind, deafening him psychically. Nathan raised a gigantic arm toward one of the massive mountains in the distance. A literally earth-shattering crack shook the ground as the mountain was ripped from its base. Nathan then closed his enormous hand into a fist and the floating mountain exploded in a cloud of ice and rock. Before most of the debris could even settle, Nathan snapped his fingers and the mountain instantly reassembled, rejoining the ground below. Nathan looked down at David with a menacing glare, the veins of his head pulsing furiously as his mind exerted its unlimited power. He was catapulted into the air, rising to Nathan’s huge face. David struggled to focus on the god’s angry countenance. The sheer terror of looking into the furious eyes of the all-powerful being was almost too much for him. “I CAN BLINK YOU OUT OF EXISTENCE AND FORCE YOU TO EXPERIENCE THE EVENT FOR ALL OF ETERNITY!” Nathan bellowed. “I DEMAND YOUR COMPLETE OBEDIENCE AND WORSHIP.” “Yes, anything my God! I am so sorry! I was wrong to reject your blessing! I am nothing to you!” David pleaded pathetically at the floating muscular giant, bowing his head before the deity. Nathan slowly lowered him to the ground as he shrunk back down to his perfect 8-foot form. His eyes returned to their sparkling deep blue color as he hovered toward David, who was still cowering on the grassy field. “Never forget, my little toy,” Nathan spoke directly into David’s mind. “I can perceive everything. I’m currently reading the thoughts of every living thing in the universe simultaneously. You are totally transparent to me. I can effortlessly delve into parts of your psyche you don’t even know exist.” “But you also created me,” Nathan spoke aloud. “So enjoy the gifts my effortless power can bestow.” Nathan glowed with a golden light. He gently floated toward David, extending his index finger. “You’ve seen a fraction of the destruction I’m capable of. Here’s a taste of the pleasure I can deliver,” he whispered seductively. As his divine finger neared David’s forehead, a small arc of golden electricity flowed between man and god. The instant they made contact, David moaned, drowning in the extreme sensations taking over his body. He lost all sense of time. The force of a million orgasms exploded inside every cell of his body. Nathan adjusted David’s perception of time and held him in total sensual bliss for what seemed like days, but was actually just a few seconds. He teased his little toy, using his power to stimulate every nerve ending in David’s body, holding him on the edge of release. Nathan broke contact, watching David recover from his haze of pleasure. David began desperately jacking his huge hard cock. “Oh little guy,” Nathan chuckled. “Let me take care of that.” He gently twirled his finger and David instantly came in one single continuous stream of thick cum. Completely emptied, David collapsed on the ground, totally out of breath. “Nathan, my God… thank you… You are everything… I am nothing… I am yours…” David panted. Nathan reached down and cradled David’s head in his large hand. “This is just the beginning, little guy.” He sent a wave of reviving energy through David, filling him with vitality. David stood, staring reverently at his massively muscular, powerful god. Nathan smiled benevolently, drinking in David’s worshipful thoughts. “Now, I believe we were addressing the matter of your physique,” Nathan recalled. With a subtle gesture, he raised David up a few feet in the air. “You are currently 5 feet and 11.1568 inches tall. To please me, you need to be 6 feet and 6 inches, precisely.” At these words, David felt the strange sensation of his bones elongating and stretching, his hands and feet growing bigger. “Now,” Nathan continued with a sexy grin, “let’s fill you out.” Nathan took a deep breath and began to blow gently towards David. He felt it first in his calves as they inflated to at least 20 inches, big bulbous, heart-shaped muscles standing out from his lower legs. Next, muscle piled onto his thighs, his quads and hamstrings thickening to a massive 30 inches each, feathered striations running all across the expansive muscle. His waist tightened up to 30 inches as the grooves of his six-pack abs deepened to a beautifully symmetrical eight-pack.Two enormous mountains of muscle erupted from his chest, square pecs pushing 60 inches as powerful delts grew to frame them. Spectacular arms formed, at least 26 inches, with biceps and triceps that screamed power and masculinity. The rippling forearms below completed the image of brutal strength. “Take a look at yourself,” said Nathan. With a twitch of his fingers, a mirror materialized in front of David. He marveled at his new body, one that could easily win any bodybuilding competition. He flexed and rippled his new muscles, totally intoxicated by his physical power. “One last thing,” whispered Nathan. Starting with David’s calves, Nathan began rubbing his way up his new muscles, leaving a fine dusting of hair wherever his hands touched, not thick enough to hide his definition, just enough to highlight his beautiful curves and bulges. Finally, Nathan took David’s face gently in his infinitely powerful hands and brought him in for a deep, probing kiss. Another look in the mirror showed David that Nathan had further refined his face, giving good looks that even the hottest models would envy. “Thank you, my God,” David bowed his head in devotion. “I am not worthy of your power.” Nathan laughed softly, his deep voice sending pleasant vibrations through David’s body. “You are correct, my toy. You aren’t.” Nathan tenderly lifted David’s chin to fix him with his painfully beautiful gaze. “But remember, you unknowingly set me on the path to godhood, and as long as you remain devoted to your God, he will continue to bless you.” Nathan gave a devastating wink, filling David with a pleasurable buzz of energy. With a wave of Nathan’s hand, the world around them began to dissolve before their eyes. “It’s time to introduce the world to its new god,” he said with intimidating confidence. With a flash of golden light, they vanished. ------------------ Nathan and David reappeared in the room where it all started. “There are a few things I need to take care of before I begin my absolute reign,” Nathan said. He stretched out his massively muscled arm toward the Superior Machine. It began hovering in the air. “Now, that my power is unlimited, there will be no need for this now-inferior machine,” Nathan proclaimed with an arrogant smirk. With a flick of his wrist, the machine lurched toward David, stopping just a few feet in front of him. “Master, please!” David cried out. He couldn’t bear to have his life’s work destroyed before his eyes. He knelt on the ground, begging his perfect god. Looking up with fear and hope, David pleaded. “Please spare the machine. I could use it to improve humanity!” Nathan’s eye turned a deadly crimson. The veins on his large head pulsed in fury as his beautiful face contorted in terrifying rage. “WORM!” Nathan shouted. With a twitch of his other wrist, David found himself suspended in mid-air, unable to move, unable to speak. “YOU DARE DEFY ME?! AFTER BEARING WITNESS TO JUST AN INFINITESIMAL FRACTION OF MY POWER?” The walls of the house shook at his words. “I was a pathetic simpleton before your crude machine managed to malfunction.” He struck an incredible double bicep pose, his arms exploding with brutal strength. “Now with my unlimited mind,” Nathan rippled his spectacular body menacingly as the thick veins on his temples throbbed, “I decide who is superior and who isn’t.” At these words, he made a threatening fist, and the floating machine began to collapse in on itself. David looked on as tears streamed down his face. Nathan tightened his fist, and his veins pulsed with power. The machine compacted to a small, smooth, metal ball the size of a marble. With a nod of Nathan’s large head, David was lowered to the ground, regaining control of his body. “Here’s your Superior Machine,” Nathan said sarcastically. David held out his hands as the ball floated toward him. Nathan arched a brow and the ball dropped into David’s hands. He instantly fell to the ground, screaming in pain as the small ball crushed his hand. Nathan cackled evilly, shaking the foundations of the house. “You’re so weak,” Nathan said, disgusted. “I condensed the machine into a 743.87 pound little marble. The pathetic muscles I gifted you can’t seem to handle it.” As David continued to struggle with the tiny ball, Nathan walked over to him. Arrogantly, he bent down and picked up the ball as easily as if it were a ping-pong ball. David moaned in pain as Nathan held the ball between two fingers, slowly inspecting the ball. “Shut up, little David!” Absentmindedly, Nathan waved his other hand, and David’s pulverized hand was instantly healed. He gasped in relief as he looked up at his God. “I can’t help but think that just a few hours ago, the mere existence of this ball would have been unfathomable to my once-puny brain. But now…” Nathan closed his fist around the ball, totally engulfing it in his large hand, and for a brief moment, the muscles in his arms flexed into bold cuts and striations, rippling with brutal power. A soft thud accompanied a small flash of light as his godly hand tightened completely, “... I crushed it out of existence effortlessly.” He fixed David with a mesmerizing, intense stare. “Just like you if you continue to defy me!” Nathan inhaled deeply, his massive chest expanding. Upon exhaling, he began hovering in mid-air like the god he was, eyes glowing white-hot as he reveled in his omniscience. David, still on the ground, struggled to arrange his newly bulging muscles into a properly worshipful position. “It’s finally time, little David,” Nathan intoned. “You should get dressed for the big day.” With an irresistible wink of his god’s eye, David found himself wearing a tight black spandex t-shirt, shrink-wrapped around his bulky torso, with matching leggings encasing his powerful legs. The shiny material perfectly accentuated his new physique, and he ran his hand gently across the smooth fabric, appreciating the way his master’s newest gift to him hugged every curve and cut of his body. “Thank you, my God,” David bowed his head in gratitude. “Even though I’m a god, I still want to show off my superior toy to the masses.” Nathan blessed his disciple with an impossibly beautiful smile. “Now, watch this.” With a sinister smile, Nathan blinked, and David disappeared. He found himself just across the street facing his house. The afternoon sun warmed his improved physique. As it was a weekday, residents of the neighborhood were arriving home from work, and David’s new muscles turned quite a few heads, but Nathan was nowhere to be seen. No one recognized their college professor neighbor, looking instead at the impressive, masculine muscle on display in tight clothing. “Just wait, little David,” Nathan spoke into his worshiper's mind. “These primitive beings will lose their minds when they see me.” David shuddered in both fear and delight as he contemplated how Nathan would choose to reveal his godly power to the world. David heard a rumble from across the street. The ground shook, and pedestrians stopped to look around, trying to find out exactly what was making the noise. Suddenly, a deafening roar rang out through the neighborhood and David’s house exploded, raining concrete, metal, and wood onto the surrounding houses and roads. People on the street screamed and ran for cover, as car alarms and distant sirens filled the air. As the dust settled, a monstrous figure appeared floating above the wreckage. David knew that it was Nathan, albeit at least 50 feet tall. The giant raised an arm, and with a small gesture, the dust and smoke instantly cleared, and the alarms fell silent. Everyone stared in wordless awe at the impossible, glowing deity before them. In addition to growing himself a couple dozen feet, Nathan increased his freakish proportions, every muscle group frighteningly exaggerated. His perfect, flawless skin was shrink-wrapped around every striation and vein. Lined with thick, pulsing veins, Nathan’s head had grown almost comically large, housing his infinitely powerful brain, but he’d lost none of his beauty. His stunning, omniscient, golden eyes scanned the tiny humans below him. Drinking the shock and disbelief of the crowd that had gathered, Nathan let out a deep, ecstatic moan. “BE NOT AFRAID!” Nathan’s deep voice was almost intolerably loud, and many rushed to cover their ears. “I am your new GOD!” The power of his words shook the ground beneath them. “Thanks to the intellectual stumblings of your little neighbor David,” Nathan’s massive arm gestured at the spandex-clad professor-turned-bodybuilder-plaything. David began hovering above the crowd, but still beneath Nathan, “I have unlocked the full potential of the human brain, and improved myself one-million-fold to a state unfathomable to primitive animals like you.” Nathan arched a brow on his huge head and the veins throbbed. Every car on the street rose into the air in front of Nathan. He closed his godly fist, and the cars smashed into each other to form a huge mass of metal and glass. With a few more twitches of his perfect hands, Nathan had sculpted a giant throne of gold for himself, playing with the atomic structure of the former cars. “I used to be such a puny, soft thing like you all,” Nathan remarked with disdain. He closed his eyes and groaned in pleasure. Once again, he grew to 100 feet tall, maintaining his unbelievable proportions and vascularity, veins snaking over his entire body and head. He hovered over to the floating throne and lowered himself onto it. “Now, I take my rightful place as the most powerful being in the universe,” he stated with absolute authority, rippling the fibers of his brutally muscular body. Many in the crowd either passed out or violently orgasmed at the display, unable to even handle the concept of true omnipotence. “Stay right where you are, mister!” Someone shouted from the crowd. A police officer had drawn his weapon and aimed it at Nathan. He stretched his uniform with an impressive physique that approached David’s in size and symmetry. Indeed, he himself would be attracting lustful stares if not for the literal god that had just appeared on the street. Nathan was somewhat impressed at his courage, though he could of course detect with his superior sense a heart rate that was through the roof and a slight tremble in the hands holding the firearm. He remained totally relaxed, lounging on his throne. “Now, now little one,” Nathan said, his tone dripping with condescension. “While I commend your bravery, it’s laughable that you think that you could stop this in any way.” The officer held fast, using every once of his willpower in the face of overwhelming power. “The whole department is coming. Hell, I bet the National Guard is on its way. Don’t make another move!” the office retorted. “Very well then,” Nathan chuckled arrogantly. “Go ahead and shoot,” he taunted. The officer fired every round he had, confident he would hit the massive giant. With a bored expression, Nathan watched the officer shoot. Each bullet stopped in mid-air at his command. Nathan twitched his fingers and the bullets and gun were sent flying into orbit. Nathan smirked as he felt fear take over the officer’s mind. “You really shouldn’t have done that. I must punish you for your insolence,” Nathan intoned. With a wave of his hand, the officer floated up into the air. Nathan held out a divine finger as a beam of energy shot from the beefy police man to Nathan. The man became engulfed in light as his god continued to drain him. After a few seconds he fell to the ground, and the crowd saw a very different man before them. The former amateur bodybuilder could not have been taller than 5 feet now, and his frail body showed no muscle at all, only skin and bone. His once sharp, bright eyes now stared around vacantly, barely capable of processing the world around him. “You see, I can bless my worshipers with their wildest fantasies,” he gestured at David, bringing him over to sit in his expansive lap. “But I will swiftly punish those who do not devote themselves totally to my obvious superiority!” The crowd immediately fell to their knees, eager to please their new god. “Now, little David,” his massive face looked down at his little toy. “It’s time to spread the Gospel of Nathan.” The huge floating throne disappeared in a flash of light. The crowd of worshipers knelt among the wreckage, knowing the world had changed at the will of the Superior Being, Nathan.
  4. MuscleLvr321

    The deal

    Chapter 1: To say that Adam was nervous was an understatement. As the elevator continued to rise up through the luxury apartment block towards the penthouse, Adam felt himself trembling more and more. Sweat trickled down the side of his head. His gut felt empty, and his throat felt dry. He had heard a lot about this man. And what he could do. What he could easily do. Adam gulped audibly. The elevator finally came to a stop at the extraordinary and decadent penthouse. The doors dinged open, introducing Adam to a stunning, modernly designed foyer. Unsurprisingly bigger than Adam's whole apartment, and not to mention more elegantly decorated. Footsteps alerted Adam to the arrival of a rather short, slim, balding man. Clearly a butler on account of his attire. A smart black suit, with a bowtie and pocket square. This man was not the man Adam had come to see. An inch or two shorter than Adam's just-shy-of-six foot frame, the man looked stoic and focused. He didn't bother to greet Adam; just straight to business. "He's expecting you. You will address him as 'sir' or 'his excellence', and you will be both mannerly and submissive at all time" said the butler. "If you aren't, or if you displease him, then..." the man trailed off, before gesturing for Adam to follow him. Adam couldn't help but notice the butler's overall skinny physique. Has he not wished for anything? thought Adam. If the butler could have a god-like body, then why would he not ask for one? "The living room" said the butler, stepping aside to allow Adam through a pair of slightly open double doors. As soon as Adam entered the room the butler closed them behind him, leaving Adam in doing so. The living room was far more magnificent than the foyer, but Adam's attention was diverted by the occupants already there. Five men, completely nude, were crouching in a kowtow position on the floor, forming a sort of semi-circle between them. Two were clearly bodybuilders, as evident by their impressively muscular, rippling backs. Also visible from Adam's viewpoint were their impressively built calves, quads, and glutes. Both seemed to be mostly hairless, but all else was blocked from view. Two of the other men were clearly...not bodybuilders. Both of them were quite average, if not a bit overweight. Their flat, featureless backs, slightly too hairy. Their undefined legs. Flabby backsides that lacked the striations of those on the bodybuilders, and visible love handles. The fifth man was a twig, even by Adam's standards. Adam could make out various bones in the man's back, along with those in his flimsy little legs. All five of them remained in their kowtow positions, either unaware of Adam's entrance, or ignoring it. All of them were whispering under their breaths. Their whispers were low and clearly reverent, sounding more like prayers. All of them were facing towards an empty leather armchair. Adam was about to speak up, when a door off to the side of the larger room opened. In walked a man more beautiful and handsome than any Adam had ever seen before. Well over six foot in height, wearing a gorgeous and expensive looking tuxedo (not tie, open collar), this absolute hunk smiled as soon as he saw Adam. "Welcome" he said, in tones that were calm and friendly. Adam quickly became intoxicated by the man's features. His strong, angular jawline, perfectly proportioned nose and mouth, deep piercing blue eyes, expertly cut and styled hair, and just a light dusting of stubble around his face, as if only there to eventuate his already immense sex appeal. It wasn't until his drew a little closer that Adam began to realize what the man's suit was clearly struggling to contain. Large square pecs with a clear divide between them were mostly visible beneath the white shirt, as were most of the individual ab muscles that clearly made up an eight pack. The sleeves of the blazer also failed to fully conceal the intimidatingly large traps, shoulders, biceps, and forearms that this absolute king was wielding. Finally, the suit pants was doing everything within its power to contain some powerful legs, which Adam to tell were rippling from top to bottom. Although he could not see them, Adam visualized lightning-like vascularity covering the legs and forearms of this adonis. Maybe even some soft coating of hair here and there, not unlike that which blanketed his beautiful face so gently. The demi-god walked over to the armchair around which the other men bowed. He sat in it, crossed his legs, got comfortable, and looked back up at Adam with a reassuring smile. The other men remained in their bowing positions. The two bodybuilders in the group suddenly looked...smaller and less powerful as they bowed before this man. They looked inferior. All five continued their hushed murmurings. Adam finally found his voice. "Your excellence...eh, my name is Adam. I'm here...I'm here to ask...humbly!...for help. Or a favor" said Adam, trying desperately to form a sentence. "As I expected" said the man, smiling down at his worshippers. "It is what I'm best at". One of the two fat men had crawled forward ever so slightly so as to be near enough to the man to start planting little kisses on the nearest, exquisite dress shoe. The man chuckled down at him, but did not stop him. Instead he turned his attention back to Adam. "So, what can I do for you" asked the man. "Well sir" began Adam, "I'd...I'd very much like to look like you". The man smiled. "Every man's deepest desire. Masculine perfection" he said with a mischievous grin. He began to subtly, but noticeably, bounce his pecs beneath his shirt. The two bulbous, steel mounds dancing with one another every so silently, so effortlessly. All five of the worshippers, for the first time since Adam's arrival, looked up to behold the bouncing of the perfect pecs, and let out loud moans of pleasure. It was only then that Adam realized that they had all been masturbating while whispering to themselves, and that the man's pec dance is what was finally sending them over the edge. Adam could see that the five men had also been crying silently, as their eyes were bloodshot, and their cheeks glistened with tear streaks. None of them were even remotely close to the man in terms of looks. The man smiled down at his worshippers as they released their cum onto their thighs and onto the floor. After a few seconds of recovery, the five resumed dutifully bowing and praying. The one that was brave enough to kiss his master's feet was now pressing his face into his mater's dress shoe while reciting his whispered ramblings. "Very well. So be it" said the man, looking back up at Adam. "You will look like me; although I'm assuming you mean in terms of muscularity and attractiveness. Not that you want to look exactly like me?" he said, with one eyebrow playfully raised. "Uh, yes. Of course...sir! Thank you" said Adam. "Excellent" said them man, rising out of his seat, and casually butting the lower part of his blazer. He kicked aside the worshipper who was at his feet, knocking him backwards an impressive distance. Wordlessly, the worshipper returned to his position in the semi-circle and resumed his worshipping, as if nothing happened. Just as the embodiment of perfection was about to leave, Adam suddenly spoke up. "What would you have me do in return...sir?" he asked. The man stopped and turned, smiling at Adam. "I think you already know the answer to that" he said. He winked playfully at Adam, before turning and exiting the room. Almost immediately the butler entered and ushered Adam back to the penthouse elevator, remaining silent the entire time. As Adam descended the elevator, he felt himself exhale for the first time since arriving. He also finally felt the raging, leaking erection in his pants. I'm...I'm going to look like him thought Adam. He began to laugh. Life was going to be different. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ "So...what di you think of him?" the adonis asked, watching Adam cross the street below. Despite the distance, the godly man could see him as if he was just outside the window. "Plain, simple, ordinary. He'll do perfectly" said the butler, who was currently down on his knees, knowing better than to stand in the presence of his master without his permission. The perfect man chuckled. "Bring me Harris" he said, and the butler bowed to him before getting up an hurrying out of the room. A moment later the butler and feet-kisser from earlier (still naked) entered the room. The butler knelt once again, bowing his head from the neck, while the naked man dropped to his kowtow position as he had during Adam's visit. "Harris" said the flawless man, "What is my favorite rule?". "Do not touch the master unless he gives permission, or if he touches you first" said Harris, with a bit of an attitude in his tones. "Exactly. It sounds like you don't want to do this anymore" said the man, feigning sadness and disappointment. "And why would you say that, master?" Harris asked, the slight tone of defiance continuing. "Because you know the punishment for rule breaking" said the man, this time in a threatening whisper. Whether or not Harris had something to say back to his master would remain unknown, for in that moment the master's eyes glowed a menacing red. From the perspective of a human, Harris' incineration was instant. There was nothing left of him, except for a scorch mark in the carpet, and some ash drifting lazily along the air. From the master's perspective however, he got to enjoy watching the flesh of Harris' body slowly combust away, before seeing his skeleton collapse into cinders. "I'm in the mood for cocktails" said the master, casually walking over the scorch mark, fixing the buttons in his blazer once again. His eyes were still glowing as he left the room. "Yes, your excellence" said the butler, completely unfazed by what just happened. He waited until the master left before getting up off of his knees.
  5. Helping my muscle dad pipes (part 2) So… ya, what can I say? In a matter of minutes, my dad flexed his powerful muscles like I never seen it before, I jerked off to it, we both shoot waves of cum to his muscles and I finaly told him that I am gay… What a fucking mess! - So… here we are hã? - Well, ya son… - So… - … - We can pretend that this never happened if you want… - Damn it son, im the older one here, I should start this. From the beginning ok? - Ok… - You know I always been into sports right? Hell, even when I think about school time I always remember me doing push-ups and lifting chairs while the other kids were just playing around with cars and stuff - I believe dad, and you always been built as far as I remember, since I was born in fact - Exactly kid, growing my body always was important to me, long before you were born you know. At 17yo I was entering the gym for the first time. In 2 years I was already the biggest kid around. I will never forget when I turned 19yo and my arms were the same… - You mean… 19 inch biceps! - Yes son, 19 inch cannons! Some fat, got admit, was eating like a lion, all I wanted was to GROW. - That’s fucking amazing dad, had no idea - I was around 195 pounds that time, everyone called me the bull. Then I start having nutrition tips, got my first supplements, always lifting more and more. LAter i start working, I met your mom, then you came to our lifes, so many things happened. But my desire to become the biggest muscle guy around never went away… - Dad, what were your max stats? How huge? - Will never forget son, about 1 year before you born, 225! - No way!! - And this pipes exploded up to 21 inches!!! Dad flexes his big biceps again, staring at them. My god, they were about 19 inches now and already so round and freaky, I can’t even imagine them at 21!!! - Damn your body is fenomenal dad, but those arms are just surreal - Not only the size son, but the shape too. This fuckers always had insane peaks! - Yeah and they are like rocks! - Well you felt them kid - I sure did, it was… intense… - Ya… well you love muscles right? - Alot dad… I hope… well I hope its ok with you - Son I love my muscles so fucking much too. And knowing you love them too really makes me push myself extra hard - Oh man I hope you get as huge as you can dad, but you know, it really turns me on… - That’s ok, you are my son. You saw me cum to my muscles too. How more awkward can it be? - Well, that’s a good point - Come on grab this cannonball again! - Jesus dad, look at the difference in size between my hand and your peak!! - Growing everyday, and I want you to measure me daily, so we can make sure im maxing out my gains - I sure will! - So as you can see, im proud of my body at my age, but I´ve been bigger son, and I miss those days - I understand - And that’s why I decided, you know… - Roids… - Well, yes… Smart boy - Had to be dad, I mean, for the last 4 or 5 years you been very consistent on your stats, and all the sudden this last month you added very noticeable size, and just minutes ago when you posed… Man you are hulking out - Son I have no words, I can feel it 24/7 - How long already? - 2 weeks, this is a 10 weeks cycle. All my stats are increasing!! - You always been natural right? - Yes - So this stuff is new to your body and you were already very big… man you are gonna explode dad!! - I really believe I can rich my prime shape again! And maybe even more… - Oh man, I cant wait dad, I will help you in whatever I can - Thanks son, this will be our journey - But tell me, is it safe? This cycle? - Well, the guy says it’s a new but well known cocktail used by the big bulls in the middle east. - Awesome, is he your friend? - Well, not realy, like kinda? - … - Well its not like a normal friend you know, more like a client… My dad suddenly looks away and starts to turn a bit red. Maybe he is ashamed of who is getting him the drugs? Or is something else? - You ok dad? - There are some more things I need to tell you son… - Sure dad, anything you want - Well, you know that some guys are into, you know, muscles - I sure know… - Ya, well exactly, and as I got bigger, some guys started to ask me for… well - Worshiping… - … - Dad, you must understand that’s my territory. Im gay, I love muscles, I love muscle worship. That’s why I jerked off to your muscles… - Ya, its just that, never tough I would have this kind of talking with you, you know? - That’s ok, if you are ok with it, so am i - Well, its easy money I won’t lie. And all I need to do is what I love doing, flex and pose my muscles - So, its just that? Any touching? Or… - You mean, anything more sexual? - Ya… - No son, they can touch, lick and kiss my muscles. And well, some just cant control it and just start cuming all over them sometimes, but that’s it. And believe me, many were the times that I could have won much more money, but I have my limits - Sure dad, was just asking - So this guy, Cesar, is a long time client, and even loving my body as it is now, he really wants me even bigger - Damn, perfect combo. - Exactly, he had the contacts, so I said yes! - And you… - He can worship me for free and follow all my process of growing huge - Damn… Now im the one that needs time to process all this… - I know… But it is what it is son - Yeah, at this point we better have no lies between us Dad waves his head in agreement. I don’t know what to feel about all of this. My head is running 1000 miles per hour and as much as I’m trying to be serious about all this, I can fell my cock swelling again, knowing that I will now see my growing muscle roided father flex his massive muscles many more times… I will cook the best protein meals, get our basement gym always clean and ready for him to use, hell even inject him if he… Oh wait, bytheway… - Hey dad, who is injecting you? - Oh about that son. I sure know and im very proud that you are a nurse now, but I couldn’t have ask you, well not back then, so Cesar said I could inject into my biceps - Into your biceps? Never heard about that - Yeah, he said glutes were ideal, but was too complicated for me to do it to myself. And legs were too painfully so he said this cocktail could be shoot into my biceps, but the side effect would be that they would grow a bit more… - As if that was a problem… - Haha, not at all! GRRrrrrrrrrr Damn, my dad doesn’t lose an opportunity to flex his cannon biceps! I swear to god that the more he flexes, the more those peaks grow! And not just his peaks, but his bulge is always very alive… - Dad, I see you are much more into your muscles too… am I right? - Oh, son, sorry. Yeah, you are right… My cock is always hard since I start roiding - That’s fine, but I was really not expecting it. I can tell you cant stop admiring your growing body - Cesar said I would feel very horny during this cycle. And boy am i, im cuming 2 to 3 times a day! - Damn dad, that’s alot - Alot indeed, and by cuming I mean waves of it. You saw it - Fucking unreal, you are truly turning into a muscle freak! - Haha, I hope so son, and now with your help I feel more confident than ever! - So whats the first goal? - All about balance and size son, I will add as much mass as I can but I don’t want it to be fat. And some of my muscle groups needs more attention. Of course my arms are almighty but I need bigger pecs. And i know I can get much wider, plus my middle section needs get tighter too, I miss seeing my bulging abs - Damn dad, I don’t know what I will do when you finally reach all those goals - Well I think I know judging by your bulge… Oh man, I really need to be more careful. Look at this, I already have another wet spot in front of my just new fresh pants… - Damn it! Sorry dad, is just that you are so big and getting even bigger… Its too much for a muscle worshiper like me - Its ok son, we both are turned on by my muscles. I stop denying it too. If worshipping me makes you happy, then that makes me happy too son. Besides, as I said, muscle worshipping is not new to me - Thanks dad, you were always amazing to me - I love you son I lift my arms and we both hug each other. What a turn of events, and I am feeling the luckiest guy in the world… So, days are passing and dad is just bursting with pure mass! This will be a different Summer indeed, not beach and partys at all, oh no. My priority is having everything ready for my hulking dad so that he can maximize his gains, helping him reach the freakiness that we both want! Dad is getting wider so fast, almost like a fucking inverted pyramid… - Dad, lunch is ready! – I scream from kitchen - Hold on… Mmmmm… - Come on, you need to feed those muscles - … Tuna, rice, broccolis and pineapple, 3 full plates for my champ. Third week ending and dad already added 10lbs more! Now I can clearly see why he says he thinks he can get even bigger than his prime shape. I just cant stop boning to his hulking lats. His traps are popping from his neck, pecs are swelling so fast and his biceps… I don’t even try to hide my wet pants anymore, one quick look at those mountains and cum just starts to run all down my legs… - Don’t complain that is cold champ - Mmmmm… - Are you alright up there? - Son… You better come here… GRrrrrrrrrrr…! I quickly go upstairs. Is my dad hurt? What the fuck is happening? I enter his bedroom… - Dad?! - … - DAD !!! - It´s, it´s happening again… GRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!! With nothing more than some black workout pants and with his hands on the floor in a crouch position my hulking dad is sweating like crazy, veins bulging everywhere, his face turning red with each heavy breath, his big bare feet stretching… - MMmmmm… im… im ok - Dad! Look at you… - It´s another growth spurt son… It happened before - Growth spurt…? - Yeahhhhhh… Mmmmmm, My muscles just start… BULGING - But you look in pain… - It´s just that, Mmmmmm…. I can feel my muscles expand… I always get great gains when its… over… - Cesar told you about this? - Yes… Oh boy… Its ok, all I need is to… FLEXXX !!! - OMG!... Without warning dad raises up his hulking torso, hitting a colossal most muscular pose! Eyes closed, growling like an animal, his muscles bulge like I never tough it was possible… - Fuck dad, you already look so much bigger… - OH yeah, YESSSSS… Wait till this is over! Get ready… Im gonna explode!! GRRRRrrrrrrrrrr ( ( DING DONG ) ) - Oh shit, someone is at the front door - MMmmmmmmm… its ok son, this is about to get really freaky here! GRRRrrrrrrrr - No, but I want to see it… - Go open the door!! Fuck! I want to see my dad hulkout, what the hell!! I go fast down stairs again and open the fucking door, my cock is just so fucking hard that is hurting like hell stuck inside my pants - Who is it?! - Oh hey, you must be Pedro right? - … yeah, and you are? - Cesar, im your dad´s friend. Is Hugo inside? - Yes… well, no, I mean - … - He is really busy now - It´s happening isn’t it? - … Wait, did my dad just call him to assist his growth? - Its ok Pedro, I know what is happening to his hulking body, I was the one that got the stuff… - Yeah, he already told me… - Good, you like how is working? Is he growing? - Growing? He is hulking! - Oh fuck, I knew he was the right one! - And he is having another growth spurt just now… - I know, he called me! Fuck Pedro, let’s see how is turning out! Slamming the door behind us, we go upstairs as far as we can. Entering the bedroom again I don’t hear anymore sounds… Then, at the corner left, in front of the mirror I see the form of an immense human figure… Cesar shakes his head in disbelieve - My god Hugo, look at you… With his back in full display to us, my dad almost has no space between his monster lats and his colossal arms. Yet his small waist makes him look even more freakish and powerful… Each of his hulking legs looks almost same size of his waist, and his muscle ass looks immense… - Cesar, I hope you like your investment… - OMG, I knew by the photos you sent me that you were getting so much bigger Hugo… but seeing it is just… - Freaky? - More than freaky, oh god im already precuming, fuck… - Fuck dad, I cant believe it!! You are a fucking MUSCLE GOD! Im all wet too… - Haha, you two sound satisfied… But wait until you see it all !! Dad turns around and hits his signature pose! Grunting louder in full pleasure he hits a massive double bicep! His monster arms bulge and his peaks rise like nothing I ever seen in my life!! - Come here boys, time to worship your master!! On our knees, precuming uncontrollably, me and Cesar start feeling and admiring my hulking dad muscles in what would be the first of many worshipping sessions together…
  6. Freakoman2

