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  1. lolpoooper

    Wrong Target (part 10 added 10/11/22)

    Hey there, first time poster, long time lurker. This is a gender swapped story of Deviantart's Morefriction's story Wrong Target from their HERS universe. Posted with their permission ofc. Hope you all like it. The lockdowns were ruining everything. All of Kyle's classes were online and he'd been laid off of his part-time job, so he didn't even have an excuse to leave the house anymore. He'd been stuck in the house with his freaking parents for months on end, while it seemed like everyone he ever knew was out in the real world enjoying their lives, finding boyfriends, making money, and living in their own apartments. And, Kyle thought, bitterly, getting the damned HIMS virus. OK, so he only actually knew one guy who'd gotten it—Liam Stilson, who'd apparently gotten so huge that the government was sending him checks just so he could afford food and a giant studio apartment within walking distance of where he worked. But it was everywhere. All over social media, guys his age were posting these crazy before and after pics of their HIMS virus transformations. Kyle had found it bizarre, at first, then somewhat grotesque. Their muscles were so huge and bulging that they were completely impossible to hide or really even to cover, not that most of the guys bothered. They were always out, plain for the world to see, and people were always staring at them like they were obsessed. And for Kyle, who had spent no small part of his college career avoiding the "freshman fifteen" with a religious exercise routine and frequent salads, the very idea of stuffing yourself like a total pig, so hungry that you couldn't even stop yourself from eating, was an actual nightmare. But as Kyle started seeing more of them, and he got used to seeing their absurd forms, something kind of clicked. There was one post where a guy was just walking down a crowded sidewalk. It was just a twenty second clip, taken from his perspective, which must have been nine or ten feet in the air, but Kyle had watched it countless times. It was something about the way the guy's immense shoulders swayed lazily from side to side with his slow, deliberate gait, the way that even through the camera you could just feel how huge he was; the way everyone on the street was staring at him, taking pictures of him, and all of them looking so strangely small. Suddenly, Kyle got it. He started following the original poster, then discovered a dozen other HIMS accounts to follow as well. He found the idea occupying a larger and larger space in his mind, and the idea that he could be one of those guys, that people might look at him that way, became an obsession. Especially considering that Kyle himself was only 5’11’’ in a very tall family. He wanted to know what it was like not looking up at people anymore. But Kyle wasn't going to catch HIMS like this. His parents had him washing his hands a hundred times a day, disinfecting anything and everything that came from outside the house, and he wasn't even supposed to go anywhere unless he absolutely needed to. His mother found the idea disgusting. Possibly because of her own 6’2’’ body, which she was always proud of, and which she loved. She disliked the idea of these men being so much taller than everyone else. As for his father? It seemed as if he wasn't much into the idea either. His father had spent decades of his life working on his own body. He was already fairly tall, at 6'4'', and the years spent working out in the gym were obvious in the way his immense muscles stretched his shirts and sweatpants he wore around the house even at the age of 54. Kyle thought that his dad simply might have felt he had no need to take his own body any further, and go through all the rigmarole that a HIMS infection could put him through at home and at work. His father was a successful man that had pretty much everything he wanted, and he didn’t want to disturb that. But Kyle soon found a solution. After following countless links and reading countless discussions of other men who wanted to catch the HIMS virus despite the government's restrictions, Kyle found a man selling contaminated items online, things he'd been in contact with when he'd manifested the HIMS virus symptoms. Without thinking twice, Kyle had paid the five hundred dollar asking fee, which almost completely drained his bank account. He got excited, imagining himself growing taller, stronger. He loved the idea of being even bigger and more masculine than his old man. Something he wouldn’t have thought was even possible not that long ago. When the package finally arrived Kyle was more than a little disgusted to find that it was, of all things, a dirty napkin. He was half tempted to throw it away, almost sure that he'd been the victim of what should have been a very obvious scam. But he'd waited so long and he'd fantasized about the possibility so much that he finally held the awful thing in his hands, then tentatively wiped the repulsive thing over his face and mouth, until there was no way that he hadn't been exposed to the virus. He even kept the stupid thing on his desk, intending to expose himself again on the following day, but it had disappeared after breakfast. “Got anything more to throw out up there bud? I’m taking out the trash!” He heard his father ask from downstairs. It was obvious that he had taken it while cleaning. That night, as they were watching an old movie together in the living room, Kyle and his mother heard his father’s stomach growl aggressively. He just smiled and turned to them. “Woah, sorry about that. Must have gotten hungry.” He said, patting his firm, muscular stomach. Which was odd, Kyle thought, because the three of them had just had dinner. After a while his dad got up and got himself a snack from the kitchen. He finished it and went up to get another. After he had finished that, he brought out the leftovers from that night’s dinner and started eating them, staring at the TV. “David,” Kyle’s mother asked, a growing look of concern falling across her face. “Are you alright?” “Oh, I’m fine, don’t worry. I’m just famished.” He smiled at her, and he passed his large hand through his full, thick salt and pepper hair, nervous. Kyle couldn’t help but glance at his father’s large bicep, as it twitched and curled into a firm ball as he brought up his hand to his head. Soon, his father had eaten almost everything in the fridge. His mother was starting to freak out. His father tried to reassure them that everything was fine, he wasn’t even feeling weird, it was just a weird hunger spell. Kyle didn’t want to believe it, but a part of his brain was no longer able to ignore just how tight his father’s clothes were now, so much more so than usual. How it seemed like, no matter how much he pulled his sweatpants down, the cuffs always kept rolling above his ankles, his shirt was riding up more and more. He saw his father eye the canisters of enhanced nutritional formula they had acquired through his dad’s friends as a precaution, never in a million years thinking that they'd ever use them, but feeling that it was better to have them than not. And then it began. His father stood up, and bent over. His stomach growled again, much louder than before. Kyle’s mother jolted up and went to the canisters, opening one up and helping his father drink from it. He gulped it down greedily, tens of thousands of calories sliding down his throat. Then he went for another canister, and then another. They all knew what this meant. At first, Kyle was too stunned, too utterly hurt by the cruel twist of fate to even say a word. He simply stood there, helplessly, as his father grew larger and larger, his cries of panic and dismay at having caught the virus soon muffled by the sounds of relentless, machine-like consumption. Kyle’s mother stared at her husband as he visibly expanded in the living room, his thighs and butt swelling, his pecs growing thicker and wider on his chest, his already huge arms packing on even more corded, hard muscle, and his entire frame growing five or six inches longer. They all had to face the reality of the situation. They were supposed to only get one canister of nutrients per household from the government, but his dad wrangled some of his old friends he knew had access to them into giving them a whole load of canisters, just in case. As she watched her husband gulp down the thick liquid greedily, Kyle’s mother regretted giving them all to him almost at once. They only seemed to make him hungrier, more insatiable, and he gulped down the oddly clear, gelatinous fluid like it was the most incredible thing he'd ever tasted. Her husband’s already enormous cock was also increasing at an alarming rate, although already standing fully erect as he drank, having long ago burst through his sweatpants like they were made of tissue paper, it too just kept growing longer and thicker. She realized, as he took another canister from her, that his forearms alone might have already become larger than even her thighs. She watched his engorged, enormous muscles twitch and twist as he brought the canister up to his height, his bicep curling into a ball the size of her chest. His jaw had become even sharper and more masculine, which she didn’t really know was possible for someone who was already so grizzled, handsome, and manly to begin with. She looked down at his waist. Somehow it remained narrow and tight even on his new titanic frame. Where David had once a solid six pack, now he sported an inhumanly ripped and bulging eight pack and Adonis belt. As she handed her husband yet another of the canisters of formula from the bannister of the staircase, as it was the only way she could match his height now, she was vaguely aware of her poor son screaming and crying from below, obviously distraught at watching his father go through such a horrific ordeal. David felt his son’s increasingly smaller fists pound ever more weakly against first his large, round shoulders, then the side of his growing, thickening chest as he kept gulping down more and more of the nutrients his wife just kept handing to him. His clothes tore and fell in tatters on the floor, he kept feeling the tiny fists impact his large, firm ass, then the side of his growing tree trunk thighs, until he felt the hits of anger, or fear, or whatever it was, just somewhere above his knee against his titanic quads which were already huge before, but by now must have been large enough to fit both his wife and son together to into only one. He must have passed the average 10 foot mark that HIMS men usually reached some time ago, he thought, as he kept on consuming more and more of the nutrients. It had only taken a few hours. A few hours of incredulity, then panic, and finally healthy doses of fear as Kyle's dad continued his seemingly relentless growth. But it was finally over. The three of them all stood there in the living room in awe. In the end, Kyle found himself staring up and up at his father, who had become one of the most enormous, hung, and muscular HIMS men he'd ever seen.
  2. bbmikenj

    Bane visits the Batcave

    Bane found the entrance to the Batcave. It wasn't hard for him. He was an expert at tracking, and it was easy for him to spot the fake shrubbery that hid the gate that led to the entrance. He knew there would be security cameras, so he bolted up to the entrance, his huge quads moving him faster than the fastest Olympic runner. He got to the big metal doorway and slammed it with his big fists, denting it in enough to get a handhold. Then he peeled open the entrance with his bare hands. He twisted the steel back on itself until the opening was big enough for him to step through. He stood in front of the Batmobile as Batman came into the cave to see why the alarms were going off. "Bane!" he said, as he spotted the behemoth intruder. "How???" Batman stammered as he stared at the doorway. "With these," said Bane, raising his huge arms into a double bi shot. The peaks rose up and up, snaked with veins, jacked with power, and hard as granite. "But that door is made of galvanized steel reinforced with titanium rods. You can't be that strong!" "No?" said Bane. Then he took his raised fists and slammed them into the hood of the Batmobile with such force that the hood crumpled in, and all four tires blew up. Batman jumped back from the sound of it. Then Bane ripped the hood off the car, and tossed it out through the doorway opening. He leaned toward the car, reached in and grabbed the engine block, then ripped it out, raising it over his head. He shook it with his powerful arms, then squeezed in on it until it started to crumple. As oil began to spill out of the block, Bane tipped his head back, opened his mouth, and drank it down. Then he crushed to engine block down even more, until it was half its original size. He reared it back behind his head, then tossed it directly towards Batman, who ducked just in time, and the one ton twisted engine soared over him, and embedded itself into the rock wall of the cave. Bane grabbed the Batmobile with one hand and tipped the car onto its side, so that nothing now stood between him and Batman. He took of his mask and the tubing and laid them on the side of the car. Then he took of his vest, so that his torso was bare. Batman took another step back. He'd never seen Bane looking so densely thick and heavily muscled. Even his jaw line was more squared off and jutting with muscle. Bane rolled his huge chest slabs and took a step towards Batman. "Now you've got me all riled up," Bane said. "Where's your girlfriend Robin? I need to get laid." Bane grabbed his crotch and shifted his junk around. "He's not here," said Batman. But for a millisecond, his eyes darted over towards a side tunnel in the cave. "You're a terrible liar, Batshit," said Bane, and made his way towards the tunnel. Batman jumped in front of him. "You'll have to go thru me first, Bane." Bane smirked, and said, "That can be arrange." He grabbed one of the flattened tires on the Batmobile, and ripped it off, sending lug nuts flying like bullets thru the cave. Then he threw the tire at Batman like a frisbee. It hit Batman in the stomach, and sent him fly backwards, his feet off the ground. He slammed into a computer terminal, crushing it. Before he could stagger to his feet, Bane was standing over him. "Let me give you a hand," he said, reaching down. Before Batman realized his mistake, he reached up, and Bane grabbed his hand and yanked him up roughly. "Your grip strength gotten any better, Batpunk?" said Bane, not releasing Batman's gloved hand. Batman tried to pull away, but Bane's arm didn't budge. He began to squeeze. Even thru his special gloves, Batman could feel his bones start to break. He grabbed Bane's forearm with his free hand and tried to dig into it, but the forearm muscles were like steel cables. Bane continued to crush his hand. Batman swung his fist into Bane's jaw, but he only managed to break his knuckles on the hard bone and thick muscle of Bane's face. Bane squeezed harder still, and Batman's knees buckled. Bane stepped forward and forced Batman onto his back. "I'd forgotten how weak you are," Bane said, leaning over Batman and putting his thumb on Batman's collar bone. "I could snap this bone like a toothpick," said Bane. Instead, Bane yanks Batman back to his feet, only to clothesline the caped crusader across his chest, sending him down to the batcave floor and shattering his sternum. Batman gasped for breath as Bane bent over and shoved his big hand underneath Batman's head. He gripped Batman's caped head like a soccer ball, and lifted Batman back up. Bane flexed his free arm. "Kiss my 36 inch peak, punk," he commanded. He shoved Batman's face into the side of his mountainous arm. "Make love to it, you know you want to," Bane said. "So fuckin huge. So fuckin strong," he said, as he banged Batman's face into his massive, veiny arm over and over, until he crushed Batman's nose thru his mask. Then he held Batman airborne with one hand on the back of his head, and started squeezing harder, his huge fingers applying more pressure than a mechanical vice. Batman felt like his eyes were going to pop out, and his skull crush in. He flinched uselessly, and then his sight started to fade. "Bet that feels like the worst ice cream headache ever, huh Bruce," mocked Bane. Batman blacked out from the crushing skull grip, and hung there limply in Bane's grip. Bane dropped him to the floor like a microphone in a rap battle. "Pathetic," he muttered. Just then, from the side tunnel of the Batcave, Robin appeared. "Bane!!" he said, as he saw the massive bull of a man straddling the fallen Batman. Bane smiled, and crushed his fists into balls of destruction. His big knuckles cracked and whitened from the strength of his grip. "Hello, little birdie," he said. "Come to Daddy." Robin grabbed a cable that was hanging from the top of the cave, then he ran up along the side of the cave walls and launched himself into the air in a big arc, aiming right toward Bane. He picked up tremendous speed as he slammed feet first into Bane's huge barrel chest. Bane didn't budge an inch. Robin fell to the ground in agony, grabbing his ankles. He felt like he had slammed into a bank vault. "Aww, did the little bird boy hurt his little legs?" mocked Bane. He leaned over and grabbed Robin by his ankles, one in each thick superhuman hand. Then he lifted him off the ground. Robin hung there upside down. Bane squeezed his hands and felt the ankle bones crushing underneath his powerful grip. "Boy, your little bird bones are fragile as egg shells," he said, as Robin twisted in pain. Bane dropped him to the floor and looked down over him. "Bet you never felt pain like this before, have ya, boy?" Robin couldn't even respond, the pain was so overwhelming. "You want me to fix that pain, birdie?" asked Bane. That got Robin's attention. He'd do anything to stop the agony in his ankles. He nodded best as he could. Bane leaned over and grabbed Robin by the scruff of his neck and lifted him up. He pressed Robin's mouth onto his big nipple. "Suck on it, boy blunder," ordered Bane. At first, Robin resisted, pushing back on Bane's granite chest mounds, but then Bane tightened the grip he had on his neck, and Robin knew he had no choice. He started nursing on the thick nub of a muscle nip. He felt it swelling up inside his mouth, and it made him suck harder. "Oh yeh, that's it, baby boy," said Bane, pushing Robin's face harder into his huge chest. Robin felt Bane's nip swelling to the size of his thumb. "Harder." And Robin sucked and sucked. Then he tasted a thick oily substance oozing out of the thick nip. It tasted chemically, almost metallic, but good, and hot. It made him suck harder still. "That's it boy. You'll be feeling it soon, too." And as soon as Bane said that, Robin began to feel it. The pain in his ankles started to fade. His whole body relaxed. He sucked harder, and more serum flowed out of Bane's inch long nip. "Oh yeh. You getting a good dose of Venom now," said Bane. "Now do the other nip, balance these meat plugs out, boy," he said, transferring Robin's mouth to his other huge pec slab. And Robin sucked and sucked, hungry for it now, feeling more energized than he ever had. The second nip swelled and began to ooze, even as the first one continued to drip the viscous oil. But then Bane pulled him off the swollen nip with a loud pop. "That's enough for now, chicklet," he said. "Too much and you wouldn't be able to handle it." He put Robin down to the ground, then he flicked his pacifier-sized nips with his burly thumbs. "You did a good job of working these bad boys. I knew you'd be a good sucker." Robin expected his ankles to give out as he stood, but he had no pain whatsoever. He jumped up and down on them, amazed. Not only did they not hurt, but he felt liked he'd taken the most amazing pre-workout supplement ever. He was so charged up, he wanted to fly. "What happened?" "You got a nice shot of some miracle oil, little man. Not only have your ankle bones healed, they're probably ten times stronger than they were before. Same with the rest of your bones. And soon you're going to find out what else it will do for you." Robin was already feeling it. His body was heating up, like he had an intense fever, but it felt amazing. He could feel the green briefs of his outfit begin to tighten on him as his glutes swelled outward. He looked down and saw his bare quads and calves swelling out. They'd always been lean and fit, but now they were bulging with muscle the size of a light-heavyweight bodybuilder.. He could see leg veins starting to show thru his skin, and snake their way down to his calves, which looked to be over 19 inches now. And a thick stubble was starting to sprout out on his formerly hairless skin. "What's happening?" he said, and Bane replied, "Look in that mirror over there and see." Robin turned and looked, and saw that not only was he getting thicker and wider, but he was getting taller. He was sweating heavily, and it was soaking thru his outfit. Robin's abs had never really shown before, but now, he had a stack of bricks and mortar showing thru his red vest. He flexed his abs, and they popped out even more defined. "Holy washboards," he said in awe. "Flex those arms too, boy," said Bane, and Robin did as he was told, raising his arms into a double bi shot. The peaks rose up and up, and pushed back the short green sleeves of his shirt, which looked 3 sizes too small on him now and slid halfway up his stomach, exposing his brickwall gut. His arms peaked out at 21" of veiny sinew. "Holy Muscle Mass," he exclaimed. Bane chuckled behind him. Robin grabbed the collar of his outfit and ripped it down the middle, exposing his now thickly muscle torso that was shredded beyond the dreams of any pro bodybuilder. His slightest movement made the muscles ripple and striate. He tore the top of his outfit off and tossed it aside. He stared at himself in the mirror. He looked like a statue of hypermasculinity, with thick course hair beginning to cover his expanding chest, which grew bigger every time he flexed his pecs. His green trunks now fit him like the smallest of posers, and were barely containing his impressive new growth. "Fuckkkk," he said. "How big were you before?" said Bane, "About 5'10", 170lbs soaking wet? You're bigger than Batman now, boy. Bigger, stronger, faster. I'd say you're about 6'5", and 270lbs right now. You'll get a little bigger too, but it will stop before you hit 300lbs. If I'd let you keep feeding," he said, flicking his protruding rubber-hard nips," you'd have grown too much, and probably gone insane. The other thing you're going to be feeling is intense horniness. And I mean 'intense'. It's going to hit you like you took 1000 doses of Viagra. You're going to want to fuck the first thing you can grab. Just pin it down and rape it. You won't be able to control it, at least not at first. And since I'm going to trap you and Batman in here together, things should get interesting. Your seed will help him heal too, although he won't respond like you did, it won't be potent enough for that. His bones will heal, though, but not as well as yours, and he'll feel pain in them for the rest of his life." Bane made his way to one of the tunnels leading out of the Batcave. He ripped a huge boulder out of the wall and used it to block the exit. "Oh, and you're going to be jonesing for more of my nip oil, probably for the rest of your life too. You're going to want more and more and more, like an profound type of crack addiction. Who can blame you, really? Look at you. And maybe, someday I'll give it to you. But for now," said Bane, using his bare hands to rip solid rock from the cave wall and blocking another tunnel, "you'll have to make due." Then he made his way to the main entrance of the cave, and stepped outside. He bent the titanium and steel wall like used aluminum foil, but before he blocked the entrance, he looked at Robin, whose horniness was mounting. Robin was breathing like a bull, his nostrils flared, his massive new muscle body twitching with lust and shining with sweat, and as he looked around the cave, his eyes landed on Batman, who was beginning to come to and push himself up on all fours. Bane laughed, and as he sealed the cave, he said, "Have fun, Boy Wonder. Don't do anything I wouldn't do......"
  3. Lexfan

