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  1. Rory34

    Ayudando a mi amigo

    Hola, bienvenidos por fin a una nueva historia en español jaja, espero les guste, es una rápida que escribí hace poco. _________________________________________ Mi amigo William siempre fue molestado en nuestro trabajo gracias a su peso y bueno, para una agencia de modelaje la apariencia es algo muy importante. Él es el editor de las fotos y he de decir que hace un excelente trabajo el cuál muchas personas pasan por alto debido a su apariencia. Hay veces en las que incluso los modelos suelen burlarse de él y no puede hacer nada gracias a su timidez, incluso nuestro modelo más grande, Gabriel Janzi se ha sumado a esto y quizá puede que lo lleve un poco lejos con sus malos comentarios hacia él. Yo soy Dylan y a diferencia de William soy un fotógrafo profesional, y me va muy bien en este trabajo, tengo un buen auto, una genial casa con piscina y me puedo permitir varios lujos y todo eso gracias a mi increíble trabajo... Bueno... También tuve otro tipo de ayuda, pero lo explicaré más adelante. Estaba cansado de que se burlaran de William, él siempre es muy amable con todos y siempre estará dispuesto a ayudarte; cuando no me gusta el resultado de una foto siempre puedo confiar en su edición y lo soluciona, realmente me ha sacado de muchos aprietos y creo que es hora de que yo lo saque de este aprieto a él. Así que ideé un plan para que todos dejen de burlarse de William y lo primero que tenía que hacer era invitarlo a mi casa. -. Hey, cómo te va Will? -. Oh, hola Dylan, necesitas ayuda? -. No, para nada, solo quería invitarte a mi casa mañana al mediodía y almorzar juntos. -. Oh, eso sería genial Dylan! Pero... Por qué quieres invitarme a mi? Es decir eres amigo de cientos de modelos y creo que hay mejores opciones que yo... -. No digas eso hombre, te invito porque eres un gran amigo para mi y esta es mi forma de agradecerte ya que lo mereces. -. Wow, no sé qué decir, nunca me habían invitado así me siento muy alagado, así que claro que iré! -. Perfecto, te espero a las doce y media, no me falles, eh? El primer paso está listo, ahora necesito realizar el segundo, el cual es el más importante. Salí temprano del trabajo y conduje hasta las afueras de la ciudad, a un pequeño pueblo y me dirigí a una pequeña tienda, donde una conocida mía podía ayudarme con esto; recuerdan que dije que tuve ayuda con lo bien que me iba en mi vida? Bueno pues todo es gracias a Yuni, una amiga que tiene un gran conocimiento con cosas mágicas como talismanes, pociones, maldiciones y varias cosas más. -. Cómo estás Yuni? -. Dylan!? Cuanto tiempo! Qué te trae por acá? *Dijo abrazándome* -. Bueno, vine a pedirte un favor... -. Lo suponía jajaja, quieres otra poción de buena suerte? Más de la que tienes ya? -. No, no es para mi, es para un amigo. -. Y qué necesita tu amigo? -. Bueno... *Le expliqué la historia de William y mostrándole su foto* -. Ya veo... Así que quieres que dejen de molestarlo por su físico, no es así? -. Así es, y me preguntaba si tenías algo para que la gente dejé de tratarlo mal, algo como un collar o una pulsera, lo que sea para que dejen de hacerle bullying en el trabajo. -. Bueno... Temo decirte que ya no tengo nada para evitar el bullying, varios estudiantes de secundaria han venido y se los han llevado todo... -. Ow, que mal... -. Pero, si el problema que tiene la gente con él es su físico, creo que tengo lo necesario para él! *Yuni fue y sacó una cajita con una marca de un brazo musculoso en la cuál venía un frasco pequeño con forma miembro masculino* Esta es, la pócima de olympus! Es lo que ayudará a tu amigo y lo transformará de un tierno gordito a una bestia musculosa. -. Wow, realmente eso hace este frasquito!? -. Sí, solo funcionará si la persona que se bebió la pócima es expuesta al sol y está mojado y lo único que te tengo que decir es que las personas que beben de este frasco suelen tener efectos secundarios como un gran deseo sex- -. Me lo llevo! Además, lo invité a mi casa a almorzar y estaremos cerca de la piscina. *Dije interrumpiendola* -. Perfecto! Estaba muy feliz, pensar que iba a convertir a mi amigo en un titan, se oía tan excitante, la verdad no podía esperar para mañana, compré la pócima y me fui al centro comercial para comprarle ropa a mi nuevo amigo que conoceré mañana. Llegué a casa y dormí para estar preparado, me levanté temprano y preparé todo, ya eran las doce en punto y decidí preparar la bebida para mi amigo, se trataba de un coctail de piña colada y como ingrediente principal la pócima de olympus. Vertí la pócima en la bebida y al hacerlo, pasó de amarillo a morado al instante, todo estaba ya listo, solo debía esperar al invitado especial. Esperé veinte minutos y escuché el timbre, llegó justo a tiempo, lo recibí y lo llevé al patio, cerca de la piscina, iba con unos shorts y una camisa blanca que era demasiado grande, incluso para él, pero nunca le gustaba usar camisas de su talla, le gusta usar ropa más grande para sentirse cómodo. Llegamos a la piscina y le ofrecí la bebida especial, la cual aceptó con todo gusto. -. Wow, morado? Que extraño color, es algún colorante? -. Son los ingredientes, la hice especialmente para ti, jejé. -. Bueno, pues no me negaré a eso. Terminó bebiendo todo el coctail sin dejar ninguna gota. -. Wow, sabes estupendo! Como se llama este coctail? -. Es una receta que una amiga me pasó, se llama Olympus. mi plan había funcionado, todo iba a salir a la perfección, solo necesitaba que se metiera a la piscina. -. Oye... Tengo que terminar de hacer el almuerzo, por qué no te metes a la piscina un rato y luego sales para comer? -. Bueno... Es que me da un poco de vergüenza... Verás, no encontré un traje de baño decente y solo tenía un speedo verde que me regalaron en navidad y no me siento muy cómodo con él, de seguro no te gustará verme puesto con eso... -. Tonterías, me da igual el traje de baño que uses, solo entra bobito. -. Bueno, jejé... Entraré a la piscina... *Dijo con un poco de pena* William se quitó sus shorts quedándose simplemente con su speedo verde fluorescente, he de decir que por su tipo de cuerpo no le quedaba tan bien, pero eso no iba a importar una vez la pócima haya dado efecto. Entró a la piscina poco a poco, yo entré a la cocina y lo miraba por la ventana a cada rato, pero nunca sucedía nada, me cansé de esperar tanto, incluso pensé que no había dado efecto, así que decidí mejor enfocarme en hacer la comida y poner algo de música. -. Oye! Will pondré algo de música, así que si necesitas algo gritalo o ven acá! -. Esta bien Dylan! Le dí una última mirada para ver que pasaba y no ocurría nada... Así que volví a hacer el almuerzo. Mientras tanto William, estaba nadando un poco en la piscina y descansando un rato, pero comenzó a sentirse algo mal. -. Wow, creo que no debí beber ese coctail antes de meterme a la piscina... Ahora me siento algo mal... Mi cabaza me da muchas vueltas, uff... AGGHHH!!! El dolor se hacía cada vez más intenso, William no podía más, gritaba, se movía erráticaticamente, chapoteaba, pero no podía escucharlo por la música, además había perdido un poco la esperanza y pensaba que no iba a pasar nada, hasta que de repente... -. AGHHHHHH! Escuché un grito provenir de una voz grave, salí corriendo a la piscina con mi celular con la cámara puesta, pensé que William ya había salido de la piscina, pero al parecer no. -. Will!? Fuiste tú!? Dónde estás!? No lo veía flotar en la piscina, me asusté por un segundo, quizá se había ahogado... Hasta que apareció... Era él, William, bueno, el nuevo William. No podía creerlo, era mejor de lo que creía, tomé una foto de él al momento de salir de la piscina, tenía que guardar este momento para la posteridad, mi viejo amigo gordito y bajito convertido en un titan musculoso y sexy y con ese speedo que ahora se le miraba tan sexy, simplemente me quedaba sin aliento al verlo. Salió completamente de la piscina, pero al dar un paso, este cayó y se sostuvo con sus gigantescos brazos, fui a ayudarlo, pero pesaba damasiado y pudo levantarse solo; se miraba muy desconcertado. -. Hey! Will estás bien!? -. D-Dylan, qué sucedió!? Y-yo estaba en la piscina todo se puso borroso, todo me dolía, n-no se qué sucedió, por qué te ves tan pequeño!? William respiraba agitado, su pecho palpitaba y ahora tenía dos gigantescos pectorales en estos, se miraba demasiado sexy. -. C-cálmate, no pasa nada, te explicaré lo que pasó, solo siéntate en esta silla... Al sentarse en la silla está última apenas podía soportar el peso del tremendo monstruo que tenía encima. William seguía viéndose preocupado y alerta, parecía que aún no había vuelto en sí por completo, quizá la transformación fue muy repentina, seguía algo asustado. -. Bueno, primero respira un poco Will, tienes que tranquilizarte, vamos, inhala exhala, así, muy bien! *Dije mientras el gigante trataba de calmarse, pero aún tenía una cara asustada* Sé que esto fue muy repentino y puede que estés molesto, pero vi que estabas cansado de que todos te molestaran en el trabajo, así que decidí ayudarte; conseguí una pócima que transformaría tu cuerpo al de una bestia musculosa, y te la dí cuando te bebiste el coctail que te preparé y al parecer te transformarte al pasar tiempo en la piscina. William comenzaba a volver en si, se puso de pie y bajó su mirada y vio su tremendo y enorme cuerpo que había conseguido hace unos pocos minutos, no lo podía creer, estaba sorprendido, miraba sus brazos, sus pechos, sus piernas y su pene que también había crecido y al parecer quería escapar de ese speedo. -. Esto... No puede ser... Tiene-tiene que ser un sueño! Wow, mira, solo Wow! Will se dirigió a la ventana en la cual vió su nuevo y enorme reflejo. -. ESTO ES GENIAL! Mírame, soy una bestia! Me encanta! Nunca creí poder llegar a tener este cuerpo, ni yendo al gimnasio por años lo conseguiría *Dijo Will flexionando sus enormes brazos* Solo mira estas piernas, mis brazos, mi pene también es grande! Y mira estos sexys pectorales! Siempre tuve un fetiche con los pectorales, pero nunca pensé que mis tetas de gordo podrían convertirse en uno sexys y sabrosos pectorales, solo míralos, tan grandes y jugosos, vamos, toca los. Will se acercaba a mi apretando sus gigantescas tetas, las cuales obviamente accedí a tocar. -. Son tan grandes Will, me alegra que te guste tu nuevo cuerpo, que bueno que estés feliz. *Dije sonriendole y tocando sus enormes pectorales* -. Muchas gracias Dylan, esto es lo mejor que me ha pasado en la vida, muchas gracias. Me encantaba el nuevo Will, era tan sexy y su voz también lo era. -. No hay de qué Will, lo mereces por ayudarme tanto. *Comencé a apretar los pezones de Will, al parecer eso le encantaba, suspiraba cuando lo hacía* -. Wow, eso-eso se siente bien... Wow... Uff... Will estaba demasiado excitado, al parecer no podía contenerlo más. -. Oye... Puedes prestarme el baño!? Lo necesito rápido! *Dijo Will con sus manos en su entrepierna* -. Sí, claro, ve, está al fondo a la izquierda. William se fue corriendo al baño, así que decidí ir arriba a bajar toda la ropa que le compré. Mientras tanto William estaba en el baño, pero se encontraba dándose placer asimismo, al parecer no podía contener más su excitación, debía sacarlo, masturbaba su enorme verga rápidamente, pellizcaba sus pezones mientras lo hacía y esto lo ayudó a venirse, chorros de semen salían del nuevo pene de Will, dejó todo completamente empapado. -. UFFF AGH! Escuché un grito venir del baño, baje rápidamente con la ropa en mano y fui a ver que pasaba; Will salía del baño y se cubría su miembro, y parecía muy apenado. -. Hey, está todo bien? -. Sí... Solo tuve un problema, pero creo que ya pasó. *Decía Will con una grave y tierna voz al mismo tiempo* -. Muy bien, esto es para ti! *Dije mostrándolo una bolsa* Como supuse que necesitarías ropa nueva, luego de tu transformación, decidí comprar te esta, solo son un pantalón, una camisa y unas sandalias, todas extra grande. -. Wow, en serio, muchas gracias, no sé cómo agradecértelo... Este... Podrías pasarme el pantalón? Jeje... Will se puso sus pantalones nuevos, le quedaban muy bien, y algo apretados, se miraba muy sexy con ellos, e incluso se le formaba un buen paquete. -. Bueno, la verdad es que lo hice con gusto, pero si algún día quieres recompensarme estaré dispuesto a hacer lo que sea. -. M-muchas gracias, jejeje... La verdad es que me encanta mi nuevo cuerpo, pero me da un poco de pena que me quedé tan apretada la ropa... -. Bromeas? Mírate ahora! Te ves estupendo! Yo creo que necesitas mostrarle a todos lo genial que te ves! Mostrarles que ya no eres William el gordito, sino William el sexy monstruo musculoso! -. Sí... Creo, creo que tienes razón, sí. -. Muy bien, ahora si quieres podemos pasar la tarde jun- -. Es cierto! Tengo que salir y que el mundo vea mi nuevo yo! Adiós Dylan, iré a disfrutar un poco de mi nuevo cuerpo, Muchas gracias! William, me interrumpió y luego de decir eso, tomó sus cosas y se fue corriendo, aún con su camisa mojada, su pantalón apretado y sus sandalias nuevas, se veía muy sexy, pero me dejó sin poder hacer nada, nisiquiera me escuchó al detenerlo, me sentía muy frustrado, pero al mismo tiempo, estaba seguro que no era la última vez que lo iba a ver, y no podía esperar a verlo mañana en el trabajo, luego de eso, me dirigí al baño y al entrar, encontré lo que Will había hecho; dejó todo cubierto de su semen, el lavamanos, las cortinas, el espejo, todo estaba lleno de su lefa, era por eso que estaba tan apenado. Mientras tanto William fue a hacer varias compras, ropas, zapatos, calzoncillos, jock straps y varias cosas más, al parecer usó todo el dinero que había ahorrado toda su vida. Llegó la noche y Will se encontraba solo en su habitación, acababa de salir de bañarse, estaba completamente desnudo, se miró frente al espejo, pensó en lo que dije, de mostrarle a todos su nuevo cuerpo, y al final suspiró y dijo. -. Realmente... Este soy yo... Desde mañana todo será diferente, todos me tratarán diferente, yo soy diferente. Llegó la mañana siguiente, yo fui al trabajo en mi auto lujoso como siempre, entré y extrañamente no vi a Will en su escritorio, era extraño, él era siempre el que venía temprano, todos habían llegado menos él, realmente pensé que ya no vendría; pero al parecer me equivoqué. Will entró por la puerta principal, estaba usando una camiseta sin mangas que le quedaba algo ajustada, parecía que sus pechos iban a salir en cualquier momento, junto a eso, también llevaba unos jeans oscuros y ajustados en los cual se formaba un enorme paquete, justo como el de ayer, y por último unas botas timberland; todos estaban sorprendidos viendo a semejante bestia entrar de una manera muy confiada y vistiendo de una forma muy sexy, unos no sabían quién era, pero los que solían molestar a William se dieron cuenta de que era él, el gordito William, pero ahora convertido en un monstruo sexy y musculoso. Todos murmuraban, obviamente estaban hablando de él, y al parecer no le importaba, de hecho podría asegurar que le gustaba que hablaran de él, realmente lo opuesto a como era antes; Will, seguía caminando con una cara muy confiada, se dirigía hacia mi. -. Hola Dylan, Buenos días. *Dijo con su sexy y profunda voz* -. H-hola, buenos días... Dormiste bien? Me derretía por ese hombre, tanto que casi no podía hablar. -. Sí, jajá, dormí tan bien; luego de irme a casa comí como loco, incluso más de lo que comía cuando estaba gordo, y también me masturbé tres veces antes de dormir, fue muy bueno, al parecer este nuevo cuerpo me pide nuevas necesidades que no tenía antes. -. Wow, tres veces, eh? -. Sí... Desde que me transformé en esto suelo estar muy caliente, incluso lo estoy ahora... *Dijo dando un largo suspiro* Sabes? Daría lo que fuera para que alguien de aquí me haga una mamada ahora mismo. Eso fue, al decirme eso no podía más, estaba realmente exitado, tenía que hacer que ese gigante me diera esa mamada. -. Oye, yo estoy libre unos 15 minutos, sabes? -. Jejé, sabía que podía contar con mi mejor amigo aquí. Vamos a divertirnos. Me tomó con un brazo, me puso en su hombro y me llevó al armario del conserje, ahí bajó sus pantalones hasta sus rodillas y sacó su verga de ese jock strap que parecía que iba estallar en cualquier momento, yo comencé abriendo mi boca e iba a mamarsela poco a poco, o al menos ese era mi plan hasta que el gigante tomó mi cabeza con una mano y la acercaba y alejaba bruscamente hacia él, sinceramente no sé como pude aguantar semejante falo, llegaba hasta lo profundo de mi garganta que incluso dolía y además tenía que abrir bien la boca, ya que era muy grueso, tenía que pedir pausas para respirar y el me las daba, pero tan pronto podía regresaba a tomarme de la cabeza y hacer que se la chupara; mientras tanto yo solo podía masturbarme, me excitaba mucho esto, esto es lo que quería, quería sentir todas las fibras de este hombre dentro de mi. -. Que rico, por dios! Nunca, agh, nunca me la habían mamado antes, esto es demasiado bueno... Mierda, agh! Yo solo gemía a todo lo que decía y veía atentamente su cara, le encantaba volar mi boca con su enorme tranca. -. Puta, creo que... Ahhh... Creo que me voy a venir! El ritmo comenzó a acelerarse y yo ya me estaba viniendo también, se veía que iba a explotar en cualquier momento, hasta que... Lo hizo, se vino dentro de mi y tragué sus litros y litros de esperma que había depositado en mi boca. -. Agh... Wow... Si... Que tiraste mucho... Semen... *Dije con mis últimos alientos tirado en el piso* -. JAJAJA, wow! Me siento realmente poderoso ahora! Eso estuvo muy bueno, siempre quise que me hicieran una mamada, que bueno que fuiste tú el que me la hizo. Luego de decir eso me levantó y me besó mientras que yo aún tenía rastros de su semen en mi boca. -. Oye... Si tienes tiempo ahora podemos seguir con esto, aún tengo mucha leche aquí mismo. *Dijo moviendo su enorme pene y sus grande bolas* -. Uff... Agh, lo siento, tengo una sesión de fotos con Gabriel ahora mismo, será una sesión de él completamente desnudo, quizá te la pase luego para que la edites. -. Desnudo, eh?.. Bueno, creo que quiero ver eso también. -. Sí, ya me tengo que ir y estoy empapado. -. Oh, no te preocupes, en mi escritorio tengo unas toallitas húmedas para que te limpies. Eso fue realmente amable, parecía que aún quedaba un poco del viejo Will en esa enorme montaña de músculos con gran deseo sexual. Luego de limpiarme, llegó el momento, era hora de sacar a relucir mi talento y tomarle las fotos al modelo más grande de la compañía, Gabriel Janzi, el cuál también era uno de los más grandes bullies de Will. Yo sabía que Will tomaría venganza en cualquier momento, el problema era que no sabía cuándo ni cómo, así que en cualquier momento podría atacar, además que Gabriel no sabía nada aún del cambio de Will, así que quería estar ahí para ver su cara cuando se entere de esto. Gabriel ya estaba listo, tenía un cuerpo genial, un miembro muy bueno y un trasero grande, pero nunca podría llegar a ser igual de sexy y grande que Will eso estaba claro; todo estaba listo, Gabriel en su posición posando, yo con el lente preparado y apuntando, cuando de repente. *PUM* Bruscamente Will entró a la sala repentinamente con una cara decidida, Gabriel como su bullie, lo reconoció al instante, estaba atónito ante semejante monumento. -. William? Que mierda te pasó? -. JAJAJA, te sorprende verme, no pequeñín? luego de muchas burlas, bromas y comentarios, se podría decir que finalmente obtuve lo que siempre merecí. Will se acercaba más y más a Gabriel, hasta tenerlo entre él y la pared, donde comenzó a romper su camisa, pantalones y reventó su jock strap quedando completamente desnudo y con su miembro totalmente erecto. -. Q-qué vas a hacer!? *Dijo Gabriel preocupado* -. Darte lo que siempre has merecido a ti también... Y sucedió lo inevitable, Will tomó a Gabriel de su trasero y comenzó a lamerlo, y abrirlo, luego de un rato escupió a su enorme verga para lubricarla y lo introdujo bruscamente al ano de Gabriel. -. AGHHH!! DETENTE... YAAGHH -. JAJAJA, no cabrón, Agh- estas bien rico, uff, lo tienes bien apretadito. William embestía fuertemente a Gabriel, disfrutaba hacerlo gritar, disfrutaba darse placer con la persona que lo molestaba, realmente era excitante, tanto que hasta tuve que empezar a masturbarme también. -. Uff, que rico! Oye Dylan, deberías tomar fotos de esto, estoy seguro... Agh, que a todos les encantará verme violar a este maricón. Y así como lo dijo lo hice, comencé a tomar fotos de la tremenda cogida que Will le daba a Gabriel, solía cambiarlo de posición siempre, lo ponía en cuatro y comenzaba a flexionar para la cámara, lo cargaba y pedía que enfocara la cara de Gabriel gimiendo como loco, incluso lo hacía chupar su enorme pene mientras el pellizcaba sus pezones de sus enormes pectorales, entre otras, luego de estar un largo rato follando Will comenzaba a aumentar velocidad al igual que cuando se la estuve mamando, sabía que se iba a venir, debía estar preparado para tomar la foto final, la foto de la venida. -. UFFF, ME VENGO PENDEJO! AGHHHH -. AGHHH, MIERDA... Will estalló completamente, llenó a Gabriel con su semen, era tanto que su ano seguía chorreando con el semen incluso luego de que Will sacara su enorme tranca, realmente lo había hecho, se había vengado de su bravucón y de la mejor manera posible. -. Ahhh... Esto fue... Demasiado bueno... creo que no me había venido tanto antes, dejé todo empapado... Jejé... Oye... Dylan, tómame una foto, con mi verga cubierta de semen, estoy seguro que me veo muy sexy, no es así Gabriel? -. Aghhhh... -. DIJE! NO ES ASÍ GABRIEL? -. Aghhh...Sí...lo eres... -. Jajaja... Veo que estas empezando a entender tu nueva posición aquí... Tomé la foto como pidió, realmente era muy sexy, un completo dios musculoso en todo su explendor luego de haber preñado a su presa. Will salió de la sala de fotografía completamente desnudo, junto a Gabriel y yo en cada uno de sus brazos, Gabriel se encontraba casi inconsciente con tremenda cogida, mientras que yo sin pantalones y con mi pene escurriendo un poco de semen, pero claro, para nada como el pene de Will, estaba cubierto y escurría mucho más que él mío. El jefe llegó molesto y se sorprendió al vernos y más al ver que uno de sus mejores modelos fue bruscamente follando por el editor, se quedó sin palabras, así que decidí mostrarle las fotografías que había tomado, en especial la última, en la que Will lucía en todo su explendor. -. Esto... Esto es increíble! Es lo que necesitamos, un dios musculoso! Esto nos ayudará a vender más! Cómo dices que te llamas grandote? -. Me llamo William, soy el editor de acá. -. William, te interesaría ser nuestro nuevo modelo estrella? -. Claro que sí! Me encantaría serlo! Pero antes... Tengo unas pequeñas peticiones que quisiera que se cumplan... Y eso fue lo que cambió la vida profesional de Will, pasó de ser el editor gordito y maltratado a ser la nueva estrella de nuestra empresa de modelaje; claro que con algunas peticiones que se tuvieron que cumplir... Ahora Gabriel tenía que ser el asistente de William y debía servirlo y tratarlo como su amo y ser su puta personal, también le consiguieron un cuarto de descanso, que era donde solía follar a Gabriel cuando tuviera ganas, aunque también solía ir con él para tener un poco de sexo candente, ya que era increíble hacerlo con él y al parecer también le encantaba hacerlo conmigo, incluso comenzó a llevar a más chicos para follarlos, realmente le encantaba pasar el rato ahí, no lo molestabamos para nada, solamente para las seciones de fotos y prueba de vestuario, las cuales estaba feliz de hacer siempre. Sin duda la vida de Will dió un completo giro, él estaba encantado con su nuevo cuerpo, nuevo trabajo, nueva vida, fue lo mejor que le pudo haber pasado, incluso fue de lo mejor que pudo pasarme a mi, tener a un macho que esta dispuesto a tener sexo cuando quieras, es de lo mejor, y por eso es que estoy feliz de haberlo ayudado, estoy feliz de haber ayudado a mi amigo. _________________________________________ Y esto fue todo, espero que les haya gustado, y disculpen si se siente algo apresurada o si hay algún error, pero realmente tenía que sacar esta historia ya, no podía aguantarme más xD Por cierto, algunas de las imágenes son unos edits que hice, no son reales (ojalá y si)
  2. Hola, el día de hoy les traigo una nueva historia, esta historia la llevo haciendo por unos meses y finalmente la terminé justo en el mes del padre, y creo que será perfecto mostrarla en esta fecha. Con esto también aviso que la historia tendrá incesto y cosas por el estilo. Así que comenzamos. _________________________________________ Defendiendonos de los Bullies. Hola, mi nombre es Lucas y junto a mi hermano David nos caracterizamos por ser unos cerebritos, somos de los chicos más inteligentes de toda la universidad, hemos ganado muchos premios y reconocimientos por esta misma razón. Aunque no todo es color de rosa, primero que nada nuestros padres están separados, vivimos con nuestro padre, pero este siempre está en el trabajo, se podría decir que al final de todo nos llevamos bien, aunque nos gustaría pasar más tiempo juntos. Segundo y lo peor de todo, en la universidad algunos nos ven como unos héroes gracias a que tenemos muchos premios por nuestra inteligencia, pero hay un grupo en nuestra clase que nos hace la vida imposible, los atletas de la clase, siempre están molestandonos porque somos unos nerds y porque son más fuertes que nosotros, también llegan a molestar a personas de otras clases, son demasiado fastidiosos, y además al contrario de nosotros, solo pasan las materias por ser buenos en los deportes y nos parece de lo más injusto, y no es que estemos en mal estado físico o que no comamos sano, pero ellos llevan todo al otro nivel, algunos incluso se inyectan esteroides y no podemos competir contra eso. Cada día nos sentíamos más artos de esta situación, cada vez queríamos obtener venganza por todo lo que nos hacían, así que decidimos planear algo, para que todo esto acabara; así que estuvimos todo un mes trabajando en nuestro plan para por fin vengarnos. Todo el mes estuvimos creando un suero que transformaría el cuerpo de un hombre con pobre estado físico a uno de una bestia musculosa, esto solamente si se bebe el suero completo, pero nosotros nos dividiremos el suero en dos, que no nos convertirá en unas bestias pero si nos dará un buen cuerpo de atletas para defendernos, además que no queremos que ninguno se vuelva un niardental musculoso y que afecte nuestra hermandad, jajá. ¿Somos muy inteligentes, verdad? !Lo pensamos en todo! O eso creíamos... Todo esto comienza un día miércoles, en la tarde, el suero estaba casi completo, lo único que faltaba era que llegara el ingrediente que hará que todo funcione "La testosterona Maximun" es un suplemento demasiado escaso y muy caro, tuvimos suerte de encontrar uno, posiblemente nunca volvamos a encontrar otro jamás, estábamos anciosos para que el cartero viniera de una buena vez y nos lo trajera. -.Uff... Ya falta muy poco David, estoy rastreando el paquete y vendrá en 3 minutos. *Dije entusiasmado* -. Ay, hermano, parece que he estado esperando años, pensar que muy pronto podremos vengarnos de los estúpidos deportistas del salón, y del odioso de Brendan, por culpa de él los demás comenzaron a molestarnos. *Decía David, mientras se acostaba en su cama, cansado por el trabajo* -. No dudes que no lo haremos, todo esto terminará muy pronto, esto no nos ayudará solamente para vengarnos, ya verás como conseguiremos muchas citas con esto, jejé, finalmente dejaré de ser un virgen, jajajá. -. Oye, es verdad, no puedo esperar a tener un cuerpo tan genial, jejé. *Ding Dong* -. Oye, creo que ya vino, vamos baja rápido! *Decía David entusiasmado* -. Ya voy, esperame. *Dije mientras trataba de ponerme las pantuflas* Bajé con mi hermano las escaleras, lo más rápido que pude, recibimos dos paquetes en lugar de Uno. Luego nos fuimos a la cocina para ver de que se trataban. -. Oye que es el otro paquete? *Dije intrigado* -. A ver, *Decía David mientras lo abría* Oh, es una cámara, aquí dice que para Jonnhatan Johnson, Oh, es para papá! Era de la que tanto hablaba. -. Oh, ya, bueno, hay que abrir el otro paquete. -. Sí, ahora voy. Abrí el paquete que era para nosotros y saqué la caja con la testosterona maximun. -. Huh, es más pequeño de lo que pensé, se nota que hay pocas variante de estas en el mundo, jejé. *Dije mientras observaba el pequeño tubo con la sustancia* -. En las instrucciones dice que luego de vertirlo a la mezcla se tiene que dejar por un día en el congelador para que haga efecto. *Decía David con la hoja de instrucciones* -. Muy bien vamos a traer los sueros y a vertir este bebé *Dije entusiasmado* Subimos y bajamos ya con los dos sueros y los medidores y preparamos todo para vertir la testosterona al suero. -. Muy bien Lucas, asegúrate y la cantidad sea la misma. *Decía David algo nervioso* -. Lo sé, haz silencio David, yo sé que hay que hacer... *Decía mientras vertía la testosterona en dos tubos con medición, tenía que verter justo la cantidad necesaria, con un poco de nervios logré vertir la misma cantidad en los dos tubos de ensayo, lo único que quedaba era verterlo a los sueros* Muy bien hermano, llegó la hora, toma tu tubo, vamos a veter y esperar a que se enfríen para tener nuestros cuerpos deseados. -. Sí, hay que hacerlo Lucas *Decía David emocionado* Vertimos los dos tubos con la testosterona a los sueros que estaban dentro de dos botellas de una tal soda llamada "Ultra Cola", para que nuestro padre no sospeche y piense que estamos haciendo droga o algo así. -. Muy bien, todo listo. -. ¿Crees que papá pensará que son drogas como la otra vez? jajá *Dijo David* -. Lo dudo jajajá, no creo que las vaya a tirar, fue buena idea camuflarlas por bebidas. Muy bien, son las 2:00pm, así que mañana luego de ir a la universidad a las 4:00pm podremos beber los sueros. -. Espero y no duela, no quiero que papá se asuste con nuestros gritos, ya sabes lo estricto que es. -. Meh, no creo que nos haga nada, lo vamos a dejar fascinado cuando vea en lo que nos convertimos. Ahora estaría bien pasar el rato jugando videojuegos, para que el tiempo avance rápido. -. Me parece buena idea *Dijo David corriendo hacia la sala* El tiempo pasó y nos estuvimos horas jugando, hasta que llegó papá. Papá es un contador, se caracteriza por ser algo bajito, bastante delgado y también es calvo, esto por el estrés que le causa su trabajo, él es un hombre algo enojado y estricto, aunque la verdad solo es así por su mismo estrés, no le tomamos mucha importancia cuando nos regaña la verdad, ya que aunque sea estricto, es gracias a su cuerpo que no impone mucho, a veces se preocupa mucho por nosotros y no puede entender que ya no somos unos niños, aunque a veces sea molesto lo queremos y le tenemos aprecio, ya que es el único papá que tenemos. -. Aghh... Hola chicos, ya llegué, hoy tuve un día muy duro... *Dijo papá mientras entraba y se sentaba en el sofá cansado de su trabajo* -. Hola pá. (Dijimos ambos) -. Aghh... Chicos pueden pedir una pizza? Hoy no tengo ganas de cocinar. *Decía papá mientras bostezaba* -. Claro... *Dije yo* (Como si cocinar a alguna vez, siempre ordenamos comida) Pedí la pizza y papá comenzó a hablarnos de su día. -. No van a creer esto, recuerdan el nuevo puesto de trabajo que me habían prometido? Pues resulta que se lo dieron al presumido de mi compañero, ¡el que lleva menos tiempo que yo! Es increíble, llevo 10 años allí y le dan a otro el puesto que me merezco solo porque el otro tiene carisma y se ve bien, pero lo que importa es el intelecto, de seguro no tiene idea de como se hacen los inventarios, vaya día de mierda... *Decía mi padre con enojo* -. Oh, que mal... *Dije sin ponerle demasiada atención a lo que decía, ya que no era raro que se quejara al venir del trabajo* -. Por cierto, no llegó nada para mi hoy? *Preguntó mi padre* -. Ah, sí, es la cámara de la que tanto hablabas. *Dije mientras le daba su paquete* -. Genial! Finalmente podré hacer las fotos tan geniales, me hice una cuenta de Twitter solo para esto. -. Te hiciste un Twitter? Y qué vas a publicar ahí? *Preguntó David* -. Publicaré fotos sobre insectos y plantas. *Decía mi papá emocionado* -. En serio? Pero eso es aburrido... *Dije con un poco de decepción en mi voz* -. No es aburrido, solo esperen a ver las fotos que voy a publicar, es verdad, deberían comenzar a seguirme ya, vamos entren a Twitter y siganme, les comparto el link de mi perfil. *Decía mi papá entusiasmado* -. No lo sé papá, yo- -. Vamos por favor, solo háganlo, ya verán que luego, tendré muchos seguidores y querrán seguirme, vamos solo háganlo, ya! *Decía mi padre con un tono ya molesto* -. Agh, vamos hermano, solo hagamoslo, sino va estar toda la noche molestando con esto. *Me dijo David* -. Está bien, pá. -. Genial, jajá, recuerden activar las notificaciones para ver todas mis publicaciones. -. Ok... Entramos a nuestros Twitter y le dimos follow a nuestro padre para no volverlo a escuchar a hablar de esto. El tiempo pasó y la pizza vino, comimos mientras papá no se daba cuenta de nada, debido a que se había quedado dormido en su sillón favorito, así que solo comimos mi hermano y yo y no fuimos a dormir. A la mañana siguiente, nos levantamos ansiosos, sabíamos que el día había llegado pero aún teníamos que esperar unas horas más para poder llevar a cabo nuestro plan. -. Hoy es el día David, por fin tendremos lo que tanto deseábamos. *Dije mientras me preparaba para ir a la universidad* -. No puedo esperar, ayer el día pasó muy lento para mi, creo que no podré concentrarme en clase. Terminamos de prepararnos y nos fuimos junto a nuestro padre, papá nos dejó en la universidad y luego condujo hacia su apestoso trabajo. Las clases pasaron como cualquier otro día, Brendan y sus amigos molestaban como siempre y nosotros solo deseábamos que el tiempo pasara más rápido para poder darle su merecido. Luego de una ardua jornada de clases en la universidad, por fin habían terminado, estábamos a punto de irnos a la casa, hasta que el director nos llamó por medio del alta voz a su oficina. -. Agh, qué querrá el director ahora? Tenemos prisa... *Dije con decepción* -. Oh, ya recuerdo, creo que es por lo del proyecto que presentamos la semana pasada, de seguro y nos dará otro premio. *Dijo David para aclararme* -. Agh... Pero eso dura mucho tiempo, encima habla super lento... *Dije quejandome* -. Nooo... Pero por qué justo hoy!? *Dijo David decepcionado* Al final no tuvimos de otra que quedarnos e ir a que el director nos felicitarla con su extenso discurso y su aburrida voz. Ya eran las 4:30 y mi padre ese día salió temprano así que había llegado a casa mucho antes que nosotros. -. Hola, ya llegué... Chicos...? Dónde están? Quizá no han llegado, quizá y les volvieron a dar otro premio, esos chicos si me llenan de orgullo, jejé, ojalá y me tomarán más en serio... Pero bueno. *Dijo mi papá mientras iba a la cocina a buscar que comer* Mi papá estaba cansado como siempre, a pesar de incluso haber llegado más temprano de lo normal. -. Agh... Vamos a ver que hay en el refrigerador... hoy tuve otro día de mierda, no almorcé por hacer ese inventario, y aún así no le pareció suficiente al jefe; pero si que le gustó la presentación del estúpido presumido de mi compañero, como lo odio... Oh, al parecer hay pizza de la de ayer... También quisiera algo para beber, veamos que hay por acá. *Dijo mi padre cuando abrió la parte del congelador donde teníamos los dos sueros* Oh, los chicos compraron de las sodas que les pedí "Ultra Cola" ¡Son de mis favoritas! Aunque tienen un color diferente... Será un nuevo sabor? Oh, bueno, nuevo o no de seguro que estará bueno, voy a tomar una... Aunque pensándolo mejor, me voy a tomar las dos, tengo muchas ganas de algo frío. *Dijo mi padre que iba felizmente con las "sodas" y su pedazo de pizza hacia la sala para ver televisión mientras comía y bebía las dos "sodas"* Uff, esto sabe muy fuerte, pero la verdad es que está muy bueno, me las voy a terminar en nada, jajá. *Dijo mi padre mientras bebía el contenido entero de la primera botella y comenzaba a abrir la segunda con emoción* Mientras tanto nosotros seguíamos en la escuela escuchando el discurso aún del director, y luego de dos largas horas de charlas, premios y aburridos discursos finalmente pudimos salir de ese infierno. -. Dios, qué horas son ya? *Preguntó David* -. Son las 6:47pm, si corremos de seguro llegamos a las 7:20pm, el suero debe haber estado listo hace horas. *Dije mientras aumentaba el ritmo de mi paso al caminar* -. Ok vamos. Corrimos lo más rápido que pudimos hacía nuestra casa, con logramos llegar, aunque sin mucho aliento, al abrir la puerta unos ruidos de objetos rompiéndose y un quejido de un golpe que provenía de una voz profunda nos llamó mucho la atención, al parecer este venía de la cocina. -. Oye... Qué habrá sido eso? *Pregunté asustado* -. No lo sé... Pero mira, son las cosas de papá *Dijo David mientras apuntaba a su maletín en la entrada* De seguro es él. -. Estás seguro? Porque el quejido sonó de una voz más gruesa que la de él. *Dije un poco confundido* será mejor ir a ver... Intrigados y temerosos decidimos ir a ver, al pasar en frente de la sala nos encontramos con la televisión encendida, deducimos que nuestro padre la había dejado así, así que no nos preocupamos demasiado y seguimos caminando hacia la cocina, de donde los ruidos provenían... Llegamos justo a la entrada de esta, estaba a oscuras, pero se podía ver un poco lo que pasaba ahí, con valor entramos para ver que era lo que provocaba esos ruidos y esperábamos aliviarnos al encontrar a nuestro padre como siempre, haciendo cualquier cosa; pero al entrar nos encontramos con una sorpresa que nunca podríamos eliminar de nuestra memoria. Al entrar vimos como una montaña de músculos desnuda estaba en frente nuestro, luciendo su musculosa espalda y su enorme culo, se encontraba tratando de reparar un jarrón que de seguro había roto con su inmensidad. Estábamos atónitos, no sabíamos que decir, mi hermano y yo nos mirábamos y temblabamos del miedo por no saber quien era ese gigante, hasta que este se dio la vuelta, percatandose de nuestra presencia. -. Eh? ¡Hasta que al fin llegan! ¡Los estuve esperando chicos! *Decía el gigante algo molesto* -. T-tú q-quién eres?... *Dije mientras mi hermano me tomaba del brazo* -. Qué!? Pero si soy yo! Su papá Jonathan! *Dijo el gigante tratando de acercarse a nosotros* -. No... Nuestro padre no es así... El es pequeño, bajo y calvo y no tiene una voz tan profunda... Vete de aquí o llamaremos a la policía *Dijo mi hermano con voz temerosa* -. Qué!? Pero si soy yo, en serio! Por qué no me creen!? *Decía el gigante mientras