    The Final Worship

    This just suddenly flowed out, and I thought it could be interesting to post it. A short one, hope you enjoy! You, the admirer, decide to come into my house... And that would be your dream come true, right? To worship me? Let's go then. First I would rip my shirt off, for you to watch in awe all of my muscles, full power in my body... Then I would grab your neck with one hand, you could feel how my hand encases it, pencil sized, compared to my forearms. I would flex them a bit just to give you a choke and for you to see the cords of muscle appearing on them, the veins starting to flow with blood... Then I would grab you with both of my hands and start pressing you, just to pump my delts. I would move to a large mirror so that I can appreciate my massive body getting even more massive, while lifting you easily. You would also watch this in the mirror, not believing how easily this is done... Then... I get bored. You weigh nothing. I just throw you against another wall and see your body thud to the floor. You crawl to me again and ask for one more opportunity. Maybe I could curl you to pump my biceps at least. I start curling you with both arms, slowly, watching the vein on them become inhumanly big, damn, I am a Muscle God... Huge mountains of muscle attached to my arms, growing to inhuman proportions... Superman ain't got nothing on me... You are in awe too... But you notice that your weight is, once again, nothing against my strength. So I stop curling you and just drop you to the floor. I start flexing looking at myself on the mirror, my guns becoming mountains as you already saw first hand. You stand up and try to touch my left bicep, I let you. You feel how big, rock hard and strong it is, and once you try to go to my forearm, I decide to imprison your hand between my flexed bicep and the rest of the arm. And now, I start flexing FOR REAL. The guns become even bigger as I listen to the sound of all the bones in your hand breaking, being crushed with my whole strength in a flex... Your hand disappears in a gush of blood between my humongous muscles. You start screaming in pain, and I just decide to end this all, I am bored now. For you, it would be a bliss how it ends. I would lift you up again and then put you in a bearhug... Your eyes at level with my huge pecs, for you to watch everything around you, everything becoming massive, gigantic, just amazing... I start flexing... My arms and pecs becoming even more and more huge. Even more strong, even more steel like. Cords of muscle and veins just appearing all over them because of the pumping and the flexing over your puny body... One of my arms is bigger than your whole torso... I can listen to your heavy breathing, you still don't know if this is something you enjoy or if you know this is gonna be the end for you... Maybe it's both. Then, the bones start to break. Your ribcage easily being destroyed by my strength... Slowly being broken, one by one, but we both enjoy it. You are amazed, in pain, but in disbelief of so much power, so much muscle against you... Then I look at you in the eyes. I stop for a while, you breathe, somewhat aliviated... And then I speak. "Now I will use my FULL strength, I was just teasing you with a third of it". Your eyes open wide, you just cannot believe this... all your body is surrounded by hugeness... And now it will become more huge? With a mighty growl, I give a final flex, becoming a beast of massive muscles, even bigger than before. This just breaks you inmediately in two parts, your torso being eliminated from existence by my arms, and your legs falling to the floor, without a body on top of them. I am a Muscle God.
  7. This is the beginning of a story, that’s taken quite a bit of work. It’s one of the first I’ve written, so it may have a lot of quirk. It seems I write pretentiously, so I could look like a burke. What you’re about to read is my tale. Of a muscle-obsessed man on his trail. With twists and turns beyond the pale. After all these words, I hope you enjoy. Or else another’s work you’ll have to deploy. Chapter 1- The Fantasy The towering pillars of stone stood clustered around the brand centre of York. They began as traditional buildings made over the centuries in the old capital, then built to the sky in increasing style, at the cost of great pain and price. At the base of these looming towers, the square of the city, winding rivers of shoppers and socialites snaked through every street and corner. Every man, woman, and child were dressed in the latest fashion of the day with hair pushed and shoved and washed and blown and dried and arranged into a meticulous style. The gentlemen in their pressed suits, the ladies in their vibrant dresses (as featured in every magazine), and the children barely looked like children at all in clothes strikingly like the adults that lead them. However, the thing that most united them was their bodies; stick-arms protruding from thin shoulders sat on legs that looked unable to support anything. Even the gentlemen fit this trend, with even the thinnest of suits hanging from their limbs, and soft facial features below pretty-boy hair styles. Every cobble they walked on was perfectly in place, the gilded statues were polished to a shine and each branch of the trees that decorated the streets had been expertly pruned, as anything less would have been an insult. In one of the highest rooms in one of the most mountainous towers sat one of these people; skinny as a pencil with hair freshly cut that day and what used to be a neatly pressed suit before he'd collapsed onto the wide bed. Richard had no use for a bed this wide, he'd never shared it with a soul, and the art around his walls was miles away from what he liked, but he imagined the fuss if he didn't need to keep up appearances. He was just lying there in the place he often spent time but could never be found, his fantasy. Miles away from this place were the brownfields and greenfields; in these far-away lands were the people of Richard's dreams. He saw them when driving through the greenfields with his parents, he could barely take his eyes off them while his parents chuckled and scoffed. The workers in the fields toiled for hours, and in the summer months the men wore only their boots and shorts to counteract the heat. Their hair was shaggy and unkept, what clothes they had on were torn, and their skin was tanned from days in the elements. But what intrigued Richard was the bodies of the male workers; the countless hours of work left the marks that the people in the upper classes tried so hard to avoid. Their arms bulged out with biceps that rose like the hills of the Yorkshire countryside around them, with veins popping from their forearms as they grasped their mighty farming tools. Their shoulders seemed broad enough to carry the most impressive boulders that decorated this land, and they were the perfect headers to the winding rows of back muscles that shifted and dived as the workers tilled or planted. Their chests ballooned out with imposing pectorals that seemed to challenge the boulders themselves, looking just as large and solid from the car window. Their cores were not targeted by their labour, yet some still had grown perfect columns of muscles, Richard often counted them and couldn't help but smile with glee when he saw sets of six or eight. The trunks of the trees in the distance appeared to be twigs compared to their thighs, with deep valleys between muscles that could be seen on the men brave or warm enough to wear the shortest of shorts. There was a noticeable range of body hair among them, from enough fur to look like one of the animals of the woods, to perfectly smooth chests that accentuated every muscle and masculine contour. Even their faces were enchanting, many with square jaws like bricks that were decorated by stubble, while others had full beards that would have shocked those of high society to their cores. In Richard's mind, they were the most beautiful jewels of the dales, putting the emerald hills, opalite skies, and fields of crops that were spun from gold to shame. Richard's fantasy was to be just like them; he dreamt of putting down his tools and pushing the hair from his eyes while he shielded himself from the sun with a powerful arm so large it cast a shadow over his face. His perfect body would glow as the sunlight hit the sweat he'd made from his honest work. He would then take a cloth from his pocket to dry himself, making sure to reach the gaps between his washboard of core muscles and between his mountainous pectorals. He would breathe a sigh of relief as he was free of the expectations and rules on who he could be that so plagued him when he was at the top of the social ladder. Richard had heard stories of the open nature of the greenfields and brownfields. How sex was not just for making more people, but often an activity of raw sexual attraction between whoever lusted after each other. Muscle and strength were valued here, with the most powerful adonises having first pick of the lot, but almost everyone could find a willing partner if they looked. This information was passed to him through splutters of pure disgust and mockery, but it was heaven to Richard. He dreamt of worshipping the imposing muscles of another man, a body so large it was greater than any he would have himself, running his fingers over every inch and trying but failing to squeeze the muscles that filled his hands. He even pictured receiving this perfect man's throbbing erection as it filled him; it felt so wrong yet so good at the same time. A sudden knock at the door awoke Richard. Then, in an instant, his fantasy had faced once again, but he was happy in the knowledge it would return. As he scrambled to pull his tie back up and buckle his belt, he felt crushing shame at the body that was so desired in his world. As he walked to open the door, the opulence that surrounded him was only a reminder of how far he was from his dream. However, as he pulled the door open on that perfectly average evening, it was the first step in his journey to make the impossible fantasy a reality. But, if you wish to know what (or rather who) stood behind this door, you must wait until the next instalment of The Adonis of York, coming in due course.
  8. Finally, university is over, and now im a proud nurse! Now all i want is find a good job and start living my way. But first, some damn good days of nothing to do and get the best of Summertime. Im Pedro, a 23yo guy. Just a regular guy, i guess, not realy a party animal, but i like to have fun and enjoy life too. Im still living with my parents, well, with my dad. You see, when i was 16yo they broke up, and my mother, well, lets just say, she wanted to forget everything… So it was just me and my old man. Well, old not that much. My dad, Hugo, is realy an amazing man. Not only a hard worker, but someone that always protected me and gave me all the love i needed, to be a good kid. Even when extremily tired from all the hard work, he is a construction worker by the way, he always has some time to talk and know how im doing. Having my dad around me was always something i loved, in fact, was always a good thing and a bad thing… Let me explain, my dad is a very handsome man. Like, he is 51yo now, but damn, his body is in another age for sure! 6´0 tall, and all muscle power. Even with clothes on, everybody can see the shape if his extremily big, bulging muscles. And believe me, it was not easy to catch my dad naked. I can count very few times that i saw him without a shirt or even at beach. You would think that someone that looks like him would be cocky or more into showing off his muscles, but no. And its a shame, well, kinda. Well im gay, and yeah i have a thing for muscle guys. At very young age i knew that muscles were my fetish. So as you would imagine, having a muscle dad around you is a mix of feelings. As a construction worker, you exercise your muscles alot, but wasnt enough for my dad. In our basement we have a realy cool home made gym, and he worked out there at least 5 days a week. I work out there myself too sometimes, but i rarely work out with him. Well its obvious that he is alot stronger than me, besides, lets just say that seeing my big dad lift so much weight has some strong effects on me… But occasionally i would catch him. Always with his baggy gym clothes on, again, such a shame. I always imagine his powerful muscles contracting and expanding inside those damn clothes. Dad is a big “grunter” too, but then again, when you bench press 250lbs i guess you are allowed to grunt that loud. From time to time i check his gym progress journal. I really love to follow his stats. Usualy a bit heavier in winter but his stats are always impressive. This current month: weight 192, body fat 15%, 18,5 bíceps, 48 chest, 32 waist, 30 quads. Believe me, sounds awesome, but looks even better. Anyway, I try hard not to think about it, but my lust for my dad muscles is getting almost out of control this last months! Having him around me all the time drives me nuts, and i just cant stop staring at him. Always trying to enter bathroom when he is showering, or see the sleeves of his shirt almost burst as he does simple moves. Yes HIS BICEPS. I love every muscle, but peaked huge bíceps drive me even more insane. And my dads cannons are just freaky, not only their size but the amazing shape they got. Perfect veiny peaks that bulge like mountains!! Mmmmmm… But my new thing is to jerk off as i hear him workout down our basement… i just can’t help it, knowing he is growing even more, pumping bigger and BIGGER… Oh God!!! I know its wrong, he is my dad, but i can’t help it. He is a muscle beast. If only he would show off more for me… Oh god, i always start precuming just thinking about it… So today was another hot summer day, and i decided stay home laying on sofa and watching some movies. Every Friday night dad would have some time with his buds after work, so i usualy wait for him to dinner. I like to have this moments, at home, alone to have fun with myself… 9pm, 10pm… and i was getting damn hungry. Usualy dad is home around 8pm – 9pm. Dad never arrives too late, he eats and sleeps well so his muscles are always at their best. Finaly i hear the front house door opening - Hey dad, was starving here man - Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy… here´s my boy… - Wow, someone is lagging… - Ahhh, a man has to have some fun time to time, no champ? Damn, i cant remember last time i saw my big dad drunk. Its really, really rare, since alcohol is bad for those who workout their muscles and dad was very serious in his regiment. - Since when you start driking? - Naaaaaa, just a couple of good old beers son. Was Pedro´s birthday, so we just celebrated at the bar. Let me sit next to you. Say, is it damn hot inside here or its just me? And just like that he falls over the sofa like a rock. He is sweating like crazy, and i can smell all his manly strong musk. My cock jumps as i see his big sweaty body next to mine. Strugling, he takes his jacket off, revealing his undershirt, finaly showing his big shoulders and bulging arms - Dad, maybe you should take a shower, it will cool you off - Maybe son, maybe you right. Im still all sweaty from the competion - What competion man? - Well, the guys were taunting Pedro, because he turned 43yo. But i said he was still damn Young. And then they were all like, yeah next to you he is. So i was like, im the oldest here but i can win any of your weak bodys! And believe me son, i won all of them in an armwrestling competion!! And by saying this, dad flexes his bulging arms in an amazing double bicep. Fuck!! My heart almost stops, my dad peaks are bigger than ever!! OMG here is my dad, sweating like a bull flexing his bíceps, making his pipes bulge like 2 cannonballs!!! - WOW dad! Those arms are huge!! - Yeah son, and they will grow even more! Just because im more than 50yo, doesn’t mean i will start getting weaker. I will always be strong son, always!! My god, what a display of pure power. My dad cant stop staring at his hulking peaks! - Actualy, i thing im even bigger than last week already… damn… guess its working… - What do you mean? What is working dad? - Hã? Oh nothing son… nothing Oh fuck, i can feel my cock dropping precum, I'm fucking creaming myself over my dad right in front of him. I quickly grab one of the pillows before the wet spot forms. I never saw my dad this confidente, displaying his powerfull muscles like this. I turn to see him hitting a most muscular pose, looking really fucking huge, bigger than I have ever seen him before - Damn dad, your muscles are realy powerful, look at you! - Yeah! You should have seen their faces when i finished them all. I even hitted some poses for them - Realy, you flexed for them? Can you show me too? OMG, i know this was perhaps too far, but this was my oportunity to finaly get to see my dads body in full glory. Taking advantage from him while he was drunk felt cheap, but my desire to worship his amazing muscles was so much stronger. - Hell son, you should know by now how powerfull your dad is. Oh man, im sweating like crazy... Here let me remind you how lucky you are for having a big dad like me Dad suddenly grabs the bottom of his undershirt, pulling up the fabric like some sexy stud in a worship video. I try not to openly gasp at the amount of muscle that bulged off his chest. He struggles to get the sleeves past his arms, giving me those momentary few seconds of total lust. My god he looks massive! While most men his age would have some sag around their muscles, my dad’s were tight and perfect, like he had the body of a 20 year old! Oh god, i dont think im ready for this, i can feel my cock bursting from my jeans… - 51yo and im still a bull son! He raises his right arm up and practically stuffes the bicep into his face. I know my dad tended to get obsessed with things, but I never took him for having an arm fetish. He takes in this deep long breath, like he is sniffing his own musky scent. The sheer size of his deep pits is almost unreal, twice as large as any normal mans. He just keeps on pushing his bicep closer and closer to his smiling lips. I swear he is about to lick it! - Im telling you son, its time to get to the next level. In a few weeks nobody well ever think calling me old again. Nobody!! Was my dad having a midlife-crisis? I couldn´t care less, im just having my biggest fantasy right now, with my own muscle dad. And he is so into it!! I never saw him like this, i can clearly see his bulge growing under his pants… - Can you imagine this arms bigger? - But dad, they are already so big - Yes, almost 19 inches boy, but wait till they hit 22! - 22?? - Or maybe even bigger! God i cant stop sweating… and all this posing… Mmmm… Oh god look how fucking huge he is! And his pants, they are stretching so much they look like they are gonna burst. Every detail of his body including his manhood inside his pants is visible and bulging. Does he know about me.. He found my stash of cum covered muscle mags or something? - I need get bigger son, i will get bigger!!! And like that, he stands up and hits another massive double bicep pose. This time I can't hold it in and began to moan like a horny dog, neck thrown back, body shuttering, there was no hiding it this time. My bucking hips push the pillow off my crotch letting dad look upon my throbbing boyhood, creating a giant wet spot on my jeans - Ohhhhhh, what? Son? What the hell… - Dad sorry…Oh god! But, OMG you are so big!! Ahhhhhhhhh… -What the…? Son… Fuck, must be this damn formula… Mmmmmmm… Im so horny too… OMG i can’t believe it, my dad just saw me cum to his muscles!! OMG, what am i going to do? Fuck, fuckkkkkkkk! But… But wait, he is getting off too… what the… - Damn son, all this muscle posing is getting me so fucking hard again… Fuck, i need to… - Dad please, im so sorry! Please… - Mmmmmmm… No son, its ok, guess i don’t need to hide it anymore - What…? Is this really happening?? My dad is getting off on his own muscles? This must be a dream! His bulge is so huge now! - Guess my growing muscles are making everyone cum already? - Im so sorry dad, but i always wanted to worship your colossal body, i mean, look at your arms. They are huge! - Yeah! I got big fuckin' muscles, son! And i just started growing even more! Come here and feel this cannonballs He finaly takes his pants off and stands in front of me with his arms flexed, staring at them as I start runing my fingers over the veiny peaks - Mmmmmmm, that feels good. Feelin your growing daddy´s big muscles! You like my hard biceps, don't 'ya? - Yes sir, you got really big cannons. Biggest around! I just keep sounding like a little kid, impressed with his big daddy's hard body. OMG, my 7" cock is getting hard again, and by the looks of it, his is about to explode. Dad lowers his hands and flexes his massive pecs and i immediately put my hands over them. He threws his head back and I can see how big his bull neck is too. - Damn son, i cant wait to see how much bigger i get this next weeks. Fuck, im already adding so much size, and its only week 2 - But dad, what the hell is that business then? What are you into? - Mmmmmm son… i Will tell you, guess i can’t hide it anymore.But first i need to do this Spreading his bulging legs over the sofa again, dad takes off his boxers, finaly revealing his what it looks like 7 inch fat veiny cock. Its so hard, already pumping heavy drops of shiny precum - I don’t want to scare you son, but it seems you are into my muscles as much as i am - Damn dad, you are a beast… - Yeah! You like my big strong muscles, don't you, son? While sited, he hits a most muscular pose and his traps rose like mountains beside his thick neck. His massive pecs jump and bulge like they are about to burst, his arms bulging into massive porpotions. My hands are now all over his hulking torso, feeling his broad shoulders, his biceps, triceps and massive veinyy forearms. Dad keeps jerking his hard cock with intense force, sweating even more, looking like a fucking animal… - Mmmmmmmmm son… Please don’t hate me, for years i tried to keep my own muscle fetish for myself… - Dad, no. I am the one that needs to apoligize - Fuck… This is not how i wanted to be, but you must understand… Mmmmmm… Im so full of muscle power!! - Fuck dad, you are a truly muscle beast, this is the best moment of my life!! I can tell im about to cum again at any second… Worshipping my massive dad as he jerks his manhood right in front of me!! Oh god, i want this moment to last forever!! - Promisse me you will not freak out with all of this son…Mmmmmm… Please - No way dad, i love you even more… - Oh god! I cant hold it any longer…, IM GONAAAAAA… AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!! - Oh fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkk, daddy !!! Hitting one last colossal single bicep pose, dad starts cuming like a volcano. Head back, his huge muscles convulsing, forcing out waves of white muscle cum all over his gorila chest. As im seeing all this i start moaning again, having another intense second orgasm, pumping even more cum into my already soaking briefs… - YEAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!! Im a fucking beast!!! BIGGER - Mmmmm… AAAHHHHhhhh, oh my god… you are a God dad Fuck, my dads cock just keeps gushing wave after wave of white seed!! Im trying to start breath again, but he is still in the middle of what it looks like a never ending orgasm. Much of his cum is all over my hands that were over his pecs too and i so want to taste it… - Fuckkkkkkkkkk… Oh man, and i just shoot like 2 hours ago while flexing at the bar… - Damn dad, this is umbelieveble… - Son… Son!! Oh man im sorry kid. You must think im a freak - No, dad. Its ok. Listen - Fuck, i don’t know whats happening, i never felt this horny for my muscles. Im so sorry!! - Dad, listen! I never told you i was gay, and i should. You always said to me to be honest to you - But… - But i didn’t, and im sorry. And im sorry for always been in lust to your big muscles… Dad stares at me. A mix of shame and hapiness feels his face - Well son, it seems we have a lot to talk then - Yeah big man, we have - Here, lets clean all this mess first - We sure need a shower We both smiled and went to our bathrooms... Hope you like guys, (part 2) as soon as possible
  9. Gaizer


    Author's Notes: I wrote the complete first few chapters of this story a while back. I already have a good idea of where/how the story will progress, but it would be quite unlikely I will be able to write the subsequent chapters (let alone post them) any time soon. I'll definitely revisit this story and post any updates whenever I can.
  10. Gaizer

    Life at Apollo Heights

    Author's Notes: I wrote the complete first chapter of this story a while back. I already have a good idea of where/how the story will progress, but it would be quite unlikely I will be able to write the subsequent chapters (let alone post them) any time soon. I'll definitely revisit this story and post any updates whenever I can.
  11. PumpCulture

    The Mass of Us - part 2 (TEASER)