    Ben and Roger

    Part 1 Ben liked working out early mornings in a small gym because there were few personalities to deal with - he usually just kept to his business for the two hours or so his routine took. Ben was a bit obsessive about working out. And no denying his discipline had paid off. When he had graduated college two years ago, he had a slightly above average build. Now, at 24, he was 5'11" and 200 pounds with a muscular physique that would not look out of place on the cover of a fitness magazine. With his sandy blonde hair, broad chest and defined abdominals, he was an idealized version of the California surfer, except he had never actually been surfing. This Saturday morning Ben had arrived early to get in a heavy chest workout. Ben considered his full pecs his most impressive feature, and he liked to take his time when working them so he could put the maximum efforts into his lifts. Of course it would have been nice to have a partner to spot him, but besides the guy at the desk the place at this time of day was usually deserted. He was careful to make sure he never quite exhausted himself past the point where he could safely return the bar to the rack. As he was nearing that point in his third set of bench presses, Ben heard a deep voice behind him. "Go for it, guy, I got you covered." Looking up, Ben, saw a pair of large hands slightly beneath the bar, ready to catch it if he faltered. He could not see much of the guy those hands belonged to, but he could tell they were attached to an impressive set of biceps, more than capable of handling the weight. "Thanks, going to do two more." That was two more than Ben had originally intended, but he felt compelled to put on a good show now that he had an audience. When the bar returned to the rack, Ben swung off the bench and stood up to meet his spotter, a guy who Ben guessed to be in his mid-forties, although a touch of grey in his dark, short hair and slight beard suggested he might even be little older. He was taller than Ben, about 6'1," and even with the loose blue t-shirt he was wearing, Ben could tell the guy had an impressively muscled frame. To Ben’s eye, he must have weighed at least 220 pounds. Ben rightly considered himself pretty “buff,” but this guy put him to shame. What really caught Ben's eye was this guy's incredibly developed arms - the biceps bulged out like melons under his skin. He had a square-jawed masculine face that gave him what could be characterized as "movie star good looks." Not at all the type of guy that Ben expected to meet at this small out of the way gym on a Saturday morning. "Thanks guy, appreciate the hand." "No problem. See you're lifting some real weight. Mind if I work in?" "Sure, good to have the company. I'm Ben." "Nice to meet you, Ben, Roger here." He reached out and offered Ben a handshake, a gesture a little more formal than Ben was used to at a gym, but as he took the older man's firm grip in his own, Ben couldn’t help but notice the interplay of muscle in this guy's arm. "Want to take some weight off the bar for some warm up sets?” "No need. I'm good to go." Roger stretched his impressive frame across the bench and quickly pumped out twelve repetitions without any sign of strain. "Let's put some weight on, Ben." For the next hour and a half, Roger led Ben through a grueling work out, pushing Ben to higher weights on all his lifts. Ben was by nature competitive, and usually when he worked out with a partner, he tried to prove he was the guy who could lift just a little more. Ben grudgingly had to accept that on each exercise by their fifth set Roger was adding weight onto the bar for himself beyond what Ben could handle. As Ben spotted Roger during his sets, he could tell that underneath that blue t-shirt, the rest of Roger’s body was as impressively developed as those big arms. As they lifted, they talked and Ben learned that Roger was divorced, that he had founded a software company that had recently been bought out, that he had moved to the area about a month ago in order to start a new company, that he lived in a high rise with its own weight-room that was currently being refurbished, and he found this gym just looking for a place to use in the interim. Although Ben was by nature reticent to talk about himself,something about the older man's manner and the intent way in which he paid attention led Ben to discuss his life since college, his work, and his uncertainty about the future. They finished the work out with a set of tricep cable presses. Roger had given Ben some direction on form, and as Ben completed the last set, Roger stood behind him and gripped Ben's triceps with his large strong hands so he could feel the muscles exert with effort. "Nice. Good job!" Ben released the weight, and Roger stepped back. Ben took a deep breath and turned and put his hand on the shoulder of the man who had just coached him through the hardest workout he could remember. "Wow. Thanks man. Don't know I've ever felt this much of a pump." "No, Ben, thank you. I can't remember when I last enjoyed a work out this much. You have to come do it again at my new place once the weight room's done." "That would be great. Maybe you can give me some pointers on getting guns like yours." Roger glanced at his arms for a second, then smiled as he looked at Ben. "Thanks. Glad to show you what I can, but that's mainly a matter of pushing hard with consistency, and of course good genetics, which you obviously have in spades." Ben blushed slightly at the compliment, but kept his hand on Roger's shoulder. The two men awkwardly looked at each other for a few seconds. "Ben ... last minute, but have you got plans tonight?" Ben had made plans with a woman he had met a few weeks before, but he knew he could lie and get out of it. "No, not really." "Why don't you come by the apartment. I can grill us something, and we can watch a movie." "That would be great! When? Where?" "Let's say 7:30. Come out to the car and I'll give you the address." Ben followed Roger's broad shoulders out of the gym to a grey Mercedes sports car. Roger saw Ben's eyes grow when he saw the vehicle. "Nice wheels." "Can I give you a lift somewhere?" "Thanks . . . But I rode my bike here and I should be getting back." "Ok, well here's my number and the address. I'll see you this evening." As he watched the older man drive away, Ben realized that his pulse was racing. . . .
  4. I want to start off by apologizing for being away for so long. I have written and re-written this chapter so many times. Never quite sure which way I wanted to take it and who I wanted the story to focus on next. Hoping to write some more chapters to this and eventually get to a conclusion in this story line. I have quite a few others I would like to get started but not until this one is done. So without further ado, I give you.... Blue Pill Part 21 Sarah headed into the showers after hearing the running water. The showers were private stalls that held a curtain at the front for privacy. Sarah pulled back the first curtain to find an empty stall. As she approached the second stall, Sarah could hear a wet slapping noise. Like the sounds of sex. She grabbed a handful of the curtain and pulled back just enough to peek inside. What she found in the private shower stall left her speechless. It was the most muscular back of a man she had ever seen. Even bigger than Chris after draining her size. He was easily as wide as the shower, his shoulders almost touching on either wall of the stall. She watched as his right arm made long back and forth motions, producing the slapping sound that had drawn her to his stall in the first place. Mesmerized by the sight of his muscles bunching and rippling across his back and triceps, Sarah had hardly noticed the man had turned and was reaching for a bottle of lube on the shelf behind him. A baritone voice filled the shower “well if you came for a show, then i’m going to need a volunteer.” The tall black man slowly turned around and Sarah watched as the water cascaded down to enormous pecs the size of dinner plates with big perky nipples. Which led to a deeply etched eight pack. Sarah’s eyes nearly bugged out when she saw the massive erection he was holding with his right hand. It had to be every bit of 13 inches and it was as thick as a beer can. Sarah swallowed hard, “I would be more than happy to help you out. It’s the least I could do for you since you gave me a show.” The tall behemoth reached forward and pulled back the curtain to allow Sarah entrance. Sarah slid in past the curtain and closed it behind her. Sarah turned back around and found herself eye level with the biggest pair of pecs she had ever seen. They jutted out several inches from the man's rib cage. Sarah brought a hand up and placed it on his massive upper arm. The man then flexed for her, making his arm jump up several inches as it hardened into a solid flex, causing her to stand on her tiptoes to keep ahold of the enormous bicep. “What’s your name big guy?” She asked as she leaned forward and pinched one of his nipples between her fingers. “Names Damien. Why don’t you put that mouth to work and don’t ask any more questions.” So Sarah latched onto his left nipple and gave it a playful bite. This drove the man wild. He grabbed Sarah by the waist and lifted her up. He turned them around so his back was again facing the shower curtain and he rested Sarah between his colossal cock and his ripped abdominals. Damien lowered Sarah down until she felt the curve of his dick along her taint and ass crack. Sarah couldn’t believe how hard this man's dick was. Speaking of hard dicks, Sarah could feel hers pulsing away inside the bike shorts that she was still wearing. Damien took notice of the fabric flexing beneath his abs. So he reached down and grabbed both sides of the bike shorts and pulled, the shorts stood no chance of staying together. They shredded apart like they were made of paper, freeing Sarah’s six inch raging hard on. Sarah began sucking on Damien’s nipple again while she reached behind her and began stroking the head of his massive cock. Her job was getting easier as Damien began pumping out precum into her hand. Once coated, Sarah pulled her hand back and brought it up to her mouth. She stuck one finger at a time in her mouth, sucking all the pre-cum off and moaning as she did so. Sarah then felt a warmth surge through her and Damien could swear she felt ever so slightly heavier resting on his dick. Damien leaned Sarah’s back against the tile wall under the shower head, which was several inches from the top of her head. He brought both of his hands under each ass cheek and lifted until the head of his cock nestled and the entrance of her ass. Sarah reached up and put both her arms around Damiens thick neck for support. She then felt herself slowly being rested on top of his bulbous cock head. Sarah leaned forward and took a nipple back in her mouth and gave it a nibble. Damien moaned and she could feel his cock flex and felt a big glob of pre-cum pulse into her hole. Sarah could feel the head of Damiens cock sliding into her a bit faster now thanks to the pre. This was taking too long for Sarah’s liking so she bit down hard on Damiens nipple and brought a hand down from behind Damiens neck to twist the other. Damien threw his head back and let out a deep moan as he clenched his massive ass cheeks, driving the head of his dick right into Sarah's ass. Sarah had thought she had made Damien cum because his cock was flexing like crazy and she could feel him shooting inside of her. “Oh, that’s how it’s gonna be huh?” Damien said with a smirk on his face. Sarah realized he hadn’t cum yet and that was all just pre. Sarah began to feel a warmth spreading through her body as the pre began feeding her body's growth. She watched as new veins snaked their way up her forearms and hair began sprouting up in places along her arms it had never been before. “Oh this is going to be fun.” Sarah thought. Sarah watched as Damien moved his hands under her arms and wrapped his thick fingers down on her shoulders from behind. “I can play dirty too.” Damien then began pulling Sarah down with his hands. Forcing more of his colossal dick inside of her. With each inch he was inside her Damien swore it was getting tighter. He’d never fucked anyone so tight before. Sarah could feel the dick sliding further and further into her, causing her own raging erection to push up against Damiens rock hard abs. Damien was about halfway in, he brought one of his hands around and placed it over Sarah’s mouth. He flexed his glutes, driving the rest of his dick inside of her, causing her eyes to roll back in her head and a long loud moan rumbled in the small shower. Damien stood there for a moment. Fighting off the urge to cum and to give Sarah a chance to adjust to his size. He could feel his cock throbbing inside, pumping tons of pre into Sarah’s ass. Sarah could feel what could only be described as a small fire growing inside of her. She felt her muscles expanding ever so slightly and she could feel her cock pulsing, each pulse bringing the head of her cock slightly further up Damiens abs. At the same time, she could feel a little less pressure inside of her as Damien’s cock shrank down to match what Sarah had gained. “I can’t have him figure out what’s happening till I take more from him.” Sarah began pulling herself up the length of his dick and dropped herself back down. This sent a moan through Damiens throat as Sarah milked another load of pre out of him. Damien swore he could feel Sarah getting heavier in his arms, but he was sure it was just because he had blasted his arms with an intense workout before hitting the shower. Damien looked down at his arms and he noticed the pump he had when he entered the shower was now gone. His arms were looking somewhat flat. Still extremely massive and very impressive, but flat in his eyes. Sarah noticed Damien taking inventory of his muscles and so she picked up the pace of her thrusts. Every time Sarah came back down on Damien’s dick she got a little bigger and he got a little smaller. This was because Sarah was milking the pre right out of his dick. Damien decided to take control. He reached behind Sarah and pulled her into him forcing her against his body and began pistoning his dick in and out of her. When he did this it forced Sarah’s cock between his rock hard abs and her six pack. In this new position, he knew he had easy access to her g-spot. Sarah felt like her world was dissolving all around her as Damien pounded her G-spot with a barrage of hard hits from his flared cock head. She was seeing little white spots on the edge of her vision and there were sounds escaping her mouth that she didn’t know she could even make. Damien could feel the tell-tale signs of an impending orgasm coming from Sarah, so he leaned Sarah's back against the shower wall again and gripped her cock in his hand. He began pumping her cock and fucking her with the same rhythm. Sarah couldn’t take anymore, She let out one deep long moan and clenched her ass hard onto Damiens dick. Damien continued stroking Sarah’s cock as he felt it flex in his hand. The first shot went so hard and so fast it hit the ceiling of the shower with a loud “SPLAT”. The next one landed right on Damiens face. The several that followed, painted his pecs and abs in a glaze of jizz. Damien could taste Sarah's jizz as it ran down his face and into his mouth. The taste was indescribable. It was doing something to him though, he felt his whole body tense up and his balls began to ache like he hadn’t cum in days. He knew what was about to come, he was. Damien drove his dick into Sarah one last time and threw his head back letting out a deep yell. Sarah came to her senses as she realized what was about to happen. She felt Damiens cock swell inside of her. A torrent of cum flooded her insides. Damien began sliding his cock in and out of her as if to milk out every last drop. Sarah felt like a furnace had just been ignited inside her. The heat was so intense. She began to feel her muscles swell and expand. Her cock began swelling in every direction as if she was about to erupt again. Damien, no longer able to hold her weight post orgasm, pulled Sarah up and off his dick and lowered her down till her feet rested on the tiled floor. Damien then hunched forward under the shower head with one arm rested against the wall just under the head. Sarah took this chance to make a quick escape before Damien began shrinking. She knew she was going to get quite a bit bigger, but she didn’t think she would be able to fend off Damien if he were pissed about his loss of size. She quietly pulled back the curtain while Damien was still in his post orgasmic bliss. She then closed the curtain and turned around, realizing she was completely naked. Sarah could feel herself getting bigger by the second as her body fed off Damiens cum. She could feel her lats pushing out, making her arms flare out further. The gap between her legs was filling up with muscle, making it awkward as she tried to continue walking. Sarah headed out into the locker room in search of something to wear, or maybe in search of some more muscle…. As Sarah exited the showers, the last shower curtain slid back and a man poked his head out. Seeing that she had left, the man slipped out of his shower wrapped in a towel and opened the curtain to the shower that Sarah had just left. “Looks like someone could use a hand in here…”
  5. Hey everyone, long time lurker here. For those who do not know, I am the MMGArchivist on Twitter and YouTube where I'm creating a living archive dedicated to capturing male muscle growth moments in the medium of animation. And I've decided to throw my hat in the writing ring this year so I hope you enjoy this first installment of The Multiverse of Animated Muscle Madness - where the mechanization of a mysteries Architect leads to some of our favorite men in animation becoming hirsute, hyper-masculine musclegods. With our first unknowing recipients being a certain blonde haired sidekick who loves Bueno Nacho and his best pal Rufus. Enjoy! PART ONE "There we go!" Ron Stoppable said as he slid the last egg into place, a wide grin breaking through the intense concentration. Leaning backwards he folded his arms, admiring with pride his latest creation. It was a towering mountain of food, with the base being a regular extra large Naco, but then piled high with bacon, sausage, eggs. All drizzled with syrup at the top, running down like maple lava rivers to the scattered base of French sticks. A culinary nightmare to some, but sweet, delicious madness to the blonde. Ron ignored the temptation to nibble on his masterpiece and picked it up, wobbling only slightly as he turned from the stove to the island counter. Walking quickly, he deposited the precariously leaning tower of cholesterol onto the counter before Rufus, his small naked mole rat. Not wanting to leave his best friend and pal out, Ron had permanently installed a small table on the counter with its own small chair, where Rufus currently sat excitedly chittering "Ooh boy CHEESE!" while wearing a small white napkin as a bib. "Here we go buddy! My world famous Bueno Nacho Naco Breakfast to tide us over until KP gets back." Ron said, moving to sit in his new favorite chair. After sitting down, Ron stuck his hands into the pile and pulled out a couple of chips covered in eggs, bacon, sausage bits, strings of cheese still connecting them to the rest of the mountain. The syrup had barely rolled off the mess in his hands before Ron had smashed them into his mouth, his eyes closing in joy as he slurped. Not needing to be asked twice, Rufus eagerly threw off his bib before diving headfirst into the nearest side of the pile, practically tunneling himself into the mountain. The duo were acting like starving coyotes going after a fresh meal. Which, to be honest, they were. Starving, that is, and not being coyotes. You see, young Ron Stoppable and his pal Rufus had just spent the last several days refurbishing their new abode in a rush, just days before the upcoming fall semester began at Middleton Community College. When Ron had originally applied to the school a year after graduation, the dean had come to his parent's home in person to accept him, going off on how ecstatic the school was to have a prestige member of team Possible as one of their students and future alumni. This led to a full ride scholarship and flexibility with his teachers to accommodate his mission work with Kim and the best of on student housing. And for the first month of his freshman year, Ron had really eaten up the popularity, and his fellow classmates and teachers were in awe of his adventures. And the jocks and popular boys and the nerds were all in awe of the fact that he - Ron Stoppable- had bagged Kim Possible, the world's greatest action hero, as his girlfriend. But as the semester went on, the administration of MCC learned the hard way why the principal of Middleton High laughed himself into a fit when they called to receive Ron's records to process him as a student. Not even two months in and Magilligan had broken out of prison and had tried to take out the son of a rival clan during a school spirit day, only to learn that Ron attended the school. And after getting his behind handed to a monkey-fu powered Ron and sent back to prison, the Scotsman sang like a lark to all the villains about this development. So began a series of villain attacks on the university to see who would bring down their shared enemy and foe Kim Possible first by going after her achiles heel - the Dweeb. While the Dean had budgeted plenty for Ron's bottomless appetite, his infamous clumsiness, and the occasional rogue experiment from the science department (Dr. Drakken was also an alumnus), the school had not accounted for a global villain network declaring hunting season on Ron. Insurance rates and costs for repairs were already skyrocketing by November, because of Shego's personal motto of "if I can lift it, it's a projectile weapon". The school winter holidays festival had to be cancelled because of a resurrected evil snowman by the Seniors. And everyone refused to even talk about the anthropomorphic horrors D.N. Amy unleashed during Valentine's Day and she hadn't even come after Ron. During solitary, an artist site called Deviancyart had inspired her to recreate her own perfect anthropomorphic OC in real life to marry. The young and mature male victims alone- Amy apparently didn't age discriminate at the university - kept the school counselors busy for weeks afterwards. But while the administration was getting grey hair over the situation, the students loved having Ron and his popularity stayed pretty much the same. Then came the Gill incident in August. Not only was Ron's apartment destroyed in the toxic goo mess, he lost all three of his roommates in the same attack. But they didn't die! One ended up transforming and becoming Gil's hunky shark boyfriend that visits him regularly in prison. They saved another from transforming fully intime and he reverted, dropped out of college and became a famous environmentalist on MyTube. The last one needed extensive psychotherapy and still gets a panic attack when he even sees anything slimy. So for the safety of Ron and Rufus, the school moved them to the old groundskeeper and wood shop teacher's cabin, right on the outskirts of school grounds, right next to Middleton's only forest. "For your safety and no other reason at all!" the Dean had said quickly to Ron and his parents in his office just after the announcement, his now salt and pepper hair and goatee damp from the buckets of nervous sweat pouring off him from the glare Mrs. Stoppable was sending him. And when asked why Ron couldn't just stay in any of the on campus or even close to off campus housing since he was popular with the student body, the Dean had nervously stuttered out how many students current insurance didn't cover villain attacks that occur in private residencies - only public spaces and they didn't want to risk it. So, with that announcement, Ron and Rufus found themselves moved into a rustic cabin near the woods that needed a lot of TLC. When the dean had said rustic, he meant huntsman from Little Red Riding Hood rustic. The wood shop teacher had not only built the cabin himself, but he had custom-built all the furniture, including the queen sized bed in the master bedroom, to accommodate his partner and his much larger sizes. So not only did Ron have beds and couches that could fit two of him in - which made the couches great napping spots - but they were also custom decorated by the groundskeeper, who liked to hunt. That meant Ron and Kim walking into the master bedroom and them screaming in terror at seeing a fully stuffed bear - completely with head in a death roar - staring at them from atop the massive bed. Furs covered all the furniture in the housing from the bed to the couches while the mounted heads and antlers of several prizes dotted the walls wherever the room was available. They had used several pairs of antlers to create lamps, seasoning shelves in the kitchen, and even bath-towel racks in both the guest and master bedroom. All of which Kim, Monique, Mrs. Stoppable and Mrs. Possible all had to go. Which then led to a vote, which was won by the boys. On the condition, however, that their partners could hold veto power over anything that was truly hideous. Which led to the ladies watching with Rufus, sunglasses on and sipping lemonades, while the boys showed them things and they vetoed them, having the dejected man taking the thing to the storage truck to send it all to the owner's new home. It took several days of painting, moving in new coverings for the bed and couches, and patching some leaks in the roof. Yet as Ron looked around at their new living space in the light of day, he could see how much they'd transformed the place. While the kitchen remained "charmingly" rustic with hardwood and oak shelves, the living area was a contrast in relaxing modernity with soft plush grey couches and armchairs circling a coffee table. Directly in front of the coffee table was a fireplace and above that, a nice large-screen television, perfect for movies and gaming. From the living room came the entryway, that was lined with some of Ron's favorite movie posters and a shelf for shoes next to the front door. Everything created a cozy, relaxing atmosphere. "Spekingh off relaxcingh" Ron said loudly to catch Rufus' attention, his mouth full of naco. Rufus peeked his head out of his gooey tunnel, cheeks stuffed, as he looked up at Ron in curiosity. Ron swallowed before giving a belch. "Whoops! Sorry, buddy. Anyway, since we have time to kill before KP gets here in the car, want to play Super Crash Bros after breakfast?" Rufus excitedly nodded his head and chittered, slobber flying from his full cheeks. Ron laughed, taking that for an enthusiastic yes before returning to help demolish the rest of the mountain that was now only a small hill. Yep, Ron thought gleefully, this was the life. He couldn't wait to finish and race with his best bud and once again absolutely cream his cousin Todd online. He had a nice place to stay. His parents and he had set everything up for school in a few days. Kim and he were going strong. Everything was finally going his way. Which is right when the doorbell rang. Ron turned towards the door, cheeks bulging with food. He swallowed, then stood up, stretching his tight muscles as he did. "Oh geez! I'm getting old buddy and I don't like it. But it's so early for the mail woman to be coming by." He said with a frown. Then Ron shrugged. "Ah well. It doesn't matter, anyway. It's not like it's going to be something life changing or mind-blowing." Ron laughed, walking down to the entryway. Little did Ron realize how soon he would quickly eat those words- among other things. For as his hand went to open the door, missing the dark silhouette that blocked all light from entering the glass window, Ron would soon receive something that would change not only his own life. But the entire trajectory of his world and universe as they knew it. But we're getting far ahead of ourselves. Completely oblivious to the dark silhouette, Ron's hand paused on the doorknob as a thought struck him. "What if KP came back because she didn't get our normal goodbye kiss?!" he said, eyes widening in shock. Quickly, that shock faded as a cocky expression replaced it, a smirk crinkling his eyes as he chuckled. "But who am I to not give my girlfriend what she wants?" Still chuckling and shaking his head, Ron opened the door. "Kim, Kim, Kim. If you wanted a goodbye kiss, all you had to do was ask! But that's okay. I'm more than happy to oblige, my lady." He said, eyes closed. Ron puckered his lips and leaned forward, eager to kiss his girlfriend. Silence greeted him. Then a deep, bassy chuckle shattered the silence. "Normally I wouldn't kiss on the job. But I'd make an exception, cutie." Ron's eyes snapped open. "Huh? Who said- AGHAHAHA!" Ron screamed, his hands coming up to his chest as terror and shock filled him as he stared at the massive behemoth standing in front of him. He had to be the biggest man he'd ever seen in real life- and he'd fought a guy possessed by the spirit of Anubis, a turned evil Hego, and a genetically modified Drakken from the future. (The last one, Ron and Kim still weren't sure if that had really happened or not. Gotta love those time travel loopholes!) Anyway, back to the hunk of man towering above Ron's blonde head by several feet. The man wore an expensive, obviously custom tailored black suit over a white undershirt, black dress pants stretched across spread sequoia-thick thighs. Resting right above both tree trunks was a massive gut, a thick round sphere of pure muscle sheathed in the fabric of the black suit. A pair of titanic pecs rose above the man's core, each slab square and tightly packed against the other, wrestling for space between the straining confines of the man's clothing. The visible buttons on his chest were valiantly holding on for dear life, patches of midnight dark skin and coily black hairs as thick as a forest visible within. The barn door sized width of his lats and back also pushed against the sides of his clothing, yet still stressing the man's form, giving him an almost X shape. Ron's eyes couldn't help but dart from the man's boulder shoulders down to the dense muscle threatening to burst through the seams of the suit's sleeves. Round watermelon biceps pressed for space against his monstrous lats and pecs, pushing the stranger's arms at an angle. Meaty forearms pulled his jacket and shirt cuffs tight away from his wrist and closer to his elbows, leaving an enormous expanse of vascular, hairy black skin visible before his hands disappeared into the pockets of his suit. But what truly drew the eye was the black bow tie perched at the bottom of the man's thick neck. Because there was no collar, possibly large enough to go around such an elephantine pillar of muscle. Thickly corded tendons flexed all along the length of the thickest, meatiest neck Ron had ever seen. A literal tree trunk of thick muscle seamlessly rose from boulder shoulders and traps to uphold the man's enormous head. Thick black stubble covered the bottom half of his smirking face and down his neck until it reached the large Adam's apple. Perched atop a broad, enormous nose sat a pair of almost dainty glasses through which two eyes the same shade as Monique's skin looked down at Ron, filled with warmth. A perfectly manicured yet bushy eyebrow rose, giving the man a playful and confident, yet not arrogant, expression. Like the ruling lion of a pride, looking down in fond amusement at a kitten. Just like a lion, a mane of wonderfully intricate interwoven braids framed his face. And as the man tilted his head to the side to better stare at the frozen Ron, the rest of his braids flowed from a knot down to his massive back, giving the man a ponytail woven from beautifully multicolored beaded braids. It was this beauty that robbed Ron of thought, paralyzing him speechless, the fear rapidly draining from him to be replaced with awe. This ruggedly masculine man, the epitome of masculinity, was also the most beautiful human being he'd ever encountered. Even thoughts of Kim's beauty fled from his mind as it struggled to comprehend the being before it. How a person could not only be so enormous and muscular, yet be so captivatingly gorgeous and ethereal at the same time. If Ron didn't know better, he'd think the man before him was some sort of angel or demigod. The man chuckled, a deep rumble rising from his chest. "Leaves you kind of speechless, don't it?" His voice was like a river of caramel, smooth and deep and just as strong and commanding of attention. Ron could only nod, mouth agape and eyes wide. The man tilted his head to the left, amused as he eyed the boyish man before him. He truly was adorable -a skinny yet lithe body clothed in baggy, obviously comfy clothing. A fluffy blonde mop framed a round, brown-eyed face that looked young beyond its twenty years. The freckles didn't help either. He licked his lips, hunger rising sharply within him as he continued to eye Ron. Our Lord is right once again. He will truly be a delicious morsel in the upcoming feast. He thought, his mind flooding with the graphic visuals and visions his Lord had described for Their disciples. Filling the stirrings of a familiar warmth below the belt, the man quickly took his mind from the gutter to the task his Lord had given him. There would be time to indulge in such things much later. As well as the window was shrinking before a certain stick-in-the-mud sensed his presence. Getting back to the task at hand, the man gave Ron a megawatt smile, white teeth gleaming and bright against his skin. "I know these seem terribly rude, but could I come in for just a few minutes? I'm not from around here and not used to this summer heat." the man said, looking at Ron while he willed the young mortal to believe his words. And it was true - his feet were tired after walking around the entire campus, trying to find someone who knew where the blonde man's new housing was. Ron quickly shook himself, realizing how rude he was being leaving this man out in the sun like this. Being absolutely trusting, Ron quickly moved out of the doorway. "Of-of course. Let's go inside so you can cool down. The heat is brutal today!" He said, waving the man indoors. It didn't even occur to Ron that the man could've been an evil minion or someone sent to take him back to the enemy. All he saw was a large man in need of aid, and his aching heat quickly took over. "I'm Ron, by the way. It's nice to meet you." Ron said over his shoulder as he moved down the entryway, the enormous man following behind him. The stranger had to turn sideways and shuffle his way through the doorway before trailing behind the blonde, his wide shoulders brushing against the wall while his head was only a foot or so away from the eight foot tall ceilings. The man nodded. "Nice to meet you, Ron. My name is Mr. Cleido." He answered back as the pair entered the communal area of the home. The towering breakfast mountain was now only a pile of a few cheesy chips. Cradled on top of the pile, Rufus was rubbing his inflated stomach, chittering in contentment. Rufus looked up as Ron came into the kitchen, his small eyes widening and jaw dropping in shock at the beautiful black man coming up behind him. "Take a seat, man, and let me get you some water." Ron said, moving through the kitchen. He picked up Rufus, the rodent still speechless. Rufus turned his head to look at Ron, still dazed, and the blonde laughed. "Same here buddy." he whispered, popping the rotund rodent into shirt pocket while he returned to look for a clean glass. "Oh, I couldn't possibly inconvenience you anymore than I already am! Especially since it looks like I'm interrupting your breakfast as well." Mr. Cleido rumbled, looking at the couches and sofas around the coffee table. Picking the sturdiest one, he slowly lowered himself down, successfully not wincing at the groan of the springs. Or how the chair sunk deeper into the carpet. "Hey man you're not bothering me at all." Ron said, coming into the living room. In one hand he had a large coffee mug full of water, the other hand holding the last bit of his breakfast nacos. He placed them both on the coffee table, the nacos directly in the middle, while he sat on the large sofa next to Mr. Cleido. Once he saw his new guest was drinking, Ron went to town on the chips, popping some into his mouth. "Don't mean to dig or anything, but what's a guy like you doing wandering outside dressed like that?" Ron said around a mouthful of chips, vaguely gesturing to the bigger man's ensemble. "Were you trying to get a job on campus? OH! Are you a bodyguard? Did the school send you to be my bodyguard?! That would be so cool!" Ron said, throwing his arms up in the air in excitement. Though the blonde could more than take care of himself, having a bodyguard was seen as a status symbol of wealth or influence. And it would just make Ron's status on campus even better because he was so sought after by the villain underbelly and was such a threat, he needed protection twenty-four seven. Ron's mind raced, picturing how he and Mr. Cleido would become the best of friends after multiple attempts, flashing through various fanciful scenarios in their completely fictional friendship. He imagined the bodyguard sobbing as Ron and Kim were married, Ron stomping on the traditional cup in a Jewish wedding. Him becoming the godfather to their kids. He even imagined the day he'd grasp hands with the man who'd been his second best friend and secondary father to him for the last time, watching as in a hospital he took a deep rattling breath in his wizened form. While Ron's wild imagination zoomed through decades of a fictional relationship, Mr. Cleido finished his sip, meaty hand dwarfing the mug. Gently bringing it back down on the coffee table, the man gave another chuckle. "Getting into enough trouble to warrant a bodyguard, are we?" he teased. The man's words shattered Ron's daydream - Kim consoling him as they stared down at a ridiculously large grave - and caused the blonde to turn back to the present. Embarrassed, Ron rubbed the back of his head, cheeks flushing red. "Yeah, not necessarily. I'm not the one getting into trouble. It's just more that trouble seems to... find me." He said, not looking at Mr. Cleido. Mr. Cleido nodded. "And when it finds you, it gets everyone around you involved as well, I take it?" Ron looked back at the man, nodding repeatedly. "Exactly! It's not my fault the bad guys want a piece of me finally! They just keep coming for some reason and it's been very annoying! Specially since everyone but Drakken, Monkey Fist, and Gill keeps getting my name wrong." Ron huffed, folding his arms in frustration. He remembered how - just weeks before the Gill incident- Senior Senior Senior had called Ron every name under the sun that ended in "-on" except his actual name. Which was additionally insulting since he'd been the one to request him and Kim's services in the first place! Rufus gave his owner's arm a pat, returning Ron's mind again to the present. Ron quickly unfolded his arms, leaning forward towards the built man now with excitement. "But now that I have a bodyguard with me, they'll HAVE to take me seriously enough to remember my name! And it will improve my street cred even more, which would finally help me get into the frat parties, which are the best parties on campus!" Ron said, looking up at Mr. Cleido with joy in his eyes. Oh, you are such a cutie. Mr. Cleido thought. If this were a different mission, he'd have gladly gone along with the plan if it meant spending more time with the endearing, strange man before him. But even now, he could feel the window shrinking more. Plus, he knew the reward for fulfilling his Lord's will would be far sweeter and orgasmic than what the young man currently could ever reward him with. Mr. Cleido gave Ron an apologetic look. "While I'm very flattered, I am already employed." Seeing Ron wilt in disappointment and embarrassment, he hurried to continue. "Do you remember the Mr. Universe pageant you and Miss Possible saved at the beginning of this summer? The one with the international delegations competing which lost to Junior Junior Senior?" Ron looked back at the man, his disappointment at not getting a bodyguard fading away. Confused at the question, he answered slowly. "Yeah, I remember it. It's hard to forget those male beauty pageants. Especially when everyone's all slicked up and strutting their stuff in man bikinis." Ron said. Mr. Cleido's eyebrows rose at the statement. "Man biki-oh! Haha! They really are kinda of man bikinis!" he said. Throwing his head back, Mr. Cleido exploded with laughter. Ron and Rufus gasped as the power and strength of the giant's laugh shook everything in the room. Calming himself, Mr. Cleido continued to chuckle while he wiped a stray tear from his eye. "Ah, that was good! And male beauty pageants truly are the best way to describe those competitions. Hahaha. Can't wait to tell the others this one, especially Glōōdeal." he said. Still chuckling, the man continued. "But yes. The biggest sponsors of male beauty pageants as you were, especially the Mr. Universe one you saved, are the Male Muscle Growth Agency or the MMGA for short. I'm the personal attendant for the CEO. Think of me like his, um, head of staff." Mr. Cleido said, taking another sip of water. More confused now than ever, Ron spoke again. "So what brought you here, then?" he asked. Concern filled him, worried he'd accidentally offended the mysterious CEO in some way. "Did I tick him off? What did I break - oh gosh, what's it going to cost me? I'm a broke college kid. I don't have that much money to begin with!" Ron panicked, hands flying to his face. Mr. Cleido quickly put a comforting mitt on Ron's arm, his hand wrapping entirely around the limb. "You broke nothing of value at the venue Mr. A, my boss, won't be able to cover. And I'm not here to shake you down for money. In fact, they were so impressed and grateful, they wanted to show their appreciation through a gift. Which I currently have on my person." Releasing the blonde's arm, Mr. Cleido stood up, reaching into his suit pockets as he did so. Fiddling around for a moment, he gave a soft- for him- exclamation as he pulled out a package. Gesturing for Ron to open his hands, Mr. Cleido bent down to place the package in his hands while he explained. "The CEO of another company owed my employer a favor, and they cashed in. And while there is no money in the envelope - don't whine-" he said with a laugh as Ron pouted at the news,"- it is a letter better explaining the gift. Best to read it once I'm gone." Mr. Cleido finished, covering Ron's entire hand as he placed the package there. He truly wished he could stay for a little while longer - just to witness as the scrumptious twink tried on the gift his Lord and Master had given him. But he could feel the brief window was almost gone and that soon unwanted eyes would notice his presence in this universe. So filled with regret, Mr. Cleido drew back up to his full height. Pretending to look at a nonexistent watch, he acted shocked. "Would you look at the time? I must go if I'm to make it back to your campus on time to catch my ride back to work." "Oh for sure, let me just -" Ron said, putting the package down to stand up and escort his guest out like his mom would expect. Before he could fully stand up, though, a large hand came and gently pushed him back down, causing Ron and Rufus to fall backwards onto the couch. "Nonsense! I've already taken enough of your time and hospitality. I can see myself out. It was a pleasure to make your acquaintances." Mr. Cleido said, grabbing Ron's hand to give it a shake that rattled the young man. Properly disoriented, Mr. Cleido scooped back up the package as he walked by, placing it back in Ron's hand. As he elegantly moved past the blonde, he couldn't help but be coy. Right before he reached the entryway, he pretended to stop like he had forgotten something. "How unprofessional of me to forget!" Turning his head over his meaty neck, the man sent a stunning smile back to the rattled Ron. "My employer would prefer you to try on your gift in the mirror. You'll thank us later." Turning back around, his long and powerful legs carried him swiftly through the entryway and out the door. Ron quickly reoriented himself and stood up. "WAIT WHAT DO YOU MEAN-" The front door closed, cutting off his question to the mysterious man. "Try it on. Nevermind." Ron sighed, slumping slightly against the side of the sofa. He and Rufus exchanged looks. "I'd say that was the weirdest thing that's ever happened to us, but we've fought babies." Rufus nodded his head, chittering in agreement. Not one to look a gift horse in the mouth, Ron quickly put the strange departure of Mr. Cleido to the back of his mind as he focused on the package he was still clutching. Unfolding his hand, the duo saw it was a long rectangular box - like one would use to put like a necklace or jewelry in. Tethered to the box was a white envelope tied there by a golden ribbon. The envelope was very plain and unadorned - the only remarkable thing being there TO RON STOPPABLE printed in nondescript gold type right in the middle. Neither Ron nor Rufus knew what to make of the strange gift. "Huh. Wonder what could be in here?" Ron said, standing back up. He ambled back to his bedroom, distractedly unraveling the ribbon, while spitballing ideas to Rufus. "I know he said it wasn't money, but OH, what if it's like a sold gold chain?! I could sell that and get tons of dough for it!" He looked down at Rufus, who looked down at the box, then quickly shook his head. "Yeah, you're right. It would probably be a lot heavier even if it was a necklace. Gold's pretty heavy stuff. But he said to try it on..." Ron said, pausing in the doorway in his room. If it wasn't a solid gold chain, then what could it be? Was it like an experimental smart watch or necklace? One of those foldable VR headsets Wade had been rambling excitedly about? A collar with a virtual picture of me and Kim? Before he could think more about it, Ron felt a claw tapping on his neck. "Hmmm?" he said, looking down at Rufus. "What's up, little buddy?" Rufus pointed at the envelope in Ron's hand, chattering while miming opening the envelope. "Oh yeah, go for it, buddy. Here ya go- whoopsie daisy!" Ron said, handing the envelope to Rufus, only for the box to slide out of his hand. Fumbling quickly, he caught the box, embarrassed. "Oh, boy! That was a close one, hahaha." Ron laughed, lifting his hand to make sure he hadn't accidentally damaged the box. His laughter trailed off, however, as a familiar orange logo caught his eye. "Wait a minute - HenchCo.? HenchCo. made this?" Ron said, bringing the box closer to his face while Rufus was busy ripping open the envelope. Sure enough, his eyes weren't deceiving him. Right in the middle of the box, in bright orange letters, was the HENCHCO logo - the world's pre-eminent supplier of military and scientific hardware and henchmen to evil geniuses worldwide. They'd built the Molecular Transducer and the Attitudinator that had turned Ron evil and Drakken good that one time. They'd even accidentally turned Ron into an orange, hulking brute after he'd fallen into a vat of the experimental Titan Project. But none of those are wearable except- Ron thought, his eyes widening as the realization of what he was potentially holding struck him like lightning. Rufus let out a sharp squeak as Ron suddenly darted toward forwards, leading the rodent to hold tight to the letter in one hand while grabbing Ron's shoulder with another. "Waitaminute-waitaminute-waitaminute," Ron said repeatedly, excitement growing within him as he moved. Entering his large and spacious bedroom, Ron quickly made his way to the opposite end where, between his walk-in closet and the dresser beside his bed, stood a long full-length mirror. Bingo! Ron thought as he made his way closer to the mirror. Still excitedly chanting, he distractedly deposited Rufus onto the dresser alongside the box. "Waitaminute-waitaminute- wait. a. MINUTE! NO WAY!" Ron exclaimed, bouncing back a step. "Rufus, Mr. C. said I was supposed to look in a mirror while I tried it on, right?" He said, hands up and gesturing wildly. Rufus looked back at Ron and chittered in agreement, confused. "And that his boss had asked a certain CEO to make this for me as a gift. Which we now know because HenchCo made it, it means Jack Hench is that CEO, right?" Ron asked the rodent, lifting the box to showcase the label again. Rufus again chittered in agreement. "Mmhm mmh right mmhm mmhm?" Ron dropped the box back onto the dresser, nodding his head excitedly. The blonde was so excited he couldn't help but start pacing back and forth. "So Mr. C's boss had Jack Hench give us something wearable. And they make a lot of wearable stuff like the Tudeinator. But those could only fit in a hatbox and this is obviously not a hatbox. Nor could it be a tiara or crown - though that would look cool with my hair." Ron said, pausing as he thought of how majestic he'd look with a cool crown around his blonde hair and if Kim would like that. Quickly, he shook himself from that daydream and continued to pace as he rambled to his increasingly confused, concerned companion. "Nothing HenchCo makes could ever be small enough to fit in this box. Except one thing." Ron said, stopping with his back turned to the rodent. With a dramatic whirl, he spun to face Rufus, pointing at the rodent. "What is the one thing HenchCo has ever made that is small enough to wear and put in a box, buddy?" he asked, an excited grin on his face. Rufus scrunched his face, concentrating as he tried to think. What had Henchco ever made that was tiny, wearable, and fit in a box? The rodent's eyes widened, his tiny mouth opening in shock. He looked up at Ron and excitedly chittered back at him, "OH mgmmg mgmgm mgmgm!" while miming with his hands, like he was putting something on one of his fingers. Ron excitedly nodded his head again, bouncing now. "Exactly buddy! The only thing HenchCo has ever made that could fit in this box is-" Ron said, grabbing the box and lifting it between the duo. With an ungraceful yank, Ron pulled the top off with one hand while the other dove in and claimed his prize. And with a dramatic flourish, Ron pulled out the tiny item, dropping the box to the ground while, between two fingers, he held the gift. "A MOLECULAR MUSCLE ENHANCER RING BABY!" Ron crowed, throwing his head back as Rufus squealed in excitement. Indeed, held gingerly between Ron's average fingers, was an infamous molecular muscle enhancer ring. Or, as many henchmen, heroes, and civilians now called them on the street, an M.M.E. ring for short. Since Drakken's "acquisition" of them years ago, the M.M.E. ring had become one of HenchCo's most lucrative tech requested by villains and civilians alike. Appearing to be a simple golden twist ring, the powerful tech used powerful energies to manipulate the wearer's body down to the molecular level to give them considerable increases in height, muscle mass, and strength. And since the rings had hit both the public and villainous sectors, many sporting competitions had made rules outlawing their practice while certain sports - such as wrestling and MMA- actively encouraged the usage of the rings as it provided lucrative entertainment options. This had also led to a rise in catfishing on online dating apps, as many skinny men used the rings to create profiles to catch potential partners, only for their scheme to fall apart when the rings fell off their fingers. There actually was a hilarious reality TV show the Possible family and Ron watched where a woman with a camera crew went out to catch these dudes and expose them on air. Catfishing them and then, when they least expected it, yanking off the rings and watching them deflate into skinny dudes drowning in a puddle of clothes. None of that was on Ron's mind as he held the ring, though. No, what was going through his mind was all the potential the ring could bring him. "Do you know what this means, Rufus?" He asked. Rufus shook his head. "It means I can finally not only physically keep up with Kim when we go on missions, but I could start seriously kicking bad guy's butt! Imagine me using my monkey powers while being all manly again. It would totally rock!" Ron said, eyes shut so he could picture it better. Him walking to class, now the size of one of the football players on campus. A bad guy coming - like Gill again - snarky. and confident until they saw the new manly Ron, mighty pecs filling his shirt, his hair spiking as he went into monkey mode. How easily his meaty fists, mystically powered, would easily subdue the threat before Kim and the police showed up. And, with a dirpy chuckle, he imagined how, while annoyed at him using the ring, that wouldn't stop Kim from giving him the best kisses in the world. Nodding, determination filled Ron as he clutched the ring tightly in his hand. "Yeah baby let’s do this!" he said. Ron moved from the dresser to stand before the full-length mirror. He looked down, opening his hand to look once more at the small ring. Ron then looked back at his reflection, taking it in for a moment. He took in his boyish, freckled face, made younger by his shaggy blonde hair. How his jersey-turtleneck combo and cargo pants were baggy on his wiry frame. How his jersey was doing an excellent job to his small gut he had from all the fast food he ate and his monstrous metabolism couldn't rid him completely off. And while, unlike the first time, Ron was incredibly secure in his masculinity and his prowess, he was absolutely sick and tired of not being taken seriously as his girlfriend when he was just as strong and terrifying as she was. But the image staring back at him, combined with his average height, meant no one besides the Possible family - and lord Monkey Fist - rarely took him seriously. Hence why they called him The Dweeb. "Not for long, though." Ron muttered, a cocky smirk blossoming on his face as he picked up the ring with his other hand. And with rising excitement, Ron placed the M.M.E. ring onto his right ring finger. And as his hand lifted, twisting the top part to the right, releasing a familiar series of flashing lights and chirps and whirs between the two bands. A faint warmth surrounded the ring on Ron’s finger while a shiver rippled throughout Ron’s body as the ring scanned and mapped his form, from the tips of his hair down to the ends of his toes swaddled in the plain cotton socks on his feet. As the ring scanned him, the microchips and processors whirred and flared as they moved to the default setting as established by HenchCo scientists. All of this occurring within microseconds, the ring completed its assessment and began the transformation of its wearer. From the ring, it issued a pulse of warmth. A gurgling sound dragged Ron’s attention from the ring to his chest. A tingle rose from the center of his chest, like pins and needles, but somehow deeper. It spread outwards, covering his chest. As he watched, his shirt billowed and undulated like boiling soup, while a gurgling sound emanated from deep within his chest. That faint warmth grew, along with a strange pressure rising, pressing forward against his undulating flesh. Then, with a mighty lurch, his meager chest surged forwards, swiftly swelling outwards and hardening, until Ron boasted a pair of massive pectorals. "Oh yeah!" Ron exclaimed, looking down at the brawny shelf extending from his chest. "I can't see past my pecs!" He said, barely able to see his socks wiggling beneath his heavier chest. Ron's right hand went to touch his pecs, wanting to cup and test their weight and softness. However, another pulse came from the ring, causing the pins and needles sensation accompanied by the warm energy to rise within his chest once again. The warm current of energy bulleted down from his shoulders through his arm, causing it to shoot out away from his body. As it stiffened, the energy rolled downwards, enlarging his entire arm to three times its normal size, the seams in his clothing nearly bursting trying to contain all the new mass. Once the energy hit Ron's hand, it ricocheted back up towards his shoulder, hardening and defining along the way. Ron's thin gamer hand was now thick with brawn, attached to a meaty forearm that wrestled for space with the now massive biceps and tricep filling the sleeve of Ron's jersey and turtleneck. Glancing at his enlarged limb, Ron couldn't help but bring it up for a flex, grinning wickedly at the sight of the clothed mountain peak the size of his head appearing in his vision. It was absolutely massive, brimming with power and strength that could easily lift a desk with a person sitting on it with ease. Ron looked absolutely ridiculous at this point, with a pair of massive muscle knockers pulling the front of his jersey down while having only the right arm of a bodybuilder. And flexing his arm led to the young man wobbling, his balance overthrown by the shifting weight. The ring had expected this, however, and it issued out two pulses, back to back. The warm energy collected in Ron's right shoulder surged forwards through Ron's upper back, causing him to drop the flex and twist to his right as the wave of transformative energy widened and broadened his shoulders until he now was as wide as two of his old self put together. His left arm then shot out to the side as the energy crashed over the limb, broadening and swelling it to be a mirror copy of the other arm. The pins and needles sensation faded from his arms as the energy now centered itself within his shoulders, specifically his traps. The energy swirled within his shoulders, spreading up through his neck. As Ron gasped at the sensation, he felt his neck pulse and puff up, thickening and swelling, until his head rested upon a thick column of sinewy muscle. The energy swirled downwards, broadening his traps until they were three times their original size. Complete with that, the ring then directed the wave of transformative energy down the rest of Ron's back, which was still so skinny that you could see his spine if he took his shirt off. The ring loved nothing more than a challenge, however, and it pushed the energy down the man's back in a cascade. As the energy swept down his spine, Ron's clothes filled out as non-existent muscles emerged and wrestled for space. Soon a mountain range of veiny, chiseled muscle pulled Ron's jersey skin tight against his body. It was so tightly pulled that the planes and ridges of Ron's now Mr. Barkin wide back imprinted themselves against the fabric like a car map. Flaring out from his sides were winglike lats, corded sinew that flared with every breath from Ron's now much bigger chest and lungs and flowed downwards to his equally muscular lower back. And as Ron breathed, the energy within his lower back crawled forwards and spread across his core. With a deep inhale, his stomach ballooned outwards several times its normal size, gurgling and bubbling just like his chest did in the beginning of his transformation. When he exhaled, the bubbling mass rapidly changed and continued to shrink until even the regular belly he had before was gone and Ron's shirt billowed over an impossibly skinny waist. But with the next inhalation, it swelled with sinew and growth, definition appearing on the expanding muscle until, with a deep exhale, the front of his shirt now rested against a defined eight pack. Thanks to his much bigger upper body, Ron's jersey and turtleneck pulled close enough that the wall of abs were clearly visible, the definition and sharpness visible even through his jersey. Pins and needles now rushed from his abs into his lower body, cascading towards and filling his toes. Once the energy filled his toes, the ring issued another pulsed and Ron's toes flexed. As his toes flexed, all of Ron's limbs expanded and lengthened, sending the blonde up several inches in height. Once his height had increased, the energy went into overdrive. The socks covering Ron's feet shivered and twitched, his toes and feet broadening and swelling until, with a series of loud SHRIIPS & RIIPS, his much bigger feet shredded through them. The energy then rolled up from his ankles through his calves, flooding them with energy as they became thicker and broader, swelling into baseball sized diamonds of muscle. The energy rose higher, pouring into the rest of his legs. His thighs quickly packed on several pounds, swelling and thickening the once skinny runner's legs into powerful teardrop trunks of strength and brawn. They were so thick and swollen with brawn that they shoved against one another until, with another pulse from the ring, they grew too big and pushed against the other, giving Ron now a much wider gait, almost a waddle. Looking into the mirror, Ron couldn't help himself as a smirk rose on his face. He looked like an actual professional bodybuilder. A thick barrel chest wrestled for space against his massive biceps, framed by broad shoulders and winglike lats. His back was so girthy and large, he knew he would have to walk sideways through most doorways from now on - he just wouldn't fit through them like normal anymore. He put his hands on his chest and flexed, his muscles flaring against his shirt. "Yeah baby!" he said as his chiseled waist became visible again through his jersey. "Look at me Rufus! I'm hot!" Ron said excitedly, now twisting his legs back and forth. He couldn't help but admire how his once baggy cargo pants were now so tight, the striations and planes of his thighs straining against their fabric prison. And while all his clothes were tighter now on him, it wasn't uncomfortable. And he had the designers of the ring to thank for that, as its original programming kept Ron's body from growing to the point, it shredded his clothes. As long as the designers of said clothing had designed the clothes to not require a certain muscle group to not be above certain dimensions. Such as the gluteus muscles and hips for the seat of their pants, for instance. "Boo-yeah!" Ron said, bringing up both arms into a double bicep pose. Rufus whistled and cheered, letter all but forgotten as he clapped as he looked up at his much bigger owner. Ron was now truly a sight to behold - absolutely massive, as big if not a smidge bigger than Mr. Barkin or even Junior. And Ron relished the strength he felt packed within his body, the power that normally lay dormant deep within now coursing just below the surface. Almost as if his powers had just been waiting for his physical body to match them with might and strength. Ron couldn't wait for Kim to get back to show off his new, manly physique and try to use his powers again. And it was at this moment that the ring sent out a final pulse of energy, completing the transformation of Ron's body. Distracted by his mighty muscles and feelings of manliness, Ron didn't notice the flare of heat within his glutes. As the energy swirled into Ron's glutes, they quickly swelled out, pulling tight against his boxers until two dimpled round globes of muscle pushed against the seat of Ron's pants. And while Ron's boxers could handle his bigger buns, the combination of his wider hips and now broader and rounder rear was too much for the back of Ron's pants as tears formed with every jostle and movement from the blonde bodybuilder. So as Ron moved into a most muscular pose, growling as every muscle flexed tightly against his clothes, a loud RIIIIP cut Ron's growl short. His eyes widened when he felt a cold breeze flow over his hindquarters. "No, no no no no!" Ron chanted as he spun around, turning over his neck to look into the mirror. And he saw that, while the rest of his clothes had survived the transformation, the now blown out seat of his pants had not and the world had a clear window at the now tightly packed back of his blue spotted shorts. "Ah man, my pants!"
  6. Greatsword812