cada vez se acercaba mas* -. No detente, no te acerques, v-vete de aquí ahora. -. Como es que no entienden, vengan acá les mostraré. * Dijo el gigante que comenzó a avalanzarse más rápido hacia nosotros* -. AAAAAHH!! CORREEE!! *Grité a mi hermano* Corrimos hasta el segundo nivel, pero aún podíamos escuchar al gigante persiguendonos y parece que nos estaba alcanzando por muy rápido que corrieramos, así que nos decidimos meter al baño, entramos y nos metimos a la regadera y cerramos la cortina, esperando a que no nos encontrara. Tratábamos de contener la respiración para que no nos encontrara y calmarnos un poco. -. Crees que nos encontrará, en verdad será papá? *Susurraba mi hermano* -. Shhh... Nos va a escuchar. *Dije para callarlo* Escuchábamos sus pasos, se acercaban hacia nosotros, sentíamos que nos iba a encontrar, pero de repente al parecer paró, pensábamos que había entrado a otra habitación. -. Ya se fue? *Susurro David* -. Creo que sí... *Susurré* -. No, estoy aquí. *Dijo la bestia musculosa que nos había encontrado* -. AAAAHHHH!! *Gritamos ambos* -. Esperen, esperen, shhh... Ya les dije que soy yo, su padre *Dijo el enorme hombre de voz porfunda* -. Papá... En serio eres tú...? *Preguntó David* -. Sí, solo que creo que me transformé en esta bestia. *Dijo mi "papá" confundido* La verdad no lo podíamos creer tampoco, se veía espectacular, como un héroe espartano en la vida real, incluso su cabello había crecido otra vez y tenía mas pelo en otras partes, al contrario que antes. -. Papá... Cómo? Cuándo? Por qué? *Preguntó David con confusión* -. No tengo idea, solo vine, comí una pizza, vi televisión y me tomé dos sodas, solamente, luego de eso mi cuerpo comenzó a doler y comencé a crecer y ahora estoy así... *Dijo mi padre viendo su enorme bícep* -. Espera, espera; dices que bebiste unas sodas? Qué sodas específicamente? -. Dos ultra colas que estaban en el refrigerador, son mis favoritas... Intercambiamos miradas con mi hermano y decidimos salir corriendo a la sala. -. Ey! A donde van con tanta prisa!? *Dijo mi padre con su profunda y nueva voz* Llegamos a la sala y vimos las dos botellas completamente vacías. -. No queda nada, ni siquiera una gota... No puede ser... *Decía mientras trataba de sacar una gota de las botella y beberla pero era imposible* -. Esto no puede estar pasando, como es que no dejo nada!? -. Ya les dije, son de mis favoritas *Dijo mi padre que iba entrando a la sala* pero me podrían decir que eran esas sodas y porqué eran tan importantes? -. Esas botellas eran un suero experimental que estábamos creando, no se suponía que tu lo bebieras, se suponía que nosotros tomaríamos cada uno y tendríamos cuerpos de atletas, pero ahora tu te tomaste los dos y te convertiste en más que un atleta, sino que en una bestia. *Dije frustrado* -. Pero qué!? Iban a tomarse esos sueros sin siquiera haberlos probado primero? Que irresponsables, no lo puedo creer. *Dijo mi padre con algo de enojo* -. Bueno sí, pero ahora no podremos por tu culpa! *Dijo mi hermano gritando* -. Mi culpa!? Pero si ustedes saben que esa es la bebida que siempre tomo yo! -. Claro que no! *Grité a mi padre* -. Claro que sí, y hace dos días les dije que pasarán comprando de esas sodas porque son mis favoritas, siempre hablo de ellas; pero parece que ustedes nunca me hacen caso o me prestan atención. *Decía mi gigante padre decepcionado* -. En serio...?, espera sí recuerdo que nos dijiste... *Dije sorprendido* -. Es verdad, de hecho creo que tomamos las botellas que papá ya se había bebido... *Dijo mi hermano percatandose de todo* -. Bueno, ¡pero eso no te da el derecho de tomarte algo así porque sí! *Dije a mi padre para hacerle entender* -. Por qué no hacen más y ya!? *Preguntaba enojado mi padre. -. Ese suero tenía una sustancia única, no podemos pedir otra, así que sigue siendo tu culpa! *Gritó mi hermano* -. Que!? Encima me siguen culpando!? Pues lo siento, pero estas son las consecuencias de sus actos por no escucharme! -. El problema es que tu nunca te diste a respetar, ¡se nota que no nos enseñaste bien! *Grité* -. Sí, sí hubieras sido mejor padre antes esto no estaría pasando! *Gritó David* De repente podría ver una cara de enojo que nunca había visto antes en mi padre nunca, solo con ver esa expresión nos detuvimos con los gritos y comenzamos a temblar del temor que nos causaba, mi padre comenzó a apretar fuerte los puños de repente y levantó el su sillón favorito y lo lanzó contra la pared rompiendolo completamente. -. AAAAAAAAAGGGHH YA CALLENSEEEEE!!! SE ACABÓ, ES HORA DE QUE USTEDES SEPAN ALGO DE DISCIPLINA! COMO ES POSIBLE QUE MIS HIJOS ME DIGAN ESO? *Gritaba fuertemente mi padre con su profunda voz mientras nos veía con sus ojos llenos de furia* -. L-lo siento papá, por favor n-nos hagas daño, por favor *Decía yo con casi lágrimas en los ojos* -. Sí, papá perdón *Dijo mi hermano arrodillandose* lo lamento... -. Yo... Agh... Olvidenlo, ya todo pasó, no hay nada que podamos hacer, lo siento, siento gritarles, pero más les vale no volverme a hacer enojar, okey? -. S-sí *Dijimos ambos* -. Muy bien, creo que podemos tranquilizarnos un poco, jajá. *Dijo mi padre para tranquilizarnos, aunque luego su cara se convirtió en una de preocupación* Mierda! Mañana tengo una presentación importante, y no tengo nada que ponerme, mi ropa quedó destrozada después de transformarme en esto, necesito ropa ya! Al oír esas palabras apenas no estábamos dando cuenta del enorme pedazo de carne que papá tenía entre las piernas, era muy enorme. -. Es verdad papá, taparte por favor *Dije tratando de cubrirme los ojos, pero imposible no dejar de ver* -. Ah! Es verdad! N-no me miren chicos, v-vayan a traerme una toalla. Fui con mi hermano y le trajimos la toalla más grande que teníamos en la casa, aunque aún así le quedaba corta gracias a su enorme estatura, pero al menos no estaba mostrando su enorme verga todo el rato. -. Muy bien chicos, necesito que vayamos al centro comercial, ahora! Vamos suban al carro! -. Pero papá, no puedes ir en toalla, no te dejarán! -. Lo sé, necesito que ustedes me compren la ropa, un traje y corbata, de lo más grande que tengan, también unas cuantas camisas, pantalones y... -Y...? *Pregunté* -. Ropa interior, que no tengo nada que ponerme abajo, pero eso sí, necesito que todo sea grande, no puedo ir tan apretado a mi presentación de mañana. *Decía preocupado mi padre* -. Papá no sé si debamos- -. No les estoy preguntando, les estoy diciendo que vamos a ir, ¡AHORA! Al escuchar ese "ahora" de mi papá decidimos entrar al auto con mi padre, teniendo cuidado de que nadie nos vea en el vecindario. Entramos rápido y mi padre condujo hasta el centro comercial, llegamos allí y nos dijo que se quedaría a esperar en el auto. -. Recuerden, ropa grande, okey? *Gritaba nuestro padre desde su auto que le quedaba pequeño ahora* -. Okey! *Gritamos nosotros mientras íbamos a la entrada* -. Espero y esos chicos encuentren lo que necesito *Se decía mi padre asimismo, mientras veía como un auto se estacionaba al lado de él* En el auto había otro chico, parece que de otra universidad e intercambiaron miradas se saludaron y se sonrieron el uno al otro. Mientras tanto nosotros entrábamos y salíamos de muchas tiendas, tratando de encontrar ropa para mi papá, con algo de complicación al final encontramos lo necesario, solo faltaba la ropa interior, cosa que nos daba mucha vergüenza ya que ni siquiera era para nosotros, pero aún así lo logramos, pagamos por todo y salimos hacia el estacionamiento, este último estaba casi vacío, ya eran las nueve de la noche, y estaba algo oscuro, pero aún podíamos ver el auto de papá así que fuimos hacia donde estaba, pero mientras más nos acercabamos ruidos extraños se comenzaron a escuchar, ruidos y murmullos que solo escuchaba en videos explícitos de internet. -. Sí... Así... Que rico lo haces... Casi no te cabe... Que rico... Mmm... Nos acercamos al auto y nos escondimos detrás para ver que era ese ruido, cuando nos percatamos de que era nuestro padre, él estaba con otro hombre y este último le estaba dando satisfacción por medio de una mamada a su enorme verga, estábamos muy sorprendidos al ver ese acto y decidimos evitar que esto continuará en algo más intenso. -. Sí... Vamos... Apresúrate... En cualquier momento van a venir mis hijos... *Decía mi padre con su gran trozo siendo lamido por la boca de otro hombre* -. Qué!? Papá qué rayos haces!? *exclamé para evitar que siguieran* -. ¡Mierda, vete de aquí ya, corre! *Dijo mi padre mientras apartaba al hombre y lo hacía ir a su respectivo auto* mierda... Chicos puedo explicarlo... jejé... -. En serio!? En un estacionamiento!? Ten un poco de decencia papá, ¡eso no se hace! *Decía David que intentaba no ver su enorme verga parada* -. Lo siento sí, el chico vino comenzamos a hablar, yo estaba desnudo y las cosas surgieron, ya, es algo normal, saben? He estado muy caliente últimamente. -. Sí, pero por favor no lo vuelvas a hacer acá, imagínate si alguien lo hubiera visto, no puede ser... *Dije decepcionado* Sabes qué mejor hagamos como que esto nunca pasó, ok? Toma, acá está la ropa, vamonos a casa ya. -. Genial gracias lindos, uff, sí compraron calzoncillos de los buenos *Dijo mi padre mientras veía su ropa interior nueva* -. Sí, sí ya guárdalos y vamonos. Salimos del estacionamiento, mientras íbamos en camino no podíamos dejar de ver la verga parada de papá mientras este conducía. -. Este... Papá... Podrías hacer algo con eso... *Dijo David con un poco de vergüenza* -. Ah, mierda! Lo siento chicos jajá... Pero no creo que se me baje hasta que me venga, pasenme la toalla para taparlo jajá... Con algo de vergüenza se la puse encima de su enorme tranca, la verdad es que sentía mucha envidia de lo grande que lo tenía ahora, quería tenerla así también yo, y de seguro mi hermano también. Llegamos a casa y mi padre fue corriendo hacia al baño, haciendo lo que mi hermano y yo ya sabíamos que era, y la verdad es que papá no era muy silencioso al darse placer, daba muchos gemidos, y esos gemidos se convertían un gruñidos y sinceramente nos exitaban, incluso una erección se hizo presenten en mi y mi hermano no era la excepción. -. Oye tú- *Dijo mi hermano antes de que lo interrumpiera* -. No lo menciones... *Dije avergonzado* -. AGHH UFF SIII... *Gritaba mi padre que de seguro se acababa de venir* -. Mierda, solo lo está haciendo peor. -. Mejor vamonos ya a dormir... Decidimos ir a la cama, aun con la erección, pero como sea logramos dormir; nuestro padre era una bestia musculosa ahora, y nos preguntábamos si esto sería así todo lo que resta de nuestras vidas. Al día siguiente nos levantamos temprano y ocurrió algo fuera de lo normal, nuestro padre estaba despierto, ya listo para salir, y no sólo eso, también se encontraba haciendo el desayuno, algo que no había hecho nunca, por lo general, lo hacía mi madre y desde que se separaron comemos siempre afuera. -. Papá!? Qué haces despierto!? *Pregunté intrigado* -. No ves? Estoy haciendo el desayuno, estoy viendo un tutorial en YouTube de como hacer un desayuno balanceado para nosotros, jejé. *Dijo con una sonrisa* -. Wow, nunca pensé a papá decir algo así *Dijo David* Nos sentamos en la mesa, esperando a que papá terminara y luego nos sirvió el desayuno, que tenía un aspecto realmente bueno. -. Wow, esto se ve realmente bien, Pá. -. ¡Y sabe realmente bien! *exclamó mi hermano mientras comía un bocado* -. Sabía que les gustaría, mis lindos. Comimos el delicioso desayuno de papá, este último se sirvió dos veces para poder llenarse y luego fue a sentarse un rato en el sofá a ver televisión, mientras tomaba un café, también estaba luciendo su nueva conjunto de ropa que le quedaba muy bien. -. Jé, chicos, creo que tenemos que comprar un nuevo sillón, rompí mi favorito ayer, iré luego del trabajo. *Dijo mi padre quien procedió a tomar un poco de café* Sin decir nada, decidimos ir a prepararnos para la universidad, la verdad no queríamos recordar el ataque de furia que tuvo nuestro padre la noche anterior. Terminamos de prepararnos y papá nos llevó a la universidad, nos dejó y luego se dirijió a su trabajo, con una sonrisa confiada, en el camino a nuestro salón estuvimos hablando un poco de nuestro nuevo padre. -. Uff... La verdad es que sigo enojado con papá, no puede ser que esto nos pasó a nosotros, y ahora tenemos que seguir aguantando al estúpido Brendan *Dije decepcionado* -. Agh, no me lo recuerdes, debimos haber sido más precavidos, creí que lo habíamos, pensado en todo... Pero debes admitir, que papá se ve muy bien. *Dijo mi hermano con un poco de sonrojo en su cara* -. Lo sé, su trasero se ve enorme y esos pantalones con los que iba hoy en la mañana eran ajustados, se veía muy sexy, imaginar que podríamos haber tenido un cuerpo sexy, pero bueno, al parecer tendremos que vivir con esto desde ahora *Exclamé con tristeza* Entramos a clase, pasamos el resto del día pensando en lo que pasará cuando lleguemos a casa a ver otra vez a papá, pensábamos en cómo iba a ser nuestra vida de ahora en adelante, terminamos la jornada y salimos del campus de la universidad para subirnos al autobús, en el trayecto nos pusimos a ver nuestros celulares para distraernos, casi llegábamos a nuestra casa, cuando mi hermano recibió una notificación de la cuenta de Twitter de mi padre, que había pasado de llamarse "Jonathan Nature" a "JonathanSex78". -. Qué!? Qué clase nombre es este!? *Dijo mi hermano mientras me mostraba el celular con la notificación de una nueva foto subida* -. Cambió de nombre, pero por qué ese nombre!? Dale a la publicación, vamos a ver... *Dije intrigado* Al entrar a la publicación por medio de la notificación nos encontramos con algo que nunca creímos que nuestro padre sería capaz de hacer, la foto publicada era algo que realmente nos impactó. Se trataba ni más ni menos de una foto del culo de mi padre completamente desnudo, exponiendo junto a este su enorme espalda y sus piernas abiertas, era increíble, como ver la espalda y las nalgas de un dios Griego. -. ¿¡Pero qué verga!? Esa foto... Estas viendo lo mismo que yo...? *Dije sin poder creerlo* -. S-sí, ¿cómo? ¿Por qué se tomaría una foto así? *Dijo mi hermano con preocupación* -. No tengo idea... Hace cuanto subió esa foto? -. Hace dos horas y... Dios! Ya tiene cincuenta mil likes, esto es increíble! -. Qué!? Te imaginas cuantas personas la vieron ya!? Debemos hablar seriamente con él. Al llegar a nuestra parada, decidimos correr hacia nuestra casa, abrimos lo más rápido que podíamos y entramos, buscamos a nuestro padre y lo encontramos viendo una película mientras comía palomitas y afortunadamente estaba con ropa, bueno, con una musculosa y unos shorts que casi no dejaban nada a la imaginación. -. Papá, ¡debemos hablar seriamente! -. Eh? Hola chicos, qué pasa? -. Papá que clase de foto es esta!? *Exclamó mi hermano que le mostraba la foto que había publicado* -. Ah... Bueno... Pues, quería probar la nueva cámara y me tomé una nueva foto, solo fue eso. -. Solo fue eso!? Tú digiste que la cuenta era para fotografíar plantas en insectos! *Exclamé furioso* -. Miren, se que dije que era para eso, pero me di cuenta que nadie quiere ver eso, lo que la gente quiere ver son cosas como esa foto, acaso no ves la cantidad de likes que tengo? Y es mi primera publicación! Chicos, me estoy volviendo conocido, esto es algo que siempre quise... -. Sí, pero no debería ser de esta manera... -. A ver, entiendo su preocupación de que me tome fotos así, parezco un cualquiera que solo quiere atención gracias a su cuerpo, pero esto es lo que soy y me hace feliz, además no se me ve la cara para nada, no deberían preocuparse. -. Bueno, puede que tengas razón pero no es bueno que lo hagas, es vergonzoso que tu papá se exhiba así... -. Agh, miren ya estuvo, miles de personas vieron mi culo, mejor cambiemos de tema. Les quiero decir que mi presentación fue todo un éxito, les gustó tanto que al final sí me van a dar el puesto que me había prometido, después de tanto tiempo trabajando allí, finalmente lo conseguí, la gente no dejaba de verme, les encantaba escucharme, nunca había sido así en mi vida, y todo gracias a este cuerpazo jajá. -. Vaya, felicidades pá, esos significa que ganarás más, no? -. Así es pequeñín, su papá va a traer más dinero para sus pequeñitos *Dijo mi padre mientras nos acaraciaba la cabeza a ambos* -. Ok... *Dije un poco molesto por su acto anterior* deberías dejar de hacernos así, ya no somos unos niños... -. Lo sé, pero sin mis pequeñitos. -. Bueno, aunque antes tú eras incluso más pequeño que nosotros *Dijo David un poco molesto* -. Sí, pero eso fue antes de convertirme en esta bestia, les digo que cada día que pasa amo más este cuerpo y pensar que al principio estaba algo enojado jajá, me ha traído tanta alegría a la vida. -. Sí, se nota, eres incluso más feliz y empalagoso que antes. -. Es porque los quiero hijitos. -. Sí... Gracias... Luego de esa charla decidimos irnos a nuestra habitación a hacer tarea, mientras dejamos a nuestro padre viendo televisión. Luego de un rato decidimos ir a dormir, al estar en la cama, me propuse a echarle un último vistazo a la foto de papá. -. Dios, no puede ser, se ve tan rico... Ufff *Dije mientras una erección aparecía entre mis pantalones* pensar que esta en esta misma casa me exita mucho más... Bueno ya! Debo dejar de pensar en él, no es correcto, es mi papá. Apagué mi celular y decidí dormirme por una buena vez. Al día siguiente nos levantamos y fuimos a la cocina, ese día nadie tenía que ir a trabajar o a estudiar, así que bajamos sin preocupaciones, al entrar a la cocina el desayuno estaba listo y nos encontramos a mi padre realizando actividades que nunca había hecho antes, se encontraba limpiando la casa. -. Wow, papá, estás limpiando? *Dije mientras me sentaba para comer* -. Increíble *Exclamó David* -. Sí, jajá, les digo que este cuerpo me permite hacer muchas cosas, cosas que no podía hacer porque me cansaba mucho *Decía mi padre mientras levantaba el estante de libros de su lugar con mucha facilidad para poder limpiar debajo de el* Terminamos de desayunar mientras veíamos a nuestro padre limpiar como loco la casa, luego de eso decidimos ir a nuestro cuarto a jugar videojuegos un poco. -. Oye, al final del día no está tan mal esto de papá. *Dije mientras trataba de pasar este nivel con mi hermano* -. Sí, finalmente hace más cosas que ir a trabajar, comer, dormir y quejarse de todo, creo que no está mal después de todo. *Decía mi hermano* Jugamos por horas, hasta que llegó la hora de almorzar, fuimos y la comida estaba servida igual que en la mañana, pero mi padre no estaba por ningún lado, aunque no le dimos mucha importancia, terminamos de comer y nos quedamos viendo un rato el celular, hasta que otra notificación llegó a nuestros celulares, y como temíamos se trataba de la cuenta de nuestro padre otra vez. -. Oye, es papá... *Dije preocupado* -. Oh, no... Qué será esta vez... Entramos a la publicación, pensando que no podríamos encontrar algo más peor que lo de ayer, pero al parecer nos equivocamos. La publicación se trataba de nuestro padre otra vez, esta vez en video, mostrando su cara y dandose satisfacción asimismo, gimiendo como loco. No lo podíamos creer, había mostrado su enorme tranca a todo el internet, junto a su hermosa cara gimiendo y tocando los pezones de sus enormes pechos. El video mostraba los últimos segundos de su paja, hasta que explotó todo su semen. -. NO PUEDE SER! PERO QUE LE PASA!? *Exclamé enojado* -. Espera, de hace cuanto es el video? *Dijo mi hermano asustado* QUÉ HACE 10 SEGUNDOS!? Cruzamos miradas entre mi hermano y yo y decidimos ir a su habitación corriendo, al entrar lo encontramos lamiendo su calzoncillo lleno de semen. -. Papá! Pero qué haces!? *Dije furioso* -. Por qué publicaste esto, dijiste no lo harías más! *Dijo mi hermano que le mostró el video* -. A ver chicos, lo siento, se que dije eso, pero no pude evitarlo, la gente me pedía más y más, yo tenía que darles. -. Pero no tienes que publicar esas cosas! Encima sale tu rostro! Qué pasaría si los vecinos se enteran!? -. Acaso me importa? Soy un hombre de 48 años que ahora tiene un cuerpo de dioses, la gente me alava, y si los vecinos me ven de seguro lo harían. *Dijo mi padre tratando de convencernos* -. Esto ha ido demasiado lejos papá, no puedo creer que lo hicieras. *Dije furioso* -. Que decepción y vergüenza, pá. *Dijo mi hermano que también se encontraba en llamas por lo furioso que estaba* -. Ya callense, ustedes solo están celosos de mi increíble cuerpo, solo porque no fueron lo suficientemente inteligentes para esconder sus sueros de mi, están celosos de que yo, su viejo, consiga más likes en mis publicaciones *Dijo mi padre enojado* -. Ugh, no puede ser, pá, esto debe parar ya! -. Y qué vas a hacer? No creo que con tu cuerpo de débilucho puedas hacerme algo nunca, já. *Dijo mi padre burlándose de nosotros* -. Ugh... Ya verás... Nos fuimos con mi hermano hacia nuestra habitación, a pensar en algo para acabar con esto. -. Ugh, se ha convertido en un cabeza hueca, es increíble que tengamos a alguien como Brendan viviendo en nuestra casa. -. Lo sé, es un fastidio... Oye, mira *Dijo mi hermano mientras me mostraba su pantalla de computadora* ¡Es un succionado de testosterona! Aquí dice que esto quita cualquier tipo de testosterona artificial, da igual su potencia, es perfecto y está barato! -. Genial, cuantas unidades hay? -. A ver, busco... Solo hay uno, y es el que vimos... mierda. -. No todo está perdido, cuantas personas están viendo la publicación? -. Al parecer solo nosotros, genial! Muy bien, hay que comprarlo, aquí dice que viene a las 9 de la mañana, el día de mañana, qué bien! -. Lo dudo, jajá, uff, finalmente podremos volver a tener a nuestro bajito y calvo padre como antes *Exclamé contento* oye, por cierto como funciona eso? -. A ver, aquí dice que tienes que acostar al sujeto y aplicar los succionadores a sus pezones y pene, y esperar a que succione la testosterona por completo. -. Uff, pero como convenceremos a papá de hacer eso? -. A ver... Aquí, compraremos inyecciones tranquilizantes para osos, lo inyectamos sin que se de cuenta y le succionamos la testosterona! -. Genial, no puedo esperar para mañana! Contentos con nuestro descubrimiento, pasamos el día jugando videojuegos. Llegó la noche y la hora de dormir, ni siquiera bajamos a cenar por el enfado que teníamos, aunque yo sí salí al baño y llevé mis audífonos, no podía evitar ver el video de mi padre y no masturbarme, me exitaba mucho, así que decidí hacerme una paja con el video de mi padre, quizá estaba mal, pero era inevitable. Al regreso del baño, me encontré a mi hermano, en la puerta del baño con celular y audífonos también queriendo entrar y hacer lo que yo también hice, pero tampoco hicimos comentarios al respecto. El día domingo y esperado por nosotros llegó, el día en que nuestro padre regresaría por fin. -. Despierta Lucas! Ya es hora *Exclamó mi hermano* en una hora viene el repartidor! -. Genial, vamos, bajemos a comer algo. Bajamos a la cocina, al entrar, nos percatamos que el desayuno ya estaba hecho, lo comimos aunque aún siguiéramos enojados con él, el tiempo pasó y por fin llegó lo que esperábamos. Abrimos la puerta y recibimos los paquetes, sacamos todo y lo preparamos en la sala. -. Ok, este es el plan, tú le inyectas a papá cuando baje las escaleras, lo llevamos a la sala y le sacamos la testosterona, ok? *Dije mientras le daba la inyección a mi hermano* -. Ok... Pero uhh... Papá hoy nos dio fresa con cremas para el desayuno... Y eso... Nos da ganas de ir al baño... *Dijo mi hermano mientras se tocaba el estómago* -. Mierda, corre al baño! *Dije mientras corría hacia al baño más cercano y dejaba el papel donde anote el plan* Mientras tanto mi papá bajó las escaleras, buscandonos. -. Chicos? Ya se levantaron? Quería disculparme por lo que les dije ayer... No fue muy bueno de mi parte... Oigan, están en casa? *Dijo mi padre que nos buscaba en la cocina* Mientras nuestro padre nos hablaba, este se topó con la nota y los instrumentos que dejé en la mesa. -. Qué!? "Plan para volver a hacer a papá el cascarrabias calvo que era antes"? Ellos quieren volverme a hacer como antes!? Ugh, cómo se atreven!? Encima que me vengo a disculparme! *Dijo mi padre que veía el succionador* acaso con esto quieren sacarme el suero!? Pues no se los voy a permitir... Mientras tanto nosotros regresamos del baño y fuimos a la cocina para tomar los instrumentos, pero nos llevamos la sorpresa de que el succionador no estaba. -. Espera qué!? Dónde está el succionador!? *Dije con preocupación* -. Lo dejé aquí antes de irnos al baño. *Dijo mi hermano preocupado* De repente escuchamos un ruido de algo rompiéndose en la sala, corrimos para ver que era, no sin antes que David tomara la inyección por si acaso; al entrar a la sala vimos como mi padre destruía el succionador, lo estaba haciendo añicos. -. No! Papá detente! -. AGHH!! QUÉ CREYERON QUE NO ME IBA A DAR CUENTA!? NO VAN A CAMBIAR LA BESTIA QUE YA SOY!! Mi padre estaba furioso, tenía la misma cara que tenía la vez que rompió su sillón favorito, estábamos asustados otra vez. -. No papá, e-esto es un mal entendido-*Dije antes de ser interrumpido por este* -. Ya cállate!! No creas que soy un estúpido! Ustedes merecen un buen castigo de una buena vez por todas. *Dijo mi padre que se acercaba a mi* -. Oye papá, espera n-no... *Dije mientras mi papá me tenía acorralado y luego recordé la inyección que David tenía* David! Inyectalo! -. QUÉ!? *Gritó mi padre* De repente David salió detrás de mí padre e inyectó el tranquilizante. -. Mierda...AGGH!.. *Expresó mi padre que había sido inyectado* Pero fue en vano, el tranquilizante no le hizo nada. -. Ustedes creen que van a detener a un titan como yo!? Ustedes no necesitan un simple castigo!! Ustedes necesitan más que eso, ustedes necesitan un poco de verga, hijos de puta. -. E-espera, papá sueltanos, a dónde nos llevas? *Exclamabamos ambos* Mi padre nos tomó y nos puso sobre sus hombros, nos dirijió hacia su cuarto, donde con sus palabras, ya sabíamos que era lo que nos iba a hacer. -. Papá, espera, qué haces? D-detente. -. Callense cabrones, ¡dejen de hablar¡ *Dijo mi padre furioso* A ver pendejos, pónganse de rodillas. -. P-pero... -. DE RODILLAS! Sin ninguna otra opción nos pusimos de rodillas ante la semejante bestia que era mi padre, que posteriormente bajó sus shorts junto a sus calzoncillos y liberó a su enorme trozo que colgaba entre sus piernas. -. Comiencen a chupar pendejos... QUE COMIENCEN YA! Intercambiamos miradas otra vez mi hermano y yo, sabíamos que debíamos hacerlo y que en el fondo deseábamos esto, así que comenzamos a lamer su enorme verga, nuestras lenguas se cruzaban, nunca había sentido la necesidad de besar a mi hermano, pero si lo habíamos pensado unas cuantas veces, pero esta vez la verga de mi papá hacía que esto sucediera, se notaba que deseábamos a nuestro papá, se notaba que nos pajeabamos con sus fotos, este último lo sabía, comenzamos a turnarnos para llenar de nuestra saliba la enorme tranca de papá. -. Mierda cabrones, ustedes no saben hacer mamadas, dejen que les ayude. Posteriormente papá nos tomó de la cabeza e intercambiaba con cada uno de nosotros para chuparsela entera o hasta donde nuestra garganta nos lo permitiera. -. Que rica boquita tienen, uff que rico...ahora vamos con lo más rico, subanse a la cama pendejos. Papá nos tomó del cuello de nuestras camisas y nos aventó bruscamente a su cama estábamos acostados esperando su siguiente acción de la que nos hacíamos una idea de lo que sería y de repente comenzó a romper nuestros pantalones y ropa interior, quedamos al descubierto, solo con nuestras camisas para posteriormente comenzar a besarnos, sentíamos un calor profundo, al tocar la lengua de papá con nuestras propias lenguas, se sentía estupendo, podía olfatear su olor a macho cada vez que se acercaba a mi para besarme, me encantaba. Luego de unos apasionados besos papá nos empujó, nos dió la vuelta y nos dejó de espaldas. A ver putos, levanten ese culo rico, ya llegó la verga que tanto esperaban. Hicimos lo que papá nos ordenaba y posteriormente papá escupió dos dedos de cada mano y comenzó a frotarlos por nuestros agujeros, sentíamos cosquilleos al sentirlos y aunque eran solo dos dedos, estos no eran pequeños, eran de la mano de esta bestia sexual que ahora es mi padre. Luego de un poco de roces comenzó a introducir lentamente sus dedos en nuestros anos. -. Ayyy... P-papá... S-somos vírgenes aún, ten cuidado... *Dije entre gemidos* -. Papá... N-nunca hemos hecho esto... *Decía David entre gemidos también* -. Descuiden, tienen suerte de que yo sea el que los desvirgue cabrones, yo creo que ya están listos. Papá nos volvió a dar la vuelta y nos dejó con nuestros culos levantados para poder apreciar a ese macho dándonos toda su hombría, dió un escupitajo a su verga para poder lubricarla y comenzó a masturbarse un poco, papá tenía otro tipo de mirada que nunca había visto antes, no era de enojo ni de otro tipo, esta mirada era la de una bestia sexual, como la de un depredador a su presa y se notaba que nosotros éramos las presas de papá. -. A ver putos, quien va primero... *Decía mi papá con su verga en mano* yo creo que tú David jajá. Papá tomó a David lo abrió y comenzó a meterle su enorme tranca, David se retorcía por el dolor y el placer que le causaba esto y yo no tenía otra opción más que masturbarme viéndolos. -. Uff que apretadito David, te estan temblando las piernas, UFFF... SIIIII... QUE RICO.... *Gemia mi padre con cada metida de pene que este le daba a mi hermano* -. Aaaaaghhh!!! Papá... Duele.... Aghh... -. Cállate cabrón!! Aguantame pendejo... Papá se follaba a David muy bruscamente y antes de venirse sacó su verga, me vio a los ojos y me jaló hacia a él. -. Ahora tú turno puto, prepárate para sentir a tu papá el macho a toda potencia. Papá tomó su tranca y le la introdujo en mi agujero, sentí algo que nunca había sentido en mi vida, una mezcla de satisfacción y dolor, me exitaban mucho que mi padre me estuviera cogiendo ahorita. -. Estas apretado más que tu hermano, ... QUÉ RICO JAJA! AGHHH UFFFF, no cabron... Agh... Me vas a hacer venir. -. Ayy... Papá... Uff... C-con cuidado... Agggh! -. Jajá, callate, Agh, di que te gusta mi verga puto! -. Me gusta tu verga... AGHHH!! -. Gime, dime papi y gime perra... DIOS QUE DELICIOSO ESTÁS... -. AGHHH... p-papi... Papi... UFFFF... Papá siguió así por un rato, mientras mi hermano se masturbaba acostado aún gracias a la cogida que le había dado papá y nos estaba viendo, luego de un buen rato de metida de verga, noté que finalmente papá se iba a venir gracias a su expresión, así que sacó su verga y se puso frente a nosotros, nos juntó y pidió que abrieramos la boca. -. AGHHH ME VENGO PUTOS ABRAN BIEN LA BOCA... AGGHHH... UFFFF... TRAGENSELO. Chorros de semen salían de la verga de mi padre y caían en nuestra boca, cara y camisa, nos dejó empapados, pero nos sentíamos muy complacidos por tener ese momento de placer con la bestia. Luego de la gran venida de nuestro padre, este último cayó a la cama rendido luego de habernos dado toda su leche, nos abrazaba a los dos, uno en cada brazo, podía oler toda su hombría, toda su testosterona, se sentía fenomenal. -. Uff... Eso... Eso fue muy bueno jajá... *Decía mi padre algo exhausto* siento haberles hecho esto chicos... Creo que esta vez me pasé, pero la verdad estaba enojado y también tenía muchas ganas de coger, no había cogido con nadie aún y ustedes estaban aquí, así que sucedió, pero igual lo siento mis lindos. -. Descuida papá... *Dije con demasiado cansancio* nos encantó, la verdad... Nos exitaban verte, saber que teníamos una bestia musculosa, nos volvía locos. -. Sí... Estuvo fantástico, y perdona también por hacerte enojar... *Dijo mi hermano que casi yacía en la cama* -. No, no se disculpen chicos, de seguro los asuste, eh? -. Sí... Pá, pensaba que nos ibas a golpear o algo. *Dijo mi hermano* -. No, nunca los golpearía, ustedes son lo que más amo en la vida, al contrario, quiero protegerlos.... Es solo que... Siempre he querido que algo bueno me pasara estos últimos años... *Dijo mi padre con tono serio* -. A qué te refieres? *Pregunté* -. Bueno, desde que soy niño , nunca tuve una vida escolar buena, a diferencia de ustedes nunca fui el inteligente ni me daban premios, nunca fui bueno en nada y los chicos se burlaban de mi y duró así hasta la universidad, y siempre fue porque era un débilucho, luego de acabar la universidad pensé que todo terminaría, pero en mis trabajos era igual, daba igual que tuviera muchos estudios, la gente se aprovechaba de mi; cuando conocí a su madre pensé que mejoraría pero conoció a un hombre mejor que yo y nos dejó, y tuve que trabajar arduamente en la empresa por 10 años para que no les faltara nada y nunca me ascendían, pensé que así sería toda mi vida, 48 años iguales, hasta que me convertí en esta bestia todo me ha ido mejor, la gente me nota gracias a mis publicaciones, quiere estar conmigo, me presta atención, todo me va bien, como siempre quise y hoy cuando me enteré que querían regresarme a mi cuerpo original, entré en pánico y me enojé mucho... No quiero regresar a ser el insignificante que era antes, me gusta ser la bestia que soy ahora, y me disculpo por si no les gusta, pero a mi me encanta ser así... Luego de escuchar sobre el triste pasado de mi padre, crucé miradas con mi hermano y sabíamos que el se merecía esto, que merecía tener este cuerpo más que nosotros, nosotros solo queríamos darles una lección a los bullies de la universidad que eran las primeras personas en hacernos sentir mal por ser inteligentes, pero papá sufrió toda su vida estudiantil y laboral, nosotros por lo menos siempre seremos reconocidos por nuestra inteligencia, sabíamos que deberíamos dejarlo disfrutar lo que no pudo disfrutar en su vida. -. Papá, no te preocupes... Entendemos... Disfruta de tu cuerpo... *Dijo mi hermano David mientras sobaba el brazote de papá* -. Sí, pá... Pero ten cuidado, ok? Tú también eres importante para nosotros... *Dije para posteriormente besar el brazo de papá* -. Gracias mis chicos, los amo, les juro que los voy a proteger, denle un beso a su viejo! Vamos!... Eh... Chicos...? Papá hablaba mientras nosotros nos habíamos quedado dormidos, este último solo sonrió y se quedó a dormir con nosotros, nos pasamos la tarde así, hasta 6 de la tarde, cuando papá nos hiso una cena exquisita, comimos, nos bañamos y decidimos irnos a dormir, dormíamos como bebés abrazado de nuestro padre. Al siguiente día nos despertamos, cambiamos, desayunamos y papá nos llevó a la universidad, llegando a esta se encontraba Brendan, nuestro bravucón de siempre. -. Ugh... Brendan está ahí... Mierda... *Dije enojado* -. No sé si debíamos entrar a la escuela. *Dijo mi hermano asustado* Brendan se encontraba molestando a un chico de otra clase, parecía que iba a golpearlo ahora, no creíamos que algo lo pudiera salvar. -. Quién es él? *Preguntó papá* -. Él es el bullie de la escuela... El molesta a todos los chicos más débiles que él... Él es la razón por la que queríamos tener un mejor cuerpo... Queríamos que dejara de molestarnos, porque está en nuestra clase y siempre nos molesta... -. Enserio!? Bueno... Pues va a aprender que no debe meterse con ustedes y con nadie, es hora de darle una lección a ese estúpido. *Dijo mi padre con mucha seriedad, para posteriormente salir y azotar la puerta del auto* Papá se veía enojado, salimos detrás de él para ver que iba a ser, llegó y se acercó a Brendan y comenzó a hablarle. -. Hey! Quién te crees que eres!? *Preguntó furioso mi padre* -. Usted quien es- Ou... *Dijo Brendan mientras se daba la vuelta viendo la inmensidad de nuestro papá* -. Soy el que te va a mostrar a respetar, jajá. *Dijo mi padre, con tono burlón* Posteriormente papá lo tomó entre sus brazos y comenzó a sobar bruscamente su cabeza con sus nudillos, se notaba que incomodaba mucho a Brendan, pero ese solo era el principio, papá prosiguió a sentarse en una banca y le bajó los pantalones y comenzó a nalguear lo fuertemente en frente de todos. Todos los chicos de la universidad comenzaron a burlarse de él, Brendan solo pedía parar a cada rato, pero papá no sé veía que quería parar. -. Quieres que pare? Pues bueno, voy a parar pero no me voy a ir sin hacerte...¡UN CALZONCHINO! *Dijo papá riendose* Papa subió a Brendan a un árbol y lo dejó colgando de sus calzoncillos ahí, todos nos reíamos, estábamos tan felices que alguien le diera su merecido al fin, papá solo nos guiñó el ojo, estábamos tan felices. -. Wow papá, gracias, estuviste increíble *Dije entusiasmado* -. Estamos muy orgullosos de ti *Dijo mi hermano feliz* -. Gracias campeones, recuerden que nadie los va a molestar mientras yo esté con ustedes; ahora vayan a estudiar, los veo luego. La campana sonó y todos entramos a clase, luego de habernos reído de Brendan que seguía colgado por un tiempo, luego la rama se rompió y calló sobre un charco, se notaba que había aprendido la lección y se fue a casa, las clases terminaron así que también nos fuimos a casa, donde papá nos esperaba con otra cena riquísima y que sabíamos que no era la última. El tiempo pasó y papá comenzó a ir al gimnasio para mantenerse y expandir más su fuerza, su barba también crecía, y no solo eso, fue ascendido nuevamente a jefe de contabilidad, le estaba yendo muy bien. Nosotros comenzamos a ir al gimnasio con él, obviamente nos tomará mucho o quizá nunca lleguemos a estar como él, pero nos ha servido mucho, hay gente que quiere salir con nosotros. La verdad es que nos está yendo muy bien a todos y nunca nos habíamos sentido más unidos con mi padre, no nos arrepentiremos de su cambio nunca más, y pensar que todo esto comenzó por querer defendernos de los bullies y terminó con nuestra familia más unida. Fin. ___________________________________________ Y así termina la historia, espero y les haya gustado y disculpen si encuentran algunos errores ya que es la más larga que he hecho hasta el momento , ya estoy planeando otras historias, aunque quizá sean más cortas que está. Gracias por leer.