    CW: FMG, muscle worship, f/f. Thick white suds and streams of cold water ran down Ellie’s gargantuan body, steam rising up from her overheated muscles in the dim fluorescent light of the butcher’s kitchen. The abandoned facility was the largest room with running water that they could find. Ignoring the vicious meat hooks still hanging in rows along the ceiling became a necessity. It might seem like a cruel space, but it was the only space big enough to bathe Ellie in, except for the freezing lake a mile down the mountain. Ellie hadn’t used a shower since she was 16. Far too cramped. At age 17, she was already too wide for most doors. Now, at age 18, Dina had to hose her down and use a brush and a sponge at the end of poles in order to scrub off the sweat and mud from her bruised and stretch-mark-scarred skin. Dina daren’t stick her hands between the deep crevices of those freakishly bloated muscles. The bones of her fingers might snap with an involuntary flex. Ellie couldn’t always control what her body did. But Dina didn’t mind. Sure, things were different now… When Joel had first introduced the idea of getting stronger in order to survive -- We’re put here on this godforsaken Earth to survive, at all costs, he would say -- the idea of putting on some muscle seemed novel, if not hilarious. Ellie was nowhere close to muscular four years ago and none of them could’ve imagined how much weight she continued to gain. Rapidly. If anything, the rate at which she packed on more mass had increased over the years, not diminished. At first, Ellie and Dina, girlfriends, teased each other about the differences in their weight. Dina always thought the new definition and toning was attractive. Then Ellie’s mind began to change, growing more obsessed as her body grew larger. At some point, Dina began wondering where it would stop as it became apparent that Ellie’s body was responding better than anticipated, but that was long before it spiraled out of control. Now Dina was bathing her like she was cattle. At first, baths were fun and new, even as Ellie’s muscles became frighteningly, alarmingly extreme. They played with the water, shot each other with the hose, and giggled, sometimes wrestled. Now? The air was thick with vapor and humiliation. They didn’t laugh. They didn’t even talk. They were disconnected, clinically so. Dina assumed the role of the nurse. Ellie was the patient. They didn’t look each other in the eye. Dina could tell that it bothered Ellie to have to be washed like an animal, like a semi truck, but she couldn’t find it in herself to comfort her. All there was was the writhing muscular barricade of the body her girlfriend was trapped in. Sometimes Joel talked about Ellie’s miracle, the thought of a cure residing in her genes, how maybe it was her genes that turned her into… this. Next spring, he estimated she would outgrow the butcher’s kitchen. He talked about designing a shower system for her with the bulldozer and a water tower. Joel talked about a lot of things. Mostly survival. Being prepared. He was disconnected in his own way. When he looked at Ellie, she felt like he was looking at someone else, either at somebody from his past who she reminded him of... or somebody he was trying to shape her into. Ellie, staring at the puddles on the cement floor, raised one of her colossal arms. Even a task as simple as that had become difficult, nevermind properly bathing herself without assistance. Dina adjusted the gray strap of her tank top while she waited, bravely enduring the creaking noise of Ellie’s bones hefting all that weight, and the tightening sounds of Ellie’s muscles contracting and stretching. She grabbed hold of one of the big stainless steel hooks, lightly. Ellie’s bicep, the size of a couch cushion, grazed across the side of her cheek, brushing an errant strand of her brown hair over her cute, freckled face. For a moment, Ellie’s green eyes looked up at Dina and their gaze met. Only for a moment. Ellie looked down at the floor again as Dina got to work scrubbing her girlfriend’s armpit. Shame but acceptance. Survive, at all costs... (access the full story at patreon.com/pumpculture)
  12. WARNING: This story contains scenes of a violent nature. Some readers may find these scenes offensive. Please do not read on if you feel like this applies to you. The air felt nice on Victor’s beautiful face as he flew across through the air, thousands of feet above the city streets. Below him, thousands of tiny humans went about their days, limited in their capabilities by their feeble strength and lack of true power. Today, however, most of them were distracted by the breaking news bulletins on their phones and tablets. Just a few blocks away a bank was under siege by armed gunmen. Don’t worry little insects, thought Victor. Captain Unstoppable is on his way. Victor finally came to a halt above the city’s most illustrious bank; faux golden columns and regal-like architecture. Impressive. Though, not as impressive as the god-like being that floated silently in mid-air, looking down upon the frantic scene that was unfolding before him. Still floating high above the scene, Victor began to scan the whole area with his eyes. His x-ray vision, microscopic vision, and telescopic vision all working in unison to meticulously detail the entire building and its internal layout; all in the space of just a few seconds. Now Victor new everything there was to know about the situation at hand. There were ten armed men inside the bank, and about two dozen hostages. There will soon be just the hostages, thought Victor. His excitement was increasing. The prospect of laying waste to a couple of humans always made his body tingle with anticipation. It…aroused him. Instead of descending down to the police blockade that surrounded the bank, Victor simply flew a full speed towards the building’s uppermost floor. His indestructible body smashed right through the wall of an upstairs corridor. Of course, he felt absolutely no pain or discomfort in doing so. Even his arms, exposed by the short sleeves of his t-shirt, incurred no injuries whatsoever. Instead of walking, Victor chose instead to hover his way down the corridor. Doing so always made him appear godlier. Being 7 ft. helped as well, of course. Thanks to his x-ray vision, Victor could tell that his first two targets were in the opposite side of nearby door. Upon reaching this door, Victor reached forward, but not for the handle. Instead his fingers effortlessly penetrated the upper midsection of the door. For him it was like poking your fingers through tissue paper. He then gripped down on the hole he had made, and simply tore the door off of its hinges. He tossed it aside where it smashed to pieces against the wall. “What the fuck?!” began one of the criminals, turning around upon hearing the sound of the door’s destruction. “Oh shit!” cried his partner, catching sight of Victor. “It’s him. It’s Unstoppable!” Both men raised their rifles and began unloading their ammo on Victor. Despite knowing full well who he was, Victor was nonetheless amused by their efforts to harm him. Victor closed his eyes to fully enjoy the feel of dozens and dozens of bullets impacting him on his thick, meaty, square pecs; his solid and chiselled eight-pack abs; and on his pristine face, complete with its astoundingly angular jawline. For him, the hail of bullets felt more like a pleasant massage. Each one imparting a nice, soothing touch before ricocheting off in some random direction. The sight of his bodybuilder physique being bombard with bullets, complemented by the fact that he was still hovering a few inches off the ground, really hit home the reality that Victor was not human. He was so much more. Eventually the two goons used up their current magazines, and frantically tried to reload. Now it’s time to play, thought Victor, a wicked smile spreading across his face. Victor finally set himself down on the floor, and he walked slowly but purposefully towards the two men. As he drew closer, the size difference between Victor and these endangered idiots only became more and more pronounced. Both men slowly stopped trying to reload their weapons, and instead looked up at Victor and his incredible body. Men often looked upon Victor with a mix of lust, envy, and fear. Victor did have the perfect male body after all. Victor could hear their tiny hearts beating like war drums, and his godly eyes could trace the beads of sweat that were forming on their brows. For a moment, Victor simply stood there, looking down upon the comparatively shorter men, both of whom were also just standing there looking up at Victor. Well…trying to look at him. In reality they were distracted by his pecs, traps, shoulders, and even his neck muscles. “We…we…*gulp*…we have orders to kill the hostages if…if you…if there was” stuttered on of the men, shaking as his admittedly impressive body suddenly seemed so pathetic in the presence of Victor’s. He was the first to die. Victor gently placed one of his large, muscular, and vascular hands on the side of the man’s head. For a moment Victor simply caressed the man’s scalp with his fingers and his cheek with his thumb, marvelling at how much of the humans head his hand fit around. Of course the human fell for it, initially believing that Victor had taken a sexual liking to him. He closed his eyes and breathed more loudly as his whole body was stimulated by the arousing feel of Victors touch (and the god’s scent). Victor then moved his hand gently to the top of the man’s head, still caressing him in a tender manner. The man opened his eyes and looked up at Victor. Victor smiled down at him, more amused by how the man now looked relaxed, incorrectly believing that this powerful being was friendly and loving. Victor closed his fist, and popped the fool’s head like a grape. “What the fuck?!” screamed the other man, backing away as fast as he could. The headless corpse continued standing for a few seconds before keeling over onto the floor. Blood rapidly pooled around its upper half. Victor looked down at his hand, observing the fleshy bits that were still stuck to it. A quick burst of heat vision cleaned that right up, vaporising all human remains yet leaving Victor’s hand completely unscathed. “Oh no, oh no, oh no no no. Oh god please! NO!” screamed the other man, who was now trapped in a corner of the room. Victor’s superhuman sense of smell easily detected the urine that soaked the man’s pants. The man had now fallen to his knees, looking across the room at the god and the dead human that lay on the ground before him. Tears streaked silently down his face. “Please don’t kill me”, he said, in almost hushed tones. Victor approached the man, who had begun cowering and whimpering even louder at the sight of this being approaching him. Filled with a sudden curiosity, Victor lifted the bottom of his t-shirt up, revealing his breathtakingly beautiful eight-pack. Each ab was such a clear and pronounce bump, almost like a line of diamond-hard cobblestones. The groves and cuts between them just as clearly visible. The muscle group as a whole expanded and contracted subtly with each perfectly calm breath Victor took. The crying man quickly fell silent. The sight of Victor’s abs aroused him to the point of temporarily off-setting his terror. While the man was enjoying the best (and last) view he’d ever seen, Victor was effortlessly probing the man’s mind with his telepathy. Just as I suspected, thought Victor, as he was treated to grotesque images of murder, rape, and violent assault. The pathetic bag of meat and brittle bones before him the perpetrator in them all. Victor dropped his shirt, covering up the masterpiece that was his muscled stomach. In doing so, the insect was no longer distracted, and once again fully aware of the situation. He looked up at Victor in time to see the god’s eyes glowing red. A split second later and the man was nothing more than a pile of ash. His scream echoed for a few more seconds. Not bothering with taking it slow any longer, as he was now fully aroused, Victor lifted off from the ground and plough through the walls and floors of the bank. Steel and concrete gave way to him as easily as the air did. Guided by his x-ray vision, Victor soon burst upwards through a ceiling, and found himself floating before another one of the criminals. Before this weakling could say anything, Victor grabbed him by the throat and raised him up into the air, and above his own head. The man’s feet were left dangling a considerable height above the floor. Victor himself was standing, not floating. As the man clawed in vain at Victor’s hand and thick, vascular, powerful forearm (with just a light dusting of hair), Victor himself admired the man. He was actually handsome. Dark eyes and a thick, dark beard made him very rugged. Plus, not a bad physique. A quick scan revealed to Victor the presence of a six-pack and some very nice quads. Shame, thought Victor, as he flicked his wrist. The man’s next snapped instantly, and the corpse was now dangling limply from Victor’s grasp. He dropped in unceremoniously to the floor, and carried on. For the next man, Victor took his little head and smashed it against the most bulbous and immaculately sculpted pecs you have ever scene. Goon number five was punched in the stomach by Victor, and thus reduced to paste. Six and seven were encased in ice, courtesy of Victor’s frosty breath. Although they were now dead, since humans can’t survive in temperatures that cold, Victor still decided to take it one step further. With a click of his fingers, Victor unleashed a sound wave powerful enough to shatter both the frozen bodies, and any glass in the room, to pieces. Number eight was taken into Victor’s strong arms. For a minute, the little man was allowed to feel Victor’s extraordinary biceps, triceps, and shoulders. All three muscle groups felt like cannonballs. Well, Victor’s biceps and shoulders felt like and looked like cannonballs. His triceps felt more like a bag of cement that was as full as it could be. Just as solid, but different in shape. Regardless, this didn’t stop the little human from kissing and licking them all with passion. Once Victor had decided the little human had had enough fun, Victor hugged the man. And then kept hugging him. First the man’s spine snapped. Then his lungs and stomach burst. Then all the blood in his body was being forced out towards the extremities. It leaked out of his mouth and nose, as his empty eyes stared upwards. Tossing victim number eight over his shoulder, Victor silently floated upwards a few inches, and then dove straight into the floor, smashing right down into the bank’s basement. The leader of the bandits, and the last of his henchmen, were standing right in front of the vault. They had been trying unsuccessfully to open the vault. Victor put on a calm and friendly smile, and began walking towards them. At last, he spoke. “Need a hand?” he asked, with a grin. Both of the frail humans were just staring in disbelief as Victor casually strolled up to, and then past them. Much like the door earlier, Victor reaching forward and simply sank his fingers in some random part of the vault’s titanium door. Like a hot knife through butter, Victor’s fingers sank in…deep. Despite it being no effort whatsoever, Victor’s arm still flared as if it was putting strain on him. His bicep exploded with power, and a single, massive, cable-like vain ran across the beautiful dome as it rose up to its fullest height. His forearm looked like a roadmap. And was about four times that size of a normal man’s forearm. And then, as easily as one would open a book, Victor ripped the vault door out and away from its hinges. But instead of throwing it, he simply held it above his head. He turned to face the men, supporting the vault door with just one arm; the same one that had dislodged it. Victor felt no difficulty at all. For him, it was like holding a light umbrella. He looked at the two men, who were both staring at his arm and the vault door in awe. “How could any human think they stand a chance against me”, said the violent superhero. With a flick of a finger he tossed the vault door over towards the two men. They were so enthralled by the display of strength that they forgot to scream. The room shook as the vault door landed, cracking the concrete floor and flattening the two criminals. Using just a finger, Victor pressed it into the side of the vault door like you would press your finger into playdough, and lifted one side of the multi-tonne vault door up to about the height of his waist. He leaned over to peek underneath it, just to confirm that the last two lawbreakers were indeed nothing more than crimson slush. Of course they are, he thought, and chuckled. Flying to where the hostages were being held, Victor used his laser vision to cut a precise opening in the room where they were trapped. The innocent humans (the kind that Victor would never hurt) poured out into the main hall, surrounding him and singing his praises. Both the men and the women alike all reached out their hands in the hope of groping some part of his incredible, muscle-bound body. Victor obliged them for a few minutes, putting on an impromptu posing showing, though he chose to keep his shirt, jeans, and hiking boots on. Once an overly eager bank teller got one last chance to feel one of Victor’s biceps, this supreme being rose up into the air and flew out through one of the holes he had made earlier. Crowds of onlookers, news reporters, and emergency services applauded Victor as he emerged. “Mr Unstoppable, we can’t thank you enough” said Police Chief Martin Stewards. The chief watched as Victor descended down to him, trying not to be distracted at how easy it was for Victor to appear god-like. “My pleasure, as always chief” said Victor, landing gently in front of the chief. Even with an enviable height of 6ft 2, the chief still had to look up at Victor. “I take it all perpetrators are…no longer with us?” asked the chief, one eyebrow raised. He always tolerated Victor’s approach to crime. “I scanned all of their minds to confirm that they were deserving of it. Most of them though aren’t…whole” replied Victor, smiling down at the chief. Victor had always like the man. “And collateral damage?” asked the chief. “Nothing insurance can’t handle” said Victor, delighted that his comment elicited a chuckle from the chief. “Whoa hold on now” said the chief. Victor had started to float upwards but stopped mid-air and looked back down at the chief with curiosity. “Come on, back down here please” said the chief, beckoning Victor with his finger. Victor obliged. Despite having just snuffed out the lives of ten measly humans, Victor did not consider good people and their requests to be beneath him. Victor once again landed before the chief. The chief took a moment to look around him at his fellow police who were now tending to the scene and to the hostages. He then turned his attention back to Victor. “God damn” said the chief to himself, leaving out a low whistle. He raised his arm and poked Victor’s left pec a few times. Victor smile incredulously, rolling his eyes. He had assumed that the chief called him back for something important. The chief poked a few more times, unable to make even the slights of dents in Victor’s chest muscles. “Alright, you’re dismissed” said the chief, taking one last look at Victor’s magnificent chest. “Have a good one chief” said Victor, as he flew straight up a few hundred feet, and the shot forward at incredible speeds. The chief watched his departure, while tucking his erection into the elastic waist of his underwear. “God damn” he whispered again, with another chuckle.
  13. It is my first shift at the Protein Bar and I am a little nervous. This is my first job at a LGBT+ specific bar. Not only that, but it was also catered to big muscle monsters! I am this nerdy kid. I have glasses, my hair is always a bit messy, I have some acne, and I’m the size of a twig. I have never been surrounded by guys like this my entire life. But the idea of serving all these alpha bodybuilders turns me on. The idea of a big muscle man bossing me around has me shaking. I walk in and I find the owner, Scott, an ex-bodybuilder. “Welcome, Tim!” his voice booms as he sees me. “You ready?” he smirks at me. “I think so,” I mumble. “Ha! You won’t be. These guys love bossing around little nerds like you.” Scott seems to have sealed my fate. “But you’ll survive. Let me give you a employee shirt.” Scott leaves for a moment then returns with three pink shirts. “Pick one!” he says. There is a tank top, a crop top, and a regular employee shirt. I go with the regular employee shirt and clock in. “So the way that this is done here is the customers pick what server they want,” Scott explains. I look around at the other servers, not one of us look the same. There is Emil, a beautiful African American man with long braids. Tanner, a small and stocky Asian man with a buzz cut. Nick, a tall, big, and beefy Native American. Lastly, Armie, a feminine Latino. “The customers pick who they want? Isn’t that a little degrading?” I ask. “It didn’t start off like that. But soon enough all these guys are making requests for servers and I can’t stop them. They come in here with expectations, you know how a restaurant can be.” “Well, am I gonna get any tables? Because I’m sure everyone is gonna want to go to Nick’s section.” “No, there’s love for everyone here, you’d be surprised,” Scott reassures me. I go off to my section and start taking tables. I was expecting the guys the be big, but I didn’t realize how big all these guys that came into the protein bar were. Many of them tower over me. Their biceps are bigger than my legs. Their legs are as wide as my body. They all have over 100 pounds on me. I know understand why there aren’t any booths in the restaurant, none of the customers would be able to squeeze in them. All the customers are cocky. They are all wearing tank tops and short shorts to show off their physique. I love it. I have this table of four guys. They are all beefy and hairy. They all have thick bears. I can see their muscle guts sticking out of their thin tank tops. I come up to them and introduce myself. “Hey it’s Tiny Tim!” one of them chuckles at me and the rest follow. I run through the specials quickly and they all want protein shakes. I go to the back and start making the shakes. I hop around to other tables. I just got sat three times in a row! How the hell am I gonna catch up? The busser, Juan, places waters at all of the tables for me. Juan is the biggest guy I’ve ever seen. The crop top tee shirt he wears is painted on him. I’m surprised he hasn’t ripped through it. “Oh he will!” Scott says to me. “It’s not a good shift if Juan hasn’t torn through a shirt.” I finish getting the milkshakes and bring them to the four top. They want their order taken because they have to be somewhere. They want steaks, protein pancakes, eggs, sausages, bacon, home fries, and oatmeal. Their order comes out to be about $200 between the four of them. I ring in their order and tend to my other tables. Three more tables! Shit! “Looks like Tiny Tim is pretty popular,” Juan smirks at me as he picks up the plates from one of my tables. “Geez, I know,” I did like the attention because it meant more tips. But my brain was racing with all of the things I had to do. The four guys call me over. “The milkshake has quite a few ice chunks in them, I need you to make them again. We can’t drink them,” the biggest one at the table says to me. “Fine,” I take their shakes and put them in the blender again. I run to my other tables that are asking for my assistance. Every table needs me. Every muscle monster wants me to do something for them. I’m happy to do it for them. My brain is just running wild. “Are you alright?” Juan puts his hand on my back and I could feel my heart skip a beat for a second. I look over and see his body pumped from all the bussing he has been doing. His pecs nearly rip apart the fabric of the crop top. They fold on top of his abs. His shoulders and back are round balls of meat. His face is chiseled, and his eyes look at me with all sincerity. “I’m fine, this four top is being difficult.” “You know, I’m a busser for a reason,” Juan smiles at me. “I can take a pounding. Do you want me to talk to them?” “No, it will be fine. Thanks,” I smile back at him. I watch Juan walk away. His muscle ass and legs move against the fabric of his jean shorts with power. I give the shakes back to the four top. I make rounds to all my other tables. The food for the four top is up. But I can’t bring all the food over by myself. “Need some help?” It’s Juan. “Yeah please, I can’t take all of these trays with me,” I ask him. In an instant, Juan has a tray of food on each boulder shoulder of his. I carry the third one on my shoulder and he follows me to the four top. “Do you want anything else?” I ask. “Ketchup,” one of them says. I bring the ketchup to them. “Anything else?” “Oh yeah, salt and pepper.” “Anything else?” “Oh yeah, can we get more water?” “Anything else?” “There is no more ketchup in the bottle, can we get more?” I had gone back and forth to their table six times. My other tables were looking at me with a hungry rage. “What is going on?” Scott asks. “That four top is being really annoying. They keep asking me for things and they aren’t happy with anything.” I explain to him. “Alright, I’ll have Juan talk to them.” “I think I’m gonna need a manager,” I plead for help. “Don’t worry about it, Juan’s got it covered. He likes doing it,” Scott insists. I tend to my other tables and see Juan talking to the four top. I am able to get somewhat caught up with my other tables. Soon enough, my four top leaves. They give me a $10 tip on a $200 bill. Assholes. Juan talks over with the bussing bin and starts collecting the dirty dishes. Juan lifts the heavy bin of plates and RIIIIIIIIIIIIP! The seams in Juan’s crop top rip apart. Everyone in the restaurant looks over and cheers. Juan smiles and takes the buss bin back to the dishwashers. Juan comes back having not replaced his shirt, and still smiling. “Does he go the rest of the shift without a shirt?” “Yes,” Armie says with googly eyes. I can see the true power in all of his muscles. His chest, shoulders, and biceps, are exploding with his pump. I know why everyone is cheering now. “Hey Tiny Tim, who don’t you go on break?” Scott tells me. “There’s someone waiting for you in the back room.” The back room was different from the break room. The break room was where all of the employee’s belongings were. It was where we could eat and rest before getting back on the shift. The back room was something else entirely. I walked through the door of the back room and saw my four top that had just left. I knew what this meant. In the back room is a few weight machines and a bed. The four men look over at me and smile. “Hey Tiny Tim! Come over here.” One of them say. “Sorry we were jerks at the table earlier. We just love bossing little nerds like you around.” “I don’t mind if you boss me around, maybe next time just leave a better tip,” I snap back. “Think of this as part of your tip,” the four muscle men strip off their shirts. Their large chest and guts are covered in thick fur. They all bounce their pecs in front of me. “Touch them,” one of them commands. I go over and place my hands around the big muscle pec. The muscle monster moans as I caress his chest and his nipples. “Don’t forget about us,” one of the others say. I make my way over to the other guys. Each one I admire the size of their chest in my hands. “Now kiss our biceps,” on command they all lift their arms into a double bicep pose. The cannons of muscle explode from their arm. As I kiss their large biceps, I can’t even put my mouth around the entire thing! My erection starts to grow in my pants. I can’t get enough of their alpha power. “Looks like Tiny Tim isn’t so tiny after all!” one of them chuckles. “Alright time for a workout.” The four men take off their clothes and peel off mine as well. I let them left me up and take off my uniform and all my clothes until we are all left naked. One of the men kneels down and puts his mouth around my raging erection. Another muscle man comes behind me. He messages my asshole with lube and sticks his hard on up my tight hole. Another opens up my mouth and slides his cock down my throat. The last muscle master takes my hand and messages his cock with it. They all work together to use me and I am obsessed with it. I hear their growls becoming louder. Their thrusts become more aggressive. Simultaneously we all orgasm. The muscle monsters pour their hot come all over me. I am covered with it. They look at me with desire. They could go again, they want to go again. And I want them to. “Alright Tiny Tim, breaks over! Get cleaned up and back on the floor,” Scott shouts as he hands me a pink Protein Bar towel. All my nerves are gone as I walk back to the floor covered in muscle cum.
  14. For those of you who have interacted with me, this story is a departure from my usual fare. I had an idea a few years ago and have been tinkering with it on and off for a while. The following will be fairly long, but hopefully a different take on the term "Muscle God" will be refreshing. This story is dedicated to the little guys that love making big guys feel big. Chapter One: Work Plans Travis was just about to turn off his computer when he saw he had a message from his boss, Jeff, to come see him right away. The message was brief and didn’t include anything alarming, but asking to see Travis at the end of the work day was unusual. Travis stood up tall and stretched his thick arms up over his head. He really needed to stretch more while working, he thought to himself; his muscles always got tight while sitting in front of his work computer all day. After loosening his tight back, Travis lumbered down the hall to his boss’s office where Jeff was finishing up a phone call. Jeff waved to Travis for him to come in and wait. Travis complied and entered the large office and sat himself down in one of the chairs in front of his boss’s desk. The chair was small for Travis’s large body, but the employee wasn’t one to complain. Jeff was the type of man that liked the way the chairs looked in his fancy office and never sat in them himself. As uncomfortable as the small chairs were, they at least made Travis feel big. The thought made the big man smile “Yes. Next week.” Jeff spoke charmingly into his phone. “Mmm hmm. uh huh. It is short notice, but we can send someone next week. Uh huh. Uh huh. Very good. Travis Hawley. Yes, that’s him. You know him. Uh huh. Good to hear. Okay. Goodbye.” Travis looked at his boss quizzically at the mention of his name. “Travis!” Jeff smiled at the big man. ‘How’d you like to go to Cleveland next week?” Travis did not possess anything resembling a poker face. Instead the big man frowned silently as his boss continued. “Travis, this will be good for you. You’re doing well here, and meeting clients face-to-face will be a good step for your career here. You do great work, but the clients don’t really know you because they haven’t met you. Here’s your chance.” Jeff looked at the frowning man and did his best to hide his own doubts. Where Travis had no poker face, Jeff could sell anything and convince people on the most improbable lies. Jeff needed Travis to go to Ohio. No one else was available — but looking at the big grump in his office stirred up additional worries. Travis was not his most charismatic team member. “How long?” Travis grumbled with his deep baritone voice. “Just a week.” Jeff spoke smoothly as Travis sighed with resignation. “You’ll fly to Ohio, get a nice hotel and work with the clients for a week. That’s it.” Jeff stood up and walked around closer to Travis and half sat on the edge of his desk. Travis briefly wondered if his boss was trying to intimidate him. Travis was a big guy, and Jeff… wasn’t. Travis realized Jeff wasn’t trying to look bigger, but to look approachable and on Travis’s side. “Working directly with clients is a great opportunity for you Trav.” Jeff settled into a groove. “Good feedback from the clients will reflect well on you and give the higher ups reasons to promote you. No one likes to travel, but it’s part of the job.” “But a whole week?” Travis sounded more angry than he intended, but Jeff was unfazed. Travis looked like a bruiser, but his boss knew the big guy wouldn’t hurt anyone. Nevertheless, Travis’s gruff voice reminded Jeff of a few potential pitfalls. Jeff was a shrewd boss who knew how to get the most out of his staff. The break room was stocked with dozens of different kinds of coffees and tea for his caffeine addicted staff members. He even made sure there were chocolate bars in the break room so those looking for an afternoon shot of sugar could get their fix without any trouble. Jeff wasn’t exactly a pusher, but he was perfectly willing to feed the legal addictions of his staff. The exception was Travis who never drank coffee or tea, and if he ever snacked on a chocolate bar the rest of the office would probably assume the end of the world was imminent. Travis’s addiction was the gym, and Jeff learned a few years ago that as long has he never scheduled Travis for an early morning meeting that cut into gym time, all would be okay. Jeff recalled the last time Travis skipped a morning workout to get to work early instead. Grumpy Travis combined with his less than charming outward appearance terrified the rest of the staff. Unfortunately, they happened to have a new hire that day who retreated to Jeff’s office petrified of the big man. George admitted that Travis hadn’t actually threatened him or yelled at him, but just the look of Travis and his scowl had George a nervous wreck. After the ‘George-Incident,’ Jeff made sure Travis never had early morning appointments so the big guy wouldn’t have to skip his morning workout. From then on, while everyone else got caffeine and sugar as needed, Travis got his early mornings free for lifting. “A little travel will do you good.” Jeff was in full sales mode. “You know what? When Chris gets you your travel details, I want you to look up a local gym by your hotel. I know a shitty hotel gym won’t cut it for you. Buy yourself day passes or a week pass, hell, buy a whole month if you have to, and put it on your expenses.” “Really?” Travis’s expression lightened considerably. “Look Trav. I know you. I know you’re a great guy that wouldn’t hurt anyone. But let’s face it, when you skip your workout, you get… um… intense.” Jeff smiled at Travis to keep the big man placated. “The clients will learn you’re a great guy too, but when you first meet them… it would be better if you were at your most relaxed. Make sure you get your morning workout in.” Jeff stood up and walked back to his desk seat. As Travis got up to leave Jeff’s office, Jeff added, “Oh, and try to smile more.” Travis frowned at Jeff with look that if Jeff didn’t know better said Jeff had less than 10 seconds to live. “Yeah, not like that,” Jeff commented with a smile. The big man forced a smile and left his boss’s office. Travis knew his boss meant well, and the ‘less than handsome’ look of his face wasn’t news to Travis in the least. In fact, the big guy was painfully aware of how his rough features and crooked nose turned people off. And while no one would insult him directly, Travis overheard comments like “From the neck down he’s hot, but…” all the time. He figured the only reason no one said these things to him directly was the 250 pounds of muscle connected to his unsightly face. That night he looked at himself in his bathroom mirror and practiced smiling. He had to admit, he did look better when he smiled. Chapter Two: The Flight Travis dreaded his flight to Cleveland. Not because he was scared of flying or even the annoying Cleveland part, but because he knew he would not be comfortable in the tiny airplane seats. Where his boss, Jeff, was generous in many ways, paying for upgraded seats on flights was not one of them. While Travis was the tallest and biggest in the office, plenty of other guys had complained about not getting business class seats on flights to no avail. There was no way Jeff was going to give Travis an exception when he had been denying others for years. At least he had an aisle seat. Travis looked sharp in his dress shirt, suit and slacks. His business clothing softened his rough features and made him look less like a ruffian and more civilized. He edged his way towards his seat, being careful not to slam his bag into the passengers already seated as he made his way down the airplane aisle. As he reached his seat he saw the middle seat was already occupied by a smaller gentleman reading a book. As Travis loaded his bag into the overhead bin and moved to settle into his seat, the guy in the middle seat looked up at him and grumbled, “You gotta be kidding me.” The bigger man tried to ignore the comment and pretend he didn’t hear it, but his face turned red with embarrassment. Travis’s pale complexion made hiding his feelings practically impossible. The seating for Travis was cramped and uncomfortable, especially with his height and wide build, but he did his best to not jam his knees into the seat in front of him, both for the sake of his knees and the woman seated there. He also leaned forward so his shoulder wouldn’t squish into the small, rude stranger. As much as he was looking forward to getting home at the end of the week, Travis was not looking forward to the return flight where he would have to do this ordeal again. Travis sat as still as he could, hunched forward, and prayed that there would be no delays and the uncomfortable torture would be over soon. A few minutes later another passenger arrived to take the window seat, which Travis had neglected to notice was empty. Travis was about to un-wedge himself out of his seat when the man next to him loudly proclaimed, “Oh Hell No,” and jammed his finger into the call button above their heads. Travis looked at the man next to him with confusion, then turned to look at the other passenger and realized why the man was so irate. Standing in the aisle with a duffel bag over his shoulder was the biggest and thickest man Travis had ever seen in person. The guy looked like he didn’t have an ounce of fat on him but was still bigger than anyone else on the plane by far, including Travis. The tight t-shirt and shorts he was wearing couldn’t hide any bit of the solid muscle the guy was carrying. Not only did he look much thicker than Travis, he looked taller too. The man’s height, wide shoulders and thick muscle outclassed Travis in every way. When not at a gym, it was rare for Travis to encounter a guy bigger and more muscled than his 250 pounds, even in New York. The stranger had it all, causing a twinge of jealousy to ripple through Travis, and when he saw the man’s handsome face, that jealousy blossomed to full blown envy. The man had perfectly styled blond hair and a youthful but masculine handsomeness. He had a face that, unlike Travis’s own rough look, everyone would adore. His strong chin fit perfectly with his hulking frame. Travis was smitten as well as envious of the big guy. As a flight attendant made her way to their row, the man in the middle seat started shouting at her, “You can’t expect me to sit between these two!” She looked at the muscled man standing in the aisle, then looked at Travis hunched over in his seat trying not to take up as much room as his body demanded, “Uh, no, I guess not. Sir, could you come with me, I think we have an empty seat further in the back.” She addressed the smaller man in the middle seat. “Why should I have to move?” he demanded. “You just asked me to move you, Sir. You do not have to change seats if you don’t want to,” she replied with a hint of annoyance. “You should move them,” he sneered at Travis and the other muscle man. “You can ask to be reseated, Sir, but you can’t demand that we reseat other passengers” the flight attendant explained with remarkable patience. “Fine. I’ll move” he conceded. Travis wordlessly got up and exchanged looks with the muscle man still standing in the aisle waiting for the seat situation to resolve. When Travis made eye contact with the muscle man he received a wink and a nod of approval. Travis felt unusually elated and smiled in response, and Travis was not one to smile often. Once the middle seat guy had scampered off, Travis backed up to allow the muscle beast access to his window seat before resettling into his own aisle seat. The situation was much improved. With the middle seat empty, Travis could sit back and let his arm and shoulder spill over into the middle seat space. Looking at the other guy, he saw he was doing the same. There was only about 9 inches between their shoulders. “I’m Matt” the muscle guy introduced himself and awkwardly turned to offer his right hand to shake, then chuckled at the absurdity of their tight quarters. Realizing that Travis would have no room to turn his body to meet right hand to right hand, Matt closed his right hand into a fist bump. “Travis” Travis replied as he reached his left fist across his body to meet Matt’s fist. “Could be worse, we could be flying cross country” Matt joked. Travis smiled again, he was finding it easy to smile today. “Is Cleveland really much better?” “Hey!” Matt replied with mock offense. “Oh sorry.” Travis turned red. “No worries. Cleveland isn’t New York, that’s for sure, but it’s Home.” Matt smiled at Travis, and Travis wondered if he had ever been so attracted to anyone before. “Its my first time to Cleveland. Work trip.” Travis explained. “I’m staying at the Cleveland Grand. Do you know it?” “Sure. I know it.” Matt replied. “Do you know of a good gym in that area? I’d like to get some lifting in this week. You know how skipping lifts can be.” Travis said with an eagerness that he could not manage to contain. “Yeah, I know where you should lift.” Matt pulled out his duffel bag and rummaged through the contents, pulling out a crumpled business card for a gym. “The gym I lift at is in your area.” Travis took the beat up card and cheerfully offered his thanks. “When do you usually workout? I’m going to go early, before my work assignment.” “I work out early hours too.” Matt lied. “Maybe I’ll see you there. 6AM?” Matt suppressed a cringe as he stated the obscenely early hour. “Yeah. Awesome.” Travis was elated. The two muscle-heads chatted the entire flight, talking about lifting and comparing notes. Travis shared a little bit about his history, starting to lift in college and sticking to it. “Six feet one inch and 250 pounds,” Travis found himself proudly proclaiming, even though he knew Matt was considerably bigger. “And you?” he added as he simply needed to know just how big, ‘big’ could be. “290.” Matt replied coolly, trying not to be boastful. “Six foot three.”, he added. “Damn, it’s hard enough packing on size at 6’1”. I can’t imagine how you got so thick at your height.” Travis was talking more freely than usual, and as he finished his sentence he blushed a bit more as he realized that he probably did know how Matt got so big. He didn’t care if Matt used steroids. It wasn’t something Travis did, but he didn’t object to what others did to grow. And to be honest, Travis was considering making the leap himself. Looking at Matt, he could see the appeal of steroids up close. “Yeah, it can be hard.” Matt downplayed what Travis had said. “But I got there, right?” Matt smiled with a bit of unease. Travis felt terrible. He wanted to say he was cool with it, but he also didn’t want to broach the subject explicitly. “So another early bird like me.” Travis changed the subject. “I love lifting first thing in the morning. It seems weird, but it gets me energized for the rest of the day… after the initial exhaustion.” The two continued to talk and settled back into easy going conversation. Travis avoided anything that might imply or lead to a discussion on steroids, and Matt’s outgoing personality came roaring back to the fore. Once they landed and deplaned, Travis said goodbye to his new friend and felt a flutter in his stomach as he thought about seeing him again the next morning. Chapter 3: Monday Morning Chapter 4: Monday Evening Chapter 5: Tuesday Chapter 6: Wednesday Chapter 7: Thursday Morning Chapter 8: Thursday Midday Chapter 9: Thursday Evening Chapter 10: Thursday Night Chapter 11: Friday Morning Chapter 12: Friday Afternoon Chapter 13: Saturday Chapter 14: Sunday Chapter 15: The End
  15. DanMan2020

