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  1. Cuerpo de demonio cap 2 pesadillas y cambios //Un pequeño inciso, para los que no leyeron la primera parte aquí les dejo el link, hice un error de novato al publicar la idea de esta historia y públicar ahí mismo la historia, lo are separado y esperar a ver qué les gusta e ir construyendo la historia. En esa misma noche del martes, nos habíamos acostado temprano Owen y yo, aunque tenía ganas para algo hoy, él tuvo un día pesado en el trabajo, él es soldador así se mantiene en forma trabajando con metales pesados cuando no iba al gym. No pude dormir bien esa noche como había dicho el profesor Trevor; tenía demasiada energía aún y mi mente no se calmaba, sentía que alguien me hablaba pero no llegaba a entender bien. Me obligue a dormir pero tarde mucho en ya calmar mi cuerpo y mente, y surgió una pesadilla, les estoy contando esto ya una semana después, habían pasado muchos cambios más la pesadilla era la misma cada noche; estaba en un cuarto oscuro, las paredes estaban difuminadas y pintadas en negro con orillas finas blancas que apenas se notaban, no había techo sólo un vortice como de humo blanco que era aspirado hacia acá detrás de estas paredes, el suelo era una fina capa de agua dándome mi reflejo y alguien más detrás de mí, no podía distinguir su forma más aya de ser humanoide, una sombra de lo que es con ojos rojos y pareciera ser muy grande, escuchaba una vez más ese lenguaje incomprensible más fuerte, y cuando trato de voltear detrás de mí para ver quién es solo despierto en mi cuarto sudando frío. Me despertaba siempre una hora antes que Owen, no dormí todas mis horas pero jamás me sentí cansado o con ojeras. Durante la semana también sucedieron cosas extrañas, ¿no te pasa que cuando conoces una persona en algo que no necesariamente tenemos que interactuar pero tu mente ya la enfoca en la multitud de la gente o por la calle? Pues eso pasó con los 4 participantes, durante la semana me los encontré de uno a uno y me hablaron de sus experiencias con el suero, aunque nadie había tenido pesadillas más que yo. Fred fue el primero a quien encontré, a lado del hotel donde trabajó había un McDonald's y siempre me quedaba de paso caminando al trabajo, ahí lo encontré sentado en la ventana próxima a la entrada con por lo menos 3 hamburguesa listas para comer, quería evitarlo un poco pues soy más de llegar puntual aunque parece ser que también se dió cuenta de mi y tocó el cristal para llamar mi atención, ya por no ser grosero pues entre a hablar con él; me dijo que ya sentía un leve cambio tras dos días de la inyección, se sentía con menos hambre, había comida mucho menos que lo habitual para él y solo comía mucho en la mañana para luego sentirse algo… caliente en general, creo que fue muy sincero y específico al mencionar que vio más paguínas porno y cuáles vió, el es hetero y dice que su gusto cambio un poco, que le gustaban chicas con grandes traceros a chicas más definidas no solo de su parte de atrás. Simplemente inventé una excusa para salir, no quería imaginarme que hizo para ayar su polla y que hizo. Al otro día en el gym me encontré a dos realmente, Jack y Erick en mi gym a casi la misma hora; Jack si se me hacía familiar, es un adolescente que quiso entrar al gym para poder defenderse de sus matones y tuvo grandes resultados creo que le gustó levantar pesas y ya tiene unos 2 años aquí. Está vez yo me acerque a verlo, no hablamos mucho sólo me dijo que le dolía mucho su cuerpo sobretodo los músculos, como si hubiera hecho una semana entera de peso pesando en todo su cuerpo todo en un solo día, al tercero también de la inyección. Aunque de estadísticas no había cambiado mucho, levantaba una gran cantidad de peso 85 libras de puro calentamiento para bicep, su fuerza había aumentado considerablemente. Erik por otra parte, no hable con él, más bien lo ví en las duchas cuando ya estaba por irme, yo voy a unas duchas más privadas pues las otras solo se separaba de uno del otro por dos láminas de cristal. Él también estaba a punto de meterse a esas duchas privadas, sólo había 3, lo ví desde lejos entrar sin mucha confianza tratando de tapar su entrepierna, aunque pude ver qué era pequeña desde aquí no me dió mucho tiempo de verla bien a detalle, ahora sabía por qué fué a las pruebas y por qué se bañaba aquí; ya iba a entrar también en las duchas hasta que ví el cuaderno que nos dió Trevor, estaba ya abierto con algunas mediciones, me picó mucho la curiosidad y leí que ponía, él mismo había sacado sus mismas medidas las cuales eran iguales a las del laboratorio, pero había dos más las de sus bolas y polla había comparado sus pelotas a las de un limón pequeño y su polla específica que mide solo 9.7 cm de largo totalmente dura, con 10 cm de grosor, y 4 cm flácida, la verdad esperaba más pero no sé acababa ahí pues los datos también se actualizaron 3 días después llegando a 12.3 cm de largo, 10.5 cm de grosor y 5 flácida, algo definitivamente había cambiado no sé si por el suero pero dejo una carita sonriente al final de las medidas. Kevin descubrí que era un vecino mío de departamento, él estaba en el piso 5 y yo en el 3, no hablamos mucho de cambios y así aunque me dijo que si hubo cambios no me dijo cuáles y solo me dejó en la duda. -por cierto Alex, ¿sabes si de casualidad hay otra tienda de calzado por aquí? -hay una a unas cuadras de donde trabajó aunque está un poco lejos, pero también hay una doblando la esquina a la izquierda, ¿no la viste? - sí y veo por qué se te hace extraño que pregunte, pero es que no tienen de mi talla. - entiendo, bueno iré a mi departamento, nos vemos después. Nos despedimos y de reojo ví que salía del edificio con sandalias, no se veía tampoco fuera de lugar, quizá buscá otro tipo de zapato y no es su cambio. ya le había pagado a Martha lo que le debía, me quedé sin un centavo en el bolsillo pero ya estaba tranquilo de no tener deudas hasta el otro mes que no paguemos. Yo por otro lado aparte de las pesadillas cada noche, solo se retrasó mi mes está semana tocaba pero no salió nada, me preocupa que quizá sea un embarazo aunque tengo fé que realmente este es el cambio que debía pasar conmigo, me are una prueba de todas formas.
  2. Machu Man - Part 7: Equality by ragman Finally, Mason broke our embrace and smiled mischievously, “I can't wait to see how strong you are becoming.” Happily, that is what I wanted, too. “But, any more muscle play would be difficult indoors. We already hit the ceiling with just calf flexes. And showing our strength requires objects, obstacles, machines, stone, metal....big objects, and strong metal,” I imagined out loud. “Ooh, hearing you talk about about muscle play gets me hot.” Mason stepped closer and began rubbing my shoulders. “I want to see how this muscley body of yours defies nature, flexing so big and so strong. Let's put on some shorts and get out of here.” The idea of sharing more muscle and strength with Mason had become my ultimate fantasy, and we were gonna make it come true. I quickly jumped into a pair of stretchy shorts and before I knew what was happening, Mason picked me up like a child again, with his arm under my butt, and headed outside. Our townhouse complex was among several that were under construction in our area, the new trendy place to be. A block or two away a new unit was being built. Some heavy machinery was parked there, getting ready to clear the lot and dig the foundation. We walked in that direction. “Ya know what, Mason?”, I mused. “There's a scene in every Hercules movie when he rips a tree out of the ground and carries it away. It was one of the first feats of strength I remember turning me on, it was such a sign of great power. Let's help this contractor out and take down some of these big trees,” I said with a raised eyebrow. “Put me down, please.” Mason obliged with a reciprocating grin as he set me down. “Why not have some fun,” he replied. “Don't just yank 'em out with a bearhug, though. That's too easy...watch.” He strode to the nearest large tree, a good 3 feet in diameter, stooped down and wrapped his arms around the mighty trunk. The ground under my feet started to shake and rumble, reminding me of an earthquake, as the back muscles on Mason began to quake and rumble, also, as lats expanded and the muscles up and down along his spine became twin anacondas that could asphyxiate a bull. Great chunks of rock and sod and earth exploded from the ground as roots were torn apart. The great tree rose steadily upward in his arms as he stood and then leaned backward, raising the root ball out of the hole. He adjusted his grip some as the trunk was tilted more to horizontal, and twisted sideways so the mammoth trunk lay across his shoulders, with his hands grasping its underside. “See, that was way too easy,” he bragged. “My whole body is no match for a 100 foot tall tree. Watch me break this twig with one little flex.” Mason turned his head from left to right with the whole tree on his trapezeus, stretching his neck. Then he moaned pleasurably and began to flex his traps. Jagged mounds of stone-hard muscle expanded and grew upward behind Mason's neck, crushing into the bark and trunk of the tree he was holding in place. The sound of crunching and snapping, breaking and crushing was very loud, and then got louder as his boulders of trapezeous climbed higher around his head and forced the less dense wood out of his muscles way. His traps reached about 4 feet above his head when the final SNAP produced two huge logs held in his hands. He tossed them aside like tooth picks and brushed off his hands. “Your turn,” he chimed gleefully, walking over to me, love slapping me on the butt. “But be more creative.” I had known Mason for awhile now, but displays of his strength and muscle size still impressed me, and made me excited. I needed to think of a topper. As I pondered what to do, his 'love tap' on my derriere interfered with my concentration because it still stung my butt from the force of his blow. Luckily an idea came out of my ass. “Well, since you seem to like to carry me by my butt, slap me on my butt, and curl me by my butt, I'm gonna please you more,” I pronounced. I walked over to another tree, this one even bigger and sturdier. I turned my head around to make sure Mason was watching. I pulled off my shorts, Then I started to twerk. I gyrated my hips around and flexed my glutes, not like before with puny little striations that you could grip. Instead, I flexed my cheeks hard and felt them transform into two gigantic orbs, that split and separated and striated into horizontal ridges the size of tank track sections, which extended about 6 feet behind me and a good yard to each side. The muscle striations grew deeper and more jagged and huge. I turned my head to Mason to catch his eye, and then I flexed my glutes apart from each other, leaving a 3-4 foot opening between my cog lined cheeks. I stepped to the side of the mammoth deciduous, so my profile was to Mason, who could see my ass extending from my hips, and I backed up a step to surround the trunk with my cheeks of steel and I clenched down around the 4 foot tree trunk. I winked at Mason and started to rhythmically flex individual muscle cogs in my butt like a caterpillar might walk and felt my glutes tighten around the tree and begin to extract it. The ground tremored and quaked as the roots were slowly being pulled from their grasp on the earth and snapped by more strength than they could manage. My glutes continued to pulsate in rhythm from bottom to top, prying the stately tree upward until the entire root ball was exposed and held between my buns of steel. Then I yelled, “Probably should chip this up for mulch.” I smiled at Mason and clenched down harder, crushing the base of the tree to small chips by mashing my glutes together. I reversed the direction of the rhythm of my ass cogs and the whole tree was sucked down between my muscled cheeks, crunching and crushing every bit of the 125 foot tree to splinters or mulch which piled up at my feet. Mason applauded with enthusiasm, then added, “Better clean up everything.” He picked up the two halves of the tree he uprooted, one in each hand and proceeded to ram them up my ass, so to speak. My hugely muscled butt-cheeks clenched and crushed and ground the trunks to mulch as before, adding to the pile of splinters around me. When I was done I jiggled my ass a bit and relaxed my flex, returning my derriere to a cute, firm buttocks, I pulled on my shorts and walked back to Mason. “I must say, that was creative,” he remarked and put his hand on my buns. Those were the biggest glutes I've ever seen. And the coordination it took to extract and then crush the whole tree by just your butt, as huge as it was, was awesome,” he lauded. “Thanks, Bro.” I puffed out my chest some in pride, causing my pecs to bounce. “Ya know what, though,” he continued, “we probably shouldn't leave this immense pile of wood chips on the ground.” He asked mischievously, “Wanna burn it? “Burn it?”, I wondered. “Yeah, watch this.” Mason stepped to the pile of mulch and scooped up a double handful. “A little flex of the chest, super-heating the air in my lungs and, “Whoo...”. Like blowing out a candle, Mason puffed at the mulch in his hands, which burst into flames all at once, in a fireball that kinda 'flashed' for an instant, and then was completely gone. “Whoa!”, I was amazed. “You can do that?” I paused to realize, “I can do that?” “Your power is as great, Mike. Though, that didn't take much effort,” he stated matter-of-factly. “Give it a try. Just visualize and flex your inner chest muscles, willing them to heat up the air in your lungs, really hot. Then, blow on that big pile of wood chips.” I did as I was coached, concentrated on heating up my lungs, and then I blew on the pile, with the force of blowing out a dozen candles on a birthday cake. The gigantic pile of newly chipped wood vaporized instantly in an inferno of energy, that I wasn't expecting. Mason quickly stepped forward and sucked in the intense energy blob with a hefty gulp, which he swallowed. I was flabbergasted. (Did that word really come out of my mind?) I guess it was symbolic of my shock, both at my own newly discovered lung power and in Mason's rapid rescue response, averting a thermal disaster. As it was, I could see the ground under the wood pile had melted some, due to intense heat from my first try at being a human blow torch, or I guess maybe a godlike blow torch. “Holy shit!”, I exclaimed. “I had no idea I was that powerful, that super. I need to assess this experience so I don't overdo it. Thanks for containing the damage, Mason. Watching you inhale a million degree mass of energy plasma makes me want to try it myself,” I said with a tease. “Easy, big guy,” he patted me on the shoulder. “I like your attitude about 'assessing' your abilities more, so you don't accidentally incinerate a building or blow the moon out of orbit.” After an awkward pause he joshed, “Just kidding,” and slapped me harder on the shoulder. It didn't seem to hurt as much. I assumed I was still growing in strength, still mutating. How wonderful it all was becoming, being a god. I thought about the experience briefly, which was all the time my magnified brain needed to analyze the data, and became enlightened. My brain would instantaneously be able to calculate and manifest my lung exhalations, both hot or cold, as I willed. “My intelligent control over my lung power has been assessed and implemented,” I announced factually. “I'll show you.” I turned my head towards a piece of heavy machinery that was parked nearby, a bulldozer. It was big and blocky with a huge blade on the front. Must have weighed several tons. I pursed my lips and INHALED. The behemoth of steel lifted off the ground and flew towards me. I casually held up my arms, and EXHALED as the dozer arced towards me, slowing down its speed from my breath, to rest gently in my hands. “Play some catch?”, I called to Mason. Before he had a chance to answer, I tossed the metallic monster up in the air a bit and blew it to him with a hurricane gust. He reacted quickly enough, as the tonnage fell towards him, puffed out his lips and blew back. The giant monstrosity arced back to me after peaking about 100 feet high. I returned the volley with a blast from my lips that sent the massive machine skyward even more. I was in heaven, playing catch with a several ton bulldozer, by blowing it back and forth with the puffs from our lungs, with my friend. We each blew harder and harder until the dozer rose several thousand feet high before plummeting to earth, cushioned at the end by a pillow of air, before soaring up again in a rush of hurricane force onslaught. I began to feel a bit conspicuous, realizing what we were doing was visible. Guilt. I discovered, can still temper the actions of a god. I 'caught' my last volley with my thunderous breath and let it fall gently into my hands. I carefully replaced the bulldozer where we found it. Mason ran to me with a big smile. “That was so much fun, Mike,” he said with a high five. “I've never done that before. You really have figured out your breath,” he added with praise. “You like what I'm becoming, huh?”, I whispered in his ear. “I like it, too.” “You are becoming my muscle dream, Mike. I didn't realize how much I wanted a friend until you came along. A friend who would awaken my own pleasure in worshiping strength and power and muscle.” He grabbed me with both arms and massaged my shoulders, biceps, triceps, and traps. “I've never been able to rub and knead anyone's muscles before, without turning them to mush in excruciating pain. But, I can feel your muscles responding by becoming more dense, more powerful, more indestructible.” “Aah, I feel it, too. Your grip would cripple any other living creature, but to me, it is a gentle caress. I'm the luckiest guy alive.” I was becoming self-conscious again. “Could we go back home, where we can be with each other in private?” Mason caressed me harder and replied, “I was just thinking the same thing. I was so turned by your posing earlier. You are so beautiful. In the past, a he-man was thick and had a gut. You are more aware of how the world has accepted muscled men, and what is now considered desirable by humans. Would you teach me how to pose...aesthetically? I promise I will worship and rub and squeeze and lick your magnificent physique, if you show me how beautiful, how beautifully muscled a true man-god can be. I want to be like you.” “You are like me, Mason. I crave every inch of your muscled body and I am enthralled by our strength.” I picked him up like a child, the way he did with me before, and headed back home. “No one has ever carried me before, Mike,” he said approvingly as I put him down in front of the mirrors. “I must say it was very pleasurable resting next to your chest.” He rubbed my pecs lovingly and firmly, giving them a squeeze which was very pleasurable for me in return. “I love rubbing your body, your muscles. Feeling how dense and hard they have become. Knowing I can relax the limits I normally have to impose upon myself, with my strength, and rub your muscles passionately, squeeze with authority, and let my energy flow into your body unbridled, is the biggest gift I could have asked for. I have longed to release more of my unlimited strength, my unfathomable power, without consequences, like earthquakes or tsunamis.” Mason ground and mashed and kneaded my pecs like a kid discovering mud for the first time. I stood fast, sensed the enormous power he was generating, and reveled in the fact I was in complete control of absorbing it. In fact I could counter his might with greater might and flexed my pecs larger, forcing his hands apart. Mason reacted with amazement that turned to more savage worship. My equally infinite might made him more maniacal and muscle crazed. I kept engorging my pectorals with dramatically denser muscle size and strength, prying his fingers apart as he tried to hold on to my shredded muscle crevasses. My pectorals continued to expand against his crushing attempt to force them together, each forming a magnificent mass of muscle that stood off my rib cage and grew larger than a beach ball, though air-filled comparisons are laughable. I glanced in the mirrors and was entranced by the vision. Standing at attention, my pectoral protuberances projected three feet forward and stretched six feet wide. Mason had his arms spread wide trying to control my muscular growth with his hands on the outside of my man-boobs. I noticed the rest of my body had 'muscled up', my legs, my arms, my back, without conscious thought, into Herculean form. Huh, by brain was handling body details, automatically transforming my whole physique so I looked 'balanced' with two boulders growing out of my rib cage that were surpassing the size of two over-stuffed beanbag chairs. Again bean-filled bags aren't a close comparison unless they were upholstered granite. Mason hands lost their grip on my expanding pectoral boulders as they grew wider and higher, until his hands came in contact with my nipples, my throbbing, pulsing, sensitive nipples, and he grabbed on tight, Mason tight. A nuclear explosion of pleasure shocked my being. Mason's infinitely hard grip on my infinitely sensitive nipples was galactic in intensity. My whole body shuddered and my pectoral boulders bounced, exploding yet more mightily, lifting Mason off the ground in an iron cross position like a gymnast. I could see him in the mirror, feet gangling three feet off the floor as my excruciatingly fabulous, muscled mammaries touched the 15 ft high ceiling. I let the pleasure cells in my hyper-conscious brain absorb the ocean of erotic stimuli as Mason clenched harder still before he released his grip with one hand and swung over to one side and grabbed on with both hands. To my further pleasure he opened wide, and barely was able to fit my nipple into his mouth, where he began licking and sucking, further driving me crazy. To my surprise he bit down hard, really hard on my nip, causing me to wince, and flex my areola, which 'popped' Mason off my nipple and sent him landing on the floor with a huge smile on his face. “That was so much fun,” he gushed. “I don't think I've ever used that much strength, that much power before. It was exhilarating,” he said, getting to his feet. I think you must be done 'curing', because you were an equal match to my muscle might.” I heard him compliment me, but I was too busy enjoying powering down my pecs as I re-experienced the pleasure in my brain. What a great ability, to have perfect memory. My daydreams were interrupted by a warm, strong hand behind my neck, pulling me to his warm, strong lips. Our kiss was deep and intimate, making me melt in his muscular arms. He picked me up under my knees and carried me to the bed, where he gently placed me, climbing in next to me. We spooned, feeling the warmth of each other. “I could never have a better friend than you, Michael,” he whispered in my ear. “You are everything I have longed for, for centuries. And now we get to be together forever.” “Forever....”, I repeated as I drifted into fantasies of ultimate delight, ultimate strength, ultimate power, ultimate muscles, ….with my friend. Comments appreciated. Next Chapter : Unexpected Visitors
  3. Not my work, but I found a book from the 90's that had some muscle growth in it.