    The New God

    It's been a very long time since I've posted a story here. I was taken by some inspiration recently and whipped up a new one to share here. As with all my stories, every character is an adult over the age of 18. Please keep in mind that this work of fiction is a fantasy and you very much are not, please practice safe sex and use protection. *** It was strange to see how the elves changed over such a small period of time. It's been over a decade since the elves came out of hiding and showed themselves again in the land, proclaiming worship to a new god. Ahrys, the God of Strength. The most notable changes were outward in appearance. While the elves had been previously considered the fair folk of the land, their new allegiance to a god of strength, power and virility changed their bodies. Now instead of slender and lithe bodies, the elves commanded towering powerful bodies with exotic proportions and bulging muscles. This was the result of a century or so of intense physical training and exercise that was demanded of the elves by their new lord. The elves' own training had been limited to archery and other forms of combat, but now they found themselves in awe of the warriors, knights and lovers of Ahrys. Ahrys' priests encouraged this change in the elves, and it spread quickly throughout the elven population. The elves grew more confident, stronger, and bolder than ever before. They became a race of warrior-priests, and their society was based on the concept of strength, both physical and mental. Men were not only expected to be strong physically, but also to have the will and determination needed to rule and ensure that the word of Ahrys would endure for years to come. This led to an interesting phenomenon. Male elves began to marry other men, but this did not render the women obsolete. Instead, they married into the male dominated society and took many mates instead of staying monogamous. Their husbands took up the role of warrior and ruler as well as father, provider, and protector. Soon the elves began to proselytize outside of their old forests and began to migrate into settlements of other races to expand their god's influence. None were more welcoming than the race of Orc. In previous generations the elves and orcs were often at odds, butting heads with each other in many ways. The elves considered the Orcs brutish and cruel, while the orcs sneered at the frail elves and their puny bodies. But now that the orcs had embraced Ahrys, they were quick to adopt his teachings and become even more powerful and aggressive than before. Initially there were concerns from many of the other kingdoms that Ahrys would teach the orcs to become even more brutal and cruel, but that could not have been further from the truth. Ahrys taught them to be patient, understanding and kind, but also taught them to respect strength and power above all else. He taught them to be disciplined and selfless, to sacrifice themselves for others. The orcs took to this new gospel like a parched man to water and embraced all aspects of Ahrys' teachings. While orcs celebrated relationships between men before their new lord's teachings, it exploded in popularity as well as necessity. The bodies the orcs perfected under the god of strength were truly awesome to behold. The new generation of orcs were taller, broader, more muscular, and significantly stronger than the previous. While the orcs had always been a fierce and warlike people, they were still prone to violence and brutality. Under Ahrys' teachings though, they learned to control their anger and aggression, and to channel it into acts of love and protection, both socially and physically. To lay with one of Ahrys' orcs was to experience sex at a heightened level. The bodies of the new orcs were ripe with power and virility and just itching to use their sexual prowess to fuck their partners into levels of bliss previously unheard of. Often the sounds of fucking and the enthralling moans of their partners would permeate throughout entire villages as Ahrys' new disciples exercised their bodies and spread their seed, breeding the other men they slept with until their holes were filled with potent orcish sperm. Quite often their orgasms were powerful and drawn out lasting for minutes at a time and often leaving them exhausted afterwards. And despite the success in finding partners of all races the orcs found themselves becoming addicted to this powerful sexual feeling, and they began to seek it out in greater numbers. And thus, the two once distant races began to intermingle and co-exist in peace and lust, united under the banner of Ahrys. The first of many great cities was erected in the valley of two large mountains and was populated rather quickly by both orcs and elves alike. The men of both races combined the raw power of their physically and sexually enhanced bodies to create one of the most beautiful cities to grace the face of the planet, a glistening city of granite, marble and stone carved into the side of the mountains, known as Yhrgaan. It stood tall and proud and was built to last forever. A monument to the joining of two distinct species, bonded together under the teachings of Ahrys. ⁂ "Are you certain this is the place?" "Of course, I am! What do you take me for, some illiterate bastard? I know how to read a book and I damn well know how to read a map." Sigurd and Albran continued their bickering as they trudged out of the dark and gloomy tunnel. The voyage into the mountain tunnels had been difficult and fraught with danger so the two friends were at each other’s throat and eager to see the sun. As the light of freedom grew ever closer both humans cried out with joy and bolted out of the passage at a breakneck pace. As their eyes adjusted to the light the young men were dazzled by the wondrous sight of Yhrgaan, the City of Stones. “By the gods!" exclaimed Sigurd, "I can't believe we made it!” Albran laughed, "Don’t get your hopes up to quickly. We've only reached the end of the entrance tunnel. Now we must hike down to the city walls." "Well, what are we waiting for then?" asked Sigurd. "We're not waiting for anything." Albran grumbled, "It's at least another half a day on foot to the entrance and I'm not exactly keen on continuing the trek when my legs are wobblier than my nan's evening pudding." Sigurd looked at him skeptically, "What do you mean? You don't look any worse than me." Albran smiled, "Trust me, lad, you ain't looking too good either." The two men slowed their pace and surveyed the landscape, gazing upon the city's shining glory. Yhrgaan was unlike any city they had ever seen. It was constructed entirely of smooth white granite and the buildings were carved directly from the rock itself. There were no bricks, no mortar, and no wood. Only the most skilled and strongest of craftsmen could have created such a feat of architecture, and even then, it would have taken centuries to complete. "This is incredible," said Sigurd, awestruck. "That it is, lad. That it is." Continuing the path at a leisurely pace the two friends noticed a few buildings on the outskirts of the city walls, made not of marble but unpolished and unsculpted granite. These structures, while not graced with as much beauty as the city itself, were still a testament to the skill and power of the denizens within. Albran and Sigurd gazed at each other with an unspoken unease and curiosity and slowly veered of the path to inspect these huts. As the duo passed the first two it became obvious to both men that these structures were built specifically to house troops and train them in the art of war. One of the buildings housed a group of orcs, while the other was occupied by a large number of elves. The two men stopped to watch the orcs sparring and training. They saw the orcs doing pushups and sit-ups, lifting heavy stones and trading blows with powerful weapons. The elves were equally impressive, their movements fluid and precise as they practiced archery. The orcs seemed better trained in martial combat than the elves, as their bodies seemed to be chiseled from pure muscle and sinew. The elves were more slender than the orcs, but their muscles rippled with perfect symmetry and their limbs were thick and powerful, no doubt capable of lethal blows themselves. After watching the soldiers for a few moments, the two men decided to continue onward towards the city walls. Another granite structure came into view just beyond the garrisons however this one was built with much more skill and finery. It appeared a very modest looking inn and tavern with a large garden, mill and even an archery field at the farthest end. Business seemed slow as the two humans knocked against the cool granite door. Sigurd attempted to open the door but paused as he was unable to open the door at first attempt. After a few seconds he put his full weight into his shoulder and collided with the door enough for it to open properly. The inn's interior was warm and dry. A long bar faced the pair immediately opposite the entrance and the shelves behind it were stocked with wine, beer, liquor and other substances in jars the humans had never seen before. Ornate chairs of fine polished marble lined with woven cushions surrounded over a dozen tables spread throughout the interior. At the far end of the tavern to the right of the two men, a large fire danced merrily in the hearth. The windows were shuttered closed, and the only illumination was provided the fire and some small wax candles at the middle of each table. The few patrons scattered throughout the room were quietly enjoying their meals and drinks. At one table sat a solitary orc of massive proportions. His broad body cast a long shadow as the light from the roaring fire danced across his dark green skin. He was clad in shining metal plate armor which was padded with fine leathers and bright red cloth, signifying him as a soldier of Yhrgaan. His body was muscular and wide, and his bulging arms were snaked with thick veins. His enormous battle-axe was strapped to his back and he looked as if it weighed nothing to him. He was eating a steak with a knife and fork, but he did not notice the two men enter the inn. At another table sat an elf with more decorum than the orc. His strong body was draped in fine cloth around his back and around his waist, creating a kind of robe. This garment accentuated the elf's form well and showcased the fine muscles of his entire body. The top of his chest and shoulders were exposed, revealing his defined pectoral muscles and his expansive shoulders. His powerful arms were adorned with gold bracelets and his fingers were adorned with rings of precious metals and gems. His blonde hair was long and flowing, reaching down to his lower back. His face was handsome and well proportioned, but his nose was slightly crooked and had a slight bend to it. Sigurd felt his heart skip a beat as he drank the sight of this beautiful elf. His eyes wandered down the elf's muscular frame to the evidence of his impressive endowment. The elf's member was visible beneath the fabric of his robe and the young human could tell the elf's cock was already bigger than his, and he wasn't even erect yet. Unable to look away Sigurd continued his way down the elf's body and gasped slightly as he saw the elf's rippling legs that were clearly extremely muscular and incredibly toned. Sigurd reckoned this elf could probably haul in a slab of granite into the room and still have the energy to fuck him senseless if he so wished. Continuing his examination of the inn's inhabitants Sigurd noticed a smaller orc sitting in the corner of the establishment. This orc was clearly much younger than the one clad in armor, but Sigurd still couldn't help but stare at him. The youth was perhaps twenty or so years old, and he was wearing simple tunic and trousers. His dark green skin was a little lighter than the orc in the armor, and his muscles were less developed though still prominent. His arms were thinner, and his shoulders were a bit wider. His shining black hair was pulled back tight in a small wolfs tail held together with a woven leather strap. Sigurd’s breath caught in his chest as his eyes met the orc’s gaze. Piercing and intense. Sigurd could tell that while he could not see beneath the cloth there was no shortage of Ahrys' disciples in this inn. After a brief moment a blushing Sigurd turned back to Albran who was staring at him with a puzzled expression. The young man shrugged his shoulders and said, "Sorry about that, mate. I guess I was just caught off guard by the sights and sounds of the place. Lets find the owner and ask about a few rooms for the night, eh? Maybe something in the barracks for you, Albran?" "Yeah, that sounds like a good idea," replied Albran. The two men moved through the quiet inn and made their way to the bar. The duo waited for moment and when no one in the vicinity acknowledged their presence, Albran knocked three times on the bar with a gloved fist with as much force as he could muster against the cold granite. The sound echoed slightly through the inn and after a few seconds the older orc looked up from his meal and gave the two men a curious look. He took a long sip of his ale and asked, "And who might you be?" Sigurd stepped forward and introduced himself, "My name is Sigurd and this is my friend Albran. We've traveled quite a long way to come and see Yhrgaan." The orc gently set his ale down and continued to cut at his meat, not meeting the humans eye to eye. "A-ha, I see. Well, I am Hrothgar, the proprietor of this establishment. And what brings you to our fair city?" Sigurd was surprised at the calm and polite nature of the orc. He had expected someone so massive to be nothing short of brutish. "Well, we've come here to learn the ways of Ahrys. His word has spread far beyond the mountains and forests of old, across the lakes and rivers of the plains, to every city of the continent and possibly across the oceans as well. We want to learn all we can from him." Hrothgar nodded slowly to himself and finished the last piece of steak on his now empty plate. With a low rumbling sound, the orc pushed his chair back and rose to his full height. He towered over the two men and the rest of the room by at least a foot. His arms were so big that his hands could undoubtedly touch the ceiling, and his thighs were so thick and powerful that Sigurd thought he could probably lift a horse with ease. The orc flexed his arms and rolled his shoulders, stretching his body underneath his heavy armor while coincidentally displaying his muscles to the best effect. With slow and purposeful steps the orc made his way around the table and approached the two men. He loomed over them with a piercing gaze and a flat expression on his face. After a moment the old orc smiled and said used his large hands to clasp onto each Sigurd and Albran's shoulders, the force of which nearly caused the younger man's knees to buckle. "I'm glad you're here," said the orc. "You'll need to be ready for some rigorous training. I hope you do not think it crude of me to say but you two will undoubtedly stick out as foreigners. Best to start practicing those introductions, I am sure you'll be asked quite a few times." Albran and Sigurd shared a nervous glance, and both men were quick to respond, "Yes sir, thank you for your hospitality." Hrothgar nodded once again and let go of the two men. He then turned and walked around the bar and pulled out two large stone keys and gave one to each human. "First evening is free. It's getting late and you two need a night to relax. We'll worry about the coin in the morning once you two are of sound mind and stern body. Now get some rest. Tomorrow will be a busy day." As the two humans turned away from the bar they heard the old orc bark, "Yjolmar. Be a good lad, show the new blood to their rooms." The young orc jumped up from his seat and hurried to the side of the bar. He grabbed two small bags from a shelf and handed them to the two humans. Sigurd opened the bag and found it contained a change of clothes, soap, towels, and several blankets. Albran opened his own bag and found it also contained the same items. The two men thanked the orc and followed him up a long flight of stairs. These stairs were taller and longer than any the two had previously encountered and they soon found themselves huffing and puffing by the end of their ascent. Once they reached the landing, they saw Yjolmar had already lit a small lantern and was waiting for the duo with a stern expression on his youthful face. "This way," the young orc said. He turned on his heels and marched down the long corridor past presumably occupied rooms. As the duo obeyed, Sigurd took the opportunity to admire Yjolmar's physique from the rear. The young orc was slightly taller than Sigurd and broad shouldered, with a slim waist and a tight ass. His shoulders were wide, and his back looked as if carved out of stone. Now that he was upright Sigurd noticed that the orc's tunic clung to his body in places where the muscles were the most pronounced. His exposed biceps were full and round, powerful slabs of meat that were currently flexed as he held the lantern. Sigurd's eyes drifted southward and marveled at the beautiful arse that was caged within the orc's humble trousers. It was round and perky, but tight and powerful. With a body like his, Sigurd had no doubt to which god this orc prayed. The young human quickly looked away and tried to focus on following the orc down the hall. After a few moments Yjolmar stopped in front of a large ornate door made of both stone and polished wood. He faced Albran and then gestured at the door with the arm holding the lantern. "Your room. Has a nice view of the mountains." Albran nodded and opened the door, revealing a spacious room with a large bed and a fireplace. The room was furnished with a couple of chairs and a small table. A window overlooked the outskirts of the city below and the outline of the mountains beyond. Albran went to the table and set his gear down. Sigurd followed him into the room and admired the view. "I recon we can see the city lights from here," said Albran, his expression brightening for the first time in a long time. Before Sigurd could respond, he heard a polite cough coming from the door. The orc glowered at Sigurd with the same eyes he'd seen before. Piercing and intense. "Your room's this way." The orc's tone was more commanding than before, and Sigurd guessed he must have been doing it intentionally. Yjolmar led the Sigurd down the hallway to a second door, which looked like the previous one. The only thing that differentiated this room from the other was a small sign above the door. It read, "Private". Yjolmar stood aside and allowed Sigurd to unlock the door. The room was very plain with a comfy looking bed that was lined with furs, a small desk and a chest of drawers, and a circular table opposite the bed behind the open door. There was a single window in the wall opposite the door and Sigurd could see the edge of the city. "It's small, but it's quiet," Yjolmar rumbled, turning to leave. Sigurd opened his mouth to thank the orc and suddenly shut it. Just as Yjolmar's hand reached to close the door Sigurd blurt out, "Why do I get the private room?" The orc paused and turned to face the human. The expression on his face was blank, but the eyes were still piercing. After a moment Yjolmar gently set the lantern on the small table and kicked the door shut behind him. Sigurd heard a small click as the door's latch locked him in with this smoldering hunk of orc. Sigurd suddenly felt his heart pounding in his chest. The lantern portrayed Yjolmar in a striking light, the shadows dancing across his strong form. He was still wearing the same outfit he'd worn earlier, but now the cloth clung to his body in places that Sigurd had never seen before. Yjolmar took a step closer to the human and began to untie the leather strap of his tunic. His piercing eyes never broke contact with Sigurd as the garment began to reveal the orc's powerful chest. Sigurd wanted to say something but could not bring himself to stop the beautiful display before him. Yjolmar's physique was a prime example of masculinity blessed by the power of his god. Yjolmar's large hands slid under the fabric and released it from his muscular frame. The orc stood proudly before the human, his massive arms and torso bare to the world. The light from the lantern cast deep shadows on his muscled chest and stomach, giving the impression that the orc was a statue carved from rock. His body was perfectly proportioned, his chest wide and thick, his abdomen lean and powerful. Yjolmar took another step closer, losing his hair from its woven leather straps and asked, "You know which god I worship, don't you Human? Sigurd gulped and nodded slightly, "Ahrys, god of Strength." The orc smiled and took another step forward. "That's right. He gives me strength in all things. Strength to carry my burdens on my back. The duty to build my body and become stronger. The fortitude to serve and protect my brethren. And power to exert my strength unto others." Yjolmar took a slow deep breath in and let his formidable chest expand. His large hands caressed every facet of his torso and his fingers lingered on his nipples, giving himself a firm twist, and letting out a soft but rumbling moan. He continued his ministrations by stretching out his right arm and caressing his bicep. His skin was smooth and tight, and his muscles were taut and hard. Sigurd watched as Yjolmar flexed his arm causing his bicep to snap into sharp relief, his veins pumping power into the enormous muscle. This caused the orc further arousal and out of the corner of his eyes, unable to rip them free of the vision before him, Sigurd saw an outline of the orc's cock twitch. "I know the stories that stretch beyond the mountains. The orcs and elves that came before me, how they grew stronger, more powerful and..." The orc let out a rolling, rumbling, firm moan. "More virile." Sigurd let out an involuntary gasp before he could stop himself. "I know that's why you've come. To study from my god. To embrace his wisdom. To lay with his disciples." Yjolmar sneered. He moved his large hand away from us bicep and luridly dragged it down his firm chest to rest lazily on the rim of his trousers. "I can be your first teacher, if you’d like." Yjolmar's voice was barely above a whisper now. He took his last step toward Sigurd, closing the gap between them so the two young men were chest to chest. Heat radiated off of the young orc and threatened to overpower Sigurd but the human held onto his reality by sheer force of will. "All you have to do is ask." Sigurd was breathing heavily. His eyes darted to every inch of the handsome orc in front of him and he knew there was no escaping this. Not that he wanted to. All his dreams were standing before him, hot and ready. So, the only thing Sigurd could say was... "Yes.” Yjolmar's face lit up with a smile. He threw the tunic to the ground and stepped forward, crashing into the smaller man. He placed his hands on the human's shoulders and pushed him back against the wall. Sigurd's mind was racing. He had never experienced anything like this before. He was being forced to submit to this mighty orc and was loving every second of it. Yjolmar wasted no time. He knelt on the floor and took hold of Sigurd's trousers. He pulled them down slowly and carefully, his hands sliding up the human's legs and over his thighs. Sigurd felt the orc's breath on his groin and the heat of his body. He looked down to see Yjolmar's dark eyes staring at his crotch, his nostrils flaring as he smelled the human's arousal. "Let's start with something simple," Yjolmar whispered. In an instant Sigurd felt his member engulfed in the order ravenous mouth. The orc's tongue lashed the underside of his shaft, drawing forth a moan from the human's throat. The orc's hands gripped his hips tightly and he began to thrust his hips back and forth, massaging the human's throbbing erection with his lips and tongue. Sigurd's moans became louder and more frequent as the orc worked him over. The orc's hands traveled south, grasping Sigurd's balls, and squeezing them firmly. Sigurd could feel the orc's breath on his sack and the sensation was driving him wild. His cock was as hard as it had ever been in his life, and this was only the beginning. Yjolmar's hands slid further south and Sigurd felt his cock slide between the orc's powerful fingers. The orc squeezed and stroked the human's dick with his hand while his mouth continued to work the human's cock. "Oh fuck, oh god, oh gods, oh fuck, oh god," Sigurd chanted as the orc's hand and mouth drove him to the brink. The orc's head popped up from the human's crotch and he looked up at Sigurd, his eyes burning with lust. "Tell me what you want," he growled. Sigurd looked down at the orc, his eyes glazed with desire. "I want you to fuck me." Yjolmar grinned and stood up. He grabbed the human's hips and lifted him up, pulling him in close for a long and demanding kiss. With a playful shove he tossed Sigurd onto the bed and admired the human’s physique has he clambered onto the bed and lay on his back. Yjolmar crawled on top of him, straddling his waist. From this angle Sigurd could see a large wet spot forming down the right side of Yjolmar's trousers. They grew further still as he noticed the sheer size of the member currently obscured by the blasted garment. Yjolmar straightened up in bed and began to shuck his trousers. Sigurd's eyes widened as he saw the orc's cock. It was huge, longer than his forearm and almost twice as thick. It was a dark green color with a large vein running along its length and a copious amount of his seed already leaking from his shaft. Sigurd's jaw dropped and he let out a whimper. "Fret not. You're safe with me." Yjolmar's words brought Sigurd's attention back to the orc. The orc's eyes were alight with excitement, and he was staring at the human's face with a look of pure lust. "You know what to do." Sigurd nodded and reached out to grab the orc's cock. It was warm and firm in his hand and pulsed bigger with each passing second. Sigurd tentatively wrapped his hand around the orc's cock and began to stroke it slowly. Yjolmar moaned and leaned forward, his hands gripping the bed sheets. Sigurd's mouth was watering, and his heart was beating fast. His cock was rock hard and dripping precum. He didn't know if he could take much more of this. He was lost in the moment, his body reacting to the sheer dominance his lover radiated. He kept stroking the orc's cock, moving his hand up and down the long shaft, watching the large veins pulse and the enormous tip bulge. He could feel the orc's breathing become heavy and his cock begin to spasm. Yjolmar's hips began to buck, pushing his cock deeper into the human's hand. "A-Ah! My lord! Please!" Yjolmar yelled, his voice hoarse and full of lust. Sigurd couldn't help but let out a grunt as the orc's cock throbbed in his hand. He pumped faster and faster, his own cock leaking like an unending faucet. Suddenly Yjolmar's body tensed up and was frozen. His taught muscles strained against his skin as the orc fought with all his might to resist the urge to cum. Sigurd continued to pump the orc's cock, his hand moving faster and faster. He could hear the orc's breathing becoming erratic and his cock twitching in his hand. He could tell that the orc was close. Sigurd's own orgasm began to rise and he sped up his strokes, his hand flying across the orc's cock. "Ahh, ah, AHHH! Please lord Ahrys, not yet!" Yjolmar screamed, his body wracked with strain and concentration as he used his entire constitution not to cum in the humans hands. Sigurd had no such limitations and after a few more seconds released the orc's member as his own orgasm overwhelmed him. He wailed and moaned as he shot load after load onto the orcs abdomen, letting his seed soak into his orcish lover as well as the furs beneath him. Sigurd's explosive volley subsided and soon he felt the exhaustion wash over him. His days of unending travel coupled with the explosive orgasm finally allowed his true level of fatigue to sink in. The human was physically, emotionally and sexually spent. But Yjolmar was just beginning. The orc pulled himself up onto the bed and rolled the human over, pinning him to the mattress. He smiled down at the human and ran his hands over the human's body, gently touching every inch of him. "I've been waiting for this," Yjolmar hissed. He pulled his hands away and pressed them against the human's stomach. "I've wanted to do this since I first laid eyes on you." The massive orc took his hands and scooped some of the human's seed off his abdomen and sucked it off his fingers, licking his lips as he went. Using his newly lubed appendages Yjolmar gradually probed at the human's entrance. Sigurd felt the orc's large hands grasp his hips and he opened his legs wider, his eyes fluttering shut as the orc's fingers pressed against his opening. First one, then two and soon he felt the orc's tongue dart out and lick his hole, sending a shiver through his body. Yjolmar took his time, his tongue working the human's puckered hole, savoring the taste of his seed and the musky scent of his sex. He began to push his tongue inside the human's ass, pressing deeper and deeper until his nose was buried in the human's crack. Sigurd's mind was hazy, his body was sore and his cock was still hard. He was completely and utterly lost in the moment, his world reduced to nothing but the orc's large hands on his hips and his tongue in his ass. Yjolmar’s tongue slid out and he licked the human's hole again, his tongue teasing the rim of the human's anus. He then pushed it back inside the human's ass and began to slowly fuck the human's ass with his tongue. Sigurd was losing track of time. He could feel the orc's cock rubbing against his balls and knew that it would be inside him any minute. He was afraid to move, knowing that he wouldn't last very long. The orc's tongue penetrated deeper and deeper, making the human moan loudly. The tongue swirled around the human's prostate, and he felt his cock twitch in response. "Oh fuck, oh gods, I'm going to cum," Sigurd moaned. Yjolmar smiled and pulled his tongue out of the human's ass, leaving a trail of saliva behind. He moved up his lover’s body and positioned his cock at the human's puckered hole. He pressed the head of his cock into the tight waiting hole and held it there for a moment, allowing the human to adjust to the intrusion. Sigurd gasped. He knew it would hurt but he did not expect the tip to feel this pleasurable as well. The orc chuckled to himself as he caressed his conquest's body with his hands, entreating him to relax and enjoy. Yjolmar slowly pushed the head of his cock into the human's ass, hissing as he felt the tight ring stretch around the shaft. "Shhh, it's ok little one. Just let me in." Sigurd tried to relax, his muscles tensing up as the orc's cock stretched his insides. "Ahhhh, ahhhhh," Sigurd groaned as the orc's cock filled him. Yjolmar slowly pulled back, letting the human's muscles tighten and pull the him in. Then he pushed back in again, eliciting another moan from the human. Sigurd's ass was now fully stretched, and he felt the orc's cock slide in further, reaching his deepest depths. The orc was all the way in and he felt his cock throbbing inside the human's ass. Yjolmar began to thrust in and out of the human's ass, the sounds of their bodies slapping together filling the room. The orc's cock was slick with the human's juices and he was able to slide in and out of the human's ass easily. Yjolmar started with long slow strokes, allowing the human to get used to his tremendous size. He slowed his pace enough to find Sigurd's inner most pleasurable spots and one he'd found them his face twisted into a crooked smile. Sigurd was moaning constantly, his eyes rolling back in his head as the orc fucked him. He was beyond caring about anything but the pleasure coursing through his body. Yjolmar picked up speed and began to pound the human's ass, the bed creaking under the force of the orc's thrusts. "Fuck yes! Oh fuck, oh god, oh please!" Sigurd cried. "I'm going to...!" "OH NO YOU WONT!" The ork roared. In an instant Yjolmar withdrew his member from the pleading human below him and flipped him onto his back, his face and cock facing the sky. Looking at Yjolmar. With one final moan Sigurd ejaculated ropes of seed into the air and all over his orc lover. The orc huffed in approval, satisfied with the amount of seed Sigurd had shot. He again allowed his strong hands to roam his body and collect all his human's seed. In full view of Sigurd, Yjolmar ate his lovers cum until his hands were squeaky clean. Then the orc crawled up the human's body and began to greedily lick the human's chest and belly, savoring the taste of his conquest’s seed. He moved down and began to suckle on the human's cock, taking it deep into his throat and bobbing up and down, sucking the human dry. Sigurd was delirious with pleasure, his mind clouded by the powerful orgasm. He could barely keep his eyes open as he watched Yjolmar devour his cock like some kind of sex crazed animal. Finally he stopped and allowed Sigurd a brief moment of respite. The humans vision blurred and his senses waned while be listened to his conqueror mutter under his breath. A fluid and lyrical pattern of speech escaped Yjolmar's lips as Sigurd faded into the sheets. For a moment he could have thought that Yjolmar was... Praying. The human’s eyes snapped open as he realized two things. Who his lover bad prayed too. And that the orc still had not cum. "You wish to pray before my god," Yjolmar cooed, his voice a terrible rumbling whisper. "Yet you have bit even seen a fraction of his power." The orc grunted and Sigurd could have sworn he saw his lovers member bulge. Coming out of his reverie the human watched mouth agape as Yjolmar's body pulsed. With each beat of his heart the orc grew larger. His muscles denser, heavier, filled with more power. His chest was noticeable first. Each slab of pectoral muscles were suddenly filled with veins, pumping the muscle larger and filling out the flat expanded into a bulging bulbous cleft of pectorals with two firm dark green nipples that grew just enough that they probably could have poked through fabric. Next came the arms. The veins snaked their way into each bicep and filled it with even more muscle while simultaneously dissolving any traces of fat. With each flex Yjolmar moaned and cried and his cock squirted additional slick milky seed. His forearms filled to match the muscles before it and then orcs hands pulsed with newfound power. Then his legs. The veins of the muscle pulsed and swelled and he felt the bones shift, growing thicker, longer, stronger. They expanded upward ward and out, filling the legs with more dense muscle and powerful sinew. His ass became a large, meaty orb with intricate striations that looked made to fuck. Sigurd looked up at his lover, his jaw hanging open in awe. Yjolmar was showing him what awaited in his future. The orc was going to grow into something extraordinary. Yjolmar laughed, the sound almost bestial, and grabbed the human's hips. He pulled Sigurd up so that he was sitting upright, his ass high in the air. "Come on little one. Show me your might. Show me how you will serve Ahrys." Sigurd was too weak to resist, he couldn't believe how good it felt to be lifted by the orc and be tossed around as if he weighed nothing. Yjolmar moved him until he was straddling the orc's waist and he sat down on his thick leaking cock. "Mmmmmmm," Yjolmar moaned. Sigurd felt the orc's cock throb and pulse in his ass and he shuddered. "Fuck, you're tight," Yjolmar growled. He grabbed the human's hips and began to pound his ass, sliding in and out of the human's body. Filling him to the brim with his huge orcish meat. Sigurd was gasping for breath, his head spinning as the orc pounded him even harder than he ever had before. "More." Yjolmar demanded. Suddenly Sigurn felt a pulse inside him. It was subtle at first but it grew stronger and stronger. He could feel it in his chest, it was in his ass, it was in his cock. It was in his soul. His lovers manhood was growing inside him. And it would make him cum. The orc was pounding Sigurd's ass hard and fast, his cock throbbing inside the human's body. Sigurd was breathing hard, his entire body tingling as the orc's cock continued to swell, filling him to the point of pain. But now that he was blessed by his lovers seed, pain and pleasure had become one. "Cum for me little one. Cum for your new god." Yjolmar commanded. Sigurd couldn't help it. His body was on fire. His mind was delirious and his cock could take it no longer. He felt the seed begin to flow out of his cock, shooting straight up into the air and landing on Yjolmar's chest and shoulders. "Yes, oh yes, cum for me," Yjolmar said as he continued to pound the human's ass. Sigurd screamed as he came, his body shaking uncontrollably as he emptied his balls onto his orc lover. Yjolmar moaned loudly as Sigurd's ass clamped down on him, squeezing the orc's cock tighter than ever before. With one final guttural roar the orc finally unloaded his seed into the human's ass, each shot of his load filled the human witch such pleasure, each volley powerful enough to stimulate his prostate, causing another wave of pleasure to crash over the human. Yjolmar was not done yet, he kept fucking the human, his cock pulsing in the human's ass as he pumped his seed into the human's body, fully and completely, breeding him for his god. His cock did not go down quickly, and he continued his assault on the human’s arse until it was safe to extricate himself. With a loud pop and a dribble of cum the Yjolmar released himself from his prize. With his last ounce of strength the orc pushed the human’s cheeks shut, forcing him to accept his seed permanently. When he was finished, he collapsed next to Sigurd, panting heavily. "That was amazing," Sigurd whispered. Yjolmar looked to the human and smiled. For a brief moment Sigurd saw the face of the quiet young orc sitting next to the fireplace instead of the man who had fucked him to heaven and back. His features were softer now than they had been before, no longer the stern face of a stranger but a powerful visage of a caring lover. "I'm glad you liked it," Yjolmar said, kissing the human's forehead. "Now rest. Your journey was tiring, and soon there will be much to do." Sigurd nodded and closed his eyes, succumbing to sleep as he was enveloped by his new lover. *** Comments and constructed feedback wanted. I really do need an editor so please point out any grammatical mistakes you notice and I will correct them.
  7. musclelovingtwink

    The Prompt

    “Nah. Still no. I don’t get it.” Harry stood with his brow furrowed in front of Jacob, clearly perplexed. Jacob sighed. He’d been ready for this, it was very complex stuff, and Harry wasn’t exactly known for his outstanding intelligence. “Ok, so first off, time isn’t a straight line. We can’t really look at time, but it’s really convoluted…” he began. Harry nodded but already seemed to be lost. “It’s complicated and it crosses over itself and collides at different points.” He drew a big squiggle on the whiteboard to illustrate his point. He gestured to where two parts of the line crossed. “Here, where time collides, is what we call a ‘junction.’” Harry continued to nod. Jacob pointed at the machine. It was essentially a computer hooked up to a helmet, covered in strange electrodes and wires. “This machine sends a signal at a frequency that should be able to pass THROUGH those junctions.” “What, so to a different time?” Harry asked. “Exactly!” Jacob said, excited that his friend was getting it. “This helmet scans your brain waves, and using a sample of your DNA, encodes the signal in a way that would only affect you, but at different points in time.” “Wait, so what, I can get messages from the future?” Harry said, seeming interested suddenly. Jacob rolled his eyes knowing he was thinking about the lottery or something. “Not exactly. Think of it like a really strong hypnosis tape. We put a prompt into the computer, and that message is sent out as a signal. It would be like having an idea soaked into your brain all through your life.” “What do you mean.” Harry said. “Well, it would just be an idea that would be reinforced, like training a dog, but… retroactively. Imagine being able to break a drug addiction by stopping it before it happened, or just changing the way you think just a little bit so you never chose to stop going to the gym or something…” he trailed off, almost revealing too much of his own desires. “Or, for instance, rewriting a lab rat’s mentality so it lost the ability to feel full.” With that he gestured to a glass enclosure which housed a morbidly obese rat, it’s little feet wiggling just enough to reach the floor and roll itself over to the food bowl. “Oh my god, that’s disgusting.” Said Harry, repulsed. “Well, it was a perfectly healthy rat last night. In fact it was a little underweight.” “Jesus. Wait, hang on, so you’re basically telling me that this machine can rewrite history?” he asked, snapping back to attention. “To a degree. It only works on the person wearing the helmet, and it can only change their thought patterns so much. If you try something too radical, the person would consciously reject the idea, and when it kept coming back they’d probably get doped up by a psychologist.” “Ok, so why are you telling me this?” “I need you to be my first human test subject.” Jacob said sheepishly. “Wait, what? And end up like Chubs over there?” Harry said, standing up quickly and pointing at the obese rat which had now rolled onto its side, struggling to get right-side up again. “No, I mean, well, yes, but we don’t need to make the prompt make you FAT, it could be anything!” Jacob said desperately trying to regain Harry’s calmness. “This is for my doctorate, and I need to be able to prove that the machine works.” “Well why don’t you do it yourself?” “I will, but I need to be sure first. I hard-coded it so that whenever my own DNA is used, a secondary prompt will always be used to implant the idea of the machine into me. That way it shouldn’t be able to cause a change that would destroy the machine and prevent me fixing anything that gets fucked up.” “Like me for instance?” said Harry, raising an eyebrow. “Well, yeah.” Jacob said. “Point is, I think it’s completely functional, and it worked on the rat. I just need a human test to make sure the prompt works with the human brain and doesn’t get muddled up somehow.” Harry thought for a while. “And I get to pick the prompt?” he asked, coyly. “Sure. That is, as long as it’s something we can clearly observe.” Harry continued to think. “Fine. But no judgement alright?” “Great! Of course not! So what do you want the prompt to be?” Jacob said, rushing to the computer’s keyboard. “Well, I’ve always been… decently fit I guess.” Started Harry, blushing. It was true, Jacob had always thought Harry had a beautiful body. He was tall and lithe. He wasn’t muscular, per se, but he had a tight swimmer’s build that looked good in everything. “Yeah, and?” “Well I only started really hitting the gym hard recently, and I feel like I sort of missed my prime for it.” “Harry, you’re 24.” “Yeah, I know, but like, if I had’ve worked out seriously through puberty, I could be pretty… hot.” “Ok, so basically you want the prompt to be something like ‘I love working out in the gym.’” Jacob said. “Yeah, that’d make a nice start.” “A start?” said Jacob, half laughing. “Well, if I can rewrite my life, you think I’m stopping after just one go?” “Ok, ok, let’s get to that when we get to it.” Jacob hammered on the keyboard, inputting parameters and the prompt; “I love working out in the gym.” “Alright, we are ready to go, and… done.” He pushed the enter key with a decisive motion. The loud clack of the key was followed by a high-pitched whirring from the computer as fans buzzed to life. Harry felt a tingling sensation in his scalp as automatic sensors wormed their way across his head. After a few minutes, the machine’s activity died down and Harry looked around expectantly. “Is that it?” he asked, sounding a bit let down. Jacob looked at the computer monitor. A blinking, green phrase on the screen read “Transmission successful.” “Yeah, it looks like it worked.” Said Jacob smiling widely. “Really?” asked Harry, looking down at himself. “I don’t feel any different. Don’t tell me this is the improved me and I just don’t remember cos my past changed.” Jacob smirked. “Well the rat took about 10 minutes to see any difference. I noticed the changes so I don’t imagine we wouldn’t notice it happen with you.” He began to finger through a small pile of notes on the machine. “The machine sends messages through junctions in the timeline, which in turn affects the present, and the future, but because we’re making a change that never happened before we basically cause a paradox.” “Can you explain that a bit, I’m not a nerd.” Said Harry, rolling his eyes for effect. “Ok, so there’s a timeline where everything happened normally, which brought you to this point where you made the decision to change your past. Since you changed your past, when you got to this point in your life there’d never be a reason to make that change since it already happened, meaning your past WOULDN’T be changed, and would happen normally.” Harry just looked confused again. “Ok, so in order for you to both make the decision, and not make the decision, you basically have two distinct pasts now. Both have to exist for the other to make any sense.” He drew on the white board again, drawing a line that split in two, and then rejoined, like a river splitting and then coming together again. “As far as I can tell, there’s no reason it shouldn’t work out just fine, in the grand scheme of things.” Jacob looked back at Harry, only to see he was barely paying attention. Harry’s hand was scratching at his chest. As Jacob watched he saw that it was less the way you would scratch an itch, and more the way you would rub a sore muscle, almost massage-like. “Something feels weird.” Said Harry. He took the helmet with all its sensors off his head and got up from the chair. “It’s like, lik- AH!” he said jerking his head back. “Like something’s moving under my skin.” Jacob got up to get a closer look. “Take your shirt off, let me see what’s happening, something could be wrong.” Harry started to pull his t-shirt upward. As it got up to his chest the material grew tight and was fighting being pulled from his skin. “Ow, Jesus, it’s so tight!” Harry protested. “I can’t get it off. As he let go of the hem, Jacob saw the problem. The material was stretched impossibly tight over Harry’s chest, because his chest was getting larger. He watched as what was once a thin, tight chest ballooned into dense, meaty pecs. Two wide, rounded lumps grew in front of Jacob’s eyes as Harry’s nipples grew from almost 2D into thick, swollen tits, and then started to push downwards as the expanding flesh above them continued to grow. There was a harsh crack, and Jacob looked up to see the collar of Harry’s t-shirt had given way. The red material was moving steadily to the sides, accompanied by a loud ripping noise as the split spread downwards. In seconds, Harry’s chest was bare. His pale chest was immense, somehow seeming even bigger now that it was uncovered. A deep crevasse ran between the two huge slabs of muscle, each with a half inch-long tit neatly sitting under it. As the rip continued downwards, Jacob’s eyes followed, and to his amazement he watches as Harry’s stomach contorted and flexed, bringing forth two, then four, then six, then eight spectacular abs. Each was big enough that Jacob could’ve fit his hand around one just barely, and they sat perfectly symmetrically down Harry’s front. The bottom of the shirt gave way, and as it fell to the sides, shredded obliques were revealed below ribs, revealed by the complete lack of body fat. Harry, still somewhat dazed, grabbed at the two sides of the shirt hanging off him and tugged. In one swift motion the sleeves of the tattered garment were obliterated, revealing still swelling delts. Each looked to be in competition with his head for size, but had deep striations that looked to go almost to the bone. Harry roared in approval, raising his arms in a double bicep pose which started unimpressively, but pure muscle rocketed down his arms, twisting into colossal football-sized biceps, and equally impressive triceps. Veins twisted and wrapped around the surface looking like a spider’s web, but as thick as a normal person’s fingers. His forearms broadened until they could be confused for a whole ham. Jacob, both enthralled by the success of the experiment, and enamoured by the changed he was seeing in front of him, reached forwards to fumble with Harry’s belt. A huge meaty paw pushed aside his smaller, fragile hand and grasped at the buckle with seemed to shatter in his grip. As his belt pulled away, his jeans started to drop to the floor, but were caught quickly as, even undone, the waistband was significantly narrower than the legs it was trying to slide past. “Oh shit!” Harry let loose, as the denim filled quickly and began to strain. Jacob had never heard a sound like the resounding splintering noise the jeans made as solid, alabaster steel burst out both sides. Harry’s legs looked freakish, they grew enormous, and the contrast with his narrow waist would have been almost laughable if it weren’t so hot. As the legs of his boxer briefs were forced upwards, deep cuts in the muscle were revealed. Each of the quads was thicker than Jacob’s whole torso, and the cuts were so intense he felt drawn to wrap his fingers around the long, thick muscle heads. As far as he could tell Harry wasn’t even flexing, he was just so immense and so shredded that every single fiber was visible through his paper-thin skin. Beneath the quads, teardrop calves clung onto sturdy lower legs, though at this point they were resembling a capital “P” more so than a teardrop. Jacob almost had to step back as the last remains of clothing on the behemoth twitched before him. The bulge in Harry’s too-small boxer briefs began to swell until it looked like an overgrown banana was being restrained by them; every pulsing inch clearly discernible through the stretched fabric as it sat atop two orange-sized balls. He could even see several inches of thick, vascular cock where the waistband was being pulled away from Harry’s abs, by both the new narrowness of his waist, and the weight of the monster restrained there. Jacob looked up at Harry, his mouth open in awe. Harry looked down, but nervously had to take a step back as he couldn’t see Jacob past his new pec shelf. Just moving his head felt strange, as he could feel the vast muscles of his traps reaching up almost as high as his ears twitching against his thick neck to move. He reached an arm up to feel his neck, and was surprised to meet resistance as his biceps collided with his pecs, limiting movement. Touching his neck he found that it was as thick as his own head, maybe even an inch or two thicker. “Holy fuck.” He said, to Jacob, his voice multiple octaves deeper than it had been, minutes ago. “I mean… holy fuck.” Jacob could barely think, and only managed a few astonished words. “All that from ‘I love working out in the gym?’”
  8. MuscleLoverMG

    The AntiHero

    This is my first story I've ever posted on here! Let me know what you think and what you think I could improve as I move forward with writing this! If you have an suggestions on where the story should go, don't be scared to leave those too! I'm still brainstorming where this might go! The AntiHero Chapter 1: Frankie no more... Frankie was just your ordinary lad. He wasn’t too muscular, not too athletic, and not at all coordinated. In fact the only thing he had going for him was his devilishly handsome face and his charming grin. Other than that Frankie was the definition of average at best. This was a big difference compared to Quinn, Frankie’s longtime rival who consistently one-upped everything Frankie tried to do. Quinn was a lad’s lad. He had the good looks, fit body, and boyish charm to get any girl swooning. He knew it too. Quinn exuded confidence and always walked around like his shit didn’t stink. He’d consistently take sexy shirtless selfies with a seductive grin for his Instagram and other socials. Day by day, Frankie could do nothing but watch his rival get all the attention and praise. Frankie was sick of living as the “average at best” kinda guy. But he didn’t know how to change it. For months he went to bed wishing every night that something would change. That he could become the better man. A real “man” among the “men”, if you know what I mean. Halloween was quickly approaching, and for once Frankie wished he could be the hunk at the costume party that was strutting around in a seductive getup. But alas, once again it would be Quinn who would most likely come dressed up as some sexy superhero, a spartan warrior, or a chippendale dancer. At least…. this is how it was supposed to be. But sometimes plans change and people change too. In fact, Frankie’s wishes may just be coming true after so many months of hope. Soon he’ll be this “man” among the men. And soon he’ll be the one strutting around the costume party in a sexy head turning getup. It was on Halloween morning when the mysterious package that would do all this arrived at Frankie’s door. Frankie was sitting and watching TV just like he does any other day, when the doorbell rang. He wasn’t expecting anyone or anything, so he was quite off-put when he opened the door to a package at his feet. He looked around for a few moments before picking up the box and bringing it inside. “Maybe it was dropped at the wrong address” Frankie thought. But alas, his name and address was on the box. Curiously, Frankie began slicing open the taped up edges with a box cutter. “I wonder what’s inside” he pondered under his breath. As he flipped open the cardboard lids, Frankie was not only taken back by what he saw, but also beginning to feel a pit of rage in his gut. “Fucking Quinn’s such an asshole” Frankie snarled through gritted teeth as he pulled out the contents. He held up what looked like a military vest and then threw it aside. His face became redder and redder as he went in for the second item in the box. He wrapped his hands around the leather straps and metallic clasps. He instantly knew what this was. “The prick thought it would be funny to get me a bane costume.” Knowing it would look awful on his slim frame, Frankie was infuriated and humiliated at the same time. There was no way he could go to the costume party now. “I bet Quinn is probably gonna wear the same costume too, just to show me up” Frankie internally sulked. He threw the mask aside, not noticing the note that was sitting at the bottom of the box. Hours passed as Frankie sat defeated, stuffing his face with junk food. The annual Halloween party was in just 45 minutes, so at this point Frankie couldn’t even think about getting another costume ready. He felt every negative emotion in the book. He was ashamed with his physical form, but also loathed the fact he was gonna miss the opportunity to attend this event. That’s when something strange happened. His phone began buzzing to a mysterious text from an unknown number. “Put the mask on Frankie, we will be one soon. Just be patient.” “What the fuck is this shit. Is he really texting me from a fake number now?” Frankie growled. “You know what fuck Quinn. I’m going to go to the party dressed as bane and be perfectly confident. That will show him.” Frankie stormed over to the box and grabbed the mask. He began to pull it over his head, and it immediately fit quite snugly around his jaw. As Frankie squeezed the mask over the back of his head, he felt a several slight stings, almost as if he was being pricked by several needles in the back of his skull. “Must just be my hair getting caught” he thought to himself. But Frankie was quite wrong. The second Frankie put the mask on, his fate was sealed and forever changed. Almost immediately, Frankie began to feel an enormous amount of pressure in the back of his head and temples. At first he thought he was going to pass out, but this sensation was quite different. Frankie felt buzzed, and quite energized. Without warning, the pain began shooting down his spine and then out towards his lats. As the pain wrapped itself around his rib cage, Frankie could feel a heat flooding his body. It went down each arm into the fingertips, through his legs, and even into his groin. “What the fuck is happening to me!” Frankie squealed in a high pitch scream of terror. He grabbed the back of the mask and attempt to pry it off his scalp, but it was just too tight. Even more, it felt like the back of the mask was latched inside his skin where the pinching feeling was felt. The pain was rapidly increasing and that’s when it began… Frankie heard a loud crack as an unbearable pain shot down his spine. He let out a blood curdling scream as his spine began stretching his frame taller. “No! Make it stop, please!” Frankie whimpered as he fell on his hands and knees to the floor. “I don’t want this anymore!” He slammed his hands into the floorboards as the unbearable pain shot to his lats and ribcage which began cracking and spreading wider apart. To Frankie’s surprise, his hit caused the wooden board to crack and splinter. “So fucking strong” Frankie moaned animalistically. There was an evil gleam in his eye for a second, but he quickly snapped out of it. “No! Did I just fucking do that.” He winced. “This isn’t me. I’m a gentle guy.” He sat on those words for a few seconds before beginning to snicker to himself. “I’m not gentle. I’m fucking powerful and dominant” he growled sadistically. As he said this, the pain moved into his chest and biceps. Interestingly, the pain wasn’t bothering Frankie as much. He actually liked how it was beginning to feel. Every second he was feeling more and more manly. More authoritative. More godly. Frankie snapped back into reality when he saw the veins in his forearms begin to plump. As they pulsed in rhythm with his heartbeat, they grew green in color and began to push against his tightening skin. Frankie watched in horror as his forearms and biceps grew thick and solid. A spider web of veins entangling around them. With his voice trembling, he whimpered “please no more!” He stood up and once again tried to rip the mask off. Despite his arms being much stronger, the mask still wouldn’t un-latch itself from the back of his skull. Frankie was beginning to feel angrier than ever. But with this anger came a feeling of power and an even greater desire for more power. He began puffing his chest out, giving his pecs room to expand into big, veiny globs full of muscle sinews. Frankie’s Black T-shirt was stretching to its limits. Any onlooker would have just assumed he was wearing an athletic compression shirt if they didn’t know it was once quite loose fitting on his frame. “Fuck this feels so good” Frankie growled while throwing his head back, letting his pecs and lats extend to their full size. At this moment, his shirt snapped open and slid off his arms. In one swift motion Frankie threw his fist at the wall, creating a crumbling crater in the cement and wood barrier. Frankie cackled and sneered a cocky grin. Frankie moved to a nearby mirror to see the god... - I mean “man” - he was turning into. Upon seeing his reflection the real Frankie suddenly came back. “No! This isn’t who I’m supposed to be. This is a monster. I’m not…” He stopped talking, transfixed on his expanding legs, which he now didn’t even notice were in a great deal of pain. In a deeper octave than just seconds ago he muttered “I AM a monster.” The hulking beast emphasized the word AM. As the last of the masks venom spread through his body, Frankie let out a guttural and baritone growl raising his biceps into a double bicep pose. “Fuck ya! I am a monster! I am fucking bane!” Bane felt an instant urge to use his strength… to break something. The first thing that came to mind was the couch his former self was sulking on all night. With a single hand he lifted the 900lb object over his head. “I’m so strong... So powerful. This feels fucking fantastic!” As he said this, Frankie… -I mean Bane - brought the couch down onto his knee, cracking it in two. He no longer feared the beast he was becoming. In fact inside little Frankie was beginning to lose himself to the power that he felt. He loved that he had become an inhumanly strong god among men. He loved that his muscles were absolutely bulging with striations and chiseled beyond belief. And most of all, he loved that he was going to show Quinn what a real “man” is supposed to be. Frankie grabbed the vest that was sitting in the box and tried to strap it over his shirtless torso, but there was no way it was going to fit. “Fuck it, I look better shirtless anyway” he snarled. Then he noticed the note sitting in the bottom of the box. He picked it up and read it aloud with his dense, baritone voice. “Frankie, I’ve chosen you to become the next King of our beings. Just put on the mask and you will be Bane. Attend the party as Bane and I will find you. Then we’ll merge and become strong enough to rule this world and force everyone to bow to our power! I know you want this Frankie. You always have, so just put on the mask.” The note was signed “Venom.” Bane’s bloodthirsty growl said it all. Deep down, the last bit of the innocent Frankie faded. “You’re right Venom. I was born to be a fucking god! I may have been Frankie, but from now on my worshipers will know me only as Bane!!!!” And with that… little Frankie was no more.