  3. THE PARAGON PORN QUARANTINE by absman420 “Congratulations, Domenic! You have successfully logged onto the Paragon Porn Employee Reference Site! Please take a moment to fill out your profile page, then we will pair your headset with your bluetooth connection. Please click HERE.” I do. It brings up a page for personal information, regular stuff: address, phone number, payroll forms, social security, the whole routine. I’ve filled out enough of this sort of thing through the years -- business is business, after all -- even in porn companies, you have to pay taxes, it seems. That I’ve even come this far is comical in itself. When my buddy Austin approached me at the gym, I thought he was kidding. I mean, I knew he was a “porn star” -- I guess I shouldn’t use sarcastic quotes there, he’s a legit star, not some guy who’s filmed a couple scenes and uses the title. In that world, Austin was a celebrity -- his name alone could sell millions of units of merch -- he won awards (there are awards!) -- and all the little twinks loved him. (And he loved them -- often.) We worked out at the same gym, we worked out at the same time, we had nearly identical physiques, but we weren’t partners. He preferred entertaining some different fan-obsessed boy daily and I preferred to train alone. 2020 was the year I turned forty and I’d just done my first official contest -- I’d placed second in “Masters” physique, so I was flying high on myself. I’d performed well on stage, mask and all, probably from having been an actor/dancer in my 20’s, and my stage-savvy helped me. And then Austin approached me in the gym and asked me if I’d be into doing some porn? What ego doesn’t need that stroke? I mean, I’d been an actor most of my life -- I knew how to work an audience -- and I’d always been curious about porn. Like… how do you motivate yourself? How do you fuck in front of a crew? Is there any intimacy or is it all business? Is there a script or can you improvise? What do you tell your mom? “Serious?” I asked Austin. “Yeah, sure, why not?” he said, adjusting his mask. “You got the bod for it. And I think you got the cock…” He glanced purposefully down at my crotch -- I adjusted myself self-consciously -- he smirked. It wasn’t the best cock, but it did okay. Was it a porn-star cock? Doubtful. “No one complains,” I said. He winked and said, “I sure wouldn’t.” I chuckled. “Tease,” I said. “You like the twinky boys.” He smiled professionally (seductively). “I like everybody.” I smiled -- the joke was easy but I didn’t take it. “Listen,” he said, “I’m exclusive with Paragon -- they’re great! Best house I’ve ever worked for. They really care about the talent, they provide opportunity for growth, investment, marketing and stuff to help you build your brand.” “That sounds... surprisingly great! I’ve heard that porn kind of chews guys up and spits them out.” He shrugged. “Some studios do,” he said. “It’s a shame. It’s a great way to make a living -- you just can’t let yourself get treated like shit.” I laughed. “You sound like a salesman, not an actor!” “I’m a testimonial. Four years ago, I was just a physique model trying to bust out of the pack on IG -- now I’m a freakin’ celebrity! And I owe it all to Paragon. And they’re looking for muscle tops right now, preferably mature, level-headed guys without sexual hang-ups. I thought of you right away.” I was genuinely flattered. “You did? Thank you,” I said. “I’ve always been curious about porn, honestly… as an actor, I mean. I know that sounds weird…” “No, not weird at all -- we’re not robots. It’s all about creativity -- dude, it’s fun. Give the guy a call and do the initial interview -- everything’s on facetime now… you know, cuz of the COVID, so it’s even easier. I mean, in my day, I had to strip naked and blow the guy…. Kidding, kidding!” He gave me a card -- I thanked him and we elbow-bumped. “Let me know how it goes,” he said, indicating the card. “My number’s on there -- shoot me a text.” “I will, thanks!” I pocketed the card and resumed my set -- he left with his pretty partner, no doubt to fuck. Maybe porn wouldn’t be so bad... ***************************************************************************** “Please select your Virtual Training Coordinator.” There are five different profile pictures to choose from, each a different type -- a lean black guy with mind-blowing abs; a twinky bottom with an impossible bubble butt; a professorial type, all nerdy and neat; a bad boy in his leathers. I pick the one most like me -- a middle-aged, well-muscled bearded guy with a slight roid-gut wearing workout tights that do nothing to hide his prodigious manhood. His blurb reads: “COACH ROD -- great for Jocks and Sports-Gear Fetishes. From straight guys who’ve never sucked a dick to muscle daddies looking to be young again, COACH ROD is for you.” I select “COACH ROD” and a download begins -- I have to give it permission -- finally a pop-up appears with what looks like a FaceTime window with the Coach, a CGI character that seems impressively complex. He’s sitting on the edge of a desk in a locker room/ office -- the place just exudes organized chaos. He picks up a whiteboard and writes on it, then holds it to the camera. “PUT ON THE HEADSET.” “Oh,” I say. I quickly slip the headset on my head and adjust the microphone while I say, “Got it.” “Great,” he replies, his AI voice smooth and rich -- a baritone. “Can you hear me okay? Do I sound clear?” “Yes, I hear you fine -- the volume’s okay.” “Great. Give me a second -- I’m downloading your profile information. We’ll finish filling out your paperwork together and we’ll let my algorithm get to know you a little better, then we’ll work our way through the employee training program. It’ll give us something to do during your two-week quarantine period, right?” “Sure,” I say -- dictating was better than typing anyday. “Seems like kind of a big set-up…” “...for a porn company?” Coach Rod finishes. “Yeah, maybe. I think you’ll find Paragon is the premier studio for a reason -- we treat our people well. Our performers aren’t just assets -- they’re family. It’s too easy in this business to find low self-esteem, drug abuse, burn out, a real use ‘em up and throw ‘em out mentality. Paragon doesn’t have that.” He pauses for just a second, holding up a finger in a “wait a minute” pose. “Okay, I’ve just finished downloading the results of your physical this morning and I’m going to put together a diet/ training program that will better address your needs. You’re in good shape, Dom -- especially for your age -- but you can be significantly better.” When I don’t respond, he looks up into the camera and says, “Problem?” I smile. “I guess I’m just blown away by this technology,” I say. He smiles and touches his muscular body. “Yeah, I’m pretty real, aren’t I? Listen, I’m just an instruction program -- I can be whatever you think you learn best from. Do you want me to change race? Age? Costume? More muscle? Big, shameless cock? Anything that’ll keep you focused. As I get to know you better, I’ll probably refine myself, both in looks and motivational approach, to get the best out of you. We want to launch a successful career for you with Paragon -- that’s always the goal.” “Thanks, Coach,” I say. He laughs. “See? You’re gonna do just fine. Now, let’s start with some basics. I’m gonna ask you a bunch of random questions to get to know you better. Answer honestly -- I’m not going to judge you -- I can’t, I’m just an algorithm right? -- but your truthfulness will matter, so don’t be embarrassed or ashamed, no matter how weird the answer might seem. Okay?” “Go ahead -- shoot!” “You’re gay, right? 100% gay/ 0% straight? Or is there some pussy love in you someplace?” “Well, I fucked my high school girlfriend -- does that count for something? Of course, that was decades ago and I haven’t been with a woman since. So, 100%, yeah.” Coach smiles -- it looks so real. “Top or Bottom?” “Top.” That smile again, as if he knows something. “Percentage?” “If I say a hundred, it doesn’t sound like you’ll believe me, but it pretty much is. I’ve bottomed a couple times but it’s never worked out well.” He hmphs -- a computer hmphs! “Is that because it hurt too much or because it didn’t feel natural?” “Both, I guess. And don’t tell me it’s cuz I haven’t met the right dick, because I assure you, I have! I’m just… not a bottom.” “Okay,” he says, matter of factly. “Being vers will get you more gigs, but maybe if you have other skills. Do you suck cock?” “Uh… yeah, sometimes.” “Do you like it?” “Yeah, it’s okay.” “Are you good?” “Uh… I think I’m okay.” He looks up from his notes into the camera. “Have you ever made a guy cum?” “From a blowjob? No.” “From lacking technique or desire?” “Jesus… these questions.” He smiles a tight smile. “Don’t evade. Answer it -- honestly.” I shake my head as if I’m searching for something to say. “Um… I don’t know.” He nods. “Fair enough. Would you like to watch a training video?” “Excuse me, what? A training video? Are you kidding?” “Of course. Why not? It’s a skill -- and skills can be learned. You learned to ride a bike, right?” “Yeah,” I say, trying to find some way of arguing it. “I guess. It just seems… I’ve never considered...?” A link pops up in a text window below him. “Click on the link,” he says. “We’ll make fun of the acting together afterward!” “Ok, what the hell? I got nothin’ better to do.” “Good man!” I click the link. ******************************************************************************************* You’re in a classroom -- no, it’s a movie set of a classroom -- it appears functional but it’s not real. The teacher sits on the edge of the desk, except he’s clearly not a teacher -- he’s too muscular and tan. Even in his short sleeve dress shirt, his neck ink and forearm tats give him away. Gruffly handsome, his hair and beard are the same shaggy buzz. As he leans against the front of the desk, you see his pants are unzipped and open, revealing his sizeable erection. Aside from you, there are two other boys in the shot. Both are young and handsome, a blond and a brunette in schoolboy uniforms. You are all three on your knees at the feet of the teacher, looking up at him. The brunette is sucking the teacher’s cock while you and the blond look on. You’re in a porn movie, you realize. That makes sense -- just follow the script. “Okay, that’s not bad,” the teacher says. “Work around the base of the glans a little more. Good, good. Like that, yes.” The brunette, confident, attempts to deep throat the “teacher’s” huge cock, but ends up choking and gagging. He backs off immediately, sitting back on his heels. “That’s okay,” the teacher says. “Your eyes are bigger than your throat. That’s why we’re here, to learn. Who’s next? Who wants to give it a try?” He waggles his hard dick. “You?” He looks at you, and you don’t need anything more of an invitation -- his cock is magnificent. (Well, all cocks are magnificent in your eyes -- cockslut!) -- so you shuffle on your knees into a more advantageous position for the camera and you get to work. The script calls for you to be hesitant at first, maybe intimidated -- it’s hard for you to play that when this cock is so clearly suckable -- but you’re an actor, so you do what the director tells you. The “teacher” develops a nice dollop of pre-cum at the tip of his dick as you play with his balls -- he told you right before filming that he’d heard how amazing your mouth was and how much he was looking forward to this scene -- looking into his eyes, you gently lap it off with the tip of your tongue, teasing the slit of his cock for more. Fuck, that’s good! Sweet and slick, it fires you up for more. You grip the base of his shaft with your left hand and begin to roll your tongue around his mushrooming head. “Yes,” he moans. “Very nice.” He begins “instructing” you -- that’s the point of this video, remember -- techniques to stimulate the glans, using the tongue to tickle the very spot where the ends of the glans merge, how to create just enough suction -- this is a swirl, this is a tease, this is how to stimulate the nerve endings -- you demonstrate as he discusses. The whole thing feels very sophomoric to you, you who’s born to suck cock, you who’s such a natural. Without waiting, you plunge deep, taking this spectacular cock into your throat, past your naturally suppressed gag-reflex. You hold your breath and constrict your throat slightly, letting his head run along the soft tissue of your throat. Your tongue is magic. He moans -- loudly. “Yes,” he says. “Very good -- you’re a natural.” You start bobbing your head in a rhythm that grips him, countering that by pulling on his balls. You can tell he’s close -- you’re connected -- it’s a gift you have -- so you decide instead of teasing him and passing him to the blond boy, you’re going to finish him off yourself, this beautiful man and his tasty cock. Who could blame you? You got into porn to show off your skills, after all -- show them! You deep-throat him again and you can actually feel his balls churn. Your mouth races his cum to the tip of his cock -- you pull your head away just in time to have him shoot two long white ropes across your face, then you take his cock back in your mouth and swallow the rest -- your reward. Your drug of choice. You continue sucking him, draining him until there’s no more to get -- what a hunger you have! Little slut. “What a mouth you have!” the teacher praised. “That’s the best blowjob I’ve ever gotten from a Freshman!” You smile, still gripping the base of his dick, and lovingly kiss the head, never breaking eye contact. “I wanna see what he does that’s so great,” the brunette says, standing and revealing his own erection. “Suck my dick!” “No!” complains the blond. “I want him to show me -- I haven’t gotten to do anything yet.” “Don’t worry, boys,” you say, taking one of their cocks in each hand. “I can do this all day!” You suck the knob on one, then switch to the other. They both taste good. “See, boys?” said the teacher, “that’s the kind of cockslut you should aspire to be! You just gotta love it…” And you do -- big cocks, little cocks, thick cocks, bent cocks, heavy cocks, knobby cocks, uncut cocks, hairy cocks, pierced cocks, leaky cocks, old cocks -- you love cocks! Not just having them in your mouth, but pleasing them, pleasuring them, getting them to cum in your mouth… This is an instructional video -- here’s how you get two guys off at the same time. Getting a guy to cum is powerful enough -- getting two guys at once shows you’re a master of technique and desire. When the blond and the brunette are simultaneously shooting their loads across your face, you know what a cockslut you are -- how much you truly love it. The teacher brings your cum-covered face in for a deep, loving kiss. You’re Teacher’s Pet. Fade Out -- End Scene ************************************************************************************************** I wake in the morning to the sun streaming in the window, pleasant and warm, even the cinderblock dorm rooms don’t seem so stark in this light. I’m excited to work out -- my quarantine gym time is from 8-10am, giving me a half hour to have some coffee and smoke a bowl before I have to head down. I do hate working out alone, but it’s way better than not working out at all. (If I had to go through a two-week quarantine with no gym, I think I’d go out of my mind!) As I sip and puff, I scan through my emails. There’s one from Coach Rod -- I’m tickled that my virtual trainer is reaching out to me virtually! (Stoner…) “Hey, Dom,” the email reads, “Check outside your door -- your meal-prep should’ve been delivered by now. I want to bump your training a notch and clean you up a bit before your big film debut! The meals are all labeled -- you’ll have six today -- you’ll see the consumption times on there, too! All good stuff -- I made it myself (haha). “Reply to this email to let me know it’s received and understood and I’ll see you at your Noon Training Session with me. In the meantime, enjoy the gym! Coach Rod.” This is so weird -- I respond so. Outside the door is a cooler with a stack of prepped meal containers. I bring it in the room and transfer the meals to my mini-fridge (but for the one I’m scheduled to eat) and then put the cooler back in the hallway. I continue to be surprised at the budget of Paragon -- this seems a long way to go just to film some pornography. Don’t people make that stuff on their iphones? Whatever -- I’ll enjoy the pampering when it’s offered. I could really use a cock. This quarantine has gotten me horny -- it’s been too long since I’ve had a cock in my mouth. (Hard to believe about a little cockslut like me! I can’t fucking WAIT to finally film and get some fucking relief!) I’d suck on a dildo, I want one in my mouth so bad, but I don’t own one. Fuck! Great time to be a top with an oral fixation. I eat my boring meal of egg-whites and oatmeal and then dress quickly for the gym, baggy shorts and a sleeveless t-shirt. It’s a nice gym and I have an intense workout -- I think of all the people in quarantine without access to a gym -- I’m pumped and gently flexing in the mirrors when I notice someone in the pool on the other side of the glass wall. It’s the first time I’ve seen a live person in three days… ...and already I’m aching to suck his dick. He’s doing laps in the pool, lean and athletic, smooth and practiced. His back and arms are muscular and well-defined, strong but not big. I’m watching him swim back and forth and I’m gently touching myself. Shameful -- but I'm isolation-level horny, so it’s understandable. I watch him for a good five minutes before he finally finishes and pulls himself out of the water, his back to me. A scruffy-bearded redhead, wearing a neon green speedo, his ass is beyond spectacular. As he walks down the deck, he has to reach in his suit and adjust himself -- he’s not hurting in the front, either. What a beautiful, lithe body, not an ounce of fat on him! Is he a fellow actor? Dear God, let him be a fellow actor!!! As he disappears into the locker room, I bring myself back to reality. Damn, I’m horny -- I’m fucking hard watching a guy swim, wishing once again that I’d been on the swim team in high school. Anyway, enough regrets, time for my Training Session. ****************************************************************************** “How’d your workout go?” “Great! I must say, I was feeling kind of bad about having this incredible gym available while the rest of the country’s on lockdown.” The coach coaxes. “But…” “But then I get these great pumps and I get over it.” “You like showing off.” I laugh. “I’m not sure I’d make it a statement like that -- I mean, I like getting looked at. It took me a long time to get up the nerve to compete, though.” “But you’ve been an actor for years -- you’re comfortable on stage.” “Oh, I think that’s what helped my win, don’t get me wrong. But when you’re an actor, you’re playing a role. When you’re onstage in a tiny little poser in a bodybuilding, you’re you, as emotionally naked as you are physically -- it’s way different.” “Would you do it again?” “I don’t know. I mean, the dieting is hell and the shaving is endless… I mean, maybe. I don’t know.” Coach Rod smiles. “What if you had a really big dick that barely fit in your posers?” I laugh. “Everything’s a porn movie to you AI-generated training programs, isn’t it?” “And you evade answers by making jokes.” I think for a second -- how to phrase this? “What man wouldn’t?” I ask. “What man wouldn’t want a really big dick that barely fits in his posers?” “How big?” I laugh. “Porn-star big!” “That’s limited,” Coach Rod says. “Free associate. How big?” “I don’t know -- hyper-masculine, Tom-of-Finland big, ridiculous and seductive, impossible yet challenging, tempting but worrisome -- every teenage boy’s transformation-fantasy big! That’s what I mean. Or do you need numbers?” “No, no. You’ve given me plenty to work with. Let’s communicate with the medical staff and see what’s possible…” “Excuse me, what?” I sit up in my desk chair, nearly choking on my protein shake. “‘What’s possible?’ Did I hear you correctly? They can… do that?” Coach Rod laughs. “You’re asking that of an AI program.” “Which means?” “Which means they can do lots of stuff that used to not be possible.” “A porn company?” “A worldwide adult entertainment juggernaut with a reputation for incredible men with incredible abilities with which you’re entering an exclusive contract. They -- via me -- will drive you to be the best product you can be. Stick with it and I promise you’ll be very well taken care of. All you need to do is look good and fuck guys -- there are worse jobs.” “True...” “Do you have any idea how many men would kill for this opportunity? Do you know how lucky you are, to be entering off the street with no experience into this field at this level?” “I wonder if that’s what my high school guidance counselor would say?” He holds up a finger in a “wait a minute” gesture. “Your high school guidance counselor was Jonathan Witek -- he retired in 2018. By tracing his credit information, I see he has purchased Paragon’s online content for the last six years. He responds to movies about young twinks who turn the tables on and top their authority figures.” “Oh my God…” “With this in mind, we can surmise that he’d approve of your career choice. Perhaps he’ll even be a fan?” “This just gets weirder and weirder.” “Or better and better. Now, you’re scheduled to check in with the medic at 1pm -- you remember where that is, right?” (A facility map appears on the screen with an animated trail that leads from your dorm room to the medical center in the basement.) “I got it.” Coach reappears on screen and blows me a kiss. “Go get ‘em!” he says, smiling. “We’ll talk about doing a video when you get back.” “Okay -- peace.” The box goes blank -- Coach has “signed off”. ************************************************************************************ The medic is dressed in a blue Hazmat suit, which seems a little overboard for me -- his face is shielded and he’s masked beneath. I can only see his eyes, so I wouldn’t be able to identify him if I saw him naked. (I wonder what kind of dick he has?) He’s pleasant enough, but nowhere near the conversationalist my AI-generated Coach is. I try to engage him in conversation as he swabs my nose. “I think you scraped my brain,” I joke as he removes the swab. I can’t tell if he’s amused or not through his mask. “A lot of guys say that,” he responds. “I have to do it that hard.” I smile. “That’s what guys always say.” Nothing. I’m sitting in a chair that reminds me more of the dentist than a medic, but it’s comfortable. The medic sets up an IV for me, puts the needle in my forearm and tapes it in place. As he’s satisfied with the drip, he returns to my chart and reads it over. “Oh,” he says as he spots something he hadn’t seen before. “Says here you’re scheduled for some gential enhancements. Wanna get that started now?” I’m not sure how to take that information -- I’d barely mentioned it to Coach Rod a half an hour ago and here I am. “Sure,” I say, shrugging, not really believing him. “Why not? What have I got going on?” He goes to a cabinet and removes a device that’s connected to a bunch of tubes. It reminds me of a cock-pump, except it’s significantly larger, like it would hold everything. “You’re not wearing underwear, are you?” “Beneath my paper gown? What kind of porn star would I be?” I’m right, the whole of my genitals go inside the tube -- it really has a shape more like a swollen package, not just a cock -- lifting my paper examination gown, he begins sliding the pump on me without asking permission. It creates a seal around the base of my groin like a cock ring -- he then connects the hoses and power cords to a small USB port next to the examination chair. He pulls a pre-loaded syringe from a drawer and injects the contents into my IV. “This is gonna take about an hour or so to run the complete program,” he says in a way that sounds almost bored, like he’s done it a thousand times. “Would you like to watch a video?” “Oh, sure!” I say as he pulls out a VR-headset front he cabinet. “What you got?” He helps me put the headset on and insert the ear plugs. “You’ll like this,” he says as he presses a key on his pad. Just as the video starts, I can feel the suction begin on my groin. Oh damn, I think. This is gonna be good. ****************************************************************************************** You’re onstage at a bodybuilding contest -- no, it’s the set of a movie -- there’s no audience (they use cutaway shots and SFX for audience reactions), only a camera crew. You’re pumped and primed and crammed into your posers, the tiny pouch barely holds all of you, stretched as it is -- the root of your cock is plainly visible. You’re in the final posedown with the other men of your weight-class. The guy on your right is trouble, a big Russian with a back as wide as the Asian continent -- he’s blocky, though -- thick. He doesn’t have your natural aesthetic, your height. Or your huge package. You can’t help your genetics. When you were in high school, going through puberty, having a dick the size of yours made you feel self-conscious -- none of the other boys had dicks as big as yours. It made you feel a little freakish -- especially on the swim team! Perhaps because your balls were so oversized -- goose eggs at 14 -- you put on muscle easily. You started working with a coach and trainer because the owner of the gym saw your potential and you did your first contest at 19 -- you took the Open and the Teen Class! That posing would cause you to get hard was the challenge. Flexing would always get you hard. Your posing coach laughed it off at first -- “You get off on showing off!” he’d say, patting your shoulder as the two of you looked in the mirror and tried to ignore your rod. “You just can’t hide it as easy as some guys!” Even now, all these years later, flexing for others has the same effect on you -- it’s one of the reasons you stopped competing so much. Difficult enough to get past the “does he stuff his posers” memes online -- which secretly turn you on -- but as you got into the muscle worship scene (and started making some serious bank from it), you realized your flexing fetish got you bookings by the score! And sponsors (mostly underwear companies)! And now… movies! You and the big Russian with the acne-scarred back start the posedown. The third guy in the lineup -- the guy on your left -- he’s not even show-worthy, bulky, but with a thick, round ass that can’t be contained in his posers. So you start flexing for the “audience”, for each other, for yourself, and you feel your cock start to come to life, as it always does. Double-bis, to get attention, then you start flexing your legs. You shake your relaxed quad muscle then slap it and flex it hard at the same time, but this is just an excuse for the camera to get your growing cock in the shot and you know it. The big Russian plays along, jamming his leg up against yours and doing the same bit. You can see him checking you out -- his little dick gives him away. He runs his hands down the front of your flexed quad and he makes an “impressed” face. You flex your bicep and let him feel that, too. Meanwhile, your cock grows harder, already testing the limits of its spandex container. The other guy tries to jump in front and do some squat poses, low to the ground, aching for some camera time, some audience recognition. Both you and the Russian ignore him and turn around to do lat spreads. Going from that pose to back double-bi is what causes your cock to pop out of your trunks, the one thing you’ve always worried would happen in actual competition. It’s strangely liberating, letting it go, not able to stop it. You can still feel your balls contained by the strap, but your cock is free, bouncing up as you hold your pose -- when you turn around, the audience screams, -- or maybe you just hear that in your head (it’s a movie, isn’t it?). It doesn’t matter -- you continue your show, fluidly moving from pose to pose as your cock rises to full mast, its head just above your belly-button. The big Russian is hard as well, though his dick is contained in his strained posers. He faces you and, with a smirk on his face, begins punching your pecs. The other guy is on his knees, running his tongue up the grooves in your thigh, nuzzling your bull ball-sac. From your position, you can see his lower back tattoo -- above that magnificent ass -- of two powerful wings. The Russian is behind you, reaching around, running his hand down your cobbled abs, purposefully -- teasingly -- avoiding your huge cock. He pinches your nipples as you continue to flex. And that’s what makes you cum! You don’t even touch your cock -- your arms are up in a double-bis -- but you shoot a massive load anyway. So hard and far it hits the camera lens -- stripes of it coat the face of the guy on his knees and you can tell he’s loving it (and aching to get some of it in his hot hole). The big Russian is standing there pounding his cock. You flex a “Most Muscular” in his face and he shoots his load, which the other guy is more than eager to lap up. You and the Russian make out, feeling each other’s bodies as the other guy kneels there and shoots his load for the camera -- he doesn’t matter. Your cock is the star. ************************************************************************************* Another fantastic workout -- I’m gonna have to be careful or I’m gonna become a regular morning gym guy, even when my contract is up here. What am I now? Eight days into a fourteen day quarantine? Certainly no one could look at me and think me in any way unhealthy. My body is amazing! The training regime, the dietary control, and whatever they’re giving me supplementally in those IV’s is taking my physique to a whole different level. I look so good right now that I hate that no one is seeing me. I haven’t announced what I’m doing on IG yet, but I have put up some thirsty shots after my last few workouts. I’m getting a fuck-ton of hits, not to mention all the people trying to slide into my DM’s. I admit to feeling the slightest bit guilty about my gym access with everyone else on lockdown, so I don’t post videos of workouts like I’d like. For the sake of ease, I pretend I’m working out at home like everyone else. For my chest training today, I’m wearing a red stringer that scoops so low as to show off the entirety of my deep cleavage and a pair of spandex short-shorts, which barely -- BARELY -- cover my oversized package. It looks as though any second my gigantic cock is going to pop out, or flop out, or just wear the material down and tear out. I love being a tease with it -- I know what cockhounds guys are. (At least, I know what a cockhound I am -- and if I saw someone with a cock as hot as mine, I’d be all over him, too. I can’t blame them.) I’ve been dealing with it since being on the high school swim team, learning how to keep it in my Speedos. My gigantic cock -- my gorgeous, gigantic cock. And my swollen bull balls. That’s what got me here to Paragon, right? Austin saw me in my contest and thought, the way my package crammed my posers, I should be in porn! How right he is! Squeezing out the last few reps of cable crossovers, in the reflection of the mirror I can see the glass wall that separates the gym from the pool. I know he’s over there -- I’ve seen him doing laps in the corner of my eye -- that beautiful red-haired boy. So I waddle over to the glass wall and watch him swim. I can see myself in the reflection of the glass, so I practice posing -- my chest looks amazing! It doesn’t take more than a few poses for my dick to start to come to life. Whatever -- I fuckin’ love posing! As my erection starts to get obvious, the red-haired boy gets out of the pool. This time exiting on the side facing the glass wall, so I can see his front, which is just as spectacular as his back. He’s probably 5’10” 190 or so, rips so sharp his abs could cut someone. He wears a pair of black jammers so low on his tight hips that they expose his entire deeply grooved iliac furrow -- called the Adonis Belt -- and rest just above his cock, across his groomed pubis. Other than that and his scruffy beard, he’s completely hairless. Pulling himself up out of the pool, he doesn’t see me until he’s standing, shaking the water from his head. We make eye contact and he smiles an easy, genuine smile. Gorgeous. I smile back, knowing he’s seeing the erection he’s given me -- with my cock (in spandex) it’s a little more than obvious. I salute and wave -- he waves back. We can’t hear each other, so after a few awkward moments of staring, he points to his eyes, then points to me, then waves, heading off toward the locker room -- allowing me to see that ass again. Fuck that guy’s hot. Please, please, please, gods of pornography, let him be my scene-partner. Fucking six more days!!! ************************************************************************************************ Over the last few days, I’ve noticed that Coach Rod has gained some size, especially through his chest and traps (and some big, obvious nipples) -- he’s also dressed more provocatively lately, as if he’s purposefully exploiting my spandex fetish. He’s an AI program, I think. He’s clearly adapting to me -- right? “Coach,” I ask, “who picks what you’re wearing?” He smiles. “You can if you want. Click on this link…” (one appears in the text box) “...and you can pick specific items, or you can just tell me a genre or style and I can work from there. You respond best when I’m wearing spandex.” I laugh. “I know. Feel free to wear as many singlets or posers as you want.” “You got it!” “Tell me something,” I say as I act casual about getting my meal ready, “there’s a hot redhead who’s been swimming laps while I’m training. Do you know who that is?” Coach smiles -- if I didn’t know better, I’d say a knowing smile -- and he says, “Hold on -- let me check the schedule… oh, yeah! Eddie -- Eddie Ginger.” “Eddie GINGER…?” “His stage name. Which reminds me, we need to finalize YOUR stage name…” “Yeah, yeah. Tell me about Eddie Ginger instead.” Coach can’t stop smiling. “Do you like him?” “Of course I like him,” I say. “He’s fucking hot as fuck and I’m horny as a motherfucker! I’m so over this quarantine right now -- you have no idea! I swear to God I’m gonna stick my cock in the first hole I come across and pound on it like I’ve never fucked before!” “Then you’ll be happy to know Eddie’s your first scene partner.” I’m shocked. “Are you fucking kidding me?” I ask. “That beautiful boy? That beautiful, twenty-something boy is my first scene partner? Oh, fuck, look at this… my cock is already getting hard. I’m never gonna make five more days…” “Eddie’s a really nice guy -- and one of our top-sellers! He moves more units than the next three featured bottoms put together -- you’re very lucky, Dom. Working with him, you’re bound to get exposure.” “How did I win this golden ticket?” I ask. “I’ve always heard the porn industry chews ‘em up and spits ‘em out. As an actor, that’s what’s kept me AWAY from porn all these years! If I thought this were possible…” “Working your way up from the bottom is very hard,” Coach says. “That’s where there’s likely to be use and abuse -- guys who are desperate or addicted or lost -- very few make it out of that. Some are lucky -- they know the right people or they manage their online presence well enough -- but most blossom and die without rising to the level of Porn Star. In some ways, it’s just like Hollywood, right? And you? You got a feature film on a referral -- and that’s gonna piss so many people off. This guy appears out of nowhere and becomes a huge star -- it’s the American Porn Dream come true! It’s just perfect! If only we could finagle you into having been straight before we hired you… that’d be the Porn Hat Trick!” He laughs at his own joke -- how odd that AI can entertain itself. I shrug. “Sorry,” I say. “Can’t help it -- I like cock too much.” “Especially your own!” I laugh with my usual confidence. “Of course -- you know what I’m packing! And you know I love showing it off! You should’ve seen me in the locker rooms in high school -- stupid straight boys standing there with their jaws agape as I wagged my cock out of my Speedo. Do you have any idea how many teenage circle-jerk cock-worshipping scenes I started? Paragon should’ve filmed those!” “Speaking of which, shall we work on a masturbation video today? The one you did yesterday -- the one where you were standing there spinning your cock around like a tassel? -- the producers LOVED that!” “They did?” I ask excitedly. “They saw it? I thought we were just playing around?” Coach Rod was matter-of-fact. “It was good,” he said. “Part of my programming is to alert the producers to content that stands out. Especially from the newbies. They’ve invested a lot in you -- there’s no harm in showing them their money’s not wasted.” I shrug. “I suppose not. I just… I wasn’t being serious.” “That’s what they liked about it -- it had personality. It was obvious how much you enjoy your cock -- that came across very clearly. So let’s make another. I think we should do a seated one this time, so we can really focus on it. What do you think?” “I’m totally in,” I say, flopping down in the chair in front of the camera. “When do we start?” ************************************************************************************** As the video opens, you’re sitting back in a chair -- the camera is at a high angle, looking down, probably not a laptop -- you barely fit in frame, the focus is so tight, your muscles are so pumped. You wear a black baseball cap and a tan-colored thong that could easily be mistaken for nothing if seen out of the side of someone’s eye at the beach. You prefer thongs to jocks -- hung as you are, you prefer the freedom of a thong rather than the tight compression of a jockstrap. You’ll wear whatever the client wants, of course, but you prefer the aesthetic of a thong if given a choice. As you sit back in the chair, you give the audience a chance to appreciate your body, your size, your cuts, your ridiculous abs and obliques. The angle in which you sit, leaning back like this keeps your abs flexed without any effort at all -- you reach your arms above your head and stretch -- so seductive. You know the audience’s eyes are sliding down your torso and focusing on your insane dick -- you’ve done that move before. You flex your pecs, bouncing them slowly back and forth while staring at the camera -- your expression says “come get ‘em” -- but when you play with your bare, pink nipples, pinching them just slightly, your cock comes to life. That’s what everyone’s here to see, anyway -- heck, you’re just the co-star and you know it -- so you allow your cock to grow, quickly filling the confines of the lycra pouch. Keeping one hand on your nipple, you allow the other to trace down the heavy grooves of your abs -- the look on your face, amazed at your own development -- until your fingers land on the top edge of your smooth pubis, slipping along the band of your thong, which itself barely covers the root of your cock. A cock that keeps hardening, seeking escape. Palm down, you slip your fingers under the band of your thong, two on one side of your cock, two on the other, and