    The Olympian chronicles: Ivan

    Hi everyone. First time poster here. My story is inspired by works like "A is for Alpha and Antoine" by Londonboy, "The man who saved me" by Guest(?), and "My roommate is a god" by Omnipotence. Like them I am a lover of super powerful, super muscle men. I'm going to try and upload a chapter or two every weekend. A lot of world building is going to go into this. Hope everyone enjoys! The Olympian chronicles: Ivan Chapter 1: Who I am… The air felt good on my bare torso as I flew through the sky. The feel of the wind as it whipped over my magnificent physique: bulbous pecs, titanium abs (six-pack), concrete biceps and triceps, and a back that rippled with muscular curvature. Complemented by light coating of vascularity here and there. Overall I looked like a being the Greek Gods themselves would’ve aspired to be. I came to a rest about thirty thousand feet above my home suburb. My superhuman vision able to see the ground below in perfect detail. Not one square inch I couldn’t easily make out. I simply hovered there. I continued to enjoy the air as it now brushed lightly on my impenetrable skin. I closed my eyes and felt the power that coursed through me, and marvelled at how only a month ago I was human. I opened my eyes and observed the setting sun in the distance. I looked down to see how it illuminated my spectacular body. Every part of me was muscle. Every part of me huge, strong, defined, beautiful, and blemish-free. Always clean, always perfectly groomed, and always with a light tan that only accentuated the curves and solidness of the muscles. I am Ivan, and I am an Olympian. So what is an Olympian exactly? Nobody knows what causes the phenomenon, nor why it ever began in the first place. But Olympians were a part of our reality, and have been so for the last one-hundred and seventy-nine years. Almost every year, without any prior warning, one to four young men (usually one or two, rarely more) will, upon turning twenty, suddenly and dramatically change. In the space of just a few seconds they will, regardless of prior body-type or lifestyle, suddenly transform into massive, immaculate, beautiful, and flawless bodybuilders on the spot. And if that wasn’t enough, they will also possess a plethora of superhuman abilities that extend far beyond what even the likes of Superman, Thor, or even Dr. Manhattan could ever dream of having. To name BUT A FEW: · Superhuman strength (to the point of moving planets effortlessly) · Invulnerability (to date, there is no known way of harming an Olympian) · Superhuman speed (beyond the speed of light of course) · Superhuman senses (all senses) · Superhuman agility, reflexes, coordination, and muscle control · Flight · Heat vision · X-ray vision · Freeze breath (and the ability to blow gale-force winds with ease) · Telekinesis (which breaks down into loads of additional abilities) · Telepathy Again, nobody knows why this happens; it just does. Oh, and before I forget, yes: Olympians are also immortal. The first ones to appear are still looking as though they are twenty years old, despite almost pushing two hundred! Naturally I didn’t take long for the humans who stayed being human to realise that there were now all-powerful, unstoppable gods walking amongst them. Thankfully for them, all Olympians to date have proven to be kind, just, and principled in a positive way. And so, since the dawn of Olympians, human civilisation all over has changed dramatically. The life of a human now revolves around worshipping Olympians, along with living an otherwise normal day-to-day life. But more on that later. So anyway, I’m Ivan. And one month ago to the day I transformed into an Olympian. One second I was an ordinary, unremarkable college student in the middle of a college lecture on psychology, and the next minute I was floating in mid-air above my fellow classmates with a physique that the world’s top bodybuilders spend their whole lives trying to achieve. All around me my classmates, along with the professor, all immediately dropped to their knees and began to bow to me. They fervently whispered prayers, while those closest to me reached for my hover feet and diamond calves in the hopes of being able to feel them. This was followed by every man in the hall pulling out an erect cock and jerking off to the sight of me, while every woman reached a few fingers down their underwear. Overwhelmed, I clumsily shot upwards through the roof and out into the sky. I was a bit panicked by being up so high, and so when I tried to land I ended up creating a crater in the middle of campus. Thankfully no one was hurt. I was also completely naked, as my clothes had been shredded by my rapidly expanding body during the transformation. Once again, every human who could see me began kneeling, bowing, jerking off, fingering themselves, and in general crying out how amazing I was; all because I was an Olympian. Fast forward a month, and here I am levitating thousands of feet above my home. I had largely taught myself how to control most of my main abilities, like flight and strength. I had also given up on wearing clothes for the most part. I was wearing boxer shorts and jeans at the moment, but other than that, I couldn’t find tops that would fit me. Not that it was a problem; Olympians were allowed to be naked in public if they wanted to be. The one change that I was struggling with was how people reacted to me. It’s too much to take in quickly. One minute you’re a scrawny, nerdy, weak little man who’s never played sport, and is still a virgin. The suddenly people are actually bowing to you. Total strangers and people you’ve known your whole life now kneel when you enter a room, or walk (or float) by them on the street. You’re walking around without a shirt, fully aware of it, yet now you have a physique like Arnold or Ronnie Coleman, and not a skinny, acne-covered torso and stick-arms. Now you’re handsome beyond description, and not well below average. People are openly pleasuring themselves to your image, in front of you, and because it’s law no less! It’s just…a lot to come to terms with. I began my descent and soon landed gently in the back garden. Certainly a lot better than the first time I landed here. Let’s just say my dad had to hire a landscaping company to fix the damage. I still live with my dad by the way. He’s been so supportive of me throughout all of this. All the while trying not to give in to his “mortal instincts”. Which is a term used to describe every human’s inherent desire to worship Olympians. “Dad, I’m home” I say, as I close the sliding door behind me. My big bare feet pat loudly as I walk across the tiled floor of the kitchen. I have to keep ducking down as I walk through doorways. 5’7’’ to 6’8’’ is quite the difference. I find my dad in the living room, already kneeling. No doubt doing so the second he heard my voice. “Come on dad, you don’t have to do that. Not for me” I say, feeling a little embarrassed by his display of reverence. “Of course son” says my dad, hastily getting to his feet, “whatever you say”. He’s smiling, somewhat nervously, and constantly looking back and forth over my body, trying to pick a muscle group to settle on. He’s still just standing there. “You can go about your business” I say, “I just came in to say hi. I’m going up to my room for a bit”. “Of…of course” says Dad, “Is there anything you want me to do?” he asks. He nods enthusiastically, excited at the idea of being able to directly obey an Olympian, even if it’s his own son. “Nope. Just go back to whatever it was you were doing”, I say, trying to smile sweetly at him, and ignore the absurdity of the situation. And with that I quickly leave the room. At speeds that no human could ever hope to move at, I shot from the living room to my bedroom upstairs. I promptly took off my jeans and stood there in just my boxers, enjoying the coolness that now caressed my muscular legs. I turned my attention to my full-body dressing mirror and decided to treat myself to another posing show. BOOM! Biceps that easily exceed thirty inched, with a proud vein on each that rested on them like crowns. And my pecs! Hello!!! Bounce, bounce, bounce, bounce. Up and down they went in turn. The entire rest of my being as still as a statue while my magnificent pecs bounced, vibrated, and jiggled in exquisite detail. I stopped the bounce and flexed them both. Their size expanded, and they looked far more like two massive slabs of concrete. I raised my arms again so as to admire my lats and obliques; still in disbelief that I actually had those muscles. On me! On my body! And that’s not to mention the abs. Oh my Olympian! My abs. Like six cobble-stones that made steel feel soft by comparison. I only just managed to master the art of rolling my abs, making waves glide up or down. One minute I could contort them and mush them about by flexing alone, and the next I could tense them into a wall of pure power and strength. Next up were my legs. Quads of the gods, as I liked to call them. Even when I wasn’t tensing or flexing they were still formidably rock-solid. I liked to run my fingers over them, just to feel the different ridges and boundaries of muscle. Next I turned my attention to my calves. Diamonds by shape, yet so much harder, and so much stronger. I shoved an SUV the other day with my foot, and the corresponding calve generated enough power to send it sailing out towards the horizon. I was only trying to dislodge if from a ditch the driver had accidently driven it into. Amusingly though, he wasn’t mad. He immediately bowed and thanked me for displaying my strength to him. He cried for joy when he asked to touch my calves and I said yes. I can still feel his delicate little finger tips tracing lines on them. He came a few times without either of us ever touching his dick. I left him after that. I…I’m not ready to be a god to people just yet. The thought robbed me of my enthusiasm for more flexing. Instead I slumped down onto my bed. This is my life now. This is who I’m going to be. I should be happier (which I am when I’m flexing for myself, jerking off with my new 10’’ cock, or effortlessly curling train engines), but the thought of ruling humans, and being celebrated as superior is still…I don’t know. It’s a big change. There was a knock at the door. “Come in” I said. I telekinetically opened the door to find Dad standing in a somewhat cowered position on the other side. Telekinesis was weird. It’s like I could feel the door with my brain. “Hi son” he said, in a polite tone and with a nervous smile. I knew he had only come up here so that he could be around me, look at me more, and maybe even touch me if I allowed it. It was instinctual in humans to want to worship Olympians and be close to them. Not to mention obey them without question. “Hey Dad, what’s up?” I said, smiling sweetly at him, trying to put him at ease. “Just came to see how my big man is! What did you get up to today?” he said, and kneeled down in front of me while trying to maintain eye contact and not look at some other part of me. I doubt he even noticed that he kneeled. “Not much. Just flew around the city a few times. I really want to perfect my flight power before travelling any farther” I said. Dad nodded energetically, with his mouth hanging open a little. It was kind of amusing. “Well I know you don’t need to eat anymore, but the…eh…the dinner will be there…I mean ready, in a few minutes, if you want…you know” he said, struggling to maintain composure around his literal god of a son. “Great!” I said, smiling all the while to keep the atmosphere friendly. A minute of silence passed. Dad was still kneeling, now looking down at my feet. I rolled my eyes. “Dad” I said. He immediately looked up at my face. “Do you want to…touch my muscles?” I said, weirded out by the thought. Of course, Dad wasn’t. As a human he couldn’t think clearly in the presence of an Olympian. “Yes! Oh yes please son! You are so…so incredibly beautiful now!” he said suddenly, and began running a hand across my pecs. “Wow! So powerful” he whispered, as he examined the finer details of my godly chest. He poked them, trying to make a dent, but to no avail. I have to admit: I liked seeing him so happy. I bounced my pecs a little for him, and he ended up drooling a small bit. I chuckled. “Alright” I said, standing up and towering over him. He gulped at the sight of me, and whimpered a small bit too. “Dinner time” I said, indicating that it was alright for him to stand up too. He did so, but still only came up to the base of my pecs. I patted him gently on the head. “I love you Dad, no matter what I’ve become” I said, trying to get some of that pre-Olympian father-son relationship back. “I love you too son” he said, looking up past my pecs at me. “And I’m so proud of what you’ve become. I look forward to seeing an even more powerful version of you when you return from Mercury after god-school” he said. Oh, that’s right. I forgot to mention. All newly born Olympians are expected to attend “god-school” on the planet Mercury for a few months, after which they will have developed to their fullest potential. Basically, the way I am now doesn’t even measure up to the level of power I’ll have in a few months. I am expected to begin god-school in a few days. It is decreed by one of the laws of David, the first Olympian. Who’s he? Right, there’s still so much about this version of reality that you don’t know…
  16. My best friend was always quite a weakling-he was really tall, 6 foot 5, but never weighed more than 165lbs Until he made some changes... I think it all started some years ago. He just turned 16. At this time My body was already quite well developed. My arms were at 15.75 inches, my legs were big and I had some abs and noticeable pecs. That was when I started working out. I often picked on my friend and fun wrestled him as he had no chance against me (I was 6 feet tall- almost 6 inches shorter than him but weighed 170lbs). It was so funny to see him trying to get out of a headscissor or a headlock by using all his strenght. He someday told me not to humiliate him any longer because he’d feel extremely sad and weak... So when he turned 17 he started hitting the gym too. His first half year transformation was insane! He put on 33lbs! From 165 to 198 lbs. His arms swell like nothing I had ever seen, he probably had 13inch arms but now they were at 15.75! (Mine were 17in at this time.) His legs started to show some muscles and his pecs were already as big as mine. He started to show some abs too. So today, 3.5 years later he’s 20 and took going to the gym quite serious - primarily because he wanted to become a better Football player. We ALWAYS went to the gym together but he gained much faster than I did. He pretty soon was able to deadlift 440lbs several times and benchpress 330lbs once. His legs are at 30inches and his chest at 47inches circumference. His arms don’t look like arms anymore- they passed the 19 inch mark as mine rested only at 18. His abs were fucking ripped and his bulging obliques formed an awesome V-line. He weighed 245lbs and had bulging abs. Just imagine that. People were afraid of him, for example when we went out partying and someone was in his way, they immediately apologised. Also tons of girls felt up his arms and pecs as he bounced them well visible under his tshirt in the middle of the dance floor. One day we were at our flat in the city and had some friends over. We were all quite drunk and made fun of each other. I somehow said something stupid about him. He stood up and “fun wrestled” me. But what was fun for him was hell for me. He grabbed my arms, wrapped them around me, threw me onto the couch, sat down on me, wrapped only one of his huge hands around my throat and said:,, Never disrespect me again in front of everyone else” I was shocked. He was fucking strong. Not even I could have finished him that fast three years ago. He could have killed me in less than 15 seconds if he wanted to... As everyone left he came to me. I thought he’d say sorry or something but instead he just said:,, Now I’m the stronger one of us -,,SHRIMP“! The FAR stronger one! It’s my time to humiliate you now!” I was shook. At that point I was really afraid of him, towering in front of me with his huge muscles. I just said ok, and took some steps away from him, turned around and started going to my room. When he just silently said:,,Now is the time to humiliate YOU...” I turned around and saw how he took off his shirt, uncovering his huuuge pecs and ripped abs. I could almost see the blood rushing through the veins on his chest and arms. I was really afraid at this moment. He threw his shirt to me. “Smell it!” “No, why should i?”, I said “Because I am the alpha now! Sooner or later you’ll smell on it!” He ran to me, grabbed my neck from behind and rubbed his shirt into my face. “But why just smell my shirt, if you could smell... ME!” He turned me around and flexed his arm. “Kiss this biceps.” I just looked at him. “KISS IT!” He pushed my head against his peak and flexed it intermittently. He dragged my head from his biceps over his armpit to his pecs and gave me a bearhug. “Stop! You’re hurting me!” I screamed. He just laughed:,, Hahaha! So what?! That’s not even 50% of my strenght!” He tightened the bearhug even more and bounced his meaty, massive, naked pecs into my face. I got really hard and just hoped that he didn’t notice. My trousers were quite loose and that’s when he noticed. “What have we got here? Lil’ omega boy is aroused by some real steel muscles overpowering him?”, he said as he let go of the bearhug. He dropped me onto the couch. He had me in a headlock immediately. He wrapped his huge biceps around my... my.... mouth?! He really was playing with me... as I wanted to bite his biceps he flexed it, laughed and said: ,,Watch out for your teeth, weakling!” He wrapped his arms around my neck now- totally cutting off my air supply. The only thing that didn’t make me pass out was the fact that he flexed and bounced his 19 inch bicepspeak intermittently. But as he stopped I had to tap. He totally let go of me. I was stunned. It could have been that easy?! His arms were almost half way back at him as he wrapped them around y neck again, layed on my back and said:,, Only weaklings tap...” and he made me pass out. I woke up again. All I saw were his massive calves because he put me in a headscissor while I was knocked out. First thing I noticed were all those veins running down his super hairless tree trunk legs. Wait. What was that? He only took off his shirt before?! And he wore a long blue Jean just before he sent me to sleep... Does that mean that he’s... naked...? ,,Ah, so you’re back, twink! Now you get to feel how it is to be totally humiliated.After tensing his massive quads a few times he somehow turned me around so that now my neck was just a bit above his knee I was facing towards his... cock. I could see his massive, vascular 30inch tree trunk legs. But what impressed me at least as much as his muscles was that cock. It was limp, but really thick and already quite long. It was waaay bigger than mine... actually I‘ve never seen such a massive prick, not even in porn He shove it up my throat and I felt it growing in my mouth.... It filled out the whole space in my mouth as it grew bigger and bigger. It was crazy how big it actually was. Because of his massive tree tunk legs and his overall massive frame his dick was much bigger than it seemed. It already almost filled out my mouth as it was limp. But as it got hard I felt it growing down my throat. Inch by inch. I tried to bend my head backwards but his huge quads were in my way. I gagged and nearly suffocated again because I didn’t know what cut off my airway more, his leg muscles which he flexed all the time or his giant cock... As he got fully erected he started talking to me:,, So, lil weakling! U remember when u were the stronger one of us? Those times are over now and will never come back again! I am the alpha now! No, I’m more than alpha... I’m a god!” He grabbed my hair and moved my head, so that I was giving him a blowjob right now. ,,Well twink, just accept it, I am way stronger than you are.” He started moving his hips. ,,I could easily break you into pieces, just look at my arms, man! They are way bigger than yours! Hmm, if I am a muscle god, u should also treat me like one!” He took my left hand and laid it onto his pec. He started bouncing it. After a while he slid my hand over his rock hard abs. Up and down, up and down with his cock still deep down in my throat. I could feel all his masculinity rush through his cock and his pulse beating in those massive muscles. He then loosened the legscissors and slowly moved my head back from his cock. It looked like it never wanted to end. He pulled out and pulled out, i was really amazed that all that fit inside my mouth. It must have been at least 9inches long... I was totally out of breath as he got up to kneel in front of me on the couch. It was so impressive... he started flexing all his muscles. He did a double biceps pose, flexed his rocky abs, bounced his pecs, tensed his traps. Totally naked. ,,Don’t you get it?!”, he shouted at me as he again reached out for my neck and pulled my face to his chest. He rubbed my face all over those gorgeous pecs and abs. ,,You are my little bitch by now! You are supposed to do everything I command you! I mean, you could try to resist but in the end there’s nothing you could do against me...!”, he said. ,,You should clean up my muscles. Too bad I didn’t sweat by wrestling with u... guess I’d have to work out with you now to get started.” He commanded me to get naked too. He then told me to get on his shoulders to do some pullups. My cock was rock hard all the time and pressing against his lower back. As he went down to do some pushups he told me to get on his back. I did so. He started pushing. It still seemed very easy for him. And then I noticed something. I was in the perfect position to get him in a headlock. Should I really dare to do this? It the only way I could show him that I’m not that weak as he says. I slowly moved my arm under his throat, pulled it back to me And locked it with my other arm. I had him. I had this muscle monster in a real headlock- HIS throat against MY biceps. But what was that? Quite unimpressed he just stood up and started running backwards into the wall. He really bumped me in quite hard but I still had him. I could feel him loose his breath and he started to panic a bit. Now he took together all his left over strength and bowed over, throwing me over his head with my back hitting the floor. Fuck. I probably gonna be dead now. He stood up from his kneeling position and what I saw was frightening. His legs and arms as well as his lower abs and chest were totally covered in veins. They were bulging on his totally pumped muscles. He was breathing very hard and heavy. ,,You really shouldn’t have done that! You know what I gotta do now!!!”, he said really angry. He ran over to me, just like a fucking tank, his pecs were jumping with every step. His massive limp dick was bouncing too. He punched me in my stomach making me go to the ground. Then he wrapped his 19inch arms around my neck, adjusted them a bit an flexed them. I was really afraid that he was going to kill me now... I tapped but passed out again... I came back... I wasn’t dead?! I opened my eyes and saw him towering over me. His massive 30inch legs, his huge cock, those swelling ripped abs, his crazy arms and everything was still covered in those thick veins. He truly looked like an animal. ,,I don’t know why you don’t get it weakling! I am the alpha now, I’m almost twice your size, you stand no chance against me!!”, he said. He wrapped both his big muscular long fingers around my neck and lifted me up with his bare hands- choking me at the same time. I was some inches above the ground, just so that my eyes were on the same level as his. He stared into my eyes like a wild beast right before breaking the neck of it’s prey. In a matter of no time he dropped me and held me in a bearhug. I could feel his massive chest and ripped abs on my limp and weakened body... My cock grew rock hard and pressed against his upper quad. ,,U like that?!”, he said as he squeezed me harder. I wanted to say something but I just wasn’t able anymore. I had no air, no strength and was totally done... ,,Awww, lil boy is so exhausted he can’t speak no more... HAHAHAH WHAT A WEAKLING!”, he screamed and tightened the bearhug even more. I felt his monster cock grow bigger and bigger too-pressing against my (much less ripped) abs. He made me pass out again... I wasn’t even aware that a bearhug could make you pass out... As I regained my consciousness I found myself still in his arms. ,,It’s so easy to overpower you. Guess how easy it would be to kill you! But then I’d have nobody to worship my muscles. Well except all those girls...”, he said. He dropped me on the floor and I was amazed by what I saw... A ripped monster with huge bulging muscles all covered in veins - jerking a huge cock... ,,I sweat just a little, twink. But enough for you to clean me up.” He hit a double biceps pose and made me stand up. I didn’t have enough energy to ask or even just say something anymore. I got his point. He was so submissive... I should have done all this three years ago with him... Back when I was able to do that... ,,LICK THEM!”, he said flexing his biceps. I did so. And I loved it. The salty taste of his testosterone loaded sweat. The form of his arms with all those veins... I cleaned his hole body. From his armpit to his massive chest. He bounced it so his pecs would jump a few inches what made it hard to keep my tongue on his skin. I caught a lot of “underboob sweat”. He grabbed my head and lead it around while I licked his washboard abs. I knew that it’s not gonna be enough for him... he pressed me downwards even more. Now my mouth was at those big balls. They smelled really manly. He didn’t even have to command me. I sucked up all his sweat and started swallowing his massive prick. I wanted to give him the best blowjob he ever received... I felt up his muscles with my hands. As I run my fingers down his abs with one hand and worshipped the inside of his huge thighs he came. ,,Mhhhhh... Now you know your place. I don’t allow you to spit it out! Eat it- it’s extra protein for you!” I really loved his taste. I chewed on it and I hope that his testosterone loaded load will give me a boost in strength... I’ll probably suck him off more often, perhaps I’m gonna become as big as him some day....
  17. GiganticBeast