  4. ***NOTE: Feel free to post any of your AI Dungeon Stories in this thread. I will list the contributors here *** Contributors: Desato I have been playing around a lot with the AI Dungeon (play.aidungeon.io). Many of the stories are short and just discarded. Sometimes the AI just runs off the rails and it becomes too much hitting the back button and "correcting" the story. Since this will be a variety of stories, they will not all be m/m/f. Being asexual, I don't really care if it is male or female. I am interested more in the muscle growth responses. The Demon Contract has m/m. The next story that I am editing right now has m/m/f and m/f. The Demon Contract was my first time playing it. I had some trouble wrangling the AI to work with me, but some of the results were great. It starts off slow as I was testing out the system. I deleted some of the repetitive things in there. Just a bit of a spoiler for this story, I never actually found out what the demon contract was. lol. Also, I apologize for the pronoun usage. At some point the AI started switching You's and I's when it was talking about "the man" I was with. I did my best switching it back to describing the man, but I may have missed some. The parts that make no sense was when the AI was throwing curveballs and I was trying to adjust. It also kept changing my name a bunch in the beginning. I hope nobody minds the story being added here The Demon Contract Generating story... I am Gerald, a peasant living in a small village in the kingdom of Larion. I have a pitchfork and nothing else. I dream of getting out of my village and having an adventure. I go to the fields and begin working. I look up and see a large creature approach me. I know its a monster, but I don't have any other word for it. I cautiously approach the creature, it makes a loud bellow that shatters my eardrums. I fall to the floor and hold my hands to my ears as blood runs down my wrists. The creature lets out a short burst of laughter, it sounds somewhat human. I begin to laugh as well and soon I'm on the floor laughing uncontrollably. The creature begins to rub my belly in an affectionate way. The creature disappears and I find yourself in the middle of my village again. I go back to work. I clean my ears with a rag. It was all a dream... I wake up. I am Lahan, a weak man living in a small village. I have no dreams. I become a man who can provide for his family. I begin working on the harvest, alongside all the other peasants. We work tirelessly, and the day comes when the harvest is complete. We put all the fruit in big sacks, and begin the long walk back to town. We arrive at the tavern for a well-deserved rest. I flex my muscles, and they develop into impressive pecs and abs. I walk outside, and am approached by a pretty girl. "What's your name?" she asks. "Gabri," I reply. "I'm Lucy," she says, leaning forward. We begin dating for the rest of the week, but sadly, she dies from an illness. I absorb Lucy's energy and become stronger. I become a demigod and use the might of my muscles to create a small empire, with her as my queen. I have many children, all of whom become great warriors. The Empire stands for a thousand years, until I die from old age. It was all a dream... I am a weak, skinny kid who has bad coordination and a nervous stomach. I live in a village of poor folk. I build muscles. I join the Hunters, a gang of boys who travel in small groups and often steal from merchants on the roads. I become the leader of my group, calling ourselves the Bloody Talons. I leave the hunters. One day, I see a small group of men robbing a merchant on the road. I try to stop them, but the leader, a huge brute called Ned, beats me unconscious. I wake up tied to a chair in Ned's cabin. Ned looks at me and laughs. I say "Can you help me be as strong as you?" "I'm sorry lad, but you're not getting any younger," Ned says. "You might live another fifty or sixty years, but your body isn't going to last that long." I say "What can I do?" "If you really want to be strong, you'll start training with us when you join us," Ned says. "If you prove yourself, I'll let you join when you're older. I say "I will join you to become stronger" "Good choice," Ned says. "You're going to hate training more than anything, but you'll find the experience a positive one. We start training tomorrow." I say "Thank you, have a good night." Ned laughs. "I'm not planning on going anywhere," he says. The next day, I'm woken before dawn by a guard. I say "Are we going to start training?" Ned nods. "I'll be there in a moment, go wake the others," he says. I nod and walk outside. I let out a sigh of relief as I feel the sun on my face. I wake the others. I walk back inside and wake my friends. "I have great news!" I say. "Do tell," Owen says. "Ned asked us to train with him, starting tomorrow." "Really?" I say "Yes, let's help each other get stronger." Owen nods. "Excellent, let's get to training," he says. The next day, I walk into the woods with my friends. I wait for instructions on how to train. I sit in the middle of the woods with my friends and wait. After a few minutes, Ned appears in the distance, walking towards me. "Hey lads, follow me," he says. I follow Ned deeper into the woods, to a clearing with a large training area. We all sit down in the center, and look up expectantly at Ned. "Okay, here's the plan," he says. I say "Please tell us the plan" Ned laughs. "Sorry, I was trying to wind you guys up," he says. "The plan is simple. I want all of you to start fighting each other." "What?," I say. "I want you all to start fighting. No rules, no holds barred, as hard as you can. Then, I want you to do it again." I stand up and get ready to fight. "Now we can do this the easy way, or the hard way," Ned says, his eyes flicking from one of the boys to the other. "The hard way is for weaklings. If you want to prove you're worth training with the demon's contract, then follow me." Ned disappears into the woods, leaving us all stunned. I follow Ned deeper and deeper into the woods. "Stop," someone says, panting. I follow the sound of the voice, and come across a boy lying on the ground, clutching his side. I walk over to the boy and help him up. "Thanks," he says. "I tried to stop him, but he's way faster than me." "You don't have a leg to stand on," I say, rolling my eyes. I see a flash of brown out of the corner of my eye, and hear a thump noise. "Ow!," the boy says, grabbing his side. I turn around, to see a short boy holding a dagger an inch from my throat. "What are you doing?" I ask. "Checking to see if you're honest," he says. "What?" "If you were lying, I'd kill you. Now, get off me." "Alright, alright, I'm not going to hurt you," I say, getting off him. I stare at the other boy. "What are you waiting for?," the boy asks. "How much does he charge to train us?" "Five gold coins." Confused, I shake my head and walk back through the woods, deep underbrush scratching at my arms. I walk for a while, before I see two paths splitting off. I walk down the path, as it quickly becomes a rocky dirt road. I follow it until I see a strange building. I stare at it in confusion. Fed up with all of this, I sign the demon contract. I raise my hand, writing my name in blood and signing it. Suddenly, I'm whisked away to a better place. I sit in a luxurious room, with leather chairs and a large desk. On the desk is a bowl of fruit. "Welcome to the Waiting Room," a deep voice says from behind me. I say "Thank you, where are we?" "You are in the waiting room. When someone worthy signs the contract, we'll take you to see Mr Gaange." I sit in silence for a while, unsure what to do. I finally speak up "Who is Mr Gaange" "Mr Gaange is the owner of this company. He'll be able to explain everything else to you." Suddenly, I hear howling in the distance. I stand, and listen closely. I hear howling again. I say "I need someone to talk to. Can you take me to Mr Gaange?" "Sure, follow me." I follow the man up a twisting stone staircase, deep into the mountains. I climb up for ten minutes, before reaching the top of the stairs. The man leads me into a large, open room. There's a massive table, where many other young men and women wait. One of them is reading a book, while another sits staring out at the mountains. They all turn and look at me as I enter. "Oh! The new boy!" says the man nearest to me, smiling. I smile back and sit in the chair next to him. The man pulls out a large book, and begins to read from it: "Name: Gerald. Hmmm... Interesting. Do you know why you're here, Gerald? I shrug. "I don't know. They just brought me in." "Tell me about yourself." "Well, I'm nineteen years old, I'm a chef in the kings kitchens..." "Where did you grow up, Gerald?" I say "I grew up in the village of Cherrywood as a peasant and then I joined the Hunter gang. Ned found me in the forest and told me about the demon contract." The man jots down notes in the large book. "Who else do you know that can back up your story?" "My brother Mallack and my sister Makana can vouch for me." I say "Ned can also vouch for me. He was training me in the forest." The man pauses, and glances at his book. "Ned... Ned's been dead for two years. Oh. He died in a hunting accident." I say "I was following ned in the forest when I signed the contract. Are you saying that ned was a ghost?" The man pauses again, and continues writing. "Tell me about the demon." "What?" "What did the demon look like? What was it like to fight? I say "Are you saying that Ned was a demon? He was very strong. He was able to overpower a lot of us and tie us up. He wanted to start training us to fight each other." The man raises an eyebrow. "That's good to know. But tell me, did you actually see the demon?" I think carefully before replying. I say "Yes, he beat me up in the forest and dragged me to a cabin. " "Hmmm... So you're sure it was a demon." I shrug. "How do you know it wasn't the gods? I say "That makes sense. He could have been a demon or a god. I do not know how he found me in the first place. I was with the Hunter gang and Ned came out of no where." The man looks up at me. "You don't know?" I shake my head. "Okay. I'll let it go this time. So, you don't know why you're here?" I say "I signed the demon contract and was told to meet Mr Gaange" The man shakes his head. "I've never heard of Mr Gaange." I say "The deep voice man who led me up the steps told me that I was visiting Mr Gaange." The man pauses, and looks up. "Did he now?" I shrug, not knowing what else to say. "So, who is this Mr Gaange? I say "I think you are Mr Gaange" The man smiles. "That's a very interesting theory, but I don't think that Mr Gaange is a suitable name. It's rather formal." I think carefully about what to say. I say "Are you a demon or a god?" The man smiles. "Thank you for noticing, guest. I don't believe I know that one. I'm not sure. But you seem pretty friendly." I say "I think you are a god." The man looks shocked. "Well then I'd say you're spot on. Would you like to go deeper into the city?" I nod eagerly, and the man continues leading me through the city. I say "How did we get to a city? We were in a room up a staircase." The man pauses, before smiling. "You're really far ahead of yourself, aren't you? We'll go back to the room and then we'll explore the city together." I say "Are you able to teleport us?" The man smiles. "I have my ways. Care for a tour?" I nod eagerly, and follow the man through the streets. He stops in front of a tall building. I say "Can you give me huge muscles, that is the reason I signed the contract in the first place?" The man laughs. "I'm sorry I can't help you with that. But if you'd like to try again, we're heading to the museum now." I say "Can you make me stronger, at least?" The man laughs. "I'm sorry I can't help you with that either. The museum is pretty strong itself though. Would you like to see it?" I nod eagerly, and the man smiles. I say "What powers do you have?" The man laughs. "Alright, I'll let you in a little secret, but you have to swear you won't tell anyone. Wizards are the only ones who can create portals to other places." I say "That means you are a wizard." The man laughs. "I'm not that kind of wizard. Swear not to tell anyone either?" I nod eagerly. "Alright, first we have to head back. We're going the long way round." I say "What kind of wizard are you?" The man looks shocked. "You really want to know?" I nod eagerly. "Alright then, but I warn you, it's a long story." I say "Please tell me the story" The man shakes his head. "I can't. I'll have to refuse." I shrug sullenly and the man grins. "Alright then, how would you like to go to a museum?" I say "yes, please" The man takes my hand and we both walk into the museum. "Welcome to the museum of modern art, have you ever been here before?" I shake my head. I say "I was a peasant. I have never been to a museum" The man laughs. "Well then, let's go through the modern art room, if you want to see some of the more famous paintings." I nod eagerly and follow the man. I say "why are we here?" The man pauses. "The museum is having a special exhibit, and I thought it would be good for you to see." I shrug and continue following the man. I say "What is the special exhibit?" The man smiles. "A group exhibit." I shrug again and continue following the man. "So... what do you think?" I shrug. "They're alright." The man sighs. I look at the exhibit. I walk past a van Gogh painting, a da Vinci, a Monet, a bunch of others. He says "Hey, what do you think of the exhibit?" You shrug. I say "These are beautiful paintings" The man smiles. "Thanks. I thought you might like them." I shrug and the man sighs again. I get excited about the paintings. I walk ahead and the man sighs again. "You sure are." I shrug and the man smiles. "Thanks for humoring me. Come on, let's go look at the old masters." The man takes me to the old masters room. It is filled with magical artifacts, like Merlin's wand. I can feel them, magical things that witches and wizards used in ancient times. I say "This one is beautiful." The man laughs. The man shows me a magic mirror that can make me look like anything I wish. He says "Try it on." I lift up my arms. "Higher up!" I lift up my legs. "No, no, that's fine!" The man takes the mirror from me. The man points his wand at the mirror and says a magic spell. I gain 50 pounds of muscle. I say "Whoa." "How do you like them?" "I love them." The man laughs again. The man turns to me and says seriously "That was a very expensive piece of art." I say "I bet any magical artifact that can make you gain muscle is expensive." The man laughs. "You'd win that bet, but no, the mirror isn't magical." "That's good, but why...?" "Because it wouldn't be able to fool you." The man points his wand at me and I gain one hundred pounds of muscle. In shock, I exclaim "Ah, now I'm scared!" He says "I told you, the mirror isn't magical." The man sighs and turns off his wand. I look at myself and am amazed that I am nineteen years old and over two hundred pounds of bulked up muscle. I say "What do you think?" He says "It's weird." I say "Why? It's me." I look down at myself. At nineteen years old, I am over six feet tall and nearly as bulky. The man points his wand at me again and I gain another hundred pounds of muscle. I say "I'm a monster." He replies "You're a transformation." The man points his wand at himself again and becomes a swarthy man with black hair and sharp features. "What about you is a monster?" I look at myself again. I look like a beautiful muscle monster at three hundred pounds and only nineteen years old. "What do I look like?" The man turns off his wand and looks at me. "You look like you should see a doctor." I flex my pecs and they are huge globes of flesh. He says "They're not fake." I say "Ah. I thought so. Why should I see a doctor?" "Because they feel so real I'm worried that you'll get hurt." I frown and flex my pecs again. My pecs bounce up and down. The rest of my body is equally muscular and cut. I have a thick black duffel bag full of money that I got from a drug deal last week, as well as some extra product for later this week. The man takes the duffel bag. He says "Stop." I reply "What?" He says "Stop flexing your muscles." I frown and stop flexing my muscles. He says "How much do you weigh?" I frown. I say "I weigh three hundred pounds now." The man nods. "Let's go over the ground floor." I nod. The man opens the door and the smell hits me. There is a heavy stench of piss and something else. The man points his wand at me and I grow to eight feet tall. The room is tiny but I can stand up and move around with no problem. The smell is overpowering but I can still smell it and it doesn't offend me in the least. I say "What the hell is that?" The piss smell is actually a magical growth potion that is making us grow stronger. The something else smell is me. "You smell that?" The man nods. The man looks like he is gaining muscle as he smells me. He lifts up his shirt and I can see muscles forming on his stomach as he takes deep breaths. "I feel like I'm going to piss myself." He says. "Do it anyway." I reply. The man gets closer to me and takes a deep breath. His muscles continue to grow. He smells like piss and man sweat. I can smell his sweat has grown increasingly muskier. I want to take a deep breath but my lungs are full of muscle. The piss smell evaporates and all that is left is the musky smell of testosterone and man sweat. I move in close to the man and press my body against his. His smell fills my nostrils and my eyes are drawn to his defined six-pack. I breath in his scent and gain more muscle. I could flex my biceps with no problem. I could probably pop his abs if I tried. The man looks at me and grins. "We have to stop." "Why? The man wants to stop, but he is addicted to his growing muscles. He sticks his head into my armpit and inhales deeply. His shirt rips apart and falls to the ground. I snort and turn away from the sight of two nearly naked men, naked men that smell like sweat and man. I walk towards the man's throat. I kiss his neck passionately and leave multiple welts on the paper thin skin. The man yelps in pain and pulls away. "Stop!" The man flexes his muscles and gets bigger. His throat distends and his Adam's apple moves up into his neck. The man is almost as big as me now. I am only nineteen and look young, but he looks incredibly masculine and hot. His body continues growing to almost twice the size of mine but I am only half his age. I look down at myself and see that I have gotten bigger as well. The room is getting really tiny as we continue to get bigger. I step back and the man to my left continues to grow. He breaks through the ceiling and his body hangs from it by mere threads. I lean back against the wall as the room gets even smaller. His scent feels the room and I grow again, breaking through the ceiling. My body hangs from the ceiling and my head nearly touches the roof of the museum. I flex my muscles and they tear through the ceiling. The room is just too small now and the magic in the room is fading fast. The man pulls out his wand and casts another spell. Our muscle continue to increase in size and density. I stop growing as the spell ends and look down at myself. I have to duck to get through the ceiling and my body is so dense I can barely move it. The man stops growing and falls from the ceiling, hitting the floor with a loud thud. I grow back down to my normal size and join the man on the floor. He looks at me and touches my face. The man looks at me passionately. We are both more muscular than when the spell started. I know I should stop him but I am captivated by his gaze. He takes my hand and touches my chest. My breath hitches as his fingers outline my pecs. My pecs twitch under his fingers. He slowly runs his fingers down my abs and stops at my genitals. He traces the outline of my manhood and my heart pounds. The man licks his lips as I get hard. I want to push him away but my whole body is frozen in place. He touches his tongue to his upper lip and moves closer to me. He smells my breath and moves in for a kiss. I let him kiss me to see what kind of spell he is casting now. He tastes of me and musk. My lust for him grows stronger. He grabs my shoulder with his other hand and pushes me away. My legs feel weak and I collapse to the floor. I look up at him with passionate glance. He grabs his wrist with his other hand and the spell ends. He flexes his muscles and screams as they rip through his skin. His bones crack and break as he screams in pain. I watch in horror. He screams for a few seconds before falling silent. He looks at me and nods. I stand up and touch his face. He look at his hand and screams. I try to comfort him. He screams again when he dies, a strangled sound. He screamed for a good minute before he stopped breathing altogether. I collapse on the floor next to him. I cry and hug the man. I cry for a while before I fall asleep. I wake up and the man's body is gone. His magic wand is sitting on the floor where his body was. I feel like I am still dreaming. I wake up and find him next to me, asleep. "Hey," I say. "Hey... You cried a lot." "Yeah." I pick up the wand, his voice is just an echo in my head. I start to speak and find the words just coming out of my mouth. I say "You cast a spell on me." He replies "Yeah, so?" I say "I want to do it again." "Again?" He nods and grab my hand. "Come with me." I frown as he pulls me up from the bed. He leads me outside and into the forest. I say "What spell are we casting this time?" "I don't know," he says. "We're not casting a spell." I reply "What do you mean?" He says "You fell in love with me." I say "Yeah. So?" He says "I fell in love with you too, so I wanted to cast a spell so we could be together." I look at him confused. I say "I do love you now. But you died and came back. I am so confused." He says "I'm sorry." I say "What's the point of this spell?" "So we can be together." "I don't understand. We can just stay together forever." By together, the man means merging into one body and having more muscles than we did before. He is more than just a wizard. He says "It's very complicated." "Then why are we doing it?" "Because I love you." I grab his hand. "Then let's do it. What is your name?" He replies "You don't need to know." "Tell me or I won't do it." The man stops and stares at me. "Fine. I'm the man who loves you. I kiss the man gently and smile. "I love you too." The man grabs my hand and leads me to the river. He pulls off his shirt and I help him take his pants off. We are both left in our underwear. He picks up his magic wand to start casting the spell. I feel a little nervous. "You'll be safe. Don't worry." The man says as he waves his wand. The river starts to boil as a giant snake swims out. The snake wraps around us and we begin to merge bodies. I can feel myself changing. I'm becoming a hybrid of man and beast. I'm still human inside, but I have animal strength and speed. We start walking back to the manor. As we walk our bodies merge into one and we start growing again. We need to take natural rest every few hours. It's a good thing we both work out. After a few days we finish growing and stop feeding. I look at the man. "What now?" I ask. We have become a giant snake man with huge muscles. We can barely move. We spend a few more days like this until we are satisfied with our new body. We return to the manor and I stare at the sleeping man. He looks so peaceful. It is weird seeing both myself and the man at the same time when looking in the mirror. It makes me feel like I am missing something. After returning to the manor we decide to become human again. I stare at myself in the mirror. I don't like what I see. We become the merged snakeman hybrid and grow bigger this time. We burst through the ceiling and become taller than the manor. We drop to the ground and begin walking towards someone. He wakes up when we are only a few feet away. "Hello. Do I know you?" He asks. We pick up the other man and merge him into our body. We gain more muscle. It's weird, but kind of feels natural. We both start walking towards the manor. I see myself in the reflection of a window and realize what we are doing. We are copying the hobs. We copy more and more hobs and absorb all of them, gaining more and more muscle. By the time we reach the manor, we are huge. We drop the other man as the front door is broken open. We absorb the entire manor and become a muscle god. We aren't sure what comes next. We keep growing and absorbing more and more hobs until we reach a point where we are bigger than the city. The hobs go wild and run amok through it. It's like an orgy every time they have one. We absorb the city and grow bigger than a mountain. We sleep for a few hours and wake up in the middle of the night. We become an undead juggernaut that consumes everything in its path. It's weird, but we seem to have a libido. As an undead juggernaut snakeman, we consume the entire world. We continue to grow and divide ourselves once more. Now, we are each an immortal god of the new world. Every time we passionately kiss, we consume another world and create new universes. Every time we embrace, we create a new world. We don't know how many we've created. The only universe that we haven't created is the original. We know when we have sex, all of creation will end and begin anew. "You ready?" I say. "Aren't you?" The answer is obvious. I am always ready. We have rough god sex and universes flash in and out of existence. Afterwards, we collapse into an embrace and we are both satisfied. The force of our love creates a new dimension where we spend eternity living forever.
  5. kibo