    Halloween In Havenville Part One

    Not my first story, but the first I've posted here. I write a lot more on my tumblr. Many thanks to MonsterMash for editing this for me and for encouraging me to write some stuff. I don't think it mentions Havenville in the story, but it's the default town I write most of my longer stories in, I'm gonna start posting the others if you guys like this one. October 25th 2014 In the Omega Beta Alpha Frat house a party was raging. All of the frat brothers had their new pledges and each of the older boys had adopted one pledge as a brother. Tonight, the first test for the pledges had started: seeing if they could handle their liquor. “Hey there, lil bro!” Drake staggered into the hall of their frat house, a little tipsy already. “Come join the party!” he said to the smaller red head that he’d been paired with. Nate, Drake’s pledge brother, was a freshmen, and a real freshman at that. He was very boyish, being a lot shorter then the other pledges. He reminded Drake a lot of himself. He’d been shy like Nate. He hadn’t wanted to get involved with the parties or even the Frat. But, like Nate, Drake was a legacy and his family had pushed him into the frat. Drake had been scared that being gay would be difficult for the frat to deal with, but surprisingly, it hadn’t been. His frat brothers had been so easy going about it that Drake had come out of his shell, quickly losing his shyness around them. He still hadn’t made his mind up about Nate yet, probably just the usual nerves. Omega Beta Alpha was a bit of a jock frat, which could be intimidating to a little guy like Nate. Hell, even Drake had been a track star in high school. Nate was definitely not an athlete. He looked like he was the token nerd for the frat that year. A hot little nerd, Drake thought, with his red hair and green eyes. If Drake had those features on his slim runner’s body, he’d rule the world. But Drake had plain dull brown hair and boring grey eyes. Nate shook his curly red head at Drake. “I’ll stay out for a bit.Just looking at all of the pictures.” One of the walls of the frat house had been decorated with pictures of frat brothers from previous decades. But Nate seemed interested in one particular photo. “You know that guy is a murderer,” Nate said, pointing to a tall dark haired boy in the center of a photo. The text “James Hawke, President, 1962” was inscribed in gold underneath the photo. “Yea, I heard it was some Alfred Hitchcock shit, how they found the dead guy. ” Drake shrugged “We’re not really meant to talk about him. I mean, he wasn’t convicted or anything, but its not a part of history the university wants remembered, you know?” “Do you know if they ever found him? I heard he took off after the murder.” Nate said, looking at Drake with wide eyes. “Not that I know of,” Drake told him. Nate suddenly looked sad. “The guy he killed isn’t on here.” “That’s cause he was gay!” Jimmy said, coming up behind them. Drake and Nate jumped a little. “The frat wasn’t nearly as accepting as we are now, back then.” He hiccuped, standing between them. He wrapped his arms around Drake and Nate’s shoulders, staring at the picture with them. He held a half full glass of beer in the hand hanging over Drake’s shoulder, a few big drops of beer sloshing out onto the floor. Jimmy was Italian and it showed in his tanned skin and pitch black hair. He wasn’t hairy and worked hard to keep his body trim and tight. Something he had to do, given how much beer he drank. He was a swimmer and Drake thought his legs and his ass were his best features. Not that he told Jimmy that. “Wasn’t James Hawke gay too?” Nate said. “Yeah, but his daddy was rich. That makes all the difference around here,” Drake said, matter-of-factly. “You're so tiny!” Jimmy said, feeling Nate’s shoulders. “Look, can you fags come back in and join the party already?” Nate’s face went red. Drake shook his head, rolling his eyes at Jimmy. “What?” Jimmy’s drunken face suddenly looked angelic and innocent. He spoke in a higher pitched voice than usual as he said, “it’s ok to call someone a fag if they’re your friend.” “It’s not ok, douche-nozzle,” Drake said, but couldn’t help but smile. He liked how his frat brothers could joke around with him about being gay. “Whatever.” Jimmy nodded at Nate. “Let’s get this boy drunk!” he said, leading them back into the party room. ——————————————————————————————————————————— October 26th 2014 It was early morning when the party ended. Nate managed to loosen up a bit and had even impressed a few of the guys with how much he drank. But it had cost the little ginger. He could barely walk and Drake had to drag his little bro back to his dorm room. Nate was practically asleep, his arms wrapped around Drake’s slim torso and gripping at his shirt. His face pressed into Drake’s shoulder and he was drooling onto his big bro’s collar. “We’re back, lil bro,” Drake announced, dumping Nate against the wall next to his door. Nate woke up abruptly as he was suddenly forced to keep himself upright. He smirked dumbly at Drake and tossed the room key at him. Drake rolled his eyes and tried to open the door. But Drake was drunk too and it took several tried for the door to open. Once the door was open, Nate fell into his room and somehow managed to land on his bed.His roommate wasn’t home so luckily there was no one to complain about the noise. Drake started to help Nate get his shoes off, but the little guy pulled Drake up by the collar and kissed him full on the lips. It only lasted a second, but Nate pushed him away, his face bright red. Guess that answers if he’s gay or not, Drake thought. “Shit, I’m sorry,” Nate slurred, burping. “I’m really drunk.” Drake shrugged and flashed a cheeky grin. “That’s…” he stopped when Nate dropped down onto his pillow, already snoring softly. Drake sighed. He was on his knees next to Nate’s bed. The door and the roommate’s bed looked miles away. He just laid back, resting his head on a pile of folded towels and tried to get some sleep. Maybe Nate wouldn’t remember any of this in the morning. Or maybe he would. Drake wasn’t sure which one would be better. During his sleep,for the first time in years Drake had a wet dream. It was intense and vivid. He felt hands caressing his body, teeth biting at his nipples, and tongues working his average cock and balls. It felt as if his clothes moved as he slept, like real hands were sculpting his body into something new. He twisted and turned, fighting against strong grasps that held down his wrists and ankles. It was extremely hot, and he eventually came, roaring when he did. Something he’d never done before. The noise was so loud, it almost shook Nate from his sleep. The smaller guys groans though were silenced by Drake’s moans. Drake woke hours later, well into the day, and he thanked god it was a Sunday. He was hungover and still very tired, but his underwear was cold and damp from the multiple loads coaxed out of his sleeping form. He sat up noticing that Nate’s bed was empty, then he thought he heard something tear and felt cold air on his back. “Sleeping beauty’s awake,” a voice chuckled from the other bed Drake turned to take in Nate’s roommate, a beefy looking boy.The corn fed Kansas type. “Nate said to say sorry for last night, he went off to the library… I think to avoid you” the roomie explained. “I’m Greg by the way” “Hey, I’m Drake, Nate’s big brother at Omega,” Drake greeted, rubbing sleep from his eyes He was just wondered whether he was coming down with a sore throat, he sounded horse, when there was another tearing sound. A rip spread up Drake’s sleeve, the fabric stretched thin by a thickly muscled arm that wasn’t his own. “What the fuck,” Drake gasped, jumping up and looking at his arms, both huge and heavy with muscle. “Yea, your bursting out of that shirt.” Greg grinned. “Big guy problems, I know the feeling. You can borrow one of mine if you like.” Drake nodded, a little shook up by his veiny arms. He looked over to Greg who appeared to be the same height as him. Greg fished out a vest from his wardrobe and Drake noticed that Greg’s arms looked a little thicker than his own bigger arms. Greg tossed the vest over and Drake pulled his shirt off. It fell apart in his hands. Drake stopped dead as he looked down at his torso. He always had some nice slender abs, but now he couldn’t see them past a pair of big, tight pecs. “Nice fucking abs man!” Greg said, lifting his own shirt to show abs that looked a lot like Drake’s had, before he woke up. “Been working on mine for months and can’t get any more cut…… What’s your secret?” “I don’t know,” Drake answered, one hand shrugging on the vest, the other tracing deeper then normal ridges on his stomach. He moved to the door, the vest tight against his torso, his massive arms painfully on display. As he opened the door he saw Greg’s nostrils flare, a little flash of light sprang up in the back of his eyes. “Hey, if you want to work out or sometime…… you know where I am.” Greg smiled, his broad shoulders folding inwards like he was suddenly shy. Drake just nodded and fled the dorms. When he got back to the frat house he sped up to his room, ignoring his brothers who’d starting to clean up from the party. He jumped out of his clothes and threw his cum sodden briefs into a pile of dirty clothes on the other side of the room. He stood at the mirror on the back of his door. His mouth open and his eyes flushed with shock. Drake was ripped, a deep solid six pac flexed on his stomach. He bounced his pecs for the first time ever and smirked arrogantly at the feel of them falling under their muscle-heavy weight. He flexed his arm and caressed the swollen bicep. He’d always had big legs, but now the rest of his body had caught up with them. The biggest surprise was his cock. When hard before, it was about 6 inches, on a good day. Now it looked to be that big soft. Also his balls felt heavy and full, even though he’d shot more into his pants then he did in a normal week of jerking off. Drake shook off the shock and with eyes still heavy with sleep, he fell into his bed. ——————————————————————————————————————————— October 27th 2014 Drake slept the whole day and night, and he had another wet dream. This time even more hands and tongues were involved. Again they milked Drake while he slept. Invisible mouths taking turns sucking down his swollen cock, hands massaging his bloated muscles. Then the tongues started. They worked over his body, washing every muscle. They cleared his skin and excited the hair follicles. He woke in a sweat the next morning, but it wasn’t cold, it was warm like bathwater. Still full of sleep, he rose out of bed and moved towards the mirror. He half wondered whether he’d dreamt the growth from the day before. Maybe he’d drank some bad vodka. But he felt heavy, and parts of his body bounced and swung when they hadn’t before. His eyes widened at the sight in the mirror. He was the same size as yesterday. Built like he’d been hitting the gym for years. His abs still cut unreasonably deep, his arm muscles still big and covered in veins. But now he was hairier. A thin forest of dark hair had sprouted over his pecs during the night. Some more spread over his thighs and a slim trail ran up his abs stopping one cobble stone muscle below his pecs. Cum was splattered over his pecs and stomach again. Drake sighed and wiped it off with a nearby shirt. It was the shirt Greg gave him. He’d have to wash that later. Drake felt a chill and what could’ve been a tongue run along his soft cock, causing it to shoot up into a instant erection. “Fuck.” Drake grinned. He should be shocked or scared, but what kind of man would react without delight to suddenly having an 8 inch cock? There a loud knocking at the door. “One second!” Drake shouted,this voice a little deeper then the day before He pulled on some boxers quickly, not realizing that they fit perfectly over his longer fatter cock. Like they’d spent their entire existence being stretched out by it. He didn’t bother with a shirt, none of the other guys did in the frat, and Drake had a much better body then most of them now. He opened the door and found his frat brother Jimmy staring back at him from the room across the hall. “Why’d you knock on my door?” Jimmy said.He looked like he’d just woken up, his eyes bleary and bloodshot. 
Like Drake, he wore only boxers. Drake did his best to keep his eyes above the neck, not looking down at Jimmy’s flat stomach or long legs. “I didn’t…. you knocked on mine,” Drake retorted. Without even being aware he was doing it, he flexed his chest and rolled his shoulders towards Jimmy menacingly. Jimmy shook his head, and backed away a step from the larger male. “No, I didn’t,” he said. They both stood quiet for a moment. Drake went back to relaxing his muscles, but noticed that it made him seem a couple inches shorter. He watched as Jimmy took one long inhale and rolled back on his feet a little. “Do you have classes today?” Jimmy said,suddenly shy Drake shrugged and scratched the back of his head, feeling, a little nervous for some reason. His bicep flexed and Jimmy’s eyes widened. “I got a few hours,” Drake answered. A wide smile appeared on Jimmy’s face “Great…. do you want to fuck?” Drake stepped back this time. “What are you….” Jimmy leaned against his door-frame and took another deep breath. Drake did the same and got a sharp smack of musk in his nose. Drake shuddered. He smelt really good. “I just really want to fuck, and you look like you know what you’re doing,” Jimmy stated. “You know you’re pretty hung and you’re gay, so I assume you can fuck guys pretty well…” Drake just nodded, even though his experience with men was surprisingly small. Jimmy took the nod as a yes to everything and pulled Drake into his room. The door swung closed under its own power and a gust of wind pushed the two frat brothers onto Jimmy’s bed. Drake clumsily tore off Jimmy’s boxers and then his own. He was unused to his larger hands and his new found strength. Drake went to roll onto his back, to let Jimmy on top, but he felt a gentle pressure on the front of his body, preventing him from turning. Like hands were holding him in place. While he tried to move forward, Jimmy laid down on his back in front of Drake, and wrapped his legs around Drake’s waist. Drake felt more pressure, this time pushing him into place and lining up his swollen cock with Jimmy’s tight looking ass. He would’ve been alarmed, but he didn’t have time. The next thing he knew, he was baring down on top of Jimmy, his cock pluning into Jimmy’s hole. The sensations were so hot, it made it hard for Drake to think. The formerly straight boy cried out once, but then buried his face into Drake’s thickly muscled chest. Drake felt himself bottom out, filling Jimmy to the hilt. Loving every second of it. For a long time, Drake fucked Jimmy, hard. He’d never fucked a guy this hard before, but it felt natural. As though something were guiding his thrusts. Pushing him in a certain way to hit Jimmy’s prostate just right. To make Jimmy’s cock bounce at just the right time. Jimmy nibbled at Drake’s traps as they both felt phantom mouths licking their nipples and cupping their balls. They got lost, joined in the sheer heat of their bodies coming together. Drake felt himself get close, over and over again, but each time, something stopped him from coming. It felt like a tongue would run between his balls as they slapped against Jimmy’s tight ass at just the right second, pulling him away from the edge. Jimmy also found himself unable to come, the feeling of a hand pinching his piss slit slightly whenever he began to feel his balls tighten up, ready for release. After an eternity, Drake felt himself ready to come. Jimmy pulled his head away from Drake’s neck and lay back on the bed. Drake felt a pressure on the back of his neck, guiding him towards Jimmy’s face. His face moved forward and he gladly kissed Jimmy, feeling as though Jimmy’s mouth had multiple tongues in it kissing him back. And that’s when he finally came, shooting thick shots of come into Jimmy’s tight ass.Jimmy came at the same time, his ass clamping down on Drake’s dick as he fired numerous shots of jizz onto his chest. Drake broke their kiss, hovering over Jimmy, his arms flexed like marble pillars on either side of Jimmy’s head. His fingers were dug in the headboard, almost denting the wood. “That was better then fucking girls,” Jimmy exclaimed, sweat glistening off his face and cum covered chest. 
“Well, you’re the one who got fucked…” Drake smirked as Jimmy breathed in the combined musk of Drake and sex. “You want to go again?” Jimmy asked, grinding his ass further down Drake’s softening cock. Drake felt tired, and started to shake his head no. But then a tongue ran up the under side of his cock and Drake went immediately solid, deep inside Jimmy’s freshly broken in ass. A light breeze blew against Drake’s balls and they bloated with more of his potent spunk. “Lets do it” Drake growled, pushing upwards and forcing Jimmy to curve against Drake’s larger body. They continued till Drake had to leave for class, hours later. He left Jimmy exhausted and covered in cum. But Drake felt powerful and full of energy. He got dressed and was already in class by the time he noticed that his clothes fit his bigger body perfectly and that no one had noticed he’d nearly doubled in size in one night. ———————————————————————————————————————————
  10. Hulk el adolescente cachondo parte 2 una masturbación placentera *I feel this story is a bit short but in the third chapter I will make it much longer and more detailed* alex jhonson un chico guapo pero a la vez un poco nerd con cabello castaño y ojos azules pero usa lentes lo cual no le ayudaria mucho tiene una figura delgada el cual siempre ha tenido problemas de ansiedad y tenor pero a la vez esta demasiado cachondo cualquier cosa que veas de hombres desnudos sus pectorales y su culo y lo más importante su polla este tipo se convierte en una bestia bastante temible, hermosa y muy musculosa llamándose a sí mismo "hulk" ante todos... Recién sucedió esa noche cuando se transformó por primera vez, desde que estupeó en una videollamada" alex-hulk estaba corriendo en el bosque destruyendo los pinos y árboles grandes que se interponían en su camino fácilmente los rompió fácilmente sin rasguños aunque algo sucio, corriendo en toda la tierra bastante rocosa y húmeda con sus enormes pies verdes y dedos llenos de polvo se detuvo a ver un hermoso paisaje con una gran cascada y un hermoso cielo esa noche Alex-hulk se asombró y se detuvo a ver la hermosa luna gamma, la cual para agradecerle su destino comenzó a darle un fuerte rugido Alex-hulk: ROOOAAAAAARRGGGG !! (un grito bastante poderoso asustando a los animales y pájaros) Alex-Hulk ve su polla y con ganas de follar empieza a manosearse salvajemente, tocando sus sucios y embarrados pechos musculosos pero no le importa Pero lo que importa es tocarse y la mano derecha agarra su enorme polla verde y rápidamente la masajea y hacia abajo varias veces. Alex-hulk: AGHHH...mmmmmj..SI...VAMOS A LA MIERDA (gemidos y palabras sucias de Alex-hulk) su cuerpo comienza a crecer un poco más haciendo que sus músculos sean más perfectos sus pantorrillas más voluminosas y sus bíceps más fuertes haciendo que alex hulk crezca hasta la medida de unos 3 metros de altura alcanzando su altura máxima de la bestia Alex-hulk hulk aún no le importaba su de altura pero empieza a explotar demasiada leche fertil y verde, Alex-hulk sigue agarrando y levantando mas fuerte su pene trata de parar pero es inutil su orgasmo crece mas y mas que se puso a cuatro patas y apunto de eyacular dice.. . Alex-hulk: HULK... ¡¡¡COÑOS!!! (grito liberal y gemido con una voz demasiado grave) Alex-hulk eyacula lo suficiente que su pene comienza a perder el control y se corre incluso en las paredes y en el piso, eyaculando demasiado, Alex-hulk gime de placer y agarra su pene para tragar su semen el cual esta mas descontrolado y todo su cuerpo se tiñe de verde, a lo cual cae aliviado en el piso con todo el semen derramado, su pene comienza a terminar de sacar leche y deja de palpitar, hulk alex muy cansado y acostado toma la decision de dormir y descansar después de una masturbación muy placentera, aunque olía demasiado a semen, a ella no le importó mucho y aún en la oscuridad, en la noche con un fuerte frío y una tormenta de lluvia, todavía estaba caliente... 8:30 de la mañana el amanecer... que le duelen mucho los ojos pero no mucho es normal que una persona que se levanta temprano camine algo dolorida sin poder caminar derecho, bajando de la cueva y buscando un camino oh chosa para buscar alguna ayuda oh refugio. .. continuará...
  11. The Tusk Wars show By Big-Zargo Dash and Lucius were both laying on the couch setting up to watch the fifth episode of Tusk Wars. “Here we are Lucius, bacon-flavored popcorn,” Dash said with a smile. “Thanks, man, I’ve been having a craving for these ever since I watched the first episode,” Lucius said with a grin. “Me too,” Dash said. “Maybe will be able to finish the whole season by the end of the weekend,” Lucius said. “Well let’s try,” Dash said, grabbing the remote and turning on the TV. He quickly brought up the show, and they began watching the fifth episode. The powerful orc wizard’s staff lays broken on the ground as one of the mighty heroes stands before him. The orc wizard tries to grab one of the pieces of his broken staff, but the hero simply kicks it away while holding a gun up to the orc's head. “Not so fast monster, any more movement from you, and I put a bullet in your head,” the hero says with cold determination. The orc stops moving his body and looks at the hero with rage in his eyes. “Now tell me where is my brother you bastard. His name was Tom strong Holland, short black hair, clean-shaven, average build,” the hero demanded at the fallen orc wizard. The orc wizard Snickers at the hero for saying. “The one you look for is not dead, for he is behind you. “What trick is this,” the hero demands. “No trick, Hans,” the deep voice says. The hero Hans turns his face around to find a huge orc that barely resembled his brother. As both Dash and Lucius watched the scene on the TV it blanks out. Both men are annoyed at the strange blackout when they hear…. Thump… thump…. Behind them. The sound of two huge feet hitting the floor had been felt by both men, as the dark fog begins slowly creeping from behind them and from the TV they were watching. Both men cursed as they got up from the Couch. A strong smell passes both men’s noses, at first, they gag at the strange smell, but they quickly begin to love it. Before Dash or Lucius could do or say anything a huge muscular Orc appears behind them dispersing the couch like a mirage. Before their very eyes with the orc from the Tusk Wars; the one that they just saw. The orc was naked, his huge body had a sprinkling of black hair, a huge chest with plump nipples, a big round muscle gut stroked with a thick carpet of here that both reached and covered to his big round meaty pecs. His huge muscular arms and legs were attached to his big bulky body as complements to his girth. The orcs big around hairy balls and thick fat cock was a testament to being well endowed. The orc was both beastly and handsome at the same time with its sort spiky hair, sexy mustache, and his stubble jawline reminding both men of an action hero where his yellow animal-like eyes, green skin, protruding eyebrow ridge, and big tasks and probably sharp teeth gave the beast a paradox feel. Before Dash and Lucius can do anything, the orc lifted his two meaty arms in a double bicep pose revealing to both men the beast’s hairy armpits. Their mouth watered and their bodies moved out of their control towards the beast. Each man’s silent screams of horror were very palpable to the orc which made him smile for what is to come. Both men planted their faces into the orc’s armpits. The men’s hardening cock rubbed against the orcs muscular body, as the human’s minds slowly succumb to the orcs will. Lucius was the first to partake orc’s nipple, while Dash’s hands began moving across the orc's muscular body. Both men slowly worshiped and grouped at the beast’s body, feeling strong back muscles, groping thick thighs, rubbing big around biceps and pecs. All the while two men were slowly turning green as the orc. They tried returning to sniffing at the armpits, but the orc stopped them. The orc began to flex his huge muscles while the two changing humans were completely enthralled by the sight and smell of him. Both Dash and Lucius's mouths lay open like panting dogs as tusks began growing from their lower canines. Dash and Lucius' completely green-skinned bodies slowly swelled with height and muscle as they watched and masturbated at the sight of the flexing orc. Their clothes slowly became tight against their growing flesh. Sweat poured off of the changing men staining their tight clothes as their huge muscles began ripping and tearing against their confines. If they were paying attention to their cock and balls, they would find that they were growing in size. Orcish hormones pass through their veins as they slowly became hairier and beastly. Sounds of tearing ripping could be heard as they grew beyond the clothes’ limits to contain as muscle monsters were being born. They swell and swell necks thickening and tell they were like bulls, and tell their shoulders were twice as wide as a heavyweight bodybuilder, there biceps flow with the power to bend steel, their hand grew big and meaty mitts attached with forearms with the power to crush human’s skulls, with huge meaty thighs that could run for hours, and big feet that could crush a man’s spine. Their asses were big round and meaty, their big balls were filled with Orcish testosterone and corrupting seed, their bellies grew abs of hard steel softened pelt of hair which reached and covered their huge beefy pecs. The smell of musk intensified as Dash and Lucius began producing their Orcish musk from their hairy armpits and body. Their long fat cocks dripped with corrupting seed as they kept stroking them. Their human faces changed becoming more beastly, with the strong square jaw to hold tusks, pointed ears to hear better, beastly eyes to see into the dark and big noses for smelling to the sexy Orcish musk. They were no longer looking at the flexing orc they were now smelling each other, kissing each other, fucking each other. Their humanity was now completely gone leaving beasts behind. The now Orcish Dash laid on top now Orcish Lucius’s pounding his ass, while Lucius drools and slobbers in pleasure. With two passionate roars, both newly changed orcs hit the peak of their orgasm one after the other. They continue like sex-crazed zombies as their Orcish hormones flow through their veins. Tom the orc was no longer flexing his muscles instead he was masturbating, as the two orcs were fucking each other. Once Tom was done pleasuring himself and the two other orcs were done with their sex, he walked to them. “Stand hut, recruits,” Tom commanded. Immediately the two orcs broke away from each other and stand at attention with their semi-hard cocks. Tom - “Is your duty to serve…” “The great master. To conquer in his name. To turn all humans into Horny Orcs and to obey.” Dash and Lucius said, at the same time. “Excellent,” Tom said with a tusk-filled smile. Hans sees his corrupted brother standing before him, but before he can do anything he is blasted from the side and back to the ground. As he gets up, he discovers that his orc brother and two more orcs have surrounded him each having cruel smiles on their faces.
  12. Hey guys, this is just a short story (?) idea i had in mind, so i decided to write it down, hope you guys will like it! Hey guys, im new to the sub, but i thought about a thing i've been seeing recently. Im a super young gay guy who's still a teenager and i've seen that recently a lot of gay guys have started going to the gym and a lot. Why is everybody getting so huge? It's crazy, i've never seen such a epidemic of massive muscled guy ever before, if you see somebody who completely dwarfs all the other guys and looks like a giant you're almost certainly sure he's gay. I have this uncle, he's at the end of his 20s and so far he's always been feminine and on the fat side but recently he started going to the gym, in a matter of a year or two he gained 8 pack abs and 20 inches biceps, he started loving the gym as he's closed himself in it and he does want to get much bigger. He started eating like a pig, getting richer, taller, adjusting his looks and now hes just an adonis. But he's not the only one, i've been to a gay bar recently and when i got in i was surrounded by a multitude of gigantic men, some even bigger than pro-bodybuilders and much much taller than me, what's happening to the gay scene, why is everybody getting so big that they completely dwarf straight men? I heard on the news recently of this upcoming bodybuilder that's concurring for mister olympia that 's way bigger than all the bodybuilders of the past. He's almost 3 meters tall and has incredible 27 inches biceps. He looks like one of those morphed guy but in reality. And guess what? Turns out he's gay! Even the not that muscular guys are way bigger than you, it's crazy. What do you gay guys eat? Im finding out that being as big as a pro-bodybuilder now is a starting point. Why is everybody getting so muscular and manly? I did meet up with a man i found on grindr, he had just a photo of his face and seemed so goodlooking. What i found was a well over 2 meters tall giant that had biceps that were as big as 2 times my head, he was looking at me like i was a steak, i decided to run away cause i was too scared. I'm starting to feel like an ant when searching for a boyfriend. Everybody seems to be so powerful, and not only in the strenght department, they are getting extremely intelligent and rich. Then i thought muscular gays were only into muscular gays but i'm a twink and my grindr it's been flooding with huge guys tapping me and wanting to know me. I'm so scared of big guys! Can please somebody please explain this?
  13. Florida20

    The Chest

    As stated in another post, I've been asked to upload some of the stories I wrote for the old site. The one below was the first story I ever wrote...I may have been 17 or 18 at the time...and I could only find the first four chapters. It ultimately had 14 or so if I remember correctly but the forth chapter ends at a pretty nice spot so I figured a partial story was better than none at all. The other chapters are on the legacy site; I'll post them if I can get around to digging them up. CHAPTER I: THE JOURNEY THE SUN was just reaching its midday peak. Tyson, shirtless as usual, was taking the hard way up the hillside and climbing up a rocky crag while Jason lumbered up the leaf covered path to the side. Jason couldn’t help but notice the muscle rippling under Tyson’s tan back. “Showoff” was all he could mutter. The two made an odd friendship but then again, middle school doesn’t see the segregation of cliques quite the way high school does. Both fourteen and days out of eight grade, Tyson and Jason had been friends since kindergarten even if it was apparent even then that they were destined for different futures. Tyson, then and especially now, visually screamed the word jock. He had featured a six-pack from the womb it seemed and throughout his life had never had a drop of fat on him. He was your standard muscle-kid: not thick but shredded enough to show every line of muscle that was roped on his frame. Tyson knew that description would be ending soon; over the last few months he had noticed Tyson beginning to thicken out. Although still thin in adult terms at 155 lb and 5’10, the telltale signs were there. His lats had begun to expand out when he strained them. Striations could be seen in his chest and back and his arms had begun to expand from their circular baseball shape to a more adult football shape. His body was begging to grow and beginning to get its wish. These changes had just begun and would be hard to notice at a casual glance but Jason knew his friend and couldn’t help feel a little helpless. Jason was the opposite of Tyson. A little shorter at 5’8, he weighed a good eighty pounds more and all of it was fat as far as Jason was concerned. A portly child from a portly family, he had accepted his fate as being the cliché chunky, fat kid. He was active. In fact, he did almost everything with Tyson and he extended energy as much as anyone did. That made it worse, for Jason’s physique was not for lack of trying to change it. He was wearing a sleeveless shirt that made his arms look like upside down bowling pins for their lack of definition and pale coloring. His gut hung over the top of his shorts and sweat stains made a nice outline of what his less-than-friends called breasts. Jason seemed to be the only one of the pair who secretly assumed that high school would separate the two of them; he would join the chess club while Tyson became the star quarterback. In spite of himself, Jason smiled, for the time being he did have a great friend and had no real reason to feel sorry for himself. “Don’t be hating, Jason, just tell me how awesome I am and hurry up.” He turned around. The overhead sun shined on Tyson, shading his body in vertical contrast and making him look larger that he really was. His pecs and abs cast shadows on the creases of his torso all the way down to the slight ‘V’ that tapered into his low hanging basketball shorts. While he patiently waited for his friend, Tyson began flexing his forearms. Jason wasn’t the only one who noticed Tyson’s growth spurt. “Just taking the scenic route,” Jason said. The two of them were doing what they had done each summer since elementary school: exploring the seemingly endless wilderness behind Jason’s house. As far as any map insinuated, the woods were endless. There wasn’t a city or road to speak of in what was labeled as a government preserve, whatever that meant. Jason’s father said it had been such since after World War II. The two continued their aimless quest deeper into the woods and the sun continued past its zenith and began to descent. They went through the lunch they packed themselves and lost track of time until mid-afternoon when Jason’s stomach started requesting more. “Ready to turn back, Ty?” Jason asked through his panting. Tyson turned around, looking at his watch, and his eyebrows rose. “Wow, we’ve been out here for eight hours. That’s got to be a record.” “Eight hours!?” Jason exclaimed. “That’s was in a straight line, man! It’ll take us just as long to get home.” “Relax, Jason,” Tyson said in his carefree way. “It’s all down hill anyway and—What’s that?” Tyson looked past Jason’s shoulder towards a flatter spread of forest. “What’s what?” Jason turned and saw a chain link fence that stretched off to the distance until hidden by hill or forest. “A fence? Out here? Looks old.” The fence was completely brown with rust and in many parts was at an angle other than ninety degrees from the ground. The two walked up to an aged aluminum sign hanging on a section of the fence. Without the sign, the boys would have missed the fence completely since it blended so well with the wooded background. They had to strain to read the sign since most of the lettering was faded: WARNING Government Research Installation Trespassers will be Prosecuted !DANGER! Fence energized with 10,000 Volts DO NOT TOUCH “Well that’s inviting,” Tyson chuckled as Jason reached for the fence. “Don’t touch that, you jackass, you’ll—“ He was cut off as Jason touched the fence and screamed at the top of his lungs, shaking from head to foot. Panic stricken, Tyson began screaming too and began setting up to tackle Jason away from the fence just as Jason’s scream transformed into laughter and he let go of the fence. Panic turning into anger, Tyson charged and tackled his still laughing friend to the ground anyway. “You fucker! I had images of having to drag your ass all the way home.” Tyson, fending off his friend’s punches as best as he could, continued to chuckle. “I don’t care how buff you’re getting, you couldn’t drag my fat ass a quarter mile before passing out.” “True, so I’d just have to heave you into a tree and hope the bears didn’t snack on your corpse, you ass.” “Whatever. That fence is a shove away from turning into dust. You thought it was actually still electrified?” He started laughing again. Throwing one more punch in the gut that cut Jason’s laughter off with a grunt, Tyson got off of his friend and helped him up. While Jason brushed the leaves off his sweat soaked shirt, Tyson walked over to the fence and did give it one solid shove. The fence broke off its stabilizing beam and fell to the ground with a clang. “Looks like a door to me,” he said and stepped into the recently forbidden territory. Feeling that sense of adventure that only young teenagers feel, Jason followed, careless of the sun continuing its journey to the horizon. CHAPTER II: THE DISCOVERY At first their misdemeanor appeared to be about as exciting as two rocks facing each other. The world behind the fence was the same as the one they left: trees, foliage, and rocky hills. After about fifteen minutes, Jason’s hunger began to signal his sense that they should begin their return home. He was just about to voice it when they both saw the clearing. Once passed the trees, they stopped and stared at the stretch of seemingly abandoned buildings that clustered together at the end of an uncared-for road that ran off into the forest. Whatever the maps said, there apparently was once humanity here. The boys looked at each other and with sparkling eyes started off to the buildings. The structures were anything but permanent. Perhaps five large steel buildings made up the ghost village, most missing windows. They went in and out of them at random. One building held what was once dozens of beds lining the wall. Another may have been a kitchen once. Another may have been an exercise room discernable only by what might have been a basketball court. The entire place had ancient junk strewn about. Here an old comb, there a clipboard. The place looked as if the occupants left in a hurry. The largest building was the last they came to. It was more sturdy but still in major disrepair. It also differed from its neighbors in that its now glass-absent windows were fortified with bars and the front door had a lock that had since rusted to a solid lump of brown. Not one to allow anything to get in his way, Tyson grabbed the lump and began twisting. The muscles on his back once again began to dance. The striations in his shoulders made waves across his skin and the veins in his chest began to stand out as he flexed every muscle in his torso in a vain attempt to get the lock off. Regardless of the display, Jason knew his friend’s efforts were useless. Rusty steel was still steel and that lock was one of the few things in this area built to last. After another few minutes, Tyson released the lock, gasping for breath. “It’s useless, man, that lock is on there pretty--” A crash cut Tyson off. He looked at its source where Jason stood about 10 feet away, smiling; the bars that once covered one of the windows lying at his feet in a cloud of dust. “A half-inch bolt rusts much faster than a three inch lock, Ty,” Jason lectured. “Who’s the showoff now?” Tyson snorted as he lifted him self up into and through the gaping hole without another word. Jason followed right behind. The sun was at an angle now where it cast its fading light directly into the building. The disarray was magnified here. Everywhere lay what looked to be science equipment: broken vials, dusty stools, splintered desks, and translucent goggles scattered at random in the large room. It was like the people here left with the fear of god in them. Tyson began rummaging in the back corner where it appeared a makeshift vault had been built into the wall and Jason went over to one of the desks. A manila folder lay on it, making it the only paper either had seen since coming here. On its spine, in letters to faded to make out completely: HU-AN GRO--H INI--ATI-E : MUSC--AR DEVE-OP---T D—ARTMENT Before he could attempt to make out the words, he heard a scream. Turning towards his friend, he saw Tyson grabbing his forearm as a weasel darted across the room. “Fucking rodent!” Tyson moaned as blood started trickling from between his fingers. Jason watched as the animal darted to a hole in the wall and as the sun caught its black leathery tail he gasped. That was no weasel; that was the biggest rat he had ever seen. It had to be the size of a mailbox. He turned to his friend, who was wiping his arm off on his pants. Aside from where a few teeth had punctured his skin, there wasn’t much to see. “You ok?” Jason asked. “Animal bites can get pretty nasty if you don’t treat it.” “It’s fine,” Tyson shrugged, obviously embarrassed he had made anything of it in the first place.” “Dude, I’m serious, we need to get back now.” Tyson looked at him then out the window. “Jason, it’ll be dark in a couple hours. We’re crashing here for the night.” “What?” was all Jason could retort. They argued for a few minutes but in the end Jason knew his friend was right. Walking home under the darkness of night was a good way to break a leg or get lost. He sat down hard on the ground in defeat. At any rate, their adventurous spirit died with the sun. They made a camp of sorts in the vault at the back of the room, Jason falling asleep against a chest shoved in the corner. His last thought was whether or not he’d have to drag a rabies infected friend home in the morning. CHAPTER III: THE BOX Jason awoke to the crackle of a fire. The vault was dark but through the open door he could see Tyson sitting over a fire. He stretched and walked out to his friend. Over the fire was a makeshift spit with what looked to be a dog roasting on it. Closer inspection showed it to be a rabbit, if the largest he’d ever seen. Then again, if rats could get so big in the wild then why not rabbits. Off to Tyson’s side were the bones of at least 2 other rabbits. Another lay ready for the fire nearby. “Where the hell did these come from?” Jason asked in shock. “And how did you gut them? And…” He didn’t really know what to say. Tyson turned around, swallowing a mouthful. “Morning champ. It was the strangest thing; I woke up with my stomach growling something crazy. At first I thought that rat bite got me sick but then I just realized I was jus starving. It got so bad that I had to get up and find…something. It took a while but a few well-thrown rocks was all it took to bring these massive bunnies down. Want one? I got one for you too.” He gestured at the corpse lying next to him. “No thanks, I just lost my appetite.” He sat down across the fire from Tyson. “You feeling ok?” “Actually, I feel great. Like I could run a marathon or push over a tree,” Tyson said as he tore into the third rabbit and got the forth on the fire. Jason’s jaw dropped. If the other rabbits were as big as these two then Tyson was about to devour the equivalent of half a cow. I guess he is feeling fine, Jason thought. He stared at his preoccupied friend across the fire. The light danced across his body, casting shadows over his muscle His shoulders were as striated as ever, completely separated from his biceps. His chest bounced with every moment of his arms and his abs were clearly defined even while sitting down. He must be flexing every muscle in his body, Jason thought. He’s going to be trouble… I’ve never noticed how defined his traps were, either. It was true. A slab of muscle now rose up out of his shoulder and connected halfway up his neck. He almost glowed. After finishing his forth animal, they both got up. Jason had to convince Tyson not to go out for more food. “I don’t care how hungry you still are, there’s plenty of food at my place. Besides, you just ate like thirty pounds of food. Look at your stomach for god’s sake.” Tyson looked down at the now prominent bulge that stretched his abs. “Heh, heh, yeah, I guess I’ve had enough. Weird though, I’m still famished.” “You’ll make it home before wasting away, I promise.” Jason stated as he turned to go. “Wait,” Tyson said. “One more thing.” Jason turned around, exacerbated, as Tyson raced into the vault. After a few grunts and thuds he emerged from the door with the same chest that Jason had fell asleep against. It looked heavy whatever it was. Each yank moved the thing about 2 feet. “What on earth are we going to do with that?” Jason demanded. “Take it home of course,” Tyson said as he continued to drag it to the window. “I tried to get it open in there but it’ll take a screw driver to get that thing open.” “Like hell we are,” Jason snapped back. “The two of us together couldn’t lug that thing a mile. We couldn’t get it through the window.” Tyson stared at the window sitting just at chest level. “If I can get it out of here will you help me the rest of the way?” Jason looked at the window too and smiled. “Sure, but I’m not helping you get it through the window.” Tyson smiled and hoisted himself through the window. Confused, Jason looked out of it to see Tyson run to the door and grab the lock again. He twisted it with all of his might and within a few seconds the lock groaned and gave way, falling to the ground. “Holy shit,” Jason gasped as he ducked back from the window while Tyson kicked the door in. The sun silhouetted his heaving body as he stood smiling. “I never said HOW I was going to get it out.” Now Jason was stuck in a promise he didn’t want to keep. They each grabbed an end and began hauling it the long track home. The chest must have been made of lead; it may have weighed over two hundred pounds. Not like Jason had much to go by. He wasn’t much of a weight lifter. Tyson did most of the work. He took most of the weight as they trudged down the hills. “Man, look at this pump,” Tyson commented on his own body during one of Jason’s frequent breaks from the trek. Jason, now also bare from the gut up and using his shirt to wipe the sweat off his face, looked at Tyson as he flexed his arm. Pump indeed. His friend flexed a bicep the size of a baseball. Veins protruded from the muscle seemingly pumping with blood. Veins stood out everywhere, seemingly struggling to feed his body. Tyson flexed his chest, making them bounce like Jason had never seen in person. The sides of Tyson’s abs were absolutely shredded. Muscle could be seen clearly, everywhere. What was going on? Tyson’s eyes looked hungry. He put his hand over each muscle as he flexed it; flexed it harder and harder as if willing them to grow more. A they seemed to be doing just that. Jason shook his eyes away and went to pick up his side of the box again. “Let’s just go,” he said with a sigh. Tyson came up and moved him away. “Don’t worry, man, I got it.” And with that he hoisted the chest up and carried it himself. Jason stood there awestruck. There was no way Tyson could have done that this morning. Granted, the chest was still heavy; Tyson labored under its weight as if each step would be his last. All he could do was follow though, and stare at his friend’s back as they worked their way home. The hours rolled by without any conversation. They both knew their way home. Jason was lost in his own thoughts. He kept staring at his friend and his ever-increasing “pump.” He just kept swelling up. The veins snaked across his back and seemed to pulse with blood. His lats began to flare out. His back, constantly under the strain of the chest, swelled out with added layers of muscle. It was covered in rolling bulges; striations forming at his lower back. His traps continued to grow upward. His triceps, which shouldn’t even be feeling any strain, also started to bulge, every muscle defining itself as if he had trained only that muscle for hours a day, months on end. It wasn’t that he was getting massive, he was just nothing but skin and muscle and that skin was stretching to cover his muscle for all it was worth. His calves were shredded as well. They strained and seemed to grow larger with each step. What was going on? Suddenly he noticed that in the two hours they had been walking by in silence, Tyson had not put the chest down once. In fact, he walked as if he were carrying a box of books. He strained, sure, but not nearly as much as he had when he first picked it up hours ago. He couldn’t just stand there anymore. “Tyson, I-” He cut himself off. Tyson turned around and put the chest down effortlessly. Pump nothing; his friend was growing. The veins had died down a bit, as if their job was done. Tyson looked at his body and touched it with both hands. “What’s happening to me?” He turned around and faced Jason, “Holy shit!” Jason blurted out. Tyson was a different person. His biceps were, in a word, huge. No pump could explain it. What had been a baseball was now swollen from his inner elbow to his shoulder. He flexed it and it peaked up a good two inches it seemed. He touched his abs. “Dude! Feel this shit.” Jason couldn’t help himself. His hand immediately went to Tyson’s abs and pulled away just as quickly. “Holy shit” he said again as his hand returned to Tyson’s midsection. It was like touching skin-covered metal. Not in a figurative sense, either. His body was as hard as any substance he had ever touched, covered in bronze skin. His hand, having a mind of its own, moved up to Tyson’s chest. All sinew and mass, they were two heaving slabs of beef. All in all he looked like an anatomic model of skeletal muscle that had skin vacuum-packed around it. He looked strong. Every movement of his body sent Tyson’s muscles dancing. Pulling his pant leg up revealed quads that rivaled a bodybuilder’s; each muscle separated with deep enough grooves to put a finger in. Jason stopped and took his hands away. It was more than he could handle. Tyson was still enthralled with his new physique, his hands all over his new eight pack. “The rat bite,” he said suddenly. “It must have done something to me. And those rabbits. All those animals were huge. What was that place?” “It was a government lab,” Jason answered. “They must have worked on human growth formulas and got shut down somewhere along the line. I guess those animals were decedents of the animals they tested. They—“ Their eyes suddenly went to the chest. “Let’s get home and get that thing open,” Tyson demanded. Jason had no hesitation about complying. CHAPTER IV: THE EXPERIMENT They made their way home in record speed. A quick of his home told Jason that his parents were gone, apparently not worried about their son not returning home the night before as the letter dated for that morning told him his parents were off for a summer vacation for the next few days. How convenient. When he walked back to the porch, he watched as Tyson strained to get the chest open. The miraculous growth had stopped about when they had first commented on it. It made sense; Tyson’s body had absorbed every bit of food he had eaten and even used every shred of what little fat he stored to give him the muscle he had. Question was: Was his body done growing or did it simply need more food? Tyson meanwhile, was grabbing the handle with one hand, the base with the other, and was giving everything he had to try to get the chest open. His body was as tense as iron, every muscle pumped and flexed to its max yet nothing happened. The box was made of steel and so was the lock apparently. And this type didn’t rust. With a last grunt, Tyson violently gave up, kicking the chest with a sigh of rage. He stood up, sweat soaking his taught body, gathering in the channels of his chest, abs and arms and running like rainwater down a window. A simple motion of turning his head even set his neck muscles to work, each one flexing and grinding against another like a pile of snakes. “I’m still hungry” was all he said as he brushed by him and into the house. The next two hours consisted of Tyson consuming every bit of protein in the house, and there was plenty. An obese family of three knew their way through a grocery store. Tyson consumed eight cans of tuna, every pound of hamburger, chicken, steak, and turkey they owned and had even started eating peanuts before he finally felt full. His stomach bloated beneath his boulder-like abs as if he were 8 months pregnant. Hands on the countertop, Tyson stopped to take a breath, then rounded the corner to the bathroom. A quick look inside showed Tyson on the scale, the digital readout displaying 187 pounds. “Holy shit, you’ve eaten 30 pounds of food.” “And twenty of it is still in my stomach,” Tyson said with a possessed gleam in his eyes. “I wonder—Man! I’m tired.” And as if his brain was running solely at the demands of his body, Tyson, clad only in a pair of gym shorts, collapsed on the couch, asleep in seconds. Jason watched his friend lie there for a little while before his grumbling stomach pulled him into the kitchen. He hadn’t eaten since the afternoon before and only just now realized he was famished. He got a good way through a third Hungryman TV dinner before he heard Tyson moan from the couch. Jason scrambled to the couch and saw that his friend’s breathing had quickened and his muscles were twitching. Within 5 minutes, his friend’s veins started swelling in that telltale precursor for growth. They started by just getting bigger, then they began to pump with every beat of his heart. And every beat made his muscles bigger. The bulge in his stomach slowly retreated as the energy inside it transformed him. His muscles involuntarily flexed and twitched as they swelled. His neck strained as it expanded, the cables in his neck expanding. His traps bulged and formed a peak between his neck and shoulder. His arms flexed and relaxed growing to the size of softballs while his triceps, every muscle protruding like it was trying to escape, pushed his arms out the other way. The grooves in his abs grew deeper as the rectangles of muscle that made up what was now a ten-pack pushed out. His lats flared pushing out his arms. The veins continued to pulse as they snaked their way down beneath his shorts and to his legs. His quads rolled in a never-ending battle as one set of muscle tried to grow over another. His calves looked perpetually flexed, shaped like diamonds and probably as hard. Tyson moaned in his sleep and his hand went to his crotch. That was when Jason noticed there was another bulge he had yet to see. His friends cock looked like it was already erect but when his sleeping buddy unconsciously adjusted to give it room he noticed that it was flaccid and probably over seven inches long. Suddenly Tyson’s eyes groggily opened and he sat up, stretching. The movement sent his body rolling as the brand new muscle moved for the first time. He stood up, eyes fixated on the chest, walked over to the chest and picked it up. He tested its weight with both hands then in a solid motion grabbed the latch and the base separately and tore the box open. “I feel so strong, Jason,” Tyson said as he put the opened chest down. His voice was dreamy, as if he couldn’t believe what was happening. “It’s taking all of my willpower to not try to punch a hole in a tree or even push it down. Because I feel like I actually could.” At that moment he looked down at his body for the first time since waking up. He grinned and looked at Jason before reaching down into the chest. He pulled out a smaller black chest with an intricate clasp. Placing it on the table, Jason pushed the button on the front and the top opened with a hiss. Jason walked over and looked in the 2’ x 1’ box. Inside lay row after row of sealed vials, each set in a perfectly shaped hole in a cork bed. Tyson pulled out one of the vials. ‘Serum 07D-54’ was stamped on the side. Tyson smiled, looked at Jason, and handed him the vial. “Your turn” was all he said. And it wasn’t a question.
  14. Calepage60