    Another INCREDIBLE story by the man who brought you Caffeine another AMAZING growth story, and this one is the most incredible ego stroke I've had in a very long time!! A take on how my recent Camping Trip should have turned out God I have read this over and over and over again! I LOVE IT SO MUCH! Again, I didn't write this, but it's..it's almost like it's MY words, he wrote it so goddamned well it's like I'm listening to things I've said but have no memory of saying it! I'm ranting, but only because I'm bordering on SPEECHLESS from this! Are you in the mood for INCREDIBLE M/M action? What about M/M/F Cuck/worship sessions as a growing egotistical muscle god gets his big beastly self worshiped! Every single thing you read here is a kink or particular fetish that I am in LOVE with. This represents the look into my deep psyche that I'm sure you're all going to enjoy! ALSO if you want to follow this BEAST MAKER of an author, he's Armagedon2dm on Twitter! GO, GIVE him a FOLLOW! Tell him how much you LOVED THIS STORY! Seriously. DO IT. He managed to create a snapshot of my best fantasies, written in the glorious stream of consciousness! Oh my GOD. This ALMOST RUINED 3 months of edging!!!! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- DAY 1 Finally a vacation, if you could call it that. Stuck in the backseat of a Prius with packs and camping supplies shoved in spilling over in my lap. Friends told me about the wonders of camping in the wild Canadian wilderness. Not the cramped confines of a small ass car. Oh, and did I mention that we are driving 3 hours to the campsite? 3.5 hours later: Bald head scrapes the roof of the car as I clamber out. Oddities of camping gear that fell in my lap while driving spill on the ground. *Stretching noises as I flex and finally able to take full breaths* I spin around looking at the scenery and find no cabins, or outhouses or porta potties. “Guys where are the bathrooms?” Carl and Wendy looked at me quizzically. Him dressed all in green camo, and her all in pink camo. Carl reached in a duffel bag and pulled out a collapsible spade. Handing it to me he said, “Anywhere you want it to be.” My eyes widened at the realization that my first camping trip ment no modern conveniences. Especially going on twitter to read my *AHEM* interest in growth ideas. My grip around my phone in my hand tightens, as the battery is already almost dead and there will be no way to charge it for three days. “Uh, oh. Ok. Well where should I go...dig?” They just point to the distance saying someplace not too close. No explanations of how big of a hole to dig or how far out. So, I put one foot in front of the other and start walking to explore. 15 minutes of wandering around: So I just wander off in 34C weather trying to stick to the shades of the trees. Tennis shoes getting grass stains. And beads of streaming down off my head. Even the muscle shirt isn't faring too well. Pro tip, do not bring white clothes to nature. Swatting away some black flies buzzing around my head. “This isn't what I expected when they said come camping with us. This beast doesn't do well in the hot damn weather.” “Well, there are plenty of beasts out here in the wild you might want to steer clear of.” The voice startled me not expecting anyone else to be crazy enough to be out in this heat camping in the middle of nowhere Canada. There leaning against a pine tree was ranger Joe! Talking about beasts, this guy was jacked for lack of a better word. More than two meters tall, still more than a head above my own height. Not like saying 6 feet tall is big, but certainly more than average. Been lifting for a few years and this guys' arms were bigger around than my legs were thick! A few days of growth coating his face in a rugged beard. What was rugged on his face left nothing to the imagination of a thick carpet of fur poking out from his collar. His very light green, almost a tan uniform, was pulled tight to his muscles. Very form fitting if not skin tight, probably on purpose. You should see veins snaking all over his arms and up into his sleeves as he carried his hands crossed below on his muscle gut as he wouldn't even be able to cross his arms around his own chest. Between his biceps and pecs, the only way they meet is with force. “There are bears and cougars in the lower part of the ridge. So that's off limits.” He states as he points past a tree line leading down to a valley with his thumb. To call that digit a thumb is far from the truth. Even calling it a sausage was a great understatement. I think he caught me gawking or my eyes were bugging out from my head. Pushing off from the tree he actually causes it to sway. “Now keep to your site up here, you and your friends. I'm stationed in the area if there's trouble. But let's face it, when I'm around there won't be.” He over stated that last bit with a flex. Fuck, this guy was so jacked his clothes protested. He walked away with a swagger waving those hairy thick “fingers.” Mind you while he was moving away I was checking out that thick muscled ass. Goal I thought. I wanted that ass before leaving this crap hole. If I was going to have one good thing here, I was going to be getting a piece of that! Waddling back to camp with my cock almost poking out the waist band. Glad my cargo shorts were sweat stained to cover up the globs of pre running down my thigh. Carl and Wendy glanced in my direction knowing something was up but didn’t say anything. Which I appreciated, as we got to work to finish up setting up camp. 4 hours later After changing, cleaning up, I plopped down ready to eat while the campfire was burning hot. Wendy pulls out a few bags from the cooler. My tummy rumbles ready for some meat to be cooked to satisfy the beast inside. Mushrooms, broccoli, onions going into a skillet for frying. Spices from another bag. Oh man, my mouth is watering from the smell. Holding the last bag over the aroma of cooking veggies as two big fish plop into the pan. My eyes widen in horror, fish! My nose reels from the acrid smell as my stomach lurches in anger. The wonderful delectable meal ruined. Not wanting to show face, I excuse myself for not feeling well and retreat to my own tent. I pulled out a pepsi from my backpack and downed the whole thing, grumbling. Staring over at my dead phone, I couldn't even browse twitter. I unzipped the flap on the other side of the tent to get the cooler nights air flowing though. It opened up towards the lower ridge of the forest. The moon was bright that night throwing shadows everywhere. I was hungry, tired, and irritated. So I decided to strip down and get into the sleeping bag. I stopped momentarily as I thought I'd heard rustling a bit way in the bush. Granted looking from the outside watching a big dude's bald head push out the tent fabric on top, while trying to get my clothes off would have been whimsical. I couldn’t even hear my friends comment. So they must have gone to sleep too. Crouching down to peer through the screen, I thought I'd heard an animal growling that was decently large. The breeze rustled the trees, as they swayed back and forth in the moonlight. Then eyes, glowing blue eyes. They bore directly into my soul, into my fantasies, into my wants, my needs. This large figure, this large beast. I felt energized inside but my eyes drooped overcome with exhaustion. I caught one last look in the area I saw the eyes, only to see moving shadows and branches glinting in the pale blue rays of moon shine. I dropped to my knees and had enough movement to faceplant into the pillow. My last conscious thought was how rock hard my cock was straining my boxer briefs. DAY 2 My dreams last night were wild glimpses of crashing through the forest. More like over the forest. Flocks of birds flying away, animals scampering away on the forest floor in swaths. I could almost hear and feel the forest floor shake as I slept. A bestial roar in the distance… Woke up at the crack of dawn with my erection just about bursting out of the tent. I need to take care of the issue now before the others work up. If I stayed in camp, then I'd definitely wake them up, so I threw on just a shirt and shoes I had on yesterday, climbed out of the tent as quietly as I could, and trudged down the closest path to my tent. Which so happened to be the path to the lower ridge. My brain addled with that dream, not fully awake, and my beast cock pointing skywards. This beast only had one thing on his immediate mind, and it was just getting far enough away to take care of it! Tumbling down the trail, I didn't even bother to keep to myself. Out in the middle of fuck no where, who was going to come around. My hand groped the bulge through the underwear as it throbbed. Was it my imagination or did it feel like it had a bit more heft to it, a bit more thickness. “Ugh, fuck! I needed to… I NEED A HOT… ” and then I fell, down the ravene I tumbled. Ass over teakettle, through the brush. Scraping my legs on thorns and underbrush, the blood trickled down the hairy on my legs. After a bit I tumbled over the river embankment, my head slammed hard against the river rocks before blacking out. Sometime late morning The sun was so bright, so hot shining overhead attacking me with its irritated heat. Blazing hot heat, flies buzzing around. Cold wet water brushing my hand, washing over it. Using the water to wash the blood, sweat, and dirt off my face. I sit up and crawl over to the water for drink. Thirsty, taking gulping mouthfuls of water till I start to hiccup. I notice the dried blood on my bald head from the gash I got while falling. Reaching up, I expected pain to the touch but there wasn’t. Scooped up more water to wash away the dried blood and there was no longer a gash. In fact, all my cuts and scrapes were healed as well too. The shirt had so many rips and holes, it just disintegrated with a tug. And the underwear was lost, must be, somewhere on the tumble down here. Only thing I was left wearing were my socks and shoes and they felt about ready to burst. Welp, while next to the river, might as well bathe and clean all this dirt off myself. So off come the shoes and socks putting them on a big rock. Walked out into the river and washed up. “Now you were warned about coming down here, and now I have to also cite you for indecent exposure! What are you doing down here?” Came a familiar stern deep gruff voice from the banks. Turning around there stood the forest ranger, with his hands balled into fists pressed on his thighs. He looked like he was carved out of pure stone and placed precariously and posed like a Greecian statue. Although since yesterday it looked like he shrunk his uniform in the wash. The top two buttons were open showing the undershirt below. Even from 20 meters away that chest looked like it’d crush a small car. His full beard touching the top of those pecs. That neck looked like it was contending an arena battle with the traps beside them. The sleeves were folded so far up his arms, it might as well have been considered sleeveless. The forearms bulged with hairy veins, a finger thick vein leading up to melon sized biceps pushing against the side of his striated pecs. Forget the statue of a human, this was a demigod in the flesh! The muscle gut straing the buttons on top of it, showed the undershirt riding up that hairy grooved flesh. His calf high brown leather boots straining to contain those feet. You could almost see each individual toe stretching the leather, pushing out. Not to toot this beast's own horn but I've got a good sized beast cock. But the shadow I saw from that far away of the ragers package is so much more sizable. It was like a litre pop bottle and two grapefruits shoved inside. And no, the waistband wasn't holding but bulging out. The jock fabric spilling over and showing dark fur sprouting out. Those muscle thighs pushing those testosterone laden fruit forwards, like they would burst forwards any second with a vengeance. Still wading in the river he yells a bit more sternly, “I asked you a question boy!” A bit shocked from embarrassment but also from irritation. Boy?! My Six-foot muscled frame, bald head, and beard that’d choke a lumberjack and I'm being called boy? I puffed out my chest and marched towards shore, fists clenched, vein throbbing from my forehead ready to rip off the ranger's arm and beat him with it. Rushing the shore, trudging through the water growling right up to the ranger. Pusing my chest right against his, ready to brawl. I can feel our cocks twitch between us, throbbing against our torsos. Glaring back up at his face and flexing my arms. Snapping back, “What fucking crap is this boy?” A silence fell over the forest. It seemed even the breeze was waiting with bated breath. Awaiting the clash of beasts. With a bellowing laugh, the forester relaxed and belted out a boisterous stutter of jubilation. “You're one hell of a man there!” As he slaps the back of Will shoulders with the hand the size of a half sheet pan. Almost sending Will toppling to the ground. Extending out that same hand the ranger finally introduces himself, “Gord.” He states flatly. Stunned from disillusion, Will shakes the gruff calloused hand and stutters out, “Will…” “Well, Will. Let's get you back to your camp. This place isn't safe. I'd hate to have to give you a ticket for self endangerment. As well as (ranger clears his throat), public nudity.” Quotes Ranger Gord. “Grab what's left of your clothes there. Hmm, I guess just your shoes and socks. Then i’ll guide you back to your camp to rejoin your friends.” I blush a bit. Well, not so much as blush as my entire head turns the shade of scarlett. I rushed over to grab my shoes and socks from the rock. I glanced past the tree line to see a darkened cavern or grotto. Faintly glowing with that eerily pale blue light I saw last night, I shifted to put on my socks and shoes to get a better look at the surrounding area to get back down here tonight to check it out. Trying to not show Gord my intentions just as I’m about to put on the last shoe, down on the ground next to the boulder is a little glowing blue stone. I picked it up and threw it in the sole of my shoe before putting it on\. Gord hadn't noticed, and asks if I’m ready to go back to camp and I nod. The ranger drops me back at camp with Carl and Wendy not there. Their backpacks are missing so they must have gone for a hike. I sigh in relief, that means I don’t have to explain my lack of clothing. After putting on clothes and thanking Gord for the escort back, the ranger sets off. I relax back in my tent bored, hungry, but atleast clean. Wondering where that light was coming from and why the ranger was warning me against that lower ridge. There didn't seem to be any bears or cougars in the area or signs of them. I’ll have to check it out later tonight. I could look up a map of the area if I had my damned cell phone. I yawned, man what a fucked up day, my cock giving a reminding lurch. I forgot to take care of this beastly need this morning. And now I’m too tired all of a sudden, and hungry too. My mind racing, man what about that cave. What about that blue rock in my shoe. Ah well, time for a nap. I’ll deal with it later. Closed my eyes, wrapping my hand around my bulge. What I wouldn't give to grow big like that ranger. No, BIGGER! A fucking giant of a man! I drift off to sleep. Supper Time I awoke to a sizzling meat smell dancing in the air. Puffs of smoke surrounding the tents, dancing in the setting sun. Wafting sensual aromas that made me jump right up, ready for food. I pulled a Kool-Aid man, bursting out of the tent with a “OH YEAH!” Bellowed hungrily, grabbing a plate and and in a few mouthfuls two burgers are inhaled. With a loud belch, and a long hunger finally satiated batting my belly. RIIPPP A rip of clothing renders the air, as the sides of the shirt tore down from the armpits. My lats spread out like wings of a bird. Pecs swollen from a good chest day exercise, heaving, straining the neck of the Shirt. The v-neck shirt, stretching thin riding up my roid gut as it filled with rock hard granite muscles. The waistline and neckline grow closer beginning to fray. My eyes glance up to my friends expecting awe and confusion. Except that's what peppers my face instead. There they are next to the fire, sprawled out on a blanket passionately making out against a fallen log. My beast log throbbed, and spilled over the waistband of my boxer briefs in lurches. Growing, thickening, throbbing bigger and bigger. Legs spreading, lengthening as testosterone inflated my balls into large apples. There were sharp cracking sounds as the threads of the shoes tore themselves apart from the leather. Sending leather flying as my toes and heel burst from forth from the confines. The little blue glowing rock fades, as it's crushed into dust below my foot covered by scraps of the sock tugged apart as my feet lurch larger. Rising up and bursting the scraps of clothes left over, my frame lauding over the campfire. The hot flames dance, as I heft my muscles in self exploration. Pumping the muscles up with blood and testosterone. Making each beastly muscle group pop with veins and hair. So big, so primal, bigger! “HHGGG, come on more. MORE! Grow!” As I roar as nothing happens. Well, other than the friends finally breaking away from each other as they each take a leg to start worshiping the musclebeast before them! Wendy gropes my beast cock in her little lithe hands, unable to wrap both hands around its girth. Trying to pull it into her chest. Which all she succeeds in doing is making it rigid and rock hard, with a flex it tugs her closer. Her husband's hands work his way up my calf muscles, already bigger than his thighs. Covered in spindles of thick beast hair, the thick diamond calf muscles could set new marathon records. Wendy pushes her supple breasts against my beast cock while moaning how big I am. Her husband pawed at my ass cheeks trying to make a dent in them as I laugh like a super villain. I glare over my chest at them with a primal need, as they see the wildfire reflected in my eyes as they backpedal back onto the blanket. Their back pursed against the log, as each stomp towards them heightened my arousal. I bend down, towards Wendy, ripping off her clothes as I tower over the both of them. Flipping her over as she hikes her ass in the air, pulling her underneath my kneeling frame. My ‘smaller’ sized friend shaking, cowering next to me. “You,” I state flatley. My voice thunderous on an over two meter frame. “You want a man to show you how to pleasure a woman?” It was Rhetorical question not meant to be answered, albeit verbally. My girthy length throbbing over her backside, spurting copious cup fulls of pre over her torso. Her body moaning hotly in anticipation. While her husband looks on in horror and bated breath. To watch this monster, this beastly man show his wife pleasure that he’s never brought her. “Now little man, you’re going to worship this beast. While you watch me pleasure your wife in every position till you both pass out from exhaustion!” I laugh deeply. My smaller friend stands up shakily, approaching the brute I’ve become for worship. While my beastly brute’s cock enters the woman to screams of pleasure. Day 3 It was hours that this beast pleasured her. In many ways, and so many positions that it caused her to pass out in exhaustion. Not only did I fulfil the deepest pleasures of this woman, but after she drifted off to slumber, I dominated her smaller hubby. Muscle worship from toes to head. Before I was finally sated, coating both of my friends in my testosterone filled beast seed. Chuckling to myself, I swear I could have drowned them in it. The whole night had passed us by! With the start of the twilight hour, I set out for the cave in the lower ridge to see what more I could find, what else there was in this woods for me, this growing monstrous beast. my eyes accustomed to the pitch dark of the countryside, could just make out that faint blue glow from down below. Leaving my two companions tucked away in their tents, I made my way down the trail below. Just Before Sunrise Heading down the path below this time, was made so much easier with longer limbs and larger hands, able to palm forest trees trunks to prevent myself from tumbling down the steep ridge. It took just a few minutes this time to reach the edge of the river. My strides were so much longer now with my own tree trunks, these thickly muscled legs. The skin seemed thicker or more resilient to the underbrush or thorns. There were no scratches, nor weeping stabbings of blood. Was it that the beastly hair that dusted my larger frame that protected me from the scratchings. Thick heavy trees and cover the entrance of this cave/grotto. Steep, high calcified walls adorn the cave. It must have taken eyons to carve this out from the river. The small blue glowing rocks produce their own faint light, thinly adorn the entrance. Many covered in grime, mineral deposits or look worn out.Millenia old stalactites and stalagmites pepper the area as it reaches far back into the rocky mountains. The farther back the cave reaches the larger and more common the rocks appear. Deciding to explore the cave just as the pastel morning colors start to appear in the sky outside, I turn deeper into the cave. The warm breeze outside turns into a wet cold haze the deeper in I explore. It seems that the rocks react to my presence by glowing brighter, leading me, directing me inwards. I felt energized at the mouth of the cave, and spelunking deeper, I can feel a deeper welling of energy building inside. My pace quickened, faster. Blood pumping faster through my veins. My virility renewed and the beast throbs, pointing forwards leaving a trail of pre deeper into the depths. Until the crag of the cave opened up on a small waterfall pouring out from the center of the ceiling high above. Dropping into the center of this crystal blue cavern. It reminded me of superman's fortress of solitude. But with faintly blue glowing crystal pillars surrounding the entire area. The water in the center of the pool, looked so welcoming and inviting. The bottom of it is littered with sand, made out of the surrounding crystals. “Well against my warnings, looks like you still found your way down here.” Bellowed a pissed off looking Gord. Whose body seems to be blocking the only way back out. And when i say blocking, i mean filling up the tunnel. How he followed me down here without making a sound seemed improbable. The ranger didn't look any taller from across the room, but thick would have been an understatement. Bull in a China shop never seemed more an appropriate analogy. If the bull was on steroids and HGH combined with some testosterone enhancement that would make the powerlifters look like anorexic twinks. He looked like those morphed pictures on those porn sites, but even more rugged. I was wading in the shallows of the pool on the opposite end of the cave room. The ranger started moving, circling around the edge keeping his distance and eyeing me. Like he was studying me. While he moved it seemed that the gems dimed just around him, matching his movements. I put my hand on one of the growing crystals in the pool, moving around it. Keep it between Gord and myself. Once I touched it, I noticed that it brightened upon touch. The water around my ankles ripple just a bit, only enough to feel it vibrate against the leg hair. “You aren't welcome here and need leave, NOW!” His voice went from one of stern lecture to a threatening command. His brow furrowed and eyes narrowed with a scowl. Without a chance to respond, he charged towards me just like a bull. Breaking right though the crystal formation, his forearms up for added strength. He hit hard enough to wedge me into the wall behind. Limbs splayed in the craigs and cracks of the broken crystals, like a marionette with its strings cut. I was stunned out of surprise but not hurt, and no pain either. I just held still, unsure of what to do. “This is MY cave! I found it, and it gave me… this!” As he motions to his body. “Its taken me months to get this far, and you won't share in its gifts! He spat towards me. His cock rising, thickening between his hairy pecs, as he stepped closer. “And I will be taking back what's mine!” My eyes widened in horror at what his words ment. Just as he was about to reach back with a fist and punch me farther into the wall, I was able to scream out a “NO!” My fists clenched as the blue crystal around me glowed brightly. It felt so warm, and the blue light was glowing brighter. Cracks suddenly started growing from around me in the crystals as I was being pushed out from the wall with a stumble to the ground. Landing in front of the ranger on my hands and knees, his feet right below my face. For a second, I thought I had a concussion the way his feet were suddenly falling away. Gord had stumbled back, tripping over the broken pillar crystal and landed in the water. His face losing color from horror. It took me longer to realize I was growing again, until my feet hit the wall behind. My body was lurched forwards over the top of Gord… well that wasn't the only thing that was lurching forwards over the ranger. His eyes glazed over, reaching out to touch my beast cock thicker than a telephone pole and about 5 feet high. Just as his mits are around to touch my cockflesh, he pulls away and tries to scamper from out underneath. Backpedaling through the water as he tries to crawl away. A rumble from my chest shook the cavern, as I easily reached out and drug the ranger back though the water underneath my god cock. “No, no, no. You're not getting away that easily you little fucker!” The cavern shook with my powerful voice. You wanted the power and NOW you're going to get it. Unfortunately, not from where you expect it.” The ranger is screaming below me, “Please, no you can't. You're too much. You're too BIG!” “Again. Say that again.” I demand His body trembles under me, clawing at the ground. Almost whispering, “too big..” My body still is lurching larger, muscles thickening, frame widening to make way for more muscles to pile on my frame. So much thicker than the ranger was before as my torso takes up half the space in the cavern. The water is running over my shoulders at this point. My beast cock as thick as his waist now. My balls push my thighs apart. That ass i had admired earlier that i swore i was going to make mine, was now here underneath me. I had to force the head down with my hand, as my cock had started growing faster than my body. It felt so hot to the touch, so aroused, so fucking hard! Just as I forced the head inside his ass, we both screamed out in pleasure. The crystals glowing so brightly, almost enveloping us in pure blue light. 07:13 AM Carl and Wendy wake up next to a smoking fire pit. Wrapped up in the plaid blanket from the previous night. Both beyond exhausted, physically and mentally. They look at each other with wide eyes, questioning whether the events of the previous night even happened. They stood up with no signs of the night's activities. Both in perfect health, albeit naked and in the ruins of a destroyed campsite. Without a word to each other, they get dressed and start packing up the car. Worried about Wills whereabouts since he wasn't there this morning. They talk after the car is packed and decide to go look for him. Just as they are about to leave the car, cracks in the earth open up as an earthquake hits the area. Fissures open up as all the animals run from the area. The earth rumbled for miles around. Trees toppled all around them, sinkholes appeared as destruction rained. Thunder sounded without a cloud in the sky, which was strange. There was a rumble from the ridge as a landslide opened from an upper ridge. Rushing water bubbled like a hot spring from underground, rushing out like a slurry as it emptied into the river below. They ran to their car and drove off to escape the destruction. As they got a good distance away, there was an eruption from beneath the mountain. There in the rear view mirror, a bald head emerged from the dust. It rose higher and higher into the air, soaring above the surrounding trees, hills and mountains. Fists larger than cities pushed into the sky, attached to godly sized muscles. My head was nestled between traps so muscled, they pushed into my ears. A neck so thick, that the deep voice that emanated from within caused knees to buckle to all in range. “YES, BIGGER. MORE… MMOOORRRREEE!” Growing bigger, taller, thicker rising higher. I rubbed my pecs and muscle gut as I grew. Biceps and pecs fighting for ranges of movement as they swelled with power. A forest grew on the giant of hair, as he expanded. My beard cascading down over my chest, a thickening pelt of hair creeping over my skin. Watching it ripple and flex as highways of veins snaked all over. It was then that a foot emerged, swinging out and over the mountains. Crushing an entire mountain range flat, like a toddler stomping on a sand castle. But that wasn't the reason to be worried. They were deafened by my moaning, so lewdly, a pillar of cock that emerged from between the chasm, could only be described as godly. The ground crumples beneath my balls that contained a sea of sperm, and that could span multiple counties. And my cock, that pointed skywards well over my own big beastly head, was fighting a thickness battle with my waist, over which would be the victor. As soon as I locked eyes with my own beastly god hood, I switched to rubbing and groping the growing monolith, grunting from the self pleasure. My cock and balls lurch larger with every stroke, pushing me up higher into the sky. My legs and feet stretching over the horizon in the distance as my rumbles became inaudible growlings of pleasure. The entire tectonic place of the country buckled under the weight of my growing godly beastly body. Unending miles of muscles surged and flexed as my balls churned larger than my body, damn I was close. What had to be Russia was being flooded with my pre. Just as my bald head and traps pushed through the clouds, an eruption of lighting and my thunderous voice rattled the globe. “BEEEAAAASSSTTTT” Bellowed a boom resonating inside my enormous chest, towering above as the earth was flooded with my seed.
  18. Oui, bonjour. Hehe. Oui c'est bien moi, Frank Lefort. Ne t'inquiète pas, oui je ne pensais pas être dérangé sur cette plage déserte mais non, tu ne me déranges pas. Et tu t'appeles? Enchanté Erwan. Mais d'où tu connais mon nom? Ah, voilà, tu es fan de bodybuilding. Donc tu sais forcément qui je suis ! HAHAHA ! Mais reste, puisque je te dis que tu ne me déranges pas. Tu viens me voir tout respectueux, poli, aimable, en plus tu es beau comme un petit coeur, non c'est vrai tu as une gueule d'ange et t'as les yeux d'un bleu incroyable. Ah j'aurais aimé être un beau gosse comme toi ! Qu'est-ce que j'en ai bavé ado à tomber amoureux de types beaux comme des dieux, d'ailleurs tu me rappelles un gars au lycée qui m'a fait pleurer toutes les larmes de mon corps. Avec ma sale gueule c'était pas gagné... Comment ça tu me trouves beau ? T'es gentil mais tu dis peut-être ça parce que j'ai une énorme mâchoire et un cou de dinosaure, mais franchement... Donc tu es fan de bodybuilding, c'est ça? Héhé oui, c'est exact, je suis officiellement le bodybuilder le plus musclé au monde, depuis trois ans déjà... et avec mes 430kgs pour 2m07, tout sec, j'ai une sacrée avance !... Comme tu dis, jamais un seul homme sur cette planète n'a développé une telle masse musculaire, et j'en suis pas peu fier de ma masse musculaire. Tu ne savais pas que j'étais gay ? Je ne m'en cache pas vraiment mais on ne me pose pas trop la question. Et toi ? Tu me dis que non, mais... tu ferais peut-être une exception pour moi, non, mon mignon ? J'ai bien vu comment tu m'as approché... à quel point tu dévores mon corps des yeux... Regarde, mon copain, je vais bander mes muscles pour toi... Oui, tu les aimes, hein, mes gros muscles ? Tu vois comme ils sont énormes et lourds, striés de partout ? Frank Lefort, l'ultime bodybuilder, l'homme aux biceps de 90cm, qui t'offre le spectacle de ses sublimes muscles pour ton plaisir, pour ta jouissance ? Tiens, je vais contracter l'un de mes monstrueux biceps pour faire exploser sa puissance juste devant ta petite gueule d'amour... Alors, hein ? Hahaha, dès que ma musculature a commencé à devenir spectaculaire, il y en a pas beaucoup de petits Apollons prétentieux qui ont résisté à l'appel de mes gros muscles ! Et tu ne feras pas exception, Erwan, mon petit amour, je vois bien que tu bandes déjà autant que tu peux, touche mes muscles ! Caresse mes gros muscles ! Oui, c'est la chance de ta vie, lèche ce gros biceps ! Il est plus lourd que toi, plus gros que toi... va je me baisse, chevauche mon avant bras. Oui, voilà. Et hoplà ! Ca fait haut, hein ? Allez prends-moi ce biceps à bras le corps, baisse-moi ce short, voilà, fous ta queue dans mon avant-bras et regarde, je détends mon bras, devant toi s'ouvre une faille entre les deux biceps... Quoi ? Mais oui je sais que tu m'aimes, beau gosse, tu es fasciné par l'hypertrophie musculaire des bodybuilders, c'est ta passion secrète, et tu te retrouves seul à seul avec la quintessence, la débauche la plus absolue de muscle qu'un surhomme peut avoir de plus grotesque, il est si facile pour moi de faire exploser ton petit cerveau en t'offrant le moindre contact physique avec ma titanesque musculature d'une sensualité infinie. Maintenant mets ta tête dans mon biceps, je vais faire rouler les muscles de mon bras pour te donner le plaisir sexuel ultime, en masturbant ta queue avec les muscles de mon avant bras tout en malaxant ton torse avec mes biceps. Oh mais si tu peux encore jouir, haha. C'est parti. --- Je repris connaissance, allongé sur la plage, dans l'ombre de Frank Lefort allongé près de moi. Il était appuyé sur son avant-bras,avant-bras sur lequel reposait majestueusement les deux masses de son énorme biceps, qui malgré leur fermeté et leur densité visibles à l'oeil nu dégoulinaient de part et d'autre jusqu'au sable.D'autant que le biceps était écrasé dans sa partie supérieure par l'opulence délirante de son pectoral droit, une hémisphère d'une bonne centaine de kilos de muscles au bas mot, qui, bien qu'au repos et se déversant sur le côté sous son propre poids, semblait faire une épaisseur de bien 30, peut-être 40 centimètres. Bien évidemment, la globuleuse structure supportait à son tour le poids de son jumeau, le pectoral gauche, en tout point aussi ahurissant. Au loin, vers le ciel, la carrure surnaturelle du titan à mes côtés se terminait en feu d'artifice avec ses somptueux deltoïdes. Perdu au milieu de tout cette masse, vers le sommet du torse mais engoncé dans tant de muscle, entre ce cou de taureau et ces trapèzes montant au delà des oreilles, le visage du Dieu du Muscle me regardait en souriant. Pas le visage le plus gracieux il est vrai, mais cette étincelle dans le regard, cette lueur d'assurance que seul l'homme le plus infiniment surpuissant de l'histoire de l'humanité, seul l'homme aux muscles les plus ultra hypertrophiés et plus absurdement gigantesques que tout ce dont l'humanité, la biologie ni la génétique n'ont jamais osé réver, cette lueur unique au monde en faisait l'homme le plus beau du monde pour moi. La voix la plus virile au monde me dit " Alors mon bébé, tu as bien dormi ? Je suppose que c'est la première fois que tu t'évanouis de par l'intensité de ta jouissance sexuelle. Aucun plaisir ne peut être plus ultime que celui que peut procurer mes centaines de kilos de muscles. Je contrôle chaque fibre à la perfection. Quelque soit l'emplacement où tu glisseras ton pénis, et il n'y a que l'embarras du choix sur l'étendue de mon corps, je te ferai connaître un orgasme chaque fois différent, et chaque fois plus intense." Il s'assied. "Je suis ici en vacances pour une dizaine de jours. Débrouille-toi, mais je veux que tu reste avec moi" Je me redresse aussi, et il brandit son biceps devant mon visage à nouveau, prenant bien garde à garder une distance suffisante pour que l'expansion spectaculaire du monstre ne me projette pas en arrière lors de sa bandaison. Au milieu des ballons d'acier qui prennent forme de toutes part en se couvrant de striations, et des grosses veines qui semblent se mutiplier en se gonflant, je vois un peu de liquide blanc séché." Regarde petit ange comme tu ass bien joui dans mes biceps. Je n'ai pas tout lêché pour garder l'odeur sur moi. J'adore comme le parfum de ton sperme est sublimée par ma sueur. J'aime bien sentir l'odeur de ton sperme." Effectivement le soleil s'est bien levé entre temps, et je m'aperçois que le corps de mon copain, oui mon copain, est couvert d'une fine couche de sueur qui fait briller et reluire ses muscles, comme de l'huile, et l'impossible devient possible : il en est encore plus impressionnant et... wow. "Héhé, tu as vu, ma sueur a une consistance spéciale c'est comme si je m'étais huilé. C'est à cause de tous ces stéroides et ces hormones expérimentales que je m'envoie, gamin, je m'en injecte des litres et des litres !" Je me lève, et lui toujours assis s'accorde un petit double biceps. enfin, petit... évidemment ses énormes biceps prennent la taille de planètes et il les contemple avec délice et passion, "DES LITRES ET DES LITRES ! TOUJOURS PLUS DE STEROIDES, TOUJOURS PLUS DE MUSCLE ! J'AIME LES STEROIDES, J'AIME MES MUSCLES !" Il approche tour à tour ses bras de sa bouche pour appliquer des baisers lourds et sonores sur l'excroissance la plus élevée de chacun de ses biceps. "OUI J'ADORE *smooch* LES STEROIDES *smooch* J'ADORE *smooch* MES GROS MUSCLES *smooch* VIVE LES STEROIDES *smooch* ET VIVE MES ENORMES MUSCLES SURPUISSANTS *smooch* GONFLES A BLOC *smooch* ET MON MEC LE SUPERBE ERWAN ...viens m'embrasser beau gosse." En fait il n'y a pas que le soleil qui s'est levé, la plage s'et remplie aussi. Pas bondé mais il y a bien une cinquantaine de personnes en train de nois scruter. M'est avis qu'ils regardaient déjà avant, mais suite au petit spectacle de Frank le temps s'et arrêté et ils sont tous bouche bée devant l'hallucinante vision de ce mutant dont l'empilement de muscles absurdement surdéveloppés par dessus toujours plus de muscles toujours plus obscènement gonflés et protubérants a vaguement forme humaine, et je m'avance, empli d'une fierté comme je n'en avais jamais connu - alors qu'avec ma gueule, il faut bien l'avouer, absolument sublime, irrésistible je dirais même vu qu'aucune femme ne m'a jamais résisté sans que je n'aie jamais cherché à séduire, et je ne compte plus les déclarations d'amour de types aussi hétéros que bourrés, bref j'ai l'habitude d'entrer dans une pièce en plastronnant sûr de l'admiration générale que j'allais susciter inmanquablement. Mais là, merde, c'est l'ultime Dieu du Muscle en personne, Franck Lefort, le géant à la musculature la plus puissante, massive, bref un corps si magnifique et tellement ultra musculeux qu'une nouvelle classification (homo mega mega musclus) a été créée uniquement pour lui, et enfin l'homme dont une étude aurait prouvé, qu'il est le plus gros producteur de sperme au monde. En effet sur chacune de ses photos, chacune de ses vidéos, ce sont des hectolitres de sperme qui sont déversés à chaque seconde. Et là, alors qu'il est assis devant moi, je suis pile à la bonne hauteur pour que nous bouches rentrent en communion. Alors que mon torse s'enfonce doucement dans l'océan de muscles de ses titanesques pectoraux, je laisse son regard s'enfoncer dans le bleu infini de mes yeux, et une fois que j'ai goûté les lèvres de Dieu, le seul et unique Dieu digne de ce nom, je sens sa langue puissante et joueuse englober la mienne pour la masser tendrement. Spontanément, mes mains se sont posées sur le sommet de ses biceps, et il en relâche alors la contraction afin que je puisse malaxer, pétrir, soupeser, caresser l'infinie perfection de ces immensités hallucinantes de pur gros muscle, des quantités impensables de biceps aussi voluptueux que sensuels. J'écrasai une petite larme, il s'éloigne un peu, me sourit, et me dit -------- "Il est temps pour toi et moi de bouger d'ici". Je mets mon corps en branle pour entreprendre ma mise en station debout. Je pose mon massif pied gauche au sol, appuis mon poing droit pour entrainer mon bassin et sans grand mal je me dresse de toute ma hauteur. De là, je prends un aperçu circulaire de la plage qui m'entoure, satisfait de l'attention portée à mon égard, et comme toujours du fait que je suis de loin le plus immense, le plus imposant, le plus puissant énergumène des lieues à la ronde. Mais je n'oublie pas mon petit trésor pour autant, je sais à peu près où il et sous mes pecs, sans le brusquer je me tourne vers les dunes, et je lui dis "Quand tu auras ramassé tes affaires prends moi par la taille, nous allons quitter la plage." Je le sens se coller contre moi immédiatement, il avait déjà tout bien fait de lui-même, un bon gars vraiment, et en soulevant mon bras j'aperçois sa gueule d'ange qui me sourit béatement, le bleu de ses yeux rayonnant de bonheur, et en plaçant ma grosse paluche sur son épaule, je nous mis en marche. Pas pour bien longtemps évidemment, la vue de mon départ fit sortir de leur torpeur une poignée d'admirateurs, paniquès à l'idée de ne pas saisir l'opportunité de m'approcher davantage. Oui, bien sûr vous pouvez me prendre en photo. Non, je ne veux pas predre de photo avec vous, je suis avec mon copain, on a pas souvent l'occasion de passer du temps ensemble et je suis près de lui et personne d'autre. Prenez-nous en photo tous les deux. Vous avez vu comme il est beau? Oui, il est beau comme un Dieu. Il s'appelle Erwan. Héhé oui il en a de la chance, mais j'en ai aussi d'être l'homme d'un type aussi sublime. On va devoir y aller par contre. Un bisou ? Si tu veux bien mon Erwan. Allez va, grimpe sur mon biceps. Je t'aime mon lapin. Mmmmch. Merci beaucoup, au revoir. D'accord juste quelques poses... Hahaha merci. Au revoir. ------- J'aurais bien aimé qu'il me demande auparavant, de m'exposer comme ça comme étant son amant pour des photos qui allaient faire le tour d'internet en quelques minutes. Tout le monde m'a toujours connu hétéro... et j'ai toujours été hétéro... Mais en même temps c'était super jouissif. Je n'ai jamais été aussi heureux d'avoir la chance d'être aussi beau, il y avait de la jalousie proche de la haine chez chacune des personnes qui étaient venues le solliciter. Et, après tout, j'étais réellement, totalement, infiniment, sous le charme de ce gars, ensorcelé par cette montagne de muscles et puis voilà, il y aurait une vie avant, et une après. Je n'en reviens toujours pas qu'il m'ait fait assoir sur son biceps pour m'embrasser... Je veux dire oui; il m'avait déjà fait monter sur ses biceps mais cette fois il a gardé son bras à la verticale, plié son avant bras parallèle au sol, et, comment dire, j'étais assis sur l'épaisseur de son biceps. Il faisait un "side biceps" comme on dit en bodybuilding et la protubérence du biceps en bandaison m'offrait une assise largement suffisante. Perdu dans mes pensées j'aurais presque pu en oublier la présence du gigantesque monstre de muscles à mes côtés, enfin, aucune chance que je l'oublie vraiment, mais c'est la première fois que je me sentais familier de sa présence au point de pouvoir penser à autre chose. Enfin, je pensais à lui, mais... bref. Me voyant pensif, il me jette un "Hé, mon coeur. C'était un peu abrupt mais de toute façon on allait nous voir ensemble, et tu aurais préféré que je te laisse de côté pour faire des photos avec tous ces gens?" Obligé de le regarder en souriant, même si son pectoral ne nous permettait pas de nous voir. "Que tu m'en veuilles ou non, je saurai largement me faire pardonner avec l'extase suprême que je vais t'offrir, tu n'en as vu qu'une infime partie, et grâce à mon corps sublime, mon corps de géant et surtout grâce à mes muscles incroyablement puissants et tellement énormes, ultra hypertrophiés bien au delà de ce que l'humanité et la science a toujours cru que le développement musculaire était possible" - oui, j'avais joui à nouveau déjà à ce moment là - " mes muscles plus absurdement titanesques que le plus dérangé des obsédés sexuels du bodybuilding n'aurait jamais rêvé, je vais te... t'as encore joui? bah." On s'est rendus dans une luxueuse villa que quelqu'un lui avait prétée, non loin de la plage. Il me dit qu'il a faim, et qu'on va dîner. Je me douche, Il me trouve rapidement des vêtements à ma taille, puis il va s'habiller à son tour. En le voyant revenir je me retrouve instantanément en érection, ma queue est dure comme l'acier, en évidence dans mon pantalon de costume blanc crème. Oui il m'a mis en costume blanc. Quant à lui... Il porte d'énormes baskets, un bermuda lègèrement ample qui lui arrive au genou, mais tout de même serré étiré au niveau des quadriceps, il ne porte sûrement rien en dessous vu que ses parties génitales ballotent généreusement là dedans, une grosse ceinture en cuir maintient le short à sa taille, et au dessus, au dessus il porte un bout de tissu maintenu par deux très longues ficelles qui jaillissent de l'extrémité supérieure latérale de chacun de ses pectoraux, pour s'envoler à travers les airs et disparaître à nouveau dans ses trapèzes. J'étais bien sûr estomaqué devant l'exposition outrancière des muscles de son torse. Il fit le choix d'une tenue plus "corecte", un autre débardeur donc, mais qui cette fois couvrait une partie de ses pectoraux. Bien évidemment, les deux énormes blocs de granit projetaient tout de même leur masse par devant lui, le spectacle de l'affrontement de leurs fibres musculaires respetives resplendissait dans la vaste échancrure centrale, et de part et d'autre ses tétons pointés vers le sol étaient bien en évidence. Et le peu que recouvrait le vêtement, en élasthane bleu électrique, ne laissait que peu de place à l'imagination. Je dois faire à peu près la même tête que pour le haut précédent, mais il me dit t'inquiète, je vais être un peu discret, et le revoilà avec un blouson qui ferait facilement office de tente pour une famille de quatre personnes. Et on est partis. On monte dans son véhicule, une sorte de pick-up/hummer, et au bout d'une vingtaine de minutes nous voilà sur le parking du restaurant. Qui a l'air assez classe, classe bord-de-mer, mais assez classe tout de même. Il coupe le contact et se penche vers moi. "Tu vas partir devant et prendre la table, là, le box à droite. Comme ça tu pourras admirer mon entrée et l'aura de ton homme. Allez go ! J'entre dans la salle à manger. J'y crée mon petit émoi habituel, d'autant que le costar blanc n'arrange rien, le lot habituel de jeunes filles se donnent du coude en me montrant du doigt, et je m'amuse un peu à désintègrer deux ou trois messieurs propres sur eux mais un peu trop attentifs à mon entrée, juste avec quelques salves du laser bleu de mes yeux. J'annonce "deux personnes", et l'on me propose un petit guéridon dans un coin. "Impossible que nous nous asseyons là. Je suis désolé" dis-je au maître d'hôtel.Il me fait un sourire crispé. Son attirance initiale pour ma gueule d'amour n'aura eu qu'un effet très limité."Mais voyons monsieur soyez raisonnable je vous en prie, cette place est tout à fait acceptable, nous sommes très pris ce soir, comme vous pouvez le voir... - Vous ne comprenez pas, ce n'et pas de la mauvaise volonté, mais il n'y a aucune chance pour mon compagnon arrive à 'installer dans un espace aussi confiné. - ah oui? Mais ces places sont agréées pour les personnes handicapées je vous assure ! - ce n'est pas la question voyez, c'est que mon compagnon très grand et extrèmement, extrèmement musclé. - Ah ah ! Oh monsieur pardonnez-moi, mais tout de même, en attendant que Frank Lefort passe la porte du restaurant... - ... et c'est bien lui mon homme, cher monsieur. Le seul et unique Frank Lefort, le plus grand bodybuilder de tous les temps, est mon compagnon." Quel pied. J'en remets une couche. "Mon homme et moi aimerions pouvoir passer notre dîner en amoureux dans les meilleures conditions, c'est une date importante pour nous." Cette tête qu'il fait."Je suis désolé d'insister, mais mon Frank est perpetuellement confronté au manque de confort, et comme je l'aime de tout mon amour, je voudrais que son corps soit aussi à son aise que possible. Cette table là... - Oui, oui bien sûr monsieur, je vous demande pardon, je n'avais pas compris, c'est un cas de force majeure, je vais déplacer cette réservation pour que vous preniez la table centrale." Sens dessus dessous le pauvre garçon. "Si vous dites que Mr Lefort doit vous rejoindre..." C'était mignon, je voulais faire quelque chose pour lui. Je crois que je prenais bizarrement goût à mon côté gay. Je me penche un peu vers lui, il est un peu plus petit que moi, et en le bombardant de mon laser bleu en mode full blast "C'est très gentil..." je lui caresse la joue du pouce,"...François c'est ça ?" Et un petit bisou sur sa bouche tremblottante. "Merci François". Personne ne nous a calculé dans le coin isolé de la petite table, et grand seigneur, je monte la petite estrade où se situe la table royale et m'y installe. Je ne sais pas si je me fais des idées, mais j'ai l'impression que le staff bruisse de chuchottements et de grande agitation, je m'en persuade même, et pour moi, clairement, le bruit de l'arrivée possible de Frank court rapidement parmi eux, et cela leur crée une excitation toute particulière. Je vois même des cuisiniers se glisser en salle discrètement en attendant le spectacle. Bon, faut qu'il arrive je vais avoir l'air con sinon. -----------
  19. Black Cat Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 WARNING! Contains snuff. Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 Epilogue Sequel: Black Cats Chapter 1 The wife lays on the bed on her side, passed out. Her long auburn hair covers her sweaty, cummy face, neck and tits. Cum leaks out of her pussy and ass onto the soaked hotel sheets. Sunlight from the window lands on her 36C breasts, her nipples still hard and extended from my manipulations. Those beautiful breasts jiggle, the bed creeks and the headboard hits the wall with each of my thrusts. "Oh, God! Fuuuuck!" the husband moans under me. I pin his head to the bed with my left hand. My right hand grips and lifts his pelvis keeping his ass inline with my cock. For the last twenty minutes I've been pulling all the way out, waiting for his sphincter to close, then, with a low-pitch growl, ramming in deep. "You like that, boy? hmmmggggggrrrrrr. Like getting fucked slow and hard?" The husband moans something that sounds like, "yes, Daddy", as his fists tightly clutch the sheets. I roll my head back and inhale deeply, relishing the musky scent of sex. I spike his ass with a quarter of my rod. "AAAAHHHHHHGGOOOOOODD!" the pitiful excuse for a male wails. "GRRRR! I don't give a FUCK what you like, cunt," I growl. Enough of treading lightly with this virgin ass. I grab his shoulders with both hands and use my abs for countless short hard strokes, smashing into his prostate with every fuck. The bed frame crashes against that wall with a loud BAM, BAM, BAM, BAM, BAMBAMBAMBAMBAM as I bore into him. I keep up the rapid-fire assault, grunting with each fuck, until he yells, "I'm cumming!" I wrap my left hand around his throat and lift him off the bed. I stand tall and press the back of his head into my chest. He utters a satisfying scream as he slides father down. A minuscule amount of cum bubbles through the tiny cock cage his little penis is trapped in. His legs swing and bump my shins as I walk to the floor-to-ceiling mirror. By the time I reach the mirror he's panting like a bitch in heat. I turn to face the mirror and look over the "man" impaled on my cock. Mid-twenties, crew-cut blond hair, handsome features. I guess you could say that he's got a middleweight bodybuilder physique. A decent chest above his six pack. An above average limp dick swings off of him. He could probably place in a regional bodybuilding competition if he didn't skip leg days. His eyes are squeezed tightly shut. "Open your eyes. Come on boy," I thump his head with my free hand, "open." When he doesn't obey I forcefully flex my abs, driving my ramrod deeper into his gut. "Aaaarrrg!" his eyes snap open and looks at me in the mirror with fear, lust and fear. He begins to hyperventilate. "Hey, calm down, little man." I slide my hand off of his throat putting him in a choke hold. I lightly squeeze his windpipe between my forearm and bicep. His hands immediately grab my arm and vainly tries to move it. I whisper into his ear, "Take slow deep breaths. That's it. Good boy." With his breathing slowing I find myself involuntarily slow fucking his tight ass and watching my hulking figure in the mirror. The husband's head, his mouth gaping open, is held between a forearm thicker than his upper arm and a bicep bigger than his head. Thick veins under my paper-thin skin look like a metropolitan subway map. Above my bowling ball delts thick traps rise like mountains to meet my corded neck. The husband whimpers when I flex my free arm into a Herculean ball of power. "You like that, puny boy? Grrrr, yeah, I think we both know who's superior." I feel a pair of tits against my wide lats and a sopping wet pussy grinding on my massive rippling leg. "Fuck him, baby." The wife wraps her tiny hands around my torso. One hand slowly strokes my ten-pack, fingers following the perimeter of each thick cobblestone segment. Her other hand travels up to my shelf-like pecs to try to squeeze the rock-hard muscle. Giving that up, she begins to pinch and tweak a downward pointing nipple. "Show him how to use that thing between his legs." She's kissing and licking my back. "He's never satisfied me. You…oh god…you made me cum more than I've ever had. Show him how a real man fucks." Never wanting to disappoint the ladies I break the bi pose and slap the husband's glute. He yelps and calls out for mercy to whatever deity he thinks is listening. I seize a leg and bring it to his chest as I start to pound his ass balls deep. I roar. The husband screams in terror and submission. The wife moans, "Make him your bitch like you made me your whore…Master" *** Good. Now I have your attention. With all the instant gratification, short news cycles and screaming 140 to 280 character dispatches from who-the fuck-cares you have to grab attention by the balls, squeeze and not let go. Even if the owner of said balls slaps you with an injunction. Which never happens to me…usually. Hi, I'm Bruce. Bruce Banderole. Ripped let me hijack his account to tell my story. I didn't used to be this way. The domineering alpha male, not the ball grabber. Well, maybe not that either. Anyway, I was just your typical, average office worker schmuck sitting in a nondescript cube surrounded by sappy inspirational posters from HR in the boring corporate world. To say I was the pinnacle of physical health would be laughable. Twenty-six years old at this time. Under the average height for a male, just under the definition of obese, nearsighted and balding. My idea of exercise was carrying a box of a dozen doughnuts to the office every Friday. The only thing in my life that brought a ray of sunshine into my gloom was my girlfriend, Val. Six weeks ago that would all start to change. On that Monday nothing could brighten my mood. I grabbed two different socks out of the sock drawer, my sandwich was moldy, the printer repeatedly jammed on duplication of a fifty page report and I had my review. See, there's me after work in line at the bus stop waiting for the 5:10 to my house. Hunched shoulders, thinking about the day and mumbling, "How the fuck did I get a 'adequate' on the Reynolds account? I busted my ass for that fucker!" I look up to the guy behind me, "Tell me why a guy that looks like an avocado had sex with an older more disgusting avocado complained?" The old lady behind him stepped back aghast. The guy looked at me and said, "Maybe it's your use of harsh language." When I realized I left my umbrella at home, it started to rain. I sighed defeat to the universe as the bus rolled to a stop. The doors opened and I heard something in the alley. I ignored it and shuffled forward. After a few steps I heard it again. This time I think I heard a cat. I had a cat once. My sister wanted to name it Dog. A few more shuffling steps and I definitely heard a cat. I reached the bus door, looked up at the driver and said "Wait for me, I'll be right back." I think I heard the driver mumble, "Yeah right buddy" as I turned into the ally. "Here, kitty kitty kitty." I heard a reply from the left ten feet down the alley. I called out again, followed the reply and found an average sized undernourished young adult black cat under a piece of cardboard. It looked up at me with pleading electric blue eyes. I knelt down to the cat, and slowly blinked, "Hey, there." I extended a finger in front of its nose. "You don't look too well." The cat sniffed my finger, blinked and replied with a meow that almost sounded like, "Help?" I extended the finger to scratch the cat's chin. I didn't see a collar when the cat lifted its head for more scratches. "Oh, so you're a stray huh? Well we can't have you walking the streets can we?" As I gently lifted the cat it began to purr. I turned around with the cat cradled in my arms just in time to see the back of the bus disappear down the street. I sigh and mutter, "Fuck." "Mew?" "It's just been one of those days, cat. There's a vet school a few blocks from here. How about we get you checked out and get something to eat?" "Purrrrmoowprrrr" "I'll take that as a 'yes'." Two hours later I ordered an Uber and headed for home with a $200 vet bill, a box of stuff and a very groggy cat. When the Uber pulled up I saw my favorite driver, Debbie, in her beat up Hyundai Accent. "What the fuck ya got there, Bruce?" she yelled at me over the blaring death metal as I put the cat carrier and box in the back seat. I closed the squeaky back door and yanked on the front passenger door until it opened. Most people don't like Debbie. It might be that she curses like a sailor or that she'd rather insult you than get a tip. I kinda liked her; the petite figure, the girl-next-door face, the long blond hair in pigtails just went so well with the spiked leather collar, ripped band t-shirt, short shorts and bowie knife strapped to her thigh. Think Harley Quinn without a psychopathic homicidal boyfriend with a pasty complexion. At least I hoped so. "I found a stray cat and decided to adopt her," I replied once I sat down in the seat and turned down the screaming Norwegians. "The vet named her Brenna. Apparently that's Gaelic for 'black hair'." Debbie lifted a single eyebrow when she glanced from the back seat to me, "You, a cat? What's that fucking bitch Val gonna say?" I buckled up and replied, "Yeah, a cat. I'm secure enough in my manhood that I don't need a hundred fifty pound slobbering dog that you have to get up at five o'clock in the morning to walk. Besides, everyone should have a little pussy." She blushed as she pulled the car out into that traffic and replied, "Uh-huh. You got food and a goddamn cat box yet?" I pointed my thumb at the box in the back, "Yeah. The vet gave me a box of stuff. Said it was a CCL Starter Kit." We almost get into an accident when Debbie snorted and started laughing. "You mind not killing us and tell me what's so funny?" She composed herself just enough to reply, "Shit! CCL stands for Crazy Cat Lady." My eyes involuntary rolled heavenwards, "Laugh it up, Deb. One cat doth not a crazy make." "Mrr, aarrr?" came from the back seat. "I didn't ask you." With a snicker she stated, "They say the fucking first step is talking to the them." "And yet you talk to your crappy car." "Hey, don't insult Reggy! He's very sensitive!" The car backfired in agreement. She started stroking the dashboard, winked at me and said, "There, there, Reg. Don't listen to that mean asshole. You still haven't said how your cocksucking bitch-friend's going to react." "A FUCKING CAT!" was the reply I got from Val to a text with a pic of Brenna on my lap. When we got home I set everything up for Brenna. She had some water and cat food from her bowls in the kitchen and used her box in the bathroom. With her belly full she constantly purred while I scratched and rubbed her chin, throat and belly. She held my arm with her paws to make sure I didn't stop. She especially wanted me to scratch under her new orange-red nylon collar. I tried to think why the love of my life would say that as I scrolled up the app and saw all the pics she sent of her Pekingese, Alcaeus. The many, many pictures of Alcaeus dressed in a toga, birthday hat, sunglasses. In a sombrero for Cinco de Mayo. In a Santa beard and stocking cap for Christmas. The pics of Alcaeus with a hair bow on its head, in a Che Guevara t-shirt and beret, dressed as a Minion, lapping up a strawberry smoothie (from MY glass, mind you), wearing a Mario cap and, the worst, with cat ears. I typed out my reply with the thumb the little spoiled shit bit last week when I tried to get him away from my smoothie, "I found her in an alley downtown. I'm not going to walk away from that. Come on over and meet her, babe." A minute later the reply chat bubble started bubbling. Two minutes later I see, "Ugh fine cu soon." "We're going to have company, Brenna," I told the purring ball of fur on my lap as I rubbed behind her ears. Then I noticed the pizza boxes on the coffee table and dirty socks on the sofa. I sighed and said, "Looks like I've got to clean this place up a bit…" "Myeah." "…so you're gonna have to…Wait a minute, did you just say 'yeah'?" She just blinked those beautiful electric blue eyes and purred. "Ooookay then. Let me just set," I lifted her up and settled her on the sofa, "you here while I straighten up the place." The garbage was tossed and a load of laundry started when I heard the familiar sounds of Cadaver's "Cannibalistic Dissection" outside, Val screaming, "You expect a TIP after THAT?!" and a creaky car door slam. I open my front door to Val in a tight blue mid-thigh dress, her auburn hair in a bun, oversized sunglasses and a floppy wide brimmed hat. Behind her I saw a Hyundai peeling rubber and the driver's arm sticking out the window with a middle finger extended. "Ugh! That cabbie is the WORST! I don't know why they don't just fire her ass!" "She's not a cabbie and they can't." I gave Val a kiss on the cheek as she blew past me. "You know she's an independent contractor and the best driver in the city." "WHATEVER. So," she scanned the room, "where's this cat?" When Val set her oversized purse down her "dog" squeaked and poked his head out. "She's on the sofa. Be gentle, she's not used to…" When Val saw Brenna she charged towards her. Loudly, she said, "Oh, aren't you just the cutest thing!" Brenna jumped to the back of the couch, yelled, "Moor? REEEOW!" and hissed. When Val started to reach for her she jumped down and hid under the couch. "Hey! That's not how you act around a new pet, Valerie!" Alcaeus jumped out of the purse and started yapping at the couch. "Pfft, what do you know. It's just a cat." Brenna came out and sat in front of Alcaeus. Alcaeus continued to yap away as if he was a fearsome beast. Brenna, just yawned and cleaned her paw. "Yeah, well, she MY cat and I won't have her becoming neurotic due to…" We both heard a cut off yip and looked down to see Brenna's paw pinning Alcaeus's head to the floor. Her tail swished and she gave a "humph" sound. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO MY DOG!" Val exclaimed. I suppressed a snicker and said pridefully, "I see there's no chance of that." Val reached down to pick up the dog Brenna sniffed her hand. "Get away!" She clutched the shivering dog to her breasts, "That cat is EVIL!" "No she's not. This is all new to her. It'll take time for her to adjust." "Yeah, well…" Val's phone sounded out a notification I haven't heard before. Her face went flush and her eyes widened when she looked at her phone. "Sorry, babe. Gotta go." "You just got here?" I said, my hands outspread. "I know, but somethings come up…at work," Val collected her purse, shoved the shivering mutt in it and headed toward the door. "Can I call you an Uber?" "With HER again. I don't think so. Besides, my ride is already outside. Bye!" And with that Val slammed the front door on her way out. I stood in the middle of the living room wondering what just happened when I felt Brenna winding herself around my legs. "Well, that could have gone better." I said looking down at her. She blinked twice. "She's really very nice, ya know." "Mnoow," was the only reply in the room. Did my cat just say, "No"?
  20. tester26