    [Español] cuerpo de demonio

    Hola, será mi primera historia para esta gran comunidad, llevo ya tiempo aquí leyendo ideas fantásticas y qusiera yo contribuiré algo para los demás. ya está el primer capítulo, más abajo. Disfruten ;3 Está historia va a estar 100% en español, mi inglés es pésimo pero tienen todo el derecho de traducir a inglés u otros idiomas. Se qué las etiquetas son muy raras, no eh visto mucho de posesión ni de cambios de sexo, por eso quisiera ver qué les parece la idea y así comenzará el proyecto de escribirla. El contexto sería sobre un chico trans que al probar más hormonas no le sienta muy bien y desee intentar otro método para tener el cuerpo que siempre se identificó y más, conquistando el amor de sus sueños por el camino y complaciendo sus fetiches. Más sin embargo hay consecuencias y tendrán que luchar por ello. No planeo muchos capítulos, que sea cortó pero si la gente le gusta, me animo a escribir más. Pospatata xb no veo el apartado de ideas de historias, si pueden mover ésto o decirme qué paso o dónde está los agradecería, uso celular para esto.
  6. Josephthepencilcase

    The True Form

    Ever since Adam was a boy, he wanted to be attractive. Not just good enough to have a partner, but the most perfect adonis the world had ever seen. He longed to put the male models, the movie-stars, and the statues to shame. He had a vision of a 6'2 man with a jawline of marble and deep eyes; but what he wanted most was that body, the muscles of a Greek god, with barely an ounce of fat to cover them so every contour and muscle could be seen when he flexed, which this character often did. Early on in his life he knew he liked men as well as women, but he didn't want a model, he wanted a short little twink who would worship his body and nestle into his mass of muscles. Adam's fantasy began to really show when he entered his teenage years, but he soon tried to accept that it was a fantasy. He was only 5'9, and he still looked like a stick; he had a jawline and a thick head of hair, and he could have a girlfriend or boyfriend if he wanted one, but the male model of his dreams seemed a million miles away, even if he got into the gym. However, one evening, he discovered a peculiar ability. The bullies at his school had begun targeting the short kids; and despite the fact he wasn't even that short, Adam found himself in the firing line. After an especially had episode, he found himself lying on his bed, wishing he were taller. In that moment, he did more than fantasize, he pled to whatever power may be out there to alleviate the mockery he recieved. After a few minutes, his legs began to tingle and burn as if they were being exercised really hard, followed by a feeling Adam had never experienced before, like his legs were in a box and were fighting for more room. He kicked furiously to try and sooth whatever this pain was, but it didn't stop, and there seemed to be more weight behind every kick. When the feeling subsided, Adam tried to rush to the mirror, but stumbled over his own legs, before he could see himself. The difference was immediately apparent; the top of his head was now cut off in the mirror, and anyone would have noticed how he looked lankier than before. He stood next to the notches on the door frame his mother had made to mark his height, and sure enough, he was a good three or four inches taller than the latest notch made only a month ago. Adam began to panic, this wasn't what he wanted. How could be explain suddenly growing overnight? He's heard of growth spurts, but this was absurd. It was at that moment that the sound of the door opening came from downstairs, and Adam's father walked in. Adam's panic went into overdrive, what would be say? In a flash, Adam was face to face with his father, nervously shifting back and fourth out of fear. But, the only weird thing noticed was how his son seemed so agitated. Adam breathed a sign of relief, but he was still certain his colleagues at school would notice how he'd grown. He barely slept that night, imagining what people would say. When he woke up the next morning, he went right back to worrying. However, he couldn't remember exactly how much he'd grown. He remembered he had, and recalled the burning feeling in his legs, but was he 5'7 or 5'9 before? When he went into the school halls, not a word was uttered about his growth, even when he passed the bullies, they didn't even register him. As time went on, Adam forgot his life in average height. He never forgot that he made himself grow, but in his memory, he remembered family members commenting on how tall he was getting or how he stood over friends instead of seeing eye to eye with them. It was a thoroughly bizarre experience, so much so that he tried to forget all about it. Even if he was still miles away from his male-model fantasy, he at least had the height. Years passed, and Adam went off to a good university. He left his old life as the awkward lanky, quiet kid behind, and wanted to be more confident. But, his old fantasy still chased him. People were leaving the remnants of puberty behind, and some looked like the dream men he wanted to be. Not to mention the available women and twinks who went towards those who looked like his fantasy. The frustration mounted and mounted until one day, he snapped. He never forgot about his ability, no matter how much he tried to rationalise it. He went into his tiny room in accommodation before falling on his bed, just like he did a few years earlier, and began to plead. The years of looking at pictures of those he wanted to be like had culminated in this. Over the years, he'd compiled an image of his perfect body, and begged whatever force had caused him to grow before. At first, he felt nothing, and the feeling that the whole thing had just been in his head crept in. But, just as Adam was about to get off the bed, the feeling returned. His scalp tingled as if it was being massaged, and he felt as his hair became thicker and silkier; running his hands through it was such a calming experience. The feeling moved down to his head, and the feeling turned to a burning as his bones began to reshape; his head grew and his brow jutted out as his jaw expanded. The features of his face changed; his eyes felt as if hot water had been thrown into them as they became deeper set and changed to a deep blue colour, his nose hurt and his lips ached as they became softer and kissable. Every imperfection in his skin from the acne scars from his youth to his dark spots faded, his face now had a healthy glow. Then the thing he'd really been waiting for, his body. Once his neck expanded a little, his shoulders felt as if he were carrying weights on them as his arms got further apart and the bed seemed to get smaller. His biceps and triceps grew to the point where he felt them lightly pressing against the rest of his body even while lying down, his forearms grew to the size of tree branches, and his hands grew but enough to grasp his new meatier arms. His back muscles looked like a winding map as what little body fat he had melted away from his face and down. Adam could barely contain his excitement as his chest started to burn and his pecs began to swell; he'd always been most fixated on the chests of the men in the magazines, and now he had his own sturdy balls of muscle. The slight gut he had was now gone and taught skin stretched over his pale belly remained, until a set of three pairs of abs burrowed their way forward and protruded out to give him a wash-board six-pack. His already thin waist cut down to form a v-line that was a work of art. His legs became two strong trunks, accented by a large and muscular butt. Once his feet finished straining in their socks, a recognisable burning returned as he grew to 6'4 tall, two inches taller than his fantasy. The process was finished off by a light tingle all over as most of his body hair from his eyebrows to his waist fell away, then his skin went from pale to a glowing, slightly-tanned appearance. When he was certain it was all done, Adam rose from the bed that could now barely contain him, once again having to find his feet with his new height. When he stripped down naked and made it infront of the full-length mirror, he felt like a God among men. He blew every single one of his expectations out the water; while he was exactly like his fantssy, it looked so much better in reality. His dreams had become reality. This felt like his true form. Adam showered and went out into the public. He darted into the first barbers he found and got a stylish haircut that showed and framed his face perfectly before heading to the high-end clothes shops in the city. He used every spare penny he had to get himself a new style and gym membership (he needed to keep up appearances); his clothes deliberately clung to his body to show off every muscle. Even with strangers, people stopped and stated at him, people treated him better. Adam was on top of the world and he was never coming down. He went out with a few friends he'd made in university to a party. Since his friends had last seen him, Adam had become indistinguishable from who he was before, but they treated him as if he'd always looked this way. The second Adam entered the room, people turned to look at him; women and a few men seemed to naturally flock to him, laughing at every joke from his deep voice, and taking every opportunity to touch the muscles that bulged from his new sharp clothes. He proceeded to court a stunning woman from the party without even trying, with his new natural confidence making him irresistible. When he brought her back to his room, they were tearing each others clothes off in seconds, only stopping so Adam could dart into the bathroom upon realising he'd forgot about what lay under his briefs. When he walked out, he had a raging eight-inch erection, and the two people who were strangers a few hours ago had mind-blowing sex before collapsing onto the bed that barely even took up Adam's size alone. When Adam awoke and saw his new friend on her way, he thought about the events of yesterday. He knew he'd change, and had some outline of what he looked like before, but when he thought back, he remembered going to the gym after school, how he was one of the tallest kids in class, how rumours seemed to circulate every week about a female classmate who had a crush on him. He was almost certain that even if he'd changed, he hadn't changed that much, only giving himself a bit of a boost. Adam soon found plenty of modelling jobs coming in when he put himself out there, even receiving some offers before. He was mainly concerned with his studies, but it was a fun side job. His favourite and speciality was underwear modelling; it brought him such satisfaction to strip down to a pair of tight briefs that hugged his massive package and bubble butt, showing off his perfect body with the knowledge that he'd be seen by thousands of hungry eyes. Also, there was always one or multiple people at every shoot who would be desperate to have him. After university, even when he got a regular job, the modelling continued. He didn't care about being spotted by his colleagues dressed in little more than small piece of fabric. He was such a star on the scene, he got away with a bit more muscle with some scruff around his face and chest than his contemporaries, it drove his fans wild. He relished the attention he got on Instagram, beaming ear to ear when he read the comments thirsting over him. It seemed like Adam's life was on a clear path, but things were about to change when he met Sammy. There was a big advertising campaign around some new line of men's aftershave, and the company was prepared to pay a hefty some to get an attractive beefcake for the TV adverts. Adam committed more time for the gym in preparation for the job, and was the most muscular he'd ever been when he stepped on set in a ridiculously tight shirt that showed off his arms and pecs. Sammy was an actor in an extra roll of the advert, an wanted to catch a glimpse of the famous model he'd seen pictures of. When Adam was finished, his eyes fell on Sammy, who he thought was a cute little twink like he'd imagined. The two casually chatted, thrilled they'd got the attention of the other, and hit it off. They were the couple they'd both dreamed of, almost. As happy as they were together, as much thrill as it brought to call them boyfriend and boyfriend, their fantasies were not quite matched. Sammy was 5'8 with a skinny-fat body, and worshipped his boyfriend's body, but Adam couldn't escape the feeling that he could get more. One night, when Sammy was asleep, Adam was wide awake crafting the perfect partner. Then, he began to plead once more, and to his surprise, he could change Sammy as he did with himself. Firstly, Sammy's head began to change, his features became a bit softer and better proportioned. Then, his body began to shrink as the body fat melted off and he began to lose height down to 5'7, then 5'6, then 5'5, and eventually stopping at 5'4, an entire foot shorter than Adam. Finally, what little body hair he had began to fall away until he was as smooth as an egg below his eyebrows. In his sleep, Sammy tossed and turned from the strange sensation, but when he woke up a few hours later, he was oblivious to the fact something has changed, and so was the rest of the world. Sammy was Adam's perfect boyfriend, the man he dreamt of. This was Sammy's true form. There was one more change for the couple, the most radical one indeed, as Sammy's true desires for Adam became clear. Adam was one of the most attractive men in the world, he would turn heads wherever he went, he commanded such respect, he had photo-shoots and interviews from magazines constantly, but Sammy's desires were a little different. He always thought his boyfriend was attractive, but the men he was truly obsessed with were the true muscle gods, the bodybuilders. He wished his boyfriend would spend more time in the gym in the hopes that he could be held by a true obelisk of muscle, but he could only fantasize when enveloped by the vast body of Adam. However, when he wanted to see what Sammy was looking for in terms of men on the internet, Adam snuck a look on Sammy's phone. He expected to see men like himself, and he did if he went far back enough, but what he saw in the recent searches was giant bodybuilders with muscles that were far bigger than his own. Adam felt gutted, knowing that he wasn't living up to the greatest fantasies of the man he loved. He pushed the hair he was growing out for a new style out of his face, and made a decision. It would mean drastically changing his life, and he would lose the some of the luxuries he'd had as a model, but for Sammy it was worth it. That evening, after Sammy had gone to bed, Adam began pleading for the last time. He was more nervous for this than any of the others, but the changes still happened. First his neck began to change, filling out his chiseled jaw somewhat, then his shoulders began to grow as they'd done years ago. His pecs swelled like balloons to the point where Adam could barely clap his hands together. His biceps and triceps grew to the size of various sport balls, and another pair of abs emerged in his core. His legs burst out, ripping a seam out of his trousers, and the already tight shirt burst open to reveal the body of a superhuman. The arm and leg hair that was so maligned in the modelling world returned with a vengence along with some new chest hair; this was unusual for bodybuilders but Adam was between competitions. Then, for good measure, the snake in his trousers burrowed a few inches further and balls grew to sizeable weights. Suddenly Adam's life changed. He'd practically lived in the gym for years, doing his homework in the gym, making friends in the gym instead of at parties, and making connections with his fellow bodybuilders. All those photoshoots and interviews weren't about modelling, they were for fitness magazines and bodybuilding forums. Of the heads he turned in the street, only some were lusting over his body, but most wanted to see the towering mountain of muscle. His Instagram followers were of a different crowd, fitness enthusiasts, and fetishists like Sammy. Adam liked the new him in the mirror, while the old him may have been a man, he was playing a boy's game. He marvelled every time he flexed, which he barely had to do see an array of muscles pop out. The only sign of his past life that remained was his hair, still grown out in a pretty-boy style. He was desperate to complete this look, so he grabbed the clippers he used on his beard and have himself a number 3 all around. The look was finished, a perfect masculine superhuman. This was it, his true form. When Sammy saw his boyfriend the next morning, his eyes lit up in a way Adam had never quite seen before. "Wow, you cut you're hair. It looks so good with your muscles, that old style was getting a bit femme." Sammy crawled into Adam's body, the two perfectly nestling into each other. "Thanks babe, you make it all worth it." Adam replied, finally satisfied.
  7. MuscleStud

    Muscle Slut Blog #5: Day 2/Night 2

    Link to Muscle Slut Blog #1: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/20660-muscle-slut-blog-1/ Link to Muscle Slut Blog #2: Day 1: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/20671-muscle-slut-blog-2-day-1 Link to Muscle Slut Blog #3: Night #1: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/20677-muscle-slut-blog-3-night-1/ Link to Muscle Slut Blog #4: Day #2: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/20686-muscle-slut-blog-4-day-2/ Muscle Slut Blog #5: Day 2/Night 2 So the good news is we have two new members of the Mimbo slut family. Aaron and his boyfriend, Jordan, took their first dose after dinner. The bad news is these studs are already sex-crazed, and I have no idea how we will survive them. If I do not survive, at least I will die with a smile on my face from being fucked to death. LOL…. Seriously, they are fantastic guys, and glad they are becoming part of this crazy new extended family that Dad and Uncle Bob created. So where were we with the blog, oh yes we ended it after Sean, and I first fuck in the bathroom. I looked over at Sean and could not believe what I saw. It was Sean, but it also was not. His body has mutated into a super heavyweight bodybuilder with about 5% body fat. He was massive, ripped, and crisscrossed with veins. He was exceptionally masculine and beautiful. Every muscle was perfect and could be seen individually. We kissed as lovers would and enjoyed exploring each other’s new bodies. I could feel the heat and power radiating from Sean’s muscles as my hands roamed all over. The best was when Sean trapped my hand by flexing his right bicep and pinning it against his forearm. I returned the favor by flexing my pecs and pinning his hand in the deep valley between my pecs. We both stepped on the scale, and I was at 267 pounds, and Sean was at 262 pounds. For me, that is a change of 87 fucking pounds. I asked Sean if he had any idea what was going on, and he said hell no, but who cares. He said he loved it, was still horny, and was ready to fuck me again. I agreed with him. Sean grabbed my hands and led me out of the bathroom and pushed me down on my bed. In the bathroom, we fucked like animals, but now it was lovemaking. It was passionate, enjoying the experience, working on pleasing each other, and of exploration. We licked, kiss, sucked, felt, and explored every part of each other’s bodies. We 69’d each other and drank each other’s load as we came together. We wasted nothing as we drank every drop of cum and the kissed to share the gift that was given to each of us. We took turns topping and bottoming as we explored our new masculine sexuality and sharing this incredible pleasure. I realized that I loved both giving and receiving and could not understand why someone would not want to top and bottom. I guess I am just a slut and proud of it. Even with being new at gay sex, we did an incredible job of making each other very happy. We did do some laughing during our lovemaking session. One was when I was fucking Sean and guess we got a little carried away because we broke my bed. I said it was because of our combined weight, but Sean said it was the force I exerted while fucking him. No matter what, we did destroy my frame bed, and laughed at how we would explain it to our Dad’s. Sean suggested that we just tell them that they don’t make them like they used to. I just think it was because they did not design it to support close to six hundred pounds of weight during sex. Sean, being a total nerd, said that we should use some of our physics knowledge and figure out the full force I exerted. I laughed and told him later because his ass was not completely fucked yet. As we laughed and cuddled, my Dad, announced his arrival home by knocking on my open bedroom door, standing in the doorway with a little smile and major erection, and saying something like it looks like you guys have had way too much fun. I am guessing that I turned as bright red as Sean, and we both shuddered to try to get works out of our mouths. Dad just laughed and said to get cleaned up and come down for dinner that Bob should be here in about 20 minutes. And like that, he just turned away and walked down the stairs. I should have been embarrassed and shocked by Dad catching me fucking Sean. I felt delighted about it. I was proud of my body, and the performance in fucking Sean that Dad had to have seen. I am hoping that he saw the entire show because wasting a good fuck is a terrible thing, and it is better when we get to show off. Sean and I lay in bed to catch our breath and talked about being caught by my Dad. Sean was like me and did not care and said that we did find our Dad’s fucking last year, so they have no room to complain about it. We laughed, and Sean said that we should at least grab a shower since we were covered head to toe in sex. I would have been fine going down still covered in sweat and cum, but we could be nice this time. We got up and walked into the bathroom. It is nice that when we built the house a couple of years ago, Dad wanted me to have a master suite like him. The house was set up with a master and guest room for each of us; Dad’s bedroom was on the first floor with the living area, and mine was on the second level. We have a large unfinished basement that we used for storage and a massive garage for all of our vehicles. Guess one of the benefits was that He and Bob could fuck themselves silly, and we would never hear them. Going forward, we will see who makes the most noise now. LOL. We walked into the bathroom and saw the new me in the mirror for the first time that I could comprehend what I was becoming. It was still my old face but slightly different. More rugged and masculine plus a solid five o’clock shadow that I never had before. I shaved this morning and can usually go two days before I need to, but it seems that is not the case anymore. Might have to start shaving twice a day now going forward or get into having facial hair. The body I was looking at was nothing short of an incredibly sexy stud with a massive well defined muscular physique. Every muscle was hyper enlarged from what I was just a day ago. The most massive professional bodybuilder would pale in comparison to me. As I moved and flexed, the muscles would become more enlarged and ripped. I looked more like some of the morphed cartoons that you see on the internet. With the size, I should hardly be able to move, and it was graceful and beautiful. I felt like my body was designed to handle this much mass with veins extending from the muscle that highlighted the definition and size. Before, I had very little body hair, but now I had some it just the right places. Not enough to cover or hide the muscles and definition but to enrich the look and help to make it manlier. My cock and balls were beyond impressive, even with it not fully erect. My cock was as thick as an empty toilet paper roll and appeared to be at least ten inches long in its semi-erect state. My cut head had a big mushroom head that would scare anyone that is about to be fucked by it. The balls were handling low and lemon size that seemed able to produce large about of cum. I was speechless because I did not look like I did yesterday, but I loved what I had become. Who knew what the cause was, but I loved it. I loved the mass I was carrying, I loved the power that I felt as I flexed and saw the muscles expand beyond my belief, I loved the gratification when the muscles were rubbed or caressed, I loved the sexiness that I felt, I loved the pleasure that I gave and received during the sex we have been having with this large cock, I loved the feeling of showing off the body to anyone that I came across. Most of all, I needed to find out what caused this because I never want it to go away. I saw Sean was engrossed in his body and was sure he was thinking and experiencing the same thing as I was. We talked for a while about our love for what we had become, the love that we have shared, and our hope that it will never end. I pulled him close and quietly said how much I loved him, thankful that I was experiencing this with him, and never wanted him or this feeling to go away. Without a word, he grabbed my head, and we met for a deep and passionate kiss. I wanted the kiss to go on forever and wanted to make love but knew if we did not stop, we would never get downstairs. I pulled away and said that we should get busy with getting cleaned up and get downstairs before they come looking and catch us fucking again. Sean noted that finding us would not be a bad thing but agreed only if we could shower together. I said that was my plan all along. We were surprised that we both fit and took care of washing each other and exploring the muscular beasts that we had become. We did have to quickly blow each other and drink down a load of cum because, as we washed, we became aroused and did not want to head downstairs with our cocks fully erected. I enjoyed showering and washing Sean and knew this would need to become a regular thing. Besides the enjoyment factor, our new size made it impossible for us to reach most of our bodies. We finished the shower in less than 15 minutes and started to dry ourselves off. That also required some assistance because we could not reach. We began to laugh at the thought that we were going to need help with just basic things like showering, but then it dawned on me about what we were going to do for clothes. That caused more laughter as we talked because I said we could just go as we were, but I am not sure our Dad’s would be ready for that. We did finally fit into some workout shorts I had, but even that had issues. One is that they barely contained us, so it bordered on pornographic, and the second was if we started to get an erection, our cocks would just ripped through. It was the best we could do and head down. Found them both sitting at the kitchen table with a smile on their faces as we walked in. Uncle Bob said something about what great looking studs we have standing there and for us to grab a seat as we need to have a group talk. We talked about an hour and covered a lot of things. They both admitted that they were bisexual and have been lovers since freshman year in college. Our moms were also bisexual, and the four were involved in foursomes and groups sex starting in college and continued until we were around five years old. Uncle Bob said that his wife left when she decided she would rather live as a lesbian and ran off with someone she met online. We told them about watching them at the motel and laughed and said they realized the curtain was not closed the next morning. They asked why we never said anything, and we said because we knew you would when you were ready, and it did not change a thing. Uncle Bob said we need to discuss the changes you boys are going through. He said that they had given us two doses of a compound called Mimbo Drops that is designed to improve and enhance men. Their workout buddy Kyle works for the lab that created it and wanted to share it with his workout buddies, but they needed some research on the effect on teenagers, so that is why they gave it to us first. The plan was to change us, and then they will complete the process too. They apologies for not asking, but they wanted us to experience naturally and see how we liked it because it can be reversed before the last dose. They gave us the first dose last night, and the plan was to talk today and see if we wanted to continue, but after seeing the changes, they dosed us both this morning. I looked at Sean and smiled and spoke first and said that I love what this Mimbo Drop has done to improve me and thanked the guys for it. Sean said the same thing only he wished we knew so that we could have enjoyed it more. Our dads laughed and said from what they saw; they did not understand how we could have enjoyed it more. They asked if we had any hangups with being gay as the drops do change your sexual orientation. I said that we had that part WELL under control, and all of us laughed. Sean asked for the third dose now so we could get it started on completing our change. My Dad said that we would need to wait until after dinner as Kyle was coming over and needed to get some blood samples and stuff for the lab before we dosed, plus you have to wait 12 hours between doses. I asked them when you guys were going to join the club as I flexed my biceps. They said that they needed to finish up a couple of items related to work and get affairs in order but wanted to do it as soon as possible. Sean stood up and said that we need some new house rules, and one of them is that it is clothing optional as we had nothing to wear, and these shorts were killing him. I agreed, and we both stood up and ripped our shorts right of and tossed them aside. I said to Sean that we need to properly thank our Dads for the gift they gave us as I walked toward my Dad. I picked him up and realized how light he felt and realized what strength these muscles. I told him how much I loved him and began kissing him. I held him close to my body so he could feel the muscles and power and showing him the love I had for him. I told him to explore and enjoy the body that he created twice. Once in the conception of me and the second was him evolving me. While we continued to kiss, I reached down and pulled off the shorts he was wearing to free his ass and cock for me. I so wanted to fuck him but was scared I would hurt him with my massive rod, so I decided that he was going to get the blowjob of all blowjobs. I was laying him on the kitchen table like you would a baby. He had a large, for a normal human cock, and I wanted it now. I sucked, and service his cock with a passion and determination to get him to cum as quickly as possible. I fondled his balls and played with his ass while he screamed encouragement until I felt his balls tighten and cock swell. That is the moment I knew I was about to enjoy the cum that made me. He came forcibly and pumped an excellent load into my mouth. I sucked his cock like a straw to get every possible drop. I cherished it as it flowed into me and knew that I would definitely be revisiting this cock. I was so lost in the moment that I did not realize that Sean did the same to his father and was right next to me. Our fathers were lost in their post-orgasmic bliss as Sean, and I kissed to share the cum from our fathers. That was the moment that I realized my life had changed for the better. I had never been happier than I knew what had just happened over the last 24 hours and only imagining what will come. Once our Dads recovered and thanked us, we decided that food was needed as Sean and I were starving. We sat and just chatted while the dads got dinner going like we usually did. The primary topic was about the experiences we had over the last 24 hours and some of the more exotic sexual activities that our dads have done. I think this is a good stopping point for the blog as I am getting horny and need to see who is around that I can fuck with.
  8. MuscleStud