you waggle the pouch back and forth, slipping the front down the lengthening shaft. Your cock seems to inflate as it’s exposed, like yeast in dough, until the only thing keeping it from springing out to its full glory is the head, still trapped in the pouch of the thong. You put your arms back behind your head, again flexing your impossible abs and weaving your hips back and forth, which makes your trapped cock’s struggle obvious as it aches for freedom. The look on your face seems to expect the viewer to jump through the screen and do just that -- set that beautiful cock loose! Finally, the material loses the battle and your cock pops out, arcs up and over, and slaps loudly on your tight abs, just above your navel, thick and full and near fully erect -- your balls are still in the pouch, so you pull the band down with one hand, pull your goose-eggs out with the other, and let the band slip behind them, the elastic helping to elevate and keep them in frame (for their fans)! You play with your nips again, which causes your cock to thrash about, seeking attention -- it’s nearly twelve inches long, coke-can thick, gorgeous and intimidating at the same time. A pearl white dollop of pre-cum forms at the tip -- you push your cock to the camera, offering it to the audience, then you bend down and actually lick it off yourself. You can put your own cock in your mouth! You start jacking it then, showing us how one hand can barely reach around the root of the thing. It takes both: one to stroke the upper cock, to encompass the head, and the other to work the thick root. It’s a technique you’ve mastered through the years and it’s somewhat hypnotic to watch, the same way a snake charmer tames a cobra. You’ve been jerking this bad boy off for an audience since the locker room on the high school swim team, getting off on the cheering when you’d cum, much less the endless college frat parties where you discovered real big-dick energy, where you learned a cock like you had could get you what you wanted. All you had to do was know how to use it. And you learned how to use it. Happily, it’s never made you cynical, or contemptuous -- you love cock too much. And even if everyone isn’t as lucky as you, a cock is a thing of beauty -- and they all deserve a little love -- big cocks, little cocks, thick cocks, bent cocks, heavy cocks, knobby cocks, uncut cocks, hairy cocks, pierced cocks, leaky cocks, old cocks. And now your cock, the grandest of them all, which is about to shoot. If their volume is up, they can hear the change in your breathing, as your body tries to get enough oxygen to power this explosion. Just as you’re about to shoot, you pull your hands away, revealing the magnificence of your fully erect unit, and the audience can see your balls churn just before two huge ropes of cum blow out of your cock, leaving streaks across your face. You get your mouth open for the third one, catching a great lot of it on your tongue -- you roll your eyes as if you’ve tasted meade. With your right hand, you slowly stroke the base again, allowing the burbling lava that is your cum to continue to spew from the head, coating itself in its own volume, running down the grooves of your abs to gather via the cum gutters of your adonis belt. Once again, you look in the camera, as if the audience is challenging you, and you lean over and flat tongue the tip of your cock, licking an ice cream cone’s amount of cum and swallowing in bliss. You wipe the rest off with the two fingers of your right hand, kiss those fingers, then use them to flash a peace-sign to the audience. The video fades out. ***************************************************************************************** Finally, I wake on the day my quarantine ends! The heavy focus on training and diet have me in incredible condition -- especially for a guy who’s forty -- I look amazing, better than when I’d competed! I’m not as tan as I’d like to be, but my cuts are totally visible and obvious, so I’m not stressed. On the bed, I’ve spread out a bunch of posers and jocks and a couple singlets -- I don’t know what the director’s going to want for the shoot today, so I figure I’ll bring options. Maybe Coach’ll have an opinion -- an AI opinion.... I open my laptop and Coach’s window pops up. He’s a monster now, a freak -- his muscles are so swollen, his body would be barely functional if it existed in real life. Still, he’s managed to squeeze that bulk into the barest of singlets -- an old-school 80’s low-cut, revealing nearly everything. He’s also a redhead, but I choose to ignore that. “Good morning, Dom!” he says with a smile, adjusting his substantial package. “You must be excited to shoot today!” “I am!” I say, mirroring him. “I’m trying to decide what I’ll bring to wear.” “I wouldn’t worry,” he says. “I’m pretty sure for most of it, you’ll be naked.” I smile indulgently. “I gotta start somewhere.” “This is casual -- jeans and a loose t-shirt. This is a ‘buddy-shoot’ -- they’re just testing for chemistry, experience, awareness. It’s not a ‘scene’ -- that usually has a script, or an intent. This is just two guys getting to know each other. It’s easy!” “Easy for you to say,” I say. “I’m horny as fuck. I’m liable to blow the minute we shake hands!” “I doubt it,” he says confidently. “You’ll remember your training.” “So what if I suck or something -- what if I can’t cum or I’m terrible? Will they ship me out? After all this?” He laughs indulgently. “That won’t happen. Believe me, you’re ready. I’ve had two weeks with you -- normally, I get one long Saturday to do it all. The quarantine has been great for us in that regard. You’re here in our bubble for the next six weeks to shoot a shit-ton of content. After that, we’ll reevaluate your contract and go from there -- to be transparent, most of our models choose to stay here in the bubble and continue to shoot. I mean, why not? Unlike the rest of California, you get access to a gym during lockdown.” I chuckle. “That would piss a lot of people off.” He pinches his nipple. “All the more reason.” Ultimately, we settle on my blue posers (just cuz I don’t like the look of my cock down the leg of my pants -- too obvious) under jeans. I prefer a big bulge. On top, I wear a loose, scoop-neck t-shirt, which does display my cleavage, but whatever. My scruff is trimmed and my pump is obvious as I proceed to the studio in the basement. We’re filming in studio 2B, one of the smaller, more “intimate” studios -- I can see a gym set and a dungeon set as I walk along -- I’m so excited! As I enter, there are three people already present -- it’s been two weeks since I’ve seen live people, even longer since I’ve seen people without masks within six feet of each other -- the cameraman is obvious as he tinkers with equipment, setting lights, and running cables. He looks to be about my age, though in nowhere near as good condition, wearing a backwards baseball cap. The other two are talking quietly together. One is the gorgeous redhead from the pool, now wearing jeans and a tank top, and the other is who I assume is the Director. He’s a handsome man in his mid-thirties, slightly stout but not chubby in his tight black jeans and his loose flowered top. When I enter, they both turn and see me -- smiles break out on their faces. “Big Daddy!” the guy I assume is the director says. “You found us!” I smile -- I was loving my stage name: Big Daddy Domenic -- or Big Daddy Dom. (C’mon -- that’s damn funny. And isn’t porn built on puns?) “Yeah,” I laugh. “I followed the breadcrumbs.” The redhead smirks and adds, “No surprise -- they were coated with pheromones.” We all laugh together -- I’m instantly at ease, even if I’m crushing harder than ever. “I’m Michael McFly,” the Director says, extending his hand to shake. (“Why wouldn’t the director have a stupid stage name in porn like everyone else?” I think, shaking it.) “I’m so excited to be talking to human beings!” I say, perhaps a little too enthusiastically. “For the last few weeks, I’ve just been spying on people through glass walls.” The redhead laughs, knowing I mean the joke for him. “And this is Eddie Ginger,” the Director says, indicating what I already knew. I hold out my hand to Eddie and instead of shaking it, he hugs me, a warm and genuine gesture. He’s firm but gentle and he smells of clean soap and freshness -- my cock plumps immediately -- I know he can feel it. “Nice to finally meet,” he says quietly in my ear. “I’m excited to film with you.” “So am I,” I whisper back, inadvertently pressing my package against him. “Obviously.” He laughs and slaps my ass as he steps back. “We’re gonna have fun, Dom,” he says, smiling. “It won’t even feel like your first time.” The Director McFly jumps in. “You’re not nervous?” he asks me, gripping my arm around the tricep. “There’s no need for that -- Eddie’s a pro!” “No, no,” I say, holding up my hands in surrender. “I’m excited, not nervous. Excited.” McFly glanced at my package. “So we see,” he says, flicking his eyebrows. I may’ve reddened, a little embarrassed, but Eddie seems to find that adorable! Aside from the camera equipment, there’s only a sectional sofa with a daybed, flat and clean and decorated with a few throws. The walls are industrial gray and bare -- nothing to pull the eye -- but the lights are warm, pink and soft. The Director has us sit on the sectional while he and the cameraman adjust lights and sound. Eddie makes small talk with me about my quarantine and how he finds it funny that we spied each other through the wall -- he says he went back to his room and jerked off. I’m starting to get hard again when the Director says, “All right, looks like we’re ready to get rolling. You guys ready?” “Yeah!” Eddie says excitedly. “Sure am!” I say, ready for anything. “All right, gentlemen, let’s have some fun -- and… ACTION!” And the moment he says “ACTION” I feel dizzy… something deep... ************************************************************************************************* You’re on the set of a porn movie -- there’s only a sectional sofa in frame. You share this sofa with an incredibly hot redhead, sleek and muscular, with cream-colored skin and the small remains of the tan freckles of his youth. He wears comfortable jeans and a red tank top with a unicorn printed on it -- you’re in jeans and a loose low-cut t-shirt, humble-bragging on your ample cleavage. DIRECTOR’S VOICE (off-camera): Hey, everybody! Welcome to another Paragon Porn First Timer Video. We have the always incredible Eddie Ginger with us today as our experienced model. Eddie waves to the camera. “Hi!” he says, smiling. “Been a hot minute since we’ve filmed.” DIRECTOR’S VOICE: And he’s joined today by our newbie, Big Daddy Dom, right? You laugh. “Yeah,” you say. “Domenic Luger. Just Dom is fine.” “Oh, but I like Big Daddy,” says Eddie, punching you in the arm. You smile at him. DIRECTOR’S VOICE: And Dom, this is your first time doing something like this? You look around nervously, glancing into the camera. “Yeah,” you say, with a bit of an enigmatic smile. “But I’m looking forward to it.” “Me, too!” Eddie chimes in, patting your knee. DIRECTOR’S VOICE: So you’ve never sucked a dick before? You act embarrassed. “No,” you lie. “I mean, guys have sucked mine -- guys have BEGGED to suck mine -- but I’ve never…” DIRECTOR’S VOICE: But you’re gonna try today? You look at Eddie enthusiastically -- VERY enthusiastically. “Oh, yeah,” you say, trying not to smile. “Looking forward to it.” DIRECTOR’S VOICE: Well, maybe you guys should do your first kiss. The two of you glance at each other like you approve the idea -- small, teasing smiles -- he slides across the sofa to be closer to you. You wrap your upstage hand around his neck and gently pull him in -- he allows this, already submitting to you. His lips are soft, gentle but confident -- his kiss is more tender than you expect, a little playful, too -- surprisingly intimate. You kiss lightly a few more times, then you finally go in for something a little more serious. Already you feel a connection. As you pull apart, you both mumble “Wow!” and then laugh -- he falls into your arms and you begin kissing a little more seriously. “Take this off,” you say, pulling his tank slightly. He strips it off, exposing his defined torso and his puffy pink nipples -- his abs are so cut and sweet, small little veins evident across his thin skin. “Damn,” you say, running your hand up along his strong core until it ends up cupping his pec and squeezing his nipple -- he gasps. “Look at you and your hot body…” DIRECTOR’S VOICE: Yeah, but Dom, show him YOUR abs! “But I just got off a show,” you say, raising your arms so Eddie could remove your shirt. “So it’s not completely fair…” “Holy shit,” Eddie says as he reveals your abs. “Holy shit -- you praise ME? Dude, LOOK at these abs -- eight pack?” You smirk. “Very early in the morning, before I’ve eaten, yes.” He removes the shirt and you flex for him (which always turns you on.) You bounce your pecs, which makes him flat-palm your chest -- he’s smiling a gleeful grin, clearly enjoying himself touching you. DIRECTOR’S VOICE: You said you just came off a show? A bodybuilding contest? “Yeah,” you say, continuing to flex for Eddie. He’s feeling the peak of your bicep right now. “I compete in what’s called ‘Classic Bodybuilding’ -- we don’t go as big as the freaks.” DIRECTOR’S VOICE: You look very big. “Everything’s very big,” you tease, winking obviously. You indicate your jeans to Eddie. “Help me get these things off.” You both stand, you and Eddie kissing as he unbuttons the waist and fly of your jeans. You keep your hands behind your head and your abs flexed as he opens the waist, revealing the blue poser you’re wearing beneath. “Sexy,” he says, gently pulling the waistband of the posers, then getting back to work on the jeans. He has a hard time getting them down over your thighs -- and you don’t help him by keeping them flexed so he has to struggle. You love to tease. “Damn,” he says, smiling. “You weren’t kidding everything’s big!” “Big thighs is why I’m a bodybuilder, not a physique competitor. Pull ‘em like you mean it!” His tugging makes your package flop around, which you love. Finally, he gets them down to your ankles and you step out of them -- he remains kneeling. “Holy shit,” Eddie says, eye-level with your pouch. DIRECTOR’S VOICE: Do you have to have those specially made? You smirk, adjusting yourself. “Yeah, I can barely squeeze myself into the standard ones -- though I like trying! I worry that one day I’m gonna be onstage and pop right out.” Eddie strokes your thighs and gently grips your hamstrings as he nuzzles into your package. He then licks his tongue up your spandex-fighting cock until he gets to the root, itself barely covered by the waistband of the poser. DIRECTOR’S VOICE: That would make a good movie. Would you mind flexing for us? “Not at all,” you say, and you begin your routine. Flexing has always turned you on -- it’s your favorite part of the sport, certainly not the training! No, it’s listening to the audience screaming, seeing the disbelief and awe in their faces, the desire, the envy. Of course you get hard when you flex. And Eddie is right there, worshipping away, stroking and punching and feeling everything he can, imprinting it onto his fantasies. Facing him, you do an ab/thigh pose, so he can see your half-hard monster straining, yearning for escape. He takes the bait, gripping the waistband with both hands and slowly pulling it down, revealing the entirety of your beautiful cock. When the head pops out, it swings up and swats him on his fuzzy chin. He grins broadly and kisses the head, as you step out of your posers. “Oh, yeah,” Eddie mumbles as he takes it in his mouth -- or as much as he can, which is a surprising amount (more than half). He pulls back and spits to help lube it, then wraps a hand around the base to stroke while he sucks. He’s got a good mouth -- well, he should. (He’s a professional.) More, he’s not afraid of your balls, big as they are. He squeezes and strokes and gently pulls on them, accenting the pleasure he gives to your cock. Adding to your enjoyment, you begin to pinch your ample nipples. You expected to lose track of the camera, to forget it’s there and just focus on your technique. But it’s just the opposite, you’re very aware of the camera -- it’s like you’re showing off for it, opening up angles for better views, making love to it. You know the camera loves your flexed abs as you lean slightly back to make a better picture, the swollen cum-gutters taking the focus right to your magnificent cock, which Eddie slaves away on. He’s got you on the edge and he knows it -- you can see the glint in this eye -- but it’s way too early to cum, horny as you are. No, you want a taste of him first. As he pulls off your cock to catch his breath, you pull him up into a kiss. He wraps his arms around your neck, allowing you both hands free to open his pants. Turning his back to the camera, you slide your hands down over the cakes of his ass and bring his jeans with them, giving a clear shot of his spectacular bubble butt. Spinning him around, you seat him on the sectional and pull his jeans off him -- he leans back, straightening his legs and flexing his own fine abs. He’s got a beautiful cock, uncut, maybe eight-and-a-half inches, pretty pink head -- he leaks precum. You kneel between his legs and kiss him deeply -- it’s hard for him to resist the urge to wrap his legs around your torso, but he does make a show of embracing you with them, gorgeous muscular limbs. You bite his fuzzy little chin, then kiss his neck, working your way down his beautiful body, his pale skin and bright pink nipples (which you make a show of working), then you’re licking HIS abs, defined and obvious, even if not as developed as your own. Finally, you’re at the trimmed little patch of auburn pubes and you can feel his hard cock stroking your cheek as you kiss the base of it. As an actor, you’d like to continue the charade of having never sucked a cock before, but your own internal horniness casts that aside quickly. You’re on his cock like a whore on crack, the sweet taste of precum your drug of choice. It’s no small cock -- Eddie’s a porn-star, remember -- and whether a bottom or not, it’s a nice piece. You’ve been dying for a cock, much less a nice cock, much less THIS fantasy cock for a while now! You’re conflicted about taking your time and savoring the moment or just banging out a desperate load then going for the slow cook on the second. But then you remember teasing the camera is your job, so you make a show of it. It’s possible that Eddie’s that good an actor, but his reactions seem very real, as if he’s legitimately turned on by what you’re doing. You’ve no reason to doubt it -- you are. Fuck, you’re so turned on, living this fantasy cum true, that you never want to step out of your filming bubble. You’ll stay here forever fucking hot guys for fun and profit. (You already want a scene with Austin to thank him.) And then you’re just deep-throating him and going to town, bobbing your head effortlessly on his beautiful dick -- how happy you are to have a cock in your mouth again! The sheer joy of that drowns out any thought of pacing for the camera or making the moment last -- you’re too eager to make this beauty cum! For his part, Eddie moans and rolls his head. He’s up on his elbows, leaning back, so he can look down across his flexed abs at your effort -- he’s supposed to be the “experienced” guy, remember? “I’m gonna shoot,” he moans, as you tug his balls. “Oh, Big Daddy, I’m gonna shoot!” You pull your mouth off his cock, still stroking the base, just in time for him to orgasm, the first volley hitting you right on your tongue. You deep-throat him and he screams, thrusting into your mouth. You flat-tongue his big dick, showing the camera how much cum he produced, and just swallow it all. “Oh, fuck, Big Daddy,” he mumbles. “Oh, fuck…” You advance onto the sectional and kiss him, sharing his taste. Then, in a semi-push-up position, you continue to slide up his body, until he’s face to face with your monster cock. He takes the head of yours in his mouth and you begin doing push-ups, slowly dipping your cock into his mouth, then rising back up. The camera loves your muscular back. You sit back onto his torso, putting his arms under your knees in a wrestling school-boy pin. The tip of your erect cock rests on his chin -- he only has to slightly lift his head to get it in his mouth, which he does. “You want it, pretty boy?” you ask, tapping the head of your cock on his lush pink lips. “You want Daddy’s big load?” “Yes,” he answers, trying to lick your cock with the tip of his tongue. “Please, gimme it! Please!” It takes little more than a few tugs and you can feel your big balls churn. “Here you go, Eddie,” you say as you release your cock and flex a double-bis just as you begin your orgasm. Your first shot crosses his entire face, but he gets his mouth open for the second one. But you don’t stop -- it’s been too long. You just keep shooting and shooting, volleys that just coat the redhead’s pretty face. You’re panting as your finish, releasing him from your hold. As he sits up, the two of you kiss, your cum running down his face -- you snowball it back and forth, as you wipe the rest of him clean with your hand. The two of you are laughing about the amount. DIRECTOR’S VOICE: A-a-a-a-and CUT! The moment he says “CUT”, you feel dizzy… something deep… ******************************************************************************************************* Eddie and I are standing in each other’s arms, soaked in cum, giggling like schoolgirls. Someone throws us towels and we begin wiping each other down. (It’s a lot of cum!) The Director is still talking to us. It’s clearly a Post Show -- the camera’s still rolling. “That was great you guys!” he says. Eddie laughs, wiping his face. “Dude shoots some big loads!” he says. I shrug. “I do everything big!” I laugh. Eddie is playing for the camera -- he points to your cock and brings his hand to the side of his face in an “astonishment” pose. In the same spirit,I spin him around and show the camera his perky bubble butt, smacking it with my open palm. He laughs. “All right, thank you guys,” the Director says. “Great shoot!” “It was a lot of fun,” Eddie says, playfully kissing me. “It was,” I agree, kissing him back and glancing at the camera. “That was just… easy. I could do it all fuckin’ day!” He chuckles. “Don’t say that too loud or they’ll make you!” He slides into his jeans. “I guess you’re coming out of quarantine, right?” “Yeah!” I say. “Finally…” “Well, then maybe I’ll see you at the gym and stuff?” I smile, sliding my jeans up over my ample quads. “I hope so!” I say enthusiastically. He strolls up to me seductively. “I’m sure of it,” he says. “I’m gonna put in to do a full-scene with you.” “What?” I ask. “Are you kidding? That would be fuckin’ AWESOME!” He indicates my bountiful cock as I tuck it into my jeans (I didn’t put the posers back on). “Big Daddy, I want to get fucked by that log -- it’s fuckin’ hot as fuck.” “Anytime.” He smirks. “How about a shower scene right now on my OnlyFans page?” “Let’s go!” ************************************************************************************************ Outside the bubble, the virus continues to run unchecked, gyms are still closed, lockdowns still enforced, Americans still feeling like masks infringe their freedom -- it’s just unbelievable. Naturally, desperate to stave off boredom, people are seeking content, entertainment, anything to fill the time. And nothing fills time better than porn. Most of the major entertainment companies set up their own production bubbles, but Paragon was far-and-away better prepared than their major competitors, creating what the industry has been calling Paragon’s “Porn World” where all the biggest names live and film as if it were still the Before Time. My first six weeks are up today and I’m hoping my contract will get renewed. I’ve been filming almost daily, mixing and matching with the other studs in the bubble -- it’s honestly been some of the best times of my life, professionally. Well, socially, too -- I’ve made some good friends and fuck-buddies. I open my laptop to see Coach’s Tab blinking. I open it and link up with the program. “Good morning, Dom!” “Morning, Coach! What’s the word?” “Your number’s are great!” he said. “They’re offering you a contract extension. Would you like to pull another twelve weeks?” I don’t even have to think about it. “Hell. Yes.” I love this job so much -- seriously, they can use me until I’m dried up and dead. I don’t care. “Great!” he says. “I’ll forward the contract to your email and we can get it done. There’s a couple of perks we can talk about, but it’s an improvement over what you were getting. Of course, they’d like you to start performing private services for clients…” “Private services?” I ask, suspiciously. “I don’t know, Coach. It’s one thing to be a porn star, it’s another to be a whore.” He laughs indulgently. “It’s not being a whore,” he says. “Here, let me show you a video…”
  4. Here's a story that I wrote a while ago, but I want to share it with you guys since I recently (re)discovered these forums I hope you'll enjoy it! --- Chapter one: Return to Cloville Henry was walking around the taxi parking area, looking for a cab to bring him to his hometown, Cloville. For some weird reason, however, it seemed very hard for him to find a driver to take him to the small rural town that he once called home. Being so close to his hometown made Henry think. It had been ages since he had last seen his hometown or his family for that matter. All it took was one fight, as Henry hit puberty. He hated his stepdad, and the hatred seemed to be mutual. At one point, all the pent up frustrations just exploded. Henry immediately regretted his little outburst, trying to make up for it. His stepfather was relentless, though, and he forced Henry to move out. He had family living on the other side of the country, so, fortunately, he could stay there. Years had gone by since then, he lost all contact with his family. Even his little brother, who turned 18 two months ago, wasn’t allowed to contact him. Henry had now finished his studies and was working at this big law firm in a big city. His life seemed to be pretty good until his brother called. His mom had passed away, and his father insisted on bringing the family back together. “You wouldn’t believe how much everything changed here” Andy, Henry’s brother said through the phone. “You’ll like dad now. I surely like him. There’s a new farm in town, and the veggies are amazing, we eat them as much as possible! Just come back as fast as possible, mom’s funeral is on Friday. See ya!” Henry put down his phone, surprised by how cheery his brother sounded. Was the bond between Andy and their mom worse than he thought? Even if the relationship between Andy and his mother was worse than Henry expected, why was the information about this farm and the vegetables so crucial in comparison to their mom’s funeral? Henry pulled up his nose, thinking about the vegetables. Since he was young, he always despised most vegetables. The only plant he liked was lettuce, but mostly he tried to stick to fruit to meet his vitamin intake. That night he found a ticket, and the next day he left to Cloville. --- “Hey boy, looking for a cab?” A very muscled man called out to Henry. “Erm, yes, sir! Thank you very much. I need to go to Cloville.”, Henry said, hoping this wouldn’t result in a new denial. “Oh, cool! I live there, and it’s the end of my shift so you can hop along for free!” The driver replied. Henry got into the taxi, together with the muscled man. Now that the driver was sitting in front of him, Henry could take some time to look at the man a bit more closely. The man’s back was wider than the chair he was sitting; his short build made him look a bit stocky. Like a big bodybuilder was squashed together. The muscles on his leg almost touched the steering wheel though. And was that an eggplant stuffed in the guy’s crotch area? As Henry was looking up, he noticed the eyes of the driver looking directly at him in the mirror. Henry quickly averted his eyes, looking at the floor under his feet. “So boy, why are you going to Cloville? Not a lot of tourists make their way up there, and you don’t look like you’ve been there recently.” The driver at least made an effort not to show he noticed Henry’s staring. “Well, I’m originally from the town. I’m just here to attempt my mother’s funeral. She passed away last week, and my stepdad hopes it’s a reason to bring the family back together again. Her funeral is tomorrow.” “Oh yeah, that’s why my son was back too! He arrived yesterday, unfortunately, one day too late for the funeral, so he missed that.” Then the driver’s voice went a bit softer, Henry focussed his ears and listened “Fuck do I hope the boy ate some veggies, I’m horny as hell.” Henry’s eyes widened in shock. Did he hear that correctly? He decided to ignore it since it was almost a whisper he must’ve heard it wrong. His brother’s focus on the veggies was still clinging to him properly. “Oh, a son? Maybe I know him, what’s his name?” Henry sat up a little. Even though it was ages ago, maybe he could meet up with some old acquaintances. “My son? Dylan! I guess he’s as old as you are, so pretty big chance you know him. What’s your name then kid?” Henry seriously started getting agitated by being called “kid” all the time. But he thought about a Dylan he knew. “Are you mister Sandhoff?” Henry asked, “because I used to be friends with a Dylan Sandhoff, we used to be friends when I still lived here. We met each other again when I went to university.” Dylan looked at the driver again. “No, this can’t be mister Sandhoff”, he thought. “Sandhoff used to be a very frail guy. Surely he couldn’t possibly have gotten this big in the past years. The man surely must’ve been a hard gainer.” “Mister Sandhoff in the flesh, kid. Pleased to meet a friend of my son, maybe you guys can go and eat some of the local veggies soon!” Mr Sandhoff said. “These stupid vegetables again”, Henry thought, and then he replied to mister Sandhoff. “Well, mister Sandhoff, both me and Dylan don’t really like a lot of vegetables. But we used to go out and have some beers though so we can do that again. I’ll send him a text when I get home! Didn’t know he was visiting too!” The cab slowly drove into Cloville, and Henry looked around the town. The city hall was still there, mister Sheffield’s store just at the corner of the main street. The small village looked exactly as Henry remembered. The streets were abandoned. “Well, guess even this town is shrinking”, Henry thought. “This must be it, kid.” Henry’s attention was pulled back to reality by the low grumble of his driver. “But sir, I never told you my name. How did you?” Henry looked surprised. “The secret of Cloville, boy. Now say hi to your family, so I can go have a look at my son. See ya soon!” Henry quickly got out of the taxi, got his suitcase from the back and walked up to his driveway. The house looked the same as Henry remembered it, possibly trapping all bad memories inside as well. Henry felt the nerves in his stomach. Then the front door opened, and Henry saw the face of Dave, his stepfather. Henry was only able to recognise the face, however. He remembered Dave to be quite chubby and rather short. The man now stood a good head taller than Henry. The most shocking change, however, was the body. Dave looked like an exact copy of Dylan’s dad. Dave’s pecs formed shelves under his incredible thick neck and broad shoulders. The shirt Dave was earing was so tight that a solid eight-pack could be seen under it. The shirt’s sleeves were filled with arms that must’ve been as big as Henry’s legs. Dave’s legs, filling a pair of khaki pants, looked like tree trunks. His upper legs looked like tree trunks, big enough to harbour a few animals if it would’ve been hollow. The calves looked like sharp, big diamonds. The only difference to mister Sandhoff was Dave’s ass. It was enormous, easily twice the size of the taxi driver. Almost like some sort of compensation, the bulge in front looked a bit smaller. Henry still wondered if there was something stuffed in the front of his stepdad’s pants, but at least this thing was slightly smaller. “Heey Henry, kiddo. Awesome to see you again! I have to bring a few veggies Frank and Davy, our new neighbours down the street. They moved here last week, cute couple! See ya soon, son, go meet up with your brother! Get ready in your room, it’s ready for your arrival. I’ll serve dinner soon.” In Dave’s voice, no signs were to be seen about their past fights or a single hint of mourning about the loss of his wife. And without waiting for a reply, Henry’s stepdad left the front garden. Henry walked inside and up to his room, or at least what he remembered of it. When he opened his door, he saw another muscled guy sitting on his bed. This one was younger, had blond hair and was wearing the same clothes as Dave had been wearing earlier. Before he could have a proper look at the guy, Henry slammed the door shut and called out for his brother. “Andy! There’s a random dude in my room. Andy?! Are you home?” Henry called out through the empty house. Stopping dead in his tracks when a reply came from behind his door. “Yes, little bro, I’m here! Don’t call out for me after you pretty much slammed the door in my face!”. A small chuckle was added to Andy’s reply. Henry opened the door again and was greeted by the same sight for the third time that day: broad shoulders, stuffed pants and big arms. Andy looked at his brother. “God, you look cute, and boy do we need to catch up. Too bad you’re one day too late for mum’s funeral! But just let me update you on what happened in Cloville since you left.” --- Davy looked at himself in the mirror. In the past week, his body had grown so much. His muscles had exploded. His ass and dick were gigantic. First came the growth in his muscles, a few days after his husband became a lawyer for Cloville’s newest farm and Frank’s muscles had come in. After the growth in Frank’s muscles, Davy noticed an increase in his husband’s sex drive. Shortly after that, his own sex drive followed. His horniness was through the roof, and the fucking sessions between the two husbands grew both in intensity and number. Davy looked at his body. His dick was slightly smaller than his husband’s, measuring around 30 centimetres. His arse had grown enormous, and even though he always used to be the top in the relationship, his new arse required filling, a lot of filling. So now his husband topped him every night, morning and multiple other times on the days that he was free from work. A small voice in the back of Davy’s head was saying that something was wrong; the vegetables they ate at night tasted terrific. The sex was great, but something was wrong. His husband started as a lawyer, but now he seemed like he was just a farmhand, helping with harvesting the variable vegetables. And for some reason, Davy thought that exactly those vegetables were to blame for it all. “Frank, we need to leave, I packed our backs. Let’s just get in the car and drive away from this crazy fucked up village. We’re not ourselves anymore, come on we have to leave.”Davy told his mirrored self the practised lines. He looked at his bright blue eyes and his dishevelled blonde hair. The light behind his eyes was getting weaker in a similar way as his husband’s eyes were now empty, brightly coloured, but the lights in his brain were off. Something was messing with their heads, and it had to end now. Taking a deep breath of air, Davy walked down the stairs to his husband, carrying the suitcases with him. “Frank, honey, we need to talk,” Davy said. “Can’t that wait a moment, dear? Dave, from down the street, is just here to bring us a few tomatoes. Do you want to taste a little piece?” Davy’s husband replied. Davy could see Dave’s eyes locking on his suitcase, raising an eyebrow. Of course, he didn’t want to raise suspicion; all the muscled guys in town seemed to work together sometimes. So Davy decided to grab a piece of tomato and taste it. The tomato tasted like any other vegetable from the farm, a familiar taste but mixed with a slightly bitter aftertaste. The more he ate the vegetables, the more he’d grown to like them. This tomato wasn’t an exception; it was delicious! Davy’s libido was rising, and he wanted Dave to leave so he could bounce on his husband’s dick again. He stopped for a second, wasn’t he supposed to resist this wish to fuck? Wasn’t he supposed to tell his husband they should leave as soon as possible? The voice in his head quieted down as soon as he saw his husband’s huge dick pulse in his pants. Dave noticed the change in the atmosphere. “Okay, guy’s I guess I’ll just let you discuss whatever Davy here wanted to discuss, see you guys later! I’ll see myself out.” Davy and Frank kept looking at each other, the tension rising. Then they heard Dave leaving the house, closing their front door. “So, you wanted to talk?” Frank said. “Erm yee, erm, erm.” Davy was lost for words as he saw that his husband slowly took his cock out of his pants. “Naww honey, you seem so confused, some bounce on my dick a little, your mind seems all fogged up.” Davy lost all control, tore off his pants and kneeled in front of the dick. He was just sucking it quickly to lube the cock. Just a few minutes later, his husband’s dick was buried deep inside his ass. The fucking was hard and animalistic like ever. The chair was creaking under the couple’s combined weight. Davy’s moans grew louder and louder, his husband rubbing his hair. Davy turned around towards a mirror Frank decided to hang up to watch their fuck sessions from other angles. He could see the light in his eyes dim down. “Oh honey I’m gonna cum”, Frank groaned shortly before unleashing a big stream of cum. Frank’s balls had grown together with his dick, they were the size of small oranges, hanging over the edge of his chair as Frank pumped his seed in his husband’s ass. As Davy felt his ass being filled, he came too. His balls were slightly bigger than they used to be, but he didn’t meet the amount of cum his husband produced just yet. The voice in the back of his head now told him he should eat his veggies so that he could grow more. “So,” Frank said, “you wanted to tell me something?” Davy looked surprised. What did he want to ask again? “Well, honey, I don’t remember. But let’s cook up those veggies, grow and fuck some more!”
  5. LionBUff