    Sean & Ty (Part 2)

    Another tale of Sean & Ty together. Got a bit carried away with the improbably large loads here, but enjoy! Sean & Ty (Part 2 of ?) With thanks to HSMuscleBoy & Galthroc for the inspiration Ty slid off the couch and walked out to the balcony of Sean's twelfth-story apartment, taking his shirt off on the way. His muscled body bulged as he bent over to remove his pants and undergarments. Slowly, he pulled his jeans down. A fat shaft was revealed as the jeans were dragged down and down, more and more was revealed, as though it would never end. Finally, as the jeans reached his knees, he gave a swift final yank and his cock sprang free, the fat footlong shaft slapping his thighs. He gives his boyfriend a wink before climbing into the hot tub, sighing with relief and leaning his head back on the edge of the tub. Sean grinned and followed suit, having already been shirtless and going commando, he slipped out of his cargo pants and climbed into the tub, his low-hanging softballs rolling over the edge as he moved in, his 14 inch soft meat hanging low from its weight. Ty's eyes follow those dangling beauties throughout their descent, watching their every small movement. He licks his lips and scoots closer, extending a thick arm and scooping one of the large testicles in a hand, it barely fitting. He exhales loudly, starting to get aroused as he lifts and plays with the huge thing, feeling how heavy it was. His cock started to poke out of his sheath, as though wanting to see what was going on. "God, Sean... so huge." Sean moaned softly as his equipment was handled by Ty. "Mmmf, Ty..." he groaned. "That's feels great.” He reclined in the hot tub, his arms crossed behind his head, smiling to the concrete overhang above him that was the upper apartment's balcony. Ty caressed those huge balls, shuddering when he let go and they fell onto where Sean was sitting in a heavy heap. His other hand was traveling up and down Sean's body, squeezing his bulging muscles, occasionally squeezing his growing dick. His own cock was already laying flaccid in front of him like a snake, pulsing with life as blood started filling it as he grew more aroused. Sean smirked and wrapped his left hand around the middle of Ty’s growing shaft, rubbing the length with his thumb while squeezing it tight. Ty hunched over to take Sean's swelling cock in his mouth, struggling to fit the mushroom inside his mouth. He managed, letting his tongue swirl around the glands, his throat closing around the head, before popping that fat meat out with a slick sound accompanying. "You taste so nice," he remarked, winking at Sean, his own cock now semi hard, up past his navel and almost as thick as his forearm. His stomach and chest heaved up and down as his breathing grew deep because of his arousal. He put Sean's cock back in his mouth, working magic with his tongue and throat. Sean gasped as his shaft was taken into Ty's mouth, already starting to leak pre inside of him. "God," he said, "you're g-good at this..." He placed his hand on the back of Ty's head, coaxing him on. Ty raised himself and let his palms roam Sean’s body as he licked and slurped on that big cock. He moaned as he cupped the stud’s bulging pecs and washboard abs, loving how his gigantic dick throbbed against his tongue, the taste of the fluids coating the member making him hungrier and hungrier. Ty increased the pace and strength of his sucking, taking more and more cock in his mouth until he gagged, but regained his composure. He kept his lips and throat tight, spit leaking out from his lips and staining his cheeks, precum and saliva oozing down Sean's huge cock. Sucking and slurping noises galore came from Ty as he worked his stuff, making sure Sean got a blow job that'd make him shoot his load like never before. Sean reclined in total bliss. His cock-head was warm and wet and drooled pre by the cup. His urethra pulsed and swelled as copious amounts of precum surged through it. His nuts churned beneath the water. He continued to rub the back of Ty's head. He could feel it through every muscle, every tendon, every nerve ending in his cock; he was close to cumming. Ty pulled back, and lay back in the tub, his own cock landing hard between his pecs. He stroked it eagerly with one hand, the other jerking off Sean’s. "Fuck, Sean, is that monster getting bigger?” he asked, fascinated. Sean smiled and placed a hand affectionately on top of the middle of his dick, stroking it gently as if it was his satisfied stomach. “You like this dude?” he asked with a smile, looking down to his cock that reached almost to his chin. “Twenty-two inches when I last measured.” "FfffUCK!" Ty groaned, arching his back, chest heaving into the air. Hearing just how fucking huge that cock was sent a massive wave of pleasure through him, sending his hips skyward, cock so hard it didn't move despite his squirming. Precum spit out like a water gun, coating his body. "I can't wait to see it cum..." Ty said as he went back to blowing his partner. Ty took more meat in his throat than he thought possible, his throat bulging from the effort. His head bobbed up and down so quickly it was nearly a blur. His free hand jerked and squeezed what remained of Sean's cock outside his mouth so roughly and tightly, he could feel the veins pushing against his palm. At the apex of his advanced blow job, he popped his head off of Sean's cock, let go, and sat back, leaving Sean hanging. He grinned and casually stroked his erect meat, his fat head leaking between his huge pecs. Sean gasped as he stared at the tip of his massive cock. As if perfectly on cue, the slit opened up and a massive wad of precum shot upward, splashing perfectly on Sean's nose. Sean sneezed, wiped the goo away, and then glared evilly at Ty. "Thought we might try some edging. Better payoff in the end. Not to mention your dick gets HUGE right before you cream," he pointed at Sean's huge, throbbing and leaking cock. "And god damn is that hot!" Sean frowned at Ty across from him. "Alright," he said, "if that's how you want to play it." He reached forward and wrapped his hands around Ty's shaft, squeezing tight around the base and slowly, ever so slowly bringing it up to the very tip, then plummeting his hands to the base quickly before restarting the process. Ty's eyes flickered when Sean worked his way up his cock. His whole body would jolt and tense when Sean suddenly forced his hands back down his shaft, muscles popping all over his body. "Ohh FUUCK, Sean. Keep doing that. Don't stop. Oh YEAH!" He moaned, his head jerking back in forth in pleasure. He tried to thrust into Sean's palms, but their grip was too tight to allow that. Precum surged out of his opened slit, oozing in waves down his fat, throbbing shaft, which was growing a darker shade of red by the second, veins starting to pop out and throb. Sean smirked and gently kissed Ty. "Thought you'd enjoy that,” he said and continued his treatment. His fingers felt like magic on Ty's cock, squeezing incredibly tight as he pleasured his boyfriend. He now began to corkscrew his hands back and forth as they slowly rose up the massive length. Ty grit his teeth and squeezed his hands into tight fists, making his arms bulge. Precum was spewing out like his cock was a broken faucet, dousing his body in clear, sticky fluid, his muscles becoming sleek and shiny. His pecs squeezed together and his abs crunched tightly, the base of his cock bulging obscenely as a tidal wave of horse cum prepared to burst forth and shower then both in spunk. "Fuck..Sean...gonna cum soon. Oh God, keep going. It's going to be huge." Sean promptly pulled his entire body away and jumped backwards, his nuts sloshing through the water. He stood there, leaning against the back of the hot tub, his arms folded over his chest and his cock hanging in the air. He smirked over the tip of his own shaft at Ty as he had done the same thing Ty had done to him. "Oh, you were reeeeeeeeeeally hoping to cum, weren't you?" he asked. As if on cue a bubble seemed to form in his urethra and climbed upward until it reached the head. At this point a bead of precum the size of a large grape emerged from the tip and oozed down his shaft, landing with a loud plop in the water beneath them. Ty sat there trembling, trying to fight the urge to cum right there without even touching himself. His cock throbbed and bounced in front of him, piss slit wide open and winking at him, ready to splatter all over the place. With much effort he managed to quell it, his dick "deflating", losing a few inches in length and girth. "Jesus that was close," he said. "Your turn!" he immediately lunged forward and grabbed Sean's enormous cock, jerking the shaft furiously with one hand and swiveling the other around the head in glands. He worked with no mercy, keeping a super tight grip, his motions quick and relentless. "Like that? You're gonna wanna cum in seconds. Look at that big cock throbbing like that!" Sean's eyes went wide and then slammed shut. He braced himself against the hot tub as his cock shot a massive wad of precum onto Ty's face. "Oh, GOD!" he shouted. "FUCK YES!" he tried his best to thrust but couldn't move through Ty's grip. He knew how Ty had felt during his treatment. "Yeah, you really like that don't you?" Ty moved his swiveling hand down a few inches to make room for his mouth, which he planted on Sean's cockhead. He licked and sucked briefly before replacing his mouth with his hand again, licking his lips of Sean's precum. "Mmm so much precum, too. Can't wait to feel that massive load. Yeah, and to rub it all over my body. Wouldn't that be nice to see, Sean? To see all your cum over my big muscles?" he continued to tease Sean as he jerked him fervently. "You like me telling you how much I like your cock? How badly I want you to coat me in your seed?" Sean’s dick spurt a wad of pre onto his chest. "I can feel it already. All that hot spunk all over my body. It'd feel so good..." "And that body..." Ty said, teasing. "So ripped. So much muscle. It makes my cock ache just looking at you.” "Yeah?" Sean grunted, breathing heavily. His member was swollen beyond belief, a few inches of girth being added and lost as it throbbed mightily. His hands trembled, hovering over his shaft, wanting so badly to jerk it and let it be done. Sean whimpered, his shaft swelling to massive proportions from his blood being cut off by Ty's vicelike grip. He panted as his cock became so hard it started turning from red to almost purple, and Sean loved every minute of it. He panted and gasped as his cock drooled more precum in a few seconds than in a normal person's orgasm, his own massive wall of pleasure slowly closing in. Ty placed a palm on that heaving chest, moaning softly as he slowly closed his fingers, squeezing the muscle. His palm traveled over Sean’s shoulder and then down his arm, resting at his bicep, the muscle trembling and twitching. Sean took a deep breath to calm himself, and slowly brought up his arm. A titanic mountain of muscle rose, growing higher and higher as he brought his fist closer to his head. Ty's palm traveled up, up, up, rubbing all over that huge bowling ball-sized muscle. He dug his face onto it, licking it, kissing it, caressing it. Just as quickly as Ty had started, he stopped, removing his hands and putting them down to his side, watching Sean's cock throb hungrily, nearly drooling. "God Sean. You're so fucking big. This just doesn't get old!" Sean roared with anger and lunged forward, practically tackling Ty's cock. He brought his mouth to the piss slit and kissed it hard, opening his mouth and dipping his tongue into it and moving about. His lips travelled around the whole head, kissing and licking about the shaft. He was literally making out with Ty's massive dick. Ty's hips bucked into the air from the sudden burst of pleasure. "FUCK!" he roared, writhing on his seat, muscles tensing and relaxing seemingly at random. His butt clenched constantly as he involuntarily started to lightly thrust his hips. His cock exploded in torrents of precum, splashing all over Sean, who was handling his cock in such a hot way, he knew he wouldn't last long. Sean continued to french kiss Ty shaft in front of him. His hands roamed the surface as his lips roamed the head, loving the taste of the stud’s salty precum covering his face, his shoulders, his chest; pretty much his entire body. Ty arched his back, leaning over the edge of the tub, his legs lifting his bottom off the seat several inched as the pleasure increased to mind-shattering proportions. He could feel the orgasm coming, and he didn't know if Sean would be able to stop on time. Sean promptly let go of Ty's shaft and stood up. He held his arms out to his sides and fell back, plopping into his seat, his cock now at chin level. Ty stood in front of Sean and squatted so that both of their cocks were level, his legs bulging with muscle. He propped his shaft against Sean's and held them together with both hands. Then he started to thrust against Sean's cock, their two members slipping and sliding together, lubricated by the waterfalls of precum seeping out of each one. Sean gasped and braced himself against the wall of the hot tub, pleasure rolling through his massive nearly two-foot cock as the two shafts painted each other with their clear glaze. "Mff, s-so hot..." Ty's cock was throbbing and leaking obscenely, ready to burst. He sped up his thrusting, feeling Sean's shaft pulsating against his own, the feeling driving him crazy with lust as he humped against Sean. "Gonna cum soon..." he moaned. Sean gasped and groaned as his cock continued to spurt. He felt himself on the edge of orgasm. That wasn't good. He promptly pushed Ty back, letting his own cock bubble and spurt before him. "N-not yet," he gasped. "I'm n-not through with you yet..." Sean panted as the pleasure slowly left him. "I-It's your turn," he said with a smirk Ty laughed. "What? I'm the one who lunged at you and started frotting." Sean smirked over his drooling shaft at Ty. "Yes, but you have yet to pleasure me and only me and not yourself. I'm waiting, big boy." Ty huffed and looked down at Sean's huge member. He hunched down and stuck his tongue out, lapping at the base. His hands worked the enormous head while he slowly brought his tongue up the shaft, kissing and licking it. His palms dug into Sean's head, a finger even slipping in the slit. Sean gasps and lowers his head, watching the finger vanish down his cock. "F-fuck," he said, "s-stole my idea..." "Whoops," Ty says, smiling. His trick ends when his mouth finally reaches the top of Sean's cock (which took long enough). He replaced his finger with his tongue, shoving down the slit and darting it in and out while his hands swiveled up and down that huge shaft quickly, squeezing tightly. "M-Mmmmf..." Sean curls his fingers along the edge of the hot tub. His shaft pulses out streams of precum onto Ty's face, glazing him over in warm goo, his own orgasm drawing nearer as Ty's tongue does its job. Ty shoves as much of his tongue as he can down Sean's gaping slit, the taste of precum driving him into a frenzy of lust. He nearly forgot all about Sean's impending orgasm until the tell-tale signs started to emerge. When that big cock he was loving started to get even bigger, he immediately snapped out of his trance and let go, sitting back and smiling. "I think we'll go crazy if we keep this up much longer." Sean was unable to reply, eyes wide and lustful as he clung to the edge of the hot tub, his cock two inches longer than normal and spurting precum by the bucket. "I th-think you're right..." he said. "F-finish? Or more?" Ty's shaft was thumping against his body with need. He rolled his head back and moaned, squeezing his legs together, which made him even harder, his cock turning purple. "Please...I need to finish." "Th-then let's..." Sean reached forward and wrapped his right hand around his cock, squeezing hard around his tip as his orgasm edged nearer. Ty moaned with relief as he grabbed his own shaft, finally able to achieve the orgasm he so craved. It didn't take long. In just a matter of seconds his cock was bigger than ever, throbbing just below his chin, purple and squirting precum. "Ohh YEEEAH!" he roared, his hands flying off his cock as he thrust the air, cum rocketing out like a firehose, flying into the air before splattering back onto his body as well as Sean. Sean howled to the sky as he came as well, his shaft filling up and his urethra bulging out as cum rocketed through him, splattering Ty in massive blasts. He came and came, his massive softballs pulled up to his body and emptying themselves on Ty. "Fuck yeah! Coat me with it! Ohhh GOD...!" Ty roared, rubbing his strong body, his flexed muscles coated with thick layers of semen. His cock thumped on his chest as he did so, spurting a massive rope of cum into the air with every throb and thump. "Keep cumming on me. Don't stop!" Sean threw his head back and continued to moan, his body being pasted with both Ty's cum and his own cum which splashed on impact off of Ty's body onto him. Ty kept rubbing his body, flexing an arm next to him and licking the cum off of his enormous, twitching bicep. He humped the air relentlessly, his cock bobbing to and fro, slapping loudly against his body, spraying cum all over. "FUCK! I never want this to stop!" he roared. "Keep going Sean! Please!" Sean leaned forward in the hot tub and began to make out with the sexy stud in front of him, cum and spit mixing between their mouths as both cocks came together, the tips touching and erupting together. Ropes of cum flew over the side of the jacuzzi as the two studs rode out their mutual orgasms. Sean's hands roamed Ty's muscular body, kneading his own cum into Ty's massive pecs and firm abs. Ty wrapped his strong arms around Sean, holding him close, tongue darting all over Sean's face in a lustful frenzy. He humped against him, his cum-covered cock slipping and sliding all over, adding to the mess every second. He loved the touch of Sean's hands on his body. "Like that?" he managed to moan between kisses. "Don't stop...feels so good..." Sean was happy to obey, his hands flying over Ty's body in all places, rubbing over his firm pecs, his strong abs, his steely, pulsing cock, his low, heavy nuts, his rock solid ass, and everything in between and around them. Sean just continued to kiss. To kiss, and to cum. Ty managed to pop his cock in his mouth as Sean touched him, the greater stimulation making him explode more. He bobbed his head up and down his member, sucking like a vacuum, swallowing what the could and letting the rest pop out of his full cheeks. He pumped his shaft as he sucked, the throbbing piece of meat not ceasing its exploding. Sean roared and bucked upwards, his slickened shaft sliding between Ty’s eyes and hosing him down with cum. His powerful blasts shot straight up onto the concrete balcony above them and ricocheted down, splattering them both. Some even made it off the edge of the balcony, no doubt hitting the cars in the street below. Ty popped his mouth of his cock, his orgasm finally coming to an end with one last, huge spurt that splattered onto Sean on top of him. He pushed Sean back onto his seat and grabbed Sean's cock, jerking it furiously, putting his mouth in the way of the stream a few times. "You taste so good," he said, pumping him. "Come on. Just a bit more. Lemme see that big cock explode." Sean just gasped and squirmed as his titanic pillar of meat unloaded a bucketful of cream into Ty's mouth and onto his face, his cock still spurting several feet into the air whenever Ty's mouth didn't come in its way. Ty slowed his jerking, becoming exhausted from the effort, his orgasm having really fatigued him. He fell back onto his own seat, just watching Sean with amazement in his eyes, running a hand down his cum-soaked body and licking it like ice cream. Sean just stared at his cock with glazed eyes, marveling his level of output. He lazily leaned to his side, aiming his cock over the balcony and spraying blasts of cum over the railing. He smirked lazily as he heard people gasp with terror as steaming white cum splattered the street, their cars, and even them. He felt bad for anyone who had a sunroof open on this fine summer's night. Ty smiled, panting hard, wondering if Sean would ever finish (not that he minded if he wouldn't. He could watch this all day). His cock was still hard and throbbing with need, but it was so sore he was afraid to touch it. The jacuzzi was filled with a mix of their cum and water, the jets struggling to circulate the more viscous fluid. Sean let out a sigh of content as his stream finally slowed, then stopped completely. He licked a strand of Ty’s cum off of his lips. He smirked deviously and looked back to Ty, his cock still hard. He was panting heavily, arms at his sides, body slick with his cum. “Fuck dude, that was intense.” Sean said, panting. His cock laid across his massive chest, rivers of cum dripping down his pecs and into the milky, cum-filled water. Ty sat there, eyes never leaving that member. “Sean….you're so fucking big..." he groaned, "I need you to fuck me...just grab me and FUCK ME!" he growled, thrusting high into the air, his cock lurching and spewing a massive amount of pre right onto his face and body. "Turn around," Sean snarled at Ty. He obeyed, leaning over the wall of the jacuzzi, his perfect rear end facing Sean, swaying to and fro with the intention to tease, eager to feel that huge rod inside him, his small pink hole winking. Sean's cock lurched at the sight, a few drops of cum falling slowly into the pool in long, white, heavy ropes. Inflating to an even large length and girth for a few seconds, he fired off a large wad of precum straight onto Ty's back. Ty moaned when he felt it, bringing his hips down and grinding his cock along the jacuzzi wall. His tight ass clenched and flexed, making Sean all the more anxious to get inside. Sean slowly jerked himself for a while, running his hands up and down his shaft, making it sleek and shiny. "You want me to fill you up with his huge cock?" ”Yes..." Ty moaned, humping the wall very slowly and sensually now, showing his bottom off for Sean. His thighs bulged with muscle, flexing as he thrust his hips. His triceps also jutted out from his arms, supporting his quivering body. "Please. I need to feel it. I need to feel all that cum inside me." "Ohh, yeah?" Sean grinned, teasing Ty by putting his cock between his bulging pecs and flexing them, trapping his meat in the cleft between the two mounds of muscle. He slowly thrust his hips, moving his cock up and down as it was sandwiched between his muscles, tongue out and lapping at the leaking cockhead as it approached his lips. "Mmmm," he moaned. "Don't hold back," he said with a harsh breath, breathing heavily. His dick was so hard it was nearly pointing straight up, his 18 inches of hugely throbbing, cock throbbing as though housing a second heart. "I want you to fuck me senseless.” Sean unclenched his chest and let his cock fall. It slapped against Ty's back. He slowly retracted his hips, letting his member slide down Ty's back, leaving a hot trail of precum in its wake. Finally his cockhead was at Ty's entrance, wet and dripping. He pushed forward -very- slowly, letting only the smallest amount of meat penetrate Ty, his precum already dripping down Ty's legs. Ty convulsed, nearly slipping, but his trembling arms kept him upright. He pushed against the invading cockhead, letting more pop inside him, groaning loudly. Sean had his hands on his hips, letting Ty do all the work. He looked calm and composed enough, but he was struggling greatly to keep the pleasure he was feeling pent up inside him for now. Feeling his nearly apple-sized cockhead popping into that tight hole was incredible. Ty slowly slid more meat inside him, inch by inch. Sean's lip trembled as he grimaced, feeling Ty's tight rear clenching tightly around more and more of his meat. He his hands on Ty's hips, lifted up Ty's rear, and pushed more of his meat deeper into him at a quicker pace. "Oh GOD!" Ty screamed, pounding his fist against the balcony railing, his cock bulging and shooting a wad of precum onto his chest. "MORE!" he demanded, clenching his bottom around Sean's cock, trying to push him out to make Sean feel better. "NNNNGH!" Sean grunted, digging his fingers into Ty's waist, half of his cock now inside him. He pulled out slowly, his cock slick his pre, many ropes of it dripping off his shaft, before slamming his meat back inside. Ty howled, his cock exploding in another torrent of cum, the power of his orgasm increasing as Sean began to fuck him. Ty’s huge cock spewed jet after jet of cum over the balcony edge, screams of terror down below adding to their pleasure. The water sloshed violently as Sean was simultaneously thrusting into Ty as well as moving Ty's bottom up and down his cock, slamming more and more meat inside with every thrust until his cock was nearly entirely engulfed. “Fuck yeah dude! Cum for me!” he moaned, "You like that huge cock inside you?" Ty was nearly crying in pleasure, his cock thumping against his stomach and constantly shooting smaller ropes of cum until he was spent, shooting blanks instead. He turned back and pulled Sean in for a deep kiss, as Sean wrapped his arms around Ty’s chest, squeezing his pecs and nips. His hips continued to pound his monster in and out of Ty’s tight hole. "Fuck me!" Ty cried between roars of pleasure. Sean thrust into Ty a few more times before letting his cock pop out, a wave of precum escaping as well. Sean turned Ty around and lifted him up by the waist, Ty wrapping his arms and legs around his partner. Sean had to bring his hips very far back in order to give his cock enough room. Sean gently entered Ty's ass, their lips locked as Sean’s cock slowly slid back inside. When Sean was completely hilted, he gently thrust in and out in an even, practiced motion. Ty grabbed Sean tightly, crying out in pleasure. He marveled at Sean's strength as well, running his hands over Sean's bulging and throbbing arms, which were flexed in their effort to lift Ty, exploding his muscle. He ran his hands over Sean's biceps, giving them firm squeezes, then let them fall onto Sean's pecs. He tweaked Sean's nippled, squeezed his chest, and worshipped his body. His cock was sandwiched between his body and Sean's constantly being rubbed, making Ty blind with pleasure. Sean was bringing his hips backward, arching his back greatly, before slamming them forward again into Ty. A waterfall of precum was cascading down his shaft and balls, dripping into the tub in long thick ropes as well as flying every which way when he thrust into Ty. His butt clenched with every thrust, which Ty was sure to feel up with his feet, every muscle in his body now flexed and working. Sean balanced Ty on the edge of jacuzzi, lifting his legs and spreading them, still thrusting into Ty. Ty's abs crunched and flexed as he rocked back and forth from the power of Sean's thrusts, his abs sleek with cum. "Getting close..." Sean grunted. "Fill me. I want to feel all that seed inside me." With one final, powerful thrust, Sean hilted his cock inside Ty. He hunched over as the power of his orgasm took hold of him, pumping Ty full of cum that almost instantly squirted out. "OOOOOH GOD!" Ty immediately began to cum again, ropes of cum painting the balcony ceiling. Sean composed himself enough to start fucking Ty again, massive amounts of cum splashing out of Ty and onto Sean's body as well as the tub. Sean was fucking harder than ever now, a primal instinct taking over him, the pleasure controlling him. "RRRRRR," he roared. "TAKE IT!" His cock was nearly a blur, it was moving so fast in and out of Ty. Ty bent down, slurping as his exploding cock. He coughed and gagged on the cum, occasionally popping it out for air, letting the stream instead nearly hit the ceiling, only to fall and rain on his body. His mouth moved up and down his meat, swallowing what he could. The two studs rode out their orgasms, cum filling the jacuzzi. Ty cried out as his cock exploded in another, larger fountain of cum, coating the stud fucking him in his spunk. Sean fell back, supporting himself with his palms, as the teen coated him in warm spunk. "Yeah, shoot all over me..." he moaned. His thrusting soon became too sloppy, however, and his cock fell out, a torrent of seed following it. The studs locked again in a passionate kiss as their orgasms finally ceased. "Now it's your turn loverboy!" Ty growled. The balcony was an absolute mess and the jacuzzi a swamp of cum, but neither wanted it to end. Their hands traveling over each others’ slick muscles as they flexed for each other. Ty growled as he pushed Sean back. Sean winked and spread his legs. He ground his cock between their rock hard abs, enjoying the stimulation. He started to hump their chests, soaking them in even more spunk that also splattered against his chin and the balcony railing behind him. His ass clenched greatly as he thrust, and Ty couldn't resist. Ty mounted Sean, his cock sore but wanting some stimulation after seeing what Sean was doing. Ty spread the stud's cheeks wide before driving his massive rod into Sean. He penetrated Sean, thrusting his full eighteen inches in instantly, making Sean moan. "FUUUCK!" Sean roared, his back rippling and tense, arms braced against the wall as Ty relentlessly fucked him, going until his balls touched his rump before coming all the way out and slamming himself back in. Ty slammed his cock into Sean, hips pulling far back before slamming back down again. "C'mon stud and fuck me good!" Sean growled as Ty fucked him fiercely up the ass. Sean had masterful control over every muscle in his body, including in his ass, and massaged Ty like a pro, while Ty’s huge beast massaged every pleasure zone in Sean’s ass. "God yes...YES!" Sean moaned. He used his massive arms to push his torso back against Ty’s. He kept thrusting forward and back, slamming against Ty's cock, his own member slapping against his chin. He licked and slurped at it. Ty put his palms on the railing behind Sean, his triceps flexing, as he thrust into the stud’s ass. Soon his cock inflated, dumping a load of cum into Sean. Sean wanted to moan out in pleasure, but he was too busy sucking his massive, throbbing cock while being fucked by another. Eighteen inches of stud dick ground hard into the stud while powerful washboard abs rubbed against his throbbing cock. Feeling his insides fill with steaming hot seed made his cock lurch, and orgasm hit him like a brick, bulging his cheeks out and splashing out onto Sean’s body. He popped his mouth off his cock, and pointed his dick towards Ty. His stream of cum splashing onto his body. Ty roared in pleasure as he pulled out and pointed his cock at Sean, his own stream splashing onto the other teen. They jerked themselves feverishly at they came all over each other, kneading their cum into their bodies, hips jerking into the air as they continued to cum, bodies writhing and twitching, muscles flexing. Both teens were groaning and screaming in ecstasy until their bodies finally came to rest, and again the two locked in a passionate embrace. They sat up looking as though they had just stepped out of a bath of cum, which basically they had. "You..." Ty was panting, lying in a heap besides Sean, "are a GOD! We're totally doing that again in a few hours..." “Like I’d wait that long,” Sean said and smiled, helping Ty up onto his feet and pulling him in to a cum covered embrace. They looked around the balcony - the ceiling, the floor, the furniture, and the railing all painted white with their combined loads. The balcony looked like it had been host to a giant orgy, not two oversexed teen muscle gods. Ty climbed out of the jacuzzi turned swamp and looked over the edge of the balcony. Pools of cum were glistening in a wide arc on the ground and cars below, connected by streams of white. One car straight below the balcony was almost completely obscured by thick layers of cum. “Fuck dude,” he said with a smile, “we made huge mess again.” Ty lay back onto a soaked lounge chair and put his arms behind his head, his bodybuilder muscles shining in the moonlight. “Aw fuck yeah dude, we’re fucking gods man” Sean replied, looking down at the carnage. The sight of all that cum and Ty’s glistening body already starting to excite him again. Ty lay back onto the bed as Sean climbed out of the jacuzzi, his cock swaying in front of him, slowly rising up with each step. Ty spread his legs, letting his large balls fall to the bed. “You’re fucking insatiable, Sean!” Ty groaned with a smile. “Can’t help it when your lover is so fucking hot,” Sean replied. Sean's powerful legs flexed with every step, his massive cock swaying to and fro, gigantic baseball testicles swaying and flopping as he walked. Finally Sean got on his knees in front of Ty again, his massive cock presenting itself in front of Ty's lips. Ty immediately obeyed and took it in his mouth, sucking hard. Sean nearly fell back in pleasure, his desire for orgasm rising again. He thrust into Ty’s mouth and soon he found that he was being deepthroated by Ty. The Ty’s growing cock bounced on his chest, spurting pre all over his chin and face, and Sean grabbed the pillar of meat and jerked it roughly as he thrust into Ty’s mouth, spit and precum splashing all over. Sean lay down on top of Ty, kissing his own shaft and Ty’s as both cocks grew rock hard again. He pulled his cock out of Ty’s mouth with a loud pop, quickly replacing it with his tongue, and the two ground against each other as they made out. Sean and Ty kept kissing, really getting into it. They broke the kiss and moaned loudly, bucking against each other, Ty biting his lower lip and looking at Sean with a lust-filled gaze. His cock was being pressed against his chest, a puddle of precum oozing from it and down his side, tickling him. Sean’s butt clenched hotly as he thrust, and soon Ty placed a palm on each cheek, squeezing tightly, holding the teen close against him as their bodies slid against one another. Ty writhed on the bed, sliding his hands all over his muscular body, scooping up handfuls of cum from their coated muscles and licking it up like ice cream. "Yes...." he moaned, humping Sean, his huge cock slapping against his chest, precum splashing him in the face, and the wall behind him. "Don't...fucking...stop!" Suddenly, Sean stood up. “What the fuck Sean,” Ty whined, humping the air, his massive cock begging for release. Sean winked at Ty, “One more show for the world?” he asked, tilting his head towards the balcony rail. Ty caught on and grinned. “You horny fucker,” he said, pushing himself up off of the soaked day bed with a loud squelch. The two leaned back against the balcony railing, their hard cocks sliding between thick layers of cum between their pecs as they each began to suck themselves. Ty’s head traveling up and down the thick length of is giant, throbbing member. He was moaning loudly, torrents of spit and precum coating his cock and puddling on the floor as it oozed down in long, clear ropes from his bulbous, huge balls. The way he was thrusting made his leg muscles flex impressively, his giant quads bursting with strength and power. Sean meanwhile was literally making out with his cock. It was so big, that he could wrap his arms around it and hug and kiss it without even stretching his neck. His arms flexed and bulged with tight, enormous muscles as his hands roamed his titanic shaft, his butt clenching as he thrust into his grip. His mouth traveled all over his cock, kissing it, licking it, shoving it into his mouth. He threw his head back and squeezed his pectorals with both hands, letting his cock fall out of his mouth, a thick rope of precum dripping out and falling to the ground. "Yes...oh yeah...fuck...!" he was moaning, whispering quietly to himself, eyes closed. He was jerking himself painfully slowly, shuddering every time his hands went up, up his cock at a snails pace, and then quickly plummeted down again. He squeezed his muscles, licked them, worshipped them. The two teens took their time, edging and holding off for over an hour. They each could feel each other getting close, catching each other’s eyes as they ran their hands down their wet bodies, tweaking their nipples, toying with their abs, feeling their arms and flexing over and over again in different poses. All the while their cocks was thumping on their chests, hard as a rock, begging for attention, spurting and spurting ropes of pre. "Yeah....UUHHHHHH," "So fucking hot. AWW, FUUUCK!" The pleasure was becoming too great. Ty shoved his cockhead back into his mouth, gagging already on the massive amounts of pre flooding his mouth. He could feel the big one coming. He popped his head off his cock and moaned, rubbing his hands up and down the massive, swollen shaft. He squeezed the base again, gasping as his shaft momentarily inflated due to the blocked bloodflow. His cock turned a deep shade of red, a plethora of veins popping out and throbbing against the sleep flesh. Cum struggled to spurt from the tip, coming in short bursts like a leaky pipe. His cock was simply ready to explode. And that it did when he let go. "FUUUUCK! YES! YES!!!!" he roared as the orgasm of orgasms came. His cock lurched and throbbed with every shot, thumping on his chest after each wad. Wave after wave of thick, creamy spunk splashed against the two muscle studs. They all moaned as their bodies were covered with heavy, warm cum. He turned and ground his spurting cock against the balcony railing, enjoying the pressure against his cock. Ty’s eyes were rolling into the back of his head, his mind becoming overloaded with pleasure. He shut his eyes tight, thrusting harder against the rail, his cock throbbing, veins pulsing. He arched his back, thrusting into the air as cum sprayed out over the balcony, splattering loudly onto the pavement and cars below. "GOD! MORE! MORE!!!" he shouted, his orgasm growing in strength as he thrust the air, his butt clenching mightily. He writhed and continued to roar and moan, running his hands down his soaked body, up his powerful cock. Ty brought his head down again to slurp on his exploding cockhead, which was purple and swollen to the size of an apple. His abs crunched as he sucked, trying to recycle the cum, slurping as much as he could before getting full. "Mmm..MMMMM....UUUGH!" he roared again as his lips popped off his cockhead. Sean doubled his efforts as he felt Ty’s hot load cover his body. He moaned as he gazed on Ty’s gorgeous body flexing as he came. Sean reached down and grabbed the base of his cock, stroking himself with one hand as he brought his other arm up and flexed his bicep, watching it bunch up and throb with power. He kissed it, practically making out with his own muscle as his tongue roamed around it. His cock lurched in his hand as he rapidly jerked his meat. He moaned loudly, kissing his muscle more fervently now. Ty crawled over to help Sean out, licking at the shaft as Sean sucked the top quarter of his member. He fondled Sean's huge balls as Sean's moaning got louder and louder, his cock growing harder and harder, precum spitting out like a broken faucet, ready to burst. It was simply enormous. It had to be the length and thickness of a normal man’s arm, and it's size matched his enormous body perfectly. Simply put, Sean was the perfect embodiment of masculinity and power. Pure pleasure. A sex god. All at once, all four hands gripped Sean's member and jerked it, not even close to covering the whole thing. Sean thrashed around in convulsions of pleasure. Ty was jerking Sean off furiously, pointing Sean’s cock over the balcony. "Come on, you fucking hot stud," Ty growled. "Paint this whole fucking town white." Sean grunted, arms bulging with muscle from the effort of jerking this huge cock. "UHHHHH YEAAAAAHHH!" Sean was roaring, thrusting against Ty's hands, his cock a colossal 22 inch pillar of meat. Sean's whole body went rigid as he finally reached orgasm. It was like nothing either of them had ever even imagined. The rope of cum was so thick, so strong, it could have knocked a man over. Instead, it shot up 10 feet in the air, and rained down on ground below. Ty opened his mouth and leaned in to catch the endless ropes of cum, splattering all over him, coating him in layer after layer of hot spunk. He humped the air as Sean rained more thick ropes of spunk onto the stud’s hard body. "YEAH!" Ty roared, jerking Sean off even harder. Sean flexed his muscles, licked his arms, and started to thrust the air, back arched. Again and again, Sean shot more and more cum from his huge cock that just didn't seem to stop. It was literally like a fire hose, dousing everything around them in white spunk. "FUUUUCK!" Sean roared. It was out of control, and he had no desire to stop its flow. Rope after rope of steamy, thick cum exploded from his inflated member. It throbbed and lurched with every huge spurt, splashing all over the ground, coating cars, setting off alarms. "YES! OH FUCK! YEAH!" Sean roared. Cum soaked his body, and he spread it all over his flexing muscles, worshipping his cock, worshipping himself. He flexed his arms and kissed and licked them, then he bent down to suck his cock again. "So fucking hot..." Ty said, watching Sean suck his meat, marveling at how the cockhead bulged enormously as it deposited load after load into the cum-soaked teen’s throat. Finally, though, that load subsided, and Sean let his softening cock fall out of his mouth, letting it drop between his legs. He breathed heavily, eyes closed, exhausted. "Jesus, I've never seen you shoot such a load!" Ty said in awe. "I've been shooting blanks for a while now! FUCK that was hot!" The two of them embraced and surveyed the damage. The walls were splashed with white, thick pools coating the floor. The lounge chair was completely buried under layers of cum, the jacuzzi similarly covered. They looked over the balcony edge and erupted in laughter. It looked like a freak snowstorm had dropped a 20 foot arc of snow outside their building, several cars buried under thick layers of cum. Sean and Ty felt on top of the world, enjoying the afterglow as they shared another kiss. "We're all covered in cum, you wanna' take a shower?" Sean said with a mischievous grin. “Sounds good to me." Ty replied as they headed inside, arm in arm. They got into the large double-wide shower stall, and turned on the water. Sean and Ty gently washed and scrubbed and each other's magnificent bodies. Water traveled through the gap between their pecs and then through the lines of their eight pac abs, dripping down their softening shafts and falling like a waterfall from their cocks. They moaned softly as they rubbed each other with soap, eyes closed, feeling their wonderful hard muscles. At the end of the shower they dried each other off, taking their time feeling up each other. They headed to the bedroom, Sean pushed Ty onto the king-sized bed. They made out for a few minutes before falling asleep, sleeping in each other's arms. The two giant muscle teens sleeping peacefully like angels, Ty’s head resting on Sean’s huge chest.
  21. I am reposting my first series. It can no longer be found on the site (i tried to find it). There are 19 chapters.. Here are the characters and their story titles (they will appear in others stories for plot points etc.). Just an FYI, some guys listed have not appeared in the stories I have already posted, but are in stories I am working on for this first series. Jay (Jason) and Max – Worship Session Jay – 6’3”, 250, Blonde, Blue eyes Max – 5’11”, 165, Curly brown, Brown eyes Eddie, Ian, and Colin (Ian is G1 and Colin is G2) –Gingers Eddie – 6’2”, 235, Blonde, Grey eyes Ian and Colin – 6’, 190, Orange, Green eyes Ty (Tyler) and Davey – New Gym Ty – 6’2”, 220, Black, Brown eyes Davey – 5’11”, 175, Brown, Brown eyes Ming and Cam – Toy Time Ming – 5’6”, 150, Black, Blue eyes Cam – 5’7”, 170, Blonde, Green eyes Stu ad Kenny – background guys – no story of their own in this series. Stu – 6’0”, 185, Black, Brown eyes Kenny – 6’1”, 185, Blonde ponytail, Green eyes Paulo – future character – no stand-alone story in this series. Paulo – 6’1”, 230, Brown, Brown eyes The ‘Bad Guys’ Ron – Davey’s ex. Shaun, Bull, Ash, and Larry – Jay and Max’s nemeses. Willie – future character Others - some of these appear in the 2nd Series. Roman – Ro – Max’s 17-year-old brother Schaefer – Shae – Max’s 15-year-old brother Evan – one of Ty’s former boyfriends Gran – Jay’s grandmother Franco – one of Ty’s one-night stands Simon – Cam’s first love ** Enjoy and let me know what you think. ** He held me close, his left bicep flexed. My left arm wrapped around his thickly coiled neck for support and closeness. My right arm holding onto his flexed forearm encouraging him to flex his bicep harder. My tongue running along the flat face of the arm, the light tan hair on the muscle moistened by the saliva of my gentle kisses. He moaned, I moaned in response. His bicep was not obscenely large, but just big enough for my tongue to be able to wander around and trace lines on the protruding veins which gave us both the pleasure of knowing the strength it possessed. I switched my attention to the top of the bicep which was a rounded mound and was split into two heads. I upped the intensity and planted sloppy wet kisses on the whole muscle. He twisted his arm to allow me greater access to it. I moved my right arm to the valley between his forearm and bicep in response to the new position. I kissed the top of his bicep ravenously, like it was going to be my last kiss with him. His right hand on the back of my head, gently but forcefully maneuvering it back and forth, encouraging me to worship the entire top of the bicep. My tongue swept through the valley between the two heads. He playfully flexed the muscle, gently trapping my tongue for a brief second. While it was trapped he took the moment to gently blow warm air into my left ear. He used his tongue to caress the outer ear and softly engulf the lobe. The sensation caused me to spurt some pre-cum. It dribbled down my shaft and spilled onto his leg. He felt the moistness and flexed harder knowing he had hit my sweet spot. He lifted his arm up over his head and his triceps were on full display. I re-wet my tongue and went to work. Gently at first, licking from his hairless armpit up the length of his arm to the elbow and back again. He moaned again when my tongue washed over the sensitive short hairs along the bottom of the muscle. I let my tongue linger there, quickly remoistening it and pursing my lips against the hard muscle and hair. I moved my right hand from his elbow to his bicep and began to joyfully massage, egging him to flex it harder, knowing it would cause his triceps to be flexed as well. He responded eagerly. My fingers slid over the wet surface of the bicep squeezing the mounds gently at first then more intently. My tongue on his triceps and right hand on his flexed bicep, my brain was going into overload. More pre-cum escaped my dick and trickled down. When he felt the new moisture on his leg he let out a soft giggle and pushed his tongue back into my ear. This time he had wet his tongue. He swirled it around the cartilage of the outer ear before plunging it into my inner ear. He brushed across the short sensitive hairs and lapped at them. I squirmed but he moved his right arm around my waist holding me tightly to his body. I tried to move my left arm from around his neck so I could create some room between us, but he trapped it there with his shoulder muscles. I tried to roll my head away but he kept pursuing me and eventually he pinned my head to my right shoulder. He playfully pushed his tongue back into my ear and continued to caress the short hairs with his tongue and warm breath. My tongue had come off his triceps due to the new position of my head, but my right hand was still groping his bicep. He lowered his arm but kept it flexed. I applied more pressure to see if I could dent the muscle in any way, but could not. He sensed my intention and my need to feel his strength. He un-flexed and straightened his arm out. I let my fingers caress the length of his arm, from shoulder to forearm. Gently at first. First trip down, my fingernails barely touching the arm, on the way back, a light touch, stirring the short hairs, he squirmed. Next trip down, the back of my fingers touching the skin and drawing zig-zag lines on the muscles. On the way back, my fingernails to gently rake his skin. He shivered and plunged his tongue back into my ear causing me to quake. He kept at it, I kept at it. We both knew we had pinpointed each other’s sweet zone and we were going to do our best to make the other suffer with unfathomable pleasure for a long time. Next trip down I used my finger tips to gently massage the bicep and triceps muscles. Lingering on them for a few seconds, tugging at the skin and hair. On the way back, I was at full force, completely and unashamedly applying full force thru my fingers. He started to flex and I could tell he was smiling. He enjoyed being worshipped and really enjoyed showing off his muscles and strength. He pulled his tongue of out my ear, relaxed the pressure on my trapped left arm and pulled his left arm into a full flex. I moaned aloud and he shifted his legs and jostled his dick higher into my ass. I was in heaven. My eyes rolled into the back of my head. My head rolled on my shoulders. We turned to face each other. His bright blue eyes piercing my dark brown eyes. His tanned skin, and dirty blonde hair complimenting his appearance. He smiled and jostled his hips again to show me his strength. I wrapped both arms around his neck and slowly moved in to kiss him. My dick trapped between the two of us, now steadily leaking pre-cum causing his abs to be sticky. He maneuvered me up and down by using his hips so as to spread the stickiness over all his abs. His left arm was still flexed. Now he was just showing off to get me off. I smiled and just before our lips met, I licked his nose. I laughed, he smiled warmly.
  22. Guest

