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  1. Oui, bonjour. Hehe. Oui c'est bien moi, Frank Lefort. Ne t'inquiète pas, oui je ne pensais pas être dérangé sur cette plage déserte mais non, tu ne me déranges pas. Et tu t'appeles? Enchanté Erwan. Mais d'où tu connais mon nom? Ah, voilà, tu es fan de bodybuilding. Donc tu sais forcément qui je suis ! HAHAHA ! Mais reste, puisque je te dis que tu ne me déranges pas. Tu viens me voir tout respectueux, poli, aimable, en plus tu es beau comme un petit coeur, non c'est vrai tu as une gueule d'ange et t'as les yeux d'un bleu incroyable. Ah j'aurais aimé être un beau gosse comme toi ! Qu'est-ce que j'en ai bavé ado à tomber amoureux de types beaux comme des dieux, d'ailleurs tu me rappelles un gars au lycée qui m'a fait pleurer toutes les larmes de mon corps. Avec ma sale gueule c'était pas gagné... Comment ça tu me trouves beau ? T'es gentil mais tu dis peut-être ça parce que j'ai une énorme mâchoire et un cou de dinosaure, mais franchement... Donc tu es fan de bodybuilding, c'est ça? Héhé oui, c'est exact, je suis officiellement le bodybuilder le plus musclé au monde, depuis trois ans déjà... et avec mes 430kgs pour 2m07, tout sec, j'ai une sacrée avance !... Comme tu dis, jamais un seul homme sur cette planète n'a développé une telle masse musculaire, et j'en suis pas peu fier de ma masse musculaire. Tu ne savais pas que j'étais gay ? Je ne m'en cache pas vraiment mais on ne me pose pas trop la question. Et toi ? Tu me dis que non, mais... tu ferais peut-être une exception pour moi, non, mon mignon ? J'ai bien vu comment tu m'as approché... à quel point tu dévores mon corps des yeux... Regarde, mon copain, je vais bander mes muscles pour toi... Oui, tu les aimes, hein, mes gros muscles ? Tu vois comme ils sont énormes et lourds, striés de partout ? Frank Lefort, l'ultime bodybuilder, l'homme aux biceps de 90cm, qui t'offre le spectacle de ses sublimes muscles pour ton plaisir, pour ta jouissance ? Tiens, je vais contracter l'un de mes monstrueux biceps pour faire exploser sa puissance juste devant ta petite gueule d'amour... Alors, hein ? Hahaha, dès que ma musculature a commencé à devenir spectaculaire, il y en a pas beaucoup de petits Apollons prétentieux qui ont résisté à l'appel de mes gros muscles ! Et tu ne feras pas exception, Erwan, mon petit amour, je vois bien que tu bandes déjà autant que tu peux, touche mes muscles ! Caresse mes gros muscles ! Oui, c'est la chance de ta vie, lèche ce gros biceps ! Il est plus lourd que toi, plus gros que toi... va je me baisse, chevauche mon avant bras. Oui, voilà. Et hoplà ! Ca fait haut, hein ? Allez prends-moi ce biceps à bras le corps, baisse-moi ce short, voilà, fous ta queue dans mon avant-bras et regarde, je détends mon bras, devant toi s'ouvre une faille entre les deux biceps... Quoi ? Mais oui je sais que tu m'aimes, beau gosse, tu es fasciné par l'hypertrophie musculaire des bodybuilders, c'est ta passion secrète, et tu te retrouves seul à seul avec la quintessence, la débauche la plus absolue de muscle qu'un surhomme peut avoir de plus grotesque, il est si facile pour moi de faire exploser ton petit cerveau en t'offrant le moindre contact physique avec ma titanesque musculature d'une sensualité infinie. Maintenant mets ta tête dans mon biceps, je vais faire rouler les muscles de mon bras pour te donner le plaisir sexuel ultime, en masturbant ta queue avec les muscles de mon avant bras tout en malaxant ton torse avec mes biceps. Oh mais si tu peux encore jouir, haha. C'est parti. --- Je repris connaissance, allongé sur la plage, dans l'ombre de Frank Lefort allongé près de moi. Il était appuyé sur son avant-bras,avant-bras sur lequel reposait majestueusement les deux masses de son énorme biceps, qui malgré leur fermeté et leur densité visibles à l'oeil nu dégoulinaient de part et d'autre jusqu'au sable.D'autant que le biceps était écrasé dans sa partie supérieure par l'opulence délirante de son pectoral droit, une hémisphère d'une bonne centaine de kilos de muscles au bas mot, qui, bien qu'au repos et se déversant sur le côté sous son propre poids, semblait faire une épaisseur de bien 30, peut-être 40 centimètres. Bien évidemment, la globuleuse structure supportait à son tour le poids de son jumeau, le pectoral gauche, en tout point aussi ahurissant. Au loin, vers le ciel, la carrure surnaturelle du titan à mes côtés se terminait en feu d'artifice avec ses somptueux deltoïdes. Perdu au milieu de tout cette masse, vers le sommet du torse mais engoncé dans tant de muscle, entre ce cou de taureau et ces trapèzes montant au delà des oreilles, le visage du Dieu du Muscle me regardait en souriant. Pas le visage le plus gracieux il est vrai, mais cette étincelle dans le regard, cette lueur d'assurance que seul l'homme le plus infiniment surpuissant de l'histoire de l'humanité, seul l'homme aux muscles les plus ultra hypertrophiés et plus absurdement gigantesques que tout ce dont l'humanité, la biologie ni la génétique n'ont jamais osé réver, cette lueur unique au monde en faisait l'homme le plus beau du monde pour moi. La voix la plus virile au monde me dit " Alors mon bébé, tu as bien dormi ? Je suppose que c'est la première fois que tu t'évanouis de par l'intensité de ta jouissance sexuelle. Aucun plaisir ne peut être plus ultime que celui que peut procurer mes centaines de kilos de muscles. Je contrôle chaque fibre à la perfection. Quelque soit l'emplacement où tu glisseras ton pénis, et il n'y a que l'embarras du choix sur l'étendue de mon corps, je te ferai connaître un orgasme chaque fois différent, et chaque fois plus intense." Il s'assied. "Je suis ici en vacances pour une dizaine de jours. Débrouille-toi, mais je veux que tu reste avec moi" Je me redresse aussi, et il brandit son biceps devant mon visage à nouveau, prenant bien garde à garder une distance suffisante pour que l'expansion spectaculaire du monstre ne me projette pas en arrière lors de sa bandaison. Au milieu des ballons d'acier qui prennent forme de toutes part en se couvrant de striations, et des grosses veines qui semblent se mutiplier en se gonflant, je vois un peu de liquide blanc séché." Regarde petit ange comme tu ass bien joui dans mes biceps. Je n'ai pas tout lêché pour garder l'odeur sur moi. J'adore comme le parfum de ton sperme est sublimée par ma sueur. J'aime bien sentir l'odeur de ton sperme." Effectivement le soleil s'est bien levé entre temps, et je m'aperçois que le corps de mon copain, oui mon copain, est couvert d'une fine couche de sueur qui fait briller et reluire ses muscles, comme de l'huile, et l'impossible devient possible : il en est encore plus impressionnant et... wow. "Héhé, tu as vu, ma sueur a une consistance spéciale c'est comme si je m'étais huilé. C'est à cause de tous ces stéroides et ces hormones expérimentales que je m'envoie, gamin, je m'en injecte des litres et des litres !" Je me lève, et lui toujours assis s'accorde un petit double biceps. enfin, petit... évidemment ses énormes biceps prennent la taille de planètes et il les contemple avec délice et passion, "DES LITRES ET DES LITRES ! TOUJOURS PLUS DE STEROIDES, TOUJOURS PLUS DE MUSCLE ! J'AIME LES STEROIDES, J'AIME MES MUSCLES !" Il approche tour à tour ses bras de sa bouche pour appliquer des baisers lourds et sonores sur l'excroissance la plus élevée de chacun de ses biceps. "OUI J'ADORE *smooch* LES STEROIDES *smooch* J'ADORE *smooch* MES GROS MUSCLES *smooch* VIVE LES STEROIDES *smooch* ET VIVE MES ENORMES MUSCLES SURPUISSANTS *smooch* GONFLES A BLOC *smooch* ET MON MEC LE SUPERBE ERWAN ...viens m'embrasser beau gosse." En fait il n'y a pas que le soleil qui s'est levé, la plage s'et remplie aussi. Pas bondé mais il y a bien une cinquantaine de personnes en train de nois scruter. M'est avis qu'ils regardaient déjà avant, mais suite au petit spectacle de Frank le temps s'et arrêté et ils sont tous bouche bée devant l'hallucinante vision de ce mutant dont l'empilement de muscles absurdement surdéveloppés par dessus toujours plus de muscles toujours plus obscènement gonflés et protubérants a vaguement forme humaine, et je m'avance, empli d'une fierté comme je n'en avais jamais connu - alors qu'avec ma gueule, il faut bien l'avouer, absolument sublime, irrésistible je dirais même vu qu'aucune femme ne m'a jamais résisté sans que je n'aie jamais cherché à séduire, et je ne compte plus les déclarations d'amour de types aussi hétéros que bourrés, bref j'ai l'habitude d'entrer dans une pièce en plastronnant sûr de l'admiration générale que j'allais susciter inmanquablement. Mais là, merde, c'est l'ultime Dieu du Muscle en personne, Franck Lefort, le géant à la musculature la plus puissante, massive, bref un corps si magnifique et tellement ultra musculeux qu'une nouvelle classification (homo mega mega musclus) a été créée uniquement pour lui, et enfin l'homme dont une étude aurait prouvé, qu'il est le plus gros producteur de sperme au monde. En effet sur chacune de ses photos, chacune de ses vidéos, ce sont des hectolitres de sperme qui sont déversés à chaque seconde. Et là, alors qu'il est assis devant moi, je suis pile à la bonne hauteur pour que nous bouches rentrent en communion. Alors que mon torse s'enfonce doucement dans l'océan de muscles de ses titanesques pectoraux, je laisse son regard s'enfoncer dans le bleu infini de mes yeux, et une fois que j'ai goûté les lèvres de Dieu, le seul et unique Dieu digne de ce nom, je sens sa langue puissante et joueuse englober la mienne pour la masser tendrement. Spontanément, mes mains se sont posées sur le sommet de ses biceps, et il en relâche alors la contraction afin que je puisse malaxer, pétrir, soupeser, caresser l'infinie perfection de ces immensités hallucinantes de pur gros muscle, des quantités impensables de biceps aussi voluptueux que sensuels. J'écrasai une petite larme, il s'éloigne un peu, me sourit, et me dit -------- "Il est temps pour toi et moi de bouger d'ici". Je mets mon corps en branle pour entreprendre ma mise en station debout. Je pose mon massif pied gauche au sol, appuis mon poing droit pour entrainer mon bassin et sans grand mal je me dresse de toute ma hauteur. De là, je prends un aperçu circulaire de la plage qui m'entoure, satisfait de l'attention portée à mon égard, et comme toujours du fait que je suis de loin le plus immense, le plus imposant, le plus puissant énergumène des lieues à la ronde. Mais je n'oublie pas mon petit trésor pour autant, je sais à peu près où il et sous mes pecs, sans le brusquer je me tourne vers les dunes, et je lui dis "Quand tu auras ramassé tes affaires prends moi par la taille, nous allons quitter la plage." Je le sens se coller contre moi immédiatement, il avait déjà tout bien fait de lui-même, un bon gars vraiment, et en soulevant mon bras j'aperçois sa gueule d'ange qui me sourit béatement, le bleu de ses yeux rayonnant de bonheur, et en plaçant ma grosse paluche sur son épaule, je nous mis en marche. Pas pour bien longtemps évidemment, la vue de mon départ fit sortir de leur torpeur une poignée d'admirateurs, paniquès à l'idée de ne pas saisir l'opportunité de m'approcher davantage. Oui, bien sûr vous pouvez me prendre en photo. Non, je ne veux pas predre de photo avec vous, je suis avec mon copain, on a pas souvent l'occasion de passer du temps ensemble et je suis près de lui et personne d'autre. Prenez-nous en photo tous les deux. Vous avez vu comme il est beau? Oui, il est beau comme un Dieu. Il s'appelle Erwan. Héhé oui il en a de la chance, mais j'en ai aussi d'être l'homme d'un type aussi sublime. On va devoir y aller par contre. Un bisou ? Si tu veux bien mon Erwan. Allez va, grimpe sur mon biceps. Je t'aime mon lapin. Mmmmch. Merci beaucoup, au revoir. D'accord juste quelques poses... Hahaha merci. Au revoir. ------- J'aurais bien aimé qu'il me demande auparavant, de m'exposer comme ça comme étant son amant pour des photos qui allaient faire le tour d'internet en quelques minutes. Tout le monde m'a toujours connu hétéro... et j'ai toujours été hétéro... Mais en même temps c'était super jouissif. Je n'ai jamais été aussi heureux d'avoir la chance d'être aussi beau, il y avait de la jalousie proche de la haine chez chacune des personnes qui étaient venues le solliciter. Et, après tout, j'étais réellement, totalement, infiniment, sous le charme de ce gars, ensorcelé par cette montagne de muscles et puis voilà, il y aurait une vie avant, et une après. Je n'en reviens toujours pas qu'il m'ait fait assoir sur son biceps pour m'embrasser... Je veux dire oui; il m'avait déjà fait monter sur ses biceps mais cette fois il a gardé son bras à la verticale, plié son avant bras parallèle au sol, et, comment dire, j'étais assis sur l'épaisseur de son biceps. Il faisait un "side biceps" comme on dit en bodybuilding et la protubérence du biceps en bandaison m'offrait une assise largement suffisante. Perdu dans mes pensées j'aurais presque pu en oublier la présence du gigantesque monstre de muscles à mes côtés, enfin, aucune chance que je l'oublie vraiment, mais c'est la première fois que je me sentais familier de sa présence au point de pouvoir penser à autre chose. Enfin, je pensais à lui, mais... bref. Me voyant pensif, il me jette un "Hé, mon coeur. C'était un peu abrupt mais de toute façon on allait nous voir ensemble, et tu aurais préféré que je te laisse de côté pour faire des photos avec tous ces gens?" Obligé de le regarder en souriant, même si son pectoral ne nous permettait pas de nous voir. "Que tu m'en veuilles ou non, je saurai largement me faire pardonner avec l'extase suprême que je vais t'offrir, tu n'en as vu qu'une infime partie, et grâce à mon corps sublime, mon corps de géant et surtout grâce à mes muscles incroyablement puissants et tellement énormes, ultra hypertrophiés bien au delà de ce que l'humanité et la science a toujours cru que le développement musculaire était possible" - oui, j'avais joui à nouveau déjà à ce moment là - " mes muscles plus absurdement titanesques que le plus dérangé des obsédés sexuels du bodybuilding n'aurait jamais rêvé, je vais te... t'as encore joui? bah." On s'est rendus dans une luxueuse villa que quelqu'un lui avait prétée, non loin de la plage. Il me dit qu'il a faim, et qu'on va dîner. Je me douche, Il me trouve rapidement des vêtements à ma taille, puis il va s'habiller à son tour. En le voyant revenir je me retrouve instantanément en érection, ma queue est dure comme l'acier, en évidence dans mon pantalon de costume blanc crème. Oui il m'a mis en costume blanc. Quant à lui... Il porte d'énormes baskets, un bermuda lègèrement ample qui lui arrive au genou, mais tout de même serré étiré au niveau des quadriceps, il ne porte sûrement rien en dessous vu que ses parties génitales ballotent généreusement là dedans, une grosse ceinture en cuir maintient le short à sa taille, et au dessus, au dessus il porte un bout de tissu maintenu par deux très longues ficelles qui jaillissent de l'extrémité supérieure latérale de chacun de ses pectoraux, pour s'envoler à travers les airs et disparaître à nouveau dans ses trapèzes. J'étais bien sûr estomaqué devant l'exposition outrancière des muscles de son torse. Il fit le choix d'une tenue plus "corecte", un autre débardeur donc, mais qui cette fois couvrait une partie de ses pectoraux. Bien évidemment, les deux énormes blocs de granit projetaient tout de même leur masse par devant lui, le spectacle de l'affrontement de leurs fibres musculaires respetives resplendissait dans la vaste échancrure centrale, et de part et d'autre ses tétons pointés vers le sol étaient bien en évidence. Et le peu que recouvrait le vêtement, en élasthane bleu électrique, ne laissait que peu de place à l'imagination. Je dois faire à peu près la même tête que pour le haut précédent, mais il me dit t'inquiète, je vais être un peu discret, et le revoilà avec un blouson qui ferait facilement office de tente pour une famille de quatre personnes. Et on est partis. On monte dans son véhicule, une sorte de pick-up/hummer, et au bout d'une vingtaine de minutes nous voilà sur le parking du restaurant. Qui a l'air assez classe, classe bord-de-mer, mais assez classe tout de même. Il coupe le contact et se penche vers moi. "Tu vas partir devant et prendre la table, là, le box à droite. Comme ça tu pourras admirer mon entrée et l'aura de ton homme. Allez go ! J'entre dans la salle à manger. J'y crée mon petit émoi habituel, d'autant que le costar blanc n'arrange rien, le lot habituel de jeunes filles se donnent du coude en me montrant du doigt, et je m'amuse un peu à désintègrer deux ou trois messieurs propres sur eux mais un peu trop attentifs à mon entrée, juste avec quelques salves du laser bleu de mes yeux. J'annonce "deux personnes", et l'on me propose un petit guéridon dans un coin. "Impossible que nous nous asseyons là. Je suis désolé" dis-je au maître d'hôtel.Il me fait un sourire crispé. Son attirance initiale pour ma gueule d'amour n'aura eu qu'un effet très limité."Mais voyons monsieur soyez raisonnable je vous en prie, cette place est tout à fait acceptable, nous sommes très pris ce soir, comme vous pouvez le voir... - Vous ne comprenez pas, ce n'et pas de la mauvaise volonté, mais il n'y a aucune chance pour mon compagnon arrive à 'installer dans un espace aussi confiné. - ah oui? Mais ces places sont agréées pour les personnes handicapées je vous assure ! - ce n'est pas la question voyez, c'est que mon compagnon très grand et extrèmement, extrèmement musclé. - Ah ah ! Oh monsieur pardonnez-moi, mais tout de même, en attendant que Frank Lefort passe la porte du restaurant... - ... et c'est bien lui mon homme, cher monsieur. Le seul et unique Frank Lefort, le plus grand bodybuilder de tous les temps, est mon compagnon." Quel pied. J'en remets une couche. "Mon homme et moi aimerions pouvoir passer notre dîner en amoureux dans les meilleures conditions, c'est une date importante pour nous." Cette tête qu'il fait."Je suis désolé d'insister, mais mon Frank est perpetuellement confronté au manque de confort, et comme je l'aime de tout mon amour, je voudrais que son corps soit aussi à son aise que possible. Cette table là... - Oui, oui bien sûr monsieur, je vous demande pardon, je n'avais pas compris, c'est un cas de force majeure, je vais déplacer cette réservation pour que vous preniez la table centrale." Sens dessus dessous le pauvre garçon. "Si vous dites que Mr Lefort doit vous rejoindre..." C'était mignon, je voulais faire quelque chose pour lui. Je crois que je prenais bizarrement goût à mon côté gay. Je me penche un peu vers lui, il est un peu plus petit que moi, et en le bombardant de mon laser bleu en mode full blast "C'est très gentil..." je lui caresse la joue du pouce,"...François c'est ça ?" Et un petit bisou sur sa bouche tremblottante. "Merci François". Personne ne nous a calculé dans le coin isolé de la petite table, et grand seigneur, je monte la petite estrade où se situe la table royale et m'y installe. Je ne sais pas si je me fais des idées, mais j'ai l'impression que le staff bruisse de chuchottements et de grande agitation, je m'en persuade même, et pour moi, clairement, le bruit de l'arrivée possible de Frank court rapidement parmi eux, et cela leur crée une excitation toute particulière. Je vois même des cuisiniers se glisser en salle discrètement en attendant le spectacle. Bon, faut qu'il arrive je vais avoir l'air con sinon. -----------
  2. dw2098lj

    The Car Salesman - Chapter 1

    This is the first story I've posted so go easy on me! It takes a while to get going but hopefully you'll enjoy it - I've got a few ideas to take this further The Car Salesman It was the worst possible timing. Two weeks into my new job and a month before Christmas my decrepit car had breathed its last. The stupid worthless piece of shit, which had caused me endless pain over the last 2 years, had finally given up on life. It was for this reason that I was making my way across the showroom forecourt for my meeting with Karl, the car salesman. I had an increasing sense of nervousness as I got towards the door which in my mind was entirely justified. You see, I am of the opinion that Car Salesmen will occupy the same part of hell as estate agents and lawyers and I was fully expecting to spend the next 2 hours being lied to, tricked and conned out of my hard-earned money. These thoughts were broken by the sight of the man-mountain waiting for me in the doorway. It turned out that Karl was about 6’2 and built like a tank, with I guessed way over 250lb of solid muscle to his name. He was wearing a long-sleeve tight white shirt with an accompanying tie and equally skin-tight dark blue trousers. Great. A gym-obsessed arrogant bastard as well. I could feel my stress level rising even more. “You must be Joe,” he called loudly, when I was about 10 feet away, smiling broadly. I took in his masculine face, dark hair and lightly tanned skin. He must have been a couple (or more) years younger than me, maybe mid-20s. “Y-yes, that’s me,” I replied stupidly, immediately cross with myself for showing any sign of weakness in front of this overconfident gym-jock. He reached out his hand and I shook it, trying not to wince at the strength of his grip. I noticed that his huge manly hand completely engulfed my own and I could feel the callouses on his palm from the many hours he spent lifting weights. “Come on in, we’ll get started,” he said, finally letting go of my aching hand as he turned to lead me into the building. I followed behind, noticing how wide his back was, pulling his tight shirt to the limits, but tapering down to an impossibly small waist. I was irrationally irritated, never having been interested in lifting weights myself, and always slightly annoyed with people who did. I just didn’t get it. Travelling in Karl’s wake, I was also struck by the scent coming off him. It was oddly sweet, nutty but undeniably masculine, likely a combination of aftershave and his own natural smell. I pulled myself back from the brink. Why the fuck was I noticing these things?! Once inside Karl’s spacious office, I settled myself in the comfy chair in front of his desk and watched as he walked round to sit opposite me. I found my eyes tracing down from his chiselled jaw-line, a slight hint of 5 O’clock shadow there, to his huge neck. The muscles there (traps, I heard the distant voice of my A-level Biology teacher saying) pushed out the buttoned up collar of his shirt to an extreme. It was a wonder he managed to do the buttons up at all. I then took in his unbelievably wide shoulders before focussing on his chest. His pecs jutted out from his body, pulling the fabric of his shirt tight so that there were gaps between the buttons in the middle. I could see a glimpse of smooth tanned skin underneath. As Karl moved and gestured his muscles flexed and relaxed under the surface of his clothes, like an elaborate dance played out for me. It was hypnotising watching his biceps pull the sleeves of his shirt tight, desperate to break free with every movement. Suddenly I realised that Karl was talking (well of course he was) and probably had been for some time. What the fuck was I thinking? I’d not listened to a word he’d said for a good 5 minutes. I tried to drag myself back to the present, away from my thoughts about this gym-rats bulging muscles when I noticed something even stranger than my distraction. I was rock-hard. My not-unimpressive cock was aching painfully in my tight jeans, throbbing with lust. Now I was properly confused. Well, a bit more than that and many other things besides. I was straight I told myself…married…and happily so. I’d never even looked at a guy like this before let alone got hard over one. But I couldn’t ignore it and the bulge in my jeans wouldn’t let me deny it. I tried to calm down, to re-focus my attention back on what Karl was saying, desperate to make sure I wasn’t going to be conned. Unfortunately, Karl chose that moment to lean back in his chair, lifting up both arms and placing them behind his head, the epitome of confidence and control. This movement caused his biceps to flex, the tight fabric of his shirt like a second skin on his bulging muscles. My cock ached even more as I realised that if he flexed hard he would easily rip the thin fabric. What the fuck was happening to me?! Next, and totally inexplicably, my eyes were drawn downwards. Now that Karl was leaning backwards, away from his desk, an obscene bulge in his tight blue trousers was revealed. It was colossal, like the proverbial python in his pants, the outline of his cock snaking down his left trouser leg. Suddenly I had a vision of ripping off those quad-hugging trousers, unleashing the beast underneath and taking his thick long cock in my…. Wooaaah! Where the fuck was I going with that? Why, aged 33 was I suddenly thinking about sucking another guy’s cock for the first time?! Suddenly Karl was standing up, snapping me out of my reverie. “… so are you ready to go then Joe?” I heard him say, clearly repeating himself. “R-ready?” I replied, trying to gain some control. “For your test drive,” he said, the look on his face suggesting he thought I was either a bit slow or very unwell. “Oh yeah, sure,” I hurried to reply, standing up as well. Karl was very close to me and again I noticed the strange, intoxicating scent coming off him and I couldn’t help but inhale deeply. This was a big mistake as it made me feel dizzy, my entire mind filled with his masculine smell and also visions of Karl ripping off his smart work clothes to reveal mounds of bulging muscle underneath. I nearly had to sit straight back down again but somehow managed to keep it together. “Great, well follow me and we’ll go for a spin,” Karl said, seemingly oblivious to the turmoil going on in my head. With that, he walked out of his office and I followed on behind, my eyes feasting on his solid, round glutes, jutting out below that tight waist. I noticed that his quads were so big he walked with his legs slightly apart, almost awkwardly, something that 20 minutes ago I would have found totally ridiculous. Now, however, his sheer size was driving me crazy, irrational lust pumping through me. We settled into the car, well I settled whilst Karl squeezed himself into the passenger seat, clearly far too big for the small car that I was intending to buy. “I’d need a car with a bit more head and leg room myself,” he joked, at ease. “But this’ll be perfect for you Joe”. I laughed awkwardly, uneasy at the comparison and as much as I tried to deny it, unbelievably turned on. “Right, take it away Joe. Turn right off the forecourt and I’ll direct you,” Karl continued and I noticed for the first time how deep his voice was. A strange juxtaposition to his boyish face and smooth skin. I gently eased the car away, forcing myself to focus; ideally I wanted to get through the next twenty minutes without killing us both. To my credit (and surprise) it went well to start with. I concentrated on the car, examining its acceleration, ride and general comfort as we took it on a drive around town. Karl kept up a near constant stream of conversation in the way that only people trying to sell you something can. I picked out the odd word but was mainly focussing on the car and not the young behemoth next to me. We came to a red light and I brought the car to stop, setting the handbrake. Karl was still talking and in order not to be rude I looked across, a near-fatal mistake. My cock, which had somewhat deflated during the drive, immediately jumped and started to grow again as I saw Karl’s arm rested up on the window. He was gripping the handle above the window which meant his bicep was gently flexed. From this angle I could see how much the fabric was struggling to contain the rock solid muscle underneath. I imagined trying to wrap my hands round it – I knew they wouldn’t reach – and wondered what it would feel like to try and squeeze his biceps. Inexplicably I found my gaze falling southwards again, past Karl’s mammoth pecs and further down to the bulge in his trousers. It was an amazing sight, his thick cock tenting the material obscenely, making my mouth water with lust. I had an urge to unzip his fly, pull out that beast and suck on his hot big cock head. I wanted to gradually slide more and more of his thick hard man cock deep into my mouth, tasting his pre in the back of my throat, before feeling him shoot his huge load in me. “Joe…Joe…JOE! The light’s green,” I heard Karl’s voice cutting through. I immediately looked up and back towards the road, noticing that Karl had a slight smirk on his face. Shit. He’d seen me staring straight at his huge junk probably with a look of deep desire on my face if my thoughts were anything to go by. I jerked the car into gear, pulling off and nearly stalling in my haste but Karl didn’t give any further clues that he’d seen me staring at him. Ten minutes later, as we got out of the car and made our way back to Karl’s office, my head was racing. I’m not gay, I told myself over and over. This was ridiculous – I’d never had any thoughts about other guys, not like I was thinking about Karl. My mind kept flicking back to the way his over-developed muscles made his clothes strain, the way they flexed and swelled with every movement and not least about the huge bulge resting between his tree-trunk quads. I imagined being on my knees, his huge thick man cock sliding between my lips… The door slamming behind me snapped me out of my racing thoughts. We were back in Karl’s office, me sat opposite him across the desk again. “So Joe, what do you think?” Karl asked, pushing a contract across the table, “ready to sign on the dotted line?”. I hesitated. I really hadn’t been paying enough attention to make this decision, far too distracted by the muscle beast sat opposite me. “Erm, well I’m not sure Karl,” I replied feebly. “I think I’ll need some time to think about it.” “Time is not something I have Joe - I can only offer you this deal today,” Karl said, to the point and confident. “I just don’t know Karl, maybe I can call you later to decide?” I attempted to negotiate, desperate to get out of this place and restore some normality to my thoughts. “Hmm, that won’t work for me Joe. But perhaps I can offer you something to sweeten the deal,” Karl replied, a smirk on his face. He got up out of his chair, huge quads straining the fabric of his trousers, and walked round the desk to shut the blinds across the windows. I watched, confused, as he then walked behind me and I heard a soft click as he locked the office door. What was going on, I thought for the millionth time today. “I’ve seen the way you look at me Joe,” Karl said, typically straight to the point, his voice deep and seductive. He’d returned to stand in front of me, one foot up on the desk so that his huge quads and obscene bulge were right in front of my face. “You can have all of this if you want,” he added, gently grabbing his bulge in one hand and running a big hand across his chest with the other. “You just need to sign for it…” “I-I d-don’t know what you mean…” I stammered pathetically, suddenly more nervous than I’d been in my entire life. “I-I’m not Gay,” I added with no confidence at all. “Sure, you’re not Joe. But who wouldn’t want some of this?” Karl purred as he undid his tie, discarding it on the floor. I watched in amazement as he began to slowly unbutton his shirt, revealing bit by bit the deep groove between his two huge pec muscles. I wanted to scream at him, to tell him to stop it, to run for the door but found I couldn’t move or speak, completely transfixed by what was going on in front of me. “I can see you want me Joe…why deny it?”. Karl was still smiling, utterly confident. “Just admit to me Joe…you can’t resist this muscle body…you’re hard for me…I can see,” he added, looking at the bulge in my jeans. He was right – I was harder than I’d ever been in my life before and he knew it. My heart was racing, pure lust flooding my veins as thoughts of this giant hung muscle stud filled my head. “Yes…” I whispered feebly, without thinking. “Yes, what?” Karl replied, his shirt now completely undone. I had a glimpse of his ripped abs, what looked like an 8-pack, sitting beneath the huge overhand of his pecs. “Yes, I want you,” I said, knowing deep down it was true. Karl smiled broadly in response, starting to run his hands over his exposed chest and abs, leaning back seductively so that they flexed tightly. “Well you know what to do then Joe…just sign on the line,” Karl said, closing in on the deal, one of his hands drifting downwards to grab the thick bulge in his trousers again. My eyes followed his exploring hands, imagining that it was mine tracing the outline of his abs, feeling the weight of those enormous pecs and heavy cock. “Please…Karl…” I let out involuntarily, lust now totally taking over. “Let me…” “Let you what, Joe?” teased Karl, clearly enjoying his effect over me. “Let me feel your muscles…flex for me…I need to…” I moaned, the words spilling out as I lost control. “You mean flex these guns?” Karl asked, bringing his arms up to pull a double biceps. He flexed hard, his guns exploding, the thin fabric of his shirt pulled so tight over the peaked mounds of muscle. He gently pumped his guns, flexing harder each time as the muscles filled with blood until eventually I heard a small ripping sound as the seam began to pull apart. “Oh fuck,” I exclaimed, amazed by his strength and power. “You like that straight boy?” Karl said, still flexing as visible gaps formed on both sides of his shirt sleeves, exposing the pumped muscle underneath. “The straight guy is hungry for this Muscle God and his Huge Cock isn’t he…?” “Oh fuck yes,” I replied, giving in. “I need you…please…”. “You can have me Joe…all of me…you just have to sign the contract,” Karl replied, unrelenting. “How can I trust that you’ll keep your side of the bargain,” I asked, one final part of my logical self still present. “You can’t Joe…but isn’t this worth the risk?” he replied, gesturing at his hulking frame and then starting to undo his belt. With that I was totally overcome, all logic leaving me. I reached for the contract, pulling it across the desk and scrawling my signature on the dotted line before I had time to change my mind. I then looked up to see Karl standing right in front of me, a huge smirk on his face, his belt undone and his trousers falling to the floor. As he stepped out of them I took in the sight of his colossal bulge, barely kept in by the sexy white jock strap he was wearing, the outline of his thick cock clearly visible. With his trousers off, he took one further step closer to me, straddling my legs, one of his tree-trunk quads on either side and his magnificent chest and abs right in front of my face. Karl was so close to me that his masculine scent was intoxicating, rolling off him and causing me to inhale deeply. “Looks like taking that risk has paid off Joe…” Karl said, his deep voice incredibly seductive. I couldn’t think of a reply as Karl reached down, taking both of my hands and placing them on his vast chest. I ran my hands over and between each pec muscle, feeling the solid mass underneath as he flexed hard. I then reached up to push his shirt off his shoulders, wanting to see all of him. The shirt got stuck on his massive upper arms and Karl had to help by pulling it off and throwing it to the floor. I continued my worship of this studs upper body, my hands exploring his chest and shoulders before moving onto his biceps. He pulled a double bicep pose again and I reached up to put my hands on each mound of muscle. They were rock hard beneath my fingers, like marble, with barely any body fat and as much as I tried to squeeze I couldn’t budge them at all. “Fuck yeah,” Karl growled. “Look how strong I am…” As he flexed his guns, huge veins popped up, snaking across his paper-thin skin like a road map. Fuck this stud was ripped. Still holding onto his biceps, I leaned in closer, licking up the groove between his cobbled abs. I looked up and saw the amazing overhang of his chest and nearly shot a load right there. Karl was looking down at me smiling, Godly and powerful. “Get on your knees,” Karl ordered, taking a step back. I didn’t hesitate, dropping onto the floor in front of him. “It’s time for you to realise your potential as my cock whore Joe,” he added, looking down at me. “Mmm yes Sir, please make this straight boy your cock whore,” I moaned, desperate for him, immediately submitting with no questions asked. “Take off my jock,” Karl barked. “Don’t touch my cock yet…” Obediently I reached forward, taking the straps of his jock and starting to pull it down, revealing inch by inch of his thick cock, until it was completely exposed. I realised that Karl’s jock had been deceptive, hiding some of the size of his enormous manhood. His soft uncut cock was at least 6 inches and thick too, resting on the two globes of his big balls. A Greek God would have been happy to have a cock and balls like his. Karl stepped out of the jock before reaching down and picking it up. Before I knew what was happening he had it pressed in front of my mouth, holding the back of my head to stop me pulling away. “Smell it straight boy,” Karl ordered. My initial reaction had been to resist but within an instant an animalistic instinct had taken over and I was inhaling deeply. The same scent that was rolling off Karl filled my head but with the added musk of his cock making my head spin and my heart race. My mouth was watering and almost reflexively I opened it and felt as Karl pushed the jock into my mouth. I could now taste him too and for the second time had to try hard not to shoot my load there and then. “Good boy,” Karl purred as he removed the jock from my mouth, discarding it on the floor with the rest of his clothes. With the taste of his cock lingering on my tongue, I was desperate to have the real thing in my mouth, hungry to suck on his huge man meat. “Suck on my cock, whore…just the head to start,” Karl ordered, clearly reading the desperation in my eyes. I leaned in, resting my hands on his thick quads as I wrapped my lips around his cock, sucking his cock head in my mouth. It was better than I could ever imagine, making me feel more complete than I’d ever been in my life. His man meat tasted amazing as I sucked, bobbing my head back and forwards on his huge cock head, swirling my tongue round, hungry to please him. It wasn’t long before I felt his cock starting to grow in my mouth and Karl started to let out low guttural moans. “Mmmmm…fuck yeah that feels good cock boy.” I looked up to see Karl throwing his head back, eyes shut, arms flexed above his head, groaning in pleasure. Without being asked I started to take more and more of his cock into my mouth, as if I’d done this a thousand times before. He was now fully hard and I guessed around 10 inches, his thick girth forcing my lips apart as I felt his cock hit the back of my throat. Karl moaned even more deeply, grabbing the back of my head and starting to thrust his cock more and more into my mouth. “Fuck, this straight boy loves my cock,” Karl growled, thrusting faster, oblivious as I tried to control my gag reflex. I was so hard knowing that he was using my mouth solely for his pleasure, with no concerns for me. Suddenly, Karl pulled his cock out of my mouth, leaving me feeling empty. I tried to lean forwards and take his manhood back in my mouth but Karl held me back, slapping me on the side of my face with his heavy tool. “Stand up, slut,” he ordered, always in control. I obeyed instantly. “Take off your jeans and pants,” he added. I did as he asked, taking off my t shirt too for good measure, both of us now fully naked and standing opposite each other. The comparison between us was humiliating. Without warning Karl grabbed me by both arms and lifted me up, his huge biceps bulging but dealing with my weight with ease. He put me down next to his desk before pushing me over so that I was face down, bent at the waist with my feet on the floor. With a click of realisation I realised too late where this was going. “No Karl…stop…I can’t…” I whimpered, trying to move but unable as he had kept one of his strong hands resting on my back. “Yes you can Joe…I know you want it,” he replied, completely relaxed. “You’re too big Karl….I’ve never done it before,” I pleaded, a sense of fear rising in me. “Don’t worry Joe, we’ll work up to it,” he said and I could hear the smirk on his voice. There was a sucking sound before I felt his wet finger pressing on my tight hole which immediately tightened in response. “Just relax Joe, I know you want me in you,” Karl murmured. I tried to relax, knowing it would be worse if I didn’t. He pressed his finger against my hole again but this time my ass relaxed and I felt it slide into me. After the initial flash of pain I was left with the most amazing feeling as Karl started to move his finger in and out. “Oh fuck,” I moaned into the desk. Karl worked my ass harder and then he hit a spot in me that made my whole body shiver, pure pleasure throwing through me. I let out a long moan and then had an epiphany, realising that his cock in me instead of his finger would magnify this feeling a thousand-fold. “More…”I begged simply, now desperate to have my ass filled. I felt as he slid his finger out of my hole followed by another sucking sound as he got another finger ready. He then pressed both against my hungry hole and I groaned as he entered me again. My ass felt amazing as he began finger-fucking me with two fingers. I was moaning over and over in pleasure as Karl kept up a constant stream of dirty-talk. “You’re my little straight cock whore aren’t you?” he taunted. I knew it was true and moaned as he started to fuck me harder and faster, pushing my ass back so that he would enter me even more. Soon I was getting used to the feeling of his fingers and was yet again hungry for more. “Please Karl…I need your cock in me,” I begged. “Say that again slut boy,” he ordered in reply, pulling his fingers out of my ass, leaving it feeling empty. “I need that huge muscle cock in me…..please…..” I moaned, still lying face-down on the desk. I heard as Karl rummaged in a draw for something…lube I hoped. “Mmmm yes you do Joe, you need this huge man cock in your tight straight ass,” he teased. “What does that make you Joe,” he added. “Oh fuck I’m you’re Cock Whore,” I practically shouted. “I’m a slut for your muscle and Huge Cock…please FUCK ME”. With that I felt the enormous head of Karl’s cock pressing up against my hole. I moaned as he started to push forward, entering me inch by inch, the pain in my ass building as he opened it up. “Oh fuck,” I screamed, “you’re so big!”. Still he kept sliding in…how much more could there be to go?! A lot, it turned out but eventually I felt Karl’s balls resting up against my ass and knew I’d taken it all. Karl held still, letting me get used to his huge size and thick girth and slowly the pain was replaced by the most amazing pleasure I’d ever experienced. I was now complete and knew my place in the world as Karl’s cock whore. Slowly Karl started to slide his cock in and out of my tight hole, each time going a little bit further and building up speed. “Fuck…that feels amazing,” I moaned. For the first time I looked up and realised there was a mirror behind Karl’s desk reflecting what was going on behind me. Karl was holding me by the waist, his bulging guns flexing as he started to plough my ass, veins popping and a sweat developing on his wide chest and shoulders. He started to fuck me faster, letting go of my waist and bring his arms up into a double biceps as his cock still drilled into me. “Fuck yeah, look at these guns,” he roared like an animal. “They’re so FUCKING HUGE!!”. He kissed and licked each one in turn before putting his hands back on my waist. I screamed in pleasure as he pulled me back further onto his cock, feeling his amazing strength and power completely dominate me. “Oh FUCK….your cock is so BIG,” I screamed. “Own this fucking straight boy ass,” I moaned. Karl was now thrusting his cock in and out to the hilt, fast and deep, letting out loud masculine grunts as the sweat continued to pour off him. His stamina was amazing and he didn’t let up at all as he owned my virgin ass. I watched in the mirror as he flexed his chest and biceps, his abs continuously pulled tight by the fucking. After a few minutes I knew that I wouldn’t be able to hold out much longer, my cock ready to shoot a huge load over the desk despite not touching myself. “Please Karl….I need your load in me,” I begged as he continued to thrust. “Yeah slut? You want me to breed that straight ass?” he thundered. “FUCK! YEAH! Please cum in me,” I moaned. Amazingly, Karl picked up his pace even more, slamming even harder into my ass, balls slapping with each thrust. His deep masculine grunts filled the room and I knew he was getting close. “Cum in this straight boy ass,” I begged, coaxing him on and pushing my ass further back so that was as deep in me as possible. “Oh FUCK slut,” he screamed. “I’m gonna fucking…..”. I felt as his cock swelled in my ass and with a final roar he ploughed into me one last time. I felt his huge load filling me up as my own cock exploded over the desk in the most intense orgasm of my life. Karl collapsed forwards on top of me, sweat pouring off us as we both bucked and moaned from our amazing relief. The huge weight of Karl lying on top of me made the feeling even more intense and I thought I would die if it didn’t end soon. It was several minutes before our breathing began to settle to normal and I had a chance to lift my head off the desk. In the mirror I could see the huge mass of Karl resting on top of me, his massive back swelling with each breath he took. I looked embarrassingly tiny in comparison but I didn’t care, knowing that he owned me now. In my post-orgasm daze I noticed something strange out of the corner of my eye - an odd-looking purple bottle in the open drawer of Karl’s desk. It was upside down and I’d only managed to read the words “Alpha Scent” on the label before Karl’s huge harm loomed into view and the draw was slammed shut. My confusion was quickly replaced by contentment as I drifted into an easy sleep.
  3. Hey guys. I haven't been very active here for a long time. Must have been a year at least. But I'd really like to be again, because this is my favorite community and place to be on the interwebs. So I figured I'd just upload my recent project here. It's posted in the Stories Category, because it tells a kind of story, and doesn't really fit in the Media category. I have this up on Twitter as well~ The story has the magical name of "Egon muscular shot 03 outtake" or EMSO, how I prefer to call it. The reason it has this silly, ugly name is because this was never planned to be or meant to be a full project. But now here I am working on Page 112... Please let me know what you think!
  4. lasergaser14

    CREO Pt. 2

    And here's part 2! No growth in this section, but a little more exploration and clarity--and don't worry, there's growth in part 3! Do feel free to leave a comment--I can't tell you how great it makes an author feel! Jimmy couldn’t keep his hands off himself. He had spent his life lusting after handsome, muscular men, jealous of them and the charmed lives they seemed to lead--and here he was, finally one of them. The remnants of his orgasm were still on the mirror when he started fondling himself again, fisting his dick and sliding his free hand up and down his abs. The temptation was simply too great: who could blame him for wanting to worship himself for a little while, after having finally emerged from the tunnel of self-loathing into a bright new reality? Embarrassingly, though, Jimmy wasn’t getting hard again. He was breathing heavily, and he felt as eager to jack off and cum as he had been mere minutes ago--but perhaps his stamina, always on the lower end, hadn’t increased with his new body. “Creo,” he asked, “what’s my sex drive?” “A sex drive is hard to measure,” the app said, “But at the moment, you have a higher sex drive than five percent of men in your demographic.” Ouch. Five percent. That...didn’t feel great. “And you can increase it?” he asked. “Of course. How would you like to compare?” “I wanna be better than all of them,” he said quickly. Then: “Wait. Actually…” he thought for a moment. “Do you have like...a list of sexual stats I can look at?” “Of course.” The screen clouded over for a moment, and then a series of stats with moveable bars and option toggles appeared. The first bar was for libido. It was currently set at 5/100. Jimmy quickly put his finger on the screen and dragged it all the way to the right. The phone’s screen turned red, and a warning dialog appeared: “Warning. Sex drive in excess of 90/100 might cause several dysfunction in everyday life. Not recommended.” That did seem reasonable, Jimmy decided--he slid the bar back down to 80. That was still pretty good. The next bar was for control. It was set far to the left. Jimmy pursed his perfect lips, then bit his lower lip, tapping the bar. An informational dialog appeared: “Sexual control dictates how much control subject exerts over sexual activity. Value of 0 (left) is no control; value of 100 (right) is complete control (erections and orgasms at will). CREO recommends between 25-75.” Jimmy nodded: that seemed reasonable. He moved the indicator to 50--then, smirking, pushed it closer to 70. He wanted to be in control. He liked the idea of getting spontaneously hard when he saw himself in the mirror, but he also wanted the option of defusing the situation, or cumming on command. The final bars were for volume of precum and semen. Jimmy set them both to the higher end: he didn’t want to deal with literal buckets of his own cum, but he liked the idea of being able to easily fill up a glass if he wanted to. Licking his lips, he scrolled to see if there were any more bars: there weren’t. “Okay, Creo. That should do it.” “Adjusting,” Creo said, with a gentle chime. There wasn’t any pressure this time: just a sort of cool wave that swept over Jimmy’s body. He looked down at his dick, wrapping his hand around it, and gave it an experimental tug. It responded almost instantly: despite just having dropped the orgasm of his life onto the mirror, it looked like he was ready to go again. Hell yeah. Jimmy loved his new dick. It was long, uncut, and thick, with a powerful vein running along the top; after a couple strokes, it was rock hard, and if he let go, it stood up straight, smacking against the middle of his eight pack, leaving a dribble of precum in the crevice. He grabbed it again, rubbing his thumb over his leaking slit and rubbing the clear, sticky liquid down his throbbing length in lieu of lube. “God, look at my arms,” he grunted, his eyes falling on his bunching and flexing bicep as he began to pump his dick. “How am I this fucking hot?” He met his own gaze in the mirror, and it all became too much for him: he came a second time, bare minutes after his first, shooting a much more substantial load over the mirror. Jimmy’s third orgasm in his new body was less than a minute later: he put his hands behind his back, looked down at his still-hard cock, and thought about cumming. He was back at full mast in ten seconds, and as soon as he looked in the mirror again--yet another load. Finally satisfied and feeling pleased with himself, Jimmy grabbed the shorts Creo had supplied him with, pulled them on, and fell onto his bed with his phone. “Okay, Creo,” he said once the shorts were on. “So what kind of stuff can I do with you?” “CREO is a consensual reality alteration app,” the phone said in the same pleasant, androgynous voice. “Our capacities are limited to personal circumstances, and must be agreed to by the subject affected.” Jimmy chewed his beautiful lower lip. “So I can’t just ask you to change my roommate,” he said. “I’d have to tell him about this, and get him to agree to it.” “That is correct.” That was probably a good limitation, although it certainly put a damper on some of the fun that Jimmy could have. In thinking about his roommate, though, another thought occurred to him. “When my roommate shows up, will he notice that something’s changed? Or will he just go with it?” “Default is for reality alteration to be noticed by proximate entities, but you can alter that in the settings.” Jimmy nodded. He’d have to remember to change that setting. “And is it just body stuff? Or can I like...ask you to make me rich?” “Of course you can. How much money would you like?” Jimmy didn’t immediately answer, and instead began asking the app questions about its limitations. He was beginning to realize that he had an enormous amount of power at his fingertips, and that it would be useful to have a better sense of how it worked, rather than just...going crazy with it. He learned a couple of important things. The first was that he couldn’t change anyone’s feelings or personalities. He couldn’t make someone love him, couldn’t make an asshole less of an asshole, couldn’t make someone who was angry with him suddenly forget their rage. It seemed that his powers were more or less limited to the physical, material world. When it came to those physical, material changes, the boundaries were a little bit fuzzier. Jimmy learned that he could change a general situation: he could, for example, make things so that he and his roommate were students at a prestigious institution, rather than the local college they were attending. He couldn’t, however, change his roommate’s major, or even make him into a better roommate. Changes that supported other changes were possible: for example, Jimmy could make himself wealthy, in the process making his parents billionaires, but he couldn’t make a separate change that affected only his parents. By the time he was done thinking through his questions, he was scratching his head, the beginnings of a headache beginning to form. Figuring that he had to be organized about this--at least to a degree--Jimmy groaned, reached across to his desk with a newly long-and-jacked arm, and grabbed his laptop. He pulled it open, loaded a new Word document, and typed “JIMMY’S BEST LIFE” at the top. He was about to start listing things he wanted to have happen in advance of formulating the changes for the app when he heard the front door of his apartment open. He quickly checked the time--it was close to midnight, and it sounded like his roommate was coming home. “Happy birthday, dude!” a voice called from the kitchen. “Made it just in time! You like your gift?” “Yeah, thanks!” Jimmy called before clapping his hand over his mouth. His voice had changed dramatically--there was no way Seth wouldn’t notice. He’d completely forgotten to change that setting--the one that would keep his roommate from noticing any changes--and now he didn’t know that he could do it in time. He grabbed the phone, and started frantically tapping it, hoping to find the app’s settings, and failing. He heard things go silent outside in the apartment. “Everything okay in there?” “Yeah, just getting ready for bed!” Jimmy’s heart was pounding. Where the fuck were they? Why was this so hard? Wouldn’t it be easier to just ask the app to change its own settings? But Seth would hear... “You don’t sound like Jimmy,” Seth said, his voice getting closer. His footsteps were outside Jimmy’s door. “I’ve got a cold,” Jimmy lied weakly. “Bullshit,” Seth said, opening the door--and then stopping to gawk at the teenaged fitness model sprawled on Jimmy’s bed. “Dude, what the fuck?! Where’s Jimmy?”
  5. NewGuy71