    Breeding Barn

    Breeding Barn By: LionBUff Part 1: The Beast of the Bull Brutton, a 4,000 lbs breeding bull, looked out into the pasture of cows. He leaned on the wooden fence wearing tight jeans and an even tighter sleeveless shirt with both elbows behind his chest and observed the stomach of every female cow in the field. He had impregnated every last cow on his farm, at least he thought. Brutton examined every female to make sure none of their stomachs were too flat. Every stomach of every female looked noticeably bigger to him. Even if they weren’t carrying a heavy load of his calf, they were carrying buckets of his heavy seed that hadn’t fully digested. Looking at all of the females he had impregnated reminded his testicles how much seamen they held which made his body want to dump the load he was currently carrying. His jeans hugged his stiff rear as they seemed to move towards the front of his body. His cock looked more like an arm trying to rip through. Brutton felt the seams give way to his growing shaft. He looked down at the bulge about to burst and grabbed the tip. He lowered his left hand to squeeze the tip of his cock as a way of telling his body to calm down. He used his other hand to squeeze his balls like he was preventing an explosion of sperm from bursting out of his pants. The skin-tight shirt rose and fell with his muscles as he breathed slowly to relax his body and hormones. "You've stuffed every hole here," he whispered to his bulge as if it were alive. "They can only handle so much cum at one time... you'll be back to breeding before you know it! If there was anyone else you could breed you'd already be flooding their body." Brutton did his best to force his bulge back down but his testosterone was too powerful. A beast like Brutton can never truly ignore his sperm's desires. Knowing his bulge was only a few throbs away from jumping out of his pants he walked back to his private stall. He walked into the barn, made sure the farmer wasn't around and slipped his shirt over his head. There was a water bucket for him in the corner. Brutton walked over to take a large sip but got distracted by his reflection. His muscles alone weighed more than a car. Every inch of him was a blanket of veins and bulging beef. Any human bodybuilder wouldn't stand a chance against this bull that made even the most muscular superheroes and gods look like a regular man. Brutton loved his unstoppable body, but he thought it was a little funny. All of this testosterone dripping from his body and yet he didn't like to fight. He had scared off other bulls at other farms by simply groaning at them and bouncing his chest. He has encountered many bulls who wanted to fight him, but Brutton never wanted to fight any of them. He just wanted to breed the farm with them, and maybe see what his kind felt like. He hated being the only bull on a farm because he has secretly wondered what another male crawling up his holes and flooding his guts with seed felt like. He didn't think another bull would ever want to do anything but fight, but he wished that he could spend time with one. Just long enough to feel the other bull make his belly sag with thick milk. He thought getting pumped full of another bull's milk would feel better than any female. He was so lost in his imagination that he almost ripped his jeans open dreaming of another bull. Thankfully he snapped out of his fantasies before his jeans ripped and he was able to unzip them and drop them to the ground. He looked back at the water hole and imagined a bull just as big as him cramming a veiny cock up his guts. He could see the shape of the other male's breeding beast sticking out of his belly and throbbing visibly. He caressed his own cock and was fully erect in seconds. The pulse in his shaft was throbbing so hard that his waste was starting to feel sore. His cock was so hard that it was almost cramping. His veins breathed like his meat was a thick lung hanging out of his pelvis. Brutton's sperm erupted out of his towering cock and splatter all over his stall. The eruption was so powerful that Brutton thought he had emptied his balls in only three explosive pumps. He sat there with splashes of his slimy seed dripping down his muscles and thought about what that would feel like on the other end. He wanted an explosion of seed even bigger to make him look as pregnant as the cows in the field. Brutton started to feel thirsty and walked over to the bucket of water in the corner. He drank all of it without taking a breath, then sat back down. His testosterone had only gotten stronger as the water seemed to flow right to his testicles... the water instantly flooded his balls with a load even bigger than the last. He felt more pent up than ever. The thought of being impregnated by another beast like him made almost all of the water from the bucket turn into cum. His balls felt heavier than when he started stripping down. Brutton sat there and sprayed three more rounds of cum, each felt like he hadn't jacked off in years. His balls couldn't stop making more sperm... even after four bursts of seed. When Brutton finally ran out of seed, he laid down in the pool of cum in his stall and fell asleep.
  6. LionBUff

    Stuck Inside

    STUCK INSIDE By: LionBUff Jake woke up to splitting pains running through his waist. He was a male fox that weighed nearly four times as much as the average fox. His hips felt like they had been crushed by a train and his testicles felt like they had been milked until they were raisins between his legs. He couldn't even feel his cock at all. He opened his eyes and looked down. Jake had been working out his whole life, he never skipped a day at the gym, he never went easy on himself, and it showed. He slowly and gently ran his paw down his peaking line of stomach muscles and softly grabbed his testicles and rubbed them in circles while pulling them towards him. Jake treated his sore orbs as if they would fall from the next gust of wind blowing against them. He couldn’t help but notice a strong feminine scent as he rubbed his painful genitals. He looked around the room as his tired and watery eyes adjusted to the morning light. He noticed a female fox on his bed. He must have met her at the gym because she was just as fit as him. Finding someone as well fit as her would have been near impossible at any old bar. Her body was more than defined in all the right places. He noticed a pool of white dripping from the center of her legs. Her feminine cave looked like a mouth vomiting a cow's worth of milk. Jake wondered if she, for some reason, spilled milk just above her vagina and let it drip down her lower lips and onto the bed. Or maybe the slimy white goo was lotion she rubbed between her legs to soothe an unbearable level of stretching her genitals had never taken before. He figured that this was closer to the truth than he probably realized. As he inspected her round figure for clues he noticed her arms stuck behind her head. Jake didn't think anything of this mildly uncomfortable-looking sleeping position till he noticed a shine from behind her head that looked like she was wearing a silver bracelet. He soon discovered that the bracelet was actually a pair of handcuffs linked to the bed frame. His eyes adjusted and a black mass on her left (from his view) breast. He wiped the watery haze off of his eyes to get a better look. The black mass was a tattoo that read "SARAH" with her nipple in the center of the "R." The SARAH tattoo covered the top half of her left the longways. The tattoo looked like it could be fake as multiple fingerprints were smearing the bottom of the word. He assumed that this was her name because no hearts or romantic decorations were hinting at any lover connections. The font resembled old English which reminded him of Shakespeare but there were no hearts or anything else. He felt bad for Sarah and got up to look for the key. He wasn't quiet about it at all hoping she would wake up to find this massive male doing his best to free her. He knew how scared he would be in her shoes. He first checked their clothing. He checked his obviously too small for him gym shorts and found nothing. He checked inside a pair of cheap knock off high heals bedazzled in pink and dark red velvet cheap jewels to find nothing. The noise of him throwing the few clothes they had on the floor woke her up. Sarah opened her eyes to see Jake searching through her clothes. She was too tired to say anything. She couldn't let out anything more than a soft startled moan. Jake heard the quiet moan and immediately felt bad for her. If the white puddle soaking her vagina was the lotion he thought it was, and if her memory was half as hazy as his, she must be terrified. "I'm just trying to find the key to set you free I swear!" Jake wanted to be as calming and peaceful as possible. "Eh... thanks." Sarah started feeling the handcuffs as she found herself unable to move everything above her belly button. "You don't remember where it is... do you?" Jake asked Sarah staring at the white mess between her legs. She tried to think about last night and any little detail she could remember. This thinking helped her wake up. The more awake she felt, the more she noticed a stabbing sensation in her uterus. Deep against the right (from Jake's view) side of her womb was an uncomfortable series of small points poking her inner body. It wasn't the most painful thing her womb had felt by a long shot, she had taken many objects and many men many times bigger than those objects. However, she knew that the series of slightly sharp stabbing pains was the same size and texture of a key. She shook her waist around to loosen the object. The smooth sides of the small object bouncing around further confirmed her fears. It had to be a key. "In here," she said just loud enough to catch Jake's attention. He turned around to see Sarah displaying herself. The white droplets flew off as she flexed and danced her feminine cave as if to clean it off for him. "WHAT?" He had an idea of what she was saying but he assumed that she just wanted a quick wave of pleasure before he finished looking. He was worried she just wanted him to stick himself in and calm her nerves for a little. "It's in here, I can feel the key rubbing against my guts." Sarah was secretly worried that the key hiding that deep inside of her would be an issue. She thought it would be impossible to get it out. Those fears washed away as her internal bodily fluids lubricated the path to the key in response this his own genitals preparing to retrieve the key... stretching to a throbbing length that would be more than enough. If anything, he would push it in further. Even if he did push it further, Sarah thought, Jake would open her up so wide the key was guaranteed to fall out. He may even gap her entrance open so much that her ovaries would drop out too. "It's up inside... inside... you?" Jake rubbed his sore balls with his hands signaling for them to recover as quickly as possible. His cock went from mostly soft to a partially firm noodle... one that was clearly wet but had some strength to it. His body wasn't sure how hard jake should be but it was preparing itself. "See for yourself... if you think you can get up there that deep?" Jake felt his knees and head lighten and his cock gained what felt like half a pound of blood. His veins around his cock flexed out. Jake grew a third arm that was ready to fetch that key and free Sarah. Jake knew standing around and watching Sarah was a waste of time. He just hoped whatever lotion was puddling under the vagina bouncing in front of him wouldn't stain his sheets. He crawled onto the bed and aligned his muscular well-fit figure with her equally well fit body. Sarah opened her legs until her thighs nearly made a perfect line. She pushed her feet into the bed and raised her opening up to him. She was ready to get off the bed but was also ready to see just how wide she could open up. she wanted to feel the morning air soothing her body wherever it was stabbing her. She felt like she could absorb a cruise ship. She felt like she was taking a cruise ship. She felt herself opening her legs beyond a split. Her breathing was interrupted by a pulsing mass pushing her lungs into her chest. Her chest was big enough to hold her lungs, and she felt like it would as jake slid it. Sarah thought a horse was punching her vagina... in fact... she wished she was taking a horse. Jake was worried that he would only push the key deeper while he slid further and further with multiple inches to go until his knot touched her at all. He was worried until his knot made its presence known with a tremendous slap followed by Sarah vocalizing her hormones taking over. Jake couldn't feel anything except Sarah's vaginal cave gripping the life out of his dick. "Am I close," He asked swinging his body side to side causing his cock to sweep her womb like a broom. His cock was throbbing like a deadly earthquake against the upper walls of her womb creating tidal waves in her stomach. She could hardly enunciate through her body trying to survive this enormous penetration. She tried to tell him that she could feel the key sitting under his cock. "Under... lower... try again!" Jake pulled himself out hoping that Sarah would be able to tell him what to do then. A long, deep, slimy flushing sound resonating from her vagina made startled both of them. The echoing of her internal fluids sliding against his beast of a male tree truck aroused both of them even more. "Are you ok?" Jake was afraid that he was too much for even a girl like Sarah. "When you go back in, go in lower, the key is sitting on the bottom of my womb." Jake slid the first five inches in, then angeled himself so that the edge of his dick faced down at a thirty-degree angle. He held this angeled position as he moved in. The new angel made Sarah open wider and wider. She thought she would stick her own arm up her vagina and would barely notice anything. The rims of the hole that spat out Jake's slimy seed searched Sarah's internal body like a blind person looking for their glasses. It looked for anything to grab onto. The skin around Sarah's belly button rolled around. Jake's meat pushed against her skin so much that even his veins could be seen around her lower torso. "GOT IT!" The tip of the key slipped into the tip of his cock and poked the inside of his tube. Jake tried to pull the key out, but all of the bodily fluids flowing inside Sarah's guts made it impossible for the key to stay inside his cock. He calmly thrusted forwards to grab it again but each attempt was as useless as the last. "You've... almost... got... it." Sarah was overwhelmed with horny compulsions but she felt like she was almost free. Jake wasn't ready to give up. He was determined to free this incredibly impressive woman no matter how many thrust it took. After a series of gentle thrusts, Jake new the calm rout wasn't going to work. He would have to use the abs and glutes built like a bull to scoop the key out. "Hold on," Jake panted. "No... I was planning on running away," Sarah said with a subtle sarcastic laugh. This laugh quickly turned into screams filled with pain and passion as Jake turned into a plowing machine hurling his dick against her guts full steam ahead. He gave each powerful plunge into her body all the explosive power his massive body could spark up. Jake showed no signs of slowing down as his waist flashed up and down like an orange blur. The slurping of his still-growing freight train filled the room with what sounded like a muffled war. Sarah felt something deep inside her hole clamp down on Jake… as if she were a fish biting a squirming worm. Sarah felt something deep inside her hole clamp down on Jake… as if she were a fish biting a squirming worm. Each time Jake entered her waist she clamped down a little tighter. Jake had been proving himself to be a big buff dominant male fox with deep growls that made Sarah quiver. His groans resonated from the biggest parts of his chest. These groans faded into moans that were nearly as high pitched as Sarah's as her vagina grabbed his cock tighter and tighter.. Jake was enjoying Sarah's internal grip more that Sarah was enjoying her ovaries being treated like a punching bag. Jake didn't know how to react to her body grabbing him like this but he wasn't complaining. Soon Jake was using more force than usual to move himself around Sarah's slimy cave. The tight grip eventually caused Jake to cum inside her in half the time it usually took him. After he squirted all he could he kept his meat inside Sarah and leaned in to cuddle her while he caught his breath. The two hugged, soaking up the others' incredible body shape. Jake sank into her chest like a heated mattress and Sarah let Jake sink onto her like an overweight blanket. "Did you find it?" Sarah asked squeezing Jake into her body so tight she could feel the peek oh his abs inches above her spine. Jake wiggled around without saying a word hoping to find the key with his cock which was still berried deep in her body. Sarah knew what Jake was doing and wondered if Jake really thought she wouldn't notice his heavy stump of veiny flesh roll around inside her. She didn't have time to say anything because her hormones took over her voicebox exhaling and groaning just as loud as before. "You sure it's up here and not somewhere else in you... maybe in a different entrance?" Jake nearly pulled out but the suction of her womb trapped him against her. "Kee... kee... keep looking! You're close." Jake was worried that he wouldn't be able to dig inside her again, at least not deep enough to help find the key, but Sarah's lustful screams and constant bouncing of her overgrown breast stiffened him right back up. It didn't take long for Jake to feel like he had a new batch of sperm ready to breed Sarah like a thirsty condom. Jake focused on cramming himself as deep as possible this time. He used each thrust to dig deeper, every thrust back out of Sarah was just Jake attempting to gain more speed in his next smack into her body. One shove created so much force that Jake suddenly found his testicles completely wrapped in Sarah's slick and piping hot hole. Jake felt the sudden grip on his orbs and expected it to be painful. Jake had already wedged her open so wide that she felt like she would never spread herself open wide enough for him, but her lower lips still seemed to try to suck his male milk more aggressively than a starving calf on its mother's utter. For some reason, the grip of Sarah's inner leg muscles on his testicles didn't hurt at all. In fact, the walls of her slippery warm cave was a massage soothing every vein from his pubic hair and upwards. Like her thighs were licking him and telling him to dump his next round of seed when he was ready. Jake figured that if he was going to have his entire mating mass inside Sarah, he might as well test her limits and just keep cramming himself up her stomach. Sarah closed her eyes and focused on keeping her raging hormones under control. Her feminine scent almost blinded Jake thanks to all of Sarah's desires filling her blood. He had reached past her ovaries now. Her womb thought she was somehow pregnant which made Sarah even more aroused as she imagined carrying a pack of his cubs in her womb. Sarah couldn't stop herself from moaning. Even her inhales emitted a rumble that sounded like desire itself. She couldn't annunciate any words but Jake knew exactly what she wanted. Once Jake was so deep that his balls were halfway up her vaginal tube he too lost control. Sarah had thought about nothing but breeding since Jake started his second round. Now, Jake's hormones were drowning out his thoughts. He felt veins flex out all over his cock. He felt his girth grow two inches. His head crawled out another three inches. Jake was so far inside Sarah that he was rubbing into the underside of her right breast. The right side of her chest flopped around just as fast as Jake was pumping his body into hers. Jake gave Sarah one final thrust harder than any other thrust all night. His seamen dispersed itself around her chest. His sperm cells swam up to her left breast and settle into her right. Jake didn't notice Sarah's chest swelling with his cum, he was to busy squinting his eyes and forcing Sarah's legs as far apart as he could. Jake stood there halfway up Sarah's body emptying all the male hormones and male milk Sarah's cries for seed had brewed in him. Sarah couldn't move anything but her eyes. She could only watch her chest rise and widen. Jake opened his eyes and wondered why the feminine lumps under him looked more like two squishy boulders than an actual female figure. Jake reached down and grabbed the left mound of her chest and squeezed, curious as to how they grew so fast. "Get the key?" Sarah asked catching her breath. "It may have fallen out while we were going at it." Jake suggested rubbing her inflated chest. He tried to pull out of Sarah and look around the bed hoping the key wasn't buried in too much of their mess. Sarah's muscles surrounding her tube flexed and squeezed Jake's dick before he could leave her insides. He couldn't even pull his balls out before they were gripped against her guts. Jake slid back where he was and tried again. Her muscles gripped his rod harder. Jake tried again and again to pull out but Sara’s mouth between her legs craved his sweet fertile nectar. “I don’t think it did, I can still feel it.” Jake was only a little disappointed by this news because he thought that either of the previous rounds would have knocked the key loose. Either that or her orgasm would have knocked it loose. “What should we do?” Jake didn’t think going for another round would do much but if she wanted another filling of his seamen he was happy to help.
  7. Trio