    Muscle Slut Blog #4: Day 2

    Link to Muscle Slut Blog #1: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/20660-muscle-slut-blog-1/ Link to Muscle Slut Blog #2: Day 1: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/20671-muscle-slut-blog-2-day-1 Link to Muscle Slut Blog #3: Night 1: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/20677-muscle-slut-blog-3-night-1/ Muscle Slut Blog #4: Day 2 What a workout and post-workout fucking. We blew past the 600 pounds bench press, and we maxed out at 655 pounds. Sean was able to get three reps, Kyle got to five reps, and I won out at eight reps. It felt incredible to press that much weight and feel of all that blood pulsating in my chest. The pump was so much that the top shelf of my pecs barely allowed me to lower my head before my chin rested on it. I should have measured the valley between the enlarge pecs has I swear it appeared to be four inches deep and my nipples we pointing straight down to the floor. The pump resulted in my nipples becoming hypersensitive to the point that Sean just squeezed one of them, and I immediately blew an orgasmic load in the shower. It was disappointing that we could not have “real” fun in the locker room shower, but too many muddles were around. We just had to hold it together until we got back to the house. It does look like we might be adding to the Mimbo family. Arron, one of Dad’s employees at the gym, has been watching us and asking lots of questions. He is a cute looking college student and was always friendly before we grew. But since then, Aaron seemed preoccupied with our growth and watched every working with details. Sean told him that he could stop by after work that we were just going to hang out around the pool. We did tell Dad that he needs to get moving on the addition to the gym that includes a new locker room for us Mimbo Studs/Sluts. A slut needs a place to take care of business when nature calls. Ok, back to the blog. I came down the stairs and heard them moaning as I walked down. Dad was already in the kitchen as I walked in and handed me a protein shake. He said he knew I was running late and thought he would save me some time. As I gulped it down, Dad said that I looked good, and it seems I hit a “growth spurt” as I seem to be adding some mass. I flexed for him and said I agree and that I had trouble finding something that would fit today. He said that I am welcome to wear any of his clothes until I had time to go shopping. I finished my shake, grabbed my keys, and headed out to my Jeep. Little did I know that dose #2 was in the shake that Dad just handed me. As Dad is a car guy, I received a Jeep Wrangler Soft Top for my 17th birthday. Since it was a warm morning and I felt like showing off, I put the soft top down and took the doors off. For some reason today, I just wanted to let the whole world to see me and my new muscles. I flexed for a couple of people at traffic lights. A few applauded and yelled at me that encouraged and excited me more. I wanted to open my jeans and jack off right there because my cock was becoming hard and uncomfortable from the attention. I was becoming an exhibitionist, and that would have shocked me yesterday, but not today. I pulled up to Sean and Uncle Bobo’s house and started to walk in. I noticed that my dick was creating a good bulge that showed off its size and felt proud of it. Uncle Bob was in the kitchen, drinking some coffee, and said that I looked good today. He had a slight smile/smirk on his face and seemed to be checking me out. I picked up on it and flexed a little for him. I bounced my pecs and flexed my arm as I grabbed a bottle of water from the refrigerator. I even flexed my ass when I was in the fridge. Sean then came into the kitchen, complaining that he had nothing to wear since his Dad did laundry and every shrunk. Uncle Bob said he did not, and maybe it was just a growth spurt since he had been hitting the gym with me. We stood and chatted a little before Uncle Bob got up and started to head out the door. He turned and asked what the plan was at school today. Sean said nothing as exams ended yesterday, and all of the teachers did not want to start anything since spring break was next week. Uncle Bob said that if we wanted that we could just skip school the rest of the week and start our break early. We both were reliable A students, so it would not hurt our GPA. We said we liked the plan and maybe we could hit the mall to get some new clothes to fit. Uncle Bob said it sounded like a plan. He called the school to tell them we were sick and texted my Dad and let him know. Dad responded that it seemed perfect, and we planned to meet at our house for dinner. As Uncle Bob was leaving, I told Sean that I needed to hit the bathroom. I did not need to use the toilet; what I needed was the bathroom so I could jack off before my cock exploded. As soon as I closed the door and dropped my pants, my penis was at full attention, swollen, and the head was a dark purple. My nuts were hanging large and low and tender to the touch. I stroked my cock just a couple of times and tweaked my nipple before it exploded into the shower, as that is where I aimed it to make it easier to clean up. I was able to capture some of the cum to devour before cleaning myself and the shower up. I was worried turning the shower on would alert Sean, but I heard his running, so I figured I was ok. Once back in the kitchen, we decided that we would hit the mall to get some new clothes, hit the gym, and then head to my house and hang out at the pool until the old guys got off work. The trip to the mall was both a hit and a miss. The miss was nearly every place that we usually went for clothing; either someone told us immediately that nothing they had would fit, or we spent time looking and trying on shit and come away empty-handed. One place did send up to the Big and Tall store that did we did get a few things at, but the salesman said that we needed to shop online at one of the sites that specialize in fitness and bodybuilders. Big quads and small waists made finding pants a big failure, and massive shoulders and pecs meant the shirts looked like a tent on us. The hit was we both got our ears pierced. Never thought about it before, but it sounded adventurous, to end our high school years and mess with our fathers. I was kind of slow to agree until Sean said that the worst thing is we let the holes close up. As we walked into the piercing shop, a young guy ran up to us and offered to help us. Sean told him precisely what we wanted, and he helped us out. The poor guy seemed mesmerized at our appearance, and I thought he was going to drool all over us. Sean picked up on it and flexed and teased him to the point that I thought the guy would go crazy. He gave us his employee discount and said he hoped to see us again. He even wrote his name and number on the receipt for Sean. I teased Sean about his new friend, and we both laughed at it. As we left the mall, it was nearly noon and decided that we did not want to hit the gym during the lunch rush. We agreed to head home to grab lunch and catch some sun. As we walked to the Jeep, I said that my shirt was killing me as it was getting a little tight and decided to take it off. Once at the Jeep, I tried to take it off, but it would not move. It was so tight that it was like it was painted on me. I did the next best thing and just ripped it off my body. Like a Chippendale dancer, I slowly pulled and ripped the shirt off. I am sure some of the mothers in the parking lot enjoyed the show. It is hard to describe what I fell. The warmth of the sun shining on my hard muscles, the freedom of not being confined by the overly tight and small shirt, the radiation of sexiness the I projects, and the light breeze caressing my inflamed nipples caused me to nearly blow a load just standing there. It was pure nirvana. All Sean was doing was staring with his wide eyes, and I notice his cock inflating. I asked him what he was going to do, and he quickly ripped his shirt off and did a double bicep pose that was beyond incredible. We did not speak on the way home. Occasionally we would be rubbing our bodies and showing off to people staring at us. I looked over once and saw Sean had his eyes closed and lost in the lust of his body. I was surprised he did not rip out his cock and jack off. Now that would have been hot. Lots of females got excited, but I did not care what the ladies wanted. With guys, I wanted to give them a show that they would remember. They all seemed to enjoy it, especially the one guy in the red convertible that pulled up at a traffic light. He was so engrossed in watching us that he forgot the light changed after we had pulled away. Once we got home and I got out of the Jeep, I felt the pain of the constriction around my legs and heard a tearing sound. The jeans ripped along the seams because they lost in containing the mass of muscle. Sean said he was heading to the bathroom, and I said I would make us a shake since we were starving. I made the shakes and drank mine down in one long gulp. I was still hungry, but it took the immediate hunger pain away. I yelled for Sean but got no answer, so I went to see what was up. I got to my bathroom and heard Sean moaning as he was self-pleasing himself. He remains of his jeans were at his feet and looked like a combination of tearing and pulling to get them off. His eyes were closed, facing the mirror, jacked his cock, and rubbed his pecs and abs. It was the first time I took a serious look at Sean and realized that he was a true muscle god. He was the size of a heavyweight bodybuilder with an erect massive cock that was leaking some serious precum. As I stood and watched, something clicked in the back of my head, and I needed him. I needed his muscles, I needed his cock, I needed his ass, I simply needed him. I walked over and stood behind him and reached around him and began to caress his massive check. I tweaked the hard nipples that caused him to moan as I moved closer to him and began to smell his manly scent and muscular sent coming off his body. I licked his neck as I explored his entire muscular body and even took one hand down towards his cock. I was lost in the moment and wanted it to go on forever. Sean turned his head, and our lips brushed each other. An electric shock hit me, and we both immediately felt the urge to kiss. It was a manly, rough, sexual kiss that went on for minutes. Our tongues attacked each other’s mouths with an aggressive force as we explored each other massive bodies. An autopilot took over and knew what I needed, what I wanted, what I had to do. As we continued kissing, I reached down and ripped what remained of my jeans off of my body. My cock sprang up, fully erected, and leaking pre-cum that was now landing at the top of my washboard abs. I broke away from Sean’s mouth and spun him to face the mirror, so I had clear access to his beautify and muscular ass. I grabbed his ass and pulled his ass cheeks apart as I massaged the rock hard muscles. Without warning and savagely, I shoved my entire cock up Sean’s ass. Seam screamed in pleasure, and I felt a joy I never knew. I paused for maybe a minute but then began to funk his ass with force and determination. I was lost in pleasure and wanted to simply fuck his ass and shoot my seed deep into him. I wanted it to shoot so deeply that it would come out of his nose. All that I remember was us both cumming together with me depositing my load deep inside Sean and Sean, blasting the mirror with the force that some splattered onto both of us. We collapsed onto the floor with my cock still in Sean and basked for a few moments in the glow of the post-orgasmic bliss. Never questioning what or why it happened, just that it was right and incredible and wanting more. Seam moved and pulled off of my semi-hard cock and turned to face me. Grabbing my head with both hands and began kissing me and playing with my nipples. He caressed my muscular body. He explored every vein, every ridge or crevice, and every detail of my body. I remember like it was yesterday when Sean broke the kiss, pushed off of me, and said in a determined way, “Now it is my turn to fuck you senseless.” He immediately moved down and threw my legs over his shoulder, exposing my soon to lose virgin ass. Without warning, he drove his massive cock of steel straight and stopped only when my ass hit his pelvis. Begin unprepared, I expected pain, but I felt incredible pleasure beyond anything possible. I felt full, content, aroused, sexy, horny, and any other possible description. The sensation was mind-blowing as I felt Sean’s mushroom head moving up and down and every vein as it pushed against me man pussy. The only care I had was I never wanted it to end. When I thought it could not get better, Sean began to power fuck me with the strength and energy that no one should be able to survive. I wrapped by massive legs around his tight waist to make sure he did not pull out and reached up to massage his muscular chest. What we were able to say beyond grunts and moans centers on me encouraging Sean and Sean, telling me what a fucking slut I was. It went on for what seemed like forever, but Sean quickly screamed for me to take it like a bitch, and he exploded deep inside me. The sensation of his cock pumping and cum squirting inside me was beyond description and triggered me to cum again and spraying all over us. Before Sean collapsed on me, I collected a handful of cum and shoved it into his mouth. He eagerly sucked and licked every bit of cum off of my finger. Once Sean collapsed onto me, we cuddled and passionately kissed as we recovered from the orgasms and ass fucking we just experienced. I recovered to the point of being able to talk and told Sean how incredible this was and how much I loved him. We talked about the experience and how we wanted more. Never once did we talk about the changes that were occurring. All I knew was that these changes are precisely want I needed and wanted. I knew that my life was far different but did not care; I was beyond happy. I hate to end the blog before getting to where I wanted to, but Dad just called, and we have guests coming for dinner. It seems Aaron talked to Dad after we left the gym and want to talk about becoming a muscle slut like us. He is bringing his boyfriend too so that it might be an entertaining night. I have to help Sean and Kyle get ready for them.
  9. Wizard83

    A Good Deed and its Reward

    This story is me testing how to post something with images and a challenge to see if I can write a story of this adult nature on the fly. So please be kind. Also I don't remember where I got the picture, but I'm 90% sure it wasn't on this website. X^D Kevin was just a few months from his 19th birthday, but unfortunately having a bad combo of weak genes and little to no exercise ended up making him look like a shrimpy 16 year old. Light brown hair that he lets grow to his chin cause he still hasn't figured out his "look", and mud brown eyes complete the set as it were. His high school bully, Mitchell would "joke", while shoving him in the nearest locker, that Kevin would make Wally Cox look like Lou Ferrigno. After Kevin looked up who Wally Cox is, (AN: the original voice actor of Underdog) he got his revenge by spreading a rumor that Mitchell likes to wear pink underwear. The stay at the hospital was still worth it. Most of the cheerleaders visited him, feeling sorry for the nice wimp who's good at tutoring, and to talk about how Mitchell is such a jerk and is being transferred to another school. His parents on the other hand...hoo boy. They made it clear that doing petty acts like that would get him in deeper trouble or worse injuries unless he wises up. So Kevin made a private vow to follow the Golden Rule and to not act all ass-holey like the Mitchells of the world. Having graduated with minimum fuss, Kevin decided to get a job for about a year or two before trying college. And hopefully by then, he'll look like his proper age and be taken more seriously. So far, it's not been going well. He got a job cleaning in a motel, which didn't bother him all things considered, but it was how his boss tried to give him below minimum-wage on account of him being "a minor". It took a bit of work to prove it, calling his doctor was sooo embarrassing, but Kevin convinced the boss that he is legal age and deserves the full pay amount per hour. Eight months later. "Ugh." Kevin winces as he pulls someone's bra from behind the side table. "Why do they always forget these things after they check out?! If it's not bottles, or condoms, it's these..." He blushes as he keeps muttering to himself. "and seriously, why do they always buy these big ones? I saw her as she left, she was totally packing socks in there." He takes the cart and moves to the next room. While this really isn't supposed to be that kind of motel, being across the street from a popular bar ended up having drunks, one-night stands, and drunken one-night stands be the main customer base. Still, there would sometimes be more normal people checking in at times. Not this time, though. Kevin knocked on the door at the end of landing just before one reaches the laundry/store room. "Cleaning service! It's after checkout time so I need to get in." "Just a sec." A woman's voice filtered thru the door. Dayum. That voice sounded like sex personified! Kevin had to readjust his coveralls as he got halfway hard just from hearing that. 'Don't make anything of this.' Kevin mentally reminds himself. 'The voice never fits the face. No way she's gonna loo-duuuuuu...' The door opens to reveal that, yep. The face did fit the voice. And the body exceeded expectations. She had an exotic, dark-tanned look that implies northeast Africa or Middle-eastern. Gorgeous hourglass figure in a turquoise, barely reaching the knees, dress that almost looks painted on. Matching Go-Go style boots. Black hair done up in a braided bun, grey eyes that mesmerized and cupid's bow lips that would make any straight man or gay woman to immediately think dirty thoughts. She smiles, which makes Kevin mentally stagger and get harder than he ever did since puberty kicked in. "Thank you for waiting. I hope I didn't make too much of a mess." She walks off towards the lobby. uuuuuuuuhhhhhhhh... Kevin smacks his cheek to snap out of it. And while taking deep breaths to control the pain from below his waist, Kevin starts his routine of changing the bed sheets and praying that there won't be any questionable stain this time. As he pulls the covers back, a wallet flops out of one of the folds. "Aw, crud." Kevin grabs it and rushes to the lobby as fast as he can, wincing all the way. He catches sight of her halfway out the doors. "MISS!" She turns and he will swear for the rest for his life, that she moved in slow-mo with one of those shimmery Hollywood lens effects framing her. A ringlet tickling her cheek from the movement. He nearly trips, feeling a SLAM of arousal hit his entire body, if such a thing is possible. "yes?" She patiently asks. No doubt she's used to men of all ages making idiots of themselves in her presence. "wallet." He wheezes as he holds it out to her while using the other hand to brace himself against the wall. She takes it and smiles even more radiantly than before. "How good of you. And with such a miserable job, the fact you weren't once tempted to keep my cash and credit cards is even more admirable." "Huh?" She places a hand on his chest. Her golden-painted nails carefully gripping the denim. She murmurs something foreign and then lets go. "You have been rewarded. Go live your new life." And with that enigmatic speech and a blinding smile, she leaves. "...the Hell was that?" Kevin shakes his head and walks back to the room to finish. He's gotta clean all the rooms on that floor before his shift ends. Forty minutes later, Kevin wheels the cart into the laundry/store room and writes his time on the work clipboard, hanging on the wall. "uhh..." He wipes his face with his sleeve. He's been feeling way too warm since that sex goddess touched him. What if he's coming down with something? If he has to take a sick day, the boss will just fire him and hire someone even more desperate. He splashes some cold water on his face. After drying, he opens his locker to get his clothes. "The Hell?!" Instead of his clothes, someone replaced them with a black shirt and jeans several sizes larger. "Who did this crap?! I'l-AAARGH" He doubles over as the heat reaches scorching temperatures in his gut. Despite the pain, he manages to stay on his feet. "wha..." He groans as the heat pulses again. It seems to reach every bit of his body. throb throb throb throb He tries to take deep breaths, but his body won't stop shaking. "someone help me!" He tries to call out, but there's no one within hearing range. throb throb throb throb throb With his eyes clenched tight, Kevin doesn't see that he's growing taller. Two inches. Another two inches. Going up till he's around 6'5. His overalls are tight and the leg cuffs are now brushing against his shins. His wrist cuffs are closer to his elbows then his wrists. Then the pain starts to shift. it's still scorching, but it begins to feel...good. Like watching a really great porn good. And the heat feels like the burn Kevin felt the one time he tried a gym out and overdid it. Soaked in sweat, Kevin pants and finds the strength to straighten up. Then he looks at his arm. "wha?" The denim sleeve grows tighter. His arm is swelling. With muscle. His hand grows till it's disproportionate to his body. Then his forearm, with veins sticking out all over the skin, his upper arm, till his shoulder is nearly dodgeball size. The sleeve creaks from barely keeping it together. Kevin breathes harder as his other arm soon follows in size and strength. He stares at the mirror over the sink. Both arms look like they're thicker than his thighs. It's almost cartoonish how over-sized they are. But on the other hand... "This is hot!" Kevin grins. The growing feels so good and his arms are massive. His sleeves are in danger of either cutting off his circulation or breaking apart. He tries that double bicep pose he's seen on the internet and the sleeves just disintegrate into rags with a loud shhrripp sound! "HOLY CRAP!!" Before he can savor tearing his uniform sleeves to pieces, he feels the heat build in his chest. He looks down. throbs throbs throbs throbs throbs The top button breaks off with a ping and flies off somewhere. Then the second one. "Don't stop." Kevin pants as he sees his chest slowly block his view to his feet. "Bigger. Please, keep going! This is so effin hot!" One button ricochets off the mirror with a loud ptink! His pecs jut out more and more, growing into solid muscles with a deeply defined crevice in between till they could give 70s era Schwarzenegger a run for his trophies. Enough buttons broke off to show his bare chest down to the first set of carved-in abs. "I GOT ABS!" He shouts in delight. He moves his fingers over them. A 6-pack that feels like it's made of marble. And damn, touching them feels soo good! By now, Kevin's shaft was rock hard and throbbing in time to the heat that's transforming his body. He tries to unbutton the remaining buttons but his fingers are too large and he's having trouble seeing his waist in the mirror as it's chest high. "Crud." He just grabs his crotch thru the denim and starts massaging. "uuuuuhhhhhhhhh" Kevin was never one for masturbating, whenever he watched porn, he felt too self-conscious about his 5' shaft. But heck with that, he's gotta keep this sensation going! Though it was tricky, with his thick arms reaching around his massive chest, he manages to find the right rhythm and grows more used to working his new limbs. "uuuhhh." He moans and slurs in a haze. "Thas...it's feelin' bigger..." His shaft does very slowly, compared to the rest of his body, grow larger in length and girth. Thankfully, Kevin's in no hurry, it feels so damn good to feel his member grow with each rub and grip. As he keeps touching himself, his waist contracts just a pinch but all the lingering fat converts into raw muscle to support his gigantic upper half. Then the heat moves downward to his increasing ecstasy. He shouts some really filthy words as his rear grows till he looks like he's practically got bowling balls in his pants and just as hard. His briefs barely stay on, only so many threads keeping the structural integrity intact, and the tightness threatens to damage his groin but he doesn't care. His thighs turn as thick as his old waist size and force him to widen his stance, his calves achieve that perfect large diamond shape. The legs of his coveralls rips to shreds. His feet break thru his tatty sneakers with ease. Kevin stomps on each foot to shake off the remains and to get used to his new posture. He steps back a pace to better examine himself in the mirror while still moving his hand over his groin, and moaning from the pleasure. His coveralls are nothing more than shredded rags barely keeping him from being completely naked. Despite his small head and still too-youthful look, his body looks like a urban Tarzan. Then it happens. As he has been massaging his shaft almost non-stop since the changes began, Kevin feels the pressure build and build and all the heat in his entire body converge to the one organ. He screams as his climax hits him as powerful as a bullet hitting glass. The geyser of his seed destroys his briefs and the remains of his coveralls till he's naked and shooting at the mirror, causing minute cracks. THROB THROB THROB THROB THROB THROB Unaware of anything but raw joy and liquid fire erupting from his tool, Kevin doesn't feel the final changes occurring. His head grows more in proportion to his giant body and his features turning to look more early-20s-ish, his hair turning ink-black and shifting to give a almost buzz-cut style. His eye color turns black as well. Facial hair grows over his upper lip, and chin and jawline. His complexion giving off a attractive Latino vibe. The pounding heat keeps him going several seconds longer than all of his past climaxes combined. And far more amazing. After his 12th or 14th stream, he finally feels like he's running out. Bracing his hands on his knees, Kevin rests his chin on his pecs and focuses only on deep breaths. "...holy...shit!" The only sounds in the room besides his breathing, is the drip, drip of his seed from the mirror and overflowed sink. 'I need to see.' He takes one of the biggest clean towels and works on wiping the mirror until it's clean enough to suit him. He steps back far enough so only his waist and down are visible. "SHIT!" His shaft is 10 inches long and still halfway hard and nearly as round as a pop can. Exhausted beyond measure, Kevin forces himself to not touch and to focus on something else. His new clothes. Kevin examines them better now that he's getting more used to moving in this Super-Atlas body. The underwear are basically silky speedos but they fit perfectly and keep his shaft in place without constricting. He wiggles a little, enjoying the sensation of silk whisper over his shaft. Regular jeans but somehow the denim feels smooth against his skin. He makes himself think of Mitchell to stop getting hard again. Though the thought of running into Mitchell in his new body makes him grin an evil grin. Socks. Shoes. Nothing extraordinary other being of higher quality then his usual clothing budget. As he dresses, Kevin doesn't notice that his torn stained clothes, and the mess on the mirror and sink have disappeared. He puts the black shirt on and admires in the mirror that the deep collar gives him awesome "he-vage". He flexes and poses for a few minutes, watching his shirt get tight in places, feeling his jeans move against his rear cheeks, feeling the silk caresses his member. Sucking in a breath, Kevin splashes cool water against his face. He really doesn't have the strength to climax again. Especially if it's gonna be as insane-explosive as before. It'll be fun to find out when he gets home. He checks the rest of his locker for his personal effects. His watch is now the kind that's expensive heavy-duty, can take a lot of punishment, watch. And the latest iPhone model, but it still has all of his games and music. And finally his wallet. 'Oh crap. I don't look anything like me! How am I gonna explain this to Mom and Dad?!' But he relaxes as he looks over the contents. He's got a driver's license, still the same age though now he looks older, which is awesome, and a pic of his new face and in defiance of DMV tradition, his picture flatters him. "I got a car!" He fist pumps. His key ring shows it's a Ford Ranger. "SWEET!" His photo of him with his parents last Christmas shows him in his new body dwarfing his parents with his arms around their shoulders. "Huh." And according to the remaining stuff in his wallet, he now works at the expensive car restoring place downtown. Knowledge of cars, engines of various brands and models, and expertise to handle older, fancy cars floods his brain and he stumbles for a second. "whoa..." And Kevin smiles and gives a silent thank you to that gorgeous woman wherever she is. Once he's got everything he needs in place, Kevin faces the mirror for one last pose. "You are one hot stud!" Grabbing his phone, he takes a selfie. With his latest paycheck deposited in the bank yesterday, Kevin decides to celebrate by heading to that bar across the street. ... Sipping his beer and studying the ladies from his barside seat, Kevin notices a pretty Asian lady. She notices him and smiles. She motions for him to join her at her table. As he walks over, Kevin vows to do a lot more good deeds per week. Who knows what could happen next time? THE END
  10. Neverstopgrowing

    The Sygil ( a new way to grow)

    Hey guys. Let me know what you think! Its a work in progress but I think this will set up for a good story. Aaron looked down at me while he was riding me. “Ok Tim, do you see our sygils on our chests.” He said with a devilish grin. “yes I do babe.” I grunted back feeling my cock getting thicker by the moment in his ass. “Oh fuck babe keep edging. I want you to picture yourself. 10 ft tall. Taller than every man ever. Muscular. So fucking huge and muscular. Grown men will only come up to your waist. You will be so muscular that you can lift the reigning mr. Olympia like a toy.” I saw a glint in his eye as I felt my self getting closer and closer to exploding inside him. It’s always been mine and my partners dream to become the biggest men to ever exist. Now when I say biggest I don’t mean just like a large man. Good example. You know ron swanson when he says “bring me all the eggs and bacon you have….. wait What you heard me say is “I want a lot of eggs and bacon”. What I said was bring ALL the eggs and bacon you have.” So now with becoming the biggest men to ever exist. I mean it. I want to be 10ft tall over 600lbs just a fucking goliath of a man. I want grown men to only come up to my waist. So Erin and I are combining forces to make this a reality. We are taking a scientific approach and a magic approach. Hence why Aaron just said focus on the sygil. I look to my right and see the moon gazing down upon the pastures. I look down at my now 5’9 230lb body. I look up at my beautiful man. “I’m ready to accept this growth. I’m ready to be your massive growing daddy. I am ready to accept all this power for good and serve you boy.” With this Aaron began leaking as I watched his tone muscular body begin to quiver. I felt my cock thicken again getting ready to shoot him full of my muscle growth cum. “ WE WANT TO BECOME THE BIGGEST TITANS EVER TO EXIST.” And with that we both came. Aaron all over my chest and me inside my boy. The next morning I woke up feeling alittle off. I was super tired. I stretched in bed and rolled over to see Aaron curled up as usual. He was sound asleep so I quickly got up and ran to the kitchen. I took all my supplements and downed a bang energy drink. Grabbed Aarons cold brew and then ran back to bed to give him the snuggles he enjoys every morning. The morning was as usual. We worked out. Took the dogs on a walk and then took our showers and got dressed. “fuck babe, your ass is HUGE!” Aaron said slapping hard. I chuckle to myself because I’m the top but I got the ass of a bottom for days. “I know babe. God damn these pants are tight! Remind me to let them air dry instead of the dryer next time.” I looked in the mirror and saw my buttons straining. Walked over to Aaron kissed and turned to put on my boots. “OH FUCK!” I screamed grabbing my leg. “Babe? Whats wrong?!” Aaron asked getting up to come check on me. “My leg babe it fucking hurts. Like bad.” Aaron’s eyes get all huge and he starts jumping up and down. “ITS HAPPENING!!! BABE YOU’RE GROWING!” I chuckle to myself “Maybe I am ya butthead but It fucking hurts!” he stops and looks at me concerned. “Wait did you take all your supplements?” I looked at him and smiled. “I did and I took the new one as well. I promised you I would become 10ft tall and the biggest bodybuilder to ever exist. It will happen. It is happening and Its happened.” I grunt and get up after putting my boots on. All day I feel my legs aching but other than that a normal work day. I eat all my meals. I get a text from Aaron. “babe….i’m growing too I can feel it. Lets push hard for work out tonight.” I hear a knock at the door and my employee comes in. “damn Tim you’ve been really working out hard havne’t you. You’re looking shredded.” I look at him confused. Shredded? I haven’t been cutting. Donny was a good looking dude and about 6’. I stand up and look at him.…..wtf. how am I above eye level with him.I’m staring directly at his hair line. “you ok tim?” OH god stop actin weird…. Oh fuck it’s the shoes. I laugh to myself again. “oh ya just forgot how tiny you were dude!” He laughs and drops off the paper work, then scuttles out of my office. I feel the throbbing return to my legs. Go and sit down. Grab my phone. I respond to Aaron. “babe has any one done a growth spell like this before?” I see the dot dot dot pop up. “not that I know of. Why?” I stop and think Oh fuck its happening. “Babe we need to measure ourselves to track our growth. Lets do that when we get home. I run to the store and grab some food but feeling hungrier than normal I fill a full shopping cart full of meat, veggies, and milk. I guess if we are growing I may need some protein. I run to GNC and as I run into the store I see the wannabe Jeff Seid at the counter. You know the shredded muscly twunk. I walk up and throw 5 tubs of protein on the counter and I look down at him. Wait….he was taller than me. The damn shoes. I gotta stop comparing. Although he is giving me a funny look. “So dude you competing soon?” He says looking up at me. Fuck….it is really hot that he’s looking up at me. “why do you ask?” I grunt. Ok also this twerp was a dick to me last time I came in so he better be nice to me this time around. His eyes widen staring at my bicep. “Uh dude you’re fukcing jacked as hell.” I hear something begin to tear and feel the sleeve on my arm being to get tighter and tighter. I look at him and see him adjust himself. “dude can you flex them? I haven’t seen any arms that big before you’re like a pro size.” I blush hard core and I raise my bicep up and flex. And dude let me tell you the next part shocked me as much as it shocked the little dude seid dude. We both stare as the sleeve rips down the center and this gargantuan bicep shreds out of it. I throw about 300 on the counter grab my protein and dart home. Holy shit what is happening to me? I gotta get to Aaron to see what are stats are!
  11. MuscleStud