    Late Night at the Gym

    Hey guys. This story was co-written with NovelAI's Sigurd model, using the new Custom AI Module feature wherein I basically fed the AI trainer ~600KBs of muscle theft stories and this was the result. Late Night at the Gym It's late and you're working out in a mostly empty gym. The only other people around are the night staff, but it's mostly a skeleton crew. You prefer the quiet, however, as opposed to working out while the gym is crowded and full of jocks and fratboys. You're not some scared weakling, but you're not a big guy either. You've been working out at this gym for a year already, and you've yet to put on any real muscle or size. You're starting to wonder if maybe you're just destined to be a small Asian twink forever. You're finishing up your workout when you spot one of the personal trainers, Tyler, walking up to you. The handsome blond towers over you at 6' 4", and his tight muscle tee and gym shorts leave little to the imagination. His muscular 240-pound body is the product of years of hard work, and you've always wanted a body as ripped and sculpted as his. Tyler grins as he approaches, "Hey, little man. Working hard, tonight?" Despite his intimidating size, the bodybuilder has always been helpful and friendly towards you. Probably because you've fooled around together in the locker room more than once after a late-night workout. You eye the outline of the obvious semi in the bigger man's gym shorts. "Yeah, but it looks like someone wants a workout of a different kind..." "Oh yeah? Well, if you're up for it." His biceps bulge as he crosses his arms with a smirk. You can't help but stare at the huge muscles flexing beneath the thin fabric of his shirt. Your cock twitches inside your sweatpants as you imagine burying your face in those massive pecs, worshipping them with your tongue. It doesn't take long before you find yourself sitting in Tyler's lap in the empty locker room, doing just that. Both of you had stripped off your shirts, and the muscular blond sat on the bench with his arms behind his head as you proceeded lick at the exposed muscle before you. You licked the sweat off the handsome bodybuilder's impressive pecs, swirling your tongue around his nipples. He moans softly into the air as you suckle at his fat buds, running your hands all over him. You press against his chest, feeling how much larger and thicker he is compared to you. How could anyone possibly resist this hulking titan? A thick, heady musk billows out of the blond's exposed pits. You inhale deeply, drinking in the scent of masculine arousal until it becomes too intense for you to bear. You break away from his torso and kneel between his legs, licking eagerly at the pungent treasure trail leading down to his groin. He lifts himself off the bench as you pull of his shorts. You moan lustily as you bury your nose deep in the dense patch of hair surrounding his shaft. His manly scent is even thicker now, and you run your hand along his impressive length. Not only was Tyler blessed with good looks and great muscle building genetics, but unlike most bodybuilders he had a great cock too. At 10.5 inches of thick, white manmeat, it was a wonder how the blond was so humble. You wrap your lips tightly around the big tip, sucking it greedily into your mouth. You bob up and down slowly, savoring every inch of his magnificent tool as you give him a blowjob. "Fuck! Corey, you're gonna make me cum!" The muscular blonde grabs the back of your head and starts fucking your throat. You stare up at the heaving bodybuilder as you deepthroat him. Thankfully, you don't have a gag reflex, and he slides in and out of your tight throat with ease. You watch in awe, Tyler's impressive physique on full display. From his handsome, chiseled face to his large traps and wide, cannonball shoulders... from his massive pecs to his broad lats and amazing eight pack abs... from his bulging biceps and tree trunk thighs... Tyler has everything you've ever wanted. A strange, burning desire pools in your guts as you worship the bigger man's cock. You want his size, his power, his muscle... more than anything. A stray thought passes through your mind, 'If you want it so badly, why don't you just take it?' Tyler groans, a strange weakness passing through his body as he continues to enjoy his blowjob. "Mmmh, fuck yeah, little man. I'm about ready to bust my nut." You gaze hungrily at the huge slab of meat jutting out from Tyler's crotch, your own dick twitching in your pants. You can feel the heat rising in your body, the fire spreading throughout your veins as you imagine the giant manhood inside you. No... not inside you... on your own body, as if you were the one with the huge cock instead... You start to pant, drool running down your chin as you continue to suckle at the thick, veiny shaft. "Uhhhnnngh, mmmmm," you moan around his throbbing prick. The blond groans as a second wave of weakness passes through him. It feels like something is leaving his body, pooling in his balls as he prepares to cum down your throat. "Ahhhhh, fuck yeah, little man." Tyler's eyes roll back into his head as he cums in your mouth. He pumps his hips, thrusting his massive cock hard and fast into your face until he can't hold on any longer. With a final grunt, the blond hilted globs of hot, thick semen explode out of his huge, throbbing tool. You guzzle down his cum, enjoying the way Tyler's thick seed slides down your throat. It feels strangely warmer than usual. You glance upward and stare with shock as you watch the massive bodybuilder start to shrink before your eyes. Tyler, lost in the throes of orgasm, starts losing height and muscle as he continues to cum into your mouth. An odd warm sensation fills your muscles, and you suddenly realize you're growing! You're getting bigger and stronger by the moment. You look up at Tyler, who continues to lose pound after pound of muscle as he seemingly cums his size and power into your hungry gullet. In mere moments, the blond looks more like a fitness model than a huge bodybuilder. Conversely, your skinny body has bulked up considerably as you slowly gain Tyler's lost height and muscle. As his orgasm peters out, you pull your lips off his cock, staring down at the once enormous tool that belonged to your idol. His cock is still above average, but far cry from the massive tool it was once. Your dick is still rock solid, and you let out a low moan of lust as you stroke it through your sweatpants. You gasp as you realize how much bigger it feels. The blond personal trainer collapses onto the bench beside you and passes out with a sigh. You stare at the still impressive man lying on the bench. You realize that you've somehow managed to steal some of his size by drinking his cum. You can hardly believe it. You stare the newly grown muscles on your formerly skinny body. You're not massive by any means, but you look like you've been working out regularly for years. You sit up and reach out a hand towards Tyler's chest. The muscular man moans softly as your fingers wrap around his pecs, squeezing them roughly. Even your hands are bigger, covering more of the diminished bodybuilder's pecs with ease. A hardness presses against your stomach, and you look down to see Tyler's still hard now 7-incher. Could you steal even more muscle if you sucked his cock again? Your mind races as you imagine growing even bigger and stronger. You lick your lips hungrily as you imagine the size and power you could gain if you sucked Tyler's cock. The thought of having more muscle, strength, and size than most men is enough to make your cock twitch. It's too late to stop yourself. You've already started to suck on Tyler's big, fat prick. It's still pretty thick, but it fills your mouth much more easily than before! You gulp down the first few inches of Tyler's manhood, missing the way his meaty pole stretched out your mouth. You can't help but run your tongue all over the length of the rod, savoring its salty flavor as you take the rest of his manhood into your throat and start sucking. The unconscious blond moans, even in his sleep, as you tease him closer and closer to orgasm. "Mmmhnnn, fuck yeah, little man. That's a good cock sucker." Tyler's voice sounds muffled as he mumbles to himself. He groans and thrusts his hips, fucking your mouth and throat. "Oh, god, I'm gonna cum!" You can't resist the urge any longer. You want his size, his power, his muscle, everything! You need his cum! As his cock swells in your mouth and he cums down your throat, you feel your own body start to grow. It's not just your muscles. Your cock grows as well, stretching out, gaining inch after inch of length and girth. You can't get enough. You keep on swallowing his cum, filling your belly with the thick load. You pump your growing cock as you drain the personal trainer of his size. Tyler's thick semen spills into your throat. He thrusts his hips, pumping hot cum into your mouth and down your gullet even as his continues to lose size. His muscles wither away as he shrinks to the size of a young athlete. The once impressive cock still cumming down your throat is down to about 4 inches, and continues to lose size and girth along with his balls. On the other hand, as more and more cum fills your stomach, your body keeps on growing. Your arms and legs swell with new muscle, and pecs start to jut out from your chest. You groan as your spine stretches upward, giving you more height, and your shoulders broaden. Your lats become so wide they give you a pronounced V-body shape, and your biceps bulge to the point that your forearms are nearly as big around as your upper arm. Your abs also stretch outwards, becoming defined and chiseled, as your glutes, quads, and calves grow. Soon, Tyler looks less like a young athlete and closer to a young boy as you siphon the last vestiges of size, muscle, and masculinity from the former bodybuilder. Your growth slows as the blond's ejaculation peters off. His dick becomes flaccid, his muscles shriveling up and disappearing as you continue to drink down every drop of cum that remains inside him. "Ahhhhh... ahhh, fuck," you moan, staring at the now soft 1-inch cock between your lips. You can't believe how much bigger and stronger you've gotten by stealing Tyler's size. You rush to a mirror to check out your new muscles. They're incredible! You stare in the mirror, admiring yourself. What you see isn't your usual skinny frame anymore. The bodybuilder's musculature has given you a truly massive physique! Not only are your pecs and arms bigger, everything about you is huge! You can't help but let your eyes linger on your cock. It's still rock hard, and seems even bigger than Tyler's original 10.5-inch dick. Your cock feels like it's made of steel, and the veins and blood vessels seem to be bursting out of your member. You stroke yourself slowly, watching in awe as you jack your monster cock. It's easily twice as long as what you had before. Your balls feel swollen, your testicles huge, and your scrotum hangs heavy on your shaft. You've never felt more powerful or virile. You freeze as you hear a quiet, high-pitched moan behind you. Turning around, you spot at the emaciated form of your former idol as he lies passed out on the bench. He's a shell of his former self, shivering in the cool air of the locker room. A gnawing sense of guilt fills your gut. Tyler didn't deserve this. He was always kind, not only to you but to everyone who came to the gym. The blond was always willing to help, to support you, to motivate others and help you get better. He deserved better than this. You turn back to the mirror to gaze upon your incredible form. You place a hand on the mirror as you trace your impressive muscles with your eyes. It was everything you ever wanted, but you couldn't keep it. You didn't want it, if it meant doing this to Tyler. You had to give him back everything you stole from him. You grip your thick, veiny cock as you strode over to the bench where Tyler lay unconscious. You press the fat head of your cock between his lips. A strange weakness filled you as something seems to gather in your balls. "I'm going to make everything right, Tyler. Don't worry." you murmur as you start to cum into the sleeping blond's mouth. Even unconscious, Tyler seems to naturally gulp down all the cum with ease. You watch with relief as his skinny form started to grow, even as you began to lose your own size. "Fuck yeah, take it all back!" you groan as you continue to cum. You pump your hips, fucking your thick, veined meat into Tyler's open mouth. His tongue laps at your shaft as he swallows your load. Soon, the blond regains more and more of his impressive physique as he grows to the size of a young athlete, then a fitness model. Your cock shrinks along with your body as you empty more and more of your balls inside Tyler's mouth. Eventually, the handsome personal trainer was once again at his original huge size. Every single inch of height and pound of muscle restored to his massive frame as you shake the last of the cum from your softening cock. Once again, you were nothing more than a scrawny twink. But at least Tyler wouldn't have to suffer. You dress as the blond continues to slumber on the bench, but when you turn to leave you find yourself pinned to the lockers by a massive wall of muscle. You look up into the smirking face of Phil. The huge black man was a pro bodybuilder, and at 6'6" and 270 pounds of muscle, he was even bigger than Tyler! His attitude was pretty shitty though. Unlike Tyler, the hulking bodybuilder was mean, aggressive, and totally full of himself. "Well, lookie here..." he grunted in his deep, bass voice. "A couple of faggots having some fun? How about you service a real man, boy?" He steps back and forces your head down to his crotch where a massive footlong cock pokes out the leg of his gym shorts. You resist at first, but then realize this is a golden opportunity. The man was huge bully. An arrogant waste of space that didn't deserve his size or muscles. Why not take them for yourself? Reluctantly, you pull down Phil's red gym shorts, revealing his huge 12" horsecock. It was massive! You'd never taken a dick that size down your throat before, but before you could even think about it, the massive bodybuilder forces his incredible schlong into your mouth and down your throat. For the first time in forever, you actually choke on a dick as your throat tries to stretch to accommodate the oversized member. The huge cock stretches your mouth wide, filling your cheeks as the tip feels like it reaches all the way down to your stomach. You gag as he starts to fuck your mouth with his monster tool, his big balls bouncing off your chin. He grabs your head, forcing you deeper onto the shaft of his cock as you struggle to breathe through the thick, fat cockhead stretching out your esophagus and pressing against your lungs. You try to pull away from him but he's too strong. He holds you firmly as he thrusts into your mouth into a series of powerful strokes, fucking your face. You can barely breath around the enormous cock buried so far down your gullet. But then... you start to feel a familiar desire swirling inside you. Meanwhile, Phil pauses for a moment as a surge of weakness pulses through him, but the big man doesn't stop fucking your throat. He ignores the odd feeling of something leaving his body and making its way to his huge balls as he gets closer to shooting his load. "Mmmhnnn, yeah, take my load, boy!" Phil groans, burying all 12 inches of his fat prick down your throat. You feel a warmth start to fill you and you realize the huge bodybuilder is cumming directly into your stomach! You're overwhelmed with the thick, hot spunk as it fills up your belly. You hear a groan behind you and realize Tyler is waking up. "W-what the? Phil! What the hell are you doing?! Stop-" The blond tries to intervene, but pauses when he sees Phil slowly start to shrink. "Oh my god," the blond moans as he watches the biggest man in the gym start to lose size and mass. "What's happening to him?" Tyler asks in shock as the black bodybuilder continues to unload. He glances at you, and his eyes widen when he realizes that not only is Phil shrinking, but you're somehow growing... Phil's cock shrinks as well. His thick member and balls shrivel as his massive frame starts to wither. The once imposing black man is now approaching Tyler's size and continues to shrink further. 'Is... is Corey... stealing Phil's size?!' Tyler though incredulously once he realized where Phil's lost mass was going. You moan around the shrinking cock in your mouth as you start to grow again. Your arms and legs swell as your chest bulks up with new muscle. Every pound of muscle, every inch of height and cock the black bodybuilder loses is transferred to you. Your clothes grow tight, then with a loud ripping sound you shred your torn clothes as your new muscles burst through them. "Ahhhhh! Fuck!" Phil cries out as he continues to shrink. His muscles soften as his bones shorten. Soon, the former pro bodybuilder starts to look more like a college freshman as you continue to drain his masculinity. Eventually, Phil is reduced to 5' tall skinny twink as you finish absorbing the last of his testosterone and manhood. He collapses to the floor, unconscious. "Holy shit, that was intense..." Tyler murmurs, his own cock rock hard and leaking from the sight he just witnessed. He looks at you, a bit stunned as you stand up and up and up. With the height you've stolen from Phil, you're now even taller than the blond personal trainer. He stares with a flushed expression on his face. You're about to explain when you feel a hand caress your cheek. "Incredible..." Tyler breathes in awe. "You're fucking huge! You're the biggest Asian guy I've ever seen, Corey!" The big man strokes your muscular body, admiring the sheer size and strength that you've gained. "Yeah, I guess I am." You say softly, looking down at your still naked idol. "Do... do you like it?" Tyler seems to think for a moment. He smiles and nods his head as he reaches out to grip your massive cock. It's so thick! He can't believe how much bigger and thicker your member has become. "I'm not sure what to call you anymore," Tyler says, stroking your enormous cock slowly. "You're so big..." "Well..." you begin, unsure of yourself, "How about... boyfriend? I really, really like you, Tyler." You smile, letting him know that you're serious. The blond bodybuilder blushes, but he can't help but nod his agreement. He strokes your huge cock, marveling at the length and thickness of it. "So, um, mind if I try out this monstercock between your legs?" Tyler asks with a nervous laugh. "Sounds good to me!" you chuckle. You cross your arms, showing off your impressive, massive physique as you step closer to the blond. His eyes go wide as he takes in your immense size, but then his blush returns. You grab him by the shoulders and push him down onto the bench, forcing your cock into the handsome young man's mouth. "You're so fucking huge!" Tyler moans around your shaft, but he doesn't resist as you start to fuck his throat. The blond boy eagerly swallows every inch of your veiny dick as he moans in pleasure. "Oh yeah," you groan as you enjoy the tightness of his throat around you cock. Eventually, the blond pulls off and turns to brace himself against the locker as he presents his ass to you. He's a little smaller than you are now, but he's still a big guy in his own right. "Fuck, you're beautiful, Tyler!" you gasp as you position your cock at the entrance to his asshole. The blond grunts as you slowly push through his sphincter. "Mmmmmmhnnn! Fuck yes, Corey... Oh god! That's amazing!" the blond moans as he feels your cock stretching his insides. Slowly, you press inch after inch into the bodybuilder's hot hole until you're buried balls deep in the man's ass. "Holy shit! I didn't realize you were so fucking big!" Tyler cries, amazed as you start to pump your cock in and out of his stretched anus. "I am now," you chuckle as you reach down and squeeze the tight buns of your new lover. You stroke his hair lovingly, loving the way he responds to your touch. "That's it, baby!" the muscular blonde cries as you thrust harder and faster into his ass. "Faster! Fuck my hole with that big cock!" You obey the request, pounding his perfect musclebutt hard and fast. Your body is covered in sweat and you pant heavily. Tyler is enjoying the massive cock stretching his hole when you suddenly pull out. He tries to protest, but the handsome personal trainer yelps as you spin him around and lift the bodybuilder into your arms. He wraps his legs around your waist and his arms encircle your neck as you position your oversized cock at his hole and slide back in. "Oh fuck!" Tyler groans once he realizes what's happening. "I... I can't believe you're strong enough to pick me up and f-fuck me midair... that's so hot!" He laughs, looking over your shoulder as you slam your hips forward. You grunt with each impact. You bury your thick meat into the muscular 240-pound bodybuilder, using his own weight to force him to take every inch of your cock. "OH GOD! FUCK! YESSSS!" Tyler screams as he cums, shooting a huge load all over the two of you. It's impossible to miss the spurts of cum flying everywhere as you continue to plow his tight asshole. "You're... you're gonna make me cum too!" You pant, as his inner passage rhythmically massages your huge cock. "I'm going to shoot my load, Tyler! I'm so close!" The blond bodybuilder moans as he watches you explode inside him. He's never felt such pleasure from sex before. It makes him wonder if he could ever be satisfied by another man. He looks down at you only to realize you're shrinking. "W-wait! Corey! Something's happening!" he protests until he realizes that he's growing alongside your diminishing form. You grunt as you pour load after load of size and muscle into the handsome blond. "Giving you... ugh... what you deserve, Tyler. You need to be... bigger!" The growing personal trainer holds on tight, still impaled on your now shrinking cock. Eventually, your legs give out and you collapse onto the bench with Tyler in your lap, unable to handle the growing man's increasing weight. The two of you pant as you finish cumming in Tyler's ass, the muscle transfer ending as well. After a moment, the blond asks, "What... what did you do, Corey?" "I transferred some of Phil's size and muscle to you," you say, smiling as you feel the last traces of your orgasm subside. Tyler blinks at you, before he slowly pulls himself off your softening cock. He stares at his body in awe. From what you can tell, the blond is now even bigger than Phil was. You probably gave him 40, maybe 50 pounds of muscle, in addition to a bit of height and cock size. He turns to inspect himself in the mirror. Each muscle is bulkier and more swole than it's ever been before! The blond's arms are thicker, his shoulders wider, and his legs are massive. He runs his hands over the bulging muscles of his shoulders and chest. "Holy shit!" Tyler exclaims, looking at the reflection in the mirror. "Is that a ten pack?!" he says as he traces the deep grooves and rows of his abdominal muscles. "Yeah, I guess so," you chuckle, checking out your new physique yourself. You're now about 6'3" and 220 pounds. Still impressive and more than you've ever hoped for. "I'm fucking huge!" Tyler chuckles. "But why? Why didn't you just keep all this size for yourself." He turns to look you in the eye. "Oh..." you say as you start to blush. You rub the back of your head awkwardly as you reply, "Well, I just really like it when you're the bigger guy, Tyler. You'll always be the bigger man to me." Tyler's eyes soften and he wraps his arms around you. He presses his lips against yours and kisses you gently. Your cock stirs at the feeling of his body against yours. The two of you break apart and Tyler stares down at you with lust in his eyes. "How about we take this back to my place?" You start to nod when you pause. "Uh, sure. But I think I'll need to borrow some clothes. I don't think my old ones will fit now, huh?" you admit. "Oh, they definitely won't!" Tyler agrees with a laugh.
  6. A timid man gets a chance to score a big boost in confidence but is it enough or too much? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jack paced back and forth on an empty stage. The sound of his footsteps echoed throughout the old theater. There hadn’t been a performance in it for for decades after its owner had given it to him to get out of certain… difficulties. He pulled out a glowing, green amulet from his pocket. “What do I have to do to get your attention? How long do I have to rot on this planet while you run around trying to save the world? How many more of these pathetic lives have to get thrown into the grinder before you pay attention?” “Bring me the list!” He shouted into the room. A thin whisp of blackness in the shape of a man flew up and handed him a book. He flipped through the pages. “Actors, bankers, performers, stars, lazy pricks looking for short cuts... perhaps I’ve been going about this all wrong.” He snapped the book shut. “Maybe... I should go after the schmucks who are down on their luck. The one’s he seems to have a soft spot for...” -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adrian Rotz struggled with anything that required him to get in front of a crowd. The moment he realized more than 2 or 3 people were paying attention to him, he’d freeze and get tongue tied. He struggled in one on one situations whenever someone became too forceful or intimate. Basically, he struggled with anything that dealt with self confidence. He assumed the answer had to do with the mirror, or what he saw in it at least. He was skinny guy who could barely look at himself without squinting. Right now he was looking at his shoes as he shuffled out of the office. He had hoped all of the extra work he had put in this year would get him a raise at his performance review but instead they had let him go. “You get too nervous in front of customers. People have to put fires out after you leave. We can do this anymore.” Is what he’d been told. It wasn’t fair. That had only happened a couple of times and he had mostly cleaned things up over email. He knew his boss hated him but didn’t realize it was enough to fire him. Adrian walked to the park beside his building in a blind stupor, his feet navigating the way without the use of his senses. He sat by the fountain as several small children splashed in the water, feeling as isolated from their happiness as a howling dog is from the moon. What was the point? He was always going to screw things up. He looked up at his old office building. He still had the key to get the roof, he could just… “Are you kidding Adrian? You’re terrified of heights. You’d just get up there and choke, then you’d get to be humiliated on television as well.” “Yeah you’re probably… wait h...huh?” He was sitting next to a man in suit and coat wearing an old fashioned fedora. “How’d you know my name?” “That’s what you’re curious about? You’re holding a folder with your name on it and you’re wondering how I know THAT?” “Oh..oh yeah...” “You’re not wondering how I knew you were thinking about jumping?” “W...well...” “You’re not one for conversations with strangers are you? Don’t worry I wont tell your mom.” “Who are you? Actually never mind, I have to go.” Adrian picked up his things, walked to the street, and ordered an Uber. In a few minutes a black Honda Accord rolled up. “Adrian?” the driver shouted. He said yes and slid into the back seat without saying anything else. “You know you really could have gotten a raise if you had a little more confidence.” Adrian looked up and jumped, the strange man from the park was sitting next to him. He could have sworn the back had been empty when he got in. “W..what do you want?” Adrian said. “Just to talk. To offer you an opportunity.” “I..I..I don’t think so.” The man made him incredibly nervous but then again, so did most people. “Driver. I want to...to end my ride!” The driver didn’t respond. “Driver!” Adrian shouted. “Oh he doesn’t work for Uber, he works for me.” Just about that time Adrian’s phone began to ring from his real driver wanting to know where he was. Unfortunately it was ringing from the stranger’s coat pocket. How had he stolen his phone? Adrian was starting to panic, was he being abducted? The stranger laughed. “You crack me up. Just a minute ago you wanted to kill yourself and now you’re worried that I’m kidnapping you. What does it matter?” “L...look I I have a wife and kids. They need me.” Adrian stammered. “No you don’t.” He laughed again. “You live alone in an apartment over a butcher shop downtown. The only friends that you ever talk to with any regularity are online. You suspect half of them are teenagers from the way they type. You’re wrong by the way. One of them is actually 62. I suppose you do have aging parents but you wont be much use to them without a job.” Adrian was stunned. Not only did this stranger seemingly know what he was thinking, he seemed to know everything about him. Was he hallucinating? “You know if you had just one shred of confidence you’d not only have your job right now but they would have given you the raise. If you didn’t panic in front of clients there’d be no cause for dismissal. If you didn’t choke up every time a coworker wanted to talk to you, they would have liked you. “But I can change all of that. As surely as you’re sitting there looking stupid, I can remake your life.” A few minutes later Adrian was sitting there with a card in his hand, unsure whether any of this was real. So… uh… Jack I can wish for ummm anything?” “Them’s the rules kid” “I wish I had more confidence… I wish every time I felt self conscious or embarrassed something would happen to wipe it away!” -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adrian woke up in a cold sweat. He was dreaming about what had happened that day. He couldn’t get his encounter with Jack out of his mind. He felt his fingers which were still a little tingly from the card bursting into flames in his hands. The dryness of his throat was bothering him. He knew it would keep him from going back to sleep. He got up and went to the bathroom without turning on the light, he didn’t want to see his shirtless body in the mirror. But then again, why not? Why not test out this silly little experiment. If his wish had come true he should be confident in what he saw. Clicking on the light quickly dashed that idea. There was no part of him that he found attractive. He quickly moved for the light switch again but his arm jerked away. His tiny biceps were flexing on their own as well as his non-existant chest. With each flex they relaxed a little larger than the last time. He couldn’t believe it. He could see his abs for the first time as they grew more defined. His pecs were taking the shape he’d always wanted his chest to be. His biceps were starting to give his arms some shape instead of looking like components of a wooden marionette. His waist was becoming chiseled into a nice V shape. He looked like a thin, toned model. “What the fuck...” “It never ceases to surprise me the number of people who wish for something and then seem so confused when they get it,” said Jack, leaning against a door frame. “How’d you get in here?” was all Adrian could say. “So what do you think?” Jack ignored the question. “Feel a little more confident now?” “I… I guess so.” “Then it’s time you went on a date.” “You mean here? Now?” He stuttered. “In your bathroom at 3 am? Jesus you’re so thick I didn’t mean…” Jack stopped and smiled. “Well I suppose there’s always one variation on the old date that we could go for.” He said pulling Adrian’s phone out of his pocket. Suddenly it started going crazy with grindr notifications. Adrian used the app only occasionally because he hated being ignored by all the guys he messaged. Jack handed the phone over and Adrian saw that there were five conversations with really attractive guys already opened. “But these time stamps say I’ve been talking to them for an hour. I was asleep!” “Bet you don’t remember taking those pictures either...” Jack smiled. Adrian gasped when he thumbed through all of the nudes featuring his new body. He looked at his cock in shock, was it really that big now? “But… but I didn’t take any of these. You can’t… can’t just put this kind of stuff out over the internet like that.” He said turning red. The thought of having nudes of him floating around the web made him really self conscious. Suddenly his muscles started to flex again and his pecs bulged out even further, stretching the skin of his chest so tightly. His delts rounded out as they bulged and his traps pushed up his neck a few inches. Grabbing his arms, he could feel his biceps swell against his fingers as the reflection in the mirror grew into quite the twunk. “What’s happening?” He felt his stomach, his washboard abs were really prominent now. “Your wish is happening.” Jack smiled. “Every time you feel self conscious you grow.” “But I didn’t...” “Your words were ‘I wish every time I felt self conscious or embarrassed something would happen to wipe it away.’” Jack grinned. “You didn’t specify the ‘something’ so I had to do some guesswork. Now about those guys, I took the liberty of picking one for you.” “Wait what?” He looked down at the grindr histories and found that Jack had given a gorgeous guy named Kyle his address and told him to come over. “W...wait… you’ve got to fix this. I can’t hook up w… with a guy like that? He.. he’s like a model.” Suddenly he felt his thighs and calves swelling. “Yeah at this point he’s going to think you’ve been using old pictures…” Jack grinned. “But I doubt he’ll be disappointed.” “B...but he’s not going to like me. Guys like that never...” Suddenly Jack grabbed Adrian’s head in his hands and forcefully turned it. “Look at the guy in the mirror.” He said. “Whatever pathetic man was living in this apartment when you went to bed is no longer here.” He reached out and squeezed one of Adrian’s nicely formed pecs with a gloved hand. There was a knock at the door knocked. “S… so we’re actually going to do this?” “WE aren’t going to do anything more tonight. YOU are going to go have FUN,” he said shoving Adrian out of the bathroom. When he turned around Jack was gone. The knock repeated and Adrian sheepishly made his way to the door, his heart racing. By the time he answered, he had taken so long that Kyle had already begun walking back down the hall to leave. “Well that took longer than… Hello.” He said suddenly smiling. “I see you’re all ready for me.” Suddenly Adrian realized he was just wearing the gym shorts he had been wearing in bed. “Oh… uh I’m sorry I just got out of bed,” he said, embarrassed. He could feel his back muscles starting to mound up slightly. Kyle walked in, with looks that would have been at home in posters on the wall of a trendy retailer in a mall. He smiled. “No need to apologize. I know I work late on Fridays. It was my turn to close out the bar.” He looked Adrian up and down with hungry eyes. “You’re so different from your pictures. You looked like a twink in those photos but I’m not complaining.” “Uh… sorry I guess...” It was all Adrian could stammer, feeling like a frog on a dissecting tray. He felt his ass swelling out in his shorts a little. Fortunately Kyle was pretty transfixed on his chest and abs. Kyle laughed. “I told you I wasn’t complaining.” He said, putting down his bag. He pulled off his shirt revealing a ripped toned physique. “I like a guy with some meat on him. ” He wrapped his arms around Adrian, gasped as he felt their pecs and abs touch. Adrian froze. His heart felt like it was going to pound out of his chest. He had no idea what he was doing. No one had ever found him attractive before. “What’s the matter?” Kyle said. “You don’t like what you see?” “N...no… NO it’s not that! You’re… amazing. I just… this… this never happened to me before so...” “Ohhhh first time huh? Still in the closet?” Adrian thought for a minute. He’d told plenty of people online that he was gay. But as far as having a person to person interaction where he talked about his sexuality in any fashion, that was way out of his comfort zone. “I mean I guess… kinda.” “Well lets just take things slow and see what happens?” Kyle said. Kyle must have had a different idea of taking things slow than Adrian because in ten minutes they were both in their underwear on his couch. He couldn’t help himself. Kyle had such a confident and soothing voice that Adrian just melted away in his arms. For the first time he could remember he was face to face with a stranger and relaxed. Kyle told him stories from his job, his day, and his life in general as he massaged those newly formed muscles, gradually working his way down to the elastic band of his undies. Adrian hung on every word as Kyle disarmed his anxieties one by one and the hands started massaging the massive bulge. Adrian groaned. “Oh? You like that huh?” Kyle smiled. “Maybe you’d like this,” he said sliding his fingers down the front of the briefs to feel his 8’’ cock. Before Adrian knew it he was laying there naked in front of Kyle as he continued talking as if nothing strange were going on, peppering him with compliments. “Wow, you’ve been hiding this guy from the world for too long,” he said stroking Adrian’s meat. As a-typical of a hookup as this was for Kyle, he was really getting off on schooling this perceived jock on the art of being with a guy, thinking the nervousness was all due to his repressed sexuality. The two laid there for several hours as Kyle taught him how to kiss and suck a cock. Their muscular bodies rubbed together like they were yin and yang. Bliss emanating from their tight, smooth skin. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The sun woke Adrian up. ‘What a dream...’ he thought. But when he went to move he felt a smooth body curled up next to him. He fully opened his eyes and saw Kyle asleep, using his chest as a pillow. They had fallen asleep cuddling. Adrian thought about the night before, remembering how he had eventually gotten Kyle to cum and how hot it had felt to have his warm spunk splatter all over his chest. “Holy crap that was real.” “Of course it was real.” Jack said, suddenly sitting on far arm of the couch. “Uh uh uhhh.” He waved his finger. “Don’t move, you wouldn’t want to wake your friend there. Don’t worry, he wont hear us talking.” “That was amazing… you were so right about needing this.” “Yes… well you wont be getting this for much longer when he finds out you don’t have a job.” Jack said. “Thanks for reminding me...” Adrian groaned. He had forgotten about that little detail. “Well I’ve taken the liberty of updating your Linkedin profile.” Again, he pulled Adrian’s phone out of his coat and handed it to him with the app open. The picture had been changed. Instead of an incredibly awkward photo, it showed him wearing a well fitting button down and vest. And his skills list had expanded. “But… I don’t know how to do any of these things.” “And yet you did them for years at your old job.” “Not well...” “Who cares about that? Interviews are about convincing people you’re better than you are. To be frank, the picture is going to carry the day. Do you know how many hiring managers are sexually frustrated? They’ll hire someone like you in a heart beat.” “But what do I tell Kyle? I really like him!” Adrian looked down at the perfect boy cuddled up against him. His cheek was gently bobbing up and down with the rise and fall of his chest, one of those lovely arms was wrapped around his waist, his cock was pressed against his waist, and their legs were intertwined. “Heh, you’re going to have to get in line with this one. He’s got more tricks on call than a circus collie.” “What? But last night was… was...” “Special? Magical? Heaven?” Jack chuckled. “For you it was. Don’t get me wrong, he had fun too. But how long is he going come in here and give you sex lessons while you just lay there and barely add anything to the conversation?” “Oh Jack, you’ve got to...” “Help you? I have helped you. I think I’ve done more than my fair share of the work here. Anything else would be another wish and I’m afraid you’ve already used yours.” He stood up and stretched. “Well I have to get going. I just dropped by to tell you to keep an eye out for new jobs now that you’ve got some more… assets.” Opened the door to the apartment, with a final nod to Adrian, and walked out. “Huh?” Kyle stirred on his chest. The sound of the door clanging shut had woken him. “What time is it?” “I uh… dunno…” He checked his phone. “9:30” “Got your phone out huh?” He grinned. “Taking pics? Well just as long as they don’t end up on the net.” He said rolling over on top of Adrian. “Ready for round two?” --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adrian adjusted his tie in the mirror, a week had gone by and things had pretty much gone the way Jack had predicted. Kyle had staid with him for the entire weekend, only leaving to go to work in the evenings. By Sunday he had lost every form of virginity that he had and was head over heels in love with Kyle, but then Monday had to roll around. Kyle kept saying he was busy and as the days wore on his text responses became less and less. Adrian had hoped they could make plans for the approaching weekend but every time he asked the response that came back hours later was always non-committal. However, he had managed to get an interview and that’s what he was getting ready for. Ubering downtown to the office where the meeting was to take place he practiced what he was going to say. He hated interviews for obvious reasons. ‘Please don’t be awkward…’ he pleaded with himself. He walked into the office and was led to a room where the hiring manager was sitting. The two shook hands and smiled and they closed the door. “I’m Matt!” He said with a smile. The interview started well enough. The man questioning him was obviously gay and checking him out the entire time but then came the awkward question. “So why did you leave your last position?” “Well… I uh… figured it was… time to move on you know? Seek new opportunities.” “I can understand that. I like a man who… when a man reaches for his dreams.” But then stared right at him and said, “Still you... must be quite confident in yourself to just leave without something else lined up.” Adrian turned red. Was this guy seeing through his bluff? “Well you know… you only live once.” “Yes...” he didn’t seem to be impressed with that answer. Suddenly Adrian felt naked and exposed in the room. His pecs started to stretch against his tight fitting dress shirt. He had purchased all new clothes for this interview and they fit him in a way that didn’t leave much to the imagination. As the hiring manager grilled him he felt more and more self conscious and his deltoids, triceps, and biceps began to strain against the fabric of his sleeves. Adrian became aware of how tight his clothes were getting and realized what was happening. “Oh fuck… not here...” “Excuse me?” Matt said with surprise. He had said that out loud. “Oh… jeeze I’m sorry but I think I have to...” POP! A button flew off of his shirt as his chest continued to swell. POP POP POP! More buttons flew as his pecs pushed their way out of his shirt making him even more self conscious. “What are you doing?” The Matt said in shock. “Please… I can’t help it! I’ve got to go!” He said getting up but the movement caused his biceps to rip through his sleeves. “Oh Fuck no!” He shouted as his ass began to shred his dress pants. “God what is happening?” Matt thought back to a strange encounter he had had the night before and was wondering if it was connected to Adrian’s muscular body as it shredded through his business attire. He watched as a 12’’ cock emerged from his newly exposed underwear. Being completely naked made him more self conscious than he’d ever been in his life. “Please… you’ve got to help me!” Adrian pleaded. “I can’t go out in public like...” SNAP! His elastic burst and two fist sized nuts dangled down out in the open as the last shreds of his clothes fell to the floor. He got to his knees, his pecs still swelling, pushing his nipples downward. “Please I need help.” “I… I…” Matt struggled to get control of himself. “Just tell me what’s going on.” “I made a wish. I shouldn’t have done it… Now I’ve just got to get back to my apartment. Please don’t call the police… I’ll do anything.” As he begged his shoulders broadened and back muscles expanded into rippling mounds. “A wish?” Matt said, raising his eyebrow. “Yes a man told me he could get me what I wanted and I really fucked it up. I’m so sorry.” Adrian said as his pec valley deepened and his body stretched to over 6’ 8’’. “A man in a gray suit? With green eyes and a hat?” Matt said, beginning to tremble. “Y...yeah?” Adrian paused. Matt raised his hand, and for the first time Adrian noticed that his thumb and forefinger appeared to be swollen and red as if they’d been burned. “I… um… wished for a boyfriend that would turn everyone’s head...” Adrian became a houseboy. His tendency to grow when self conscious made working around people a problem. Matt took care of him but finding clothes that would fit him after he hit 7 feet, five hundred pounds, was difficult and explaining to his friends why his partner was always bigger than the last time they saw him proved impossible. While he got off on Adrian’s gigantic body, he had to keep him a secret. Still, he felt responsible for Adrian’s condition because of the wish he made so he always took care of him. So in the end Adrian got a body he could be confident about that he had to hide from the world and Matt got a boyfriend that would turn anyone’s head that he could show anybody. So sometimes you can get exactly what you want and still not be happy.
  7. BigZargo12

    Joining the iron devils gym

    Joining the iron devils gym Me and Dominic were both bored and frustrated while exploring the town looking for a place to stay after our parents kicked us out. The good news was we were over 21 and had plenty of money. The bad news was we had no plans for college or any high aspiration for our lives and had no place to stay. While I was pondering our situation Dominic said,” do you smell something weird, Nikolai.” “What smell” I said confused, then I smell it. The smell was like spicy musk making me feel warm for some reason. The spicy musk smell was coming from the building next to us. With its worn appearance and it blackened windows and no sign on the outside, I fought this place abandoned. We started to walk towards the blackened glass door of the building. I had no idea why I was going inside this strange building, but it was like my body was on autopilot. “It must be a special restaurant or a spice shop,” Dominic said nervously, trying to rationalize why in hell we were going into this mysterious building. What We saw shocked us, extremely huge beefy men exercising and lifting huge Weights. We just stood there for a couple seconds stunned at the site of these huge men. When we heard a deep voice behind us. “Do you like what you see boys. Real strong men lifting shit and taking no crap from anyone.” The huge burly man who said that was standing in front of the door, our exit from this place. His short black hair, chinstrap beard, hard gray eyes, blunted nose, and round face. Wearing a black sleeveless shirt with a red demon lifting weights as its logo, with black shorts, with black and red shoes and holding a black and red gym bag. His huge bulging muscles stood out against his huge tight sleeveless shirt making him look intimidating. I heard Dominic gulp in fear at the site of this hulking man. The spicy musky smell coming off of this masculine man was starting to make my nose water. “Look what we have here twig and blogger”, another deep voice coming from behind us. Me and Dominic turned around to see another huge man with a handlebar mustache shaved head brown eyes and dark brown skin wearing the same clothes as the first one. “Who are you calling blogger,” Dominic said with a timidly stutter. The big burly dark skin man went out to Dominic’s face and said, “I did, what you’re going to do about it, fat boy.” Dominic wilting against this man’s stare, has the big man with is huge sausage like fingers flicked Dominic’s pudgy nose. I said,” hey you dumb big beefcake leaves my friend alone.” He turned to me with a wicked smile and said. “You two have fallen into the abyss and now you are in the Iron Devil gym.” The one in front of us grabbed Dominic and lifted him like a child, while the other one behind us and in front of the door grabbed me and said.” These two will make a great addition to the iron devil gym. Before I knew what happened, me and Dominic were wearing black sleeveless shirts and black and red shorts with the gym logo on it and lifting weights to demonic sounding heavy metal music. Both of our shirts were huge, mines barely fit on my skinny frame, while Dominic’s was quite filled in. My coach name was Roman the one who grabbed be in the one who was blocking the door. While Dominic’s coach was Matt the one who called me twig and Dominic blubber. At first Roman’s insults made me angry and or sad but the more I exercise the more I channeled my emotions into the next lifted. The more I lifted the better I felt the more I wanted to feel my muscles burn. I sat up from lifting weights from the workbench trends in sweat. as Roman handed me a water bottle, taking a swig from it, I saw myself in the mirror. For a second, I didn’t even recognize myself. My black hair was longer, and I was starting to grow a 5 o’clock shadow on my face. My wants flat hairless chest now had some muscle, my pecs were starting to stick out, my arms were larger and defined, and I could see that my had armpit hair and chest hair drenched with sweat. With my muscular legs I got up following Roman to a special lunchroom. Roman and Matt led to me and Dominic to a table with two plates filled with food. When I sat down, I began to eat, when Dominic asked me. “What in hell happened to you Nikolai. Forgive me for saying that you were skinny guy this morning but now your starting to look like a regular gym regular Gower.” I just stared at him and noticed that he had tears and a bruise on his face. As soon as our lunch break was over I immediately without prompting from Roman, hopped on an exercise machine. Then before I could start, I noticed that Dominic was being dragged towards an exercise machine as well. Dominic somehow slipped from Romans and Matt’s strong grip and ran towards me. Dominic panting said,” Nikolai we need to leave this place. It’s trying to change us into muscle beast or gym zombie or something.” I got off the exercise machine that I was using and punch Dominic in the gut causing him to double over in pain, as Roman and Matt grabbed, and we placed him in the machine that I was using. Dominic was crying and pleading for me to snap out of it. I slapped his fat belly and said,” come on fatso you have weights to crunch.” Dominic had a sad, and shocked looked, as me, Roman and Matt tied him to the exercise machine. Two more huge gym members watched Dominic has, me Roman and Matt began seriously exercising. Every exercise machine I use causes me to grow huge with muscles, causing me slowly filling out this the gym clothes that Roman gave to me. I felt Every muscle in my body burn with exertion. I was driven by an unholy desire to become bigger and stronger, to see my muscles grow. Every insult that Roman and Matt gave felt like encouragement for me to keep going. The loud demonic metal music used to annoy me but now it makes my body feel pump to exercise as I nod to the rhythm of it, and the ones spicy musk smell that would’ve made me gag now smell better than fresh air. I could feel my clothes become tight because of my growing muscles, if I was still wearing my old shoes and clothes they would’ve been shredded to bits by now. Eventually Roman told me that I was done for the day. I got up from the exercise machine and started to head towards the locker room when I saw my reflection in the mirror. I was huge and hairy; my black hair reaches back of my neck while my beard was starting to reach the tops of my big hairy pecs. The black sleeveless shirt that barely fit me was now tying against my huge muscular body. My skinny arms were replaced by two huge hairy arms that sported huge biceps cover with lots of vein and pepper with black hair, and my thighs were now like the tree trunks. I eventually stopped looking at myself and started to walk toward locker room. I was in one of the showers stalls letting the hot water soothing my aching muscles. When the I heard the stall door opening, I turned around thinking that I must have forgotten to lock the shower stall, when I saw a huge hairy man. at first, I didn’t recognize him, then I asked, “Dominic is that you?”, He just smiled for his answer and came closer to me. The one fat nerd was now a behemoth of a man, like me his brown hair grew out, slightly covering his eyes and his unkept beard reached his huge hairy pecs. He still had fat but instead of his belly sagging because of it, now it was a firm beef belly. His arms and legs were now huge and hairy with muscle, with arms like bowling balls and tree trunk like legs. Then I noticed his huge fat hard cock sticking out and his huge hairy balls, inviting me to partake. I wanted to stick my fat hard cock into his thick ass, but I kneeled instead as a form of peace offering. Dominic came closer, accepting my peace offering for punching him in the gut, as I’d open my mouth to receive his juicy beef stick, he placed both of his big hands behind back of my head. The me from this morning with a gag at the site two men sucking each other’s cocks, but the feeling and taste of Dominic’s fat cock and balls was so intoxicating. I began to feel Dominic’s thick beefy cock move, thrusting his thick hips back and forth as he began to face fuck me hard. I enjoyed the taste of his salty cum and the way his hard-fat cock stuffed down my throat. I love how Every thrust of his cock made me want more of his manly cum. Dominic began to thrust faster as he climaxed as his came closer. Eventually his muscular back straight, and is hard cock stiffen as it shot his hot sticky cum into my thirsty mouth. Dominic smile as I got up from sucking his fat cock. With no words Dominic kneeled and began to suck me off. Like me Dominic was thirsty for my cum. Feeling his thick tongue on my cock made me moan and pleasure. It didn’t take me long for my balls to stiffen up and for me to shoot my load into Dominic’s mouth. Dominic got up from sucking my fat cock. We eventually finished showering and headed back into locker room where Roman and Matt was waiting for us. Bonus Hell-Daddy watched as his gym gained two new members. He loved watching his gym turned week kids into big strong men and soon these two men will become his muscle demons. That is the fate of all men who enter his gym.
  8. Chesnaughty

    Papá ayudándome a crecer

    • Esta es mi primera historia en este lugar, siempre tengo muchas historias presentes en el día a día, y me animé a probar algo nuevo hoy, espero que les guste y disculpen cualquier fallo que pueda tener en la continuidad, ortografía o en la estructura del texto. Contexto: esta es una sociedad únicamente habitada por hombres, en donde solo ciertos especímenes tienden a crecer en algún momento de la pubertad como forma de garantizar la reproducción, esto pasa de generación en generación y usualmente sucede entre los 15 - 18 años de edad. Si no llega a suceder en esa etapa de la vida del macho, es casi imposible que suceda después. ------------------------------------------- Capitulo 1: Crecimiento tardío Nunca antes hubiera imaginado que me pasara esto a estas alturas de mi adolescencia, en especial cuando todos esperan algo de mi, tan solo una señal para garantizar que realmente estoy sufriendo algún cambio. Soy el chico que está en boca de todos en la comunidad manejada por mi familia, esperan "grandes" cosas de mi. Mi nombre es Erick, soy un joven de 18 años, 1.65 de altura, muy pequeño para el promedio, delgado, enfermizo, y "delicado" según las personas que me rodean, suelo vivir deseando que suceda mi cambio lo más pronto posible. ¿Cuál cambio? La hiper pubertad por la que sufren ciertos hombres. Vengo de una familia de machos alfa que se caracterizan por ser bestias enormes que embarazan a cualquier hombre que tengan enfrente, se dan a respetar, y pueden hacer lo que sea con quién sea y cuando quieran. Mi padre ha sido el macho alfa más grande hasta la fecha, un hombre de 1.95 de altura de piel morena, 35 años de edad (sí, me tuvo a los 17 años, pues su apetito sexual aumentó exageradamente cuando tenía 16 después de pasar por el cambio tan agresivo que es la hiper pubertad) tiene unos pectorales enormes y peludos con los que puede romper rocas como si fueran pedazos de arena debilitados por el agua del mar, puede sacar leche llena de proteínas fácilmente al estimular sus grandes y jugosos pezones, Unos brazos gigantescos de los cuales podría sentirse celoso un gorila lomo plateado con los que levanta ferrocarriles, unas piernas peludas y tonificada como robles, una espalda llena de vellos y musculatura en su estado más puro, un cuello grueso y venoso del cual sale la voz más imponente y grave que puedas imaginar, un rostro con una barbilla cuadrada y afilada, con una barba de candado bien cuidada de color negro, y con esos ojos azules que... Derriten el alma de cualquiera, haciéndole juego esa sonrisa calida y amable que desprende cada vez que me ve llegar a casa. Sí, uno esperaría que un gigante de su talla con tal virilidad y potencia sexual sea agresivo, monstruoso y engreído, pero mi amado padre no era así, era el hombre más bondadoso que jamás he conocido, aunque no todos son capaces de ver eso porque se sienten atemorizados por su enorme tamaño o porque están muy ocupados masturbarse pensando en el. El siempre estuvo allí para protegerme y cuidarme, cuando era pequeño me gustaba esconderme en sus brazos, luego cargarme, y hacerme rebotar con sus pectorales y bíceps duros y bien desarrollados, era mi caballero dorado que siempre me hacía reír. Poco a poco fuí creciendo, y mi padre se preocupaba cada vez más al ver que no mostraba signos de crecimiento ni a los 15 años, ni a los 16, o a los 17 incluso, ahora tengo 18 y sigo sin mostrar signos, falta un mes para mí cumpleaños número 19, significa que si no presento cambios ahora, es probable que nunca pase. Hace tres años, los doctores y especialistas le aconsejaron algo que podría activar una sustancia en mi llamada hipertestosterona de forma más efectiva, darme de tomar leche con sus pectorales directamente en mi boca como cuando era bebé, está idea me gustaría decir que era algo que no me gustaba... Pero me encantaba, no podía parar de pedir cada vez más y más leche de mi papá, necesitaba masajear sus pechos y sacar ese líquido, me encantaba sentir su respiración agitada y escuchar sus gemidos de placer cada vez que salía la leche y yo mamaba su pezón. Así pasaron los años tomando leche de mi padre y no ha pasado nada hasta ahora. --------------------------------------------------- Caminaba por la calle con mi hermano menor, Aza, un chico de 16 años lleno de vida, 1.69, cabello castaño, ojos azules como los de papá, y un cuerpo relativamente entrenado por su actividad física constante, ligeramente mejor que la mía, el no quería demasiada musculatura pues era velocista y siempre mencionaba que si tuviera músculos como los de papá, no podría dedicarse a lo que le gusta hacer, el sabía que no iba a poder ser parte de la hiper pubertad, pues solo sucede con el primer hijo de una familia de machos alfa por alguna razón que no acababa de comprender, aún así, papá nos amaba por igual, y siempre nos cuidaba como cuando éramos niños, al parecer seguíamos siendo sus pequeños cachorritos a pesar de que ya éramos adolescentes con gustos diferentes a los de un niño, y en mi caso, un adulto joven descubriendo sus posibilidades. Aza empezó a hablar sobre la visita de ayer a casa de mi tío, y dijo que mi tío Ronaldo, un hombre de 1.75 (que yo recuerde), cabello oscuro, y moreno (el hermano de mi padre) estaba más grande que nunca, al parecer había estado entrenando mucho, pues sus músculos eran como los de un fisicoculturista (no como los de mi papá, eso está claro, pero definitivamente estaba cambiado según las palabras de mi hermano), estaba desarrollando mucha fuerza en sus brazos de manera acelerada, mi hermanito también comenta su cambio de actitud, el era un hombre serio y poco hablador, pero la última vez que lo vió, notó que ahora es engreído y le encanta humillar a otros con su tamaño, eso era algo curioso. Esto me dejó algo sorprendido, pues sonaba como un episodio de hiper pubertad, solo que mi tío tenía 28 años de edad, por lo tanto era imposible según los registros que pasara por ese cambio y al ser el segundo hijo de un macho alfa era aún más improbable. Volvimos a casa caminando por la avenida principal de nuestra ciudad, y notaba que la gente murmuraba cosas cuando pasaba cerca de mi, escuchaba "no ha cambiado nada,", "seguramente no es un macho alfa o es adoptado", "si fuera un macho alfa y tuviera a ese chico por hijo, estaría muy decepcionado". Esos comentarios me afectaban aunque no demostrara ningún tipo de dolor, y mi hermano lo sabía, solo sentí su abrazo cálido en mi espalda cuando caminábamos, lo cual me hizo sentir mejor instantáneamente, su calor era reconfortante. Hoy era día de lechita, estaba entrando a casa junto a Aza cuando escuché que mi papá se sentó en el sofá, era un crujido algo fuerte, pues los muebles no aguantan el peso de mi enorme papá toro y tenemos que cambiarlos frecuentemente, fuí a verlo y empezó nuestra interacción, el me recibió con un cálido abrazo, "h-hola pequeño, te he estado esperando todo el día p-para tu dosis de amor", en ese momento noté que su voz estaba temblorosa... Cómo si estuviera nervioso o agitado por algo, le pregunté si estaba bien pues se veía agobiado. El me respondió "oh, n-no es nada, solamente ando sensible de mis p-pechos, no creo poder aguantar la retención de líquidos t-tanto tiempo hijo, ¿me ayudas con esto?", Acto seguido, se sacó la playera que llevaba para mostrar sus pectorales enormes y jugosos temblando ligeramente, parecían dos pelotas palpitantes con unos pezones más grandes de lo usual, me empecé a preocupar y le pregunté si el estaba bien, el me respondió con una voz calmada "Solo es un cambio que he estado sufriendo desde ayer, todo está bien pequeño, no te preocupes por tu viejo", esos ojos me llenaron de calma y paz, lo que necesitaba en ese momento. Aza al ver toda esta situación se sorprendió como yo, pues nunca había visto tan hinchados los pechos de papá, papá nos abrazó a los dos y nos dijo que no estuvieramos asustados, esto quitó todas nuestras dudas nuevamente. Aza se fué a su cuarto y yo me quedé con papá, pues ya sabía lo que venía y le daba vergüenza quedarse a ver tal escena tan erótica. Papá me sentó junto a el en el sofá y me dijo "esta vez todo será diferente, he probado una nueva forma de fortalecer la sustancia que sale de mis pechos" Iba a preguntar qué fue lo que hizo para fortalecer sus nutrientes en la leche, pero en ese momento empezó a gemir incontroladamente tocando sus pechos, "¿Papá, qué pasa?" Pregunté alarmado de nuevo, el respondió "s-solo necesito sacar la l-leche de una vez, es d-demasiado para aguantar, no voy a soportar ni un segundo más así, ¿me haces el favor? Te lo su-suplico hijo". Veía como realmente estuviera desesperado, sus ojos ya no daban tranquilidad, era más como si estuviera a punto de gritar por la excitación, así que empecé a mamar sus pezones en el acto. Mi padre empezó a estremecerse agresivamente y cayó al suelo, obligándome a ponerme sobre sus abdominales duros como ladrillos, estaba sudando demasiado, a la par de todos estos movimientos repentinos estaba gimiendo, yo chupaba los pezones como nunca lo había hecho, estaba tardando en sacar la leche más de lo usual, parecía como su hubieran cerrado una puerta con llave. "¡¡Ohhh dios, eso se s-siente bien, hazlo más r-rápido por favor, pequeño!!", Yo obedecí y empecé a jalar sus duros pectorales, al tocar un punto sensible de su pecho mi padre comenzó a gritar y a estremecerse más, parecía que había llegado a un estado de excitación totalmente irreal, se estaba volviendo agresivo, empezó a actuar como un animal en celo. Empezó a gruñir y a decir cosas como "¡los mariquitas como tu les encantan los músculos enormes como los míos, mira que fuerte estoy pedazo de mierda enana!" Dijo esto mientas gemia, nunca antes me había tratado así, ni me había hablado con groserías o gritándome cosas ofensivas, me sentí asustado, pero no me detuve. "¡¡OHH SÍ, CHUPARME LAS MALDITAS TETAS, SACA MI PUTA LECHE DE UNA VEZ ENANO!!", en este punto, ya no reconocía al hombre que estaba en frente de mi, veía sus ojos y no eran los ojos que yo conocía de mi padre, estos ojos no eran tiernos y agradables de ver, eran penetrantes, agresivos y miraban de forma bestial hacia mi, parecía que penetraban mi alma. Miré hacia atrás un momento porque sus piernas empezaron a alzarse del suelo rápidamente, las movía descontrolado, y entonces lo vi, el pene de mi padre creciendo rápidamente, se veía masivo y enorme, poco a poco iba rasgando la tela de su ropa interior negra, dejando ver el pene totalmente descubierto y venoso, palpitando pidiendo que alguien lo chupe, ahora oficialmente estaba aterrado, mi padre nunca había desatado su apetito sexual conmigo de esta forma, todas estas emociones eran nuevas. Volví a ver su cara, y sus ojos miraban había arriba mientras babeaba, su excitación estaba a nieves altos, algo que nunca había experimentado en sus 35 años de vida. Mi enorme padre empezó a temblar, y sus pechos palpitaron fuertemente mientras él encorvaba su espalda en forma de arco, una respuesta involuntaria de su cuerpo al experimentar toda esa adrenalina, realmente mi padre se estaba transformado en una bestia. Sus bolas comenzaron a volverse más grandes, veía como los testículos de toro de mi padre se llenaban de venas y comenzaban a volverse globos de semen totalmente gigantes. Los músculos de mi padre empezaron a crecer a la par de sus bolas, su pecho se volvió más firme y grande, "¡¡oh maldita sea, mis t-tetas están fuera de control, esto se siente tan bien!!", Podía verlas temblar sintiendo como las fibras musculares se rompían y se regeneraban una y otra vez, esto me puso caliente igualmente. Sus hombros se ensancharón, era una pared masiva totalmente descontrolada convulsionando en el suelo, una masa de carne creciendo. Sus brazos duplicaron su tamaño, había montañas en sus bíceps, unas bolas brillantes en su piel morena. Sus piernas no se quedaron atrás, empezaron a crecer junto a sus glúteos que ahora estaban bombeando, sentí como su cuerpo se levantaba poco a poco por la obra de su ahora nuevo culo de monstruo, sus pies ahora eran gigantes, mucho más grandes que antes. La bestia que ahora tenía como padre comenzó a flexionar mientras yo chupaba sus enormes tetas, una posición de bíceps masiva, para luego lazar un poco su culo para meter sus enormes dedos en el, "¡¡¡MIRA ESTOS BRAZOTES, MIRA ESTA POLLA ENORME QUE TENGO, NUNCA HABÍAS VISTO ALGO ASI DE GRANDE ¿VERDAD?, MIRA EN LO QUE HAS CONVERTIDO A TU PADRE MARIQUITA!!!" Empezó a gritarme. Sus pechos dejaron de temblar un momento y... Soltaron la leche como si fuera un chorro a presión en mi boca, el no paraba de tocar la punta de su pene mientras se masturbaba, y a la par del géiser de leche que salía por sus tetas, su pene empezó a sacar cantidades enormes de esperma, cantidades que solo un macho alfa puede producir, el estaba rugiendo de placer en este momento, soltó un "ARRRRGGGGGG" al aire. Yo estaba tragando toda su leche, me iba a ahogar de toda la leche que estaba tomando, sentía como mi estómago se inflaba poco a poco por la el líquido de los pechos de mi papá, empezaba a entrar en un estado de excitación al que nunca había entrado, deseaba que la bestia que tenía como padre me siguiera alimentando de esta forma, todo era tan intenso, tan salvaje, estaba tan caliente en su estómago, no podía evitar tocar de vez en cuando su pene con mis pies. Entonces paró la leche poco a poco, yo estaba lleno, y mi papá me tiró al suelo, se puso sobre mi y ví otra vez esa mirada salvaje y demoníaca en su rostro, volví a tener miedo de el, no sabía lo que era capaz de hacer en este momento. Golpeó el suelo con sus puños y provocó algunos agujeros con grietas en este. Su fuerza estaba fuera de control, el hombre amable que me protegía siempre había desaparecido, y su respiración agitada como la de un toro lo demostraba. El gruñía mientras veía como mi pene se levantaba en mis pantalones, lo que hizo a continuación me sorprendió. El sin mucho esfuerzo, arrancó mi ropa y me puso firme contra el suelo, no era posible que iba a pasar esto, el me quería follar, solo sentía su respiración en mi cuello y empecé a sollozar, estaba asustado, quería a mi papá de vuelta, esto ya no me gustaba, no quería que hiciera esto. La bestia quedó en shock al verme así, un hombrecito con el estómago inflado en el suelo, llorando, rogando para que su papá no lo lastimara, tan débil, tan vulnerable, tan asustado. El entró el razón de nuevo, quedó pasmado por unos segundos antes de poder formular una palabra "y-yo... Yo...", Levanté la vista para ver sus ojos azules ahora asustados y preocupados, entonces, las lágrimas salieron, me abrazó con cariño mientras se ponía de rodillas en el suelo, sosteniendome con sus brazos con mucho cuidado para no lastimarme, volví a sentir su calidez y nos pusimos a llorar los dos al mismo tiempo, no podíamos decir nada por el llanto. Pasaron así unos minutos hasta que el comenzó a hablar entre sollozos "l-o siento mi pequeño, te estuve haciendo daño por no poderme controlar, no puedo perdonarme eso, no podré perdóname eso nunca, disculpame por favor mi niño", yo le respondí "papá, te volviste una bestia incontrolable allí, ¿qué te pasó?", El se quedó mirando a mi estómago lleno de leche y me dijo "estaba buscando una forma de provocar que tú transformación sucediera pronto, y empecé a tomar mi propio semen y mi leche, necesitaba producir hipertestosterona en mi para que fuera efectivo... Pero veo que solo me descontroló", pasó a sentir su nuevo cuerpo, más grande y más fuerte que antes, veo que yo fuí quien creció mientras tomabas mi leche, yo le respondí "eres enorme papá, ¿Puedo tomar tus bíceps?", El me respondió mientras ponía su brazo flexionado en mi cara "es obvio que te dejaré tocarme, necesito que mis hijos me admiren por el gigante que soy", le dije después de escuchar eso "papá yo te admiro por todo lo que has hecho por mi", volví a ver su sonrisa calida y juguetona en ese rostro más masculino ahora sí es que fuera posible eso. Se levantó del suelo, y era la imagen más gloriosa que podía ver de un hombre, me dió la mano para poder levantarme con su ayuda, sentí su fuerza en el brazo y noté que había crecido en altura también, "papá, eres enorme" le mencioné, "estoy seguro que he crecido un poco en mi altura jaja" respondió riéndose nerviosamente, luego recordó a Aza y algo hizo click en el. "Ve a ver a tu hermano, debe estar muy asustado por todo el ruido que hicimos, hijo" dijo con Ian voz amable, yo obedecí y subí al cuarto de mi hermano a buscarlo. El estaba escondido en el armario, al ver qué estaba bien soltó un suspiro, pero se preocupó al ver mi panza algo inflada, yo le dije que no se preocupara por eso ahora, que lo importante es que papá y yo estábamos a salvo, salió a abrazarme y a besar mi frente. Entonces lo sentí, sentí una carga de energía recorrer mi cuerpo, sentí como mis testículos empezaron a temblar y palpitar como cuando mi padre estaba transformándose, podía sentir el calor y el poder que estaba generando mi cuerpo ahora sudoroso, caí al suelo de rodillas con los brazos apoyando mi cuerpo, mi hermano empezó a asustarse "¡¿estás bien Erick?!", Yo podía sentirlo, estaba comenzando mi trasformación, lo que tanto deseaba, estaba emocionado, tan excitado, pero recordé que tan agresivo se puso mi padre, y empecé a temer por lo que le pudiera hacer a mi hermanito. El se acercó a ayudarme, pero yo lo empujé con una fuerza que no podía manejar, tirándolo al suelo, el se veía desconcertado, yo entre los gruñidos que comencé a sacar solo alcancé a decir con esfuerzo y gritando "¡ALÉJATE, N-NO QUIERO HACERTE D-DAÑO!... ¡¡¡ARRRRGGGGGG!!!"...
  9. msclvrtoo