    The Dominant species (5)

    A feeling of dominance flowed through Matt as he saw Sean flinch. It was the first time the star quarterback hadn’t stood his ground and also the first time Matt had taken advantage of his new size. “Yar days as top dog are number, Hearst”, he growled at the quarterback who retreated at his own locker and got dressed quickly. Matt stripped and took a quick shower. As he got back to his locker, he got dressed quickly and went back to the infirmary to check on his roommate. Keith looked up as the door opened and smiled at his roommate. “How ya feelin’, bud?”, Matt asked and sat down next to his roommate atop the bed. “Bit shaken up. And a headache”, Keith replied a bit weakly, “Nurse told me you carried me in here.” Matt nodded. “Carried ya straight from the field in here.” “Thanks, man”, Keith said and gently patted his buddy’s hand. Matt smiled down onto his roommate. He looked aside as the door opened and stood up. “How long does he have to stay here, Miss?”, he asked. The nurse looked up at the huge athlete, her eyes quickly scanning his thickly muscled physique. “I want to keep him here for the night”, she answered, “If everything continues to evolve like this, mister Summers should be able to return to his room tomorrow morning. Now, you should give him the rest he needs.” “Thank you”, Matt stated and turned back to his roommate, “Get some rest, buddy. And I’ll see ya tomorrow morning.” Matt left his roommate and strutted away from the infirmary. He left the building and walked past the bleachers. “Matt!” The soft voice made Matt stop and look up. He saw a smoking hot girl sitting halfway the bleachers and get up. “Gwen?”, he asked as he recognized the top cheerleader and Sean’s girlfriend who descended toward him, “What are you doing out here?”. Gwen jumped from the bleachers and landed smoothly next to the huge jock. “Been waiting out here to talk to you”, she said as her eyes roamed the torso that filled out Matt’s shirt, “My friends and I watched the practice.” “I noticed you when we got out on the field”, Matt replied. “You did see me”, Gwen let out without taking her eyes from Matt’s torso, “You looked real good on the field.” “Biggest, strongest guy on the team”, Matt said proudly and playfully bounced his pecs. Gwen’s eyes widened as the protruding pecs danced beneath the tight shirt. “It’s getting late”, she said as she looked at her watch, “Care to walk me to my dorm room?” “Sure thing. Can’t let a pretty girl like you walk around campus alone at night”, Matt answered. Gwen giggled and took his arm, leading him over to her dorm room. Her hand played with the hard mass of the thick bicep as she walked alongside the huge jock. “Thanks for making me feel safe, Matt”, she said when they arrived at her room. “Care to come in?”, she added seductively. She didn’t wait for an answer: opened the door and grabbed the waistband of his sweatpants with her other hand and pulled him in her room. Matt let her lead him inside. “Don’t you feel warm? It’s kinda hot in here. Don’t mind pulling of your shirt to feel more comfortable”, Gwen said matter-off-factly. “You’re right. It’s kinda hot in here”, Matt replied with a grin and pulled off his shirt. His grin got a bit larger as he heard Gwen gasp. “You’re way bigger than Sean”, Gwen let out in awe and closed the distance between them. Matt’s grin only got broader as he felt her hands trace the hard lines separating his abs. He flexed his eight-pack under her touch. “Biggest guy on the team”, he growled as he felt blood flow to his cock. “You weren’t even flexing”, Gwen said in awe-filled disbelief as the strong abs hardened beneath her hands. “So hard. So ripped. Much more than Sean’s abs”, she added while her hands roamed all over the tight eight-pack. Her excited remarks filled with lust complementing his size sent more blood into Matt’s cock. She saw a more prominent bulge forming inside the jock’s pants. Her finger played with the treasure trail running down from his bellybutton in the center of the lowest row of abs before her left hand disappeared into his pants. Another moaned gasp escaped her mouth as her hand discovered his cock. She tried closing her fingers around it but the still swelling shaft was too thick for her grasp. Matt groaned as the frail fingers roamed along the length of his shaft. “I’m bigger than Sean in every way”, he said, “Check it”. Gwen quickly retreated her hand. She yanked down his sweatpants and boxers in an eager motion. She breathed in heavily as the jock’s cock swelled to its full 10.5 inches and smacked hard against his eight-pack. “Wow”, she muttered as she stared at the huge jock in his full glory. Matt stepped out of his pants and boxers, excited by the hot cheerleader’s reaction to his body. He pulled Gwen toward him and took off her shirt. He marveled at her firm, round breasts before freeing them from her bra. He leaned down to kiss her as his hands cupped her nice ass. He felt her hands roam across the mounds of muscle atop his wide back. Gwen’s knees buckled slightly as she felt his rock-hard cock pressing against her belly. The head of the huge jock’s cock brushed against the bottom of her breasts. Her head began to spin from his deep kiss. Her left hand slid along his back, over his sides and grabbed hold of his 10.5 incher between them. A shiver went through Matt’s mighty body as her frail hand clamped onto his cock. Gwen broke their kiss and her hands travelled up to Matt’s protruding chest. She shoved him backwards, making the 283 pound athlete take a step back. Matt felt the bed against the back of his knees and sat down atop it. He watched with lust as Gwen pulled off her now soaked underpants. Gwen smiled at Matt as she sat down atop his lap, his 10.5 incher standing up straight between them. Matt moved in for another kiss and wrapped his mighty arms around her delicate body to pull her in. his tongue invaded her mouth and he felt her hands claw against his back as he deepened the kiss. “Mmmm”, Gwen moaned as she was kissed more deeply. The strong mounds of muscle easily resisted her hands as she clawed against his broad back. Matt felt some of her juices leak from her pussy and rub onto his thick quads as he broke the kiss. Gwen inhaled deeply to recatch her breath. Her eyes zoomed in on the rock-hard 10.5 incher that pointed straight at the ceiling between them. Her hands reached for it and her fingers traced the veins that snaked along the lengthy shaft. She heard the huge jock groan and his erection throbbed under her touch. She moved her head down and gently licked the head of the 10.5 incher, letting her tongue tease the sensitive skin. Another groan escaped the jock’s mouth. She brought her mouth up to his ear. “I want you inside me”, she whispered excitedly. Matt opened his eyes at her remark. He carefully grabbed her sides and lifted her. His thick biceps bulged from the movement, but didn't feel her weight. Gwen giggled like a schoolgirl, a nervous laugh filled with excitement as she was lifted higher and higher. Her hands reached for the meaty, 23 inch biceps, groping the steely hard muscle that didn’t budge under her attempts to dig into it. “You’re so…hard. Feels like touching hot rocks”, she let out in between fastening breaths. Her hands slid along his arms, caressing the corded muscle atop his forearms. She looked down and saw that her pussy was right above the rock-hard cock. She looked straight into the huge jock’s eyes. Matt saw the mixture of lust and a hint of fear in the cheerleader’s eyes. “You decide, Gwen. We’ll go as fast as you want”, he said as he held her perfectly still above his cock. Gwen looked down and saw his large erection throb underneath her. Her lust for his majestic body overcame her instinctive fear. She grabbed hold of his meaty traps and got ready as she felt the thick head of his cock pushing against her pussy. “Do it”, she growled. Matt gentle lowered her a bit, making the top of his 10.5 incher slide inside her very slowly. His tongue played with one of her nipples. “Unpf”, Gwen moaned softly as electric shivers of pleasure exploded along her nipple through her. She lowered herself slightly and a scream of pleasure escaped her lips as the thick head slid fully inside her. “Yeaughn”, Matt let out as the warmth of her pussy enveloped the top of his 10.5 incher. His mighty quads hardened somewhat as he pushed his cock further inside her. Gwen’s mind span with pleasure and amazement of how gentle this huge man was treating her. This was nothing like the hurried fucks Sean gave her. “More”, she groaned in his ear before her mouth moved to his lips and kissed him passionately. Matt felt her hands clamp harder onto his traps, not denting his steely muscle, as he pushed further inside her. He felt hot juices flow along the length of his shaft as his cock disappeared deeper and deeper inside her. “So…big…so…hard…umpf”, Gwen grunted while two thirds of the 10.5 incher were now inside her. She wrapped her legs around his lower back and her hands clawed at the mounds of muscle spread across his wide back. “Bigger…than…umpf…Sean”, she let out as more pleasure flooded her body. Her last remark only added to Matt’s excitement. The thought of completely dominating the star quarterback on the field and now giving his girlfriend more pleasure than Sean could ever do, turned him beyond his wildest dreams. He gentle lowered her a bit more. Her hot juices made his cock slid in more easily. “Ah!... Yeaugn”, Gwen groaned when just over 8 inches of his cock were inside her. She threw back her head, arched her back, clamped hard onto the hard traps beneath her hands as her orgasm flooded her senses. “Euhghn… MORE”. Matt felt her pussy tighten around his cock and her hot juices flowed profusely along his shaft. He eased deeper inside her. “FUUUUCKUGHN”, Gwen screamed in extasy as the thick cock filled her deeper and deeper in its relentless invasion. “Oh…God…Matt…ughn”, she let out in between fast breaths. Her pussy spasmed around the jock’s dick that stretched it. She felt him getting even deeper inside her. “Biggest… so…thick…hard…never…had…ughn…so…mughnch…pleasure…pleaseughn”. Her hands balled into fist and she smacked them hard against his traps, her hands bouncing off the hard muscle. Her screams only turned Matt on even more. He pressed his cock in even deeper and more incoherent sounds escaped her mouth. He lowered her down completely and drove his 10.5 incher completely inside her. “HRAUGHN”, Gwenn screamed out as the thick head invaded her deeper than Sean had ever done. She felt his groin press against her and her orgasm only intensified. Her eyes rolled back as she felt his 10.5 incher throb inside her, sending a jolt through her body. Matt began thrusting his cock back and forth, making her bounce up and down along the top part of his shaft. He felt his own breathing go faster and faster and a tingle started to spread inside his hefty balls. “SO…ughn…strong…fuck”, Gwen yelped as more pleasure flooded her. “MORE…” Matt got more and more excited from her awe-filled screams. He felt his balls drew tight. He was on the verge of exploding himself. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her in against his body to devour her mouth in a deep kiss. The feeling of her delicate body against his own, muscle-filled torso sent him over the edge. He broke their kiss, threw back his head and a deep, thundering roar escaped his mouth as he came deep inside her. Gwen groaned as she felt his thick, hot juices squirt deep inside her. She felt his mighty muscles tighten around her as his entire body tensed from his orgasm. Matt pumped his loads inside her. Thoughts of his sexual prowess and his new, superior size flooding his mind. He kept pumping out more loads into her, feeling her get tighter and tighter around his cock and feeling his own juices drip from her atop his hard quads. When his orgasm finally cooled down, her delicate body was lying passed out against his heavily muscled chest. He gently pulled her from his still hard cock and put her down atop the bed. He got up and began hitting pose after pose in the mirror as he felt pure testosterone coarse through his veins. “Mmmghn” The faint grunt made Matt turn around and he saw Gwen sitting atop the bed, staring at him. He grinned at her and flexed his pecs in an impressive display of hard striations. Gwen couldn’t believe that Matt was just standing there flexing. After a fuck, Sean was usually out for at least 15 minutes, but this man’s stamina was through the roof. put a finger in her mouth and sucked it as she watched him flex. Her other hand grabbed her own breast and played with the hard nipple. She noticed the huge jock’s half-hard cock harden as he hit another pose. “Come here”, she said and playfully motioned him over. Matt walked over toward the bed, his cock inflating further with every step he took in her direction. He stopped in front of the bed, towering over her. He shivered a bit as she instantly took most of his 10.5 incher in her mouth and began sucking. Gwen gagged as the thick cock filled her mouth. Her hands reached up and grabbed his balls. Matt groaned as her hands clenched around his balls. He placed his hands atop his hips and let her suck him. Within seconds, he felt his balls draw tight and he began spraying his load into her throat. Gwen gulped down as much as she could, but his balls quickly overstuffed her mouth with his cum despite his recent orgasm. Cum dripped along her lips and even from her nose as she pulled back. Her sight got dark as a final blast of his juices covered her face. Matt sat down aside her, cleaned up her face and gently placed her on the bed. He laid down next to her and sank off in a peaceful sleep. The next morning, Matt entered the infirmary at 7:30. He greeted the nurse and asked her if his buddy was okay. “Mister Summers can return to his room. Make sure he takes rest the remainder of the week. No classes, no training. Just plain rest”, the nurse said. “I’ll make sure he doesn’t leave his bed, Miss”, Matt replied and motioned his roommate to join him. Matt and Keith left the infirmary and began walking back to their room. “You didn’t have to come over this early”, Keith said. “No problem, man. I already hit the gym this morning and thought to pick ya up on my way back to our room”, Matt replied. “Did ya get some rest?”. “Yep”, Keith answered. He felt his breathing getting heavier as he tried keeping up with his bigger roommate. Matt’s powerful, long strides proved too much for his own, still weakened body. He paused and grabbed hold of the wall to catch his breath. He felt his legs shake slightly from the effort. Matt stopped as he didn’t got an answer on his question and turned around. He saw his roommate leaning against the wall a few feet backward and noticed the guy’s red face. “Keith, are you okay?”, he asked as he rushed back to his buddy. “F…fine”, Keith let out, “Still a bit weak, though. Can’t keep up with you”. “No worries. I’ll carry ya back to our room”, Matt replied and scooped up his roommate. Keith felt the powerful arms lift him and the next moment he was leaning against his roommate’s muscular pecs as he was held across the guy’s torso like a child. “Don’t…don’t hurt yourself, Matt”, he let out as he wrapped his arm along the thickly muscled neck and let his head rest against the boulder-like shoulder. Matt laughed a bit at the remark. “Trained my quads with heavier weights this morning. I think I can handle yar weight, bud”, he said and walked back to their room. Keith felt comfortable and totally safe lying in the thick arms and leaning against the muscular torso. The sound of a blender made him jump up. “Wh…what?”, he mumbled. “Ya want a shake too?”, Matt asked. “Where…where am I?”, Keith asked as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes. “Back in our room. Ya fell asleep in my arms. Put ya on the bed when we came in”, Matt replied, “Well, care for a shake?”. Keith watched his roommate’s arm bulge as the guy gulped down a double portion of protein shake straight from the blender. He nodded ‘yes’. Matt prepared shake for his roommate and chugged down another double one himself as he watched Keith drink. “Ya might want tot take a shower, man. Yar still wearing yar football gear from yesterday”, he said grinningly and pinched his nose shut. Keith looked down and only then the odor of dried sweat hit his nose. “You’re right, man. I stink”, he said and got up from the bed. He took two steps and his sight got blurry. “Easy, man”, Matt stated and closed the distance between them to grab his roommate’s arm to support him. “Here, let me help ya.” “What… are you doing, Matt?”, Keith asked as he felt his roommate pulling of his football gear. “Ya can’t shower with yar clothes on, man”, Matt replied and noted his roommate’s reddening face, “Don’t be shy. I’ve seen ya naked in the locker room.” Keith grinned and let his roommate help him out of his clothes. “Thanks, man. I’ve got it from here”, he said and walked into the bathroom. He had to grab the doorpost for some support. He somehow made it to the shower cabin. Then, a large shadow fell over him. He slowly turned around, closing his eyes shut for a moment tot stop his head from spinning, and stared at his roommate’s face. “Ya don’t feel okay. Do ya?, Keith?”, Matt asked as he placed his hand atop his roommate’s shoulder. “No, still weak”, Keith replied. “Thought so. Come on, I’ll help ya get cleaned up”, Matt said and pulled off his own clothes. “Get in the shower”, he said as he stripped off his bowers and saw his roommate still staring at him. “I…”, Keith began. “Come on, man. We’ve showered a hundred times together after practices and matches”, Matt interrupted him and made the smaller guy step into the shower cabin. Keith inhaled sharply as his buddy stepped inside the shower cabin with him. Standing this close to his roommate’s bulk made him feel a bit uneasy. Despite being 198 himself, he felt and looked like a child standing mere inches from the 283 pound jock. “What’s wrong?”, Matt asked as he saw Keith’s quizzical look. “If you get any bigger, you won’t fit into the shower any more. Your shoulders are almost against the glass”, Keith replied. “That would be nice”, Matt answered with a grin. “Let’s get ya cleaned up, stnky”, he said and turned on the water. Keith sighed as he felt the hot water rain down on him. He let his roommate soap him. He was surprised at the gentle touch of the huge man. He let his body being turned around so that his roommate could wash his back. “Would be nice”, he muttered. “What?”, Matt asked as he noticed the mumbling. “Thought it would be nice to see you get too big for the shower cabin. You would look awesome with more muscle”, Keith stated and let himself being turned around again. “More muscle”, Matt replied as the image of his own, even bigger body popped up in his mind. He noticed his roommate moving down. “Keith, ya okay?”, he asked a bit panicked. Before he could say anything else, he felt his roommate’s lips around the top of his cock. Inside Keith, the organism needed another feeding. It knew that the huge male’s seed was the best source to feed on. Seeing the organ between the guy’s lags starting to swell, it knew what had to be done. It grabbed full control of its hosts body and moved in. “Ughn”, Matt groaned. He placed his forearms against the tilled wall, positioned his forehead against his crossed wrists and closed his eyes. He felt the hot water cascade down atop his wide back and the hot wetness of his roommate’s mouth engulf his rock-hard 10.5 incher. Despite having fucked Gwen five times that night, his cock was ready to go again. The organism didn’t want to lose any time. Unlike last time when it had taking its time, it made its host suck with all his might onto the hard organ in his mouth. “UGHN”, Matt rumbled as his balls blasted out their first load into the eager mouth. His eight-pack contracted in a hard flex as more loads followed. The organism absorbed the energizing fluid at full speed. It had sensed the safeness and protection inside the huge male’s arms. It made its host’s right hand grab hold of the soft organ between his legs and stroke it to hardness. Within seconds, clouds of dust blasted from its hosts throbbing organ and began travelling upward as the cloud kept growing. Unaware of what was happening below him, Matt kept pumping out more loads of cum into his roommate’s mouth. The organism fell its host growing weaker and made him stroke out a fifth and final cloud of dust. As Matt’s cock blew its eight load, he felt the mouth around his 10.5 incher slide away. He looked down and saw his roommate slumping against the tilled wall. He bent down, inhaling the cloud of dust that now filled the shower cabin, scooped up his roommate and turned off the water. He toweled off both their bodies, put his buddy’s boxers on and gentle placed the guy atop his bed. He made his way back to the bathroom to putt on his own boxers as he felt a rush of energy flood his own body. It was as if his 283 pound body ached to get back to the gym despite his heavy session an hour earlier. “Grow some more”, he grinned to his reflection as he put on his gym gear and went out.
  23. Omnipotence