    Muscle Slut Blog #1

    Author note: One of my favorite stories is the Mimbo Drops growth series by absman420. Being that I needed something to do with being stuck at home, I have been thinking of writing a a story to share and what follows it what came to mind in the shower. Thought a Blog format might be a fun approach. Comments and suggestions are welcomed. I hope you enjoy it, and future installments will have plenty of muscle growth, sex, and other fun stuff. Muscle Slut Blog #1 Yes, I am a proud Muscle Slut and love my new life. Who would not want to be an 18-year-old 320 pound ripped muscle stud with an 18-inch cock and love to fuck or be fuck. It has only been two weeks since I "evolved," and I have no regrets of what my father started when he secretly gave me the first dose of Mimbo, the Muscle Whore Formula, and the life altering change. I thought about starting this blog earlier, but I just now started to be able to concentrate on something besides fucking and muscle. I should start at the beginning. My name is Kevin, and I had just turned 18 years old a month before Dad started to dose me. I was your standard high school senior, but nothing special. I was fit but not a real gym rat at 5'9" tall and 180 pounds. My Dad, Tom, was more of a gym rat and owned a gym that is more focused on those serious about working out. I lifted most days and had a more fit body but had no desire to grow massive or be a muscle showoff, life some of the guys at my Dad's gym. I was a solid student as a senior in high school but was still debating what to do with my life. My Dad and I had a good life together. After Mom died in a car accident about eight years ago, he took the insurance and lawsuit settlement money and started several businesses so that he could focus on me. The companies include the kickass gym and an extensive portfolio of rental properties that allowed us to live a great life. Our house is just outside on a couple of acres that provided privacy and parking for Dad's love of cars. Besides me and being a gym rat, he loved cars and motorcycles, so we have plenty of room. When I say Dad is a gym rat, it is not like he has a large bodybuilder type body, he just wanted to look good and liked to pump iron. He is in his early 40's, and his looks had many people think we were more brothers than father and son. We actually behaved more like brothers than father and son. He trusted me to do the right thing, and I understood what was right and what I needed to do. He was slightly taller than me, around 5'11, and kept his weight around 210 pounds that had some excellent muscular definition. It as just enough to look good on the beach or in no-gym clothes. Before I get too far into this, I should tell you about Uncle Bob and his son, my best friend, Sean. Uncle Bob is not my real Uncle but my Dad's best from high school. They went to college together, met their wives, and move back to start their careers and raise a family. His son, Sean, is only a month younger than I am, and we have been closer than brothers. His wife left shortly after Mom died, and it has been the four of us ever since. The four of us did almost everything together. It was to the point that Sean and I made the suggestion a couple of years ago that we should all move into one house and sell the other since we were always together. Bob is a lawyer, business and real estate law, and helps Dad with his businesses, and they are even partners in some of the real estate projects. Sean is slightly smaller than I am as 5'8" and weighs in at 165 pounds. Like Dad and Uncle Bob, Sean and I were workout buddies. Before going further, I need to say that my Dad and Uncle Bob are lovers. I would never have guessed until a night last year as we were coming home from a beach vacation. Between road construction and heavy rain, traffic was no moving, and we decided to stop for the night and finish the drive home in the morning. The only place we found with rooms available was an older style motel that had the rooms open to an outside walkway. As usual, Sean and I took one room, and Dad and Bob, another. After settling in, Sean made a soda run to the vending machines, and on his return, he caught our fathers fucking each other's brains out. He grabbed me and said I had to see something. The rooms had windows by the door, and they forgot to close the curtains fully, and the gap allowed us to see my Dad fucking Uncle Bob. We watched them for a long time until Dad blew his load in Uncle Bob, and they collapsed onto each other. We talked and were happy that they had each other and decided to not say anything. When they wanted us to know, they would say something, but it was not the last time we noticed them screwing around. While they were discreet, they seemed to fuck like rabbits whenever they thought we were away. The best was school dismissed early due to a power failure and heard them fucking as we opened the front door. We just quietly turned around and headed to the gym, laughing at how they were acting and how they would handle it if we had brought some girls home. Well, I thought I could get more done on this first blog, but Sean is calling that he needs my 18 inches of cock up his ass. The horny bastard is screaming that he is horny as hell, and the only relief is a good ass pounding from a Mimbo cock. Who I am to deprive him of the pounding he wants.
  12. Bueno, ¿cómo comenzar? En primer lugar, me gustaría que sepan que este es mi primer relato. Siempre tuve ganas de comenzar con uno, pero nunca me animé a hacerlo. No me considero un escritor, pero me parece que este ámbito se presta más a que dejemos volar nuestra imaginación sin importar mucho la escritura. Así que acá va el primer capítulo de esta historia. En este primer relato dejo mi mente fluir para ver cómo puedo llegar a darle forma después. Obviamente que recomendaciones y sugerencias son bien recibidas. Espero lo disfruten. ----------------------------------- El short de rugby - Capítulo 1 - Me llamo Luciano - Lucho para mi familia y amigos -, tengo 20 años y vivo en la ciudad de Santa Fe, Argentina. Siempre fui un chico activo físicamente aunque no tenga la complexión de un deportista profesional o de un pibe que va de forma rutinaria al gimnasio. Para mis 1.70 m de altura y 66 kg, no puedo quejarme de mi imagen corporal. Soy delgado, pero tonificado y marcado. Además, soy un pibe que el resto de la gente considera lindo: tengo ojos color miel, pelo corto lacio color castaño, cara de nene tierno con una hermosa sonrisa que derrite a cualquiera. Y una barba que empezó a crecer hace poco, y que dejada unos días me da un aspecto de pibe sexy que me gusta mucho. Hace poco me mudé a un departamento para estudiar en la universidad, dejando por fin la casa de mi familia, y esta nueva libertad viene acompañada también de querer emprender nuevas actividades. Y para mí el deporte es importante, así que estuve haciendo averiguaciones para arrancar rugby. Para quienes no lo saben, Santa Fe es una ciudad con bastante trasfondo de rugby, donde este deporte junto con su cultura está muy implantados en la sociedad, sobre todo en las esferas más altas de la sociedad. ¿Por qué rugby y por qué no otro deporte? Porque siempre me fascinaron los jugadores de rugby. No me considero gay - estoy de novio con una chica llamada Pilar desde hace unos años. Ella tiene mi misma edad y es jugadora de voley y también hace patinaje artístico, por lo que tiene un físico envidiable -, pero me encantaría tener la potencia física y sexual que estimo tienen estos jugadores. Ver esa potencia en los sprint y en los scrums, siempre me dio ganas de algún día desarrollar mi cuerpo a ese nivel y ser una especie de máquina sexual. Después de haber averiguado en los diferentes clubs, me decidí por uno y arranqué. La verdad que los primeros tres meses fueron muy intensos. Fue adaptarse a un nuevo ritmo aeróbico, a mucho esfuerzo físico comparado con la natación y a una nueva rutina diaria que equilibre los nuevos horarios de entrenamiento y gimnasio con la facu, el estudio y la vida personal. A pesar de todo, los cambios estaban a la vista después de ese tiempo. Estaba muy tonificado en todas partes: el pecho lo tenía más turgente, empezaba a tener unas lindas, aunque pequeñas tetas que respondían a la contracción cuando quería moverlas. Los brazos los tenías más inflados, como si hubiera estado entrenando todos los días en el gimnasio, pero no era así. Los tríceps se me marcaban cada vez que extendía el brazo, y ponerme una chomba ajustada robaba muchas miradas en la calle. Todo esto era el principio de los cambios, era empezar a tener un cuerpo que había soñado. Físicamente hubo cambios. Sexualmente, también. Mi rendimiento sexual había aumentado mucho, sentía que podía tener sexo con Pilar tres o cuatro veces en una noche y no cansarme en absoluto. Pilar estaba sorprendida y amaba los cambios de mi cuerpo. Una de las cosas que la volvían loca cuando estábamos en la cama era cuando la daba vuelta, la ponía boca abajo y le metía la poronga por el culo, lamiéndole la oreja y llamándola mi puta. Ahí ella podía sentir mi nuevo peso – había ganado unos 3 kg gracias al entrenamiento y a la nueva alimentación - y mi nueva potencia encima de ella. Arqueaba la espalda pidiéndome que le dé más fuerte, que la haga su puta y que la domine. Me volvía loco ver la raya de su culo torneado siendo aplastado por mi pelvis cada vez que la penetraba. Me sentía, literalmente, una bestia. Puedo decir que empecé a estar como quería. Me había acostumbrado ya a la rutina: facultad, estudiar y, más tarde, el gimnasio o entrenamiento en el club, dependiendo del día. En esa vorágine de actividades, un día llegué al club y me di cuenta cuando me estaba cambiando para salir a la cancha de que me había olvidado el short. Les pregunté a mis amigos si tenían alguno y me dijeron que me fije en una caja donde se guardaba ropa que otra gente se había olvidado y que nunca más habían buscado. En la caja busqué entre diferentes prendas de rugby y encontré un short de rugby, blanco, de la misma marca que yo tenía y que era talle L, dos talles más que el mío, S. Aunque sea más grande lo necesitaba, no podía salir en bóxer a la cancha. Al ponérmelo, sentí que tenía un fuerte olor a sudor, ese mismo olor que el cuerpo emana cuando terminas de correr o un entrenamiento en el gimnasio. Pero también tenía olor a bolas, o a sexo, no sabría muy bien cómo describirlo. Olor a macho, creo que termina siendo una buena definición. Esa noche en la cancha lo di todo. No sé qué me pasaba. Pero estuve muy concentrado durante todo el entrenamiento y sentí que no me cansaba tanto como antes. Sentí que los músculos no se me fatigaban tanto, las piernas me respondían rápido y los reflejos los tenía más agudizados. La verdad me sentía muy bien. Después de estirar y terminar el entrenamiento, nos fuimos con mis amigos a los baños del club, para sacarnos toda la tierra y el sudor que teníamos encima. - Hoy estuviste a full, Lucho - Me dijo Joaco, uno de los del equipo. - Sí, terrible. No sé qué me pasaba – respondí. - Te estás acostumbrando un poco a este tipo de entrenamiento. Yo te veo un toque más marcado, chabón. Como que te inflaste un poco últimamente. - Viste, me encanta. Me siento más fuerte, como con más vitalidad. Y tengo una calentura que no sé cómo sacármela. A mi novia le encanta. - Bienvenido al mundo de ser un rugbier. Si seguís así la vas a dejar pidiendo agua más de una vez. A las minas les encantamos. Una ducha bien caliente me dejó como nuevo. Era pleno Julio, mucho frío. Tenía ganas de irme a mi departamento a comer algo caliente y a dormir, ya que al otro día tenía facu bien temprano. Sin darme cuenta, guardé el short de rugby blanco que había tomado prestado junto con la otra ropa de deporte en mi bolso. Saqué para vestirme un pantalón de jogging y una chomba color roja que había traído, y encima me puse una campera de algodón azul marino, que contrastaba bien con el rojo. Caminando solo por el boulevard de la ciudad, volviendo al depto, sentí que la chomba me apretaba más a la altura de los hombros. No sé si era por el entrenamiento que había tenido o qué, pero la sentía muy incómoda, más que otras veces. De todas formas, la verdad, estaba empezando a amar esa sensación de empezar a sentirme más inflado como había dicho Joaco. Estaba empezando a tener el cuerpo y la potencia de un rugbier.
  13. LionBUff