    Just Dave And Me - Part V

    Here;s Part V Just Dave and Me – Part V (Part III has yet to be written. The “writing gods wanted” Part IV and V next) (See Parts I, II and IV for important background) By [email protected] Scott “Damn, you sure know how to put on a show…without even looking like you’re putting on a show. Awesome. I have to tell you again, and I don’t care who hears, you are the most massive, built, sexy and handsome man I have ever met. Your swim trunks make you look like a god – truly a muscle-god. And, your big-ass bulge is still centered! I wonder how long that is going to last!” Oh yeah, there’s always a time for muscle-talk and this certainly is the place. God knows it is so easy with Dave. Fuck, I bet some of these gawkers would love to come over and have some muscle-talk with him. Knowing Dave, I’ll bet he’ll gladly engage them and fuck with their minds over what he has to say and especially, how he says it. Now that certainly didn’t take long. We barely got ourselves settled and here come two young girls in really skimpy bikinis. Dave “Hi girls. Enjoying the sun?” Let’s see what they want to feel first. Probably my biceps. “Thank you for the compliment, I’ve been working out for a lot of years now and still compete from time to time. Meet Scott, my partner. No, not my training partner. He’s my partner partner.” I see Scott sit up more straight and a huge grin comes over him. “Thank you, again. Yes, these muscles are real. No steroids. Sure, you can feel my bicep. I’m really proud of these babies. 25 inches pumped. Yes, they don’t get much bigger than that on any guy. Go ahead…feel all around…I won’t hurt you…hummm…that feels really good…I like your soft hands…here’s the other one…each of you gets a bicep today…it’s your lucky day. Yep, those veins are really thick. One of my best features don’t you think?” I love it when folks just let their natural lustful tendencies come out and aren’t worried about what others think. These girls clearly are in that category. “Yeah, Scott and I will be working out in the hotel gym this week. Sure, maybe we’ll see you there. Happy to give you a few workout tips.” Now, that was short and sweet. I could tell they were getting all hot and bothered by feeling me up. They couldn’t stop their soft squeals and giggles. When they weren’t looking at my biceps, their eyes were glued on my huge bulge. I know they wanted to get their hands groping that big time. These girls just broke the ice for everybody else. Now, I bet, we’re gonna have a parade. That’s fine by me. I hope Scott is getting off on it. Scott “Dave, you are such a nice guy to these people. I really like that about you. That’s the man I’ve come to know in the last day. Did you see how those girls couldn’t take their eyes off your bulging crotch? I bet their fantasy world was going nuts…pun intended. And, by the way, your double biceps was a mind-blower. That sure as hell got a lot of people’s attention.” Ok, now I want some guys to come up here and get us into some small talk…maybe hear Dave talk muscle talk with them. That would be cool. There sure are some hot guys out here. I wonder who will make the first move? Dave “Thanks, man. I find in my business it just pays to be nice to people. Though I’d be the first to say I have no patience for egotistical assholes…and you find a hell of a lot of them in bodybuilding, that’s for sure.” Okay, the girls have broken the ice. Now, give me a big boy who wants some special attention from this muscle monster. No doubt that is exactly what Scott wants too. Oh boy, we have our first fresh man catch of the day. Looks like one of the two muscle guys I held the door open for is making his way over here, and trying not to look too obvious about it. What he doesn’t get, probably, is everybody is watching him, too. He’s definitely first-class muscle eye-candy himself. Hell, he probably does know a lot of folks are looking at him and likes it as much as I do. The problem for him is that he wants to be with me and that scares the living shit out of him. These kinds of guys are always dealing with their insecurities. Hats off to him for being courageous. Scott “Hi, my name’s Scott, this is my partner Dave. What’s yours?” Okay, Tim, talk about avoidance. You’re introducing yourself to me, first, not Dave. Yeah, I know what’s up with that. But that’s ok. Jeesuz, this young guy is really built, handsome in a rough kind of way, and has a big beautiful package in his Speedos. I’m going to take a leap here. “Why don’t you pull up that chair over there and put it between us. That way you can get to know us both.” He’s nervous. He’s not sure who to talk to first. Yes, that’s right…start talking with your new muscle-god, Dave, first. That’s being honest. \ Dave Scott’s not missing a trick here. Good for him. He’s got this modest muscle boy right between us and the muscle boy has the common sense to start a conversation with me, first. If he had started talking to Scott first, that would have pissed me off…not because he’d be talking to Scott but because he’d be being so dishonest about the fact that it’s me that lured him over here. He’s trying to look at my face, but his eyes are darting all over my body and especially at my crotch. Got his number. “Thanks for all the compliments, Tim. You look pretty damn good yourself. In fact, you look like competition level to me. Give me a double-bi. Yeah, right here. It’s okay, it looks like most everyone around here is into muscle. Damn, you’ve got some peaks on you, boy. That looks good. “Scott, what do you think?” Scott nods enthusiastically with a nice big smile. “Yeah, I agree, work on those triceps, they’re what really make an arm look big. Sure, here’s mine. Go ahead. Feel them. Everyone wants to. You have 1000’s of pounds to lift to get them up to my standard. Yeah, I love the way the veins explode when I flex. You’ll have those in no time if you keep workin’ at it.” This guy is definitely hooked. Wouldn’t mind having him work out with me and Scott later in the week. He’d get an eye full and hand full. Hell, Scott even might consider a three-some with this big stud. I’ll have to find out. Here I go, opening my big mouth. “So, Tim, you keep looking down at my crotch. Do you like what you see there, too?” I’ve either scared the kid off or got him really excited. We’ll see. “Hey, I know you have to understand that we bodybuilders – yourself included -- want to show all of our stuff off… all of it. Hell, you’ve got one hell of a package in those tight Speedos of yours. Of course, you know the effect you have on men and women, just as I know the effect I have. So, own it buddy. Don’t pretend or be shy. That’s bullshit in this day and age. Scott and I are both men here and appreciate good-looking built guys like you.” Compliments always help, I find. “Well, welcome to the club, Tim. Thanks for no bull-shit. Scott and I are both gay and love muscles and muscle-worshipping. You ever let someone worship your muscles or worship another body-builder’s muscles?” Shit, I’m being bold, but he’s hanging on my every word. “That’s a real shame, Tim, a real shame. You’re missing out. Hey, Scott, tell him what it’s like to worship my muscles”. Damn, Scott couldn’t stop talking – at length and in graphic detail -- about what it’s like to be with me. I’m really proud of him. “See, Tim, you’re good-looking and built enough to have a lot of body-builders want you to worship them. And they’ll want to worship you. You got to understand that it is a two-way street where both guys get to get off – except for different reasons. It’s the beauty of muscle-worshipping – both the giving and the getting is one hell of a turn-on. But I bet you really know all of this already, right? Like being with that stud friend of yours.” Well, that’s enough lecture from me. Damn, he is listening intently. And, I see he’s starting to get hard…it’s going up to his hip. Good for him. After all, that’s what a little muscle talk is supposed to do. Scott Christ, I felt like a salesman convincing Tim that it was ok to worship muscle and ok to be worshipped. It didn’t take much…his hard-on --- growing up the right side of his speedo --- is telling Dave and me everything we need to know. He seems like a nice guy….no attitude…just shy…a guy like me only with a lot of muscles and good-looks. He’s got a smile on his face now. Looks like the nerves are gone. Here I go again, taking some more initiative. “Hey Dave, what about if we invited Tim up to our room and you two could give me a private posing exhibition?” I could tell by Dave’s sly grin that I was reading his mind. And, Tim, he damn near jumped out of his chair in a jolt of enthusiasm. Dave “Ok, Tim, my partner Scott and I are going to hang around here at the pool for a while longer. What about if you meet us in our room, Room 536, at about 5pm. Bring whatever posers, Speedos, and swim trunks you have and we’ll make some recommendations on what seems to look best on you. It wouldn’t hurt if you went to the workout room in the meantime and pumped yourself up so you’re ready for us. And be sure not to jack-off in the meantime. Save yourself.” This is cool. We’ll have to talk about safe sex, but that’ll only take a moment and I’ve got all the condoms we’ll need. He’ll find out there’s more to posing then just worshipping muscles. “You’re welcome…we’ll be looking forward to it”. “Hey Scott, sounds like you really wanted this. Yeah, he seems like a good guy. We’ll help him out and have a hot muscle-worshipping session – just among us. And the afternoon is so young!” This is really getting the show rolling…love it. Scott We took our time and, with a little bit of show, rubbed sun tan oil into each other’s backs. Dave did me first and it felt like heaven to have his huge calloused hand slowly massage every inch of my back, my shoulders, and my neck. I could feel his incredible strength and he knew it as he pushed in hard in a few places, especially working over my tight shoulder muscles with his muscular fingers. All of this in public, of course. Shit, I really didn’t care. Though I knew a hell of a lot of eyes were watching what was going on between us. Then I did Dave’s back…or at least tried to. God, there was so much tight skin and hard muscle I hardly knew where to start. He made no pretense about flexing his back while I slowly applied the lotion. His back muscles squirm and bulge out everywhere. It really was a turn-on for me to rub the lotion into his upper delts. Even sitting down he expanded his lats and I rubbed the lotion on those monsters that really looked like 50 pound plates. Then I went down the center of his back and started putting lotion in his lower back crevice, just short of his very low swim trunk top, mixing the lotion with the hair that was growing down there. Fuck, that was so damn sexy. I was as hard as rock the whole time. It feels really good to help Tim out…the way Dave is really helping me out…big time. I’m so glad to be with Dave and to have him for this week. God knows what other good stuff can happen. Dave Oh yeah, buddy, I see you over there. And I know you see me, all of me. And, you can’t keep your eyes off me. Shit, you’re not bad yourself. But what’s with the Hawaiian shirt? Afraid to show what you’ve got? Or, more likely, just waiting for the right time to unveil yourself in the full glory of all your muscles? Well, I’ve already got you upstaged, like no shit. “Hey, Scott, see that big guy over there, to the left? He’s been looking our way since we sat down. Do you think he’s as big as me? As handsome as me? Don’t worry about comparing us; I know what I’ve got.” I bet he’s intimidated as hell and is going to have to prove himself somehow. Scott “Shit, he sure is big. Not as handsome as you, though, Dave…not by a long shot. His girlfriend can’t keep her hands off him. Yeah, I wonder what he’s got under the shirt? Can’t see what swim trunks he’s wearing or if it’s a poser.” I can’t imagine any guy besting Dave in the muscle, mass, cuts and striations, height or good looks department. They’d be dumb to try. Well I’ll be damned. It looks like he’s making his way over to us. He’s got a cocky strut, and I don’t like that at all. Looks like he’s wearing posers. With his flimsy shirt trying to cover up his package. From what I can tell, he really doesn’t have much a package to cover up in the first place. Probably too many roids. This is gonna be interesting, very interesting. Dave Here we go. I think we might have an asshole on our hands. I can tell by the way he’s walking. Way too much attitude, way too slow, like he’s trying to build to a final effect for when he get’s close to us. He has no idea what he has gotten himself into, no idea. “And good afternoon to you, too.” He’s standing over me like he trying to lord his muscle over me and dominate me. Good luck buddy. Fuck, and he’s completely ignoring Scott. That’s a no-no for him. Big mistake. He’s big, big all over, but at least five inches shorter than me. His quads look pretty damn big, too, but nothing compared to my massive monsters. He’s ok in the looks department. But his skin has that worn look that comes from either too much sun or too many steroids. Well, at least I’ll be polite to him, for starters. “Yeah, I’ve competed but not in the last few years. What about you? You look like you’re more into powerlifting.” That’s almost always is an insult to hardcore bodybuilders. “Oh, sorry, it’s just that you’ve got a lot of mass on you, that’s all.” I doubt that made him feel any better. “Well, I do a different form of powerlifting, I do amazing feats of strength, if I do say so myself. Yet, I like to stay cut and striated. I like having it both ways, if you catch my drift.” That’ll get him interested. Scott Up close he doesn’t seem to hold a candle to Dave, not in any department. And, fuck him, he completely ignores me. I know Dave won’t like that one bit. I feel bold. “So, how about taking off the shirt off and showing us what you’ve got? Looks like you’re really packing it on.” I felt like I needed to goad him on a bit. I can’t believe he’s standing right over Dave and thinking that he’s god or something. He looked like I was insulting him by even speaking with him. What a jerk. There goes the shirt. I guess he’s an exhibitionist too. So be it. Show us. Damn, he’s going into a posing routine right in front of us. It’s not very well practiced but he does have a hell of a lot of mass. He hardly has any cuts or striations. Can’t see any veins anywhere so his bodyfat must be way up there compared to Dave’s. Dave is studying him carefully, nodding and looking like he’s encouraging him. The guy’s a sucker for approval from someone like Dave. I’m thinking Dave should take the stage immediately after him and show him what a gorgeous muscle monster really looks like. Dave “Yeah, you certainly got some stuff. Good for you. I would recommend, however, that you rethink your diet and drop some of that bodyfat. We can’t see your cuts or anything else that’s important right now. Hope you don’t take offense at that advice. Just thought I’d help you out.” Boy, did I nail him. He is really steaming and doesn’t know what to do or say next. I can’t believe he just called me “dad” and challenged me to get up and show my stuff. Great. Just what I wanted. I’ve been waiting all afternoon. I look at Scott and he definitely encourages me. The jerk sees that and then asks me why I need to check in with my faggot friend. If we weren’t in public, I’d punch his lights out. So, the next best thing is to give him and the on-lookers and Steve, one hell of a posing routine. I just gotta be careful to not get hard and explode out of the jockstrap and the tiny swimsuit. Here it goes. Steve It’s like every eye is on our section of the deck. Everyone watched the jerk pose and, no doubt, plenty of guys got hard. They haven’t seen anything yet. Wait till they see my partner, my Dave, my muscle-god, give it up for the glory of real muscle-addicts. He takes his time to readjust his swim trunks and jock strap. And, on his massive and cut body, that is like an act of slow, passionate sex. He turns to the jerk and the jerk, wisely, steps away. Dave is now facing almost the entire pool area. In the body size department, Dave is twice as big as and much taller than the jerk. And, that’s just for starters. Nobody can miss that. It’s clear Dave is going to pump each muscle before he gives each the final big flex. So he starts with pumping and pumping his right arm to explosive proportions, leaning to his side, for effect. Spectacular…huge biceps and triceps, covered in veins and cords. And, there’s no avoiding his massive basket which just protrudes out big time from his narrow waist and massive thighs. His double biceps is to die for and he keeps breathing in and pumping down hard. Peaks on peaks. The jerk’s mouth has dropped wide open. He’s gettin’ the picture and, I am sure, is deeply regretting coming over to us. Dave is masterful at moving gracefully and very powerfully into a cock-hardening abdominal, extended leg, hands behind the head pose…that he pumps and pumps until he looks like he is going to explode. His abs are so defined and so thick. The crowd actually breaks out into cheers and clapping. People are standing up and hollering all sorts of encouragement. I get carried away, too, with all the enthusiasm and stand and scream all sorts of encouragement myself. I don’t care if my hard cock is showing through my swim trunks. He then steps to his left, pivots, and gives us a mind-boggling back lat spread. He is absolutely beyond belief. I had no idea he could get this big. The cheers grow even louder. The jerk has moved back even more. Smart guy. After holding the lat pose, he then pumps up into a back double bicep and those big thick interlaced slabs that are his back muscles start squirming around like they’re having sex with each other. God, it is so damn sexy. He milks that for all its worth and then, stepping to the side, extends his arms, pumps and pumps, and goes into a side chest pose that defines description. His pecs are huge, jutting way out from his torso. His tits are like hard peanuts, jutting out, making their own statement of engorged power. His arms are exploding in slabs of muscle, crevices, striations, and veins. And he is keeping one hell of a shit-eating grin on his face. He knows he’s conquered the audience. And they give him another big round of hoots and applause. Meantime, the jerk is nowhere to be seen, not even near his girlfriend. He stands in that fabulous just resting pose that competitors learn while they’re competing on stage. He is sweating like hell and just soaking in the adoration of the masses. In swimsuit is drenched…his big package is almost visible thru his strap and suite. He doesn’t need any more oil. His tan skin is just glistening, with his hairs acting as little reflectors. I can’t help but to run over to him and throw my arms around his neck and give him a big hug and a kiss. He reciprocates passionately. Again, we’re in L.A. “Oh Dave, my god, you were absolutely beyond belief. You were fabulous. They loved you. You looked better than any Mr. Olympia contestant. God, you wouldn’t believe the guys and the girls I saw scratching and rubbing their privates. You had them so turned on with your extraordinary muscle mass and definition, spectacular basket, and extremely sexy posing routine. I am so proud to be with you, to be your partner, to be your muscle-daddy worshipper. I can’t ask for anything more.” Dave “Wow. Yeah. I’d almost forgotten I had that kind of power and presence in me. But that jerk just pissed me off so damn much. I just had to show him what real muscle is all about. All those competition days came back into my mind and I just visualized each pose and what it would take to get the maximum pump. The encouragement from you and the audience meant everything. So thank you for being such a great muscle-worshipper. Your partner, I mean muscle-daddy, really appreciates that.” Scott Though we should have taken a shower first, we both just dove into the pool to cool off and relax. To no surprise, he was surrounded by admirers swimming all around him. He let them all feel his flexed biceps and gave a lot of them a most muscular pose so they could grope his mountainous traps and striated delts. I knew plenty of them were grabbing and squeezing his package, too. He didn’t seem to mind. He was in his element. He turned to me and with one easy lift I was on top of his shoulders, my legs in front, with my hard cock mashed against his very muscular neck and neck hairs. God, was that a turn-on. I could pump and push into his neck with my hard as hell cock without the observers being any the wiser…they’d just be thinking we’d be horse-playing…or most of them anyways. I remember riding on my dad’s back and neck when I was a young kid and jamming my cock into his neck. I really liked that Dave was acting like he was parading me around, as if I were a trophy or something. Folks just kept coming up and wanting to talk to him, feel him, and some of them even asked me what it was like to be with him. I was very proud to give them a lot of muscle talk, needless to say. Dave “God that water felt good. I couldn’t believe the aggressiveness of some of these folks in wanting to meet me and feel my muscles. I don’t think I’ve ever turned a crowd on like that, even during competition. Of course, they can’t come up and maul me the way they just did here. Good for my already over-inflated ego. Did you have a good time in the pool, buddy?” I just want to make sure Scott feels included in all of this. After all, it’s for him that I’m doing all this in the first place. No, I’m doing it for me, too. Yeah, just need to lie down for a few minutes here and catch my breath, and revel in what it’s like to be worshipped by a muscle-addicted mob. Scott “Hell yeah. I loved how people swarmed you and you just let them feel any part of you, flexing for them when they asked for it. I was amazed at how bold some people were. I had a sense that some really got into feeling that big basket of yours. I thought you might get pretty damn hard from all of that. I really got turned on when you lifted me over your head and I straddled your back. My hard cock was mashed into your neck muscles and I couldn’t get enough of that. I’m sure you felt that, too. Besides, that was like telling that jerk and anybody else like him that we’re partners and really into it and proud of it.” We’re both pretty tired but, god, it was worth it. I hope we have enough energy for that young stud’s visit at 5pm. That will really be hot for all of us. Dave Oh it’s nice just to relax and absorb the sun. Great for my tan. Teaching this big young stud bodybuilder a few things at 5pm will be lots of fun…actually an energy boost. Oh oh….there’s a skinny little guy, looks about 25, slowly making his way over to us. I guess I ought to expect this. Most everyone is still here. Lord have mercy, I don’t ever think I’ve seen a guy so visibly nervous as him. He can’t hide it. And he sure does look embarrassed and awkward. Poor guy. He probably has never even come close to someone like me, let alone see someone like me pose and explode my muscles for all to worship and admire. I bet that’s on his mind. I’m about to find out. Visitor “Hello….ummm….my name is Dennis….I…I….wanted to come over and introduce myself to both of you. I thought your posing exhibition was absolutely wonderful. You really put that other guy in his place. Then, I really got excited when I saw you get on his shoulders and ride him like a horse. I’m so embarrassed at saying this to you both but I promised myself I wouldn’t leave this afternoon until I did. I know I’m rambling on…just nerves…but you both are so inspiring to me.” Shit, I’m just making a class-A jerk out of myself. All these other beautiful people are around and then there’s just me. I’m such a closet-muscle-worshipper…always have been…and always get really shy about being around handsome bodybuilders. But, not today. I want things to be different. Dave “Thanks for coming over and introducing yourself, Dennis. Glad you liked the show I put on. This here is my partner, Scott. Have you thought about doing some bodybuilding yourself?” I want to be gentle with him. He’s pretty cute, but fragile it seems. “Well, ok, if you aren’t’ into bodybuilding yourself, what are you interested in?” I think I already know but I want him to tell us. Dennis “Well…I guess I can tell you guys…I’m not sure why….but I think you’d understand. I’m gay. Always been gay.” Oh fuck, they may just run me away. I’m being too honest too fast, here. But they actually seem gay themselves, at least I think. God knows my gaydar doesn’t work very well. “And, you, Dave, are the most massive, built, and gorgeous man I have ever seen. I couldn’t believe you were real when you came out onto the pool deck and took off that small towel of yours. You seemed to treat people nice so I thought there was a chance for me to at least say hello and not get pushed aside. I’ve been watching both of you since you came out. No, I’m not a stalker…just a lover, a lover of huge massive muscle.” There I said it. I’m glad I did. I need to start telling the truth more. I have no idea where this is going. This is very scary. Scott “Dennis, my man, I understand. I’m a lot like you, really. I am completely into musclemen, muscle-gods and muscle-worshipping. I’m an expert muscle-worshipper and its taken guys like my friend Dave, here, to develop me to where I can really let it all hang out without embarrassment or apology. And, yes, we’re both gay.” God, I feel for this guy. I know what its like to feel so alone with your fantasies and how scary it is to say it all out loud. “So, my friend Dave, is my musclegod, my muscle-daddy and my partner. And he gets to be passionately worshipped by me and I get to feel, massage, and grope all his muscles all the time. He loves it. That’s what muscle-worshipping is all about. And, of course, there’s some pretty hot sex that can go on, too.” I hope he’s getting the picture that he’s ok, not weird, not deviant, but just one more of us guys who are completely into muscles. Dennis “Oh thank you for telling me all of that…especially about the two of you. When I saw you get on top of Dave’s shoulders and ride him like that, I knew I had to meet you two. I’ve spent my teenage years and adult life on the internet reading and looking at bodybuilders and muscle-worshipping scenes. I have more pictures and stories printed off that I can possibly imagine….all to fulfill my fantasies.” “I’ve hired a few escorts but they were really not into it, even though they had some great bodies. They just took my money because I was an easy hit, I guess. So, in a way, watching you, Scott, with Dave, was fulfilling one of my deepest and most heartfelt fantasies.” This is easier now. I still don’t know where this is going or what they can say to me. Maybe we’ll just part friends here in the next few minutes. Dave “Dennis. You’re a good man. I can tell. You’re just struggling with things that you feel ashamed of. I understand. Scott understands. That’s exactly why the two of us were out here today. However, I did not expect to have to put a muscle-head jerk into his place by blowing him away with my posing routine. Yet, you, like a whole hell of a lot of other people, seemed to really get off on that. I got off doing it for the audience and Scott. I like the attention and the lusty passion its kicks up in people, especially in gay guys. Fuck, you would not believe how many people, men and women, manhandled my bulging package underwater. What do you think of that?” I want him to get the big picture of what is possible in muscle-worshipping. God, he needs an education, bad. Dennis “I’m so embarrassed to even hear you talk like that. Though I shouldn’t be. I know I love bodybuilders and bodybuilders with especially big packages. Yours is unbelievable. I was shocked when I saw it after you stripped your towel off. Then I wanted, deep down, to come up and grab it and massage it with my mouth and tongue and make you hard. That was, of course, my fantasy. I don’t mean to insult you or anything.” Now, I’m getting myself into really hot water. Dave “Dennis, I want you to understand that I love that you love my big bulge. I’ve got some big ass cock and balls and parade them around without apology. I want guys, especially, to really get off worshipping my bulge as much as they worship my massive muscles. I’m a total package for the right guy. Get it? What the hell do you think Scott is doing with me this week? He’s a bulging basket fanatic beyond the likes I’ve ever seen. I feel really proud of what I got. And I like it when others get into it with me.” This better be sinking in, otherwise Dennis might be a lost cause. Dennis “Fuck, I’m so relieved to hear you talk like that to me. I’ve read and heard talk like that on the internet but never believed it could happen in real life. Wow. You guys are truly special.” Oh shit, I wonder if they would ever ask me to join them? Me? Skinny me? Naw. They’ve got there own thing going but, god, it sure would be nice to be with them….at least in some way. God, he is so massive, so built, and so sexy. I can’t stand looking at him without getting hard. Scott “Hey, Dennis, it looks to me like you’re getting yourself hard here while talking to us. Right? That’s ok. Dave and I live with hard-ons. We love them. You should see Dave’s monster when it gets hard. There’s nothing else in the world like it. Being hard -- it’s like another form of communication, only much more personal and even more honest than our words. Bottom line, I think it’s cool that you’re getting a hard-on.” We could be going somewhere with this. I just don’t want either of us to scare him. He’s a cute guy. Dave “Yeah, hard-ons are a really important part of muscle-worshipping. What do you think bodybuilders do in a hotel room after a sweaty competition? What do you think those huge powerlifters do after a weightlifting competition? How about those young virile muscular sexy gymnasts? Do you think they go to the showers to just take a shower? No, my man, muscle-worshippers want to be worshipped and want to do worshipping. That’s how we’re built.” “You’re built like that. And that’s a good thing. You just need to really know it. It has nothing to do with whether you’re skinny or big like me. It’s all in the lust for muscle in all its different forms. Steve and I are here this week just that for purpose and that purpose alone.” Boy, if I haven’t made the case for muscle-worshipping by now, I need to get out of this business. Dennis “Oh god, I’m getting so turned on talking to you both like this. Yes, I really am a very passionate muscle-worshipper, always have been. I just never let anybody know, especially spectacular musclemen like you, Dave. Up to right now, I’ve just stayed in my internet and porn fantasy world beating my meat until I’m dry.” I don’t know what else to say. These are clearly nice guys and they understand me. And I’m glad for that, at least. I think I oughta just say goodbye and excuse myself and go to my room and beat my meat silly. It would probably be better not to see them again. I won’t embarrass myself anymore than I have. Dave “Dennis. If Scott agrees, I’m thinking you might want to join us in our room at 5pm today.” Scott’s nod says I’m on the right track. “Actually, it’ll be more than just me and Scott. We met a nice, really built, handsome and hung bodybuilder a little while ago and invited him up so he and I could give Scott a posing exhibition. I’m thinking that you would enjoy our posing exhibition, too.” “And, of course, you can’t have a decent posing exhibition without some serious muscle worship. And, you can’t have some serious muscle worship without some serious man to man sex….with all the necessary precautions. Would you like to join us? We’d be glad to have you.” Scott and I must be on mission this weekend to save gay souls or something. It feels like we are doing a service to humanity. Dennis “I don’t know what to say but a huge “YES!” You have no idea what it would me to me to be with you guys like that. You’re like the best Christmas present I could ever have. You want me to bring any drinks or snacks?” That sounds so lame but what else can I say?” Dave “Just like a gay guy. “Can I bring something?” No, Dennis, just bring yourself and don’t jack off between now and the time you join us. Is that clear?” Oh boy, a young built muscle-stud, a trained worshipper like Scott, and Tim, a newbie who we will help unbridle all his built up passion. And, I’m their muscle-daddy, posing, flexing, fucking, and rough-housing with a bunch of other lusty guys. How good can it get? Dennis “Yes, sir, perfectly clear.” Scott “Great…I’m really up for a foursome – especially with you and the other bodybuilder. I want to see the two of you get it on with each other…mashing your muscles together, mashing your bulging pouches, and fucking each other’s muscles with your hard-ons. Just make Dennis and me the meat in the middle of the bodybuilder muscle sandwiches.” Dave, you’re awesome. Thanks again, for being such a great guy…a great partner, lover, muscle-daddy, and muscle god extraordinaire. Part VI to follow Copyright©[email protected] Feedback welcomed. No flames, please.
  10. GiganticBeast