    Jason Becomes a Man - Parts 1 and 2

    Reposted and reworked from a previous post ------------ Jason Becomes a Man - Chapter 1 At 18 years old, Jason figured he should know by now where his life was headed. But there he stood, looking back at his reflection in his bedroom’s full-length mirror. Sure, this was the face he saw when he shaved every morning, but somehow he felt he didn’t recognize the person staring back at him. Long, somewhat clumsy, thick hair spread about his bare, gangly frame. It had been a long time since he had taken a good look at himself. “I guess it could be worse,” he thought. Finals were a few months away, and he had already committed to school for the fall, but something felt empty… incomplete... Jason was aware he was somewhat of an “early bloomer.” His voice dropped low and early, and by the end of his first year in middle school he was already well used to be addressed as “sir” when marketers called on the telephone. He knew his deep, booming baritone voice stood out, so he limited talking when possible to avoid drawing too much attention. By freshman year of high school, he hit a growth spurt that shot him up to a lankly 6’3’’. By senior year and his 18th birthday, he could already grow a full beard, and while his friends were comparing their single, newly sprouted chest hairs, Jason’s chest was practically fully covered with a brown, curly forest. As Jason looked himself up and down, he felt a little odd, like the pieces didn’t add up. His face looked thin and young, but he was hairier than his dad and most of his friends. He didn’t even fit in the mirror, and had to contort his long neck to see all of himself at once. Jason was conscious of the looks he got from his peers. Although he wasn’t ashamed of his body, he could hear his friends whispering about him after gym class, and whether or not they were looking at him with jealousy or disdain, Jason knew they were focused on him. “Maybe that’s what it is.” Jason thought as he looked up and down at his long, limber frame. He knew he had matured faster than his friends. That must be why he felt vaguely uneasy and unsure. Maybe they were making fun of him behind his back. Maybe his mind hadn’t grown into the changes yet. Even though it made him stick out among his peers, Jason’s lankiness and impressive height did have a distinct advantage; he excelled on his high school basketball team, and it had earned him a scholarship to an amazing school, much to the delight of his parents. Jason’s parents were much older than his friends’ parents, and had waited until they were well-established college professors in their mid-forties before having a child of their own. Like many of their generation, they emphasized the importance of building a career and becoming well adjusted-adults before having a family, and had pushed Jason toward the long academic path they had followed; Bachelor’s degree, then a Masters, then PhDs, etc. But Jason was having second thoughts. He had worked hard, but was it what he really wanted? He had already developed a fairly successful gardening business over the last year, trimming the yards of houses around town. He found that his large frame, although still fairly lanky, was well suited to the physical work, and he was already making a decent wage with his own business when most of his friends were making pennies at their minimum-wage summer jobs. It didn’t go unnoticed by his friends that girls loved to talk to him and be around him. One time, after talking with his friend Erika in the school hallway Jason overheard Allan, one of his basketball teammates, whisper to another friend, “that guys fucks.” But the truth was, although he had had a passing interest in girls, the pressure Jason was under from his parents drove him toward other pursuits. True, he had been on a few dates, two with Erika, but nothing progressed further than a kiss under a porch-light at the end of the night. *** There was one thing that had recently given Jason clarity and focus as the stress and confusion piled up around him- the gym. Jason’s basketball coach had him on a regular workout regimen to prepare him for college in the fall, and Jason found the physical activity cleansing. With a weight in his hand or a squat bar on his long shoulders, he focused in and tuned out. The blood pumped to his muscles, and his brain connected with something deeper inside himself. It was a time to see himself, to be alone and not think. As finals and graduation came and went, Jason dove deeper into his workouts on his own. His friends had all left for the summer for their last vacations before college, but Jason stayed behind. Summer was spent lifting and mowing lawns. It wasn’t long until he started noticing significant changes. The more he worked out, the hungrier he was, and while he always had a high amount of testosterone in his system, it seemed that the testosterone surged over the course of the summer. Powered by the flood of masculine hormones and his new-found voracious appetite, he packed on a solid 15 pounds of muscle by September, and his large, lanky frame began to fill out. His bony shoulders became broader with the added size, and his long, lanky arms swelled with healthy meat. He wasn’t big by bodybuilder standards, but he felt heftier, more substantial, like he took up more space in the world. Even more noticeable to Jason than his added muscle was the change to his demeanor. As he could feel the testosterone coursing through his veins, his vagueness and uncertainty had melted away to a masculine confidence. He felt in control. His hard work had brought results, and he finally started to feel like he had taken charge of life. The reactions of his friends upon returning home for the fall didn’t hurt, either. “Dude, what happened to my gangly friend,” remarked Jason’s basketball buddy Steven when they bumped into each other at the mall. “You’re looking bigger, bro, you’ve been working out?” Jason smiled a humble and yet slightly cocky smile. “Naw man, just trying to catch up to you guys.” The compliments trickled in from all of his friends. It was exciting, and it drove him to work even harder. Life was going well. Work was going well. Why mess with a good thing? Much to the chagrin of his parents, Jason decided to defer college for a year and focus on the gym and his burgeoning gardening business. *** Fall turned to winter, winter turned to spring, and spring gave way to the sweltering heat of summer once more. Now 19 and in the full throes of a testosterone flood, Jason had grown to a solid 225 lbs, filling out his broad 6”3’ frame. His lats widened, his back was broader, and his legs swelled with every squat. He had outgrown his high school gym clothes, and had to buy a new wardrobe large enough to allow for his quickly growing size. The basketball shorts that used to hang loose around his long legs now clung tight around his large quads. He had never thought he would be the dude in a stringer at the gym, but there he was. And it felt natural. One morning, after a particularly thorough workout, Jason tossed off his clothes in his room and caught sight of himself in his bedroom mirror. “Wow,” he thought aloud in his booming baritone, “Puberty really is a bitch, huh?” He thought that his jaw was noticeably squarer, and although he shaved every morning, he had a noticeable, thick brown stubble by 2:00pm. His broad pecs were coated with curly, brown hair that was slightly matted down with sweat from the gym, and it trailed down his tight abs and down to a thick bush of pubes. This looked right. It felt right. And was it his imagination, or had his balls dropped lower and slightly swelled in size? Jason flexed his thick biceps in the mirror, and moved the peaks back and forth. “Huh, cool,” he mused, his semi-erect dick swinging in the open air. The flowing hormones raised his confidence and he swaggered to the other side of the room and posed again. He squeezed his pecs in the light of his room, and even under his fairly thick chest hair he could see the striations ripple like tiny waves. “Shit.” He grunted. “I look like a fucking man.” His cock stood fully erect as he looked at himself in the mirror. A healthy 8.5 inches, uncut, and swelling with his newfound manliness. Jason wrapped his hand around it, almost habitually preparing to jerk off before bed as was his normal routine. But this time he looked down at his thick, stiff cock and a different desire emerged, a hot, impulsive feeling he had never acknowledged before. It was almost like a dormant instinct had risen within him. Jason, who had previously only had a passing interest in the opposite sex, felt an incredible urge to plunge his cock deep into a woman. He felt his thick member pulse. For the first time, he felt his deep, animal purpose as a man; to pleasure a woman and deliver his seed. Jason let go of his stiff rod and admired his masculine frame in the reflection. There would be no jacking off tonight. He smiled a crooked, cocky smile as he flexed both meaty biceps again. He was a man, and men fuck. *** The summer sun beat down hot, and Jason grunted as he re-positioned his lawnmower and pushed it across the Johnson’s lawn. Free from school or strict employment, Jason had let his hair grow out over the past year, and his golden brown hair draped over the back of his neck as he pushed his equipment around the yard. He had let his beard grow out too, although despite its length and thickness it was groomed in a neat, square shape that complimented his masculine jaw. With his height and large, hirsute frame, Jason was often mistaken for a man closer to 30 than 20. He noticed that grown men, even those twice his age, treated him different than they had even a year prior. They deferred to him naturally and treated him with automatic respect. Even the more experienced men at the gym started striking up conversations with him in an almost admiring way. It felt good to be held in such high regard, but as he pushed his lawnmower, his mind wandered. Was it weird that he had become so consumed with sex recently? He knew it was normal for guys his age to be horny all the time, but did they feel the same way he did? With his manly frame and manly swagger came an insatiable manly desire to cum inside a woman and fill her with his semen. Did he want kids? He was only 19, and that would be crazy. It would ruin his life, his parents said. Still, no one else he knew his age looked like he did. “Maybe some people become men before others,” he thought. But at 19 and a virgin who had never acted on his urges, he felt empty and unfulfilled in a way he couldn’t quite put into words. Sure, the admiration and respect he was getting lately was great, but underneath he felt unfinished. He looked every bit the red-blooded, meat-and-potatoes male, but he didn’t feel like a full man. Not yet. Jason had also noticed that Mrs. Johnson was watching him push his lawnmower shirtless in the heat, and could feel her eyes drink in every rippling crevice of his hulking, shirtless torso. He saw her shift when his bulging arms swung around his machinery, and he caught her staring at his broad, masculine shoulders as he unwound the hose on the side of the house. Jason waved. Mrs. Johnson waved back. “Great,” he thought, flipping his hair out of his face. “Another mom who wants the D.” Truth be told, Jason was getting attention from women (and some men) so often that he usually didn’t think twice about it. Girls his age called him a “daddy,” which made him slightly uncomfortable at first, but he grew into enjoying the compliment. Although he found himself horny most of the time, Jason funneled his frustration into the gym and his work. Business was booming. Mrs. Johnson wasn’t the only cougar in town with a lawn that needed mowing. But Jason had no real interest in the moms that hired him to trim their hedges. As his parents had drilled their sense of planning and responsibility into his head, Jason had purchased a few condoms to carry in his wallet for when the moment was right. He wasn’t dating anybody, but with his new primal, masculine urge consuming his mind most days, he knew that it was better to be safe than sorry. *** Jason parked his truck in the driveway. His parents were out of town for the weekend, so there was plenty of room. Just as he was turning his keys in the door, he heard a voice behind him. “Jason?” Jason turned around to see his friend Erika out walking her dog. “Erika! Hi!” “Oh my god, is that you? I mean, I know I’ve been away at school for a year but… wow, you got huge!” Jason blushed a bit at the compliment. “Thanks, so did- I mean- you look great, too!” Jason tried to act cool, but his hormones were putting him into stammering overdrive. Did Erika look like this the last time he saw her? He didn’t remember her hourglass figure, her full breasts, or her wide, perfect hips. Erika laughed. “Thanks.” She walked closer to the large, muscular man she hardly recognized as the boy she briefly dated a few short years ago. “You have a beard now!” “Yeah,” Jason replied, “it grows so fast it’s easier to just let it go.” He couldn’t help run his eyes up and down her perfect curvy torso. So feminine. The animalistic feeling in him rose. His face grew hot, and he slouched a bit to hid his growing erection. He plunged his hands into his pockets and his large triceps tensed in a horseshoe shape. Erika laughed again, “Geez, you’re unreal, dude. Those things are massive.” Jason saw Erika’s eyes drinking in his arms, and he stood up straight with pride, crossing his thick pythons across his chest, a tuft of thick, brown hair peeking out of the top of his white tee. Erika was truly awed by his masculinity, he couldn’t tell how he knew, but it was as if a new sense had opened up to him. Smelling the pheromones. He wasn’t hiding his growing erection anymore. “Nah, they’re not much really,” he said as he pretended to scratch an itch on the back of his neck, flexing his powerful bicep and stretching the limits of his sleeve. Erika leaned in, almost mesmerized, as her dog yanked at his leash to continue his walk. “Listen, Erika,” Jason said in his deep, resonant voice. “You want to get some yogurt or something tonight?” “Sure,” she muttered. Now Erika was the one stammering. “Meet me at eight?” *** Sometime after 10:00pm, Jason opened the door to his house and turned on the lights. Erika followed him in. “Thank you so much, I just need a glass of water,” she said, as Jason headed to the kitchen. “I don’t want to wake up your parents.” “They’re not home,” Jason yelled back, “are you sure you don’t want to come sit in the living room?” “Okay, just for a second,” Erika said as she put down her things. Erika sat on the couch, and Jason gave her the glass of water. He took off his jacket, once again revealing his muscled arms in his tight white tee. Erika saw the way it hugged his perfect V-shaped torso, and she sipped her water. Jason was quiet. “Jason?” “Yes?” “I need to be honest with you. I knew your parents weren’t home.” “Really?” Erika’s face was getting flushed, and she set down her glass. “I don’t know what it is,” she said, “Ever since I saw you I’ve just been… I don’t know… this is a new feeling for me. I saw your body, and that beard… …this is like…” She looked up at Jason and took a deep breath. “I’ve dated a few boys, but… you’re a god damn man.” Jason’s primal instincts were running wild. He felt his jeans get tight around his growing dick, and he moved toward Erika nervously. This large, hulking man was nervous. He kissed her passionately. He had kissed her before, but this time was different. This time he instinctively knew the kiss was a means to an end. “Mmm Jason,” Erika sighed, “I’ve never- uh… I mean with those boyfriends, I never actually…” her eyes drifted to the bulge in his pants. The thought of Erika’s virgin pussy was driving Jason to the brink. “Jason-“ And before she could say anything more, Jason scooped her in his thick arms and carried her up the stairs, and laid her on his parents’ king size bed. Erika removed her clothes, and laid on her back in only her underwear. Jason saw her prefect, full breasts spill down either side of her torso, and his mind raced. He peeled his tight white tee off of his rippling torso. Erika gasped. “Shit, you’re so hairy. Come here.” Jason threw his jeans aside, and flopped on the bed next to Erika. Erika ran her hands across his rock hard pecs, and trailed her fingers through his thick chest hair. “Too hairy?” “No! Dad hairy.” She looked deep into his eyes. “You can call me daddy if you want,” Jason rumbled, “I’ve gotten used to it.” Erika shivered as Jason ran his tongue down her neck and around her pert nipples. He held her breasts in his hands, and delighted in their soft weight. Naive and eager, he explored her feminine curves. Even though he had never been with a woman before, Jason acted almost automatically, his hands moving before his brain knew what was happening. With a strong, nervous hand, he stripped away Erika’s underwear. Jason had seen pictures of the female anatomy in textbooks before, but as Erika spread her legs wide open in front of his face, there it was, infinitely more beautiful than he expected. In a book it seemed so dry, so mechanical, but here was Erika’s pussy, pink and inviting, throbbing in anticipation of his touch. This was for him. He was meant to enter her and take his pleasure. He traced the labia lightly with his fingers, and Erika shuddered. She was giving herself over to him completely, and this was now his territory to conquest. He spread her vagina gently apart with his fingers and licked her soft pinkness with his tongue. She tasted sweet, and the musky scent of her shut his rational mind off almost completely. “Oh, oh god,” Erika moaned. “Your beard, your fucking beard!” Jason’s thick beard tickled Erika as he licked her pussy. The thought of being inside her swelled his dick to its full thick, 8.5 inches. The smell of her in his beard pushed his lust further. “Let me see it, I want to see it,” Erika begged. Jason removed his briefs, and his cock stood to full attention. “Oh my god, I need it, I need it inside of me,” Erika moaned. There they were, both completely naked. Jason, young and inexperienced but in every way a full virile man, and the woman laying legs wide open, ready to accept his manhood. Jason's girthy member had never felt stiffer, and it trembled, eager to feel the inside of a woman for the first time. Jason caught a glimpse of the scene in the bedroom mirror. “Shit,” he said out loud in his booming voice. “I’m gonna fuck you so hard.” Erika moaned and writhed in anticipation. Jason scrambled to his jean pocket and pulled out a condom from his wallet. He pulled it down across his large dick. It felt tight, but it was worth it to be safe, right? He pulled Erika to the edge of the bed, his primal instincts raging. With the tip of his dick, he gently caressed Erika’s warm, pink pussy. She moaned in response. “Wait, wait!” she gasped. “What?” “Take it off, take off the condom.” “But aren’t you-“ “I want your cum inside of me,” she heaved, “I need it. I don’t care what happens.” Jason peeled off the condom. This was his purpose. As he looked down at Erika’s throbbing pussy, he knew his destiny was to pleasure her and fill her fertile womb with his seed. He slowly, gently penetrated her with his thick cock. It was a feeling like he had never experienced, and yet felt he was meant for. So warm, so tight, and sticky-soft like honey. He could only get halfway in before Erika yelped, “Slow down, too big, too big!” He leaned over, halfway inside her, and kissed her gently on the forehead. He carefully eased all the way in, as Erika drew a deep breath through her teeth. Just as slow, he eased back out again. “Shit,” Jason grunted, “your pussy is so fucking tight.” He drew in and out, in and out, slowly but with increasing rhythm, as Erika writhed and moaned in pleasure. Looking down at her was a huge man, rippling, muscular arms tensed to brace his heavy weight. His face contorted into a wince of pleasure with his rhythmic thrusts as he felt her pussy clench around his stiff cock. Jason saw his powerful glutes at work in the mirror, and flexed a bicep as he thrust into Erika’s warm, tight, hole. He looked powerful, strong, masculine. Thousands of years of evolution had led to this moment, but in this moment, he was king. He was master. Erika screamed and twisted, and Jason felt the strongest clench yet around his thrusting cock. Instinctively, he knew he had made her cum. He continued plunging inside at that angle, thrust after thrust, until he felt her spasm of pleasure three more times. The pleasure in his own dick was growing by the second, unimaginable ecstasy combined with the powerful feeling that, of all available men, this woman chose him to penetrate her and fill her with his DNA. After three thrusts of incredible bliss, Jason tensed every muscle in his young, hulking body. He dove his dick as deep inside Erika as possible, and with a deep, guttural grunt, exploded inside of her. This was not like any orgasm he had ever had before. This time, he was fulfilling his destiny. With every throb of his powerful cock, he was pumping Erika’s fertile womb with his hot, sticky, essence. He could feel her pussy pulling him in deeper, as if to drink every last drop of his virile juices. Spent, Jason withdrew and Erika was left heaving on the bed. “Wow,” she muttered, “just, uhhhh…” Jason looked between her legs, still spread wide open. Her pussy was a deep red from his efforts, and he could see the smallest bit of white semen spilling out as she basked in the afterglow. “Damn,” he thought, “that’s my cum in her pussy.” For a brief moment, he panicked. Did he just ruin his life? But as he crawled back into the bed with Erika, he imagined his sperm swimming inside of the woman beside him, and he grew aroused once more. He imagined her young, feminine figure swollen with the result of his semen, his DNA, his child, and he secretly, in some deep, primal part of himself, wished it would happen. Maybe he got called “daddy” for a reason. It was his fate to pass on his powerful, strong genes. That was the primal urge he felt. The drive that every fiber of his virile body worked together to achieve. He knew in that moment, his large, hairy figure next to the exhausted woman he just fucked, her womb filled to the brim with his masculine essence so much it spilled out of her; This is what it feels like to be a man.
  15. muscleson

    Muscle House - Part 2

    Part 1 Part 2 – House Tour Joey and his new muscle bros guzzled their celebratory protein shakes, or at least Joey tried to. He struggled to ingest the one-gallon shake, while Bruno, Damon, and Hunter chugged them easily. He marveled at how quickly they finished, as they slammed down their jugs, wiped their mouths, and smacked their muscle guts in delight. “C’mon Joey, you gotta drink that whole thing,” demanded Bruno. Joey blushed. “It’s too much, I don’t know how you guys do it.” Bruno chuckled. “If you wanna get big, you gotta down it. Let me show you bro.” He moved in front of Joey and held the jug to his mouth. “Open wide bro.” Joey opened his mouth while Bruno started to pour the shake into it. “Chug! Chug! Chug!” they chanted while Joey swallowed mouthful after mouthful. Joey nearly choked, but he managed to drink the whole thing. “Fuck yeah bro!” they cheered and smacked him on his newly distended belly. His stomach was bloated, but he felt amazing. “Good job bro! Now let’s give you a tour of the place,” said Bruno. “You’ve seen the living room, and this obviously is the kitchen and dining room.” Tubs of protein powder lined the counters and a vast array of supplements and packaged foods stuffed the pantry. “We spend a lot of time here eating and cooking. We do meal prep on Sundays.” He opened the gigantic fridge door to reveal a mountain of meal containers and other food jammed inside. Joey gulped at the amount of food these guys ate and that he was about to eat. “I know it looks like a lot of food bro, but you’ll get used to it after a while. You’ll even get hungry for it.” “Let’s go upstairs to the bedrooms bro.” Bruno led the way, waddling along as his massive thighs moving around each other and his huge glutes bounced up and down. Joey’s cock throbbed at the sight. When they reached the top of the stairs, Bruno opened the first door. “So, this is will be your room bro.” Joey stepped in and was hit with that same scent of testosterone from before, making his cock twitch. The room was fully furnished and the walls were covered with pictures of bodybuilders, all flexing and posing. A few dumbbells laid on the floor. Dirty jockstraps and posers were strewn about the bed. “Sorry about the mess, bro. The guy living here just turned pro and had to move out real quick to go work with his new sponsor. So, he didn’t have time to take a lot of his things. We’ll clean it up before you move in.” Joey walked around the room, his cock getting hard at the sight of it all. “That’s ok, bro. You can leave it. I’ll take care of it.” “Sure bro!” Bruno responded. “C’mon, I’ll show you the other rooms.” They made their way down the hall and peered into the next doorway. The smell of testosterone was even thicker in there. “This is Damon and Hunter’s room.” It looked almost identical to the last room, complete with bodybuilder pics, weights, and dirty posers. “I thought everyone got their own room here,” Joey inquired. “There’s only three bedrooms and they don’t mind sharing. Helps on rent and bills and stuff,” replied Bruno. Joey noticed that the room only contained one bed. But it was a California king, so it looked like they could both fit in it. Further down the hall, they passed the bathroom. “This is the upstairs bathroom. We all share it, but there’s another one downstairs if you need it.” It looked normal enough, but Joey did notice a lot of syringes and vials on the counters. Was that what he thought that was? “And over here is my room.” Bruno turned sideways to fit through the doorway and entered. Joey followed, but without having to turn. The testosterone smell was the strongest here. Joey felt weak in the knees. The room was similar to the others, but larger. A massive bed sat on one wall and a platform surrounded by full length mirrors sat on the other. “What’s that for?” asked Joey, pointing to the platform. “Oh, that’s for posing practice. You can see yourself at all angles with the mirrors. Check it out.” Bruno tore off his tank, stood on the platform and struck a front lat spread. His hands set firmly at his waist, he spread his thick lats wide, grunting as he did so. Joey’s dick pushed hard against his jeans, making a visible tent. Bruno didn’t seem to notice as he was admiring his own muscles in the mirror. “Fuck bro, that’s fuckin’ sick! Come feel how fuckin thick my wings are!” Joey couldn’t believe what he heard and froze in place. “Bro, get over here and feel how big my lats are!” Bruno ordered. Joey obeyed and hurried over. He tentatively reached out and put his fingers on Bruno’s lats. They felt hard and dense, without an ounce of fat. “Go on, really feel them!” Bruno flexed harder with a deep grunt. Joey’s cock was throbbing as he squeezed Bruno’s muscles. They felt so strong and tough. He wanted to lick them. “Yo, Bruno! It’s time to train!” shouted Damon from downstairs. “Be right down, bro!” replied Bruno. “Looks like I can show you the last part of the house, bro.” “What’s that?” Joey removed his hand from Bruno’s body and adjusted his cock in his pants. “Our basement gym.” Bruno smiled cockily as they headed downstairs. Next - House Gym
  16. hairymusclemorphs

    Guard duty

    Guard duty Part 1 It was already dark outside when I finally arrived at the parking lot of the GRW correctional facility – Or how I prefer to call it… prison. Everything was oversized. There were no trees around, everything was chopped down to the trunks to make it impossible to oversee any prisoners who were on the run. I grabbed my ID card out of the console before I got out of my car. I stood around 6’ (1,8m). I was toned, slightly pumped. A twunk rather than a twig with my 200 lbs (90kg) of mass. It took me around 15 minutes until I surpassed the first three security gates. They didn’t trust anyone. Especially not a new hire like me who wore his uniform only for a few months. I entered the break room, looking for Jake who had the honor to instruct me tonight. It was the first time that they assigned me to guard duty for sector X and I already heard quite a few rumors… Good luck wishes from colleagues. No one liked that job apparently. Except for Jake…. I almost jumped when his low voice hummed right behind me. He towered inside the doorframe in his tight uniform with a wide, joyful grin. “Ready for your first shift?” He was almost too energetic. He was huge… Like… Fucking massive. I could see the outlines of his huge pecs and arms. Even his soft shaft forcing his pants to its limits. “Hey buddy. Eyes up here. You’ll need them for the prisoners and sector X… Trust me…” His low voice was almost hypnotizing when he slowly lead me down past the first safety gate. I tried to focus while he lead the way. His wide shoulders and his bulging ass moving in perfection with each of his strolls. “Rule number one” His low voice echoed through the hallway… “Never interact with the prisoners or their offers” He slowly unlocked the second safety gate towards the elevator. Just when the door swung open he continued his speech. “Rule number two… Never touch prisoners… How tempting it might be” He inserted the key into the lock. The door swung shut and the elevator started humming. “Rule number three… Don’t get close to their cells… Or you might regret it” The cabin came to a stop, the doors opening, revealing another set of solid steel security gates. He slowly advanced, inserting his card until it opened up. There was a stench inside the air. “To be honest boy… This are no regular prisoners…” He advanced towards a huge air sealed gate… “These guys in there… Are… Special…. So don’t look them in the eyes… They’re not human. At least not in my eyes” He unlocked the last gate with his fingerprint. A insane stench was flooding my nose once the gate swung open. My cock hardened inside my pants while I tried to calm myself back down… It was… Almost hypnotizing. I watched Jake slowly laying one of his rough fingers against his lips, before he slowly lead me down the hallway. The lights were currently dimmed down…. A few prisoners were asleep… But I instantly knew something was off… Fuck… These guys all were…. Massive.. The cells were common cells… But the prisoners. There were guys big enough to... - Fuck I believe they could snap me like a twig. Most of them were naked in their cells. I could see shredded clothes. Cum stains on the brickwalls and with pre clogged drains in the ground. It took me a while until I realized it was their musk which flooded the air. Even the huge air vents couldn’t deal with all the odors mixed together. I was already boning when we surpassed the first two sleeping behemoths until I encountered the first man who was awake…. And hell.. I gulped audibly when I saw him jerk off in his cell… He was resting on his bed and he grinned cockily when he saw me inside the hallway…. “Finally some fresh fuckmeat…” . He licked over his juicy lips before he slowly got off his mattress, closer to the cells… “Come on boy… Want a round with Daddy Mike?” He towered in front of the prison bars, easily twice my height. His cock ouzing out pre onto the ground which splashed against my uniform while he stared down onto me… “F Fuck…” I whispered, slightly gasping and it only made him even hornier apparently… “Don’t talk with them” I heard Jake’s voice right behind me until I finally managed to walk further again. I could feel his cocky grin on my back. The lust in his eyes. But he wasn’t the prisoner who catches my eyes the most tonight. It was a prisoner named Luke. He was smaller than Mike… And at the same time… He didn’t say a word. He just locked eyes with me. Grinning cockily while he slowly ran his fingers over his hairy pecs. His pumped, sculpted abs and cock, giving it a good long squeeze until Jake dragged me away from his cell. . . //////////////////// The first few weeks were quite boring. I was always controlled. Jake always made sure I wasn’t tricked. Or rather…. That I never spent too much time in front of the cells. It was almost as if he kept a secret for himself. I knew he enjoyed their sight as much as I did. His cock was massive and often throbbing in his uniform. It had to be above 9 inches and each night I saw him disappear right after his cock started fighting with his belt again. He didn’t make a secret out of it. And now and then I saw his eyes fucking me in his mind. He clearly had a thing for big men… But he wasn’t the type of guy who took action. He had a set pattern. Once his massive cock started throbbing. Once it was fighting with his belt… He disappeared for around 20 to 30 minutes. Usually when we were already in for around 5 hours. It was a stormy day. I could hear the rain and wind through the ventilation system. And it was the first day when I finally had the balls to explore the area a little bit further. I rounded the corner and stopped when I stood in front of Luke’s cell again. He leant against the brickwall, eying me from his position. When he realized I was alone his grin got cockier. His cock slowly got harder until he wrapped his rough hands around the metal bars. His fat cock was almost too thick to fit through… But he managed to shove it through down to his massive hairy nuts…. “Come on boy… I know you want to help me out…. Bet you still need a good protein shake for the night” He bucked his hip forward, pre splashing against my uniform. He was massive… He had to be at least 400+ lbs of muscle and domination… And his cock. That stench. His piss slit big enough that I could just force my finger inside. I couldn’t resist him…. I was so horny, seeing pumped Jake all night long. Seeing him edge right behind me while he keeps me away from all that hot mass and power… “H.. How big is it?” I heard my voice. It was probably too octaves higher than his deep baratone. I felt it vibrate throughout my bones. “Before I entered the cell?... Probably 15?” He started grinding his cock harder against the metal rods. His huge nuts vibrating. Filling with cum… I could already see the thick liquid trying to explode out of his cock… “Come on boy… I’ll even rest my fingers behind my back if it makes you more comfortable” He slowly raised his massive arms up behind his back…. Fuck he was built like a house. His muscles were monstrous. I felt small in front of him. He wasn’t as big as Mike… But…. I felt my hand run over his massive shaft. Not able to resist. It was as a shiver ran through his body while his low voice let out a long moan… “Fuck yeah boy…. Take a taste of my pre” He flexed both his arms for me in a double biceps pose. Bucking his cock slightly forward again. I felt pre splash up against my chest. I couldn’t resist. I felt my second hand wrap around his monstrous mushroom head before I leant in and down. My tongue running over his salty shaft and tried sliding inside his piss slit. He let out another long elongated moan. I could taste the potent pre…. It was…. Fucking good… Way better than any guy who downed a gallon of ananas juice… Way denser than a good protein shake…. And it was just pre… Right? He crunched slightly forward. His cock vibrating. Pulsating…. “Listen boy… I know your fucking runt of a colleague will be back soon… If I cover you in jizz now… You’ll have no excuse… You can’t drink it all…” He slowly ran his massive hand along his shaft from the inside…. “I’ll unload a small shot of my potent jizz for your service tonight…. And then hold back as good as I can” His muscles clenched, flexing while he grinned… “When I give you the sign… You better run if you want to keep your job boy” He flexed his massive muscles for a most muscular when he forced his forearm through the bar and pulled me onto my hair into position. I felt my lips up against his piss slit. My cock raging. I wanted to shout but in that moment his cock exploded. Cum erupted out of the tip and right into my mouth. His grip got stronger. Forcing me rougher against his massive mushroom tip. Pinning me up against the cold bars while his cum had no other way than down my throat. My eyes were wide. My cock was exploding inside my briefs. I only packed 6 inches… I rarely blasted loads that big.. But I could feel the wet feeling in my briefs… The damp sensation while I felt the pain on my hair while he still forced me in for position… I thought he wanted to hold back. I ran my hands around his shaft unable to resist while he kept going. My gut was already pushing out. I felt my uniform fighting with the seams of my dress shirt…. I almost blacked out when he pushed me off his cockhead, turning around when he growled. “NOW”!” I gulped when I slowly backed away off his cell. He sounded serious… I managed to jump around the corner when it happened. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ I could feel his lips around my cock… He was sliding his tongue inside, running his hands around my massive shaft when I pinned him up against it. My muscles were fighting with my frame… I could already feel the sensation again. My muscles started growing again.. bigger… Hairier… BIGGER.. *NNNGHH FUOOOCK* I felt him squirm against my cockhead when I slowly regained enough consciousness to push him off my cock. “NOW!” I growled in my deep voice before I turned away from him… Facing the wall. My cock was rippling… Growing in my hands.. My nuts got bigger. Denser… Slowly turned blue while I could feel it. *NNNGHH FUOOOOCK* My low voice boomed when I let my cock explode against the brick wall. I felt my hairy abs pulsate, flex under the stimulation when I crunched slightly under the sensation of my growing muscles. I felt my cock gain another inch of size. My already huge pecs got thicker… I felt my bones stretching slightly… *NNNGHH FUOOOCK YEAH* my low voice growled while I flexed my new biceps up in the air before I just dove my nose into my hairy, musky pit… I grinned when I heard the voice around the corner… “Sorry.. Took a bit longer. Did anything happen out here?” – “Nothing…” I was jerking my growing shaft slightly… Finally… A guardsman who understood what’s good for him… ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Jake ignored the wet stain on my uniform. After all he was jerking off earlier as well. He didn’t notice my roid gut. Or the fact that my body looked slightly bigger… Almost as if I had a good workout tonight. The rest of the night was constantly sending me over the edge. Each step I took felt like a overstimulation to my nuts and cock. I could feel the fabric of my briefs rub against my cock and nuts. Each step made it worse… The harder I got the worse it felt in there… When I wanted to hide my boner underneath my belt I gulped… My cock was…. Thicker… Even longer… I could see its tip sticking out over my belt. Pulsating while pre soaked out of it. I stuffed it back in my pants without another word to Jake. … I felt good… The fact how my pecs and arms were fighting against the sleeves and fabric of my uniform. How I filled it out to perfection… And how I could see quite a few coworkers glare at my bulge on my way out. . . (More following soon)
  17. Previous chapters: Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Jon, who has grown even bigger and more submissive, attends Austin's college graduation. Austin shows off his growing stepdad to a shocked audience. Chapter 13 — Graduation Ceremony The auditorium on campus was an old, modest building that dated back to the 1950s. Parents, siblings, and faculty members filed in as graduation approached, the hubbub of excitement filling the air as hundreds of Austin’s fellow graduates gathered. Austin approached the building confidently, wearing his cap and gown which felt flowy but warm in the late May sunshine. People in front of him weren’t looking at Austin, though. They were turning, confused then shocked, at the 12-foot-tall man hooked on to a leash and trailing behind Austin, looming over everyone. Jon waddled along behind Austin, his metal chain necklace linked on to a long leash which Austin held tightly. The ground rumbled softly every time his leather boots hit the pavement. Jon saw himself in the reflection of a nearby building and grinned; thick, custom black leather boots, long socks that accentuated his bulging calves, an over-stuffed jock strap that strained to contain his massive balls and sleeping cock, a black leather bulldog harness and bicep straps that dug into his thick muscles sitting next to the heavy, thick galvanized steel chain link necklace that glistened in the sun and held his heavy padlock, and his pup mask. He watched in the glass as his huge ass bounced up and down as he walked, the silicone pup tail butt plug he had sticking out the back of his jockstrap wagging along as he walked. He felt the way his thick, sweaty thighs rubbed against each other, pushing his huge bulge to a more prominent position. Not watching where he was going, Jon suddenly heard a woman gasp in front of him and looked down at her. Jon planted himself in a wide stance, straddling the woman and looking down at her over his mountainous pecs and gut. “Arrooo?” he intoned and cocked his head, lifting up his arms up to his chest in a hello gesture, his biceps flexing into their full size. She yelped in fear, then turned and walked away as quickly as she should. Austin tugged on the leash, pulling Jon along faster. “People seem really impressed by you, pup! Why don’t you give them a show,” Austin said as he looked back at his stepdad. “AAROOOOF!” Jon replied. He took a deep breath, feeling the leather straps pressing tighter against his expanding chest, and then raised his arms up, exposing his sweaty, hairy pits. He lowered his arms into a double bicep pose as he exhaled, smelling the remains of the gainer shake he had for breakfast in his pup hood, and flexed hard. “GGGRRRRRFFFFF!” he boomed as he looked around and saw everyone’s stunned, confused faces. “Good bull, you’re looking bigger than ever today,” Austin said as he stopped and turned to admire his giant stepdad. In the weeks since Jon had moved in, he had grown faster and faster, his weight exploding exponentially, outgrowing the normal confines of the house and beyond any previous human limit. Austin’s lifting and diet plan, combined with Austin’s mental influence, had produced extraordinary results. He turned to Jon and tossed a treat up to him, a chocolate protein bar, which Jon eagerly gobbled up through the mouth hole of his mask in a single bite. “Mmmph, rrawff!” Jon replied happily and pressed closer to his Sir, his enormous jock strap bulge bumping against Austin’s head and mussing up his hair. “Not now, pup, you have to wait until later,” Austin said as he stumbled, reaching up to brush away the enormous bulge. Even a slight nudge like that carried a lot of force when it was coming from a man who weighed over 3000 pounds. Jon whined but backed up, reaching down to adjust his package and thickening cock. “I have to head in to get in line now, pup,” Austin said. He gestured “down” for Jon, and the big pup dropped do his knees and then on to all fours, his ass up in the air for everyone behind them to see. Austin gave his long beard some scritches, admiring how well Jon took care of it, the dirty blond mass of fur smooth and clean. Jon sighed contentedly as his master rubbed his chin. “Go find a seat inside and cheer me on when I get on stage, ok?” “RAAARFF!” Jon replied and wiggled his huge butt, muscle and beef jiggling around on his massive frame. He stood back up and then stepped forward and headed for the entrance, his round belly bouncing against his jock bulge, a sheen of slick sweat covering his chest from the hot sun. Jon reached the doors and found he couldn’t fit. Normal doors were no good for a man his stature anymore, even double doors like these. He went to the entrance on the side that few people were using and dropped to his knees, his bare ass on display for everyone behind him, the sweat and funk of his furry crack radiating out from it, his tail wagging and bobbing up and down. His master needed him inside, so he was going to find a way in no matter what. He grabbed one door in each hand and yanked hard. Each of them ripped off the hinges like they were connected to the frame with staples. He tossed them aside and bent down to look, cocking his head and grunting. The height of the door frame was the problem. He reached in the doorway with both hands and gripped the metal and brick entryway. He pulled hard, and the entire wall above the doorway split with a cracking sound. He pulled again, harder, and bricks started falling away. He continued pulling back and forth until the entire wall gave way. He cleared away the debris and started punching away at the sides and top of the bigger, taller entrance, destruction raining down, his huge fists unharmed, each punch punctuated with a satisfied grunt or ruff. Other graduation attendees and organizers could only stand aside in shock and horror at the power of his giant man. Finished with his work, Jon stood back up to his full height, sweat dripping and running down his chest, back, and flanks. He was able to comfortably walk through the entrance now, which he did. Inside, stunned graduation attendees turned. Some screamed at the sight of the giant muscle pup wearing only boots, a jock, a harness and a mask. A wave of heavy jock BO musk entered with Jon, quickly filling up the entire auditorium and making it smell like a football team locker room, funky and heady and sweaty. Jon ignored their reaction and made a beeline for the open seats in the front row, not watching very carefully at the little people down by his knees. Jon positioned himself front and center, then lowered himself into the seats. His giant frame spread across 6 metal chairs, each of which groaned and deformed as 3000lbs of muscle bear settled in, blocking the view of everyone behind him. He spread his legs wide, giving plenty of room for his massive balls and cock, taking up even more space. His gut folded and bulged out over his jockstrap as he sat, creating a shelf for his enormous pecs to rest on. His dripping sweat started to dry in the air conditioned room. Soon, graduation started with speeches and ceremony. Each person who got up to speak seemed unnerved by Jon’s presence, but he didn’t care. He was just excited to see his Sir walk across the stage and get the diploma he had worked so hard for. Jon was so proud of him, as his stepdad and his bullpup. He couldn’t wait to reward his master for his hard work and help him feel good later tonight. His cock throbbed just thinking about it. Eventually, they started inviting graduates up on stage, starting with the highest level of honors. Jon’s heart jumped when he saw Austin on stage, one of the tallest and certainly the biggest, most muscular of all his fellow graduates at 6’0” and 250lbs. Living together had caused Austin to grow bigger as well, and he was now the thickest, most muscular he had ever been. Even the long black robe couldn’t totally hide his bulging muscles, Jon noticed, especially his traps and arms. Jon’s cock stirred to life in his jock, shifting and thickening quickly. He reached down and adjusted himself roughly, then raised his hand up to smell his own powerful jock musk. He huffed it and growled contentedly. They called Austin’s name, and he confidently walked across the stage, grinning down at his stepdad. Jon’s heart soared, overwhelmed with pride for his son, for his Sir. “THAT’S MY BOY!” Jon stood up and bellowed, causing many in the audience to gasp and the people onstage to flinch. Jon clapped loudly, his huge hands resonant, booming claps that made people’s chests vibrate. Austin just smiled wider. Austin took his diploma, then looked down at his pup. “Get up here, pup, I need you!” Austin commanded, and his pup obeyed. Jon leaped up onto the stage in a single bound, an impressive feat for such a large man, and suddenly the giant was on stage. The crowd gasped and a murmur of concerned and scandalized conversation filled the auditorium. Jon bent down and scooped his son up in one fluid motion, wrapping two enormous, thick, muscular arms around Austin and lifting him up off the ground. He pressed Austin against his chest in a massive bear hug, squeezing the air out of him, smearing bull sweat all over Austin’s graduation gown. Austin tapped Jon to let him know that was enough, a silent signal they had developed as Jon grew and grew, and the big stepdad put Austin down. Austin caught his breath and looked up. Jon brought his fists together and flexed as he looked down as his Sir, his huge furry pecs mashing together, the leather straps of his harness straining across his traps and delts. He grinned and his jock throbbed. Austin grabbed the mic from the podium and addressed the crowd. “Thank you everyone for your kind support and words today. I wanted to introduce you to my step-father, my obedient bullpup Jon. He’s supported me and grown for me so much this year, haven’t you pup?” Austin said, wrapping his arm around Jon’s immense left thigh and hugging it. Jon faced the audience, his crinkled eyes looking out from his pup mask, his long white-blond beard spreading down onto his enormous chest. “GRRRUUUUFFFF!” he boomed proudly, sticking his chest out more. The weighty leather boots made the wooden stage creak ominously. “That’s my pup! Now how about you show these folks what you can do,” Austin said, and stepped away from Jon, gesturing him to get in position to do some tricks. Jon recognized it right away and thumped down to get on all fours. “Lower!” Austin commanded. “Barowrow!” Jon grunted and he sunk down lower, his forehead bumped down on the stage. “Good boy,” Austin said. “Wag your tail!” Jon raised his huge, wide ass higher up into the air and wiggled it back and forth, the silicone tail wagging in the air happily, his leather boots creaking as his heavy weight shifted. “Good, now crawl forward,” Austin said, and Jon shimmied forward, his big boots shifting forward and his forearms pressing against the stage as he got closer to Austin. Some members of the audience tentatively clapped, others yelled in protest. All eyes were on big Jon. “Roll over!” Austin said with a smirk. He looked over to the officiants still on the stage. “I might move if I were you!” Jon flopped to the ground, his huge gut slamming down hard, causing the whole room to boom and shake, causing the audience to gasp again. He grunted and rolled to his left, his tremendous mass shifting around with shocking speed and agility as he rolled, smearing sweat and pre-cum all over the floor of the stage. Jon returned back to his starting position on all fours, his knees and fists pressing divots into the wood of the stage. “Good pup! Now speak nice and loud to all these fine people watching you!” Austin said and then covered his ears. “AHHWWRRRROOOOOOOOOF!!!” Jon boomed as loudly as his could, his deep voice shaking the windows and vibrating peoples’ chests. The audience chuckled nervously, causing Jon to wonder what they were laughing at. Jon’s cock bulged out bigger and thicker though, stimulated by following Austin’s commands in front of all those people, the wet spot on his jock spreading wider and wetter. “Ok pup, sit up,” Austin said, stepping closer. Jon grunted and rose up, sitting back on his heels with surprising flexibility for a man as thick and powerful as he was. His massive bulge stood out prominently. “Get hard for me, pup,” Austin commanded. “Now, in front of everyone.” “Barooorururuff!” Jon grunted, and his massive cock throbbed harder and bigger fast without him even having to touch it. His jock strained and stretched to contain the swelling bulge, his balls filling up the confines, his cock swelling longer and thicker with each throbbing heartbeat until eventually the tip of his giant cock poked out from the top. Master’s command was all he needed to get hard now. “Oohhhh, fuuuck, ruuuufff,” Jon groaned as his cock continued to swell. Clear precum bubbled and oozed out of the tip of his huge mushroom head, leaking out onto the stage. His cock head was as big around as a navel orange. The audience groaned and yelled in shock and protest, some getting up to leave the ceremony altogether. Austin stepped closer to the huge bulge and licked it, slurping up the sweet-tasting pre, getting it on his mustache and chin. “Mmph you taste so good, pup. Kiss me hard, now,” Austin demanded. He looked up at his pup and Jon knew what to do. Jon bent down and grabbed the smaller man from under his armpits and lifted up. His 250lbs weighed nothing to him. Jon brought Austin up to his pup hood-covered face and opened his mouth through the slit at the bottom of the mask, and the two men kissed passionately. Their tongues wrestled, Jon’s bigger and thicker but Austin’s aggressive and assertive. Jon tasted his own pre on Austin’s lips and his cock throbbed again, another splash of precum oozing onto the stage. At this point, the audience had had enough and started heading to the exits, shocked and bewildered by this raunchy display. Austin pulled back for a moment. “All of these people are witnessing the bond, the love that we have,” he whispered intensely to Jon, both of them breathing hard and sweating, Jon’s huge hands digging into Austin’s chest and back. “Marveling at your devotion to me, pup, your willingness to do anything for your Sir. They’re so jealous of what we have, pup. You make me so proud,” Austin growled as he leaned in for another kiss. Jon growled and moaned as his Sir kissed him harder, his heart overwhelmed with love. After their kiss, Austin had Jon put him back down. Jon looked down expectantly, and his cock throbbed harder than ever, belching up a splash of pre that landed at Austin’s feet. “Arrooruoof?” Jon begged, his massive, hairy, muscular frame at odds with the plaintive, mewing sounds coming from behind his pup mask. He groped and adjusted his massive bulge. “Not yet, pup. How about we get out of here first and go home? Then we can celebrate properly,” Austin said. He motioned for Jon to lean down, and Austin linked Jon’s leash up again. “Make a path for us, bull,” Austin commanded, and Jon bounded to his feet and led the way. The crowd of people, who had become chaotic after the scene on stage, parted immediately for the giant, horny bull charging towards them. Austin gripped the leash and jogged to keep up with Jon’s huge steps. In minutes they were back at Austin’s truck. Austin unclipped Jon and told him to get in the back seat. The “back seat” in this case was the bed of the truck; Jon was far too big to ever fit in the cab of a truck or any other car for that matter. He positioned himself behind the truck, then sat gently, the frame of the truck sinking down into the rear tires as Jon settled in, trying to distribute his ton-and-a-half evenly. He hung his huge arms over the sides of the truck, as his frame was naturally wider than the whole truck, massive, muscular biceps and hairy forearms pressing against the warm metal. Austin came over to the side of the truck and rubbed Jon’s big right arm. Jon instinctively flexed, tensing the massive muscles into a round, hard peak. “When we get home, we’re going to have so much fun, pup,” Austin teased, rubbing and squeezing Jon’s huge muscles. Jon looked down at his Sir and sighed. He flexed harder. His cock leaked more precum. “Master needs to mark his territory again and fill his pup with another load now that he’s all done with college. How does that sound?” Austin purred. “GRUUURRUFFF!” Jon boomed happily as he raised his other arm up and flexed harder, breathing deep and huffing his own pit stink, eager to feel Austin’s cock inside him. Austin got in the truck and sped away as fast as he could back home.
  18. Newmassaddict