    Stuck Inside

    Stuck Inside By: LionBUff Jake woke up to splitting pains running through his waist. He was a male fox that weighed nearly four times as much as the average fox. His hips felt like they had been crushed by a train and his testicles felt like they had been milked until they were raisins between his legs. He couldn't even feel his cock at all. He opened his eyes and looked down. Jake had been working out his whole life, he never skipped a day at the gym, he never went easy on himself, and it showed. He slowly and gently ran his paw down his peaking line of stomach muscles and softly grabbed his testicles and rubbed them in circles while pulling them towards him. Jake treated his sore orbs as if they would fall from the next gust of wind blowing against them. He couldn’t help but notice a strong feminine scent as he rubbed his painful genitals. He looked around the room as his tired and watery eyes adjusted to the morning light. He noticed a female fox on his bed. He must have met her at the gym because she was just as fit as him. Finding someone as well fit as her would have been near impossible at any old bar. Her body was more than defined in all the right places. He noticed a pool of white dripping from the center of her legs. Her feminine cave looked like a mouth vomiting a cow's worth of milk. Jake wondered if she, for some reason, spilled milk just above her vagina and let it drip down her lower lips and onto the bed. Or maybe the slimy white goo was lotion she rubbed between her legs to soothe an unbearable level of stretching her genitals had never taken before. He figured that this was closer to the truth than he probably realized. As he inspected her round figure for clues he noticed her arms stuck behind her head. Jake didn't think anything of this mildly uncomfortable-looking sleeping position till he noticed a shine from behind her head that looked like she was wearing a silver bracelet. He soon discovered that the bracelet was actually a pair of handcuffs linked to the bed frame. His eyes adjusted and a black mass on her left (from his view) breast. He wiped the watery haze off of his eyes to get a better look. The black mass was a tattoo that read "SARAH" with her nipple in the center of the "R." The SARAH tattoo covered the top half of her left the longways. The tattoo looked like it could be fake as multiple fingerprints were smearing the bottom of the word. He assumed that this was her name because no hearts or romantic decorations were hinting at any lover connections. The font resembled old English which reminded him of Shakespeare but there were no hearts or anything else. He felt bad for Sarah and got up to look for the key. He wasn't quiet about it at all hoping she would wake up to find this massive male doing his best to free her. He knew how scared he would be in her shoes. He first checked their clothing. He checked his obviously too small for him gym shorts and found nothing. He checked inside a pair of cheap knock off high heals bedazzled in pink and dark red velvet cheap jewels to find nothing. The noise of him throwing the few clothes they had on the floor woke her up. Sarah opened her eyes to see Jake searching through her clothes. She was too tired to say anything. She couldn't let out anything more than a soft startled moan. Jake heard the quiet moan and immediately felt bad for her. If the white puddle soaking her vagina was the lotion he thought it was, and if her memory was half as hazy as his, she must be terrified. "I'm just trying to find the key to set you free I swear!" Jake wanted to be as calming and peaceful as possible. "Eh... thanks." Sarah started feeling the handcuffs as she found herself unable to move everything above her belly button. "You don't remember where it is... do you?" Jake asked Sarah staring at the white mess between her legs. She tried to think about last night and any little detail she could remember. This thinking helped her wake up. The more awake she felt, the more she noticed a stabbing sensation in her uterus. Deep against the right (from Jake's view) side of her womb was an uncomfortable series of small points poking her inner body. It wasn't the most painful thing her womb had felt by a long shot, she had taken many objects and many men many times bigger than those objects. However, she knew that the series of slightly sharp stabbing pains was the same size and texture of a key. She shook her waist around to loosen the object. The smooth sides of the small object bouncing around further confirmed her fears. It had to be a key. "In here," she said just loud enough to catch Jake's attention. He turned around to see Sarah displaying herself. The white droplets flew off as she flexed and danced her feminine cave as if to clean it off for him. "WHAT?" He had an idea of what she was saying but he assumed that she just wanted a quick wave of pleasure before he finished looking. He was worried she just wanted him to stick himself in and calm her nerves for a little. "It's in here, I can feel the key rubbing against my guts." Sarah was secretly worried that the key hiding that deep inside of her would be an issue. She thought it would be impossible to get it out. Those fears washed away as her internal bodily fluids lubricated the path to the key in response this his own genitals preparing to retrieve the key... stretching to a throbbing length that would be more than enough. If anything, he would push it in further. Even if he did push it further, Sarah thought, Jake would open her up so wide the key was guaranteed to fall out. He may even gap her entrance open so much that her ovaries would drop out too. "It's up inside... inside... you?" Jake rubbed his sore balls with his hands signaling for them to recover as quickly as possible. His cock went from mostly soft to a partially firm noodle... one that was clearly wet but had some strength to it. His body wasn't sure how hard jake should be but it was preparing itself. "See for yourself... if you think you can get up there that deep?" Jake felt his knees and head lighten and his cock gained what felt like half a pound of blood. His veins around his cock flexed out. Jake grew a third arm that was ready to fetch that key and free Sarah. Jake knew standing around and watching Sarah was a waste of time. He just hoped whatever lotion was puddling under the vagina bouncing in front of him wouldn't stain his sheets. He crawled onto the bed and aligned his muscular well-fit figure with her equally well fit body. Sarah opened her legs until her thighs nearly made a perfect line. She pushed her feet into the bed and raised her opening up to him. She was ready to get off the bed but was also ready to see just how wide she could open up. she wanted to feel the morning air soothing her body wherever it was stabbing her. She felt like she could absorb a cruise ship. She felt like she was taking a cruise ship. She felt herself opening her legs beyond a split. Her breathing was interrupted by a pulsing mass pushing her lungs into her chest. Her chest was big enough to hold her lungs, and she felt like it would as jake slid it. Sarah thought a horse was punching her vagina... in fact... she wished she was taking a horse. Jake was worried that he would only push the key deeper while he slid further and further with multiple inches to go until his knot touched her at all. He was worried until his knot made its presence known with a tremendous slap followed by Sarah vocalizing her hormones taking over. Jake couldn't feel anything except Sarah's vaginal cave gripping the life out of his dick. "Am I close," He asked swinging his body side to side causing his cock to sweep her womb like a broom. His cock was throbbing like a deadly earthquake against the upper walls of her womb creating tidal waves in her stomach. She could hardly enunciate through her body trying to survive this enormous penetration. She tried to tell him that she could feel the key sitting under his cock. "Under... lower... try again!" Jake pulled himself out hoping that Sarah would be able to tell him what to do then. A long, deep, slimy flushing sound resonating from her vagina made startled both of them. The echoing of her internal fluids sliding against his beast of a male tree truck aroused both of them even more. "Are you ok?" Jake was afraid that he was too much for even a girl like Sarah. "When you go back in, go in lower, the key is sitting on the bottom of my womb." Jake slid the first five inches in, then angeled himself so that the edge of his dick faced down at a thirty-degree angle. He held this angeled position as he moved in. The new angel made Sarah open wider and wider. She thought she would stick her own arm up her vagina and would barely notice anything. The rims of the hole that spat out Jake's slimy seed searched Sarah's internal body like a blind person looking for their glasses. It looked for anything to grab onto. The skin around Sarah's belly button rolled around. Jake's meat pushed against her skin so much that even his veins could be seen around her lower torso. "GOT IT!" The tip of the key slipped into the tip of his cock and poked the inside of his tube. Jake tried to pull the key out, but all of the bodily fluids flowing inside Sarah's guts made it impossible for the key to stay inside his cock. He calmly thrusted forwards to grab it again but each attempt was as useless as the last. "You've... almost... got... it." Sarah was overwhelmed with horny compulsions but she felt like she was almost free. Jake wasn't ready to give up. He was determined to free this incredibly impressive woman no matter how many thrust it took. After a series of gentle thrusts, Jake new the calm rout wasn't going to work. He would have to use the abs and glutes built like a bull to scoop the key out. "Hold on," Jake panted. "No... I was planning on running away," Sarah said with a subtle sarcastic laugh. This laugh quickly turned into screams filled with pain and passion as Jake turned into a plowing machine hurling his dick against her guts full steam ahead. He gave each powerful plunge into her body all the explosive power his massive body could spark up. Jake showed no signs of slowing down as his waist flashed up and down like an orange blur. The slurping of his still-growing freight train filled the room with what sounded like a muffled war. Sarah felt something deep inside her hole clamp down on Jake… as if she were a fish biting a squirming worm. Sarah felt something deep inside her hole clamp down on Jake… as if she were a fish biting a squirming worm. Each time Jake entered her waist she clamped down a little tighter. Jake had been proving himself to be a big buff dominant male fox with deep growls that made Sarah quiver. His groans resonated from the biggest parts of his chest. These groans faded into moans that were nearly as high pitched as Sarah's as her vagina grabbed his cock tighter and tighter.. Jake was enjoying Sarah's internal grip more that Sarah was enjoying her ovaries being treated like a punching bag. Jake didn't know how to react to her body grabbing him like this but he wasn't complaining. Soon Jake was using more force than usual to move himself around Sarah's slimy cave. The tight grip eventually caused Jake to cum inside her in half the time it usually took him. After he squirted all he could he kept his meat inside Sarah and leaned in to cuddle her while he caught his breath. The two hugged, soaking up the others' incredible body shape. Jake sank into her chest like a heated mattress and Sarah let Jake sink onto her like an overweight blanket. "Did you find it?" Sarah asked squeezing Jake into her body so tight she could feel the peek oh his abs inches above her spine. Jake wiggled around without saying a word hoping to find the key with his cock which was still berried deep in her body. Sarah knew what Jake was doing and wondered if Jake really thought she wouldn't notice his heavy stump of veiny flesh roll around inside her. She didn't have time to say anything because her hormones took over her voicebox exhaling and groaning just as loud as before. "You sure it's up here and not somewhere else in you... maybe in a different entrance?" Jake nearly pulled out but the suction of her womb trapped him against her. "Kee... kee... keep looking! You're close." Jake was worried that he wouldn't be able to dig inside her again, at least not deep enough to help find the key, but Sarah's lustful screams and constant bouncing of her overgrown breast stiffened him right back up. It didn't take long for Jake to feel like he had a new batch of sperm ready to breed Sarah like a thirsty condom. Jake focused on cramming himself as deep as possible this time. He used each thrust to dig deeper, every thrust back out of Sarah was just Jake attempting to gain more speed in his next smack into her body. One shove created so much force that Jake suddenly found his testicles completely wrapped in Sarah's slick and piping hot hole. Jake felt the sudden grip on his orbs and expected it to be painful. Jake had already wedged her open so wide that she felt like she would never spread herself open wide enough for him, but her lower lips still seemed to try to suck his male milk more aggressively than a starving calf on its mother's utter. For some reason, the grip of Sarah's inner leg muscles on his testicles didn't hurt at all. In fact, the walls of her slippery warm cave was a massage soothing every vein from his pubic hair and upwards. Like her thighs were licking him and telling him to dump his next round of seed when he was ready. Jake figured that if he was going to have his entire mating mass inside Sarah, he might as well test her limits and just keep cramming himself up her stomach. Sarah closed her eyes and focused on keeping her raging hormones under control. Her feminine scent almost blinded Jake thanks to all of Sarah's desires filling her blood. He had reached past her ovaries now. Her womb thought she was somehow pregnant which made Sarah even more aroused as she imagined carrying a pack of his cubs in her womb. Sarah couldn't stop herself from moaning. Even her inhales emitted a rumble that sounded like desire itself. She couldn't annunciate any words but Jake knew exactly what she wanted. Once Jake was so deep that his balls were halfway up her vaginal tube he too lost control. Sarah had thought about nothing but breeding since Jake started his second round. Now, Jake's hormones were drowning out his thoughts. He felt veins flex out all over his cock. He felt his girth grow two inches. His head crawled out another three inches. Jake was so far inside Sarah that he was rubbing into the underside of her right breast. The right side of her chest flopped around just as fast as Jake was pumping his body into hers. Jake gave Sarah one final thrust harder than any other thrust all night. His seamen dispersed itself around her chest. His sperm cells swam up to her left breast and settle into her right. Jake didn't notice Sarah's chest swelling with his cum, he was to busy squinting his eyes and forcing Sarah's legs as far apart as he could. Jake stood there halfway up Sarah's body emptying all the male hormones and male milk Sarah's cries for seed had brewed in him. Sarah couldn't move anything but her eyes. She could only watch her chest rise and widen. Jake opened his eyes and wondered why the feminine lumps under him looked more like two squishy boulders than an actual female figure. Jake reached down and grabbed the left mound of her chest and squeezed, curious as to how they grew so fast. "Get the key?" Sarah asked catching her breath. "It may have fallen out while we were going at it." Jake suggested rubbing her inflated chest. He tried to pull out of Sarah and look around the bed hoping the key wasn't buried in too much of their mess. Sarah's muscles surrounding her tube flexed and squeezed Jake's dick before he could leave her insides. He couldn't even pull his balls out before they were gripped against her guts. Jake slid back where he was and tried again. Her muscles gripped his rod harder. Jake tried again and again to pull out but Sara’s mouth between her legs craved his sweet fertile nectar. “I don’t think it did, I can still feel it.” Jake was only a little disappointed by this news because he thought that either of the previous rounds would have knocked the key loose. Either that or her orgasm would have knocked it loose. “What should we do?” Jake didn’t think going for another round would do much but if she wanted another filling of his seamen he was happy to help.
  14. Quería presentarles mi primera historia. Tengo otras empezadas.. que son hojas y hojas de word, pero nunca las termino, y queria experimentar con un formato corto de capitulo unico. Es simple, pero espero les guste y dejen sus comentarios para intentar hacerlo mejor una proxima ----------------------------------------- Con un leve pánico me apuré en la cocina. Me froté el antebrazo por la frente para secar mi sudor y quitarme algunas manchas de harina… aunque la prioridad de momento era darme prisa. Genial! Los ocho medallones de carne en el horno parecian estar listo y desde la sala,con su voz gruesa, podia escuchar sus impacientes quejas. “Vamos, RAPIDO! tengo hambre!” Retiré la carne de la bandeja del horno y un poco mas aliviado, fui armando la última tanda de hamburguesas para ponerlas junto a las otras. Para agilizar, ya tenia la lechuga, el tomate y los panes rebanados. Todo listo: 24 hamburguesas, las 10 patas de pollo al horno y una generosa fuente de Lasagna. Subí todo al carrito y empujé hasta la sala. Allí aguardaba él. Roger, el hombre mas grande inimaginable parado frente a mi, con su imponente estatura y tan ancho como el portal de la puerta. Me sentia insignificantemente pequeño a su lado -y lo era-. Aunque un fisicoculturista profesional también sentiria lo mismo. Vi en su rostro una señal complaciente y enseguida tomó las patas de pollo, que entre sus dedos gruesos parecian de juguete y con una simple supción, como si fuera una paleta de niños, extrajo la carne del hueso. Una, dos, tres.. podia llevarse varias a su boca al mismo tiempo. Cuando se habian acabado, extendí la fuente con hamburguesas por sobre encima de mi cabeza. Él levantó la bandeja, la inclinó sobre su boca y dejó simplemente que las hamburguesas cayeran dentro. Lo mismo hizo con la segunda fuente, y mientras tragaba y tragaba, y veía que las hamburguesas iban desapareciendo rapidamente, yo sólo rogaba que la comida fuera suficiente. Crucé los dedos para toda la ración alcance al calmar al apetito del gruñón. “BURRRPPPP...Pero... ¿esto es todo?!” se quejó decepcionado al ver que el carrito ya estaba vacio. La fuente de Lasagna extra que habia adicionado no fue alcanzó a saciarlo. El cuerpo me temblaba un poco.. y es que estaba agotado. Estaba tan exhausto de pasar la mayor parte de mis dias cocinando sin parar, que creo haber perdido algo de peso. Podia notarlo en la holgura de mis pantalones. Pero es que, el apetito de Roger se habia vuelto tan demandante que apenas tenía tiempo libre para descansar. De pronto mis pies dejaron de tener contacto con el suelo. Miré hacia abajo y estaba flotando a un metro del suelo. Roger me habia jalado de la camiseta, y con nuestros ojos frente a frente me reclamó “MAS, QUIERO MAS! ALIMÉNTAME MARCO, QUIERO MAS. MAS COMIDA”. El corazón casi se me para de un susto ante esa exigencia en tono amenazante. Y aqui estaba yo. Otra vez en la cocina amasando, y recordando aquellos dias. Admito que tengo la culpa.. aunque ya de nada sirve. Era demasiado tarde ¿como no pude preverlo antes? A menos de un año del primer encuentro, los recuerdos eran tan frescos como si hubiese sido ayer. * * * Miré el reloj, y allí sobre una mesa del rincón del café aguardaba sentado un apuesto morocho. El hombre se puso de pie y extendió su mano para saludarme cordialmente. “Soy Roger” me dijo a los ojos. Teniamos la misma altura, aunque él rellenaba mejor su camisa. Se notaba que era un sujeto que gustaba del entrenamiento. Podria haberle hecho algunos comentarios sobre eso, pero preferí ir directamente al grano. Saqué de mi maletín un frasco con 15 comprimos proteicos y le indiqué que ayunas, tomara uno cada Lunes. Este suplemento, que prometía mejorar la masa muscular y el rendimiento de un atleta, lo habia creado yo. No fue nada fácil. Pasé noches y noches desvelado investigando e intentando decifrar algunas misterios del ADN, las celulas y algunos asuntos metabolicos relacionados, hasta finalmente lograrlo. Las pruebas en laboratorio fueron exitosas, y era momento de avanzar un paso mas. Ya estaba decidido en probarla en un humano, pese a que esos imbéciles del consejo interamericano de ciencia me denegaran el permiso. Pero no me importaba, no iba a parar. No iba a dejar que un grupo élite me negaran la posibilidad de ser reconocido como el autor de la pildora proteica que revolucionaría la industria del deporte, y que me llevaría a lo mas alto de la fama y el prestigio cientifico. Asi fue como todos los Domingos, Roger comenzó a visitarme para un chequeo semanal, y la experiencia estaba resultando positiva. No dejaba de expresarme lo enérgico que se sentía, y en como cada semana superaba sus cargas. “¿Porque no te quitas la camisa para que pueda verte mejor?” le sugerí el último dia del tratamiento. Roger se quitó la camisa y comenzó a flexionar sus músculos frente a mi. El estaba maravillado con los resultados obtenidos en esos tres meses y con la atencion extra que recibia en el gimnasio, y las miradas al transitar por la vía pública. Yo no podia menos que acompañar mi elogio con unas caricias sobre sus brazos. Yo tambien estaba maravillado al comprobar la efectividad del exitoso tratamiento. Se sentian duros incluso en reposo. Saqué una cinta métrica del cajón y lo envolvi sobre el abultado biceps de Roger. “Excelente!.. 41 centimetros!”. Eso eran 4 centimetros en comparación al registro inicial. Intenté controlar mis emociones.. pero era único y placentero ese sabor del exito de haber creado al adonis que tenia enfrente mio. Y mas al comparar el número que arrojaba la báscula. El peso corporal de Roger se habia disparado de 80 kilos a 97!. Y esos numeros no mentían. No hacia falta ver un numero en una báscula para darse cuenta que todos los músculos del atleta se habian engrosado como si hubiese entrenado por años. Bastaba verle como ese jean se pegaba a esos voluminosos cuadriceps y sinuosos gemelos, y en como la camisa también le calzaba notoriamente mas ajustada, al punto en el que ya no era le era posible abrocharse el botón superior ante la presión de sus carnosos pectorales. Me contaba además que con su nuevo tamaño y fuerza habia desplazado al muchacho mas grande y fuerte del gimnasio en el cual entrenaba. Que orgullo sentía haber creado a tal semental. Contemplé su musculatura y de impulsivo le lancé una pregunta. La maldita pregunta. “¿Acaso no te gustaria verte un poco mas grande y fuerte?”. En caso de aceptar la propuesta, le pedí que solo debia cumplir una unica condición: pasar las próximas semanas en casa. Necesitaba tenerlo cerca para estudio médico. No estaba tan seguro del efecto biologico que podria traer una extensión del tratamiento, pero mi sed de cientifico deseaba ir por mas. Cuando mayor fuese el éxito, mayor sería mi prestigio. Ya podía imaginarme en la tapa de los principales magazine de ciencia del mundo. Roger se mudó a casa, y para su sorpresa yo le habia montado un gimnasio hogareño en el garage para que pudiera entrenar a diario. Tenía barras, discos, mancuernas y bancas reclinables.Estaba encantando de tenerlo como huesped, y con la excusa de alcanzarle un bocadillo, yo me apoyaba en la puerta del garage, y me quedaba viendo como sus músculosos se tensaban en cada movimiento. Era como arte en movimiento, y el brillo del sudor recorriendo los surcos de sus brazos, sus hombros y sus pectorales lo hacia mas imponente ¡Que placer cocinarle a un hombre musculoso como él! Roger progresaba asombrosamente. Las mancuernas de 40 kilos las levantaba con una mano como quien alza un libro y en pocos dias, no tenía con que vestirse. Sus pantalones parecian pintados sobre sus cuadriceps, y tenía dificultades para hacerlo subirlo mas alla de sus turgentes y fibrosas nalgas. Sus camisas tampoco se salvaban. Un movimiento o una flexión a medio hacer, ya era suficiente para reventar las costuras. Se hizo momento de actualizarle el talle a uno o dos mas acorde a su nuevo tamaño, asi que visitamos al Mall. Antes del volvernos con todas las bolsas, paramos por unas rosquillas. Roger tenía hambre, y no importaba que se atraque con una docena de rosquillas rellenas, su indice de grasa corporal se mantenía estable. Me giré para ver a mi alrededor pude comprobarlo. “Tenias razón muchacho…”. La gente que pasaba a su lado lo quedaba mirando, y algunas chicas -y tambien chicos- lo codiciaban con la mirada. Increiblemente exitoso! El Peso de Roger se habia incrementado de 97 a 99 kilos en la primera semana… de 99 a 104 kilos en la segunda y de 104 saltó a 112 kilos para la tercera semana. Para el término del primer mes en casa, el muchacho habia alcanzado unos impresionantes 120 kilos, y por supuesto que yo acompañaba los festejos como si los numeros me fuesen propios. Su exito, era mi exito. “Doc, usted se esta encogiendo?” Me preguntó en confianza, y una mueca engreida. Oh! ¿como no pude notarlo antes?! Al tenerlo frente a frente, nuestros ojos ya no estaban alineados a la misma ahora. Delante de mis ojos tenía a su nariz. Miré hacia abajo para chequear si no era algun efecto visual del calzado, o algun tipo de broma.. pero estaba descalzo. No podia creerlo! y con esfuerzo para contener mi entusiasmo ante tal descubrimiento, fui en busca de una cinta métrica. Roger habia pasado el metro ochenta. ¡1,83 metros, Para ser mas preciso!. No solo venia aumentando su masa muscular mas rapidamente, sino que ademas también sumó 4 centimetros a su escultural cuerpo. Un efecto colateral gratamente impensado. Pero si creia que esos números eran asombrosos, no habria adjetivos para describir los que vería en las siguientes semanas: 1,84… 1,85… 1,87… Para el final de otro mes tuve que ponerme en punta de pie para leer su altura. Ya media casi un metro noventa!. Los dias seguian pasando, y sus hombros se elevaban mas y mas por sobre el nivel de mis ojos. Cada vez tenia que inclinarme mas para hablarle, y esos carnosos pectorales comenzaban a eclipsarle el rostro cuando me miraba desde arriba. “¿Quedó un poco mas de Lasagna?.. aún tengo hambre” Un plato de pasta ya no era capaz de saciar el creciente apetito de Roger. Tampoco dos. Se necesitaba mas que eso para cubrir el gasto enérgetico que su tono muscular en expansión le demandaba. Desde el punto de vista del experimento era grandioso…pero tambien admito que la situación se estaba volviendo un poquito inquietante. Y algo mas cansadora. Necesitaba pasar algo mas de tiempo en la cocina para preparar un mayor volumen de comida, acorde a su tamaño. “Mierda!”. Tomé nota de otros 7 nuevos kilos y 3 centimetros que habia crecido mi huesped en los últimos siete dias, y al trazarlos en un gráfico la situacion era preocupante. Sus progresos eran cada vez mayores, y la sospecha ya era un hecho. Al ver como la curva de crecimiento mostraba signos de aceleración, me vi en la drástica decisión de suspenderle la ingesta de la pildora proteica. Bien podría haber cancelado el tratamiento, pero... ¿dejar que se regrese a su casa?. No, lo queria conmigo! Despues de todo, ver semejante hombre con ese torso tan masculino que parecia haber sido esculpido por los dioses griegos, paseando por la sala con apenas un shortcito ajustado que no dejaba nada a la imaginación, era todo un privilegio. No podia privarme de ese deleite para la vista, asi que opté reemplazar los comprimido proteicos por unos simple comprimido para el dolor de cabeza. El plan no funcionó. El crecimiento de Roger no se detenía y sus números seguian subiendo mas y mas. Pasadas tres semanas mas, necesité subirme a una silla para poder extender la cinta métrica hasta la cima de su cabeza. “Me siento enorme!!, Doc HAHAH” No era para menos..¡2,14 mts!. Tan alto como un basketbolista pero grueso como un fisicoculturista. Los umbrales de la puerta presentaban grietas y marcos por sus descuidos.. Algunas veces olvidaba agachar su cabeza al pasar de una habitacion de la casa a otra, y otras veces, por bruto sus hombros y dorsales impactaban contra los bordes. Roger flexionó sus brazos para mi, y al contraerlos, unas abultadas bolas se inflaron tan altas como mi cara. Tremendo biceps! Lo envolví con la cinta métrica, que a ojo calculé serian de unos 48 centimetros pero me quede corto. ¡51 centimetros! Eso explicaba porque cuando se lo apreté entre mis manos, no logré cubrir toda la circunsferencia por completo. Con esos brazos y esa espalda ancha era fácil saber porque reventaban las costuras de sus camisas. Admito que sentía placer al ver mi obra maestra poniendose enorme. Pero contradictoriamente al mismo tiempo mi preocupación aumentaba fuertemente cada dia mientras veia como su cabeza se acercaba mas y mas al techo. ¿como era posible que continuara creciendo sin el suplemento?? Y mas alarmante era el ritmo en el que lo venia haciendo. Ya ni el talle 4XL podia contener terrible lomo. Y tampoco los muebles de la casa se salvaban. No habia material de la sillas que pueda resistir a ese mole de 181 kilos en la mañana. que para la noche la cifra habia ascendido a 192. Pero yo no tenía tiempo para repararlas, ni para comprar otras.. debia pasar mi tiempo cocinando, cocinando y cocinando para él. * * * “APÚRATE QUE TENGO HAMBRE...MAS RAPIDO, MARCO. DAME COMIDA!” Fui corriendo a llevarle la nueva tanda de pizzas recien amasadas. Con cada bocado que tragaba, yo veía pasivamente como sus músculos se hinchaban. Lo habia entendido, aunque muy tarde. Las calorias eran el combustible para que siga creciendo. No tenía certezas de por cuanto tiempo mas el gigante que esta cerca de duplicarme duplica en altura seguirá creciendo, pero a ese ritmo muy pronto su cabeza chocará contra el techo. Quizá en un par de dias… o en horas. “MAAAAS” siguió reclamándome. Con todo lo que se comió en minutos, podria haber alimentado a un equipo completo de rugby. Pero ni eso era suficiente para calmar al insacible. Queria mas! “MAS. Mas, Marco. MAAAAAAS!”
  15. Trio

    Anídeos: Chapter 3

    “Who are you both? I ask again” Geoffrey was more confused than anything else, seeing both very muscular naked men, the embodiment of masculinity, in front of him. ”I should call for Dr. Anthony” ”No need, Geoffrey. I am Dr. Anthony. Or I used to be, I was reborn as Zeus a bit ago, your brother, Grant, was somehow transformed, and he gifted me his new powers.” Geoffrey was listening, even if he couldn’t understand. ”You are not Dr. Anthony... dad? This is... impossible” ”It used to be, son, but years of research have brought its fruits. The world will never be the same. Our world will never be the same. Me and the scientists have been working for the development of the serum for years, and it is a success! Not only one specimen, but a whole family!” ”No, this cant be! How did you both... I am too tired for this”. ”Not for long, brother. Our family is torn apart, we don’t share the same DNA anymore. But you can change this. Join us, brother, join us and be transformed.” ”I am too tired to deal with this, I’m leaving for a walk” He was reaching again for the door, but as he was walking outside of the lab, Zeus pressed a button, and the door was shut down. ”We need to discuss this in depth, son. You can’t turn your back on your family, your future brother in arms! You shall transform” ”No, I won’t, whatever is happening here, I am not taking part of this.” “Brother, you already are, you are stepping in our seed, which is everywhere on this lab. It will break through your shoes and enter in contact to your skin, transforming you. You can go the slow way, or let me offer you my gift” ”I am fine with my shoes, thank you” But the shoes were being eroded, and as he made another step, he slipped on the lake of cum on the lab, and fell on the floor. The cum entered in contact with his skin, causing a massive amount of pain, he screamed. ”GAH! This burns!” ”It is happening, brace yourself, you are about to turn into a sublime soldier” ”GAH! No! What... is... happening to me?” As his face and hands were covered in cum, his transformation was happening. He got into his knees and cried for help, but father and son were roaring with every cry. His body was growing, the thin angelical body of Geoffrey was metamorphosing. His abs came to life, so did his chest, his heart was beating strongly and he was still crying as his shirt was being torn apart by his growing muscles. ”GRAAAAAAAAAAAH” he shouted a deep gutural roar as his hair was burning with the cum in it, the cum covered his whole body, head to toe, passing through his nose and mouth, his eyes were burning as well, being remade. Zeus and Saturn watched with pride their new creation, the birth of the new brother in arms. ”So you are my father” said Geoffrey with a thick deep voice, still transforming, “Grant, whatever happened to you, fuck, this is good” ”You are turning into a God, embrace it” ”Roar, ROAR!” The transforming Geoffrey bellowed. His skin was being reformed, his muscles were at the height of his power, being transformed into a huge machine of war. His shoulders alone could sustain the whole world, his abs going as deep down to his cock as they could. And his fucking cock, stretching thick and powerful, reducing to nothing what was left of his shorts. ”I...... am... remade! How is this possible?” Geoffrey couldnt believe it yet. His whole body was covered in his new metalic skin, he was feeling a pleasure he never felt, and still, he couldn’t believe it 100%. He roared and bellowed as he was discovering his new body, touching himself and masturbating, cumming and passing his cum through his body. He was even stronger and more vigorous than Saturn. This was the birth of Apolo. Soon, his family greeted him, after he finished his pleasurable moment. ”We are one now. You joined us, the family is reunited”. The three roared, and proceeded to explore each other’s bodies in celebration. The soldiers were here, stronger than any scientist could ever dreamt of. Life would never be the same, neither for the new Men, neither for anyone else. But for now, pleasure reigned supreme in the house of Anthony.
  16. Trio

    Anídeos: Chapter 2

    His father returned to the lab and saw the creature he unwillingly created. The creature then said, on a deep thick voice: "Hello father". "WHO ARE YOU?" "I am your son, Grant, or I used to be Grant, I'm not sure of my new name, now, I can't possibly go as Grant after this change, this metamorphosis. Thank you, Father, you did this to me, and I, in return, will transform you" "WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT" "I must spread my seed, and you are bond to become my father and brother. I will transform you and you will become like me, only then can we become a family again. Only then can we be as equals. This research project is over, is a success, we will have long years to catch up, and this will be a new beginning, prepare yourself." Anthony first instinct was to run, and run he did, but Grant was faster. Grabbing his father, he gave him a hug, as if prepping his father for the upcoming transformation. Grant roared and siringes came from his nipples and into the body of Anthony. Much to his horror, the cock of Grant also injected his seed on Anthony's scrotum. It was painful and Anthony felt many things at once, as betrayal, confusion, anger, disgust. He wanted this to be over. It was a long minute, after that, Grant released his father, and said "It is done, you shall transform" And he did, Anthony couldn't handle the pain and went on his knees, crying, begging for mercy, asking why this was happening to him, Grant observed proudly. "You will enjoy this. Embrace your new being, father, you and I will be one!" The muscles of the man came to life, his pecs inflated, becoming like balls of so big, so strong, so powerful, so did his abs, every single ab enhanced and sculpted in a raw masculine way. He was roaring now, feeling pain, and resisting the pleasure. "FEEL THIS, FATHER, BECOME A GOD, EMBRACE THE TRANSFORMATION" The muscles of the man were a wonder to behold, his clothes were ripping now, slowly revealing an extremely powerful body, even more powerful than of his son. He was roaring, resisting as he could, but he knew it was a lost battle. His dogtag was revealed in the change, was hidden beneath his disappearing clothes, ripping sheets covering his powerful muscles. "YOU SEE THIS TAG, ANTHONY YOU ALWAYS WANTED THIS, EMBRACE, BECOME ONE WITH YOUR SON, WE ARE BROTHERS" "AAAAAAAAAAAAARGH! UHHHH UGAH!!!!!!!!!!! I AM BEING REFORMED, I CANT RESIST ANY LONGER" "YOU WILL BE TRANSFORMED" "I WILL BE TRANSFORMED, SON" "DONT CALL ME SON, WE ARE NOT FATHER AND SON ANY LONGER, WE ARE SUBLIME SOLDIERS! CALL ME SATURN" "I WILL BE ZEUS" "YOU WILL BE REMADE" "I WILL BE REMADE" By each passing sentence, the voice of Anthony became octaves low. "YOU WILL IMPROVE YOUR PERFORMANCE" "I WILL IMPROVE MY PERFORMANCE" "YOU WILL SUBMIT TO THE ENHANCEMENT WITHOUT WORRY" "TRANSFORMATION, I DEPOSIT MY LIFE IN YOU, CHANGE ME, I WANT MORE" "YOU WILL SUBMIT TO THE ENHANCEMENT WILLINGLY" "I SHALL TRANSFORM" "YOU ARE EAGER TO BECOME AN ENHANCED SOLDIER" "I AM A SUBLIME SOLDIER, AND I AM ZEUS, UGAH!" "YOU ARE PROUD TO BE ENHANCED" "I KICK MY CHEST WITH PRIDE, AND I EMBRACE YOU, SATURN" "YOU WILL SPREAD THE SEED" "I WILL SPREAD THE SEED" "YOU EMBRACE THE CHANGE WITH PASSION" "I EMBRACE IT WITH PASSION" "YOU WILL ROAR" "GROOOOOOWWWWWLLLLLLL" "ROOOOOAAAARRR" He tried to resist but he could not, and Anthony turned into Zeus. The transformation was over, and former father and son first bumped their chests in salutation, then hugged each other. They were reunited. Saturn knew Zeus had to release himself, so he dedicated of turning this into a rite of passage for his former father. Grabbing his huge cock, he masturbated his father with vigor, as he roared almost breathless, when he came, he licked his father seed, feeling stronger with every gulp.
  17. Trio