    Another INCREDIBLE story by the man who brought you Caffeine another AMAZING growth story, and this one is the most incredible ego stroke I've had in a very long time!! A take on how my recent Camping Trip should have turned out God I have read this over and over and over again! I LOVE IT SO MUCH! Again, I didn't write this, but it's..it's almost like it's MY words, he wrote it so goddamned well it's like I'm listening to things I've said but have no memory of saying it! I'm ranting, but only because I'm bordering on SPEECHLESS from this! Are you in the mood for INCREDIBLE M/M action? What about M/M/F Cuck/worship sessions as a growing egotistical muscle god gets his big beastly self worshiped! Every single thing you read here is a kink or particular fetish that I am in LOVE with. This represents the look into my deep psyche that I'm sure you're all going to enjoy! ALSO if you want to follow this BEAST MAKER of an author, he's Armagedon2dm on Twitter! GO, GIVE him a FOLLOW! Tell him how much you LOVED THIS STORY! Seriously. DO IT. He managed to create a snapshot of my best fantasies, written in the glorious stream of consciousness! Oh my GOD. This ALMOST RUINED 3 months of edging!!!! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- DAY 1 Finally a vacation, if you could call it that. Stuck in the backseat of a Prius with packs and camping supplies shoved in spilling over in my lap. Friends told me about the wonders of camping in the wild Canadian wilderness. Not the cramped confines of a small ass car. Oh, and did I mention that we are driving 3 hours to the campsite? 3.5 hours later: Bald head scrapes the roof of the car as I clamber out. Oddities of camping gear that fell in my lap while driving spill on the ground. *Stretching noises as I flex and finally able to take full breaths* I spin around looking at the scenery and find no cabins, or outhouses or porta potties. “Guys where are the bathrooms?” Carl and Wendy looked at me quizzically. Him dressed all in green camo, and her all in pink camo. Carl reached in a duffel bag and pulled out a collapsible spade. Handing it to me he said, “Anywhere you want it to be.” My eyes widened at the realization that my first camping trip ment no modern conveniences. Especially going on twitter to read my *AHEM* interest in growth ideas. My grip around my phone in my hand tightens, as the battery is already almost dead and there will be no way to charge it for three days. “Uh, oh. Ok. Well where should I go...dig?” They just point to the distance saying someplace not too close. No explanations of how big of a hole to dig or how far out. So, I put one foot in front of the other and start walking to explore. 15 minutes of wandering around: So I just wander off in 34C weather trying to stick to the shades of the trees. Tennis shoes getting grass stains. And beads of streaming down off my head. Even the muscle shirt isn't faring too well. Pro tip, do not bring white clothes to nature. Swatting away some black flies buzzing around my head. “This isn't what I expected when they said come camping with us. This beast doesn't do well in the hot damn weather.” “Well, there are plenty of beasts out here in the wild you might want to steer clear of.” The voice startled me not expecting anyone else to be crazy enough to be out in this heat camping in the middle of nowhere Canada. There leaning against a pine tree was ranger Joe! Talking about beasts, this guy was jacked for lack of a better word. More than two meters tall, still more than a head above my own height. Not like saying 6 feet tall is big, but certainly more than average. Been lifting for a few years and this guys' arms were bigger around than my legs were thick! A few days of growth coating his face in a rugged beard. What was rugged on his face left nothing to the imagination of a thick carpet of fur poking out from his collar. His very light green, almost a tan uniform, was pulled tight to his muscles. Very form fitting if not skin tight, probably on purpose. You should see veins snaking all over his arms and up into his sleeves as he carried his hands crossed below on his muscle gut as he wouldn't even be able to cross his arms around his own chest. Between his biceps and pecs, the only way they meet is with force. “There are bears and cougars in the lower part of the ridge. So that's off limits.” He states as he points past a tree line leading down to a valley with his thumb. To call that digit a thumb is far from the truth. Even calling it a sausage was a great understatement. I think he caught me gawking or my eyes were bugging out from my head. Pushing off from the tree he actually causes it to sway. “Now keep to your site up here, you and your friends. I'm stationed in the area if there's trouble. But let's face it, when I'm around there won't be.” He over stated that last bit with a flex. Fuck, this guy was so jacked his clothes protested. He walked away with a swagger waving those hairy thick “fingers.” Mind you while he was moving away I was checking out that thick muscled ass. Goal I thought. I wanted that ass before leaving this crap hole. If I was going to have one good thing here, I was going to be getting a piece of that! Waddling back to camp with my cock almost poking out the waist band. Glad my cargo shorts were sweat stained to cover up the globs of pre running down my thigh. Carl and Wendy glanced in my direction knowing something was up but didn’t say anything. Which I appreciated, as we got to work to finish up setting up camp. 4 hours later After changing, cleaning up, I plopped down ready to eat while the campfire was burning hot. Wendy pulls out a few bags from the cooler. My tummy rumbles ready for some meat to be cooked to satisfy the beast inside. Mushrooms, broccoli, onions going into a skillet for frying. Spices from another bag. Oh man, my mouth is watering from the smell. Holding the last bag over the aroma of cooking veggies as two big fish plop into the pan. My eyes widen in horror, fish! My nose reels from the acrid smell as my stomach lurches in anger. The wonderful delectable meal ruined. Not wanting to show face, I excuse myself for not feeling well and retreat to my own tent. I pulled out a pepsi from my backpack and downed the whole thing, grumbling. Staring over at my dead phone, I couldn't even browse twitter. I unzipped the flap on the other side of the tent to get the cooler nights air flowing though. It opened up towards the lower ridge of the forest. The moon was bright that night throwing shadows everywhere. I was hungry, tired, and irritated. So I decided to strip down and get into the sleeping bag. I stopped momentarily as I thought I'd heard rustling a bit way in the bush. Granted looking from the outside watching a big dude's bald head push out the tent fabric on top, while trying to get my clothes off would have been whimsical. I couldn’t even hear my friends comment. So they must have gone to sleep too. Crouching down to peer through the screen, I thought I'd heard an animal growling that was decently large. The breeze rustled the trees, as they swayed back and forth in the moonlight. Then eyes, glowing blue eyes. They bore directly into my soul, into my fantasies, into my wants, my needs. This large figure, this large beast. I felt energized inside but my eyes drooped overcome with exhaustion. I caught one last look in the area I saw the eyes, only to see moving shadows and branches glinting in the pale blue rays of moon shine. I dropped to my knees and had enough movement to faceplant into the pillow. My last conscious thought was how rock hard my cock was straining my boxer briefs. DAY 2 My dreams last night were wild glimpses of crashing through the forest. More like over the forest. Flocks of birds flying away, animals scampering away on the forest floor in swaths. I could almost hear and feel the forest floor shake as I slept. A bestial roar in the distance… Woke up at the crack of dawn with my erection just about bursting out of the tent. I need to take care of the issue now before the others work up. If I stayed in camp, then I'd definitely wake them up, so I threw on just a shirt and shoes I had on yesterday, climbed out of the tent as quietly as I could, and trudged down the closest path to my tent. Which so happened to be the path to the lower ridge. My brain addled with that dream, not fully awake, and my beast cock pointing skywards. This beast only had one thing on his immediate mind, and it was just getting far enough away to take care of it! Tumbling down the trail, I didn't even bother to keep to myself. Out in the middle of fuck no where, who was going to come around. My hand groped the bulge through the underwear as it throbbed. Was it my imagination or did it feel like it had a bit more heft to it, a bit more thickness. “Ugh, fuck! I needed to… I NEED A HOT… ” and then I fell, down the ravene I tumbled. Ass over teakettle, through the brush. Scraping my legs on thorns and underbrush, the blood trickled down the hairy on my legs. After a bit I tumbled over the river embankment, my head slammed hard against the river rocks before blacking out. Sometime late morning The sun was so bright, so hot shining overhead attacking me with its irritated heat. Blazing hot heat, flies buzzing around. Cold wet water brushing my hand, washing over it. Using the water to wash the blood, sweat, and dirt off my face. I sit up and crawl over to the water for drink. Thirsty, taking gulping mouthfuls of water till I start to hiccup. I notice the dried blood on my bald head from the gash I got while falling. Reaching up, I expected pain to the touch but there wasn’t. Scooped up more water to wash away the dried blood and there was no longer a gash. In fact, all my cuts and scrapes were healed as well too. The shirt had so many rips and holes, it just disintegrated with a tug. And the underwear was lost, must be, somewhere on the tumble down here. Only thing I was left wearing were my socks and shoes and they felt about ready to burst. Welp, while next to the river, might as well bathe and clean all this dirt off myself. So off come the shoes and socks putting them on a big rock. Walked out into the river and washed up. “Now you were warned about coming down here, and now I have to also cite you for indecent exposure! What are you doing down here?” Came a familiar stern deep gruff voice from the banks. Turning around there stood the forest ranger, with his hands balled into fists pressed on his thighs. He looked like he was carved out of pure stone and placed precariously and posed like a Greecian statue. Although since yesterday it looked like he shrunk his uniform in the wash. The top two buttons were open showing the undershirt below. Even from 20 meters away that chest looked like it’d crush a small car. His full beard touching the top of those pecs. That neck looked like it was contending an arena battle with the traps beside them. The sleeves were folded so far up his arms, it might as well have been considered sleeveless. The forearms bulged with hairy veins, a finger thick vein leading up to melon sized biceps pushing against the side of his striated pecs. Forget the statue of a human, this was a demigod in the flesh! The muscle gut straing the buttons on top of it, showed the undershirt riding up that hairy grooved flesh. His calf high brown leather boots straining to contain those feet. You could almost see each individual toe stretching the leather, pushing out. Not to toot this beast's own horn but I've got a good sized beast cock. But the shadow I saw from that far away of the ragers package is so much more sizable. It was like a litre pop bottle and two grapefruits shoved inside. And no, the waistband wasn't holding but bulging out. The jock fabric spilling over and showing dark fur sprouting out. Those muscle thighs pushing those testosterone laden fruit forwards, like they would burst forwards any second with a vengeance. Still wading in the river he yells a bit more sternly, “I asked you a question boy!” A bit shocked from embarrassment but also from irritation. Boy?! My Six-foot muscled frame, bald head, and beard that’d choke a lumberjack and I'm being called boy? I puffed out my chest and marched towards shore, fists clenched, vein throbbing from my forehead ready to rip off the ranger's arm and beat him with it. Rushing the shore, trudging through the water growling right up to the ranger. Pusing my chest right against his, ready to brawl. I can feel our cocks twitch between us, throbbing against our torsos. Glaring back up at his face and flexing my arms. Snapping back, “What fucking crap is this boy?” A silence fell over the forest. It seemed even the breeze was waiting with bated breath. Awaiting the clash of beasts. With a bellowing laugh, the forester relaxed and belted out a boisterous stutter of jubilation. “You're one hell of a man there!” As he slaps the back of Will shoulders with the hand the size of a half sheet pan. Almost sending Will toppling to the ground. Extending out that same hand the ranger finally introduces himself, “Gord.” He states flatly. Stunned from disillusion, Will shakes the gruff calloused hand and stutters out, “Will…” “Well, Will. Let's get you back to your camp. This place isn't safe. I'd hate to have to give you a ticket for self endangerment. As well as (ranger clears his throat), public nudity.” Quotes Ranger Gord. “Grab what's left of your clothes there. Hmm, I guess just your shoes and socks. Then i’ll guide you back to your camp to rejoin your friends.” I blush a bit. Well, not so much as blush as my entire head turns the shade of scarlett. I rushed over to grab my shoes and socks from the rock. I glanced past the tree line to see a darkened cavern or grotto. Faintly glowing with that eerily pale blue light I saw last night, I shifted to put on my socks and shoes to get a better look at the surrounding area to get back down here tonight to check it out. Trying to not show Gord my intentions just as I’m about to put on the last shoe, down on the ground next to the boulder is a little glowing blue stone. I picked it up and threw it in the sole of my shoe before putting it on\. Gord hadn't noticed, and asks if I’m ready to go back to camp and I nod. The ranger drops me back at camp with Carl and Wendy not there. Their backpacks are missing so they must have gone for a hike. I sigh in relief, that means I don’t have to explain my lack of clothing. After putting on clothes and thanking Gord for the escort back, the ranger sets off. I relax back in my tent bored, hungry, but atleast clean. Wondering where that light was coming from and why the ranger was warning me against that lower ridge. There didn't seem to be any bears or cougars in the area or signs of them. I’ll have to check it out later tonight. I could look up a map of the area if I had my damned cell phone. I yawned, man what a fucked up day, my cock giving a reminding lurch. I forgot to take care of this beastly need this morning. And now I’m too tired all of a sudden, and hungry too. My mind racing, man what about that cave. What about that blue rock in my shoe. Ah well, time for a nap. I’ll deal with it later. Closed my eyes, wrapping my hand around my bulge. What I wouldn't give to grow big like that ranger. No, BIGGER! A fucking giant of a man! I drift off to sleep. Supper Time I awoke to a sizzling meat smell dancing in the air. Puffs of smoke surrounding the tents, dancing in the setting sun. Wafting sensual aromas that made me jump right up, ready for food. I pulled a Kool-Aid man, bursting out of the tent with a “OH YEAH!” Bellowed hungrily, grabbing a plate and and in a few mouthfuls two burgers are inhaled. With a loud belch, and a long hunger finally satiated batting my belly. RIIPPP A rip of clothing renders the air, as the sides of the shirt tore down from the armpits. My lats spread out like wings of a bird. Pecs swollen from a good chest day exercise, heaving, straining the neck of the Shirt. The v-neck shirt, stretching thin riding up my roid gut as it filled with rock hard granite muscles. The waistline and neckline grow closer beginning to fray. My eyes glance up to my friends expecting awe and confusion. Except that's what peppers my face instead. There they are next to the fire, sprawled out on a blanket passionately making out against a fallen log. My beast log throbbed, and spilled over the waistband of my boxer briefs in lurches. Growing, thickening, throbbing bigger and bigger. Legs spreading, lengthening as testosterone inflated my balls into large apples. There were sharp cracking sounds as the threads of the shoes tore themselves apart from the leather. Sending leather flying as my toes and heel burst from forth from the confines. The little blue glowing rock fades, as it's crushed into dust below my foot covered by scraps of the sock tugged apart as my feet lurch larger. Rising up and bursting the scraps of clothes left over, my frame lauding over the campfire. The hot flames dance, as I heft my muscles in self exploration. Pumping the muscles up with blood and testosterone. Making each beastly muscle group pop with veins and hair. So big, so primal, bigger! “HHGGG, come on more. MORE! Grow!” As I roar as nothing happens. Well, other than the friends finally breaking away from each other as they each take a leg to start worshiping the musclebeast before them! Wendy gropes my beast cock in her little lithe hands, unable to wrap both hands around its girth. Trying to pull it into her chest. Which all she succeeds in doing is making it rigid and rock hard, with a flex it tugs her closer. Her husband's hands work his way up my calf muscles, already bigger than his thighs. Covered in spindles of thick beast hair, the thick diamond calf muscles could set new marathon records. Wendy pushes her supple breasts against my beast cock while moaning how big I am. Her husband pawed at my ass cheeks trying to make a dent in them as I laugh like a super villain. I glare over my chest at them with a primal need, as they see the wildfire reflected in my eyes as they backpedal back onto the blanket. Their back pursed against the log, as each stomp towards them heightened my arousal. I bend down, towards Wendy, ripping off her clothes as I tower over the both of them. Flipping her over as she hikes her ass in the air, pulling her underneath my kneeling frame. My ‘smaller’ sized friend shaking, cowering next to me. “You,” I state flatley. My voice thunderous on an over two meter frame. “You want a man to show you how to pleasure a woman?” It was Rhetorical question not meant to be answered, albeit verbally. My girthy length throbbing over her backside, spurting copious cup fulls of pre over her torso. Her body moaning hotly in anticipation. While her husband looks on in horror and bated breath. To watch this monster, this beastly man show his wife pleasure that he’s never brought her. “Now little man, you’re going to worship this beast. While you watch me pleasure your wife in every position till you both pass out from exhaustion!” I laugh deeply. My smaller friend stands up shakily, approaching the brute I’ve become for worship. While my beastly brute’s cock enters the woman to screams of pleasure. Day 3 It was hours that this beast pleasured her. In many ways, and so many positions that it caused her to pass out in exhaustion. Not only did I fulfil the deepest pleasures of this woman, but after she drifted off to slumber, I dominated her smaller hubby. Muscle worship from toes to head. Before I was finally sated, coating both of my friends in my testosterone filled beast seed. Chuckling to myself, I swear I could have drowned them in it. The whole night had passed us by! With the start of the twilight hour, I set out for the cave in the lower ridge to see what more I could find, what else there was in this woods for me, this growing monstrous beast. my eyes accustomed to the pitch dark of the countryside, could just make out that faint blue glow from down below. Leaving my two companions tucked away in their tents, I made my way down the trail below. Just Before Sunrise Heading down the path below this time, was made so much easier with longer limbs and larger hands, able to palm forest trees trunks to prevent myself from tumbling down the steep ridge. It took just a few minutes this time to reach the edge of the river. My strides were so much longer now with my own tree trunks, these thickly muscled legs. The skin seemed thicker or more resilient to the underbrush or thorns. There were no scratches, nor weeping stabbings of blood. Was it that the beastly hair that dusted my larger frame that protected me from the scratchings. Thick heavy trees and cover the entrance of this cave/grotto. Steep, high calcified walls adorn the cave. It must have taken eyons to carve this out from the river. The small blue glowing rocks produce their own faint light, thinly adorn the entrance. Many covered in grime, mineral deposits or look worn out.Millenia old stalactites and stalagmites pepper the area as it reaches far back into the rocky mountains. The farther back the cave reaches the larger and more common the rocks appear. Deciding to explore the cave just as the pastel morning colors start to appear in the sky outside, I turn deeper into the cave. The warm breeze outside turns into a wet cold haze the deeper in I explore. It seems that the rocks react to my presence by glowing brighter, leading me, directing me inwards. I felt energized at the mouth of the cave, and spelunking deeper, I can feel a deeper welling of energy building inside. My pace quickened, faster. Blood pumping faster through my veins. My virility renewed and the beast throbs, pointing forwards leaving a trail of pre deeper into the depths. Until the crag of the cave opened up on a small waterfall pouring out from the center of the ceiling high above. Dropping into the center of this crystal blue cavern. It reminded me of superman's fortress of solitude. But with faintly blue glowing crystal pillars surrounding the entire area. The water in the center of the pool, looked so welcoming and inviting. The bottom of it is littered with sand, made out of the surrounding crystals. “Well against my warnings, looks like you still found your way down here.” Bellowed a pissed off looking Gord. Whose body seems to be blocking the only way back out. And when i say blocking, i mean filling up the tunnel. How he followed me down here without making a sound seemed improbable. The ranger didn't look any taller from across the room, but thick would have been an understatement. Bull in a China shop never seemed more an appropriate analogy. If the bull was on steroids and HGH combined with some testosterone enhancement that would make the powerlifters look like anorexic twinks. He looked like those morphed pictures on those porn sites, but even more rugged. I was wading in the shallows of the pool on the opposite end of the cave room. The ranger started moving, circling around the edge keeping his distance and eyeing me. Like he was studying me. While he moved it seemed that the gems dimed just around him, matching his movements. I put my hand on one of the growing crystals in the pool, moving around it. Keep it between Gord and myself. Once I touched it, I noticed that it brightened upon touch. The water around my ankles ripple just a bit, only enough to feel it vibrate against the leg hair. “You aren't welcome here and need leave, NOW!” His voice went from one of stern lecture to a threatening command. His brow furrowed and eyes narrowed with a scowl. Without a chance to respond, he charged towards me just like a bull. Breaking right though the crystal formation, his forearms up for added strength. He hit hard enough to wedge me into the wall behind. Limbs splayed in the craigs and cracks of the broken crystals, like a marionette with its strings cut. I was stunned out of surprise but not hurt, and no pain either. I just held still, unsure of what to do. “This is MY cave! I found it, and it gave me… this!” As he motions to his body. “Its taken me months to get this far, and you won't share in its gifts! He spat towards me. His cock rising, thickening between his hairy pecs, as he stepped closer. “And I will be taking back what's mine!” My eyes widened in horror at what his words ment. Just as he was about to reach back with a fist and punch me farther into the wall, I was able to scream out a “NO!” My fists clenched as the blue crystal around me glowed brightly. It felt so warm, and the blue light was glowing brighter. Cracks suddenly started growing from around me in the crystals as I was being pushed out from the wall with a stumble to the ground. Landing in front of the ranger on my hands and knees, his feet right below my face. For a second, I thought I had a concussion the way his feet were suddenly falling away. Gord had stumbled back, tripping over the broken pillar crystal and landed in the water. His face losing color from horror. It took me longer to realize I was growing again, until my feet hit the wall behind. My body was lurched forwards over the top of Gord… well that wasn't the only thing that was lurching forwards over the ranger. His eyes glazed over, reaching out to touch my beast cock thicker than a telephone pole and about 5 feet high. Just as his mits are around to touch my cockflesh, he pulls away and tries to scamper from out underneath. Backpedaling through the water as he tries to crawl away. A rumble from my chest shook the cavern, as I easily reached out and drug the ranger back though the water underneath my god cock. “No, no, no. You're not getting away that easily you little fucker!” The cavern shook with my powerful voice. You wanted the power and NOW you're going to get it. Unfortunately, not from where you expect it.” The ranger is screaming below me, “Please, no you can't. You're too much. You're too BIG!” “Again. Say that again.” I demand His body trembles under me, clawing at the ground. Almost whispering, “too big..” My body still is lurching larger, muscles thickening, frame widening to make way for more muscles to pile on my frame. So much thicker than the ranger was before as my torso takes up half the space in the cavern. The water is running over my shoulders at this point. My beast cock as thick as his waist now. My balls push my thighs apart. That ass i had admired earlier that i swore i was going to make mine, was now here underneath me. I had to force the head down with my hand, as my cock had started growing faster than my body. It felt so hot to the touch, so aroused, so fucking hard! Just as I forced the head inside his ass, we both screamed out in pleasure. The crystals glowing so brightly, almost enveloping us in pure blue light. 07:13 AM Carl and Wendy wake up next to a smoking fire pit. Wrapped up in the plaid blanket from the previous night. Both beyond exhausted, physically and mentally. They look at each other with wide eyes, questioning whether the events of the previous night even happened. They stood up with no signs of the night's activities. Both in perfect health, albeit naked and in the ruins of a destroyed campsite. Without a word to each other, they get dressed and start packing up the car. Worried about Wills whereabouts since he wasn't there this morning. They talk after the car is packed and decide to go look for him. Just as they are about to leave the car, cracks in the earth open up as an earthquake hits the area. Fissures open up as all the animals run from the area. The earth rumbled for miles around. Trees toppled all around them, sinkholes appeared as destruction rained. Thunder sounded without a cloud in the sky, which was strange. There was a rumble from the ridge as a landslide opened from an upper ridge. Rushing water bubbled like a hot spring from underground, rushing out like a slurry as it emptied into the river below. They ran to their car and drove off to escape the destruction. As they got a good distance away, there was an eruption from beneath the mountain. There in the rear view mirror, a bald head emerged from the dust. It rose higher and higher into the air, soaring above the surrounding trees, hills and mountains. Fists larger than cities pushed into the sky, attached to godly sized muscles. My head was nestled between traps so muscled, they pushed into my ears. A neck so thick, that the deep voice that emanated from within caused knees to buckle to all in range. “YES, BIGGER. MORE… MMOOORRRREEE!” Growing bigger, taller, thicker rising higher. I rubbed my pecs and muscle gut as I grew. Biceps and pecs fighting for ranges of movement as they swelled with power. A forest grew on the giant of hair, as he expanded. My beard cascading down over my chest, a thickening pelt of hair creeping over my skin. Watching it ripple and flex as highways of veins snaked all over. It was then that a foot emerged, swinging out and over the mountains. Crushing an entire mountain range flat, like a toddler stomping on a sand castle. But that wasn't the reason to be worried. They were deafened by my moaning, so lewdly, a pillar of cock that emerged from between the chasm, could only be described as godly. The ground crumples beneath my balls that contained a sea of sperm, and that could span multiple counties. And my cock, that pointed skywards well over my own big beastly head, was fighting a thickness battle with my waist, over which would be the victor. As soon as I locked eyes with my own beastly god hood, I switched to rubbing and groping the growing monolith, grunting from the self pleasure. My cock and balls lurch larger with every stroke, pushing me up higher into the sky. My legs and feet stretching over the horizon in the distance as my rumbles became inaudible growlings of pleasure. The entire tectonic place of the country buckled under the weight of my growing godly beastly body. Unending miles of muscles surged and flexed as my balls churned larger than my body, damn I was close. What had to be Russia was being flooded with my pre. Just as my bald head and traps pushed through the clouds, an eruption of lighting and my thunderous voice rattled the globe. “BEEEAAAASSSTTTT” Bellowed a boom resonating inside my enormous chest, towering above as the earth was flooded with my seed.
  11. Dedicated to all the big fat musclepiggys out there and their musclebros! Hunter's Moon by bjort Beef was excited. He could feel the anticipation growing in his mind and his muscles and in his cock as he sat in a First-Class seat west bound. It was hunting season! And that meant he would soon rendezvous with his hunting partner and brother-in-muscle, Brick. He could not wait! Brick was on a similar jet at this minute. He had been away on business for several weeks and they had arranged to meet this way when they had planned their annual hunting trip. They would meet up at the airline's hub and fly on to their destination together, also in First Class as befitted a pair of massive muscle studs. Beef wasn't sure either of them could ever squeeze into what passed for a seat in Coach again! Beef had missed Brick for the weeks his muscle partner had been away. He smiled to imagine how much they had both grown since Brick had made him one of the Brotherhood almost exactly one year ago. He absently stroked his bulging pec and hardening nipple as he thought of the muscleman he had become and thanked providence for the 10,000th time that Brick had found him. It had been an ordinary August weeknight in the gym, rainy and kinda slow. Beef wasn't even called Beef then. He had always loved muscle--been obsessed with it since he could remember really. He had finally decided to do something about it, at least as far as his own body was concerned. He had always exercised from college on, but never gained much real muscle. As muscle lust grew in him over the years, he read up on weight training and joined a convenient gym with good equipment and a minimum of annoying attitude. He had been at it for a couple of years and made some decent gains. He had not, however, gone nearly as far as his burning desire for muscle demanded. He was consumed by thoughts of becoming huge. He wanted others to admire his bulging muscles and strength. He also slowly came to understand that he desired men with muscle--to worship them and to share their masculine power. Thoughts of muscle had occupied his waking hours, almost to the exclusion of everything else. Something held him back around the few true musclemen that frequented his gym though--a fear of rejection or worse, and also a feeling of not being worthy of the attention of men whom he had idolized since first discovering bodybuilding on TV as a child. On this rainy night all that changed. The gym was nearly empty. Beef had just started his workout when he heard a deep voice behind him say "mind spotting me on the bench bro?" He turned and there was Brick--280 pounds of bald hot bear muscle in a stringer and a tight pair of shorts that left very little to the imagination. Beef's brain froze as he stood and ogled in fairly awkward silence. "Yo! Dude? A spot?" The muscle god repeated with just a hint of amusement in his voice, as if he knew the effect his presence was having on Beef's muscle addled brain. "Uhhh sure thing!" said Beef suddenly like an overeager puppy, holding out is hand. "Lead the way big guy!" "You can call me Brick." He said taking Beef's hand and clasping him hard on the shoulder with the other. "And I think I will call you Beef cuz you got some nice meat going on their buddy". As they walked toward the bench Beef new muscle buddy put his arm across Beef's shoulders in a bro hug, all the while keeping his other hand firmly clasped in Beef's. Beef blushed and felt a strange giddiness in his gut and brain. He had never been praised for his muscle before, let alone by a stud like this, ever! Brick smiled and muttered to himself "Oh yeah, prime alpha material…" Beef wondered at that but was too excited to be with this super stud to think much. "Ok Brick" Beef said in an excited voice "Let's lift!" It was an epic workout. They worked chest and shoulders alternately. Brick pushed Beef to new personal records on every exercise and Beef did the same for his new lifting buddy. Beef marveled at Bricks thick solid muscles and had to force himself not to stare, and not to get hard, watching this gorgeous stud pump up. Each time he spotted Brick on bench press he was mesmerized by the rise and fall of his magnificent pecs. Even more difficult, when he was being spotted Brick positioned himself so Beef had an amazing view of his thick quads and his ample package, which if Beef was not mistaken was also sporting half a stiffy! After a workout like no other in his life, Brick finally patted Beef on the shoulder and said, "Ok tiger that's a damn good workout, let's see how we pumped up." He pointed to the locker room and gave Beef a nudge. In they strode and took up side by side positions in front to full length mirrors. Beef made as if to strike a pose, but Brick stopped him. "No way buddy, we are gonna get a proper look at the Beef. Off with that baggy ass shirt." Beef gaped. He had never taken his shirt off in the gym before, let alone in front of a muscleman like Brick. He blushed a deep crimson. "Ah c'mon Beef, show Brick what you got muscleman." He whispered as he leaned over and gave Beef's pec and slight squeeze and his hardening nipple a light teasing brush. Sparks ran up and down Beef's spine and straight to his cock which started to stand straight up! Off came the shirt, followed by Bricks own stringer. Poses followed--side chest, double bi, back double bi and face to face most musculars which bought low growls from both men. They didn't care if anyone else was watching (which they weren't as gym was nearly empty) or for anything else in the world at that point. They were muscle brothers reveling in the afterglow of an awesome workout and a great pump. As they faced front again Brick slid around behind Beef and put his hands on the smaller man's shoulders. "You see this muscle you have Beef?" He asked squeezing it gently. "Yeeesss" Beef whispered, enthralled by Brick's electric touch. Brick moved closer pressing his hard bulging muscles against Beef's back. "Do you feel the power and potential in these muscles?" he asked moving his hands around to stroke Beef's pumped pecs and fully erect nips. "Ohhhh fuuuuck yeeeesss Brick." He whispered in growing ecstasy. He could feel Bricks warm breath on his neck, and he nuzzled Beef traps and shoulders and pressed his hardening cock into Beef's tight muscular ass. Brick turned Beef around to face him, looking deep into his eyes. "I can feel your desire Beef. I felt it from a great long way off." He raised one of his bulging arms and flexed. "You have wanted this for a long time, haven’t you?" Beef buried his face in the proffered arm and said, "Yes Brick, for oh so long." Brick raised Beef's face up and gave him the most passionate kiss he had ever had. "You got it muscleman. I am going to make you a muscle brother." Beef was dizzy with it all- swept off his feet. "But?" he stammered. "No time for butts except this one." Brick said squeezing Beef's ass playfully. "C'mon, let's get cleaned up and get a late supper. I will answer all your questions. We have two months before the Hunter's Moon. Make sure your calendar is clear for the second week in October. We are going to Minnesota." ************** Beef awoke to the announcement that they were on final approach to the airline's hub. He had been dreaming of that magical Hunter's moon the previous October when he had been hunted by his massive muscle lover in the north woods on Minnesota. He raised his seat back and buckled his seat belt around his tight waist. As he caressed his hard and deep cut abs, he felt a judder of excitement travel through him and he knew that could only mean one thing. His muscle brother and partner was near and they were going hunting together for the first time! 20 minutes later Beef entered the airline's club for high end passengers. He and Brick always flew First as there was really no choice. They were just too damn big to fly coach anymore, especially given the way the airlines had shrunk the space allotted to a coach passenger to the equivalent of a postage stamp. What with Brick traveling a ton for work, they had plenty of miles racked up for perks like the ultra deluxe lounge at the airline hub. The attendant took Beef's carry on and jacket as Beef immediately spotted his massive super stud partner in an oversized armchair by the bar. Honestly, it was the only place that would hold his giant frame and humongous muscles. Beef broke into a huge smile as Brick put down his drink and rose to his fill height to greet him. Brick was massive, at 6'5" and 360 pounds with a shaved head and granite jaw he cast a very imposing appearance indeed! They bear hugged and Brick gave a low growl. "Fuck it's good to see your Beefy stud. I think you have muscled up some in the last six weeks." Beef flexed his 6'4" 310-pound frame and growled back "Goddamn right Brickhouse." His nipples immediately hardened, brushing against his shirt material as his mighty slabs of bulging pec meat rose, straining material and buttons alike. "Mmmmmm, with you on the road Behemoth I didn't have much to do but lift like a mad man and jerk off thinking about you and hunting season." Beef whispered. Brick broke the hug and brought his massive bear paws around to squeeze his partner's rising and falling chest. They both thrust their hips slightly forward and felt their cocks greet each other through bulging pants. Brick gave his muscle lover a quick kiss and then asked "We got time. Wanna go for some quick fun in the can?" Beef gave a grunt and grinned. "Do muscle bears fuck in the woods? Let's go." A minute and a half later the two muscle gods were locked in a nicely appointed private men's room in another strong bear hug sharing a much more passionate kiss. "Damn I missed you babe!" said Beef as he gingerly unbuttoned his larger lover's shirt being careful not to muss it too much. They needed to look presentable for their next flight, after all. "Oh god me too!" said Brick struggling to peel his tight wife beater off his 360-pound frame. Brick chuckled, which made Beef's still imprisoned manhood twitch. "Help me off with this damn thing will ya Alpha stud?" That name also made Beef's cock push against his pants. It meant that Brick was in worshiping mode, and there was nothing in the entire sweet masculine universe that Beef liked more that to be worshiped as the muscle god he had become by the giant beast that had made him into one! Beef freed his partner of his undershirt, asking "Why the hell do you still wear these things babe?" Brick answered, "Force of habit." and grinned as they both tried together to free Brick from the ridiculously tight undergarment. "Looks like someone else blew up a bit in the last six weeks! Yum!!!" Beef exclaimed. “Fuck Brickhouse! Dunno if these things even come bigger than 8xl. It’s a mess! Let me toss it?" Brick blushed. "You just wanna see my nips get all perky under my shirt, ya big perv." He was surprisingly modest for such a massive muscle stud--as opposed to Beef who had become the quintessential cocky dom. Brick was right in that Beef loved to show off and never wore undershirts so that his nipples would stiffen when the fabric of his regular dress shirts rubbed against them. Beef liked to give the passers by a show, which is also why he almost always carried rather than wore his jacket. "Ok Alpha stud, go ahead." Brick said as he turned and appraised himself in the full-length mirror like a stock judge looking over a prime bull. Beef yipped with glee and tossed the shirt into the waste basket, turning quickly to survey the mountain of muscle in front of him. Damn, if Brick wanted, he could easily shred and kick everyone's ass on any bodybuilding stage, including the Olympia. But it was just not in him to put on skimpy posers and fake tan and work it in front of a crowded auditorium under hot lights. Not to mention that display of that sort was strictly outlawed by the Brotherhood. "I think I have gained a bit of muscle, as much as hotel gyms and bad food would allow babe." he said raising his arms into one of the most spectacular double biceps poses Beef had ever ogled. Beef ran his hands over bulging mountains that put Everest to shame and whistled with appreciation. Brick turned and reached for Beef's blue Oxford cloth shirt, already showing a pair of very perky nips. "C ‘mere Alpha, I need to see what you have done in the last six weeks." Brick careful unbuttoned and removed the shirt, being sure to tease Beef's already semi-hard nipples until they looked like two missiles emerging from their silos. "Ohhhhh baby!" Beef moaned. "Careful with those nips or you will have me jizzing in my pants… and what would the first-class crew think of that!?" Brick grinned and pressed his crotch into Beef's rapidly hardening and lengthening rod. "Well, they would likely want some and you are all mine Alpha stud! GRRRRR!!!" Shirt and two pairs of trouser were quickly set aside revealing massive bulges, Beef's about to burst out of dazzling hunter green camo posers and Brick's filling out a very hot looking wet look poser in a more traditional camo pattern. Brick wolf whistled "Damn! lookee that huge package all done up for your first-time hunting babe!!!" Brick reached down and stroked his lover's shimmering green clad monster, already straining to escape. Beef moaned and looked down at Bricks sizable and expanding bulge. "Awwwww, that's the same type of camo you wore last year for turning me in Minnesota! You are such a huge sentimental muscle beast!" Brick blushed in completely cute way that should have been impossible for such a huge and imposing looking stud. "These are new, the old ones…" Beef kissed him, interrupting the thought and then said, "I remember lover, now come worship your Alpha before I cream in my new camos!" More passionate kisses ensued which quickly evolved into Brick making his way down Beef's incredible muscle packed torso, nuzzling traps then spending time tongue teasing and squeezing his tremendous pecs and iron hard bullet nipples. "DAAAAAAMN, I have missed you big Brickhouse!!!" Beef moaned as his cock, completely hardwired to his chest and nips, rose to its full thick magnificence. Brick took to his knees, making sure to give proper service to each of Beef's eight pack abs, before landing at the base of his cock. "I have missed you too Alpha stud! Been thinking about nothing but worshiping you and sucking your giant cock and hunting with you for weeks!" As Brick began to stroke and suck Beef with the gusto of a condemned man given his last meal and a reprieve, Beef bent over and kissed the top of his super lover's head and ran his eager hands over his incredible traps, shoulders and arms, which Brick raised into another double biceps pose. Brick began to moan in ecstasy! Nothing made him harder and more excited than the look and feel of his muscle lover's bulging biceps flexing--and Brick new it. "YEEEAAAHHH MUSCLEMAN, YOUR ALPHASTUD IS GONNA CUM FOR YOUUUUUUU!!!" Buckets of pent up jizz spurted from Beef's big cock. Brick swallowed savoring the taste and power of his super stud lover, then eagerly released Beef's dick and rubbed it, still erupting like Mauna Kea, over his biceps and chest--which spurred Beef to produce even more cum. "Oh, fuck you taste like water in the desert baby." said Brick as he raised his head in time to receive another passionate kiss. Beef agreed. He loved the taste of his own manhood on his lover's lips and felt the electric thrill of their brotherly union every time they shared it. Brick rose and they lingered in each other's arms, running hand over each other and savoring slow luscious kisses and the intoxicating scent of their combined ultra-manhood. Finally, Brick looked at his watch. "C'mon babe. no time for more, we have just enough time to get cleaned up before our flight." ****************** They settled into their seats for the last leg of their journey just as the door was being closed for departure. Brick had been correct in that any additional fun in the First-Class lounge would have made them miss their flight. As it was, they arrived looking quite respectable with only the slight aroma of fresh man sex and testosterone laden sweat lingering about them. Both men were smiling to beat the band about being with each other again and could already feel the rising thrill of the pending hunt sparking between them. They were also both still semi- hard, an effect which Beef was sure was not lost on the crew and a few of their fellow passengers who gave looks mostly ranging from appreciative to downright lustful. Damn Beef loved being the object of this attention, and it always amused him that Brick was not nearly as fond of public display of muscle and male power as he was. "Different strokes" he thought as he squeezed his lover's giant hand as they took off. When the seat belt sign was turned off drinks and snacks were forthcoming, brought by a very cute and eager steward. As the couple settled in for the relatively short flight to their final destination Brick asked, "So what can you tell me about the prey?" Beef looked at Brick and saw a flash in his deep chocolate eyes that Beef was sure was fired right back from his own hazel gaze. They could both feel the hunt and the Hunter's moon calling them and the excitement level was already palpable for both. "Ahhhh Piggy…" said Beef to himself thinking of their target for the pending hunt. "Piggy? Really?" asked Brick. "That seems kind of mean Beefy…" Brick was such a kindhearted soul under that intimidating man mountain exterior, and Beef smiled broadly at his lover. "He named himself babe, and he is not wrong. He is physically huge, 450 pounds of fluff on a big solid frame! And he is a self-proclaimed Muscle pig. He lives eats and breaths men with muscle. He wants to be with us and one of us so badly babe you can feel it through the screen when we chat." Brick looked intrigued. "We have never hunted someone that big before. I didn't realize it just from the posts online." Beef smiled again, "He is very self conscious and hides it in what he posts, mostly. He says his people wear their fat well! I got him to open up." It was Brick's turn to smile. No one could turn on and reassure a would be worshiper like his Alpha stud, and Beef had been working on Piggy for a good long while. "I can taste him from long distance Brickhouse and this is going to be epic! You felt it when you just skyped to say hello, and you were a few hundred miles away." It was true. Brick had recently been on a quick layover in a major city a few hundred miles from their present destination, when Beef had asked him to join a three way skype. It was all very polite and friendly with Beef doing much of the talking, but Brick had gotten the sense that this guy they were talking too was ideal for the hunt. He said it felt like the vibes were coming right through his laptop and it had made him even less talkative than usual. It had also made him horny as hell! "So what do you think the results will be?" Beef asked Brick. "Dunno muscle stud, no one has ever hunted anyone that big, or, according to the Brotherhood, anyone who gave that much muscle vibe before." Said Beef. "I checked." Brick smiled at this. "Not even you ya big Alpha stud?" "Nope, my record is shattered." Said Beef with a mock frown and leaned his head against Brick's enormous shoulder and pec. Just then the steward came with a second round of drinks and let them know that they would be landing at their destination in about 20 minutes. "Well, Fuckin' A Beefy!" said Brick raising his glass to his muscle lover, "Here's to Piggy hunting!" ********************* A while later the gigantic couple collected their bags from the luggage carousel and headed out into a clear crisp fall afternoon. They could smell mountain pine and a hint of wood smoke as Beef checked his phone. "Piggy will be here in a minute." "How will we recognize him?" asked Brick. "Well, I doubt there will be too many other 450 lb dudes pulling up in the next while." Said Beef with a smile drawing in a deep breath. "But I can sense him from here!" Brick followed suit and shut his eyes. A jolt of energy hit him, shooting through his muscles. Brick stretched and said "Mmmmmm delicious!" Beef savored the feeling too and felt his big pants bulge twitch in anticipation of the night to come. "Easy big guy." He said to himself as Brick looked down in admiration. "All things in their proper time…" Brick grinned. "Damn right Beefy, no shows for the passersby." Just then a massive extended cab 4x4 pick up hove into view and stopped right in front of them. "Oh yeah, Piggy also drives a massive truck." Said Beef giggling. Sure enough their intended prey emerged from the driver's side of the truck and maneuvered around toward the two musclemen. Piggy was indeed huge. About 6' 2" and very big all over. Brick could see what he meant that he carried his fat well, but even with loose cloths and a plaid flannel over shirt there was no escaping the size of Piggy's gut, legs and ass. He was wicked fat. His face was not unhandsome, with close cropped blonde going salt and pepper hair and blue eyes. As he approached the pair, he suddenly came up short, blue eyes flashing and nearly bugging out of their sockets. He reached out as if the steady himself and managed to choke out only a hoarse "Wow!" Brick, being nearest, lunged forward and grabbed the swooning Piggy by the shoulder, feeling the solid foundation lurking under the fat and receiving another stronger charge of that mystical muscle energy he had been catching whiffs of for a while. "Wow yourself big guy." Brick said in a kindly low voice. "You ok?" Piggy steadied himself, giving Brick's massive arm a definite and appreciative squeeze, righted himself, and stared bashfully at the ground. "Dammit! I had all kinds of clever introduction lines thought up for this moment, an all I can do is get dizzy and say "Wow"…. Sheesh!" He blushed red and then looking back up at Brick said, "Thanks super stud." Brick smiled, squeezed back and whispered "My pleasure Piggy. I felt it too." Piggy beamed and Beef put his arm around Piggy's other shoulder, immediately savoring the energy that both Brick and Piggy were enjoying. "And how about a little musclebro hug for the Beefster?" "Of course, Beef!" chirped Piggy and they were suddenly engulfed in a three way bro hug on the side walk, each feeling the energy growing between them and grinning like idiots. Piggy murmured "Damn I can't believe my muscle gods are here, and hugging me, and it feels sooooo goooooood, and oh shit you guys smell awesome too…" A few of the other travelers were starting to stare at this massive man huddle, so Beef exerted significant self discipline and broke it off saying "C'mon dudes or we will make a serious spectacle of our selves!" All three adjusted themselves and proceeded to put the baggage in the back of the truck. Piggy took the wheel while Brick took shotgun and Beef stretched out in the very ample back seat. "Nice ride Piggy." Beef said as they left the airport access and moved onto a freeway. "Big rigs for big dudes." laughed Piggy as he jiggled his big gut with his free hand. Brick smiled at this "Works for all of us big dudes!" he said and flexed the arm nearest Piggy for emphasis. Once again that jolt of energy surged through all three of them! Beef reached over the seat back and gave his partner an appreciative squeeze while stroking his pec with is other hand “Mmmmm!" he murmured. "Shit fellas!" exclaimed Piggy as he jerked his gaze back to the road. "Ease off before I hit something from distraction, and we don't get there at all!" They all laughed at this, and Beef withdrew to the back seat. "So, what's the plan Piggy?" Brick asked trying to divert the conversation from the obvious. "Are we headed back to your place?" Piggy grinned. "Kinda Brick. We are gonna drive up into the mountains a bit and stop at my favorite old school roadhouse. I hope you studs like steaks!" Brick smiled back "Actually I'm Vegan buddy." He said in a serious sounding tone. Piggy goggled and looked crestfallen. "Oh…uh…" Both of the muscle hunks laughed together. "Don't buy any of the Brickhouse's bullshit Pigster, he could eat the whole damn cow in one sitting, and you would need another for me!" It was Piggy's turn to laugh! "Fuckers!" he said with a gigantic look of relief and happiness on his face. "Oh, you have no idea buddy, and we both could definitely do with a good meal under our belts." said Beef giving Brick a knowing look. "That is perfect because they have the best Prime Rib anywhere and tonight is Prime Rib night. We should get there right at suppertime." It was a lovely fall afternoon, mild with just a hint of briskness in the air. "Will we be coming back to town after?" asked Beef, thinking about moon rise. "Oh no." said Piggy "the family cabin in on a lake very near there. Indian Summer is the best time of year to be there, no one around and the aspens turning color, so I thought we would stay up there. I have been there getting it ready." He smiled again. "Sound good?" Piggy asked hopefully. "Do big muscle bears play in the woods Piggy?" exclaimed Brick “Damn well sounds perfect!" "Hell yeah!" said Beef and they all laughed again. They drove along winding a mountain highway as the afternoon mellowed into evening, chatting like old friends who had not seen each other in a long time. As it got toward evening, they pulled off the highway in front of an log building with an old school neon sign in front complete with martini glass. The place was done up in mountain rustic with heavy log furniture and a large stone fireplace with a cheery fire going in it. They were seated at once by a waitress that seemed to know Piggy and before long, they were having at glorious rare Prime Rib with all the fixings and a very complimentary red wine. "The family that has owned this place for ever… started out with vineyards in the Sonoma Valley, so the wine has always been as good as the beef” Beef and Brick smiled and Beef said "Mmmmm…. Beeeeef…" in his best Homer Simpson voice while bouncing his pecs in appreciation. Brick asked, "They seem to know you here Piggy, have you been coming here long?" "All my life." Said Piggy. "My great granddad logged up here when he was young and later on built one of the first summer cabins on the lake just up the road a piece. We always came here during our time at the cabin." They eventually emerged from the roadhouse very happy and full, but unusually for Piggy anyway, not sleepy. This was a surprise as they had not even had coffee. They piled into the truck as the light was getting softer and the smell of wood smoke added to the feeling of autumn mellowness surrounding them. They drove further along the highway for a few miles and then turned onto a well-maintained gravel road. Some way along they came to an automatic gate with Piggy activated from his phone. They drove on and eventually began to curve along the shore of a beautiful alpine lake, passing occasional cabins which all appeared to be closed up. At the end of the road, they came to a short driveway which curved toward a small cove with a beach. Nestled in the trees near a rocky point on the far side of the cove they came to a large and sturdy looking log structure--much more a house than a "cabin". "Well, here we are." said Piggy as they parked and began to unload. They went up a short flight of steps onto a wide shone porch overlooking the lake. Beef and Brick both stopped and starred at the stunning alpine view. Beef gave a whistle "Damn this is prime Piggy!" Brick just stared. The early evening sun was shimmering off the lake and the enticing small of pine trees and wood smoke tinged the air. "Benefits of being the first ones to stake out a building site." Said Piggy. "Great grandpa's company acquired the land way back and put in the road when the all-weather highway was built during the Depression. He and Grandpa built the cabin during the summers with some of the other loggers when times were slack, and the men needed work. “ Brick stomped his massive leg on the porch floor. "Looks damn solid. Perfect for big guys." Piggy blushed. "Yeah, big runs in the family." He said quietly with a tinge of embarrassment. He quickly moved to the big front door and opened it. "C'mon in." They entered a large main room with a beam ceiling. It was finished in knotty pine and had a log staircase to one side going up to a second floor. Opposite was a large stone fireplace with a banked fire already going. The room was furnished in old rustic casual with large substantial furniture. There were several bookshelves and a bar flanking large windows that overlooked the lake and French doors next to the fireplace that lead out onto a side deck. To the rear of the big room was a dining area with a very large table. Doors lead off from beyond the stairs to what was presumably the kitchen and other spaces. Piggy motioned toward the nearer of these doors. "Bring your stuff this way fellas." They followed him into a large bedroom with a gigantic log bed, matching dresser, nightstands, wardrobe and huge full-length mirror. On the wall was an old-fashioned wedding photo of a very burly looking man with a handlebar mustache in a derby hat and a pretty woman with a long flowing veil. "This was Great grandpa and Great grandma's room. He and Grandpa made all the furniture." Piggy gestured to a door on the interior wall. "The bathroom is through there. Plenty of room for you to stow your stuff in here." He said indicating the dresser and wardrobe. " I’m gonna go unbank the fire. The heater is on the wall if you need it. C'mon out to the big room when you are ready for another drink, and we can catch the sunset from the porch. Always good!" He winked and then trundled out the way they had come in. The minute he had gone Beef was in Brick's arms kissing his lover deeply. After a long interlude he asked "Fuuuck Brickhouse! This is feeling is insane!!! Was it like this when you hunted me?" Brick grinned "It was intense Beefy stud, but the vibe this Piggy is giving off is off the charts mad! I have been fighting the urge to drop pants and start fucking since that first brohug at the airport!" Indeed, both muscle studs were tenting hard as they rubbed up against each other. "Easy baby" Said Brick "We gotta maintain for a bit. Let's change and chill out until it's time and then we can give Piggy the full-on Brotherhood hunting treatment, and you are taking point stud. I wanna see you fucking explode!" Beef flexed his arms as Brick rubbed his lovers bulging pecs. "Fuck yeah!!! All for you Brickhouse!" The kissed again and then stripped down to their camo posers, taking time to flex in the big mirror before putting on tight t-shirts, shorts and flip flops. "And for Piggy too big stud!" said Brick giving his muscle lover a final squeeze. "Oh, hell yeah Bricky!" said Beef flexing for his lover "Our big sweet Piggy is gonna be something else when we get through hunting his big tasty ass!" They joined Piggy in the big room seeing that he had also changed into a voluminous pair of board shorts and a very baggy Superman logo shirt. Beef could not help but smile to himself at that. He was a cute muscle pig for all his flab and quite eagerly sweet to please his guests. "What's your pleasure gents?" asked Piggy as he sidled around behind the bar. "I think we should stick with wine." Said Brick. "Never mix, never worry." He smiled. "Ok by you?" The others agreed and Piggy produced a bottle of very nice Pinot Noir from behind the bar. While he was opening it and letting it breathe, Beef and Brick looked around the big room. One of the bookcases was filled with trophies and photos and what not. Some were of the same man in the photo in the bedroom. These appeared to be lumberjack competition medals from long ago and photos from lumbering days. The next shelf down were photos devoted to a very burly man of the next generation who seemed to be an all-round field athlete and rugby player and had attended a prestigious university. The final shelf was filled with photos and trophies of a very handsome heavyweight bodybuilder of still a younger generation. Significantly there were no photos of Piggy or any other relatives to be seen. "Ah the big guy line up." Said Piggy coming up and handing each of them a glass of red. "The lumberjack is your Great-grandpa, right" Asked Brick. The top shelf was crowded with photos of lumberjack competitions featuring the very burly man from the bedroom. "Yep, this was his favorite place. He came up here with the family every summer. He started as a lumberjack and got into lumber mills and retail. Did quite well." Beef and Brick gave approving noises, especially for the few when Great grandpa was shirtless. Beef's gaze moved down to the next shelf down. It was full of old sports medals and team and individual photos. "That’s Grandpa's shelf. He was a track star and rugby jock. Even played against the All-Blacks once, but they got their asses kicked" Piggy chuckled. Their eyes were then naturally drawn to the last shelf. It was crowded with pictures of a very handsome and well-built bodybuilder. The trophies, mostly from regional amateur competitions, dated from the 1960s and 70s. "Who is the muscle stud on the third shelf Piggy?" Asked Beef "Very old school and woofy!" Piggy gulped and said quietly "That's my Uncle Bob." To their surprise a tear came to Piggy's eye. "He…died." There was an awkward silence. Then Beef reached for Piggy and drew him into a huge Beef Special hug with Piggy's face planted right on Beef's massive pecs "S'ok dude, sorry if I stepped on a sore spot." Brick put his huge arms around them both and the glorious energy enveloped the three of them again. Piggy sighed a happy sigh and said "No it's ok, come out onto the porch and I'll tell you all about Uncle Bob. I think I would like that as we watch the sunset." They took their glasses of wine and moved onto the porch, settling into large Adirondack chairs that were obviously build for large customers. The sun was still above the mountains on the far side of the lake, the temperature was warm enough to not need a jacket, and they had a spectacular view of what promised to be a beautiful cloud laced sunset. They sipped their wine for a few moments in silence, waiting for Piggy to start. Finally, he drew a deep breath and began. "Uncle Bob was my mother's brother, the only two kids in the family. They were very close and loved each other very much. Bob was the younger and was the baby of the family and the golden boy, literally. He went away to Los Angeles for college and got involved in the bodybuilding scene down there. That was in the 60s." "Wow" Said Beef “I bet he knew all the greats from the old days!" "I am sure he did." Said Piggy. But I think a lot of it was also on the QT because Uncle Bob was also gay and very much out of the closet from early on. That is one reason he never went pro or pursued a career in bodybuilding. That was strictly out of the question back then." "I'll bet." Said Brick quietly." "Yeah" said Piggy “It caused a good bit of tension in the family too. Uncle Bob used to come up here every summer and spend time with the family. He was my idol when I was young, and I loved the time we had together” Piggy sighed and another tear formed in his eye. "Bob got a good deal more open about things as time went on. He used to bring friends up here with him when we were here. It never was unseemly, just friendly. He even put in a big redwood hot tub which was all the rage back in the day. It is still here and works great!" Piggy chuckled. "My Mom's family all knew he was gay and really never made a thing of it, but my dad…" Piggy sobbed a bit at this. "I think my old man was afraid his only son was gonna be just like his uncle and didn't want me around him. He was right of course." Piggy sniffed. "It really killed Mom when the old man told her that she could not have Uncle Bob at our house any more or that we would not be coming here if he was here. The son of a bitch even intercepted birthday and Christmas gifts and cards and letters! I was heartbroken. " "Damn." whispered Beef. "Yeah" echoed Brick. "I found out from my mom when Uncle Bob got sick with AIDS and when he died she and I went to LA for the funeral. It was so sad and scary for a young, closeted guy. I think that is when I just shut down and turned it all off. “ Brick looked at Piggy inquiringly. "Turned what off Piggy?" Piggy was really fighting back the tears now. "Awwwww shit guys, all of it, being gay, wanting muscle, wanting to be with big buff muscle men, wanting to be part of a family of muscle brothers, all of it. I just turned off and hid in the closet… eating pizza and jerking off to muscle magazines…for a very long time..." He looked down dejectedly at his wine glass and mumbled "Sorry to spew all this out on you guys… bit of a downer… “ But Beef and Brick were grinning like idiots and on their feet. They each took Piggy by an armpit and pulled him up to his feel and wrapped him into a big bro hug facing the now setting sun. They were once again enveloped in warm muscular energy and masculine scent mixing with pine and woodsmoke. They just stood and let Piggy breath deep. "Brother Piggy" Beef said after a bit "Brick and I are here just for you! But now I think we need to take Uncle Bob's hot tub for a spin!" Piggy smiled and said "Awesome!" Like a kid with a new skateboard. "It is all prepped and ready to go. Just gotta switch it on. You wanna go change and I'll get her fired up?" Brick winked at Beef. "No need. Lead on host with the most!" "Ohhhh kay, grab your glasses." said Piggy picking up his glass and an extra bottle he had uncorked. "This way gents." They followed his billowing board shorts and baggy t-shirt around the corner of the cabin to a side porch. The hot tub was built into the far end of a deck covered by an open pergola and surrounded by low benches. Piggy flipped a switch and the tub roared to life. He flipped another and various lights came on. "There are towels and such in the seats" he said indicating the benches, which were fitted with flip tops. "It will take a few minutes for it to heat up." Said Piggy plopping his bulk down on a bench. Brick looked at Beef. "Let's give our host a little preview of coming attractions big guy!" "Oh, fuck yeah!" shouted Beef as brick reached out and began to peel his lover's tight t shirt off. "Damn this is tight. Hey Piggy, get over here and help me with this,” Piggy did not need to be asked twice. He was at Beef's side like a shot rolling the t-shirt up his tight waist and over his massive bulging pecs. Beef was in muscle spark heaven every time Piggy touched bare skin and Piggy moaned as he slid the shirt up over Beefs up raised arms and bull neck, tousling Beef's dark hair as he drew it down to get it completely off. Piggy just stood there for a second looking at Beef's bulging bare torso grinning like he had just won the sixth-grade spelling bee. He drew the shirt up to his face and inhaled a huge breath. "Fuuuuuuck that sexy man smell… God, I love it!" Brick put a giant hand on Piggy's shoulder. "Could use some help here to buddy." He said quietly, enjoying the sparking energy again. Piggy set Beef's shirt on the bench and turned to Brick. "Yessir!" he smiled and proceeded to raise Brick’s shirt up taking extra care to run his hands over as much of Brick's massive furry pecs. "Ohhh that's real nice Piggy." Brick said as he placed his shirt next to Beef's. "See how you like them flexed” Brick flexed and his pecs immediate jumped up and out causing Piggy to catch his breath. "Ohhhhh my Gaaaaawd…" muttered Piggy as he stroked each mountainous muscle. "Very good choice Piggy." Purred Brick enjoying the sensation of power whizzing through his chest as Piggy fondled and teased his pecs and nipples. Beef was loving the sight of this and notice a rapidly growing tightness in his shorts. He struck a hands-on-hips pose and said "Hey Piggy, Gonna need some help with these shorts too. I think I am just a bit too buzzed." Piggy reluctantly turned away from Brick's mammoth chest, with a wink and a nudge from Brick, and turned to goggle at the sight of beautiful bulging Beef with a major bulge straining his shorts for all they were worth. "Give a brother a hand will ya?" Beef said with a mock plea in his voice. Beef had already kicked off his beach shoes and was standing in anticipation as Piggy approached him a bit cautiously. "Uhhh…" Piggy hesitated. "C'mon Piggy" whispered Beef. Watching you work Brickhouse's huge pecs got me all worked up." He flexed his own giant chest for Piggy and brought his arm down right to Piggy's face and flexed an enormous gun. "Ya see Piggy there is nothing we get off on more than flexing our big sexy muscles and having muscle piggys like you worship them, so let loose and help a bro out, eh?" "OH, FUCK YEAH!" shouted Piggy as he squeezed Beef's flexed bicep with his left hand and ran his right down Beefs carved abs to begin undoing his shorts. "Oh, hell yes Piggy. That's it!" Beef threw his head back and reveled in growing energy and feelings of masculine power. Damn Piggy had muscle worship juice to spare, and it was absolutely what the two muscle studs craved. Piggy succeeded in getting Beefs shorts unzipped and gasped as he slid them toward the ground. There for his lusting Piggy eyes to behold was Beef's semi hard musclecock tenting the shiny pare of custom green camo posers. "Fuck me those are hot!" muttered Piggy as he tossed the unneeded shorts aside. "You like those eh?" asked Brick who was now also short less and sporting an equally large camo clad semi. "Damn…" was all Piggy could say presented with two gargantuan muscle gods thrusting gigantic camo clad baskets in his direction. He staggered back and sat with a thunk on the bench. Beef bounced his pecs at Brick. ""Why I do declare Brickhouse" he said in his best Miss Scarlet voice "I believe we have overwhelmed the gentleman!" Brick drew himself up and said in a corresponding Foghorn Leghorn voice "I say boy, let's give the poor chicken something to really get his feathers in a mess about!" And with that Brick struck and terrifyingly magnificent double biceps pose! "AWOOOOOOOO" Howled Beef as he immediately raised his own mighty arms and flexed, grinning like a man possessed. Beef's green cam posers tented as his bulging cock flexed at the sight of his mountainous muscle lover and Brick immediately moved a step closer so he could rub his own camo clad monster against Beef's growing erection. They met cock to cock, bulging chest to bulging chest with glowing lust and love in their eyes, flexing their gargantuan arms one against the other. Piggy sat in awe, his own meager pig junk rock hard in his board shorts and his brain reeling from the display off muscle and manly passion in front of him. It was all he had ever wanted and dreamt of! Beef and Brick intertwined their massive bodies and began a slow sensuous kiss. It was the kind of kiss that Piggy had only ever fantasized about. He just stared, open mouth, brain frozen, unable to move or speak. After what seemed like an eon, the lovers broke apart. Piggy took a breath. Beef looked at him and spoke. "Is this what you desire Piggy?" Piggy just sat for a second and then he looked hang dog and said very quietly, "Oh, more than anything in the whole world… but.." "But us no buts little pig,” said Brick. "Get that baggy ass shirt off and come join your musclebros in the hot tub." With that Brick eased his bulk into the waiting tub with a tremendous sigh of satisfaction. Beef stood on the deck waiting for Piggy to get up, which he did tentatively. "Shirt…off?" Piggy quavered. "Yep." Said Beef giving Piggy a friendly squeeze on the shoulder. "Were all brothers here, Piggy!" he said, winking at Brick remembering a night not long ago when taking a shirt off lead to a whole new world. Piggy received another jolt of musclebro energy from Beef's touch and in one motion, like ripping off a band-aid, flung off his baggy t-shirt and stood silhouetted by the setting sun. He was indeed a super chub. He had a large frame and there was plenty of muscle underneath the fat, but brother was there fat! It hung everywhere, two big saggy moobs, a massive overhanging gut that completely obscured his junk, big fat saddle bags and ass cheeks a mile wide. He carried fat on his thighs and calves and had it sagged off his upper arms. For all this he was a handsome man, and the hunters saw he was a prime candidate for being hunted! Piggy quickly got into the tub and Beef followed him bringing their wine glasses and the spare bottle. They all chatted and watched the sun set as the last of the wine slowly disappeared. Piggy found himself much more relaxed for having the hot tub do its thing and having consumed most of the rest of the bottle. He was now very closely seated between his two mammoth guests and not feeling nearly as self conscious about it as he had been earlier. It was Beef that made first contact with a now buzzed Piggy, inching closer to him and flexing a huge bulging bicep in Piggy's slightly flushed face. "So, you like big gunz Piggy?" Piggy blushed "You know I do Beef." He whispered, eyes wide at Beefs giant bicep. "Well go-ahead bro, give it a good feel." Piggy needed no further encouragement and was soon caressing Beef's arm and shoulder, sighing with contentment. More muscle juice flowed from Piggy to Beef as skin-to-skin contact was made. "Oh, Piggy that’s lovely." murmured Beef. "It's fucking awesome." sighed Piggy in a breathless voice. "Well, there is a lot more Beef to play with greedy Pig, slide over on to Beefy's lap and get the full treatment." Piggy moved his considerable bulk around so they were belly to belly and crotch to crotch--Piggy's huge gut spilling out on either side of Beef's narrow waist and his face now almost buried in Beef's massive dancing pecs. Each of Piggy's hands were now squeezing a bicep as Beef flexed his arms for his overwhelmed worshiper. Piggy moved his eager tongue back and forth between each of Beef now rock-hard nipples, slurping and teasing like a dying mans at his last meal. "Ohhhhh fuuuuck Piggy!" Beef shouted, "You feel incredible!!!" as more muscle energy began to dance between them, filling Beef with a growing sense of power and strength. His body was alive with erotic sensation and his huge muscle cock was straining against his posers and Piggy's massive gut, hard as steel and yearning for release. God, he loved being a muscle brother! Piggy was in heaven too! He had never felt anything as wonderful as worshiping his Beefy bro. He was so focused on the task that he could not see the tiny sparks of energy zipping back and forth between Beef and himself as they touched and felt each other. All he knew was that this was where he was meant to be, and he never wanted it to end. He was in muscle pig heaven and could not believe that two awesome specimens like this would give a fat lump like him a passing glance, let alone the chance to fulfill his wildest muscle fantasy! Piggy paused in his pec worship to gaze into Beef's ecstatic eyes and say just that. Beef just smiled a 10,000-watt smile and looked beyond Piggy's head. Piggy suddenly felt an even bigger jolt of energy as hands stroked his shoulders. "Do you really love this Piggy? More than anything?" Asked Brick who was now standing like a wall of muscle behind Piggy. "Oh God yes Brick" said Piggy almost desperately "I have never wanted anything more than to be with you both!" He nipped at Beefs left nipple and Beef gave a yip of pleasure. "I love being able to worship you muscle gods!" Piggy declared with gusto! Brick smiled at this as Piggy inched lower focusing his attention of Beef's deeply cut abs. Brick ran his hands down Piggy’s back feeling the hidden muscle lurking under layers of flab, calling to him, begging to be wakened and grown. "And how, little Piggy, would you like to be a muscle god like your big brothers?" Piggy stopped dead. He stood up and did a wobbly half turn to look up at the taller Brick. Beef stood up behind Piggy and said "Awww shit Brickhouse, that was some damn fine worship I was getting!" He reached out and squeezed Piggy on the shoulder sending off a few sparks. Piggy blushed "Geee thanks Beefybro!" Brick looked serious as Mount Rushmore and said quietly "All well and good, but we need to see where this evening is going to go and fairly quickly. ‘ Beef looked around. It was full dark now, the sun having set behind the mountain across the lake some time ago. "Correct Brick" Said Beef with a nudge to Piggy "He is the sensible one." OK then Piggy" Said Brick "We know you love muscle and show every sign of being a Class A worshiper." "Check" said Beef. "We know you come from buff stock as evidenced by the family photos in the cabin." "Check" Said Beef “We know that you are gay and attracted to big muscle." "Double check" said Piggy with a wink. "So here is the big question, would you be willing to become a muscle brother like Beef and me?" Piggy stood silent for a minute. He looked at Brick, serious as a judge. He looked over his shoulder a Beef, who was smiling and winking and popping his pecs eagerly. "You guys are serious?" he said, holding back incredulity and the urge to burst into tears. "Serious as a Deacon." Said Brick still stone faced. Piggy paused and decided they were serious and not having him on. "Believe me Brick I would love nothing more in the entire universe. But how in the hell could this" he grabbed two hands full of his gigantic belly "become anything remotely like that?" he indicated Brick's mammoth physique. "It would take years and years of training. Do you guys have some secret muscle stud haven where you take stray muscle piggys and board them all expenses paid while they slowly reinvent themselves? If so, I am all in!" Brick’s granite face cracked a grin at that. "Not exactly Piggy." He chuckled. "We have a bit more unorthodox method in mind. But there are consequences muscle pig." "Like what?" asked Piggy. "Well, you would be pretty much ruined for any ordinary man. You would be solely and exclusively a member of the brotherhood. You would have to abide by our very minimal rules, which mostly involve keeping the order a secret and not creating too much of a public splash about who and what you become." "Yeah Piggy,” said Beef. "No bodybuilding contests, powerlifting meets, porn star contracts or high-profile social media crap." Piggy thought for a minute. "But that’s how you and I…" "Ahhh there are exceptions sweet Muscle Pig." Said Beef flexing his bicep at Piggy mischievously. "That's why we are here now. You are a fucking huge exception, and we want you for our bro! Haven't you been feeling the energy dancing around us all night? You were made for this Piggy, and we want you bad!" Beef flexed both arms at this last statement and his biceps bulged seemingly even larger than before. "Ohhhhh fuuuuck yeah!!!" Beef moaned. Piggy's little cock twitched in his baggy board shorts, and he quickly turned back to Brick forcing himself to focus. "So, what other restrictions?" Brick gazed off at the far horizon for a minute and then back at Piggy. "That is pretty much it. We meet up regularly in discreet locales for fun and frolic and keep in touch one on one. Occasionally some of us pair up long term. And when conditions are right, we find new recruits. So, what do you say Piggy?" Piggy stood in the bubbling hot tub. He was confused as hell with no real idea what was happening, but in his gut, he knew he wanted what Brick and Beef offered him in the worst way and always had. His entire miserable life he had craved true brothers and muscle, and now here it was offered up in what appeared to be all sincerity. And even if it turned out to be some sort of huge joke, he was still gonna get some serious muscle action! FUCK YES, I WANT IT BRICK! I HAVE NEVER WANTED ANYTHING ELSE!!! BRING IT ON!!!! Piggy yelled at the top of his voice. Brick grinned and gave Piggy and huge bro hug! "Ok Muscle Pig, prepare yourself for the most amazing night of your life." Brick whispered in Piggy's ear and then kissed him gently on the cheek as he turned Piggy to face Beef. Beef let out a giant whoop and leapt out of the hot tub, muscles glistening and gigantic boner straining at his shiny green camo posers. Just as Beef landed on the deck the moon emerged from behind the mountains across the lake. It was a full moon, the Hunter's moon, golden and huge. It bathed the entire deck in a warm light including the still dripping Beef. The moonglow seemed to caress and spread across beefs muscles like lather and he began to massage himself like a man soaping himself in the shower "OHHHH DAAAAMN THIS IS INCREDIBLE…" Beef moaned loudly as he caressed his blossoming pecs and his deepening abs. Piggy could see every muscle fiber in Beef huge body pulse with moon derived energy and his eyes began to glow with golden sparks. Little rivers of energy began to zip up and down Beef, teasing his nipples erect, zinging through his hair and especially concentration of his not ridiculously bulging manhood. ""FUUUUUUCK…" Yowled Beef as he reached down toward his exploding crotch. Before he could release his muscle dick, however there was a sharp crack like a whip as his posers gave way and his massive rod burst out and slapped against his upper abdominals. "URRRGH!!!" Beef grunted with satisfaction and raised in an incredible double biceps pose showing his now much larger torso and arms! Brick grunted with satisfaction and gave Piggy a nudge. "Best get in their sport. You need a good dose of what Beefy is putting out right now brother and no mistake." Piggy did not need to be asked twice and hauled his fat carcass out of the tub. "One thing Piggy." Said Brick and he grabbed Piggy's baggy board shorts and ripped them easily from his lard ass. "You won't be needing these again!" Piggy looked back at Brick and blushed, but he was so taken with the golden image of the growing muscle god in front of him that he barely hesitated. Piggy stepped away from the tub and into the pool of golden moonlight that was engulfing the enraptured Beef. Piggy placed a tentative hand on each of Beef's super huge biceps and felt the ecstatic muscle power that had only been hinted at before flow into his body. "OH SHIIIIIIIIIT BEEFYBRO!!!" Piggy exclaimed as he drew closer, pressing his belly up against Beef's hard abs and his soft moobs against the muscle stud’s ballooning chest. More sparks leapt between the two men and Beef looked down at Piggy with blazing golden eyes. Piggy could feel Beef's steel hard enormous cock pressing against his belly, sending bolts of muscle energy straight into his guts and spine and into Piggy's balls and tiny cock. It was the most amazing thing he had ever experienced! Beef made eye contact with Piggy sending bolts of golden energy straight into Piggy's soul. There Beef spoke in a deep resonant voice without words but heard in Piggy's innermost being. <WELCOME BROTHER. I AM SO VERY HAPPY YOU HAVE COME TO JOIN US> Piggy found he could answer <THANK YOU FOR THIS GIFT BROTHER! I AM TRULY HAPPY TO BE CHOSEN> Piggy felt a new presence behind him and realized that Brick had moved up against him, solid, massive and hard as a rock. He too had become engulfed in the golden energy and now spoke without words. <SHARE IN OUR POWER BROTHER AND WE BROTHERS WILL SHARE IN YOURS> Piggy pondered this. <HAVE I POWER TO SHARE BROTHER?> Piggy felt joy and a surge of the golden energy from a new source from within his own flabby body as he realized that he had started to glow all over like Beef and Brick. <POWER TO SPARE BROTHER! TAKE FROM US AND IN TURN THE HUNTERS MOON SHALL RELEASE YOUR POWER TO US ALL!> Beef then reached out and directed Piggy to first one hard nipple then the other, each time teasing wonderful jolts of muscle energy out of them and into Piggy. Then Beef gently pushed Piggy down over his gorgeous cobblestone abs toward the glowing steel tower that his muscle cock had become. Piggy eagerly ran his tongue over the giant mushroom head already slick with glowing precum and then down along the long thick veiny shaft. He nuzzled the sparks nestling in Beef's bush and sucked each iridescent ball in turn, making Beef groan with pleasure. <PARTAKE OF THE POWER OF THE BROTHERHOOD> Piggy heard in his head as Beef's cock and muscles began to swell even larger. The light now surrounding all three of them intensified and was almost blinding and Piggy knelt down on all fours. Behind him he could hear Brick begin to growl as he stroked Piggy's back and ass cheeks. It was a sublime feeling and he could feel the internal power he had felt earlier begin to expand to include his ass. Brick rubbed against his ass with his own huge muscle cock and for a moment Piggy was worried that his virgin hole would not be able to manage such a large tool. <FEAR NOT BROTHER. THE POWER IS WITHIN YOU> And with that Piggy could feel that it was true and that not only could he handle Brick's big super cock, but that he wanted it in the worst way, that he needed it to be a true brother to this amazing muscle god <I AM NOT AFRAID BROTHER. I FEEL THE POWER WITHIN ME AND GIVE IT TO YOU BOTH WITH UNBRIDLED JOY}. With that he began to suck Beef's hot massive cock in earnest while Brick gently eased his own giant unit into Piggy's now willing and eager ass. The light and energy surrounded all three of them with bolts of golden fire shooting off in all directions. Each man was in complete muscle bliss, enveloped in a haze of masculine power and brotherly love as they reveled in each other and in the power bestowed on them by the Hunter's moon. Harder and faster, they made love, Beef flexing and pumping, Piggy sucking and moving in rhythm, Brick hammering Piggy and stroking his back, all the while the moonlight getting brighter and brighter with more jets of golden energy sparking off the three men as they built toward a simultaneous climax. As sexual release built each man began to groan with animal pleasure. Each convulsing body also began to change. Beef began to grow visibly taller, his frame stretching by several inches up and out. There was the sound of bones creaking as his body expanded and stretched, but instead of pain he yowled in pleasure! Piggy on the other hand began to feel things shifting away, fat disappearing, skin shrinking, muscles growing, and incredible energy coursing through his body! He too felt intense pleasure as the light grew brighter. Brick did not grow taller. He just began to grow denser, adding even more muscle to his already massive frame, howling and feeling intense joy as his cock also expanded as he pounded is new muscle brother's eager and very fuckable ass! Brick leaned over Piggy toward Beef, Drawing him into a passionate kiss. Massive sparks flew between them! <WE ARE COMPLETE! FEEL THE POWER OF THE HUNTERS MOON MY BROTHERS!!!> There was an intensification of both the golden moon energy and the level of pleasure when the circuit was made. Each man was enveloped in a pulsing aura of gold light as the moved and pulsed as one organism, sucking, pumping, growing and shrinking together. Brighter and brighter the light grew as Beef and Brick expanded and Piggy shrank. Each man's cock was now hammering hard and building to an astounding climax, an orgasm more intense than any they had ever experienced before. Light zoomed between and around all three of them, binding them together, transforming them into true muscle brothers. Beef had never felt such energy as was rushing through his manhood and muscles, making them swell with new size and power. Piggy had never felt such energy flowing through his body remaking his flabby self, taking his stored fat as energy for the creation of muscle for himself and his brothers. Brick had never experienced such a rush of masculine fulfillment as his cock expanded inside Piggy's now gloriously muscular bubble butt and his muscles blew up to behemoth proportions. With a blinding flash of moonlight all three muscle studs came, a roar of deep satisfaction issuing from Beef and Brick and satisfied slurping from Piggy as he greedily guzzled Beef load and took all of Bricks. They came for what seemed like ages, each lit from within by the lingering golden light, radiating power and masculine energy from their newly transformed bodies. As the golden light faded, Beef and Brick broke contact and stepped away from Piggy who was now lying face down on the deck. Despite having just come both standing muscle gods were hard as iron pipes and completely taken with their new muscle. They immediately began to flex for each other. "Goddam Beefy stud!" said Brick in awe, reaching out to feel his partner's massive new pecs. "You gotta be packing at lease fifty more pounds here!" he exclaimed giving each big juicy nipple a tweak. "Oh, fuck me Brick that feels sooooo good!" whispered Beef flexing his expanded chest for his gigantic partner to fondle. "And look at you! At least thirty, maybe forty pounds of new Brickhouse!!!" Brick raised his arms in a double bicep pose and Beef gave the mountainous new muscle an appreciative squeeze. "Wow!" said Brick "Piggy zapped my arms good!" His cock gave a nice flex at the thought and Beef reached down to caress it. "And your cock too big stud, Longer and thicker!" "Ooooo that feels awesome!" said Brick. "Say Beefy, are you looking me in the eye babe?" Beef stopped and thought for a moment, then grinned. "I sure as hell am lover!" Beef took Brick's face in his huge hands and kissed him hard. "That’s three inches height that Piggy gave me as well. I think that means I got closer to seventy bounds of new meat here!!! Wahoo!!!!" They kissed each other and hugged feeling all their new muscle for several minutes. Then Beef glanced down and asked, "How's our Piggy?" Brick looked at the prone figure on the now shadowy deck. "Out like a light. We best get him inside." They hoisted Piggy up between them and helped the half conscious musclebro to his feet. Propping him up on both sides they helped him into the living room. "Well, he certainly weighs a lot less than he did." Chirped Beef as they stopped near the bar. "Let's see if a shot of some stimulant will bring our new Muscle pig around, eh?" Brick left Beef to hold Piggy and found a bottle of whiskey and a glass. He poured a measure of brown liquid and offered to Piggy. "C'mon Piggy slurp it up." Said Brick. Piggy took the glass from the massive muscleman, took a gulp, eyed brick with lust in his eye, dipped his fingers in the whiskey, rubbed them across Brick's chest and proceeded to lick it off going "Oink! Oink!" Brick said, "Our Piggy is muscle happy, but he has a very talented tongue!" Both musclemen proceeded to laugh. "Jeez!" said Beef. "Piggy really is out of it." Piggy took another swig and ogled Beef in turn. "You are too!" he said and poured the rest of the booze on Beef's now gargantuan pecs and proceeded to nuzzle them like mad. "Yummy!" proclaimed Piggy. Beef groaned. "Talented does not even begin to cover it! Fuuuuuuck…" "C'mon." said Brick "Let's get him in the bedroom before he has us all on the floor in here. "The each took a side of the now much steadier Piggy and walked him back to the downstairs bedroom. They steadied him facing the big mirrored wardrobe with his back to the massive bed and inched away to see if he could stand on his own. Piggy swayed a bit but managed to remain upright. He straightened himself and suddenly squinted in the direction of the big mirror. "Heeeey… who put up the big poster of Uncle Bob?" he asked staring at the reflected muscle stud in the looking glass. Beef and Brick both laughed. "That's not Uncle Bob bro!" said Beef "That's the new and much improved muscled up Y-O-U!" Piggy gaped and stared at the reflected glory of his new muscle-bound self. Indeed, he did look every bit like his Uncle the heavyweight bodybuilding champion. He tentatively raised a hand to his newly bulging right pec and tenderly felt its smooth curve, yipping slightly as he brushed his now prominent and quite sensitive nipple. He moved his hand lower marveling at his deeply chiseled square cut abs and brought is other hand to stroke his intercostals and rest on his tight Adonis belt. He inhaled, placing both hands on his narrow waist expanding his chest and raising his firm chin. A look if incredible joy emerged on his handsome face as he gazed on his transformed self and his formerly puny cock began to rise out and up with pride and power--reaching a full and thick full staff with a thwack against his newly hard gut. Piggy smiled a radiant smile, blinking back tears of joy, and said (in a canny imitation of Charlie Brown) "I got a cock." "That's not all you got musclebro." Said Beef squeezing Piggy on his now huge delt. "Not by half" echoed Brick rubbing his gigantic thigh against Piggy's now taught bubble butt. Piggy turned to Beef and threw his muscular arms around the bigger man's back and buried his face in his huge pecs. "Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you…" he murmured, tears now pouring down Beef's chest. Brick moved in behind Piggy and made him the meat in a Beef and Brick muscle sandwich. "We are the ones to thank you brother." whispered brick in Piggy ear. 'Look at what you have done for us!" Piggy turned and faced his mammoth muscle brother. "I am so happy I could give this to you both and become a muscle brother." He said kissing the larger muscle stud's pecs. "Thank you, Brother Brick!" Brick smiled and bent down, kissing Piggy with great passion. "Thank you, Brother Piggy” Piggy, kissed back, smiled, turned, kissed Beef hard and then said "Not Piggy anymore." He broke their three ways embrace and struck and formidable double bicep pose. "This new muscle brother is now 100 percent Wild Boar!!!" Beef let out a wild "Yeehaw" and Brick growled like a grizzly bear. The Boar flung himself backward onto the gigantic bed with his new cock saluting his muscle bros straight up in the air. "Well, c'mon brothers, who wants some freshly smoked Grade A PORK???!!!"
  12. My Big Black Bodybuilder Boyfriend "Ugh, where is he? He's always late." I say, looking at my phone every minute or so. Me and Tayce always take a break every Saturday to stop and have coffee downtown. I regret being so caught up in my studies that we didn't spend as much time together this month but I was in the last few weeks of my studies and I could spend all the time as I wanted with him. I don't know why I was expecting him to just call me when he was down the street or something, his hands had already grown too large to use one without it breaking to pieces. I just saw him when I did and enjoyed our time together. It wasn't nothing to spot that big hunk of a man a mile away. Like a scene in Jurassic Park where the water ripples in the cup as my drink did the same. I could hear the loud steps of his feet slam into the sidewalk. I looked up to see my boyfriend walking towards me. Well, walking is not really what he's doing at this point. His thighs had grown so large that the rolled and collided with each other as he continued making his way. Each step with his size 18 feet could have left an impression on the concrete if he stepped down hard enough. I looked at him and he looked at me back with his eyes glowing like honey as he flashed his pearly whites at me. A man could have dropped dead looking at such a freak of nature. He was barely 6feet tall but wide enough to take up the sidewalk AND much more. I could tell he had grown since last week. Hell, he's been growing bit and bit week after week. I should know, I'm the one ordering his clothes for him. Such a genetic freak as his chin and beard rested of his gigantic pecs. So large in fact that a man could stand under them for shade at this point. His nipples pushing the fabric of his shirt outwards as I could tell he had stopped getting them milked to releave some of the pressure building up in those babies. His shirt looking like a crop top at this point as his roid gut bounced with each step he took as well. He could see me watching and he stopped briefly to pump a bicep. It wasn't just for me as some other men sitting nearby and ever across the street all watching him radiate pleasure. Tayce just had that effect on people as these other folks were clearly in lust with him. It was a fact that a man of his stature and girth would have men either bulging in their pants, some so bold as to even whip out their cocks to worship him. He radiated testosterone, so much that it wasn't a normal day if some stranger wasn't on their knees, begging to worship my boyfriend. I didn't mind one bit. Even with all his power, it was like I wasn't affected by it. Sure I would go head over heels for this man, but I was able to connect with him on a level no man could. I remember him when he was just shy over 200lbs. It was 2 years ago at a local gym. I was the new shy-guy sterotype getting used to the gym and he was working there as a personal trainer. Maybe it was then he was already working something over me but he was just as handsome as he was then as he was right now. Strangely enough, it felt like love at first sight as he came to help me when I was struggling just to get the treadmill working right. He came and asked me if I needed help and not even 30 minutes later was he railing me in the supply closet. A week went by, I kept going up there. Not so much to work out but to spend time with Tayce. A month later of seeing him did I overhear him telling another worker that he still aimed to get bigger, to be the biggest freak. And I would do anything to help him. I snuck onto the university I was going to and managed to sneak out with a growth hormone they were testing on to help build muscles in lab rats. When the time was right, I mixed the hormone off in his water bottle and crossed my fingers at the thought of him being who he always dreamed of. By the next week, my dream (and his) had came true. I came in to the gym to find him easily twice his weight. He was already fit but now he was looking like an off season bodybuilder at this point. It was something to see him wearing clothes that did nothing to hide his new physique and something in him just clicked when he saw me. Next thing you know, he's railing me in the closet again. It feels much more cramped now, but in a good way as I can feel his muscles resting on my back as my ass is stretched even wider than before. He grew in a lot more places as I quickly found out. By then we had been seeing each other more and as evil as what I did to him sound I still had to come clean to how he had grown so huge. The confession had took him by shock. I wouldn't have been mad if he wanted no more out of me. He stood slack jawed as he stood on the rooftop of the gym and he suddenly grabbed me and gave me a kiss that just blew me away. He told me that if he knew I was the one who helped him grow to his size that he would have invited me over when he practically grew that night. A lot had happened since then. We continued seeing each other and getting to know each other better. Time went by and even after the one dosage I gave him he still continued growing. The growth spurts were less frequent, but who knows how long before the effects finally stopped. I couldn't tell, no way to take samples from him. In addition to growing huge, he also seemed to be more resistant to any type of damage. Needles couldn't penetrate the skin at that point. I even witnessed a car crash right into him. We were walking down the street together and next thing you know he has me curled up into him as car parts flew all around us. It's hard to stay focused on the road when a 700lb bodybuilder is walking down the street. We were both unscathed and poor guy fell out of his car; in shock and in lust. Eventually the equipment at the gym wasn't heavy enough to give him a real workout. That and the constant eyeballing and worship by the people coming in there and the people who actually worked there distracted Tayce from getting a real pump so for now he gets paid to haul cars at the junkyard on the edge of town. While Tayce loved the attention he was getting from everyone, he also did enjoy peace and quiet now and then. If I wasn't stuck studying, I would spend most my nights with him. No one bothered us and I would have full view of his glory for my eyes only. He would lift cars like it was nothing. Sometimes with two hands, sometimes one. His biceps would look like beach balls when they were fully swole. As he showed off for me, I would always rub my hands along his body. It was no surprise when he told me that men would empty wallets and bank accounts just to have personal time with him. Tayce probably thought I would be the jealous type but I loved the thought of him taking advantage of something 3, 4 times smaller than him. "Whatever you do on your own time is all you. I love you Tayce and that's all that matters. That and as I long as I get to have my time with you is fine with me." It was words like that that sent him over the edge. I wasn't that short compared to him, but it was like climbing Mount Everest sometimes when I wanted to get close to him. He was already naked, but a loud crash from the car he dropped and I was right there with him as my clothes fell to the ground behind me. We kissed passionately as I felt something large and massive prop up behind me. When I said he grew, he grew everywhere. Tayce had already the stereotypical monster cock when I first saw him, but now it was even bigger. His cock was so massive and freakishly large it was like something you'd see on a morph site. It was easily 4 feet long and thick as my waist as I could feel the heat practically radiating off my back. "Fuck baby, I need it in me so bad." Now way a normal human could take something like that without irreparable damage, but I found out one night when we got so caught up love making that I was able to take it with no damage what-so-ever. A happy side effect from when he still growing every time he made love to me it seems. It felt amazing watching his cock push into me and any excuse to have it rammed inside me was all I wanted as I was already bent over some scrap as he was pointing his black missle straight at my aching hole. I heard his heavy footsteps as his monster pushed into my ass as I could feel it expand to take his cock. Immediately did it enter did my stomach stretch as the head of his cock pushed into me. I rolled my eyes, moaning loudly for him to hear as a free hand felt the head of his cock bulging my stomach out. My knees nearly gave out as I slowly being fucked senseless by my hulk sized boyfriend. He managed to grab my hips as best as he could as he fucked my brains out. The thunderous slaps of his tree trunk thighs echoed in the night as his muscle gut rested on my back. I rolled my eyes as I could feel his cock rumble inside me. Tayce suddenly pumped a double bicep as he roared as he came inside me. I was already comically stretched but it was even more apparent as his cum flooded my insides. By the time Tayce was done, he pulled out and I looked 9 months pregnant as my stomach sloshed with his hot cum inside me. Exhausted, I fell on my ass as he slumped right next to me. I laid by his side as his form easily dwarfed mine as he sat next to me. We were both drenched in sweat as I grabbed his arm to curl up by me as my fingers traced the thick veins going up and down it. Eventually we passed out without saying much after and suddenly I heard a loud snap that brought me back to reality. "What are you thinking about love?" Said Tayce as he was standing next to me outside the shop. I shook my head and rubbed my eyes. "Sorry, sometimes I get so lost in thought whenever I look at you." He grinned and pulled in close to flex a bicep and who was I to say no to such an offer as I rubbed the peak. "Looks bigger, have you been growing again?" I say smirking, taking in a whiff of his strong masculine scent. Tayce grinned. "You know it and I need someone to worship this muscle. Think you can do it?" The grin I gave off easily could have said yes, we would need to leave sooner than expected. I could tell he was going to have a growth spurt sooner than later.
  13. Hi all! My first story here on the site! It’s a big fantasy of mine that I was hoping I could share with everyone here. I’d love to know what y’all think about this! Making Roelly My Massive Muscle Lover --- I couldn't believe myself when I walked in the bathroom and found Roelly Winklaar casually finishing himself up in the urinal. He didn't know who I was that day as he gave himself an almost utmost detested look. Not at me though. He was upset because just half an hour ago he made one of the if not the biggest blunder in the contest tonight. While he did amazing in my eyes as I watched him pose with the other bodybuilders, everyone who paid attention to him that day could tell he wasn't even close to 100%. His form was off, he didn't pose right. Instead of the classic 6 or 8 pack, Roelly had that more roid-gut phsyique. He even stumbled and fell on his ass as he bumped into other bodybuilders; coincidentally knocking some of them over as well. Everyone was shocked when he simply threw in the towel as he walked off stage. I casually walked over to the urinal next to him as he walked past me as he ran the sink, washing his face over and over to get the embarrasment out of his eyes. "If it makes you feel better. I thought you didn't do half bad out there." I say as I finish up, casually walking over as I begin washing my hands. I try not to stare as he easily dwarfs me by a 100lbs. The longer I stare the harder it gets not to get hard as he still smells like a man who just got done working out. Even though I was a foot taller than him, I still felt outclassed by him. He wore a simple tank top that did very little to cover the sheer amount of muscles he possessed. His biceps bulged as he gripped the sink, pec meat just casually hanging out from his shirt as water splashed downwards, only to fall off them. Instead of using the hand towels, he turned to me and used his shirt to dry off. I drank in his form; what with me actually prefering the muscle-gut look. I was having all kinds of lewd thoughts, I wanted him to be mine and now was probably my only chance to do so as I noticed the backpack he had strung out behind him. "Look if you're from the press I aint doing any interviews." as Roelly slammed his large hand across the marble sink. He walked right by me and it was then I made my move. In a quick turn I slid the vial right into an open pocket in his backpack. It was so fast I thought I didn't even slip it in. At the same time I could only marvel at him as he was still huge in my book. I wanted him huger however; and I wanted him all for myself. "Oh no. Not the press, I'm just a big fan of yours. Been following you for quite a while. I hope you don't mind me asking, but can I get an autograph. I promise I'll be out of your hair!" I asked. He turned to face me and grinned. "Fine, who am I making this out to?" he asked as I reached into my pocket and handed him a photograph. He paused as I said my name as he looked at the photo in question. It was a picture of him, but bigger... much bigger. "Who is this?" Roelly asked in confusion. "It's you... well... how big you should be!" I say, imitating a flex that anyone who works out would laugh at. Roelly looked back at the photo as he saw muscles bulging in places they wouldn't normally stretch to, biceps bigger than inflated bowling balls. Roelly smiled weakly at the sight of his photo with what looked like an overenhanced bulge and equally large rear; but he knew sometimes his fans tended to fantasize so he shrugged and wrote out his name as he handed it back. "Big as I should be huh? Yeah you and me both. If I was that big, I'd have everything I wanted." He turned away from me and walked out the restroom. A sparkle in my eye formed as now all I would have to do is wait. --- Hours later Roelly parked it as pulled up to his hotel room. It was a tiny bit away from the convention center where he perfomed such a blunder that he decided he would be out in the morning and taking a trip far away from here until people forget how bad he screwed up. As he walked in and locked behind himself, he tossed his backpack onto the bed when he noticed something shimmer in the light as it rolled out from within one of the pockets. "Huh?" Is all he could say as he wandered closer to the object. He got close grabbed it as he brought it close to the light. It simply a vial of light blue liquid. Roelly had no idea when he picked up something like this, then he noticed the small note attached to it. "You deserve to be bigger. You deserve to be the biggest Roelly. With Love, your biggest fan." He scratched his head in confusion as he wandered with it into the bathroom. It immediately dawned on him on the person in question who gave this to him. "Must of slipped it on me when he passed by me in the restroom, the crazy fuck." he muttered to himself. Not one to be that gullible, he popped off the cap and began to hold it over the sink when a sudden smell entered his nose. It wasn't a bad smell, but a sweet smell. So inviting. Roelly tried to pour it down the drain, but something in him told him otherwise as his wrist twitched and throbbed. He scratched his chin as he brought the vial closer to him. He smelled it once more as he quietly moaned to himself as he felt himself bulge in his nether-regions. "Fuck man, what's the worst that could happen?" He grumbles as he takes a deep breath before downing the vial in his hand. The taste is as good as it smells as he wipes a drip from his lips, then he pauses. "Not bad, guy knows how to make a drink." He waits in the bathroom as he runs the shower as he begins to undress. As steam rises, he steps into the shower to clean himself up. All the stink and musk, the heat and failure of competing goes down the draink as he soaps himself up. As he's halfway into lathering himself down, he suddenly groans as he has a warm sensation all over his body. He drops the soap onto the floor as he groans, bracing himself by placing his hands against the shower wall. Roelly groans as he watches his muscles bulge and twitch. Just then he notices something more as his muscles seem to slowly swell in bulk and size. He can't help but moan in content as he biceps swell by the inch, his lats push out, traps push up. Roelly stares in a mirror conveniently places across the wall as he watches the mass adds on. Everywhere he looks he notices it getting bigger. Even in another place as his ass seems to get fatter and his cock even grows a couple inches in length and girth. The growth however cuts short as everything just stops. Hell, Roelly barely has time to process anything as he suddenly shudders and moans as a thick load erupts from his cock, hosing the shower wall with thick ropes of hot seed as it washes down the drain. Even with the shower running, it's as if time stands still. Roelly cuts the shower off as he takes a breath before stepping out the shower. He stumbles for a second as he takes in the extra mass he put on as he does a double take in the mirror. The man he's looking at is him, but bigger. The growth was rather minor, but it felt like a lifetime of growing as he took another look at himself. It didn't seem like he got any taller, but he was much wider and thicker. Everything on him looked like it grew a couple inches. Inches indeed as his normally small cock looked bigger as well. He turned to his side to marvel in his growth as his ass seemed bigger as well. As he bumped a bicep that swelled bigger than normally, something said 'slap your ass stud' and Roelly stopped to slap his rear end. His ass jiggled and he couldn't help but moan in bliss. Just looking at himself made his member thicken and grow until it was at least 8 inches long and even thicker than before. In a flash he was suddenly laying on his bed, a hand pulling one of his ass cheeks apart as he traced a finger across his tender hole. It was like all his wires was reconnected to his asshole as he stroked himself to the thought of being bigger than where he was at now. As he jerked his fat cock, Roelly moaned, imaging himself getting bigger and bigger. Showing the competition who was boss. He flexed his muscles and flexed a bicep as he suddenly moaned and let go of his cock as he erupted cum all over himself. His balls emptied its oversized load all over himself until he laid on the bed, exhausted. His hand brushed up against the backpack as another piece of paper rolled out. He noticed and managed to pick it up before it was stained with cum as he read it. "If you want more, meet me at the Holds Gym on XXX Avenue. I can't wait to meet you stud. From. Your Biggest Fan." Roelly grinned to himself. "To my biggest fan." As he passed out, exhausted.
  14. JakeLandry