    Anídeos: Chapter 5

    Before we begin with the chapter 5 of this saga, some observations: This is the most complex chapter and it might bore some readers, if you are here for the muscle growth, I suggest you advance to the end of the chapter. This saga is coming to an end soon, one more episode or two and it shall be completed. I hope you like it. What happened shocked the scientists. There was something they were missing on the equation of the pattern of behavior of those creatures, none could have predicted they would do something like this to one of them. Later that day, they gathered to discuss the issue, how to proceed next. Everyone was in eager of saying something on the matter, so the environment was an agitated one. "Clearly there is a threat, they claimed Noah!" "Is that a threat or a breach in our security? How could we let him go to meet Anthony?" "We had no idea that this could happen, it is not our fault! And we needed their sample, how are we going to proceed with our studies?" "There is simply no precedent to what happened today, in history. We also have to discuss if a crime was committed" "They did not killed Noah, they just... changed him. It was no crime. The formula is within their system, and they have the means to spread it as they please. This formula, is the one we've been looking for, one capable of turning humans into supersoldiers, this was precisely what happened, Noah transformed into one of them. It's a landmark. They should not be punished, but cherished! Noah is the future of warfare!" "With this speech, we should've sent you to them, Alfred, not Noah" "It would've been an honor. But on regarding what we should do, we have some options: Either we continue with the study as it is, or we integrate them into the army of the colony, and send them to train with the soldiers on the barracks, see how they would interact with the others." "No, we can't let this happen to our soldiers!" "And why not? It is not our intention for now to produce legions of supermen, but if it happens, I say that is a pleasant side effect" "If we'd consider doing that, we would have to contact our superiors, this is supposed to be a secret experiment!" "We will just integrate them into this legion for now, in the future, it is to be hoped, we'll be able to open up about the project" They kept on discussing what to do, and while this happened, the would be soldiers were still receiving Noah, now Enok, as one of their own. He was proud of his new power, his new muscles, his new body, his new lust. He was, for the third time, masturbating and wasn't slowing down on his need, his new brother in arms let him enjoy his new life while exercising and flexing for each other. After a while, Enok spoke: "I received a blessing from you, Anthony, and for that I'm grateful, brother" "Call me Zeus, Anthony is dead, buried deep within my mind" "Zeus, king of the Olimpus, very suitable name" "We have the need and desire to spread the seed within all. If it was in my power to decide, all of you would have been transformed, but me and my brothers need to contain ourselves, our life is only beginning, we will have plenty of opportunities to do so”. A day passed and they still were in the grey room, their new home, preparing for a war they never seen before, but as their minds reprogrammed, they were knowledgeable about it. Two days passed, and then a third one. After this time of silence between them and the scientists, the declaration: “Sublime Soldiers, hear that: you are to be integrated to the legion of this present barracks and to the army of this colony. You will be reallocated to the dormitories effective immediately. Follow the path that will be presented. End of transmission.” The door of the grey area opened, and even if no human came to show them the way, they knew what to do. Going to the end of the corridor, they went to the elevator of the facility, and returning to the surface, they were put in another truck, being transported to the barracks that was close to the complex. The regular soldiers of the barracks were told that new special recruits were to be received by them. Most of them were clueless on the project, and received the sublimes with awe. Both the scientists and the government knew their actions were a gamble, and not sure how to proceed, the sublimes were told to adapt to their new place and to integrate with the regulars. Their routine was straightforward, with them skipping feeding time though, and being put physical activities more intense than the others, something, specially Saturn, greatly enjoyed. Even with their sexual drive, their desire to spread their seed, their sense of duty was stronger, and their routine was purely martial. Their self control was huge. The soldiers of the colony were more of public workers than actual fighters, the colony took their defenses seriously, but wars were not common. Even so, they were put to physical activities, tests of strength, agility and so on, most of the soldiers had a good physique, specially one, on this barracks. Known as Brick, he was proud of his body that he acquired with much discipline and hard extra workout sessions. An exemplary soldier, was the biggest in the barracks prior to the arrival of the sublimes. He was like a brother to their comrades, but he saw with disdain their new colleagues. Considering them unworthy, he let his opinion be known to every recruit around him, while he’d flex his huge biceps in defiance. His insolence put the sublimes’s self control to the test, one of them, Enok, was particularly enraged by his attitude. Over the days, the tension was clear, until it explode. Brick mocked Enok, and him, at his limit, gave him a punch, before anyone could know, they were furiously in physical confrontation. Enok, even if transformed and incredibly powerful, was finding Brick, the human, to be a worthy foe, as he was incredibly strong and his muscles were impressive. He knew of Brick’s disgust for them, so he quickly thought of the perfect revenge. As the sublimes and the regulars tried to separate the both before the authorities could arrive, Enok’s natural needles, coming from his nipples and penis, were ready, and they promptly perforated Brick on his pecs and scrotum. “Now you will become what you hate, transform, transform, transform!” Brick tried to keep fighting Enok, but soon the pains in his body made impossible for him to do so, it all happened quickly. After the frensy, everyone gathered around Brick and watched him contort on the floor. He was already changing, his big muscles were in the process of becoming legendary, his pecs expanding, his abs being sculpted beyond comprehension, his clothes tearing apart and his screams turning to roars, his dogtag was dangling as he felt humiliated, he did his best to keep defiant, but his mind was at war. He resisted the transformation as much as he could, he was fighting against it, and the tragic thing is, the more he fought, the more his body changed, he observed with tears of anger in his eyes as his skin boiled and became steal, his dogtag integrated into his body, his bones were deeply changing and tall horns came from his skull. His mind resisted the reprogramming as it could, but his body was enjoying the experience and he was cumming in front of everyone, his cum getting dangerously closer to the other men. His cum that was being infected with the formula, and that could transform anyone. He roared and bellowed, cursing the changes and cursing the sublimes. As he became a God and changed beyond measure, he became a Sublime too. His cum finally touched a couple of soldiers around him, and even one scientist that came to experience the change got touched by it too. A legion of supermen was about to be born, a pleasant side effect, like Alfred said.
  8. Trunks was on the way to his mother's house. She called him earlier and it seemed urgent. He had felt an enormous ki this morning and it couldn't be his father or Goku,, who were gone to train with Beerus and Whis. It didn't bode well. "I'm here Mom. You called me ?" "Yeah. I have a bad news. You must have felt earlier this gigantic ki ? I think that's Broly." "BROLY ? But Goku hadn't defeated him ?" "Unfortunately, no" "Fuck, and Dad and Goku are not here." "Yes but I think we can do without them." "Against Broly ? Are you fool ? We have no chance to beat him. I'm not enough strong for this" "Not now but... it's the second reason why I called you. I'm working on my last invention : a power gun. It allows to increase physical abilities of a person and when I say increase, it's really really increase. But I don't test on a human subject" "And... you would like test it on me, that's it" "Exact. But even if I tested on you now, it would be insufficient for to beat Broly because there is one detail that could change the situation. I noticed that the intensity of transformation depends of person's current ki. More high it is, more powerful you will be. As I already told you, if I use on you now, it would be insufficient but what would happen if I used it on you when you are transformed ?" "If it depends of ki, I suppose that effects will be more important" "Exactly, very more importants. Do you remember your fight against Cell ?" "Yes, I had transformed myself in ultra super saiyan. At the time, with this transformation, I was the most powerful among us but this it had a big inconvenience." "Yep, your speed was very decreased. But maybe my gun could correct that, but I'm not sure." "So if I understand, you would like to test on me when I'm transformed in ultra super saiyan ?" "Exactly. However, I have to warn you I don't know the results with certainty but I think that you will be enough big and powerful than Broly, maybe more. So Trunks, do you want to be my guinea pig ?" More powerful than Broly ? Trunks had trouble to imagine it but this idea pleased him, very even. He had loved this transformation but his inconvenience had made him abandonned, so more powerful and without inconvenience of speed ? Yes ! Oh fuck yes he wanted ! "Oh fuck yes I want!" he said with a big smile. "Very good ! But we are not going to make test here, firstly it's not discreet and then, it would be dangerous for citizens." "We could go on the place where I fought Cell, it's really desert." "Excellent idea. Oh, I forgot but I would like that you wear your suit. I would like test his resistance." "Ok !" *Few hours later* "Ok, we are arrived, so let you transform. Don't worry, go to max and when you will be ready, I could use the gun on you." Trunks flew, transformed into super saiyan and began to concentrate him. He hadn't used this transformation for a long time but he remembered this fabulous feeling of power. Some seconds passed and firstly nothing happened, then his shoulders started to shake. Trunks clenched his teeth. Just a little more effort ! More seconds later, it was his chest and arms which whaked. And suddenly the car started : Trunks bent him back and yelled. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!" His hair instantly grew and pick up. His chest and arms seemed start to swell. Under his suit, Trunks could feel his pecs grow and push against his armor. He could feel his abs bulged and quickly become a good sixpack. Trunks straightened his head. Holy fuck, he could feel his traps rose up and his shoulders become canonballs size. His pupils disappeared, leaving his eyes totally white, symbol of a very big power. Lightnings began to appear around him. Trunks was also taller, more than 7 feet. Bulma looked his son become a powerful saiyan but it was nothing compared who waited him. Trunks yelled more when he felt an new energy wave altrought him. All of his body swelled ; he felt his traps rose more, his neck widened, his shoulders became true bowling balls, His arms gained inches after inches. He felt his pecs became more bigger, more thicker, his back widened more and more, Trunks couldn't see but he felt his abs exploded out of his stomach, like boulders implanted under his skin. His six-pack was now very ripped. His legs became more wide than tree trunks. And he was growing again in height and weight. Soon, the transformation seemed to end, Trunks was the head towards up and he was moaning ; this sensation of pure power was very incredible and he waited next with envy. Blue lightning appeared around of him. Finally, his pupils were return. The Ultra Super Saiyan was back ! Trunks stopped to moan and said : "Fuuuuuuuuuck, it feels so gooooood!". Bulma looked captors. Holy shit, his son was a giant, he was almost 8.5 feet tall and his weight was 620 lbs. It was huge yes, but really not enough for to beat Broly. So it was time to test his gun. "Trunks, are you okay ?" "Oh yeah, more than ever." "Ready for the next ? Sure ?" "OH YEAH!" Bulma activated gun and locked his son. The gun roared, more and more and more, and suddenly fired a big blue ray, which hit Trunks in this chest. Trunks widened his eyes. If the previous sensation was like a burning, this was like a nuclear explosion, even more. Nothing could be prepared him to this. During few instants, he said nothing then suddenly, he bent again back but more violently and yelled like he never yelled. This time, it was more intense, very more, very very more. "AAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH !!!!!!! OOOOOOOOOOOOH FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCKKKKKKKKK !!!!!!!!!!!" Lightnings around him became thunder, he clenched his fists and fkexed his arms ; instantly they exploded with muscle, his chest bulged, his traps exploded out from his back, his legs swelled more. And he was taller too, Bulma looked his screen : 9.6 feet and... 1060 lbs. Holy Fuck !!! He was titanic. *crrrrrrrr..crrrrrrrr..crrrr* Bulma heard this crack but didn't know where it came from. Some moments later, she understood : Trunks's armor was starting to crack, firstly it was imperceptible but more muscle he gained, more cracks were visible. Normally, his armor was created for to adapt on user's body but here, his muscles became too big. And it's what happened : next muscle growth spurt literally destroy it. Trunks was now only in his blue combinaison, giving a perfect view on his muscular body. Bulma looked his stats : 10.5 feet tall and 1870 lbs ! Crap, Trunks was taller of Broly ! But the transformation wasn't over : Trunk started to scream even louder when his whole body grew even bigger. "AAAAAAAAARRRRRRGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH AAAAAAAAHHH AAAAAAAAAAAAAH AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH !!!!!! OOOOOOOOOOOHHHH GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSH !!!!!!! IT'S SO FUCKING GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD" Bulma could hear that his voice became more deeper, more cavernous. She looked her screen again : 12 feet, 2480 lbs. God ! She knew that eher invention would work but not at this point.. Trunks, meanwhile, was a second state. Everything he felt was pure power, at every second this power increased, he felt his body growing more and more and more. He had already had this sensation with ultra super saiyan but now, it was multiplied by a thousand. And it was not yet the end : he felt a new wave of power coming. "HOOOOOLYYYYYYYYYYYY SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITTTTTTTTTT AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH". His voice became really deep. He felt himself widening, his traps grew even bigger, to the point he had no more neck but only a muscle mountain which surrounded completely his neck. His pecs exploded more, to the point where they hid his sight. If he looked down, he couldn't see other than 2 fucking huge mountains. He bounced them few times and enjoyed of this amazing feeling. Even if couldn't see, he could perfectly feel his six-pack start to swell ,and suddenly, first row literaly popped out of his midsection (like when Buu returned to its original form), then the next row, and finally the third. Shit, his six-pack had doubled in size. But it didn't stop, Trunks felt the hard pressure go down and few moments later, a fourth row exploded out, giving him an incredible fucking eight-pack. His legs continued to grow, becoming redwood trunks. His suit was very very very tight and it gave right to a nice show. Every detail was clearly visible : striation of his shoulders, veins on his biceps, his gigantic lats, striations of his pecs, his nipples, every muscular brick of his amazing eight-pack, his fucking obliques, his amazing adonis belt, veins on the bottom of his abs, every bumps of his muscular quads. His suit yelled to agony and few moments later... "riiippp.. riiiiiippp... riiiiipppp.....riiiiippp..." Tears noises could be heard. Bulma widened his eyes ; after this armor, she noticed several tears appear on Trunks's suit. Even his suit, which was designed for to be very malleable and adapt of user's body, even more than his armor, couldn't stand more. Trunks was simply too muscular and tall for his suit. He was 13 feet tall and weighed 3000 lbs. And it was not yet the end : he felt another wave. Trunks's body exploded everywhere. He was growing, and growing and growing, add several hundreds of pounds in few seconds. His suit didn't supported and was disintegrated, leaving Trunks completely naked. His enormous cock was releasing and comes knock against the top of his eight-pack. Finally, the transformation seemed to end. Bulma took a look on the final statistics : 16 feet tall, 3600 lbs. HO-LY CRAP ! It was a lot more than anything she expected. Broly was "only" 9 feet tall and weighed 800 lbs. Trunks was there, fully naked... HOLY FUCKING SHIT : look at the size of his humoungous python. Bulma had not thought about this "detail" but yeah, there was no reason his dick didn't grow... Bulma wondered how long he could stay like this, because saiyan's transformation consumes a lot of energy, and generally, more powerful it's and more quickly it consumes energy, it's why they can't keep them forever. But in the Trunks's case, she was stunned when she saw her screen : Trunks didn't lose energy, on the contrary, he was producing it ! Trunks's body was became his own nuclear plant. It meant that he could stay like this... forever if he wanted it. Trunks moaned, savoring all sensation he felt. All that he could feel was power, true power, very more than previously. Even motionless it was orgasmic. So he began a flexing session : Trunks started by clench his fist "OOOOHHH Goooood it's so fucking good !" Then he flexed his forearms "Oooooooooh shiiiiiit !" Then he flexed his arms "OOOOOOH FUUUUUUUCKKK !!" Then he flexed and bounced his pecs "Holy shiiiiiiiiiiit" Then he flexed his eight-pack "OOOOOH GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSH !!!!" Then he flexed hi legs "SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITTTTT !!!" All this flexing session maked him really horny. Trunks was trying to refrain his huge envy to cum, because he was in front of his mother but the pleasure was really too much : he was going to cum, it was inevitable. So he took his cock and he reached the climax when he flexed all his muscles in same time. "HOOOLYYYYY....... FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKKKKK !!!!!!!". His yell was so loud that it could be heard on ten of miles and cause an little earthquake. And his shot.... it wasn't a simple shot, it looked much more like a super kamehameha. There was several rocks on the path : it pierced them like it was nothing and finally to dig a crater in the ground. The flood continued for at least 15 minutes. Finally, after an eternity to come and moan, Trunks looked his mother "THANKS MOM !" Holy shit, his voice was incredibly deeper, and very more louder, it was such as he speaked through a megaphone. He flew near to his mother. "T-T-Tr..Trunks... are.... are you okay ?" "If I feel me okay ? Mom... ... it's the BEST FEELING I felt IN MY ENTIRE LIFE !". And effectively, it was unbelievable, every movement or flex were so fucking orgasmic ! Bulma was envy to touch him but he was produced too much energy, lightnings constantly appeared around him. She had planned several tests, including a kamehameha, but after to see this amazing power, the kamehameha's test was a very bad idea. By the way, Trunks's eyes were now constantly white, like Broly, contrary to his initial transformation. It was time to make few tests. "So.. let's see if this speed problem is fixed, fly until our house and go back. It's far enough but you should only take about 2 minutes. I could calculate your speed". Bulma did not have time to see Trunks start, but holy shit, what a shock wave ! 12 minutes later, he came back. "Hmmmm, 12 minutes, it's weird, it takes really more time than I thought" said Bulma. "Crap, I really hoped it would solve your speed problem" "Oh don't worry Mom, it's fixed, really ! Because I don't just only fly to our home... I did an Earth tour" "WH... WH...... WHAAA... WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT ?!!!!! A....AN....AN EARTH TOUR ???!!!" exclaimed Bulma in shaking. "So... I think that this speed problem was definitly fixed." An Earth tour... a fucking Earth tour...... How fast did he fly ? He did the turn in 12 minutes and the diameter of Earth is 12742km. So he flew at.. ... ... 63710 km/h !!!! HO-LY FUCKING SHIIIIIT ! Bulma takes several minutes for to recover. It was unbelievable, Trunks was flying faster than a rocket, literally !! So yes, speed wasn't a problem. "Ok now, test your strength. I would like you destroy his big rock but don't do a kamehameha, I wouldn't you destroy the Earth haha." Trunks walks towards the rocks, which was really big, almost 40 feet, and he gave a little flick against and... the rock was reduced in pieces. "Strength won't be a problem either" said Trunks. "So, I think what I'm ready for to beat Broly no ?" Bulma remained silent for several seconds. She knew it would work, but there, it was completely unimaginable. She didn't think to say that one day but... yes, now, there was no chance to lose. "Ok we can go meet him. But before Mom... if you could find clothes for me. And I not need of armor, just suit will be sufficient." *Few hours later* "Finally, it was time ! I'm going to crush this Legendary super Saiyan" Trunks flew to place where they detected Broly early and waited after him. His gigantic power didn't take long for to be detect by Broly. And effectively, Broly searched after Kakarotto when he felt a gigantic ki but really really gigantic. Never he felt a power like this (it over 9000 :p). He was troubled during some seconds before returning to his senses. No matter how powerful, he was the legendary super saiyan, he could beat anyone and anyoune couldn't beat him. So why he will be worried ? So he decided to flew towards this amazing ki. And he came in front of fucking muscular titan. He recognized him directly, it was Trunks. But not the same little Trunks as usual. Now, he was a fucking muscular titan, more tall than Broly himself. How did he reached this level ? "You will not go further; I give you one chance, go far away and never come back. Otherwise..." said Trunks. "Otherwise what ? Well, you've been training what I see. I have to admit I'm impressed. But it will not enough for to beat me. I'm the Legenday Super Saiyan, you forgot ? NOBODY can beat me !" "Nobody ? Really ? Ok, so you know what ? I will let you hit me in first. But little advice, hit me with all your might because otherwise after... And I didn't move, I promise you !" "Let me hit you ? Are you fool ? So you want to be kill ! Ha, pathetic. But if you propose, I didn't refuse" Broly clenched his fits and says "GOODBYE TRUNKS !". And he hit with all his might. A very big sound could be heard : *CRACK !* Two opponents didn't move during few moments. where did this noise come from ? From Trunks ? From Broly ? After a few moments, Trunks says, in smiling "..... Mmmmh, I would say that you broke your knuckes on my abs no ?! And you know what ? I was not flexing them HAHAHAHA !!" Broly seemed very irritated. Nobody resisted him and it no was him who was going to start. "Bastard ! You have resisted to one punch but you will not resist to this ! DIE !!" And for the next minutes, it was a real rush of punches that received Trunks but he didn't move to an inch. Broly hit him and hit him and hit him... but it seemed to have no effects. He finished with a very huge kick on the side of Trunks's head but same result : Trunks didn't move. "Fuck ! trought Trunks. "Yesterday, this kick would have literally beheaded me... but today, I not feel anything ! It's so amazing !" "What ? That's all ? It's that the "Legendary Super Saiyan" ? It's a joke ? I didn't feel nothing. A baby hit more than you hahaha !" "GRRRRRRR !! I'M GOING TO KILL YOU BASTARD !!!" Broly flew further, raised his hands and suddenly generated a gigantic genkidama, biggest that those of Goku. "DIE !!!" he shouted before to launch it on Trunks. Fuck, it was probably not enough for to kill him but if it touched the planet, it would probably destroy it. Trunks had to stop it...... or maybe not, he had another idea. Trunks tried to hold this enormous genkidama. Broly laughed, anybody never not had sucessed to stop it, anybody. "This time, it's the end hahahahaha !!" yelled Broly. But after some seconds, the genkidame didn't move. "Hmm ? It's weird, it not seems move. Not matter, let's help it a few." Broly shot a lot of energy balls for to grow more his genkidama, which was now really gigantic. "HAHAHAHA STOP THAT IF YOU CAN !" But suddenly, an unexpected event happened : the genkidama decreased in size, then again, then again, then again... "WHAT ? NO ! It's impossible !! How ? How did he do that ?" Soon, Broly understood how and why ; he saw Trunks, with his two arms plunged in the enormous energy ball. He moaned of pleasure : Trunks wasn't trying to stop the genkidama, no, he was absorb it !! Trunks roared of pleasure, it was so fucking good, like he pumped the energy of a sun ! And more he absorbed, more he felt his body grow. His body grew at an accelerated rate. His biceps became really gigantic, with humoungous peakes of pure muscle, his shoulder became titanic, his traps reached his ears, his pecs were two gigantic mountains and below, he could feel again a very hard pressure in his midsection. Soon, like his previous muscle growth spurt, his abs exploded out of stomach, row after row, further increasing again and again in size and even the last time, a new row popped, giving him now an unbelievable shredded and ripped ten-pack. Trunks yelled and we could hear his voice became again more and more deep and loud. And during this amazing muscle growth spurt, obviously, he was also getting taller : 16.3 feet...16.7 feet... 17.. 17.4 .. 17.8... 18.5... 19.1... Tearing noises could be heard again : his suit was again in agony, until a last muscle growth wave shattered his clothes. And one more time, his dick came knock his abs. Gooooooooooosh, this amazing python was bigger than Broly's arms. And fun fact, his cock had to be more powerful than his entire old body. Trunks reached a humoungous 20 feet, totally naked. And his weight exceeded 5000 lbs. It was unbelievable. For comparison, now, one of his titanic abs was bigger than Broly's head. He moaned again for long seconds, savoring the power that ran through him. Then, he looked Broly, smiled and said "Thanks for this meal !!!". "FUCKING BASTARD !!!" yelled Broly. With rage, he rushed on Trunks and kicked him over and over. But nothing, he couldn't even push his fist through Trunks's midsection, which had become very more harder (and bigger) than the previous time. Trunks even had fun hitting him once or twice with... his dick. After 10 good minutes of punches, Broly had to resign, he could not beat him by force, he was totally outdone. This terrible truth only made him angry more. It was impossible ! It couldn't happen !! He tried one more time to hit Trunks, but this time Trunks stopped his fist between two fingers. Broly forced but impossible to move his fist. "You are so weak, so insignificant. And you call yourself legendary ? THAT it's legendary !!". And Trunks flexed all his muscles. This sensation which went through him was simply too unbelievable, he roared like he never roared, it felt like a orgasm multiplied by a orgasm which was itself multiplied by a orgasm. Instanly, he felt, with this fucking unbelievable god feeling, that the climax was very near and that it was going to be INSANE ! And he was about to give a little power lesson to the "Legendary Super Saiyan". Quicly, he caught his dick and pointed her in the direction of Broly. Then he came. Even the most powerful kamehameha of Goku was not so impressive. Broly was thrown on dozens of miles, smashing every rock in his path. And the scream of Trunks : the ground shook, even cracked, the sea became a storm. It's even said that the city, which was several hundred miles away, heard his scream and that some windows shattered. It lasted long, maybe 30 minutes and finally, the flood weakens and calm is restored. he exulted with joy : THIS was really LEGENDARY, yes legendary ORGASMIC !!! It took several minutes for Broly to come back even more raging; He was injured (and soaked, I wonder why...). He'd never been humiliated like this. This fucking asshole was gonna pay for it. This fucking planet was gonna pay for it ! Trunks laughed : "HAHAHAHA SO BROLY, WHAT DO YOU THINK OF MY KAMEHAMEHA, OR SHOULD I SAY, MY "CAME-HAMEHA" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA !!!!" "BASTARD !!! FUCKING BASTARD !!!!!!!!!! IF I CAN'T BEAT YOU, I'M GOING TO QUICKY DESTROY THIS FUCKING PLANET !" and suddenly he shot a kamehameha towards the Earth for to destroy it. "NO CHANCE !". Trunks teleported and just absorbed the kamehameha, which made him gain one or two inches. He found an angle where his own kamehameha wouldn't destroy planets. "AND THIS, IT'S A KAMEHAMEHA !!!". And he shot... It wasn't just enormous, it was FUCKING AMAZING, UNBELIEVABLE TITANIC !!! Trunks was right to find a path without planets : he could easily destroy several planets and suns with only one shot. When Broly saw this humoungous kamehameha, for the first time of his life, he was scared : he knew this was the end for him. "WHA..." he not finished his sentence that the gigantic wave energy hit him. But unlike Goku, this kamehameha don't pushed him, no, it literally disintegrated him instantly and continued into deep space. The ray must have been run over several light-years before to it disappeared. Yeah Bulma was right to do not test on kamehameka ! The threat of the "Legendary super saiyan" was over. Now, Earth had the "Ultra legendary god super saiyan". And now, what do we do ? Trunks looked his body : "Mmmhhh why not an another shot ?" he trought but, finally no : he wouldn't destroy Earth just by sneezing ! Fun facts which happened after ; - It's been a real headache for Bulma to rearrange the routine of his son. Even if he didn't want, he destroyed everything he touched. even with the hardest of metals : a titane glass ? He crushed it. A titane door ? He crushed the clinge and ripped off the door. and if unfortunately the door was not wide enough, when he passed it... the wall came with him ! His bed ? He crumbled it (at the same time with a weight of 5000 lbs...). Other day, he just squeezed : if he don't destroy Earth, it was sufficient for to destroy his house. Yes, be the most powerful warrior of the universe, it was not easy for to have a normal life. Beerus even suggested to resume his job of god of destruction. - Few weeks later, a Cell from other universe, in his first form, tried to absorb Trunks... but he blocked after his head, rest of Trunks's body was really too much massive for to be absorbed. So, seeing he couldn't do it, he tried to sting Trunks with his stinger. Very bad idea Cell : his stinger just broke when it hit the amazing muscular Trunks's chest. Lazy, Trunks sent him waltzed for miles with a very little... flick then he finally decided him to lift his little finger (literally !) and he shot a wave energy sufficient for to disintegrate the monster. - An other annoying thing, it was Goku, completely overjoyed since he had an new opponent who was infinitely more powerful than himself. He constantly attacked Trunks, every day... and every night also, which exasperated Trunks. Obviously, none of his punches had any effect. Trunks could throw it off with a flick but Goku kept coming back. It was like a mosquito which attacked a giant, the bite less. Yes, it was sure now, with this god of god as protector, Earth was safe ! Or maybe not...
  9. LionBUff

    Stuck Inside

    Stuck Inside By: LionBUff Jake woke up to splitting pains running through his waist. He was a male fox that weighed nearly four times as much as the average fox. His hips felt like they had been crushed by a train and his testicles felt like they had been milked until they were raisins between his legs. He couldn't even feel his cock at all. He opened his eyes and looked down. Jake had been working out his whole life, he never skipped a day at the gym, he never went easy on himself, and it showed. He slowly and gently ran his paw down his peaking line of stomach muscles and softly grabbed his testicles and rubbed them in circles while pulling them towards him. Jake treated his sore orbs as if they would fall from the next gust of wind blowing against them. He couldn’t help but notice a strong feminine scent as he rubbed his painful genitals. He looked around the room as his tired and watery eyes adjusted to the morning light. He noticed a female fox on his bed. He must have met her at the gym because she was just as fit as him. Finding someone as well fit as her would have been near impossible at any old bar. Her body was more than defined in all the right places. He noticed a pool of white dripping from the center of her legs. Her feminine cave looked like a mouth vomiting a cow's worth of milk. Jake wondered if she, for some reason, spilled milk just above her vagina and let it drip down her lower lips and onto the bed. Or maybe the slimy white goo was lotion she rubbed between her legs to soothe an unbearable level of stretching her genitals had never taken before. He figured that this was closer to the truth than he probably realized. As he inspected her round figure for clues he noticed her arms stuck behind her head. Jake didn't think anything of this mildly uncomfortable-looking sleeping position till he noticed a shine from behind her head that looked like she was wearing a silver bracelet. He soon discovered that the bracelet was actually a pair of handcuffs linked to the bed frame. His eyes adjusted and a black mass on her left (from his view) breast. He wiped the watery haze off of his eyes to get a better look. The black mass was a tattoo that read "SARAH" with her nipple in the center of the "R." The SARAH tattoo covered the top half of her left the longways. The tattoo looked like it could be fake as multiple fingerprints were smearing the bottom of the word. He assumed that this was her name because no hearts or romantic decorations were hinting at any lover connections. The font resembled old English which reminded him of Shakespeare but there were no hearts or anything else. He felt bad for Sarah and got up to look for the key. He wasn't quiet about it at all hoping she would wake up to find this massive male doing his best to free her. He knew how scared he would be in her shoes. He first checked their clothing. He checked his obviously too small for him gym shorts and found nothing. He checked inside a pair of cheap knock off high heals bedazzled in pink and dark red velvet cheap jewels to find nothing. The noise of him throwing the few clothes they had on the floor woke her up. Sarah opened her eyes to see Jake searching through her clothes. She was too tired to say anything. She couldn't let out anything more than a soft startled moan. Jake heard the quiet moan and immediately felt bad for her. If the white puddle soaking her vagina was the lotion he thought it was, and if her memory was half as hazy as his, she must be terrified. "I'm just trying to find the key to set you free I swear!" Jake wanted to be as calming and peaceful as possible. "Eh... thanks." Sarah started feeling the handcuffs as she found herself unable to move everything above her belly button. "You don't remember where it is... do you?" Jake asked Sarah staring at the white mess between her legs. She tried to think about last night and any little detail she could remember. This thinking helped her wake up. The more awake she felt, the more she noticed a stabbing sensation in her uterus. Deep against the right (from Jake's view) side of her womb was an uncomfortable series of small points poking her inner body. It wasn't the most painful thing her womb had felt by a long shot, she had taken many objects and many men many times bigger than those objects. However, she knew that the series of slightly sharp stabbing pains was the same size and texture of a key. She shook her waist around to loosen the object. The smooth sides of the small object bouncing around further confirmed her fears. It had to be a key. "In here," she said just loud enough to catch Jake's attention. He turned around to see Sarah displaying herself. The white droplets flew off as she flexed and danced her feminine cave as if to clean it off for him. "WHAT?" He had an idea of what she was saying but he assumed that she just wanted a quick wave of pleasure before he finished looking. He was worried she just wanted him to stick himself in and calm her nerves for a little. "It's in here, I can feel the key rubbing against my guts." Sarah was secretly worried that the key hiding that deep inside of her would be an issue. She thought it would be impossible to get it out. Those fears washed away as her internal bodily fluids lubricated the path to the key in response this his own genitals preparing to retrieve the key... stretching to a throbbing length that would be more than enough. If anything, he would push it in further. Even if he did push it further, Sarah thought, Jake would open her up so wide the key was guaranteed to fall out. He may even gap her entrance open so much that her ovaries would drop out too. "It's up inside... inside... you?" Jake rubbed his sore balls with his hands signaling for them to recover as quickly as possible. His cock went from mostly soft to a partially firm noodle... one that was clearly wet but had some strength to it. His body wasn't sure how hard jake should be but it was preparing itself. "See for yourself... if you think you can get up there that deep?" Jake felt his knees and head lighten and his cock gained what felt like half a pound of blood. His veins around his cock flexed out. Jake grew a third arm that was ready to fetch that key and free Sarah. Jake knew standing around and watching Sarah was a waste of time. He just hoped whatever lotion was puddling under the vagina bouncing in front of him wouldn't stain his sheets. He crawled onto the bed and aligned his muscular well-fit figure with her equally well fit body. Sarah opened her legs until her thighs nearly made a perfect line. She pushed her feet into the bed and raised her opening up to him. She was ready to get off the bed but was also ready to see just how wide she could open up. she wanted to feel the morning air soothing her body wherever it was stabbing her. She felt like she could absorb a cruise ship. She felt like she was taking a cruise ship. She felt herself opening her legs beyond a split. Her breathing was interrupted by a pulsing mass pushing her lungs into her chest. Her chest was big enough to hold her lungs, and she felt like it would as jake slid it. Sarah thought a horse was punching her vagina... in fact... she wished she was taking a horse. Jake was worried that he would only push the key deeper while he slid further and further with multiple inches to go until his knot touched her at all. He was worried until his knot made its presence known with a tremendous slap followed by Sarah vocalizing her hormones taking over. Jake couldn't feel anything except Sarah's vaginal cave gripping the life out of his dick. "Am I close," He asked swinging his body side to side causing his cock to sweep her womb like a broom. His cock was throbbing like a deadly earthquake against the upper walls of her womb creating tidal waves in her stomach. She could hardly enunciate through her body trying to survive this enormous penetration. She tried to tell him that she could feel the key sitting under his cock. "Under... lower... try again!" Jake pulled himself out hoping that Sarah would be able to tell him what to do then. A long, deep, slimy flushing sound resonating from her vagina made startled both of them. The echoing of her internal fluids sliding against his beast of a male tree truck aroused both of them even more. "Are you ok?" Jake was afraid that he was too much for even a girl like Sarah. "When you go back in, go in lower, the key is sitting on the bottom of my womb." Jake slid the first five inches in, then angeled himself so that the edge of his dick faced down at a thirty-degree angle. He held this angeled position as he moved in. The new angel made Sarah open wider and wider. She thought she would stick her own arm up her vagina and would barely notice anything. The rims of the hole that spat out Jake's slimy seed searched Sarah's internal body like a blind person looking for their glasses. It looked for anything to grab onto. The skin around Sarah's belly button rolled around. Jake's meat pushed against her skin so much that even his veins could be seen around her lower torso. "GOT IT!" The tip of the key slipped into the tip of his cock and poked the inside of his tube. Jake tried to pull the key out, but all of the bodily fluids flowing inside Sarah's guts made it impossible for the key to stay inside his cock. He calmly thrusted forwards to grab it again but each attempt was as useless as the last. "You've... almost... got... it." Sarah was overwhelmed with horny compulsions but she felt like she was almost free. Jake wasn't ready to give up. He was determined to free this incredibly impressive woman no matter how many thrust it took. After a series of gentle thrusts, Jake new the calm rout wasn't going to work. He would have to use the abs and glutes built like a bull to scoop the key out. "Hold on," Jake panted. "No... I was planning on running away," Sarah said with a subtle sarcastic laugh. This laugh quickly turned into screams filled with pain and passion as Jake turned into a plowing machine hurling his dick against her guts full steam ahead. He gave each powerful plunge into her body all the explosive power his massive body could spark up. Jake showed no signs of slowing down as his waist flashed up and down like an orange blur. The slurping of his still-growing freight train filled the room with what sounded like a muffled war. Sarah felt something deep inside her hole clamp down on Jake… as if she were a fish biting a squirming worm. Sarah felt something deep inside her hole clamp down on Jake… as if she were a fish biting a squirming worm. Each time Jake entered her waist she clamped down a little tighter. Jake had been proving himself to be a big buff dominant male fox with deep growls that made Sarah quiver. His groans resonated from the biggest parts of his chest. These groans faded into moans that were nearly as high pitched as Sarah's as her vagina grabbed his cock tighter and tighter.. Jake was enjoying Sarah's internal grip more that Sarah was enjoying her ovaries being treated like a punching bag. Jake didn't know how to react to her body grabbing him like this but he wasn't complaining. Soon Jake was using more force than usual to move himself around Sarah's slimy cave. The tight grip eventually caused Jake to cum inside her in half the time it usually took him. After he squirted all he could he kept his meat inside Sarah and leaned in to cuddle her while he caught his breath. The two hugged, soaking up the others' incredible body shape. Jake sank into her chest like a heated mattress and Sarah let Jake sink onto her like an overweight blanket. "Did you find it?" Sarah asked squeezing Jake into her body so tight she could feel the peek oh his abs inches above her spine. Jake wiggled around without saying a word hoping to find the key with his cock which was still berried deep in her body. Sarah knew what Jake was doing and wondered if Jake really thought she wouldn't notice his heavy stump of veiny flesh roll around inside her. She didn't have time to say anything because her hormones took over her voicebox exhaling and groaning just as loud as before. "You sure it's up here and not somewhere else in you... maybe in a different entrance?" Jake nearly pulled out but the suction of her womb trapped him against her. "Kee... kee... keep looking! You're close." Jake was worried that he wouldn't be able to dig inside her again, at least not deep enough to help find the key, but Sarah's lustful screams and constant bouncing of her overgrown breast stiffened him right back up. It didn't take long for Jake to feel like he had a new batch of sperm ready to breed Sarah like a thirsty condom. Jake focused on cramming himself as deep as possible this time. He used each thrust to dig deeper, every thrust back out of Sarah was just Jake attempting to gain more speed in his next smack into her body. One shove created so much force that Jake suddenly found his testicles completely wrapped in Sarah's slick and piping hot hole. Jake felt the sudden grip on his orbs and expected it to be painful. Jake had already wedged her open so wide that she felt like she would never spread herself open wide enough for him, but her lower lips still seemed to try to suck his male milk more aggressively than a starving calf on its mother's utter. For some reason, the grip of Sarah's inner leg muscles on his testicles didn't hurt at all. In fact, the walls of her slippery warm cave was a massage soothing every vein from his pubic hair and upwards. Like her thighs were licking him and telling him to dump his next round of seed when he was ready. Jake figured that if he was going to have his entire mating mass inside Sarah, he might as well test her limits and just keep cramming himself up her stomach. Sarah closed her eyes and focused on keeping her raging hormones under control. Her feminine scent almost blinded Jake thanks to all of Sarah's desires filling her blood. He had reached past her ovaries now. Her womb thought she was somehow pregnant which made Sarah even more aroused as she imagined carrying a pack of his cubs in her womb. Sarah couldn't stop herself from moaning. Even her inhales emitted a rumble that sounded like desire itself. She couldn't annunciate any words but Jake knew exactly what she wanted. Once Jake was so deep that his balls were halfway up her vaginal tube he too lost control. Sarah had thought about nothing but breeding since Jake started his second round. Now, Jake's hormones were drowning out his thoughts. He felt veins flex out all over his cock. He felt his girth grow two inches. His head crawled out another three inches. Jake was so far inside Sarah that he was rubbing into the underside of her right breast. The right side of her chest flopped around just as fast as Jake was pumping his body into hers. Jake gave Sarah one final thrust harder than any other thrust all night. His seamen dispersed itself around her chest. His sperm cells swam up to her left breast and settle into her right. Jake didn't notice Sarah's chest swelling with his cum, he was to busy squinting his eyes and forcing Sarah's legs as far apart as he could. Jake stood there halfway up Sarah's body emptying all the male hormones and male milk Sarah's cries for seed had brewed in him. Sarah couldn't move anything but her eyes. She could only watch her chest rise and widen. Jake opened his eyes and wondered why the feminine lumps under him looked more like two squishy boulders than an actual female figure. Jake reached down and grabbed the left mound of her chest and squeezed, curious as to how they grew so fast. "Get the key?" Sarah asked catching her breath. "It may have fallen out while we were going at it." Jake suggested rubbing her inflated chest. He tried to pull out of Sarah and look around the bed hoping the key wasn't buried in too much of their mess. Sarah's muscles surrounding her tube flexed and squeezed Jake's dick before he could leave her insides. He couldn't even pull his balls out before they were gripped against her guts. Jake slid back where he was and tried again. Her muscles gripped his rod harder. Jake tried again and again to pull out but Sara’s mouth between her legs craved his sweet fertile nectar. “I don’t think it did, I can still feel it.” Jake was only a little disappointed by this news because he thought that either of the previous rounds would have knocked the key loose. Either that or her orgasm would have knocked it loose. “What should we do?” Jake didn’t think going for another round would do much but if she wanted another filling of his seamen he was happy to help.
  10. HistoryBuff1812