    Anídeos: Chapter 1

    PREFACE: He was just getting out of his teenage years, but still was on his youth, Grant. Was young and had a delicate face. His life on the planet was an average one. Most people are homeschooled in this new world, so was he, and he grow to be quite the smart kid. Of course, with the father he had, the scientist, a brilliant one. But he didn't know much about his father's work. Anthony worked in the military facility of the Colony, there was much to be done. The human soldiers were powerless on this new environment, and the sooner the leaders of such colony realized that, they decided that only genetic engineering could save them from the hostile alien fauna, the miasma, and the other colonies. For many years, the project was based on creating enhanced humans from scratch. Since they were babies raised to be special soldiers, with special abilities. Anthony was from day 1 involved in the project, so he settled in the military district with his family. It was an irony that Grant and his brother grew on such environment, they could be further from soldiers, his father didn't want them to go on his direction, neither his mother, neither Both of them, dedicated to knowledge and culture from the Old Earth. Such was life for them. First the scientists tried to raised the would-be-enhanced-soldiers, but that turn to be extremely expensive for the colony, only 3 specimen survived the childhood, and neither of the 3, with their strong free will, wanted to go on the military path. This was not a dictadorship, so the enhanced humans grew to be scholars such as their "parents", the scientists. Then they decided to harvest them like crops, the enhanced humans, to skip childhood and teenage years, straight to mature soldiers ready to serve. This was more successful, though still incredibly expensive, and that didn't bare many fruits, something was missing, Anthony knew that. After many trials, for him, an idea started itching his mind, a dangerous one: to turn regular humans into super soldiers, sublime ones, even. He brought the idea to the council, and it was vividly debated. But even if it was being considered, something was missing: how to transform one into such creature, flawlessly? Genesis was the missing link. When Anthony heard of the story of the creature that came to visit its old base, that claimed to be the soldier once known as Topher, but that suffered such a transformation it became unrecognizably powerful, more than a man, a God, he had to go there and study the creature. Anthony quickly traveled to the location and talked to him, to Genesis. They had a revealing conversation, where Genesis told him that he was blessed by the planet on such way he was forever changed. The more they talked, the more Anthony gathered information, and a plasma sample from the God amongst them. It was revolutionary. The missing link provided the scientists with precious information for their studies, everything was held in secrecy, with key scientists being the head of teams of research. Anthony was one of them, his house became a secret lab, while Grant and his Brother lived there, the mother was gone at this point, she unfortunately was deceased at this moment in time. Anthony dealt with the grief by focusing even further on the studies. Thanks to his dedication, everything was advancing very fast, and by each passing week a milestone was reached. At one point, one prototype, a very delicate and secret machine, was brought into Anthony's lab, and entrusted to him. This is where this should end. But it's now that the story begins. CHAPTER 1 Life shifted for Grant when his mother died and his father became further and further invested into the secret project. Anthony became increasingly alienated from his family. Grant and his brother, a younger version of him, called Geoffrey, were friends, but they missed their father. Once upon a time they were allowed to visit the lab and even to study there, a couple of years have passed and that was not the case any longer. Grant and Geoffrey missed their father. They were living under the same roof, but they barely could see each other. The situation was weird, and became unsuferable for Grant, who decided to investigate why such secrecy, even if his brother Geoff told him not to put his finger on stuff that could be potentially dangerous, Grant didn't listen to him. One day, for whatever reason, his father had to leave the laboratory, and forgot to close the doors. He wasn't expecting what happened next. As soon as Grant discovered that, he knew this was his chance to start investigating, he went to the lab and saw how things changed there, it was a darker place, packed with papers and formulas that he didn't want to touch, of course. Too much information for him at the same time. Then he saw it, the machine. It was glowing a blue light, and it consisted of a very heavy cilinder of the size of a grown man, it was begging to be analised closer, Grant, still studying the papers, went for the machine, he put the papers on the bureau closer and entered in it, studying it. He didn't know, slowly, the doors of the machine were shut, and he was trapped. He was a calm guy and didn't panic, but he tried to break free, and he could not, he could do little, anyway, as soon as the doors were closed, a voice said "specimen detected, starting process". More curious than scared, his scientist side were at a hundred miles now, he observed as the chamber was filled with a very thick liquid. He was properly dressed, but when the substance reached his skin, it hurt like hell and he screamed. Now his scientist side was shut down, and he started to scream for help, beg for mercy, and to cry of panic, the liquid was rising slowly, and the process was agonizing for Grant, as he slowly observed the chamber being filled with the liquid and he skin burning with it. It was like the hair of his body was on fire with the contact with the liquid. When he was fully covered, Grant was convinced he was doomed, he was preparing to die. But he didn't die, even if it was still burning, he noticed, once the chamber was filled with the liquid, that he could breathe in the substance. Also, he couldn't see the exterior surroundings any longer, being like in front of a huge mirror. He could see himself and his clothes floating, and started to notice that his clothes were starting to dissolve, very slowly. It was like the machine was trying to convince him to be calm. Then it happened. A strong voice filled the chamber and a text was displayed on the "mirror", the voice said as it follows, over and over, louder and louder: YOU ARE AN OBEDIENT SOLDIER YOU WILL BE TRANSFORMED YOU EAGERLY ACCEPT THE CONDITIONING YOU WILL BE REMADE YOU WILL IMPROVE YOUR PERFORMANCE YOU WILL SUBMIT TO THE ENHANCEMENT WITHOUT WORRY YOU WILL SUBMIT TO THE ENHANCEMENT WILLINGLY YOU ARE EAGER TO BECOME AN ENHANCED SOLDIER YOU ARE PROUD TO BE ENHANCED YOU WILL SPREAD THE SEED YOU EMBRACE THE CHANGE WITH PASSION YOU WILL ROAR ... Meanwhile, electric shocks stroke Grant over and over and he transformed, too much information at the same time, he screamed in pain, in anger, in reject to every sentence the voice said, and he was being transformed, he felt pain as his muscles came to life, his weak body was slowly but surely replaced with the body of a monster. His pecs inflated vigorously, becoming enhanced by every minute, they became strong, large, imposing, defined, sculpted, and so did his abs, all 6, no, 8, no, 10 abs came to life, begging to come out of his skin, his burning skin, he smelled flesh as he was reformed, all of his body was enhanced by the transformation, his arms became huge and powerful, like the arms of the strongest soldier, his shoulders came to life too, becoming rigid and gigantic, his neck had to fight to survive on this environment, being swallowed by its pecs and shoulders. His face became enhanced, his delicate completion was no more, being replaced by a strong chin, powerful nose, vibrating eyes, square jaws. His hair did burn, and was reduced to a buzzcut, a very rudimentary one. Even his penis grew, because his production of testosterone was dramatically increased in order to sustain such body. His clothes were gone, he was a powerful machine of war now, in everything but his mind, as he refused to let the program in. But to his surprise, it was not his instinct who capitulated to the transformation, but his intelect, he thought: I am transformed. I am remade, I am no longer Grant, whether I like it or not. Look at my body, this is not what I wanted, but it's a gift from my father nonetheless. Look at my body, wow, look at the abs, at the pecs, at the arms, at the biceps! I'm not even flexing! Fuck, yes, fuck, I am a soldier now, I can swear all that I want. I feel... free! Look at my fucking cock, look at my fucking manhood! My balls, they tremble with sperm, my seed, ready to be released. I will spread the seed, since there is no way I can resist this change, it is done, forever, engraved, I shall embrace it with passion! In order to maximize my performance I should be an obedient soldier, I should be proud to be enhanced! Yes, this is my destiny, this is who I am now! I accept you, transformation, turn me into the beast I'm destined to become! And I will transform others too, I have the power to do so. The transformation ended, the liquid was absorbed by his body and a new strong skin was formed, covering his body like a soft blanket. The chamber was opened, and he roared in satisfaction, and not being able to contain himself anymore, he grabbed his cock and slowly masturbated, masturbated like he never had done in his life, he was free to do whatever he desired. He was thinking only of his new body and his vigor, his horniness, he was transformed, he masturbated, and then he came, gush after gush of cum came out of his cock, covering his body and the lab, the gush was strong, and the cum was thick and silver, he roared and licked the cum, as if believing that would enhance his new powers. His father returned to the lab and saw the creature he unwillingly created. The creature then said, on a deep thick voice: "Hello father".
  18. Neverstopgrowing

    Amos' Boy

    I had fun writing this one and thinking of making it a series. Let me know what you think. “I want to be the biggest freakiest bodybuilder to ever exist.” I muttered to myself as I dozed off to sleep. I was abruptly awoken by my alarm and quickly jumped out of bed. I grab all my gear and hit my injections first off. I mean I’m a solid 220 and at 5’9 that’s pretty impressive. The guys at the gym definitely take stalk in who I am, but I really just want to be a freak. I grab my mass gainer shake and chug it down. The squeeze into my gym shorts and tank and off I go. I get to the gym and I’m definitely feeling leg day. I start heading to the squat rack when I see Jake one of the jocks that works out at my gym. He smiles and waves. “Hey Jay! You going to get freaky today?” he chuckles. Instantly I get hard. I don’t know hwat it is about me growing and getting huge but its all I want. “Fuck ya Jake! Can’t be a little twink like you!” I laugh and kept walking. I get to the squat rack and start loading on the weight. 1 plate. Then 2 on each side. Then 3. And I begin my working set. Getting low and deep feeling my ass spread when I hit the bottom of the hole. I squeeze on the way up knowing the my ass is growing along with my legs. “thank you for the muscle growth I’m receiving. Thank you for making me the biggest muscle freak of all time.” I repeat to myself as I rep out 10 solid reps. I go to rack my weights when I feel a hand on my shoulder. “Excuse me?” a deep voice grumbles behind me. I turn around and see the biggest and tallest man I’ve ever laid eyes on. He looks like a muscle morph and my head only came up to his top row of abs. “uhhhhh ya..” I said nervously. “I heard what you were saying. Is it true?” he growled at me and looked me deep in the eyes. His eyes were gorgeous an amber brown with flecks of green. “I’m sorry what was it I was saying?” I asked trying to hide the erection happening before me. “You want to be the biggest muscle freak of all time?” he grinned. Holy fuck even his teeth were flawless. Pearly white and perfectly straight and his lips were so perfect. He smiled even more seeing me blush and then licked his lips a little. “I’m Amos.” He said “I want to make you the biggest muscle freak ever. Even bigger than me.” What the fuck?! I thought to myself. He has to be 6’9 and 390lbs. How the hell is he going to make me even bigger than him? “I’m 7’4 and 465lbs to be exact and I can make you even bigger. Only if you want it thought. I can’t have someone say they want it and then not be willing.” He said gazing into my soul. I felt my whole body twitch. His amber eyes almost glowing as he smiled the most beautiful smile. “Yes sir.” I said instinctly. I couldn’t think of anything else to say to him! Yes your majesty. Yes your pefect god of a man. What would I say. Amos chuckled to himself and looked down at me again. “get under that weight, but I want you to drink this first.” He handed me a milky shake. “Just a sip.” He smiled but something in me had to prove myself to him. I grabbed the shake and chugged it. It was the sweetest shake I’ve ever had. It tasted like nothing I’ve ever had. A dribble of the milky shake went down my lip. “You passed the test.” Amos grinned at me “Hold on.” Amos said leaning in and licking it off my face. I about fell back wards, until my brain switched. “lift the fucking weight jay.” I said to myself I got under the weight. “give me 20.” Amos growled. I felt his hand sliding down my back and onto my ass. I felt his massive paw squeeze my bubble ass and my whole body began to feel instantly pumped. I see in the mirror all my veins beginning to burst through my skin. My brain just shuts off. I look up behind me and see Amos smiling his beautiful smile. I see him mouth “LIFT BEAST!” and I start pumping the 315 squats. 5…..10…..15……20..35….50…100! I rack it. I look in the mirror. My shorts are so tight that the seams are starting to stretch. I squeeze my legs hard seeing the striations starting to come out. Veins popping all over. I look up into the mirror and notice my look is more animalistic and sexy. I hit my front quad again and I hear the rip on the side of my shorts. Amos pulls me close to him from behind. “bathroom now.” He growls. I quickly obey and get to a private bathroom. Amos walks in behind me locking the door. “this is the beginning my beast. Do you know what that shake was made of?” Amos says slowly undoing his shorts. I shook my head no, whatever it was though was the most delicious thing I’ve ever tasted. He takes out his keys and tosses them on the ground. “pick those up for me boy.” I turn around and bend over hearing the loudest rip. I quickly get up and seeing Amos licking his lips behind me in the mirror. I’m beat red, but something takes over me. I squeeze each glute. Feeling them bounce up and down. Then I hit my hammies stretching down. I reach around and feel each muscle popping out. “Oh fuck you’re perfect.” I hear Amos groan. “You….oh god…..fuck…. Jay…. Fuck…..” I hear him grunting from behind me. I turn around and see his shorts straining against the biggest cock I have ever seen. “GET ON THE SCALE I MUST KNOW!” Amos yells. I obey quickly and get on the scale. I slide the scale to 220 and its to light. 230……still to light… finally I hit 243….. scale levels out. “YOU’RE THE…..OH FUCK…..ONE….OH FUCK….JAY QUICK!” Amos is leaning back not even touching himself. “you must suck down every drop.” Amos grunts grabbing my hair and pulling me towards him. I rip his shorts down and am instantly smacked with the thickest longest cock. Veins snaking down it. At least a beer can thick if not more and so long. It had to be 16 inches. I see the thick pink head leaking cum. “I’M GUNNA BLOW SUCK!” Amos screams. I latch onto the head of his cock only getting a few inches in when I feel the same familiar taste of the shake from earlier. My body goes into an instant craving and I begin licking and sucking harder and faster. “OH FUCK JAY OH FUCK! Say youre mine.” Amos begs. Having his cock in my mouth I swirl it with my tongue. I look up. My eyes locking his. “I’m yours, master.” And quickly I slide the mammoth member down my throat. “FUUUUCK!” I hear him roar and I feel torrents of cum shooting into me. I don’t even gag because his cum is so amazing. Its silky almost and tastes so sweet. I need more. I begin sucking harder and harder. Grunting breathing heavy. Feeling my body pulse as I suck more of his godly cum down my throat and finally I feel it come to a stop. I lick the last few drops of cum off his mammoth cock. I lick it off my face. And stand up looking in the mirror noticing every vein in my body is bulging out. “you’re mine now.” Amos said reaching around and pulling me close. I feel his hot breath near my ear. “you want to be mine don’t you?” I moan hearing his growl so close to me, but something hits me and I turn around. “Not as bad as you want me. Daddy.” I look up at him and grin devilishly. “oh fuck you’re perfect.” Amos chuckles. “You have to earn me as your boy. Make me a freak and we will see if you get to enjoy yourself like that again. Understood?” I say to him. HOLY FUCK WHAT HAS GOTTEN INTO ME! Hes utter perfection but I can tell he’s loving every second of it. “Understood my boy.” Amos smiles. I turn to leave and feel him jerk me back and locking my lips kisses me so passionately. “I’ve looked for you for my whole life. I won’t let you go.” He whispers while I feel his tongue dance with mine. “then don’t.” I whisper back.
  19. Thedemon1906

    My gigant roomate pt3

    Marcos had just woke up. He was lying on his bed confused. He felt the heat of the huge body next to his own. This was the first time he woke up and John was still there… sleeping. Slowly he turned his head and faced the back of the giant. His right hand touched the hard wall of muscle that was his back. It was twice as big as his and huge amounts if power surged from it. John's body wasn't covered by any blanket and by any clothes. For Marcos (that after all is a straight man) it was a beautiful sight, a kind of admiration someone has to a well done painting or a gorgeous statue. An aesthetic appreciation, but Marcos was starting to feel something else that he couldn't quite figure out. Marcos took out his hand and continued to look at the giant. His eyes wondered through John's entire body. He already knew his roommate was tall, but seeing himself side by side to the giant it made him feel small. -Are you going to take shower?- Marcos felt the bed bend as John turned around his massive body. When he finished the little guy was facing to monstrous pecs twice as big as his hands. - Yes… why?- His eyes and John's met when he said that. The little guy had forgotten how gorgeous he was. -I have to take a shower too- he said quite demanding -well… but i have to get to school and- John grabbed Marcos’ right hand and his left arm and pinned him down. He put himself on top with only one meter between the two. Marcos was surprised by the move, he now had the giant on top of him, completely dominating him. He could see his gigantic arms tensed keeping his body up but that wasn't the weirdest thing. John moved forward closing the gap between him and his submissive friend. Marcos could feel the one feet cock of the muscle beast pressing his abdomen. ------------------------------------------------------------ Marcos could hear the running shower as he got undressed. His body had changed the last few weeks. He had gotten much leaner maybe with a little bit less muscle. He had an athletic body thought. Perfect cut muscle with thin arms like the ones you see in models. But his bulging physique had disappeared as all of his body hair. All is all, it would seem like he shaved all of it away. Although all of these changes are really noticeable the most prominent feature of his body was now his ass. A perfect bubble butt with round gorgeous cheeks. His pants now stretched obscenely every time he walked and the street. He opened the shower curtain revealing John's body at its peak. Water runned through his huge muscle and 8pack. To his lemon size balls and tree trunk legs. Marcos got in the shower pressing himself to the giant's abdomen. -this thing is getting huge- the rumble of his low voice made everything trembl as his huge manly hands grabbed Marcos’ ass. His hands ,that were as big as the little guy's cheeks, pulled up the small body without effort till the two of them were face to face. - You need to learn to obey- Marcos felt a thick finger enter his ass and he grabbed to John's shoulders for support. - You are my tiny bitch- as Marcos cummed all over his roommate a little smile appeared in John's face.
  20. ZFerrari

    The Nakimoto Twins

    New story! Zach and Zane are driving to Leon's house in urgency. "Zach, slow down!" Zane yells. "Marcus sold me this car. I'm gonna drive it like I'm supposed to!" Zach yells back. "Like I said, Leon didn't even do anything!" "Leon was supposed to help you since you REFUSE to use the power I gave you!" "You mean the power that our father genetically gave us?! Yeah, sorry I don't use my power to destroy buildings and cause mayhem in Atlanta!" "Much destruction is needed in this broken ass city, so call it damage control" "Damage control?! So throwing a car through a window because you lost a black jack game is damage control?" "We don't talk about that. Besides we're here." Zach drift his car into a parking spot. Ever since Marcus trained him how to properly drive a car, he's been driving like crazy ever since. A 2016 Ford Mustang. He could do drifts like crazy. Zach and Zane get out and walk up to Leon's apartment door. Apartment 306. Zach knocks on the door very abruptly and loudly. Leon slowly walks up to the door with a gun in his hand. He looks in the peephole and see the 2 people he don't want to see right now. Especially after that scuffle 2 nights ago. "Open the damn door. We know you're home, cuz you're Altima is outside." Zach says. Leon slowly backs up from the door and cocks his gun. He didnt think he had to take a life today, especially 2 people he actually respect. He aims his gun at the door. Its all or nothing at this point. "Ok, this is taking too long." Zach says. Zach's right leg starts growing more muscular and vascular in his sweatpants. His thighs become more shredded and his calfs start to point out like a football. "Back up Zane" With one powerful kick, Leon's door is busted open. It sounded like a grenade went off. Leon started shooting at the twins but no success. The bullets literally stuck to the twins. Leon kept shooting until he ran out of bullets. "You mean to tell me this is your best friend? Since when does your best friend try to kill you?" Zach asks. "He knew the bullets wouldn't kill us. He just using that as a warning to stay back." Zane replies. "Yeah, exactly. The fuck you too niggas want?" Leon says. "Zane over here just got his ass beat, because he refuse to use his powers. And I hear that you were there but you didn't help him. So i just wanna know why." "You really think I would be able to take on those people? They had knifes, golf clubs, bats. Sorry that I'm not, you know, invincible like you are Zach." "So you left your best friend for dead because you were too chicken to even attempt to fight back. I know you had your hand cannon on you. But I,came here to give a little bit of a warning and a punishment. And Zane will assist me whether he likes it or not." "Exactly what are you gonna do to me?" "You'll see." Zach's left leg starts growing to match his right leg. "Lemme give you a recap on what we can do. We are the sons of Hanzo Nakimoto. His greatest feat was the power he inherited from his father, Lance Nakimoto. His power was being able to grow muscles on his body whereever and whenever he pleased. That includes this" Zach then takes his hand and rips his sweatpants and boxers clean off him. His cock is exposed and now growing in front of him. Zach is now smiling at the sight of his cock growing. Leon is looking rather scared of the snake he sees in front of him. "We can even grow our cocks, even they're not a muscle." "What's your point bruh? Are you gonna kick my ass?" Leon asks. "For real, like what are you planning Zach?" Zane asks "Leon needs to know not to leave you behind again." Zach's cock reaches up to the bottom of his chest. Zane is behind him looking real nervous on what his brother is gonna do next. His brother was always a loose cannon ever since he controlled his power. Whether the acts were good or bad, he always left a trail of destruction. Zane refused to use his power because he feared that he would turn out like his brother. Zane was the complete opposite of his brother. He was kind, soft spoken, had a good heart, and never had any bad intentions. He even helped the police to stop criminals when they couldn't. He only used his power when ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY. But that was rare. Zane is the nicer twin. It's even because of him that Zach isn't in jail yet. "You see this cock up to my chest?? I can grow it to however long and thick I want it. Plus anything natural with it gets stronger too." Zach says. "Such as..?" Leon asks "Such as this." Zach says. Zach's cock shoots a stream of cum upwards and hits the ceiling, denting it. "What the fu- what the hell are you doing?!" Zane yells. "Leons punishment" Zach replies. Leon was completely frozen. Shocked at the sight he just saw. Somebody really nutted in his house, IN HIS HOUSE, and put a dent in the ceiling from that nut, IN HIS HOUSE. "That was just pre, this is a real cumshot." Zachs cock begin hardening, till it becomes harder than steel. Pencil thick veins starts appearing, running from the base of his cock to the tip. Even veins appearing on his balls. Zach's hands turn into fists when another stream of cum next to the dent with the stream going through the roof and into the sky 50 ft in the air. Leon is in disbelief on what he just saw. He just saw the same guy nut again but put a hole IN HIS CEILING. "Whoo that felt good. But I'm not done yet. You're gonna come with me outside" Zach says. "You just put 2 holes in my ceiling! Im not going anywhere with you!" Leon yells. "You're gonna come with me or its gonna get worse." Zach shot another stream of cum upwards and put another hole in the ceiling. "Then I guess I'm gonna pay thousands of dollars to get my house fixed huh?" "Then I guess you can forget driving around for a while too huh?" Leon knew exactly what Zach meant by that. Zach starts walking towards the door with Leon and Zane trying hold him back with no success. Zach pushes Zane to the side and picks up Leon over his head. He throws Leon against a parked car, paralyzing his back. He looks up to see Zach holding his car, A pearl white 2012 Chrysler 300 in the air with both hands over him. He tosses the car straight up 500ft in the air. His cock grows up to his chin, riddled with more veins, and a lot thicker. He arches his back and lets out a big roar as a tsunami of cum shoot out from his cock and into the sky above like a rocket. The cum fly ups straight and hits the chrysler and punches a hole from the bottom and into the car, then it punches a hole through the roof of the car and it breaks into 2 halfs. 20 seconds later, both halfs of the car come crashing down beside Zach, along with a rain of cum showering him. He gives Leon a cold stare as a warning of what he is capable of. "I hope you learned something today. C'mon Zane we're going home" Zach says. Zane helps Leon up from his paralysis and holds him back from attacking Zach. "Don't worry, I'll be back tomorrow to help you. Call a uber, go to a hotel and rest." Zane says. The twins get in the mustang and drift off back onto the road. Leon gets out his phone to call an uber and he reflects on the events that have happened in the past 3 days. He gets into a fight, doesn't help his best friend, get his house and car destroyed "Well, unlike my cousin, I only have to deal with 2 and not 7..."
  21. LionBUff