    Coach's New Recruit

    Sorry it's a bit late. It got a lot bigger than I thought it would. I cut a lot out so I hope it still makes sense... --------------------- Travis took a breath before he knocked on the door. “Coach Selnars?” he peered his head in the coach’s office. Travis would have preferred to just call him Cody, but the other teacher seemed to have a bit of a complex about it. It didn’t matter how old or young they were, Coach Slenars expected to be called coach. “Ahhh, Mr. Harris,” Coach Selnars said. He was a big man. Truly a coach worth aspiring to be. His large muscular frame was always packed tightly in the school’s bright red XXL polo, and his legs filled his khaki pants. Yet being so tall he was still able to walk with a confidence reserved only for a man of his size. “What can I do for you today?” Travis took another breath. “I came here to talk about Brandon. His grade has been slipping a bit, so I tried to pair him up with Ken to do better. But, instead, he seems to just be copying everything on Ken’s homework.” His heart was racing. The flare of the other man’s nostrils made it obvious just how mad the coach was. Travis pulled out the proof. “This is what he turned in, and then what Ken turned in.” “Hmmm…” the coach’s frown didn’t leave his face. He was clearly trying to calm himself down as he ran one of his hands through his thick beard. “Is that so?” he muttered. “I tried--” “DATOLI! Get your ass in here!” Coach Selnars shouted. Travis flinched. It felt loud enough to shake the walls of his office. Yet, the coach wasn’t fazed in the slightest. If anything, he looked even angrier. It calmed down to a seething one as Brandon rushed inside. “C-coach?” Brandon peered inside. “Inside,” the coach ordered. Brandon followed without question, closing the door behind him. “Sit.” His attention turned back to Travis. “You too.” Travis almost felt his body compelled to do so. The confidence in the coach’s voice seemed to have some kind of control over him and his body just listened. “Now,” Coach’s hands clasped together, hiding his obvious frown. The glare in his eyes told enough. “Tell me the truth. You’ve been cheating?” It was the first time Travis had ever seen the jock nervous. He seemed to be trying to say something but the words just wouldn’t come out. Normally there’d be some kind of quick remark or defense, but nothing. “Y-yes,” Brandon’s hands gripped the chair tightly. “And you’ve been cheating off… Ken?” “Y-yes.” “And was he okay with that?” “N-n-no.” “Then why did he do it?” Coach Selnars’ glare intensified. It was like he was looking all the way down deep inside the students soul. Most college athletes understood how bad it was to be caught cheating. That was a loss of scholarship almost instantly. Travis figured that must be why Brandon was so nervous. “Because…” the word came out slowly. As though he didn’t want to say it. “Because I told him he could see me naked if I could.” Travis looked over completely confused. The big tough jock didn’t look like a guy who’d do something like that. He’d never made snide remarks directly to someone, but it was pretty obvious what his feelings were on the situation. “And did you keep your end of the bargain?” It looked like it was taking everything Brandon had not to answer the question. His face grimaced and fought it off. But slowly the word, “no,” forced their way through his lips. “But--” “Enough,” Coach Slenars said. His voice made it final. “I don’t want to hear any excuses. We’ll talk about your punishment later. Now, I have to discuss a few things with Mr. Harris. You’re dismissed.” Brandon stood up and took his leave. “Woah…” Travis couldn’t contain just how impressed he was by the coach. Brandon would never listen to him like that. Especially without at least a hint of sass. But the handsome jock acted like he couldn’t disagree. Coach Selnars smiled at the shock on the other teacher’s face. “You like football?” “Foot-ball?” Travis repeated back. A bit of a snicker followed. “Can’t say that I do. Never really built for it.” In high school he’d always had a thin wiry frame. And then going to college he started to bulk up. Not in a way that was helpful for sports though. His thin stomach was the first to go, pushing at the bottom of his shirts and then all his pants and shorts. By the time he’d graduated, he’d bought an entirely new wardrobe. Twice. “What if you were?” Travis tried to hide his laugh, but it only made his fat bounce up and down. “I guess I would be then. But… What are you getting at?” “I can make you a football player.” Now Travis couldn’t even give the other teacher the courtesy. He belt out in laughter, his body leaning forward as it overtook him. “Train me?” Travis tried to calm himself down. Coach Selnars looked serious. “I know you’ve been really good with the team, but I think that’s a bit too far gone.” “What if I could?” “Are… Are you serious?” Travis asked. This was well past the point of any joke. And then with Coach Selnars nodding, it no longer seemed like a joke. “I mean… It’d be nice and all. But I don’t know if I could.” “Listen,” the coach leaned forward, interlocking his fingers. His strong stern face looked directly into Travis’ eyes. “All you have to do is agree to do what I tell you for… Let’s say... The next week. If you don’t like the results. Or think it’s not what you want? We stop. No questions asked. Okay?” “I mean--” Travis cut himself off. Unsure why the coach was suddenly so serious about something like this. But the strong look in the other man’s eyes seemed to tell Travis that he wasn’t joking. “Just a week?” “We’ll start with a week. And like I said, if you like the results we can continue from there,” a smile cocked onto the coach’s face. “I mean… Sure? Why not,” Travis agreed. “Glad to hear it,” Coach Selnars put one of his massive hands forward to shake. Travis reached for it. Yet something happened. The coach’s eyes flashed a golden color. Then a surge of pain rocketed through his head. Only for it to instantly disappear. He looked around, slightly confused. The headache was gone as quickly as it had come. If anything he almost felt better. As though some kind of responsibility had been lifted from him and he didn’t have to worry about as much anymore. “It’s alright, Harris. You don’t need to worry about what just happened. Just go home and get a little work out done. It’ll feel great. Like you’ve been doing it for years. But you’ll look a couple younger,” Coach Selnars said. He gave Travis a strong pat on the back. “Don’t worry about any of it.” Confusion seemed to wash over the teacher again. His mind started circling around, but all it could think about was going home and working out. “Yes sir.” “Good man,” Coach brought him in for a hug. “Meet back here tomorrow and we’ll really get started.” Travis nodded in agreement and headed home. He still just kept thinking about working out. Never in his life had this been a thing for him, yet he couldn’t stop. Even as he tried to read, or watch TV, he just kept going back to thinking about working out. He finally gave in. Not sure what to do, he just started with some simple push ups. But once he got down onto the ground, his mind went completely blank. It was like everything went black and there wasn’t anything to focus on other than completing the movements. His body followed through. More than it ever should have. With Travis’ overweight and long out of shape body, he should have only been able to do a couple of push ups. Yet, his body just wouldn’t stop. Pushing through any sort of limit that would have been placed on him. And once he was done with the push ups, his body went to the next exercise. Performing it exactly the same way. Sweat dripped down his back and body, soaking his clothes. But Travis didn’t stop. He had to do what coach said. ------------- “Oh man…” Travis complained as he heard his alarm going off. “Is it that time already?” His body rolled out of bed and tried to concentrate. It was hard as he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. The sun was always so bright, but he had to get out of bed. “School…” he reminded himself. Just because he was a teacher didn’t mean it was any easier for him than any of the students. And with that work out last night, he sure as hell was beat. There was a dull soreness running through his body. Every muscle ached. Yet, it didn’t feel bad. If anything he almost enjoyed it. As he walked into the bathroom and stripped down to nothing, he couldn’t help but give himself a bit of a flex. He watched as his arm rose up ever so slightly, showing off the beginning of a muscle. “Coach says you’re going to built like a football player,” Travis laughed at the notion. It was an amusing thought to think about during his shower, but nothing that could really happen. He was too old. Too weak. No way could he go back. But still, something about Coach Selnars’ eyes made him want to try. “Still gotta go to gym after class…” Travis stepped out of the shower and then pulled his shirt over his head. Then his pants up to his waist. He buckled the belt, but paused. There was a clear indication where his belt had been used for the last two years or so. The metal had caused the area around the hole to warp ever so slightly. However, when he looped it into his belt, it was one hole past that. “Wait a second… What!?” Travis looked down, double checking his eyes. There was still the clear indentation from where his belt had been and where it was now. He turned to the side, making sure his eyes weren’t playing tricks on him. But when he did so, the good sized belly that seemed to spill out over his belt didn’t look so full. He ran his hands up and down it. It was smaller. ----------------- All the way to the college, Travis tried to get himself to figure out why he would have already changed so much. He’d been on plenty of diets, plenty of work out plans, plenty of supplements for a day or two. None of them had an effect like this. It was impossible. He weighed about 15 pounds less than he normally did, yet nothing in his mind was telling him it was wrong. If anything, a voice kept telling him not to worry about it. And once he stepped into his classroom, he didn’t anymore. His mind shifted back to work. Mostly because he saw Ken come into the classroom. “Ken,” he said. The student seemed to shake at the sound of his name. Though, Travis didn’t realize how much power he’d put into it, until he heard his voice bouncing off the walls. “Yes?” Ken asked. His head was down and shoulders slouched. “It’s come to my attention that you’ve been allowing Brandon to cheat off you.” “Y-yes,” Ken muttered. “And you know it’s wrong?” “Y-yes.” Travis let out a sigh. The guy wasn’t bad. Just horny. “Okay. Well, we can’t have that anymore. Got it?” Ken nodded in agreement. “This is going to just stay between us, but at the same time I’m going to have to monitor you two instead. Okay?” “O-okay,” he finally confirmed. Ken’s eyes seemed to not be able to stay on one part of Travis’ body. They darted around, all over the place as though they were taking in an unbelievable amount of information. “Something wrong?” Ken’s face flushed red and his entire body stiffened. “No sir,” he chanted. “I’m just going to go sit down.” As he walked back to a desk, there was a clear change in his gait. He sat down but then turned his attention to the door, as a bit of noise was happening outside. “Are you still mad,” Brandon and his girlfriend walked into the classroom. “I said I was sorry.” Courtney’s arms were crossed as she sat down. Her blond hair flipped over her shoulder. “Mm-hmmm,” she nodded. An unimpressed look on her face. “I’m not cheating on you. Promise!” Brandon exclaimed. “So mister big shot always horny, just suddenly can’t get it up? Okay. Yeah. Sure,” Courtney shoots back. “Never once has this happened. So who is she?” “I’m not--” “Eh-hm,” Travis cleared his throat and Brandon instantly went silent. For a second his eyes stopped on the athlete. Somehow, he was looking bigger than he had been. Even since yesterday, it almost looked like he’d put on a bit more muscle. His shirt seemed to cling to his chest and shoulder. Arms filled the sleeves completely. And it almost looked like it was rising up a little bit, showing off a bit of his midriff. “Now, let’s begin class.” Travis went through his lesson plan, but the entire time he couldn’t help but feel a bit uncomfortable. It was like the shirt he was wearing just didn’t fit him the way he thought it was supposed to. And then it felt like his khaki pants kept threatening to fall down his waist. He shifted around and tried to relieve the discomfort, but the longer he taught, the worse it felt. Luckily it was a short class. However, once the class was over, there was a different nagging feeling running through him. He kept thinking about going to the gym. After the work out from last night, he was raring to go again. His body just seemed to be a bit stiff. The soreness had worn off. Instead, there was an almost joy to working out. “Might as well…” Travis eventually said to himself. He got up from his desk and then headed down to the gym. After all, he did promise to listen to Coach Selnars. ------------------- Travis thought he’d feel more awkward as he stepped into the locker room. He could see all the jocks undressing and changing into more comfortable clothing. Coach Selnars had done an excellent job getting them into shape. Nearly every one of them fit their positions perfectly. By the end of his first year, he’d been sending several of them off to play with the professionals. Almost all of them could have made it there, yet they chose to do something else. However, that didn’t mean that the guys here weren’t any worse. They were all brimming with muscle, and proud to show it off in the locker room. They walked around with their shirts and shorts off with as much confidence as though they were fully clothed. Their hard muscles glistened with sweat from a good workout or looked like they were getting ready for one. More interesting were the heavy bulges that some of them had. They didn’t seem to brag, yet manly of the other guys seemed to naturally stay out of their way. Travis took off his shirt. “Yo Harris!” one of the guys called. “Lookin good man. You going for a work out?” “Uhh, yeah,” Travis said. Though the word seemed to hang awkwardly as he said it. Almost like there was something else he was supposed to add onto it. “Good man,” the guy gave him a pat on the back. “Coach has been pretty pissed about Datoli. Don’t know what we’re going to do with him. If he’s really showing himself off all over the internet, don’t know how we’d save face.” “Datoli’s showing himself off?” Travis asked. “Bro! You didn’t know? Yeah man! He’s got one of them OnlyforFans accounts where guys and gals get all naked and do like porn and shit.” “Yo… Really?” Travis leaned in. “He’s really doing it?” “Yeah man! He’s really fucking doing it!” “No way…” Travis said. But the jock pulled out his phone and went to the website. He pulled it up and then there was Brandon. The jock was sitting in front of his computer waiting a bit awkwardly as people started to shuffle in. Chats started to be sent in asking him to do different things and he’d do them. It started with him taking off his shirt. Then flexing his big muscles for the camera. The well-built man clearly had an audience. They seemed to love his pecs, asking him to feel them up again and again. Though, Brandon didn’t seem to mind. He’d backed away a few paces and the clear semi-chubbed dick between his legs made it obvious that was a very sensitive part of his body. His rough hands ran over his abs and down to his underwear. They pulled the strap hard before stripping them down his legs. That’s when a whole new list of chats were coming in. Asking him to start stroking it. He complied, almost joyously as his fingers playfully teased his hardening dick. It was almost surprising just how small it looked in his hands. Just a little less than average, yet he could barely use more than his finger and thumb without completely obscuring it. But what seemed to excite him even more was the other hand going around to his back door. People had sent in the request, yet he’d started doing it before he’d even been asked. His mouth dropped open into an excited ‘O’ shape and eyes squeezed tight. Brandon’s body flexed and thrust several times as his dick unloaded on the camera. “Shit man… Didn’t realize he was doing that,” Travis said. “Yeah! Coach is fucking pissed! Just don’t bring it up. Okay?” Travis nodded. “You think I’m a fucking idiot?” “Dude, just saying.” He gave Travis a high five then left the locker room. Travis went the opposite way into the gym. Looking around, he didn’t know why he hadn’t been there before. If anything, it almost felt a bit like home. The distinct smell of metal and sweat swirling together as the guys lifted the weights seemed to draw him in. “Ahh… Harris,” Coach Selnars came by. His strong arm wrapped around the other man. “How you feeling today?” “Good. Surprisingly good coach,” Travis said. The coach’s meaty chest bounced as he laughed. “You should. Have you looked in a mirror lately?” “Huh?” Travis muttered. His eyes slowly trailed from the gym, to the mirrors that lined the walls. “Woah…” Is all he could utter as he slowly walked closer to them. There was no way that was him. But as he pulled his hand up against his cut jaw, it had to be. The strong masculine face with just a bit of facial hair from not shaving that morning lined his squarer jaw. His eyes looked piercing, strong but stoic. However, his eyes lowered. Just like his face, there wasn’t nearly any fat on it. Strong muscles lined his arms and chest. But what was strange is that he hadn’t even realized that he’d changed into athletic gear. The bright blue sleeveless shirt clung to a chest that pushed far out in front of him, yet there wasn’t a belly underneath it anymore. His hand slowly raised the fabric. To his greater surprise, six blocks lined what had been one solid lump. “No way…” his surprised face turned into a smile as he could feel his hand running across his abs. “Bro! Are you serious?” Travis continued to be astounded what he looked like. He didn’t even look like he was approaching 40 anymore. It was just like he was just a few years past graduating college. But now he was hot. He looked like one of the athletes. One of the guys who would get all the girls. “Uh-huh,” Coach Selnars nodded. “This is now you. You like?” “Hell yeah Coach! This is sweet!” Travis exclaimed. He started flexing, watching the muscle in his arm bulge with power. Confidence swelled inside him as he watched the hard body shift. “How’d you do it Coach?” “Just my little secret,” Coach Selnars smiled. “But like I said, if you want to keep it, you have to agree to do whatever I say.” “Hell yeah Coach! If this is what I get; absolutely!” Coach’s big hand reached around the other man. “I’m glad to hear it. Don’t worry about your teaching job. Though you will still have to help out Brandon. Ok?” “Of course. Whatever he needs,” Travis said. “Good man. I knew you’d come through.” The Coach started back for his office at the other end of the gym. “Just make sure you finish your work out properly. I think Brandon is meeting Ken in the library.” Travis nodded and started lifting the weights. His body naturally went over to the 50 pound ones. The surprise seemed to have worn off, though in the back of his mind he knew there was no way these should feel as light as they did. With each rep, he’d watched his muscle flex and strain, yet he didn’t feel as though that was anywhere near his maximum. And with that on his mind, he almost wanted to challenge himself even more. Never in Travis’ life had he felt the need for such competition. Yet, right now, he was solely competing with himself. Being mad that he wouldn’t lift more, despite knowing full well he could. That only drove him to keep going. Going through each different exercise and watching the different parts of his body do the work. Feeling those tiny fibers rip and tear, but then knowing that it would grow back stronger, pushed him to his limits. And it felt good. ------------ After his workout Travis felt oddly refreshed. Looking in the mirror, he couldn’t help but feel like he looked just like any of the other guys in the college. He loved this feeling. Even more confidence surged through him as he stood tall. Taller than most of the people there. As he walked across campus, he could see people doing double takes. The khaki pants and button up shirt fit snuggly across his chest. He may have looked a bit like he was going to church or something, but that didn’t seem to bother him in the slightest. People could joke about him looking too nice for something as stupid as school, but he didn’t care. It just meant people still were talking about him. Thinking about him. “He-hey!” Travis heard someone call out to him. He recognized the female voice, but wasn’t sure from where. When he turned around he saw Courtney running towards. “Hey,” she said again. One of her hands went to fix her long curly hair. She took a deep breath then forced a cute smile. “How’s it going?” “Good?” Travis said. He wasn’t sure what was going on. “That’s good. You going to Cole’s party on Saturday?” “I was thinking about it,” Travis answered. He didn’t know Cole, yet a picture of a tall handsome blond guy from the football team entered his mind. He could remember hearing about it but this question seemed to have sparked his memory, despite him not actually being there. “Well,” Courtney’s smile started to show some teeth, “I’m going to be there, so I was hoping you would.” “Well,” Travis smiled back, feeling the true reason why she was asking. “When you put it like that I don’t see why I shouldn’t. But what about Brandon?” “What about Brandon?” a bit of a sneer came over her face. “It’s just that I don’t want to make him jealous,” Travis tried to fix his mistake. Courtney played along. “I’d prefer it if you did.” One of her thin fingers traced down Travis’ firm chest as she walked past him. She looked over her shoulder with a bit of a wave. “See you Friday.” “See you Friday,” he repeated back. Joy filled his system as he walked towards the library. He couldn’t believe a hot girl actually approached him. Even when he’d approach them, they’d usually turn him down. Now he didn’t even have to worry about that. Hell, he could almost remember having sex with dozens of women. All who approached him, joyously asking him to join them in another room. “This is crazy…” he muttered to himself as he walked up to the study rooms in the library. It took him a bit to find the right room, as they were spread over two floors and across the building. However, he paused before opening the door. Looking in he could see both Ken and Brandon in there. But Brandon didn’t have his shirt on. Travis took his hand off the door handle. Neither man in there seemed to be thinking about someone walking in. Because Brandon was full on taking his shorts off. Ken watched in awe as he received the strip tease. His hands gripped the chair underneath him with as much strength as his thin arms could muster. However, that didn’t mean he wasn’t squirming. Every bit of his tiny body was rubbing against itself. Ken was having so much trouble just sitting there. Then Brandon smiled, getting up close to his ear for a whisper. “You can touch,” he said coolly. His arm flexed in front of Ken’s face. The thick bicep bulged with power. Somehow it looked like it was almost growing. Forming to whatever the smaller man had always fantasized about. Brandon was a pretty athletic guy, yet this was well past what any football player would have. Thick corded muscles grew larger and larger, rounding out and pushing to what looked like 20 inches round. Ken’s little hands hesitantly moved towards the muscle. His eyes went wide, still unsure if this was reality. But his body craved the experience. It was something he’d been wanting forever. Ken squeezed with all his might. The muscle didn’t budge. Not even a little bit. He let out a giggle. “Keep going,” Brandon encouraged. “This is what I promised.” Ken’s smile broadened as his attention turned away from the thick arm and to his chest. As those tiny hands moved from the arm to the chest, those lean athletic pecs, bulged outwards. Heavy and bloated with immense amounts of muscle. Ken’s hands gripped them. Squeezing them. Then moving in his face to give the nipple a lick. Brandon’s body let out a moan, only encouraging Ken even more. “So big…” Ken uttered. “Uh-huh,” Brandon said. “And right now, it’s all for you.” “Are—Are you sure?” Ken was getting cold feet. It was obviously his first time. But then to make it a man of his dreams at the same time, was more than he could handle. His mind already seemed to have trouble fully comprehending the situation. Then there was Brandon ding more than he could have even thought. “Uh-huh,” Brandon nodded. He was up against the nape of Ken’s neck, gently kissing it. Though his giant hands were working down Ken’s shorts. The little guy started squirming again. His body unsure what to do as so many positive sensations were going off at the same time. Yet, when Brandon got down to his underwear, a thick meaty cock sprang to life. “You’re bigger than I expected.” “You’re just saying that…” “Doesn’t make it any less true,” Brandon whispered. He was running his body up and down Ken’s. Grinding up and down him. With each movement, his body seemed to grow just a bit more. His legs bulking up into perfectly shaped quads. Each of the four muscles perfectly shaped and bulging. His calved did the same as they turned into perfectly shaped diamonds pointing down towards his massive feet. The only thing that didn’t seem to grow was what was stuck in his jock strap. Though, that didn’t seem to bother Ken any as Brandon had spun around. The thick booty ran jiggled a bit before Brandon finally took his seat onto Ken’s rod. “Holy!” Ken bucked. His arms wrapped around Brandon as though he was a life saver. “Don’t finish too soon,” Brandon taunted. His hips started thrusting up and down, using Ken as his own personal dildo. The warm rod fit him perfectly. Each thrust, he too had to try to contain his moans and groans of pleasure. Ken’s nails dug into the other man’s flesh. He had to do everything in his power to keep himself sane. Yet, he was losing that battle. Nature was taking over and any logic he would have supplied to the situation would be gone. It was a losing battle. No matter how hard he tried, he knew eventually he’d finish. But all he wanted was to be able to hold on just a little bit longer. “Oh gawd!” he cried out. His body bucking as finished inside of Brandon. “Oh gawd. Oh gawd Oh Gawd,” he repeated over and over again. He squeezed Brandon tightly. Making sure to feel his strong presence. “Sorry…” “Sorry?” Brandon waited a moment before Ken had softened a bit before he turned around. “Nothing to be sorry about. I had plenty of fun. Hell, maybe we can do it again sometime.” “Re-really!?” Ken’s face lit up. “Really,” Brandon answered. “Aw-Awesome!” Ken said. “But… Uhh… I need to go to the bathroom. And then we can start studying. Okay?” “Sounds like a play,” Brandon said. Ken pulled up his shorts and then rushed out of the study room. Travis had ducked to the side, hiding to make sure the little guy hadn’t seen. He watched Ken rush past him, then walked in behind. “Studying hard?” Travis ribbed. Brandon rolled his eyes. “You’re a fucking idiot if you just watched all that and think Coach is only going to do you good.” “Wait… What?” Travis paused. “You can tell a difference?” “Course I can moron. Everyone technically can. You just have to look for it. Don’t know how Coach is able to change reality, but if you think he’s only going to change it for good, you’re dumber than you look,” Brandon said. A stain had formed around his baby blue jock strap. “He can make you young, hot and super sexually active. But he can also change in other ways too. You think I wanna be this big?” Travis looked up and down Brandon. He had been a pretty fit jock, but now he was looking closer to a bodybuilder. Massive bloated muscles filled every part of his body. His veins were bulging out of his skin even as he stood there trying to relax. “Right…” Travis nodded. “I guess not…” Brandon shook his head. He started to pull up his shorts. “You already agreed, didn’t you?” “Yeah…” Travis muttered. “Oh well,” Brandon shook his head. He grabbed his shirt and then tried to pull it over his head. His muscles were so big that they were making it rather hard for him without a bit of shimmying or shaking, but eventually he got it down. “Just don’t piss him off.” “Uhh… Right,” Travis nodded. Ken walked back in with a bit of a glow to him. But when he saw Travis, he jumped back. “Oh hey!” he stammered. “When did you get here.” “Just a moment ago. I saw you going to the bathroom and figured Brandon was in here,” Travis lied. “Oh good,” Ken breathed. ---------- Travis watched Ken and Brandon study together. The two took it incredibly seriously as they went over notes. Ken made sure not to tell Brandon the answers too directly. He was good at teaching him, rather than just telling him. And the way Brandon actually sat and listened, trying his best to get all the answers he could. However, whenever the two would get close, Brandon would end up getting a bit too close, or leaning in a bit more sensually than would have been a normal study partnership. Ken would breathe out, trying his best not to let on how much he liked the added attention. However, his hands would gently caress Brandon’s strong arms. It was at least something to keep Travis’ mind occupied as the two went over the basics. They eventually finished and started to head out. Ken was the first to leave. Travis was about to say his farewell as well, yet Brandon started laughing. “Where do you think you’re going?” “Home?” Travis said. It only made Brandon laugh even harder. “Nice one. You’re part of the team now. You’ve got to go see coach. Just like everyone else.” “Wait… Really?” “Uh-huh,” Brandon nodded. He chuckled again. “C’mon.” Travis followed Brandon to the gym. The commons area was usually closed by 9. People would still use it occasionally to get ice or as a way to get around campus a little bit faster. But the doors were supposed to be locked. Students weren’t supposed to do that as the maintenance workers were supposed to do it. However, the emergency lights remained on. Even though no one was supposed to be there, the school didn’t want to be held liable for someone sneaking in and then getting hurt. “This way,” Brandon said. His massive body walked with a bit of a waddle as his thick legs rubbed up against each other. The two were headed for the gym. It was well lit, spilling light through the glass on the doors. Travis blinked a few times before stepping inside. “Woah…” Travis muttered as he looked around. All the jocks under Coach Slenars’ authority were there. They were waiting patiently as Travis and Brandon were the last two to enter. “Oh, you made it,” Coach Selnars said. He leaned against the weights. His thick hairy body looked so relaxed as the two entered. “Sorry we’re late coach,” Brandon said. “We had to finish the study lesson with Ken.” “And did you keep you’re end of the bargain?” “I did,” Brandon said. “Good man!” Coach Selnars started laughing. “I’m so glad you enjoyed it.” He pulled out a phone and started typing away. “Just look how excited you still are.” Brandon’s dick hardened again. His hand started rubbing against it. “Yes sir,” he said. “Wait a second,” Travis said. He could feel the memories of Brandon really really enjoying it and talking about how much he liked Ken as the two walked to see coach. But at the same time, he felt like it was wrong. “What’s going on?” Coach Selnars rolled his eyes. “It’s always so annoying to have to explain. I’ve been doing this for 60 something years and not a single person gets it. Even though I always tell them. You gave me control over your life.” “Six-sixty years?!” Ken sputtered. “You barely look 30.” “Just think… Just think for one second. Don’t you think that I would allow myself to control my own life?” Coach Selnars grunted. A flash of arrogance flashed through his face. “You really think I wanna look like some old man? And after I can make all these handsome jocks do whatever I want?” He went to his device and typed something in. All the guys in the area let out a loud moan. Travis watched as the jocks seemed to lose their balance as their hands touched their cocks. Each one turned to the closest guy next to them and then started kissing him. Their hands explored every inch of their partner’s body. All the while making all sorts of noise. However, only Brandon didn’t have a partner. His face seemed to twist in pain as he wasn’t able to find a partner. His hand desperately tried to help his erection, yet it didn’t do anything to help. Despite his massive body, he didn’t have the strength help himself. “What’s going on?” Travis asked as he watched the scene unfold. “I’m just having some fun. And I think it’s your turn to join them,” Coach Selnars said. He typed something into his device. “Now come show your coach some appreciation.” He dropped his pants around his ankles. Travis’ eyes went wide as he saw the bulge between the other man’s legs. The imprint looked like it was thick as a beer can and ran halfway down his leg. “But… But I’m straight? I’m going to be dating Courtney soon,” Travis tried to swat away the feelings he was having. But the intrusive thoughts just coming. He couldn’t think about anything other than that thick cock being inside him. Coach Selnars’ laugh came from his belly. “You think I give a shit about what you do on your own time. But when you’re on my time you do what I say.” “Y-yes sir!” “Good boi. Now get down on your knees,” Coach Selnars commanded. Travis instantly fell down onto all fours. “Crawl over to me.” Travis put on hand in front of the other as he slowly crawled over to the other man. He crawled passed the guys still making out with each other. His attention was focused squarely on the coach’s cock. “Good boi.” One of Coach’s strong hands gripped him under the chin. “Now suck it.” Travis’ mouth opened wide. Wider than it had ever been. And he instantly started suckling on that massive piece of meat. It barely fit in his mouth, yet he seemed to know exactly how to please the other man. “Good boi,” Coach’s hand ran through Travis’ short brown hair. He squeezed tightly whenever Travis was doing an extra good job. Each moan and grunt only seemed to encourage Travis even more. Even though he’d never done it before, Travis knew all the ins and outs. He could push it all the way to the back of his throat but use his tongue in such a way that made the Coach’s knees go weak. Coach’s cock throbbed with joy each time he went a little deeper. Travis could tell he was getting close. He knew the way coach would grip the back of his head, tightly but fingers still slipped over his skull. Then there was the loud staggered grunt as he tried to hold off. But then he’d end up finishing. Torrents of cum shot down Travis’ throat and he greedily swallowed them all. “I knew you’d be a good addition to the team.”
  15. Rory34