    Become One - Epilogue - added 12/25/19

    Here's another new story. This one had been inspired by a new friend on this forum who's encouraged me to write about those men who want to grow well beyond what is thought to be possible. They desire to not only grow but to become truly grotesque muscular creatures. I hope you enjoy. Become One Chapter 1 I shouldn’t be here. I look up at the large banner hanging from the ceiling of the convention room that reads “MuscleFest Fitness Expo”. I have barely taken two steps into the room and I’m already overwhelmed. So much jacked muscle and that’s just the people walking around the expo. I worry I’m going to loose my mind when I see an actual professional bodybuilder. I contemplate just turning and walking away but I take a minute to calm myself down. I start to walk around the room, passing the first few booths and realize that I’m practically invisible in this crowd. The only people getting any attention are the legitimate bodybuilders and fitness fanatics. That both settles my nerves and makes me feel pathetic all at the same time. The place is packed with people and on more than one occasion, I’m bumped in the shoulder by a far larger individual who probably didn’t even notice me. At 5’9” and 175lb, I’m hardly a formidable presence in this setting. I see a seating area off to the side and decide to sit down for a bit and try to relax. It took three years to work up the courage to finally buy a ticket to this expo and here I was, too scared to even enjoy it. This was a dream come true for me. I was in the presence of all the bodybuilding stars I’ve admired my whole life and I was messing it all up. I know I’m being hard on myself but I can’t shake the feeling that I don’t belong here. I sure all the people only see a skinny, gay, muscle obsessed loaner. I sink deeper into the chair and pull out my phone. I bring up Instagram and instantly I’m confronted by a constant stream of muscle. But it’s not your run-of-the-mill bodybuilder muscle, it’s the most extreme muscle. I scroll through images of the biggest, most incomprehensibly massive men on the planet. These men have biceps bigger than people’s waists, chests as thick as they are tall and quads so gargantuan, they can barely even waddle, let alone walk. It’s been this way for me for as long as I can remember. While I appreciate big muscle in all its forms, I’ve always been drawn to the more extreme level of muscle mass. I’m both fascinated and aroused by the men that have taken their muscle obsession to the absolute limit. I scroll past numerous high quality morphs that have artistically enhanced already massive beasts well past what is considered possible. I pause when I see a new post from the person who is the real reason I’m finally here appear on my screen. Alan “The Destroyer” Wilson. I feel my mouth go dry as I stare intensely at the image. At only 5’8”, Alan is the epitome of extreme muscular development. He recently posted that he weighed 325lbs with 7% body fat. To say he was big would be a complete understatement. I can only describe Alan as a grotesque abomination of what is considered normal, even by bodybuilding standards. In the image, he’s standing by a fan while they have their picture taken. The poor soul standing by him almost looks scared to be so close to such a massive creature. In most circles, the fan would be considered a jacked up bodybuilder, but next to Alan he looks weak and pathetic. While a number of inches taller, he pales in comparison. But it’s Alan that I’m focused on. I almost have to stifle a moan. I stare at his quads and calves first. He’s wearing sweat pants but rather than being baggy, they are stretched so tight I can see thick veins running in every direction. His feet are spread very far apart to accommodate his barrel-thick thighs but Alan’s calves appear to almost be touching. Each muscle is so enormous they expand numerous inches from both sides of his shines. I can’t see Alan’s knees because the meat hanging from his quads totally eclipses them. My eyes travel up the quads and marvel at the level of definition I can see through the thick fabric of his pants. It’s obvious that one of Alan’s quads is twice as thick as the fans legs combined. I snicker as I look at what Alan is attempting to wear on this upper body. I say attempt because it’s virtually impossible to hide the terrifying mass he processes. He’s wearing a shirt so huge it looks like it was once a blanket that he’s cut a hole for head to fit through. The billowing fabric cannot hide the sheer volume of his pecs, shoulders and arms. The hole is cut wide enough to allow his traps to be completely visible. I bit my lip as I stare at the cable-thick trap muscles erupting from the sweater. They encompass his head to such an extreme degree, Alan does not appear to have a neck. I wonder how he can even move his head with so much muscle surrounding it. I finally settle on Alan’s face. There is nothing most people would consider attractive about it. The extreme quantities of chemicals Alan has poured into his body for years has caused his facial features to become as distorted as the rest of his body. His jaw is square and so thick, it looks like he’s chewing on a cinder block. His forehead protrudes far beyond normal and he is completely bald. The most shocking feature of Alan’s face and head are the veins. Thick veins criss-cross most of the surface, only enhancing his grotesque appearance. While most would consider him downright hideous, I only see the side effects of his dedication to become a monster and I cannot look away. To me, he’s the most beautiful specimen on the planet. I take a screenshot of the image and file it into an album titled “Freaks”. I slowly scroll through the collection of images I’ve accumulated over the years. While most of the images are of Alan, there are many other massive bodybuilders and ever more morphed images. I finally tear myself away from my phone and glance across the expo floor. The different supplement and clothing brand booths stretch as far as I can see. I feel my heart skip a beat when, not more than 50 feet away, I see the same logo that is displayed behind the image of Alan I was just looking at. The absolute epitome of all my muscle fantasies is somewhere over there. My palms start to sweat as the reality of the situation sinks in. I consider just bolting for the front door. Suddenly my mind is racing with a thousand thoughts. Why haven’t you gotten serous about the gym? Why are you such a creep, looking at pictures of huge men but not doing anything to build your own body? You know everyone here thinks you’re a joke. Before I know it, I’m walking in the opposite direction of the booth I know Alan is located at. I feel sweat on my forehead and the crowd suddenly seems to grow exponentially. I’m being shoved by people twice my size. My heart is pounding in my chest. I see an exist sign and partially run towards it. I find myself in a dim hallway where I lean against the wall, pull my legs to my chest and rest my head on my knees. I feel like crying but I try to ficus on my breathing instead. After a few minutes, I’m feeling a little calmer but I decide that this was huge mistake. I stand up and start walking further down the hallway, looking for an exit door. I turned a corner and grab the first door knob I see. I open the door a walk through hoping I’ll step onto the street and get a lung-full of fresh air. Instead, I stop dead in my tracks because two feet in front of me is Alan “The Destroyer” Wilson.
  19. RealIn2Growth

    Wish Granted - A Halloween Tale

    Hi Everyone!! I had some time over the past couple of days when I was just waiting around, so I decided to write a fun new story. This is a one off, though there is another character in it I'd like to play around with sometime in another story. This story has a little bit of everything, muscle growth, height growth, macro, cock growth, destruction, worship. Hope you have fun reading it. Let me know what you think! Thax!! Wish Granted A Halloween Tale Marco moved through the crowd at The Charity Halloween Carnival in the large field behind the building where he worked. It was getting late, going on 9 pm, and he had been at work since 7 am and just wanted to hit the bed before he had to get up at 5am to make the gym. It was Friday, but Marco always went to the gym at 6am to ensure consistency. He had started going to the gym 13 months ago, and after months of hard work and clean eating, he was beginning to see some incredible progress. He was really looking forward to beach season this year when he would feel comfortable stripping off his clothes and wearing a tight square cut or speedo. Moving into the last large tent at the end of the parking lot, he literally came face to face with Simon Moore. He and Simon had started work at Montgomery and York’s at the same time and had started hanging out together at lunch. A spark was ignited between the two, and one drunken night they ended up back at Marco’s apartment where they had proceeded to have sex. That morning, they kissed passionately when Simon went home, and Marco was looking forward to seeing where the relationship was going to go. Well, he found out on Monday when Simon told him that it wasn’t going to go anywhere. “Honestly, Marco, you’re a great. You’re funny, have an incredible personality although you can be a little shy, and you’re really cute. It’s just… I like taller men… like… much taller than me. I like someone who can dominate me in and out of bed. We had a good time, but… let’s just keep it at that. Okay. We can always do it again, but not exclusively. Okay?” Of course, Marco had said that it was fine, and of course he had hooked up with Simon twice more after that, but Simon was good on his word. He wouldn’t date Marco because he was only 5’8 and not tall enough for Simon who was only a little taller than he was at 5’10. Now, Simon was right in front of him with a guy he could only assume was either a boyfriend or potential boyfriend as he was holding Simon’s hand and stood at least 6’4. “Hey, Marco. Having a good time?” Simon smiled at Marco. “Yeah. Great. Susan has really done an incredible job putting all of this together. I wonder how we’re doing for The Leukaemia Children’s Home.” “Well, this is Dr. Michael Charles, he is part of The Children’s Home. You said we raised a good amount of money, right, Michael?” “Yeah. Everyone is being really generous tonight. Good to meet you…” The sexy blonde-haired man extended his hand. “Marco. Marco Bogazzi. Great to meet you.” “Come in here to try your luck? Help us raise more money?” Marco took a quick look around the tent and saw that a dark-haired woman was sitting behind a large set-up on her table. The contraption appeared to have a slide that the game player sent a coin down and tried to get it into a moving small hole. “Get it in the hole and your wish might come true! Simon here got close, but no go. Did anyone get it in the hole today, Madam Mina?” Dr. Charles walked over to the beautiful dark-haired woman behind the desk. “Actually, yes. Two people.” “And have their wishes come true?” “Only time will tell… but I’m certain that they will.” Madam Mina’s eyes glowed green in the dim light of the tent. “Marco, want to have a go?” Simon looked over at Marco with the same sexy grin he always had. “Um… yeah. Sure. I never win at any of these things, but I guess it’s better not to win. That way I’ll keep playing and more money goes to the children.” Marco pulled out a $20.00. “How much per chance?” “$5.00 per try. “Okay. Well, I’ll take 4 tries.” Madam Mina handed Marco 4 gold coins the size of quarters. “All you need to do is slide the coin down the slide at the right time, get it in that moving slot there, and you’re wish, once spoken, will come true.” Madam Mina smiled broadly at Simon, playing up her Fortune Teller persona. Marco watched the moving target carefully and placed the first gold coin on the slide. With one slight push… the coin went down the slide… and exactly into the slot. “Holy shit! I won!!!” “You’re a natural, Marco!” Simon put his arm around Marco and hugged him close. “Let’s see if you can do it again. Again, Marco placed the gold coin on the slide, watched the target move left and right, and just when it felt it was the proper time, he sent the coin down the slide and into the slot again! “Fucking hell, man! You’re on a roll. Look at that, Michael, Marco’s got it in the whole twice.” “I know. Amazing. How many people have played this game today, Mina?” “I’d say over 200… and only two wins… so… you’re really on a roll! Try it again!!” Marco looked at the three of them, placed the coin on the slide, and again, just when he thought it was the right time, sent it sliding and directly into the hole. “Maybe I should try playing the lottery!! I’m never lucky. I never win anything!” “Well, if you get this in, Marco, I will donate $500.00 to The Children’s Home in your name. That’s how confident I feel in you.” Simon moved Marco to the slide for the fourth time. “Honestly, Simon. You don’t need to do that. It’s just a fluke.” “Let’s see you do it again.” For the fourth time that night, Marco moved to the slide, lay the coin down, held his breath, watched for the perfect moment, and sent it down the slide. The coin caught air at just the right time, and all three watched as the coin slid through the slot. Everyone cheered. Simon picked Marco up and carried him around the tent interior like he had won The Super Bowl.” “I think you owe me $500.00, Simon.” Dr. Charles moved over to where Simon had put Marco down and placed his arm around him. “Don’t worry. I’ll gladly give it to you.” “Good. Tonight. You can write me a check at your place. We better get going.” “Yeah. Everything is going to be shutting down anyway. Have a great night, Marco! And congrats again! That was amazing. Don’t forget your wish!” Simon and Dr. Charles left the tent leaving Marco alone with Madam Mina. “That was amazing. I’ve never seen anything like it. I supposed you want to ask The Oracle for 4 wishes.” Marco grinned at Madam Mina. “Nah. That’s okay. You can just wrap them all up into one wish.” “Very well. Now. I’m going to light this green candle. I want you to look directly into the flame and say your wish. Be as descriptive as possible. I’ll give you some privacy. Take all the time you need.” Mina went over to the candle and lit the wick. Crossing over to it, Marco looked deep within it and watched the flame dance. Leaning in, Marco said: “I wish I was tall. Like… taller than Dr. Charles. I want to tower above everyone. Make them all look up at me. And it’s not just I’m freakishly tall… I’m also muscular. A Titan of muscle with an immensely large cock. I’m Titanic. Almost monstrous! Yeah. That’s my wish.” A wind blew through the tent causing the flame to jump and then turn green. Floating up higher, it quickly fired itself at Marco. Closing his eyes, he turned away. A few seconds later, he opened them up and saw that the flame was exactly where it was and its original color. Marco looks up and sees that Mina is across the room packing up. “That’s some incredible special effects! Is that it?” Mina raised her head and smiled at Marco.“Yeah. That’s it. Thanks again for the donation.” “Anytime.” Marco walked out of the tent and into the night, Madam Mina’s eyes glowing green as he left. As Marco was leaving Mina’s tent, he felt his stomach cramp for a moment and then release. It took him off guard and forced him to lose his breath for a moment, but it quickly went away so Marco dismissed it as too much junk food at the carnival. Looking forward to just walking home and relaxing, Marco moved quickly to his workspace to grab his backpack and go home. Inside the building, Marco ran into his friend Andrew who was carrying a box of fake skeletons to his car. Andrew was the office jock with a heart of gold. He could always be seen laughing and having a good time but was also known as an extremely hard worker and supportive to the rest of the team. Each morning he conducted a group cardio workout in the company gym space and offered his time after work for PT sessions. Andrew and Marco had been training together for the past 13 months, and it was Andrew Marco had to thank for his new and improved body. Dressed as an old-fashioned Strongman with a fake moustache, Andrew looked just as sexy as always. Andrew had come out to Mario a few months ago. It wasn’t that he was hiding anything. He just didn’t think that he needed to announce his sexuality to the whole world. He liked guys, but that was only a part of him. “How’s your night been, Bro? Enjoy the carnival?” Marco followed Andrew to his car with a couple of other boxes he needed to take home. “Yeah. It was great. You?” “Totally. Had a blast. About to head to Metropolis for the unofficial after party. Interested?” Andrew deposited the box in his trunk and slammed it shut. “I didn’t know…” Marco couldn’t think of anything that would make him more uncomfortable than a new gay club in a warehouse full of sexy shirtless men like Andrew. “I think I’ll just go home.” Marco felt another spasm, but this one was below his stomach and in his crotch. Again, it only lasted a moment and then was gone. “Come on, Bro. It’ll be a blast. I can give you a lift and if you hate it, I’ll drive you home. My partner Oli’s gonna meet me there. He’s dying to meet you. I talk about you all the time.” “Hopefully not all the time!” Andrew gave Marco that smile he never could resist. “Fine. Let’s go.” “Excellent. Hop in.” Andrew jumped in the front seat while Marco walked around to the passenger side. As he grabbed for the car door handle, he felt an even stronger spasm spread down from his crotch and into his legs. He stood by the car door unable to move. “You, okay?” “Cramp. Leg cramp.” Marco felt the pain fill his whole legs and travel down to his feet. “Damn leg day! Just walk it out. Go on. Walk it out.” Marco did as he was told and eventually the cramp began to dissipate. With relief, Marco got in the front seat. “Better?” “Much.” Marco grabbed for the seat belt and clicked it in place. “We need to be better at stretching after training. You also need to drink more water. Maybe you should invest in a massage gun. Would really help you out. I have one if you want to try it out.” “Yeah. I thought about it. I just never cramp…” Marco felt the spasm come to life again and spread upward to his backbone, chest, and shoulders. Marco turned his head and saw that Andrew had begun talking about something, but the pain and ringing in his ears was so intense, he couldn’t hear a word. Sweat appeared on his forehead as he breathed deeply in and out. Just like before, the cramp began to pass. “… I mean, I’d love to take him there. Italy’s supposed to be beautiful this time of year.” Italy. Andrew was talking about his boyfriend and Italy. Great. “Yeah. I’ve never been. I’ve never been out of the country,” “You need to see the world, Bro. It’s fucking amazing. I told Oli…”. The pressure exploded through Marco’s body again. His stomach grumbled and he felt a sharp pain in his lap where the seat belt had just begun to dig into his waist. Looking forward at the street, willing the body cramp to go away, he watched as his focal point on the window began to slowly move upward. Macro’s eyes grew wider as he felt the strap from the seat belt begin to dig further into his waist and right shoulder. His shoes had begun to tighten around his feet as he felt his shirt slide between his abdominal area and his pants. Then, just as before, the pressure faded away. “… and I have. I have thought about it. It’s a big commitment, know what I mean. It’s for life… at least until we got divorced… but I don’t want to get divorced.” Andrew glanced Marco’s way. “I… I agree. My parents… ummm… they got divorced when I was ten. It sucked.” “Right! Especially if we adopt. It’s hard on kids…”. Andrew went on talking as Marco tried to take stock of his body. It’s not possible, he thought. I can’t be getting taller. It was just a game. A silly wish. It’s not like Madam Mina is a real witch. Marco looked at his hands and swore that perhaps… maybe they looked a little bigger, but not really. Maybe his feet just felt tight in his shoes because he simply needed a new pair and he had been walking a lot this evening. And his shirt… it was already coming out of his pants, so it would only take a little movement to pull it out. The seatbelt… he just put it on to tight. You’re letting your mind run away with you, Marco. You are getting wrapped up in silly… As if to prove that it was really, the spasm came back with a vengeance. This time, there was no denying, Marco could feel his feet start to get longer and begin to fill up his shoes. His arms began to stretch as more of his wrist was visible at the cuffs of his shirt sleeves. Again, he watched as his viewpoint rose up, and his pants began to tighten around his waist. This can’t be possible. Things like this only happen in fantasies and on fetish sights!! “We’re here.” Andrew placed the car in park and turned off the ignition. “Think I should change?” The spasm began to fade. Marco quickly undid the seatbelt before it could press even more against him. “Nah! You look great. You always look great. You’d look amazing in a gorilla costume.” Andrew opened the door of the car and got out. Marco did the same, extending his slightly longer legs, and stood up; a little further up than usual. His whole body felt slightly larger… heavier… more pronounced. He looked down and saw that his arms were now, indeed, too long for his shirt, and it looked as if his pant legs had risen up some. It was true. There was no denying it. He had grown slightly taller. “Coming?” Andrew had crossed in front of the car and was standing by the door to the club. “I… maybe I should go. My legs are really cramping.” This was no lie! “Are you sure? Come in for one beer?” Andrew really liked Marco. He was like a kid brother. Marco had gained some serious mass under Andrew’s training, and now he needed to get out of his shell; stop being so shy. “Andrew!! You coming in?” The door to the club had opened and Simon had called out. “Yeah. Of course. I was just…” “Hey Marco! Excellent! Coming in?” Simon walked past Andrew and over to Marco. As he looked at Simon, he was aware that the two now looked eye to eye. Simon was 5’10, which meant Marco was 5’10. A gain of two inches! “Yeah. I’m coming for one. Then I had better head home.” “Perfect! Come on!” Andrew and Marco paid their entrance fee, and the three men entered the club. The massive warehouse was packed with men including a lot of the people that Marco worked with. Everyone was celebrating the success of the carnival with drinks flowing at the bar and a large area to dance in the back. Marco couldn’t wait to get home and take his shoes off. He would need to buy new ones tomorrow. Andrew had gone over to the bar and ordered a couple of beers, and a few minutes later Marco was standing in a group talking with Simon, Dr Charles, and Andrew. The conversation was flowing easily, and four of them were laughing at the speech their boss had given at the opening of the carnival when Marco began to feel the strain and pull of his body again. As the others talked, Marco watched the fingers that were wrapped around his beer bottle begin to stretch longer. His ass filled out his dress pants and strained against his underwear. Marco felt the pull of his shoulders stretching wider inside his shirt while the hem began to rise further up revealing a hint of skin. Marco wanted to run outside or at least to the bathroom, but he was glued to his spot and trying not to pull any attention. His feet grew along with the rest of his body, uncomfortably filling up his shoes to near capacity. Keeping his eyes on Simon, Marco watched as he slowly stretched slightly taller than him. Finally, the experience faded away. “I’ll be right back. I need to use the toilet.” Marco moved away from the group, crossing the dance floor to the toilet. As he neared the entrance, he felt a hand on his shoulder. “Marco. Wait.” He turned toward Simon. It was true. Marco was now taller than Simon. “I really need to use the toilet.” “Are you okay? You’ve been really quiet. I just wanted to make sure it wasn’t Michael. I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable. I should have told you, but we’ve only just sort of started seeing each other.” “What? No. No! I’m happy for you. He’s great. It’s just… I have a lot on my mind… and I think I’m catching a cold…” “Alright. It’s just… you know how much I care about you.” “Honestly. Truly. I’m happy for you. I swear.” Marco gave his sweetest smile to Simon to help further prove how happy his was for their new relationship, even while inside he was burning Dr Charles at the stake. “He seems like a good guy and he does great… work…” Marco grit his teeth as he felt his whole body grabbed and squeezed by the mounting pressure. This time, though, it was unlike anything he had experienced. The heat built up in his crotch and radiated through his entire body. His whole body shook as it was massaged by strong hands stretching him taller. Both men heard a snap coming from near the floor. They looked down and saw that the laces of Marco’s left foot had snapped and were pulling away from his shoe as it spread wider. “Are you… oh my god. I just noticed. Are you wearing lifts in your shoes? I did think it weird you looked taller…” Marco looked back at Simon. He opened his mouth to say something… anything… but no words would come. Suddenly there was a much louder SNAP and tear, and Marco’s right foot tore out of the shoe. His digits snaked over the sole and ended up resting on the floor. Flexing his toes with relief, Marco decided he had had enough, he flexed his left foot and watched as that one too simply demolished the leather. Marco leaned his torso backwards feeling the need to stretch. Further and further back he went as he felt his backbone shift, stretch, and grow. Standing straight up, he was in awe to find he now stood taller than Simon with his head only coming up to Marco’s chin. With one more stretch and swell, Marco shot up another inch as the pressure faded away. Simon just stared. “How… how’s it looking down there?” Marco’s attempt at humour was lost on Simon. “What the fuck????” Marco grabbed Simon and dragged him toward the bathroom. With a pull of the lock Marco turned toward Simon, but felt the other man’s body pressed against him as he moved in quickly for a kiss. Startled, Marco didn’t reciprocate at first, but feeling the longing and mounting lust for Simon got him started. Wrapping his larger arms around Simon, Marco brought him in closer. The kissing grew more frantic and more passionate as tongues explored mouths and bodies started to grind against each other. Marco could feel Simon’s hard cock pressing against his leg as well as his own stiffening cock filling more room in his trousers than he was used to. After a few minutes of intense kissing, Marco pulled away. “I have to know… are we making out because I’m taller and you find that sexier? It’s okay if it is. I… I just want to know. That way I know where I stand.” Simon gazed deeply into Marco’s eyes. “I know you may not believe it… but… No. when I saw you tonight at the tent… it was like I was seeing you in a different light. Then, while you were playing that game, I said to myself, if he wins, then we were meant to make a go of it. Then you did it over and over and over again… well… let’s just say that tonight Dr Dennis would have been getting a check in your name… but that’s all. I was going to ask you out Monday at work… but then you arrived here with Andrew.” Simon had spit out his whole story so quickly he was breathless. Marco felt the same, but also had butterflies in his stomach. “It was my wish. I wished I could be as tall as Dr. Charles. That way… maybe… you’d be interested in me. The next thing I knew…” “You we’re growing.” Simon moved his hand to Marco’s chest. “Yeah.” Marco felt his cock harden again under Simon’s touch. “How tall do you think I am?” “We’ll… you’re a little taller than me. So… maybe 6’1.” “How tall is Dr. Charles?” Marco wanted to kiss Simon again… over and over; covering him with his lips. “I’d guess about 6’4. So, if your wish was to be as tall as him…” “Then I probably have another growth spurt or two.” “Yeah. Lucky me.” Marco moved Simon closer to him and the two began to kiss again. A few minutes later, Marco felt Simon’s hand massaging his trouser covered cock. “Fuck,” Simon exclaimed, “even this has grown bigger!” Simon continued to massage the prisoned shaft. “You think so? It feels tighter down there… but I wasn’t sure.” “Only one way to tell.” With expert hands Simon had Marco’s belt undone. Then, looking Marco in the eye, Simon slowly undid the button of his trousers. Marco groaned a sigh of relief as the tight waist was relieved. Grinning from ear to ear, Simon lowered Marco’s zipper. Marco’s white briefs were like a second skin pressing against his much larger cock and balls. Pulling down Marco’s briefs revealed the leaking shaft. “You’ve definitely grown!” Moving his hand to the shaft, Simon encircled it with his hand and fingers. Marco looked down to see what he could only think of as a brand-new cock. Used to always seeing his 5 incher, he fell in love with the much thicker 8 inches he was now sporting. Even his balls had grown and now resembled large eggs rather than the two walnuts he was used to. “Looks like you got Dr. Charles beat in the cock department.” “Really?” Simon laughed. “Not everything about him is big.” Marco laughed as well, but suddenly stopped, sucking the air into his mouth. Marco felt the heat, but it was Simon who felt the cock in his hand proceed to flex and stretch. Looking at it with a grin, he watched with glee as Marco’s cock proceeded grow longer and to force his fingers apart as it swelled thicker. Marco began to sweat as he felt his body begin again to propel itself larger. Then, with a gasp, he felt Simon’s mouth surround the head and begin taking the growing shaft into his mouth. Nothing felt better to Marco then growing while his cock was being sucked. As his shoulders grew broader and as his torso lengthened, he felt his dress shirt tear into three pieces. Hearing this noise turned Simon on even more and he forced Marco’s cock into his mouth down to the root. Using his tongue in ways that even he had never imagined, Marco let loose and began to forcefully ejaculate into Simon’s mouth and throat. As he came, Simon could feel the cock he was attached to grow even further until he began to gag. Opening his mouth, Simon released the now ten-inch-long Titan that he had been sucking. Looking up, he saw Marco towering over him. “Fuck Marco!! You have Dr. Charles beat! You have to be 6’6’”. Cum dribbled down his chin and onto the floor. “I can’t… I can’t believe this is me! This body feels so incredible… so powerful.” Marco lifted both arms and began to flex for the kneeling Simon. Just watching this display caused Simon’s cock to harden again. “And this monster you’re sporting. Fuck me! I thought I was going to choke on it!!” Simon put his hand around Marco’s cock again; feeling small and diminutive next to it. “You’re bigger than Dr. Charles now. Is that your wish finished?” Simon stroked Marco’s cock and watched strings of pre cum leaking out of the head. Marco took stock of his own body. The pressure he had been feeling was now gone. His body no longer felt tense or ready to grow at any moment. Reaching down for Simon, he lifted him up. Having to lean down to kiss him for the first time in his life had Marco’s cock leaking even more. “I think that’s it! Wish granted!” The two began kissing, both wishing they were in one” of their houses so they could take the next step into the bedroom. “So… what do I say when we go out there? It’s me… I just grew nearly a foot bigger.” Simon kissed Marco deeply. “If asked, just say, it was a Halloween miracle. Even if it is only the 21st.” A pounding on the door brought them both to their senses. Ripping his shirt and taking both of his shoes off, Marco dumped them in the trash. He had more difficulty getting his new 7-inch soft cock back into his underwear. “Just ditch them! Go commando!” Feeling free for the first time in his life, Marco took off his briefs and dropped it with the rest of his discarded clothes. Then, together, they both left the bathroom. Most of the men in the club had made their way onto the dance floor and were moving with the music. Simon went to find Dr. Charles and quickly talk to him while Marco went up and grabbed a beer from the bar. Standing there and enjoying the music and atmosphere, he was surprised when a semi drunk Andrew appeared with his boyfriend, Oli. “There he is!! Look at that chest, Oli! That’s some of my handiwork right there!” Andrew threw an arm around Marco. “Marco, this is Oli. Oli… Marco.” The two hugged and all three began to talk. After ten minutes, Oli went off to get another round at the bar. “What do you think?” “He’s great. And hot! I thought you had a good body! You better put a ring on it and quick!” “I plan on it. Believe me.” Andrew laughed, finished his beer, and took a good look at Marco. “I have to say, you look happy, Bro. Really great. You have your shirt off, your abs out. You should really be pleased with yourself. Damn if you don’t even look taller.” “Well, I have you to thank for that.” Marco saw Simon enter the bar again, so waved him over. “This has really turned into one incredible…” Marco felt the pressure well up inside of him again and spread out to every limb. Growth mixed with alcohol mixed with the man you wanted to fuck coming up to you and kissing you in front of everyone caused Marco’s head to swim. Wrapping his arms around Simon, he felt his limbs begin to stretch longer as his torso shot upward. The intensity was much stronger this time as Marco inched up higher then nearly everyone around him. His heart beat to the music as he heard the sounds of growth echoing in his ears. Feeling his cock and balls begin to get larger turned him on so much that he began kissing Simon on the neck; a neck that was a little further down then before and requiring more bending on Marco’s part. As he bent over further, he felt another strong pulse hit him, and experienced his glutes and quads thickening, tearing a huge hole in the seat of his pants. Looking around the room, he could see how much taller he was growing. Simon only came up to his chest now, and with another sharp swelling, he was resting even lower than that. I must… must be 7 ft now. I can’t believe this is happening to me. It feels so incredible… but it needs to stop. Really. You need to stop. As if rebelling against him, Marco’s body shot even taller and thicker. Feeling a difference in the man that was standing behind him, Simon turned around and came face to face with Marco’s enlarged pecs. “Holy shit, Marco, you grew again! And not just taller… your muscles… so much thicker. I think you’re bigger than Andrew now!” “I know! I have to get out of here. My ass is already hanging out of my trousers.” “Turn around! Let me see!” “I can’t. Really. It’s a huge hole.” “I want to see!” With coaxing, Marco turned quickly to show Simon that his glutes had indeed torn through his trousers, and that now it was extremely obvious he was naked underneath. “Let’s go to my place.” Marco turned back around to hide his ass. “The party’s just getting started! How can you want to leave? Your wish is most likely done now. You’re way taller than Dr Charles. And your ass is better! I can’t wait to get my tongue in there.” “Fuck, Simon. I can’t tell you how much I want that too.” Marco felt a slight itching over his whole body. Everything felt just a bit more sensitive. It felt like someone was putting the key in his ignition when Marco felt the swelling encase his whole entire body. “Fuck… Simon… need to go… I’m… oh yeah… I’m…” the cracking of every bone was louder this time as Marco felt his entire body telescoping upward. Marco stepped forward to try and find someplace to hide as he felt his trousers begin to tear in other places.His limbs felt so heavy as he crossed from the bar onto the dance floor to get to the bathroom. He lifted his hand up and was amazed how large it had become. Gripped by a sudden rush of pleasure and pain, Marco felt his body rise until he was taller than ever person in the club. Looking down, Marco saw he had somehow gotten in the middle of the dance floor, and people were undulating and pressing their bodies against him as he grew. The surge was much more intense this time than ever before until everyone beneath him only came up to the bottom of his chest. 8 ft tall, he thought, I have to be over 8 ft tall!! Then, with a loud RIP, Marco experienced his thickened quads tear through his trousers. The crowd inched down lower, or rather Marco surged up and out. Bellybutton… almost everyone only comes up to my bellybutton… oh FUCK!! Marco shot upward again as his entire body took up more and more room until as the pressure and growth faded away, his trousers tore further, and the fabric separated itself from his body. Marco stood in the middle of the dance floor 9ft tall and naked. The music abruptly ceased. Everyone stopped dancing and looked up at Marco. All he could hear was his own heartbeat as he looked down at the sweating men below. Then, from behind him, he felt a hot wet tongue begin to lick his calf muscle. Turning to look, Marco saw that it was Peter from HR. Marco couldn't believe it. Peter from HR had gotten to his knees and was giving Marco’s leg a tongue bath. “Holy fuck, Marco! What’s happening to you?” Andrew pushed through the crowd, his 6’4 body only coming up to the bottom of his pecs. He was followed by a shirtless Oli who wouldn’t stop starting at Marco. “I… I’ve… grown.” Marco felt three more tongues join in with Peter’s. “I can see that. You’re huge! You’re bodies even better than mine! The pupil has surpassed the teacher! And this!! Fuck me!!” Andrew reached out and took Marco’s half hard cock in his hand. “This is friggin amazing!! If I would have known you were packing down there, I would have thought of a lot of other workouts for us to do!” Several other shirtless men from the dance floor began pressing themselves against his body. Beneath him, Marco could see others starting to make out and grind on each other. The music had come back on, but now it was a low tribal beat. Marco could feel himself getting hard as Andrew stroked his cock. Then, before Marco even knew what was happening, Andrew moved forward, kneeled, and took Marco’s cock between his hot lips. Oli moved quickly to his knees as well and began to lick Marco’s low hanging balls. Marco closed his eyes as he felt a wave of ecstasy wash over him. He couldn’t believe what an expert cock sucker Andrew was. His head dove up and down Marco’s shaft, expertly taking more and more of his thick 12” into his throat. The room began to smell of musk and sex. Marco opened his eyes and searched for Simon, finding him watching Andrew, Oli, and Marco. His cock was out of his pants, and he was slowly stroking it. Their eyes met, and Simon grinned. Marco felt his balls begin to churn as Oli moved behind him to begin licking his ass and Andrew’s head bobbing up and down his shaft became more frantic. Heat radiated through all of Marco’s body as he stepped closer to cumming. He placed his hand on the back of Andrew’s head and forced him to take even more of his cock into his mouth and throat. Fuck, this feels good! This is what power feels like. All of these men, worshiping at my feet. Marco felt pressure building up in his balls, but he realised it wasn’t only an incoming orgasm. No. As the heat radiated through his whole body, Marco once again began to grow. He gasped as he felt his lats begin to spread his back wider while his abs grew thicker and more dense. Looking down at the mass orgy below him, he watched as each of the sweating men looked slightly further away. As Marco grew taller, Andrew could no longer suck his cock while kneeling. Giving up his prize, Andrew let Marco’s cock slip from his mouth as he watched in awe as he grew. “Holy shit! It’s happening again!!” Andrew pulled his cock out of his underwear and began to stroke it as he watched Marco’s body expand. Moments later, Oli was next to him and sucking on his cock As Oli sucked him, Andrew found himself changing: “Bigger. Bigger. Bigger.” Soon, every man in the club was chanting along as the worshiping of Marco and each other became more frantic. Marco’s whole body was on fire as he grew to 10 ft and then surpassed it. Every body part was growing longer and thicker as the crowd chanted beneath him. Growth… getting stronger! Whole body… neck getting thicker… delts riding up… shoulders getting broader… Marco groaned as he felt his entire body burst up and out. He could feel the strain of his cock being pulled longer while still growing thicker. Through the fog of growth, he looked down and watched it become even more immense. Fat pipeline veins travelled down the length to better feed the majestic beast extending from Marco’s crotch, and his testicles hung low in a sack that looked like it contained two baseballs. Pre began to constantly leak from the head as his own body stopped growing around 12 ft. Andrew groaned and shot cum all over Marco’s leg. Taking him in, Andrew was amazed how colossal Marco had become. Even the tallest man in the room only came up to his cock. His musculature had become even more extreme as Marco stood there now like a giant bodybuilder. Just breathing in and out, Marco’s muscles flexed to the beat of the music as if they had a mind of their own. The temperature in the club had raised forcing all of the men to strip themselves of clothes. The masses of bodies copulating on the floor undulated under Marco’s gaze. Some men gathered the leaking pre from Marco and began to use it as lube. Still others continued worshiping at his feet licking them clean, masturbating at the sight of him, or just sitting and staring at awe at the enormity of his growing body. Marco followed Simon as he crossed through the crowd until he stood right in front of him. “Fuck me.” Marco couldn’t hear him over the music and the rhythmic moaning of the men. He leaned down, but still he was too far away from Simon who only came up to his knee. Squatting down, Marco maneuverered himself into a kneeling position, careful not to flatten men under his feet which was becoming far more difficult than before. Grabbing Simon underneath his arms, he lifted him up to his head, and the two began to make out. Marco’s tongue and lips were much larger now and filled and covered his own. Pulling away from the giant’s passionate kisses, Simon looked him directly in the eyes. “It’s not stopping… is it.” Marco wanted to withhold the truth from him but felt better about telling the truth. “I don’t know how much bigger I’m going to get… but no. I think I have a lot left in me.” From next to them, Andrew and Oli both began the chant again: “Bigger. Bigger. Bigger!” It was only a whisper, but as it was taken up by each of the men, it began to intensify. “I want you to fuck me. Now. Before it’s too late.” “Are you sure? I… I don’t want to hurt you.” “I don’t care. I want you in me.” Marco placed Simon onto the ground. “I’ll be careful. I promise. If it’s too much… just tell me and I’ll…” Simon watched as Marco’s face turned redder. He closed his eyes and felt the power take hold of him. This time it was greater than the last and much more intense. The kneeling Marco’s feet and legs knocked dancers to the floor as they extended outward. Marco could only groan as his backbone cracked and his torso extended upward. His shoulders and his rib cage cracked several times as his chest spread wider. Simon stepped back as Marco took up more and more room, his biceps and triceps ballooning and covering up more of his upper arm. Marco’s head swam as lights flashed, music thumped, and the chants of “Bigger… Bigger…Bigger” seemed to coax his body to do just that. He let out a lewd moan as he sensed a sharp tug and felt his cock growing much longer and thicker. As he watched it extend further from his body, the head becoming more engorged. Marco knew with regret that the time for fucking Simon had passed. He felt bad about this, but a new feeling was taking its place. As he looked around and down at the men surrounding him, fucking in his shadow, and worshiping at his feet, he began to feel a new sense of power. Kneeling, he was now virtually as tall as he had been standing upright. This brought him now to about 17 ft tall. He was by far the biggest man who ever lived… the strongest… the most well-endowed. His testicles were growing to be larger than some men’s heads. He was becoming a real force. No matter what he wanted to do, there would be no one who could stop him. As the pressure began to fade, Marco got to his feet. The crowd now only came up to his calves, and the warehouse ceiling was so close he could touch it easily. The mass of men continued to chant, “Bigger… Bigger… Bigger,” and Marco knew that soon he would not disappoint. Grabbing onto his massive cock, he slowly began to stroke it. “All of you.” Marco spoke. His voice so loud, domineering, and deep. Several men came just hearing him speak. “You we’re here at my birth… at the start of my journey.” Marco continued stroking; this time slightly faster. “You have all made me accept what I am… what I’m becoming. For this… For this…”. Marco’s body began to sway as the immense pressure of growth filled him again. When he spoke again, his voice was even deeper than before. “For this I baptise you!!” Those that were there say the room stopped; everything was silent and not a soul moved. An ear-splitting cracking sound came from all over Marco’s body. Just as he proceeded to grow even more immense, his cock extended several inches longer and thicker, his cock head swelled, and from the massive slit, gallon after gallon after gallon of cum shot forth Marco roared as he ejaculated over the crowd below and proceeded to grow at an even faster rate. Looking up, he could see the ceiling was becoming closer and closer. As he continued to ejaculate, Marco called down: “Get out! I’m going to rip through this building!! Crowds of cum coated men began to escape through the various exits. Some were taking their time, standing, and letting Marco’s semen rain onto them, but as his head smashed into the ceiling, they knew it was now time to evacuate. Thirty feet tall, he thought. I’m now 30 feet tall and… fuck… and getting even bigger!! Marco’s head slammed into the ceiling again followed by his shoulders. Lights that had been attached to scaffolding began to shake and sway. Again, his body surged upward as the metal of the ceiling began to buckle. Another surge, and his body tore through the roof. Below, scaffolding and lights fell to the floor. Walls began to shake and then tear as the entire structure was shifted on its foundation. Simon, down below, watched in awe as Marco’s head and shoulders… then his upper chest… then his pecs… and then his abs rose up out of the building; tearing it apart at the seams. FIFTY FEET TALL… STILL GROWING… BUT MUST BE FIFTY FEET TALL. I MOVE…THE PATHETIC STRUCTURE FALLS APART AS I RIP OUT OF IT. I SURGE EVEN TALLER… BIGGER…THICKER. PEOPLE BELOW ME HAVE UPGRADED FROM WORSHIP TO FEAR. I CAN HEAR THEIR SCREAMS AS I WALK. I FEEL MANY SOME BREAK BENEATH MY FEET. AS I WALK… AS I TAKE IN MY SHRINKING WORLD… MY FEET GROW LONGER AND THICKER… I TRAMPLE OVER CARS… OVER TRUCKS… I FEEL ANOTHER PULSE AND I ROCKET EVEN TALKER… 60 FT… 70 FT… 80 FT… I LIFT MY FOOT… TRY AND WATCH OVER MY ENGIURGED PECS… AND STAMP ON MY FURST HOUSE. THE SOUND OF SCREAMS REACH MY EARS… BUT AS I GROW, I CAN HEAR THEM LESS AND LESS. STREETS CAVE IN UNDER MY IMMENSE WEIGHT. MY COCK HARDENS AS I DEMOLISH THE SCHOOL I ATTENDED WHEN I WAS A KID. 100 FT TALL… 125 FT… 150 FT. THE SURGES KEEP GETTING STRONGER AS I COME INTO MY OWN AS DESTRUCTION. I LOOK BEGIND ME AND SEE THE TEROIR I HAVE CREATED. FIRES BLAZE… BUILDINGS TOPPLE AND FALL… ITS HARD TO REALISE YOU ARE STILL GETTING BIGGER WHEN YOU’RE ALREADY SO BIG!!! WHAT AM I… 300 FEET? 400 FEET??? 500 FEET????? IVE BEEN GRANTED ALL IF THIS POWER JUST BECAUSE I GOT A COIN THROUGH A SLOT… ALL BECAUSE I MADE A WISH!!! MY BODY BEGINS TO ERRUPT WITH SIZE. SOON IM 1000… 2000… 3000… FEET TALL. I STAND STILL AND FEEL GROWTH WASH OVER ME AS I SHOOT TOWARD THE HEAVENS EVEN FASTER. 10,000… 15,000… 20,000. I STAND ABOVE THE CLOUDS… HIGHER ABD HIGHER INTO THE ATMOSPHERE. HARDER TO BREATH UP HERE… COLD UP HERE… AND STILL I GROW. IT DOESN’T STOP… WILL NOT STOP. MY HEAD SPINS… GROWTH AND LACK OF OXYGEN. THE WHOLE WORLD IS SPINNING… I FEEL MY EYES CLOSING… MY BODY FALLING… I SMASH INTO THE EARTH AND BRING DOWN EVEN MORE DESTRUCTION… DARKNESS I open my eyes and quickly sit up. The new dispersion of weight causes the bed to shake and then collapse to the floor. I look around me. My bed… my bedroom… my house. I stand and smack my head against the ceiling. Plaster falls onto my naked body. I see several other holes… Obviously I’ve smashed into it before. I look around… Fuck! The room’s so small. No! I’m so big. “You’re awake. Good. We only have minutes.” Marco bends over and sees Madam Mina walk into the room. “To answer your questions… yes, I’m a witch… yes this is really happening… and yes your wish came true. In part.” Mina floated up into the air so that she was face to face with Marco. “I granted your wish and let you experience all the excitement and horror of what you though you wanted. Then I felt… it was your wish… so you will have to live with it.” “My dream. Did that really happen?” “It did… but I was able to retcon it. You and Simon met in the bathroom… he sucked you off… you grew some more. You took him back to your place… you fucked… you grew… you’re now 13 ft tall and weight over 3,000 pounds of muscle. Your cock. It’s a whopping 16” x 8. Simon can take it… but just. I doubt sex will be more than a once-a-week thing for you both. Sure, he’ll jerk you off, try and blow you, but real sex… it feels great but hurts. The kicker is that your sex drive has grown as well. You’ll need to cum 5-6 times a day or live with blue balls.” Marco could only look at Madam Mina as she floated there and told him his fate. “I’m not sure how you’re going to explain this. You. Can blame me… but no one will remember I exist. They’ll just know you’ve grown into a giant. Some freak of nature. For the rest of your life…” Madam Mina stared deeply inside him. “So, Marco. This life or your old life. I can give you either one.” Marco thought long and hard. He looked at the tiny room, the broken door to his bedroom, the demolished bed. He thought of the true practicalities of this size. Could he live like this? “I’ll take this life. It’ll be an adventure.” Marco smiled at Mina. “It’s all yours. Have a good time.” As Mina was just about to disappear, she thought better if it and returned. “Fine! Don’t ever say I’m not a good witch!!” She waved her hands in the air and recited some words. “Simon can take you without pain. Only pleasure. It’s a tight squeeze… but he loves it. Can’t get enough of it.” “Thank you, Mina.” Marco looked at where she had been standing, but she was gone. “You’re awake. How do you feel.” Simon walked naked into the room from the bathroom. “Honestly..., horny as fuck!” “Damn… your voice. I forgot how deep it was.” Marco swept Simon into the air and held him. “If it hurts… we don’t have to...,” “Hurt! Fuck! I cum just when you slip the head in!! I’ve never had multiple orgasms till you!!” The two men began to kiss, both of their cocks quickly hard. “This… it’s going to take some adjustments. You up for the ride?” Marco looked deeply into Simon’s eyes. “I’m up for it… in more ways than one.” Marco began to kiss Simon again, their tongues intertwined. As they kissed… as Marco’s cock began to leak… he felt the familiar surge fill him once again. His limbs stretched taller… his feet and hands longer… his cock lengthened and thickened… his head bent as his neck rested against the ceiling. Both men looked at each other. “Are you??” Marco was about to answer when a voice filled the room. “Just a little trick with your treat. I couldn’t leave you at 13 ft. That’s bad luck. I’m sure both of you will enjoy 15 ft Marco with an 18 x 8.5 cock. Enjoy!” And they did. Over and over again. Happy Halloween!!!!
  20. Previous chapters: Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Jon enjoys a BIG dinner and Austin makes sure his growing stepdad gets nice and full, which gets both men worked up quite a bit. The doorbell rang right as Austin walked inside. Perfect timing! The pizza delivery guy was here. Austin had ordered it ahead in anticipation of Jon being done with his workout. “Dinner’s here!” Austin yelled. “Come into the kitchen and get ready to eat, bull!” Jon’s thunderous footsteps followed; the big man positioned himself in front of their back door, leaned down, and started wedging himself through the doorway. He had already expanded it himself accidentally weeks ago, and the half-fixed under-construction wider, taller doorway was already barely big enough to allow him to pass through. Austin watched as Jon crawled through the entrance on his hands and knees, grunting and squirming to fit his wide shoulders and round butt through the doorway, shimmying in until he was inside. Austin just watched, the front door momentarily forgotten; he loved watching his big bull struggle to fit into the normal-sized world. “Ooof!” Jon grunted as he rose to his full 10’ tall height, his head thumping into the ceiling, sending plaster dust raining down into the kitchen. He just grinned and blew some of the dust off his nose. He stepped forward and leaned against the counter, his gut and bulge flopping down onto it, post-cum from his load smearing onto the granite through his white compression shorts. His triceps flared out bigger as he leaned his weight against the counter. His gut gurgled and then groaned loudly, audible throughout the main floor of the house. “Sir, I guess I’m really ready to eat today!” Jon said with a laugh as he stared eagerly at his master. Austin opened the door to get the pizzas. “Big party?” the delivery guy said as he handed him 8 extra larges. “Heh, not exactly,” Austin said as he took them, balancing them carefully. Austin set the pizzas on the kitchen counter, the house filling up with the smell. “Alright bull, ready to eat big? You’re not gonna stop until I tell you, ok?” “Yes Sir!” Jon boomed enthusiastically. He grabbed one of the boxes, the extra large box looking so small in his huge hand, and opened it. His eyes lit up and his gut rumbled again as he saw the pizza. “Meat lovers! My favorite. Thank you, Sir, I don’t deserve all this,” Jon said. “Of course you do, big man. You’ve been working so hard lately and growing so fast for Master. You think you can finish all of these?” Jon scoffed and stepped closer to Austin, looming over him; Austin only came up to his bulging belly button. “Sir, I’ll bet you that I can finish all eight of these in less than half an hour. By myself.” the big man rumbled, looking down at Austin with a smirk. He rubbed his hairy gut, the fur scraping against his calloused hands. It responded by gurgling again, louder than before. “You’re on, pup, I’d love to see you try,” Austin said with a grin. With that, Jon grabbed a quarter of his first pizza. The meat lover’s was stacked with bacon, sausage, pepperoni, and chicken. He folded the pieces over on top of each other until they were stacked up together into one huge piece. He opened wide and took a huge bite; half of the quad slice disappeared into his maw and he chomped down on it loudly. “Mmm,” Jon groaned around a mouthful of pizza. “So good. Gotta feed the beast to grow bigger!” he said and slapped the side of his big belly. It jiggled, then rumbled some more, demanding more food. Jon opened wide and stuffed the rest into his mouth, devouring 4 slices in just two bites. “Heh, that’s right bull, keep eating,” Austin said. “Clock’s ticking! Here, use this to wash it down,” he said as he got a 6 pack of Leinie’s from the fridge and slid it over to Jon. “Mmm, yeah!” Jon boomed as he wrapped a hand around one of the cans and pulled it out. The can looked comically small in his massive paw. He carefully snapped it open, then lifted it up to his mouth, his massive arm bulging into a bicep flex as he did. He guzzled the whole can down in seconds, crushing in it his grip as he got to the end. “BBBBRRUUUPPPPP!” Jon erupted as he tossed the can aside and reached down for more pizza. Jon kept eating. It only took him five minutes to demolish the first pizza. He set the box aside and opened the second one. He tore into that one with the same ferocity as the first one, his hunger seemingly not abated at all. “Good bull, keep eating. Don’t stop until I say so,” Austin said, staring intently as his pup. “I’m always so hungry these days, Sir. Just trying to eat enough to keep growing is a lot of work, you know?” Jon said before chomping down on another stack of slices. “I know, pup. You work so hard to grow for your master, and I’m so proud of you. You really know how to put it away, huh?” Austin said, stepping closer and reaching up to rub Jon’s huge round tummy. “You’re gonna keep eating and getting bigger, right?” Jon groaned. “Yes Sir,” Jon sighed between bites, then ripped another huge piece off and kept eating. After finishing off the fourth pizza (and Austin eating a little bit of one of them), Jon paused. His breathing had become faster and more labored, and he had started sweating profusely, his bull musk filling up the kitchen along with the pizza smells. He looked over and caught his reflection in the glass of the cabinets. He rubbed his belly and chuckled. “What’s so funny, pup?” Austin said. “It’s hard to believe how big I’ve grown, Sir. I look at myself sometimes and marvel at how enormous I am,” Jon said, straightening his shoulders and swelling his chest and gut out, emphasizing his full size. “Yeah, well you should be proud of it, pup. You’ve worked hard for your gains! Tell me how much you like being big, pup,” Austin said, looking up at his submissive dad with a smirk. “I love it so much. Everything is thanks to you, Sir. Your leadership and guidance are responsible for it all,” Jon said, a quiver in his voice. “All of what, pup? Show me.” Austin ordered, motioning him to flex. “All of this,” Jon growled, then raised his arms up into a huge bicep flex until his fists bumped against the 10-foot ceiling. The round, thick peak of his arms rose up like a mountain, matched only by his bowling-ball delts and thick traps. “And this,” he continued, reaching down and rubbing a huge hand over his round, furry gut. “I’m outgrowing the damn house thanks to you, Sir!” Jon boomed excitedly. He scraped his head against the ceiling, again sending plastery powder raining down on both men. Jon’s Underarmour-bound package flopped onto the countertop again, pushing aside one of the pizza boxes. “I’d still be an average weakling without you. Look at me now! I’m the biggest man in the world!” Austin stepped closer to feel his massive muscle pup. He reached up and tugged on Jon’s thick heavy chain necklace, grabbing him by the padlock and pulling his head down to look at his master. “Are you done growing yet, pup?” “No Sir! I’ll keep growing as long as you want me to. As big as you want. Whatever it takes!” Jon rumbled, growling intensely, his voice shaking with emotion. “That’s my good pup, you make your Sir so proud,” Austin said, leaning in closer and whispering in Jon’s ear, their beards scraping together. “You’re gonna keep growing bigger and bigger until I say you’re big enough, how do you like the sound of that?” Austin purred. Jon’s big body shook, shivers of pleasure and anticipation rattling through his body. His package throbbed and a wet streak of pre smeared across the countertop. “Yes Sir, *huff*, anything for you, Sir!” he breathed desperately, pizza breath washing over Austin. “Good pups listen to their master!” Jon said, his eyes suddenly welling up with tears. He reached down, wrapped his massive arms around Austin and lifted him up in to a huge bear hug. “Gotta keep growing for my boy, for my Sir!” Jon’s furry torso scraped against Austin’s and Austin could feel the intense heat radiating off his huge body. Sweat and pizza grease smeared against Austin as the two rubbed against each other, both of their cocks throbbing. “Good pup, your master loves you very much. Now put me down,” Austin commanded. Jon took a deep breath to compose himself, his arms still wrapped around Austin. “I love you too, Master, so much,” Jon whimpered, a strange sound from such a big man, before setting Austin down. He wiped the tears away from his eyes. He was overcome with intense devotion. “Do you know how big bulls like you keep growing?” Austin asked, and motioned towards the remaining pizzas. “Gotta eat big to grow big!” Jon boomed, repeating the words that Austin had told him many times over the last 7 months. Jon scooped up another four slices of pizza, crushed them together into one big stack, and stuffed them into his mouth, cramming them all inside. *crruuunnnchhh* and suddenly all that was left in his huge hand was a line of crust. “Good pup, that’s the way. You’re looking bigger already!” Austin said, encouraging his pup, rubbing the side of his mammoth gut. Jon smacked the other side of his belly with a huge hand, slapping it repeatedly, his firm, hard gut barely shaking from the impact. He chuckled around his mouthful of pizza before swallowing it shockingly fast. “UUUURRRRPPP!” Jon belched, the deep, resonant burp making the glass on the cabinets rattle. He followed that up with several smaller burps as he reached down and cracked open another beer. He lifted it up to chug it, but in doing so his huge bulge bumped the half-empty pizza box onto the floor, sending several slices tumbling down onto the ground at Jon’s feet. “Uh oh,” Austin said, looking up at his pup knowingly. “You know my rule about wasting food, pup. What is it?” he said, flicking a nipple on Jon’s bloated pecs. Jon shivered and groaned between panting breaths. “No wasted food, no matter what,” Jon rumbled. He licked his lips and his cock throbbed again, more pre leaking through his compression shorts. “That’s right. Get down there and clean it up,” Austin said, gesturing down to the ground where the fallen pizza lay face-down on the kitchen floor. “Yes Sir,” Jon grunted. The big man, dropped down to his knees, causing the room to shake, then got down on all fours. Even on all fours, he was still almost as tall as Austin. He reached for the pizza before Austin patted him on his shoulder and shook his head. “Not like that pup,” Austin said. He came around to Jon’s front, rubbing a hand across Jon’s expansive, muscular back, feeling the lumpy ridges of his enormous traps. “With your tongue. Get every little bit that you dropped. No wasted food, no matter what,” Austin said authoritatively, looking his bull right in the eyes. Jon nodded obediently, his face flushing red, his breathing heavy. “Yes Sir!” Jon boomed, then dove down to lick up the fallen pizza off the floor, his metal chain clinking around as he did. He slurped, grunted, and moaned as he licked the floor, getting every fleck of sauce, every chunk of sausage, every crumb of crust until all that remained was a wet spot from his own spit. “Licking food off the ground, god you are such a greedy, hungry mutt aren’t you?” Austin teased, scratching the dirty blond mohawk and rubbing his fingers over Jon’s neck rolls. “I need it all, Sir, gotta have more to grow bigger for you, Sir,” Jon breathed. Jon felt dirty, but his cock leaked onto the floor, belying his true feelings. “Good bull, such a hungry pup, you make me so happy,” Austin cooed, moving his hand to Jon’s back and rubbing the bulging traps through the big bull’s back and shoulder fur, feeling the muscles twitch against his calloused hand. “Mmmph, need MORE, Sir!” Jon rumbled as he sat up, eye-level with Austin for a moment. “Still so hungry!” “Good bull, let’s keep eating then, I’m still timing you!” Austin said as he stepped closer. He rubbed his hands against Jon’s round belly and swollen pecs, every inch of him furry and sweaty. He could smell Jon’s pizza breath. He leaned in closer until he planted a firm kiss on Jon’s big lips. Jon groaned as his master kissed him. Nothing felt better than getting Austin’s approval and praise. Nothing felt better than Austin’s lips on his. Jon reached out and rubbed his big hands up and down Austin’s lean, hard body, feeling the firm muscles dance and twitch as they ground against each other in lust. Jon’s cock throbbed again, soaking his compression shorts even more. His gut groaned in hunger. “Still so HUNGRY!” Jon boomed, then stood back up to his full, towering, 10 foot tall height until his head bumped the ceiling. Austin had to back up to not get knocked over by Jon’s huge pecs, gut, and bulge as he stood. Austin looked up at his giant stepdad looming over him; there were still times that even he was shocked at how big Jon was growing. Jon reached down and resumed eating with renewed vigor, gobbling up the pizzas with obscene grunts, chewing, and growling. In just a few more minutes, Jon polished off another 3 beers and 3 more pizzas until there were only a few pieces left. The big man was huffing and puffing and his gut had swollen out rounder and fuller than before. Jon raised the last stack of 4 slices up to his mouth and crunched down on them, breathing heavily out of his nose, chewing slowly. He groaned and swallowed. “DONE!” the big man boomed, smacking his round gut loudly. A deep, resonant burp escaped his lips, and he jiggled his gut proudly in front of Austin. “Such a big meal, Sir. So full,” he groaned. He reached a big fist up and rubbed pizza grease off of his lips and mustache, then licked his hand to make sure he got every bit. But Austin knew the big bull still had more room. “Good job, pup! So proud of you. Such a BIG bull. But you took too long, bull,” Austin said, holding up his timer, which read 30 minutes and 24 seconds. “You must still have room! You’re not done yet,” Austin said, and Jon groaned. “Go over to the living room and sit down in front of the couch. I’ve got more for you coming,” Austin said, rubbing Jon’s full, furry tummy and looking up at his big pup. Jon looked exhausted and overwhelmed. He puffed out his cheeks and exhaled, which turned into a deep, rumbling burp that rose up from the depths of his belly. “Y-yes Sir,” was all the big man could manage before he lumbered off to the living room. Jon sat down heavily and spread out his legs, his tremendous gut spilling into his lap and pressing against his bulge. He closed his eyes and rested for a moment, reaching up to run his fingers across the heavy metal chain and lock that wrapped around his neck, something he did to comfort himself and remind himself of his Sir’s love. A moment later, Austin came out holding three blender containers, each one full to the brim of a vaguely brown-looking sludge and a big red funnel. “Ok bull, now let’s top off that big binge with some protein, huh?” Austin said as he set the shakes down on the coffee table and walked between Jon’s huge legs to get closer. With Jon sitting, Austin was eye level with the big bull. “Three huge, thick gainer shakes to wash down all that pizza, how does that sound?” Jon groaned and rubbed his already full belly. “Y-yes SirUUUUPPP,” Jon rumbled as his words turned into another burp. “Gotta eat big… to grow big,” he groaned. “That’s right pup. Now hold the funnel in place,” Austin ordered, handing Jon the red funnel. Jon set it against his lips and tilted his head back; they had done this routine many times before and Jon knew what to do. “Here it comes,” Austin said as he reached up and poured the thick, brown protein-rich sludge into the funnel. “Mmmmmph,” Jon moaned as the shake hit his tongue, his appetite renewed as he tasted the sweet chocolatey sludge. He drank it with shocking speed, slurping and gulping, his Adam’s apple bobbing up and down, mega-sized gulps loud and clear for Austin to hear, big lips sucking, eager for more. In mere seconds, the entire shake was gone. Austin pulled the empty blender container away, leaving Jon slurping and licking for the final drops. “Good bull, I knew you weren’t done yet,” Austin said with a smirk, smacking Jon’s round, sweaty gut. It gurgled in response, the shake filling in any gaps between the pizzas that filled up his belly. Jon breathed hard and held the funnel against his belly, letting some of the remaining shake leak against it. He closed his eyes and licked his lips then burped in satisfaction. “More…” he sighed dreamily as he rubbed the top of his belly and grinned. His cock throbbed harder, straining the elastic and threatening to escape the tight confines of his compression shorts again. He raised the funnel up into the ready position. Austin just grinned and readied the second shake. “Here it comes, bull, such a good pup growing bigger for his Sir,” Austin said as he lifted up the second shake and started pouring. Jon moaned contentedly as the second shake hit his lips and he started sucking on the funnel loudly. Austin could hardly pour fast enough to keep up with Jon’s eager gulping, the sound of which filled the room with obscene slurping, chugging, guzzling noises. Austin could see Jon’s belly swell bigger, rounder, tighter as Jon consumed every drop. It went down shockingly, unbelievably fast considering how full the big man was. Jon came up for air with a gasp, rumbling a deep chuckle as he caught his breath. He palmed his vast gut and rubbed it. “Uuufffff, Sir, huuufff, I’ve never, rruurrff, been more full,” Jon panted, feeling his upper belly. “It’s so, grrroooofff, TIGHT!” the big bull groaned. “That’s right, bull, SO tight and round, so full of growth fuel,” Austin said, rubbing Jon’s belly in wide, slow circles. “You’re doing SUCH a good job for your Sir, getting so big, so round and strong,” Austin said, heaping praise upon praise. Jon broke into a broad, exhausted grin and closed his eyes . “I don’t know if I can have any more after that,” he said between short, labored breaths. A small burp escaped from his lips and he groaned some more. “So full!” “Aww come on bull, I know you can take a little bit more,” Austin said, leaning in closer and pressing his own hard bulge against Jon’s gut. Standing, Austin was about the same height as Jon was sitting down, and his cock was at just the right height to press against Jon’s thick pecs and the top of his round, hard gut. Austin rubbed up and down against the bulky torso of his huge stepdad and groaned. “Kiss me, pup, I need to taste you,” Austin whispered. Jon grunted and grinned in response. He opened his eyes and leaned forward to kiss his Sir. They locked lips, Jon’s bigger face and beard and lips smothering Austin’s, his thick tongue easily overpowering his Sir’s aggressive embrace. Austin lowered his pants and underwear so he could rub directly against Jon’s massive chest and belly; Jon growled when he felt the slick, warm precum spreading around between his enormous pecs. They both breathed heavily through their noses and grunted and groaned, their hands exploring each others’ bodies freely, greedily, hungrily. Austin could taste the thick, sweet protein shake on Jon’s lips and relished the flavor. After being apart for months, they still savored the benefits that came from being together all the time. After what seemed like an eternity and not enough time, they separated, both of them catching their breath, both men’s cocks throbbing and leaking pre. “Mmmph, well damn you taste good, pup,” Austin said with a grin. “Yeah? What do I taste like, son?” Jon said with a smirk, his cock emerging from the top of his Underarmour, the head of it as big as Austin’s fist. Austin stepped closer until he was inches away from his stepdad’s face. “Like protein and sweat and cum and MAN,” Austin growled, rubbing his beard against Jon’s. “And knowing you’re going to grow even BIGGER has got me so worked up,” Austin said, pressing his cock against Jon’s chest again and smearing more pre around. “Y-yeah!” Jon breathed, then jerked as a belch slipped up and out of his maw. “Always bigger, always more,” Jon intoned. “Good pup. Let’s see that big bicep and let me smell you, bull,” Austin commanded. Jon obeyed. He raised up an arm and flexed his mighty bicep, exposing his hairy, sweat-matted hairy pit. A wave of Jon’s BO funk filled the living room. Austin grabbed the massive, round bicep, leaned forward, and buried his nose in Jon’s armpit, rubbing it around in the deep, sweaty, furry crevice, huffing in the heady smell and groaning with pleasure. Jon shifted his weight and reached over with his other arm to lightly press his Sir into his musky pit, holding him there and feeling his master wriggle against his firm grip. “Mmmmmph, so good,” Austin breathed as he came up for air, sniffing his own upper lip, savoring the musk that coated his beard. “Glad you like it, Sir. I think that’s getting stronger the bigger I get!” Jon said sheepishly. “Yeah? Let’s test that theory,” Austin said before rubbing his nose in the damp, furry pit cave again, huffing in the heady smell, groaning as he did. “What do you think? Muskier? Sweatier?” Jon asked as he held Austin’s head in place. Austin gasped as he came up for air. “Definitely,” he said between breaths. “The bigger you grow, the better you stink,” Austin said, grinning. “Heh, that’s right Sir!” Jon rumbled, looking quite pleased with himself. He pressed Austin against his furry pit again, forcing his Sir to get another huff of his potent bull musk. His master looked so cute desperately rubbing and licking and sniffing his deep, muscular pit. “Ruff, Sir loves my stink, and I do too,” Jon said after Austin had his fill. Jon leaned over and sniffed his own pit and sighed, enjoying his own musk. “Well if growing bigger makes you stink better, then let’s keep going, bull,” Austin said. “And to grow bigger, my bull needs to drink one more big, thick, rich gainer shake. 14,000 calories in every one of these babies, and it’s all for you, pup,” Austin breathed, his voice rising in excitement. He stepped back to grab the last pitcher. Jon breathed more heavily and reached forward to rub his drum-tight belly. “But Sir, I’—URRRPPP—I’m so full!” Jon pleaded, his belly sloshing and groaning as he adjusted his weight. “Now pup, listen to your Sir. You know you can’t say no to me,” Austin said, stepping closer with the shake. “But, but Sir I — BBRRUUAGHHH — I can’t fit, any more, huffff, food in this big belly!” Jon groaned as he palmed the vast expanse, his belly swelled out to the max, heavy and furry and round. “Good pups listen to their masters, don’t they?” Austin cooed, relentless, insistent. He returned to where he was standing before and pressed his cock against Jon’s tight belly again. “Good pups liste—BBBRUUHHHHP—listen to their masters,” Jon repeated. “And are you a good pup?” Austin said, his eyebrow raised, a confident smirk on his face. “I’m a good pup, Sir,” Jon breathed, his eyes welling with sudden emotion. He was filled with a desperate need to make Austin happy, and to do that he needed to drink that shake. He felt a second wind, and his mouth salivated in anticipation of the thick, rich liquid. He grimaced and flexed, his traps and neck bulging with muscle. “Give me more, Sir. I need MORE!!” Jon raised the funnel back up to his lips, his massive bicep flexing as he did, and he tipped his head back again. Austin wasted no time, dumping the final shake into the funnel. Jon moaned, desperate to chug it down, and he guzzled it all up faster than either of the previous shakes, his grunts and chugs turning into greedy-sounding growls. When the final shake was gone, Jon put the funnel in the container and Austin set it aside. Both of them growling and chuckling. Austin pressed his cock against Jon’s rock-hard gut and meaty pecs, and started grinding against his giant stepdad. “Such a huge, hungry, growing PUP, I’m so proud of you, Jon,” Austin breathed as he bucked against Jon, frotting aggressively against Jon’s furry beef. Austin suddenly felt something huge and hard rubbing between his legs; he looked down and saw Jon’s freed, hard cock, thick and long as a Pringles can, rubbing up and down his legs until the tip of it pressed against Austin’s tight balls. “Of course, Sir, I’d do anything for you, Sir, gotta grow BIG for you, Sir!” Jon panted, working into a frenzy, sweat dripping off him and mixing with Austin’s precum, making a slick, furry surface for Austin to rub on. Jon’s cock spurted out another wad of precum, soaking Austin’s balls, and Austin returned the favor, leaking more between Jon’s furry pecs. “So FULL for you, Sir!” Jon bellowed, feeling bigger than ever before. “That’s right bull, always GROWING, turning into my prized muscle daddy BULLPUP, you want that don’t you, dad?” Austin said through gritted teeth, picking up speed as he desperately humped against the wall of beef in front of him, Jon’s round gut trying to push him backwards. “Yes Sir, gonna be the BIGGEST damn bullpup for you!” Jon groaned, his cock flaring up harder and longer as he approached climax. “Aww yeah, fuck yeah,” Austin panted, his hands squeezing and rubbing his stepdad’s impossibly enormous delts and arms. He leaned in and kissed Jon hard, both of them moaning and panting and growling as their tongues wrestled, both of them desperate for a taste of each other. They separated and Jon tensed his arms, flexing the round, hard biceps for his Sir. Austin squeezed harder, his comparatively small fingers hardly denting Jon’s massive muscles. Jon grinned. “Mmmm, even after all that food, son, you know what?” Jon rumbled. “What’s that pup?” Austin groaned. Jon’s pushed out his belly into full roundness, full hardness, squeezing Austin’s cock harder between his gut and Austin’s own muscular body. His gut groaned and gurgled loudly, like it was still empty. “I’m still HUNGRY!” Jon roared. Austin groaned and exploded, his cock spraying cum all over Jon’s chest, jets of it getting all over his bullpup’s huge beard. Jon’s cock followed suit, gushing cum against the underside of Austin’s throbbing balls, cum and sweat and fur mixing together in a moment of perfect release. They went on shooting for almost a minute, both of their bodies shaking and throbbing, cum dripping all over the carpet underneath them, smearing all over Jon’s huge body and Austin’s muscular legs and abs. Austin collapsed against his pup, utterly spent. Jon wrapped his enormous arms around his Sir and squeezed, securing his son against his cum and sweat-soaked body. “I love you so much, pup,” Austin whispered in Jon’s ear. “I love you too, Master,” Jon breathed and both of them felt a contentment that few on Earth ever get to experience.
  21. muscleson