    "Loaded" July 8th entry.

    Hey all, enjoy my entry to the storiversary! No muscle in this one (sorry!) but don't worry if this is well-received I'll continue it further to what I already have in mind as the next step in the transformation which does definitely include muscle! If you don't like cum or it's not your thing probably best to skip this story. I know it has a slow start but keep in mind I had to set-up the whole process and instigating incident. Feedback is GREATLY appreciated. Thank you! -HistoryBuff1812 Loaded HistoryBuff1812 Jakey had always been a small guy. Even now at 18 and about to start his senior year, the scrawniness of his five-foot-seven frame occasionally caused passersby to take a second look just to make sure what they were seeing was real. He didn’t look sick, he was perfectly healthy, he was just, small. All throughout his school years Jakey was basically invisible as he didn’t play sports or join any clubs or excel at anything really. He was simply average and- in his own mind- painfully so. What bothered him the most was how skinny he was. The joke going around among his classmates was that the reason he was so invisible is because as soon as he turned sideways no one could see him. He had tried to pack on weight by eating until he felt like he would vomit and doing push-ups at home in his room but he had resigned to the fact that his metabolism was just too fast, it burned off everything he ate no matter how dense or calorie-filled. But just because he had resigned himself to this fate didn’t mean he was happy about it nor did he give up all hope that it might be different one day. It was about two weeks before the semester started when Jakey got a text from his closest, and if he was being honest his only, friend Cody complaining of his endless boredom for the Nth time. After a few ignored texts his phone started to ring and out of obligation he picked up. “Bro I’m soooooooooooo bored, pay attention to me!” Jakey exhaled heavily, “I know, I saw your texts, why don’t you play a game or watch a movie or something?” “Because that’s boooooring. Come on, let’s go do something let’s go exploring we haven’t done that in a while.” Again, Jakey sighed, “yeah because the last time you made me go into an abandoned subway tunnel and the bats living there didn’t appreciate it.” He subconsciously looked up to make sure they still weren’t chasing him. Cody stifled a laugh on the other end and responded, “Ok, Ok, that was a one-time event, I have the perfect spot in mind it’s been abandoned for like 50 years and it’s in the middle of nowhere and it’s above ground!” The line was quiet for moment before Jakey finally huffed and replied; “Fine.” Cody’s rusting pick-up truck came to a halt on the gravel of the driveway kicking up a cloud of dust and vibrating with the bass of an old pop-punk song. Jakey hopped up into the passenger seat and instantly locked eyes with his friend. He always loved looking at Cody’s eyes because they were so unique, they were a vivid amber, a color he had never seen on anyone else and something he envied because of his own ordinary brown ones. Coupled with the fact that he was a full head taller and his brawny frame and Jakey had known for a while he was in love with his best friend. They both started to move in closer, playing the game of chicken they always did when they met-up in person. They leaned farther over the center console their faces getting within inches but just before their lips might have touched Jakey pulled back earning a big grin and a laugh from the other boy. “You always flinch man it’s too easy, what are you afraid you might like it?” He laughed again, put the truck in gear and started driving down the road that led away from town. They talked as the light pollution from the center of town faded and the only thing illuminating the road was the trucks headlights and an occasional flash of heat lightening. “So, what exactly is this place you’re taking me to, have you been there before?” Jakey eventually asked, it had been a good half hour since they left. “Well. . . No. I haven’t been to this place before, but I saw it on this old map my Dad has in the garage all it says is on it is ‘Restricted Area.’” Cody’s voice hesitated towards the end. As soon as he heard the word ‘restricted’ Jakey, ever the cautious type, blew a gasket, “What! You mean you don’t even know what kind of place this is or if we might get arrested as soon as we get out of the car!?” “Relax pussy, like I said it’s been abandoned for forever and look here it is and there’s no one here.” He finished his sentence as he turned down a hidden driveway that anyone driving by would pass by without noticing, unless they were looking for it. They passed a decaying sign with half of its wording removed but Jakey could make out ‘Fort ----- U.S. Arm’ and the driveway led to a tiny encampment that was equally as decrepit as the sign. With the trucks high-beams on he could make out a handful of buildings; two long ones with evenly spaced windows-barracks Jakey guessed, a two-story building with aa bare flagpole in front, and a small shed-looking structure to the side and back of it. All of them had broken glass for windows, collapsing roofs, and worn walls. All of them except for the shed. Cody parked the truck in between the flagpole and the taller building, grabbed one of the flashlights from glove box-while reaching over and grazing his friend’s crotch with his arm, and stepped out of the driver’s seat yelling “Come on!” to Jakey after he slammed the door. The peer pressure was too much to resist and Jakey followed his lead in grabbing a flashlight and following him out into the humid night. “Kinda small for an army base right? Like, how many guys could you fit in here?” Cody wondered aloud while shining his light through every broken window he could find only to find the shadows of cobwebs and rusting metal furniture in its illumination. Jakey was quietly wondering the same things and to fill the silence he added, “Yeah maybe they meant ‘Fort’ as a joke ha!” The laugh was nervous, and fake. “And what’s out here that needs protecting? This is the middle of fucking nowhere.” These questions repeated themselves over and over in his mind while the heat lightning above got more frequent with a few rolls of thunder added in. They walked around the place, checked out the insides of the buildings which only disappointed Cody with their emptiness and rotting furniture. Jakey was getting bored and was still uneasy about the whole venture so he suggested it was time to go. “Alright alright, you win we’ll check out that shed thing and get out of here,” he said in defeat, Jakey couldn’t help but smirk to himself in his victory. The shed had no windows and unlike the other buildings it looked solid, the roof and walls seemed untouched by time and there was a padlock on the metal door, the only opening to the otherwise solid concrete cube. “Well it’s locked, that’s too bad guess we’ll never know what’s in there,” Jakey said, feigning disappointment. But before he could finish his sentence for Cody to hear it the other boy was running jogging back to the truck and reaching over the side into the bed fishing around for something, which gave Jakey an excellent view of his friends ass in the ripped jeans that clung to it-something that he tried not to look at too intensely. He walked back with a pair of bolt cutters, flashed Jakey and big smile, and cut the padlock with ease. As punishment for his disbelief Cody pushed his friend gently into the shed and followed right behind their flashlights eagerly moving around to reveal… nothing. Once again, there was nothing but emptiness, a room lined with rusting storage shelves that were all totally bare. “There you have it Cody, buddy, a whole lot of nothing and whatever the Army was doing out here, which was probably just some sort of forest training, we’ll never know for sure and is long over.” He could feel his crushes’ angry frown even if he couldn’t see it. He let him walk out first, his shoulders slumped in disappointment and followed him towards the door when his shoe caught on a loose nail causing him to fall very ungracefully onto the wooden floor. “Fuck Jake are you alright man?” Cody only used that name when he was really concerned for his friend. Jakey took stock of himself and his body and finding nothing amiss replied confidently, if a little humbly, “yeah I’m ok just a scrape, I’ll be right behind you.” Convinced, Cody resumed his walk to the truck. As he was getting up, Jakey’s flashlight caught the slightest flash of something peeking out from behind the door that was now open against the interior wall of the shed. Curious, he peeked behind it and saw what the cause was. There on the ground was a small wooden crate, the size of a square tissue box with two score medical vials filling it up. The vials contained a bright red effervescent liquid that shimmered in the light. Entranced by their glow, he picked one up and turned it slowly in his fingers watching the liquid inside flow back and forth. He looked for any sort of labeling on the crate but there was nothing there and the only thing the vials had on them was ‘XPNTL.’ “Hurry up bro you know I have a curfew!” Cody yelled from the truck and punctuated it with a few honks of his horn. This startled Jake which caused him to drop the crate and the vials shattered, spraying Jakey with the red liquid that turned out to be an intensely sticky substance. Because he was wearing only shorts and a tank top his bare skin was coated with the stuff and he was grateful he only felt a few drops hit his face, that would not have been fun to deal with otherwise. Once he had taken stock he yelled back “Coming!” and made his way back to the passenger seat of his buddy’s truck. With the cab lights on Cody could see that his friend was distinctly redder than he remembered. “What the fuck happened Jake, is that blood!?” Cody was practically hysterical. “I tripped, it’s just some sort of mud I fell into.” He lied, not wanting to worry his friend and just get home as soon as possible to shower off whatever he was covered in. Cody seemed to believe it and began driving them home, the cab light faded out and the darkness returned to the point where neither boy could see the other in any great detail. The ride home seemed to take much longer, Jakey wondered if his friend was driving slower but he decided it was nothing and he was just being a little paranoid. Along the way the red substance slowly seeped its way into his pores and through his skin, without his notice. They talked some more with Cody doing most of it and Jakey occasionally zoning out, but he was brought back to reality once he realized that at some point in their journey, he had popped a boner. It happened often when he was around Cody, his teen hormones betraying him, but he had never been caught and he was glad his secret crush couldn’t see it tenting his shorts in the dark. He tried his usual tricks of making his dick go soft, but none of them worked and in fact it seemed to get harder with every throb and pulse. He felt desperate to touch it and subtly started thumbing at it, making sure not to make too much movement so his friend might be tempted to look over at him. He kept this up for a few minutes, Cody as oblivious as ever, before he began noticing his dick wasn’t just harder than usual. It was bigger too. At first, he thought maybe it was because he hadn’t jerked off in a few days and he was so close to Cody, but his dick felt thicker than it ever had, even the few times he had tried a pump. This got Jakey insanely horny, he had always wanted a bigger cock and now that he knew what it felt like he was entranced. He got bolder with his movements, palming his ever-growing member which expanded with each immense throb. “Are you even listening to me man?” Cody unknowingly interrupted. Jakey was able to snap out of his lust, but just barely. He could only manage to vocalize a stifled “mhmmmm” which came out more like a moan than a response. At this, Cody looked over and saw what his friend had been doing for most of the ride and could barely believe his eyes. Even in the dark, the heavy bulge in Jakey’s shorts was unmistakable. Cody wanted to yell at his friend for jerking off in front of him and his beloved truck, but he was transfixed by the shear size of the thing. All he could manage to get out was a very weak, “Wh- what are you doing man. . .” as his eyes darted between the road and his best friend’s crotch. Jakey, still consumed in pleasure and not stopping his pawing at his dick, responded in a haze-like state, “Fuck I’m sorry bro but it’s just so hard and it feels so good to grab at.” Every few words were interrupted by a moan. Cody couldn’t fight the urge to just stop and stare any longer, he pulled over onto a side road and put the car in park, turning on his interior lights to see his friend fully. He was instantly transfixed on what he saw; Jakey had unzipped and unbuttoned his shorts to let the monster in his pants breathe and stretch. The white boxer-brief he was wearing was struggling to contain the growing beast and it wasn’t so much a tent anymore as it was a second skin clinging tight to his unbelievable manhood. A massive wet spot of precum was forming around the head and Cody watched in envy as every few seconds his newly impossibly-endowed friend would scoop up some drops of it that had made it through the fabric with his finger and lick it off with his tongue, always leading to a loud and satisfied “mmmmm” from Jakey who apparently enjoyed his own taste. Cody, still not wanting to believe what he was seeing with his own eyes, tried to laugh it off by making a joke, “I didn’t know you were so hung buddy haha!” Without skipping a beat Jakey responded with a primal feeling of dominance that he didn’t know he had in him, “I wasn’t,” he flashed his crush a devilish smile, “but I am now.” And with that he moaned loudly as another large throb hit his dick, adding what Cody could only guess was a half-inch to its already ruler-like length. At that point the cheap underwear couldn’t hold any longer and it ripped right from the head and downward. Cody gasped when the whole thing burst from the tear. His friends formerly below-average member was now easily a foot long and he wondered if even one of his big hands would be able to make it halfway around the veiny thickness of it. His mouth had started to water at some point during the whole ordeal while Jakey finally let go of any remaining inhibitions and started frantically jerking off his new favorite toy with both hands, using the precum leaking steadily from its tip as lube. His moaning was getting louder and by this time Cody was hard too, which he didn’t notice as all his attention was fixed at the raw sexuality on display next to him. The truck windows were fogged up with the boys’ heavy breathing and the remains of Jakey’s briefs and his shorts were completely soaked through with his precum which was flowing in great streams. Jakey was moaning constantly and moving his hands up and down as fast as he possibly could, feeling his release building in his equally enlarged balls. Cody watched in awe as he sensed what was coming and stared intensely at the newest object of his desire as it throbbed with one great sure of blood. Jakey looked down at the huge mushroom head and saw it grow as he opened his mouth wide ready for the reward he had been desperate to get out of his heavy cock. He shouted a loud “Fuck!” as a thick rope of his seed shot out and splattered itself on the truck ceiling, followed by another and another before he wrestled control of his spasming dick and pointing his orgasm towards his waiting mouth. Every mammoth spurt filled his mouth almost entirely and he had balance his feelings of bliss with concentrating on swallowing the most delicious thing he had ever tasted, but even with this concentration there was just too much of it and it ran down the corners of his mouth dripping onto his tank top which he was sure would be permanently stained, but he couldn’t care less, he was in heaven. Cody involuntarily grabbed his own cock and the touch combined with watching the hottest thing he had ever seen was too much, he came instantly as his friend continued to shoot thick ropes of come all over his face. He must have counted almost two dozen before they died down and the rest started dribbling out coating the cockhead white. Jakey’s chest was heaving and he had his head thrown back as he panted, his eyes shut tightly as he continued to ride out the last waves of his orgasm. He stayed like that for a while before he finally heard Cody admit quietly, “fuck man, I don’t know what just happened… but it was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen. . .” “Yeah?” Jakey asked, incredulous, “Yeah…” Cody replied weakly. Jakey got another devilish smile on his face after seeing his friends stare was still stuck on his monumental cock. It was still hard as steel and precum had resumed spilling out of it, he could feel the churning in his balls where a new load was waiting to be coaxed out. Finally, after letting Cody look in awe for a few more seconds, he put his arm on the back of his crushes head and grabbed his hair tightly. The last things Cody remembered hearing before he experienced a real-life fantasy was Jakey’s voice commanding him; “Well then, buddy. Suck it. Now.”
  11. Testosterone King (A Lion King FanFic) By: LionBUff Kovu approached the Adyan river just as the sun was setting. He planned on cleaning himself off for his partner, Vallic, before spending the night with him. Kovu was wearing standard summertime African attire which was breathable and loose-fitting. He calmly walked through the trees of the pride lands and over a small hill. This small hill covered Kovu's view of the river so that he could only see it as he moved over the tip of the hill. He expected nothing more than to clean himself and spend the night with Vallic. Kovu nearly fell to the ground when he saw Mufasa, his king, scrubbing his main with the Adyan river. The strokes Mufasa made were nothing special yet they fascinated Kovu. His muscles commanded his body in a way most would only see in war. Mufasa's muscles were bulging and flexing so much that a warrior's muscles would when beheading the king of the enemy army. Kovu crawled backward quietly. He wanted to watch so desperately but he didn't want to think about what would happen if he were seen. The king would be outraged. Kovu didn't even notice his dick poking out of his outfit and drawing a line in the dirt below as he crawled back. He didn't know that his body was fully prepared to serve the king he loved in many, many, ways. he was too busy staring at his manly, if not godly, king. Kovu knew he would be aggravated until he let the aggravated sperm in his sack swim out. He needed to dump out the building pressure one way or another. If he didn't rub it out it would swim out on its own with or without his permission. Kovu decided spilling the overflowing load would be more respectable than spraying it in his clothes. He stripped down without blinking. Kovu watched his king and imagined he was taking his clothes off to offer himself to his royal power, a male body fit to control the mightiest animals creation has ever made. Kovu positioned himself in a way that made him feel like he would be milked in a way the goats and cows from neighboring kingdoms would be milked. His testicles swung down and his beating dick grew towards the grass below. His legs held his body above the ground in an arched shape with a wide welcoming valley in his rear. The valley under his tale resembled a finger giving directions to his guts. Kovu held his upper body inches above the ground using his left arm while his right took the place of Mufasa's mighty hand in his fantasy. Kovu's back sumped upwards towards the bouncing sweet meat slope of topping off his physic. Mufasa didn't know he was driving Kovu crazy when he washed his sweat out of his pubic hairs. To him, his pubic hairs were just hairs on his body. To Kovu, they were a new land for his hands to explore. Rich thickets of musky hair to sink his fingers into. The think main around his pelvis almost hid the delectable fruit of Mufasa's seed sack, at least until he lifted them up to wash their underside exposing the network of veins defining the girth of Mufasa's plump balls. Kovu felt that he was no match for Mufasa's strength as a male. Mufasa could fill him to the back of his throat with cubs and Kovu would love every thrust of it. His dreams of soaking up Mufasa's seed faded as his seed soaked the grass under his bare stomach. Kovu was filled with regret after he finished cumming thanks to his balls filling with sharp cramps. Kovu clearly wasn't built for such intense ejaculations. He was built to swallow such intense ejaculations. He'd done it before with an elephant and a horse, one in each end. He knew Mufasa wasn't as big as the horse or elephant but he thought Mufasa would still be more painful. He was used to mating much more than the horse and elephant combined. He would hurt much more, and last much longer, then do it again like it never happened, felling beyond pent up with every round of seed filling. Kovu assumed his own seed spraying session was over. He did his best to stay silent and unnoticed as he grabbed his clothes. "That's a shame" a distant female voice spoke with a low, soft, sarcastic, and serious tone. "All cleaned up just to get all dirtied up again." "Sarabi, we've already had our fun. Twice since noon," Mufasa replied. Kovu, half-naked, peered over the hill to see the queen walking over to the king's equality exposed. "Aren't you full," Mufasa said with a brief laugh that sounded arrogant and curious." "Don't flatter yourself," Sarabi said with the same tone arrogance and curiosity. She walked with a form that opened the lower lips to her waist wide. Kovu could see into her slimy and shiny canal. It appeared lubricated and prepared for any beast it could swallow. Mufasa's beast took notice as it reached out towards Sarabi. The queen's chest danced as she approached her king. She was big enough to carry two cubs in each breast instead of her womb. She was just as round as Mufasa if not more. Sarabi pulled at her cave as if to pull it open for Mufasa. Kovu could hear how soaking wet the inside of Sarabi's cunt was thanks to the dripping wet insides slobbering against itself. Mufasa's cock softly touched the outside edges of the vagina he was about to split open. It slipped its was 1/4 up Mufasa's dark purple head tickling Sarabi's lips. Mufasa twitched his waist back and forth to test the waters of the slippery den inside Sarabi's female body. Sarabi's pink and red mouth between her legs opened like a starving mouth ready to swallow an entire feast whole. Sarabi felt a mildly painful sensation telling her Mufasa was too big while he teased her female mouth with his violently pounding feast of manhood. Sarabi was caught off guard by the way-too-big cock of Mufasa. She screamed and moaned at the same time. Her body thought an arm had swung up her guts and punched her womb. She opened her legs to welcome the body of the beast she would never get used to. the rhythmic smacking of Mufasa's body nearly beating the air out of Sarabi's lungs with his breeding echoed through the pride lands. Every lion could hear a fair moan howling to the rhythm of the slapping. Kovu could see Mufasa abusing his holes the same way. He could hear himself screaming and begging for more seed. He started shaking his dick without even truly realizing how quickly his balls were flapping around. The seamen inside his balls jumped around. Kovu forced his balls to brew a new batch of cum. His body shot loads of seamen out faster than they could be generated. As soon as a new sperm cell was created it was swimming down the grassy hill before it had a chance to touch Kovu's balls. Kovu was a seed machine. His body enjoyed the view of Mufasa filling Sarabi so much that he created a white river of his seed seeping down the hill. a warm white trail stained the ground below him. Kovu was too busy jacking off and spilling an endless supply of cum to care. Sarabi couldn't tell if the pains in her upper womb were Mufasa hammering into the walls and roof of her womb or if she was already pregnant. Her question was answered when her midsection inflated outwards 5 inches and became 2 pounds heavier. "Not a bad round one," Mufasa roared. Before Sarabi could say anything about how painfully fun the mating was Mufasa had already laid her down in a shallow and soft part of the river. Mufasa never took his cock out as he set her down. He just lifted Sarabi's inflated belly and pounded like he was too pent up to think about anything but sex. For most men, the amount of cum he was about to fill her within this round alone would have been more than they would ever see. Mufasa's body was used to cumming all day. His cock's head nearly never saw anything but the inside of a female. He was never outside of a woman's womb. his balls were never dry.
  12. LionBUff