    El Taquero

    Hola, ha pasado mucho desde mi historia anterior, jajá. El día de hoy les traigo esta nueva y extensa historia ya completa de una sola vez, espero y les guste Él es Ricardo (Ricky), tiene 20 años, ha trabajado como Taquero desde los 18 años, justo al salir de preparatoria. El negocio le fue heredado gracias a su difunto padre, el cual Ricardo motivado por sus últimas palabras de "Debes trabajar y convertirte en todo un hombre" aceptó. Ricardo era un chico bonachón, media 1.67, tenía un abdomen flácido y unos brazos no tan trabajados, a él no le importaba mucho ser así, aunque a veces le gustaría ser más fuerte, como su padre hubiera querido, lo único que le importaba a él es ser una persona gentil y amable; aunque la amabilidad que el tenía llegaba a perjudicarle, solía dar tacos gratis a personas que decían no tener dinero para pagarselos diciendo que otro día lo harían, obviamente mintiendo y aprovechandose de su confianza. Esto le había pasado factura a Ricardo ya que no le alcanzaba el dinero para pagarle al dueño del local en el que estaba su puesto de tacos. -. Tres mil cuatrocientos noventa y nueve, y tres mil quinientos! A la verga, no me llega la lana para pagarle al dueño. Me hace falta más dinero, aghh. Debería a ver cobrado a esos culeros que no me pagan. -. Hey que tranza Ricky. *Decía un muchacho de apariencia delgada y con muchas ojeras* -. Hola, Pepe... Nada solo estoy viendo que me falta un chingo para pagarle al dueño del local. Pepe era el mejor amigo de Ricardo desde la prepa, tomó un camino diferente a él vendiendo droga, suele irle bien aunque también suele consumirla lo cual se puede deducir por su apariencia delgada aunque con un poquito de musculo y su mirada perdida. -. Chale carnal, yo te prestaría pero no tengo nada ya lo gasté todo y no me ha pagado el patrón aún... -. No te preocupes... Ya me di por vencido... -. Ya te dije que te vengas a trabajar conmigo, pagan muy bien, jejé. -. No, no voy a vender droga, mi papá no hubiera querido eso... -. Tú piénsalo ya verás como te irá de bien jajá. Eh, ponme unos al pastor, ya me ruje todo. -. Marchando... *Decía tristemente mientras se ponía manos a la obra con sus tacos al pastor* Ten, aquí están. -. Uhmmm, está si es mierda de la buena, no sé cómo no tienes el dinero suficiente si estás cosas están bien buenas. *Decía Pepe mientras masticaba con la boca abierta* -. Gracias, tu si aprecias mi comida carnal. -. Es que es muy buena... Bueno, ya me tengo que ir *Decía mientras limpiaba su boca* llámame si queres algo carnalito. -. 'ta bien bro, adiós. -. Ahh... Ya nadie viene a comer tacos, cuando era niño este sitio estaba lleno de restaurantes de comida típica mexicana, ahora la mayoría de estos son veganos o lugares para hacer ejercicio, es un mal lugar para mi puesto... Aún así es el que menos me cobra, y está difícil encontrar otro lugar. Estoy acabado. *Se decía asimismo* De repente un carro lujoso se acercó hacia el puesto de Ricardo, parqueandose en frente de él, de el auto salió un hombre bien vestido con cara algo pretenciosa. Él era Santiago, el hijo del dueño de los locales y dueño de una empresa de moda, heredó todo eso de su padre que había fallecido hace dos años. Era un hombre de 1.73, atlético y vegano, cuidaba mucho su dieta y le gustaba vestir bien. -. H-Hola, Don Santi. -. Hola, señor Ricardo, ya le dije que no me llame "Santi" mi nombre es Santiago. -. S-sí, disculpe... -. Bueno, como ya debes saber, estamos en ese día del mes en el que vengo a cobrar el pago por el local, así que necesito que me des el dinero ahora, por favor. -. E-eh... No quiere comerse unos tacos..? Jejé. -. No me ofrezca tan grotesco "manjar" yo solo vengo por el dinero, así que demelo ¡ahora! *Decía friamente* -. Este... Re-resulta que no lo tengo completo, jejé... Le ha ido mal al negocio y me preguntaba si me podría dar por lo menos una semanita más para juntar el dinero, jé... -Pfft, no me haga reír; usted sabe muy bien que no le cobro demasiado y aún así no me va a pagar? Ni crea que le voy a dar otro día más, así que mañana en la tarde más le vale que se lleve todo a otro lugar. Vamos a convertir este lugar de comida grotesca en un negocio de batidos saludables. Adiós. Santiago se dirigió rápidamente hacia su auto y se fue del lugar. -. Mierda... Papá lo siento mucho... No pude mantener el negocio... *Decía Ricardo tristemente* Mientras tanto Pepe se encontraba en la bodega donde trabajaba junto a su patrón. -. Oye Pepe, ven acá cabroncito *Decía su Jefe* -. Que tranza patroncito? -. Necesito que pruebes esta madre, es una nueva droga que ha venido por parte de los chinos de Japón, dicen que es una bien fuerte y aún están experimentando con ella. Como sé que le entras a todo te la dejo a ti pa' que la pruebes, he escuchado que quizá no la vuelvan a hacer porque es muy poderosa y no quieren que caiga en malas manos, pero si me la dieron es porque soy de confianza y he sido cliente de esos taka-taka, así que aprovéchala mijo. -. A huevos que sí jefecito, puede confiar en mi. (No le entendí casi ni madres pero la cosa es que está buena esta mierda) *Decía mientras tomaba la bolsita de droga y la guardaba en su bolsillo derecho* -. Ah, y vende estas bolsas de mariguana en el parque, ya sabes, lo de siempre. -. Claro que sí, capitancito. Pepe salió de la bodega, justo en la entrada de esta recibió una llamada de su amigo Ricardo. -. Qué tranza Ricky? Qué paso? -. Ah... Ya me mandaron a la verga, necesito que me ayudes a subir unas cosas a la troca para llevármelas a mi casa. -. Chale, vale verga el dueño de esos locales, ni una semanita más te dio para que vendiera? -. No, ni verga... Pero ya ni modo, tengo que buscar trabajo con lo jodida que está la situación. -. 'uta amiguito, ya voy pa' allá. Ricardo comenzó a guardar sus cosas en cajas, mientras que Pepe se encontraba en camino hacia su negocio. -. Ay... Papá, discúlpame siento decepcionarte papito, no pude hacerte honor... *Decía Ricky con lagrimas en sus ojos* Pepe llegó al negocio, encontrándose a su amigo llorando. -. Ya llegó tu hombre Ricky, jajá... Ay... No carnal... 'tas mal... Ya no llores. -. Disculpa cabrón, no podía soportar... Creo que ya se me fue... -. Así me gusta carnal, que seas fuerte, quizá no de cuerpo pero si de mente, jajá. -. Jejé... Gracias, ahora ayúdame a levantar estas cajas bien pesadas. -. Ok, allá voy. *Decía Pepe mientras levantaba las cajas con facilidad* Pfft, jajaja, no pesan nada, si estas bien débilucho wey. -. Ya wey, ya sé que no soy bien fuerte, pero así me gusta. -. Ya wey, jajá, no te enojes... Ah, y la oferta sigue en pie, ya sabes lo de ir a vender ya sabes qué conmigo. *Decía Pepe mientras guiñaba su ojo* -. No, nunca le haría eso a mi papá que en paz descanse... Prefiero ser pobre y sano... -. Tú dices eso porque nunca la probaste, deberías hacerlo. -.No... Mejor cambia de tema y terminemos guardando. -. Sale, tú te lo pierdes... ¿Oye y esta carne? *Decía mientras observaba un tupper* -. Ah, me la llevaré a comer hoy, sino lo hago se me echa a perder. -Ah... *Decía Pepe mientras una idea surgía en la cabeza de este* (Debería ponerle un poco de mariguana a su carne pa' que la pruebe y así va a ver como le gusta jiji) Pepe se acercó más al tupper, sin pensarlo, sacó una bolsita de su bolsillo derecho y lo vertió todo en su carne, cerró el tupper y comenzó a sacudirlo para que se mezclara bien. -. ¿Qué haces? *Preguntaba consternado Ricardo* si quieres un poco de carne te doy... -. No, yo en casa tengo mucha comida, jajá... Vamos a seguir subiendo tus cosas a la troca. *Decía Pepe nervioso* -. Sale, está bien ... Rarito. Ricardo y Pepe subieron casi todo al auto, excepto la estufa, unas sillas y el refri. -. ¿Y esto lo vas a dejar? *Preguntaba Pepe* -. Sí, me dijo que tengo hasta mañana en la tarde para irme, así que veré si puedo vender algo más... -. Ah... Bueno, creo que ya es hora de que cierres por hoy Ricky. -. Sí... Ayúdame a meter la estufa al local. -. Sale. *Decía Pepe mientras sostenía un lado de la estufa* Ricardo hacía lo máximo que podía, pero al final el mayor trabajo lo hizo Pepe; terminaron de cerrar y se despidieron, Ricardo se fue a su casa mientras Pepe se fue al parque a vender droga. -. No puedo esperar a que me diga que le pareció *Decía Pepe mientras frotaba sus manos pícaramente*pero pa' mientras a hacer dinerito con más droguita, jajá. Ricardo llegó a su casa, bajó su tupper con comida y lo dejó sobre la mesa y se sentó un rato a pensar. -.Ay... Vale verga, tengo que empezar a buscar trabajo... Maldito Santiago, debería haberme dado una semanita más, ya le había hecho esto mismo a varios otros negocios como los helados de Doña Chonita o el puesto de carnita asada de Don Luis... Pero qué se le va a poder hacer, no se le puede decir nada... Lo siento papá, te fallé... *Decía tristemente* por lo menos aún te tengo a ti, carne, esta tristeza me está dando mucha hambre... Ricardo comenzó a devorar toda la carne gracias a su despecho, se sentía vacío, esperando a que está acción lo ayudara. -. Uh... Esto no me va a hacer bien... *Decía mientras tocaba su estómago* será mejor que vaya a dormirme ya... Mañana tengo que levantarme temprano para vender lo más que pueda. Ricardo se puso su pijama y se dirijió a su cama a rezar un poco. -. Por favor, Dios, dame fuerzas para sobrellevar esta situación, ojalá y estés cuidando a mi papito hasta allá arriba y dile que lo siento... No pude convertirme en el hombre que él quería.... Ricardo terminó y se acostó a dormir, todo iba bien hasta que el reloj dió las 3:55 am; algo le pasaba a Ricardo, su estómago comenzó a hacer ruido y su cuerpo comenzó a temblar... -. Ugh... Mi estómago... Me está temblando el cuerpo... Agh... No debí comerme toda la carne antes de dormir... Ricardo se abrazaba asimismo mientras el dolor invadía su cuerpo, de pronto su temblor comenzó a hacerse más fuerte, gracias a esto Ricardo dió un grito desgarrador... -. AAAAAGGHH!! Du-duelegh... Tan pronto Ricardo soltó el grito su cuerpo empezó a cambiar. Sus piernas comenzaban a crecer, se salían demasiado de su pijama; su torso comenzó a estirarse dejándo ver su ombligo y estirando su camisa, sus brazos se estiraba más y más; -. Agh... Estoy-creciendo... Uff. Justo cuando Ricardo pensaba que el estiramiento había terminado una nueva ola de cambios se hizo presente. Primero con su espalda volviéndola mucho más ancha y más musculosa, destruyendo por completo su camisa; sus hombros aumentaron de tamaño, se volvieron enormes, sus flácidos brazos comenzaron a inflarse al punto de verse como grandes toronjas; sus piernas comenzaron a llenarse de músculos, que al mismo tiempo hacían que su pantalón se rompiera convirtiéndolo en unos shorts; su pecho palpitaba, desatando unos pectorales enormes que parecían melones; su panza comenzó a convertirse en un six pack y su trasero había crecido y se había levantado, ahora contaba con unos enormes gluteos; Ricardo se había convertido en una montaña de músculos, que ni el mismo podía creer. -. Q-qué!!? ¿Qué le pasó a mi cuerpo? *Decía mientras miraba hacia abajo con dificultad gracias a sus enormes pechos* Por último su miembro comenzó a vibrar y se desató un enorme bulto que yacía en sus nuevos par de shorts. Ricardo aún seguía fascinado por su nuevo cuerpo y no sé percató mucho de este detalle; aunque por su cara se notaba que le encantaba en lo que se había convertido. -. ¿Cómo? ¡Soy todo un chacal! ¡Estoy bien grandote! Jajá... Tengo que verme en un espejo rápido... Ricardo corrió al espejo de su armario y comenzó a verse fascinado, tocando suavemente sus nuevos abdominales. -. Dios... Soy todo un hombre ahora... ¡Me veo bien rico! *Decía mientras flexionada sus brazos* ¿Pero cómo mierda me convertí en esto?.. ¿Será por el rezo que hice anoche?.. Sí... Diosito me convirtió en esto, Diosito me volvió más fuerte, como quería, jajá ¡Me encanta!, no puedo esperar para mañana y que todos me digan lo vergón que me veo... Es verdad, mañana es mi último día... El pinche Santiago no me quiso dar otra semana para juntar el dinero... Es un pendejo... *De repente en la cabeza de Ricardo había surgido una idea* Sí... Ayer le pedí a Dios fuerza para sobrellevar la situación y él me dió este cuerpo para que le de una lección al pinche mamón de Santiago, jajá. Gracias Diosito *Decía mientras flexionada su brazo derecho* Ese Santiago se las verá conmigo, así haré justicia a los otros negocios que el pendejo quitó también, como el puesto de tostadas de Doña Rosa o el de Carnitas de Don Paco... Ahora si alguien va a poner a ese cabrón en su lugar... *Decía mientras iba a ver la hora en su celular* Son las 4:02 de la mañana, tengo que pensar el algo ya. Ricardo comenzó a hacer su plan, tenía demasiada energía que decidió planear eso y entrenar toda la mañana, mientras casi llegaba la hora para prepararse y abrir su negocio. -. Doscientos noventa y nueve, y Trescientos... Uff... Ni loco hubiera podido hacer trescientas lagartijas con mi anterior cuerpo, me encanta mi nuevo cuerpo de chacal, jajá. Ah, ya casi es la hora, le voy a llamar a Pepe para hacer el plan. Ricardo llamó a Pepe, mientras este último se encontraba aún dormido y que gracias a la llamada de Ricardo despertó. -. ¿Qué pedo Ricky? ... ¿Son las 5:40 cabrón que quieres? -. ¿Qué tranza Pepe?, quiero que me vendas de aquella droga que te hace dormir al instante, cabrón. -. ¿Pa' qué quieres eso? *Decía intrigado* y wey como que te escuchas más duro, ¿no? ¿Te resfiaste? -. Tú solo trae esa mierda, te explico cuando me vengas a ver. -. Sale, luego te llevo. *Pepe colgó el teléfono y comenzó a pensar un poco* ¿Para qué querrá esa droga Ricardo? ¿Será que ya quiere entrarle a esto? Jajá, al parecer mi plan funcionó, ¡ahora venderá droguita conmigo! *Decía alegre Pepe* Mientras tanto Ricardo decidió ir a prepararse para empezar su día con su nuevo cuerpo. Ricardo se dirijió a la ducha, se quito la ropa y se metió a duchar, percatandose de un gran detalle, que apenas había notado... -. QUE VERGOTA!! jajá, Dios que grande la tengo, jajajá, me encanta... Adoro cada vez más este cuerpo. -. Listo, ahora ponerme más guapo de lo que soy, jajá... Ay, es verdad, no tengo ropa, ¿de donde voy a sacar? *Ricardo pensó un poco la situación y se acordó que aún tenía la ropa que era de su padre y decidió ir a buscarla* Mi papá era gordo y alto, de seguro tiene ropa para mi... Ajá, esta será buena *Decía mientras tomaba una playera blanca, unos calzoncillos y unos jeans algo viejos* Ay papito... Ahora si soy un hombre grande y fuerte como te hubiera gustado... *Decía mientras miraba la ropa* Muy bien, ahora que tengo ropa me faltan zapatos... Ah! Usaré los que me mandó mi tío de los USA que me quedaban enormes... Listo! Termino de cambiarse y ya listo se fue en su carro hacia su negocio; llegó a este y se bajo del auto, mientras atraía las miradas de todos. Abrió su negocio mientras los dueños de los demás negocios y gimnasios lo veían a él y a su asombroso cuerpo, no lo podían creer; sacó su estufa y se puso su gabacha que apenas le quedaba y comenzó a vender sus deliciosos tacos. La estufa parecía de juguete a la par de él, ahora era un gigante lleno de músculos. Los clientes llegaban rápidamente para comprarle tacos, aunque en realidad era más para poder verlo de cerca. Ricardo trabajaba como loco, hasta que llegó al punto de terminarse todo los ingredientes que tenía. Ya había llegado la tarde y Ricardo finalmente pudo parar de hacer tacos. -.Uff, creo que logré juntar el dinero que me faltaba, jajá; pero igual quiero vengarme del pendejo de Santiago. Mientras Ricardo descansaba en su silla afuera de su negocio, Pepe se acercaba no pudiendo creer lo que veía. -. Ri-ricky!!? Eres t-tú!? -. Hola Pepito, ¿Qué tal carnalito? -.¿!Qué mierda te pasó!? Estás enorme! -. Me veo bien vergas, ¿verdad? Me encanta este cuerpazo, soy todo un chacal ahora. -. ¿Cómo? ¿Cuando? -. Justo anoche, recuerdo haber terminado de comer, luego me fui a dormir y en la madrugada me convertí en esta bestia, jajá. -. Espera, esto pasó después de comer la carne? -. Sí, jajá, luego de comer, me dormí como ya dije. -. Oh... Interesante... *Decía mientras notaba que en su bolsillo derecho no se encontraba el sobre de droga que le había dado su jefe ayer* (Mierda, creo que ese era el efecto de la droga, convertí a Ricardo en un chacal sin querer... Tengo que conseguir más de esa droga) B-bueno, Ricky... A-quí tienes la droga que me pediste... Por cierto... ¿Para qué la quieres? -. Me voy a vengar del pendejo de Santiago, ese cabrón no sabe lo que le espera *Decía mientras hacía saltar sus pectorales* -. Pero no llevará guarda espaldas? -. Pff, no este lugar es prácticamente suyo, siempre viene solo. -. Vaya, si que le va a doler *Decía mientras veía sus musculosos brazos* Bueno, yo ya me tengo que ir, así que adiós *Decía nervioso* -. Hey, ¿a donde vas tan rápido sin haber tocado mis músculos? -. Qué!? Pero yo no quiero, no me gusta eso... Jejé. -. Vamos tocalos, tocalos si quieres irte... -. (parece que no tengo opción, mierda...) Ok, solo un poquito. *Comenzó a tocar los bíceps de su amigo* wow, son bien grandes... Parecen toronjas... -. VERDAD!? me encantan *Decía mientras flexionaba* ahora bésalos. -. QUE!? -. Bésalos, ahora. *Presionaba la cabeza de Pepe frente a su bicep izquierdo* solo uno, y te vas. -. Yo... (no tengo opción, otra vez, se ve muy intimidante) Ok... *Comenzó a besar mientras Ricky sostenía su cabeza, duró 20 segundos así, hasta que de alguna forma gracias a su sudor pudo deslizarse y se soltó* -. Aww... Eso fue poco... Por qué no vamos mejor a ese callejón y nos tardamos más? *Decía Ricardo de manera atrevida* -. Yo, no quiero, me tengo que ir... A-adiós... *Pepe corrió lo más rápido que pudo escapando de Ricardo* -. Que cabrón, no quiso hacer nada conmigo... Fua, a pesar de estar bien delgaducho tiene buen culo... Me la para de solo verlo... Agh, aunque ahora tengo que esperar al pinche Santi y darle su merecido... Mientras Pepe corría de Ricardo recibió una llamada de su jefe, preguntando el resultado de la droga... -. ¿¡LA PERDISTE!? Ahora que vamos a hacer grandisimo pendejo, ¡hijo de puta! *Decía el jefe de Pepe* -. Jefesito, nada más fue un descuido, se lo voy a recompensar, le trabajo gratis un mes... -. Ni creas que te voy a volver a ver en la vida cabrón, ¡esa prueba nos iba a costar una dotación importada de droga, y tú mandaste todo a la mierda! Así que ni loco vuelvas, y como te vea por aquí, te mando a quebrar, entendiste cabrón? Y cuidadito con andar llamando a la policía... *Decía el Jefe de Pepe mientras colgaba* -. Chale, ahora si la re cagué bien... Ahora me dejaron sin chamba, vale verga... Mientras tanto, Ricardo esperó hasta la tarde, cuando el señor Santiago iba a llegar a cerrar su tienda. -. Uff... El pendejo de Pepe me dejó caliente... No se me baja la verga... En mi anterior cuerpo apenas se me notaba lo duro... Mientras Ricardo trataba de bajar su miembro, un auto lujoso se parqueaba frente a él, de este salió Santiago, que quedó impactado al ver al nuevo Ricardo. -E-eh... Disculpe... Q-quién es usted, y qué hace aquí? *Decía Santiago intrigado* Ricardo se percató de este y sonrió. -. Qué? No te cuerdas de mi? Soy yo, el Ricky. -. S-señor Ricardo!? ¿!Qué fue lo que le sucedió!? -. Te refieres a estos brazotes? Pues... Se podría decir que recibí lo que siempre tuve que tener... -. A qué se refiere...? -. Mmm... No es nada tan importante usted no lo entendería... -. Sea lo que sea, v-vengo a desalojarlo del local señor Ricardo... Por favor... *Decía con un poco de temor en su voz* -. En serio? Apenas vienes a mi negocio y ya me estas sacando? Por qué no charlamos un rato y comes algo? -. Usted sabe que su comida no es de mi agrado señor Ricardo. -. Eso es porque nunca ha probado mis tacos, sabe? hoy le vendí a todos los de la cuadra y creo que les parecieron exquisitos... De seguro usted no se quiere quedar atrás... *Decía mientras saca una orden y la ponía en el plato* vamos pruebe los... -. N-no... No va con mis ideales... Usted sabe que soy vegano... -. Agh, ya deje de estar chingando tanto y coma un poco... A lo mejor no le gustan porque les falta algo especial, ahora se lo pongo... *Decía mientras vertía el sobresito que Pepe le había dado* Listo, ahora comalos, están exquisitos... -. N-no... No gracias jeje, yo no debo, creo que se me va a hacer tarde para otra reunión jajá, quizá me tenga que ir, hablamos mañana *Decía nervioso mientras se levantaba, pero fue detenido por el gran brazo de Ricardo* -. Vamos... Coma, sabe? He estado pensando en practicar boxeo, creo que con estos brazotes nadie me ganará, podría llevar al hospital a cualquiera, jajá. *Santiago sin otra opción comió los tacos que Ricardo le había preparado, este último solo lo veía con una sonrisa* -. Mmm... He de admitir que sí saben muy bien, se nota que es un cocinero experto, señor Ricardo. -. Gracias, mi padre que en paz descanse me enseñó a hacerlo. -. Pues si le enseñó muy bien, mis respetos... *De repente una cara de cansancio aparecía en Santiago* Uff, jajá, de repente... Me siento... Con sueño... *Santiago cayó sobre la mesa y rápidamente fue recogido por Ricardo* -. Hey, hey... *Gritaba Ricardo* Já, mi plan esta funcionando, es hora de desquitarme con este cabrón. Ricardo llevó a Santiago a su camioneta y lo metió cubriendolo con una manta, guardó todo en su negoció y lo cerró; rápidamente lo condució hacia su casa donde esté lo bajó y lo ató de manos a una esquina de un armario y por último tomó un valde con agua y se lo echó completamente a Santiago para despertarlo. -. AAAAAHHH!! Q-qué? Qué pasó? Dónde estoy? Señor Ricardo? Por qué estoy atado? -. Shhh, cállate ya puto, solo llámame Ricky. -. Exijo que me desate de acá inmediatamente, qué pretende hacer conmigo!? -. Pues... Solo quiero darte tu merecido, para que no vuelvas a estar molestandome con eso de quitarme el local mucho más. -. ¡Pero es dinero que usted debía! ¡No puede hacerme esto! Me las pagará. *Decía agitado Santiago* -. Jajá, tú piensas que me vas a hacer algo? Acaso no vez al gran chacal que tenes en frente? Esto lo arreglamos aquí y ahora... *Decía Ricardo con tono molesto* -. Espere... D-deténgase... ¿!Qué me va a hacer!? -. Al principio pensaba en darle una putiza, pero ahora *Se quitaba su pantalón dejando completamente descubierto su enorme y vigoroso miembro* voy a darte otra cosa que no vas a olvidar en tu vida putito. -. Espere, n-no, no puede hacerme esto, no- Santiago fue callado con el poderoso miembro de Ricardo, este último lo tomaba de la cabeza y lo avalanzaba en frente suya. -. Shhh, callate puto, no te estoy dando permiso para hablar. Vamos así, tragala toda maricón... Ricardo se complacía con la boca de Santiago mientras este último solo se quejaba y lloraba por el dolor que la verga de Ricardo proporcionaba en su garganta. -. No estés llorando pendejo, que todavía no terminamos, lamela todo lo que podas pa' que no te duela cuando la tengas bien adentro, Agh, uff, sí sigue así cabrón. Ricardo siguió por un rato hasta que terminó corriendose en toda la boca de Santi. -. Aghh...traga todos mis mecos marica, te estoy llenando todo de leche. -. Mnngg~ agh... Por F-favor... Ya, Agh.. Ahh ahh. *Decía Santiago con algo de lágrimas en los ojos* -. Esto no va a acabar hasta que yo diga cabrón, apriende quién es tu papi pendejo; prepárate puto, te voy a meter toda la riata en el culo. Ricardo procedió a romper la camisa de Santi junto a sus pantalones y calzoncillos, dejando expuesto su pálido y algo rosado trasero. -. Uff, que rico culo tienes pendejo, se nota que sos de esos que haces ejercicio; mira que rosadito, bien listo para unas buenas nalgadas *Ricardo comenzó a azotar fuertemente las nalgas de Santi mientras este solo gemia* Uff que rico lo que me voy a comer... -. Ayy, Agh.. Por favor... No más... *Decía Santiago casi llorando* -. Cálmate ya cabrón, no actúes como sino te gusta pendejo, todos los dueños de los negocios sabemos que sos un maricón, así que aguantate putito. Ricardo comenzó a comerle le culo a Santiago, lamiendo justo su entrada y metiendo los dedos para que su tremendo miembro entrara sin fallas. -. Que rico, puto, te gusta que una bestia musculosa como yo te esté cogiendo verdad cabrón? Verdad que te gusta? Di que te gusta pendejo! -. S-sí me gusta... -. Con ganas, dime sí papi Ricky *Decía mientras lo tomaba fuertemente del cuello* -. Sí papi Ricky, Agh, me encanta tu verga, ahh... -. Así me gusta, ahora prepárate, vas a sentir como es tener a un verdadero hombre fuerte y viril dentro de ti. *Tomaba su enorme verga e introducía la cabeza de esta por el culo de Santiago, oyendolo y excitandose por los gemidos que este último daba* Ricardo movía sus caderas de forma brusca para hacerle sentir toda su potencia a Santiago, tomándolo del cuello como buen activo de una escena porno gay, haciéndolo gemir de placer y de dolor por tener ese pedazo de tranca entre sus nalgas. -. UFF, ESTÁS BIEN RICO SANTI, AGHH, te voy a dejar bien roto cabrón, no vas a caminar en semanas, jajá, ahh, bien apretado tenes el culo. *Decía Ricardo mientras sobraba sus pezones que yacían en ese enorme pecho* -. Aghh, aayyy, aghh...duele...Ricky... -. Prepárate cabrón, ya me estoy comenzando a venir, y estoy bien cargado pendejo. *Ricardo comenzaba a moverse mucho más rápido llegando a casi venirse* -. AGHH, no, R-ricky p-para, me estas rompiendo... Me voy a venir yo también... Aghh. -. AAAAAGGHH, UFFF... *Suspiraba Ricardo, luego de haberse corrido dentro del culo de Santiago. Lo había llenado tanto que la leche aún escurría de sus nalgas, estaban completamente rojas, y lo dejó con las piernas temblando* -. Ayyy, me duele mucho... Pero si me gustó *Decía Santiago que se había venido también aunque para nada igual que Ricardo* -. Uff, jajá, ya sabía yo que si sos una buena perra *Decía Ricardo mientras le daba una bofetada a Santi para posteriormente tomarlo de la cara y darle un enorme beso* nunca en tu vida vas a encontrar un macho como yo, con buena tranca y con un cuerpazo de chacal, bien macizo y duro, así que dime, ¿me vas a dejar ya de molestar con eso de quitarme el negocio? -. Y-yo... *Santi se desplomó en los brazos de Ricardo, estaba muy exhausto* -. Chale, que bueno que sigue respirando, creo que sí me pasé esta vez. Ricardo llevó a Santi a su cuarto y lo acostó en su cama, Ricardo se decidió acostar con él y aunque apenas cabían durmieron juntos esa noche. A la mañana siguiente Ricardo se había levantado temprano para hacerle desayuno a Santiago y buscarle algo de la ropa que usaba él antes de convertirse en esa vestia ya que la ropa de Santi había sido destruida. -. Hmm... Agh... Qué sucedió ayer? Uff, me duele mucho el trasero... Ayy, así que la violada, no fue un sueño... *Decía Santiago mientras se levantaba* Uff, me duele un chingo... Agh, eh? Hay un poco de ropa, supongo que es para mi, no puedo salir desnudo... Ya vestido, salió como pudo del cuarto, sosteniéndose de todo para no caerse y se encontró con Ricardo, su abusador. -. Buenos días, Santi. Ya te hice tus huevitos con chorizo, espero que te gusten. *Decía felizmente Ricardo* -. G-gracias... Se ven ricos *Decía mientras se sentaba* Uff, Agh... Me escuece el culo... -. Jajá, es lo que pasa cuando un machote como yo te da de su buena tranca, jajajá. -. Jejé... He de admitir que sí lo disfruté. -. Ya sabía yo, y ya que estamos menos alterados, quisiera saber si al final vas a dejarme con mi negocio, es lo único que tengo... *Decía Ricardo con tono desesperado* -. Ricardo, yo lo siento, pero no puedo dejarte. -. ¿¡QUÉ!? ACASO NO VES CON QUIÉN TE ESTÁS METIENDO!? QUIERES QUE TE VUELVA A VIOLAR!? *Decía Ricardo furioso mientras tomaba a Santi de su camiseta* -. Ricky, espera... Agh, sueltame... Yo quiero que vengas a vivir conmigo, ugh... Ricardo soltó a Santiago mientras lo miraba consternado. -. Eh? Qué me vaya a vivir contigo? -. Sí, te daré un mejor trabajo y una buena casa... -. Ah, jajajá, lo que pasa es que te encanto, te gusta lo mamado y chacal que soy, te gusta como te cojo, jajá. -. Jajá, no lo voy a negar, así que, ¿qué dices? -. Pues obvio que sí cabrón, a darle! Ricardo comenzó a hacer sus maletas para irse a vivir con Santiago, donde comenzó a trabajar como modelo de su marca de ropa, aprovechando su extraordinario físico, mientras al mismo tiempo comenzaban una relación. Ricardo seguía haciéndole comida y dándole unas buenas cojidas a Santiago. Lograron encontrarle un buen trabajo a Pepe en una tienda de la empresa, en donde siempre era molestado por Ricardo por lo pequeño que era a comparación de él. Ricardo había encontrado un buen trabajo, una buena casa y una buena pareja, se había convertido en el hombre que su papá siempre quiso que fuera, un hombre fuerte en todo sentido. Fin. Y está fue la historia, espero y les haya gustado, también pienso traer más historias, aunque no sea el mejor haciéndolas
  16. FREaky

    Pleasure Growth Part 9

    Enjoying getting super freaky with this story, which is what I always wanted to do with it. Hope you all are enjoying it. Cheers. - Frank Pleasure Growth 9 by F_R_Eaky Part 1: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/1116-pleasure-growth/ Part 2: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/1117-pleasure-growth-part-2/ Part 3: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/1118-pleasure-growth-part-3/ Part 4: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/1256-pleasure-growth-part-4/ Part 5: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/1257-pleasure-growth-part-5/ Part 6: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/1389-pleasure-growth-6/ Part 7: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/1489-pleasure-growth-part-7/ Part 8: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/1551-pleasure-growth-part-8/ KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK! Zeke rolled his 6' 4" frame over in his bed. KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK! Grabbing a pillow lightly in his sleep he mummbled, "Damn, honey, you're makin' the head board knock the wall. We're gonna wake the neighbors, Aaron." POUND POUND POUND POUND! Zeke awoke with a start. The room he was in didn't look familiar at all. Where the hell was he. Then it came flashing back to him in his mind. Him and Sanjay had left the college to head out and find Aaron. They had to pull over to get some sleep in a town just inside the Arizona boarder. POUND POUND POUND POUND! "Zeke! GET UP MAN! WE NEED TO TALK!" Shaking his head, Zeke go up and pulled on some sweatpants and fumbled his way to the door. He undid the chains and locks and opened it up. "Zeke... we need to talk, I got two reports we need to look a..... GOOD LORD! Zeke! Did you take the same thing as Aaron? Has Aaron's...uhm well, cum infected you with the same testosterone treatment he's on?" "What?! What do you mean? What are you talking about? Why are you looking at me like...I'm some kind of freak?" "You mean that is normal for you?" "What?" "That!" and Sanjay pointed down to a large bulge bouncing in Zeke's left sweat pants leg. "Oh!.... Sorry... you just woke me up and I was.... well...having a dream. I sleep nude and had to throw something on." "Ok...but again... is this from a..." "No! I'm naturally hung. 11 inches fully erect. Let me go take a piss. That'll deflate it, and then I can put on some underpants too, to stuff it in, ok?" "Sure.. sorry... just kind of surprised me there. Huge rod...nearly poking through your pants... No wonder Aaron likes you." "About Aaron..." Zeke called through the bathroom as he drained his python. "You said you had two things to tell me about him?" "Yeah. The first is, the concoction is worse than we feared. It seams, Wylie had even given it timing properties." "Meaning?" "Meaning, that when he gets approximately half way through his growth spurt, it'll kick in harder. In his case it means, he can suddenly become arosed again, almost immediately, and have another growth spurt right on top of one. He could keep having the spurt until he finishes." "Oh my God... we might not be able to get to him in time before..." "Before he's actually the size of a mountain." Zeke came out of the bathroom, cock making a large bulge in his underwear and sweatpants as he sat down on the bed. There was a bit of a pause before he looked up to Sanjay and asked, "Do we know how big he is currently?" "I'm not sure.... the reports from the circus had said around twenty-five feet tall when he left, but there are some reports around town located, here..." and Sanjay pulled out a map. "they reported rumors of a man...a god...around seventy-five feet tall, but that was at a cavern, and now.... my friends at the geological society have forwarded me pictures of one set of rock formations... they're all collapsed, crumbled, but the pattern the show is almost as if they came up and out of the earth, not breaking apart and rolling down. The worst part though is there was some data recorded on the richter scale, but that didn't happen until after the cavern had collapsed. The tremers were recorded here and down into Mexio." "If that's Aaron that's making those tremers..." "He'd have to be over one hundred feet tall now." "Do we know where the area is?" "Yes, not that far from here. An hour or two." "Alright, let's get packed up an moving...." ***************************************************************************** Meanwhile at that location an hour or so away, Aaron was waking up from his nap beside the river bed. The river bed didn't really hold him, and he had caused the river to rise up several feet from its normal bank perameters, but it was enough to help him get cleaned up from the cavern yesterday. Having been able to move and wash, feel his new olympian sized muscles in action, felt really good and comforting, Aaron felt sleepy. But now it was morning, and he was starting to stir, particularly because he began to here very strange whooshing noises. ZZZZZZZZZZZOOOOSH OOOOSH! Ooooosh ooooosh ZZZZZZZZZZZOOOOSH OOOOSH! Ooooosh ooooosh CRRRRRRCK "Angel One to base, we have reached target and flying over head. Over." CRRRRRRCK "Roger, Angel One. You and Angel Two scan area and see if you can locate the cause for what is being called, Lumberjack, for now." "Roger that base, we'll do a fly by and..." "HOLY SHIT! Mercury! On your fly back, three o'clock. We have him!" "Uhm... one moment base, Angel two apparently has a confirmational visual of Lumberjack. Have turned around for a fly back and will veriffffffffffSON OF BITCH THAT MOTHER FUCKER IS HUGE!" "Uhm. Can not copy Angel One. Are you referring to the Lumberjack as being huge?" "Major, I am verifying. Lumberjack is a man, the size of the Lumberjack we're referencing and he's jacked up worse than Hercules heading for a Mr. Olympia competition with all the precursor steroids to bulk him up!" "Angel One, how big exactly is big? Are we talking like Marvel's 'Angry Man' big?" "Bigger, Major. I mean to tell you he's so tall, his weapon of mass destruction is not only bigger than the weapon Angel Two and I carry, it might be bigger than our plane. Over." "Does the subject seem to be moving?" "He's apparently just waking up at the sound of our planes. Over." "Alright you and Angel Two proceed with caution. We want you to fight the special equipped concusive missles right at Lumberjacks head. Do you copy?" "Roger that, Base." "Once he is out, fly by until ground forces can get in and secure him." "Roger. Angel Two and I commencing firing pass on target. Stand by." ZZZZZZZZZZZOOOOSH OOOOSH! Ooooosh ooooosh ZZZZZZZZZZZOOOOSH OOOOSH! Ooooosh ooooosh Flying from the east the two airplane came fast and furious upon Aaron. Aaron still seated, was having to look up directly into the sun to try and see what they were doing. It was to late to move his hand to block the first round of missles from Angel One by the time he saw them. Direct hit to his forhead, right above the nose bridge, on the brow between the eyes. Aaron made some kind of soft moan and winced his eyes as the missles exploded. Thinking he could simply shake it off, he let his guard down, and the missles from Angel Two flew in and made their mark exactly as well. "OOooh!" Aaron's voice rumbled as his eyes rolled into the back of his head, his supporting arm gave way, and his torso collapsed to the ground with an ominous, resounding, THUD Thud thud thud... "Angel One to base. The Lumberjack is down and out. Repeat: Lumberjack is down and out. Over." "Copy that Angel One. You and Angel Two stay on fly by in location until ground forces can come in and secure Lumberjack. Copy." "Affirmative, Base. Stay on fly by at location until ground forces secure Lumberjack. Angel One out." The plays continued to fly by for several minutes overhead, appearing at the motionless body of Aaron. But Aaron was a young man, in his late teens, going, or growing, through a tremoundous horomonal change and one that had been jacked up quite a bit. It was the morning time. He was just waking up, and now he was put back to sleep. Most everyone knows what happens to a young man early in the morning just before he wakes up, and they all know what he's thinking of to make him that way. Aaron was no different, but the blows from the concussion missles had jostled his memory. Zeke was flooding back into his dreams, his longings, his desires. He began to dream of his boyfriend once again. Of the man being taller than him once again, like he used to be, caressing his body, kissing him deeply, carrying him to a bed or a couch, hoisting his ass into the air..... and plunging his nearly foot long cock deep within Aaron's hole..... "Mercury, I think we have a problem. There's movement down below." "Whadddya mean, there's movement down below, Wingnut?" "His body is moving..." "Hold on let me do another pass..." ZZZZZZZZZZZOOOOSH OOOOSH! Ooooosh ooooosh ZZZZZZZZZZZOOOOSH OOOOSH! Ooooosh ooooosh "It's nothing, Wignut. I just saw his eyes. He's so far gone in deep stages of R.E.M. He might move a little titch or twich here, but he's out cold." "No, man. I tell you some how he's moving. There's something....DID YOU SEE THAT! His foot just pushed in part of the river bank wall!" "Copy that, Wingnut. But I didn't see his leg nor his foot move." "Oh...shit.... Mercury, his feet are closer to the river bank, almost in the river now, but his head is getting further away. I think Lumberjack is growing." "I think you're right man. He already looked like a Mr. Olympia contender, but he's looking more like the fuckin' Hulk now. Good gawd, how swole he's getting. I don't there's a part of his body lying actually fully flat on the ground, his muscles are so thick. "Angel One to Base. Base we may have a slight problem. Lumberjack is out, but he might be growing." "What do you mean, 'he might be growing?'" "His muscles are getting even fuller, broader, and thicker, since we knocked him out. Angel Two thinks he's getting taller. And sweet gawd almighty, he missle is certain getting an upgrade." "Angel One, this is Angel Two, doing a fly by over Lumberjack to confirm increase in size..." "Roger that, Angel Two. Make sure you get the computer scan on...what the? Oh my gawd! His missle head just serious got larger and redder. He's going to.... ANGEL TWO VERE HARD THREE O'CLOCK NOW! YOU'RE FLYING INTO TRAJECTED FIRING PATH OF HIS CUM CANNON! WINGNUT! WINGNUT MOVE!" But Angel Two couldn't change his flight path as quickly as Aaron climaxed. Aaron's cock become a gyser that spooed forth a torent of cum which hit Wingnut's plane from behind, splattering it with copius gallons and gallons of cum. "I'M HIT! LUMBERJACK'S CUM HAS GUMMED UP THE JETS! THEY'RE BURNING OUT!" "EJECT OUTTA THERE NOW, WINGNUT! DO YOU HEAR ME? ANGELTWO, EJECT NOW!" Angel Two just barely managed to eject from the cock pit in time. Meanwhile Aaron was waking up and seeing the crash of Angel Two and the sound of Angel One flying overhead.... "Oh...yeah! I feel so much better....bigger....stronger....hornier! I need Zeke.... Oh...Zzzzzeke...." Aaron began to try and stroke his cock, but it wasn't doing much for him. He stood up, staggering a couple of steps getting used to his new weight and the new girth of his thighs, not to mention the side of his arms, delts, pecs, calves..... Kneeling down for a moment, Aaron looked around the landscape. Finally something caught his eye as he mindlessly fondled and stroked his burgeoning manhood. It was an entrance to an old abondoned mine shaft. "Ooooh yeah...." Getting up again, Aaron made his way to the river and scooping up hundreds of gallons of water with his hand, began to splash his cock and balls making sure they were soaked and coated with water. Then strutting over to the entrance, because his frame no longer allowed him to walk, Aaron hefted his huge schlong up and placed the tip into the mine shaft. He then began to grip a hold of the mesa any which way he could as he began to pound his member into and out of the shaft at a glorious pace. "Ooooh....Z...zz....zeeeeke..... my love..... oooh where are....OOOH YEAH! THAT'S GOOOOOOD! Where are you!" Aaron's body began to pulse and swell, stretch and broader, thicken and harder, further....further...more and more and more as his cock lengthen and gathered girth inside the mine shaft and he fucked the ancient mine hard pretending it was his lover, Zeke. But he was already so full of muscle. His body had to compensate. He could hear and feel some bones cracking, snapping, reshaping, to accomodate the extra weight, heft, and girth of his mounding muscles. First his feet lengthened and widened, then his shoulders broke and widened, spreading out farther and farther apart. His bones were lengthening and thicking in density and girth to become like iron, steal, titanium in order to hold the increasing mass of muscle being placed up on him. Traps pushing into neck, delts pushing into traps, biceps & tricpes pushing into delts, forearms pushing into biceps & triceps, while the back and lats were pushing into the traps, delts, biceps & triceps. The abs bunched more and more thickening, hardening, becoming more defined as Aaron grew up and up and up, becomign an eight back of solid stone, more the size of castle bricks than cobblestone ones. His ankles thicken a bit and so to did the areas around his shins, pushing into the mounding, pulsating, throbbing globes of muscle that were his calves, which in turn were fighting and pressing into hamstrings, which pushed into the biceps femoris and the semitendinosis, which then grew and pushed into the adductir longus, the rectus femoris, and the vastus lateralis, the three gigantic and ever increasing tear drop shapes on Aaron's thighs. That whole mess, pushed up and hard in the back on the gluteus maximus causing it round firmer and bubble harder, while it front it pushed up and out on the scrotum and cock both of which were increasing in size as Aaron plugged away at the mine entrance. Finally Aaron halted a bit in his ramming, then continued the motion jerkily and slowly... "UUUUUUAAAAAAAAAAAUUUUUUUUUGH!" Cum shot down the corridors of the ancient mine traveling for miles a super speed, finally spurts of cum were shooting out other minor entraces and air passages connected to the mine itself. Aaron pulled his cock out with a most difficult and ominous pop, and the mine shaft then began to collapse in on itself, ancient timbers and roofs caving in everywhere. ZZZZZZZZZZZOOOO-SMACK! Aaron turned around, by accident, his hand smacking the side of Angel One and swatting it like it was a fly. Mercury managed to somehow gain control, but just barely. A wing and engine damaged, he had to bring the plane down on the mesa top. "OOOOOOHHHH YEAH! You sought to knock me out. To keep me down. To subdue me, and now I'm even bigger than before! FUCK! Everything is too small for me now. Including.....Zeke.... I need to find Zeke. But I'm not sure where I am.... Shit! Pick a direction. Won't take me long to walk to a city now! I'll find out which way to go once I get there. Find Zeke... my love.... he'll know what to do." "Angel One to Base. Lumberjack is awake and on the move. He accidentally took out Angel Two. Pilot successfully ejected. Will need emergency pick up. Accidentally took out Angel One too, but I managed to bring her down safely. Sending my coordinates." "Roger, Angel One. Emergency crews on the way." "Also, data from last pass still intact. Computer estimates...Major...we have a bigger problem now. It estimates Lumberjack to be around five hundred twenty feet tall."
  17. mmbottomenergy