    Muscle House - Part 1

    Muscle House Part 1 – House Hunting Joey was starting his second year of college but wanted to live off-campus instead of in the dorms. While searching the want ads, he found a listing that caught his eye. “House full of muscle bros looking for a fourth roommate. Have own private room but must be willing to share in household duties and supplies. Don’t have to be huge, but must be into bodybuilding. Chill, laid-back vibe here. Open house today from 2-4.” Joey was intrigued with the idea of living with all muscle bros. He loved working out and was attracted to muscular guys. But he wasn’t very big, let alone the size of a bodybuilder. He wondered if they would even consider him. But, he decided to swing by the open house and check it out. He nervously climbed the steps and timidly knocked on the door. Heavy footsteps approached from the other side. The door swung open to reveal a huge, muscular bro wearing a sports tank, gym shorts, and a backwards baseball cap. A dopey smile crossed his square jawed face as he greeted Joey in a deep voice. “Hey bro! You here for the open house?” “Uh, yeah,” he mumbled while standing awkwardly. “All right, man! Come on in!” the bro bellowed as he flexed an arm. “Name’s Bruno!” “I’m Joey.” He anxiously entered while eyeing Bruno’s hard, dense bicep. As he moved into the entryway, the intoxicating smell of testosterone hit his nose. The hormone filled his lungs, making him feel light-headed and dizzy. He steadied himself for a second and then walked into the living room. Two other big muscled bros were lounging on enormous couches while watching a bodybuilding show on tv. They were dressed similarly to Bruno and displayed his same dopey expression. Their glazed eyes were glued to the oiled-up bodybuilders on the screen while they mindlessly flexed their pecs. “Hey bros, this little bro here is Joey,” announced Bruno. They snapped to attention and turned their thick heads to look at Joey. “That’s Damon and Hunter.” “Sup man!” they boomed while each flexing an arm. Joey stared at their swollen biceps. His cock started to twitch at the sight of all that muscle. They both turned back around and refocused on the bodybuilding show. “So, you into bodybuilding bro?” asked Bruno, looking Joey up and down. Joey never felt so small in his life. These bros were giants compared to him. “Uh, yeah. I mean, I’m obviously not a bodybuilder, but I follow it. And I like to work out. I know I’m not that big, but…” Joey trailed off. “Hey man, you look good for your size. Let’s see your guns.” Joey stood there blankly. “C’mon man, flex your bicep.” Slowly, Joey raised his arm and meekly flexed his arm. Bruno reached out and grabbed Joey’s small, but defined bicep with his big meaty hand. “Squeeze it tighter, let me really feel it bro.” Joey flexed harder, making his bicep swell up and harden. “Nice bro. You’ve got a good base. If you lived here, we could help you get bigger.” “Really?” Joey’s face lit up. “Oh yeah, bro. We could help you with training, food, and supplements. You’d be packing on some serious muscle in not time.” Joey’s dick throbbed as he imagined training with these bros and getting big with them. “But, you’d have to be willing to live like a bodybuilder. It’s a whole lifestyle bro, 24/7. That means eating a ton, training hard, and doing whatever it takes to get big. Could you do that bro?” Joey pondered for a second. He always wanted to get big, but he never thought about what it took to really get there. It all seemed so unattainable. Yet, if these muscle bros could show him how to grow big like them, then maybe… “Yeah, bro. I could do that. I could live like a bodybuilder.” “Fuck yeah, bro!” Bruno raised both his arms into a double bicep pose. “You hear that bros, Joey here is gonna become one of us!” “Fuck yeah!” echoed Damon and Hunter. They rose from the couch and lumbered over. Joey was surrounded by a wall of muscle, nearly making his dick pop out of pants. “C’mon bros, let’s celebrate our new roomie with a protein shake!” They all made their way to the kitchen while Joey smiled from ear to ear. Part 2
  22. Previous chapters: Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Austin enjoys life with his growing, submissive stepdad. Jon lifts some weights in the backyard, then gets excited after his weigh-in and gets an intense blowjob from his Master. Chapter 10: Spring Break — Life With a Growing, Submissive Bull Pt1 The ground shook as Austin watched the beat-up old Ford F150 rise up into the air and crash back down again, bouncing on its shocks each time it hit the ground. The truck itself weighed somewhere around 2 tons, at least according to what Austin had looked up online when he bought it. Perfect weight to challenge the enormous man hefting it up and down like a medicine ball. Jon grunted as he picked up the truck again, lifted it over his head, and grinned down at his master. “Twenty!” Jon boomed proudly, straightening out his arms all the way, his enormous triceps and delts hard and flexing as he held the truck 12 feet off the ground, gripping the axles underneath. He wasn’t shaking or struggling at all, even 20 reps in; it was getting noticeably easier for him just in the last few days, Austin noted. He’d have to try to find another, heavier truck for Jon to lift with soon. The truck crashed down to the ground again, adding to the muddy divots in the grass of the backyard. Jon was soaked and dripping with sweat despite the cool spring Minnesota air, grunting and breathing heavily, clouds of vapor billowing from his beard-covered mouth. His quads shook as he walked around the truck to come closer to Austin, each one swelling out to the sides with round arcs of muscle. Each thigh rubbed against the other one roughly, the enormous bulge in his white Underarmour compression shorts bouncing as he did, the head of his huge cock plainly visible. The tight athletic boxer-briefs were the only thing he had on except for leather bicep straps, custom-made Underarmour football cleats, and long compression socks that were stretched thin over his massive calves. A wet spot spread over his bulge as he looked down at Austin and grinned. “How’s that, Sir? Bigger?” Jon rumbled, his voice unnaturally deep and loud. He planted the tip of his cleat on the grass, the spikes digging into the dirt, and flexed a calf muscle bigger than Austin’s thigh. The straining socks somehow made it look even bigger. He shook the meaty mass of his quads before flexing them, and they hardened into bulging slabs of muscle. His huge, round gut jiggled too, just looming above Austin’s face. “Do you think I’m growing?” the muscle bear boomed. Austin shook his head. Jon always asked questions like that even when the answer seemed obvious, but he knew it was because he craved the approval of his Sir. “Yes, bull, you’re bigger than ever!” “Oh, hehe, that’s good!” Jon said, a huge grin breaking out on his face. He reached up and stroked his dirty blonde beard, which stretched down into his pec cleavage, sticking to the sweaty expanse of his chest. Austin looked up at the giant above him; Jon had just passed 10 feet tall two days ago and was closing in on an even ton. “Looking easier for you, huh?” Austin said. He reached forward to rub his stepdad’s enormous thighs, running his hands through the sweaty, furry, hard expanse of muscle. Austin came up to Jon’s expansive gut, so his huge legs, barrel chest, and thick midsection were all in easy reach. His knuckles brushed against Jon’s bulge and the wet spot on his briefs grew as another spurt of precum leaked out. “Y-yes Sir, two tons is easy for a giant bull like me,” Jon groaned, trying to control his feelings. His cock throbbed and grew, the head of it poking out above his briefs and burping up more pre. It was very hard to stay focused when Master watched him lift weights. He rubbed his hands up and down his sweaty, furry torso, a mist of sweat rising into the cool spring air. “Good bull, that’s right,” Austin said. “And you’re gonna keep getting stronger. Show me your bench press,” Austin said. “Yes Sir!” Jon boomed, and he went back over to the truck. He laid down on the ground, getting dirt and brown grass over his expansive back, then reached one hand under the truck and pulled it over closer. With impossible strength, he hoisted the truck onto his chest, his pillowy pecs taking the impact of the tires and undercarriage with no problem. He gripped the axles and pressed, lifting 4000lbs of truck into the air like it was a warmup. The truck flew up and down, up and down, Jon grunting and sweating but hardly straining against the two-ton weight. “Light weight, Sir! I need more!” Jon grunted between reps as he lifted and lifted, flying past 25 reps with no sign of slowing down. “Gotta lift big to get big, that’s what you always say, Sir!” “That’s right bull, keep going until 100!” Austin said. He had to adjust his own package watching his giant muscle daddy lifting. His strength was beyond anything he had ever seen, unbelievable if he wasn’t witnessing it himself. Jon’s impossible, endless second puberty had only picked up steam since he had visited his dorm room just over a month ago and Austin had moved back in with Jon. Their total focus and dedication had only accelerated his uncanny growth. Jon threw the truck aside, crashing it onto its side as he roared past 100 reps. He scrambled to his feet with startling speed and energy, seemingly not tired at all despite being two hours into his second workout of the day. “Now, let’s do some cardio!” Austin held up a basketball. Jon instinctively turned and dropped into a three-point stance, facing the expansive backyard, his meaty ass in Austin’s face. “Go!” Austin yelled as he threw the ball as hard as he could. Jon grunted and bounded after the ball, his custom-made oversized cleats tearing more divots into the once-pristine grass of the backyard. Jon ran, the huge, rumbling footsteps of the massive brute eating up space surprisingly fast. His heavy chain necklace jingled as he ran. The ball sailed a long ways, and Jon was so focused on it that he didn’t notice the thin birch tree that stood in his way until he shouldered into it; the tree exploded into splinters and fell over as Jon plowed into it. Seeing his target, Jon lunged onto the ball, squashing it under his enormous weight until it popped open with a crack. Rising quickly, he ran back to Austin just as fast, ball tucked into the crook of his arm, pressed between his enormous bicep and meaty chest. He nearly barreled into Austin before skidding to a halt, tearing up more grass. He beamed down at his master, grunting and breathing heavy. “Another one?” Austin said, looking up at his giant stepdad with a disapproving look. “Throw it on the pile,” Austin said, gesturing to the pile of other broken balls and fetching toys. “Heh, sorry Sir, I got excited,” Jon said as he adjusted the tight leather straps digging into his biceps. Austin had bought the custom, adjustable straps at his local fetish gear shop a couple weeks ago with the intention that they would last for months. They weren’t on the loosest setting of 36” yet, but as Austin eyed Jon’s throbbing, hard biceps and heard the leather groaning, he knew they wouldn’t last long. “That’s fine, pup, I love your enthusiasm!” Austin said, getting another ball. “Ooh ooh, can I do another one? Please?” Jon pleaded, bouncing up and down excitedly as he inched closer to his Sir. Austin knew that Jon could take the ball from him whenever he wanted, but he wanted to please his master and run hard for him. Sprinting made his legs and lungs stronger for master. “Ready?” Austin teased, and Jon dropped into a three-point stance again, like a giant football player. “All the way down this time,” Austin said, and Jon dropped onto his stomach with a thump, the nearly plants and trees shaking from the impact. “Go!” Grass ripped up from the ground as Jon exploded off the ground with terrifying power and he launched himself after the ball again. They kept at this for half an hour, Austin working Jon until he was a sweaty mess, the dense fur covering every inch of body soaked and curling with sweat, dirt covering his cleats and calves, his compression shorts soaked through. When Austin finally said that was enough, Jon was panting and tuckered out. “Bring it in, pup, such good work,” Austin said. “Here you go,” he said and held up a gallon-sized jug filled with brown liquid. “Hrrrrmmmmmph just what I need!” Jon grunted as he grabbed the jug, his fingers easily wrapping all the way around it, and started chugging the thick, viscous shake. Austin marveled at how quickly the big man could consume, watching his Adam’s apple bob up and down, listening to the gurgling, groaning, throbbing sound of Jon chugging the 4000 calorie shake. Austin looked up at Jon’s round gut noticeably expanding as it filled up with protein shake until the arc of it brushed against Austin’s forehead. In seconds, the jug was empty. “Ahhhh, that hit the spot, Master!” Jon sighed contentedly as he rubbed his belly, bumping Austin backwards as he did. “More?” Jon asked eagerly as he looked down as his diminutive master, his cock throbbing as he did. “Later, bull. First it’s time for our daily weigh-in!” Austin said and he gestured over to the scale. Jon knew the drill. They followed the same routine every day, lifting and feeding times regimented and organized, weigh-ins and measurements regular and tracked by Austin’s diligent eye, calories and nutrition and exercise optimized for maximum growth. They had an industrial-size scale that was meant for livestock set up on the back deck, which was a couple feet elevated up off the ground. Jon lumbered over, the deck straining under his mass as he walked across, his ass shaking and jiggling up and down as he waddled. Suddenly his right foot broke through the wooden decking and he fell forward and down a foot or two. “Uh oh! Sorry Sir. Rrrruuuuffff, grrrufff!” Jon grunted as he ripped his foot up through the decking, tearing up more of the deck as he kept walking over to the scale. Casual, accidental destruction was becoming more and more common with Jon as he grew beyond normal human scale. The scrapes and holes that dotted the ceilings and the cracked, partly-destroyed doorways in the house were testament to that. Jon stepped on the scale until the number evened out. “1824 pounds! Great job, bull. Boy, you’re getting so big, aren’t you?” Austin said, praising his prized bullpup as he rubbed Jon’s huge, round ass. “Yeah, always bigger, always more, that’s what you always say, Sir,” Jon grunted. “I gotta keep growing, right?” Jon stepped off the scale and turned to face his Sir, looking down at him from over the round hills of his pecs and gut. Sweat dripped down off his nose and nipples, some of it splashing on Austin. “That’s right, pup, always bigger, always more!” Austin repeated. It was the mantra that Austin had come up with since he had moved in to help keep them both focused and motivated on their shared goal. Every aspect of their lives was focused on one thing: to grow Jon as big and strong as they possibly could. “Yeah,” Jon breathed, steam puffing into the air. He looked up into the grey sky and raised his arms up into a flex, steam and heat from his sweaty pits radiating off him. “MORE!” His arms were spread wide, biceps flexed, his forearms spread out at a 45 degree angle, making the biceps look extra thick. Jon’s bulge throbbed and swelled in his Underarmour until they stretched the white material close to bursting. The cock head surged and poked out at the top as if it had a mind of its own. Jon grunted involuntarily as a glob of precum gushed out and splashed onto the grass in front of Austin. “You worked so hard today, bull,” Austin said, looking up at his submissive daddy. They locked eyes, staring intensely, each of them breathing heavily, cocks throbbing. “Let me help you with that.” Austin stepped forward and tugged at the hem of Jon’s shorts until he freed the rest of the meaty, Pringles-can sized cock from its confines. The heady, funky smell of Jon’s crotch and balls wafted into the air, steam rising from his loins. Austin huffed in the smell, sending tingles of excitement down his spine. He was at the perfect height now to suck Jon’s dick while standing. He opened wide and gobbled up as much of his pup’s cock as he could. “Ohhhhhhhnnggggg Sirrrrrr,” Jon groaned, a bassy rumble filling the air, deep enough to rattle Austin’s ribcage. “Rrrrrrruuuuuffffff,” he moaned unintelligibly. Austin pushed deeper, the massive cock head filling every inch of his mouth, jamming it until it scraped the back of his throat. He could only swallow up about half of its length now and barely wrap his lips around it. He was well-practiced with it at this point and didn’t gag, though he knew that he wouldn’t be able to take such a huge cock for too much longer as Jon grew more and more. “Yeahhhhhhh, gotta grow more for my Sirrrrrr,” Jon purred. He reached down, past the love handles of his huge gut, and wrapped his hands around Austin’s chest, easily lifting him into the air. He brought Austin up to his bearded mouth and kissed him roughly, his tongue plunging into Austin’s mouth aggressively. “Morrrrrrre,” he groaned as he walked over to the wall of the house, protein breath washing over Austin as Jon breathed heavily. Jon plopped Austin back down to the ground and brandished his cock like a club, thumping Austin in the face with the swollen, throbbing member. “Harrrrrder,” Jon groaned, his thoughts focused only on pleasure. Jon slammed his weight forward into Austin’s awaiting mouth. Jon looked down and couldn’t see anything past the expanse of his enormous furry muscles and round power gut. He could feel Austin sucking and choking and gagging on his cock but couldn’t see him at all. Jon was just too big. “So big. The biggest!” Jon moaned, humping his enormous body against Austin. He leaned forward onto the house, bracing against the wall with his thick, veiny, hairy forearms, leaving smears of sweat against the cold siding. Austin could only groan and brace himself against the huge thighs that surrounded him. He pressed his arms against the huge, heavy gut that pressed down on him, but it was futile; it was simply too heavy. Austin felt himself squeeze harder against the wall of the house as Jon humped harder and faster, picking up steam. “Always bigger, always more for you, Sir!” Jon groaned as he plowed his master’s tight mouth. His Sir had given him purpose and value and meaning, all he ever needed. The thought of growing even bigger, of swelling beyond the impossible size he had already reached, of making his master even happier and even more proud of him, filled him with euphoria. His cock throbbed harder and more precum oozed down Austin’s throat. “You like how strong I am now, Sir?” Jon asked, an edge of pleading and begging in his sonorous voice. Austin grunted and groaned, his throat choking on the massive cock as he tried to respond. “You want me to keep growing bigger, Sir?” Jon groaned, his deep voice straining as his cock throbbed harder and harder. Austin moaned as loudly as he could, needing his pup’s cum. “I’ll do anything for you Sir, I’m gonna be the very biggest for you, Sir, all for you Sirrrrrrrrahahhhhhhhhh!!!!” Jon roared as his cock exploded, his huge balls tensing and throbbing as jets of cum sprayed directly down Austin’s throat, feeding his master his potent bull cream. Austin gulped furiously, trying to cope with the intense volume of cum flowing into him, but it was no use. Spurts of cum dribbled from his mouth and onto his beard, mixing together with Jon’s sweat in his sweaty, bushy pubes. Jon leaned into Austin harder until every drop was drained, grunting and groaning loudly. Jon arched his neck and back and sighed contently, a plume of steam rising into the air, satiated for now. He was proud to give his master a thick meal of bull cum. Jon stepped back and Austin coughed and sputtered, cum drooling down his mouth and covering his beard and parts of his shirt. He grinned up at his pup. “Good work, bull, wow that was some load! You were really worked up, huh?” “Heh, yeah, grruuuufff, love humping my Sir’s face I guess,” Jon said, raising his arm up and scratching the back of his head sheepishly. As he did, his enormous tummy rumbled loudly, demanding more food. “Sounds like it’s time to eat!” Austin said, staring up at his big pup. Jon rubbed his round belly and licked his lips in anticipation. “Sure is, Sir. I’m STARVING!” Jon rumbled as his gut growled again, louder and longer.
  23. Mickyh32