    Take It ALL

    Take It All By: LionBUff Damon did his best to stay calm and breath as Marvin dug a cave up his body so wide that he could easily fit his own arm inside of it. Damon was pinned against the wall of a shower at the gym, the running water muffling his moans. The male horse could feel the much bigger horse stretching his belly out against the shower wall. The slapping of Marvin's beast-like horse balls against his sore ass was all he could think about. Damon always wanted another horse to show him how to breed like a true draft horse but this was more than he expected. He knew the breeding shaft of a horse was bigger than his entire leg, but he didn't think he would ever actually mate with one. Yet here he was, just a simple warm body for Marvin to dump his newest batch of sperm. "Next time, don't get caught staring," Marvin demanded. Damon nodded desperately. "I know you want it so you'll take it! All of it!" Damon responded with a weak grunt. "Fill me up!" Damon said through his heavy breaths. Marvin's dick was sliding up and down his core with less and less resistance as squirts of pre-cum lubricated Damon's insides. Marvin was getting close. He almost lost all feeling in his legs as the pressure in his testicles overwhelmed him. "I'll do more than fill you up slut, you'll be lucky if I don't pump a litter of pups into your stomach!" Knowing he was close, Marvin leaned into Damon and pumped his cock into Damon's slim body until he could thrust any further. Damon didn't think his body could stretch so far. When he looked down, he saw his skin bulging in the shape of Marvin's cock, then flatten, then bulge back out. Marvin lost control of his testicles and every drop he had filled Damon with a warm meal of milk. Marvin thrusted one last time and soon the bulge grew into one large bump in his belly. His belly gently and slowly expanded until Damon looked heavily pregnant. Marvin injected Damon with enough sperm to double Damon's body weight. Damon never realized how heavy horse cum was until Marvin dumped it inside him. "Have you learned your lesson yet," Marvin asked. Marvin slapped the round belly filled with his seamen and shook it around feeling proud of the size of his load. "Yes, master," Damon said coughing up Marvin's sperm. 'Good, next time you stare, make sure it's at something you can take, ok?" Marvin carefully lifted Damon off of his cock and set him down on the shower floor. Marvin didn't want to admit it, but he genuinely loved Damon's body. It had been a long time since he breaded a hole that tight, and he wanted to breed Damon again. He hugged Damon as a sign of peace, then told Damon that it was nothing personal. Damon watched Marvin walk out of the shower. His testicles flapped around like they were still loaded with seamen. When Marvin was gone, Damon looked down at his bulging stomach. He rubbed the top of the bump with both hands, he was still in disbelief that he was actually seeing his own belly carrying a load of horse seamen. While he rubbed his bulging belly, he noticed a white puddle below him. He discovered that cum was dripping out of his ass and leaving a slimy white puddle below him. Damon spent the rest of his shower scrubbing seamen off of his legs. The last thing he needed was other men in the locker room seeing cum drip out of his ass and down his leg as he got dressed. This proved to be impossible as more cum dripped down every time he finished whipping it off. After 20 minutes of whipping cum off of his legs, he decided that he would just run out of here as quickly as possible. Damon concentrated on the ground to avoid accidentally starring at someone else. He didn't see the wall of studs waiting for him in the isle of lockers where he kept his stuff.
  22. Ultrabeef

    The Pride Pack

    The Pride Pack By Ultrabeef I decided to try my spin on a theme that has been used in other stories before. Enjoy. “Jeez bro! Your parents are RICH!” Ryan whistled as he took in the impressive log cabin in front of him. “Shut up dude! It belonged to my grandpa” Landon grinned and blushed, liking the attention from his friends. “It’s gonna be a weekend to remember guys!” Landon yelled. “Dude, stop staring at the cabin and help me carry this shit!” Jayse grumbled as he struggled to carry two big duffel bags. “Here, give me one of those, Slim” Manuel grabbed a bag from Jayse’s hand and the four college friends headed up the steps of the imposing front porch of the gorgeous timber-framed cabin. After getting their stuff stowed away in the bedrooms of the cabin, they started to do what four college friends tend to do - drink. Landon, a cute baseball jock with curly brown hair and bright blue eyes was telling stories of how he was plowing his girlfriend last weekend when her dad walked in on them. “Holy crap dude! What did you do?” Manuel, the sensitive Mexican soccer jock asked in shock. “I told her dad to shut the door and finished up” Landon laughed. Jayse and Ryan high-fived Landon as they laughed. Jayse was starting to get a little tipsy from the free-flowing booze. He was a tall, skinny, basketball player with brown hair and a goatee. His angular features and high cheekbones gave him an exotic look. “Jesus bro! Why don’t you eat something. You’re nothing but skin and bones and that booze it hitting you hard” Ryan slurred as Jayse accidentally knocked a lamp over on his way to the kitchen. “My girlfriend likes me thin” Jayse muttered. Ryan was a short, cute, blond lacrosse player who was a real ladies man on campus. He had probably gone out with and had sex with almost every female in his classes. “And bring some more beer on your way back!” Ryan called to Jayse. Jayse came back from the kitchen with a strange looking package of beer and handed it to Ryan. “What the fuck is this?” Ryan exclaimed as he picked up the four pack of brightly colored bottles in a rainbow colored carton. The carton had the words “The Pride Pack” printed along the side along with a picture of two muscular (and obviously gay) guys with their arms wrapped around each other. Manuel laughed “I saw it at the liquor store on an end display — it’s some fag themed beer for Pride month”. “Oh shit! That’s hilarious bro!” Jayse laughed grabbing a bottle. “Hey, give me one dude, I don’t want to be left out!” Landon grinned as Jayse tossed him a bottle. “Why are they all different?” Ryan asked taking a bottle and tossing the last one to Manuel. “It’s like a sampler pack or something” Manuel shrugged. “Well, it’s all we’ve got left and I’m not driving all the way back to town right now” Jayse slurred. “No, shit dude. You’re barely in good enough condition to walk” Ryan joked. Landon took a sip of his bottle first. It was filled with bright pink liquid and the bottle was labeled “Total Twink”. “It’s fruity. It tastes like hibiscus or something. It’s really good though.” Landon chugged the beer and slammed down the empty bottle. “Sthit! That was fabulous!” Landon exclaimed with a faggy lisp. The other guys howled with laughter at his “fake” gay accent. “Nice one bro!“ Manuel laughed as he chugged his root beer colored bottle of “Dapper Daddy”. It had woodsy flavor like bourbon and was smooth going down. Manuel felt so calm and at peace as he finished his bottle. “Damn gents, that was delicious” he sighed in newly a rich deep baritone. “What’s with your voices dudes?” Jayse asked laughing. “What are you thalking about?” Landon asked with a look of confusion on his face. “Yeah, what do you mean, son?” Manuel replied, his voice richer and lower than before. Jayse just shrugged and took a tentative sip of “Juicy Jock” — the frothy teal colored beverage tasted a bit like Gatorade. Jayse eagerly drank down the bottle. “Damn bros! This is some rockin kick-ass shit!” Jayse grinned, his face looking a little blanker than a moment ago. “You guys are too fucking much!” Ryan laughed as his friends ridiculous reactions to their drinks. Ryan brought the final bottle to his lips. It was a deep red fruit punch color and was labeled Beefy Bull and tasted fruity but also musky and woodsy. Ryan was captivated by the strange flavor. As he brought the bottle down he felt a jolt of energy surge through his body. “Shit dudes! This is some wild juice!” Ryan’s attention was quickly brought to the scene in front of him. Landon was rolling on the floor grabbing his stomach and moaning “Fuck! This hurts!” Manuel and Jayse were staring at Landon when the same feeling hit them too. “Oh sthit! It feels thso...thso...fucking...good!” Landon moaned as his hand reached down into his shorts and he started stroking his obviously hard cock. “Fuck dude! What are you doing?!” Jayse screamed at the sight of his friend feeling himself as he doubled over in pain. “Oh damn! I feel so full!” Manuel groaned as he undid the button on his jeans, his formerly trim waist starting to swell. Ryan now felt the pain hit him and immediately he grabbed his stomach like his friends. “What the fuck was in that shit!” Ryan spoke through clenched teeth. The four guys had never felt such a confusing mixture of both pain and pleasure. Landon was starting to look different. His brown curly hair had lightened a few shades and was starting to look blond. And it looked like the tips of his hair were frosted pink. “Sthit boys! I think those drinks are doing something to us” Landon whimpered as his big pink lips plumped up and his now angular cheekbones became more pronounced. “Oh! You think so genius?” Manuel grunted as his voice deepened into a husky growl. Manuel’s chest was swelling out as a pair of beefy pecs strained his v neck t-shirt. Thick dark hairs were sprouting across his chest out of the neck of his shirt and across his arms. And most pronounced of all, Manuel was developing a thick, hairy gut that hung over the open waistband of his jeans. “What’s happening to your stomach Manuel?! We’ve got to stop this shit!” Jayse replied as his formerly thin frame slowly swelled with striated, vascular muscle. Jayse’s shoulders and back grew wider and wider stretching his t-shirt tightly and making his waist seem even smaller as a tight eight pack began to appear. Ryan moaned as his body too began to swell with muscle “Oh fuck bros! What’s happening to us?” Ryan’s arms were thickening as his shirt struggled to contain them, big swollen, sweaty pecs were starting to pull his shirt to the breaking point. Landon’s transformation had started to slow and it was obvious that the previously intelligent baseball jock was gone. Landon was completely naked and his smooth hairless body and massive cock were utter perfection. He had big smooth ass that just begged to be fucked. “I think that drinkth turned me into a total twink, boys!” Landon, on all fours, gyrated his big butt in the air as he arched his back and stroked his big dick, moaning loudly in his new higher pitched voice. “Fuck me! I’m thso fucking hot!” Landon put his finger into his mouth and rubbed it on his pert nipple as he licked his lips. “Oh shit, boy! Look at that cute fuckable ass!” Manuel growled in his newly deep voice. The naked, hairy, hispanic daddy smacked Landon’s ass with his big hand causing Landon to squeal with delight. Manuel had bulked up with some muscle but there was a definite layer of fat and dark fur coating it. Manuel’s boyish looks had matured somewhat and he had salt and pepper hair on his temples as well as a beard coating his jaw. His fat, hairy gut jiggled as he walked and his fat, latino cock leaked precum as he took in the sight of the now twinkish Landon. “You like this big, beautiful booty, don’t you...daddy?” Landon purred seductively, biting his plump lower lip. “Oh hell yes...boy” Manuel growled fully assuming his new daddy role as he stroked his big hairy dick, “Daddy is going show you what a real man is like...son” The aggressive older hunk bore little resemblance to the sensitive Manuel from mere minutes ago. The two friends, now lovers, started aggressively making out. “Oh shit bros! What the fuck are you doing?! You’re straight!!” Jayse yelled as he watched his two formerly straight friends start to make out. Then Jayse looked down at his totally ripped muscular body. “Oh fuck! Look at me, I’m totally jacked!” Jayse ran his hands over his sensitive nipples that perkily jutted from his ripped pecs and ran his hands down over his striated 8 pack abs. Veins snaked across his muscular body. Gone was the skinny basketball player, a total muscle hunk had been born. Finally his big hands found his huge, half-hard, leaking cock. It was ridiculously long and thick, easily porn star proportions. And the muscular hunk groaned at he ran his finger across the sensitive tip of his veiny cock and brought his finger to his mouth, tasting his own seed. As Jayse looked into the mirror on the wall he was in awe of his beauty. His pouty lips and etched cheekbones along with his goatee made it clear he was pure masculinity. “So...fucking hot!” Jayse purred “so hot...such a hunk...and so...horny”. Just then Jayse heard a deep moan coming from the corner of the room. He turned his head and gasped, Holy fuck!” Ryan staggered to his feet and adjusted his legs to accommodate their new-found girth. “Wha...what the fuck happened to me bros?” Ryan rumbled. Ryan was still the same height as before the transformation but he was at least three times as wide. A total muscle bull, the former cute lacrosse player now looked like a professional bodybuilder. Naked, massive, thick, bulky muscle hung from his frame. Boulder shoulders flowed from his thick neck and led to freakishly huge and veiny arms. His pecs were so swollen with new growth that his nipples were forced toward the floor and hung like a shelf from his body, red stretch marks snaked from his arm pits across his chest. His thick, wide back and flaring lats led to a thick waist. Ryan had a six pack but it was part of a heavy muscle gut that distended from his body. His legs were pillars of brawn — thick, beefy quads and perfect diamond shaped calves. As Ryan turned Jayse saw his huge, hard, beefy bubble butt and felt his own cock swell. “Oh fuck! I feel so heavy and thick” Ryan flexed his huge bicep and watched the thick muscles and veins bulge. “Shit dude! I’m fucking huge!” Ryan smirked a cocky grin at his freakishly huge body, his cute boyish features now more mature and manly. Jayse ogled the pure masculinity and size of his friend. “You’re not huge everywhere bro!” Jayse grinned looking at Ryan’s crotch. Ryan struggled to look down over his thick pecs but had to settle for the mirror on the wall. He flexed his freakish guns and then saw his crotch and blushed. Ryan’s dick had shrunk in the transformation and was puny and embarrassing in the midst of all this massive muscle. Just then Ryan saw Jayse come up behind him and felt Jayse’s thick rod on his ass cheeks. “Shit Ryan! You’re hot as fuck! So fucking massive, such a muscle bull” Jayse purred as he kissed Ryan’s thick neck. “You’re so jacked with muscle and hot as shit too bro!” Ryan moaned as he turned around and wrapped his muscular arms around Jayse. The two muscular hunks started passionately making out, their tongues exploring each other’s mouths as Jayse reached around and cupped Ryan’s huge bubble butt in his hands. “Oh shit bro! I just just gotta fuck that big muscle ass of yours” Jayse purred as he flicked Ryan’s massive pec with his tongue. “I want to feel that huge cock of yours inside me bro!” Ryan moaned showing Jayse his big butt while his own tiny dick leaked precum. “Happy Pride boys!” Landon squealed as Manuel penetrated him to the grunts of Jayse and Ryan roughly having sex on the sofa. This would definitely be a weekend to remember.
  23. MUSCLE MATING SQUIRT "I should have never taken that bet at the gym" Oliver, a 300-pound bodybuilding male deer, thought to himself. "Come on Oliver. What are you scared of? Big bucks like yourself can't be scared of a challenge!" It's my fault for listening. I could have left that locker room long before I dug myself into a hole almost as deep as this monster is digging into me. But I just had to prove I was bigger than Magno. That half-orc half manotaur hybrid beast was huge, but I didn't think he'd be bigger than me. Bucks like me are huge, our male figures are seen as thick veiny trophies to all who lay down with us bucks. I guess I'm not the biggest after all. SQUIRT 15 inches was 3 inches too short. When Magno and I agreed "smallest would bottom" I never expected any man to ever pack an 18-inch cock between their legs. I guess that orc manotaur mix got both specie's huge dick genetics. SQUIRT Now he's at my house... stuffing me like a jelly donut. What makes this worse is that even his loads are bigger than mine. This male has already squirted 10 squirts in me and hasn't stopped thrusting his 18-inch dick into me yet. I don't even think Magno has slowed down. It hurt at first, I felt like a telephone pole was being shoved up my core, but all that lubrication from his 10 squirts has made things a lot easier. SQUIRT 11 now. That squirt had to be the biggest yet. I felt that squirt up in my chest that time. I want Magno to think he's only a little more manly than me but even I couldn't breed like this. I'm sure I would have cum all the water in my body by now and this stallion still has cum to spare. I can't lie to myself any longer, he makes me look like a twig. SQUIRT. That one hurt. That squirt drizzled the back of my throat. I only felt a few drops splash against my throat but I didn't know his load would go that deep into me. Things are about to get a lot worse, aren't they? He's grunting a lot more now. His hands just tightened their grip on my legs. I can feel his cock throbbing faster now. These 12 squirts were only pre? Ok, he's slowing down now, what does that mean? Wait, I can feel his rod shaking, why is it shaking so much? WOSH It felt like all of the cum he had left blew out of his dick in one burst that was strong enough to shake my bed. I don't know how much cum he dumped into me but It was enough to make me feel like I gained 50 pounds. His sperm swam through every limb and every joint. Magno's seed is basically my blood now. I wouldn't be surprised if my body has more of his seed than my own blood. This doesn't worry me though, I can't imagine how much pure protein and testosterone I just soaked up. By this time tomorrow, my male hormones will be through the roof. This much male milk might even help me gain a few inches. It would be amazing if this cum can all swim down to my own cock and swell me up. Maybe next time Magno can dock me and make my balls bigger than my head. If I soak up this genetically gifted male's seed regularly I bet I could gain some of his genetics. I bet his protein could make my muscles unstoppable. "That was fun," Magno said holding my legs above me. "Are you done already," I said teasing him. "You couldn't dump half that much cum if I hooked you up to a milking machine!" I laid there for a few seconds to catch my breath before I clapped back. "Maybe I can if you keep filling me up like this," I told Magno winking. "I might have to," he told me winking back. Magno set my legs back down so that my knees were on the edge of my bed and he leaned down. Magno put both arms under my shoulder blades, put his head down next to mine, and squeezed my chest into his. He gripped my muscles into his muscles like my buff body was his new body pillow. I was exhausted from being flooded with his seed, but I managed to build up the strength to hug Magno back. "I'm glad you took up that challenge," Magno whispered. I thought he was being sweet until he said "I knew I was bigger and you proved it. Now all the guys in the locker room will stop asking!" "You're only bigger by three inches," I reminded him. Magno laughed and gripped my body again. I gripped him back. We fell asleep in that position. As I laid there under Magno's boulder-like body, I felt trillions of sperm tails swimming around my body... all swimming towards my chest. The liquid from the seamen felt like it was soaking into my muscles as the muscles extracted the protein and testosterone from Magno's slimy meal, but I could very clearly feel the sperm migrate to my chest. The muscles that absorbed the liquid felt mostly normal when they swallowed his gooey flood, but my chest felt like it was swelling up. There were so many sperm cells piling up in my chest that it felt like his seed was fertilizing my chest muscles. A noticeable lump began to form on either side of my chest that grew bigger as more sperm swam up my body to join in. Did Magno impregnate me? Was this alpha male's sperm so strong that it planted his offspring in me? As I laid there, feeling his sperm grow bigger in my chest and countless sperm cells travel through me, I thought about why they would gather in the chest. Then I realized that the chest, especially one as solid as mine, was actually the perfect spot on a male's body to grow offspring. The chest muscles are huge and can swell up without getting in the way of the male's daily life. Multiplying in the arms or legs would strain a male's body too much, and the abdominal muscles were too small. The chest made the most sense, and it was where Magno's sperm gathered. As Magno laid on top of me, wrapping his stiff muscles around me like a warm blanket, his solid body reassuringly held my muscular body. If Magno did impregnate me, this massive male was ready to multiply with me. He liked me, that was obvious, or he wouldn't be holding me so close. He probably would have at least pulled his cock out before he slept on top of me, if not slept next to me instead of on top, for that matter.
  24. Original Story: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/36778138/ Follow my main FA Account for more stories like this: https://www.furaffinity.net/gallery/lionbuff/ Audio: HANGING HERC Homul walked down a dark path behind the town's pub towards a cave deep in the mountains of Greece. The path leads to a farmer's house on the other side of the mountains, but there was a special spot along the trail Hormul was after. A dimly lit cage-like door with the words "Firen Flight" greeted him. The door was covering a cave entirely lit by touches that were at least half burned out. A tall man in a Greek shoulder uniform holding a clay tablet guarded the gate door. "May I come in," Homul asked. The intimidating man looked at his tablet to think about his answer. Homul was worried that the Firen Flight wasn't as secret as he hoped and that he would be told to leave thanks to the crowd. He desperately hoped this wasn't true, he desperately needed a break. A friend of his told him how to get to the secluded Firen Flight deep in the mountains and told Homul that it was his favorite way to relax his mind. The man looked down at his tablet and saw that the Firen Flight was well below capacity. "It's pretty slow tonight, go ahead," The guard told Homul. Homul was so excited that he almost tripped over himself walking in. He walked down the dim cave and turned a few sharp corners before walking into a small room. The room had a wooden stage held up by clay on the further end of the room. Between him and the stage was about 6 round tables with no more than 4 men at each. This room was even dimmer than the cave leading to it, the only bright light came from a single hanging lamp on stage. The rest of the light came from tiny torches on the tables. Homul sat down and ordered his food and drink while he waited. Soon, an announcer walked onto the stage and told the room of men that a special guest was going to appear shortly. Homul's order came, and he enjoyed it... at least half of it. Homul was just a little over halfway done with his meal when Hercules himself walked on stage, looking even more muscular than usual! Hercules was wearing a cloth outfit that looked like a traditional Greek warrior's outfit with everything but the helmet on. Hercules' orange hair swung around in front of his face as he walked to the center of the stage. Homul noticed how little the covering worked when he saw a dim outline of Hercule's abs and chest. When Hercules was comfortable with where he was standing, he rested his unnaturally large arms beside him. "I spend all day using this body to fight off enemies," Hercules said bouncing his chest. "All-day, all I do is fight fight fight." Hercules lifted his arms and flexed his biceps while his chest continued dancing. "Well, gentlemen, this body isn't just built to fight." Hercules lowered his arms and rubbed his abs. The creases in the fabric stretched over every curve on his stomach. "These abs aren't just pretty, they can thrust my waist forwards so fast that my pelvis can pound into solid rick and shatter columns holding up the greatest temples." Hercules spent the next minute or two exaggerating his strength. He said that his chest could squeeze a lemon dry in the deep muscular valley, his legs can squat buildings and that his arms could pull a boat on land. As Hercules described his power, Hormul's mind was filled his visions of Hercules thrusting into buildings. The thought of his pelvis crashing and banging into things made him zone out. Hormel's visions faded when Hormul heard a tearing sound. The tearing was so loud that Hormul almost thought the cave was falling. Something else was falling instead Hercules' hands were resting behind his head, his elbows sticking out in a position that displayed everything below them. Hercule's hands were nowhere near his waist, yet the cloths around his waist were tearing off like an invisible hand was yanking it towards them. The fabric stretched outwards and split open as it did its best to keep the growth contained. Hercules wasn't just getting hard, he was sprouting a golden tree coated with wide and long veins. Hercules closed his eyes and clenched his teeth to help him concentrate on flexing his godly cock. The covering became a useless pile of thread resting along the top of Hercule's dick. The fabrics that remained were shaken off thanks to the golden and veiny rod dancing and throbbing, shaking everything off. Anyone with blurry vision would have assumed a snake was slithering out of Hercules' body. "It's getting a bit warm in here," Hercules cried out. He grabbed the top of his top covering with his right hand and the bottom with his left. He stretched both arms out away from the shirt, the left arm stretched down and the right stretching up. His hands brought the shirt with them. The ripping noise was a battle cry challenging any man to a battle of manhood. Seam by seam gave way to Hercule's strength. The shirt was like a curtain drawing back to reveal a gorgeous new sculpture honoring the gods. Only, Hercules was more muscular than the statues. His abs popped more, along with every other fiber of testosterone Hercules possessed. Pre was already dripping onto the floor into a white puddle. "It's so hot in here, I'm even sweating through my cock," Hercules joked. The crowd chuckled, unable to take their eyes off of the swinging utter of sperm hanging from Hercules. "anyways," Hercules spoke in a low and steady soft voice, "I'd rather show you what this body can do. Talking means nothing with a body beating this much testosterone in its veins." That line was the cue for a boulder to be rolled out on stage by thee assistants. "Let's lighten the load for the fine boys," Hercules suggested walking over to the boulder. TO BE CONTINUED...
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