    A Little Goes a Long Way

    Took a break from writing the Ben and Will series, but I’ll be getting back to it! In the meantime, here’s a short story. - A Little Goes a Long Way - Kole and I had been rivals for quite some time. It was nothing malicious, but it was certainly competitive and mean-spirited at times. Both of us were the biggest guys at our gym. It had been that way for over a year now. But wait, how could there possible be TWO biggest guys at the same gym? Isn’t that kind of self-contradictory? Normally, it would be. But every pound of muscle I gained, Kole gained somewhere else. I would spend a week building my pecs, and the same week his quads would put on just as much mass. We were both 6’4, and currently around 260 pounds. We clearly dwarfed everyone else in our gym, and we made it clear we were in charge. Anything we wanted, we got, no questions asked. Especially when it came to satiating our constantly heightened libido. I had never seen what Kole was packing down there, but I had a hard time imagining it was any bigger than my 10 inch snake. I never went a day in the gym without my fill. Neither did Kole. Sometimes we pounded the same guy in one day, other days there would be at least two decently built guys for us to fuck, and we’d be lucky enough that neither of us would have to deal with sloppy seconds. The only thing that prevented us from having sex with each other was the undeniable fact that we were both strict tops, and had a burning need to dominate whoever we were thrusting our cocks into. Can’t really dominate someone the same height and weight as you, who withholds just as much power as you. I had grown extremely frustrated with our rivalry recently. It was nice having someone with the same drive as me to keep me motivated, but it pissed me off not being bigger than him. I wanted to be huge, the fucking BIGGEST. Bigger than him, stronger than him, more godlike than him. Our tie for first place was getting on my nerves. I got home from the gym at least an hour after dark, and threw my purposely undersized, tight-fitting gym outfit onto my bed. I looked over at my mirror and groped my 10 inch cock, getting hard at how hot I was. Then it hit me. How I was going to get bigger than Kole. I had a friend from high school I occaisonally slept around with when I was bored. he was a super smart guy, even had his own pharmaceutical company he was starting. Maybe he had something up his sleeve. I grabbed my phone and rushed to my contact list. ”Hey Dan, it’s Rhett. Been a while since I destroyed that tight ass of yours. Anyway, you got something that could help me grow? Relatively fast, I mean?” I was almost certain I was going to have to leave a message but he picked up immediately. “Yeah, actually. I’ll swing by tonight and show you what I’ve been working on.” An hour later, Dan was in my bed, groping at my 8-pack, ready for me to rail him. “Wait,” I said. “What was it you were working on?” He sat up, half-disappointed I hadn’t rearranged his guts yet, still bare naked. “This.” he handed me a slightly larger-than-normal off-white pill. “What does it do?” I asked. He stared into my hungry eyes with a shit-eating grin. “If you take this, your body will be able to metabolize semen and turn it into muscle mass, no fucking joke. Took me months to perfect, but it’s finally ready. It’s the only one there is, and the only one there’ll ever be. I’m never making another one, but I want you to have this. You’ve always been there for me since high school, aside from the mind-blowing sex.” I didn’t know what to say. I must’ve stared blankly at it for ten minutes before even a word escaped my mouth. “Th- thank you,” I stuttered. “This means a lot, I really fucking appreciate it.” Dan looked up at me with the horniest look I had ever seen. I knew what he wanted. He wanted me to take it. Right now. He wanted to see the results first hand. I couldn’t wait any longer, the temptation finally gave into me. I swallowed the oversized pill whole, and almost instantly felt it. A powerful warmth spread out through my body, and I knew I had to put it to the test. I slid Dan’s 6.5-incher between my defined abs and let him fuck the grooves between them. Not two minutes had passed before he blew his load on my massive chest. I scooped the pool of cum off my pecs with one hand, and started sucking it off my fingers. It wasn’t long before I felt a surge of power jolt through my body. My skin felt tighter, and I could feel myself getting a little taller. My already bulging biceps started gaining mass out of nowhere, my delts matching the pace as they pushed up against my neck. My massive shelf of a chest jutted out further, my 8-pack turning into a 10-pack, my V-line growing more and more defined, my thighs bursting with thick muscle, ready to squash what dare lay between them. And my cock, FUUUUCK my cock, holy shit! I thought 10 inches was big but DAMN. I was now 14 fucking inches hard. I had to be at least 7 feet tall now, 7’2 if I were to guess. Fuck, there was no way I was going to fit into Dan’s tight asshole anymore, not with this monster swinging between my tree trunk thighs. I woke up the next day, still astonished by how much mass I had gained. I got off my bed, and noticed that the frame has cracked overnight. Fuck, I was huge. I carefully stepped onto my scale and weighed myself. 336 pounds. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. I had gained 80 pounds just from one dose of cum alone. Some of which was to compensate for added height, but at least 50 pounds of that was additional solid fucking muscle. None of my clothes would fit anymore, so I had to go the gym naked, not that anyone would dare tell me I couldn’t. Fuck, I couldn’t wait for Kole to see what I had in store for him. When I got to the gym, I went straight for the locker room and waited until he was unlucky enough to wander in. “Hey, stud,” I mockingly let out from behind him. “Check this.” Kole turned around and his jaw dropped at the fucking god I had become. “I- holy FUCK man, you’re HUUUGE!” he gasped. I caught him looking down at my gigantic rod. “Like what you see, bitch?” I taunted. I reached down to my cock with my meaty hands and started jerking it, prepared to grow again, right in front of my rival, someone who, up until today, had been my equal in every sense of the word. “Fuuuck dude,” I moaned. “You see this cock? You’ll get a turn soon enough.” As I blew my load, I aimed my dick toward my mouth and my cum was launched into my own mouth. I swallowed it. All of it. I could feel my body humming with power again, ready to gain even more mass. My 10-pack abs turned into cobblestones of pure muscle, my muscled ass extending into the most powerful, juiciest fucking bubble butt ever. My pecs swelled so huge they almost made it so I couldn’t see my feet. My biceps bulged past the size of my head. and my beastly cock extended to a full length of 19 solid inches, ready for power-fucking. I had to be almost 8 feet tall, and at least 400 pounds. Kole stared up at me, motionless. I looked back down at him, towering over my once-equal by almost two whole feet. “You’re my bitch now. Get on your knees.” I ordered. My glorious meat slapped him hard in the face as he knelt down. Before Kole could even ready himself, I slammed all 19 inches of my monster cock down his throat. Pulling his head along the length of it. I could hear him choking in the sheer fucking girth of it, god it sounded so good. The way he looked up at me, his mouth fully engulfed, completely powerless, turned me on even more than. I already was. I withdrew my cock from his mouth and turned him around, still gasping for air from the near 20 inches of raw sex meat that had just invaded his windpipe. “Get ready for the most violent fucking ass pounding you’ve ever had.” I pushed the head of my massive cock against his toned asscheeks, waiting a few seconds before I plunged the entire length of it into him. Kole let out a whorish moan of both extreme pain and pleasure as I pounded his hole. His legs were already in the air, and the only thing he was able to use to keep himself steady was his arms as I thrusted deeper and harder into his muscled ass, but not for long. I increased my speed and force, and eventually, Kole’s arms gave out and I was holding him by the waist like my own personal fucktoy, pulling him up and down my cock as I reached closer and closer to orgasming. Kole already came at least three times by now, but I hadn’t pounded him enough to blow my load yet. I thrusted deeper and harder into him, going even faster, about to reach my climax. Just as I thought his cries had deafened, Kole let out an orgasmic moan as I filled his ass with my cum, leaking out his hole and down his legs, Forming a pool on the locker room floor. I yanked Kole off my still-hard cock, and let him fall to the floor. “I’m your god now,” I roared. “Get used to being my fucktoy, because your ass is the only one I’m gonna be pounding now.”
  18. Muscle fog ogre’s gift Chapter 1, part 7 By Big-Zargo House Trap The blue sky was clear, and the sun light was shining upon the land of Holmes top borough dispelling the curse of fog that had ensnared it. In a neighborhood full of empty houses three men are making their way towards an empty looking house, hoping to hide from the ogres. With The fog gone the ogre are in high alert their patrols to be increased to discourage from trying to run out of Holmes top borough. Most of humans seek to leave the town heading towards the woods believing it to be their salvation, but Owen knows where the people are running to, and he has a surprise for them. The door opened slowly and quietly as three men enter the seemingly vacant house. sunlight was passing through the windows bringing light to the dim house revealing a living room and kitchen attached to it, in a twilight of light and shadows. It both smell stale and sweet and had a layer of dust everywhere. Martin was the first one to enter the house checking to see if it was clear; not being complacent like the groups last leader who led most of the men in his charge into becoming ogres. Martin was the skinniest of the group, his live pale skin and short blonde hair giving people the impression he had Nordic ancestry. Cluster was the second coming his bulky fat, short black curly hair and dark brown skin was a sharp contrast to martin, and finally there was Darian whose heavily build olive skin body pass through the door. Sweat had spilled all over his own skin body creating wet spots on his T shirt. Cluster quickly sat placing his fat ass onto the dust covered couch and remove his backpack placing it on the ground next to his leg for quick reach in case of an emergency, before yawning in exhaustion. “You shouldn’t get too comfortable Cluster; we rest here for an hour or two. The sun has cleared most of the fog from the town. We cannot let this opportunity go to waste. Most of the people who have been transformed into ogres are dumb and horny; they’ll soon move on, when they get bored or they begin to start fucking each other giving us the opportunity to pass through them,” Darian said. “I know Darian, it will just take us four more hours to reach the forest and another day in theory to reach the gate,” Cluster said with exhaustion tinting his voice. “Hey guys I found a glass of brandy and it hasn’t been opened,” Martin said with excitement. Both men turned around to see Martin holding the glass of brandy it’s golden amber colored content clear to see through its glass container. All three men had gathered into the kitchen next to the counter. Each man mouth had begun to moisten at the sight of the brandy. Darian quickly finds 3 empty cups in the kitchen cabinets. He places the surprisingly clean cups on the kitchen counter, while Martin opens the bottle of brandy. With a clicking sound coming from the glass bottle the smell of apple brandy permeates the air. The three men all close their eyes letting nostalgic memories pass through their heads as the sweet smell of the apple flavored alcohol permeates the air. Cluster eyebrows narrow for a moment before saying. “Our luck can’t be this good. Maybe we should not drink it,” he says with concern. “Don’t worry about it, Cluster. You’re just being paranoid. How would the dumb horny brutes be able to open the bottle with their big burly hands, let along be able to close without one of us noticing it.” Martin says with belief in his words. “Look Cluster, we do not have all day for you to decide if you’re going to have some brandy with us or not. This is a delicacy that should not go to waste,” Darian says. Martin begins filling the cups with Apple flavored brandy. Before anyone could drink Cluster says. “Martin if you believe that brandy is safe to drink then you should go first.” “I think I will,” Martin says with a smile. With that statement all three men say their cheers as they clink their cups together. Martin took the first sip when nothing happened the others begin drinking their glass. “Thank god,” Darian says with pleasure. Days of drinking water had made the taste of the apple brandy like nectar, like a gift from God. “Poor me another one,” Darian says. All 3 cups were refilled and emptied again as time passed eventually finishing off the apple brandy. Each of the three men had faces of contentment as they finished drinking the apple brandy. “It’s been so long since I have some brandy. I wish we had some ice to cool it down,” Darian said with longing for a cool drink. With their thirst satisfied they began checking and clearing out the rooms of the house for anything useful to them; They had suddenly found themselves back on the first floor, drinking apple brandy again. “Didn’t we already have some apple brandy,” Darian says, while looking confused. “I…I think we did not,” Martin says well looking confused. “Something is not right here, this seems disturbingly familiar,” Cluster says before eating an apple. “Where did you get the apple, Cluster,” Darian asked? With a nonchalant shrug, he points at a basket on one of the counters tops. This basket is filled with different types of fruits and berries like bananas, apples, blueberries, cherries, strawberries and pineapples. The Three men begin devouring the fruits in the basket like starving animals. As they did so their bellies start swelling out specially for Darian and Martin whose bellies became more pronounced. “I…I think something’s wrong. I’m still hungry and…and I want more,” Darian says while rubbing his belly. Suddenly they hear the back door opening and see a huge ogre making his way in. “Come young cubs your dinner is ready,” the mysterious ogre says. This huge ogre was wearing a white apron, had woodish brown skin covered in a peppering green hair, with long hair on his head and a short goats beard, green eyes and the usual Ogreish features like big round nose, strong square jaw, a pronounced eyebrow ridge on a cave man like face, big round nipples, a 9 feet to a 11 feet tall body, complemented with a wide body barrel chest, huge muscular limbs, with big feet and huge hands big enough to grab a whole man’s face and cover it. At first all three men had scared looks on their faces; there in front of them was an ogre. “What the Fu….” All three men said before their eyes came blank. There, Perception of the world changed for the three men. A clever illusion was placed on all three men. Gone was the living nightmare they were in, instead a nostalgic dream. It was if they are all kids again and their big strong daddy was going to protect them from the world. “Aren’t you guys hungry? we have grilled food in the back your,” the green haired ogre says. In a daze all three of them nods their heads in response and speaks “Yes, sir daddy” Each man walks into the backyard of the house and quickly sits down on the grass. The green haired ogre hands out plates full of fruits and vegetables to the three men. Unnoticed by the three men but known by the green haired ogre were two big-bellied ogres’ butt naked sleeping on the ground. With a yawn the two ogres began to wake up and get up. One was dark skinned with black curly hair while the other one was pale orange with red hair. Their big bellies jiggled as they got up. When they got up on their two big feet that is when their big bellies began to rumble, like deflating balloon their bellies began to recede, both ogres belching out air through their mouths as their bellies began to recede. When the black-haired ogre belly receded, it revealed that he had abs under his once big belly. While the red-haired ogre on the other hand had a muscle gut when his big belly receded. The ogres had the glazed look of those who were recently turned, as they stood there waiting for commands from the variance ogre with the green hair. “Good, you guys are awake. go into the basement and get Oz. We have three more people to turn,” the green haired ogre says. The two ogres quickly obey, heading into the house to finish their task. Green haired ogre smiles as is the three men have already started eating the food he gave them. Before the ogres very eyes the men belly begins spending and two out of the three were now rocking jelly bellies while the other one already big belly became more pronounced. “What’s going on here? Why do I feel so full and yeah I feel so hungry?” Cluster moans out. Looking at the clean plate the green haired ogre says. “That was fast. You really must be the pig of your group.” Cluster turns his head around and spots the green haired ogre. He tries to scream but what comes out is a moan of pleasure. “Don’t bother, it’s too late you’ve already had some of our food and now that you done with your first plate it’s now time for second,” the green haired ogre says with a grin. He quickly pulls out another plate full of exotic fruits and vegetables of the Ogreish variety from a ridiculously big box. It didn’t take long for the other two men to break out of their trans. All three trying to get up and run away only to find out that they cannot because their bodies will not get up from the ground. They can move their arms and they can move their legs, but they can’t let off the ground and neither can they crawl away. “They must be really hungry to eat your food so fast. Bacopa,” Oz says with smile. Oz was standing next to the sliding door with the two other ogres behind him. Oz had a white pale skin for an ogre, baby blue eyes that would make the men and women swoon, long curly pink hair with pink body hair peppering his body, a sweet-smelling body odor and the usual Ogreish features. “I wonder if they’ll be thirsty after they are done eating,” Oz asked with a smile. “I believe if there anything like last the two men they’ll be insatiable. I hope you’re up to the task milk maker,” Bacopa says with a smile. Oz’s face turns into a grimace as he says. “I’m tired of making milk.” He says while rubbing his huge pecs. “But don’t worry I found the way to make some more without milking myself dry. Bacopa hand me the two Hydro pills. There is a cool trick I want to show you.” With the confuse face Bacopa switched out plate he was holding for a big pill bottle. Oz made a full jester before saying. “Okay let me show you, my trick. As you know one of my powers are that I can make supernatural milk from my pecs, and I recently discovered that I could make other ogres do the same. I love humans and ogres sucking on my nipples, but I can’t do this all day, I eventually get tired, and my nipples become sore.” Oz turns around placing his hands on the pecs the two ogres behind him. He starts rubbing his hands over the two ogre’s pecs, both ogres starting moan as pink light makes contact. When the two ogres start becoming aroused, he stops and remove his hands from their pecs. “Now hand me the two pills,” Oz says. Bacopa quickly gave Oz the pills so that he can feed the two ogres then. Both mindless ogres swallowing the pills that Oz had gave them. “Now watch,” Oz said with a grin. Before their very eyes two erect ogre’s pecs begin expanding and swelling, both ogres moaning as the process was happening. The two ogre’s pecs had triple in size. “Damn that’s awesome did you give them a flavor,” Bacopa asked? “For this demonstration no, but we can try on the new three recruits for tomorrows entertainment,” Oz said with a grin. Each of the two variants ogres grabs a bunch of oversize cups and with the flick of each swollen nipples from the two mindless ogres, milk begin to lactate out of their nipples like soda coming out of a dispenser; placing each filled up cup back onto the bench. Now happy with the number of beverages they had the two ogres began grabbing a bunch of magical plates and placing food on it. “Are you guys preparing food without me how rude of you,” a voice says coming from the door of the backyard. “Nick,” both variants’ ogres yell out in excitement.” “What is Fucking adapt doing out here,” Bacopa asked? “Well, my job here is done. By midnight, all humans left in the town will transform into ogres, Like a silent nuclear explosion. By the time that wizard find out we’ve done it be too late he will have no more allies to turn to and if were even lucky still be caught by the spell’s radius, crippling him at worst and totally transforming at best. Who do we have here three more humans?” Nick says. Jack walked into the backyard. He had the usual Ogreish features in skin color. He had black hair shaved into a mohawk and a mutton chops that were connected to his mustache, Gorgeous Amber eyes, and had tattoos circling around his wrists and feet like shackles and he moved his body with swagger like he was owning the place. Jack looks at the two variants’ ogres and asks. “What are you guys planning?” “Well, we were going to place the food in front of them and just watch them eat and fat up before the change,” Bacopa says. “Magically infused food and drink are more energy-efficient for Lord Owen at this time,” Oz says. “Is that so,” Jack replied. “Interesting I know right. Now come closer and let me explain my plan. It’s going to make your mouth water. The three ogres quickly huddled up, has Oz explains the plan to them. The three conscious ogres begin huddling around the three humans, bringing plates of food and drinks. “Look at these pesky human clothes, let’s us remove these,” Oz says with a smile. Is ogres strips their human partners before laying there by his next to them, making humans look like small children to them while they were sitting lap, ass next to hard ogre cocks. The humans moan at the contact with the ogres. “You guys can make a show of fucking for us.” Bacopa says. With those words that to the standing ogres begin fucking. As the three men watch the two ogres start fucking, their cocks became hard as steel. Resisting the temptation to eat the curse Ogreish food was the hardest thing the humans have ever done. “We neeeedd to resiiists the ogres. Wwwee need to escape.” Darrian says. “I eat, I grow big and strong. I eat, I grow big and strong. I eat, I grow big and strong,” Martin says in between bites of food. In front of the two men’s eyes, Martin’s skinny body minus his new jelly belly that is now starting to grow. Each bite and each sip of his drink causing him to grow with fat starting with his belly. Within three minute the ones skinny twig became a round fat plump. When his plate became empty, still wanting more the magic plate refills itself, to fulfill its owner’s gluttonous desires. Three more times the two men watch this cycle, each time Martin became more faster each time hair grew on his fat body. Hair became more wilder and longer as his fat body grew body hair allover starting out as stubble than before long becoming carpet like. His fat clean-shaven chin slowly grew a bushy beard. The two men watching this scene have been slowly eating the Ogreish food and have been becoming fat as well. “This one is eager,” Jack says while playfully smacking Martin’s ass. Martin was now so fat he could not walk, was now ready for Jack’s big cock. “Are you ready to become an ogre, are you ready for my cock,” Jack asked Martin. “Me become ogre. Me want cock,” Martin says in a slow and dumb voice. first Jack starts rubbing Martin’s whole with his cock before plunging it in; causing moans to come from both human and ogre as their rough sex begin, backwards and forwards with each thrust causing Martin’s skin to start turning orange. Starting from his fat ass, the orange quickly spread across his body, turning semi smooth pinkish human skin into rough leathery orange colored ogre skin. Jack can feel the human taking his cock, so close to transcending into an ogre, that he can smell the Ogreish musk on him. With every thrust the human’s ass felt more firmer and tighter. Martin’s cock and balls having been grown twice its size and now beginning to finally seep the last of his human seed. A building pressure and his huge balls made him moan as he begins shaking. The fat all over Martin’s body begins deflating and is quickly replaces with muscle as he starts growing taller. His Shoulders grow out words as much he grew taller. His chest grew into the size of a barrel. His abs grew even with a layer of fat on his hairy stomach. Pecs growing so big that the fat nipples were pointing downwards. Arms and legs grew into the size of huge tree trunks huge hands and feet to go with it. Martin’s facial features quickly succumb to the Ogreish transformation, gaining their facial features in the process. With a final roar from Martin, he came shooting the last of his humanity onto the grass, but he still wants more. “Harder pounded harder,” the ogre Martin yelled out enjoy. Jack grabs Martin’s muscular back for a better grip, as he is obliging him by starting to pound the new ogre’s ass even harder. Darian’s eyes having begun watering at the sight of his friend’s transformation. looking towards his friend Cluster for strength to help resist his corruption; Only to discover his is being spit roasted by the one called Oz and the dark skin ogre with a black curly hair. His blank eyes over his ridiculously obese body that shock and shakes with an energy as the first and final sign, the point of no return as he become an ogre. Then shadow covers his sight the redhaired ogre with a large container filled with unknown liquid and a tube connected to the container. Darian’s mouth opens against his will as the redhead ogre places a tubelike straw next to his mouth. He begins slurping down the contents of the container as he rediscovers the taste of the cursed apple brandy. Each chug of the alcohol makes Darian’s resistance shrink and whether as his mind slowly succumbs to intoxication and pleasure. Eventually the container and plate of food becomes empty and yet he still wants more. Darian’s drooling mouth blank eyes and red blushing face shows off how helpless he is, especially with his now morbidly obese body lays on the grass ready for any ogre to come and stuff his cock into his hungry ass. Cluster roars as he orgasms shooting the last of his humanity. With his newly Ogreish body he gets up from the two ogres spit roasting him. He starts rubbing his newly sensitive nipples as milk leaks from them, as he watches Bacopa making his way towards the back of Darian, causing Cluster’s cock to re-hardening in anticipation to what is to come. With a lick to the back of his neck Bacopa spoke to him. “I hope you’re ready for it, big boy.” Darian spits out the tube and says drunkenly. “Fuck. Fuck you all. Fuck you monsters for taking my town. Fuck for stealing my friends and family humanity. Fuuuucckk,” Darian yells out as Bacopa’s plunges dick into his ass. A single thrust from Bacopa causing orange and hair to start spreading across Darian’s entire fat body. Bacopa takes his tantalizing time as he pounds Darian’s ass. The Ogreish food and drink making Darian belly turn and jiggle as it begins to react to the ogre’s seed. Some of the ogres like Cluster, Oz and the redhead ogre starts or had begun masturbating as they watch Darian start his transformation into an ogre while the rest continue fucking each other. The fat on Darian’s body starts melting away as fuel for his changing body. First his hard cock grows and doubles in size in length and circumference then his balls swell to the huge size of grapefruit. Then his fat on his belly is quickly eaten up by his growing abs, as his flab pecs firm up and swell with hard muscle over his big hairy stomach. His Biceps swell in sizes reaching the girth of huge bowling balls as thighs reach the size of tree trunks. Fingers growing as large as sausages, hands becoming the size of baseball mitts. Back muscles grew until they can be felt by Bacopa’s hands. Facial features shifting and turning as they became more Ogreish and parent giving him a caveman especially with his beard. With another thrust from Bacopa on to Darian’s Ogreish fat ass, he came and shot the last of his humanity. Darian felt so much pleasure as Bacopa kept pounding his Ogreish ass and tell Bacopa eventually came. When they were both done with their sex they got up, Darian wobbles a little bit as he does so, not used to his new body. Then he notices Cluster masturbating next to him. Darian makes his way towards Cluster and begins licking and sucking on Cluster’s nipples, tasting the milk that comes out. Cluster moans in pleasure liking the way that Darian is teasing his nipples. Then Martin grabs Cluster’s shoulder and give him a big sloppy kiss before they all three restarts having sex with each other. In a house across the street, an ogre in a room of his house, watches and masturbate at the sight of the orgy, with his torn-up clothes strewn across the floor while a changing man sits on his lap masturbating as well, clothes starting ripping and tearing at the scene of his growing body. “Once you’re done changing, I think we should join the party,” the ogre says with a smile at the changing man. Underneath the house of partying of ogres. In the basement strange symbols of magic glow, a femoral blue. On a mat on the floor of the basement laid two ogres in the act of sex from which they have been doing it for hours. These actions feeling the corrupting powers of the house trawling humans and spitting out ogres. As the ogre’s orgy of sex and destruction spread around the city the foggy guy starts turning into clouds as they to stir.
  19. This story consists of 10 parts, the original story was inspired by @foker's "Carol and Her Weighted Workout". Adapted to the m/m version and the addition of several longer parts. For that I thank Foker for the original idea. There may be some grammar/word errors, please understand as English is my third language. Part 1: To the limit He told me to follow him. The door to the basement opened and we entered a room, filled with various gym equipment, iron plates, dumbbells, and other exercise equipment. A ray of light flashed through the small, partially closed window. Without enough air circulation, the room felt hot and stuffy. Ethan looked at me and asked. "Today I want to test my strength and push my muscles to the limit, you want to help right?" His voice sounded full of concentration and he looked very serious. Looking around, I nodded my head. All the training equipment and weights of all sizes impressed me. There were weights, iron plates, chains, and dumbbells of various sizes in the room. "During this training, I'll show you how I can train my muscles and become as big and strong now," he continued. Hmmm, muscle? Which muscles? I looked back at Ethan, he was wearing an oversize jacket and baggy pants. His figure itself seemed to me quite wide and I thought he was a little overweight and looked like a normal fat man. But the explanation but quite plausible, maybe he wants to show weight loss exercises. "Obviously, exercise is about physical strength, but not only that, mental strength is also important, mind strength is even more important than body strength," Ethan said with great emphasis as he looked at me as if he was watching me closely. Then a rather surprising question arose. "You don't mind if I take off my jacket and pants? This hot room will burn me." Still a little surprised, I nodded my head again and muttered "Okay, just do it". I don't say many words. Ethan unzipped his jacket and pushed it aside. My mouth fell open. He didn't see the slightest bit of fat on his body, instead it was covered by thick layers of muscle that looked dry and swollen all over his body, decorated with veins that would make people shudder, muscles I had only seen in some professional bodybuilding professionals on YouTube. Even his biceps are very big, not less than 18 inches. His triceps jabbed dramatically to the side, his deltoid (shoulder) muscles were almost the size of a ball. With amazement I looked at his chest. Two very large pectoral muscles, covered by protruding veins decorated with small veins and shredded all over the places. So big and hanging in size, not inferior to Mr. Olympia bodybuilder that I often watch on social media. My gaze turned to his stomach, making my eyes widen. I had never seen stomach boxes carved in such a way. 6 incredible packs, each with its own separate square, the lines between the squares are very sharp. It seems, I can stick my fingers into the gaps in his abdominal muscles which are chiseled so sharply. The stomach was also covered with chaotic veins, even when he was relaxed. Ethan turned around and my focus shifted to his impressive back muscles. Then bending down, he took off his trousers in a fast motion. Now he only wears his underwear. His butt muscles, which looked shredded, were deliberately trained to achieve such a state, so that I could clearly see the lines in every muscle area and the lines on his buttocks. His thigh muscles were so large they bulged on both sides, it was obvious even though he was turning his back on me. Plus his calves are as big as my thighs, or maybe bigger. I admired the movement of his muscular legs as Ethan made his way to the dumbbell set. He ignored his gaze through several dumbbells, passing 20, 25, and 30 kg before finally choosing a pair of dumbbells weighing 35 kg. He lifted the dumbbell and moved to the center of the room and faced me saying "Let's warm up." I couldn't believe my ears, warming up with 35 kg in each hand. The mighty man in front of me started doing bicep curls perfectly. Movement after movement he repeated alternately with each weight on the left and right. After a set of 12 reps, his biceps enlarged and a vein started to drain over them. The rhythm of his breathing seemed to increase. After a few seconds, Ethan started his second set. I admired his physique, his body was beyond perfection, beyond any muscle possibility I could imagine in a teenager his age. How could a 19 year old teenager have such strength. How can he have such a fuse body? I looked back at his stomach, I noticed again, he actually does not have 6 packs, the underwear he is wearing is high enough to cover a few more bulges underneath. Is it possible that he has 8 packs? While the manly teen did his repetition without breaking a sweat. When Ethan finished his 12th rep of the 4th set, he called out to me, "Get your phone out and turn on the stop watch." I moved closer to him and stood 2 meters in front of him. "Can you set the time in the stopwatch?" The orders. And I did immediately. Ethan raised his hands to the sides parallel to the floor with a 35 kg dumpling in each hand and held them horizontally. The muscles in his arms tensed to relieve tension. His biceps were stretched and his triceps were swollen with tendons. "Start" he ordered. Immediately I pressed the stopwatch button on my cellphone screen then looked at the manly figure in front of me again. Ethan was quite handsome, maybe not his good looks, but his manly face that looked very masculine and super fantastic body was too hard for me to understand. Time passed, he held the huge dumbbell with outstretched arms for almost a minute. A light tremor began to appear on his shoulder. In the second minute, the sweat started pouring out. He said something between the rhythm of his fast breathing. "Bring me the two weight chains." he ordered, I headed for the heavy pile of chains. "Uff ... really heavy ... how heavy is this chain?" I asked, trying to pull it away. It's hard for me to move both of them at once so I brought them one by one. "Each 15 kg" he said briefly. "Now, hang them to the dumbbell". I hang according to his orders one by one. I took a step back and stared at the stopwatch, it's been 4 minutes. His biceps and shoulders have to bear extra weight and look tighter than before, you can imagine 50 kg on each arm. A few seconds passed, his breathing was getting faster and sweat was pouring down his muscular body, what an extraordinary sight. I stared at his stomach that seemed more and more defined, and began to tremble with tension. Thicker blood vessels appeared on his stomach, as well as on his biceps and triceps. How could he endure that much weight all this time? I was struggling to carry the 15 kg chain earlier, while he was holding 50 kg of weight in each arm. "Get ready with another 15 kg chain in the 5th minute" he gasped. It didn't look like he could last until the fifth minute. Extraordinary! He had not only held that position all this time, but he still wanted to add more weight. My admiration intensified as he approached the fifth minute. I added the weights to his arms, 15 kg each. Ethan groaned as his arms started to drop and with all his might he lifted them up again, looking in pain. His body was getting wobbly and shaking more and more, and I thought he would give up as soon as possible, but his arms, biceps and triceps were big plus the round shoulders somehow managed to hold his position. By now his body was drenched in sweat. His face flushed red again and he groaned even more with a grin with unanimous determination. Ethan looked me in the eye and in concentration, his huge arms were covered in sweat and shook violently. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Part 2: It's Only Been 30 Minutes In the sixth minute, Ethan grunts and groans while doing a double biceps pose, holding a 65 kg weight in each hand. His arms were enormous, perhaps the biggest I had ever seen in my life, because now they were swollen from previous crazy training. Veins running down the top of his biceps, I watched in amazement as his biceps swelled erratically, perhaps now 20 inches or even more. I stared at the mighty teenager and still couldn't believe my gaze to witness the training just now, watching him push himself up like that. "Impossible ..." were the only words that came out of my mouth. Holding the pose for 10 seconds, Ethan let go of the dumbbell and the chain fell to the concrete floor and immediately switched push-up positions. Still panting, he did 60 push-ups in less than 60 seconds and came to a stop. His head lifted and he asked "Bring the two 25 kg iron plates and put them on my back", still dumbfounded, I took the heavy iron plates one by one and put them on his wide and muscular back. Oh my God, that iron isn't light, but that heavy weight didn't make a difference to Ethan's horizontal position which remained stable. Ethan took a deep breath and continued his push-ups, now with an additional 50 kg of weight on his back. I admired his very wide back, maybe twice the width of mine, every part of his body was very swollen and full of muscles glistening with sweat. Meanwhile he was doing repetition after repetition, 40, 50 and 60 reps. With the reps approaching 70, he starts to slow down, but he still does his push-up position with perfect motion. While I was thinking, maybe without that heavy weight, I can only do 30 or 40 push-ups, my body is not thin because I go to the gym diligently and have several layers of muscle, but what teenagers do, not teenagers, but this virile man is already double what I can do, plus the extra weight on his back. On the 80th rep, he straightened his arms again and held his position, his head lifted again and muttered between the rhythm of his gasping breath "Put ... two more plates" .... he begged "make it 100 kg" he continued briefly. Shaking my head, I said uncertainly "Okay? Isn't that too much?" His eyes flickered, sweat poured over his eyelids and fell, his body was completely drenched in sweat. "Quick, just add the load, I want to show you, how strong this body can be?" I placed two more iron plates, each 25 kg, carefully on top of the iron plate that was already on his back. Incredibly, Ethan's position was unfazed, still firmly holding the weight down on his back. Ethan continued his push-ups, looking straight at me. My mouth is wide open, how could someone do push ups with that much weight? The arms, pumped up from the previous dumbbell workout, rise and fall rhythmically like a piston. I stared at his chest, already red and swollen incomparably, all the muscles on his chest bulging. Ethan slowed down even further, at 100 reps, he grinned and started snorting every time he straightened his arms. At the 110th rep, sweat was already pouring from the forehead to the floor. With every second his face filled with determination, at the count of 120, Ethan paused again. His big arms started to tremble. He had been in that push up position for a few minutes, not only did he hold it, he was also doing the push-up with a very heavy load on his back. He is very strong indeed. From my sitting position, I could see that the bulge of his stomach was now getting sharper and more prominent. Each of the boxes was probably the size of my fist. And now his chest is getting swollen asking for room to grow. Whenever Ethan was at the lowest point during a push-up, his chest touched the floor leaving a drop of sweat. With his eyes fixed on me, he said something between grunts. I approached his body, to prepare to take the burden on it. When I was in a position to be ready to take the load on it, he said "Add more load" he commanded. I was confused and silent for a moment, digesting his command just now, "you mean?" my response was confused. "Put .... arghhh" he groaned in pain. "Put 4 more plates, make it 200 kg nggrhhhh" he groaned louder like a beast. How could he ask for more? His body was already shaking from the weight and pain of the training. Obeying his request, I ran towards the pile of weights. I had to go back and forth four times because the plates were too heavy for me to carry at once. Stabilizing all those iron plates on his broad back, his incredible muscles stiffen me again, his crazy V-shape, his shredded lower back muscles connected to his swollen glutes, which are now getting bigger and bigger. Ethan stared at the floor in concentration, the floor already soaked with sweat, he somehow managed to control the shaking and to my amazement he continued his push-ups steady in a perfect position with 200 kg of weight! I thought what Ethan had done was inhuman. Such muscular strength could not be accepted by my mind. I sat there, watching and counting "130, 131, 132 ..." on the 150th rep, the shaking got worse and it took 10 seconds for the him to come down with a very heavy weight on his back this time. He was in more and more pain, with unanimous determination, his body tormented by the training, his muscles being forced into such hard training. I thought he was going to stop and fall, but he kept moving, grunting, growling with every move. At 158th rep, Ethan raised his head and looked at me, as if protesting to give up. "Grhhhhhh arghhh come on ..." he muttered encouragingly to himself, he snorted loudly. A torrent of sweat spread from his breath, his body was shaking violently, he slowly managed to complete 2 more push-ups and even 160. From my glance it was clear that his chest had now become swollen. And it swelled even more when he exhaled, Oh my God, I've never seen a chest that big before. It was as if his skin was being forced to accept a muscular push from within to its limit. On the 160th rep, I thought he was going to pass out. It took Ethan more than 15 seconds to do one rep in pain. He was clearly in pain, as if he was enduring excruciating pain. His chest was covered in chaotic veins as thick as my fingers, struggling to find space to pump his arms up and down. His head rose again. A young face, filled with passion and determination, Ethan tried to say something through his barely breathing breath. To be honest, I was expecting him to ask me to take the iron plate, but instead he whispered "Up ... get on the ugggghhh, get on my back". _____________________________________________________________________ Part 3: PUSHHHH ... To be honest I thought and hoped he would ask me to take the plates, but he whispered "Up ... up ... ugggghh on my back" I was dumbfounded. "What do you mean?" I exclaimed. I can't believe what he said. His big arms were already shaking violently, holding his body in this position for nearly 15 minutes, under a very heavy load, doing push-ups. But Ethan wanted more, he wanted to make this exercise harder and harder, to get past the upper limit of fatigue and pain and keep doing push ups. Ethan's face showed pain but also a lot of determination. I stood still and motionless, startled by the sight of the mighty man in front of me, the extraordinarily muscular man repeated his sentence "Do it for me, ride ... and sit on my back" his voice trembled. but full of confidence. Still a little daydreaming, I obeyed his request and carefully positioned his body on top of his. "Arrrghhhhh ..." he exhaled and took a deep breath, and was amazingly successful in holding the push-up position while remaining straight and steady. I grabbed his lats while sitting on them, his muscles already covered in sweats, flowing from almost all sides of his body which was forced to exercise this hard. I tightened his lats, a little slippery with sweat, they were wide and hard. He started doing push-ups again. From the large mirror on the wall in front of us. I imagined how Ethan, alone in this basement, did this kind of tough exercise every day. I marvel at his vicious physical training, his physical strength is just amazing. Now in this mirror, it reflects a huge muscle monster that does push-ups perfectly with a weight of not less than 260 kg. "Argghhhh yaaa" he groaned under me and did slow push-ups. Halfway through, Ethan suddenly stopped, stared into the mirror and locked onto my sight. Oh my God, he opened his mouth and licked the sweat that was running down the corners of his lips, so sexy. Ethan continued his push-ups and hauled the iron with me on his back again and again with painful moans that made me feel sorry for him, but scared at the same time. On the 180th rep, Ethan's movements slowed down even more, he did 2 more push-ups panting heavily, roaring like an animal. He stopped again and looked at me through the glass. "Get off" he ordered. I was relieved, because I was too sorry for him, I slowly got down from his back. He is still in a push up position and is holding the remaining 200 kg on his back. I tried to grab the load but he said "Add another 4, make him 300 kg" ... he ordered "Are you crazy?" I exclaimed in disbelief. "Arghhh" he groaned in pain, "I promise this is the last time" he asked me. I also walked towards the pile of weights, it seemed that the 25 kg iron plate had run out. "it's finished" I said. "Use 20 kg, hurry" he ordered again. I also went back and forth 5 times to put the weight on his back. I gasped for breath just taking this load, while this Ethan was holding the 300 kg weight on top of his back in a perfect push up position, as mighty as he was. He started to lower his body, and did the push-ups again. This time it was clear that the weight on his back had crossed the limit, moving very slowly only to complete 1 rep. I bit my lip for fear of an accident or something untoward to Ethan. But he's still trying. "Arggghhh" he moaned like an animal, "fuck..." full of determination and anger he pushed the burden up again. He's only done two additional reps, but his breathing is already peaking. He paused for a moment, and looked at me who was sitting not far from his position. "Come here" he ordered ... I will go to his direction and kneel in front of his push up position. "What can I do for you?" I asked him worriedly. Ethan looked at me deeply, "sit down" he ordered quickly, I sat right in front of him. "Arghhh" he was still bearing the weight in pain. "Feel my chest while I push up" he ordered. I don't know what that means. "You mean?" I exclaimed, confused. "WORSHIP, feel my chest muscles!" He scolded, I was shaking with fear and immediately obeyed his request. I stretched my hand under Ethan, right up to his chest. His chest was swollen now, I felt the muscles in the palms of my hands, the slippery sweat made his chest even stronger. What a sensation completely different from what I imagined, something hard and soft at the same time. It's hard to describe. I felt his chest, stroked the chest muscles, occasionally touched his arm beside the two swollen chest muscles. Ethan closed his eyes as if he was enjoying my treatment of him. He enlarged and opened his eyes, looked at me sharply and gave out "Arghhhhhhh" for a moment I felt his chest muscles tighten and throb. Ethan continued his push-ups smoothly, as if the weight had gone. Sweat dripping down his chest, towards the palms of my hands that slowly feel his chest that is pumping the weight. It was undeniable that the burden was very heavy, Ethan's body was still shaking even though his movements were faster than before. It's been almost 25 minutes Ethan in this push up position, he has more than 200 reps in it. The movement is getting slower. I don't know where the initiative came from, I played with Ethan's nipples, he also moaned violently "arghhhhhh" as if the ground was shaking. Ethan looked at me and immediately continued his push-ups again. Repetition 230 he seemed unable to anymore. The slower he moved, at nearly 240, Ethan stopped and looked at me, his face hypnotizing mine. I brought my face closer to him, and kissed his lips slowly. I don't know what I thought, I was out of my mind watching this mighty teenager pounding his muscles like this in front of me. Crushed my lips Ethan dropped the metal plate aside, he heard the sound of weights meeting the concrete floor. "Enough ..." he said loudly. Breathless. His body rose with a kneeling position, while I sat limply in front of him, staring at his now swollen body, the most muscular body I've ever seen. Sweat poured from top to bottom, through the valleys created by his enlarged muscles. Ethan's chest was even more sinister, reddish in color, veins scrambling for position, his muscles thickening asking for room to grow. Sparkling with sweat and a manly scent. "I'm not done yet, my chest need to be burned again, more than this, I want to show you how hard my muscles are," he said breathlessly taking oxygen. To be continued Part 4, 5, and 6
  20. Absman420