    My roommate is a god (parts 1 - 4)

    Hello everyone. Long time viewer/reader, first-time writer. A little nervous about it, so any and all constructive feedback is welcome! This part is really only meant to be a taster of sorts. I'm 110% open to change. Let me know what you think; super excited that I'm finally contributing! Without further ado: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Part 1: Tom was hovering in midair. He casually motioned his hands back and forth, as if he was conducting some sort of invisible orchestra. In reality, he was using his telekinesis to clean the living room effortlessly and in record time. Empty pizza boxes were pulled upward by an invisible force where they were instantly vaporized into nothingness. Stains off all varieties were simply removed from existence. Empty soda cans were melted into liquid form, which was then dispersed into the surrounding atmosphere. And throughout it all, Tom wasn't even looking at any of it. He was staring absentmindedly out the window. Such was the ease of this godly display of power that he didn't even need to devote his full attention to it. I simply sat and watched his nonchalant display of power with my usual awe. I suppose I could've helped, but how the hell is a measly little human like me supposed to add to this?! Within a minute of initiating the clean, Tom was finished. He turned in midair, hover over to the couch, and lowered himself down onto it. "All done" he said with a smile. His voice was impossibly beautiful and sexy. A deep baritone, masculine voice. "Thanks" I said, trying to pretend I wasn't intimidated my his godhood. Probably wasn't working though. Tom could just read my mind if he wanted to. "Want me to send you to sleep now?" Tom asked, his remarkable blue eyes filling me with a sense of comfort and safety as we made eye contact. I knew what he meant, and what he intended to do. With my mouth instantly going dry, and my body shaking from anticipation, all I could do was nod feebly. Tom stood up, walked to the center of the room, and turned to face me. With a simply wave of his hand, all of his clothes except for his form fitting, jet-black briefs disintegrated. His godly muscles were on display. Tom was 6'8'', and when he wasn't altering his density of using his flight power, he would normally weigh around 300 - 320 pounds. I began working my way down. His shoulders were massive. Powerful, rippling masses the size of cinder-blocks, with prominent traps that my whole hand could just barely cover. His pecs were next. Each one was the vision of perfection. Slabs of concrete; almost perfectly square, beefy, and large enough to cup. Like everything else, they rippled. He bounced them effortlessly, yet could also make them rock-solid at a moment's notice. His whole chest: 60'' His arms were of a similar make. Massive, 25'' machines that I've seen lifting impossible weights. Veins running through them, looking like steel cables, running down into his formidable looking forearms. His biceps and triceps were equally beautiful. His abs were the definition of beauty. A rippling, rock-hard eight pack, where each individual ab was arrogantly prominent, and the deep cuts that ran between them only emphasized how sculpted they were. Although I couldn't see if from where I sat, I have seen his back. His perfect, v-shaped back. Powerful mounds and ridges of muscle covering it all, guiding you slowly to his 33'' waist. And lets not forget to mention the glutes that it leads to. Two bulletproof hemispheres of pure muscle (and no, I'm not exaggerating). His legs put tree trunks to shame. 31'' thighs corded with titanium veins, towering above 24'' diamond-shaped calves. All of this balancing on bizarrely beautiful, size 15 feet. Of course, as a god, Tom's whole body was free of all forms of blemishes and other such imperfections. His skin was smooth and supply; an easily missed detail on account of the muscle that lay beneath. At the moment he had no body hair, although he could if he wanted to. But he wanted to make sure that I could see every striation, every subtle flex as clearly as possible. And so the light dusting of hair that sometimes coated his chest and forearms was willed out of existence. "Ready?" he said, smirking. I would try to describe the beauty of his face, but I don't think the necessary words actually exist. I gulped. Without taking his eyes off of me, he bounced his pecs. It was effortless for him. All other parts of his body stayed motionless; only his magnificent pecs moved. Their dance became increasingly complex; the two mounds moving to a rhythm like no other. Sometimes they bounced in unison, sometimes one at a time, and sometimes they alternated. My cock was as hard as stone. Suddenly, without warning, Tom tensed his abs. My description of them before described them in a non-flexed state. Imagine now what they looked like. Pre-cum soaked my pants. I hadn't even touch myself yet. And I knew I wasn't going to. Tom hit me next with a double biceps. Their peaks! If he had flexed just a bit harder they would've sent out a shock wave. His most muscular was next. His pecs... I began to convulse; my cock couldn't contain my arousal anymore. I came. He made me, without either of us touching it. Such was the beauty of his body and face. He smiled sweetly at me as I slowly began to lose consciousness from the strength of the orgasm. With a single hand and arm, Tom grabbed a fistful of my shirt's collar and smoothly lifted me from the couch. My 5'9'' frame dangled pathetically as he held me at arm's length with such ease. He bent his arm as he slowly brought me in from a kiss on the forehead, still holding me in the air all the while. His other arm simply hung at his side. Throughout all of this, my cock was still sputtering out small amounts of cum, dampening my already soaked underpants and jeans. "Goodnight. I'll see you in the morning" he whispered in my ear, as I finally lost complete consciousness from the orgasm. I passed out at the end of Tom's arm; he still held me as if I weighed the same as a balloon. The last thing I remember was the feel of my own feet dangling in the air. My arms hanging limp at my sides. My chin brushing the side of Tom's hand that gripped my shirt's collar before my head fell to the side. My whole body rendered weak and useless from the hundred orgasms Tom caused me to have in the space of a minute. I loved that feeling. My name is Frank, and this is the story of how I came to meet my roommate Tom. Who, by the way, happens to be an actual god.
  24. So those of you following my "Muscle University" thread will know that I've been working on this - a spin-off story featuring and told from the point of view of the Deano character. For anyone who needs a recap, Deano was the antagonist of that story who spent most of his time harassing Woody for things like flirting with gay dudes on Instagram and wearing pink trunks to Posing Practice 101. But while Woody was reluctantly falling for this new roommate Luke, it turned out Deano was secretly harbouring secret for Woody. This takes place over the summer following the lads' first year at Montgomery University of Bodybuilding & Fitness, where Deano goes back home to help out as his dad's infamous hardcore bodybuilding gym with Woody and Luke and the events of the first story very much still on his mind. I've also set up a Twitter account in Deano's name here and I've been posting and interacting with some lads from here as Deano. I'll also be tweeting the events of the story as I post chapters. Thought it would be a fun extra thing to do to go with the story! DEANO’S SUMMER (A MUSCLE UNIVERSITY STORY) One I can’t stop thinking about it. It just keeps going round and round in my head. The image of the two of them together. Why the FUCK did I go to the Watson House gym on the last day of term? I was doing fine before that. Honest I was. I hadn’t been thinking about him for half as much time as I used to. But now, as I’m on the train from London to Brighton - the last leg of my journey home, all I can think about is what I saw yesterday when I walked into my favourite gym at university. Sebastian fucking Wood in that black vest he always wears, playfully knocking his shoulder against Luke Henderson’s. I know it doesn’t sound like much. But it just did something to me. The way Woody was looking at him. (You should have seen the way he was looking at him.) The grin on his face. And the way Henderson was looking back at him. It’s like the image is ingrained in my memory. Every time I think about it, it feels like someone’s twisting all of my insides. I’m so fucking glad my first year of university is over. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve loved being a student at the Montgomery University of Bodybuilding & Fitness (or Muscle University as a lot of us call it). I get to train and study all things muscle-related with a whole school of fellow meatheads and bodybuilders. What the fuck’s not to love? The teachers are awesome (some more so than others). I get to hang out with other budding bodybuilders all day. And I’m one of the best lads in my year. At least top five anyway. But the last few months have been a bit weird if I’m being honest. There have even been times when I’ve found myself looking forward to the end of term. To going back home to Brighton for the summer. I guess it all started when Johnny Hoxton forced me to do an assignment for the end of term bodybuilding show with him. Sebastian Wood. With his big, thick pecs which hang over his perfect, blocky abs. And all of his shiny posing trunks. (Why does any bodybuilder need THAT many pairs of trunks?) And that smile. That jawline. And the way he’s just sickeningly good looking. Like he doesn’t even have to try. And the way he fucking struts around campus like he’s God’s gift. Mr fucking Perfect. The dude even smells amazing. And all of his twatty put-downs and one-liners which he thinks are SO fucking funny, when most of the time they’re not. Who the hell is Chris Hemsworth anyway? And while I’m thinking about it - what kind of twat name is Sebastian? What kind of twat name is WOODY? Sebastian “Woody” Wood. The bane of my Muscle University life. He didn’t even bother me that much to start with. Okay - I thought about him. Like, a lot. I even thought we might become friends at some point. I kept imagining how that would happen. Like, one day we’d suddenly start talking and just hit it off and that would be it. We’d be mates. We’d hang out. We’d go to the gym together. He’d come round to my dorm room. In that black vest, he always wears. And those skinny jeans which look painted on. His thighs bulging underneath the denim material. His big arse barely contained by it. But then he showed up. Luke Henderson. The biggest fucking joke to ever set foot on campus. I’ll never forget that first Posing Practice 101 when I first saw him. I couldn’t believe they’d let him into the uni. That was definitely Johnny Hoxton’s doing. There’s no way Mike Hancox would have let Henderson in. Hancox is definitely the best teacher at Montgomery. He used to compete in the nineties and early noughties and he’s basically a fucking legend. I can tell he doesn’t really like Woody either. Unlike Johnny Hoxton, who practically lives up his arse for some reason. Hancox’s face when Henderson rushed into that first lesson wearing that stupid Lego t-shirt was fucking hilarious. The dude looked like he’d barely seen the inside of a gym. Okay, maybe that’s a bit of an exaggeration. He definitely had some muscle on him. But a student at a university for bodybuilders? What an absolute joke. He wasn’t even wearing posing trunks for fuck’s sake. The one and only requirement for Posing Practice 101. He had to do the whole lesson wearing his boxer shorts. And not just any old boxers either. Bright yellow Harry Potter boxers! The weird thing is, at the beginning, Woody seemed to have a real problem with him as well. Hancox forced Luke to do a pose off with another student and Woody volunteered. He really fucking showed him up. I think I started to like him even more after that. But then something even weirder happened. For some reason, they became friends. Woody and Henderson. I suppose it was because they were roommates. Spending all that time together. I sometimes wonder what would have happened if me and Woody had been roommates instead. Whether we would have become mates. Or maybe even something more. Anyway, everything changed after that. For some reason, the fact that they were friends really bothered me. And then I took the piss out of Henderson because he was trying to hit a most muscular in Posing Practice (I mean … you should have fucking seen him!) and Woody just flipped and went mental and pushed me really hard and we kind of had a bit of a fight. And then Johnny fucking Hoxton made us do that stupid joint assignment together for the end of term bodybuilding show (which I’m still pissed that I didn’t get to compete in) and that’s when things got kind of complicated. My train is slowing down on the approach to Brighton station. People around me are starting to shift in their seats, grabbing their bags and luggage and putting their jackets on. I always feel this kind of poignancy whenever I come back home. I guess I feel kind of safe here. Or at least safer than I do when I’m at Montgomery. In moments like this, when I’m looking out at all the buildings and houses and I know the sea is behind them, it’s easy to forget that things at home aren’t exactly perfect. I don’t know what it is about Brighton. There’s a sort of energy to the whole town that I’ve never felt anywhere else. I love the way all the lamp posts and railings on the seafront are painted green. And the way the streets and roads dip up and down. And the sound of the seagulls wherever you go. It feels like everyone is here because they really want to be. I feel strangely proud that I was born and raised in a place so many people seem to be drawn to. (To get an idea of what Brighton looks like… https://www.instagram.com/brighton/ ) I notice a few people looking at me as I walk through the train station. I suppose it’s not every day you see a tank sized junior bodybuilder casually walking (okay - it’s probably more like waddling) with a suitcase dragging behind him. I’m pretty decently dressed too. My body’s covered up by my favourite black Montgomery University hoodie, which I’m now regretting wearing, because I’m pretty fucking warm. Apparently it’s gonna get really hot this week so I guess I should get used to this kind of attention. I swear it would be worse if I wasn’t only five feet, five inches tall. Someone like Woody must get gawped at wherever he goes. Ugh. Fucking Woody. And now my insides are clenching again as I think about my fellow Montgomery classmate. What are the chances he and Henderson will decide to drop out and not return to Muscle University for our second year? God - that would just solve all of my fucking problems. There’s the usual line of taxis at the front of the station. I get this weird feeling when I spot my brother’s red Ford KA. Like I’m both comforted and guarded. I guess there’s a certain version of myself that I adopt when I come back home. Or more so, when I’m around my brother and my dad. I throw my suitcase in the back seat and then climb into the front. “Alright, twat face!” Josh says to me with a big grin. I smirk and do my belt up. “Managed to get through a whole term without getting suspended this time?” he jokes, as we pull away from the station. My chest tightens. I give him a fake sarcastic smile and look out of the side window. He blasts the radio up. Some dance tune is playing and he’s singing and bopping along. Josh never changes. He has this kind of larger than life energy about him. It’s like he only has one setting. And it’s always “on”. Sometimes it’s contagious and charming. Other times it's just bloody annoying. “You do know dad’s not gonna let you just bum around for the summer?” he says. He’s got this smug smirk on his face. Josh always seems to get some kind of satisfaction out of my misfortune. I pull a face. “What’s he expecting me to do?” “Help out at the gym!” For fuck’s sake. I guess that was a given. I hate how my dad just expects me to help out at his gym. It’s not the worst thing, to be honest. But … I don’t know. I guess I had thoughts of maybe doing something different this summer. “I was actually thinking of looking for a job,” I tell Josh. I don’t know why I’m nervous to confess that. I shouldn’t be nervous. Josh immediately screws his face up. Like it’s an absurd notion. Me actually getting a job and doing something away from him and dad. “Why? You know Dad’ll pay you!” Ugh. That’s really not the point. “I know that!” Josh still looks completely baffled by the idea. “Anyway, what would you do?! I mean … who’s gonna employ YOU?” he teases, with a smirk. I flash him another fake, sarcastic smile. “Maybe you could be one of those naked butler dudes?” Then he gasps. “Or a Dream Boy? Nah - you have to be good looking for that!” I shake my head and roll my eyes. “Now I could be a fucking Dream Boy!” I fold my arms and look out of the window again. My brother’s now crossed the line into “bloody annoying”. “Maybe one of those gay clubs on the seafront will hire you as a go-go boy?” My stomach clenches. I don’t respond or look at Josh. I just keep looking out of the window. “Jesus - what’s wrong with YOU?” he cries, hitting me on the shoulder. “I’m tired. And you’re annoying the FUCK out of me!” This big grin emerges on Josh’s face and I can’t help but smile back. Here’s the deal with my brother. I love him and everything, but … God - let’s just say it wasn’t easy growing up having Joshua Watkins as my older sibling. Josh was that guy at school that ALL the girls fancied. No matter what year they were in. He was like a fucking celebrity, for God’s sake. And he’s only gotten more handsome with age. He’s got this part bad boy, party pretty boy thing going on. A shaved head. A ring in his nose. And he’s got these big puppy dog eyes. He got those from our mum. He’d probably fit in in a boy band just as much as he’d fit in in prison. He’s done a few bodybuilding competitions too, so he’s pretty big, but he doesn’t take it as seriously as me and dad do. He’s too much of a party boy. I don’t know where he gets his height from. Me and dad are both short arses, but Josh is six foot tall. So yeah - I was pretty jealous of him growing up. The number of girls who were shocked when they found out we were brothers. I’ll never forget that one girl from the year above when I was in the school canteen that one time. “YOU’RE Josh Watkins’ brother?!” she cried, with her face screwed up. She obviously couldn't believe that demigod, boyband member worthy Josh could be related to me. “Oh - Smithy’s having a birthday thing tonight. You’re coming, right?” Ugh. “Mmmm. I dunno!” “WHAT?!” Josh cries. “Fucking YES - you’re coming!” Smithy is one of Josh’s old school mates. Something weird happened when I started going to the gym, packing on the mass and competing as a junior in bodybuilding competitions. Josh and his older mates all suddenly wanted me to hang around with them. I guess it was kind of cool being initiated into your older brother’s friend group. Most of them are decent lads. Some are pretty beefy too. Okay - most of them are pretty beefy. I think they respect me cause I’m Josh’s little brother. Oh - and I’m a tank sized pocket rocket bodybuilder with biceps bigger than ALL of theirs. Honestly - I like hanging around with them, but they’re all just so full on. I’m really not sure if I’m in the mood for that tonight. “I’ve just spent, like, eight hours on three different trains!” I protest. “Don’t be a fucking pussy. It’s your first night back.” Josh turns the music up. I roll my eyes, but this unexpected feeling of excitement rises up in my chest as I look out of the side window again and see the sea past a row of differently coloured houses in a street that feels like it could only be in Brighton. I mostly just want to go back home, collapse on my bed and watch TV all night. But there’s this other part of me that really wants to go out with Josh and his mates tonight. With anyone in fact. Maybe this is what I need. Maybe this will take my mind off Montgomery University. Make me forget what happened yesterday at the Watson House gym and what has been going through my mind over and over ever since. “Fuck it!” I say to Josh. “I’m in.” “Good lad!” he says, slapping my shoulder again and cranking the volume of the music up even more. I slump down in my seat and close my eyes. Taking the music in. The sound of seagulls in the distance. Thinking about tonight. Only tonight. And absolutely, unequivocally, not thinking about the way Sebastian Wood was smiling and looking at Luke Henderson in a way that no one has ever looked at me before.
  25. tester26

    Sean & Ty

    Obviously, this is inspired by the two characters from HSMuscleBoy, Sean and Ty. This is a heavily rewritten story from a few furry authors, notably Galthroc on SoFurry. Sean & Ty The sunlight streamed through the bedroom window, shinning onto the double bed and highlighting the two sleeping figures. One stirred slowly, shielding the bright light from his face as he worked his eyes open, blinking the last dregs of sleep from his eyes. Ty was lying on his stomach, and lightly humping the bed with his morning wood. The sheet raised as his rear stuck into the air, and fell again as he ground against the bed in a circular sort of motion. Ty moaned softly and flipped onto his back on the bed. His cock got caught in the sheet in the process, flinging it off and onto the ground, revealing his ripped, muscular body and the musclebound body of his sleeping partner. Still caught up in self worship, Ty slid his hands along his chest, his massive pectorals heaved up and down as the teen breathed heavily. Brick-sized abdominals crunched as Ty thrust the air, the eight pack smeared with a shiny trail of precum. His 18-inch hard cock slid in between his pecs as he thrusted and flexed them hard, trapping the cock between them, milking an even greater spray of pre from that throbbing cockhead. Ty bent forward and slurped it up, wrapping his mouth around the head and suckling at it. His throat emitted soft moans, his tongue circling his own glands. He jerked his shaft slowly, letting thick ropes of precum ooze out and drip onto his chest. "Mmm, morning sexy" his muscular partner said in a sultry voice, stroking his 20 inch long morning wood at the sight of Ty’s self worship. Ty sighed a lustful reply "Morning big boy" as his slid over and explored the hard pecs and stunning abs of his boyfriend Sean. His grip sank slowly lower, wrapping gently around the base of the teen’s thick meat, fondling and stroking with obvious admiration. A naughty smile on his lips as his hand worked lower, rubbing along the way as he worked over the huge balls below. Sean grinned smugly and tensed his muscles for Ty. His abs bulged and crunched, ready to burst from the skin. His pecs jutted outward in an impressive display. "Show me those big arms," Ty said. Sean obliged, bringing his arms up to either side of him, clenching his fists and bending his elbows until two mountains of muscle surged upwards, each capped with a bulging vein that throbbed with power. “Fuck yeah..." Ty moaned, sitting up and cupping his hands over one, worshipping the towering bicep, licking it, smothering it. Sean kissed his bicep along with Ty, their tongues eventually finding one another's before they locked into a deep kiss. Sean leaned over, giving Ty’s cockhead a lick, eliciting another moan, before struggling to fit the mushroom inside his mouth. He managed, letting his tongue swirl around the glands, his throat closing around the head, before popping that fat meat out with a slick sound accompanying. "You taste so nice," he remarked, winking at his boyfriend. The two horny teen gods took turns flexing and worshipping each other, their perfect bodies shining with precum. Sean rolled on top of Ty, straddling his musclebound lover, thrusting his cock against Ty's, letting the head prod Ty’s lips, which promptly opened and suckled at the hot meat hungrily. Ty took his own dick and rubbed it against Sean's ripped body, moaning as he felt his cockhead grind against those hard abs. Sean shuddered when Ty's cockhead brushed against his nipple, smearing it with pre. Sean leaned forwards, pushing more of his thick rod down Ty’s throat. Ty’s cock found its way in between Sean's legs, and he thrust between Sean’s perfect ass globes. Sean lay down on top of Ty and closed his legs, his muscled thighs walled against Ty's cock so tight he could feel it throbbing. “Fuck dude, you’re so fucking hot,” Sean groaned. “Aw fuck dude, can’t stop cumming for you,” Ty moaned in reply. They kissed as Sean pulled Ty up from the bed. Standing up, the two separated, their giant dicks nestled between their bulging pecs. They grinned at each other, standing back to admire each other’s musclebound bods. Both of them were was enormous, over six feet in height, their entire bodies packed with muscle. Their arms bulged with quivering biceps and forearms wrapped in coils of muscle. Each torso was adorned with two giant mounds of firm pectorals, followed by an eight pac stomach that looked as though they were bricks, narrowing to impossibly tight waists. Tree trunk legs that seemed to be sculpted of marble lightly flexed and relaxed as they admired their builds. Ty, a few inches smaller than Sean, thrust forward a little, smearing his cockhead against Sean’s pecs. The two started to kiss again, precum spilled and oozed all over their chests, dripping onto puddles on the floor. The kissing got more intense. The studs faced each other, pressing their bodies together, their massive cocks getting sandwiched between the hard walls of muscle. They touched and rubbed their muscles, cocks slipping and sliding, covering their abs and chests with precum, making their bodies shine. Sean moaned softly, his twenty inches of cock sandwiched between their two sets of pecs, a rope of precum falling from it and puddling on the ground. The pressure on it from their embrace made it blood red, huge and throbbing, veins sticking out and pulsing violently. They began to jerk each other roughly, each one with his cock in the other's hand, grunting and moaning. Sean was kissing and rubbing Ty’s body, tweaking his nipples, sliding a hand down his abs. A constant, low moan came from his throat. Ty groaned as the slit of his cock opened wide, and a thick, heavy rope jettisoned out, splashing onto Sean’s face. Sean pumped Ty’s cock up and down, keeping his hands there as that huge cock lurched and spewed another massive rope. Sean quickly wrapped his lips around Ty’s cockhead, sucking down the next few blasts. Ty shuddered and fell back on the bed, pulling the cock out of Sean’s mouth. Sean wrapped both hands around his boyfriend’s massive cock, growling as he pumped it quickly, his whole body flexing from the effort. Ty roared in pleasure as he splattered them both with heavy, warm cum. Ty sat up and shoved his cockhead in his mouth as his orgasm began to subside, sucking on it like a vacuum as Sean continued to pump his cock. Cum sprayed from the sides of his mouth, oozing down his face and onto his body. Panting, Ty grabbed Sean’s throbbing member, pumping hard and fast. He could have sworn Sean was getting bigger, his cock inflated enormous proportions, throbbing so madly it looked ready to pop (but of course it wouldn't). Ty kept one hand around the base while the other worked the cockhead. He squeezed it and jerked it, Sean moaning loudly now, hands rubbing Ty’s cum all over himself. He ran his hands down his wet body, tweaking his nipples, toying with his abs, feeling his arms and flexing over and over again. Sean’s urethra started to bulge and twitch, cum trying to work its way past Ty’s tight grip. "Yeah....UUHHHHHH," he'd moan as he flexed. "So fucking hot. AWW, FUUUCK!" Blast off. Sean cried out his pleasure as cum rocketed out of his cock like a hose. His big dick swayed back and forth as it throbbed and came, ropes spurting out and landing with a splash on Ty’s body, coating the teen white. Ty continued to jerk Sean throughout the orgasm. "Yeah!" Ty yelled. "So much fucking cum! Keep shooting you fucking sex beast!" Sean growled and thrust into Ty’s grip, poking Ty in the chin a few times, cum continuing to surge out in copious amounts. Sean bent down and took his cock in his mouth, hungrily swallowing the last of his load, looking down at Ty through narrow eyes and winking, a gesture so sexy Ty felt his asshole twitch in anticipation. Sean popped his head off his cock, squeezing the base of his still-hard meat, breathing heavily as he took in the sight of his cum-coated lover. Ty smiled as he slid his body down the bed and spread his legs, his bulbous testicles falling onto the sheet. Sean pursed his lips and smiled. He got up on the bed and pressed his cock against Ty's, leaning down to suck both heads into his mouth. Sean alternated between the two cocks, lubricating his own with Ty’s cum. Ty groaned and pulled himself up, hands on Sean's neck, running his blonde head through his fingers. "God..." he moaned, slowly thrusting his cock deeper into Sean's throat, his shaft rubbing against the other. Ty leaned forward and began to make out with the sexy stud in front of him, cum and spit mixing between their mouths. The teen stud’s hands roamed his boyfriend’s muscular body, kneading his own cum into Sean’s massive pecs and firm abs. Saliva and precum oozed down both of their dicks, soaking into the bed. Sean wrapped his strong arms around Ty, holding him close, tongue darting all over his face in a lustful frenzy. He humped against him, his cum-covered cock slipping and sliding all over, adding to the mess every second. "Like that?" he managed to moan between kisses. "Don't stop...feels so good..." The two shared a cum-lubed kiss and Sean gave Ty a playful shove. Ty fell back onto the bed, Sean on top of him, Sean prodding Ty's bottom to find that tight hole. Ty's cock slipped and slid between their two chests, both of them soaked with cum and sweat. "OHHH, FUCK!!!" Ty screamed. Sean's huge meat had found Ty's hole at last. Sean took his time slowly penetrating Ty, squeezing his cock as he pushed forward gently. Even with all his experience, Sean’s thick monster was always a challenge. Ty's teeth were grit, and his eyes were shut; he wanted his stud to fuck him senseless. "C-come on..." he groaned. "Fuck me." Sean grinned and grabbed Ty's waist, pulling him down on his cock as he thrust his hips forward, cock throbbing as it slid further and further inside, precum seeping out and sliding down his shaft. "Doing good, dude,” Sean said, sliding out and then slamming back in, making Ty cry out once again. Ty started jerking himself furiously, hand a blur on his cock, precum spitting and flying out. Ty cried out in pleasure. "Yeah!" he moaned. "Keep going. Use me!" Sean was stretching the muscle teen more and more as he shoved his cock deeper inside mercilessly. Eventually Sean's grapefruit-sized balls were slapping against Ty's ass as he fucked the stud silly, his own rear sticking way out as he pulled out, huge balls jiggling slightly, before slamming his massive cock back in. "FUCK! UGH! Come on is that all you got!? HARDER!!!" Ty screamed. With a loud, short roar, Sean violently thrust his meat into Ty. Sean’s muscles were hard and tense as he thrust, his abs standing out, the sight all the more arousing due to the cum and fresh precum slathered on his stomach. His butt clenched as he humped Ty, and his muscular legs were bulging with strength. Ty looked at Sean's body as he thrust, the ripped abs crunching as he thrust, arms flexed and tense as they held Ty's legs steady. Ty’s cock was painfully hard, throbbing and spurting as it slid between his pecs with each thrust from Sean. His eyes rolled back in pleasure as he felt his load rising, ready to explode without him even touching it. Ty's eyes started to flicker, his breathing slowing down. Sean grinned, “You gonna cum for me again? Cum in your mouth. Drink that big load." Ty's cock was visibly throbbing, countless veins sticking out and pulsating. He bent over, opening his mouth just as his urethra expanded dramatically and a tidal wave of cum exploded into his open mouth. Ty coughed and sputtered, wrapping his lips on his erupting cock, his second blast causing a splash of cum to spray from his inflated cheeks to splatter onto his cock and chest, but he still managed to keep the rest in his mouth. "Yeah, swallow that cum," Sean growled, jerking Ty's dick as he continued to thrust deep inside him. Eventually Ty needed air, though. He gasped as he popped his mouth off, his cock continuing to lurch and spew all over his face and the headboard behind him before falling limp onto his chest with a thud. Sean's pace slowed. "You ready for my huge load?" he groaned. He squeezed his base as he slid his cock out of Ty. Doing this made him even bigger, his shaft throbbing like crazy, bulging outwards and turning red. Cum sputtered from the tip, begging to be released. “Aw fuck yeah dude! Cum for me again stud.” Sean took a deep breath and stroked his shaft just once before letting go of it. His entire body tensed and flexed, muscles bursting, as his orgasm hit. "FUCK!!!!!" he roared, his hands clenching his butt and he thrust the air. His cock burst fourth in a torrent of thick cum, splashing against the wall and Ty in an endless, continuous rope. "YEAH!!!" Sean roared, his cock splattering everything in front of him with his seed. “Oh GOD!" Ty moaned as warm cum rained on him. Sean's hands ran down his body as his first shot finally ended. His cock stopped for a few seconds, bursting into an even harder and more erect state before exploding in another shower of cum. "Yes! YES! YEAH!!! MORE!" he roared, lost in pleasure, jerking his cock for all in was worth, completely coating Ty, who was began to cum again without even touching himself, mingling with Sean's shower of cum. Ty opened his mouth and rubbed his body as the cum coated him. He was blind with pleasure. Finally Sean finished, cum dripping from his still-hard cock, ready for more. Ty got up from the sticky mess he was laying in and knocked Sean back onto the soaked bed. He straddled Sean and started kissing his body, rubbing his ass against that huge twenty inch cock like a stripper on a pole. "Fuck...put it back in me," Ty whispered, nipping at Sean’s ear as his hands squeezed his strong pecs. He thrust his ass upwards along the cum covered pole until his legs were nearly fully extended, Sean’s cockhead nestled up against his butt. Sean slapped Ty's firm ass and rubbed his cockhead against Ty’s hole, threatening to penetrate. Sean popped his thick cock into the stud, who groaned loudly, but encouraged Sean by slowly lowering himself, taking more and more meat. Ty was soon getting fucked hard again by the teen god, the massive cock slamming against his rear. Sean stood up, picking Ty and holding him by the waist as he fucked him in the air. Using his incredible strength, Sean managed to lift up the huge teen bodybuilder as he continued to fuck him. Ty’s cock thumped and slapped against his body as he was mercilessly handled. "You like this big cock in you?” Sean growled into his ear. "Yes!" Ty cried. "Oh...fuck me!" His body rocked and moved as Sean held him up. Soon, though, his cock became completely rigid, pointing straight up. "Oh, God...oh...""FUUCK!" Ty howled again as cum surged from his cock, sailing through the air and splashing down onto himself. Ty could feel Sean getting close. He started grunting, and his cockhead was flaring inside him, the whole member throbbing greatly against his clenched ass. The teen stud slammed into Ty with a mighty roar, and cum filled his partner in seconds, cum surging out of him as Sean continued to fuck him. Ty could feel Sean’s hard body becoming even harder as it flexed during his orgasm. Ty squeezed Sean’s massive softball-sized biceps. Sean flexed an arm for Ty, and Ty went crazy when he felt it grow even bigger, his cock spraying ropes of cum onto Sean’s oversized muscles. Sean groaned as he felt Ty’s ass squeeze his still spurting dick, causing him to cum again. Ty felt his belly start to swell a little as the cum filled him again. After a few hard thrusts, though, Sean lifted Ty up and pulled out, a flood of cum pouring out of his ass. He dropped Ty onto the floor, taking his shooting monster in hands and aiming it at Ty. Ty sat up and grabbed the tip of Sean's erupting cock, four hands jerking it furiously, suckling on the head and drinking as much as he could before gagging on the strong current of cum. Sean brought his arms up again and flexed for his lover, who pulled himself up on to his knees to lick Sean’s flexing abs. He ground himself against Sean's legs and spurting cock, still shooting arcs of cum above his head, covering the two of them with more sperm as a pool of cum expanded across the floor. Finally, Sean's cock sputtered a few more shots of cum before falling soft between his knees, a stream of white dripping down. Ty fell back onto the soaked floor, exhausted, cock sprawled across his stomach. He was mindlessly licking at his body, savoring the taste. Both panted heavily, smiling at each other. "Holy shit," they both said. Sean slid to the floor to join his cum-slick boyfriend. The two lay in afterglow, panting and huffing and stroking each other's cum-drenched bodies until they had gathered enough energy to rise and move to the bathroom connected to the bedroom-turned-swamp. They spent a solid hour rinsing off, lathering their bodies with soap to get the scents of cum, sweat, and lust off of them. It took several washings. Only about half of that hour was spent actually washing, though; the rest was time spent on touching, stroking, and making out under the hot water. They took their time toweling each other off, careful not to excite each other again as they each pulled on a pair of compression shorts, made skintight as they stretched over their tree trunk legs and massive bulges. “So what’s for breakfast, dude?” Sean says, giving Ty a soft kiss on the lips. “Mmm, how about another protein shake?” replies Ty with a wink. The two horny teens laughed as they headed to the kitchen to start their day. Sean Ty
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