    Jake: The Brother In Charge PT1

    Jack and his younger brother got home from the gym. Jack unlocked the door, “ get inside now boy!” He grabbed hold of dean's shirt and flung him into the house. Dean went flying into the wall with a thud. Dean got back up and rubbed his shoulder. “ Wow master, you threw me like I was a rag doll!” He said in amazement, a huge smile beaming on his face. Jack slammed the door behind him, “ Listen shit bag, You are a rag doll to me boy, a skinny weak runt I'm gonna have so much fun with. Your my slave now, you do exactly what i say boy, I own you, I'm bigger, stronger and far superior than you in every way possible. You go to bed when I say, you get up when I get up, you cook what I tell you to cook, you get the picture boy?” “ Y y yesss master, anything for you, you are by far the biggest and strongest person I have ever seen!” Dean replied. “ Would master like me to do anything?” he asked Jack. Jack walked over to his younger bro, grabbed him by the neck and lifted him high in the air. Dean's feet were dangling at least 3ft off the floor, Dean was gasping for air, his legs flaing about, he looked down at his brothers menacing face, his eyes bulged at the sight of jacks huge, ripped, juicy muscled forearm easily hosting his light body up, Dean also had a view of his brothers immense pecs and collosal shoulders, both rippled with devastating power. Jack finally drops Dean on the floor, Dean coughs and splutters as air returns to his lungs. Jack stood over him his massive bulk dominating the space around them. “ Master would like to know what it feels like for you to be so easily man handled by your brother, how it makes you want to worship my huge muscles and witness my immense power?” he asked. He folded his huge arms across his even bigger chest, both fighting of space. Dean looks up at his brother, watching his huge devastating muscles fight for superiority on his body. “ It feels fantastic master, you are so strong you could lift anything, I would happily let you man handle me all time if it means I get to see your fantastic muscles in action. I would love nothing more than to lay my hands on your perfect body master and feel the power those huge muscles possess”. He replied. Jack smiled menacingly. “ Get up boy, take your shirt off!” He demanded. Dean picked himself up and lifted his shirt off his ripped body and tossed it on the sofa. He looked down at his lean ripped body then up to his brothers gargantuan body, he sighed in embarrassment. “ What would you like me to do master?” Dean asked. “ I want you to flex for me boy, I want to see how small and worthless you really are!” with that Jack shoved his bro towards the wall length mirror, Dean flew across the room and stumbled into the mirror. Jack prowled up behind him, he had a tape measure in his hand. “ Flex your bicep now boy.” Jack demanded. Dean knew better than to disagree so he reluctantly accepted and flexed his left bicep, a small hard ripped peak rose up his arm. Jack sniggered, “ my god so small!” He wrapped the tape round dean's arm, “ Christ you are pathetic boy, 12 inches! “ Dean hung his head,” yes master I am pathetic.” Jack then wrapped the tape round dean's chest and again chortled, “ 28in, disgusting, lift your left side shorts up you weed!” Dean obeyed and lifted his shorts up, his skinny athletic legs had a light coating of hair on, Jack knelt down and wrapped the tape round the upper part of the thigh. “ 23in, you are just one lanky piece of shit aren't you boy, how can you be happy looking like that, I've got broomsticks that are bigger than you, here.” Jack throws the tape at Dean, “ time to see what real muscle looks like boy!” Jack started by flexing his gargantuan biceps, peaks that would make Everest look small rose imperiously up his arm, muscle grew on top of muscle. “ Whoa…….” Dean moaned. His hands shaking as he approached his brothers immense arms, he began wrapping it round the peak, he joined the ends together and read the numbers. “ Fuuuuuckkkkk, 34in master, your a monster!” Jack cackled with delight, “ yes a boy I'm a monster, 34 in arms, the best in the business, I'd wipe the floor in any competition, now my chest boy!” Dean moved the tape to Jacks impossibly pecs, he started to wrap but jacks body was so huge and wide he had trouble keeping it there,” er er er master can you hold the tape please? “ he asked. Jack laughed, “ am I to wide for your pathetic skinny arms boy, there! “ Jack placed a meaty finger on the tape, Dean continued round his brothers bulk, he eventually joined the ends. “ 78in master, unbelievable! “ Dean was mesmerized by his masters sheer size. “ I could fit your skinny assbody in my pec gap and crush you with there power. Dean shuddered with fear as he took the tape away. “ Now my legs boy!” Jack lifted his shorts leg up to reveal the thickest most densely populated leg of muscle anyone had seen, ridges upon ridges of muscle piled high and wide engulfed his quads. Dean gulped hard, “ Sweet Jesus master your legs are freakishly beastly!” He began to wrap the tape round jacks meaty quad, the two ends met, “ 65in master, incredible! You are a collosal behemoth! “ Dean was opened mouthed at his brothers unbelievable body. “ Boy, come and kneel in front of my leg and open your legs,” demanded Jack. Dean knelt down and spread his legs a little, Jack moved closer placing his right foot in the gap in dean's legs, then looked in the mirror. “ Look boy my quad is wider than your upper body hahah” it was true, one of jacks thighs stuck out at least 15cm each side of dean's body. Dean was drooling. “ Master you are a dream come true, you are ginormous, stronger than anything I know, I am nothing compared to you, I'm weak, worthless, I am……….” He was about to continue but got interrupted by Jack. “ Enough of the talk boy, I know your weak, pathetic, worthless, a sad existence. Christ if you weren't my brother i would have destroyed you by now, you see boy, I want more, much more and your gonna help me get it, I wanna grow more bigger and stronger, so the question is do you wanna help me? Choose your answer carefully! “ Jack cracked his bull thick neck, the sound alone sent shivers down dean's spine. “ Y yyyess master anything you want I will get for you just say!” Dean knelt down and bowed before his brother. “ That's a good boy, now I want food, I need to eat big, get cooking for me boy,time to grow!” Jack ordered Dean to the kitchen. Jack got Dean to cook 1.3kg of lean mince, 500g of wholewheat pasta, 4 scope of optimum nutrition weight gainer and 500g of instant oats, it came to a whopping 6151 cals. Jack slammed it down in 20 mins. “ Boy, get down the shops and get me more food!” “ yes master”. Dean put on his coat and went shopping.
  24. Previous chapters: Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Jon makes a surprise visit to see Austin on campus. The two celebrate Valentine's Day together the best way a pup and his sir know how. Chapter 7: Valentine’s Day Austin leaned back from his textbook and yawned, beleaguered from another long evening of studying. He knew he less than two quarters left of college, but he had to study hard for midterms to keep on track to graduate. His mind was constantly occupied with planning his life after college, and especially with the football season over, he had little to look forward to on campus. He lived in a small single room in a relatively older building on campus, a strange choice for a senior who had more than enough resources to move somewhere nicer, but Austin appreciated the spartan accommodations; it helped him stay on track with his goals. Besides, he wasn’t around much anyway, usually either at the gym, at class, at the cafeteria, or at the library. Austin heard heavy footsteps thump outside of his room, then suddenly a loud knock thumped on his door three times. He jumped a little, alarmed and taken aback; no one ever visited him, especially not at 10pm on a Friday night. “Hello?” he asked as he got up and went over to his door, unlocking it and then pulling it open. There in front of him was a wall of beefy muscle, barely contained by a comically tight shirt with the mascot logo of the college stretched to absurdity. Austin’s eyes traveled up from the exposed, round, cobblestone gut, up to the tight grey fabric that strained across the widest chest he had ever seen, up to the shoulders that protruded from the torn-off sleeves, up to the grinning, bearded face that stared down at him from the ceiling of the hallway. “Sir!” Jon boomed as he saw Austin. “Happy Valentine’s Day!” He reached his massive paws forward to grab Austin, only for Jon’s forehead to crack against the metal doorframe of Austin’s room. The metal dented and a chunk of plaster fell onto the floor. “Ouch, dammit, happening more and more lately,” Jon grumbled as Austin stepped backwards into his room. “Pup, what are you doing here!? It’s… how…,” Austin said, breathless and confused and excited. Jon ducked down and turned sideways, reached his massive arms through the entrance, and squeezed his way into Austin’s room, his chest and ass and gut scraping against the doorframe until he suddenly popped into the room, a wave of heat and musky BO stink rushing inside as he entered. His head scraped against the 8 foot ceiling as he stood to his full, unbelievable height. He took a deep breath and sighed when he finally was inside, shutting the door harder than he needed to as he grinned down – way down! – at his smaller stepson. “Surprise! I just had to come see you, it’s been WEEKS,” Jon said as he stepped closer to his little master. “I’m so excited to see you!” Jon said as he bent down, reached forward, and gathered Austin up into the biggest bear hug in history, effortlessly lifting the 230lb college jock off his feet and squeezing him tight. “Mmmmm my little Sir, you’re even smaller than you were at Christmas, hehe,” Jon grunted, his voice deeper and more resonant than Austin remembered. “P-pup, put me – uunnnhhhgggg – down!” Austin croaked as the breath was squeezed out his lungs and he felt his back pop. “Heh, oops, sorry Sir,” Jon said as he put Austin down. He still kept close though, crowding Austin’s space and pinning him up against the desk. “I was just so excited to see you, and even though you didn’t tell me to, I had to come see you, Sir,” Jon said bashfully as he rubbed up against Austin, his throbbing bulge pulsing against Austin’s chest. Austin could easily feel Jon’s cock through the thin compression shorts that served as Jon’s pants; he was sure it was the only thing left he could find that fit. “Well, pup, it’s amazing to see you... and feel you,” Austin said as he brought his hands up to rub his stepdad’s incredibly huge belly, arms, and chest. “Yeah?” Jon said, pushing Austin harder into the desk. “Am I bigger?” “Uh, yeah bull, you’re WAY bigger, like holy cow!” Austin said, laughing at the absurdity of Jon’s question. “Your head is to the ceiling and you’ve gotta be twice as wide as me now. So much size…” Austin said as he rubbed harder, reaching under the too-tight shirt to rub his pup’s furry chest. Austin realized this was the same 4XL that he gave his dad at Christmas; it had been tight then, but now it clearly didn’t fit. “I wanna be huge,” Jon grunted dreamily as Austin rubbed his meaty nips. “I follow your routine and schedule every day to the letter, Sir,” the massive weightlifter groaned. “Feels so good to follow your orders, Sir, need to make master happy,” he sighed and his massive bulge drooled through his compression shorts and onto Austin’s tank top. “I need more, Sir, gotta get huge for you.” “Good bullpup, that’s good,” Austin whispered, pushing back against his stepdad; Jon didn’t budge. “How big are you now, pup?” Austin knew from the daily updates he had his dad send him now, but he wanted to hear it anyway. “Just passed 8 feet tall on Wednesday,” Jon grunted as he rutted against his master, pushing the desk harder against the wall. “Up to, uunnnfff, 900 pounds,” Jon said as he raised his arms up and pressed his palms against the ceiling and flexed, his biceps exploding with size, his hairy pits reeking of man musk, his shirt riding up and exposing his round, furry gut. “All for you, Sir,” Jon rumbled as he loomed over his smaller stepson. “Almost four times your weight now, Sir!” “Good, bull, good. But you’re very naughty for coming here! I didn’t tell you to come see me,” Austin said with a hint of disapproval in his voice, reaching up and tugging on Jon’s heavy lock and chain that wrapped around his thick neck. Jon looked down at his little Sir and his eyes welled with tears. “S-Sir, I just hadn’t seen you and I wanted, uh, I needed…” he whimpered, his chin quivering. “Well, I’m not sure pup deserves to see me since he came here without my permission,” Austin said, tugging on the chain harder and pulling Jon down until they were face to face, Jon’s weathered, slightly wrinkled forehead bumping against Austin’s smooth, young skin. “Did I tell you to drive here? Aren’t you supposed to be having your third workout right now before your late-night protein binge?” Jon looked down, away from his master’s intense gaze. “N-no Sir, I mean yes I should be doing that now Sir,” he said, in as small and sad of a voice as an 8 foot tall, 42-year-old hulk could manage. He dropped his arms and brought his hands down, pressing his pointer fingers against each other nervously. “I just—“ “And what did I say about doing stuff like this without telling me first?” Austin said. They were both breathing hard against each other, their lips close, Jon’s breath smelling like protein shakes and fast food. Jon gulped and stuttered. “T-to always tell you first,” Jon said timidly, his bassy voice quivering. “I just, Sir, I—“ Jon started, then wrapped his enormous arms around Austin, engulfing him completely. “I just love you so much I had to see you, and it’s Valentine’s, and I—” he gushed, choking up a little. “Awww, there there pup, that’s a good boy. You just missed your Sir that much, huh?” Austin said, letting his stepdad rest his heavy head against his shoulder as they embraced. Jon nodded heavily, his grey-blonde beard tickling against Austin’s neck as he did. “Bull gets real lonely without his Sir to take care of him, doesn’t he?” Austin rubbed his hand through Jon’s tightly trimmed mohawk and against his thick neck rolls. *Sniff* “Y-yeah!” Jon sighed, his warm breath blowing against Austin’s ear. He shuddered as he took in a big breath. “I NEED you, Sir!” Austin could feel Jon’s enormous cock press harder against his firm abs. “Aww pup, I can’t say no to you! My big, sweet bull. I love you too.” Jon sighed and shuddered as he heard those words. He squeezed his enormous, steel-hard arms against Austin even harder and his cock inched higher and longer against Austin’s torso. He rubbed his baseball glove-sized paws against Austin’s back in wide, firm circles, feeling the lean, taut muscle of his master. “And hey bud, I missed you too. It’s been hard without you and I think about you all the time,” Austin said. “You know what I think you need, pup?” Austin said as he separated from Jon and they stood apart for a moment, both of them eyeing each other up and down, both of them breathing heavy and starting to sweat. “What’s that, Sir?” Jon said as he adjusted his leaking bulge. “I think you need your Sir’s seed inside to you to remind you who’s in charge,” Austin growled and then hefted his own weighty package. Jon huffed and and sighed at those words, and his cock throbbed anew. “Grrruuuff, yes Sir! That’s just what I need!” Jon grunted desperately. He reached up to the hem of his shirt and tugged hard, and the shirt ripped clean down the middle, revealing his enormous, wide, hairy chest and round, turtleshell gut. His cock tented his compression shorts obscenely. Austin stepped closer to his stepdad and reached up to rub the enormous pecs looming over him. “My god, pup, you’re getting absolutely gigantic, aren’t you?” Austin said, flicking Jon’s nips. Jon’s pecs twitched and bounced, heaving up and down as Austin played with them, thick and meaty then hard when he flexed them, covered in a dense layer of blonde and grey fur. “Ruufff, unnnfff!” Jon grunted, pleasure and submissiveness making it difficult to speak. “That’s — rrrfff! — right, Sir! All for you, Sir!” Jon grunted as he tensed and bounced his enormous pecs. “I bet this big chest is bigger around than I am tall now, huh?” Austin said in a low, intense voice, his cock twitching in the basketball shorts he used as pajamas. “Big bull freak growing every day, huh?” “Yeah!” Jon said, his chest heaving up and down. “Yeah!!” he boomed and lifted his massive arms up into a flex. His fists crunched against the ceiling, leaving dents and sending plaster to the floor, but Jon didn’t even flinch. His arms surged to full size, bigger than Jon’s head, bigger around than Austin’s thighs, round hard bicep peaks throbbing, watermelon-sized delts spreading wider, thick traps surging up like a mountain range. “So fuckin’ BIG, yeah!” Austin growled as he reached up to feel Jon’s enormous arms. He could barely reach them. He couldn’t even get his hands halfway around them; he clutched at them hungrily, sliding his hands over the sweat-slick peaks and down into the damp, furry pits. Jon grinned with pride. “Turn around and show me that big ass, bull,” Austin commanded, his voice deep and authoritative. He huffed Jon’s pit stink on his fingers and his cock twitched. Jon obeyed, his cock throbbing in acknowledgement. “Been working them hard for you Sir,” Jon rumbled. He turned around, bent over, and started wriggling out of his compression shorts. “What do you think? Am I bigger?” Jon’s enormous round glutes spread apart just wide enough for Austin to see Jon’s tight, furry hole tensing in anticipation. Austin grabbed the compression shorts and pulled them down lower, revealing Jon’s freaky thick hamstrings, which twitched as Jon shifted his weight. His ass was covered in dirty blonde fur; hard, thick muscle jiggled and bulged as Jon bent down further. “Oh yeah, bull, much bigger, so massive. You’ve done so well, pup. You’ve been growing so much these last few weeks huh?” Austin said as he jiggled Jon’s bubble butt with one hand and reached for the lube next to his nightstand with the other. “Yes Sir!” Jon boomed. He put his hands on his hips and spread his back and shoulders as wide as he could, his incredible traps and lats on display, bulging and huge. His shoulders were wider than the big TV Austin had in his dorm room, blocking out the entire frame. His lats spread out so wide they pushed his arms out even farther, and his traps surged into mountains of muscle; he had no neck to speak of anymore. “Growing faster than ever! Bigger for you, Sir! I still need MORE though, gotta get HU—uuuhhhhgggg ohhhhhh Sir!” Jon moaned as Austin’s fingers probed his tight, muscular hole. “Yeah pup, you like that? You like your Sir’s fingers loosening up that tight hole, don’t you?” Austin growled as he entered his stepdad, leaning against Jon’s massive furry back and rubbing his muscles. “Rruuuuurrrfff, uhhhhggg, rooooooffff!!!” Jon rumbled. He started huffing and panting as Austin got him ready for the main event. “Such a good bull pup, so proud of my pup. I can’t stay mad at you, pup, not when you keep growing big like this. You’re the biggest man on the damn planet now, you know that?” Austin said, pumping him up and loosening his muscular hole. “Ruffff!!” Jon grunted and flexed his big muscles. “Gotta grow big for you, Sir! That’s all that matters!” “That’s right,” Austin said, slipping out of his shorts and revealing his own 8” cock. He rubbed it against Jon’s furry hole, smearing sticky precum that mixed into Jon’s fur. “Such a good, obedient bull! Now are you ready for your son to breed you, dad?” Jon spread his legs wider, his hole begging to be pounded, and moaned unintelligibly in anticipation. Austin had to get on his tip-toes for his cock to line up with Jon’s ass. The curly blonde fur felt incredible against his raging hard-on, and Austin leaned his 230lbs against his musclebear stepdad, his bulbous cock head penetrating Jon’s tight hole. “GGGGRRRRAAAAHHHHHH!!” Jon grunted as Austin entered him. “BREED ME, SIR! BREED YOUR BULL!” Jon bellowed as Austin pressed into him balls deep. “Fuck yeah, dad, you’re so fuckin’ tight,” Austin sighed as he reached up and grabbed on to Jon’s enormous traps. Jon was so much bigger than Austin that he could just barely reach all the way up. Austin got into a rhythm quickly, pushing deep and stretching Jon out as the older man groaned and grunted in time with Austin’s thrusts. He started slow, then started pushing faster as he found his groove. Jon’s cock grew even harder as he got fucked, the wrist-thick shaft throbbing with veins, smearing precum all over Austin’s laptop and desk, pools of it leaking onto Austin’s papers. “Fuck, bull, I can’t believe how big you’re getting,” Austin panted as he pounded his pup. “Grrruuf, uuurrrrhhhggg, aahahhhhh!!” Jon grunted, sweat splashing down onto Austin’s desk. “You’re growing, unnnggg, so goddamn fast, bull, unnfff, it’s just unreal!” Austin gasped, taking in the full size and width of the man in front of him. Jon’s triceps bulged with thick muscle as he braced himself against the desk. “No one has grown so big so fast, dad, ever!” “Ruuuuooooofffff fuck yeah, all for you, son!” Jon boomed as he pushed his weight back against Austin, causing his cock to punch in even deeper but also making Austin stumble back a bit. Austin backed up, taking Jon with him, and looked across the room to the full-length mirror on the back of his door. “Look at us, bull! Football jock son breeding my big bull dad, just like you needed, huh?” Jon looked over at the reflection and groaned, his own massive cock throbbing harder and spurting pre onto the rug. “Arrroooooffff, breed me, son, give me your load, daddy bull needs it!” Jon grunted, guttural, primal, out of control. He looked in the mirror again, marveling at the size difference between them, flexing his bicep in the mirror and watching it swell, fixating on his own massive bulk. He then looked at the hot jock stud thrusting into his huge ass, the smaller man half his age, Austin’s face grimacing in concentration and pleasure, sweat glistening on his arms and chest. Jon pushed back harder against Austin, causing the big football jock to stumble again, Jon’s bulk overwhelming his son. “Fuck, bull, you’re so goddamn heavy, pushing against my cock so hard!” Austin said as he realized he was backed against his bed. “Rrrruuuugggh, ruuuufff, mmmmrrrrooooo!” Jon bellowed as he pushed harder against Austin’s cock, needing it deeper and harder, craving his master’s cum, his own cock throbbing harder and leaking all over the place. Austin lost his balance and sat down on his bed, and his massive stepdad crashed down on top of him, pressing his enormous ass and 900lbs of musclebear mass down onto Austin. The pathetically small twin bed cracked and collapsed, causing both men to crash down to the floor. Austin’s cock pressed even deeper into Jon’s tight hole, and the big man roared with pleasure. Austin grunted and gasped as Jon’s full weight bore down on him, pressing his cock in deeper and harder, his dad threatening to crush him under his impossibly huge body. “Unnnffff, dad, you’re so… so fuckin… BIG!” Austin grunted. “I’m gonna… getting so close to… UNNGGH!” “FUCK yeah Sir, give me your load!, RRRRUUUHHHHRRR” Jon boomed as he bounced up and down on Austin’s big cock, slamming his prostate against Austin’s meaty cock head over and over, nearly half a ton of muscle daddy crushing down on Austin’s cock. Jon’s cock pumped up thicker and throbbed as he got closer to shooting his own load, and he grabbed onto it with both hands and stroked himself desperately. “Unnnnggg, fuck yeah bull, take my seed, fuuuuucccckkk!” Austin roared as he exploded inside of Jon, filling the massive muscle bull with hot jock cum. Both men grunted and groaned as they both shot epic loads, Jon’s cock exploding all over Austin’s dorm, filling the room with the tang of pungent bull cum and musky BO. Their grunts and moans could be heard throughout the building. When they were done, Jon lifted himself off of Austin, his smaller stepson groaning and gasping as Jon’s 900 pounds stopped crushing him. Jon turned around and towered over his Sir, cum dripping down onto the bed and floor; he rubbed some of it into the fur of his chest and gut and tasted the cream that was dripping off his fingers. Austin panted for a moment, then looked up at Jon with a laugh. “Mmm, you really needed my load, didn’t you bull?” Jon licked his fingers and nodded. “Mmmm hmm Sir, I did.” “Heh, I could tell, you knocked me over, you were so eager for it,” Austin said. “Now you have your Sir’s seed inside of you, as it should be,” he said. Jon reached down and offered his Sir a hand, and Austin took it. Jon lifted him up so hard and fast that Austin popped up off his feet and fell against Jon’s massive, cum-covered chest; Jon caught him in mid-air and supported him, his huge hands cupping Austin’s bubble butt. Their cocks pressed against each other as they proceeded to make out in the afterglow, their cum mixing together and smearing against their sweaty bodies. “Yes Sir, feels good to have your warm seed inside me, I needed it so badly,” Jon said, his cock already chubbing up again thinking about it. “I feel complete now, Sir, with you here in my big arms,” he purred as he rubbed his long blonde beard against Austin’s shorter, darker beard. “That’s my good daddy bull,” Austin whispered to him as Jon held him effortlessly in the middle of the room, sticky and sweaty and utterly content. "Happy Valentine's Day," he said, and they kissed passionately.
  25. Previous chapters: Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Jon and Austin enjoy a day on campus together, availing themselves of the gym, wrestling practice room, and cafeteria. Jon woke up and realized there was a weight pressing down on top of his massive chest. He breathed in deep and saw Austin, his beautiful stepson Sir, whose body rose and fell with every one of Jon’s breaths. He breathed in deep again through his nose, breathing in the scent of his Sir that filled the room, mixed in with his own tangy musk and the smell of dried cum. His little Sir had slept on top of him all night, using Jon like a big muscly mattress. Jon didn’t fit on the absurdly small twin-sized mattress underneath him; his legs hung off the end of the bed from the knees down, and his shoulders and arms spilled over the sides and onto the floor. It hadn’t been the most comfortable sleep, but with Austin in his arms, it was the best sleep in the world. Jon sighed contently, the warm wind of his nose causing Austin to stir and awaken as well. “Good morning, Sir,” Jon said softly. He lifted his arms and wrapped them around Austin, squeezing him tightly against his bulk. “It feels so good waking up with you in my arms,” Jon sighed. “Mmm, same to you, pup,” Austin said groggily. He propped himself up by pressing his hands against Jon’s pillow-sized pecs and pressed his hard cock against his stepdad’s round belly. “Last night was so much fun!” Austin said with a smirk. “I’m glad you liked it, Sir,” Jon said. “I can still feel your loads inside me, filling me with strength,” Jon growled. Austin felt something smack him from behind and realized it was Jon’s enormous cock slapping his back. It twitched and swelled bigger, thicker, longer, smearing precum along Austin’s spine as it grew and grew to full hardness. “Well well, someone is excited to wake up with his master on top of him, aren’t they?” Austin said. He leaned back against Jon, rubbing his furry crack against his dad’s hard cock. “Unf, Sir, you just make me feel… rrruuuuuhffff,” Jon groaned as his cock twitched and leaked uncontrollably. “Gotta cum real bad, Sir,” he rumbled. “Well pup, we can’t yet. We have a big day ahead of us,” Austin said. “No loads until I say so, got it?” Austin said in jokingly sing-songy voice, like one would use with a child. Jon groaned and stretched, arching his back and lifting Austin higher up into the air. “Uhhhgggg but Sir, I need it so bad!” Jon whined and he reached down to squeeze his cock against Austin’s back. The massive tool reached halfway up Austin’s back, ooze leaking all over Austin’s spine. “I know, big bull, but right now you need to eat! Get up and carry me over to the fridge!” Austin said. Jon, of course, did as he was told, effortlessly lifting his 230lb Sir up as he rose to his towering 8 feet tall height. His head bumped into the ceiling and he chuckled, amused by his own enormity. They were both naked, their bodies rubbing against each other. Jon’s cavernous stomach groaned and gurgled loudly. “Mmm, I AM pretty hungry, Sir,” Jon rumbled as he stomped over to his stepson’s dorm kitchenette, the entire room shaking with each step. “Well I’ve got just the thing for you,” Austin said as Jon put him down. Austin put together the biggest, thickest, most calorie-dense shake Jon had ever seen, filling it with gainer shake powder, bananas, oats, olive oil, honey, whole milk, preworkout, and more. By the time he was done, it was a brown slurry that filled the blender to the brim. “Drink, now, every drop, chug it,” Austin commanded. The massive bear palmed the blender container in one huge hand and lifted it to his maw. He started gulping it down the viscous sludge shockingly fast, astounding Austin with the aggressive, relentless speed he consumed it, his Adam’s Apple bobbing up and down fast. In seconds, he was done, a couple drops dribbling down into his thick beard. Jon gasped for air when he was done and took a deep breath. His belch shook the window panes with its ferocity and depth. “MORE!” he boomed as he handed the blender back to Austin. This continued several more times until Jon had his fill, each time his gut swelling out rounder and bigger and heavier. Austin encouraged him by rubbing his massive belly and reminding him how much bigger all these calories were going to make him. Jon kept asking for more after each shake, his hunger seemingly insatiable. By the time Jon was done, he had already put away around 10000 calories and hundreds of grams of protein. “Now, pup, I have what you’re going to wear today,” Austin said as he dug around in his closet. “I was going to give this to you as a present, but since you need a shirt… Such a good obedient pup needs to let everyone know what he is!” Austin said as he handed Jon his new shirt. Jon unfolded it. It was an absurdly small, tan-colored crop-top with one word emblazoned in rainbow lettering on the front: BEEF. Jon grinned and his eyes lit up. “I am Beef!” he bellowed. He bent over and Austin helped him into the shirt, wriggling and shimmying to get the tight garment to stretch over his enormous bulk. He did the same with the black jock strap and white Under Armour compression shorts, then put on his extra wide Otomix. Jon looked down, past his beard which merged with his furry chest, and looked at this new label, BEEF, and grinned. He flexed his chest, the surging pec meat making his shirt stretch taut across his shoulders and between his pecs. His round, furry gut was totally exposed, and his massive bulge and huge ass stood out prominently thanks to the jock strap. “Today you are no longer bull or pup or Jon, you are Beef. Mine to command and obey,” Austin said with a smirk. “Your goal, Beef, is to pack on as much meat onto your giant frame as possible today, got it?” “YES SIR!” Beef rumbled and stood at attention, his bulge twitching, his shoulders round and wide. “Then, if you are good, we will come home and we will take care of his,” Austin said as he cupped Beef’s huge package and fondled it up and down. Beef shivered and grunted, and his cock throbbed in his jock. “Finally, I’m going to lead you to the gym using this,” Austin said, and he pulled out a leash. “Lean down,” he commanded, and Beef obeyed. Austin clicked the leash harness through one of the links of Beef’s heavy chain necklace. “Everyone on campus will know that you are mine. You’re going to be a good boy and do everything I say, right Beef?” Austin said. Beef nodded eagerly, his eyebrows arching with an expression that made it clear he was desperate to please his master. “Good boy,” Austin said as he tugged on the leash, Beef’s thick neck hardly budging against the firm leash. “Now, to the gym!” Austin said, and he led Beef out of the door. As they walked across campus, other students gawked, some laughing or pointing, others giving them a wide berth, while others stared and adjusted their crotches. Beef obediently followed his master, waddling across campus with heavy, thudding strides. His huge thighs rubbed against each other as he walked, and his belly swayed and jiggled, uncovered by the tight crop-top. Austin led the way, occasionally tugging at Beef’s leash and grinning at people gawking at them. Despite the frosty February temperatures, Beef wasn’t cold at all, steam rising off of his bull neck and wide shoulders. In fact, by the time they reached the gym he was already damp with sweat. His collar and leash jingled as they entered the building and went to the front desk of the gym. “I need a parent guest pass for my stepdad here,” Austin said to the desk clerk, gesturing to the enormous, bulky man next to him. Beef grinned broadly at the clerk, his face blushing bright red, his intense blue eyes sparkling. The clerk stared at him, slack-jawed, not knowing how to process the giant man in a comically tight crop-top attached to a dog leash. Beef took a deep breath, his chest expanding bigger and wider, and he flexed his pecs. “WOOF, RRUUUFFF!! Ready to LIFT!” he boomed down at the clerk, causing the underclassmen to flinch and reach for a day pass. Austin filled it out for Beef, and the two of them strode into the gym, heading for the squat rack. It was leg day, but Austin had Beef do a little bit of everything so he got a nice pump and got a good sweat going. Austin let Beef off his leash as they started to lift, and Beef nuzzled his chest against Austin’s face in appreciation. It was hard to find enough weight to challenge Beef, and Austin had to get creative. Beef had grown even stronger than Austin thought, and in trying to max out weights to challenge him, they used nearly every plate available. Austin tried standing on stacks of weights on the cable machine to create enough resistance for Beef, tried using bands and chains to add resistance, and did higher reps than he would normally think of, but it was rarely enough. Beef could easily curl hundreds of pounds, squat and deadlift double his weight, and did leg press with as many 100s and 45s as they could fit on the stack. He was tireless, relentless, and hardly needed any pauses between sets. Once Austin told him to do something, Beef did so with perfect form, ferocious intensity, and terrifying power. He panted and huffed and puffed but never complained, never slowed down, and looked absolutely content and in his element. Puddles of sweat followed them wherever they went, drops of it dripping off Beef’s face, arms, and shoulders, trickling down over his round gut and tree trunk-thick legs, soaked like he was caught in a rainstorm. Austin kept him fed with a bright-pink drink, a mix of powders and supplements that made Beef feel electric and focused and wired, the pump bloating his body up bigger and thicker than ever. Austin was shameless in touching and rubbing Beef’s big body as they lifted, groping his biceps and meaty ass as he lifted, Beef’s focus never fading, the only indication that he noticed coming from the enormous hard-ons that sprung up whenever Austin touched him. Beef grunted loudly with each rep, his resonant voice and massive weights booming in the open gym space, scaring off many of the usual early-morning crowd. He stared intensely as his own reflection in the mirror or at Austin, unblinking, locked in. After 3 hours straight of lifting, Beef stepped up closer to Austin and looked down at him from his 8 foot vantage. His massive gut groaned louder than Austin had ever heard it. “Sir, I’m hungry,” Beef rumbled, reaching down to rub his belly in a wide circle, sweat dripping off his hand in sheets as he did. His crop top was soaked, now a darker shade of tan, and Austin could see the straps and pouch of Beef’s jock strap through the tight compression shorts. “Need to fuel these muscles, Sir. When’s lunch?” Austin looked Beef over. His thighs and calves bulged with a massive pump, and his chest, arms, and shoulders were ruddy and swollen. Beef reached up and ran a hand through his mohawk, a spray of sweat misting off his hair and down onto Austin. “Soon, big boy. You’ve worked SO hard this morning, and now it’s time to eat. But first let’s go to the bathroom,” Austin said. He reached up and clasped Beef’s leash back on, and Beef moaned with pleasure as it locked around his heavy chain necklace. Austin led Beef back into the locker room, jerking his leash to get him to follow. Beef’s enormously wide shoulders took up the full breadth of the hallways, causing other gym goers to retreat. Beef and Austin made their way to the bathroom and went into the handicap stall. “Alright Beef, go ahead and relieve yourself,” Austin said. Beef dropped trou, his massive hose spilling out of his jock pouch, heavy balls emitting an intense musk. “Ahhhhhhh,” Beef groaned as a thick stream of piss started filling up the bowl. “Mmmm, such a big boy,” Austin said as he rubbed Beef’s thick glutes. “Such a good pump today, Beef, you worked hard,” Austin purred. Beef finished, bouncing his chubbed-up cock to get any stray drops, then stuffed his package back into the jock strap. “Thank you, Sir!” he boomed. Beef realized he could easily see over the bathroom stall partitions; he could just see himself reflected in the mirrors looming over the stalls. Beef grinned and his cock chubbed up more, realizing how big and tall he was getting. “Get on your knees, Beef,” Austin commanded, and Beef dropped down; he still came up to Austin’s chin even on his knees. “Now, get on all fours,” Austin said, and Beef pressed his big hands against the dirty floor of the bathroom stall; he looked up at his Sir with expectant, hungry eyes. “Good boy,” Austin said as he pulled his gym shorts down to reveal his own hard, throbbing cock. He ran a hand through Beef’s sweat-slicked hair and down his cheek to his thick beard. “Suck,” Austin said simply and stepped forward, rubbing his cock against Beef’s lips. Beef obeyed and opened his mouth. Austin groaned as Beef’s powerful lips sucked harder than he could believe, his prickly beard and mustache tingling along his cock. Beef was hungry, and his Sir’s sweaty cock excited him greatly; he slurped and grunted and licked and sucked greedily. Suddenly, someone else came into the bathroom, the door opening with a thump. The small room was filled with Beef’s grunting, moaning, and slurping sounds and Austin’s dirty talk. Beef felt so embarrassed but he sucked harder. He had to make his Sir happy. The stranger came closer and saw two massive meatheads sharing one stall, raised his eyebrows, apologized, and awkwardly left the bathroom. “Fuck yeah, everyone knows you’re my bull now, Beef, mmmph, take my fucking load!” Austin grunted as pleasure rippled up his spine. Austin exploded and Beef slurped up his thick load. “Mmm, good boy,” Austin said as Beef rose back up to his full, massive height. Beef grinned down at Austin and rubbed a knuckle against his lip, wiping a dribble of cum from his beard. As they left the bathroom, they passed by the wrestling practice room, which was a small, secluded room full of wrestling mats and practice gear. It was behind a locked door, but because Austin had a prestigious spot on the football team, he had a master key for every door at his college’s gym. “Hey Beef, wanna wrestle?” Austin said with a smirk. Beef’s eyes lit up. “YEAH!” he boomed as Austin opened up the door. The smell of stale sweat from years of wrestling practice and wrestling mats overwhelmed them as they entered the room. Austin closed and locked the door and they were alone. “Let’s see what we’ve got… here we go,” Austin said as he rummaged through a pile of dirty, used practice singlets. “This is the biggest one I can find, see it if fits.” Austin tossed the maroon-colored singlet to Beef, who raised it up to his nose and breathed in deeply, savoring the musk of wrestling practices gone by. He stripped down to his jock and struggled to put on the too-tight singlet, stumbling to keep his balance. “One foot at a time, there you go, mmm these are gonna stretch tight over your big thighs, huh?” Austin said as he helped Beef step into the singlet. It stretched and stretched, rubbing over the furry expanse of Beef’s massive thighs. Beef slowly rolled the singlet up the round expanse of his muscle gut, sweat already soaked into it, the material stretching and straining. Austin started putting on a singlet of his own, and Beef’s cock strained as he watched his hot master putting on the tight garment. A wet spot started forming on Beef’s bulging package, pre soaking through the singlet. “Sir, I need help with the final straps,” Beef rumbled. He waddled over to Austin and bent down, allowing Austin to reach up and stretch the straps over his huge traps. Beef’s meaty nipples poked out to the sides, his impossibly wide chest and shoulders too much for the singlet to handle. He rose to his full height, the straps taut between his traps and pecs, so tight they dug into his skin. His huge gut stretched the fabric so it looked more pink than maroon. “How do I look, Sir?” Beef boomed as he looked down at his master. “Like a champion heavyweight!” Austin said. He stepped forward and ran a hand across Beef’s lycra-covered gut, teased his meaty nipples that stuck out from the singlet, and bumped his knuckle against Beef’s absurd bulge. “Mmm, yeah, I’m the BIGGEST heavyweight around!” Beef boasted, then lifted his arms and flexed his big biceps. His musky stink was so strong it soon dominated the odor of the practice room, five minutes of Beef’s B.O. stronger than dozens of college wrestlers over years and year. “Let’s see if you can pin me, bud, I don’t think you can!” Austin said as he got into a wrestling stance and challenged his bigger stepdad. “Oh yeah?” Beef said as he advanced on his smaller master. “Come here, little guy!” Austin dodged out of his stepdad’s lumbering approach, but underestimated Beef’s long reach. Austin was surprised as the big man scooped him up and easily lifted him off the ground. Austin wheezed as the air was squeezed out of his lungs in an instant. “Bear hug!” Beef groaned as he flexed and crushed Austin against his enormous torso. He flailed his smaller master around, the tight lyrca singlets rubbing against each other, Beef’s sweat soaking Austin’s singlet, before squashing him down on the mat. Austin groaned as he was crushed under his bull’s tremendous weight, pressing him hard against the wrestling mats. “Takedown!” boomed Beef as he readjusted his position on top of his tiny master. He gripped Austin’s forearms, which felt so small and fragile in his huge hands, and pinned his wrists to the ground. He shifted his weight up, settling his hips and ass on top of Austin’s thighs and crotch. His gut pressed against Austin’s chest. Austin pushed against it to try to shift his weight, tried to slip his wrist out from Beef’s vice grip, tried to flip his hips over and around to fight back, but it was all completely futile. “Are you fighting back, Sir? I hardly feel anything! I’m just so much BIGGER than you, huh?” Beef growled, leaning down to whisper in his Sir’s ear. “Feels real good, feeling you struggle and squirm underneath me, Sir. You fight back so hard,” Beef said as he rubbed his leaking bulge over Austin’s torso. “But it’s pointless, I’m TOO STRONG!” “Huuffff, uff, you, huuuuff, you haven’t beat me yet!” Austin groaned under Beef’s mass. Beef just laughed. “Ha! Try your hardest, little master. I can barely feel you push back. Go ahead, try,” Beef said, shifting his weight even harder on his little captive. Austin pushed back as hard as he could, using all his jock strength, his face straining as he struggled against his stepdad’s overwhelming mass. “Hmmmm I maybe felt a little push of something underneath me?” Beef said, sweat dripping down onto Austin. Beef’s wrist-thick cock throbbed as it rubbed against Austin, lycra on lycra, the swish sound of singlets rubbing together filling the air. He leaned down even harder on Austin until Austin collapsed against the mat, helpless and out of breath. “I think that’s a three-count, Sir!” Beef wrapped his huge arms around Austin and stood up, easily carrying his master. He adjusted his grip on Austin until they were face to face. Beef had a huge, giddy grin on his face. “Heh, so easy to pick you up and move around now!” he boomed. Jon shifted Austin around in his grip again and lowered him face-down onto the mats again, in total control. “Mmmm yeah, your ass looks so good in the singlet, Sir,” Beef boomed from above Austin. Beef shifted his singlet straps off of his traps and over his huge shoulders until they hung at his sides, breathing a sigh as the tight singlet no longer dug into his skin. His chest and shoulders seemed even bigger without the straps on. “Beef wants to fuck little master so bad,” he rumbled as he fell to his knees and straddled Austin, pressing his huge lycra-bound bulge against the smaller man’s ass. “Big Beef fucking his jock stud Sir, mmmmh yeah, fuck,” Beef growled, his self-control fading, his primal instincts bucking against Austin’s control. He rubbed his cock against Austin’s singlet, leaning down harder and wrapping a huge bicep around Austin’s neck and pulling back hard to press his cock in harder. “Mmm yeah, so much fuckin’ BIGGER than you, Sir… and still GROWING!” Austin’s face was turning red and he felt the weight and pressure from his stepdad’s gigantic arm threatening to crush his windpipe. Beef’s cock pushed harder against his ass, spurting wads of precum; Austin could feel the wetness through the sweaty singlets. He knew he couldn’t keep him waiting much longer, but he knew there was one more thing he would want even more right now. “Well, big Beef, you know what you need to keep growing?” Austin choked as he best he could, voice strained as Beef squeezed harder and harder. “Food!” Beef’s gut growled loudly; hadn’t he just eaten less a couple hours ago? But suddenly he realized how starving he was, how much he NEEDED to eat and fuel his gains and feed his growing muscles and have MORE. “Oh, oh yeah! You’re right, Sir!” Beef said loudly as he let go of Austin and stood up suddenly. Austin shook his head as he got up, took a deep breath, and turned to face his giant daddy bear. That had been close. “Now Beef, you know better than to pin your Sir down without his permission, don’t you?” Austin said, putting his hands on his hips. Beef sheepishly rubbed the back of his head. “Yes, Sir, I just got, um,” he sighed heavily, his cock throbbing. “I guess I got a little carried away, Sir,” he said with a grin. “I’m just so excited to be around my hot little stepson Sir, and I—” he explained before Austin cut him off. “Shh, it’s ok, big Beef. I understand,” Austin said as he stepped closer to rubbed his hands over Jon’s sweaty lycra. “It’s hard to contain all your big bull energy, huh?” he asked as he reached down and rubbed Jon’s bulging cock. “Y-yeah,” Jon gasped, his knees shaking as his master played with his bulge. “I just want you so bad, sir,” he rumbled. “I know, Beef. And you’ll have your chance. Just don’t forget who’s in charge,” Austin, grabbing and tugging on Beef’s chain necklace and running his hand over the padlock. “Y-yes sir!” Jon said. “But for now, let’s go have lunch,” Austin said. Beef’s eyes lit up in excitement. “Get out of that singlet and let’s go!” They quickly changed, leaving their sweat and precut-soaked singlets on the mats, and Austin hooked the leash back up to his stepdad. Austin could hardly keep up as Beef rumbled towards the cafeteria, tugging at the leash; the big man was sniffing the air and following his instincts. They entered the cafeteria, and the workers stopped and stared at the massive, half-naked man on a leash. Beef’s eyes lit up when he saw all the food. “Wow! There’s so much! And so many options!” Beef boomed as he looked back at his master. “Let me take care of it, big guy. Just carry the trays and I’ll stack up the food.” Austin loaded up on chicken breasts, pasta, milk, a whole pizza, and more. When they were finished, they were carrying half a dozen trays loaded up with food, Beef balancing them between his big hands and meaty chest. “Have at it,” Austin said when they were seated; he made sure they were at a prominent spot where everyone could see them. Beef proceeded to inhale everything with shocking speed, devouring and consuming every bit of food in front of him, barely pausing to take a breath or wash down the food with greedy gulps of whole milk. “More,” Beef grunted as he finished the first tray, and Austin slid the second one in front of him. Beef continued to eat and eat. “More!” he boomed as he finished another tray. “More!!” he rumbled, his belly bulging with so much food that he had to adjust his chair. His breathing became slower and heavier, his massive shoulders slumped over the table, bent over to eat more food faster. “MORE!!” Austin kept it coming, grinning and encouraging Beef, eventually moving around next to him to rub his sweaty gut and feed him when Beef struggled to finish the last tray. “Good boy, you’ve had so much! The more you eat, the more you grow,” Austin said, a mantra that he sent along to his stepdad almost every day via text message, and Beef nodded. “Soon all this food will fuel more gains and help you get even bigger. You know, you’re getting so close to 1000 pounds,” Austin said as he rubbed his stepdad’s round, hard gut in wide circles. “Mmmmph,” Beef groaned around a mouthful of chicken, his cock throbbing in his jock strap. “Half a ton of bulky, meaty muscle. How do you like the sound of that?” Austin purred, leaning close to his daddy. Everyone stared, and Beef knew they were all staring. He blushed and sweated but Austin’s words also gave him butterflies in his stomach. “MMMph!” Beef grunted, imagining himself getting even bigger. “M-more!” he groaned, and leaned back in his chair and clutched his gut. It was stretched out, the top of it pushing and bunching up his BEEF crop-top even more. “Awww good Beef, you want to grow more for your Sir, don’t you?” Austin said, squeezing and rubbing his stepdad’s enormous bicep and shoulder. “Such a good boy.” “Y-yeah, bigger,” Beef groaned, then burped and gulped down the last of his food. “Always bigger for you, Sir!” “Mmm this is why I love you so much,” Austin said. “But I made a promise earlier this morning. Do you remember it?” Austin said, leaning closer and nearly whispering. Beef gulped and his massive package throbbed. “Yeah!” Beef rumbled. He pushed his chair back and rose to his full height. He swelled out his chest and then erupted with the loudest, deepest belch that Austin had every heard. “When we go home after lifting and eating, I get to cum,” Beef boomed loud enough for everyone around them to hear. “That’s right,” Austin said, rising out of his chair as well. “And today is very special,” Austin said. He reached up and tugged on Beef’s chain until he was leaning down to Austin’s level. “Today, you get to fuck your master and fill me with your thick load,” Austin whispered. Beef’s eyes bulged wide and the hair on his neck stood up. His cock throbbed and until it was rock-hard. “Y-you mean it, Sir?” he sighed desperately. “Uh huh,” Austin breathed, his breath tickling Beef’s ear. “I need you to stretch out my meaty bubble butt,” he said. “Yeah?” Beef panted, his chest heaving. “I need you to fill up my tight hole,” Austin teased. “Yeah??” Beef grunted, louder and more excited this time. “I need your cum inside me, Beef, for you to pound me senseless, and I want you to carry me back to the dorm right now,” Austin commanded. “YEAH!!!” Beef boomed, then picked his Sir up and threw him up over his huge shoulder. “FUCK YEAH, gonna fuck you GOOD, Sir!” Beef roared and stormed out of the cafeteria, the wet spot on his compression shorts growing.
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