    PHOLUS REBORN by absman420 When I got the call that my Grandfather had passed, I had an odd mixture of disappointment and relief. I’d just seen him a few weeks ago, when he’d turned 92, still as spry and troublesome as ever. He’d been a landscaper and gardener since coming to America in his youth -- he claimed it a tie to the old country, the old ways. He knew plants and he knew how to love them -- his garden lush and inviting, alive and ready-to-burst, even up to the end, when HIS heart had burst. (I’d inherited that from him -- not the bad heart, the green thumb -- though I only grew marijuana in the basement of my house.) They’d found him in the garden, dead. It was the Executive Manager of the Home who felt the need to inform me -- but still with his disapproving attitude -- that my Grandfather had been masturbating when he’d died. “And in the garden, of all places!” he’d said with mock indignity. I shrugged -- what should my reaction have been? It was the Home’s Resident Mortician who’d pulled me aside and informed me quietly that my Grandfather had been “remarkably blessed” with “prodigious equipment” and that the erection he’d had when he’d died hadn’t gone down. (Sadly, I’d not inherited that from him -- mine was more pint-sized than prodigious.) It was no secret that my Grandfather was the bane of the old folk’s home -- the sexually-forward, inappropriate old man who wouldn’t leave the ladies alone. Or the nurses. Or the staff. Although they had a soft spot in their hearts for him -- everything else was about his hard spot, the one he was constantly playing with. All in all, they were not sorry to see him go. While in his room, gathering his few personal effects -- the things worth anything -- another old man came in, one of his fellow gardeners, and presented me with a towel-wrapped object, saying, “Big Red wanted you to have this.” I’d never felt like I’d connected with my Grandfather -- “Big Red” -- we both shared the red hair, but that was all. I’d always assumed it was because I was gay -- his generation had their old-school outlooks -- and he believed in big, hearty masculine expressions. Potency with him, above all -- fertility. His garden had been a reflection of that. But he wanted me to have something! See? He’d thought of me! Even in death, there’s hope! Rolling back the towel, I was surprised to discover a clay garden gnome, about ten/ twelve inches long -- but at least not the cheap, Disney-fied version with the goofy red hat and cheeky smile. (That would’ve probably made me leave it behind.) This was significantly older, a hand-painted terracotta statuette of a disheveled old man dressed in rags with a lusty half-smile on his face -- the only other noticeable detail about the sculpt was that the gnome had an obvious bulge. (Like the kind you don’t see that on the modern-day Wal-Mart gnomes!) “He wanted me to have this?” I ask the other old guy, trying not to sound ungrateful, like I wasn’t suspicious of a joke. “A garden gnome?” “Gnomes are powerful symbols of fertility,” the old guy said -- just my luck, my Grandfather was pals with a professor — then he added, “Look it up. You’ve got The Google” and I felt a lot better about my Grandfather’s associates. “It’s been in the garden long as I can remember. Your Grandpappy said he’d had it his whole life!” I took the Gnome -- “Thank you,” I said. “I have the perfect place for it.” -- (Ironically, I did!) -- and after I’d gotten all the business and paperwork and payments at the Home complete -- my Grandfather safely in a box being shipped to the family site -- I headed back to my house, a few hours away, the Gnome resting in a box in the back seat. I DID have the perfect place for it -- my little basement grow. I put it down at the head of a row of a hybrid I was developing -- I aimed its little bulge at the marijuana plants. “Let ‘er rip,” I laughed. “Show me the fertility!” And for the next year, it did just that -- my yield increasing by over 65% -- until I carelessly knocked the little Gnome off the shelf and broke it. And that’s where the story really starts. **************************************** According to “The Google”: Act surprised, the Ancient Greeks had a God for it -- a God of Fertility: Priapus. Apparently his power was manifested in his oversized genitals -- but with the Christian invasion (and forbidden sexuality that accompanied that religion), Priapus and his cock became a demon, or represented as a withered old man with an uncontrollable erection, often pushing his giant cock before himself on a cart. Religion made genitals and their symbology a punishment, a curse -- act surprised. So… Gnomes. Little old men with massive genitals -- a European ode to the Ancients. Little clay gods of fertility for your garden -- Priapus through the ages. (They didn’t become “cutesy” until the release of “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” at the beginning of the 20th century -- Priapus becomes Dopey.) I find stuff like that fascinating. ******************************************** Ultimately, it didn’t matter because the Gnome was just a delivery device. I mean, literally. Just as I was about to buy into the idea that a fertility icon in your garden increases yield, I go and knock the fucking thing off the shelf while tranferring a tray of younglings. Fucking stoner thing to do, honestly. I mean, I tried to “catch” it with my foot -- or at least soften the impact. All I managed to do was scratch myself as it bounced off my sandal -- don’t laugh! It drew blood -- and then shattered on the cement, missing the floor mat because of my interference. Fucking idiot. And I was hoping, you know, maybe some glue? But doesn’t destroying it wreck the mojo? Doesn’t breaking it stop the voodoo that it do so well? Isn’t that the folklore? Immediately I thought of my Grandfather -- now a year in his grave -- he managed to get through his whole life without breaking it! Maybe some glue….? Idiot. So I knelt down next to it and gingerly lifted it up -- the front wasn’t cracked, but collapsed from age, barely more than dust -- glue wasn’t going to help. Fuck. And then the discovery. Something inside the hollowed-out middle, wrapped in what seemed to be very old cheesecloth -- very, very old, like great-grandma’s linen that never came out of the box, faded and brittle and delicate beyond possibility -- someone had planted something INSIDE the Ancient Gnome. Eagerly -- nervously -- I carried the whole mess to my work-table and clicked on the bright, overhead light. I was more afraid of ruining whatever was inside -- especially if it was some sort of message or something. (This was why I wasn’t an archeologist -- it couldn’t possibly be this romantic in real life!) Should I be wearing gloves? I had to break the Gnome a little further to get the package to come out freely. I was a nervous wreck, suppositioning all over the place -- had my Grandfather known about this? Was it my Grandfather who’d planted it? Was this why he wanted me to have the Gnome in the first place? What could it possibly be? The rag or cheesecloth or whatever the hell it was that wrapped it nearly dissolved away, turning to dirty dust even as I tugged on it. Pieces of it came off intact, but it was nothing more than wrapping, no message or clues. Just old -- insanely old -- hundreds of years old. If my Grandfather had known about this, he hadn’t changed anything -- he hadn’t wrapped it in anything new. It was two objects wrapped together. One was an icon, about four inches long, a crude stone carving of an overly muscular man with an enormous phallus -- his dick went practically to his chest -- his eyes dark jewels. The other was a tiny, dark bottle, like a perfume bottle, dark glass, deep blue, a small stopper with a wax seal. Holding it to the light, I couldn’t see through the thick glass, but I could feel it’s age. I spent a few seconds cleaning the bottle, dusting it off and wiping it down gently. Even if there was nothing inside it, the bottle itself was spectacular -- I’d never seen anything like it. I picked up the statue and did the same, wiped it down, cleaned it up, blew off the dust. I was looking in his jeweled eyes when -- I swear -- they lit up, bright red. Not just “caught the light”, not just “sparkled”, they LIT UP and -- I’m not kidding. I’m not making this up -- I had a vision. I heard it speak to me. It said, “PHOLUS” I dropped the little muscular stone like a scorpion -- like a venomous fang. I looked at it in horror as it balanced on its side by its big penis, staring helplessly at the table. What in the name of God? “Name of God!” That’s IT! I pulled out my phone. ********************************************** From The Google: In Greek mythology, Pholus (Greek: Φόλος) was a wise centaur who lived in a cave on or near Mount Pelion. Are you kidding? Pholus is really a thing? A centaur? Weren’t they half-horse? Well, I guess that little statue there is partially-horse, at least. But there was something else. In astronomical terms, Pholus (from Φόλος) is an eccentric centaur (an object classified somewhere between an asteroid and a minor planet) in the outer Solar System, approximately 180 kilometers (110 miles) in diameter, that crosses the orbit of both Saturn and Neptune. It was discovered on 9 January 1992… Wait. What? -- I was born on 9 January, 1992. Pholus and I were twins… which wasn’t funny. It was getting weird. Nicknamed “Big Red,” it’s orbit around the sun takes 92 years and one month… 92 years and one month… my Grandfather -- Big Red’s exact age when he died! Okay, I was fucking freaking out by this time! Too many coincidences. A centaur -- an eccentric centaur -- my birthday -- my grandfather’s orbit -- but that still wasn’t everything. There was one more. When Pholus (from Φόλος) appears in an astrological reading, it represents a spark, a start, grand events set in motion from something small, like shooting oneself in one’s foot, the butterfly effect. When Pholus appears, an unexpected adventure follows. Fuck you, the Google. ****************************************** I leaned against the wall and stared at the work-table for a while, at the askew little icon and the blue-glass bottle. I sat on a stool, smoked a joint, and stared at the stone man, released from his prison, forever erect. How did he talk to me? How had that happened? I’d never heard of “Pholus” before -- I couldn’t have made that up. And even if I had -- there were too many coincidences… there were three different versions of “Pholus” and all of them applied to me! I couldn’t have known about that and “forgotten” -- I didn’t smoke that much weed. No. I’d had a vision -- the icon had spoken to me. Assuming that to be true, I thought, I shouldn’t fear it. If this icon was meant for me -- and it seemed like that was the only conclusion -- then I had no reason for fear. One shouldn’t fear destiny, especially when one knows what it is. Sadly, by the time I worked up enough brave-energy to touch the icon again, nothing happened -- it was just a piece of cold stone. No more flare -- no more sparkle -- no more insight. The little stone dude had a pretty amazing cock… and he seemed so proud… but he’d stopped talking. So, the bottle then. What could it possibly be? Perfume? Wine? Magic Potion? Poison? I mean, it’s ridiculous. I should have it analyzed -- I should find out what it is -- I should know before I unleash some disease, some demon, some genie in a bottle. Maybe ingesting whatever was inside would transform me into a centaur -- well, being gay, maybe a unicorn? I couldn’t see through the deep blue glass, so I didn’t even know if anything was inside at all. I was so busy playing mind-games with myself that I hadn’t realized how much time had passed, even. Sigh. Another joint. Anyway, when I finally got around to opening the stupid thing, it was nearly midnight. The stopper, which was also glass, was sealed with what appeared to be a thick wax. I used a tiny screwdriver to flake it off. It took a little back-and-forth to completely break the seal, but once I did, the little stopper eased out quickly. The Scent. The Scent alone. My cock was rock hard immediately, just on the scent alone -- sex and leather and sweat and metal, the smells of masculinity, from the playful snips and snails and puppy-dog tails of youth to the moment of adult dominance, to the rut of the thrust, the spreading of the seed, it was fertility, the deep, moist earth. It was the Essence of Man. I was compelled to taste it -- I didn’t think twice about it -- it wasn’t until long after the moment that I thought there may have been danger. In the moment, there wasn’t any thought at all, just need -- driving masculine need. Whatever was in that bottle I needed in me. A drop was all -- and barely enough to qualify for the word “drop” -- it rolled lazily out of the bottle like a thick, congealed syrup -- but when it hit my tongue… Orgasm! Immediately, my cock shot -- overwhelming! Like this huge, savage, I’ve-never-felt-it-like-this-before orgasm! Like, so incredibly all-encompassing that every cell of my body was my cock and they were all shooting at once. And then I was able to taste this syrup as it spread across my tongue -- battle and strength and muscle and sweaty maleness mixed with earth and flavored with fire, the taste of heroes and prowess and sweet, hard-won victory. Horse flanks, battle songs and flasks of wine, wrestling for sport and the tight, sweet holes of olive-skinned apprentices -- it was everything dark and earthy, meat and marrow, savagery and strength. It was gloriously masculine. And the aftertaste was dirty, and sexual, and rutted, the nasty, shit-flecked maw of the satisfied fornicator -- the flavor of lust. I was oh, so horny -- I needed to fuck, cock-driven, unapologetic, just lay-in and pound kind of fuck. Not love-making, no gentleness -- playfulness, yes; powerful, definitely -- fucking male on MALE sex! Then came the mental run-down of my fuck-buddy list, too few and too far between, the usual Grindr stall, the seedy bar -- any option. All options. Need to fuck. It was a stranger whose name I sort of remember -- I didn’t care -- all that mattered was the hole. By that time, crazy, stupid needy lust. My little cock was flared and strong, flexing beyond its norm -- serve it, suck it, take it, fuck it. Pholus started the adventure! ************************************************** I woke the next morning in a stranger’s bed, crusty and sweaty, the smell of sex on my breath -- glorious! My cock immediately hardened. He slept on his side, my unknown partner, his back to me, a little blond thing -- his hole was red, swollen, smeared with my dried cum and his ass juices. It smelled glorious -- earthy, sexy -- raw. It was impossible to resist, so I didn’t, licking his hole, loving the taste, digging in and eating. Gripping around his balls, I felt his cock harden with his morning’s piss. Fuck, I wanted that, too. All of it. He woke moaning. “Ohhh, man… stop. I can’t… I’m sore and I gotta pee…” “You taste so fuckin’ good,” I mumbled, slurping his hole. “Lemme just eat it awhile…” “That’s gross,” he said, pulling himself away. “I’m gonna pee -- you should be gone when I get done.” I was laying there with this big hard-on -- I showed it to him. “Aw, c’mon, baby, you can’t leave me like this…” “You got a nice dick,” he said, pulling himself out of bed, “and you sure know how to use it. You fucked me every which way sideways last night and I’m sore as hell right now. But you should be gone when I get done.” “Aw, fuck,” I said, with this impossible hard-on, and these blue-ass balls. Cold little bitch. Where the fuck were my shoes? ******************************************** The Uber driver could smell me -- I could tell. And I know it made him uncomfortable -- he shifted himself in his seat several times. After a while, I realized it was because he had a hard-on, too. That was fucking hot. Cocks were fucking hot. With my fingers, I squeezed mine through the material of my pants while we drove. I knew he saw me -- I didn’t care. It felt too good. Everything felt good. In the shower, I noticed it more in my balls than in my cock -- the growth, I mean -- but also from the undeniable rush of testosterone. The way it felt. I was a man -- all man. I felt like a man -- and I fucking loved it! I gave very little thought to the idea that whatever was in that bottle had adversely affected me -- just the opposite. Whatever was in that bottle had changed me for the better! Somehow, it had awakened something in me -- it had connected me to something greater than myself -- MY masculine essence. I shot off a load in the shower, praising Priapus and Pholus (and Phallus, too!) -- I could phuck them all! Who could deny the power of the cock? Who wouldn’t want this? ********************************************** From “The Google”: Priapism is a condition in which a penis remains erect for hours in the absence of stimulation or after stimulation has ended. Most cases are ischemic. Ischemic priapism is generally painful while nonischemic priapism is not. In ischemic priapism, most of the penis is hard. In nonischemic priapism, the entire penis is only somewhat hard. Aw, fuck man -- that was me in one bold sentence -- nonischemic priapism. My dick hadn’t been flaccid in over two weeks. The only reason it didn’t concern me was because it didn’t hurt -- so why shouldn’t it show itself off? It was a damn nice cock -- it was just putting itself out there. As a matter of fact, it was kind of hot Fucking EVERYTHING was kind of hot! That my sex drive was stuck in high gear was kind of hot -- finding out I have nonischemic priapism was kind of hot. But hottest of all? My dick was getting bigger. My dick, my balls -- bigger. It didn’t help that my cock was semi-hard all the time, it just kept me from noticing it right away. But in the last two weeks, my hard cock had shot up to eight inches! And not in Grindr inches, either -- ACTUAL measurement! And my testosterone production was up, too, like a thousand percent, thanks to my growing balls, over-producing to make up for their past. My workouts had been fucking crazy -- they would just go on and on and I’d never lose energy -- two, three hours. The harder I trained, the hornier I felt, my big cock jutting out before me, struggling against the compression-anything I wore. I swear, I was shooing the guys off like flies -- I think my smell attracted them. I think my sweat was becoming some kind of pheromone or something. I was fucking them in the steam room, the shower, one guy in the janitor’s closet -- I was a fucking beast! A beast with big, low-hanging balls. I thought about going to the doctor, but then I thought, why? What’s WRONG with me? For the first time in my life, it felt like everything was right! I was getting muscular -- not huge, not like one of those muscle-heads -- but BIG, you know? Commanding. Six months after I’d been blessed by the gods, I weighed a solid 235, carrying almost no body-fat. I learned (from The Google) that testosterone was a natural leaning agent, one of the reasons teenage boys (at the peak of testosterone production) looked the way they did -- the more I produced, the leaner I got. So, at 235, I looked fucking awesome, even bigger than I really was! I started getting hairier, too. At first, a thicker pelt on the chest, a scruffier beard -- sexy -- but then my shoulders, my back -- I began having to trim back my bush or it would’ve taken over. I became the King of Manscaping. I ended up with a rough beard -- I gave in on that, otherwise I was shaving two or three times a day. But apparently, the boys liked the way it felt on their holes, so I didn’t sweat it. The hair grew thicker in the grooves of my abs, emphasizing them even more. I was so… fucking… manly! By then my cock was nearly 11 inches long in its constant semi-erect state, displaying itself proudly before me. People REACTED to it -- no matter how I tried to hide it at first, once someone saw it, they couldn’t stop looking. (I do believe it’s hypnotic -- but that’s a point for later.) And to be honest, I loved the attention. I thought I would’ve been freaked or embarrassed by having such an obvious member, but it was the opposite -- the bigger it got, the greater my pride and eagerness to show it off. ********************************************* From “The Google”: Erect penises have appeared in erotic (sexually exciting) art for a very long time. Pictures of men with erections appear on ancient objects and in paintings. In the past, the erect penis was also a symbol or sign of health and fertility (the ability to give life). Ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans believed in gods that had erect penises. Men with larger penises are often thought to be more handsome, manly and powerful. I became a Brand. There was little else I could do, actually. I mean, why WASN’T I in porn? Why wasn’t I sharing my blessing with everyone? I created the “Pholus” Brand -- and I adopted my Grandfather’s nickname, “Big Red” -- Big Red Pholus, that was who I became. My OnlyFans page… I swear, I put up a video of me commando beneath a pair of loose gym shorts, jumping rope in slow motion, and within two days… money was no longer an issue in my life. I set a record for followers within a week and became an “Influencer” on IG so fast I had to look it up on The Google to find out what an Influencer was. Clothing designers -- I had a guy specifically for underwear and jockstraps -- assistants, an entourage, the works! And this was the weird thing: the worship… empowered me. I mean, it… it made me… more than I was. As I did cam shows and live shows and as my audience grew, I grew, too. Not just muscularly (where I was steadily improving), or scrotally (where I was pushing boundaries), I mean spiritually. Can you imagine what it does to your psyche to have guys pay you obscene amounts of money just to touch your cock? To have them beg you to suck it? To love it the way you do? I accepted it -- I welcomed it. I had been blessed by the gods -- I was something more-than-man. A demi-god -- a demi with a semi. A demi-semi-god! I had a destiny. Sex was easy, constant -- I was either seducing or fucking. Wherever I was, whatever I was doing, it was a prelude to sex. I couldn’t have enough -- there was never a moment when I was satisfied, when I wasn’t eager for more. And men fell under my spell -- whether it was my smell, or my aura, or the obvious swell of my cock -- they all gave it up for me, they all became my bottom. There was nothing I enjoyed more than finding the Big Alpha straight-guy at a strange gym and watching him turn into a weak-willed bitch when he’d ultimately yield to my superior cock. The look on his face when he’d first see it beneath my gym clothes, or more regularly, my compression pants -- shock and awe -- the way he’d try to befriend me, like we could be the cocks-of-the-walk together, buddies -- and finally him on his knees in the locker room, in the posing room, wherever, pounding his own cock while he gave in and worshipped mine. It was the way of men to worship gods. And all men worshipped the god of the phallus -- and now Pholus, who seemed the god made flesh. **************************************** More from “The Google”: In Greek mythology, a satyr (Greek: σάτυρος sátyros, pronounced [sátyros]), also known as a silenos (Greek: σειληνός seilēnós), is a male nature spirit with ears and a tail resembling those of a horse, as well as a permanent, exaggerated erection. Early artistic representations sometimes include horse-like legs, but, by the sixth century BC, they were more often represented with human legs. Like satyrs, centaurs were notorious for being wild, lusty, overly indulgent drinkers and carousers, violent when intoxicated, and generally uncultured delinquents. I gained the ability to make others like myself. It began to happen late in the second or third year since my blessing from the gods, my rebirth. My cock was over a foot long by that point, meaty and thick, my pendulous nads nearly the size of oranges -- even at 6’4” 245, they were out of proportion (I didn’t look anywhere near as freakish as I would’ve if I’d remained 5’9”, but I’d grown steadily since my blessing, so I looked like a really big guy with a REALLY big cock. Who knew where, or if it would end.) I was hairy and gruff, balding from too much testosterone, bearded and beautiful. And naked, I was spectacular. I would watch videos of myself having sex because it was so hot, my big, hairy muscle destroying some boy’s sweet pink hole. My favorites were the little tops who thought they were gonna top me. I mean, imagine having a cock like mine and the guy still wants to fuck me? Like, I’d made some of the biggest Alpha males submit to me, reveled in turning them into big muscle bottoms, but there were particular guys -- usually wrestler/ MMA-grappler types -- who wouldn’t fall under the spell of my cock, whose sweat smelled manly, too, and just went forward with the foreplay as if I were some meaty bottom. The first time it happened, it was this hot little Jersey boy, muscular and sexy with some sweet abs, probably 5’8” or 5’9”, tattoos, steroid scars on his back, skinny legs but a dick to die for. It tasted as pretty as it looked. “You gotta let me fuck you,” he growled. “With that cock, you probably never get fucked as good as you should. Lemme show you, baby…” Eating my hole, he won me over -- fuck, I had to reward an enthusiast -- especially the way he buried his face in my hairy, sweaty crack, like he couldn’t get enough. I’d forgotten how good a dick up inside me felt -- I hadn’t bottomed since my blessing -- and I gotta say, Jersey-boy wasn’t as selfish with it as I thought he’d be. He knew how to fuck. On my back, my huge legs spread wide, he stood next to the bed and pounded my hole, my own hard cock resting between the halves of my chest, inches from my chin, fairly leaking my pheromone-laden pre-cum -- even I was under my own spell. “God damn, you tight,” Jersey-boy muttered. “Not damned,” I panted. “Blessed.” “Gonna cum in your blessed hole…” “Yes,” I moaned, placing my hands on either side of his head. “Yes. Give your offering…” When he shot, driving his dick deep into me, his eyes rolled back in his head. In that moment, I felt -- not only my own orgasm -- I felt this energy leave me through my hands and enter him. I wish I could describe it better. It wasn’t like he took something from me -- it wasn’t like I gave him power -- it was more like I awakened something in him. Yet I felt that change in energy -- I was the cause of it. The catalyst. When he opened his eyes, there was something there that hadn’t been before -- a glint, a lust. The corner of his mouth curled into a devilish smile and I felt his cock re-harden inside me, even harder than it had been, and he just started lust-fucking me. What an incredible fuck that was -- the sudden power, the masculinity, the determination -- we were sweaty and breathless and oh, so hungry. I couldn’t even tell you how many times we came, how many moments of utter bliss we experienced -- how much energy we expelled and exchanged. The cock he pulled out of me was nearly twelve inches long, with heavy, obvious balls to match. Twice as big as it had been before -- nowhere near as big as it would get -- it looked magnificently out-of-proportion with the rest of him. He loved it! The next few weeks were a blurry fuck-fest. He matched me for sexual energy and desire -- his sweat was as irresistible, his personality as seductive -- everything we did, everywhere we went ended up an orgy. At the gym, working out together, watching the big straight bodybuilders fall under our spell, envying our big, gorgeous cocks. At the bars, dancing on the bars, they worshipped us, watching us strut and flex. At the bath-houses, where parties could extend into days, they gave us a never-ending supply of holes to fuck. But after a few months, Jersey-boy began to bore me. He was nothing but fucking. No thought, no drive, no interest, no appreciation -- all he cared about was how to put his cock in some guy’s hole. He didn’t need me -- he had his own circle of worshippers, of devotees -- his entourage. I still loved him -- I was bonded to him, my brother and my son; I could feel him wherever he was -- I just needed my freedom. But it wasn’t long before I created others. The same basic type: the cocky, unrelenting top -- the guy who would insist on trying to fuck me, even after seeing my hypnotic cock. Through the years, I’d created about twenty of them -- same way, they’d fuck me and at the moment of their orgasm, I would give them the energy to open themselves to the Primal Force, their Masculine Power. Like me, they grew -- muscularly, scrotally -- all their lusty appetites, but unlike me, they lost their reason, their love for anything but sex. They became this hyper-masculine, hyper-endowed, sexually-driven fraternity -- a herd of hairy, horse-hung men. Modern Day Centaurs. They fucked with me -- around me -- the world became one never-ending sex party. I loved it, every moment of it, my constant libido, my unsatisfied hunger for sex -- to express sex -- to BE sex! With every fuck, with every orgasm, with every of my centaur’s orgasms, I became stronger. Worshipping the act of sex meant worshipping me. For years it grew -- for years I reigned, continuing to grow. I weighed around 270 by my 40th birthday (52 left, I’d joke) and my cock was a magnificent thirty-inches long, half-hard and hanging like a heavy branch from a sturdy tree. My balls dangled like melons, their weight stimulating me more, producing so much testosterone that I just reeked of it. Huge rings hung from my nipples -- another of the same size pierced my septum. (Many of the centaurs had pierced theirs -- cheap horse-symbolism, but still sexy.) I was magnificent. There was not a man who could resist me, not an enemy I couldn’t dominate -- I had the most powerful men in the world begging to serve me, willing to do anything to kneel before me -- the richest men in the world as my benefactors. And all they wanted was sex. Me. I was sex. ********************************* Again, The Google: Apotheosis (from Greek ἀποθέωσις from ἀποθεόω/ἀποθεῶ, apotheoo/apotheo "to deify"; in Latin deificatio "making divine"; also called divinization and deification) is the glorification of a subject to divine level and, most commonly, the treatment of a human like a god. In theology, apotheosis refers to the idea that an individual has been raised to godlike stature. It is the way of the gods to be apart from humanity, but desire to be a part of it. As I got older -- and bigger -- it became more and more difficult to move about in public. The year I turned 54 -- which coincidentally was the year I’d been elevated for as long as I’d been human, 27 years -- I was 6’5”, 290 muscular pounds, still as lean as a teen, with a cock that was nearly forty inches long and balls that hung nearly to my knee. I was graying, sure, but didn’t look my age in the face -- I looked like my Grandfather at the same age. The Daddy-thing worked in my favor. I separated myself from the others. They never stopped -- they never expressed interest in anything other than carousing and fucking around. It was exhausting. There was no appreciation of arts or literature or the expression of creative thought -- everything was directed at sex. Everything. After a while, I found myself bored, seeking more -- though what more could there be? I desired to travel, but travel was nearly impossible. Wherever I went, sex happened. My smell, my aura, whatever it was about me that men couldn’t resist, it didn’t stop -- I couldn’t turn it off. Obviously, I couldn’t fly -- ultimately, the pilot would be unable to resist the inevitable orgy that would happen and the plane would crash. Maybe if the pilot flew with an air mask? Who knows? To me, it wasn’t worth the try. Fortunately, several of my benefactors had yachts -- massive, sprawling things that they were more than happy to offer me. In that way, I saw much of the world, spreading my seed all around the globe. We were anchored off the shore of Mykonos and I was busy fucking my way through the height of the high season -- oh, the gorgeous gay men who summered in Mykonos -- when I heard rumor of another like me. One of the local boys, whose English was far better than my Greek -- together, we spoke the language of Lust -- told me that I reminded him of the stories he’d heard about a reclusive sex god who was said to live up the coast, on Mt. Pelion. An old man with a giant cock -- the stories said he pushed his cock around before himself on a cart -- his smell, like mine, was said to drive men wild with lust, enough to make them impale themselves on his huge penis until they were dead. It was a story locals told for generations, perhaps in an effort to keep the young men from playing in the many caves along the coast. The boy told me this while impaling himself on my huge penis, so I wasn’t sure how much of it was porn-fantasy on his part. But I heard several corroborating stories over the next few weeks, so with little better to do, I had the captain sail us up the East Coast of Greece toward the Pelion Peninsula. And there was someone -- I could feel him. The closer we got, passing the spectacular cliffs and inlets of this ancient coast, the more I became aware of him. This feeling reminded me of the bond between myself and the ones I’d created, the Modern Day Centaurs -- it had the same longingful pull. The call of sex. I followed this call. Going ashore, dressed in linen pants and loafers, shirtless, my hairy beauty exposed to the world, I unerringly led myself up the mountain to the hidden door of a house nearly invisible in the mountainside of Mt. Pelion, as if someone had taken a cave and had Andrew Lloyd Wright develop it into a residence -- the old and the new melded seamlessly together. An olive-skinned beauty opened the door, dressed only in a short linen skirt and sandals. He was spectacular, young and hairless, his pink, puffy nipples sitting atop his tight, muscular chest -- his pink, pouty lips ready to pleasure my cock. But he wasn’t the scent I sought. “Geiá sou,” I said in my sorry Greek. “Eínai o kýrios sas?” The boy smiled -- probably because of the way I butchered his language. “He is expecting you,” he said in perfect English, opening the door to bid me enter. Again, walking through the house was like walking through a cave that had been made into a house, all the stone and slate, with the sleek, LCD lighting and hidden speakers piping in some old folk music -- it was the kind of place one saw on the Rich & Famous Real Estate shows, a little too over-the-top to be believed. NOTHING could’ve been this nice. How much money had this taken? How many years? The boy walked before me, allowing me to view his spectacular ass -- it was hard to decide exactly what to look at, the house or the boy. We descended a short stairs and emerged into a grotto. It reminded me of the Ancient Public Baths, a large pool dominating the space, with several types of hot tubs adorning the circumference and a magnificent, raised dais on one end, almost like a pulpit, where a massive bed sat ready for use. This was the biggest-budget porn-set I’d ever seen -- as if Spielberg were shooting a Greek fuck-flick. As we entered, the boy’s Master stood from the hot tub, his back to us, as two other olive-skinned beauties dressed him in a white, terry-cloth robe. He was nearly eight feet tall, massively muscular, though in proportion with his height, as if someone had taken a super-heavyweight bodybuilder and blew him up to 150%. An older man -- I would put him somewhere in his early sixties -- with salt-and-pepper hair that favored the salt, but long on top and shaved short on the sides -- his grooming was as meticulous as his house. He sported a beard that was a bit longer than mine, but oiled and maintained with an attention mine had never known. The robe didn’t hide the fact that he was hairy, but why wouldn’t he be? He was the perfect man. The robe made no secret of his cock, either. Like mine, it jutted before him like an extra limb, continuously hard and heavy, ready for more. It had to be over three feet long, but the way the boys had placed it in the material, it was hard to be sure. I’d hoped to find out. Hardly the image of a withered old man with his cock on a cart. When we made eye-contact, he smiled -- and in that moment, I recognized him. I didn’t know how -- not then -- but I knew who he was. I’d known him for thousands of years. “Oh my god,” I said. “Chiron!” “Hello, Pholus,” he said in English, with a glorious accent, opening his muscular arms for a hug. “Welcome home!” **************************************** You know the gag by now: In Greek mythology, Chiron (/ˈkaɪrən/ KY-rən; also Cheiron or Kheiron; Greek: Χείρων "hand") was held to be the superlative centaur amongst his brethren, as he was called as the "wisest and justest of all the centaurs". Chiron was notable throughout Greek mythology for his youth-nurturing nature. His personal skills tend to match those of his foster father Apollo, who taught the young centaur the art of medicine, herbs, music, archery, hunting, gymnastics and prophecy, and made him rise above his beastly nature. Centaurs were notorious for being wild, lusty, overly indulgent drinkers and carousers, violent when intoxicated, and generally uncultured delinquents. Chiron, by contrast, was intelligent, civilized and kind, because he was not related directly to the other centaurs due to his parentage. I couldn’t even tell you how long we fucked before we had a chance to talk. It felt like that sexual communication was almost as valuable as the verbal would be. His age was buffered by his confidence and his ability, his skillful love-making knew no bounds. Our cocks were big enough to be inside each other as we faced one another, each fucking the other while we deeply kissed. “I’ve missed you,” he moaned as he shot yet another load into me. “It’s been too long…” “I don’t understand,” I said while he thrusted himself on my hard pole. “This all feels so familiar.” “There will be plenty of time for talk,” he said, bringing me to orgasm. “But first, we must be what we are.” That first sexual coupling lasted nearly a full week. We fucked in the grotto, we fucked in the pool, we fucked in his bed, we fucked in a sling that was hung deep in the cavernous depths of the mountain. He showed me more ways to stimulate someone than I’d ever known -- or experienced! He was a master at pleasure. “Well, I should be,” he said later, sitting upright against a massive pile of cushions. I sat with my back against him, in the crook of his arm -- we were smoking some of my best bud. “After all, I’ve been having sex for thousands of years. I’ve picked up a thing or two.” “Thousands of years,” I mumbled, taking my hit. Then, upon exhalation I said, “So are you immortal?” “Gods exist as long as people worship them,” he replied, taking the joint from me. “And fortunately, we’re gods of rutty, physical sex -- men will ALWAYS believe in that.” He kissed me deeply, sharing the hit he’d taken. Of course, he was a good kisser, too. He had a staff of the most beautiful men, stunning examples all -- they bathed us and catered to us and fed us. I could feel their adoration and pride and… worship. I let it empower me. The myths held some truths: Chiron was a teacher at heart. He told me everything. “Surely you’ve done some research,” he said, indicating the computer screen before us -- (when I made a joke about the Batcave, he didn’t get my reference, so he didn’t know EVERYTHING). “From the myth of Pholus, we get the phrase ‘shooting yourself in the foot’ -- did you know that?” I shook my head and smiled. “After Heracles finished his fourth labor, he was tasked with wiping out the centaurs. Their drunken, sexual carousing was proving too much for the local populace, so he came to Pholus’ cave here in Mt. Pelion — this very cave — to seek a special Dionysian wine to lure the centaurs out into the open. Ultimately, Heracles slew them all with arrows poisoned by the blood of the hydra. After the battle, Pholus, marvelling at the idea that so small a thing as an arrow could kill something as magnificent as a centaur, dropped the poison arrow on his foot, where it pierced his skin and killed him.” “That’s what happened?” I asked. “That’s the MYTH,” he said, taking another hit. “I love this stuff, marijuana. It’s rare that I have any -- I’ve lost my taste for what passes for wine nowadays.” He exhaled and passed back to me. After taking a moment to adjust his huge balls, he continued. “In fact, it wasn’t Heracles, it was a small armada fighting in Heracles’ name that wiped us out — again, time and telling change the story. And it was understandable -- we’d created too many. We got a little… trigger happy in our play -- there needs to be a balance.” “Centaurs…?” “Right! Well, obviously not men with the bodies of horses -- but you’ve seen what they become, what their COCKS become when we change them. Is it any surprise that they became known as ‘horse-men’ or ‘half-man/ half-horse’ to the people who are left to describe them? Mythology has a wonderful way of literalizing the traits of the gods. We are spirits of nature, sexual spirits, not animals -- organized religion has used that metaphor to death. They took our form and made it into their Satan! Yet still, our ways persist -- men still worship us -- religion or not, they put gnomes in their gardens, wards in their crops, they know that fertility IS sex, Nature’s sex -- when the gods are fertile, the land prospers -- we are linked. “No, Heracles’ Armada wiped them out -- nearly all. I’d been hit in the battle and spent the next few months curing myself with herbs and medicines.” He showed me a scar on his thigh, barely evident after all this time. “Rumor had it I’d died -- that’s what the myth said, too -- but that wasn’t the case. I’d just gone into hiding. I WAS too late to help you, though,” he continued, rubbing my pec with the arm he had draped over my shoulder. “You were nearly gone by the time I got to you, so I… did what I could and preserved your essence.” “Excuse me?” He shrugged. “I don’t know how to explain it without getting all technical and metaphysical -- I don’t know if you’ll understand it, even then. Suffice it to say that through physics and arcane sorcery, I captured your essence in a form not unlike your favorite thing: Dionysian wine!” He chuckled then, kissing my head. “I was the one who bottled it and guarded it for several thousand years, waiting for the right man, until it was spirited away from me during one of the many wars of the former century. I didn’t know anything more about it until I heard about you on the internet -- my Pholus, come back to me!” Kissing, kissing, always kissing. “Someone sealed it inside a garden gnome,” I said. “It was in my grandfather’s garden. I honestly think it was meant for him -- his build, his attitude (maybe he was a centaur?) -- he had to have known about it. After his death, it was passed to me, where it Lorded over a bunch of marijuana plants until I broke it… and discovered…’ “Your destiny,” he said, grabbing my cock. I stayed with him after that -- he claimed the cave was mine to begin with -- and allowed myself to be his apprentice, his pupil, his son, and his lover. He was trained in all the fine arts -- music, literature, theatre (he adored musicals!), the sciences, herbs, art. “This is what sets us apart from the beasts we make,” he said. “They cannot appreciate the finer things.” He taught me the art of sex, techniques from people long-forgotten. We played daily with each other, the staff, the local boys, visitors who came just to worship -- it was a scene from the great erotic writers, sexual energy providing the energy for everything, from the ideas to the art to the power for life. On my 92nd birthday, the same age as my grandfather when he’d passed, I was just-over seven feet tall -- still a foot shorter than Chiron -- but with a spectacular body and an unbelievable cock. I was vital, vigorous, and very horny. Chiron had re-grown the hair on my head -- he’d concocted some kind of (very) smelly salve, but it worked! After having been bald for most of my adult life, it was fun to have hair again as an “old” man. I certainly wasn’t was some kind of dried-up prune of a thing pushing my oversized cock before me on a cart, no matter what the stories said. I found Chiron in the hot-tub, soaking in the bubbling water with his arms along the edge of the tub -- even from here, I could smell his scent. “There’s the birthday boy!” he said when he saw me. I laughed. “Your favorite eccentric centaur has made his first complete lap around the sun,” I said, standing in the waist-deep water so my giant cock floated just below the surface, like a small shark. “Then you’re really just a one year old, right?” he asked. “That sounds like a good average -- one year for you equals ninety-two for everyone else. So you’ll be around 8,400 when you’re REALLY 92.” I laughed. “And they say I’M the eccentric one,” I said, leaning forward to kiss him. “I’m saying immortality requires a different mindset.” He began to rub the tip of my cock, right beneath the glans -- of course it started to harden. Horny old fuck. I bent forward and kissed him. “So, what’s next?” I asked. “Travel, I think. I should like to see the world! I’ve never been to the Americas, your former home -- and we should see how your centaurs are getting along. I’m curious.” “You’re just horny,” I said, toying with his cock as he teased mine. He chuckled in our kiss. “Eternally,” he said. We began our normal day -- we fucked -- and we made our plans. *********************************************** We leave tomorrow and have been fucking our goodbyes through the local populace. Our personal staff will travel with us and we have people to watch the cave (not that we expect any trouble -- even the worshippers are dedicated and respectful) and of course everything is connected to everything now, so communication is hardly in the Age of Homer, trying desperately to reach Ithaca. I plan to visit my grandfather’s grave and bury the little stone icon of the muscular man with the giant penis there to honor him. He watched over it for so many years in life, I’d like it to watch over him in death. I will thank him too, properly, for the gift he gave me. That’s the purpose of this story, I suppose -- to honor my grandfather. I’ve taken much of the last week writing it -- to help organize my thoughts -- and I’ve struggled with its theme. Chiron has read it and thinks it’s just fine as it is. “Let it speak for itself,” he said. “You Americans and your obsession with plot. It’s a symbolic piece -- it requires more thought than what’s happening in the plot. Let it be.” And so I do. This is my story -- this is what happened when Pholus was reborn. Thank you, Big Red.
  21. J'ai un peu des problèmes avec mon copain. Je l'aime plus que tout au monde, hein, ce n'est pas la question. Mais des fois ça peut être difficile avec lui, parce que, et bien il n'est pas très intelligent. Et ce n'est pas une critique, le fait est qu'intellectuellement il est très limité. Pour moi ça fait partie de ses qualités, je suis amoureux fou de mon copain, donc je ne suis pas objectif, avec les yeux de l'amour je ne lui trouve aucun défaut. Son intelligence est différente, mais réelle. Le jour où je l'ai rencontré, dès que je lui ai parlé j'ai senti cette connexion très forte entre nous, et j'ai adoré discuter avec lui. A vrai dire, il ne disait que des mots très simples, et ce n'était pas très cohérent, mais je le comprenais, et j'étais fasciné par tout ce qu'il disait. Je buvais ses paroles, comme on dit. Et il avait l'air content de trouver quelqu'un qui le comprenait, et je l'écoutais avec passion. Il m faisait rire, quelquefois je voyais qu'il avait dit quelque chose pour être drôle, alors je me mettais à rire à gorge déployée, et il reprenait son récit fascinant. Je ne comprenais pas bien ses mots, mais j'adorais parler avec lui, et j'étais tellement content d'avoir la chance d'échanger avec lui, et qu'il apprécie ma compagnie. Je vivais un rêve, j'étais sur un nuage. C'était véritablement formidable d'échanger avec lui, et ses quatre ving douze centimètres de biceps. il s'était rapidement retrouvé isolé dans cette soirée, parce que les gens ne comprenaient pas son génie, du coup j'ai eu la chance de pouvoir me retrouver avec lui et sans cesse il disait des mots, ce qui était absolument fascinant avec mon visage face à ses énormes pecs. Je suis instantanément tombé amoureux de ce mastodonte d'un mètre quatre-vingt dix-huit et deux cent soixante-dix neuf kilos de muscle, et mes efforts pour qu'il m'apprécie ont payé, car nous sommes devenus inséparables. Clairement, ce n'est pas toujours aisé d'être auprès de lui, car il peut avoir ses humeurs, et il ne saisit pas bien le monde qui l'entoure. Il m'a fallu développer des trésors de patience pour pouvoir le gérer au mieux, et ce n'est pas toujours évident avec un colosse qui peut exploser un crâne en claquant des doigts (il chausse su 54, il a des gros doigts) mais mon amour a fini par payer et il s'est vraiment attaché à moi et il me respecte. Évidemment je suis la risée de mon groupe d'amis, l'un d'entre eux l'avait ramené à la soirée où nous nous étions rencontrés dans le seul but de se moquer de lui et le ridiculiser, et ils ont eu tôt fait de voir que j'étais fou amoureux de lui, très vite ils ont estimé que mon attraction envers lui n'était due qu'au fait que ce soit un gigantesque bodybuilder aux muscles surpuissants. Cela fait quatre ans que nous sommes ensemble à présent, et je ne parle plus trop à ce groupe d'amis. Notre liaison est très forte, et c'est pour moi le plus important, je me pas mal suis isolé de ma famille aussi qui ne le tolère pas. Et la société est bizarre, dès que l'on débarque à un endroit, que j'arrive quelque part avec ce monstre de muscles, les gens réagissent bizarrement. Bon, je reconnais que c'est un véritable phénomène, sur le plan physique et musculaire, et j'aime bien l'effet qu'il fait n'importe où où je vais avec lui, et j'adore ça. Donc voilà, c'est l'homme de ma vie, j'aime faire des efforts de chaque instant pour essayer de maintenir son humeur, j'aime être là pour l'écouter ânonner des sylabbes pendant des heures, j'aime financer ses stéroïdes, et tout en général parce que c'est impossible pour lui d'avoir un travail, j'aime tout en lui, je l'aime mon colossal tas de muscles même si on ne fait pas l'amour. Le problème que j'ai dernièrement c'est qu'il est un peu trop protecteur avec moi. Il tient beaucoup à moi, et de plus en plus, et rien ne pourrait me rendre plus heureux, mais ça devient un peu problématique des fois. Il pense que tout est une menace.Il veut être toujours près de moi et me protéger de tout. Un jour, on traversait au feu, et une voiture a freiné un peu tard et débordé quelques centimètres sur le passage piéton. Il a eu peur pour moi, donc il s'est jeté devant la voiture et a frappé du poing sur le capot, il a traversé le moteur et cloué la voiture dans le bitume. Il a peur pour moi quand je suis au travail. Dès qu'il n'est pas à la salle, il vient à mon taf et s'assoit à l'entrée de mon cubicle et lance des regards agressifs à tout le monde. Mais je l'aime plus que tout. L'autre soir on était posés devant la télé, puis il a regardé, et il a dit une vraie phrase, "Tu aimes mes biceps"? C'était émouvant. On s'est regardés avec les yeux plein d'amour et il a levé son bras près de moi, puis il l'a plié pour faire jaillir son biceps en bandaison. Je me suis mis à lécher tout ce que je pouvais de son biceps. " Donne main. Touche gros biceps. Gros gros gros biceps. Oui mouiller biceps.Gros biceps pour toi. Gros muscles. Je t'aime. Moi vouloir plus gros muscles pour plaisir toi. - Oui j'aime tes gros biceps mon amour. J'aime tes énormes gros biceps. - Toi aimer gros biceps - Oui mon amour. - Moi gros biceps pour toi. - Tu es le plus beau mon amour - Touche gros biceps! S'il te plaît, - Mais ils sont trop gros tes biceps mon amour - Gros biceps content - J'adore caresser tes énormes biceps mon cœur - Biceps des fois, gros et mal - Oui, ça doit être compliqué - Mais lever haltères, lever haltères. - Vraiment ? - Oui, oui, gros biceps - Haha tu es merveilleux - Haltères biceps, gentil - C'est vrai? - Gros gros biceps. - C'est génial. Je suis tellement heureux de t'avoir comme ami. - Toi ami le plus. - Oh bravo, bravo. Bravo mon ami - Toi amour moi. - Mais tu as raison. Tu es tellement intelligent, tu as tout compris - Moi intelligent - Tu es parfait. J'ai tellement de chance de t'avoir rencontré. Je t'aime si fort." Il avait relâché la tension de son bras, mais il se mit à rebander son biceps de plus belle. " Toi aime gros biceps ? - Haha tu es le meilleur mon copain, tu es génial. - Toucher gros biceps. - Ce gros biceps, là ? Cet énorme biceps ? - Oui, maintenant. Maintenant. - Tout ce que tu voudras mon pote, tu sais bien que je suis à tes woof... - Oui toucher biceps, toucher biceps... - Bordel de merde, j'ai pourtant l'habitude de toucher ton corps à longueur de journée mais tes gros biceps bandés je ne m'y ferai jamais... - Gros biceps, gros biceps - C'est si dur, si énorme... regarde comme ma main est minuscule sur le sommet de ce biceps - Je t'aime. - Moi aussi je t'aime mon amour, on est pas pédés mais toi et moi c'est merveilleux..." Oui parenthèse, nous ne sommes pas un couple homosexuel. On s'aime très très fort, on habite ensemble, depuis bientôt quatre ans, mais non, pas de ça entre nous. Eric a un peu de mal avec la notion d'homosexualité, de pédalitude plus exactement, c'est pas bien il faut pas. Il peut se fâcher tout rouge si on nous traite de pédés, mais ça n'arrive quasiment jamais. Pourquoi ? on s'en fout un peu mais si vous y tenez : on n'a pas l'attitude, ni lui ni moi, et aussi, il paraît impossible qu'un avion de chasse de compétition comme Eric puisse sortir avec un pauvre gars comme moi. Voilà. C'est dit. "Moi gros muscles, toi gros tête. - Ne te diminue pas mon copain, toute ta vie on a voulu te faire croire que tues un imbécile mais moi je vois en toi, tu es mon soleil, tu m'apprends tellement de choses, chaque moment avec toi me rend plus intelligent et lus sage c'est à toi que je le dois c'est pour ça que je veux toujours être auprès de toi. - Ah ? - Chaque seconde loin de toi est une seconde de perdue.Chaque seconde près de toi me rend meilleur. - Hervé, moi toujours avec toi. Toujours avec toi. - C'est vrai, Eric ? Tu vas rester avec moi tout le temps ? - Oui, Hervé, toi et moi, toujours, tout le temps. Viens. - Oh Eric prends-moi dans tes bras s'il te plaît. Mon grand Eric (oui Eric est bien grand, 1m98 de beau gosse, des porte-avions à la place des pieds, des gants de baseball en guise de mains blindées de cals par le travail de la fonte) mon grand Eric me prend dans ses bras, et me serre très fort contre son torse, et il me dit qu'il m'aime, et une milliseconde comme celle-ci vaut bien une année de conversations approximatives.et de moments d'ennui. Oui, je me suis éloigné de mon entourage et même de ma famille parce qu'ils ne comprenaient pas mon attrait pour Eric, ou alors peut-être qu'ils le comprenaient trop bien au contraire, à l'évidence j'étais sous le charme de ce golgoth au visage ciselé à la perfection et aux yeux d'un bleu intense, lumineux, profond et vide. Mais j'avais réussi à gagner son amour, un amour sincère et entier, comme celui des chiens et des enfants en bas-âge, et c'était pour moi le trésor le plus précieux au monde. - Hervé moi pas amis, pas famille, toi Hervé ami. - Eric je suis heureux et fier d'être ton ami. Eric je t'aime plus que tout au monde. - Hervé, je aime, plus que monde." Et c'est à ce moment là qu'il m'a soulevé, je l'ai vu avoir un moment d’hésitation quand mes yeux étaient à la hauteur des siens, puis il a jeté sa bouche contre la mienne avant de l'envahir avec sa langue pendant plusieurs minutes. Quand il a cessé, il a plongé mes yeux dans les siens à nouveau, et il était en larmes. " Désolé, désolé, désolé... - Désolé de quoi Eric ? Moi je te dis merci Eric. Merci pour ton courage, merci pour ta confiance, merci pour l'amour que tu as pour moi. Alors que je suis un petit rien. - Désolé... Désolé... - Comme ça on sera quittes." Et j'ai plaqué ma main derrière ses trapèzes, et cette fois c'est moi qui ai amené ma bouche contre la sienne pour les faire communier. Au bout d'un temps presque aussi long il me laissa plonger dans se yeux à nouveau, mais cette fois ils étaient souriants. Intérieurement, je n'ai pas pu m'empêcher de penser qu'il était tout de même malheureux que des yeux aussi magnifiques couleur bleu infini soient si... qu'il y manque une petite lueur à l'intérieur. Et à l'évidence, le fait qu'ils soient si grands, profonds et fascinants, rendait son absence d’autant plus remarquable. Une lueur non moins belle vibrait dans ses yeux toutefois, celle de l'amour, celle de l'amour de ce superbe Dieu pour moi. Combien de centaines, de milliers de personnes, avaient été subjuguées par la splendeur de cet homme mais ont été déboutées par sa simplicité ? Ces gens ne peuvent donc pas voir la beauté intérieure ? Ne lui ont pas laissé une chance ? Il est vrai qu'il n'est pas d'un abord facile, rien que moi je l'encourageais à prendre un peu la parole en société, en visite à ma famille, au resto avec des amis, mais chaque fois qu'il ouvrait la bouche, les gloussements et pouffements de rire allaient grandissant. C'est terrible de pénaliser des gens pour leur manque d'intelligence. De ne pas avoir de respect pour leur handicap et ne pas cherche à voir au delà. A l'évidence, je venais de découvrir le seul véritable talent qu'il pouvait démontrer en ouvrant la bouche, et quel talent. C'est la première fois que l'on s'embrassait, pour de vrai, on était très émus, et moi j'étais bouleversé.J'en avais roulé des pelles dans ma vie, certainement plus que lui, mais jamais je n'avais ressenti autant de plaisir. Et de passion. Je n'avais jamais fait ça avec quelqu'un de son gabarit, non plus, une telle caverne buccale, et surtout sa puissante et énorme langue. Nous restâmes un long moment à nous sourire, puis Eric me reposa à terre. Mais un peu plus loin devant lui. Parce que, je parlais de ses proportions, et bien évidemment, mon géant possède également un pénis d'une taille conséquente. J'avais déjà pu l'apercevoir, à quelques reprises, mais de toutes façons, il n'y a pas de pantalon, ni de short, sans parler de maillot de bain, qui puisse ne serait-ce que tenter de dissimuler la taille de la bête, donc, oui, voilà, le très grand monsieur avec plein de testostérone il a une grosse bite. J'avais déjà, aussi, de temps en temps, été témoin de la montée en puissance de l'engin. Quand on se fait un petit câlin dans le canapé devant la télé, quand il me laisse jouer avec ses muscles, quand je lui applique ses crèmes, des fois quand la couverture de son lit est relevée le matin, ce genre de choses. C'était rapidement impressionnant. Enfin c'était déjà impressionnant au départ, mais manifestement, la prise d'ampleur de la chose laissait supposer un potentiel assez remarquable. Donc une fois sur le sol je fus confronté au spectacle de son chibre en pleine lutte, fermement décidé à faire exploser le short de mon homme, et c'est à ce moment que je pris pleinement conscience des dimensions que sa verge pouvait atteindre en érection, elle ne devait pas être bien loin de son expansion optimale, bien que le short en jean l'empêchait de s'ériger pleinement et la maintenait à une distance raisonnable de son bassin. Putain quel homme. J'avais l'impression de voir une veine battre à travers la toile. Je n'étais pas sûr qu'il ait réellement conscience de ce qui était en train de se produire en deçà de la prodigieuse opulence de son poitrail. " Ca va ?" je lui dis. " J'ai mal au zizi." Ce qui répond à mes deux questions. " Pense à une femme, ça ira mieux. - Femme ? - N'importe laquelle." Et, effectivement, ça allait mieux quelque temps après. Eric avait l'air soucieux. " Eric, tu penses quoi. - ... - Dis-moi Eric. - Toi, moi, pédales. - Non. -... homosessuels. - Arrête, quel besoin de dire ça. Je t'aime plus que tout au monde, tu m'aimes plus que tout au monde, on partage tout, il n'y a pas de mal à se faire du bien. -... - Et ça ne regarde que nous. Personne n'a besoin de savoir." Dix minutes après, on était sur la route de la plage, il semblait avoir tout oublié.Il faisait éclater son sourire au soleil impatient de se mettre torse nu, en slip, de sentir les rayons du soleil sur son corps majestueux, et les regards de la foule alentour. Moi, j'étais surtout impatient de pouvoir enduire son corps d'huile, en me délectant à mon tour de ces regards derrière mes lunettes de soleil, cherchant ceux qui enragent d'envie le plus, se bavent dessus, se désagrègent en voyant la chance incroyable qui est la mienne. Deux fois un gars, et une fois une meuf sont venus demander s'il y avait moyen de prendre le relais et finir d'étaler l'huile. Eric réagit assez agressivement dans ces cas là.Il est un peu parano avec ce qui vient de l'extérieur et il ne fait pas dans la dentelle pour envoyer chier les gens. Par rapport à ce que je disais tout à l'heure, clairement sur la plage on avait tout d'un couple gay. Le badigeonner, batifoler dans l'eau avec lui, le sécher, ce n'était pas rare même qu'il me tienne par la main ou qu'il ait un bras sur mes épaules alors que nous repartions. Bizarrement, personne ne nous a jamais fait de réflexion homophobe à la plage. Ma théorie est que, il peut y en avoir des grandes gueules dans les stations essence et les files de caisse au supermarché, mais bizarrement, personne n'avait envie de venir nous insulter quand Eric quasiment nu exhibe sa surpuissante musculature dans toute sa gloire, personne n'ose approcher le colosse bardé de gigantesques muscles hypertrophiés à l’extrême qui débordent de partout. Une fois un trou du cul a voulu nous emmerder, je ne sais plus pourquoi, ils avait reçu de l'eau je crois. Oui c'est ça, le gars faisait un pique nique à côté avec sa femme et ses gosses, il regardait Eric de travers depuis qu'on était arrivés - si le gars voulait se prendre pour un alpha, c'est clair qu'avec deux cent kilos de testostérone à côté c'était pas gagné - et quand Eric est revenu de sa baignade il s'est ébroué, il avait ses cheveux blonds mi-long à cette époque, donc le gars se plaignait d'avoir été mouillé. Eric s'est avancé vers lui. Il s'est penché pour ramasser une pastèque qu'ils avaient posé pour leur pique-nique, d'une seule main, parce que comme je disais Eric il a des putain de paluches, et il a refermé sa main, et la pastèque a explosé en mille morceaux, il est allé s'allonger sur notre serviette, et le gars a remballé ses affaires et sa marmaille et ils se sont barrés. Il était arrivé un autre truc aussi, ça je ne l'ai jamais raconté à Eric, c'était en partant, sur le parking, un type bien sapé m'a accosté discrètement, et m'a demandé combien mon bodybuilder coûtait à la location, ce qu'il faisait ou pas, etc. Le bonheur de lui dire "Non, non, c'est mon copain. On est en couple tous les deux." Cette tête qu'il a fait. Il était sur le cul. Il n'y croyait pas. Et Eric à la voiture m'a appelé. "Hervé! J'ai faim!" et j'ai laisse l'autre sur deux ronds de flan an allant retrouver mon homme. On est rentré, on s'est posé, je lui ai fait à manger, je l'ai servi, il était content, il est passé à la cave soulever de la fonte une petite heure, je l'ai aidé à faire ses injections du soir, et on s'est posé dans le canapé mater une connerie. Eric était tout contre moi, comme d'habitude, mais je le trouvais un peu plus câlin qu'à l'accoutumée. Et plus la soirée avançait, plus il l'était. Je nous ai servi un petit fond d'armagnac, puis deux, puis trois. Eric ne boit jamais normalement, mais là il s'est laissé faire. Forcément, il était très vite bourré. Et il a commencé à me faire des petits bisous dans le cou. Je n'ai pas poussé au vice, mais je l'ai laissé faire, et quand il a commencé à piquer du nez, j'ai coupé la télé pour qu'on aille se coucher. Il était bien sonné le Eric. Et au moment de se coucher, il me " Hervé. - Oui Eric. - Je t'aime. - Moi aussi je t'aime Eric, je t'aime de tout mon cœur. - Oui, très très fort. - Tu as passé une bonne journée mon Eric? - Oui Hervé, merci Hervé. - Merci à toi Eric, j'ai passé une journée formidable, parce que c'était une journée avec toi mon amour. - Hervé, viens s'il te plaît. - Mais je suis là. - Hervé, debout, viens s'il te plaît." Je me lève, et j'admire la débauche de muscle étalée sur ce lit, ses grands pieds qui dépassent, et je vois dans son regard, briller une teinte de bleu inhabituelle. "Viens Hervé. - Quoi Eric, tu veux que je vienne dans ton lit ? - S'il te plaît Hervé. - Mais je ne sais pas s'il y a assez de place pour nous deux. - Viens, dessus." Je mis un genou sur son matelas, essayai de m'allonger sur le bord, et il me prit dans ses bras pour me serrer contre lui. C'était bon. C'était chaud. C'était tendre. J'adore son odeur. Il me serre plus fort. Je sens son cœur battre. Je me sens bête de l'avoir fait boire. " Mon Eric que j'aime, on va dormir maintenant? - Non. - Et pourquoi ? - J'ai mal au zizi."
  22. mmbottomenergy

    Ben and Will - Chapter 5

    Chapter 5: After my first day working out with Fred, I was beat. Hours on end, we pumped every muscle in our bodies until we lost track of time altogether. I think I strained my body so much I became numb to the pain, because once I got home I wasn’t able to feel much of anything. Until I hit the shower, that was. The pain came surging back once the hot water hit me, so I took my shower cold. Most of the time, I would cringe at the thought using coke water to wash myself, but it helped numb the pain back down a bit. After heading out of the shower, I didn’t even have the energy to get dressed into something. I pretty much dragged myself over to my bedroom and collapsed onto the mattress. - THE NEXT DAY - When I got to the gym this morning, Fred was already there warming up. “Hey, there he is! Sleep well?” he asked. “Yeah, actually,” I replied, trying not to pay attention to his noticeably half-hard dick through his gym shorts. “I didn’t even have the energy to change last night so I slept naked.” Fred gave me a glance I knew all too well - the “wish I could’ve been there” look, complete with a cocky smirk on his face he quickly corrected, hoping I hadn’t noticed. ”I know we kinda did full body yesterday, wanna just hit legs today?” My upper body needed a break after what I put it through the day before. “Yeah, totally,” Fred replied, trying to nonchalantly ignore the look he had given me. “Cool, sounds like a plan.” We headed over to the leg press, ready for a long day of leg workouts. That wasn’t the only thing on my mind, though. It was only my second day at the gym with Fred, and he had already taken control of my libido. God, he was so hot. I stood there while I was “spotting” him, just watching his cock move around in his shorts as his quads strained to contain themselves in the fabric. His shorts were a size too small, probably on purpose to make himself seem bigger. It worked, I was practically drooling thinking about all the things I wanted him to do to me. Halfway through the day, after both of us had finished on the leg press, we started doing squats. As we were squatting, Fred looked over at me. He stared me in the eyes for a few seconds, looked down at my crotch where I was sporting an obvious boner, went back up to my face and said, “Wanna hit the locker rooms after we’re done?” I couldn’t believe it. He stole the word right out of my mouth. “We’re on the same page then?” I asked. “Totally.”
  23. Philosopher

    Envy and Lust (Ch. 17 added)

    This story is intended to be more of a slow burn, but it'll have regular updates. The first chapters are more of a set-up, until the interesting stuff come along! Chapter 1 The only thing that kept me from screaming out loud was the constant, artificial reassurance of my internal monologue. Calm down, Jason. It's a wonderful job, you know. Working with these people will teach you to come out of your shell and obliterate any remnants of your social anxiety! I try to prevent my mind from responding to, well, my mind, but this cheerful voice inside be has been part of my life since I was a toddler, and so I indulge in my own insanity. How exactly is working as a laboratory intern a way of fixing my anxiety? The only thing they make me do is clean up the apparatus after they're done with their experiments! And I just stand there like a scarecrow, with a fake smile on my face, saying 'Thanks!' as if they gave me the most important mission of my entire life! The voice doesn't seem to have an answer for my accusation, and so it finally shuts up, letting me to resume the monotony of the past few hours. In hindsight, working for 'Astral Arc' seemed like a great prospect of adding work experience to my CV as an undergraduate student, at least when some official representatives had visited my university to present their new and upcoming company. From Pharmaceutics to Research & Development, and even Bioengineering of infectious agents, the company appeared as the perfect place to work and learn, with 'friendly' staff and many opportunities to grow. In the first month of working here, I realized that the only good thing about Astral Arc was their marketing department, because they had done a damn good job at hiding the fact that all students would be treated like house elves that their only objective in life was cleaning and filing up stacks of paperwork. But I'm not mad or anything. Besides, my inability to handle confrontation prevents me from speaking up about the horrible working hours or measly pay. So, all I do is keep my head down and follow the orders of the Senior Researchers, who're essentially in charge in the Bioengineering Sector of the building. The only silver lining in this scam job is that I have my own desk and computer that I use when I'm not cleaning lab equipment, although the laboratory has restricted access to the internet in order to prevent any leaking of 'redacted information'. The funniest part of this whole farce is that my section, Lab 1, is only working on a potential bio-agent that can detect epithelial cell damage, which has to be the most boring assignment yet. It's rather unfair, because the other labs are working on far more exciting projects, or so I've heard. As each minute passes, the clock on the wall somehow gets slower, the passing hours feeling like eons of boredom and apathy. Another intern sitting next to me taps the plastic wall that separates our desks. He's rather cute, with clear blue eyes, red hair and a gentle smile, but I never made a move, because not knowing is better than rejection in my opinion. It's not that I look unappealing, but courage isn't one of my strengths, to say at least. With straight black hair and black eyes, I'm no stunner, but I think I'm seen as generally attractive. Combined with an average 5'10 frame, I fit well into the median. "Hey Jason, do you need anything from the vending machine? I ought to have a break now, my fingers are killing me from all this typing," he smiles at me as he flexes his hand muscles. He's taller than me, and slightly toned, and I briefly take a peek at the veins of his forearms. I look up at him from my desk, and my stomach suddenly reminds me that I haven't eaten anything after breakfast, and more than ten hours have passed since then. "I-err. Could you get me a bar or something? Just make sure it has like, a gazillion calories," I reply back and with a nod, I watch him leave our cramped room and disappear into the nearby hallway. His butt perks as he walks away, and I tear my gaze away in case he looks back. Like I said, no courage. Now with my eyes back on the computer screen, I notice a flashing icon in the taskbar, just underneath the opened documents where I'm working on today's lab report. It's a red mail, meaning a message from Headquarters itself. My stomach suddenly feels as if its falling from Mt. Everest. From the rumors I've heard, receiving messages like this generally means one thing: reduced performance and subsequent termination. My hand trembles as I move the mouse towards the blinking message, and then I click. >CODE SS-A: IMMEDIATE EVACUATION< It has come to our attention that an accident occurred in Laboratory 5 of the Bioengineering Section. We have a verified report of a potential Bio-Agent human contamination. As such, we are requesting Labs 1, 2, 3 and 4 and their subsequent intern centers to be evacuated until the situation has been resolved. We have contacted emergency services and a team of first responders have been stationed outside the building. Do not be afraid. The situation is currently under control, and so we urge you to evacuate as calmly as possible. Thank you for your mandatory cooperation. The moment my eyes read the last sentence of the message, the white lights in the room suddenly go out and are immediately replaced by a bright, ominous crimson that bathes the walls in red. I look at my hands, and I see them shaking, a bad omen from my experiences. It's just an evacuation, calm down! The computer screen is displaying the message again, now flooded with warning signs and a map showing the nearest escape. Then, as if the lights weren't enough, a blaring wail begins echoing through the intern center, a screeching sound so loud that it floods out all other noises and senses. I can hear the faint screams of the nearby interns, three girls and two guys my age that I never introduced myself to. A primal fear has tainted their eyes, and if I had a mirror, I'd probably have the same kind of horror carved on my face. Oh crap. OH CRAP. The combination of the red lights with the roaring sounds of the alarm made me feel as if someone had opened a portal to Hell and let something truly infernal come out of it. Some interns scramble to run towards the door, while others are left behind to try and take their personal objects with them. All of them are shouting and screaming, and it makes me want to cry in fear, even though I know that there's no immediate danger. I try to drown my own scream from escaping my throat, but it only results in a pathetic sound that reminds me of a dying cat. Thankfully, the human body is a work of art in terms of survival, and so my animal instincts kick in and I find myself running for the exit corridor. The only perk of working in Lab 1 is that its nearest to the escape doors, which should lead to the safety of the outside parking lot. And so, I join in the rampant run towards the exit, only taking my phone with me and leaving everything else behind. The security guards that are usually stationed out of each center have disappeared to somewhere unknown, and that makes me feel a tinge of anger. They're supposed to be here to protect us, aren't they? Did they actually just abandon their posts and left us all to fend for ourselves?! I push the thoughts away and focus on my current task: escape this hellhole as fast as possible. I didn't want to wait and find out just what exactly had escaped from Lab 5, but in my frenzied panic, a zombie apocalypse was the only thing that came up my mind, even though I knew that the chances of that happening was more science fiction that real-life. Maybe it was a bio-engineered bacterium that caused a number of diseases; maybe it was just modified corn that was somehow sneaked out of the lab. The exit doors are now just in front of me, and so I push them with glee and panic, letting the evening wind hit me straight in the face. I quickly join the rest of my intern group, our faces drained of colour and still shaking from this possibly traumatic experience. But everything was over. We had successfully evacuated from the facility, and so we could go home now, right? We would wait for the other groups to come join us, and then everything would be fine. As soon as that happy thought crossed my mind, a ten-person squad of people in hazmat suits surrounded us. We couldn't see their faces, as the sun had set an hour ago and only the cloudy sky was reflected back from the glass. They screamed at us to make a line, so they could spray us with a primary disinfectant vapor, and then the tsunami of questions started pouring out of their mouths, the constant stream being muffled by the hazmat suits. Before we could even begin to answer them, something absorbed all of our collective collection away. The doors of the building suddenly bulged outwards, and more than twenty people start running screaming outside. I recognize the cute intern in the horde, any trace of smile having been wiped clean out of his face, and subsequently replaced with an all-known terror. But something was different. I couldn't pinpoint what exactly, but his eyes betrayed a whole different level of fear, not the mindless panic and chaos that my group and I exhibited. And then we all heard it. A hissing sound emanating from the doors. It sounded like a giant snake, really. My imagination was quick to fill up the gaps with the horrors of animals mutated beyond recognition. The horde of interns was quick to take many steps back from the escape doors, and I saw many familiar faces, even a friend of mine. I had never seen Luke so scared in his life. I couldn't move from my spot to go and join him. Somehow, my body was completely frozen, with the exception of my hands, which were still shaking. The hissing increased in pitch, and everything stayed still. As I saw later in the news, the explosion obliterated the entire laboratory, along with many of its occupants.
  24. mmbottomenergy

    Ben and Will - Chapter 4

    Chapter 4: I left the gym in so much pain I was surprised I could even bear to sit down in my car seat. The ride home felt way longer than the usual 15 minutes to get to my apartment. Every second felt like it lasted an hour, the pain in my ass only worsening the longer I sat. I tried turning on the radio to distract myself from it, but the clashing noises of my hyperpop playlist were starting to overstimulate me in combination with the pain, so I drove in silence. When I got to my apartment building, I had never been so glad to get out of a vehicle in my entire life. The second I got up, though, I realized my cum-soaked gym shorts left a huge stain on the seat. As if today hadn’t been bad enough already. Fuck. Whatever, it was an issue for tomorrow. I didn’t have the energy to deal with that tonight. I made my way up the stairway to the sixth floor, thankful that I didn’t run into anyone. I probably reeked of sweat and semen. When I finally got to my door, I used what dwindling energy I had left to fumble for my keys and shove them into the knob. I dragged myself inside, shut the door behind me, stripped naked, and immediately went to bed. Fuck a shower, I was exhausted. Right before I drifted off, I started thinking about how I was going to make Ben pay for what he’d done to me. I didn’t care what it took, I was going to one-up him. I needed to get bigger than him, stronger than him. That was a lot coming from a short, scrawny twink like me, but I was going to make it happen. — THE NEXT DAY — I got up early the next morning. My ass was still a little sore when I woke up, but my mind was in a whole different state to the point where that didn’t matter to me. I had better things on my mind. I had plans. By 7:30, I was showered and ready to go in a clean pair of gym clothes. I wasn’t going to let Ben get the best of me today. When I got to the gym, there were only a few other people working out, and no sign of Ben. I figured he only did nights, which worked out perfectly for me. I started by switching things up with some curls. Unsure of where I should start, I optimistically grabbed the 10s. They felt heavier than I originally anticipated, but I refused to start with anything lighter. I had one thing and one thing only on my mind: gains - so I powered through it. After I spent about 45 minutes doing curls, my arms were immensely sore and my body was begging me to focus on something else. I made my way over to an unused space on the floor and started doing sit-ups. I quickly realized it was harder to do them the way you’re supposed to than it looked. I asked one of the guys working out if he could spot me and make sure I wasn’t cheating. He gladly obliged. “Hey, I’m Fred, by the way,” he calmly explained as he walked over. “You new here?” He was hot. And big. Not Ben big, but at least 5’11, and with some decent sized pecs and biceps. I didn’t dare stare further down, but DAMN, what I would give to ride that... My mind was starting to wander. “Yeah, I’m Will. This is only my third day.” I must’ve looked so dumb just zoning out there for a second. “Wanna be training buddies?” he asked. “I just moved here from across town, so I don’t really know anyone, either.” I couldn’t believe the offer I just received. How could I say no to that? “Fuck yeah, sounds great!”
  25. mmbottomenergy

    Ben and Will - Chapter 2

    Chapter 2: I woke up the next day with a sore throat. I could hardly believe what had happened just a few hours ago. Part of me was traumatized, I had literally been sexually assaulted. God, it was so fucking hot, though. His girthy cock sliding up and down my throat, his muscled body towering over me while he used my mouth as his sex toy. I was scared to go back there but I... wanted more? I guess I did. I wanted more. I wanted him to make my body his own personal cum sock. So back to the gym I went, assigning myself to the same spot as yesterday, the treadmill. I was maybe five minutes into jogging when I caught a glimpse of Ben forcing someone off the bench press. I suppose he wasn’t kidding, Ben really DOES run shit around here. He gets what he wants, when he wants. Nobody in the gym is as big as him. A few other hardcore jocks are probably as tall, but nowhere near as massive. I was barely focusing on my workout anymore. I kept picturing Ben and his sweaty, hot, naked body. I wanted him inside me so fucking badly. I was starting to get hard just thinking about what he was going to do to me once everyone else left for the day.
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