    College had become harder than ever that week. It felt like we had a new paper every day, if not a new exam. I had to get out. I had to walk around the city and make some new friends, forget the stress for a few short hours. I didn't care that I didn't know anyone. I would much rather walk around the city than stare at the same fucking assignments all night. Right as I was leaving my dorm, my roommate Foxursan walked in. He was a decent looking red and orange fox in decent shape. Nothing special, but far from ugly. "Cabbage patch" he called me as I tried to walk out. I was a 4ft bunny named Konijn with a noticeable amount of muscle and almost no fat. That didn't change the fact that I was the height of a trash can from my feet to the tip of my ears. "Finals are a week from now." "I'm going to the library" I lied. "Be safe," he told me and shut the door behind me. I took the bus to the main street in town. The moon was nearly full that night. The blue glow of the moon was reflecting off of all the windows. The city lights and signs were shining bright and beautiful. I left the bus station and walked down the street for a few blocks, trying to find something to do. Then, I saw that sign! The sign that started it all! A large neon sign hanging from the second floor of a large building that read "XXXL GAY AFRICAN JUNGLE CLUB" in beautiful glowing red and yellow letters. I looked around to see who was watching me eye the sign of the African themed strip club. No one I had ever seen before was in sight. I walked in, thinking about what could happen. I was greeted to a long dark hallway, the only light source being well-lit posters of godlike stallions, all creatures from Africa. All wearing nothing but body straps and underwear that looked like it was so tight it was cutting off circulation to the cocks they were trying to cover. They were all hot. Every one of them looked like their massive dominant cock would break me in half. Despite their incredible hotness, I couldn't help but think they all looked like assholes who used to bully me in high school. I wanted to see them in action but wouldn't have the confidence to say hi. I walked down the hall, admiring every inch of every poster thoroughly. Then, I saw one poster that read "Spier." His eyes were greener than money. His chest could suffocate me. His abs could crush a soda can with a single sit-up. His smile was more welcoming than everyone else’s combined. I'm not afraid to admit that staring at Spier's poster made me hard. The bouncer, a huge elephant taller than the door he was guarding, saw me. "He's performing in 10 minutes," he told me, "I think you'll enjoy it." I thought about it. On one hand, I need this mental break more than ever. On the other hand, I should be studying. "How much," I asked. "Normally, $25." "Here ya go" I quickly spit out as I fumbled my wallet out of my pocket. I pulled it out so fast, and my hands were so sweaty, that It flew out of my hand and landed in front of the elephant's feet. He smirked and looked at my red face as he picked it up. He handed it back to me. "Go on in," he looked down and winked, "my treat. I can tell how bad you need this. No one has to know." "Thanks," I said walking over to the door handle. I tried to pull it open, but the hinges must have been old and rusted together. I couldn't get it to even shake. "Like this," he said grabbing the handle. He pulled it open with ease and said "most men who come in here carry more weight in their jockstraps than you have on your entire body. Don't feel bad bunny." I walked in and stared at a dark room, except for the stage with a silver shiny pole in the center of it. The outside of the stage was surrounded by fake bushes that looked surprisingly realistic. I looked around at who else was here. I saw a male horse couple in the front right of the Audience. One horse was softly talking while the other laughed quietly. On the left side towards the middle was a bear checking his watch while a tiger read the menu. The tables they were sitting at had their private light lit just enough for them to read the menu. The rest of the lights on the tables were off. I felt so small and alone seeing these massive men with other massive men to sit with and keep company too. I was a scrawny 4 ft bunny walking in by myself. I was tempted to walk about, but the thought of missing out scared me more. I walked to the back right corner and took a seat. I found the little button at the bottom of the light and turned it on. I read the menu to hide my face behind the large piece of paper. While I was reading over the drinks, the lights went down. Suddenly, the stage was surrounded by an artificial waterfall with a rainbow light shining in the middle. The rainbow light was about 2 feet long and half a foot tall. It was bent into a crescent shape that gave the illusion of sun shining through. The stage itself turned into a bright orange. A low and slow beat started playing. The base shook the restaurant. I could feel my hanging ears vibrate. Suddenly, he came out! Spier slowly crawled onto stage to beat of the song. He lifted one hercules paw on one beat and pounded the stage in the next beat. He did this until he reached the pole shining in bright orange. He stood up and stretched his abs out by leaning to both sides while holding his arms. This defined how solid his abs were better than any picture ever could. Once he stretched, he grabbed the top of the pole with his left hand. He used that hand to grip the pole tightly while he wrapped his legs around the pole. His calves were so huge, you could fit a football inside of them! He stayed in that position and used his right hand to brush the rivers of gold in his main. He moved his paw through his well-brushed bush of hair and held his arm up at an angle that allowed the audience to see his triceps. The audience started at his chiseled arms as he let go of the pole with his left hand. Spier hung upside down as the pole started to turn. After he went around twice, and we all got to look at his testosterone factory of a body, he lifted his shoulder blades up while he held his hands behind his head. "One" he roared in a voice that shook the table. He lowered back into a hanging position and took in a deep breath. He let it out and did it again. I didn't blink a single time as I watched him prove his dominance and power to an audience that had only seen such a flawless stallion in their wettest dreams. Maybe I was the only one thinking this, but I didn't care. My breathing was harder than someone who was about to have a heart attack. I saw stars. I blinked, finally, and realized how hard I was. My cock had more blood it in than my head. It was so hard that I had literally ripped through my pants. My tiny cock was visibly shaking with desperation to meet Spier. I looked down and watched it shake and vibrate as my heart violently pumped every drop of blood I had into my eager cock. The stars I was seeing grew bigger. "You ok," the elephant from earlier asked me. "What... what," I stuttered. I was lying on the floor next to my chair. I had softened down but my meat was still out in the open. This made an uncomfortable draft. My eyes adjust to the lights that were now on. "What happened? Did I blackout?" "Passed out," he corrected. "I don't know how, but judging from the fact that your little excitement ripped a hole in some pretty sturdy jeans, I say you weren't prepared for Spier." "Not the first time," a loud and deep voice boomed. I slowly picked up my head and saw the silhouette of what looked like a giant who ate nothing but steroids. "My appearance has been known to knock people off their feet," he said as he bent down. He placed his baseball glove paw under me and asked me "Was I too much?" As he looked down at me, I couldn't help but stare right at the shiny lime green in his eyes. Those jewels looked like they belonged on the crown of the mightiest king. His thick rich gold mane got in the way of my view of everything else. All I could see was a face that was kind yet vicious, gentle yet bloodthirsty. His lips looked so juicy that ripe fruit would feel like sandpaper in comparison. His nostrils exhaled a level of heat I would only expect from Hell itself. As he sat above me, inspecting me, I could smell a musk that millions of bucks could never produce. A smell that filled my lungs with passion. My exposed meat shot up like a rocket. "You're not too much" I whispered, struggling to catch my breath. What I said next, I thought I was saying quietly enough for no one to hear. "You're just perfect," I said three times louder than the previous thing I said. Spier laughed. The bass in his voice vibrating my organs. "I feel bad," Spier said, "How about I take you for dinner tomorrow and make it up to you!" Spier got up and ran into a back hallway. I watched his cheeks of meat dance as he ran in a jockstrap ten sizes too small. I was thankful he didn't notice how excited I was. "He likes you," the elephant said. I looked over at him, raising an eyebrow. "Usually Spier just brags about his dick with the same crummy joke and walks away." "Wh... what's the joke" I asked while we waited on Spier. "If just looking at me was too much, imagine trying to do me!" I could feel my cock twitch after he said: "do me." The elephant noticed and said; "May wanna get new pants." Spier walked out of the hallway and looked down at my obvious excitement. "Call me and I'll make your embarrassment worthwhile," he said handing me a card. He then walked back to the hallway and said: "You know, if it makes you feel better, you're bigger than I expected." I watched him strut his perfect body of muscles to the back of the hallway until he was out of view. When he was gone, I read the card. It said "If you're seeing this, call me at (969)-420-6669." -the next night- I walked into the restaurant two doors down from the club called "Moonlight On The River." It was one of the most expensive restaurants in the state. I tried to tell Spier over the phone that I can't afford it, but he said he didn't ask me if I could pay. I felt bad for making him pay for a restaurant like THIS, but he insisted and I wasn't going to just cancel a date like this. These thoughts, and many more, orbited my mind the entire time I walked to the restaurant. When I approached the door, I couldn't help but notice how different the crowd looked from me. My suit was rented, their suits couldn't look newer. Everyone else was 6 feet tall or more, I was 4. Looking at all these people who were bigger and richer than me made my ears fall flatter than a piece of paper. I walked in, ears still hanging, and asked the receptionist behind the huge podium if a lion named Spier was here. She pointed and I turned around to see him sitting in a corner booth on the far end of the restaurant. Spier was reading a menu and didn't see me. The walk to his table was painfully embarrassing. Everyone knew I didn't belong. I did my best to ignore my anxiety as I hopped onto the booth. Spier heard me and put the menu down. "You clean up nicely," he said checking out what parts of me he could see over the table. "You almost look as good in clothes as you do out of them," I responded. Spier laughed and said; "You're cute and funny. I was beginning to think I would never meet a decent man in this college town." I looked at him and tried to figure out how to respond. I've never had such a stallion compliment me before. "I would say the same to you but I've already passed out from starring at you once. You already know how hot you are don't you?" "Maybe," he giggled. "Can I ask you something?" I could feel my face getting red as the words left my mouth. "Sure," he said in a soft voice. "Why are you doing this with ME of all people? You have men bigger than my whole family combined walking up to you every night. I'm a bunny, so that's saying a lot." I planned on continuing, but he interrupted me by saying "Because your the only guy I've met that has the slightest hint of manners. Everyone else talks to me like I'm a toy. I don't want to say anything because I like my job. It's much easier than squeezing on a dull suit every day." "But you squeeze on those tiny straps every night," I remind him. "And it feels amazing," he said grinning. "Plus I get to move around instead of sitting at a desk all day. My coworkers are amazing." "I'm sure you've done them all," I said thinking about how much I would love to see that. "Maybe," he said with a wink. "Maybe... all at once," he slowly and softly said. My foot started thumbing the floor and my ears perked up. "But it gets boring after a while. The same moves every time! All my boys shove their dicks into the one with the lowest tips... all at once. Some in the mouth, some in the ass, some just place their meat in his hand for him to massage and warm up while they wait their turn. He's touching everyone's cock one way or another." "God THAT'S THE HOTTEST THING I'VE EVER HEARD" I screamed. I felt my own dick coming to life. "Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh," he said, "people are staring." "Sorry." I looked around and saw at least half the people in the restaurant staring at me. "Anyway," he continued, "It gets old, the same re-run of the same shit. That's why I asked you out tonight. I wanted a change!" "Here I am," I said, moving my hands to point at my little bunny nose. "I know," he said smiling at me. The rest of the dinner was amazing. I had a small salad with fries. Spier had ten 15oz stakes, all cooked rare. I fed myself the salad at a slow pace. I usually eat fast, but I was distracted by Spier's eating. Even eating was hot with him! He would grab the entire steak with the fork and put it all in his mouth. As he chewed, the veins in his neck popped just enough to make them visible. He looked like an animal in the wild and it was turning me on! When we left the restaurant, I told Spier I had fun and started to head home. Before I got 10 feet away from him, he asked: "where are you going?" "Home," I said. "Well, ok. I was just hoping that I could show you what these muscles could do under the sheets but I guess I'll see you around." Spier winked and turned around. I ran over to him and said "Well... what can they do?" "Come with me and find out," he said as he put out his hand. The size of his paws was intimidating but I complied. It was a cloudy night, so the drive home was pretty dark. The entire way back, we talked about what life was like before we meat. I was just some tiny bunny going to college. He was a beast using every inch of him to his advantage. He loved his job, but he still felt like nothing but a toy. People couldn't see past his bulge and he said that bothered him. We felt the same for different reasons. As he drove, I grabbed his rock hard and hellishly hot arm to comfort him. My heart was racing and so was his. I could feel both of our pulses. I could feel that our heartbeats were perfectly synced. Every beat my heart made, his heart made at the exact same time. We were two people who felt useless who found who they never knew they were looking for. Our synchronized hearts understood our wounds. I watched the street lights shine onto the face of a creature I thought I had to fear, the king of the animal kingdom. Yet, for some reason, this savage beast laid his guard down at the adorable feet of a bunny, simply to feel what it was like to be seen as a person, not as someone's sex toy. As we pulled into the driveway, the clouds started to clear up. I saw the moon fighting its way through the sky. "Full moon," I said pointing up as we got out of the car. "THAT'S TONIGHT" He screamed as he ran inside. However, he only made it a few meters from his car. I watched in confusion when I small stripe of moonlight peeked through the clouds and onto the back his main. He fell to the ground and moaned. "WHAT HAPPENED" I screamed, running to him. "I meant to tell you" he choked out through his screaming. "I'm... a... uh.... werelion!" "Doesn't bother me," I said, then really thought about what that meant. I then asked: "Should I run?" "No, if I get inside the moon won't be able to touch me." I tried to help him up but he wasn't helping at all, and he has more weight in his strap than I do in my whole body. "You'll be fine, just hide for now. When I transform I'll go inside and let myself turn back... I hope." I ran behind the car and watched from a safe distance. Spier's main disappeared first. His fur turned blacker than the night sky. His ears pointed out. Then, he stood up. I could only see his backside. His ass grew and stretched his pants until they ripped. His cheeks were so plump and round that you could jump on them. Next were his legs. They grew right through what was left of his pants. His thighs were rounder than a tire. His feet grew as his shoes exploded. His feet were 5 feet long 3 feet wide. Then... his balls! Those fruity and juicy sperm sacks dropped to his knees and ballooned out to be wider than his legs which were already big enough to park a car between. The veins popped out around his balls and grew longer. As they grew, it looked like a million worms squirming under his skin. Soon, His testicles looked like a road map. I could see sperm the size of my fingers swinging around his balls. The swarming DNA of the beast pushed against the walls of his hot tubs of cum, desperately trying to mate with the outside world. His cock looked like a pool noodle being lowered onto the ground. The pole of raw wild flesh touched the ground and widened. The girth widened until his cock was big enough to fit an actual pool noodle inside the shaft. The width of his dick started to expand and shrink as blood was rushing in and out, almost like his cock was breathing. His shoulderblades flew out of the shirt like he was trying to grow wings. His arms turned into cranes of muscle as veins moved out of the way of the new muscle, bulging out of his skin. His shoulders turned into mini-mountains. He turned around, revealing his chest. His pecs stuck out far enough to shove your head between them and be completely hidden. They looked like a stack of pillows resting on his statue-like body. His abs looked like he had ingested ten tennis balls, and moved them near his stomach for safekeeping. My jaw dropped almost as low as his meaty shaft hung between his concrete column legs. The new Spier sniffed me out. He ran behind the car, picked me up with his right hand, and used his left hand to grab my feet. He roared and flexed his cock. His meat was summoned like a demon as it rose. It curled out of his waist like an inflatable inflating to life. He stuffed me into his shaft like his cock was a sleeping bag, and he ran inside. My nervous body was being carried by his throbbing shaft. He bounced me around before pulling me out of his tube. We were now in what I assumed was his room. "MY LITTLE FRIENDS WANT TO VISIT YOU" he roared as he moved his waist, causing his pools of cum to jiggle. When he did that, it revealed the sperm trying to escape. The sperm fish were still flying around his bean bag balls. I couldn't imagine what it must've felt like for him to have millions of fish violently throbbing against the outside walls of his ocean of milk. The tales tickled his sack as his scrotum held the weight of fish tanks of liquid. I looked at Spier, begging with my eyes for him to spare my tinny virgin hole. Part 2 I stared into his lime green eyes as he ripped my pants off like wrapping paper on Christmas and threw me onto his bed. The raw power of his strength nearly broke the bed as I hit the mattress like a falling meteor. He lifted my legs gently yet quickly as he put my heels against his hard shoulders and wrapped his arms of stone around my legs, pressing his hands against the insides of my trembling legs. He teased me for a few minutes by placing his juicy tree trunk cock on my stomach and nearly crushed me under the weight. The head was plump and pink and bigger than a beach ball. The tunnel that ran from the head to the tanks between his legs was so wide that I could almost see down it, especially since it was right at my eyes. Under his gorgeous head was a long, black, stone solid, larger than life tube of manhood and testosterone. The length of his hard flesh was defined by veins than ran up and down every inch. His meat was covered with enough veins to move pints of blood at the same time in his cock alone. All of this hard and horny meat lead right back to the body of a freakishly muscular creature staring at me with a look of love in his eyes. With a voice that sounded deeper and richer than a trombone, yet smoother than warm butter, he said "ride or die" as he jammed his stallios shaft of fresh throbbing meat deeper than I thought possible. Everything from my stretched out asshole to my throat felt like it would break in half. I begged him to stop. I couldn't bear the pain of my body being pushed apart by what felt like a train riding it's way up my core. He told me he hasn't even gotten hard and said I needed to relax. I listened, knowing I would get it either way. I decided to take the easy way out. He slowly caressed my insides with a beast that refused to stop expanding. At first, his thrust were slow and steady. The first 20 minutes were the easiest. He massaged every inch of my intestines, treating my tiny body like a brand new fleshlight that was too small. Each pulse of blood that ran through his girth felt like a shock of one million volts throughout my helpless body. Pound after pound of blood vibrated my body aggressively. Finally, he decided he was done with the simple strokes when he used every muscle on his mountain of a man's body to pump my ass into my throat at a rate of 10 thrusts per second. The slapping of his heavy melons against my bed sounded like a drum in a rock concert. His deep voice reminded me of who was in charge while he pounded my organs into soft jelly. He continued for what felt like all night. Pumping and pounding the throbbing log of raw passion and strength into the back of my head. My body stretched around his girth like a living condom. His giant cock didn't care how much damage it did to my frail body... it just kept flying up and down my torso. After 10 minutes of smashing me like a hammer smashes a nail, he stopped. The head of his cock rested in the back of my mouth for a minute. His throbbing felt more like violent twitching similar to an earthquake. Every pulse rocked my body. "HERE I CUM" he screamed. He pulled his veiny head to the tip of my ass then launched the heavenly rocket of testosterone back into me as I felt the first gallon of sperm flood me like a condom. I felt his piping hot milk overflow me as I turned into a waterbed of cum. My stomach began stretching over the side of the bed. I was just a lump of meat lying on the bed growing at an alarming rate. His gorgeous monster meat sprayed my intestines like a power washer. It wouldn’t be long before my bloodstream would have more sperm cells than blood cells. His knot kept it from escaping. I watched his 8pack of abs that looked like tennis balls under his furry skin flex as he held up the weight of his cum filled creation grow heavier and heavier. Gallon after gallon pumped and pumped into me like he was a cum machine that had no plans of slowing down. His breath on me made my outsides feel almost as hot as my insides. He held my feet above his concrete shoulders and gripped his arms around my shaking legs. He asked me how many cubs I think he just pumped into me as his boiling hot milk kept cumming and cumming. I guessed that it had to be at least one cub for every gallon of cum swimming inside me. So, “enough for two packs” I suggested. I told him it would be three packs before the cum flooding stopped. I told him I loved him and he lifted me off the bed with his meaty pole alone while the shaft continued to pump like a machine. My water balloon stomach fell to the floor as his cock lifted me off the bed. He kissed me, putting his tongue on mine and twisted it inside my mouth. My tongue was bathed and soaked in his saliva. After his tongue wrestled with mine, he pulled it out. Our spit stuck together and made a bridge between our mouths. He asked if I was ready for round two. I told him that if he did that, I would pop. He laughed and said, "not if I empty you first." He placed me back on the bed and pulled his cock out. My asshole spewed cum everywhere like a broken fire hydrant. My stomach moved down slowly as his cum flowed out of me and flooded the room. He stood there with his cock still sticking straight up like he had a meaty lamp post strapped to his crotch. I watched the veins on his fat and long shaft pulse up and down. I knew this was going to be both the longest and best night of my life. This monster with a cock almost as big as him was going to mate me until every last sperm was either inside me or on me. My only purpose was to serve this beast. All I ever wanted to do was please him for the rest of my life. I wanted to drown in his milk. If my lounges flooded with hot cum until I couldn't breathe, I would just accept my fate. It would be an honor to die serving a god of sex like him! Part 3 Spiers and I had been together for 5 years now today. It has been exactly 5 years sense I walked into that club and passed out from getting too hard while watching him. I took Spiers to my favorite resturant just next door to where I met him. We had a great dinner and laughed the entire time. We both ate more than we should have because we knew we would need our energy for the wild night ahead of us. After dinner, he couldn't wait to get back to our place. We had just finished sound profing the bedroom of our apartment after the entire city block complained about our moaning and whimpering all night, every night. The last sound proff panel had been placed earlier that day and we were ready to "test it's limits." As soon as we got home, Spiers got on one knee and asked if I wanted a ride to the bedroom. I got on his muscle back and he took off like race horse. When we reached the bedroom, he threw me over his head and I did a front flip onto the bed. I landed and instantly spread my legs apart. Spiers didn't even bother taking off his cloths. He just flexed his cock and the zipper poped. His pants flew to the ground. He grabed his shirt and ripped it off like paper. The separating fabric was like a curtian pulling back to reveal a beutiful beast. He jumped onto the bed right intop of me and licked my long ears. He asked if I had any ways of spicing it up for our aniversary. I told him that I always wanted to try vore. He said that would be to painful. I asked if he was scared, grinning. He told me to shut up and sit still. He held me down to our bed as he began to lick every inch of me and said that it would help me slide in. He pushed me into the soft bed and coved every inch of me with his tounge, one body part at a time. I soaked in ever moment. When he ran his tounge through the crack of my ass I moaned uncontrollably. It felt like a moist and loving snake slithering between my cheeks. Finally he told me to turn around. He jerked his already rock solid cock a few more times for good measure. As much as I enjoyed watching a stalion massage his own juicy shaft, I wanted to get inside it. I wanted to be held and carried by that throbing warmth. He put the tip of his sterdy flesh on the tip of my cute little ears. He groaned as the muscles in his powerful cock pulled me in. First my ears, then my head, then my torso and feet. Spear put his hands behind his back and thrusted his waiste back and forth vigorously to create some momentum to help me slide down his meaty tube. With each tug that suck me in, he moaned with intense pleasure. I could feel each individual vein up his shaft swollow me. Sliding down a lion's cock feels like sliding down a water slide that's boiling hot. Only, this time, the liquid inside could fill you like a turkey for months. That, and it tasted like lightly salted candy. The perfect combination of savory and swett. I could hear him panting as he rythmacly flexed his flesh to pull me in. I licked all the side of the shaft to calm him down. He told me that he was ticklish and to tell my tonge to slow down, his raw meat could only take so much licking at one time. Naturally, I licked faster. This must have annoyed him, because he used his massive paws to push me down only a few seconds after I started licking. I was now fully engulfed in his balls. Balls that were already fat, round, plump, and mezmoring before they injested me. Being surrounded by seamen in every direction is just like being in a bath tub. The weight and warmth of his cum made me feel like I was sitting in a hot tub of sticky glue. Don't get me started on the smell! Every breath I took reminded me just how dominant Spier really was. I was breathing in the strongest musk aroma you could ever find. On the outside, speer was lying there with one hand on the back of his head, rubbing his thumb inside his maine. With the other hand, he runned his palm across his balls slowly and carefully. This proved to be challenging because even the great god of muscle and sex, Spier, had never seen a cum sack this huge. It looked like he placed a full size furry bean bag chair between his legs. Spier placed his paw under his balls and bounced them up and down. He licked his vengs as his godly balls bounced up and down. THIS FEELS AMAZING he cried out. The base in his voice caused the seamen bath I was bathing in to vibrate like a phone. Feeling the vibration of the warm liquid in every hole was like sitting in a massage chair. "How do you feel" Spier asked as he placed his second paw until his cannon balls of furry meat. "Like I'm sitting in a hot tub of milk. I've never felt so hot before." "Are you ready to cum out" he asked me, laughing. Before I could tell him I was having the time of my life swimming in his sperm, and wanted to stay here the rest of my life, his phone rang. "Who is it" I asked. "A suprise" he told me as he awnsered. "Come one up and I'll let you in" he said. I could hear him place the phone down. "You alright" he asked again. "I should be asking you" I smerked "you're the one who has a full grown bunny in you balls!" "I feel hot as hell" he boomed with his voice that once again shook every drop of cum I was sitting in. We sat there for a few more minutes. We were literally soaking up every moment. I licked the inside of his sack and he started laughing. On the outside, Spier started moving his legs around as he said "I'm ticklish, stop" "Make me" I said, licking faster. The inside of his balls tasted like the best stake I've ever had. I was firm, tinder, and salty. "I'M GONNA CUM" he roared. He breathed so heavily that it sounded like he just ran a marathon whith weights on his feet, not that Spier couldn't handle a little weight. Just then, the doorbell rang. "Seriously, just weight" he said as he got off the bed. Spier walked to the door, carrying me in the cumpool between his legs like I wasn't even there. I could hear him open the door. A different, yet equally dominant sounding voice asked "Where's your friend?" "Taking a cumbath in my balls" he bragged. He slapped his balls just to show off how much they shook. "Very impressive" he said in a low and slow voice. "COME ON BOYS" he shouted. This new voice shook Spier's balls just as much as his voice did earlier. I could hear massive footsteps grow closer and louder. Soon, Spier was walking back to the bedroom. The noise of countless footsteps followed. Spier sat on the edge of the bed and said "Fellow stalions, do your worst." Next thing I new, Spier's balls bounced up and down like a basketball during the last game of the season. I was violently thrown up and down. His milk was being shaken around me like I Martini. "FUCK YESSSS" Spier roared "MAKE ME CUM!" I could feels the muscles in his balls close up and the preasere built up. The bouncing got more aggressive as the pressure got tighter. "I CAN FEEL IT COOOMING" He roared. The vibrations mixed with the bouncing made me feel like I was going through an earthquake that could destroy the whole earth. Precum started flowing like a river. First, small cups leaked it. Then, pints leaked out. The pool of cum was shrinking. I could see the veins around me clench up. "STAND BACK BOOOOOYS!" I was launched out and across the entire apartment. I watched our living room furniture pass by unnderneath me as I flew like a jet plane streight for the door, leaving a trail of fresh man milk behind me. My head burst through the door and across the hall, hitting our neighborhood who was walking to her apartment. This didn't even slow me down as I busted down the door of the apartment across the hall. I landed on the couch of the place across the hall. I whiped cum off my eyes and saw a little bear cub was eating cereal. She looked up at me and waved. "Sorry, me and my boyfriend were wrestling" I told her, trying to break the silence. I then remembered I was naked and covered myself with my hands. The momma bear came out and asked why I was covered in a while liquid. She then looked at where the door should be and saw Spier with his cock stuck out like he had an XXXXXXXL pool noodle attached to his crotch. His bean bag balls still swinging from the incredible pressure that had just released. He was still spewing like a fire hydrant. The pool of cum began flooding our apartment. Spier just kept calmy touching himself like he wasn't pumping cum all over the place. "Promise to never let your boyfriend launch you like a jet airplane ever again, and I might not press charges!" "Yes ma'm" I softly spoke, turning around. The walk to my apartment felt so long. Walking through the trail of seamen was sticky and moist and embarrassing. Spier watched me, thinking to himself "my cock is so powerfull that I just cummed my boyfriend to the other side of the hall!" Spier watched me walk back, eyeing his accomplishment. I felt embarrassed that someone saw my soaked is seamen, but hot as hell that Spier had the raw strangth in his balls to throw me that far. When I reached the bedroom, the door was slammed behind. Not by Spier, because he was still standing in the same spot with his balls still swinging. I turned around and saw every single dancer from the club Spier used to work at, including the tiger Spier mated with on stage! My heart fell to my feet! "Spier told us he wouldn't he able to clean you up by himself" the tiger told me, winking with passion in his eyes. "So he called us" said another lion I have only seen in posters. "Once we lick all that juicy cum off of every last hair on your adorable little body, we're all going to give you the best night of your life!" "Spier just flooded the apartment with so much sperm that our couch just floated away. There's no way he can go another round!" "Try me" Spier commanded.
  13. LionBUff

    Bogo Birthday (Full)

    Bogo’s Birthday Chief Bogo laid down in his bed, fully prepared to go to bed. Today was his birthday, which meant that he spent all day celebrating. At work, the officers of Zootopia threw him a surprise party that was going on the entire day. Even after the team responded to the occasional call, they came back to continue the party. After work, Bogo visited his favorite restaurant with 10 of his closest friends and spent hours joking and laughing and having the time of his life. By the time Bogo got home, he was worn out. The time on the clock next to his bed read “11:11.” Bogo saw the time and thought about all those times as a child he would wish for something at “11:11.” Today was his birthday, so he jokingly thought wishing something on your birthday at “11:11” was double lucky. He didn’t believe in luck, at least not that kind of luck, but he still enjoyed thinking about it for fun. “I wish my bed weren’t so lonely.” Bogo didn’t feel too bad about sleeping by himself, but he thought that someone besides him at night would be a nice change. As he thought about what he would want to do when someone joins him in bed, Bogo slowly started to drift off. This proved to be difficult as Bogo continued fantasizing about what he would want to do in bed. Every time he closed his eyes, he imagined a possible mating partner as they played with his body. Bogo knew the only way to go to sleep was to ejeculate it all out. Bogo slept naked, so he didn’t worry about taking anything off. He slipped his right hand down the sheets and started rubbing his fantasies out of his head. His cock grew to an impressive 15 inch length with a 2 inch girth. He pictured a mate squatting down and using their entire body to grip him. As he ran his hand up and down his cock, his motions caused his testicals to bounce around and slap the top of the sheets covering him. Bogo grew tired of his balls swinging around and used his left hand to keep his balls still. As he gripped his balls, he realized just how great his hand felt gripping his sack. He pulsed his left hand fingers repetitively around his balls while his right hand rubbed the cock above. Bogo eventually came, leaving a small puddle on his stomach. The slight moisture from his waisted load irritated him, so he used the dry sheets around him to dry his stomach off. Bogo wished his load were inside someone and not on his stomach as he finally fell asleep. Bogo was asleep for 10 minutes when he heard a knock on the door. When the knock woke him up, a small rush of panic froze him. Was this a criminal seeking revenge? Why else would anyone show up this late at night? Bogo reluctantly walked to the door and looked through the peephole. Bogo nearly fainted when he saw 4 tigers he recognized. The 4 tigers known for dancing with Gazelle were standing there in professional work clothing. Bogo assumed they weren't here to hurt him and cracked the door open. “Bogo? Is that you?” The tiger closest to the door saw him through the crack and tried talking to him. “Yeah why,” Bogo asked with hints of fear in his voice. “We were told to meet you here for your birthday, Nick planned a surprise for you.” The tiger made eye contact with Bogo and winked. “NIck sent you four?” Bogo was good friends with Nick, so he trusted the tiger and opened the door all the way. “He did.” The tiger softly spoke to assure the chief that they meant no harm. The tiger continued explaining his presence and said “he told us you would love our present.” “Depends.” Bogo responded. He looked down at their hands, expecting some kind of object, and saw nothing. He then asked the tigers “what is it?” The lead tiger who was doing the talking for the group grabbed his zipper and gripped a bump in his pants. The tiger squeezed the bump below his zipper, and manually flexed his cock out. Bogo stood there watching the bulge grow in the tiger's pants. “Are we doing this outside?” The tiger asked sarcastically. Bogo realized how hypnotized by the tiger he was and looked up. He motioned for the tigers to come in, then closed the door behind him once all four tigers were inside. “Nice house,” one of the tigers told him looking around. “Where should we hang our clothes?” The lead tiger asked. “You mean jackets?” Bogo asked, thinking he used the word clothes to refer to all of their jackets. The tigers all took off their jackets and gave them to Bogo. Bogo neatly set them aside, then said “I thought so.” “That’s part of it,” the lead tiger said. Then, in unison, without warning, all four tigers ripped their shirts off. The fabric made a thunderous tearing sound as all four shirts melted away in their hands. The fabric split open like a curtain to reveal the tigers bodies underneath. All four did not have a single fat cell. In fact, they were more tone than Bogo remembered. The remains of their shirts hit the ground. The four now stood there looking at bogo as if he were a model photographer and they were modeling their pants. The muscles on their body defined their stripes. The center line on their flat stomachs resembled an arrow pointing to their bulges. In unison, the tigers unzipped their pants and dropped them to their feet. Under the paints were the purple and white underwear that did nothing to cover their breeding organs. In fact, their balls curved out from the edges of the shiney covering. It looked like two white tennis balls falling out of a glittery bag. The tigers stepped out of their fallen pants and walked over to Bogo. “You’ve had a long day.” The lead tiger said. “I bet your legs are exhausted. Just tell us where your bed is and we’ll take care of you. “Down the hall and on the left, second door.” Next thing Bogo knew, he was in the air as the tigers all carried his body to his bed. They carried him like a steel plank at a construction site to his room. When they arrived at his bed, the tigers threw him down on his back facing the tigers. Bogo looked up at the four bulges in front of him. They reminded him of beer taps at a bar. Four choices to choose from, each creamier and richer than the last. Each guaranteed to satisfy him. “Are you a top or bottom?” The lead tiger asked. “I don’t care, I just want to be torn apart.” The tiger standing next to the leader said; “Good, good. We couldn’t agree more.” The tiger put his fingers inside the left side of his underwear and pulled it back. The white tennis balls and prickly log flopped out and hung down. Bogo’s Birthday 2: WILD JUNGLE The tiger beside the one that pulled underwear back did the same move. He grabbed the side of the shiny covering and dramatically pulled it open. This tiger was just slightly bigger than the last, his balls seemed about the same size. His balls did seem to have more veins wrapping around then when Bogo looked at them for a brief second. The third tiger revealed his cock to Bogo, this tiger’s cock was noticeably bigger than the other two. The lead tiger went last. His cock was 4 inches longer than the third. The balls on this tiger looked more like white fluffy pears than tennis balls. His testicles looked more appetizing like he could feed Bogo a bigger meal than the others. “How do you wanna do this, boys,” the lead tiger asked the other three. “We could pound him flat one at a time or give him the “WILD JUNGLE.” “That’s where all four of us stick our wood in like a jungle of wood being crammed up your ass! Jungle because of the tree trunks, wild because we show no mercy!” “Please,” Bogo softly begged in fear of their girth, “one at a time.” The lead tiger jokingly asked Bogo; “All at once?” Bogo's eyes widened when he heard this as he repeated “one at a time!” “WILD JUNGLE” the lead tiger demanded as two tigers laid down next to Bogo on either side. Both tigers laid on their sides so that their body was facing Bogo. The other two tigers at the end of the bed grabbed one leg each and bent them back as far as Bogo’s body would let them bend back. Bogo’s untouched hole was staring up at the two tigers lifting the legs out of the way. Bogo felt a breeze blow up his hole. He was as wide open as he could be… at least before the tigers got to him. The tiger on his left side on the bed moved his waist around as his cock looked for Bogo’s opening. The tiger on the right started doing the same. The head of both cock’s rubbed against Bogo’s ass until they found the hole… preparing to wear Bogo’s ring like a wedding ring. A wedding ring built for a twig being squeezed onto a jungle of the tiger's trees. Bogo’s ass felt just like that ring when the two tigers thrusted into him at the same time. Bogo started crying real tears. His body wanted the cocks out. His ass craved the open air. Bogo howled louder than a wolf when the other two tigers jammed their way up his body. His ass had never touched another man before, and now it was choking down 4. 4 men who were packing a lot of weight in their pants… now packing all of that weight inside him at the same time. The bottom two tigers thrusted in and out while the top two stood stationary and manually flexed up and down. The tiger beside the one that pulled underwear back did the same move. He grabbed the side of the shiny covering and dramatically pulled it open. This tiger was just slightly bigger than the last, his balls seemed about the same size. His balls did seem to have more veins wrapping around then when Bogo looked at them for a brief second. The third tiger revealed his cock to Bogo, this tiger’s cock was noticeably bigger than the other two. The lead tiger went last. His cock was 4 inches longer than the third. The balls on this tiger looked more like white fluffy pears than tennis balls. His testicles looked more appetizing like he could feed Bogo a bigger meal than the others. “How do you wanna do this, boys,” the lead tiger asked the other three. “We could pound him flat one at a time or give him the “WILD JUNGLE.” “That’s where all four of us stick our wood in like a jungle of wood being crammed up your ass! Jungle because of the tree trunks, wild because we show no mercy!” “Please,” Bogo softly begged in fear of their girth, “one at a time.” The lead tiger jokingly asked Bogo; “All at once?” Bogo's eyes widened when he heard this as he repeated “one at a time!” “WILD JUNGLE” the lead tiger demanded as two tigers laid down next to Bogo on either side. Both tigers laid on their sides so that their body was facing Bogo. The other two tigers at the end of the bed grabbed one leg each and bent them back as far as Bogo’s body would let them bend back. Bogo’s untouched hole was staring up at the two tigers lifting the legs out of the way. Bogo felt a breeze blow up his hole. He was as wide open as he could be… at least before the tigers got to him. The tiger on his left side on the bed moved his waist around as his cock looked for Bogo’s opening. The tiger on the right started doing the same. The head of both cock’s rubbed against Bogo’s ass until they found the hole… preparing to wear Bogo’s ring like a wedding ring. A wedding ring built for a twig being squeezed onto a jungle of the tiger's trees. Bogo’s ass felt just like that ring when the two tigers thrusted into him at the same time. Bogo started crying real tears. His body wanted the cocks out. His ass craved the open air. Bogo howled louder than a wolf when the other two tigers jammed their way up his body. His ass had never touched another man before, and now it was choking down 4. 4 men who were packing a lot of weight in their pants… now packing all of that weight inside him at the same time. The bottom two tigers thrusted in and out while the top two stood stationary and manually flexed up and down. The two flexing cock could only flex up and down a few centimeters because the space was so tight. The two cock below those dug into Bogo’s body like two wet jackhammers drilling into a straw. In and out, they pounded Bogo’s ass. Outside of Bogo’s body, Bogo could see the cocks destroying his body. He could see the top two flexing dicks rise and fall as the skin on his lower abs danced. He could just barely see the bottom two cocks stretching the patches of skin in the same area. His lower stomach looked like it was about to give birth to a pack of aliens. Bogo thought a pack of aliens in his torso would be less painful than the male invasion that was actually happening. Bogo’s prostate was nothing but a mushy flat disc at this point, and his body was screaming at him to fix it. Bogo felt every sensation his body was flooding his head with, but he couldn’t do anything about it. The 4 tigers were cramming a WILD JUNGLE inside of him. All Bogo could do was moan. He thought he would scream in pain but he was starting to enjoy it. The pain tolerance of the WILD JUNGLE down inside of his body reminded him of a roller coaster, the anticipation is the worst part. The first pulses of the tigers' incredibly girthy dicks are the worst part. Bogo’s body wasn’t screaming in pain anymore, it was singing in celebration. The meaty invasion went from feeling like he was giving birth to a shaking rock to feeling like a party. The four pounding rods now felt like four good friends hugging him from the inside. “YES, THAT FEELS AMAZING! DO IT HARDER! GIVE ME MORE!” Bogo was thankful the lead tiger didn’t breed him the easy way. He was thankful he did sit there in boredom and take one tiger at a time. All four of the studs mating him at once, in the same hole, made Bogo feel loved. Bogo felt like the king, the master, the alpha of all male bodies. He could lay down with any male, no matter their size, and gladly dominate their mating machines and devour their seed with no limits. No filling would make Bogo’s body too full. “MATE ME LIKE A MARE” Bogo demanded to the tigers. All four tiger’s cocks were throbbing like their heart was in the head of their cock. The throbbing of the other tigers against them made them throb even faster, pulse with more blood rushing in and out. The oven temperatures of the four inside Bogo’s ass, combined with the overwhelming grip on their meat, raised their body temperature beyond fever levels. Their desire to satisfy Bogo’s greedy demands inspired them to thrust in and out faster and faster. The pressure around their scrotums cramped. Their seed and their sperm tried their best to stay inside their testicles. The tigers did their best to hold back their climax. The sperm of the seed inside the tigers were used to breeding multiple mates before swimming out. The WILD JUNGLE ripped Bogo open for six minutes before Bogo’s moaning voice was too loud for the fish swimming in the tiger’s seamen to ignore. Bogo’s cries for a meal of male milk to satisfy his thirst aroused the sperm more than the tigers could help. Six minutes of the alpha male’s ring squeezing their dicks and his deep demanding voice begging to be fertilized could not be ignored by the sperm. Bogo’s voice finally rested as his lustful demands for the male’s meal was satisfied with a violent volcanic eruption of sperm synchronized between all for cocks as they simultaneously exploded a warm and slimy flood inside his body. Pints and pints of white slime swam up his colon. The loads of the tigers weren’t enough to inflate Bogo, but he felt as inflated with cum as he needed to feel. Bogo fell dead silent when the tigers started pumping him with seamen. He could hear the cum flood splashing around his guts. Bogo’s stretched body soaked up the hydrating and soothing liquid of the tiger’s fertile sperm. The seamen and the sperm cells were soaked up by his worn-out body like lotion.
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